E> RAR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977379 H62w ILLINOIS HISTORY SURVEY LIBRARY HISTORY OF WAYNE« CLAY COUNTIES ILLINOIS. I LKUSTRATRD CHICAGO: GLOBE PUBLISHING CO., HISTORICAL PUBLISHERS 183 Lake Strekt. 1884. M JOHN MORRIS. SUCCESSOR TO J18 M PREFACE WE herewith present to the people of Wayne and Clay Counties a history of this por- tion of Illinois, from its earliest known existence to the present time. In some things the reader may think, especially if he should be a stranger to the pioneers or their descendants, that at times we deal in details that are tedious, but in a generation from now these details will be the more highly prized the more full and complete they are. Then, in telling the story of the general county histories, we believe they will be found clothed in a literary garb, and brightened with reflections, suggestions and philosophical deductions, that will make it a storehouse for young and old, where they may acquire new and enlarged ideas, and thus receive profit as well as pleasure, that will repay them a thou- sand-fold for the small outlay of the original cost of the book. This work has cost us much labor, and a large expenditure of money, and although our territory for patrons is sparsely settled, and, therefore, our patronage but limited, yet we have given in this book more than we promised, and we feel assured that all thoughtful people in the county now, and especially in the future, will recognize and appreciate the work and its permanent value. We are indebted to the kind assistance of most of the prominent people in the county for interesting facts and assistance in our compilations, and also to F. M. Woolard and G W. Smith for their valuable contributions of interesting chapters. THE PUBLISHERS Makoh, 1884. 214264 CONTENTS, PART I. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Page. CHAPTER I.— A few Words on Geology in the Schools- Many Interesting Suggestions — The Outlines of Geology — Prairies, and about Their Formation— The Geology of Wayne County — Probabilities of Finding Coal Here, etc., etc., etc 11 CHAPTER II.— The Daring Discoveries and Operations of the French in the Mississippi Valley — Some Corrections in History — The Catholic Missionaries— Discovery of the Mississippi River— Pontiac's Conspiracy — The Down- fall of Quebec— The Territory Ceded by the Indians — Illinois Separated from Indiana, etc., etc 21 CHAPTER III.— The Old Settlers, Where They Were From, Together With Many Interesting Facts Concerning Them — Isaac Harris, Mrs. Goodwin, Col, Samuel Leech, George Merritt, "Jacky " Jones, George McCown, and Many Others — Rangers — Joe Boltinghouse's Avengers —Wayne County Organized March 26, 1819, etc 35 CHAPTER IV.— Habits and Pastimes— The Borah Family- Cannons— Owens — Halls— First and Second Settlements in the County — First Schools and Churches— Gatherings of Old Settlers and Their Names— Nathan Atteberry— W. W. George— David Wright — Ellidges— Andrew Crews Alexander Campbell — And Many Others— Incidents and Anecdotes — The Disappearance of the Indian — Wild Game, etc., etc., etc 48 CHAPTER V.— Some More Reflections Worth Reading— The Evils and the Good of the Country — An Account of the Officials and Who They Were — Some Big Men and Some not so Big— Gen. Leech, Rigdon B. Slocumb, W. B.Davis, or Black Bill — Senators, Representatives and County Officials— David W. Barkley, Warnioth, Turney, Burns, Barnhill, Nathan Crews, Clark, Hogue, Hanna, and Many Others — First Deed — Township Organization —Whisky Banished from the County, etc 60 CHAPTER VI.— The Wars for Our Liberties— George Wash- ington and His Wayne County Heroes— Sequel to the Holtinghouse Massacre and its Wayne County Avengers — The Rangers Here and who They were— Winnebago and Black Hawk War— First Campaign a Bloodless One — Mexican War and the Part Therein of Wayne County — Col. Leech— Our Civil War, When Its Real History will be Written — The Companies That went from Wayne County, and Some Account of Them — Who were Killed and Wounded in Battle — The Eleven Companies Fur- insbed by Wayne'County — Capture of Jeff Davis, etc.. etc 68 Page. CHAPTER TIL— Miscellaneous Items of Interest— Birth>. Deaths and Marriages — Census of 1845 — Literary Sp< i. - ties— Old Store Accounts, etc., etc 68 CHAPTER VIII.— A Complete History of all the Churches —The Methodist— Different Baptists— Christian— Pres- byterian— Catholic— Who Organized Them— Sketches of the Prominent Churchmen, etc 95 CHAPTER IX.— Bench and Bar of Wayne County— The People of "Precedents"— The Coming Lawyer— The Laws and Other Legislation— First Court, Grand Jury and Lawyer in the County— Hubbard, Wilson— Edwin andC. A. Beech er— Campbell, Hanna, Boggs and Many Others, Including the Present Active Practitioners, et< - 129 CHAPTER X.— The Press of Wayne County — MauySalutatn- ries and as Many Farewells— Wilmaus, Joe Prior, i'.augh, Tilden, Sibley, Schell, Smith, Walden, Stickney, Litzeu- berger, Barkley, McClung, Tracy, Holmes— Some Ac- count of the Many Papers that Started ;ind Perished, etc., etc., etc 148 CHAPTER XL— Schools— An Account From the First One to the Present Day— A Comparison of the Improvements- Sunday Schools and the First Free Schools— Difficulties Attending Education at an Early Day— The Changes of Fifty Years— Discussions of the School System— Statis- tics, etc 1.57 CHAPTER XIL— Railroads— Internal Improvement Fol- lies— Some Thoughts on Municipal Aid— Voters and Their Demagogues— Monopolies and Paupers— The Un- wisdom of Law-makers— Ignorance in Bulk Considered —The Five Horse Court — Swamp Lands— Sharp Figur- ing— O. A M. Road— Air Line— I). & O. Line— Narrow • lauge, etc., etc., etc 161 CHAPTER XIIL— Recapitulation— Some General and Spe- cial Accounts of the People— Early Wills and Adminis- trations — Present County Wealth —Wayne Formed from Edwards, and then the South Line Changed— Then a Portion Set off to Clay County— Full List of Of- ficers— Some of the Literature of the Early and Present Day— An Immortal Speech— Israel Dewey, etc., etc., etc.. 172 CHAPTER XIV.— City of Fairfield— The Original Plat, With Numerous Additions— Growth and Development —Some of the First Houses and Old Landmarks— Mer- chants and Merchandising— Taverns, Mills and Facto- ries — The Court House — Churches, Schools and News- papers — Freemasonry and Other Benevolent Orders — Incorporation of Fairfield— Town Boards, etc., etc 178 CONTEXTS. Page. • il U'TER XV.— Barnhill and Big Mound Townships — Their Geographical ami Physical Features— Settlement — An Incident of DaTia -Who the Pioneers Were, What They Hid, ami Where They fame From— Early Im- provements and Industries— The First Efforts at Mer- chandising—Wright's St, ire. Mill and Tanyard— A Busi- ness Place— Schools and Churches in Harnhill— The Same in Big Mound— Odds and Ends— Fairfield's Birth, etc., etc 193 • 11 IPTEB XVI.— Jasper Township— Topography, Drain- age, -oil and Beauties— Its Streams, Lakes, Timbers and Wild Fruits— Bees, Honey, Flora and Fauna-Joshua Graham, the First Settler— Then Came James Dickin- son, the Cannons, William Husk, George Frazer, John Pitchett, Joseph Martin, the Borahs, Thomas Bradshaw, Ihe Owens, Jonathan Douglas and Many Others— How They Lived and Struggled— First Birth and Death— The First House. Mill, Blacksmith Shop, Lime-kiln and Land Entry and Marriage— A Panther Attacks a Wo- man—First Schools and Singing Schools, and Who Taught Them— First Sermons and Preachers— When Leading Families Came "" CHAPTER XVII.— Massillon Township— Early Facts and Reminiscences as Gathered from Jacob Hall, W. N. Borah, ,1. B. Borah, Judge Wilson and Others— Lovelette, the Traditional First Comer— Enoch Beach, the First Settler, with a Sketch— Name and Sketches of Our Sel- lers and Their Families— Camps and Cabins of the Ear- ly Day— Trundle Beds and Their Trash— First School and Who Taught It-First Marriage, Birth and Death— The Old Rangers— J udge Wilson and the Deer That Tore His Clothes off— John McCollum and His Coon- Wild Cats— First Mills, Churches, Preachers, etc., etc., etc., etc 217 CHAPTER XYUL— Laniard Township— Description— To- pography, etc.— Early Settlements— Pioneer Improve- ments and Industries— Caudle's Distillery and the Early Fse of Whisky— Churches and Church Buildings— Schools— Dr. Jones, the First Teacher-How he went Snipe Hunting— Jeffersonville Laid Out as a Village- Its Growth, Development and Incorporation— Business . . 227 Statistics, etc CHAPTER SIX.— Bedford Township— Geographical De- scription, Topography, etc.— Coming of the Pioneers— Their Early Struggles and Hardship—Wild Game- Pioneer Mills antl Who Built Them— Schools and Churches— Villages— Cisne Laid Out as a Town— Its Growth and Development — Hiuard — Laid Out, Im- proved, etc., etc., etc - 33 CHAPTER XX.— Indian Prairie Township— Description- Topography, etc.— Early Settlements— Pioneer Improve- ments and Industries— Early Preachers and Churches- First School Teachers— First Death in the Township— 1 hurches, Preachers and Officers— Johnsonville— When and by Whom Laid 1 Hit— Its' Growth and Improvements and Its Future Outlook— Railroad Prospects— Bine Point— When Laid Out and by Whom— A List of Town- ship Officers, etc., etc., etc 241 CHAPTER XXL— lour Mile Township— Introduction- Boundaries— Surface— Water-courses — Productions— Pahk. Beaus— Frog Island— Early Settlers and Sketches— The Wild Man— Population— Wayne city— Middleton— Keens— Schools, Churches -Politics— Officers, etc 246 CHAPTER XX1L— Elm River Township— Boundaries and Settlement— Pioneer Incidents — Population — Surface and Water-courses— Enterprise— Education and School Statistics— Churches and Preachers, etc 251 CHAPTER XXIII.— Zif Township— Boundaries and Sur- face—Origin of Name— First Settlers— Zif— Religious and Educational Notes— Agriculture— Main Productions —The Great Prairie Fire, etc 26* CHAPTER XXIV.— Mount Erie Township— Introduction —Boundaries— Early Settlers and Incidents— Alexan- der Ramsey— Topography— Chief Productions— Mills— The Village of Mount. Erie— When and by Whom Laid Out— Its Present Business Representations— Lodges- Churches— Schools, etc 2-'" 5 CHAPTER XXV.— Arrington Township— Boundaries- First Settlers and Incidents— Uncle Jimmy Siniins— Topography— Chief Productions— Mills— Sims— Cincin- nati and Covington— Early Schools and Teachers- Churches— Officers, etc - 6 '- CHAPTER XXVI —Brush Creek Township— Description and Topograghy, etc.— Early Settlements— Pioneer Im- provements—Early Preachers— Berry Elledge, the First Schoolteacher— His Stroke of Paralysis Compelling Him to lay Three Days in the Woods Surrounded by Wild Animals— Murder of a Mr. Brazell by William Fathree —First Marriage, First Death— Churches— Schools, etc. 265 CHAPTER XXVII.— Leech Township— Boundaries and To- pography— Water-co urses— General Productions— Ori- gin of Name and First Settlements— Some Indian Stories— Internal Improvements— Towns— Church His- tory and School Statistics, etc 369 CHAPTER XXVIII.— Hickory HillTowuship— Topography and Boundaries— First Settlers— Who They Were— First Birth— First Farming— First Roads, etc 274 PART II. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. CHAPTER I— An Interesting Chapter as well as much In- formation—Practical Questions Considered— Some Ideas on Education— How Farmers may Become the First People in the World— Wonderful Things from the Soil —Rocks, Soil and the Natural Products of the County- Coal and Mineral Springs, etc '■ CHAPTER IX— 1778— George Rogers Clark— Capt. Helm and Private Henry— Clay County Revolutionary Grounds— Its Soil Made Sacred by the Tread of the Rev- olutionary Army— The Hannibal of the Northwest— An Army of an Officer and Private— our Land Titles- Names of Some of the Army that Passed Through Clay County, etc CHAPTER 1 1 1.— The Earliest Settlers— Who They Were and How 'They Came -Appearance of the Country— John McCawley— How Our Titles to the Land Came— The 300 CONTENTS. Page. indians— A List of Early Settlers— Thomas McCrackin, and Many Others — Trundle Bed — School Teacher — Singing Master^First Dudes— Writing Master— Bottle Race— Weddings— Many Other Interesting Facts and Fancies, etc 307 CHAPTER IV.— Organization of the County- Its Name- Henry Clay— The First County Seat— Hist Officers- Grand Juries— Incidents, etc— Clay County— Its Name — Date Organized — Commissioners — First County Court and Officers, and List Complete to 1850— Hubbardsville, Maysville and Louisville the Three County Capitals— The County Buildings— Full Account of Early Roads, Bridges and Juries— A Chapter in which Every Para- graph is Full of Interest, etc 319 CHAPTER V— Additional Accounts of the People — Neigh- borhood Feuds— Regulators and Some of Their Victims —Marriages, Commencing with Number One— The Courts — Juries and Lawyers and Court and County Offi- cers to date— First Indictments— First County Officers— The Presiding Judges, etc 328 CHAPTER VI.— Agriculture and Horticulture— Stock-rais- ing— Dairying— Matters of Interest and Value to Every One— Apples and Sorghum— How to Make Your Land Worth $500 per Acre, etc 340 CHAPTER VII. -Schools— A Reference to the Originals- Some Thoughts on the Subject Generally— The First Schools and Teachers-jThe Early Schools and Those of To-day Compared and Estimated— Thoughts on the Sub- ject of General Interest, etc 345 ( HAPTER VIII. — War — Revolutionary Soldiers — Black Hawk War— The Late Civil War— The Heroic Conduct and Bearing of the People of Clay County— lien. L. B. Parsons, Capt. .1. W. Westcott and Many Others, etc 351 ( HAPTER IX.— Harter Township and Flora— Who Came, and About Them— Thomas Elliott, Matthias Misen- heimer, Seth F. Hinkley, Russell T. Logan, Robert Bry- ant, James Jacobs, William Nichols and Others— Land Entries, First Schools, Teachers and Churches— Flora and Its History— Anecdotes— Railroads— Business, etc... 358 CHAPTER X. — Louisville Township — Configuration- Boundaries, etc.— Drainage— Early Pioneers— Water Mills— Early Industries— Life on the Little Wabash— Boating— First Buildings and Business Houses—" Blind Tiger" and "Horned Rooster"— The Old Agricultural Society— Churches and Schools — Township Records, ete. 374 CHAPTER XL— (lay City Township— Description— Topog- raphy— Flora and Fauna — Pioneer Settlers — John Mc- Cawley Driven Off by Indians— His Return— Capt. Rob- ert Toler— Faris— sheriff Riley— How He Held a Pris- oner—The "Hoss" Ordered to the Stable— Bill Colwell — First School and First Teacher— Schools and Officers — First Child— Township officers— Old Maysville— Its History, Settlement and Growth— County Seat— Hotels — Town Officers— List of Prominent People— Churches and Church People— List of Officials— Anecdotes, etc 390 CHAPTER XII.— Stanford Township— Its Local History- Topography — Its Name — Stanford F'amily — Judge N. H. Page. Dull— J. K. Bothwell — First Settlers and the Order of Their Coming — Schools and Churches — Anecdotes — Lynch Court — Early Preaching and Hunting— A Wolf Story — Township Record and Officers, etc 109 CHAPTER XIII.— Oskaloosa Township— Its Topography- Early Settlement — Development — Village of Oskaloosa — Schools— Religion — Politics— Officials, Incidents, etc 122 CHAPTER XIV.— Xenia Township — Description — First Settlers — Early Schools and Churches — Villages — Secret Societies, etc 12G CHAPTER XV.— Songer Township— Description — Agri- culture — Vegetation — Early Settlement and Settlers — Schools — Churches, etc 437 CHAPTER XVI.— Blair Township— Full Account of all the Pioneers and People Down to Date — Incidents- Characters — Churches— Schools — Town Officers, etc 440 CHAPTER XVIL— Hoosier Township— Its Topography and Physical Features — First F2ntries and Early Settlers — Churches, Schools, etc I4E CHAPTER XVIII.— Larkinsburg Township— Topography and Physical F'eatures — Soil aud Timber — Pioneer Set- tlement— Iiarly Mills — Its Growth and Development — Secret Societies — Schools and Churches— Present Busi- ness — Township Records, etc I ■ CHAPTER XIX —Bible Grove Township— Location— To- pography — Soil and Timber — How Its Name Came — F'irst Settler, With Long List of the People and the Order in Which They Came — Incidents — Robbery of — McKnight — Violent Deaths, etc 460 CHAPTER XX. — Pisley Township — Geographical Position — Settlement by the Whites — Improvements — Mills and Roads — Schools, Schoolhouses. Churches, etc. — Village of Ingraham 46S PART III. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Wayne County — City of Fairfield s Barnhill Township 43 Mount Erie Township 61 Bedford Township 72 Biy; Mound Township 85 Jasper Township 94 Indian Prairie Township 102 Leech Township 108 MassiNon Township 113 Arrington Township 117 Laniard Township 121 Brush Creek Township 126 Four Mile Township 12S Elm River Township 137 Zif Township 139 Hickory Hill Township 140 Bedford Township, Extra 142- CONTENTS. PART IV. BIi H iRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Page. Clay County. — Louisville Township 145 Xenia Township 159 Clay City Township 171 I lousier Township 184 City of Flora 191 Harter Township 210 Rible Grove Township 216 Songer Township 224 Pixley Township 229 Stanford Township 234 'age. Larkinsburg Township 238 lllair Township 240 PORTRAITS. Barkley, J. G 79 Cisne, W. H 257 George, Francis 115 Hall, Jacob 151 Johnson, William M 187 McCartney, James 43 Smith, G. W 329 Walters, J. P 223 Westcott, J. W 298 |T~sk; * PAET I. -MtWSfr HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, I' ART I HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY CHAPTER I. A FEW WORDS ON GEOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS— MANY INTERESTING SUGGESTIONS— THE OUTLINES OF GEOLOGY— PRAIRIES, AND ABOUT THEIR FORMATION— THE GEOLOGY OF WAYNE COUNTY— PROBABILITIES OF FINDING COAL HERE, ETC., ETC., ETC. A FEW words of the agricultural history of the county is not an inappropriate introduction to the story of the people who were here when the white man discovered the country, and their passing away, mark- ing, as they did. every step of their sullen, backward movement before the faces of the white man, with bloody and cruel carnage. as well as the interesting account of the brave pioneers and their tierce conflicts with the savages, the wild beasts and deadly dis- eases that afflicted the early settlers of the Mississippi Valley The soil is the Alma Mater — the nourish- ing mother, indeed, of all animate life in this world. The hopes, the ambitions, the wealth and joys, the beauties of both art and nature, the sweet maiden's blush, the love-lit eye, the floating Armada, the thundering train, the flaming forge and the flying spin die. the rippling laughter, and all there has been or will be in this bright and beautiful world is directly or remotely from the dull soil upon which we tread. Here is the fountain head, the nursing mother of all and every conceivable thing of; utility or beauty, mentally or physically, that a wise God has given to man. This page, reader, you are now perusing, the sweet girl's melo- dy that you may or have so passionately worshiped, the angel mother's voice, that will linger in your heart till the close of life's great final tragedy, are, with everything else, from the one same source — the soil. The Sun worshipers were not base in their adored ideal, the warmth and sunlight were a near approach to the fountains of life, and yet it was only as the husbandman, who aids the soil with his labors, and a world grows vocal with joys. It was the soil at last and not the husbandman who created, fructified and produced, not only our possessions, but life itself. Yet in the gray dawn of the traditions we find no account of the Soil worshiper-, and the fact is now unquestion- .iM\ plain that the soil has not been appre- ciated, its all commending value in this world not at all understood; and in the progress of civilization it was eventually rel- ■d to the world's "drudges." the lit com- panion and associate only of serfs and slaves, and finally in a country whose air was too pure for a slave to breathe, inaugurated the long reign of the Feudal system, where the 12 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. laborer and the soil he cultivated came to be considered one and the same, and the title to the so-called free man passed with the deed to the land on which he lived. While the soil has found no worshipers, it has been carefully ignored, and it has gone on increas- ing its bounties, showering its benefits upon us until it has lifted us from dull and dirty savages to this age of steam and electricity, until space itself has ceased to be in the transactions and social life of the world. Why should we teach our children to un- derstand the dull, stupid, uninteresting soil? Build schoolhouses and teach your children metaphysical mathematics seems to be the idea that has held sway in the world for all the ages. It's but dirt that flies as dust and soils your clothes, or as sticky mud seizes upon you and clings wherever it touches, and thus it comes to be considered but an evil of life. And from infancy to old age it is the same old story of " The yellow primrose on the river's bank, A yellow primrose is." The Soil comes from the rocks, and hence to the intelligent eye that examines the un- derlying rocks of a country it is at once plain enough of what the elements of the soil are composed, and what, if any, vegetation it will best sustain. Oar people are agricult- ural, their relation and interest in the soil is primary, and in the natural order of things one would suppose that this would be the first subject they would set about master- ing, or at least understanding the practical and hourly subjects of vital interests to which it is the eternal basis and foundation. Amazing as it may seem, the very reverse of this is true, 'and the evils it has inflicted are but too plainly visible in this wide tendency of the young men reared on farms to rush to the villages, towns and cities, and become clerks, tradesmen, or "learn a trade," and thus advance themselves beyond the station to which they were born. They see and feel the real and imagined refinement, elegance and ease and culture of the wealthy of the cities, and they look with contempt upon all forms of country life. They are not much to blame. The whole world has been falsely educated on this point. The farmer has been told to educate his family — send them to col- lege and have them taught to read Latin and Greek, and thus they can live without work, etc. The three or four years at school has taught him to know nothing about farming certain, and if there he has acquired a single idea that he can utilize in the practical affairs of life, he has surely beeD the fortu- nate one in a thousand. Teach them ab- struse mathematics, through all the arith- metics, algebras, geometries, trigonometries, the calculus, etc., and then he may become a starving professor, and drool out his useless life in a clean white shirt and an empty stomach, and imagine such a half-mendicant existence is eminently respectable. He left home a bright farmer boy, he returns a cheaply veneered gentleman — but little else, in fact, than an incipient tramp, prepared to soon spend what little fortune may be left him. and then enter upon that nightmare life of an educated young man looking for a "situation." Many years ago, Horace Gree- ley, in a well considered article in the Trib- une, estimated there were then in the city of New York 5,000 college-bred young men hunting for " situations " and half-starving. Here were the gathered fruits of this most vicious and cardinal idea that is inculcated in all the schools of getting an education and living without manual labor. To a sane mind, what a monstrous idea it is to call an institution a school where the child is taught that manual labor, farming especially, is both low and degrading. But all the schools will HISTORY OF WAYNE rorXTY. 13 claim that this charge does not apply to thorn; that they are the latest patent im- provement, and they teach the pupil to think for himself. And they will in all earnest- ness tell you of the hundreds of devices they have invented, all tending to this divine perfection. After duly listening to all they claim, we deliberately repeat what we have said above. The young mind is not taught to think. We are not convinced that this i8 among the human possibilities yet It may be done some day, it has not yet been done most certainly. In our judgment, there has not been a school ever yet taught where there was any approach toward this wonder- ful invention of teaching the mind to think. The incontestible evideuce of this is given in the fewness, the rarity of philosophical thinkers there are now or have been in the world. Read the books, the newspapers, the sermons, the discussions, of which the world is full, and about all of it, to the trained philosophical thinker, is but words, words, words, signifying nothing. For instance, if you go and listen to a joint discussion be- tween two men, the most eminent men in the country say. upon any subject, political, po- lemical or otherwise, and they divide the time, and by the day, week or month carry on the discussion, and you listen to it all from the first word to the last, nud you final- ly come to the end and go home and in your quiet add up what new knowledge you have gained. And what is it? If you are frank with yourself, you will acknowledge that after it all you really know less about it than you did before. There is a reason for this. The speakers or writers were empirics and so were their audiences. An empiric is a man who forms a judgment upon a subject from a one-sided view. His judgment may be cor- rect, but it is so by accident. A philosopher bases his judgment upon the fullest possible investigation of everything, immediate and remote, that can possibly bear upon the sub- ject, and still he doubts, or leaves room for possible doubts. The empiric is always very positive, and he loves to toll you how he hates a man who has no positive opinions. Educated empiricism may be a little better than downright ignorance, but it is not much, and mankind as yet has produced lit- tle else. It is said that the newspapers, the stump speakers, and the widespread discus- sions of political questions that precede our elections, make the best posted people on questions of political economy in the world. Is this true"? There is no question but that Washington and his compatriots left us the best government in the world, and there is just as little question but that we have allowed it to retrograde to some extent. If this is true, it is a marvelous fact, an amaz- ing commentary upon our boasted civiliza- tion, a biting irony upon the election and Fourth of July hulabaloos that do so abound and are so like the plunging Niagara. Last summer we dropped in for an hour and listened to the proceedings of a teacher's institute. There we're present 100 teachers, and we understood they were being taught how to teach school, how to teach tho best possible school and in the best way. During the hour we were present, there was a teacher at the black-board, and he was elucidating the subject of the " Equation of Payments," when probably not a teacher present nor a single future pupil of any of them, no mat- ter what his business in life might be. would ever have a single occasion to use the rule or anything connected with it, except in case he or she should become a school teacher. Years and years are spent in the school room in this way, and not perhaps a graduate who could return to his father's farm and pick up a clod of earth, and give you any idea at all 14 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. about it. And yet in that simple clod are the destinies of all mankind and knowledge that is of endless and immeasurablevalne. Some gentlemen once applied to Agassiz for in- formation upon the subject of how to breed the best horse. " It is a question of rocks," was his sententious reply. The learned Professor was right. He knew the soil came from the rocks, and certain kind of rocks would produce a certain kind of vegetable growth and water, and that this determined not only the kind of horses that it would eventually produce, but the kind of people. In short, that he who understands the rocks and the soil will not only be the best farmer in the world, but he can tell the kind and quality of civilization it will eventually pro- duce and sustain. There is no witchery about this, but it is the simple result of knowledge, being really educated upon one of the most- practical and important subjects of life. The proper teacher can soon teach the children of his school the necessary ele- ments of geology and botany, so that they would make men and women who would place farm life where it should be. in the front rank of social existence; take it out of what it now mostly is, a life of dull drudgery and poorly paid toil. The agricultural people should possess a full share of the world's wealth — an abundance to give thnm the ease and leisure for education, travel, culture and relinement that would make it the most invit- ing and enviable position in life. The pres- ent state of affairs is the result of mistakes in education, and a false political economy that enslaves and cruelly oppresses. Suppose that for the mostly foolish, if not silly, ques- tions that are now required to be answered by the School Superintendents, and which all applicants to teach school are required to be able to answer before they can get a certifi- cate to teach, there were substituted a few common sense questions upon practical sub- jects of life. For instance: Tell us about the rocks in the county; and certain rocks given, what kind of soil do they make? And what the plant food they give, and about the water? When cer- tain vegetation is seen, what kind of a soil does it indicate'? An intelligent answer to these questions would indicate that the teacher could be able to take your children and ramble through the woods (to their in- finite delight and permanent benefit), and in the flowers, the trees, and babbling brooks, gather lessons they would never forget — that would be of inestimable value to them. Any ordinarily intelligent child can readily be taught such lessons as these, and understand it much better than they can the " rule of three," or any rule of the English grammar. But it must be taught by a teacher who could do more than is now required of teachers in the school room, namely, to make the child memorize its lessons, and when this is done enough, give him a diploma and pronounce his education complete. AVhen we come to give an [account of the schools of the county, we may then take occasion to more specifically point out the faults that have found their way into, and permanent lodgment in the school systems. We only wish here to point out the importance of an un- derstanding of the geology of your immediate locality at least, or of that part of the geology that bears its vital and practical lessons of wisdom, and results in benefits to all man- kind. If our views upon the subject are at all correct, are we not right in saying that the chapter on the topography and geology of the county should be recognized by the reader as being one of the most important chapters in the book? The world's history going back through HISTORY OF WAYNE COTNTY. 15 its millions, probably billions of years, of ex- istence, is written in the rocks to be read and interpreted with almost unerring accuracy. At one time it was so hot that everything in the world was not only melted, but fused into the original gases — the sixty-one element- ary substances which variously combining, produce every form and quality of existence. The simplest designation of the rocks are the stratified and the unstratified. The un- stratified are called igneous rocks, because they have been melted by intense heat and occur in irregular masses. The desintegra- tion of the elements carried a sediment from these igneous rocks, and the waters carried these into the earth's depressions, and here it settled in parallel layers and thus formed the stratified rocks. This process of building the stratified rocks commenced upon the earth's first surface and extended upward. In the silent depths of the stratified rocks are the former creation of plants and animals, which lived and died during the slow, drag- ging ages of their formation. These fossil remains are fragments of history which enable us to extend our researches into the past, and determine their modes of life. We find that such has been the profusion of life that the great limestone formations of the globe consist mostly of animal remains cemented by the infusion of mineral matter. A large part of the soil spread over the earth's surface has been elaborated in animal organisms. Fiist, as nourishment, it enters the structure of plants and forms vegetable tissue. Passing thence as food into the ani- mal, it becomes endowed with life, and when death occurs, it returns to the soil and im- parts to it additional elements of fertility. Wayne County forms the dividing line between the heavily timbered belt of Southern Illinois and the great prairie ranges of the central and northern parts of the State. The true prairie is found here, but in small patches, and their whole extent in the county is only about twenty per cent of the area. How these prairies have been formed has long been one of the most interesting ques- tions for discussion among the scientific men of the country. Gov. Reynolds in his his- tory tells us how the caravan with which he came to Illinois was impressed with the view when the people first looked out upon the broad and undulating prairie, with its tall waving grass like the gentle roll of the waves of a great sea. He then proceeds to summarily settle these questions by saying there is no doubt but that they were formed by the annual tires that swept over the tall grass and burned up the young timber in its attempts to grow out over the prairies from all the edges of the timber. He thinks this is well demonstrated by the fact that since the fires have been subdued the timber has been rapidly encroaching upon the prairies. The ' ' old ranger " was mistaken. There has been no extension of the timber where it has been left to nature's forces. There are two theories that find advocates, one con- tending that the amount of rainfall deter- mines the question of the growth of timber, and that always where there is the greatest rainfall there is always the heaviest timber gr< iwth. According to the other view, prairies are at present in process of formation along the shores of lakes and rivers. During freshets and in flowing rivers, the center of the stream is always the highest and the heaviest particles carried in the waters are deposted at the outer edges of the channel, and thus by repeated deposts the banks are formed and are elevated above the floods. These natural levees, when sufficiently high, are overgrown with timber, and inclose large areas of bottom land back from the river and form Bloughs frequently of great extent. The 16 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. shallow and stagnant waters are first invaded by mosses and other aquatic plants which grow under the surface and contain in their tissues lime, alumina and silica, the constit- uents of clay. They also subsist immense numbers of small mollusks and other diminu- tive creatures, and the constant decomposi- tion of vegetables and animals forms a stratum of clay corresponding with that which under- lies the finished prairies. As the marshy bot- toms are by this means built up to the sur- face of the water, the mosses are then inter- mixed with coarse grasses, which become more and more abundant as the depth dimin ishes. These reedy plants, now rising above the surface, absorb and decompose the car- bonic gas of the atmosphere and convert it into woody matter, which at first forms a clayey mold, and afterward the black mold of the prairie. The same agencies now operat- ing in the ponds skirting the banks of rivers, originally formed all the prairies of the Mis sissippi Valley. The present want of hori- zontality in some of them is due to the ero- sive action of water. The drainage, moving in the direction of the creeks and rivers, at length furrowed' the surface with tortuous meanders, resulting finally in the present undulating or rolliDg prairies. The absence of trees, the most remarkable feature, is attributable first to the formation of ulmic acid, which favors the growth of herbaceous plants, and retards that of forests ; secondly, trees absorb by their roots large quantities of air, which they cannot obtain when the sur- face' is under water or covered by a compact soil or sod; and. thirdly, they require solid points of attachment which marshy flats are unable to furnish. When, however, they become dry and the sod is broken by the plow, they may then only produce trees, but not otherwise. This is a mere statement of the different theories upon the subject cf the formation of prairies, without any effort to give the argu- ments upon which either are based. So far as the writer now remembers, the discussion was commenced about twenty- five years ago by Judge Walter B. Scates, of this State, and has since been taken up and carried on by some of the most eminent scientists of the country. The discussion is interesting and full of facts and valuable information. The surface of the county is generally rolling, and elevated from 50 to 100 feet above the bed of the streams. The bottoms on Skillet Fork and Little Wabash are rather low and flat, and are heavily timbered. The geological features are very similar to those of Wabash and Edwards, the drift deposits and the upper coal measures being the only formations exposed. In the southern portion of the county, the drift clays seldom exceed a thickness of fifteen to twenty feet, and in sinking wells the bed-rock is often found at a depth of ten or twelve feet below the surface. Toward the northern boundary of the county they are somewhat heavier, and on Elm Creek there are bluffs thirty feet or more in height that seem to be composed entirely of drift. Here the lower portion consists of the bluish-gray hard-pan, where it is sometimes found from fifty to seventy-five feet or more in thickness. The upper portion of these superficial deposits may be represented along the bluffs of the Little Wabash by a few feet of loess, but generally it consists of yellowish- brown gravelly clays and sands with numer- ous rounded pebbles, and occasionally bowl- ders, of metamorphic rock, of moderate size. Locally, the gravelly clays are tinged with a reddish-brown color, with the red oxide of iron, derived probably from the decomposi- tion of a ferruginous sandstone that forms the bed-rock in many places in the southern part of the county. The undulations of the HISTORY OF WAYNE COl'XTY. 17 surface often take the form of long ridges from thirty to forty feet in height, with a direction nearly parallel with the course of the streams. These ridges usually have a nucleus of sandstone or shale, but their Fides are so gently sloping, and the drift clay cov- ers then so evenly that the bed-rock is seldom exposed to view. The streams are sluggish, and meander through wide, fiat valleys, sel- dom showing any outcrop of the bed-rock along their courses. This renders the con- struction of continuous sections very difficult, and the determination of the true sequence of the strata can only be made in a general way by the examination of isolated outcrops. Coal Measures. —At the iron bridge on the Little Wabash, on the stage road from Fair- field to Albion, the following section is to be seen on the oast bank of the stream: PEET Sandstone, partly in regular beds and partly massive 25 Pebbly conglomerate, with fragments of coal and mineral charcoal '.'in I Black laminated shale, with concretions of bituminous limestone 3 Dove-colored clay shale, with fossil ferns. . . .2 to 3 Shaly sandstone appealing some distance be- low 3 to 4 No fossils are found here that would ena- ble us to fix the horizon of these beds, but they present nearly the same lithological characters as the outcrop at Hamiaker's old mill on the Boupas, in Edwards County. At Beech Bluff, three or four miles above the bridge, the sandstone is more massive and extends to the river level, showing no out- crop of the underlying beds. At Massillon, on the west bank of the Lit- tle Wabash, on the northwest quarter of Section 15, Town 1 south. Range 9 east, the bluff is composed mainly of sandstone and sandy shale, with a few feet of argillaceous shales near the river level, containing several bands of clay iron ore. This outcrop seems to be identical with that at the old ford three miles above, in Edwards County, and it is quite probable the thin coal found there is a little below the river bed. A thin coal is found here in the sandstone some twenty feet or more above the river level; but it is prob- ably only a local deposit, or pocket, such as may be frequently met with in the sandstones of the coal measures. Mill Shoals is situated on the Skillet Fork, just over the line in White County, but the section made in this vicinity is partly in Wayne, and is as follows: FEET. Sandstone in thiu beds, partial exposure of about 6 Bituminous shale, with streak of impure coal near the top 2A to 3 Sandstone and sandy shale 40 to 50 Space unexposed 15 to 20 Hard, shaly sandstone in the bank of Skillet Fork 3 to 4 Hard, black laminated shale, passing lo- cally into clay shale 6 to 8 Shale with a thin coal 2 to 3 Hard-grained limestone without fossils.. 2 to 3 Greenish, pebbly shale 2 Sandy shale 1 The three upper beds in the foregoing sec- tion are found in Wayne County, about three- quarters of a mile northeast of Fairfield. Prof. Cox reports a section six miles south- east of Fairfield which seems to be nearly a repetition of that at Mill Shoals, as follows: FEET. Yellow clay and drift 15 Sandstone, and locally some shale 45 Gray silicinus shale 10 Thin coal Limestone without fossils 2 These two sections will give a general idea of the prevailing character of the rocks in the south part of Wayne County. The fol- lowing is a section of a well bored for oil by Maj. Collins on Section 25, of Township 2, Range 7 : 18 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. FEET. Soil and subsoil 3 Sandstone 50 Slate (shale?) 27 Coal 3 Clay and blue shale 2 Hard, gritty rock 4 Hard yellow rock 4 Hard sandstone 8 to 10 Dark slate (shale?) 28 White sandstone 66 Black shale 4 Total 206 Reports have gone out from this county, as they have frequently from other counties, of the discovery of oil wells. These are to be taken with due allowance, in consideration of the fact that the persons having the work in charge were seldom qualified to determine the true character of the beds through which their drill was passing, and we see in the above section that no attempt was made to define the character of two beds of hard rock, while the beds denominated slates were prob- ably shale, with possibly a thin bed of slate intercalated therein. In this way bituminous slate is often mistaken for coal, and where the substance is reduced to an impalpable powder by the drill no one but an expert can fully determine the one from the other by the material brought up in the sand pump. At Mr. Black's place, about two miles north- west of Fairfield, there is an outcrop of hard, dark bluish-gray limestone weathering to a buff color, which is overlaid by a clay shale, with a thin coal or bituminous shale inter- calated therein, as indicated by a streak of smutty material, to be seen a few feet above the limestone. A thin coal, sometimes as much as eighteen inches in thickness, occurs at an- other locality under a limestone similar to this, and the same may be possibly found here by digging a few feet below the rock. The limestone has been quarried here as well as on the adjoining farm for building stone and for lime, and ranges from two to three feet in thickness. On Mr. J. H. Thomas' place, on Section 7, Township 1 south, Range 8 east, a thin coal has been found below a limestone sim- ilar to that above mentioned. The coal was opened a few years since by sinking a shaft some fifteen or twenty feet in depth, and the coal is reported to have been eighteen inches thick, and the limestone two feet. The shaly poition of the limestone contained a few fos- sils, among which we identified Orthis pecosi, Spirifer cameratus, Chonetes vernenilianus and Lophophillum proliferum. On Mr. E. Pilcher's land, in Section 20 of the same township, a bed of black shale crops out on a hillside, at an elevation consider- ably above the coal shaft above mentioned, and was penetrated to the depth of fifteen feet in search of coal, but without finding it. On the opposite side of the hill and below the level of the "black shale, a calcareo- silicious rock has been quarried for building stone. It has a slaty structure, and is filled with fragments of broken plants, and appears to be the exact equivalent of the arenaceous limestone found at Mr. Boden's place two miles and a half south of Flora. The bitu- minous shale at Mr. Pilcher's place contains rounded bowlders of black limestone that weathers to a bluish dove color, and similar concretions were seen at the exposure south of Flora, which leaves no reasonable doubt of the identity of the beds at these points. A short distance south of Mr. Pilcher's land, limestone] was formerly quarried for lime- burning, but the outcrop is now covered up. The relative position of the beds above de- scribed is represented by the following sec- tion : FEET. Bituminous shale, with concretion of black limestone 15 to 20 Shale partly exposed 10 to 15 IlIsTOHY OF WAYNE COUNTY. lit Slat} arenacious limestone with broken plants % to 4 Dark limestone 2 Shale (thickness not determined) Coal 1 On Mrs. Williams' place on northwest quar- ter of Section 29, Town 1 south, Range 7 east, about seven miles northwest of Fairfield, there is an outcrop of 1"> to Hi) feet of sandy and argillaceous shale, containing numerous hands of kidney iron ore of good quality. A thin coal has been passed through in digging wells in this neighborhood, and either under- lies these shales or is intercalated in them. This outcrop closely resembles those at the McDaniel place, near the north line of the county, hereafter to be mentioned, and the well water in this neighborhood is impreg- nated with epsom salts, like wells and springs in the locality above mentioned. Between this locality and Fairfield, and about three miles a little north of west from the town, an even-bedded sandstone is quarried for building purposes, similar to that at Hoag's quarry north of Xenia. This sandstone probably underlies the shale outcropping at the Williams place, three or four miles to the westward, and the coal there is probably a local deposit. On Section 21, Town 2 north, Range 6 east, in the bluffs of Bear Creek, near the north line of the county, a massive sandstone outcrops for a long distance along the course of the stream, in perpendicular cliffs from twenty to thirty feet in height. This sand- stone was struck in the boring at Flora, at the depth of about sixty feet, and was pene- trated to the depth of about eighty-four feet. The outcrops on Bear Creek probably repre- sent only the lower portion of the bed. On Section '27, Town 2 north. Range 6 east, argillaceous and sandy shales with bands of kidney iron ore crop out in the slopes of hills at various poiuts, showing an aggregate thickness of twenty feet or more, with a bi- tuminous shale or impure coal at the top of the exposure. A well sunk here struck a vein of water at the depth of twenty-two feet so strong that it soon rose to the surface, and has been flowing ever since. It has a strong taste of opsom salts, and produces an effect similar to that drug upon those who use it. At Eli McDaniel's place adjoining the above, a spring of the same kind of water is found, somewhat, stronger in mineral properties than that in the well. The water here seems to derive its mineral properties from the bed of argillaceous slate which forms the bed rock in this vicinity, as the wells sunk in the over- laying sandstone afford pure water. The fol- lowing additional notes and sections are re- ported by Prof. Cox in this county: " At Lib- erty they pass through sandstone in digging wells from ten to forty feet, and obtain pure water. On Section 30, Town 2, Range 7, limestone is obtained for building and for lime bed three feet thick, upper part shaly contains Productm loiii/is/u'iiHs, Machrohei lux jiriiiiigeniiis, Ailii/ris subtilita, Produc- ing costatus, and joints of Crinoidea. The same limestone is exposed at Whittaker's, on Section 25, of Town 2, Range 7. A thin coal is usually found beneath the limestone, and impure coal or bituminous shale is fre- quently seen in the shales above it. Clay iron ore occurs in a grayish shale, seven miles north of Fairfield, exposed by awash on the hillside. On Section :'>!, Town 1 south. Range 9 east, the following beds are seen: Kt. In. Heavy beaded sandstone '-25 Arenaceous shale 10 Black slaty shale .'. 2 Pyritiferous shale, with fragments of shells 10 ^ Fire clay (good quality) 1 Clayshale 6 Shaly sandstone in river bed '•.' 6 From the foregoing sections and remarks, 20 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. it will be seen that there is but little divers- ity in the character of the rocks exposed in this county. They probably represent a thickness of 175 feet to 200 feet or more, com- prising mainly sandstone and shales, most of which decompose readily on exposure, and are therefore seldom found in bold outcrops. Building Stone. — Sandstone of a fair qual- ity for building purposes, is tolerably abun- dant, and quarries have been opened in nearly every township in the county. Three miles a little southwest of Fairfield, an excellent sandstone is quarried on a small branch trib- utary to the Skillet Fork The rock is in smooth, even layers, and resembles the sand- stone in Hoag's quarry, near Xenia. Along the Little Wabash, a heavy bedded sandstone is found throughout the course in the south- eastern part of 'the county, which, from the bold cliff it forms at many points along the bluffs of the stream, will no doubt afford a large amount of building material. Six miles southeast of, Fairfield, a good flag- sandstone is quarried in large slabs six in- ches thick. Three and a half miles north of Jeffersonville, on Section 30, Town 1 north. Range 6 east, a grayish sandstone of good quality is quarried in large slabs from a foot to eighteen inches in thickness. A similar stone is also quarried by Mr. Philips, on Section 16, Town 1 north , Range 7 east. These are some of the most valuable quarries opened at the present time, but others equally good may be opened at various places in the county, as the wants of the people may re- quire. Thej limestone over the eighteen- inch coal seam has been quarried at almost every spot where it outcrops, but the bed is thin and the supply to be obtained from it, without too great expense in stripping, is rather limited. Coal. — The only coal in the county that promises to be of any value for practical mining, is the eighteen-inch seam north and northeast of Fairfield. This might be worked in a limited way either by stripping, or by an inclined tunnel near its outcrop. But the seam is too thin to furnish an ade- quate supply for the general market. The main coals of the lower measures may be reached in the southern portion of the county, at depths varying from 4 to 600 feet, and in the northern part from 5 to 800. Iron Ore. — Bands of iron ore of good quality occur at several places in the shales of this county, and have been noted in the sections already given. They seem to be in sufficient quantity in several localities to eventually become of some economical value. In Great Britain, bands six to eight inches thick are said to be worked successfully, and we find many localities in the coal measures where from twelve to eighteen inches of good ore can be obtained, from a vertical thickness of five or six feet of shale. The shale con- taining the iron ore observed in this county, underlies a considerable area in the center and western portions, mainly in Ranges 6 and 7 east. At Mrs. Williams' place on the northwest quarter of Section 29 of Township 1 south, Range 7 east, iron ore of good quality seemed to be quite abundant, and also at several places, in the ravines near Mr. McDaniel's place, not far from the north line of the county. Prof. Cox also notes an outcrop of clay iron ore in a grayish shale seven miles north of Fairfield, and also on Section 15, Town 1 north, Range 8 east. Potters' Clay. — A good clay, suitable for pottery or fire-brick is found on Section 32, Township 1 south, Range 9 east, but at the outcrop it was only one foot thick. Possibly it may be found at some other locality near by, where it is thick enough to be utilized for the manufacture of pottery or fire-brick. Clay or Sand. — Materials for brick can be HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 21 obtained from the subsoils of the uplands, almost anywhere in the county, and from the abundant supply of wood for fuel, brick can be made in sufficient quantity to supply all future demands for this indispensable build- ing material. Soil and Agriculture. — The soil in this county is mainly a dark ash-gray or chocolate- colored clay loam, less highly charged with organic matter or humus than the black prairie soil of Central Illinois, but yielding fair crops of corn, wheat, oats and grass, both clover and timothy, and with judicious treatment will retain its fertility without any expense for artificial fertilizers afford excellent fruit farms. The ridges Recent developments have taught the peo- ple of Wayne County that here is the home of the apple in all its varieties. The soil and temperature made it the favored spot in the great, valley for the production of this valuable fruit. Either further north or fur- ther south than this, and the advantageous grounds are left for apple raising. The present season, 1883, has been marked in many parts of Illinois by a failure of much of the wheat and corn crops. It was too wet in the spring and too dry in the summer, but the apple crop in Wayne County has nearly compensated our people for the failure of corn and wheat. CHAPTER II. THE DARING DISCOVERIES AND OPERATIONS OF THE FRENCH IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY— SoMK CORRECTIONS IN HISTORY— THE CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES— DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER— PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY— THE DOWNFALL OF QUEBEC— THE TERRITORY CEDED BY THE INDIANS— ILLINOIS SEPARATED FROM INDIANA— ETC., ETC. " Naught telling how the victim died, Save faint tradition's faltering tongue." THE cradle of American history is the lower St. Lawrence River, and the great storehouse is the Mississippi Valley. And going back nearly four hundred years, it is one of the world's most wonderful tragedies, run- ning through nearly four centuries in duration. The thrilling story has been a grand epic of mankind, and while its recital thrills the stu- dent of those tremendous events with consum- ing interest, it may command the eager in- vestigation of the whole thinking world, because it is fraught with more mastering influences — forces that have shaped the desti- nies of mankind, and of civilization to a greater extent, than has any other period in all the world's history. The truths of history in reference to this spot upon the globe are only now being crit- ically examined; and the revelations they afford command a deep interest and a wide attention. For this empire of magnificent proportions (the Mississippi Valley), the lead- ing powers of the Old World contended for nearly three hundred years, and the savage Indian yet sharpens his scalping knife and lifts up in deadly revenge his tomahawk. Tun pj.ver of the Old World was the church, and it is a curious fact that these warlike nations that struggle for empire by the sword were guided and pointed the way to the 22 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. new and tempting continent — to the very heart of the homes of the most powerful and savage tribes of men that were here, by the missionaries of the Catholic Church, who carried nothing more formidable for attack or defense than their prayer books and rosa- ries, and the gentle and divine command of "Peace on earth and good will among men.' The French Catholic missionaries were as loyal to their government as they were true to their God. They planted the lilies of France, and erected the cross of the mother church in the newly discovered countries, and chauted the solemn mass that soothed the savage breast, and smoke the calumet with wild men of the woods. The settlement of the West and the first discoveries were made by the French, and it was long afterward the country passed into the permanent possession of the English ; the letter people wrote the histories, and tinged them from first to last with their prejudices, and thus promulgated many serious errors of history. Time will always produce the icon- oclast who will dispassionately follow out the truth, regardless of how many fictions it may brush away in its course. Thus history is being continually re-written, and the (ruth is ever making its approaches, and the glorious deeds of the noble sons of France are becoming manifested, as the views of our history are brought to light, particularly their occupancy of the valley of the Father of Waters. As early as 1504, the French seamen from Brittany and Normandy visited the fisheries of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. These bold and daring men traversed the ocean, through the dangers of ice and storms, to pursue the occupation of fishery, an enter- prise which to-day has developed into one of gigantic magnitude. France not long after this commissioned •Tames Cartier, a distinguished mariner, to explore America. In 1535, in pursuance of the order, they planted the cross on the shores of the New World, on the banks of the St. Lawrence, bearing a shield with the lilies of France. He was followed by other adventurous spirits, and among them the im- mortal Samuel Champlain, a man of great enterprises, who founded Quebec in 1608. Champlain ascended the Sorel River, ex- plored Lake Champlain, which bears his name to-day. He afterward penetrated the forest and found his grave on the bleak shores of Lake Huron. He was unsurpassed for braverv, indefatigable in industry, and was one of the leading spirits in explorations and discoveries in the New World. In the van of the explorations on this con- tinent were found the courageous and pious Catholic missionaries, meeting dangers an death with a crucifix upon their breasts'' breviary in hand, whilst chanting their matins and vespers, along the shores of our majestic rivers, great lakes and unbroken forests. Their course was marked through the trackless wilderness by 'he carving of their emblems of faith upon the roadway, amidst perils and dangers, without food but pounded maize, sleeping in the woods with- out shelter, their couch being the ground and rock. Their beacon light, the cross, which was marked upon the oak of the forest in their pathway. After these missionaries had selected their stations of worship, the French hunters. courriers de boift, voyagers and traders, opened their traffic with the savages. France, when convenient and expedient, erected a chain 1 of forts along the rivers and lakes, in defense of Christianity and commerce. France, from 1008, acquired in this conti- nent a territory extensive enough to create a great empire, and was at that time untrod by HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY 23 the foot of the white man. and inhabited by roving tribos of the red man. As early as 1615, we find Father LeCarron, a Catholic priest, in the forests of Canada, exploring the country for the purpose of converting the savages to the Christian religion. The following year he is seen on foot traversing the forests amongst the Mohawks, and reach- ing the rivers of the Ottewas. He was fol- lowed by other missionaries along the basin of the St. Lawrence and Kennebec Rivers, where some met their fate in frail barks, whilst others perished in the storms of a dreadful wilderness. In 1635 we find Father Jean Brebeauf, Daniels and Gabriel Lallamaud leaving Que- bec with a few Huron braves to explore Lake Huron, to establish chapels along its banks, from which sprung the villages of St. Joseph, St. Ignatius and St. Louis. To reach these places it was necessary to follow the Ottawae River through a dangerous and devious way to avoid the Mohawks, Oneidas, Cayugas. Senecas and Iroquois, forming a confederacy as the "Five Nations," occupy- ing a territory then known as the New York colony, who were continually at war with the Hurons, a tribe of Indians inhabiting Lake Huron territory. As early as 1639, three Sisters of Charity from France arrived at Quebec, dressed in plain black gowns with snowy white collars, whilst to their girdles hung the rosary. They proceeded to the chapel, led by the Governor of Canada, accompanied by braves and war riors, to chant the Te Deum. These holy and pious women, moved by religious zeal, immediately established the Ursuline Con- vent for the education of girls. In addition to this, the King of Franco and nobility of Paris endowed a seminary in Quebec for the education of all classes of persons. A pub- lic hospital was built by the generous Duchess of D'Arguilon, with the aid of Cardinal Richelieu, for the unfortunate emigrants, to the savages of all tribes and afflicted of all classes. A missionary station was established as early as Kill, at Montreal, under a rude tent, from which has grown the large city < f to-day, with its maguilicent cathedral and phurches, its massive business houses and its commerce. The tribes of Huron Lake and neighboring savages, in 1641, met on the banks of the Iroquois Bay to celebrate the " Festival of the Dead." The bones and ashes of the dead had been gathered in coffins of bark, whilst wrapped in magniticpnt furs, to be given an affectionate sepulcher. At this singular festival of the savages, the chiefs and braves of different tribes chanted their low, mournful songs, day and night, amidst the wails and groans of their women and children. During this festival appeared the pious missionaries, their cassocks with beads to their girdle, sympathizing with the red men in their devotion to the dead, whilst scattering their medals, pictures of our Savior and blessed and beautiful beads, which touched and won the hearts of the sons of the forest. What a beautiful spectacle to behold, over the grass of the tierce warriors, idolatry fading before the Son of God. Father Charles Raymbault and the indomit- able Isaac Jorjues in 1641 left Canada to ex- plore the country as far as Lake Superior. They reached the Falls of St. Moaray's and established a station at SauK de Ste. Marie, where were assembled many warriors and braves from the great West, to see and hear these two apostles of religion and to behold the cross of Christianity. These two mission- aries invoked them to worship the true God. The savages were struck with the emblem of the cross and its teachings, and exclaimed. " We embrace you as brothers: come and dwell in our cabins." 24 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. When Father Joques and his party were returning from the Falls of St. Mary's to Quebec, they were attacked by the Mohawks, who massacred the chief and his braves, who accompanied him, whilst they held Bather Joques in captivity, showering upon him a great many indignities, compelling him to run the gantlet through their village. Father Brussini at the same time was beaten, mutilated, and made to walk barefooted through thorns and briers and then scourged by a whole village. However, by some miraculous way they were rescued by the generous Dutch of New York and both after- ward returned to France. Father Joques again returned to Quebec, and was sent as an envoy amongst the Five Nations. Con- trary to the savage laws of hospitality, he was ill-treated, and then killed as an en- chanter, his head hung upon the skirts of the village and his body thrown into the Mohawk River. Such was the fate of this courageous and pious man, leaving a monu- ment of martyrdom more enduring than the pyramids of Egypt. The year 1(545 is memorable, owing to a congress held by France and the " Five Na- tions " at the Three Rivers, in Canada. There the daring chiefs and warriors and the gal- lant officers of France met at the great coun- cil-fires. After the war-dance and numerous ceremonies, the hostile parties smoked the calumet of peace. The Iroquois said : " Let the clouds be dispersed and the sun shine on all the land between us." The Mohawks ex- claimed: "We have thrown the hatchet so high into the air and beyond the skies that no man on earth can reach to bring it down. Tho French shall sleep on our softest blank- ets, by the warm tire, that shall be kept blaz- ing all night." Notwithstanding the eloquent and fervent language and appearance of peace, it was but of short duration, for soon the cabin of the white man was in flames, and the foot-print of blood was seen along the St. Lawrence, and once more a bloody war broke out, which was disastrous to France, as the Five Nations returned to the allegiance of the English colonies. The village of St. Joseph, near Huron Lake, on the 4th of July, 1648, whilst her warriors were absent, was sacked and its people murdered by the Mohawks. Father Daniel, who officiated there, whilst endeavor- ing to protect the children, women and old men was fatally wounded by numerous arrows and killed. Thus fell this martyr in the cause of religion and progress. The next year the villages of St. Ignatius and St. Louis were attacked by the Iroquois. The village of St. Ignatius was destroyed and its inhabitants massacred. The village of St. Louis shared the same fate. At the latter place, Father Brebeauf and Lallemand were made prisoners, tied to a tree, stripped of their clothes, mutilated, burned with fagots and rosin bark, and then scalped. They per- ished in the name of France and Christianity. Father de la Ribourde, who had been the , companion of La Salle on the Griffin, and who officiated at Fort Creve Cceur, 111., whilst re- turning to Lake Michigan, was lost in the wilderness. Afterward, it was learned he had been murdered in cold blood by three young warriors, who carried his prayer book and scalp as a trophy up north of Lake Su- perior, which afterward fell into the hands of the missionaries. Thus died this martyr of religion, after ten years' devotion in the cabins of the savages, whose head had become bleached with seventy winters. Such was also the fate of the illustrious Father Rine Mesnard, on his mission to the southern shore of Lake Superior, where in after years his cassock and breviary was kept as amulets among the Sioux. After thpse atrocities, HISTOTIY OF WAYNE COUNTY •j: these noble missionaries never retraced 'their steps, and new troops pressed forward to take their places. They still continued to explore our vast country. The history of their labors, self-sacrifice and devotion is connected with the origin of every village or noted place in the North and great West. France ordered, by Colbert, its great min- ister, that an invitation be given to all tribes West for a general congress. This remark- able council was hold in May, 1671, at the Falls of St. Mary's. There were found the chiefs and braves of many nations of the West, decorated in their brightest feathers and furs, whilst, the French officers glistened with their swords and golden epaulets. In their midst stood the undaunted missionaries from all parts of the country. In this re- markable congress rose a log cedar cross, and upon a staff the colors of France. In this council, after many congratulations offered, and the war dance, the calumet was smoked- and peace declared. France secures here the friendship of the tribes and domin- ion over the great West. Marquette, while on his mission in the West, leaves Mackinac on the 13th of May, 1673, with his companion Joliot and five Frenchmen and two Indian guides, in two bark canoes freighted with maize and smoked meat, to enter into Lake Michigan and Green Bay until they reached Fox River in Illinois, where stood on its banks an Indian village occupied by the Kickapoos, Mascoutins and Mianiis. where the noble Father Alloues offi- ciated. Marquette in this village preaches and announces to them his object of discover- ing the great river. They are appalled at the bold proposition. They say: "Those distant nations never spare the strangers; their mutual wars till their borders with bands of warriors. The great river abounds in monsters which devour both men and canoos. The excessive heat occasions death." From Fox River across the portage with the canoes they reach the Wisconsin River. There Marquette and Joliet separated with their guides, and in Marquette's language, " Leaving us alone in this unknown land in the hands of Providence," they float down the Wisconsin, whose banks are dotted with prairies and beautiful hills, whilst surrounded by wild animals and the buffalo. After seven days' navigation on this river, their hearts bound with gladness on beholding on the 17th day of June, 1673. the broad expanse of the great Father of Waters, and upon its bosom they float down. About sixty leagues below this, they visit an Indian village. Their reception from the savages was cordial. They said: " We are Illinois, that is, we are men. The whole village awaits thee; thou shalt enter in peace our cabins." After six days' rest on the couch of furs, and amidst abundance of game, these hospitable Illinois conduct them to their canoes, whilst the chief places around Marquette's neck the cal- UTiiet of peace, being beautifully decorated with the feathers of birds. Their canoe again ripples the bosom of the great river (Mississippi). When further down, they behold on the high bluffs and smooth rock above (now Alton) on the Illinois shore, the figures of two monsters painted in various colors, of frightful appearance, and the position appeared to bo inaccessible to a painter. They soon reached the turbid waters of the Missouri, and thence floated down to the mouth of the Ohio. Farther down the river stands the village of Mitchigamea, being on the west, side of the river. When approaching this place, its bloody warriors with their war cry embark in their canoes to attack them, but the calu- met, held aloft by Marquette, pacifies them. So tbey are treated with hospitality and es- 29 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. corted by them to the Arkansas River. They sojourn there a short time, when Marquette, before leaving this sunny land, celebrates the festival 'oi the church. Marquette and Joliet then turn their canoe northward to retrace their way back until they reach the Illinois River, thence up that stream, along its flowery prairies. The Illinois braves con duct them back to Lake Michigan, thence to Green Bay, where they arrived in September, 1673. Marquette for two years officiated along Lake Michigan; afterward visited Mackinaw; from thence he enters a small river in Michigan (that bears his name) when, after saying mass, he withdraws for a short time to the woods, where he is found dead. Thus died this illustrious explorer and re- markable priest, leaving a name unparalleled as a brave, good and virtuous Christian. Robert Caralin La Salle, a native of Nor- mandy, an adventurer from France, arrived in Canada about 1670. Being ambitious to distinguish himself in making discoveries on this continent, he returned to France to solicit j aid for that purpose. He was made chevalier, upon the condition that he would repair Fort Frontenac, located on Lake Ontario, and open commerce with the savages. In 1678, he again returned to France, when, in July, 1679. with Chevalier Tonti, his Lieutenant, with thirty men, he left Rochelle for Quebec and Fort Frontenac. Whilst at Quebec, an agree- ment was made by the Governor of Canada with La Salle to establish forts along the northern lakes. At this time he undertook with great activity to increase the commerce of the West, by building a bark of ten tons to float on Lake Ontario. Shortly afterward he built another vessel, known as the Griffin, above Niagara Falls, for Lake Erie, of sixty tons, being the lirst vessel seen on the North- ern lakes. The Griffin was launched and made to float on Lake Erie. ' ' On the prow of this ship armorial bearings were adorned by two griffins as supporters ; " upon her deck she carried two brass cannon for defense. On the 7th of August, 1679, she spread her sails on Lake Erie, whilst on her deck stood the brave naval commander La Salle, accom- panied by Fathers Hennepin, Ribourde and Zenobi, surrounded by a crew of thirty voy- ageurs. On leaving, a salute was fired, whose echoes were heard to the astonishment of the savages, who named the Griffin the " Great W T ooden Canoe/' This ship pursued her course thTough Lakes Erie, St. Clair and Huron to Mackinaw, thence through that strait into Lake Michigan, thence to Green Bay, where she anchored in safety. The Griffin, after being laden with a cargo of pultries and furs, was ordered back by La Salle to the port from whence she sailed, but unfortunately on her return she was wrecked. La Salle during the absence of the Griffin determined, with fourteen men, to proceed to the mouth of the Miamis, now St. Joseph, where he built a fort, from which place he proceeded to Rock Fort in La Salle County, 111. La Salle hearing of the disaster and wreck of the Griffin, he builds a fort on the Illinois River called Creve Cceur (broken heart). This brave man, though weighed down by misfortune, did not despair. He concluded to return to Canada, but before leaving sends Father Hennepin, withPiscard, Du Gay and Michael Aka. to explore the sources of the Upper Mississippi. They leave Creve Cceur February '2d, lf>80. float- ing down the Illinois River, reaching the Mississippi March 8, 1680 : then explored this river up to the Falls of St. Anthony; from there they penetrated the forests, which brought them to the wigwams of the Sioux, who detained Father Hennepin and compan- ions for a short time in captivity; recover] g HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. their liberties, they returned to Lake Superior in November, 1680, thence to Quebec and France. During the explorations of Father Hennepin, La Salle, with a courage unsur- passed, a constitution of iron, returns to Canada, a distance of 1,200 miles, his path way being through snows, ice and savages along the lakes Michigan, Erie and Ontario. Reaching Quebec, he finds his business in a disastrous condition, his vessels lost, his goods seized and his men scattered. Not being discouraged, however, he returns to his forts in Illinois, which he finds deserted; takes new courage; goes to Mackinaw; finds his devoted friend Chevalier Tonti in 1681, and is found once more on the Illinois River to continue the explorations of the Missis- sippi, which had been explored by Father Marquette to the Arkansas River, and by Father Hennepin up to the Falls of St. An- thony. La Salle, from Fort Creve Cceur, on the Illinois River, with twenty-two French- men, amongst whom was Father Zenobi and Chevalier Tonti, with eighteen savages and two women and three children, float down until they reached the Mississippi on Feb- ruary 6, 1682. They descend this mighty river until they reach its mouth, April 6, L682, where they are the 'first to plant the cross and the banners of France. La Salle, with his companions, ascends the Mississippi and returns to his forts on the Illinois; re- turns again to Canada and France. La Salle is received at the French court with enthusiam. The King of France orders four vessels well equipped to serve him, un- do- Beatigerr, commander of the fleet, to proceed to the Gulf of Mexico to discover the Balize. Unfortunately for La Salle, he fails in discovering it. and they arc thrown into the Bay of Matagorda, Texas, where La Salle, with liis 280 persona, are abandoned by Beaugerr, the commander of the fleet. La Salle here builds a fort; then undertakes by land to discover the Balize. After many hardships he returns to his fort, and acain attempts the same object, when ho meets a tragical end, being murdered by the desper- ate Duhall, one of his men. During the voyage of La Salle, Chevalier Tonti, his friend had gone down the Mississippi to its mouth to meet him. After a long search in vain for the fleet, he returned to Rock Fort on the Illinois. After the unfortunate death of La Salle, great disorder and misfortune occurred to his men in Texas. Some wan- dered among the jsavages, others were taken prisoners, others perished in the woods. However, seven bold and brave men of La Salle's force determined to return to Illinois, headed by Capt. Joutel and the noble Father Anatase. After six months of exploration through the forest and plain, they cross Red River, where they lose one of their comrades. They then moved toward the Arkansas River, where, to their great joy. they reached a French fort, upon which stood a large cross, where Couture and Delouny, two Frenchmen, had possession, to hold commu- nication with La Salle. This brave band, with the exception of young Berthelney, pro- ceeded up the Mississippi to the Illinois forts; from thence to Canada. This terminated La Salle's wonderful ex- plorations over our vast lakes, groat rivers and territory of Texas. He was a man of stern integrity, of undoubted activity and boldness of character, of an iron constitution, entertaining broad views and a chivalry un- surpassed in tho Old or New World France, as early as possible,' established along the lakes permanent settlements. One was that df Detroit, which was one of the most interesting and loveliest positions, which was settled in 1701 by Lamotte de Cardillac with KK> Frenchmen. 30 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. The discovery and possession of Mobile, Biloxi and Dauphin Islands induced the French to search for the mouth of the Mis- sissippi River, formerly discovered by La Salle. Lemoine D'Iberville, a naval officer of talent and great experience, discovered the Balize, on the 2d of March, 1699 ; proceeded lip this river and took possession of the coun- try known as Louisiana. D'Iberville re- turned immediately to France to announce this glorious news. Bienville, his brother, was left to take charge of Louisiana during his absence. D'Iberville returned, when Bien- ville and St. Denis, with a force, was or- dered to explore Red River, and thence to the borders of Mexico. La Harpe also as- cended Red River in 1719 ; built a fort called Carlotte ; also took possession of the Arkan- sas River ; afterward floated down this river in pirogues, finding on its banks many thriv- ing Indian villages. France, in September, 1712, by letters patent, granted Louisiana to Crozas, a wealthy Frenchman, who relin- quished his rights and power in 1717 to the Company of the West, established by the no- torious banker, John Law. Under a fever of great speculations, great efforts were made to advance the population and wealth of Louis- iana. New Orleans was mapped out in 1718, and became the important city of Lower and Upper Louisiana. The charter and privileges of "Company of the West," after its total failure, was resigned to the crown of France in 1731. The country embracing Louisiana was populated by numerous tribes of savages. One of these tribes was known as the Natchez, located on a high bluff, in the midst of a glorious climate, about three hundred miles above New Orleans on the river bank. The Natchez had erected a remarkable temple, where they invoked the " Great Spirit," which was decorated with various idols molded from clay baked in the sun. In this temple burned a living fire, where the bones of the brave were burned. Near it, on a high mound, the chief of the nation, called the Sun, re- sided, where the warriors chanted their war songs and held their great council fires. The Natchez had shown great hospitality to the French. The Governor of Louisiana built a fort near them in 1714, called Fort Rosalie. Chopart, afterward commander of this fort, ill-treated them, and unjustly demanded a part of their villages. This unjust demand so outraged their feelings, that the Natchez, in their anger, lifted up the bloody tomahawk, headed by the " Great Sun," attacked Fort Rosalie November 28, 1729, and massacred every Frenchman in the fort and the vicinity. During these bloody scenes, the chief, amid this carnage, stood calm and unmoved, while Chopart' s head and that of his officers and soldiers were thrown at his feet, forming a pyramid of human heads. This caused a bloody war, which, after many battles fought, terminated in the total destruction of the Natchez nation. In these struggles, the chief and his four hundred braves were made prison- ers, and afterward inhumanly sold as slaves in St. Domingo. The French declared war in 1736 against the Chickasaws, a war-like tribe that inhab- ited the Southern States. Bienville, com- mander of the French, ordered a re-union of the troops to assemble on the 10th of May, 1736, on the Tombigbee River. The gallant D'Artaquette, from Fort Chartres, and the brave Vincennes from the Wabash River, with a thousand warriors, were at their post in time, but were forced into battle on the 20th of May without the assistance of the other troops, were defeated and massacred. Bienville shortly afterward, on the 27th of May, 1736, failed in his assault upon the Chickasaw forts on the Tombigbee, where the English flag waved, and was forced to HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 31 retreat with the loss of his cannons, which forced him to return to New Orleans. In 1740, the French built a fort at the month of the St. Francois River, ami moved their troops in Fort Assumption, near Memphis, where peace was concluded with the Chicka- saws. The oldest permanent settlement on the Mississippi was Kaskaskia. first visited by Father Gravier, date unknown: but he was in Illinois in 1693. He was succeeded by Fathers Pinet and Binetan. l'inet became the founder of Cahokia, where he erected a chapel, and a goodly number <>f savages as- sembled to attend the great feast. Father Gabriel, who had chanted mass through Canada, officiated at Cahokia and Kaskaskia in 1711. The missionaries in 1721 established a college and monastery at Kaskaskia; Fort Chartres, in Illinois, was built in 1720, be- came an important post for the security of the French, and a great protection for the commerce on the Missi-sippi. " The Com- pany of the West " sent an expedition under Le Sieur to "Upper Louisiana about 1720 in search of precious metals, and proceeded up as far as St. Croix and St. Peter's Rivers, where a fort was built, which had to be abandoned owing to tbe hostilities of the savages. The French as early as 1 7' >~i. ascended tho Missouri River to open traffic with the Mis souris and to take possession of the country. M. Dutism, from New Orleans, with a force, arrived in Saline River, below Ste. Gene- vieve, moved westward to the Osage River, then beyond this about 150 miles, where he found two large villages located in line prai- ries abounding with wild game and buffalo. France and Spain in 1711* were contending for dominion west of the Mississippi. Spain in 1720 sent from Sante F£ a large caravan to make a settlement on the Missouri River, the design being to destroy the Missouris, a tribe at peace with France. This caravan. after traveling and wandering, lost their way, and marched into the camp of the Missouris, their enemies, where they were all massacred except a priest, who, from his dress, was considered no warrior. After this expedition from Sante F6 npon Missouri, France, under M. DeRonrgmeut, with a force, in 1724 as- cended the Missouri, established a fort on an island above the Osage River, named Fort Orleans. This fort was afterward at- tacked and its defenders destroyed, and by whom was never ascertained. The town of St. Genevieve was the first settlement west of the Mississippi River, by emigrants from Franco and Canada, in the year 1735. The wars between England and France more or less affected the growth of this continent. The war in 1689, known as " King William's war,'' was concluded by the treaty of Rys- wick, 1697; " Queen Anne's war" termin- ated by tho treaty of Utrecht in 1713; " King George's war " concluded by the treaty of Aix la Chapelle in 174S. These wars gave England supremacy in the fisheries, the pos- session of the bay of Hudson, of Newfound- land and all of Nova Scotia. The French and Indian wars, between 1754 and 1763 — tho struggle between En- gland and Franco as to their dominion in America- -commenced at this period. It was a disastrous and bloody war, where both parties enlisted hordes of savages to participate in a warfare conducted in a disgraceful manner to humanity. France at this time had erected a chain of forts from Canada to the great lakes and along the Mississippi Valley. The English controlled the territory occupied by her English colonies. The English claimed beyond the Alleghany Mountains to the Ohio River. The French deemed her right to this Si> HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. river indisputable. Virginia bad granted to the " Obio Company " an extensive territory reaobing to tbe Obio. Dinwiddie, Governor of Virginia, through George Washington, remonstrated against tbe encroachment of tbe French. St. Pierre, the French com- mander, received Washington with kindness, returned an answer claiming the territory which France occupied. Tbe " Ohio Com- pany " sent out a party of men to erect a fort at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. These men had hard- ly commenced work on this fort when they were driven away by the French, who took possession and established "Fort du Quesne." Washington, with a body of provincials from Virginia, marched to the disputed ter- ritory, when a party of French under Jumon- ville was attacked, and all either killed or made prisoners. Washington after this erected a fort called Fort Necessity. From thence Washington proceeded with 400 men toward Fort du Quesne, where, hearing of the advance of M. De Villiers with a large force, he returned to Fort Necessity, where, after a short defense, Washington had to capitulate, with the honorable terms of re- turning to Virginia. On the 4th of July, 1754, the day that Fort Necessity surrendered, a convention of colonies was held at Albany, N. Y., for a union of the colonies proposed by Dr. Ben Franklin, adopted by the delegates, but de- feated by the English Government. How- ever, at this convention, a treaty was made between the colonies and the " Five Nations," which proved to be of great advantage to En- gland. Gen. Braddock, with a force of '2,000 soldiers, marched against Fort du Quesne. Within seven miles of this fort, he was attacked by the French and Indian allies and disastrously defeated, when Washington covered tbe retreat, and saved the army from total destruction. Sir William Johnson, with a large force, took command of the army at Fort Edward. Near this fort, Baron Dieskan and St. Pierre attacked Col. Williams and troop, where the English were defeated, but Sir Johnson, com- ing to the rescue, defeated the French, who lost in this battle Dieskan and St. Pierre. On August 12, 1756, Marquis Montcalm, commander of the French army, attacked Fort Ontario, garrisoned by 1,400 troops, who capitulated as prisoners of war, with 134 cannon, several vessels, and a large amount of military stores. Montcalm, destroying this fort, returned to Canada. By the treaty of peace of Aix la Chapelle of October, 1748, Arcadia, known as Nova Scotia, and Brunswick had been ceded by France to England. When tbe war of 1754 broke out, this territory was occupied by numerous French families. England, fear- ing their sympathy for France, cruelly con- fiscated their property, destroyed their hum- ble homes and exiled them to their colonies in the utmost poverty and distress. In August, 1857, Marquis Montcalm, with a large army, marched on Fort William Henry, defended by 3,000 English troops. The English were defeated and surrendered on condition that they might march out of the fort with their arms. The savage allies, as they marched out in an outrageous man- ner, plundered them and massacred some in cold blood, notwithstanding the efforts of the French officers to prevent them. The mili- tary campaign so far had been very disas- trous to the English, which created quite a sensation in the colonies and in England. At this critical period the illustrous Mr. Pitt, known as Lord Chatham, was placed at the helm of state on account of his talent and statesmanship, and he sent a large naval ar- mament and numerous troops to protect tbe colonies. July 8, 1758, Gen. Abercombie, with an HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 33 army of 15,000, moved on Ticonderoga, de- fended Marquis Montcalm. After a great struggle the English were defeated with a loss of 2,000 dead and wounded. August 27, 1758, Coi. Bradstreet with a force attacked the French fort, Fort Fronte- nac, on Lake Ontario, took it with nine armed vessels, sixty cannon and a quantity of military stores, whilst Gen. Forbes moved on Fort du Quesne, and took it, which fort was afterward called Pittsburgh, in honor of Mr. Pitt. In 1759, the ^French this year evacuated Ticonderoga, Crown Point and Niagara. Gen. Wolf advanced against Quebec, then defended by the gallant Montcalm, where a terrible and bloody battle took place between the two armies. Gen. Wolf was killed and a great number of English officers. When the brav" Wolf was told the English were victorious, he said, "He died contented." Montcalm, when told his wounds were mortal, he said, " So much the better, I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec," which city surrendered September 18, 1759. In 1760, another battle was fought near Quebec, which drove the English into their fortifications, and were only relieved by the English squadron. Montreal still contended to the last, when she was compelled to sur- render, which gave Canada to the English. Treaty of peace, February 10, 1763. By this France ceded to England all her posses- sions on the St. Lawrence River, all east of the Mississippi River, except that portion south of Iberville River and west of the Mis sissippi. At the same time all ihe territory here reserved being west of the Mississippi, and the Orleans territory was transferred to Spain. France, after all her labors, toil and expenditures, and groat loss of life, surren- dered to England and Spain her great domain in North America. The historv of France, embracing a term of 228 years, is replete with interest and with thrilling events in this country up to 1763. The defeats of the French in North Amer- ica greatly led to the establishment of the United States Government. The accom- plishment of such a glorious end was largely due to the gallant Frenchmen. As long as the anniversary of the American Independ ence shall be celebrated, the names of Wash ington and Lafayette will ever be remem bered by a grateful people. We can but con- gratulate ourselves, as citizens of this great valley, that owing to the sympathy of France and her people under the great Napoleon and the immortal Jefferson, that we to-day are a portion of this grand republic. The downfall of Quebec was the over-' throw of French power in North America. The French supremacy was only overthrown after a long and bloody struggle, and the re- coil of the blow that had smitten it down was the cause of another struggle more desolat- ing and widely extended than the first, but ended without accomplishing any political results. In this fierce conflict the red man became the principal actor, and exhibited a degree of sagacity and constancy of purpose never before witnessed in the history of his warfai-e. The English sent Maj. Robert Clark to take possession of the frontier out- posts. Tbe approach of Maj. Clark aroiised Pontiac, and he boldly demanded to know their mission. Pontiac was the Napoleon of his race, and suffice it to say here that this movement of the British troops resulted in his great conspiracy, and the destruction of British settlements, and the attack upon De- troit. On the 13th of August, 1803, the treaty of Vincennes, and the additional treaty of December 30, 1805, was concluded with the Kaskaskias, by which they ceded to the 34 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. United States, all that tract included within a line beginning below the mouth of the Illi- nois River, and descending the Mississippi to its junction with the Ohio, ascending the latter to the Wabash, and from a certain point up the Wabash west to the Mississippi, embracing the greater part of Southern Illi- nois, and including Wayne County. This was the act that divested the Indians of their title to the lands the people of the county now possess.* By act of Congress, February 3, 1809, all that part of the Indian Territory lying "west of the Wabash River, and a direct line drawn from the said Wabash River and Post Vin- cennes, due north to the territorial line be- tween the United States and Canada, should constitute Illinois. This, it will be noticed, included Wisconsin. It was the separation of Illinois from Indiana. This act of separ- ating Illinois from Indiana, found a hot anti -separation party in Vincennes, the cap- ital, and the villages and settlements east of that place. The excitement culminated in bloodshed; one of the leading men in favor of the measure was assassinated in the streets of Kaskaskia. The question of separation turned upon the ability of the Illinois mem- bers of the Legislature, in session in Vin- cennes in October, 1S08, to elect a Delegate to Congress in place of Benjamin Park, resigned, who should be favorable to the division. The Illinoisans found a suitable candidate in an Indiana member of the House, who was •The important historical facts that give an account of the acts of Gen. George Rogers Clark, by which all this vast ter- ritory was secured to the Tinted States, ami wrested from the British crown, are given in the Clay County history, and to which the reader iB referred. The reader will there see that the territory of Wayne and l lay Counties are historical grounds, were the scenes of most important events of the Revolution, and that ( ieu. Clark was here fighting out that great war for human liberty: that he was one of the greatest men America has pro- duced and that the territory of those counties may honor him as among their first visitors. also Speaker, by the name of Jesse B. Thom- as, who, for the sake of going to Congress, was ready to violate the sentiments of his constituents upon this question. Thomas gave a bond that he would procure from Con- gress a separation; and he was triumphantly elected by a majority of one vote — he voted for himself. He was hung in effigy in Vin- cennes, but he went to Congress and kept his bond and faith with Illinois, and came from Congress with a commission in his pocket for a federal judgeship in Illinois, and he re- moved to the new State, and thus was secured our great State and an eminent citizen. William Edwards, at the time Chief Jus- tice of the Court of Appeals in Kentucky, became Governor of the new Territory. John Bogle, of the same State, at first received the appointment of Governor, but declined the office and accepted that of Associate Justice of the same court whereof Edwards was Chief Justice. This brief outline of the history leading up to the final organization of the country that eventually made us what we are, is given for the double purpose of correcting many ma- terial facts that have heretofore either not been truly set forth or were deliberately falsified, and to call the attention of the reader to the fact that we are upon grounds that are full of history — history more interesting than any romance — and that every day is growing in interest and importance. To some extent we prefer to resume the story of the part this locality played in the Revolutionary war in our history of Clay County, because it was through that county the old Vincennes trace was located and it was over this route a portion of the Revolu- tionary army traveled on its way from Kas- kaskia to Vincennes. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 35 CHAPTER III. THE OLD SETTLERS, WHERE TIIEV WERE FROM, TOGETHER WITH MANY INTERESTING FACTS CON CERNING THEM— ISAAC HARRIS, MRS. GOODWIN, COL. SAMUEL LEECH, GEORGE MERRITT. "J LCKY" JONES, GEORGE M.C'OU'N, AND MANY OTHERS— RANGERS— JOE BOLTING- HOUSE'S AVENGERS— WAYNE COUNTY ORGANIZED MARCH 20, 1819, ETC. interested in the movements THE " simple annals " of the brave and hardy pioneers who came to this portion of Illinois to carve out new homes for them- selves, and fight it out with the bloody savages, the wild beasts and the deadly malaria, dates back only seventy years, the allotted span of extreme human life, and the fleeting years are fast carrying away all liv- ing testimony of the earliest settlers, and unless we now catch the shadow ere the sub- stance wholly fades, and tell the story of the most interesting people the country has pro- duced, it will soon be forgotten, and the world will thus lose a lesson that is worth more if fully told than any heritage that we can possess. To gather up the threads of their eventful lives — mostly broken threads now — is both a labor of love, and already a difficult task in many respects. The pleasure consists in listening to the story of the very few now left of those early comers, all of whom are venerable men and women now, and who were infants then, and the difficulty consists in the fact that no person is now alive who was then old enough to know and see and remember for themselves. Thus we are driven to their recollections of the tales that were told to them, and to those tradi- tion? that have hero and there been preserved from the fathers. Next in interest to the story of the lives of these pioneers is the study of their charac- ters. Man's nature is such that he is deeply purposes, great actions, heroic deeds, sublime sacrifices, the loves, the sports and pastimes of those who have gone before him. "Whether his fore- fathers were wiseor foolish, great and strong, or puerile and weak, he wauts to learn all he can about them. How they thought and what they did — acts and doings that, discon- nected from their story, might not only seem idle but foolish, are clothed with immense interests when they are told of those we love and respect — those whose lives were a long sacrifice which have produced the ripened fruits we now enjoy; and while even one or two are yet living who were here and parti- cipated to some extent in the stirring long ago, the task, so far as they can go in memory, is both easy and pleasant, but in a moment, and before we have had time to reflect upon the loss, they are all gone, and the places that knew them so well will know them no more forever. Hence the chronicler, who puts in a permanent form all these once sup- posed trifling details, has performed an in- valuable, if not an imperishable service. For the proper study of mankind is man. It is the great and inexhaustible fountain of knowledge, and the " man " that is or should be best studied is your own immediate fore- fathers or predecessors. To know them well is to master all you can really learn of the human family. To peer into the complex problem of the human race does not so much 3(5 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. consist in trying to study all of the living and the dead, as in mastering, in so far as it is possible, the chosen few. Gov. Reynolds gives this quaint account of himself and the early pioneers: "All spe- cies of amusements were indulged in by the original inhabitants of Illinois. I do not pretend to say that every person was devoted to gaming; but it was considered at that day both fashionable and honorable to game for money; but, as gentlemen, for amusement and high and chivalrous sports. In this manner a great many gambled. Card play- ing was sustained by the highest classes as well as the lowest in the country. A person who could not or would not play at cards was scarcely fit for genteel society. The French delighted much in this amusement, which gave the card parties much standing and popularity with the Americans. The French at that time had the ascendency in the coun- try, and their manners and habits gave tone and character to many such transactions. The French masses in early times played cards incessantly in the shade of the galleries of their houses in the hot summer months. They frequently played without betting, but at times wagered heavily. Card playing was mostly the only gaming the French indulged in. The ladies of that day amused them- selves often in these games, and as they do at this day. At times the Americans, as well as the French, bet heavily at cards, although they were not considered gamblers. * * Shooting matches, with the Americans, were great sport. Almost every Saturday in the summer, a beef or some other article would be shot for in the rural districts, and the beef killed and parceled out the same night. A keg of whisky was generally packed to the shooting match on horseback. Sometimes a violin appeared, and stag dances, as they were termed, occupied the crowd for hours " In 1804, I witnessed a match of shooting in the orchard of Gen. Edgar, a short dis- tance west of Kaskaskia. It was a match between John Smith and Thomas Stubletield, and the bet was $100. Smith won the wager. A small tricky game for whisky was often played in these keg groceries, which was called 'finger in danger.' Every one that pleased, put his finger down in a ring, and then some knowing one counted the fin- gers until they counted some number agreed on, and the finger at that number when it was touched was withdrawn, and so on until the last finger in the ring was left, and then it had to pay the treat. "Aged matrons frequently attended these shooting matches with a neat, clean keg of metheglin to sell. This drink is made of honey and water, with the proper fermenta- tion. It is pleasant to drink, and has no power in it to intoxicate. The old lady often had her sewing or knitting with her, and would frequently relate horrid stories of the Tories in the Revolution in North Carolina, as well as to sell her drink. " In the early days of Illinois, horse-racing was a kind of mania with almost all people, and almost all indulged in it, either by being spectators, or engaged in them. The level and beautiful prairies seemed to persuade this class of amusement." The earliest settlement in this portion of Illinois it appears was made by Michael Sprinkle, the first white man to settle in Shawneetown. He was a gunsmith, and the Indians had petitioned Gov. Harrison for permission for him to reside among them to repair their guns, and he fixed his residence there in the year 1802. Other people were attracted to the locality, mostly on account of its convenience to the Salines, and in 1S05 an unprovoked murder was committed by the Indians in the killing of Mr. Duff near HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. the Island Ripples in the Saline Creek, and he was buried near the old salt spring. It was supposed the Indians wore hired to com- mit this murder. Shawneetown was occu- pied by a village of the Shawnee Indians for many ages, and it was the place where Maj. Croghan, the English officer, camped in his explorations of the country in 1765. He had a battle at this place with the savages. The old salt spring is situated about twelve miles northwest of Shawneetown, and around it a colony commenced to settle about the year 1805. In 1803, Gov. Harrison had purchased of the Indians the salt works and adjoining lands, and the same year the Saline was leased by Capt. Bell, of Lexington, Ky., and this attracted the attention of immigrants. The attention of the early pioneers who had settled along the Lower Wabash and Ohio Rivers was attracted to this portion of Illi- nois by some of them passing over what is now Wayne County as rangers — those heroic men who went out and braved the savage, and, at the risk of their lives, protected the helpless and scattered families that had vent- ured out in the solitary wilds and com- menced to build permanent homes. The first settler in Wayne County was Isaac Harris, and until three months ago, when she died, his daughter, Mrs. Betsey Goodwin was not only the oldest living in- habitant in the county, but the first. She came here with her father's family in 1S14, she being then ten years old. Her death, in September, 1SS3. severed the last link con- necting the present with the first settlement in the county. Her father, Isaac Harris, left his Kentucky home with a few provis- ions and cooking utensils packed on horses, and followed a dim Indian trail to the terri- tory now comprised in Wayne County — then a perfect wilderness. Mr. Harris was the first white man to settle and build a house in our county. The site chosen was a high bluff at the edge of the Wabash bottoms, nine miles southeast of Fairfield. A large spring at the foot of the bluff was doubtless an attraction. Thomas Harris, ex-Supervisor of Leech Township, now lives on the exact site of the first building erected in "Wayne County. This first cabin had a dirt floor and its size is showu by Mrs. Goodwin's state ment as to the carpet used. Four bearskins, cut square, filled the cabiu and made a lux- urious carpet. The daily food of the pio- neers was corn meal, hominy, bear meat, ven- ison, honey and sassafras tea. The meal and hominy were ground in a mortar made out of a stump, a wooden maul attached to a spring pole being the pestle. The breadstuff for each day was pounded up before breakfast. Mrs. Goodwin thinks she has ground over a hundred bushels of corn in this way. The grist was sieved and the finer portion called meal, the coarser hominy. These mortars were used for three years. Bear meat was plentiful. Mr. Harris killing four or five a week. Venison was not a rarity in a house- hold where the head of the family has been known to kill nineteen deer before breakfast as Mr. Harris did. But this was doubtless an unusually good morning for deer. Mr. Harris' method of bringing home honey when out on a hunt was decidedly aboriginal. "When he found a bee-tree, he would kill a deer, takeoff the skin in a way best suited to the use he had for it. till the skin with honey, tie up the holes made by the legs and neck, throw it across his horse and make his way homeward. Honey was so abundant that great wooden troughs were provided for it. Mrs. Goodwin stated to her friends only a short time before her death, that she remem- bered man] times of seeing a bandied gal- lons of honeyed sweetness in a rude wooden trough. When a surplus of honev had been 38 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. gathered, it was hauled on a sled to Carini and sold for 25 cents a gallon. The pioneers' luscious bill of fare was served on pewter plates, sometimes accompanied by milk poured from a gourd, and which had been strained through a gourd strainer. Bears were so bold that have been known to come within twenty steps of the house and carry off pigs. Their skins were made very useful. Mrs. Goodwin said she had made at leaBt 500 pairs of bear skin moccasins, and could do the work as well as an Indian. They were made with the hair on (turned inside), and for men, cut about as high as socks; for women, about the length of stockings. Mrs. Goodwin said she would enjoy wearing a pair even in 1880. The young ladies of the pioneer period wore deer skin dresses. The hair was re- moved, and the skin dressed so as to be soft and pliable, and when colored red and yellow made rather a stylish looking suit. The number of " breadths in the skirt " were about as few as in the tight-fitting, figure- displaying costumes of the super-fashionable belles of the present day. The men wore leather breeches and jackets. In 1880, Mrs. Goodwin related to the ed- itor of the Wayne County Press her recol- lections of her first calico dress. She said: " Daddy loaded a lot of deer skins and veni- son hams on a sled, and took 'em to Carmi and bought us gals each a calico dress. We thought they were powerful nice, and that arts nice." The barter was at these prices: A pair of venison hams 25 cents, and calico 30 or 40 cents a yard. A few years later, shoes and stockings also became fashionable, but they were too highly valued for wearing even a whole Sunday. The girls would carry them tied up in their handkerchiefs until near the church or farmhouse where church was held. They would then take a seat on a log, don their shoes and stockings, and go into the house with as much of a dressed- up feeling as a city belle alights from her car- riage to enter the opera. Plainness of dress was the rule for girls, and wearing of " ruf- fles and bobs " to church was not generally allowed. At the earliest day of Mrs. Goodwin's rec- ollection, the Indians seem not to have had any permanent village in our county, but were frequently camped here in large num- bers. Mrs. Goodwin remembered seeing about 300 camped near Nathan Atteberry'6 present home. Once she was so badly fright- ened by unexpectedly coming upon an Indi- an, that she ran a mile and a half at full speed, arriving home almost dead. Her father " gathered a parcel of men, and moved 'em out." Mrs. Goodwin attended the first Fourth of July celebration ever held in Wayne County sixty-seven years ago. Fairfield then consisted of two cabins, and the patri- otic observers of the day we celebrate num- bered about thirty persons, prominent among whom were the Barnhills, Slocumbs, Leech- es and Jo Campbell. It was, Mrs. Goodwin said, " a sort of pay celebration." The re- freshments consisted mainly of a roasted pig and blackberry pies — regular " turnovers " — ■ baked in a skillet. Sam Leech was the ora- tor of the day. Mrs. Goodwin remembers that our fellow-citizen, J. W. Barnhill, was one of the patriotic pioneers. He was two years old, barefooted and wore a home-made cotton dress. Isaac Harris, the first settler, loved to joke. Dick Lock one day wanted some corn fodder (blades). Isaac told him to bring his wagon and get it. Lock, however, took a rope with him, intending to carry a bundle only. As he started off, Harris touch a chunk of fire to the load. While Lock was wondering how he fodder happened to burn up so suddenly. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. IS Harris told him to go get his wagon and come for it like a white man. Mr. Harris had a pleasant way of dealing with speculators who came into the country to buy large tracts of land. He was sought as a guide and would invariably take the Eastern follows through some of the most radically swamp land that could be found, and skip the good portions. On more than one occasion he purposely got lost, and compelled the land buyers to sleep a night in the woods, and go supperless to bed. Isaac and Gilham Harris (brothers), with their families, had spent the winters of 1812- 13 in a camp, near where Nathan Atteborry's farm now is, bringing their hogs from their home in Big Prairie, White County, on account of the superior mast of that locality. And in 1814, as stated above, the families moved into the county as permanent settlers. Aunt Betsey Goodwin was then twelve years old, and from an interview with tho old lady in 1880 by the editor of the Press, we extract the following interesting reminiscences: Her father, Isaac Harris, built the tirst cabin ever erected within the borders of Wayne. Mrs. Goodwin was twelve years of age then, and has a very distinct remembrance of that first low hut, with its dirt floor, carpeted with bear skins (and it took only four bears to supply the carpet). Mrs. Goodwin is seventy- seven years old, and promises fair to live out the century. Her mother lived to be ninety- one, her grandmother to bo one hundred and seven, making a visit to Ireland after her one hundredth year. Mrs. Goodwin yet thinks that the corn meal she ground or pounded in a stump mortar was better than that made by the steam mills of to-day. It was sifted through a home- made seive made by stretching a deer skin, tanned with ashes, over a hoop. The holes in the sieve were made with a small iron instrument heated hot. The smaller the iron the finer the meal. That portion of the grist which went through the seive was called meal — that which remained was used as hominy. As civilization advanced, home- made horso-hair seives came in fashion. Aunt Betsey remembers seeing Granny Hooper weave lots of 'em. The dishes and spoons used were almost wholly of pewter and were sold by peddlers. There were no stores in the county, and men and women both wore buckskin clothing made of deer skins, dressed with deer's brains, and colored yellow with hickory bark and alum, or red with sassafras. Three ordi- nary deer skins made a dres3. Leather whangs or homespun flax thread was used in making them. No frills, ruffles or diagonal pleatings were allowed. Clad in a short, red leather dress, and wearing a sunbonnet made of homemade cot- ton or flax, our hostess, then Miss Betsey Harris, must have been an attractive young lady when at the age of fourteen, and " wild as a deer," she struck the fancy and won the affections of Tom Jones, a stout young pio- neer in leather breeches and a coonskin cap. But the tender feeling was not reciprocated. Young Jones tried to make headway in his suit by presenting Miss Harris with a pair of side combs. She wouldn't take them, and Jones tried a flank movement by giving the combs to her little brother. But she never would wear them. While on this subject, we will state that many of the pioneers made their own combs. An old case knife was converted into a saw. and with this rude tool combs of everlasting quality were made from cow's horn. Mrs. Goodwin's mother wore such a comb of Wayne County manufacture for thirty-two years, and was buried with it in her hair, v a later period. Andrew Wright came from 40 HISTOBY OF WAYNE COUNTY. New Jersey, settled three miles south of Fairfield, and added to the scanty revenues of his farm by making wooden combs with saws especially made for that purpose. Mrs. Goodwin's first fine bonnet was bought of J. G. Barkley forty- two years ago, when he kept store in the north room of Mrs. E. Trousdale's residence in Fairfield. This bon- net was a palmetto, and was much larger than the shaker hoods which were worn a dozen or more years ago. About this time those enormous tortoise shell tuck combs were in fashion — immense semi circles, twelve inches in length, and with teeth four inches long. They were about as large as the bonnets of to-day. In those days, Uncle Charley Wood kept hotel in a log building just north of the Lang Hotel. Hon. I. S. Warmoth made saddles and harness in the present residence of A. R. Swan, near Thomas L. Cooper's residence. Caleb Williams and R. B. Slocumb were among the pioneer merchants. After they " broke up" no store existed in Fairfield for a year or more, and Mrs. Goodwin was com- pelled to send to Carmi for a set of cups and saucers. A little later, Page came with a stock of goods, and the pioneer did not have to go thirty miles to make little household purchases. Tallow candles, made by dipping, were first used for illumination. When the iron lamp was introduced, with its hook to hang on a nail and its sharp point to stick in the cracks in the logs, it was deemed a great in- vention. When filled with "coon" or bears oil it made a splendid light. Candles were also sometimes made from beeswax. The first school which Mrs. Goodwin at- tended was taught by Uncle George Meritt. There was not an arithmetic or slate in the school room, the studies being confined to the Testament and spelling-book. And Mrs. Goodwin added, " George was counted a big scholar in them days." Archy Roberts (grandfather of N. E. Rob- erts) was one of the first preachers in this part oF the State. He was a Methodist, as were most of the early ministers. As to weddings in the early times. Mrs. Goodsvin said she didn't have much of a wedding when she was married to Steven Merritt — her first husband. " Daddy cut up powerful about it — thought nobody was good enough for his gals, and we run off and got married." Mr. Harris soon afterward be- came reconciled to the match, and gave the bride money enough to buy a full set of pew- ter dishes. Mrs. Goodwin is a very large woman, and has been remarkably stout, well fitting her for the trials and hardships of a frontier life. R. B. Slocumb, many of our readers will re- member as a large man, yet Mrs. Goodwin one day won a bushel of salt from Mr. Slo- cumb by outweighing him, tipping the scales at 190 pounds. Steven Merritt came to Fairfield one Satur- day and won !?10 in a horse-pulling match. He bought a hat for himself, a calico dress for his wife, and expended the balance of the money, $3, in coffee. He got a meal sack full, as coffee then sold eighteen or twenty pounds to the dollar. Mrs. Merritt had never made a cup of coffee, having always used milk and sassafras tea, and this big lot of coffee was kept lying in the loft of the cabin untouched for a year or more, until a Ken- tucky cousin visited the family and explained to Mrs. Merritt the mysteries of making coffee. Mrs. Goodwin never seemed to learn to appreciate Jinuch of the modern luxuries. Even the spring seat in a two-horse wagon is an effeminate invention for which she had no use. She preferred to take her seat on a VSNBH HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 41 quilt or a pile of straw in the bottom of the wagon. And this sort of conveyance she thought more comfortable than a buggy. The commercial poverty of the country in its first settlement is shown by the fact that the smokers made their own clay pipes when they became too aristocratic to use a corn cob. Such a thing as a cigar was unheard of. What would the ladies of to-day think of a bedstead with only one post? On first thought they will say such an article of fur- niture is an impossibility. Not so, if the bedstead is built in one corner of the room, and holes bored in the logs for the insertion of the poles which constitute the one side and one foot rail needed. Such were the original Illinois bedsteads. Shoe blacking is a modern fashionable folly which was unknown in the days when venison hams sold for 50 cents- per pair and wild honey was stored away by the bushels in large wooden troughs. When Uncle Eph- raim Friend, lately deceased, was being mar- ried to his second wife, he felt the necessity of putting on a little extra style. In this respect he did not differ from the widowers of 1883. Shoe blacking was not to be had, and he inverted the oven used for baking corn bread and the soot on the bottom thereof was made to do service on his wedding boots. Window glass was unknown in the early cabins. A hole in the wall was left for light, but this was scarcely necessary, when we con- sider the pioneer's love for open doors, even in extreme winter weather. T. T. Bonhatn brought the first buggy to Wayne County. It was a stylish affair, im- ported from Pennsylvania. E» Bonhain, when a young man " cut a splurge " by driv- ing in this buggy to camp meeting. The civilization represented by the Eastern buggy was in great contrast with that of which Mr. B.'s dinner was a type. He was a guest at a farmhouse where the principal dish was baked 'possum. Mr. Bonham would have preferred fried oysters. The first show Pomp Scott ever attended was in Albion. He went on horseback, but not being the owner of a saddle, a bed quilt was used as a substitute. On this, with his gal behind him, he rode to the show, had a bully time, and thought himself as much of a bigbug as any aristocrat present. One day, Mrs. Goodwin and Sally Moffitt wished to visit the family of Alexander Camp- bell, Sr. , the father of Sheriff Campbell. They had on the farm a gentle steer which the boys had been in the habit of riding. The ladies thought that a ride on this steer would be better than walking. It was a rainy day, and they took with them an umbrella which had been left at the house by some land hunters. After getting fairly started, they stretched the umbrella, when the steer started off like mad. Both were thrown off, and the land speculator's umbrella broken all to smash. Soon after the first settlement of the county, when rjeace existed between the Indians and settlers, Joe Boltinghouse was killed by In- dians, while he was herding hogs on the heavy mast near Massillon. He was shot, scalped, and thrown in the fire of his camp so that his hands were burned off. His fam- ily were advised that something was wrong by his faithful dog " Beve " coming home alone. When the friends went to the camp, they found him scaled and mutilated, his horse stolen and the Indians gone. Three years after this, a party of seven Indians came to the same place and camped for a few weeks hunting. Among their ponies Joe Boltinghouse's horse was seen and recognized by one of the pioneers. The news was car- ried to his family, and a party organized to investigate. Joe Boltinghouse's father, his ■_».' ' ■ ' l».» t 42 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. brother Dan and Isaac Harris visited the camp. By strategy they obtained the guns of all the Indians but one. This warrior, an immense savage, was last to surrender his gun, and as soon as he did so ran and swam across the river. As he climbed the opposite bank he was seized by the half-wolf dog " Beve," dragged into the water and drowned. What became of the other six Indians the three revengeful pioneers would never tell. It was suspected that all were killed and thrown in the river. The stolen horse was reclaimed by the Boltinghouse family, and the ponies posted as estrays. Mrs. Goodwin says there " was a powerful stir in the neigh- borhood " about the matter, but no close in- quiry was ever made as to what became of the Indians. In 1810, came George Merritt, with his father. Ephraim Merritt, and settled near the Harrises, and also John Jones (preacher " Jacky " Jones), in company with his father, Cadwalader Jones, and settled in what is now Leech Township, on the east side near the county line. George Merritt, in answer to the question, when he came to Wayne County, replied: " Well, sir, I got here on the 3d day of August, 1816, half an hour by sun." There's exactness for you. Uncle George said he " helped rai»e the fourth house that was built in this fork"' — that is the country between the Skillet Fork and Little Wabasb. He said that in 1817 a vote was hold as to whether Illinois should be a Slave or Free State. The territory now comprising Wayne County was at that time a portion of Edwards County. Mr. Merritt's first going to mill was to New Haven, below Carmi. The settlers here had no com, but borrowed of Toliver Simpson, thon living at Concord, White County, four miles below Big Prairie. A year or two later, Mr. Simp- son moved to Wayne, and by that time our pioneers had small pieces under cultivation, and were able to return the borrowed bread- stuff. Uncle George took two horses when he went to mill, putting three bushels of corn on one and two bushels on the one he rode. The Skillet Fork was crossed in a log canoe. The corn was taken over first, and he then went back for the horses, making them swim beside the canoe. In 1810, only three small patches of ground were in cultivation in Wayne County. The first settlers preferred the timber to the prairie, on account of the toughness of the sod of the latter, requiring, Uncle George said, three yoke of cattle to break it. The first corn-fields were greatly annoyed by " varmints," and every farmer had a pack of hounds to keep the coon from destroying the corn. Uncle George said that the third winter he spent here his brother Steven killed seventeen bears. Yenison hams were then as staple a product of the county as wheat is now. And the price was uni- formly "two bits a saddle." Uncle George has hauled many a load to Shawneetown. He remembers that it was very difficult to raise wheat in the early days. It looked well enough, but failed to mature and make per- fect heads. Corn was the sole reliance for bread. Notwithstanding the eighty winters that have silvered his head, he is as lively as a cricket, and from the cheerful words and : pleasant smiles he fires sometimes at a robust widow of sixty-six years, we think he has some notion of marrying, and beginning life anew to " grow up with the country. " The first mill in the county was built by Jo Martin, who hauled the stones from Bar- - ron County, Ky. Gaston's " band mill " was soon afterward built in Little Mound Prairie Its name was derived from the manner in which the wheel turned by the horses com- municated power to the grinding machinery. U ^cu*t*i fa cga^$2iy VlN' 1 I HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 45 Many of our readers know of the creek which crosses the Liberty road just beyond Nathan Atteberry's farm, four miles south )f Fairfield. It is now perfectly dry uine :nonths of the year. It will be astonishing information to many of the present genera- tion that on this creek was built the first wa- ter mill ever in the county. Mr. Atteberry said that a lam across the creek furnished water power enough to run a small pair of corn stones two feet in diameter. A heavy rain would fill the dam and enable the miller to receive business. This mill was of great utility, saving the scattered settlers mauy a trip to New Haven. It was universally rec- ognize! as one of the most valued public en- terprises of tin- day. Such being the case, the capacity of the mill will be an interest- ing facl to note. Each damful of water would grind six or eight bushels of corn! Only that and no more. Abe Chapman used to illustrate the speed of the mill by the re- lation of a little incident: One day the mil- inliii ' iarson, started the stones and went is home a i tort Hstance off. His favor- ite hound pup >rent to the meal box and ate meal as fast as it came from the buhrs. 'ii the miller returned, the grist was fin ibhed bnt ao meal was in the box. However, he improved appearance of the valued hound i is soon noticed and fully explained the I . iry. Between showers, the neighbors were wel- ■ to come with their prists and grind by id, after the oriental style. George Merritt came with his father's family from Union County. Ky.. March 25, '. first stopping at Concordia. White ■ ity. where the family made a crop, and . in September, eame to Wayne County, leech Township. He Eound then living Alexander Campbell, in the edge of vhite County, and Isaac Harris. Mr. Mer- ritt now thinks these included all the settlers who preceded his coming. With the Merritt family came Daniel Gray, Clarinda Hooper, and Samuel Slocurnb (the father of Rigdon B. Sloeurab). Merritt went to Concordia to get the first corn they had for bread, and took it down the river to New Haven to mill, on horseback. He had to cross the Skillet Fork on the trip, as is mentioned above. George Merritt was born January 30, 1799, in Pendleton County. S. C. Emigrated to Caldwell County, Ky., in 1809. In 181(3, he came from Kentucky to Illinois, and located in Burnt Prairie, which was then Edwards County, but now Wayne, on the 16th day of August of that year. His father was Ephraim Merritt, born in Granville County, N. C. , 1776, and died at Burnt Prairie in August, 1844. His grandfather, Stephen Merritt, of Granville County, N. C, was a Captain of colonial troops during the entire Revolutionary struggle for independence, and participated in the following battles in South Carolina: Charleston. Monks Comer. George- town, Kings Mountain, Cowpens, and was wounded in a charge by Tarleton's cavalry at Cowpens, and also in a hard- contested battle at Guilford Court House, N. C. The pater- nal ancestor of this branch of the Merritt family was from Wales, and emigrated dur- ing the time of colonization by Sir Walter Raleigh. The maternal ancestor was the daughter of the Rev. Micklejohn, a minister of the High, or Established Church of Eng- land, born in Scotland and educated in En«- land for the ministry, and emigrated to this country prior to the Revolutionary war, and received his pay annually from the Crown during his life. Cadwalader Jones came, as stated above, in L^IU, and the same year John Jones, his son, was born, and thus he will go into history as the first, white child born in Wayne County 46 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY Parson " Jacky " Jones says he came very near missing the county when he " lit " in this world, the spot being within six rods of the east line of the county. He was born in a tent, made by placing a pole between two trees, and then boards and brush put up the sides and end. Parson Jones is yet a hale and vigorous old man, as full of the enjoyments of life, its fun and jokes as the gayest of our youngsters. He has spent his long life in the county, and amid the roughest early sur- roundings he has picked up a fair education and a fund of reading, and at one time in life was a successful school teacher, and also a preacher — training the minds of the young and pointing to all the way to heaven. Cadwalader Jones' wife died in 1826, and he survived until 1856, when he died in this county. There were fifteen children in the family, and "Jacky" was the eldest. Sev- en of these children are now living — two boys and five girls. Two widows, Manahan and McKibbin, reside in Wayne County, and a son, Charles Jones, lives on the place first settled by his father. Parson Jones says the nearest and ouly neighbors his father bad were the Hunts, and Grandfather Jones, who lived in Edwards County. Of the early settlers in bis portion of the county, the Parson remembers Rich- ard Burks, of North Carolina and family, whose children grew up, and in after years the family removed to Sangamon County. Then there were Aquilla McCrackin and family, who settled about a half mile from Jones. Five of the McCrackin children died in 1834, and the next year this family removed to Arkansa3. Harman Horn married one of the Burks girls. He was 6nme time a Constable and Deputy Sheriff, and in 1837 he and family went to Arkansas. Pulliam Higginbotham came with the Mc- Crackins from Tennessee in 1819. The family went to Arkansas, in order to keep their slaves that they brought from Tennessee. Cadwalader Jones was an Indiana Ranger, in Barker's company. In scouting expedi- tions he traveled west about as far as Vanda lia. While his company were in what is now Wayne County, one of them named Honsly, accidently killed his comrade, Hughes — in some way mistaking him for the enemy and tired upon him. These ranger;: were in pursuit at that time of the Indians who had massacred the Cannon family on the Big Wabash. The murdered family con- sisted of old man Cannon and wifo. and his son Samuel, and taking prisoners Mr. Stark and wife and a son-in-law, and an old lady and a young daughter of Cannon's. Stark soon made his escape and returned home, and Mrs. Stark only made her escape many months after, when the Indians were on the Illinois River, and on foot she eventually made her way back home. It was on Grand father Jones' farm in Edwards County that Joe Boltinghouse was killed by the Indians — an account of which we give above. Parson Jones remembers that when six years old, a Dr. Spring was the first doctor he ever saw. He also remembers passing through Fairfield in 1823 when there was but one house in the place. He thinks that the first death in this section of the countn was the drowning of a trader named Dubois, in the Little Wabash. He was traveling for a man named Lasellet, who was at one time a trader, and the first in this part of the country. The first schoolhouse he has any recollection of hearing of. was about 30' I yards from his father's house, and the first teacher was George McCown. the great-grand father of Capt. Nick McCown, of Fairfield. This school was taught as early as 1823. He remembers as early a^ 1821. a preachi r HIsTOKY (IF WAYNE COUNTY. (7 from Edwards County, named William Keith, who preached in some private house about two miles from the Jones place. Parson Jones was married when he was twenty four years old to Nancy Stalen. daugh- ter of Peter Staten. He commenced preach- ing*(Missionary Baptist) at th>> age of forty- two. Jacob Line was the first County School Commissioner of Wayne County, and under his sign manual Jones got a certificate and commenced teaching school. He says he went in heavy on Dillworth's Spelling Book and Scales' Reading Lessons. Archy Roberts came to the county in 1S17. and settled on what was afterward the George Borah place. Samuel Slocumb settled on the Motlitt place. John Harris. Archy Rob erls and Daniel McHenry were among the first Methodist Episcopal preachers. During the year 1818, there was added to those first comers as given above. Andrew Kuykendall. Andrew Clark. James. Solomon and William Clark. Enoch Wilcox. George Borah. Felix and John Barnhill. Reuben Melton, Thomas and James Gaston, Joseph Campbell. Alexander and Andrew (Mark, Tyra Robinson. William B. Davis. Owen M.ulin. George W. Hines. Peter Watson, Michael Turney, Needham Hillard, James C. Gaston, John Turner. Thomas P. Fletcher, Robert Gaston, John Carson. Andrew Carson, Henry Tyler. Daniel < 1. Gray, Robert Gray, Sol Stone, George Close, A. B. Tnrney, Henry Hall. William Gray, Benjamin Clark, John Atteberry. John W. Ellidge, John Me Cauley, Joseph Martin. Samuel Leech. John Liveigood. Andrew Bratson, Ansley , Clark, Seth Carson, Samuel Bain and John Motlitt. George MeOown came from Kentucky in 1S17. He was one of five brothers. Scotch- Irish. Two of the brothers settled in Ken- tucky, two in Virginia, and the other in South Carolina. George McCown's second wife was Martha Nash, of Kentucky. The eldest child by the second wife was Francis, who came to Illinois with his father. Two daughters of George MoCown were born here, namely, Nancy and Matilda. Francis married Parthenia Andnis in 1838, by whom he had two sons and three daughters, namely, X S. and James (died in infancy). Mary, who married Capt, Walsur, and died four years ago ; and Helen, who married Thomas Locke, and is now living in Fairfield. Nich- olas S. is one of the good people of Fairfield, whose biography may be found in another part of this work. In company with George McCown came Nicholas Smith, his brother-in-law. These two men were Rangers and belonged to the Regulators of the early time. Here are the names of over sixty settlers, young men about grown, some of them, and the most of them the heads of families. They, and others that we will refer to, were all there prior to 1819, and mostly participated in procuring the act of the Legislature, creating the new county (if Wayne, which was enacted by proper law- making power March 26, 1819, and is as fol- lows: That all thai tract of country within the fol lowing boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the White County line, dividing the Ranges !• and 1" ea the Third Principal Meridian line; thence north to the line dividing Townships -i and 4, to thi Crawford Countj line, north of the base line; thenee west to the line dividing Towns 1 and 5 east of the Third Principal Meridian ; thence south to the White County line; thence east to the place of beginning, shall'constitute a separate county to he called Waj ne And for the purpose of fixings permanent se: justice therein the following persons be appointed Commissioners: Henry J. Mills. Benjamin Rey- nolds, George Claypole, Seth Gard and Levi Comp ton, which said Commissioners, or a majoril them, being durj sworn before some Judge or Jus tice of the Peace in ihis State, to faithful]'. into view the convenience of the people . the situa tion of the settlements, with an eye to the future population and eligibility of the place, shall i 48 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY at the house of Alexander Campbell, in said county, and proceed to examine and determine the place for the present seat of justice and designate the same. Provided, The proprietor or proprietors of the land shall give to the county, for the purpose of erecting public buildings, a quantity of land not less than twenty acres, to be laid out in lots and sold for that purpose; but should the proprietors refuse or neg- lect to make the donations aforesaid, then, and in that case, it shall be the duty of the Commissioners to fix on some other place for the seat of justice as convenient as may be to the inhabitants of the county, which place so fixed and determined upon, the said Commissioners shall certify under their hands and seals and return the same to the next Commissioners' Court in the county aforesaid, which court shall cause an entry thereof to be made in their books of record; and, until the public buildings are erected, the court shall be held at the house of Alexander Campbell. The act then provides that the Commis- sioners shall have $2 a day each for their la- bors. It then provides that Wayne County shall vote in conjunction with Edwards County for members of tbe General Assembly of the State. And further that " the county of Wayne shall be and compose a part of the Second Judicial Circuit, and the courts there- in be holdeu at such times as shall be speci- fied," etc. And Wayne County was launched upon the sea of municipal existence, and the no- ble crew were the pioneers whose names we have given above. At the helm stood Sam uel Leech, one of the uoblest of men, and a man whose life, here in those early days of the young county, will always stand out in history as the conspicuous and commanding figure, and in the following chapters detail- ing from the records the history of the county, the reader may bear in mind that it was nearly all the work of this good man. CHAPTER IV. HABITS AND PASTIMES— THE BORAH FAMILY— CANNONS— OWENS— HALLS— FIRST AND SECOND SETTLEMENTS IN THE COUNTY— FIRST SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES— GATHERINGS OF OLD SETTLERS AND THEIR NAMES — NATHAN ATTEBERRY— W. W. GEORGE— DAVID WRIGHT — ELLIDGES — ANDREW CREWS— ALEXANDER CAMPBELL — AND MANY OTHERS — INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES —THE DISAPPEAR- ANCE OF THE INDIAN— WILD GAME, ETC., ETC., ETC. THE writer remembers an interview some years ago with a couple of very aged ladies, and of the early times and their re- collections, he finds the following in his note book: When we came West it was known as the Louisiana. Then, in a fiat-boat, from Kentucky. It was in the year 1801, and I remember the trip well; chiefly, perhaps, be- cause a little colored girl was drowned in leaning over the edge of the boat to draw some water. It made the strongest impres- sion on me of anything that happened. "You remember the earthquakes in 1811 F" " Oh, yes, well, I can't tell how long they lasted, but there were so many shocks that we began to get used to them. They came on sometimes at night, and sometimes by day. First there would be a roaring we'd seem to hear in the west, like a storm. If it was in the day the sky would appear dark. Thou the "round would commence to shake. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 4!) The shaking would be so hard that, when we tried to stand up and hold to the palings we couldn't do it. I remember the earth opened in a great crack right through the streets of St. Michael's. It must have been six or eight feet wide, and I couldn't tell how deep, only it seemed to get narrower. Right where the crack opened there was a party of miners camped, and their things went down in the crack. After a long time the earth came together slowly. At New Madrid the earth opened in cracks so large that whole houses, with people in them, went down. Between where we lived and New Madrid large trees went down through these cracks. We were badly scared at first, but we gradu- ally got so we didn't mind the earthquakes so much. At one time the shaking lasted half an horn - . " When the first one came father called out, 'What's going to be?' .Mother said, 'Oh. it's only an earthquake I've felt it be- fore.'" The old lady drifted readily into some of the features of housekeeping in those days. "Tell the reporter how you made combs," suggested a bright-eyed grand daughter. The old lady laughed heartily and re- plied, " We used to take ox-horns and boil them. That made them soft. Then we would saw them to make the teeth. They weren't like the combs yon have now, but they did very well, we thought. We made our spoons from the horns, too."' " We didn't have the groceries handy to run to for every little thing. We had to make our own bluing for one thing, and this was the way we did it : We gathered an herb called indigo weed, and put it in a barrel with water. This we had to churn and then we squeezed it. After that we had to put a little lye in to break the indigo from the water. The blue would settle, and weooured off the water. That was our indigo. We made starch ourselves, too, and very nice starch it was. in this way: W T e took wheat- bran and put it in water till it soured. Then we squeezed it through blankets and let the water settle. The starch formed in a cake at the bottom and we dried it in old plat- ters." A counterpane was produced and shown. " I made it fifty-five years ago," she said with a touch of pride. " I made it all, too, raised the cotton, picked it. carded it, spun it, and then wove the cotton and worked the figures on it afterward." There was a largo rosebush with branches, leaves and blossom worked in the cloth. The design was faithful to nature. " How did you do that," was asked. The old lady laughed and explained. " I laid my cloth over a counterpane that another lady had made and pressed it over the figures with one of the pewter plates we used then. The rose bush left the impression, and I worked it on my cloth. The other lady got her impres- sion this way: She went out and dug up a rose bush from the garden, spread out the branches and leaves and roses and pressed her cloth upon them and got the impression which she worked in that way. W r e didn't have any stamping in those days." " Did the Indians ever trouble you?" " Oh yes ; many a time the men would get all the women and children together and 'fort up,' and then go out to drive the In- dians off. Most of the timo they were peace able, though, and we used to get our cooking lard of them." Here both ladies indulged in a oheery laugh ovor the recollection " It was bear's grease. The Indians used to bring it in tied up in a deerskin sewed up in a bag. We would buy it and put it into pots. After it be- came warm we put in slippery elm to clarify 50 I1I.STOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. it. It would come out as clear and pure as oil. Then we would put it in a hide drawn up with a throng so as to make a bag with the top open. The oil never turned bad, and we dipped it out with a gourd and used it for cooking. Oh, it was nice! We didn't have crocks in those days. Most of our ves- sels were gourds, some of them big as buck- ets. I've seen 'em big enough to hold half a bushel." " It was nice to bake the old-fashioned French pancakes with. You don't see those kind of pancakes nowadays very often. We used to take three dozen eggs, plenty of milk and a little flour. We baked them on a long-handled skillet. You took hold of the handle when you wanted to turn, gave the pan a little flirt and the cake would flop up and come down on the skillet. The cakes were thin as wafers, and we used to pile them up so high (indicating eighteen inches o r thereabouts). Shrove Tuesday was the great day for pancakes. The table would be set the length of the room and nothing on it but pancakes and molasses. The man that ate the most was taken out by the others and tossed up and down. The most I recollect of any one man eating at a time was twenty- four.'' " You had your amusements as well as your work in those days ?" " Oh, yes, but they were different from what you have now. On New Year's we had what we called 'guignanne.' The young men would disguise themselves and go to the house of somebody selected and tire their guns and sing." These were the days of pure simplicity, and yet there was a gallantry and refinement often to be seen that even in these days one can only read about in the story of a people that are passed away, and regret that with them have gone many customs that are to be regretted. There is nothing now more in- teresting than the details of the habits and customs of these people, but we choose just here to resume the story of the early settlers and of their coming to this part of Illinois. William N. Borah came with his father's family to Wayne County in the spring of 1820. His uncle, George Borah, had come ,vith his family in 1818, and had made an im- provement in the southern part of the coun- ty, and to this place, the two brothers of George came and spent the summer and made a crop, and in the fall of the same year had prepared places for their families and moved to that part of the county where they now live in Jasper Township. Although William N. Borah was not yet three years old, he remembers distinctly passing through Fairfield as the family were on their way to their then new home, and that they stopped for dinner at an uncle's, named McMakin, some of whose descendants now live in Marion County. He remembers there were three houses in Fairfield at that time. Gen. Leech's. John Barnhill's and Dr. Park's. ^ Leech's house was on the northeast corner of the public square; Dr. Park's resi- dence is still standing on Main street a block west from the north side of the square. The entire settlement then in what is now Jasper Township or the Borah settlement was Enoch Beach, at one time a State Senator from this district and for many years a prominent and influential man; a good neighbor and friend, and an honorable, upright and valuable citi- zen. Then there was William Fraser and family. They were among the very earliest settlers in the county. He, at one time, was a Major in the State Militia, and in the very early day was rather a prominent man, but his fame waned somewhat before his death. The entire family have long since passed away. Enoch Beach reared a most excellent HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 51 family and died about 1836. George Rus- sell was one of these early settlers. His fam- ily of children was large. His eldest son, Macomb, grew up a much better educated youth than the average then of young men in the county. He started for California in IS 49. and was killed on the way by Indians. Mrs. Russell was tbe main stay and prop of the whole family and a most exemplary woman indeed. After her death, the old _-'T0RY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 03 French people belong to what is known as the " middle class," and are well-to-do. In Great Britain there are greater contrasts of wealth and poverty, but facts recently pub- lished go to show that the number of very rich is not large. It is safe to say that there have been more millionaires created in the United States since the beginning of the civil war than have been developed by a cent- ury of banking, manufacturing and trading in Great Britain There are no single fort- unes in England comparable to those of Van derbilt, Gould, Mackey, Flood, the Astor and the Stewart estates, and probably fifty others which might be mentioned. The great fort unes in England have been aggregating — some of them — for centuries: ours date back to the first year of the civil war, when vast accumulations were rolled up in contracts for supplying our armies. Then the Jeffersonian theory, which said to the Government, "Hands off," left the transportation field open to tip' monopolist. Our railway mag- nates have ta\e■ - ' -. H Z U * EC f a .; - £ - K - r/; * . K ..: a 2,086 ■2,167 1,68; 1,731 l.i-i 938 l.in 7,198 H9 156 231 Thomas P. Fletcher, Alexander Clark and G. \Y. Faris were the first County Commis- sioners' Court elected in the county. Their first business was to arrange for the platting the town of Fairfield, and their first deed was to Daniel Kinehelo, Lot 24. in the town. Felix H. and John Barnhill made a deed to the county for the original town of Fair- field. The first deed recorded in the county bears date the 1st day of March, 1819, and is a deed from Walter Anderson (his mark) and his wife, Chole (Chloe?), to John Anderson, and conveyed the northwest quarter of Sec- tion 13, Town 1 south. Range It east. The consideration was $120. This deed is acknowledged before Robert Frazer, Justice of the Peace. There was no other deed made in the county until the following October, when John Anderson and Susan, his wife, deeded to Samuel Anderson the northwest quarter of Section 13, Town 1 south, Range '.» east; consideration, $600. This deed was acknowl- edged before John Depew, Justice of the Peace. The next document is a lease and contract, whereby Enoch Wilcox leases on the shares the farms and stock ranch of A. F. Hubbard of date September 22, 1819. The next record document is a bill of sale of "a sorrel horse and saddle" for $80 by Henry L. Cross to Thomas Lee. On November 8, 1859, a vote on the ques- tion of township organization resulted as follows : For township organization, 952; against, 130, as appears by the certificate of the two Justices, J. G. Barkley and AY. W. George. J. W. Barnhill, County Clerk at that time, records the report of the Commis- sioners, J. G. Barkley and W. L. Beeson, who designated the township boundaries and their names. At a regular meeting of the board for the purpose of organizing, June 4, 1860, there was present J. B. Borah, Daniel Wingate, William Holmes, Alexander Campbell, H. D. Taylor. Nathan Crews, William Clark. Na- than Atteberry, Robert T. Forth, William Beeson and Sylvester Ryder, J. AY. Barnhill, County Clerk, and H. A Orgon, Sheriff. The board adjourned, and the next day A. S. Hargraves, H. Holtzhauser and Nathan Mer- ritt appeared and took their seats as Super- visors. Daniel Wingate was elected permanent Chairman, and the very first business that the new board took in hand was to appoint a committee to examine a trust deed and mort- gage executed 1 ly the county, which was signed by S. J. R. Wilson and Thomas M. Scott, and to make report of the same. This was the first movement in Wayne County's causes celebres that has waxed warm in all our courts from that day to this with ever- varying fortune (for particulars see chapter on railroads). 60 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Rigdon B. Slocumb died in Fairfield, April 20, 1874, aged seventy nine years two months and twenty -nine days. He was among the earliest men here, and in the organiza- tion and control of the county affairs, stood second only to Samuel Leech. He was a man of large ability and was esteemed by all the people of the county for ripe judgment and integrity of character. He filled con- tinously almost one or more of the county offices for years, and also represented the county ia the Legislature. He was the can- didate in 1828, on the ticket, with Gov. Reynolds, for Leiutenant Governor, but was defeated by Zadoc Casey, who was a candidate on the Kinney ticket. This election showed a singular state of politics in the State. The campaign was the longest and one of the most exciting ever held in the State. Reynolds and Kinney were the opposing candidates for Governor. Both were Democrats, as were all the can didates on each ticket, and, further, they were all Jackson Democrats, but at this day, a similar party division is designated by Stalwarts and Half-Breeds. Kinney and his crowd called themselves out-and-outer Jack- son men, while Reynolds and his crowd went in for kissing the babies, and shaking hands with the women and miklly bragging on Old Hickory. Kinney was a preacher, Baptist, and so was Casey, but Methodist. For years after it was said that Kinney was defeated because he was a preacher, and Casey was elected because he was a preacher. Samuel Leech. The history of the early official life and the biography of Samuel Leech are much one and the same thing. All the early record books and official papers are in his familiar writing, and in this way he laid the foundations for the young county to build upon. And this is true of all the early county courts. As the presiding officer of the Probate Court he had to some extent the charge of estates of widows and orphans in the county, and he was here as everywhere else their true and trusted friend. He was among the first merchants in the county, and it was here that he was as successful in lay- ing the foundations for the future commerce of the county as he had been instrumental in its official affairs. In another place we speak of his military life here, and of his unjust treatment from some cause in the part that he played in the Black Hawk war. His name is inseparably connected with all the early history of Wayne County, and they must go into history linked inseparably to- gether. We much regret that we can find no one here who can give us the facts about him before he came here and after he left in 1S37. We are told that he resigned his offices in the county to accept the position in the Government Land Office, at Quincy, 111., where he acquired wealth, and afterward re- moved to Wisconsin, where he died. In 1806, the Board of Supervisors of Wayne County, by a vote of the full board, responded to the public demand on the ques- tion of whisky selling, and refused to license any more saloons in the county. The town of Fairfield, being the heaviest sufferer in the county, had gallantly opened the campaign in its December election of 1866. The question was plumply submitted to the voters of the town, and the vote re- sulted in the election of George Scott, Isaac Fitzgerald, L. D. Bennett, Edward S. Black, and D. AY. Barkley, a straight-out anti whisky board. This vote was the death blow, as after events proved, to the How of legalized drunkenness in Wayne County, and from that day to this the principles of tem- perance have gained headway — not that all whisky drinking and intemperance have been abolished — but the public Haunting of a HISTOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 67 legalized traffic in the accursed drug has been made to hide itself away from the daj light of public life, and compelled to cany on its devilish arts of robbery behind screened doors and closed window blinds. It is not possible that this has worked any* real in- jury to the material interests of the county or to the welfare of the morals of the peoplo. On the contrary, the writer of those lines, an anti-States prohibitionist in the fullest sense of the term, yet he willingly bears tes- timony that his observation after several months' temporary residence in the county, that the sobriety and morals of the people are a most eloquent and deserved tribute to those noble men and women who put their shoulders to the wheel and rolled out of the county the infernal monster of legalized tip- pling-houses. November 28, 1822, John B. Thrasher, of Kentucky, tiled an affidavit with John John- ston, J. P.. of Wayne County, in which he made oath that ho had a just claim upon two negro women, slaves, who owed service in Kentucky, and had escaped to Illinois, and were secreting about the town of Fairfield. On the day above named, the Justice entered on his docket the following: State op [li lnois, Wayne County. This day came .1. B. Thrasher, and exhibited his claim as specified by his foregoing affidavit to two female slaves, and said women being examined be- fore me, and did not produce a certificate of free- dom, they are therefore deemed by the seventh sec- tion of the act entitled " An act respecting free ne- groes, mulattoe8, servants and slaves," to be runa- way slaves L. J. S. Turney died of pneumonia, at his residence, near Barton. 111., May 20, 1881, aged sixty-one years. Mr. Turney was for many years a resident of Fairfield, and was well known to all the old settlers of the county. He was a \r\ eccentric man. possessed of a more than or- dinary amount of brain, but without that practical good judgment which constitutes a balance-wheel necessary to a successful life. His life was a series of great expectations and bitter disappointments. He was a law- yer, farmer, speculator, politician, statesman, Governor and Secretary of a Territory, rich and poor man in one, and a great financial schemer, and ate more than his share in life of Dead Sea apples. Speaking of his death in a letter published in the Wayne County Press, T. G. C. Davis, of St. Louis, says: " I knew the late Leander Jay S. Turney more than thirty years ago. He was my con- stant, personal friend during the whole time of our acquaintance, and my political friend during a large part of it. It rarely happens in the experience of any man that he can name a friend who has stuck to him through all the vicissitudes of war and peace for thirty years, but such a friend was Leander J. S. Turney. Mr. Turney tilled various offices in the State of Illinois in the course of his life. Ho was a good writer and at one time editor of a Democratic newspaper at Shawneetown. He was a lawyer of good education, and held the office of State's Attor- ney in the Shawneetown district one or two terms; was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress in opposition to Hon. S. S. Mar- shall in 1854. He was appointed Secretary of the Territory of Washington, and was for awhile acting Governor thereof in 186 I 62." Mr. Turney was the first born son of the late Dr. Daniel Turney, of Fairfield, and the brother of J. J. It. Turney, at one time a Senator in the Legislature. 6S HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER VI. THE WARS FOR OUR LIBERTIES— GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS WAYNE COUNTY HEROES— SEQUEL TO THE BOLTINGHOUSE MASSACRE AND ITS WAYNE COUNTY AVENGERS— THE RANGERS HERE AND WHO THEY WERE— WINNEBAGO AND BLACK HAWK WAR— FIRST CAMPAIGN A BLOODLESS ONE— MEXICAN WAR AND THE PART THEREIN OF WAYNE COUNTY- COL. LEECH— OUR CIVIL WAR, WHEN ITS REAL HISTORY WILL BE WRITTEN —THE COMPANIES THAT WENT FROM WAYNE COUNTY, AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THEM— WHO WERE KILLED AND WOUNDED IN BATTLE— THE ELEVEN COMPANIES FURNISHED BY WAYNE COUNTY— CAPTURE OF JEFF DAVIS, ETC., ETC. "And all the clouds that lowered upon our house Are in the deep bosom of the ocean buried." — Shakespeare. of seeing thern tortured to death. So keenly was this sport relished that they would cun- ningly extend the torture to the verge of THE most men are never too busy to stop death, and as often as they could would in the midst of the most exciting work restore the victim, and when revived, com- to look at a dog tight on the street. An emi- nent President of the United States, it is said, indulged much in cock righting, and would at any time brave wind or weather, and stake his last dollar on the result of the bloody chicken discussion. The Spaniards' great national holiday is a bull right. Cock fights, bull fights, dog fights and fist fights among men are only branches and relics of the earliest tribal wars, when little com- munities killed and enslaved each other, purely for the love of fighting, the excite- ment of spilling blood, and the exquisite joy and glee that marks the savage breast in look- ing upon the horrid tortures that kill the poor victim. Among the Indians with whom our forefathers contended in the deadly struggle for their new homes, it is said that when these savages had captured a white man, they w-ere rejoiced to take him alive and un- hurt in order that they might keep him for a gala day of all their people — especially the squaws and children — to enjoy tho rare sight mence again the horrid sport. Many of our pioneer fathers saved their lives by escaping while the Indians' slept, as he was thus being transported to the Indian village for a glori- ous holiday of murder. The savage instinct is to gloat at torture and the crudest death, and the relics of this barbarism are now to be found in the purlieus of the highest civ- ilizations yet formed. Among our fore- fathers in the West, it was grown and flour ished in the shape of drunken frolics and election and muster day fist fights. The neighborhood and county bullies then were there in pristine glory. They were heroes, who received the adulations and warm applause of a community that had the seeds of this bloody savagery in their breasts. The bully was nearly' always a craven cow- ard when brought face to face with genuine courage, but he fought for glory, and in his way was as much a hero as was ever Napoleon or Alexander. And to-day the self same ele- ment among men who worship the memories HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 69 of great war fighters is much of the same leaven that warmed the souls of those stupid | pie who paid their disgusting homage to the bullet-headed country plug-ugly. In the Northwest, it was the blood-tubs, who bit and gouged and fought like wild beasts, that pre- vailed and was the admiration of the hour. In the South, it was the cold-blooded mur- derer and duelist that flourished unmolested, and here the vendetta sent its victims to their bloody graves. A better civilization has rooted out much of all this barbarism of the world, yet the cow-boy remains, and aesthetic 1 ti -ton is the proud possessor of the champion prize tighter of the world — Sullivan. Wendell Phillips and baked beans! And yet who shall say that Boston is not still the "hub " from which radiates all the world's intelligei , education and saetheticism ? The great man in Boston is the human beast who tights like a bull dog. He can draw a bigger house and make more money in a single evening exhi- bition of his fists ihan could the greatest in- tellectual man that ever lived, was he now alive to open an opposition show to Sullivan, and pit brains against the gigantic brute. It is a common, yet a grievous mistake, that all men who tight are either brave men or patriots, and in either case, if they fall in battle, are worthy of the tendorest admiration of posterity. As a rule, this estimate is wrong. The history of mankind is full of wars, about all cruel, bloody and infamous, too. When Gen. Washington and his com- patriots drew their swords and threw away the scabbards, they engaged in a war holy in its purposes, and sacred to the dearest rights of all mankind. True, it was a war with the mother country, and the victory was with the rebels, and yet the glories and advantages flowing out from that struggle redounded as much to the permanent welfare of England as to the United States. It was a struggle for human rights — to re- pel invasion, and it was clothed with those attributes that alone are a justification for war under any circumstances. In the his- tory of mankind we know of no one thing that was a greater blessing to the human race than this war and its results. It freed America from the tyrant, but it freed not only England, too. but the whole world has felt its glorious effects, and let it be hoped that they may go on forever. The true les- sons of the American Revolution have not yet been taught the rising generations. The facts and dates and names, together with the usual Fourth of July spread-eagleism is all that we present to our school children's eyes and minds, when we tell them the great story of that immortal era, and we leave them with no proper comprehension of the causes and the [effects — effects that will con- tinue the immeasurable boon to all mankind forever. The glorious freedom from a be- sotted tyrant to the little speck of the globe that constitues the United States, was but as the grain of sand upon the sea-snore, as to the enduring effects and benefits to the whole human race that came from the war of the Revolution. Look at your neighbor, Can- ada, and behold she, although she did not join the colonies in the rebellion, and is to this day a British dependent, yet she is prac- tically as free, and as blessed in her freedom, as we are. When we remember the vast pos- sessions of the British Empire, so eloquently described by Webster, when he said of it: "Whose military drum beat, starting with the morning sun and keeping step with the stars, encircles the globe in one continuous strain of martial music,'' and when wo re- member that this great empire — the greatest upon which the sun has ever shown — has ince that eloquent description of Webster's added many millions of people to its vast 70 IMSTOIiY OF WAYNE COUNTY. possessions, and that to it, as woll as to Amer- ica, but especially to its colonies, were trans- mitted the benefits of this great war; we say, when these things are considered and re- fleeted upon, in reference to the life of George Washington, then indeed does his grand character and his great purposes begin to dawn upon the imagination of the student of history, and shine out like the great cen- tral sun, before whose light the other innu- merable heavenly bodies hide away their faces, and bide their time for the God of our universe to go down to his daily rest, before they again glint their glories upon the vision of man. The mass of Americans think of Washington as the " Father of his Country," a great General, who commanded the army of freedom, or more generally as the boy who had a hatchet and could not tell a lie. The real character of the man, his everyday life about home, with his family, and friends, and his servants — going to market with his vegetables to sell and treading with contempt upon that foolish general pride of the F. F. V.'s, and this, too, when he had retired from the first honors of his country and the world, and had put aside the proffered crown. The true picture of this man, a picture pre- senting him in the commonest affairs of every-day life, or one where he acts the grandest part for all mankind ever given to mortal to perform — a picture that shows him truly as he was, as a man with the common frailties of his kind, wholly human, a man that the common herd of men could approach and feel that he was mortal and as human as themselves, and yet to afterward reflect that they had held familiar intercourse with the man who had performed the greatest acts that have yet been chronicled in the history of the human race. We say, when such a mental picture is presented of the greatest man in the tide of time, it bears a lesson the world cannot forget, and 'that time should never fade. Wayne County has the distinguished honor of once being the home of a little band of old men who deserve to be immortal, because they had been soldiers under Washington. In 18-40, there were here John H. Mills, aged seventy-nine; Thomas Sloan, aged seventy- nine years; James Stuart, seventy-eight; George Clark, aged eighty-four years, and James Gaston, all of whom were at that time pensioners for wounds and disabilities in the war of the Revolution. Immortal men! James Stuart was born in South Carolina in 1763, and came out at the close barely a grown man. yet he, boy as he was, had then identified himself with an immortal life work. He lies buried in the old fair grounds in the north part of the town of Fairfield. Of his many and worthy descendants living here are Edward and Hugh Stuart and Mrs. John Moffitt. James Gaston was from South Carolina, and died in 1S40. His grave was the first one in Bovee Cemetery, where his bones now rest. Thomas Sloan was also from Carolina, and died in 1840. He lies buried also in Bovee Cemetery. Of his descendants living, grand and great-grandchildren, are John. Albert and Henry Sloan, and Mrs. Amanda Gaston. The few who remember these Revolutionary sires will tell you generally that they did not know they had given names, as Stuart and Gaston were universally called " Grandsir,' ' and Sloan was universally known as ' ' Daddy' ' Sloan. Their memories must not be forgotten. It matters 'not what else there was in their lives that was not noble, nay. what there was in their careers that may have shown them to be weak, frail or even ignoble, the one grand fact remains that may wash away a mountain BISTORT OF WAYNE COUNTY. 71 of sins, namely, that they obeyed the orders and were a portion of those sublime heroes who liberated the minds and bodies of the human race, and filled the world with dearly all of the freedom and enlightenment that it now enjoys. Their names are enrolled in that band of patriots who were not of any particular age or country, but for every country and for all time. Then there was Gen. George Rogers Clark, who has been aptly called the ''Hannibal of the Northwest." with his little band of ho- roes, who truly, amid flood and field, and blood and carnage, fought oft' the tyrant and the savage, and rescued all this empire of the West, that is now the happy homes of millions of prosperous people, from their ungodly grasp. Here were grounds trod by a portion of the half armed and almost starved heroes of the Revolution. But of this we refer the readers to the history of Clay County in another part of this work. Then in the order were the rangers, the firsi of whom were organized as early as 1809 in this State. They were called into existence by the law of s»elf protection from the Indians, who, in 1811, commenced their raids and perpetrated many terrible massacres, burning houses, stealing stock and capturing the women and children. The Indians were secretly aided and encouraged in this attack upon the whites by English emmissaries, and they were the tirst and provoking cause that culminated in the war of 1812-15. Nearly all the first white English settlers were iden- tified with these rangers, and they pursued the murderous midnight marauders, and at times visited upon them summary, terrible, but deserved punishment. Among the many terrible massacres was that of Boltinghuse. in what is now known as Boltinghuse Prairie. The Indians that were supposed to have committed this out- rage, were the Kickapoos. This was in the year 1814. Boltinghuse Prairie is in White County, not far from Albion. The Indians escaped after the Boltinghouse massacre and were not overtaken or punished by the aveng- ing rangers that were put upon their tracks. But a sequel to this bloody story comes to us in such form that we feel justified in giving it a place here. Preacher " Jackey " Jones, who, although the first white child born in what is now Wayne County, is jet halo and hearty and very clear in his recollections, tells what he heard Isaac Harris say about it, in the long years after the Indian had dis- appeared. There was a party of hunters camping out. four men, Gilliam and Isaac Harris and two others, Boltinghouse's relatives, near the mouth of King's Creek, in Wayne County. One morning they heard a bell, and following the sound they came upon the horse grazing, upon which it was. They followed the horses, and were led to an Indian camp, com- posed of five braves and three squaws. They had recognized the horse as one stolen from poor murdered Boltinghouse, and they warily approached the Indian camp. They cau- tiously got between the Indians and their guns, and finally asked where they got the horse. One Indian answered that he killed "white man and took horse." He was asked if he did not think that was wrong. " No, them's war and him good heap!" and he chuckled at his prowess. The Indian finally told how the white man begged for his life, but he killed him. When he had told all, he was then made aware that he was talking to a son of the man he had murdered, who answered the Indian's plea for his life that "if that was war then this is war " — as he shot him dead. The two other Indians started to run, but one of them was shot dead, and the dog of the murdered Bolting- HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. house pursued the fleeing Indian and seizing held him until the white men came up and dispatched him. We regret to say, yet put yourself in his place and only then judge, the hot moment of bloody revenge only ended by the violent and swift death of every Indian in the camp. When these hunters looked through the Indian camp they found the vest, clothes and other articles that had belonged to whites who had been massacred by the Indians. Of course the young man, Boltinghouse, took the horse home, and in the family it always went by the name of the " stray filly." These rangers did much to make this country habitable for the whites. They in- timidated the Indians, and in their marches and pursuit of the fleeing marauders, they were led to view for the first time many por- tions of this beautiful land, and after their return from the service they would call up the pictures here and there where they had camped, and where they longed to make their future homes. In this way, Capt. Willis Har- grave's company of rangers, by camping one night just north of the present town of Fair- field, furnished the first settlers for this por- tion of the county. In his company were some of the Barnhill family, after whom Barnhill Township takes its name, and they remembering the beautiful camp returned and settled here as soon as peace was proclaimed and the Indian was out of the way. The fol- lowing is a list of Capt. Hargrave's company, of whom many names will be recognized by the old settlers as familiar names here among the early settlers: Captain, Willis Har grave; First Lieutenant. William McHenry; Second Lieutenant, John Graves; Ensign, Thomas Berry. Enlisted men, James Long, William Maxwell, David Trammell (a spy), James Wil- son. Thomas McKinney, John Smith. Taylor Maulding, Jeremiah Lisenboe, James Small, Thomas Trammell, James Hannah, Charles Slocumb, Edward Covington, Nathan Young, Joseph Upton, James Garrison, Robert D. Cates, Dickinson Garratt, Thomas Boatwright, Richard Maulding (a spy), Aaron Williams, John Sommers, Seth Hargrave, James Tram- mel, Lee Maulding, Morris May, David Milch, Henry Wheeler, Joel Berry, David Whoolley, Thomas McAllister, John Love, James Davenport, Thomas Stonery, James Carr, Daniel Boltinghouse, Gilham Harris, Abner Howard, Josiah Dunnell. Eli Stewart, Phillipp Sturn, Needham Stanley, Charles Stewart, John Lawton, Alexander Hamilton (see church history in another column for an account of Mr. Hamilton), David Snodgrass, Phillipp Fleming, John and George Morris, Thomas Upton, Martin Whitford, Joseph Love, John Dover, Samuel Cannon, John Mitchell, James McDaniel, Adam Warkler, W r illtam Wheeler, John Bradberry, Micheal Deckers, Thomas Williams, Barnabas Cham- bers, Ephraham Blockford (descendants live in Mount Erie), Rial Potter, Fredrick Buck, Charles Sparks, William McCormick and William Fowler. • In addition to this company of Hargrave's. that was composed of men from this portion of the State, there was Capt. Daniel Bolting- house's company, which is remarkable for the fact that it was the last body of enlisted men in the State for the war of 1812. This com- pany entered the service September 8, and served to December 8, 1814. It was a large company. There were none in this company that went from Wayne County, but many of them, influenced as were some of Hargrave's men, remembered this beautiful land, and when peace came they returned and fixed their homes here. Of these were Daniel Mc Henry, who was long a respected preacher here, and of whom the reader will find a com- plete account in the chapter on church his- HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 73 tary. Hugh Collins, James and Charles Hencely, Jesse Kirkendall, Needbam Stanley, Jonathan Stewart, Jarrard Trammell and others. Up to this time the rangers had been dis- banded, and the contest with the savages had been forever settled in this part of Illinois, Wayne County bad not yet come in existence, and hence of all the soldiers above spoken of, it only refers to those men who, after (he wars mentioned above, had become matters of history that they came to Wayne County, not as armed warriors, but as peaceful pio- neers, leading the little band of early settlers who were destined to build these splendid homes of peace and plenty that now decorate the fair face of the land. The Black Hawk War. — In the order of events, next came this Indian war. But, by way of explanation, we may mention that preceding the Black Hawk war was the Winnebago war in 1827, in which the Gov- ernor marched tiOlt troops to Rock River, but the miners at Galena had organized for self- protection, and had captured Red Bird and also the then unknown Black Hawk, and ended this war inside of thirty days, the time for which these soldiers had been called into service. Red Bird died in captivity, and other chiefs were tried and some executed and others acquitted. Among those turned loose, it seems, unfortunately, was Black Hawk. The rolls furnished from the War Depart- ment show that Illinois furnished, from first to last. 171 companies of volunteer rangers and spies, which were mustered into the serv- ice for the Black Haw k war. The Indians had agreed to abandon the country north of Rock River. About this time (182lli, the President issued his procla- mation, according to law. and all that coun- try above the mouth of Rock River (the an- cient seat of the Sauk nation) was sold to American families, and in the year follow- ing it was taken possession of by them. Another treaty was formed with the Sacs and Foxes on the 15th of July, 1830, by the pro- visions of which the Indians were to peace- fully remove from the Illinois country. A portion of the Sacs with their chief, Keokuk, quietly retired across the Mississippi. Black Hawk, however, a restless and uneasy spirit, who had ceased to recognize Keokuk as chief, and who was known to be in the British paj . emphatically refused to either remove from the lands or respect the rights of the Ameri- cans to them. He insisted that Keokuk had no authority for making such a treaty, and he proceeded to gather around him a large num- ber of the warriors and young men of the tribe who were anxious to distinguish themselves as " braves." and placing himself at their head, he determined to dispute with the whites the possession of the ancient seat of his nation. He had conceived the gigan- tic scheme, as appeared by his own admissions, of uniting all the Indians, from the Bock River to the Gulf of Mexico, in a war against the United States, and he made use of every pretext for gaining accessions to his party. In the meantime, Gov. Reynolds, the "old ranger," had been elected Governor. Black Hawk notified the whites to depart, ami they refusing to comply he commenced to destroy their property. The settlers petitioned the Governor, setting forth their grievances, and he at once called for volunteer--, and at once the whole Northwest resounded to the clamor of war; L,600 men were accepted, and June 15, 1831, the army took up their march for the seat of war, and went into camp at Fort Armstrong, Gen. Gaines ami (Jen. Duncan, commanding. Measures of attack were soon concerted, but the wily Black Hawk, no 7-1 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. doubt well apprised of tbe numbers of the force, concluded not to risk a fight, and he quietly recrossed the river. The soldiers thin were so chagrined at his escape that they destroyed the Indian village. From this retreat he was finally compelled to open negotiations with Gen. Gaines and Gov. Rey- nolds, and, accompanied by thirty " braves " and chiefs, he returned and entered into a new treaty. Among other things agreeing "no one or more shall ever be permitted to recross said river to the several places of res- idence, nor any part of their^hunting grounds east of the Mississippi, without permission of the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Illinois." The troops were then disbanded, and thus, with- out bloodshed, ended tbe first campaign of the Black Hawk war. In the spring of 1832, Black Hawk, in the face of this treaty, recrossed the Missis- sippi River (April 8), with 500 warriors, and commenced his march up Rock River Valley, while his women and children went up the river in canoes. April 16, Gov. Reynolds called for 1,000 volunteers, to rendezvous at Beardstown on the 22d of the same month. Eighteen hun- dred men, in answer to the call, met at Beardstown and were organized into a bri- gade of four regiments, and an aid and a spy battalion. On the 10th of May the forces reached Dixon. Maj. Stillman's command was ordered by Gov. Reynolds to proceed to Old Man's Creek, and on May the 14th oc- curred the battle of Stillman's Run, where his forces had been drawn from their camp and into an ambush by Black Hawk, and a panic among the soldiers ensued, and eleven were killed before they could reach Fort Dixon. This defeat alarmed the whole country, and the night following, Gov. Rey- nolds called for 2,000 more troops. Gen. Scott with 1,000 United States Troops was sent immediately to the Northwest. The new levies were to meet on the 3d of June at Beardstown. On the 19th of May the whole army marched up the river, and, pursuing the trails, found the Indians had left and divided their forces; the troops returned to the mouth of Rock River where they were discharged; and thus ended the second campaign of 1832. On the 6th of June, BJack Hawk made an attack on Apple River Fort, situated a quar- ter of a mile north of the present town of Elizabeth, and twelve miles from Galena. This garrison was only defended by twenty- five men, and there were 150 Indians attack- ing. The new levies met as provided at Beards- town. but were ordered to Peru. A promis- cuous multitude of several thousand people was gathered there. On the 17th day of June, Col. Dement, with his spy battalion of 150 men, was or- dered to report himself to Col. Taylor (Pres- ident afterward) at Dixon, while the main army was to follow. On his arrival at Dixon, he was ordered to take position in Kellogg's Grove, where he received reports that there 300 warriors had been seen northward that day. At daylight the next morning he sal- lied forth, and soon discovered spies of the enemy, when his men, regardless of his and Lieut. Gov. Casey's endeavors to the con- trary, his undrilled and undisciplined men charged on the foes, and recklessly followed them into an ambush Black Hawk had planned, where they were suddenly con- fronted by 300 howling, naked savages. A panic seized upon the soldiers, and each one struck out for himself iu the direction of the fort. In the confused retreat, five of the whites were slain, while those who reached the fort were hotly pursued by the savages, who vig- HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 75 orousiy assailed the fort, and a furious fight for over an hour followed, in which the Indi- ans retired, leaving nine of their number dead on the field. Col. Dement and Lieut. Gov. Casey displayed signal coolness and courage here, and to them was due the fact that a general massacre of the helpless fugi tives did not occur. At 8 o'clock in the morning, messengers were sent fifty miles to Gen. Posey for assistance, and toward sun- down the same day. that General and his brigade made their appearance. The next day Gen. Posey started iu pursuit of the savages, but the trail soon showed they had pursued their usual tactics of scattering their forces. The army continued its march up Rock River, expecting to find the enemy near its source. Gens. Henry and Alexander were sent to Fort Winnebago, between Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. Here learning that Black Hawk was encamped on the White Water. Gen. Henry and Maj. Dodge started in pur- suit. After several days' hard marching, and much suffering for food and exposure, on the 21st day of July the enemy was overtaken on the bluffs of the Wisconsin, and a decisive battle fought in which Gen. Henry com- manded the American forces, which consisted of Maj. Dodge's battalion on the right, Col. Jones regiment in the center, and Col. Col- lins on the left, with Maj. E wing's battalion in the front and Col. Fry's regiment in the rear as a reserve. In this order they charged the enemy and drove him from every position, inflicting great loss, and when the sun went down they were victors everywhere. In the morning it was discovered the Indi- ans had fled, leaving 160 dead on the field, and of their wounded taken with them, twenty-five were found dea.l the next day on their trail, while Gen. Henry lost only one man killed and eight wounded. On the '25th, the whole army was put in motion — Gen. Atkinson's forces having ar- rived, making now the entire force 1,200 strong — and on the 2d of August reached the bluffs of the Mississippi River. The Indians had reached the river and were preparing as fast as they could to cross. A portion had got over, when Capt. Throckmorton, who was on the steamer Warrior, attacked and killed a great many, he refusing to recognize a white flag they displayed. "When Gen. At- kinson fell upon the savages at the mouth of Bad Ax Creek, in which the Indians were routed and 150 more slam, besides many that were drowned. The American loss was only seventeen killed. This battle virtually ended the war. On the 7th of August, Gen. Wintield Scott ar- rived and assumed command. Wayne County furnished two companies — Capt. James N. Clark's and Capt. Berryman G. Wells', for the Black Hawk war. These Wayne County companies were in the Third Regiment, First Brigade. Illinois Mounted Volunteers, on the requisition of Gen. Atkin- son, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, L832, and were mustered out August 15, 1832. The roster of Capt, Clark's Company is as follows: James N. Clark, Captain; David Roy, First Lieutenant: Jesse Laid, Second Lieutenant; Daniel Sampler, William A. Howard, Henry Ooley and Isaac Street, Ser- geant-; Joseph Walker, John A. MeWhirter, Lewi- Watkins and Nathan E. Roberts, Cor- porals; Privates— Harris Austin, James B. Austin. David Alexander, Roberi Lain. Green- up Bradshaw (died r nth mar Edwards- ville), Asa Bui lard, Joseph ML Campbell (now living near Springfield, 111.). James Clark, William Clark, Younger 11. Dickinson, George Dalton, Andrew C. Dalton, George Farleigh, John F. Fitzgerald (died here seven years ago), Joseph L. Garrison, .James (JarrisOD, 76 IIISTOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. William Graham, Jeremiah Hargrave, Will- iani Harland, Alfred Haws, Benjamin Haws, John Hanson, Samuel James, Peter Kenche- low, David Martin, Andrew Mays, James Mays, William McCullutn, Joseph Morris, Chesley Ray, Asa Ray, Jacob Raster, Fenton Saunders, Richard Sissions, David D. Slo- cumb (brother of Rigdon B. Slocnmb), David Smith, James Trotter, Johalem Tyler, George Walker, Greenbury Walker, Jefferson War- rick, James B. Womack, John G. Widdus, Hugh L. White and Arthur Bradshaw (now living near Decatur, Methodist Episcopal preacher). AY ells' Company was — Captain, Benjamin G. Wells; First Lier.tenant, John Brown; Second Lieutenant, James B. Carter; Ser- geants, Hugh Stewart, James G. Brawner, Leon Harrys and Riley T. Serratt; Corporals, Robert S. Harris, Ransom Harris, Albert Butler and Elijah Harris; Drummer, Nathan Franklin; Trumpeter, Jonathan Wolsey; Pri- vates, John Bird, Justis Beach, John Brown- ing, John Berry, Robert D. Cates, HowletH. Cook, Isaac Carter, William Carter, Job Downing (went to Missouri, elected Sheriff and died), Robert H. Gaston, Jacob Hall, Isaiah Hodge, Isham Hodge, Isham Hodge, James D. Harlan, Moses Hart, Joseph Harris, William Irvin, Samuel Lock, Jonathan Mc- Cracken, Nathan Martin, Samuel Neel, An- drew Neel, Henry Neel, Thomas Phelps, Nich- olas Smith, John G. Shoemaker, Job Ste- phens (died in 1880), John W. Snider, Wesley Staton, Feilding C. Turner (was in the war of 1812, in Black Hawk war, and in Mexican war, and was quite awhile an Illinois ranger), James Turner, William White (now living a few miles east of Fairfield), M. C. Wells and Clement C. Y'oung. This constitutes a complete and corrected list of the Black Hawk soldiers who went from Wayne County, together with explana- tory notes, so far as we could at this late day ascertain them. It will be noticed that Jacob Hall and William White are the only sur- vivors who are now left who now reside in Wayne County. Mi-. White lives a few miles east of Fairfield, is now over seventy years of age, and is one of our most widely respected citizens. He is a thrifty farmer, genial and social in his habits, and his home and pleas- ant family is a favorite resort for his numer- ous admirers and old-time friends. For his complete biography, see the biographical de- partment in this work. Jacob Hall lives in the town of Fairfield, a cheery, hale and active old man, as sprightly as any of our young men. A green and cheerful old age is his, and the frequent re- currence of his name in all parts of this work is a good demonstration of the great value he has been in the labors of building up this county to its present large proportions. A good citizen, an elegant man in all respects, with a wide circle of friends and acquaint- ances, not only in Illinois but throughout the West. The following account is almost word for word as they were given to us by Mr. Hall, of his recollections of going a soldiering. He was only a little over eighteen years old at the time: They were mustered into the serv- ice at La Salle June 15, and at once went into an election for officers. Samuel Leech was elected Colonel. Three days after the election, was marched to Dixon, where tiny remained one night, and then moved on to Fort Hamilton; then made a forced march to Kellogg's Grove, in order to relieve Dement's command at that point. This is the march spoken of above, when couriers started to Fort Hamilton, a distance of fifty miles, at 8 o'clock in the morning, and before dark the succoring army appeared at Kellogg's Grove; the men marched the fifty miles in a little HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Ies3 than eight Lours. Does not that record stand unequaled! The command returned to Fort Hamilton, and started up White River in pursuit of the enemy. How the enemy eluded them and fell into the hands of Gen. Henry is detailed above. Mr. Hall says that it took the command eleven days to return and join Gen. Henry's forces, and some idea may be drawn of the suffering and depriva- tion of the men in his account of how he nearly kdled himself from eating a bacon skin that had been left hanging in a tree, which was the first thing he could get hold of when he looked about for something to eat It had buns there for some time, and so hungry was he that upon sight he seized and eat it immediately. Of course it made him very sick, and the wonder is it did not kill him. and he was therefore in the hospital from that time on until able to return home. He did not get back home until the following September. It will be noticed that both companies were in the Bad Ax fight. Just here we wish to correct an error and a gross injustice done in the war records to one of the worthiest citizens Wayne County has ever had. We refer to the omission of these records to even mention the name of Col. Samuel Leech, who was an active and efficient officer in the Black Hawk war, and his name is wholly omitted, except where it once or twice appears incident ly in a note set opposite some private's name, with an en- try of " furloughed by Col. Leech." We have been told that Col. Leech was not pop- ular with Gov. Reynolds, and as an evidence of this fact, he was urged to stand for a Gen- eral's commission, and this was the wish of nearly all the men, but Col. Letch was afraid to resign his Colonelcy lest he should be in some way euchered out any position at all. It is not justice to the memory of Gov. Rey- nolds to believe he would do anything of the kind, and yet there can be no excuse for the treatment that was given Col. Leech in this war. Reynolds and Leech are now both dead, and for years their bones have been peacefully moldering in their graves. They were compeers and each in his place was worthy of the rank of the great and good. Col. Leech died, so far as we can learn, in Wisconsin. He was the most prominent man that Wayne County has ever presented. He was the architect of the destiny of the county and bore the great responsibilities that were devolved upon him nobly and well, up to the time he left Wayne County to take a position, we believe, in the Government Land Office at Quincy. But of Col. Leech we refer more fully in the chapter, giving some account of the legal life of the county. Mexican War. — This war demonstrated the fighting qualities of the Illinois soldiers. Prior to that time they had answered the severest demands the Government had ever made'upon them, and were known as a brave and chivalrous people whose patriotism had never been smirched with a single doubt. But bright as was this record, when they rushed upon the bloody battle fields of Mex- ico they surpassed themselves so far, and per- formed so many and heroic feats, that they stood out upon every page of the modern his- tory of the country with a reputation not excelled by the memorable Old Guard that had so often bore aloft the eagles of France, and rescued victory from the very month of defeat. On the 1 1th day of May, 1840, Congress passed an act declaring that " By the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists | between that Government and the United States." That body at the same time appro- priated SI 1 1. (it ii 1. 01 10 to carry on the war, and authorized the President to accept 50,000 volunteers. Thirty five Illinois companies 78 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. responded to the call, and the place of ren- dezvous was Alton. There had been seventy- five companies organized and reported. These men were all furious to go. Four regiments were at once mustered in, to wit: First, Col. Hardin; Second, Col. W. H. Bis- sell; Third, Col. Ferris Foreman. These included the thirty companies that were accepted under the first muster. Afterward Col. Boten was accepted with the Fourth Regiment. The Wayne County company was assigned to the Third Regiment, Col. Foreman com- manding, and were mustered into the service July 2, 1846. The First and Second Regi- ments were brigaded together and the Third and Fourth together. The last were in Gen. Patterson's division, and marched from Mat- amoras to Tampico, where they formed a part of Gen. Shields' force while he was in com- mand of that city. On the 9th of March, the Third and Fourth Regiments took part in the descent on Vera Cruz. In the battle of Cerro Gordo, the Third Regiment, in which was the Wayne County company, was hotly engaged, and gained great credit for their bravery. It was here that Gen. Shields received his wound that is now celebrated all over the world as the most remarkable recovery on record. Six thou- sand prisoners were captured in the fort, to- gether with Gen. Santa Anna's carriage and wooden leg. The Third and Fourth Regiments were re- turned by vessel to New Orleans, and on May 25, 1847, mustered out. The company from Wayne County was Company F, Third Regiment in the Mexican war, and the roster of the company is as fol- lows: Captain, John A. Campbell; First Lieutenants, Jacob Love, Ephraim Merritt and Samuel Hooper; Second Lieutenant, Sam- uel J. R. Wilson; Sergeants, Austin Organ, William Merritt, James Turner and Warren E McMackin; Corporals, Daniel Simpson, John W. Wallace, William B. Wilson and Joseph J. R. Turney; Musician, Jefferson W. Barnhill; Privates, William R. Armstrong, Rigdon S. Barnhill. Nathan Crews, James E. Cox, Hiram H. Cook, Howlet H. Cook, Will- iam M. Cook, Benjamin W T . Clevenger, John G. Dorris, David H. Day. Sterlin C. B. El- lis. John Y C. Edwards, John Ewing, Ben- jamin Funkhauser, Samuel Fitzgerauld. William J. Frazier, William Gray, Ellis S. Gray, Sion Harris, William D. Ham, Will- iam E. Harlin, Jqhn Hulshcraft, Riley V. Johnson, Silas Johnson, William Kiinmels, Bluford Lord, James Lacy, William T. Mathews, Willis Morris, Davis Murphy, James W. McCullough, David McCullum, Samuel McCullum, David Owen, Hosea C. Phelps, William C. Phelps, James Reid, William Reed (2d), Jeremiah Rasher, Henry C. Rusher, William C. Simpson, Andrew J. Simpson. William Simpson, Rowland H. Shannon, Jefferson Sloan, Ninian R. Taylor, James H. Taylor, John Tims, John White, Alfred West, Joseph Copeland, John R. Fra- zur, William J. Lockhart. William H. Ma- bry, Benjamin Merritt, Abraham Rister and William Reed (1st). Jacob Love died at Camargo October 5, 1846. Ephraim Merritt resigned November ' 28, 1846, at Matamoras. Samuel Hooper was elected Second Lieutenant from Sargeant, October 1, 1846, and promoted to First Lieutenant November 28, 1846. Lieut. Samuel J. R. Wilson resigned August 28, 1846, at Camp Patterson, Texas. William R. Armstrong, William J. Frazier, Silas John- son, William Kimme) and James Lacy were sick at Matamoras December 14, 1846. And Sterlin C. B. Ellis was wounded at Cerro Gordo. Joseph Copeland died December 9, 1846, in hospital at Matamoras. John R. £ Of UNIVt NOIS. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 31 Frazur died December 7. same place. Will- iam J. Lockhart died August 14. 1847, at Brazos Island, Texas. William H Mabry died August 10, 1846, on ship while crossing Gulf. Benjamin Merritt shot at Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 18, 1847. Abraham Rister died September 24, 1848, in hospital at Matamoras. William Reed list), died October 2, 1846. at Camargo. Discharged for disability, Isaac S. Warmouth. James H. Farley, William Black, Benjamin Beech. David Cox, Moses M, Campbell, Daniel H. Clevenger, Henry Fitch. James M. Harris, Thomas J. Harris, John B. Holmes, Abra- ham Linder, James McCrary. George W. Mathews. Jacob Palmer, Henry Reod. Tyra Robinson and Shirley Trotter. The Civil War. — Here was one of Ameri- ca's fatalities. Our people had fought out all their wars of defense; had met the red man "on his path and slew him," and had gone on with such splendor and success that, perhaps, in God's economy, it was needed that we be chastened. And sure enough we were compelled to drink the bitter cup to the ■very dregs. But it is no purpose of this chap- ter to write the history of that war. It should not, it cannot be written now. The dates of those great and sad events may be chronicled, the statistics carefully gathered and the tremendous facts compiled and tiled away for that man who will come, long after we are all inhabitants of the eternal silent city, and who will have no prejudices or passions to contend with, and who then only will be able to see the real effect and group these and the real causes together, and show the world a complete picture of what it all was, what it meant, and what permanent evils it inflicted, not only on the American people, but upon the civilization of our times. The reader will understand that we mean much more than is commonly understood by the term History. We do not mean the sim- ple annals, and the mere order of events as they occured. The majority of people, in loose use of language, call such things his- tory, but they are not. This is mere chro- nology, that in its simplicity, and requires but very little higher order of talents to gather and write, than the rudest of nursery stories. To write the history of a people, the true history that gives events and demonstrates the connection of causes and effects, to show the farthest reaching of circumstances and their intimate connection one with another, and the effects that apparently widely dis- connected facts combined, and how and where they influenced for good or bad generations of men nho were not born until long after tbey had transpired, is the province of the great historian, who it is to be hoped will some time come and write the world's his- tory. This would be the greatest book ever given to man. aud if it is ever written, then, it is no extravagance to say, that you may make bonfires of all else that has so far come from the teeming printing-press. There is wisdom for the great mind in statis- tics, more here than anywhere else and the fault of the generations that have passed away, is that they never imagine in the re- motest degree, that the dry statistics of civil- ized man were but the mere husks for cranks and specialists to pour over and give even the slightest consideration. We deem these hints appropriate to give the reader in advance of our short account of the part played by the people of Wayne County in the great ami unfortunate war that so recently drenched this fair land in fraternal blood, and devastated so large a portion of our Union, in order to prepare his mind to not anticipate that wo are here writ ing any portion of the real history of the late war; for at least one hundred vears must 82 HISTORY OF WAYNE COT XT Y. yet pass away before all the far-reaching effects of that bloody issue will have worked out their mission and ceased to be an influ- ence upon men. and, at least, upon American civilization. In April, 1861, Fort Sumter was tired on by rebels, and the lightning's flash carried the gun's reverations to nearly every hamlet in the land, and instantly a great nation was in arms, and the " long roll " that was beat- en from ocean to ocean tilled all the streets and highways with excited men, weeping women and frightened children. By day and by night bands of music paraded the streets, and the clang of the church bells added to the universal din, and upon the surging people flared the bonfires upon "the puplic squares, and then, indeed, did the white-robed angel of peace fold her out- stretched wings, and war. grim-visaged war, stalked abroad in all the land, and the era of strife and agony and death was inaugurated. All over the land it was the same grim story; and yet how difficult it was for the sober-minded, reflecting citizen to realize that civil war was upon us — how impossible for them to comprehend the magnitude of the evil hour. " Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war," was answered by Seward's call for 75.000 volunteers, to put down the rebell- ion in ninety days, and is it a wonder lhat the unthinking people concluded that such a war wasjbut a holiday picnic? We have said that we do not here propose to write the history of that war. but there is one phase of those times that are so extraor- dinary or curious that we cannot refrain from giving it to the reader, and it may start a train of reflection in his mind that he has not yet thought of. The rebels claimed that they stood upon the side of the fundamental law — the constitution — the supreme law of the land. Judge Taney. Judge of the Supreme Court, and a jurist of great ability and in- tegrity, had decided that by the plain terms of the constitution, the South had a right to take their slaves into the Territories, and the constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Law had never been questioned. The Republican party of the North, it seems, could only an- swer that there was a Higher Law than the constitution, and Republican Legislatures nullified the fugitive law. Yet, after thus planting themselves upon the constitution, they fired upon the flag, levied war upon the Government, because the Republican party had, in accordance with the law, elected Mr. Lincoln President of the United States. And thus the scenes in the panorama shifted, and the Higher-Law men had the constitution upon their side, and the once fierce defenders of the strict letter of the law became rebels and outlaws, whom the constitution plainly said must be hunted to the death. But to refer to what was done here upon the reception of the news of the tiring upon Fort Sumter. Hon. W. H. Robinson, of Fairfield, tells us he was in Carmi attending upon the Circuit Court, and so intense and universal was the excitement that the court at once adjourned sine die, and he returned to his home in Fairfield, reaching there about midnight. He at that hour found the people upon the street, and the band was soon marching to inspiriting music, and bonfires threw a lurid light over the strange scene. The flag was soon run up on the court house, and the people wildly cheered it as the wind lifted its folds, and in its dumb language ap- pealed to the hearts of all patriots to protect it and avenge the insult that had been placed upon it. Soon a fifer and drummer had been secured, and when the band rested its shrill notes and martial drum beat rang out upon the air. and contributed not a little to swell HlsToliY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 83 the volume of hitont patriotism in the breasts of those who were soou to kindle the camp tires that nothing could extinguish except a restored Union and the stamping-out of every vestige of treason in the land. In a short time, a full company (Company G) of 107 men was recruited, the active, or perhaps, rather, the most active, organizers! being Dr. W. M. Cooper, N. Crews, P. H. Gillison and W. H. Robinson, Dr. Cooper was elected Captain, Nathan Crews, Firsi Lieutenant, and W. Robinson, Second Lieu- tenant. The company was ordered to Anna, and became a part of the Eighteenth Illinois, Col. Lawler's regiment. Mr. Robinson was detailed as Adjutant, and in this capacity. he says the first order he ever received was signed ('apt. U. S. Grant, mustering officer, who had mustered the Eighteenth Regiment, and at once issued order- for an election of field officers. The regiment soon went to Bird's Point. Mo. James D. Lichtenberger, J. W. Hill, W. A. Reuben and S. Boseman joined the regiment in July, the two former as musicians. July 15, another company was organized, called the Hicks Guards, Samuel Hooper was made Captain, and William Steward First and J. P. Rider Second Lieutenant. Among the privates in this company were Adam Files. James Hearn, H. A. Organ and Samuel Hooper, who were veterans in the Mexican war. Among the young men who joined here were James Ellsworth, A. Humes, Bates O. H. Owen, G. J. George, H. D. Pearce and J ames Jordan. On Monday. the22dof July, the citizens gave the company a dinner in the grove, where speeches were made by J. H. Cooper, W. H. Robinson and R. P. Han- nah. This company was at once assigned to the Fortieth Regiment. About this time a company was also organized at JefFersonvillo, Capt. Elm. It was also in the Fortieth Regiment. The two companies went to Springfield, where they went into training ipiarters. They were accompanied to Spring- field by a large number of citizens, among whom was the Fairfield Sax-horn Band. Capt. Hooper's company was transferred to Charleston, Mo., whore ten of the men de- serted, when Lieut. Stewart immediately returned to this county and secured the new recruits to fill thoir places. From Charleston, a portion of the company were sent on a scouting expedition and captured a rebel Lieutenant, Sergeant and a private. The mi \i day. twenty-six of the boys went on another scout, and instead of capturing any rebels they were suddenly tired upon by a hundred of the enemy, and in their hasty retreat lost two of their men as prisoners. In August,' H. H. Beecher was appointed Sutler of Hick's regiment. August 24, R. S. Barnhill joined the company, and Col. Hicks made him Adjutant of the regiment. On Monday. August 26. a meeting was hold at Mt. Frio for the purpose of organizing a cavalry company. Capt. W. M. Cooper, of Company G, Eighteenth Illinois Regiment, died at Cairo September 11. He was aged twenty -five years and four months. His body was brought home for burial. Nathan Crews wfis then chosen Captain by acclamation. Capt. Crews addressed the men after his eleet ion. and referring to their great loss in the death of Dr. Cooper hi' began to cry. and it is said the longer he talked the louder he cried, until the entire company joined him in sincere sorrow. October 21, Lieut. W. H. Robinson resigned and came homo on account of sickness. November 1, the Eighteenth regirnent was sent on an expedition to try and capture Jeff Thompson, who was sup- posed to be at Bloomtield, Mo. On Sunday evening, September 29, Will 84 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. iain Evans was found murdered in camp at Mound City. The officer of the guard, hear- ing the shot, ran to where the man lay and discovered Robert Dickinson, of the same company, with a gun in his hands, and, upon being asked, "'"Where is the man that com- mitted the murder?" the latter answered, " I am the man. " He was taken to the guard house, and the next morning objection being made to having the prisoner tried by the authorities of Mound City, it was decided that he be tried by a jury of twelve men selected from his own company. Capt. Crews ordered the Orderly Sergeant to select twelve competent men to act as jurymen, with the following result: S. Stark, William Crews, Stephen B. Sibley, James Holmes, William R. Wood, B. T. Atherton, William R. ' Thompson, C. W. Gaston, George W. Powell, William Pendleton, V. L. Wilson and O. D. Schooley. Sis witnesses were sworn and examined, after which Capt. Crews in- structed the jury to bring in a verdict in accord with the evideuee. After a short de - liberation a verdict of guilty was rendered, and Capt. Crews proceeded to pass "sentence of death upon the prisoner. On Wednesday, October 2, the man was hung, Company G acting as a body comitatus. All through October and November, recruit- ing went on in this county, Capts. Organ and Sebell each enlisting a respectable squad of men. Capt. Samuel Hooper also enlisted some men in the county at this time. In Decembor, Sergt. A. H. Baker, recruit- ing officer of the Fortieth Regiment, came to this county, and enlisted quite a number. Already a large number of the AVayne County boys, who had previously enlisted, were at this time in Company A of that regiment. In the early part of 1862, the Fortieth Regiment, with which there were two Wayne County companies, were ordered to Paducah, Ky., where they spent most of the win ter. In December, 1861, the Eighteenth Reg- iment, with which Capt. Crews' Company was still stationed, was ordered into active service, and was in the Western Department all through the winter's campaign. On Feb- ruary, 1862, the regiment participated in the battle of Fort Donelson. In the fight, Com- pany G lost twenty-nine men killed and wounded. Among the killed were W. R. Thompson and O. D. Schooley, of Clay City, and John Gallent, Jefferson Powless, G. W. Powell, M. St. John, Thomas Green and William M. Young. Capt. Crews received two shots ; one broke his left arm, the other, a spent ball, only stunned him slightly. Among the others who were wounded at this battle was Sergt. Fitzgerel. Crews and Fitz- gerel both returned home on a short furlough, but returned to the conflict as soon as their wounds were mended. In the spring of 1862, the Fortieth Regi- ment was ordered to Savannah, Tenn., and there the Eighteenth soon joined them. The Fortieth Regiment participated in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, also Island No. 10. Capt. Cooper, of Company D, was killed, and twenty-nine were killed and seventy wounded. Among the killed were Adam Files, William Newby, E. H. Willett, George Gray, John Reene and G. H. Baird. Among the privates of Company E reported killed were C. W. Windland. W T . W. Eckman, William Ward, B. F. Shior, T. M. Miller, James Mays and F. Stanley. Among those killed in Company G were C. C. Hopkins. Jr., William S. Harlan, G. W. Harlan, D. W. Proudfoot and J. M. Smith. Of Com- pany I, there were three reported killed — Lieut. Holmes, Robert Hurley and T. B. Lee. Capt. Ulm, who was at first reported killed at this battle, was shot in the mouth. Company G, of the Eighteenth Regiment, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 85 did not suffer very much. Ten men were wounded, three of whom were severely — Lieut. E. George, William Crews and H. Me White. Lieut. George was taken to Mount Vernon, Ind., where he afterward died. His body was brought home and buried here. Lieut. H. H. Cook, formerly a resident of this county, but at that time with a company from Clay County, died afterward from his wounds. Capt. Crews acted as Major on the battlefield. In Jane, 1862. in writing home to a friend, he said: " It is twelve months to- day since we were mustered into service for three years. Twelve months have brought a great change to the Eighteenth Regiment. Out of 1.030 men that started with us. 193 have gone to their long home, to rest from the toils of the war; 69 are disabled for life; 87 are on detached service, leaving but 317 all right for duty and a tight." From the pen of R. S. Barnhill we have the following report of the condition of the Fortieth Regi- ment at this time: "On entering upon the present campaign, the regiment had 874 men, rank and file. The battle of Shiloh reduced the aggregate to 794; since then we have lost 92 men by wounds and disease; four-fifths of these have died of wounds re- ceived at Shiloh, and nearly every day we hear of some of our boys being dead or wounded or in the military hospitals. " Of our loss in commissioned officers, four were killed, six disabled, and seven have re- signed. Thus our aggregate up to dale stands 702. We have now only one field of- ficer with us, although we are looking for some commissions in a day or two to till some of the vacancies." In August, 1802. Capt. Organ secured a company of men from this county, and about the last of the month Capt. Organ again re- turned here, and procured quite an enlist- ment to his company of cavalry. In September. 1862, Maj. CrewR received pre .motion to the rank of Colonel, but after- ward resigned and returned to Fairfield. The Eighteenth Regiment was in the cam paign of 1S03 in the West, and assisted in the battles of Vicksburg, Champion Hill, Raymond, and other fights of that hard cam paign. On January 15, 1864, Capt. Andrew George, of Company G, Twenty-first Illinois, died from a wound received in the battle of Chickamauga. In June, 1864, the time <>f enlistment having expired for a number of Wayne County men, three-fourths of the men in Company M, of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, re-enlisted for another three years, under Capt. Jessup. January, 1S04, the Fortieth Regiment, camped at Scottsboro, Ala., also enlisted for another three years, and were granted a fur- lough by the Government. About the 1st of February, 1864, Lieut. Col. Howe, of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, proceeded to this point, and enlisted quite a number of men in his com- pany. In February, Brig. Gen. Harrow, of the Fortieth, was assigned to the command of the Fourth Division, Fifteenth Corps. He was from this part of Illinois, and was known as "Old Bill Harrow - ' among the boys. On January 4. 1864. while at the United Stairs Marine General Hospital, New Orleans. William H. Haynes, of Company I). Eighty seventh Regimont, died. The de- ceased was born in this county, on March 9, 1844, and enlisted in the Eighty-seventh, on April 13. 180)3. He was the only brother of Capt Dan Haynes, of the Eighteenth Regi- ment, and was the youngest of the family. On April 23, 18.54, the veterans of the Fortieth and the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, which were hoi >n a furlough, were given a reception by the people of this county. 86 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. la May, 1864, Compainy D of the Eighty- seventh Mounted Infantry, participated in the fighting in the Red River region. Among, the wounded from this county were G. W. Creamer, James Shannon, Julius Smith and Harrison Frazier. In May, 1864, Capt. Organ secured the enlistment of another company of men from this county for 100 days, and they were ac- cepted by Gov. Yates. In May, 1864, the following members of Crews' Company G of the Eighteenth Regi- ment returned home, their three years' enlist- ment having expired: Capt. Dan Haynes, William Wood, Joseph Hooper, Leander Knowles, Sam Sailor, William Pendleton, Wesley Foreaker, C. W. Gaston, Wade Beach, N. S. McCown, Theodore Edmonson, Alfred Casper aDd Mark D. Smith. On June 27, the Fortieth Regiment par- ticipated in the battle of Kenesaw Mount- ain. Lieut. Col. R. S. Barnhill, of this county, was shot through the head and in- stantly killed, while leading his column in a charge. Jasper Massey, of this county, who was in command of Company I, was also se- verely wounded, and fell into the hands of the enemy. Austin Burroughs, from this county, a private in Company E, was also killed in this battle. On July 10, Lieut. Col. A. T. Galbraith was severely wounded near Atlanta, Ga. He was shot by a rebel sharpshooter, the ball taking effoct in his ankle and breaking both bones. On July 23, 1S64, the people of Hickory Hill and adjoining townships gave a recep- tion to Company K, of the Forty-ninth Reg- iment Illinois Veteran Volunteers. Over 1,000 people were in attendance. August 5, 1864, Lieut. Baker, of Company M, Fifth Illinois Cavalry, died at Vicksburg, Miss., where the regiment was encamped. In the fight at Atlanta, Ga., Company D, of the Fortieth, lost one man killed, James T. Butler, and five wounded. Among those from this county who were wounded in the campaign that summer, were Lieut. G. I. George, Alfred W. Daisy, Pleasant Shores, who afterward died on July 8; James G- Price, James Lock, Isaac T. Steed and Sam- uel T. Chapman. Lieut. George was reported missing at that battle of Kenesaw Mountain, and was for a long time thought to be dead. He was taken a prisoner and sent to Charleston, S. O, where he slowly recovered from his wound, and from where he finally communi- cated with his friends here, much to their joy. (See his biography elsewhere.) Maj. Organ, while stationed at Cairo, died there in the last week in August, 1864. His body was afterward brought to Fairfield where it was interred. November 5, 6 and 7, 1864. the people of Fairfield and vicinity held a very successful Sanitary Fair at this point. The fair netted the round sum of $575 above all expenses. Thus it will be seen that Wayne County furnished during the war twelve full com- panies, to wit: Company G, Eighteenth Illi- nois : the officers are given above. Company D, Samuel Hooper, the first Captain, and William Stewart, his successor; at different times, the First Lieutenants were William Stewart, Joseph P. Rider and William C. Murphy; and the Second Lieutenants were Joseph P. Rider and Gilbert J. George. And Company E, Capt. Daniel N. Ulm, and the First Lieutenants were, in succession, Andrew F. Nesbitt and William H. Summers; Second Lieutenants, in the order given, were William H. Summers, Benjamin F. Best and William W. Dunlap. The last two compa- nies were in the Fortieth Illinois Regiment. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 87 Then there was Company I, of the Forty- eighth Regiment, Capt. Ashley T. Galbraith; First Lieutenants, in the order, EHas M. Holmes, Stephen F. Grimes, Thomas L B. Weems; Second Lieutenants. Stephen F. Grimes, T. L. B. Weeins, William M. Gal- braith. In the Fifth Illinois Cavalry were two companies. Company D, Capt. Henry A. Organ; First Lieutenant, S. J. R. Wilson; Second Lieutenant, Calvin Schell. Also Company M, Capt. Robert Schell, who was succeeded by Alexander Jessup; First Lieu- tenant, Samuel Burrell; Second Lieutenant, Albert S. Robinson. Next was Company H. Fifty-sixth Illinois, Capt. James P. Files; First Lieutenant, Aaron E. Scott; Second Lieutenant, John J. Scott. Then there was Company D, Eighty-seventh Illinois. Capt. Jacob B. Borah; First Lieutenant, James T. Price: Second Lieutenant, Lewis Mayo. Company F, Eighteenth Regiment, Capt. Jabez J. Anderson; John Olney, Mordecai B. Kelly and George Miller, First Lieuten- ants; and William M. Thompson, George Miller and Samuel P. Carmer, Second Lieu- tenants. This company was partly composed of men from other counties than Wayne. In 18lH, Capt. Organ enlisted a full com- pany of men from Wayne County for the hundred-day service. In September, 1862, Company K, One Hundred and Twenty- fourth Regiment, Capt. James H. Morgan, was organized. The First Lieutenants were Thomas J. William and Stephen N. Saunders; Second Lieutenants, Stephen N. Saunders and Hiram Hall. While this was a Wayne County company, yet a portion of the men were from other parts of the State, and we believe the com- pany was finally completed by being consol- idated with another part of a company at Centra li a. In addition to these companies there were squads in the Forty-ninth Regiment, and also in the Ninety-eighth Regiment. As Fairfield is honored by having among its citizens one of the soldiers who was " in at the death " of the rebellion, we believe we cannot more appropriately close this chapter than by giving the following documents that fully explain themselves; first, however, re- marking that Col. Thomas W. Scott is the present urbane and efficient Postmaster of tbia city. Macon, Ga„ Ma> 12, 1865, 11 o'clock A. M. Hon. Edwin M Stanton, Secretary of War, \V \sHINOTON. I). C.: The following dispatch, announcing the capture of Jell' Davis, lias jnsi been handed me by Capt. Scott, A. A. G., Second Division Cavalry. J. H. Wilson-, Major General. Headquarters Fourth Michigan Cavalry, i Cumberlandvili.e, (Ja.. May 11. 1883. \ Capt. Thomas W. Scott, A. A. G., Second Divi sion Cavalry, Military Division of Missis- sippi: Sir — I have the honor to report to you that at daylight yesterday at [rwinsville I surprised and captured Jeff Davis and family, together with his wife's sisters and brother, his Postmaster General. Reagan, Ins Private Secretary, Col. Harrison, Col. Johnson. Aid-de-Camp on Davis' Staff. Col. Morris Lubbeck and Lieut. Hathaway; also several import- ant names and a train of five wagons and three ambulances, making a most perfect success. Had not a most painful mistake occurred, by which the Fourth Michigan and First Wisconsin came in conflict, we should have done better. This mistake cost us two killed and Lieut. Bouth wounded through the arm. of the Fourth Michigan, and four men of the First. Wisconsin wounded. This occurred just at daylight, after we had captured t he ramp b\ the advance of the First Wisconsin, and they were mistaken for the enemy. I returned to this point last night and shall move right on to Macon, without waiting orders from you as directed, feeling that the whole object of the es pedition is accomplished. It will take at bast three days to reach Macon, as we arc at least seventy five miles out. and our stock much exhausted. I hope to reach Ilawkinsville to- night. I line the honoi to be your obedient servant B. D. Richard, Lieutenant Colonel Fourth Michigan Cavalry, Com- manding. 88 HISTORY or WAYNE C0UN1 V CHAPTER VII. MISCEL1 ANEOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST— BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES— CENSUS OF 1845 —LITERARY SOCIETIES— OLD STORE ACCOUNTS. ETC., ETC. THE first marriage license ever issued in the county was dated June 8, 1819, to i William Clark and Peggy Carson. Then came a long resting spell in this line, until September 6 Elkana Bramblett and Sally Lofton were authorized to marry. On the 18th of same month, William Clark and Ame- lia Hamilton received license. This was all the marrying done in the first year of Wayne County's existence. There was no other wedding in the county until the 21st of July, 1820, when John Johnston and Hannah Mc- Cormick (widow) were married. August 13, John P. Farley and Milly Ramsy were mar- ried, Esquire Anthony Street performing the ceremony. On the 30th of July, 1820, Robert Penick and Elizabeth Clemmons were married by Owen Martin, Justice of the Peace; August 20, John Owen and Malinda Vaughn were married, and Joseph Martin and Eliza- beth Bird on August 29. On the 24th of the same month, David Monroe and Nancy Crews. John Moffitt and Sarah Campbell were mar- ried on the 7th of September, 1820. and Samuel MeNeal and Polly Shepherd on the 17th: and Zachariah Hews and Sarah Bain on December 14. This was all the mar- riages in the county in 1820. The next year the business commenced by the marriage of Joel Ellidge and Mary Close on January 13. On the 1st of February, Thomas C. Gaston and Sally Conner. On the 19th of November, 1820, James Fitzger- ald and Clara Slocumb; on the 14th day of January, 1821, Jeremiah Job and Rachael Campbell; on March 4, Nathan Harris and Nancy Stanley; on the 25th, Jonathan Hart and Cynthia Turney; on the 6th, James Clark and Sally Bradshaw; on the 15th of May, Charles Wood and Sarah Dubois (wid- ow); June 19, James Cyrus Gaston and Peg- gy Clark; August 16, Owen Martin and Mary Crews; September 2, Samuel Close and Catharine Coonrod; September 8, David Ray and Jane Goode; September 27, Alexander C. Mackay and Polly Carson; November 8, Alexander Ramsey and Nancy Thrasher; November 28, "James Bolen and Nancy Tay- lor; October, Joseph C. Reed and Mary Cox. In the year 1822, the following marriage licenses were issued: January 10, Stephen Merritt and Elizabeth Harris; April 2, John Wyatt and Jane Reed; 3d, William Cald- well and Betsey Martin; 6th, Jonas Habday and Sally McCracken; May 10, Joseph Campbell and Elsy Campbell; 13th, Abra- ham Beach and Anna Price; June 1, Jacob M. Borah and Pamelia Fulkinson; July 29, Zachariah Simpson and Mary Gray; August 26, Joseph Martin and Sally Walker; Nov- ember 5, Joseph White and Elenor Woods; December 14. Daniel P. Pennick and Coley Clement; December, James Taylor and Mary Kelly: January 4, 1823, John A. Grant and Abigail Seward; February 12, John David- son and Sally Travis, and George Meritt and Elizabeth Files; February 26, Collins Mc- Donald and Nellie Gallagher; March 3, Rob- ert Fenton and Karah Whitney; June 3, George Borah and Ellen Bradshaw; 14th, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. David Martin and Elizabeth Walker, and William Taylor and Margaret Gray; 28th, Enoch Wilcox anil Sebra C'att (widow); July 21, Vbner Ellis and Frauky Drew; Septem- ber 1"). Van Lofton and Hilly McHaws; 18th, Lewis Black and Sally .Martin: October 9, Charles < iullagher and Sally It. Roberts; Jan- uary, L824, Richard Berks and Winna Will- iams; January 26, William McCormick and Nancy McCracken. The Legislature, by act of February 10, 1821, created the "Courts of Probate'' in the several counties. Previous to this time, the Circuit Courts granted letters testament- ary and of administration, and performed other duties of a probate nature. In accord- ance with this law an election was held in Wa\ no County, and Samuel Leech was elected Probate Judge. The first court convened at the house of Samuel Leech, in Fairfield, on the 2d day of July. L821. Samuel Leech was then Circuit and County Clerk and Pro- bate Jndgi The first business in this court was the ap- plication to the Clerk, on the 10th day Jan- uary, 1821, of Ann Slocumb for letters of j administration upon the estate of Samuel Slocumb, deceased. She gave bond in the sum of $300, with Rigdon B. Slocumb and Ephraham Meritt as sureties. This was the total of the business of the first term of this court. At the next term of the Probate Court, De- cember IS. 1821. the only business transacted was the proof of the death of Joseph Mar- tin, and the fact that his wife Betsey had re linquished her prior right to administer on the estate, whereupon Owen Martin, Henry Martin, and Joseph Martin came into court and applied for lotters of administration, which was granted upon their entering into bond with James Baird, Alexander Jones, John Barnhill and Rigdon B. Slocumb, securities. in the penal sum of Si 1,000. Thomas Brad- shaw. John B. Gash and James Baird were appointed appraisers. These two cases were al! the business in the I'robate Court until the term of June IT, L822, when Sarah Mc- Wbirter, administratrix of the estate of Isaac Mc Wbirter, proceeded to make settlement with claimants against said estate. On the 18th of November, 1822, Hu^'h Stuart. John Livergood and Sally Warren came into court and applied for letters upon the estate of William Warren, which was granted upon their entering into bonds of $4,000, with Owen Martin, William B. Daws and Robert R. Gaston as sureties. On the 26th of December, 1822, Ann Bradshaw was granted letters upon estate of her husband, Thomas Bradshaw. Bond, $2,000. Her securities were James Brad- shaw, John B. Gosh and Archibald Roberts. In February, 1823, Hugh Stewart and John Livergood returned inventory into court of the estate of William Warren, deceased. The infant heirs of Joseph Martin, deceased, were Nathan Martin. Martha Martin and Elizabeth Martin. The oldest son Joseph being over fourteen years of age, selected Owen Martin as his guardian. Sally and Mary Martin, two other heirs over fourteen years of age, selected Joseph Martin as their guardian. November 29, L863, Isaac Harris was granted administration of the estate of Stephen Vicars, deceased. December, 1823, Mary Clark and Ronnah Wills were granted letters on the estate of Joseph Clark, deceased. Bond, 2,000, with David Wright and Cephas A. Parks, securi- ties. April 13. 1824, letters were granted upon the estate of Henry Hall, deceased, to Alfred Hall. His securities were Andrew Kuyken- dall and John Barnhill. On the l'.ith of April, 1824, the first will 90 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. was probated, that of John Travis, with John Davidson and Thomas D. Travis, subscribing witnesses, also Peggy Travis, and Rebecca Travis, Allen Travis and James Stephenson were executors. September 25, 1824, the last will and tes- tament of James Dickerson was probated. James Jaggers and David Thompson were subscribing witnesses. Michael and Lewis Dickerson were executors, and they declining to act the court appointed Charles Pugsley. On 23d of November, 1825, Sally Ellis was appointed administratrix of estate of John Ellis, deceased. May 15, 1826, Susanna Wood and John Wood were appointed administrators of es- tate of Thomas G. Wood, deceased. The next will filed was that of Mary Book, De- cember, 1826, with Tyrey Eobinson and Alexander Clark, subscribing witnesses. The records of January, 1827, on records, note the fact that Sally Martin, late Sally Ellis, administratrix of estate of John Ellis, was no longer a widow. Also that Sara Mc- Whorter had married Daniel Williams. On May 24th, 1827, George Walton was appointed administrator of estate of Thomas Walton, deceased. The same year. Green Lee was appointed guardian of Nancy Ann and Elsey M. Clark, heirs of Joseph Clark. On the 7th of January, 1828, appeared the following minutes on the probate record: Joseph Martin, one of the administrators of Joseph Martin, deceased, having given no- tice required by law in the Illinois Corrector, a public newspaper, printed at Edwardsville, 111., that he would attend the Probate Court in Fairfield, etc. In April, 1828, Robert Jones reported to the court that he had made sale of the per- sonal estate of his brother, James Jones, without letters of administration, for the sum of $300, etc. In October, 1828, Richard Owen having departed this life, and his widow, Nancy, having relinquished her prior right of admin- istration, letters were granted to Epaphrody- tus C.Owen (and the Judge and Clerk, Leech, wrote the name in full and survived, without pension). On the 3d day of January, 1829, proof was made of the death of Jacob M. Borah, and Panela and John Borah were granted letters of administration. In April, 1829, letters were granted Eliza Block on the estate of Robert Block, deceased. In July of the same year, Felix H. Barn- hill was granted letters upon the estate of John Barnhill, deceased. In November, 1829, similar letters were granted Polly Ann Holmes, widow, on the estate of Zephaniah Holmes, deceased. In October, 1830, similar action in estate of Daniel J. Wilson, deceased; letters to George Wilson. The next month, Novem- ber, same action in case of Samuel Watkins, deceased; letters to George Close and Elijah Watkins. In November, 1830, last will of John J. Davis probated. In January, 1832, Charles Wood was ap- pointed administrator of Otho Wood, de- ceased; and in March, same year, the last will of Micajah T. Walker was probated, and. same day. letters of administration on the es- tate of Jesse McCracken, deceased. In Au- gust, same year, letters were granted on the estate of George Frazer, deceased, to William Frazer. In November, same year, Andrew T. Stator died, and letters were granted to Peter Stator. In February, 1833. the last will and testa- ment of Thomas Cox was probated; Griffin T. Snodgrass and Henry Tyler were subscrib- ing witnesses. On the 14th of November.same year, the will of James Lock was probated. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 91 Iu February, 1834, proof of the death of William MoVay was made, and letters granted Aquilla McCracken. In September, 1834. George Phenix, an orphan fourteen years old, was apprenticed to Edward West, by the consent of Judge Leech and Thomas Sloan, his grandfather. He was to remain uutil twenty-one years old, and then to have a new Bible and two suits of clothes. In October, 1834, James Clark died; let- ters granted Naoma Clark and B. A. Clark. Elsberry Armstrong died iu October, 1834; letters granted Abner M. Downer, with Jo- seph White, Hugh Stewart and James Denney as securities. At same court, similar letters were granted Samuel Hooper upon the estate of Dempsey Hooper, deceased. Tirey Robin- son's last will and testament was probated in April, 1835. Alfred Hall died in June, 1835, and letters were granted Jane Hall and Jef- frey Robinson, with R. B. Slocumb and Tyra Taylor as sureties. September of the same year, letters were granted Joseph Wilson and Nancy J. McLin on the estate of David Mc- Lin. deceased. Iu January. 1836, letters were granted upon the estate of Peter Kenshalo,"deceased, to Daniel Kenshalo. February 20, 183(5, let- ters were granted on the estate of Benjamin A. Clark, deceased, to James N. Clark. On 6th of June of the same year, similar action was taken in case of Nathaniel Cbilson, de- ceased. Judge Leech continued to act as Probate Judge, County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, and Re- corder, as well as Colonel of the Wayne County Militia Regiment from the formation of the county until the early part of 1837. He then resigned the office of Circuit Clerk, and here, as well as in nearly all his other official positions, he was succeeded by Judge Rigdon B. Slocuml). At a' court held in Fairfield, March, 1837, by Judge Harlan, the following is the opening entry upon the records: "I, Justin Harlan, sole Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, do hereby ap- point Rigdon B. Slocumb Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court in and for the countv of Wayne, etc." On the 26th of July, 1826, Samuel Leech and Rigdon B. Slocumb entered into a part- nership for the purpose of vending goods in the town of Fairfield. Their stock on hand invoiced! 1,508. 52£. Enoch Wilcox leased Hubbard's place, September 22, 1819. Census of 1845 shows a total population of 6,497; of these, 1,090 reported as subject to military duty. There were eight negroes, four males and four females. The total amount of machinery or manufactories is re- ported seventeen horse mills, two distilleries, one carding machine, one cotton gin, five saw mills, seven tanneries, one steam mill for sawing and grinding, and four water grist mills. Jesse Lord had a saw and gristmill; Horatio P Porter had a tannery and bark mill; Charles Wood had a water saw and grist mill; Abraham Martin had a horse mill; Alexander Ramsey, Sr., and Jesse Fly had each a horse mill; James Martin had a bark mill; Newberry Cline had a water saw and grist mill; George Campbell, Sr., had a horse mill; Hampton Weed had a steam saw and grist mill; John Kimmel had a distill- ery; David Wright a horse mill; P. L. Funk- houser, a bark mill; Hiram Stats, a tannery; R. B. Slocumb, horse mill; H. H. Cook, tan- no -y; James Harper, carding machine and cotton gin; John Skelton, horse mill; R. F- Jenkins, horse mill; Walter Burch, tannery; Enos Maulding, water saw and grist mill; Able Dewitt and Francis Hayney had each a stum]) mill. These were probably the last of these kind of mills ever in use in the county. 93 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Daniel Gregory, horse mill; William Hallo- way, horse mill; Moses Garrison, tannery; Wesley Staton, saw mill; Jonathan Whit- stons horse mill; C. L. Carter, John Bovee, James Cooper and Benjamin Haws each had a horse mill; Lewis Myers, a distillery. Literary Society. — As early as 1823, the leading citizens of the county met and or- ganized a debating and literary society. Articles were drawn and signed by John Mc- Makin, A. \V. Sorgenfry, J. T. Hefford, George and Richard Grant, A. C. McKay, Elihu Farley, John Carson, R. B. Slocumb, Jeffrey Robinson, Andrew Carson, Cephas A. Parks, George Turner, John Johnston, J. R. Taylor, Samuel Leech, Alexander Campbell, and John Barnhill. C. A. Parks was appointed President; Samuel Leech, Secretary. An excellent constitution was adopted, among other things providing that nothing said by any speaker should be considered his personal sentiments. The first question, " Is there more pleasure in the pursuit of an object or actual posses- sion?" Discussed with great ability and learning for possession by John Barnhill, George Grant, George Turner, Elihu Farley, Joseph T. Hefford and Samuel Leech. On the negative, Enoch Wilcox, John McMackin and Andrew Carson. The records say: "The President, after mature deliberation, gave the following decision: That the most forcible argument was used in favor of pos- session." The second question discussed was: "Are ideas natural or acquired?" This must have been an exciting debate, and it never seems to have been imagined by any of the learned disputants that, generally speaking, ideas are neither natural nor acquired, but to the most of men the Sheriff's return of non est invntus would apply, and, in fact, the im- proved returns of the Sheriff when he said, ' • in swampum, and none could not come at him," would not be much out of place. The third question was unique in phrase- ology, as follows : " Does a man possessed of extreme wealth, or one moving in a middling sphere in life, enjoy .the most real happi- ness." The next question was a stunner in the following: "Which are the most happy, a married or single life?" Then, " Which is the greatest benefit to society, a penitentiary or a gallows?" It was warmly argued, and aroused a deep and thrilling interest. These people were inclined_to be luxurious and ease-loving. The elderly members said there was more solid comfort in the rope, while the younger and more hopeful members thought the ball and chain the more durable of the two. The society amended the constitution and provided a fine of 50 cents against any mem- ber who might be appointed to any duty and failed, and the record of nearly every meet- ing has entries against members for absence, etc., etc. Weekly meetings continued until October, 1823, and then after a big discussion meet- ings were abandoned for two years, when, pursuant to a public notice by Sam Leech, Secretary, the society again met, and it was unanimously agreed that the Fairfield Debat- ing Society be ' ' organized and commence operations immediately." The society re- solved to take up where it had left off the great question, " Which are the most benefit to society, a penitentiary or a gallows?" and it was resolved to discuss this at the next meeting. Of this meeting, we find the fol- lowing entry on the record: "Dr. C. A. Parks, A. C. Mackay, W. F. Turney, James B. Brown and F. C. Turner spoke in favor of the penitentiary, and Samuel Leech, R. B. Slocumb, Jeffrey Robinson, John Barnhill, George Turner and John Wood in favor of HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 93 the gallows; and the President (Andrew Carson), "after due deliberation," decided that the most forcible argument was used in favor of the gallows, and, tb ere fore, that the gallows is the most benefit to society, from which said decision Dr. C. A. Parks prayed an appeal, which was granted. "It is, therefore, ordered that said question be again debated at the next regular meeting of the society." The excitement continued to in- crease, and men and women took sides, anil in the houses and upon the loafers' corners it was from morn till night gallows and peni- tentiary and penitentiary and gallows, and when the society met the disputants were "freighted to the water's edge" with the subject. But again was the gallows triumph- ant,, and only thus and thus, after nearly three years of discussion and hot contention was the great question permanently settled. The society then turned to the more peaceful and quietiDg question of " Which are the most benefit to community, commerce or agriculture?" This was decided in favor of agriculture. Then they tackled the follow- ing: "Which is and has been the most advantage to the United States, gunpowder or printing?" In reference to this discus- sion, we find the following: " The President, after mature deliberation, decided in favor of gunpowder as of more use to the United States than the press." The society moved along in their weekly meetings, and, in 18'27, the great question of the comparative benefits of the penitentiary or gallows was revived, and finally the old decision in favor of the gallows was reversed, and the penitentiary was decided to be the greater blessing of the two. The Debating Club seems to have kept ac tively alive, and thejpeople showed much in- terest in all its acts and doings. On the 7th day of November, 1837. the town of Fairfield had a Library Room, and on that day a meeting was called, and the Fairfield Library Society was organized. Joseph Wilson was appointed President, and T. A. Wood, Secretary. A committee of three, Jacob H. Love, R. B. Slocumb and T. A. W T ood were appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws for the society. Their report was adopted, and Jef- frey Robinson was appointed Secretary. At the first regular meeting, the record says William F. Turney "delivered an able and eloquent lecture on the subject of the Fairfield Literary Society-." The record then recites "the following subjects were assigned to the following members, to speak from in turn: Daniel Turney, Agriculture; J. Rob- inson, Mathematics and Geography; J. H. Robinson, the Propriety of Correct Language in Speaking; T.A. Wood, the Utility of Com- mon Schools and Education; 0. J. Ridgeway, Commerce; N. N. Smith, History; William F. Turney, Anatomy; J. A. Robinson, G. T. Snodgrass and J. G. Stuart were named as lecturers, but their subjects are not given. Then we find J. H. Robinson assigned to a lecture on the Inconsistency of Negro Slav- ery; and D. Turney, on Agriculture, a sec- ond time; T. A. Wood lectured on the Util- ity and Advantages of a Railroad from Mount Carmel, via Fairfield to St. Louis; N. N. Smith, history, second time; W. F. Turney, anatomy, second time; Joseph Wilson, on the Truths and Evidences of Christianity, continued; James A. Robinson, ou the In- consistency of Negro Slavery, continued; Leander Turney, Education. We find pasted in the front part of the record book a letter dated " Lebanon, III, February 24, 1836," and addressed W. F. Turney and Thomas A. Wood, committee in behalf of the Fairfield Library Society. The letter is signed by B. F. Kavanaugh. The 94 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. letter is written on foolscap paper, folded without envelope, and is sealed with an old- style red wafer, that we used to get in those round, wood boxes, that always had a wafer stuck on the top of the box. The postage on this letter was 25 cents. It seems to have been written by Mr. Kavanaugh, in response to an invitation to deliver an address before the literary society. We give a paragraph from the letter that will go far to explain its purport: "Then, sirs, permit me to con- gratulate you in the successful efforts which have been made by yourselves and those with whom you have the honor to be associated in the organization of a society which has for its objects the expansion and illumination of the immortal mind. ***** Take for example Herskill, who was once a com- mon soldier under the British banner, who, while standing sentinel at Dight, had the large powers of his giant mind wakened into action, while he gazed upon the heavens, and ere its labors were concluded, the science of astronomy was extended, and the learned were informed of the existence of a large worlds connected with the sun, of which ours is a member. And while the great planet, which now bears his name, shall wheel in his course, in distant space around the sun, the name of 'Herskill' will be carried down the tide of time, till the heavenly messenger an- nounces that 'time shall be no more.' And who shall say his praise shall cease with time?" In a further examination of the records we find the Debating Society by resolution were admitted as spectators to the Literary So- ciety. A library had been established, and at the meeting of the literary society, Janu- ary '!'•), L836, a resolution was passed in which it was resolved that each member of the so- ciety " in order to promote the general diffu- sion of knowledge be requested to use his in- fluence to obtain new members to the Fair- field Library." The moral tinge that prevailed in those literary works is made evideut by the follow- ing resolution, passed at a regular meeting of February 6, 1836. " On motion agreed that this society will read Dr. Blair's lec- tures through at their subsequent meetings, each member to read a suitable number of pages at each meeting to take it in turn as they speak, and on motion agreed that Dr. William F. Turney read the first evening, which he proceeded to do. From an old file of the Wayne County Press we extract the following items in the account book of David Wright; the entries were made just fifty years ago. This day book was commenced January 1, 1834. The items given below are copied ver- batim and are interesting as illustrating life in the early times in Wayne County. The first item in the book is suggestive of the habits of the early settler. Here it is: Job Chapman, i gal. whisky .*....$ 31} The next charge is of the same character but covers more historical ground: Moses Renfro. By 10 lb. Deerskins fl 00 To 1} yds. bleached muslin® 37f To 2} yards calico @ 43f. To 2 lb. coffee 50 To 2 lb. shugar 33 To 2 gal. whisky 1 00 The next customer was certainly extrava- gant for those days: Peter Staton, to 5 yards drab cloth $14 31 J Those were the times before Ayers, Wake- field, Hostetter et al supplied almanacs, for evidence of which read this charge: Nathan Attebury, to 1 Almanack $ 6} And then we have the following: Henry Pickering, 1 box Lee's Pils $ 50 William Clevenger, KJ lbs. honey ;i? J Presley Simpson, 1 quart whisky 25 1 pint molasses 10 Thomas Parmer. 1 casteel aeks 3 00 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 95 Caleb Wilmans, 1 cow ami calf 00 1 steer - years old 6 00 Jacob Beard, li gunllinls 6} William Robberta, 1 iir hat 4 75 Asa Attepervy, 1 lb pepper.... 43J C. A. Parks. T yards ealieo 2 62} paper pins 18} l pair [Hill combs 25 Pressley Simpson, I. oven and lid 2 50 Hugh Steward. ■"> weeks hoard for .lames I 00 David Reed, 2 ounzes sowing thread 12J 1 coon skin 12 J 2 ral'it skins 8 2 Hi. feathers 50 1 quart whiskey 18} George Tibs, by 9} lb. Deerskin 92} 3 pair hams 1 12} 4 Hi. calfskin 50 .lames Turner, 2 pair uppers 50 William Irvin, 2) yards janes . 2 50 1 yard flax linen 18} William Goodman. 1 quart whiskey 18} 1 spelling book 18} David Reed, li lb. cotton 30 James Campbell, 1 tucking comb 50 Richmond Hall, 2 gallons whiskey 1 00 1 yard lase 12} 8 fish hooks 12} 1 j ard riben 6} Caleb Wilmans, • dozen tea spoons 25 Low isa Butler. 1 yard lase 37 J 1 comb 31} Josiah ('. Heed, 1 pair shoes 1 00 John Cox, 1GJ lbs. butter. @ 6 cents. William Clevenger, 1 lb. nales 12} } lb. tea 50 James Butler, 1 deer skin 75 } lb. alum 12 John Attelmry, 1 oz camfire 12} Andrew Hall, G needles 6} Harmon Horn, by 3 days work 2 25 A. C. Wright. 4} lbs. coffee 1 00 CHAPTER VIII. A COMPLETE HISTORY OF ALL THE CHURCHES— THE METHODIST— DIFFERENT BAPTISTS —CHRISTIAN -PRESBYTERIAN— CATHOLIC— WHO ORGANIZED THEM— SKETCHES OF THE PROMINENT CHURCHMEN, ETC Saw ye not the cloud arise, Little as the human hand ; Now it spreads along the skies . Hangs o'er all the thirsty land." — Old Hymn. AMONG the early pioneers in the Illinois country were some of the soldiers of Gen. George Rogers Clark, who. after his successful expedition and capture of this vast domain, returned with their friends and settled in this Territory. A few of these had been trained in the principles of Chris- tianity, though we have no positive assurance that, there were any church members among them, but there is a tradition that a Mrs. Bond had once belonged to the Presbyterian Church. We are, however, led to the conclusion that their hungering after the " Word of Life" was great, inasmuch as, in the absence of the Gospel ministry and all sanctuary privileges, some of them were in the habit of assembling at private houses on the Sabbath day. for the purpose of hearing read the Bible or any other good books that could be obtained for the occasion. One of their number (generally Judge Bond) would read, after which they would discuss the subjects read and inquire of each other the meaning of the different passages that had attracted their attention. It is not at all probable that there was any public praying at these meetings, as there were none 96 HISTORY OF WAYXK COUNTY. so far advanced in the cause as to undertake so great a task. The tirst Gospel minister to visit Illinois was a Baptist by the name of Smith, who preached to the people in 1787, and we un- derstand that there were some conversions under his ministry, among whom was Capt. Joseph Ogle, who afterward became a Meth- odist class leader and a prominent man in the commonwealth. Conspicuous among those who have borne the Btory of Calvary, and carried the glad tidings of salvation to the pioneer cabin, offering in the name of the Great Master, life to fallen men, was the itinerant Methodist preacher. Invincible, untiring ; if one should fall by the way another would rise up to take his place. In the frontiers, without roads or bridges, swimming swollen streams, enduring cold and hunger, with other hardships and privations, poorly clad and often without the means of securing adequate covering ; keep- ing watch with the stars at night, far away from human habitation, with no sounds to cheer or disturb their quiet, save the winds or storms among the forests, the howl of wild beasts, and sometimes the echoing war- crv of the savages ; alone in the world, with poverty as a constant companion, far away from loved ones, they pressed the battle to victory, denying themselves that others might live. Others may have equaled them in zeal and good works, but certainly none ever surpassed them. So far as is now known, the first Methodist preacher to visit Illinois was Joseph Lillard, in 1793. He had been a circuit preacher in Kentucky, and after bis location came to this country, and after preaching to the people, organized the first class in the Territory, and appointed Joseph Ogle class leader. He was a crood man of moderate ability, but some- times afflicted with mental trouble. During one of these periods of abberation he escaped from his friends, and while wandering in the woods, came across the body of a man who had recently been murdered and scalped by the Indians. While he tarried gazing upon the mangled remains, the cloud passed from his mind, and becoming conscious he returned and gave the alarm. Thirty years afterward he again visited Illinois and preached to the people, finding many things changed for the better. In 1796, Rev. Hosea Riggs, a local preacher, settled in Illinois, where he became of great service to the church and country, dying at the advanced age of eighty-one years, in 1841. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Rev. John Clark came to Illinois, and preached and taught school, being loved and honored by all who knew him. He preached the first Protestant sermon west of tbe Mississippi River. In his old age he joined a sect of Baptists, calling themselves "Friends of Humanity," but retained the confidence of his old friends. Rev. Thomas Harrison, settled near Belle- ville, in Illinois, in 1S04, and labored with acceptability for more than fifty years. In 1803. Rev. Hosea Riggs visited the Western Conference in Kentucky, and secured a circuit preacher for Illinois. Ben- jamin Young was the first itinerant circuit preacher in the Territory, commencing his work in 1S03. He reported sixty-seven church members in Illinois at the end of the year. In 1804, Joseph Oglesby was appointed to Illinois, and the membership was increased to 140 daring the year. He was a man of good stock, and died a few years since in Indiana, greatly respected. In 180r>. William MeKendree was Presid- ing Elder, and not at that time a Bishop as HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY 99 Gov. Reynolds states. He was a soldier in the Revolution, a great preacher, the peer of any man in the nation, and was receiving, as any other itinerant preacher, a salary of only $80 a year. He was soon afterward elected Bishop, and we would here remark tbat a Bishop is the only member in the M. E. Church that is entitled to neither a vote nor a veto. In 1805, Charles B. Matheny was pastor this year, and, on account of ill health, lo- cated in Springfield in 1818, where he left an honorable record and a worthy family. In 1806, Jesse Walker came, and though volumes might, be written in his praise, the want of space admonishes us to pay more re- gard to their chronological order than the character of the preachers. 1MI7 — John Clingan, P. C. ; James Ward, P. E 272 members. 1808— Jesse Walker. P. C. ; Samuel Park- er, P. E. L809— Abraham A.nios; 341 members on Illinois Circuit. 1810— Cash Creek Circuit, Thomas Kirk- ham. 1811 — Cash River, Baker W rather; James Axley, P. E. 1812 — Illinois Circuit was attached to the l ■ rn'ssee Conference. Wabash District, Peter Cartright, P. E. ; Little Wabash Cir- cuit. John Smith. 1813— Jas. Porter. P. C. ; Jesse Walker, P. E. 1814— John C. Harbison. 1815 — Daniel McHenry. 1816 — Illinois for eight years formed a part of the Missouri Conference. John Har- ris, P. C. : Samuel H. Thompson, P. E. 1817— Daniel McHenry. 1818 — Charles Slocumb, P. C. ; Jesse Haile, P. E. 1819-20— Thomas Davis, P. C; David Sharp, P. E. 1821 — H. Vredenburg and Thomas Rice. 1822 — Wabash and Mt. Vernon, Josiah Patterson and William H. Smith. 1823 — Wabash and Mt. Vernon, William H. Smith, P. C; S. H. Thompson, P. E. 1824 — Illinois Conference established. Wabash Circuit. Cornelius Ruddle. 1825 — Wabash Circuit, Thomas Davis, P. C. ; Charles Holliday, P. E. L826— Robert Delap. 1827— James Hadley. 1828 — William Mavity; George Lock, P. E. 1829— John Fox and Alfred Arriugton. 1830— Thomas H. Files and Philip T. Cordier. 1831— Thomas H. .Files and James M. Massey. 1832 — James McKean and J. W. Corbin; Michael S. Taylor, P. E. 1833 — James W. Corbin and William Mavity. 1834 -James Walker; John S. Barger, 1'. E. 1835— John Fox. 1836— William Taylor and William Met- calf. 1837 — Rhodam Allen and John Parsons; Hooper Crews, P. E. 1838— Arthur Bradshaw; A. E. Phelps, P. E. 1839— G. W. Strebling; G. W. Robins, P. E. 1840 — William Cummings and Ashael Brown. 1841 — John Shepherd; Barton Handle, P. E. After this year, the work in Wayne County was called Fairfield Circuit. It will not be out of place to mention a few incidents in connection with some of the foregoing preachers. The fiery, impetuous and fearless Daniel 100 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. McHenry was the right man for the circuit during the Indian war, as a less courageous man would have failed in the midst of dan- gers so menacing. He was a terror to evil- doers and entertained a great antipathy to slavery. On one occasion he, with his son and a negro, actually whipped and drove back into Kentucky a company of kidnapers. After an absence of fifty years, William H. Smith visited the Conference at Mt. Vernon and met a few of his early parisnoners. Cornelius Ruddle, while moving from his circuit at New Haven to Equality, with both his horses, was killed by a falling tree. His wife was compelled to return on foot four miles to the settlement to procure help. James Hadley's wife died in the vicinity of Fairfield. Father Mavity (pronounced Mo- vit-ee) died and was buried at Mellrose's, in Edward's County, on the place now owned by Mr. West. Alfred Arrington is remembered by very few now living here, but by those few well remembered. Though unassiiining, he proved to be a young man of great erudition, and became an able and eloquent preacher. He was expelled from the church, after which he studied law, became an' able advocate, and settled in Chicago, where he was elected Judge, and died a few years since.'XKoman Catholic. While crossing the Little Wabash River, at the mouth of White Oak Creek, a little below the "Air Line " Railroad bridge, in 1839, William Metcalf was drowned. He lies buried in the Mathew Crews' Cemetery. More than sixty-seven years ago, or within a few weeks after the first settlers had come to the region of Burnt Prairie, in 1816, came John Harris, the Methodist circuit rider, following the wake of the early pio- neer, serving the flocks, gathering up the scattered fragments that had strayed into the wilderness waste, carrying the glad tid- ings to the lost, administering to the spiritual wants of a people widely separated, and per- suading men to seek a better inheritance and live better lives. At his first appearance in the settlement, in August, 1810, Mr. Harris preached at the house of Alexander Hamil- ton, to five persons as his congregation, viz. : Mr. Hamilton, his wife and two nieces and George Meritt, a young man at that time. Early in the winter of 1817, Archy Rob- erts, a talented local preacher, settled on the southeast quarter of Section 11, Town 3 south, Range 8 east, and at his house it is thought the first Methodist society was or- ganized. It is also stated by Mr. Meritt that it was several years before the ministers of other denomination visited these settlements. In 1817, Daniel McHenry, on his rounds, found the Gillison family, and established preaching at their house. In the new settle- ment the necessaries of life were not only costly, but hard to obtain. Mrs. Gillison had carded, spun and wove a piece of jeans, taken it on horseback to Shawneetown, and sold it, taking in part pay corn meal at $1 per bushel, which she brought home, and with this fed the circuit preacher's horse on his first visit. So glad were many of the people to have these messengers of Christ make their monthly rounds, that they would endure almost any hardship and undergo many privations, that they and their children might obtain the " Word of Life." To this society belonged the Robertses, Fileses, Pattens, Gillisons and others. In 1820, John Bovee, with his family, re- moved to Big Mound Prairie, and found here an organized Methodist society, with regular circuit preaching at Hugh Stewart's, north east quarter of Section 5, Town 2 south, Range 7 east, latterly the home of the late Rev. John Chambers. The early members HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 101 were Stewarts, Robinsons, Gastons, Bovees and Andrew Hall's family. Rev. James A. Robinson was born here, and Rev. James M, Massey, step-son of Bovee, grew to manhood in this settlement. In 1831, the preaching was removed to Bovees house, on the south- east quarter of the northeast quarter of Sec- tion 9, where it remained about five years, when it was again removed to the Bovee Schoolhouse, southwest quarter of the north west quarter of Section 32, in Lamard Town- ship, and became the headquarters for Methodism for many miles around. About 1859, as the membership had increased and the house would no longer answer the de- mands of the congregation, Mt. Olivet Church, a substantial log house was built about sixty rods west of this place, which amply serves the society at the present time. The cemetery is still near the schoolhouse. Many souls have been converted at this place, and among the most prominent revivals were those resulting from the protracted meetings conducted by Revs. Samuel Walker, C. W. Sabine, C. A. Young and Robert D. Ellis. Connected with this society at present are many good and substantial members, and the sabbath school has been in a flourishing condition for many years. Ebenezer. — In 1819 or 1820, the untiring itinerant appeared at Andrew Crews, in Mas- sillon Township, and the organization of a Methodist society was. shortly afterward ac- complished. Among the lirst members were Andrew Crews and family. Jonathan Douglas and wife, McMackens, Monroes, George Wil- son and probably some others. After 1829, the place of worship was at Matthew Crews' dwelling house for a number of years, and this society became the center of the circuit, and in fact, the most prominent Methodist organization in Wayne County. James Crews was the first class leader. In 18 40, when the Crows' dwelling house would m longer accommodate the increasing congre- gations, it was determined to build a church house, when Matthew Crews remarked that "it must be ready before the next quarterly meeting." This declaration gave assurance that the work would be done, and a substan- tial log house, with two glass windows, a large stove (the first in the township), and fine, broad plank seats, made bench fashion, was erected on the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 31, in Mas- sillon Township. At this place was also established a ceme- tery and a camp ground. The church was called " Ebenezer," a name by which the so- ciety has been known for the past forty-four years. While R. H. Massey was on the work in 1865. the society erected a neat, frame chapel, 24x36 feet, at, a cost of $1,000. on the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 35, Jasper Township (land do- nated by John M. Creighton), and this house still serves as a temple of worship, where an active society still offers up prayer and praise. In 1851, under the ministry of Thomas Sharp, at the camp ground, a sweeping re- vival visited this community. The principal revivals at this place since that time have attended the labors of Revs. Hazen and C. W. Sabine, although there has been some revival influence almost every year. Woodland. — As early as 1826, a Methodist society was organized at the dwelling of John McMackon, northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, in Jasper Township, on the place now owned by Mr. G. E. Shank. Among the first members were the McMackens, Bradshaws, Douglases, and George Wilson. Some of these were transferred from the Crews' society. The 102 IIISTOliY OK WAYXE COUNTY. preaching was sometimes at the house of Jonathan Douglas. Clinton McMacken, James and Thomas Bradshaw were early class leaders, and, in fact, five sons of Mrs. Ann Bradshaw became leaders at this place. An amusing incident occured here, shortly after the organization of the society. A boy fell asleep, during preaching one day, and. dreaming that the hogs were in the yard clapped his hands and hollowed, to frighten them away, when the preacher, mistaking the shout for a conversion, ex- pressed great satisfaction that another sinner had turned from his evil ways. The increase in the congregation at this place, had placed the society under the necessity of providing larger accommodations. In 1843, it was determined to build a church house, and the only question agitating the brethren was with regard to the location. J. J. Bradshaw had offered an acre of ground on the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, when Thomas Bradshaw terminated the controversy by proposing that all go to work in the morning, with axes and broadaxes. Some hesitated for a while, but]by the next evening the woods were ringing with the sound of axes and falling trees, and Wood- land, a neat log church, was completed, which serves the congregation as a place of worship at the present time, though they greatly need, and ought to have a better house for the worship of God. There have been many revivals of religion at this place, and many have found peace and rest here, that have entered into their great reward. Rev. Arthur Bradshaw of the Illinois Con- ference entered the itinerancy from this place, and Rev. Lewis A. Harper, of the Southern Illinois Conference, preached his first sermon here. From information that seems to be reliable, we have reason to believe that there was a Methodist society in existence at Virden's as early as 1830. The appointment was supplied from Mt. Carmel, at first, and latterly, from Albion Circuit. Two camp-grounds were established near this place, many years ago, and the church has been favored with good revival influences, at different times. Among the early members, were the Ver- dens, Melroses, Robinsons, Scotts, Ewings and others. Dr. H. G. Thrall, a talented and useful local preacher, and Rev. L. A. Harper were probably licensed to preach at this place. Rev. J. A. Robinson, whose wife was a Melrose, from this society entered upon his long and useful career as an itinerant minis- ter. Many years ago, the society built a log church house on the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 24, Town 2 south, Range 9 east, in Leach Township. The church is still flourishing to some extent, and after a long course of usefulness, is still in the field, but we are unable to give any statement as to their numerical strength. The church is sometimes known by the names of Scottsville, Wabash, and Brushy Prairie. We have no means of ascertaining, at pres- ent, when the first Methodist organization was established in this community, as Wayne County formed a part of a large scope of country, known as Wabash Circuit, the records of which are not now known to be in existence, and the records of Fairfield Cir- cuit did not commence until 1842. We have been able to ascertain, with certainty, that there was a society in existence in 1830, at Moses Woods' house, in the southwest quar- ter of the northwest quarter of Section 30, in HISTORY OF WAYNK (OINTV. 103 Leach Township, the place now owDed by John L. "Wagner. Preaching was sometimes at Sion Harris', where there was' once' quite a revival; also at Harlan's. near Beach Bluff, and at Andrew Neal's, Benjamin Mabry's and Marcus R. Day's. The early members were the Woods', Mrs. Stanley, Elizabeth Hooper, Frank Day and wife, with probably others. Minsey James was class leader. Rev. Benjamin S. Mabry, from Tennessee united with this society about 1840, and was useful in building up the church. In 1873, a neat, frame church house, 28x48 feet, was erected at the cross-roads, on the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter Section 14, Town- ship 2 south. Range 8 east, in Barnhill Township. The society has continued to prosper since building the church. Revs. Sabine, Carter, Owen and Houser's labors have been blessed in the conversion of many at this place. James H. Hodges was the tirst to join the church in the new house, and was licensed to preach while a member of this society. William Neal was long ago a local preacher here. Dr. Homer G. Thrall, a local preacher of no mean ability, and a thorough Methodist, though a lover of all Christians, was a lender in building the new church, and died here greatly lamented. At a period not later than 1832, a society of Methodists was in existence at Lot Greg- ory's, in Hickory Hill Township, and still re- mains as a distinct organization, although the preaching was moved around from place to place as convenience or caprice might suggest. Sometimes it was at Thomas Buck's, William Ellis' or at other places, and we presume of late years has been held at public schoolhouses. The early members were Lot Gregory, "Thomas Buck, William Ellis, Albert Brannon, Garrison, William Ir- win, Samuel Bradford, Isaac Milner, with their wives, and others. A new frame church worth about $800 has just been erected on the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 1 south, Range 5 east, in Hickory Hill Township. This work has been accomplished chiefly, through the labor and perseverance of Mr. Thomas Bilbro, who did not live to enjoy the anticipated pleasure of having a house of God to worship in, but passed away to the brighter rest in the church triumphant above. About fifty years ago, we are informed, there was a great revival at this place, that was so general in its influence that it affected the entire community. A man not a mem- ber of the church states that it was impossi- ble to resist its power; that they got him and his young lady friend down at the altar be- fore he knew it; that he came very near join- ing church in spite of all his efforts to the con- trary; and that the power of the meeting was so great that it " run the cattle all out of the country." Under the labors of Mr. Helm, there was also a gracious revival here many years ago. About 1842, a society in Six Mile Prairie, Four Milej Township, was organized, but it is now difficult to state what ministers offi- ciated at its first organization. Revs. Andrew Maulding, John Fox, Williams and F-.'nn are known to have labored here in an early day, and Thomas Cottingham and Charles Coker, local preachers from Hamilton Coun- ty, did good service among tho people here. Among tho early members of the church were the Mauldings, Mrs. Mabry, Mrs. Abbott, S. Boyd and wife, Mrs. Hopkins, George Ma- bry and family, Mary Wood, Simons, Tyler, William Harlan, Walden, with their wives, Calvin Schell and others. While John Fox 104 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. was pa6tor, preaching was at an old store- house, near Maulding's bridge, a little north of the present Wayne City. Meetings were also held at Maulding's and Mabry's. There was a general revival in this society in an early day. so sweeping in its effects that most of those for miles around, who were not already members of some society, were re- ceived on trial in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The work in this portion of Wayne County was probably supplied by preachers on the McLeansboro Circuit. A church house is greatly needed in this community, and permanent religious prosperity cannot be expected without it. Middleton, or Long Prairie. — Long Prairie Methodist Episcopal Society in Four Mile Township; was established in 1S41 or 1842. Among the early members were Mary Ander- son, Frederic Davis, Andrew Davis, Jabez Anderson, James Boswell, Howard, William Johnson, with their wives and others. James Boswell was class leader. King Allen, Jesse Johnson, McKinsey, Hardy, Laird and other local preachers labored here. About 1860, a good sized frame church was built in the village of Middleton, but does not seem to have been well constructed, and was abandoned in 1875. A neat frame chapel, 26x40 feet, was erect- ed in 1852, on the southeast quarter j of the northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 3 south, Kange 5 east, where the society of eighty members now worship. Rev. R. Oliver, of the Middleton Circuit, is the pres- ent pastor. Frog Island. — The Methodists organized a society near the old town of ''New Balti- more," in Four Mile Township, previous to 1844, at the Gray Schoolhouse, nearE. Gray's, on Frog Island, which still exists, with a membership of twenty or more. Among the early members attached to this society were Stephen Bradford and family, Mrs. Mauld- ing, Mrs. Crouch, Mrs. McMillan, King Trotter, John Ballard, Richard Norman, AVilliam Miller, with their wives, and prob- ably some others. S. Bradford and King Trotter were class leaders. This little band have struggled on faith- fully, through many discouragements, and it is to be hoped that a brighter day in the near future awaits them. More than forty-five years ago, in the southern portion of Barnhiil Township, the Methodists had a society, and regular circuit preaching at Henry Mericle's. The first members were H. Mericle (class leader), Presly Simpson, William Boze, and their wives, Mrs. Conn, Mrs. Bradshaw and some others. Their membership was transferred some years since across the line into White County, and constitutes in part what is now known as Union Church, about two miles east of Mill Shoals. There have been some re- vivals in the past at this place, but the old original members have about all passed away, and I do not think there is regular stated preaching at the place. A few very worthy members hold on to their integrity with un- swerving devotion. Brush Creek Toivnship. — About 1S50, a Methodist society was established at Mathew Warren's, in Brush Creek Township. Lat- terly, the services were conducted at Mr. Phillips' house, and the society had some prosperity for a few years, but, I think, is not flourishing at present. Among the earlier members were Rev. Cook, Anns, Z. Phillips, Joseph Phillips. Van Sycles, Borroughs, Lovelace, with members of their families, and probably some others. Probably after the organization at Phillip's, fully thirty years ago, a live, active little society of Methodists was established at the IIISTOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 105 Copeland Schoolhouse in Brush Creek Town- ship, and seemed to be in a flourishing con- dition at the commencement of the great war, when dissensions and divisions occurred which almost destroyed its usefulness as a Chris- tian body. It is unnecessary to ask how any true Methodist stood when his country was assailed. The members were Rev. A. C. Gonterman and wife, the Sullivans, Irvins, Moores, Smothers, and others. Our infor- mation has been but meager, and we should not court a severe criticism as to dates and incidents. Preaching in this portion of Wayne County was supplied by the pastors of Xenia Circuit. About 1842, the local and circuit preach- ers established a Methodist society in the Buckeye neighborhood, near the northeast corner of Laniard Township. At different periods, the services were held at Rutger's, Swain's, or Hays', according to the conven- ience of those most deeply interested. The society existed here with varied success until after the establishment of Jeffersonville as a flourishing village, when John Rutger preached the first sermon in David C. Por- ter's house, and John E. Taylor is thought to have been the first circuit preacher to minister to the people of the village, and, during a protracted meeting under his labors in 1854, a good little revival resulted. We are, at present, unable to state who were the first members constituting this so- ciety, but doubt not, like the present mem- bership, they were stalwart to the very core. Among the most noted revivals may be mentioned those under the labors of Revs. Samuel Walker, J. H. Lockwood, Hazen, Sabin, Carter, Owen, Baldridge and Young- ling. Under the administration of J. C. Baldridge, in 1872, a neat and commodious frame church, 30x00 feet, was commenced, and completed the next year at a cost of about $1,800. Brother Baldridge preached tho first sermon in the new house, and it was dedicated by Rev. William Tilroe. There are a number of substantial Method- ists in connection with this church, and the outlook is promising. The parsonage of the Jeffersonville Circuit is located at this place, and the church property is free from debt. The pastors of this circuit since its commencement in 1803 have been Revs. Hazen, J. P. Rutherford, F. M. Woolard, William Tilroe, C. W. Sabine, J. C. Green, J. C. Baldridge, R. M. Carter, William M. Owen, David Moore, C. J. T. Tolle, J. D. Reeder, W. F. Brown, Houser, J. P. Youngling, N. Stauffer, and C. D. Lingen- filter, the present pastor. Methodist preaching was kept up, societies established and long maintained at Faurote's and Allen's Schoolhouse, near Enterprise, for many years, accomplishing some good; but on account of deaths, removals and other causes, the organization was abandoned some years ago. The societies established in an early day at Gaston's, Capt. John Clark's, Linn Grove and Boamer's, have been absorbed by Bethel and Fairfield, or scattered by death and re- movals. Near Beamer's, two miles south of Fairfield, was once a society of about thirty members, who commenced and partially completed a log church house, but the title to the prop- erty proving defective, the enterprise was abandoned. Organ's Schoolhouse. — For many years a flourishing society existed at Organ's School - house, two and a half miles northeast of Fairfield, where great good resulted from the labors of tho preachers in that community, but it is no longer maintained as a distinct organization, its members having been trans- ferred to Woodland, Kbenezer and Fairfield. The folly of establishing societies in almos 106 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. every school district, thereby dividing their strength so as to render them unable to build houses of worship, has certainly been demonstrated among our people, to an ex- tent that ought to teacb them that its repeti- tion is a grave mistake. Johnsonville Circuit. — Our information is somewhat meager concerning the earlier so- cieties on this work, and there is no doubt much of value that unless gathered soon will be lost, even if it is not already too late in many instances. The early records of Fairfield Circuit meD- tion Galbraith's, Hills', Tibbs', Round Prairie, Forackre's, Watson's, Baker's, Lib- erty Schoolhouse, and probably some other places, but lest we should cause confusion in attempting to classify them in connection with the present appointments of Johnson- ville Circuit, we would prefer passing them by with the mere mention of their names. The following from Rev. Lewis A. Harper, the present pastor of the circtiit, in few words and very much to the point, contains information the most reliable that we have so far been able to obtain. "The territory now embraced in Johnson- ville charge, from the time there was preach- ing in it, was included in the Fairfield Cir- cuit until the fall of 1858, when the John- sonville Circuit was formed, and James I. Richardson appointed to the work. Under his administration the parsonage was built that still stands. In 1859, J. H. Lockwood was appointed to the work, and remained two years. There was some religious prosperity during his term. "In 1861, the work was supplied by W. F. Massey, who remained till near the close of the year, when he enlisted in the United States Army. In 1862, J. P. Rutherford was appointed. He made some improvements in the parsonage property. In 1863, J. \Y. Grant was appointed. These being war times, and Brother Grant being strongly Union, there was some trouble, and but little or no revival. In 1864, Anderson Meyers was ap- pointed, and the present church at Johnson- ville was commenced and nearly finished, at a cost of nearly $4,000. "In 1865, 'Uncle Jimmy' Johnson was appointed, and continued two years. In 1867, G. W. Brannine was appointed, and remained three years. " In 1871, N. E. Harmon was appointed, and had some revival work. " In 1872, R. M. Carter was appointed. He had poor health, and there was not much done in revival work. In 1873, J. P. Young- ling was appointed. During his administra- tion, the brick church at Rinard was bought. In 1874, William McMorrow was appointed, and remained two years, during which time there was some revival influence. In 1876, L. A. Harper was appointed, and remained two years, during which time there was con- siderable revival work, the most noted of which was a union meeting with Rev. Gaston at Mt. Zion, which resulted in about sixty conversions. In 1878, A. L. Downey. In 1879, M. L. King, who remained two years. Sixty joined the church during his first year. In 1881, W T . R. Bradley was appointed, and remained two years, and there was consider- able revival work during his term. In 1883, L. A. Harper was returned, and is making an effort to build a parsonage, which is greatly needed. " There are four churches, worth about $4,000, and seven appointments, and a mem- bership of about 230." Mr. Harper further states that: " The first meetings in Arrington Prairie by the Method- ist Episcopal Church were in 1859, at David Baker's house, by Andrew J. Maulding, Israel Turner and Jacob O. Feather, then a member HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 107 of our church. About that time, a Meth- odist Episcopal class was formed at the old Liberty Schoolhouse, in the south part of Ar- rington, and continued until L858, when the Zion Church was built, northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quar- ter of Section 24, Town 1 south, Range 6 east, on land donated by Esq. John Cisne. This church is a frame of some respectabil- ity, and has been lately repaired. Among the first members were David Baker. Rev. Jacob O. Feather, Jacob Baker, Alfred Baker, Aaron Graham, with their wives and some others. This church is ten miles south of Johnsonville. "Three miles southwest of Johnsonville there is a society of over twenty-five years' standing, with preaching first at the houses of H. D. and John Taylor, and then at school- houses, when they built a log church (south- east corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 17, Town 1 north, Range 6 east), which is called Wesley Chapel. This house is one of the regular preaching places of this circuit. Among the first members were John Taylor, H. D. Tay- lor, Nicholas Borders, Joseph Spicor. with their wives and others. " There is a society three miles southeast of Johnsonville, on the Dry Fork, of more than twenty-five years' standing, with preach- ing for many years at the Watson School- house. Eight or nine years ago, a frame church east of the Dry Fork was put up, and used for some time, but never finished, and the preaching is now in a log church, ownod by the Baptists. Henry Schell, George Cariens, Enoch Greathouse, Elias Holmes, their wives and others were early members." ML Erie circuit. — We are somewhat at a loss, from the fact that we have been un- able to obtain adequate information concern- ing the early membership of tln> church in one of the most interesting fields of labor in Wayne County, feeling that an injustice has been done to Mt. Erie Circuit, for which no one is to blame; and we can only regret that our account is not moi - e full in detail of the unwritten portion of the history of the church in that section. From old records, we obtain the names of Vandaveor's. Farmer's, Walker's, Ake's, Lo- cust Grove, Long Prairie, Bradshaw's and Yohe's, which were, doubtless, the nucleus from which sprang the towers of greater strength, Mt. Erie Church, McKendree Chap- el and other modern preaching places. The following very concise official account has fallen into our hands, which we suppose was written by Rev. J. P. Youngling: '■ The first society of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in Mt. Erie Township was or- ganized in 1839 or 1840, by Alexander Blake- ly, a local preacher. Rev. Guthrie began to preach at two or three points in this section. The societies until 1854 were served by the same pastors as those of Fairfield Circuit. "I copy from the records: At the session of the Southern Illinois Conference in Sep- tember, 1854, the New Massillon Mission was formed out of territory formerly belong- ing to the Fairfield and Louisville Circuits. At its organization, the mission consisted of eight appointments, having 144 members and sixty -two probationers. It was a part of Salem District; J. I. Richardson, P. E., and Cavoy Lambert, P. C. A parsonage was commenced and so far completed as to be occupied by the preacher in the winter. " In 1855, Brother Lambert was returned, the parsonage debt was nearly paid, needed improvements were made and the work was in good condition generally. In 1850, the mission appropriation of $50 was withdrawn, the charge named Mt. Erie Circuit and Rev. James M. Massey appointed preacher in 108 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. charge. He was a man of more than ordi- nary preaching ability. " During the year 1856, the present church building was put under contract, but not en- closed until the spring of 1857. In 1857,' Rev. R. H. Massey was appointed P. C. The church was dedicated October 3, 1858, by Rev. J. M. Massey. It is a frame build- ing and cost $1,300. The following preach- ers then successively served the charge: J. H. Lockwood, J. I. Richardson. R. H. Mas- sey, who was appointed Chaplain of the Fortieth Illinois Regiment, and "Wilbur F. Massey supplied the charge until the next session of the conference. (W. F. Massey died a prisoner of war in the pen at Ander- sonville, Ga.) " In 1862, the Mt. Erie and Flora Circuits were united, and Rev. Cavey Lambert ap- pointed P. C. The next year Mt. Erie and Flora Circuits were restored to their original bounds, and Rev. C. Lambert was appointed to Mi Erie. Brother L. was succeeded by Rev. Calvin Gibbs, and in 1866, Rev. O. Bru- nei - was appointed. "In 1868, Rev. John Thatcher was ap- pointed to the Mt. Erie and Clay City Cir- cuits. He died March 3, 1869. The work was then divided, and Rev. M. L. King was placed in charge of Clay City, and Rev. Richard Thatcher at Mt Erie. " In the fall of 1869, Brother King was ap- pointed toMt. Erie; 1870 to 1873, J. C. Bal- dridge; 1873 to 1876, J. B. Ravenscroft; 1S76 to 1879, Caleb D. Lingenfelter; 1879 to 1880, V. D. Lingenfelter; 1880, William Tilroe; 1881-82, J. P. Youngling; 1883, J. D. Reeder, the present pastor. " There are, at present, five regular ap- pointments, with occasional "preaching at two others. There are five Sabbath schools, doing good work. The society three and one- half miles southeast of here have a comfort- able church house. The other societies are worshiping in schoolhouses at present. But one church house will be erected this year, and others, we think, will be in the near future." In addition to the above account, we have learned that McKendree Chapel, a good frame house, 26x40 feet, situated on the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 33, in Mt. Erie Township, and cost ing $1,350, was erected in 1876, and dedi cated, free from debt, by Dr. J. W. Locke The Trustees were W. H. Portertield, A. L Wall, James Bradshaw, W. H. Wells, J. F Troyer and Albert Vandaveer. In 1849, under the ministry of Rev. James Johnson, there was a great revival in this neighborhood at Ake's Grove. In 1877, Rev. C. D. Lingenfelter conducted a revival meeting at McKendree Chapel, during which sixty- five persons were converted. In 1881, during the service of Rev. J. P. Youngling, fifty people were converted at the same place. In the vicinity of the places formerly known in the old church records as " West's Schoolhouse " and " Massillon," a new frame church house, 26x40 feet, on the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10, Massillon Township, is now under con- struction, to be known as the West M. E. Church. Mrs. Salina West, widow of the late Mr. Wayne West, died in 1865, leaving forty acres of land for the purpose of erect- ing this chapel. The land has been sold, and through the liberal contributions of a generous public, in addition to the bequest, a small society, with a flourishing Sunday school and good prospects, will soon have a good house of worship, where it is greatly needed. We suspect that through the energy of A. L. Wall, Esq., and others, this work has been greatly facilitated. The Trustees HISTOKY (IF WAYNE COUNTY. 109 of this property are W. V. Goodall, Sylves- ter I'rice, John R. Trover, A. L. Wall, Yan E. Price and W. E. Allison. Zif Township. — In JS87. "Aunt Hannah Husselton," like Barbara Heck, went in quest of a preacher, when J. I. Richardson came and preached at her house on his last round. Rev. John Fox was the next preacher, and organized a society there. The early mem- bers were Mrs. Husselton, John Williams, Thomas G. Williams, John H. Hill, James Cochran, John Husselton, and their wives. J. H. Hill was class leader. Preaching was sometimes at the dwellings of Hill and the Williams. The appointment was known as "' Williams," but is now known as the Grove Creek Schoolhouse. Rev. J. C. Williams is a member of this society. Rev. John H. Hill entered upon his long and useful career as an itinerant minister from this place. The society is at present connected with the Mt. Erie Circuit. Previ- ous to the establishment of the Williams So- ciety there was a Methodist organization at Isaac Creeks, with regular circuit preaching. The pioneer members were Creek and Jordan C. ■ Patterson, with their wives and other members of their families. Patterson was a useful local preacher. John Husselton and his wife died here. Preaching was afterward held at Mrs. Humes, who was also a mem- ber, and then at the Patterson Schoolhouse, until a neat chapel was erected in the neigh- borhood. Circuit preaching in Zif Township must have been supplied from the old Maysville Circuit, as these societies were established prior to the organization of either the New Massillon Mission or the Mt. Erie Circuit, and they nowhere appear on the Fairfioldrecords, which commence in 1842. The society is now in connection with the Mt. Erie Circuit. Camp-meetings. — Realizing fully how in- complete this account would be without it, we will digress, at this point, to give a brief sketch of the early camp-meetings of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Wayne County, in which strong men often partici- pated, and where many precious souls were converted. After considerable labor and inquiry, we believe the dates attached to each may be relied on with considerable certainty, although there are, doubtless, many incidents of inter- est, which have long since passed from the memory of living men. This manner of conducting public worship in the early days of the church in the West, when people would travel long distances on foot, on horses or in ox-carts, to worship God, when the country was little less than a "waste, a howling wilderness," was almost a necessity, as no houses in the country, at that time, were large enough to contain the as- sembled throngs; such congregations would not, at the present time, be considered large, but then, when the nearest neighbors were ofteu miles apart, a few hundred people were considered a very large assemblage. From Uncle George Meritt, who certainly deserves to be classed as the "oldest inhabi- tant," and among the very first pioneers, we learn that " The first camp-meeting in Wayne County was held by the Methodists in May, 1818, conducted by Charles Slocumb, Zadoc Casey, John Slocumb and Archibald Roberts. " Tho meeting was hold at what was then, and is yet known as the Meritt Springs, in the southwest corner of Leech Township." We visited this ground a few days since in order to definitely locate it, before those knowing its situation should all pass away. The place of encampment is now a cultivated field, and the springs are still flowing, but much neglected. At or very near the southeast corner of the 110 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. southwest quarter uf the southwest quarter of Section 7, Town 3 south, Range 9 east, on the spot where Ales Stewart's house now stands, was the place of the encampment. About forty paces ] to the east of this house, on the brow of a small hill, in the field, stands, at present, a large, black gum stump, from which the tree has been recently cut, and, under the shade of which, facing west, or south of west, was erected a stand, from which, more than sixty-five years ago, Charles Slocumb, Zadoc Casey, men of giant minds, with others, proclaimed the word of life and salvation to the assembled pioneers; and grand results were attained on the occasion, as many obtained the " Pearl of great price." It is no disparagement to Gov. Casey, though a great and talented preacher, to say, that he was not by any one regarded as the peer of the eloquent and inimitable Slocumb. This most sacred spot is now a part of the domain of our truly worthy friend, Esquire Nathan Meritt. The springs thirty or forty rods to the southeast, on Section 18, are on the estate of Mr. Charles Winzenberger. South of the Meritt camp -ground one and one-fourth miles, and east of Burnt Prairie, was the Patten camp-ground, where the same preachers, in connection with some others, conducted a meeting in 1822. Meetings were kept up here for a number of years, and great good was evidently accomplished, as this means of gathering the people to- gether was continued, until houses of wor- ship were built of sufficient capacity to ac- commodate the multitude. Circumstances strongly indicate that the meeting about which Dr. William Beauchamp writes, and mentioned in Bangs history, occurred on this ground. At these early meetings, though denomi- national in their character, the Cumberland Presbyterians and Methodists usually united in bearing the burdens for the occasion and the labors of the altar; sometimes Methodists, at others, Presbyterian; their denominational features were only determined by the minis- ters in charge. In the summer of 1827, and for some years afterward, the Methodists held a camp-meet- ing near a spring, on the Porter place, one and one-half miles northeast of Fairfield, under the charge of Jacob Delap, the pastor. James M. Massey first exhorted here. It was here that Charles Slocumb preached the funeral of John Barnhill and his wife. There were many converts and a great stir on the occasion. Daniel McHenry and Archy Rob- erts were active at this meeting. Coming to this meeting, John Y. Brad- shaw, then a boy, was driving an ox team, when approaching the creek the thirsty oxen suddenly made a dash for the water, upset- ting the cart, and turning the box upside down, with old Mrs. B. and the camp provi- sions on the under side. A vessel of honey was spilled on Mrs. B., when she hollowed lustily for dear life, de- claring that she was already killed dead, mashed flat, every bone in her body crushed into splinters, and that she was all covered with blood. When released, unhurt, she seemed greatly disappointed at finding no real blood, and left in high dudgeon, saying it was an unpardonable sin to attend a Meth- odist meeting anyhow, and that this was a judgment sent on her for so doing. She was never afterward seen in an ox cart riding to a Methodist camp-meeting. In 1835, a Methodist camp-ground was es- tablished, and continued for some years after- ward, as such, on the Jonathan Douglas place, one and one-half miles west of south of the Grinnell Pond, where the old ceme- tery yet remains. Among the ministers pres- ent were Charles Slocumb, B. F. Kavanaugh, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Ill Thomas Hinds. James Crews and John Thatcher, then a young man on his way to Missouri. By some means, Brother Thatcher was regarded with suspicion, being an entire stranger, and so unministerial in his personal appearance. With what very different feel- ings and emotions did many of these same people regard him, when, after the lapse of nearly thirty years this truly wonderful man became their devoted pastor. A groat work was accomplished at the first meeting, and among the converts was a lad fifteen years of age, who afterward was aud is now known as Col. Warren E. McMackin, of Salem. About 1S38, the Methodists held a camp- meeting about two miles north of Scottsville, in the eastern portion of Wayne County. The encampment was afterward'made about one-half mile west of that village, where similar meetings were conducted for some years. "We know nothing definite concerning the outcome of these meetings, nor who were present as ministers. It is, however, not probable that camp-meetings were maintained here for a series of years, without some good being accomplished. Circumstances strongly indicate that Methodist preaching was es- tablished in this community at an earlier period than we have been in the habit of placing it. The Mt. Carmel Circuit preacher, in 1820, had a preaching place in Wayne County; and as the territory east of the Lit- tle Wabash was connected with that circuit, it is probable that this is the place. In 1S44, the Methodists commenced^hold- ing camp-meetings at the Mathew Crews en- campment, where the old Ebenezer Church stood, in the southwest corner of Massillon Township. These meetings were maintained for about eight years, and this place became somewhat noted as a Methodist center. There were some sweeping revivals here, by which great and lasting good was accomplished. It was said to be a custom with Mathew Crews, when people came from a distance to attend these meetings, to show them his past- ures, his corn, hay and oats, and toll them that all were free, and to help themselves. About thirty years ago, a camp-meeting was conducted by the Methodists, one mile and a half southwest of Middleton, in Four Mile Township, on the land of Richard Jen- kins, but we have been unable to ascertain any facts concerning it, except that Bev. Thomas Casey was a prominent factor dur- ing the progress of the meeting. There was a camp-meeting hold about one mile north of the town of Middleton, shortly after the war, but our information concerning this, is even more meager than that of the first one. These short accounts cover all the camp- meetings, conducted by the Methodist Epis- copal Church in Wayne County, so far as we have been able to learn. After his return from the Black Hawk war, in 1S32, Mr. Hugh Stewart removed to Fair- field, and as a consequence, regular circuit preaching was commenced, and has been mantained to the present time. There may have been a society, and Methodist preaching in the village before tho coming of Mr. S. but, unless possessed of more definite infor- mation on the subject, we should hesitate to state this as a fact. The town seems to have been largely given over to hardness, whisky drinking, fighting, gambling, and even worse things were prevalont, and but little attempt was made to conceal the dominant wickedness of the place. Mr. Stewart entertained preach- ing at his ijwn residence, often supporting the quarterly conference, laboring and trust- ing, with a persistent courage, amidst em- barrassments, that would have made a less 112 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. stout-hearted men quail, until a few addi- tional members wore added to their little band. Jonathan Douglass, living five miles in the country, came into the town regularly, and attended to the duties of class leader. An attempt was made to build a church house, and a log pen was raised for that pur- pose, but they were unable to finish it, and the enterprise was abandoned. Preaching was, for a time conducted in the court house, | and there were a few additions there, among whom we may mention Mr. John Wilson, but there came into office, men " dressed in a little brief authority," who were so indignant at the public building being desecrated by Gospel preaching, that the little band had to seek quarters, elsewhere. Mr. Stewart held to his purpose with such heroic constancy, that he may justly, under Divine Providence, be regarded as the Fattier of Methodism, in Fairfield. He has long since passed to his reward, but his memory is held in reverence by the few now living, who knew him, and, although he did not live to see the triumph of his work here, could he but come to Fair- field to-day, and see six good Christian church houses, each with a respectable hold- ing, the saloons banished, iniquity driven to dark corners, and Christ triumphant, his soul would be satisfied. "Sow iu the morn thy seed ; At eve, hold not thy hand ; To doubt and fear give thou no heed, Broadcast it o'er the land." In 1832, the Illinois Conference established what was then called Fairfield Circuit, with James Hadley as pastor. We think his wife died here. Of the bounds of the work, at that time, we have no record; but the next year, it was again merged into the Wabash Circuit, and so remained until 1842, when Fairfield again appears on the minutes, and has so continued to the present time. Fair- field charge in 1842, embraced all the terri- tory lying between the Skillet Fork and Little Wabash Rivers, to the north line of Wayne County, with, probably the exception of two societies in Zif Township and some in the west part of the county. Out of this territory have since been formed Fairfield Station, Jeffersonville, Johnsonville, Mt. Erie and Liberty (Burnt Prairiel Circuits. Robert E. Guthrie was appointed the first pastor of the new Fairfield Circuit, and Bar- ton Rande was Presiding Elder. Extensive revivals prevailed this year, and " Guthries revivals " are often spoken of by old citizens. During one of these meetings some young men were playing cards, in the woods near by, at night, when a meteor passed over, which, they thought, dropped close by them. They ran for the meeting with all the power that was left in them, and prayed and bel- lowed with their might, as though his brim- stone majesty had them already in his clutches. It was but a short time, however, until their pristine bravery returned, and they had no more use for meetings, until a tornado or something else should come along and give them another fright. In 1843, James M. Massey was pastor. He was a grand man, a workman indeed who passed to his reward in 1859. In lS44,Ephraim Joy, PC; John Van Cleve, P. E. 1845, Daniel Fairbanks. 1846, T. C. Lopas, a gifted but eccentric man, who never married. 1847, Jacob E. Reed. P. C. ; W. K Taylor, P. E. ; Thomas Parker. A. P. 1848-49, James Johnson. 1850, James Haley. 1851, Moses Shepherd, P. C, ; W. W. Mitchel, P. E. 1852, Hiram Sears. 1853, Thomas Sharp, P. O; J. I. Richardson, P. E. ; John Wilson was elected Recording Steward this year, which position he has filled to the pres- ent time. 1854, James Knapp. 1855-56, John Gilham. 1857, Wesley Williams and IIISTOKY OF WAYXE COUNTY. 113 John E. Taylor; G. W. Robbins, P. E. 1858-59. Samuel Walker, P. C; William Cliffe. P. E. 1860, S. E. Willing and James Burke. 1861, John H. Lookwood. 1862, John Thatcher and William M. Owen; T. F. Houts, P. E. 1863, James A. Thrapp. 1864, Richard H. Massey. 1S65, Fairfield was made a station and R. H. Massey, preacher in charge. 1866, R. H. Massey." 1'. C; C. J. Houts, P. E. 1867, James Johnson, P. C. : Z. S. Clifford, P. E. 1868, William B. Bruner. I860, J. S. Barnes. 1870-71, Simon P. Groves; R. H. Massey, P. E. 1872, Calvin Gibbs. 1873-74, John H. Hill, William F. Davis, P. E. 1875, •>. A. Baird; John Leeper, P. E. 1876-77. Caloway Nash. 1878, James L. Wallar. 1879-81, William F. Davis, P. C; Owen H. Clark, P. E. 1882-83, Milo N. Powers, the present pastor. For convenience, we have thought it best to give the chronological order of the pas- tors without disturbance, and recur again to the records, traditions and oral testimonies for a brief account of incidents that trans- pired from time to time. It must bo remem- bered that ever since Fairfield became the head of a circuit, pastors and people lived on a more meager allowance than would now bo deemed necessary for the ordinary day-labor- er's family's support. The preacher's disci- plinary allowance was $1(10 a year, with a like sum for his wife and a small stipend for each child under fourteen sears of age. To this was added by the "estimating commit- tee " whatever sum was thought necessary for feeding the preacher's family and horse, fuel, etc., and this last was denominated " table expenses." The committee, in 1851, reported $70 as table expenses for Moses Shepherd and family. At a later time, when $140 were reported for John Gilham, he stated that it was more than was necessary. so it was reduced to $128. In 1843, the fol- lowing, which may appear unique to some, was passed by the Quarterly Conference: " Resolved, That the stewards of this circuit be appointed a committee, to solicit and col- lect cattle, for the purpose of purchasing a horse for the preacher in charge." The sub- ject was up again, and it is supposed Brother Guthrie obtained a horse, for in those days " trade and barter " was the rule, and as money was almost out of the question, the preacher took in paymeut anything that him- self and family stood in need of. At the first Quarterly Conference this year, the public collection amounted to $1.52$, and the entire sum in cash, gathered from the seventeen appointments, footed up $5.62$, and the cash receipts for the year for Elder Randall and the pastor was $87.85^. At a little later period, as an evidence of the improvement in the times and more lib- eral ideas among the people, while Elder Van Cleve and Rev. Joy were conducting the meeting, the public collection amounted to $2, even. James M. Massey's regular appointments, besides occasional preaching places, in 1843, were Fairfield, Bovee's, Hay's, Thomas Brad- shaw's. Harris', Massillon, Ebenozer.Mabry's, Wood's. Stewart's. Hutchcraft's, Staley, W. W. George's, Powles', Gillison's, Harnil- ton's, New Schoolhouse, N. Harlan's, G. Bradshaw's, Capt. Clark's. Gaston's and Reed's; involving not less than 300 miles travel each month. In some instances two of these may have been classes in the same ap- pointment. Ebenezer, a log house, was the only Methodist Episcopal Church house on the circuit. In 1850, a Board of Trustees was appointed for a church house to be built in Fairfield. In 1851, under the pastorate of Rev. Moses Shepherd, the frame church 114 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. house, 32x45 feet, was contracted at $700, and commenced. In 1S52, John Gillison, the most active member of the first society in Wayne Coun- ty, passed away. At the Second Conference in 1853, [Rev. Hiram Sears reported that " Ninety have joined the church since con- ference; eleven by letter, and seventy-nine on probation; seventy-five have professed re- ligion; three have been expelled for drani- drinking; two have been received into full connection, and one died and gone to heaven." This year, we find the names Galbraith's, Farmer's Schoolhouse, Locust Grove. Shaw's, White's, Sampson's, Hill's and Enterprise as preaching places, or classes. In 1854, Thomas Sharp, at the Third Conference re- ported 101 received on probation. In 1855, the members in the societies were — Fairfield, 44; Bovee's, 20; Tibbs', 4; Hill's, 8; Jeffer- sonville, 5; Faurote's, 11; Organ, 4'2; Ebe- nezer, 42; Woodland, 54; George's, 10; Craven's, 4; Staley's, 4; Mabry's, 35; in all, 287. A number of appointments had been at- tached to other circuits. Jonathan Douglas, a very prince among class leaders, died this year. John M. Walden was at this time a local preacher at Fairfield. The class leaders were Charles Sibley, John Chambers, Israel For- acre, Ellis Evans, William Rutger, Clinton McMacken, Daniel Creighton, F. George, David Staley, William Sampson and J. Mon- roe. In 1856, according to the records, the preacher's claim was apportioned for the first time, among the classes, which secured more satisfactory collections. At the same time, the conference "approved the action of the board of trustees of the church in Fair- field, in borrowing money, to save the house from being sold," and $117 was contributed at the same time by persons present. The records do not show when this church had been completed. In I860, Samuel Walker reported over two hundred accessions to the church. George Clinton McMacken, a sweet singer in Israel, died this year. John M. Creighton was ap- pointed a steward this year, and from this time until his triumphant death, the finances of the church were looked after in a more business-like manner. The exhorters at this time were Lewis H. Baker, John Russell, G. Bradshaw— W. C. Borah, O. G. Trussell, R. D. Ellis, C. A. Young, J. W. Wheeler, and J. Miligan. Early in 1861, Brother Willing's health failed and James Burke was appointed to supply his place. In 1S64 the parsonage question was agitated, the final result of which was the purchase of the house now used for that purpose. We will state here, lest the matter be for- ever lost, that many years ago, a man named Owen, donated the lot where F. M. Woolard's barn now stands, to the M. E. Church. On this was a shanty of some kind, fit for no one but a Methodist preacher to live in. There is a tradition that James Hadley lived in this shanty when his wife died. The lot was sold by the church. Fairfield Station — In 1865, at the annual conference at Olney, Fairfield was made a station, and at the first quarterly conference, January 6, 1866, the official board consisted of Christopher J. Houts, P. E. ; R. H. Massey, P. C. ; David Campbell. William M. Owen, J. G. McCoy, M. W. Collins, and Fayette Turney, local preachers ; O. G. Trussell, ex- horter ; John Wilson, W. M. Owen, F. George, Dr. D. Adams, R. Schell, T. T. Bonham and E. C. Owen, stewards; Charles Sibley, and Francis George, class leaders, and C. Sibley, Sabbath School Superintend- ent. •This year, a centenary fund of $180, and g/?t>VL-+<- ol* S^t^y^- HISTORY OF WAYNE ClU'NTV. 117 $10 for church extension was raised. For bell, repairs on church, and parsonage, $837 were contributed, besides the regular church expenses. In 1872. Mrs. Nancy Gillison, an old veteran passed away. During the pastorate of Rev. Calvin Gibbs, the question of church building was agitated, and. near the close of the year, at aD official meeting, Dr. John L. Handley presented the following: " Resolved, that we build a new Methodist Episcopal Church in Fairfield." A committee was instructed to secure Lot No. 58, for which $650 was paid. In 1874, the board reported the sale of the old church for $1,000, reserving its use for two years, also, retaining the seats, which were finally placed in the basement of the new church. In 1875, John Wilson, John L. Handley, E. Bonham, Dr. C. W. Sibley, A. H. Baker, G. J. George, R. D. Adams, S. M. Staler and F. M. Woolard, were elected trustees of church property. Mrs. Esther Harper, mother of Rev. L. A. Harper, died this year, at a great age, having served her Master from childhood. March 1, 1875, a contract was entered into with John Barlow, of Olney, and Wells T. Clark, of Fairfield, for the construction of a brick church, 101x45 feet wide, accord- ing to plans and specifications, furnished by Barlow, for $9,455. Darling & Ford con- structed the brick work for contractors. It was then determined to put on a slate roof at an additional cost of $350, and this, with the cost of the bell, $325, organ, $300, chandeliers. $225, furniture, $75, car- pets and matting, $105, with some minor expenditures, brought the entire cost up to $11,577. On June 16, 1876, the new church was dedicated by Bishop Thomas Bowman, on which occasion over $4,000 was subscribed for the liquidation of claims. A large por- tion of this subscription, however, was never realized, and a debt hung over the church until the summer of 1883, when, by heroic efforts, the last dollar of indebtedness against Fairfield Methodist Episcopal Church property, amounting, principal and interest, to $2,350 was paid. The first substantial revival in Fairfield, was under the labors of Elder Cliffe and Samuel Walker. In 1864, through the labors of R. H. Massey, there occurred a good revival among the Sabbath School scholars. In 1869. under the labors of W. B. Bru- ner, there was manifested general seriousness in the congregation, which, by the Sabbath School Convention, immediately following, was turned into earnest inquiry, and cnlmi nated in a grand work under J. S. Barnes, when about 120 were converted. S. P. Groves and J. A. Baird, also had revivals. In 1880, through the labors of W. F. Davis, assisted by Thomas Massey, there was a re- vival in the new church, in which 170 were converted. As a matter of fact, seldom equaled, we are prepared to state, that, of eighty-seven pastors and elders, having the oversight of this work since 1816, Mrs. Francis George has known eighty-six of them, while John Harris, the first one, doubtless, visited her father's (John Gillison) house, in her early childhood. Some of the early preachers she knew in later years. Among the local preachers who have la- bored in Wayne County, we have secured the names of Archibald Huberts, Andrew Mauld- ing, James Crews, Benjamin S. Mabry, Amos Phelps, Jacob O. Feather, John Rutger, William Rutger, Robert H. Ellis, Robert D. 7 118 IUVrORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Ellis, William M. Owen, Asa B. Owen, John Chambers, Carr. George Swain, Price, Elliott Robberts, Greenup Bradshaw, Cephas A. Young, Joseph , Winchester, Dr. William Johnson, Johnson Monroe, Abraham Johnson, John M. Waklen, David Moore, Sr., David Campbell, Minsey James, William West, Thomas Mason, Thomas Cottingham, James Sloatt, Dr. Alex Jessup, David Koontz, Joseph Cook, William Neal, J. C. Williams, S. H. Williams, Jourdan C. Patterson, Stan- ford Ing, C. McKelvey, John Griffith, Joe Helm, G. G. Helm, William C. Borah, Ed- ward Ulm, Dr. J. B. Hall, David Moore, Jr., Dr. J. S. Miligan, Dr. H. C. Thrall, Jaggers, F. M. Woolard, Dr. E. West, Dr. A. C. Gonterman, John Cook, W. F. Massey, J. H. Hodges, Fayette Turney, Dr. J. G. McCoy, M. W. Collins, Alex Blakely, Fur- ney Stanley, Israel Turner. Dr. George Camp, Charles Coker, William Smith. There are, doubtless, others whose names we have been unable to obtain. In addition to the list of local preachers, the following have entered the traveling con- nection from this coiinty: James M. Massej*, Arthur Bradshaw, Thomas Parker, James A. Robinson, John H. Hill, Lewis A. Harper, Charles E. Creighton, James A. Baird, Will- iam M. Owen, Fayette Turney, David Moore and possibly others. Feeling that this work would be incom- plete without some further allusion to that most wonderfully gifted man, Charles Slo- cumb, and fully realizing our inability to do full justice to the subject, we can only hope to so far rescue his memory from the oblivion into which it is fast falling, as to preserve some facts worthy of the attention of the future historian, that will enable him, who- ever he may be, to present a character sketch befitting this truly great man. We have been driven to the conclusion that he scarcely had an equal as a preacher in the West, and it is doubtful whether his superior exists there to- day. However strange these statements may appear, they are based upon the fact that when he stood beside men of such recognized ability as William Beauchamp, S. H. Thomp- son, Hooper Crews, Zadoc Casey and John Van Cleve, he was regarded as surpassing them all in eloquence, and it was no uncom- mon thing for some of these men to put Slo- cumb forward on occasions where it would have been considered almost presumptuous for them to preach when he was present. Again, we have conversed with men of in- telligence who knew Slocumb well; men who have kept pace with the times, and have heard some of the most eloquent men of the church or State, and they all, without a sin- gle exception, unite in the opinion that he was not equaled by any of them as an orator. Charles Slocumb was born in Kentucky (probably Union Count}*) in the latter part of the eighteenth century, and came with his parents to White County, 111., in 1812, where he entered Gen. Hirgrave's rangers against the Indians in 1814. He was converted, it is thought, in 1815, in White County, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and commenced preaching immediately, as we find him on Vincennes Circuit in 1816. We traveled, in connection with the annual con- ference, some eight or ten years, at different times In his person he was tall and erect, magisterial in his bearing, and presented the appearance of one born to lead men. He was of dark complexion, with dark hair and fascinating black eyes, and possessed a mag- netic influence that won all hearts that came in contact with him, and retained their con- fidence to the last. " As true as Slocumb's preaching." became a by- word, when men wished to add force to any assertion they had made. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ill) In reading the Scriptures or lining the hymns, his emphasis was natural, and it was done with such elegance and grace that the true force and poetic meaning were im- pressed upon his hearers. His gestures were easy and graceful, and so true to nature that they were said to almost speak, and greatly contribute to the interest of his wonderful displays of eloquence. His voice was sonor- ous, possessing great scope and capable of great endurance. In prayer, he was compre- hensive, earnest and reverent, ; with no as- sumed adulation of the Deity that he did not feel ; no attempt at personal display ; nor did he presume upon God's ignorance by ; telling him of things that he did not already know. In his preaching he was solemn, pro- found, deeply experimental and practical. His eloquence was always powerful, some- times almost irresistible, and in its effects upon his hearers, learned and unlearned alike, was truly wonderful. He challenged the intelligence of his audience, and spoke as one commissioned by the Great Kin«\ failing not to bring a message of peace and love. Men totally indifferent to the preach- ing of others would, as if bound by some unseen hand or magic spell, hang upon the words of Charles Siocumb with a rapt atten- tion that made them oblivious of all that was passing around them; and often, without seeming consciousness of the fact, would stand leaning forward, as if fearful that some of his words would bo lost. So pure was his life, and so upright his walk, that he won the hearts of men, even those who re- garded not his teaching. His religious impressions were of the deepest cast, and of that intense character that fixed them as settled facts in his mind and heart, and were so indelibly stamped upon his life, that their influence was felt by all who came into his presence. If men were boisterous and hilarious before, thej became hushed and quiet, as he passed along. If riotous and threatening, a motion of his hand, or a word of admonition from Charles Siocumb, would calm the raging sea of pas- sion. But, in the midst of his career of great usefulness, in the prime of life, as it were, he was stricken down by the fell de- stroyer in 1844, and his ashes repose on his old homestead in Concord, White County. With his life-loug friend, Rev. John Shrader, he had arranged that when one of them should die, the other should preach his funeral, and Shrader came from Indiana on the occasion, and attended to the last sad rites of his lamented friend. It was re marked of him at the time of his death, that " the sword ivas too sharp for lite scabbard." To many it was a matter of wonder why one so greatly useful in the world, should be called away so early by an overruling Provi- dence. It may be answered that " death loves a shining mark," and that Charles Sio- cumb was fully ripe for the kingdom, and it was not meet that he should longer tarry, or remain away from his Master's abode. His family have all passed away, and are, doubtless, with him, enjoying a rich reward and brighter rest above. His life, like a celestial meteor, shown with brilliancy upon all the surrounding horrizon: ■• He sleeps the sleep of the just." Regular Baptist Church.*— In attempting to write the history of this church in this county, we have had to encounter several ob- stacles, among which is the loss or want of sufficient church records, and the treachery of memory in the older persons. If this sketch should fail to come up to what some might desire they must attribute the failure to the want of sufficient facts on which to •John Keene, .Jr. 120 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. base it, and not for want "of a desire on the part of the writer to do them justice. The earliest organization of the Baptist Church in this county which we have been able to gather, was at what was then and still is known as Hopewell, in the southern part of Barnhill Township. This church was or- ganized August 5, 1820, by Elders William Hanks and Benjamin Keith. The persons entering: into this organization at that time were James Bird, Snsan Bird, William Wad- kins, Polly Wadkins, Stephen Coonrod, John Coonrod, Anna Blissett and Naomi Close, all of whom most likely have long since passed away. The church record from which we gather these facts, after giving the organiza- tion, articles of faith, and rules of decorum, makes a skip of some twenty years, that is from 1820 to 1840, and this interval we are unable to supply, except from what few stray items we have been able to gather from per- sons who were living here at that time. We presume this congregation had no house of worship at the date of their organization, as we find in their record at the time of their organization this entry: "Done at the place of George Close's, Wayne County and State of Illinois." They afterward, however, but at what date we do not know, erected a house of worship. As to who their early preachers were we are not informed. We find in 1840 that William Wadkine was their pastor, and Asa Atteberry, clerk. This parent church flourished and prospered for some years, and the membership lived in harmony until prob- ably froin 1S30 to 1835, when one Daniel L'arker, from somewhere in Illinois, came amongst them and began to preach doctrines which some of the members could not relish Just what those doctrines were we were not advised, but one thing we find they were in- duced by Parker and his adherents to take upon themselves the name of " Regular Bap- tists." By what name they were known be- fore this we are not advised. From a short history of this church which was written some years after this, by one Carter J. Kelly, we find this statement made by him: "The churches were then known universally as United Baptist, the original having emi- grated from Kentucky and Tennessee, where they were universally known as United Bap- tist." We" only give this as we find it. and do not wish to be understood as endorsing or rejecting it as true, as it is not our province to attempt (were we able to do so) to settle church disputes. We find, however, that the breach already made continued to widen, until March, 1845, it culminated in a division of the church, one party taking the name of United or Missionary Baptist, the other tak- ing to themselves the name of Regular Pre- destinarian Baptists. Both factions claim to be the genuine original Baptist Church, and to have descended in a regular line from the Waldenses, and the contest has been long and bitterly contested, and is still unsettled, and we do not feel called upon, neither do we desire to take sides in the matter, but to leave it where we find it, unsettled. After the organization of the Hopewell Church, we have no record of the organiza- tion of any other church of this denomina- tion until July, 1S46: at this time there was organized by Elders Richard Gardner, Jere- miah Doty and C. S. Madding, a church in Mt. Erie Township, then and still known as Providence Church. The persons entering into this organization at that time were Jesse Williams, Thomas Traverse, John Meadows, Nathaniel Traverse, Reuben Whitaker, William H. Harrelson, Nancy Williams, Hannah Vandaver, Mary Rice, Elizabeth Collins, Christina Traverse, Catharine Harrelson and Belinda McCollum. From the best information we can get, the IIISTOIiY OF WAYNE COUNTY 121 larger part of tbo9p entering this organiza- tion are now dead; but others have united with the church from time to time, and it is still kept ap. They have a house of worship and regular preaching. The nest church organized was in Decem- ber 1848, in Hickory Hill Township, and known as Little Flock. This church was organized by Joseph Hartley, John Martin, Barnes Reeves, Solomon Blissett and Brady Meeks. The persons entering this organiza- tion were Sarah M. Crask, Stout Atteberry, Fanny L. Atteberry, Alfred Wilson, Joseph Crask, Nancy Crask, AbraLam P. Witter, Sarah M. Wilson. Enos K. Wilson, Wilkins Dewees and Eleanor Dewees; of this number only three are now living, to wit: Fanny L. Atteberry, Joseph Crask and Abraham P. Witter. This church, like many others, has had its days of prosperty and its days of adversity. They have a comfortable house of worship, and regular preaching; and notwithstanding nearly all the old members who "bore the heat and burden of the day " have passed away, yet others have come forward and taken their places; and though they are few in number, yet they may be said to be in a fair condition of prosperity. There have probably been other churches of this denomination organized in the county, but they have gone down, and only these three so far as we are advised, now exist. As to who the earlier preachers were, we are at quite a loss. We will, however, give the names of a few we have been able to gather: — Dewey, Robert Eskiidge, Samuel Dickens, William Wadkins, Joseph Hartley, Jeremiah Doty, Isaiah Walker, Charles H. Clay, William Lawson and others. As a people the "old Baptist," as they style themselves, are honest and sincere; and whatever the world may think of their doc- trines, manners and customs as a church, still all must admit that they are honest in their views. One of the main reasons for the split in the Baptist Church, not only in this county, but elsewhere, was on the missionary ques- tion. The "Regulars" claim to be the true missionary church as organized by Christ and his apostles. They maintain that when God calls a man to preach, that the man so called feels that a necessity is laid upon him, and that he feels as did the Apostle Paul, " Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel," and that feeling thus, they are compelled to go wherever the Lord directs, and that with- out " stave or script." So, taking their own version of the matter, they are not opposed to missions, but to the manner of sending them out; or, in other words, they believe a preacher should go and preach, and not be sent out by a board. Numerically speaking, they are a weak church, and likely to remain so, as their doc- trines and customs are not in keeping with the fast age in which we are living; and in churches, as in all other institutions the ma- jority want to be on the popular side. Free- Will Baptists. — The first church was organized in this county about two miles west of Jeffersonville, September 2, 1854, by Rev. S. S. Branch, and consisted of six members: S. S. Branch, Elizabeth Branch, Densy Tnbbs, Samuel Branch, Jacob S. Hawk and Mary Hawk. Of this number the last three are still living, and active members of the church. S. S. Branch was chosen pastor; J. S. Hawk, clerk, and Sam- uel Branch, deacon. The Saturday before the third Sabbath of each month, was ap- pointed for covenant meetings. Regular services were held on the Sabbath. Rev. S. S. Branch was born in Vermont.Sin 1794, re- moved to Ohio in 1820; professed religion 122 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. in April, 1831; baptized by Rev. Steadman, a powerful preacher of Southern Ohio; or- dained in 1841 j removed to Illinois, 1853; died January 29, 1862, leaving a wife and eight children. At last accounts his widow was living in Rock County, Minn., with her son, Joseph. Of the ten children of this family, four are living. The oldest, Sirenus Branch, is living in the northern part of this county, and is a carpenter by trade. The second child of the family was the second wife of Titus Buffington, of Xenia, 111., who is well known to many of our readers. Stephen Branch is living at Sandoval, 111.; Joseph Branch in Rock County, Minn.; Levi 13 , in Kansas. Of the other orig- inal members, Densy Tubbs is living another life in the "bright beyond;" J. S. Hawk is living on a good farm, enjoying the rounds of life; Samuel Branch is living in Jeffersonville,Wayne County, in aripe old age. The church flourished for a time under the efficient labors of its pastor, who was an earnest, practical preacher of Gospel truths. After his death, Rev. John Rhodes, of Bone Gap, Edwards Co., 111., preached to the church for a time. The church struggled on, but removals, death and dissensions ere long reduced the number and disheartened all. The ' ' lions by the wayside " caused many to retrace their steps to the enticing shades of sinful pleasure. Years rolled by, and although the church had almost lost its visible form there were some who still stood firm to the faith, and kept alive the coals from which, since then, a bright tiro has been kindled. In 1872, Rev. G. H. Moon, having located in the county, the church chose him as pastor, but its progress for a few years was not rapid, although its life blood pulsated with more regularity. Dr. Talmagehassa'd: " A prayer never goes heaven high that does not go pocket deep," and history affirms that the progress of a church is in proportion as its means are consecrated. In the early spring of 1878, the church enjoyed a sweep- ing revival under the labors of the pastor. Members were quickened, back-sliders re- claimed and sinners brought to Christ. From that time on it has been such as to merit the best regards of 'all Christians. Upon the re- signation of G. H. Moon. Rev. J. C. Gilliland was chosen pastor in January, 1880. An- other revival made sad havoc among the workers of iniquity, and the church was greatly strengthened. A church house was soon talked of, and soon stood upon its foundations in a beauti- ful place, about two and three-fourth miles west of Jeffersonville. It is a structure that honors the church and the community where it stands. J. C. Gilliland having moved away, Rev. W. R. Moon was selected as paBtor, June, 1883. He had been licensed to preach, but on October 21, he was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry. Another revival was now enjoyed under the labors of Rev. Harry Thompson, of Lebanon, 111. A young man, writing to the pastor said: " The whole community is love." The Sunday school which was already large was tired with new zeal and interest. A public praver meeting was held every Sunday night, and a young people's prayer meeting every Wednesday night. The membership at present (January, 1884) is ninety-two. In June, 1872, another church was organ- ized at Big Mound, by Rev A. J. Hoskin- son, of Odin, 111., consisting of ten members: G. H. and Mrs. Moon, Joshua Davis, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, H. N. Moon, Mrs. Lillie Moon, Mr. and Mrs. E. Scranton, Betty Vir- den and Flora Moon. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 123 The biography of some of these will bo found in another chapter of this volume. Of this number four have removed to other localities, one has died. The otber live, Joshua Davis, Mrs. Davis. G. H., Mrs. M. B. and Flora Moon are still standing with shoulder to the wheel. H. N. Moon has removed to Ohio, and is residing in Marion County. E. Scranton removed to Laniard Township, and Betty Virden silently closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber to awake again on the farther shore. Q. H. Moon was chosen pastor at the time of organization, and held the position till 1880, during which time different revivals were enjoyed by the church. Upon his res- ignation, Rev. J. C. Gillilaud was chosen pastor, but, owing to ill-health, his labors with the church were not regular. After his removal to another locality, G. H. Moon again ministered to the spiritual wants of the church until the spring of 1881, when a good revival was had, and W. It. Moon was chosen pastor. The difficulties through which this church has passed have been many and grievous, but they have only cemented more firmly togeth- er the sturdy hearts that crowd around the helm. Although its career has not been the most brilliant, yet no jar of discord has ever marred its ebb and flow. It now numbers thirty-seven members, and sustains a regular prayer meeting. The local church is always an independent body so far as relates to its own government; chooses its own officers, and disciplines its own members; that immersion is the only mode of baptism; do not believe in fore- ordination; believe in unrestricted communion with all true believers; takes an active part in educational work, as it shows the remark- able record of an institution of learning to every 6,000 members of its order. It also stands high in missionary work, and has about thirty workers; eleven well established schools, and also a printing establishment in the foreign held. General] Baptist Church.— The religious organization that maintains that there is a possible general atonement for all mankind, and that all good people have a right to the communion, regardless of whatever religious creed they may belong to, is known as " The General Baptists," and had its origin in the United States in 1637, twenty-sis years prior to any organization of the kind in England. The first church of the above denomination that was organized in Wayne County, was so effected by Elder R. Stinson in the fall of 1853, and was known as the " Old Arrington Prairie Church." The original members were H. H. Brown and wife, John Wheeler and wife, James W. Gwin, C. C. Ayres, Thomp- son Fares and Samuel Rogers. At this or- ganization, James W. Gwin and Thompson Fares were ordained Elders by Elder Stin- son, assisted by Elder Samuel Branch. Elder Givin possessed but a limited edu- cation, yet was endowed with strong natural qualities, and at once set out with earnest ef- forts in his ministerial labors, and on March 26, 185'J, he organized Mt. Pleasant Church, when, assisted by Elder S. Branch, he or- dained H. H. Brown and VV. M. Montgall. Later, by the efforts of H. H. Brown and W. M. Montgall, the Johnson Prairie and Wil- son Branch Churches were organized from persons who held their membership with the Liberty Association, General Baptist Church, in Indiana. It was in 1863 that they ob- tained permission from the mother church in Indiana to effect an association in Wayne County, and accordingly the Union Grove Association was organized by Elders Brown, 124 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Branch and Stinson. The organization has continued to grow from the beginning, and at present thirteen churches are numbered in its list, which are in Wayne County. Elder Gwin, who was instrumental in bringing about the above organizations, moved to Ar- kansas soon after the Union Grove Associa- tion was established, where he subsequently died, after having organized other associa- tions. Elder William M. Montgall was an earnest worker, but was taken with consump- tion soon after having been ordained, and his short but useful career was abruptly end- ed. The writer could obtain but little data relative to the life of Elder Fares, but H. H. Brown is living in Johnsonville. and has served well his religious organization in va- rious places, and has been entrusted with some small but important offices in the gift of the general public where he resides. He, like the other originators of the General Bap- tist Church in Wayne County, had but a limited education, but with such energies as he could "muster up " he has, like them, done a noble work, notwithstanding the mem- bership of the various churches where they have labored in this county is composed of persons of limited circumstances, such that they are not, even now, able to compensate the various Elders as largely as other asso- ciations. Upon the whole, the vicissitudes of the church in this county have been vari- ous. Sometimes they had marked prosperity, which would last for a short time, and this frequently followed by a decade of lingering apathy, or at least a state of comparative quiescence, but the average has been a vital- ity that is not at all discouraging to the many members who in the long ago learned to love it as the child does its protecting and cher- ishing mother. United Baptists.* — Pleasant Grove Church •D. K. Felix. was organized September 25, 1853, with twelve members, as follows: Samuel C. Pendleton. James Hearn, John R. Carter, Eliza R. Pendleton, Hannah Carter, Lidia Doris, Susan Fitzgerald, Phebe Butler, Ma- hala Boyce, Rosanna Meritt, Mary Butler, Sarah A. Robinson. Two of these are still living, James Hearn and Rosanna Meritt. The ministers composing the presbytery were Elders Joseph P. Ellis, Carter J. Kel ley, William P. Sneed and Solomon M. Webb. At the close of the meeting, which lasted about ten days, there were twenty-four converts baptized into the church, and eleven others united with the church by letter and relation. There have been about rive hundred names enrolled on the church book since its organi- zation. Three churches have been organized from this church, viz., Bethel Church, in White County, Providence Church and Barnhill Church in Wayne County, and a portion of the members that went into the third organization at Fairfield, were from this church in the thirty years that the church has had an existence. A great many have drawn letters and moved away; some have been excluded and others died, leaving at the present writing about one hundred and forty-six members. The church has set apart three to the ministry, viz.. Revs. B. S. Meeks, D. C. Walker and S. C. Pendleton, all of whom have served the church as pastor, B. S. Meeks for a number of years, perhaps half the time since the church's organiza- tion. The above-named ministers have all departed this life. Three other ordained ministers have be- longed to the church — Revs. C. J. Kelley, E. W. Overstreet and Gideon Tenison, besides licentiates that have been ordained by other churches after receiving letters from this church, J. M. Madding and S. M. Tenison, HISTORY OF WAYXK COUNTY. 125 while others have been licensed and or- dained since. Pleasant Grove Church might properly be called the mother of the Baptist Churches in the southern part of Wayne County and the northern part of White County. Of the six ordained ministers that have belonged to the church, none are living. The church has no minister of its own. and has to be supplied from abroad. We give the names of the ministers that have served the church as pastors since its organization : Carter J. Kelley, E. W. Overstreet, B. S. Meeks, J. B. Smith, S. C. Pendleton, D. C. Walker, J. H. Murray, K. G. Hay. Elder S. A. Martin served as pastor a few months. The following deacons were ordained : B. S. Meeks, J. R. Carter, D. W. Atte- berry and D. K, Felix. William P. Whiting was ordained by Salem Church of White County, and is a member of this church. Four different ones have served as clerk, viz. : D. C. Walker, D. K. Felix, J. R. Carter. D. W. Atteberry. Christian Church. — In the year 1839, a number of families emigrated from Colum- biana. Carroll and Stark Counties. Ohio, to this county, and settled in Lamard Prairie and vicinity. All of these families belonged to the Christian Church, among whom we name Jesse Milner, Isaac Whitakor, Edward Whitaker, Jonas Lumm, John Morlan, Mar- tin Emmans, Noah Towers. James McNeely, John Skelton and James A. Maslan, Fenton Lumm and Townsend Richards. About the same time a few families settled in the same neighborhood from Tennessee, among whom were the Butcher family and the Caudle family, and Edward Puckett and others, who were members of the Christian Church. At the time that these parties settled in this neighborhood, the county had but a very light population, and in the vicinity of this settle- ment the land was all vacant, being but a few squatters residing in a radius of several miles. No schoolhouses or churches within several miles of this settlement. The first work was to locate their homes, build their houses, and get a little land opened up for cultivation. As soon as this was done, the next work was to build a house that would answer the double purpose of a schoolhouse and a place of public worship. The church was not properly organized un- til the fall of 1840. The writer has at this time, no means of knowing the names of all that went into this organization. With this first emigration, there were a number of preachers that did good work in establishing the cause in this, and adjoining counties, among whom were Jones Lumm, Fenton Lumm, Isaac Whitaker and Cornelius Ades. This church at its first organization, besides the labors of the above named brethren, had the labors of the Goodwin brothers — Moses and Elijah — of William Bristow and David R. Chance, although these brethren have all long since gone to their long home, where they are resting from their labors. Three names are fresh in the memories of all the brethren. As these old soldiers and pioneers have one by one passed away, new ones have sprung up in their places, among whom will name Jeramiah Butcher, E. J. Hart, Joseph Skelton, and more recently Brother Rose, Brother AVall and Brother D. Logan. The school that was first taught at the Buckeye Schoolhouse (this was the name given the house and also the name given the church), was taught by Gibson B. Davis ; he taught there for several years, and by his labors in his school, in the Sunday school and the church, assisted largely in building up the cause of morality and religion in the neighborhood. About the years 1850, 1851 and 1852, an- 126 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. other large emigration came into the county from the central part of Ohio, and settled in the west part of Lamard Township, among whom we will name: Isaac Brock and family, George Brock and family, John Burton and family. The two last named were both preachers and assisted largely in building up the Christian Church. This old Buckeye Church by emigration and proselyting had spread over so much territory, and had be- come so strong numerically, that it was thought advisable for the convenience of its members, and for the purpose of extending its influence, to organize from its membership other or- ganizations. The first move in this direction was to cut off the west portion of the body and organize a new congregation about four miles west of the old organization. The new organization was called Pleasant Grrove. This took place about the year 1855. After this, several years, the Cisne congregation was organized first at the schoolhouse near Brother Levi Cisne's. After this, when the Shawneetown branch of the Ohio and Mis- sissippi Railroad was built, and the town of Cisne was laid out, the brethren built a neat church house at the town of Cisne and moved the membership there. About the same time the brethren in and around Jeffer- sonville, ^thought it best to establish the cause there and went to work and built a good house of worship in that town, and or- ganized a congregation under the name of the Christian Church, at Jeffersonville. The membernhip that composed this new organi- zation was taken from the membership of the old Buckeye Church and Pleasant • Grove Church, the same year that the church was built at Jeffersonville. The brethren at the Buckeye Church erected a new church house, about one-half mile north of the old school- house, where the church was first organized. About the year 1873, a little band of breth- ren that were worshiping at what was called the Gunion school about four or five miles northeast of Cisne, built a neat, frame church house and organized a congregation. The congregations named are all the out- croppings of the old Buckeye Christian Church. All have good houseB of worship and are in good condition, no two of the church houses being more than seven miles apart. Another fact that should be named in this connection is, that the territory cov- ered by the membership of these five congre- gations has always been noted for morality, industry and Christianity. From the first settlement of the country the membership of these five churches will aggregate about 800 members with a church property which will aggregate in value $8,000. Soon after the organization of the Buckeye Church, a few brethren from Tennessee settled in and around Turnoy's Prairie, about six miles south of Fairfield and organized a congrega- tion at what was called the Walker School- house, among whom the writer recollects the names of William Baze, P. J. Pucket, Thomas Pucket, Joseph Odell, John Shruse- berry and Anderson Walker, who toiled to- gather under great opposition to build up the cause of primitive Christianity; the pioneers of this organization have all fought their last battle and won the victory and gone to rest, except Brother Odell who is still lingering on the shores of time, waiting for the Master to call him home. The con- gregation still has an existence and has a comfortable house of worship and a live membership. The congregation at Barnhill was organized from a portion of the member- ship of this congregation. The Barnhill congregation has a comfortable house of wor- ship and a live membership. The Fairfield congregation has a member- ship of about one hundred ; at present is HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 127 meeting in the Opera Hall: is building a brick house of worship which, when completed, will cost about §3,500. The congregation has a live and zealous membership, and assist largely in throwing restraint and religious influence around the citizens of the growing little city of Fairfield. There are many other small con- gregations in the county that the writer is not acquainted with the history of. Thero are two organizations in Four Mile Township, two in Leach Township, one in Zif, one in Elm River Township, one in Brush Creek, one in Arrington Township, one in Indian Prairie. There are in the county fifteen or sixteen church organizations, with an aggregate membership of about one thou- sand five hundred, with a church property that is worth about 114,000. These peo- ple have done a good work in this county, and are all working faithfully to restore the apostolic order of things, discarding creeds and confession of faith, taking the Bible aad the Bible alone as the rule of faith and prac- tice, pleading for a union of God's people on the one foundation of Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Corner Stone. Zachariah W. Wood, the present serving pastor of the church, was born in Rocking- ham County, Ya. He removed to Missouri with his father's family, and in 1855, came to Wayne County, and commenced preaching in 1867. Catholic Church was organized in this place about twenty- five years ago. The serv- ices were first conducted by Father Fisher, who in passing through the county would serve mass at the residence of S. Rider. The first organization was principally of the Rider families, and John and William Bowles and their families, and meetings were at their houses. The present church edifice^was erected by these families, assisted greatly by James Hil- lard, James Henings, Miss Josie Cooper, Nelly Barnhill, John Taafe and others. The present serving priest, L. Reisner, took steps and commenced and completed the building in 1881. It is a one story brick and cost $3,000. The Rider brothers, J. and A. B. were made trustees, in which position they are now ac- ceptably serving. The present membership is about forty- five. Presbyterian Church. — There was a Pres- byterian Church organized, perhaps as early as 1825, by B. F. Spillman. It was called by three or four different names, Fairfield, Franklin and Bethel, aris- ing probably from as many different places j of preaching. The principal point was Bethel, or New Bethel, now Mount Erie, about twelve miles northeast of Fairfield. The Elders, so far as now known, were Isham B. Rubinson, aged eighty, still living ; Alex- ander Ramsey and Samuel McCracken. It had quite a considerable membership. Among them, Mrs. Gen. Leach, whose husband was quite prominent in the early history of the county, and Mrs. Slocum, B. F. Spillman, and Thomas A. Spillman paid them occasional visits. Rev. Isaac Bennet, from Eastern Penn- ' sylvania, Bucks County, and a graduate of Jefferson College, Penn., with the highest honors of his class, also a graduate of Alle- gheny .Theological Seminary also served them. He was the greatest preacher — as a preacher — who had ever appeared in this part of the country; and the impression he made was worthy of his talents. He was devoted and zealous and successful. Rev. Mr. Bennet labored here during 1829, and probably after- ward. He was at this time only a licenciate and was not ordained for some three years afterward (April 13, 1833). He purchased hero of George Russell that] famous horse, "Jack," with whom he lived in such close intimacy at Pleasant Prairie, Coles County. 128 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. But Mr. Bennett was called away from them, and their organization was lost. But immediately after the re- union of the two largest branches of the great Presbyterian family— -known as Old School and New School — Father Galbraith, a most earnest, zealous and self-denying missionary, who was then preaching at Flora, Clay County, came down to Fairfield, and after repeated visits and after earnest invitation, the Pres- bytery of Cairo organized or reorganized the Presbyterian Church of Fairfield, which was done on the '23d day of April, 1871, when the following persons gave their names and united at its organization: John Robinson, Mrs. E. A. Robinson, A. R. Robinson, James R. Dales, Susan Dales, Mrs. Belle Ball, Dr. William M. Kerr, Mrs. Grace Fetherstone, Henry L. Beecher, Mrs. Eliza Rea, J. C. Claudy, Alexander Moore, Mrs. Jane Moore, John Rankin, Mrs. Eliza Rankin, Mrs. L. Claudy. At the same meeting, Rev. Robert C. Gal- braith was called as pastor for half his time. The other half of his time was occupied by the church at Flora. Mr. Galbraith was ^born in Indiana or Pennsylvania February 26, 1814, was the son and grandson of ministers. He gradu- ated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1834, and at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1837. Mr. Galbraith was a scholar and a gentle- man of the old school. Most of his minis- try had been in Virginia and Baltimore, Md. He came to this State in 1865. He preached for a time in Odin, Marion County, 111., but the cessation of business and travel after the war closed, resulted in his removal to Flora, and afterward in substituting Fairfield, Wayne County, for Odin, which led to his removal to Fairfield in 1873, giving his full time there. He remained here as pastor until June, 1880, when the pastoral relation was dis- solved by the Presbytery of Cairo. He thence removed to Metropolis and sup- plied the church there for one year and a half. He is now, 1S84, pastor of the church of Golconda. At this first meeting of the church for its organization, the following gentlemen were elected elders: Messrs. John Robinson, of Wayne City; James R. Dales, now of Olney; J. C. Claudy, now of Newville, Penn. Also the following gentlemen were elected its first Board of Trustees: Messrs. C. A. Beecher, Oliver Holmes, T. L. Cooper and Dr. William M. Kerr to serve for three years, and Mr. Joseph T. Fleming, William H. Robinson and Adam Rinard for the term of five years; and also that said Board of Trustees act as a building committee in the erection of a church building. Rev. R. C. Galbraith was installed pastor of the church by the Presbytery of Cairo May 14, 1871. The proposed church was erected during the summer — a very fine one for the time; one of the best, if not the very best, in South- ern Illinois, costing about S7,000, the last $1,000 not being paid until §1,000 had been spent in interest, just ten years after, in Au- gust, 1881. Fairfield, when the church was erected, was a village of less than 1,000 inhabitants. The years have mainly been years of growth, but one year without some uniting on profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The church was organized with but six- teen members. Its first report to the General Assembly of the church was thirty- four. It has had on its roll about 135, but by reason of death and removals it has now sixty. Its present pastor, Rev. Edward P. Lewis, HISTORY OF WAYXE COUNTY. 129 was called here August 30, 1880, when he visited the church. He entered regularly upon his work tho last Sabbath of Septem- ber, the 26th, 1880, since which time there have been twenty-five members united with the church, all but four upon profession of faith in Christ, as Presbyterians moving into Southern Illinois are few and far between. Rev. E. P. Lewis was born in Indiana ' County, Penn. ; was the son of Rev. David Lewis, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Lewisville, Penn. ; the same church as waB Rev. Joseph Henderson, the grandfather of Rev. R. C. Galbraith. After the death of his father, the mother removed to Washington, Penn., the seat of Washington and Jefferson College, for the purpose of educating her three sons and daughter. Mr. Lewis graduated at the college in 1860, and afterward at Allegheny Theologi- cal Seminary in the spring of 1864. Immediately afterward, he was called to the Presbyterian Church of Atchison, Kan. He resigned this church in 1868, on account of his health, and returned to Pennsylvania, whore he remained until accepting the invi- tation to the church at Fairfield, in tho sum- mer of 1880. This church in all its history has been marked for its special liberality, not only to homo expenses, but to outside and missionary objects, its gifts amounting annually to thir- ty-three and one-third dollars per member. Alexander Moore was elected an elder January 3, 1875, and remained an elder un- til his death, which occurred on the 19th of August, 1883. The present officers are: Pastor, Eev. Edward P. Lewis. Elders, John Robinson, Michael Heid, Oliver Holmes and J. C. Youngkin. Deacons, Joseph T. Fleming, John Keen, Jr., and William J. Sailor. Trustees, Oliver Holmes, Joseph Ball, C. W. Summers, Joseph Fleming, Adam Rinard, William H. Robinson and Thomas Cooper. CHAPTER XI. BENCH AND BAR OF WAYNE COUNTY— THE PEOPLE OF " PRECEDENTS"— THE COMING LAWYER— THE LAWS AND OTHER LEGISLATION— FIRST COURT, GRAND JURY AND LAWYER IN THE COUNTY— HUBBARD, WILSON— EDWIN AND C. A. BEECHER— CAMP- BELL, IIANNA, BOGGS AND MANY OTHERS, INCLUDING Til E PRESENT ACTIVE PRACTITIONERS, ETC. THE very earliest settlers in Illinois bad neither churches, preachers, doctors, nor lawyers. A good dog and a trusty rifle were a greater necessity than any of these now probably necessary evils of modern times, and refined villainies and wide-spread demoralization that have not only kept pace. but apparently outstripped, the wonderful growth of schoolhouses and splendid churches, whoso bristling steeples, piercing the sky, and are kissed by tho earliest morning sun, and point so eloquently the way to Heaven, that now so plentifully are dotted all over the land. At one time in tho his- 130 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. tory of the early settlement of Illinois, was here a people without courts, officers of the law, churches or schoolhouses. There are some astounding truths to be read between lines in this recital of a simple historical fact, by that reader who has the comprehen- sion to read all that there is in the naked announcement of this truth. It is full of food for the unprejudiced and reflective mind. Look on this picture and then on that. Gov. Reynolds has given us the following account of the people he found here in 1800, the year he came to the Territory: "They were an innocent and a happy people. They were removed from the corruption of large cities, and enjoyed an isolated position in the interior of North America. In a century before 1800, they were enabled to solve the problem that neither wealth, nor splendid possessions, nor an extraordinary degree of ambition, nor energy, ever made a people happy. These people resided more than a thousand miles from any other colony, and were strangers to wealth or poverty; but the Christian virtues governed their hearts, and they were happy. One virtue among others was held in high esteem and religiously ob- served. Chastity was a sine qua non, and a spurious offspring was almost unknown among them. * * * * Their energy or ambition never urged them to more than an humble and competent support. To hoard up wealth was not found written in their hearts, and very few practiced it. They were a temperate, moral people. They very seldom indulged in drinking liquor to ex- cess, etc." Remember, reader, this was away back in the year 1800, and the old ranger waB writ- ing his recollections after he had lived here fifty-five years, and had seen and been a part of all the wonderful changes that the half century had wrought. There are none living here now who saw the people of Illinois at the time he did. And the traditions that we have are often wholly wrong when they are called upon to tell us what manner of people these were who lived here, sans churches, sans preachers, sans courts, sans everything. They had no schoolhouses, and they were, as a rule, illiterate, and that unthinking man who confounds illiteracy with ignorance would foolishly say that they were very ig- norant. Yet the truth was, that the promi- nent men of that day would be great men now, or in any age or in any place. The people were in the way of supersti- tious beliefs more ignorant then than now — that is, than some are now. But remember, the whole world believed then in witches and spooks and a literal brimstone and hell fire. Hideous apparitions universally confronted men in every turn in life, projecting their ghastly presence between husband and wife, parent and child, and crushing out all the highest and holiest human impulses and pas- sions. The revolutions of the earth have brought us the times of "universal faith among men — beliefs and so-called moral codes en- forced by tire and faggot, by the headsman's ax and the gibbet, by the bloodiest wars in the tide of time, turning this bright and beautiful world into a blackened and desolate waste, when men became moral monsters and every fireside was a penal colony, where the flesh was punished to the limit of endurance, and the im- agination tortured until poor suffering men and women sought refuge in suicide and a wild plunge into the literal hell and the in- conceivable tortures of the damned. Time, when not only a whole nation, but all so-called civilized people believed the same belief, and the church and State were one and the same. The State was supreme over body and soul, and persecution had completed its HlvrOHY OF WAY XI'. I'lU'NTV. 131 slaughter, and the permitted science, litera- ture and philosophy of the learned world, consisted only of the Lives of the Saints — of which the pious and learned churchman had gathered many great libraries of hundreds of thousands of volumes. Here then are the two extremes — the ear- liest pioneers without church or State — the old world with nothing else but church and State, that laid waste a world and dried up the fountains of the human heart, and made the wholo earth desolate and sterile. One producing death and desolation, the other wresting the desert wilderness from the sav- age and the wild beast, and literally making the solitude to blossom with intelligence and bear abundantly the immortal fruit of glo- rious civilization. These stateless, church- less, schoolless people blazed the way and prepared the ground for the coming of the school teacher, the preacher and the lawyer, the .hospitals, the insane asylums and the penitentiaries, the problems of life, the knot of the hangman, the saloon and the gambler, the broken-hearted wife and the bloated sot, the great sob of innocence betrayed, and the leer of human goats as they wag their scut and caper upon their mountain of offense, the millionaire and the starving tramp; and then, too, with all these, come the comforts of wealth, refinement and culture. And with that highest and most enduring pleasure of all life, the acquisition of new truths. With these lazaroni, these goats and monsterB of civilization, thank God, there came also the man of doubts and questions, the star of hope in the universal gloom, the world's beacon lights that shine out upon the troubled waters. The hardy and illiterate pioneer awoke here the resting echo, and following them, when they had fought out the battle with the plumed hereditary lords of America, and his congener, the wild beast viper, came together into and the deadly one plot all the ends of the world, and all the degrees of social rank, and now they offer to the same great writer, the busiest, the most extended and the most varied subject, for an enduring literary work. For is not their simple story a sublime epic? Their lives a tremendous tragedy — their present struggles, their vast schemes, their whited sepulchers, a perpetu- al comedy? The travail of ages — of the rev- olutions, wars, beliefs and bloody reforms and revivals — things that seem to retard, but really are the demonstration of the progress of the race. The creation, molding anil building up of that philosophy that reaches out to the great mass of mankind, and re- sults in that culture and experience which deepens and strengthens the common sense of the people, rectifies judgments, improves morals, encourages independence, and dissi- pates superstitions. In the prolonged human tragedy of the ages —this chaos of ignorance and wild riot of bigotry — there has been born now and then the great thoughts of the world's few thinkers, and they are growing and widening slowly but forever, as truth alone is eternal, and is beginning to yield the world a philosophy that worships the beautiful only in the useful, and the relig- ious only in the true. A philosophy that is the opposite and the contradiction of senti- ment as opposed to sense, that requires a rational personal independence of thought on all subjects, whether secular or sacred, and that equally rejects an error, whether it is fresh and novel, or gloriously gilded by an- tiquity. A philosophy that yields no homage to a thing because it is a mystery, and ac- cepts no ghostly authority administered by men, and the root of which lies in a florid mysticism. There is a perceptible intellect- ual activity that marks the present age, and 132 HISTORY OF WAYXE COUNTY. that prevades all classes, asking questions and seeking causes. It is practical, not theoret- ical, and its chief end is to improve the arts and industries, to explore and remedy evils and to make life every way better worth liv- ing. Its types are the electric light and the telephone, better ships and railways, cleaner houses and habits, better food and wiser in- stitutions for the sick, insane and destitute, and that has already scored upon its side of victories, that immeasurable boon of length- ening the life of a generation to forty years, where a few years ago it was scarcely more than thirty years. In the history of the hu- man race, all its advances, all its victories compared to this one, are as the invisible moat to the wheeling world. Let the mind dwell upon this magnificent miracle, and call these practical philosophers what you please, but what coronet is fit to crown their memory save that of the divine halo itself. Thev taught mankind the sublime truth that God intends us to mind things near us, and that because knowledge is obtainable, it is our duty to obtain it, and that the best re- ligion is that which abolishes suffering and makes men and women better and healthier. The disputes of the schoolmen and theolo- gians are regarded as a jargon of the past, and to listen to them is time wasted. Noth- ing is considered worth studying but what can be understood, or at least sufficiently un- derstood to be usefully applied. This is kindly, tolerant and courageous thought, free from the disfigurement of bigotry and preju- dice. This is where we can see the advance- ment in the school, the press, in the pulpit and everywhere. It is irresistable, and its inflowing tide is sun-lit with hope, like the blue iEgean, when the poet spoke of " the multitudinous laughter of the sea waves." This is the meaning of Bacon's idea, that the growth of truth is like the " delivery " of the body of a tree. " It draws its sap and growth from the soil of ages, and its fruitage and perfection will be displayed in a distant but glorious summer." In the slow, dreary centuries, the world looked to the learned professions — by some strange twist of the tongue called " learned " — the law, medicine and theology for their wisdom, that is, the bread of life, and re- ceived the stones and husks that were cast to them; swallowed them, and thus puffed out, they thought they grew strong and fat. Theology appealed to the strong arm of the law and the bloody sword to make people moral, and in the faith, if their morals were strictly attended to, their intelligence would take care of itself. The medical men ap- pealed to Esculapius, in the belief that he knew all that could be known about " hot water and bleeding." And the lawyers ap- pealed to ancient precedent, and told the world that here was the concentrated wisdom of the ages. Each one of these learned pro- fessions had their special followers, who put their faith exclusively in them, while the great unthinking mass of mankind implicitly believed in the infallibility of all of them. This self-constituted trinity of wisdom was agreed upon one thing, namely, that all worldly or other wisdom must come through them, in order to be " regular." Any thought or jtheory that was not " regular " in their judgment was to be ostracised, to the extent of being burned at the stake, if milder means failed to kill it off. They were all theorists, whose methods were exclusively metaphysical, and the greatest man among them was in- variably the wildest theorist, who talked the most about which he knew the least. Hence, medicine, theology and law became in the largest affairs of life coparceners, and one entrenched the other, and all wared upon poor, suffering mankind. HISTORY OF WATXE COUNTY 135 To this bloody triumvirate came the orator and the poet " crooking the pregnant hinges of the knee, that thrift might follow fawn- ing," singing their praises in word and song, and thus finally church and State, law and medicine and poetry, and eloquence and lit- erature were so braced and interwoven that they were nearly all-powerful in worldly matters, and they held high carnival over their possessions over men. They compla- cently deified the old and the mysterious, and they gave the world their unchanging ukase, and emblazoned their own glories across the face of the sky. They esteemed their victory over the thoughts of men as complete and perpetual ; they had put shackles upon the human mind, and imprisoned it in the im- penetrable cells of the gloomy dungeons. But at all times in the world's history there were other men, men who had never been of the "learned professions." or. if having been once members, had quit them, and turned their faces away from the ancient precedent, and looked ahead and not behind, and saw the slow, yet resistless power of truth as.it has, through these men. fought back ignorance enthroned in power, which has at last compelled even the learned pro- fessions to begin to look and learn — to inves- tigate and study for themselves. This is the one great page in the book of life — the most important lesson in the world's history. In all organized governments of laws and con- stitutions the lawyers are a component part of the government itself. A lawyer is in one sense an officer of the government under which he lives. Differing greatly, it may be true, from any other official of the ruling power, yet his status is as fixed as any of them. Upon him rests the highest of the temporal duties toward men that flow out to them from the government. Their cast of thought should have grown in a larger mold than did any of the other so-called learned professions. Possibly it did. Yet it was never of that sufficiently large and ennobling quality that could fill a supreme mission and help the world to true freedom in the great fight between right and wrong. They not only left her to fight her battles with ignor- ance, but too often joined in the unholy crusade against truth — we mean that perse- cuted minority who asked questions and sought out causes. They who, if they looked at the old. it was to point out its errors as well as to perpetuate its few demonstrated truths. Their great concern was for the Now, and they conld see no more reason for deep concern for a future that they could know nothing about than for the past, when " all was without form and void." And the work of these men is the adding of ten years to the average life of man. These were the men. when a man announced a new truth from nature's arcana, who never stained their hands in his blood for making the discovery, but if he could demonstrate his fact, they gave it a patient examination, and without prejudice for or against, yielded to their unbiased judgments. The extent of the labors required of these men who thus gave the world this new lease of ten years of life to the individual, was a long, a great, a patient, dangerous and im- measurable one. Their innocent aDd heroic blood stained the stream of time from its source to the present hour. They worked out their inventions, proclaimed their im- mortal discoveries and were killed at once, or became hiding fugitives from the inappeas- able wrath of mankind. The brutal mob tore their quivering bodies into shreds, and then complacently erected those immortal monumental piles to baseness and ignorance that pierced the heavens and disfigured the face of the earth. This was the unequel 13G HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. fitrbt between truth and ignorance. To look at the world in its travails, to reflect how pure and good and stainless is truth, and how very weak it seems when brought face to face with panoplied ignorance and brute force, is to despair and believe that creation itself is a mere horrible nightmare, but in the long centuries that reach down to us, her victories are marvellous, and in return for the cruel tortures and death that were lying in wait upon every foot of the pathway of these children of thought, they have given us all these glories of this gilded civilization we now enjoy. " Return good for evil," saith the command of heaven, but here is more, it is the blessing to all, and that en- dureth forever, that transcends as infinity does the tick of the clock, all the earnest and united supplications of the just and holy that ever ascended toward the Great White Throne. Their blessings are not only the comforts, pleasures, wealth and holy love of one another that we see, but it is life itself purified and exalted beyond the comprehen- sion of the ignorant receivers of the inesti- mable boon. No lash was ever raised, no law was ever enacted, no pain was ever in- flicted, no schoolhouse was ever built, no policeman was ever starred, no judge was ever ermined, no diploma was ever granted, no law was ever invoked in the interest and in behalf of these outlawed children, who thought, who invented, who discovered these immortal truths that are great enough, strong enough to lift up and bear aloft civilization itself. When the "learned profession" secured the protection of the State, and enacted a law that no one should practice or compete with them, except he be first licensed by au- thority, they admitted away all their claim to be of the " learned profession." The idea of a license to labor, to earn your living by the sweat of you brow is an open confes- sion of barbarism. Protection! From whom? The •' learned" from the ignorant; the lawyer from the lout; the doctor from the quack, "Like a weak girl, the great Coesar cried. Help me Cassius, or I sink." When the lawyer has set the example, and claimed a license to protect his guild from the outside and unlearned poacher, the doe- tor is certainly not to blame for claiming a sim- ilar protection for himself. The lawyer who studies the law should be the first man in the community to begin to see the plain, first principles of political economy. He should not have waited to be told by a non-lawyer, that one of the most glaring oppressions that have afflicted men in all governments, is over- legislation. This applies to every govern- ment of which history gives any account. And always it has been the newest govern ments that have suffered the least. Time only gives the legislative bodies the oppor- tunity to pile up these evils, the new upon the old, Pelion upon Ossa, until human endurance ceases, and with the sword, the insurgent people cut their way out. ' Ignorance feels an imaginary or real op- pression, and it cries out for some new law to remedy the wrong, when there can be no safer assertion than that there is not one remedial law in a thousand but that aggravates the evil it was intended to cure. So wide-spread is this ignorance, that almost every man who gets elected to the Legislature, understands his constituents, will measure his greatness and value by the number of new laws that be can have passed that have his trade mark upon them. Success here will constitute him a leading legislator, and make him a great man at home and abroad. Ignorance and demagogism have so pushed this in this country that our immeasurable statute laws are a marvel to contemplate. There is not a HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 137 lawyer alive that ever even cursorily read them all, and yet the most practical and in- flexibly enforced maxim is " every man is presumed to know the law." Indeed, an in- stance happened in the Supreme Court of this State recently, wherein, without knowing it, it gave one opinion that was exactly opposite to a recent preceding one. An opinion of the Supreme Court is law. An act of Con- gress is law. So of the Legislature. V city ordinance is law. A custom is law. Con- tracts, agreements and transactions among men are quasi laws. The United States, the State, the County, the city and village, the township and the road district, all have exec utive and to some extent law-making powers. Then there are the multitudinous courts pouring out their printed volumes of laws annually by the hundreds of volumes. And next month the high courts will reverse each decision upon every contested case made last mouth. To all these are charters, constitu- tions, treaties, great libraries of commenta- tors, laws fundamental, general, public and private. Decisions and orders of depart- ments, civil and military. Revenue, postal, and excise laws, criminal, civil and chan- cery, written and unwritten laws, worlds without end. Upon nearly every contested question of law may be found hundreds of decisions, no two of which will exactly agree, and the proposition has been seriously ail vanced for the State to commission a board of lawyers to attend upon the Legislature to act as a surpervising committee upon every new law brought forward by our great states men, to see how many other laws it may come in direct conflict, or agreement with. In the mad whirl of folly we cannot imagine why such a commission is not in existence. It might be a good thing. Who can tell? Let this commission be provided with clerks, auditors, judge advocates, and a hundred or so of the leading attorneys of the State. at a fat salary, as counsellors, and a suffering world that is always weeping for more law — forever more, may temporarily be made happy, until some other good scheme is thought up. The thing of appointing a board of commis- sioners, is a modern invention. It relieves the strain for more new laws by the cord and ton every hour from the legislative solons. Its a kind of side-show possessing, wo sup- pose, a mixture of the legislative and execu- tive powers and duties. Illinois is now blessed with commissioners on taxes and on railroads. Why not follow this up with one on forms and another on tooth-pick shoes for our dudes? In short, there need be no limit to this new patent process of multiplying laws and law makers, and it is a thing that would only exhaust itself when every man. woman and child in the State was in some way a part ami parcel of a board of com- missioners. The unthinking people do not realize the evils that come to them from the folly of the law makers. They are taught that it being the highest duty of a good citizen to obey and respect the law, therefore, law is of it self a good. And from here springs much of the flood of foolish and mostly bad laws. And, hence, the evils are now great from this source, and a mere reference to the whole stupendous fabric is but little else than a biting satire upon the common intelligence. For much of these evils we lay the charge at the door of the lawyers, not that they have any more than the average intelligence as a mass, but their study and investigation should have shown them tirst of all, and they should have warned the people that it is not quantity in laws that is good, but that the fewer, simpler, and more stable the laws, the happier and better the people. Upnn the threshhold of their reading, this simple fact 138 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. should have been patent to the law student, and we do not doubt had such convictions ever entered his mind, he would have at once so proclaimed to the world We are aware it has not been a willful fault of the profes- sion, but the law student, like nearly all other students, when he was first placed in position to study and prepare himself to master his profession, universally had his face turned exactly the wrong way, and that he would look only in the direction pointed out to him was to be expected. Hence it has been that the world is at last being taught the true philosophy of law by biologists and philoso- phers that have come not of the ' ' learned professions.' It will take many years to teach the mass of mankind to unlearn the lessons that have been instilled into it on this subject. The average man clings to the old; he reverences only long accepted ideas of things, and he resenis as a personal indignity, as well as a slur upon the memory of his forefathers, any innovation upon the way that they thought, and the ideas they accepted and approved. When schools are founded and run upon this idea, the world will soon be much better ed- ucated than it now is. Better scholars will come from our colleges, and better lawyers and doctors from the universities. Then the great doctor will be he who teaches mankind how to best live; how to conquer contagious diseases and epidemics, and to avoid disease and suffering in all its forms, and meet and overcome them in a better way than did our progenitors. He will then cease to be an empiric (that's all there is in medicine now), and his greatness will not consist in these miraculous cures that are so coinrnon, and that bring such notoriety and so much money to the lucky ones in life's lottery. Empiri- cism and quackery are a mere play upon words — tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee. To the money-getters in the profession these will be words worse than wasted. They will, as they ought to, resent and condemn them without stint. But, nevertheless, while it has always been true, it will always remain true that the world's truly great men, its sublime benefactors, its givers of all good, have received neither money nor fame for their grand labors in behalf of mankind. Their immortal work came like the gentle dews of heaven, silent and unseen, aud no more appreciated by men than they were by the dull cattle upon the hills. The coming great lawyer will be also not the great compiler or the brilliant student of ancient precedents and hair-splitting decis- ions; not the magniloquent orator, nor the successful and rich practitioner, with his troops of rich clients; and the mob, with greasy caps and stinking breaths, shouting at his heels, but he who frankly tells them the truth, and, mayhap, therefor receives their blows; he who teaches the people that law is not a blessing, but a necessary and oppressive evil. It is immaterial whether this truly great man has a license and is called a law- yer by authority or not. He will compel ig- norant man to know that his welfare consists in the fewest, plainest, simplest possible laws; so few and so plain and so simple that the school child may be able to master them all in a day, and once mastered they will never be forgotten and they will not be changed. This Utopia may never come — we do not at all believe it a possibility — but its smallest approach is a boon for which let the praying pray, and the militant tight to the death. Gov. Hubbard. — The first lawyer that ever filed a paper in the Circuit Court of Wayne County was Adolphus F. Hubbard. As further noted above, there were but two civil cases, both of debt, at this first court, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUJNTY. 139 and the declaration in each case was signed by Hubbard. He was the second Lieutenant- Governor of the State, succeeding Pierre Menard December 5, 1822. His residence was Gallatin County. Concerning Gov. Hubbard we tind the fol- lowing interesting items in the current his- tory of the State: "In the summer of L825, emigration ro- vived considerably. A great tide set in toward the central part of the State. Through Yandalia alone, 250 wagons were counted in three weeks' time, all going northward. Destined for Sangamon County alone, eighty wagons, and 400 persons were counted in two weeks' time. Sangamon Couuty was at that time, without doubt the most populous county in the State. All the northern coun- ties were most disproportionately represented in the General Assembly. While such coun- ties as Randolph and White had each a Sen- ator and three Representatives, Sangamon had one Senator and one Representative. " It happened at this time that Gov. Coles was temporarily absent on a visit to Virginia, and Lieut. -Gov. Hubbard was acting-Gov- ernor. His excellency, pened to them. There is danger that this generation >may forget the story. If the schools that the State runs at such an enormous expense would only hold such lessons as these up to the 162 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. minds of the young that are placed in their hands, it would tend to recompense somewhat for the outlay of the people's money. It is simply in other words, that proper knowledge of the past that should enable us to avoid the errors of those who have gone before us- Teach the young more of these practical les sons of life, and less of that glittering and fundamental folly of the fathers that " all men are equal." The truth is all men are unequal in every thing and in every way, and governments are instituted solely to increase this natural unequality. One of the most wonderful things in nature is that there are no two things in existence that are ex- actly alike — either hairs, grains of sand or blades of grass, letters in a book or any con- ceivable thing, and this is the very life, the essence of the cosmic worlds and the universe itself. There are strong-minded men who now doubt that the lesson Illinois had in its young days on the subject of internal im- provements has not been misread to the ex- tent at least that these great improvements are or should be any more the care of the State or municipalities to build than dairies, cheese factories, corn-fields, or cattle and sheep ranches; that the transportation of the commerce of the country is a private business, and, like all such things, it should be left to private enterprise, that always in due time meets the public wants with a prompt supply. A hue and cry runs over the land about crushing monopolies — gigantic combinations of capital that sap the people of their staff of life, and breed wide dish-ess, financial panics and pinching poverty among the la- boring classes, and something of this public complaint arises from the railroads; and it is not mere foolish babbling. At present, per- haps what we see of this public disturbance is mere smoke, but certain the tire is some- where below, and fortunate will it be indeed if the time would soon come when this pub- lic alarm about monopolies in this country should cease for the want of any solid basis of facts to rest upon. A now growing evil has arisen in the last twenty years, and so swiftly has it come that now three men are said to control the commerce, railroads, bank- ing, and the business of the western slope of the continent. And without a blush they boast that they own the State legislatures of their vicinage, and recent confidential let- ters that have found their way to the pub- lic prints, show that their grasping ambi- tion has extended to, and been met with smiles, too, by the Congress of the United States. Could more testimony be wanted when it is an open secret that already the office of United States Senator has been pur- chased more than once, and the rich scoun- drels have filled their terms in the high chamber of justice instead of the penitentiary where they belonged. The monopoly com- bination of capital is made possible in this country only by foolish laws, that were orig- inally made in the great mistake that it was the jirovince and duty of the Government to aid in developing the business of the country. These monopolies, when they have been made strong and rich, and when, as in California, they have every business man and the labor of the State by the throat, are answered by that feeble and often foolish scheme of labor combination — the very thing combined cap- ital wants to see, as it gives them a pretext for their open attacks upon the public, and apparently justifies the grievous exactions that they demand and collect in the name of the strong arm of the law. So long as they can control the legislation of Ihe country, so long may they laugh at the voters — that pal- ladium of the laborer of universal suffrage, "Vote, vote, vote on forever," say they, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 163 " and we will tax you to the poorhouse and the potter's field." In looking over American law books, no intelligent man could ever for a moment sup- pose that this country had produced a soli- tary political economist — a single writer who understood anything of the science of politi- cal economy — how best to govern a people, and yet in the mountains of foolish laws ev- ery man is supposed to know the law, and, supremest of all other nonsense, in every ig- norant noddle in the land is faithfully en- grafted the fact that he is not only equal to the wisest and best, but that he is in the race for every office in the land, especially that of President of the United States. Universal suffrage is worth nothing to ignorance — in- deed it may be the weapon, wielded by its own hands, for its destruction — not the de- struction of ignorance, for this seems to be indestructible, but the ignorant. If the schools of the country, instead of contributing to these evils of mankind, would turn about and begin to systematically instill into the children of the nation a few simple axioms of life such as would enable them to better regulate not only their own affairs, but enable them when they reached the age of majority to go to the ballot box and there deposit an intelligent vote — a vote that would contribute to the bettering of the Government and the condition of all the people, it would be a happy consummation, and would soon give a sublime solution of the now mooted question, " Are the schools a failure?" Our law-makers, in other words, believe they possess the wisdom to make laws that will more rapidly develope the country, and thereby make the people rich and happy. That they can pass friendly laws for railroads, canals, rivers and harbors and lines of ocean steamers is readily granted, andj that the laws that aid these enterprises by the public money, or by special privileges and favors from the Government, can and do stimulate into a quicker existence these great measures there can be no doubt, and they lend an ap- pearance to the world's splendor, wealth and glittering prosperity. But the pomp and glitter may be there and yet the people may be miserably oppressed — the suffering victims of mistaken laws— the starving slaves of pampered monopolies. The dreariest paths in the long past history of the human race are to be found in the impartial story of these meddlings of Government in affairs that it should let alone. At one time in the name of a divine king; at present and for a hundred years in this country, in the name of the divine mob, which with "greasy hands and stinking breaths " can vote. The cruel- lest taskmaster was always the fellow slave; he always wielded the bloodiest lash, and laid on its pitiless tortures with the most unsparing hand. And now, following the thoughtful question in reference to the schools, will come eventually the greater question, " Does universal suffrage make un- iversal wealth or happiness." The dema- gogue, the combination of capital and the ignorance of the voters, are the menace to democracy and freedom in America,and if fifty years of our public schools is slapped in the face with the astounding fact that ignorance has spread faster than the free school system itself — not illiteracy, mind you, but ignor- ance that is duped by demagogues to voting for its own men — if this has even kept step with the growth of schools, and the result is that in a hundred years we have degenerated in the scale of a poor, happy and contented and innocent people, to a rich, prosperous and demoralized nation, what account can the annual institutions give to such facts as these. Wo are arguing none of the problems of 164 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. political economy. We are merely hinting at a few things — suggestions that may cause some minds of a thoughtful tendency, to in- vestigate those subjects which vitally concern every voter ia this land of much voting and more law making. It is simply a ciime to vote upon matters you know nothing about. and the evil will fall upon the head of the ignorant voter always. This penalty cannot be detached from ignorance. In the econo- my of God. this is inflexible, and hence that man is troubled with a hopeless idiocy who believeB that he can be made great, good or happy by much voting and much law making. It was a non- voting English woman, who, from a simple interest in the human family, studied and investigated into the science of governments, and wrote books on the subject that are worth more to men, than have or will all the votes that may ever be cast. It is, therefore, the thinker, and not the voter, who benefits his fellow man. The most ignorant man that ever voted may be told, and he may be made to understand the re- markable fact that since governments have been instituted, the masses — the voters in this country, have always furiously voted against and often violently resisted at first every human scheme and invention that gen- ius offered for their sole behoof and benefit. The superfical demagogue and the dishonest politician is ever proclaiming as a political axiom, that the people are always infallible, where the plain truth is they never ap- proached that perfection, but have nearly always been wrong or mistaken. So true is this that a wise and just government cannot be found, and cuuld not exist over any nation in the world for an hour. Because a government, either monarchic or democratic, is a reflex of the people's intelligence over whom the government exists. It is nonsense to talk about the tyranny of governments that exist for centuries in their cruel oppressions — it is the ignorance of the people who are governed, that is at fault. That kind of ignorance that in the voter in some way thinks the government can meddle in men's private affairs, and do better by its subjects than they can do by themselves; that stolid assininity that pushes forward its long ears and listens to the demagogue, who tickles them with promises that when he gets to the legislature he will pass laws to make them all rich and happy; that he will lay a tax, so smart and cunning, too, it will be, that it will take money from bloated wealth and, under the name of work and big pay, fill the coffers of all the poor. The dupe does not realize that his innate dishonesty is alone appealed to, but thinks it is his patriotic love of his fellow man, and, therefore, he is a patriot and the government that, in his imagination, . allows him to rob somebody else, is the greatest and best government on the planet. We dismiss this subject with this simple proposition, that is so plain, and to the writ- er's mind so true, that it will do much to better the condition of men, and advance civilization if ever it comes to be generally understood. That is this. Every society in all times and all places is good or bad exactly as it is wise or ignorant — nay, fur- ther, a people is moral or immoral, chaste, or base, upright or dishonest, sober or drunken, good or bad, exactly as it may be wise o r ignorant. And the only way under heaven to make good men is to store their minds with the simple and divine truths of nature -- this Holy Writ must be read, studied and obeyed, or otherwise its penalties will have to be endured. Swamp Lands. — September 28, 1850, Congress passed an act entitled " An act to enable the State of Arkansiis and other States HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 165 to reclaim the swamp lands within their limits." The Legislature of Illinois, Juno 22, 1852, passed " An act to dispose of the swamp and overflowed lands, and pay the expense of surveying and selecting the same" and vest ing the title in these lands to the respective counties in which they were situated. By these acts, Wayne County became pos- sessed of about 100.000 acres of swamplands. November 5, 1855, the voters of Wayne County voted in favor of the proposition " For appropriating the swamp and over flowed lands of Wayne County, as a bonus to any company for building a railroad through the county. March 13, 1N[>(>, the county conveyed the lands to Charles Wood, Trustee, to the use of the Belleville & Fairfield Railroad Com- pany, the Mount Carmel & New Albany Railroad Company, or to any'railroad com- pany which should build a railroad through the county, conditioned that work should commence on the execution of the deed. Nn work, or expenditures were ever done by any railroad under this deed during the two years of its limitation. September 24, 1857, the county again con- veyed the same land to Thomas Cooper, and eleven other citizens of the county (desig- nated sometimes as the twelve apostles of Wayne), on condition that they build a rail road through the County W ayne and town of Fairfield to the Wabash and Ohio Rivers, within two years, with the right of exten- sion of three years. Nothing was ever done under this deed, and it is not cancelled ex- cept by its terms. November 10, 1S5S, the county entered into a contract with Yanduser, Smith & Co., to construct a railroad through the county by November 10, 1SG0, the county to pay $12,500 for each three miles of grading, and when the road was completed, to pay $6,000 per mile in swamp lands at $5 per acre, the land to be conveyed to the contractors when the road was completed. If the con- tractors failed to complete the contract in time, then to forfeit to the county all they had done, and receive nothing. While this contract was in force, the Mount Vernon Railroad, which only had a charter from Ashloy to Mt. Vernon, but which had this curious provision in its char- ter: Any county through which any other railroad may run with which this road may join, connect or intersect, may, ami arc hereby authorized and em- powered to aid in the construction of the same or of such other mad with which it may so connect, and for this purpose the provision of the seventh, eighth and ninth sections of this act shall extend, include and be applicable to every said county and every said railroad. On the 20th of April, 1S59, the Mount Vernon Railroad Company claiming to have acquired the contract made with Vanduser, Smith & Co., by assignment and by agree- ment to fulfill the conditions of the agree ment as a consideration, procured two of the County Judges of Wayne County, to execute a deed and mortgage of said lands to Isaac Seymour as Trustee, to the use of the Mount Vernon Railroad Company, as security for $800,000 of bonds to be issued by the Mount Vernon Railroad Company, for the construc- tion of the said railroad. The Mount Ver- non Railroad Company, at the same time agreeing to, and did execute to Isaac Sey- mour, Trustee, a mortgage on the franchise and " all property " of every character and description, whatsoever and wheresoever, and of the kind of title acquired, or to be ac- quired, that they might have, to secure the payment of said bonds covenanting, also at thr same time to pay all tax assessed against heir property, when due. Nothing was done 166 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. under this contract or assignment, nor under the deed and mortgage, when at March term of County Court, 1860, the Mt. Vernon Rail- road Company appeared and asked an exten- sion of the time to commence and complete the railroad under the Vanduser, Smith & Co., which was granted. The conditions of which were, that they were to file, plat and survey of location of the railroad in twenty days, and keep fifty men at work and more if necessary to its completion in two years, failing in either, the contract and all there- under done or had, should be null and void. Nothing was done under this extension of time, when in August, 1860, Isaac Seymour abandoned his trust, and the railroad com- pany abandoning all effort to construct a rail- road, and Seymour having died in 1861, all was at sea, when the County Court at De- cember term, 1862, passed the order directing the Swamp Land Commission to proceed and sell the said lands as heretofore by preemp- tion or otherwise, which was done, the last being sold October 13, 1868. March 7, 1865, suit was commenced by John W. Kennicott, et al, claiming that they held the bonds for the payment of which these lands were mortgaged. In the meantime, a large portion, perhaps all these lands had been conveyed to private parties, many of whom were citizens of the county and who had thus, as they supposed, secured a homestead. These suits that have gone on for the past eighteen years will go into history as its celebrated cases. They have run the gant- let of about all the courts, and only just now has it been settled in favor finally of the people. The whole thing was a fine piece of sleight- of-hand by which the county was to be euchered out of its lands and to receive nothing in return. The people expected a railroad to be built, and they were liberal enough to give all they had for it, and the sharpers appeared and plucked the goose. The gift of a hundred thousand acres of land to the county was simply its greatest misfortune ; and yet, there are people silly enough to believe and to vote that their own government possesses only much money, great wisdom, and all the virtues, and in some way or another they never doubt but that if they fail to take care of themselves the paternal government will certainly do all that. The Five Horse Court. — The session of the Illinois Legislature of 1867 met, and the whole people of the State were wild and en- thusiastic over the subject of new railroads. Wayne County was represented by a strong lobby at Springfield, and the Springfield & Southeastern Railway Charter was passed, and as the county was under the control of fifteen Supervisors, and for fear that this body was too large to handle well in the mat- ter of submitting propositions to the voters to aid railroads, a cunning scheme in the way of an act of the Legislature was submitted and passed the Legislature. This was exclu- sively a Wayne County law, and it was due to the wisdom alone of Wayne County men that the law was conceived and brought forth. This was known as the ' ' Five Horse Court '» law. It was passed under the modest title of " An act to change the time of electing certain officers in a county therein named." It simply abolished the Board of Supervisors, consisting of fifteen members, in Wayne County, and divided the county into four dis- tricts, and for five Supervisors, two to be citizens of Fairfield. The two in town, of course, were in favor of any road, east and west, or north and south, and the cunning act so arranged matters that three controlled, and hence, no matter what direction any HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 167 road might want to take there would be three certain to favor all propositions for subscrip- tions in aid thereof. The act was to continue in force four years and then the county would return to its old fifteen Supervisors. O. & M. Ra il road.— February 25, 1867, the Legislature passed the act incorporating the Illinois Southeastern Railway Company; the incorporators were Charles A. Beecher, Joseph J. R. Turney, Robert P. Hanna, Car- roll C. Boggs, Joseph T. Fleming, Henry Halthausen, Edward Bonham, all of Wayne County, and John W. Westcott, "William B. Wilson, Daniel McCauly and William H. Hanna. of Clay County. The charter designated the track of the road might commence at some suitable point on the Chicago branch of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad, and run by way of Fairfield to some point on the Ohio River, not south of Metropolis nor north of Shawneetowu. An- other provision provided it should not join the Central at a point north of the town of Mason, nor south of Kinmundy. The char- ter provided for eight members for the Board of Directors, with power to increase the num- ber to thirteen. The charter provided that Charles A. Beecher, Joseph T. Fleming, William H. Hanna, Edward Bonham, William B. Wil- son and John \Y . Westcott, should be the first Board. February 24, 1869, the Legislature passed an amendment to this charter, giving it in- creased powers, and legalizing certain acts or doings of the Board. In February, 1857, the Legislature had passed a charter for the Springfield & Pana Railroad. This road was provided to run from Springfield to Pana via Taylorville. [n April 1869, was passed the act incor- porating the Pana, Springfield & Northwest- ern Railroad, or rather an amendment to this charter was passed at that time, and among other things it provided the Pana & North- western Railroad might build a road from Pana to some point on the branch of the Illi- nois Central Railroad. December 7, 1859, articles of consolidation of the Pana, Springfield & Northwestern Railroad, and the Illinois Southeastern Rail- way Company were entered into, and formed the Springfield & Southeastern Railway Com- pany. The first directors of the new company were D. D. Shumway, S. W. Priest, C. W. Matheny, George H. Black, Alexander Starne, Thomas S. Ridgeway, W. B. Wilson, Edward Bonham, Charles Carroll, W. H. Hanna, W. H. Robinson, C. A. Beecher and William P. Cutler. Dodge, Lord & Co., and William P. Cut- ler, had contracted to build the Illinois Southeastern Railway, and Cutler, Dodge & Co. had contracted to build the Pana, Spring- field & Northwestern, and the articles of con- solidation provided that as soon as the con- tractors had completed and have ready for equipment any part of the road between Shawneetown and Beardstown, for the dis- tance of five continuous miles, the railroad should issue to them $100,000 of capital stock, or an equal amount of bonds converta- ble into stock. The work of construction was pushed for- ward to completion from Beardstown to Shawneetown. Wayne County and certain townships had subscribed $150,000 in bonds, which were duly paid over, except $20,000 subscribed by Fairfield and Barnhill Town- ships, which was never paid, and upon suit the road was defeated, because the conditions of the donation had not been complied with by the railroad company, the paramount fail- ure being in not putting up two depots in 163 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Barnhill Township, which had been made a condition precedent in the vote. July 3, 1874, upon the suit of the Farm- er's Loan & Trust Company against the road, a foreclosure was had and a sale de- creed, and on September 15, 1874, a sale by John A. Jones, Master in Chancery, the franchise was sold to M. H. Bloodgood, and a deed of conveyance executed. The amount of the indebtedness for which the road was sold was 83,895,099.59. The amount bid at the sale by Bloodgood was the sum of $500,- 000. On this it appears he paid in cash $118,015.94, and the residue in bonds of the company. This cash payment was the amount of interest due in coin on the first mortgage bonds. Exceptions were filed to this decree by W. H. Miller, Williams & Orton Manufacturing Company, M. D. Carlyle, William Gillmore and T. D. Craddock. The court allowed the claims of these parties, and January 18, 1875, the Master in Chancery issued a deed of confirmation to M. H. Bloodgood. January 28, 1875, M. H. Bloodgood con- veyed by deed to Fredrick S. Schuchardt, and John Bloodgood conveyed the entire franchise, and on January 29, 1875, these parties conveyed by deed the property to Daniel Torrence. The next day, these par- ties transferred the road to the Ohio & Mis- sissippi Railway Company, and it then be- came what it now is, the Springfield Division of the Ohio& Mississippi Railway Company. The Air Line. — We have already stated that as far back as 1837. a survey was made through the county of a road to run from Alton to Mt. Carmel. The State was bank- rupted, as stated above, and the schemes fell through. But this Alton & Mt. Carmel road had interested Gen. William Pickering, and the road passed into his hands. He under- took to finish it and spent his fortune upon it, but only succeeded in getting a road built from Princeton, Ind., to Albion, 111. He had arrangements made with Eastern capitalists to complete the road, but about this time the political excitement of the North and South on the subject of slavery culminated in the death of Owen Lovejoy at Alton, and capitalists became alarmed and withdrew their promised support, leaving Gen. Pickering unable to go any further. He clung to his road until he was appointed Governor of Washington Territory, when he sold out his road to Bluford Wilson and others. The agreed price was only nominal, and Pickering got none of that, but we un- derstand about $14,000 was paid his heirs after his death. In April, 1869, the St. Louis, Mt. Carmel & New Albany road was chartered, and also the Louisville, New Albany & St. Louis Air- Line Railway. Under the latter name the company, by Augustus Bradley, President, and George Lyman, Secretary, executed a mortgage to Calhoun & Opdyke for $4,525,- 000, due in 1902, but it is not known that any money was ever got under this mortgage. At all events, very little was done until May, 1881, when the stockholders met in Mt. Car- mel, and resolved to issue $3,000,000 first mortgage bonds, and $3,000,000 four per cent fifty-year cumulative income bonds, and $1,000,000 second mortgage bonds. Robert Bell was President, and Burr and Wilson held about all the stock. This meeting in- creased the capital stock from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000. In November of the same year the name was changed to Louisville, Evans- ville & St. Louis Railway Company. But in June, 1881, the company had executed a mortgage to the Mercantile Trust Company and Noble C. Butler, in which the route is described as being from New Albany, by Huntington, Ingleton, Oakland City. Prince- HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 171 ton. Mount Carmel, Albion and Fairfield to Bit. Vernon, about 192 miles; forty-five miles, from Ingleton to Albion, had been then fin- ished. The change Of name was made neces- sary by a consolidation with roads from Evansville to Jasper. Ind., and from Rock- port to Gentryville, Ind., making now a total of 260 miles. March 1, 1882, the road was completed from Bit. Vernon, 111., to Hunting- ton, in all 202 miles, and by a mortgage $1,000,000 was secured to complete the road to New Albany. Jonas H. French succeeded Mr. Bell as President, and he was succeeded in turn by John Goldthwaite, the present incumbent. This road, one of the best equipped and best run in Southern Illinois, has cost the people of this section compara- tively nothing. Blost of the money used in its construction was furnished by Ballou, of Boston. After it was completed, the road was much damaged by high water, and lay quite awhile before trains run regularly, but the result was a settling of the earth, which made it from the start one of the best road- beds in the State. Its business at once was a paying one. The Air-Line is at present using the Louisville & Nashville track to St. Louis from Mt. Vernon, but it is the inten- tion soon to have its own track to St. Louis, and by a consolidation with the Chesapeake & Ohio it will become one of the great trunk lines from the Blississippi to the Atlantic. Coming Roads. — Southern Illinois is so full of roads building and projected that hardly a county in this portion of the State but may point to one or more new roads either just completed, or soon to be completed. The time will come when this portion of country will sustain as many first-class rail- roads as will any section of equal extent in the world. Two unfinished roads are now on their way to Wayne County. The Danville & Ohio road is in the hands of a Receiver, and we are informed the court has ordered the Re- ceiver to issue his certificates to complete the road from Danville to Fairfield. This will fill a long-felt want of a direct road to Chi- cago. Such a road will do wonders in devel- oping the entire country. And it is hoped that work will commence in the early spring and be pushed to a rapid completion. The Toledo, Texas & Rio Grande road was begun in June, 1882, and has a fifty-year charter. The route is from Charleston or Danville, 111., to Cape Girardeau, and thence to an intersection of the Texas & St. Louis road, and, when built, will complete a chain of road from Mexico to New York City. Much work was already done on this road in the latter part of 1883, and it is expected that it will bo completed the present year (1884). 172 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER XIII. RECAPITULATION— SOME GENERAL AND SPECIAL ACCOUNTS OF THE PEOPLE— EARLY WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS— PRESENT COUNTY WEALTH— WAYNE FORMED FROM EDWARDS, AND THEN THE SOUTH LINE CHANGED— THEN A PORTION SET OFF TO CLAY COUNTY— FULL LIST OF OFFICERS— SOME OF THE LITERATURE OF THE EARLY AND PRESENT DAY — AN IMMORTAL SPEECH — ISRAEL DEWEY, ETC., ETC.. ETC. TO conclude the story of the people of Wayne County is the scope and purpose of this last chapter, and to do this it is not im- proper to give a rapid and short review of the people who came in the slow accretion of population that marked this section down to the year 1860, and an account of the early and modern officials of the town to the pres- ent time. To this we propose to add a brief account of the legislative department, inso- far as the State Legislature was appealed to and did act in behalf of the people of Wayne County, and finally, but not least, the reader need not be amazed or scandalized if there are some general deductions that may tend to indicate the class of men who in early and modern times have had their say in the gen- eral control and the shaping of the State legislation, insofar as the same affected the county. In visiting through the county and in the presence of old settlers, the writer had. the pleasure of meeting Susan Jane Cook, who came to the county in 1821, a well preserved, high spirited and outspoken woman, with such nerve, independence and a natural com- manding nature that she is sometimes de- scribed as the "Queen of Barefoot." By way of explanation, it may be necessary to explain that " Barefoot Nation " is in the east and northern portion of the county, and derives its name from the early habit of the pioneers, who never saw a pair of tooth-pick shoes, or a live dude in their lives. She dis- tinctly remembers all the first settlers of the county, particularly Harris, Richard and Sam Locke and the Carters, and says the first preacher she ever heard was a man named Finley, who came from somewhere South. Then she describes the first Camp- bellite she ever heard of as a " little, old, sour, cross man," but "he had a voice like a bell." When very young, she says she heard a negro (called colored men nowadays) preach, and he "was powerful for to hear" is her recollection. She remembers it was common those days at meetings for several to have the " jerks," and in this business she credits the "nigger with as much power as the best of 'em;" she remembers hearing Merritt preach once, and he announced that " Christ was in the camp," and then the shouting raged like mad. The first school she attended, " in a slip, and barefoot," was "over in the Statt's settlement," where old man Kennedy handled the long hazel, and then "old man Taylor taught there," who was considered •"the smartest man in the world '' at that time. The first wedding she remembers was wh-n her elder " sister Nancy married Bill Carter.'' HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 173 Charles Carter is now an old man and is still living in Fairfield, verging on sixty-nine years of age. He was born in Kentucky and came to Wayne County in 1831 and settled in Turner's Prairie. He remembers Samuel Leech as the first merchant in the county. and he thinks Caleb Wilmans the second. and R. B. Slocumb the third. Carter says he worked for and lived with Wilmans' fam- ily for six years. Wilmans wont to Califor- nia in 1849, and soon after died there. Carter informs us that R. B. Slocumb was married twice, his second wife beiug Caleb Ridgeway's daughter, and that he left chil- dren, Mrs. Seth Crews, of Chicago, Mrs. James Stanley, Mrs. Woodward, of Jit. Ver- non, and sons Eugene. Clarence and a mar- ried daughter, Ibey Groesbeck, now in New York. When he first remembers Fairfield, Will- iam Patton, who died years ago, lived here. Andrew Mays was then in what is now Elm River Precinct. Presley Simpson lived five miles south of town. He was a Tennessean, and had a son, John D., now living in the county. In 1S3'2, Wilmans & Weed, who were relatives, were merchandising here. They finally built a steam saw mill on the Little Wabash, near Beach Bluff. He re- members William Irvin as a good farmer and a quiet, peaceable man ; also James Massey ( a preacher. He left a son. also a preacher. Richard Massey. Elijah Harlan was one of the principal citizens on Skillet Fork, near Mill Shoals. He had a large family, but all are supposed to be dead. Samuel Close lived in Tnrney's Prairie; had a large fam- ily; was a Kentuekian. Removed to North somewhere. His father died here at an ad- vanced age. Gambril Bartlett lived near En- terprise; moved away about 1838. James Houston lived near Fairfield; had an old tread mill and distillery; died in 1840. leav- ing a son, Rigdon, still living here. The patriarch of the celebrated Turney family was Michael. His sons were Moses, Di\ Daniel, Isaiah, Anthony B. and Dr. William F. The last lived in Fairfield; was in Black Hawk war, and died at Leech's Mills in 1838. Anthony B., father of Thomai Jefferson Turney, who now lives at Mill Shoals, and also father of Jackson and Washington Turney, removed to Wabash County, and then emigrated West. Isaiah Turney, in 1834, went to Jersey County, and Moses went to Texas in 1840, and Thomas moved North in 1846, Dr. Daniel Turney's son, Lafayette, went West twelve years ago. John Clark, Sr., was a Kentuekian; was here at a very early day. (See previous chapters.) He died in 1838. His brothers were Andrew and Alexander. David McLin was an early Cumberland preacher. His surviving son was William. Alfred Hall lived in Big Mound — a rollicking fellow. Wesley Staton was a Black Hawk war sol- dier. He was a hatter in Fairfield; finally went onto a farm in Arriugton Township. He was stung to death by bees. Joseph Morris lived in Long Prairie; left a large family. "William Cray lived in Four Mile Prairie. Miles Morris and Greenbury Wal- ker lived in Lontr Prairie. When he first saw Fairfield he remembers there were then here Hugh Stewart and family, Dr. Parks, Sam Leech, Archy Roberts, AVesley Sta- ton, John Brown, the Wilmans, Dan Turney, David McLin, John W. Snyder and W. F. Turney. These all had families ex- cepi W- F. Turney and Staton. Mathew Franklin was the chief carpenter. He was a great crony of C. C. Young. Mr. Carter, in 1838, married Louisa M. Wilson, daugh- ter of Joseph and Nancy Wilson, who died January, 1881, leaving three boys and two girls. 174 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. At June term, 1836, letters of adminis- tration were graQtedto Rhoda Ray and Jesse Lord, upon the estate of Asa Ray, deceased. October, 1836, was probated the last will of Enoch Beach. Witnesses: James Crews and Minzy James. Justice Beach was ap- pointed administrator. February, 1837, administration granted upon the estate of James Clark, Jr. ; Joseph Campbell appointed administrator. The bold and striking signature of Judge Leech appears to all the meetings of the Probate Court, from the time of the organi- zation of the county until the 14th day of February, 1837, without break or interrup- tion. At the term of the Probate Court com- mencing on the 22d day of May, 1837, ap- pears for the first time the name of R. B. Slocumb, Probate Judge. His first act as such officer was granting letters testamentary to Edward Puckett and Martha Fulton, upon the nuncupative will of James B. Fulton, deceased. On the 10th day of August, 1837, Mathew Crews was appointed guardian for the fol- lowing minor heirs of Enoch Beach, to wit: Jennett E., Judith A., Zenas, Minerva, George M. and Margaret Beach. At the same time Jacob Gregory was ap- pointed guardian for Crockett Holiday. On the 26th of August, 1837, the nuncu- pative will of Reuben Atteberry was pro- bated. It was attested by Nathan Atteberry and John G. Meeks. At the November twenty-fifth term, of the court the estates of Robert R. Gaston and Jesse Reed were ad- ministered upon. On the 6th [day of September, ^1838, the will of Michael Turney was probated. At the same term, the will of Robert R. Smith. William Patterson was appointed executor. January, 1839, letters granted on the es- tate of George Harlan. Same month, Daniel Turney and Moses Turney appointed execu- tors of the will of William F. Turney. In. February, same year, Alexander Clark, Pub- lic Administrator, granted letters upon the estate of James Gibson, deceased. In March, William Merritt and Sarah Huston granted letters upon the estate of James Huston. At same time, letters granted upon the estate of James Turner, Sr. On the 16th day of November, 1840, Judge John Brown was holding a term of court. The following is a complete list of the county officers, from the organization of the county to date (1884): Sheriffs — -Andrew Kuykendall, 1819 to 1820; Enoch Wilcox, 1810 to 1824; Andrew Kuykendall, 1824 to 1827; Joseph Campbell, 182*7 to 1832; Ben A. Clark, 1832 to 1834; Charles Wood, 1834 to 1838; George W. Wilson, 1838 to 1842; Allen M. Downen, 1842 to 1844; George W. Wilson, 1844 to 1846; William L. Gash, 1846 to 1848; Alex- ander Campbell, 1848 to 1852; James Clark, 1852 to 1856; C. L. Carter, 1S56 to 1858; H. A. Organ, 1858 to 1860; Alexander Camp- bell, 1860 to 1862; Richard Childers, 1862 to 1864; Alexander Campbell (died 1865), 1864 to 1865; William C. Murphy (to fill term), 1865 to 1866; N. J. Odell, 1866 to 1868; L. D. Bennett, 1868 to 1870; J. B. Tidball, 1870 to 1872, Lowry Hay, 1872 to 1874; Martin E. Bozarth, 1874 to 1876; Adam Rinard, 1876 to 1880; L. D. Bennett, 1880 to 1882; Isaac B. Carson, 1882 to 1886. County Judges (prior to 1821 was County Commissioners) — Samuel Leech, 1821 to 1837; Rigdon B. Slocumb, 1837 to 1840; John H. Brown, 1840 to 1849; R. B. Slocumb, 1S49 to 1854; Daniel Turney, 1854 to 1857; S. J. R. Wilson, 1857 to 1861; William W. George, 1861 to 1865; William L. Beeson, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 175 1865 to 1873; Copelin McKelvy, 1873 to 1877; C. C. Boggs, 1877 to 1882; John Keen, Jr., 1882 to . County Clerks — Samuel Leech, 1S19 to 1840; Joseph G. Barkley, 1840 to 1847; Caleb Wilnians, 1847 to 1849; Francis Mc- Cown, 1849 to 1854; John Trousdale, 1S54 to 1858; Jeff W. Barnhill, 1S58 to 1865; Oliver Holmes. 1805 to 1873; John Morris, 1873 to 1877; Joe D. Shaeffer, 1877 to 1882; Joseph E. Wilson, 1882 to . County Treasurers — Samuel Leech, 1819 to 1824; James Bird, 1824 to 1826; Andrew Kuykendall, 1826 to 1S27; James Butler, 1827 to 1828; Charles Wood, 1828 to 1844; Andrew Wilson, 1S44 to 1847; John C. Gash. 1847 to 1853; C. L. Carter, 1853 to 1857: William L. Gash, 1S57 to 1863; John Keen, Jr., 1863 to 1865: John C. Alexander, 1865 to I860; John A. Moffitt, 1869 to 1873; Alonzo M. Cable, 1873 to 1877: John Mor- ris, 1877 to 1879; Benjamin S. Organ, 1879 to 1882; O. P. Patterson, 1882 to . School Commissioners — Jacob Hall, 1842 to 1844; Jacob H. Love, 1S44 to 1S45; Rob- ert Wilson, 1S45 to 1849; David Wright, 1849 to 1852; John A. Campbell, 1S52 to 1854; E. A. Johnson, 1854 to 1864; Calvin Cooper, 1864 to 1871; William A. Vernon, 1871 to 1S73: Francis M. Woolard, 1873 to 1877; Benjamin F. Meeks, 1877 to 1881; Z. B. West, 1881 to . Circuit Clerks — Samuel Leech, 1832 to 1836; R. B. Slocumb, 1836 to 1840; J. G. Barkley, 1S40 to 1850; R. B. Slocumb, 1856 to 1804; William L. Gash. 1864 to 1868; John L. Handley, 180S to 1870: R. E. Ma- bry, 1876 to 1884. State's Attorneys — O. B. Ficklin, for dis- trict ; Aaron Shaw, for district: Alfred Kit- chell, for district; James S. Robinson, for district: L. J. S. Turney, acting for district ; E. B. Green, acting for district; T S. Casey, for district; W. H. Robinson, acting for dis- trict; C. S. Conger, acting for district; Et. \V. Townshend, 1868 to 1872; C. C. Boggs, 1872 to 1876; A. M. Funkhouser, 1876 to 1880; J. R. Creighton, 1880 to 1884. The present county assessment will show something of what the people have been doing since the first settlers here in the way of building up the country: PROPERTY. 4SSESSED VALUATION. EQUALIZED 1:1 mi MV BOARD. EQUALIZED BY STATE BOARD. Lota {1,303,729 141,717 81,307,1 83 143,000 542,545 $1,620,118 ITT.i 32 672,451 Total 81,987,971 81,992,578 $2,469,601 278,822 Railroad ami Telegraph Total S2.74S.423 State Tax $ 9,799 13 County Tax 18,18101 Town Tax 3.150 89 Road and Bridge Tax 4,784 87 County Bond Tax 14,017 45 Town Bond Tax 2,682 72 Incorporation Tax 1,773 27 School Tax 25,511 00 District Road Tax 2,304 81 Dog Tax 3,142 00 Back Tax 35 57 Total §83.332 22 Horses, 6,034; valuation each, $23.39 Cattle, 14.484; valuation each, f 6.72. Mules and at i s 1.330; valuation each. $22.60. Sheep, 14,51 4; valu- tion each, $1.00. Hogs, 19,759; valuation each, $1.16. Wayne County was formed out of Edwards, and it seems there grew up some misunder- standing between the two counties as to the exact southern line of the former county, and therefore, in 1829, the Legislature passed an act to exactly define this line. See laws, 1829, page 32. And another law was passed in 1831, giving the county its full pro rata share in the Gallatin salines. In 1837, the county applied to the Legislature, and pro- cured an act changing the original applica- 176 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. tion of this saline donation. In 1855, the county was in the throes of the greatest finan- cial troubles, largely by the death of stock and failure of crops, and it procured the authority and did borrow $5,000 to " purchase breadstuff's for the unfortunates." A small portion of the territory of Wayne was taken and added to Clay County in 1863. On the 28th of February, 1867, the act virtually abolishing the Board of Supervisors (which consisted of fifteen members), and had what was known as the " Five Horse Act," passed. This law cannot readily be found in the laws of 1867, simply because by its strange title it never would be recognized. The curious reader, however, will find the document on page 102. When the matter got into the courts, the great joke on the lawyers was that they could not find the act, although they were well aware one had been passed. Another remarkable fact was that every law- yer as soon as he examined it, knew it was unconstitutional, and yet it was secured to literally gouge the people out of large sums of money for railroad purposes, and this part of the scheme was really more shrewdly car- ried out than the first, for the simple reason that before the question was taken into the courts, the bonds had been issued and parties had purchased in good faith, and the Su- preme Court was compelled finally to decide that although the act was unconstitutional, yet the " Five Horse Court, " upon a suit upon the bonds was a de facto court, and therefore bonds were good. We consider this whole transaction one of the sharpest that is to be found in the legislation or the law re- ports of our State. Burnt Prairie Manual Labor Seminary (this was partly in Wayne only) was char- tered as early as 1836. The next year, the Fairfield Library Company was made a charter institution. In 1839, the Fairfield Institute was chartered and the Library Company was merged into the same, and the Ewing Seminary was chartered in 1845. We have noticed, at considerable length in another and preceding chapter, that at the very earliest day, when usually other counties of the same age had hardly reached the day of house-raisings yet, that Fairfield was dis- cussing, among other questions, with hammer and tongs, those and all great literary prob- lems, " Which is the most beautiful, art or nature ?" This question, as well as others we have noticed elsewhere, was the theme of hot de- bates for many years. From week to week and from season to season the debate would go on, gather in interest, intensity and mag- nitude like the rolling snow-ball, and they were brought down to comparatively modern times; so recent in fact that we are enabled to give almost the complete effort of one of these budding Demusthenes. We were told the gentleman is still living, but we did not learn his name. But the mighty effort ran as follows: " Mr. President: What are (I want to know!!) more beautif idler, that was ever seed in this great nateral world!! than a nateral steamboat running up a nateral river!!!" And the man sat down exhausted and im- mortal. It is supposed that the great con- troversy that had run so high and for so many years ended exactly here. What more could be said on the great theme? Nothing could more appropriately close the history of the county than the following sketch of Dewey: One of the active, earnest, tremendous preachers, of the Hard Shell persuasion in the good old honest times in Wayne County, was the Rev. Israel Dewey. He was an in- dustrious man, and there was a power and fascination about his wonderful sermons that HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 177 makes us greatly regret that we cannot make a pen picture of some one of his many efforts that would carry to the remotest posterity, to edify them and impart also some of the great pleasure tasted by the good people of "Wayne during his active and pious life. There were no short-hand writers in Dewey's day. Per- haps it is quite as well there were not, for while the stenographer might have taken down the words, and a Hogarth might have painted the man in all his ragged eloquence of posture, as he stood with his hand to the side of his face looking at a crack, and warm- ing to his work, and the froth from his ear- nest lips flying all over his nearest auditors, but who, except Allec Moffit or Capt, Bill Stewart, could have given his heavenly tone — those nasal blasts that went direct to fright- ened sinners' souls like the crack of doom. It was once said of the great poetic songster, Byron, that — "He touched lii~ harp And nations heard entranced." But Dewey in the country puncheon- floored meeting house, was the sublime preacher, who was like the great and rapid river that runs on forever. Like any true child of genius, he had his times of special inspiration, and his most intimate admirers had learned him so well that they could gen- erally tell when he was in one of these great moods the moment he commenced his sermon. The only pulpit in Dewey's time — at least the only kind of pulpit he ever used — was a split-bottom chair, and if he pranced up to this with his head up and that triumphant smile that sometimes was seen on his face, and a slight swagger in his shoulders, his best judges knew that Dewey was himself again, and they braced themselves to with- stand the torrent nay, the plunging Niagara of his eloquence. 4 • Bretherens and sisterenes-ah. I am going to preach-ah, Dewey's sentiments to day-ah, and I don't care a rotten possum skiti-ah whose toes it hurts-ah. My text can be found in the leds of the Bible-ah, and in the two-eyed chapter of the one-eyed John- ah. Now there's brother one-eyed Bob Gray- ah, and ho can see as far into the kingdom of heaven-ah as auy other one-eyed man-ah, who don't wear no specks- ah. Aint that so, brother Toliver Simpson?" And then the good man would begin to warm up with his theme, and he would un- button his shirt collar, then his vest, and as the cyclone increased he would fling aside his coat, and then roll up his shirt sleeves, and by this time the great preacher, in the eloquent language of Andy Hunter in his great Democratic speech, would sweep all before him " like a cyclone of the desert, like a cyclopa of the sea ! " By the way, when Ham Sutton asked Andy what he meant by "' Cy- clops of the sea. " " Damfino," said Andy, in innocent simplicity. Dewey in his day had few equals, and no superiors among the numerous powerful preachers of his persuasion. Like his kind, he preached not for pelf or fame; his carriage horses were a yoke of breech y stags, that were scanty in their make-up except the horns. He attended his appointments to preach on foot, witb his rifle on his shoulder. A gentleman now living in Fairfield tells us the first dime he was the happy possessor of he got from this gond preacher for "minding" a deer he had killed on his way to church, and hung up, and then secreted his gun in a hollow tree and washed his hands and went on and preached his sermon, and then returned and had the venison taken home. Bob Gray and Toliver Simpson were solid, thrifty farmers, and were foremost among the best people of the county. They were pious, good men, and they never failed to be in their 178 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. places when Dewey preached, and when he made a point in his sermon and would say, "Aint that so, brother Toliver Simpson?" or "Brother Bob Gray?" they [ would nod their affirmative approval, and in this way they were as much of the essential of the ser- mon as the text itself. Had they staid away from church any time, it is supposed Dewey would have signally failed in at least that sermon. They were the loving Davids to Dewey's eloquent Jonathan. Dewey's life and works were purely those of a good and holy man. He feared naught but the lake of tire and brimstone, and he poured hot shot and chained balls of doctrinal theology into the ranks of all deluded Bible readers who failed to understand the good Book as he did. He has gone to his fathers, and sleeps the sleep of the just. His day and times have passed away forever. Let his memory be cherished, and his good works be not forgotten. CHAPTER XIV. CITY OF FAIRFIELD— THE ORIGINAL PLAT, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS— GROWTH AND DEVELOP- MENT—SOME OF THE FIRST HOUSES AND OLD LANDMARKS— MERCHANTS AND MERCHAN- DISING—TAVERNS, MILLS AND FACTORIES— THE COURT HOUSE— CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND NEWSPAPERS— FREEMASONRY AND OTHER BENEVOLENT OR- DERS—INCORPORATION OF FAIRFIELD— TOWN BOARDS, ETC., ETC. FROM the birth of the human race, the sons and daughters of men have shown a preference for each other's society, and de- veloped a tendency to congregate together in numbers. At first this was more for protec- tion than for social intercourse. But as people became more enlightened, and civil- ization advanced, the social inclination grew stronger, and as a result towns and cities were built, thus bringing multitudes together into a closer relationship. The social prin- ciple in man is strong. He may be proud, domineering, or all that is bad, but to con- fine him with Diogenes in a tub, or a Pla- tonic lover in some brilliant sphere, were an intolerable punishment. Solitary confine- ment is, and ever must be, the keenest corrective trial. A man may rave about his independence, and desire a whole universe to •By W. H. Perrin. himself, hollow to resound his massive tread, and mirrored to reflect his noble form; but therein he stifles the outgrowing inclinations of his own heart, and does not guess how sensibly he would feel the want of the com- monest expressions of social life and social intercourse. Prometheus, chained on his crag, amid the eternal snows, and gnawed by the vulture; and Simon Stylites on his lonely column, are apt types of such a dreary life, and solitary, friendless creature. In- dividual isolation is unnatural and inhuman. The disposition to gather into towns and cities, on the other hand, is both natural and human. The pioneers understood this, and both for protection and for social enjoyment and intercourse, and for humanity's sake, and perhaps for other reasons, they laid out towns and built up villages. Something of III>T()i:v OF WAYNE COUNTY. 170 this character gave birth to Fairfield sixty - four years ago — a period when there was doubtless, not two hundred people in what now forms "Wayne County. The fathers of the enterprise (of making u town) had an eye for the glorious and beautiful; neither were they utterly devoid of romance. They dis- played their exquisite taste in the selection of a site for a town — a site that is not ex- celled by that of any town in the State — being a slight elevation in the middle of a broad, beautiful and level plain, and their romance cropped out when they called it "Fairfield." No fairer field could certainly be found in Southern Illinois than the plain surrounding Wayne County's beautiful capi- tal. Fairfield was laid out as a town in the year 1819, and is situated at the junction of the Springfield Division of the Ohio & Miss- issippi and the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Kailroads, thirty miles east of Mount Vernon and fifty-three miles north of Shaw- neetown. The first sale of lots took place November 8, 1S1U. The plat was surveyed by John Johnston, County Surveyor, under the direction of George W. Farris, Thomas P. Fletcher and Alexander Clark, the then County Commissioners. The original plat was not recorded untii September 4, 1825. The range of lots on the south of original plat is 112|xllli feet; the range of lots on the north of plat 111 £x92 feet, and the re- mainder of lots 1 1 1 \ feet square; streets sixty feet wide and alleys eight feet wide — Water street is only forty feet wide. This was the original plat of Fairfield, and to the town as laid out emigration was invited. Where attention had been paid to details, it could not be expected that the matter of settlement had been overlooked, and hence many people flocked into the new town as soon as laid out and surveyed, and the place quickly became a scene of bustling activity. It is an accepted tradition — a tradition borne out by local facts — that the first house in Fairfield was built by the Barnhills. They had entered the land from the Government, upon which the town was laid out, and had lived there for some time before, and thus may be termed the first settlers of the town, as well as the first of the township. This first house stood a little north of the present bank building, but on the opposite side of the street, near the marble factory. It has passed away with other landmarks of the pioneer days, and the spot now is only known by a few of the older citizens. The house was torn down by Mr. Womack, who built a residence upon the site which is still stand- ing, but which has been considerably en- larged and improved, and is now owned by Mr. Smith. John Barnhill built the second residence in Fairfield, on the lot where Mr. Thomas L. Cooper's handsome brick residence now stands. It was of logs, and was built by Barnhill just after his marriage, which took place about the time of laying out the town. The elder Barnhill, the patriarch of the Barnhill family, died in Gallatin County be- fore any of the family moved to this section, as we have stated in a preceding chapter, and his widow came herewith her children among the earliest settlers of the county. Hardin Barnhill was the eldest son, and John, men- tioned above, was the second, while Audley was the third and youngest. The family at one time was a rather numerous and promi- nent one — prominent in business and local affairs, but of no particular pre-eminence. They were honest, industrious, honorable, faithful and accommodating — kings among their kind, fine types of their class, with in- stincts keenly whetted in their struggle for existence against the wild game, the fero- cious beasts and the murderous savage. The ISO HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Barnhills have now been dead for many years, with no lineal descendants surviving them nearer than the grandson of the Widow Barnhill — "Jeff" Barnhill, as he is called. Even he is growing old, and is becoming bent with age and infirmity. There is much in the history of the Barnhills that recalls a type of that day. They had been admirably trained, or had trained themselves, for their place in life, and in security and content had lived out their span, filling to fullness their measure of ambition. The next residence in Fairfield was built where the new cemetery has recently been laid out. It was erected by a man whose name is now forgotten, but who was related in some way to the Barnhills. It was fol- lowed by a house put up by Samuel Leech, opposite Mr. Ed Bonham's residence. It was a log building and is still standing, but has been improved and modernized by receiving a coat of weather-boarding. An- other of the early residences was built by Dr. Parks, and is also standing. It is nearly opposite Mrs. Johnson's boarding-house ) and, like the one above described, has been weather-boarded, so as to give it a modern appearance. The nest building erected as a dwelling-house was by some of the Barnhills, and stood upon the site, or very nearly so, of Mr. Thomas T. Bonham's house. At this residence was dug the first well Fairfield ever had. It was dug by the Barnhills, but was for general use of the people. The settlement of the town of Fairfield was sui generis. Nature had prepared a site for the town unsurpassed in beauty, while the community, linked together by family and business relations, was like a colony fitted and furnished for a career already marked out. This was the influence under which the town began its existence, and started on its course of successful experi- ment. It is barely probable that, in order to secure a town by legal right, the Commis- sioners spent no great amount of time in can- vassing the claims of the different locations as a site for the future capital. The first and main object was to locate the county seat. The town now known as Jeffersonville was a formidable competitor for the seat of justice, and it stood those in hand, interested in Fairfield, to decide the question without delay, before the prize should slip from their grasp. This led, as we have said, to the site of Fairfield being chosen with but little dis- cussion. The years succeeding the laying- out of the town were not characterized by a rapidity of growth and development, but, on the contrary, both growth and development were rather slow, but the more sure, perhaps, for being slow. The brilliant prospects of the town had attracted little attention from the ambitious and enterprising, and the puny village was moving on to fame and fortune at a slow pace. Like Longfellow's squash vine, " it grew and it grew and it grew," slowly, however, and at the end of its first decade of existence, it had, probably, less than a hundred inhabitants. Additions. — The plat of the town accord- ing to the original survey has already been given, and comprised its area for nearly twenty years before the increase of popula- tion demanded room, room! The want of room has been the cause of many of the bloodiest wars known to history. It has been the plea of every robber-chief from Nimrod down to the present day. Tamerlane, when he descended from his throne built of 70,000 human skulls, and marched his savage battal- ions to further slaughter, doubtless said, "I want room.'' Baja/.et was another of kin- dred tastes, and ' ' wanted room." Alexander, too, the " Macedonian Madman," when he wandered with his Greeks to the plains of HISTORY OF \VAV\K < ol'XTY. 181 India, and fought a bloody battle there, no doubt did it for — •"room." Thus it was in the olden time, and thus it is in the fast age of "Young America." We all want room- -room to grow up, to expand, to spread out — in short to gather in everything in reach and sweep all before us. This prevail- ing trait of our American energy and enter- prise led to an addition being made to the town of Fairfield in 1S37, followed by a number of others of later years. Fiddeman made the first Addition after the original plat, which is dated July 19, 1S37, and re- corded May 19, 1S3S. Hugh Stewart made an addition Juue 1, 1840, which was surveyed by William L. Gash, County Surveyor. Felix Barnhill's Addition bears date July 16, 1841, and George L. Slocumb's December 4, 1851. Turney made two additions — one dated August 25, 1852, and the other Feb- ruary 14, 1853. Isaac C. Sailer made two additions dated as follows: December 30, 1IS72, and January 7, 1873; Rinard made three additions, dated November 22, 1870, January 3, 1874, and May 10, 1874. On the 3d of April, 1873, Hiram F. Sibley made an addition, and Rider Brothers April 30, 1874. The Railroad Addition was made September 22. 1871 ; Hayward's Addition September 6, 1881; G. J. George's, May 0, 1881, and Shaeffer's Addition made about 1882, but is still unrecorded. These additions, together with the original plat, comprise the present area of Fairfield. It covers ground enough for a place of 10,000 inhabitants, but its cit- izens have laid out their grounds, improved their lots and built their houses with an eye to the fact already mentioned — room. Fair- field ought to be a large town. It has every natural facility for becoming so — a lovely site, a healthy location, with two railroads crossing at right angles, and a wealthy com- munity surrounding it. What more is needed? Energy, enterprise, goahead-ative- ness, and live, wide-awake business zeal and management. The natural surroundings can not be improved; let but the people do as well as nature, and Fairfield will yet be a great city. Stores. — Samuel Leech was the pioneer merchant of Fairfield. He opened out a stock of goods in a house erected for the purpose near his residence. His store was finally burned, but he continued in business several years longer, and then engaged in politics. He held all the county offices, and if there had been more offices he would doubtless have held them, too. He was also Postmas- ter. He was one of those characters who seem to appear just where and when they are most needed. His finger-marks are still to be seen, and tell to those who have succeeded him the story of his handiwork, and have inscribed his epitaph upon the hearts of the thousands who are reaping the fruits of his labors and his foresight. A man named McFadden was the next merchant to Leech. He was from Mt. Vernon, Ind., but did not remain here long. His store stood on the corner now occupied by Ball's shop. A man named Gold, from Shawneetown, was the next merchant. He sold goods in a house opposite David W. Barkley's, on the east side of the street. A residence now stands upon the lot, and is occupied by Mrs. Barger. But few now living are aware that a business house ever stood there. A man named Redd succeeded Gold in this house, continuing bus- iness in it for several years. The next effort in the mercantile line was a copartnership between Leech and Rigdon B. Slocumb. They remained in partnership for about five years, when Leech retired, and Slocumb car- ried on the business some years longer, but then embarked in politics. As a politician, his record will be found in another part of this volume. 182 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Cahb Williams next entered the mercan- tile trade. He appeared upon the scene about 1829. Both his residence and busi- ness house are still standing, and constitute but one building. He lived in one end, and sold goods in the other end. It stands on the corner, just across the street from J oseph Ball's saddle and harness shop. It was of logs, but has been weather-boarded. C. I. Ridgeway was afterward associated with him as a partner, and together they built the house now occupied by Bonham as a store, and continued in it until 1844—15. They built the house one story only, and the pres- ent proprietors have added another story. The building known as the " marble front," was for many years a landmark, and was well known over a large district of country. It was built by Wesley Staten, who manufactured hats, and used it both as store, warehouse and factory. Archibald Roberts, mentioned in the history of Barnhill Town- ship, was for some time his partner in busi- ness. The house stood south of Bonham' s store, and on the opposite side of the street. The trade of hatter was as common and as popular a trade then as that of blacksmith, as the merchants did not bring on hats in those days like they do now, but they were manufactured by the hatter the same as plows were manufactured by the blacksmith. The hatter bought all kinds of furs, and these he manufactured into hats at his leisure, or as his trade demanded. The back end of Staten's building was used for storing furs, and was without a floor other than the ground. In one corner of the room a well had been dug, which was quite deep and without curb or box. One day, when a number of custom ers were in the store, a small child wandered into the back room, and accidentally tum- bled into the well. Staten, as luck would have it, saw it fall in, and without a mo- ment's hesitation jumped in and rescued it, to the great joy of its nearly frantic mother. This brings the record of the mercantile business down twenty years from the date of laying out the town. In 1839, Jacob Hall opened a stock of goods in Leech's old store- house, north of Bonham's residence. Later on he built a storehouse on the lot where Mr. J. F. Smith's photograph gallery stands. He then sold goods for awhile on the south side of the square, with John Truesdale as a partner, and in swinging around the circle, he next had his store in the old corner house — now Ball's harness-shop. Mr. Hall is one of the active business men of Fairfield. For forty-two years he has been actively engaged in the town as a merchant and a banker, and energetic business man, with but one short interruption during the time. He is still a stirring, wide-awake, energetic worker. The elder Bonham was perhaps the next mer- chant to Hall. He commenced business about 1843-44, where the old Jackson House stood. From this stand he went to the corner brick (Ball's harness-shop), and thence to the present Bonham store. This brings the business, however, down to a late day, when it is not an easy task to keep trace of the new stores as opened. The town now embraces a list of merchants, who for cour- tesy, business energy, and genuine polite- ness, are not surpassed by any place in the country. Tbey are, to a considerable extent, successful and prosperous, and command the confidence of the people. The first bank ever in Fairfield, and the only bank of issue, was the Corn Exchange Bank, started in the spring of 1856. It was owned by W. S. Vandusen, and had a circu- lation of $750,000, secured by Illinois State Stock. It continued in existence until the commencement of the war, when it was closed up, as were all similar institutions, and in HISTORY OF WAYXE COUNTY. 183 the final wind-up of its business it paid 95 cents on the dollar. Vandusen sold out his interest to a man named Osgood, of Joliet, and he to one Charles Keath, who also lived somewhere in the north part of the State. Keath was the owner of the bank when it was wound up and ceased business. Mr. Jacob Hall was cashier from the beginning to the final closing Tip of the institution. He, however, continued the exchange part of the business, buying and selling exchange, as banks do, until the organization of new bank- ing facilities in the town. The bank of Bonham & Co. was started some six or eight years ago, and comprised in the firm Messrs. Ed Bonham, Charles Beecher and William Sailer. They still carry on the banking business in all its branches, and have a neat and commodious bank building west of the public square. Forth, Robinson & Boggs, started a bank some years ago, but continued the business but a short time. Mills and Factories. — The manufacturing industries of Fairfield are few, and mostly unimportant, being confined chiefly to mills. Hardin Barnhill built the first mill in the town in a very early day. It was a horse mill, and stood just across the street from Air. Thomas Cooper's residence. Probably the next mill was built by Bonham & Tarles, and was a steam mill. It was both a grist and saw mill, and did well for the time. It finally burned. Ephraim Johnson built the next mill on the creek north of the bank, which was also a steam mill. It was bought by the owners of the Sucker Mills, after the erection of their mills in order to get it out of their way. Next came the Fairfield Mills. They were built by John Gaddis, about 1875-70, and were afterward burned. Then the present mills were built. After their completion. Gaddis sold, in the spring of 18S3, to Benheimer, who has greatly im- proved them. He has put in all the modern machinery, including the roller process, and guarantees to make as good flour as is made by any mill in the country. The Sucker Mills precede the Fairfield Mills in point of time of building them. They were put up in 1867, at a cost of $20,000, by Rider Brothers & Rinard. They were started with four set of buhrs, three for wheat and one for corn. In 1870, the firm changed to Rider Sons & Rinard, and in 1873, Rider & Rinard retired, when the firm became Rider Brothers. They refitted the mills in 1882, putting in the roller process at an additional cost of $0,000, and increasing their capacity to 100 barrels per day. The mills are located near the O. & M. depot, and obtained the name of "Sucker Mills," in consequence of the original proprietors all being "Suckers.'' The Fairfield Woolen Mills were projected originally by Thomas C. Stanley, and were on a very limited scale, but sufficient for the time in which they began work. The first mills stood on the site of the present build- ing, and was a large frame. This building burned in the spring of 1871, incurring a heavy loss to the proprietor. The enterprise was then revived by a joint-stock company chartered the same year. The official board were James McCartney, President; W. J. Sailer, Secretary and Treasurer, and Thomas C. Stanley, Superintendent. They erected the present handsome brick building, and arrauged for a more extensive business. The approximate cost of the establishment as it now stands is $40,000. The mills make a specialty of "Kentucky jeans," finding their market with jobbers throughout the Central and Northwestern States. They em- ploy sixty-three regular hands, running in the busy season sixty looms, technically known as a three-set mill. The corporation 184 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ceased to exist in 1882, and became the prop- erty of W. J. Sailer and A. H. Baker. For the year ending December 31, 1832, the ap- proximate sales were $100,000; the pay-roll is about $20,000 per year. The manufacture of castor oil was at one time an extensive business in Fairfield. Dr. William Turney first started into the man- ufacture of the oil in a small way, by what was known as the lever press. He was fol- lowed by James Torrence and McClerkins, and after them Thomas Cooper, Sr. They pressed by 1 screw power driven by horses. Isaac Fitzgerrel was also in the business. At one time the cultivation of caBtor beans by the farmers was extensive, and was the largest crop produced by them. But as years passed the business drooped, and was finally discontinued entirely. This, so far as we can learn, comprises the history of Fairfield manufactories. Samuel Leech was the first Postmaster of Fairfield. Then the olfice was small and in- significant, and Mr. Leech could very easily have carried the office and its emoluments, too as to that, in his breeches pocket, and then had vacant room left for his plug of tobacco. Mr. Tom Scott, the present Postmaster Gen- eral, finds the manipulating of the mail-bags a far larger job then did Mr. Leech some half a century before him. Some idea of the growth of the country, and the changes that have been wrought in the passing years, may best be had by a comparison of the busi- ness of the post office then and now. It would be difficult to think of society at pres- ent without the post office. It is one of the most important and useful institutions to civilization that is given to us by the United States Government. The first Postmaster, Mr. Leech, did not, on an average, receive three letters a month in his post office. Mr. Scott receives in his over 5,000 per month. For years after the establishment of a post office, the reception of a newspaper through the mail was a most uncommon occurrence, but now great bags full of them are received daily. At one time the mails, carried on horseback, passed through the county weekly, when they were permitted by the streams to go through at all; now the mails are brought from the East and the West, and the North and the South by lightning railroad trains. This increase of mail matter shows to some extent the proper measure of the growth of population of the county, and the spread of intelligence and education. The first blacksmith in Fairfield was a man named Graham, who kept a shop on the bank of the creek near where Mrs. Johnson's boarding house stands. Hugh Stewart had an early shop across the street from Graham's. Stewart came from Big Mound Township, and for years was a man of considerable prominence. He laid off an addition to the town, and did many other acts for its im- provement and prosperity. Taverns. — There was no regular tavern in the town for several years after it was laid out. Samuel Leech was the first individual who entertained the " wayfaring man," or in hotel parlance, " entertained man and beast," but he did not keep a regular tavern. It was left to Charles Wood to open the first public house. A house had been bui It for a tavern by Jackson, known as the " Jackson House," but Jackson failed, and Wood became the landlord of the Jackson House. Moses Turney kej>t the next tavern, but soon failed, broke up and went to Texas. Jacob Hall built a tavern at the O. & M. depot, which is also called the Jackson House, from the fact that he (Jackson) [kept it for awhile. The Jackson House was finally burned. The ho- tels thus described were all the town had until the erection of Lang's Hotel. This is HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 185 a large, commodious, and even elegant hotel building. Court House. — In the older counties and cities and towns of the world, there is some characteristic to be observed, some peculiarity that distinguish them, and render them noted among the nations and the people. In dif- ferent places it is different objects of inter- est. Here it may be tho style of architect- ure, there the grandeur of public works or buildings, in this place magnificent ruins, in that, manners, customs, etc., but there is al- ways something in every country, or city, or community, to distinguish it from the rest of the world. Egypt, for instance, has been noted for a thousand years for its colossal pyramids; the lofty columns of Persepolis, the magnificent city of the plain, have moldered into dust, but as ruins remain to challenge our admiration; Jerusalem is famed wherever civilization has extended, for Solo- mon's Temple, of which the Queen of Sheba declared " half the glory had not been told." Coming down to a more modern epoch, Lon- don is famed for its St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, and Paris for the Tuil- leries and its magnificent parks and gardens. In our own great country, New York has her Crystal Palace; Boston, Old Faneuil; Phil- adelphia, Independence Hall, and Fairfield — has her court house. This huge pile of brick and mortar'(the Fairfield Court House), like the temple of Tadmor in the wilderness, may be seen from afar, and serve as a beacon light to guide the traveler and stranger on his way. It looms up above the surrounding buildings as the giant oak of the forest tow- ers above the willow of the marsh, and is surmounted by a lofty cupola which pierces the clouds. This massive structure was erected so long ago that " the mind of man runneth to the contrary," and if " old ago is honorable," as we are told that it is, then honors should be heaped upon it from every quarter. But to dispense with all jesting and light remarks, we doubt not the time is near at hand, when a new court house will be erected, upon tho sito of this dilapidated structure, that will be a credit to tho great and wealthy county of Wayne. Though it may be that the present one is endeared to the people as a 'relic of tho prehistoric period, yet, that is no reason why the old shell should stand as an eyesoro among the improvements that are rising around it. Fairfield has been visited more than once by the " fire fiend, " but none of the fires have been of a very destructive character. Among them were the burning of Bonham & Tarles' Mills; the old Fairfield Woolen Mills; the Jackson House; the old frame school- house; the O. &. M. Depot, etc., etc. None of these fires entailed a very great loss, but usually the vacant spots thus made have been filled with much better buildings, as in the case of the woolen mills, the Jackson House and the schoolhouse. When we look at so many wooden towns, we are led to wonder that more of them are not burned than there are. A town springs up on the prairie, built almost wholly of pine lumber, and in a few years it becomes so dry that it burns very easily. When one happens to take fire with a prairie wind blowing twenty miles an hour-, it is usually doomed. Fairfield has escaped well, considering it has had so many oppor- tunities to burn. The press of Fairfield is no inconsiderable factor in tho history of the town and county. There is no more faithful historian of a com- munity than the local press; and be it ever so humble or unpretentious, it cannot fail in tho course of years to furnish valuable in- formation for future reference. A file of the local paper for a dozen or more years pre- sents a fund of information, the value of 186 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. which can hardly be estimated. An eminent divine has said, " the local paper is not only a business guide, but it is a pulpit of morals; it is a kind of public rostrum where the af- fairs of state are considered; it is a super- visor of streets and roads; it is a rewarder of merit; it is a social friend, a promoter of friendship and good will. Even the so-called small matters of a village are only small to those whose hearts are too full of personal pomposity." It is very important if some school boy or school girl reads a good essay, or speaks well a piece, or sings well a song, or stands well in the class room, that kind mention should be made publicly of such success, for more youug minds are injured for want of cheering words than are made vain by an excess of such praise. In the local papers, the funeral bell tolls more solemnly than in the great city dailies. The rush and noise of the metropolis take away the joy from items about marriages, and de- tract from the solemnity of recorded deaths; but when the local paper notes a marriage between two favorites of society, all the readers see the happiness of the event; and equally when the columns of the home paper tell us that some great or humble per- son has gone from the world, we read with tears, for he was our neighbor and friend. The newspapers of Fairfield — the Record and the Press — are written up in a chapter on the county at large, and their history will not be repeated in this connection. The Press and Record are live, wide-awake papers, and the people of Fairfield and of Wayne Coun- ty should feel proud of them and should sup- port them liberally. The newspaper is the people's friend, and the people should look to its support. Schools. — The first schools in Fairfield were taught in any building that might chance to be vacant and convenient for school pur- poses. The names of the first teachers are now forgotten. The first schoolhouse was built on the opposite side of the street from the new Methodist Episcopal Church. It was a large frame building, and served the purposes of education for a good many years, but was finally burned. The present brick schoolhouse was built in 1874, and cost orig- inally about '$10,000. Since its comple- tion, improvements and additions have been made to it, running its cost up half as much more. The house is large, com- modious and comfortable, and is well arranged for educational purposes. At pres- ent eight teachers are employed, as follows: I. M. Dickson (Principal), Mrs. E. S. Phelps, Miss Elizabeth Graham, Miss Hannah Bean, Miss Bessie Taylor, Miss Lulu Porterfield, Miss Mabel Hollister, Miss Ida Swan. The church history will be found in another chapter, and only the briefest allu- sion will be made here. The Baptists put up the first church building in the town. It has been gone for at least twenty-five years, and few now remember that such a building ever stood in the town. The Presbyterians and the Cumberland Presbyterians were the first denominations to hold meetings, but the Bap- tists built the first church. The Cumberland Presbyterians built the next house of worship, and were followed by the Methodists. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church is still standing, but begins to show signs of age. A church was built near where Overbay's boarding house now stands, but it was never completed. The town now can boast of five as handsome church buildings — modern brick edifices — as may be found in any country town. There are five brick and one frame church buildings, and are owned respectively by the Presbyterians, Cumberland Presby- terians, Christian, Baptists, Methodists and Roman Catholics. For a more complete his- p^^v :S on^i_ • * w 'V... *. '* "■ p i'«v » v ' vj^*» • • /^.vi » • • • • » - •SIGN' < A '" rt HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 1S9 tory of the Fairfield churches, see chapter on the church history of the county. Freemasonry, the most ancient and honor- able of all the secret orders and societies, has long existed in Fairfield. Its origin is a point upon which there is much curious spec- ulation among men. and about which there is some contradiction and more conjecture among those noted for their knowledge of ancient history, that it originated so long ago, that no history tells of its beginning, is true. That Masons are to be found in almost every country, subjected to the white man's suprem- acy, is a point universally admitted. In tribes and countries, where letters and arts are ex- tinct, and where commerce and modern im- provement have as yet made no impression npon the national character, the grand features of Masonry are found to be correct. This re- markable coincidence is accounted for in various ways by different writers upon the subject. All who have carefully considered the origin of the order have been convinced that the germ from which it sprang was co- eval with that wonderful command of Jeho- vah, "Let there be light." At the building of King Solomon's Temple, the order as- sumed something like a definite form. "We Learn from tradition and from Josephus that, at the erection of that superb model of archi- tectural beauty, there were employed three grand masters. 3,300 masters or overseers of the work. 80,000 fellow-crafts, and 70,000 entered apprentices, who were ail systemat- ically arranged according to their grade and rank. We have been told by a writer of intelli- gence and veracity, that, " after the comple- tioa of the Temple at Jerusalem, most of the Tyrians who had been employed by Solomon returned to their native country.'" From the same source we learn that many of the Jews who had been engaged upon the Temple migrated to Phoenicia, a country of which Tyre was then the principal city. For some cause, left unexplained by the historian, this Jewish colony was oppressed by its neigh- bors, and flew to their friends, the Tyrians, for relief. The latter furnished them with ships and provisions, and they (the Jews) took their departure for a foreign land, and finally settled in Spain. If as workmen at the Temple, they had been invested with secrets not known to others, there can be no doubt but that they preserved and carried them wherever they went. Another writer informs us that about 190 years after the Trojan war, which would be about fifteen years after the completion of the temple at Jerusalem, a colony of Jews from Palestine made a permanent settlement on the western coast of Africa. From these three distinctive points, we may follow the march and spread of Masonry throughout the world. In all the countries settled by emigration from these places, or connected with these people, either by alliance or commerce, Masonry is found, her signs the same, her mystic word the same in all. And that it has existed in some form ever since there is no shadow of doubt in the mind of the educated craftsman. At what precise date it became speculative and dropped the operative form is not definitely known. In the early part of the eighteenth century, the Grand Lodge of England was established, and from that day to this the history of Masonry is familiar to all reading members of the order. Fairfield Lodge, No. 200. A., F. & A. M., was chartered October 7, 1856. Among its charter members were T. H. Lowrey, B. Baer, J. Watson, E. Brock, H. Weed and C. C. Kelley. The first officers were as follows: T. H. Lowrey, Master; J. Watson, Senior War- den; E. Brock, Junior Warden; H. Weed, Treasurer; D. Turney, Secretary; B. Baer, 100 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Senior Deacon; C. Ridgeway, Junior Dea- con, and B. Glessner, Tiler. The lodge has now seventy-rive members, officered as fol- lowed: J. W. Tullis, Master; George C. Chittenden, Senior Warden; Z. West, Junior Warden; J. T. Fleming, Treasurer; J. L. Handley, Secretary; L. D. Bennett, Senior Deacon; J. H. Nicholls, Junior Deacon; and W. H. Rea, Tiler. Fairfield Chapter, No. 179, R. A. M., was chartered October 30, 1879, with the follow- ing charter members: J. L. Handley, J. W. Tullis, L. D. Bennett, T. M. Rogers, H. V. Leech, R. D. Adams, J. T. Fleming. W. H. Robinson, N. E. Roberts, W. Bestow, G. C. Chittenden, J. Nevins, A. Rinard, R. P. Han- na, W 7 . M. Murray, George Felix, R. Wheel- er, F. Bestow, A. H. McClain, G. H. Hil- lard and John Gaddis. The first officers were J. L. Handley, H.\ P.\; J. W. Tullis, K.\ ; L. D. Bennett, S.-. ; H. V. Leech, C.\ of H.\ ; G. C. Chittenden, P.\ S. \; N. E. Roberts, R. \ A.\ C. \ ; G. H. Hillard, R. P. Hanna and R. D. Adams, Veilsmen; A. Ri- nard, Treasurer; J. T. Fleming, Secretary; and L. D. Shaeffer, Tiler. The chapter now has forty members, and is officered as follows: J. L. Handley, H. \ P. \ ; R. D. Adams. K. \ ; R. E. Mabry, S.\; L. D. Bennett, C.\ of H.\ ; G. C. Chittenden, P.". S.\ ; J. W. Tul- lis, R.. A.-. C.\ ; C. L. Poindexter, J. R. Creighton and J. E. Wilson, Grand Masters of the Veils; J. T. Fleming, Treasurer; W. G. Carothers, Secretary; and J. C. Alexan- der, Tiler. Fairfield Council, No. 64, Royal and Se- lect Masters, was chartered October 21, 1883, with the following charter members: J. C. Alexander, D. W. Barkley, R. D. Adams, L. D. Bennett, J. R. Creighton, G. C. Chitten- den, W. G. Carothers, J. T. Fleming. J. L. Handley, R. P. Hanna, J. Morris, R. E. Mabry, E. McClung, B. F. Meeks, W. M. Murray, C. L. Poindexter, N. E. Roberts, A. Rinard, J. D. Shaeffer, E. Steiner, T. W. Scott, J. W. Tullis, N. M. Powers and W. J. Elwell. The officers are J. L. Handley, T. I. G. M. ; N. E. Roberts, D. I. G M. ; L. D. Bennett, P. of W.; J. T. Fleming, Recorder; C. L. Poindexter, Treasurer; G. C. Chitten- den, C. of G. ; E. Steiner, Sentinel, and the names of twenty-nine members are on the roll. Local Branch, No. 137, Order of Iron Hall, was organized .November 27, 1882, with charter members as follows: Jacob Raden- bach, James C. Long, Jacob A Miller, James A. Johnston, Charles C. Smith, Win- field Scott, Z. C. Woodworth. Zelma Bean, Jacob Puff. John Crouch, John J. Sloan, John D. Long, Ira D. Long, Z. B. West. Charles W. Sibley, James Abbott, E. P. Thompson, E. L. Carlton, John Tullis, Jr.. J. W. Darl- ing, James Emmons and Thomas Cottrill: with the following officers: Jacob Raden- bach, C. J.; C. C. Smith, V. J.; J. B. West, A.; Z. C. Woodworth, C; J. J. Sloan, P. ; Z. Bean, A.; Ira D. Long, H. ; John D. Long, N.; Jacob Puff. V.; and C. W. Sibley. M. E. The amount of sick benefits paid to members I to December 20, 1883, is $960. It has cer- i tainly proven to be the poor man's friend, and bids fair to have a rapid growth. Royal Templars of Temperance was char- tered December 30, 1879, and started on its career with the following charter members: Males — W. H. Vandewater, G. M. Davis, J. Frank Smith, E. B. Hanna, R. W. McCall, C. W. Sibley, H. L. Wheat, George A. Steal- ly and N. J. Odell. Females— Mrs. S. J. Steally, Mrs. L. J. Boggs. Mrs. E. B. Gal- braith, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Louisa Shaw, Mrs. N. J. Smith, Mrs. Edna Fogle, Mrs. M. M. Campbell and Mrs. J. A. Brown. The first officers were J. F. Smith, S. C. ; Mrs. S. J. Steally. Y. C; H. L. Wheat. P. C. : Mrs. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 193 E. B. Galbraith, C. ; W. H. Vandewater. R. S. ; G. S. Steally. F. S. ; G. M. Davis, T. ; N. J. Odell, H. ; Mrs. McClure, D. H. ; Mrs. L. J. Boggs, G. ; E. M. Hough, S. The membership is twenty males and sixteen fe- males, with the following officers: J. Frank Smith, S. C. ; Mrs. A. B. Haggard, V. C. ; G. M. Davis, P. C; D. M. Steally, C; Mrs. N. Dickson, R. S.; George A. Steally, F. S.; E. J. xMarlow, S. ; N. J. Odell, H. ; Mrs. L. J. Boggs. D. H. ; Mrs. N. B. Smith, G; Robert Moon, T. Odd Fellowship at one time flourished in Fairfield, and the fraternity had an active working lodge. From some cause unusual with this zealous and praiseworthy order, the lodge has become lukewarm, and recently ceased to exist altogether. There is strong talk of reviving it, and doubtless it soon will be revived, and set to work again with its old-time vigor. Lodge No. 65, A. O. U. W., was organized March 30, 1S79. The charter members were John Morris, Thomas W. Scott. W. G. Ca- rothers, Edward E. Leonard. Joseph D. Leonard, Joseph D. Shaeffer, Francis A. Fel- ton, Framis M. Woolard, John L. Haudley, Robert E. Mallory, Alexander Richardson, Sumner Lindsay, Daniel C. Groves, George Newton, James A. Cox. Lewis H. Baker, Charles W. Sibley. Arthur J, Hutchins, John Gaddis, Ansel M. Lusley and Joseph L. Ball. The first officers were as follows: J. L. Handley, P. M. W. : T. W. Scott, M. W. ; W. G. Carothers, F.; A. M. Lusley, O. ; R. E. Mallory, G. ; J. D. Shaeffer, B.; L. H. Baker, F.; E. E. Leonard. R. ; J. A. Cox, J. W. ; George Newton, O. W; C. W. Sibley, F. A. Felton and Alexander Richardson, Trustees. The institution has eighty mem- bers at present, and is officered as follows: William Lusley. P.'*M. W.; D. W. Barkley, M. W.; S. Forney. F. : N. M. Powell, ().; .1. L. Handley. ]!,: C. T. Johnson, R. ; S. Steiner, F. ; W. L. Rea, G. ; G. W. Johns. J. \\\; R. P. Hanna, O. W. ; William Foster, R. P. Hanna and L H. Baker, Trustees. Village Organization. — The town of Fair- field was incorporated May 26, 1856, and at the first election the following Board of Trustees was chosen: Charles Wood, John D. Cope, Roley Jackson, Thomas T. Bonhnm and Jacob Baker. At the first meeting, the board organized for business by electing Thomas T. Bonham, President, and John D. Cope, Clerk. By-laws and ordinances for the government of the town were drafted by Bobert Bell, Charles Beecher and Hall Wil- son. Ephraim Johnson was appointed Treas- nrer; Hall Wilson, Collector; William Pow- less, Town Constable; and Robert Schell, Street Commissioner. The following, with a few exceptions, in which the records are de- fective and incomplete, is a list of the boards, from the incorporation of the village to the present : Elected in June, 1857— Charles Wood, Ja- cob Hall, Sampson Wickersham, -lames Pen- dleton and John D. Cope. Elected in June, 1858 —John D. Cope, George W. Turney, James B. Ardery, Fran- cis George and John Truesdale. William George was elected Police Magistrate and L. D. Bennett, Town Constable. It was at the first meeting of this board that the sale of li(juor was prohibited in the town or within half a mile of the corporate limits. There is no record of an election of Trustees this year, but the minutes show the organization of a new board as follows: Roley Jackson, Presi- dent; C. T. Lichtenberger, Clerk; and T. T. Bonham, J. P. Covington and H. H. Beech er: II. S. Barnhill, Town Constable. For 18 I . and passing through 191 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY Sections 32, 33, 28, 27, 34, 3 and 2, and like that in Barnhill, is fed by numerous streams, which keep it tilled with stagnant waters the greater part of the year. The principal water-courses are Skillet Fork in Big Mound and Pond Creek in Barnhill, both of which are considerable streams, with a number of small and nameless tributaries. These town- ships are bounded on the north by Jasper and Laniard Townships, on the east by Leech, on the south by Hamilton and White Counties, and on the west by Four Mile and Arrington Townships. Barnhill, under the Government survey, comprises Township 2 and one-half of Township 3 south, Range 8 east; and Big Mound, Township 2, and one- half of Township 3 south, Range 7 east, of the Third Principal Meridian. The latter township received its name from an elevation of land which is known as "Big Mound," and is perhaps the highest point in the coun- ty. The " Air Line " Railroad passes over it, and a depot has been built upon the sum- mit of the elevation known as " Boylston Station." Barnhill was named in honor of the Barnhill family, who were among the earliest settlers. The name was suggested by Mr. W. W. George, at township organi- zation, and was unanimously adopted. Both townships were originally heavily timbered, with the exception of a few small prairies which, however, do not take up much of their area. A great deal of the timber has been cutoff, but there still remains enough for all domestic purposes. The predominat ing timbers are several kinds of oak, ash, hickory, sweet gum, elm, swamp maple, etc., with numerous shrubs. Barnhill and Big Mi mud have the advantage of two railroads, viz., the Louisville & St. Louis Air Line, and the Springfield Division of the Ohio & Mis- sissippi, which have done much to increase the value of lands and other property. The settlement of these townships, and particularly Barnhill, may be classed among the early settlements of the county. Nearly seventy years ago, homes were selected in what is now the latter township by white people. This is but a short period when considered in the world's chronology, but in the history of this part of our country it seems a long, long time. Many and start- ling events have transpired since then — 1813 — throughout this country and the old world. Thrones and kingdoms have passed away; empires have risen and flourished and fallen, and the remembrance of their glory has almost faded from the minds of men, as the waves of dark oblivion's sea sweep o'er them, and scarcely leave a track to tell us how, or where, or when they sunk. Ancient palaces, in whose spacious halls the mightiest rulers proudly trod, show the ivy clinging to their moldering towers, and " Victor's wreaths, and monarch's gems, Have blended with the common dust." In our own county mighty changes have been wrought. Political revolutions have shaken the continent, and " Red Battle, with blood-red tresses deepening in the sun," and " death-shot glowing in his fiery hands, raged and maddened to and fro " in our fair land, and the shackles of slavery have been stricken from four millions of human beings. But these are the least of the great events the past seventy years have witnessed. Hu- man progress and human inventions have done more in those years than in ten centu- ries before. The railroad, the telegraph, and improved machinery of every kind and de- scription attest the rapid strides of the age. The early simple settler of the oountry little dreamed what his short span of life would witness. The Barnhills were the first settlers in this part of the county. A tradition is cur- HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 195 rent that Gen. Hargraves and his rangers encamped at a spring in 1813, near the north- west part of the present town of Fairfield, and that some of the Barnhills were with him. The tradition is further authority for the fact, that while the rangers were en- camped here, the Barnhills selected the lands upon which they afterward settled. In the absence of authentic information to the con- trary, we will give them the credit of being the first settlers here, and of dating their coming back to the year mentioned above. The elder Barnhill, the patriarch of the tribe, died in Gallatin County, where he had located very early, but his widow came here with her family, and settled in the north or northwest part of this township. The Widow Barnhill has a grandson living in Fairfield, now quite an old man. Another grandson was killed in the late civil war. but at the time lived in Xenia, Clay County. The older members of the family are all gone, and nearly forgotten, too, by the growing up gen- eration. They came here because the coun- try, although but a wilderness, was beautiful to behold, and the abundance of wild ani- mals gratified their passion for hunting. They flinched not from th>> contest that met them on the wild border, and even their women and children often performed deeds from which the iron nerves of manhood might well have shrunk in fear. In their death passed away some of the landmarks that divide the past from the present. Their names should not be suffered to sink in ob livion, but as the pioneers of this immediate vicinity, they should bo kept in bright re- membrance. Much is said of the Barnhills in other chapters of this volume. Other early settlers of Barnhill were Will- iam Watkins. Asa Haynes, Walker Atteberrv, Nathan Arteberry, Renfro brothers, Archi- bald Roberts, William Simpson, Jr., Daniel Gray, Moses Musgrave, James H. Smith, W T illiam Davis, James and John Butler, Daniel Kinchloe, Henry Tyler and his mother, John Cox, David Wright, the Tur neys, Stephen Slocumb, David and Lewis Hall. Stephen Merritt, Sr., — Stanley, George Borah, Jacob Beard, Day brothers, Gillem and Isaac Harris, - - Puckett, and perhaps others whose names have been for gotten. Puckett had one of tjie early mills of the township. Gillem and Isaac Harris were among the earliest, and were great bear hunters. The Day brothers came in early, and are both now dead, but a son of one of them still lives in the township. Daniel Kinchloe and Jacob Beard were brothers-in- law. Both were very early settlers, and Kinchloe lived to be ninety-five years old be- fore passing to his reward. George Borah settled early and was a man of some note. He was a man of more than ordinary intelli- gence, took much interest in educational matters, and exerted a great influence in the community. His farm was one of the larc- est and best improved in the neighborhood. He farmed extensively, raised stock, and was a successful farmer and a useful man in the township. Archibald Roberts came from Virginia, and settled in Barnhill in 1817. His father was killed in that State by the Indians, when the remainder of the family moved to Ken- tucky, and afterward to Illinois. Archibald located in the south part of the township, and there commenced the manufacture of hats. He afterward moved to Fairfield, where he long continued the same business, but finally went to Mount Carmel and there died in 1863. A man named Stanley, whose first name is forgotten, came early, and was the first cooper ever in Wayne County. Stephen Merritt. Sr., was an early settler. He had three sons. Stephen, George and William, who 1!)C HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. came at the same time, and also rank as early settlers. They were from Kentucky, and are all now dead except George, who is still liv- ing in the township. The Halls were also early settlers. A son of one of them now lives on the old Hall homestead. The Slo- cumbs settled here as early as 1816. Stephen Slocumb, the father of Eigdon B. Slocamb, came from Union County, Ky. , and settled in this township, where the family figured act- ively for many years. So much is said of them in other chapters, particularly of Rig- don, that anything here would be but a repe- tition. A Mrs. Tyler, whose husband died before she came here, was an early settler. Henry Tylw, a son of hers, is looked upon as an early settler. William Watkins settled in the southeast part of Section 9, on the place now owned by Gideon Gi fiord. He came from Kentucky, and was a zealous preacher in the Baptist Church, as well as an enterprising farmer. W 7 illiam Simpson came from Tennessee, and had a large family. They were all thrifty farmers, and a large number of the name still live in the township. Daniel Gray came from South Carolina and settled on Section 11. He sold out here to W. W. George, and moved into White Coun- ty, where the remainder of his life was spent. G. A. Church now owns the place on which he originally settled. The Butlers settled on Section 28, and were energetic farmers. They accumulated considerable property, and died well off, so far as this world's goods go. Representatives of toe family still live in the township. Walker Atteberry Bettled on Sec- tion 8, and Nathan Atteberry settled on Sec- tion 29. on the west border of the township. The Turneys settled in Section 10, and came from Kentucky. The elder Turney was a man of ability and energy. He reared several sons, who partook largely of the father's strength of character and intellect. Daniel Turney, one of these sons, was a phy- sician, who attained to eminence in his pro- fession, and also in politics, and was several times elected to the Legislature. He had a son, who, like his father, was a physician, and at one time was a member of the State Senate. William, a brother of Dr. Daniel Turney. was also an eminent physician. The old man died in the township, and most of his progeny have followed him to the land of shadows. Only one representative of the family now remains in Barnhill Township. Asa Haynes married a daughter of Turney. He was a plain farmer, and died in the township several years ago. An early settler of Barnhill was William Davis, who settled on Section 34 — afterward known as the Moses Musgrave place. Davis was a great hunter, and quite an eccentric character. He was once elected to the Legis ■ lature, and many incidents, some of them very ludicrous, are related in connection with his public service. The following is a sample : When the clerk of the house asked him his occupation, he was unable to obtain a direct answer. "Are you a farmer?" asked the clerk. "No," replied Davis. The same ques- : tion was asked of all the other trades and professions, receiving each time the answer of no. The clerk very impatiently demanded — " What in the Helen blazes are you then ? " To this Davis replied, " A hunter by G — d," and was so recorded among the faithful. The proceedings of the Legislature show that his only great act during his term of service in the House, was upon a certain occasion when there was a bill pending, which he thought, effected his constituency. He arose, and tremblingly addressed the speaker as follows: " Mr. Speaker, I would.thankyou to lay that bill on the table," and then sat down, over- come by his own great effort. When Moses Musgrave came to the township he settled on HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 197 the place on which Davis had originally set- tled. James H. Smith settled in north part of the township; Kinchloe and Tyler settled on Section 31, Cox on Section 30 and David Wright on Section 20. The Renfro brothers settled on Section 7, in the southern part of the town-hip. .Most of the settlements men- tioned were made in the southern part, and were scattered principally along the old State road, leading from Fairfield, through Carmi and on to Shawneetown. The following entries of land in Barnhill will add something perhaps, to the history of its early settlement. Many persons, however, entered land who never even settled in the county, much less in this township, and the following is given merely as a bit of ref- erence : Nathan Owen, in 1S1U. in Section 1; Adam Murray, in 1818, in Section 3; Mat- thew Kuykendall, in 1818, in Section 5; Ormsby and Hite, in 1818, in Section 5; J. Felix and H. Barnhill, in 1818, in Section 6; John Carson, in 1818, in Section 7; An- drew Carson, in 1818, in Section 7; J. Dun- lop, in 1818, in Section 7; Joseph Martin, in 1818, in Section 11; Robert Leslie, in 1818, in Section 12; R. B. Slocumb, in 1818, in Section 13; William S. Merrill, in 1818, in Section 13; Ralph Hatch, in 1818, in Section 14; A. C. Ridgeway, in 1825, in Section 20; Caleb Ridgeway, in 1818, in Section 21; Joseph Cundiff, in 1819, in Sec- tion 24; Robert B. Knight, in 1817, in Section 27; Thomas P. Fletcher, in 1818, in Section 27; James Butler, in 1818, in Section 28; Jacob Ridgeway, in 1818, in Section 30; John Johnson, in 1818, in Section 30; Peter Statou, in 1819, in Section 30; Thomas Cox, in 1819, in Section 30; A. Hubbard, in 1818, in Section 30; Henry Tyler, in lM'.i. in Section 30, and all in Township 2 south, and Range 8 east. John Moffitt, in 1818, in Section 1; Joseph Campbell, in 1818, in Section 2; Alexander Campbell, in 1818, in Section 2; Blissett heirs, in 1818, in Section 5; George Close, in 1817, in Section 9; William Wakins, in 1817, in Section 9; Archibald Roberts, in 1818, in Section 11; William Gray, in 1817, in Section 11; T. Simpson, in 1818, in Section 12; William Simpson, Jr.. in 1818, in Section 13; Solo- mon Stone, in 1818, in Section 13; J. Armstrong, in 1817, in Section 13; AVilliarn Simpson, Sr., in 1819, in Section 14; G. S. Taylor, in 1817, in Section 14, all in Town- ship 3 south, and Range east, being the southern part of Barnhill as at present bounded. Set! tunc ill of Big Mound. — Among the early settlers of Big Mound Township, as it now exists, were the following, who were all English people: Hefford, Sargentpi'ee, James Simms, John White and the Widow Walton. The last two mentioned are loner since dead. Simms is still living and is now about ninety- five years old. He came here a stripling of a lad with Hefford and Sargentpree, and lived with them for some time after they settled here. Hefford and Sargentpree went to New Orleans, where they opened a com- mission house, and for years did a large business. But they finally failed and came back to Illinois. Hefford afterward went to Mexico, and Sargentpree located in Carmi and died there some years later. Mr. Simms is, perhaps, the oldest settler now living in the township. John and James Young, two brothers, came about the year 1818. John was a man of fine intelligence, but uneducated — illiter ate but not ignorant. He loved money and held on to it like grim death, which eventu- ally gave rise to the belief that he was a downright miser. His cabin was of the usual pioneer style — built of logs, and in 198 HISTORY' OF WAYNE COUNTY. one of these, which, like the Hardshell preacher's "board tree," was "holler at the butt," he hid his money, afterward plastering over the aperture with rnud. When on his death- bed he told his son of the hiding-place of his money, and upon searching according to the old man's directions quite a sum of gold and silver was found. He died but a few years ago, at an advanced age, and was rich, having considerable property in addi- tion to his hidden wealth. He was a man of fine taste and excellent judgment; he bought but little, but that was of the very best quality. He possessed little of the re- finements of life, indeed, lived almost like an animal, and with his animals. Ewing Young, a son of John, siill lives in the county. In many respects, he is like his father, being intellectual, enterprising and wealthy, and like his father is fond of money, and takes care of what he gets. He owns several good farms well improved and stocked. Two early settlers of what is now Big Mound Township were a couple of old Rev- olutionary soldiers named Stewart and Gas- ton, but whose first names are forgotten. Gaston was a fleshy, large, imwieldy man, and having ridden one day to Fairfield on horseback, to draw his Revolutionary pen- sion, his horse became frightened and un- manageable, throwing him violently to the ground, from the effects of which he died in a few hours. He has no descendants in the county nearer than a great- grandson. But John Gaston, a son, was among the early settlers and was a soldier of the war of 1812. He, too, is long since dead. Cyrus Gaston was a brother of John's, and moved away from this section. Stewart, like Gas- ton, was a Revolutionary soldier, and died many years ago. Hugh Stewart, a son, and whom many of our readers will remember. was an old settler in this township. He af- terward moved into the town of Fairfield, where he spent the remainder of his life in active business. More is said of him in the history of Fairfield. The Books were early settlors of the town- ship. Michael and William were brothers. The former was a hatter by trade, and worked at the business here for many years. He had a son named Michael, who is still living, and is an excellent citizen of the township. The Clarks were also early set- tlers. There were four brothers — John, James, Andrew and Alexander. John, who was known as " Jackey,'' was a great deer hunter, and is said to have killed more deer than any other man who ever lived in the county. He spent most of his time in the delightful pastime, and was remarkably suc- cessful in bringing down the game. James was also a hunter, but was not so successful as his brother. Andrew was a plain old farmer. Alexauder was a man of some note, and represented the county a time or two in the State Legislature. They came originally from Kentucky, and settled in Gallatin Coun- ty prior to the war of 1812, and a few years after its close came here. A man named Livergood came in early. He was a Yankee, and had one of the first mills in the town- ship. Other settlers of the township were Enoch Neville, Andrew Hall, John Bovee, Capt. John Clark, Robinson, Daniel Cleven- ger, etc. Enoch Neville was a great story- teller, a kind of a Joe Mulhatton of a fel- low. He could entertain his listeners by the hour with the most wonderful stories that could be imagined. He talked through his nose, and this lent additional interest to his yarns. Andrew Hall was a perfect giant; loved whisky and a row better than anything ^ else. He was the bullv of the neighborhood, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 190 and never missed a tight if there was any chanco to get into it by fair or foul means. John Bovee lived near the Laniard line, and had an early mill. Robinson was a man of some note, and served several terms in the State Legislature. Clevenger was a Yankee, and a great coon hunter, and in those early days coonskins wore a legal tender, and paid all debts, and were even taken at par for whisky. So the township settled up, and people came in, at last, faster than we are able to keep trace of them. Both Big Mound and Barnhill Townships were soon dotted over with cabins, and smoke from pioneer settlements began to ascend from all quarters. A kind of sympathy or brotherhood existed among the pioneers which has almost faded away with other landmarks of the earlj pe- riod. When a "covered wagon " was espied coming over the prairies or through the for- est, the ciy would be, " There comes another settler," and all would start to meet the new- comer, and give him a hearty welcome. They would take axes and help to cut out a trail to his land, and aid him in selecting a good site for his cabin. When all was agreed on, they would chop and roll two logs together, kindle a lire between for the good woman to cook and provide something to eat, while they went to work clearing off a spot on which to erect a cabin. In two or three days sufficient logs would be cut, and the cabin erected, a hole cut in one side for a door, and the fam- ily housed in their new home. This was pio- neer friendship and hospitality, and was far more sincere than they are at the present day. The following pioneer reminiscence is illus- trative of the period of which we write, and many of the older citizens of the county, will doubtless bo able to appreciate it: "I have seen a whole family, consisting of father, mother, children, pot pigs, young ducks and chickens, and two or throe dogs, all occupying the same room at the same time. Some endured hardships, having large families to support and no money; meat could be obtained from the woods. The writer of these lines has seen the time (and more than once, too), when he has brought home a sack of meal, and did not know where the next was to come from. When I look back half to three-quarters of a century, and see this country a howling wilderness, thronged with wild boasts of various kinds, hardly a white inhabitant from here to the Rocky Mountains, I am struck with wonder and surprise at the progress of our nation." This is but the experience of hundreds of others who settled here when Illinois was the extreme portion of Anglo-Saxon civiliza- tion. One of tho earliest manufacturing estab- lishments in Barnhill Township was a tread- mill- -that is, a mill, the power of which was received from a tread-wheel. It was built and owned by Samuel Leech, and to the mill was added a distillery, for the purpose of making up the superfluous corn and rye into whisky. A largo business was done by it for some years ; people came long distances to it, and remained sometimes several days, in order to get their grinding. It was at the time the largest mill in the county. Another mill was built by John Butler. It was but a corn-cracker, and Butler would throw a " turn of corn" into the hopper at night, and then go home, and by morning it would be about all ground out. It was built on a little wet- weather stream that is nameless, and has long since passed away. Lock also built a very early mill. It .was a horse mill, but ground both corn and wheat, and did good will; fur the time. Puckett had a horse mill on the road from Fairfield to Burnt Prairie, which was an excellent mill of the kind. David Wright, later on, built a horse mill on 200 HISTORY OF WAYSE COUNTY. the road, throe miles south of Fairfield. He attached a cotton-gin. the only one ever in the county run by horse-power. He also had a tanyard and a store, and thus made himself one of the most useful men in the community. His place was at one time more noted than Fairfield, and did consider- ably more business. Charles Wright, a son, now owns and lives on the homestead, and is a highly respected and worthy citizen. In Big Mound Township, one of the first mills built was Bovee's and Livergood's. The latter gentleman was from some one of the Eastern States, and was termed a "Yankee." He finally sold out his mill and other belong- ings here and moved away. Bovee was also an Eastern man, and of course a Yankee. He had a horse mill, which was one of the early institutions of the township. Hugh Lyon manuf actnred castor oil in Big Mound Township, when the castor oil busi- ness was one of the largest and most exten- sive in the county. He bought beans in Fairfield, but had his factory in this town- ship, and for many years carried on a large business. This comprises, so far as we could obtain, the early manufacturing industries of the township. Nothing of late years has been added to it, unless it has been a few saw and grist mills. Big Mound is decidedly an agricultural region, and the people devote their time and energies principally to agri- cultural pursuits. Of the early schools of Big Mound Town- ship we know little or nothing beyond the fact that they were of the usual pioneer style and taught by the usual pioneer teachers. At present there are good comfortable school - houses on Sections 4, 17, 14 and 29. In these, good schools are taught for the usual terms each year by competent teachers. The church history of the township is written up in a chapter of the general county history, and needs no repetition here. A brief allusion is all that is required. The Methodists were the first religious sect in the township. Hugh Stewart was a zealous Methodist, and took great interest in church matters. After he moved to town, Rev. Chambers, a local Methodist preacher, took his place, and " kept the ark a-moving." The Baptists were the next denomination which organized churches. There are now a Baptist Church on the northwest corner of Section 3; a Baptist Church on Section 16; New Hope Baptist Church on Section 25, near the town- ship line. The first schools of Barnhill, like those of Big Mound Township, were primitive, and would be considered by us at the present day as very poor institutions of learning indeed. It is not known now who taught the first one in the township. The schools of the present day, however, will compare favorably with those in any portion of the county. But this is not paying any extravagant compliment to the schools of Barnhill, for the entire system, not only of the county, but the southern part of the State, might be vastly improved. We have now in this township schoolhouses on Sections 1. 4, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 29, 34, 6 and 10. The last two mentioned are in the fractional part of the township. The houses are comfortable and commodious, and good schools are maintained. The church history of this township will also be found included in a chapter upon the churches of the county. The early settlers wore disposed to be religious, and early or- ganized societies and built churches. We will not repeat the church history of the township in this chapter. There are churches now as follows: Pleasant Hill Church on Section 14; Shiloh Church on Section 29; Pleasant Grove Church on Section 34; Hope- well Church on the line between Sections 8 HISTORY OF WAYNE COl'XTY. 201 and 9; a Christian Church on Section 9. The last two are situated in the fractional part of the township. Barnhill Township was loyal during the late war, and turned out a goodly number of soldiers. In fact, kept its quota filled, or rather, more than tilled, so that no draft was ever levied in the township. The township voted §20,000 to the railroad — the Springfield & Southeastern, as then called, but now a division of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad — on the condition that the road would establish two depots in the township. With this condition, the road failed to comply, and in retaliation, or by way of revenge, the township repudiated its subscription. The first roads through Barnhill and Big Mound Townships, were trails through the forests and across the prairies. These had first been trod by the red man, and the pale face, following close in his footsteps, had improved them, cutting out the trees and leveling down embankments, until they be- came wagon roads. The township now has as good a system of wagon roads as can be seen in this portion of the State. There are no turnpikes, but, for dirt roads, these can be but little improved. There are no villages in Barnhill and Big Mound outside of the county seat — Fairfield — with the exception of a few stations on the ' " Air Line " Railroad, places that have sprung up as towns since the building of the road. They are too young to have any history, be- yond the mere fact of birth, and are little more than a depot, post office, a store and shop or two. What celebrity they may attain to will be properly recorded in the next cen- tennial history of the county. We have now given most of the history of Barnhill and Big Mound Townships of espe- cial interest, except that of the county seat itself, which, as we said in the opening of this chapter, is situated in both townships. Hence a great deal of their history centers in Fairfield, as is usually the case with town- ships containing county seats. With a few parting words in memory of the early set- tlers and pioneers, we will close the sketch of Barnhill and Big Mound, and in a new chapter take up the history of Fairfield, which was laid out as a town about sixty- four years ago. The generation now prominent upon the stage of action, as they behold the "old set- tler," can scarcely realize or appreciate the hardships through which he passed, or the part he performed in reclaiming the country from savage tribes that x-oamed at will over all parts of it. " Young America," as he passes the old settler by, perhaps unnoticed, little dreams that he has spent the morning and the noontide of his life in helping to make the country what it now is, and in pre- paring it for the reception of all those mod- ern improvements which surround us on every side. But few, very few of the pio- neers are left, and those few are fast ap- proaching, or have passed the allotted three- score and ten and are stooped and bent with age. The importance that attaches to the lives, character and work of these humble laborers in the cause of humanity and civilization will some day be better understood than it is now. They will some time, by the pen of the wise historian, take their proper place in the list of those immortals who have helped to make this world wholesome with their toil and their sweat and their blood. Of them all, the pioneer was the humblest, but not the meanest nor the most insignificant. They laid tho foundations on which rests the civilization of the great West. If the work was done well, the edifice stands upon an enduring rock; if ill, upon the sands; and 202 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. when the winds and the rains beat upon it, it will tremble and fall. " They, it is true, builded wiser than they knew," and few, if any, of them ever realized the transcendant possibilities that rested upon their shoulders. As a rule, their lives were aimless and ambi- tionless, with little more of hope, or far- reaching purposes than the savages or the wild beasts that were their neighbors. Yet there stands the supreme fact that they fol- lowed their restless impulses, took their lives in their hands, penetrated the desert wilderness, and with a patient energy, reso- lution and self-sacrifice that stands alone and unparalleled, they worked out their allotted tasks, and to-day we are here in the enjoy- ment of the fruitage of their labors. Fairfield, the county seat of Wayne County, now claims our attention. In a new chapter we will take up its history from the period of its being laid out as a town, and follow it in important features down to the present time. CHAPTER XVI.* JASPER TOWNSHIP-TOPOGRAPHY, DRAINAGE, SOIL AND BEAUTIES-ITS STREAMS, LAKES, TIM- BERS AND WILD FRUITS— BEES, HONEY, FLORA AND FAUNA— JOSHUA GRAHAM, THE FIRST SET- TER— THEN CAME JAMES DICKINSON, THE CANNONS, WILLIAM HUSK, GEORGE FRAZEB, JOHN PITCHETT, JOSEPH MARTIN, THE BORAHS, THOMAS BRADSHAW, THE OWENS, JONATHAN DOUGLAS AND MANY OTHERS— HOW THEY LIVED AND STRUGGLED — FIRST BIRTH AND DEATH— THE FIRST HOUSE, MILL, BLACKSMITH SHOP, LIME- KILN AND LAND ENTRY, AND MARRIAGE— A PANTHER ATTACKS A WOMAN -FIRST SCHOOLS AND SINGING SCHOOLS, AND WHO TAUGHT THEM— FIRST SERMONS AND PREACHERS— WHEN LEADING FAMILIES CAME. "Tread lightly! This is hallowed ground, tread reverently here! Beneath this sod, in silence, sleeps the brave old Pioneer: Who never quailed in darkest hour; whose heart ne'er felt a fear. Tread lightly, then ! and now bestow the tribute of a tear." William Hubbabd. WITH the best written description of a township before us, without behold- ing for ourselves, one must draw largely upon the imagination, and then only secure twilight glimpses, while many readers are left in uncertainty, however plain the por- trayal may be, and are possessed of no ade- •By Frank M. Woolard. quate conception of the realities described, though the work be done with consummate skill. In attempting a physical description of Jasper Township, we shall only write a brief, plain account, that can be understood by all, and we trust, to some extent appreci- ated by the patrons of this work. To the inquisitive, who are curious to know the origin of the name of this truly beautiful township,|we]jwould|answer3that it was""nanied^ in° Jionor^of^the^ indomitable Sergt. Jasper, of the Kevolutionary war,*and had^been'so'calledjlong prior to^the adoption of^the presenfs ystem* of' townsh ip organiza- tion in the county. C Jasper is the corporate name of ' u the ^Congressional Township 1 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. south. Range 8 east, of the Third Principal Meridian; and though short from east to west, and shorter still from north to south, it has not been short in public spirit, noble men and women, patriotic deeds and good morals. The soil is very productive and well culti- vated; there is timber enough for domestic purposes, and some for exportation, and stone easy of access, in quantity sufficient for all practical purposes. Almost the entire surface of the township is gently undulating, with no abrupt hills or precipices, the slopes ranging from a quarter to a half mile in ex- tent. The valleys intervening between the higher lands are so inclined as to need but little drainage, and in fact almost every foot of land within the bounds of the township is susceptible of easy cultivation. Few purely agricultural regions present a more fascinat- ing appearance as you stand upon some one of her elevations, and view the surrounding rural scenery, decked with farm houses and barns, orchards and meadows, fields of wav- ing grain and herds and docks. Jasper Township is well drained by a number of small streams, amply sufficient to carry off the surplus rainfall, within a few hours. Elm River, bearing in a southeast- erly direction, runs through the northeast corner, and after leaving the east line, empties into the Little Wabash. Borah Creek, from near the center of Section 28. flows easterly into Elm River. The south- east is drained by Owen's Creek and the northwest by Martin's Creek and its tributa- ries. Between Martin"s Creek and Pilcher's branch, at the intersection of Sections 5, 0, 7 and 8, exists one of those low depressions, frequently found in the central and the northern part of Illinois, but not so often in this portion of the State; not very deep, but with insufficient outlet, forming a basin of ' several acres in extent, that retains water during the greater portion of the year, and is called by the unpoetical name of " the goose pond," on account of the large number of wild geese that congregated and rested on its surface, when on their migratory flights in the spring of the year. Commencing in the southwest corner of Section 2. and bearing southeast across Sec- tion 11, is a body of water somewhat noted in the surrounding country, and known by the name of "Grinnell Pond," in honor of that most active, energetic and "hard-to-catch" member of the tinny tribe, the grinnell, which is unquestionably the dominant race in its placid waters. This pond is about one and one- fourth miles long, averaging one furlong in width, with a depth of fifteen feet in places, and is supposed to be fed by living springs in the bottom. For an outlet, it has a shal- low, sluggish channel, leading into Elm River, when the flats are overflowed. The banks are low, being composed of the river bottoms surrounding it, and along its shallow borders the button willows grow in thickets, while bullrushes and water lilies flourish in abundance in the borders of the water. Tall trees stand at the brink, and appearances would indicate that at some remote period in antiquity there had occurred a down-sinking of its surface, by which moans the basin had beon formed. Considerable numbers of fish are caught with the seine when the waters are low, and, upon the whole it affords rather a pleasant place to camp and angle with hook and line. In the southeastern portion of Jasper Township, occupying about three square miles in extent, is a beautiful, undulating region, called " Tom's Prairie." Why it was so named is not certainly known, but is sup- posed to be in honor of Capt. Thomas, a ranger in the war of 1812. 204 HISTORY OF WAYNK COUNTY. Near this prairie were formed the earliest settlements in the township and around its border cluster the memories of many of the earlier pioneer scenes and incidents. Its fine farms are generally owned and occupied by the descendants of the first settlers. Hargrave Prairie covers about eight sec- tions of land in the western part of Jasper Township, and was named in honor of Capt. AVillis Hargrave, who, with his company of stalwart rangers in 1814, traversed this sec- tion for some time, guarding the lower settle- ments, and having his headquarters at a spring, northwest of the present town of Fairfield. Jasper is joined on the north at the base line by Elm River Township, on the east by Massillon, on the south by Barnhill, and on the west by Lamard. There has not at any time been a village or post office within her bounds, but her citizens have procured their mail and merchandise at Fairfield. The population has steadily increased from the commencement of the first settlement, until the present time, the United States cen- sus of 1880 showing a population for that year of 1,143. Running northwest through Jasper Town- ship is a famous old buffalo trace, visible in many places at the present day, along which lay many bones, scattered and bleaching, when the white man came to possess this goodly land. The timber growth consisted principally of the different varieties of oak, elm, hick- ory, walnut, cherry, ash, pecan, sassafras, locust, gum, box- elder, persimmon, linn, hackberry, sycamore, mulberry, maple, cat- alpa and others, some of which are nut-bear- ing. The wild fruits indigenous to the soil were blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapeH, plums, haws, cherries, crab-apples, persimmons, papaws and others, greatly in excess of the demand, and some of which surpassed in flavor the "improved" varieties to which the skilled arts of culture have been applied. After the departure of the Indian, the pioneer hunter was attracted to this section by large numbers of deer, bear, an occasional elk, wolves, foxes, panthers, wild cats, cat amounts, raccoons, opossums, beavers, otters, mink and some smaller " varmints." Of the feathered tribes, wild turkeys, prairie hens, quail, ducks, eagles, hawks, cranes, swan, wild geese, brants, owls, pelican, thrush, mocking birds, with many others, like Col. Seller's imaginary profits, were by the " mill- ion." In addition to those above mentioned, were flocks of paroquets, a beautiful bird of the parrot family, possessing great wealth of green plumage, hard to catch, but easily do- mesticated, and vicious when provoked. Domestic bees, having run wild, had trav- eled so far in advance of civilization, that bee-trees, laden with large quantities of honey, were found in considerable numbers awaiting the huntsman's ax. It was not un- common to secure a barrel of wild honey for a family supply during the year. Troughs were sometimes dug out, and filled with honey, where barrels could not be obtained. The " bee-moth " was unknown, and the bees' only enemies were men and bears. If a strictly accurate account of all the early incidents and first white settlers in Jas- per Township were imperatively demanded at our hands, it is improbable that, at this late date, we could give entire satisfaction, for the very simple reason that the sources of in- formation within reach, though strictly reli- able as to integrity, differ so widely as to un- important matters, that it has been difficult to determine with certainty in many instan- ces. But in all cases we have done the very best we could, having no interest whatever HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 207 in overdrawing or lessening the proportions of any incident in these pages; and after the most diligent research, things not thought of before for years will be called to mind. It must be remembered that it is hard, after sixty-six years have borne their burdens into eternity, to gather unwritten history with certainty. The earliest pioneers of Jasper Township have all passed to the shades, many of them, doubtless, to grand and glorious re- wards, having lived lives of virtue and honor amid their privations and hardships here. We are indebted to Mr. Jacob Hall, Messrs. William and J. Bailey Borah, Judge Samuel Wilson and others for the chief information contained in this account. The first white settler in Jasper Township, was probably Joshua Graham, a bachelor, who came in 1817 from Indiana, being at- tracted by the abundance of wild game in the country after the Indians were driven out. He built a pole cabin on the northwest quar- ter of the southeast quarter of Section 13 (the place now occupied by E. B. Pilcher), in which for many years he lived a bachelor's life, following the chase as a means of sup- port. It is said that he carried corn meal on hi-- shoulder from Carmi to make his bread. He is remembered as having a very small face, as tall as Dave Barklev. and casting even a thinner shadow, very close in his dealings, saing his money and bartering for his necessary supplies. He died about 1840, leaving two sons, John and Joshua, residents in the township. Shortly after his coming, and through his influence, came James Dickinson and the Cannons, from Kentucky, when Dickinson and Jesse Cannon, two bachelors, built a log cabin on the northwest quarter of the south- west quarter of Section 23, where they kept bachelor's hall, and enjoyed, according to tradition, " a high old time. " Dickinson was emphatically a woodsman, one of the " hunt- ers of Kentucky," pre-eminent as a bee hunter; could not be lost in the woods on the darkest night or be bewildered in the day. He blazed the first road from Elm River crossing to Fairfield, traces of which are yet visible at Ansley Johnson's farm and some other places. Consumption claimed him for it* victim, carrying him off in a few years. Jesse Cannon was keen and sharp; culti- vated his wits much more than the soil; a horse jockey in the fullest sense of that term; wild, hilarious, and full of mischief; the father of whisky-drinking and card-playing in the community; cunning and clover, he kept in the back-ground, while others went forward; hence the uncertainty of melon harvest, and he is said to have trained sev- eral young men from good families in im- moral ways. He died on his way to Califor- nia in 1849. William Husk and family kept house for Dickinson and Cannon in 1821. But little is known of him, except that he soon moved to White County, in this State, where he reared a family, some of whom were living a few years since. Dick Cannon moved to Northern Illinois in 1833, and died there. William Cannon, for some years a bachelor, lived and died on the southeast quarter of the northwest quar- ter of Section 13, in Jasper Township. Some of the descendants of the Cannons are still respectable residents of the county. George Frazier came from South Carolina with Russell, to whom he was related, in 1817 or 1818. He was the fourth in the quartette of early bachelors, whoso nick-names termin- ated in "ell," viz.: "Moz-ell, "Mik-ell," "Zeek-ell" and "Sam-ell." Frazier is re- membered as a miser, very industrious, a quiet citizen, attending strictly to his own business. On one occasion, when he was in- 208 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. viting his neighbors to a corn-husking, Mrs. Borah, solicitous for the comfort of his guests, inquired if any addition was needed to hislarder, to which he replied that he had plenty of "buck and bacon." The venison was boiled with green cabbage leaves, in true bachelor style, but the bacon, which cost money, was not discovered at the repast, while the pot liquor was of lean quality, and none of the guests were accredited with rav- enous appetites. He afterward so far re- formed as to take to himself an additional "rib," and lived until about 1830. John Pritchet came from South Carolina in 1817, with Enoch Beach, his brother-in- law, in his (B. 's) big schooner wagon, and settled on Section 35, a part of what is now the John M. Creighton estate. A man of more than ordinary intelligence, with a good education for the times, he was well read, and a good man generally. He was an un- fortunate man; his horses would die early, and blight, with a deathly grasp, seemed to lay hold on most of his undertak- ings. His neighbors would plow his ground in the spring, and he would cultivate his crops with the hoe. A large family of girlsgreatly increased his burdens, without diminishing his embarrassments or aiding in the increase of his exchequer. As an instance of pioneer female courage, an incident in connection with Mrs. P., the sister of Beach, the great bear hunter of this region, will not be out of place. On one occasion the dogs had treed a large bear near their house, when the Madame seized the rifle, and, with the cool- ness of an old hunter, brought bruin tum- bling to the ground, thereby adding to the larder, so accustomed to chronic depletion, a bountiful supply of bear meat. At a later period, on another place, their dogs treed a cub bear, when Mrs. P. galloped in haste to John Borah's in the true trooper style of ridiug, and procured Mr. B. to shoot the bear. It was the last one killed, so far as is now known, in Jasper Township. Mr. Prit chet, after the death of his wife, married a Widow Caudle, and, like Wilkins Micawber, when life's sun had began to descend its western slojae, he became comfortably situ- ated, and died greatly respected about 1852. Joseph Martin came from Kentucky to Bear Prairie in 1818, purchased the southwest quarter of Section 7, in Jasper Township, of Clarinder Hooper, where he settled in 1819^ and. entering other lands, immediately im- proved a large farm. He was reputed the richest man that had ever moved to Wayne County, having, brought it was said, a half bushel of silver money with him. His energy, enterprise and wealth rendered him an im- portant factor in the county. He built on his place, in 1819. the first horse mill in Wayne County; and a mulberry post of this mill, after sixty-four years of exposure, is still standing. Mr. Martin burnt the first brick- kiln, built the first brick chimney, dug the first well and established the first blacksmith shop in Jasper Township. He employed men to work, created a demand for many things, disseminated money through the country where it was greatly needed, and was a bene factor to the community; but his career of great usefulness to the material prosperity of the country was cut short by his death, which occurred in 1821. He was was buried on his own premises on the banks of Martin's Creek, a place now known as Buckeye Cemetery. The loss of such a man in that day was irre- parable, as there were none to take his place, for a rich man, with generous impulses, and enterprise, can greatly benefit a community. After Mr. Martin's death, his fine estate was soon scattered. James B. Martin came to Illinois about the same time that Joseph did. but moved to HISTORY OF WAYNK COl'NTY. 209 Arkansas some years later and died. There were some others of the .Martin family who have left descendants in the county. Thomas Bradshaw left Kentucky on account of slavery, and came to Jasper Township in 1819, and improved a farm, entering the southwest quarter of Section 10, where he died in 1822, and was buried the first in the cemetery at that place. He left a largo family to the care of one of the most excel- lent mothers of the pioneer times, and she is said to havo fully discharged her onerous duties to ber children, and to the community, in a manner that cast a halo of glory around her memory, that is not easily forgotten. A friend to the needy, a wise counselor to those in distress, she gave comfort and relief to the afflicted within her reach. A smile of pleas- ure and approbation is seen to play over the c iiintenances of men whose heads are sil- v Ted with age at the mention of her name, after the lapse of more than half a century. Truly, it may be said, "her works do follow her." Walter and Richard Owen came with the Martins from Kentucky, being kinsmen of theirs. They were good, honest men, well spoken of and h«ld in general esteem. Their influence was cast on the side of the right, and their lives were living examples of what they professed. Their good works still live. though they themselves have long since passed away. At a later period came Jonathan Douglas, from Kentucky, and settled on the place known as the " Pigeon Roost," on Section 10. A man of good parts, of unflinching integrity, his influence was felt for many miles around, and his memory is held in great veneration at the present time. In youth, he had not learned to look upon intemperance as an un- mixed evil; but when he beheld the hydra- headed monster in all its deformity he cast his influence in favor of right, making the first temperance speech in the county. He came to Wayne County in a very large pi- rogue, ascended Elm River, and landed near Mr. Richard Hall's. George, John, Jacob and Samuel Borah, brothers, came to Wayne County from Ken- tucky in a very early day, and John settled in Jasper Township in 1821, his brother Samuel somewhat later. No family has ex- erted a greater influence for good, or con- tributed more to the Christian and moral stamina of the community than these noble men and their worthy descendants. Through their means were largely counteracted those banoful influences at work at the time of their arrival. They gave tone to the healthy sentiment that has so long prevailed in the community. A numerous offspring perpetu- ate their example by worthy lives and worthy deeds. William N., Jacob B. (John, de- ceased) and Voluntineare prominent citizens in Jasper Township to-day. They are among the most intelligent and influential men in the county, and, with their worthy wives, their hospitalities are of that character that will make a very stranger feel at home while partaking of their welcome cheer. Thomas Wilson came from the Green River region in Kentucky in 1823, and settled on the southwest of northeast Section 22. A worthy man, of good sense, a fair education, very social, a warm-hoarted friend, and fond of a joke. He left a large family, among whom is Judge S. J. R Wilson. George Wilson, a brother of Thomas, was a pioneer school teacher in Jasper Township. He was a man of integrity and push, served many years as Sheriff of Wayne County, and was accounted a good citizen. His descendants are numerous in the county at the present time. Among the prominent early and later set- 210 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. tiers may be mentioned the Monroes, James Hearn, Farris, McMackins, Rankins, Green, Bergs, Joseph Wilson (a very prince among good men), Prices, Bowles, Hoskins, Russell, Murfet, Gregorys, Owens, Whites, Thatchers, Fitzgeralds, Shaws, Ellis, Kelley, Messer- smith, Browns, Schenks, Creightons, Heidin- gers, Groves, Georges, Grice, Robinson, Moss, Lacy, Bings, Darrs, Bobbetts, Stan- ners, Darrows, Thomas, Organs, Travers, Witters, Files, and other worthy families, but the want of space admonishes us to bring this class of sketches to a close, and while their history may remain unwritten, their good works will live, for it is beyond the power of the human ken to estimate the in- fluence of good deeds on the generations fol- lowing. Dr. Gerren, from Huntsville, Ala., was probably the first physician to practice med- icine in Jasper Township. He came in 1S29 and settled southwest of northwest Section 21, the place now owned by James Hearn. It is a matter of some doubt as to who preached the first sermon in the township, but it is thought to have been Archy Roberts, a Methodist local preacher. David McLin, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister of great ability and usefulness, was early in this field, and organized a society which has continued in a flourishing condi- tion to the present time. A Methodist soci- ety was early organized, and has also exerted great influence for good. A full account of these societies will be given in county church histories. The lands in Jasper Township were sur- veyed in 1809, by Arthur Henry, and the cer- tificate and plat were filed December 4, the same year. On July 30, 1818, according to the records, the first land entry was made by James Snead aking northwest and northeast of Section 3 0, a large portion of which remains in his name at the present time. On the following day, July 31, 1818, Ormsby & Hite entered southeast of Section 19, and southwest of Section 20. August 17, 1818, Enoch Beach entered northeast of Section 35. Other en- tries rapidly followed by which many set- tlers secured homes and land speculators secured large tracts. The first birth in Jasper Township is at present unknown, but is thought to have been a child of one of the Frazers. The first death, as near as can be ascer- tained at this remote period, was the wife of Owen Martin, and the second was that of Joseph Martin, and letters of administration were issued to his sons, Owen, Henry and Joseph, December 18, 1821. On December 20, 1822, letters of admin- istration were issued upon the estate of Thomas Bradshaw, to Ann, his wife. " Marrying and giving in marriage " was as prevalent, in proportion to population, in pioneer days, as among their more refined and educated offspring. On August 22, 1820, David Monroe led Nancy Crews to the hy- meneal altar, and on February 1, 1821, James Clark and Sally Bradshaw were made one. The first school in Jasper Township was taught by George W. Wilson in 1823, in a house built for the purpose, on land now in- cluded in William N. Borah's farm. This house had a dirt floor, but was without chim- ney, windows or door shutter, having a log cut out of the side to let in light. Mr. Wil- son taught two schools here. The first Sabbath school in Wayne County was also organized in this same house, in 1824, and John Borah, Richard Hall, Thomas Wilson, George Wilson and James Crews taught classes. The sessions lasted much longer than they do at the present time. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 211 The second school in the township was also taught by George Wilson, near the " Pigeon Roost,"' ou the Jonathan Douglas place, in 18U5. Among the pupils at this school were S. J. R. Wilson, Jacob Hall. William Borah, Bailey Borah, Finley Shaw, Clinton, Jack- son and Warren E. McMackin, the Brad- shaws, Pritchets and others. These early educational instructions were erected conveniently near to hazel thickets. Upon the approach of Christmas, the patrons of the school came early in the morning to witness the exploit of the boys "turning the teacher out," a custom prevalent in those days, and found the shutterless door blocked with benches. By some means, the teacher found access to the inside, and the struggle commenced in good earnest. Some of the boys made their escape, but the more coura- geous, laid hold with a hearty good-will, and soon had the teacher at a disadvantage, wal- lowing him on the dirt floor and pouring water over him, from the drinking gourd. At a signal from the teacher, one of the Pritchet girls snatched the Ljourd and broke it, so as to stop that part of their fun. These scenes were greatly enjoyed in early times by teacher and pupils, and on this oc- casion, the citizens resolved to put a floor in the schoolhouse, and one was accordingly made of puncheons, so that the boys in fut- ure could not dirty the teachers clothes so outrageously William Metcalf, William Gash, Jacob Love, Min>"v James, Thurmutis Crews, Gibson Davis. Samuel Edmunson, Matthew Blakely, David Reece, and Mr. French, a Baptist preacher, were among the teachers who taught many years since in Jasper Township. Twenty-eight years ago, the present school system was inaugurated. Prior to that time, the schoolhouses were generally built by the contributions or labor of the patrons, and the teachers were paid by subscription, by the parent, at a stipulated sum per scholar. The furniture, if such it might bo called, was of the rudest kind and. as to books, one or two wore deemed sufficient for a large family. The rod was considered an indispensable requisite in shedding light upon the pupil's mind. " Loud schools" were the order of the day, in which all were expected to study out loud, so that the teacher could detect any want of application or dereliction of duty. The ability to teach "reading, writing and spelling" were the common qualifications of the teacher, and at a later date, he was ex- pected to be able " to cipher to the rule of three." The pens were all made by the teacher, from goose quills, and many a bold, round hand-write, executed with a quill pen, might have been seen. But these things are changed now, and Jasper Township has seven neat frame schoolhouses, worth with their furniture and grounds 83,100; ">S0 children of school age, upon whom were, last year, expended $1,995, while the schools averaged more than six months each. James Miller, the father of Rev. Miledge Miller, taught the first singing school in Jasper Township, at William Frazier's, in 1 83 I. Jacob Hall, Douglases, Fraziors, Kings, Beaches, McLins, McMackins and others at- tended. Old stylo patent notes were used. John Gash, Sr., established a distillery on Martin's Creek in an early day, which was run for a few years, greatly to the injury of somo young men in the neighborhood. Hunting parties of Indians continued to make their winter camps on the Wabash and Elm Itivers until IS'iti. A favorite camping ground with them was on land now owned by Dr. C. W. Sibley. They were quiet; but pioneer mothors took advantage of their pres- ence to improve the morals of their own children. 212 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. As Polly Crews was passing through the tall prairie grass, in the dusk of evening, near Mr. Pritchet's, answering what she mis- took for the repeated calls of a woman in distress, she came upon an enormous panther, and was so paralyzed by fear that she could not run, on which account she probably es- caped a horrible death. The beast seemed also bewildered, from some cause, and would rear upon its feet, placing its paws upon her shoulders, and glare in her face with its wild and piercing eyes. Her screams brought men to her rescue, and the panther escaped. A destructive tornado passed through the country from southwest to northeast iu March, 1823, creating sad havoc and causing • destruction, leveling trees and almost every- thing else in its pathway. Its track was about one hundred rods in width, and while a few houses were blown down, much greater damage would have occurred had the country been as thickly settled as at present. While Jasper Township has entirely es- caped murders, accidents with a fatal termination have occurred in considerable numbers within the last sixty years. Will- iam Mitcalf was drowned in the Little Wabash River in 1839. Thomas Wood was drowDed at a later period, and a man by the name of Nickson was drowned at Leech's Mill. Adam Simonson's son was thrown from a horse and killed in 1840. Samuel Frazier, while drunk, was chilled to death as he lay out all night. While he was in the saloon in Fairfield, the men around the place would light sulphur matches and hold them under his nose to see him jerk his head. He was then left out alone with the above result. Stewart, a son of Rev. Henry Phelps, was ac- cidentally shot with fatal effect while hunting a few years since. Burrel Cook was drowned in Elm River in 1850, while generously as- sisting other parties to cross. A young man by the name of Stinett while running a blind horse was thrown and killed in 1847. George Posey was killed while felling a tree a few years ago. A five year-old son of Samuel Farris was drowned in Martin's Creek in 1879. The early blacksmiths in Jasper Township were Joseph Martin. William Posey and Charles Dalton. Guns were made and repaired by Alexan- der Clark, of Big Mound. Abram Beach made the chairs; John Mc- Mackin was the first cabinet-maker; David P. McLin, the wheelwright and wagon-maker; and James Bradshaw was the shoe- maker. Jonathan Douglas built the first frame house, and Jacob Hall burnt the first lime- kiln on the southeast quarter of Section 29. Mr. Hall also ran the first flat boat out of Elm River, and established the first general store on the southwest quarter of the south- east quarter of Section 25, the place now owned by William Murfit. He sold good brown sheeting at 75 cents per yard; good calico at 50 cents (six to eight yards making an ample dress pattern); nails, 12J cents per pound; powder, 75 cents, and lead at 20 cents; eggs were worth 3 cents per dozen; butter, Q\ cents per pound; and pork brought $1.25 per 100 pounds. Jonathan Douglas also kept a small store on his place. Salt was brought from the saline works, near Equality on horseback, for which the pioneer bartered venison hams, peltries, tal- low, beeswax and honey, the latter selling at 50 cents per gallon. Wells were not common, and those who were not fortunate in owning springs, hauled their supply on sleds from the river. Matches were unknown, and fire was either produced by flint and steel, or borrowed from HISTORY OF WAYNE < OIXTY. 318 the neighbors. Percussion caps made their appearance some time after L830, previous to which, and even much later, flint locks were used on guns. Before mills were built, different plaus were adopted to manufacture corn into meal for bread while the corn was yet soft. It was grated into corn meal by rubbing over a piece of tin, punched full of holes to make it rough. Mortars were made by cutting off a tree about three feet from the ground, and burning a hole a foot in depth and diamater, in the top of the stump. Into this the corn was placed, and a hard hickory pestle, or an iron wedge attached to a 9priug pole, was used to pound it fine. It was then shaken through a domestic sieve, constructed by weaving long horse hairs over a wooden hoop. The finer portions were used for bread or mush, and the coarser for hominy. Bread was often made by mixing the meal with water and salt, placing the dough in wet corn shucks, or green cabbage leaves, and roasting in hot embers. The more common method was to place the dough in a skilet, in three oblong lumps, called " dodgers," covering with a lid and putting hot coals above and beneath. When the lid was turned up-side down ; coals of tire underneath, and bread baked on top. it was called ""hoe cake," and was con- sidered an antidote for dyspepsia. The "johnny-cake," was made by making the dough very rich with lard, and placing it on a board to roast before the tire. The best constructed cook stoves, with all modern ap- pliances, have failed to make corn-bread as palatable as the meanest of these methods. Granulated honey, well drained and dried, was used for sugar. For tea sassafras root, sage, spicewood and sycamore bark were used. Coffee cost money, and was but little used except on rare occasions. Strings of red pepper and various medicinal herbs were hung upon the wall, in readiness for any emergency, or demand that might be made upon them. Pumpkins were cut into rings and hung upon sticks over-head to dry for spring and summer use. Very few Irish potatoes were used, but yams being a Southern growth, were more generally cultivated. Peaches were plentiful, after a few years, with those who were not too indifferent to plant them. It is thought that John Borah raised the first apples and the first wheat in Jasper Township, but the latter was little used on account of the difficulty of manufacturing it into Hour. Metheglin and persimmon beer were often used as a domestic drink. After the days of buckskin, the pioneer clothing was carded, spun and woven by hand, the thread, buttons etc., being of home manufacture. Cotton was grown to a considerable extent, and after the seeds were picked out by hand, was colored by native barks, and made into cloth. A cross-checked, homespun, cotton dress, woven in checks of " copperas and white," made a wedding outfit of which the Queen Dowager might have been proud. Flax entered largely into the supply of apparel. The seeds were thickly sown that it might grow tall and slender, after which it was pulled up b) the roots, rotted, broken, swingled, hatcheled and spun on a small flax wheel for use. Men, women and children were compelled to work hard in those days for the necessaries to say nothing of the comforts of life. Per- sons reared under the influence and inspira tion of modern progress, can form no just conception of the hardships endured, or the shifts to which the toiling pioneer was often compelled to resort. Winter caps were made of the skins of wolves, foxe9 and raccoons, and summer hats were made of plaited straw. Grain was cut 214 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. with the sickle, and -when the cradle was in- troduced, about 1830, it was almost as great an innovation as the reaper and binder of the present day. The grain was threshed by the hand flail, or tramped out by horses, and " winnowed " in any manner by which could be applied the most wind. After being around into flour, it was bolted by hand, and a (lark, inferior article it made indeed. The plows were decidedly primitive in their construction; first the bull- tongue, then the barshare and the Cary. with wooden mold-boards, from which the dirt had fre- quently to be scraped with a paddle. Work oxen were in general use, but a mule had not been seen in Jasper Township until Peter Cartwrigbt passed through, riding one, which caused no little stir among the people. The men were attracted by the sight of the great pioneer preacher, and the boys by the mule. That terrible scourge, so common at an early day, and even at a much later period, known as the "milk sickness," was held in dread by the inhabitants of Jasper Town- shin, and so general was it that the people did not deny its presence. What is it? I don't know! though my limbs for more than thirty years have quivered under its baneful influence. What is your opinion? It would settle no question if I were to answer you. Thirty-five years ago, Sailor's Springs and some springs in Crawford County were se- curely fenced, to preserve cattle from the clutches of this fell destroyer. Finley Paul and Martin Woodworth, of Palestine. 111., claim that it is caused by an herb, and that its use by stock under certain conditions is sure to produce the malady. If the scattered blades of fodder were left over night in Henry Gardner's dooryard, northwest part of Fay- ette County, 111., and his calves were per- mitted to eat it in the morning with the dew on, they soon grew shakey and died, and this was repeated A few miles northwest of Al- tamont, some years since, was a well from which several people contracted this disease and died. Its victims become dizzy and nervous, while an intense, burning fever tor- ments the whole system. Congestion and excruciating pains in the stomach rack the very life from the sufferer. A peculiar odor is emitted that need not be mistaken. Hap- pily, the cause, whatever it may be, passes away when the ground is cultivated, tramped or the original wild growth is eaten out. From Mr. E. B. Hearn, Township Clerk, we have secured the names of the following officers who have served in Jasper Township since the adoption of township organization in 1859. In 1860, J. Bailey Borah was elected Supervisor; Robert Black, Clerk; John A. Russell, John M. Creighton and John C. Borah. Highway Commissioners; J. Morland and Amos Phelps, Justices of the Peace. 1861 — Samuel Stewart, Supervisor; Robert Black, Clerk; J. C. Borah, Commissioner, and Z. C. Roberts, Justice of the Peace. 1862 — James A. MeLin. Supervisor; Rob- ert Black. Clerk: Amos Phelps, H. C. Phelps, E. P. Grove, Commissioners. 1863 — James Hearn, Supervisor; Alex. Crews, Clerk; William Crews, Justice of the Peace; and J. C. Borah, Commissioner. 1864 — James Hearn, Supervisor; Joseph Wilson, Clerk; Henry Darr, Commissioner; and B. S. Brown, Justice of the Peace. 1865 — William N. Borah, Supervisor; E. B. Roberts, Clerk; John M. Creighton and Henry Rankin. Commissioners. 1866— William N. Borah. Supervisor; E. B. Roberts, Clerk; John M. Creighton, Com- missioner; and James A. McLin, Justice of the Peace. 1867 — James A. McLim, Supervisor; Ben- jamin H. Hearn. Clerk; \\ illiam E. Pilcher, Commissioner. HISTORY OF WAYN'K COUNTY. 215 1868— L. P. Hay. Supervisor; Robert Black, Clerk; Robert Schell and James A. McLin, Commissioners; L. P. Hay and E. B. Pilcher. Justices of the Peace. 1869— L. P. Hay, Supervisor; John W. Borah, Clerk; Robert Schell, Commissioner. 1870 — E. B. Pilcher. Supervisor: A. M. Cable, Clerk; J. H. Thomas, Commissioner. 1871 — William N. Borah, Supervisor and Justice; — Limpert, Clerk; T. H. Darr, Com- missioner. 1872 — William N. Borah, Supervisor; Gil- lison George, Clerk; B. E. Johnson, Com- missioner; William Crews andE. B. Pilcher, Justices of the Peace. 1873 — William N. Borah, Supervisor; E. Berg, Clerk; J. B. Borah, Commissioner; Emanuel Berg, Justice of the Peace. 1874 — James A. McLin, Supervisor; E. Berg. Clerk: Caleb Crews, Commissioner. 1875 — William N. Borah, Supervisor; E. Berg. Clerk; P. B. Grice, Commissioner. 1876 — D. C. Monroe, Supervisor; S. H. Rea, Clerk; Z. C. Roberts, Commissioner; Caleb W. Crews. .1 notice of the Peace. 1877 — Voluntino C. Borah, Supervisor; E. B. Pilcher, Clerk; B. E. Johnson, Commis- missiouer; James A. McLin and Caleb W. Crews, Justices of the Peace. 1878— M. H. Crews, Supervisor; E. B. Pilcher, Clerk; B. E. Johnson, Commissioner. 1879 — Samuel H. Rea, Supervisor; E. R. Hearn, Clerk: Thomas M. Young, Commis- sioner. 1880— V. C. Borah, Supervisor; E. R. Hearn, Clerk; O. Beard. Commissioner. 1881— V. C. Borah, Supervisor; E. R Hearn, Clerk; T. E. T)arr, Commissioner; Charles E. Creighton, .). A. McLin and Sam- uel S. Farris, Justice of the Peace. 1882— S. H. Rea, Supervisor; E. R. Hearn. Clerk: George M. Owen, Commissioner. 1883 — David H. Holman, Supervisor; E. R. Hearn, Clerk; John H. Bradbury, Com- missioner. William A. Frazier came from South Car- olina with the other Fraziers in 1818, and settled on the northwest quarter of Section 13. He was an illiterate man, but aspired to better things than ho had been accustomed to, desiring to associate with those who tread the higher walks of life. Being an aspi rant for honors, he sought the company of educated people, and, wishing to appear to advantage in their presence, he, indiscrimi nately used big sounding words without re- gard to their meaning. His ambition was chiefly to be well thought of, and such a man cannot be mean. He was elected Major of the militia. He was a hatter by profes- sion, and as his finances improved, he im- proved his premises. His wool hats sold at SI. 25, and were so stiff that they could be used as a stool. His fur hats were made on the shares, or, for sixteen coon skins he would make a hat that would last ten years. He was a good man, and died in 1835. His son Jqkn died in the Mexican war. Other sons moved to Arkansas many years ago. John Borah, Sr., wa£ born in Lancaster County, Penn., about 1777, and removed to Butler County, Ky., in an early day, and came to Wayne County, 111., and settled on the southwest quarter of the southeast quar- ter of Section 23, in Jasper Township, in 1821. He was a man of sterling integrity. of good common sense and fixed principles. He was long an Elder of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and died in 1842. His father, Jacob, was a Revolutionary soldier. William N. Borah, the first son of John, is one of the most substantial citizens of the county. Few among us are more extensively read in general literature than he. He has five times tilled the position of Supervisor, 216 IM>TOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. and has paid especial attention to the in- terests of education. He is a pleasant, hale gentleman of the old style, and it is a treat to spend an evening with him, when the con- versation will not be allowed to falter. John McMackin came from Kentucky about 1822, and first settled near Fairfield, where the great tornado blew down his house with- out injuring his family, and he afterward moved to the northwest quarter of Section 21, where he died. He was an early cabinet- maker and carpenter. His sons were Clin- ton, a great singer, John and AVarren E. The latter became a Cumberland Presbyte- rian minister of considerable note; but it is not especially in this capacity that he has most brilliantly shone. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion, he was ap- pointed Chaplain of the Twenty first Illi- nois Infantry, by U. S. Grant, the Colonel. Upon the promotion of the latter, he was ap pointed Colonel of the regiment, and won many laurels during the war. When Gen. Grant became President, with his usual cus- tom of remembering true and tried friend*. he did not forget Col. McMackin, but ap- pointed him to different positions, among which was Pension Agent in this district. He is now enjoying an honored old age in Salem, 111., though his health is impaired by his army life. Jacob JB. Borah, another son of John, the pioneer, was born in Wayne County, 111., in 1820. He is mentally well preserved, jbright, quick and well read. He has certainly been of great value in compiling this history, by the accurate fund of information from which copious notes have been frequently drawn. He was a Captain in the late war, and is highly esteemed as a private citizen. It is by such men that the world is made better. James Hearn came from Tennessee and settled on the southwest quarter of the north- west quarter of Section 21. about 1842. He served as a soldier in the Seminole war, and also on the Union side in the war of the great rebellion. As a man he is positive in his convictions, gentle in his temperament, a very active member of the Missionary Bap- tist Church, but catholic in his sentiments, and no mau among his numerous acquaint- ances possesses, in a higher degree, the confidence and friendship of all than " Uncle Jimmy Hearn." John M. Creighton came from White County, and settled on the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 35, in Jasper Township, where he improved one of the finest estates in Wayne County. He was a thorough Methodist, a thoroughgoing busi- ness man, and one of the grandest accessions that the county has ever received. Possessed of a well-balanced mind, he managed his own affairs with prudence and was a wise counselor and true friend to those in need. His death, which occurred in the fall of 1869, was a heavy loss to the community at large. His sons, James A., of Springfield, Joseph, of Taylorville, and Jacob R., of Fairfield, are attorneys. Charles E. is a minister, and Mattie is the wife of Dr. Borah, of Louis- iana. His younger sons are cultivating the estate upon which his worthy widow, the daughter of Rev. James Crews, resides. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 217 C1I A ['TEE XVII. KASSILLOU COWNSEDTP EARLY PACTS AND REMINISCENCES AS GATHERED FROM JACOB HALL, W. N. BORAH, J. B. BORAH, JUDGE WILSON AND OTHERS— LOVELETTE, THE TRADITIONAL FIRST COMER— ENOCH BEACH, THE FIRST SETTLER, WITH A SKETCH— NAMES IND SKETCHES OF OUR SETTLERS AND THEIR FAMILIES— CAMPS AND CABINS OK THEEARLY DAY— TRUNDLE BEDS AND THEIR TRASH— FIRST SCHOOL AND WHO TAUGHT IT- FIRST MARRIAGE, BIRTH AND DEATH— THE OLD RANGERS —JUDGE WILSON AND THE DEER THAT TORE HIS CLOTHES OFF— JOHN McCOLLUM AND HIS COON— WILD CATS— FIRST MILLS, CHURCHES, PREACHERS, ETC., ETC., ETC, r | ^O demand a complete and thorough his- - 1 - tory, perfect in all its parts and bear- ings, in relation to the events of the "long, long ago " — events that were second-hand at a time when heads now silvered by the fronts of many winters were in the bloom of child- hood — is only equaled by the expectation of finding perfect men in this world, or seeking infallibility in a weak and fallen race. The standpoint from which events and incidents are observed must be considered as well as the opportunities of the witnesses upon whose testimonies we are chiefly called upon to rely for the most accurate information ob- tainable at the time. The intelligent observer is sometimes led on to wonder, and even to amazement, when he hears, in our courts, good men, honest and true, testifying diametrically opposite to each other about events, viewed at the same time by each, yet from different standpoints. But, in rendering judgment, the reasonable- ness, the weight of testimony, as well as the idiosyncrasies and opportunities of each wit- ness, must be taken into consideration. *By F. M. Woolard. It is little different in gathering incidents of history, for, after the greatest care and diligent research, many items will doubtless remain untold, and others will appear among chronicled events that, are questionable as to accuracy, and some may possess an air of im- probability. But history is useful, inasmuch as it se- cures to us the advantage of the experience of others, whose successes and failures in life are as beacon lights, by which we may safely guide our floating barks on life's sea to a haven of security. The first actors on the arena of civilized life in Massillon Township, the men who " came, and saw, and conquered," have long since passed to their reward, and their places are now largely occupied by men who knew them not, but have entered into their labors and are enjoying the blessings procured by the others' hardships. There is no excel- s without groat labor, and the labor and endurance of the first were the means by which the latter generations have procured immunity from kindred privations. Some of them were, indeed, grand men — men whose 218 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. lights would shine in any age or sphere, and brilliantly illume the horizon around them. In a few instances, their sons, who either came with them in early childhood, or were "to the manor born," are still living, as bright men as any among us, but even their steps are tottering with age, and, ere many changing seasons, as the morning dew be- neath the summer's sun, they, too, must pass away and be gathered to their fathers. We here wish to acknowledge our obliga- tions to Messrs. Jacob Hall, William N. Bo- rah, J. B. Borah, Judge Wilson and some others, for reliable information concerning the early pioneers and many incidents in this narrative. These gentlemen are all re- markably well preserved in mind and body, and in addition to being the sons of hardy pioneers, possess stores of valuable informa- tion from which we have copiously drawn for these chronicles. Massillon Township embraces the whole territory designated by Government survey- ors as Town 1 south, Range 9 east, of the Third Principal Meridian, in Wayne County, 111. It is bounded on the east by Edwards County, on the south by Leech Township, on the west by Jasper Township, and on the north by Mt. Erie Township. In its physical features it differs somewhat from any other township in the county, having within its boundaries two rivers, between and along which are large areas of swamp lands cover- ing almost fourteen sections, which are sub- ject to overflows, and are often submerged to . considerable depths. These low lands, when cultivated, yield an alluring wealth of farm products, unequaled in their abundance, but the uncertainty of harvesting the fruit of the husbandman's labor, on account of overflows, has, to a large extent, acted as a hindrance to their general cultivation. While very pro- ductive in favorable seasons, these lands have generally been left in their wild and uncult- ured state, and furnish ample pasturage for thousands of cattle and other stock dur- ing nine or ten months in the year. This pasturage will probably remain for many generation to come, and will continue to fur- nish a luxuriant growth of rich and succu- lent grasses that may be turned to advantage by the thrifty stock-grower of the future. These flat lands must of necessity remain unfenced for many years to come, and the grand range be open and free to all men un- til large sums are expended for levees to secure fences from breakage by high waters. Much the larger portion of Massillon Township, as the white man found it, was covered with a heavy growth of timber, which has been of great value, not only to the surrounding country but for exportation. Very considerable quantities of the better grades of hard wood yet remain, and can be obtained at fair prices. When the red man abandoned this country, these forests were comparatively open, but little undergrowth being found to obstruct the vision. This destruction of the germs of trees and shrubs was brought about by the annual autumnal fires that swept over both timber and prairie alike. These fires were not the result of accident as many have sup- posed, but were caused by the deliberate act of the Indians, that there might be no hiding places for the wild game, upon which they relied for sustenance. The prairie fire must be seen, and that in the night time, to be fully appreciated. The sight is a grand one, often terrific, and not easily forgotten: but he who relies upon the account of western sen- sational writers for information on this sub- ject, is sure to be misled, and can have no just conception of this really beautiful pan- orama, for the simple reason that their state- HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 219 ments are overdrawn, and the authors never saw what they pretend to describe. Over portions of Sections I, 3, l 11 and 9, in Massillon Township, extends an arm of Grand Prairie, which is known here by the name of Long Prairie. In the southeastern portion of the township, next to Jasper Township. Tom's Prairie covers about one section of land. Since the cessation of the early fires before mentioned, the timber growth has made considerable encroachments upon these prairies, so that their area is not so great now as it was sixty years ago. Massillon Township, as a whole, is very fertile, and some of tin? finest bodies of farm- ing lands to be found in Southeastern Illi- nois are located within her borders. The lauds, aside from the flats, or overflowed lands along the river, are undulating, with sufficient drainage to carry off the rainfall within a few hours' time. The abundant crops of hickory nuts and various kinds of acorns are of great value as swine food, be- sides which large quantities of hickory nuts are shipped and bring considerable revenue into the community. In the good old times, pecans grew in great abundance, and formed no inconsiderable article of early commerce, being bought by merchants and shipped in flat-boats to New Orleans, where they found a ready market. But the vandal hands of shiftless men, who, like the fabled boy that slew the goose that lay the golden egg, have felled the trees bearing those truly luscious nuts, that they might share the profit of the single crop obtained thereby, though their destruction deprived themselves and others, including their own children, of the enjoy- ment for many years, thi> luxury of this fruit. It has been said that " the Anglo-Saxon race is a race of pirates," and one must indeed close both eyes and ears almost every day of his life to not be forced to the con- clusion that the declaration is but too true. Catalpa, a tree of large and abundant growth, with a luxuriance of flowers, and ex- tensively used for shingles and posts on ac- count of its durability, is indigenous and deserves a special mention. In fact, the tim- ber growth of this, both in quantity and va- riety, is scarcely excelled by that of any other township in the State. The fauna of Massillon Township was the great attraction to the red man in his day, and this was the Elysian field of the pioneer hunter, the alluring magnet that drew him here. From the best information now at hand, the bear, deer, turkeys and larger game, to say nothing of the smaller varieties, existed in larger numbers, and remained longer after the first settlement in this town- ship than elsewhere in Wayne County. Birds existed in great variety, many species of which yet remain. Wild fruits in great abundance were indigenous to the soil, and were a welcome article of food to the early settler. At the intersection of Sections 20 and 28, but lying chiefly in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 28, is a pond somewhat noted for the large numbers of water-fowl that formerly congregated there, and was a place of resort for hunters in quest of the same. Wild ducks and geese were killed here in quantities sufficient to make the modern quail and snipe hunter feel the utter insignificance of his calling. Owing to the deposit from the frequent overflows, and the rank growth of vegetation, falling and remaining on its surface, it is supposed that, within the recollection of in. mi now living, the depth has decreased not less than three feet. In addition to this the portion belonging to Mr. David Monroe ha- been partially drained, and some attempts made at cultivation; but the overflow, which 220 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. seems to be almost as sure as death and taxes, precludes the possibility of successful culti- vation, notwithstanding the great wealth of accumulated soil on its bosom. Near this pond, on the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 29, the property of Marvel Hill, are three mounds, composed of sandy loam, about ten acres of which are above all overflow, supposed to have been the work of ancient Mound -Build- ers. Signs of Indian burial are to be seen there yet, and small pieces of human bones, teeth, ^"scraps of pottery with other relics are still to be found. In 1833, while Judge Wilson, then a lad, was plowing on the largest of these mounds, his plow struck something hard, which caused him and his father to investigate, and, upon digging down, they unearthed a slab- stone vault, 2x3 feet in size, in which was doubled up a large human skeleton, apparently in a fair state of preservation, but which soon crumbled, with the exception of the teeth, when exposed to the atmosphere. The flat stones of which this vault was composed were unlike anything of the kind found in the neighborhood. The Little Wabash River enters Massillon Township near the center of the eastern line of Section 12, bearing in a southwesterly di- rection through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22, 27, 33 and 32, where it enters Leech Township. The western portion of the township is drained by Elm River, which runs through Sections 18, 19, 30, 29 and 32, where it en- ters the Little Wabash River. Village Creek in the east and Little Elm in the northwest carry off the surplus rain- fall in those portions of the township. On the premises of James Ed Lane, south- east quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 31, are yet distinctly to be seen portions of the buffalo trace, along which were scattered many bones when the county was first settled. Signs of an Indian village having existed here are numerous, and many relics, such as stone axes, arrow points, etc., have been found at this place. Along the bluffs of Section 31 are numerous springs of water that flow the year round, and the driest seasons have not perceptibly affected them. There is not the uncertainty as to who were the first permanent settlers in Massillon Township that we sometimes encounter in others. There is an old tradition, however, wheth- er true or untrue we have no means at hand of ascertaining, that a Frenchman by the name of Lavalette, prior to the war of 1812, had a trading post, for barter with the Indi- ans, at or near the place where the town of New Massillon was afterward founded. Through the same tradition, we also learn that, being impressed with a sense of inse- curity, so remote from any other white man, when the war clouds began to gather, he also " gathered '' his traps and sought a place of greater security. Enoch Beach is entitled to the honor of being considered the first settler in Massillon Township. He came from South Carolina and located on the northeast quarter of Section 30 as early as 1817. He moved in a large "schooner" wagon, a style of wagon un- known to the present generation, the first wagon brought to Wayne County, and with him came King, his brother-in-law, who sood died, and Pritchet, who settled in Jas- per Township, and also Abraham Beach, his nephew, with their families. The intelli- gence, benevolence and energy of Mr. Beach made him a prominent factor in the com- munity until his death, which occurred about the year 1836. He early became an exten- sive land -owner, and improved a large farm; was elected or appointed Justice of the HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. •221 Peace, the duties of which ho administered to the satisfaction of all; he tillod tho posi- tion of State Senator with honor, and, while modest and unassuming, he was foremost in all public enterprises or movements for the welfare of the people. Prudent in the management of his own affairs, he always had some ready money, a matter of no small moment at that time, and it is said that if a neighbor was in want of money he could sell his stock to Mr. Beach for cash, and thus ob- tain relief, when without such an opportu- nity many would have been distressed. Hav- ing the only wagon in the neighborhood, he would gather the people's corn and do their heavy hauling, for which he charged five bushels of corn per day. A man of enlarged views, ho did not follow hunting for the sake of the peltries that could be secured, but as a sportsman engaged in the chase for recrea- tion. Seeking larger game, he kept heavy dogs, and bear-hunting was his favorite pas- time. After the extermination of the bears in the country, his instincts led him in quest of the deer, and the dash and game in his nature were shown when mounted on a tine charger. His hvinting was always on the "drive." Sixty-three years ago, he built what was then and remains to this day one of the best dwelling houses in the community, owned and now occupied by Mr. Stewart Cunningham. Not himself a church member, he opened his house to public preaching, and it is thought by some that the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church of Tom's Prairie was first organized in his dwelling. He planted the first apple-trees in the county, some of which are still standing, but gradually are being borne down by the weight of years. He also raised the first wheat in the community, and by his enterprise the interests of the country were greatly advanced. Mrs. Mays and her daughter, of Fairfield, and Mrs. Andrew Crews, of Marion, are the only lineal descendants remaining to him in this community. Abraham Beach came from South Carolina with Enoch Beach in 1S17, and is reputed to have been a good, quiet man. A millwright by profession, he built many of the early horse mills in the country, and also made coffins. He lived to bo quite old, and died about 1S38. In 1837, Andrew Crews came from Ken- tucky and lived one year in Barnhill Town- ship, and in 1818 settled on Section 31 in Massillon Township, where bis descendants still own a fine farm. He was born in Hali- fax County, Va., lived near the Cumberland River in Tennessee, remained in Kentucky but a short time, and then came to Illinois. He is remembered as a man of moral stamina. having a determined will in favor of right, and his counsels were of weight in the com- munity. Being a Methodist, his house was long a preaching place, and the present Ebenezer Society was organized there. He was, for many years prior to his death, afflict- ed with rheumatism. George Russell came with the Frazier's, his brothers-in-law from South Carolina in 1818, and settled on Section 19. He was an uneducated man, talked too much, and often about other people's business, sometimes causing trouble, without so intending. He was a successful hunter, and shiftless in other respects, but possessed an active busi- ness wife. Being an Old School Presbyte- rian, the early preachers of that denomination preached at his house. He died about 1842. His son Macomb was killed by the Indians in California in 1849. His son John be- came a Baptist minister, and with his brother Frank moved to Arkansas. Rev. James Crews came to Illinois with 222 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. his father, and was for many years a useful Methodist Episcopal local preacher. Though a Methodist, he was a lover of all Christian people, and died greatly respected a few years since. Rev. Woods M. Hamilton lived on the Enoch Beach farm in an early day, and, be- ing a regular pastor, a fuller account will be given of him in the account of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, Rev. David McLin, a Cumberland Pres- byterian minister of great ability, and one who made his impress in all this region of country, organized his church in Massillon Township as early as 1822. He will be more fully mentioned in connection with his church. Edward West came from Pennsylvania, about 1822, and settled on the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, where he improved a good farm and be- came the wealthiest man in the township. A man of good education for the times, he was possessed of good tastes and refinement, and was intelligent and progressive. He was the first Justice of the Peace in the present ter- ritory of Massillon Township, also a Repre- sentative in the Legislature; was a live-stock dealer, and died about 1846. One of his daughters is the wife of William N. Borah. Jobn Henson came from Indiana about 1826, and was the first to settle on the In- dian mound between the rivers. He built a camp for his family, and being a successful hunter, supplied them with meat, and noth- ing more, his wife having to furnish the other supplies by her own labor. He was not a good man, being unscrupulous, a practical joker, and his gallantry among the ladies was often offensive. A Mr. Chapman, father- in law to Henson, came soon after, and built a small cabin on the mound near the pond, but died in a short time. He was almost a giant in stature, weighing over 300 pounds. He was a fine-looking man, and reared a large family of well developed and exceedingly handsome sons and daughters. The sons were fond of good horses, and were great- fighters. The family moved away after the death of the father. Samuel McCollum came from Indiana about 1828, and it is thought that he was originally from Georgia or Alabama. He was a large and very portly man, always dressed well, full of life, fun and frolic, very fond of fine horses, a jolly jockey, ran many horse races, and was fond of seeing a fight, though peaceable and good-natured himself. He bought the water-will of Saunders, which he ran for many years afterward. William McCollum, a son of Samuel, im- proved a farm on the southwest quarter of Section 16, where he died. He was a quiet, peaceable man, attending to his own busi- ness, and was highly esteemed as a good citizen. Matthew Monroe lived one year on Richard Hall's place, and then moved to Tazewell County, 111., where he recently died. Gillison Price came from Indiana about 1835, and settled on the northeast quarter of Section 6. He was a good, upright, indus- trious and progressive man, and left a worthy family. When Gen. McLernand was a can- didate for Congress, he told him frankly that he should not vote for him, because he liked his opponent better. His death occurred about 1860. Larkin Price came with his brother Gilli- son, and improved a good farm on the south- east quarter of Section 6. Like his brother, he was a truly good man, and at his death, which occurred in 1859, he left a worth}' family, that have, by their upright lives, re- flected anew their father's memory. Miles Morris came from Indiana about '/Z^T Hi, ^S HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 223 1826, and settled near " Farmer' s Link. " He was a good hunter, but not progressive, and died many years ago. Farmer' s Lick was a famous evening resort for deer, on or near Section 15, where the un- suspecting animals were ambushed, aud, dur- ing their career, many thousands of them were slain there. William Farmer settled on the northwest quarter of Section 15 as early as 1825. His occupation was that of a hunter. He built scaffolds in the trees, near the lick, where he concealed himself of evenings, where, it is claimed, he killed 500 deer. He moved to Elm River Township, and died about 18-18. Nathan Martin, generally called " Big Nuck." the son of James Martin, came to Wayne County in 1818, and settled in 1825 on the southwest quarter of Section 15. He was a peaceable man, but would defend the weak, when oppressed; hence his many fights, in which he was always victorious. He died at Clay City a few years since. Monroe Martin and Mrs. Meliuda Crews are his chil- dren. Daniel Baily, whose wife was a Cannon, came from Kentucky in 1817 or 1818, and was the first man to settle east of the Wabash River, in Massillon Township. He improved a tine farm on the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 25. An indus- trious, progressive man, he came to the county poor, and by his thrift, previous to his death, which occurred in 1847, he amassed a good property. William Batson came to Massillon Town- ship as early as 1828, and settled on the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 34, where he improved a good farm, planted a large orchard, built a hotel on the road lead- ing from Mt. Carmel to Salem, and was a progressive man, and valuable citizen gener- ally. He died in Leach Township about 1844. Joseph Welch came from Pennsylvania about 1826, and lived on Richard Hall's place, being too shiftless to build a cabin of his own. Being a good hunter, he provided wild meat fur his family, but let them raise their own bread. He was fond of whisky, and when drunk would drive his family from home. When his wife was tired of venison, he would fur- nish a fresh supply of coon and ground-hog. To insure a supply of meat, he salted down coon and possum, which was called Welch's "small bacon." He moved to the mouth of the Wabash River, Indiana, where his fami- ly nearly all died. His son, an old man, after an absence of forty years, returned to Fairfield, where he lived a year or two, but recently returned to Ohio and died. Among others who settled in Massillon Township many years ago, were Samuel Al- lison, James Simms, W. H. Porterfield, Daniel Spitler, Stephen West, and his son Michael, the homeliest men in the world, J. J. Lum, George L. Borah, George W. Court- right. W. M. Shearer, John Hays, Clifton Boles, James Wheat, Marvel Hill, Thomas St. Ledger, Walter Dunn, James Thomas, Hi- ram Miller, Charles lies, Stewart Cunning- ham, Levi Garrison, Daniel Kendrick, Will- iam Collins, Cyrus Oakley, Isaac Tree, A. Mason, James Lane, J. A. Paul, Lee Duck- worth, Willin McCollum, and his brothers, John, Daniel, James and Samuel. Hugh, Joseph, James and Green Walker came about 1832. An account of, Richard Hall will be found in the general history of the county. The Government land in Massillon Town- ship was surveyed in 1809. The entry price was for many years $2 per acre, with the privilege of partial payments. Many entered more than they could pay for, but were allowed to apply all their pny- 224 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY ments on smaller tracts, and thus secure homes. Many settled on Congress land without purchasing the same, and were called " squat- ters." The homes of the squatters were sometimes entered by others, and they lost their homes. As before stated, much of Massillon Township is composed of swamp lands, and the growth of the community bas been retarded by unfavorable litigation in connection with the same. The county has expended many thousands of dollars in this litigation, but somehow has always met with repulse and defeat Seven or eight years ago, Col. H. Thomp kins came to Wayne County and undertook to remove the cloud from the title of many tracts of this land for private owners. After a long and tedious struggle for many weary years, he has recently obtained decisions from the highest tribunal in the State, con- firming the 1 title in the rightful owners. The test case was " Scates vs. King." The careful student of the world's economy will have observed that the natural blessings to mankind have been tolerably evenly dis- tributed by a kind and overruling Providence. One country will surpass another in many respects, while it has its drawbacks, and is more than equaled by the other in other qual- ities. Life, health, soil, materials, oppor- tunities and many other conditions enter as competitors in these lists in the conflicts of life. The pioneers in Wayne County were nearly all poor, and forsook the many advantages of older communities, depriving themselves of many comforts, and enduring many hardships that they might better their own condition, and secure a settlement with homes for their children. A majority of them came on pack horses, others in pirogues, and some even on foot. There were no roads in the countrv. and they were under the necessity of follow- ing a course or mere trail to their destina- tion, and even after their arrival and settle- ment with most of them it took many weary years of toil before they could hope to be- come moderately comfortable. Few of thorn had money, and what they had was reserved to purchase the much-coveted homestead. A Mr. King's, brother-in-law to Beach, and grandfather to Mr. Clay King, is thought to have been the first death in Massillon Town- ship. Mr. Haulcome, a school teacher, was the n«st victim, so far as is now known. He died of milk sickness, and was the first to tell what his ailment was, having been ac- quainted with the same disease in Indiana. On the 22d of August, 1822, David Monroe and Nancy Crews were married, Archy Rob- erts officiating. This was undoubtedly the first matrimonial venture in the township, and proved to be a good one. August 13, 1821, Owen Martin and Polly Crews were married by the same, but the alliance was not a fortunate one. On May 13, 1822. Abraham Beach was joined in bonds matri- monial to Anna Price, by Owen Martin, Esq. The early pioneers were necessarily self- reliant, and many shifts were resorted to in their penury that would seem ridiculous to the present dependent generation. In their labors and plannings, as is generally the case, the noble women bore a generous and heroic part. It has been said that " woman is God's noblest and best gift to man," and without her refining and restraining influence man becomes a savage, and soon sinks low in the descending scale of human depravity. The pioneer cabins were built of small logs, and covered with clapboards, upon which were placed weight poles to keep them in place, nails being out of the question, and those used long after were forged by the HISTORY or WAYNE COUNTY. 325 blacksmith. The chimney, which occupied a large portion of one end of the house, was built on the outside, of sticks and clay. The floor was made of hewed puncheons, and the door of riven board, and hung on wooden hinges. For the window, a small hole was cut, through which one could peep out, and it was many years before the people generally could afford the luxury of a glass window. This one room was used for kitchen, parlor, dining-room, dormitory, and chapel, and con- tained the spinning wheel, reel, winding blades and loom, besides the family and cas ual visitors. Ten to sixteen children were esteemed no disgrace, and often constituted the family's greatest wealth. Trundle beds were used to stow away children at night, but placed under the larger steads in day time. The larger children slept up stairs, or rather climbed a ladder into the loft, where beds were spread for them. Four or five children in one bed were supposed to keep each other warm in winter. Cook stoves were unthought of, and the cooking was done on the hearth before the fire, by means of pots, skillets and pans. Gourds were used for drinking cups, and in them were often stored lard, salt, soap, honey and the oil from wild animals. The dishes were often made of pewter, and could not easily be broken. In summer, strips of venison were cut and hung in the chimney above the tire to be tried, and was called "jerk." Corn was grated when soft, or pounded in wooden mortars, before mills were erected. The blades of corn were stripped off and cured, as they are in the Southern States to- day, for fodder. Prairie grass was often cut. and made excellent hay. Oxen were used for plowing and drawing loads, and sleds and truck wagons were common vehicles. The plows were primitive, but answered their purpose in the redundant soil. Flour was but little used, and was not so highly esteemed for bread as corn meal. The first school in Massillon Township was taught by William Aldrich in a house built by Welch on the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 3D. There are only two schoolhouses in the township at present, but some union districts have houses in adjoining townships, the low lands being so distributed as t >make such divisions necessary. The first singing school was taught at Richard Hall's by James Miller. Preaching by the Cumberland and also Old School Presbyterians, the Methodists and Baptists was commenced and kept up in pri- vate houses almost from the first settlement. The morals of the first settlers were generally good. Grain cradles came into use about 1830, and rats first made their appearance in this township in 1840, coming gradually from the direction of Shawneetown. Of accidents and incidents of a tragic character, Massillon Township has furnished a fair proportion. If an old tradition be re- liable, a man by the name of Dubose, on his way from Vincennes to Kaskaskia, was drowned in the Little Wabash River, at or near the present site of New Massillon, pre- vious to the war of 1812. While the rangers were camped near th" same place, in sight of the Indian camp fires, a man by the name of Hensley shot and killed a comrade named Hughes, mistaking him for an Indian. George Laird was drowned at Massillon, while swimming his horse across the river, about 1860. Isaac, a twelve year-old son of William Collins, fell from a canoe at (he lower bridge on Elm River, and was drowned, about 1850. About 185-"), a man named Orr, while drunk, was killed bv a man whose brother he was 226 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. assaulting. A daughter of Samuel Duck- worth was thrown from a horse and killed near the town of Massillon a few years since. In 1841, Judge Wilson, while hunting near the place of his present residence, shot and wounded a very large buck, and suppos- ing him to be killed, as he was down, gath- ered hold of him, but to his sorrow found him to be only stunned. A terrible struggle ensued, sometimes one and then the other having the advantage, but finally the deer escaped, leaving Wilson shirtless, the skin on his back split, his few remaining articles of apparel in shreds, and himself in no elegant plight to appear in drawing-room or parlor. While John McCollum was one night hunt- ing in the bottom, near the mounds, he treed, as he thought, four coons on a large water oak having many limbs. As was often done, he climbed the tree to drive off the game that his dogs might catch them when they should come to the ground, but to his amaze- ment a large wild-cat sprang on top of his head with a scream and made her escape, but McC, letting all holds go, tumbled from limb to limb till he reached the ground con- siderably bruised, but more scared than hurt. In 1843, Newbery Cline laid off the village of New Massillon, on the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15 in Massillon Township. There were six blocks, composed of sis- teen lots, each lot 50x100 feet square. AVilliam L. Gasb was the Surveyor. North' street, leading north, was forty feet wide, and intersecting this street at right angles, was Main street, fifty feet wide and Second street, forty feet wide. On the 25th of November, 1849, Wiley Webb, assisted by Thomas E. Burket, the Surveyor of Edwards County, made an ad- dition to the town, and on the 13th of March, 1850, Mr. Webb made another adddition, in- creasing the number of lots in the village to sixty, at the same time establishing Mill and Water streets. William Whitacre was the surveyor, and the true meridian is given, and also the magnetic meridian, with a bear- ing of 70' 30' east. It seems that a man named Saunders erected a water mill for grinding, at this place, as early as 1825, which he afterward sold to Samuel McCollum, when he moved to Arkansas. McCollum operated this mill till about 1836, when it was washed away. Wiley Webb built a mill on or near the same site, for the purpose of grinding and sawing, in 1849, which he operated for many years. The village grew rapidly, and became a com- peting point in population and business with Fairfield, though it is hardly probable that it ever equaled the county seat in these respects. In 1854, there were sixty families living in New Massillon, and town lots were sold as high as §50 each. At that time there were three general stores in the village, kept by Harris & Vandaveer, Dr. W. H. Camp and Ed Willey, the latter being succeeded by Alvis Boze. Two saloons also flourished at this time, and were not looked upon as they would be at the present in Wayne County, where there has been nothing of the kind for the past seventeen years. Benjamin Harris was the first Postmaster, and is remembered as an enterprising and most excellent man. He moved to Clay City subsequently and died. Samuel McCollum operated a tanyard, while the cooper shop was run by a man named Entriken, and the coffins and wagons were made and chimneys built by Justice Beach. James L. Vandaveer was the black- smith. There was a toll bridge across the river, but it fell down about 1855. Benjamin Harris was the Justice of Peace. Wiley Webb early built a steam saw and IIIsTOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 227 grist mill, so that tbe village bad two mills running at the same time. Wiley Webb seems to have been one of the most enter- prising men that ever lived in the township. Considerble quantities of pork were packed at this place during its prosperity, which was transported to New Orleans on flat-boats. A number of flats, loaded with produce, were sent down the river from New Massillon. Martin and Henry Webb, and Crews & Camp- bell shipped several boat- loads of hoop-poles. A Methodist parsonage existed here, and the pastor of New Massillon Circuit lived in it. The Baptist Church at one time had a membership of about sixty people in this vicinity, and the Methodists were probably equally flourishing, but neither of them have been prospering for a number of years past. The town of New Massillon was quite a village in its day, being at least the secoud in importance in Wayne County. But, like many ancient cities, it enjoyed its periods of rise, growth, maturity and decay; and upon the establishment of .Mount Erie, New Mas sillon began to decline, some of the houses being torn down and removed to that village, while others were taken to different places in the surrounding country, until at this writing very little remains to mark the spot where New Massillon one flourished. Upon the establishment of township organ- ization in Wayne County in 1859, the town- ship was called Massillon in honor of the village of that name. CHAPTER XVII1. ; LAMARD TOWNSHIP— DESCRIPTION— TOPOGRAPHY, ETC.— EARLY SETTLEMENTS— PIONEER IM- PROVEMENTS AND INDUSTBIES— CAUDLE'S DISTILLKIIY AM) THE EARLY USE OF WHISKY —CHURCHES AM) CHURCH BUILDINGS— SCHOOLS— DR. JONES, THE FIRST TEACHER— HOW HE WENT SNIPE HUNTING— JEFFERSONVILLE LAID 0U1 IS A VILLAGE— ITS GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND INCORPORATION— BUSINESS STATISTICS, ETC. " Like the one Stray fragment of a wreck, which thrown With the lost vessel's name ashore, Tells wlin they were that live no more." — Moore. FEW studies are more interesting and profitable to mankind than that of the past experiences, deeds, thoughts and trials of the human race. The civilized man and the untutored savage alike desire to know the deeds and lives of their ancestors, and strive to perpetuate their story. National patriot- ism and literary pride have prompted many » By ,1. M. Runk. in all times to write and preserve the annals of particular people, but narrow prejudices and selfish interests too often have availed to suppress the truth or distort the fact. It is the aim of the writer to collect and prepare in a readable form some of the facts of the early settlements and subsequent growth of Lamard Township, which furnishes the sub- ject-matter for this chapter. The families whose ancestors were early on the ground, and whose members have made it what it is, are worthy of remembrance, and their diffi- culties, sorrows, customs, labors and patriot- 228 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. ism should not be allowed to fall into ob- livion. Lamard Township was organized as such in 1859. From 1819 up to its organization, it was classed in the precinct system. It is located near the center of the county, and is bounded on the north by Bedford, on the east by Jasper, on the south by Big Mound, and on the west by Arrington Townships. It comprises thirty-six sections, and is known as Congressional Township 1 south, Range 7 east. A large portion of the township is a beau- tiful prairie, " Where travelers entering behold around A large and spacious plain on every side, Strewed with beauty, whose fair grassy mounds, Mantled with green, and beautified With ornaments of Flora's pride.'' The soil of this prairie is of great fertility, and well adapted to the growth of almost all crops cultivated in this region, and particu- larly to grasses. Hundreds of acres of " red top " is grown, and the seed procured from it brings from 50 to 75 cents per bushel, thus furnishing a large portion of the revenue of the people. The woodland is somewhat of a rolling nature, but is also productive, and yields crops of corn, wheat, rye, oats and vegetables. Almost all the fruits common to this latitude are cultivated here in abundance. At the time of the early settlements in the territory now included in Lamard Town- ship, many wild animals were then abundant. Now all is changed, as the ax and plow, gun and dog, railway and telegraph have meta- morphosed the face of nature, and the wild animals have been either exterminated, or have hid themselves away in the wilderness. The only stream of any importance is Martin Creek, which has its source in Section 9, from where it makes a horseshoe bend through Sections 25 and 32, passing out of the township, and through Section 12, of Jasper Township, and thence empties into Deer Creek. Tradition seems to be the only authority for naming the township in honor of a sup- posed settler, by the name of Lamard. Of him or his actual settlement we know but little, and that is not such as to warrant our naming his nativity or tolling what became of him. There is little doubt, however, that such a man did live in the township, and if not the first, he was among the first white men within its present limits. John Moore was among the very first set- tlers of the township, and came from Meigs County, Ohio. At one period he possessed about 1,600 acres of land near the present site of Jeffersonville, where he had originally settled. He died here, and his widow sur- vives in Jackson Coitnty, this State. Moore's children were James, Luther, Mary A. and Malantha. Moore was a man of rigid belief, yet perhaps, in some respects, a little preju- diced, and, coming from Ohio, he entertained political sentiments at variance with the ma- jority of his neighbors. He was what was then termed an Abolitionist, and at the time was not so popular as he might have been. He employed several negroes to labor on his farm, and was finally arrested, being charged with having induced some of the colored race to locate in Southern Illinois. He was acquitted on the ruling of a certain Judge "that the United States Government had brought them to Cairo." The Buckeye State gave birth to many who were early settlers in Lamard Township. John Moreland, Townsend Richards, Jesse Milner, H. Henthorn and Jesse Ward were all Ohioans. Moreland came in 1838, and hailed from Columbiana County, and settled on Section 6 (now Jasper Township), where ho purchased about 200 acres, and engaged HISTORY OF WAYNK COTNTY. 229 in rural pursuits until about the close of the late war, when he mo\ed to Jeffersonville. where he has siDce resided, and is character- ized as an exemplary man, and as having been a zealous and active worker in the Christian Church. Mr. Richards was also from Columbiana County, and came here in 1838, settling one mile west of where is now Jeffersonville, and, like Moreland. was an energetic churchman. He died of paralysis, leaving a number of sons, among whom were William, Isaac, Sylvester, John, David and James; daughters, Rhoda and Sarah. Jesse Ward came in 1841, and was from Washing- ton County. He settled on Section 17, where he lived until 1875, when he became a per- manent resident of Jeffersonville. Milner settled on Section 1, and reared fourteen children, of whom Man, Elizabeth, Jehu, David, Jesse and Harmon are living. Hen- thorn is still living in the township. Elisha Emmons settled near where the old fair grounds were located, and his sons were Jes- se, Walter, Eli, and his only daughter mar- ried John Black, of Fairfield. Mr. Emmons was a hunter of some notoriety, and a usual remark of his was that the day before Mon- day was his lucky and most successful one to hunt. He was, however, an upright man and a good citizen. Edward Puckett came from Tennessee about 1837, and located on Section 6. He was a good man. and was ordained Elder of what was known as the Buckeye District Christian Church. Dr. T. P. Green settled here in 1S38. His original settlement was outside of the town- ship, and he was one of the first physicians in the country. About 1840, Isaac Brock and Jonathan Hayes settled on land adjoin- ing, about one mile north of Jeffersonville. The former died here at the good old age of eighty years, and the latter spent the most of his time hunting, but as the settlements grew, the bustle and hostility of the new comers drove the wild animals away, and he followed them whither they went, where he dually ended his allotted time in the full en- joyment of his favorite pursuit. Isaac Whit taker, and Aaron. William and Phin- eas, his sons, were among the first settlers in the vicinity of the old Buckeye Church. In the same neighborhood, John Blackford, David Metz and Cornelius Ades, settled a little later. James Ades, the father of Cor- nelius, is living, and is probably the oldest man in the county. Cornelius Ades was a minister of the Christian Church. Joshua Caudle and son, Thomas, came from TGiines. see. The former was peculiar and eccentric, but was a zealous member of the Christian Church. During the latter years of his life, he would hobble to church, and upon reach- ing the entrance to the sacred tabernacle, he would yell at the top of his voice, " Brethren and sisters, how do you all do ? " And it made no difference if services had commenced, as was usually the case upon his arrival, his greeting was as above stated. For a long time previous to his decease, he expressed the most ardent desires to meet the grim monster, and seemed to entertain no fears whatever of crossing the cold dark river. Isaac Jerretts and a Mr. Sumter were set- tlers at a subsequent date. The latter located on the farm now owned by Jesse Ward, and after spending the most of his time hunting here, he went with the wild game to other homes in the West. The early settlers of Lamard Township in common with the pioneers of other portions of the county, were subjected to the dangers and privations of the times. One of the great drawbacks was the procuring of broad. The hand-mill and mortar were the first modes of) getting meal. Next was the horse 230 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. mill. Joshua Candle had the first one of the latter makeshifts. It was located on his farm, and he not only ground corn but wheat also. He put up a distillery, and for some time manufactured whisky, an article said to have been used extensively as an antidote for snakebites, but now as a beverage, until the snakes bite inside of some men's boots. The fair grounds of the County Agricult- ural Association were for some time located in Lamard Township, near Jeffersonville. The selection was made of this place by a vote taken of the people, with Fairfield and Jeffersonville heading the respective tickets. Recently a change was made of the grounds. Early in the history of the township, a number of Ohio people settled in and adja- cent to Section 1. In a short time they or- ganized a Christian church in their midst, which they named "Buckeye Church." Among the first ministers was Moses Good- win, and in the preceding pages some of the leading members have been mentioned. They built a hewed-log house in which they held meetings for many years. They have subsequently built a house about three quar- ters of a mile north of the old one, where services are now conducted and a good Sunday school mantained. A graveyard was laid off near the old church, and within its gloomy precincts slumber many of the early members of the church and pioneers of the township. It is thought that one of the first schools taught in Lamard Township was in this old church, but the first teacher's name is not remembered. The township now has a number of substantial and comfortable schoolhouses, and excellent schools are kept up during the usnal term. Village of Jeffersonville. — The original plat of Jeffersonville was surveyed in 1853, by William Whittaker. from the land of Jas- per Branch. In 1855, William Gash sur- veyed what was called the Thorn Addition, from the property of Elisha, Dickerman and Stoddard Thorn, sons of Leonard Thorn, who came from Ohio to this place in 1852. The town was named by Jasper Branch. It is said that he desired to perpetuate himself by naming the town, and the nearest he could come to it wa& to call it Jeffersonville, which, with his own name of Jasper, commenced with the same letter of the alphabet. The first building erected was that now owned by Charles Wolfe. A short time af- terward, or perhaps not until 1854, J. S. Rinard put up three small clapboard houses in a row. He kept a general store in one, selling a general line of goods to the inhab- itants, and taking in exchange such produce as they had to spare, which consisted mostly of deer, raccoon, fox and opposum skins. These he sold to the American Fur Company, and hauled them by teams mostly to Vin- cennes, Ind. Mr. Rinard lived in another of these cabins, and rented the third to Thomas Johnson, who came from Ohio and erected the first saw mill in the village. The next store was kept in the first building erected in the town, by a man by the name of Baily. He subsequently transferred his goods to a building which was erected by Adam Rinard and Nathan Sidwell which was the third store room put up in the place. Soon after laying away his stock in the latter building, Baily failed and returned to Wa- bash County, from whence he came. A post- office was established in the old house first occupied by Baily in 185G or 1857, and N. Branch was the first Postmaster. D. C. Por- ter kept the first blacksmith shop, where John Lusk's butcher shop is now. A school, the first in the town, was taught in a frame building put up by N. Phelps, for a dwell- ing. Dr. Jones was the teacher, and retired at the end of the first term. He was an old HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 331 genius, and many stories and incidents are told of him. The following will servo as a sample, and although the same storj has been told upon scores of individuals in every State in the Union, yet it will illustrate Jones, as it has others. The custom of snipe-hunting is an old one. and was participated here whenever a subject could be obtained. The rule was, when a green fellow happened along who was not familiar with the sport, he was gen- erally inveigled into a snipe hunt. Jones was considered a good subject, and so, when a company one evening proposed the thing, all went into ecstacies over the contemplated fun, and Jones eagerly joined the party. With the necessary equipments (a small bag into which to drive the snipe the hunters started for their nearest swamp and crab- apple thicket. When they arrived in the proper place, one of the densest thickets to be found, then the fun began. Each clam- ored for the positiou of holding the bag, un- til finally Jones came in as peace-maker, arguing that, as he had never experienced such sport, he ought by rights to hold the bag, and the party yielded to his request with seeming reluctance. Placing him in the proper position, each one started in a different direction t<> drive iti the birds, but as soon as thev were nut <>f Jones' hearing 1 , they made straight for home, leaving Jones with an empty bag to hold, and " awaiting for the snipes to come in." It is sufficient to say that he returned in the morning at the crowing of the " cock " with an empty bag and a heavy heart, but a wiser head. The denomination of Christians erected the first church house in the village, which is a frame 36x40 feet, on the northwest corner of the original plat. It cost about §2,500. The present officers of the church are: Elders, Jesse Ward, John Moreland and W. Bestow; Deacons, James Skelton, William Sehofield and Timothy Ward; Minister, Elder D. Lo- gan; Sunday School Superintendent, AY Bestow; Assistant Superintendent, John Moreland; Chorister, J. Rochell; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Dr. Barricksman. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1879. A frame building. 30x46 feet,serves them for a place of worship. It cost about $2,300, and is a handsome building. The present officers of the church are: Trustees, Dr. Carson, William Blackburn, W. B. Smith, William Taylor and S. F. McKirahan, and those of the Sunday school are, Super- intendent, W. B. Carson; teachers, W. B. Carson, Mrs. J. Q. Rapp. William Taylor, P. Fearn, S. J. Witters and Rebecca A. Mc- Kirahan; Secretary and Treasurer, Millie Taylor. A Masonic Lodge was organized in 1S65. The present officers are: T. M. Long, Master; D. J. Brock, Senior Warden; L J. Forth, Junior Warden; A. M.Martin, Treas- urer; G. E. Branch, Secretary; J. L. Miller, Senior Deacon; F. L. Heath, Junior Deacon; and R. M. McCoy, T. A Post of the G. A. R. has recently been established. Jeff ersonvi lie was incorporated under an act of the Legislature, April 1, 1869, and S. D. Witters, D. N. Ulm and Jasper Branch were elected Trustees. The present officers are C. Morgan. A. M. Martin, William Seho- field. L. J. Keath and Thomas McDaniels, Trustees; W. B. Levre, Constable, and A. M. Martin, Street Commissioner. The following is a showing of the business of the town: Mrs. J. Q. Rapp, general store; J. B. Pendleton, grocery store; J. 0. Bestow, grocery store; Forth iV. Weaver, gen- eral store; J. M. Tracy, drug store; G. W. Mason, wagon shop; John Owens and James Miller, blacksmiths: Morgan, Buffington, Davis and Branch, millers; D. N. Ulm, James Skelton and Thomas McDaniels. Lilly Mills; Mrs. Black, millinery; Mr. Sampson, furni- 232 IILSTOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. tare; D. N. Ulm, Postmaster; Mr. Timoihy, shoe-maker; A. II. Martin, William Schofield, C. B. Morgan and Levi Mercer, carpenters; F. L. Heath, depot agent, etc.; A. D. Skel- ton. livery and feed stable; boarding houses, Mr. Wolfe and James Skelton. During its existence as a town, Jeffersonville has had but one regularly licensed saloon, and it was short lived. It was opened by George Gash in 1858, and about the same time, under the earnest efforts of Mr. Sibley, Jasper Branch and others, in an organization known as the " Sons of Temperance," a great good was done, and was, no doubt, the indirect cause of closing up the saloon; since then the town has been strictly temperate and moral in the highest degree. Jeffersonville at one time was a place of considerable importance, and enjoyed a large and profitable trade. It even had aspirations fur the county seat, and made a vigorous light for it. but lost the battle, and since has been content to plod on in the even tenor of its way. The following is a list of township officers since its organization: Supervisors. — Sylvester Rider, 1860, 1861, 1862; Adam Rinard, 1863; J. A. Smith, 1864; Jacob C. Brock, 1865; Adam Rinard, 1866, 1867; J. C. Hull, 1868. From 1869 to 1870, the county was ruled by five Super- visors, and J. 0. Bestow was Township Treas- urer; J. C. Brock, 1871; R. A. Moss, 1872, 1S73; N. Sidwell, 1874; G. H. Hilliard, 1875; Robert Taylor, 1876, 1877; G. H. Hilliard, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881; D. N. Ulm, 1882, 1883. Town Clerks. — W. S. Barricksman, 1860; Jacob Kurtz, 1861,1862; W. Hull, 1863; N. P. Branch, 1804, 1865: S. F. McKirahan, 1866; Luther Moore, 1867, 1868; X. Woodworth, L869, L870; R. A. Moss, 1871; G. C. Collins, 1872, 1873; W. Bestow, 1874; W. Taylor, 1875; James Rochell, 1876, 1878; J. M. Tracy, 1877; C. E. Wolfe, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882; G. Ed Branch, 1883. Assessors. — Alonzo Newell, 1860; Adam Rinard, 1861 and 1862; Eli Brock, 1863; Joseph Holloway, 1864; Jesse Ward, 1865; James Branch, 1866; Joseph Pendleton, 1867; J. S. Hawk, 1868; J. B. Pendleton, 1869; William Graham, 1870, 1871; Wilson Coughenour, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875; I. T. Brock, 1876, 1877, 1878; Julius Hart, 1879, 1880; E. B. Pilcher, 1881; I. T. Brock, 1882; J. J. Davis, 1883. Collectors. — James Branch, 1860; Samuel Branch, 1861; Jumes Branch, 1862, 1863; I. T. Brock, 1864, 1865, 1866; A. L. Rinard, 1867; Eli Brock, 1868; I. T. Brock, 1869; J. B. Pendleton, 1870; I. T. Brock, 1871; N. Sidwell, 1872; I. T. Brock, 1873; R. Smith, 1874; James Scott, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Justices of the Peace. — George W. Martin, 1860, 1861; J. S. Hawk, 1861: A. B. Paint- er, 1863; W. Hull, 1864; Jacob C. Hawk. 1865; John Bestow, 1866; M. W. Collins, 1870; J. B. Pendleton, 1871, 1873; J. Hollo- way, 1877; J. S. Hawk, 1881. Overseers of the Poor. — J. A. Smith, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863; Samuel Branch, 1864; F. C. Hoyt, 1865; James Skelton, 1866; James Truscott, 1867; Thomas Scott, 1871; R.Tay- lor, 1872. Highway Commissioners. — T. P. Green and William Ellzey, 1861; W. D. Ellzey J. C. Brock and William Taylor, 1862; E. Brown, 1863; A. V. Dudrey 1864; D. N. Ulm, 1865; James Pendleton and John Thompson, 1866; G. C. Collins, 1867; J. C. Brock, 1868, 1869; M. Book, 1870; N. Sidwell, 1871; G. C. Collins, 1872; A. Bean, 1873; C. A. Young, 1S74; J. Holloway, 1875, 1876; Ben Dixon, 1877; William Blackburn, 1878; W. P. Beck, 1879; John Lear, 1880; W. H. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 233 Blackburn. 1881; J. B. Bean, 1882; J. T. Lear, 1883. Constables.— Peter Myers, 1862; Peter Ro- chell, 1804; William Lapen, L866; Mack Walker, 1868; Thomas Sett, 1869; ft. Smith. INTO; Levi Branch, 1ST;!: W. R. Granden. 1876; James Rochell, 1S77: W. K. (Jraii.leu, 1SS1; William Sehorield, 1882. School Trustees. — Jesse Ward. 1873; E. 5Toung, 1^74: W. H. Miller, 1875; Joseph Skelton, 1876; W. Coughenour, 1877; W. H. Miller. 1878; W. Coughenour, L880; W. H. Miller. 1881; Joseph Skelton, 1882; I. T. Brock. 1883. CHAPTER XIX. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP— GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION, TOPOGRAPHY, ETC.— COMING OF THE PIO- NEERS— THEIE KAKH STRUGGLES AND HARDSHIPS— WILD GAME— PIONEER MILLS AND WHO BDILT THEM— SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES— VILLAGES— CISNE LAIIi 0TJT AS A TOWN — ITS GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT— R1NARD— LAID OUT, IMPROVED, ETC., ETC., ETC. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP lies in the north part of the county. It is one of the wealthy townships, and its people are among the most prosperous of any section of Wayne County. The products are grain, stock, grass, fruit and vegetables, all of which flourish ex- ceedingly well. Red top grass is a profitable crop. Besides being used as hay, great quanti- ties of it are threshed for the seed which com- mands a good price. It is said that more of this grass seed is shipped from Cisne than from any other point in the United States. The surface of the town-hip partakes much of the same nature of the surrounding coun- try, and is diversified between woodland and prairie, the former predominating to some extent. The prairies are generally small, level and productive, and are largely culti- vated in wheat. The woodland though not so rich as the prairies, yet is quite productive, and of a somewhat rolling or undulating sur- face. Wheat, corn, oats, fruits and vegeta- »By W. II. renin. bles do well upon these lands. The town- ship is bounded on the north by Clay Coun- ty, on the east by Elm River Township, on the south by Lamar d Township, on the west by Indian Prairie Township, and comprises Township 1 north, and one-half of Township 2 north, all in Range 7 east of the Third Principal Meridian. The principal water courses of Bedford, are Deer and Elm Creeks, with their numerous tributaries. The latter flows through the northeast, corner and the former through the southern part of the township, affording ample drainage and plenty of stock water. The timber of the township is the same as described in the sur- rounding sections of the country. The Springfield Division of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad passes nearly north and south through the township, and has been of the utmost importance to the people and their business. Two thriving villages have sprung up on the railroad in the township, which are described further along in this chapter. 234 IIIsTOUY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Settlement. — The settlement of Bedford Township dates back to a time when the mind of man runs not to the contrary. The early settlers here, as well as of the county at large, were poor so far as regarded worldly goods. They came here desirous of better- ing their fortunes, and like pioneers general- ly, were kind to a fault, and ever ready to do a favor. They came with a meager outfit, but strong in faith and hope, expecting to in- crease their worldly store, and provide a home in old age. Some came in frontier wagons drawn by horses or oxen, and some used the more primitive pack-horse as a means of transportation. Either was slow, compared to the more modern modes of travel, and their encampment was made wherever night over- took them. A fire was built bj the wayside, over which an iron kettle was suspended, and in which the evening meal was cooked. The pioneer's gun through the day provided abundance of fresh meat of the choicest kinds, for squirrels and wild turkeys were plenty, and deer were really " too numerous to men- tion." Yet, let the advantages of the jour- ney be the best, it was one of toil and privation. Then there were no bridges over the streams, nor any well-trodden highways. Each band of emigrants followed the general trail, but each sought a new track for his own team. This cut the way into innumerable ditches, of which traces of some may still be seen through the country. If the season was one of much rain, the swamps lying in the way would often be found impassable, and the roads or trails heavy; if the season was dry, the roads were rough, so that at its best the journey could not be termed pleasant; yet the way was often cheery, and through the wild prairie, brown with the Bomber hue of autumn, or overtopped with myriads of brill- iant blossoms, the forests robed in their hues of brown and gold, the emigrant passed on joyously, despite bis wayside troubles. He could endure trials, hunger and pain, if a home stood at the end of the journey. Faith and hope are two anchors of the soul, with- out which the poor mortal on life's pathway would indeed be cheerless on his way. The exact date of the first settlement could not be ascertained, but we know there were settlements made in the township as early as 1816, but how much earlier we do not know. The Campbells and several other families came in 181(3. The pioneer of the family was Alexander Campbell, and he was the father of four sons — all early settlers. Camp- bell, we were told, was by birth an Irishman, though Campbell is a memorable name in Scotland. He emigrated to this country and settled in Virginia; went from there to Ken- tucky, and from thence to Illinois in 1816, as above. His sons were Alexander, John, Moses and Joseph. The old gentleman died here in 1S55-56, Moses soon after, and Joseph died last year in Sangamon County, at the age of eighty -four years. John and Alex- ander, Jr., are also dead. Nathan Morris was among the earliest settlers. He sold out here and went to Salt Lake City, but not liking Mormondom as well as he thought he would, he returned to his old home here. He died several years ago, but has several sons still living. Thomas Sessions, also an early settler, sold out when Morris did, and wen with him to Salt Lake City. Unlike Morris, he was so well satisfied with being a Saint — a rustler for the golden stairs, that he re- mained there in the city of the faithful. Isaac Suns was an early settler, and is still living in the township. John Pritchett came from South Carolina in 1816, and settled first in what is now Jasper Township, but shortly after moved into Bedford, and died here in 1854. The Stines came from Ohio. There were four HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 235 brothers — Stephen, Isaac, Peter and Eri— all early settlers. Isaac is dead, but the other three are still living. Ephraim Lecroy was very early in the township. He came from Ohio, and is still living. He first settled in Bond County, 111., but came hero in an early day. Martin Emmons was also from Ohio, and is still living in the township at quite an advanced age. Noah Towns, another Ohioan, was an early settler in Bedford, but now lives in Elm Township. Jesse Laird, Sr., was probably from Kentucky, and came in early. He has been dead several years. but has a son living on the homestead. Other early settlers of the township are as follows: R. T. Forth, Jeff Murphy, Stephen and Merritt Harris, Elias May, Jamos Clark, John Pettyjohn. Edward Pettyjohn, Gibbs, Lane Posey, John Rutger, Gil Hawes, Tira Taylor, O. P. Vail. William Cooper, Swain, Metz, Barney McDaniel, and perhaps others whose names havo been overlooked. Forth was probably from Ken- tucky, and came here very early, bringing his entire possessions in an ox-cart. He set- tled originally near where Mrs. Johnson, in Fairfield, now lives, but later moved into Bedford and still later into Hickory Hill, where he now lives, quite an old man. He was rather prominent in the county, and of more than ordinary intelligence. He was several times elected to the Legislature, and filled other important positions. Jeff Murphy came from Kentucky, and went to California from here, where he died. Stephen and Merritt Harris first settled in Barnhill, but afterward in this township. They were sons of Isaac Harris, who, it is claimed, was the first settler in the county. Merritt was born here, is still living, and a citizen of Moultrie County. Elias May came from Ohio, and has been dead manv voars. James Clark was a very early settler, and has children still living here. John Pettyjohn and his father, Edward Pettyjohn, came in very early. The old man has been (lead many years, but John is still Irving, about two miles from the village of Rinard. Gibbs was a very early settler, and used to burn brick. He is long since dead. Lane Posey, another early settler, died in Jasper Township, whither he moved some years ago. John Rutger was a local Methodist preach- er, and came into the township very early. He was also a tailor by trade, and the first of his kind in the settlement. He has been dead some time, but has two sons still living in the township. Hawes was a very early settler. Imbibing Mormon principles, he went to Salt Lake City, where he had his name recorded in the book of the faithful. Tira Taylor was an old settler. He was a soldier in the Mexican war, and also served in the late civil war. Oliver P. Vail was also an early settler, and came from Ohio. He is a plasterer by trade, and lives at the present time a little north of the village of Rinard. Cooper came from Pennsylvania, and has been dead several years. Swain and Metz were early settlers, and early sold out and moved away. Barney McDaniel came and made an im- provement, but had gone away and left it, and it was overgrown with trees when the later emigrants came. Many of the early settlers found apple trees bearing on his de- serted improvement when they came to the township. But we can no longer keep track of emigrants as they came into the neighbor- hood. The settler on his arrival began at once 236 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. preparations for a shelter. During this pe- riod, the family lived in the wagon, or in a tent, and the cooking and washing were per- formed by the women under the sheltering branches of a tree. Often a rude pole cabin, with no other floor than the ground, and no windows, save the interstices between the poles forming the walls of the cabin, was temporarily erected, and should the time of arrival be spring, this rude structure sufficed for a habitation until the crops were planted. After that important work was done, there was a season of comparative leisure, during which preparations were made to erect a more comfortable abode. Another pastime of the early settlers was the enjoyment or necessity of hunting. "Wild game was very plenty, so much so that often the settler was obliged to cease work, and, with his neighbors, join in a kind of crusade against it, wolves particularly. These pests were very destructive to young pigs, and to any domestic fowls straying far from the cabin. Hogs could be fattened on the wild mast fonnd in the timber, and needed care only when too small to resist the wolves, who were decidedly fond of fresh pork. These marauders of the forest were gradually exterminated with the advance of civiliza- tion, and are no longer seen. Venison was one of the staple articles of food when white men first subjugated this portion of Illinois, and in those early days deer were often seen in great herds as they wandered over the plains or gathered on some prominence. Their flesh made an ex- cellent article of food, while th^ir skins, well tanned, were made into leggins and hunting shirts. But few bears were found here. They prefer a colder climate, and were a dreaded foe to the Indian, who experienced great delight in hunting them, and had al- most exterminated them when the whites came here. But the experiences of the early settlers were so similar that a repetition of them destroys the novelty. It can never lose the charm, however, to the few pioneers still left, or destroy the interest to them, but it renders the description more valuable, ap- plying, as it does, to so many. Mills. — The first settlers used the mortar and grater for making meal. These appli- ' ances are the oldest known for grinding or crushing corn. The mortar is referred to in the Bible, while the grater is as old as Amer- ica. John Skelton, who was an early settler from Ohio, built a horse mill, the first mill the township ever had, without it was Laird's, which some say was just over the township line. Harmon Milner had an early mill. It was also a horse mill, and did very good work for its day. Milner was an early settler, and is still living near Cisne. A man named Henderson built the first steam mill ever in the township. It stood east of the present vil- lage of Riuard, and was quite an institution. Henderson died some years ago at his resi- dence near the mill. A steam mill was built on the road to Flora, on the Middle Fork of Deer Creek. A saw mill was added, and large business was done for years both in grinding and sawing. Eri Stine owned and ran a horse mill for a number of years. James Cooper, a brother of William Cooper, built a horse mill. John Pettyjohn also built a horse mill. The township, it will be seen, has been well supplied with mills in its day, such as they were, and, though most of them were rude and primitive, yet they served the purpose for which they were built. The early schools of Bedford Township are much the same as in the other portions of the county in the early period of its history. The names of the first teachers are forgotten, and the exact spot whereon the first school- house was erected cannot be now designated. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 237 There are at present eight schoolhouses in the township. These are all frame buildings, and are comfortable and commodious. Good schools are taught each year by competent teachers, and the educational facilities of the township are not equaled in the county. There are but two church buildings in the township outside of the villages — the Buck- eye Christian Church and the Pleasant Hill Christian Church. A more extended sketch of these churches will be found in another chapter of this volume. We have already alluded to red-top grass, and the seed as an article of commerce. The grass grows very luxuriantly in this part of the county, and yields sometimes as much as fifteen bushels of seed to the acre. This seed sells readily at 75 cents per bushel, and after being threshed the grass makes good hay. After the ground has once been well seeded, it has been known to do well for twenty years without being interrupted. The township is well watered. The best of water can be obtained by digging wells to a depth of from ten to twenty feet. Veins of pure water, and in great abundance, are found at this depth. Village of Cisne. — The building of the Springfield Division of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad was the prime cause which gave birth to the town of Cisne. It was laid out in 1870, and located on the land of David Simpson and Peter Perrine. The survey was made by John Deem, Deputy County Survey- or, and the plat submitted to record. The name of Cisne was given to the place in honor of Levi Cisne. F. A. Kutz bought the first three lots sold, paying for them $25 apiece. As an inducement to the purchase, the pro- prietors donated to him one lot. Mr. Kutz erected the first house in the town. It was a frame and now forms a part of the business house of J. P. Billington. Kutz was the first merchant, and soon built up a large trade. Tho second building erected was the railroad depot, and soon after it was com- pleted J. N. Palmer moved a houso from Blue Point and sold goods in it for a time. It is the house in which the post office is now kept, and in which T. D. Colvin does busi- ness. In 1872, a blacksmith shop was built by J. P. Billington, who carried it on in con- nection with a wood shop, doing the latter work himself and employing Charles Phillips to do the blacksmith ing. A saw mill was started in 1871 by J. G. Hill, H. Milner and E. Shaw. They operated it for awhile with- out so much as a shed over it, but afterward inclosed it and added a grist mill. It is now owned by Taylor & Jump, who do a large and profitable business. The post office was es- tablished soon after the town was laid out, and was at first kept by Jesse Milner, Jr., at the depot. It was afterward moved to the residence of W. S. Borah, but is at present kept by Thomas B. Colvin at his place of business. The first school taught in the village was in a frame building which had been used as a schoolhouse in an adjacent district. The district in which Cisne is situated, and which is No. 7, was formed out of other districts, and this building purchased for a school- house. The present school building is a two-story frame, aud was erected at a cost of about $1,300. The average attendance is about sixty pupils, with a requisite number of competent teachers to instruct them. A church of the Christian denomination was organized during the Christmas holidays in 1874, and the first preacher was S. V. Williams. The church building is a frame oT>x4S feet. It was erected before the soci- ety was really organized by means of sub- scriptions raised among the people. A por- tion of the members who organized this 238 HISTOKV OF WAYNE COUNTY. church had belonged to one of the same creed, which used to meet in the old school- house above mentioned. The present mem- bership is about 150, under the pastorate of Elder Rose. A good Sunday school is main- tained. The Methodist Episcopal Church was or- ganized in the Bedford Schoolhouse, one and a half miles north of Cisne. But they have recently moved to the village, and at present meet in the Christian Church building. Rev. Mr. Harper is the pastor in charge. The first physician in the place was Dr. W. H. St. John, and the second was Dr. J. A. Parmenter. The present physicians are Drs. T. Vanfossen and J. P. Walters. The following statistics show the present business of the town: T. D. Colvin, G. T. Harrington and Robert Davidson, general stores; J. P. Billington, drugs and groceries; H C. Hill, groceries; J. C. Brock, hotel and groceries ; Brock & Cisne, grain buyers; F. A. Kutz, grain and stock; William White, furniture; J. C. Phillips, blacksmith; George Trager, wagon shop; David SI ade, shoe-maker, and W. Cisne, railroad agent. Rinard Village was laid out in 1870, but was not platted until April 18, 1871. The plat shows 109 lots on the northeast quarter of Section 31, land owned by Ed Bonham, of Fairfield. The circumstances which led to the location of a town here, were as fol- lows: A proposition was made by C. A. Beecher, at that time Vice President of the railroad, to Mr. T. R. Center, to buy so many thousand bushels of oats to be shipped from this point, and he would put in a side track. Upon learning of this, Mr. Bonham and Adam Rinard. at once employed Center to purchase the oats, amounting to several thousand bushels. The side track was then put in, and the little town of Rinard, named in honor of Adam Rinard, at once sprung up. The first building was erected by D. F. & B. J. Chaney. It stands on Lot 29, and is the one now used by R. L. Wilcox as a store. The next house erected was the depot build- ing. Before the depot was built, Mr. Wilcox, who was the first, the last and the only station agent the railroad has had at this place, kept the depot in a box car. The depot was built in the spring of 1871, about the time the town was surveyed. The second house, aside from the depot, was put by C. McDaniels, and was a two-story frame build- ing. The lower room was used by him for a store, and the upper for a dwelling. Later his brother was conducting business there, and the building was burned. McDaniels then erected a dwelling, and for some time carried on a general merchandise business. The building which burned stood on the present site of D. T. Chaney's store. The Presbyterians built a church in Rinard in 1S73. It is a brick structure, 25x50 feet, and cost about $1,400. The first preacher was Rev. J. H. Hughey. The Presbyterians soon sold the building to the Methodists, who still own it, and use it for a temple of worship. The membership is about sixty, under the pastorate of Rev. L. A. Harper, and a good Sunday school is kept up, of which A. R. Spriggs is Superintendent. A good comfortable schoolhouse was built in 1875. It has two rooms, and one teacher is employed. The post office was established soon after the town was laid out. R. L. Wilcox was the first Postmaster and still holds the posi- tion. He first kept the office at the depot, but now keeps it in his store. Mr. Wilcox is also a Notary Public, and deals largely in grain. Rinard has about eighty inhabitants, and the business outlook is as follows: R. L. Wilcox, general store: D. F. Chaney, gen- eral store; M. W. Naney and W. W. Wheeler, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 241 blacksmiths; C. E. Yokey, shoemaker; mil- linery store in charge of Mrs. Martha Fletcher; It. L. Wilcox, grain dealer; Dr. J. H. Hall, physician. The first physician here was Dr. J. A. Jeffries, and was soon followed by Dr. A. R. Spriggs. W. W. Naney was the first Justice of the Peace; the town boasts of none now. R. L. Wilcox, who is a Notary Public, attends to what little legal business the place requires. CHAPTER XX: INDIAN PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP— DESCRIPTION— TOPOGRAPHY, ETC.— EARLY SETTLEMENTS— PIONEER IMPROVEMENTS AND INDUSTRIES— EARLY PREACHERS AND CHURCHES— FIRST SCHOOL TEACHERS— FIRST DEATH IN THE TOWNSHIP— CHURCHES, PREACHERS AND OFFI- CERS— JOHNSONVILLE— WHEN AND BY WHOM LAID OUT— ITS GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENTS AND ITS FUTURE OUTLOOK— RAILROAD PROS- PECTS— BLUE POINT— WHEN LAID OUT AND BY WHOM— A LIST OF TOWNSHIP OFFICERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. "Where nothing dwelt but beasts of prey, Or men as fierce and wild as they, He hids (li oppressed and pour repair And build them town- and cities there — Old Hymn. TNDIAN PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP, to which -L this chapter is devoted, was organized as such in 1859. It is bounded on the north by Clay County, on the east by Bedford, on the south by Arrington and on the west by Brush Creek Townships, and comprises one and one- half Congressional townships, making fifty- four sections, and is known as Town 1 and 2 north, and Range 3 east. The name was given in honor of a tribe of Indians who in- habited this beautiful land many years aero. The township is about equally divided be- tween woodland and prairie. The former, when cleared of its massive growth of white, jack, black, pin and post oak, hickory, wal- nut, sassafras, elm and various shrubs, is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, wheat, rye, oats and vegetables, while the prairie is •By J. M Runk especially adapted to the grasses. Many acres of the " red-top " are grown with abun- dant success. The portion known as Johnson's Prairie, was so named after a man by the name of Johnson, who was an early hunter here, but whose history went out into the dim and shadowy past and cannot now be secured. Dry Fork is the most important stream in the township, and has its source in Section 15, from a small stone quarry, and runs southward through Arrington Town- ship, and when entering Big Mound Town- ship it spreads out into a swamp, but is again formed into a channel which empties into Skillet Fork near the boundary line be- i Wayne and Hamilton Counties. Rock Branch and Elk Fork having their sources, the former in Section 16, and the latter in Section 28, constitute the only important affluents of Dry Fork. Along the northern boundary of the township courses Bear Creel; in an easterly direction. This stream received its name from the number of bears seen and killed along its banks, and was 14 242 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. christened such by a Mr. Meisenheiuier, who was a very early settler. The principal early roads were the Haysville & Mount Ver- non, and the Fairfield & Salem, each of which crossed the township. Who the first settlers of Indian Prairie Township were is not known. Isaac Elliott, Thomas Elliott and Mathias Meisenheimer were among the first, if not the first, white men who settled permanently in what was then Indian Prairie. The exact time of their settlement is not fixed, but it was while the Indians held almost unbounded sway of all the eye could see. It is probable that these men came from Pennsylvania, and they set- tled in territory that is now in Clay County. Meisenheimer was a brother-in-law to the Elliotts, and he and Isaac were strong sup- porters of the Methodist Episcopal faith, and were among the leading characters in organizing a church of this denomination near where they settled. Meisenheimer died after having done considerable to improve the wild country. He was the projector and operator of a saw mill on Raccoon Creek, and was the father of Isaac, Levi, Jackson, John, Isaiah, David, Ellen and Betsey. Isaac El- liott resides in Xenia. and maintains the same good health that it has been his fortune to experience through life. Thomas Elliott was a Universalist, and exerted his energy to establish his religious belief in the com- munity where he lived. He has long since been summoned from earth's labors. John M. Griffith was a local Methodist min- ister who came very early to the northern part of the township. He preached and taught school in any cabins he could obtain, and later he erected a double log cabin, and in one department had his dwelling and in the other he taught all the children for three or four miles circuit. He died the father of Martha, Elijah, Olive, John, Thomas, Will- iam, Jesse, Jane, Mary, Elizabeth and Re- becca. A number of "squatters" were in the north part of the township in 1839, but soon after that year they moved away. Alf. Hargraves settled pretty early in the southwest part of the township; was a farmer and reared quite a large family. Clint, one of his sons, occupies the old homestead. William Sessions came to the township in 1838, from Kentucky, and settled on Section 9. After awhile he sold out and went to Texas; was an honest man and made con- siderable money while here. His children, Richard and Mary J., the wife of N. King, are living in the county. Robert Galbraith < came from Jefferson County, this State, in 1839, and settled on Section 17. In 1859, he removed to Johnsonville, where he had for some time been operating a blacksmith shop. He died November 9, 1870 in John- sonville, and his consort died in 1872. Their union resulted in several children, five of whom are living, namely, Wiley, A. T. , Mar- tha (the wife of W. Ellis), Elizabeth J. and step-son, T. P. Alvis. Robert Galbraith was Postmaster at Johnsonville one term; was a man of good standing; a Democrat until the war, at which time he united with the Re- publicans, and was aggressive in espousing that cause. James McGrew settled in what is now Clay County before 1S32; was a Methodist preacher, and died in that county. John McGrew, his son, sold a farm to Daniel McDaniels, who settled on the same in 1839, and died there about five years subsequent. He was a native of North Carolina, and mar- ried and settled in East Tennessee, and from there came to the place spoken of above. Richard Burg settled on Section 12, in the spring of 1839, and put up a log cabin. He remained here but a short time, selling to Thomas Howe, who lived there until his death. Huwe was from Marion County, HI., HISTOKY OF WAYNE COUNTY. .".:. and held some township offices here; he and son, Clark, were distinguished as expert hunters, and played havoc with the wild animals that then inhabited tln> prairies. Richard Clark came from Marion County, this State, in 1S39. and settled on Section 4, where he remained until 1S47, when he traded farms with William Irvin, of Hickory Hill Township, and each became pormanent residents of the respective townships. Wiley and W. W. Galbraith came to the township in 1841, and settled on Section 21. The former is now a resident of Alexander County, and the latter died in Jonsonville. W. B. Goodpaster came from Tennessee | about the year 1843 1 t, and located on Sec- tion 10. He was a trader and dealt mostly in Btock, but after a short period he located in Menard County, this State. A. S. Hargraves came in 1889 from Ken- tacky, and was soon guilty of matrimony with Milley A. Cliff, of Hickory Hill Town- ship. He was an active man and held some of the township offices. He died near RJd- ard in 1875. Samuel Halliday bought Will- iam Sessions out in 1859, and after the late war he sold and returned to Ohio. Some of his sons are influential and wealthy citizens of Cairo, 111. A. Maxey settled on Section 16, now the home of Col. "Weems in 1S42. In a few years he returned to Jefferson Coun- ty. Col. T. L. B. Weems was reared by Robert Galbraith, and has always been an honest, upright citizen, and was Colonel of the Forty-eighth Regiment. A melancholy event, the first death to occur in the township, was a daughter of Henry Burrough, and filled the first grave in the Johnsonville Cemetery. William Irvin had a small distillery in the township at an early period and distilled peaches. L. D. Bullard who settled on Section 5, at an early period, had a horse mill on his farm, and ground corn. Robert Metcalf, a professional hunter, is remembered as having located for awhile in the township, and a small stream running along where ho settled is called Bob's Branch in honor of him. Among the early rectors of the township came Rev. James Keal, who, with Rev. Grif- fith, preached in dwellings in various parts of the country. Village of Johnsonville. — Johnsonville was laid off in 1855, by James Ading, from the land of Wiley Galbraith, in sixteen lots. S. R. Caudle put up the first house to mark tho place. It was a hewed-log structure, and is now used as a kitchen by A. Tenney; Caudle used it for a dwelling. He was a house car- penter, and, being unable to obtain as much work as he was able to perform, owing to the slow growth of the village, he moved away. Tho next building erected in the place was by Wiley Galbraith for a store room. It was a frame, and is the present business room of N. W. Galbraith. In the spring of 1856, G. B. Galbraith put in a stock of goods in this building He was the second merchant in the place, the first being T. P. Alvis, who had moved a log cabin from his farm, about one mile north of the present site of the vil- lage, in which he had been selling goods since 1850. He located in the town early in the spring of 1856. Later, Mr. Alvis put up the store building now occupied by Leander Galbraith. and, transferring his merchai to it, he made a stable of the orignial log store room. Here Mr. Alvis sold goods until 1863, in the meantime being in partnership with Nathan Bullard and A. T. Galbraith. About tho same time of putting up the si ore room, Mr. Alvis erected a dwelling-house, just south of the store. W. W. Galbraith put up a building in the town which is now 244 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. owned by Mrs. Bowden. W. W. Hoskinson began merchandising in the village in 1857, and continued the same until 1860, when he went to Xenia, and subsequently to Benton, where he is now engaged in the same business. Robert Galbraith started the first black- smith shop in Johnsonville. It stood on the east side of the public square, and was con- structed by setting posts in the ground and planks nailed to them. In a short time, Na- than Bullard erected a shop, and worked at his trade until 1859, when he went to Texas. The first school in the town was either taught by J. O. Fether or Thomas Garrod, soon after the village was laid off. The building used for the school was the log house now the residence of C. C. Bunch. In 1872, the dis- trict bought from the Methodist Episcopal organization, a small frame building, which stood where A. Tenney's store room now stands. In a short time this building was consumed by fire, and in 1874 the present commodious two -story frame building was erected at a cost of about $1,800, and since then good schools have prevailed. R. E. Seichrest is Principal for the present term, and has forty-eight pupils in his department; and Miss Frankie Galbraith is the primary teach- er, with forty-three pupils. The first post office was established in 1857, and W. W. Hoskinson was the first Post- master. The Methodist Episcopal Church was the first and only one ever organized in the vil- lage. It was so effected in 1855 by Rev. W. H. Maxey. G. B. Galbraith, Wiley Galbraith, and wives, Joseph Black, Mrs. E. Buck and Yarby Galbraith and wife were among the early membors. It was organized in a small frame building erected for the purpose, where A. Tenney's store room stands, and was afterward sold to the district for school purposes. In 1805, the present well ar- ranged building was erected, mostly by the members, at a cost of $3,500. The Rev. Harper is the present pastor. The present Trustees are John D. McLucus, A. Armstrong, F. M. Galbraith, W. M. Johnson, A. T. C. Johnson and T. L. B. Weems. F. M. Gal- braith is Superintendent, and A. T. C. John- son Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday school of seventy-five pupils, and W. M. Al- vis, N. J. Galbraith, R. E. Seichrest, Eugene Tenney, Theo A. Johnson, Mary A. Johnson and Frank Galbraith are teachers. The following is a showing of the business of the village: A. Tenney, general merchant, Postmaster, Notary Public, etc. ; Galbraith & Haney, general merchants; Forth & Weav- er, general merchants; C. C. Bunch, black- smith; Alvis & Stephens, cabinet-makers; Johnsonville Milling Company; J. H. Nehf, harness shop; S. B. Mason, carpenter; W. M. Johnson and W. H. Kelson, physicians; W. L. Tenney, stoves and tinware; Brooks Brothers, shoe-makers; D. Dunlap, barber; Mrs. A. T. C. Johnson, millinery; A. Arm- strong, hotel. Coming down to the present time, there are but few persons remaining who lived about Johnsonville twenty-five years ago. While the little village will compare favorably with any locality in the county for health, many have died; but make the same review of the changes wrought in twenty-five years, and the numbers vvho have died are below an average mortality. Since the town is somewhat isolated, being situated several miles from railroad, it necessarily possesses comparatively less notoriety than some of its neighboring villages, through which the iron horse passes. The early set- tlers, many of whom have gone to their re- ward, have been succeeded by a class of un- pretending citizens, that for industry, intel- ligence and prosperity will compare favora- bly with any part of the county. The social 3IST0RY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 015 habits of the place have of corn ;ed in the last quarter of a century. While some of the present inhabitants arc eager for the daily papers that are brought once a day by hack from Gisne, lesl th lir interest may be affected by the "spring" or "decliae" in " the market," the pioneers were content with mail once a week, or less frequently. There is certainly a brighter future for Johuson- ville just beyond. Two railroads are now in progress, each of which is to pass adjacent to the place. Blue Point was laid out by Thomas Howe in 1855. Felix Mills was for awhile a dealer in general merchandise at the place, and was Postmaster. Mills pursued the business here for sometime, and then sold out. The build- ing and stock of go, ids were moved to Cisne. The dwelling where Mills lived yet marks the village. It is thought that C. C. Bunch conducted a blacksmith shop there for some time; anyway, a shop of that kind was in ex- istence, whether Bunch owned and run it or not. A schoolhouse was erected there soon after the place was laid out, and is still to be seen. Drs. Hall and Sprigg were stationed there for awhile. The town is a thing of the past, there being no business whatever done there. The following is a list of township officers since its organization: Supervisors.— A. S. Hargraves, 1800, 186] ; Robert Gray. 1862; A. S. Hargraves. 1863, 1804. 1S65; A. T. Galbraith, 1806. 1867; T. P. Alvis. 1868, L869 (county ruled by five Supervisors). \V. H. Mix. 1872; I. J. Tur- ner, 1873; G. M. Karr, 1874, 1875; I. Mil ner, 1876; G. M. Kan-, 1S77: J. Milner, 1878; L. P. Cook, 1879; Lewis Miller, 1880; T. L. B. Weems, 1881; Jesse Pennington. 1882, 1S83. Town Clerks. — Samuel Halliday, I860, 1861. 1862; John Rudesell. 1863; Felix Mills, 1864; G. M. Kan-. 1865, 1806; H. H. Brown, 1807; James Roy, 1868; G. Karr, L869; A Tenney, L870, 1871; S. B. Ma . T. I, B Weems. 1873; A. J. Hale, 1871, 1875; J. R. Alvis, 1876; Samuel Stut- ter, 1877; H. H. Brown. 1878; W. H. Dur- ham. 1879; Israel Stephens, 1880, 1881; E. M. Turner. 1882; II II Brown, 1883. Assessors. -W. B. Harrison, 1860; W. B. Harrison. 1861; W. E. Ellis, 1802, 1803; Robert Gray, 1864; F. M. Ellis, L865; H. Mix, 1866, 1867, 1868; James Irwin, 1869; W. E. Mix. L870; -I. Gleeson, 1871; B. H. Cornwell, 1872; A. T. Galbraith, 1873; E.J. Ream, 1874; W. M. Gilliland, 1875; \V. Church, 1876; S. Bunnell, 1877; T. L. B. Weems, 1878, 1879; B. H. Cornwell, L880; •). W. Evans. 1881; A. T. C. Johnson, 1882; E. M. Turner. 1883. Collectors.— A. T. Galbraith. i860: J. C. Maxey. 1861; H. H. Brown, 1802; C. C. Irvin, I Mi:! ; H. H. Brown, 1804. 1865; W. B. Hammond, 1866, L867; H. H. Brown, 1868; J. W. Chaney. ISO!); A. S. Hargraves, 1870; B. H. Cornwell, 1871, ; W. H. Mix, 1873; James McGrew, 1874; D. Spicer, 1875; H. P. Mix, 1876; A. J. Hale, 1877; F. M. Ellis. 1878; II. P. Mix, 1S7 ( J; I. J. Hale. 1880; H. P. Mix, 1881, 1882: N. T. Hale, 1883. Commissioners of Highways. — J. W. Brad- ley, Thomas 1 lowe and Jesse Pennington,lS60 Thomas Howe, 1861 ; .1 esse Pennington, 1862 David Mills, 1863; J. W. Chane>. X. E. Huberts, 1865; E. Milner, 1866; Moses Jones, 1867; George Flick, 1868; D. Spicer, ISO'.); .1. C. W i. 1870; Thomas Senters, 1871; I). Spicer, 1873; W. L. Har- rison, L874; J. A Wagner and A. J. Heath, L876; Joseph Kurtz. L877; J. A. \Y;> 1878; A. J. Heath. 1879; N. Border, 1880, 1881; I. X. Cunningham, 1882; G. A. Gaumer, 1883. 240 HISTORY OF WAVXH COUNTY. Constables.— T. W. Hill and W. W. Vaughn, 1860; P. Crissip, 1865; H. G. Wbeeler and W. S. Griffith, 1868; J. L. Curry and T. N. Connard, 1872; J. A. Weems and J. B. Holmes, 1873; John Miller and A. S. Hargraves, 1875; G. W. Penning- ton and H. M. Nehf, 1877; J. L. Currey, 1879; William Holmes, 1883. Overseers of the Poor. — George Weaver, 1860; J. L. Day, 1866; A. S. Hargraves, 1867. Justices of the Peace. — John Cunningham and I. J. Turner, 1860; T. P. Alvis and Samuel George, 1868, 1869, 1S70, 1871; J. Cunningham and T. P. Alvis, 1872; J. Wilson and T. P. Alvis, 1873; C. C. Bunch and W. A. Vernon, 1877 (Bunch resigned, and a special election was held, l-esulting in the election of T. P. Alvis). The record does not show who was elected from 1861 to 1868, from 1872 to 1S77, and from 1878 to 1883. Politically the township is about equally di- vided, as the following will show, taken from the township poll books of the spring election of 1883: For Supervisor, Republi- can votes, 124, Democrat, 119; for Assessor, Republican, 135, Democrat, 114; Collector, Republican, 135, Democrat, 116; Clerk, Re- publican. 141, Democrat, 107; Commission- ers of Highways, Republican, 131, Democrat, 117; Constable, Republican. 135, Democrat, 113. CHAPTER XXI. FOUR MILE TOWNSHIP— INTRODUCTION— BOUNDARIES— SURFACE— WATER-COURSES— PRODUC- TIONS— BEANS— FROG ISLAND— EARLY SETTLERS AND SKETCHES— THE WILD MAN— POPULATION— WAYNE CITY— MIDDLETON— KEENS— SCHOOLS ' CHURCHES— POLITICS— OFFICERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. DEPLORABLE indeed it is that more preciseness in regard to the dates of the interesting occurrences in which the history of the township revels, could not be secured. It again illustrates the invaluable importance of the present work, the importance of gath- ering and preserving all that can be obtained now, lest even this also be lost in the dark confines of oblivion, from which there arc no means to recover it. The youth of the present generation have but a faint idea, if any, of the dangers and hardships through which their forefathers were compelled to pass, of the trials and sufferings they had to endure, and of the formidable obstacles they had to surmount in order that this beautiful land of ours might be wrested from its wild and barbarous possessors and turned over to intelligence and civilization, under whose be- nign influence it has since bloomed and pros- pered. The story, then, of our early pioneers is not only interesting but instructive, and' worthy of thoughtful study. To study their habits and characteristics, their manner of gaining a subsistence, their romantic experi- ences, and the noble impulses which led them to strive and labor for the benefit of those to follow them, more so than for their own, af- fords not only delightful recreation, but it is a theme which offers rich returns to an ear- nest contemplation thereof. But we have in other chapters devoted considerable space to this subject, and we will not repeat. Four Mile Township, to the immediate lUSTOItY OF WAYNE C01 XI Y 247 history of which this chapter is allotted, is the largest in the State of Illinois. It em- braces within its present limits eighty-six sections of land, although several of these do not possess the requisite number of acres. Its territory is made up of parts of four Con- gressional townships —Sections 7 to 36. in- clusive, of Town 2 south, Range 5 east; 17 to 36 inclusive, of Town 2 south, Range 6 east; 1 to 13 inclusive, of Town 3 south, Range 5 east; and 1 to 13 inclusive of Town 3 south, Range 6 east. The boundaries are as follows: North, by Hickory Hill and Ar- rington Townships; east, by Arrington and Big Mound Townships; south, by Hamilton County, and west, by Jefferson County. The original precinct or rather the territory em- braced in Four Mile Precinct, previous to township organization, had the following boundaries: Commencing with the intersec- tion of Horse Creek and the Jefferson County line, following the course of the former to its confluence with Skillet Fork, and the lat- ter to its point of crossing the line of Ham- ilton County; west on this line to that of Jefferson County, and north again to Horse Creek. The territory comprised within these described limits was, although of different shape, about the same size as the present town- ship. The preciuct took its name from Four Mile Creek, and the township did not. choose to change it, but who named the creek could not be ascertained. The origin of the name is equally obscure, and there appears to be nothing even as a suggestion for it. The surface of this township is greatly varied. Something like one-half of it is swamp laud, which includes the immense flats and bottoms along Skillet Fork. Large tracts of these low lands are nearly continu- ally overflowed, and the whole of them are not at present subject to profitable tillage. The improved systems of drainage w undoubtedly render hundreds of acres capa- ble of successful cultivation, and it is prob- able that they will be applied before many years. The township includes, however, sev- eral large prairies, known as Sis Mile, Long, Brush and Elk, and upon these are many beautiful farms. The soil is sandy and loamy in some parts, but it is more inclined to be clayish than in some parts of the county. It is generally rich, and gives good returns for the labor of the intelligent farmer. The principal water courses are the Skillet Fork and Four Mile Creek, each of which have numerous small tributaries. Tbe former enters the township in Section 14, Town 2 south, Range 5 east, and flowing southeast leaves it in Section 36, Town 2 south, Range 6 east. Four Mile comes in at Section 30, Town 2 south, Range 5 east, and, flowing east, empties its muddy waters into Skillet Fork in Section 28, Town 2 south, Range 6 east. Along the Skillet Fork, in former days, the finest and most luxuriant growths of white oak timber grew there in great abundance. The principal timber at the present day, con- sisting chiefly of the many varieties of oak, hickory and gum, are found in the bottoms along the water -courses, but there are also a few high ridges on which good timber is found in considerable quantities. The water of this portion of the county is unusually good, and is struck at an average depth of twenty feet, but in some parts borings have been made for upward of 100 feet in depth, without success. The main productions of the township are the usual cereals, red-top graHs seed and ap- ples. The considerable boom which the lat- ter have taken during the past few years has resulted in the setting out of many hundreds of young trees, mostly of the Ben Davis and Rome Beauty varieties, and this boom is far from being a spasmodic one, for the incom- 248 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. parable adaptability of this section of the State to fruit culture has already been clear- ly established. Several years back, tbe at- tention of the farmers of Four Mile was di- rected almost wholly to the raising of castor beans, and quite a reputation was gained on account of the large quantities raised and shipped, but somehow they seem to have got enough of the oily article, and the cultiva- tion of them is now not very extensive. What is now, and has for a long time been known as "Frog Island," is a por- tion of land situated in the southeast part of the township, and extending into Hamilton County. During periods of high water, it is entirely surrounded, although several small streams, gulches and swamps materially assist in making it an island proper. The " island " contains some rich farming lands, and although not having as large a population as New York, it is, nevertheless, a very important " deestrict, " and one that is heard from pretty loudly sometimes on election days. It is some seven or eight miles long, east and west, by four or live north and south. To particularize each early settlement in a township, or to give the exact date and de- tails of the arrival of each old settler, is a task not easy of accomplishment. John It. Smith was the first man to settle in what is now Four Mile Township, about whom much is known. He came from Kentucky, but in what year we could not learn. He was the biggest man in the county, weighing up- ward of 300 pounds, and was fond of per- forming a variety of feats requiring great strength and nerve. He always claimed to be very illiterate, but was brimful of jokes, and was marvelously well posted on points of Scripture. He could not only quote prof use- ly from any writer in the Book of books, but was able, if some passage was read to him, to immediately tell the verse, chapter and author with remarkable precision. He raised a large 'family here, and died here himself at a good old age. Two sons, Will- iam H. and Daniel, and a daughter, Betsey, are yet living, the latter the wife of William Collins, a resident of Hamilton County. A remarkable character came into Four Mile about the same time as Smith. It was William Hetherly, but more commonly known as the " Wild Man." He came from Tennessee, and after living here a few years, went — nobody knows where. He received the name of the "Wild Man" from his in- satiate delight in hunting and tramping the wilderness from one end to the other. Fre- quently has he been seen to start out with his own " big self," his boy and his dog — all upon the same old bob tailed filly. The boy would keep an eye out for bee-trees, while the old man would cast suspicious glances at every thicket for a deer, and the dog — the dog — yes, he probably had his hands full watching the old man, and was brought into service when the deer came out. The old hunter fed his family on wild meat and honey, and clothed them with the proceeds arising from the disposal of the hides. John, Henry, Martin, Jacob, Abram, Polly and Sally Myers, all brothers and sisters, were early settlers in Four Mile Township. They came from Kentucky, and many of their de- scendants are yet living here and in the sur- rounding country. Polly Myers married John R. Smith, of whom we have already spoken, and Sally married Martin Sowell, an old settler here. After his death, she mar- ried Asel Cross, who came here from Tennes- see at an early day. The only r one of the old Myers yet living is Winnie, the widow of Henry. She is a daughter of Bart Atchison, who was an old settler in Moore's Prairie, Jefferson County. Previous to her marrying HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 249 Myers, she was the wife of a man by the name of Farnsworth. David Garrison and Charles Trotter came into the township at an early day, and lo- cated on Frog Island, ami many of their de- scendants yet reside in that neighborhood. Solomon Boyd located in Six Mile Prairie early, after having been in Hamilton County for a few years His family consisted of five sons — Henry, Lyle, John, William and Mil- ton, and three daughters — Catharine, Lizzie and Mary. Mr. 13<>\d bad the reputation of being the greatest rail maker in the country. Andrew Davis came from Tennessee here about 1836, and is yet living in Four Mile. From the same Stale came James P. Boswell, and his children. as follows: William, Joseph, James, John. Washington, Timothy, Sally, Phoebe and Cynthia. Upon certain occasions, the old man would style himself " Jimmie Pepper," and many will remember him bet- ter by that name. Joseph is now living in Mount Vernon, 111., aDd William, Tim and Sally in this township, the latter the widow of Richard Jenkins, who came here among the first, and whose chief character- istic was that of whistling, of which recrea- tion he was never tired. Among other early settlers are mentioned Solomon and Richard Mandrill, Calvin Shell, the latter of whom came in 1838 from Tennessee; Ennis .Mai- den and his son-in-law, George Mabery, and the Austins; John Mateer, his wife Peggy, his four sons -Robert. John, An- thony and Montgomery, and his daughter, Rosanna, wife of Knight Reed, came from Pennsylvania a hoi 1 1 L840. The township since 1850 has settled up gradually but steadily, and has a present population of about 2,000 souls. The little village of Wayne City is situated on the Air Line Railroad, in Section 13. Township 2 south, Range 5 east, and IS. Township 2 south. Range 6 east. It was laid out in 1881, by Hilliard, County Sur- veyor, and incorporated the following year. But a few years ago there was nothing here but two or three little log cabins, a black- smith shop and an old saw mill. But in the short time since elapsed, it has taken a con- siderable boom, and grown to very promising proportions. It has general stores by J. B. Scudamore, who was her first merchant, and is the Postmaster; John Chandler, Augustus Smith and Reid Bros. ; John Tyler, hard- ware; Charles Jacobson, drugs; harness and furniture. L. Knowles; City Hotel; and Drs. Garrison, Bristow and Branson. The village supports were excellent graded schools, with able teachers in the Misses Bran- son and Staton. A fine merchant flouring mill was erected here in 1882. by Robert Ellis, and dpes a thriving business. Wayne City Lodge I. O. O. F. was organized in 1875, and was moved to the village in 1881. It has a membership of about thirty. The fol- lowing are the first and present village offi- cers: Board of Trustees, J. B. Scudamore, President, C. R. Ellis, J. R, Chandler, J. M. McRill, E. B. Reid and L. Merritt ;> Police Magistrate, A. K. Robinson; Village Clerk, Dr. B. E. Garrison; Marshal, A. C. Boswell; Street Commissioner, George Hollinger. Middleton, a small town, situated on Sec- tion 5, Township 3 south, Range 5 east, was laid off in 1854 by Wiliiam Whitacre, County Surveyor. It has not grown much in size since the first, as it has never had the advantages of any railroad facilities. The post office at this point is called Long Prairie post office, and mails come by way of i Station on the Air Line. Middleton had a Ma- sonic Lodge organized there before the late war, but it was afterward moved to Bell Hive, rson Co., 111. Asbury Lodge, No. 248, I. O. O. P., was organized about 1854, and is 250 HISTORY OF WAYXK COUNTY. in a prosperous condition. In 1861, the Methodists built a church at this place, but it was subsequently torn dovvn and a more substantial one erected, at a cost of $1,300. It is situated on Section 9, near the Farns- worth Graveyard, one mile southeast of the town. The hist doctor to locate in Middle- ton, was Daniel Wingate, and he represented this district under the " Five Horse Act." Keen Station is a small town situated on the Air Line three miles west of Wayne City, and consists of two general stores, and one grocery. It has a good school, and a substan- tial church building is being erected by the Missionary Baptists. A grist mill was put up there in 1881, and there are also two saw mills at this place. The first mill of any description in Four Mile Township was put up by John E. Smith, and was situated on Section 35 or 36. It was the old stump arrangement, with horse-power, and it ground meal for all the surrounding country for many years. After this, a water mill was put up on Skillet Fork, by Ennis Maiden and George Mabery. It was a grist and saw mill both. There is now no trace of it left. William Boswell had a stump mill also, and after that Martin Myers built a horse mill on Frog Island. The people of this section would also go to the Leech Mill on the Little Wabash River in Leech Township. The vast benefits to be derived from schools were not overlooked by the old settlers of Four Mile Township. Schools claimed their attention next to that of their families and their immediate wants. There were many little log cabins put up here and there over the township very early, but the exact loca- tion and the names of their first teachers could not be ascertained. An early school was kept on Frog Island by Thomas Gibbs, but wo could learn no further details regard- ing it. Another one was situated in Long Prairie, on the land of Richard Jenkins, and this was used for religious purposes also. The following items represent approximately the status of the schools of Four Mile at the present writing: Number of pupils enrolled, 750; number of school buildings, 11; num- ber of teachers employed, 21; average pay of same, males, $30 per month; females, $25. Estimated value of school property, $10,000. The church history of Four Mile is brief, although by this we do not mean to say that she is behind in her religious duties. All the preaching that the early pioneers enjoyed was done by traveling ministers of the Gos- pel, whose large circuits would not permit of visits more frequent, generally, than once or twice a year. Charles Koker and Thomas Cottonham, both Methodist preachers from McLeansboro, 111., visited the people here in an early day, and they organized the first Methodist Church, and preached at the house of Ennis Maiden, which was located on a spot now included within the limits of Wayne City. William Finn, a man by the name of Fox, John Gillum and John Gill were all early preachers, and of the Meth- odist denomination. The Regular Baptist preachers came in later, and preached first at a schoolhouse in Long Prairie, and built a church building near there, which was sub- sequently replaced by another one on the same place. We will here insert a few items worthy of record. The political parties in Four Mile are about equally divided, and many of the election contests in the township have been more a fight for politics than for men. They have had what they called the " Convention Ticket," the " People's Ticket," the " Bolter's Ticket" and all other kinds of tickets, but in later years the right man wins, as he should, be his politics what they may. HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 251 The last bear killed in the county was killed in 1877 in this township. A man by the name of Jones was the slayer, and the bear, which was a black one, weighed after being dressed. 450 pounds, including the hide. The bear had probably taken a notion to tramp, and had wandered up here from the South. The following is a list of some of the offi- cers of Four Mile since 1805: Supervisors — C. C. Myers, 1865-66; Dan- iel Wingate, 1867-71; J. B. Scudamore, L872-75; John Robinson, 1876-77; William Mabery. 1878-79; J. W. Jenkins, 1880; Samuel Keen, 1881; O. P. Nesmith, 1882-83. Town Clerks — W. H. Cleudenin, 1865-66; S. Farnsworth, 1S67-6S; A. .1. Slaton, 1869; J. R. Boswell, 1870-71; S. A. Long, 1872- 73; J. W. Roark, 1874; J. B. Brooks, 1875; S. Farnsworth, 1876; George Draper, 1N77; B. M. Garner. 1878; W. H. Clendenin. 1879; W. W. Coffee, 1880; J. W. Ellis, 1881; V. Hagarty, L882; Daniel Ballard, 1883. Assessors — C. C. Hopkins, 1865; J. F. S. Hopkins, 1866; W. J. Myers, 1867; N. M. Williams, 186S; Joseph Boswell, 1S69; N. M. Williams, 1870; J. D. Sewis, 1871-72; X. M Williams, 1873; A M. Bruce, 1874; H. M. White, 1875-76; Thomas Burgan, 1S77; W. T. Faulkner, 1878; S. Boswell, 1879; John Robinson, 1880; G. W. Draper, 1881; William Gray, 1882; P. Buffington, 1883. Collectors — Knight Reed, 1865; E. H. Chase, 1866-77; Thomas Scudamore, 1868; James Maulding, 1869; John Robinson, 1870-75; J. S. Austin, 1876; W. T. Faulk- ner, 1877; S. Boswell, 1878; S. L. Austin, 1879; Samuel Wood, 1880; S. L. Austin, 1881; P. Buffington, 1882; J. K.Wright, 1883. CHAPTER XXII. ELM IilVKK TOWNSHIP— BOUNDARIES AND SETTLEMENT— PIONEER INCIDENTS— POPULATION— SURFACE A.NH WATER-COUBSES— ENTERPRISE— EDUCATION AND SCHOOL STA- TISTICS—CHURCHES AND PREACHERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. ELM RIVER TOWNSHIP is bounded as follows: On the north by Zif Township, on the east by Mount Erie Township, on the south by Jasper and on the west by Bedford Township. Its position, as laid down by the Congressional survey, is Township 1 north, Range 8 east, of the Third Principle Me- ridian. The name given it at the time the county adopted the plan of township organi- zation, was that of Newton, but the name was subsequently changed to the prosent one, after Elm River, its principal stream, ami the latter owes its cognomen, it is said, to the large quantities of elm timber that for- merly grow along its banks. This township was not settled up as early as some others in the county, inasmuch as it comprised within its borders a large propor- tion of timber land, and consequently was not so easily accessible, nor so favorable to speedy cultivation and improvement; and furthermore, the early settlers, coming as they mostly did from Kentucky and Tennes- see, struck the southern ami the eastern por- tions of the county first, and so the first settlement made in Elm River was several 252 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. years subsequent to the earliest in some other townships. Samuel McCracken is credited with having been the first one to settle with- in its present limits. He came it is be- lieved in the year 1823, from near Hopkins- ville, Ky., and he lived and died upon the place he first located. He first penetrated the township upon a mere venture, and was greatly surprised at hearing, when near the spot he afterward concluded to make his home, what sounded to him like human voices, and he soon discovered them to be such. A band of Government surveyors were on the ground, busily engaged in their " mysterious " work, and the meeting of all hands was very hearty and enthusiastic. Mr. McCracken erected the first horse mill in the township, and it was operated for several years, supply- ing the all-important meal to the residents of the surrounding country. Jesse Fly and his five sons — John, James, Jackson, Perry and Columbus, and his three daughters — Eliza, Sarah and Martha — came about the same time as McCracken, as did also Thomas Mayes, the latter the grandfather of T. J. Mayes, who was born in the township December 27, 1828, and is yet a resident of it. Jesse Fly also put up a horse mill in an early day, and ran it for several years. It was situated on Section 24. John McCracken, a brother to Samuel, followed the latter into the township but a few years later, and his eldest child, now Mary J. Cross, was the first child born in it. She is still living and yet resides near the place of her birth. William McCormick, William Fitch, Daniel Kelley and Aaron Flat followed the McCrackens and Flys but a few years subsequently, and the township settled up gradually up to 1850, during which year the population was materially increased by the arrival of many German families, and the German element is now numerically in the ascendency in the township; in fact there are more in Elm River than in the balance of the county. In 1853, several fam- ilies came from Ohio and Indiana, and the arrivals from this date on became more rapid, giving the township a present population of 1,100. The surface of Elm River Township is di- versified between woodland and prairie, and the soil which is of the dark grayish order is sufficiently rich to give abundant returns for the labor of the farmer. Good water is found at an average depth of twenty or twen- ty-five feet, although some wells in the town- ship are sunk as deep as sixty feet. The principal water-courses are Elm River and Deer Creek. The former winds its course across the township, nearly diagonally from northwest to southeast, and with its numer- ous small tributaries, affords ample drainage to a large scope of country. It is, however, subject to overflows to a considerable extent at nearly all times of the year, and some damage has been thereby done to the crops, etc., on land lying adjacent to its banks. Deer Creek enters the township in Section 31, from the west, and flows in a southwest- erly direction, leaving the township near the corner of Sections 34 and 35, and loses its name at its junction with Elm River in Jas- per Township. Enterprise. — This little town is situated in the north part of Section 18, and stands upon land formerly owned by Jacob Bartlett, who was an early settler in the township. Bartlett sold the farm to Benjamin Cobourn, who a few years later disposed of the same to Jacob H. Biddle, who had the town plat- ted, named it Enterprise, and put up the first store in it. A post office was created at this point in 1852, and Henry Farnswcrth was appointed the first Postmaster. He was suc- ceeded by the following in the order named: R. B. White, David Faurat, J. B. Tidball, HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 253 J. W. Ingram. T. J. Mayes, Jeremiah Mur- phy, William Ziudle and L. D. Barth, the present incumbent. John Rinard, F. A. Kutz, B. Cooper, T. J. Mayes and J. W T . In- gram have all merchandized in Enterprise successfully, as the town commands the trade of a large scope of country. The business references at the present time are a general store, L. D. Barth, proprietor; a blacksmith and wagon shop, by Louis Frehse, and G. W. Rucker, physician and surgeon. In the matter of education, the early pio- neers were disposed to give this supreme subject the attention it deserved. They clearly perceived the inadequateness of the school facilities of their day, and they at once set about to improve them for the bene- fit of the following generation. The first schoolhouse built in Elm River was an or- dinary log hut with puncheon floors and slab seats, and it was taught by Russell Cur- ry. The following items, regarding the status of the schools of this township, are taken from the report of the County Super- intendent, and are for the year ending June 30, 1883: Number of school buildings, frame, five; brick, one, and log. one. Number of pupils enrolled, 2'.lU. Number of teachers employed, 10. Average pay of same, males, $30; fe- males $22. Estimated value of school prop- erty, $3,000. The church history of Elm River is short and easily told. There were no churches for several years after the earliest settlements, and religious meetings were in those days held in private cabins and the early school - houses. The circuits of the pioneer men who labored hard and earnestly for the cause of Christ were very extensive and embraced a large scope of territory, and their visits at a place were seldom more frequent than once or twice a year. Revs. Bennett and Spil man, both of the old Presbyterian school, wore the first to dispense the precious Gospel truth to the scattered inhabitants of this town- ship. A man by the name of Griffy was an early Baptist preacher, and afterward taught school here, but 'left the country, it is re- ported, under circumstances reflecting little credit upon his morals. There are now three church buildings in Elm River, one a Bap- tist Church made of brick and called the Brick Church, situated on Section 24, and was erected in 1873 by the people of all de- nominations, but it ha.-i been principally used by the Baptist people. About the same time, the German Albright Evangelical Church was erected in the town of Enterprise, but was superseded in 1883 by a larger and more substantial structure, and the old build- ing is used as a storehouse in connection with the business house of L. D. Barth. This church is composed of the German residents, and a large and prosperous Sunday school is maintained, of which L. D. Barth is Super- intendent. The Brown Church, named so after the color of its paint, is a frame struct- ure, located on Section 23, and is used by all denominations. The following is a list of the officers of Elm River since 1860: Supervisors. — Henry Holtzhouser, 1860- 61; John Rapp, 1862; Henry Holtzhouser, L863 64; J. W. Atteberry, 1865-66; Henry Holtzhouser, 1867. From this time to 1873, the county was governed by what was called " The Five Horse Court." A. A. Campbell L874-75; John Mann, 1878; A. A. Camp- bell, 1X77; John Mann, 1878-79; A. A. Campbol), 1880-81; Milton Holmes, 1882, andL. D. Barth, 1883. TmvnClerks.- T.J.Mayes, L860-61-62; M. J. Morris, L863 64; R. B. Wright, 1865; Richard McClure, 1866 67; A. Berninger, 1868; Richard McClure, L869; I. W. Ingram, 254 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 1870; Peter Lewis, 1871; M. J. Morris, 1872-73-74-75; T. J. Mayes, 1876; J. T. Hendershott, 1877; J. T. Mayes, 1878; M. J. Morris, 1879; T. J. Mayes, 1880; O. S. Brown, 1881-82; L. E. Frazier, 18S3. Assessors. — Calvin Keeton, 1860; Joseph Fitch, 1861; E. B. Wright, 1862; Calvin Keeton, 1863; S. W. Trotter, 1864-65; Cal- vin Keeton, 1866; J. R. Shelton, 1867; Cal- vin Keeton, 1868; Milton Holmes, 1869; Cal- vin Keeton, 1870; J. S.Morris, 1871; George Marvel, 1872; S. W. Trotter, 1873; Calvin Keeton, 1874-75; John A. Rn-sell, 1876; M. J. Morris, 1877; B. J. Smith, 1878; N. C. Phelps, 1879; M. J. Morris, 1880-81-82; and T. H. B. King, 1883. Collectors. — P. Rogers, 1860; David Holmes, 1861; M. J. Morris, 1862; R. B. Wright, 1863; A. B. Rogers, 1864-65; T. J. Mayes, 1866; David Holmes, 1867; A. B. Rogers, 1868; P. Rogers, 1869; S. W. Trotter, 1870- 71; R. F. Atteberry, 1872-73; L. E. Fra- zier, 1874-75; Calvin Keeton, 1876; Milton Holmes, 1877-78; J. A. Rogers, 1879-80; William McCracken, 1881; L. D. Barth, 1882; and Jasper Trotter, 1883. Commissioners of Highways. — Anderson, Cox and McCracken, 1860; Trotter, Walker and Marvel, 1861; Laird, Rogers and Shel- ton, 1862; Laird, Rogers and Sharp, 1863; Laird, Walker and Johnson, 1864; Trotter, Walker and Fitch, 1865; Laird, Johnson and Jones, 1866; Walker, Stein and Best, 1867; Atteberry, Holtzhouser and Shelton, 1868; Atteberry, Laird and Walker, 1869; Johnson, Campbell and Marvel, 1870; A. A. Campbell was elected in 1871; J. Marvel in 1872; J. Vanfossen in 1873; A. A. Camp- bell, 1874; Joshua Graham, 1875; L. E. Frazier, 1876; Charles Mott, 1877; John Mc- Cracken, 1878; A. Holman, 1879; W. W. Laird, 1880; T. H. B. King, 1881; James Padget, 1882; and David Billington, 1883. CHAPTER XXIII. ZIF TOWNSHIP— BOUNDARIES AND SURFACE— ORIGIN OF NAME— FIRST SETTLERS— ZIF— RELK;ii >IS AND EDUCATIONAL NOTES— AGRICULTURE— MAIN PRODUCTIONS— THE GREAT PRAIRIE FIRE, ETC., ETC. THIS beautiful little township has the following boundaries and position — Clay County on the north, Mt. Erie Town- ship on the east, Elm River Township on the south, and Bedford Township on the west, and is designated as Town 2 north, Range 8 east, but includes only the southern half of this Congressional township. Zif occupies a most admirable position, being included almost wholly in Long Prairie, and its gently undulating surface dotted here and there with its several large and beautiful private dwellings, presents a most pleasing landscape to the appreciative eye. The only timber within the limits of Zif, is situated in the western portion and northeast corner of the township, and is com- posed chiefly of the usual varieties of elm, oak and hickory. The soil of this township is generally of an ash-gray color, and al- though possessing less humus or organic matter than the black loamy soil of Central HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 255 Illinois, yet, is sufficiently rich to yield abundant returns under the intelligent labor of her prosperous farmers. The streams of this township are all small, yet afford a good and sufficient drainage to the whole territory embraced in it. They all flow from the cen- tral part in oast and southwest directions. The word Zif, which is a somewhat pecu- liar name for a township, was the one se- lected by J. C. Patterson and W. R. Barker, who represented this portion of the county at the fast convention held after the cptestion of township organization had been affirmatively settled. It was patterned after the old He- brew month of the same name, and this we presume is all the significance it has. Con- cerning the early settlers, not much of the history regarding their advent into this town- ship could be ascertained. . The first pioneer to permanently locate within its limits is be- lieved to be John McDaniel, who was an in- veterate hunter, and who raised a large fam ily here. William Tanner, Isaac Creek, John Parish and Jacob and Henry Reister were also among the first of the early set tiers. Jacob C. Williams, the oldest settler now living in Zif, came here from Ohio in 1838, and has resided in the township mostly ever since. The little town of Zif, whoso all consists in a residence or two, a store having a post office in it, all of which is owned and run by Mr. Ezra Banker, has never been laid off. The post office was established about the same time the township was organized, and the order of the successive Postmasters is aB follows: J. C. Patterson, Levi Johnson, Louvina A. Sharp, and the present incum- bent, Ezra Banker, who has had the office since 1868. He also keeps a general store, and has a large trade from the surrounding country. The history of the early churches and preachers is given at large in another por- tion of this work, and that of Zif is sub- stantially the same as that therein described. The Zif Baptist Church, situated on Section 28, was the first church building erected in the township, and the church is still in a prosperous condition. The Methodists have a large and substantially built church edifice, where regular and largely attended meetings are held. It is situated on Section 20. The cause of education has always received the studied attention it deserves at the hands of the people of Zif, and the primitive log cabin, with puncheon floors and slab seats, has been superseded by more pleasant and commodious structures, and there are now in Zif three of these latter, with other items in relation thereto, as follows, taken from the County Superintendent's report, for the year ending June 30, 1883: Number of pupils enrolled, 113; number of teachers employed, 6; average pay of same, §25; estimated value of school prop- erty, $1,500. As previously stated, Zif Township com- prises within its limits a section of country of high agricultural worth. Its farmers are generally prosperous and wealthy, and pos- sess in many instances from 400 to 800 acres of land each, which are devoted considerably to the raising of quality stock, although ad- mirably adapted to the successful production of the cereals, and, on the higher ground and ridges, to fruit culture, particularly that of apples, which latter has received the especial attention of the farmers for the last few years, owing to the happy discovery that a better portion of the Great West, for this purpose, could hardly be pointed out. A brief account of a prairie fire, as given by one of the oldest residents of Zif, is here recorded. Only those who have seen the like_ can fully imagine with what terrific 256 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. rush and destruction it sweeps across the country, ofttimes distancing a horse upon the dead run, and spurred on perhaps by the frenzied anxiety of his rider to reach his dis- tant home and save his family and goods. Upon the occasion to which we refer, and it occurred in the fall of 18-43 when the prairie in Zif was as yet unsettled, the wind which was in the southwest, suddenly shifted to the northwest, apparently to meet and combine forces with a huge black cloud that had gathered in that quarter, and backed by this the fire that had caught the prairie to the north came on with a terrible velocity and vengeance, sweeping everything in its path- way, and destroying game in large quantities, and also many horses and hogs that found no time to escape from its fearful onslaught. A rain, that had come up in the meantime, [ put a stop to the scene, and probably saved | some of the lower settlements along its in- tended path from partial if not total de > struction. CHAPTEE XXIV. MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP— INTRODUCTION— BOUNDARIES— EARLY SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS- ALEXANDER RAMSEY— TOPOGRAPHY— CHIEF PRODUCTIONS— MILLS— THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT ERIE— WHEN AND BY WHOM LAID OUT— ITS PRESENT BUSINESS REPRESENTATIONS— LODGES— CHURCHES— SCHOOLS, ETC., ETC. THE historian, to whom is ascribed the pleasant yet ofttimes perplexing task of gathering together the tangled threads from which a comprehensive recital of the historical happenings incident to the time of the coun- try's early struggle for occupation and devel- opment can be given, has to usually contend, among other obstacles, with that of a consid- erable lack of details and of preciseness in names, dates and early records, and these constitute the very elements of despair in his endeavor to reach a satisfactory conclu- sion of his labors. The pioneer generations have nearly all passed away, and with them has unfortunately gone a share of the inter- esting and valuable history concerning days long gone by. Such history is certainly as interesting and instructive as it is varied and strange. To sit by our firesides at the pres- ent day and be enabled by means of the im- proved facilities in writing and printing to read the romantic story of the stanch and ad- venturous pioneer, to study his character and habits, and to learn of his manner and means of gaining a subsistence in the hitherto un- explored domain of wild men and beasts, is indeed a source of extreme satisfaction and profit. There are happily a few old settlers yet left us, whose infancy was spent amid the romantic scenes of early times, and whose memories still retain the innumerable descrip- tive stories told them in days of old at the old fireside by their fathers and grandfathers, and we snatch these as we would a child from the burning building, lest they are all con- signed to oblivion, and the future know little of the interesting past. Mt. Erie Township, to the history of which this chapter is devoted, revels in historical occurrences of the greatest importance. The ^^-Z-^o //»/X K^^C^t^t^r HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. territory embraced within its limits comprises some of the richest farming lands in the county of Wayne, and it is no surprise that it was among the first to be settled up. The one and one half Congressional townships, Township 1 north and the south part of Township 2 north, Range 9 east, of the Third Principal Meridian, of which Mt. Erie is now composed, were formerly and previous to township organization included in Long Prai- rie Precinct, which latter was also called by some for a few years Mt. Erie Precinct. The present boundaries of the township are: On the north Richland and Clay Counties; on the east, by Edwards County; th. by Massillon Town hip: and west, by Elm River and Zif Townshi s, which situates it in the northeast corner of Wayne County. Alexander Ramsey came into the township a prospecting tour in the latter part of the year 1818, and on Christmas night ar- 1 at the foot of the hill on which the village of Mt. Erie now stands. No wonder that he paused here. A. large and beautiful spring, whose crystal waters glistened and sparkled in the sunlight, sent forth a spon- taneous invitation to him to stop and freely partake of its refreshing draughts. It was Minuted at the foot of the hill and in the midst of a grove of the finest and most lux- uriant growth of white oak timber that his eyes had ever beheld. This, with the beau- tiful prairie which stretched for miles before his anxious gaze, so gently undulating and dressed in the garments of nature, undis- turbed, with a broad river winding its rip- pling and solemn way through the pictur- esque scene to the north, caused him to make a halt, which he did. and here, upon the same spot, he died in 1856, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. Ho named the grove spoken of, and it was known by his name for upward of forty years. Mr. Ram- I 259 as born in South Carolina, and when only sixteen years of age entered the service in ili ■ Revolutionary war. and served during the last two yearsof that memorable struggle for liberty and independence. Coming with Mr. Ramsey into the township were his son JamjSs, Alexander Nisbet, William Farmer, William McCormick, and possibly Andrew Bratton. The balance of Mr. Ramsey's fam- ily, consisting of his wife, two sons and two daughters, followed him shortly afterward, as did also the families of the others men- tioned, with the exception of McCormick, who was a single man. The old settlers were usually ardent hunters; especially was old Mr. Ramsey fond of the hunt and chase, and many a bear and deer have succumbed to his unerring aim. The last bear killed in Mt. Erie Township was shot by Alexander Nisbet. A man by the name of Thrasher came into the township from Kentucky in 1819 or 1820, and died a few years after- ward, being the first grown person that died in the township. William Whitford and family, and families by the name of Davis and Stinson, came a year later, as did also William Fitch, who afterward moved into Elm River Township, and Anthony Street, both latter of whom came from Tennessee. John Rice located hero about 1827, and died in the townshi p. About the samo year, David Ray and family came from Tennessoo, and after residing in Mt. Erie about fifteen years moved into Brush Creek Township, where he died. About 1825, William Farley and family came from Kentucky, and he died here at an old age. His son, Andrew J. Farley, still resides in the township, and a daughter, Jane, is also living, the wife of John Fitch, a farmer in Elm River Township. Joseph, Hugh and James Walker, three brothers, eamo from Indiana hero in 18:i'J, and the following year Charles and lames 15 2 GO HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Vanderveer, Larkin and Gillison Price and Jesse Williams, coming from the same State, located here also. Settlements were less rapid up to about 1850, in which and several subsequent years there arrived many families from Ohio. Mt. Erie Township, as before stated, lies in a rich farming section of country. It is diversified between woodland and prairie, and the soil is usually light or grayish and very rich. The principal timber of the town- ship, composed chiefly of the various varie- ties of oak and hickory, is found along the course of the Little Wabash River, which en- ters the township in Section 19, Town 2 north, Range 9 east, and leaves it in Section 12, Town 1 north, Range 9 east. Miller Creek, a small stream, rises in the south part of the township, and flowing northeast empties into the Little Wabash. As pure water as is found anywhere in the county is found in Mt. Erie at an average depth of twenty feet, though there are a few wells that have a depth of sixty feet. The chief productions of the township are the usual varieties of grain and the seed of the red-top grass, the latter being one of the chief productions of this and the surrounding country. The farmers of this section give considerable attention to stock, including principally the finer and hardier breeds of cattle and hogs. Among the first things to claim the atten- tion of the old settlers was some kind of a mill by which their corn could be converted into meal, and this was one of supreme im- portance. The old stump mill had been su- perseded by the horse mill, and the first ma- chine of this description brought into Mount Erie Township was run by old Alex Ramsey for about fifteen years. It was located where Mount Erie Village now stands, and its suc- cessor was one put up in the east part of the township by James Bradshaw, about 1840 and this was operated for ten years. The first steam mill was erected in the village of Mount Erie in the year 1866, by William Schwarberg; a grist mill was added, and a carding machine subsequently attached. It was sold to Price & Nisbet. who ran it for five years, when it was sold to Price, Bald- ridge & Co., who shortly afterward built a new mill, now known as the " Gem Mills," and operated by Miller, McCollum & Co. A substantial bridge, having a total length of 140 feet, and resting upon wooden piers, was bnilt by the county in 1880 across the Little Wabash River, in the north part of the town- ship. It was built at a cost of SI, 300, and is of infinite advantage to the residents of the township on both sides of the river. The Village of Mount Erie. — This is a most beautiful little town, situated on a consider- able rise of ground in the south part of Sec- tion 17, of Town 1 north. Range 9 east. Its corporate limits include, 240 acres of land. Seen from a distance, it presents an extreme- ly romantic and picturesque scene, reminding one of some ancient citadel, reared upon the crest of a lofty hill. The original plat con- sisted of ten acres of ground sold by Alex- ander Ramsey to Nathaniel Travers and Jon- athan Copley, with conditions in the deed that the latter two would lay out a town, which they did in the year 1853, the plat being surveyed by William Whitacre, then County Surveyor. The town was to be named Ramsey, but Mr. Ramsey himself pre- ferred "Mount Airie," and this latter name was given it. The first building erected in town was a little frame hut, put up by William Copley, and used by him as a dwelling and store. A post office was created at this point in 1856, and Andrew Crews was appointed the first Postmaster. He was succeeded in the order named: By A. F. Nisbet, Edward BISTORT OF WAYNE COUNTY. 361 Willey, L. Mayo, V. R. Price, and J. T. Price, the present incumbent. Mount Erie Lodge, No. 331, A., F. & A. M., was organ- ized in 1858, with the following charter members: E. Boor, George L. Camp, C. McElvy, J. T. Price, J. M. MeCormick, Ed- ward Willey and J. C. Williams. The first officers were: E. Boor, W. M. ; G. L. Camp, S. W. ; J. M. MeCormick, J. W. ; J. T. Price, Sec. ; C. McElvy, S. D. ; J. C. Williams, J. D. ; and E. Willey, Treas. The present (1883) officers are: A. N. Nisbet, W. M.; M. H. Sheldon, S. W.; L. Wright, J. W.; J. W. Vanderveer, Sec. ; J. T. Price, Treas. ; D. Holmes, S. D. ; and F. M. Yoke, J. D. The Lodge is in a prosperous condition, owning their own property, which includes a neat and commodious hall, and has a membership of about forty. The principal business rep- resentations in the village are as follows: General stores, by J. T. Price & Co., A. F- Nisbet & Son, Vanderveer & Bradskaw, and Camp & Quinby. Hardware, Carson & Van- derveer. Milliners, Mrs. Holt and Mis. Helen Blackford. A fine saddle and harness shop, two blacksmiths, one wagon -maker's, and one cabinet-maker's shop. The resident doctors are Mundy, Blackford and Sheldon. Mount Erie supports an excellent graded school, employing three teachers. The builds ing is a large frame structure, erected in 1866, and is divided into three grades, under the management of Principal Stats, with able n--Mstants Lillie Holmes and Ella Kron- iniller. Mount Erie has two church build- ings both frame structures, one built by the Presbyterians in 1856, with William Finley as first pastor, and the other by the Method- ists, two years later, and this latter church is still in a flourishing condition. Rev. John Reader is the present pastor. The outlook for the little village of Mount Erie is bright. Her people are an enterprising one, and she possesses an admirable location, which, with the ample railroad facilities soon promised, bespeak for her a progressive prosperity for all time. The early church and school history of Mount Erie Township is substantially the same as elsewhere, and receives adequate at- tention in other chapters of this work. Jacob E. Reed came through this country on his circuit at a very early day, and Alexander Blakley was the first pastor of the Methodist Church. Revs. Spilman and Bennett, both Presbyterians, paid annual visits to this sec- tion, and dispensed the Gospel to its scattered residents. The only church building outside of Mount Erie Village lies a few miles south- east of the latter, and is known as the Mc- Kendree Chapel. It was built by the people generally, but has been used principally by the Methodists. The first school taught in the township was by a man by the name of Camp, and the lit- tle log schoolhouse was situated but a short distance southeast of Mount Erie. Russell Curry succeeded Camp, and taught in the same building. The following items regard- ing the schools of Mount Erie Township are compiled from the official report of the County Superintendent, and are for the year ending Jane 30, 1883: Number of frame schoolhouses,7; number of pupils enrolled, 51)1; number of teachers em- ployed, 14. Average pay of same, males, $35; females $25. Estimated value of school property, $4,000. 262 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER XXV. ARRINGTON TOWNSHIP— BOUNDARIES— FIRST SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS— UNCLE JIMMY SIMMS- TOPOGRAPHY— CHIEF PRODUCTIONS— MILLS— SIMS— CINCINNATI AND COVINGTON —EARLY SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS— CHURCHES— OFFICERS, ETC. ARRINGTON TOWNSHIP has the fol- lowing boundaries: On the north, by Indian Prairie Township; on the east, by Lamard and Big Mound Townships; on the south, by Four Mile Township: and on the west, by Four Mile and Hickory Hill Town- ships. Within its limits are comprised Con- gressional Township 1 south, Range 6 east, and sixteen sections of Township 2 south, Range 6 east. The township took its name from the large and beautiful prairie included within its borders, and the prairie was named in honor of Charles Arrington, one of its first settlers. Previous to his arrival, however, there came Thomas and George Walton, brothers, and Joseph White. They were all natives of the north part of England. They had heard of the glorious land of liberty and plenty, and in the year ISIS crossed the ocean, and pushing for the far West, passing State after State, never resting their weary limbs until they reached beautiful Arrington, when they halted, satisfied that this was the place to make their homes. But poor Thomas did not have long to enjoy the expected pleasure and happiness surrounding his new abode, for in but two short years he died, his death being the first in the township. His brother and Joseph White lived hero, and died many years later. Charles Arrington came from Tennessee, bringing his family with him. He resided here about twenty years, and moved to Williamson County, 111., where he probably lived until his death. John, a son of Joseph White, was the first child born in the township; he was born about 1824. James Simms located here in 1821, after having lived in Big Mound Prairie for a few years. He was born March 7, 1792, in Buck- inghamshire, England, and was twenty-seven years of age when he sailed for America, be- ing about five weeks in crossing the ocean. He is still living, and is yet a resident of Arrington. He still possesses a retentive memory, a strong voice, and is remarkably active for one of so advanced an age. He has several children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren living, most of whom are residents of the township. James and Lewis Warmick and Peter and Henry Ooley came from Kentucky, and located here at an early day. James Turner was also an early set- tler, and a man by the name of Dewey came about 1824. Dewey came up the creek in a boat of some kind, on which he had his fur- niture and cooking utensils, and during the trip his skillet was lost in the stream, and this circumstance, if it served no other pur- pose, gave at least a name to the creek, and Skillet Fork has retained it ever since. Will- iam Simms, a brother of James, of whom we have spoken, and his nephew William, James Edge and his two sons, John and Cornelius, all brought their families, and settled here very early. They came from Ohio. A man by the name of Eddings and his son came HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 263 from Tennessee, and located here at an early day also, but after a short residence left for some more northern county. Among other old settlers were James Cissna and Richard Grant, the latter of whom came from En- gland. Isaac Harlan and William Harlan, both of whom came from Kentucky, and a man by the name of Tnbbs, who emigrated here from Ohio. After 1850, many families came here from Ohio and the Eastern States. Thomas Wilson and family. Israel Foracre and family, George Hilliard and M. M. Wheeler were among those who came about that time. M. M. Wheeler settled in the county in 1823, and located in this township in 1852, after residing in Barnhill and Leech Townships. The settlements in Arrington have been quite rapid during late years, and the township shows a pi-esent population of upward of 1,600. Arrington Prairie is about ten miles in length by two to three in width, and is in- cluded almost wholly by this township. The soil is somewhat varied, being loamy in some places, but is generally made up of a yellow- ish clay, possessing strong productive qual- ities, and yields abundant crops of every- thing that can be grown in this section. It is particularly adapted to wheat-growing, and to look across the prairie jusi before harvest, one might think that every acre was devoted to the cultivation of that studio cereal. The principal watercourse is Dry Fork, which enters the township in Section 2, Town 1 60uth, Range east, and flows through its entire length, due south, and leaves it from Section 14. Town '.' south. Range G east. Its numerous small tributaries, with those of Skillet Fork, which barely crosses the corner of Section 7, Town 2 south. Range east, afford ample drainage to the entire section. Dry Fork derives its name from the fact that there are no springs in it, and it contains water only during wet seasons. It ofttimes overflows, however, doing considerable dam age to crops, etc., on lands lying adjacent to its banks. The only timber in the township lies along the streams, and it consists chiefly in oak, hickory, sweet gum, elm and maple. Good water is usually found at an average depth of twenty feet, though in some places wells have to be sunk considerably deeper. It was not long a f ter the first settlement in Arrington that a mill was put up. Mills were among the first things claiming imme- diate attention. The early pioneers had to eat, and some kind of an arrangement by which their corn could be converted into meal was therefore a matter of supreme im portance. The first mill in this township was put up by Jonathan Whitson. It was a horse mill, and was located a short distance northwest of the present little town of Cin- cinnati. About the same time, Wesley Staton erected a water mill on Dry Fork, and Ben- jamin Mabery built the dam. No traces of either one of these are now visible. A steam grist and saw mill was built about twenty years ago on Section 30, Town 1 south. Range 6 east, by John Walton and Alfred Denny. It is known as the Covington Mills, and is at present operated by Simms & Stan- ley. The little town of Arrington, called also Simms, or Sims as the Post Office Depart- ment spells it, was laid off in the summer of L882 by James Hilliard, County Surveyor, on land belonging to John Simms, aud the post office took his name. The original plat consisted of about twelve acres, and there have been no subsequent additions. The town is located on Section 9, Town 2 south, Range 6 east, and is on the line of the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Rail- road. A post office was created at this point in 1882, and J. M. Logan was appointed the 264 HISTORY OF WAYME COUNTY. first Postmaster. He was succeeded by S. S. Palfreeman, the present one. There are two general stores here, kept by J. M. Logan and Bright & Burkett. Cincinnati and Coving- ton are two rival little towns situated on opposite sides of Dry Fork. Whether they will reach the proportions of the cities of the same name on the Ohio we cannot say. Cov- ington has a post office called Pin Oak, with Elizabeth Potter as Postmistress. The early settlers of Arrington gave due attention to school matters, as we find a good school in successful operation at a very early day. The house was built by the Regular Baptists in 1828 or 1829, for religious pur- poses, and it was used by them for some time after the first term of school had commenced. The school was run on the subscription plan, and the first term opened with a man by the name of French as teacher. French was a brother in-law to Charles Arrington. He taught for about three years, and was suc- ceeded by Jeptha Blisset and Jackson Arm- strong, and during a term taught by one of these latter the house was burned down. This school was located on Walton or Big Creek, and was called the Walton Creek School. The Mud Prairie Schoolhouse, a little cabin concern, was the second one erect- ed in the township. It was located in Mud Prairie, and was built by the people gener- ally. Among its early teachers were James Gaston, Jacob Borah, William Gash and Rodina Baldwin. A little log cabin with a rock chimney was next built on Dry Fork, and called the Dry Fork School. Its early teachers were John Jones, Edward Terrell. Jacob O' Feather and John Deene. The fol- lowing items show the status of the schools of this township at the present day: Number school buildings, 9; number pupils enrolled, 300; number teachers em- ployed, 1(5; average pay of same, males, $30; females, $25; estimated value of school property, $4,000. The religious history of Arrington is, in the main, the same as in other portions of the county. Elsberry Armstrong was prob- ably the first one to preach to the scattered inhabitants of this section. He delivered his discourses in the Walton Creek School- house, which was used for religious purposes for several years. He was of the Regular Baptist denomination, as were also William Watkins, old man French, who taught school also, and Robinson Eskridge, all of whom were early preachers in this township. The Mount Zion Church, a frame structure located on the Johnsonville road in Section 34, Town 1 south, Range 6 east, was the first church building erected in the township, ex- cept the Walton Creek Schoolhouse, which, as before stated, was built by the Baptists for church purposes. The Mount Zion Church was built by the Methodists, some time before the late war, and it has since been used by them. The Dickeyville Baptist Church was built by the Missionary Baptists about 186S, and is located on Section 30, Town 1 south, Range 6 east. Both of these churches have a strong membership, and are in a pros- perous condition. The political vote of Arrington shows the parties to be about equally divided, with a small majority, perhaps, on the Democratic side. Following is a partial list of the officers of this township since township organization: Supervisors — W. L. Beeson, 1860-62; Rich- ard White, 1863-66; R. T. Forth, 1867; Dan- iel Wingate, 1868-71; Thomas Davis, 1877; N. N. Borah, 1878; William Schwarberg, 1879-82; M. T. Berry, 1883. Assessors— A. C. Womack, 1860-62; James Cissna, 1863; J. D. Stephens, 1864-67; E. E. Cates, 1868; S. N. Pasco, 1869; J. D. HLSTOUV OF WAYNE COUNTY. 265 Stephens, 1870; A. J. Hale, 1871; H. M. Twadell, 1877; T. ft. Tolbert, 1878; David Mills, 1S79-S0; D. F. Truax, 1881; H. M. Twadell, 1882; E. J. Dezouche, 1883. Col- lectors—A. J. Hale, 1860-62; W. P. Smith, 1863-64; W. L. Beeson, 1865-66; T. W. Hill, 1867; W. P. Smith, 1868-69; James Cissna, 1870; A. W. Womack, 1871; Levi Wheeler, 1877; A. G. Borah, 1878; James Smith, 1879; William Harris, 1880; Marion Berry. 1881-82; William Bnrkett, 1883. Town Clerks— J. W. Hi I Hard, 1860-62; J. W. Gardner, 1863-64; J. W. Hilliard, 1865- 66; A. Gr. Borah, 1867; W. E.Harlan, 1868- 70; A. G. Borah, 1871; T. L. Dickey, 1877; S. S. Pal freeman, 1878; Joseph Gaston, 1879; S. S. Palfreeman, 1880; John Howerth, 1881; Lewis Tunnel, 1882; J. D. Harlan, 1883. CHAPTER XXVI. BRUSH CREEK TOWNSHIP— DESCRIPTION AND TOPOGRAPHY, ETC.— EARLY SETTLEMENTS— PIONEER IMPROVEMENTS— EARLY PREACHERS— BERRY ELLEDGE, THE FIRST SCHOOL-TEACHER —HIS STROKE OF PARALY'SIS COMPELLING HIM TO LAY THREE DAYS IN THE WOODS SURROUNDED BY WILD ANIMALS— MURDER OF A MR. BRAZELL, BY WILLIAM FATHREE— FIRST MARRIAGE, FIRST DEATH— CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC., ETC , ETC. " He bent his way where twilight reigns sublime O'er forests silent since the birth of time." THE world is now taking time to look back, and tho story of the pioneer is be- coming one of absorbing interest. The chil- dren of the pioneer settlers are rapidly being gathered to their fathers during each decade, and the old landmarks one by one have de- cayed and passed away with those who placed them there. The men who opened up Brush Creek Township to the illuminating rays of civilization, though possessed of an unusual degree of culture for those days, were practi- cal men. They came to better their material prospects, and, while they labored to bring about them those influences which would mold the new community into the highest form of social life, they did not undertake to demonstrate a theory of social philosophy. •By J. M. Runk. Their labors have not been in vain. But those who remain, upon whose shoulders the burden of responsibility rests with so poor a grace, look in vain to the Btory of the early days for the secret of their success. They builded wiser than they knew, and glad to think that the rising generations would be wiser than they, died and left no sign. The writer finds himself not more favored than the socialist. The men who faced the diffi- culties of frontier life in the opening of the nineteenth century, or a little later, found no time to trace their records, and the following pages are presented more as the result of a groping in the dark than as an historical array of facts. Tho part of territory to which the reader's attention is now directod is the outgrowth of a later development. Brush Creek Town- ship, known as Townships 1 and 2 north, and 266 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Range 5 east, is bounded on the north by Clay County, on the east by Indian Prairie Township, on the south by Hickory Hill Township, and on the west by Marion Coun- ty. The principal stream is Brush Creek, which has its source in the northern part of the township, and runs in a southerly direction, empties into Skillet Fork. Johnson's Fork and Bobb's Branch are small affluents from the east of Brush Creek. Turner Creek is the only branch of any importance that empties into Brush Creek from the east. The amount of small brush along Brush Creek gave rise to its name, and after it the township was called. There is but one small prairie in the township, which is mentioned elsewhere in this chapter. The remainder is woodland, and is very undulating and broken, but when the timbers are cleared away, it is productive of grain, vegetables and fruits. Jeremiah Hargraves was among the first settlers in Brush Creek Township. He came from Kentucky, in 1822, and settled on the farm now owned by William B. Hallaman. He died in the township, was a good, ener- getic man, and at one time possessed consid- erable means. In his latter days, he had the misfortune to have both arms broken above the wrists. It was very singular, though a fact, that his arms were broken at different times, but exactly the same distance from the wrist. The first arm was broken with a sash saw, and the last was fractured by a wagon turning over with him. Neither bone ever healed, and in his old days, he had scarcely any use of his hands that had done so much to clear away the forests. A son named Clinton, was made a life-long cripple by a severe attack of fever, which destroyed the strength of the hipB. His father (Jere- miah) gave him the greater portion of his property. A son named William is living in Clay County. About the time Hargraves came to the township, Benjamin Alney and Alexander Haws located near by him; also Richard Sessions. The above gentlemen were related by marriage, etc., and formed a settlement. Mrs. John Hawkins and the Burges brothers now own the land where the Hawses settled. Alney Haws died here, but Benjamin jour- neyed off among the Mormons. They were each in the Black Hawk war. Philip Henson moved to the township in 1827, and settled on Section 4. He entered soon after forty acres of land and his son W. C. entered eighty acres. Here Philip lived an upright life, and in 1860 he moved to Southeast Missouri, where he and wife died some time afterward. W. C. Henson is yet living in the township. He deeded the first land in Brush Creek in 1833, which is a part of his present possessions. It is in what is called Garden Prairie, which was so named by James Scott, who came to the township in about 1835, was a married man, and partook too freely of ' ' spirits," and when on one of his usual drunks he gave the name of Garden Prairie to the only spot in the township that even resembled a prairie. Philip Henson and son, W. C, erected the first cabin on this small prairie, on Section 4. Philip was the father of six children, five of whom are living, viz., Lucinda married Jeremiah Chapman, Mary married John Bruner, W. C. Norcissa married John Brown and Sarah married Josiah Burkitt. Deaton Meadows came to the township in 1830, from Marion County, 111., where he had located from Tennessee several years prior to that time. After awhile he made his final settlement in Marion County, where he died. Three of his sons are living in this township, namely, W. P., Henry and Hyrman; the latter is a minister of the general Baptist organization; he has also two HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 267 daughters living. One married a man by the name of Middleton. and lives in Mis- souri, and the other, Lydia, married John Montgomery, and is living in Xonia. Jer- emiah Chapman came pretty early from Indiana with his father, William, and set- tled for awhile, cast of Fairlield. Here William becoming a little enraged at some one, made a kick at him, and struck his foot against a log in a house which completely crushed his foot, making him a cripple the remainder of his days. He was a large man, weighing 375 pounds. Jeremiah moved to this township between 1S35 and 1840. John Burkitt came to the township in 1833, from Indiana, and settled where John Hawkins now lives. He changed about con- siderably, and finally died vest of Johnson- ville. Ho was a native of Kentucky, and was the father of twelve children, five of whom survive, viz.: Missouri, married K. H. Fathree; Nancy, married Irvin Scott; Julia, married Joseph Brown; Joseph keeps the county poor farm; Josiah married Sarah Henson, and lives in the township. W. A. Forth came from Kentucky and settled on Section 27 in 1841. Here he died in 1878; was once Supervisor; was the father of twenty- one children by three unions. Matthew Warren came very early and settled near Mr. Forth, and there died, leav- ing some relatives who yet reside near where he located. Alex and John Warren, brothers of Matthew, came here about the same time as he, and died in the township. William Holaway, a native of Kentucky, settled a neighbor to Forth in 1843. He enlisted in the late war, where he died. Some of his children are living. Benjamin and William Fathree were among the first settlers, and were considered rough characters. The former died in the town- ship, and the latter absconded to free himself from the fangs of the law. The circum- stances relating to his hasty departure were about the following: Fathree was a man who partook freely of the ' ' tangle foot. " and on one occasion, he was at a little mill, located in Marion County, the proprietor of which sold whisky. This was a regular rendezvous for the neighborhood, and it was not an un- common thiug for them to engage in a regular knock-down. Fathree, at the time in ques- tion, was feeling pretty ill, and a number of the men who were waiting for their " grind- ing," engaged in teasing him for having got so full, and the man who seemed to rouse his ire the most was a Mr. Brazell, whom Fath- ree singled out for revenge, and while Bra- zell was loading a sack of corn, he struck him on the back of the neck with a club, kill ing him almost instantly. Fathree departed and has never been heard of since. B. Meadows came to the township at an early period, and is living there yet. In his early introduction to the unbroken wilderness, he engaged mostly in hunting. The first death that occurred in the township was William Warren, who was buried near his residence. Soon after died a desolate old lady, who came from Kentucky with Robert Anderson, at an early date. He re- mained only a short time and went West. The first wedding in the township was John Brunei- and Mary Henson. John was a son of Henry Brunei - , of Kentucky. He came to the county with Philip Henson, whose daughter he married; was reared by Jesse Henson, of Kentucky. He died in 18S2, leaving his widow in affluent circum- stances. Benjamin Haws, in an early day was the proprietor of a horse grist mill, which was of much accommodation to the early settlers. Deaton Meadows had what was called a 268 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. stump haud mill; though quite a novelty, yet was used considerably to crush corn. Isaac Harris and Elijah Draper own and operate a good saw mill, with attachments for grinding meal. It is the only enterprise of the kind in the township. Warren Stoddard is running a blacksmith shop near where the Buchanan road crosses Brush Creek. The first school was taught in this town- ship in a log cabin that was located on a farm now owned by John Morris, and it is thought that Berry Elledge, then a resident of White County, was the teacher. The school was given him by the generous patrons more as a sympathy than as a desire for his qualifications, as the following narrative will show: As stated, his home was in White County, and at the time, a brother-in-law of his started for a new home near Springfield, this State, and Mr. E. concluded to accom- pany them for two days. He accordingly saddled his horse and shouldered his gun, and for a distance led the course. When entering Brush Creek Township, he remarked that he would leave the road and take off at a tangent, with the belief that he would kill a deer, and overtake them by camping time. He had gone scarcely out of sight, when he was taken with a stroke of paralysis, and fell from his horse. Here he laid in an almost unconscious condition for three days before he was found by the searching party, who set out soon after his horse returned home with- out him. The relatives, who had gone on, thought that he had concluded not to go any farther, and pursued their journey without any uneasiness, until some of the search men overtook them to inquire of his where- abouts. At this juncture the excitement grew high, and a more careful search was instigated, which resulted in finding him surrounded by wild animals. The woods had been on fire since he had fallen there, and the fire had burned the leaves and grass to within a few feet encircling him, and it was a remarkable fact, so says W. C. Henson, that the fire had gone out in the thickest leaves and grass closelv surrounding him. Mr. El- ledge was taken home, but was forever a crip- ple, and I aught the above school in the days of his unfortunate condition. The early inhabitants of Brush Creek Township experienced all the hardships and inconveniences incident to the life of the pioneer, and not the least among them was the church facilities. Those inter- ested in church-going, gathered for many miles around at some farmer's cabin, and found their way there after night by means of hickory bark torches for lights. It was no uncommon occurrence for the pioneer to be headed off from his course either to or from the meetings by the sound of the large rattlesnakes, that were very plentiful in those days. Although many thousands were killed by the early settlers, a few remained to trans- mit the species to the present day. Richard Sessions was the only person who was bitten by these poisonous reptiles, and he was barely saved by means of a " mad stone " obtained from Dr. Garrison, who lived at the time northeast of Fairfield. Among the noted huntsmen who played havoc with the rattle- snake as well as the wild animals, we mention, Philip and W. C. Henson, Jack and Benjamin Haws, Jerry Hargraves and John Burkitt. Among the early preachers were known Nathaniel Escridge and Samuel D. Hefton, of the Old School Baptist faith, and Thomas Middleton, of the Universalist de- nomination. The first church organized in the township was by the Mormons. This denomination has one active church in the township, lo- cated at White Cloud Schoolhouse, and holds HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 269 services every month, with a large attend- ance. I. A. Morris is the present Elder. J. B. Henson is also an Elder of the same. The schools of the township are hardly an average with the other townships of the county, ow- ing to the financial condition of the settlers. Brush Creek Township is one in the wide, wide world that wants no railroad, and the writer's daring horseback ride up and down the cliffs in search for data caused him to form a conclusion that the railroad did not want them. When an election was held in the county for the purpose of voting for and against an appropriation for a certain rail- road to run through the county, there was only one man in the township who voted for it, and he soon after moved to Fairfield, where he might live in quiet enjoyment, and hear the whistling of the iron horse. After many years of toil and labor, the few remain- ing early inhabitants and descendants of many of the others have at last struck oil in the raising and cultivation of fruits. The business is just in its infancy, and it is not improbable that, within another decade, the woodland will be cleared of its heavy growth, and in its stead will be thousands of acres of fine orchards, yielding enormous crops. CHAPTER XXVII. LEECH TOWNSII IP— BOUNDARIES AND TOPOGRAPHY— WATER-COURSES— GENERAL PRODUCTIONS —ORIGIN OF NAME AND FIRST SETTLEMENTS— SOME INDIAN STORIES— INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS— TOWNS—CHURCH HISTORY AND SCHOOL STATISTICS, ETC. HISTORICALLY, Leech Township oc- cupies a foremost raDk among those of Wayne County. Its pioneer settlements were made very early, and to undertake to give an exhaustive and detailed account of the inter- esting and varied scenes and occurrences in- cident to the time thereto, would be a most difficult task, as well as one demanding more space than can bo allotted to it at this time. Moreover, a sufficiently comprehensive idea of them can be obtained from the few de- scriptive stories that we shall here record, aud in the portion of this work devoted to the history of the county at large will be found also interesting accounts of the lives and do- ings of the pioneers, and of their ways, hab- its and times. The stud}' of man is a most proper one for the present and future generations, and it is one that is calculated to give rich returns to any thoughtful and inquiring mind that will undertake it. And in the lives of what class of mankind can we find, in a comprehensive examination thereof, more material for thoughtful and profitable contemplation than in those of our forefathers and the whole- souled patriarchs of days long gone by; those who sacrificed their own comforts and inter- ests, and ofttimes their own lives, for the benefit of those to follow'them. The gener- ally impoverished circumstances of these men, the hardships, privations and positive dangers immediately surrounding them, the formidable obstacles of every description with which they were almost daily called upon to contend, all are conditions of life under which not many of the present day could live and make progress. But yet, under all 270 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. of these unfavorable and distressing circum- stances, trie old settler made substantial pro- gressive strides toward a better state of things, and happy must he have been when in his old age he would take a retrospective view, and cause, as it were, a grand pano- rama of the vivid scenes and thrilling inci- dents of time past to pass in life-like review before his mind's eye, and by comparison to be enabled to witness the slow but steady advancement from a state of poverty and in- security to that of higher civilization and consequent prosperity. So we say that the study of the lives and times of our pioneers affords abundant gratification and profit, and to so studiously examine into his varied char- acteristics, his habits, his thoughts and his motives that the future might secure thereby a comprehensive idea of the character of the man, and of the times in which he lived and died, this might well be the ambitious work of one's life, and how invaluable would such a work be. Leech Township, to the history of which this chapter is devoted, revels in historical happenings of great interest and importance. It lies in the southeast corner of Wayne County, having the following boundaries, to wit: North, by Massillon Township; east, by Edwards County; south, by White County; and west by Barahill Township. Its limits comprise Congressional Townships Town 2 south, Range 9 east, and the north half of Town 3 south, Range 9 east. The surface of this township is diversified between woodland and prairie. The somewhat prevailing opin- ion that Leech contains nothing but poor and unprofitable lands finds no confirmation in an impartial examination thereof. The general surface is somewhat broken, and large tracts of low though not entirely worthless lands lie along the Little Wabash River, but by the proper use of tiling, which we are glad to notice some of the farmers of Leech have already introduced, large bodies of these lands will be redeemed, and will be seen not many years hence covered with luxuriant growths of the yellow grain. The soil of the "flats," as these low tracts of land are gen- erally called, is inclined to be more loamy and possesses more organic matter than the soil of the prairies, which has a yellowish- ash-gray color, and for this reason the " flats," if successfully drained, will afford abundant returns for the labor of the intelligent farmer. The Little Wabash, which is the principal stream of the township, enters the latter in Section 5, Town 2 south, Range 9 east, and after flowing a very crooked course in a gen- eral southeast direction, leaves it from Sec- tion 1, Town 3 south, Range 9 east. It is subject to overflows of a considerable extent, and at times serious damage has been done to crops, etc., on land lying adjacent to its banks. Owen's, King and Pond Creeks are the principle smaller streams of the township, and these, with many other nameless ones, afford generally a sufficient natural drainage to most parts of it. Timber in great abun- dance lies along the streams, and is composed chiefly of the several varieties of oak, hickory and ash, though other varieties are found in some quantities in different parts of the town- ship. A small prairie, known as Brush Prai- rie, is situated on the east side of the Little Wabash, while on the west side a consider- able portion of land lies in Bear or Shipley's Prairie, which latter extends also into Barn- hill Township. The principal productions of Leech are i the same generally as other parts of the coun- ts-, including the usual varieties of grain, and considerable attention is also given to the rais- ing of stock. Some years ago, when the excite- ment about castor beans was at its height, Leech took her part in it, and many acres HISTORY OF WAYNE COl/XTY. 271 of land were entirely devoted to the raising of them; but they proved to be an unprofita- ble crop, outside of their cultivation, extract- ing a proportionally large amount of the richness of the laud, and the raising of them is consequently now not very extensive. The first settlement in Leech Township dates back to the year 1S14. The territory comprised within its present limits was at that time included in the "Wabash Precinct, and the name of "Wabash was also one first given to the township, but the name of the latter was subsequently changed to Leech, in honor of Gen. Samuel Leech, the first Coun- ty Clerk of Wayne County. The first white man to penetrate within the present boundaries of Leech was Isaac Har- ris. He came, as before stated, in 1814, from the settlement in Big Prairie, "White County, but was a native of Kentucky. He located on the high land, at the edge of the bottoms along the Little Wabash, and he was living here when he became involved in a scrape with an Indian, an account of which we will here record. Just what the trouble was between Har ris and the native inhabitant we could not learn, but it soon magnified itself into an open tight, in which the latter was summarily sent to the happy hunting grounds. Harris, for fear of being seriously dealt with by the Indians of the neighborhood, immediately fled the country in the night time, heading toward the settlement in "Whito County. He had with him at this time his fourteen year old daughter, who afterward became Mrs. Goodwin, wife of John Goodwin, a farmer of this township. She died in tho summer of 1S83, aged eighty-three years. After reaching the settlement, Harris entered the service in the war, known as the war of 1812, and in 1816 returned and again entered Leech, this time with his two brothers, Eli- jah and Gillum. The three brothers had their families along also, as they intended to make a permanent settlement in the town- ship. This they did, and all lived and died here, leaving many descendants who yet re- side in the surrounding country. Another story we will here record as illus- trative of the " kind " feelings which the early settlers and the red men entertained for each other. During the time of the war above spoken of, a son of Capt. Boltinghouse, a resident of the township also, was killed, supposedly by the Indians. Some time sub- sequently, the Captain, Isaac and Gillum Harris, and a man by the name of King, were out on a hunt, and while perambulat- ing around, accidentally came across the horse belonging to the murdered son of the Captain. The latter at once interrogated the Indian who had charge of the animal with reference to his son's death, whereupon the red fiend stutteriugly replied that the son had been killed in war; that it was right to kill in time of war, etc., and went on further to describe with barbarous delight how the son, with uplifted hands, had vainly begged and implored the savage to spare his life, etc. This was too much for Capt. Bolting- house, who was a sensitive, as well as a very resolute and determined man, and he imme- diately declared war, and advised the Indian to consider the present the time of such, but tin' latter had hardly time to think over the matter, for he was dispatched on the spot at once. About the same time, the two Harrises and King bagged an Indian each out of four " braves," who, with three squaws, made up the camp, which had in the meantime been discovered in the immediate vicinity. Tho fifth savage started up an adjacent hill on a run, but found it inconvenient to carry a dog along with him, who, being desirous of ren- dering material assistance to his white mas- 272 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY'. ter, had formed a close acquaintance with the calf of the Indian's leg. The savage man- aged, however, by sheer strength to shako the enterprising canine off, but not in time to escape several deadly bullets, which were fired by determined hands. Serious attention was afterward devoted to the squaws, and they were also sent to accompany their "brave" companions to their last resting place. The white party turned back triumphantly, taking along with them the horse belonging to the butchered son of Capt. Boltinghouse, and another which the Indians had, and this was known for many years as the " stray filly." About the same time as Harris' second coming into Leech Township, there arrived old Gadwalder Jones, who was the father of John Jones, familiarly known as " Jacky " Jones, and who is yet living in Arrington Township, this county. The latter was born August 30, 1816, and was the first white child born in Leech Towuship, and also in Wayne County. Among other of the ear- liest settlers was Aquilla McCracken, who came with a large family from Georgia. His son-in-law, Pulliam Higginbottom, came also, and Harmon Horn. Charles Rollin and Richard Bircks came from North Carolina, and about the same time came Reuben, Hiram and Levi Shores from Alabama. John Burch came early from Ohio, as did also "William Batson, from the same State. A man by the name of Johnson was an early settler here, and Benjamin Phillpot also; the latter came from Virginia. Ephraim, George and William Meritt and their father were among the earliest to locate within the pres- ent limits of Leech. They came from South Carolina. George is still living near where he first located. John Moffitt arrived in the country in the year 1818, but he located just across the line in Barnhill Township. Richard Locke and a man by the name of Butler were also early settlers, and they erected at an early date a horse mill on Pond Creek, a branch of the Little Wabash. There is now no trace of the mill visible. The township settled up gradually in after years, and shows a present population of about 1,500. Gen. Samuel Leech put up in an early day a water mill, with a saw mill in connection. For many years this mill, which was known as Leech's Mills, did the grist and saw work for the country for miles around. Trips, which would consume several days, were often made to this mill, from points twenty and thirty miles away in all directions. No trace of this mill remains at the present day. Just below its site, on the Little Wabash, John Pulleyblank and A. E. Scott erected a water mill about 1867. Something to eat was of course the first thing to claim the attention of the pioneer, and soon after their advent into a new country some kind of an arrangement by means of which their corn could be converted into meal was put into operation. The primitive stump mill, or the mortar and pestle, was succeeded by the horse mill, and that by the water mill, which in turn has made way for the subsequent im- provements in milling machinery. Noticeable among the many substantial improvements made in Leech Township is that of the building of the iron bridge across the Little Wabash, on Section 21, Township 2 south, Range 9 east. Provious to the erection of this structure, great difficulty was ofttimes experienced in crossing the river, the course of which divides the township into two divisions, and the settlements on either side were quite distinct from each other. The bridge was built by contract for the county in 1865, at a total expense of about 14,000 and 12,000 acres of swamp land. The little village of Scottsville, which con- HISTORY OF WAYNE COl'NTY. 273 sists of but a few houses and business places, is pleasantly located in the south part of Section '23. Township 2 south, Range 9 east. Robert Monroe laid it out partially, but no actual survey and plat has ever been record- ed. Wabash Post Office has been at this point for several years, but it was finally moved to Scott, or Scott Station, a little town of tender age, situated on the "Air Line" Rail- road, and on the south part of the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 11, Town- ship 2 south, Range 9 east, on land belong- ing to J. R. Parks and Frances W. Fawkes. The land was surveyed and platted by James W. Hilliard, Deputy County Surveyor, Octo- ber 9, 1882, and was recorded by him three days later. Scott has a good location, and with proper care promises to grow in size and prosperity. The religious history of Leech Township is much the same as elsewhere in the county. The early pioneers, amid all their trials and hardships, and the severity of their sur- rounding conditions, stood in great need of the consoling influence of Gospel truths, and the moetings at some little log cabin home of a neighbor were comparatively largely attended by people living miles away in every direction, who were anxious to hear the blessed words of the preacher, whose large circuit seldom permitted him to visit a vicinity more often than once or twice a year. In another portion of this work will be found sketches of the lives and doings of the early disciples of Christ, and we will not here repeat. William Keith was one of the earliest preachers of this section, though his meetings were hold mostly in Edwards County. For many years religious meetings were held in the neighboring houses and the early school buildings, and it was some time before any building, to be used exclusively for church purposes, was erected. The Mis- sionary Baptists built a substantial structure on Section 17, Town 3 south, Range 9 east, and this for years has been the principal church in the township. It is still strong in num- bers, and is healthy and prosperous in condi- tion. The Methodists built a church build- ing on Section 24, a little northeast of Scotts- ville, and this is used we believe for the ben- efit of general gathering's. Educational matters have received in Leech the attention they unquestionably de- serve. A comparison of the little log cabin structures of the early times with the more substantial, commodious and pleasant school buildings of the present day, bespeaks great credit to the citizens of Leech, and of the material manner in which they regard the school question About 1823, a school was taught in Edwards County, by a man by the name of McCowen.and this was attended some by the children of some of the early settlers in Leech Township. John Jones taught the first school in the township. The little log house was situated on Section 36, Town 2 south, Range 9 east, and Jones was the teacher for the first six months of school. He was succeeded by James Harrison, who was followed by Reuben Ewing, both of whom taught in the same house. In after years, school buildings were erected to keep pace with the increasing population, and the following statistics compiled from the County Superintendent's report will show the pres- ent status of the schools of this township. They are for the year July 1, 1882, to June 30, 1883: Number of school buildings, 10; number of pupils enrolled, 322; teachers em- ployed, 1 1 . Average pay of same — males, $35; females, $25. Estimated value of school property, $4,150. 274 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. CHAPTER XXVIII.* HICKORY HILL TOWNSHIP— TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARIES— FIRST SETTLERS— WHO THEY WERE— FIRST BIRTH— FIRST FARMING— FIRST ROADS, ETC., ETC. These brave men's bones are lying Where they perished in their gore; Their bones were left to whiten, On the spot where they were slain ; And were ye now to seek them, They would be sought in vain. — The Pioneer. ABOUT fifty years ago, the first settle- ment was made in Hickory Hill Town- ship. But with us time is tested not by periods but by eras. Of how much value is one year in America, where life is so intense. We live as much in a day as the old Romans did in a month. Here, great, thronging events so crowd and jostle each other, and rapid de- velopment is such a very marvel, that the wild dreams of yesterday become the sober reality of to-day. Volumes of history are being made everv hour, and to write of things that are past for the generations who are to follow makes one pause. Hickory Hill Township is bounded on the north by Brush Creek Township; on the east by Arrington Township; on the south by Four Mile Township; and on the west by Jefferson County. It comprises forty-two sections. The Dame Hickory Hill originated from a hill by that name located in the north- west part of the township, and now part of the farm owned by William Irvin. In an early day this hill was covered with a heavy growth of hickory timber. To the south and east of this hill was a prairie, about three miles long and two wide, and this was also called Hickory Hill Prairie; so that the township now bears the name of the highest *By F. S. Tyler. hill and largest prairie within its boundaries. Besides the prairie above referred to, there were originally two other smaller prairies in the township; one, Locust Prairie, was in the northwest part of the county, and was about half a mile square. Another still smaller one was in the southwest part of the township. It has been noticed that of late years, where the prairie land has not been kept in perfect cultivation, that a thick growth of timber is being formed. Besides these three prairies, the township was orig- inally covered with timber. Considerable water oak, pin oak, white oak, sweet gum and maple are found, together with some sycamore and elm. About half of the town- ship is at present in cultivation. Probably a fourth of the latter is devoted to pasture and grazing, the remainder being confined about equally to corn and wheat growing. Of the timbered land, most of it is in the eastern part of the township, along the banks of Skillet Fork. At one time, the timber was of a very heavy growth in this bottom land, but of late all the best trees have been cut away, until now but little if any remains. There are three creeks in the township. Of these the largest is Skillet Fork, which enters the township from the north, in the northeast quarter of Section 5. It flows through the township in a general south- eastern course, and leaves the township in Section 2. Although generally a quiet, in- significant stream, it sometimes overflows its banks, and covers the bottom land for a mile HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. 277 each side of the creek. In Section 3, Brush Creek empties into Skillet Fork. This creek has its head in Brush Creek Township, of this county, and flows in a southwesterly course until its conjunction with Skillet Fork. Flowing through the southern part of the township is Horse Creek. It enters the township from Jeffer- son County in Section 31, going south into Section fi, and then continues in an easterly course until it leaves the township in Sec- tion 3. About a half mile south of the town- ship lino. Horse Creek empties into Skillet Fork. The first bridge in the township was probably built about 1850. It was across Skillet Fork on the old Xenia & Fairfield road. Since that time that bridge has given way to another, that in turn to another, and in the spring of 1883 a new structure was erected. In an early day there was also a bridge built across Skillet Fork, where the Fairfield & Xenia road crosses it. That also rotted away. Two others were afterward built, but they, too. have been carried away, until now there is no bridge at this point at all. About 1870, there was abridge erected across this creek on the Fairfield & Mount Vernon road, at what is known as Rock Bluff. Owing to the gnat abundance of timber land in this township in an early day. there was consequently an abundance of game, and accordingly the first settlers in the con- linos of what is now Hickory Hill Township were hunters and trappers. Probably the first settler was an old hunter by the name of James Nees. He came in an early day and \ settled on the banks of Horse Creek. He built, a cabin on a little rising knoll, but loft the county some time before 1830. In that year some later settlors discovered the empty cabin, and it was supposed that its lonely occupant had gone West. About 1830, several families immigrated to this township. About the first to come was Samuel Carter, accompanied by his.two step-sons. Josiah and Elijah Blanchard. They were from Gray- son County, Ky., and pre-empted land in Section 21. Carter died here and afterward the Blanchards emigrated West. Elijah died in Arkansas. Josiah, however, is now liv- ing in Colorado. William Ellis was another settler that came that year. He settled in Section 7, and there resided until his death in the summer of 1883. He raised a large family of children, ten of whom, five sons and five daughters are now living. Mr. El- lis, the present member of the County Board, in this county, is from this family. The Gregorys were another large family that came to this township. There were five brothers of them — Jacob, Daniel, Benjamin, Joseph and Absalom. They settled in the extreme southwest part of the township — three of them on this side of Horse Creek, and the two others finally settled across the line in Jefferson County. All are now dead, but there is a numerous family of their de- scendants in the western part of the town- ship. Elijah Harris had settled in the northern part of the county some years prior to this, but in 1830 he removed into the township. After a few years' residence there, he went West, whore he died. The year after, Ashford Keen came to this township from Sumner County, Teun., and settled near the present site of Keenville P. O. , on land now owned by John Webber. Thore he died in L835; his two sons, John Keen, Sr., and James Koen, are still living and are now among the oldest pioneers in the county. William, the third sou, had come to Marion County, 111., from Tennessee, in 1829, but in 1831 came to this county and settled in this township, whero he resided until his death on December 7, 1881. His children, 878 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. three sons and four daughters, are all living in the county. Soon after the arrival of the Keen family, a family by the name of Gra- ham came to this county, but they first set- tled in the edge of Arrington Prairie. This consisted the mother and a large family of sons. The mother died in Arrington Town- ship, but Josiah Graham came to this town- ship in 1S30. and first settled in Section 20. He afterward removed onto Section 13. and there lived until he died. The first child born in this township was William Ellis, a son of William Ellis, al- ready referred to. He was born either in 1831 or 1832. The first death of which any record has been kept was that of Mrs. Rebecca Carter, wife of Samuel Carter, another of the early pioneer settlers. She died in 1S37. and was buried in the first burying ground in the county. It was a small piece of ground, and was surrounded by ten oak posts. From that it gained its name, and was known for a long time as "The Ten Post Oaks." It is said that this Mrs. Carter was an own sister of the famous Hartz brothers, of Kentucky, who in an early day were companions of D aniel Boone. The first marriage was that of a young man by the name of Edward Millner to Miss Rebecca Carter, a daughter of Mrs. Carter, already mentioned. The twain lived in this county for a few years, and then went West. Early Incidents. — As we remarked above, the great growth of timber in the township furnished secure hiding places for all kinds of game. The numerous fur -bearing ani- mals that were so much sought after in those days were especially abundant. The first settlers that came found the game to be un- limited, and spread the news. The first comers only proved forerunners to many, many more trappers that soon flocked to this township. It was not long before several Eastern fur companies had agents in this part of the county. Among the most noteworthy and most prominent of these fur agents and trappers was John Keen. Sr., now an old and retired farmer, but in those days one of the most daring of the many brave and courageous men. The company of whom he was the representative gave him unlimited sway over several counties in this part of the State. About two-thirds of the time he was on the road, and no matter what kind of weather it was, or how high the streams were, he never stopped in his travels. So fearless, indeed, was he, that he soon gained a name for himself far and wide. He was a famous swimmer, and both summer and winter he was in the habit of swimming fearlessly the largest and most dangerous streams along his route. In fact, he performed so many perilous feats that he was given the sobri- quet of " Sumter " Keen, and this title has clung to him ever since. So plentiful did the game continue to be that for a number of years no attention was paid to anything else besides hunting and trapping, and it was not until about 1^40 that the first ground was broken, and then only corn was planted. Not until about ■ i ' did the settlers finally turn from the pur- suit of the deer, bear and other animals and give their attention to the tilling of the soil. The large trees in an early day also formed a home for the wild bees, and at one time al- most as much attention was paid to the gath- ering of the wild honey as to trapping and hunting. Indeed this honey was one of the principal articles of commodities among these early pioneers; and upon what was considered good bee days the woods would be filled with both men and women, who hunted both far and wide for this deli - _reat. it is said, was the desire to gather this honev. bv both great and small, th;.' it I of a good old preacher th&: in mak:i_- m appointment upon one "wm« he saii. " Brether. :. _■ -:~r.Z-z — Pr: — - denee permitriEg. I nil] be — one month from to-day providing it is Dot a good bee d The rrrt road to be surreyed or rn»Ha through this township was the old ft»lcm k Fairfeld road, is et:. there was a blazed path through the timber. It entered the township and crossed B Sedan where a bridge w.- Frr-rr-Iinz ir =. northwesterly coarse, it lefl - m 6. As early as -■' •'-_ ere ■ '■ ■'- -:>:!.:; '. :_ Id: L- ;.;_-.:; :,; -- ■ - - — -' • i ~"-~ — " I: rir t - -._, : tie ;li town of Keen-rille. and over it a mail and stage line SO. Tie first road from Fairfield to lit. Vernon originalir ran about a half mile sooth of -- surveyed through this township, and the latter road is now the main Fairfield k. Mr. inroad. It enter- ship on the section line between the Sections 24 and . -- _ - of Sectic a . i new bri Is beet :n line between Sections 30 - ■ - to the mill, sometimes two wh: ^-ere ; -■ "-—-". :_ r _g and coming amdingrind- erhaps a single bushel of eon. time between 1S40 and 1S50. a man b-. name of - first horse mill ever used in Hici ' ■" ■ _• ■ "~— . . -_ -..-■■- : ..-■-- - - Ties- nei s: i :U~J inter - — .-ill to Keen & - -" ' " '■ - ~ :;;: : As earb ---■:■: :- :li: p -.:: : -_- : J ■--. -.L: hi: :i~ ::-■ - :-i I: >" . h- ;::■ - — -"- -" • '..-_-- - ■-.: :_i: ;■ .-:. -■ . 1889. In that rem -" " " • '■'-: W .. .:. - appointed Postmaster. 280 HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY. Mr. Williams took his stock of goods to I Keen's Station, in Four Mile Township. Al- though the town was never laid out, the neighborhood in the vicinity of Mr. Keen's residence still bears the name of Keenville. In 1881, the post office was, however, moved a mile south of the old location, where Mr. A. F. Atteberry is now running a store. The mail is now brought by carrier twice a week from Xenia via Keenville, to Keen's Station- Besides the store of Mr. Atteberry, there is one in the southeast part of the township, near the conjunction of Horse Creek with Skillet Fork, near the Fairfield & Mt. Vernon road. Business has been carried on there since 1880 by a James Crask. Schools. — In a very early day there were a few subscription schools held at some of the farmhouses in the township. But the first schoolhouse was built as early as 1845, in Section 29. It was of hewn logs, with puncheon floors, and was erected by the peo- ple of the neighborhood on land donated by Harvey Braddy. It was eighteen feet wide by twenty feet long, and was built by plans furnished by J. B. Bozarth. School was held in this building every season until 1879, when the building finally burned. Among the persons who taught there were Asa F. Atteberry, A. K. Atteberry and T. M. Atte- berry. A short time before the building burned it was decided to divide the district, as the school was becoming large. In con- sequence, after the fire it was decided to erect two buildings. Accordingly, one building was erected in Section 28, on land donated by Stout Atteberry. It was a frame build- ing, 24x36, and cost when completed about $650. At present the enrollment of the dis- trict is about sixty, with a general attendence of about forty. At the same time another building of about the same size and about the same cost was erected on land donated by Albert Gregory. The enrollment of that school is about the same as the other. Be- sides these two schools, there are two others — one near the eastern edge of the township, and another near the north line of the town- ship, close to Brush Creek. Lilly Methodist Episcopal Church. — It has been a matter of considerable difficulty to obtain sufficient data concerning the history of the churches of this township. That there was preaching on stated occasions in the township in an early day is an authenticated fact, but where and by whom is not so easy to ascertain. Some years ago, what is known as the Lilly charge of the Methodist Epis- copal Church was organized. Its first mem- bers were Elsberry Gregory, Samuel Garri- son, William McCoy and family, and a Mrs. Walters. At present the membership is about fifteen. The first place of meeting of this organization was in the old log school- house in District No. 2, and afterward in the west frame schoolhouse of that district. In the summer of 1883, it was decided that the so- ciety erect a building of its own. This idea was put into effect, and subsequently a struct- ure, 24x36, was built at a cost of about $600. In this place of worship services are now held on stated occasions. Sunday School. — The first Sunday school in the township was organized in the sum- mer of 1877. It was held under the auspices of the Methodist denomination in School- house No. 2. During the summer the at- tendance was on an average about fifty. At the beginning of the cold season, the school was disbanded, and has since then not been re-organized. PART II. +-«■§*-*- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY, PART II HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. CHAPTER I AN INTERESTING CHAPTER AS WELL AS MUCH INFORMATION— PRACTICAL QUESTIONS CON- SIDERED—SOME IDEAS ON EDUCATION— HOW FARMERS MAY BECOME THE FIRST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD- WONDERFUL THINGS FROM THE SOIL— ROCKS, SOIL AND THE N \TURAL PRODUCTS OF THE COUNTY— COAL AND MINERAL SPRINGS— ETC. IT is the purpose and object of this chap- ter to make it of more money value to our patrons than the cost of the book. We sincerely believe that if the writer succeeds in his purpose — reaching properly the under- standing of his readers — that we will not only here repay the outlay of the work, but give benefit that will be many times such values, and that will be permanent and last ing and continuously increasing. The question of paramount and supreme interest to all civilized men is that of the soil and climate in that particular section in which tbey pass th6ir lives. Is this assertion startling? It is true, not only in a temporal sense, but in those highest types of thought that pertain to a future existence, a heaven and God. From the soil comos all life, all beauty, pleasure, wealth and enjoyment. Of itself it may not be beautiful, but from it comes all beauty, all good; the golden fields, the fragrant flower, the blush upon a maiden's cheek, the flash of the lustrous eye, that is more powerful to subdue obdurate man than an army with banners. From it direct springs up the great cities, whose temples and mina- rets glisten in the morning sun, and whose ships with their precious cargoes fleck every sea — the sigh of first and passionate love and the smoke and roar of the wheels and paddles of the world's commerce— the bird singing and swinging upon the limb, and the rippling laughter of blessed, inno- cent childhood. The rich draught from the old oaken bucket, and the far richer and deeper draughts from Shakespeare. The very intelligence that beams its love upon your entranced soul from the eyes of your child, as well as the bread and meat upon which it lives to spread your pathway with the high- est joy of life. In short, upon the geological structure of a country depends the pursuits of its people (not on this or that circumstance, as the world has foolishly supposed) as well as the very genius of its people, nay, its morality and its religion, and there is noth- ing about civilization that does not spring directly from the rocks and the soil. Agricult- ure is the outgrowth of a fertile soil. Mining results from the mineral resources, and from the waters come the great navies and the world's commerce. Men who have studied the varied and wonderful force and the al- 284 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. most supreme power of heat in the economy of the universe, have been free to say that they blame the ancient sun-worshipers but very little for their faith. But had the an- cients understood geology, they would have had a much more rational worship at their feet instead of the sun and its many millions of miles away, with all its intense and con- suming heat. A god whose ability to con- sume is such that could a million of his live worshipers have been bundled into one bun- dle as a sheaf of wheat, and thrown at the face of their deity, before the vast body of human life could have touched the sun's face, it would have been burned into the original gases, not leaving even a speck of ashes. Yet heat in the economy of the uni- verse is the chief factor, and at the distance of 95,000,000 of miles it is the source of life, with its genial rays and its vast labora- tory that it puts to work upon' the rocks, and our rivers, seas and oceans, unlocking as it has the secret wealth and glory of this world and forming and fashioning it as we now possess it to enjoy. Every phase of life, and the very modes of thought of every people that has ever lived, has depended upon the geological and climatic structure of their country. If these control their phases of life and modes of thought, then there is no question but that it creates and directs their moral and intel- lectual qualities. Where the soil and sub- jacent rocks and climate are profuse in the bestowal of wealth, man is indolent and effeminate; where effort is essential to life, he becomes enlightened and virtuous. A perpetually mild climate, and fruits and even bread is found growing upon the trees, the country will produce only ignorant and brutal savages. In the Sandwich Islands the soil will produce enough poi to subsist an average family, on a piece of ground twelve feet square, and hence hundreds of years' contact with civilization has left them to-day the same ignorant, lascivious breeders of timid savages and lepers that were found there when Capt. Cook landed his vessel at the island. South America is so rich in nature's gifts that it is simply uninhabitable. Sailing along the treacherous shores of this immense country, the eye of all navigators has been struck with its rich beauties, its majestic rivers, the sweep of its hills and its vast savannas, its immense forests and beds of flowers — the forests so dense, the foliage so luxuriant, that it resembled the rolling sweep of one of our prairies, and tilled with birds of song and beauty; and perched perhaps upon the tips of the tallest trees sat the birds of paradise, fitting jewels of nature's master- pieces, to cap and crown the entrancing scene. If you could penetrate on down from this view, you would find that life increased every inch you went, but it is all deadly life that is fittingly represented by the striped panther and the snake spotted with deadly beauty — these standing at the head of the column, down to the deadly parasite that swarms and creeps in its innumerable armies over and around and through all this world of havoc and death. It is all death and destruction, simply because of its endless profusion of nature's bounties. The heaviest misfortune that has so long environed poor, persecuted Ireland, and not so much her want of representation or even a separate Government, has been her ability to produce in such great abundance the pota- to. The yield is so enormous per acre, and this, coupled with the other fact, that like the poi of the Sandwich Islands, the potato alone will keep life in the body, without anything else, for a long time, if not indefinitely, is the secret of the woes of her people. This makes a people hopeless HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 2S5 bondsmen, and prevents them entering the great avenues of commerce and trade, the two great civilizers of all half-enlightened people. The Islander cannot export his poi, but must eat it at home and go naked and be a savage. The Irishman cannot export his potato, and he to-day would bo worse off than the Islanders were it not true that he can and has produced other industries that would furnish a nucleus for the world's com- merce. And thus it is all over the world. The soil, the subjacent rocks and the climate rule imperiously and mako and unmake all civil- izations. There is another fact the reader should think of and boar in mind, namely, it is only a certain zone or belt spanning around the world, and not a very wide belt either, from which alone have come any of the world's truly great men. The equator never has produced one, nor have the arctics. And a most extraordinary fact is that the half of the world south of the equator has produced nothing, and in the world's history has been nothing. The isothermal lines must be remem- bered when it is answered that it is impossible to fix that belt exactly. Yet the belt is there, has been there, and so far as can know, will remain unalterable forever. When we speak of a groat man, we do not mean a great warrier, prize fighter, ruler or king, who may have gone into history as great, or the grand monarch, when for the world's good they should have been strangled in their cradles. For such men cannot be great. But we mean some man who has thought out or done something that has ad- vanced civilization, whose life has been a real blessing and whose good works will endure to bless man forever. The man who conceived the idea of putting the eye of the needle in the point is a man that deserves a rich immortality. He did more for the human family than all the war- riors, lawyers, teachers and preachers, who were only and exclusively such, that have ever lived. And the beauty of his thought was.it cannot be lost to the world, for it only grows and widens its benefits and will reach all mankind and then be ready for still greater blessings for all the unborn genera- tions. The spinning jenny had just boon or was about to bo ushered into existence, and if we believed in Providential interferences, we would have no hesitation in saying that the Great iluler sent His special messenger to start upon its way the idea that resulted in the sewing machine. A geologist of sufficient intelligence to philosophically comprehend the full import of his profession, can examine the soil and rocks of a country, and foretell precisely the remotest future of its people, and the stand- ard and type of their civilization. He can foresee their wants and their modes of sup- plying those wants. What we would impress by this is the fact that geology is one of the greatest practical subjects in tho world. It is full of knowledge, every iota of which is ripe wisdom and possesses a moneyed value. When Agassiz was approached by some gentlemen and questioned as to some of the conditions for a locality for breeding a superior horse, simply answered: "Gentle- men, it is a question of rocks." It was a certain rock formation that gave off and pro- duced the Blue Grass Region of Kentucky, and here, until a similar or superior spot is found, is the home of the fine horse. That entire region is underlaid with a peculiar formation of limestone, and the intelligent geologist may be able to find whole sections and innumerable places where he may be enabled to say: "Here raise your horso." 286 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. If geology teaches you all about raising fine horses, may it stop there and be able to tell you nothing about pumpkins and splendid women, hay, apples, peaches or the finest physical people in the world. Blind chance has ruled the world, and afflicted men, too, long enough. Let the one subject, that will better educate the people than all the schools and colleges in the world, come to be universally understood, and as sure as fate it will lift up communities and even the greatest of peoples more than all else. And a word here upon that vital subject of education will not be out of place, because it is a natural sequence to what we have said above. Education should be eminently practical, but for seventeen hundred years the one idea has prevailed to rind teachers who knew the miserable text books best, but who seldom or never knew anything else, and now the best men in the land are constantly asking, " Does education educate ? " And the astounding fact is, that not one single man of erudition has answered this carping inquiry in the affirmative, ex- cept it be a school teacher. We are not go- ing here to argue the great question, but to present to the school men a practical idea, we think, which we ask them at least to consider. When children are shut up in a school room, that very fact has deprived them of one of nature's best weapons for the mind. The playful gamboling and varied movements which are so characteristic of the young of all animals, man not excepted, and which are at once so pleasing and attractive, might have taught us that activity of feeling and affec- tion, and sprightliness of mind, are intended by nature to be the source and accompani- ments of healthful and invigorating muscular exercise; and that the system of bodily con- finement and mental cultivation, now so much in vogue, is calculated to inflict lasting in- jury on all who are subjected to its restraints. Muscular or mental growth and development can only come of active nervous and mental stimulus. To walk, for instance, under an order from the teacher, with no wish, pur- pose nor stimulus from the mind in view, is tiresome drudgery, and had better be omitted. Hence the superiority, as exercises for the young, of social and inspiriting games, which, by their joyous and boisterous mirth, call for the requisite nervous stimulus to put the muscles into vigorous and varied action, and hence the dull walk or the duller drumming in the room are each in open defiance of that law of nature, that from the muscles to the brain, and from the brain to the muscles, there must run that nervous stimulus, or neither will do its work well. Without buoyancy of spirit the mind will drag, and so will the body, and it is passing strange that this idea has not suggested the experiment to some community in the world to hire a teacher to play with the children, and sub- stitute him for one term for the stern, great man of the birch and ferule. Now we have no hesitation in the assertion that this pas- time could be found, with all its healthy men- tal and physical stimulus in rambles and ex- cursions, in which the teachers would be the mere jolly companion of the class, and in this way every pupil may be made a fair bot- anist, geologist, and have at the same time a reasonable smattering of the rudiments of natural history. Such a teacher would train mind and body at the same time, unconscious though he might be of it. About the only use that should ever be made of the school room would be to make a kind of meeting place of it. Two years of such education, running the terms as the schools do now, un- der a competent practical teacher, would startle the world with the grand idea of a HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 287 new invention at last in the science of school- teaching. The corner-stone upon which nearly all of life rests is the farmer, who tickles the earth, and it laughs with the rich harvests that so bountifully bless mankind To him espe- cially is a knowledge of the soil the very first consideration in life. Vile demagogues talk about the " honest farmer," the intelligent farmer, and tell him he is the greatest man in the world. Such stuff is an insult to every intelligent farmer in the land. To catch his votes does he throw him this slush, and per- haps when in the Legislature, in order to feed his henchmen and bummers at the pub- lic crib, he may pass some swindling State Industrial School bill. This talk of educat- ing the farmer simply means to rob him and have him send his boys to college, where they may return as graduates, more ignorant really than when they left home; their only acquire- ment generally is to be unfitted for being a farmer, and he starts to town to look out a situation. That boy has been cruelly wronged, and the chances are one in three his whole life has been wrecked. The farmer grows to be an old man, and ho will tell you that he has learned to be a good farmer only by a life of patient toil, experiments, and many and se- rious disappointments. And if you should tell him that these experiments had made him a scientific farmor, he would think you were poking fun at him. He tells you, porhaps, he was reared poor, and had no advantages of education. If he was reared on a farm — especially under the eye of an intelligent father or guardian — we would not hesitate to tell him that the luck of his life was that he was too poor in youth to go to college.- Suppose that in his youth a well-digested chapter on the geological history, that would have told him in tho simplest terms all about the land he was to cultivate, how invaluable the lesson would have been, and how much in money value it would have proved to him. In other words, if you could give your boys a practical education, made up of a few les- sous pertaining to those subjects that im- mediately concern their lives, how invaluable such an education might be, and how many men would be saved the pangs and penalties of ill-directed lives. The parents often spend much money in the education of their children, and from this they build great hopes upon their future that are often blasted, not through the fault, always, of the child, but through the error of the parent in not being able to know in what real practical education consists. If the schools of the country, for instance, could devote one of the school months in each yean to rambling over the hills and the fields, and gathering practical lessons in the geology and botany of the section of country in which the children were born and reared, how incomparably more valuable and useful the time thus spent would be to them in after life than would the present mode of shutting out the sunshine of life, and spending both life and vitality in studying metaphysical mathematics, or the most of the other text- books that impart nothing that is worth the carrying home to the child's stock of knowl- edge. At all events, the chapter in the county's history, or in the history of any community or country, that tells its geolog- ical formation, is of first importance to all its people, and if properly prepared it will be- come a source of great interest to all, and do much to disseminate a better education among tho people, and thus be a perpetual blessing to the community. Tho permanent effects of the soil on the people are as strong and certain as they are upon the vegetation that springs from it. It is a maxim in geology that the soil and its under- 283 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. lying rocks forecast unerringly to the trained eye the character of the people, the number and the quality and the civilization of those who will, in the coming time, occupy it. Indeed, so close are the relations of the geology and the people that this law is plain and fixed, that a new country may have its outlines of history written when first looked upon; and it is not, as so many suppose, one of those deep, abstruse subjects that are to be given over solely to a few great investigators and thinkers, and to the masses must forever remain a sealed book. Geology traces the history of the earth back through successive stages of develop- ment to its rudimental condition in a state of fusion. The sun, and the planetary system that revolves around it, were originally a common mass, that became separated in a gaseous state, and the loss of heat in a planet reduced it to a plastic state, and thus it com- menced to write its own history, and place its records upon these imperishable books, where the geologist may go and read the strange, eventful story. The earth was a wheeling ball of lire, and the cooling event- ually formed the exterior crust, and in the slow process of time prepared the way for the animal and vegetable life it now contains. In its center, the fierce flames still rage with undiminished energy. Volcanoes are outlets for these deep-seated fires, where are gen- erated those tremendous forces, an illustra- tion of which is given in the eruptions of Vesuvius, which has thrown a jet of lava, resembling a column of flame, 10,000 feet high. The amount of lava ejected at a sin- gle eruption from one of the volcanoes of Iceland has been estimated at 40,000,000,000 tons, a quantity sufficient to cover a large city with a mountain as high as the tallest Alps. Our world is yet congealing, just as the process has been constantly going on for billions of years, and yet the rocky crust that rests upon this internal lire is estimated to be only between thirty and forty miles in thickness. In the silent depths of the stratified rocks are the former creation of plants and animals, which lived and died during the slow, dragging centuries of their formation. These fossil remains are frag- ments of history, which enable the geologist to extend his researches far back into the realms of the past, and not only determine their former modes of life, but study the contemporaneous history of their rocky beds, and group them into systems. And such has been the profusion of life, that the great limestone formations of the globe consists mostly of animal remains, cemented by the infusion of animal matter. A large part of the soil spread over the earth's surface has been elaborated in animal organism. First, as nourishment, it enters into the structure of plants, and forms vegetable tissue; pass- ing thence, as food, into the animal, it be- comes endowed with life, and when death occurs it returns into the soil and imparts to it additional elements of fertility. The realization of great defects in the education of our young farmers and of their losses and disappointments, and even dis- asters, in the pursuit of their occupation of tilling the earth, that come of their neglect in early education and training, prompts us to present a subject that many of our readers without investigating, may consider dry and uninteresting. The views of the writer are not wholly those of the visionary enthusiast, nor are they the mere theories drawn from books. Born and reared on a farm, with nearly a quarter of a century's experience in tilling the soil, qualities him to tell, not so confidently, but with nearly the facility of H. Greeley, of what "I know about farming." The supreme subject is how to get a practi- I1ISIOKV OF CLAY COUNTY. 289 eal, real education; how to fit our youths for the great struggle of life that is before them. That the reader may gather some idea of the first lesson of the rocks, and in the hope it may stimulate him to look further into this simple but sublime subject, we give in their order the different groups and systems in the plainest and simplest form we can present them, as gathered from the geolo- gists. We only deem it necessary to explain that all rocks are either igneous or stratified, the former meaning melted by fire, and the latter sediment deposited in water. Their order, commencing with the lowest stratified rocks and ascending, are as follows: The Laurentian system is the lowest and oldest of the stratified rocks. From the effects of great heat, it has assumed, to some extent, the character of the igneous rocks below, but still retains its original lines of stratification. A principal effect of the great heat to which its rocks were exposed is crys- tallization. The Laurentian system was for- merly believed to be destitute of organic re- mains, but recent investigations have led to the discovery of animals, so low in the scale of organization as to be regarded as the first appearance of sentient existence. This dis- covery, as it extends the origin of life back- ward through 30j000 feet of strata, maybe regarded as one of the most important ad- vances made in American geology. The Huronian system, like the one that precedes it, and on which it rests, is highly crystalline. Although fossils have not been found in it. yet from it^ position, the infer- ence is they once existed, and if they do not now, the great transforming power of heat has caused their obliteration. This, and the subjacent system, extend from Labrador southwesterly to the great lakes, and thence northwesterly toward the Arctic Ocean. They derive their names from the St. Lawrence and Lake Huron, on the banks of which are found their principal outcrops. Their emer- gence from the ocean was the birth of the North American Continent. One face of the uplift looked toward the Atlantic and the other toward the Pacific. The Silurian age, compared with the more stable formations of subsequent times, was one of commotion, in which fire and water played a conspicuous part. Earthquakes and volcanoes furrowed the yielding crust with ridges, and threw up islands whose crag- gy summits, here and there, stood like sen- tinels above the murky deep which dashed against their shores. The present diversities of climate did not exist, as the temperature was mostly due to the escape of internal heat, which was the same over every part of the surface. As the radiation of heat in fut- ure ages declined, the sun became the con- trolling power, and zones of climate appeared as the result of solar domination. Uniform thermal conditions imparted a corresjaonding character to vegetable and animal life, and one universal fauna and flora extended from the equator to the poles. During the Silu- rian age, North America, like its inhabitants, was mostly submarine, as proved by wave- lines on the emerging lauds. The Devonian age is distinguished for the introduction of vertebrates, or the fourth sub-kingdom of animal life, and the beginning of terrestrial vegetation. The latter appeared in two classes, the highest of the flowerless and the lowest of the flowering plants. The Lepidodendron, a noted instance of the former, was a majestic, upland forest tree, which, during the coal period, grew to a height of eighty feet, and had a base of more than three feet in diameter. Its description is quite poetical, and is as follows: Beauti- ful spiral flutings, coiling in opposite direc- tions and crossing each other at fixed angles, 290 HISTOHY OF CLAY COUNTY. carved the trunks and branches into rhom- boidal eminences, each of which was scarred with the mark of a falling leaf. At an alti- tude of sixty feet, it sent off arms, each sepa- rating into branchlets, covered with a needle- like foliage destitute of flowers. It grew, not by internal or external accretions, as plants of the preseut day, but, like the build- ing of a monument, by additions to the top of its trunk. Mosses, rushes and other diminutive flowerless plants are now the only representatives of this cryptogamic vegeta- tion, which so largely predominated in the early botany of the globe. Floral beauty and fragrance were not characteristic of the old Devonian woods. No bird existed to enliven their silent groves with song; no ser- pent to hiss in the fenny brakes, nor beast to pursue, with hideous yells, its panting prey. The vertebrates consisted of fishes, of which the Glanoide and Placoids were the princtpal groups. The former were the fore- runners of the reptile, which in many re- spects they closely resemble. They embraced a large number of species, many of which grew to a gigantic size; but, with the excep- tion of the gar and sturgeon, thej have no living representative. The Placoids, struct- urally formed for advancement, still remain among the highest types of the present seas. The shark, a noted instance, judging from its fossil remains, must have attained 100 feet in length. Both groups lived in the sea, and if any fresh water animals existed, their remains have either perished or not been found. So numerous were the inhabitants of the ocean, that the Devonian has been styled the age of fishes. In their anatomical struct- ure was foreshadowed the organization of man. reptiles, birds and mammals being the intermediate gradations. The Carboniferous age opened with the deposition of widely extended marine forma- tions. Added to the strata previously de- posited, the entire thickness in the region of the Alleghanies, now partially elevated, amounted to seven miles. The most promi- nent feature of the Carboniferous age was the formation of coal. Being carbonized vegetable tissue, the material furnished for this purpose was the vast forest accumula- tions peculiar to the period. The coal fields of Europe are estimated at 18,000 square miles, those of the United States at 150,000. In Illinois, three-fourths of the surface is underlaid by beds of coal, and the State con- sequently has a greater area than any other State in the Union. The entire carbonifer- ous system, including the coal beds and the intervening strata in Southern Illinois, is 27,000 feet in thickness and in the northern part only 500 feet. The Reptilian age came next, and it is distinguished for changes in the continental borders, which generally ran within their present limits. The Mammalian age witnessed the increase of the mass of the earth above the ocean's level threefold, and next in regular succes- sion was the age of Man, which commenced with the present geological conditions. These are the order of the earth's formation, or as it is sometimes called, its growth, sim- ply given to the time of the coming of man. Though the absolute time of his coming can- not be determined, he was doubtless an in- habitant of the earth many thousand years before he was sufficiently intelligent to pre- serve the record of his own history. The present age still retains, in a dimin- ished degree of activity, .the geological action we have briefly sketched. The oscillations of the earth's crust are still going on, perhaps as they ever have. As an evidence of this, it is a well-known fact that the coast of HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 291 Greenland on the western side, for a distance of 600 miles, has been slowly sinking for the past 400 years. Thus constantly have the bottoms of the oceaD been lifted above the waters and the mountains sunk and became the beds of the sea. In the science of geolo- gy, this solid old earth and its fixed and supposed eternal mountains are as unstable as the waves upon the water. Clay County embraces a surface area of about 466 square miles, and is bounded on the north by Effingham and Jasper Counties, on the east by Jasper and Richland, on the south by Wayne, and on the west by Marion and Fayette. The Little Wabash River runs diagonally across the county from northwest to southeast, and with afflu- ents —Elm Creek on the south and Muddy Creek on the northeast — drains nearly the whole of its area. Tb9 surface of the county is nearly equally divided into prairie and timber land, the latter forming wide belts along the streams, and the former occupying the highest areas between them. The differ- ence of level between the creek bottoms and the adjacent highland is not very great, probably nowhere exceeding fifty to seventy-five feet. Locally the streams are bordered with pre- cipitous bluffs from forty to fifty feet in height, and at other points there is a grad- ually sloping surface from the bottoms up to the level to the adjacent prairie. The bottoms along the Little Wabash vary in width from one to three miles, and are subject to overflow during the annual spring freshets, and hence have not been brought under cultivation, but are still covered with primeval forest of excellent timber. The alluvial soil of these bottoms is exceedingly rich, and if subdued and brought under cul- tivation would produce abundant crops of corn and all the cereals usually cultivated in this latitude. Drift Deposits. — The uplands are covered with blue and yellow drift clays, ranging from ten to forty feet in thickness, and pos- sibly along the bluffs of some of the streams they may attain even a greater thickness than that above indicated. The surface of the bedrock was often eroded into valleys of con- siderable extend before the drift was deposit- ed, and being subsequently filled with these gravelly clays the deposit is not uniform, but is much thicker in some places than in others. In the borings at Xenia and Flora, the bedrock was struck at the depth of thirteen or fourteen feet, and generally upon the prairie iu sinking wells the drift clays and gravel beds are found to range from ten to twenty feet. In the bluffs at Elm Creek, south of Flora, and some other points in the county, they attain a thickness of thirty to forty feet. The upper part is generally a brown or buff gravelly clay, with occasional bowlders of a foot or two in diameter, and the lower part, where the deposit attains its greatest thickness, consists of bluish or ash gray clay, or hardpan, as it is usually de- nominated, from its being more compact and harder to penetrate than the brown clay above it. Bowlders of granite syenite, greenstone and quartzite are not uncommon, and occa- sionally nuggets of native copper and small specimens of galena are to be met with in these gravelly clays in this county. Stratified Rocks. — The rock formation proper in this county all belong to the upper coal measures, and the only seam in this county that has been worked to any extent is No. 16 of the general section, and the high- est seam but one known in the State. There have been three borings made in the county, one at Xenia and two in the vicinity of Flora, but none of them were carried down far enough to reach the main workable coals of 293 HIST011Y OF CLAY COUNTY. the lower measures. The flax mill boring on the eastern edge of Flora is reported as fol- lows : Feet. Inches. 6 3 Soil and drift clay 13 Sandy shale and gray sandstone 47 Black shale and Coal No. 14 3 Hard sandstone 84 Clay shale, soapstone 33 Black shale 3 Shale limestone 2 Coal, No. 13 7 192 9 A shaft was commenced near where this boring was made, and carried down to a depth of 115 felt, mainly through sandstone and sandy shale. The flow of water in the shaft was so strong as to seriously interfere with the prosecution of the work, and finally filled it to within about five feet of the sur- face of the ground, where it still remains. The shaft terminated in the heavy bed of Sandstone No. 4 of the preceding section. Another boring two miles to the westward of this, near the fair grounds, was reported as follows: Feet. Inches. Soil and drift clay 13 Sandstone 40 Clay shale, soapstone 7 Hard gray sandstone 38 Hard rock, probably sandstone 3 Sandstone 47 Impure limestone 4 Black shale 8 Limestone 8 Clay shale, soapstone 37 205 6 These borings commence at least forty or fifty feet below the coal and limestone north- west of Louisville, and were discontinued before reaching the horizon of any workable coal. The boring at Xenia was carried to the depth of 450 feet, passing through three thin coals, one of which was reported to be four feet thick. The following is the section of this boring as furnished by Capt. Dyer: Feet. Inches. Soil and drift 14 Clay shale, soapstone 92 Bluish gray sandstone 31 CoalNo.13 9 Crevice, probably soft fire clay 1 6 Clay shale, soapstone 3 Limestone 1 6 Conglomerate 3 Bluish gray sandstone 4 Blue shale 64 Hard rock 1 Blue shale No. 12 9 Sandstone 12 Blue Shale 14 6 Coal No. 11 4 Fireclay 6 Sandstone 15 Pebbly rock 2 Shale 2 6 Blue Shale 29 Micaceous sandstone 4 White sandstone 4 Hock with few fossils 1 Coal No. 10 1 6 FireClay 2 6 Sandstone 11 6 Blue shale 4 Sandstone 2 Blackshale 15 Flint rock 10 Shale 23 Hard rock 4 Shale 11 Sandstone .' 7 Clay shale 6 Sandstone 14 Blue shale 6 Gray sandstone 14 444 9 So far as it is possible to correlate this section with what is known as the upper coal measure strata of Central Illinois, we are inclined to believe that the ten-foot bed of hard rock described in the boring as flint is the limestone of Shoal Creek and Carlinville, which is usually a very hard rock, and that the succeeding coals are 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the general section. The small coal outcrop- ping north of Hoag's quarries about two ' TJlcjfd HISTORY OF CI, AY COUNTY. 295 miles, at Jacob Spiker's place, is probably No. 1 5, and the nest succeeding seam would be the Nelson coal of Effingham County, which outcrops in this county about two miles northwest of Louisville, and at several points northwest of there in the bluffs of the Little Wabash and its tributaries, and will be more particularly described further on in this chapter. One mile north of Xenia, a fine, evenly- bedded freestone is extensively quarried by Mr. Hoag;. The rock is a rather fine grained sandstone in even layers, from two inches to two feet in thickness, and can be easily quar- ried in large slabs. It is partly brown and partly of a bluish gray color, dresses freely and hardens after being taken from the quarry, and is the best building stone known in this portion of the State. The rock is as evenly-bedded as the magnesian limestone of Joliet, and the thin layers make good flag- stones, while the heavier beds afford a fine quality of cut-stone for ashlars, window- caps and sills, lintels, etc. A large quantity of this stone is furnished to the city of St. Louis, where it bears an excellent reputation as a superior building stone. About eight feet in thickness of this freestone is worked in this quarry, the heaviest beds ranging from one foot to thirty inches in thickness. This sandstone is overlaid in the vicinity of this quarry with twenty to twenty -five feet of soft brown shale, with numerous bands of iron ore, closely resembling the shales on the waters on Raccoon Creek, southwest of Flora, and described in the report on Wayne Coun- ty. The waters (if a well sunk in this shale, about half a mile south of Hoag's quarry, has the same taste as that of McGannon's spring, near the north line of Wayne County, and no doubt the shales are identical. The shale here contains numerous bands of iron ore of good quality, and several points were observed on the small branches northeast of the quarry, and not more than a mile distant, where from twelve to sixteen inches of good ore could be obtained from a vertical thick- ness of four or five feet of shale. The thin coal at Spiker's place overlies this shale, and the beds exposed there gave the following section: i eet. Bituminous shale 4 Hind blue limestone — septaria 6 inches to 1J Blue shale 1 to 1J Coal i Fire Clay and clay shale 1 A few well preserved fossils were found in the septaria over the coal, among which were Nautilus occidentalis, Macrocheilua primi- genious, Productus pertenuis, Spirifer ca- meratus, Myalina subquadrata, Chonetes, joints of Crinoidea, etc. All the beds ex- posed from Hoag's quarry to this point are probably above those passed through at the Xenia bore. At Mr. John Lampkin's place, about two miles northwest of Louisville, on the north- west quarter of Section 20, Town 4, Range 6, there is an outcrop of gray limestone, under- laid by a coal seam, with ranges from twelve to eighteen inches in thickness, and is worked by Mr. Lampkin in a limited way. affording a coal of fair quality. The limestone over the coal is a compact, hard, gray rock, rang- ing from three to four feet in thickness, con- taining numerous fossils that may be ob- tained from the calcareous shaly layers asso- ciated with the limestone in a fair state of preservation. The section here is as follows: ButT shale with iron bands 5 to 8 feet Compact gray limestone 8 to I feet Calcareous shale 2 to 3 feet Coal 1 to i feet Clay shale or fire clay 1 to 3 feel Sandy shales ? The fossils observed here include the fol- lowing species: Orthis Pecosi, Fusulina 17 296 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. cylindrica, Spirifer cameratus, Spiriferina Kentuckensis, Lophophyllum proliferum, Pro- duetus longispinus, P. costatus and P. punc- tatus. On Section 10, Town 4 ? Range 5, this limestone is found on Crooked Creek, but lit- tle above the creek bed, aud the coal, if found at all, would be below the water level. On the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 5, Range 5, about two miles east of Larkinsville, the coal and the overlying limestone outcrop in the bluffs of Dismal Creek. The limestone is here from four to five feet in thickness, and the coal is reported to be about the same as at Lamkin's place. There are here from ten to twelve feet of sandy shale exposed in the bluffs of the creek below the coal. On Section 16, Township 4, Range 5, near the northwest corner of the section, a bed of hard shaly sandstone outcrops in the bank of a small branch, overlaid by slaty bitumi- nous shale of a foot or more in thickness, con- taining lenticular masses of a black limestone or septaria. The shaly sandstone was about three feet in thickness, and it probably overlies the limestone and coal at Lamkin's place, though the exact connection between them was not determined. On the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 4, Range 6, a sandstone quarry has been opened where the rock shows a per- pendicular face from four to six feet in thickness The sandstone is overlaid by a buff-colored shale, succeeded by a black laminated shale containing concretions from black or dark-blue limestone or septaria, containing a few fossils. On Section 16, in the same township, a hard sandstone is found in the bluffs " of Crooked Creek, which resembles the rock at l he quarry on Section 21, and it is here un- derlaid by shaly sandstone and shale to the water level. If these sandstones are identi- cal, the section here would show the follow- ing order of succession: Black laminated shale, with septaria... 5 to 6 feet Buff or drab shale 6 to 8 feet Sandstone quarry rock 4 to 6 feet Sandy shale — partial exposure 12 to 15 feet Just below the mouth of Crooked Creek, in the bluffs of the Little Wabash, we find the following section: Soil and drift clay 12 to 15 feet Soft shales— partly argillaceous 15 feet Irregularly bedded sandstone 3 to 4 feet Sandy shales 12 to 15 feet These beds outcrop at intervals along the bluffs of the stream from the mouth of Crooked Creek to Louisville, and at the old mill dam we find nearly a repetition of the above section, as follows: Black laminated shale 2 to 3 feet Coal i foot Buff and blue shales — partial exposure 6 to 12 feet Irregularly bedded hard sandstone. . . 4 to 6 feet Sandy shales extending below the river bed 10 to 12 feet Buff and blue shales — partial exposure 6 to 12 feet Irregularly bedded hard sandstone. . . 4 to 6 feet Sandy shales extending below the river bed 10 to 12 feet The thin coal in the above section is local- ly overlaid by a few inches of chocolate colored shale, passing into a hard blue lime- stone containing a few fossils, among which we were able to identify Productus Pvatte- ni si its, Choneles granulifera, Lingula uujti- loi es, Pleurotomaria carbonaria, Macrochei- his, etc. This thin coal is probably identical with that of Mr. Spiker's, three miles north of Xenia, and is either of local seam or else represents Coal No. 15 of the general section. The beds on the Little Wabash at Louisville underlie the limestone and coal at Lamkin's place and on Dismal Creek, but the exi - HISTOEY OF CLAY COUNTY. 297 iires were too isolated to obtain a complete section of the strata. Four miles southwest of Flora, on a branch of Raccoon Creek, sandstone and sandy shales outcrop along the bluffs of the stream for some distance. The bed is alto gether some ten or twelve feet in thickness, the upper part a sandy micaceous shale pass- ing downward into micaceous sandstone interstratified with the shales. The sand- stone strata vary in thickness from six to fourteen inches, and when freshly quarried the rock is rather soft, b.ut hardens on ex- posure and becomes a durable building stone. The quarry opened here belongs to Mr. John McGannon, and is located on Section 3, 'I 1 ! iwnship 2, Range 6 east. In the same township, a massive sandstone outcrops in the bluffs of Raccoon, in an appar- ently solid bed, projecting in some places several feet over the bed of the stream by the wearing away of the lower strata. On Bear Creek, another tributary of Elm Creek, just over the line in Wayne County, on Section 21, Township 2 south, Range 6 east, this massive sandstone is found in per- pendicular cliffs of twenty to thirty feet in height, above the bed of the stream. This is probably a part of the sandstone passed through in the shaft and borings at Flora, and it forms a bed-rock over a considerable area in the south part of Clay and the north- ern part of Wayne Counties. On Willow Branch, about six miles south- west of Flora, a blue argillaceous shale is found containing several bands of arsilla ceous ore of good quality. The exposure of shale is twenty feet or more in thickness, with a streak (if smutty coal or bituminous shale near the top of the exposure. The water that percolates through the shale be- comes highly impregnated with salts, and acts as an effective cathartic on those who use it freely. This shale probably overlies the massive sandstone on Raccoon Creek, but no continuous outcrop is found that will deter- mine definitely their true relations. The following notes of localities are re- ported from the notes of Prof. Cox: On a branch of Skillet Fork, on Section 32, Town- ship 4, Range 5. found the following beds: Feet. Drift clay 4 to 5 Blue argillaceous shale 8 Bituminous shale and limestone in the bed of the creek ? Crystalsof selenite (sulphate of lime) of small size were found disseminated through the shale, and are reported to be abundant at many points on this branch, and also on the main creek. On Mr. R. T. Roberts' place, two miles and a half south of Clay City, a thin coal is found underlaid by fire clay and argillaceous shale. The section of exposure hero is as follows: Feet, [nches. Soil and drift 10 Shall- 6 Coal 6 Fireclay 4 Argillaceous shale 1 Siliceous shale 2 In digging a well on the top of the hill about a quarter of a mile from this outcrop, Mr. Roberts went through from four to six inches of fossil if erous limestone, which prob- ably belongs above the coal. Three-quarters of a mile south of Mays- ville is a sandstone quarry owned by Hugh Miller. The rock is of a yellowish gray color, and the exposure from seven to eight feet thick. The so-called " sail pond " is on the south half of Section 4, Township :!, Range 8, and is a bog surrounded by high ground. Sticks may be thrust into it through the spongy mass to the depth of ten or fif- teen feet, and cattle, and formerly wild ani- mals also, resorted here for water. 298 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. At Moore's quarry, on Section 14, Town- ship 4, Range 6, there is a fine-grained buff sandstone that was used in the founda- tion and also for caps and sills for the Ma- sonic Hall building in Louisville. There are three layers of the rock exposed from eight to ten inches thick, overlaid by two feet of siliceous shale. At J. Elkin's place, on Section 36, Town- ship 5, Range 5, the following section was found : Feet Soil and drift 2 Gray argillaceous shale 8 Limestone in the bed of the creek 1 Down the creek, the limestone is two feet thick, the upper part full of encrinite stems and fusulina cylindrica. The limestone is quite compact, and will take a good polish. Still lower down on the creek, there is a thin coal below the limestone. This limestone is again seen 'on Limestone Creek, on Section 34, Township 6, Range 4, near the north line of the county. The limestone above mentioned is undoubtedly the same as that found over the coal at Lamkin's mine near Louisville, and on Dismal |Creek, east of Larkinsburg, and a limestone very similar in appearance is found on Muddy Creek near the northeast corner of the county, where it is quarried both for lime and building stone. Coal. — The only coal seam in the county that promises to be of any value for mining operations is that on Mr. Lamkin's place, northwest of Louisville, and this is so uneven- ly developed that there are probably but few localities in the county where it will prove to be of any practical value. At some points, it affords from eighteen to twenty inches of good coal, and possibly may thicken at some localities to a little more than that, while at othors it thins out to a few inches or is want- ing altogether, and its place is only indicated by a thin streak of bituminous shale. "Where well developed, it affords a very good quality of coal, and may be worked to advantage in a limited way to supply the local demand. We believe it to be the same as the Nelson coal found in the southwest corner of Effing- ham County, which is No. 16 of the general section, and the highest workable coal in the State. The main coals of the lower coal measures are j>robably from eight hundred to a thousand feet below the surface in any part of the county, and borings or shafts should not be encouraged unless parties are prepared to go to that depth. The coal seam reported to have been found four feet in thick- ness in the boring at Xenia could not have been lower in the series than No. 11 or 12, and if its thickness was correctly ascertained, it is probably only a local thickening of one of these upper coals. The lower coals offer no serious impediment to their being mined successfully, whenever the demand for coal shall be such as to justify such an expendi- ture of capital as will be required to open up a mine at this depth. Building Stone. — Sandstone of fair quality for building purposes is found at several lo- calities in the county and the quarries near Xenia, described on a preceding page, afford a freestone of superior quality that is ex- tensively quarried for exportation to St. Louis and other points where a stone, suitable for architectural display, may be required. This rock had a very even texture, dresses freely and can be easily cut into elaborate designs for ornamental work. A rock similar enough in texture and general appearance outcrops on Raccoon Creek, south of Flora, which probably belongs to the same bed, as the gen- eral trend of the strata appears to be from northwest to southeast. Other sandstones that afford a fair quality of building stone outcrop iu various parts of the county, as has already been noted in the preceding pages. HISTOKY OF CLAY COUNTY. •J99 The limestone over the eighteen-inch coal seam in the northern part of the county will afford a very hard and durable stone, but re- quires a greater amount of labor to quarry it and prepare it for use than the sandstone found in the same neighborhood, and hence has been but little used. Lime. — The only rock in the county that seems at all adapted to the manufacture of lime is the limestone above mentioned as overlying the eighteen-inch coal at Lamkin's mine, and outcropping at several other points in the north part of the county. This rock varies in thickness from two to four feet. and seems usually pure enough to afford a fair quality of lime, and has been burned for that purpose in a limited way at two or three points in the county. Iron Ore. — Bands of iron ore of good quality, intercalated in a bed of shale, were observed in two or three places in the coun ty, especially in the upper course of Elm Creek, and on some small tributaries of the same stream southwest of Flora and near the Wayne County line. Clays. — Clay suitable for pottery occurs on Mr. Bothwell's place, one mile south of Clay City, and good brick clays may be found in almost every neighborhood in the subsoil of the uplands. Timber. — Although much of the timbered land has been subdued and brought under cultivation since the first settlement of the county, the rapid growth of the remaining portion, with the addition of the brush lands, which, since the annual tires have been kept down, have hoen covered with a fine growth of young timber, lias nearly or quite kept up the original supply, and there js probably about as much timber in the county at the present time as there was in its early settle- ment. Prospects for Coal. -There is no doubt but all this portion of Southern Illinois is under- laid with heavy coal veins. But the dip of the rock and the coal is to the northwest, and the Belleville vein is probably 1)00 or 1,000 feet below the surface. The pit at Mattoon is now being worked, and is over 900 feet deep. The difficulties to contend with here will probably be water or quick sand, or both. . Mineral Waters. — No county in Illinois is probably so well supplied in this respect as Clay. The fame of the Sailor Springs has already extended all over the country, and the healing and restoring properties of these waters are constantly working wonders. Only fifteen years ago, these now celebrated springs, where has sprung into existence splendid hotels and a prosperous village, and where, during the summer months thousands of visitors flock, were considered and called the " poison springs," and the people pre- ferred to go a long way around rather than pass them. They were supposed to be so strongly impregnated with milk-sick that they poisoned the air for a distance around. And the people fenced them up to keep their stock away from them, and by common consent they were called the " Milk sick Springs." In 1869, Mrs. Thomas M. Sailor ex- changed property in Fjrbana, Ohio, for 400 acres, on which these springs were. Her husband visited the place, examined the wat- ers, tested them and became satisfied they were valuable mineral waters, that, gave only health to those who might use them and not disease. There are sixteen of these springs grouped together. Mr. Sailor had one of the largest analyzed, and, without giving the proportions, he found contained in the water soil i um. potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, sulphuric and carbonic acid. There are nearly as many different varieties of water as there are springs; and this constitutes one 300 HISTOKY OF CLAY COUNTY. of the great values of them. Some of them are as hue artesian springs as have been found in the country. There is a constant emission of strong gases, which can be caught, and burns with a strong white light, much re- sembling the electric lights. Two large hotels, containing together about 100 rooms, are filled during summer months, and hundreds of people are in tents all about the grounds. New and important improvements are projected and are much needed by the constantly increasing public patronage that flows toward these celebrated waters. CHAPTER II. 177S— GEORGE ROGERS CLARK-CAPT. HELM AND PRIVATE HENRY— CLAY COUNTY REVOLUTION- ARY GROUNDS— ITS SOIL MADE SACRED BY THETREAD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY —THE HANNIBAL OF THE NORTHWEST— AN ARMY OF AN OFFICER AND PRIVATE— OUR LAND TITLES— NAMES OF SOME OF THE ARMY THAT PASSED THROUGH CLAY COUNTY, ETC., ETC. ALONG the Atlantic Coast the conflict for American independence was raging fiercely with the armies of England. The American settlements in the West were beset by the bloodiest savages, urged on in their hellish work by British emissaries. The West just then was in great distress and often was threatened with extermination, and the truth is the country here was just then sadly in want of a hero to prevent these indiscrim- inate slaughters of the people and to wrest this great Mississippi Valley from the Crown. At the critical moment the hero came — George Rogers Clark — who has been not in- aptly called the Hannibal of the West. To know that, this remarkable man and his equally remarkable band of less than two hundred men were once encamped and marched through and won their imperishable victory, and countermarched again through Clay County, is enough to demand of us more than a passing account of the com- mander and of his army, aB well as a word in reference to their accomplishment. George Rogers Clark was born in Albe- marle County, Va., November 19, 1752, and when only a well-grown lad, the stories of the West attracted him irresistibly, and he followed the bent of his inclination; and when a very young man he was the chief act- or, assisted by Gabriel Jones, in the erection of the territory and the forming of the coun- ty of Kentucky. Here would have been a sufficient work for an ordinary man to have been content with, as he had not only been the architect of the State of Kentucky, but, at the head of the militia, he had fought out the bitter fight with the foe that has given it the name of the ' ' Dark and Bloody Ground." He was the first to discover and carry to Gov. Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson the in- telligence that, the Indian outrages were caused largely by British emissaries. To this discovery do we owe the fact that Gov. Henry sent Clarke with a force to dislodge the British strongholds in this portion of the country, especially Indiana and Illinois. Clark started down the Ohio River on the HISTORY OF CLAY COl'NTY'. 301 24th day of June, 1778. The day is posi- tively fixed by the fact that almost at the moment of launching the expedition the sun was in total eclipse. He dropped down the river to near Fort Massac, where, concealing the boats in a small creek, the expedition started across the country for Kaskaskia. Everything depended upon secrecy. They came in the vicinity of the place on the 4th of July, 1778. He reconnoitered during the night, and the next day the bloodless victory was made and the American flag floated in triumph over the place. So complete was the surprise that not a gun was tired, and so wise and just was his government on taking pos- session, that at once the entire population were won over and remained true and loyal. M. Rocheblave, the British commandant, was not aware that he was a prisoner till the offi- cer of the detachment which had captured the fort, entered his bedroom and tapped him on the shoulder. An equally bloodless victory and surprise captured Cahokia. When the Virginia Legislature learned of the conquests of Clark, tho Legislature of that State in October. 1778, organized the county of Illinois, which included all the territory of the commonwealth west of the Ohio River. This immense region, exceed- ing in superficial extent the whole of Great Britain and Ireland, was at that time the largest county in the world, and contained the garden spot of the continent Gen. Clark now turned his attention to the British post of Vincennes (called St. Vin- cents). He therefore called in M. Gibault, the Catholic priest of both Vincennes and Kaskaskia, and through him secured an em- bassy favorable to securing a transfer of allegiance of the people of Vincennes. The embassy under De Lafont and a spy went to Kaskaskia, and in a short time fully ac- complished their mission, appointed a tem- porary Governor and returned to Kaskaskia. This expedition returned and reached Kas- kaskia about the 1st of August. The his- torian of the expedition modestly concludes his narrative by saying: "This news was both a source of astonishment and gratifica- tion, as such a result was hardly to be ex- pected. " Thus, in three short months, by a mere squad of ragged, half-starved, half-equipped patriots, and without bloodshed, was accom- plished the most marvelous campaign in history, the most splendid conquests in all the annals of war. The essence of true great- ness and heroism are the same, whatever may be the scale of action, and although numbers are the standard by which military honors are usually awarded, they are in reality only one of the extrinsic circumstances. But it is of the recapture of Vincennes by Gen. Clark in person, and the marvels of that, expedition, that we propose mostly to speak of him and his army, because it was this that brought this heroic band into the confines of Clay County, and the fact that they had kin ih' I their camp fires here should inspire the entire people to learn to know and ap- preciate them more completely than they have heretofore. After his great conquest, he commenced the work of negotiations aud treaties of peace and friendship with the surrounding Indians. While thin engaged, the British Governor at Detroit heard of Clark's invasion, and was incensed that the country which he had in charge should be wrested from him by a few ragged militia from Virginia. He therefore hurriedly collected a force, consisting of thirty regulars, fifty French Canadians and 400 Indians, and marching by way of the Wabash, appeared before the fort at Yin cennes on December 15, 1778. The inhab- 302 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. itants made no effort to defend the town, and when Hamilton's forces arrived Capt. Helm and a man by the name of Henry were the only Americans in the fort. Henry loaded a cannon and placed it in the principal gate- way, Capt. Helm taking his position be- side it; as soon as Hamilton's army came within hailing distance, he called " Halt! " The British officer halted, but demanded the surrender of the place. Helm replied that no man could enter there until he was informed of the " terms offered." Hamilton replied, " you shall have the honors of war." Thereupon, Capt. Helm and private Henry surrendered with the "honors of war," and is it now too much to say that they also had something of the honors of immortality! It was six weeks before the news of this reached Gen. Clark at Kaskaskia. He at once sent Col. "Vigo to reconnoiter. An ad- mirable selection it proved to be. When within five miles of Vincennes, he was capt- ured by the Indians and taken before Gov. Hamilton. He was regarded as an American spy, but being a Spaniard, and well known to all the people about Vincennes, and very popular, the Governor did not dare.to treat him severely. Hamilton agreed to let him go if he would agree during the war to do no act injurious to the British. Col. Vigo re- fused these terms, but agreed to do no act prejudicial on his way home. He returned to St. Louis, remained long enough to change his clothes, and reported to Gen. Clark. He informed Clark of Hamilton's intentions of regaining Illinois at all hazards, and then to push his victories until he had re-conquered all to Fort Pitt, so that he would be master of the Virginia territory between the Alle- ghanies and the Mississippi. Clark, realizing the critical state of affairs, wrote the facts to Gov. Henry, and at once commenced preparations to attack Hamilton, because, as he afterward said. " I knew if I did not take him he would take me." Vigo had informed him that there were eighty men, three cannon, and some swivels, and now if he could attack the town before Ham- ilton could recall his troops which he had dispersed, he might succeed, but in no other way. Without a moment's delay, a galley was fitted up, mounting two four pounders and four swivels, and placed in charge of Capt. John Rogers, with forty -six men, with orders to force their way to the mouth of White River, and there await orders. On February 7, 1779, just eight days after the reception of the news, the little army of 170 men started overland from Kaskasia to Vincennes. On the 13th, four days out, they reached the forks of the Little Wabash, the low bottoms of which were covered with water. At this point of the stream, the banks were five miles apart, and the water so deep in many places as to be waded with the greatest difficul- ty. It rained almost incessantly. They con- structed a raft to ferry over their baggage. The men had not murmured, although their sufferings had been great from the start, until now. A little Irish drummer boy would wade along until he came to water too deep, when he would mount his drum and request some tall soldier to push him along, when he would sing a comic song, at which he was most excellent, and this simple fact would often cheer the others to another effort when '. they were ready to lie down in despair. On the morning of the 18th, eleven days after leaving Kaskaskia, they heard the sig- | nal guns of the fort, and the evening of the same day arrived at the Great Wabash, nine miles below Vincennes. The galley had not arrived, and hence the exhausted supplies I could not be replenished, and the men were HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. .«)3 almost starving. It is doubtful if there were many other men alive who could have kept up the spirits of the men as did Clark. Fortunately, from this point on. we have a description of the journey in Gen. Clark's own words, and no human pen can tell them half so well, and we prefer to give as we find them: "The nearest land to us in the direction of Vincennes was a spoi called the 'Sugar Camp,' on the opposite side of the slough. I sounded the water, and finding it as deep as my neck, returned, with the design of having the men transported on board the canoes to the camp, though I know it would spend the whole day and the ensuing night, as the ves- sel would pass slowly through the bushes. The loss of so much time to men half-starved was a matter of serious consequence, and I would now have given a great deal for a day's provision or one of our horses. When I re- turned, all ran to hear the report. I unfort- unately spoke in a serious manner to one of the officers; the whole were alarmed without knowing what 1 said. I viewed their eon- fusion for a minute, and whispered for those near me to do as I did. I immediately put some water in my hands and poured powder on it. blackened my face, gave the war whoop, and marched into the water. The party immediately followed, one after an- other, without uttering a word of complaint. I ordered those near me to sing a favorite song, which soon passed through the line, and all went cheerfully. I now intended to have them transport e< I across the deepest part of the water, but when about waist deep one of the men informed me that he thought he had discovered a path. We followed it, and finding that it kept ou higher ground, without further difficulty arrived at the camp. where there was dry ground on which to pitch our lodges. The Frenchmen that we had taken on the river appeared to be uneasy at our situation, and begged that they might be permitted during the night to visit the town in two canoes, and bring from their own houses provisions. They said that some of our men could go with them as a surety for their conduct, and that it would bo im- possible to leave that place till the waters, which were too deep for marching, subsided. Some of the officers believed that this might be done, but I would not suffer it. I could never well account for my obstinacy on this occasion, or give satisfactory reasons to my- self or anybody else why I denied a proposi- tion apparently so easy to execute and of so much advantage; but something seemed to toll me it should not be done. " On the following morning, the finest we had experienced, I harangued the men. What I said I am not now able to recall, but it may be easily imagined by a person who possesses the regard which I at that, time en- tertained for them. I concluded by informing them that passing the sheet of water, which was in full view, and reaching the opposite woods, would put an end to their hardships; that in a few hours they woidd have a sight of their long-wished for object, and immedi- ately stepped into the water without waiting for a reply. Before a third of the men had entered, I halted and called to Maj. Bowman, and ordered him to fall into the rear with twenty-five men and put to death any man who refused to march with us, as wo did not wish to have any such among us. The whole gave a cry of approbation, and on wo went. This was the most trying of all the difficulties we experienced. I generally kept fifteen of the strongest men next myself, and judge from my own feelings what must bo that of others, (letting near the middle of the in- undated plain, I found myself sensibly fail- ing, and as there wero no trees for the men 304 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. to support themselves, I feared that many of the weak would be drowned. I ordered the canoe to ply back and forth, and with all diligence to pick up the men; and to encour- age the party, sent some of the strongest forward, with orders that, when they had ad- vanced a certain distance, to pass the word back that the water was getting shallow, and when near the woods to cry out land. This stratagem had the desired effect. The men, encouraged by it, exerted themselves almost beyond their abilities, the weak holding on the stronger. On reaching the woods, where the men expected land, the water was up to their shoulders; but gaining the timber was the greatest consequence, for the weakly hung to the trees and floated on the drift un- til they were taken off by the canoes. The strong and tall got on shore and built fires; bat many of the feeble, unable to support themselves on reaching land, would fall with their bodies half in the water. They were so benumbed with cold, we soon found that fires would not restore them, and the strong ones were compelled to exercise them with great severity to revive their circulation. " Fortunately, a canoe in charge of some squaws was going to town, which our men captured, and which contained half a quarter of buffalo meat, some corn, tallow and ket- tles. Broth was made of this valuable prize, and served out to the most weakly with great care. Most of the men got a small portion, but many of them gave a part of theirs to the more famished, jocosely saying some- thing cheering to their comrades. This lit- tle refreshment gave renewed life to the company. We next crossed a deep but nar- row lake in the canoe3, and marching some distance, came to a copse of timber called Warrior's Island. We were now distant only two miles from town, which, without a sin- gle tree to obstruct the view, could be seen from the position we occupied. " The lower portions of the land between us and the town were covered with water, which served at this season as a resort for ducks and other fowl. We had observed several men out on horsoback shooting them, half a mile distant, and sent out as many of our active young Frenchmen to decoy and take one of them prisoner, in such a manner as not to alarm the others. Being successful in addition to the information which had be9n obtained from those taken on the river, the captive reported that the British had that evening completed the wall of the fort, and that there were a good many Indians in town. Our situation was truly critical. No possibility of retreat in case of defeat and in full view of the town, which at this time had 600 men in i t. — troops, inhabitants and Indians. The crew of the galley, though not fifty men, would now have been a reinforce- ment of immense magnitude to our little army, we could not think of waiting for them. Each had forgotten his suffering, and was ready for the fray, saying what he had suffered was nothing but what man should bear for the good of his country. The idea of being made a prisoner was foreign to every man, as each expected nothing but tort- ure if they fell into the hands of the Indi- ans. Our fate was to be determined in a few hours, and nothing but the most daring con- duct would insure success. I knew that a number of the inhabitants wished us well; that many were lukewarm to the interests of either party. I also learned that the Grand Door had but a few days before openly declared, in council with the British, that he was a brother and a friend of the Long Knives. These were favorable circumstances, as there was but little probability of our remaining until dark undiscovered. I determined to commence operations immediately, and wrote the following placard to people of the town: HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 305 " ' To the Inhabitants of Vincknnes: " 'Qentlemen— Being now within two miles of your -village with my army, determined t'> take your fort this night, and not being willing to surprise you, I take this opportunity to request such of you as are true citizens, and willing to enjoy the liberty which I bring you, to remain still in your houses, and those, if there 1"- any. who are friends of the king. let them instantly repair to the fort, and join the Hair Buyer General and light like men; and if any of the latter do not go to the fort and shall be dis- covered afterward, they may depend upon severe punishment. <>n the contrary, those who are true friends to liberty, may depend upon being well treated, and I once more request them to keep out of the street--, for everyone I find in arms on my arrival shall be treated as an enemy We don't care to give the details of the capture of Gov. Hamilton and his forces in the fort and running up again over the stronghold the American flag, although it, like nearly every act of the great Clark's life, ■wtis a historical fact that transcends in thrill- ing interest all fiction. Nothing, reader, could interest you more, if you are not al- ready familiar with the story, than to read in detail the history, as made by George Rogers Clark, of how the great Mississippi Valley was saved from the British Empire. There is not a line in the history of his transactions while here, by order of Gov. Henry, but that is material enough and to spare for the biography of almost any other hero. If there was any man in American history, except George Washington, who contributed as much to the material glory of our country, and who toiled amid greater pri- vations and .sufferings and with truer heroism, we are frank to say we do not just now re- member him. He was a true hero, great soldier and wise statesman, and it is strange the neglect that has followed his memory. There were Vigo, Helm. Private Hour; and their superb commander. Chirk, who here made the very ground of Clay County sacred by their presence here, as one of the most important parts of the Revolutionary army. We know of no other warrior in history who won as many battles — battles of more impor- tance than Waterloo or Thermopylae— without tiring a gun or wasting a drop of blood, but solely by his commanding and overpowering presence. With his little ragged squad of tatterdemalions, yet, each in his suffering, starvation and rags, made a sublime hero because of his commander, and with this burlesque of our ideas of an army, he never hesitated to invest any stronghold of the enemy, and to boldly demand an unconditional surrender. He always struck his blow when most unexpected, and the language that he used in his bold demand was of itself a panoplied army, and before the enemy had time to recover from the blow of the an- nouncement of his investment, he would be so pressed that he would call for a conference, and then Clark's victory was assured. The conference convened, his demands were only the more peremptory, and he stood, in the presence of the already conquered the one supreme master spirit, and the truce always ended by his receiving the enemy's surrender on his own terms, and then he would exhibit almost a stern ferocity, and just as the fallen foe had given up all for the executioner, he would, as he had intended all the time, at the last moment, relent, and bid the trembling supplicants stand up and be a brother, and then show them how magnanimous he could be as a friend, and thus the wisest purposes wore carried out. This original diplomacy, especially with the Indians, made those people both fear and love him, above, per haps, any other man who appeared in that And the descendants of the pioneers of all this great valley have really little or no conception of the debt of gratitude they owe the memory of Clark, in this particular respect, if in no other way. 306 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Thus, all this magnificent domain of the northwest was acquired, or rather we have briefly mentioned a few of the acts of the man to whom we owe this rich and magnifi- cent empire that has literally already fed the world. To take possession of this after Clark had wrested it from the enemy was the next nat- ural step. In the spring of 1779, Lieut. John Todd, of Kentucky, by commission of Patrick Henry, came to Kaskaskia and organized civil gov- ernment, which has gone on uninterruptedly ever since, and under its continuation we now live. At this period, with the exception of the French along the Mississippi, and a few fam- ilies along the Wabash, the whole country was the abode of the savage Indian. The first Western emigration commenced at this time, and the descendants of several of +hese early pioneers are here yet. It is a singular fact that it was the wars that always helped Illinois. Soldiers would be sent campaigning over the State, and the country was so beautiful that they would return, and to this we owe many of the best citizens that have ever come to the State of the noble band of Clark's soldiers who made that immortal march, from Kaskaskia to Vincennes, and passed through Clay County, and that at once became permanent citizens of Illinois; we have the record of James Piggot, John Doyle (afterward the first school teacher), Robert Whitehead and a Mr. Bowen. St. Clair County was organized in 1700, and named in honor of the first territorial Governor. The boundaries of this, the mother of counties in this State, included the present State boundaries, extending as far north as the Little Mackinaw Creek on the Illinois River. This of course included what is now Clay County. The next step in which the local history of this part of Illinois is concerned, was the extinguishment of the Indian titles to the lands we now enjoy and possess. Our peo- ple as a rule, in fact without exception, in all matters of transfer of lands, make no further inquiry after titles, except to trace them to the Government, but as a fact and as a part of the history of every acre of land in all this part of the world, the titles were all at one time in the Indians, and the country's records show that these original owners passed the title first to the Government, and this was a condition precedent to that power possessing a title to give to its inhabitants. August 13, 1803, the treaty of Vincennes was concluded with the Kaskaskias. The expressed consideration being $580 in cash, an increase in their annuity, under the treaty of Greenville, to $1,000, and $300 toward building a church and an annual payment for seven years of $100 to a Catholic priest stationed among them. The tribe of Kaskaskias, reduced to a few hundred individ- uals, but still representing the once powerful confederacy of the Illinois, ceded to the United States, except a small reservation, all that tract included within a line beginning below the mouth of the Illinois, descending the Mississippi to its junction with the Ohio, as ending the latter to the Wabash, and from a point up the latter, west to the Missis- sippi River, embracing the greater part of Southern Illinois, some 8,608,167 acres. The reader will readily understand that we have not attempted a synopsis of the early history of Illinois, but only the briefest refer- ence to that portion of the general history as has references or connection with this particular part of Illinois. HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. 307 CHAPTER II!. THE EARLIEST SETTLERS— WHO THEY WERE AND HOW THEY CAME— APPEARANCE OF THE COUNTRY —JOHN McCAWLEY— HOW OUR TITLES TO THE LAND CAME— THE INDIANS— A LIST OF EARLY SETTLERS— THOMAS McCRACKIN AND MANY OTHERS— TRUNDLE BED— SCHOOL TEACHER— SINGING MASTER— FIRST DUDES— WRITING MASTER— BOTTLE RACE —WEDDINGS— MANY OTHER INTERESTING FACTS AND FANCIES, ETC. reader must bear in mind that the whole face of the country has undergone during the past thirty or forty years a great change. Natural and artificial drainage has dried the lagoons and swamps until farms in a high state of cultivation have taken their places. The once almost impenetrable forests have given place to well trimmed and cleaned pasture lands, and all of that wildness that once reigned here oppressively in its magnitude has disappeared before the patient industry of man. Only a few years ago, during the rainy spring seasons, it was almost impossi- ble to cross these prairies with a team, even where the road had been thrown up in the center, and ditches had been cut at the sides to let off the world of surplus water. On the untouched prairies was a strong sod, strong enough to bear up a horse and man, as well as strong enough to bear a wagon, unless heavily laden. And it would bear even the heaviest wagon, except in this very wet spring weather. Plenty of men can well re- member that at one time vou could by jump- ing up and down at times and iu numerous places shako the sod for a rod all around. The action of the strong sod was as though it rested solely upon water, and to a certain extent this really seems to have been the case. Where once were large ponds that would be the resort of all kinds of water fowls in the spring of the year, are now dry rpHE first settler in Clay County was John -*- McCawley, as tine a specimen of the pioneer and genuine man in every respect as ever made his name a household word that cannot perish in any new community. When it was simply a desert wild, with nothing but the wild beast, the game and the Indian, this man came and took up his abode, and he made friends of the Indians, captured the game for his family supplies, and commenced the work of exterminating the wild beasts, which were the enemies to every living thing that came in their way, and contributed nothing toward the good of the world. He was a splendid type of man evidently for the heroic work that had been set apart for him to do. It is much to say of any one that he was the first white man to settle in a county. The simple statement of the fact to any one who at all bears in mind all that the term implies — its hardships and dangers, its drear- iness and loneliness in the eternal solitudes; its oppressive silence, save the scream of the panther, or the " war-whoop that oft woke the sleep of the cradle; " the prowling wolf and the fear-inspiring hoot of the owl, like a midnight messenger of evil — and when the day and its quiet solitude would come, it only aroused the greonhead fly, whose ravon- ous armies upon the broad prairies made any attempt to dispute their possession both a daring and a dangerous one indeed. The 308 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. farms. The water would fall over a large portion of the prairies, and lie where it fell, and have to await the slow process of evapor- ation or soaking into the ground before it would disappear. The rainfall was not greater then than now, but so small a quanti- ty had such lasting effects and was slow to disappear, that the evils the superabundant waters produced were an hundred-fold great- er then than now. To these waters upon the prairies was added the dense, tall, prairie grass, almost every vestige of which has now disappeared. This country was once the regular rang- ing place of the buffalo, and a fact not known to many people is, that with the disappear- ance of the buffalo, disappears invariably the buffalo grass. Hence this peculiar grass must have atone time prevailed all over these prairies, and as the buffalo crossed the Mis- sissippi not to return again, his grass seems to have followed him, and then it was that the prairie grass came to be in its turn ex- terminated by the present grasses, and it is the judgment of the writer that a few years will witness the disappearance of all the present wild grasses, to be followed by the final grass that is the handmaiden of the highest state of laud cultivation — the blue grass. Mr. McCawley had started West. His pi- lot and guiding star on his route was the old " Vinsans " trace, as the old Vincennes, St. Louis & Kaskaskia Indian and buffalo path was called and known in the early day. When he came, it had been twenty-two years since George Rogers Clark and his noble band of heroes had passed over the ground where MaCawley concluded to stop and erect his roof- tree. The Kaskaskia Indians had ceded to the Government all these lands in Illinois seven years before he came here, that is, the treaty was made in 1803, and the title had run in the General Government seven years before any white man came to claim any part or por- tion of them as a home. The Indians were here, and they alone were the only semblance of man to hold dispute with the wild beasts. The best title had belonged to the Kaskaskias, and it was of them the Government acquired its title, but other Indians were here, chiefly the Kickapoos. but all, Indian-like, were roving hunters, nomadic in all their habits, always professing the greatest friendship for the whites when begging salt and some- thing to eat; yet by those who knew them best, they were always trusted the least. The Indian and his congeners, the wolf and the greenhead fly, the bear and the deer, and the panther, have gone, and one has left, like the other, nothing but a memory. All these were beasts, but the Indian is called human, because of his vastly superior sense, but as to values there were many species of game that have disappeared whose loss will always be regarded as far greater than that of the red man. We know nothing of the Indian ex- cept what we saw of him after we found him in the possession of a country that he had not the intelligence to hold or appreciate. How long they had been in this country we now have no means of knowing — it is doubt- ful if the race knew anything on this subject themselves. Their interest and information as to their own early history was satisfied with a few incoherent and impossible tra- ditionary tales. And now the white man, the natural archaeologists of the world, are prying everywhere in the Indian's tracts to trace his story back to its origin. For a long time it was believed they had built the mounds, and, therefore, they had once pos- sessed a superior civilization and had been the happy possessors of great and strong cen- tralized governments; perhaps spelling na- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 309 tion with a big N. This theory is not yet en- tirely abandoned, but the better opinion among patient investigatoi-s is, that at the most, the Indian found the mounds here when he came, and that he used portions of them as suitable burying places, and it is only possible that there was among the many different tribes of fighting red men here, some of the many who had sufficient intelli- gence to do this. Because we have seen that those we found hero buried their dead in trees, on poles, and in various ways above ground. No. The Indians that the whites found here built no mounds, nor did they build anything else. Every pulsation of their nature opposed the very idea of slavery. The Indian was ready to die, but never to be a slave. The peoples who built all such works as the mounds were slaves. This is true of all the groat historical works — works where great time and innumerable numbers of men were necessary to do the actual labor. Thus, the pyramids, a monument to slaves alone — slaves did the work, and the infinites- imal glory that may bo extracted therefrom belongs to them alone. And this silly hunt of half-cracked enthusiasts wbo go upon their pilgrimages to thesphynx and the pyramids, the Kremlin and the ruins of Alhambra, are only feeding a transparent delusion, in sup- posing they will ever find there the evidences of some supremely exalted evidences of civ- ilization and intelligence. We say it was the opposite of all we know of the Indian character to suppose he or any of his kind over built a mound. The Indian was intelligent; and shiftless, but every tissue of his body was at war with be- coming a slave. The Brat whites that ever looked upon the shores of this continent saw about the same characteristics in the Indian that we see to day. His shrewdness taught him to bo jealous of the superior white man and his coming, and he inaugurated a war that he then could not know, must sooner or later end in the utter extermination of his race. The struggle was long and bitter. Many a campaign was planned by warriors fit to command great armios for the destruc- tion of the whito invaders. Their King Philip was beyond doubt their Napoleon and Hannibal, and when he delivered his blow the white man for the first time was awakened to the serious and bloody work before him. The endurance, courage and bravery of the whito man was taxed to its utmost throughout all New England. Then in the West was his compeer, Tecumseh, who, like Philip, real- ized the power of organization and union among the roving tribes, and his was to be the supreme general effort in the West to stay the on-marching civilization. The Creeks challenged the people of the South to mortal combat, and it required all the genius of a Jackson to withstand the desperate as- saults. In 1814 was fought the decisive battle of Tohopeko, and since then there has been no memorable battles with the Indians, at least none where the supremacy of the whites was seriously menaced. The Black •Hawk war, about the last organized effort, required but a few weeks' service of raw militia to quell. Since that day, in 1832, cam- paigns have dwindled into mere raids, battles iDto mere skirmishes or ambuscades, and the Custer massacre in Montana was merely an accident. No possible number of such oc- currences could menace any fractional portion of the country. It was a melancholy affair indeed, but like a sad accident at a fire or railroad and no longer felt than they. The Indian, as a race, is doomed by the inexorable laws of humanity to a speedy ex- tinction. Accepting the inevitable with the stoical indifference which the instinct of self-preservation or the promptings of re- 310 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. venge seldem disturb, he may excite pity only now, certainly not fear. Discouraged and demoralized, helpless and hopeless, he sits down to await a swiftly approaching fate; and if now and then in feeble and hopeless bands he treads the war-path, and takes here and there a defenseless scalp, it is more from force of habit and the savage in- stinct for blood, than from any hope of check- ing or crippling the power that is swiftly sweeping him and his out of existence. AVhatabrief time ago it was the white man lived in this country by the red man's consent, and less than a century ago the combined Indian strength properly handled might have driven the whites into the sea. In the oldest settlements of the country are still to be found the moldering remains of the rude fortifications the settlers had to build to de- fend themselves and families from the hosts of enemies around them, but now where can need be for snch protection from the Indian ? If any, certainly, only a few points in Arizo- na, New Mexico and Oregon. The fierce enemy that once encamped his clans in their hideous war paint, within sound of the waves of the Atlantic shores, has retreated across the Alleghanies, the Mississippi, the Rockies, and now in all this settled country of fifty millions of people, there is nothing left of the tribes save an occasional name that was of their invention or use, with here and there a degraded remnant of a once powerful tribe, dragging out a miserable existence as the most wretched of beggars, and outcasts among their conquerors. A very few years hence and the Indian will live only in story and song. He will leave nothing behind him but a memory, for he has done nothing and been nothing. He has been consistent only in his resistence to all attempts to civi- lize him — every attempt to inject the white man's ideas into the Indian brain. He has not wanted and would never have our morals, manners, religion or civilization, and has clung to his own and perished with them. There is but one redeeming thing that should linger forever in the memories of the savage, and that was that he preferred the worst pos- sible freedom to the best and even luxurious slavery. More attempts were made to enslave him than to civilize him; a nod of assent to hew wood and draw water for the superior race, and, like the negro, he might now be living by the million and enjoying the blessings of Bible and breeches, and sharing the honors of citizenship and the sweets of office, seeking and receiving the bids of rival political par- ties, and selling his vote and even his influ- ence at the polls, and then going to a na- tional convention and gathering in more shekels for a single district vote than all his tribe got for an indefeasible title to the half of the State of Illinois. No; he would not do this, because his make-up was such he could not be a slave. He chose rather to die. Whether his choice was a wise one, the read- er can say for himself; but it is impossible not to find some little spark of respect to that indomitable spirit that accepted sufferings unspeakable, and hardships cruel unto death, but who never bowed his neck to the yoke, never called any man " master." The treatment of the Indian by the white race is not defensible as a whole. Gov- ernment officials have robbed, cheated and lied to them so long and so persistently — not satisfied with this, the rascally Government Indian rings have time and again, indeed almost times without number, forced them to commit depredations, or white men would commit an outrage to lay at their doors, and all that these rascals might call out the army to punish the Indian, but really to increase their stealings. Such accursed action on the part of officials and their ring friends was HISTORY OF CI. AY COl'NTY. it 13 not only a deep outrage upon the Indians and whites, but against humanity. What- ever else the red man may be. he is no fool, and for 250 years ho has experiences of thp white man's dishonesty and double dealing that were dismal enough to cause us not to wonder that he will have none of our man- ners, morals or religion, and away back of these swindling agencies was a sickly sen- tiniontalism, that read Cooper's silly novels about the Indian, and went over the country prating and mouthing about taking away his birthright and his lands. One was the hon- est sentimentalism of fools, and the other the cunning of crafty thieves. The talk of the sentimentalists about the Indian being here first, as beautiful as it may be, applies with as much force to the wolves and snakes the red man found here as it does to the Indian. The snakes were here probably before the wolves. So long as there was none to dis- pute their title, they wore not disturbed, but the snake or the wolf when he came be- tween the Indian and his welfare and exist- ence, was mercilessly scotched and killed. The Indian stood as a barrier in the path- way of civilization, and it was best that he has perished. It is nonsense to talk about his being a human; in the economy of God even, everything human perishes, and the existence of the Indian was not only not pos- sible, but it was infinitely better that it should be as it is. It is the law of the " sur- vival of the fittest." A law of nature appli- cable to all living things, animal or vege- table or human, and like all nature's laws cannot change, nor can it possibly be avoid- ed. It is inflexible, inexorable, eternal, and cunning schemes to cheat nature are only prolonging the agony, the inevitable throes of death and extinction that await the infe- rior in the presence of its superior. The white man is civilized, not perfect, not per- Eeotible, but he is the Indian's superior, as lit* is the superior of the negro and the Mon golian. The Anglo Saxon is the superior of the white races, and he is becoming, and will be, if he is not already, the world's master, because " blood will tell." The Tribes of Southern Illinois wero the Delawares, Kickapoos, Shawnoes and Pianke- shaws,wi th many fragmentary bands of various other tribes. Of these, the Delawares were once the most powerful tribe. They called themselves the Lenno-Lenape, signifying "unmixed" men. When the country was first discovered, they occupied much of the shores of the Hudson River, and along the Atlantic coast. Their traditions, not enti- tled to much consideration, however, were that they had occupied the whole continent at one time and another. Tecumseh' s Army. — As previously stated, Mr. John McCawley had located where the old town of Maysville was afterward laid off in 1810. He had proceeded quietly in build- ing him a home for his family, and opening the first improvement, not only in what is now Clay County, but the first for a wide stretch of country in every direction then in Illinois. Vincennes was his nearest trading point, and as for neighbors he had none ex- cept the Indians With these he held honor- able and friendly intercourse. Ho had lived along in this way for nearly two years, when Tecumseh's army that he had been gathering in the north began to pass. The very presence of these men meant war upon all whites. McCawley was informed by some friendly neighbors of what was go- ing on, and that he must fly for his life. But the details of all this are fully given in the history of Clay City Township, to be found in another chapter, and to which we refer the reader. In every line of the history of the county 18 814 HISTORY OF CI. AY COUNTY. and the story of this portion of the State be- fore the county was formed, the name of John McCawley is connected and is in fact the chief part ; and from that day to the pres- ent hour, the name has passed along and borne the same honorable distinction and wide respect that was conferred upon it by its original founder. His two sons now re- side in the county and they are both men of wealth, high standing and untarnished repu- tations. But as their biographies appear in full in another part of the work, the reader will naturally turn there for further par- ticulars. Philip Devore, Seth Evans and a Mr. Circles soon followed the second coming of John McCawley to the county. We cannot now find any one able to tell us Mr. Circles' given name, but he is remembered well by all the very early settlers, because of the fact that he put up a horse mill east of Flora, and for some time furnished bread, or the means of grinding their own corn, to the early set- tlers. John and Benjamin Bishop settled near where the town of Iola now stands, and were the first adventurers in this portion of the county. John Sutton and a family named Smith set- tled near what is now Oskaloosa. For many years this was known as Sutton's Point, tak- ing its name from John Sutton's improve- ment. It would seem that without any strong reason, it was a pity not to continue to know the place perpetually by its original name in honor of this early settler. In 1818, William Lewis brought his family and settled in the western portion of the county. At the same time Thomas Elliott settled and commenced an improvement where John A. Gerhart now lives, a little east of Flora. And Math i as Meisenheimer came at the same time, and settled on the west side of Raccoon Creek, on a farm owned now by Seth F. Hinkley. In 1S'2'2, came Isaac Elliott, Isaac Mont- gomery, James McGrew, John M. Griffith and John Onstott, who settled in the western por- tion of the county. The following is a tolerably complete list of the early settlers of Clay County with their respective ages: Francis Apperson, eighty - three; Isaac Elliutt, eighty-five; John L. Crutchfield, seventy-four; J. J. Spriggs, sixty-five; Abraham Songer, seventy-seven; John Peirce, seventy-two; Jacob Songer, eighty-one; Jesse Blair, seventy- four; Joseph Bishop, seventy- six; Sarah Bishop, seventy- one; Enoch Sceif, seventy-two: Elizabeth Sceif, seventy-one; Crawford Erwin, sixty- five; M. A. Davis, sixty-five; A. P. Cox, sev- enty-five; A. J. Moore, seventy-four; Felix Cockerell, seventy four; Robert N. Smith, sixty-five; Basil Davis, sixty-nine; Margaret Davis, sixty-two; Isaac Baity, sixty-eight; James Baity, sixty-seven; Mary S. Saunders, sixty-three; Alexander Baity, fifty-seven; Louis A. Tolliver, sixty six; Levi Onstott, sixty-seven; W. L. Colclasure, sixty-two; James Hoard, sixty-seven; Sarah A. Morris, fifty-nine; Theodore McKennelly, sixty-six; Silas Ooton, fifty-eight; R. McClellan, fifty- two; Jesse Montgomery, seventy-one; Feild- den Bridgewaters, sixty-seven; Samuel Jones, fifty-one; I. W. Craig, fifty one; Daniel Moore, sixty; J. P. Aldridge, fifty-one; Henry Long, seventy; J. C. Craig, fifty-one; Thomas Higgenbotham, fifty-oDe; F. C. Smith sixty-seven; Harvey Gray, fifty-nine; M. P. Harris, eighty-one; William McCoily, Joseph Colclasure, Mrs. E. J. Colclasure. As seen in the records of the offices and the courts, among the prominent men here at the organization of the county was Thomas McCrackiu. In 1825, he was appointed to take the census of the county, and in 1835 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 815 Robert Toler was appointed to till the Fame duties. This list does not include all the first settlers in the county, nor all of those who were here thetirst decade of the county's existence as a municipality. Of course the first scattered and sparsely populated settlement was col- lected around the McCawley settlement; the next was probably around the settlement made by Thomas Elliott. This is a pretty full list of those who may properly be termed old settlers here who are now, or were a few months ago, still among tin' living. They are the relics of the One- Leg Bedstead Age that came, nourished in its day of usefulness, and is gone> never to return. To many readers of to-day this will sound strange, and they will not comprehend that this is possible. The writer having made one and slept in it, is prepared to say that nearly all the first bedsteads were made with one post or leg. To start with, you must have an unplastered log house, then a post and two bed rails; each rail is fastened in an auger hole in the wall, the sides of the house wall forming the end and one side of the bed, and thus a one-legged bedstead is complete, and here has been found as refreshing rest and as sweet dreams as ever came to the royal iulaid bedstead of magnificent carving, and that was clothed in down and royal laces. Another part and accompaniment of the one-legged bedstead, was the fact that this bed was not rolled about over the house to sweep, but was sta- tionary, and one of the earliest purchases of tho family was a few yards of bright calico — this was a great tax too, and only the wealthiest could afford it — to make a " val- ance " to run around the bed from wall to wall. In those days flooring was either hewn puncheons or plank that came from the " whip saw," and therefore the space under the bed, being hid from sight was left with- out any floor at all. True the dogs some- times made free use of this from their kennels, which was all under the house, to the warm corner with the children, with furtive looks at the food as the family ate, and sometimes ii" doubt a sweet pilfered morsel. But as said, the one-legged bedstead passed away, no one can tell exactly when or how, but not one has been in the county for years and years. It was in some way succeeded by the trundle-bed, the bed of nearly all our early ancestors here. It came; it seemed to strike all creation hereabouts at once, and mightily did it and its trundle-bed trash flourish for a long period It was simply a bed cinder a regular bed. The result of the happy com- bination was such that about every lied in the county might be said to be a two-story one. If the house was large enough, or the housekeeper not too indifferent, this trundle- bed would be pulled out at night, if there was room to do this, and during the day shoved back under the big bed, and thus a happy purpose, where house-room was scarce and children plenty, was served. The trundle-bed, too, has come and gone. It served its time and purpose, and its days are numbered, and now for years it is only a recollection among our older people, and, in a short time, the coming generation will read this and conclude that we are only romanc- ing. But the writer can bear testimony that boys slept in the trundle bed; in very cold weather it seems it was an economy in clothing to leave it in its place all night, un- til they were nearly huge enough to begin to oai ( sheep's eyes at Maria Jane away ai at the Point. Then came the store bed with its splendid sea grass-rope cord, that would be tightened up at least every spring, this requiring a man to get up on the ropes and walk on them 310 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. by turns. It is proper to state that the first had holes bored in the rail, and it was some time afterward that the elegant improvement of turned knob or button, fastened on top of the rail, was introduced. It took many years to supersede this real advance in the early bed- stead. There was a loud and musical creak about these old rope bedsteads, that must have been inherited from the " truck " wagon — at one time the only musical instrument in the county. Did you, reader, ever see or hear a truck wagon? The wheels were sawed out of a large log, and were a solid piece of wood with a hole in the center; soft soap was the only grease ever used on them, and the writer can testify, when a little dry of soap, their "hullabaloo!" could bo heard for miles as they passed along the road. Social life at first was confined to house raisings and weddings. That is, these suc- ceeded the days of "forting. " The fun at these was boisterous and rough, but innocent and happy as the day was long. The young men when rigged out in a new tow-linen suit (commencing at about seventeen years old) were ready to go courting. They would most generally meet some of the brothers at a shooting match or at meeting, and go home with them and stay all night, sometimes three or four sleeping in the same bed. If there were many of the neighbors' girls there visiting at the same time, these were stowed away about as thickly. Somewhere in about these days, a great drink, called " metheglin," was here. This was made in every house- hold when they took their winter's honey; it was a part of the honey crop, and was simply the water of the waste honey made very sweet, and, by putting in a place with exactly the proper,temperaturo, a slight fermentation took place, and it was then ready to drink. But the good old " metheglin " days and times are gone. The memory of the writer is that they fled before the writing master, who came armed with the clarified goosequill, and, ye gods! what a flourish he was — what outstretched eagles, what twisted birds, and how he could write and encircle in flourishes the name of every one of his pupils, but the belle of the neighborhood he would always bring to his feet by the extra touch of dot- ting the letters of her sweet name with poke- berry juice — red and blue! — he always used blue ink — emblems of his constancy and his bleeding heart. He thus had assailed every well-to-do farmer's daughter in every neigh- borhood he had ever visited, but could mortal girl — Martha Clementina Rhoda Emelina — withstand all of Cupid's assaults, think you? Indeed no! The wedding was the affair of the day. She caught the writing master, and only one or two envious girls of doubt- ful age, who tossed their heads and rattled their corkscrew curls in contempt of " such a catch!" while all others rejoiced, and the little world for miles determined to attend the wedding. At the house of the bride was commotion, and a gathering of the neighbor's girls for days before the great event. Pumpkin pies, apple pies, plum pies, bride's cake and sweet cake and cakes, and raisin cakes and chick- ens and float! ah! thou nectar, float! and more chicken and cake and float, and hams boiled by the cauldron and kettleful, and still more hams and cake and pie, and float! oh! float on forever! The morning of the great day came, and the watchmen from the house of the bride, cried out: " Behold the bridegi-oom cometh!" and then there was swiftly mounting of all about the premises who rushed out to meet the groom and his party, and put forth their fleetest horse and safest rider in the "race for the bottle." The party with the groom accepted the chal lautre, and sent forth their best horse and HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 317 rider; a straight stretch in the road, about half a mile usually, was selected, judges posted, the riders mounted and the race ran; the winner then was handed the bottle and all its fluttering ribbons, and the cavalcade rode to the house in great glee. But the " race for the bottle " has passed away, and there arc grown people now here who have never heard of this innocent pas- time. We should qualify this as people now race far the bottle, and both sides pretty much always win and always lose — the only winner now being the bottle, and does the modern bride watch the race with swelling heart as did the bride of our fathers? Alas, alas she cannot help but see the race now, but instead of a swelling it is a breaking heart, for well she knows the goal is death. The writing- master, perhaps, should have gone with his congeners, but he has lingered, and the writer can safely affirm that he saw a live one but recently on tho train; he was really alive, had his flourishes with him, which looked more lively and natural than he did, and as he showed his masterwork there was an air of triumph playing about his features that caused as, in the language of Webster when he landed the fish, but was thinking of an address to the siguers of the Declaration of Independence, to exclaim: "Venerable Sirs! You have come down to as from a former generation!" Then there was the young man of the period, with a quilted saddle and strapped breeches and no 3uspenders. How grand, how regal he was in bears grease and " con- gress knife!" He would bo a dude now, but he was immense at the singing school then; the next greatest man in the world to the singing master himself — that magician of the tuning fork and master of the square notes; his open sesame to the world's oyster was the good old Missouri harmony, and then "From Greenland's icy mountains, from In- dias' .-oral strands," they all "rolled down their golden sands," and thus these innocent, good souls sang themselves one and all into love and into matrimony, and each and all set up their own music factories, that may not have been so ecstatic as the original sing- ing school, but it was more lasting and let us hope really more gratifying. Was that lovely and harmless creature, the dancing master, an invention or a neces- sity of that day and age? Indeed, no! For every boy and every girl was a dancing mas- ter unto himself and herself. They literally danced at the weddings, fiddle or no fiddle; and this meant to commence early in the af ternoon of the day of the wedding, and dance until breakfast nest morning; then catch their horses and in pairs ride to tho groom's father's residence, and as soon as a great " infair" dinner was over, resume the dance, and all night until a late breakfast again the next day, and " infair " day sometimes ex- tended over two or three days, and the whole thing was dancing, dancing with ouly cessa- tions for eating. Terpsichore! what danc- ing. Not your dreamy waltz nor gentle walk, but a genuine walk talk-ginger blue break neck race and jig. thai tilled their in- nocent hearts with gladness, but their legs with soreness and pains. The clock peddler has come and gone, and with him has disappeared the good old- fashioned Yankee wooden clocks that he s.ild at such enormous figures. It was only the best farmers that could afford those luxuries, which, we believe, never were delivered for Mess than $25. Can the children of that day ever forget the honest old clock faces, with their pictures of the Capitol at Washington, or William and Mary College. Often this was the only work of art about the house for the study of the young, until the colporteur came 318 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY along with those flaming, red dressed, red faced, wonderful wood-cut girls — " morning and evening " — the blonde and the brunette. Sweet, fat, putty faced, great, red daubed idiots in curls and low necked red dresses, we can now worship thee still in sweet memories — recall faintly how beautiful and grand you once were in our young imagination — how radiantly beautiful yon were to a childish mind, and how eventually by closely scan- ning your features daily, you grew to look like Maria Jane and her freckles. Hideous daubs, but in your day and time who shall say you did not discharge a good and a holy work ? The Hardshell Baptist preacher, with his nasal blasts that will linger in the memory of our fathers as long as one is left alive, and the Methodist, shouting and "jerking" his way toward heaven and literally snatching sin baldheaded; and thebully.with head about the size of a teacup and boots " the next size to the box," a brute even when sober, but filled with lighting whisky, he was worse than the meanest fighting dog, without a solitary one of his better instincts. It altogether must have made this a rather severe and practical age. With the bruising bully on one side, and the preacher with his literal, roasting, fr\ing lake of tire and brimstone on the other, a man's life must have been much of a running of the gantlet from the start to the grave. Early Schools. — Tbey were pioneer schools, very primitive in character, but meeting the great want of the people quite as fully, if not much more so, than the so-called splen- did schools of to-day. They were pay schools; now we have free schools. The pay school cost about $1 per head a pupil per annum; the free schools cost from SI |,> S'jn per head — a singular comment on how cheap a thing may bo had if the people are left to do their own bargaining, and how expensive a free thing is the moment Government steps in to pay the bills. There was much simplicity, in fact no great pretensions, about the early schools. A. small room in some empty cabin was pro- cured if possible, or failing in this, a room in some outhouse or part of some man's house was secured, and here a three months' school was taught. The other nine months of the year were given to work upon the farms and truck patches by the children. Here was the most rigid economy in all the families. It costs more to buy the average child novv-a-days toys than did all the ex- pense of support nt the pioneer children. We are not going to say that this extrava- gance now is better than the rigid and severe economy of that day. We are not called up- on to discuss the question. But we have no hesitation in expressing the belief that one of the greatest evils of our fathers was that inability of the people to indulge the children in more of the comforts of life, and to send them to travel and mix more with and see something of the world. A school teacher was required to be able to read and write and mend goose-quill pens, and in comparatively modern times it became necessary for him to understand the three R's — reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic to the rule of three. And by this time, the neighbors had gathered together and built a cabin schoolhouse, split out the benches for seats from logs, and had cut out a log on one side of the house for a window. Running all along in front of this window was a writing desk— a plank slightly inclined, aud placed far enough above the seat for the big pupils to turn around in their seats by throw- ing their feet over, and there making their pot hooks and straight marks from line to lino, and then rows of m's and n's, running III.STOltV OF CLAY I'lUN'TV. 310 entirety across the page, and then the alphabet; and at once this was followed by the copies of "Many men of many minds," etc., that at this mere suggestion will come back to the recollection of every reader who was there to see for himself in the long ago. The whole school would study aloud, and what a wild confusion it was. The chief exercise was spelling, and Webster's old spelling book, costing ten cents, turned out just as good " spellers " as are to be found now. The readers used were cheap copies of the Bible, and any chance book the youngster could find about the house ; for the very big scholars it was often the life of Gen. Francis Marion, The arithmetics were generally Diebold"s or Pike's, and "Do my sum" was often and often the only break in the monotony of studying mathematics. Generally two chil- dren would use the same book, and sometimes. by taking turns, throe and four, and thus often a fair-sized school got along with no more books than you can now see one child lugging along the streets on its way to school. As said, the school desks were split logs with pins in them, and of course no backs, and the trusteees were only watchful that the teacher earned his money by teaching full hours. School would commence at least by 7:30 in the winter mornings, then a short hour for dinner, and at it again until sundown. Between nine and ten hours pent up in this log den, and the little fellows whose legs were too short to sit on the rough benches and place their feet on the floor, had to sit it out, and swing their feet was all they could do to prevent a stoppage in the circulation of the blood, that otherwise would certainly, have been fatal. CHAPTER 1 V. ORGANIZATION OF THE COONTY— ITS NAME— HENRY CLAY— THE FIRST COUNTY SEAT— FIRS! OFFI- CERS— GRAND JURIES— INCIDENTS, ETC.— CLAY COUNTY— ITS NAME— DATE ORGANIZED- COMMISSIONERS— FIRST COUNTY COl RT AND OFFICERS, AND LIST COMPLETE TO 1850— HUBBARDSVILLE, MAYSVILLE AND LOUISVILLE THE THREE COUNTY CAPITALS— THE COUNTY BUILDINGS— FULL ACCOUNT OF EARLY ROADS, BRIDGES AND JURIES— A CHAPTER IN WHICH EYERY PARAGRAPH IS FULL OF INTEREST, ETC., ETC. CLAY COUNTY was created by act of the Legislature December 23, 1824. Simply to mention the namo is to suggost to even the youngest school children where it. came from and in whose honor it was given to the county. There has been but one Henry Clay. Others still bear the name, as well as the lineal blood, of the great commonor, yet they are mere shadows of the great orator. He was unquestionably the culmination of A ii.'rican oratory, and when be passed away its decadence commenced, and doubtless this will go on until it will literally cease to cut any figure in the world's affairs. Its decay the past fifty years has been so great and so rapid, that this conclusion is not only jus- tifiable but inevitable. For centuries, the great orators ruled the affairs of the world; 320 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. but this age. and it is what so strongly marks it as the practical age, is a time when erudi- tion and thought are something that those who really control look to for guidance and counsel. The power of the orator is almost wholly physical — a personal magnetism that sways men irresistibly, and a power to say the simplest or most foolish thing, but to say it as to make men weep or fight at pleasure. It is wholly the voice, the look, the gesture that now melts into sadness, now maddens to crime; it is the appeal to passion only. But men may contend that the higher type of oratory may combine strong thoughts with great oratory. The sufficient answer to this is, it has never yet been done. There is not one single instance in all history — only one that approaches it, and that was Socrates, and we do not know that he was an orator at all. The evidences are that he did not think so, nor did any of his cotemporaries, and it is only the simple and sublime thoughts of his that have come to us creates this false impression. Then, it has been said that certain writers wrote eloquently. This is a mere misuse of terms. Writing may be sublime, grand and impassioned, and the reading thereof may move the world. It is the supremost talent of clothing strong thoughts in the most befitting dress, and the writer generally is in his cheerless room, surrounded by every discomfort, suffering even the pangs of hunger, working for a crust, while the world sleeps. But if the world ever possessed one who rose to the pinnacle of greatness through his oratory, purity of intentions and his pa- triotism, that man was Henry Clay, the great commoner of Kentucky, after whom this county was named. The act forming the county, defines its limits as follows: "Beginning at range line dividing town- ships four and five, where the middle of Township No. 2, north of the base line, strikes said range line; thence east with the middle line of said township to Fox River; thence north with said river to the township line dividing Townships 5 and 6; thence west with said line to the range line dividing 4 and 5; thence south with said line to the place of beginning, shall constitute a separate county to be called Clay. James Bird, Israel Jennings and John H. Morris were appointed Commissioners to locate county seat and required to meet at house of John McCawley, and to meet on or before the 1st day of April, 1824." Section 2 [required parties owning the land to give not less than twenty acres, etc. Section 3 provided that until public build- ings were erected, the courts were to meet at John McCawley's house. Section 4 required an election to be held at McCawleys on the third Monday, February, 1824, to elect a Sheriff, Coroner and three County Commissioners, who were to hold office until the next general election. Clay County was authorized to vote with Wayne County in the election for the Gen- eral Assembly, and with Wayne and Law- rence Counties in the election of a Senator. An examination of the State map of that time will show that this act changed the boundary lines and the territories of Fayette, Crawford, Lawrence and Wayne Counties. And that the act itself was crude, hasty or illy constituted for the future of the people we will proceed to show in the many changes that eventuated in the present county limits, and that are now supposed to be permanent. On Tuesday, the 8th day of March, 1825, at the house of John McCawley, assembled the first County Commissioners' Court for the then new county of Clay. There were present, in the language of the County Clerk, " the HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 321 Worshipful " John H. Lacy and William Lewis, two of the three County Commis- sioners; the other Commissioner, Samuel G. Weatherspoon, did not enter his appearance until the next day. Willis C. Osborne had been appointed County Clerk by the Com- missioners, and the first paper ever put in this com-t's records is his commission as Clerk, signed by the above-named Lewis, Weatherspoon and Lacy, and bears date February 23, 1825. John H. Lacy, a Justice of the Peace, certifies that on the 8th day of March. 1825, Osborne had taken the oath of office beforejhim in due form of law. The first appointment of this court in the organization of the county, in thoir official capacity as a court in actual session, was the appointment of Thomas Elliott and Levi Jordan, Overseers of the Poor for the county. The next act was to appoint James I. Pierce and Robert M. Gordon. Constables. The court appointed Mathiaa Meisenhoimer the first Road Supervisor for the road " leading from John McCawley's bridge to the Marion County line." John McCawley was ap- pointed Supervisor of the Vincennes & St. Louis lload. This was the first day's work of the court. The second day the court commenced busi- ness by ordering the following to be sum- moned as grand jurors for the April term, 1825, of the first Circuit Court in the new county: Benjamin Bishop, William Smith, Jacob Dean, James Embrey, Levi Shurwood, Peter Kinney. Thomas Nichols, Abraham Koberson (the spelling of this name follows the Clerk), Isaac Brady. Enoch Wilcox, Jo- seph Brimhall, William Binion, Isaac Elliott, John Chapman, William Nash, Alexander Rogers, Thomas Elliott, Jacob Perkey. Will- iam Daniel, Levi Daniel and John Jeffries. The traverse jury ordered was as follows: Levi Self, William Lewis, Mathiaa Meisen- heimer, Samuel Weatherspoon, John H. Lacy, Basil Daniel, John Mathis, David Elliott, Daniel McCall, Robert M. Gordon, John .McCawley, Tilman Wright, John Binion, Philip Devore, John Miller, Daniel May, John W. Miller, James I. Pierce, David Oiley, Willis W. Boon, Isaac Roniine, Jacob Elliott, Isaac Franchier and Binion Fran- chier. Then Jacob Dean, Benj. Bishop and Levi Jordan were appointed to examine the road " leading from McCawley' s bridge to Van- dalia as lies between George Faris' and the Hickory Point." Daniel May. William Lewis. John Mc- Caw ley, James Nelson, Andrew Evans, Thomas Elliott, Mathias Meisenheimer, Isaac Elliott and Thomas Nichols were each granted a " tavern license " for the term of one year. This was a goodly array of landlords in the wilderness, and their integrity as good feeders for man and beast is well attested by the fact that all of them lived to a green old age. The license fee for a tavern was fixed at $2.50 " in specie or its equivalent in State paper," and $1 "in specie" to the County Clerk. The court evidently deemed it a duty to define just the kind of money that it would take for a dollar. It was then ordered that each tavern-keeper be governed by the following rates: For keeping horse one night 37i Lodging 12J Supper 25 "Brexfast" 25 Dinner 37^ Horse feed 12i One quart whisky '-'5 One pi ni whisky 181 One gill whisky 6J When the county was thus comfortably fixed for housekeeping, it seems to have occurred to the court to make some arrange- ments for a county's dwelling house and 322 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNT V. home, and thereupon Daniel May proceeded to produce in open court his bond for twenty acres of land upon which the " permanent seat of justice for the county is located, by James Bird, Israel Jennings and John H. Morris, the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of the State at their late session to locate the permanent seat of justice in and for the county of Clay." The securities on May's bond were Samuel G. Weatherspoon, George Goble, Thomas Elliott and William Lewis. The act of the Legislatvire required these Commissioners to make their selection and report their doings to the proper authori- ties. They met at McCawley's house as. directed, and made this report: Agreeable to the act of the Legislature of Illinois, entitled an act forming a new county out of the counties of Wayne, Lawrence, Crawford and Fay ette, the Commissioners appointed by said act to locate the permanent seat of justice for said county, to wit: James Bird. Israel Jennings and John II. Morris met at the house of John McCawley on the first Monday in February inst., and after being duly sworn, proceeded to view the most eligible situation for a county seat, taking into consideration the con- venience of the present and future population of the county. On and after mature deliberation, the said Commissioners unanimously agreed to locate thi' permanent seat of justice on the land of Daniel May, in Section lit. Township3, RaugeS east of the Third Principal Meridian, being the southwest quar- ter of the said section. And the said Commis- sioners did further agree by and with the advice arid consent of the citizens of the said county to give the said permanent seat of justice liy them so located the name of Hubbardsville. The Commissioners deem it their duty to add as information for the County Commissioners to be elected for the said new county, the before named Daniel May is prepared to give his own bond, together with the bondsof Thomas Elliott, Thomas Nichols, George Goble and William Lewis for the purpose of securing to the new county the dona- tion of twenty acres required by the before-men- tioned act to be made by tin proprietor of the land where the said seat of justice should be located. Given under our hands this 8th day of February, 1825. (Signed) James Bird, Israel Jennings, John H. Morris. At the house of McCawley, Clay County, in the presence of W. Turner. It will thus be seen that the first county seat was Hubbardsville. The name, most probably, was in honor of Gov. A. F. Hub- bard, of Shawneetown, of whom an extended account may be found in the Wayne County history in this volume. Daniel McCall was appointed County Sur- veyor, and ordered to lay off and plat the new town on May's donation " on or before the 25th day of the present month;" "the main street is to be forty two feet in width," and the " cross streets thirty feet in width." A sale of lots was ordered to be had on the 12th day of April, and the Clerk was ordered to advertise the sale in the Illinois Gazette and the Illinois Intelligencer. Willis C. Osborne was then appointed County Treasurer. He gave bond, and his sureties were Thomas McCracken, Daniel May, William Lewis, Alexander Rogers, Thomas Nichols and George Goble. The court recommended the Governor to appoint William Lewis and Willis C. Osborne Justices of the Peace. The following were declared the taxable property of the county: " Horses, mares and colts, mules and jacks; all cattle over two years old; till kinds of wagons, and carriages of every description; all watches of every description, gold or silver 'stiles;' all ne- groes and mulattoes." Dean, Jordan and Bishop reported they had cut out and opened a road from Faris' to Hickory Point, and John McCawley was ap- pointed to work this road and make it pass- able. Then comes this curious order in regard to HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 3-2'5 the first court house, as follows: " Ordered, that Daniel May is authorized arid permitted to build and put up a house, which he has now ready all the timbers to put together upon the public square in the town of Hub- bardsville, the seat, of justice in and for the county of Clay, at any time he may think proper, for the purpose of holding a court in and keeping the Clerk's office in. On con- ditions that the said May raise, weatherboard and put doors and window shutters to the said house, and lay plank on the lower and upper floor,and make a partition across the said house, so as to make two rooms to the same. " A. road was ordered cut out on the most eligible route from James Elliott's house to George Goble's mill on the Little Wabash, and from thence to the Fayette County line to Asa Ledbetter's. To this work was as- signed James Leavitt, William Daniel and George Goble. Another road was ordered opened from Hubbardsville, to pass by the house of Enoch Wilcox, and thence to the line dividing Clav and Lawrence Counties in the direction of Mt. Carmel, and this was to be attended to by Levi Jordan, William Binion and James Embrey. A tax of one half per cent was fixed upon the taxable property of the county above specified, and a portion of this money was to go to making county roads. Willis C. Osborne was appointed to sell the lots in Hubbardsville. At the Juno term of this court, same year, the first act was to order " Willis C. Osborne to pay to the Sheriff the sum of $8, the amount which he received as County Treas- urer, and that he personally appeared in open court and resigned his appointment as such." Then appears this order: " Ordered, that the seat of justice of Clay County bo and hereby is named Maysville, and that it shall and is hereby recognized by that name." And from that time, and for many years, the place that from March, 1825, to June of the same year had been named and called Hubbardsville, became Maysville, in honor, no doubt, of Daniel May, the man who do- nated the twenty acres of his land and built the court house for the seat of justice. Benjamin Bishop was appointed Road Su- pervisor of that part of the county embrac- ing Bishop's aud Goble's settlements, and Joseph Brimhall was appointed for that part including Smith's settlement, and Philip Devore for the Jordan settlement. At the June term, 1825, the court received and accepted the new court house that had been built by Daniel May. Daniel May was ordered and commanded to build upon the public square an office for the County and Circuit Clerks. Willis C. Osborne was appointed the first County Assessor, and he was also appointed at the same time Recorder. Peter Kinney was recommended to the Governor for County Surveyor. For the October Circuit Court, 1825. the following were designated as grand jurors: Isaac Brady, Isaac Elliott, Ephraim Haines, Benjamin Campbell, William Hargis, Basil Daniel, William Daniel, Levi Sceif, Francis Harman, Levi Daniel. William Smith, Isaac Romine, Andrew Evans, James Richerson, Seth Evans, John Jeffries, C. D. Worthen, James Leavitt, William Nash,Elisha Anglin, William Binion, John Miller, Sr., and Jacob Perkey. Traverse jury — Benjamin Bishop, George Goble, John R. Taylor. William Lewis, Levi Jordan, James Embrey. Abraham Robeson, Bonnet Robeson, Enoch Wilcox, Alexander Rogers, Samuel G. Weatherspoon, Jacob Dean, Mathias Moisenheimer, Daniel May, 324 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. Solomon Sherwood, Philip Devore, John Go- ble, Leonard Melton, John McCawley, Dan- iel Speaks, Thomas Elliott, George Faris, John H. Lacy and John Mathis. Daniel May had bo far constructed all the public buildings, the court house, Clerk's office, etc., and he had been paid in all $200 in notes that were given for town lots at the Bale. In December, 1825, the Sheriff settled with the court for the year's tax, and the following is the total amount, $84. 70 J. Thomas McCracken was allowed for his year's salary as Sheriff and Treasurer $27.50. At the sale of lots in Maysville, Daniel May purchased lots numbered 28, 37, 31, 26 and 23. John H. Lacy purchased Lots 16 and 33. Jonathan McCracken bought 32, James Bird 40, and William Lewis 4 and 13. The grand jurors for the April term, 1S26, of the Circuit Court, were as follows: Levi Jordan, Enoch Wilcox, Ephraim Haines, Alexander Rogers, John Goble, Leonard Melton, William Melton, William Daniel, Benjamin Bishop, William Hargis, Francis Harman, John Bishop, James Leavitt. Isaac Romine, Joseph Brimhall, William Smith. In March, 1826, the final payment was made to Daniel May for all the county build- ings, making a total of $325. William Hargis, William Smith and Alex- ander Rogers were appointed to lay out that part of the State road commencing at the Wayne County line and extending to the Marion County line. All voters residing north of Hurricane Creek, and northwest of Muddy Fork and northeast of William Smith's were author- ized to hold their elections at the house of Samuel G. Weatherspoou, " formerly occu- pied by George Goble, it being at or near Goble's Mill," and Thomas Leavitt, George Riley and Basil Daniel were appointed Elec- tion Judges. W. C. Osborne resigned the office of Coun- ty Clerk, and July 8, 1826, the court ap- pointed John R. Taylor County Clerk. At the August election, 1826, Thomas Elliott, John McCawley and Levi Jordan were chosen .County Commissioners, and they held their first court in September fol- lowing. The first act of the new court was to appoint Isaac Elliott Constable. The new names that appear in the grand jury list for the October term, 1826, of the Circuit Court gave it interest enough to pub- lish it in full as follows: Levi Self, Benja- min Bishop, Basil Daniel, John Goble, Thomas Leavitt, Thomas Nichols, S*th Evans, Alexander Rogers, George Riley, George Faris, William Webb, John Jeffard, Elisha Anglin, David Moore, Marcus Wil- son, John Evans, James Nelson, Sr., Andrew Evans, Jacob Perkey, Philip Devore, William Smith, Levi Daniel, John Binion and Daniel Evans. James Nash was the second Sheriff of Clay County, elected in 1826. In March, 1827, John McCawley was li- censed to keep a toll bridge across the Little Wabash, " where the road crosses, leading from Vincennes to St. Louis, in Section 21, Town 3, Range 8." Traussy P. Hanson was appointed County Assessor for the year 1827. At the June term, 1827, John Jeffards was County Commissioner, vice Levi Jordan. The county was divided in two voting precincts, and James Embrey, Mathias Mei- senheimer and Thomas Nichols were ap- pointed Judges of the south district, and James Leavitt, Hackley Sams and Euos Johnson, Judges of the north district. Seth Evans was appointed Treasurer of the county. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 325 Elections were held at James Cook's house near Goble's Mill, and at the town of Maysvillo. The new names that appear in the grand jury list for the October term of the Circuit Court, 1828, shows there were new people coming into the county: William Smith, Francis Harman, Levi Daniels, Washington Bishop, William Elliott, Absalom Sergeant, Jacob Calclasure, William Blakeman, Jacob Holmes, Joseph Andrews, John Speaks, Hugh McDaniel, Charles Tankersley, Will- iam Webb, Seth Evans, John Hix, David Moore, Eli Barbreo, George Smith, Wilson M. Miller, John Binion, Moses Angler, Stephen Constable and Marcus Wilson. In 1828, George Riley was Sheriff In 1S2S, Thomes Nichols moved out of the county, and Moses Angler was appointed to fill his place as Election Judge. The August election, 1828, the new court was John Hix, Benjamin Bishop and Will- iam Lewis. In 1828, James L. Wickersham contracted to build a county jail in Maysville for the sum of $24.12. Mathias Meisenheimer had failed to qualify as County Treasurer, and thereupon the Commissioners' Court appointed Tere Scutch- field to act in his place. At the June term, 1829, John McCawley appeared as Commmissioner, vice John Hix. The State appropriated " three hundred State paper dollars" for the improvement of the bottom between the Little Wabash and the Muddy Fork. In June, 1829, Francis Apperson was ap- pointed County Treasurer. The order of the coming of new settlers is indicated by the grand jury list selected for the May term of the Circuit Court, 1830, as follows: P. Sullivan, William Sceif, John Sceif, Enoch Sceif, Thomas Whiteley, Isaac Elliott, Jesse Bishop, Strother B. Walker, Frederick Songer, John Onstott, William H. Sams, John Galloway, Thomas Elliott, Sew- ell Heflin, John Miller, John Ditter, Elijah S. Nelson, George Sirkle, Isaac Creek, Levi Daniel, Francis Harman, John Jeffards, Cy- rus Wrigbt and John Sutton. The State Legislature having ordered the opening of the Vincennes & St. Louis road, it was surveyed, platted and recorded in June, 1830, through Clay County. At the September court, 1830, Isaac Elliott, T. P. Hansen and John McCawley were duly qualified as County Commissioners. In the fall of 1830, James L. Wickersham authorized to rent out the court house for 75 cents a month, and J. R. Taylor was authorized to rent out the clerk's offices at the rate of $1.50 a month. Wickersham was Sheriff in 1830. March, 1832, Thomas Elliott was appointed Treasurer; Robert Toler was then appointed Sheriff. John R. Taylor resigned the office of Coun- ty Clerk in March, 1832, and William T. Duff was appointed to the office. This year, Washington Hughes appeared as the new member of the County Court. At the September court, John Onstott and William Erwin held the County Commission- ers' Court, John McCawley not being prosent. In 1S35, Richard Sorrells appeared as the new member of this court. The first symptom that the " permanent county" seat at Maysville was about to plume its wings and fly to some other portion of the county is given by the following court entry in 1835: "Ordered, that Lots 57 and 55 in the town of Maysville be offered for sail on the 29th of April," etc. By this time, the license for keeping a tavern had been fixed or graded from $10 on the road from St. Louis to Yincennes; on the 326 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Vandalia road, $5; on the Shelby ville road, $2; and on the Mount Carmel road, $1. William Sneed now settled up all his ac- counts as County Treasurer. This year the jail was ordered to be lined on the inside with two- inch plank, well spiked. This was prob- ably intended to keep the prisoners from roll- ing out through the cracks when asleep. This year, repairs were ordered upon the court house. Among other things, a Judge's bench " four feet high," and a lawyer's bar "eight- een inches from the floor," and two jury boxes were constructed. David D. Duff was then appointed County School Commissioner. In 1836, the Legislature appointed Craw- ford Lewis, of Clay, William J. Hankins, of Effingham, and Edward Reed, of Shelby, County Commissioners to lay out a road from Maysville to Shelbyville. These Commission- ers duly performed their work in this respect. William Hance was a member of the Com- missioners' Court in 1836. In December of this year, F. B. Thompson was appointed School Commissioner. The Legislature, by act of 1831, 1836 and 1837, appropriated moneys arising from the State's saline lands in Gallatin and Vermill- ion, and the county of Clay very sensibly in 1837 used this money to build bridges across the Little Wabash on the road from Elijah Nelson's to John Orender's, and across Fox River on the Maysville & Mt. Carmel road, and also one on Buck Creek on the road from Maysville to Shelbyville, and across Crooked Creek on the last named road. September, 183J, John Ochiltree was paid $496 for repair- ing the court house, and then the job of repair ing and enlarging again the jail. In 1838, Erwin Webster appeared as the new member of the Commissioners' Court. F. B. Thomp- son resigned the uffice of School Commis- sioner March, 1838, and Amaziah Treat was appointed to fill the vacancy. Robert Toler, Sheriff, was charged with $363.82, "the amount of the whole revenue for 1837." Francis Apperson and Peter G. Terry be- came members of the County Court in 1838. This year the county revenue increased to $407. 28. George Green was County Collector in 1839, and gave a bond of $1,300, with Peter Green, James M. Hogue and Joseph Maxwell as securities. At the September County Court, 1839, George Baity was the new Commissioner. Joseph M. Hogue was elected County Clerk, and filed his bond and assumed the office in December, 1839. The same year, Thomas P. Gilmore was County Collector, and Nathan M. Thompson was Assessor. At the June term, 1840, James Cheek was appointed Collector. In Septem- ber, 1840, Francis Apperson was qualified as County Clerk, and entered upon the duties of the office. William Aldridge was the new member of the court this year. Removal of County Seat to Louisville — February 26, 1841, the Legislature enacted that Ferris Foreman, of Fayette County, John Trapp, of Effingham County, and James Bowman, of Jefferson County, be "Commis- sioners, to relocate the county seat of Clay County." They were required to meet in Louisville in May, and after examining the county, to select an eligible site, etc. If they selected private property, the owner was required to lay off twenty acres and deed the square to the county for public purposes, and to give one third of the lots in the twenty acres to the county — these lots the county was to sell, and the money was to be used in constructing county buildings. The County Commissioners were ordered to advertise and sell the county buildings in Maysville, ex- cept the jail, which should be reserved and used until a new jail should be built. The Commissioners were ordered to immediately erect a new court house and buildings, and HISTORY OF CI. AY COUNTY. 821 they were authorized to make a loan of $5,000 for this purpose. The spring terms of the courts in 1841 were to be hehl in Maysville, and the fall terms out at the new county seat. At the June term of the Commissioners' Court, the following report was made: "State of Illinois, Clay County: We, John Trapp, James Bowman and Ferris Foreman, Commissioners appointed by the Legislature to relocate the county seat of Clay County aforesaid, do hereby certify that. we have fixed and located the site for said relocation upon the north end of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 23, in Town 4 north, of Rango east of the Third Principal Meridian, the whole town plat containing forty acres of land. Given under our hands and seals, 5th of May, 1841." The last County Commissioners' Court that ever assembled in Maysville met on the 4th of August, 1841. George Baity and William Aldridge composed the court. The tirst session of this court in Louisville com- menced on the 21st day of August, 1841, and was composed of Georgo Baity and Ja- cob Stipp. The County Commissioners' Court of the September term, 1842, was composed of William Lewis, Jacob Stipp and John Law- son. The County Assessor for this year was John \V. Tucker. The Collector was Jesse R. Sorrells (this family name in Effingham County was Sorrells). The Circuit Court was held in a room rented of Isaac Coleman, in Louisville, for the years L842 and 1843. At the September term, 1843, Samuel Slo- cumb presented his bill, and demanded pay- ment for building the new court house in Lou- isville — §35.99. This demand was rejected, and the bill not allowed, and the court would not receive the house, and from this judg- ment Slocumb appealed to the Circuit Court. Francis Apperson entered upon a new term as County Clerk. September, 1843. June, 1844. Thomas S. Parvin resigned the office of County Treasurer, and William T. Cole- man was appointed to the office. In 1844, FranciB Apperson was delegated to secure a house for holding the next term of the Cir- cuit Court. A special term of the County Court con- vened 23d of September, 1844, when Thomas J. Killian ai5d George Sapp were sworn into office, when they determined "by lot" as the law directed the number of years each should serve, when Killian was elected for one year, and to preside over the court, and Sapp for three years. At the November term, same year, Killian resigned. At the March term, 1845, W. P. Thompson and George Baity presented their credentials as Commissioners, and by lot it was determined that Thompson should serve until August, 1845, and Baity until August, 1840. W. P. Thompson there- fore was the presiding officer of the court. In March, 1845, Robert Toler furnished bond and security as County Collector; William T. Coleman was County Treasurer in 1845, which office he resigned in December of this year, and Anslam Hobbs was appointed to the' office. In June, 1846, Hartwig Sam- uelson was instructed to finish the new court house. At the December term of the County Commissioners' Court, the members thereof were William P. Thompson, John Onstott and George Sapp. The court appointed William Lawson County Treasurer. This year the Collector, Robert Toler, was charged with the county revenue- $1,330.02. In 1847, John W. P. Davis was elected County Clerk and duly qualified, and entered upon his duties in September of that year. Rob- ert Colborn was a member this year of the County Court. In 1848, William Deremiah 328 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY was the County Treasurer; J. W. Murry was the new member of the Commissioners' Court. 1848. A. Green was chosen Treas- urer under the law; the new order of things in reference to the County Court were in force, and therefore at the March term, 1850, the County Court met. Robert Field was County Judge, and William Nicholson and Robert Colborn, Associates. Francis Apperson, Clerk. As we have spoken of the various changes in the matter of the county seat, that is, of those that have occurred, it may not be out of place to mention the fact here that as early as 1861, the question was agitated to that extent that an election was held in the county on the question of removing the seat of justice from Louisville to Flora. Louis- ville triumphed, but the question, it seems, was not settled by a vote of the people, that is, in the minds of some Floraites, as they continued to talk bravely, and for some years would keep the people of Louisville in con- stant hot water; but we believe we are now safe in saying that matters generally quieted down, and are as a general rule, regarded as settled at least for some years to come. It was not the selection by the Commis- sioners of Louisville as the point to remove the county seat that first started the idea of a town there, as we find that as early as 1838, Isaac Coleman was licensed to mer chandise in Louisville, and at the same time Peter G. Gray was licensed to keep a tavern at the same place. It probably was the lim- pid waters of the noble Okaw that caught the eye of these city builders. Something of the idea of the growth of Louisville may be gained from the vote on the question of in- corporation held in 1850. The vote stood 19 for and 1 against, indicating a population of about 100. CHAPTER V. ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTS OF THE PEOPLE— NEIGHBORHOOD FEUDS— REGULATORS AND SOME OF THEIR VICTIMS— MARRIAGES, COMMENCING WITH NUMBER ONE— THE COURTS— JURIES AND LAWYERS AND COURT AND COUNTY OFFICERS TO DATE— FIRST INDICT- MENTS—FIRST COUNTY OFFICERS— THE PRESIDING JUDGES, ETC. SOMETHING of the Old Settlers. —Fran - cis Apperson, aged thirty-three, was born in Abingdon County, Va. , came here in 1820. Now lives in Lebanon, Mo., where he went about eight years ago. He married Sally Duff in Virginia, a relative of D. D. and N. H. Duff, the latter now living in Clay City. Apperson' s oldest son, Albert, died in the army, next was Elizabeth, who married Isaac Martin, Jr., she died some years ago, and Martin married again. John Apperson was a long time Circuit Clerk, Master in Chancery, and in fact held many offices in the county. His accounts eventually were short and he went to New Mexico, where he now lives. Then there was Stephen, now in Lebanon, Mo. , with his father. Charles mar- ried Dr. Wining's daughter, and died. Ellen, who married Simeon Bishop, is now in Utah. John L. Scut-chfield married Ellen Colclasure in an early day, some time in the thirties. She was at that time living with 1ISH3AINA HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 331 William Lewis, her uncle. He is still living and is seventy- four years old. The Songers were Abraham, John and Jacob, who were very early settlers. John married Dr. Daveuport's daughter. Abraham Songer is now living below Xenia. Jesse Blair died in 1S83, he was from Orange County, Ind., and was seventy-three years old when he died; he married Ann Shirley, daughter of Charles Shirley. His son George now lives north of Louisville about three miles. His daughter married a man named Cox. Joseph Bishop, son of John Bishop, a brother of Ben's; old John Bis- hop's wife was the Widow Whiteley ; Joseph's wife was Sarah Whiteley. John Sceif and his brother Enoch were sons of old Jesse Sceif; John was a carpenter, and for years a prominent man in the county; they were from Tennessee. Basil Davis was Mat H. Davis's father; he was from Gallatin County, Term.; of this family were Allen and John; the two latter died; Allen died in Centralia. A. P. Cox, now seventy-five years old, was born near Lebanon, 111.: Jacob B. Cox, was a Mexican soldier; he is said to be the second child born in Illinois; he was buried in Blair Township at the Union Chapel Cemetery. Alfred J. Moore, from Wilson County, Tenn., married, first wife, daughter of William Erwin, named Jane; had large family by her; William, Crawford and Till were his sons; William is in Arkansas; the others are in the ity. Felix Cockorell (see his biography in another department): Robert N. Smith's father, Robert, came here very early; they were Tennesseaus; Robert, Sr., died some time in the sixties. John Craig cam • anion : the pioneers; married ;i I'.ishoii, had suns John and Wesley; Wesley is the only surviv- or now living in county. Samuel Dillman H- from Kentucky. John Jordan, the father of William Jordan, was from South Carolina; he was here early enough to serve on the first grand jury; his son was William Jordan. George Faris married John Me- Cawley's sister; he died of cholera in 1834. Levi Daniel married a Whiteley; had a large family, and died on Crooked Creek. John Jeffries lived in Fox Prairie; a cabinet workman; married an Evans; had throe chil- dren. Ephraim Haines lived with Thomas Elliott, and his family kept house for Elliott when he was a widower; he died in that part of the county many years ago. The Selfs and Bishops lived neighbors; Levi Self died many years ago at a great age. Francis Harman was from Tennessee; a son named Francis died, and his daughter, Polly married a man named Saunders; Harman built a horse mill. There were Basil, Seth, Andrew and Daniel Evans; were brothers; they are all dead. Walter Gill married Seth Evans' daughter, and a man named Devore married the other daughter. Rev. John M. Griffith came in 1830, from Henry County, Ky.; married in Kentucky, Margaret Sutton, a sister of John Sutton, who settled Sutton's Point. There were two other sisters; one married Scott Smith and the other Levi Rol- lins. These settled in Sutton's Point. John M. Griffith had eight children, six girls and two boys; one is now Joe McGrews wife. and lives in the county; Hamilton McGivw's wife is now in Wayne County. Mrs. Griffin, now of Louisville, is the only other daughter liv- ing. Elijah Griffith lives in Mt. Erie, Wayne County; Thomas died in Wayne Countj in August. 1S(')4. leaving three daughters and two sons and widow. Rev. John M. Griffith was licensed to preach in the .Methodist Episcopal Church, just before he came to this country. A man named Claybaugh.who drove the stage at a very early day, was a MeCawley man. and one day, jusl as he had the mail coach it, there was a 32 HISTORY OP (LAY COUNTY. big row going on. Claybaugh got off his stage box, took a clapboard and attacked Ephraim Haines, and came very near killing him. He would have been severely handled by the Lewis crowd, but he jumped back on his seat and told them he was now on the United States Mail and they dared not molest him. In the early forties, the Regulators were organized. This organization extended all over the county. The claim for its existence was the great prevalence of horse-thieves, who could not be convicted; and the people, composed of all classes and ages, by common consent, banded together to punish these men when caught. The crowd that was in these Regulators were some of the best men in the county, and others again were of the rougher kind. The majority of the people were for sustaining the law. Their movements (the Regulators) were very secret, and so were their meetings. Among others they " regulated " was a man named Daniel Pugh, who had a cabin in the north part of the county, and in whose pos- session they found counterfeiting materials. They took his son Tom out and strung him up until he confessed all he knew, and then some were for pulling him up and leaving him in the air. But better counsel prevailed, and he was let off with his life. The old man was caught and sent to the penitentiary. Among the last, and perhaps the very worst of all the acts of the Regulators, was with a young Frenchman named, it is thought, Baptiste. Old man Baptiste lived south of Georgetown, and was a man of marked intelligence and a fine mechanic. The son was a rollicking, gooddooking young fellow, and was quite popular with the girls. He was taken out, and without any possible show of defense, was whipped to death. The only crime al- leged against him by his merciless execution- ers was seduction. Allec Trinkle, near Xenia, was taken out and hung on the sup- position of being a horse-thief. Robert Col- clasure was taken out and shot. A great many others were savagely whipped, and, as the few now left who can remember those days, will tell you with a shudder at the recollection of the terror that one Grimes and his company of regulators, were at all hours of the day and night the rough riders of the county. This com- pany were said to follow the mere dictation of Grimes, and if he wanted bloody revenge upon any one he simply rode with his crowd in the dead hour of night to the house of his victim and in his night clothes pulled him out, and if he got back to his family alive he was in big luck. It is reported that one of the victims of these riders was left dead in the byway and the hogs had nearly devoured his body when it was found. It is now sup- posed that in this organization there were from 100 to 150 men. Away back in the history of the county there were divisions here, and, sometimes, over the matter of ownership of half-wild hogs in the woods, hot and fierce contention. And at one time, running probably down to 1830, if not later, it was a fact that every new comer in the county was literally com- pelled to take one side or the other in this fierce and relentless hog war. The first division was headed by McOawley and his friends on one side, and the Lewises and their friends on the other, and it is a tradi- tion that for years all new-comers had to take sides; neutrality or indifference was not al- lowed, and on muster days, elections, and sometimes at house-raisings, when the day's work was over, it was in order to range themselves on sides and fight it out. John McCawley was one of those strong, command- ing men, and he marshaled his clans and HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 333 held them to their work where and when it was no child's play to defend your person and your life from enraged assailants. On the other hand, the Lewises were fighters from the word go. They never hesitated to open the battle or attack the opposite bullies: and in the matter of rough-and-tumble-knoek- down-and-drag-out, they were holy terrors from long- taw. Both sides generally fought for glory and fresh pork, or at least the title to the hogs as they ranged through the woods on foot. When James J. Sprigg came to the county in 1829, there was a man living on Buck Creek, on the old Shelbyville road, named Fredrick Tartar, who then seemed to be an old citizen. His was the only settlement from Maysville to what is now Iola. The next nearest neighbor was Thomas Elliott's, just west of Flora. John McDaniel was a very early settler in the southeast part of the county, on the river- At one time he kept a ferry. This was long known as the McDaniel settlement. His sons, Hugh, John and Robert, all died in that neighborhood years ago. They were plain people, hunted and worked, and Hugh McDaniel eventually became an influential and prominent citizen. John Devore lived near McDaniel's. He was a Kentuckian. He died near McCaw- ley's. His son Jerry married Seth Evans' daughter. George White. Jacob Rister and Henry Rister, Levi Bostwick (son-in-law of Met awley's), George Faris, Isaac Walton, Jefferson and Gladden Creek all lived in thi.-, part of the county. The next nearest settlement in Clay ('nun ty was at Sailor Springs. A man named Hack Sams settled there and built the first cabin. He finally went crazy. The place was afterward owned by Thomas Rogers. He resided here seven or eight years. Then Stansberry settled there. Among the settlers bere were David and Henry Simcoe, Jai Mi'Kinney. John WarmBck, Henry Co and John Ditter, all from Wilson Comity, Tenii., came and settled here. They came in a colony, and were a valuable acquisition to the population of the county. East of this (Sailor Springs) was the Ja Leaviti settlement. This was a very early settlement. His brother Noah lived there. .lames Leavitt had sons, John and Obadiah. John died there, and Obadiah went West. Solomon Curbow, the hunter, lived there. Old man Maples, a groat hunter, also lived there. There was a settlement in Pisley. An old man named Woods settled there, and started a horse mill, and finally a little carding machine. The Ingrahams, strong Campbell- ites. and very popular, settled here, and soon called around thoin a settlement. The first post office was Ingraham. The Lewis settlement (now Bible Grove) was then the next settlement. Here Ben and Lock Stal lings lived. Ben went to Effing- ham County, where his descendants now re- side; Lock went to the Black Hawk war and was killed, or (lied of sickness. The Bishop settlement (now Larkinsburg) was the oldest, settlement in that part of the county. Benjamin Bishop's sons (Jesse, Washington. Nathan and Jones) all grew to be men and good citizens. All died in the county. Sutton's Point was another very early set- tlement. Levi Rollins, Levi Daniels. John Craig, Robert Smith, Sr., Henry Cox and Thomas Dunham and S. B. Walker and S.,1 Heflin, and the Sceifs, the old man Jesse, his son^ John. Enoch and Jesse, and Francis Harman. S. B. Walker became Sheriff of Clay Coun- tv. His widow now lives in Mason. 334 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. J. W. Sullivan came in 1S26, from Pen- dleton District, S. C. ; born July 28, 1809; youngest of a family of nine, four boys — Eliphas, Paul, Benjamin and J. W. ; girls — Jane, Lucy, Mary and Elizabeth. Of these. Lucy, Elizabeth and Mary came to this county after the coming of J. W. and Paul. The last-named left the county, and died in Pittsburgh in 1849. Two of the sis- ters died in the county. Lucy married Eli- jah Spriggs. Elizabeth married Wesley Rob- inson. J. W. was married twice. His first wife was Margaret Green, and he had five children. Of these, three are now living — John, of Louisville; Ann E. Hobbs, of Ma- son; and F. L., now in Terre Haute. His second wife was Harriet Brown, with whom he had five children, only two living — Thomas and Rosa Belle. These children are now keeping house for their father in Louis- ville. Marriages. — -The first marriage in Clay County was on the-ith of March, 1825; John Binion and Sarah Baron, all of Clay Coun- ty. They were married by Levi Jordan, Justice of the Peace. On the 30th of same month, John H. Lacy, a Justice, married James J. Pierce and Ruthy Oily. The next coupling occurred July 26 of this year, Levi Jordan officiating; this was Abraham Wilson to Anna Binion. Then Enoch Wilcox comes to the front as a Justice, and married, June 30, 1825, Seth Evans and Rittony Congo. On December 10, same year, Wilcox married Levi Jordan and Anna Conger. On the 9th of June, 1825, Squire Samuel G. Woatherspoon officiated at the marriage of Jeremiah Daniel and Susan Self. The same year, November 1, Willis C. Osborne was married to Rohesa D. Lacy, by Squire Enoch Wilcox. This was perhaps a sequel to the first divorce suit in the county, and as soon as Osborne got his divorce ho married again. George Smith and Elizabeth Nelson were married, July 16, 1826, by Levi Jordan. June 15. same year, Gray B. Fancher and Sarah Daniel were married by Squire William Lewis. August 21, of this year, the same Esquire married Jesse Bishop and Hannah Trash. On the 28th December, same year, Benjamin Sanford and Elizabeth Sanders were married by Squire Jordan. This seems to have been the sum total of weddings for the year 1826, in the county. And in the year 1827, they waited the early spring, like the birds, and then mating com- menced on the 26th of April, when Squire Lewis married, or at least said he did, " the within named parties." Whoever they may be, we give it up. As there are no names given, except the "within named," and as the whole thing happened long before the writer was born, he is compelled to confess to a slight obfuscation. Squire William Lewis might have known that in the com-se of sixty years it would be some question of doubt as to who were the "within named," with no hint of a name given. Perhaps the old Squire thought that would do to start the year with. On June 27 of this year, James Gallant and Mahala Brumley were married by Squire Lewis. On the 6th of August, 1827, the joiner's trade seems to have absolutely stopped with the marriage of A. A. O'Neal and Persis Shaw. From this time until 1831 — four years — the market is barren, and not a wedding seems to have occurred. What was the mat- tery The fighting went on — the discussion "with fists" over wild hogs continued as hot and furious as ever. The rough riders, called regulators, at all hours of the night aroused the terror of the wakened sleepers; there are no records that the "sparking" abated one jot or tittle, but as for marrying, HISTORY OF CI. AY col'NTY. :S35 that was not. The institution seems to have got off its "calico-boose" and for four long years sterility and indictments for "adul- tery " threatened to take the country. Final- ly, on April 23, 1831, Sylvester Dunbar was married to Rachel Walker. But we ought to have explained that an example had been set them in January, by the marriage of Leonard Price and Sally Thomas. And on the 20th, same month, Joseph Bishop and Sally Davis were married by John Craig. But in looking further along in the record, we find there was a wedding in 182S, May 29, of Washington Bishop and Elizabeth Trash. This seems to have been the first time the ceremony was performed by a preacher- -John Miller. On February 17, 1831, the same minister married David Mc Millin and Sally P. Anno (we print it just as it is written.) John Craig, Esq., married, December 13, 1830, William Aldridge and Din Davis; November 26, 1827, Squire Mich- ael Thornton married Andrew Lylba to Irena McCoy; January 3, 1828, Squire John Jef- fard married Matthew Weaver to Matilda Crabtree; December 7, 1830, J. R. Taylor married Willis Stallings to Lucinda White; February 26, 1831, Preacher John Miller married Washington Hughes to Miriam Clark; January 17, 1829, by John Jeffard, Eli Barbree to Anna Wilson; December 11, 1828, Preacher Miller joined in wedlock John McDaniel and Catharine Hughes (Hewsl. By the same party, January 14, 1829, Ichabod C. Hehsley to Nancy Webb; by Squire John Craig. April 10, 1831, James Tompkins to Mahala Brooks; and the 17th, by the same, James Leo to Malinda Goble; March 11, 1829, Reuben Binion and Fran- ces Johnson. And the record says: "Sun- day, 21, 1830, Christopher Uppermon to Mary Pierce'' by the same preacher, John Miller; August 12, 1829, Thomas Elliott to Lavina Riley, by Squire John Craig; Robert McDaniel to Lucinda Parish, January 14, 1830, by Squire John R. Taylor; December 1, 1829, James Gallant to Nancy Cinco, by Squire J. R. Taylor; February 27, 1830, William Webb to Nancy Hill, by Squire William H. Sams; November 10, 1829, Thomas Whiteley to Keziah Bishop, by Rev. John Miller; February 14, 1831, John Mar- tin to Milly Hews, by Squire J. R. Taylor; March 11, 1830, Jesse Scief to Sophia Bishop, by Squire John Craig; December 25, 1830, Samuel Hoosley to Sarah Bonsley, by Squire J. R. Taylor; July 17, 1830, John Hughes to Amanda Morri s, by Squire J. R. Taylor; July 20, 1830, by the same, John Melton to Oney C. Taylor; September 2, 1830, John Ferril to Nancy Miller, by the same Justice of the Peace; March 1. L830, George Francher to Nancy Whiteley, by Thomas Whiteley, Justice of the Peaee; Au- gust 23, 1830, by the same, Martin Whiteley to Nancy Bishop; December 13, 1830, Will- iam Aldridge to Dice Davis, by Squire John Craig; February 23, 1831, Ashabel Atherton to Polly Mathews, by Squire J. R. Taylor; March 19, 1831, Alfred McDaniel to Nancy Westrii. \<\ Squire J. R. Taylor; July 7, 1831, by the same, Isaac Creek to Nancy Hoddy; May 10, 1832, by Squire David D. Duff, William Snead. to Mary Ano; May (without day), 1832, Fredrick Teal to Betsy Barton, by Squire J. L. Wickersham; August 13, 1K',2, by Squire David D. Duff, Alexander Dolton to Margaret Brady: May 31, 1832, by the same, John Ridgeway to Iteheeea Kidge- way; May (without day I. L832, by W'aleot Lewis, Jacob Brooks to Selena Hampton; September 25, 1832, Nathaniel H. Duff to Margaret Apperson, by Squire David D. Duff; December 15, IN:'.'-!. Abner Coats to Elizabeth Richardson, by Benjamin Coats; November 29, 1832, Presley Funkhowser to 33G HISTORY OF (LAV COUNTY. Nancy Bishop, by Thomas /Whiteley, Justice of the Peace; August 26, 1832, by Squire John Mathews, Madison Willhite to Susan Sloo; March 10, 1S33. Allen Walston to Ma- linda Greenwood, by Squire J. L. Wicker- sham: April 11, 1833, Bennett W. Moreley to Elizabeth Creek, by Squire S. B. Curbow; June 27, 1833, by Squire David D. Duff, William Hilliard to Martha Ann Barnet; August 3, 1833, Thomas Leavitt to Parmelia Stallings, by Squire S. B. Curbow; July 11, 1833, John Mathews to Susan Clark, by Squire J. L. Wickersham; October S, 1833, W'illiam George to Elizabeth Songer, by Rev. Zadock Casey. Courts, Judges and Lawyers.— The first Circuit Court of Clay County, Hon. James Hall, Presiding; Judge, assembled at the house of John McCawley, on Monday, 11th day of April, 1825. Willis C. Osborne produced his commission and was sworn in as Clerk. This was the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Osborne's commis- sion bore date January 27, 1825, and the records he has left bear testimony to his qualifications to fill the office. We have seen no better record anywhere in the new coun- ties. Thomas McCrackin was the Sheriff, and he gave bond in the sum of $10,000, with Daniel May, Enoch Wilcox, William Lewis and Willis C. Osborne, as sureties. Henry Eddy produced a commission signed by Gov. Coles, as Circuit Attorney. The first case ever docketed was James Bird vs. John McCawley, in case. This was continued for service. The first grand jury returned the first in- dictment into open court, entitled the People vs. David Elliott and Fanny Rutherford, adultery. The second case was the same vs. Daniel Brumley, hog stealing. The third indictment, and this constituted all the bills of this term of court, was the same vs. the same, Daniel Brumley, rape. It would seem that Daniel was rather a rough citizen gen- erally. At the October term, 1825, James O. Wat- tles was the Presiding Judge. At this term of the court appears the first divorce suit ever recorded in the county. It was Willis C. Osborne vs. Rachel Osborne. , It seems from the papers Mrs. Osborne was not a resident, and hence Willis got a divorce by default. At this term of the court the grand jury re- turned indictment against Willis Boon and John Chapman for " forcible and stolen mar- riage," and another indictment against same " for carrying away Rose Wallace against the will of her father." William Lewis was in- dicted for " setting fire to the prairie," and Robert M. Gordon. " assault and battery," and Daniel Mays, ditto. Robert M. Gordon attended as a Constable on this term of the court. It appears in justice to David Elliott, that at the April term, 1826, of the court, as per Clerk's entry, that he had married the Rutherford girl, and the case was dismissed. The April court, 1826. Judge James Hall presided. Willis C. Osborne, the Clerk, was indicted for sending a challenge to fight a duel. John Robinson was indicted for per- jury. The ease of Enoch Wilcox vs. B. and J. Robinson was arbitrated, and the court ap- pointed Alexander Rodgers and John Mc- Cawley, referees. October term, 1826, Judge James Hall, presiding. The second divorce suit of Will- iam Webb vs. Peggy Webb. Hon. John M. Robinson was attorney for plaintiff Webb got his divorce by Peggy's default. The in- dictments in the Boon case, noticed above, were reported lost or missing, and the State's Attorney had leave to file new ones. A not pros was entered in the case of William Lewis for firing the prairie. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 337 May term, 1S28, William Wilson was the Presiding Judge. John R. Wilson was ap- pointed by Judge Wilson. Circuit Clerk vice Willis C. Osborne, who it seems, had gone into Wayne County. Taylor's appointment was dated March 29, 1827. His bondsmen were Levi Self and Francis Harmau. At this term, four indictments, viz., against W. W. Boon, Robert Gordon, Willis C. Osborne and John Robinson were stricken from the dock- et. At this term, a case of Cornelius Dunham vs. Enos Johnson. The attorneys were John M. Robinson and W. L. D. Ewing. In a case of John Mathew vs. James Cook, Benja- min Mills appears as one of the attorneys. The grand jury at this term returned four bills as follows: Daniel Robinson, adultery; Sarah Pew, fornication; John Mathews, as- sault; John Evans, assault. George Riley was the Sheriff, and was required to give bonds of $10,000. His sureties were Will- iam Nash, William Webb. George Faris, Seth Evans and William H. Sams. This term of the court lasted just one day. At the October term, same year, Wilson again presiding, James L. Wickersham appeared and gave bond as Sheriff, with Joseph An- drews, George M. Hanson. William Lewis, Crawford Lewis and John Miller as sureties. Joseph Andrews was Coroner. August term, 1831, Robert Toler appeared and tiled his bond as Sheriff. His sureties were John R. Taylor, Seth Evans, Hiram Keach, Peter Green, William Duff, John Mathews and David D. Duff. Henry Taylor was Coroner. March 20. 1838, Caleb Ridge- way tiled his bond as Clerk of the Circuit Court. Robert Toler was again commis- sioned Sheriff in 1834 March term, 1835, Justin Harlan was the Presiding Judge. September term, 1835, Alexander Grant was Judge presiding. .March term, 1836, Jastin Harlan asrain held court. At the April term, 1839. Judge Harlan appointed James M. Ho^rue Clerk of the Circuit Court for Clay County. After Willis C. Osborne's indictment for trying to fight a duel, the matter seems to have rested until 1839, when John Golden was indicted and tried for this offense. A jury was impaneled as follows: Francis Apperson, foreman, Alexander Bruce, Arthur McCawley, John Grooms, Josiah Blair, Wash- ington Bishop, Robert Bennyfield, David Sweezy, Edmund Jones, Thomas S. Parvin, Hugh McDaniel and George Green were the jury called upon to consider the case. They found Gordon guilty as charged. Where- upon he was lined $5 and cost. April 3, 1839, James M. Hogue filed his bond as Clerk of tbe Circuit Court, with Francis Apperson and Peter Green as sure- ties. Judge Harlan approved the bond, and Hogue entered upon the duties of the office. At the October term, 1839, G. B. Shelle- dy's name appears on the record as an attor- ney. At this term of the court, John Serv- ice was tried for assault with intent to com- mit murder, and sentenced to one year. The order sentencing him says: "There being no Sheriff of the county at this time, the Cor- oner be allowed to take with him as guard to convey the defendant to the penitentiary two persons," etc. The jury in this case were Robert Scoggs, Richard G. Sorrells, George Baity, John Colclasure, John Bullard, Daniel Evans, James Riley, John L. Apper- son, James Leavitt, William Sneed, James Ano and William L. Lankston. In 1S41, Judge William Wilson again was Presiding Judge at the March term. At this term Francis Apperson presented his bond as Circuit Clerk, Nathaniel H. Duff and Daniel McCawley, sureties. Judge William Wilson approved the bond. Apperson had been appointed by Judge Wilson, Chief Justice of 338 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. the Supreme Court. The grand jury at this term presented tivi> indictments: three of which were for larceny and were against Benjamin Goble. James Lee, and William Mangum respectively. And against Matthew Lippet, selling whisky, and Fredrick P. Par- ker, malicious mischief. At the August term, L842, the grand jury returned seven indict- ments; one was for attempt to murder, and the other six were for " adultry." For the last-mentioned there were indicted, David West, Samuel Freeman, Mary Egan, Mary Pate, William E. Henry and Martha Perkins. The case for attempted murder was bound over in $50 and the others $30 each. At the second term of the court, in 1825, Isaac Romine and William Smith appeared in open court and purged themselves of con- tempt for a failure»to appear as jurors at the preceding court. At the same time John M. Robinson, attorney, on motion discharged William Webb and George Faris, sureties for Robert M. Gordon. In 1843, Edmund Jones, was elected Sheriff. He gave bond with James Rusk, Isaac Martin. John Maxwell, Henry Kenley, Charles A. Moon, Joseph Maxwell and William Lewis as sureties. Judge William Wilson approved the bond. Francis Apperson was Clerk of the Circuit Court. At the May term, 1845, Judge William Wilson, the following grand jury was called: Jacob Stipp, foreman. James McKinney, Aaron O. Finch, John S. Ridgeway, Ben- jamin T. Randall, John H. Hill, Gideon Higginbotham, John Ditter, Stephen Hardin, John Weaver, Jarrett Erwin, Washington Lewis, Alexander Cockrell, James Hender- son, Charles Lockhart, Jacob Colclasure, William Sutherland, Lewis Allgood, Alexan- der Vickrey, M. C. Minnis and Wesley Wood. The traverse jury were William T. Duff, Abraham Stanford, John R. Randall, Isaac Stanford, John Sutton, William Martin. Hugh Young, Gideon Bailey, James J. Spriggs, John Ingraham, Crawford Erwin and Benjamin A. Vernatter. At the May term. 1845. Robert Toler tiled his bond as Sheriff, and John A. Mc- Cawley filed his as Coroner. To the September term, 1848, William Wilson, Chief Justice of Illinois, continued to hold all the courts. He was then legislat- ed out of office, and the great man retired to private life and seclusion from the public, at his home in Mt. Carmel. where he resided until he died. Here was an instance of a great Judge being outraged, and all the peo- ple thereby wronged by a contemptible league of little demagogues and politicians. When they turned Wilson out of office, they prob- ably thought they did a very smart thing, when the truth is they were only making their own record and staining all their tribe of little demagogues. At the next term of the court in 1849, Justin Harlin presided as Judge. At the May term, 1849. Strother B. Walker was the Sheriff. At the March term. 1851, Stephen Hardin was the Sheriff. In 1854, Henry Neff was Sheriff; in 1856, Henry Phelps; 1858, B. F. Reynolds; 1860, Henry Phelps; 1862, Henry Hortenstein; 1863, James Gammon; 1865, Walton Finch; 1868, Tom Monical; 1870, John R. Tanner. The following, though incomplete, is a record of the county officers, commencing in 1858 and continuing down to date. 1858— Wyatt Cook, Treasurer; Luther S. Hopkins, County Judge; John P. Hungate. County Clerk; Thomas J. Smith. School Commissioner; William Gammon and Wes- ley Wood, Associate Judges. 1865— C. D. Kendall, County Clerk: L. S. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 339 Hopkins, Judge; James A. W. Walker. Treasurer; John Russell, School Commis- sioner; E. Nixon, County Surveyor. 1869— John L. Moore, County Clerk; C. H. Murry, School Superintendent; John A. Ap- person, Treasurer; Harry S. Watson, County Treasurer-, Ethelred Nixon, Surveyor; L. S Hopkins, Judge. 1872— John 11. Tanner, Circuit Clerk; Samuel R. Rea, County Clerk; Robert Gray, Sheriff; David L. Chase, Coroner. 1873— Richard J. Burns, County Clerk; Henry S. Watson, Treasurer; Jacob H. Song- er, County Superintendent; Rolla B. Henry, County Judge. 1874— Looker Nixon, Sheriff; Robert H. Jones, Coroner; G. A. 1 1 otY, State's Attorney; George W. Smith, County Su(M'rintendent. 1870 — James A. Finch, State's Attorney; Silas Hallowell, Sheriff; Robert E. Duff, ex officio Recorder. 1877 — Gershom A. Hoff, County Judge; Richard J. Burns, County Clerk; Samuel Enyart, Circuit Clerk; David M. Laswell, County Treasurer; George W. Smith, County Superintendent: James H. Jenkins, Coroner. 1878— Elias D. Vickrey, Sheriff. 1879 — Edward Hawkins, County Treasurer; A. H. Monro, County Surveyor; James R. Cravens, Coroner. 1880— D. C. Hagle. State's Attorney; Sam- uel Enyart, Clerk of the Circuit Court; Elias D. Vickrey, Sheriff; Henry G. Louchner, Coroner; S. Enyart, Circuit Clerk. 1882— G. A. Hoff, County Judge; William J. Clifton, County Clerk; John R. Block. County Treasurer; Robert McCullom, Sheriff; Cleveland W. Mills, County Superintendent; James W. Suggett, Coroner. Of the Circuit Clerks from 1852, where we traced them to, on the records above, we tind at that time J. P. Hungate was Clerk. 1860, R. Taliaferro; ISC, l, Henry Hortenstein; 1868, Hortenstein re-elected; 1872, John R. Tan- ner; 1876, R. E. Duff, and as statod above; 1877, Sam Enyart was elected, and still iB in office (1884). * In 1856, Johu T. Whitman was appointed Treasurer to till a vacancy, and then (1857) was elected for a full term. He resigned in 1858, and was succeeded by Wyatt Cook, who was re-elected in 1859. William Bishop in 1861, and re-elected; then J. A. Walker, two terms; 1867, James B. Smith; 1869, John A. Apperson, 1872, two terms; H. S. Watson, 1875; P. P. Brown, 1877; D. Melton Laswell, who died in the winter of 1877, and E. H. Hawkins was then until the fall of 1882, when the present incumbent J. L. Block was elected. Of the County Clerks, in addition to the incumbents named in a former chapter we learn that in 1861 J. P. Hungate was County Clerk; 1855, C. D. Kendal; 1869, John J. S. Moore, who died in office and S. S. Ray, was appointed to fill the vacancy. In 1871, S. R. Apperson, and in 1873, R. J. Burns, who served until 1SS2. 340 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. CHAPTER VI. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE— STOCK-RAISING— DAIRYING— MATTERS OF INTEREST AND VALUE TO EVERY ONE— APPLES AND SORGHUM— HOW TO MAKE YOUR LAND WORTH §500 PER ACRE, ETC., ETC., ETC. C~1LAY and Wayne Counties are, so far in J their respective histories, almost ex- clusively composed of tillers of the soil. When we add to this the industry of stock- raising, we have included about all there is, or probably will be here, in the way of lead- ing industries for many years to come. In previous chapters we have given extended no- tices of the general geological formations of the two counties. With the exception of there being more prairie land in Clay than in Wayne County, there is but little differ- ence in the soils and general topography of the two counties. The bottom lands are al- ways rich in alluvium and the humus that go to furnish abundant plant food. The uplands, especially the prairies, are of grayish soil, not very deeply laid upon a tough, stiff clay, that is often called hard-pan. The fact is, there is not much hard-pan to be found in either county, yet there are localities where the genuine article can be found in abundance. The facts are, that the most of this so-called hard-pan is a clay that is full of plant food, but that must be exposed to the air in order to prepare it to give off this plant food. The soil of the two counties is in many places underlaid with limestone, and this we believe is never found in connection with hard-pan. This clay often, however, is so compact that neither the roots of young trees nor of the cereals will penetrate it and draw out its rich substance. The main difficulty, we appre- hend, is the want of air in reaching these roots. So compact is it often that we incline to the belief that no more air penetrates it than will go into standing water. This is the main reason why they have remained prai- ries and treeless. Gov. Reynolds tells us that the prairies are made by fires, and many will tell you that now, for years since the fires have been stopped, the timber land is rapidly spreading over the prairies, where it has not been kept cleared away. The learned geolo- gists differ on this subject in their discus- sions of the question of the formation of prairies, but we believe that the opinion that the timber will not of itself grow upon prai- rie soil is the true one — that the timber never encroaches upon the prairies. There is this quality in all the soil of the two counties. It retains most completely all the fertilizers that may be placed upon it ; and another thing, that almost any kind of fertilizer has the effect to loosen and lighten up the entire soil, and it is really capable of being made the most productive land in the world, and once it is enriched it will scarcely ever wear out again. This is true of both its agricult- ural and horticultural advantages. Even this prairie land, which in its natural state is so repellent to all tree growth, and that there- fore would for perhaps all time, while un- touched, have remained prairies, may thus be readily made into the finest orchards suitable to this climate; but all species of trees may HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 341 be induced to grow here most rapidly and in the thriftiest manner. Tho writer has in this latitude, by properly loosening the earth and fertilizing, made peach trees to bear a small crop the third year by trees that had within that time come from the seed. The ground properly prepared, and the free use of rough mulching, will make apple and cluriy trees, and nearly all shade and yard trees grow unite as well as the peach tree. Domestic grasses grow here in great abund- ance. Their cultivation gives most abundant and never-failing crops. This fact should long ago have pointed out to the people that the open doorway to wealth here was in stock- raising. The direct profits here, and the quick returns are largo and certain, and yel a quarter of a century at least has been lost by the people in their persistent folly of pur- -niug the old, beaten tracks of the early fathers in planting perpetually com and wheat, and to-day there are people living on farms where they have been nearly fifty years, and the farm is still as treeless as was the pristine prairie on which it was made; nor has there ever been a graded or blooded hoof of stock of any kind. But the land has been skinned from year to year, and all such farm- er.- can readily tell you that " farming does not pay." Of course, enough such farming would, in the end. bankrupt the country. At the same time, and with less labor and really great profits the farm could have been made as rich as any land in the world. The time will come — the rapidity of its coming depends upon the sound sense of our farmers — when all this land will bo worth from spin to $500 per acre. To commence with, there are no gre ! inded tates here, and a few years will greatly subdivide these present tracts, and here lies the wealth and glory of all agricultural countries. Small farmers and intelligent ones— an aver: twenty acres to the farm — would in time make this the richest section in the world. It is said that English agriculture has suffered the past few years from the importation of Amer- ican products, but we incline to the belief that the sole reason why the agriculture of France has been so especially prosperous, has been the great fact that all over France it is the small farmers that prevail. In France the landed property of the country is reported at 132,000,000 acres, about one-fouth available for culture. In L850, the rent value of French lands was $161,000,000; at present it is $529,000,000, having more than trebled in a generation. The selling value of an average acre of French land has increased in the same time from $100 to $107; meadow land has risen from $105 to $237 per acre; vineyards from 810.") to' $237; gardens and orchards, $350 to $440 per acre. These figures, which are the result of very close estimates, show the val- ues of lands in France which have a no greater productive capacity than lands in Illinois, which are rated only one-tenth as high. There is in France little of the landlordism that acts like a millstone round the neck of the Irish people, and has an injurious effect in England, and Scotland, too; there are no immense estates held by a few wealthy proprietors, The lands in France are mainly occupied by their owners, and owned by those who till them; and it is this fact, in connection with patient and cheerful labor and close economy, that ex- plains the conservative nature of the French rural population and their ability to main- tain themselves in competition with America. There is no j ere there can be more inducements to dain farming than here. At the international cattle show in Paris in 1878, every Swiss cow exhibited bore off a prize, although there were competitors from 342 HISTORY OV CLAY COUNTY. England, Holland, Denmark and many other famous cattle and milk producing districts of Europe, and "yet that those fine butter and milk producing animals of Switzerland are fed only on grass and hay the year through." High feeding on grain, bran, meal, oil-cake, ensilage and boiled fodder, so greatly relied on in England and the eastern parts of the United States for large products, are either unknown in that country or never practiced. Swiss cows are kept in low, dark and warm stone stables, with walls two feet thick, not only all the winter, but frequently all the summer, their owners arguing that the discomfort of confinement in warm weather is more than compensated for in the exemp- tion from flies which harass animals running in pastures. All the feed is taken to the an- imals. In the summer, they are given as much fresh cut grass as they can eat, and in the winter about thirty pounds of hay a day each. A Swiss acre of grass land on the lake of Zurich is worth §300 to $400, and it is estimated that one and a half to two acres produce sufficient grass, green and dried, for one cow. The milk is sold by farmers at 2k to 3 cents a quart by wholesale, and the us- ual yield is two gallons to the cow the year round. At these rates a well-managed dairy, stocked with cows, worth $90 to $125 each, on land worth $300 to $400 an acre, is ex- pected to yield about ten per cent on the in- vestment. Dairy hands are paid $10 a month and board, and one hand is expected to take care of twelve cows. It would appear that the conditions of dairying in this country are much more favorable than in Switzerland, for here the price of milk is at least one-half higher, and the value of farms is but little over one-tenth what it is here. It will be hard to convince American dairymen that high-feeding is not the true policy in dairy farming. The Swiss admit that it increases the quantity of milk, but at the expense of the quality. The finest flavored milk, butter and cheese, they assert, comes from grass. " If," said a Swiss dairy- man, " Americans would turn their attention less to fancy feeding and more to draining, fertilizing and improvement of meadows, they would have more and better milk." Here is the experience of centuries of the best dairy farmers in the world, and could it be put in practice on say at least one forty - acre tract of every quarter section in the county, a very few years would produce a transformation here that would now seem incredible, and make of our people the richest farmers in the world, and as enor- mous as the direct milk and butter profits would be the enrichment of the land, and the increased value of it would be equal t o the direct profits. It is astounding how slowly mankind are to learn from experience. So persistent is man to follow in the beaten track of his forefathers that he will often pursue that track, though it may be strewn with the starved wrecks of his fellows, and he will not turn aside, although possibly on every hand just off his way may be extrav- agant abundance. Polly and short-sighted- ness are persistent and all enduring. Fruit Culture. — In the last few years, more and more of the citizens of these counties have been giving their attention to fruit cult- ure. And many of the most practical farm- ers are beginning to believe that there is no crop that pays any better than orchards. In fact all kinds of fruits, both small and large, seem to grow in great profusion. This last season the apple crop, however, has been of such proportions as to become one of the principal resources of Wayne and Clay Coun- ties' farmers. While the other crops were all either partial or total failures, this one has been the means of balancing up many an HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 343 account.. A larger number than ever invested in the nursery stock this year, and fruit-rais- ing in Wayne and Clay Counties has become a settled fact. As yet, however, there are but few very large orchards, but as each farmer is augmenting his number of trees more and more each year, it will not be long before this section will stand among the first in the list of fruit-raising counties. As yet he largest orchard in Wayne County is that of Mr. Jones, of Johnsonville. It extends over eighty acres, and this season the crop was about 5,000 bushels from that one or- chard. As we have said before, the apple crop this past year was larger than ever before. So large in fact that it has attracted gen- eral attention in the different parts of the State. Through the kindness of the station agents in the different towns, we are enabled to givo the amount of fruit shipped from certain stations: From Fairfield via the 0. & M. Railroad, 4,560 bbls. From Fairfield via the L. & X. Railroad, 1,575 bbls. From Cisne via the O. & M. Railroad.... 5, 200 bbls. From Rinard via the O. & M. Railroad. .5,415 bbls. From Jeffersonville via tin- O. iV. M. Kail- road 1,775 lil ils. From Boyieston via the L. & N. Railroad, 500 bids. From Wayne City via the L. & X. Rail- road ..." 1,500 bbls. From Keen Station via the L. & N. Hail- road 591 bbls. From Merriam via the I.. ^V X. Railroad, 500 bbls. From Flora via the L. & N. Railroad. . .7,500 bbls. From Clay City via tie [,. & X. Railroad, 3,120 bbls. From Louisville via the I.. & X. Mail road 3,622 bbls. From Xenia via the L. & X. Railroad. . .2,800 bbls. From other stations where we could not get the figures, we estimate the total crop in Wayne and Clay Counties shipped over 50,000 barrels. Now on an average of two and three fourths bushels to a barrel, that will make 137,500 bushels. The price paid per bushel varied quite a good deal. Some shippers paid as high as §1 per bushel for the apples as they hung on the trees, they to pick what they wanted. At first the prices for fruit in bulk at the warehouse ranged from 60 to 80 cents. Toward the latter part of the season, the price dropped down to 50 cents. Figuring on that as a minimum price for 137,500 bushels it would be $68,750, which is probably far below the actual amouut of money brought into these coun- ties this season by apples alone. Taking that amount for a basis, however, it shows that this branch of horticulture is soon to become one of the leading industries of the counties. As to the best varieties to be handled, nurserymen and fruit-growers generally differ considerably. From observation, however, we are led to say that the Ben Davis and Roman Beauty are considered the hardiest and best varieties for this latitude, especially where the fruit is to be shipped any groat dis- tance. This past season the peach crop did not amount to very much. In the forepart of the summer and spring, the prospects for a large crop seemed to be very flattering, but after the fruit had almost matured, some in- sect seemed to blast it to a great extent. Experienced peach-growers claim, however, that this section generally is considered as good for that kind of fruit as any other locality, either North or South. As yet the culture of small fruit has not reached to such extensive proportions as in the more southern counties of the State. However, those who have devoted any at- tention to it at all find that it pays very well indeed. And we cannot, see why the county does not stand equally as good a chance to become noted for its fruit-raising as has either Union, Johnson, Alexander or other counties of the south part of tho State. This past season, tho gathering of the wild blackberry was a source of much pleasure and 344 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. profit to the people. The crop was indeed very large, and many an honest penny was turned in the marketing of this fruit. Take it all in all, we cannot see why the people of this section cannot become as noted in their horticulture as their more southern neigh- bors. Fruit culture of any kind of course seems to be and is to a great extent in its infancy. But as the soil and climate in this portion of the State is almost entirely similar to that of Southern Illinois, with a little ex- pense we have no doubt all kinds of fruit could be raised in such abundance and with so much profit that in a few years horticult- ure in all its branches will become the lead- ing vocation of the people. Sorghum.— There is another industry that is fast gaining ground in this locality. We refer to the raising and manufacture of sorghum. This species of agriculture has only attracted any considerable attention in this part of the State in the last few years. Of late, however, there has been quite a good deal written and said about it. Farmers now claim that the raising of sorghum pays as good if not better than the corn crop, and considerable attention is being paid to it. Quite an acreage of it was sown this past season, and in nearly every township there is one or more machines for the manufacture of the crude juice into molasses. It was our privilege to visit Mr. Roberts' mill in Fair- field, and from him we gleaned many useful and interesting facts regarding the maufact- ure of this article. According to statistics gathered by this gentleman, one acre of the stalk will produce from 500 to 1,500 gal- lons of the crude juice. This juice, like the sap of the maple, is capable of being boiled down to almost any consistency, from the thinnest molasses to sugar. The molasses sells from 50 to 75 cents per gallon, according to its quality. The sugar brings as much as cane sugar. The sorghum stalk differs from the original sugar cane of the South in having a seeded top, while the latter species is en- tirely without. The seed of the sorghum is almost similar to that of buckwheat, and is pronounced unexcelled for horse feed, and when ground the flour is used for batter cakes. Of comparatively recent date, yet the cultiva- tion of sorghum is nevertheless growing in popularity among the farmers of this section of Illinois. None of the many farmers who have raised the article are prone to give it up, and nearly all are expecting to embark in it to a greater extent than ever before next season. As probabilities for success in this branch of agriculture are so promising and the prospects of remuneration are so flattering, we do not see why next year the farmers should not devote a fair share of their means to the production of this article, and why many more should not interest them- selves in the manufacture of the article. Total indebtedness of Clay County is $233,719. This includes all the indebted- ness of the county, towns, cities, villages and school districts. The total manufactured products of the county are $252,834; manufacturing estab- lishments, total, thirty-seven; capital. §84,- 000; employes, ninety-seven. The popula- tion of the county, according to the United States census, was, in 1860, 9,330; in 1870, 15,877; and in 1880, 16,192. This is di- vided as follows: Bible Grove, 1,044; Blair, 983; Clay City Township, including Clay City, 1,450; Harter Township, including Flora. 2,878; Hoosier, 1,136; Larkinsburg Township, 1,179; Louisville Township, in- cluding Louisville, 1.235 (town of Louis- ville, 514); Oskaloosa Township, 1,035; Pixley, 1,506; Songer, 1,000; Stanford, 1,268; Xenia Township, including Xenia Village, 1,418 (Xenia Village, 898). HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY- 345 Of the population of Clay there are natives 15,737; born in Illinois. 9,934; Ohio, 1,142; New York, 95; Indiana. 2,589; Pennsylva- nia, 27S; Kentucky, 553. There are foreign born in the county 455; British America, 21; England and Wales, 92; Ireland, 66; Scot- land, 10; German Empire, 229; France, 17. In the county are 2,093 farms, and these include 1.94,637 acres of improved land. These farms, including land, fences and buildings, are valued at $3,495,421. Farm- ing implements are worth §154,506. Total value of live stock, §607,990. Estimated value of all farm productions sold, consumed, or on hand for 1879, was §2,128,529. Prin- cipal vegetable productions in 1880 wore buckwheat, 1,400 bushels; corn, 1,058,186 bushels; oats, 157,063 bushels; rye, 2,742 bushels; wheat. 223,520 bushels; orchard products, $31,000; hay, 18,000 tons; potatoes, 64,063 bushels; sweet potatoes, 993 bushels; tobacco, 19,321 pounds. Live stock, there Vere, in 1880, 5,546 horses, 1.236 mules and asses; milch cows, 4,290; other cattle, 6,897; sheep, 10,718; swine, 25,693; wool, 55,000 pounds; butter, 238,102 pounds; cheese, 2,683 pounds. CHAPTER VII. SCHOOLS— A REFERENCE TO THE ORIGINALS— SOME THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT GENERALLY- THE FIRST SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS— THE EARLY SCHOOLS AND THOSE OF TO- DAY COMPARED AND ESTIMATED— THOUGHTS ON THE SUB- JECT OF GENERAL INTEREST, ETC., ETC. AMONG the oldest, if not the very oldest organized institution in the world, that passes along unquestioned and without dispute, are the public schools, or rather the school system that prevails in some form or other throughout the civilized world. Prac- tically they are contemporaneous with our Christianity, because within the church, and side by side with its institutions, it has spread and flourished, and against it there has been no revolt nor bloody revolutions, nor wars, nor reformations, nor schisms, either bloody or peaceful. It has moved along the nineteen centuries unchallenged — the progeny and helpmeet of all branches and faiths of the church — and was fostered and jealously pro- tected by every schism, even when they warred upon one another to extermination over their foolish and puerile dogmas. The ebb and flux of civilization, the rise and fall of ompires, the youth, lusty manhood and the slow decay of great nations and the growth and passing away of splendid cities, have had nothing more than temporary and inci- dental effects upon the schools. The idea and system of the Pietistic schools of the Lower Nile have emerged unscathed and un- harmed from these great shocks and prolonged tragedies of the human race. The magnificent superstructure that we now see raised rests upon the foundations laid by the churchmen eighteen centuries ago, and this is true in the face of the con- stant iteration of tho schoolmen that the whole system has been made new and that now the scheme is as near perfect as it is pos- 346 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. sible to make a human institution. True there have been many changes and great improve- ments, particularly in the last half century, but the-e all apply to the immaterial and the external, and the fundamental principles of today are identical with the first schools that were taught at the birtb of our Christianity. Those first schools came into existence to pre- pare priests for their office, and they taught Latin, Greek, Hebrew and the catechism, and this teaching and learning was commit- ting to memory. That is all there is to-day in our public schools, and so far as history tells us, it was all there ever was in any of the schools past or present. And the church and the schools are ever proclaiming: " Be- hold in all this splendid civilization our ex- clusive handiwork. See our magnificent churches and schoolhouses that dot the land, where no man is ever out of hearing of the bells proclaiming 'come and let us worship God," and the clanging school bells are say- ing " Come and be educated philosophers." What is the measure of the progress of our civilization? It is by the work and thoughts of our great geniuses who discover new truths in the mental and physical laws — new and useful inventions in the arts — and the promise and expectancy of others still greater to im- mediately follow these; by the growth and spread of freedom among the people — free- dom from oppression and government med- dling — freedom from errors — freedom from prejudices and freedom from superstitions. These are the master spirits of all the blessings of civilization that we possess. In the world's history, they have been the very few, and have mostly been persecuted unto death by the many. To discover and give the world a new fact in the truths of the natural laws has invited, not the world's gratitude and applause, but the rack, the fagot and the sword. But in the long ages, perhaps centuries after these glorious immor- tals have found rest in bloody, unknown and unhonored graves, " the world does move! " And the long delayed triumph of truth over error comes, and then, mayhap, those who murdered the great discoverer rise up and say, "Behold the blessing we have given you! " Truth gains her victories in the end, but justice never, because the overwhelming majority are always on the side of wrong. Truth cannot enact bloody statutes, cannot persecute, but error has strewn the shores of time with its millions of murdered victims, and inflicted cruelties from the contemplation of which the mind turns away aghast. " The voice of the people is the voice of God," says ignorance, and thus, fattening upon its own corruption, it rises in its might and murders the true friends of humanity — those grand geniuses who cast pearls before the swine. There seem to be two inherent evils that enter the great majority of all minds, and that hold them in undisputed possession from the cradle to the grave. These are a blind reverence and belief in the greatness, purity and wisdom of the ancient times, and our literature is tainted with it, and poets sing of the glories of the Golden Age— a sil- ly fable born of excited imaginations and enfeebled judgments, that deride the glori- ous present and mourn over fallen man. The other companion evil is a belief in the infallibility of the majority. These errors, once well intrenched in the mind, are about as immovable as the mountains; and they carry along the great tide of suffering hu- manity toward the plunging Niagara, and error does not cease to be dangerous when truth is left free to combat it; nor is truth ever left free to combat error, because error holds the reins of power, the sword, the police, and the vast, over crowded and count- less majority. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 347 If the school men could point to the fact that they had long ago discovered either these or other evils that beset men's minds, and had made a manly and heroic effort to stamp them or either of them out, we would be free, nay, gladly confess it the friend, the builder and architect of some of the grand civilization we have. The school teachers of the dark ages were cloistered monks mostly for the teaching of males only. They could translate the dead languages and glibly tell off the catechism, and for everything else they were not to blame for their phenomenal ignorance, because their life training and education had been such it could not be otherwise. In the course of ages, common decency forced open the schools to the female portion of child- hood, and to this day and hour the astound- ing fact exists that many of the most polite and refined training schools for the daugh- ters of the wealthy are taught by cloistered females — pure, noble and good women — who concern themselves only about the future, and look with serene contempt upon the present and all of this world's surroundings. To pray and fast and hear mass without ceasing is the acme of that higher, holier and only real education in their minds. And the prevalent idea of a proper education for females furnishes the foundation upon which this anomalous state of facts has existed, and will continue until poople learn more defi- nitely what education is. The State or public schools, like nearly all State institutions, are encircled with a vast and complicated machinery, that add indef- initely to the expense and show, and in that proportion curtail their utility. A State Superintendent is over each County Super- intendent, and Boards of Directors, and Directors, Trustees and Treasurers and the County Superintendents are elected by the wise majority, and they examine teachers and give certificates only to those qualified the best to teach. This amazing farce is fully portrayed when the writer is able to af- firm that in the school room of a city that boasts the excellence of its graded schools, he heard a teacher ask of a pupil the ques- tion, ,; Has the bell been rang?" or this, "Has Mr. came ?" This is no ex- aggeration, nor is there the slightest false coloring given to the language used, and upon inquiry he learned the teacher using this language had passed a splendid exami- nation for a second-grade certificate. Re- member it is the second-grade teachers who are placed over the children at that age wheu their language that will cling to them through life is formed. Does not this ac- count for the fact that, in the face of the many free schools all over the country, you can never hear a half dozen sentences pass between young or old without hearing about as many blunders as sentences, and you may see young men and young lady graduates of the high schools, who could not properly write the address upon a letter if life de- pended upon it — Greek and Latin scholars who know little or nothing more of the En- glish language than the slangy hoodlums of the streets. This may be labeled education and turned adrift from the school rooms as such until the world ceases to turn, but it will not be education, nor even an approach to it Are the public schools a failure? We do not say they are, yet who can fail to see that they are daily and by the hundreds and thousands taking up the children of the poor and unfitting them for their station in life, and are not giving them a fair substitute in exchange. A farmer's or mechanic's son comes home from school or graduates from the high school room of some city school 20 us HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. that ranks high, and he cannot longer be a farm boy or mechanic, nor ib he prepared to support himself except as a school teacher or a clerk, either of which, until he learns the trade, he is not qualified to do. It does about as much for the wash -woman's daugh- ter. In fact, the majority of the poor men's children who are pushed the farthest in these unnatural hot-beds are the suffering victims who are splendidly prepared to be either loafers or tramps. Nature's laws are omnipotent, eternal, inexorable, and they will not excuse ignorance, whether it is clothed in rags and piety or in royal purple and rascality, and every error or delusion a man harbors and hugs to his bosom through life is an avenging Nemesis that cannot be appeased, but that carries its afflictions from father to son and from generation to genera- tion. Hence, upon the subject of educating your children, you cannot afford to make a mis- take. A mistake here is irreparable — its consequences may revisit with its horrid pains and penalties your remotest generation. It is not at all certain that because you may have money to spend upon your children that you can thereby hire and buy for them the best education, and thus dismiss the sub- ject after you have spent a sufficient amount of money, and if there is failure in the child transfer all the blame from your own shoul- ders to the child's. You may deceive your- self with such delusions — you cannot deceive Dame Nature. If your child's life is a fail- ure after you have been permitted to control and watch over its infancy and growth, mark you! the fault is yours and not the child's. The child is and can be shaped into full- grown life by only two things — the law of heredity and its education. And these all can only come from the parents. You may hire a substitute or vou may have the State give your child its education, but upon your head alone rests all the responsibility and much of the pains and agony that will follow a mistake here. Here is the important con- cern of life, the supremest of questions to men. The corollary to the above proposition that nature puDishes ignorance is the fact, which mankind generally it seems cannot learn, is the fact that much error — widespread and nearly universal error — is that people are good or bad, moral or immoral in the same proportion as morality is drilled into them. This was perhaps the sole reason why that, until very recent times, all the schools were in the care of the churchmen, and teachers were all at one time priests or preachers. They believed if the morals were sufficiently drilled they were the salt that alone saved and made men good, sober, pure and honest, and then edu- cation would take care of itself. In this they traversed the laws of nature, as we believe. Because the truth is that all peoples in all time have been sober, moral and good in the exact proportion that they have been wise or ignorant. And the only way to make men pure and noble is to make them wise. To preach interminable moral homilies to the ignorant people is as foolish as to try to whistle down the cyelone, or prate of the pangs of hell to a Texas steer. An ignorant semi -barbarous people will all get drunk or stupefy themselves with some drug or nar- cotic every time they can get it to devour. Ignorance is the essence of demoralization and depravity the world over, and has been so since the birth of man, and will so con- tinue forever. The world is full of shams and empirics, and the keystone in this arch has been those mistaken men who have taken charge of the world's morals and education. Their un- questioned honesty of purpose and zeal have HISTORY OF el. AY COUNTY. 849 only aggravated the monster evil, because they hied to reverse the law of nature. And all mankind are empirics — we examine only one side of anything, and hence the world's best live and suffer and go to their graves filled with ignorance and prejudices. An empiric is one who from a superficial inves- tigation or a one-sided view of any subject, makes up his mind, forms his judgment (there is but one chance in a milliou that he is not wrong) and proposes to look no farther and never change his mind, except upon still another one-sided view and prob bly an in- creased amount of error and mistake in his conclusions. It is a matter of the gravest doubt whether this evil of empiricism can ever be even in a measure dislodged from men's minds, because it is so universal, so much a part and essence of the very tissue of men's brains, that it must appal the in vestigatov and turn him away from its con- templation sick at heart. If even all the thinking men in this world, and there are very, very few of them, could but be brought to realize and reflect every time they are about to form a judgment on some matter after one of these hasty, one-sided investiga- tions, "now, I am an empiric — I have the malady in the most malignant form." We say. if this reflection could be always brought up to men's minds just before they had formed their unchangeable judgments, it would be a stride toward that higher and purer civilization and the world's good, such as has never yet and probably never will be taken. We question if the human mind is not, per ge, (oo feeble to give even the faintest hope of this becoming a possibility. The result of this universal and hopeless empiri- cism is that we are a mere bundle of preju- dices, and a man of prejudices is a man of ignorance, and he is as incurable as the leper. The earlv settlers of Clay County had more pressing concerns when first they c here than the Bubjecl of schools for theii children. Among these wants would nat orally be a mill to crack their corn in order that they might have bread and hominy. A clapboard roof to protect the family from the elements, a bushel or two of cracked coin, a pumpkin for occasional " sass," and a plentj of bear, turkey and deer for meat, and he- would be the happy lord of the new demesne, and about literally " lord of all he surveyed " with his eye. Keal money was an unknown quantity in their heaviest financial schemes, and he generally hunted, and carried his corn on horseback to the horse mill, and the family attended the .truck patch: the women and children in the early spring, when vegetables had long since disappeared, would gather "sheep-sorrel" and eat it, and ransack the woods for wild onions, and gather thistle and other weeds for greens, and then, like niggers in the rolling season on sugar plantations, they began to wax fat and sleek. " It was a hard country on women and oxen, but a kind of lazy paradise for men and dogs," in the language of O. B. Ficklin. The first mill in the county was built in what is now Louisville, in 1823, by Goble iV Weath- erspoon. It had then been thirteen years since John McCawlev had come to the county. The county was most probably organized and called Clay County before there were enough people here to form any one community with children enough to attempt the employment of a teacher. An extended account of all these early schools and the names of the teachers the reader will find in the respective- township histories in this volume. The] wereof the most primitive character, but this is not saying they were a whit inferior to the schools of to-day. They made no preten- sions, even the highest or best of thei more than teach the children to read and writ* 350 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. and the first few simple rules of arith- metic. Three mouths' school a year were for a long time the utmost limits of any one's thoughts on that subject. If they made mistakes, they were on the right side. That is, they did not attempt to take the children racing over a cart load of text books, as is the agony now, but they simply tried to take them over very little ground, but to keep them at it until the pupil knew it as well and thor- oughly as his mind could comprehend. And the return to this practice would be a blessing to the children of this age. We realize these earliest schools were very poor ones. The mis- takes of our fathers were many and grievous, but the great fact remains, and we record it to their everlasting credit, that in this one respect of confining themselves to the three simplest branches in the school room they were far wiser than we. And could the truth be ascertained, we have no doubt but that the pupils that went into the world from these rude cabins have in the end produced an average of successful and partially well-edu- oated men in their after lives as has been averaged by the schools of the present gen- eration. These early schools filled a great want of the people of that day, and filled it well. Their results were the best, and their adaptation to the wants of society and the demands of the age were admirable. They were organized, run and controlled and paid for by the people, and it was no bad illustra- tion of the happy results of the people man- aging their own affairs without the officious meddling of government. These primitive schools joined hands with the early churches, and very often the teacher taught school the six days in the week, and preached the simple and sublime truths of Christ and Him crucified on Sunday to pupils and parents, as did Elder John \T. Griffith for many years. These men taught school for their bread, and preached for the love of God. And preaching and teaching were adapted to wants and yearnings of their peo- ple, and were healthy food for mind and soul. Their effects were visible upon the community then, and with the descendants of these peo- ple they linger with us yet. The only theo- logical school these early preachers ever at- tended were " found in the lids of the Bible," and the only normal school these teachers ever graduated in were Diebold's arithmetic and Webster's spelling book, by a rush light and camp fire. He knew nothing of a State institution for the manufacturing of school teachers by the wholesale and retail, who an- nually went forth in swarms upon communi- ties, with no other well fixed idea about schools and school children than that they were made solely for the benefit and behoof of the teachers, and who can never be exactly happy until the State passes a compulsory education law, and furnish policemen to lead half-naked urchins by the ear to his school room, where and when he can, with his pat- ent Normal-educational sausage -stuffer, cram them to bursting with knowledge. No! the early teacher was a plain, simple, sincere man, who believed that a knowledge of reading, writing and the four simple rules of arith- metic were the sure and only foundation for a future education, and the rest, after get- ting these, was with each pupil himself. He believed this, and his faith and practice were an unmixed blessing to his day and age. Commencing with the first little three months' school of fifteen children, this insti- tution from the first more than kept an even pace with the growth of the population of the county and the other material improvements made by the people. The people built school - houses before they built churches, and then they were used for meetings on Sunday, and all manner of sects and preachers were freely HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. 351 admitted, even the Mormons not being ex eluded. The total number of children in the county at this time, under twenty -one years of age, is 8.240; of these there are males, 4,335; females, 3,979. Between the ages of six and twenty-one years, mules, 2,901; females, 2,722. In the county are ten brick school buildings, seventy-three frame and nine log schoolhouses, making a total of ninety-two school buildings. The average number of months taught in the schools is six and one- half months each per year. There are 710 children who attend graded schools, and 693 who attend the ungraded schools. The total attendance of children in the county is 1,775. There are 138 teachers, and of these are ten males and fifteen female teachers in the graded schools. The total amount of funds received for school purposes in the county. $40,493.41; and the total amount of town- ship funds is $31, 10S.59. CHAPTER Vlll. WAR— REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS— BLACK HAWK. WAR— THE LATE CIVIL WAR— THE HEROIC CON- DUCT AND BEARING OF THE PEOPLE OF CLAY COUNTY— GEN. L. 15. PARSONS, CAPT. J. W. WKSTCOTT AND MANY OTHERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. AS we have shown in another chapter, the territory comprising Clay County is a part of the ground trod by the heroes of the war for our independence. Its date goes back to the year 1778, when it lay in the line of the expedition of Con. George Rogers Clark and his little band of great heroes. Thus early in the annals of our country was this made historic ground. The centennial month of that wonderful expedition, its sore trials and magnificent outcome has come and gone, and, we regret to record it, without so much as a remembrance by the people of the county. These men were the heroes and ben- efactors of the human race. They gave us the Mississippi Valley and its millious of happy homes, its incomparable wealth, and its splendid civilization, and to forget or neg- lect so soon smacks of ingratitude and igno- rance of our noble sires that is melancholy to contemplate. In 1840. there were three of the Revolu- tionary fathers, who were pensioners, resid- ing in Clay County, to wit: Samuel Parks, aged ninety-three years; Moses Johnson, aged one hundred years, and Nathaniel West, aged ninety years. This little band of aged heroes have quietly passed away, and they sleep in unknown graves. History will tell you of their sufferings, hardships and invin- cible heroism. How these men fought, bled and died, that we their children might be a free and independent people. And they fought solely for their friends and their fam- ilies, and their sworn statements, in every case where they applied for a pension, was that they had struggled for bread so long as even the feeblest effort was possible, and only when they tottered and fell by the wayside, hungry and dying, did they apply to the Government to which they had given so much for a pittance on which to linger out the few remaining days of their lives. Some suita- ble commemoration of the dust of these 3.V2 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. heroes would be a most becoming act upon the part of the people of Clay County. It would tell at least the rising generation who these men were, and teach them the lesson, that busy selfish man is only too apt to for- get, that the memory and fame of our real benefactors should be cherished and not at once forgotten. No monument, no name of town, village or municipality, we believe in the county, commemorates the lives of any of these old heroes, whose heroic deeds were in some way connected with the history of the county. Amends should be made at some early day for such an omission of what should have been both a duty and a pleasure. We are informed, but we could learn noth- ing of the particulars of his life, that there was a man named Bartley — known univer- sally as " Grandpa Bartley " — who lived in the extreme northwest portion of the county, and died there we believe in 1879, whose life was the most remarkable chapter in the his- tory of the United States. He was born July 4, 1776, and was alive and a vigorous old man July 4, 1876, when the American centennial was in progress in Philadelphia. He died as stated above in 1879, and was consequently one hundred and three years old when he died. Certainly in all that goes to form the leading coincidences of a long life the whole country has not perhaps had a single person whose life was so singu- larly marked as this man's. Black Hawk War — When this war came, Clay County had been organized a few years, and enough people were here to receive a call from Gov. Reynolds to furnish a quota of men to go out and tight the Indians. We were furnished a communication from Mr. Pierce, of Xonia, which was published a few years ago by him in the Flora Journal. As the paper was written by an eye witness, we feel justified in re-producing it entire, as follows: " Seeing some historical sketches of Clay County in your paper lately in which I have felt an interest, I have ventured to call up from ' the misty past ' an event that'occurred in this ancient town, now so silent and still, that one might well be pardoned for skepti- cism as to its ever being otherwise; but many years ago, before Clay City, its rival, in whose shadow it now lies, was even thought of, it was the county seat and the scene of many a stirring event, especially during the week of Circuit Court. But the event I al- lude to occurred in the spring of 1832. ' ' During the early spring, rumors were prevalent that the Sac and Fox Indians, led by the famous chief Black Hawk and the Prophet were laying waste the Northwestern frontier, at that time the Rock River country, killing the men and carrying off as captives the women and children. " About the '24th of May, these rumors as- sumed tangible shape by the arrival of Robert Biackwell, Esq., with a dispatch from Gov. Reynolds to Maj. John Ridgway, calling for a company of mounted men from this county to go in pursuit of the Indians. RunDers were immediately sent out over the county, and the following Satm-day the hardy settlers began to gather in this old county seat of Clay, in obedience to the summons, and a more enthusiastic gathering was never seen there before or since. " When the drum and fife begau to call for volunteers, young men who had not thought of going in the company when they left home that morning, found themselves step- ping into the ranks as defenders of their coun- try against the hostile savage. "To illustrate how earnest the people were in this matter, I will relate a little in- cident that occurred. When a Mr. Chamber- lain remarked. ' If I had a horse I would go,' the reply came quickly from the now HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 858 venerable Isaao Elliott, ' You need not let that hinder you; I have a horse, saddle and bridle which you can have.' He accepted the offer and went with the company. "To give up a horse at the beginning of the crop season, every far4 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. four regiments, a brigade, and an "odd" and a " spy '' battalion. Another call from the Governor was sioon made for 1,000 more men. This last call was caused by the skirmish at Kellogg's Grove, which came very near being a massacre by the Indians. June 6, Black Hawk with 150 warriors made an attack on Apple River Fort, situated a quarter of a mile north of the present village of Elizabeth, and twelve mileB from Galena On the 17th day of June, Col. John Dement, with his spy battalion of 150 men, was ordered to report himself to Col. Zach Taylor at Dixon. The main army was soon to follow. On arrival at Dixon, he was ordered to take position in Kellogg's Grove. A trail of about 300 Indians who were reported by scouts as discovered *hovering near the grove was found, and Dement was ordered to take fifty picked men and reconnoiter. They sallied forth at daylight, and soon discovered several Indian spies. The raw soldiers at once became excited, and breaking all semblance of order, and despite the command and cries of Col. Dement, they gave chase. The In- dians fled and the pursuit was reckless, and as Dement and Casey suspected, the foolish men were led into an ambush, when they were suddenly confronted by 300 howling, naked savages under the command of Black Hawk in person. A panic among the soldiers at once followed, and each man struck out for the fort, with all the speed he could command. In the confused retreat, five whites, who were without horses, were killed, while the others reached the fort, dismounted and en- tered, closely pursued by the enemy. The fort was vigorously assailed for two hours, when the savages were repulsed and retired. Several were wounded in the fort, but no one was killed. The next day Gen. Posey started in pursuit of the Indians, but their tracks showed the usual savage tactics of dispersing in squads and going in different directions. It was ascertained that they had fled in the direction of the Mississippi River. Od the 21st of July, Gen. Henry, in com- mand of the American forces, after pursuing Black Hawk, overtook his army on the bluffs of the Wisconsin River, and at once attacked. A gallant charge drove back the enemy with great loss. This was the first important ad- vantage over the Indians gained in this war. The Indians left 168 dead upon the field, and twenty-four more dead were found the next day on the trail, while Gen. Henry had only one man killed and eight wounded. On the 25th, the whole army was again put in motion, to try to find the Indians. Two days were spent in crossing the Wisconsin River. On the 28th they found the trail of the fleeing enemy. On the morning of the 2d of August, the army reached the bluffs of the Mississippi, some distance however from the stream. The Indians had reached the river and were making active preparations to cross. Some had already crossed, and some of the women and children had started down the river in canoes to Prairie du Chien, which they afterward reached in a starving condition. In this condition the Indians were attacked by a force under command of ('apt. Throck morton, who was on the steamer Warrior, and who, with a six-pound cannon, loaded with canister, destroyed many of the luckless fugitives, although they had displayed a white flag, which he refused to recognize. The fuel of the steamer having failed, the boat dropped down to Prairie du Chien. Although he had killed twenty-thiee Indians and wounded many more, he intended to re- turn when wooded up, and finish the re- mainder. Before, however, he could return. Gen. Atkinson had fallen on the savages HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 355 where they were encamped, at the mouth o the Bail Axe, and had commenced a general battle, in which the Indians were completely routed, and suffered a loss of L50 killed, be- sides many drowned and many wounded. A large number of women and children lost their lives owing to the fact that it was " im- possible to distinguish them from the men." The American loss was seven killed. This battle ended the Black Hawk war, and the boys came home and were paid off, and this money was the first great flood of money that ever was poured into the county. Several of the men entered their first laud with their soldier money and thus laid the little foundations for their future farms and homes. The Rebellion. -We have no doubt that the present race of small demagogues will have long put away their little slippers and cease to convert these soldier re-unions into electioneering camps and thinly veneered po- litical stamping grounds or vote factories in the always coming elections, before the real historian who will tell the history of that cruel war will be around taking notes to print the terrible story and giving the world the truth and nothing but the truth, without prejudice or passion. Such histories are only finally written by those who were born long after the event happened, and who had no friends who could have any interests iu them directly or remotely. He will topple over many an idol of foolish worship, per haps, and upon the vacated pedestal place the now obscure hero, and thus undo much, and make heroes of many that this genera- tion has idolized or condemned. This is the routine course of all history. It exem- plifies the struggle between truth and error, that goes on from generation to generation, and from century to century. In the end perhaps truth triumphs after her long and many defeats, but the coming of that blessed end, who can foretell f The early people of Clay County were by nature more or less belligerent. The majori- ty of men wore the Irishman's long-tailed coat, which they were always politely asking, often begging, some one to please tread on. Thev met on election days, shooting matches and other social places, and every man had his arms full of fight. It was a more ele- vated humanity than the modern prize fight- er and sneak thug; that essence of cowardice, pickpocket and blood-tub. The pioneer must tight when his word was questioned or his honor in any manuer impugned, and if one man told another that he lied, he knew he had to back his assertion with a tight. There was no exception to this rule. If the person insulted was physically unable to tight his insulter, he could and would get his friend to take up his quarrel, and the aggressor had to fight whoever he might be. Often when he went into the tight with a proxy, he knew he was going to be whipped; still he had to tight. Thus you can see it was no particular advantage always to insult a cripple or a man physically unable to defend himself. In fact, this was generally the most danger- ous man to assail, because the assailant was ; almost certain to be soundly thrashed. The moral effect of all this was good. A man who learns thus to cherish and defend his honor and character, will eventually learn to guard and protect it by his own actions. The spirit of patriotism has ever burned brightly upon the altars of the people of the county. They had no lot nor parcel in the vicious agitation that plunged the country in civil war. There was not, at least years ago, an agitator in the county — not a man but that his patriotism taught him that all good citizens respected the laws, loved the consti tut ion of our fathers, and whose blood was 356 HISTORY OF (LAV COUNTY. quickened with an impulse of patriotism at the sight of the flag. They were not agita- tors, but when the Government's sore trial cause came, and the country called upon its sons to come to its rescue, they responded to that call, and with their lives in their hands and through flood and field, fought it out to the bitter end, and many of her heroic sons yielded up their lives upon nearly every bat- tle ground, and sleep in the long trenches where they fell. The people of Clay County were an unpretentious people. They could not understand the lire-eating idiots of the South, nor the canting agitators of the North. They simply loved freedom and jus- tice, and in their eyes there was no divided interests in this country. It was all their country, and the wise government adopted, fought for and established by our Revolution- ary heroes, was good enough as they had transmitted it. They were content to let well enough alone, and they could see no cause for war and the butchery of brothers over the imaginary woes of a few " d — d stumped -tailed niggers," as John Logan put it about the time of the breaking-out of the war, or rather after he had made up his mind not to compel the Northern abolition army to march over his cold corpus down about the Big Muddy. The part of Clay County in the late war is a chapter that some day will honor the tfame and fame of her people incomparably above that of some of the loud localities that now so plume themselves that they brought about the war that freed the slaves. The people of Clay never were the echo of that savage sentence of Johnson's that "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." While prominent people of other localities, whom posterity may con- clude that patriotism was not only their last bnt their first refuge, wore denouncing this portion of Illinois as the land of ignorance and traitors, the people were organizing, and their sons, husbands and fathers buckled on their armor, and in person went to the front with muskets in their hands, at a time when Massachusetts in her loud super loyal way was sending her rich emissaries even to Cairo, 111., for negro substitutes. The peo pie of Clay County did not grow bloated in wealth over the calamities of the country, or in coffins and headstones for the unknown soldier graves — they did not even proclaim they were the only saints and patriots of the earth, and then stay at home to steal, rob, speculate, grow rich and fill all the offices with fat salaries, and multiply fat places for their families and friends, to be quartered upon the bounty of the Government. They heard not, heeded not the lying taunts of their " loyal" slanderers, but above the wails of their families, and the sobs of the broken- hearted, they heard their country's call, and to this they responded like the true heroes and patriots that they were. The incontestible proofs of all this are abundantly furnished in the statistics of the war. as they are found in the Adjutant Gen- eral's office of this State. In 1860, at the breaking-out of the war, the population of Clay County, as given by the United States census report, was 9,309. Her total quota under all the calls of the Government for troops was 1,462; her total credits were 1,482, or an excess of twenty men over and above all demands made upon the county. In the 102 Illinois counties, there were only thirty-six counties that furnished any men in excess of their quotas, and these range from one to 160 per county. The total of excess over the quota in the thirty-six counties was 819. In sixty-six counties, there was a deficit that had to be filled by draft. HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY 307 The total deficit in the sixty six counties, was "\715. the largest being Cook County, with a deficit of 1,633; the second was Adams County, 328. Union County and Clay Coun- ty furnished '.the largest excess, and they were the continual targets for more slanders and vituperation than any other portions of Illinois. It is only some of these public in- justices that so often come of that clamor of simpletons when they are led by demogogues and scoundrels. The conspicious tigure in the war from the county was, of course, Maj. Gen. L. B. Parsons, who tilled with wonderful executive ability the responsible position of Master of Transportation for all the armies of the West and South. His resources were equal to the most sudden and extraordinary demands that the exigencies of the army ever demanded. He had to bear about on the tips of his fin- gers the entire system of railroads ami the capacities in rolling stock, etc., as well as the rivers and the steamboats that plied their waters. To take charge of all these vast resources and bring them at once into a vast system and order, so as to serve bestthe great and often sudden exigencies of the army, was a task within the power of few men to successfully accomplish. In this po- sition Gen. Parsons fixed his reputation far and wide as one of the ablest organizers and executive officers developed during the late war. Capt. W. R. Westfali was in command of Company B, Eighteenth Regiment Illinois Infantry. Captains, Jacob L. More, Wood- ford Ti. Blocklidge, Robert F. Davidson and I- ac Creek. The First Lieutenants of this company were Blocklidge, Davidson, and Isaac Creek. The Second Lieutenants, Jo- seph Figg, Howlet H. Cook, Davidson, James B. Smith and George A. Miller. Capt Francis M. Loller was in command of Company F, Forty -sixth Regiment. In the Forty-eighth Regiment was Maj. Will iam J. Stephenson, who died in St. Louis August 10, 1863. He was succeeded by Benjamin F. Reynolds. Charles D. Monroe and John W. Farris were at different times Adjutant of this regiment. Maj. W. J. Ste- phenson had gone out as Captain of Com- pany B in this regiment. Afterward Ferdi- nand B. Stephenson, Simeon H. Netf and Adam E. Hoffman were Captains in this company. The First Lieutenants in this company were Stephenson, Elbert S. Apper son, S. H. Neff, Adam E. Hoffman and An- drew Fender. The Second Lieutenants in this company were William Sneed, E. S. Apperson, Christian C. Monroe, Adam S. Hoffman and David F. Wattles. In the Forty eighth Illinois Regiment, Capt. Ben- jamin F. Reynolds commanded Company K, and after him Capt. Noah Webster. The First Lieutenants were Jefferson Farris, William Berkley, Webster and John Kenner. Second Lieutenants, William N. Berkley, Webster, Farris and John W. Colburn. In the Ninety-eighth Regiment was Com- pany A, Capts. Enoch P. Turner, John Fnnkhauser and Austin W. Standford. First Lieutenants, George W. Foster, Silas Jones, Austin W. Standford and James B. Maxwell. The Second Lieutenants were Joseph B. Gadd, James B. Maxwell and James B. Finnell. Company F was also in thisregi mint. The Captains were A. F. LeCrone and Thomas J. Smith, and the First Lieuten- ants were Wyatt Cook, George W. Hobbs, Thomas J. Smith and Francis Harman, and Second Lieutenants, George W. Hobbs, Smith and John T. Iverr. In the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Regiment, William T. Monical and Fredrick \Y. Songer were First Lieutenants; and Com- pany D, One Hundred and Fifty fifth Regi- 358 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. ment, Charles J. Pershall and James Mains were First Lieutenants The Second Lieu- tenant was James Lewis. In the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, Capt. Robert N. Toler was in command of Company D. To conclude the chapter, we need only mention the fact that J. W. Westcott was one of the prominent figures in Clay County during all the late unpleasantness, and to his prudent forethought and wise counsels is due the fact of the county standing in the front rank of all the patriotic counties of the land. CHAPTER [X. s HAKTER TOWNSHIP AJJD FLORA. WHO CAME, AND ABOUT THEM— THOMAS ELLIOTT, MATTHIAS MISENHEIMEK. 8ET1I F. HINKLEY, RUSSELL T. LOGAN, ROBERT BRYANT, JAMES JACOBS, WILLIAM NICHOLS AND OTHERS- LAND ENTRIES, FIRST SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND CHURCHES— FLORA AND ITS HISTORY — ANECDOTES — RAILROADS — BUSINESS. ETC., ETC., ETC. "Take away the sword; States can be saved without it ; bring the pen." — Richelieu. T^X. SENATOR ROSCOE CONKLING -*— ' once said that population, wealth and intelligence move on lines of longitude and not on lines of latitude. The reverse of this proposition is true of Clay County; the sur- plus of population and wealth is south of the center and is rapidly increasing every year. Appearances indicate that from the earliest settlement of the county, Harter Township, or that part of the county which now forms Harter Township, was destined to take the lead. The old State road leading from Yincennes to St. Louis, was the great highway by which many reached this part of the State to make their future homes. This, coupled with the advantages of soil and cli- mate, gave us a class of settlers, who for sobrioty. industry and intelligence is not ex- celled anywhere. The days of yore in this township were very like the same days elsewhere — a time of home-made clothing and limited educational facilities, and hardships such as the present •!ivG W. Smith. generation know but little about. Six yards was considered an extravagant amount to put into one dress, which was made plain with two widths in the skirt, the front one cut gored; the waist was up under the arms with a draw-string between the shoulders behind, with "sheep shank" or "'pillow" sleeves, and graceless young rascals would speak of kissing the girls at parties as " squeezing the pillow." Bonnets were made from splits, and occasionally, among the more aristocratic, leghorn hats were seen. When a girl could succeed in fretting: a little indigo blue in her dress she was considered as '"putting on airs." The clothing of the women were hung upon wooden pegs around the walls of the house, and one could see their stock in this line at a glance. They had none of the ruffles, silk hats, curls and jewels that now adorn the young lady of this period. ' ' Reared in simplicity, surrounded by poverty, cared for by brave parents, their lives were one long dream of sunshine, unbroken by a single storm-cloud poured out as a shameful liba- tion to dim the horizon of their happiness." Corn bread and wild game constituted the HI>TOHY OF CLAY COUNTY. 359 principal articles of food. Wheat bread was a luxury which few possessed. Mills were few and far between, and at one time the nearest flouring mill to the people of this count} was at Lawrenceville, to which most of our people had to go to get their wheat ground, often being gone a week. The old State road was the great outlet for commerce, and the only substantial route of travel. Old traders now living in our midst speak of starting to St Louis (ninety-six miles dis- tant) on Monday morning, and arriving there on Thursday or Friday. When the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad was constructed through this township, and people were told that a mau could eat breakfast at home, ride to St. Louis, transact his business, and get back in time to take an early supper with his family, the statement was received as something too absurd for sensible belief. Even when Bach rapid transit was verified, there were plenty of old folks who predicted no good from such fast manners, and sighed for the " good old days" of slow coaches and almost absolute safety. These were the days when it took weeks to travel from Pittsburgh to Shawnee- town, and a person leaving the East to go to Illinois or Missouri was regarded in about the same light as we now view the man who is about to depart for China or Australia. While we may have degenerated somewhat from the sturdy manhood of those early days, we have certainly gained in intelligence, variety and easy living to compensate for it. Harter Township lies in the southern and central part of Clay County, and has a geo- graphical area of fifty-four square miles, comprising the north half of Township 2 north, Range G east, and all of Township 3 north, Range 6 east, of the Third Principal Meridian. It is bounded on the north In Louisville Township, by Stanford on the east, by Songer and Xenia on the west, and by Wayne County on the south. It is drained by Raccoon Creek, which enters the township near the northwest corner of Sec- tion 7, flows in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the township. South of this is Bear Creek, which traverses the southeast corner of the township. Elm Creek has its source in Section 28, just west of the residence of J. A. Gerheart, Esq.. flows north and east, and leaves the township in Section 13. The north part of the town- ship is drained by Buck Creek, which enters the township in Section 5 and leaves it in Section 12. These streams, with their smaller tributaries, afford sufficient drainage for the entire township, and furnish an al- most inexhaustible supply of good timber, consisting of oak, hickory, ash, walnut, etc.. which is found along their banks. A large portion of the township is a beautiful roll- ing prairie, which for fertility is not sur- passed anywhere. The soil is well-adapted to agricultural purposes, and produces large crops of wheat, corn, oats, flax and barley without the aid of fertilizers. With proper management the land could be cultivated for centuries without seriously impairing its pro- ductive qualities. When the first settlers came here, they found these silent virgin plains unclaimed, untouched, unfilled, hedgeless, free to all, awaiting the civilizing influences of man. The prairies in their natural state were cov- ered with a dense growth of grass, the best 8 man ever saw, so high that a person riding through on horseback would be com- pletely hi,dden from view, and so thick that the sun's rays were entirely excluded from the soil beneath. As a result of this, the ground was always damp and slushy, and served as a breeding place for myriads of green-headed flies, the common enemy of man and beast. They were so bad at times 3G0 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. that farmers were compelled to plow at night to avoid them. These pests, together with the miasma that was generated in the decay- ing vegetation, induced the early settlers to avoid the prairies, and to select sites for their homes along the streams and in the wood- land. Some of the best and most valuable farms in the township are made from lands the pioneer believed to be worthless. There is but little land in the township which cannot be cultivated. A large portion of the tim- bered land, which lies mostly along Raccoon, has been cleared, and is now in a high state of cultivation. Its productive cpialities in most things, especially that of wheat, ranks with the prairie lands. During the time since the first settlement of the township, agriculture seems to have been the leading employment of the people, but of late years some of our progressive, wide-awake citizens have turned their atten- tion to stock-raising, which is rapidly com- ing to the front as one of the leading indus- tries. Recently much attention has been given to fruit culture. Experience has proven this to be a paying investment in Southern Illinois, and that the business can- not be overdone. It is said by those who have accurate information upon the subject, that 25,000 apple trees were put out in this township alone in the fall of 1883 and spring of 1884 The first permanent settlement within the present limits of Harter Township dates back to the year 1 S18. If any were made previous I i this time we have been unable to ascer- tain the fact. In the above year, Thomas Elliott, a brother of the venerable Isaac Elliott, came here with bis family from Washington County, Ind. , and settled on the southwest quarter of Section 27, where he erected a log house which is believed to be the first dwelling house built in the township. In 1822, he built a two-story brick adjoining the log house, where he kept a country hotel or tav- ern, as they were popularly called in those days. Being situated on the old Vincennes & St. Louis State road, the house was a con- venient stopping place for the large number of travelers who passed along this road in an early day seeking homes in the far West, as Illinois and Missouri were then called. The buildings are still standing where they were first built, and are now owned and oc- cupied by John A. Gerheart. In the same year and in company with Thomas Elliott, came Matthias Misenheimer, who settled on what is now known as the Seth T. Hinkley place. He first built a log cabin, and in 1820 he erected a hewed-log house. This house now stands on the hill just east of Raccoon Creek bridge, where it was removed a few years ago by its present owner. Mr. Misenheimer was a prominent citizen of the county, and was highly respect- ed by all who knew him. He died in 1S15 on the farm he first settled. His sons Levi and John I., and his daughter, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Golden, still live in this county. There seems to have been but few addi- tions to the residence of the township until about 1829-30. In the former year Russell T. Logan settled in the north part of the township, on Buck Creek, and Johnson Furr, who came with him from Indiana, made his home just west of where Flora now stands. They both married daughters of Thomas Elliott. In 1840, Furr left this county, and finally went to Texas. Soon after this Logan settled on Section 21, on the farm which af- terward was the home of Allen Landivtl). and is now owned by E. J. Bowen. Logan was a good farmer, and traded extensively in cattle and hogs. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. :S61 In an early day, probably in about 1836, Robert Bryant settled on the old State road west of Flora, near where the flax mill now is. He was particularly noted as a horse-thief catcher. It was a very common thing for those who had horses stolen to go for old " Bobby " Bryant, and it is said that he scarcely ever failed to get the horse or thief, one and frequently both. In 1839, James Jacobs came to this coun- try from Indiana, and settled in Songer Township, near the line, and in 1842 his son Isaac married Abbey Colclnsure arid settled on Section 18, in this township, where he lived till a few years ago he moved to Flora, and is now one of the Justices of the Peace. In 1840, Ephraim Jenkins settled in the north part of the township, and is still one of our most respected citizens. Another of the old pioneers was William Nichols, who settled on the old State road between the El- liott and Misenheirner farms. Later came the Andersons, the^Whites and many others who are still living and are among our wealthiest and most honored citizens. The township was not closely settled at an early date, but the entries of the public lands were quite rapid as the following partial list will show, and had each entry represented a settler the population would have been quite large. In 1820, entries were made by Matthias Misenheirner on Section 5, and by Thomas Elliott od Section 27. In 1836, by James McGrew on Section 16; on Section 12, by Isaac Half acre; on Section 13, by Russell T. Logan; and by Jeremiah Vincent on Section 35. In 1837, by Robert Skuggs on Section 1, and by Elizabeth Halfacre on Section 12. In 1838, the following entries appear: Abraham Colclasure on Section 8, Mica j ah Brooks on Section 7, Silas G. Carter on Sec- tion 12 and Jacob Calclasure on Section 17. In 1830, Martin Delaney entered land on Section 5, David Golden on Section 7, Thomas Golden on Section 17, John Thompson on Section 18, Merrit Young on Section 27, Harmon Mills and William Nichols on Section 31, and Robert Bryant on Section 34. In 1840, by McKondree Thropp on Section 6, by John M. Griffith on Section 18, by William Young on Section 19, and by Ephraim Jenkins on Section 1. In 1841, by Thompson Miller on Section 1. by John Pettyjohn on Section 13, by James Jacobs on Section 17. and by Isaac Misenheirner on Section 32. In 1843, entries were made by James Sheller on Section 2. and by James Cook on Section 13. In 1844, by George Harter on Section 12, and by Moses Kerr on Section 13. In 1845. by Henry Furgeson on Section 27, and by James H. Sorrey on Sec- tion 31. In 1846, entry was made on Section 5 by Thomas Anderson, and on Section 11 by Peter Harter. In 1851, Daniel Gregory made a large number of entries in the town- ship, and William Topping made an entry on Section 11. In 1852, John Hitch, Allen Landreth, Samuel White. Wyatt S. Berry, Jones Talafora, Samuel J. Kinaman, Joseph Anderson and many others made entries in different parts of the township. In ]853, entries were made by Colson Chandler and N. B. Russell, and a large slice of the township seems to have been gobbled up by John S. Hayward and Robert H. Ives. It has always been one of the character- istics of the American people in going into a new country to provide for the education of their children as soon as possible. This our people did to the full extent of their ability. In 1840, a small log house was built in the west part of the township for school purposes. This is believed to be the first Behoolhouse in the township. Caleb McDaniel was the first teacher. About two voars after this, a school- 362 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. house was erected on the State road this side of the Hinkley farm. Adam Curry taught the first school in this house. In 1846, a log schoolhouse was built on Section 18, where Felin Poe, who combined the two professions of teaching and preaching, taught the first school. He was a Kentuckian by birth, was considered a good educator, though a man of not much education. He believed, however, more in concussion than discussion, and did not spare the rod when necessary. The first schools were generally subscription schools, and the teacher " boarded around " as part pay. In 1852, a frame building took the place of the log schoolhouse in Section 18, which was the first schoolhouse in the township heated with a stove. In this house our hon- ored citizen, Judge R. B. Henry, wielded the birch for several terms. This house soon became too small for the rapidly growing district, and was replaced by what is now known as the Golden School, which, owing to the liberality and intelligence of its inhab- itants, has for several years been recognized as one of the best schools in the county. From this small beginning our public schools have grown till, to-day, we have eleven schools in the township, employing twenty-one teachers, an average daily attend- ance of nearly 1,000 children, and school property valued at $50,000. From the old elementary speller of then, we have to-day public schools with a course of study such as but few colleges possessed at that date. May our schools continue to grow till our children may be trained and educated in those sciences which must be understood in the every-day business of life. Give the young people a taste for true knowledge, and you make each one capable of investigating facts and forming his own opinion, and thus he will be full of self- reliance in all the relations of life. What account in life, are purposeless, vacil- lating people, who adopt opinions and act upon them because adopted and proclaimed by others? How much do they add to the social, moral and political power of a com- munity!' What better are they as voters than if they were so many baboons trained to the wonderful skill of dropping a furnished printed ballot into the hands of the judges of our elections ? Any one can see that the leading features in the world's future history are to be dis- coveries and great inventions. In the future legends there will stand forever recorded as the fool -prints which mark the tread of the people of the last half of the nineteenth century. Human labor wdl be made to yield ten times the product it now does. The work of unfolding nature has just begun, and our public schools are the foundations of all these; so cherish them for the prosperity of ourselves and for those who .will soon take our places. Bigotry and ignorance must not quench the fires of truth and true discovery. But few of the younger generation who live here now can realize that a few years ago this country was thickly inhabited by all kinds of wild animals. The buffalo, which once roamed all over this country in countless thousands, have not been seen here since the first settlement. But deer were here in large numbers as late as 1855, and even later than this some wandering ones were seen. Often the midnight-like stillness would be broken by the howlings of hundreds of hungry wolves, who would hold high carnival over the re- mains of one of the noble animals. Bears were found in the bottoms. Wild-cats, rac- coons, skunks, otters, mink, groundhogs, squirrels, opossums and rabbits were found in large numbers. The bloodshot eyes of the catamount might be seen glaring through HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 365 the foliage. Serpents were here in great profusiou; copperheads, black snakes, blue racers, moccasins and adders predominating, with hundreds of rattlesnakes as an adjunct to this horrible scene. But they are nearly all gone now. and will soon exist only in the memory of the past, and thus will forever perish the game which to our forefathers were objects of mutual pleasures and dangers, aire Asa Sullivan informs us that he killed three wolves one morning near where the depol now si:' I . without mov- ing i but a fen - minutes till he ha I his life ^ the ■!. all arou a pio one . u no 1): Uout hi?- ' urch I heir famines. It ,,, one or two hunting inci- dents to illustrate how it was done in those In the winter of 1841—42, Mr. Asa Sullivan, who was a great hunter, and a man by the name of Miller left their homes one morning, went down on " Coou " Creek south of where Flora now is. selected a camping spot, erected some poles and small logs, which they covered with deer-skins, and stopped the holes with dry leaves. A "creep- ing hole" was left at one end, which, after getting inside, they would stop with a deer- skin. Thus arranged, they had comfortable quarters for the winter, but only remained two days, in which time they killed eleven deer, and cut one bee-tree which yielded over 1<>() pounds of honev. When the Ohio & Mississipi Eailroad was being built through this township, one of the construction trains was in charge of a man by the name of Parsons. Now Parsons knew more about railroading than he did about hunting the wild beasts of the held; nevertheless he was exceedingly anxious to kill a deer. So, securing the services of one of the most noted hunters in this vicinity, he started out, resolved to do or die. As soou as they reached "Coon" Creek timber south of Flora, they separated. It was not long before Parsons' gun was heard and he imme set up a yell for his companion, who immedi;ueiy re I to his relief, th a ling had gone wrong; md inquiring the cause of >■> inu'-h ace, the conductor replied killed a sorrel hog." He -,'.or tnied and auon iree- • Dem ' old Farsons' companion. Parsons cove honor of i bout ant piece ot work, he offered his pari I to permit him to tell that he killed the deer. This kind offer was declined, but it was finally agreed that the hunter was to tell that Parsons killed the deer and Parsons was to tell that his com- panion killed tiie hog. With matters thus arranged, they placed the buck on a _pole and with each end of the pole on their shoulders, they returned to the town where Parsons swore with all his power that the deer was killed by himself. This his fellow-railroad- ers were loath to believe, but as they could not prove otherwise the matter was dropped. At the meeting of the County Court in September, 1861, a petition signed by Rich- 366 HISTOHY OF CLAY COUNTY. ard Talaford and fifty others was presented to the court praying them to submit to the legal voters of the county at the November election the question of township organiza- tion. A majority of the voters was in favor of the proposition, and at the December meet- ing of the court, Henry K. Neff, Daniel L. McCawley and Ethelred Nixon were appoint- ed commissioners to divide the county into towns or townships. And as a result of their labors, we have Harter Township, named in honor of George Harter, a prominent business man of Flora at that time. The first town meeting after the adoption of township organization was held on the 1st day of April, 1862, at the residence of Samuel A. Stanford. Fred Pearce was the first Moderator and C. H. Murphy the first Clerk. At this meeting, N. A. Eddy was elected Supervisor, receiving 120 votes to 90 for Jeremiah Billings. C. H. Murphy was elected Town Clerk; F. W. Poe, Assessor; James M. Haines, Col- lector; Noah B. Russell, Overseer oE the Poor; N. E. Dye, Isaac Jacobs and J. L. Colclasure, Commissioners of Highways; E. B. Turner and James T. Shore, Justices of the Peace; D. L. Melton and James Porter, Constables. But little business seems to have been done at this meeting. A motion to hold the next annual meeting at the school- house in District 3 was lost, and it was de- cided on motion of Mr. A. R. Kenner to hold it at Flora, where it has been held each year since. The oath of office administered to those officers was not calculated to be favor- able to the formation of dueling societies, and such a clause seems altogether uncalled for in a State that can boast of but one duel and in that the challenged party was killed and the survivor hanged. The following is the clause referred to: "I do solemnly swear that I have not fought a duel nor sent or accepted a chal- lenge; the probable issue of which might have been the death of either party, nor in any manner aided or assisted in such duel, nor been knowingly the bearer of such chal- lenge or acceptance since the adoption of the Constitution."' And the unlucky official was further required to solemnly pledge himself that he would not be guilty of so gross a violation of his country's laws during his continuance in office. Probably the fear of violating their official oath caused some of them to offer their resignation, as we find that on the 5th day of August, 1862, E. P. Turner resigned the office of Justice of the Peace, and at a special election held Septem- ber 5, J. W. P. Davis was elected to fill the vacancy, receiving 49 votes to 37 for B. F. Cunningham. The voters of Harter seemed to be well satisfied with the workings of the system of township organization, for at the annual meeting in 1865, when the question was again submitted, the vote was 183 for and 19 against it. February 3, 1865, an informal meeting of the citizens was held at the Christian Church to devise means to raise volunteers to fill the quota of the township under the President's last call. T. P. Vandaveer, President, and Daniel Gunn acted as Secretary. A com- mittee was appointed to solicit subscription for a bounty fund, and to report at an ad- journed meeting. On February 9, the com- mittee reported that twenty-five men could be induced to enlist for $100 each. The sub- scription not reaching this amount, it was agreed to submit a proposition to raise a bounty fund of §2,500 by a tax to the voters at the April town meeting. It appears from this vote that 133 persons in the township were in favor of hiring some one to go to war, and that sixty-seven wen> too old, or in some way not subject to military HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 367 duty, as thai was the vote for and against raising the bounty fund. If voting on the question had been the only thing necessary, there would have been no further trouble, but unluckily for the majority, the funds had to be raised by taxation. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors, held June 8. 1865, it was ordered that a tax of 85 cents on the $100 be levied in accordance with the vote. Some of the citizens who had opposed this matter se- cured an injunction to prevent the levy, and as it went before Judge Shaw, who at, that time was strongly opposed to raising money to carry on the war, the township was for- ever enjoined from levying this tax. Our people have always seemed very anx- ious to vote money whenever an opportunity offered. November 10. 1808. the township, by a vote of 300 to 42, donated to the Springfield & Illinois Southeastern Railway, the sum of $20,000. Not having the $20, • 000— if they had it would not have been so easily voted — an election was held May 20 to decide whether bonds should be issued, or a special tax Levied. The vote stood seventy- nine for issuing the bonds, and none against. The majority was not so large as in the orig- inal proposition, but mure decided. The bonds were issued and delivered to Thomas S. Ridgeway, and the township still holds his receipt for the same. These bonds were funded May 17, 1881, by a vote of eighty- four for to one against, at an election called for that purpose. The new bonds run for twenty years, and are payable in five years at the option of the township, and bear six per cent interest. Our township has been remarkably free from crime, only a few cases occurring to leave a black Bpoi upon her fair came. These we will not attempt to describe, as they are mentioned in another part of this work. The original town of Flora was laid out, sur- veyed and platted in February, 1854, by Ethelred Nixon. County Surveyor, John Brown, Trustee for Souger, Camp & Co.. and Samuel White, and embraced eighty ti\ a'-ivs of the west half of Section 25, Township -\ north. Range (5 east. White, who had en tered and still owned the land, deeded one- half interest in forty acres of land to John Brown, Trustee, with a view of securing the town and depot, as an effort had already been made to establish a town one mile west called Mooresville, where over 100 lots had been sold and some building done. After the col- lapse of this town, the principal business house was removed to Flora, and is now known as the " Commercial House." Messrs. White & Brown sold their lots at private sale, and among the first purchasers were Sol Finch, George Harter and George Gunn. One of the members of the firm of Songer. Camp & Co. had a very lovely daugh- ter named Flora, and this name was suggested for the infant town, and as the town was al- most completely taken by the large number of wild flowers, the name seemed to be ap- propriate, and was readily adopted, hence we have the name which is applied to our city. White's cabin, which stood upon the forty acres, may lie called the first house in flora. It has long since disappeared. The old frame building adjoining the bank, and now occupied by W. C. Chaney as a residence and meat market, was the first house erected after the town had been laid out. White soon after put up a shanty, long since re- red, in which he placed a stock of goods of general merchandise, which was the first of this kind in town. He soon after sold to Sol Finch, who took George Harter in as a partner. They continued in business till the death of Finch, when White became a partner in the store with Harter, with whom he did a successful business till the war. 368 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Their first opposition was John Sheaffer; nest, the firm of Gunn & Sons, Kenner Brothers, and later, Robert Medley, who kept the first exclusive grocery store. The Gunns did business on the corner now occupied by Warner & Luse, in the frame building standing just west of there, used now as a carpenter shop, in which the first pro- tracted meeting Flora ever had was held. In about 1855, the old Major House was built by Mr. Samuel White. It was first kept by Dr. Rinard, who was succeeded by Alex Dye; then Jeff Murphy had charge of it for awhile, and next Press Turney, and in 1859 it fell into the hands of the Majors, who kept it till 1872, when they built the large three-story brick which is now known as the Major House, where the hotel busi- ness is still carried on by Mr. S. J. Major and his sister, Mrs. M. A.' Graham. Their business increased so that in 1882 they were compelled to build a large addition. The Whites kept the first boarding house and livery stable in Flora; they also own the first blacksmith shop. The town of Flora was incorporated under the general law in about 1857, and in 1867 it received a special charter from the Legis- lature, by which the town has been governed since. In 1857, a small mill was built by N. A. Eddy, which supplied the wants of the people who were compelled to go to Louis- ville previous to this. In 1866, A. K. Tate, James Join, J. F. Adduddell and P. J. Ray- mond formed a partnership, and built the brick mill now owned by Mr. C. T. Johnson; owing to recent improvements and additions, this is now one of the best mills in Southern Illinois. In 1866, a small flouring mill was built by the Pearce Brothers, and in 18S0, Messrs. Cook & Chidister purchased the mill from Pearce Brothers, and ran it successfully till July 24, 1882, when it was totally destroyed by fire. Mr. Cook went to work with his well-known energy, and on January 28, 1883, the Farmers' Mill was in full operation on the ground formerly occupied by the Pearce Mil!, and under the management of Cook & Snyder has been making money ever since. In 1872, Mi-. T. E. Hayward built the Oak Mills, and they have been under the manage- ment of him and his son, L. R. , ever since. It has been a profitable investment to the owners. When the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad was finished. Flora became the principal shipping point for the country both north and south, the merchants of Fairfield, Jeffersonville and Johnsonville on the south, and Louisville, Bible Grove and Hord on the north, receiv- ing nearly all their goods from this place. The building of the Springfield & Illinois Southeastern Railway brought the country on both sides of us in direct communication with the railroad, and the effect was noticea- ble among our merchants in decreased sales. What Flora lost, however, in the country trade was amply made up in railroad business. When the Ohio & Mississippi took con- trol of the "Branch," the train dispatcher's office was moved to this place, and all trains are now run on orders issued from this office. When Flora was made a " station, " George Harter was appointed the first agent. He was succeeded by H. G. Gunn, who had been the Adams Express agent, for some time. The office of agent at that time was a responsible one, as the depot was scattered all over the prairie, freight was unloaded wher- ever the train happened to stop, and the agent might find it if he could. The next agent after Gunn was A. R. Kenner, who was succeeded by J. F. Adduddell. Addud- dell did not have store room sufficient to stoie all the freight, whereupon he conceived the idea of building a depot. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 369 This was done by subscription, and what is now used for the freight house was Flora's first depot, and was built by the liberality of her citizens. It was afterward purchased by the company. Adduddell was succeeded by W. G. McCollough and he by the present popular agent. Del Beecher. Nothing contributes so much to the life and prosperity of a place as good schools. This Flora has, and her energetic, liberal- minded people will always maintain to its fullest extent. The first schoolhouse was built in 1856, on the lot just west of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. It was a small frame building, and the first pedagogue who presided there was Claib Brashew. School facilities were very limited till the old brick school- house was finished. May 20, 18(35, a con- tract was entered into betweon the Board of Directors and John J. Simons, to build this house at a cost of $7,000. The contract to plaster and paint the house and fence the lot was made with Isaac Dye for $4,500. This building was a monster piece of rubbish and but few schools were taught in it before it was condemed by the directors. For sev- eral years the schools were almost entirely neglected; occasionally a room was rented and school was had for a short time. May 29, 1N75, an election was held to vote on the proposition to build a new school- house. It was carried by a good majority, and after considerable Bquabbling, which is very common upon such matters. The contract was let to L. L. Leach. Work commenced about the middle of August. Our present magnificent school building was completed and received about the middle of November. It is one of the finest school buildings in the State, and is one of the first objects that attracts the attention on coming into town from any direction. The first week in December. 1875. Mr. C. C. Hutchinson organized the first school. He was ably assisted by A. H. Moore. Mr. Hutchinson was followed after one year's work by Mr. B. F. Conner, who in time was succeeded by Mr. J. T. Hall. During Mr. Hall's three years' administra- tion, the school was thoroughly graded and a practical course of study arranged. This course was intended to prepare the student to enter the State University without further examination. Mr. Hall was succeeded by G. W. Smith, who had charge of the schools from 1880 to 1883. The following have completed the course of study, and now hold diplomas as gradu- ates of the Flora High Schools. Class of 1879— Frankie Presley, Mary Nields, Mary E. Wright, Edward L. Howett, William L. Howett. Class of 1880— Mary Lowrey, Welland E. Walcott. Class of 1881— Luell Noel. Hannah Mar- tin, May Hinkley, Mamie Wilson, Martin T. Snyder, Adda M. Stevens. In 1882. another year was added to the course of study, and hence there was no class ,,f 1882. Class of 1883 — Florence A. Staples, Agnes Howett, Tena Williams, Emma Shadwell, Will Richey. The school is now in a prosperous condi- tion, under the management of Mr. D. Ed- miston. In 1807, Dr. B. F. Cunningham com- menced doing a banking business in Flora. This was called the Savings Bank, and in ISliS George Harter was taken in as a part- ner. These gentlemen, in their business, owing to their well-known integrity and financial standing, had the confidence of the community. They did a successful business 870 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. for six or seven years, when Harter died. Dr. Cunningham continued the business for about a year, and then wound up the affairs of the bank, which were in a most satisfac- tory condition, and returned to his farm near Flora to enjoy the rest and recreation which a long and successful business career re- quired. In about 1869, our estimable townsmen, Messrs. Kenner and Rider, commenced doing a general banking business, and in 1871 they sold their business to L. F. Wilson & Co., who started the Clay County Bank. This was organized as a National Bank, and re- ceived its charter in April, 1872. The fol- lowing well-known citizens were its first stock- holders: William Hopkins, A. W. Bothwell, M. H. Presley, A. R. Kenner, Rufus Cope, W. W. Stewart, Robert Durland, T. P. Van- da veer, D. M. Smith, W. J. Moore, S. Web- ster, L. F. Wilson, Morris Brissenden, J. l\. Bothwell, John L. Moore and Sylvester Rider. The capital was $75,000, divided into 750 shares of $100 each. Among the largest holders of stock were L. F. Wilson, who had 260 shares; William Hopkins, 150; and Hon. Osman Pixley had 100. At the first meeting of the stockholders, Hon. Os- man Pixley was elected President ; Capt. William Hopkins, Vice President ; L. F. Wilson, Cashier; and the following as the first board of directors: Osman Pixley, Will- iam Hopkins, W. H. Presley, Rufus Cope, W. W. Stewart, A. R, Kenner, L. F. Wilson, Sylvester Rider and Morris Brissenden. .March 31, 1878, the stockholders bought the interest of L. F. Wilson, reduced the capital to $50,000, and elected Randolph Smith Cashier. There has beeen no change in the office of President or Vice President since the first organization. This bank is one of the soundest and best managed finan- cial institutions in Southern Illinois. The directors are among the wealthiest and safest business men in the county. Its surplus is now over $15,000; the deposits exceed $150,- 000; and has total assets of over $260,000. It is strongly conservative, and has by its fair and straightforward dealings increased its business more than 200 per cent in the last six years. No better evidence of its strength and usefulness can be had than the universal good name given it by its patrons and the community at large. Secret Societies. — October 7, 1856, Flora Lodge, No. 204, A. F. & A. Masons was constituted with A. B. Morgan, Oliver P. Vail, Samuel J. Kinaman, Peter Auspach, John J. Hill, Lafayette White and James Johnson, as charter members. Bro. A. B. Morgan was the first Worshipful Master, O. P, Vail the first Senior Warden, and Samuel J. Kiniman. Junior Warden. The first lodge meetings were held in a second story room of the residence of- Mr. N. B. Russell, who then lived in the residence now owned by Mr. John Kenner, in the western part of the town. The meetings were held here for some time, when the lodge was moved to the second story of the brick building now occupied by Mr. J. C. Ely and known as the D. M. Smith property. In 1865. it was located in the Vandaveer building, where it has remained ever since. The lodge has always been in a prosper- ous condition, and numbers among its mem- bers some of the best men in the county. H. G. Gunn is now the oldest member of the lodge. October 4, 1872, Flora Chapter. No. 154, Royal Arch Masons, was organized with the following constituting the charter members: Peter J. Raymond, O. H. Clark. George T. Saxton. Charles James. Joseph F. Wilcox, Andrew Lebus, Matthew Law. W. W. Saw- hill. John F. Barr, Edmond C Park. John HISTORY OF (LAV COUNTY. ;s7i F. Shadwell, Mills B. Fletcher, James M. Williams and William Westerman. The membership has grown steadily till now it is one of the largest chapters ia this part of the State. Among the many good secret societies, tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen ranks with the best. This order is maintained for the purpose of furnishing to its members life insurance. March 21. 1877, a lodgewas formed here with J. H. Gunn, M. G. Dur- land, C. H. Vandaveer, E. H. McPheters. \V. M Campbell, A. Nichols. Alfred Conley, H. V. Russell. Edward Pindar, J. F. East- man and William Locke as charter members. The order has paid $10,000 since its forma- tion here to deceased members families, and has been the means of doing much good, and no doubt saved the poor farm inmates. The lod e now has forty-seven members. In 1880, a Grand Army of the Republic post was organized in Flora with ten charter members, and was called Alexander Post in memory of Col. James F. Alexander, of the Twenty-first Illinois Volunteers, who was killed at Chiekamauga. It now has a mem- bership of eighty. The various temperance societies have been organized and for a time maintained, but at present none are in existence. March 12, L854, a council consisting of Elders Joseph H. Odell and Stephen Blair, met at the residence of William White and organized the first Baptist Church of Flora. Previous to this, missionary work had been done by Elders I. H. Elkin, Joseph EL. Odell and Stephen Blair — three good men. Twenty-four members constituted the first society, and they called as their first pastor Rev. Jesse Kenady, who preached one year. He was succeeded by Rev. M. C. Blankenship, who did much good work for the church. At the church session in October, L854, a site for a church building was selected and preparations were immediately made for the erection of an edifice. Owing to the small number of members and none of them being incumbered with worldly goods, much diffi- culty was experienced in raising the neces- sary funds, and it was not till 1859 that the building was completed and ready for oc- cupancy. The church was dedicated to the service of God on the first Sunday of April, 1859, by Elder I. H. Elkin. It has a seating capacity of about 400. Rev. I. H. Elkin was the first pastor in the new church. His work was very successful and the membership has gradually increased till now it is about eighty. The congregation of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church was organized by Rev. H. W. Eagan November 30, 1803, with the following charter members: John W. P. Davis, Elvira P. Davis, Oliver H. Myers, W.B. Wilson, Margaret I. Wilson, Martha Vandaveer, Arabella J. Weed, Cath- arine Medley, Anna Williams, James M. Williams, Carrissa Eddy, Sarah Hawkins, Mary Chamberlain, Louisa Maria Beekman. At the organization, John W. P. Davis and Dr. W. B. Wilson were chosi n Ruling Elders, and James M. Williams and Oliver H. Myers were elected Deacons. All were or- dained by Revs. H. W. Eagan and J. H. Nickell. Soon after this organization of the congregation, a church edifice was erected. The membership of this church has never been large, but it has always been noted for the earnestness and devotion of its members. Rev. C. C. Young is now the pastor. The first Presbyterian Church was organ- ized at Xenia. 111., by the Presbytery of Kas- kaskia, April 21, 1858. Rov. R. M. Roberts and P. R. Vanatta and Elder T. W. Sweeny otliciating. It commenced with eleven mem- bers, viz. : William Townslev. J. M. Haines, 372 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Eliza Taliafero, Nancy J. Henderson, Mar- garet Walker, Amelia Townsley, Henry S. Watson, E. Jane Maiinagb, Jane Belding, S. J. Holman and Belinda Haines, and Will- iam Townsley was the first Elder. The church was ministered to occasionally by Revs. P. R. Vanatta, F. H. L. Laird and D. R. Todd. The majority of the members and the only Elder having moved to Flora, on the 28th of May. 1864, Rev. John Crozier aDd Elder Thomas Buchanan, a committee of the Presbytery of Saline, met at Flora and re-organized the church, and April 15, 1867, the Presbytery, then in session at Flora, changed the name of the church of Xenia to that of Flora, and received it under their care by that name. The first regular pastor was Rev. R. C. Galbraith. In 1870, two lots, on oae of which was a building suitable for a manse, and the other suitable for a church building, were pur- chased. The house was erected, and on the third Sabbath in May, 1871, dedicated. Rev. William Reed was the pastor from 1874 to 1875: Rev. M. V. B. Van Ausdale from 1875 j to 1876. The last regular pastor was Rev. Allen McFarland, who died in 1883, after a lingering illness of several months. He was a useful man in the church and in society, and was greatly beloved by all who knew him. The Christian Church was organized in 1855, by Father Schooley in an old log school- house which stood about one mile west of Flora. Nine persons composed the first con- gregation, among whom were Walter Kina- man, Henry Kinaman and wife, Felin Poe and wife, James Moore and wife, and Samuel Kinaman and wife. The meetings were held at this schoolhouse, at Henry Kinaman's residence and at the houses of other members till the frame school- house was built in Flora, where the meetings were held till 1861, when the present church building was erected at a cost of about $2,000. This building, which is one of the neatest and best arranged churches in the county, was used for several years with only boards placed on blocks for seats. Among the first preachers was Father Schooley. who preached occasionally. Rev.FelinPoewasthe first Elder. Rev. John Tinkler was also an occasional preacher. Rev. John Flick was the fiist regular minister. From the begin- ning, the congregation increased rapidly in numbers, and when the church was com- pleted numbered nearly three hundred. The congregation has always been prosper - ous, and has had some of the best preaches in the State for its pastors. Rev. M. T. Hough is now the pastor hav- ing been unanimously retained for the sec- ond year. During the construction of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, a large number of Catholics were residents of this place, and it is one of the cardinal principles of that faith to not let their people go without religious instruction, a priest occasionally visited them, and mass was said at Louis V al- bert' s residence south of town; Father Fisher, of St. Mary's, was the visiting priest. The next place where mass was said was at Jerry Hagarty's where S. T. Hinkley now lives. The society was visited once a month by the jwiest from Olney. For about a year before the church was built mass was said at S. Rider's. After the completion of the church Father Day, of Olney, visited them ohco a month. Father Shagle was the first resident priest; he remained about eight or ten months, and was succeeded by Father Rasin, who had been with the church since 1878. Louis Valbert, Jerry Hagarty, Dennis Whalen and Tim Buckley were among the first members, HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 373 and Jerry Hagarty and Sylvester Rider were tht> first trustees. The congregation now numbers fifty-five families. They have been visited at different times by Bishops Junker and Baultes, of Alton. The Flora Circuit of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, Southern Illinois Conference, was formed in the fall of 1S60; Rev. Jacob S. Moore was the hist pastor. In the spring of 1861, when our country was calling for defenders, he resigned his charge, raised a company of volunteers and went to the war. The circuit was without a preacher for some time. The place was finally supplied by Rev. Richard Randall: owing to the small number of members this circuit was in 1S62 connected with the Mt. Erie Circuit, and the different societies had preaching once in about every four weeks. In 1864, the two charges were disconnected, the Flora Circuit had then about 150 members, and Rev. R. H. Peter was the paster. During his pastorate, an effort was made to raise funds to erect a church building; about $3,000 was subscribed and §1,000 paid in. In 1865, Rev. S. L. Rea was the pastor, and the church building was completed at a cost of $2,600. In 1866, Flora was made a sta- tion with about 200 members, and Rev. W. H. Corrington was the pastor. The follow- ing have been stationed here since: Revs. A. B. Morrison, Asa Coho, A. B. Nesbitt, O. H. Clark, Dr. John Van Cleve, W. D. Mabry, B. R. Pearce, M. N. Powers and J. B. Rav- enscroft. During Rev. Clark's work bere, he began to build the parsonage, which was completed soon after he left Rev. Mabry improved the church property materially, adding a new brick front and tower, and a room above the entry for a pastor's study. The present pastor is Rev. J. B. Ravenscroffc, who is now on his second year's work. He was born in England in 1836; came to this country with his parents in 1839; settled in Indiana, where he grew to manhood; he entered the minis- try in 1852, and for several years sustained the relation of a local preacher. In 1867, he became an active member of the Southern Illinois Conference, and is now recognized as one of its most effective and popular preach- ers. With this we close our part of the his- tory of Clay County. In a work of this char- acter, in which so much depends on early traditions or somewhat incoherent records, it is but probable that some errors will occur and many things be omitted; we have tried to guard against these, and to give such matter as will aid the future generations in getting at least a partial knowledge of our past history, and if this has been accomplished we shall be satisfied. 374 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. CHAPTER X. LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP— CONFIGURATION, BOUNDARIES, ETC.— DRAINAGE— EARLY PIONEERS- WATER MILLS— EARLY INDUSTRIES— LIFE ON THE LITTLE WABASH— BOATING— FIRST BUILDINGS AND BUSINESS HOUSES— " BLIND TIGER" AND "HORNED ROOSTER"— THE OLD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY— CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS— TOWNSHIP RECORDS, ETC., ETC. r l^HE traveler, as he journeys westward J- over our Illinois prairies, enjoying the comforts of a Pullman Palace Car, and borne onward with the speed of the wind does not realize that the country he is borne over, and on which his languid gaze notes herds of cat- tle and sheep in pastures, improved farms, good roads, churches and schoolhouses, and where the tiller of the soil seems surrounded by ease and comfort — the danger, the toil and hardships which the early settler en- countered as he with his ox-team slowly wound his way over hill, unbridged slough and trackless prairie. This is not the time nor place to eulogize the early settler and the heroic efforts put forth by him and his self-sacrificing wife and children to create a home and surround it with the comforts of civilization. If we could but picture the lit tie scene,as the mover by wagon finally stops at the place which is to be the future home, and knew the thoughts which surged through the minds of the little colony; how the faithful wife looks around in the wilderness in which is still heard the howl of the wolf and the scream of the panther, and with a brave heart assists in planning the new home; or if we could but know the thoughts of the husband as he fells the first tree which is to be a part of the log cabin which is to shel- ter them from the bleak storms of winter, the picture would be interesting. But we have few records of these early times, and we must fall back on tradition, and let our imagination picture to us those early scenes of pioneer life, which were the starting points of our present prosperity. Though the heroes of those early days sleep peacefully under the soil which they wrested from the wilderness, which now teems with the life and light of civilization, their deeds and memory should be perpetuated in the annals of local his- tories. Meager indeed are the results of the laborious and extensive researches of the historian, whose task it is to gather the facts clustered around the early settlement of that part of Clay County known as Louisville Township, situated in Town 4 north, Range 6 east. It derives its name from the county seat of Louisville, which was named after some old families by the name of Lewis, wherefore the proper way would be to spell the name Lewisville, the mistake having been made by Mr. Blackburn, of Vandalia, who made the plat of the town. The soil of Louisville Township is well adapted to raising grain and corn, but although it can compare favor- ably with other towDships in agriculture, we think that it is best adapted to horticulture, which fact is well illustrated by the many orchards that are dotted over this locality. It is well timbered and watered, and seems also especially adapted to stock-raising. The HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 375 timber consists of several different species of oak, and a number of other varieties of hard and soft wood, such as are found in other parts of Clay County, principally along the water -courses. A natural system of drainage is produced by the Little Wabash River, which Hows diagonally through the township, entering it in Section 4 and leaving it in Section 36. Into it flow a number of tribu- taries, of which the principal one on the east side is Panther Creek, and on the west Dis- mal and Crooked Creeks. Buck Creek flows through the southwest corner of the town- ship. The Little Wabash River was quite a commercial highway in an early day when the railroads were unknown, and for many years it was the only means by which ex- ports, such as grain, beef, pork and other produce could be shipped to more thickly settled countries, mainly New Orleans. It was in the Legislature declared navigable in an early day by the Committee of Internal Improvements, even north of Clay County. However, more in regard to the shipping busi- ness will appear further on. The boundaries of Louisville Township, are as follows: On the north by Blair Town- ship, on the east by Hoosier Township, on the south by Harter Township, on the west by Oskaloosa Township. Probably the first set- tler in the limits of Louisville Township was George Goble, who came here from Indiana, and settled here in or before 1N'_!0. at least he entered eighty acres of land that year, in Section 23, where Louisville now stands. Little did this old pioneer dream that the land which he entered would be honored by having the county seat located on it in after years. He at one time owned the old water mill on the Little Wabash, the first in the county, and for twenty years afterward it was called Goble's Mill, though its former owner had long ago gone to that bourn from whence no traveler returns. He lies buried in the old Louisville Graveyard. He had sold his land to Crawford Lewis, who im- proved it mainly. George Goble has no descendants living in this county. His brother, John Goble, lived south of him, he having come here several years later, and is the parent of George, Benjamin and Polly Goble. George Goble has one son named Benjamin yet living in the township. Ben- jamin Goble married Elizabeth Surrells; his son Gus is also living in town. Polly Goble married Jesse Kinkaide. Another old settler was Grissom Lee, who came here from In- diana about, the time the Gobies did. His two children, Grissom, Jr.. and Ellen Burton are yet living in the State. The Lewis families came here about 1830; there were five brothers, viz., William, Robert, John, David and Crawford. They came here from Indiana. Crawford Lewis bought George Goble's farm and mill. He improved the land and set out a large orchard, which was situated between the river and the pres- ent new town of Louisville. He was an industrious, well-behaved man, and much esteemed by his neighbors. He was fond of the chase, hunting and trapping, and when more people settled around the old water mill he sold out to Dr. Green, and moved to the north part of Blair Township where the game was more plentiful, and where more of the name of the man appeal's after whom Louis- ville is named. The Williainses were also among the early settlers, and have descend- ants living in the county. They were also natives of Indiana. Old Uncle Isaac Martin came here in a very early day. He was conspicuous in the building of flat-boats, and is the father of the following children, vi^;. . Hanson, Isaac. Jr., and Charlotte Erwin. His brother, Abraham Martin, came here abuut the same 376 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. time, and ran a blacksmith shop, and died here. Adam Cullum, Sr. , came here later, and married Sarah Lewis, a daughter of John Lewis. The Surrells came to Maysville from Morgan County, 111., in 1833. There were four brothers, viz., Peter, Jesse, Jor- dan, James and Richard. They all finally came to Louisville about 1838, and assisted in the building of flat-boats and running them down to New Orleans. Phoebe Surrells, who yet resides in Louisville, was a sister of the above, and her son, Benjamin Surrells, is yet among us. Another old settler was John Golden from Kentucky. John W. Sullivan is one of the few old landmarks left of the early settlers of Louisville Township. He was born July 28, 1809, in Pendleton District, S. C. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Wood) Sulli- van. James Sullivan was a native of Ire- land, educated in Dublin, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. John W. Sullivan, Sr., came to Clay Coun- ty in 1828, in company with his brother Paul. He staid about two years, spending most of his time in hunting; then followed the river till 1834, when he once more came to Clay County, locating in Maysville, where he was married in 1838 to Margaret Green, a daughter of Dr. Green. About 1838, he came to Louisville, with which place he has been identified ever since. He carried the first mail that left the Louisville office to the O. & M. Railroad, delivering it near the new graveyard, and, with the exception of about ten months, has carried it ever since. John Ochiltree was a native of Kentucky, but came here from Wabash County, 111. In 1836, he entered land in Section 23, and was married here to Martha J. McCawley. He died here. It is said that while living at Maysville, where he officiated as Postmaster, he carried the United States mail in his largo hat. Between the years 1850 and 1800, a num- ber of people came from Ohio to this coun- try. Some of them were good farmers, and proved a valuable acquisition to the town- ship. Among that class we find S. B. Moore, Sr., who lived in Section 17, where he en- tered land in 1838. His expression of " We Ohioans " is well remembered. He reared a large and respectable family, whose descend- ants are yet living among us. He was the father of the following children, viz., Perry. Daniel, Sylvester, John, Samuel, Uantha Hortenstine and Martha Lampkin. Of the above, Sylvester has gone to Texas, and Dan- iel was killed by jumping on a crowbar. He , died October 31, 1S82. The people that came here from Ohio were, generally speak- ing, of a very industrious class, who have added materially to the development of the county. Among them were a few who seemed to think that they were a trifle smarter than the " Suckers," but after dealing with them some years concluded to give it up and moved back to Ohio. The first water' mill built in Clay County was built by Weatherspoon at the old town of Louisville. It finally passed into the hands of George Goble, and then became the prop- erty of Crawford Lewis, who rebuilt it and then sold it to Dr. Peter Green, who sold it to Sewell, who let it go back to Green, and after passing through several hands it became the property of P. P. Brown, and after that William Huddleson's.when it was abandoned. In 185S, John Frowley and James Monroe erected a steam mill in Louisville; it was used for a saw and flouring mill, and is yet in operation, owned by L. R. Bounds. In 1882. the Brissenden Brothers built a new flouring mill with the improved roller process. It is one of the finest in Southern Illinois, and the change from the rude water mill to the present fine mills in Louisville is very great, and marks the progress of the times IIISTOliY OF CLAY COUNTY. 877 The lantf in Louisville T was not id very rapid of grain in it and ad ome waj at 1 tome, and i e in o lier settle- men - sh, the ver i the river. The ■ e banks of the bnsi i attentii som The plan was camore tree, hew it inn ie about 18x24 inches. This middle, orsawed with a wlii 1 ' i 2xlS inches, and rom fifty to seventy feet. • gunwales," and formed the main strength of the structure. The hard side was placed outward, and on the inner and lower c 'uer was cut a " gain " large enough to ie ich Mooring to rest in it an come to the level of the bottom of the "gunwale." The width of the boat was from sixteen to twenty feet, and was strength- cross pieces Eramed in the "gun- wale.-" ;;i moderate distances apart. Length wise the boat was further strengthened by " str running parallel with the " gun- wales " about four feet apart. Upon this frame work, securely framed and fastened together, a i i f two-inch plank was laid double pinned with wooden pins, and later on with heavy nails. The boat thus far constructed was bottom-side up, and after being well caulked the difficulty was to turn it over to be finished. The practice was to choose a location on the bank of the river convenient for launching, and, when the work reached this stage, to turn it on the land. h the more skillful turned it in the r. If it was done on the land, the - were im I and all joined in th svo len athan and letting it fall on bru i a multitude of hoop- all l con ik of '.' way w red. Dg on one si s an i and i the ■r boats ■ boat weighi ed with earth > - the nt up the stream. I this position the en- I i nken in two, pi i i one side considerable and on being broken down the cur in such hold of it, as to turn it rightund earn. Great care was neei ■ em- bankment from being broken prem ely, and for those who la .;- to pe a serious w ig into a small boat ke] 7hen turned, it was hau cable previously fastened to it, and then completed. The " g wales .. • prow to give it a proper "rake." Sides aboul our high. dling iboardson studding framed in the sills or "gunwales," and then the whole was roofed over with inch boards projecting over the sides to shed water perfectly, and rounded from one side to the other, the center being about six feet high. The sides of the boat and main part were made out of the very best white oak. About six feet of the stern was boarded off for a cabin, provided with bunks on either side, and a stone lire-place with " cat and clay " chimney. Sometimes three feet of the 378 HISTORY OF CLAY COl'NTY. front end was left inclosed to prevent the greater danger of snag9, and when provided with sweeps on each side and a steering oar in the rear, the oraft was complete. These boats varied in size, and would carry from 2,000 to 5,000 bushels of grain. At first each man was his own pilot, but as the busi- ness increased there were those whose fre- quent trips down the river gave their judg- ment a money value. These men, especially on the larger rivers, provided themselves with charts of the river, and set up as pilots. They were subsequently hired to navigate the boats, and were paid from $50 to $75 a trip, and later, according to the length of the boat, $1 per linear foot. From three to eight hands were employed as crew, at about $30 to $35 per trip, all employes being boarded on the trip, and all paying the entire expenses on their return. The whole cost of such a trip, including boat, was from $300 to $400, though a part of this was recovered by the sale of the boat in New Orleans, their destination, which lessened the net cost by some $25 to $75, or more provided the material was of carefully selected lumber and the market favorable. The average trips took from three to six weeks, depending upon the weather. The start was generally made upon the spring flood, and, if the nights were clear and light, no snags encountered and no delays oc- casioned by "tying up" to the bank at night as a matter of prudence, quicker time than the above mentioned could be attained. lint many favorable combinations of circum- stances were seldom known. These trips, though accomplished by men unfamiliar with the science of navigation, were not free from serious risks of personal danger or financial embarrassment After steam- boats began to ply the Mississippi and Ohio, the danger of being run down by them, was very great in dark nights, and the general practice was to lie by on such occasions. At first the only signal lights were torches, and, later, lanterns. An experience is related: When one of these boats had entered a chute near one of the islands in the Mississippi, the crew heard a steamer coming up the stream. The channel ran close to the island, and the night being dark there was the greatest danger of a col - lision. A man was placed on the bow with a lantern, but the steamer seemed to be coming directly on the boat. The lantern was waved and everything possible was done to indicate the location of the boat to the steamer's pilot, but seemingly of no avail; but just at the point of contact the steamboat sheered off, but with so small space that the name of the boat could be read by the light of the lantern. On another occasion, a snag struck the rake of the boat so far back as to let the water into the cargo and as it could not be reached the boat began to sink. Fortunately it was loaded with corn in the ear, and after set- tling down more than half way, the boat floated and was subsequently saved. Though such incidents were common, the voyagers from Louisville never suffered any serious losses or accidents. In those days, a boat was finished near the mill, then towed up the river two miles and sunk to be raised again in the spring, but when the spring came the boat was found filled with sand and conse- quently could not be raised. The crews of the boats would return home by way of St. Louis, the trip being made on steamers and costing $3. The trip from St. Louis to Louisville was made by stage and cost $1.50. There-fore, about $25 could be cleared each trip. This was good pay in those days, and as these trips were fraught with danger, they just suited the early set- tlers who rather enjoyed them. It was there- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 379 fore always easy to get a crew. The first flat- boat was built by Dr. Green, Peter Sur- rells, George Goble and others, who took it down the river. The enterprise was watched with much interest, and on their safe return, new boats were built each year, till the Ohio & .Mississippi Railroad was built in 1854, when W. H. Hudleson built and took down the river the last of these flat-boats, the first having been built about 1842. About three boats were sent down the river each year. Wherever there is any business activity, the development of a village is certain. Be- fore the shipping business was started, a vil- lage had been made. A town was platted by Dr. Peter Green, J. L. Wickersham doing the surveying. The main part was situated on the south half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 23. The streets of the old town, and also the new one, fit present run north 36° west and south 54° west. The street running parallel with the river was called Water street, and the second Sycamore street. Dr. Peter Green was a physician of more than ordinary ability, and an active, enterprising man, who realized the centra) location of the place, and, probably with a view of having the county seat relo- .cated in the future, he began early to buy up land around the town and promote its inter- est.". He was a native of Kentucky, and lived many years near Salem, in Indiana, where he ran a furniture shop, ox mill anil distillery, on account of which latter occupa- tion he was expelled from the Methodist Episcopal Church. His fondness for liquor, or at least his persistence in having it around him, caused him much family trouble, and has cast a shadow over the otherwise com- mendable career of a man who has done much for Louisville, in fact more then any other man. While in Indiana, he also read medicine and practiced it with Dr. Harris for two years before he came to Clay County, which was in 1829, locating in Maysville, then the county seat. The Doctor was mar- ried twice. His first wife, Mary Britton, who died in Indiana, was the mother of four children, viz., George, Margaret Sullivan, Mary Johnson and Rachel, who are all dead, but their descendants are yet living in this county and in Indiana. His second wife, Ann Jean, was a native of Indiana, but died in Louisville. She was the mother of five children, viz., Martha (wife of William Stoker, a prominent lawyer in Centralia), Sarah (deceased, former wife of Dr. J. Hal- lam, of Centralia), Adeline (deceased, former wife of M. Griffin, once a prominent lawyer of Louisville), Helen (wife of Dr. Allen Barnes, now a resident of Bloomington, Illinois), and Thomas (deceased). While Dr. Green lived in MayBville, he followed his profession mainly. In 1838, he ■ bought forty acres of land from Crawford Lewis, on which stood the old Goble Mill, whose one-half interest he sold to Morgan. On this land, the old town was laid out. Two houses were already standing; one was used by Morgan as a residence and the other by George Green for a store; this was the first regular store. In this building was after- ward held the first court since the relocation of the county seat. About the time the old town was laid out, Capt. William Linn came here from Vandalia, then the capital of the State, and bought one-half interest in the town and mill of Dr. Green, the firm being known as Linn & Green. They brought on a heavy stock of goods, astonishing the old settlers by their enterprise and their large variety of goods, keeping almost everything. They built an addition to the old store, and also built a pork house and began shipping produce down the Little Wabash River to New Orleans HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. on flat-boats, doing a prosperous and well- paying business. The next store was built by Anthony Hobbs, who also kept a general store. He was finally bought out by his father-in-law, Isaac Coleman, who eventual- ly moved his store to Blair Township, on the Little Wabash, where he died. A mill that was erected by him there was well known as Coleman's Mill. Near it one of those bloody tragedies occurred which were too common in that township, and which is recorded in its annals. The first dry goods and grocery store was put up by Jacob May, from Lawrence County, but now Richland County. He had run a store a long time in Claremont, on the old trail between Vincennes and St. Louis. He kept a fine stock of goods. The next store was kept by Alexander L. and Robert Byers, who kept in May's old store. John Mellrose kept a harness shop; AVilliam Levitt a black- smith shop; Star Parvin was a good carpen- ter and cabinet-maker, and Peter J. G. Terry made shoes for the people. This was the extent of the business men of the old town of Louisville, and though everything was in a primitive state, it was yet thought good enough, and suited the style and tastes of our old-timers. Dr. Green invested in land in and around Louisville, and at one time owned 600 acres. He was quite a leader in an early day, and a politician of some note. He was elected to the Legislature from this county, and while there presented a petition to relocate the county seat from Maysville to Louisville, and through his influence the Legislature passed a bill and the county seat was relocated. The first court was held in George Green's former store room, and the prisoners were kept in another store building till the old jail was brought from Maysville. This was quite an affair, and more secure than almost any county jail of the present day. It was made out of hewn oak timber. It had three thicknesses on the sides. It, was in the form of a blockhouse, minus doors and windows, only one little hole at each end six inches square. Around the first layers of logs was put a second, with a space between, in which were put hewn logs upright, so that if the second, wall was cut through the logs would slip down continually. The top and bottom only had one layer of logs, but at the bottom was a thick layer of rocks. It was two stories high, but the top had doors and windows, and the prisoners were put in the lower part through a trap door, and were let down with a ladder, which was drawn up afterward. But no prisoners could live long in the dark, dismal hole, and when they got sick were sometimes placed in the upper room, which was not as secure, and from which prisoners would sometimes escape, but never from the lower part. It was used till the new jail was built; the outer part of the old jail is now used as a stable by Dr. Boyles. John Trapp, Sheriff of Effingham County, Faris Foreman, an attorney from Vandalia, and Bowman, Sheriff of Jefferson County, were appointed by the Legislature to re- locate the county seat as near the center of the county as would be convenient. They having chosen Louisville, it was platted by Blackburn, from Vandalia. The first addi- tion to the old town was surveyed by John Johnson. The streets ran in the same direc- tion as in the old town, north 36 degrees west and south 54 degrees west. The large blocks east and west of the public square are S0x83J feet, and the blocks north and south of the public square are 92 feet square; the others are in lots 92x83J feet. There is a stone planted on the southeast corner of the public square, also another on the northeast corner of Lot S9, and another on the south- west corner of Lot 1. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 383 The house of Crawford Lewis was already standing when the new town was surveyed. It was then occupied by John W. Sullivan, Sr. The second house was built by Samuel Slocumb, who kept a liquor store. He and Jesse Surrells afterward kept a grocery store in the same building. This house was after- ward bought by Dr. Green, who built to it and put it in the shape it is to-day. He kept a very respectable hotel, and also used part of the building for a general store, including drugs. This was one of the best stores that was ever in Louisville, John W. Sullivan acted as clerk for many years. The building was afterward sold to James David, whose widow married Judge L. S. Hopkins, who now keeps the Hopkins Hotel in it. The third building was put up by Peter Surrells; its weather boarding was made out of inch walnut, plowed and dropped; in it he kept a grocery store. It is yet standing on the southeast corner of the public square. In 1851, Hungate & Neff put up and kept a store in the north- east corner of the square. Teril Erwin was the first wagon -maker; his brother, Jarret Erwin, was the first blacksmith; another brother, named John, came afterward and was a carpenter by occupation. Isaac Ed- wards kept the first regular drug store where Muench store now is. He was succeeded by Dr. Winans. The first hardware store was kept by Moroy & Phi for, succeeded by John Erwin, who is yet in the business. Dolph Steinbrick kept the first harness shop. Charles Kiggs, the first butcher shop, suc- ceeded by Darling Long. Joseph Holt was the first resrular brick mason, and it is said built the second brick house in Louisville for Allen Davis; it is now the residence of Rob- ert McCullom, the presout Sheriff. The cost of the building was very little, as Davie, who kept a saloon, got most of the work done for whisky. The first brick building ever erected in Louisville was the old court house. A man by the name of Samuel Slocumb had the contract to build it. He was a stylish, fine-look- ing man, a good talker, and as unscrupulous as he was brilliant. His wife was a fine- looking woman, and pretended to keep a boarding house. He always had and made lots of money; betting was one of his mild vices, and on one of the Presidential cam- paigns won between §1,000 and §2,000. Of William Lewis, he won a span of fine black mares with silver mounted harness and a buggy, and also §500 in cash. James Mc- Cullum held the stakes. He was always well dressed, and almost constantly wore a plug hat. He had a novel and cheap way of getting the court house built, which was put up on the south part of the square. He paid the most of his men in whisky, and gener- ally the men were just a little overdrawn. Sometimes a man would fall out with Slo- cumb and quit, but as soon as he would get dry he would resume work on the old plan. Drinking whisky was hardly considered a vice in those days, when even women would so to horse-races and bet. Johnuy McCoine operated a distillery about one mile southeast of town. This was about 1845-50, but ho made hardly enough to supply the thirsty neighborhood. He kept it up only a few years. The name of " moonshiners " was unknown, nor did the United States Marshals have occasion to make raids, as every one could make as much whisky as he chose. It was made out of corn costing 12^ cents per bushel, and would sell for 17 or 18 cents per gallon. The few old landmarks of those good old times who are judges of this beverage, and who are yet liv- ing, claim that it was superior to anything made now. John McGahan, from Kentucky, put up a 22 384 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. distillery two miles east of Louisville, where he made whisky about three years. After- ward Alfonso Erwin put up another distillery in town, but broke up after running it a few months. These distilleries were often the resort of the people, the majority of whom drank, and who would often indulge in a free fight in which pistols and knives were un- known. McCoine also manufactured crockery on a small scale and of poor material. It looked very yellow, making mainly crocks, jugs and jars. Some of our good old dames who are yet living claim that that kind of ware was su- perior to our present ware, but it is only one of those ideas which is characteristic to the whole human race, namely, to cling fondly to those things that existed while we were chil- dren, and think of them as being superior. McCoine died here, and has descendants liv- ing in the county. Louisville increased in population slowly, and the free and easy ways people had of bnying and selling liquor continued till 1854, when the " Good Templars " started a society; the movement waB fought with bit- terness; but they increased, and the next year selling whisky was prohibited, and W. H. Hudleson was appointed by the corporation of Louisville to act as agent, and authorized him to sell whisky for medicinal purposes only. He kept two barrels about three months. During that time he often had to get up two and three times in the night to fill a doctor's prescription for men who never got hurt, and, as he often strongly suspected, filled the same bottle three times in one night, got disgusted and quit. About this time, a " blind tiger " was start- ed southeast of town, so called on account of the blinds hung up in front of the door, be- hind which the dandies, business men, hunt- ers, farmers and loafers drank their toddies. This saloon was afterward called " King Fish," it being situated near the bank of the river. The name afterward changed to " Horned Rooster," because John W. Sulli- van, Si\, had bought a rooster that had a horn on his head, and put it in the house. The price of admission to see the rooster was 10 cents, and a glass of whisky was thrown in. It afforded considerable amuse- ment, and was a financial success. Finally the temperance zeal abated and a saloon was started again in Louisville, only to be again driven out at the revival of the temperance cause. Agricultural Societies. — It must not be supposed that the men of Clay County lacked business enterprise or were be- hind in promoting the interests of their county; this will be seen by the efforts that were made to foster agriculture and hor- ticulture, and establish societies and hold fairs. As early as 1858, a society was formed at Xenia, on the O. & M. Railroad, and a fair was held for several years. No grand dis- play attended this first effort, yet it was the starting point of a good enterprise. A space of about 100 feet was inclosed by bolts of brown cotton goods, better known as " do- mestic," which was kindly furnished by the merchants. Encouraged by the success which attended this small undertaking, the people of Louisville and vicinity organized an agricultural society in 1860. A stock com- pany was formed, who issued $1,000 worth of stock at $5 per share, nearly all of which sold readily. Messrs. H. R. Neff, J. P. Hungate, Dr. Green and M. H. Davis, who were all prominent men at that time, were the instigators and leaders in the enter- prise. In the fall of the above year, the com- pany bought four acres of land two blocks east of town, inclosed and improved it, and held a fair the same year, which was largely HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 385 attended, it being a novel feature to quite a number of farmers who had never been at a fair before in their lives; everything was done to interest the people, and to promote the interests of agriculture. As the popula- tion of the county increased and greater in- terest was manifested by the farmers, the old grounds were deemed too small, and in 1S71 the society was re-organized and increased their stock to $2,000, and added a horticult- ural department. The new fair ground was situated three- fourths of a mile southwest of town, where the society had bought fourteen acres of land, which it improved. But it seems that with a change of location came a change of fortune, and although the first two fairs were a financial success, the next three were failures, and the society having to bor- row money from W. H. Hudleson, amount- ing to $600, with which to pay the prem- iums, which money Mr. Hudleson subse- quently lost, as the society, becoming dis- couraged, was disorganized and its property sold to pay a part of its debts. This ended the Clay County Agricultural Society, only to be revived again in after years at Flora, which being more of a business center, in- sures greater financial success. Another un- i successful enterprise was started in 1856 by j G. S. Wooden, who came from Ohio. He in company with John Colclasure and N. L. Martin built a steam saw and grist mill two and one-half miles north of Louisville, on the Little Wabash River, which they operat- ed two years; but it did not prove a success, and was sold and moved away. G. S. Wooden afterward disposed of his property during the war, and in order to avoid the draft went to California, accompanied by his brothers- John, Elias and Joshua. Among those things in Louisville Town- ship that are fast passing into oblivion we must here record the resting place of our dead, the old Louisville Cemetery, situated four blocks south of the public square. People would bring their dead here from a distance of fifteen miles. About 300 are buried here. Grissom Lee was the last one interred. No tombstones of any kind exist to mark the places of those that have passed away. Four Revolutionary soldiers - are buried here, among them was George Goble, Sr. At one time a man plowed up a good part of the cemetery, but when threatened with arrest, he desisted. A fence incloses a part of the ground which has grown up in brambles and berry bushes. A small Indian burying ground also exists in the southwest part of the township, which was often visited by the red man of the woods, who, though untutored, yet obeys the voice of nature, and reveres his beloved dead. The new cemetery at Louisville is just outside of the corpora- tion adjoining the southwest corner of the town. It was located by Dr. Peter Green, who owned several hundred acres of land at that time around Louisville. A daughter of Dr. Green was the first person buried in it; and J. J. Spriggs dug the first grave. Secret Societies. — The A. F. & A. M. fra- ternity has a number of adherents in and about Louisville. They had a charter granted October 6, 1856. The following were char- ter members: S. C. Sparks, W. J. Steven- son, Wyatt Cook, Isaac Martin, J. A. Apper- son, William McCracken and John Wooden. The lodge was named Louisville Lodge, No. 196. First officers were S. C. Sparks, Mas- ter; W. J. Stevenson. Senior Warden; Wyatt Cook, Junior Warden. Present officers: W. R. Whitman, Master; John Erwin, S. \V. G. A. Henry, J. W.: E. H. Hawkins, Treas G. W. Mills, Sec. ; John W. Sullivan, S. D. G. K. Johnson, J. D. ; B. F. Surrells, Tiler. The present membership is about forty Their meetings are held in J. C. McCollum's 386 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Hall on Thursday night on or before each full moon. It is the oldest lodge in the county. Its present financial condition is good. The I. O. O. F. fraternity also had a lodge here a short time, the history of which is re- corded in ths annals of Bible Grove Town- ship. History of the Louisville Baptist Church. — This church was organized in the year 1841, by Rev. Thomas Vandinier, formerly of Washington County, Ind. This man of God had considerable ability as a preacher, whoso history and labors belong to Indiana. There is but little known of this church from this date up to January 22, 1848. From that day to the present, the church has kept a rec- ord of all her proceedings. On the above date, the brethren met at the house of Deacon John Connely for the purpose of organiz- ing a Baptist Church. Rev. George Stacy was chosen Moderator, and Stephen Blair, Clerk. The minutes Bhow the names of twelve persons who were recognized as mem- bers of the church. This church was called " Hoosier Prairie Regular Baptist Church." From this day the good Lord seemed to bless our brethren abundantly. Many precious souls were converted and added to the church as the fruit of the faithful labors of Rev. M. Stacy. He was the companion of Rev. J. M. Peck, formerly of New York, but sent to Illinois as a missionary by the Home Mission Society. He preached one year, and during this time the church prospered in faith as well as in numbers. About this time Rev. Blair was moved to exhort the peo- ple to flee from the " wrath to come. " He had uncommon powers as a speaker, and in 1849 the church called for his ordination. On the third Sunday of July, 1850, Brothers I. H. Elkin and Blair commenced a pro- tracted meeting in Louisville, which contin- ued fifteen days, and resulted in the conver- sion of thirty persons, twenty of whom united with the church and were baptized during the meeting. This interest continued about five years. July, the 4th, Saturday, 1850, was the last meeting of this church in Hoo- sier Prairie. The church by unanimous vote moved to Louisville, and assumed and re- tained the above name, holding their meet- ings in the court house. They soon found this place uusuited for their meetings, and built a frame meeting house which cost about $2,000. It was built by Isaac Martin, Sr. This was the first Baptist meeting- house in all this region of country. This old church seems to have been the center of influence for Baptists It was the mother of the following churches, viz., Union, Flora, Macedonia, Xenia, Oskaloosa, Indian Prai- rie and others. The deed to the ground of this old church was made March 25, 1851, by * Jephtha and Rebecca Allen. The following is a list of pastors since January 22, 1848, viz. : Elder George Stacy, I. H. Elkin (who served the church till No- vember, 1852), Stephen Blair, Joseph Odell, S. Blair, J. Odell, Jesse Kennedy, L. B. Wharton, J. W. Wharf, J. H. Crow, William B. Livley, J. M. Billingsley, F. Holland, G. G. Dougherty, J. M. Stancil. No regular minister at present. Most of the above min- isters have served more than one term. The old meeting-house was in such bad shape in 1876 that it was torn down and a good brick meeting-house, 30x50, erected on the same site of the old church, costing about $2,600. Present membership is fifty- six. Present officers are William H. Hudle- son, Deacon; S. R. Jones, Deacon; William E. Murphy, Deacou; and S. R. Jones, Clerk. Trustees, William H. Hudleson, S. R. Jones and J. J. Spriggs. A Sunday school has been maintained for HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 387 the past twenty- five years; attendance good; general average about eighty; generally car- ried on winter and summer. Present officers: Superintendent, S. R. Jones; Assistant Super- intendent, J. W. Sullivan, Jr.; Secretary, U. S. Spriggs; Treasurer, M. E. Jones. About forty years ago, a Christiau Church organization existed in this township, but they had no regular meeting house. Revs. Schooley. William Bryant and other minis- ters officiated in an early day. The organi- zation finally moved to Louisville about 1857, and had John A. Williams for their pastor. The meetings were held in the Baptist Church till the}' built a brick building of their own. The church went down several times, but was revived each time by ministers. In 1870, Rev. George F. Adams a dis- trict evangelist, was in charge of the Chris tian Church in Louisville, and during a pro- tracted meeting, which lasted nearly sis weeks. 121) members joined the church and wore baptized. Under the excellent man- agement of Rev. Adams, the prosent fine church building was projected and completed, costing about S3, 000. The members seemed to feel the church debt for many years after- ward, and it seems they never fully recovered from the straiu put upon their purses. Rev. Adams, who was a native of Kentucky, where he was also educated, preached hero ten months, whou he left for other fields of la- bor, after having witnessed the completion and dedication of the building. He was succeeded by R. B. Henry, E. J. Heart La'hrop, J. B. Lucas, James A. Stewart and Abraham Herrald UdouI 1 17ft, the interest in the church began to decline, and at times no meetings of any kind were held for months, almost years. But at present a bet- ter interest is takon, and a brighter future is dawning for the Christian Church. The Methodist Episcopal Church dates its organization as far back as 1845. Before this, however, traveling ministers had held services in the homes of old settlers. After the church was organized, it began to hold its meetings in the first lojj schoolhouse ever built in Louisville. The following were the first members: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fields, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan, Mrs. Dr. Peter Green and her daughter Adeline Green, Mary Erwin, Francis Apperson, wife and daughter, Joshua Wooden, Rachel Moore, Sarah Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wooden. The present membership is about seventy. The first local minister was Rev. John M. Griffith, who preached a number of yeai's, and who was esteemed by the whole congregation. He was generally required to officiate at funerals and weddings, and was indispensable at their revival meetings, even after he moved out of the neighborhood. Revs. Joe Helm, Joseph Blundel, Cavil Lambert, David Standford and Lathrop were some of the first ministers. The following is a list of ministers who officiated between the years 1860 and 1S83, viz. : Stanford, Lambert, Walker (supplied by Wescott), L. A. Harper, Glaze (supplied by Barnes), J. S. Barnes, Thrapp, A. Myers, R. H. Massey, C. D. Lingenfelter, Flescher (supplied by Leach), N. ,E. Harmon, C. \V. Sabine, E. Lathrop, S. J. Harrington, R. M. Carter, J. G. Reeder, A. Snell, G. A. Seed and J. S. Dee. The meetings were held in the old school- house; also part of the time in the court house and the Baptist Church till ISO!), when the brick Methodist Episcopal Church was built. A Sunday school has been maintained by the organization almost from the begin- ning. At present, N. D. Jamison is Super intondent; Dr. M. Boyles, Assistant Super- intendent; Miss Isa Winans, Secretary: Mrs. Mary Farris, Treasurer; M. Tanner, Libra- 388 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY riau; Mrs. Nellie Weeler, Chorister. Aver- age attendance, sixty. Present business of Louisville: Groceries, N. G. Gibson, Reynolds & Wheeler, James Wilders and L. A. Shepherd, who also sells dry goods; dry goods, H. E. Watson, A. H. Moore & Co., George Roush and Lewis Shepherd; hardware, John Erwin and W. G. Gibson; harness and saddlery, ■ Smith; shoe-makers, Reuben Ginther and Philip Bou- quet; furniture and undertaker, J. C. Mc- Collum; drug stores, W. A. McNown and W. C. Winans; physicians, W. A. & H. McNown, J. M. Boyles, H. S Lauchner and G. C. Bur- ton; printer, G. A. Henry, editor of Ledger ; lawyers, F. G. Cockrell, D. C. Hagel, H. H. Chesloy, G. A. Henry, John G. Burns, B. D. Monroe and Benjamin Hagel; real estate and abstracters, Burns & Hawkins; broker, Will- iam H. Hudleson; civil engineer and sur- veyor, J. M. Bourne; flouring mills, Brissen- den Brothers and L. R. Bounds; saw mill, L. R. Bounds; hotels, Mary P. Griffin and L. S. Hopkins; meat markets, H. E. Watson and John Young; bakery and restaurant, F. Con- ner; blacksmiths, John W. Sullivan, Jr., R. W. Pierson and Dayton W. Bible; carpen- ters, Jones & Wood and Barbee & Case; wagon-makers, Enos Clark and S. Hoke; brick masons and plasterers, B. F. Surrells and James H. Manning; tonsorial artists, George Olmsted and George Miinch; milli- ners, Mrs. M. E. Burns and Miss Susan Holt; livery stable, E. D. Vickrey and Davis Hagle. The population of Louisville, according to the census taken in 1880, is 514. The town, although the county seat, has never had a large population, owing to the fact that the O. & M. R. R. runs through the southern part of the county and the many towns located on it. At the first town meeting held in the court house in the town of Louisville, Clay Co., 111., on the 1st day of April, the following officers were elected: H. R. Neff, Super- visor; W. W. De Witt, Town Clerk; John R. Graham, Assessor; C. H. Porter, Collector; R. C. Woods, Overseer of the Poor; James Wilders, Commissioner of Highways; H. K. Farris and Elijah De Witt, Justices of the Peace; John W. Davis and M. H. Davis, Constables. Overseers of Highways — William Helms, Overseer of District of No. 1; Benjamin F. Hayes, Overseer of District No. 2; Nelson Martin, Overseer of District No. 3; Samuel Rhinehart, Overseer of District No. 4; Levi Hobbs, Overseer of District No. 5. The following is a list of township officers since the first were elected: On the 19th day of April, 1862, James Wilders, H. M. Hobbs, D. Long, were ap- pointed Commissioners of Highways for the town of Louisville, deciding their respective terms of office by ballot, which resulted as follows: Hobbs, three years; Long, two years; Wilders, one year; said officers then drew lots to decide which of them should be Treasurer. It was decided that James Wil- ders be Treasurer; after he moved away, J. J. Spriggs was appointed to fill the vacancy, and it was once more decided by lot that H. M. Hobbs serve two years, and act as Treas- urer; Spriggs, three years, and D. Long, one year. The following is a list of officers to present writing: Township officers for 1863— H. R. Neff, Supervisor; R. A. Holt, Town Clerk; J. R. Graham, Assessor; A. H. Porter, Collector; Elijah DeWitt, Overseer of the Poor; John W. Davis, Commissioner of Highways; H. K. F arris and E. De Witt, Justices; John W. and M. H. Davis, Constables. 1864 — Wyatt Cook,Supervisor; James Wil- ders, Township Clerk; J. W. Davis, Assessor; Leander Hopper, Collector; W. H. Hudle- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. ::*!! son, Overseer of Poor; J. J. Spriggs, Com- missioner. 1865 — Wyatt Cook, Supervisor; Francis Apperson, Township Clerk; William Hudle- son, Assessor; John H. Hungate, Collector; Darling Long, Overseer of Poor; J. G. Mc- Scooler, Commissioner. 1866 — Jackson P. Hungate, Supervisor; William Y. Sneed, Township Clerk; Charles W. Apperson, Assessor; George W. Hungate, Collector; Darling Long, Overseer of Poor; James EL Collins, Commissioner; A. M. Sar- gent, Justice of the Peace; S. H. Fawsett, Justice of the Peace; S. R. Jones and David Logan, Constables. 1867— B. J. Rotau, Supervisor; S. R. Apperson, Assessor; H. R. Neff. Collector; J. Apperson, Clerk; P. J. Curry, Commis- sioner; Darling Long, Overseer of Poor. 1868 — B. J. Rotan, Supervisor; S. R. Apperson, Township Clerk; T. J. Farris, Assessor; James Wilders, Collector; Francis Apperson, Justice of the Peace; William H. Hudleson, Justice of the Peace; Alexander Tuck and J. W. Jean, Constables; J. J. Sprigsjs, Commissioner; P. J. Curry, Commis- sioner. 1869 — Lewis Coggswell, Supervisor; Lean- der Hopper, Assessor; James Burns, Col- lector; S. R. Apperson, Township Clerk; T. J. Farris, Constable; William Kellums, Commissioner. 1870 — B. J. Rotan, Supervisor; J. W. Sullivan, Sr., Assessor; James Wilders, Col- lector; 11. S. Lauchnor, Township Clerk; F. Apperson and W. H. Hudleson, Justices; T. J. Farris and Alexander Tuck, Constables. 1871 — William Foreman, Supervisor; Ran- dolph Smith, Township Clerk; A. H. Moore, Assessor; E. T. Potts, Commissioner. 1872 — D. C. Hagle, Supervisor; L. S. Hopkins, Assessor; S. R. Apperson, Col- lector; Randolph Smith, Township Clerk; Thomas T. Austin, Constable; N. L. Martin, Commissioner. 1873 — D. C. Hagle, Supervisor; Sylvester Johnson and J. W. Adams, Justices; T. J. Far- ris, Collector; R. D. Griffin and John McCul- lum, Constables; William David, Assessor; S. R. Apperson, Township Clerk; Cyrus Fox, Commissioner. 1874 — Henry R. Neff, Supervisor; John J. Hill, Assessor; H. F. Detweiler, Collector; William David, Township Clerk; J. C. Creamer, Commissioner. 1875— H. R. Neff, Supervisor; William David, Town Clerk; B. F. Reynolds, Assess- or; William Foreman, Collector; J. J. Spriggs, Commissioner; J. H. Odell, Justice of the Peace. 1876— H. R. Neff, Supervisor; William David, Town Clerk; B. F. Reynolds, Assess- or; J. H. Odell, Collector; J. C. Barnett, Commissioner. 1877— G. A. Hoff, Supervisor; William David, Town Clerk; C. A. Steinbruck, Col- lector; T. J. Farris, Assessor; William Kel- lums, Commissioner; William Cleveland and T. T. Reeves, Constables; J. W. Sullivan, Sr. , and J. H. Odell, Justices. 1878— J. M. Boyles, Supervisor; C. A. Steinbruck, Assessor; Jacob Burton, Collect- or; William David, Town Clerk; John Toli- ver, Commissioner; F. M. Critchlow, Com- missioner; L. S. Hopkins, Justice. 1879— J. M. Boyles, Supervisor; William David, Town Clerk; J. W. Sullivan, Jr., Assessor; Henry R. Neff, Collector; J. L. Speaks, Commissioner; J. T. McCollum, Justice of the Peace. 1880 — John R. Tanner, Supervisor; Will- iam David, Town Clerk; J. W. Sullivan, Jr., Assessor; Hugh Hord, Collector; Gordon Toliver, Constable; John T. Kerr, Commis- sioner. 1881— J. C. McCollum, Supervisor; Will- 390 H1STOKY OF CLAY COUNTY. iani David, Town Clerk; C. R. Davis, As- sessor; George W. Roush, Collector; Sylves- ter Johnson, Justice of the Peace; John W.Sul- livan, Sr., Justice of Peace; Jonathan Blair, Commissioner; L. M. Wood and William Kerr, Constables. 1882— W. A. McNown, Supervisor; G. A. We he, Township Clerk; C. R. Davis, Assess- or; B. F. Hayes, Collector; S. R. Jones, Commissioner. 1883— J. C. McCollum, Supervisor; Will- iam David, Town Clerk; Hugh Hord, As- sessor; H. R. Neff, Collector; Peter Thomp- son, Commissioner; G. W. David, Constable. In 1870, the people of Louisville Township voted a $15,000 bond to the Springfield, Ill- inois & Southwestern Railroad Company, for building the road through the township and locating a depot inside of the corporation. Said bonds were refunded April 1, 1882. CHAPTER XI." CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP— DESCRIPTION— TOPOGRAPHY— FLORA AND FAUNA— PIONEER SETTLERS- JOHN McCAWLEY DRIVEN OFF BY INDIANS— HIS RETURN— CAPT. ROBERT TOLER— FAR IS— SHERIFF RILEY— HOW HE HELD A PRISONER— THE "HOSS" ORDERED TO THE STABLE— BILL COLWELL— FIRST SCHOOL AND FIRST TEACHER— SCHOOLS AND OFFICERS— FIRST CHILD— TOWNSHIP OFFICERS— OLD MAYS- VTLLE— ITS HISTORY, SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH— COUNTY SEAT— HOTELS— 1 OWN OFFICERS— LIST OF PROMI- NENT PEOPLE— CHURCHES AND CHURCH PEOPLE— LIST OF OFFICIALS — ANECDOTES, ETC., ETC. THAT part of this county now embraced in Clay City Township is the earliest settled portion, and is bounded on the north by Pixley Township, on the east by Richland County, on the south by Wayne County, and on the west by Stanford Township. It com- prises parts of Congressional Townships 2 and 3 north, of Range 8. The eastern bound- ary of the township is formed by Big Muddy Creek from the north line to its junction with the Little Wabash River. By this bound- ary the township loses sixteen sections out of the two Congressional townships. The name, Clay City, was given to this township in 1802 from the town by the same name, * By F. S. Tyler. which had been laid off in 1855. Prior to this, the precinct had been known as Mays- ville, from the town of Maysville, laid out by Daniel May in 1820. The surface of the township presents a flat appearance in the main ; however, it is rolling to some extent in the immediate vicinity of the village, and from that extending south along the western edge of the township, it presents a rather broken appearance. Orig- inally the timber covered from a half to two- thirds of the township. The forests extended along the entire eastern edge, and over the north half of the township, on the south- western part of the township, is part of the prairie that extends up from the eastern por- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 391 tion of Wayne County, and known as Long Prairie. The timber of the township con- sists mainly of hickory, and several varieties of oak, among which are white, burr, pin, water and red. Besides these woods, there are sycamore, sweet and black gum, ash, red- bud and elm. Although there has been an immense amount of timber cut off, there still remains a comparatively heavy growth of timber, especially in the bottom lands. Through the southern portion of the town- ship, the farmers in the last few years have devoted considerable attention to stock-rais- ing. There are now some very large stock- raisers living here, and an extensive amount of the prairie land is used for grazing. The main stream of the township is the Little Wabash River, which enters the township from the northwest. Flowing in an easterly course through Sections 7 and 8, it then flows in a southeasterly direction, striking the township line in Section 3, Town 2 north, Range 8 east, and from thence to the south- ern edge of the county, forming the eastern edge of the township. Extending along the eastern edge of the township from the northern boundary line, to where the Little "Wabash strikes the county line, flows Big Muddy Creek, which has its rise in Bible Grove Township. Entering the township from the northwest is Little Muddy Creek. This stream flows toward the southeast and empties into Big Muddy Creek in the south- east half of Section 14, of Town 3 north. Range 8 east. Probably as early as 1825, Mr. John McCawley received a grant from the county to build a bridge across the Little Wabash, and another across the Big Muddy, both on the old State road. The bridges were built, and on each of them Mr. McCaw- ley collected toll until about 1842. The travel in those day-, was very large, and the amount of toll collected in one day footed up as high as 820. These two bridges were probably the first ever built in the township, or at least they are the first of which any record has ever been kept. Pioneer Settlers. — The first white man that ever settled in what is now Clay City Town- ship, or for that matter in Clay County, was John McCawley, who built a cabin on the banks of the Little Wabash as early as 1810, and thus formed the first settlement in this part of the State. We do not think that a brief sketch of this man is at all out of place in this con- nection, and so the following short biography of this pioneer is inserted: John McCawley was born in Jefferson County, Ky., December 24, 1782, and was a son of James and Sarah (Gilmore) McCawley. The father was born in Scotland, and when a young man removed to the North of Ireland, where he married. Soon after the wedding the twain emigrated to this country, and came immediately to Jefferson County, Ky., where they settled. John McCawley was one of seven children, all of whom are now dead. But three of them ever came to this State. Of these, Daniel died in Southern Illinois, opposite Smithland, Ky. ; the other, Mrs. Anna Bev- erly, died in this township some years ago, while visiting her daughter. Mrs. Cassandra Evans. Mr. McCawley remained in Ken- tucky until 1810, and then came West. Reaching Vincennes, he started West on the old Indian trace, which extended from Vin- cennes through to St. Louis. His objective point was the latter place, but hardly had he crossed the Little Wabash when one of his horses died. Camping there, he sent one of his companions back for another, and waited until the man returned. Looking around him, he decided to locate where he was camping. He accordingly built a cabin, and lived for a year in the solitude. His time was spent in hunting and trapping. In the 392 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. early part of the year 1811, he returned to Kentucky, and on February 14, he was united in marriage to Miss Martha Lacy. This lady was born in Jefferson County, Ky., on Feb- ruary 4, 1791, and was of Danish descent. After a short time spent in Kentucky, Mr. McCawley again started for his cabin on the Wabash, and lived there until the early part of 1812. War having been declared before by the English against the colonies, Tecuin- seh, the famous Indian chief, espoused the cause of the English, and issued a mandate commanding that all the whites in that part of the State should be killed on a certain day. McCawley, during his residence here, how- ever, had made good friends with the In- dians in this neighborhood, and accordingly some of them came to him and informed him of the approaching slaughter, but told him that as he had always been good to them they would be friends to him. They advised him to start immediately to Vincennes, and offered to escort him to the fort. The next morning, he started on his journey. His trip was un- eventful, and he saw neither friend nor foe, until just as he was entering the fort at Vincennes he heard a shout behind him. Turning around, he saw the same Indians who the night before had warned him to flee come out from the timber, wave their hands at him, and then disappear. From there he made his way to his family in Kentucky, un- molested. He remained in that State until 1816, when, peace having been restored, he again started for his home in this county, bringing with him his wife and family, which consisted at this time of three children. He settled in his former cabin, and at this time entered 100 acres of land. This he kept on increasing, until at one time he owned about 1,500 acres. He also put up a store on his farm, and in an early day traded with the Indians, but later on with his white friends also. As we have alreadv remarked, he built the first bridges in the county, and made quite a good deal in collecting toll. In 1825, the first County Court was held at the resi- dence of Mr. McCawley, and he afterward endeavored to have tho county seat located on his farm. In 1826, he and Mr. May had quite a spirited quarrel over the merits of the two locations, May wanting it at old Maysville. When it was finally decided in favor of old Maysville, McCawley cheerfully acquiesced, and afterward became County Judge, which position he held for a number of years. His death occurred on May 25, 1854, and he was sincerely mourned by all the people of the county. At present but two of his descendants are living, Daniel L. and J. L, both in this township. Among the other early pioneers of the township was Seth Evans. He came with McCawley in 1810, and worked on tho latter's farm for a year or two. He finally married an Indiana girl, and made an improvement about a mile east of Clay City, where he died in 1816. One of the daughters married Walter Gill, and lived for a number of years in the southern part of the township, where she finally died. Another daughter is now living in Stanford Township, the widow of Jeremiah Devore. Philip Devore was another ono that came in an early day. He settled in the southern part of the township, where his death occurred in 1845. Jeremiah De- vore was one of his children. His only descendant now living is a daughter now in Iowa. Robert Toler also came here in an early day, and made an improvement in the eastern part of the township. He served as Sheriff of the county for a number of years, and was a very prominent citizen. A son of his, Robert Toler, Jr., was a resident of this township until the ireaking-out of the war. He then enlisted in the Fifth Illinois Cav- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 393 airy. He served his country faithfully all through the war, and came home bearing the bars of a First Lieutenant. Soon after his arrival here, he, however, started West to seek his fortune, and was almost immediately lost sight of. It was supposed that he was killed by the Indians when he was crossing the Western plains. George Faris, a broth- er-in-law of McCawley, was also an early set- tler. He located about a mile east of Clay City, where he died in 1855. A son of his, A. J. Faris, is now living near Olney, Rich- land County. A hunter by the name of John McDaniel was another pioneer in this town- ship. He finally settled in the western part of the township about 1S17, where he reared a large family. Only one child, a Mrs. Creek, now a widow, is living in Stanford Township. Isaac Creek was another early settler, who about 1818 settled on the banks of Elm Creek, on land that was then included in old Mays- ville Precinct, but now part of Stanford Township. Pioneer Incidents. — Clustering around the rugged pioneers of this township are many incidents that form an interesting background for the hard struggles and many privations of those early settlers. The people here were early led to give their attention to agriculture, and to assume the ways of their more thrifty neighbors in the East. In many of the early township histories, we find a period where the wild man seems to pause for a time before he develops into the sturdy yeomen. In this township, the settlers did not pay much at- tention to hunting, trapping, etc.; but almost immediately preempted land, and commenced tilling the soil. So that the many stirring incidents of wild mon and wild beasts, of hunters, and hunted men, that form interest- ing details in many histories, are unrecorded here. The location of the county seat in this township, however, brought many an advent- urous spirit to this point. It was the custom for the people to gather in old Maysville every Saturday, where the pugilistic settlers would have many a fistic encounter. Stories are told of the prowess of the old pioneers. Every man was a guard unto himself, and the slightest dispute terminated in a knock-down. The most interesting stories are told, however, of the early courts. The hangers-on at those early tribunals were of the uncouth sort, and many mistakes of the most ridiculous nature were made. Two or three tales concerning the early court at Maysville have been told to us, and we insert them here. Probably among the very first Judges here, if not the very first, was old Judge Wilson, who held court at this point for a number of years. One of the first men who served under him as Sheriff was a man by the name of Riley. He was a true backwoodsman ; tall and raw- boned, but very strong. He was considered a good fighter, and added to his many accom- plishments was a great desire for his " daily- bitters. " Among the frequenters of the court was a man by the name of Bashford. He was about the same size as Riley, and the two were well matched in strength. He was a greater drinker, however, than Riley, and one day he entered the court in a very intoxi- cated state. He made a great deal of uoise, and, being decidedly obstreperous, the Judge ordered Riley to remove him. Nothing loath, the Sheriff undertook to carry out the com- mand, and immediately seized Bashford, and after considerable trouble Riley managed to force the latter from the room, and 'Wilson went on with the court. Riley and Bashford however, were not willing to quit, and con tinuod scuffling until Riley tripped (he other and the two fell right under the window, where Wilson was sitting, with Riley on top The Judge, turning around, saw the two in distinctly on the grass, and then remarked 394 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. sotto voce, to some one inside, " There must be a jail built for these rowdies." Riley, hearing the remark, jumped up and said, " I'll be d d if I am going to hold the prisoner here until the jail is built." Bash- ford, being freed, also sprang to his feet, and remarked that " I'll be d d if I will lay there until the jail is built either." Another good story is told on this same Riley. One day when he was pretty full, Judge Wilson ordered him to summon " Jim Tate" at the door, and, as Riley started to obey, Judge Wilson noticed that Bill Tate had also been summoned, and said, "and Bill, too." Riley, however, commenced — "Jim Tate and Bill, too," "Jim Tate and Bill, too " — as if the whole expression was one name. Judge W r ilson, seeing the mistake, "Call one at a time, Mr. Sheriff." Riley was, however, too drunk to comprehend, and began, " One at a time! " "One at a time!! " " One at a time!!!" It is needless to say that neither of the witnesses called responded. Still another good story is told of early justice in this county under the administration of the same Judge Wilson. The incident hap- pened some little time after, and was when the jail was an old stable near the court house. A man by the name of Henry Phil- lips was serving at this time as Sheriff. A genus homo by the name of Bill Colwell was a frequenter of the bar of justice. He was a fearful object to look at, a dog having bitten his nose off close to his face when he was a child. He was a hard drinker, and often- times went on a Bpree. It was while on one of these tears that he came into court, and commenced asserting that he "was a hoss." After he had disturbed the court a good deal, Judge Wilson said, ' ' Mr. Sheriff, please take the horse out, and put him in the sta- ble," and as Phillips was leading Colwell out he remarked, "and please give the horse its supper." The first road in the township was the old State road, that runs at present through the southern part of Clay City in an almost due east and west direction. As ear- ly as 1810, when Mr. McCawley first came to the county, there was an old Indian trace extending through the county from Vincennes west to St. Louis and Kaskaskia. About 1820, the State ordered it surveyed, and made it a legally established road. The next road was one from old Maysville to Al- bion, and thence to Mount Carmel. It was surveyed under the supervision of the State about 1825, and was the last road that the State ran through this part of the State. The road from old Maysville to Mount Erie was established in 1840 by the county, and the road from Maysville to Fairfield was laid out about the same time. The road from Maysville to Ingraham was surveyed about 1850. Schools. — Some early families had a teach- er employed probably in an early day, but they have been lost sight of. The first teacher that there is any knowledge of was William L. Gash, who taught in old Mays- ville about 1830. He was a resident of Wayne County, and was finally elected Clerk of that county. He taught in private houses in the old town, and was considered one of the best disciplinarians of the day. About 1831, a man by the name of Dogan taught for a short time in an old tenement house about a mile east of Maysville. In 1835, the first schoolhouee was built in the township. It was on Government land, and was erected by John McCawley. James Rusk taught the first school here. This man was an early settler, and was well thought of in his day. His death finally occurred in Louisville. This schoolhouse was not used very long, and gave way to one erected about a mile east of Maysville, on land owned by Mr. McCawley. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 395 It was built about 1838, and stood until about 1841. James Rusk was also a teacher there, and a man by the name of Stores also taught there. Some subscription schools were also taught in private houses. Among the teach- ers were Mrs. Ridgeway and Mrs. Pitner. At present the schools of the township out side of Clay City present the following show- ing: Number of houses (out of Clay City), five; number of pupils, 574; number en- rolled, 406. Teachers — District 2, W. B. Martindale; District 3, H. A. Gilkinson; Districts, ; District 5, A. G. Brown; District 6, John Leavitt. Trustees — H. J. Daggitt, E. Nagle, John Creech. Directors — District 2, J. Brissenden, P. Lormer, J. Travis; District 3, J. H. Nelson, John Martin, John Pride; District 4, Thom- as T. Taylor, Allen Williams, John Fitzger- rell; District 5, L. Williams, S. I rank, L. Metcalf; District 6, J. Hance, F. Glascow, L. Cokeley. The first mill in the township was erected about 1833. It was a horse grist mill, and was put up by J. L. Rickersham. It stood about one mile east of Maysville, and it was an old landmark for many a day. In 1838, a firm by the name of Ochiltree & Coates erected a steam saw mill on the east side of the Little Wabash, on the old State road. It finally fell into the hands of John McCawley, and was used for a number of years by the people of this region. The next mill was erected in 1851 near the same place by Rude & Freeman. It was run until about 1857, and was finally pulled down, and the ma- chinery carried to another place. The first mills of Maysville and Clay City receive attention in anothor place. The first child born in the township was probably Mary Ann McCawley, a daughter of John McCawley, the child being born Sep- tember 5, 1813, and the first person that died here was an infant son of the same man named Daniel, who died some time in 1820. Township Organization and List of Offi- cers. — At the 'spring meeting of the County Board of Supervisors in 1S62, it was decided to adopt the township organization, and set off as Clay City Township all of Congres- sional Township 2 north, and half of Town- ship 3 north, of Range 8 east, lying west of Big Muddy Creek and Little Wabash River. The first annual town meeting in the town- ship accordingly was held in the school- house in Clay City on April 1, 1862. The meeting being called to order, Joseph Dawes was chosen Moderator, and S. B. Munger, Clerk, and both being qualified, the polls were opened for the election of the first offi- cers in the township, with the following results: T. P. Vaudever, Supervisor; R. E. Dull', Town Clerk; I. M. Farr, Assessor; F. R. Pitner, William Brissenden, Overseers of Poor; Joseph Teatrick, C. C. McCallister and Charles Peshall, Commissioners of High- ways; Joseph Teatrick and N. H. Duff, Jus- tices of the Peace; W. B. Shepherd and Eli Thomas, Constables; and Morris Brissenden, J. D. Perkey and S. M. Tilley, Poundmasters. On the 10th, the Commissioners of Highways met and drew lots as the law then directed to see wbich would serve one year, which two, and which throo, with the following result: Joseph Teatrick, three years, Charles Peshall, two, and C. C. McCallister, one. They then proceeded to appoint Charles Peshall Treasurer of the board. The board Mil>M>ipiently divided the township into two districts, and appointed Dennis Handley, Overseer for the First District, and R. J. (ail rr for the Second District. It was also decided by the board that a tax be levied for highways on each male inhabitant in the 396 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. township. Said tax to consist of two days' highway labor. The following statement shows the officers elected at the subsequent town meetings: 1863— Supervisor, N. H. Duff; Town Clerk, R. E. Duff; Assessor, D. L. McCawley; Col- lector, F. R. Pitner; Commissioners of High- ways, J. Dowles, J. D. Perkey; Overseers of Highways, D. Curtis, D. Handley. 1864 — Supervisor, M. Brissenden; Town Clerk, E. W. Boyles; Assessor, D. L. McCaw- ley; Collector, F. R. Pitner; Commissioner of Highways, J. Manker; Overseer of High- ways, J. Myers. 1865 — Supervisor, M. Brissenden; Town Clerk, E. W. Boyles; Assesssor, D. L. Mc- Cawley; Collector, F. R. Pitner; Commis- sioners of Highways, J. Dawes, C. McCallister; Overseer of Highways, W. B. Shepherd. 1866 — Supervisor, R. Marley; Town Clerk, S. Holman; Assessor, J. B. Finnell; Collec- tor, Thomas Bouls; Commissioners of High- ways, J. B. Figg; Overseer of Highways, J. C. Johnson. 1867 — Supervisor, D. L. McCawley; Town Clerk, J. E. West; Assessor, O. D. School ey; Collector, M. Brissenden; Commissioners of Highways, J. Manker, I. Lytton; Overseers of Highways, W. Hopkins, R. Roberts. 1868— Supervisor, D. L. McCawley; Town Clerk, W. H. Morrow; Assessor, F. Bisniski; Collector, S. M. Tilley; Commissioners of Highways, D. Curtis, I. Lytton; Overseers of Highways, L. J. Travis, F. R. Pitner. 1869— Supervisor, D. L. McCawley; Town Clerk, P. C. Kuykendall; Assessor, W. H. Hance; Collector, E. W. Boyles; Commis- sioner of Highways, A. Welty ; Overseers of Highways, J. T. Wells, John Berry. 1870— Supervisor, D. L. McCawley; Town Clerk, J. W. Manker; Assessor, S. M. Tilley; Collector, E. W. Boyles; Commissioner of Highways, W. W. Apperson; Overseers of Highways, A. Elliott, J. Dunn. 1871 — Supervisor, C. McCallister; Town Clerk, C. Peshall (resigned), E. McJilton; Assessor, S. M. Tilley; Collector, W. L. Sperry; Commissioner of Highways, William Holman; Overseers of Highways, W. Kerr, G. D. Thomas. 1872— Supervisor, C. McCallister; Town Clerk, C. Buser; Assessor, S. M. Tilley; Col- lector, P. Kuykendall; Commissioner of Highways, A. Welty; Overseers of High- ways, P. Larimore, J. Holman. 1873— Supervisor, C. McCallister; Town Clerk, S. Holman; Assessor, S. M. Tilley; Collector, I. Mills; Commissioner of High- ways, J. Nogle. 1874 — Supervisor, C. McCallister; Town Clerk, J. Ansbrook; Assessor, M. Brissenden; Collector, J. Manker; Commissioner of High- ways, W. Holman; Overseers of Highways, W. C. Prather, W. Rubens, A. Elliott. 1875 — Supervisor, C. McCallister; Town Clerk, J. Ausbrook; Assessor, M. Brissenden; Collector, J. Manker. 1876— Supervisor, R. E. Duff; Town Clerk, R. O. Harris; Assessor, J. M. Aus- brook; Collector, Isaac Creek; Commissioner of Highways, J. D. Mosley; Overseers of Highways, John Creek, William Rubens, G. Scrughan. 1877 — Supervisor, C. McCallister; Town Clerk, R. O. Harris; Assessor, W. W. Apper- son; Collector, Isaac Creek; Commissioner of Highways, W. Holman; Overseers of Highways, C. Prather, W. Rubens, L. Wells, D. Barnes. 1878— Supervisor, L. Wells; Town Clerk, E. McGilton; Assessor, D. L. McCawley; Collector, J. Quertermous; Commissioner of Highways, A. Hun ley. 1879— Supervisor, I. Mills; Town Clerk. R. T. Fry; Assessor, D. L. McCawley; Col- lector, J. Quertermous; Commissioner of Highways, E. Nagle. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY- 397 1880— Supervisor, C. D Duff; Town Clerk, R. T. Fry; Assessor, D. L. McCawley; Col- lector, H. C. Bothwell; Commissioner of Highways, J. Holinan; Overseers of High- ways, J. Creech, W. Rubens. 1881— Supervisor, I. Mills; Town Clerk, T. Doherty; Assessor, P. Lariinare; Collector, O. D. Schooley; Commissioner of Highway, A. Hunley; Overseers of Highways, J. Creech, J. Travis, J. Sunday. 1882 — Supervisor, J. L. McQuown; Town Clerk, T. Doherty; Assessor, H. Larimare; Collector, J. Quertermous; Commissioner of Highways, J. E.McIlvain; Overseers of High- way, J. Creech, William Rubens, O. Sharp. 1883— Supervisor, R. F. Duff; Town Clerk, S. S. Doherty; Assessor, George Ru- bens; Collector, E. W. Boyles; Commis- sioner of Highways, W. H. Loy; Overseers of Highways, J. S. Gilliland, J. Travis, M. Marshall. Maysville. — The original plat of the town of Maysville was laid out by Daniel May about 1818, and consisted originally of forty acres, and contained 164 lots. The town ex- tended along the old State road originally, and did not go any farther north than Morris Brissenden's house. The only other addition to the town was made in 1850 by R. A. Mead. It consisted of only about ten acres. As early as 1816, some one or two families had formed a little settlement, and to it gave the name of Hubbardsville. In 1818, Daniel May came, aud, as we have already intimated, bought land and finally laid out the town, which he named after himself. He kept an inn, and carried on quite a business. A year or two after ho had secured the location of the county seat at this point, he became dis- heartened with the prospects, and finally went West. Another early settler was Dr. Peter Green. He came about the same time that May did, and was one of the foremost citi- zens in the place. Besides practicing his profession, he also ran a hotel, and finally opened a general store. When the county seat was moved to Louisville, he went there, and subsequently represented the county for a number of years in the Legislature. He finally died in that town in 1870. T. P. Henson was another old settler. He came here about the time the county seat was first located. He was more of a politician than anything else, and was considered a very public-spirited man. Among the first mer- chants in the town was David Duff, who came about 1820. For a number of years, he was one of the leading citizens of the place. He finally died in Clay City about 1867. An- other early merchant in the town was John L. Ridgeway, and still another was a man by the name of Ellston. As we have remarked before, the location of the county seat at this point was secured in 1826, through the instrumentality of Daniel May. The first sessions of the court were held in the old hotel, and it was not until 1830 that the court house was built. Soon after the court house was built, May went West, and the tavern was run by T. P. Henson. Afterward, Dr. Green built a hotel, and finally sold to a man by the name of Treat. Henson also sold his hotel to Caleb Ridgeway, who ran it for a long time. About the time the court house was built, James M. Hoag opened a store at this point. Dr. Green, who had been running a hotel, opened a store also, and G. Harris also ran a store there. In 18-42, the county seat was moved to Louisville, but the town still managed to hold its own. At this time, it contained about 200 inhabitants, and although a num- ber of the citizens followed the court to Louisville, others came, so that the town con- tinued to have about as many people in its confines. About 1842, Thomas J. Bagwell 398 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. came to this place and bought one of the hotels. Here he kept an excellent hostelry until the town of Clay City sprang into ex- istence. About this time, John Brissenden also moved to this point and opened a store, which he ran for a number of years. He finally took in J. K. Bothwell as partner, who in time assumed entire control of the store, and sold goods there until 1862, when he finally moved to Clay City. In 1845, Bag- well put up a horse mill. It was on the Fairfield road, and was run for a number of years. He also served as Postmaster from 1842 to 1851. In 1853 ; J. I. McCawley opened a saloon in the village, which he finally ran into a general store, and about the same time D. L. McCawley also opened a store there. No charter was ever granted the peo- ple of Maysville, and the town was always under the old precinct government. The town's death knell was sounded in the pro- jection of the Ohio & Mississippi road. It had been the intention of the contractors at first to run the road through the town. But having some trouble in securing the right of way, the town finally lost the road, and it was at last surveyed to the north some dis- tance, where the town of Clay City was laid out. And the running of the first train of cars on this road closed the door of prosperity against Maysville, and one by one the mer- chants in that town came to the new place. The last store was finally closed in 1802, and its proprietor came to the more fortunate burg of Clay City. "At a meeting of the School Directors of this district July 12, 1855, T. J. Bag- well was appointed President, and John K. Duff, Secretary." The above is the record of the first meetiug, under the free school system, ever held in this township, of which any record has been kept, and is probably the very first held. The newly elected board of Directors met on the 22d day of September for the purpose of hiring a suitable school teacher, and it was ordered that Joseph C. Godd be hired to teach in said district for a term of three months, at the rate of $20 a month and board. This term of school was not taught in any schoolhouse, for we find that on the 8th day of October the Directors met and decided to build a school house in the district. In order to defray expenses, it was also decided that a tax of $1 on every hundred dollars of taxable property be levied. On the 22d day of January, 1856, F. B. Pitner was elected to the board, in place of J. K. Duff, deceased. On this date, two lots (Nos. 94 and 95), were purchased from Brissenden and Bothwell. The price paid was §25, and the contract for building the house was let to Dennis Hanley, for the sum of $529.48. The building was a frame, and was completed on May 22, 1856. The following statement shows the Directors and teachers for the years following: 1856 — Directors, J. Bagwell, Joseph Crockle, F. K. Pitner (resigned), N. H. Duff. Teachers, Miss Eliza A. Batherton, Miss A. A. Farnsworth, T. J. Gaskell 1857 — Teacher, Miss Phcebe Dunn. 1859— Directors, B. Harris, J. K. Both- well, R. E. Duff. Teacher, J. S. Gray. 1860— Director, S. B Munger. Teacher, Miss Mary Crundwell. 1861 — Director, J. I. McCawley. Teacher, Mrs. Mary A. Covert. On April the 2d, 1861, an election was held in the schoolhouse in old Maysville, for the purpose of deciding upon the removal of the building to the new town of Clay City. There were forty-four votes cast, and of these thirty were for removal, and fourteen against. In October of that year, the building was accordingly removed to Lots 2 and 3, of Block No. 11, in Wilson & Cochran's HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 401 Addition to Clay City. With this removal, the history of the schools of Maysvillo closed and that of Clay City began. Early Churches and Preachers. —The first religious services of any kind ever held in the county were held at the residence of John McCawley. In 1820-21. Lorenzo Dow preached there twice or three times, in his travels through this and other States. In the early days of Maysville, a circuit preacher came once in awhile and preached in a grove that used to stand on part of the farm now owned by Mr. Brown. The grove was com- posed of locust trees, and was the property of Caleb Ridgeway. Old David Stanford was living in this neighborhood at the time; he would hold services in the grove on pleasant Sundays. David Duff finally built a ware- house, and there preaching was held for some time. There was in an early day a man by the name of Schooley held services there. He was a minister of the Christian Church, and was the first pastor of that de- nomination who ever held services in this county. J. K. Bothwoll built a packing house about 1815. and that was used for a church by the Methodists for some time. In I 85 1, the Methodist Church of Maysville was built on ground formerly owned by Mr. Mi- senheimer After the building of the church a society was organized. Among the early members were D. Stanford, Dr. Pitner and wife. Thomas J. Bagwell and wifo, Thomp- son Bothwell and wife, and a family of Chanoys. Among the ministers that preached there at different times were Revs. Stanford, Lam- bert, Thatcher, Roberts and Westman. The latter gentleman was pastor of the congrega- tion when it was finally decided to move the church to Clay City, from which time the history of this church is found in that of the Methodist Episcopal Church of that place. About the time of the building of this church, the first Sunday school in the county was organized under the supervision of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and it was continued in operation until the removal of the church to Clay City. Among the Superintendents were Thomas J. Bagwell and Dr. Pitner, and, later on, Jenkins Manker. The old town of Maysville fared better than many places, in that it had a daily mail, it being on the State road, and over that thoroughfare a mail was run every day be- tween St. Louis and Cincinnati. The village also boasted of two good hotels, and it was the only place, in a distance of fifty miles, where anything could be found that was eat- able, and in the palmy days of emigration to the far West, the town was always full of strangers. A part of the old court house is still standing, and is now part of the resi dence of D. Soules. Clay City. — As already has been stated, it was the original intention of the projectors of theOhio& Mississippi Railroadtorun the rail- road through the old town of Maysvillo. If that had been done, it is probable that the town of Clay City would have never existed even on paper. But the proprietors of the land through which the company wanted the right of way put their price too high, and as a consequence the contractors were compelled to seek another route, and in the end the present line was surveyed. This was in L852, and on July 4, 185"), the first train was run over the road. The first man to foresee the present town of Clay City was Mr. J. D. Perkey, who at that time was a resident of Maysville. In the latter part of 1855, he purchased part of the farm of Francis Ap- person, lying immediately north of the rail- road, and laid out a plat of thirty acres to which he gave the name of Clay City, name- ing it after the count v. A short account of 23 402 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. the founder of this village we think will prove acceptable at this point: Mr. J. D. Perkey was born in New Harmony, Ind., and there grew to manhood. At the time of the discovery of gold, he went to California, and in the fever of speculation that followed he lost and made two or three fortunes. Finally, in 1853, having amassed some means, he came East, and reaching this point on the old Government road, he decided to locate here. He purchased the old Joe Beard farm, near the village of Maysville, but only made one crop, and then came into the town and started a groceiy store, which stood where Morris Brissenden^ house stands now. He did business there for a short time, but being of an unsettled nature, finally again turned his attention to farming, and purchased land in Hoosier Prairie. In the latter part of 1855, as stated above, he bought land and laid out a town to which he gave the name of Clay City. Wishing to insure success to his new venture, he immediately erected a hotel. This building was the first in the present village and is still standing as part of the Mound House. After running the hotel for a short time, he purchased an interest in the store adjoining the hotel, and in connection with Robert Duff ran a grocery store. After doing business for some time, Perkey again becoming dissatisfied, sold out his interests to Duff, and again went to farming. The farm he purchased first was north of town, but selling that out after a year or two, he bought another southeast of Clay City, and ran that for two years. Still unsettled, he next came to this village and opened a harness shop. He carried on this for a number of years, as it had been his trade in an earlier day. But fate seemed to be against him, and he was finally burned out. Becoming disheartened here, he next moved to Robin- eon, 111., where he died in 1877. He was twice married, but only one child is now liv- ing in the person of Homer Perkey, who is now living on a farm in the south part of the township. The first addition to the original plat was that of Wilson & Cochran's Addition. It was a tract of fifty acres, and lay imme- diately south of the railroad. Next, D. D. Duff laid out an addition of ten acres to the ! west of the original plat and on the same side of the railroad. Next, C. H. Sperry laid out a ten-acre addition to the south of Wilson & Cockran's Addition, and J. I. McCawley an addition comprising twenty acres to the east of Sperry's Addition. The last of the addi- tions to the town was that of T. P. Vandever. It was small, and extended east and north of the original plat. In 1869. the limits of the town was finally extended so as to take in the old town of Maysville. Perkey's hotel was the first building erected in the village. The next building was a saloon, put up on the south side of the railroad, by Andrew Moore and George Gill. This building is still standing, and is now used as a meat market. Robert E. Duff moved over from Maysville and erected a small building where the Feldweg brick now stands. This he used as a residence, and he also built a frame next the hotel, where i he opened a store, which he ran for some time. J. I. McCawley having been appointed station agent at this point, put up a small frame, where Figg & Wills' livery stable now stands, and also in partnership with R. E. Duff, next. The next building was put up by Daniel McCawley, on a part of the ground now occupied by his residence property. He brought his stock from Maysville over with him, and sold goods there for some time. Harrison Vandever, now a resident of Flora, came here next from Wayne County, I and putting up a small frame to the east HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 403 of McCawley's store, also opened a general store. He sold out in 18(33 to J. K. Both- well (who up to this time had been doing business in old Maysville), and finally went to Flora. The latter sold goods at that store for a short time, and then moved the build- ing to the south side of the railroad, and it now forms a part of his present store. Thomas J. Bagwell, who had been running a hotel in old Maysville for so many years, came to the place next, and put up a frame where the present building of J. T. Evans & Co. now stands. He associated with himself his son-in-law, Dr J. T. Evans, and afterward Israel Mills. The business was continued under the name of Bagwell, Evans & Co. until 1877, when Mr. Bagwell died. This gentleman, from his arrival in this county in 1842 to his death in 1S77, was one of the controlling factors of the place. In an early day, his hotel was known far and wide, and his income from that alone was considerable. In endeavoring to have a mill located in old Maysville. he spent considerable money, and as has already been stated, he had finally to take hold of it himself. The educational interest of an early day found in him an earnest and most zealous supporter, and it was through his endeavors that the first church of the township was built. Coming to Clay City, he soon became one of the foremost business men of the place, and had a large share of the patronage of the town- ship; and in bis death the township lost one of its best citizens. His wife is still living, at the age of seventy-four, in this city, as well as his four daughters, Mrs. Brissendeu, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Mcllvain. About the next person to come to this town was C. H. Sperry. He built a small store on the ground now occupied by the Odd Fel- lows Hall. He only sold goods there a short time, and afterward taught the first school in Clay City in connection with his wife. From this time the town commenced to im- prove quite rapidly, and now contains about 800 inhabitants. Shannon & Williams were the first to embark in the blacksmith business; John M- Armstrong ran the first carpenter shop, and Dr. Boyles was the first practicing physician that located hero. The first mill in Clay City was put up in 1864 by D. L. McCawley. It was a saw mill, and to it was added a grist mill. The mill has been in constant use ever sinoe, and was in 1882 sold to Messrs. Holman & Markle. by whom it is run at present. Homer Perkey, a son of R. D. Perkey, was the first child born in Clay City, and David D. Duff, Jr., the second. Ever since the laying-out of the village it has steadily improved, and to-day is quite a business point. The following persons are doing business here: General stores, J. K. Bothwell & Son. J. T. Evans & Co., Holman & Coggan, J. N. Duff & Co., Allender & Duff, L. Blessing. Culter & Doherty, drugs. D L. McCawley, C. L. Feldweg, hardware. G. C. Miller, furniture. George Reuben, Martin Armstrong, meat market. Harness-makers, William Dransfield, David A. Soules. Jewelry store, A. R. Kiser. Millinery, Kiser & Armstrong, Mrs. R. A. Blessing. Shoe maker, Henry Knowdell. Hotels, Mound House, Central House. Physicians, E. W. Boyles, T. N. Lowns- dale, J. Quertermous. E. McGilton, lawyer. Stock dealers, Israel Mills, M. Brissenden, A. L. Oder. Commission merchants, J. T. Evans & Co., J. N. Duff & Co., and J. K. Bothwell & Son. 404 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Blacksmiths, V. M. Ohaffey, August Hol- bough and Cyrus Einmens. Livery stable, Figg & Mills. Its main business rooms are located on Main street, running south from the railroad, and are nearly all substantial buildings. There are also a number of fine residences, and the general appearance of the town indi- cates prosperity. The village contains two brick and one frame church and two school buildings, t which receive proper notice in another place. The village boasts also of a Masonic and Odd Fellows Lodge. Both of these organizations have halls of their own, and the history of their respective organiza- tion is given in another place. There is also a post of the Grand Army of the Republic at this point. Although the town of Clay City is located in the extreme eastern edge of the county, still to it is brought an ex- tensive business. Especially has it developed in the last few years into a stock and prod- uce point. The stock shipments from here reached this last season 147 carloads. The commission merchants also do well at this point, the shipments this last season being about 150,000 bushels of grain. There was also shipped from this point about 3,500 bar- rels of apples. The trade in produce, too, has been quite extensive, but the exact amount shipped is not obtainable. One of the interesting features of this little town is its library. The history of this institution dates back to 1870, when the Clay City Li- brary and Literary Association was formed. Prior to this time, a society composed of young folks and known as the "Alpha So- ciety " was in existence, and already pos- sessed some books, which they turned over to the new association. Other books were add- ed until quite a library was formed. The association rented Duff's Hall, and there the books were kept. Here also the society held meetings of a literary nature, once a week, from October to April. These meetings were kept up from year to year until 1883, when the Masonic fraternity taking possession of the hall the meetings had to be discontinued. At present, the library, now numbering about 800 volumes, is kept in Dr. Boyles' office. The affairs of the library are managed by a board of six directors. Its present members are E. W. Boyles, President; R. T. Fry, Secretary; and Dr. T. N. Lownsdale, J. T. Evans, Israel Mills and Henry C. Bothwell. Schools. — As we remarked in closing the history of the schools of Maysville, by a vote of the district the schoolhouse was moved from that village to this town and lo- cated on Lots 2 and 3, in Block No. 11, of Wilson & Cochran's Addition. The re- moval was made about the last of October, 1861, and was conducted by W. H. Hance, who, the record shows, was paid $125 for said removal. C. H. Sperry commenced teaching there on November 1, and taught five months. About the first business that we find that the new board transacted was to order the building painted and a fence built around the lots. This frame was used as a school until 1865, when, on the 4th day of March, there was an election held, on which it was decided to build a new building and sell the old, and the record shows that there were thirty votes cast on each question. There were two sites proposed for the new building, one a lot in Sperry's Addition on Illinois street, the other on part of McCaw- ley's pasture. There were twenty-nine votes cast in favor of the first site, and one in favor I of the second. At the first meeting of the directors after the election, it was decided to borrow $2,060 from the Township Trustees for the purpose of erecting the new building, , and on May 27 the contract was let to F. , M. Potter, for the sum of $3,930. On No- HISTORY OF CLAY COl T NTY. 405 vember 27 of the same year, the building was received, and upon settling with Potter it was found that it had cost $330 more than the original contract price. The building when completed was of brick, two stories high, and contains two rooms. It is the same that is now in use. The frame build ing and lot was suld to Thomas J. Bagwell, and is now the property of Henry C. Evans. It is used by him as a residence. In March, 1868, the directors sold the old school lot in Maysville. The number of scholars in the district kept on increasing until in Ma) . 1869, the directors decided to purchase the old M. E. Church in Maysville, and accom- panying lot. But owing to some reason or other the building was not removed to the lot in this city and used for a school until 1872. At. present, the enrollment and at- tendance is as follows: Average number of children enrolled — males, 93; females, 85; average attendance, 149. The following statement shows the differ- ent directors and teachers in this district from 1861 to the present time. 1861— J. 1. McCawley, J. K. Bothwell, R. E. Duff, Directors; C. H. Sperry, teacher. 1862— .Miss Mary Crnndwell, C. H. Sperry, teachers. 1863— M. Armstrong, Director; I. N. Gwinn. teacher. 1864— E. W. Boyles, Director; Miss Sarah Hulm, teacher. 1865— J. K. Bothwell, Director; William Rutget, Assistant. 1866 — O. D. Schooley, Director. 1867 — Jenkins Manker, Director; J. W. Sprigga, .1. M [Boyles, teacher. 1 80S— J. K. Bothwell, Director; John Eagle, teacher. 1869 — J. H. Thompson, teacher. 1 S70— O. D. Schooley (two years), E. W. C s Boyles (three years). Directors; M. L. Wooden, J. H. Thompson, teachers. 1871 — J. K. Bothwell, Director; record does not show teacher. 1872 — O. D. Schooley, Director; record does not show teacher. 1873— E. W. Boyles, Director; record does not show teacher. 1874— J. K. Bothwell. Director; R. L. Morrow, Maggie Page, Alice Livings, teach- ers. 1875— M. L. Armstrong, Director; T. B. Burley, J. Massey, Cornelia C. Boyles, teach- ers. 1876 — J. Quertermous (two years), J. W. Culter (three years), Directors; T. W. Austin, Emma Massey, Jenny Mills, teach- ers. 1877— George C. Miller, Director; G. H. Page, Emma Brown. Jenny Mills, teachers. 1878— C. M. Pitner, George H. 'Page Amy Boyles, teachers. 1879— H. C. Bothwell. Director; G. H. Page, R. T. Fry, S. G. Alexander, teachers. 1880— J. W. Culter, Director; G. H. Page, Mrs. H. L. Burbank, teachers. 1881— E. W. Boyles, Director; R. T. Fry, Tony S. Doherty, Miss Ella R. Kerr. Miss Lou M. Peak, teachers. 1882 — James Quertermous, Director; R. T. Fry, T. S. Doherty, Miss Lou M. Peak, Miss Emma Armstrong, teachers. 1883— E. W. Boyles, Director; R. T. Fry, J. A.Barnes, Miss Lou M. Peak, Miss Emma Armstrong, teachers. .1/. /•-'. Church. — As we have already stated, what was known as the Maysville appoint- ment of the Methodist Church, was trans- ferred in 1866 to Clay City. And the firs! services ever held at this point, were held at the residence of Jenkins Manker, who, .it that time, was running the Mound House. 406 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Among the members of the church at that time were Dr. F. R. Pitner and family, Thomas J. Bagwell and family, M. L. Arm- strong and family, and Jenkins Manker and family. Meetings continued to be held at the residence of Mr. Manker for nearly a year. Soon after the change of the appoint- ment to this point, steps were taken to build a church. And about the last of December, 1866, the present brick church was finished at a cost of about $2, 500. Services were held about January 1, 1867, the pastor in charge being Hugh Carrington. Among the other ministers who officiated here were Revs. Baird, Lathrop, Oooksey, Brown, Barkley and Hooker. The present pastor is Rev. Frank Loy, who preaches here every Sunday. At present the membership is about 100. With the removal of the church from Mays- ville to this point came the Methodist Sun- day School. The Superintendent at that time was Jenkins Manker, who continued in charge for some time. At present, the atten- dance is about eighty-five, and the school is presided over by the following officers: Super- intendent, M. L. Armstrong; Secretary, Willie Manker; Organist, Mrs. Callie Man- ker: Treasurer, James Osbrooks; teachers, Jenkins Manker, Mrs. Callie Manker, Emma Armstrong and Richard Duff. Christian Church. — The society of the Christian Church of Clay City was organized on March 10, 1871, with ten members, viz.: William Schooley and wife, Greenberry Owen and wife, J. T. Evans, G. W. Bailey and wife, O. D. Schooley and Mrs. Driscoll. The first services of this denomination were held in the Southern Methodist Episcopal Church, by the evangelist, G. P. Slade. In the latter part of the same year, the present brick chapel on Third street was erected, at a cost of about $4,000, and G. P. Slade assumed the duties of the first pastor. The first Elders of the church were Greenberry Owen, John Alcorn and J. T. Evans. Since its first organization, the church has continued to prosper until now it contains about 100 mem- bers. Among the ministers who have watched over the flock have been John A. Williams, J. W. Spriggs, E. Lathrop, E. B. Black, W. F. Black, M. W. Reed and J. T. Baker. The present pastor is John A. Mavity, who has but recently entered upon his duties. The present officers are .1. T. Evans and O. D. Schooley, Elders; and John Hardy, H. J. Daggitt, William Davis, J. E. Mcllvain, S. S. Doherty and J. G. Brown, Deacons; S. H. Doherty, Secretary, and J. T. Mcllvain, Treasurer. The Sunday school in connection with this organization was organized on February 25, 1S72, with a membership of about one hundred. The first Superintendent was J. T. Evans. The present membership is about the same as at the start. The pres ent officers are Superintendent, J. T. Evans; Assistant Superintendent, William Davis; Treasurer, J. E. Mcllvain; Secretary, A. Doherty; Organist, Mrs. Mcllvain. Methodist Church South or as it is known better, as the Southern Methodist Church of Clay City, was organized in 1869. It was a split off from the Methodist Episco- pal Church of this place. The originators of the organization were A. Chaney and daugh- ters, Henry Cbaney and wife, J. B. Smith and wife, Smith Tilley and wife, Mrs. Cas- sandra Evans and E. McGilton. The first meetings of the society were held in the old Methodist Church at Mays vi lie, and this building continued to be used as a place of meeting for about one year. Soon after the organization, the erection of their church, which now stands on Fifth street, between Main and Illinois streets, was commenced, but it was not completed for at least one year. The cost of the structure was about $2,400, HISTORY OF ri. AY COUNTY. 407 ami siuce then considerable repairs have been added. The first pastor was Rev. Preston. Among the other ministers who have preached here since, have been Revs. Beagle, Mc- Inally, Bvandsetter, Sevier, Buzley and Reed. The present minister in charge is Rev. Prickett, who holds services there on the first and third Sundays of the month. The Sunday school in connection with this organization was started about 1870. Its first Superinten- dent was J. L. Pitner, followed by A. J. Liv- ing. At present the attendance is about fifty. The present officers are J. B. Smith, Superintendent; Secretary, S. M. Tilley; and Treasurer. Charles Chaney. Among the teachers are Silas Alexander and Mrs. Wough. The Masonic Fraternity. — Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M.. was organ- ized on April 16, 1868. The charter mem- bers numbered ten. Among them were Thomas J. Bagwell. W. C. Cassell, J. C. "Williams, James McKinley, Hamilton Bald- win, J. T. Evans, Henry Archibalds, F. J. Musser and C. Cole. The first officers were: Thomas J. Bagwell. Worshipful Master: Charles Turner. Senior "Warden; C. Cole, Jun- ior Warden; J. T.Evans, Secretary; and Robert Duff, Treasurer. The first meeting of the lodge was held in the second story of an old store room that stood on the north side of the railroad. Afterward the lodge fitted up a hall in Bagwell, Evans & Co.'s building, which they used for many years. In Febru- ary. 1883, the fraternity purchased the hall in J. I. McCawley's brick building, and havo since fitted it up in fine style, ai a cost of about $1,350, and at present it is one of the finest halls in Southern Illinois. Its mem- bership is now about forty, ;md its present corps of officers is: J. T. Evans, W. M. ; C. L. Feldweg, S. W. ; J. C. Miller, J. W. ; J. N. Duff, Treas.; J. E. Mcllvain, Sec; H. C. Bothwell, S. D. ; D. G. Tilley, J. D. ; and William Dransfield, Tiler. The Odd Fellows Lodge. — Clay City Lodge, No. 384, I, O. O. F. , was organized on March 20, 1869. The first charter members were Morris Brissenden, John Taggart, C.Cole, C. L. Feldweg and Henry Brissenden, and its first officers were: Noble Grand, John Tag- gart; Vice Grand, Morris Brissenden; Secre- tary, Albert Rolsavas; and Treasurer, G. C. Miller. The first meetings were held in C. L. Feldweg's Hall, and this hall continued to be used until December, 1S82, when the lodge purchased the Hardesty property on Main street, at a cost of about $600, and put about as much money in improvements on the hall, which is now fitted up very taste- fully. The building is 24x58 feet, two stories high, and there is a large store room underneath the hall. At present the mem- bership of the lodge is about thirty -three. The present officers of the lodge are: Noble Grand, E. McGilton; Vice Grand, Sylvester Foster: C. L. Feldweg, Secretary; and John Weiler, Treasurer. The trustees are E. Mc- Jilton, H. J. Daggitt, Morris Brissenden, Henry Brissenden and Henry C. Bothwell. The lodge meets on every Saturday night. On the 10th of June, 1865, the town was re-organized, and the following persons were elected Trustees: E. W. Boyles, Justus Beach. D. L. McCawley, Jacob Myers and R. E Duff. D. L. McCawley was chosen Presi dent, and R. E. Duff, Clerk; F. A. Black Constable; R. E. Duff, Treasurer; D. L McCawley, Assessor; and F. A. Black , Col- lector, and Superintendent of Streets. On September 14, the board ordered the first sidewalk of the city, to be laid from the post office, and running west to the corner of D. L. McCawley's lot, whore a crossing was also ordered; and thence from McCawley & Duff's store to the railroad platform. 408 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. From that time, each year the people of the village elected the Trustees, and the board in turn chose the other officers. The following statement shows the officers of the different years: 1866— D. L. McCawley, R. E. Duff, J. G. McSch&olter, Justus Beach, William Bris- senden, members of the board; R. E. Duff, Clerk; R. E. Duff, Treasurer. 1867— William Brissenden, D. L. McCaw- ley, R. E. Duff, J. I. McCawley, C. L. Feldweg, members of the board; R. E. Duff, Clerk; R. E: Duff, Treasurer. 1868— D. L. McCawley, C. L. Feldweg, R. E. Duff, J. I. McCawley, Charles Peshall, members of the boa-d; R. E. Duff, Clerk; R. E. Duff. Treasurer. On the 27th day of March, 1869, the Leg- islature passed an act incorporating the vil- lage of Clay City, and granted a special charter for its government. An election was held under this charter in June, 1869, when D. L. McCawley, R. E. Duff and J. I. Mc- Cawley were elected Trustees. Richard E. Duff was chosen Treasurer; William Black- lidge, Superintendent of Streets; and Will- iam B. Shepherd, Constable. The following statement shows the village officers appointed and elected subsequently: 1870— D. L. McCawley, J. I. McCawley, R. E. Duff, Trustees; R. E. Duff, Clerk: Johnson Martin, Superintendent of Streets. 1871— M. Brissenden, C. L. Feldweg, I. Creek, T. A. Martin, Trustees; Chris Buser, Treasurer; R. S. Riney, A. J. Gordon, Con- stables; David Lewis, Superintendent of Streets. 1872 — Thomas Martin, John Ansbrook. Israel Mills, Trustees; Chris Buser (resigned), S. Holman, Town Clerk; Chris Buser (re- signed), S. Holman, Treasurer: J. Ander- son, Constable; David Lewis, Superintendent of Streets. 1873— T. A. Martin, J. M. Ausbrook, John Taylor, C. I. Pennybacker, Trustees ; S. Hol- man, Clerk; S. Holman, Treasurer; Johnson Martin, Superintendent of Streets. The town was re-organized in 1871 under the general State laws, and the following are the list of officers: 1874— Trustees, J. K. Bothwell, C. Cole, F. R. Pitner, I. Creek, H. J. Daggett, Thom- as Mills; Town Clerk, J. G. Hance; Treas- urer, J. K. Bothwell; Constable, David Bar- nett; Commissioner Streets, Joseph Barnes. 1875— Trustees, D. L. McCawley, Jabez Coggan, J. M. Ausbrook, Silas Alexander, D. N. Soules, A. Hunley; Town Clerk, J. Quertermous; Treasurer, R. E. Duff; Consta- ble, D. M. Barnett; Commissioner Streets, W. Blacklidge (resigned), A. Hunley. 1876— Trustees, H. C. Bofhwell, J. W. Manker, C. L. Feldweg, J. M. Billings, Israel Mills, David Railey; Town Clerk, Silas Alexander; Treasurer, Samuel Holman ; Con- stable, D. M. Barnett; Commissioner Streets, Nathan Martin. 1877— Trustees, C. Feldweg, M. Brissen- den, David Railey, S. M. Tilley, John Tay- lor, V. M. Chaffey; Town Clerk, W. L. Har- ris; Treasurer, D. L. McCawley; Constables, J. Blacklidge (resigned), H. Bare (resigned), D. M. Barnett; Commissioner Streets, Ira Cook. 1878— Trustees, M. Brissenden, David Tilley, A. J. Simmons, H. C. Bothwell. W. Brissenden, G. C. Miller; Town Clerk, E. McGilton; Treasurer, D. L. McCawley; Con- stable, J. Brummett; Commissioner Streets, James G . ; : < i . 1879— Trustees. M. Brissenden, J. D. Al- lender, J. T. Evans, D. G. Tilley, O. D. Schooley, F. M. Schooley; Town Clerk, E. McGilton; Treasurer, Charles Duff; Consta- ble, J. Brummett; Commissioner Streets, S. Alexander. EISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 409 1880— Trustees, D. G. Tilley, W. Brissen- den, J. Mcllvain, J. Quortermous, O. D. Schooley, J. D. Allender; Town Clerk, E. McGilton; Treasurer, Charles Duff; Consta- ble, J. JBrumniett ; Couitnissioner Streets, H. N. Wilsej . 188] -Trustees, M. Brissenden, H.J. Dag- gitt.A. C. McFadden; Town Clerk, E. McGil- ton; Treasurer, C. D. Duff; Constable, ft. S. Riney; Commissioner Streets, H. N. Wilsey. 1882— Trustees, O. D. Schooley, D. G. Tilley, H. Brissenden; Town Clerk, E. L. Dickson; Treasurer, C. D. Duff; Constable, R. S. Riney; Commissioner Streets, A. G. Brown. 1S83— Trustees, H. L. Daggitt, M. L. Arm- strong, A. R. Keyser; Town Clerk, E. McGil- ton; Treasurer, C. D. Duff; Constable, R. S. Riney; Street Commissioner, John Gregory, (resigned), H. N. Wilsey. CHAPTER X1J. STANFORD TOWNSHIP— ITS LOCAL HISTORY— TOPOGRAPHY— ITS NAME— STANFORD FAMILY- JUDGE N. H. DUFF— J. K. BOTHWELL— FIRST SETTLERS AND THE ORDER OF THEIR COMING— SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES— ANECDOTES— LYNCH COURT- EARLY PREACHING AND HUNTING— A WOLF STORY- TOWNSHIP RECORD AND OFFICERS, ETC., ETC. " he who i^oes In the full strength of years, matron and maid And the sweet babe and the gray-headed man Shall one by one, be gathered to thy side, By those who in their turn shall follow them." — Bryant. RECURRENCES of the past with the recollections which make it pass in life like review before our mental vision will con- tinue to be as of yore, a source of satisfac- tion especially when they connect themselves with incidents reflected back from our own experience. Local history more than any other com- mands the most interested attention, for the reason that it is a record of events, in which we have a peculiar interest, as many of the participants traveled tho rugged and thorny pathway of life as our companions, ac- quaintances and relatives. The township of Stanford, which forms the subject of the •Ry F. S Tyler. following pages, is a somewhat diversified and broken body of land, lying a little east of the central part of the county. The following townships form its boundaries: Hoosier on the north, Clay City on the east, Wayne County on the south and Harter on the west, and comprising under the Congres- sional survey the whole of Town 3 north and one-half of Town 2 north, Range 7 east. Originally a large part of the township formed part of Maysvillo Precinct, but in 1802 the present township was given the name of Stanford, in honor of one of the oldest families in tho township. Tho sur- face of the township is somewhat varied. On the north it is very low, and swampy along the Little Wabash. In the central portion, it is somewhat high and rolling and this portion of the township consists of a long, undulating prairie extending from southeast to northwest, forming a part of 410 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. the famous ''Long Prairie." This prairie contains the best farming and grazing land of the township. It is from three to four miles in width and extends clear across the township. In the southern portion of the township the land is also low and swampy along the banks of Elm Creek. A portion of this part of the township is somewhat rolling however, the bottom land lying in patches of small extent. Originally from a half to three- fourths of the township's area consisted of timber land. A part of this has of late years been cleared and brought into cultivation. A large amount of valuable timber was cut down and wasted in an early day. Still there is quite an amount in ex- istence, especially in the northern part of the township, along the banks of the Little Wabash River. Here it is to be found in abundance, and consists mostly of the fol- lowing varieties: Walnut, oak (of several different kinds, among them being pin, red and water oak), sycamore, hickory, ash, etc., with a thick growth of underbrush, chiefly hazel. The timber in the southern portion of the township has been cleared away to a considerable extent, and the land thus cleared forms very fair farming land. The soil of the prairie land is mostly of light color, and in some places of a white clayey nature. In the north and south, the soil is a black loam, interspersed with clay. As an agricultural district, this division of the county is as good and better than its sister townships, especially in the prairie land. Large crops of corn, wheat and other cereals are raised. Of late years, a good deal of at- tention has been paid to stock-raising. Also in the last few years many of the better class fo farmers are devoting considerable atten- tion to horticulture, and especially to the culture of the apple. The Ohio & Mississippi Railroad passes through the township, and although there has been no town in the township, yet it has been the means of developing its resources by bringing its rich farming lands into easy communication with towns both on the east and west. The chief stream of the township is the Little Wabash, which enters its con- fines near the northwest corner in Section 6, and flows in an easterly course about two miles. Then making considerable of a turn, continues its course in a southeasterly direc- tion, until it reaches the farm of Mr. Trim- ble in Section 12, where it makes a horse- shoe bend. It flows from there in a north- easterly course, and crosses the eastern boundary in Section 12. It is a running stream all the year, and during certain sea- sons it becomes a raging torrent, frequently overflowing its banks for considerable dis- tances, on either side, and sometimes does a great deal of damage. The chief tributary of the Little Wabash is Buck Creek. It is the third stream in size in the township, flowing in a general easterly direction, and empties into the Little Wabash in Section 10. Elm Creek, the second stream in size in the town- ship, traverses the territory in a general south- ern direction. It eaters the township in Sec- tion 19, and continues southeasterly until it reaches the center of Section 30. From that point it continues almost due south until it crosses the county. Its main branch is Seminary Creek, which empties into it from the west. Little Muddy, in the extreme northeast, and Raccoon Creek, in the extreme southwest, are the other streams in the town- ship worthy of mention. The early roads through the woods and over the hills and prairies of this township were mere paths and Indian trails, and after- ward improved by the people and made into highways. The first road that was legally surveyed and established in the county. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Ill passed tlirough the central portion of the township in an easterly direction. It was known as the old State road, and now as the Clay City & Flora road. As early as 1810 it was an old Indian trace. Surveyed by the State about ISIS, it has been in use ever since. Although the original route has been changed some since, it is still about the same road that over which, in a very early day, the tide of emigration poured toward the West. The first white man who broke the solitude of nature within the present limits of Stan- ford was Moses Berry, one of the oldest pioneers of Clay County. He settled a lit- tle north of the central part of the township, near the Little Wabash, about the year 1820, and made a small improvement in Section 14. the land where he lived now forming part of the Joe Beard farm. He came from Vir- ginia. After living a short time by himself, his two brothers. Isaac and William, arrived. They only lived a short time in this town- ship, and then William went to Wayne County, where he lived until his death. A sou of his, C. R. Berry, is now living in the southeast part of the township. Isaac emi- grated to the northwest part of the State. Muses was again left alone, and resided by himself until about 1828, when William Duff, N. H. Duff and Richard Apperson came to this county. Dull' bought the im- provement of Berry's and settled there. The latter went West and was soon after lost track of. The life and character of this pioneer (Duff) deserves more than a passing notice. He was born in Washington County, Ya., in about 1800, and his youth and early manhood was spent in his native State. Marrying a Miss McSpadden, he soon after came to this county, accompanied by his cousins, David D. and N. H. Duff. The two latter settled in old Maysville, where they turned their atten- tion to mercantile pursuits. William, how- ever, being fitted more for the life of a hunter and trapper, came to this township. A large amount of his time was spent in fish- ing in the Little Wabash, and hunting in the surrounding forests. In later years, however, he turn ed his attention to farming, and finally entered eighty acres of land on which he resided until his death in 1851. He was a man of sterling integrity, although not a professed Christian, and was well and favorably known throughout the county during the earlier days of its history. 'He left a wife and some seven children, who, a short time after his death, removed to Northern Alabama. Two of the sons subse- quently perished in the rebellion, but the remainder of the family are still living there. N. H. Duff, or as he is more commonly known Judge Duff, first came to this county in 1820 with his brother David; but in 1822 he moved into Stanford Township and settled on the farm now owned by J. M. Chaffin. As this man afterward made a very important figure in the history of this county, we deem it best to insert a brief sketch of his life at this point: Judge N. H. Duff was born in Washington County, Va. , on March 25, 1808. He was a son of John and Mary (Dryden) Duff. The father was a son of Samuel Duff, who came from Ireland to this country some time prior to the Revolu- tion. He brought with him his wife, Bar- bara, who was also a native of Ireland, and settled first in Pennsylvania. There his sons John and William were born, and when John was quite young the father moved to Washington County, Va. There the grandmother died in 1812, and the grand- father in 1818. John grew to manhood, and there married. His wife was a native of England. To them were born nine children, of whom Nathaniel H. was the seventh. Judge Duff remained at home with his 410 BTISTORY OF CLAY ciU'NTV. father until twenty-one, having in that time received but a limited education. He then commenced to learn the trade of a black- smith. He thon came to this county with his brother David, on whose farm he worked for some time. After remaining here a year, he returned again to Virginia, and worked a year on his father's farm. In 1830. he, with his cousin William, came to this county. William, as stated above, immediately set- tled in Stanford. But Judge Duff settled in Maysville, and worked at his trade. His health finally failed him and he was com- pelled to quit the business. He next farmed near Maysville for two years, and then moved into what is now this township. He first entered eighty acres of land. This he after- ward increased to 120 acres. On this farm he remained until 1843, and then sold to John L. Apperson. From there he removed to a farm about two miles northwest, now owned by R. F. Duff. On this farm he re- mained until 1848, and then came to Mays- ville. and purchased the store of David Duff, which he continued for seven years. He then came to the new town of Clay City and went into partnership with Robert E. Duff. He merchandized here for some little time, and then turned his attention to stock-raising. For some vears he has been living: a retired life, and is now making his home with his daughter. Mrs. J. B. Figg. In the political history of this county, I Judge Duff has been a prominent figure. In 1851. he was elected to the office of County Judge, his associates being Loofboro and Davis. He served in this capacity uutil 1862, when the township organization came into effect. He was ni'xt elected the first Justiee'of the Peace of Clay City Township, and served in that capacity three terms. He was also a member of the Board of Super- visors for two or three years. A more ex- ' tended mention of the Judge's private life will be found in the sketch of his son, R. F. Duff, of Clay City Township. Apperson pre-empted land adjoining the farm of Duff in Section 14. The land thus entered now also forms part of the Joe Beard farm. He resided there until his death iu 1860. One of his daughters was the first wife of Judge N. H. Duff, of Clay City. Another married Thomas Ausbronk, who af- terward settled on an adjoining farm. The first settlement to be made on the prairie was that of James L. Wickersham. He came from Kentucky about 1830, and made an improvement in Section 23. This man was an odd genius. After building a rude cabin, he turned his attention to hunt- ing, from which he derived most of his sub- sistence, and many are the stories told of his encounters with the beasts of the forest. H^ professed to understand the curative proper- ties of the different herbs, and was a true specimen of what Eggleston calls a " corn doctor." He was also somewhat of a petti- fogger, and later on in the history of the county he practiced in the Justices' courts. At present, there are none of his descendants now living here. He finally sold out his im- provement to Elisha Weller, who came from Kentucky about 1835. The latter lived on that place for some time, and then purchased the farm that Duff had been living on. From there he finally moved to Winterset, Iowa, and from there to California, where he is still living. About 1838, John Baylor and Jonas Bis- sey, two Pennsylvania Dutchmen, came to this township and settled in the southeast part. Baylor settled in Section 1 of Town- ship 2 north, and finally became one of the foremost farmers of the township. He finally died in 1879. Two of his sons, J. M. and David, are still living in the township. Bis- HISTORY OF CLAY idl'NTY. 113 sey settled in the adjoining section. He was a carpenter by trade, but did not follow it after his arrival here. Ho built a cabin, but died a year or two after his arrival here. A son of his, H. J. Bissey, is living on a farm adjoining the one on which his father settled. Some time in the same year, Aaron Finch came from Indiana to this township and set- tled in Section 35. There he lived until his death in 1860. A sou of his, John E. Finch, lived on the farm until about 1878, when ho also died The son's widow is now the wife of John Blacklidge of Clay City. Probably the most important family of pioneers in this section of the country was that of the Stanfords. after whom the town- ship is now named. The first of the family came here in 1838, and the name continues to hold a respectable place in the county. The family consisted of six brothers— Sam- uel. David, William, Mordecai, Isaac and Abraham — and the mother. The first to come here was Samuel, in 1838, followed by David and Isaac; then in 1839 by the widow with the two younger children, Mordecai and Will- iam, and in 1841 by Abraham. The father. John Stanford, and the mother, Bessie Austin, were both natives of Maryland. The grand- father Stanford came from England in a very early day, and settled in that State, and there the father and mother were married. From there they went to Armstrong County, Penn., and there the three older brothers were born — Abraham, in 1808; Samuel, in 1810; and Isaac, in 1812. In the early part of 1817, the family came to Pike County, Ohio, where they settled, and there David was born in 1817; William, in I821j and Mordecai, in 1823. In 1826, the father died in Ohio, and in 1830 the mother removed with her family to Tippecanoe County, Iud., there making a pioneer settlement. In 1838, Samuel, being the most adventurous spirit, started out in search of another pioneer country. He came j to this county and made a settlement in this township in Section 22, on the old State road. He then returned to Indiana, and told to the rest of the family the news of the new land farther West. And accordingly all the fam- ily except Abraham made arrangements to start. Their journey to the new territory was typical of the journeys of other pioneers to this region. They came in wagons, and their trip was fraught with much danger. Samuel, as mentioned above, settled down in Section 22, and soon became the most opu- lent of the family. In 18G3, he went to Flora and began merchandising. He re- mained there till 1875, and then returned to his farm in this township, where he died in January, 1879. He was twice married, and his second wife, Eachel Stanford, is still liv- ing with her children — Hannah, Newton, Samuel, Orpha and Jane. Three children by his first wife are also living — Mrs. Barshe- bahEwing, in Kansas, and Charles and Milton in this township. David settled in Section 27, and was tho best known of all the brothers. He was an ordained Elder and local preacher in the Methodist Church, and preached from when he was eighteen until he was tifty-seven. He preached in different places in this county, and was one of the first preachers of the .Methodist denomination that held services in this county. His death occurred on April 1, L870. His widow, Mary Stanford, and five younger children are still living on the old home place. Of the older children, Austin is now in Clay City Township; Lloyd, in Northern Illinois; and Bosnian, in this town- ship. The mother, with her two sons, AVill- iara and Mordecai, settled in Section 2,3, where sho died in 1866. William, upon reaching manhood, settled down near the home farm, and is still living there. Mor- 414 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. decai remained at home with his mother un- til about twenty-three years of age, and then settled down in Section 25, where he resided until his death in 1872. His widow, Mrs. Rebecca Stanford, and two children are still living on the home farm. Of the older chil- dren, Mrs. Mary Jane Baylor is in this town- ship, Mrs. Nancy Lamp, also in this town- ship, and Mrs. Leonard is in Champaign County. Isaac settled down in Section 8, of Town 2, in the southwest part of the town- ship, and is still residing there. Abraham, the last one of the brothers to come, arrived in this township in 1841, and settled down in Section 22. He is still living on the same place that he entered over forty years ago, at the hale old age of seventy-five. One of his children, Mrs. Eliza Jane Williams, is still living on the home farm, and another, Lewis, is in Clay City Township. Among other pioneer settlers of an early day might be mentioned the following per- sons: Rosman Long came here in 1839 with the Stanfords. This gentleman was born in Western Ohio in 1804; grew to manhood there, and then came to Indiana, where he married Miss Hannah Stanford, a sister of the brothers just mentioned. Long settled first in Section 16, near the seminary school- house, and afterward moved into the Baylor settlement, where he died in 1868, and his wife in 1879. Quite a large family of chil- dren are still living — Rachel Bissey in this township, Benjamin in Xenia, Daniel in Hartev Township, and Mrs. Rachel Furger- son in Mitchell, Ind. Two other pioneers accompanied Abraham Stanford to this town- ship in 1841. They were Noble Conkling and David BateB. Both were born in Carroll County. Ind. Conkling settled down in Sec- tion 16, and lived there for a number of rears, but finally moved back to Indiana, where he died. Bates settled in Section 8, of Town 2. There he resided until 1849, and then went to California, where he finally died. His widow finally returned to this county, and is now living with her son Albert in Clay City Township. John Riley settled here in 1838, in Section 8, and resided there some years, but finally moved to Missouri, where he was lost sight of. One of the earliest settlers of the county now living in the township is J. T. Bothwell, who came to this county in 1840. This gen- tleman was born in Athens County, Ohio, September 16, 1816. His father was a na- tive of Scotland, and came to this country when eight years old with his parents, who settled in Greensburg, Va. Mr. Bothwell received an education in the subscription schools of Ohio, and afterward learned the trade of a journeyman tailor. This vocation he followed for some years in different parts of Ohio, and in November, 1840, he came to Maysville and followed his trade there for some time. He then opened a stock of mer- chandise, and was soon after appointed sta- tion agent for the stage company at that point, and also Postmaster. He remained in Maysville following different occupations until April, 1851, when he came to his pres- ent farm. He first purchased 120 acres, and to-day he is one of the leading farmers of the county. One of his sons, J. C. , is an enter- prising farmer of Wayne County; a daugh- ter, Alice, is the wife of Dr. T. N. Lownsdale, of Clay City Township, but the remainder of a largo family of children are living in the West. This comprises the early settlement of Stanford, as far as we have been able to learn, though there may be other names equally entitled to mention in these pages. Their early struggles and hardships and trials incident to the pioneer's life are but a repetition of those experienced by all settlers HISTORY OF ('LAV COUNTY. 415 in a new anil uninhabited region. Many daring deeds by these unknown heroes have passed into oblivion, and many of the fore going list who labored hard to introduce civilization into this part of the country now lie in obscure graves, unmarked by the sim- ple epitaph. Those of the number who still live little thought as they first gazed upon the broad waste of prairie, the unmolested grove tangled with brush and brier, that all this wilderness in their own day would be made to blossom as a garden. Little thought had they of seeing beautiful homos, waving fields of grain, green pastures and grazing herds, where the bounding deer and crouch- ing wolf then held unmolested sway. "All honor to these irray old men. For they've conquered stubborn soil." As already has been mentioned, that part of Stanford Township lying east of Elm Creek was originally a part of old Maysville Pre- cinct, and the early pioneers of this section of the county assisted the people of the coun- ty seat in the administration of the govern- ment. In an early day, especially from 1830 to 1810, a gang of horse-thieves and desperadoes committed many depredations here. In fact, farmers found that even their lives were not safe at times, and no one could keep a horse unless the animal was blind or lame. It was thought and also charged that some of the most influential people of the county were in league with them. When any arrests were made, the prisoners were imme- diately let loose on straw bail and made good their escape; or, if tried, the court on many occasions found them innocent. Finally, hav- ing seen justice thwarted in so many cases, a number of the best citizens organized a vigi- lance committee and undertook to put down the gang. It was their custom as soon as a man had been arrested to take him from the jail, strip him to the waist and whip him with hickory withes. One Sunday, a man who was known to be a horse-thief, was seen in the town, and some of the committee started in pursuit. Ho ran out to the west edge of Clay City Township, and finally disappeared in one of the many little groves that at that time stood southwest of the town. The crowd, which by this time had been considerable augmented, followed him and soon surrounded the grove. A search in the woods, howover, did not reveal the cul- prit, and the crowd were about to return to town when one of the men noticed the thief perched securely in the top of an oak tree. One of the vigilantes ordered him to come down. The summons being refused, a man was dispatched to a neighboring cabin for a couple of axes. These being brought, two of the most prominent of the committee (one of them is still a leading citizen of this town- ship), each took an axe, and commenced to chop down the tree. The horse-stealer stood it for some time, thinking they would not persevere, but as the treo began to waver, the man climbed down the tree and gave himself up to the officers. The prisoner was taken to jail and his captors refused to allow him to be bailed. They formed a body guard, and watched the jail for nearly three months for fear that some one would rescue him. How- ever, his trial finally came off and he was clearod, the court bein( N IV. 139 yard. If the young and gay of the present generation should condescend to read these pages, may they do so with an increased ven- eration for the memories of the generation past. Songer Township was not settled as early as the townships adjoining it. Its settlers of the tirst three decades were principally from Indiana, Washington County of that State furnishing tho greater part. This faot in- sured the settlement against " clannishness," so often observed in a settlement composed of a representation from sections of the coun- try remote from each other. They were hardy, industrious people, and given to hos- pitality and deeds of kindness, the genuine- ness of which was proven by the fact that these deeds of kindness were extended not only to neighbors but to the stranger as well. Of the tirst settlers, Alexander Cookrell came about 1825 from Washington County, Ind., and settled in Section 19 of Songer Township. In 1828, two brothers, Jacob and John Colclasure, from the same State, came and settled in Sett ion 26, where some of their descendants still live. Their father, Abram Colclasure, came a few years later, and settled in the same neighborhood, to which he proved a valuable annex, he being one of the most industrious and enterprising of the then sparsely settled country. He died about 1858, and left a large number of relatives who are still residents of the town- ship. Edmund Golden settled in the east part of the township, about the same date as did the Colclasures. He was also from Indiana and died several yoars ago, leaving as a legacy to the county, two sons of sterling worth — W csley and Thomas Golden — who now live in the west part of Harter Township. Sam- uel Songer came as early as 1828, and settled in Section 33, in the southern part. Giles Songer settled in the western part in Con- ner's Prairie in 1830. Of these men we have spoken elsewhere; but one opinion is rendered of these families. Micajah Brooks came from Indiana in 1830, and made set- tlement at the head of Raccoon Creek, to which place he was accompanied by his three sons— Silas, William and Elijah Brooks— and also his son-in-law. William Hill. Micajah Brooks was characterized by a desire to ac- complish something in life, and especially desired to have a well-tilled coffer to console him in the hour of his death; to this end he adopted the motto " get all you can (honor- ably of course), and keep all you get," and it is said of him that he actually boasted of having been for twenty-five yoars a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the sup- port of which had cost him but two bit*. Those acquainted with the financial policy of that particular church will need no further guaranty of this brother's saving grace. A Mr. Hampton was one of the earliest men in the township, and located in the northwest- ern part, at what was known for many vears as Hampton's Point. Hampton was tho first man in that portion of the country to undertake the cultivation of the prairie land. He broke and planted a Held of corn as an experiment, and was for a time regarded by his neigbors with a mixture of pity and surprise; this, however, was soon changed to admiration, as thev saw him gather a bountiful crop, which was pro- duced with a small amount of labor, and without any fence, the deer which were plentiful, being the only source of loss to the crop. Where or when Hampton died is unknown to us. A son, Turner Hampton, was for several years a resident of tho township. William George, who was mentioned in another chapter in connection with the firs) marriage, settled in the township about 440 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 1833. He located on the place now occupied by William Anderson. He was followed to the same place by Benjamin Hodges, the first blacksmith of the township. Isaiah Bradley and family, including his son James Bradley, settled in the township, Section 20, some time previous to the year 1840. The development of Songer Township has kept pace with other portions of the county, though it contains no railway nor village. Neither can it claim any attraction not pos- sessed by other and adjoining townships, unless it be the mineral springs, in Section 26, and owned by R. R. Colclasure. These springs are several in number, and each dif- fers from the rest in the character of its min- eral ingredients, the sulphur, iron and mag- nesia being the chief attractions. Some attention has been given to the preservation of these springs by Mr. Colclasure, and many who have used of their waters are ready to pronounce them of great value. "Where the first schoolhouse in the township was located, and who the first teacher was cannot now be definitely determined, but the best infor- mation points to the Colclasure settlement as the location of the first school; and to Hen- ry Stipp or Rev. Whiteley, a pioneer Bap- tist minister. The township is now well supplied with sehoolhouses, where are kept schools which favorably compare with any in Clay County. The first religious services in Songer Town- ship were held by the Baptists, Rev. Whiteley or Benjamin Coats conducting them. At the present time the township contains but two churches, the Cumberland Presbyterian and the United Presbyterian Church, both in the western part. CHAPTER XVI. BLAIR TOWNSHIP— FULL ACCOUNT OF ALL THE PIONEERS AND PEOPLE DOWN TO DATE- INCIDENTS— CHARACTERS— CHURCHES— SCHOOLS— TOWN OFFICERS, ETC. THE division of Clay County known as Blair Township is bounded on the north by Effingham County, on the east by Bible Grove Township, on the sonth by Louisville Township, and on the west by Larkinsburg Township. In the spring of 1862, it commenced to do business under township organization. The eastern portion of the township is drained by Panther Creek, and the western part by the Little Wabash River, and Lucas Creek, one of its tributaries, and in the extreme southwest corner by Dismal Creek. Panther Creek rises in Section 12, and flows first south and then southeast, leaving the town- ship in Section 35. Its bottoms are well timbered with soft and hard wood. It de- rived its name from the fact that panthers made it their haunts in an early day, and the skins were an article of commerce with the new comers. Some very fine farming land lies on each side of this creek, which fact seems to have been well known to the early pioneer. Lucas Creek rises in Effingham County; it enters this township in Section 3, and flows southwest till it enters the Little Wabash in Section 20. The Little Wabash enters the township in the northwest corner in Sec- HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 141 tion 6, and flows south; it makes many grace- ful curves, and leaves the township in Sec- tion 33. It furnished water- power to the pioneer mills which were erected on its banks. Among the first mills was Isaac Cole- man's grist and saw mill, put up about 184*2, and continued about fifteen years, when it burned down. It was located in the north- west corner of Section 29. Another saw mill was put up by Tom Pettijohn, probably in Section 32. On Ihe banks of the Little Wabash a tragedy was enacted near what is known as the Coleman Mill. John Osborne, who was running the mill, was killed by an unknown man while Osborne stood in his own door talking to his wife. Suspicion pointed to Pettijohn, the owner of the other mill, who ran off and has not been heard from since. The Little Wabash in Blair Township has witnessed many tragedies and mysteries. In the northern part of the township they seem shrouded in mystery. Many bard cases set- tled near the stream in an early day, and many dark deeds were committed. But few of the perpetrators could be brought to justice. Among the principal vices that could be found among the early settlers of the Little Wabash bottoms were those of counterfeiting. and horse and hog stealing, which latter vo- cation was conducted with great skill and success, but to which the better class of citi- zens put a stop to during the war by organ- izing regulators. About the year 1835, a man by the name of Snelling shot another man by the name of Robison in a quarrel. Robison was at- tended by Dr. P. S. Green, but died shortly afterward from his wounds. In the same vicinity, about 1845, a man by the name of James Pugh was killed by Dave Landreth, who hit Pugh on the head with a slab board while he was re-entering his own house, out of which he had been called by Landreth. The latter was arrested and held to bail, but ran off to parts unknown, much to the satis- faction of the people. The killing created a big excitement all over the county. Blair Township was named by Henry R. Neff, who was formerly a resident of this township, but now a resident of Louisville. He named it in honor of Josiah, Jesse and James Blair, who were the heads of families which settled here in 1837 and 183'J. Al- though a number of families settled in the limits of this township previous to this date, yet little or nothing could be learned as re- gards their present existence or departure from the township. They were mainly hunt- ers anil trappers, and most of them settled near the Little Wabash, and as the other set- tlers poured into the country and began to work and improve, the deer and other game moved westward, and it may be said that the early and shiftless settlers of Blair Township moved West with the game, and their places were invariably filled by better citizens. We do not pretend to say that all the old settlers who hunted and moved away were disrepu- table, for some of them were earnest, honest, big-hearted men, who were suited to the times, and although they may never have done much good to the country were at least harm- less. Moving from place to plaoe was as nec- essary to them to keep them in the society they wore brought up in as quiet is to the student, or permanency to the steady farmer of the present day. They neither sought nor obtained glory, and if the present was provided for were as free from care as if they had been surrounded by plenty and luxuries. But they acted their part in the different stages every new country must pass through, and consequently we will not criticise nor censure them. The following is a copy from the entry 442 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. book, showing the names of people who entered land down to 1840: 1818, Ransom Freeman, Section 15; 1830. William Lewis, Section 31; 1837, Jesse Blair, Section 14; Josiah Blair, Section 14; Harman Ernest, Section 19; Theodore Pridemore, Section 25; James McKnight, Section 25; Martin Dukes, Section 29; Jesse Dobbs. Section 32; 1838, Theodore McKnelly, Section 9; William Brooks, Section 13; Charles Shirley, Section 14; David Bohall, Section 18; John Connel- ly, Section 27; T. and T. McKnelly. Section 3t>; 1839, James Tompkins, Section 6; San- ford Webster, Section 14: Jennings Shirley, Section 14; Alexander Shirley, Section 14; James Blair, Section 15; George Hord, Sec- tion 15; Roderick Jenkins, Section 19; and a number of others. Some of the above have lived but a short time in the township, and it is impossible to get a full history of them. Among some of the early settlers we note Theodore Pridemore, Sr. , a native of Vir- ginia. He came from Indiana and entered land in this township in Section 25 in the year 1837. He brought his wife and seven children, viz. : Elihu, Jackson, Thomas, Jerry, Theodore, Polly A. Bailey and Sarah J. Bond, of whom the lirst four children served in the Union army in our late war, and of these Thomas, who is yet a resident of Louisville Township, also served in the Mexican war. Only one descendant of Jackson Pridemore is now living in Blair Township. The other children and their descendants are living in different States. Theodore Pridemore, Sr. , was a large, powerful man, a good farmer and neighbor. After the death of his first wife, he married Elizabeth Lewis, who was the mother of John H. Pridemore, now a resident of Neoga, 111. Mr. Pridemore, Sr. . died in this county. Robert and James Ben- nefield came here about 1837. The latter moved to Effingham County, but Robert and his wife, Elizabeth Bennefield, reared a large family here, viz. : William. Josiah, Harrison, Clarinda Smith, Mary A. Asbel, Barnett, Robert, Jr., Ala Hord and Catharine Bryant. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennefield died in this county. Her husband, Robert Bennefield, Sr., moved to Texas, where he was bitten by a rattlesnake while out on a hunt in company with his son, from the effects of which he died in the wilds of that country. The following is a list of old settlers who once lived here, but of whom but little could be ascertained: Woodford. Cora and John Lee, who died here; Lewis Ford, who was drowned while attempting to cross Pan- ther Creek at its mouth; Joe Hatfield was a great hunter who lived on the east side of the Little Wabash; he finally moved away. Bowhall, who lived on the west side of the Little Wabash, was another old hunter. But the greatest hunter in this county was undoubtedly Washington Curbow, who lived near the Little Wabash. Many stories are afloat of the old hunter, and one of his say- ings has become proverbial. At one time, when asked what he thought of a certain stranger, he said, with his usual profanity, " Well, he's a d n sorry man." Consid- ering that Curbow was one of the hardest of men, the saying was taken up by the old settlers as a huge joke, and often when asked wha they thought of a new-comer, would laugh and say, ' ' He is one of old Cur- bow's men." Curbow finally, after getting in debt to William Sunderman for provis- ions, left for parts unknown, probably going West, following the track of the game. Charles Shirley came here from Indiana in 1838. He entered land in Section 14, on which he settled. He brought his wife Sarah (Ingledove) Shirley, and eight chil- dren — Indiana, Alexander, Katharine, Jen- nette. Huram. Samuel, Amanda and Mary IIIvroiIY OF CLAY COUNTY. 4-13 E. Another son. Jennings Shirley, came to Blair Township in 1837. Of the above chil- dren, only Indiana, Jennette and Mary E. are now living in this county. Charles Shir- ley was known as an industrious man and a quiet citizen. L. A. Tolliver came from Lawrence County, Ind., to this township iu 183S. and the next year entered eighty acres of laud in Section 34. where he now resides. He is a native of Huntsville, Ala., but was principally reared in Indiana, whore he was also married to Frances Burton, daughter of David Burton. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom eight are now liv- ing—Wesley G., George W., John, William II. Martin. Kobert, Sarah Bains and Mary J. Steel, all of whom, with the exception of 'N i>ley G., now a resident of Christian County, .mi 1 Martin, a resident of Arkansas, are living in Clay County. Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver are members of the Baptist Church. Ke has served many years as a detective, and his life abounds with many interesting events fraught with danger. His father, John Tolliver, was a native of North Caro- lina, where he married Salona C. Miller, by whom he had twelve children; of these, elev- en reached maturity. He came to Blair Township in the fall of 1839, and died here. Numerous descendants are yet living in this county. Theodore and Thomas McKnelly were early settlers; they came here in the fall of 1838, and the same year entered land in Section 36. Thomas McKnelly died in this township, in which his widow is yet a resident. Theodore McKnelly is a native of Lee County, Ya. ; from that State he was brought by his parents to Indiana, where he grew to manhood and then came to Blair Township, Clay County. Here he engaged in farming, and now owns 600 acres of land. He has been Township Supervisor. His first wife, Elizabeth N. Blair, daughter of James and Margaret (Brewner) Blair, died here, leaving six children — Margaret Richardson, Rebecca Conley, Stephen. Fountain, Adeline Nash and Nancy Hodge. His present wife is Mrs. Nancy T. Waterbury. who is the mother of several children. The parents of Theodore and Thomas McKnelly were John and Rebecca (Pridemore) McKnelly, who came to this township later in the same year that their sons did. John McKnelly aDd wife died in this county He was a native of Ireland, and she of Scott County, Va. She reared nine children — James, Daniel, Polly Rhoda, Catharine Hoskins, Thomas, Theodore, John, Peggy, Martin and Susannah Shields. Of these, only Theodore is now living. Jesse McGee, the father of the Mc- Gee families in this township, came here in 1839. His father was Henry McGee, a na- tive of County Tyrone, Ireland, from which he was brought to this county by his father, John McGee. This was before the Revolu- tionary war. ■ Jesse McGee brought his wife, Elizabeth (Kellum) McGee, and five children to Blair Township -Henry, Eliza- beth Brocket, Jane Blai'r, Miranda Blair and William; three other children were born here — Ann Brocket, James (deceased) and John; these children are all living in this county except Ann Brocket, who lives in Effingham County. Henry McGee, the old- est and most wide-awake of these children, is married to Louisa J. Evans, daughter of Ransom and Anna (Morris) Evans, and. is the mother of five children — William T., Anna E., Emma J., Louella and Martha M. Crawford Lewis was another old 6ottler; he lived in Louisville, which was named in his honor, but sold out to Dr. Green and came to Blair Township, settling in Section 3; he died in Clay County, 111. He was a native of Floyd County, Ind., and was married to Elizabeth (Neal) Lewis, a native of Indiana. 444 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. She was the mother of seven children — Lydia A. Colburn, Priscilla Hord, William, Adeline Blair, Levina E. Bland, Caroline Evans and Elizabeth Compton. Crawford Lewis is mentioned in another part of this work in connection with the history of Louisville. He was a great hunter and one of the better class of the Lewis family. The Blairs, after whom the township was named, were among the first to settle here. Several sketches of descendants of the old families appear in the biographical depart ment of this work. They all have descend- ants living in this township. James Blair, a brother to Jesse and Josiah Blair. Srs., came here in the fall of 1839, two years later than the main body of Blairs; he also came from Indiana, and settled on Section 15. He brought his wife and nine children; his wife's maiden name was Margaret Hughes. The children are Elizabeth A., Irena, Solo- mon, Stephen, David, Nancy, William, Susan- nah and Samuel. Emily, another child, was born here. James Blair was a farmer by oc- cupation, and died here. The coming of the Blair family added materially to the pros- perity of the township, and was an aid to all moral and religious undertakings, as schools and churches were fostered by them. Levi Ooton came here from Indiana about 1840. He settled in Section 21, and died here. His wife, Alpha E. Ooton, was the mother of eleven children, of whom five are now living in this township, viz.: Jeremiah, Silas, Elizabeth Beal, Nancy Johnson and John. Levi Ooton had many odd ways, but was a good man withal. John A. McCau- ley, a native of North Carolina, came to this township from Indiana in 1841, and settled in Section 34; he afterward moved to Section 21, and finally bought eighty acres in Section 22, where he died in 1851. His wife, Indi- ana (Shirley) McCauley, a native of Ken- tucky, is yet living. She is the mother of six children, viz. : Sarah J. Brewer, de- ceased; William, at present Supervisor of the township; Harriet Beal; Mary A. ; Amanda, deceased, and Margaret C. Burnsides. Will- iam McCauley is married to Mary E. Willis, a native of Indiana, a daughter of William and Nancy C. (Eytchison) Willis, and is the mother of sis children. John Freeman also came from Indiana, and died here. He came here about 1841, and was then an old man. His children — Samuel, William, John, Ruth Hord, Minus, Mark, Lemons, whose daughter is yet living in this township; Anderson and Rebecca Johnson are either dead or living in other countries. George Hord settled in Blair Township about 1841; he died here. He came from Indiana, and is a native of East Tennessee. The following children are now living in this township: John, Caroline Davis, Thomas B. and Cynthia A. Roberts. Of the following old settlers but little is known, except that they at one time lived in this township: Louis Ford, Zack Spurling (lived here in 1839), William Edwards, John Conley, Vinsen Krouse and Dowthard. As early as 1840, the people of Blair Township became interested in educational matters, and tried to secure its advantages to their children. In the above named year, William Williams built a dwelling house on Section 34, and taught three months' school, on the old subscription plan, the tuition averaging about §2 per pupil. The next year, in 1841, a man by the name of Laws taught another three months' school in a log house, with a stick and clay chimney on Sec- tion 23, the schoolhouse being built by vol- untary support. Joel Yancy Rhodes taught the next school in the same building, afterwhich it burned down. After that, several like the above-named schoolhouses were erected in different parts of the township, the tuition HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 445 being $2 per pupil, and they bad to carry tbeir own wood and water. A schoolbouse was put up in Section 34. in which Joel Y. Rbodes taught, wbo was succeeded by Martin Krouse, who was succeeded by Asa Sullivan, after which the house burned down. About this time the free school system was intro- duced, and the old log schoolhouses became a thing of the past. There are now five frame schoolhouses in the township, costing $2, 500. School statistics of last year: Number of pupils of school age, 328; males, 10(5; females, 162; enrollment, 262, males, 139; females, 123; number of teachers, 7 ; males (i; females, 1; salary, malrs. s:{0. 13; females, §20 per month. Total expenditures, $1,757.62. Joel Y. Rhodes, one of the early teachers, was a famous scholar, a descendant of one of the best Old Virginia families, but he was a confirmed drunkard and a dangerous man; he made himself infamous by beating his scholars in a brutal manner, and for brutality exercised in his own family, for which latter offense he was sent to the penitentiary for ten years. He had been two years in the penitentiary of Indiana for killing a man. He afterward returned to this country, but wandered off, no one knew whither and no one cand Churches. — The light of the Gospel is shed over a portion of Blair Township fro the Second Little Prairie Baptist Church and Union Chapel, also called Now Light Church. Meetings were held in an early day in the homes of settlers, at which traveling min- isters officiated. As early as June 23, 1855, a Christian Church was organized in the north part of Blair Township, by Elder Stephen J. Williams, who continued to be their minister as long as the organization lasted. The first members were Stephen J. Williams and wife. Augustus F. Bougher and wife, George Kirkpatrick. William N. Blair and wife, Nancy M. Adams, Henry Vandyke and wife. Alpha Ooton, Francis Jordan, James Ooton, Sarah E. Dunbar and Harmon Spriggs. Very little of the workings of this church is known, yet considerable good was done. The Lucas Creek Church was organized September 5, 1861, by Elder S. J. Williams and Elder Nathan Wood; the latter being chosen pastor. A number of the old members were present, and the meet- ings were held in H. Vandyke's Grove in good weather, and in his house in bad weather. Nathan Wood continued to be their pastor till 1867, when Union Chapel was built on Section 14 The building is a frame and cost $1,342.36. Sinco the com- pletion of the building, Rev. M. G. Collins has been the main minister, at times assisted by Rev. Nathan Wood. Two other denomina- t ions, the Campbellites and Baptists assisted in the building of Union Chapel, hence its name. At present the New Lights or Chris- tians,Campbellites and Baptists hold meetings in this church. A Sunday school is held at this church, of which Mr. William McCauley is Superintendent; William Beal, Assistant Superintendent; A. Beal, Secretary; and P. R. Brewer, Treasurer. The Second Little Prairie Baptist Church was organized May 28, 1870, by Rev. G. W. Borcus. who acted as Moderator, and by the following members: Lewis A. Tolliver, Fran- cis Tolliver, W. G. Tolliver, C. A. Tolliver, ('.. W. Tolliver, M. E. Tolliver, Lewis Ed- wards, R. E. Ranes, C. A. Monroe, Susan Monroe, R. Blair, Martha Blair,. John Ooton, Jane Ooton, Jesse F. Eytchison, Jerry M. Tucker. Elizabeth Tucker, William Tucker, Mary J. Tucker, Elizabeth Banks, Nancy Kellums, Sarah E. Cogswell, Eliza J. Burton, James H. Ranes, Sarah J. Ranes, Mary J. Tolliver, Sarah F. Cogswell, Lona Monroe, Elizabeth Carter. Ruth E. Richards, Allen 440 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. Monroe, George Blair, Maranda Blair, Emily Stallcup, Harden Burton, Elizabeth Monda Burton and Eliza J. Hartsey. The first min- ister called was Elder W. C. Mitchell. The next, Elder W. B. Lively, Elder E. Patton, Elder J. H. Elkin. The church building is a frame, and is situated in Section 84. Counterfeiters. — About the years 1S63 and 1864, a number of men on the west side of Little AY abash made counterfeit money. They had long been suspected by the better citizens of Blair and adjoining counties, and a surprise party was arranged for their spe- cial benefit. George W. Sturdivant, from Bible Grove Township, M. H. Davis, from Louisville Township, and L. A. Tolliver, from this township, were among the leaders. The last two, especially, were conspicuous in those days of unrest to bring criminals to justice, Mr. Tolliver being a member of the Decatur Detective force, and at present holds a commission of the American & European Secret Service Company as detective. About a dozen men collected one night in the win- ter of 1863, at the residence of Mr. Davis, and, headed by the above-named gentleman, made their way cautiously to the house of Daniel Pugh, and, after watching him quite awhile through the cracks of the log house, made a rush into the house, and caught him while in the act of making silver money of a poor quality. He made half dollars and quarters. The molds, which he attempted to hide, but which were found, were com- posed of plaster of Paris. One of the cap- tors, who was an old Californian, exclaimed, when he saw Pugh's money scattered around in every direction, because in the darkness he had emptied his pockets, " That he had been in many a digging, but that Pugh's digging was the richest and best he had ever been in, because the precious metal was al- ready coined." Three men, Daniel Pugh, Andy and Matthew Roberts were sent to the penitentiary for five years. A number of others were suspected, but before they could be ar- rested left the country, to the infinite relief of the settlers. In the winter of 1866, Zimaria Lewis passed counterfeit paper money, and was sent to the penitentiary for a number of years. He was a hard citizen, fond of stray pork and other things. Getting his thigh broken while in the penitentiary, he was per- mitted to come home to his family, which lived on the west side of the Little Wabash, but while at home he drew a weapon on his bet- ter half and otherwise abused the family, and therefore was sent back to the penitentiary. The old fellow returned to Blair Township after serving his term, and was drowned while attempting to cross the Little Wabash River, across which the people claim he had guided many an unsuspecting porker. Many relics of a mining camp were found in Sections 6, 7 and IS by the early settlers, and some are yet in existence. A more ex- tended historyof them will be given in the general history of Clay County. Among the many curiosities are an abun- dance of mounds, rude ovens used probably for smelting, and large trees grafted together. Also abundance of petrified bones are found. Six sections in the northwest corner of the township are a mere wilderness, the land yet belonging mainly to the Illinois Central Railroad Company. The land is heavily tim- bered, and old settlers often lose their way in the dense woods. It is here that the sup- posed silver mine in Clay County is located. The earliest settlers remember of people com- ing from Tennessee with way bills in their pockets, which were probably sold to them by designing scoundrels. And now our township can show up men who were attract- ed here by the silver excitement. At times, HISTORY OF CI, AY COUNTY. 447 raJ hundred people would roam through tho woods, expecting to find something that would make them rich in a short time. Even people from St. Lonis came here, but after the ore had been thoroughly examined by as savers, the excitement subsided, much to the regret of the superstitious and greedy people, some of whom yet believe that silver can be found in great abundance. Copper is found in different places, and it is supposed that Dr. Wallace, who was also a blacksmith, made money out of it, and then whitened it with arsenic. The Doctor lived ■with his family in Section 6, and died about 1853. At one time, about 200 men went to his house to rout him out. thinking that he made counterfeit money, and that the silver mine was located under his house. But the Doctor kept the men at bay with his ferocious gun. defending perhaps more his dies than his supposed silver mine. Levi and Wilburn Jones were very intimate with Wallace, and were suspicioned as his accessories. One man, generally known as old Bill Herald, undoubtedly went crazy over the sup- posed silver mine. He was a well-to-do farmer in Wayne County, this State, and was attracted hero by the excitement. He built a house near the river, and for two years wi >rked with little intermission. He some- times had as many as ten men working for him. One night, ho worked all night with a lantern near the bank of the stream. He finally took sick, and was takon back to Wayne County to die. Blair Township has a post office known as Hord Post Office, named in honor of the Hord family. It is located in the northeast corner of Section 15. Tho first Postmaster was John Beal, and then tho office was called Jordon, after William Jordon, who owned the land on which several stores were put up. Tho first general store was put up by Dr. A. Bougher, who came here about 1853. Blair & Krouse put up the next store, and Bailey & Brooks kept the first blacksmith shop. Con- siderable business was done at one time in Jordon as it was then called. The present Postmaster is John Willis; James H. Blair keeps a drug store; John D. Beal, a general store; and John Bass a blacksmith shop. Township Officers. — The records of Blair Township like tho records of most townships were poorly kept, and we have been unable to go into details as regards the transactions of the township or even a complete list of of- ficers. The first officers were: J. C. Eytchi- son, Townshij) Supervisor; John Beal and William Willis. Justices; Dr. J. Anderson, Township Clerk; A. T. Conley, George Kiikpatrick and — Smith, Township Com- missioners; J. F. Eytchison, Assessor; Henry Vandyke, Collector; John Jones, Overseer of the Poor; James Hord, Constable. Present township officers: William Mc- Cauley. Supervisor; Jesse Blair and L. H. Tolliver. Justices; John C. Willis, Township Clerk; Henry Vandyke, James Connerly T. G. Williams, Townshij) Commissioners; S. Blair, Township Assessor; George A. \ andyke, Township Collector; John W Blair and John McGee are Constables. 448 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. CHAPTER XVII. HOOSIER TOWNSHIP— ITS TOPOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES— FIRST ENTRIES AND EARLY SETTLERS— CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC., ETC. HOOSIER TOWNSHIP, or Town 4 north, Range 7 east, is bounded on the north by Bible Grove, on the east by Pixley, on the south by Stanford, and on the west by Louisville Townships. The early settlers of this locality were mostly from Indiana, and as they settled in the prairie west of the Little Muddy Creek, it was called Hoosier Prairie in honor of their native State. This prairie occupies the greater portion of the township, and when the present system of township organization went into effect in 1862, Town 4 north, Range 7 east took the name of Hoosier Township. Its surface is diversified, about two-thirds of its area be- ing rolling prairie land, and the remainder, principally along the streams, originally had a good growth of timber, which included the various kinds of oak, hickory, walnut, etc., etc. Besides Hoosier Prairie, which lies on the west of Little Muddy Creek, there iB another prairie of considerable extent — Lev- itt's Prairie, lying on the east of the Little Muddy. The soil in each is very similar, though not quite as productive in Levitt's as in Hoosier Prairie. The soil of the prairies is of a light or ashy color, and is especially adapted to the growing of wheat and grass, while the soil near the creeks in the timber is more of a black loam, and adapted to the production of corn. Fruit does well in each, as the many good orchards throughout the township indicato. Although Hoosier is found near the head of the list of townships in point of agriculture, yet it is only eighth in population, containing according to the census of 1880, but 1,136 inhabitants. The drainage of the land is so complete that theie is scarcely an acre but what can be put into cultivation. The Little Wabash River enters the township in three places, and as often flows out after traversing but a short distance in as many sections. Section 31 first receives its waters, but after several bends, Sections 32 and 33 are also watered by the Little Wabash. In the opposite cor- ner of the township, the Big Muddy Creek flows through a small portion of Section 1. The main stream which flows for any consid- erable distance through the township is the Little Muddy Creek, which enters from the north at Section 4, and after a tortuous course leaves the township from the south- east corner of Section 36. Besides these, there are many other smaller streams which make a complete system of drainage. Although this township was not settled as early as many other portions of Clay County, it had a number of settlers previous to 1830, but the first entries of land were made in 1833, and were as follows: By Jarrett L. Erwin, southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 15, and southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 10; by William Erwin, east quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, and east quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 15; by John Ditter, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 25; by Thomas Rogers, the northeast quarter of the southwest quar- IIISTOKY OF CLAY COUNTY. 449 ter of Section 36. In 1836 and 1837, the following also entered .and in this township: John Maxwell, Constantino Connelly, Eli Erwin, John Connelly, Caleb Stansbury, Jes- se Dodds, Isaac Berry, John Kenley, Jesbe "Williams, Henry Kenley, Moses Johnson, William D. Maxwell, Benjamin A. Venator, Alfred J. Moore, Joseph Maxwell, Benjamin Douthit, Robert Fields, Hiram Coffey, John Callihan, Jesse Copper, John Davis, Solomon B. Curbow and William A. McKnight. Some of the above-named enterers of the land never became residents of the township, and still another class are more properly consid- ered in other parts of the history. This sec- tion of the county was not an exception to the general rule; it had to be prepared for the permanent settler, and even many of those who became permanently located here had to first make the money before they could enter their homesteads; consequently long before 1S33 we find the hunter and hardy pioneer at work opening the way for future developments. Among those who came and went were John and Dave Simpco, of Tennessee. They settled on Little Mud- dy, and were principally engaged in hunting; one of them, however, was a soldier in the Black Hawk war. Hock Sams was another settler from the South, probably from Ten- nessee. He first built his cabin on the pres- ent site of Sailor Springs. Sams had a wife but no children. From some cause he be- came insane, and was confined in the old jail at Maysville, but after some time he was released, and loft the country. Joseph Rog- ers and his sons, Thomas, Isaac and Israel, moved here from Edwards County at an early date, and settled on Little Muddy. Joseph lived for some years and died; Isaac and Israel died without families, but Thomas lived to a good old age, and died on his farm in the south part of the township, and left descendants in the county who are among its worthiest citizens. William Blakeman set- tled on Section 10, where he resided for some time, and then sold his claim, and but little is known of him aftor this. John Ditter, a native of Tennessee, was the first to have a deed to what is now known as Sailor Springs. Ditter is now a resident of Pixley Township, where his settlement will be treated more fully. Caleb Stansbury, an early settler, al- so owned the springs at oue time, and died there. Henry Kenley, who entered land in 1837, is still living, and a resident of the township. Judge William Erwin and his sons, Jarrett L., David and Crawford, came from Indiana, and settled on Section 15. William Erwin, Jr., the oldest son of the Judge, never came to the county. The Er- wins were influential citizens, and did much toward building up schools and churches, and developing the county. William Erwin was a member of the County Board in 1834. Da- vid built and ran a saw and grist mill on Lit- tle Muddy, on Section 15, but no traces of the mill can now be seen. Crawford is the only one of the older members of the family now living, and is a successful farmer on Section 4, near the old homestead of his father. Jo- seph and John Maxwell, and their cousins, William D. and Eli Maxwell, came from In- diana with the early settlers of the prairie, but only their descendants now remain to tell of the hardships their parents endured. James Williams and Jesse Williams, rela- tives, were also Hoosiers, who came to the county in about 1836 or 1837. James was the father of a large family, but only two of his sons, Benjamin and Lancaster Williams, are living. Jesse Williams married a daugh- ter of John Connelly, and died childless. John Connelly and family were also from Indiana at an early date. U illiam A. Mc- Knight, a native of North Carolina, came to 450 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Clay County in 1835, and settled in Hoosier Prairie. An account of his life will be found more fully in the history of Bible Grove Township. Alfred J. Moore was one of the early settlers in the county, but now lives in Oskaloosa Township. The sons of Robert Fields now reside on the farm which he settled and where he died. Hiram Cooper resides near Sailor Springs, where his father, Jesse Cooper, lived and died. Cooper came to the county in about 1828. In all ages and in all countries, we find that man wants something without giving adequate return. Such being the case, many of the early set- tlers in a country lose years of hard labor, which have been applied on their olaims mak- ing them at all inhabitable, by some specu- lator entering the land and driving the real owner from his own. John Lewis had for some time been improving a claim which he intended to enter as soon as he could, but before that time came Benjamin A. Venator, and entered the land and also that of James McCollum. He did not dare to come here for some years, as Lewis was ready to protect his property with powder and ball. Venator afterward sold out to another party, and Lewis moved onto land adjoining. Venator now lives on the Illinois River. James Mc- Collum came to this township from Ken- tucky in 1833, and brought a wife and one son, Robert. James McCollum died in Octo- ber, 1857, in the township, leaving a large family, of which four sons and three daugh- ters are now living, and the oldest son, Rob- ert, is present Sheriff of Clay County. The history of many of the early settlers will be found more complete in the biographical department of this history, and others in the general history, but space in any one work is too limited to devote to each the attention that he deserves. Hoosier Township is striotly given to agri- cultural industries, and has not a laid-out village in its limits; however, its citizens have good mail facilities. In about 1872, Mr. John Erwin circulated a petition, and secured an office on Section 15, which is known as Hoosier Prairie Post Office, and has a daily mail. Dr. D. H. Chase was first Postmaster, and was succeeded by the present incumbent, Dr. E. P. Gibson. Sailor Springs Post Office was established in 1881, and has a daily mail. Mr. Frank Smith is present Postmaster. Many of the early settlers in this township were earnest, active Christians, and their influence has been felt throughout all the surrounding country. At first their only place of worship was in the cabins of the settlers, and their ministers were those earnest, self-denying missionaries who en- dured the hardships of the frontier for the sake of carrying the comforting words of their Master to the struggling pioneer. As- the settlements became more thickly peopled, churches were organized. The first organi- zation was that of the Hoosier Prairie Regu- lar Baptist Church in 18-48, but as this organization was changed to Louisville in 1850, its history more properly comes in the history of Louisville. In about 1858, a frame church structure was erected on Sec- tion 15 on land originally settled by William Erwin, but deeded to the Trustees of the church by John Dodd, of Indiana, a descend- ant of William Erwin. This building was occupied at first by both the Baptists and Methodists, but is now used by the Baptists alone, and is known as the Hoosier Prairie Baptist Church. In- 1860, the Methodist Episcopal denomination erected a building on land adjacent to that of the above Baptist Church. This land was bought of the heirs of William A. McKnight by Henry Conley, and deeded by him to the Trustees of the HISTORY OF CLAY COPNTY. 451 Church which is called Conley's Chapel. On Section 23 is located another church, which was erected chiefly through the efforts of John Ditter and James McKinney. This church is used by the Uuiversalists, and has but few members, though earnest workers. The Vernal Baptist Church is situated on Section 35, and was built in about 1835. This organization is not large, but i9 in a live condition. Sailor Springs. — Although these springs are treated of more fully in the chapter on geology in the general history of Clay Coun- ty, yet this chapter would be incomplete without making mention 'of this the most noted spot in Clay County. This was a place frequented by the Indian hunter in search of deer, also by tho "medicine man," who would boil down the water and use the resid- uum to heal the sick. The early white set- tler, however, would not accept these waters as a blessing, but did all he could to shut out all animal life from those poisonous (?) waters. Gradually, however, superstition gave way, and those in the immediate vicin- ity found that the waters were health-giving, instead of breeders of pestilence; but it was not until about 1878 that the grounds were opened up to the public and all were invited to come. As tho Springs became more widely known, invalids and pleasure seekors came from a distance. To supply all those who came, hotels and cottages have been erected, till now about 200 guests can be accommo- dated in comfort, and each year the number of visitors is rapidly increasing. Schools. — While the citizens of this town- ship have been industrious in making for themselves good homes and - farms, they have not neglected the intellectual development of their respective neighborhoods, as the follow- ing statistics, taken from the report of the Township Treasurer of Schools for the year ending June 30, 1883, will show, as follows: Number of school districts 8 Number frame scboolhouses 7 Number log scboolhouses 1 Estimated value of school property $4,350 Numher of months schools were in session 41 Number of male teachers 6 Number of female teachers 2 Number of males under twenty-one 257 Number of females under twenty-one 281 Total number children under twenty-one 538 Number males of school age 168 Number females of school age 180 Total number children of school age 348 Number male pupils enrolled 160 Number female pupils enrolled 177 Total number pupils enrolled 337 Amount of township fund $2,638.60 District tax levied 850.00 Total expenditures for school purposes. . . . 2,363.97 The educational facilities seem almost com- plele in the township, but to reach this stand- ard it has taken time and much care and ex- pense, but from the very first there was the desire on the part of the settlers for good schools. Probably the first school taught in the Hoosier Prairie was by Judge Erwin, at his own home, and attendod by all in reach. This school was evidently successful, as young men would come from other neighborhoods and board in the vicinity in order to attend the school. "When tho county went into township or- ganization, Adam McCollum was elected the first Supervisor of this township. Present officers are Benjamin Fields, Supervisor; J. T. McCollum, Clerk; Lyman T. Bonney, Assessor; E. Maxwell, Collector; Benjamin Eytchison, W. R. Tolliver and John Ward, Commissioners; T. D. Ogden and J. R. Bon- nev, Justices of the Peace. 452 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY CHAPTER XVIII. LARKINSBURG TOWNSHIP— POPOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES— SOIL AND TIMBER— PIONEER SETTLEMENT— EARLY MILLS— ITS GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT— SECRET SOCIETIES- SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES— PRESENT BUSINESS— TOWNSHIP RECORDS, ETC. THE northwestern part of Clay County, known by the Government survey as Town 5 north, Range 5 east, called Larkins- burg Township, is bounded on the north by Effingham County, on the east by Blair Township, on the south by Oskaloosa Town- ship, and on the west by Fayette County. It is well timbered by both hard and soft wood, which is converted into lumber used for building material chiefly, by portable steam saw mills, of which there are several in oper- ation each year within the limits of the township. The principal drainage is afforded by Dismal Creek, Crooked Creek and the tributaries of the Little AY abash, the latter draining the northeastern part of the town- ship. Dismal Creek rises in Fayette County, enters the township in Section 7, flows in a southeasterly direction, and leaves it in Sec- tion 36. It receives numerous small tribu- taries which afford a natural drainage to the prairie north of Iola, which is one of the best in the county. Crooked Creek is in the south- west part of the township, and flows through Sections 30, 31, 32 and 33; on it was the first permanent settlement made of which we have any knowledge, also the first mill ever operated in the township, and the first store. Although it was at one time, half a century ago, the place of some traffic and life, yet at the present writing not a vestige of it re- mains, the cleared places being barely kept in cultivation. The Illinois Central Rail- road runs through the northwest part of the township, and some of the timber land is yet owned by the company. The Springfield branch of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad also runs through it, entering it in Section 34 and leaving it in Section 5. The people in Larkinsburg Township voted against the railroad bonds, and are consequently not suffering from that affection.. The soil, although not the best in the coun- ty, yields an abundauce of corn and small grain, especially when the seasons are not too wet, as the land is flat in some places; but by the use of tiling, which has been tried by a few citizens with good success, this township can be made one of the very best, as it has the benefit of two railroads, and better bargains for shipping can be obtained. Clover and other grasses will yield an abun- dant crop, and pay the tiller of the soil better than grain. Fruit-growing, which has made a great deal of business and a new field of enterprise in this part of Illinois, has also received due attention the last few years. In the southern part of the township, quite a number of acres of strawberries and other small fruit have been set out and prospered. In the summer time, Larkinsburg Town- ship presents a pretty appearance with its prairies and many groves; but, according to the saying of the old settlers, the country forty or fifty years ago looked most beautiful, as the timber was to a great extent devoid of underbrush, and abounded with all kinds of game, which often became very destructive iiistih;y of ci. ay county. 455 to the small, unfenced crops of the pioneer. Wolves and panthers prowled about the homes of the early settlers, who would often shoot deer from the door of the log cabin. No attention was paid to the smaller game, such as prairie chickens, quails, squirrels and rabbits, of which there is a wonderful abundance in this and adjoining counties, and which our Nirnrods of to-day go forth to conquer. Among the early settlers of this township, and probably the first, was Benjamin Bishop, better known as " Old Benny Bishop." He came to Clay County in an early day, and was the first grand juryman chosen in this county, in the spring of 1825. He was one of the prominent men in his day. In 1830, he filtered land in what is now Larkinsbure Township, in Section 21. Here he worked, and reared a respectable family, descendants of which are yet living in this county. Jesse Bishop was a step-son of Benjamin Bishop, who reared him; he also entered land in Sec- tion 35. .Joseph Bishop came to Saline County, 111., in 1817, and in 1820 came to Clay County, settling in Oskaloosa Township when quite young. In 1832. he was married to Sallie Davis, a native of Middle Tennes- see, and settled in Section 32 in Larkinsburg Township. In 1835, he built a grist mill on Crooked Creek; this was the first mill in the county. He subsequently sold it to Henry Long, who ran it several years and then tore it down and used the frame for a barn. Joseph Bishop raised eleven children, viz. : Patsey, Polly, Enoch, Henry, Maria, John, Jones, Harvey, Nathan, Thomas, and Peggy, who died in infancy. Of the above, Enoch built the first bouse in Iola, where he yet resides. Alfred J. Moore, a native of South Caro- lina, came here from Tennessee in 1829. He -■i: led in the southeast corner of the town ship, whore he resided a number of years; but finally went to Hoosier Township, where he lived till 1870, when he moved to Oskaloosa Township, where he yet resides. William Alldridge came to this township in October, 1828, from Randolph County, N. C, the place of his nativity. He was quite young when he came here, and for awhile worked with Walker in a tannery. He also cleared some land in Section 32, which he entered in 1839, and was married here to Dicy Davis, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Enoch and Patsey Davis. She was the mother of eight children, who reached maturity — James P., Mary Gullett, Julia A. Cain, John M., Sarah Cain, Basil D., Amelia M. French and William A. William Alcl- ridge owned 360 acres at his death, which occurred December 6, 1876, aged eighty-one years, He served as Justice of the Peace about twenty -four years, and was greatly in- terested in township affairs. Only two of his children — John M. and James P. — are living in the township. William Price and his father were also among the early settlers; they settled in Section 4. S. B. Walker lived in Section 33. He kepi a tannerj on his place and was afterward Sheriff of Clay County. The following persons entered land in the year 1837: Jesse Bishop and Francis Har- man who came here from Middle Tennessee; he died here leaving two children — John, deceased, and Pollie Sanders — whose descend- ants are yet living in the township. He also brought Thomas Rodgers to this county when hi' was just able to ride horseback. This was before the land was surveyed. He was left an orphan at an early ago and reared by I Carman's first wife, whose maiden name was Penrice. After living seven years on the Okaw River, he came to this township, where he hunted a good deal; he was con- 20 45G HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. sidered one of the most successful and noted bee-hunters of which we heave ever heard. He was married three times, and is the father of eleven children. William N. and Andrew J. Rodgers are yet living in this township. John Human entered land in 1838, in Section 25. 1839. Henry Hobbs, Section 36, came from Tennessee. He was married here to Sarah Bishop, who bore him two children. After her death he married the widow of S. B. Walker, who was the mother of George Hobbs. Joseph Hoffman, Section 33, Philip Curtis, Section 32, and David Bohall came from Indiana. Larkin Thrash, Section 26, Andrew J. Cochran, Section 28, and Martin Stipp. Section 31. 1840, Lewis Zabrisky, Section 32. 1841, John Black, Sec- tion 36, came from Indiana; Charles Brewer, Section 31. 1842, Joseph Henry, Section 10. 1846, Thomas Long, Section 31. 1S47, Bris- coe D. Landers, Section 35; James David, SectioQ 35; Looker Nixon. Section 33; Hay- man Nixon, Section 33; J. W. Murray, Sec- tion 27; Andrew Fender, Section 11; James H. Cochran, Section 22 ; John Elrod, Section 20. 1848, Daniel Keen on Section 23, on Dismal Creek, where he built a water mill; he moved to Missouri in 1867; James David, Section 22, a native of Indiana; he died here and has descendants; John Alldridge, John Pettyjohn, Section 28, and James Morris, Section 21. Some that entered land in the limits of the above time have been mentioned and are therefore not named here. Morde- cai Price, who settled in Section 4, and Old Johnny Landreth in Section 1, are old settlers, but little is known of them now. Enoch Scief, a native of Tennessee, was also an early settler, and has descendants living in the county; he died in Oskaloosa Town- ship. The early settlers of Larkinsburg Township experienced the same trouble that others of the early settlers of Illinois did in regard to milling. The first mill, as has al- ready been stated, was built by Joseph Bishop on Crooked Creek. When it gavo out a treadmill was built on Section 27, by Washington Bishop; it was run by horse- power and stood in the southeast corner of the section. It was succeeded by another tread- mill run by ox-power, which only stood a few years. After this, Uncle Joseph Bishop built a small horse mill in Section 33; this was about 1859. About 1860, a man by the name of Jones built a small steam mill, about the same place where the old water mill used to stand, tt was bought by Washington Bishop and his son Benjamin H. , and moved to where the railroad tank now stands, and was used for sawing and grinding. But notgiv- ing the expected satisfaction it was soon sold. At present the Larkinsburg Steam Saw and Flouring Mill, built by C. R Ellis & Co. , in Iola, does a large and paying business. The first store was kept by William Alldridge, be- tween th9 years 1S35 to 1840, situated in the southwest part of the township; the next was kept by Henry Long in Section 30: Murray & Thrash kept the next in Section 28, suc- ceeded by L. P. Loof borough; Levi B. An- derson kept a store a little south of that. In 1864, William J. Moore opened a store in Section 34, but the next year moved it to the present site of old Larkinsburg, named in honor of Larkin Thrash, one of the oldest settlers in the township. Here M. H Pres- ley went into partnership with Moore. The next house built in the old town was by A. P. Finch, M. D. The next store was put up by Henry Long. The first post office was kept by Larkin Thrash. Levi B. Anderson kept it next in Section 28; then in Section 34. by Joe Bish- op; next in Section 34, by William J. Moore, who also kept it in Larkinsburg. and who was also the first Postmaster in Iola. Will- HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. 157 iani B. Vickrey was tho second Postmaster, and J. M. Sloan, tho present. Tho village of Iola owes its existence to the railroad. The land on which it is built was owned by Wat- son & Presley, and is situated in the ecu ter of Section 34. It was surveyed in 1 870, by E. Nixon. The lirst store was that of William J. Moore, which was moved down from Larkinsburg; it was followed by one or two other buildings. W. V. Vickrey & Co. opened the next store in the fall of l^Tn. The next year Moore and Vickrey formed a partnership. The first blacksmith shop was kept by J. \V. Settles, and the lirst drug store by Fender & Laswell. Bapp iV Broad- well also kept a general store. The present business directory of Iola con- sists of: Groceries. J. M. AJldridge and W. H. Cain; general stores. Vickrey Bros., J. M. Sloan and P. G. Dedrick; drug store, I. A. Patrick: blacksmiths. J. \V. Settles and Jerome Percell: carpenters, E. H. Bishop, \Y. C. Compton and I. H. Elkin; dealer in agricultural implements. Levi Jackson; physicians, A. P. Finch and T. O. Hatton; mills. Iola Mills. Watson. Moss. Williamson & Son, proprietors: harness, Vickrey Bros.; cooper, John Bennett; wagon -maker, Jona- than Downey, shoe-maker, Samuel Marshall; dress-maker, Mrs. Rusher; millinery, Misses Dora J. Conlej and Mary E. Elkin; operator and agent, J. T. Moore; Postmaster. J. M. Sloan. In 1880, Iola had 137 inhabitants: it has now about 200, and is a thriving little town. Iola Lodge, A.. I'. & A. M.. No. 691, was organized March is. 1872, and received its charter October 1. 1872. I. H. Elkin in- stalled the following charter members: Will- iam J. Mooro. James C. Craig, J. D. Patton, W. D. Wats,.n, L. B. Bounds, J. R. Scief. T. A. Hutson. W. H. Morgan, M. H. Thomp- son. 1\ M. Barman, A. W. A. Pruitt, A P. Finch, H. A. Cochran. Samuel Pruitt. M. H. Presley, H. S. Watson, Looker Nixon and Edward Patton. The present membership amounts to seventeen. The first officers were William J. Moore. Master; J. C. Craig, S. \\\; J. D. Patton. .1. \V. Present oil are: D. H. Moore. Master: P. G. Dedrick. S. W. ; F. M. Harman. J. W. : J. T. M Secretary; J. C. Craig. Treasurer; A. W. Moss, Tiler: J. Dockins, S. D. ; William H. Morgan, J. D. The meetings of the lodge are held in their hall, over P. G. Dedrick'* store on Wednesday night before each full moon. Two religious denominations at present ex- ist in Larkinsburg Township, viz.. tho Meth- odist Episcopal and Baptist Churches. The former dates its first organization as far back as 1847. Before that, traveling ministers occasionally enlightened the people, and warned them to " flee from the wrath to come." The church held its first meetings at the Linn Branch Schoolhouse, Rev. J. Lambert officiating, who was succeeded by- John Patcher. David Reed, R. J. Wall, etc. In 1857. the church was re-organized in the western part of the township, at the Cochran Schoolhouse, by Rev. Ityman. The meet- ings were held at private residences and dif- ferent schoolhouses till 1873, when a church edifice was built in Iola, with Rev. N" E. Har- man in charge of the church. The member- ship then was about fifty; it is forty now. The cost of the building was 11,500. The following is a list of ministers since the church was built: Rev. N. E. Harman, C. \\ . Sabine, E. Lathrop. J. D. Reeder, Asa Snell, G. A. Seed and J. G. Dee. Iola Baptist Church was organized An -ust -2. L879, by Bev. I. H. Elkin and Rev. E^ Patton. Members' desired to be a^ain 458 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. under the dispensation and blessed influence of a church. The first members were Ed- ward and Lizzie M. Patton, I. H. and Anna Elkin and their daughter Maty, Andrew Fender. Arminta Hudson, Elizabeth Patrick and Emma Patton. The number of present membership is thirty. Rev. Elkin was the first minister, and Rev. Ed Patton is the present minister. The meetings are held in the Methodist Episbopal Church of Iola. A branch or mission church is established at the Little Prairie Schoolhouse, three miles east of Iola. The Presbyterian Church of Larkinsburg, now defunct, was organized in August, 1868, by Rev. It. C. Galbraith. The first mem- bers were Mrs. Eunice Graves, Spencer Graves, Mrs. Hattie Graves, Charles Graves. Cyrus Graves, David Byers, Mrs. Francis P. Byers, Mrs. Juliann Wood. At the time of organization, David Byers was ordained Elder. The first meetings were held at the residence of Joel S. Graves, and afterward in the schoolhouse near Iola, till the Methodist Episcopal Church was built in the latter place by the Methodists, assisted by the Pres- byterians. after which the meetings were held in that churoh till the abandonment of the organization, which occurred about 1877, on account of the moving away and death of members. The average membership was about twenty-five. The following is a list of officiating ministers: Rev. Joel S. Graves, Rev. R. C. Galbraith, Rev. Doctor Joseph Warren, Rev. William B. Minton and Rev. William Reed. Schools. — As the light of civilization be- i gan to dawn in the East and shed its rays of light and freedom over this country, the ignorance and mysteries began to recede, and finally, like the torches and camp fires of the Indians. disappeared in the distant West, till its last faint glimmer was lost to sight. Thus has it ever been, thus will it ever be, and therefore schools, the dispensers of intelligence are always hailed with delight. The settlers of this township, early devoted their attention to the erection of schoolhouses, rude though they may have been, and employed such tal- ent as could be had. The pedagogue of thirty or forty years ago was suited to the times. He would be required to be master of the three R's, but it was more necessary for him to be physically well developed, as a good share of his work consisted in "maul- ing " the scholars, especially the bigger boys once a week. What he lacked in intelli- gence, he made up in an earnest endeavor to beat something into the children. He flour ished in the backwoods, and when the click of the telegraph and the whistle of the loco- motive, sure signs of the onward march of civilization, fell upon his ears, he shrank into oblivion and disappeared in the distant West. William Robinson taught the first school in this township in an old log cabin situated in Section 29. It was taught on the subscrip- tion plan, the tuition fee being about $2.50 per scholar for one quarter. The next school was taught by Sam Van Camp in the same section, but in another cabin. He taught several terms; very strict yet a good teacher withal. The following is a list of teachers who have wielded the rod here: Boltonhouse, Billy Robinson, Ben Bishop, Ben Nixon, Jacob Hortenstein. John P. Davis. When, finally the free schools were introduced, about 1857, a new start in education was made, which can be greatly augmented. At present, there are eight schoolhouses in as many school districts, all frame buildings. Number of pupils of school age, 338; males, 101; females, 177; enrollment, 260; males, 125; females, 141; number of teachers, 10 — 6 males and 4 females; average monthly HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 459 wages paid male teachers, 131.49; females. $24.50; estimated value of school property, $2,400; total expenditures for the las! year, $2,060. The only industry ever started in this country was a carding mill, built by Larkiu Thrash and Levi B. Anderson, who ran it by ox-power. It existed three years, and was quite a benefit to the country, in which then a lot of sheep were raised. The mill was afterward sold and removed to Flora. The only incident of a serious character, which was accompanied with loss of life and property, occurred on Sunday night October 21, 1866. On that night a tornado swept over this part of Clay County, coming from the southwest and going northeast. It almost annihilated the little village of Larkinsburg, tearing down every house except two. Many persons were seriously injured, and a daugh- ter of ML Rusher was killed, and also some stock. Larkinsburg Township has been singularly exempt from accident or bloodshed. After the township was organized, Henry Long was elected Supervisor ; H. S. Watson, Clerk ; A. J. Long, Collector ; J. D. Cochran, Assessor; William Alldridge and R. M. Will- iamson, Justices of the Peace. Owing to the fact that the records of the township have been destroyed or lost, we are only able to give a list of officers for the last ten vears — from 1S73 to 1SS3 : 1873 — H. M. Campbell. Supervisor; George Griffith. Clerk ; Rufus Robinson and J. A. Flemming, Justices. 1874 — H. M. Campbell, Supervisor; W. D. Watson, Clerk : Kufus Robinson and J. A. Flemming. Justices. 1 S75 — H. M. Campbell, Supervisor; 1\ M. Herman, Clerk ; J. A. Flemming and Rufus Hobinson, Justices. 1876 — H. M. Campbell, Supervisor ; W T. Britton, Clerk ; James A. Flemming and Rufus Robinson, Justices. 1877 -H. M. Campbell, Supervisor ; F. M. Horman, Clerk ; James Craig and Rufus Robinson, Justices. 1878— W. V. Vickrey, Supervisor ; F. M. Herman, Clerk ; H. M. Campbell, Assessor ; I. D. Fender, Collector ; C. R. Brown, High- way Commissioner ; L. R. Bounder, School Trustee. 1871)— W. J. Moore, Supervisor ; F. M. Herman, Clerk ; J. Robinson, Assessor ; J. P. Baker, Collector ; J. D. Cochran, Com- missioner of Highways ; S. H. Pring, School Trustee. 1880— W. V. Vickrey, Supervisor ; J. P. Baker, Clerk ; J. Robinson, Assessor ; I. D. Fender, Collector ; A. Koss, Commissioner of Highways ; H. C. Stephens, School Trustee. 1881 ~\Y. V. Vickrey, Supervisor; J. P. Baker, Clerk ; J. Robinson, Assessor ; W. H. Morgan, Collector ; M. Rush, Commissioner of Highways; F. M. Herman, School Trustee; J. C. Craig and J. Craig, Justices of the Peace. 1882- W. V. Vickrey, Supervisor; Edgar Hayes, Clerk ; Isaac Edwards, Assessor : A. C. Vantine, Collector ; Jonathan Robinson, Commissioner of Highways ; A. J. Rodgers and B. F. Bishop, Constables. ISM'. H. S. Watson, Supervisor; Edgar Hayes, Clerk ; G. AY. Starkey, Assessor ; S. M. Gen trey, Collector; A. C. Vantine, Com- missioner of Highways ; S. H Pring, School Tl'USlee. 460 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. CHAPTER XIX. BIBLE GROVE TOWNSHIP— LOCATION— TOPOGRAPHY— SOIL AND TIMBER— HOW ITS NAME GAME- FIRST SETTLER, WITH LONG LIST OF THE PEOPLE AND THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY CAME— INCIDENTS— ROBBERY OF M.KNIGHT— VIOLENT DEATHS, ETC.. ETC. THIS township is situated in the north- east corner of Clay County. Its name might indicate that the people are religiously inclined, and as five church buildings are to be found here, this conclusion may not be quite amiss; however, its name is derived from the fact that a Bible was found by hunt- ers in a grove near where Georgetown now stands. This was many years before this township could boast of permanent settlers, and although the original grove has long since passed away under the sturdy stroke of the early pioneer, yet the name clings to it and is prized highly by the citizens of the township, as are many things which are handed down to us by tradition. By the Government survey, this division of the county is described as Town 5 north, Range 7 east, and lies between Effingham Cottnty on the north, and Hoosier Township on the south ; the east boundary is formed by Pixley Township and Jasper County, and the west boundary by Blair Township. The gen- eral features are those of a prairie country with plenty of timber abounding on its many creeks, which invariably run from the north to the south, indicating a slope to the south. In the northeast corner, running through Sections 1 and 12, is Limestone Branch, on the banks of which John Pulliam settled in an early day. Cottonwood Creek rises in Section 12, flows south, and leaves the township in Sec- tion 36. It is fed by many tributaries aris- ing in Little Prairie which lies west of it. Little Muddy, the principal creek, rises in Effingham County. It enters this township in Section 2, aud flows nearly through the center of the township, leaving it in Section 33. It receives many tributaries, among others that of Little Muddy from the west and Wolf Branch from the east. The for- mer received its name from its muddy banks and bottoms, and the latter from an old set- tler catching wolves on its banks. Little Muddy Creek rises in Section 4, and drains the largest western part of the township; it flows south into Big Muddy in Section 28. The country between Big Muddy Creek and Cottonwood Creek is called Lit+le Prairie, also Levitt Prairie, and on it the first settle- ments were made. To the present generation, the timber along our creeks seem to be a vast thicket, with no grass plot nor pleasant retreats. To the first settlers the timber presented a beautiful sight, where now a chaos of thick under- brush obstructs the view and the progress of the traveler. Here were large grass plots, called glades: trees grew in groups, and among the trees would be found the blue stem grass in luxurious abundance, so that deer and cattle grew fat on it. In the fall of every year, after the grass had grown about two feet, a stem would shoot from each bunch and grow to a length of from three to six feet. No trace of the grass now remains, EUSTORT OF CI. AY COUNTY. 401 and, like many other things of the past, is only remembered by the old settler who de- lights to tell stories of by-gone days to the ■willing ear of the stranger or historian. The following species of timber grow in Bible Grove Township: Among the oak are the white, black, red. water, pin and burr oak; hickory, cottonwood, walnut, elm, ash. maple and sycamore also abound, the latter being used for furniture and building pur- In our search for the oldest settlers, we came across a number of names but nothing definite is known of them. The first actual settlement, so far as we can learn in this township, was made iu 1835, on Section 31, by Cyrus Mason, whom the old settlers rep- resent as a splendid man. After a few years' residence in this county, he removed to McLeansboro, 111. The next was William Lewis, who entered land in Section 15 in the year 1836. The farm is now known as the old Henry place His last wife's name was Susan Colclasure. Shi- died .March 5, 1854. and was the mother of seven boys and one girl. A few descend- ants are yet living in this county. The Lewis family is one of the best known in this count}', though some say that some of the Lewises were more notorious than noted, yet we can say of old William Lewis, while living in this township, he was a re- spectable man, smart, though without an ed- ucation. He lived a number of years near Xenia, on what is now called the old Daven- port farm. More is said of him in the his tory of Xenia Township. It is supposed that William Lewis came to the township iu 1832. He died here. November 21, IS I I, and it buried on the farm he entered. He was a great hunter, as most members of the family were. On one of his hunting trips in this county, he killed a bear, and sold the hams in St. Louis for SI, including his din- ner, of which bargain he often boasted. Another old settler is Washington LewiB, who is yet living in this township. He was a native of Floyd County, Ind. His father, Robert G Lewis, was a native of North Carolina, but moved to Indiana, where he died. Washington Lewis is the only one now living of a family of eight children. He came to Bible Grove Township in 1836, and here, in Sections 28 and 2'.), he entered 200 acres of land. He now owns 100 acres of land. Washington Lewis was married twice; his first wife, Jerusha Erwin, daughter of David Erwin, was the mother of nine chil- dren, viz.: Sylvania McGee, William P., Ann Cook, Priscilla Brooks. 'Adeline Cook, Robert (deceased), John, Charlotte Murvin and Levina KLepp. His present wife, Mrs. Nancy (Perry) Lewis' is a native of New York, and the mother of two children now living from her first husband, viz., David F. and Allen H. Wattles. The following is- a list of persons who entered land in Bible Grove: 1835 — Cyrus Mason, Section 31. 1836 — William Lewis, Section 15; John Harding, Section 20; Henry Brooks, Section 23; Nelson Vickrey, Section 23; William Brooks, Section 26; Washington Lewis, Sections 28 and 29; Eli Erwin, Section 34. L837 Jess.' Ham]iton, Section 24; David Erwin, Section 28: Thomas H. Johnson, Sec- tion 33. 1838 — Alfred Logan, Section 1 ; Nathaniel Cherry, Section 21; Thomas Cherry, Section 21; Watson Reeves, Section 10; Alcy Mason, Section 27; Robert Colburn, Section 27; John Cherry. Section 28; Andrew Fulk, Sec- tion 31; George Henshaw, Section 31. L839 — R. B. Lewis, Section 1. I M0 — J. J. Spriggs, Section 12; Leonard Brooks, Section 12; Zaehariah West, Section 33. 462 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. 1841 — Hausenian and Sunderrnann, Section 33; William A. McKnight, Section 35. Some of the above named men probably never lived in this township, and of others nothing or but very little can be obtained. A complete history of some of the above families can be obtained by referring to the biographical department of this work. The Brooks family, William Brooks, Sr., came to this township in 1838, accompanied by his wife and a number of children, of whom some were married. His wife, Susan- nah (Wyman) Brooks, was the mother of ten children who reached maturity, viz.: Henry, Catherine Hampton. Elizabeth Vickrey, Will- iam, Leonard, Margaret Vickrey, Susan Woods, Dillon, Jonathan and Lucy Fields. Many of their descendants are now living in this township. The family came from Indiana to this county; the father and mother were natives of North Carolina. They both died here, the latter aged eighty-three years. The best known of all the Brooks family undoubtedly is Henry Brooks, who is yet a resident of Georgetown. He was born August 7, 1810, in Orange County, Ind. He was reared in Indiana, where he was also married to Susan McCoy, who is the mother of seven children, viz.: America Hord (de- ceased), William, Lydia, George (deceased), Katie, Henry, Jr. , and Susie. Henry Brooks first came to this county in 1836 with his father, and entered land in Section 23; but fearing a new country would not suit his young wife, he did not come here for several years afterward, and after farming many years on his farm near Georgetown, he moved to the town in 1804, and has kept hotel ever since. His honesty and sincerity are pro- verbial, and though life's twilight is gather- ing around him, and he is past the allotted three score and ten, he is yet a halo old man, and enjoys the reBpect of all with whom he comes in contact. He and his esteemed wife are working members of the Christian Church. Robert Colburn and family came here in an early day. See biographical department also. Joseph Holt, a mason and plasterer by oc- cupation, was a native of Indiana. He came here about 1840, and died in Louisville. Thomas H. Johnson, another early settler, entered land in 1837, on Section 33. He probably came here long before that; some say in 1832. He was a valuable man, per- haps a little too fond of his cups, but other- wise a quiet man, a blacksmith by occupa- tion. He is well romembered by our older citizens, and the farm he entered is yet known as the Johnson farm. He died here, and has descendants living in the township. Jacob Wolf settled in an early day in Sec- tion 33. He bought his land from Andrew McCaukel, who had purchased it from Rich- ard Lewis, who was one of the very first set- tlers in the south part of Bible Grove Town- ship. Adam Booth came from Indiana. He lived in this township several years, never owned land. His two sons, Elias and Wash Booth, are yet residents here. About 1840, Andrew Fulk, a native of North Carolina, came to Bible Grove Town- ship, settling in Section 32, where he died. He was of German descent. His two chil- dren, Mrs. Betsey Booth and Mrs. Sarah Webster, are yet living in this township. James Mathews lived in the timber about 1840. He was a hunter, and his wife a good seamstress, and thus with needle and gun they managed to live comfortably. Stephen and Abraham Hardin came here from Indiana in 1842, and settled in Sections 20 and 21. They were bought out by their brother, Aaron T., whose sketch appears in this work. HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 463 George Monical came here about 1843,and settled in Section 17. where his son Moses Monical now resides. George Monical died here. He laid out Georgetown, which he in- sisted on calling Edinburg. He is also men- tioned in another" part of this work. John Pulliaru came from Indiana. He came here in an early day. and married Jane A. Lewis, daughter of William Lewis. John Pulliam acquired considerable property. His widow. Mrs. Jane A Monical, is yet living in the northeastern part of this township, as are also several of her children. Anderson Wolf came in the fall of 1840, settling in Section 23. He is yet living, a native of Kentucky. He came here from Orange County, Ind., and has been a farmer by occupation. He has been married twice. His first wife, Polly Ford, a native of Indi- ana, was the mother of five children, viz. : William, Hannah Pugh, John F., Nancy Wood and Leonard. His present wife was formerly a Mrs. E. Vickrey. F. C. Falley, a very useful man in George- town, is a native of Licking County, Ohio. He is a son of Samuel and Ruth (Root) Fal- ley, natives of Massachusetts. He came to Illinois in 1839, and to Clay County in 1852, just about the time Georgetown was laid out. He has been identified with many of the township offices, and seems to be the right hand man to the majority of citizens. He has filled the office of Township Assessor for fifteen years, and Township Treasnrer twenty- five years, to the satisfaction of everybody. Bible Grove Township has no railroad facilities, yet her wide-awake business men are fully able to compete with merchants sit- uated in the neighboring towns, and even Louisville, the county seat. The thriving little village of Georgetown was laid out in 1852 by George Monical, E. Nixon doing the surveying. It is situated on the west bank of Little Muddy, in Section 17. a little west of the center. The first house built was a little log cabin, where A. Smith's brick store now stands (this was be- fore the town was laid out). The second house was a frame (which is yet standing), 1.6x18, built and used for a store room by Finnomore & Apperson. in which they kept a general store one year and then sold out to Walker Apperson and F. C. Falley, who sold goods a year and a half, and then sold to Stephen Hardin. It changed hands several times after that, and is at present used as a store room by Cogswell & Nash. Several cabins were put up during the year 1851. In 1852, A. Apperson put up a frame dwelling house, which yet stands, and two log houses were put up in the fall of the same year. In 1860, Messrs. G. W. Monical and Dr. Boyles erected a brick store, now known as Smith & Co.'s store, in which they kept a general store. During the war, about 1862, Henry Brooks put up his hotel, which he has kept ever since. Several other houses were put up the same year. Things moved along smoothly and quietly till 1878, when the town took a fresh start, and several substantial buildings were put up, among others that of T. Gould's store and dwelling house, a fine brick building used for a drug store, post office and Odd Follows Hall. The first general store was kept by Finne- more & Apperson: first blacksmith shop by Alexander Apperson and J. Smith; first drug store by Thomas W. Kepley; first saw mill was put up by George Monical & Son; first shoe shop was kept by a Mr. Jackson, now a resident of Xenia, 111.; a tan yard was oper- ated by F. G. Barnes, yet a resident of this township. A steam mill and carding ma- 464 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. chine was built and operated by W. W. Wolf. It changed proprietors several times, and was finally removed to Iola. Present business of Georgetown: General stores, A. Smith & Co., Theoren Gould; drags and groceries, John Murvin; grocer- ies, Cogswell & Nash, John R Lewis; shoe shop, John Peters; blacksmiths, Charles Bleeker, George Slictimyre; mills, A. Smith & Co.'s Bible Grove Star Flouring Mills; hotel, Henry Brooks; physicians, W. W. Bunean, E. L. Shumaker; millinery and dress-making, Mrs. William Hardin ; car- penters, D. Rose, Andrew Ballard and J. Byrnes. D. Rose also works at cabinet- making and Andrew Ballard at wagon-mak- ing. Masons and carpenters, J. Byrnes and Newhouse. At present, business is good. The town has about 20U inhabitants. It is not incor- porated, and is not cursed with saloons at this writing. Yast quantities of game, poultry, butter and eggs are shipped yearly from this town. A stranger can have no conception as to the amount of business done in this little village. Everything seems alive and in a healthy, prosperous condition. When the village was yet in its infancy, thi' people realized the need of educational advantages, and a private school was organ- ized, with James Cos as its teacher, who taught the school in a private house, with good success. The first school in George- town was a frame, 22x28, cost about $500, in which Samuel Fox taught the first school. The present commodious schoolhouse cost 11,700. It is a two-story frame. The pres- ent teachers are Josiah Harman and A. M. Rose; present enrollment, about 180 pupils. The school is considered a success. William McCracken was the first Post- master, and John Murvin is the present Post- master. Georgetown was formerly called Edinburg by its founder, George Monical, and it is also recorded, but the name was afterward changed to Georgetown by the people. The town has two church societies, viz., the Methodist Episcopal Church and Christian Church. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized irr the year 1S43 by Rev. Stafford. The causes which led to the organization were as follows: Three fami- lies who had been members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church in Washington Coun- ty, Ind., emigrated to Bible Grove Township, Clay County, 111., and when here felt the need of church facilities. The names of the families were Stephen and Mary Hardin. Abra- ham and Elizabeth Hardin, and George and Hannah Monical. Rev. Stafford accepted a call from Abraham Hardin, who threw open his log cabin and invited the neighbors to attend. The first members were Stephen and Mary Hardin, Abraham and Elizabeth Hardin, George and Hannah Monical, and Mary Er- win. The church grew rapidly, and at pres- ent counts ninety members. The following is a list of ministers who have at different times officiated: Revs. Stafford, Rodgers, Gillam, R. J. Wall, Ephraim Joy, Abraham Campbell (in 1850 and again in 1870; he intended to preach again in 1870, but death called the worker to his rest), Rev. Cox, L. C. English and A. B. Morrison, A. B. Mor- rison (again), Henry Manifold, John Shep- ard, Gary Lambert, James Trapp, Rev. Bab- bett, William St. Clair, Jesse Green, Thomas Stephenson, J. L. Waller, William Henues- see, John Yunyling. Joseph Rutherford, Rev. Laughlin, John D. Reeder, Powell A. Bart- lov. A. Snell. John Flesher, George A. Seed, J. G. Dee, John F. Harman. The first church was brick, and cost $800. The present church, which is a fine edifice, cost $1,200. The first church trustees were ll|sT(ii;V OF CLAY ( (»( N I r. 4C:> George Monical, Jacob Gibson; James D. Plotner. William McCracken, Stephen Hardin arnl Aaron T. Hardin. The present trustees are Arch Burk, Aaron T. Hardin. Ashbury Me Knight, Richard McWilliams, Francis C. Falley, U. Rose and Moses H. Monical. A Sunday school was organized in 1846. Abrain Hardin was the first Superintendent. Considerable interest was manifested. The present officers of the Sunday school are Al- bert M. Hose. Superintendent; John Marvin, Assistant Superintendent; William A. Har- din, Secretary; Mary D. Cox. Assistant 'etary; R. McWilliams, Treasurer; Ed- ward O. Folks, Chorister; Anna Duncan, Librarian; and Thomas W. Carrick, Assistant Librarian. The condition of the school dur- ing the spring, summer and fall months is good, the average attendance being about eighty. The Christian Church was organized about the year 1875 or 1876. Owing to the fact that the records of this church have been purloined by one of the former members, we are sorry to say a leader of the organization, we cannot give a very full history of it. The church edifice in which they hold their iiie^tings is a frame. The first minister was Elder W. H. Krutzinger, who was succeeded by Elder Clifton. There is no regular min- ister at present. The church was organized with thirty-seven members. The member- ship at present does not exceed twenty eight. Church Elders -Henry Brooks, Sr., Will- iam Brooks, Alexander Yickrey, T. W. Kep- le\ Church Deacons — C. T. Kepley and L. P. Weaber. Church Deaconesses — Mary C. Kepley and Lydia E, Lewis. It must be said that Henry Brooks. Sr.. and his esteemed wife are worthy pillars in the Christian Church. The G. A. R. ha-- a post at Georgetown, and the I. O. O. F. have also a lodge. The G. A. R. Post is known as the Bible Grove Post, No. 3(30. It wasorganized by William Mattoon November 14, 1883, in Georgetown. It received its charter October 30, 1883. The following are charter members: Theoren Gould, John B. Cogswell, Elias Booze, James Conner! ey, Richard McWilliams, Leonard Wolf, William B. Corder, John Cottrell, S. G. Curtright, Henry Nash, M. N. Lewis, E. T. Ryan, William P. Lewis, Robert Carrick, Jesse B. Yickrey. Jacob Rinehart, Joseph Killifer, Joseph Harper and Joseph Cook. The following are new members: John Pugh, Jesse Roberts and Joseph S. Lowe. First officers: Theoren Gould, Commander; John B. Cogswell, Senior Vice Commander; 1 Leiiry Nash, Junior Vice Commander; Leonard Wolf, Adjutant; Moses M. Lewis, Quarter- master; John Cottrell, Surgeon; Richard McWilliams, Chaplain; Joseph Killifer. Olli cer of the Day; William B. Corder, Officer of the Guard; W. P. Lewis, Sergeant Mayor; Joseph Harper, Quartermaster Sergeant. Present officers are: Theoren Gould. Com mander;S.G. Curtright, Senior Vice Comman- der; Henry Nash, Junior Vice Commander; Leonard Wolf, Adjutant; John Pugh, Quar- termaster; Joseph S. Lowe, Surgeon; Richard McWilliams, Chaplin; Joseph Killi- fer, Officer of the Day: William B. Corder. Officer of the Guard; William 1'. Lewi-,, Sergeant Major; Jacob Rinehart. Quarter- master Sergeant. Everything is reported in good running, order, the meetings are held in the Georgetown Schoolhouso onceamonth, on or before full moon. The I. O. O. F. society is called Bible Grove Lodge, No. 273. It was first organ ized in Flora, on the '24th day of May, L859, and called Flora Lodge; its charter was granted on the 12th day of October, of the same year. Its charter members were John Lowry, William B Wilcox, 1 C. Oadde, 466 HISTORY OF (LAY CiH'XTY. N. A. Oddy, E. P. Turner and William C. Goodsell. It was located in Flora a number of years and then removed to Louisville, the county seat of Clay County, where it stayed only a short time and then moved to George- town, where it retained its old name for many years; it was only changed within the last few years. The first officers of the lodge, while yet at' Flora, were: E. P. Turner, N. G. ; John Lowry, V. G. ; N. A. Eddy, E. S. and Sec- retary; W. Goodsell, Treasurer. Present officers are : J. E. Cooper, N. G. ; E. L. Shu- maker, V. G. ; John Murvin. Secretary; Theo- ren Gould, Treasurer; J. H. Kellums, Warden; John Cogswell, R. S. of N. G. ; D. F. Wattles, L. S. of N. G.; F. Underwood, E. S. of V. G. ; L. Cook, L. S. of V. G. ; Charles Martz, Inside Guardian. The Lodge owns its own hall, which is situated over the post office. They hold their meetings every Saturday night. Thirty members are now enrolled and the Lodge is in a prosperous condition. Five churches afford ample facilities for religious worship to the citizens of Bible Grove Township. Two of them have al- ready been mentioned in connection with the history of Georgetown. Of the other three, but little can be said. The Mount Olive Church is located in Section 27. The ground on which it was built was given by Alexander Yickrey. The church itself was built by different denominations, perhaps mainly the Protestants who were assisted by the Method- ist Episcopal and Christians. Any denom ination may preach in the church if is not occupied by the Protestants. The German Methodist Episcopal Church, known as Im- manuel Church, was built in 1874, in the southwest corner of Section 5. The land was given by Charley Nuetzmann. It is a frame and cost $800. The following names were the first members who, having been members of the same church in the East, felt the want of a German Methodist Epis- copal Church, and organized the church: A. Smith and wife, J. Sehnert and wife, John Schmidt, M. Schmidt, G. P. Seitz, Peter Sehnert and wife, Catharine Sehnert, Charles Nuet7mann and wife. The present member- ship numbers about forty. Before the church was built, the above named received their pastoral help from Altamont; the meetings were held in the homes of some of the members, and Revs. Brinkmeyer and Buchholtz were the officiat- ing ministers. The German Evangelical Church is situ- ated on the county line in the northwest cor- ner of Section 4; its members are from thi3 and Effingham Counties. The first school taught in the township was about 1839. Young Van Cleave was the teacher. The school was conducted on the old subscription plan, and was held in the proverbial log pioneer house with puncheon floor and mud and clay chimney, built by Nelson Vickrey and the Brooks family, on the old farm of Henry Brooks in the south- east part of the township. J. Y. Rhodes taught another school afterward, one mile south of the first one, after which several subscription schools were taught, till finally the free school system ushered in the dawn of intelligence and prosperity. At present, Bible Grove Township is divided into five school districts, and has five frame school- houses. The estimated value of school prop- erty is $2,950; number of months taught, twenty-nine. Eight teachers are employed, five males and three females. The average salary for male teachers is §30.24, and for female teachers $20.06. The number of pu- pils of school age is 381, and of these 201 are males and 180 females; of these 177 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY 467 males and 147 females are enrolled. Total expenditure for the year 1S82, $2,762.56. Among the early mills in this township we must note one owned by Henry Brooks, which is well remembered by our early settlers. It was properly called an ox mill. Another old mill was built about 1838, in the south- west corner of the township, by a man named Dowthard. It was run by horses, which walked around a stump on which two stones ground the corn. The saying is that the horses would go around twice, while the stones went round once; yet it was better than none. We must here record the enterprise, of one of our former citizens, Levi Colburn, who built a fine steam grist mill in Section 24 about 1868. It was considered one of the finest in this or adjoining counties. Mr. Colburn operated the mill till about 1873, when it burned down, supposed to have been the work of incendiaries. Several portable saw mills are now at work every winter along the banks of the thickly tim- bered creeks, and convert the timber into building purposes. Jackson Hungate and William Sundermann were undoubtedly the first who sold goods in this township. The latter peddled goods in a two-wheeled cart which was a well-known and welcome sight to our early settlers. The primitive and meager stock of goods owned by these early merchants can be imagined when it is re- membered that they hauled their goods from St. Louis. At one time, Henry Brooks, wish- ing to lay in a stock of groceries before win- ter, wanted to buy twenty pounds of coffee from William Sundermann, but was greeted with the words " Mein Gott, man, do you want to buy out mine whole store ? " Between the years 1835 and 1844, a number, of people settled in Bible Grove Township, but stayed only a few years and moved away, no one knows whither; they belonged to that restless roving set of people that sometimes start from the coast of the Atlantic; go across the continent to the shores of the Pacific, and sigh because they cannot go further west. Very few crimes have been committed in this township. In an early day, while Walker was Sheriff, a man by the name of Webb was killed on the old William Lewis place, at a shooting match, by John Easton, who stuck a knife in him; the usual causes, such as card-playing, drinking and quarreling, brought on the calamity. The accidental shooting of Frank Colburn by his little brother will also be remembered by our citizens. The most noted incident which occurred and which elicited the sym- pathy of the whole community in this town- ship, was undoubtedly the robbing and as sault with intent to kill of William Mc- Knight, the father of Cameron McKnight, whose sketch appears in this work. Williaru McKnight was spending the night of Octo- ber 4, 1864, at the residence of his son-in- law, Daniel Dillman, who was absent at the time, and was attacked and brutally beaten by five men, who then proceeded to rob him, and secured $3,320. They left William Mc- Knight nearly dead, he dying from the effects of his wounds the following year. The family spent considerable time and money to bring the perpetrators to justice, but failed, though several men were arrested. Mc- Knight had sold 600 acres of land, and as every man was his own banker in those days, it was naturally supposed by the villains that he had considerable money with him. The words rail-making, corn husking and house-raising, together with dances and whisky stews, bring back pleasant memories to the old timers. People would come ten miles to a house-raising. In an early day, William Sundermann invited his neighbors to 468 HISTORY OF (LAY COUNTY. a rail-making, who responded with a will, especially when it was understood that Billy, as Sundermann was generally called, had gone to Vincennes to get flour (a rare article in those days), rice, sugar plums, and rive gallons of the best whisky. A dance closed the day, and those who had worked through the day took the floor, while the others were made to stand back by Billy, who seemed to believe in the saying, no work, no play. At another time, William Sundermann received a number of New Year's calls, and, so as not to be behind the times, had made a most ex- cellent whisky stew, when one of the visitors hit the glass which was presented to him by Sundermann with his list, and spilt the contents over Billy's head, who promptly re- sponded by knocking his visitor down with the large hot can which contained the stew. No hard words or feelings existed afterward. This is but one of the many praise worthy characteristics of the pioneers which have nearly all passed away with them. Game and wild beasts abounded in this part of the country. Deer and turkey were the only game on which the hunter would waste his powder. As an evidence of the abundance of deer, it is said that William Brooks, Sr. , killed twenty-two the first fall after he came to the township. Owing to the fact that the early records of Bible Grove Township have been lost, the list of township officers cannot be ascertained. The following is a list of the present township officers: A. H. Harmon, Super- visor; John R. Lewis, Township Clerk; D. Rose and George W. Colburn, Justices of the Peace; Elijah Kepley, Noah Webster and John McKnelly, Township Commission- ers; Leonard Wolf and Moses Lewis, Con- stables; A. R. McKnight, Township Collect- or, and C. C. Hall, Township Assessor. CHAPTER XX. PIXLEY TOWNSHIP— GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION— SETTLEMENT BY THE WHITES— IMPROVEMKNTS- MILLS AND ROADS— SCHOOLS, SCHOOLHOUSES, CHURCHES, ETC.— VILLAGE OF INGRAHAM. "The ax rani; sharply 'mid those forest shades, Which, from creation, toward the sky Had towered in unshorn beauty." — Mrs. Sigourney. A LITTLE more than half a century ago, this section was a wilderness, undis- turbed by the enterprise of the white man. Its history begins with the year 1820, when the first settlers made their appearance, but the main influx of population commenced be- tween the years 1830 and 1835. The induce- ments which invited immigration to this part of the country were all that nature in her most pleasant moods could offer. Forests of the finest timber, streams of flowing water, and broad stretches of rolling prairie lands were a consideration not to be overlooked by the pioneers in selecting homes for themselves and their posterity. In writing the history of even so small a part of the earth's surface as is contained in a single township, it is evident that nothing like absolute justice and impartiality can be obtained. No history absolutely correct in all its details was overwritten. To give just the right amount of importance and space to HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 4G9 each individual and interest would manifest- ly be impossible. It might be a curiosity to see a book wherein each person was allowed to dictate or write up his own consequence and that of his family, such a production would give a very incorrect idea of individ- uals and their affairs. Some would be swelled out of all proportions as to their real merit or standing in the community, while others, through modesty, would only occupy a few lines, if they allowed themselves to ap- pear at all. It will be readily seen, there- fore, that the historian's task is one besot with many difficulties, but it is hoped that the following pages may contain a brief synopsis of history free from any serious error. The township of Pixley to which the fol- lowing pages are devoted, is comprised of forty-eight sections; it is bounded on the north by Jasper County, on the east by Rich- land County, on the south by Richland Coun- ty and Clay City Township, and on the west by Hoosier Township. Its twelve northern sections are situated in what, in the Congres- sional survey, is known as Town 5 north, Range 8 east; and the other thirty-six sec- tions are in Town 4 north, Range 8 east. The sections on the west sido of the township are not full sections, owing to the correction made in surveying. The surface is composed of prairie and woodland of almost equal proportion, the latter being confined principally to tho west- ern and central parts, where in many places the land is irregular and somewhat broken. The forest growth of the township comprises the varieties of timber common to Southern Illinois, and was at one time the source of considerable revenue to the lumber men, several of whom operated saw mills at differ- ent points along Big Muddy Creek. The walaut and other valuable wood once so numerous is fast disappearing, and the most valuable timber now standing is oak, of which several varieties are found growing in abundance. The prairies in their natural state, were covered with a dense growth of grass, so tall, that a person riding through it would be entirely hidden from view, and so thick that the sun's rays were entirely excluded from the soil beneath. As a con- sequence the ground was always damp and slushy, and served as the breeding place of myriads of greenhead flics, tin' common enemy of man and beast. These pests, to- gether with the miasma that lurked in the dank, decaying vegetation, caused the pio- neers often to shun the prairies, on which at present, some of thejbest farms are, aud lo- cated on tho higher grounds and on tho streams. The soil in the township rests upon a clay sub-soil in somo places, and in others on the dreaded hard pan, and is covered with an alluvial mold, varying in depth from ton to twenty inches, and is well adapted to any kind of grain and fruit. The soil in the wooded districts is lighter and more clay mixed, and not so well calculated for general farming as the prairies. It produces i^ood wheat, to which it seems peculiarly adapted, and by proper tillage, good crops of the other cereals can be raisod also. There are some fine grazing sections in different parts of the township, and more attention should be given to stock-raising, an industry too much neg- lected in this part of tho State. The princi- pal streams by which this region is watered and drained are Big Muddy Creek and its tributaries flowing into it from the east — Laws Creek, Wet Weather and Hurricane Creek. Tho first named enters the township from the north in Section 30; it leaves it on the west side, and for nearly two miles trav- erses Bible Grove and Hoosier Townships; its main course is in a southeasterly direction, 470 BIBTOIIY OF CLAY COUNTY. it leaves the township in Section 3a. Laws Creek enters the township in Section 27, flows southwest and unites with Big Muddy in the north part of Section 17; Wet Weather enters the township in Section 25, flows south and west, uniting with Big Muddy in Section 22. Hurricane Creek enters the township in Sec- tion 12, flows southwest and unites with Big Muddy in Section 26. Along the banks of the water-courses is an abundance of timber, the creeks also affording a splendid system of natural drainage, so that no tiling is needed, except in the southwest part of the township, which is called Levitt Prairie, deriving its name from the first settler on its virgin soil. The township itself was named after Osman Pixley, one of the wealthiest and most enterprising men in Clay County, who came here many years ago and opened a store in the Ingraham neighborhood, and there, by economy and frugality, laid the foundation of his fortune. The first white settler in Pixley Township was James Levitt, who came here from Posey County, Ind., about 1826, and settled on Section 21, on the old Louisville & Vin- cennes Road, near where Buckville, afterward called Pleasant Hill, now stands. He was a good farmer, and at one time a well-to-do man ; he died here, and his descendants are yet living in the township. A brother of James Levitt, named Noah Levitt, came here shortly afterward. He was a restless man, and moved from place to place; finally died in this township. Another old pioneer was David Simco; he, like many other people in those days, was possessed with a restless, rov- ing disposition, but a good man. He was a great hunter, often killing as many as seven and eight deer a day. He finally moved to Texas. He had several brothers who did not enjoy the very best of reputation; one of them, named Bob, stabbed his uncle iD Wabash County, from where they all came. He skulked about for many years, and finally ran off with his brother's wife. Bill Blake- man lived in this township about 1830; he afterward moved to Effingham County, where he died. John Ditter came here in 1829; he was born in Tennessee in 1807, and is yet living in the township; he first settled on the land where Sailor Springs now stands, where he owned forty acres of land, which he sold, and moved to Section 18, where he yet resides. His descendants are yet living in the township. Joseph Rodgers came here about 1826, sold his improvements to James McKinney, and moved to Section 17, where he and his family died. James McKinney came here in 1830 from Tennessee, while quite a young man, in company with his brother-in-law, John Ditter, who had been here a number of years, but had returned to his old home in Tennessee on a visit. He entered some land, on which he moved event- ually, and became one of our most esteemed citizens; a better history of him and some of the foregoing people and other old settlers appears in the biographical department of this work. The following is a copy from the entry book, showing the names of men who entered land between the years 1S33 and 1S43: In 1833, James Levitt, Section 21. 1836, William Lewis, Section 21. 1837, Joseph Rodgers, Section 17; also John Ditter, Section 18, and Caleb Mans- burg, Section 30. 1838, James McKinney, Section 30. 1830, Philo Ingraham, Section 29; Will- iam Ingraham, Section 28; A W. Park, same section; Noah Levitt, Section 22; Hamilton Baldwin, Section 32; Joseph Maswell, Sec- tion 33; Henry Kenley, Section 33; David Hansley, Section 34; John Rodgers, Section 27; Hezekiah Pope, Section 27 (he afterward HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. 473 went to California); John Ingraham, Section 33; Eli Read, Section 2; George Gibson, Section 3; William Read, Section 3; Milley Ditter, Section 7; S. L. Heflin, Section 8; M. C. Mennis, Section 18; John Modrell, Section 21; B. F. Williams. 1840, Hiram Winkler. Section 34. 1841, Jacob Toliver, "Section 10; J. W. Maxwell, Section 11. 1843. Benjamin Ulna, Section 12. The latter came here from Wabash County. Another, and one of the very first settlers, is Wright Phillips, who was born about 1822 in Palestine, Crawford County. He came while quite young, and until recently lived in Pixley Township; he is now a resident of Hoosier Township. The present generation of Pixley has no conception of the hard times the pioneer ex- perienced, and when the tale of their priva- tion and suffering is told, it often falls upon incredulous ears. We doubt if a young man of the present time would or could go through the hardships they endured. Had they them- selves known the extent of the privations and sore trials they would have to endure, we have no doubt that a good many of them would never have left the old home in the East or South. But, luckily they did not, and it was best for them. Among other diffi- culties which they experienced, was that of traveling, which was slow in those days, partly owing to the absence of roads. The first legally established highway was surveyed through the southern part of the township, and was known as the Louisville & Vincennes road, and passed through the township from east to west, and is still ex- tensively traveled. But long before this road was built, the settlers cut roads in all directions to facilitate travel, and in the course of fifteen years the township was well supplied with highways. The roads of the township at the present time, while not so good as in some other parts of the county, are well improved, and kept in fair traveling condition during the greater part of the year. As the population of the township in- creased, the want of milling facilities was felt, and a saw and flouring mill was erected by Wesley Woods on Laws Creek, a branch of Big Muddy Creek. Afterward, a steam saw and flouring mill was erected at Buck- ville (now called Pleasant Hill), and after its removal another was built by Gale wood & Co. on the same ground. These mills for many years did good service to the people in Pixley and adjoining townships. At one time a carding mill was connected with Gale- wood & Co.'s steam mill, but it flourished only a few years. At present, a good steam grist and sawmill does a floivrishing business in the little village of Ingraham. The early educational history of Pixley is involved in considerable obscurity, and it is not definitely known when or by whom the first school was taught. It is believed by many that Bill Bishop, who was one of the old-fashioned pedagogues which are so mi- nutely and vividly described in other parts of this work, and who. though lacking in college " laming," made up for it by an admirable perseverance to instill in the young minds the mysteries ot the three " R's," viz.: " Read- in'," " Biting " and "Rithmetic," and ever evinced their readiness to use force as a gen- tle reminder that time and tide wait for no man. It must not be supposed that these schools did no good, for some of our best and most substantial men of to-day received their instruction in some of these schools. Bishop taught in Section 32, on the old sub- scription plan, in a log house given to the people by James McKinney. The following is a list of pedagogues who wielded the rod in an early day: Bill 474 HISTORY OF CLAY COUNTY. Bishop, Maria Ingrakain (who is a daughter of Daniel Ingraham and is yet living), James Russell, Wm. Lloyd, Jack Shores and others. The progress in educational matters was slow, till the free school system, like a bright meteor, flashed upon the horizon of Pixley and shed its blessed rays of light, and made its influence felt far and wide, was introduced in the year 1857. Since then, there has been a gradual increase in educational matters. At present, there are nine frame school- houses and one log in the township. Esti- mated value of school property, $4,500; num- ber of persons of school age, 620 — males 318; females, 302; number enrolled, 532 — males, 281; females, 251; number of teach ers, 14 — males, 7; females, 7; total expendi- tures, $2,951.95. The religious history of Pixley Township dates back almost to its first settlement. Many of the pioneers had been active mem- bers of different churches in the States from whence they came, and did not neglect their religious duties upon the arrival in the new country. Meetings were at first held at pri- vate houses and groves, and were generally conducted by traveling preachers of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. The first Methodist Episcopal Church was looated in Section 33. At present, there are nine church buildings in the township, of which one, a Baptist Church, is located in Ingraham; another, of the same denomina- tion, is situated in Section 3; near it is a Christian Church. Another Christian Church is in Section 22, also called Pleasant Hill. A Methodist Episcopal Church is in Section 13. Two Catholic Churches are in the north part of the township, which is mostly settled by thriving, honest, hard-working Germans, who have done much for the development of the country. One of the churches is located in Section 36, and the other in Section 1. Another church is in Section 32, and still another in Section 19, opposite the Sailor Springs. Near the latter church, directly opposite the Springs, is a small village, called into life by the attractions the Springs have, and in it are several storeB. The little hamlet of Ingraham, the only village in the township, is situated on the corners of Sections 28, 29, 32 and 33. It was named in honor of the Ingrahams, who were old settlers, and very prominent and respectable people. At present, it contains one very fine general store, which does an immense business, one drug store, two black- smith shops and one cabinet shop. lAlNfl PART III. IOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. WAYNE COUNTY. PART III. WAYNE COUNTY. BIOGRAPHICAL. CITY OF FAIRFIELD ROBLEY D. ADAMS, lawyer. Fairfield, is the third of a family of sis children of Dr. David Adams and Cynthia (Dodds) Adams. His father. Dr. David Adams, well known in Richland and Wayne Counties, was born in the city of New York in 1802. He graduat ed from Yale College while a young' man. and in I82S, came to Paoli, Ind., and there embarked in the retail drug business. He was there married to a lady named ( lhapman, who died in Illinois soon after their removal to this State. In the pioneer days of Olney, Richland Co., 111., Dr. Adams located there for the practice of medicine, and continued there in the active practice until the day of his death. His second wife, Cynthia Dodds, was born near Charleston, S. C. and died in Richland County, 111. Dr. Adams, after sev- eral years' residence in Kichland County, re- moved to Fairfield, Wayne County, about 1852. but after a few years returned to Rich- land, locating at I'rairieton. His death, which occurred April 8, 1868, was the sudden re- sult of heart affection, dying in his carriage while on the road. He was an honored mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. E. D. ADAMS was born May 22, 1846, and in boyhood days had the advantages of a common school, and when but fifteen years old ran away from home to become a member of the First Missouri Cavalry, which he did in the summer of 1801, serving about three years, and was mustered out at St. Louis in August, 1804. He took part in the famous charge at Springfield, Mo. , led by Maj. Zago- nia, at the head of 3J.0 men against 5,000, in which one-half the number were lost,, he hav- ing a horse shot under him. He participated in the battle of I'ea Ridge, and was in Hie ail vanced guard at the capture of Little Rock, Ark., taking part in seventeen distinct battles. After returning from the war. he began the study of law under Hon. R. P. Hanna, his present partner. From 1866 to 1869, he was a student in the McKendret- College, of Leba- non, 111., and was admitted to practice in 1 S. I *, '. t . since which time lie has been associated with Mr. Hanna, taking charge of the chancer] and abstract business of the firm. He is the owner of several hundred acres of land in Wayne County, besides a quantity of very valuable city property in Fairfield lie is a P.KXiUAPHIOAL : member of the order of Masons and of the A. O. U. W. Mr. Adams was married, Feb- ruary 18, 1869, to Caroline R. Barkley. She was born in Fairfield, September 25, 1845. They have had four children — Joseph D., born January 1, 1870; Harry L. Adams, born September 10, 1871, died October 22, 1881; Willie Adams, born in May, 1874, died in in- fancy, and Kate P. Adams, born October 16, 1875. DR. JOHN E. ADAMS, elder brother of R. D. Adams, was born February 14, 1843, is a graduate of the St. Louis Medical Col- lege, first began practice at Cherry vale, Kan. , afterward at Enfield, 111. , and since 1878 at Poplar Bluff, Mo., where, besides an extensive general practice, he holds the appointment of Surgeon of the Iron Mountain Railroad Com- pany. He was married in Richland County, 111., in 1865, to Miss Martha Snyder. ELIAS S. AYLES, machinist, Fairfield. Rev. Elias S. Ayles, the son of Pay- ton and Susan (Carmichael) Ayles, was born in Washington County, Ohio, October 7, 1831, and removed with his parents to Lees- burg, Ind., in 1838, where his father died in 1839. Subject, at the age of fifteen years, engaged on the river as a steamboat engi- neer, in which occupation he remained five years. On October 16, 1849, he was married to Miss Parlia A. , daughter of George and Amy (Truax) Brock, of Stafford, Ohio, and to them were born Anna E. (Jackson), Mary J. (Harper), George M. , Payton (deceased), Emma S. (Reese, deceased), Amanda E. (de- ceased), Mabel M., Carrie B. and Laura U. In 1853. subject came to Fairfield, 111., and engaged in business as a tinner, which occu- pation he followed for four years, and then entered the service of the Ohio & Mississippi Railway Company as engineer, which posi- tion he held, at different periods, for eighteen years. In the meantime, he engaged in the avocation of a farmer near Jeff ersonvi lie, 111. for three years, and while there, in 1866, he was licensed as a minister of the Gospel in the Christian Church, in which capacity he has been very useful, and is regarded as a man well advanced in ecclesiastical affairs. In 1876, he moved to Belleville, Ohio, where he was engaged for the term of two years as a silversmith, after which he returned to Fairfield and has occupied the position of chief engineer and machinist in the Fairfield Woolen Mills to the present time. Payton, the son of David Ayles, was born in Wash- ington County, Ohio, iu 1800. David came from England. James Carmichael was a Colonel, from Ohio, in the war of 1812. Su- san died in Ohio in 1848, at the age of forty- seven years. George Brock was born in Pennsylvania, and died in Wayne County, 111., in 1868. His children were Jane (Clev- enger), Parlia A. (Ayles), Philip, and Eli (who died in the army in 1864). Payton 's children were Mary J. (Lemaster), Elias S., Hannah L. and David J. Subject is a man of varied information, being conversant with many subjects, and especially is he well versed on scientific matters, in addition to being regarded, and justly, too, as one of the most expert machinists in Southern Illi- nois. ALLEN H. BAKER, manufacturer, Fair- held, was born December 7. 1839, in Chester County, Penn. His father, whose name was Lewis H. Baker, was born in 1804, on Prince Edward's Island, where ho remained until 1837, when he came to Pennsylvania and located iu Chester County. Here he married Mary A. Ward. She was born in Pennsylva- nia in 1817, and is now a resident of Wayne County, residing with a daughter. Leonora, wife of James Barnhill. This family re- moved to Wayne County in 1853, and hero Lewis H. followed his trade that of carpen- CITY OF FAIRFIELD ter. He died in 1870, leaving two children, three having died previous to the decease of the father. Allen H. Baker is the oldest of this family of five children. In July, 1861, he enlisted in the Fortieth Illinois Regiment, and was a non-commissioned officer in Com- pany D. At the end of the first year's serv- ice he was discharged in consequence of im- paired eyesight. In 180:5, having recovered from this affliction, he accepted a clerkship in the Paymaster's Department at Cincinnati, under Judge E. Beeeher, where he remained until the close of the war in 1865. He then went to Olney, 111., where he was employed for sometime as l>ook keeper. Here he mar- ried on June 21. 1868, to Mary E. Carroth- ers, daughter of Dr. George \V. Carrothers. She was born in Ohio, November 9, 1839. In 1871, they removed to Fairfield, 111., to en- gage in the drug business, which he did with William G. Carrothers. In the spring of 1873, he was induced to take the position of Superintendent of the Fairfield Woolen Mills. He continues in this position, and in 1882 became a part owner of this extensive estab- lishment. His family consists of George C. Baker, born December 10, ISO'.), and Katie Baker, born March 30, 1874 He is an ar- dent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as is also his wife. JOSEPH G. BARKLEY, deceased, was born in Mercer County. Penn., May 1, L804, and was of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His par- ents removed to Clermont County, Ohio, in 1810, where Joseph grew to mature years, residing there until coming to Edgar Coun- ty, 111., in 1830. He attended school but six months in his life, and that before reaching theageof ten years. His education, however, was much above an average for his day. but almost wholly acquired by the fireside of bis home. He thereby obtained sufficient edu- cation to enable him to teach school, which he followed in 1831 in Edgar^ County. In 1832. ho enlisted in the Black Hawk war. serving in the ranks three months. A few years later he was appointed agent for the Commission of Internal Improvements, and in 1838 was Assistant Engineer on the con- struction of the "Old St. Louis trail," the great ante-thoroughfare between St. Louis and Cincinnati. In 1839, Mr. Barkley re- moved to Wayne County, where he engaged in merchandising, both on his own account and in partnership with Hon. O. B. Ficklin He was appointed by Judge Justin Harlan in 1839 to the position of Circuit Clerk of Wayne, County; this appointment was re- newed by Judge Wilson in 1841. He was then elected by the people to the same office, which he acceptably filled by the suffrage of the people until 1856. He also served the county as County Clerk, and later in life as Master in Chancery and Police Magistrate. He was married, April 25, 1841, to Eliza A. Wright, a daughter of David Wright, Sr., a pioneer merchant and miller of Wayne Coun- ty. Five children was the result of this union — David W., Caroline R. (wife of R. D. Adams). Orlando F., Joseph L., and Theo- dosia E. Barkley, the two younger of whom are deceased. Mr. Barkley died December 19, 1874 He was a quiet, modest, unas suming man. whose correct business habits and unquestioned integrity made him the confidant and the business adviser of many of his fellows. He was a faithful man in all the relations of life, and the memory of his noble life is cherished by hundreds of the pioneers of Wayne County. DAVID WRIGHT BARKLEY, editor and publisher of the Fairfield Press, was bom May 21, 1842, in the village of Fairfield, 111., and is therefore entitled to all the hon- ors of a pioneer. His early education was obtained undor the circumstances which char- 6 BIOGRAPHICAL: acterized the pioneer schools, and to draw a pen-picture of the old log schoolhouse, with its I mncheon floor and split- log benches, broad, deep fire-place, long, narrow window, would be only refreshing the memory of a great portion of our readers with their own ex- periences a few decades gone by. Mr. Bark- ley, however, enjoyed the instruction of Dr. Daniel Wright, a man of no mean ability and surpassing far the average teacher of his day, and who taught at that time in what is now known as the Shiloh District, three miles south of Fairfield, from where it drew a large delegation of students — indeed it was the Wayne County High School. Allowing the imagination a little scope, we can see them seated upon those wooden horses, after the fashion of a clothes-pin, their dinner- basket before Lhein. while with a relish they partake of their noon-day meal, comprised in part of wild meats; this exercise com- pleted, the next, and not less interesting, was their games of foot-racing and " bull pen," which invariably followed. Then when came that day for which, to the mind of the school boy, all other days were made, and the day when every debtor expects to be rich — when Christmas came — we see those same wooden horses brought to bear in barricading the door on the venerable teacher until the prom- ise to " treat " is obtained, said treat often consisting of a whisk}' stew, or eggnog, for the larger, and apples and candies for the smaller ones. Those days are gone, as are also many of those early teachers, but it is refreshing to know that they performed their mission, and that very many of those tutored in these humble institutions of learn- ing, have filled and are now tilling many of the important positions in the government of our States. Later in life Mr. Barkley spent a few months as a student in McKen- dree College, and for several years was em- ployed as a salesman in Fairfield and in Xenia, 111., after which he became associated with E. A. Johnson in general merchandise, and for some time conducted a similar bus- iness alone. In 1805, he spent several months as a salesman in a wholesale clothing house in Cincinnati, but finding that it was not congenial to his tastes, he came home aud in December of that year he purchased the War Democrat, which name, in January, 1866, was changed to the Wayne County Press, of which he has since been the publisher. He has served several years as a momber of the town council, and in 1872 was elected to a seat in the Lower House of the Twenty-eighth General Assembly from the Forty-fourth District. We desire in this connection to preserve a fact, famous in the history of minority representation, and remarkable for the even division of votes between Mr. Bark- ley and his colleague, Hon. I. N. Jaquess,, the former receiving a majority of four votes from a poll of 18,385. Space will not per- mit us here to perform the pleasant task of reviewing Mr. Barkley's legislative record, but suffice it to say that he was an active member of some of the most important com- mittees, and his influence was always exerted in support of what he deemed the common good of the State at large. He is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for several years past has been the Super- intendent of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. He was married at Claremont. , 111., March 16, 1870, to Miss Bell Gowdy, daugh- ter of William E. Gowdy, formerly of Miamis burg, Ohio. Their union has been blest with three children, viz.: Grace G. Bark- ley, born January 7, 1871; Theodosia, born February 4, 1873; and David W. Barkley, Jr., born March 25, 1882. ORLANDO F. BARKLEY, merchant, Fairfield, aud son of Joseph Barkley, was CITY OF FAIRFIELD. born in Fairfield, in Wayne County. March 28, 1847. He was educated in the common schools, learned the printer's trade in the office of the Wayne Count// Press and was for several years connected with his brother, D. W. Barkley, in the publication of that paper, as the firm of Barkley Brothers. Since attaining his majority, however, he has spent much of his time in mercantile f pursuits, and is now the active partner in an extensive business under the firm name of O. F. Barkley & Co. He was married, October 8. 1873, to Jessie Dales. She was bom August 30, 1849. in Leicester, N. Y. Their children are Charles E. and Joseph G, Bark- ley. the former born October 22, 1874, and the latter July 23, 1SS0. FRANCIS BEAN, physician,Fairfiold,Ill.. was born in Athens County, Ohio, February 1">. 1845. He is the third of a family of twelve children of Archibald Bean and Ad- eline Woodworth, both of whom were natives of Ohio. Francis Bean was reared upon the farm and educated in the public schools of his native county, where he qualified himself for the profession of teaching. In June of 1862, he enlisted in Company H, of the Eighty seventh Ohio Regiment, and in Sep- tember of the same year was captured at Harper's Ferry, paroled and sent home. Af- ter remaining at home for eighteen months, he again volunteered, this time in the One Hundred and Forty- first Regiment, Com pany C. from which he was discharged in the fall of 1804. In 1865, he came with his father's family to Wayne County, 111., and settled in Laniard Township, near Jef- fersonville. In April, 1870, he commenced the study of medicine, performing the usual preparatory reading under Dr. S. W. Ver- treese at Fairfield, 111. He graduated from the Medical College of Ohio, and in 1875, having previously practiced two years at Jef- fersonville. He located at Fairfield in 1875, where he still remains. Dr. Bean was mar- ried in Fairfield, 111 , November 6, 1867, to Nancy J. Koontz, daughter of Simon P. and Easter Koontz, of Laniard Township. She was born in Wayne County March 19, 1848. They have a family of four children — Ida May, born January 26, 1869, and died Octo- "ber 7, 1873; La O. Bean, born August 25, 1872; Charles I. Bean, born August 27, 1876; and Wilsey R. Bean, born October 28, 1878. George Bean, grandfather of Dr. Bean, was born in 1789, and died on the 15th of May, 1864. His grandmother, Ann Bean, was born in 1794, and died February. 1, 1867. His grandparents on his mother's side were Zebina and Mary (Baker) Woodworth, the former boru in New Hampshire and died in advanced age in Wayne County. 111., in the year 1873. The latter was born in Boston and died in this county in 1864. Archibald Bean was born in November, 1815, and died April 3, 1875. Adeline (Woodworth) Beau was born November 26, 1819, and died Ma\ 21, 1870. They were married April 16, 1840, and had a family of eleven children, seven of whom are now residents of Wayne County and four of whom are deceased. Dr. Bean is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and both he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fairfield . LILBURN D. BENNETT, painter. Fair field, was born in Ohio County, Ky. , September 16, L830. His father, Asa Bennett, was born in Maryland, and removed to Kentucky while young, where he married Delilah Woodward, a native of Maryland. She was born in 1798, and died while visiting her son, L. D. Ben nott. in Fairfield, ou January 9, 1881. The father died several years ago in Kentucky. Their family consisted of eleven children, L. D. being the eighth. L. D. Bennett was s BIOGRAPHICAL: married in Kentucky. August 20, 1853, to Amanda McCall, of that State. She was born May 11, 1837, and died in Fairfield, 111., November 27, 1880. His present wife is Rebecca Cochran, whose father was a resi- dent of Clay County, but now deceased. She was born in Clay County, 111. Mr. Ben- nett's first marriage resulted in the birth of eleven children, five of whom are deceased. In early life, Mr. Bennett learned the trade of house and sign painting, which has been his chief occupation since moving to this county in 1857, excepting eight, years, dur- ing which time he was called to fill public offices. He was elected in 1868 to the office of County Sheriff for two years, which duties he discharged with credit to himself, and from 1876 to 1880 was appointed Deputy County Sheriff, and again elected to the of- fice of Sheriff in the fall of 1880 on the Democratic ticket. He is a member of Fair- field Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M., Fair- field Chapter, No. 179, R. A. M., and both he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. EDWARD S. BLACK, of Fairfield, and a native of Wayne County, was born June 24, 1834. He is a son of William J. Black and Elizabeth H. Stuart; the former was born in Tennessee February 12, 1806, and came to Wayne County, 111., with his parents, Robert and Elizabeth Black, in the year 1822. They settled in Barnhill Township, about two miles from Fairfield, where both Robert and Elizabeth died, leaving a family of seven children. About the time of the coming of the Black family, came the family of Hugh and Lncinda Stuart, from Todd County, Ky. Hugh Stuart, however, was a native of South Carolina. They had two children — James S. and Elizabeth Stuart. Hugh Stuart was bora in August, 1792, and Lucinda Stuart was born in Virginia in October, 1792. Hugh died in Wayne County on the 20th of February, 1852. his wife surviving him until November 24, 1866. Too much could not be said in honor of these two persons, had we the space to do them justice. They were re- garded by all as humble Christians, members, and we might say founders, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Wayne County; pos- sessed of liberal views, and still more liberal hearts, their residence providing a place of worship in the absence of a church, and their door was ever open to the ministers of the Gospel, and their hands extended to assist any one who might need their help. Though no mammoth marble is erected to their mem- ory, their monument is established in the hearts of the people, among whom they lived so long. William J. Black and Eliza- beth Stuart were married February 7, 1829. She was born March 6, 1813, and came here with her parents in 1818. They had a fam- ily of three children — Hugh P., Edward S. and Elzira, wife of John Moffitt. William J. Black was also a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a success- ful farmer until his health failed, which it did several years prior to his death, which oc- curred July 11, 1868. His wife is still liv- ing in Fairfield, her home for the past fifty years. Edward S. Black was chiefly reared by his Grandfather Stuart, and with him learned the trade of blacksmith, at which he has ever since engaged. He was married in Fairfield, July 12, 1859, to Clemence George, daughter of Francis and Lourania George. She was born in White County, 111 , April 16, 1840. They have six children living and twc deceased. Their names are as follows: M. Fredonia Black (dead). Sophronia, James E.. Earnest, Francis. Edward (deceased), Lou- rania and Clara I. Black. The parents and eldest daughter are members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church. Mr. Black is a mem- CITY OF FAIRFIELD. ber of the A. O. L T . W., and an ardent ad- vocate of the cause of temperance. EDWARD BONHAM, merchant, Fairfield, is one of the old landmarks of Wayne Coun- ty. 111., coming to Fairfield in] 1843. He was born in Northumberland County, Penn., on the 30th of April, 1826. His father, Thomas T. Bonham. was born in Pennsylva- nia August 16, 1790, and was there married, January 30, 1821, to Miss Elizabeth Jenkins. She was a native of the same State, and was born October 27. 1801. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and in later years he became a merchant and contractor in the construction of what is now known as the Air Line Railroad. He came with his family to Illinois in 1838, at which time he located at Mount Carmel. About 1840, he estab- lished a mercantile business in Fairfield, un- der the management of a relative, with whom he was associated. The death of this party, about 1843, was the immediate cause which brought Mr. Bonham to the town of Fair- field. Here he remained until the time of his death, which occurred April 24, 1871, very suddenly, at a time when he was in vig- orous health. He was noted for his business ability and his fidelity to the Methodist Church, of which he was an active and zeal- ous member, as well as for his sterling quali- ties as an advocate of temperance. His wife, who was also one of the pillars of the church, died in Fairfield March 9, 1802. They had a family of four children, Edward being the oldest, and the only one now living. He was educated in the common schools and in the Bloomington, Ind.. University. With the exception of a few months, he has been in active mercantile business since sixteen years old, and is now the pioneer merchant of Wayne County. He is now associated with J. T. Fleming in a general mercantile business, and is President of the private bank of E. Bonham & Co. Though not a politi- cian in all that the term implies, yet he takes an active interest in the issues of the day, and wields no small influence, which is en- joyed by the Republican party. He has served several years as Postmaster at Fair- field. He was married in Fairfield, October 9, I860, to Berintha E. Woodin, daughter of R. and L. Woodin. She was born in the State of New York March 12, 1842. Their union has been blest with five children, two of whom are deceased — Thomas E. was born August 11, 1SG1, and died June 20, 1875;' and Charles R.. born February 15, 1863; Lucretia F... born April G, 1865; Mary J., January 3, 1869; and Berintha W., Decem- ber 12, 1880. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bonham are members of the M. E. Church. GEORGE W. CARROTHERS, physician, Fairfield, descends from Scotch ancestry, who first emigrated to the United States in the latter part of the seventeenth century. They settled in Pennsylvania, where his father was born. He grew to manhood, and was mar- ried in Pennsylvania to Mary Dye. In 1815, they removed to Harrison County, Ohio, and there, in 1816, G. W. Carrothers was born being the fifth of a family of seven children He received a common English education and in 1837, in Richland County, Ohio, mar ried Catherine Hale. She was born in Rich land County, Ohio, in 1820. After marriage he began the study of medicine, under Dr. A. Blymier, of Mansfield, Ohio, and later under Dr. J. T. Mitchel, of same place, read- ing with them five years, and attending lect- ures in Willoughby, Ohio. He has been in active practice since 1840. In the fall of 1848, he came to Olney, 111 , where he prac- ticed for thirty-two years, and of course en- dured all the hardship incident to a practice in a pioneer country. He came to Fairfield, Wayne County T , in 1880, that they might be to BIOGRAPHICAL: associated with their children, W. G. Car- rothers and Mary E. Baker. They have had sis children, four of whom are deceased. Both Air. and Mrs. Carrothers are members of the M. E. Church. WILLIAM G. CARROTHERS, Fairfield, Deputy United States Revenue Collector for the Third Division of the Thirteenth District, is a son of Dr. George W. Carrothers, of Fair- field, 111. He was born in Olney, HI., June 9, 1851, where he was reared to maturity. He was educated at the public schools of Olney, and at the Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio. In 1870, he embarked in the drug business in Olney, and two years later came to Fairfield, where he continued the same trade as a member of the firm of Baker & Carrothers, until 1875, at which time he purchased the interest of Mr. Baker, and continued alone until 1878. He took charge of his present office under Gen. Pav- i'v on the 1st of January, 1883. He was married, in Olney, 111., September 28, 1871, to Miss Sallie R Walker, daughter of Eben- ezer and Abigail (Reetl) Walker. She was born in Mt. Carmel, 111. , on the 25th of Au- gust, 1851. They have five children, viz., Frank L., born November 29, 1872; Jennie, born May 26, 1875; Mary, born November 5, 1877; Susie, born August 26, 1879; and William, born March 11, 1S82. Mr. Car- rothers is a member of the Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M. , Fairfield Chapter, No. 171), R. A. M., and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In politics, he is a Re- publican. Family residence on corner of Railroad and Division streets. DR. P. H. CHAMBERS, dental surgeon, Fairfield, is a native of La Fayette County, Mo., and was born March 7, 1855. His par- ents, Paschal H. Chambers and Elizabeth Wal- lace, were born in Kentucky and married in Missouri, where the father now lives. The mother died in Missouri, leaving a family of four children, Dr. P. H. being the second. He was reared and educated in Missouri, and studied dentistry under Dr. J. S. Hassel!, of Lexington, Mo. He afterward completed his study in the St. Louis Dental College, and practiced for some time previous to com- ing to Fairfield, 111., in 1879. He has built up a profitable practice here, and is worthy of universal confidence. He was married, on the 6th of March, 1882, to Annie Bennett, daughter of L. 1). Bennett and Amanda (Mc- Call) Bennett. She was born in Fairfield, in December, 1861. Their family residence is on the corner of King and Turney streets. JAMES A. CREIGHTON, lawyer, Spring- field, was born March 7, 1846, in W T hite County, 111. His great-grandfather, John Creighton, was born in Ireland, of Scotch parentage, about 1745. He married, in Ire- land, and with his wife came to the colony of South Carolina about 1770, and settled about sixty miles from Charleston, in what was then Dover District, where he became a planter. He had a large family, including eight sons, among the younger of whom was Joseph Creighton. grandfather of James A. He was born in South Carolina about 1788, and was married to Miss Martha Jaggers, * and soon after the war of 1812, moved to the Territory of Illinois, and settled in what is now White County. There the father of James A., John M. Creighton, was born in 1821. He married Miss Mary Ann Crews, in Wayne County, 111., about the 1st of Jan- uary, 1845. and commenced housekeeping near his father's in White County. His wife was a daughter of James Crews, who was born in Virginia about 1796, and came with his parents to Illinois from Kentucky, some time prior to 18 19, and married, in Wayne County, about 1823, to Miss Elizabeth Owens. He then settled in Thorn's Prairie, CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 11 where Mary A. Crews was' born in 1827. John M. and Mary A. Creighton continued to reside in White County until James A. •was seven years old, when they removed to Wayne County, and settled in Jasper Town- ship, on the farm where the motherstill lives, and where the father died in 1869. They had a family of eight children, James A. be- ing the eldest. Jacob K. Creighton, of Fairfield; Rev. Charles E. Creighton: Mar- tha J., wife of Dr. W. Borah, of Louisiana; Joseph C. Creighton. of Taylorville. 111.; and Milton, John M. and Thomas Creighton, farmers of Wayne County, constitute the fam- ily. James A. Creighton in early life at- tended the common schools of the country. When seventeen years old he became a pupil of the Fairfield school under the instruction of Professor Cooper, to whom he refers with much pleasure a^ a worthy man in every re- spect, and one who was his friend. In June, L868, he graduated from the College at Sa- lem, 111., after which he devoted some years to teaching, during which time he was prin- cipal of the public schools of Graysville and Fairfield. He read law with Messrs. Beech- er. George \ Sailor, of Fairfield, and was admitted to the bar in March, 1871. He then opened an office in Fairfield and prac- ticed in Wayne and adjoining counties until May. 1^77. when he removed to Springfield, 111., and formed a copartnership in practice with Alfred Orendorff, his present partner. He was married, in Fairfield, Wa\ ae Co., 111., January 1. 1871, to Miss Mary Xewman. They have three daughters, viz., Ada, Edna and I'.va Creighton. JACOB R. CREIGHTON, lawyer, of the firm of Creighton A Sibley, Fairfield. 111., is a son of John M. and Mary A. Creighton, and was born in White County. He was educated in the public schools of Wayne County, ami at the State Normal University, at Normal, 111. He read law with his brother, James A. Creighton, and was admitted to practice in June, 1875. Since that date he has practiced in Wayne and adjoining counties. He was elected to the office of State's Attorney, in November, 1880, and is now serving in that capacity with universal acceptance. He is a Democrat, a member of the Masonic order and of the A. O. U. W. [For biography of ancestry see sketch of James A. Creighton.] JOSEPH G. CREWS, lawyer, Fairfield, is a representative of one of the oldest fam- ilies in Eastern Illinois. Andrew Crews, his great-grandfather, came from Kentucky and settled in Wayne County in the days of Ter- ritorial government Some years after, he was followed by his five sons, yho are de- scribed as being very tall and erect, and pos- sessed of strong muscular power, and all farmers. The oldest of these was Matthew, who had a family of thirteen children as the result of two marriages. William, the eld- est of these, married in 1839, to Thurmutis Gillison. William was born in Kentucky, in IMS, coming to this county in 1822. The latter was born in White County, 111., in 1821. Joseph G. Crews is the oldest of a family born to these parents, and was born in Wayne County, July 16, 1843. William Crews died in 1862, and his wife in 1877. His education is the result of studious ap- plication to books at home, coupled with the advantages of a common school. He early qualified himself for the position of teacher, and taught successively for a period of nine years. Having decided upon the practice of law, he pursued the necessary reading under the Hon. James McCartney, and was ad- mitted to practice in 1871, since which time he has been a member of the Wayne County bar, at Fairfield. He is an earnest advocate of the temperance reform, and has 12 BIOGRAPHICAL: exerted no small influence in perpetuating the good name of Fairfield in that direc- tion. He was married in Fairfield, to Miss Eliza Shaeiler, daughter of Henry and Eliz- abeth Shaeffer. She was bom May 10, 1855, in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Both ftre members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their family consists of four chil- dren, -viz. : Lillian. Edith, Carl, and Bertha Crews. W. H. DICKEY, Constable, Fairfield, was born Augnst 27, 1837, in Bledsoe County, Tenn. His father, who was of Scotch ances- try, was born in North Carolina in 1814. His grandfather was the first representative of the family in the United States, and was killed by Indians, in the time of the Revo- lution. He left three sons, one of whom settled in Pennsylvania, and the other two in North Carolina. Moses Dickey, one of the latter, reared a large family in North Carolina, his fourth child, David Dickey, being the father of W. H. , Dickey, whose name heads these lines. His mother, who is now living in this county, was born in 1816, in North Carolina, married to David Dickey, in Tennessee, and is a daughter of Silas Page, who died in the war of 1812. Soon after the birth of William H., their first child, they removed to Georgia, where they remained until 1865, when they removed to Wayne County, 111. This removal was ren- dered necessary on account of the part taken by the family in the late war. Here David Dickey died in January, 1867. William H., in 1863, left his Southern home, came North, and joined the Union army, and was at once detailed to the secret service, for which he was especially qualified. He was discharged at Chattanooga, Tenn., in April, 1865. For ten years he followed farming in Arrington Township, but in 1875, having been ap- pointed Deputy Sheriff, he removed to Fair- field. Since the expiration of his term as Deputy Sheriff he has held the office of Con- stable. He was married in Walker County, Ga., March 10, 1859, to Mary Phillips, daughter of John and Martha Phillips. She was born February 12, 1836, in Geor- gia. They have seven children, viz. : Thomas B. , Sarah Jane who is deceased, Mary Ann, John D., L. T. Dickey, Martha E., Ida C, William R. N. and Harry Edward Dickey. J. T. FLEMMING, merchant, Fairfield. The family from whom the gentlemen whose name heads this sketch is descended origi nally came from Scotland to this country about 1683, and settled in Delaware, and there they made their stand for upward of a hundred years. In 1789, a part of the fam- ily moved to West Virginia and settled in what is now Marion County, along the banks of the Schuylkill River; and most of the land then entered is owned by their descendants uutil this day. Theiv Matthew and Mary Flemming, the great-grandparents of subject, grew to mature life, and to them were born eight children. Of that number, Alexander was the third child, and was born January 5, 1775. In due course of time he reached manhood's estate, and on March 27, 1793, he was married to Mary Hays. That union re- sulted in twelve children, of whom Zadock, the father of our subject, was the ninth. The grandfather died in Virginia on October 11, 1847, aged seventy-seven years nine months and six days. The father lived in Virginia until about 1828, and then came to Zanesville, Ohio. On March 11, 1830, he married Ellen Powell, and to them were born ten children — Mary, Joseph T. (our subject), Charles, Melissa, Hannah, William Sanford, Oscar, Augusta, Lucinda and Mary Emma. Of this number four only are now living — Joseph, Melissa, Lucinda and Mary E. The father, who was a shoe-maker by trade, re- ill Y OF lAIl'.l'IKI.I). i:i sided in Ohio until 1834, and then moved back to Middletown, W. Va. (now Fairmont). While a resident of that State, his first wife died on August 18, 1854, and on March 2, 1856, he was married to Sarah A. Staddon. In 1857, he removed to Newark, Ohio, and lived there until 1861, then came to Fair- field, 111., and resided here until his death on September 21, 1S74. Subject was born on May 13, 1833; his education was received in the olden times subscription schools, and at the early age of thirteen ho commonceil to learn his father's trade, that of a shoe-maker. AYhen sixteen years of age he commenced his chosen profession that of the mercantile business — as a clerk in a dry goods store in Fairmont, Va. ; and ho has been engaged in t that business most of the time since. For a number of years, ho clerked and also operated a store for himself in Maryland and West Virginia, and in February, 1857, he came West 3Dd first settled in Warsaw, 111. His first venture in that village was in following the trade of an ambrotyper, but soon com- menced clerking again. In the spring of I860, he crossed the plains and mined for one season in Colorado. When he returned to the States, he came to Fairfield, and has since been a resident of this place, with the exception of the year 1875, when he traveled for Bond Bros., of Cincinnati. During his sojourn in this city, he has followed the mer- cantile life, with the exception of about three years — from 1875 to 1878, when ho acted as agent for the O. & M. Ft. K., and also oper- ated in grain some in his business; ho has been associated at different times with the substantial business men of this city. First with a Mr. Adams, next Dr. S. \V. Vertrice, and also with J. ('. Alexander. He after- ward sold out entirely and clerked subse- quently for Patterson & Berkley, and also for Martin Somers & Co. In February, 1881, he again embarked in tho mercantile business J for himself, with Edward Bonham, under the title of Bonham & Flemming. This tirm is still in business in this city. Mr. Flemming was married, in Fairmont, W. Va. , on May 29, 1854, to Miss Cordelia Dudley, a daugh- ter of Elias and Hannah (Jones) Dudley; her parents are also natives of that State. She was born on November 7, 1832, in Mari- on County, Va., and is the mother of nine children, of whom four aro now living — Lew L„ born March 13, 1862; Frank D.. born January 5, 1868; J. T., Jr., born August 15, 1871, and Eldon P., August 3, 1873. Of tho deceased children, Fred R. was born July 2, 1859; Harry D. was born July 11, 1864, and died January 4, 1865; Mary, born August 3, 1863, died May 13, 1874, and two infants still born. Mr. and Mrs. Flemming are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M., Fairfield Chapter, No. 179, and Gorin Commandory, K. T., No. 14, of Olney. In politics, he is a Republican. Mr. F. was one of tho projectors, incorporators and di- rectors of the Springfield Division of the O. & M. Railroad. His mother was a lineal de- scendant of Sir Francis Drake, tho celebrated English explorer. G. J. GEORGE, lawyer, Fairfield. Prominent among those who have figured in the history of Wayne County, and whose memory is cherished as almost sacred, is that of Francis George, or " Uncle Frank,'' as he was more familiarly known, and father to G. J. George, whose name heads this -ketch. Francis (ioorge was of South Carolina stock, of the old Whig type, a man of great, ener- gy, firm in his convictions of right, and a born Abolitionist, believing in the absolute right, of every man to equality before the law — a man of strong mind and independence 14 BIOGRAPHICAL: of thought, who dared to act and think for himself, and he often predicted the downfall of Blavery, and lived to see it eliminated from our national government, though effect- ed at the sacrifice of the blood of his sons. Of his many worthy characteristics, none linger in the memory more vividly than his fidelity to the Christian religion. For more than an average lifetime, he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for forty years was constantly found at his post as leader of his class. Few men in the coun- ty's history have exerted such a potent in- fluence for good, and, though his remains now rest in the Fairfield Cemetery, the influ- ence of his molding hand and the example of his godly life are still seen and felt in the community in which he lived so long and well. He died June 11, 1882, at the age of seventy years. His wife, whose name was Luraney Gillison, is still living, at the age of seventy years, and retains much of her youthful vigor. She is a sister of the late Hull Gillison, so well known in Wayne County. Francis and Luraney George had a family of fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters. The oldest son, Capt. Ezekiel George, fell on the field of Shiloh April 6, 1862, and is buried beside his father, as is also Gillison, the fourth son, whose wounds and exposure of the war brought him to a premature grave. " Zeke," as the Cap- tain was better known, was a young man of noble parts, universally loved at home and very popular in the ranks, and is a man des- tined to have risen to distinction as a Boldier and citizen, had not his life been taken as a part of the great price of national freedom, and in the infinite galaxy of heaven there phines no brighter gem than that which decks the brow of snch brave men. Nine of tin- children still live to honor the memory of their deceased father, and to bestow their hearts' affections upon their mother in her declin- ing years. G. J. George, commonly known as James George, was born in White County, near Liberty, on March 17, 1837. But few men are allowed to linger in the flesh so long after their decease as has James George. While we write, we have before us copies of the Fairfield papers of July, 1864, in which is published his obituary, as well as a number of resolutions of respect by his many friends. On the 27th of June, 1864, he had fallen in the charge on Kenesaw Mountain, and, as all thought, mortally wounded; but was picked up by the enemy and carried within their lines, while the killed were left unburied on the field. Three days later, the Federal dead were buried by their comrades. One of these lay where James fell, and was thought to be he, though the three days' heat of a Southern sun rendered them un- recognizable. They, as well as the Chap- lain, wrote to his parents, telling of his valor, trying to comfort them with the report of how nobly he had f allien, etc. , etc. , and hence the resolutions of respect. James says some of those friends now think the resolu- tions somewhat overdrawn, but they thought he was dead; and that now, when he reads those resolutions signed by Jeff Barnhill. Bill Robinson and others, and sees in what esteem he was held, he is admonished to guard carefully his acts, lest when he has been called upon to " shuffle off this mortal, etc.. - ' he find himself under the necessity of re-publishing the old, rather than risk the formation of new resolutions. Suffice it to say, that, though Mr. George lay for ninety- six days in a rebel prison, he survived, re- turned to his loving parents and cherished friends, and still lives, an honor to society and the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he, like his father, is a faithful clasH leader. Ill conversation, he said to the CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 15 writer: " All that time I knew that the peo- ple thought mo dead, and no one knows how much food it was for even my emaciated body to live in anticipation of being released and in coming in person to my resurrection;" adding that " in the jail at Charleston, S. C. I took a sip of poodle-dog soup and a bit of the flesh, but give it as my opinion that there is absolutely no condition in which man can be placed that a sirloin steak from a fat- ted calf would not bo preferred.'' After a total imprisonment of six months, he re- turned to his home, bringing the clothes worn when wounded, and says: "To hold them up and look at them now — for I have them yet — you cannot imagine how a man could have been in those breeches when those balls passed through, and not have been riddled.'' But Mr. George is now a hearty man, not much lame, a splendid lawyer, a good farmer and trader, and has accumulated a handsome fortune. He is a liberal man, and especially in the support of the erection of churches. He was married, October 11, 180(3, to' Emily Wilcox, daughter of J. C. and Mary (Beecher) Wilcox. She was born in November. 1843, in Licking County. Ohio. They have four children— Mary, Chloe. Rena and Lewis George. JACOB HALL, retired, Fairfield. The gen- tleman whose name heads this sketch, and who is one of the oh lest pioneers of this county, was born in Warren County, Ohio, June 17, 1812. He is son of Richard and Eleanor (Foster) Hall, and was the second of six children, viz. : Hezekiah S., Jacob, Ann. Mary, John W. and Druzilla. In 1816, the parents left Ohio and came to this county, settling in Thorn's Prairie. There the father died in 1830, and the mother subsequently married Alexander Ramsey, and died finally in Mount Erie. Both of the parents were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Our sub- ject remained in Ohio with his grandfather and did not come to Illinois until 1824. He remained at home on the farm until he was twenty-three years of age. He began his commercial career at Thorn's Prairie, but only remained at that point two years, and then in 1830 he came to Fairfield and opened a general store, which he carried on until 1879. He then retired from active business, and has since given his attention to his farm- ing interests and valuable city improvements. Mr. Hall was married in this county in 1837, to Miss Catherine Maclin. This lady was born in Kentucky on February 27, 1816, and .vas a daughter of Rev. David W. and Nancv Maclin, who came to this State with their daughter about 1S28. The result of this union was two children, viz.: Mary D., born December 18, 1840, died December 4, 1869; Sarah O, born December 28, 1843, and united in marriage in October, 1863, to George L. Slocumb. The twain are now living in Cal- ifornia. Mrs. Hall died February 25, 1846. Mr. Hall is a man of strong physique and great mental energy. His whole career in the city of Fairfield has brought him nothing but friends, and as his well-lived life is clos- ing none speak but in praise of the old pi- oneer. Since 1838, he has been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. JOHN L. HANDLEY, physician, Fairfield, was born Feb. 9, 1835, in Sheffield, Eng.. and is a son of James and Martha (Eunis) Handley, both of whom were natives of Yorkshire, Eng. The father died in iho old country in 181". and three years later John L., then thirteen years old, in company with his mother, came lo the United States, landing at New York. They located at Evansville, Ind., in 1850, and after a residence of about four years came to Carmi, White Co.. 111., in which county the mother died in 1869. After re moving to Carmi, 111., John L. decided to 16 BIOGRAPHICAL. adopt the profession of physician and sur- geon, aDd accordingly entered the office of Dr. E. L. Stewart, under whom he did the usual preparatory reading. Early in the progress of the rebellion, "ho entered the Eighty-seventh Illinois Infantry as Hospital Steward, and was afterward made the Acting Assistant Surgeon, which position he credit- ably tilled until the close of the war. He was honorably discharged in June, 1865. In August following, he located at Mount Erie, Wayne Co., 111., where he practiced until the fall of 1868. He was then made the choice of the people of Wayne County for Circuit Clerk, to which office he vsas elected on the Democratic ticket. At the end of four years, he was re-elected to the same office by a large majority, and served with acceptance until 1876. In 1870, he was ap- pointed as Master in Chancery, serving until 1876, re-appointed in 1880, and is the pres- ent incumbent. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention of 1876. which nominated Tilden and Hendricks. He was placed in nomination by and received the full Democratic vote of the State Senate as Clerk of the Senate, in 1878. He has al- ways acted with the Democratic party from a sense of principle and right. He was mar- ried, September 27, 1865, to Miss Clarinda Hoffman, of Carmi, White Co., 111. She died in March, 1873, leaving one child — Bessie S. Handley. He was married to his present wife, Miss Sallie McCall, on the 29th of April, 187-4. Dr. Handley was made a Mason in 1858, in Carmi Lodge, No. 272. and is now the Secretary of Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M., and Most Excellent High Priest of Fairfield Chapter, No. 17'.t. and the Thrice Illustrious Master of Fair- field Council, U. D.; also a member of Gorin Commandery, No. 14, Knights Templar, at Olney, 111. He has been an important mem- ber of the Board of Trustees of Fairfield, and is now its clerk; was a candidate for the position in the Appellate Court for the Third Grand Division of Illinois before the Demo- cratic Convention of 1879, at Centralia, and though receiving a flattering support was de- feated by a few votes. HON. ROBERT P. HANNA, Fairfield. Of the different professions,, none afford greater opportunities for the development of native ability than the law; for here one is led into the investigation of subjects more vital to the interests of his fellows, and may, if he will, become familiar with the ques- tions of moment which affect his country and State. Foremost in the rank and file of those who have taken advantage of these oppor- tunities, is he whose name heads this sketch. Robert P. Hanna was born in Salem, Col- umbiana Co., Ohio, December 10, 1834. His father, John Hanna, was a native of Ire- land, and a descendant of a family well known in the early history of the Presbyte- rian Church, many of whom were ministers of some note in that society. His father, how- ever, was a Catholic, and emigrated to the United States, settling in Ohio, about the year 1818, where he engaged in a general mercantile business. He married Miss Sarah Conn, a native of Philadelphia. Her ances- tors in this country date back to the Revolu- tionary period, and are of the Society of " Friends," sometimes termed Quakers. In early life, Mr. Hanna performed the usual routine of preparatory study in the common schools, and when fifteen years old entered the printing office of Aaron Hinchman, at Salem. Ohio, where he remained for about two years. He then became a student in the Athens University, taking the course of that institution. He came to Fairfield, 111., in 1N55, and soon after entered the law office of Judge Edward Beecher, under whom he per- CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 17 formed the usual reading, and in 1857 was admitted to practice. Since his admission, he has practiced in Wayne and adjoining counties, when not engaged with matters of a public character. In 1862, Mr. Hanna was elected to a membership in the State Constitutional Convention, and though its youngest member he took* an active part in the important business of that body. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1806, where he won the reputation of an efficient member, procuring, through hi-> influence, the charter for the Springfield, Illinois & Southeastern Railroad, which has since be- come a branch of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. He was a Director and Attorney for the road until that change took place, and is now Local Attorney for the Ohio & Mississippi Company. In 1870. Mr. Hanna was again the choice of the people of his district to represent them in the construction of the new constitution of Illinois, and there introduced the measure regulating the minor- ity representation. He was elocted, in 1870, to a seat in the State Senate on the Demo- cratic ticket, although representing a Repub- lican district, and while a member of that body was a very important factor in many of the more important committees. As a con- scientious politician, Mr. Hanna has proven himself possessed of no mean ability, the ad- vantages of which have always been enjoyed by the Democratic party. He has been a delegate, and reported at "roll call" at i'i Democratic State Convention since he became of age, besides acting in Presidential conventions. As a speaker, he is forcible and concise, an I in his various campaigns has made mam important political speeches, always willing to become the champion of what he deemed the common right, regard- less of personal prejudices. His first im- portant canvass of the State was in 1858, in the contest between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln for the position in the United States Senate. He was married, in 1859, to Miss Clara Smith. She is a daugh- ter of Moses Smith, a well-known merchant of Albion, 111., who emigrated from England and became one of the pioneer settlors of that place. Mr. Hanna's family consists of two sons and two daughters. His eldest son, Francis B. Hanna, is a practicing law- yer and member of the Fairfield bar. ROBERT HAYYVARD, farmer, P.O. Fair- field, a native of England, was born December 23, 1826. His parents, whose names were Isaac Hay ward and Ann Shepherd, emigrated to the United States and located in Bucks County, Penn., in 1831. After a residence of two years in Pennsylvania, they removed to Ohio, and settled in Marion County, where they remained until ISIS, engaged in farm ing. In ISIS, the parents again moved, and this time to LaGrange County, Ind. , where they resided until their death. The mother died in ISoS in her sixty fourth year, and the father died in March. 1SS2. at a very ad- vanced age. They had a family of thirteen children, eleven of whom arrived at maturity. But four of them, however, are now living. Robert was raised on the farm which has boon his life pursuit. He was married in Marion County, Ohio, on January 10. 1850, to Miss Maria Davis. She was born in Logan County. Ohio, October ( J, 1825. She was a daughter of William IF. and Mary I Johnson) Davis. Mr. Hay ward was a member of the Thirty-eighth Regiment Ohio Infantry, and nth Sherman on the memorable march to the sea. and at ten led I he "' grand review " at Washington. He came to Wayne Count;. . 111., in 1SS0, and purchased an extensive farming interest near the city of Fairfield. They are both honored members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. 18 BIOGRAPHICAL: ROBERT N. JESSOP, insurance agent, Fairfield, was born June 18, 1842, in Kings County, Ireland. His parents, Robert Jessop and Anna Sturgeon, were natives of Ireland, where they grew to maturitj , and married. They had a family of nine children, but three of whom are now alive. The names of the children were Samuel S., Mary, Alex- and or S., Robert N., Anna, Carrie and John G. Jessop. Those living are Samuel S., Alexander S. and Robert N. Their father, who was a Methodist minister, came to the United States in the year 1848, and was first located in New York City, where he preached four years, from where be was sent to Dan- bury, Conn., remaining there two years. His next field of labor was Sag Harbor, from whence he came to Fairfield, 111., in 1856, having been transferred to the Southern Illinois Conference. He was here engaged as the traveling agent for the McKendree College of Lobanon, Hi. He died in Wayne County in 1867, and his wife died in same county two years later. Robert N. Jessop had good educational advantages in New York and at Danbury, Conn., and in 1862 he enlisted in the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, his brothers Samuel and Alexander having gone into the army the previous year. He was mustered in as a private, but was raised to the rank of First Lieutenant, which com- mission he held at the time of his resignation in August, 1864. He was married in Wayne County, in October, 1867, to Miss Joseph anna Hand, a native of Wayne County, and daughter of Isaac and Angeline (Wilson) Hand. She was born in February, 1849. They have four children living — Robbie, Caroline, Anna and Katie Jessop. Two have died, named Etta and Katie Jessop. Mr. Jessop is a Republican, and a member of the G. A. R., also of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Select Knights. G. W. JOHNS, junior member of the law firm of Robinson. Boggs & Johns, Fair- field, 111., was born March 7, 1849, in Ed- wards County, 111. He is a son of George J. Johns and grandson of Robert Johns, both of whom were of English birth, his father, G. J. Johns, being a native of Cornwall, where he waB bom April 6, 1820. He came, when twelve years of age, to the United States, and located in Albion, Edwards Co., 111., where he grew to manhood, and where he spent the remainder of his life. He was .married, February 18, 1848, to Harriet Smith, a native of Albion, 111., and daughter of Moses Smith, one of the old citizens and leading merchants of that place. In the early part of 1862, he recruited a company of men for the service, which company was attached to the Sixty-third Regiment Illinois Infantry, and known as Company B, of which he was elected Captain. He was after- ward tendered a commission as Lieutenant Colonel by Gov. Yates, which honor he was compelled to decline, loss of health disabling him for active service and necessitating his resignation, which was effected in November, 1862. George W. Johns, though but fifteen years old at the time, obtaine"d admission into the ranks as a private in Company H, of the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Illi- nois Volunteers, in which he served about six months. His early education was obtained while a student in the public schools of Al- bion, 111. He afterward entered the State Normal School of Bloomington, Iud.. where he graduated with the degree of B. S. in lSii'.t, and in the following year graduated in the law department of the same institution. He was admitted to the bar in 1870, and en- tered on the practice of his profession in Carini, 111. Thei'e he remained for two \ ■ coming thence to Fairfield, 111., and in 1872 formed his present partnership, which is <<: .■ CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 19 of the ablest law firms in Southern Illinois. He was Journal Clerk of the House of Rep- resentatives in the Twenty-eighth General Assembly; was appointed Colonel and Aid. de-camp on Gov. Cullom's Staff in 1878, which position he held until the election of Gov. Cullom to the United States Senate in January, 1883, when he resigned, but was re appointed to the same rank by Gov. Ham ilton. G. W. Johns was married, November 17, 1875, to Mary E. Barnhill. of Fairfield, 111. Three children have blessed this union — Katie, born September 25. ls7t>, deceased; Mary, born January 19, 1881, and Anna Johns, born January 14, 1883. ETHAN A. JOHNSON, Fairfield, was born in Connecticut July 16, 1817, and when yet a child name with his parents to South- ern Illinois, where his father soon after died. He was next deprived of his mother by death; then was cared for by an older sister who was married, and resided in Terre Haute, Iud. Entirely thrown upon his own resources, he early acquired habits of industry, which char- acterized the whole of his after life. He was married three times, all in Wayne Coun- ty, first to Julia Gash in 1842. She was born in Wayne County in 1819, and died in 1815. leaving two children -William H. John- son, now of California, and Julia L, deceased wife of Eugene Forest. His second marriage occurred in 1846, to Eliza M. Linton She was born in White County in 1820, and died in L854, leaving three children — Olive, deceased wife of Benjamin Organ: EthaD A., died at the age of nine years; and Leo Johnson, now of California. John and Elizabeth Koontz, n6e Knap]), were both born, reared and mar- ried in Pennsylvania, and after their mar riage removed to Stark County, Ohio, when' they remained several years, and until con ing tn Wayne County, III., in 1839. Here they lived, pursuing the interest of the farm until the death of John Koontz many years ago. The wife died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. A. Johnson, in Fairfield, in 1874 They had a family of seven children. of whom five are now living. Barbara A. Koontz, daughter of John and Elizabeth Koontz, was born in Stark County, Ohio, August 1, 1824, and came to Fairfield, 111., with her parents in 1839. She was first married to Joseph D. Shaeffer, January 26, 1843. He was a native of Somerset Coun- ty, Penn., and was born August 17, IN 13, and died in Fairfield, 111. , October 30, 1848. Of this family there were three children — Loretta Shaeffer, born June 4. 1844, and died in infancy; John F., was born October 5, 1846, and died in Jefferson City, Mo.. July 20, 18(kS; and Joseph D. Shaeffer. (See sketch.) Elizabeth (Koontz) Shaeffer and Ethan A. Johnson were marri ed in Fairfie] June 3, 1855. Mr. E. A. Johnaon died in Fairfield. 111.. May 7, 1865, leaving four children Charles Johnson, who was born June S, 1856 (he is married to Miss Etta Baker); Libbie. deceased wife of Ella Stalcy. was born March 25. 1S5S, and died April 22, 1881, leaving an infant daughter. Libbie, born April 10. 1881, and named in memory of her deceased mother; Harry K. Johnson was born April 29, i860; and Clara ().. the youngest of the family, was born June 2, L863. She was married. March lit, L882, to Frank Yelch, now residents of Olncy, 111. BASCOM E. JOHNSON. Fairfield, was born August 24, 1831, in Meig County. Iud. He is a son of Abraham Johnson, who was born in Washington County. Penn, in 17'.)3. Abraham'.! i ihnson emigrated with his parents to Ohio about 1811, and in 1813 settled in Meigs County. There Abrah im married Clarinda Eddy, and began life in Bedford Township, beine- the second settlor within its limits. He remained there on the same farm 20 BIOGRAPHICAL: until 1854, rearing a large family of chil- dren, all of whom grew to maturity. They removed to Wayne County. 111. , in 1S54, and settled in Laniard Township, on a farm now occupied by a daughter, Mis. Woodworth. Here he lived until his death, which occurred in September, 18*33. He was a zealous Chris tian man, sustaining the relation of local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than forty years. Clarinda Eddy was of English ancestry, who were repre- sented on board the Mayflower in 1(320. She was born in 1795 in Rutland County, Vt., and when three years old was taken by her parents to Ohio, who settled near Marietta. While she was yet a child, her father died, and she and her widowed mother experienced very much of the hardship incident to pio- neer life. She was married to Abraham Johnson in 1817, and died on the old home- stead in Wayne County in 1872. B. E. Johnson came to this county in 1854 with his parents, and, after seeing them comfort- ably located, returned to Ohio, and there married Maggie A. Bing, a daughter of An- drew C. Bing and Eliza Amsden, of Ohio. They removed to Illinois, and to Jasper Township of this county in 1861. Her father was born in Gallia County, Ohio, in 1804, and died iu this county September 1, 1SG8. Eliza Amsden was born April 5, 1805, in Erie County, Penn., from where her parents came to Ohio about 1809, thence to Wayne County in 1863. Mrs. Bing was noted for her piety, and for a meek, lovable nature, which endeared her to all who knew her. She died in Wayne County, July 16, 1864. Mag gie A. Bing was born in Gallia County, Ohio, in 1834, married to B. E. Johnson in June, 1858. Two years later, they removed to this county, where Mr. Johnson followed the pur- suit of farming until 1878, when they came to Fairfield. Thev are both honored mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and have a family consisting of Lycurgus E. Johnson, born April 25, 1860; Madora M., April 25, 1865; and Milo D. Johnson, July 15, 1867. Mr. Johnson is a Republican, and has served two terms as a member of Town Council. JOHN KEEN, Jr., County Judge, Fair field, is a native of Wayne County, 111., and was born October 29, 1837. His parents, James and Harriet Keen, are still living in the county, well and favorably known, and among the oldest settlers now in the county. Judge John Keen is the oldest of a family of ten children, and grew to manhood under the influences of pioneer life, enjoying such edu- cational advantages as the county then af- forded, which were limited to a short sub- scription term each year, which was held in the historical old log schoolhouse, supplied with the puncheon floor and slab seats. How- ever, by making the best of his opportunities, he developed an ability for public position, which was recognized by the people of his town by electing him to the offices of Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace. He was afterward elected to the office of County Treasurer, and filled this position of public trust with acceptance for ten years. In 1882, he was elected to the office of County Judge, which position he now occupies. He was admitted to practice in 1877, having ac- complished the required reading under G. J. George. He was married in Wayne County on the 7th of April, 1859, to Miss Martha J. Atteberry, daughter of Stout and Fannie L(Che was born in Wayne County January 9, 1848, and is a member of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. The parents of both Mr. and Mrs. Mabry are living, and residents of Jasper Township. Millard F. Mabry, Dep- uty Circuit Clerk since 1876, and brother of R. E., was born in Wayne County January 30, 1857. He was educated in the common schools, and was married, December 25, 1881, to Miss Sadie E. Borah. She was born Feb- ruary 12, 1858, and is a daughter of William N and Eliza Borah, of Jasper Township, and residents of Wayne County since 1819. THOMAS A. MARTIN, merchant, Fair- field. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch was born in this county on Feb- ruary 19, 1841, and is a son of James D. and Jane (White) Martin. The grandfather of our subject came to this county from Vir- ginia in 1816, and died here in an early day. The father was born here in 1818, and was married in 1840. He followed farming for a number of years, but was finally 7 stricken blind and remained so until his death, which occurred in the spring of 1872 at Clay City. The mother of our subject was born in Ken- tucky on August 3, 1816, and died in Clay County in 1868. Our subject remained in this county with his parents until 1861, and here he received his education. In that year, he went to Clay County with his parents, and resided there a number of years, but subse- quently returned to Wayne County. He has been associated in business for a number of years with Mr. Summers in both the grocery business and also in the pork packing estab- lishment. Mr. Martin was married in Clay City, in 1864, to Anna Golliher, a daughter of Henry Golliher, of Lamard Township. She was a native of Ohio, being born there in IS — . and to her were born two children — America, wife of A. H. Wood, of Nebraska, and Edwin A. This lady died in this county in 1870. In 1871, our subject was married to Nancy McCollum, who was born in this county in 1853 and is a daughter of Samuel McCollum. The result of this union has been four children, three of whom are now living, viz., Henry T., Grace and Frank C. ; Mary is the name of the deceased one. Our subject is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and also of Clay City I Lodge, No. 48S, A, F. & A. M. HON. JAMES McCARTNEY, Spring- field, was born in Perry County, Penn., Feb- ruary 14, 1835, of Scotch ancestry, but his parents were born in Ireland. His father moved to Lawrence County, Penn., when James was but six years of age, where he re- sided for a period of about five years, after- ward moving to Trumbull County, Ohio, where he, together with his father, engaged in farming. During the winter months, he went to school, and advanced rapidly in his CITY OF l'AIKKIKI.I> 23 studies; at the age of sixteen, he attended the high school, and for a brief period in the fall pursued his studies with energy and dil- igence, and during the winter obtained a position as teacher, which he tilled for some time, after which he became a student at the Western Reserve Seminary, at Farmington, Ohio, and during his college life here he often visited the school at Hiram, Ohio, which was then presided over by Hon. James A. Garfield. In 1856. he entered the law office of Hon. Matthew Birchard, at Warren, Ohio, and commenced the study of law, where he remained for about one year, and in Oc- tober, 1857, went to Monmouth, 111., and went into the office of Harding & Reed, where he finished reading and was admitted to the bar in 1858, and immediately entered into partnership with Mr. Reed. In 1859, he re- moved to Galva, Henry Co., III., and sue cessfully practiced law until the war broke out. On the 19th of April, I Mil, he enlisted in a company raised at Galva, and was elected First Lieutenant. The company was mus- tered into the service as Company D, Sev- enteenth Illinois Infantry. After serving faithfully until after the battle of Fort Don- elson, his health failing from exposure, he was compelled to resign his commission. He visited Lake Superior, and after recovering his health returned and again entered the service as First Lieutenant in Company G, One Hundred ami Twelfth Illiuois Infantry, Col. Thomas J. Henderson commanding. He was soon after promoted to a Captaincy, and served through the war, and mustered out with the regiment at Camp Douglas in July, 1865. While in the service, he was engaged in doing special duty as Judge Advocate of Court Martials. and for nearly a year as A. A. A. G. of the Third Brigade, Third Divi- sion Cavalry Corps, Army of the Ohio. After being mustered out of the service in 1865, he immediately went to Fairneld, 111., and re- commenced the practice of law, which has occupied his attention ever since. In May, he was nominated Attorney General by the State Convention, to which office he was elected. He is a gentleman of high legal abilities, and competent in every respect to till that exalted position. Personally he is a most agreeable gentleman, and extremely popular with all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. MoCLUNG FAMILY. Hugh and Mary McClung came from Beaver County, Penn., about the year 1840, and settled in Wayne County, near Fairfield, where, after four years. Hugh died, his wife surviving him until 1858, when she, too, died at the same place. They had a family of six children when they came to Illinois, one having died in the East, and one was drowned in Skillet Fork soon after coining to the county. Three are still living — Catherine; Mary, widow of Joht Ewing, of Wayne County; and Mrs. Lydia Martin, widow of John A. Martin, and a res- ident of Flora. Clay County. Ephraim McClung. the youngest of this family, was married to Miss Ann Beauchamp, daughter of William and Mary Beauchamp, who died while she was a child. She was reared by Lewis Organ. To them were born tivo chil- dren, one of whom is deceased, and four are residents of Wayne County — Edward Mc- Clung, editor of the Wayne County Record, Alice, wife of Joseph Gaston, Carrie M., and Thomas McClung. The father removed to Fairfield about 1860, engaged in merchan- dising and milling, and died in 1867. Ann, his wife, died August 8, 1881. It may be truthfully said, that they filled an important position in the society in which they moved, and still live in the memory and hearts of their many friends. THOMAS MoMACKIN, furniture dealer, 24 BIOGRAPHICAL: Fairfield, son of George C. and Sallie (Bo vee) McMackin. was born in Jasper Town- ship, Wayne County. 111.. May 8, 1848, and is the ninth of a large family. He was reared on a farm, but when fifteen years old began the carpenter trade, which he has fol- lowed continuously ever since. He was mar- ried in Wayne County, December 22, 1872, to Clara McCollum, daughter of Samuel Mc- Cullom. She was born in Wayne County March 15, 1851. Both are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and have a fam- ily of two children — Nellie McMackin, born in Fairfield, April 15, 1877, and Freddie Mc- Macki d, born March 4. 1882. They removed to Fairfield in 1871, and in January, 1883, Mr. McMackin associated with S. O. Wick- lin. engaged in the furniture trade, of which they keep a very complete stock. Both are expert mechanics, and are always found at their bench, when not otherwise engaged, making articles of furniture on order. John McMackin. grandfather of Thomas, moved with his family from Butler County, Ky. , and in 1822 settled near a crab-apple thicket called Fairfield, or at least the little grove of shrubby trees contained all there was of the now pleasant and prosperous town. He re- mained here until 1825, moving thence to what is now Jasper Township, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a pious and useful man, and his house was ever open to be used as a place of worship, or as a home for the pioneer preachers. His son, George C. McMackin, the father of Thomas, was born in Butler County, Ky. , May 15, 1807, and came to Wayne County with his parents in 1822. He became one of the leading members of the Methodist Church in Jasper Township, and was noted for his zeal in Christian work. He married SallieBovee on the 28th of December, 1828. She was born line 9, 1811. Both are deceased. JOHN A. MOFFITT, Fairfield. Among the first marriages on the records of Wayne County is that of John Moffitt and Sarah M. Campbell, which took place in September of 1820. Mr. Moffitt probably came to this county in 1818, soon after the coming of his father-in-law, Alexander Campbell, both of whom came from Kentucky, where his wife, Sarah W., was born in 1802. Mi-. Moffitt was by trade a hatter, and followed it for a short time after coming to this county, but soon abandoned it altogether for other pursuits, which was chiefly farming, in connection with which, for a time, he taught in the pioneer schools, being a man of more than ordinary education for those days. He was reared by Quaker parents, commonly styled "Friends," which rarely fails to insure good citizens, to which rule Mr. John Moffitt was no exception. He was a successful farmer, reared a family of eleven children, and died in this county in May, 1857, his wife surviving him nearly twenty-six years. She died January, 1883. John A. Moffitt is the eighth member of this family, and was born November 11, 1836. He obtained a liberal common school educa- tion, and on arriving at manhood began teach- ing, which he followed for eleven years, dur- ing which time he established the reputation of an efficient teacher. He served several years as a township official, and in 1869 was elected to the office of County Treasurer, the duties of which he discharged with accept- ance. He is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic fraternity. Married in Fairfield, February 15, 1871, to Eliza B. DormaD, widow of Dr. Dorman, and daughter of Will- iam and Elizabeth H. She was born in this county in 1836. Of the eleven children of John and Sarah Moffitt, five are residents of Wayne County, three are deceased, one a resident of Effingham County, one of Sanga- mon County, and one in Colorado. CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 25 JONAH MORLAN. contractor. Fairfield, is a native of Columbiana County, Ohio, where h-* was born May 16, L827. His father, whose name was Jonah Morlan, was of Scotch ancestry, and was born in Virginia. He was married, in Ohio, to Emily Armstrong, who was of Welsh ori- gin, and who was born in Wilmington, Del. They were both reared under the influences of Quaker parents, and were, perhaps, the Srsi of their families to break over the rites and customs of that sect. They had nine children, Jonah Morlan, Jr. , being the young- est of the family. The father died in Co- lumbiana County. Ohio, about 1830, and the mother in same county in 1863. Three broth- ers and one sister of the family came to Wayne County, 111., in 1843. The sister, Deborah McNeely, and James A. Morlan re- moved from here to Morgan County, 111., mam- years ago. and the latter is now a Baptist minister in Jacksonville, 111. Jonah Morlan was married, April 18. 1850, to Naomi S. Johnson, of White County. She was born May L6, 1829. In 1861, Mr. Morlan was mustered into the United States Military serv- ice as Second Lieutenant of Company G. Fortieth Regiment. Ho took a prominent part in the battle of Shiloh, in which exactly two-thirds of his company were either killed or wounded. In consideration of meritori- ous conduct in that battle, he was promoted to the position of First Lieutenant, and soon after to the Captaincy of the company. Ho was on board the " Robert Campbell," which burned near Milliken's Bend, above Vicks burg, and there saved his life and the life of his wounded Colonel. Hicks, by swimming a distance of 150 yards, to the shore. In Feb- ruary. 1864, he was appointed by Lincoln to the office of Assistant Quartermaster with the rank of Captain, in which capacity he served until the close of the war. After returning from the ranks, he engaged in merchandising in White County, 111., and removed to "Wayne County in L881, and is now a resident of 1'airlield. They have a family of four chil- dren — Isore, wife of Charles V. Rice, of Mc- Leansboro; Louisa A., wife of J. B. Odell, of Enfield, 111.; John H. and Arthur J. Mor- lan, of Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Morlan and daughters are members of the Christian Church. JOHN MORRIS, of Fairfield. 111., was born September 14, 1830, in Monroo County, Ohio. The family was first represented in America during the colonial days, and be- longed to the Society of Friends, or Quakers, settling in New Jersey, where Elihu Morris, father of John, was born in 1 70S. While Elihu was yet a lad, his parents removed to the State of Pennsylvania, where he grew to manhood, and where he was first married, to a Miss Davis, soon after which they removed to Monroe County, Ohio, where his wife died, leaving several children. He was next mar- ried to Mary Hartley, a native of Pennsyl- vania, and a daughter of James Hartley, of English ancestry. She was born in 1802, and was married to Elihu Morris about 1833. This union resulted in the birth of five chil- dren — Richard S., now of Clay County, John, Harriet, Job and Elihu, the three latter being deceased. The family removed to Clay Coun- ty, 111., and settled in Xenia in 1859. Here the parents both died. John Morris returned to Ohio in 1800, and was there married to Miss Lucinda E. Lentz, daughter of Israel and Catharine Lentz, both of whom were born in Germany, and are now dead. She was born in Monroe County, Ohio, Febvuary 18, 1840. In August. 1862, Mr. Morris enlisted in Company C, of the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Infantry, and was elected to the position of First Sergeant; in August, 1803, was pro- moted to Second Lieutenant, and soon after BIOGRAPHICAL: to First Lieutenant. He was in command of his company on the Atlanta campaign. He was in all the active engagements incident to that campaign, closing at Jonesboro, after which he resigned, on account of the death of his parents. From 1866 until 1873, Mr. Morris was engaged in farming principally, and in the last-named year was elected Coun- ty Clerk of Wayne County, serving four years; was then elected to the office of Coun- ty Treasurer, in which capacity he served one term. He is a member of the order of Ma- sons, and Deputy Grand Master Workman in the A. O. U. W. ; has a family of seven chil- dren—Harry E., born May 13, 1S84; Ralph H., born February 25, 1866; Kate, born March 10, 1868; Cloyd, born February 7, 1870; Fred, born March 21, 1872; Bessie Morris, born December 28, 1877; besides an infant, unnamed, born June 28, 1883. WILLIAM M. MURPHEY, Fairfield, a na- tive of Meade County. Ky., was born October 26, 1830. His father. Davis Murphey, was born in Kentucky in 1809, and in 1829 married Lucinda Conn. She was born in Kentucky in 1810. They came to Wayne County in 1831, landing here on the day William M. was one year old. They settled in the south em portion of Barnhill Township, where they pursued the interest of the farm until their death. They reared ten children, Will iam being the oldest, all of whom lived to grow to maturity. Two are now deceased, and sis are living within the limits of Wayne and "White Counties. Davis Murphey died Jurje 21, 1866, and Lucinda Murphey died in May, 1873. Williarn M. remained on the farm until I860, when he removed to Fair- field, where he has since been engaged in running a livery and sale stable. He was married, in Wayne County, in March, 1851, to Darthula Boyce. She is a daughter of Mns>'s and Mahala Boyce. and was born in Kentucky March 17, 1837. She came to Wayne County with her mother in 1848, the father havino- died in Kentuckvin 1847; her mother died in White County, 111., in March, 1862. Mr. Murphey has had a family of thirteen children, of whom but three are liv- ing — Henry F. Murphey, born in April, 1865, married to Bell Alexander, daughter of Nich- olas and Jane Alexander; Lucinda, wife of Alexander Funckhowser, was born March 21. 1862; Einily'Murphey, born March 14,1873. Mr. Murphey is a member of the Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M. Henry F. and Lucinda Murphey have two children, one of whom is deceased. REV. WILLIAM M. MURRAY, minister, Fairfield, is one of Nature's noblemen, and may be regarded as one of the most use- ful members of society in Wayne County. He was born in Bond County, 111.. June 1, 1844, beinsc the son of William and Jane (Harris) Murray, whose children were Jordan R., of Thirty-fifth Illinois Volunteer In- fantry; Nancy E. (Akenian), our subject, John H. and Sarah E. (Green). His father was born in Virginia in 1808, was reared in Bedford County, Tenn., and came to Bond County, 111., when there were only seven families living in the county, and died in Fayette County, 111., in February, 1876. His mother, the daughter of John Harris, was born in Warren County, Ky., in'1825. Her grandfather, Rev. William Harris, was for forty years pastor of the Pilot Knob Presbyterian Church, in Logan County, Ky. He at one time sat in the pulpit with seven of Lis sons, all Cumberland Presbyterian ministers. From the old patriarch seems to have sprung a race of preachers, our subject being the twenty-ninth in the line occupying the sacred desk. On November 30, 1865, in Fayette County, 111., he married Mrs. Anna Surl)er, daughter of Edmund Green, CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 27 and to thorn were born Maggie N., June, isTl: Roy, April 12, 1873; Florence D., Oc- tober 20, 1876; Mary L.. January 5, 1878; and Annie, August •",. 1881. Our subject lirst a soldier in tbe Ninety-eighth Illi- nois Infantry, hut was transferred to the Sixty-fourth Regiment, with which he served to the eml of the war. In lSfiO, he was con- verted, and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, received under care of the McLin Presbytery in October, 1868. li probationer in 1871, and or- dained to the whole work of ministry in Sep tember, 1S75, in Fairfield (Albion Presby- tery), where, with the exception of nine months, he has remained pastor to the pres- ent time. Mr. Murray is a minister of great energy, untiring in his labors, and has prob- ably received more members into his church in Wayne County during his pastorate than any other minister. His style is that of the fathers, and one that will attract attention in any community. He has twice been a delegate to the general assembly of his church. Being very popular, his party, in 1882, placed him in the field as a candidate tor Treasurer of Wayne County, and. with a strong pain majority against him and one of the strongest men in the count} as a com petitor, he came within eight votes of being elected. He has a grand held of usefulness before him as a minister, and, if he lives t" be old, will, in all probability, !»• a promi- nent factor in the history of his church. NEWTON J. ODELL. grain-dealer, Fair- field, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Odell, of Barnhill Township, was born in WayneCoon- ty, III., in February. 1840, and was reared on the farm and educated in the public schools of the country. Like so many others of Wayne County's noblemen, he responded to the call of the Government by enlisting in Company H, Fifty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry in January. 1862. For two years he was a non- commissioned officer iu his company, and wa9 mustered out in August, 1865, with the com- mission of First Lieutenant, having re-en- listed at the expiration of three years. He participated in much of active service, in- cluding the siege and battle of Corinth, .Miss., siege of Vicksbnrg. battle of Mission Ridge am] many other engagements, partici- pating in the grand review at Washington, and was mustered out at Little Rock, Ark. Returning to Wayne County, he followed farming one year, and iD the fall of 18(jli was elected to the office of County Sheriff, and was the first Republican Sheriff ever elected in the county. For the next live or six years he was engaged iu merchandising with J. W. Tullis. He was married, in Fair- field, 111., Februarj 8, 1ST!, to Frances Shaeffer, daughter of William and Maria Shaeffer, of Fairfield. She was born in Wayne County, 111., January 31, 1851. They have had two children, one of whom is de- ceased. Dellos Odell was born October 3, 1ST".; Mary Odell, born January 22, 1877, and died February 17. 1882. Mr. Odell is an advocate of temperance, and a member of R. T. of T. and of the Christian Church. Hi wife is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is now and for some years has been engaged in the grain trade at Fairfield. JAMES C. OVE11BEE. retired, Fairfield, was born in Allou County, Ky., April 22, L82U, and is a son of James and Lueretia i Wade) Overbee. The father was of Scotch descent, and was born a few days after the coming of his parents to the United States. He grew to manhood in Virginia, and about lNi in he wes married to Miss Wade, who was a native of that State. He fought in the war of L812, and afterward moved to Ken- tucky, where the family resided until the 28 BIOGEAPHICAL: year 1827. In that year, the father, attract- ed by the promises of Edward Maxey, who was then a settler of Jefferson County, 111., brought his family to that county. He was not permitted to enjoy the pleasures and pri- vations of the new territory long, but died two years after his arrival there, and the mother died in that county in the fall of 1835. James C. is the eighth of a family of ten children, and the only one now living. He grew to manhood near Mt. Vernon, Jef- ferson County, and resided in that county until 1850, when he came to Wayne County. In this county he farmed for a number of years, and in 1870 he came to Fairfield, where he has since resided. Mr. Overbee was married in Jefferson County in October, 1841, to Miss Eleanor McKight,, a native of Kentucky. Three children resulted from this marriage — Mary E., wife of C. Hall, of Fairfield; Sarah L., wife of Daniel Green, of Elm River Township; and John F. , de- ceased. This lady died January 25, 1845, in Jefferson County, and subject was married the second time, in Wayne County, on June 25, 1845, to Jane A. McNeely, a daughter of Robert and Rebecca McNeely, the father of Scotch descent, the mother of German. She was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, on February 14, 1827, and is the mother of the following children: Emily C wife of James Ewing. of Logan Comity, 111. ; Caroline, wife of Finnis Ewing. of same county; George W., Charles R.. both in business in Fairfield; Margaret A., wife of John Tribe; Rebecca J., Ella, and James C, Jr. In 1846, he became a member of Third Illinois Regiment, under Col. Foreman, and served under that command until the close of the Mexican war, and was mustered out at the expiration of his term of service. Among the battles in which he participated were those of Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo and others of less importance. In the late war, he also helped to organize several corps, and was occupied in military service until 1864. He is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity, also of the Grand Army of the Re- public, and for forty-three years he has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. OLIVER P. PATTERSON, the present County Treasurer and popular boot and shoe merchant of Fairfield, was born May 25, 1838, and is a son of Richard M. Patterson and Rachel Fleming. He grew to manhood in his native State, West Virginia, and when nineteen years old went from home and spent several years in various parts of the West. He came to Fairfield in 1861, since which time he has been principally engaged in merchandising, and is now proprietor of an extensive boot and shoe store on South street. He was elected to the office of Coun- ty Treasurer, on the Democratic ticket, in 1882. Married in Fairfield, 111., in 1868, to Miss Nannie Carter, daughter of Charles Carter, of Fairfield. She was born April 9, 1847. He is an A. F. & A. M., and an A. O. U. W. ERASMUS W. PENDLETON, retired, Fairfield, son of Samuel C. Pendleton, was born November 13, 1834. in Warren County, Ky. His father, who was so long and favorably known in Wayne County, was born in Vir- ginia in 1811, and when a young man re- moved to Kentucky, where, in 1833, he was married to a lady whose maiden name was Eliza Covington. She was born in Kentucky in 1808, and was first married to a man named John Whitlock, by whom she had one son, Dr. Whitlock, formerly a practicing physician in Fairfield. Her-husband having died, she next married Elijah Mansfield. They had one child, a daughter. Susan, wife of David K. Felix, of Barnhill Township. This husDand also died, and she was married CITY OF FAIKFIKl.l) 29 to Samuel C. Pendleton, as above stated. This marriage, as in former ones, resulted in the birth of one child, whoso name heads this sketch. They came to Wayne County in the spring of 1840 and bought a farm in Bamhill Township, where they spent the re- mainder of their useful lives. Samuel C. Pendleton was an ordained minister in the Missionary Baptist Church, and led a life characterized for honesty and Christian de- votion. He died on the 11th of November, 1875, his wife having died September 27, 1873. Erasmus W. received such education- al advantages as could be obtained in the pi- oneer schools of the country, and has devoted his time to the pursuits of the farm until re- moving to Fairfield in 1875, and still owns several hundred acres of land. He was mar- ried in 1861 to Miss Lucretia Murphy, daugh- ter of Jeremiah and Ann (Harl) Murphy. She was born in Barnhill Township Septem- ber 4, 1840. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton are members of the Baptist Church, which they honor by their useful and pious lives. Mr. Pendleton is a member of the A. O. TJ. W., and is esteemed by all who know him as an honorable, enterprising citizen. Their union has been blessed with seven children, but the reaper, Death, has live times visited their household, each time conveying upon his cold bosom one of their jewels. Elmer W. was born March 7. 1862, and died Sep- tember 21, 1879; Mary, born May 5, 1863, died September 9, 1865; Laura, born De- cember 15, 1865; Cora, born July 14, 1S68, died September 11. lsT'.i; Clara Bell, born May 13, 1870, died August 1, 1879; Wil- burn, born May 13, 1873, died May :i. 1874; and Samuel Thomas Pendleton, born July 19, 1877. WILLIAM H. PORTERFIELD, retired; Fairfield. Biography may seek to ilium its subjects with more brilliant achievements, and romance may furnish more thrilling pict- ures and greater variety of exciting advent ores, but there is nothing as directly inter- esting to the family as the simple history of the lives of William H. Porterneld and Eliz- abeth M. Wall. The former was born in Westmoreland County, I'eiin.. Februan 28, 1830, but moved with his parents, when quite young, to Armstrong County. His boyhood was spent on the slopes of the Alleghany Mountains, and among the rugged hills which embrace the great coal mines, oil wells and iron foundries of the " Keystone State." His father was a poor but industrious farmer, who gained for his family a decent living by the sweat of his brow, and although he had to encounter many misfortunes and disadvan- tages, he, together with the assistance of the willing hands of wife and children, managed to keep their heads above want. But as the crowded and growing population of the East afforded few advantages to the poor man. and as his opportunities for providing for the fut- ure welfare of his family were limited, he decided to remove to the " Prairies of the Goldon West." Consequently a home was selected in Wayne County, 111 . and later a permanent homo was purchased near the present site of Mt. Erie, where, though they had tin* inconveniences of frontier life with which to contend, they enjoyed a sufficient degree of prosperity to enable them to live comfortably. Hero in their Western home, many both happy and sad seasons were spent le. the family of John Porterfield. Though many changes have taken place in the old homestead, and death has claimed its portion of its occupants, including the parents, it is still owned by a younger brother, -lames T. Porterfield. William H. ha' I reached the age of nineteen, when the family removed to Il- linois. He had received a liberal common school education, sufficient to enable him to 30 l'HKiRAI'HKWl.: teach the rural districts. But little of his time was spent in this way, the labors of the farm claiming the greater portion of his time, and the toil and hardship incident to pioneer farm life eminently fitted him for this call- ing in later years, and supplied him with the necessary energy to insure his future success. Elizabeth M. Wall was born in Daviess County, Ky., February 1, 1836. Her father was like- wise possessed of small fortune, and longing to live in a free State and to otherwise better his condition, in obtaining for his family a home, he severed the ties to the "Old Ken- tucky Shore," and settled in Wayne County. 111., in 1850, near where the Portertield fam- ily had located in the same year. William H. Portertield and Elizabeth M. Wall were married on the 30th of November, 1854. They still live to comfort each other in the decline of life, and have surrounded them- selves with a host of ardent friends, who love them for their many virtues. Their family consists of Melvin W.. horn September 6, 1855; W. Clem, born March 28, 1858; Laura E., born September 22, 1860; Luella, born April 1, 1863; Mary I. born April 19, 1866; Joe, born January 3 1 , 1869, and an infant, deceased. Mr. Portertield, in August, 1862, enlisted in Company D, Eighty-seventh Illi- nois Regiment, and served as an officer in that organization until discharged in July, 1865. He participated in the siege of Vicks- bnrg and the Red River expedition. Four of the children have engaged in the county as teachers. The older sons, M. W. and W. C, were educated at Ladoga, Ind., the former graduating in the class of 1878. Since 1880, they have engaged in the drug trade at Fair- field, and are now associated with William N. Lasley, and are enjoying a lucrative patronage, which they evidently merit. The entire family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fairfield, 111., where the parents have recently moved for retire- ment. LEWIS J. RIDER, miller, Fairfield, is a son of Sylvester and Ann F. Rider, for- merly of Wayne County, and now of Flora, 111. He was born August 11, 1837, in Stark County, Ohio. He came to Wayne County when a boy of seven years, since which time he has continued a resident of the county. He was reared on the farm of his father near Fairfield, and had only the advantages of limited sehooliug, when the schools were very* inferior, and yet he is a very practical man and noted for business ability. He was mar- ried to Miss Ruth A. Montgomery, daughter of Daniel and Alice Montgomery. She was born October 22, 1831, in Ohio. Their fam- ily consists of Harriet A., born August 26, 1860; Bernard M., born March 9. 1S63, and Mary Maud Rider, born December 7, 1867. The entire family are members of the Cath- olic Church of Fairfield. Mr. Rider is an extremely active worker in the cause of tem- perance, and is respected by all for his many good qualities, especially for his many free- will offerings to the worthy poor in his midst. He is Democrat in politics, and a member of the firm of Rider Bros., of Fairfield (see his- tory of " Sucker Mills"). Carroll B. Rider, a younger brother of A. B. and L. J. Rider, and a resident of Fairfield, was born in Wayne County. EL, July 21, 1854. He was educated at St. Vincent's College of Cape Girardeau, Mo., and married May 11, 1880, to Hattie E.. daughter of William H. and Anna E. Vandewater. She was born in St. Louis August 25. 1858. Their children are Anna Cecelia, born September 4, 1881, and Luke Alexius Rider, born December 12.1882. ALEXIUS B. RIDER, miller, junior member of the firm of Rider Bros., Fair- field. 111., is a son of Sylvester and Ann F. Rider, well and favorably known in CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 31 Wayne County. A. B. Rider was born in this county on October 10, 1845. and was reared principally upon the farm. Ho at- tended the common schools of the county until about grown, when he went to St. Louis, and there attended college for one year. In 1867, the Sucker Alii I was built, and he became its part owner, since which time he has been a resident of Fairfield. Here he was married to Lucinda A. Fleming, May 29, 1871. She was born June 9, 1850, in Virginia, and is a daughter of Zadoc Fleming and Emma Rowel 1. Her mother died in Virginia, and her father removed to Wayne County, 111., in 1862, and died in Fairfield on September 21. 1S74. They have two children — Edward F. Rider, born De- cember 14, 1875: Clara Rider, born October 4, 1880. The family are honored members of the Catholic Church of Fairfield, and by upright lives and generous deeds have won the respect of a large circle of ardent friends. (For biography of parents, see biographical department of Clay County. ) NATHAN E.ROBERTS. J r. .druggist. Fair- field. One of the earliest pioneer settlers of Wayne County was Archibald Roberts, who came to Illinois from Virginia in 1818. By trade he was a hatter, at which he worked but little after coming to this county, occupying himself with the pursuits of the farm-. He was a zealous Christian man, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he sustained the relation of local preacher. He had a family of ten children, of whom but two are now living. Nathan E. Roberts, Sr. , was the eldest of this family, and was born in 180S in Virginia. He married, in Wayne County, about 1826. to MaryBovee, who was born in the State of New York in 1809. They made their first settlement within the present limits of Jasper Township, but later entered a tract of land in Leech Township, where they remained until 1859, when they removed to Union Prairie Township, which continued to be his home until his death. Nathan E. Roberts was, in politics, a leading Republican, and like his father, was a Meth odist minister; professionally, a physician, and died suddenly while on a trip in Kan- sas in 1869. His wife still survives, and now resides with her son, J. Roberts. They had also ten children, the subject of these lines. Nathan E. Roberts. Jr., being the ninth. He was born in Wayne County April 26, 1849, and was chiefly reared in the village of Johnsonville, where he attended the public schools. After a brief experience as a teach- er, he came to Fairfield in 1870, and en- gaged in the drug business, which he con- tinues with fair success. Owns a good store building, which he erected in 1873, at a cost of about $4,000. N. E. Roberts was mar- ried, in Fairfield. January 18 1872, to Han nah Rea. She was born June, 1849, in Ohio, but descends from Scotch ancestry. Her parents, Madison and Elizabeth Rea, came to Wayne County about 1862, and settled in Indian Prairie, near Blue Point, where they died. Mr. Roberts family consists of three children, viz.. LaRue, born May 21, 1873; Dollie, born November 26. 1877, and Kath- leen. N. E. Roberts is a member of the Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, F. & A. M.; Fair- field Chapter, No. 179, R. A. M. ; Gorin Commandery. No. 14, K. T., and Peoria Con sistory, S. \ P.-. R. . S. \ W. H. ROBINSON, lawyer, Fairfield, was born in Lawrence County, 111., on January 31, 1837, and is a son of I. B. and Elizabeth (Curry) Robinson. The grandfather of our subject. Squire Robinson, was a native of Virginia, and was a minister of the Method- ist Episcopal Church for forty-eight years. He emigrated to Lexington County, Ky., and there the father of our subject was born 32 BKXiUAPHICAL: The former moved afterward to Lawrence County, 111., where he died at the age of eighty-four. The father, who was a farmer, came to this State in 183-1, and settled in Lawrence County. He is now living, at the age of seventy-nine, in Marion County. The mother of our subject was a daughter of James T. and Anna (Mounts) Curry, and was born in Indiana in 1812. The father was a native of Ireland, and Anna Mounts, a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of Thomas Mounts, a native of Virginia, and a soldier of the Revolution. The old gentleman lived to be about one hundred years old, and one of the heirlooms of the family is a gold- headed cane presented to him by Gen. Craw- ford, for some signal act of bravery per- formed in that sanguinary conflict. The mother of our subject was the mother of nine children, of whom three are now living — Mrs. Matilda Waters, Mrs. Caroline Russell and our subject, and died January 10, 1879. Mr. Robinson received a slight education from the common schools of Southeastern Illinois, but is mainly what may be called a self-made man. In early life, he worked on a farm, until he was eighteen, and then com- menced the study of law in the office of Charles A. Beecher, of Fairfield, he having come to Wayne County with his parents in 1843. He was admitted to the bar in 1860, and immediately began the practice of his profession in this circuit. In January, 1861, he was elected Journal Clerk of the Illinois Legislature, but resigned the position in April of the same year. He enlisted in Com- pany G, of the Eighteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was immediately elected Sec- ond Lieutenant, but upon reaching camp was detailed by Capt. U. S. Grant to act as Adjutant of the regiment. This position he occupied until November, 1861, when he was honorably discharged by the regimental Bur- geon on account of disability. Upon his return home, he resumed the practice of law, and ever since has devoted his entire time to that profession, except when called upon by the people to accept some office of trust and profit. In 1864, he was a delegate from the Eleventh Congressional District of Illinois, to National Republican Convention, held at Baltimore, and assisted in the nomination of Lincoln. He was also a delegate to the Re- publican Convention at Chicago, in 1868, which nominated Grant. In 1870, he was nominated for Congress in the Thirteenth District, against Judge S. S. Marshall. In 1872, he acted as Presidential Elector, and was a delegate in 1876 to the Cincinnati Convention. He served as railroad and ware- house Commissioner of the State from Feb- ruary, 1881, until March,' 1883. Subject has done quite a good deal for the improvement of this county. In Fairfield, he owns sev- eral valuable pieces of property, and has erected the finest residence in the city. He was the first proprietor of the land upon which the town of Cisne now stands, and by his direction the village was platted off. and the town named from an old citizen. In the county he also owns some 1,600 acres. At present, he is the senior member of the Arm of Robinson, Boggs & John (established in 1871). Mr. Robinson was married, in Fair- field, 111., on November 20, 1864, to Miss Eliza Julia Smith, who was born in Albion, 111., in 1845. This lady is the daughter of Moses and Anna (Stone) Smith, natives of England, and the mother of five children, viz., William H. , Jr., born November 11, 1865; Edward S., born February 20. L869; Charles Dickens, born February 14, 1871. Anna E. and Mary A. are deceased. Mrs. Robinson is a member of the Episcopal Church. Subject is a member of the Royal Arch Masons and the I. O. O. F. fraternities ( ITY ov FAIRFIELD. 33 of Fairfield. It is needless to say that Mr. Robinson is a stalwart of the stalwarts in the Republican party, and his devotion to his party is well known throughout Southern Illinois. THOMAS M. ROGERS, physician, Fair- field, was born in Ohio County, Ky., on the 15th of August, 1830. He is the oldest of a family of eight children born to Samuel R. and Sarah (Morgan) Rog- ers, both of whom were natives of Ken- tucky, but of Scotch Irish descent, whose ancestors were first represented in America in the latter part of the seventeenth century. They removed to Wayne County, 111., in 1852 or 1853, and settled in the western part, but soon after came to Fairfield, where, in 1855, the mother died. The father re- moved to his farm in Hickory Hill Township, where he died some years later. Dr. Thorn as M. Rogers is the oldest of their family, of whom seven are 'still living. He grew to manhood in Kentucky, meanwhile attending the common schools, after which he attended college two years in Lebanon, Ky. He then began the study of medicine, teaching school at intervals to support himself while so doing. He attended one course of lectures at the University of Ann Arbor. Mich., in 1857, af- ter which he began the practice of his pro- fession. In 1863, he entered the Ohio Med- ical College, receiving the degree conferred by that institution the following year. He then entered on what proved to be a very successful practice of sixteen years' duration in Johnson- ville. Wayne County. In 1875, he removed to I 'airfield, where he now enjoys a lucrative practice. He married, in 1857, in Ohio, to Martha E. Haines. She was born in Greene inty, Ohio, in 1834. Their family con- sists of Charles F. , Robert E., Araminta May and Clara Bell Rogers, tho first two of whom are deceased. He is a member of the A., F. & A. M.. and his wife of the Presby- terian Church. Residence, corner of Jack- son and Water streets. Office, corner of Market and Center streets. THOMAS W. SCOTT, merchant, Fair- field, was born February 1, 1842, in Danville, 111. His parents, John J. Scott and Mary A. Roland, the former a native of Hardy Coun- ty, Ya., and the .latter of Maysville, Ky. His father died in 1856, and the year follow- ing, he came to Olney, 111., where he at- tained his manhood. He received a common school education in the public schools of Dan- ville and Olney. In April, 1861, he enlisted in the three months' services as a member of Company D, Eighth Illinois Infantry, from which he was discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistmeut. In July of 1 8(32, he en- listed in the Ninety-eighth Illinois Regiment. While a member of this organization, he par- ticipated in a large number of active engaga- ments, in which he won the distinction of a competant leader and a brave soldier. He was raised to the position of Captain of Company K, in 1863, and succeeded signally in gaining the confidence and esteem of those under his command. Amoag the last acts of the martyred President Lincoln was the sign- ing of the appointment of Mr. Scott to the rank of Major, which was done in recogni- tion of his bravery in the engagement at Selma, Ala. At the close of the war, Mr. Scott returned to Olney, 111., where for two years he was engaged in the mercantile bus- iness, and was then employed as a traveling salesman. and remained on the road for three years, in the meantime establishing a dry goods business in Fail-field. 111. He imiuo to tho latter place in 1871. and lias remained since, conducting a large and prosperous bus iness. He is the present Postmaster of Fair- field, to which office he was appoinl id in 1880. Be exerts a very potenl influence in 34 BIOGRAPHICAL: the political arena, which benefits are enjoyed by the Republican party. He has been a member of the Republican State Central Committee since 1877. He is a member of the Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M., Fairfield Chapter, No. 179, R. A. M.: Gorin Commandery, No. 14, K. T. , and the Peoria Consistory, S. \ P.-. R.\ S. Mr. Scott was mar- ried in Olney, 111., September 26, 1865, to Miss Mary R. Spring, eldest daughter of Henry and Caroline R. Spring, of Olney, where she was born, being the first child born in Olney. Their family consists of two daughters — Carrie and Alice Scott. WILLIAM SHAEFFER, one of the old and respected citizens of Fairfield, was born in Stark County, Ohio, July 28, 1817. His parents, Daniel Shaeffer and Elizabeth Rine- hart, were of German parentage, the father of the latter having served as a Drum Major in the Revolutionary war. The Shaefters also were represented in the United States in the latter part of the seventeenth century. Daniel Shaeffer was born in Pennsylvania, and there married to Elizabeth Rinehart, soon after which — in 1812 — they settled in Stark County, Ohio. He was the proprietor of the town of Waynesburg, of that county, and was killed in that county March 14, 1846, by the falling of a building. William Shaeffer. in 1S3S, left Ohio and came to Graysville, 111. , and there engaged at his trade, having learned the trade of house- carpenter in Ohio. He came to Wayne County, 111., in 1840, and was married, in Fairfield, May 13,- 1843. to Miss Maria Alexander, of Carroll County, Ohio, where she was born December 14, 1822. For fif- teen years they pursued the interests of farming, located in Barnhill Township, two miles south of Fairfield; but he, being of a speculative turn, soon found broader fields upon which to bestow his energies, and be- came variously interested in merchandising, stock-dealing and also dealing iu grain, in which he still engages. He has had a family of children as follows : Daniel T. Shaeffer, was born March 8, 1844; Mary E., deceased, wife of W. J. Sailor, was born March 14, 1S46; David H. Shaeffer. was born Decem- ber 24, 1847, deceased; Sallie A., wife of C. C. Boggs, was born January 25, 1850; Fran- ces, wife of James A. Odell, was born Jan- uary 13, 1852; William O, born March 28, 1854; Rebecca J., deceased, wife of S. Steiner, born October 17, 1856; Loie B. Shaeffer, born April 9. 1859; Elmer, de- ceased infant, was born February 8, 1862; Arthur, born July 8, 1864, died in infancy, and Julia Shaeffer, born October 16, 1869. JOSEPH D. SHAEFFER, clerk, Fair- field, is a son of John D. Shaeffer and Barhara A. Koontz, a sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in these pages. Joseph D. was born in Wayne County. 111., September 21. 1848; grew to manhood in the county and was educated in the public schools. For many years he has been a faithful servant of the county, having performed the duties of Deputy County Clerk for eight years, after which — 1877 — he was elected to the office "f County Clerk, serving five years, and is still performing clerical duties in that depart- ment. He is a member of Fairfield Lodge, No. 206, A, F. & A. M.. Fairfield Chapter, R. A. M.. and also of the A O. U. W. He was married, in Fairfield. October 15. 1878. to Miss Alice M. Trousdale, daughter of John and Ellen Trousdale. She was born in Fairfield July 20. 1857. They have one daughter — Annie Shaeffer, born in Fairfield September 30, 1879. CHARLES W. SIBLEY, physician, of Fairfield, was bora on October 6. 1841, in Trumbull County. Ohio. His father. Charles Sibley — well and favorably kuown in Wi CITY OF FAIRFIELD. County — was a native of New York, and was born in 1818. Having removed to Trum- bull County, Ohio, he was there married, in IS 10 tc Azuba" L. Waters, a native of that county. Charles Sibley was a man of rare will-power, and among; the characteristics which marked him as a noble man were his great zeal for the cause of Christianity and his tireless energy as an able exponent of the doctrine of prohibition, being one of its first and most uncompromising advocates in this county. He possessed broad and charit- able views, yet was always found, with un- yielding tenacity, adhering to what he con- sidered the side of right, without regard to self-interest or personal prejudice. He died in Fairfield in 1879, surrounded by a large circle of ardent friends, who admired him for his many virtues. His wife and six of a family of seven children survive him, and an' all residents of the town of Fairfield. Mother Sibley was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1S21. She is one of the pillars of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as was also her late husband Dr. C.W. Sibley received a liberal common school education, and came to this county with his parents from Meigs County. Ohio, in 1853. In September, ISIil. he enlisted in Company D, Thirty-fourth Illinois Infantry, under Capt. Pratt, of Lee County, 111. He received a serious wound at the battle of Shiloh. in consequence of which, in the following September, he wa9 discharged. He read medicine under the in- struction of Dr. J. R. Philson; took a course in the Ohio Medical College, after which he began his practice at Fairfield. He subse quently entered the Bellevue Medical Col I of Xew York, from which he graduated in 1877. He possesses, to a worthy degree, a warm and sympathetic nature, so indisp able in the true physician. Married, in Racine. Ohio, in 1867. to Miss Mary C. Lultinca She was born in Ohio in 1844. and is a daughter of Archie and Catherine Lalance. of French ancestry. Dr. Sibley is an official member of the order of It. T. of T., and both are honored members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their family consists of Charles E, Maud (deceased I, Theo A.. Frank C, William A. and Mary C. Sibley. J. FRANK SMITH, photographer, Fair- field, is a native of Switzerland; was born in October. 1841. He came to the United States with his parents, Anthony and Mary Smith, who settled with their family in the present limits of the city of Chicago. There the par- ents and an older brother's wife and child died, in September, 1853, of cholera. In 1855, the remainder of the family removed to McHenry County, 111., where they engaged in the pursuit of fanning. J. F. Smith was, therefore, early thrown upon his own re- sources for a livelihood, and his opportunities for education materially abridged. He had acquired a tolerable proficiency in reading undenting in German, before leaving his native country. By the economy of time and application to study, he qualified him- self for 'practical business life. During the lati> civil war. he was assistant in the Quar- termaster's Department, and while in that position he embraced the opportunity to learn the art of photography, which achievement alone has influenced his subsequent life, as he has followed that profession continuously ever since. Soon after the war. he locate. I at Xenia, Clay Co., Ill, to pursue his trade, and while there became acquainted with Nancy L. Younp;. to whom he was married on the 15th of March. 1868. She is a dangh ter of Thomas and Mary (Berry) Young. formerly of Hickory Hill Township, where Nancy L. was born on the 4th of December. 1847. Thomas Young was born January 21, 30 BIOGRAPHICAL: 1816, and Mary Berry waB bora October 10, 1816. They were married in Greene County, Ind., January 23, 1840, and came to Wayne County, III., as early as 1844, The former died in 1848, and the latter in 1851. Mrs. Smith, thus early left an orphan, was reared by Mr. Stout Atteberry, of Wayne County. Mr. Smith came to Fairfield in the spring of 1878, after a residence of several years in Minneapolis, Minn, and has a thriving busi- ness and pleasant residence property. He is a member of the Royal Templars of Tem- perance. Their union has been blessed with four children — J. Frank Smith, Jr., born August 13, -1873; Mary M. Smith, born Au- gust 27, 1875; Lizzie M. Smith, born Octo- ber 16, 1878: and William T. Smith, born September 6, 1880, and died October 6, 1880. SAMUEL M. STALEY, merchant, Fair- field, was born in Montgomery County, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1823, and descends from German an- cestors. His father, Frederick Staley, was married in Virginia to Mary Kirk, and reared a family of nine children— Samuel M. being the youngest. Frederick Staley died ^Vir- ginia, and the wife, with her children, after- ward removed to Illinois, and in 1828 lo- cated in White County. Here Samuel grew to maturity, and was married, March 1, 1848, to Harriet Melrose, of Edwards County, 111., who died nine years later, leaving three chil- dren — George, Ulla S. and Worley Staley; the latter died in infancy. Mr. Staley next married Rebecca Melrose, a younger sister of his former wife, which union resulted in the birth of four children — Douglas M., Charles M., Mary H. and John E. Staley. The maiden name of his present wife, to whom he was married in 1S70, was Sarah Renfro. She was born in Illinois in 1832. Their marriage has been blessed with one child — Sarah E. Staley. Mr. Staley is a practical farmer, which pursuit still absorbs a portion of his attention. He removed to Fairfield in 1875. and engaged in the hardware trade, which he continues successfully. His family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he sustaining the relation of Stew- ard. George M. Staley, son of Samuel M. and Harriet (Melrose) Staley, was born in Carmi, White Co., 111., on the 10th of April, 1S49. His education was obtained in the common schools of Grayville, and in the Mc- Kendree College at Lebanon, 111. He became an experienced teacher, and for three years was employed in the Grayville Public School. He was married in Bloomington, 111. , Decem- ber 30, 1874, to Sophia A. Merritt. She was born in Nashville, N. Y., May 10, 1853. Their family consists of John Merritt Staley, born November 30, 1875, and Samuel C. Staley, born January 1, 1878, and died June 15, 1878.' George M. Staley came to Fair- field in 1875, and for some years was em- ployed as salesman and book-keeper in his fa- ther's store. He was three years a student in the McKendree College, and one year in the State Normal Institute, and being a true gentleman, enjoys the esteem of a large cir- cle of friends. He fills with efficiency the position of Deputy Postmaster at Fairfield, and is an honored member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ulla S. is a young man of noble parts, universally esteemed. He is present book-keeper in the bank of E. Bon- ham & Co., Fairfield. EMANUEL STEINER, clothier, Fair- field, of the firm of Bach & Steiner, was born in Austria on June 27, 1850, where he resided until coming to the United States in 1863, being educated in his native country. His parents, Isaac Steiner and Bertha (-Huf- man) Steiner, are both natives of Austria, and are now living in St. Louis, Mo., where they located in 1863. They have a family of five children, one of whom is dead, and CITY OF FA1KFIELD. 37 two are now residents of Fairfield, 111. Emanuel Steiner came to Fairfield in 1874, and in connection with I. Bach opened a store, which they have continued until the present time. They keep an extensive stock of clothing, boots and shoes, trunks and gents' furnishing goods, and enjoy a very satisfactory trade. Mr. Steiner was married in St Louis, September 3, 1876, .to Bertie Loebner, daughter of Isaac Loebner and Lena (Freuna) Loebner. She was born April 10, 1S57. in Austria, and came to St Louis with her parents in 1867. They have one child, Blanche Steiner, born April 20, 1883. Family residence is on the corner of Main and Church streets. Mr. Steiner is a member of the Fairrield Lodge, No. 206, A. F. & A. M.; Fairfield Chapter, No. 179, R. A. M. , and also of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is Treasurer of the Town Board and a Director of the Fairfield Loan As- sociation. Sigsmond Steiner, younger brother of Emanuel Steiner, was born in Austria May 9, 1857, and came withthe family, con- sisting of five children, to the city of St. Louis in 1863. On the 9th of June, 1876, he was married to Rebecca Shaeffer, daugh- ter of William Shaeffer, of Fairfield. She having died, he was married to Miss Georgia A. Steves, daughter of P. S. and Louisa Steves, of Flora, 111., where her father died in 1878. Her mother is still living, and makes her home with Mrs. Steiner in Fairfield. Georgia A. Steves was born in Elkhorn, Wis.. May 25, I860. They have two chil- dren— Fannie A. Steiner, born July 9, 1S80, and Charles Steiner. born December 5, 1882. Mr. S. Steiner is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and has been Treasurer of the Council since 1881. COL. H. TOMPKINS, lawyer, Fair- field, was born September 14, 1S30, in York- town, Westchester Co., N. Y. He was on the farm until fourteen years old, when he was placed in the Ellington Institute, of Con- necticut, where he took a four years' course of study. From the time of leaving this school until coming to Chicago in 1852, he was engaged in teaching school, with the ex- ception of one and a half years' law study in Glens Falls, N. Y. In 1853, he located in Champaign County, 111., where for some years he engaged in farming and in the prac- tice of law. In 1801, he enlisted as a private in the Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, but was soon after promoted to the rank of Ma- jor of the Thirteenth Missouri Mounted In- fantry, by John C. Fremont and Gov. Gam- ble. He was subsequently detached by re- quest of Gov. Yates, to organize the Fourteen Illinois Cavalry, which he did, re- signing his commission in the former regi- ment to take the commission of Major in the latter, with which he served until the close of the war. He was detailed on the staff of Gen. Sturgis in the East Tennessee cam- paign, and on the staff of Maj. Gen. Stone- man in the Atlanta campaign. For some years immediately following the close of the war, he was engaged in the practice of law, and in writing the " Laws of Municipal Bonds." He is regarded as an able chancery attorney, and has charge of the complicated question of swamp lands of Wayne County. WILLIAM H. VAN DE WATER. Justice of the Peace, Fairfield, 111.. a native of New York City, was born on the 25th of November, 1828. When he was two years old, his parents, Joshua and Carolino Van De Water, removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he attained his manhood, meantime receiving a fair education in Woodward College. Early in life, he engaged in the drug business in Cincinnati, remaining in that city until 1853, when he went to St. Louis, and, until 1860, was employed by different business firms as 38 BIOGRAPHICAL: book keeper. From 1862 to 1870, his time was variously spent with mining and mer- chandising on the. Pacific Coast, and mer- chandising in Missouri, losing in the latter place what he had accumulated in the former. Since 1S70, he has been a resident of Fair- field, 111., where for three years he served as Deputy Circuit Clerk, and is now serving his second term of office as Justice of the Peace. Ke is a Democrat, and a member of the Royal Templars of Temperance. In addi- tion to his official duties, he is selling the celebrated Mason it Hamlin organs, and also is agent for the Continental Insurance Com- pany. Sir. Van De Water was married, Octo- ber 20, 1857, in the city of St. Louis, to Miss Annie E. Stuart. She was born in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, September 18, 1831, and died February 3, 1871, leaving two children, Hat- tie E., wife of B. Hider, of Fairfield (she was born in St. Louis August 25, 1858), and Walter A. Van De Water, born May 11, 1805. The parents of W. H. Van De Water were both natives of New York. The father died in Cincinnati in June, 1877, and the mother died in the same city July 19, 1S83. Their family of six children, of whom William H. is the oldest, are all living. Z. B. WEST, lawyer, Fairfield. Samuel West, father of Z. B. West, was of Irish de- scent, born in Illinois in 1827, and is still living. Samuel West, grandfather of Z. B., was a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1794, and died in 1844. His wife, grandmother of Z. B., was a native of Ohio, and of En- glish descent, and died in 1873, at the age of seventy-four years. Margaret A. (Hoover) West, mother of Z. B., was born in Illinois in 1830; was of German descent, and is still living. Her father, Peter Hoover, was born in Germany in 1778; came to America in 1809, and died in 1871. Margaret A. West's mother was of German descent; born in Pennsylvania in 1802, and died in 1854. Mr. Z. B. West was born March 1, 1854, in Wayne County, 111. His early education consisted of what could be obtained by a somewhaLirregular attendance in the district schools. He there succeeded through per- sonal effort in preparing himself for the pro- fession of a teacher, which duties he first as- sumed in the year 1873. Inspired by a thirst for knowledge, he appropriated the means thus acquired to carry him through a collegiate course. In the spring of 1874, he entered Holbrook Normal School of Leb- anon, Ohio, and graduated in the teachers' and business courses in 1876. He subse- quently became a student in the Ladoga (Ind.) College, at present the Danville (Ind.) Normal College, taking the scientific course, and receiving the degree conferred by that institution in 1881. In the interims of his attendance at college, he has been actively eugaged in teaching, having taught forty- eight months. His reputation as a teacher in Grayville, Fairfield, ami in fact through- out Wayne and Edwards Counties, is well known, and requires no comment here. In the fall of 1881, Mr. West was appointed to the position of County Superintendent of Schools for Wayne County, and was the choice of the people for the same position, to which he was elected in the fall of 1882, and which he is now filling with universal acceptance. Though Mr. West has chosen the legal profession, he justly looks with a degree of pride upon his experi- ence in the interest of education, and is the author of a School Superintendent Record, which is destined to meet with favor wher- ever and whenever examined. Mr. West read law under the instruction of Messrs. Hanna & Adams, of Fairfield, and was regu- larly admitted to practice on the 29th of August, 1883. He is a member of the Fair- CITY OF FAIRFIELD. 39 field Lodge, No. 206, A., F. i A. M., and in politics a Democrat. ANDREW WILSON, native of Northum- berland, England, was born in 1788. Grew to manhood, and married, in his native coun- try, to Mary Hall. She was born in 1 790 on the coast of the North Sea, England. The father was by trade a tailor, and came with his wife and eleven children to the Dnited States in 1835, and, until 1838, he located in New- York City, where he followed his trade. Came in the fall of 1838 to Illinois, and set- tled in Fairfield. Here he engaged in the pursuit of his trade, which he followed for many years. In England, he was early iden- tified with the Presbyterian Church, and, on coming to the new country, he at once let his light shine by taking an active part in the work of the Sabbath school. It is gen- erally known that no man has been more faithful in his mission than was this old vet- eran; always at his post as Superintendent of the Presbyterian school, until so enfeebled by age that he could no longer walk to the school, and even then so necessary were his sol vices that often he was waited upon by loving hands, and, supported between two friends, would make his way to the place he had so long and so ably tilled. He died in Flora, 111., in October, 1864. But few men, if any, in the history of this county have left few«r faults to be deplored, or more vir- tues to be emulated by his many friends; and, though old as he was and enfeebled b_v age, his place is difficult to till. Mrs. Man- Wilson, who died in August, 1859, was an active member in the Presbyterian Church, and was respected and loved by all who knew her. Of their family, which consisted originally of twelve children, but six are now living, and but two in Wayne County. John Wilson, of Fairfield, and Ellen, widow of John Trousdale. John Wilson was born in August, 1820, in England, and in his rearing had the advantages of a common school education. He was married, in the town of Fairfield, October 8, 1846, to Miss Eliza J. Harper, daughter of Thomas and Esther Harper, of Edwards County, 111. Soon after marriage, they moved to a farm adjoin- ing the town, where they remained for the space of thirty-six years. Their union has been blest with eight children — Edward, Thomas, Mary L., Anna Belle, Lewis H., William H, Ellen and Maggie Wilson. Ed- ward and Lewis are deceased. In 1S49, Mr. John Wilson and wife united with the M. E. Church of Fairfield, and have held their membership continuously to this time. Since 1853, Mr. Wilson has been a member of the Quarterly Conference of his church. He is now retired from the farm, and a resident of Fairfield, where he has surrounded himself with many ardent friends. JOSEPH E. WILSON, County Clerk, Fairfield, is a son of Alfred and Elizabeth Wilson, well known residents of Wayne County. Alfred Wilson was born in Ken- tucky, on the 22d of February, 1806, going from his native State to Missouri, when, a young man. There, in 1836, he was mar- ried to Miss Elizabeth Laughlin, who was boru in Missouri April 6, 1819. In 1839, they came to Wayne County, 111., and settled where the widow still lives, in Hickory Hill Township. Alfred Wilson was a successful farmer, a man of strong force of character! and in politics an Old-Line Whig during the existence of that party, after which his in- fluence was given to Democracy. He was by trade a carpenter, by profession a Baptist minister, and died in Wayne County, 111., December 12, 1875. Ho had a family of four children, viz.: John J., born in 1837; Eliza A., widow of Thomas M. Clark, and born in 1841, who has seven children; An- 40 BIOGRAPHICAL: geline, wife of Samuel B. Griffith, of Wayne County; and Joseph E. Wilson, who was born January 3, 1849. He was reared on the farm, receiving the advantages of a'coinmon school education, and by application quali- fied himself for the profession of teaching, which, in connection with farming, he fol lowed from 1871 until 1882. In the fall of 1882, he was elected to the office of County Clerk of Wayne County, on the Democratic ticket. He is a member of the Hickory Hill Lodge, No. 759, A., F. & A. M. ; Fairfield Chapter, No. 179, R. A. M. He was married in Louisville, Clay County, 111., Oc- tober 11, 1876, to Miss Julia V. Galbraith, daughter of Col. A. T. Galbraith, now of Flora, 111. See was born in Wayne County October 23, 1857. Their two children— Ed- gar A. and Robert A. Wilson, were each born in Wayne County, the first, March 21, 1879, and the latter January 31, 1881. PROF. GEORGE H. WOODWARD, Nor- mal instructor, Mound City, Pulaski County, 111. Among the teachers and normal instruct ors of Southern Illinois who have done so much for the advancement of refinement, cult lire and education in general, and who have raised the standard of teaching and teachers, we count him among one of the first and fore- most whose name heads this sketch. Prof. Woodward was born in Albany, Ohio, July 5, 1847. He is a son of Rev. John M. Woodward, a native of Smithtield, Ohio, where he learned and followed the carpenter trade, and afterward devoted his attention to milling. He is yet living in Zauesville, Ohio. His life has been one that may well serve as an example to posterity. He has been a minister of the Methodist Church for thirty years, and is a man of high standing in that body, where his services as pastor and friend to all benevolent enterprises are duly recog- nized He has also been President of the Conference for many years. The A.. F. & A. M., and also the I. O. O. F. fraternities claim him as one of their earnest and active members, having held prominent offices in both orders. Space does not permit us to give him the credit he so well deserves. His father, Presley Woodward, was a native of Virginia. The mother of our subject. Mary (Dickens) Woodward, was a native of Penn- sylvania. Her father's name was Stephen Dickens. She was the mother of four chil- dren, viz.: George H, Henry R., Mary A. and John C, deceased, the latter being one of the most pi'ominent and promising young lawyers in Ohio. Our subject was educated in different high schools in Ohio, and fitted himself for his noble profession at the Na- tional Normal School in Lebanon. Ohio. But he is mainly self-educated, teaching his first school at the age of fifteen, and with money earned by teaching he paid his way through the Normal School, accomplishing what few would undertake under more favor- able circumstances. He taught eight terms in two country schoolhouses before he grad- uated at Lebanon, after which he taught in Flora. 111., and then in Fairfield, 111., where he was joined in matrimony to one of Wayne County's fairest daugh- ters; and then removed to Mount Yer non, 111. , where he was Principal of the city schools. From there he went to Webster City. Iowa; Lafayette, Ohio; Wichita and Anthony, Kan.; Metropolis, 111.; and is at present Superintendent of the city school in Mound City, 111. In all the above-named places, Mr. Woodward left a fair and envia- ble record as a teacher/ earning the acknowl- edgment of different State Superintendents of Public Schools, to be one of the most nat- ural and efficient teachers of the West, his object in teaching in so many different places and States being to make himself familiar CITY OF PAIEFIELD 41 with the best and most' practical methods of imparting knowledge* in the United States. Mr. Woodward holds three State certificates, and has been County Superintendent of Schools in Iowa, and also in Sedgwick and Harper Counties, Kan. Our subject was married, December 25, 1872, to Miss Cle- mence E. Slocunib, born December 25, 1857. She is a daughter of Judge Rigdon B. and Clemence S. (Ridgwayi Slocumb, who are mentioned in other parts of this work. Five children are the result of this happy union, viz.: Harry S., bom November 10. 1873; Don B., born December 25, 1875: Walter S., born November 5, 1877; George H.. deceased, and C. Roy. born October 31, 1882. Mrs. Woodward is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Woodward is a member of .the 1. O. O. F. fraternity. F. M. WOOLARD was born January 29, 1835, near where the village of Mulberry Grove now stands, in Bond County, 111. He is the son of Rev. James B. Woolard, a Meth odist minister, well known in Southern Illi- nois. James B., the son of Willoughby and Rebecca (Fatheree) Woolard, was born De- cember 16. 1804, in Beaufort County. N. C; removed with his parents to Tennessee in 1810, and settled soon after on Leeper's Creek in Maury County, where he married Mary, daughter of Abraham and Nancy (Brown) McGurley, March 15, 1827; removed to Green- ville, 111., with a "spike team" (the wheel horses were osen) in 1S29, and to his present location in 1831. He was a Bugler in the Black Hawk war; represented Bond County in the Legislature in 1844 15; and was Chap- lain in the Ono Hundred and Eleventh Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry in the late war. His brothers, Churchell, of Tennessee: William, of Missouri, and Seth. of Mississippi, all served their country in Jackson's wars. His sister. Winifred, married Henry Gardner, of Montgomery County, 111. Mary (mater) was born March 24, 1805, in Allen County, Ky., ami with her parents moved to Tennessee, wheiVshe was married. She lived with her husband for more than fifty-six years, and died August 20, 1883, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church over sixty six years. To James and Mary were born six children— Nancy R. (Vest), of Green- ville; Eveline C. ^Harris), of Hillsboro; Wash- ington W. (deceased); our subject; Mary S. Elliott (deceased); Margaret I. (Harris), of Greenville, 111.; W. W., a Captain in the Twenty-sixth Illinois Volunteers, died Janu- ary 9, 1882, and his wife, Lucj (Stites), with Lilian, Estella, Samuel F. , Winifred and James, their children, live in Wichita, Kan. Abraham's father, was of Scotch descent, and slain in the Revolutionary war. Nancy was a neiee of Judge Brown, of Kentucky. Wil- oughby, the_son of John, was born in North Carolina in 1761, and died at the age of eighty-five years, in Fayette County, III. His brothers were John, Jr. . Absalom and Jere- miah. John (pater), the son of John, was born in 1695, and died in 1800. His nephew, Aligood, of Lebanon, Tenn., died in 1868, aged one hundred and fifteen years. The first, John was an Englishman, an early set- tler in North Carolina, and a tradition has been handed down in the family that he sold his peltries, the result of one winter's hunt- ing, for his hat full of silver. His brother settled in the northern colonies, and his de- scendants are called "Willard. " Rebecca, born in Massachusetts in 1771, was the daughter of Maj. Fatheree, who was killed in the Revolutionary war. She remem- bered the British soldiers plundering her mother's house, leaving the family destitute. She was for seventy years a Regular Baptist, and died in Polk County. Mo., in 1862, amid trying scenes, very similar to those of her early 42 BIOGRAPHICAL: childhood. Subject was raised a farmer, at- tended school in winter; remembers when wolves, deer and panthers were common; attended the academy inGreenville; McKen- dree College, in Lebanon; taught school over three years; was Deputy County Clerk in Vandalia; six years a circuit preacher, and four years Superintendent of Schools in Wayne County. Subject was married, No- vember 9, 1859, to Miss Margaret, daughter of William J. Crews, of Palestine, 111., and to them were born Charles W., in Bond Town- ship, Lawrence County, 111., September 22, 1863. "Charlie" was highly skilled and learned for one of his age, in the sciences, and the laws of mechanics and forces. His ingenuity was a matter of surprise, and often of amazement to his friends. Being em- ployed in the machine shops at Springfield, he was accidentally killed, September 18, 1880, regretted by all who knew him. His remains are entombed on the hill in the new cemetery in the northeast part of Fairfield. William F. was born in Lawrence County March 5, 1805. He gathers many curiosi- ties, having several pieces of " British stamped paper," about 1,500 rare and odd coins, among which are some "Jewish mites." Mary A. was born in Fairfield November 30, 1871, and is a promising musician for one of her age. The mother, Capt. W. W. and Mary S. lie buried on the spot where the first church was built, in the east part of Bond County. JOHN C. YOUNGKEN, merchant, Fair- field. Space will not permit an extended re- view of the lives of the many noble men and women whose acts constitute the brightest pages in the history of Wayne County; yet a history which does not transmit to the ris- ing and future generations some personal points relative to this class would certainly fail in the most essential object for which it was written. Conspicuous in this rank is the man whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Youngken was born August 4, 1839, in Friendsville, Wabash Co., 111. His father, John F. Youngken, was a native of Bucks County, Penn., born in 1806, and was a de- scendant from German ancestry. He came to Illinois in an early and settled in Wabash County, where he soon made his influence felt by his public spirit and enterprise. He represented his district in the State Legisla- ture and there characterized himself by in- troducing into that body a bill to restrict the liquor traffic. He was an earnest temperance worker, a zealous member of tho Presbyterian Church, and the impress of his molding hand in the community in which he lived so long will never cease to be felt. He was married, about 1837, in Wabash County, to Harriet Danforth, who was born in New England in 1802. She also was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and both are now deceased. They had a family of three chil- dren, John C. being the only one living. He grew to maturity in his native county, meantime attending the public schools, and when nineteen years old entered the Hanover College, from which he graduated in 1862. Immediately after his graduation, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served for the term of three years. After returning home, he began an extended and successful career as a teacher. For five years he was in charge of the public school of Friends- ville, meantime superintending the interests of his father's farm, after which, for some years, he was Superintendent of the Mount Carmel Public School. He took charge of the Fairfield School in 1873, and continued at its head for four years. He gave up the profession to engage in mercantile pursuits, and is now engaged in a general grocery BAHNHILL TOWXSI1 I P. 43 ami provision store in Fairfield. He is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, of which his entiro family are members; also a member of the A. O. U. W. and the G. A. R. He was married, August 10, 1S6(5. to Julia B. Vanausdel. She was born in Lawrence County. 111., May 24, 1S4S. Their family consists of Harry H, Annie K., Bennie N. ami Charles X. Younjrken. BABNHILL TOWNSHIP. X. C. ALEXANDER, farmer, P. O. Mt. Vernon, was born January 20, 1830, in Car- roll County, Ohio. He is a son of David Alexander, born 17S9, in Delaware. He was also a farmer. 'W hen a young man he moved to Ross County, Ohio, where he was married. He finally moved to Carrol] County, and then in 1839 he came to Wayne County, 111. , and died here in 1845. He was a soldier in the war of IN 12, and was at the surrender of Hull's army. His father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war; his name was Philip Alex- ander. Xhemotherof our subject. Elizabeth f Cunningham) Alexander, was born 1797, in Virginia. She died 1861, in this county. She was a daughter of Nicholas and Anna (Morris) Cunningham. Nicholas Cunning- ham fought seven years in the Revolutionary war. under George Washington, as his com- mander, participating in many thrilling scenes and famous battles. Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander was the mother of ten children, of whom seven are now living, viz. : Maria Shaeffer. Rebecca Brown, Elizabeth Clark, Nicholas C, our subject; David, a farmer in (•bin; and John and Joseph, now residents of Fairfield. Our subject was educated in Ohio and in Wayne County. 111. He has been a practical farmer all his life, and now owns a farm of 180 acres of fine land near Fairfield, with good improvements. He was joined in matrimony here January '23, 1851, to Jane Austen, born September 18. 1832, jn England. Her parents, James and Mary (Hill) Austen, were both natives of Old England. Five children, who are now lining, have come to bless this happy union, viz.: Mary, born Au- gust 20, 1854, wife of William Head; Bell, born September 22, 18G0, wife of H. F. Murphy; Bertha J., born January 1, i860; Nicholas H, born July 4, 18(58; and Zerilda, born June 22, 1872. Besides these Mr. Alex- ander and his estimable wife are rearing three little grandchildren, viz.: John B., James C. and Elizabeth J. Their father, James Alexander, died in October, 1881, and their mother, Martha A. (Trousdale) Alexan- der, died in November, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He has held school offices, and been Township Supervisor. In political affairs, he is a Democrat. NATHAN ATTEBERRY, farmer, P. O. Fairfield, was born August 10, 1803, in South Carolina. His father, Richard Atte berry, was born in South Carolina, where he farmed; he died in Grayson County, Ky. The mother of our subject was Rebecca (Ben- net) Atteberry, born in South Carolina; she died in Kentucky. She was the mother of fourteen children, of whom our subject was next to the youngest, aud is the only one liv- ing. He went to school in Kentucky, where he lived several years. In the fall of 1811), 44 BIOGRAPHICAL: be came to Wayne County, 111., where he has lived ever since. He came here when the woods were rilled with wild beasts and the country was a wilderness. He came here with his older brother. It was in a time when the mustering day surpassed in grand- eur our fair day; at least more bad whisky was stowed away, and more free rights in- dulged in. Here, on Turney's Prairie, he lived with an old gentleman, and the first winter went to school about three months. He finally bought forty acres at 11.25 per acre, and with a brave heart and hardened muscles went to work improving it He at one time owned 300 acres of land, and now owns 128 acres, a part of which is the old homestead. Our subject has seen a great many changes, and has at least seen more than two generations rise and pass away. He was mar- ried twice. His first wife, Maria Butler, was a native of Kentucky, and died here in 1861, leaving eight children, of whom three are now living, viz. : Warren. David and Thomas. The latter is living in California. His'pres- ent wife, Martha A. (George) Atteberry, is a daughter of William W. George. Esq., a prominent citizen of this county. This union was blessed with four children, viz.: Martha M., William W., Delbert B. and Os- car B. Mr. and Mrs. Atteberry are active members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and their standing in the community is the very best. Mr. Atteberry is a true type of our old pioneers, and quite strong iD body and mind for a man of his age, he having seen eighty summers unfold their beauteous foliage. He is no politician, but is identi- fied with the Democratic party. A. J. BEHIMER, farmer, P. O. Mill Shoals, was born in Clermont County. Ohio, on January 22, 1832. and is a son of John and Jane (Meeker) Behimer. The grand- father, Nathaniel Behimer, was born in Vir- ginia, and there the father also was born. The latter moved to Richland County, 111. , where he died. The mother was a native of New Jersey, and a daughter of Jonas and Charity Meeker. This lady was the mother of fifteen children, of whom nine are living, and died in Richland County, 111. Subject went to school in Ohio and Indiana, and in early life he turned his attention to saw mill- ing, and followed that from 1858 to the fore- part of 1883. He has, however, lately turned his attention to farming, and now owns 140 acres. Mr. Behimer was married, in 1854, in Jennings County, Ind.,to Miss Jemima L. Beeman. This lady was born in Jennings County, Ind., on January 2, 1834, and is a daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Pool) Bee- man. Eight children have blessed this union — Alfred J., Sarah E., Francis M.. Mary A., James E., Cora J3t., Bertie T. and Delia T. In politics, Mr. Behimer is iden- tified with the Republican party. S. M. BOS WELL, farmer, P. O Fairfield. The one of whose life this sketch is a brief epitome, was born on December 19, 1836, and is the son of H. and Jane (Maxim) Bos- well. The father, who was a native of North Carolina, and a farmer by occupation, was a son of Hezekiah Boswell, Sr., and came to Gibson County, Ind., when a young man, where be resided till his death. The mother, who was a native of Indiana, lived and died in that [State. Her parents were Sylvester and Polly Maxim, natives of Connecticut. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom three are now living — Mary (wife of W'esley Spain), Amanda (wife of Henry Lamb, and our subject. The latter' s educa- tion was received at Princeton, Gibson Co., Ind., and in early life his occupation was mainly that of a farmer. In 1867, he came to Wabash County, 111., and on the following year moved to Mount Carmel. and there re- liAltNIIIPI. TOWNMIIP. 45 sided twelve years, during six years of which time he was engaged in the sewing machine agency business. In ISM), he came to Wayne County, purchasing 175 acres, and has subse- quently devoted his attention to farming. In Princeton, Ind.. in 1858, Mr. Boswell was married to Misjs Sarah Parmenter. This lady was born on October 5, 183(3, in AY abash County. 111., and is a daughter of Col. Isaac and Sarali (Utter) Parmenter. The father was a native8e£_New York, and a carpenter by occupation. He was a soldier in the Black Hawk war, being wounded in the leg and hand, and until the day of his death he car- ried a bullet in his leg. He died at a good old age near Mount Carmel, 111. Four chil- dren are now living as a result of this union — Alice X.. born on February 8, 1859; Adin P., born on September 14. 18(50; Clara C, born on October 27, 1862, and Minnie, born on March L5, l s 07. Mr. Boswell is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, Mr. Boswell has given his support to the Republican party. J. R. CARTER, 'farmer. P. O. Fairfield, was born March 28, 1825, in Ohio County, Ky. , son of William Carter, born March 24, 1799, in Virginia. At the age of eight years, ho was taken to Kentucky by his father. William Carter, who was a native of Virginia, but who died in Kentucky. Will- iam A. Carter came to Wayne County in November, 1828. He farmed, and died October HI. 1S(57. He was a tine old man. The mother of our subject, Hannah (Haynes) Carter, was born May 7. 17117. in Virginia, Her father, Josiah Haynes, was a farmer and a native of Virgiuia. She is the mother of eight children, viz , John R. (our subject), Sallie (wife of George Felix). Judith Wright (deceased), Rolley (he died while in the United States Army), Polly Sustleton i le ceased), William H. Margaiet poster I de- ceased) and Frank, the youngest (is also de- ceased). Our subject was educated in this township, and here he has farmed all his life. He has 180 acres of land where he now resides, and 160 acres in Clay County, near Flora. He was married twice. His lirst wife, Rosannah Holt, was born in Ohio. She died in Fairfield in 18(35, on the 17th day of April, leaving three children, viz., Rosetta (deceased), Horace H. (deceased) and Charles L., born August 28, 1863. His second wife, Charlotta Darr, was born in Ohio. She died October 21, 1874, leaving three children, viz., William A. (born Janu ary 10. 1869), Frank W. (born March 27 1871), John D. (born January 29, 1873) Mr. and Mrs. Carter are religiously con nected with the Missionary Baptist Church He has filled both school and township of- fices. He votes the Republican ticket. By dint of perseverance and hard work, Mr. Carter, the subject of this sketch, has been mainly a self-made man, and although at present suffering from sickness, he is yet cheerful and good-natured, looking back with pleasure on his past life and looking fearless into the future. WILLIAM H. CARTER, farmer, P. (). Fairfield, was born October 5, 1833, in Wayne County. 111., son of William A. Car- ter, born in Virginia in 1799 He died in Barnhill Township in IM5S, having come to this county in 1829. He was a farmer, and was well known and highly respectedj He held the office of Justice of the Peace for many years, and was in early days a muster- ing officer iD Kentucky, where ho was raided, ami also in this county. His father was William Carter, a native of Virginia; he died in Ohio County. Ky. He was a soldier in the^Revolutionary war. The Carter fam- ily is of English descent, and is of a cele- brated race. They came to the colonies in 46 BIOGRAPHICAL: an early day. and have, down to the present time, been connected with the history of dif- ferent States. The mother of our subject, Hannah (Haynes) Carter, was a native of Virginia, born 1797. She died October 4, 1880, in this county. She was a daughter of Josiah and Judith (New) Haynes. natives of Virginia. Josiah Haynes was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He was the father of seventeen children, of whom only one died before he did; he saw the rest all married and become members of the church. His name is well known throughout Kentucky for his hospitality and liberality. Mrs. Hannah Carter was the mother of eight children, of whom only three are now living. Our subject was educated in Wayne County, 111. He has farmed all his life. He was married, in 1856, to Miss Elvira J. Kelley, born February 3, 1833, in Kentucky, daugh- ter of Rev. Carter J. Kelley, a native of Kentucky, and Perlina (Haynes) Kelley, a native of Kentucky. Mrs. Elvira J. Carter is the mother of ten children, of whom five are now living, viz., David K, born Febru- ary 28, 1859; "Woodson E., born December 15, 186">; Ruth A., born June 27, 1870; Oscar O. , born September 2, 1872, and Mary P., born May 16, 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are members of the Missionary Bap- tist Church. He is an A.. F. & A. M., Fairfield Lodge, No. 206. He has a farm of 200 acres of land, and in politics he is a Republican. He served almost three years in our late war, in Company K, One Hun- dred and Twenty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, participating in many thrilling scenes and famous battles. He enlisted as private, but worked his way up to Second Lieutenant. During the siege of Vicksburg, he commanded his company. C. S. CLARK, farmer. 1'. O. Fairfield, was born December 25, 1843. in Mt. Carmel, — Wabash Co., 111., son of Chciuncey Clark, a native of Connecticut, born May, 1812, in Middlesex County. He farmed, and also learned the ivory rule-maker's trade. In 1837, he moved to Chicago, where he kept the Batchelor Hotel for some years, and then moved to Wabash County, 111-, where he farmed, but is now practically retired from active life. His father was James Clark. The mother of our subject was Jane M. (Gould) Clark, born in Wabash County, 111. She w T as a daughter of Thomas and Marga- ret Gould, and is the mother of five children — Jane M. Redman, Helen Smith, Charles S., our subject; George W, who was killed at the battle of Atlanta, and Eliza Bucken- ham. Our subject was educated at Mt. Car- mel, 111. At the age of twenty-one, he went to Olney, where he sold goods for A. B. Danniel about one year, then clerked in Vin- cennes for one and a half years for Adam Gimbel, and then, after farming almost one year at home, he went South to Mississippi and Tennessee. After he returned home, he made an extensive trip through the West, including Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado. Nebraska, Nevada and Montana, bitt finally, after several years of rich experience, his roving spirit led him back once more to his dear old home, but after one year of home life and farming he sought the Pacific coast, and lived in the States of California and Oregon, and the Territory of Washington. He retraced his steps homeward once more, and was married, April 21,1881, in Mt. Car- rael, 111., to Miss Addie M. Townsend, born July 3, 1860, in Mt. Carmel, 111. She is a daughter of William and Sarah J. (Ingersoll) Townsend, both natives of Mt. Carmel. 111. William Townsend was formerly a pilot on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Our sub- ject farmed one year in Wabash County, and then came to Wayne County, where he BARNHILL TOWNSHIP. 47 bought eighty acres of land, on which he re- sides. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics is identified with the Democratic party, although the only one in his family. HON. NATHAN CREWS, merchant, grain-dealer and farmer, P. O. Merriam. The history of the Crews family is very interest- ing; they have figured a great deal in the early settlement of Illinois. Sketches of the family can be found in many county his- tories. The subject of this sketch was born September 3, 1825, in Wayne County, 111. His father, James Crews, was born in 1798 in North Carolina. He died in this county, lie was a farmer and Methodist Episcopal minister by occupation. Ho was principally reared in East Tennessee, near the home of Gen. Andrew Jackson. In 1816. he came to White County, and in 1818 came to Wayne County, 111., with his parents, Andrew and Hitter (Bradley) Crews. Here he was mar- ried to Elizabeth Owens, a native of Vir- ginia, who had lived several years in Ken- tucky, but who came to this county iu an early day and died here. She was the mother of ten children, of whom five are now living. James Crews is well remembered by old settlers, and died herein 1880. Heboid the office of Justice of the Peace, and was a member of the County Hoard. His memory is cherished by those with whom he came in contact. Our subject went to school only about three months in his life, devoting most of his time to farming, which has been his main occupation in life, owning at present a farm of 1 l" acres. He holds with the Re- publican party. but has a good many Demo- cratic friends, which was shown when he»was elected to the Legislature. He served his neighbors in the capacity of Justice of the Peace four years, and was twice elected i the Legislature, the first time in I860, being an independent candidate, and elected prin- cipally by the Republican, Bell and Demo- cratic parties. In 1880, he was elected as a Republican candidate, but received a large Democratic vote; and in 1878 filled the office of Door-keeper in the House of Representa- tives. The A. F. & A. M. fraternity of the Fairfield Lodge claim him as one of their active members. In January, 1882, he put up a store in Merriam. in Barnhill Town- ship, on the L. E. & St. L. R. R., keeping a general stock of merchandise. He also pat up a warehouse and buys grain. Mr. Crews has been married three times. His first wife, Maria Cannon, died in 1858, leaving three children — Marshall, who died while a student at Jacksonville, 111., aged twenty-two; Jesse A.; and Nancy E. Gregory; she mar- ried Charles R. Gregory; they have four children — Hattie M., Casey A., Charles N. and Nancy M. His second wife. Margaret Beach, died in 1863. His present wife, Clo- tilda A. (Nye), born July 5, 184(1, in Meigs County, Ohio, was a daughter of Marshall and Zillah (Stivers) Nye, both natives of Ohio. Her grandfather. Nial Nye, was a native of New York, of Holland descent, and a Colonel in the Revolutionary war. Four children blessed this union — Martha, born December 23, 1865; Jane, born October 21, 1869; Laura A., born Juno 25, 1875: and Charles E., born March 29, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Crews are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the spring of 1846, while Mr. Crews was in New Orleans, during the Mexican war, he hoard of the battle of Resacade laPalma. and. being of an advent- ure-loving disposition, he enlisted immedi- ately on arriving home in the Third Illinois Volunteer Regiment. Company F, command- ed by Capt. John A. Campbell. Ho partici- pated iu many thrilling scenes, among others the siege and capture of Vera Cruz and the 48 BIOGRAPHICAL: battle of Cerro Gordo. After a twelve months' service, lie returned home and en- gaged in farming till the breaking-out of the civil war while he was in the Legislature in Springfield, and upon the adjournment of that body he hurried home, staying only one mcht with his family, and then enlisted in the Eighteenth Illinois Volunteer Regiment, Company G. Here is an example of true pa- triotism worthy of imitation and reward. He enlisted as private, but was elected First Lieutenant, and from that was promoted to Captain, and after the fall of Maj. Eaton at Shiloh he was promoted to Major, which of- fice he occupied till July, 1S64, when he was compelled to resign on account of sickness, and wounds received in different engage- ments, of which the main ones were Fort Donelson and Shiloh. JOHN A. CREWS, farmer. P. O. Fair- field, was born October 26, 1833, in Wayne County, 111., son of Jesse Crews, a native of Kentucky, born about 1804; he died in this county in 1872, having come here in or about 1818, with his parents, Andrew and Ritter (Bradley) Crews. Here among the scenes of pioneer life he grew to manhood, following farming as his vocation. The mother of our subject, Nancy (Carter) Crews, was born in 1809 in Kentucky. She is yet living, a true specimen of our hardy pioneer women who wrought such deeds of toil and heroic self- sacrifice, as to forever shine as worthy exam- ples to coming posterity. She is the mother of nine children \ who reached maturity, of whom five are now living, viz. , Mathew, John A., our subject, Josiah, Benjamin and Nancy Fetter. Our subject was educated in this county, and here he was married, on July 19, I860, to Miss Nancy E. Cannon, born February 14, 1844, in this county. She is a daughter of .Tesse and Louisa (Shaw) Cannon. She is the mother of eight children, viz. : C'lemence, born May 6, 1867; Robert, born March 10, 1869; Ida M., born September 17, 1S70; Frank, born Jime 24, 1872; Maggie E., born February 19, 1874; Lucy, born December 7, 1875; Benjamin, born March 29, 1878, and Carrie, born August 7. 1882. Mrs. Crews is religiously connected with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Crews is a good farmer, owning a farm of 1 21 > acres. He supports the Republican party. ANDREW CREWS, farmer, P. O. Merri- am, was born December 1, 1837, in the Sec- tion where he now resides. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Owens) Crews. Our subject went to school in Barnhill Township, where he also farmed and was married. Sep- tember 21, 1860, to Mary J. Wilsou, who was born here September 10, 1840. She is a daughter of S. J. R. Wilson, a native of Kentucky: he is yet living in this count). Her mother was Elvira (Beach) Carter, a na- tive of Kentucky. She was the mother of seven children, of whom Mrs. Mary J. Crews is the only one now living. Mrs. Crews is the mother of ten children, of whom five are now living, viz., Elvira E., born August 30. 1861, wife of Flemming G. Gregory; Nathan T., born January 26, 1868; Samuel J., born August 14, 1870; Mary A., born October 14, 1S73, and Roscoe, born August 15, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Crews are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. On the 13th of August, Mr. Crews obeyed the call of his country to protect the stars and stripes, and enlisted in Company D. of the Eighty- seventh Illinois Regiment of Infantry Vol- unteers, which was mounted after one year's service. He fought till the close of the war. When the company was organized, he was First Sergeant, but was elected Second Lieu- tenant, and through his own exertion rose to First Lieutenant and finally Captain, which position he occupied when he was mastered BARNHILL TOWNSHIP. 49 out He participated in different engage- ment?, among others that of Sabine Cross Road-;. Capt. Crews lias been Justice of the Peace twice, and at present tills that office with tact and ability. Has also been Town- ship Assessor. In the fall of 1882, he was the Republican candidate for Sheriff of Wayne County against Isaac B. Carson, wno was elected by sixty live vote3 majority. Mr. Crews is a member of A, O. U. W. and G. A. R. JESSE A. CREWS, farmer, P. O. Mer- riam. Among our young, enterprising farm ers, we place the subject of this sketch, who was born Januarj 25, L853, in Barnhill Township. He is a son of Hon. Nathan Crews. His mother's maiden name was Maria (Cannon) Crews. Our subject went to school in this county, and here he was also joined in matrimony. February IS. 1875, to Mis- Mary E. Hoffe, who was burn May 25, 1859, in Wayne County, 111. She is a daughter of Jonathan and Ann (Ginimoson) Hoffe. natives of Ohio, and now residents of this county. The result of this happy union is one son named Nathan Crews, Jr., who was born December 15, 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Crews are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. He has a farm of fifty-three B ires which he keeps in a high state of culti- vation. In politics, he is a Republican G. M. DAVIS, farmer and stock-breeder, 1'. 0. Fairfield, was born January 11), 1845. in Marion County, Ohio. His father, Joshua Davis, is a native of Logan County, Ohio. His history ,is given complete in Big Mound Township. The mother of our subject was Elizabeth YV. (Virden) Davis, a native of Delaware. Our subjec) was educated in Mar- ion County, and at Hillsdale College, Michi gan. Tn early life he farmed, then taught jcho '! and also traded in stock. In 1871, ho opened a lumber yard in Fairfield, and con- tinued in that business with good success till 1883, when he sold out and in September the same year moved on to his farm one mile southeast of town. The farm consists of 120 acres of good land, with now and commodious improvements. On it he intends to engage principally in breeding thoroughbred stock. mainly sheep and hogs. He was joined in matrimony, September 30, 1875, in Fairfield, to Miss Kate Robertson, born April 10, 1855, in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. She is a daughter of Thomas Robertson and Lydia (Frost) Robertson. He was a native of New Jersey, and is yet living in Fairfield; and she is a native of New York. Mrs. Davis is the mother of two children now living, viz., Charles H.. born March 29, 1880, and Will- iam H., born October 8, 1882. Mrs. Davis is a highly esteemed member of society, and of the Christian Church He is a Royal Temp lar; is a Republican, and has been Treasurer and a member of the Town Board. MRS. MARY GIMMESON, Fairfield, was born October 21. 1834, in Washington, Penn. She was a daughter of Samuel Black, who was a native of Pennsylvania, and followed the carpenter trade in Pittsburgh, where he died. Her mother was Lydia (Burten) Black, a na- tive of Pennsylvania. She was the mother of but one child, which is our subject, Mary (Black) Gimmeson, who was joined in mat- rimony to Samuel Gimmeson, a uative of Stark County, Ohio. He -was a fine, indus trious man. whose place it will bo hard to fill in the community. He died February b>. 1878, in this county, mourned by all who know him. Mrs. Gimmeson is the happy mother of three children now living, viz., Elizabeth A , born February 10, 1853, wife of David Shooh'eld; Uriah T.. born Novem ber 17, 1855 — he is married to Louisa Car- ter; and John W., who was born June 30, 1865. He is a lino, promising youth, who 50 BIOGRAPHICAL: looks upon honor as the first principle of manhood. He is now at home managing his mother's farm of 160 acres. Mrs. Gimme son is well known in the community where she lives as an open-hearted and a kind- hearted lady. She is religiously connected with the Presbyterian Church. JA.MES GOODWIN, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, who is a descendant of one of our old- est pioneers on his mother's side, was born July 5, 1842, in Wayne County, III. His father, John Goodwin, was principally reared in Illinois. He resides on the place where our subject was born, having come to this county about 1840. The mother of our sub- ject was Elizabeth (Harris) Goodwin, a daughter of Isaac and Jennie Harris, natives of Kentucky. He, it is said, erected one of the first houses in Leech Township, if not in the county. Mrs. Elizabeth (Harris) Good- win was born March 15, 1804. in Kentucky, She died August 15, 1883. She was a re- markable woman, and one who could have aided, by her wonderful memory, considera- ble in the compilation of this history. But she, like many of our old pioneers, passed away too soon. She was the mother of ten children, of whom five are now living — Will- iam Meritt, Isaac Meritt, Polly Hodges and Malinda Posey, are from her first hus- band, whose name wa» Steven Meritt, now deceased, our subject being the fifth. Her father lived for some time in a fort in White Countv; on account of Indian troubles, he returned to Kentucky, but finally came back to Illinois, where he died. Our subject went to school in this county, and here he was also married, February 12, 1863, to Miss Julia A. Mathews, born September 15. 1844, in Wayne County, 111. She is a daughter of William T. and Levi tha (McCulough) Matthew, natives of Kentucky. This union was blessed with nine children — John W.,Mary O., Charles B.. Samuel. Jane, Robbie (deceased;, Lotiisa, Emma and James E. Mrs. Goodwin is a member of the C. P. Church. He has a farm of 370 acres, and is considered one of the best farmers in the township. In poli- tics, he is a Democrat. MRS. MARIA HARLAN, Barnhill, was born September 18. 1828, on the farm where she now resides, the land having been pre- empted by her father, Daniel Kenshalo, in 1816. He was born June 2, 1780, in Harri- son County, Va. He died, in 1872, in Mill Shoals. White Co., 111. In early life, he was educated as a lawyer, but never followed his profession. While living in Kentucky, he shipped goods and also negroes to New Or- leans, to which place he made thirteen trips by flat-boat, and walking back, carrying at one time §17,000. tied up in a handerchief. back to his employers. In 1819. he came to Wayne County, 111., where he pre-empted and deeded the land on which our subject now resides. Daniel Kenshalo was a soldier in the war of 1812. participating in the bat- tle of the Thames, where Tecumseh fell, se- curing the great chief's tomahawk, which he brought home as a trophy. His last days were spent in quiet country life. Our sub- ject's grandfather, Peter Kenshalo. was a na- tive of Ireland, and came here during the Revolutionary war. His wife was Margaret Walls, a native of Germany. The mother of our subject was Anne Van Shoik, born 1784. in Amsterdam, Holland; she died in 1842. in this county. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom our subject is probably the only one now living. Her father, David Van Shoik, also a native of Holland, was a wagon-maker by occupation. Her mother was Pyrthina Van Shoik. Mrs Harlan's brother, Peter Kenshalo. was a Firs! Lieutenant in the Black Hawk war: she af- terward drew tiis pension. She was married BARNHILL TOWNSHIP. -.1 twice; her first husband. Kufns Sexton, died in White County. 111. Her second husband, Nathaniel Harlan, was a native of Kentucky; he died February 0, LS72. Mrs. Harlan is the mother of ten children, of whom sis are now living — Augusta, wife of K H. Puckett; India B.. wife of John Faulkner; Metta V.. born April 5, 1862: Charles W.. born March 5, 1867; Marshal M.. born November 5, 1868; and Sallie, born February 27, 1870. Mrs. Harlan has managed her farm of '210 acres, with marked success since the death of her husband, and may be considered as one of the best farmers in Wayne County. She made a tine farm cut of a waste place, and at present has mortgages on other farms and money at interest. Religiously, she is con- nected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. MILKS H HARRIS, farmer. ['.(). Mer- riam, was born September 5, 1819, in the southeast corner of Wayne County, HI. He was educated in theacademj at Burnt Prairie, White Co.. 111. Early in life, he devoted his attention to instructing the young, teaching for four or live years, mainly in the fall and winter, farming in the summer. He bought his tirst farm of 200 acres in Leech Town- ship, which he sold in 1858, and then went to New Massillon. where he bought a steam Hour and lumber mill, which he operated for two years, and then trailed it for a farm of 100 acres, on which he now resides. He was joined in matrimony three times. His tirst wife. Matilda Wilson, died, leaving three children, viz. : Emma H. wife of W. A. Trousdale; Susan A., wife H. P. Trousdale, and Miles C deceased. His second wife was Julia A. Fulkersou, who died the follow- ing year after fchej were married. His pres ent wit'e is Mary .1. Robertson, born 1834, in White County. 111. Her parents were Aaron and Mahala M. (Funkhouser) Robertson This union was blessed with two children. viz. : Julia M. and Mary A. Mr. and Mr.-. Harris are members of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church. In political matters, Mr. Harris is identified with the Democratic par- ty. He has tilled a number of offices, and tilled them to the satisfaction of his constitu- ents. He is a man that is always willing to espouse the cause of right and justice. He was Justice of the Peace for twenty-two years; he was also a member of the County Board of Supervisors for four years, was Constable for three years. Township Assessor one year, and for two years tilled the office of County Superintendent of Schools, with tact and ability. L. P. HAY, farmer, P. O. Fairfield, was born November '22, 1823. in "White County, 111. He is a son of John Hay, born 1770 in Allegheny County, Penn.. where he farmed. About 1817, he located in White County, II!., on Little Prairie, near the Grand Chain, and then removed to Big Prairie, where out subject was born. Here he farmed, and in partnership with his uncle Lowry, put up a distillery, which he operated for a nutn- ber of years, he doing the main buying and selling, and flat-boating the produce (whisky and pork) South on the Wabash, and then to New Orleans, an occupation he had followed several years during the war of 1812, and after. The number of porkers killed and shipped bv them would amount to from 500 to 1.1)0(1 in one year. John Hay died 1836. His father, John Hay. Sr. was a native of Virginia, where he farmed. He died in Pennsylvania. His father, or the great- grandfather of our subject, was Alexander Hay, a native of Scotland; he died in Vir- ginia. The mother of our subject was Han- nah (Webster) Hay, born in Virginia; she died 1856 in White County, 111. She was a daughter of Henry and Lucre ti a Preston Webster, natives of Virginia. She had 52 BIOGRAPHICAL: ten children, of whom two are now living, viz.: Hon. Lowry Hay, former Sheriff of this county, and once a Representative of White County, 111., and Lawrence P., our subject, who was educated in White County, 111., in the old fashioned subscription schools. He came to Wayne County, in March, 1842, and bought 320 acres of land, owning at one time several hundred acres in adjoining counties. Here he was married, Septem- ber 4, 1846, to Miss Jane E. Borah, born July 22, 1828, in Wayne County, 111. Her parents were John and Sarah (Wilson) Borah, whose history appears in another part of this work. Nine children blessed this hap- py union, viz.: Samuel T., deceased; Mary J., wife of McK. Sunderland; Sarah A., born De- cember 12, 1850, wife of Peter Cox, now a resident of California; Clemence A., born Feb- ruary 16, 1853, wife of Henry Koontz, also a resident of California; Nancy H. , born August 19, 1855, wife of George B. Sunderland, now living in Ohio; Eliza H., deceased; Kate, born September 30, 181; John W., born September 11, 1864; Joseph M., born Feb- ruary 9, 1867; and Lucy, born July 12, 1872. Mrs. Hay is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hay obeyed the call of his country to save the stars and stripes, by enlisting September 13, 1861, in the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, Company D, in which he served till May, 1865. He made his way from private to Quartermaster Ser- geant, then Second Lieutenant, and was af- terward promoted to First Lieutenant. He served in the Trans-Mississippi Department, resigning at La Grange, Tenn. He is a radical Republican, and a member of the G. A. R. E. E. HOLLOWAY, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, was born August . 30, 1836, in Wilson County, Tenn. He is a son of John Hollo way, born in 1807, in Wilson County. Tenn. ; he died in Wayne County, '111., July 26, 1873. He was a blacksmith by occupation, and worked at his trade in Wayne County, 111., to which place he came in 1854. His father, Levi Holloway, was a native of North Carolina. The mother of our subject was Mary (Caraway) Holloway, born 1809; died December 6, 1880, in this county. She was a daughter of Moses and Mary (Meritt) Car- away, natives of North Carolina. She was the mother of ten children, viz. : William H. (deceased), Elihu E., Nancy E. Graves, Rich ard H., Mary A. J. Meritt, John D. , James F., Martha H. Shaw, Oliver P., Sarah J. Day (deceased). Our subject was educated principally in Fairfield, 111. He has taught school for ten winters, with splendid success; he is numbered among our best teachers. He has also been Tax Collector for Barnhill Township for live terms, and has been Town- ship Assessor one term. His other time he has devoted to farming, owning now a farm of eighty acres of land. He was joined in matrimony, March 29, 1863, in this county, to Miss Mary A. Harper, born December 9, 1843, in Fairfield, 111.; daughter of James N. and Elizabeth (Walker) Harper. James N. Harper lived in Fairfield many years, where he ran a wool carding machine, and also a grist mill. Mrs. Mary A. Holloway is the mother of six children, of whom four are now living, viz. : Charles W., born March 8, 1864; Walter E., born November 17, 1866; Luette A., born February 28, 1869, and Otis Lee, born March 29, 1S74. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Holloway is identified with the Demo- cratic party. DR. J. E. INSKEEP, physician, Mer- riam, was born December 29, 1851, in Cul- peper County, Va. He is a son of James W. Inskeep, a contractor by occupation, doing all kinds of builder's work in the BARNHILL TOWNSHIP. 53 way of brick laying and making and plas- tering work. He was born 1825 in Pennsyl- vania, and is yet living in Culpeper County, Va., where he holds the office of State Rev- enue Collector. His father. Joel Inskeep, was born in Pennsylvania, but died in Virginia. The mother of our subject was Frances B. (Hudson) Inskeep, a native of Virginia: she died in Culpeper County, Va. She was the mother of eleven children, viz., Sallie M. , William A. . James E. , Charles W. , Francis E., Mary F., Lilburn D.. Turner A., Myrtle R, Elizabeth (deceased) and Lizzie L. The Doctor was educated at f'ulpeper, Va.. re- ceiving his medical education at the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio. The Doctor practiced six months in Wabash, Wayne Co., 111., and then, December 11, 1877, he came to Barnhill Township, near Merriam, where he enjoys a large and lucrative prac- tice, also enjoying the respect and confidence of the people of this and adjoining counties. Dr. Inskeep was married, December 18, 1879, in Leech Township, Wayne Co., 111., to Miss Elizabeth C. Harris, born October 28, .1801, in this county. She is a daughter of John M. and Sarah C. (Parker) Harris, both natives of Kentucky. Two children blessed this .happy union, viz., Kate M., born October 18, 1880, and an infant son (deceased). Dr. and Mrs. Inskeep are religiously connected with the church — he with the Christian, and she with the C. P. Church. He is a Master Ma son and Coroner of Wayne County, 111. In politics, the Doctor is a Democrat, being at present Chairman of the Central Committee of Wayne County, 111. J. E. KENNERLY, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, was born May 13, 1845, in Vanderburgh County. Ind. His father. W. C. Kennerlv. was born January lfi, 1808. Ho is a farmer by occupation, and came here about 1857, and yet resides in this county. The grandfather of our subject was Everton Kennerlv. He was a native of Maryland, and a farmer by occupation. He died near Evansville, Ind. The mother of our subject was Mary (Mc- Dowell) Konnerly. She was born in 1815, in Vanderburgh County. Ind. She is a daugh- ter of Daniel and Comfort (Marble) McDowell. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom seven are now living. Their names are Daniel B., George Me., dames E., May B., Sarah E., wife of E. L. Puckett; Mary E., former wife of Ed Fears (deceased); and Cynthia J., wife of William Nickens. Our subject was educated in Barnhill Township, where he has been devoting his attention to the tilling of soil on his father's farm, con- sisting of 160 acres. Mr. Kennerly may be classed among our wide awake young men in political matters. He has been identified with the Democratic party. JAMES R. NORRIS, railroad contractor, Fairfield, was born September fi, 1838. in Kennebec County, Me. He is a son of G. K. Norris, also a native of Maine, where he farmed. When the war cloud of the rebell- ion overspread our beautiful country, he volunteered to protect the stars and stripes of the Union, and as Captain of the Seventh Maine Regiment of Infantry Volunteers, Company K, he rendered valuable service to his country. He died. 1883, in the house of his birth. His father, James Norris, was a native of New Hampshire; he died in Mon- mouth, Mo. He was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary war; was made a prisoner by the Indians, allowed one grain of corn a day for rations, but fiually made good his escape. After the war, he went to Maine, where he engaged in farming and the lumber business. When the war of 1812 broke out, he raised a company, and as its Captain did some valua- ble service, but died at his homo before the close of the war. He was married to Ruth 54 BIOCHArilH'AI. Dearborn, a native of New Hampshire. She died in 1848, in Monmouth, Me., aged eighty- four years. She was a niece of Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn, of Revolutionary fame. The mother of our subject, Hannah E. (Jud- kins) Norris, was a native of Monmouth, Me., where she died in 1875. She was a daugh- ter of Jonathan and Sylvia (Fairbanks) Jud. kins. He was a native of New Hampshire, and she of Maine. Ten children called her mother, of whom eight reached maturity, viz., George W., also a railroad contractor; Emma and Hannah and Henry K. are deceased. James R. , our subject, Charles D., Superin- tendent of the 0. H. V. & T. R. R. in Ohio; Augusta M. and Greenleaf D., deceased. Our subject was educated in Monmouth, Me., and Baltimore, Md. Early in life, he turned his attention to railroading, which has been his vocation in life, doing his first work for the M. & C. R. R. Company, of Ohio. Since then he has done contractor's work in Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois. In December, 1861, he enlisted in the Second Regiment District of Columbia Volunteer Infantry, Company G, serving one year, after which he was honorably discharged by the Regimental Surgeon for disability. He was joined in matrimony, September 15, 1874, in Wayne County, 111., to Miss Melvina A. Brach, born in 1854, in Beaver County, Penn. She is a daughter of Albert and Barbara Bracb, the former a native of Prussia, and the latter of Lorain. Three children are the result of this happy union, viz., Edith A., deceased; Green- leaf A., born October 14, 1877; and Mabel A., born October 26, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Norris are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. fraternity, Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, Coun- cil and Encampment, also G. A. R. WILLIAM T. PALMER, P. O. Barnhill, was born July 8, 1858, in Gasconade County, Mo. His father, Thomas Palmer, was born February 24, 1810, in Halifax, Va. He is a farmer by occupation, owning at present 140 acres of land. He was married twice; his first wife, Lydia Odell. was born in Ken- tucky; she died in this county. His present wife, Minerva Shrewsberry, was born in Kentucky. Her father was Samuel Shrews - berry. She is yet living, the mother of nine children, viz.: James K. , Mary McKenney, Sarah E. Puckett, Samuel J., Francis M., William T., our subject, Benjamin F., Sa- mantha, and Missouri Ann, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are members of the Chris- tian Church. The father of Thomas Palmer was Elisha Palmer, a native of Virginia. Our subject, William T. Palmer, was edu- cated partly in this county, and partly in Texas, to which State the family moved in 1877, returning in 187'J. In August, 1881, William T. Palmer went to Texas a second time, returning May 5, 1883. Mr. Palmer is a wide-awake young farmer. C. L. POINDEXTER, attorney at law, Mount Vernon, was born November 8, 1855, in Springfield, Tenn., a son of Rev. J. W. Poindexter, a native of Virginia, a pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, at present located in Austin, Tex. The mother was Maria E. Paine, a native of Tennessee. She died June 27, 1868, in Owensboro, Ky. She was a daughter of Dr. Alfred and Maria (Randolph) Paine, natives of Tennessee, Mrs. Maria E. Poindexter was the mother of seven children, of whom four are now living, viz., Claude L. (our subject), Myra B. Smith, Orville and Rose. Our subject was educated in Lincoln University, after which he taught school about seven years, and then read law in this county with Hanna & Adams till he was admitted to the bar in February, 1881. Since that time, he has devoted most of his attention to his profes- BAKXhlLI. TOW \MIII' 55 sion. in which we yet hope to see him rise and prosper and be able to enroll his name among the leading lawyers of the State. He is a member of the Fairfield Lodge. A.. F. & A. M., No. 206, also R. A. M., No. 179. and Fairfield Council, Royal and Select Masters. In political matters, he has been identified with the Democratic party. R. S. RENFROW. teacher and farmer, P. O. Mill Shoals, was born September 17, 1S43, in Jackson, Miss. His father, Redin Renfrow, was a native of Kentucky, and a farmer by occupation. He died during the great epidemic in 184S, in New Orleans. The grandfather of our subject was Joseph Renfrow, a native of North Carolina. He was also a farmer. The mother of our sub- ject was Nancy (Smith) Reufrow, born in August. 1811. She is yet living, and is the mother of seven children, of whom four are now living, viz., Sarah J. Staley, Josephine, Thomas J. and Robert S., our subject, who was educated in this county and at McLeans- boro. 111. In the spring of 1862, he, in company with Thomas Grant and family, went West to Pike's Peak, Colo., where he farmed one year, and then to what was then called Idaho, but is now a part of Montana. Here lie mined with varied success for sev- eral years, and then teamed for some time. after which he returned to the home of his childhood, via the Missouri River from the head of navigation to St. John's, Iowa. A part of the distance was full of adventures, having one of their number killed by lurking Indians. The distance from St. John's to his home was accomplished mostly by rail- road. He was welcomed back by his friends after an absence of five and one-half years. Since then, he has fcaughi school a great deal of the time, teaching the last thirteen years, but mostly in the winter in this and Clark Counties, while he cultivates his farm of fiftv acres in the summer. He was married. - February 23, 1873, near Fairfield, to Miss Sallie Todd, born April 22, 1855, in Ken tucky. She is a daughter of Dr. C. T. Todd and Susan (Reynolds) Todd. Four children now living have blessed this happy union, viz., Benjamin L.. born October 9, 1874; Maggie Myrtle, born January 28, 1877; Frank Mc, born May 4, 1879, and Lulu Bell, born September 13, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Renfrow are members of the Christian Church, of which he is an Elder. He is also an A., F. & A. M., Burnt Prairie Lodge, No. 068. He has held the offices of Town Clerk and Police Magistrate in White Coun- ty, and at present is Township School Treas- urer. In politics, he is a Republican. J. B. SHAEFFER, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, was born December 29, 1846, in Waynesburg. Stark Co., Ohio, son of Henry Shaeffer, born in Waynesburg. Ohio. He was a carpenter by occupation, and came 1 1 1 this county about 1856, and died 1863, in Memphis, in the hospital, from sickness con- tracted while in the United States Army. His father was Daniel Shaeffer. The mother of our subject, Mary Elizabeth (Zimraer) Shaeffer, was born in Germany. She is yet living. Her parents are John and Mary E. (Goettle) Zimmer. Our subject went to school in Ohio, and Wayne County, 111. He devoted his time to stock-raising and farm- ing, and for a number of years bought grain in Farina, Fayette Co., 111., and Fairfield. 111. He has at present a farm of 379 acres of good land, with good improvements and well stocked. Mr. Shaoffer also served as a soldier in our late war. He enlisted March 4, 18(>5, in the Fifteenth Illinois Regiment of Infantry Volunteers, Company G. He served till the close of the war. and was mus- tered out in July, but not discharged till Sep- tember, 1865, arriving homo in October, 1865, 56 BIOGRAPHICAL: anil after that he has made farming his occu pation. Mr. Shaeffer was married here to Mary J. Johnson, born October 8, 1849, in Wayne County, 111. She is a daughter of Andrew and Susan (Shaw) Johnson. The former a native of Ohio, and the latter from Tennessee. This union was blessed with six children, now living — (Jlara R. , born Feb- ruary 13, 1871; Nora H., born January 23, 1873; Alverette, born June 27, 1875; Walter H., born November 17, 1877; Luella, born September 15, 1879, and Maggie, born Feb- ruary 17, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Shaeffer are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is an A. O. U. W. He has been Supervisor two terms, also been School Director. In politics, he is Democrat. W. C. SHAEFFER, farmer and stockman, P. O. Fairfield, was born March 28, 1854, in this county, two miles south of Fairfield, son of William Shaeffer, a resident of this county, whose sketch appears in this work The mother of our subject, Maria (Alexander) Shaeffer, is yet living, a tine old lady. Our subject was educated in this county, and in early life clerked in his father's store, in Fa- rina, Fayette Co., 111., for eight years, and after staying in his father's mill three years he returned to Wayne County, 111. ; this was in the spring of 1879, when he settled on a farm of 295 acres of land, with 80 acres al- most adjoining the home farm, which is a gift from his father. He has tine buildings on his place. He turns most of his attention to stock-raising, mainly mules, of which he has sixty head now. He also keeps a fine grade of Cots wold sheep. Our subject was joined in matrimony, December 14, 1876, in Farina, Fayette Co., 111., to Miss Mary Ann Collins, .born August 25, 1856. in Can- ada, near Niagara Falls. She is a daughter of John and Bridget (Mulvihill) Collins, both of whom are natives of County Clare, Ireland. He is a railroad man, and with his family, lives in Farina. Fayette Co., 111. Two children are the result of this happy union — Henry, born September 10, 1877. and Ella, born May 10, 1881. Mr. Shaeffer is one of our most wide-awake and enterprising young farmers. He is an A. F. & A. M . and in politics, he is a Democrat. GEORGE W. SHAW, farmer and stock - raiser, P. O. Fairfield, was born March 13, 1831, in Davis County, Tenn. His father, William W. Shaw, was born in 1799, in Ten- nessee. • He was a blacksmith and farmer by occupation, and died in this county, to which he came in 1834. His memory is cherished by our older citizens who knew him well. The mother of our subject was Margaret (Campbell) Shaw, a native of Tennessee. She died in this county. Her father. George Campbell, was a native of South Carolina, and a tailor by occupation. Eleven children looked up to her and called her mother; sev- en of them are now living, viz. : Susan A. Johnson, Martha A. Dorris, Nancy N. Bland, Kiziah George, Sarah Meritt, George W. , our subject, and William J. Mr. Shaw used to attend the old-fashioned subscription schools in Barnhill Township. In early life, he learned the blacksmith trade of his father, and followed it for many years, but since 1853 he has devoted his attention mainly to farming, owning now a farm of 100 acres. He was joined in matrimony here in October. 1853, to Mrs. Mary McCullough, born 1830, in Illinois. She is a daughter of William W. George, deceased, who was a most worthy and highly respected citizen of this county. His sketch appears in another part of this work. Mrs. Shaw is the mother of eleven children, of whom seven are now living, viz.: Valaria G., born August 28, 1854. wife of Joseph Farinsworth; Paria P., born January 22. 1859, wife of Samuel Brown, George D., r.AliXHILL TOWNSHIP 57 born April 22, 1861; Thomas L., born March 9. 1863: PhalifaaA.,born December 4, 1865; Elviria I., born February 20, 1869, and Aza- lia K., bora April 26, 1873. Mr. and .Mrs Shaw an< active members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In politics, he is a strict Democrat. It is said that he is one of the hardest workers in the county. From 1873 to 1S77 he spent in Texas. \V. C. SIMPSON, teacher, Fairfield, was born April 23, 1853, in this county, and is a son "of J. W. and Sallie (Murphy) Simpson. The grandfather of subject. William Simpson, was one of the pioneers of this county, and was a soldier in both the Black Hawk and Mexican wars. The father isjalso a native of Wayne County, and was born here in 1824. He was a farmer by occupation, and his death occurred in 1880. The mother is a native of Kentucky, and was a daughter of Jeremiah and Ann (Harl) Murphy. She is still living, and is the mother of eight children, of whom six are uow living, viz.: Elizabeth A. (de- ceased), Henry S., Jeremiah B., William C. (our subject). Oliver P., John V., Joseph H- and George P. Subject was educated in the schools of this county, and at the age of | twenty he commenced to teach, and since then has taught mainly in the winter. In the summer, he devotes his attention to tilling the soil, having a farm of 115 acres. Mr. Simpson has been married twice. His first wife. Martha Johnson, died in 1880, and on ! September 24. INS 3. he was married to Flor- I i nee Seal, a daughter of Francis Seal, and was born in 1863. Mrs. Simpson is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Simpson has given his support to the Democratic party. He has served his town- ship as Assessor. McK. SUNDERLAND, farmer and trailer, P. O. Fairfield, was born May 15, 1844, in Belmont County, Ohio, son of Richard P. Sunderland, a native of Maryland. He was a farmer, and came to Wayne County in 1863, and died here. His father was Cosmo Sun- derland- The mother of our subject was Elizabeth (Hance) Sunderland, a native of Maryland. She was the mother of nine chil- dren, of whom five are now living, viz., Mc- Kenzie. our subject, Ellen Curtis, George B. , Jacob M. and Martha Elliot. Our subject went to school in Atheus County, Ohio. He came to this county in 1865, and was mar- ried here, October 4, 1866, to Mary J. Hay, born February 12, 1849. She is a daughter of L. P. Hay, and is the mother of five chil- dren, viz., Lowory, born September 21, 1867; Eddie L.. born February 23, 1871 (he was a bright boy and died December 3, 1882). Denuie, was born February 19, 1873; Henry, was born August. 24, 1875; and Lawrence F., May 22, 1882. Mrs. Sunderland is a mem- ber of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Sunderland has a fine farm of 240 acres. He devotes a great deal of his time to trad- ing, and may be considered almost an expert in that line. On February 15, 1864, he and his two brothers, Cosmo and James, enlisted in the Fifty-third Ohio Regiment Infantry Volunteers, Company B, Second Battalion, Second Division. Fifteenth Army Corps. He served till the close of the war, participating in many engagements, as the battles of Jonesboro and Atlanta, ; and also was with Gen. Sherman's " march to the sea," and finally returned home. His two brothers never reached home. Cosmo was shot at the battle of Dallas, Ga., and died soon after ward in the hospital. James died in the hospital at Chattanooga, with the measles, in 18(54. JOHN W. TRIBE, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, was born December 25, 1831, in Edgar County, HI His father, John Tribe, was born May 12, 1795, in England, which he 58 BIOGKAPHh SAL: left in 1S19, landing in New Orleans; from there he ascended the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers till he reached the English settle- ments on the Wabash. He followed the car- penter's trade in Edwards County. 111., for three or four years, and then engaged in the milling and wool-carding business for over fifty years, ten of which were only devoted to nulling, the other forty to wool-carding. He was a man of considerable intelligence, lead- ing a life worthy of imitation. He died Au- gust 24, 1880, surrounded by his loving wife and all his children, nine in number, viz., James. Mary A.. William B., John W. (our subject), Alfred S., Jane, Emily. Thomas H and Gecrge. The mother of our subject was Jane (Staley) Tribe, born March 1803, in England. She came across the ocean in the same vessel, the " Columbia," that John Tribe did, whom she married in 1822. She is yet living, loved by all who know her, on the old homestead in Albion, 111. Our sub- ject worked in his father's woolen mill in early life, and then went into the livery bus- iness, which be followed about six years, and then was married in and came to Wayne County, 111., where he now owns a good farm of 120 acres. Mr. Tribe was married, April 30, 1862, to Miss Kate A. Funkhouser, born July 21, 1S33, in White County, 111. She was a daughter of Robert R. and Rachel (Cross) Funkhouser, natives of Kentucky. He was a farmer in early life, andjafterward merchandized in Shawneetown. and finally became interested in the Saline Salt Works, where Equality now stands. He died in White County. 111., and was without a doubt one of the best known men in his day in Southern Illinois. His wife was a grand- niece of the famous hunter, Daniel Boone. The grandfather of Mrs. Kate A. Tribe was Christopher Funkhouser, a native of Ger- man v. She is the mother of five children. viz., Mary G., born March 23, 1863; Edith M.. born June 8, 1S64; George T.. born Au- gust 13, 1866; Annabel, February 7, 1867; and Harry H., born July 3, 1871. Mr. and Mrs. Tribe are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a Re- publican. T. J. TURNEY, farmer and stockman, P. O. Barnhill. was born May 7. 1830, on the old homestead in Barnhill Township. He is a son of Anthony B. Turney. born August 16, 1787, in Virginia. When three years old. he moved to Kentucky with his parents, Michael and Ellen (Methaney) Turney. and lived ^hore till about 1815, when he, in company with his wife and brother-in-law, went to Natchez, Miss., in a flat-boat, and in the fall of the following year returned on horseback to Kentucky. While traveling in the Indian nation, he stopped with a Choc- taw chief the same night on which an earthquake occurred. The astonished and bewildered Indian asked many questions as to the cause of the earthquake. None of the party could give information except Anthony B. Turney, who explained to the chief the nature and cause of the earthquake. Boundless hospitality and presents were the result of the explanation. After reaching home, the father of our subject, in 1816, made an extended tour through the Illinois territory, and located on what was afterward called Turney's Prairie, to which place he and his father came in the spring of 1818, and after raising a corn crop they returned to Kentucky and moved their families that fall to their new homes. He afterward moved to the place where the subject of this sketch now lives, while the grandfather of our subject moved two miles southeast of Fairfield, where he died. His descendants have become numerous and noted, filling of- fices of trust in this county. Anthony B. lJAKXHII.I. TOWNSHIP. 59 Turney died August 25, 1875. The mother of our subject was Frances (Mob ley) Turney, born January 20, 1792, in South Carolina. She died in this county April 12, L867. Her father married a Miss Coleman. She was the mother of eleven children, of whom six are now living. Our subject is mainly self- educated. He devotes his attention to farm- ing and stock-raising, owning a farm of 256 acres. He was married, February 12, 1857, in this county, to Miss Canzada Whitson, born January 12, 1832, in Indiana, daughter of Jonathan and Partliena (Brown) Whitson. This union was blessed with ten children, of whom seven are now living, viz., CloydC. deceased; Paul R., born March 4, 1859; Hume A., born October 4, 1800; Maggie B., born February 15, 1802; Noble, deceased; Ella, born September 30, 1865; Clara B., born September 16, 1867; Emma, born Jan- uary 17. 1*70; Greeley, deceased, and Min- nie C. , born January 9, 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Turney are members of the Church of Christ. In politics, Mr. Turney has been identified with the Democratic party. The Turney family is mentioned in other parts of this work. WILLIAM P. WHITING, farmer, P. O. 1 airfield, was born .May 5, 1837, in Fayette County, Ky. His father. William Whiting, was born in Virginia, but died in Wabash County, 111., in 1876. He lived many years in White County, where he farmed. While living in Kentucky with his uncle, he en- listed in the United States Army, fighting in the war of 1812. He was not of age when he went, and on asking his mother's consent, she told him, with the spirit of a Spartan mother, " Go, my son, only be not shot in the back." The mother of our subject was Margaret (Robisou) White; was a native of Kentucky. She was the mother of eleven children, of whom six are now living, viz., Henry C, Sarah E. Hughes. Matilda J. Johnson, William P. (our subject), John Thomas and Lydia Ann Crowder. Mrs. Margaret Whiting died Septembr 7, 1876, in White County, 111. Our subject went to school in Cynthiana, Ind., to which place his father had moved from Kentucky; he also went to school in Phillipstown, White Co., 111. He has beou a farmer all his life, with the exception of about three years which he spent in the United States Army during our late war. He enlisted August 15, 1862, in Phillipstown, 111., in Company K, of the Eighty-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. After one year's service, he was transferred to Company E of the Fifteenth Veteran Reserve Corps. This was after he came out of the hospital at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. At the close of the war, he returned to White County, where he farmed, and was married, October 24, 1865, to Miss Ellen Baught, born August 31, 1840, in White County, 111., daughter of William and Margaret (George) Baught, he a native of Kentucky and she of South Carolina. Our subject has 100 acres of land in Wayne County, where he now resides, and to which he came in 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Whiting are members of the United Baptist Church. In politics, he is an Independent Democrat. SILAS WILSON, farmer, P. O. Barnhill, was born November 3, 1821, in Grayson County, Ky., son of Samuel Wilson, born in Virginia. Ho was a farmer and cooper by occupation. He died in this county) to which he came about 1836. His father, Joseph Wilson, was a native of England. The mother of our subject was Eliza Esqueridge, born in Kentucky. She died here in 1879. She was the mother of eighteen children, of whom eight are now living. Her parents were George and Elizabeth (Robison) Es- queridge. Our subject did not receive an 60 RTOOUAI'Iin !AL: educiition like most people, but by dint of perseverance and hard work has managed to lay up for a rainy day, owning also a farm of 140 acres. He is in the acquisition of prop- erty a self-made man in every respect. Mr. 'Wilson* was married three times. His first wife, Nancy J. Atteberry, died, leaving eight children, of whom the following are now liv- ing, viz.: Samuel E., Reuben J., Charles S. and Eliza Renfrow. His second wife. Me- lindaDorris, died, leaving four children, viz. : Nancy J. Gifford, Martha E. Simpson, Mary E. and Fannie A. Black. His present wife, Malinda J. Atteberry. is the mother of four children now living, viz.; Sarah E., John E., Asa C. and Silas L. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. In politics, Mr. Wilson is identi- fied with the Republican party. CHARLES W. WRIGHT,' farmer. P. O. Faii-rield. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of this county, and was born here on May 23, 1831, and is a son of David and Elizabeth Wright, early pio neers of this county. Our subject's educa- tion was in the subscription schools of this county. His home, except for a brief time, has always been on the old Wright home- stead, where he has given his attention to farming, and at present owns 420 acres Mr. Wright was married in Liberty. White Coun- ty, on February 17, 1857, to Miss Mary D. Reeves, a daughter of Jehiel H. and Mary (Pickering) Reeves. The father was a native of New Jersey, being born there on April 18, 1799. and came to White County in 1820. There he resided most of his life, but died at the residence of his daughter, in this town- ship, on February 17. 1880. He was mar ried to the mother of our subject, on October 27, 1821, in Turner's Prairie, Wayne Coun- ty. This lady was the mother of thirteen children, of whom Mrs. Wright is the ninth. Her birth occurred in Pennsylvania, on Janu- ary 31, 1804, and her death in White County on September 27, 1860. Mrs. Wright is the mother of six children, five of whom are now living, viz.: Mary E.. born January 8, 1858, and now the wife of Thomas W. Hooper; Luella. born March 5. 1862, and now the wife of Jedediah Bean; Anetta O, born De- cember 8, 1864; Carrie "V., born April 17, 1866; Charles H., born November 29, 1869. The deceased child, August M., was born on December 22, 1859, and died May 22, 1862. Mrs. Wright and her daughter. Mrs. Hoop- er, are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Mr. Wright is a member of the Fairfield Masonic fraternity. W. A. WRIGHT, farmer and stock- man, P. O. Fairfield, was born February 14, 1849, in this county, son of A. C. Wright, also a native of Wayne County. 111. He is a farmer by occupation and is yet living, being the second oldest son of six children. His father, A. C. Wright, was the grandfather of our subject; he was a native of New York, and one of the pioneers of Wayne County, where he died. Thus one by one the land- marks, with those who set them, pass away, yet their memory will be treasured in the history of Wayne County. The mother of our subject was Judith (Carter) Wright, de- ceased, a native of Wayne County, 111., a daughter of W. C. Carter. She was the mother of five children now living, viz. : Sallie Ann Emmons. William A., our sub- ject. Josephine Simpson. Mary Morgan, and Frank G. who married Martha Atteberry. Our subject was educated in this county; here he also married, in December, 1870, to Miss Sarah C. Johnson, born July 9, 1852, in Wayne County, 111. Her parents were Andrew and Susan (Shaw) Johnson. He was a native of Ohio This happy union was blessed with three children, now living, MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP. 61 viz.: Carrie May. born August 8, 1872; Cora Bell, born September 13,1874; Mattie K., born July 4. 188 1 . He is a wideawake farm- er, and a member of the A., F. & A. M. fraternity. He bas a farm of 140 acres of land, and in politics is a Republican. MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP. DR. E. BLACKFORD, physician, Mount Erie, was born in White County. 111., on No- vember 20, 1S25. and is a son of Maj. Na- thaniel and Man (Bradberry) Blackford. The father was a native of Kentucky, being born in Warren County on March 16, 1794, and was of English descent. The mother was a native of North Carolina. Our subject was the fourth of nine children, of whom five are now living — Nancy J. Hunsiuger (of White County. 111.), Dr. E. Blackford (our subject). Francis M Blackford (of Woodruff County, Ark.), and An- drew J. and Martin V. (of Lono, Ark.). Our subject's education was received in the sub- scription schools of his county. He assisted his lather on the home farm until eighteen and then commenced life by farming for himself in the summer and teaching school in the winter. The father moved to Wayne County in I860, and our subject came with him. The father died on May 24, 1862. and the mother on Sep- tember 23. 1869; both now lie buried in Mount Erie Cemetery. Our subject followed farming and teaching until 1864, and then commenced studying medicine with Dr. Samuel Mundy. of Mount Erie. He remained with the latter two years, and then commenced practicing for him- self, and has followed it very successfully ever since in Mount Erie and adjoining townships, now having a full share of the practice of that part of Wayne County. Dr. Blackford was married in White County. 111., on September 2, 1842. to Mary Ann Lawler, a daughter of Jehu T. and Patsey (Walker) Lawler, probably natives of Tennessee. Mrs. Blackford was born in Northern Alabama on May 17. 1823. and is the mother of ten children, four of whom are now living, viz.. Mary J. (born July 27. 1849, and now the wife of J. K. Price, of Mount Erie Township), Edith S. (born January 15. 1852 and now wife of J. Siddell). Frances H. (born August 13. 185G, and now running a millinery store in Mount Erie) and Esther E. (born on April 3o, 1864, and now the wife of Charles Cox, of Mount Erie Township |. The following are the deceased children, viz.: John B., born August 5. 1843. died September 10, l^-T.V Henry, born April 17, 184."). died August 14, 1846; Sarah M., born December 8, 1853, died September 6, 1854; Ephraim J., born Septem- ber 20, 1858, died September 27. 1802: Man E.. born July 15. 1867. died October 9, 1880; and an infant, birth not recorded. Mr. aud Mrs. Blackford are both members of the Bap- tist Church. Mr. Blackford has served as Po- lice Magistrate of Mount Erie for eight years; is now acting as Notary Public; has also served as Town Clerk three terms and member of the Village Board three terms; has also been School Trustee and Director; is identified in politics with the Democratic party. ANDREW BLEAKLEY, farmer, P. O. Mount Erie, was born in County Tyrone. Ire- laud, an April 28, 1835. and is a son of Mat- thew and Jane (Job) Bleakley. Our subject was the third of five children, of whom two — John and Andrew (our subject) — are now liv- ing. When the latter was ten years of age. his parents emigrated to ''lis country. They came directly to Wayne County, III., and settled 62 BIOGRAPHICAL: in Mount Erie Township. There they lived until their death, that of the father in the spring of 1864 and the mother January 10, 1879. Before our subject left Ireland, he had the privilege of going to school some, and after his arrival here he was permitted to attend the schools of this county. He helped on the home farm until about twenty, and then, com- mencing life for himself, settled in the southern part of Mount Erie Township, where he resided until 1875. He then came to his present loca- tion, where he has since resided. He now owns 142 acres in Section 20, and 160 acres in Sec- tion 26 of Town 1 north, Range 9 east, and forty acres in Massillon Township. Of the whole there are about 200 acres in cultivation and about three acres in orchards. For a num- ber of years, he dealt quite extensively in stock, but in the last few years has been slowly retir- ing from the business. Mr. Bleakley was mar- ried on March 10, 1859, to Miss Celia Johnson, a daughter of Moses and Sarah (Mason) John son, natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Bleakley was born on December 1, 1841, and was the mother of eight children, five of whom are now living — Edward K., born December 5, 1865; John M., born June 14, 1867; Thomas A., born October 14, 1870; Sarah J., born December 13, 1872; and Permelia B.,born May 28, 1877. Of the deceased ones, Matthew B., born July 14. 1860, died January 10, 1880; Andrew J., born October 1, 1862, died September 1, 1865; and Mary M., born March 10, 1875. died July 16, 1876. Mrs. Bleakley died on October 6, 1880, and he was married the second time, on Octo- ber 25, 1881, to Mrs. Isabelle Harris, nre Hen- derson, a daughter of James and Jane (Bunt- ing) Henderson, also natives of County Tyrone, Ireland. The present Mrs. Bleakley was born in March. 1839. Our subject was a soldier in the late war, having enlisted on October 8, 1862, in Company II (Capt. Thomas Johnson), of the Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, Col. John J. Funkhouser, and remained out until February 20, 1865, when he resigned. On February 16, 1863, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant. Among the battles in which he participated were those of Chicka- mauga.Farmington.Murfreesboro and Ringgold. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bleakley are members of the Mount Erie Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Bleakley is a member of Mount Erie Lodge, No. 331, A., F. & A. M., and also of Mount Erie Grange. In politics, he remains Independent. DAVID CREWS, farmer, P. O. Mt. Erie. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a descendant from one of the pioneer fami- lies in this county, and was born in Jasper Township on April 19, 1837. He is a son of Peter and MarlhaJ(Monroe) Crews. The great- grandfather of our subject, John Crews, was born in South Carolina in a very early day, and was probably of English descent. His son, Andrew Crews, was also born there, and came to East Tennessee in an early day, where the father of our subject was born on April 23. 1798. There the family lived until the father was about fifteen, when his parents moved to Barren County, Ky. In 1819, Peter, when about twenty-one, came to this count} - and settled in Jasper Township. In the course of a year, his brothers, Matthew, William, James and Jessie, also came and settled in that township, and in the historj* of Jasper Township the full history of this numerous family is spoken of at length. About a year after subject's father had first emigrated to this country, he again re- turned to Kentucky, and there married Martha Monroe. She was a daughter of Johnson Mon- roe. This family was also originally from South Carolina, and came to this country in a very early day. A short time after his mar- riage. David again returned to this county and became a citizen of Jasper Township, settling about five miles east of Fairfield. In that township he resided until 1850, and then moved to Wabash County. There he lived about eight- MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP. 68 een months, and then returned to this county. This time he settled in Mt. Erie Township, on the farm that subject now owns. He first en- tered 120 acres, which he afterward increased to 160 acres, and on that farm he resided until his death, May 25. 1871. The mother departed this life some time in August, 1874. Both are interred on the home farm. Subject was the sixth of eleven children, of whom six are now living — Mrs. Susan E. Farr. in Mt. Brie Town- ship; David, our subject; William, in Massillon ; Martha, in Mt. Erie ; Samantha, in Massillon ; and Andrew in Oregon, He attended the sub- scription schools of Jasper Township, and as- sisted on the home farm until he was twenty- six. He commenced life on a rented farm, sit- uated about two miles west of his present loca- tion. There he resided for two years, and then purchased a farm in Kim Township. In 1876, he came to Mt. Erie Township, and has since been living on the old homestead. He now owns 1 I I acres, in Sections 7 and 18, of Township 1 north. Range !• east Mr. Crews was married, on January 21, 1864, to Miss Joann Y< g, a daughter of Barnettand Tabitha Jane (Carver) Young. The father was born in Virginia, the mother in Kentucky. Mrs. Crews was born on September 25. 181(1. and is the mother of seven children, all of whom an- now living — Tabitha D.. born June 29, 1865 ; Peter G., born Febru- ary 21. 1867; Schuyler B , born November 5, 1868; Frances M. born January 12, 1872; Martha J., born March 16, 1875; John W. 11.. born February 2d. 1S77; Charles A., August 9, 1882. Mr. and .Mrs. Crews are both members of the Mt. Erie Methodist Fpiseopal Church. Mr. Crews has been :i member in times past of both the Mt. Erie Grange and the Lodge of Son^ of Temperance. The Republican party receives his support. WILLIAM H. DAUBS, farmer. 1". 0. Mt Erie, is a native of this county, being born here on June 27, 1842, and is a son of Michael and Sarah Ann Knight) Daubs. The father was born in Germany, and when a boy came with his parents to this country. They settled in Vanderburg County, Ind., and there the father resided until the spring of 1842, when he came to this county. He settled about a mile west from where subject now resides. He resided there only about three years, however, and then moved back again to Indiana In 1 852. he again returned to this county, and set- tled about two miles east of Mt. Krie. where he resided until his death, which occurred on April 28, 1868. The mother of our subject was born in Indiana on April 5, 1828. and is still living in Grayvtlle, White County. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom our sub- ject was the eldest. Of that number, but two are now living— John P., in Mt. Erie Township, and William H.,our subject. The free schools of Indiana and of this county furnished our subject his means of education. He remained at home with his father until about twenty years of age, and then starting for himself began tanning on a rented place, After three years' labor there, he made enough to purchase a pari of his present farm, where he has since resided. He now owns about 2S(I acres, situated in Sec- tions 22 and 27. of Township I. Range !l east Of this there are about 230 acres in cultivation, and about seven acres in orchard. He also raises considerable stock for market. Mr. Daubs was married, in this county, on Decem- ber 21. 1861, to Miss Josephine Travers, a daughter of Solomon and Freelove (Reeves; Travers. natives of Posey County, Ind. This huh was born in January, 1842, and is the mother of eight children, seven of whom are now living, viz.: Luaiin. George F. Mollie R., Michael. Josie Hell. William M., Clyde and Mattie. Subject enlisted on February 13, 1865, in Company D of the One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served until September 18, 1865. He has served as Assessor three terms. Collector and Scl I Di- rector lie claims to he Independent in polities 64 BIOGRAPHICAL: DAVID HOLMES, farmer, P. 0. Mount Erie. From one of the oldest families of the Western Reserve the gentleman whose name heads this sketch is descended, being born March 27, 1837, in Carroll County, Ohio. The father of our subject, William Holmes, was born in Washington County, Penn., August 2(3, 1801, and was of Scotch descent. While he resided in Ohio, he was the editor of the Carroll Coun- ty i'ickayune, and was an almost constant office- holder during his residence in that county, serving fifteen years as Auditor, and Treasurer four years, besides other minor offices. In 1853, the father came to Mount Erie Township. Wayne County, where he settled down on about 1,200 acres of land. In 1871, he sold out his farm and came into the village. At present he is living with one of his children, at the ad- vanced age of eighty -one. In his lifetime, he has been married three times. The first time to Elizabeth Joseph, the second time to Eliza Ann Davis (the mother of our subject, and born January 22, 1807), and the third time to Martha Wiseman. The result of these three marriages was twenty-six children, and the fol- lowing record of their births is taken from the old family Bible. The first marriage resulted in four children, viz., Mary, born February 22, 1821 ; Elizabeth, June 24, 1822 ; William, April 20, 1824 ; John, December 31, 1825. Eighteen children were the result of the second marriage — Isaac, born November 30, 1827; Catherine, November 1, 1828 ; Martha, December 2, 1829 ; Jonathan, December 10, 1830; James, June 30, 1832; Mirara, August 5, 1833: Samuel, December 8,1834; Eliza, January 22. 1836; David, March 27, 1837; Oliver, August 10, 1838; Martin, October 2, 1830 ; Daniel, Janu- ary 11, 1841 ; Milton. January 3, 1842 ; Sarah, September 18, 1843; Eleanor, January 24, 1845; Samantha, May 10, 1840; Calvin, Octo ber 7, 1847; and an infant born in 1849, and the mother died in giving birth to it ; and four children were the result of the last marriage, viz., Eli, born October 8, 1851 ; Melissa, May 1, 1853; George, February 26, 1857; Mary, August 14, 1859. Of this remarkable family the following are now living : William (in Car- roll County, Ohio), Isaac (in Seneca County, Ohio), Martha (wife of Abraham Koonbecker, of Stark County, Ohio), Samuel (in Greenwood County, Kan.), Miram (widow of William E. Harlon, of Arrington Township), Eliza (wife of A. H. Best, of Elm Township), David (our sub- ject), Oliver (in Lamard Township •, Sarah (wife of Maston Webb, of Elk County, Kan.), Milton (of Elm Township), Eleanor Inlow (of Elm Township). Calvin (now in Bosque County, Tex.), Samautha J. (wife of Jesse Robertson, of Gray- ville, White County), Eli (of Mount Erie Town- ship), George (in Bosque County, Tex.), Melissa (wife of Kane Staton, of Leadville, Colo.), and Mary (wife of William Westfall, of Mount Erie Township). Our subject received his education in the common schools of Ohio, and at the age of eighteen came to Wayne County with his father. He remained at home with his father until 1858, and then, settling in Elm Township, commenced life for himself. In that township he resided until 1872, and farmed ; then, pur- chasing a saw mill in Marion County, he re- moved it to that township, where he ran it for four years. He next came to Mount Erie Township, and there ran a hotel, livery stable and drug store. The drug store he finally dis- continued, but still manages the hotel, but at present he himself is giving his attention to farming, owning 200 acres in Zif Town- ship, 100 of which are under cultivation. Mr. Holmes was married, November 3, 1859, to Mary Huston Webb, a daughter of Wiley and Rachel (Huston) Webb. This lady was born September 29, 1836. and is the mother of eight children, all of whom are living, viz., William W.. born March 1, 1861 ; Lillie E., May 17. i 1864; Oscar D., April 17, 1866; John C-, April 27, 1868; Easter M., April 17, 1870; Charles S., March 10, 1872; Ethelbert, Janu- MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP 05 ary 27, 1874; and Isaac. October 17, 1876. July 25. 1861, our subject enlisted in Company B, ('apt. G-. N. Ulen, of the Fortieth Regiment, Col. Stephen i!. Hicks, and remained out three years. Among the battles in which he partici- pated were the battles of Shiloh, Mission Ridge, siege of Vickaburg, Jackson, Miss., Cor- rinth and Atlanta, being discharged while serv- ing in the rifle-pits in front of the latter named city, July 25, ISC I. From 1879 to 1S82. Mr. Holmes served as mail carrier from Mount Erie to Clay City and back. For two years of that time, his sun Oscar performed the duty, and in that time only missed two days. Sub- ject is a member of Mount Erie Lodge, No. 331, A., F. & A. M.. and is at present agent for the Mattoon Masonic Benefit Association. In poli- tics, Mr. Holmes is a Democrat. A.LEXANDEB S JESSUP, farmer. I', o. Mount Eric was born in County Armagh. Ire land, on March 28. 1S3S, and was a son of Rev. Robert and Anna (Sturgeon) -lessup. The father was a minister in the Methodist Church, as was also Alexander Sturgeon, the mother's father. Subject was the third of live children, of whom three arc now living — Samuel (now a physician in Mackinaw. Mich.). Robert (now in Fairfield, 111), and Alexander (our subject). When the hitter was seven years of age, his parents emigrated to this country, and settled in New York City. There the father preached and practiced medicine for a number of years. In 1857, he came to Wayne County, III., and settled in Mc nint Erie Township, near where subject now resides. He had farming carried on. hut gave most of his own time to practic- ing medicine, and to preaching. Among the charges which he tilled in this county were those uf the be wis villi- Circuit, and Mount I'', lie Circuit. Owing to his advanced age, he was, however, finally compelled to give up preach- He died on October 31. 1807. He was a man of rare qualities, and was universally re- spected and admired. One of his last official duties as a minister was to serve a year as financial agent of the McKendree College. The mother's demise occurred on March 25, 1871. Snbject's education was received in the New I York Free Academy. In 18.~>0. he came to this county, and took charge of the farm which had been previously purchased by his father, and there remained until the hitter's death. He then commenced to farm for himself, and now owns 200 acres situated in Sections 30 and 31, of Township 1 north, Range 9 east. Of that there are about 140 acres in cultivation, and has about two and one-half acres in orchard. He also handles considerable stock. Mr. Jessup was married on March 4, 1868. to Miss Isabella i Best, a daughter of George and Eliza Best, na- tives of Ohio. They came to this county in 1858. and settled in Mount Erie Township. Three children blessed this union, two of whom are now living — Samuel and George (twins), born November 1. 1868. This lady died in April. 1870. anil he was married on August 24, 1871. to Miss Sarah .Jane Williams, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Reed) Williams, na- tives of this State. This lady was born in Elm Township, on December 10, 1851, and is the mother of four children, two of whom are now living — Mary Lizzie, born May 0. 1S72 ; Anna May. born January 1, 1874. .Mr. Jessup en- listed on October 5, 1861, in Company M, of the Fifth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and served until October 28, ISO."). Among the battles which he participated in were the battles of Cotton Plant, siege of Vicksburg, Mechanics- burg. Woodville, Egypt Station and others. lie entered as private: was promoted to Cap taincy of Companj M. on September 16, 1862, and on August 8, 1865, was commissioned Major. He served on the General's staff as As- sistant Inspector, from April, 1804, until March. 1st;;, He was next appointed as Ordnance Officer Of the District of West Tennessee, with headquarters at Memphis. Subject has held the Office of County Surveyor for eight years; 66 BIOGRAPHICAL: also as Township Assessor. Is a member of McKendree Chapel of Mount Erie Township. In politics, he is identified with the Republican party. JAMES MOUTRAY, fruit dealer and Justice of the Peace. Wy noose, was born in Posey County. Ind., December 4, 1835, and is a son of Allen and Ann Eliza Thompson Moutray. The father was a native of Kentucky, and was of Irish descent — the mother probably of Virginia. Subject was the seventh of fourteen children, of whom five are still living — George and Sylvester in Indian Territory ; James (our subject) ; Phebe Ann Balding, in Edwards County, 111.; and Matthew, in White County, 111. Our subject's education was slight, hut since he has come to manhood, he has taught himself some. When he was fourteen years of age, his parents came to this county and settled in Mount Erie Township) where the father resided until his death in 1862. The mother is still living at the advanced age of eighty-three, and is at present living in Indiana Township with one of her sons. Until twenty years of age, he worked on the home farm, and then commencing life for himself. At present he owns a farm of 100 acres in Section 21, of Township 1, Range 9 east, and forty acres in Section 28, of Township 1, Range 9 east. Of the whole there are about eighty acres under cultivation. For a number of years he has been actively engaged in the fruit business, selling at present for the Vincennes Nursery. Is at present serving as Justice of the Peace of township. Was married in Mount Erie Township, November 6, 1855, to Miss Amanda E. Harleson, a daughter of William and Catherine (Bunker) Harleson. Mrs. Mout- ray was born on September 15, 1835. and is the mother of eight children, of whom four are now living — Jasper I., born February 6, 1857 ; William W.. born October 20, 1865 ; Mark 0., born December — . 1868 ; Van R., born Octo- ber 9, 1871. Mr. Moutray is identified with the Democratic party in politics. DR. SAMUEL MUNDY, physician, Mount Erie. One of the oldest practicing physicians in Wayne County is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, and who was born in Wabash County, 111., on December 25, 1825. He is a son of Samuel and Phoebe (Reed) Mundy, who were natives of New York City. The paternal grandfather of our subject came from England to this country and settled in the State of New York, where he devoted his attention to farm- ing. The maternal grandfather was. however, of Scotch descent. Our subject was the sixth of twelve children, of whom eight are now liv- ing, viz.: Griffith (in Wabash County), William R. (in Colorado), Henry (in Wabash County), Samuel (our subject), Caroline (wife of Samuel Guun, of Ulney), Phoebe (wife of Judge Pres- ton, of Olney), Julia Ann (now in Denver. Colo.), and Jersey (wife of Charles Roberts, deceased). The old-fashioned subscription schools of Wa- bash County afforded our subject his means of obtaining knowledge, and his leisure time was spent in assisting his father, who was a farmer. He remained at home until he was twenty -one, and then commenced farming for himself. At the age of twenty -six, however, he commenced to read medicine with Dr. James Straham, of New Hope, Wabash County. Under the pre- ceptorship of this man, our subject remained two years, and then became a partner with his former teacher. This business affiliation, how- ever, only lasted about one year, and Dr. Mundy then moved to this county and first settled in "yeolde" village of Massillon in the spring of 1S62. He, however, came to Mount Erie, where he has since resided. At present, he has a very large practice extending over Massillon. Mount Erie, Elm. Zif and Jasper Townships and part of Edwards and Richland Counties. Besides his professional calling, the Doctor also finds time to devote some attention to his farm, and at present owns about 220 acres in Mount Erie Township and eighty acres in Massillon Township In Wabash County. 111., on December 5. 1852, Dr. Mundv was mar- MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP. 67 ried to Miss Frances M. Wilcox, a daughter of Lyman and Mary (Richey. Wilcox, the father being born in New York in 1793, the mother in Baltimore in 1795, and both were of English- Scotch descent. Mrs. Mundy was also born in New York on August 17, 1829. At the age of seventeen, she went to Wisconsin, where she taught school for two years, and then came to Illinois, where she taught school until her mar- riage with our subject. This union has re- sulted in eight children, four of whom are now living, viz.. Nina. Phrebe. William and Carrie. Mrs. Mundy is a member of the Methodist Church. Our subject is a member of Mount Erie Lodge. No. 331. A.. F. & A. M. The Re- publican party receives the Doctor's support in politics. ANDREW F. NISBIT. merchant. Mount Erie, was born in Mount Erie Township, this county. September 4. 1S27. and is consequently one of J,he oldest native born children in tin- township. James Nisbit. the grandfather of our subject, came to this country from Scotland some little time before the Revolution. Will- iam, a brother, was afterward a Captain in that conflict. The grandfather settled in South Carolina, and there married Jane Bratton, who was also of Scotch tleseent. There, also. Alex- ander Nisbit, the father of our subject, was born September 2, 1792. When he was eight years of age. his father moved to Kentucky. and settled in Hopkins County, where the latter died in 1860 In that State the father grew to manhood, and married Dorcas Ramsey, a daugh- ter of Alexander and Ellen (Lynn) Ramsey, who afterward became early settlers in thi> county. In 1816. Alexander Nisbit, accom- panied by Alexander Ramsey. James Ramsey. William Farmer, William McCormicb and Mi- chael Book, came to White County, III., and settled in what was then called Seven-Mile Prairie, near where the town of Enfield now stands. In that county they lived two years. and then the party, building a pirogue, came up the Little Wabash as far as the mouth of Miller's Creek. Here they stopped, and made their way to the foot of the hill on which Mount Erie now stands, but which they then called Ramsey's Grove. Here they spent the night (Christmas Eve) together, making the first settlement in the township, and the next morn- ing each family chose a home for itself. The Nisbit family settled about one mile and a halt' west from the present village of Mount Erie. On that farm the father lived about two years. and then moved within about three-quarters of a mile from the village. About 1856, he re- moved to the village, and there resided until his death, which occurred July 8, lsTS. Alex- ander Nisbit was a man who cared more for his home and its kindred affairs than for office- seeking and political renown, and it is said that during his long residence in this county he never held an office in his life. As far. how- ever, as his political views went, he was Demo- crat, voting lor Jackson, and afterward for Douglas, and remained true to that party until his demise. He was, however, a strong Union man. and did what he could for the cause at that time. In 1851, he connected himself with the Methodist Church, and remained connected with that denomination through life. Mrs. Nisbit. who died in 1841, was the mother often children, of whom our subject was the seventh. Of this number, but three are now living — Caro- line i wife of James Mays, deceased). Jane M. (wife of J. T. Price) and Andrew F. our sub- ject). The deceased ones are Eleanor, James, Alexander, Samuel. Lucinda. 1'rudeuee and Sarah. ( Mir subject's education, which was but slight, was received in the subscription school. and since coming to manhood he litis taught himself. He worked on the home farm until about twenty-one, and. starting for himsell purchased a farm about three-quarters of a mile east of town. There he remained about six \ear~. and then, in IStiti. he moved into the village of Mount Erie. Here he commenced 68 BIOGRAPHICAL: merchandising, and has followed that vocation ever since. At present he carries a stock of about $3,000. For a number of years, he was connected with the Gem Flouring Mill, of Mount Erie, but in August, 1883, sold out his interest in that concern. He also has farming carried on, owning about 500 acres. Mr. Nis- bit was united in matrimony, December 16, 1849, in Mount Erie Township, to Miss Jane Bleakley. This lady was the daughter of Mat- thew and Jane I Job) Bleakley, natives of County Tyrone, Ireland. She was born in Ire- land in 1829, and died April 30, 1854. The result of this union was three children, of whom two are now living — Mary Jane (wife of John Vandever) and John Wesley (now in business with his father). October 1, 1856, our subject was married to Miss Lizzie Massey, a daughter of James and Matilda (Harlan) Massey. The parents were probably natives of Tennessee, and were early settlers in this county. The father was an early pioneer Methodist preach- er, and preached over this part of Illinois and Indiana. Mrs. Nisbit was born in 1839, and is the mother of three children, of whom two are now living — Matilda E. and Minnie. Mr. Nis- bit enlisted in Company E, of the Fortieth Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry ; went out as First Lieutenant in July, 1861, but was out only a short time ; resigned on account of sickness. In politics, subject is a Republican, and in con- nection with county affairs has been a member of the board four terms. Is a member of the Mount Erie Methodist Episcopal Church, and also of Mount Erie Lodge, No. 331, A., F. &. A M. EMANUEL ORB,, Sr., farmer, P. 0. Mount Erie, was born in Mecklenburgh County, N. C, on September 4, 1812, and is a son of Alexan- der and Lucy (Collins) Orr. The father was born in Maryland, and his father emigrated to this country from Ireland about two years prior to the Revolution, and was afterward a soldier in that conflict. The mother was de- scended from Old Virginia stock. Our subject was the third often children, of whom four are now living — Anna Jennings, in Grayson Coun- ty, Tex.; Emanuel (our subject); Tabitha ; Lewis, in Edwards County, 111., and Alfred, in Missouri. When he was five years of age, his parents moved to Bedford County, Tenn., and there subject attended the old subscription schools. After six years' residence in that county, the parents moved to Alabama, but only lived there two years. They then returned to Tennessee, and there resided till March 3, 1830. On that date, they left Tennessee and came to Edwards County, 111. In that county the parents lived for up- ward of thirty-five years, and then moved to the southern part of Wayne County, where the father died on July 12, 1858, the mother hav- ing departed this life on October 5, 1855. Our subject lived with his father in Edwards County until he was about twenty. He then settlgd down and commenced life for himself in what is known as Shelby Precinct, that county. There he resided for about twenty years, and then came to this county. Here he settled in Sec- tion 5, of Township 2, Range 9 east, where he now owns eighty acres. Mr. Orr was married, in Edwards County, 111., on September 1, 1833, to Miss Matilda Bell, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Saunders) Bell, who were originally natives of Tennessee. Mrs. Orr was born on January 16, 1814, and was the mother of fifteen children, of whom nine are now living — John B., born September 29, 1834 ; Lucy, born April 6. 183i). and now the wife of William Bennett (deceased) ; Emanuel J., born on February 28, 1838 ; Amos, born on October 8, 1839 ; Alex- ander, born on August 28. 1845 : Asa. born on January 6, 1847 ; Harlan, born on March 10. L852; .Matilda, born on October 17, 1856, and now the wife of Marion Overton. ofGibson Coun- ! v ; and Charles, born on June 8. 1858. This lady died on February 10, 1870. and our subject was married the second time, on December 24, 1872, MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP. 69 to Mrs. Nancy Blinker, nee Pepple, a daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Jones) Pepple, natives of Columbiana County, Ohio. Mr. Orr lias served as Justice of th>' Peace for the past thirty years in this and Edwards County. He is a member of the Baptist ( 'lunch, and in polities has been a life-long Democrat. J. T. PORTERFIELD, farmer, P.O. Mount Erie, was born in Armstrong County, Penn., on August (I. 1840, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Thompson) Porterfield, natives of Pennsylvania. Subject was the sixth of nine children, of whom the following are now liv- ing: William (in Fairfield), Mrs. Nancy Bill son (of Massilon Township). Mrs. Sarah Wall (of Mount Erie Township). Mrs. Maggie Johnson, and J. T. (our subject). In 1850, his parents moved to Wayne County, and settled in Mount Erie Township, where they resided till their death, that of the mother in March, 18G0, and the father in July. 1862. The free schools of this county and Pennsylvania fur- nished out- subject his means of education. In 1863, he settled on the old homestead, where he has since resided. He now owns about 400 acres, most of which is situated in Sections 32 or 33, of Township 1 north. Range !> east. Of tin' whole there are about 30(1 acres in cultiva- tion. Mr. Porterfield was married in this county on January 25, 1870, to Miss Marj Price, a daughter of Ira and Elizabeth (Borah) Price. The father was a native of Indiana, the mother of this county. Mrs. Porterfield was born on December 0. 1847, and is the mother of live living children — Frank. Bessie. Kaly. Willie, and a baby, horn October 6, 1883. Subject enlisted in Company E. of the Fortieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, on August 6, 1861, and was out two years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield arc members of McKendree Chapel, Mount Erie Township. In politics. Mr Porterfield gives his support to the Republican party. JAMES T. PRICE, merchant, Mt. Erie, was born in Posey County, Ind., on January 25, 1823, and is a son of Gillison and Mary (Will- iams) Price. The father was a native of South Carolina, the mother of Kentucky. Subject was the third of ten children, of whom five arc now living, viz. : Joseph W., now in flrayville, White County ; Mrs. Eliza Cook, of Indian Prairie Township ; Mrs. Miranda Willey, of Mt. Erie Township ; Mary E. Griffith, of Mas- silon Township, and Janus T, our subject. When the latter was about six years old, his parents, on October 14, 1837. came to Wayne County and settled in Massillon Township, where they resided until their death, that of the mother occurring in 1851, that of the father in 1857. Subject's education was received in the subscription schools of his county, and up until twenty years of age rendered what assist- ance he could on the home farm. At that age, he started out for himself, and settled on a farm in Mt. Erie Township, about two and a half miles southeast of the village. On that farm lie remained about seven years, and then, in January, 1857, came to Mt. Erie Village. Here he began merchandising with Andrew F. Nisbit ; that partnership remained intact until May, 1877, when it was dissolved by mutual consent. In January, 1S7K, Mr. Price again embarked in business, this time with W. C. Ake, which firm still exists. They now carry a stock of about $7,000. In connection with Mr. Nisbit, he owns about 500 acres of land in this town- ship and Mt. Erie Township. On October 10, 1849, our subject was married to Miss Jane Nisbit. a daughter of Alexander and Dorcas (Ramsey) Nisbit. old pioneers of this county. This lady was born November 22, 1822. One child has blessed this union — Mary Jane, wife at W. C. Ake. Mr. Price was a soldier in the rebellion, enlisting in Company I), of the Eighty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, on August 12.1802; was out six months, and then resigned on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Price are members of the Methodist Episcopal 10 BIOGRAPHICAL. Church. Mr. Price has served as Justice of the Peace for about six years ; also as School Director and Trustee, and member of County Board Supervisors ; is at present as Postmaster and Notary Public. In politics, he is a Repub- lican. GEORGE E. QUIMBY, merchant, Mt. Erie, was born in Monroe County, Ky., on January 16, 1856, and is a son of James B. and Eliza- beth (Hogan) Quimby. The father was a na- tive of Tennessee, the mother of Kentucky. Our subject was the fourth of seven children, of whom six are now living. When he was quite small, his parents moved to Warrick County, Ky. There they resided until 1862, and then came to Wayne County, 111., and tirst settled in Elm Township, but afterward moved to Mt. Erie Township. In 1867, they moved to Spencer County, Ind., but in 1874 they again returned to Mt. Erie Township, and there lived until 1S7S, when they went to Newton County, Mo., where they are still residing. Our sub- ject's education was mostly received in the vil- lage school ot Mt. Erie, and in his leisure time he assisted on the home farm until eighteen. In that year, he commenced working for him- self, first on a farm in this county, and after- ward in Missouri and Mississippi. In 1878, he again turned his attention to farming, and worked at that until the following winter, when he commenced teaching school. This plan of work he followed until 1882, teaching in the winter and tanning in the summer. In the fall of that year, lie commenced working for Luther Yohe in his store, and after four months' clerk- ship was taken in as a partner. This partnership existed until September, 1883, when Mr. W. C. Camp purchased tin' interest of Luther Yohe in that establishment, and the business is now carried under the linn name of Camp & Quim- by, and now carry a stock of about $4,000, On December 20, 1880, iu Mt. Erie Township, subject was married to Tetta Camp, :i daugh- ter of George and Martha (Wilhite) Camp. One child has blessed this union — Herman G., born June 2, 1881. In politics, Mr. Quimb}- is a Democrat. A. L. WALL, farmer, P. 0. Mount Erie, was born in Davis County. Ky., on January 9, 1838. and is a son of A. S. and Elizabeth (Allen) Wall. » Bird " Wall, the grandfather of our subject, probably came from Scotland, when a boy, and settled in Beaufort County, N. C, and there the father was born. When the letter was about ten years old, his father moved to Kentucky, where the grandfather died. The father grew to manhood in Hopkins County, Ky., and there resided until 1850, when he came to Wayne County, 111. Here he settled in Mount Erie Township, about a mile from where sub- ject now resides. In this county he lived about six years, and then moved to Dickson's Pre- cinct, Edwards Count} - . In that county he only lived three years, and then moved to White County. There he settled on a farm south of Grayville, where he resided until his death, which occurred on March 15, 1862. The mother of our subject was born in Richmond, Va., in 1807, and died in Massillon Township, this county, on November 15, 1870. To her were born nine children, and of this number subject was the fourth. The following chil- dren are now living : C. M. (in Xenia, Clay County) ; Elizabeth (wife of W. H. Porterfield). Sarah F. (wife of Allen Graves, of White County), and A. L. (our subject) The sub- scription schools of Kentucky, and the Elder School of Edwards County, furnished our subject his means of education. He remained on the home farm until he was twenty-two, when he went into the war. In 1865, he |came to Wayne County, and settled in Mount Erie Township, where he has since resided. He now owns 130 acres in Section 33, of Township 1 north, Range 9 east. Of this there are about 120 acres in cultivation. He also pays some attention to stock-raising, handling from fifty to seventy-five head per year. Mr. Wall was MOUNT ERIE TOWNSHIP. 71 married on April 12, 1864, to Miss Mary B. Porterfield. a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Thompson) Porterfleld, natives of Pennsylva- nia. She was born in Worthington, Armstrong Co.. Penn.. on April 25, 1841. and was the mother of two children, one of whom is now living— Mary E., born July 21, 1869. This lady died October 15, 1870, and subject was mar ried the second time, on December 3. 1871. to Mrs. Sarah J. Vandyke, nee Porterfield, a sister of his first wife. She was born in Pennsylvania on October 12, l»o7. Mr. Wall enlisted on July 25, 1861. in Company E, of the Fortieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served until July 24, 1865. Be acted as Corporal and Sergeant while in the service. Among the battles in which he participated were those of Shiloh, Corinth. Vicksburg, Jackson, Mis- sion Ridge and Savannah. He has served as member of the County Board one teim, and two terms as Justice of the Peace. In polit- ical belief, lie is a Republican Mr. and Mrs. Wall are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of McKendree Chapel. JOHN WILLEY. farmer, P. 0. Mount Erie, was born in Columbiana County. Ohio, Septem- ber 24, 1834, and was a sou of James and Nan- cy (Coppage) Willey. The parents were born in Culpeper County. Va., and their ancestors were probably natives of England. Subject was the sixth of ten children, of whom seven are now living— Mrs. Frances Wolf (in De Kalb County. Ohio), Mrs. Elizabeth West (in Law- rence County. 111.), Mrs. Jane Kelly (in De Kalb County. Ohio), Robert (in Wabash Coun- ty, 111.), Mrs. Sarah Van Gilder (in Johnson County. Ark . Riley (in Wabash County, Ind.) and John (our subject). What little schooling he had was received in the subscription schools of his native county. His father died when he was quite young, and he was earlv forced to take care of himself. At the age of sixteen, he learned the trade of a cigar-maker, and fol- lowed that both in Ohio and in this county. after his arrival here in 1853. He worked around for the different farmers until 1859, when he settled on his present farm. He now owns about sixty-six acres, situated in Sections L".t and .III. of Township 1 north. Range 9 east. All is in cultivation. In this county. July 1, 1S5S. Mr. Willey was married to Miranda J. Price, a daughter of (lillison and Mary Price. The father was a native of South Carolina, and the mother of Kentucky, and they are noticed in full in connection with the sketch of James T. Price. Mrs. Willey was born in Posey County, Ind., April 11, 1S32, and is the mother of six children, one of whom is now living, Marion, born January 1. 1867. Of the deceased ones, Mary A., born April 10, 1859, died July 31. 1861 ; Samantha .) . born July 3, 1862, died February 16. 1869 ; Florence M., born June 15, 1864, died September 25. 1876; Edward G., born April 1. ISO!), died November 6, 1876; Maggie E., born November 20, 1871, died March 30, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Willey are members of the Mount Erie Methodist Episco- pal Church. Mr. Willey is a Republican in politics. G. N.WYATT, farmer, P. (). Wynoose, was born in Greenbrier County, W. Va., January 28, 1839, and is a son of Charles and Delila (Butcher) Wyatt, who were natives of Virginia, and descendants of old South Carolinian stock. Subject was the second of live children, four of whom are now living — Gilbert \. (our subject), Elizabeth (wife of G. B. Tanner, deceased). Valentine B., and Mary (wife of John Ramsey), all of whom are living in this township. When three months old, his parents came to the State of Illinois, and settled in Edwards Coun- ty. There the parents resided until 1865, when they moved to Wayne County, settling in Mount Erie Township, where the father died December 31. 1875, and the mother March 24, 1876. Most of his education was received in the sub- scription schools of (Iravville and Albion, Ed- wards County. He rendered what assistance 72 BIOGRAPHICAL: ho could on the home farm until about seven- teen, and then worked around for :i number of years. At the age of twenty-three, he settled in Mount Erie Township, where he has since resided. He now owns 140 acres in Sections 26 and 35 of Town 2 north, Range 9 east. Of the whole there are about ninety-five acres in cultivation, and about three acres in orchard. Hr also does something in stock-raising. Mr. Wyatt was married. June 1, 1862, to Miss Mary Pcitchett, a daughter of John and Susan (Ma- son) Pritchett, natives of North Carolina. This lady was born November 7, 1847. and was the mother of six children, five of whom are now living, viz., Charles W., born November 3, 1863; Valentine and Adeline, December 29, 1868; Rosetta, March 27. 1873; Gilbert, in April, 1872. The mother died April 12, 1876, in giving birth to Susan B., who died the next day. Mr. Wyatt was married, May 3. 1877, to Mrs. Anne Bristow, »it< Johnson, a daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, who is now living with her son-in-law, at the advanced age of eighty-three. She was born in South Carolina, and when she was twelve years of age, her par- ents came to Indiana. There she resided until 1850, when she came to this county, where she has since resided. The present Mrs. Wyatt was born January 29, 1829. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt are members of the Christian Church of Marion, Edwards County. Mr. Wyatt is a member of Parkersburg Lodge, No. 509, A., F. & A. M. In his political faith he is a Demo- crat. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. CHARLES G. ARCHIBALD, Cisne, was born in Wayne County, 111., November 11, 1844, to Charles and Celia (Taylor) Archi- bald, both of whom were natives of Ken- tucky. The father was a farmer by occupa- tion; came to Wayne County in 1835 and died in 1857. During his residence here, there was hardly a court held but what his services appeared to be needed, for the rec- ords show that he was on almost every jury during the time. The parents of our subject, who are now both deceased, were blessed with nine children, two of whom — Henry W. and Alexander — served in the late war. Those living are Amelia Williams, William S. , Charles G. and Nancy J. Patterson. Our subject obtained his education in the common schools, and in early life engaged in farming pursuits. In 1877, he and J. P. Jordan purchased a general stock of goods of F. A. Kutz, and up to the spring of 1883 ran a store in Cisne, which they sold at the latter date to R. F. Davidson, the present propri- etor. Mr. Archibald owns the store build- ing, which he built in 1881. He also has a residence and lot in town. He was married, February 12, 1865. to Mary J. Blakely, a daughter of Joseph Blakely, of this county. This union has given eight children, of whom there are six living — William H., Nancy I., Willie M., Luella, Charles and James F. Mr. Archibald is an A., F. & A. M., John- sonville Lodge, No. 713, and, with his wife, of the Methodist Church. Politically, he is a Republican. JAMES P. BILLINGTON, druggist, Cis- ne, was born in Marshall County, Tenn., Feb- ruary 23, 1843, to Jesse P. and Willmouth (Hogg) Billiugton, natives of the same State. The parents are now residents of Wayne BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. 73 County, are farmers, and Jesse P. Billington is widely known throughout the county for his extensive dealings in stock. Of their nine children, there are seven who are liv- ing — James P., Sarah J.. Clay, David A., John H., Louisa Winters, William H. and Frances A. Our subject remained in his native State; engaged in farming'.until com- ing to Wayne County in October, 186U, and here he worked at farming and wagon-mak- ing for several years. In 1864, he enlisted in Company H, Second United States Vol- unteers, and served until discharged in No- vember, 1865. Mr. Billington was first mar- ried to Louisa E. Maneer, who died in 1863, the mother of one child — Thomas J. He married a second time, October 4, 1866, Sa rah A. Campbell, a daughter of Alexander Campbell, formerly Sheriff of Wayne County. In March, 1873, Mr. Billington purchased the drug stock of Dr. W. H. St. John, of whom he also learned the business. He af- terward went into partnership with Frank A. Kutz, and for several years ran a general store in connection with his drug business. After partnership was dissolved, Mr. Billington continued the drug business, and has since added a line of groceries, etc. Politically, Mr. Billington is a Democrat. JACOB C. BROCK, proprietor of the ('is- ne Hotel, is a native of Monroe County, Ohio. He was born December 17, 1826, to Isaac A. and Elizabeth (Mugg) Brock, the father a native of Ohio and the mother of Pennsyl- vania, of German descent. Isaac A. Brock worked at carpentering in early life, but in later years gave his attention more to farm- ing pursuits. He was a son of Jacob Brock, who came from Virginia and was born in a block-house where Cincinnati, Ohio now stands. He was twice married, his second wife being the mother of our subject. To them were born six children, of whom five are living — Malinda Linn, John W M. (a merchant in Stafford, Ohio), Malissa Trago, Jaeol/C. and Isaac T. Isaac A. Brock came to Wayne County in 1851, bringing part of his family with him. He located in Laniard Township, but some years later removed to Bedford Township. Jacob O, our subject, was raised on the farm, and has given his attention in this direction most of his life. He married his present wife, Rebecca Brock, nee Flick, in Ohio. She is a daugh- ter of Michael aud Rebecca (Davis) Flick, who came to "Wayne County about 1854. Seven children have blessed this union, six of whom are living — Almira (wife of Fran- cis M. Carson), Francis M. (married Ella P. Collins, which union has given three chil- dren, two of whom are living — Mabel Glen and Edna. Mr. F. M. Brock is the senior member of the well-known firm of Brock & Cisne), Viola (wife of William H. Cisne, the junior member of the above firm. Mr. and Mrs. Cisne have one child — Leo — a bright and promising boy, born July 16, 1878), Charles M. (Railroad Agent at Rochester, 111.), Jennie and Irvin E. In the fall of 1881, our subject opened a general grocery store in Cisne, which he run until purchas- ing the hotel building and a stock of goods of Dr. Isaac L. Dobbs, since which time he has continued the grocery business in con- nection with that of the hotel. Mr. Brock has also a farm of 100 acres situated in La- niard Township, of which latter he was once Supervisor. He is a Republican politically, and. with his wife, is a member of the Christian Church. WILLIAM CARSON, farmer, P. O. En terprise, is a native of Washington County, Penn. He was born October 20, 1821, the eldest child of George and Susanna (Obney) Carson. The father was a native of Ireland, and was a son of Robert Carson. He, George, 74 HKNJRAPIIICAL: came to America first in 1790, and after a residence here of about ten years, returned to the Emerald Isle, and there married his first wife, and came back to this country in 1801. This marriage was with Mary Steven- son, and was blessed with five children, of whom three survive — Martha, aged eighty- two, Eleanor and Robert. The father's sec- ond wife, the mother of our subject, bore him seven children, five of whom are living — William, James, Luella, Elizabeth and Sam- uel. Our subject was raised in Jefferson County, whence his parents had removed when he was about two years old. He came to Wayne County in 1851, and made crops for several years, but did not remove his . family here until 1865, since which date he has resided in this county. His farm con- sists of 240 acres of land, which is given to the raising of stock and general farming. Mr. Carson married, in Ohio, Miriam Guess, a daughter of John Guess, an early settler in that State. The Union has been blessed with fourteen children, of whom there are living Robert, born May 22, 1850; William E., October 10, 1854; Hettie M., February 25, 1861; Andreas, January 14, 1863; Frank E., July 29, 1865; Mary F., January 1, 1870; and Lindsey A., June 9, 1871. Mr. and Mrs. Carson are members of the Christian Church, and in politics he is a Republican. Mr. Carson has of late years given consider- able attention to bee culture, and in favor- able seasons disposes of a large amount of honey. ISAAC B. CARSON, Sheriff of Wayne County, 111., was born in Carroll County, Ohio, September 17, 1832. His parents were William and Elizabeth (Booth) Carson. The father was a native of Ireland, and emigrated to the United States with his parents when four years old. The mother was born in Pennsylvania. They were married in Carroll County, Ohio, and reared a family of three sons, viz., Joseph, Isaac B. and Robert V- Carson, the oldest of whom is living in Wayne County, and the youngest is deceased. The father is still living and a resident of this county. The mother died in Ohio in 1836- Mr. I. B. Carson married, in Ohio, May 1, 1853, and in fall of same year came to Illi- nois and settled in Wayne County, near the present village of Cisne. Here he has been engaged in the pursuit of farming since that time. In politics, he is a Democrat, and has represented his township as Supervisor. In 1882, he was elected to the office of Sheriff of Wayne County, a position which he fills with universal acceptance. They have a family of nine children, viz., Elizabeth A., deceased; Sarah L., wife of B. F. Bowles; Mary E. ; Joseph W., married to Eliza L. Wood; Eliza J., William H, Elmer R., Laura May and Alice M. Carson. QMr. Carson owns a farm of 200 acres in Sections 21 and 28 of Bed- ford Township. DAVID F. CHANEY, merchant, Rinard, was born in Clinton County, Ind., October 1, 1846, a son of Abel and Christina (Fisher) Chaney, the father a native of Maryland and the mother of Pennsylvania. They moved to Ohio, where they were married, and thence to Indiana, and finally to Illinois, and are now residents of Clay County. Six of their nine children are now living — Washington O, Thomas A., Catharine (wife of J. F. Sheridan), David F., Phcebe A. (wife of E. McGilton), and Charles C. Mr. Chaney was eight years of age when his parents came to this State, and during his early life he en- gaged in farming pursuits. He went to Iowa, and after clerking two years in Ottum- wa, that State, came to Rinard, this county, and with his cousin, Mr. B. J. Chaney, erected a business building, and opened up a general stock of goods. Mr. R. L. Wilcox BEDFOKI) TOWNSHIP 75 purchased the interest of B. J. Chaney, ami the new firm ran the business for several years, when our subject sold out, and has since been engaged in business for himself. 3e carries a general line of goods, and en- joys a liberal patronage. He has a residence in Riuard, and also has a half interest in 120 acres of land in an adjoining township. Mr Chaney married Hannah Itutter, a daughter of N. S. Rutter, who is at present in Mr. Chaney's employ. The union has given two children, one living — Ernest. Politically. Mr. Chaney is a Democrat. LEVI M. CISNE, farmer, P. O. Cisne. Prominently identified among the substantial and respected citizens of Wayne County is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, the necessary brevity of which compels us to note but a few of his many genial and worthy qualities. He came from Monroe County. Ohio (his native couutv), where he was born December 28, L830. He is the eldest child of Emanuel and Sarah (Garrett) Cisne, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. The father was a miller by occupation in early life, but gave his attention more to farming pursuits in later years. During his life, he book active interest in political affairs, and enterprises calculated for the public good, and was for many years a General in the old State militia, and was thereafter pop- ularly known as (leu. Cisne. He served also in an Ohio regiment during the late war. His venorablo partner in life sur- vives him, and is still living in Ohio, at the good old age of seventy four. Their wedded life was blessed with nine chil dren. all of whom wore raised to manhood and womanhood, and six are now living — Levi M., Mary E. Phillips, David A., Nancy J. Crawford, Eunice A. Amos, and Sarah C, wife of Dr. J. P. Walters, of Cisne. Levi M. Cisne, the subject of these lines, obtained what little education was afforded by the old- fashioned subscription schools of his native State, and he remained thore, engaged prin- cipally in farming, and occasionally in steam- boating, until removing to this county in December, 1854. In 18(50, the people eleet- <• Ellen (Har- ris) Harmon, are members of the Christian Church, and politically he is a Republican. GEORGE W. SPAULDING. farmer, P. O. Cisne, was born in Belmont County, Ohio. September 20, 1827, a son of William and Mary Spaulding. both of whom were natives of Maryland. The father was a cooper by trade, but in later years engaged in farming pursuits. He was a son of Daniel Spaulding, who served seven years in the Revolutionary war. The parents of our subject were blessed with twelve childreD. of whom five are now living — Mary Sutton, George W.. Joseph. Henry and Aaron. The two latter were members of the Thirty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in the late war. Our subject was engaged principally at carpenter- ing in Ohio, until coming to Wayne County in 18G4, having previously purchased some land here. His present farm consists of 232 acres. He engages in general farming, but gives special attention to the making of hay crops. Mr. Spaulding married Lydia Gates, a daughter of Valentine Gates, who was an old settler in Ohio. Subject find wife are the parents of eleven children, of whom there are nine living— David L., Mary E., Marilda. William. Ollie B., George A.. Dillon G., Lin- nie and Harper. Mr. Spaulding is the pres- ent Supervisor of Bedford Township, and has filled other offices in the township. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church. BEDFORD TOW NSHIP 83 and in political affaii'9 he casts his vote for the Republican party. GEORGE W. STATES, farmer, P. O. Cisne, was born in Monroe County, Ohio. October It. IS.'il. He has been a resident of Wayne County for several years. August 8, 1878, he married his second and present wife. Agues A. (Brown) Deselues, born Au- gust 14, 1845, a ur subject was the oldest of five children, of whom three are now living. His education was received entirely in the sub- scription schools of his county, but since his growth to manhood he lias added quite a good deal to his information. He helped on the home farm until he was twenty-four, and then, on December 26, 1849, he came to the (arm where he has since resided. He now owns 280 acres, eighty of which are in Section 17, forty in Section 16, and eightj in Section 21, of Town 2 south, Range 7 east, and eighty acres in Arrington Township, <>f the whole, there are about eighty acres in cultivation. In Big Mound Township. Wayne County, on Decern- 8(5 BIOGRAPHICAL: ber6, 1849, Mr. Book was married to Elizabeth Gaston, a daughter of Cyrus and Margaret (Clark) Gaston, natives of South Carolina. This lady was born in this township on May 28, 1828, and was the mother of seven chil- dren, live of whom are now living — Sibby, Nancy (wife of Wilson Sager), Mary J. (wife of William E. Cable), George W. and Ira 0. Mrs. Book died on March 10, 1876. Mr. Book is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He has served as Justice of the Peace, Supervisor, School Trustee and Director and Township Treasurer. Is independent in politics. SAMUEL H. BOOK, Sr., farmer, P. O. Fair- field. From one of the first families of this county the gentleman whose name heads this sketch is descended. He was born in Hender- son County, Ky., nine miles from the lied Banks, on September 15, 1825, and is a son of Henry and Sarah (Miller) Book. The father was born in Fineastle, Botetourt Co.. Ya., and at the age of fifteen he commenced to learn the trade of a hatter, from a man by the name of Rudi- zell. This trade he afterward followed for some years. At first leading a roving life up and down the Mississippi, but finally in Chris- tian County, Ky., he married his wife, and set- tled down. He lived in Kentucky until Octo- ber. 1831, when he came to Wayne County, 111., and settled in Laniard Township. There he followed the hatter's trade for one year, and afterward turned his attention to farming, and followed it until his death, on February 28, 1853. The grandfather was a native of Ger- many, and died in Virginia on March 27, 1815. Subject was the seventh of nine children, of whom only four are living — Harriet, wife of James Keen, of Hickory Hill Township; Mi- chael, in Lamard Township ; William, in Texas, and S. H, Sr., our subject. His education was received in the subscription schools of ye olden time, and he lent a helping hand on the home farm until about twentv-fivc. He then settled on the farm where he has since resided. Here he now owns 200 acres, 120 of which are in Sec- tion 4, and eighty in Section 29, of Township 2 south, Range 7 east. About all the land is in cultivation, and about two acres in orchard. In this county, on April 18, 1850, Mr. Book was married to Mary Book, his cousin, and a daughter of Michael and Sibby (Franks) Book, who were also settlers of this county, and were natives of Virginia, being descended from old German stock. This lady was boru in this county on February 21, 1829, and to her have been born three daughters, viz.: Sibby F., wife of Samuel Sager, of Big Mound Township ; Louisa, wife of A. R. Johnson (noticed in an- other place), and Mary, who still remains at home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Book are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Book has kept aloof from political strife and office- seeking, giving most of his time to his own affairs, but as far as his support has gone it has been given to the Democratic party. D. G. BUIS. merchant and farmer, P. O- Boyleston. Few men have done more in im- proving Wayne County in the last twenty years than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Putnam County, Ind., on September 1-9, 1831, and is a son of Caleb and Margaret (Hurst) Buis, the father being born in North Carolina, but raised principally in Tennessee, and of German descent ; the mother, coming from Tennessee, was originally of English descent. Subject is the eighth of fourteen children, of whom six are now living. The subscription schools of his county fur- nished his early education. But he is more truly what might be called a self-made man, having, since attaining manhood's estate, added greatly to his knowledge. He has always been a painstaking and careful reader, and has tried to become acquainted with the many questions and subjects that agitate mankind. Among other things, he has mastered in a degree the science of medicine, and is enabled to practice BIG MOUND TOWNSHIP. 87 in his own and the families of the surrounding neighborhood. He rendered what assistance he could on the home farm, until about twenty, and then commenced teaching, and followed this occupation for upward of ten years. In Andrews County, Mo., he commenced merchan- dising in the year 1858, and at that point did business for three years. He then came to Moultrie County, 111., and there farmed for eighteen months. He next came to Wayne County, and first settled in the eastern portion of Arrington Township. There he farmed in the summer, and taught school in the winter for about four years. He then opened a gen- eral store in the village of Cincinnati, in that township, where he sold goods for seven years. In 1378, he sold out, and commenced farming in the eastern part of that township. In 1882, soon after the Air-Line Railroad was put in operation, he came to Big Mound Township, and was the first to settle in the village of Boyleston, upon land laid out by a Mr. Morris. There he opened a store, and is at present car- rying a stock of about $2,500. He is also act- ing as Postmaster. Railroad and Express agent, and Notary Public. Besides his other business pursuits, he finds quite a good deal of time to devote to farming. He now owns 200 acres in >iis 22 and 36, of Arlington Township, 120 acres in Sections 22 and 27 of Four-Mile Township, and seventy- ve acres in Clay County. Of the whole, there are about 150 acres in cultivation. Mr. Buis was married in Putnam County, Ind.. on April 1, 1851, to Miss Elizabeth Wallace, a daughter of Enoch and Winnie (Norton) Wallace, who were natives of Tennessee and of Scotch-Irish descent. This lady was born on January 18. 1830, and is the mother of eleven children, five of whom are now living — Winnie Jane (wife of James E. Sous, of Four-Mile Township), Rebecca Cath- erine (wife of R. Findley, of the same town- ship). Walter Scott, Sarah Melissa and Vir- ginia Ann. During part of the war, our sub- ject served for eighteen months in Company H, of the Forty-first Enrolled Missouri Militia, which was used as a home guard, being never called into action. Since Mr. Buis' arrival in this county, he has occupied numerous offices of trust and profit, and while a resilient of Ar- lington Township he served as Trustee for some time. Is a member ot tue Christian Church, and in politics is a Republican. A. M. CABLE, farmer, P. 0. Boyleston, born in Athens County, Ohio, on November 22, 1829, and is a son of George and Susannah (John- son) Cable ; the father is a native of New York, and the mother of Pennsylvania. He is the oldest of five children, of whom all are liv- ing. His education was received in the free schools of his county, and at the age of eight- een he commenced learning the wagon-maker's trade. At that business, however, he onlv worked about two years, and then commenced selling goods at Wilkesville, Ohio, for Dr. W. C. Kline. After being engaged in that busi- ness for a number of years, he taught school for about four years, and then in 1865 came to Wayne County, 111. Here he first settled at Fairfield, but only remained a short time, anil then purchased a farm in Jasper Township. On that place he lived five years, and in 1870 he came to his present farm, where he now has 290 acres. It is located in Sections 16 and 30, of Township 2 south, Range 7 east, and of the whole there are about 170 acres in cultivation, and about six acres in orchard. He also does something in stock-raising, handling the Dur- ham breed mostly. Mr. Cable was married, in Meigs County, Ohio, on May 3, 1857, to Aman- da l.asley. She was the daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Hickle) Lasley. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, and the mother of Vir- ginia. This lady was born June 13, 1837, and is the mother of three living children — William K.. born April 28, 1858 ; Frank L., born Octo- ber 30. 1800 ; Jonathan B., August 23, 1866. Subject was a soldier in the late war. He en- 88 BIOGRAPHICAL: listed in Company M, of Eleventh Pennsylva- nia Cavalry, on August '.'. 1862, and was out until June 20, 1865. Among the battles in which he participated were Newport News, Lee's Mill, siege of Suffolk, Franklin, Va., Mangohick Church. Va., Jackson, N. C, and Ream's Station, Va., besides many other smaller skirmishes. Mr. Cable has served in many offices of trust in his county and township. From 1873 to 1877, be served two terms as County Treasurer. While a resident of Jasper Township, he served as Township Trustee and Clerk, and since he has been a citizen of Big Mound Township has served as School Trustee and Highway Commissioner. Mr. Cable is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and in politics is identified with the National party. A. CUNNINGHAM, farmer, P. 0. Boyleston, was born in what is now Lawrence County, then Beaver County, Penn., on February 20, 1840. and was a son of Thomas and Hannah (Beer) Cunningham, natives of that State, the father being of Irish descent and the mother probably of German. Subject was the young- est of six children, of whom five are now liv- ing. His education was received in the free schools of his native county, but he lent an assisting hand on his father's farm whenever it was necessary. In 1859. he came to Wayne County, III, and at first worked around for some of the farmers who were then residing here. He afterward commenced life for him- self on a farm adjoining the one he now occu- pies in Big Mound Township. On that farm he resided until 1871, and then came to his present farm, where he now owns 180 acres, situated in Sections 4, 5 and 33, of Township 2 south, Range 7 east. Mr. Cunningham was married, in Lamard Township, Wayne County, on October 18, 1860, to Mary J. King, a daugh- ter of Thomas and Sarah Ann (McLung) King. The parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and came to this county about 1840, where they resided until their deaths, that of the mother j occurring on August 14, 1864, and the father's on May 15, 1868. Mrs. Cunningham was born in Laniard Township, Wayne County, on Feb- ruary 28, 1843, and is the mother of four chil- dren, all of whom are now living, viz.: Edward S., born March 24, 1862 ; Jessie M., born Jan nary 11, 1864 ; Cora L., born August 16, 1868 ; and Mary E., born July 13, 1880. She is a member of the Jeffersonville Methodist Episco- pal Church. In politics, our subject is a Dem- ocrat. On June, 1861, Thomas Cunningham, the father of subject, came to Wayne County and lived with his son until his death, on May 2, 1864. JOSHUA DAVIS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Fairfield. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch was born in Logan County, Ohio, on May 6, 1821, and is a sou of William and Mary (Johnson) Davis. The father was born in Maryland, and was descended from old Welsh stock. He was raised principally in Delaware, and came to Ohio in an early day. The mother was a native of Delaware, and her grandfather was one of the early Methodist preachers of that State. Subject was the sec- ond of eleven children, of whom seven are now living. The subscription schools of his native county furnished his means of educa- tion. As soon as possible, he began to assist on the home farm, and remained with his father until twenty -three. At that age he started out in life for himself, and, as Ohio was in its primitive state, his first work was the clearing of a space sufficient for his first crop. He re- mained in that State until 1870, and then came to Waj'iie Count3 - , purchasing immediately his present farm. He now owns 680 acres, all in Town 2 south, Range 7 east, and has about 500 acres in cultivation. He also trades in stock considerably, handling in a season about 1,200 head of cattle and 200 head of sheep. Mr. Davis was married in Marion County, Ohio, on December 3, 1843, to Elizabeth W. BIG MOUND TOWNSHIP. 89 Virden, a daughter of Allison ami Betsey (Wil- son) Virden, natives of Delaware. Mrs. Davis was born September 29, 1818, and is the mother of seven children, of whom five are now living — George W.. Irvin. David K., Wilson and Warren C. All except G. W. are helping on the home farm, and he is now living in Barn- hill Township. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are mem- bers of the Free- Will Baptist Church. In pol itics, Mr. Davis is a Republican. RICHARD FOSTER, farmer, P. 0. Barnhill, was born in Lincolnshire, England, on Decern ber 21, 182G, and is a son of George and Re- becca (Brown) Foster. Subject is the next to the youngest of a family of seven children, of whom six are living and two are in this coun- try, subject and Rebecca Pykiet, of Barnhill Township. He attended the free schools of England but slightly, but since he came to this country he has educated himself some. In England, he hired out by- the year and fol- lowed that occupation until he was about twen- ty-five. He then sailed for this country, and, landing at New Orleans, he came direct to Jersey County, 111. For four years after his arrival in this country, he worked by the day for farmers. He afterward bought a farm and commenced life for himself in that county. In March, 1866, he came to Wayne County and settled in Big Mound Township, where he now owns 160 acres in Section 35, of Town 2 south, Range 7 cast. Of this there are about seventy acres in cultivation. Mr. Foster was married in Jersey County, 111., on June 15, 1847, to Alice Siddell, a daughter of Squire and Mary (Barnes) Siddell. They were natives of Lin- colnshire, England, and there the father died in 1835, and the mother came to this county in 1854 and is at present the wife of a Mr. Grif- fith, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Foster was born in Lancashire. England, on March 13, 1828, and is the mother of five children, of whom four are now living — Mary R., born No- vember 12, 1858, now wife of P. Zimmerman; George R., born January 7, 1862; Sarah E., born May 25. 1S00; Nathan II., born February 21, 1867. In politics. Mr, Foster is identified with the Democrats. PHILIP HALL, farmer, P, 0. Barnhill. was born in this township on November 17, 1826, and is a son of David and Hannah (Philips) Ball. The father was a native of Georgia, the mother of North Carolina. Subject was the youngest of nine children, and is the only one now living. The subscription schools of this county furnished subject means of education, but after becoming grown he improved him- self to some extent. He remained at home, as- sisting his father, until the latter's death in 1845, and then took charge of the place for his mother. At her death in 1864, he inherited the whole of the home farm, and there he has since resided. He now owns 240 acres in Sections 2 I and 25, of Township 2 south. Range 7 east, and of that has about 105 acres in cultivation, lie also does something in bee raising, having about seventy hives. Mr. Hall was married on June 9, 1853, to Elizabeth Ann Jones, a daugh- ter of John and Jane (Clark) Jones, natives of Kentucky. This lady was the mother of six children, two of whom are now living — Timer Jane i wife of Archer Wade, of White County) and Mary Ann (wife of Tyra Kinslow, of this township). Mrs. Hall died on November 27, 1804, and subject was married the second time on April 20, 1870, to Miss Rebecca Pykiet, a daughter of John and Rebecca (Foster) Pykiet, natives of England. Four children have blessed this union, of whom three are now liv- ing—Sarah Elizabeth, Alice Adeline and Jenette. In politics, Mr. Hall gives his sup- port to the Democratic part} W. F. HALL, farmer, P. (). Boyleston. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is de- scended from one of the earliest families that retired in Wayne County. Here subject was born on December 6, 1841, and is a son of Da- vid and Mary Ann (Day) Hall. The grand 90 BIOGRAPHIC A I,: parents, James and Jane (Chum) Hall, were probably natives of Alabama, and settled af- terward in Murray County, Tenn., where the father was born November 16, 1818. When the latter was about eight years old, the grand- father moved to Wayne County and settled on the south edge of Big Mound Township. In that township he lived for upward of thirty years. He nest moved to Washington Coun- ty, and settled near Nashville. There he re- mained two years, and then returned to this county and settled in Four Mile Township, where he lived until his death on September 1, 186-4, the grandmother having died some time iu the year 1857. The father grew to man- hood in this county, and his schooling advan- tages were one month in an old subscription school. He remained on the home farm until about eighteen, and then commenced life on a farm near where his father was then residing. He afterward moved to his farm in Section 17, of Big Mound Township, where he is now re- siding. On August 24, 1836. he was married in this county, to Mary Ann Day, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Frank and Hallie Day, who were also early settlers in this coun- ty. This union resulted in thirteen children, of whom eight are now living, viz.: Hallie Jane (wife of Jesse Garrison), W. F. (our subject), J. S. C, Elizabeth (wife of G. Davis). Thomas, Margaret (wife of S. Farney), Rose (wife of C. Fankle), and Ida Bell. Of this number, W. F. received his early education from a subscrip- tion school, but afterward, when the free schools had been established in his township, he at- tended a few terms there. He remained at home with his father until about twenty. In that time he had learned partially the trade of a carpenter, but did not get to follow it much. In 1862, he went to Idaho, anil remained there about one year. He returned to this county and settled in the north part of Big Mound Township, and there remained until 1868. He next came to his present farm, where he now owns about 180 acres, 100 of which are in Sec- tions 17 and 20, and eighty acres in Sections 21 and 33, of Town 2 south, Range 7 east; 100 acres are in cultivation, and about three acres in orchard. Mr. Hall was married in this county on April 7, 1868, to Emma Nor- mon, a daughter of Richard and Mary (Garri- son) Normon. To this couple have been born six children, three of whom are now living — Frances M., February 22, 1869; Nellie B., born October 24, 1878; and Walter S., born July 30, 1881. Of the deceased ones, Charles D., born February 5, 1871, died January 5, 1873; Mary Ann, born February 14, 1873, died Jan- uary 1, 1875; Chalon S., born May 2, 1871, died October 2, 1879. Subject has served as member of the County Board of Supervisors, Township Collector, Assessor and Highway Commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are both members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and iu politics Mr. Hall is a Demo- crat. H. F. HOWARD, farmer, P. 0. Fairfield, was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, on June 12, 1840, and is a sou of Horace and Olive (Cleveland) Howard, the father being a native of New York, the mother of Connecticut. Sub- ject was the younger of two children. His ed- ucation was received in the free schools of his native count}-, and at the age of nineteen he commenced to learn the printer's trade at the office of the Western Reserve Chronicle, of War- ren, Ohio. He, however, remained about a year and a half, when his health failed him and he had to leave the office. He subsequently, however, acted as salesman and collector for four years for his father, who was an extensive marl ile dealer. In 1805, he came to Wayne County, 111., and immediately settled the farm on which he now resides, a tract of 100 acres in Section 10, of Town 2 south, Range 7 east. Be- sides farming, he pays some attention to sheep- raising, having in stock a very fine flock of Southdowns. Mr. Howard was married in Bid MOUND TOWNSHIP 91 Bristol, Trumbull Count}-, on February 1, 18(54, to Jennie McLain. Tliis lady is the daughter of L. B. and Mary (Millet) McLain ; the father was born in this country, but was of Scottish descent. Mrs. Howard was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, on October 28, 1844, and is the mother of four children, all of whom are now living — Frank H., born June 5,1865; Nellie J., born July 10, 1870; Gracie 0., born May 24, 1875; Sibbie, born January 5,1878. Mr. Howard has served as School Director and Road Overseer, and in politics he gives his support to the Democratic party. ALBERT 11. JOHNSON, farmer, P. 0. Fair- field. Oneof the most thrifty and enterprising young farmers in this county is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, and who was born in Meigs County, Ohio, September 18, 1850. The father, Thomas Johnson, was born iu Ohio, and came to Wayne County in 1852, with his family, and first settled in Lamard Township. He afterward moved to Bedford Township, where he died in 1859. The mother, Eliza (Taylor) Johnson, was also a native of Ohio, and after her husband's death she lived for a time in Bedford Township, and then in 1803 she with her family removed again to Lamard Township, where she died in 1865. Subject was permitted to attend school some in early age, but soon after his father's death he commenced to work around for different farm ers, and continued to do so until 1875, being employed principally by those of Big Mound and Lamard Townships. In that year, he start- ed out for himself, and settled in Big Mound Township, where he now owns a farm of 116 acres, situated in Section 3, of Township 2 south, Range 7 east. The tract is nearly all in cultivation, and he has about three acres in orchard. Mr. Johnson was married, in Big Mound Township, on .January 25, 1874, to Miss Louisa Book, a native of this county, and a daughter of S. II.. Sr., and Mary (Book) Book (whose sketches appear elsewhere in this work). This union has resulted in one child — Charles, born October 13, 1877. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and in polities Mr. Johnson is a Democrat. REV. G. II. MOON, minister and farmer, P. 0. Fairfield. The reverend gentleman whose name heads this sketch was born in I'eters- burgh Township, Rensselaer County, N. V., on July 26, 1814. He is a son of James and Anna (Dodds) Moon. The father was a native of Rhode Island, the mother was born in New London, Conn. Subject is the ninth of twelve children, of whom only two are now living. When lie was about six years old. his father moved to Somerset Township. Windham Coun- ty. Vt. In that county the former was per- mitted to attend school but eighteen months; his father was a farmer and he was compelled to lend what assistance he could upon the farm. Since his arrival to manhood, Mr. Moon has ed- ucated himself to the extent of his abilities, and is truly what might lie called a self-made man. On September, 1832, he with his elder brother left the parental roof, and, starting out in life for themselves, came to Lorain County, Ohio, and worked around for the farmers for upward of eight years. At an early age, our subject was led to identity himself with the Free-Will Baptist Church. Determining to give his life service to the cause of his Master, he began to preach, and coming to Marion County in Au- gust, 1840, was ordained as a regular minister in October of the same year. lie was immedi- ately appointed as the shepherd over three charges in that locality, namely, the churches ofPleasant, Rig Island and Pawpaw. For up- ward of thirty years he preached in this field of labor, and then in 1871 came to pastures new in Wayne County. lie. until 1879. preached in Bone Gap Church, Edwards Coun- ty , and Jeffersonville and Rig Mound Churches, this county. He was finally, by outside mat ters, compelled to retire from tin- active minis- »a BIOGRAPHICAL: try, and :it present his mantle has fallen upon his son, William R. Moon, who is at present supplying the churches. So far, he has been engaged forty-six years in active ministerial work, and in the prosecution of his labors he has traveled some 65,000 miles. In Ohio, a part of that travel was spent in going to and from the different quarterly meetings, to which he always would go as a delegate, and since his residence in this State he has traveled a good deal in organizing the yearly meetings of his denomination. In his ministry he has probably baptized upward of 300 converts. In the last four or five years, he and his sons have been engaged in farming. He at present owns 200 acres in Sections 9 and 16, of Town- ship 2 south, Range 7 east. Of that there are about 176 acres in cultivation, and about three and a half in orchard. In Marion County- Ohio, on May 6, 1841, he was married to Mary B. Smith, and in a minister's many trials and tribulations she has proven a loving and help- ful companion. She is a daughter of Reuben and Judith (Springer) Smith, natives of Maine, and was born in Licking County, Ohio, on April 18, 1820. This union has resulted in ten children, of whom six are now living — Henry N. (wedded to Lydia Hoover, and now living in Marion County, Ohio), Ellen M. (wife of San ford Hoover, of Council Bluffs, Iowa), Esther Amanda (wife of John Irvin, of Laniard Township), William R. (wedded to Minnie Rinebold), Flora B. and O. Dwight. In poli- tics, Mr. Moon is a stanch Republican. In our subject's life we can see a true example of what perseverance may do for a man. Having no educational advantages, but possessed of more than ordinary ability, and an immense amount of energy, he has given himself a good education. He is an omniverous reader, and to-day he is possessed with one of the finest libraries in Wayne County. In the education of his children he shows an unflagging energy, placing in their reach every advantage that is within his power. •G. F. SMITH, farmer, P. O. Boyleston. George Smith, the father of subject, was born in Germany on May 14, 1819, and was a son of Diewault and Eva (Lantz) Smith. When he was four years old, his parents emigrated to this country and settled in Stark County, Ohio. There the father grew to manhood and learned the carpenter's trade, which was afterward his regular occupation. In that county, on Febru- ary 14, 1847, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Wertenberger. This lady was born in Stark County, Ohio, and is the daughter of George and Christie Ann ( Snyder) Wertenber- ger. The parents were natives of the Brush Valley. Penn., but were descendants of German emigrants. After their marriage, the twain came to Wabash County, Ind., and to them were born three children — Lydia A., born April 28, 1847, now wife of William R. Cox ; Mary E., born September 5, 1850, and now wife of Z. M. Cable ; George F., our subject, born April 24, 1853. On April 20, 1853, the father died, and Mrs. Smith turned her attention to farming. She was subsequently married, on May 4, 1859, to Christian Snoke. In Septem- ber, 1S68, she left her husband and came to Wayne County, Ind., with her children, where she has since resided. Our subject's educa- tion was received in the schools of his native county and of this one also, and he early ren- dered what assistance he could on the home farm. He at present has charge of the home place, a tract of 120 acres in Section 16 of Town 2 south. Range 7 east. Mrs. Snoke is a member of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Smith is an Independent in politics. THOMAS C. STANLEY, bee-raiser, Boyles- ton, was born in Botetourt County, Va., on February 8, 1830, and is a son of Joel and Elizabeth (Combs) Stanley. The father was born in Virginia, and was of English descent; the mother was also a native of that State, and of German nativity. Our subject fs the fourth of nine children, of whom seven are now living. HKi MOUND TOWNSHIP. 93 When he was about three years old. his parents moved t<> Tennessee and settled in McNairy County. There subject received a district school education, which has been added to con- siderably by his own ettorts since his accession to manhood's estate. At the age of eighteen, he apprenticed himself to a maker of wagons and buggies in that county, and he afterward followed that occupation from 1848 to 1857. He next commenced to farm and also set up a wool-carding machine, which was well patron- ized by the surrounding people. It was before the day of looms and was the only way of pre- paring the wool. In 1S62, he came to this county, and at the town of Jeffersonville he set up his carding machine and run it for a num- ber of years. He also purchased the flouring mill at that point, and carried on a general milling business. In 1867, he sold out his in- terest at that point and came to Fairfield. At this point he worked for a year at the Fairfield flouring mill, and then built the Fairfield Wool- en Mills, at a cost of about $10,000. He con- tinued this in operation until 1872, when the mill was destroyed by lire, and when afterward the Fairfield Woolen Mill Company was formed and the structure rebuilt he was appointed Su- perintendent. In this capacity, he served for two years and then returned to Jeffersonville. There he purchased the flouring mill that he had formerly owned, and again embarked in the milling business. In the summer of 1876, he first turned his attention to raising bees, lie started with two stands, and that season increased it to about thirty-live stands. In 1877, he removed his bees to Big Mound Town- ship, and settled on a farm of thirty acres in Section .".it of Town 2 south, Range 7 east. There he has extended his stock until he now controls upward of 1,000 stands. 600 of which he owns. lie has them at present divided up among five different points. The stock is mostly Italian bees, but he is at present adding Syrians and Cyprians toil The yield of honey for 1882 was upward of 18,000 pounds, which netted about $3,000. This yield of course de pends upon the season, in a dry one the yield not being anywhere near so great as in a wet one. The honey, which is mostly in the comb, is shipped to all the States, and this bee farm is fast becoming one ..| the leading industries of Wayne County. Mr. .Stanley was married in McNairy County. Tenn.. on March 29, 1849, to Lucinda Carter, a daughter of John and Sophia (Hill) Carter. Mrs. Stanley was born on January 8, 1832, and is the mother of seven children, three of whom are now living — James R., in the milling business at Jeffersonville ; Isaac H, in business with his father; and Thomas J., in the grocery business at Jeffer- sonville. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stanley are mem- bers of the Jeffersonville Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Stanley is a member of the Jef- fersonville Lodge of A. F. & A. M., and in pol- ities is a Democrat. A WINTER, farmer, P. 0. Boyleston, was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, on September 2, 1836, and is a son of O. W. and .Mary (Evans) Winter, the father was a native of Massachusetts, the mother of Vermont. Sub- ject was the sixth of nine children, of whom the following are now living, viz., Mrs. Harriet Blood, of Trumbull County, Ohio; Mrs. Ellen Berry, of Trumbull County, Ohio; Mrs. Eliza Chat man. of Trumbull County, Ohio; O. M. Winter, of Ilinton. Mich.; Mrs. Mary Sealy, of Trumbull County, Ohio, and Mrs. Sarah Cart- wright, of Hinton. Mich. Subject attended the schools of his native county, and afterward helped on the home farm most of the time un- til he was twenty-one. He was very fond of travel and spent upward of six years in the West. In 1865, he, however, determined to settle down in life, and came to Big Mound Township, Wayne County. He now owns aboul 100 acres situated in Sections 9, 10 and 15 of Township 2 south. Range 7 east, and - tions l audit, of Township 3 south, Range 7 east. U4 BIOGRAPHICAL: Of the whole, there are about 100 acres in culti- vation. Mr. Winter was married, in Trumbull County, Ohio, on December 18, 1862. to Louisa M. McLain, a daughter of James and Jane (McKillip) McLain, natives of Pennsylvania. Two children have blessed this union — H. B., born October 22, 1867, and 0. W., born Octo- ber 2, 1870. Mrs. Winter is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Democratic party receives Mr. Winter's support. JASPER TOWNSHIP. LARKIN P. BORAH, son of John C. and Pamelia (Price) Borah, was born on the place where he now lives, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 22, February 14, 1851, and married, May 22, 1879, Miss Emma M., daughter of Tilghman and Mar- tha (McKee) Grice, and to them was born, August 3, 1881, a daughter, Mary L. John C, a son of John and Sally (Wilson) Borah, was born June 10, 1820, in Jasper Township, where he spent his life, except the time spent in the service of his country in the war of the great rebellion. He married Miss Pa- melia. daughter of Larkin end Sally (Wassen) Price, to whom were born seven children, five of whom are living, viz. : Sarah J. Bing, our subject as above, Salina E. McLin. Esther M. Carter, Emma P. and Lulu M. A truly useful man, for many years an Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He died, greatly lamented, January 25, 1877. John, Sr., was an early pioneer settler in the coun- ty. Pamelia was born in Indiana September 14, 1S25. Our subject had good educational advantages, and has continued to improve his opportunities, keeping posted in all matters of common interest. Few. if any, are more successful as farmers than In 1 , and there is certainly a bright future before him. Being happily married, he is, as he ought to be, cheerful, and has much to live for. Subject is the owner of 210 acres of first-class farming land, 160 of which are in a good state of cultivation, producing as well as the very best in the county. A Republi- can in politics; leans toward the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and is an unqualified Prohibitionist. JOHN N. BOWLDS, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, is one of the most quiet, industrious and honest of the many worthy citizens of Jasper Township. He is the son of John and Jane (Fulkerson) Bowlds, and was born July 8, 1821, in Nelson County, Ky., where he remained till he was eighteen years of age, and then removed with his parents to Daviess County in the same State, where he resided until 1S61, when he came to Wayne County, 111., and settled on the southwest of northeast quarter of Section 14, in Jasper Township, his present home. John, son of James Bowlds, was born in St. Mary's County, Md., about 1785, and died in Nelson County, Ky., in 1813, and was buried at Bardstown. James was born in Maryland, and died near Fairfield, Ky., at the advanced age of one hundred and one years. The Fnlkersons were an old New Jersey family, and settled at a very early day seven miles northeast of Bardstown. With them Gen. Washington often stopped while in New Jersey during the Revolutionary war. Subject was mar- ried January 8, 1856, to Miss Winifred A. Bolds, in Daviess County, Ky., and to them lAM'ER TOWNSHIP. 95 were born eleven children, seven of -whom are living, viz., James J., born November 23, 1850 ; Bertha A., June 26, 1859 ; John M., March 16, 18G2 ; William F., May 10, 1867 ; Theresa S., October 28, 1870; Charles R., October 29, 1875, and Joseph P., April 10, 1881. Subject obtained a common school education in Kentucky during his boyhood, and has been a reading man ever since he reached his majority. He is, by occupation, a successful farmer, having 155 acres of very fertile land, about 100 of which are highly cultivated ; producing in abundance, by care- ful tillage, all the crops raised in this portion of Illinois. He also, in its season, success- fully runs a factory for the manufacture of sorghum molasses. Mr. Bowlds was reared in the faith of the Catholic Church, of which he has ever remained an intelligent and con- sistent member. He was formerly an Old- Line Whig, but is now identified with the Democratic party. ARTHUR BRADSHAW. Among the most intelligent and persevering of our school teachers in Wayne County is the gentleman whose name appears at tho head of this sketch, having been engaged in the business almost every year since lSf>8, and is likely to follow the same avocation for many years to come. He is the son of Greenup and Mary A. (Boze) Bradshaw. to whom were I «ru fourteen children, eleven of whom are now living, viz.: Sarah A. Black, born 1840; subject, 1841; William P., is 15, who served in the Fifty sixth Illinois Infantry, now an attorney at Edwardsville; .lames \\ ., ls46,of the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Illinois Regiment, now cashier of the Harrisburg, 111. bank; Harriet Blakely, 1848; Marcos, 1849, in California; Lida, 1851; Joseph. 1853; Mary F. Vernon, 1855; Greenup A., 1859; John B., 1800. Greenup, Sr., the of Thomas, came to Jasper with his parents in 1819; lived in W 7 ayne County until his death, which occurred in 1876, and was bur- ied in the Bradshaw Cemetery. He was a farmer, a lifelong Methodist, a patriot. He served in the Black Hawk war, and is well remembered as a man of sterling qualities and strict integrity. Mary Boze was born in 1819, in Tennessee, aud married in 1837. Subject's grandmother, Ann Bradshaw, was a daughter of Judge McGahey, of Kentucky, and her brother, Arthur, was a soldier in the war of 1S12. Subject entered Company D, Fortieth Illinois Infantry, as a private; was promoted to Lieutenant, and served four years, being engaged in all the battles of that famous regiment, including Shiloh, and accompanied the army in Sherman's " march to the sea." Subject attended McKendree College as a student after his discharge from the army, and has been a constant seeker after knowledge, adding continually to his extensive store of information. He is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church; is identified with Republican party, and is a Prohibitionist. BETSEY CREIGHTON, daughter of Rev. Jamesand Elizabeth (Owen) Crews, was born in Massillon Township. September 23, 1829, and married to Daniel J. Creigbton March 4, 1849. Scpii re William Crews officiat- ing. James, the son of Andrew, was born, April 23, 1798, in Cocke County, Tenn.; re- moved with his parents to Kentucky, and finally settle.) in what is now Massillon Town- ship, Wayne Co.. 111., in 1818. His chil- dren were Nathan, born September 23, 1825: Mary A., July 28, 1827; our subject as above; Martha. September 21, 1831; Ritter, August 9, 1833; Nancy, December 3, 1835; Andrew, December, 1837; Thurmuti's, March. 1840. Elizabeth, daogbterof Walter and Elizabeth (Martin) Owen, was born April 27, 1809, in Halifax County, Va., and 96 BIOGRAPHICAL: her maternal uncle, Joseph Martin, built the first mill in "Wayne County. Daniel was born in White County, 111., April 11, 1820, and settled on the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 26. Jasper Township, in 1856. He was the son of Thomas and Mary (Jajers) Creighton, son of John, who was born in Ireland. Mary was of Irish descent. Her brothers were James, Daniel and others. Daniel was a man of good English education, of more than ordi- nary intelligence; firm in his convictions of right; faithful in all the relations of life; a steadfast friend, an affectionate husband and father; his place is hard to fill in the com- munity. In religion, he was a stanch Meth- odist, serving as Class Leader for nearly thirty years. His death, which occurred, April 16, 1S72, was regretted as an irrepara- ble loss to his neighborhood. To Daniel and our subject were born Emma J., February 25, 1850 (deceased); Elizabeth O., January 3, 1857; Thomas, November 29, 1865. Subject has successfully carried on the farm since the death of her husband, having eighty acres of valuable land in a good state of cul- tivation, on which, by industry, she has been able to secure a competency for herself and children, giving them every advantage of education within her reach. ALEX. CREWS, son of Matthew aud Nancy (Blair) Crews, was born in Barren County, Ky., November 8, 1824, aud removed with his parents to Wayne County, 111., in 1829. Matthew, the first son of Andrew, was born in Halifax County, Va. , January 13, 1794. Our subject's educational advan- tages were such as the early subscription schools afforded, attending in winter for a few weeks, and laboring on the farm in sum- mer time, and until the crops were housed; but he has greatly improved his opportuni- ties, never ceasing to learn in his more mature years, keeping posted in the current literature of the day, not believing that a man's education is completed when he ceases to attend school. He is a farmer by profes- sion, raising such stock and produce as are profitable, being the owner of 270 acres of land, 200 of which are in a high state of cultivation, and has his home located in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25. Subject takes a lively interest in the public schools, always insisting on first- class teachers as educators of the rising gen- eration. He has held the offices of Treas- urei - , Trustee and Director for many years, and was the first Township Collector in Jas- per. Subject was married, March 19, 1850, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Leven Lane, and to them were born Mary E (Brown), April 3, 1853 (deceased); Elizabeth J., No- vember 18, 1854; Sarah J. (Gregory), Janu- ary 28, 1857; Arabella, February 18, 1859; Wilbur C, January 2, 1861; Margaret C, June 1:3, 1863; Matthew H, June 6, 1865; Rachel T.. April 28, 1867; Florence A, August 7, 1871; Richard H, April 26, 1S74. Margaret, wife of our subject, was born in Illinois December 22, 1829, and is an aunt of Gov. Henry C. Warmouth, of Louis- iana. Subject is a Methodist, a Republi- can and a Prohibitionist. MATTHEW H. CREWS, son of William and Matilda (Shaw) Crews, was burn March 8, 1838, on the southeast quarter of the north- west quarter of Section 35, in Jasper Town- ship. He attended the early schools of the neighborhood in winter, farming in the sum- mer time, until he arrived at man's estate. Subject was married, January 28, 1856, to Miss Sarah E., daughter of David P. and Agnes (Wilson) McLin, and to them were born ten children, six of whom are living — Matilda C. (Borah), October 2, 1857; David L. December. 1860; Geneva, 186S; Matthew JASPER TOWNSHIP 91 H . Jr.. 1870; Florence A., 1872. and Esther, ls,T> William, the son of Andrew, was horn in Tennessee about 1809; came with his parents to Wayne County, and settled in Bear Prairie in 1817, and removed to Mas si lion Township in IS IS. He served as a Justice of the Peace fir many years, ami died in December. 1876. His children are Mary E. (Liuthicum). Delila I. (McMacken), Sarah B. (Liuthicum). Louisa (Warmouth), sub ject, Caleb W.. Miriam F. (Gray), Matilda (' (Mills), Alice. Alma and William, Jr. Matilda Shaw was born in Kentucky, and died in Wayne County in 1854. Subject I as Orderly Sergeant in Company D, Eighty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and was in all the engagements of that justly celebrated regiment, remaining in the army till July I!. 1865, when he was honorably discharged. Since returning home, subject has been en gaged in farming, threshing grain, and the manufacture of hard lumber. Twice elected Supervisor of the County Court; be has also been Assessor, Collector. School Director, and an active officer in whatever position he has been called to serve. Subject is the owner of 130 acres of good farming land, of which sixty are in cultivation. His polit- ical affiliations are with the Democratic party, and in religious belief he is inclined toward the Cumberland Presbyterians. CALEB CREWS. Few men are more irly or quiet in all their bearing and relation to society than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, The son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Owen) Crews, he was born near where he now resides Noveru- l\ iv> s . He was married, November I 1866, to Miss Mary A., daughter of Will \ and Kli/a (Westi P.orali. and to them were born six children, four of whom are at pres- ent living, viz.. William, born June 28, 1807; Susana, August 'Jo. 1873; Frederick T., February 25, 1876; and Mary S., August 2, 1881. Matthew, the son of Andrew, was born in Halifax County, Va., January 13, 1794, died September 2, 1861, and was buried in the cemetery on his own place in Massillon Township. Subject, in his avoca- tion, is a farmer, owning 160 acres of very productive land, of which 125 acres are im- proved and in a good state of cultivation, yielding as well as the best, and is unsur- passed by any other in the community. When the war cry was raised, and his coun- try's flag was assailed by traitor hands, our subject was early to offer his services, and entered Company D, Eighty-seventh Illinois Infantry, where he remained till the last foe was driven from the field. After his dis- charge from the army, he returned home, re- suming the quiet walks of life, and is still pursuing his usual unassuming course. He has been called upon to fill various positions, such as Highway Commissioner, School Trustee and Director, and has always discharged his duties faithfully. That the rising generations might enjoy better ed- ucational advantages than those of the meager past, he has always taken a lively in- terest in the common district schools of the neighborhood. Our subject, in his religious relations and belief, is a Methodist, and in politics a Republican and Prohibitionist. CALEB W. CREWS. It is often the case that a worthy son perpetuates the char- acteristics of a worthy father, and especially is this the case with the subject before us. Caleb W . the son of William and Catherine (Shaw) Crews, was born in Jasper Town- ship February 20, 1811. where he grew up to manhood, and from which he entered Com- pany D, Eighty-seventh Regiment Illinois Infantry, in which he served till the end of the war, participating all the battles and hard- ships in which his comrades were engaged 98 BKNiHArHICAL: William, the sou of Andrew, was born about L809, and died in Jasper Township in 1876. Our subject attended the district schools of the county, and finally was a student in Sa- lem College, where he greatly improved his educational advantages. He was first mar- ried in 1861, to Miss Mary C. Porter, who lived with him eight years and died without children. Our subject was again married. December 26, 1871, to Miss Emma, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Thatcher) Owen, and to them were born Nora F., born Decem- ber 28, 1872; Delia, September 10, 1874; and Joseph A. David Owen lost his life in defense of his country in the war of the great rebellion. By profession, our subject is a farmer, possessing eighty acres of good land, and has his home on the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 27. He has been three times elected Justice of the Peace, once Assessor, and ten years School Direc- tor. In politics, he is a Republican, and is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. D. H. HOLMAN, son of Joseph and Rebecca (Given), was born in Butler County, K.y., September 4, 1857, and re- moved to Jasper Township, AYayne Co., 111., in 1868. Joseph, the son of Griffin and Cynthia (Carrol) Holman, was born in Wil- son County, Tenn., about 1832; was married to Rebecca J. Given in 1856. and died in Kentucky in 1859. Rebecca was again married to Edward W. Bobitt, in 1861, and to them were born Nancy A., Thomas M., Martha H, Finley G.. Frederick A.. Claudie G. and Lather R. Subject attended punctu- ally the district schools of the neighborhood, where he lived until twenty years of age. when he became a student in the High School, in Albion. Edwards County, and qualified himself for the profession of teach ing school, which he follows at the pn time. He also attends the Normal Schools in Fairfield. Subject is Supervisor of Jas- per Township, probably the youngest mem- ber ever elected to the county court. In p< !- itics. he is a Republican, and in religious belief a Cumberland Presbyterian. ANSLEY JOHNSON, son of Rev. Abra- ham and Clarinda (Eddie) Johnson, was born in Meigs County. Ohio. April it. 1826 and immigrated with his parents to Wayne County, 111., in 1S54, where he has remained to the present time. Abraham, son of Will- iam and Sarah (Harmon), was born in Washington County, Penn., in 1793, and died at Fairfield, 111., September 18. 1863. Clarinda was born in Vermont in 1795, and to her and Abraham were born Lavina (Woodworth), Amanda (Wolf), Ansley. our subject, Sarah L. (Bonhain). Bascomb E.. Harriet M. (Black). William E.. died a - dier, Eighty-seventh Illinois Volunteers, and M. Dustin. also died in Thirty-fourth Illi- nois Volunteers. William was born in Mary- land, and. with his parents, settled west of Alleghany Mountains in early childhood. To them were born Abraham. Jane (Bing), Thomas, Rebecca (Pilcher). Susan (Cabled. Mary (Miles), Nancy (Smart), Sarah (Wolf). Adeline (Ellis) and William, Jr. Our sub- ject was married in 1866 to Miss Martha E. Bing, who died June 15. 1869, and he again married. August 2. ISTl.Miss Serena, daughter of David and Nancy (Crews) Mun- roe, and to them have been born Mary L., August 27. 1S73: Emma ('.. November 25, 1^77: and Nellie A.. November 18. 1880. Our subject is a farmer by profession, pos- sessing 2nd acres of very fertile land. 13(1 of which are in a high state of cultivation, pro- ducing in abundance all the cereals, grasE and fruits common to Southern Illinois, and on southwest quarter of northwest quarter of Section 28 has one of the very best f. "*■ JASPER TOWNSHIP. 98 dwellings in the county: also a barn of great convenience and capacity. Great care and attention are devoted by Bubjecl t i the cul- tivation and improvement of this farm, and its soil responds with a hearty good will to the labor bestowed. Subject is a man of decided opinions, thinking for himself: keeps posted on current events, reads good books and the literature of the day: a friend of education, an advocate of law and mor- ality, and is a useful and active citizen. In politics, be is a Republican, and a Prohibitionist. JAMES MONROE, son of David and Nancy (Crews) Monroe, was born in Jasper Township .March 10, 1837, where he has had his home to the present time. Septem- ber 25, 1859, be was married to Miss Rachel L. . daughter of Tilghinan and Martha (Mc Kee) Grice, to whom was born, November 27, 186c. Rachel L. (Brock), whose mother died December 12. 1SC>0. Subject was again mar- ried, October S, 1873, to Miss Ellen Read. who died November 9, 1879. David, Sr., son of Johnson, was born June 15, 1795, in South Carolina, and died in Wayne County, 111.. May 1. 1ST"). He was a worthy citizen, hav ing the respect of all who knew him. Nancy, daughter of Andrew Crews, was born March 15. 1802, and died October 27. L878. To David and Nancy were bom Amelia l\. (Oil- lison), Maria (Fetters), Andrew J., our sub- jci I. a::d Serena (Johnson'). Subject entered Company D, Eighty- seventh Regiment Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry in 1SP>2, and re- mained a soldier in the same until the sup- pression of the rebellion in L865, Subject has always followed the business of farming (except the time he was in the army), owning L60 acre- of very valuable laud. L20 of which are improved and in a high state of cultiva- tion, his residence, the old family home- stead, being situated on southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 35. He is a friend of education, desiring the employment of none but well -qualified teachers in the pub lie schools. Subject, politically, is a Re- publican, a Prohibitionist, and a member of Methodist Episcopal Church. DAVID C. MONROE was born January 1. 1839, on the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Sect ion 35, where he has had his residence all his life. He was mar- ried, March 22. L861, to Margaret Duke, of Ohio, and to them have been born James H., born September 5, 1864; William M., Octo- ber30, L866; Jane A., December 2\ ISliS; Vida L., July 2, 1872; Maggie M., February 26, 1875; Minnie M.. September 27. L878; David A., August 3, 1881. Subject's parents were Rev. Johnson and Jane A. (McLenahan) Monroe; Johnson was born in Virginia in 1 790, lived in Kentucky, where he established the first Methodist society at the Mammoth Cave. He was a cousin of Pre.-ident Mon- roe. Jane A. McL. was bom in Virginia. Our subject has one brother, James, of Ar- lington Township, and sisters Martha (Owen), Elizabeth (Baker), Emily (Cisne) and Sarah (Farmer). Subject was left an orphan in infancy to struggle with the world, but has im- proved his educational advantages to the best of his ability, securing a good business educa- tion, and has become somewhat prominent m the eo ninity where he lives. He has been Supervisor of his township. Trustee and School Director for many years He served his country as a soldier in Company B. Fifty- third Illinois Infantry, in the war of the great rebellion. Subject i^ a successful fanner, having 130 acres of choice land, ninety of which are improved and well culti- vated, producing everj variety of crops raised in this section of the State. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Cnurch, a J Prohibitionist. 100 BIOGRAPHICAL: REV. WILLIAM M. OWEN, farmer and local minister, P. O. Fairtield. The subject of this sketch is one of our most whole- souled and best citizens. He was born No- vember 22, 1827, in Barren County, Ky., near the Mammoth Cave. His father, James Owen, was a farmer, and a native of Vir- ginia. He lived many years, in Kentucky; l^-'i", he emigrated to Wayne County, 111., where he farmed, and died in 1877. His father, John Owen (the grandfather of our subject), was also a farmer, and a soldier in the war of the Revolution. Our subject's grandfather was David Owen. The Owen family originated in Scotland; from there they moved to England, and finally came to America. The mother of our subject was Susannah (Monroe) Owen, a native of South Carolina. She died here, aged eighty-one years. She was the mother of ten children, viz.: Johnson M. , John, Elizabeth, James L., Jefferson, David, Amelia, Nancy, Will- iam M. (our subject) and Obediah H. All the children, except the subject of this sketch, are now dead. His four brothers died while fighting in the army for the defense of this grand republic, and it is no wonder that William M. Owen is such a warm supporter of the Republican party. The names of the fallen ■ heroes are Johnson M., James L., Obediah H. and David. The latter was burned on the "General Lyon" while on his way hojne, after serving three years. Mr. Owen was mostly educated in Wayne County, to which he came when ten years old with his parents. He farmed in early life, but after he was married he studied for the ministry, and was ordained as a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was connected with the conference about twelve years, and is now a local minister. He has 280 acres of land in Jasper Township. Our subject was married, July 23, 1850, in this county, to Miss Nancy C. Owen, born Janu- ary 22, 1832, in Wayne County, 111., daugh- ter of E. C. Owen, a native of Halifax Coun- ty, Va. , and Charity (White) Owen, a native of Kentucky Six children have blessed this union, viz.: Abigail Schell, Edwin M. (de- ceased), Loretta V., William L., Charles F. and Nancy M. Mr. and Mrs. Owen and all their children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which he supports liber- ally. Mr. Owen has been Township Assessor for two terms; he has also filled school offices. His life is worthy of imitation. ZADOC C. ROBERTS, son of Dr. Na- than E. and Mary (Bovee) Roberts, was born August 13, 1832, in Jasper Township, and has been a resident of Wayne County all his life. Nathan E., son of Archibald, was born in Kentucky in 180S, and removed with his parents to Shawneetown, 111., about 1810; then to the southern part of Wayne County in 1S17, and married Miss Mary, daughter of John and Phebe (Gardner) Bovee, March 1, 1827, to whom were born Hester A. (Gould), March 3, 1829; Phebe J. (Harper), November 16, 1S30; our subject, as above; John W., June 25, 1834; Archi- bald H, June 29, 1836; Sarah, May 30, 1838; Dr. EbenezerB., June 6. 1840; Man E., July 31, 1846; Nathan E., April 26, 1819; Daniel F., August 12, 1851. Mary was born October 4, 1809, in Hanover, Chau- tauqua Co., N. Y. John Bovee, her father, a soldier in the war of 1812, was the son of Nicholas, and he, the son of Jacob, whose ancestors were Hollanders. John's brothers were Nicholas, Michael and Matthias. Mary's brothers, John, Aaron, Wesley and Nelson. Her sisters, Sally (McMackin), Hannah (Gaston), Phebe (Burch and Ellis). Archibald, the son of Cornelius (who was killed by the Indians), was born in Virginia, became a very talented local Methodist JASPER TOWNSHIP. 101 preacher, and is supposed to have been the first minister to preach a sermon in Wayne County. His sons were Dr. Nathan E., a soldier in the Black Hawk war; William. Archibald R. and Charles. Daughters, Laurana (Douglas). (Andrews), (Eperson); Elizabeth (Kaniepp), Martha (Huey). Our subject was married. November 22. 1S53, to Miss Nancy E., daughter of William and Temperance (Owen) White, and to them were born Harriett N. (Wilson), September 4, L854: Mary E. (Lane), February 1, 1857; Temperance E. (Brown), August 8, 1859; Charity J., January 0, 1862; Clara C, June 7. 1864; Edith E., September 17, 1866; Sarah E., April 17, 1869; Edwin E., Decem- ber 24, 1871; Zadoc C, May lit, 1875, de- ceased; Archy W., September 28, 1877; Ma- ble E.. January 19,1880. Subject's wife, Nancy E., was born in Jasper Township September 13, 1830. William, son of Joho and Catherine (Simons) White, was born in Todd County. Ky., October 14. 1812, and came with liia parents to Wayne Count} - in an early day; served in the Black Hawk war, and was also a soldier in the Fifty-sixth Illi- nois, in the late war. John, his father, was born in 1785, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. Our subject, a volunteer in Company D, Eighty-seventh Illinois Infantry, was at the battles of Vicksburg, Pleasant Hill, Wil- son's Hill. Sabine Cross Roads, and numer- ous skirmishes. He is a farmer by profes- sion, owning 240 acres of valuable land. 1 in of which are in a good state of cultiva- tion, having his residence in northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Sec- tion 27. Subject has been a Justice of the Peace, Township Collector, and School Director, attending promptly to all duties imposed upon him. In religion, a Methodist, in politics, a Republican; a Prohibitionist as to the liquor traffic, and makes no apologies for the part he took in the war of the great rebellion. The mother of subject died sud- denly the day after the above facts were ob- tained. WILLIAM R. STANER, Jasper, son of Jacob and Rachel (Foster) Staner, was born in Williams County, Ohio, February 16, 1848, and removed with his parents to Steu- ben County, Ind., when three years old; then to Marshall County in the same State, where he remained until he came to Wayne County, 111., in 1877. Jacob was born in Switzerland about 1 798, and came to the United States in 1800 with his parents, and settled in York County, Penn. , where he grew to manhood, when he entered the army as a soldier during the war of 1812, and died in 1870. Rachel Foster, the daughter of a sea captain, was born in New Jersey. To Jacob and her were born John, Mary, Sarah (Wolfgang), Harvey, Jackson, William (deceased), Susan (Boggs), Crawford, Thomas, William R. and Joshua. Subject attended the common schools in In- diana, where he obtained a good business education, and is a constant reader of books and the newspapers of the day r . In his avo- cation as a farmer he is very successful, and is the owner of 120 acres of very fertile land, of which seventy-five acres are rendered highly productive, demonstrating beyond question that pluck, perseverance and indus- try will work wonders, when judiciously ap- plied to the soil of his adopted county and State. Subject, in his political affiliations, has ever been identified with the Democratic party, and in his religious belief inclines toward the Methodists. WILLIAM WHITE, Jasper, son of John and Catherine (Simons) White, was born in Logan County, Ky., October 12, 1812, and removed with his parents, in 1824, to Wayne County, 111., where he has resided to the present time. John was born in Virginia in 102 BIOUILS [ICAL: L785) was a ranger in the war of 1812 die in I860, and was buried at the Buckeyt tery. He was the son of Capt. John rt of the Revolutionary war. Three erine's brothers were in the battle w Orleans, with Gren. Andrew Jackson two of whom received honorable wounds. Subject was tirst married, December 13, 1834, to Temperance, daughter of Richard and Nan- cy (Martin) Owen, and to them were born Nancy E. (Roberts), Epaphroditus (an hon- ored Captain in the Fifty-sixth Illinois In fantry, who died at Vicksburg), William D. (of the Eighty-seventh Illinois Regiment in the late war). Subject was again married, February 26, 1859, to Mrs. J. Maria Russell, to whom was born Julius E., January 31, 1860. Mrs. White is also the mother of N. H. Russell, of Colorado. She is the daugh- ter of Julius C. and Catherine (Carrol) Hart; was born near Canton, Ohio, March 9, 1827, and came to Illinois in 1855, where she has taught school many years (having taught thirty-six years in all), being one of the most thorough and efficient teachers, as very many can attest, that the county has ever known. At a time when all passing from the States to the army in the held was prohibited, by her indomitable courage and perseverance she passed through the lines, arriving at Vicksburg in time to nurse her sick husband and step-son into life again. Her father, an old teacher, was born in Palmyra, N. Y., in 1779. died July 29, 1855, and was buried in Bnckeye Cemetery. Silas, his father, was born in Connecticut. Catherine Carrol's father, a soldier of the war of 1812, was from Pennsylvania, and died at Sandusky, Ohio. Our subject served his country first in the Black Hawk war in 1832, and was also a member of the Fifty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the late war. He is a farmer, a Methodist, a Republican and Pro- hibitionist. INDIAN PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. N. N. BLAKE, farmer. P. O. Johnsonville, was born in Vermont January 27, 1832, to Samuel and Maria (Wood) Blake, natives of Vermont. The Blake family from which our subject sprang came from England in 1756, and settled in Salem, Mass. One branch of the family moved to New Hampshire, and Sam- uel Blake, our subject's grandfather, moved to Vermont from New Hampshire. Jasper Blake, the original in the country, was a Colonel in the army during the Revolution- ary war. Our subject's ancestry on his mother's side were of Scotch descent. Set- tling first in Massachusetts, but afterward in Vermont, and his grandfather Wood was a "minuteman" in the war of 1812, ana was at the battle of Lake Champlain. In 1834, Samuel Blake and family moved from Ver- mont to Licking County. Ohio, and it was there he and wife died. They were the parents of eleven children, seven of whom yet survive. Our subject was reared and edu- cated in Ohio, first in the common schools, then he attended Denison University, at Gran ville, Ohio, also Oberlin College, of Oberlin, Ohio; but. on account of ill health, did not complete the full course. For a number of years, he made teaching his profession — teaching in Ohio, Iowa and Illinois. April 5, 1860, ho was married, in Ohio, to Miss INDIAN' PHAI1UK TOWXSIIIP 108 Mary P. Gardner, a native of Pennsylvania, and daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Gard- ner, who came to Wayne County, 111., in I 367, and died here. Mr. and Mrs. Blake have ■hildren. nine of whom are living, viz., Lulu T , Frank (deceased), Millie M., Nel- lie B., Orlando J., Pearl F., Bert, Stella, Clyde D. and Guy. May ">, 1864, he entered the service of his country in Company H, One Hundred and Thirty sixth Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, and served till August 30, 1864. He was detailed as carpenter, and was engaged in the building of Fort Ells- worth, Va., and while in the service contracted disease, which has affected his health since. 1\ November, L867, he moved to Wayne County, 111., and settled on his present farm of 120 acres. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics. 1 •is Republican. W. M. CHURCH, saw and grist mill and carding machine proprietor, P. O. Johnson- ville, was born in Meigs County, Ohio, January 13, 1841, to Samuel and Lydia (Murry) Church. The father was born in L798, and is still a resident of Meigs County, Ohio, where the mother died. His occupa- tion has been that of millwright, but he has now retired at an advanced age. Our subject remained at the old home till 1859, when he came to this county, and engaged in the mill business here, having brought a portable mill with him. He only remained in the mill till the breaking-out of the war, when he enlisted May 28, 1861, in Company G, Eighteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered in by Gen. Grant. This was the first regiment mustered for three years in Illinois. During this term of service, he was in several of the severest engagements — Fort Douelson. Corinth, Shiloh, etc. , and finally to Little Rock. He served through the time of his enlistment, and after being mustered out went back to his old home in Ohio, whore he assisted in raising a company, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Company B, One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In this company he served nearly a year, when the war close'd, he then being First Lieutenant of the com- pany. During this second term of service, the regiment had followed in the rear of Sherman, repairiug, etc. After the close of the war, Mr. Church returned to this county, where, on September 9, 186(3, he was married to Miss E. J. Penningtou, daughter of • I esse Pennington, an old resident of this county. Ten children have been the result of this union, only four of whom yet survive, viz., Etta R., Lillie E., Daisie W. and Elmer M. Most of the time during Mr. Church's residence in this county, he has been en- gaged in the milling business, and at present gives his attention to the saw and grist mill and carding machine at Johnsonville, he be- ing a partner in the same. He is a member of I. N. Haynie Post, G. A. R., also A., F & A. M. Lodge of Johnsonville, and of the R. A. Chapter of Flora. In politics, ho is a Republican. L. P. COOK, farmer, P. O. Rinard, was born in Kentucky May 14, 1824, to Joseph and Par melia (Morse) Cook. The father was a native of Virginia, the mother of the Carolinas. In L840, they moved to Clay County, 111., and settled on what is now the county farm. In L845, thej moved to Wayne County, near the Clay County line, where they died. They were the parents of twelve children; two died in infancy, but the remainder were brought to Illinois. Only four of the num- ber are now living, viz., our subject, Susan M. McDauiel, Elizabeth W. Long and Ellen Sly. Mr. Joseph Cook for many years was a local minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject remained at hoine till 104 BICXiliAI'IIlC Al.: his marriage to Miss Louisa Price, April 3, 1851. She was born in Indiana, to Gillison and Polly Price. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have seven children, viz., Mary E., wife of John Gray; Joseph F. ; Samantha, wife of W. Gray; William G., Louis R., Parmelia A. aud L. James. Soon after marriage, Mr. Cook settled on his present farm, and 150 acres of which he entered from the Govern- ment. Mr. Cook has been an energetic, suc- cessful farmer, and now owns over 600 acres of land. He has seen the development of the county to what it now is. Part of the time, since he was married, they have raised their own cotton and flax and made their clothing from the raw material. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church, and he has been since he was sixteen years of age. In politics, he is Republican, and has been since the party started. He has held the office of Township Supervisor. F. M. GALBRAITH, farmer, P. O. John- sonville, was born in Marion County, 111., May 5, 1840, to Green B. and Nancy (Mc- Gee) Galbraith. They were both natives of Tennessee, but came to Marion County before marriage, and were residents of Marion County till about 18-46, when they came to Wayne County, she having died in Marion County about 1844. She was the mother of four daughters and one son. Two of the daughters and the son yet survive, viz., El- vira A., widow of J. C. Maxey; Mahulda J., widow of William Ellis; and our subject. The father was afterward married to his sec- ond wife, by whom he had children also. Our subject has resided in this county since coming with his father in 1846. He was ed- ucated in the schools of the county, and till he was about sixteen years of age his life had been spent on the farm. When at that age, his father engaged in the mercantile bus- iness, and our subject then assisted in the store. January 6, 1859, he was married in this county to Miss Mahulda Irwin, who was born in this counby, and daughter of William and Jane (Ellis) Irwin, both residents of this county at present. Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith have six children living, viz.: Frankie B., Jennie L., Edith L., Henry M., Joseph B. and Matthew M.- September 15, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Capt. A. T. Galbraith, Col. I. N. Haynie. He served till August 29, 1865, when the company was mustered out. He had served through all the offices of the company, and at the time of discharge was Captain of the company. He passed through the engagements of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg. Jackson, Miss., Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, the Atlanta cam- paign, the march to the sea, and was at the grand review at Washington. After return- ing from the service, he engaged for one year in the mercantile business at Johnson- ville, and in 1866 engaged in milling, hav- a grist and saw mill and carding machine. He continued in the milling business till 1883, when he sold out, and is now engaged on his farm, which contains 115 acres, most of which are in cultivation. In politics, he is a stanch Republican. He is a member of I. N. Haynie Post, No. 333, G. A. R., of John- sonville, also of the A., F. & A. M. of the same place, Lodge No. 713; also to Royal Arch Chapter of Fairfield. 111., and has repre- sented his lodge in the Grand Lodge of the State. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. DR. WILLIAM M. JOHNSON, physician, Johnsonville. was born in Gallatin County, Tenn.. June 29, 1829, and is the son of W. B. and Matilda (Ormand) Johnson, both na- tives of North Carolina, but had become res- idents of Tennessee previous to marriage. In 1831, they emigrated to Jefferson County, INDIAN' PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 105 111., and it was there both died about 1860. They were the parents of seven children, sis of whom yet survive. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, and received his common school education in the schools of Jefferson County. After having mastered the common branches, he began teaching school, and continued teaching winters and farming during the summer till 1854, when he commenced the study of medicine under the instructions of Dr. J. Fmst, of Jefferson County. He remained with Dr. Frost for one year, and then attended two courses of lectures at the American Medical College, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and has since followed the allopathic school of practice. During his first vacation from medical school, he began practicing medicine in Jefferson County, and after completing his course continued prac- tice at the same location till 1861, when he came to Johnsonville, and where he has ever since had a large practice, at one time having as high as '200 patients under his care, and has booked as high as SI, 800 in one month's practice. The Doctor's practice has been very general, and has extended over a broad scope of territory, and in his profession he has ever been very successful. March 26, 1857, he was married in Wayno County to Miss Mary A. Galbraith, daughter of Wiley and Elizabeth (Harney) Galbraith. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson have eight children — Theodore A., Laura L., Halleck, James J., Idella F., Charles E., Lillie B. and Katie O. The Doctor is a member of Blue Lodge, A. F. & A. M. , of Johnsonville, and has represented it in the Grand Lodge of the State. He is also a member of the Flora Chapter and the Commandery at Olney, and of the Mt. Ver non Lodge, I. O. O. F. He is a member of the Wayne County Medical Society, and was its first President ; also a member of the Centennial Medical Society of Southern Illinois, and of the State Medical Society, lb' and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In political matters, he is associated with the Republican party. MOSES JONES, fruit grower, P. O. John. sonville, was born in Letart Falls, Mason Co., W. Va., January 26, 1S1U, a son of Henry Jones, a native of Vermont. Mr. Jones was married, in Virginia, February 28, 1841, to Miss Amelia A., daughter of Dr. Shaug, a na- tive of Virginia; she was born in Meigs Coun- ty, Ohio, May 29, 1824. This union has been blessed with the following-named children: Junius N., deceased; Leonidas, deceased; Alice K., wife of J. A. Wagner, of Johnson- ville; Thomas H. ; Frances M., deceased, and Charles S. Mr. Jones also reared Mrs. Abbie (Dyke) Barney, wife of Fletcher N. Barney, of Englewood, 111. Her parents had died soon after coming to the United States from England. Mr. Jones' eldest son, Junius N. , was in the service during the civil war for over three years, and during the time lay eighteen months in Southern prisons. In 1880, he was lost north of North Platte River, Neb. Supposed to have been killed by the Indians. Junius N. was married to Miss Ab- bie Penn. of Shelby County, 111., by whom he had two children, viz. : Frances A. and Homer. Thomas H, who now has taken charge oi the orchard for Mr. Jones, was ed- ucated in Mt. Union College, Ohio, and after- ward in McKendree College, Lebanon, 111., from which he graduated in class of 1880, and in 1883 received the degreo of M. A. For some years he was a successful teacher. In 1881, he was Associate Princi- pal cif the Wayne County Normal, with Prof. West. In 1882-83, was Principal of the Odin Schools. August 8, 1882, he was mar- ried to Miss Laura J. Johnson, daughter of Dr. William Johnson, of Johnsonville. One child was the result of this union, viz., Shel- 100 BIOGRAPHICAL: by. He, wife, mother and brother are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Moses Jones is a member of the A., F. & A. M. He and sons are members of the Republican party. Mr. Jones moved from Virginia to Middleport, Ohio, in 1848, and was there engaged in milling, mercantile business, and also as a Captain of a packet on the Ohio River. In 1863, he removed to Illinois, and bought his present farm of Samuel Halliday, father of the Halliday Brothers, of Cairo. Mr. Jones first began farming, but afterward turned his attention to the nursery business, and then to fruit, having at one time 2,000 peach treeB', but on account of frequent failures he gave up peaches and began the cultivation of apples very extensively, and now has an orchard of 2,300 apple trees coming into bearing, the yield in 1883 being about 5,000 bushels, and this will be very largely increased as the trees grow in size; and they are also making extensive additions to the orchard. He and his son have experimented on about sixty-five varieties of apples, and of those about three varieties of winter fruit receive their atten- tion, viz.: Ben Davis, Rome Beauty and Winesap. Mr. Jones has done much to de- velop the fruit industry in this county, and has been very successful in his enterprise. WARREN A. KARR, farmer, P. O. Johnsonville, was born in Meigs County, Ohio, April 30, 1838, to Alexander and Martha (Jones) Karr; she was the daughter of Phillip Jones, the originator of Mid- dleport, Ohio. Tbe Karr family are of Scotch origin, and, as tradition hands it down, the original ancestor married an Irishwoman, and came to America pre- vious to 1776. They were the parents of seven sods, all of whom took part in the Revolutionary war, and were afterward front- iersmen in Ohio and Kentucky, and many by the name were killed by the Indians. Karr's Run, in Ohio, was named in honor of the family. At the age of two years, our subject was left an orphan through the death of his father; his mother afterward was married to the Rev. J. W. Bradley, a minister in the Christian Church; she was the mother of nine children, six by her first husband and three by the second, only five of the fam- ily now living. Our subject was reared on a farm in Ohio, and educated in the common schools, and attended the first free school in the State. April 12, 1860, he was married, in Wayne County, III. , to Miss Sarah J. Ir- win, a daughter of William Irwin, who has been a farmer in this county for about fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. Karr have three chil- dren — Mattie, William A. and Cora. In August, 1862, he entered the army in Com- pany C, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Capt. T. O. Pierce, and served till being mustered out June 17, 1865. He was in the engagements of Resaca, Dal- las, Kenesaw Mountain, siege of Atlanta, Sherman's march to the sea, charge of Fort McAllister, etc., etc. After returning from the army, he followed farming for three years, and then engaged in railroading for six years, being car inspector and repairer on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, operating in Tennessee and Kentucky. Since that time he has been engaged in farming; he now owns 130 acres of land, most of which are in cultivation. He is a member of Xenia Lodge, I. O. O. F. He and family are mem- bers of Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics he is Republican. JESSE PENNINGTON, farmer, P. O. Johsonville, was born in Monroe County, Ky., March 18, 1823, to Jesse and Elizabeth (Penley) Pennington, natives of South Caro- lina. From Kentucky they emigrated to White County. 111., in 1827, where they INDIAN' PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 107 died. In spring of 1S47, our subject came to Wayne County, 111., and for a few years followed farming; he then engaged in saw- milling, and followed that occupation for about twenty-two years. Iu INTO, came to | his present farm, and has made the improve- ments on the same. November -'■'>, IS43, he was married, in. White County, 111., to Eliz- abeth Widdows, a native of this State, her parents having come from Kentucky at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Pennington reared six children to maturity, two sons and four daughters — John W. . who died in 1S63, while a soldier in the Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; Emma J., Nancy E. (de- ceased), Matilda E., Jesse R. and Mary A. He is a member of Johnsonville Lodtje, A., F. & A. M. He and wife are members of Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is Republican, and has held various of- is in the township. JAMES H. WEAVER, farmer, P. O. •Johnsonville, was born in Monroe County, Ohio, April 14, 1843, to George and Elizabeth (Gauntz) Weaver. The father was a native of Virginia, born May 8, 1798, but the mother was born in Pennsylvania, of Dutch origin. May 28, 1806. His occupation was mostly that of farming, but by trade was a cabinet-maker. In 1856, they came to Wayne County, 111., and made their home here till time of death. His death occurred October 6, 1879, and hers May 24, 1880. They were the parents of nine children, seven of whom yet survive. Our subject is the youngest of the family, and was brought to this county when about thirteen years of age, and has since made Wayne County his home. His occupation has been that of farm- ing, and in this, his chosen business, he has been very successful, as his farm contains 310 acres of land, most of which are iu a good state of cultivation, and improved with good farm buildings, etc. He is also engaged iu the raising of fruit. February 21, 1S67, he was married, in this county, to Miss Hannah A. Lennell, who was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, daughter of John W. and Martha (Painter) Lennell. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver have two children living, and two dead —Ida Belle, Charles K. ideceased), Lou Ella, and Raleigh T. (deceased). He is a mem- ber of Lodge No. 713, A., F. & A. M , of Johnsonville, aud Xeuia Lodge of I. O. O. F. He votes the Republican ticket. COL. T. L. B. WEEMS, farmer, P. O. Johnsonville, was born in Marion County, 111., September 13, 1836, to Lewis and Mary (Mabry) Weems, both of whom were natives of Tennessee, but their families having come from Maryland and Virginia, and of Scotch- Irish origin. About 1828, the parents of our subject came to Illinois and settled iu Marion County, where his mother died about 1840, and then his father moved to Wayne County and died in 1844, having beenmarriod twice. By the first wife, the mother of our subject, one son and one daughter were born, and by the second marriage one son. Col. Weems is now the only surviving member of the fam- ily. Since he was about four years of age, he has resided in this county, and has made farming his principal occupation. Septem- ber 15, 1861, he enlisted in Company I, Forty eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as private. He served four years, lacking a few days, and during that time was promoted suc- cessively till, at the close of war, he was Colonel of the Forty-eighth Illinois, having received five commissions, the first being immediately after the battle of Shiloh, and the commission states that it was for merito- rious conduct. July 28, 1864, he was wounded while at Atlanta, Ga. , and from the shot, which was in the leg, he was unable to walk for six months. He received another BIOGRAPHICAL: gunshot wound, in the face, at Duck Branch, S. C. February, 1865. In all, the Colonel was in twenty-seven battles, besides numer- ous skirmishes, and was with Sherman on the march to the sea; also at the grand review at Washington. Since returning from the serv- ice, he has been on his present farm, where he is engaged in raising of fruit, grass and general farming. July 9, 1S65, he was mar- ried in this county to Miss Lura Bradley, who was born in Meigs County, Ohio, and is the daughter of Rev. John W. Bradley, who, for thirtyjyears. was a minister of the Christian Church. He died February 13, 1877. Col. and Mrs. Weems have tliree children living and one dead. viz.. Harry L., George M.. Bertha May. and Lewis, deceased. The Colonel is member of I. N. Haynie Post, No. 333, G. A. R.. of Johnsonville. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a stanch Republi- can, and has held various township offices. LEECH TOWNSHIP. W. P. CRAVENS, farmer, P. O. Burnt Prairie, was born January 29. 1847, in White County, 111., son of T. B. Cravens, a native of Kentucky, and a farmer by occupation. He came to White County in an early day, and is yet living in Liberty. His father was Elijah Cravens. The mother of our subject was Jane (Rhodes) Cravens, a native of K ntncky. She is yet living, and is the mother of eleven children. Our subject went to school in White County. In 1871, he went to Osage Mission, Kan. , near which place he was joined in matrimony to Sue Paffenbarger, a native of Ohio, born in 1848. She is a daughter of George W. Paffenbar- ger, a native of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Cra- vens is the mother of four children now liv- ing, viz. : Leota, Minnie. Will B. and Cloyd W. Mr. and Mrs. Cravens are religiously connected with the M. E. Church. He has a farm of eighty acres, which he keeps in a high state of cultivation. He has been Township Collector for two terms, and Town- ship Assessor one term. The A. , F. A; A. M and also the A. O. TJ. W. fraternities claim him as one of their active members. Mr. Cravens may be classed among the most in- telligent citizens of Leech Township. JOHN J. FUNKHOUSER, farmer. P. O. Burnt Prairie, was born in this township on November 5, 1 S4*2. and is a son of Preston L. and Mary (Stewart) Funkhouser. The grandfather of our subject was John Funk- houser, who was a native of Kentucky, but was of Old Virginia stock, and was related to the family of Gen. Lee. He married Eliza- beth Newman, also a native of that State, and then (JSI61 came to Wayne County. He brought with him sixteen negro slaves, which he afterward freed, upon the admis- sion of Illinois into the Union as a State.* He lived in this county for upward of twen- ty-five years, and then went to Effingham County, where both he and his wife died at a good old age. The father of our subject was born near Bowling Green, Ky. . on Octo- ber 6, 1815, and was not quite a year old when his father moved to this county. He attended the old subscription schools, and in early life gave his attention to farming. starting with twenty acres. He soon amassed a verv large bodv of land, and at the time of LEECH TOWNSHIP. 109 his death owned about 1,400 acres. He also bought corn and hogs for the New Orleans market, and would ship his produce by flat- boat to destination. He would supervise the matter himself, and often made the journey himself. He. assisted by Thomas McKnight and M. M. Wheeler, made the first flat-boat that ever deseendel the Wabash from this part of the country. He would make from three to four trips a year, and made it quite profitable. In 1^4", he commenced to sell goods at Burnt Prairie, and followed the mercantile business until 1S»33. when his store was burned by outlaws from Kentucky. While in business in this county, he sold more goods than any other man in it In every way he was in his day one of the fore- most men of the county. Among other things worthy of note concerning him was the fact that he built the first brick house in the county in 1830. Starting from but a very small farm, he was at one time said to be the largest land-owner in the county. He was a member of the Republican party, but was no office seeker or holder. He was. however, deeply esteemed by his fellow-citi- zens, and his demise was deeply mourned by them. He breathed his last at his home in Burnt Prairie on May 22, 1STT. and was at the time of his death a member of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church. The mother of our subject was born in Scotland in 1S16. and was a daughter of Alexander and Mary i Steward) Stewart, also natives of Scotland. She is yet living in Burnt Prairie, and is the mother of four living children, viz. : John J. (our subject i, Adeline Hughey, Ales. M. la lawyer iu St. Louis), and Alice G. Roy. The common schools of this county furnished our subject his means of education, and his whole life here has been devoted to the till- ing of the soil, and at present owns 540 acres of land. Mr. Funkhouser was married in Knoxville, Tenn., to Hattie McCraughey. This lady died in IS'jJ. and he was after- ward ruarrie 1 to Miss Ella R. Skeavington. a daughter of Joseph and Eliza i Walker I Skeavington. natives of Edwards County. 111., but of English descent. This lady was born in ISo'J., and is the mother of five chil- dren, viz.: Hattie A. Bertha, Mary E.. ■ jn L. and Lucy. On Augus: our subject enlisted in Company A. of the Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Capt. E. P. Turner. Enlisting as private, after three month-' to Adjutant of the regiment, and at the end of sis months was elected Captain. In June, . the regiment was mounted, and he served up until January. 1S»35. when he was hurt by his horse falling on him, and he was honorably discharged. Among the battles in which he participated were those of Stone River, Chickamau_'i. Mission Ridge and At- lanta campaign, besides many smaller skir- mishes. Both Mr. and Mrs. F. are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is a member of Burnt Prairie Lodge. N 18, A.. F. A: A. M. He is at present serv- ing as Township Supervisor. In politics, he i- a Democrat. MRS. ELIZABETH HARRIS. Burnt Prairie, was born August 16, 1822, in Breck- inridge County. Ky. She is a daughter of Samuel Shrewsbury, a native of Virginia. He came to Wayne County. 111.. January 14. 1M1. and, after raising one crop, mov White County, where he died. His father, Dabney Shrewsbury was born and di Virginia. The mother of our subject, Polly t Kurrens i Shrewsbury, was a native of North Carolina. She died in Wayne County, leav- ing four children — Elizabeth lour sub. Minerva Palmer. Sfarj Meeks and Nat. 3 Harlan. Our subject was reared iu tacky. She came to Illinois with her par- 110 BIOGRAPHICAL: ents, and was married December 15, 1842, in White County, to Mr. Lemuel Hatch Harris, youngest child of Isaac Harris, one of Wayne County's oldest and most worthy pioneers, who came here in 1814. He first settled in the southern part of Illinois in 1S12, but when the war broke out that year, and to the dangers of wild beasts who inhabited the dark forest was added the greater danger from the still wilder men of the woods, the prowling, treacherous Indian, Mr. Isaac Har- ris deemed it beBt to move back to Kentucky, from where he entered the army as a volun- teer, and participated in many thrilling scenes and famous battles, in what is known in history as the war of 1812. With the return of peace came the longing for pioneer life for which nature had so well endowed him. and having heard of the fertile region on the Wabash, he removed his family to what was afterward called Wayne County. Here he reared his family, and finally passed away to that better land from whose bourn no traveler returns. His son, L. H. Harris, who married our subject, was a farmer by occupation, owning at his death 360 acres of land. He is the father of thirteen children, of whom ten are now living — Mary J. Mur- phy. James L. , Rosan, Indiana S., Lucy P., Wilson B., Sarah I., Emeline D. Simpson, Martha Ida. Eliza E. Mr. Harris died in this county. His memory is cherished by all who came in contact with him. The whole family are members of the Missionary Bap- tist Church. NATHAN MERITT, farmer. P. O. Burnt Prairie, was born November 6, 1819, in An- derson County, S. C. He is a son of Alfred Mcritt. a native of Granville County, N. C, horn August 7, 1790. He died in 1868 in this county. He participated in the war of 1812, being stationed almost three years at the mouth of the Savannah River. He farmed twenty-three years in Tennessee, and followed that vocation in this county, to which he came in 1842 to claim his land claim for serving as a soldier. His father, Steven Meritt, was of Welsh descent, a native of Virginia and a soldier in the Revolutionary war, fighting mostly under Gen. Greene in South Carolina. He was wounded in the battle at Cowpens, but never would draw a pension. He died in West Tennessee. His wife's name was Winnie Rose, born in Gran- ville County, N. C, of Irish descent. The mother of our subject was Susan How- ard, born May 12, 1799, in South Caro- lina. She died here in 1847. She was a daughter of Jonathan and Anna (Gibbs) Howard, natives of North Carolina. She was the mother of nine children. Our sub- ject went to the old-fashioned subscription schools, which were so common in Tennessee, and who were well known, even to the pio- neers of Wayne County. After living twen- ty years in Tennessee, Mr. Meritt emigrated j to Illinois in 1840. and on November 18, the < following year, was married to Mrs. Ferriba McLin, born February 12, 1815, in Union County, Ky. She is yet living, the mother of seven children, of whom four are now liv- ing, viz.: William. Winfield. Winston, and Savannah, wife of Alex D. Stewart. Mrs Ferriba Meritt was a daughter of Ephraim Meritt, one of Wayne County's oldest and well-known pioneers, who came here August 3, 1816, a half-hour before sundown, as Un- cle George Meritt says, who ought to know, as ho is Mrs. Meritt's oldest brother, and was born January 30, 1799. and is probably the oldest living pioneer in the county. Eph- raim Moritt was born in Granville County, N. C. . where he married Elizabeth Mickle- john, of English descent. Her father was born in England, and was an officer of high standing in the Episcopalian Church. Our LEECH TOWNSHIP. in subject is a self-made man in every respect, and one of the best read men in this part of Wayne County. In 1841, he bought 40 acres, at $3.75 per acre, to which he added from time to time, till he owned 440 acres which he divided among his four children, who are living around him. He only re- tained the old homestead of 80 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Meritt arc members of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church. He has been in some township or school office pretty much all his life; was Justice of the Peace twenty- four years; was the first Supervisor in the county after it was organized, and has filled several terms since. Politically, he holds with the Republican party. DR. N. P. MERRIT, physician, Wabash, was born December 20, L826, in Breckin- ridge County. Ky. His father was the cele- brated Dr. John W. Merrit, a native of Vir- ginia. He died in Sullivan, Ind. He re- ceived his medical education in St. Louis, Mo., in 1831, following his profession in Il- linois, Kentucky, and Indianapolis, Ind. It may bo said with truth that Dr. John W. Merrit was one of the most noted physicians in his day, making chronic diseases a special- ty. The grandfather of our subject was Na- thaniel P. Merrit, a native of South Caroli- na, and a farmer by occupation. He died in Seymour. Jackson County, Ind. The great grandfather of Dr. Merrit was Stephen Mer- rit, who emigrated from South Carolina to Tennessee, where he farmed with success. Dr. Merrit's mother was Lucretia (Pyle) Merrit, a native of Maryland, She died in 183S, in Illinois. She was a daughter of Col. William Pyle, a native of Scotland, as was also his wife. Col. Pyle was an officor on George Washington's staff in the Revolu- tionary war. In one of the many engage- ments in which he participated, he had his queue shot off, and for many years the lock of hair was kept as a relic in the Pyle family. Mrs. Lucretia Pvle was the mother of eight children, of whom our subject is the only one living. He was educated in Shelbyville, Ky., receiving his medical education in Indianap olis. Ind., and Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated in 1877. The Doctor followed his profession in Greene County, Ind., and in Wayne County, to which he came in 1871, enjoying a large practice and the esteem of the people in the surrounding counties, espe oially in Edwards County. In the summer of 1864, when the war cloud was hanging over this beautiful country, Dr. Merrit of- fered his services, and was appointed Assist ant Surgeon, by Gov. Morton, to the Thirty- first Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry, staying with the regiment till December 8, 1865, when it, was mustered out in Victoria. Texas, after which he returned homo and re- sumed the practice of his noble profession, having enriched his experience by his army service. The Doctor was married twice. His first wife, Eliza Cheneoworth, died, leavinc rive children, viz.: Melville. Mary, Susan, Robert, and Grace, deceased. The Doctor's present wife, Nellie (Nicholson) Merritt, born March 27, 1845, in Kentucky, is the daughter of Ludwick and Paulina (Warmouth) Nich- olson, Three children are the result of this hippy union, viz.: James F., Morris F. and French L9 Ford. The Doctor is an I. O. O. F., Opell Lodge, No. 99. He is a Repub- lican, and served the people in the capacity of Township Supervisor. GEORGE W. ODELL. farmer, P. O Burnt Prairie. Aanag the wide awake young farmers of Wayne County wo class him whose name heads this sketch. He was born October 1 1 L852, in this county; his father, Balus Odell, was a native of Kentucky, where he learned tho blacksmith trade. It is sup- posed that he made the first steel plow in this 112 BIOGRAPHICAL: county, which event was the wonder of the neighborhood for months. He came here be- fore the Black Hawk war, and is yet living in this county, where he at one time owned several hundred acres, for a great part of which he only paid 12.^ cents per acre. He has some time ago given the land to his children. He is a good example of a self-made man, having carried on his back all his earthly possessions to his new home at his marriage. The mother of our subject was Elizabeth (Carter) Odell. a native of this county, where she also died. She is a daughter of Joseph Carter, and is the mother of thirteen chil- dren, of whom ten are now living — John E , Joseph D., George W., Calvin, Sally A. Funkhouser, Emeline Short, Nancy E. Hun- singer, Mary J. Colbert, Maggie Hunsinger. Eliza Atteberry. Our subject was educated in the common schools of this county. Hero he farmed, and was also married, March 15, 1ST!, to Miss Alfarata Hunsinger, born No- vember 12, 1857. She is a daughter of Jo- seph and Emily (Kuykendall) Hunsinger, both natives of Illinois. Joseph Hunsinger's father, John Hunsinger, married Nancy Crow- der, a native of Pennsylvania. Airs. Emily (Kuykendall) Hunsinger's father, named Henry Kuykendall, married Karenhappuch Greathouse, a native of Indiana. She is the only one now living of the grandparents, and although aged threescore and ten, she car- ries her age well, and is quite strong and active for a woman of her age. She is the mother of three children — Anna G., born April 25, 1875; Mary M., born October 31, 1878; and Laura E., bom November 9, 1881. Mr. Odell is a member of the A. O. U. W. fraternity, Fairfield Lodge. No. 65. He has a farm of 120 acres, which is well-improved. He has been School Treasurer seven years, Tax Collector three terms and Township Supervisor two terms. WILLIAM SCOTT, blacksmith, Wabash, was born August 25, 1826, in Albion, Ed- wards County, 111. He is a son of William Scott., Sr., a native of New York; he was a blacksmith by occupation, and died in this county. He was one of the first settlers of Edwards County, where he lived a number of years before he came to Wayne County. At the age of sixteen, he offered his services as a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and fought gallantly for the cause of freedom. The mother of our subject was Jane (Ewing) Scott, a native of Virginia. She died in this county, being the mother of fourteen chil- dren, of whom our subject is the only one living. He was educated in Albion, 111., where he also learned the blacksmith trade, partly with his father, and partly with George Johns. This occupation he has fol- lowed ever since, and became quite an expert in many branches of his vocation. He lived a good part of his early life alternately in this and Edwards County, but did not settle here permanently till 1857. On the 8th day of June, 1848, Mr. Scott was married to Miss Narcissa Hunt, born September 27, 1832, in Edwards County, 111.; her father, Thomas Hunt, was a native of Kentucky, while her mother, Mary (Edmonson) Hunt, was a native of Indiana. Five children now living are the result of this happy union — Alfred W., born October 30, 1849, is married to Cynthia Cop- land; Laura, born February 7, 1851, is the wife of John Straup; Emma, wife of Nathan Dempsey, was born December 19, 1853; Mi- netta, wife of Henry T. Skiner, was born January 14, 1856; Francis E., who married Parthenia Copland, was born March 9, 1858. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are religiously connected with the Christian Church, and he is a mem- ber of the G. A. R., to which membership he was entitled by his military career, which is as follows: In the spring of 1864, Mr. Scott MASSILLON TOWNSHIP. LIS enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company H, Capt. W. H. Jones. After a six months' serv- ice, he returned home, having been stationed mostly in Columbus. Ky.. but also partici- pating in different engagements. CAEL C. A. V7INZENBI RGER, farmer, P. 0. Burnt Prairie, was born June 27, 1 82 1 . in Goeppingen, Wurtemberg, Germany; his father, Carl C. Winzenburger, was also a native of Germany, where he died; he was in the employ of the German Treasury De- partment. The mother of our subject was Friederika (Langbeini. a native of Ger- many, where Bhe died. She was the mother of three children— Catharina. Friederika and Carl C. A., our subject, who was educated in Germany, where he carried on a large business, and was also married, in 1850, to Margaret:! Ziegler, who died there, leaving one son, Edward L. His second wife was Susannah Ziegler, who died, leaving one daughter, Margareta, wife of Henry Kieser. Our subject's present wife was a Mrs. Jean- nette A. Le Rue, a daughter of Carl Xavier Forstmayer, a native of Fortsheim, Germany. She is yet living; her first husband was of French descent, and she yet talks the French language very fluently; her father, Carl Xavier Forstmayer, was a man of rare talents, and an able business man; he was married to Charlotte L. Marischsall, who was a daughter of a Madame Violoe, whose descendants are heirs of a large fortune. Mr. Winzenburger came to this country in 186-1, and in the southeast corner of Leech Township bought 320 acres of land, at $10 per acre, which he mainly improved, and keeps in a high state of cultivation. He is a man of good, sound sense, independent in political matters, and believes to do to others as you wish to have them do to you. MASSILLON TOWNSHIP. CREWS FAMILY. No family in Wayne County has been more prominently identi- fied with the progress, prosperity and the general welfare of the whole community, from the first settlement to the present time, than the one mentioned at he head of this sketch. Very much might be said in praise if it were necessary, but it is sufficient to -ay that the older members invariably cast their influence on the side of morality, right, the laws i f the land, and, in fact, all that I citizens are expected or required to do. John and Richard Crews, two brothers, came from England, and are supposed to have settled in Virginia in the "lone, long asro." Richard had sons — Peter, Richard. John, Jo- siah and William. Richard, Jr., settled in Kentucky in 1814. Peter's sons were An- drew, James. Jesse, and one other name un- known. Rev. Hooper Crews was the son of James. Andrew was born in Halifax Coun- ty, Va.; removed first to the Cumberland River region in Tennessee, then to Ken- tucky, and finally to Wayne County, III., in 1817, and settled on Section 31, in Massillon Township, in 1818, where he died about L830, and was buried at the Enoch Reach Cemetory. He is described as a most excel- lent man, affable, pleasant and gentlemanly. with a keen and piercing black eye of great intensity, with that peculiar magnetism about him that would attract arid make Easl 114 BIOGRAPHICAL: friends of all who came in contact with him, and a grace and ease of manner that would make the most timid feel comfortable and at home in his presence. Being severely afflict- ed for many weary years previous to his death with rheumatism, and unable to move about with comfort, he invited the different Christian denominations to worship at his house, and in his dwelling was organized the first Christian society, so far as is now known, in the county. He and his family were Methodists when they came to the country. His children were Matthew, Peter and James (twins), Nancy (Monroe), William and Jesse (twins), and Polly (Farley). Matthew Crews was born in Halifax County, Va., January 13, 1794, and came to Wayne County in 1829. He enlisted as a soldier in the war of 1812, but was debarred from the active field by the early termination of hostilities. On the 14th day of May, 1817, he was married to Mary Blair, in Kentucky, to whom were born William, Andrew, Nancy (Vandeveer), Alexander and James. He was, after the death of Mary, again married, August 19, 1828, to Elizabeth Owen, and to them were born Mary, Tabitha (Lane), Hooper (who died in the army), Caleb, Sarah (Heidinger) and Barton R. In many respects Matthew Crews was a remarkable man. Those who were favored with an intimate acquaintance with him found him to be gentle, kind- hearted, affable and sincere. A true friend, he could be trusted with implicit confidence, and relied upon with a certainty that was never questioned. His stern integrity, ap- plied with such unvarying certainty to his business affairs, was none the less prominent in his moral and religious sentiments; and while fulfilling the law to the very letter himself, he expected others to do the same to the extent of their ability. Among that class of people who consider themselves " privileged characters," and who aim, as far as possible, to live off the property of honest and industrious citizens so long as they can escape the meshes of the law, he was not liked. How could it be otherwise? The very elements in the makeup of such society " beats" will forever preclude them from en- tertaining just views of men who check them in their petty peculations. Verily, Matthew Crews may be classed as of the " salt of the earth," a race of men never popular with bad men,, but who stand, indeed, as fortresses to our moral civilization, and without whom the world would grow worse every day. Very characteristic of the man were his transac- tions in corn, during the memorable year of the great drought, in 18o4. When the wealthy came to him for corn, he sent them away with the remark, " There are enough poor people, who cannot go to a distance, to con- sume all the corn I have, and you who are able to go farther must do so. " After a very useful life, in which by industry and econ- omy he had amassed a handsome property, this good man passed away. September 2. 1861, honored and esteemed by all good men and regretted as an irreparable loss to the community. ELIZABETH CREWS. Among the most prominent and worthy matrons with which the past generation has favored the present, may be justly mentioned the one of whom we are now writing, familiarly known as " Aunt Betsey Crews. '' Although more than fourscore years have winged their unceasing flight into the past since her advent into the world, she is remarkably well preserved men- tally and physically, remembering events of the past with a certainty that is truly won- derful. Elizabeth, the wife of Matthew Crews, and daughter of Williain and Tabitha i( rews) Owen, was born January 25, 1801, in Halifax County, Va. : removed with her MASSILLON TOWNSHIP. ;ir> parents to Barren County, Ky., in 1807, and was married August 19, 1828, and came to Massillon Township, Wayne County, 111., in 1829. William the son of David Owen, was born in Halifax County, Va., and served aa a soldier in the army of the Revolutionary war. He married Tabitha, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Owen) Crews, to whom were born Richard, Sarah (Nation), John, Nancy, Polly. David, Elizabeth our subject, Martha (Chapman), James C, Tabitha (Brown). William's brothers were John, Walter, James and Jesse. JAMES E. LANE, son of James and Ta- bitha (Crews) Lane, was born in Massillon Township, Wayne County, 111., November 14, 1854, and was married. March 26, 1N74. to Miss Mary E.. daughter of Zadoc C. and Nancy E. Roberts. James. Sr. . was the son of Leven Lane, and the uncle of Gov. Henry C. Warmouth. of Louisiana. (For Robert's family see sketches of Jasper Township.) Subject has had good educational advantages and possesses good business qualifications. He is by profession a farmer, owning 200 acres of very fertile, land on the Little Wabash bluffs and bottom. 120 of which are in tine state of cultivation. His pleasant home is situated on the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 31, in Massil- lon Township, a place evidently noted in aboriginal times. Here, in the remote past, the buffalo had his famous trail, traces of which are still discernible, as it starts on the river blurt", bearing off in a northwesterly direc- tion, along which many bones lay bleaching at the time the dominant race took possession of the country. Here, also, are evidences of an Indian village, where interesting relic,. in considerable abundance yet remain. In addition to the other natural advantages of this choice farm, eighteen gurgling springs offer up their opulence and wealth of water, with unfailing certainty in the driest season of the driest year. This place is so situated adjacent, to the river bottoms that unlimited pasturage for stock can be had for years to come. Subject is a successful farmer, tak- ing life easy, and certainly has a bright future before him. CURTIS A. McLIN, farmer, P. O. Fair- field, son of David P. and Agnes (Wilson) McLin, was born is Jasper Township, De- cember 3, 1849, and was married, December 16, 1869, to Miss Salina, daughter of John and Pamelia (Price) Borah, and to them were born seven children, six of whom were now living, viz.: Pamelia, February 6, 1871; Agnes E., January 18, 1873; Larkin A., No- vember 13, 1874; Eva E., March 13,1877; Cara M., March 30, 1879, and Thomas G., April 17, 1882. David P., son of William A., was born in Tennessee, of Scotch-Irish descent, December 30, 1*13. Came to Illi- nois about 1825. married, October 19, 1837, and died October 12, 1851. Agnes M., daughter of Thomas Wilson, was born in Kentucky October 20. 1818, and married David P., as above, and to them were born Sarah E., August 9, 1838; married M. H. Crews, in December, 1856; Rachel L., No- vember 11. 1839, married Mr. Shaw, Decem- ber. 1857, and died November 30, 1858; William F., February 13, 1841. and died February 26, 1842; Mary O, December 'J 1. 1842, and died September 14. 1851; Thomas J., a soldier in the late war, born Juno 16, 1844, and died January 17,1866; Arabella J., January 17, 1846. died December 11, 1847; Miriam F., December 19, 1847, mar- ried Rev. John Borah November 1. 1866; Curtis A., as above; Maria A., February 28, L852, married Mr. King October 8. 1874; John A.. June 11, 1854, died March 3, 1855; David Ij.. January 13. 1856, died August 29, I860; Agnes E.. April 6, 1858, died 116 BIOGRAPHICAL: April 24, 1858; Jacob H., June 21, 1860, and married March 10, 1880. William A., grandfather of subject, was a Lieutenant under Jackson in the battle of New Orleans. Subject is a farmer by occupation, having 184 acres of good land, 65 of which are in a good state of cultivation. He is also successfully running the largest apple-butter factory in Wayne County, which he rinds very profitable, and is strongly solicited to establish a large fac- tory in the county seat, where he can greatly enlarge his business, and add to the resour- ces of the community. Subject has been Highway Commissioner, and is at present Constable, and a,lso Collector for Massillon Township. In politics, he is identified with the Republican party, and in his religious views leans toward the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. ALRERT SIMMS, farmer, P. O. Elery. Among the most prominent and influential of the citizens in Massillon Township may be classed the gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch. He is the son of James and Mary A. P. (Gill) Simms, and was born in Edwards County, 111., October 15, 1837; removed with his parents to Wayne County in 1842, where he has resided until the present time. His educational advan- tages were such as the common schools of the country afforded in his youth, but he has im- proved his opportunities to the best of his ability, reading many good books, and keep- ing posted in the current literature of the day. Subject was married, November 11, 1860, to Miss Eliza J. Stinet, and to them were born James M., August 30, 1861 ; Alice (Buntinp), December 24, 1862; Emma J., March 4, 1865; Ulysses S., December 21, 1869; Alfred, October 23, 1872; and Will- iam H.. September 6, 1878. May 20, L880, Eliza died, and subject was again married, June 8, 1881, to Mrs. Katie A. Virgin, to whom was born Clarence H, July 16, 1883. James, our subject's father, was born in Buckinghamshire, England, September 25, 1813; came to United States, and tirst settled in Edwards County, 111. James' father, William Simms, settled in Wayne County, 111., in an early day. Mary A. P. Gill, the first English child born in Edwards County, first saw the light of day in 1818, and died September 19, 1875. Subject was reared to the occupation of a farmer, which profession he is following at the present time. His homo is on the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 36, and he is the owner of 240 acres of valuable land; 115 are in a high state of cultivation, producing abundantly the various crops grown in Southern Illinois. He has always taken a deep interest in edu- cation, having held school offices ever since he. was twenty -one years old. In politics, he is a Republican, and is a member of the Christian Church. SAMUEL J. R. WILSON. Few men in Wayne County have been more prominent for many years than Judge Wilson, the son of Thomas M. , an old pioneer, and Rachel (Fulkerson) Wilson; he was born in Ohio County, Ky. , September 15, 1816; re- moved with his parents to Wayne County, 111., in 1822, and was married to Elvira, daughter of Enoch and Martha (Magaliard) Beach, October 29, 1839, to whom was born Mary J. (Crews), in 1840. Subject was again married in May, 1S53, to Martha, daughter of Rev. .Tames Crews, and to them were born Martha (Jessup), in 1854, and Thomas M., on February, 1857, when Martha died also. Subject was again married, July 18, 1S.">7. to Ritter, a sister of Martha, and to them were born Maria C, June 15, 1858; Charles B., July 5, 1863; John W., October 15, 1865; Botha B., June 15, 1868; Robert, March 7, 1S70; Nathan E., January 26, 1872, and A KKI N<; TON TOWNSHIP. 117 Lawrence O.. June 13. 1876. Thomas M.. Sr., the son of George, was born in Ken- tucky November 14. 1791; served under Gen. Harrison in the war of 1812, and died m Wayne County, 111., in April. LS55. George was born in Virginia, a sol- dier in the Revolution, an early pioneer in Kentucky, and died in Butler County, that State, in lsiio. Enoch Beach was born in North Carolina; held a commission in the war of 1812; was the first settler in Mas- sillon; a prominent man, and died in 1836. Subject's brothers wore Virgil L., George L. and Curtis. His sisters, Agnes M. (McLin). Elizabeth (King). Martha J. (Hooper), Matil. da (Harris), and Maria B. (Read). Subject is a farmer, having 200 acres of good laud, of which 170 acres are in cultivation. He is als.i a licensed lawyer; acted four years as County Judge; was Doputy Sheriff sis years; a Supervisor of the County Court; a Justice of the Peace, and either School Trustee or Director for nineteen years. Subject was a Lieutenant in Col. Faris Forman's regi- ment in tho Mexican war, and Captain of Company D. Fifth Illinois Calvary in the war of the late rebellion. Having lived in the county sixty-ono years, he endured all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and is much gratified at the present advancement. He assisted the first corps of engineers that ever surveyed a railroad line across the State of Illinois. In religion, he is a Cumberland Presbyterian; also a Prohibitionist, and is identified with tho Republican party in politics. AKR1NGTON TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM L. BEESON, farmer. P. O. Jeffersonville, was bom April 2, 1821, in Greene County, Iud.,son of Richard Beeson, of North Carolina, who was born November 4, 1797, and moved to Greene County, Ind., in 1821, and died March 17. 1!S72. He was married to Hannah Coaklin, of Orange County, Ind., who died in 1864, leaving eight children, viz.: William L., Nancy J. Leathers, Mary A. Dernell, Elizabeth Van- diveer, Matilda Wilds. Hannah Smith, Mar- gereta Martin and Sarah Vandiveer. Our subject was educated in Orange County, Ind., in a pioneer sehoolhouHe, and came to Wayne County, 111., in the fall of IS 12. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and was County Judge of Wayne County, 111., for eight years; Justice of the Peace for about thirty years; Supervisor for four or five terms; Collector for two years, and Com- missioner of Highways for three or four years. He was married, December 31, 1843, in Wayne County, III., to Elizabeth M. Waumock, daughter of James and Elizabeth Waumock, of Wayne County, 111., by whom he has had nine children, seven living — Mar- garet Malone, Richard, James H., Susan J. Hale, William J., Hannah A. Pennington, and Nancy C. Mr. Beeson owns 320 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock raising. Politics, Democrat. N. N. BORAH, farmer, P. O. Casior, was born September 6, 1816, in Butler County, Ky. , son of George Borah, of Lancaster County, Penn. Mr. George Borah and fam- ily came to Wayne County, 111., in the fall of 1818, being one of the pioneers, and also a pioneer merchant of Wayne County. 111. 118 BIOGRAPHICAL: Our subject was educated in Wayne County, 111., spending about sixteen months at the Cumberland College, Pennsylvania. He read law and medicine privately, but never practiced either. He was married, March 31, 1844, to Sarah A., daughter of Jonathan Whitson, of Wayne County, 111., formerly of Kentucky, he coming here in the spring of 1843. Our subject had four children by Mrs. Sarah A., all of whom are living, viz.: Adolphus G., Edwin D., George and Bailey P. Mr. Borah owns 540 acres of land in Wayne County, 111., and is engaged in farm- ing and stock-raising, paying considerable attention to the raising of mules. Politics, Democratic. CAPT. GEORGE W. HILL, farmer, P. O. Jeffersonville, was born September 22, 1835, in Gallia County, Ohio. He is a son of Edward W. Hill, of Ohio, and was edu- cated in his native county, Ohio, attending, one term at the Gallia Academy. He came to Wayne County, 111., in the fall of 1858, and settled in Lamard Township. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a member of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic; also a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. He was in the late war from December 22, 1861, to May 2, 1865, in com pany G. Sixty. second Illinois Volunteer In- fantry. He was promoted to First Lieuten- ant, and then to Captain. He was married, May 16, 1858, in Meigs County, Ohio, to Abigail Holland, of Meigs County, Ohio, where she was born in June, 1835, by whom our subject had three children, viz.: Fannie E., and Mary T. and Sarah E.. twins. Capt. Hill owns 410 acres of land, and is en- gaged in farming and stock-raising. He pays considerable attention to the latter busi- ness. He has kept the post office at Pleas- ant Grove for the last eleven years, but re- signed it last fall. Politics, Republican. GEORGE B. HILLIARD, farmer, P. O. Jeffersonville. Among the oldest men of Arrington Township, Wayne County, 111., yet living, is George B. Hilliard, who was born on 1 a ship between Massachusetts and Connecticut, March 17, 1794, and is a son of James Hilliard, of Ireland. Subject was educated in Adams County, Penn., and was in the war of 1812, serving eighteen months in the Fifth Regiment under the command of Capt. Thompson, and, being in the battles of Lundy's Lane, Fort George and several other skirmishes, where he was wounded in the leg by a riiie ball. Our subject came to Wayne County, 111., in the fall of 1S53, where he still resides in good health, with his son, James W. He was married, August 29, 18"J t, to Margaret Foreacre, of Virginia, by whom he had thirteen children, three of whom are living — James W., George H. and Sarah. The following are those dead, who reached womanhood and manhood — Nancv J. Creigr Margaret Winland, Susannah Galliager, William A., Mary Gutherty, Sarah Jefl'ers, Mariah Broche and John, who died in the late war. Politics, Democratic. JAMES W. HILLIARD, farmer, P. O. Jeffersonville, was born November 29. 1826, in Fayette County, Penn. , son of George B. Hilliard, of Wayne County, 111., and was educated in Noble and Belmont Counties, Ohio. He came to Wayne County, 111., in the spring of 1858, and has been County Surveyor) for twelve years. Deputy for four years, Supervisor for four years, Town Clerk for four or live years, Highway Commissioner for nine years, and Justice of the Peace for eight years. He is a member of the Catho lie Church, and was married in Monroe County. Ohio, August 22, 1852. to Sarah Daugherty, of the same county, by whom he had ten children, nine living — George, John, William, James, Thomas, David, Sylvester, ARRINGTON TO UN-Ill I". 119 Mary and Hannah. Subject owns 1,011 acres of land in Wayne County. 111. Politics, Democratic. JOHN LOWE, fanner, was born in Wash- ington County, Ohio, September 21, 1822, and is a son of Jobn and Hannah (Ayles) Lowe. The grandfather of our subject, James Lowe, came from Scotland and settled in Maryland. He was a soldier in the Revo- lution, and served for three years as Secretary under General Washington; at that time, it was claimed that he was the finest penman in the United States. In Maryland the father was born, and when he was about eight years old his father moved to Ohio. The mother's people originally came from Ireland and settled in Baltimore, where the mother was born. Our subject was the third of nine children of whom four are now liv- ing. His education was but very limited, he never having attended a school but a few months in his life, but after he became a man he taught himself to a great extent. He worked on the home place until he was about twenty -two, and then worked around for himself some years. In 1854, he came to Wayne County, and settled on the farm he now occupies in Sections 7 and 8, of Town 1 south, Range G east. He owns 291 acres, of which about 110 are in cultivation, and about three acres in orchard. Mr. Lowe was mar- ried on April 9, 1850, to Ellender Booth, a daughter of John and Hannah (Bearkmore) Booth, who were natives of England. Mrs. Lowe is a native of Ohio, and was born July, 29, 1826. in Bellefontaine, that State. This union has resulted in sixteen children, of whom the following survive — Isaac; Hannah, wife of Newton King; John; Mary Ann. wife of Thomas Shaffer; Polly Ann. wife of Will- iam Marple; Sarah Jane, wife of Sylvester Taylor; Eli and Emma. Subject enlisted in the Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company I, in September, 1861, and re- mained over three years and one month. Is a member of the Baptist Church. In politics, is a Republican. JACOB MARTIN (deceased) was born in the year 180S in Virginia, a son of Peter Martin, of that Statu. Our subject came to Wayne County, 111., in the spring of 1869, and died April 18, 1881, and was buriod in the Dickey Cemetery. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was married first to Mary McVay, of Athens County, Ohio, in the year 1840, by whom he had seven children, five living, viz.: George, Hart zell, Ira, Malissa and Louisa. His wife having died. Mr. Martin was again married, June 20, 1857, in Meigs County, Ohio, to Caroline Lee, daughter of Wills Lee, of Meigs County, Ohio, by whom he had seven children, five of whom are living — William T.. Charles M., Ella A., James E. and Delia R. Frank E. died September 14, 1879. Our subject owned 156 acres of land at the time of his death, and was engaged in farm ing and stock-raising. Politics, Republican. JOHN MONTGOMERY, farmer, P. O. Pin Oak, was born September 30, 1823, in Belmont County, Ohio, a son of Daniel Mont- gomery, who was born in June, 1795, in Greene County, Penn. He was married, in June, 1820, to Alice Lappen, of Greene Coun- ty, Penn., who was born in the year 1794. They had eight children, seven living, viz. : Marian, John. William, Elizabeth, Ruth A., Rachel and Euphema. Daniel died April, 1842, in Vinton County, Ohio. Alice, wife of Daniel, died April, 1856. Mr. Mont- gomery was educated in Morgan and Vinton Counties, Ohio, and came to Wayne County, 111., in the fall of 1853. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was married, De- cember 29, 1859, in Lawrence County, 111., 120 BIOGRAPHICAL: to Elizabeth McRill, who was born July 15, 1834, in Ohio. They have had four children, viz.: Alice C, Samuel E., Ruth A. and Jo- seph M. Mr. Montgomery owns 100 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock- raising. Politics, Democratic. A. S. ROBERTSON, physician, Pin Oak, was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, July 9, 1830, and is a son of David and Rebecca (Clark) Robertson. The father was a native of Virginia, the grandfather coming to this country from Scotland, and the grandmother from Ireland. The mother of our subject was born in New Jersey, and in that State her parents were also born. Subject was the fourth of nine children, of whom seven are living. His education was very limited, for until he was seventeen he spent his spare time in assisting his father on the home farm. At that age, he commenced reading medicine with Dr. L. McCook, of Lawrence County, Ohio. He only read with him about eighteen months, and then commenced the active prac- tice of medicine. As he advanced in years, he enlarged his fund of information, and pursued his course of study farther and far- ther. He practiced in parts of Ohio, Ken- tucky, Indiana, and finally came to Hardin County, 111. After a short stay there, he came to Macoupin County. In that county he practiced for about two years, and then in November, 1862, he came to Wayne County. The Doctor first settled in Four-Mile Town- ship. There he practiced some six years, and then came to Arrington Township, where he has since practiced. Our subject is truly what might be called a self-made man. His whole knowledge of medicine has been ob- tained by his own exertions, and outside of the walls of any medical college, and he is well worthy of the extensive practice that he enjoys from the people of Wayne County. Dr. Robertson was married, in December, 1864, to Sarah A. Warren. She is a native of this county, being born here October 23, 1S44. and is a daughter of William and Mi- nerva (Gaston) Warren, who were natives of Illinois. Five children, three girls and two boys, have blessed tbis union, of whom three are now living — Idella, born September 30, 1866; Athalia, August 1, 1868; Amos T-. January 27, 1871. Rebecca J., born January 18, 1874, died October 24,. 1879; William D., born September 22, 1880, died Septem- ber 14, 1882. Subject is a member of Mid- dleton Lodge, No. 82, I. O. O. F. In poli- tics, he is a Republican. ■-• WILLIAM SIMMS (deceased) was born January 25, 1814, in Buckinghamshire, En- gland, and came to Canada in 1833, from thence to Edwards County, 111., in 1836, and from there to Wayne County, 111., in the spring of 1840, where he was united in mar- riage, in November of that year, to Mary Simms, daughter of AVilliam Simms, of En- gland. She came to Wayne County, 111., in the spring of 1830, having been born May 16, 1819, in England. They had eleven children, seven living, viz.. Francis, John, Henry P., Susannah, Edward, George and subject. Mr. Simms was a member of the Union Trade Society of Canada, and owned at the time of his death 520 acres of land. He was a shoe maker by trade, but was en- gaged in farming and stock-raising. Poli- tics, Democratic. He died January 19, 1876, in Wayne County, 111., and was buried in the Bovee Cemetery. GEORGE SIMMS (deceased) was born February 3, 1825, in Buckinghamshire, En- gland, but came to Wayne County, 111., in 1830, and settled where he died August 13, 1880, and was buried in the Bovee Cemetery. He was a member of the Christian Church, and was married, May 13, 1847, to Hannah Ades, of Wayne County, 111., who was born LAMARD TOWNSHIP. 121 July 18, 1824, in Carroll County, Ohio, by whom the subject had four children, viz., Cornelius, Daniel, Alford and James E. He owned 430 acres of land in Wayne County, 111., at the time of his death, and was en- gaged in farming and stock-raising. Poli- tics, Republican. JOHN F. THOMAS, farmer, P. O. Jeffer- sonville, was born January 20, 1S30, in Cal- loway County, Ky., and is a son of Henry Thomas, of Tennessee. Our subject was educated in Johnson County, 111., and came to Wayne County in the fall of 1871. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Re- public, also a member and a minister of tlw Church of Jesus Christ, L. D. S. He has been married the second time; first, February 28, 1852, in Johnson County, 111., to Eliza- beth M., daughter of Daniel Freer, of Illi- nois. She was born June 1, 1832, by whom our subject had ten children, four living, viz., Mrs. Sarah A. Simpson, Francis M. , Cather- ine M. Whitaker and Fannie B. Mrs. Eliza- bath M. Thomas died March 3, 1878, and was buried in the Lappen Cemetery, when Mr. Thomas was married the second time, August 25, 1879, to Amanda E. Lawrence, of Johnson County, 111., who was born in July, 1843, in Hopkins County, Ky., by whom the subject had two children, one living — Alma A. Mr. Thomas owns 103 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Politics, Republican. HENRY WALKER, farmer, P. O. Pin Oak, was born March 24, 1837, in England, the son of George Walker. Our subject was educated in England, and came to Wayne County, 111., in the fall of 1854, where he still resides. He is a member of the Latter - Day Saints, and was married, December '_!">, 1860, to Frances M., daughter of William and Mary Simms, by whom he has had elev- en children, seven of whom are living, viz., Mary E., Susannah, Sarah A.. William T., Lucinda I., Charles H. and Matilda E. He is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Politics, Democratic. LAMARD TOWNSHIP. JOHN C. BESTOW, farmer, P. O. Jeffer- son ville, was born September 1, 1821, in Berkshire County, Mass.. and is a son of Frederick Bestow (deceased), also a native of Massachusetts. Mr. Bestow was brought up on a farm, and educated in the common schools of Meigs County, when he came, at the age of ten years, to live with his uncle, John C. Bestow, his mother having formerly died in Massachusetts. He came to this county in 1803; he was married, in 1841, to Phoebe A., daughter of Jasper Branch. Thev have two children — Frederick and VValterman. The former married Julia Vertrees. by whom he had five children, three living, viz. : John, Fannie and Hattie. Walterman married Florence Rinard, by whom he had three children— Carrie, Mattie 1 and Ada. Mrs. Walterman Bestow died, and he married Martha A. Branch, who after- ward died also; he then married Mantie Karr, his present wife. John C. Bestow has been Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for many years, and is the present incumbent. He was Township Treasurer one term. Is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of 122 BIOGRAPHICAL: the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an un- compromising Prohibitionist. Mr. Bestow and his sons own about 400 acres of valuable land, besides property and a store in Jeffer- sonville. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, farmer, P. O. Jeffersonville, was born November 27, 1844, in Brownsville, Penn. ; he is a son of Isaac K. Blackburn, of Pennsylvania, who was born April 4, 1812, in Washington County, Penn. Ke was married to Liddie, daughter of John Wood, of Fayette County, Penn. Our subject came to Wayne County, III., in the spring of 1868, and settled where he still resides; he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Jeffersonville, Wayne Co., 111. He served three years in the late war, in Company K, Eightieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; he was in the siege of Corinth, Vicksburg and Atlanta; he made the march to the sea, and back as far as Fayetteville,N. C, under Sherman. He was discharged on the 3d day of March, 1865; he has held the office of Highway Commissioner for sixteen years in this county. Our subject was mar- ried, March 10, 1868, in Stark County, Ohio, to Eliza J., daughter of Samuel Klingalan, of Stark County, Ohio, who was born Decem- ber 12, 1850. They have five children, four living, viz., Elba G., Cora B., Ida G., Charles W., and Mary E., who died January 27, 1878, and was buried in the Jefferson- ville Cemetery. Our subject owns 100 acres of good land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Politics, Republican. GEORGE EDWIN BRANCH, farmer, P. O. Jeffersonville, is a native of this county, and was born July 16, 1857; is a son of James Branch (deceased), a native of Meigs County, Ohio, who came to this county about the year 1856. Our subject was brought up and educated at Jeffersonville. His father was the agent at the O. & M. depot, and our subject took his place after the former's death, which position he held for seven years. He was married, December 25, 1879, to Sally F. Blakeman, a daughter of Curtis Blakeman (deceased). They have two children — Mar- tha E. and Lelia J. Mr. Branch owns 200 acres of valuable land adjoining Jefferson- ville, and is engaged in farming and stock- raising. He is turning his attention to the raising of Devon cattle and Merino sheep. He is Township Clerk and a member of the Masonic fraternity. EDWARD BURROUGHS, farmer, P. O. Jeffersonville, was born May 1, 1811, in Meigs County, Ohio, and is a son of Joshua Burroughs (deceased), a native of Pennsyl- vania. Our subject was educated in the common schools of his native county. By trade he is a cooper and wagon-maker, but is now a farmer. He served four years in the late war; enlisted twice, first in Company E, Fortieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infan- try, and was wounded at, Shiloh, and was discharged on account of disability from the wound. Six months later he re- enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, re- maining in the service until the close of the war. Mr. Burroughs was married, July 4, 1832, to Minerva, daughter of Robert Hoyt, of Meigs County, Ohio. They had eleven children, six of whom are living, viz., Jarvis, Edward, William, Harriet, Hettie and Min- erva. Mrs. Burroughs died May 1, 1845, and was buried in the Pleasant Grove Ceme- tery. Our subject was married the second time, to Miss Samantha Smith, a daughter of Amos Smith. By her he has had five chil- dren; three of whom are living — Mary, James and David. Mr. Burroughs owns fifty acres of land, and is engaged in general farming. In politics, a Republican. ROBERT D. ELLIS, farmer, P. O. Pin LAMARD TOWNSHIP. 128 Oak. was barn November 12, 1831, in Wilson County, Tenn. He is a son of Robert H. El- lis. of Tennessee. Our subject was educated in Wayne County, 111. He came to Wayne Coon- t\ . 111., in the fall of 1811. He isauieniber and also a local minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has been for twenty- two years. He was mai'ried, January 1, 1857, in Wayne County, 111., to Ollie E. Martain, of Wayne County, 111., by whom he had nine children, seven living. viz., Melville C. Laura A., Thomas M., John L. O, Robert N., Etta J. and Eflie L. Our subject owns sixty -five acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Polities. Republican. JACOB S. HAWK, farmer, P.O. Jefferson- ville, was born January 13, 1828, in Vinton County, Ohio. He is a son of Samuel Hawk, of Virginia. Our subject was educated in Vin- ton County, Ohio. He left there for Wayne County, 111., in the fall of 1S52, where he still resides on his farm in Lamard Town- ship. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and has been for a number of years. He is Justice of the Peace, and has been for twenty- four years. He was married, March 2, 1851, in Wayne County, 111., to Mary, daughter of Kobiuson Lappen. of Morgan County, 111. She was born June 10, 1831, by whom the subject had nine children, four living, viz., Mrs. I'hebe J. Logan, Ida, Rachel and Min- nie. Our subject owns 160 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock raising. Politics, Republican. GEORGE H.HILLIARD, farmer, P.O. Jef- fersonville. Among the enterprising farmers of, Lamard Township is George H. Hilliard, who was born November 7, 1838, in Ohio. He is the son of George B. Hilliard, of Ohio, formerly >>f Scotland. Our subject can:.' to Wayne County, 111., with his parents in the fall of 1853. His mother died in Wayne County, 111., in 1874 Then George B. Hill- iard went to live with his son, James W., in Wayne County, 111. Our subject was married, July 23, 1859, in Wayne County, 111., to Amanda E., daughter of Thomas P. Green, of Wayne County, 111. Subject had ten children by Mrs. Amanda, all living, viz., Mary F., John W., Thomas J., Sarah B., Joseph M., David A., Charles S., Frank B , Clara M. and James A. Mrs. Amanda Hill- iard was born October 21, 1839, in Wayne County, 111., and died May 13, 1881. Mary F., daughter of George H. and Amanda Hill- iard, was married to Dudley D. Davis, June 6, 1883. and moved to St. Louis, Mo., where they still reside. Subject has been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, for sixteen years, and a minister of the same denomination for fifteen years. He is also a member of the Masonic order. He owns 120 acres of good laud, and is engaged in farming and stock -raisjng. Politics, Re- publican. AMBROSE M. MARTIN, carpenter, Jef- fersonville, was born in Beaver County, Penn., March 1(3, 1820, and is a son of Will- iam Martin (deceased), also a native of Pennsylvania. Mr. Martin was brought up and educated in Ohioville, Penn. While young, he learned the carpenter trade, at which he has worked principally ever since. He came to Bedford Township, this county, in 1855, and farmed in connection with his trade for seven years and in 1802 removed to Jeffersonville. On the 11th day of Octo- ber. 1815, he married Mary R., daughter of Charles Duncan. They have had eight chil- dren, but three of whom are living — Abbie J., Arthur B. N. and Delia A. Mr. Martin is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He owns forty live acres of land, besides town property. His daughter, Abbie J., is mar- ried to Matthias ITui. ALEXANDER RICHARDSON, farmer in 124 BIOGRAPHICAL: Lamard Township and dealer in grain and implements at Fairfield, Wayne Co., 111., was born in Midlothian, Scotland, January 2, 1828. His parents, Alexander Richardson and Mary Frier, were both born in Scotland, followed the pursuit of farming, and his mother still lives there and is now in her eighty-third year. His father died in Scot- land, in 18S1, in his eighty-seventh year. To these parents were born eight children, Alex- ander being the oldest. He grew to man- hood and was educated in his native county, and was there married, June 2, 1851, toMiss Mary Bruce. She was born October 16, 1834, in Scotland. Immediately after mar- riage, they embarked for America on the sail- ing vessel " Harmonia," landing in New York July 10. 1851. They located in Plain- field, N. J., till the fall of 1852, when they came to Wayne County, 111. Since that date Mr. Richardson has been a resident of La- mard Township, engaged in farming, and owns eighty acres of land, with his family residence, one and a fourth miles northwest of Fairfield. For the past fifteen years he has operated in the grain market and conducted the implement business in Fairfield. In pol- itics, he is Democratic, and cast his first Presidential vote for Stephen A. Douglas. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and both he and wife are members of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church. JAMES ROCHELL. saw mill man, Jef- fersonville, was born in Franklin County, Ohio. February 4, 1840. and is a son of James Rochell (deceased), a native of New England. Our subject was brought up on the farm and attended the common schools. He came with his parents to this county in 1853, where he fhas resided, except from 1859 to 1864, which time he spent in the mines of California. Since that time he has engaged in various avocations; was for some time section foreman on the O. & M. R. R. He now owns and runs a Brandy steam port- able saw mill, manufactured at Zanesville. He was married, May 14. 1871, to Sarah J., daughter of James Nelson (deceased), an early settler of this county. They have three children — John W., Clara N. and Ethel A. Mr. Rochell held the office of Township Clerk two terms, Village Clerk two years, and School Trustee one term. Mr. and Mrs. Rochell are members of the Christian Church, of which he is a Trustee. WILLIAM SODDART, farmer, P. O. Fairfield, was born May 1, 1826, in Scotland. He is a son of Robert Soddart, of Scotland. Our subject was educated in Scotland. He came to America August, 1852. He remained in New York for about six months; then he came to Wayne County, 111., where he bought a farm, and left for the West to travel through California. Oregon and Montana; he then returned to Scotland on a visit of six months. He returned to Wayne County, 111., in the spring of 1870, where he still resides. He was married, February 14, 1870, to Euphemia Tullis, of Wayne County, 111., for- merly of Scotland, by whom he had two chil- dren, viz. , Jessie and Robert. Jessie was born January 5, 1872. Robert was born May 23, 1874. Our subject owns 200 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Politics, Republican. DANIEL N. ULM, stock and grain dealer, P. O. Jeffersonville, was born in Wabash County March 12, 1833, and is a son of Edward Ulm (deceased), a native of Mary- land, who came to Mt. Carmel, 111., in 1818, and built the first mill in Wabash County. It was an ox tread mill, situated in Mt. Carmel; the building was a log structure, and stood until 18S3. Our subject was brought up and educated in Mt. Carmel. During the late war, he raised Company E, Fortieth Illinois I.AMAKD TOWNSHIP. L25 Volunteer Infantry, and served as Captain of that company until the fall of 1863. For gallantry, the Captain was recommended for Lieutenant Colonel. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Mis- sissippi, Chattanooga and others. He^ re- signed soon after the battle of Chattanooga, December 27, 1S63. He settled in Jefferson- ville in 1S60, and laid off Ulm's Addition to Jeffersonville, where he has since been exten- sively engaged in the grain and stock busi- ness. He has built up the grain trade in this locality, and shipped more grain last year than any other man in Southern Illinois, buying and shipping from seven different points, and shipped over 400 car-loads of wheat alone. In 1881, Mr. Ulm built a fine flouring mill in Jeffersonville, which*is doing a large custom business. The Captain's grandfather, Matthias Ulm, was a native of Germany; came to America when young, and fought in the Revolutionary war. His grand- father, Nicholas Nathan, was a Hessian sol- dier, sold to the English Government for ten guineas, and was sent to tight in the Revolu tion for that Government, but deserted and settled in the Scioto Valley. Our subject was married, June 30, 1854, to Elizabeth J., daughter of John P, W. Allen, of Hamilton County, 111. They have four children — Matthias B., Clara J., Albion H. and Nathan A. Mr. Ulm owns much property in this village, besides his elevator and mill. He has held a United States Government com- mission ever since he entered the army, except about two years. He has held the office of Postmaster since 1865. He has been a mem- ber of the County Court for the past two years; the last time that he was elected there were but fourteen votes cast against him. He has been Police Magistrate for the past two years, and is Post Commander of the Martin Baker Post, No. 245, G. A. R. EW1NG YOUNG, farmer, P. O. Fairfield, was born in the year 1820 in Wavne County, 111. He was a son of John Young, of Wayne County, 111., formerly of Kentucky. Our subject was educated in a Wayne County, 111., pioneer schoolhouse. He is a member of the M. E. Church. He was married, De- cember^ 16, 1841, to Miss Emily Craven, daughter of Robert Craven, of North Caro- lina, and by whom he has had ten children, seven living — Johnson, America, Sarah J., Robert, Pruda, Emily and Elmer. Our sub- ject owns 620 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. In politics he is Independent. CEPHAS YOUNG, farmer. P. O. Fairfield, was born March 22, 1833, in Wayne County, 111. He was a son of John Young, of Wayne County, 111., formerly of Kentucky, where he was born August, 1789. He died March 26, 1878, in Wayne County, 111., and was buried in the family cemetery. He was married, in the year 1808, to Susan Lock, who was born in the year 1789, and who died in the year 1835 in Wayne County, 111., and was buried in the family cemetery. They had thirteen children, seven living — Malinda, Elizabeth, Ewing, Lucinda. Winnie. Francis M. and Cephas. After the death of Mrs. Susan Young, John Young was married the second time, in the year 1836, to Sarah Reed, of Tennessee, by whom he had four children, three living — Andrew J., Nancy Galbraith and Mariah Blague. Sarah, wife of John Young, died January 10, 1853. Our subject was educated in Wayne County, 111., in a pioneer schoolhouse. He carried the United States mail in their neighborhood, when a young man, from 1847 to 1851. He is a member and a local preacher of the .U. E. Church, and has been for the past twenty two years. He is also a member of the United Workmen. He was married. July 1, 126 BIOGRAPHICAL. 1852, in Wayne County, 111., to Nancy J. Stinson, of Illinois, who was born July 29, 1837, by whom the subject had ten children, five living — Richard B., Edwin M., Emma J., Dora E. and Adolphus. Our subject owns 120 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. In politics he is Independent. BEUSH CREEK TOWNSHIP. DR. J. F. BOYLE, physician, Xenia, was born in Posey County, Ind., January 31, 1839, to L. H. and Augusta (Uhink) Boyle. The father was a native of Kentucky, the mother of Bremen, Germany. They are both residents of New Harmony, Ind., where he is engaged in farming. He has resided in Indiana since about 1821. They are the parents of six children, three sons and three daughters, all of whom yet survive. Our subject was reared on the farm, and received most of his education in Owensville, Ind. When starting in the study of his profession, it was with Dr. Stokes, of Grayville, 111., in 1861. He afterward attended medical lect- ures at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. In 1863, the Doctor located in Saline County, 111., where he continued in the practice of medicine till 1871, when he removed to Jefferson County, 111., where he remained till 1878, and then came to his present location, where he has had an exten- sive and successful practice. April 30, 1863, he was married, in Saline County, 111., to Miss Mary E. Cox; she was born iu Posey County, Ind., May 13, 1846, and is the daughter of John L. Cox. This union has been blessed with six children — IdaU.,Iva A., Ina Lulu, Laura E., Inez Maud and Ju- lia Theresa. In spring of 1861, the Doctor volunteered in the Twenty-first Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry, as Assistant Surgeon, but on account of ill health he had to resign after about six months. In fall of 1862, he again went out as Assistant Surgeon in the Fifty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, but after a few .months again had to resign. He is identified with the Demo- cratic party. Julius Uhink, the brother of Dr. Boyle's mother, was the Prussian Consul to Mexico during the war between the United States and Mexico, and is now a resident of the City of Mexico. WILSON M. McKEE, farmer, P. O. Aid, was born in Adams County, Ohio, March 1, 1831, to Joseph and Mary (Akins) McKee. The father was a native of McKeesport, Penn. , a place which was named for the great- grandfather of our subject, who came across the water from Germany to America, with eighteen sons, and landed at the future town of McKeesport. The father moved to Ken- tucky and was there married to the mother of our subject. He died February 17, 1880, at the age of ninety-one years. She died June 14. 1875, aged eighty-two years four months and six days. They were the parents of thirteen children, eight sons and five girls; ten of the family yet survive. Our subject's life has been spent in farming. In 1854, he emigrated to McLean County, 111., but in 1861 sold his farm and settled his present farm of 120 acres. In 1853, he was mar- ried, in Ohio, to Miss Sarah J. Adams, born in Adams County, Ohio, and daughter of James W. and Millie (MeCormack) Adams: BRUSH CREEK TOWNSHIP. 127 she was the mother of five children; three died in infancy and two are living — John L., and Flora F., wife of James Seaman, of Coles County, 111. Mr. McKee was married to Mrs. Caroline (Feather) Redburn, March 17. 1867; she was born in Orange County, Ind., August 24, 1S40, to Jacob and Matilda Feather. The father^ was a native of Vir- ginia, born September 12, 11800, died Au- gust 6, 1883. The mother was born Febru- ary 12. 1813, and still survives. Mrs. McKee was brought to this county when an infant; she was married, in 1857, to Ellis Redburn. He died August, 1864, in the army, having been in the Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry for nearly three years. By him she has one child, living —Richard U. S. G. Red- burn. By the present marriage there are four children — George W., Margaret M., Mary M. and Ida L. August 9, 1862, Mr. McKee enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Capt. T. O. Pierce, Col. James Martin, and served with his regiment till close of war, getting home July 4, 1865. He is member of G. A. R. In politics, be is identified with the Republican party. He has held various township offices. Mrs. McKee's father was for over fifty years a local minister in the Mi'thodist Church. First in the Methodist Episcopal, now of the Protestant Church. Of his family of nine children, seven yet survive, and all but one son are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ISAAC a. MORRIS, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Wayne County, III., August 7. 1836, and is the son of Nathan A. and Sarah A. (Reid) Munis, both of whom were born in Grayson County, Ky., he September 25, 1812, she March 10, 1816. Our subject is the great-grandson of Robert Morris, who signed the Declaration of Independence, and is the grandson of Isaac Morris, who died in Ken- tucky, and his widow, Mary Morris, moved to Wayne County, 111., November 10, 1817. She afterward married Benjamin Clark, who served as Sheriff of Wayne County, and also represented the districi, in the State Legisla- ture. Our subject is one of a family of twelve children, six of whom yet survive. His par- ents died in this county, the father July 16, 1875, of small-pox; the mother February 26, 1881. Our subject was reared and educated in this county, and has made farming his principal occupation: but for about fifteen years he has been engaged every season in the manufacture of sorghum molasses, for which business he has a complete outfit of crushers, evaporating pans, etc., and has at tained a proficiency in his business not ex- celled by any. He manufactures annually about 2.000 gallons of the sirup. He also carries on his farm of 138 acres of land, most all of which is in cultivation. July 3, 1859, he was married in this county to Miss Ruth E. Lear. She was born in Ohio February 26, 1840, and was the daughter of Henry Lear, who came to Illinois in L852, but died near Memphis, Tenn.. while in the service of his country. Mrs. Morris died in Iowa August 26. 1866. April 2, 1868, Mr. Morris was again united in marriage, and to Miss Samantha E. Caudle. She was born in Wayne County, 111., February 22, 1849, and is the daughter of Samuel Caudle, who has resided in this county about forty years. By first marriage Mr. Morris has two children living— Joseph W., and Mary L . wife of Henry A. Huffhines; also two children dead. By the second marriage there are eight chil- dren, four of whom survive- -Lucretia A., Francos A., Agnes M. and Isaac S. Our subject has resided in Wayne County during his life, except three years in the West, nine months of that timo being in Utah and the remainder in Iowa. He and wife are mem- 128 BIOGKAPHICAL : bers of the Latter-Day Saints Church, and Mr. M. was ordained Elder in the church in 1862. He is now a local minister and pre- sides over a congregation of about seventy- five members. In political matters, he is associated with the Republican party, and has served as Supervisor of the township. MARION SONGER, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Clay County, 111., October 23, 1845, to Jacob and Rebecca (McGrew) Song- er. (See sketch of Hiram Songer, Xenia Township, Clay County.) Our subject was reared and educated in Clay County. In 1872, he came to his present farm in Wayne County, which contains 160 acres, 100 being in cultivation and well improved. March 28, 1872, he was married in Clay County to Miss E. C. Vickrey, who was born in Clay County, a daughter of Alex Vickrey. This union has been blessed with two children — Homer E., born September 10, 1875, and Minnie M., born February 23, 1879. He is a member of I. O. O. F. of Zenia, and of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and Mrs. Songer of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is Democratic. Mr. Songer has been quite successful in business, and entirely through his own energy. FOTJE MILE TOWNSHIP. JOHN BOSWELL. miller, Wayne City, wa s born July 24, 1855, in Clay County, 111. ; his father, Matthew Boswell, is a native of North Carolina. He is yet living and farming in Clay County, to which he came in 1841. His father, the grandfather of our subject, Edward Boswell, was a native of Virginia, also a farmer by occupation, and died in Clay County. Lucy S. (Moore) Boswell is the mother of our subject; she is a native of North Carolina, and yet living in Clay County. She is a daughter of Joshua and Lucy (Algood) Moore, both natives of North Carolina. Our subject went to school in Clay County, 111., where he farmed. On the 10th day of June, 1875, at the age of nine- teen, he was joined in matrimony to Miss Marv E. Ellis, a native of Missouri, born November 15, 1859. She is a daughter of Charles and Nancy (Carlisle) Ellis. Three children came to bless this happy union — William N., born March 2, 1876; he died of pneumonia, February 24, 1883; Viola E., born January 15, 1878; and Charles M., born April 7, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Boswell are esteemed members of society, also of the Grange. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Viola Lodge, No. 691. In political mat- ters, Mr. Boswell is a Democrat. DR. J. M. BRAMSON, physician, Wayne City, was born July 3, 1836, in Warren County, Ky. He is a son of Hezekiah Bram- son, a native of Virginia, and a farmer and shoe-maker by occupation. He came here in 1838, and settled in Marion County, 111. He died at Tamaroa, 111. His father was Briscoe D. Bramson, of Scotch descent. The mother of our subject was Emeline (Baily) Bramson, a native of Kentucky' where she died. She was a daughter of Da- vid and Martha (Baily) Baily, and is the mother of six children, two of whom are now living — Martha W. Walker and James M., our subject, who was educated in New York Fori; MILE TOWNSHIP. 129 and Illinois, but who received his medical education in St. Louis, Mo., and Cincinnati, Ohio. The Doctor has traveled and followed his profession in different States, as Iowa, Kentucky and Illinois. He came to Wayne County, 111., in 1S7<), and practiced live years in Johusonville, after which he went to Ken- tucky, but finally returned to this State, and in the spring of 18S2 came to Wayne City, where he now resides and has succeoded in building up an extensive and lucrative prac- tice, enjoying the esteem and confidence of the people. Dr. Bramson was married, April 4, 1800. in Franklin County, 111., to Miss Sarah A. Harper, born December 22, 1842, in Tennessee. She is a daughter of Alfred and Mary A. Carter (Harper). Mrs. Dr. Bram- son is the mother of six children — Marinda E., born May II. 1861; Lilburn H.. born September 12, 1805; Bertha S.,*born October 12, 1807; Laura A., born November 23, 1809; Martha L., born June 29, 1872; and Clyde M., deceased. Mrs. Dr. Bramson is connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. Bramson is a member of the I. O. O. F., the Grange and the G. A. It. The Doctor also served in our late war. Ho en- listed iu the fall of 1801, and served thirteen months in the Sixth Illinois Volunteer Cav- alry, Company D; held the position of Ser- geant, and participated in different cavalry engagements. DR. J. C. BRISTOW, physician, Wayne City. Among the experienced and trustworthy physicians of Wayne County is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born December 22. 1S25, in Parke County, Ind. His parents, George and Elizabeth (Collings) Bristow, were natives of Sholby County. Ky. . and were highly esemed members of society. George Bristow was a farmer by occupation and also an ordained minister of the old Regular Baptist Church; he died in Shelby County, Ky. His father, Gideon Bristow, was a native of Virginia, but of Welsh de scent; he and threo of his brothers fought in the Revolutionary war. Dr. Bristow's mother was a daughter of William Collings. Our subject was educated iu the common schools of Indiana and Kentucky, and received his medical education in the Medical Department of the University of Louisville, Ky., where he received his diploma. In 1855, he com- menced to practice medicine in Keokuk County, Iowa, and after two years of suc- cessful labor went to Kansas Territory, where he practiced one year, and then returned to to Illinois, settling in Crawford County, where he followed his profession till June, 1879, when he came to Wayne City, where he now resides and where he has succeeded in establishing a line practice. The Doctor votes the Republican ticket, and is considered one of the best read men in this part of Wayne County. J. R. CHANDLER, merchant, Wayne City, was born Feburary 0, 1854, in Clay County. 111., where he received such an education as his part of the county afforded, and here he was early in life imbued with a spirit for a mer- chantile career for which he is so well fitted, and in which his many friends predict for him even greater success than ^he has thus far achieved. He commenced by clerking for his uncle, W. VV. Brownfield, of Xonia, acting as traveling salesman six years. In January, 1881, he came to Wayne City, 111., where he opened a dry goods store, carrying also groceries, boots, shoes and clothing, and at present enjoys a very large trade, owing, his success no doubt, to his energy, and honesty in dealing with his customers. Mr. ('handler was married, March 7. 1878, in Xenia, 111., to Miss Mollie Thing, born August 1, 1856, in Indiana, daughter of George and America (Rusher) Thin-. He 9 130 BIOGRAPHICAL: was a native of Pennsylvania, and she of Indiana. Three children, now living, blessed this happy union, viz. : Maudie, born Jan- uray 4, 1879; George, December 9, 1880; and an infant son, October 16, 1883. Mr. Chandler is an I. 0. O. F., Wayne City Lodge, No. 228. He is a member of the Town Board, and in politics is a Republican. Mrs. Chandler is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The parents of our sub- ject were Reuben and Elizabeth (Browntield) Chandler. He was a farmer by occupation, and died in Iuka, 111. She, the mother of our subject, is yet living in Xenia. 111. She is daughter of William and C. \V. (Cheeley) Browntield, and is the mother of four chil- dren now living, viz. : William W., Catharine Browntield, Mary Jacobson, John R. and George M. Allen; the latter was a child from her third husband, James Allen. CHARLES R. ELLIS, miller, Wayne City, was born January 21, 1832, in Wash- ington County, Ind. He is a son of Isaac Ellis, a native of Virginia, but reared in Kentucky. He farmed and merchandized in Indiana, where he died. His father, William Ellis, was a native of Virginia. The mother of our subject was Jane (Radcliff) Ellis. She is yet living, and is a daughter of David and Betsey (Brown) Radcliff. She, the mother of our subject, reared nine children, five of whom are now living — William, Elizabeth Holaday, Catherine Tinsel, Mary Hulgin and Charles R. , our subject, who was educated in Indiana, which State he left at the age of twenty-three and went to Missouri, in 1855, where he followed his trade, which he had learned in Indiana. He lived in Newton County, Mo., till 1861, when he came to Wayne County, 111., where he milled till 1878, when he moved to Clay County, where he followed his trade, returning to this coun- ty in 1882. He is now residing in Wayne City, where he built a flouring mill, which is operated by his children, he himself having reserved an interest in the mill. He has built two new mills and rebuilt several others in this county He has owned five different mills in this county. Such men as Mr. Ellis are a valuable acquisition to any neighbor- hood. He was joined in matrimony, August 8, 1854, in Orange County, Ind., to Miss Nancy Carlisle, born February 3, 1840, in Orange County, Ind. She is a daughter of John and Hannah (Smith) Carlisle. He is a native of Kentucky, and she a native of Indiana. John Carlisle was a Captain in the Black Hawk war. Six children now living have come to bless this happy union — Martha J., wife of John Close; Mary E., wife of John Boswell: John D., born No- vember 15, 1860; he married Emma J. War- sack; Anna, B., born October 16, 1872; Jesse T., October 20, 1874; Francis M., born October 20, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are highly respected members of the community in which they dwell, and also of the Christian Church. He is also an active member of the A. F. & A. M. fraternity, Johnsonville Lodge, No. 713. He has lost an arinjwhile follow- ing his vocation. DR. B. E. GARRISON, physician, Wayne City, may justly be counted among Wayne County's rising young physicians. He was born August 11, 1859, in this county, in the same building in which his father, George Garrison, was born. The latter is a farmer in Hickory Hill Township, where he is one of the prominent and leading men. He was also a soldier in our late war, serving three years, and held the office of Orderly Ser- geant. His father, Samuel Garrison, was one of the first settlers in Wayne County. He was a native of Tennessee, but ended his days in this county, which he saw built up from a wilderness to a fertile and prospering Fori; milk township. 131 country. The mother of our subject was Sarah (Wells) Garrison, a native of Jefferson County. 111. She is a daughter of Barney I'.. Wells, an honored citizen and pioneer of Jefferson Coimty, 111. Her mother was Eliz abeth B. (Alvis) Wells. Mrs. S. Garrison is the mother of ten children, of whom six are now living — Barney E.,Malissa J. (wife of William Morrison), Gregg. Isaac L., Leota C, Minnie B. and Lilly S. Our subject was educated in Wayne County, 111., but received his medical education in the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa. where he graduated March 1, 1881. Dr. Garrison has practiced six months in Hamil- ton County, and since then in Wayne Coun- ty, locating in Wayne City March 1, 1882, where he has succeeded in building up an extensive practice P. C. GL ASMAN, merchant. Long Prairie, was born September 22, 1841, in Louis- ville, Ky. His father, Peter Glasman. was a native of Germany. He was a merchant tailor by occupation, and died in Harrison County, Ind. The mother of our subject, Mary (Beam) Glasman. was born in Saxony, and died in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Glasman went to school in Clay and Jefferson Counties, 111. At the age of nineteen, he enlisted in the Eleventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry. Company F, Capt. Singleton, on the 25th of July, 1861, and served till January 20, 180(>; he tilled the rank of Sergeant, and par- ticipated in the battles of Fredericktown, Island No. 10. Corinth and Vicksburg. and the battles of Iuka. Nashville. Term., and Spanish Fort. After the war, he re- turned to Xenia, where he farmed one year; then removed to Jefferson County, and after three years went to Mound City, where he worked six years in the ax-handle factory, ami from there went to Thebes, 111., where he worked one year in a factory, and was married there to Mrs. S. E. Brown, a native of Louisville, Ky. Her maiden name was Crittenden. She was educated in St. Louis. and is now classed among Wayne County's most efficient teachers. Mr. Glasman is an I. O. O. F., Asbury Lodge, No. 248. From Thebes, where our subject got married, he removed to Mt. Vernon. After teaching school on*> year, he wont to St. Louis, and attended the Mound City Commercial College, where he graduated, and then kept books in the Tuscan Mills six months, and then went to Opdyke, where he clerked for J. C. Tucker four years, and then went to Belleville, where he clerked in the railroad office six months, and then returned to Opdyke, where he clerked for Tucker & Poole till May 24, 1883, when he came to Middletown, where he now keeps a general store. J. F. S. HOPKINS, merchant, Long Prairie, was born September 13, 182."). in Hamilton County, 111., son of John Hop- kins, a native of Kentucky, who in early life followed the stone mason trade, and after- ward became a merchant in McLeansboro, 111., keeping a grocery store till 1833, when he came to Wayne County, near Maulding's Mill, just a little east of where Wayne City now stands. There he sold groceries and dry goods about twelve months, and got sick, and with his whole family returned to Ham- ilton County, where he died about 1834. His family, after his demise, returned to their old residence, where his widow mar- ried Samuel Bradford. Mrs. Susannah (Saltsman) Hopkins was born in Kentucky, and died in Middletown in 1S80, aged over eighty years. She was a daughter of Peter Saltsman, of German descent, he was a physi- cian by occupation, lived many years in Ken- tucky, and died in Missouri, aged over one hundred years, She was the mother of three 132 BIOGRAPHICAL: children, viz.: Clinton C, Hester R. Maulding and John F. S., our subject, who weut to school in McLeansboro and near Maulding Mill. In early life, he worked a great deal for other people until 1846, when he married and commenced farming for him- self, continuing to farm till the present day, although he sold goods near Maulding's Mill from 1855 to 1859. In 1862, he sold his farm and stock and enlisted in the United States Army in the Fortieth Illinois Regi- ment Infantry Volunteers, Company G,Capt. C. C. Hopkins, a brother of our subject. Mr. Hopkins participated in thirteen battles, among others that of Mission Ridge, and was with Gen. Sherman in his world-famed "march to the sea." While at Savannah, he got sick and stayed in the hospital till he was sent to Washington, where he was dis- charged, after which he came home and went into the family grocery business, which he followed almost three years, and* agai n sold out and then went to farming, which he yet follows, and also keeps a general store, sit- uated on his farm near Middletown. Our subject has been married twice. His first wife, Nancy M. (Garrison) Hopkins, died leaving one child, named Elizabeth, who is the wife of J. W. Anderson. His second wife, Mrs. Emeline Green, is a daughter of Rezira Johnson and Rebecca (Kane) Johnson. She is the mother of five children, viz. : Malissa A. Bell, Lucinda A. Nahm, Marga- ret E. Craig, Charles T. (deceased) and Laura C. Ospring. Mr. Hopkins is an A. F. & A M., and a Republican in principle. Has filled the offices of Constable, Assessor, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. CHARLES M. JACOBSON, druggist, Wayne City, was born May 24, 1831, in Saxony, Germany. His father, Frederick Jacobson, was also a native of Germany, where he learned and followed tbe cabinet- maker's trade. He came to the United States about the year 1835, settling in New York; from there he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, then to Belleville, 111., where he worked at his trade for a number of years, and finally moved to St. Louis, where he died. The mother of our subject was Hannah Jacobson, born in Germany. She died in Louisville, Ky., while visiting her daughter. She was the mother of six children — Frederick, So- phia Shaeffer, Amanda Brown, Charles M. , Albert and Aurora Smith. Our subject spent most of his youth in Belleville and St. Louis. In the former place he went to school mostly, and also learned the carpenter trade, follow- ing it about ten years, after which he farmed about nine years in Jefferson County, and then went to Belle Rive, where he learned the drug business with Dr. Eaton. After two years, he went into partnership with S. C. Guthrie, which he continued two years. In May, 1882, he came to Wayne County, 111., where he entered the drug business, which he continues to the present day, keeping also groceries, queensware, and all kinds of liquors. He has two partners — N. G. and A. Jenkins. Our subject was married, October 24, 1850, in Belleville, 111., to Miss Emily F. Skinner, born in 1833 in Belleville, 111. She is a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Akens) Skinner, an old pioneer of St. Clair County. Eight children now living were the result of this happy union — Morris W., Ed- ward C. , Emily, Alfred F., Alonzo L., Frank- lin Q., Richard L. and Raymon. Mr. Jacob- son is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Iron Hall fraternity. In politics, he is a Democrat. R. A. JENKINS, farmer, P. O. Wayne City. This gentleman, who is a resident of that part of Four-Mile Township which is known as " Frog Island," was born February 15, 1843, in Wayne County, 111. His father, FOUH MILE TOWNSHIP. 183 R. F. Jenkins, was a native of Pennsylvania and came to Wayne County, 111., when about twelve years old. Here- he farmed, and finally died in February, 1877. The mother of our subject. Sarah (Bothwell) Jenkins, is a native of Tennessee. She is yet living, and is the mother of twelve children, of whom eight are now liviug. She is an esteemed lady, the daughter of James Both- well, a farmer by occupation. Our subject received a limited school education in this county, and was married here September 25, 1863, to Miss Louisa Harshberger, born August 27, 1842, in Illinois. She is a daugh- ter cf William ami Emily (Spouse) Harsh- berger. Eight children came to bless this happy union —Mara A. (wife of John Gra- ham), Sarah Williams, Richard, Lilie, Victo- ria, Saratany and Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are members of the Missionary Bap- tist Church, and highly esteemed members of society in general. He has served his town- ship in the capacity of Commissioner of Highways and School Director. Politically, our subject is inclined to the Democratic party. His line farm of 160 acres is kept in a high state of cultivation, and from year to year ho adds a few new improvements, indi- cating the progressive farmer. JAMES KEEN, farmer, stockman and merchant. P. O. Six Mile, was born February 16, 183!), in Keenville. Wayne Co., 111. His father, John Keen, Sr. . was a native of Sum- ner County. Tenn. , born in 1811. and yet living in this county. His history will appear moro complete in another pari >>f this work. The grandfather of our subject, Ford Keen, was born in Virginia. Catherine (Book) Keea was the mother of eleven children, of whom eight are now living. She died in November, 1857. Oar subject attended tho old-fashioned subscription schools, only go- ing about twelve months, and is therefore mai nly self-educated. In early life, he farmed on his father's farm, and stayed with him until he was thirty-one years old. In 1866, at the age of twenty-five, he commenced to deal in stock in partnership with his father and brother, but since 1871 he has only been in partnership with his brother, Samuel Keen, which partnership is still existing. They also keep a general store, which is con- ducted by Harvey M. Maxey. Mr. Keen owns a fine farm of 360 acres. He has been School Trustee, Highway Commissioner, and in the fall of 1880 was elected to the General As- sembly of Illinois, which position he tilled with ability. Mr. Keen was joined in mat- rimony twice. His first wife, Sarah J. Ellis, born March 10, 1849, in Wayne County, 111., died July 15, 1876. His present wife, Ris- pah J. Whitney, born in 1846, in Ripley County. Ind. She is a daughter of Nathan and Mary J. (Moore) 'Whitney. He is a na- tive of Maine, and she of Hamilton County, Ohio. One child, now living, came to bless this union, Raab D., born September 15, 1882. Mrs. Keen is connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Keen is a Democrat, and hoping to live and die in the old party. ANTHONY MATEER, farmer, P. O. Long Prairie, was born August 3, 1834, in Ana strong County, Peon. He is a son of John Mateer, a native of Pennsylvania, a farmer by occupation, and a descendant of the old Mateer family well known in the East. He came to this county in L855, settling on the Earm now owned by our subject. He was a successful farmer, and member of the Seceder Church, and a quiet man of sterling quali- ties. He died in 1866, aged eighty-four years. His father, Rober I Mateer, was also a native of Pennsylvania, and a farmer by oc- cupation. He died east of the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania. The mother of 134 UIOCJKAPIIM'AI.: our subject was Margaret Montgomery, a native of Ireland. Sbe came to the United States with her parents when she was only twelve years old. She was the mother of nine children, of whom sis are now living. She died in Wayne County. Our subject is mainly self-educated. Early in life, he turned his attention to his father's vocation — farming — and now owns 160 acres of good land, which is kept in a high state of' culti- vation. He was married in Hamilton Coun- ty, 111., April 26. I860, to Rebecca Scuda- more, a native of Illinois, born October 20, 1S40. This esteemed lady is the mother of five children, viz.: Minnie E, Samuel M., Franklin J., Nettie E. and Nellie B. (de- ceased). Mr. and Mrs. Mateer are honored members in the society in which they move. In politics, Mr. Mateer is identified with the Democratic party. O. P. NESMITH. farmer, P. O. Wayne City, was born February 25, 1846, in Athens County, Ohio. He is a son of Jonathan Ne- sraith, a native of Maine and a farmer by oc- cupation. He came to Ohio in 1820, and in 1873 he came to Jefferson County, 111., where he lived till 1882, when he moved to Labette County, Kan., where he now resides. The grandfather of our subject, Benjamin Ne~ smith, was a native of Maine, his parents be- ing Scotch people. The mother of our sub- ject, Paulina (Judd) Nesmith, is a native of New York. She is yet living, and is the mother of the following children: Martha Fuller, Oliver P. and John F. Mr. Nesmith's grandparents on his mother's side were Arunah and Laura (Jeffers) Judd. He was a native of New York, and she of Connecticut. Our subject was educated in Athens County, Ohio, where he was also joined in matrimony to Lavina Carter, who died in Jefferson County, 111., in 1874, one year after they had come to this county. She was tie- mother of two children, now living, viz., Charles H. and Frank H. Our subject was married a second time to Theresa Allen, born July 26, 1856, in Franklin County, 111. She is a daughter of Joseph and Catharine (Barbee) Allen, natives of Tennessee. Two children now living blessed this happy union — Thomas F. and Carroll C. Mr. Nesmith is an A., F. & A. M., Belle Rive Lodge, No. G96, and I. O. O. F., Wayne City Lodge, No. 558, also an A. O. U. W., Fairfield Lodge, No. 65. He has been elected twice to the office of Township Supervisor, and at present holds that office. He is an ardent supporter of the Republican party. WRIGHT REID, general merchant, Wayne City, was born May 27, 1862, in Ed- wards County, 111., near Albion. He is a son of Benjamin P. Reid, a prominent citizen of Edwards County. He is a native of Shelby County, Ky. , is yet living, and follows farm- ing as his vocation in Edwards County, where he married Hannah (Willis) Reid, a native of Kentucky. She is yet living, and with her husband a member of the Christian Church. She is a daughter of Wright and Judith (Wire) Willis, the former is a native of Maryland and the latter a native of Vir- ginia. Mrs. Hannah Reid is the mother of fourteen children, thirteen boys and one girl, who are all liviDg except one son, William \V., who sacrificed his young life in defense of the stars and stripes during our late rebell- ion. The names of the children are J. An- drew, William W., Benjamin S., Oliver O., Mary A. Smith, Havillah A., Francis M., Horace W., Henry O, Richard T., Chris- topher O, Edwin B. , Wright W. and Leigh L. Our subject was educated in Edwards County, where he was joined in matrimony Octobor 10, 1883, to Miss Mattie Smith, born August 31. 1863. She is a daughter of Captain W. and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Foil; MILK TOWNSHIP. 135 Smith. The former is a native of Edwards County, of English descent, and the latter is a native of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Reid are members of the Christian Church. He used to till the soil in the summer and go to school in the winter till September, 1881, when he came to Wayne City, where he is now in partnership with his brothers, Chris- topher C. and Edwin B.. keeping a general store. Our subject is identified with the Republican party, as also the other members of the Reid family. J. B. SCUDAMORE, merchant, Wayne City-, was born August 23. 1882, in Gallatin County, 111. He is a son of George and Re- becca (Buck) Scudamore. George Scudamore was a native of England, which he left when a young man to make his fortune in the new world. Hh died in Gallatin County, 111., having followed farming and cattle dealing in his life. Mrs. Rebecca Scudamore is a native of Gallatin County, 111. She is a daughter of Warner and Barbara (Slushor) Buck, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Virginia. She was the mother of eleven children, of whom seven are now living, viz.: William, George, Thomas, Joseph B., James A., Sarah J. Maulding and Rebecca A. Mateer. The mothor of these children is yet living, aged eighty-three years. Our subject was educated principally in the common schools of Hamilton County. He was a farmer till August, 1862. when he enlisted in the One Hundred and Tenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company G. and held commission as Second and First Lieutenant and Captain. In May. 1863, his regiment was consolidated, and our subject was mus- tered out. Ho afterward volunteered as a pri- vate in the Sixth Illinois Volunteer Cavalrj . Company L, ranking as Commissary Sergeant, and serving till close of war. participating in the battle of Stone River and other en: ments. After the war, Mr. Scudamore fol- lowed farming, and in 1S09 he came to (his county, locating where Wayne City now stands. He might bo called the first settler, and he built the first store and dwelling. To him more than to any other man belongs the credit of getting a post office in the place, as he got up a petition and was Postmaster for seven years. His wife is Postmistress at present. He now holds the position of No- tary Public; he has also been Constable, filled school offices, and was Justice of the Peace for four years, and has also been a member of the County Board for four years. He is an A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. Our sub- ject was married, January 1, 1856, in Hamil- ton County, 111., to Miss Elizabeth J. Lewis, born March 28, 1838, in Champaign County, 111., daughter of Wilson and Mary A. (Ro- mine) Lewis, both natives of Champaign County, 111., where he was Sheriff two terms. The following eight children blessed this union: Alvin G., Arminda J. Jones, Ada C. Talbert, Molly, Eva, John W., Bertha S. and Edna O. J. G. SMITH, merchant, Wayne City, was born March 7, 1847, in Wisconsin, son of J. G. Smith, Sr. , a native of England, where he received his medical education, and after graduating he emigrated to the United State,, settling in Wisconsin, where ho followed his profession. Our subject went to school in different counties in Illinois, but is mainly self-educated, having traveled a great deal in different parts of the United States. Having lost his mother when unite young, and his father, who it is supposed returned to En land and was probably lost at sea, he, our subject, at the age of thirteen commenced to work for himself. His brother, William It. Smith, is living in Kansas; another brother, Lewis K. Smith, is living in Illinois at pres- ent, but up to a late date our subject had not 136 BIOGRAPHICAL: heard from him for eighteen years. His two sisters. Mary Magdalena and Juniana Smith, he lost track of when two years old. Our subject came to Wayne City, Wayne Co., 111., in or about 1869 ; here he farmed almost five years, and learned the blacksmith's trade him- self, and followed it eight years with suc- cess, and finally entered the mercantile career, and now keeps a general store. Mr. Smith was married in Jefferson County, 111., to Miss M. A. E. Frazier. a native of North Carolina; she died in this county in 1880. She was a daughter of William and Margaret Frazier, and left two children, viz. : Ithamer Quay, born November 18, 1871, and Chloe Parthelia, born May 8. 1875. Mr. Smith has a farm of seventy acres of land joining the town. In politics, he is a Democrat. His life so far has had many sad stories, made mainly by the separation from those he loved and held dear. JOHN TYLER, merchant, Wayne City was born December 10, 1852, in Barnhill Township, "Wayne Co., 111., son of Henry Tyler, a native of Wayne County, 111. He is a farmer by occupation, and has been con- nected with the township offices of Barnhill Township, and at present is Township Com- missioner. He is well known as a successful farmer, and an active member of the General Baptist Church. His father, Henry Tyler, Sr., was of Irish descent. He came from Virginia, settling in this county about 1820, and may be classed among our pioneers. His wife, Betsey (Miller) Tyler, of Dutch descent, reared a large family, of whom only Jahalon and Henry Tyler are now living. The mother of our subject, Sarah (O'Neal) Tyler, was a native of White County, 111. She was the mother of eight children — Alice Caudel, deceased; John, Charles, William, Edward B., Samuel, George W. and Laura L.. who are twins. Our subject, John Tyler, went to school in Wayne County. In early life, he tilled the soil on his father's farm. At the age of twenty-one, he went to White County, where he worked four years for George Hunsinger, and one year for Eze kiel Hunsinger, and then went to Ellis County, Texas, where he worked two years on a farm for Ira Green, and then went to Southwest Missouri, where he worked one year in a (louring mill for McDaniel & Co., in Carthage. On August 19, 1880, he once more returned to his native county, where he worked at the carpenter trade three years, and then came to Wayne City, where he bought lots and built a house himself, in which he keeps a hardware store, supplying a long-felt want in the town and country. Mr. Tyler is well known for his steady habits and strict attention to business. He is identified with the Democratic party in politics, and is a member of the I. O. O. F., Wayne City Lodge, No. 558. DE. N. M. WILLIAMS, physician, Six Mile, was born November 30, 1834, in Gar- rard County, Ky., son of Andrew Will- iams a native of Virginia, a miller by occu- pation. When a young man, he went to Ken- tucky, where he died. His father, Samuel Williams, was a native of Ireland. The mother was Levina (Wood) Williams ; she was a native of South Carolina and died in Wayne County, 111. She was a daughter of Andrew and Mary J. Wood. Her father f ought in some of the Indian wars. She was the mother of seven children, of whom five are now living — Daniel M., Nathan M., James A., Martha Melton and Mar- cena Wood. Our subject received his education in Indiana and Wayne County, 111. He received his medical education in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and at Evansville, Ind. ; where he graduated February 27, 1S78, after which he has practiced in Wayne County, ELM BIVEB TOWNSHIP. 137 with the exception of five months which he spent in Missouri. Dr. Williams was joined in matrimony, May 14, 1859, in Jefferson County, 111. to Miss Rebecca Webber, born February 23, 1842, in Jefferson County, 111., daughter of Seth W. and Jane (Craw- ford) Webber, natives of Virginia; four children arose from the union and blessed her with the name of mother — Ollie S., born May 21, 18(51; James B., born June 18, 1863; John H, born June 18, 1867; and Oliver E., born August 7,, 1880. Ollie S. is now the wife of Silas Wood. Mrs. D. Williams is connected with the Christian Church. D. Williams is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Hickory Hill Lodge, No. 559. He has filled the office of Town- ship Assessor five times. The Democratic I i.irly claims him as a warm supporter. KLM RIVER TOWNSHIP LOUIS D. BARTH, merchant. Enterprise, came to Wayne County in 1879, from Posey County, Ind. , his native county, and after clerking in Fairfield a year came to Enter- prise and purchased the business interests of Henry Smith, and has since conducted the same with marked success, he carrying a large and varied line of goods, and commands a liberal patronage throughout the surround- ing country. He was born July 28, 1858, and is the elder of the two children born to Gottlieb and Harriet (Miller) Barth. The father is a well-to do farmer of this town- ship. He is a native of Germany, and is a son of Andy Barth. Our subject obtained a good schooling in his native county, and pre- vious to coming to Wayne County was en- gaged principally in farming. He married Lena Feller, a daughter of Jacob Feller, now deceased, and has one child — Minnie E. Mr. Barth has been the Post Master at Enterprise for several years, and has filled many of the township offices, and is al present a member of the ' County Board. He is a Democrat politically. JOHN SPAR, farmer. P. O. Enterprise, is a native of Westmoreland County, Penn., born December 25, 1832, the eldest child of David and Mary (Martin) Spar, both natives of Pennsylvania. The father was a farmer by occupation, and he died when subject was young. The parents had throe children, two of whom survive — John and'Mary J. The mother subsequently married John Kelly, by whom she had three children, of whom Ra- chel and Nancy are living. Our subject learned the blacksmith's trade in early life,and worked at it up to the last few years. He came to Wayne County in 1864, and has re- sided here since, with the exception of two years which he spent in Wabash County, 111. He has a well-improved farm, and deyotes his attention to farming in its general branches. He married Mary Beasore, and the union has given eight children, of whom there are seven living — John, Kate, Frank, Mc- Clellan, Jemima, Fraize and Isaac. In politics, Mr. Spar is a Democrat. JAMES W. TROTTER, farmer, P. O. Knterprise, was born in Bedford Town- ship, this county, April 26, 1830, a son of Elisha B. and Amelia (Watkins) Trotter, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. The father was born in 1801, BIOGRAPHICAL: and was by occupation a tiller of the soil. He had two brothers who served in the Black Hawk war, and one, Shirley, now liv- ing in this county, who was in both the Mex- ican and the civil wars. Elisha B. Trotter came to Wayne County at a very early date (about 1827), and his father, William, came about the same time. The latter served in the war of 1812. Our subject's parents had nine children, and there are seven now liv- ing — Nancy, James W., Sarah, Martha, Samuel W., Mary and S. Jasper. Our sub- ject has resided in Wayne County all his life. He possesses farm property to the ex- tent of 410 acres, and for many years past has raised and dealt in stock on a large scale. He married Polly McCormick, a daughter of William McCormick, one of Wayne County's tirst settlers, who assisted in the original surveying of it. Mr. and Mrs. Trotter are the parents of thirteen children, of whom nine survive — Lucinda A., Martha A., Elisha W., Francis M. , James A., Sarah J., Ollie A., Margaret E. and Sophronia A. Politically, Mr. Trotter is a Democrat. S. W. TROTTER, farmer, P. O. Enter- prise, was born in Elm River Township, September 25, 1837, a son of Elisha B. Trotter, an old settler of Wayne County. (See sketch of James W. Trotter elsewhere.) He obtained his early schooling here, was raised on the farm, and has always lived in the vicinity of his birthplace. He is now one of the most substantial farmers of the township, having 380 acres of land, a large share of which is devoted to the raising of stock. He was married, in 18(34, to Rosanna Fitch, a daughter of John Fitch, an old resident of Elm River Township. This union has been blessed with eight children — Amelia J., Lewis M. , Terlina E. , Flora A., John W., Samuel A., Jetty A. and James W. Mr. Trotter has tilled many times the offices of Assessor and Collector, besides other minor offices. Politically, he is a Democrat. JOSIAH VANFOSSON, farmer, P. O. Mount Erie, is a native of Columbiana Coun- ty, Ohio, born October 1, 1835, to David and Malinda (Fishel) Vanfossen, both natives of Ohio, and the parents of six children, of whom the following are now living: Rosa (the wife of Jacob Galbraith), David, Alexander, and Josiah, our subject, who was the second child. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. When he was sixteen years of age, he was brought to Wayne Coun- ty, 111., by his parents. He has followed farming exclusively, excepting a period of twelve years, in which he made carpentering his occupation, and at that time resided in Mount Erie. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the late civil war, serving in Company D,of the Eighty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and took part in several engagements. He was mustered out of the service in July, 1865. He married Mary Marvel, who has borne him seven children, of whom live are now living, viz.. Thomas J., Malinda J., Elisha D., Will- iam Sherman, Mary A. Mr. Vanf ossen is one of the most, prominent men of his township, having by honesty, industry and economy, se- cured a good property and a name and repu- tation that is beyoud reproach. He is an act- ive member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge, No. 331, at Mount Erie, and he and wife are members of thp Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Politically, he is a Democrat. ZIF TOWNSHIP. 139 ZIF TOWNSHIP. JAMES C. BOTH WELL, farmer. P. O. Clay City, is one of Wayne County's most prosperous farmers. He has a farm of 360 acres, situated in both this and Clay County. Blooded stock, principally horses, claims most of his attention, and he is gradually putting his farm into a condition suitable for the raising of stock upon an extensive scale. He was born in Clay County, this State, December 2, In 15, and his father, John T. Bothwell, is still living in that county en- gaged in farming pursuits. The latter is a son of James Bothwell, a Scotchman by birth, who came when young with his father to America. John T. Bothwell has been mar- ried three times, his first wife — Priscilla (Pot- ter; Bothwell, bearing him five children, two of whom survive — C. H. and J. C. Our sub- ject enlisted September '24. lNti-1, in Com- pany E, Thirteenth United States Infantry, Col. Beeves, and served three years. After the war they did service in Kansas and Mon- tana. Mr. Bothwell moved to Wayne County in April, 186'J. He married Helen Mahan, a daughter of "William Mahan, now living in Dubois County, hid. Mrs. Bothwell' s grand- parents Lived to a remarkable old age. The grandfather, Peter Mahan, was born .) 15, 1782, and died June 30, 1878, and his wife with whom he had lived over seventy- two years, died at the age of nearly ninety year-.. Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell have four children — Luella, Marion, Charles K. and Isabel. Mr. B. has given largely to church and school purposes, and gives due consider- ation to all enterprises which inure to the good of the people. He is a member of the G. A. B., Clay Cit\ Tost, and is a Republican politically. JOHN BOWMAN, physician and surgeon, Zif, is a native of Clinton County, N. Y., born in Plattsburg September 8, 1830, a son of James Mc. Bowman, who was born in Vermont, and died when our subject was small. The latter attended school in Fort Covington, N. Y., and in 1848, commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Bates, and finished under Dr. Gillis. In the meantime he attended lectures at the medical branch of the University of Vermont, located at Wood- stock, and graduated from this institution in 1852. Ho practiced about three years in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., and in the spring of 1855 moved to Chicago, 111., where he re- sided for about four years. Here he married Ada B. Denning, and the union has been blessed with three children — John C, born November 13, 1859, in St. Louis, Mo., and died in Upper Alton March 0, 1883; James E., born October 14, 1867, and Mary R., born February 14. 1872. In the spring of L859, our subject removed to St. Louis, Mo., and practiced medicine until the commence- ment of the war of the rebellion. In the spring of 1861, he assisted in the recruiting of two regiments, and was appointed shipping clerk in the Medical Purveyor's office. Depart ment of the West. In August of the same year, he was sent as Surgeon pro tern, to the nth Iowa Volunteers, then at Iron Mount- ain. Mo. Shortly afterward, he was ordered by Gen. Prentiss to do duty as Assistant Surgeon to Buell's battery and the Cavalry attached to the command, and he was Bubse quently appointed by Gen. Fremont to the rank of Assistant Surgeon of Volunteer Ar- tillery. September 25, L861, lie was placed in medical charge of all the troops at Padu- 140 BIOGRAPHICAL: cah, Ky., and in the February following by order of Gen. Smith, was put in charge of the general hospital at that point. In July, 1862, he returned to St. Louis and took charge of a ward in Jefferson Barracks. Jan- es nary 14, 1863, he was commissioned by Gov. Gamble as Assistant Surgeon to the Twenty -seventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and he served with them in the held until the close of the war, after which he removed to Clay City, 111., and from thence to Wayne County, and has since been engaged in prac- tice. He has farm property to the extent of 293 acres, and has of late"years given some attention to farming pursuits. He is a mem- ber of the Wayne County Medical Society, and in political affairs is a Republican. JORDAN C. PATTERSON, deceased, came to Wayne County about 1853, from Warrick County, Ind., whence he had pre- viously moved from Warren County, Ohio. He was born in North Carolina January 5, 1814, a son of William Patterson, who was of Scotch descent. He was the first Post- master at Zif, which latter name he gave to the office, and the township afterward took the same name. He was a plasterer by trade, but in later years, devoted his time to farm- ing. He was an ordained preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and had filled many public offices, including that of Super- visor, both here and in Indiana. He mar- ried Cynthia Harrison, and the union gave nine children, of whom five are living — Ireneus, Nicholas J., Leroy S. and Orange S. (twins), and Jordan J. The latter married Rebecca A. Smith, a daughter of Jacob Smith, now deceased, and they have a family of three children, Cynthia M., Sarah A. and Malinda E. Mi - . J. J. Patterson has a farm of eighty acres, and engages in general farming. He and wife are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and politically, he is a Repub- lican. HICKORY HILL TOWNSHIP. F. M. ATTEBERRY, farmer, P. O. Keen- ville, was born in Grayson County, Ky.. and is a son of Stout and Annie L. (Crask) At- teberry. The father was born in South Car- olina, the mother in Kentucky (for more facts concerning the parentage of our sub- ject see the sketch of A. F. Atteberry) ; sub- ject was the seventh of nine living children, and when he was epiite young his parents moved to this county, and settled in Hickory Hill Township. He remained at home unlil about thirty, and then commenced farming, whore he now resides. He now owns 20U acres in Sections 28 and 33, of Town 1 south. Range 5 east; has about 160 acres in cul- tivation. Mr. Atteberry was married Octo- ber 14, 1866, to Miss Emma J. Dewees, a daughter of Stephen Dewees, of Grayson County, Ky; she was born July 30, 1832, and was the mother of one child, James F. , who was born March 24, 1868, and died October 4, 1871. Mrs. Atteberry died October 27, 186S. Subject was married the second time, September 22, 1S70, to Miss Elizabeth J. Mills, a daughter of Bradley and Rebecca (Ellis) Mills. Tha father was a native of New York, the mother of Hamilton County, 111., and was of German descent. The pres- ent Mrs. Atteberry was born December 20, 1845, and is the mother of seven children, HICKORY HILL TOWNSHIP. 141 four of whom are now living — Albert S., born September 11, 1871; Rebecca F., born November 25, 1872; Melissa A., born May 18, 1875, and Arthur N., born December 10, 1882. Of the deceased ones, an infant son was born January 19. 1874, and died the same day. An infant son was born October 25, 1870. and died October 29, 1870, and an in- fant daughter was born in September, 1880, and died the same day. Mr. Atteberry has served as a member of the County Board of Supervisors, also as School Trustee. He is identified with the Republican party. ASA F. ATTEBERRY, farmer and gen- eral merchant, P. O. Keenville, was born in Hickory Hill Township, this county, March 29, 1844, and is a son of Stout and Anna L. (Crask) Atteberry. The parents were both natives of Grayson County, Ky. The father came to this county in 1818, with his broth- er. Nathan F. Atteberry, and settled in Barn- hill Township. He. however, only remained in the county a short time, and then returned to Kentucky. There he afterward married .Miss Crask. who was of Virginia descent. Her father died in Kentucky and the mother in this county in 1855, aged eighty-nine years two months and eighteen days. In 1840, Mr. AttebeiTy again came to this coun- ty, and settled in Hickory Hill Township, in Section 28. There he resided until his death. December 10, 1881. The mother is still living at a good old age, on the old home farm. Our subject was the youngest of ten children, of whom the following are living: Rebecca, wife of John M. Reed; Sarah, wife of S. J. Branson; Eleanor, wife of John Keen, Sr.; Martha J., wife of John Keen, Jr.; Phebe A., wife of Samuel A. Keen: Francis M.. Ansel K. and A. F., our subject. The latter's education was received in the subscription schools of this county. He remained at home until twenty-live, and then, settling near his father, commenced the life of a farmer. He now owns eighty- eight acres in Section 28, of Town 1 south, Range 5 east. He opened a store on his farm in August, 1882, and now supplies the neighborhood with general merchandise, car- rying a stock of about SI, 500. He is also serving as Postmaster. In this county, No- vember 10, 1S67. Mr. Atteberry was married to Melissa Mills, a daughter of Bradley and Rebecca (Ellis) Mills. The father was a native of Ohio, the mother of Illinois. Mrs. AttebeiTy was born October 25, 1849. and is the mother of six children, four of whom are now living— John F., Edgar K., Fannie L. and Nettie M. Subject has server) as Town- ship Clerk for several years, also School Di- rector. Is a member of Hickory Hill Lodge, No. 759, A. F. & A. M. In politics, Mr. Atteberry is a strong Republican. 142 BIOGRAPHICAL. BIOGRAPHY RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN PROPER PLACE. BEDFOED TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM H. CISNE, grain and seed merchant, Cisne. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch belongs to that en- terprising class of men to whose active and well-directed efforts the material growth and prosperity of a town or community is largely if not wholly to be attributed. Mr. Cisne was born May 13, 1856, in Wayne County, and is the eldest child of Levi M. and Jane (Ray) Cisne. His youth was spent in assist- ing his father upon the home farm, and he received what early education the common schools of the time afforded. His early life was characterized by a desire for active en- gagements, and in after years he has dis- played the same ceaseless activity in all of his business undertakings. He possesses a general and comprehensive mind, and his so- licitation regarding the future of the little but lively town of Cisne has developed a re- markable supply of untiring energy, com- mendably directed to the substantial promo- tion of the interests of the people in general as well as his own. In 1880, he went into partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. F. M. Brock, and purchased the building prop- erty of Jesse Milner, near the railroad tracks. The firm of Brock & Cisne is well known, having done a heavy business at this point for several years, dealing generally in grain, seed and farm implements of all kinds. January 1 , 1884, the firm dissolved partner- ship, Mr. Cisne being the successor. He continues also to have charge of the railroad business at this place, and as tbe agent there- of, as well as in his various business capaci- ties, he has the respect and confidence of the entire community. He was married, Decem- ber 21, 1876, to Viola Brock, a daughter of J. C. Brock, the genial proprietor of the Cisne Hotel. This union has been blessed by one child — Fred Leo, a bright and mis- chievous little fellow, who delights in pop guns and noisy articles generally. Mr. Cisne is a member of the A. O. II. W., Fairfield Lodge, No. 65, and in political matters, given his support to the Republican cause, in which he is prominently identified. His original and masterly arguments in favor thereof, and of political purity, are condu- cive of a general breaking up of all opposi- tion, and place him in the foremost rank of those who have at heart the interests of the PART IV. IOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, CLAY COUNTY. Sf%^S PART IV. CLAY COUNTY BIOG-BAPHICAL. LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP. JAMES M. ANDREWS, dealer in stoves and tinware, Louisville, was born in Ran- dolph County, Ohio, September 8, 1836. His parents died and loft him an orphan when very small, and he was thrown upon the mer- cies of a cold world, and was knocked around from pillar to post. He molded and burned brick for several years, having burned the brick of which the Louisville SchoolhouRe is built. He came to Knox County, Ind. , in 1856, and to Clay County in 1875, and en- gaged in the same business he is now follow- ing, but sold out in 1877, and farmed four veins. Then, 1881, he resumed the business of tinner and dealer in stoves. He was mar- ried, December 21, 1857, to Sarah Holt, by whom In- had eight children; live of these are living — Noble, James, William, David and Minnie. Mrs. Andrews died in 1882, and he married Mrs. Nancy Lewis in 1883. Mr. Andrews owns the right for Clay County to manufacture and sell the Triumph Washer. It is a novelty, and is pronounced the best washer that has ever yet been offered to the public. It was patented in 1882. Mr. Andrews is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. Andrews is a Methodist. JOHN L. BLACK, Treasurer of Clay County, was born in Lawrenceburg, Ind., January 10, 1846, and is a son of Dr. Milo Black, of Sailor Springs, this county, who removed with his family to Madisonville, Ohio, in 1847, where the subject of this sketch was brought up and educated. They removed to Clay County in 1865. Mr-. Black was elected to the present office in November, 1882, having served as Deputy several years previous, under Mr. E. H. Hawkins, whose biography also appears in this work. JOHN R. BLACKLIDGE, deceased, late of Louisville, was born in Dayton, Tippe- canoe County, Ind., October 31, 1823, and was a son of Harvey Blacklidge. He brought up on the farm, and received a com- mon school education; also attended school in La Fayette, Ind. He enlisted in Com- pany B. One Hundred and Fiftieth Regi- meut Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and made an efficient soldier for his country, and was honorably discharged. He was granted a pension, but did not live to receive it. He was married, December 9, 1S55, to Miss Sarah Demint, by whom he had six children — Mary (now Mrs. William .). Viok), Eliza- 146 BIOGRAPHICAL: beth (now Mrs. Addison Darnell), Harvey (deceased), Hattie, Charley (deceased) and John. Mr. Blacklidge died November 24, 1882. and the children both followed in a few weeks after. He had been affected with rheumatism ever since the war, a disease contracted while in the service of his country. Mr. Blacklidge was a member of the United Brethren Church, a consistent Christian, and a member of the Sons of Temperance while in Indiana. He was an esteemed citizen, and in his death the people lost an honest, upright man, one who was ever ready to cheer and assist the poor, and the family lost an affectionate husband and considerate father. He was one of the few men whom everybody seemed to love. DR. JAMES M. BOYLES, Louisville, is a native of L'u Bois County, Ind., and was born May 21, 1844. His father, Hugh H. Boyles (deceased), was born uear Bowling Green, Ky. Our subject was brought up on the farm, and educated in the common schools and at Gentryville (Ind.) Academy. He attended one session of medical lectures at the St. Louis Medical College, and gradu- ated from the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery in 1872. In 1873, he began the practice of medicine in Louisville (having moved here in 1879), and has built up a large practice. But he is now endeavoring to give up his practice. He is a member of the Examining Board for Pensions at Flora. In 1873, the Doctor married Virginia E. Farris, by whom he had four children, but one living — Henderson B. Mrs. Boyles died in 1880, and in 1881 he married Mrs. Fannie Foreman, widow of William Fore- man. The Doctor held the office of Super- visor for two years, and is a member of the Centennial Medical Society of Southern Il- linois. He served in the late war, in Com- pany E. Forty-ninth Regiment Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry, and participated in the bat- tles of Chickasaw Bluffs, Fort Gibson, Cham- pion Hills. Black River Bridge, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., Arkansas Post, Red River and others. The Doctor is a mem- ber in good standing of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. WILLIAM BRISSENDEN, of the firm of Brissenden Brothers, proprietors of the Ex- celsior Flouring Mills, Louisville, was born in Edwards County, 111., February 7, 1S52, and is a son of William Brissenden (deceased), a native of England, who came to America in 1839, stopping one winter in New York State. In the spring of 1840. he came to Edwards Comity, 111., and in 1854 he brought his family to Clay County, where our subject has since resided. Mr. Brissenden was a telegraph operator for five years at different points in Illinois and Missouri. For the past two and a half years, he has been en- gaged in the milling business. The Excel- sior Mills are very fine, large, new mills, in which the roller system is used, with all the best and latest improvements in the other machinery. CLARENCE BRISSENDEN, miller. Lou- isville, of the firm of Brissenden Bros., was born in this county December 15, 1856, and is a son of William Brissenden (deceased), a native of England, who came to Edwards County, III., in 1830, and to this county about the year 1850. where he died, in Lou- isville, February 4, 1881. Clarence attended the schools of Clay City and Louisville. He and his brother William ran a saw mill at this place for two years, formerly the property of their father, when they built their fine flouring mill. It is 30x40 feet, four story frame building, and is supplied with the latest improved machinery, using the roller s\st(>iu. They do a good business both in custom and merchant work, running two sets LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP. 147 of stones and eight sets of rollers. This machinery is propelled by steam power) using a forty -horse-power engine. Mr. Bris- senden was married, May 23, 1883, to Miss Maggie Able, a daughter of George W. Ahle, of Louisville Township. Our subject is the leader of the Louisville Cornet Band. This band is a credit to Louisville, and, indeed, to Clay County. They an- called upon to play for the county fairs and for various meetings throughout the country. JOHN T. BURNS, Deputy County Clerk, Louisville, was born in Nicholas County, l\y., September IS. 1811, and is a son of John Burns (deceased). Ho spent his youth on the farm, and attended a subscription school in a log cabin with puncheon floor, split poles tor scats, and a clapboard roof. Mr. Burns emigrated to Hamilton County, Ind., in 1830. While there, he cleared at one time twelve acres of land in the heavy timber (taking off all trees eighteen inches and under in diameter) for the small sum of $2.50 per acre, making the land ready for the plow, with the exception of rolling the logs. He afterward taught school three months, and then went into the Circuit Clerk's office at Noblesville, Ind.. as a student. He served in this capacity for two years, when he was appointed Deputy ou a salary of sis a month. He held that position several years, when he was elected Circuit Clerk of that county, and served the people in that capacity for four- teen years. In 1851, he engaged in the mercantile business in Noblesville, continuing in that business until lsr>r>. He then took charge of a hotel there, which he ran for six years. Mr. Burns was married, Novem- ber 3, 1834, to Nancy Schumach, by whom ho had seven children. Of these, but two are living — Richard J., of Louisville, 111., and John T., of Dayton. Washington Territory. The two sons were soldiers for Uncle Sam in the late war. Our snbject came to County in August, 1866, and settled iii Stan ford Township, where heengagedin farming until IS,;!, when he was appointed I >< County Clerk under his sou Richard J., which position he siill holds. Mr. Burns is als attorney, having been admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Illinois in May. 1882. Mr. Bums has won the respect and esteem of all, and his wise counsel is sought and appre- ciated alike by old and young. . He is known among all circles by the familiar name of " Uncle Johnnie." RICHARD J. BURNS, of the firm of Burns & Hawkins, real estate and office, Louisville, is a native of Noblesville, Ind., and was born September 15, 1840, He is a son of John T. Burns, whose biography- appears in this work. He was educated at Noblesville Academy ami Greencastle Col- lege, Ind. He served th irs in the late war in Company D, Seventy fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the les of Chickamauga, Mission Rid Jonesboro. all the battles around Atlanta, Kenesaw Mountain. Peach Tree Creek, Xew Hope Church, and others, and was with Sherman on his noted march to the sea. Mr. Burns came to Clay County in 1865, and engaged in farming and teaching until 1873, when lie was elected County Clerk of ('lav County. He was re-elected to the same office in 1S7T, which office he held for nine years. For the past f, air years, he has been engaged in the real estate and abstract busi- ness. He was married. April 7. 1867, to Ann E. Hay, daughter of Francis Hay (deceased). They had live children, four living— Mary E., Edna, John (',. and William H. Mrs. Hum- died in 1S7S, and. on the 17th day of August, 1880, he married Maria L., daughter of Jay H Hall. By her he has had tw.. children, one living — Ethel. Mr. 148 BTOGRAI'IIIi AI,: Burns owns a farm of 200 acres, besides a half interest in several other farms. He is a Freemason in the full acceptance of the term, as he has taken the entire thirty-two degrees, and is a member of the following lodges: Louisville Lodge, No. 196, A., F. & A. M., Louisville Chapter, No. 81, R. A. M., Gorin Commandery, No. 14, at Olney, 111., and of the Peoria Consistory. HON. HIRAM H. CHESLEY, attorney, Louisville, was born in Aroostook County, Maine, September 8, 1844, and is a son of Bela H. Chesley, of Anoka, Minn., a native of Oxford County, Maine. Mr. Chesley served in the late war in Company H, Twen- tieth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness, Gettysburg and others. He received a gunshot wound through the neck at Gettysburg, which crip- pled him for life. He lay paralyzed for eighteen months, entirely helpless, and has suffered untold misery ; not an hour passes until the present time that does not bring its pains. He came to Marion County, 111., in September, 1865. He there read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1867. In April, 1870, he located in Louisville, where he still remains, engaged in the practice of his pro- fession. He was married, January 23, 1868, to Mary E. Tubbs, daughter of Alva Tubbs (deceased). She was born in Jennings County, Ind. Mr. Chesley is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 1876, and served one term to the satisfaction of his constituents. WILLIAM I. CLIFTON, County Clerk, Louisville, was born in Orange County, Ind., December 3, 1835, and is a son of Henry Clifton (deceased), a native of Kentucky, and an early settler of Orange County. Our sub- ject was reared on the farm, and received a common school education. He has taught school winters and farmed summers for the most part ever since he arrived at the age of seventeen years. He came to Clay County iu 1858, where he has since resided. He was elected County Clerk for Clay County in November, 1882, and has tilled with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the people the offices of Assessor, Township Clerk, Constable and School Trustee in Songer Township for several years. He was married, in March, 1859, to Sarah E. Hale, daughter of Levi Hale (deceased), who settled in this county in 1858. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton had seven children born to them ; Bix of these are living — Mittis J., John R.,MaryE., Malary A., William C. and Ottis S. Mr. Clifton is a member of the MasoDic fraternity in good standing, and also of the Christian Church. Mr. Clifton is a man of high social qualities, and one whose opinions are regarded with great respect. TUCKER W. CULBERTSON, farmer, P. O. Louisville, was born in Lawrence County, Ind., November 12, 1846, and is a son of John B. Culbertson (deceased), a native of Lincoln County, Ky. Mr. Culbertson was brought up on the farm and attended the common schools. He came with his parents to this county in 1860, and has since made this his home. He was a soldier for Uncle Sam in the late war, serving in Company B, Forty- eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Jonesboro and others. He was honorably discharged from the service August 15. 1865. Our subject was married, June 16, 1S60, to Miss Mary J. McKnelly, a daughter of John McKnelly (deceased), who died during the late war while in the service of his country. Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson have had nine chil- dren, of whom eight are living, viz., Luella, LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP. 149 Sarah 1*\. Mary J.. Rebecca E., Annie E., Alfred A., John B. and Theodore. Mr. Cul- bertson owns 200 acres of land, and is en- gaged in farming and stock-raising on Sec- tion 2. He is a member of the following orders: Masonic, Odd Fellows and the ( trand Army of the Republic. He is also a member of the Baptist Church. MATTHEW H. DAVIS, farmer, P.O. Iola. Among the prominent and best farmer.- of Clay County is the jovial, hospitable gentle- man whose name heads this memoir. He is a native of Wilson County Tenn.. ami was born March 27. 1819. His father. Basil Davis (deceased), was a native of Carolina, and removed with his family to Clay County in 1834. Mr. Davis did not enjoy the advan- tages of educational facilities, as do his chil- dren and his neighbors' children at pres- ent. His term of school consisted of just 21 days. This school was taught by Judge Will- iam Erwin, in a log cabin in the Judge's own door-yard, and the seats consisted of split poles with pins in them for legs; the floor was of puncheon, and the window was simply a log cut out of one side of the cabin, with nothing over the aperture. They however kept a plank with which they covered this crack when the weather was too cold. The room was warmed by a huge fire-place, and the chimney was made of sticks and mud. Mr. Davis killed many a deer and other wild animals. He saw at one time sixty three deer in one herd. When the Davis family settled here, there were fifty -two voters in Clay County. Mr. Davis was all over the ground where Flora now stands, when there was not a rail or a house in sight. Thej ground their corn in a horse mill, and drove their stock to St. Louis and 'Evansville to market. Our subject began life poor, with no capital save willing hands and an iron constitution, and as a result has provided a competent fortune for his family. Although he has passed through many trials andtroub It's, yet ho is jovial and witty as a person of twenty Ave years. He owns over 800 a< res of valuable land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Ho has been married four times, and is the father of twelve children, seven living — Sarah J. (Armstrong), Peter, Stephen A. D.. William S., Charley, Victoria and Nevada. The names of the deceased were Mary E. (Patrick), John J. and Robert, besides two that died in infancy. Mr. Davis was Deputy Sheriff and Constable for Clay County many years. SAMUEL ENYART, Circuit Clerk. Louis- ville, is a native of Licking County. Ohio, and was born March 14, 1888. His father, Jabez T. Enyart, deceased, was born in New Jersey in 1801, and was brought by his par- ents to Licking County in 1805. Our sub- ject has spent his life on the farm, or until his election, which occurred in 1877. He came to Macoupin County, 111., in 1864, and to Clay County in 1870. Ho was re-elected to the office of Circuit Clerk in 1880. In 1860, he married Maria Vail, daughter of Moses Vail (deceased), a native of Cincin- nati, Ohio. Mrs. Enyart was born in Butler County, Ohio. They have had sis children, five of whom are living, viz.: Mary (Moore), Edward, Myrtle, Cora and Elizabeth. Mr. ft owns a farm of 220 acres of valuable land in Stanford Township, his old home, and still carries on farming, stock-raising and fruit-growing. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and holds the offi e of W. M. of his lodge. Mr. Kmart is a genial, energetic man, and one whose example is worthy of imitation. JOHN EEWIN, hardware merchant and dealer in farm machinery. Louisville, was born in Hoosier Township, Clay Count}. No- vember 7, 1841, and is a son of Crawford L50 BIOGRAPHICAL: Erwin, of Hoosier Township. Mr. Erwin i all his life, up to 1S76, on the farm. He received his education in the common schools and at McKendree College, Illinois. He served in the late war in Company D, Eleventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry; en- listed June 15, 1861, and was discharged in October, 1862, on account of disability, but after recruiting in health he again enlisted iu L864; this time in Company B, Forty- eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He par- ticipated in the battles of Fredericktowu, Mo., New Madrid, Island No. 10, Point Pleasant, Fort Pillow, Farmington and Corinth during his first term of enlistment, anil Snake Creek Gap, Resaca, New Hope Church, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Jonesboro, East Point, Atlanta, Fort McAllister, Pocataligo, Duck Creek, Columbia, Camden and others during hie last term. At Fort McAllister, Mr. Erwin was blown up some distance by an exploding torpedo, but not seriously injured. At the battle of Duck Creek, on tne 4th day of Feb- ruary, 1865, his regiment charged the rebels through a swamp of mud and water waist deep. In 1870, Mr. Erwin moved to Louis- ville and engaged in his present business in ' January following, at which he has been very successful, keeping a.'f ull line of heavy and shelf hardware, farm implements, stoves, tinware, blacksmith coal, lime, hair, saddles, harness, chain and wood pumps, and is alsc agent for the Buckeye Reaper. He was mar- ried in 1867 to Amelia A., daughter of Henry Conley, deceased. They have had sis chil- dren, viz.: Lewella. Vernon, Troy (deceased), Keturah, Mabel and an infant son. Mr. Erwin is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Masonic fraternity and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. NICHOLAS G. GIBSON, grocer and prod- uce merchant, Louisville. This enterpris- ing young man was born in this county April 1, 1859. He was brought up and edu- cated in Louisville. In March, 1881, he engaged in the mercantile business in Noble, 111., and in March, 1883, he sold his entire sto/Jk of goods and returned to Louisville, and brought on a new stock of goods and en- gaged in business here. He also carries a line of hardware, having a capital stock in all of about $4,000, and is doing an extensive business. He is the most extensive produce dealer and shipper in Louisville. He was married, July 31, 18S0, to Miss Lizzie B. Ellis, daughter of George Ellis, of Noble, 111. They had one child, deceased. Mr. Gibson is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. James M. Gibson, the father of the above, was born in Braxton County, Va., August 31, 1833, and is a son of Jacob Gibson, deceased, born near Wheeling, Va. He was brought to this county by his parents in 1848, and has since resided here. Jacob Gibson died in this county in August, 1879. James M. married Elizabeth Engledow in 1854. By her he had four children — Jacob H., William D., Nicholas G. and Alpharetta. His present wife was Miss Alice A. Pierson. MATTHEW GRIFFIN, deceased, late of Louisville, was born September 29, 1828. He was brought up on the farm, and educated at Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, 111. He taught school a few years, then read law, and was admitted to practice in the Supreme and lower courts of Illinois. He was married first to Adaline. daughter of Hon. Dr. P. Green, deceased. They had two children, one living— Martha (Olmsted). Mrs. Griffin died, and Mr. Griffin married Mrs. Mary Finch, by whom he had one child — Effie May (Watson). Mrs. Griffin's first husband, Dr. James A. Finch, was a graduate of Rush Medical College. Chicago. By him she had two children — Emily and James A., both de- LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP 151 ceased. The hitter was an attorney in Louis- ville. Dr. Finch was born in Indiana Sep- tember 20, 1826. Mrs. Griffin's father, Rev. John M. Griffith, deceased, settle.! in Oska- loosa Township, this county, in 1*30 He was a local Methodist preacher, and nearly all the old pioneers of Clay and Wayne Coun- ties have heard him preach. HON. DIOS C. HAGLE, attorney, Louis- ville, is a native of Brown County, Ohio, and was born September 11, 1839. His parents, Abraham and Mary (Williams) Hagle, were natives of Virginia, who emigrated from Brown County, Ohio, to Jefferson County, 111., in 1841. Mr. Hagle was brought up on his father's farm, and attended the common 6chools. Upon the breaking- out of the re- bellion, he endeavored to join an Illinois regiment, but finding that the quota for this State was complete, he enlisted in Company 1) of the Eleventh Kegiment Missouri Vol- unteer Infantry, and participated in the bat- tles of Corinth. Iuka. siege of Vicksburg. through the Lied Kiver campaign and others. After the war, he farmed for two years, when he came (in 1867) to Louisville and began the study of law, being admitted to the bar in 1868. During the time from 1874 to 1877, Mr. Hagle practiced law in and near Yankton, Dakota Territory While there he was a member of tbe Dakota Legislature, and was Speaker of the House daring the twelfth session of that assembly. He is now State's Attorney for Clay County, and enjoys a large practice outside of his official work. Mr. Hagle is a member of the Masonic fra ternity. EDWARD H. HAWKINS, real estate and abstract office, Louisville, was born in Canada Kasl August 21. 1839, and is a son of Henry Hawkins (deceased), a native of Yorkshire, England, born May 26, IN01. who came to Canada in 1819. and who brought his family to Kane County, III., in 1844, and to Clay County in 1857, where In* died Juno 6, 1874. Our subject farmed for the most part until 1878, when he was elected to till a vacancy in the County Treas- urer's office, and ,\as re-elected to the same office in 1879, serving until the fall of 1882. While residing in Harter Township, Mr. Hawkins held various offices of trust in that township. He is now engaged in the ab- stract and real estate business with It. J. Burns in Louisville. He was married, April 30, 1871, to Miss Sarah I., daughter of Solo- mon Chambliss (deceased). They have had three children — Ida M. (deceased), Edna, and Henry T. Mr. Hawkins' mother is still living, and is eighty-one years old. Her maiden name was Sarah Shields, who is a cousin to Gen. Shields. Mr. Hawkins is a member in good standing of the Masonic fraternity, and of the Christian Church. GEORGE A. HENRY, attorney, Louis- ville, was born in Madison County, Ohio, August 21, 1853. His father, Rolla B. Henry, was born in Clark County, Ohio, emigrated to Clay County in September, 1862, and now resides in Harter Township. George A. spent his boyhood days on the farm. At the age of eighteen, he entered the Butler Uni- versity (then the North- Western Christian I Diversity) of Indianapolis, where he re- ceived an education. In 1874, he began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in Grant County, Ind., in the fall of 1876, and practiced in Marion, Ind., until the fall of 1878, when he located in Louisville, this county, and the following spring formed a partnership with F. G. Cockrell, which was dissolved in 1880. He then practiced alone until the spring of 1883, when ho formed a copartnership with Judge Hoff, of Flora, 111. Mr. Henry bought the Louisville Ledger in January. 1881, and still owns and edits this 152 BIOCUAI'IIIC Al. spicy little sheet. In 1880, he was appointed Public Administrator, by Gov. Culloni, for Clay County. He was married in May, 1880, to Lillian Whedon, a daughter of C. N. Whedon, of St. Louis. They have one child — Frank. Mr. Henry is a Royal Arch Mason. STEPHEN R. JONES, contractor and builder, Louisville, was born July 7, 1841, in Ripley County, Ind. His father, Samuel S. Jones (deceased), was a native of Sussex County, N. Y. Mr. Jones was brought up partially on a farm, and educated at Belle- fontaine, Ohio. He came with his parents to Clay County in 1859, where he has since resided. For the past sixteen years he has worked at the carpenter trade. He built the Griffin Hotel, the Excelsior Flouring Mills, and some of the best dwellings in Louisville. He was married in 1867 to Mary E. Martin, daughter of John A. Martin, of Burt County, Neb. They have had six children, four liv- ing — Oliver M., Curtis O, Zimenia D. and Charles F. Mr. Jones was Constable one term, Deputy Sheriff three terms, and at present Highway Commissioner for Louis- ville Township. He is a member of the Baptist Church. SOLOMON KUMRE, miller at the Excel- sior Mills, Louisville, was born in Edwards County, 111., September 6, 1851, and is a son of Jeremiah Kumre, a miller at Fair- field, 111. Our subject was "raised in a mill," and attended the common schools. He came to Louisville in the fall of 1878, and ran the Snow Flake Mill (which was a small mill at this point then), until the pres- ent one was built He was married in 1876 to Elizabeth Pendleton, daughter of Jonathan Pendleton. She is a native of Massac County, 111. ROBERT McCOLLUM, Sheriff, Louis- ville, was born in Washington County, Ind., November 17, 1830, and is a son of James McCollum (deceased), a native of Crab Or- chard, Ky., and born in the year 1801. James McCollum' s father was a soldier in the war of 1812. Our subject was brought to Clay County by his parents in 1833. He was brought up on the farm and attended the common schools. In March. 1853, he married Mary E., daughter of Joseph Rader, a native of Virginia. Mrs. McCollum was born in East Tennessee. They have eight children- -Jonathan T., Thomas J., Frances G, America, Gladys, Minnesota, George B. and Tennessee Ann. Mr. McCollum held the office of Supervisor for Hoosier Township for four years, and was elected Sheriff of Clay County in November, 1882. He owns a farm of 250 acres in Hoosier Township, and is a farmer by profession. When the McCollums came to this county, there were no mills here, and they were obliged to go to Vineennes, Ind., to obtain their grinding, a distance of sixty miles. Our subject well remembers many pioneer incidents. His father took him when a boy to the Circuit Court, both riding the same horse. They rode up to the door of the court house and sat there on the horse and witnessed the proceedings, the house being too small to admit any specta- tors. He also well remembers the first bridge built across the Little Wabash at Louisville. Mr. McColluni is a member of the Baptist Church. JAMES C. McCOLLUM, Supervisor for Louisville Township, furniture dealer and undertaker, Louisville, was born in Clay County August 9, 1844, and is a son of James McCollum (deceased). He spent his life on the farm until 1867, when he came to Louisville and engaged in business. He was married, in 1875, to Mary F. Long, daughter of Darling Long (deceased). They had two children, one living, Harvey, born March 13, 1879. Mr. McCollum owns a farm of 120 LOUISVILLE TOWNSHIP. ir,;i acres in Hoosier Township. He is a member of the Odd Fellow and Masonic fraternities. WILLIAM A. McNOWN, physician and druggist, Louisville, was born in Brown County, Ohio, November 1, 1S present place. October 22, 1855, his wife died, at the age of thirty-seven years seven months nine days. January 1, 1857, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Bar- bara (Shelley) Bond, a native of Ponnsylva • nia, and widow of Nichodemus Bond, of Clinton County. 111. Mr. Peirce is a mem- ber of the Orphan's Hope Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 213, at Xenia. He and wife are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is Republican. He is one of the oldest settlers in Xenia Township, and has done much to advance the interests of the township and village. The depot at Xenia was laid out on his land, and for about two and a half years he was station agent. He has an heirloom which has been handed down for several generations. It is a Bible which was printed in 1608, and brought to America in 1696 by Thomas Peirce. T. 0. PEIRCE, merchant, Xenia, was born in Clay Comity, 111., July 8, 1838, and is a son of John Peirce. Our subject was reared on a farm, and educated in the schools of the county, first attending, in IS 15, in an old log schoolhouse in the old part of Xenia. In 1860, he engaged in the furniture and lumber business in Xenia, in partnership with George Kenower. In 1802, he turned the business over to his partner, and enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. August 9, 1862, cinder command of Col. Martin. He enlisted as a private, but was elected the first Captain of his company. The history of the Ooe Hundred and Eleventh Illinois is well known, from the time it marched from camp at Salem iu November, 1862; its marches in Ken- tucky, and up the Tennessee River, the gar- rison duty at Paducah, Ky. , etc., the joining of Gen. Logan's command March 15, L864. It also participated in the Atlanta campaign, the chase of Hood afterward, and then the march to the sea, and the capture of Fort McAllister, etc. Up to this time, Capt. Peirce had remained with his company, but December IS. 1864, was appointed Acting Assistant Inspector General, in the place made vacant through the fall of Capt. J. H. Groce at the charge on Fort McAllister. Capt. Peirce served in this office till June 1, 1865. when he was relioved from duty, with the personal thanks of his General. He then returned to his company, and was mus- tered out June 23, 1865. July l:i. L865, he was married at Shullsburgh, Wis., to Miss Maria C. Songer. She was the daughter of John Songer, an early settler of Clay County, and her mother was a daughter of Dr. John Davenport. Mrs. Peirce. lied February, L867. Mr. Peirce was afterward married to Miss Eliza Cox, of Wayne County, 111. She was left an orphan in early life, and was reared by Mr. H. 11. B echer, now of Springfield, 111. This union has been blest with four children, only two of whom are now living, viz. : Nathaniel T. and Laurena. In the fall of 1865, he engaged in the mercantile busi- ness, lirst in groceries, but gradually chart > 1 into the hardware business, but also keeps a general stock of goods, including almost 16-5 BIOGRAPHICAL: everything except ready-made clothing. , Peiree has been very successful inbusi- StartiE^ with only about $1,500. he has steadily increased, till now he carries a stock of about $5,000, besides dealing in grain and agricultural implements, and has a farm near Xenia of 243 acres, large brick business house, residence, etc. He is a mem- ber of Xenia Lodge. L O. O. F.. and has served in all the chairs of the lodge, and has represented it in the Grand Lodge of the State. He is a stanch Republican. JOHN A. PEIECE, machinist, Xenia. was born in Clay County. 111.. March 12, . and is the son of John Peiree, whose sketch appears. His early life was spent on the farm, and as soon as the civil war broke out he entered the service, first of the State, in May, 1S61, but June 13, 1861, was mus- tered into the Cnited States service. Com- pany G. Twenty-first Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, Col. U. S. Grant. This was the first regiment to march from the State, and Octo- ber 21, 1861. they were in their first engage- ment at Fredericktown, Mo. When Mr. Peiree first applied to be admitted into the rviee. the enrolling officer refused him because he was so short; but he made k'„ iwn his grievance to Col. S. S. Good, and the Colonel told him that he would soon grow up. and for him to take his place in the rear rank, and when his name was called in the muster-roll to answer up. This advice he followed, and so got into the service. In Oc- tober. 1861, Mr. Peiree was taken into the Adjutant's office, as Orderly at head- quarters. Heserved in this capacity till March 12,1865, when he was promoted to the office of Ser- geant Mayor, and September 6, 1865, was mustered in by special order as Extra Lieu- tenant and Adjutant, which office he contin- ued to hold till close of service. December 16, 1865, they were discharged at San Anto- nio, Tex. He had all the experience of the soldier in his marches and counter-marches, in tent life and on the field of battle. They were in the siege of Corinth, at Perryville. Ey.. Stone Eiver, on the Chickamauga cam- paign, etc. ; and when the first three years of enlistment were out, he re-enlisted at Oolte- wah. Tenn., for another three years, and then took a veteran's furlough for thirty da; - after which he returned to the regiment at Big Shanty, and was on the Atlanta cam- paign, and in the rights at Franklin and Nashville, Tenn. After returning from the service, his occupation has been various, be ing engineer at the woolen mills for some time, then painting, and afterward into the tin business: but in 1S7S he started into his present business of machinist, and is now prepared to do all kinds of work in repairing of all kinds of machinery, etc. January 12, 186S, he was married in Xenia to Miss Fidelia "Westmoreland, a native of this State. and daughter of John Westmoreland, now a resident of Texas. Mrs. Peiree is the mother of five daughters, three of whom are living, viz. : Nellie, Araminta J. and Mary. He is a member of Xenia Lodge, I. O. O.F. He and wife are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. In politics, he is Republican. GILBERT PRITCHETT, farmer. P. O. Xenia. was born in Montgomery County. Ev.. October 9, 1819, and is the son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Grooms) Pritchett, natives of Virginia. When our subject was but a small bov. his parents moved to Illinois and lirst settled in St. Clair County, where his mother died. In later years, the father removed to Marion Count}' and remained till death. Mr. Pritchett is one of a family of thirteen chil- dren, only five of whom reached maturity, and four of that number are all that now survive— Mrs. Anna Tate, Gilbert, John, and Mrs. Elizabeth Patten, of Chicago. Both XENIA TOWN-HIP 167 the sisters are widow ladies. Before our subject had reached his majority, he bad worked at S'J per month, and made money with which he entered eighty acres of Gov- ernment land in Marion County. In the spring of 1843, -Mr. P. came to Clay County and settled in this township, and has since made this his home. Soon after coming here, he sold his land in Marion County and invested the money in land here. His occu- pation has always been that of farming, and has met with success in his chosen occupa- tion. He now owns about 300 acres of land, all of which is near the village of Xenia. In connection with his farming, he also ran a carding machiue for seven years at this place. January 11. 1844, he was united in marriage to Miss Maria W. Davenport, daughter of Dr. John Davenport, one of the earliest set- tlers of this county. The following children now living have blessed this union — Emily (wife of Willis Friend), John L.. Nellie B. and Charles. In politics, Mr. Pritchett is •iated with the Democratic party, but takes no active part in political life. Mr. Pritchett came to this township when it was but thinly Bettled, when one could for miles ride through the prairie grass and see no sign of human habitation, but he has lived to see the county's development. DK. W. H. SHIRLEY, physician. Xenia. was born in Union County. Ky.. to S. P. and Clarissa (Sigler) Shirley. The father was a native of Caldwell County. Ky.. born about 1S26. For years he was a member of the firm of Blackwell & Shir- ley, who carried on a large tobacco house in Louisville. Kentucky. During the civil war. it was all destroyed by fire. In 1875, Mr. Shirley went to Texas, where he is now engaged in farming and stock-raising. The mother died in Webster County . Ky.. in 1864, and soon after her death onr si came to Xenia, and was reared by his uncle. Dr. E. S. Shirley, whose sketch appears. His early life was spent in attending school and assisting in his uncle's drug store. He continued in the store, and in the study of medicine under the instruction of his uncle till 1ST", when he went to the St. Lonis Medical College, and for two years attended lectures, graduating in March, 1879, when he went into partnership with his nncle in the practice of medicine, this partnership lasting for three years, when, in September, IH82, he went to Texas, where he practiced his profession for eight months at Mineral Springs, Palo Pinto County, and Henrietta. Texas. On the last day of March, 1883. he returned to Xenia, 111., and has had a suc- cessful practice since. May 14. 1883. he was married in this county to Miss Honora Finty. She was born in Ireland, but came with her parents to America in 1868. She is the daughter of John Finty, a merchant of Xenia. In politics, Dr. Shirley is an active working Democrat.. ELIJAH S. SHIRLEY. M. D. physician and surgeon, Xenia, was born in Cald- well County. Ky., February 10, 1828, and is the son of Samuel and Phcebe (Cook) Shirley. The father was a native of Virginia. He served an apprenticeship at Harper's Fern - in the United States Armory, and then was Inspector and Trier of Anus in the United States Army. He con- tinued in this business for a number of years, and made quite an amount of money. He then emigrated to Tennessee with Dr. Hugh Barton, his brother-in-law. He was married at Blountsville. Tenn.. to the mother of our subj< • was a native of New York, but had removed to Tennessee with her parents, r marriage, they removed to Kentucky, going down the Tennessee River in a keel- bnat to Caldwell Conntv, Kv.. where thev 168 BIOGRAPHICAL: settled and died. Our subject's grandfa- thers were both born in the old country, his grandfather Shirley in Edinburgh, Scotland, and grandfather Cook in the city of Dublin. At about the age of fourteen years, our sub- ject was left an orphan. He then went to Northern Alabama, and was placed in school at Cherokee, Ala., by his cousin, Armstead Barton. He remained at school at Cherokee for about live years, and then began the study of his profession under Dr. J. C. P. Bond, a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Phil- adelphia, Penn. He remained with Dr. Bond for about fifteen months, and then went to Casey ville, Ky., into the office of Dr. Enoch R. Ashbey. After remaining there for some months, he went to Louis- ville, Ky., and attended medical lectures, after which he practiced with Dr. Ashbey for two years, and had made a good start, but in 1851 tried speculating, and lost all that he had made, so began over. In 1853, he came to Wayne County, 111., and for two years did a large practice at Johnson - ville. Health then failed, and he lay sick at Xenia for six months; and since that time has been in the practice of his profession here and has been very successful. The Doctor is also engaged in farming, having a farm of 120 acres near town, which is in a high state of cultivation. In 1857, he was married in Jefferson County, 111., to Miss Martha Casey, youngest daughter of Abram Casey, an early settler of that county. She died in 1858, and in 1859 the Doctor was married to Miss Mary Graves. She was born in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, a town which her father had helped to lay out, also lay- ing out Graves' Addition to Xenia. Dr. Shirley is a member of the Centennial Med- ical Society of Southern Illinois. Also a member of the Alumni Association of St. Louis Medical College, from which college he is a graduate. He is a Royal Arch Mason, belonging to the Richland Chaptei-, No. 38, and is a member of the Council Lodge, No. 55, at Olney. In politics, he has always been a faithful worker in the Democratic party. In 1880, he was the Democratic nominee for the State Senate from the Forty - fourth Senatorial District, but on account of the perfidy of some fellow-Democrats, he was defeated, although carrying four town- ships, where he is best known, by the largest majority ever received by any candidate. ABRAM SONGER, retired farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Virginia December 25, 1806, to Abram and Catherine (Sawyers) Songer. The father was a native of Penn- sylvania, but had moved with his parents to Virginia when small The mother was born in Maryland, but was also reared in Virgin- ia. They were married in Virginia, and in about 1817 moved to Indiana, where he died. In about 1830, she and her family moved to this. Clay, county, where some years later she died. She was the mother of nine chil- dren, of whom our subject is the only sur- viving one. Our subject came to Clay County in 1828, and has made Xenia Town- ship his home ever since. He is one of the few remaining soldiers of the Black Hawk war of 1832. In 1834, he was married, in this county, to Miss Mary McGrew, who was born in Kentucky, but reared in Indiana, and a daughter of James McGrew. After mar- riage the} settled on their present farm, which contains 210 acres of land, all of which Mr. Songer entered from the Govern- ment. Besides being a farmer, Mr. Songer is also a mechanic, and has done considera- ble blacksmith and carpenter work. During the civil war, while the settlers were raising cotton in Illinois, he made a cotton-gin and ran it with profit. Mr. and Mrs. Songer have been connected with the Methodist XENIA TOWNSHIP. 169 Episcopal Church for about fifty years. Their connection, however, for some years has been with the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He has always voted the Democratic ticket. For some time Mrs. Songer has been seriously afflicted with blind- ness. She is the mother of nine children, six of whom lived to be grown, viz. : Cynthia A., Rebecca J., Abigail, Moses, Aaron and Mary. Cynthia died without having a fami- ly. Abigail and Mary both left families at their death. Of the living, Aaron is a resi- dent of Kansas; Moses is a farmer in this township; Rebecca J. and her husband, William Bradley, are living on the old home- stead, and lightening Mr. and Mrs. Songer's burden in their declining years. CHARLES W. SONGER, farmer, P. 0. Xenia, was born in Clay County, 111., July 24, 1830, and is the son of Frederick and Jane (Helm) Songer. They were both na- tives of Virginia, but were married in Indiana, and in the fall of 1828, came to Clay County, 111. He was born August, 1797, and died in 1873. She was born December, 1805, and is still living at Kinmundy, 111. He gave most of his attention to farming, but about 1838 built a mill in Marion County on Skillet Fork; this was one of the first mills built in this part of the State. At his death, he left a farm of 275 acres, part of which lies in Clay and part in Marion County. They were the parents of eleven children, six sons and five daughters. One of the sons and two of the daughters are now dead. Of the sons now living, two, Giles and Abram, are the proprietors of the Songer Bros. Mills of Kinmundy. Samuel T. is a practicing physican in Fairfield, 111. William F. Songer, of Oregon, was a member of the Oregon State Legislation about 1S5G. Our subject, Charles W., after he was six years of age, was reared in Marion County, 111., and it was there he was educated, and most of his life has been devoted to farming; yet previous to 1873, he had studied medicine, and for some time practiced it very success- fully. At that date, however, on account of ill-health of his family, he removed to this county, where he has given his attention again to farming. Two years in his early life he spent in ^Minnesota and in Macon County, 111., going to Minnesota in 1856. His present farm contains 127 acres of land. March 20, 1851, he was married to Miss Samantha E. Lewis. She was born in Marion County, 111., to Sterling and Polly (Hamilton) Lewis, deceased. This union has been blest with the following children: Isaac, Frederick, Wayne, Samuel, Walter, Jane, Cora. Rosela and Nora, living; WiUiarn, Harriet and Andrew, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Songer are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he votes the Greenback ticket. HIRAM SONGER, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Clay County, 111., August 21, 1837, and is the son of Jacob and Rebecca Songer. The father was a native of Virgin- ia, born January 11. 1802. The mother was born in Kentucky February 29, 1811, but in early life was taken to Indiana by her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Songer came to Clay County, 111., in 1830, and died in this State — she in Clay County November 27, 1S75, and he at the residence of his son in Wayne County August 7, 1881. They were the parents of the following-named children: James, Mary O, Abram, Elizabeth, Hiram, Angeline, Eliza J., Marion, Nancy and Abi- gail. Of these, Mary O, Abram and Ange- line are dead. Our subject was reared and educated >n Clay County, and has made this county his home, except a few years he lived in W T ayne County. His occupation has al- ways been that of farmer, and he now owns 140 acres of land, 100 being in cultivation. 170 BIOGRAPHICAL: November 6, 1862, be was united in mar- riage to Miss Priscilla Lovelace, a native of Washington County, Ind. , born July 16, 1841, a daughter of Caleb and Polly (Carr) Lovelace. The mother was born in Indiana and the father probably in Kentucky. Both are now residents of Clay County, 111., com- ing here in 1843. They are the parents of four children, three of whom are living, viz.: Louisa, Priscilla and Sarah. Soon after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Songer settled on their present farm, where they have since re- sided. They have one son, Leo B., born August 31, 1863. He and wife are members of the M. E. Church South. He votes the Democratic ticket. D. F. STRAIN, merchant, Xenia, was born in Xenia, Ohio, March 22. 1845, to William and Jane (Jolly) Strain, deceased. They were natives of Highland County, Ohio. He was born in 1816, died in 1870. She was born in the same year as her hus- band, and died in 1SS0 in Xenia, 111. They were the parents of ten children, six of whom yet survive. His occupation in life was that of a carpenter. Our subject was educated in the schools of Xenia, Ohio. In August, 1863, he enlisted in Company C, Fifth Battalion Cavalry of Ohio, commanded by Maj. Ijams. He served in that regiment for six months, and was discharged on ac- count of expiration of term of enlistment. In July, 1864, he re-enlisted in Company I, Ninth Indiana Infantry, and served until close of war, being discharged near San An- tonio, Tex., in October, 1865. During his service in the cavalry, he was mostly on scout- ing duty, but while in the infantry was en- gaged in the battles at Columbia, Franklin, and Nashville, Tenn., etc. Since coming from the service, he has been principally en- gaged in the mercantile and grain business and farming, all of which he now carries on. He first engaged at milling in Chester, Ind., in 1866, and then went to Xenia, Ohio, in the grain business. In 1877, he came to Xenia, 111., where he has since been engaged in his present business occupations. His stock of merchandise invoices about §4,000. At Cedarville, Ohio, in December, 1863, he was married to Miss Mary E. Taylor, a daughter of William and Martha (Michener) Taylor. Mrs. Taylor is a member of the Stanton family, being a cousin to Benjamin Stanton. Mr. Taylor having died, his widow married Allen Williams, and now resides in Lawrence, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Strain have eight children, viz., Chester, Minnie, Fred, May, Lillie, Maud, Lois and Lulu. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Xenia, 111., but was made an Odd Fellow in Xenia, Ohio. He is also a member of the G. A. R. Post of Xenia. In politics, he is strongly Republic- an, and at present is serving on the County Board, being Supervisor of this township, elected on Republican ticket. HON. J. W. WESTCOTT, merchant, etc., Xenia, was born in Hamilton Coun- ty, Ohio, March 1, 1828, and is the son of John D. and Margaret (Willes) Westcott. John D. Westcott was born in New Jersey September 12, 1803. February 22, 1823, he was married to Margaret E. Willes, who was born in Worcester County, Md., in 1840. In 1837, they removed to Illinois, and settled in Rushville, Schuyler County, then to Pike County soon afterward. In 1840, they settled in Jefferson County, 111., where he died September 29, 1850. She was united in marriage, March 1, 1852, to James E. Fergerson, of Mt. Vernon, and died November 30, 1858. Our subject had made the various moves of his parents till reaching Jefferson County, where, Septem- ber 1, 1850, he was married to Miss Martha Holtsclaw, of Jefferson County. He then XENIA TOWNSHIP 171 followed farming and school teaching till 1S54, when he came to Xenia. In spring of 1855, he commenced the mercantile busi- ness, and has ever since been interested in that pursuit, and is now the oldest merchant of Xenia. The first, goods ever shipped over the O. & M. E. U., to this station, was the stock with which he began business. Till a recent date, he kept a general stock; now, however, he gives his attention mostly to clothing, boots and shoes and gents' furnish- ing goods, but also has agricultural imple- ments. He carries a stock of goods averag- ing about §10,000. His attention, however, j has not been confined alone to the mercan- j tile business, as he is also engaged in the buying of grain, fruit, etc., and in the mill- ing business, and also farming. Mr. West- cott's life as a business man has been an active one, but that has not occupied all of his attention. In 1857, he was licensed as a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1864, he was the leader of the Methodist Episcopal Church South in this section of the State, as it separated from the opposite branch of the church; and so prominent was the part which he took that for some years it was known as "Westcott's" Church in this part of Illinois. He has continually been connected with the conference since 1857, and for twelve years of the time waa Presid- ing Elder. In 1862, he was elected to the State Legislature from the counties of Clay and Richland, and served for two years. In 1 864, he was elected to the State Senate from his Senatorial district, and served his term through with credit; then voluntarily retired from political life. On three different occa- sions, however, the delegates of Clay County were unanimously instructed to vote in the convention for his nomination for Congress. In 1880, he was Democratic Elector for this district, and has always taken an active part in every leading political campaign. His wife died January 6, 1870, and January 10, 1871, he was married to Maria D. Onstott, grand-daughter of Maj. John Onstott, one of the first and most prominent settlers in Clay County. This marriage has been blessed with the following-named children: John AY. , Flora E., Estella May. Freddie H., Clela Orpha, and William F., deceased. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. of Xenia, and is Master of the lodge. He has been a Mas- ter Mason for twenty-eight years, having been made a Mason in Mt. Vernon, 111. CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP. J. D. ALLENDEB, merchant, Clay City, was born in Eichland County, 111., August 4, 1837, and is a son of L. L. and Mary Ann (McCawley) Allender. The father was a native of Shepherdsville, Ky. , and came to the State about 1830. He was a farmer by occupation, and his death oc- curred in February, 1847. The mother was a daughter of John McCawley, a sketch of whose life appears in the history of Clay City Township. Subject was the second of seven children, four of whom are living, viz., John D. (our subject), Martha (wife of M. Crackles, of Pixley Township), Margaret (wife of Scott Moats, of Mt. Erie Township) and Elizabeth (wife of James Bradshaw, of the same township). The father died when subject was about eight years old. The 173 BIOGRAPHICAL: latter, however, remained at home with his mother until fifteen. He then came to Mays- ville, this township, and here he worked on a farm for about three years. He then went to McDonough County, this State, where he worked for about fifteen months. He came to Clay City about 1857, and began life here by teaming. He only worked at that one year and then opened a saloon. He carried on this business until 1866, and then em- barked in the provision business. In 1868, he formed a partnership with Richard F. Duff, under the firm name of Allender & Duff. This firm continued in the provision business for about seven years, and then opened a general store, in which business they have been engaged ever since. The firm erected their present brick block in 1 872, at a cost of about §4,500. At present the firm cany a stock of about $6,000. They also handle considerable produce of all kinds, making a specialty of game, pelts and hides. Mr. Allender was married in Clay City, 111., December 23, 1875, to Miss Fannie Sage, a daughter of Mrs. Caroline TJllurn. Mrs. Al- lender was born in Ross County, Ohio, and is the mother of three children, viz., John Scott, Daniel Beecher and Jessie Mell. Mr. and Mrs. Allender are both members of the Methodist Church South. Mr. Allender is a member of Clay City Lodge, No. -488, A. F. & A. M. In politics, he has given his sup- port to the Democratic party. He has served as one of the members of the Town Board. J. K. BOTHWELL, merchant, Clay City, was born in what is now Vinton, then Athens, County, Ohio, April 20, 1815, and is a son of James and Charlotte (Potter) Bothwell. The father was born in Ireland, his parents being of Scotch-Irish descent, and came to this country in 1792. The mother was a native of Pennsylvania. Subject was the fifth of nine children, of whom six are now living. The subscription schools of his na- tive county furnished subject his means of education. He helped on the home farm until twenty-two years of age, and then in 1840 he came to Clay County, settling in the old town of Maysville, on Section 19. Here he first turned his attention to farming, but in 1846 he embarked in business with Morris Brissenden. In 1862, he came to Clay City, and began business for himself. In 1880, he associated with him his son N. C. Both- well. The firm now carry a stock of about $8,000. In this county, February 22, 1846, Mr. Bothwell was married to Miss Mary Ann Brissenden, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Brissenden. Both parents were natives of England and early settlers in this county. Mrs. Bothwell was born in August, 1820, and is the mother of seven children, of whom four are now living — H. O, J. H. , J. K. and Florence. In politics, he gives his support to the Republican party. DR. E. W. BOYLES, physician, Clay City, was born in Du Bois County, Ind. .May 16, 1836, and is a son of James C. and Catherine (Goodman) Boyles. John Boyles, the grandfather of our subject, was born in North Carolina, his father having come from Ireland in a very early day, and was a sol- dier in the Revolution. The grandfather came to Kentucky and settled in Logan County, where he married. In that county the father was born November 21, 1813. About 1820, the grandfather emigrated to Indiana with his family and settled in Du Bois County, where he died in 1856 at the age of seventy five. The father grew to manhood in that county, and at an early period of his life turned his attention to the practice of law, and made that the vocation of his life. He, however, found time for farming, and engaged in that quite exten- sively. He was married, March 28, 1833, to CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP. 173 Miss Catherine Goodman. This lady was born in Kentucky in IS 15, and came from that State to Indiana with her parents, William and Tearby (Jones) Goodman, when quite young. The father died September 27, 1859. The mother is still living with her son. To her were born eleven children, of whom seven are now living, viz., E. W., our subject; S. A., in Nebraska; Mary E., wife of T. A. Chaney, of Rinard, Wayne County; M. M., in Dakota; J. C, in same State; Eva, widow of J. C. Kennedy, deceased; Amy J., wife of C. C.Valentine, of Yankton, Dakota. The education of our subject was received in the pioneer schools of his native county. In 1854, he commenced to study medicine with Dr. Pi. M. Williams, of Jas- per, Ind. He read with him for about two years, and then, in January, 1857, he removed to Georgetown, Clay Co., 111. There he began the practice of medicine. In September, 1861, he went to Chicago and attended lectures at the Hush Medical Col- lege. From that institution he graduated February 4, 1862. From there he came di- rectly to Clay City, where he has since re- sided. He has a very extensive practice extending over considerable portions of Wayne, Clay and Richland Counties. The Doctor is a member of the Centennial Medi- cal Society of Southeastern Illinois, also of the Tri-State Medical Society. In 1880, he took a subsequent course of lectures at Chicago, and at that time he 6pent most of his time in hospital worli. At present he is also serving as United States Pension Ex- aminer, and has held that office since 1867. Dr. Boyles was married in Du Bois County, Ind., March 14, 1859, to Miss Mary Ann Mahin, a daughter of William and Eveline (Johnson) Mahin, natives of Orange County, Ind. Mrs. Boyles was the mother of five children, of whom three are now living, viz., Herbert H., born January 12, 1863; James W., born September 26, 1866, and Horace B., born May 9, 1S68. Mrs. Boyles died July 11, 1874, and the Doctor was married the second time, September 20, 1875, in Olney 111., to Mrs. C.C. Reaugh, nee Cambly, a daughter of Judge R. S. Cambly, of Olney, 111. Two children have been the result of this union, one of whom is now living. Vivian W., born December 5, 1881. In poli- tics, subject has always been connected with the Republican party. Since his advent in this county, he has held many offices of trust and profit, among which are Township Clerk, Township Collector and School Di- rector. He is a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M JOHN W. CULTER, druggist, Clay City, was born in Brown County, Ohio, January 19, 1841, and is a son of Irwin and Cordelia (Williams) Culter. Both parents were na- tives of Ohio. Subject was the third of five children, and of that number three are now living — Milton 11, in Daviess County, Ind.; John W. (subject), and William H. (in Marion County, 111.). The free schools of his native county furnished subject his means of education. At the age of seventeen, he commenced farming, and followed that until October, 1860, when he came West. The first year of his residence here he taught school in Wayne County, but afterward settling in Stanford Township ; then taught school until 1875. He then came to Clay City and purchased a stock of drugs belonging to C. D. Pennybacker, and has since been en- gaged in that business. In the sjjring of 1881, he sold an interest in the store to Dr. Block, but in the fall of that year Mr. A. Doherty bought out Dr. Block's interest and the business has since been continued under the firm name of Culter & Doherty. Mr. Culter was married, September 14, 1865, to 174 BIOGRAPHICAL: Miss Lizzie Hawkins, a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Shields) Hawkins. The father was born in Yorkshire, England, May 26, 1801, and came to Canada with his parents in 1827. The mother was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, August 15, 1803, and was of Scotch parentage ; she came to Canada with her parents in 1825. They were mar- ried in Canada December 27, 1832, and emigrated to Illinois in 1846, and after a number of years came to this county, where the father died October 15, 1859, aged eighty years. The mother is still living with her son-in-law at an advanced age. Mrs. Culter was born in Canada March 27, 3843, and is the mother of four children — Henry E., born November 23, 1866 ; Edith M., born May 14, 1868 ; Mary C, born February 20, 1870; Mattie, born April 14, 1872. Mr. Culter has been a strong Republican all his life ; he has held some offices of importance, among which are Collector and Assessor of Stanford Township, and Justice of the Peace of this township 6ince 1880. Is a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M., and is con- nected with the Christian Church. In the time of the war, he was a member of the Union League, and served as Secretary of the Clay County organization. WILLIAM DAVIS, merchant, Clay City, was born in Roane County, Tenn., on July 26, 1826, and is a son of John and Nancy (Jenkins) Davis. The father was a native of East Tennessee, and his father, George Da- vis, came to this country from Wales when a young man. The mother was born in Vir- ginia. Subject was the eldest of ten chil- dren, five of whom are now living, viz.: Will- iam (our subject), Sherwell (in Sheridan County, Mo.), Thomas (in Sedalia, Mo.), Mrs. A. J. Miller (in Kenton, Greenwood Co., Kan.), and Mrs. Rebecca Summers (of Green- wood Co., Kan.). When subject was about two years old, his parents came to Illinois and first settled in Shelby County, but after living there a short time they came to Lawrence County, where the mother died in 1862. The father then moved to Kansas, where he died in 1865. Subject's education was received in the subscription schools of Lawrence County. At the age of fifteen, he commenced to learn the trade of a wagon- maker, but remained at home until about twenty-one, and then worked as a journey- man at bis trade in a shop near Sumner, Lawrence County, for about five years. He then purchased a farm in that county, and farmed, and worked at his trade occasionally, until November, 1865, when he came to this county. He settled in Stanford Township, where he now owns 164 acres in Sections 2 and 3 of Township 2 north, Range 7 east. He resided there until 18S2, and then came to Clay City. Here he first embarked in the implemenf.business, and followed that until March; 1883, when he began merchandising. He now carries a stock of about $1,200 of general provisions. Mr. Davis was married, on October 16, 1851, in Richland County, to Miss Mary Jane Bunn, a daughter of See- ley and Densey Bunn. This lady was born in Richland County on November 3, 1831, and is the mother of five living children, viz.: Densey J. (wife of B. L. Marshall, of Coles County, Til.), Seeley B. (in Stanford Town- ship), Emma J. (wife of Henry C. Evans, of Clay City), H. L. (in business with his father), and Ida E. Mr. Davis was a soldier in the late war, enlisting in Richland County on February 4, 1864, and was discharged on September 4 following. Mr. Davis is a member of the Clay City Christian Church, and Mrs. Davis is connected with the Method ist Episcopal Church. In politics, our sub ject gives his support to the Republican CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP. 17 5 party, and while a resident of Stanford Township served as Collector for three terms. He is a member of the CJay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M., and Clay City Post, No. 262, G. A. E. R. F. DUFF, merchant, Clay City. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of this county, and is descended from one of its pioneer families. The great- grandfather of our subject, Samuel Duff, came to this country some time prior to the Revolution. Ho brought with him his wife Barbara, and the twain settled in Pennsyl- vania. To them were born two sons, John and William. When John was but a youth, his parents moved to Washington County, Va., where the father died in 1818, the mother in 1812. John grew to manhood in Washington County, and there married a Miss Mary Dryden, a daughter of David and Barbara Dryden, who had come from En- gland in an early day. Nine children blessed this union — Samuel (who remained in Vir- ginia), David (came to this county, and set- tled in Maysville, in 1829, and afterward be- came one of the leading merchants of that place), Jane (married a Mr. Hopper, and moved to Ohio, where she died), Barbara (married John McConnell, and settled and died in that county), John N. (is yet living in Washington County, Va., at the hale old age of seventy- eight), Nathaniel H. (our sub- ject's father), Mary (still living in Virginia), Stephen B. (settled and died in that county), and Alexander (who died when a boy). Judge N. H. Duff's education was but meager, and was received in the subscription schools of bis native county. He learned the trade of a blacksmith, and at the age of twenty-one helped his brother David move to this county. After arriving here, he helped on the latter's farm for a short time, and after spending a year here he again returned to his home in Virginia, where he worked on his father's farm. In 1831, he again came back here, this time accompanied by James Lethco and William T. Duff, a cousin, who made one of the first settlements in Stanford Township. This time Judge Duff settled in Maysville, and, buying a small farm, tilled that, and worked at his trade of blacksmithing, but his health failing him he was compelled to give up the latter occupation. After about two years' residence in Maysville, he moved into what is now Stanford Township and settled on the farm now owned by J. M. Chaffin; he first entered eighty acres, and afterward in- creased the tract to 120 acres. He remained on that farm until 1843. and then selling out to John L. Apperson, moved to another farm about two miles northwest of his former place. (It is now owned by subject.) In 1848, he again returned to Maysville, and purchased David Duff's store, who went from there to Tennessee. The Judge continued in business there until the laying-out of Clay City. He then came to the latter point and embarked in business with Robert E. Duff. This partnership continued for some years, and the former turned his attention to stock- raising. For the last few years, he has lived a quiet and retired life, making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Naomi Figg. Judge Duff has been much before the people of this county, in one way or another. In 1851, he was first elected to the office of Associate Justice. These officers were elected for the purpose of attending to the county business. His Associates were J. W. P. Davis and a Mr. Loofboro. He held this office until 1862, when the plan of township organiza- tion was adopted. He was then elected the first Justice of the Peace of Clay City Township, and served in that capacity for a number of years. He also served as Township Supervisor for one or two 170 BIOGRAPHICAL: terms. Judge Duff has been twice married. The first time in old Maysville Precinct, on September 25, 1832, to Miss Margaret Apper- son, a daughter of Richard and Mary (Aikin) Apperson. The parents were among the very earliest settlers of Stanford Township. Mrs. Duff was born in September, 1S09, and was the mother of nine children, but two of whom are now living — Richard F. (our sub- ject), and Mrs. Naomi C. Figg. This lady died on April 2, 1857, and the Judge wa s married the second time, on October 20, 1872, to Miss Sarah Babbs, a daughter of Alexan- der Babbs. But one child resulted from this union — Albert H. (now at home with his father). This lady died in the winter of 1877. The schools of this and Stanford Township furnished our subject his means of educa- tion, and he assisted his father on the home farm until about twenty -one. He began learning telegraphy under W. C. Roach, who was station agent at this point. From here he went to Cincinnati, where he worked for three months, and then for two years acted as operator in different points on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. He then went to Xenia, and was appointed station agent and operator. After serving at different stations in this capacity for three years along the line of the O. & M., he accepted a similar posi- tion on the Indianapolis & St. Louis Rail- road, and worked at both Bunker Hill and Hillsboro. In 1S67, he returned to ("lay City and embarked with J. D. Allender in the provision business. The firm afterward opened a general store, and have since been one of the leading houses of Clay City. Mr. Duff was married October 28, 1868, to Miss Mary E. Manker, a daughter of Jenkins and Sarah (Rogers) Manker, of Clay City. Three children have blessed this union — Charles L., Effie M. and Carey E. Mr. Duff is a strong Democrat, and is at present serving as Township Supervisor. Mr. and Mrs. Duff are both members of the Clay City Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Duff is a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M. J. T. EVANS, merchant, Clay City, was born in Johnson County, Ind., Jan. 7, 1835. He is a son of Joseph and Matilda (Driscoll) Evans. The father was a native of Brown County, Ohio. Edward Evans, the grandfather, was a native of Pennsylvania, and was a solider in the Revolution. Among the battles in that conflict in which he participated was the battle of Brandywine. His people were of Welsh decent. The father is still living in Johnson County, Ind., at the age of eighty-eight, on the same farm he entered fifty- four years ago, and he still has in his possession the letters patent for the land, bearing the signature of Andrew Jackson. The mother was born in Mason County, Ky., her father being a native of Maryland, and of Scotch descent. Our subject was the sixth of seven children, and of this number three are now living, viz.: Mrs. Julia Ann Jolliffe, of Johnson County, Ind.; J. T., subject, and J. E., in Clay City Township. The common schools of his native county furnished Mr. Evans his means of education. At the age of eighteen, he commenced teaching, but fol- lowed that profession only two years. He then commenced reading medicine with Drs. Marshall & Ream, of Williamsburg, Ind. After studying with them two years, he came to Clay City, 111., arriving herein April, 1859, and began the practice of medicine. Not liking the profession however, he gave it up after about two years. In December, 1860, he turned his attention to merchandising, and opened a general store. In this business, he has been engaged ever since, and now carries a stock of about $S,000. He also does a great deal in the grain and commission busi- CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP. 177 ness, having built a large warehouse, and now handles on an average about 50,000 bushels of grain a year, besides considerable flax and grass seed. In the old town of Maysville, Clay County, Mr. Evans was mar- ried, November 17, 1859, to Miss Amanda E. Bagwell, a daughter of Thomas J. and Cina E. ( Whiteman) Bagwell. The father was a native of Kentucky, and came to the old town of Maysville in IS42, where he ran a hotel for many years. He died in 1877. The mother was a native of Tennessee, and is still living in Clay City, at the advanced age of seventy-two. Mrs. Evans was born in March, 1842, and is the mother of four chil- dren, three of whom are now living: Henry, born November 18, 18(30; Ella, October 2. 1863, and now the wife of Charles D. Duff; and Charles, February 19, 1874. Subject is a member of the Clay City Christian Church. He has been identified with that denomina- tion since March, 1868, and is at present one of the Elders and Sunday School Superin- tendent of the church at this point. Mr. Evans is a member of the Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M., and Gorin Command- ery, No. 14, Knights Templar. Casting his first vote for John C. Fremont, Mr. Evans has ever since been a strong Republican. SAMUEL HOLMAN, merchant, Clay City, was born in Ross County, Ohio, Janu- ary 22, 1839, and is a son of John and Mary (Hussleton) Holman, natives of Pennsylva- nia. Subject vvas the eighth of ten children, of whom seven are now living, viz. : John, in Clay County. 111.; Mrs. Barbara Tilly, in Clay County; Jacob, and Mrs. Mary Davis, in Columbia, 111. ; Mrs. Elizabeth Erghen- bright, in Coffeyville, Kan. ; Mrs. Sarah Wallor, in Rich Hill, Mo. ; and Samuel, our subject. When the latter was about six months old, his parents moved to this' coun- ty and settled about six miles south of Clay City, on the farm now occupied by John Holman. Here the father resided until his death, in 1850. That of the mother occurred in 1853. The free schools of this township furnished Samuel his means of education. He remained at home until about fifteen, and then came to the old town of Maysville. Here he began life for himself by clerking for George Earheubright, who was then in business at that point. He remained in the latter's employ for about rive years. In 1865, he began merchandising for himself, in the town of Clay City, and has ever since been engaged in business at this point. Starting first in the saloon business with Thomas Viskniski, he has, by hie indomita- ble push and energy, kept on, until now, in connection with Jabez Cogan, owns the largest general store in the city. The firm now carries a stock of about $8, 000, and has a fair share of the trade in this section of Clay County. In 1882, he, in connection with William Markle. embarked in the milling business, having leased the Clay City Mills of Daniel McCawley. In Clay City, Febru- ary 21. 1867, Mr. Holman was married to Miss Clemence West, a daughter of Joseph and Mary C. (Cannon) West, natives of Al- bion, Edwards County. Mrs. Holman was born October 10, 1850, in the same county, and is the mother of eight children, seven of whom are now living, viz.: John L., born July 10, 1809; Maggie, bnrn June 3, 1871; Hattie, born February 18, 1873; Charles L., born October 14, 1877; Willie L., born May 17, 1879; George, born May 27, 1881; May E., born May 29, 1883. January 1. 1862, Mr. Holman enlisted in Company I, of the Sixty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteer In- fautry, and served until the close of the war. having re-enlisted in the veteran service in 1863. Among the battles in which he served were Vicksburg. Sherman's Atlanta cam 178 BIOGRAPHICAL: paign, and the famous march to the sea. In his political views, he has always been a strong Republican. He is a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 384, I. O. O. F. DK. T. N. LOWNSDALE, physician, Clay City, was born in Pike County, Ind., August 12, 1841; son of John and Nancy (Thomas) Lownsdale James Lownsdale, the grand- father of our subject, came from England and settled in Louisiana. In 1816, he started for Indiana, but stopping over in Kentucky for a short time, the father was born. After a short stay in that State, the grandfather came directly to Pike County, Ind. In that county the father grew to manhood and fol- lowed the trade of a blacksmith there until his death, February 22, 1852. The mother was a native of Pike County, and was a daughter of Lewis and Sallie (Alexander) Thomas. The father was a native of Vir- ginia, the mother of Georgia. Subject was the eldest of four children, three of whom are now living — Thomas N. (our subject), Mary (wife of Ed "Williams, of Arthur, Ind.), and William, in Franklin County, 111. Thomas' education was received principally in the subscription schools of his native county, but he, however, attended some free schools. At the age of nineteen, he com- menced reading medicine at the office of Dr. Z. G. Martin, of Otwell, Ind. He had only read with him one year, when, the war breaking out, he enlisted in the Fourteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He remained out until honorably discharged on June 16, 1864. Returning to Pike County, Ind., he began clerking in a store at Otwell. He only remained at that place a short time, and then began reading medicine with Dr. Zemus Kelso, of Ireland, Ind. He studied with this preceptor for about two years, and then went to Cincinnati, where he attended lect- ures. Graduating from the Cincinnati Col lege of Medicine in 1875, he immediately returned, and began the practice of his pro- fession at Washington, Ind. He, however, only remained in that place about sis months, and then came to Clay City, III, where he has since remained. At present he has quite an extensive practice over a territory of about twenty-five square miles. He is a member of the Centennial Medical Society of Southeastern Illinois. Dr. Lownsdale was married, January 3, 1877, in Stanford Town- ship, Clay County, to Miss Alice Bothwell, a daughter of Thompson and Indiana (Mabry) Bothwell. The father was a native of Ohio, the mother of Tennessee. Mrs. Lownsdale was born in Stanford Township, this county, March 8, 1852, and is the mother of four children, of whom three are now living — Agnes, born June 1, 1878; Mary, February 18, 1883, and St. Claire. Dr. Lownsdale is identified with the Democratic party in poli- tics. He is a member of the G. A. R., Clay City, Post No. 269. J. W. MANKER, station agent. Clay City, was born in Hillsboro. Highland County. Ohio, February 20, 1S41, and is a son of Jenkins and Sarah (Rogers) Manker, natives of the same county. Our subject was the second of seven children of whom but three are now living — J. W. (our subject), Mary E. (wife of R. F. Duff) and E. P. (now with Allender & Duff). Our subject's educa- tion was received mainly in the common schools of his native town. When sixteen his father moved to Clay County and settled on a farm south of Maysville. The father resided there a short time and then came to Clay City and purchased the Mound House, which he ran for about six years. He next embarked in the grain business and con- tinued in that until his health failed him. since then he has been living a retired life. In 1S62, our subject commenced learning (LAY CITY TOWNSHIP. 178 telegraphy under W. C. Roach, who was then station agent at Clay City. In the fall of 1863, he was appointed to succeed Mr. Roach as agent, and has since held that position acceptably to both himself and the company. Mr. Manker was married in Flora, 111., Feb- ruary 7, I860, to Miss Callie Peak, a daughter of William L. and CynthaPeak, of Flora. One child has blessed this union — Willie, who is now in the office with his father and acts as operator. Mr. and Mrs. Manker are both members of the Clay City Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Manker is also a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M. In politics, he is iden- tified with the Republican party. DANIEL McCAWLEY, merchant, Clay City, is probably the oldest native born resi- dent in this township. He was born about two miles southeast of Clay City, on January 28, 1826, and is a son of John and Martha (Lacy) McCawley. The parents are noticed in the sketch of J. I. McCawley (a brother of subject), which appears elsewhere in this work. His education was received mostly in the schools of this county, but in 1837 he went to Jefferson County, Ky., and there re- mained with his uncle until 1841, and while there he attended school some. From Ken tucky he came back to this county, and as- sisted his father on the farm until about twenty-five. Commencing life for himself he first opened a saloon in the old town of Maysville. In 1850, he began selling gro- ceries and dry goods at the same point, and carried on business there until 1857. The town of Clay City having been started the year before he came to that place, and has since been engaged in business there almost ever since. His first venture here was a gen- eral 9tore, in which he did business until 1861. He then made a contract with the Commissioners of W 7 ayne County to erect some bridges iu that county. After working a few years in that capacity, he began deal- ing in stock and farming at Clay City. This he has carried on quite extensively ever since, and dow owns 1,200 acres is this township, of which there are about 500 acres under cul- tivation. In 1863, he began running a saw- mill at Clay City, and afterward added a grist mill, and has since had an interest in the Clay City Mills. Part of the time the premises have been leased by other parties, Holman & Markle now having it in charge. In 1878, he begau merchandising in Clay City, opening a large hardware and imple- ment store. In this business he is still en- gaged, and now carries a stock of about $3,000. Mr. McCawley was married in this county, February 14. 1856, to Mary F. Slo- cnmb, a daughter of R. B. and Elizabeth (Leech) Slocumb. The father was a native of South Carolina, and settled in Wayne Coun- ty in an early day. He was one of the fore- most men in the early history of that county. Among the offices to which he was elected were those of Circuit Judge, County Clerk, Member of Legislature, and was at one time Lieutenant Governor. His death occurred in 1875. and his loss was severely felt by the people in this section of the State. The mother was a daughter of Mr. Leech, who was one of the early pioneers of Wayne County, and from whom Leech Township in that county received its name. Mrs. Mc- Cawley was born in Wayne County, Novem- ber 15, 1836. To her were born six children, four of whom are now living, viz. : Mary E., born October 13, 1858, and now the wife of J. D. Kadler, of St. Louis; John R., born December 5, 1860; Helen L., May 6, 1865; Daniel L., April 1, 1868. This lady died on December 24, 187U. Mr. McCawley has been a strong Democrat all of his life, and has taken quite an active part in politics. He 180 BIOGRAPHIC A J.: has served in quite a number of offices. Was Postmaster from 1852 to 1856, and after- ward served as Deputy for a number of years. Has also been Justice of the Peace, Township Supervisor and Assessor, member of County Board of Supervisors, and has also been on the State Board of Equalization. He is a member of Olney Lodge, No. 140, A., F. & A. M. J. I. McCAWLEY, claim agent for O. & M. Railroad. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is to-day one of the most prominent men of this part of Illinois. He is a native of this county, being born about two miles southeast of the present village of Clay City August 20, 1829. He is a son of John L. and Martha (Lacy) McCawley. The grandfather of our subject, James McCawley, was born in Scotland. When a young man, he moved to the North of Ireland, and there married Sarah Gilmore. Soon after his mar- riage, he emigrated to the United States with two of his brothers. William, one of the brothers, settled in Charleston, S. C, the other in Virginia. The grandfather came West and settled in Jefferson County, Ky. There the father was born December 24, 1782. He was one of seven children, all of whom are now dead. The father remained in Kentucky until 1810, and then deciding to begin life for himself, he started for St. Louis, and had made his way as far north as Clay County, when one of his horses took sick. The place where he stopped was on the Little Wabash, near the eastern edge of the county. He sent back to Kentucky for a horse, and having to wait for about ten days, he fell in love with the country. He accordingly decided to locate where he was, and built a cabin. He thus made the first settlement in this part of the State, there be- ing no other white man within about sixty miles. Here he remained for some little time, his only companions being the wild men of the forest. In the early part of 1811, he returned again to civilization, and Febru- ary 14, of that year, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Martha Lacy. This lady was born in Jefferson County, Ky. , February 14, 1791. Her father was a native of Denmark, her mother of Pennsylvania. Not wishing as yet to bring his wife West until affairs were a little more civilized, he bade her good- bye, and again returned to his lonely cabin on the banks of the Wabash. Here he made good friends with the Indians, and their friendship for him stood him to good pur- pose afterward; for at the breaking out of the war of 1812, the famous War Chief Tecumseh marched down through this part of the country on his way to the campaign in Indiana; he accordingly sent forth a com- mand that every white man this side of Vin- cennes should be murdered. The night be- fore the time appointed for the massacre, the Indians came to McCawley and told him of it. They advised him to start for Vincennes, where there was a fort, and offered to follow him, to see that no other Indians bothered him. He decided to act upon their advice, and the next morning as soon as it was day he started on his homeward journey. He saw no one, neither friend nor foe, until he was just entering the fort at Vincennes, when he heard a war whoop. Turning around he saw the same Indians who had given him the warning the night before ride out from the brush, wave their hands, and then turning their horses toward the setting sun they dis- appeared. Having been protected thus far, he made his way as fast as possible to his home in Kentucky. In that State he re- mained until 1816, when, accompanied by his family, he again came to Clay County, and settled in his former cabin. He immediately pre-empted 160 acres of land, afterward pay- CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP. 181 ing $2.50 per acre for it. This he finally increased to about 1,500 acres. Besides farming, he carried on a little store for a number of years, and made a good deal of money trading with the Indians. In early days, he was a Henry Clay Whig, but after ward became a stanch Democrat. He was never much of a politician, and the only office he ever held was that of County Com- missioner in the early days. His death oc- curred May 25, 1854, that of his wife October 14, 1844, and thus passed away the earliest pioneers of this county. Subject was the next to the youngest of a family of ten chil- dren, of whom but three are now living — Arthur (now in Texas), Daniel L. (in this county, and whose sketch appears elsewhere in this book) and J. I. (our subject). The latter' s education was received in the sub- scription schools of this county. He re- mained at home with his father until 1853, when he came to the old town of Maysville and commenced business for himself. His first venture was that of a grocery store, which he ran until 1856. In that year the Ohio & Mississippi Eailroad having been surveyed through this county, about a mile north of the old town of Maysville, he came to the new town of Clay City, which was then in its infancy, and opened a general store. He also accepted the position of the first station agent at this point, for the O. & M. Eailroad, and in this connection we might say that ever since Mr. McCawley has been in the employ of the road in some capacity or another. He, however, followed merchan- dising in Clay City until 1876, and then accepted the position of general claim agent for the railroad; this position he has held ever since, and the administration of the of- fice has been both acceptable to the com- pany and to the general public. He also owns about 200 acres of land and has farm- ing carried on quite extensively. In the old town of Maysville, May 17, 1856, Mr. Mc- Cawley was married to Miss Maria L. Moore. This lady was* the daughter of Green and Sarah (Shannon) Moore; the parents were born in North Carolina, and are still living in that State. For a number of years, however, they were residents of East Tennessee, and there Mrs. McCawley was born February 9. 1840. To her have been born seven children, all of whom are now living — Arthur H., born May 19, 1857; Sarah L., born December 7, 1858, now the wife of John T. Baird, of Olney, 111.; Martha M., born July 31, 1863, now the wife of Dr. T. J. Eads, of Washington, Ind. ; Mina J., born June 25, 1865; John G., born March 15, 1871; Mary E., born September 9. 1873; Lewis W.. February 24, 1876. Mr. McCawley is a strong Democrat, but owing to his official position he does not take an active part in politics. He is a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M. Mrs. McCawley and her three older children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. E. McGILTON. lawyer, Clay City, was born in Belmont County. Ohio. January 6, 1838, and is a son of Philip and Hannah (Perkins) McGilton. The father was born in Ohio, and died when subject was but four years of age. The mother was a native of Belmont County, that State, her father having come from Scotland in an early day. To her were born three children, of whom subject was the second, and the only one now living. Jehu, one of the children, died in Anderson vi He Prison in 1864. Mr. McGilton's education was obtained in both the free and subscrip- tion schools of his native county. At the age of fifteen, he commenced to learn the shoe-maker's trade, and followed it until 1859. In that year he commenced to read law with Mr. Eli Headlay, of Cameron, Mon- 182 BIOGRAPHICAL: roe Co., Ohio. He studied with that gentle- man until October, 1861, when he was ad- milted to practice in the courts of Ohio. He soon after came to Clay City, 111., where he has since resided. He is the only resident attorney at this point, and practices in Jus- tices', County and State Courts. Mr. McGil- tou has been married three times. The first marriage took place in Monroe County, Ohio, in January, 1860. The bride was Miss Mary Jane Cathell, a daughter of Putnam Cathell, a native of New Jersey. To this lady were born three children, two of whom are now living — Charles A. and Laura B. She died in November, 1870. On December 15, 1872, he was married the second time to Miss Rachel Brummet, a daughter of Lewis Brum- met, of Indiana. This union resulted in two children, both of whom are now dead, and the mother also died in the fall of 1876. Mr. McOilton was married the third time, in Clay City Township, on August 10, 1878, to Miss Ph«be Chaney, a daughter of Abel and Christina Chaney. Both parents were natives of Pennsylvania. Two children blessed this marriage, one of whom, Leonidas L. , is now living. This child was born on August 20, 1882. Subject has been identified with the Democratic party through life. He has not been a seeker for office, but has given his at- tention principally to his own affairs. He has however served a number of terms as Town Clerk and is also Notary Public. He is con- nected with the Southern Methodist Church, and is also a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 384, I. O. O. F. ; is at present serving as Noble Grand of the lodge. ISRAEL MILLS, stock dealer, Clay City, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, April 18, 1843, a son of Jonathan and Sarah (Downing) Mills. The parents were both natives of Ohio. On the father's side the ancestors were natives of Pennsylvania; those of the mother were natives of Virginia. Both families emigrated to Ohio in an early day. Subject was the sixth of twelve children, and of this number six are now living. The father is dead; the mother is still living on the old homestead in Ohio. The free schools of Ohio furnished subject his means of education, and he rendered what assistance he could on his father's farm until his majority. In October, 1865, he came to Clay City, 111., where he has since resided. In this town his first business was that of a stock trader and dealer. At present he handles about 2,500 head of hogs, 1,500 head of cattle, and about 2,000 head of sheep per year. In 1872, he commenced merchandising with the firm of Bagwell, Evans & Co., and remained in that establish- ment until 1S79. Mr. Mills also farms quite extensively, owning about 740 acres of land, of which 580 acres are in Clay City Town- ship, the rest in Stanford Township. Of the whole, there are about 700 acres in cultiva- tion. Mr. Mills was married in this county, September 10, 1867, to Miss Elizabeth Bag- well, a daughter of Thomas and Cina (White- man) Bagwell, who were very early settlers of this county. Mrs. Mills was born August 24, 1848, in Clay City Township, and is the mother of two children — Edna, born July 2, 1870; James B., born October 22, 1881. Subject enlisted June 3, 1862, in Company K of the Eighty-seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until taken prisoner at the battle of Harper's Ferry. Was afterward paroled, and discharged Octo- ber 3, 1862. June 29, 1863, he re-enlisted in Company B of the One Hundred and Twenty- ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, and served in that company until the expiration of time, March 5, 1864. He re enlisted the third time, September 2, 1864, in Company H of the One Hundred and Sev- CLAY CITY TOWNSHIP. 183 enty- eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, and served until the close of the war, being honorably discharged June 29, 1865. Mis. Mills is a member of Clay City Chris- tian Church. Mr. Mills is a member of Clay City Lodge, N o. 488, A., F. & A. M. He has been a life-long Republican, and has held numerous offices of trust and profit, hav- ing served as member of Board of Supervis- ors, School Trustee and Collector. ROBERT MOSELEY, farmer, R O. Clay City. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch was born in Buckingham County, Ya.. about thirty miles from where Gen. Lee surrendered, on March 23, 1813. He is a son of Arthur and Nancy (Watkins) Moseley. The grandfather of our subject was of En- glish descent, and came to the country in an early day. Our subject was the fifth of eight children, of whom but three are now living, viz.: Arthur, in Virginia; Edward, in Missouri, and Robert (our subject). The subscription schools of his native county fur- nished his education. His father died when he was quite young, but he remained at home with his mother until about twenty-two. In 1836, he came West, and first went to St. Louis, where his brother was then living. In 1837, he came to this county, and worked as a carpenter on the bridges that were then being built across the Little Wabash and Big Muddy. From this he worked at his trade in and around Maysville for a number of years. In 1841, he settled on a farm, about two miles south of Maysville. There he resided until 1847, and then again came to Maysville, and turned his attention to farming. The next, however, he settled on a farm in what is now Stanford Township; he resided on different farms in that town- ship until 1857, when he came to his pres- ent farm. He now owns 200 acres, situated in Sections 11, 13 and 15, of Township 2 north. Range 8 east. Has about 120 acres in cultivation. Mr. Moseley was married, Julj 10, 1841, in this township, to Miss Elizabeth Test, a daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Schooley) Test, natives of Ohio. She was the mother of three children (none of whom are now living), and her death occurred on March 17, 1847. In this township, on April 18, 1848, subject was married the second time to Miss Susan Davis. This lady was the daughter of John Davis, a native of Pennsylvania, and to her was born five chil- dren, one of whom only is now living, John A., in Kansas. Her death took place on January 24, 1857. Mr. Moseley was married the third time on November 12, 1857, to Mrs. Judith E. Dark, a daughter of Jeremiah and Judith (Biby) Webb. Mrs. Moseley was born in Shelby County, Ky., on August 31, 1824, and is the mother of four children (by her present husband), but two of whom are now living — Cloyd B. (at home), and Lloyd P. in Kansas. Mr. Moseley was a soldier in the late war, enlisting from this county in De- cember, 1863, in Company D, of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry. After but nine months' campaign, he was wounded at the battle of CantoQ, Miss., being shot in the leg, and was honorably discharged. Our subject has held many offices of trust and profit since he has been a resident of this county. He is now serving on his fourth term as Justice of the Peace, and has also served as Supervisor, Dep- uty Sheriff, Constable, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Moseley are both members of the Clay City Christian Church. In politics, Mr. Moseley is a strong Republican. JOHN SUNDAY, farmer, P. O. Clay City, was born in Dover County, Penn., March 5, 1824, and is a son of Peter and Catherine (Stover) Sunday. The great-grandfather of our subject came from Germany and settled in Pennsylvania, where the grandfather and 184 BIOGRAPHICAL: father were both born. Subject was the fifth of nine children, of whom seven are now liv- ing. When subject was about twelve years old, his father moved to York County, where the former i-eceived his education. He re- mained at home with his father until about eighteen, and then worked out for different farmers until 1852, when he moved to Cham- paign County, Ohio. There he followed car- pentering for some years, and then turned his attention to farming. In 1872, he came to Clay County, 111., and settled on his present farm. He now owns about 285 acres in Sec- tion 5, of Township 2 north, Range 7 east. Has about 240 acres in cultivation Mr. Sunday was married in York County, Penn., December 15. 1847, to Miss Ann Harmon. This lady is the daughter of Samuel and Mary (Prowl) Harmon, and was born in 1831. This union has resulted in ten ohildren, eight of whom are now living, viz : Will- iam (in Champaign County, Ohio), Clayton, Joseph, Molly (wife of John Hussleton. of Stanford Township), Franklin, Sarah, Mis- souri and George. Mr. Sunday has been a life-long Democrat. He has been no office seeker, but has served in one or two positions, among which we mention Road Overseer. HOOSIER TOWNSHIP GEORGE C. BARLOW, farmer and stock- raiser, P. 0. Sailor Springs. This enterprising young man is a native of Crawford County, 111., and was born November 8, 1850. His father, William Barlow (deceased), was also born in Crawford County, November 28, 1821, and died there October 12, 1867. Mr. Barlow was brought up on his father's farm, and received a common school education in his native county. He came to Clay County in December, 1880, and settled on his present beautiful farm of 160 acres on Section 12. He was married, March, 24, 1874, to Miss Ursula Eaton, daughter of James H. Eaton, of Crawford County, 111. She was also born in Crawford County*, and was a schoolmate of her husband in childhood. ALEXANDERS. BOWEN, physician, Sailor Springs, is a native of Shakertown, Knox Co., Ind., and was born July 12, 1849. His father, William R. Bowen (deceased), was a native of Middle Tennessee, and settled in Shakertown in 1848. Our subject was educated in the University at Vincennes, Ind. He obtained his medical education at Bellevue Medical Col- lege, graduating from that place in 1877. He came to Clark County, 111., the same year, and in 1880 came to Sailor Springs, where he prac- tices successfully in the summer seasons, spend-, ing his winters as Assistant Physician in Charity Hospital, New Orleans. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic fraternity. WILLIAM P. BYRNE, farmer, P. 0. Ingra- ham, was born in Braxton County, W. Va., March 16, 1838, and is the son of Samuel Byrne (deceased), a native of Virginia also. Mr. Byrne has spent the most of his life on the farm. In his boyhood he had no educational advantages, save those afforded by a subscrip- tion school. He went to Kentucky with his widowed mother about the year 1850, where he remained until 1852, and came to Clay County and has since made this his home, except five years in Missouri and one year in Kansas. He was a soldier for the Union in the late war, in Company E, Sixth Regiment 111- nois Cavalry. He resides on Section 1, where H00S1ER TOWNSHIP 185 he now owns 96 acres of valuable land. In 1854, he married Eveline Burns, by whom he had eleven children, ten living, viz., James Mac, Samuel P., David W., Miranda J., Ada E., Olive E., Mollie, Sarah 0., William H. and Joseph B. Mrs. Byrne died in 1877, and he again married in 1881; this time to Mrs. Han- nah Jenner, by- whom he has one child, viz., Rolla. Mrs. Byrne had five children by her first husband, viz., Lula, Effle, Herbert, Allen and Harry Jenner. ALFRED CAMBRON, farmer, P. 0. Ingra- ham, is a native of Lawrence County, Ind., and was born in May, 1842. His father, Charles Cambron (deceased ), was a native of Kentucky. Mr. Cambron spent his early life on the farm, and attended the common schools. At the breaking-out of the late war, he felt that his country needed his services, and he therefore enlisted May 13, 1861, in Company A, Twenty- fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served through the entire struggle, not hav- ing been discharged until the 15th day of No- vember, 1865. He was on detached duty all the time, serving most of the time as wagon master. The Government officers were loath to let him go when discharged, and he served in that capacity for four months as an employe after receiving his discharge. Mr. Cambron is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He was married, May 20, 1873, to Mary Neugent. a daughter of Benedict Neugent They have four children — Laura, Charley, Lula and John. ALFRED CONLEY, farmer, P. 0. Hoosier Prairie, was born in Hoosier Township, this county, April 23, 1841, and is a son of Henry Conley (deceased), a native of Ashe County, N. C., who came to Clay County as early as 1837. Mr. Conley was brought up on the old home- stead, and attended the common schools and the Mitchell (Ind.) Seminary. He was a soldier for Uncle Sam in the late war, in Company A, Ninety-eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer In- fantry ; was a member of the noted Gen. Wilder's brigade, and participated in the bat- tles of Buzzard Roost, Chickamauga, all of the Atlanta campaign, and even on Wilson's raid through Alabama and Georgia. It was a part of his division that captured Jeff Davis, and Mr. Conley was present at Macon, Ga., when the rebel chieftain was brought in. Our sub- : ject owns 160 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. He also owns and runs successfully a steam-power vibrator thresher. He is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and of the Baptist Church. He was married, December 26, 1865, to Mary A., daughter of Isom Toliver (de- ceased). She is a native of Lawrence County, ! Ind. ELI G. EDWARDS, farmer, P. O. Louis- ville, was born in Lawrence County, Ind., December 26, 1842. His father, William Edwards, of Lawrence Count} - , Ind., is a native of Kentucky. Our subject was brought up on his father's farm, and attended the common schools of his native county. He was a soldier for Uncle Sam in the late war, in Company H, Sixty- seventh Regiment In- diana Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Mumfordsville, Ky., Vicksburg, Arkansas Post, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hill and others. He received a gun- shot wound in the arm and one in the neck at Champion Hill. Miss., for which he now draws a pension. He came to this county in Septem- ber. 1864. He was married March 7, 1865, to Emma, daughter of Alexander Wilson (de- ceased). They had two children — Melodia (deceased) and Lottie. Mr. Edwards held the office of Township Collector for Hoosier Town- ship for one terra. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. CRAWFORD ERWIN, farmer. P. 0. Louis- ville. The subject of this memoir is one of Hoosier Township's best and most prominent farmers. He is a native of Lawrence County, Ind., and was born, April 19, 1818. His father. 180 BIOGRAPHICAL. William Erwin (deceased), was a native of North Carolina, and brought his family to Clay County in October, 1832, where he died Au- gust 4,1837, and was the first person buried in the Erwin Cemetery. The land occupied by this cemetery was once selected by him for a building site, bat he afterward changed his mind in regard to it, and upon his death his friends buried him there. Mr. Erwin was brought up among the deer and other wild animals, and hence early learned the use of fire-arms. He has killed many a deer and other wild game. At one time, upon returning home from taking his grandmother to his aunt's, he saw a herd of seven deer. He at once brought his gun to his shoulder (for they always carried guns then), and fired without getting off the horse. The ball passed entirely through the deer he had shot at, and entered another one just in the rear, killing both of them. This was a wonder- ful feat for a boy. In 1837, Mr. Erwin married Eliza A. Craig, daughter of Adam Craig (de- ceased), an early settler of this county. They had seven children, of whom but three are liv- ing, viz., John, Lafayette and Elizabeth A. Their eldest son, Capt. William Erwin, Captain of Company D, Eleventh Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, during the war, was killed in front of Spanish Fort, Ala., while heroically leading his men on to victory. Mrs. Erwin died in February. 1855, and Mr. Erwin again married, July 3 of the same year ; this time to Mrs. Rachel Milligau. By her he has had five children, two of whom are living — Auge- line and Edward Everett. Mr. Erwin owns 347 acres of land and resides on Section 4. He is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and of the Masonic order. For ten years he held the office of Justice of the Peace, and also has held other offices of trust. ELIJAH P. GIBSON, physician, Hoosier Prairie, was born in Floyd County, Ind., June 10, 1850. His father, Jesse Gibson (deceased), was also a native of Floyd County. He was brought up on the farm, and educated in the graded schools of Mitchell, Ind. In 1878, he graduated from the Louisville Hospital Medical College, at Louisville, Ky. He was Assistant Surgeon in the Indiana State Hospital at Jef- fersonville, Ind., for one year, when he re- moved to Mitchell, Ind., and practiced there two years, and in the spring of 1 8S1 came to Hoosier Prairie, where he has built up a large practice. He has built a neat brick office, and also has been appointed Postmaster and keeps the post office in this office. The Doctor is a member of the Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky Tri-State Medical Society, of the Indiana State Medical Society, and of the Lawrence (Ind.) District Medical Society. DEMPSY HARRISON, farmer, P. 0. Clay City, was bom in North Carolina, March 26, 1826, and is a son of John G. Harrison (deceased), who removed with his family to East Tennessee when our subject was an in- fant. They afterward resided in West Tennes- see, Kentucky, and in Illinois, near Shawnee- town. While residing at the latter place, the mother died, and the family returned to Ken- tucky, where the father died, near Paducah, about the year 1835. Dempsy then went to live with his half-brother, Henry Hill, in Da- viess County, Ind. He had but limited educa- tional advantages, which consisted of a few terms taught by subscription in a rude log house with split pole seats, and a chimney built (from the joists to the roof) of sticks and clay. The tire-place consisted of a square place cut in the floor and filled with dirt, on which a heap of logs were piled, and the ur- chins stood all round it to warm themselves- Mr. Harrison has been successful as a farmer and stock-raiser, and now owns 240 acres of land. He was married. November 13, 1845, to Elizabeth Megehee, by whom he has had seven children, riv<- living — John G., Martha A., Mary E., William H. and James M. Mr. Harrison came to t.his county in 1872. He is a member of the Baptist Church. JOHN M. JONES, farmer, stock-raiser and HOOSIER TOWNSHIP. 187 sorghum manufacturer, Sec. 21, P. 0. Hoosier Prairie, was born in Clinton County, Ky.. No- vember 22, 1832. His father, Wilson L. Jones, resides in Clinton County, Ky. Mr. Jones at- tended a subscription school a short time, but received his early education mostly between tlie plow handles. He was for the Union dur- ing the war, and a member of the Kentucky Home Guards, but was compelled to leave his home. The United States Government gave him a free pass to Gosport, Ind., in August, 1 8 1 '. 4 . He there made a crop in 1865, and the following fall came to Christian County, 111., where he farmed until October, 1878, when he came to this township, and settled on the old Henry Conley place, where he is paying con- siderable attention to raising good hogs, gen- eral farming, and the manufacture of sorghum molasses. His molasses is pronounced extra good by competent judges. He is also a black- smith by trade, and still does something in that line. He has built a nice new house, and is making other substantial improvements, which speak well for his enterprise. He owns 128 acres of land. Mr. Jones is a Deacon in the Baptist Church. He was married, Decem- ber 9, 1855, to Nancy J. Kelsey, a daughter of William Kelsey. They have had fourteen chil- dren, eleven living — William W., Ollie A., John G., Abner W., Bennett N.. Exonea B., Minnie M., Charley M., Lillie J., Delia M. and Ida A. JOHN C. LOUGH, farmer. P. O. Sailor Springs, was born in Braxton County. Va., May 8, 1836, and is a son of Peter Lough (deceased), a native of Virginia, who brought his family to Clay County in 1839, and settled in Pixley Township, where he died in 1860. Our sub- ject was a soldier in the late war, in Company H, Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Savannah, Atlanta, Island No. 10, Corinth, Vicksburg, Jackson, and was with "Sherman to the sea." He was taken prisoner at Col- liersville, Tenn., while on picket duty. In 1872, Mr. Lough went to Jewell County, Kan., and returned in 1876 ; and since that time has resided in Hoosier Township, having lived prior to that in Pixie}'. He owns 120 acres of laud, and is engaged in farming, carpentering and bridge-building. He is a member of the Methodist Church. He married Elizabeth West in September, 1856. They have had five children, two living, Ezra and Edward. A daughter and son, Alice and Andrew, died at the ages of twenty and thirteen years respect- ively. WILSON H. MAHON, physician, Sailor Springs, was born in Fayette County, 111., June 26, 1853. and is a son of Jeduthan Mahon, of Fayette County, and a native of Virginia. Our subject spent his boyhood days on the farm, and received an education at the towns of Westfield and Carthage, 111. He graduated from the American Medical College at St. Louis, Mo., in the spring of 1880. He practiced one year in St. Louis, then went to New Mexico and practiced a year, when he came to Kin- mundy. 111., and formed a partnership with Dr. W. O. Smith in the practice of medicine, re- maining there until the spring of 1883. He then located permanently at Sailor Springs (by request of the proprietors of the Springs), where he is building up a good practice. He built a large drug store and hall at this place in the fall of 1883. CALVIN MOORE, farmer, P. O. Hoosier Prairie, was born in Hawkins County, Tenn., September 12, 1821, and is a son of William Moore (deceased), a native of Botetourt County, Va. Our subject has spent his life on the farm. His education was obtained in a sub- scription school, taught in a log cabin, with split pole seats, puncheon floor, clapboard roof, and a stick and clay chimney at each end. In 1864, he came to Clay County, where he has since resided. He owns 275 acres of land, re- sides on Section 14. and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. Moore has filled the 188 BIOGRAPHICAL: offices of Collector, Assessor and School Trus- tee to the satisfaction of the people. In relig- ion, he is a Methodist. He was married in 1847 to Catharine Jenkins, a daughter of Matthew Jenkins (deceased). They have had twelve children born to them, eight of whom are living — William H., Mary E., Louisa M., Sarah J., James A., John C, Andrew A. and Rosella S. One son, Elbert M., died at the age of twenty-six years, leaving a wife and one child. WILLIAM NICHOLS, farmer, P. O. Ingra- ham, was born in Posey Count}', Ind., October 7, 1827, and is a son of William Nichols (de- ceased ), a native of Bristol, England, who came with a colony that located in Edwards Count}', 111., about the year 1820. He afterward re- moved to Posey County, Ind. Mr. Nichols came to this county in 1866, where he now lives; owns 140 acres of laud, and is engaged in gen- eral farming. He was married, January 25, 1857, to Miss Sarah Byrne, a daughter of Sam- uel Byrne (deceased), and a sister of William P. Byrne, of this township, of whom we make further mention elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Nichols is a faithful housewife and true help- meet to her husband. She has done her part in securing and beautifying their neat home. They have two children — Alfred L. and Will- iam A. Alfred is a prominent school teacher in northern Claj- County, and resides on a part of the homestead. CALEB ODELL, farmer and stock-raiser, P. 0. Hoosier Prairie, was born September 29, 1827, in Lawrence County, Ind. His father. Joseph Odell (deceased), was a native of Ran- dolph County, N. C. Mr. Odell was brought up on the farm, and attended a subscription school. In the fall of 1852, he came to this county to improve his 200 acres of land, which he had previously entered. This constitutes a portion of his present beautiful farm on Le- vitt's Prairie, in Hoosier Township. He did not settle on his land, however, until earl}' in 1853, when he built a rude log hut and began making other improvements. Like other pio- neers, Mr. Odell became much disheartened by sickness, and used every possible effort to sell his possessions and leave the country; at one time he proposed to Henry Conley to trade him his 200 acres of land for a team and wagon and 8200 in money, but it seemed out of the question to sell, and as he had nothing with which to go away he was compelled to re- main. When he began life, he had a wagon and two ponies, and $115 in money. He has been eminently successful, and now owns 340 acres of valuable land, well stocked and improved, and has the finest brick residence in Hoosier Township. He had three brothers, all of whom were soldiers for the Union in the late war, In 1862, he held the office of Assessor for Hoosier Township. In religion, he is a Bap- tist. Mr. Odell was married the first time on the 9th of November, 184S, to Nancy J. Hig- ginbotham, by whom he had ten children; of these eight are living, viz., Joseph, Rebecca, Martha J., Sidney, Hugh, Caleb, Elizabeth and Frederick. Mrs. Odell died March 2, 1877, and on the 2d day of the following June he mar- ried Mrs. Nancy A. Maxwell, who had been twice married before. By her he has had four children, three of whom are living, viz., Valentine, Perley and Bertha. This last wife had two children by her first husband, viz., Lurinda and Ella Herley. We should have mentioned that Mr. Odell owns a very fine traction engine and thresher, which he oper- ates each season. DANIEL RODGERS, farmer, P. O. Clay City, was born in this county December 11, 1831, and is one of Hoosier Township's best farmers. His father, Thomas Rodgers (de- ceased), was a native of Nelson County. Ky., who came to Indiana when a young man, and soon after to White County, 111., and in 1822 to Clay County. Daniel was brought up on the farm and educated in the pioneer log cabin HOOSIEK TOWNSHIP. 189 schoolhouse. Mr. Rodgers has killed man}- a deer and other wild animals. He still has in his possession the gun that his grandfather, Joseph Rodgers. used in hunting many 3-ears ago in the Carolinas. This gun was manufact- ured, it is supposed, by one A. MeBride, but the place or date are not given on the gun, just the name above mentioned is engraved on the barrel. It was formerly an old-fashioned flint- lock gun, with a walnut stock; but Mr. Rod- gers has had it restocked with maple, and changed to a cap-lock. Mr. Rodgers was mar- ried, March 26, 1857, to Mary C, daughter of John Nelson (deceased). They have had seven children, four of whom are living, viz., Alice (Williams), James A., Margaret A. (Renfro), and Joseph M. One son, John D., was killed by the cars at Clay City October 15, 1880, at the age of nineteen years. Mr. Rodgers is a member of the Baptist Church. THOMAS M. SAILOR , of Sailor Springs Hoosier Township, was born in Clark County, Ohio, November 1, 1825, and is a son of Will- iam Sailor (deceased), a native of Virginia. His mother, Hannah (Sewell) Sailor, was born on the farm famous for the site of the hanging of John Brown, near Harper's Ferry, Va. Mr. Sailor's father was a tanner and currier by trade, and he also worked at that business until he was twenty-six years old. He then engaged in the stock trade in Central Ohio,^and did much business there for twenty-two years. During six weeks one season he shipped 20,000 head of hogs. Then, in 1866, he engaged very extensively in the lumbering and building business in Michigan and Ohio, which he fol- lowed successfully until 1869. He lost all by the great forest fires. He then came to Clay County, and carried on farming a few years with but small returns. But he has spent his time for the most part in developing the merits of the wonderful medical springs situated on Mrs. Sailor's land on Section 25. At first, and for several years, he met with the sternest opposition. The people laughed him to scorn, and some thought he was insane. But among all the jeers and scoffs of his neigh- bors, he toiled on. as also did his noble wife, faithfully, until the fact had been demonstrated beyond a doubt that these springs are magnet- ic and wonderful in their healing virtues (see the chapter on Sailor Springs). The springs were opened to the public in 1877, and Mr. Sailor with his family, in 1878, removed from the farm on the prairie to the beautiful site of these springs. On the 3d day of June, 1850. Mr. Sailor married Miss Rebecca J. Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, deceased. She was born, April 23, 1832, in Champaign County, Ohio. The fruits of this union are four chil- dren — William W., the enterprising liveryman of Sailor Springs ; Maria B., now Mrs. Manliff M. Coggan, residing on the homestead ; Sarah J. and Eva D. DANIEL T. SHORT, proprietor of the Glen House, Sailor Springs, Hoosier Township, is a native of Middle Tennessee, and was born April 2, 1828. His father, Alexander Short (deceased), was born in Franklin Count} - , Va., in the year 1800. Mr. Short was brought up on the farm, and received a liberal education. He graduated from the Arcadia College at Arca- dia, Mo., with high honors in 1852; and in 1863 he graduated from the Great Western Business College at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. He engaged in the drug business in Nashville, 111., in 1867, and followed it for six years. He then ran a hotel in the same town for three years. He then went to Ashley, 111., and ran a hotel three years ; then went to Fairfield, 111., and ran a hotel there for the same period. In 1879, he came to Sailor Springs as a patieut, and was so readily healed by the wonderful magnetic waters that he saw at once the necessity for a first-class hotel at this place. He at once en- tered into negotiations with the proprietors, who built another large hotel, and leased it (the Glen House) to him for ten years. He keeps a 11(0 BIOGRAPHICAL: first-class bouse in ever}* respect, and is doing a large business. He is a member of the Ma- sonic order, having passed the seventh degree, which makes him a Knight of Honor. Mr. Short was married, January 22, 1857, to Mag- gie Garvin, daughter of William A. Garvin, of Topeka, Kan. They have four children — Al- lie E. (now Mrs. William M. Folger, an attorney of Vandalia, 111.), John A., Maggie E. and Delia B. Mrs. Short is the proprietress of the East Lynn Hotel, at Sailor Springs, which is open only in summer. FRANK SMITH, Postmaster, Sailor Springs, was born in Lewis County, N. Y., Decem- ber 14, 1822, and is a son of John Smith, a native of the same county. He received his ed- ucation in Lowville, the county-seat of his native county. At the age of eighteen, he learned the carpenter and joiner's trade, which he followed a few years. In 1845, he came to Sanduskj- County, Ohio, and kept hotel for eighteen months ; he then came to Paris, 111., and^ kept the old Paris Hotel for two years. From there he went to Galena, 111., where he engaged in the mercantile business for twenty years. In 1876, he removed to Clark County, 111., where he built a store, which he ran until 1880. He then came to Sailor Springs, where he established a general store. He keeps a full line of everything usually kept in a first-class general store, and does an annual business of $11,000. It was through his efforts that the post office and mail route were established at this place. They now have a daily mail. In 1843, Mr. Smith married Jane Kirby, by whom he has four children — Helen M. (now Mrs. M. M. Wheeler, of Galena, 111.), Mary (now Mrs. Charley Link, formerly of Paris, 111., now of Denver, Colo.), Charles E. (married to Mary A. Worshing, and resides in Denver, Colo.), and Belle (at home). WILLIAM E. SMITH, farmer and stock- raiser, P. O. Ingraham. The subject of this sketch — commonl}* known as Uncle Eddie — is a native of Winchester, Frederick County, Va., and was born March 7. 1823. His father, James E. Smith, was a native of the same county, and brought his family to Clay County in October, 1838, settling in Hoosier Township, where he died on the 5th day of February, 1843. When the Smith famil}- located here, the wild animals were running at large through the woods and across the prairies of Hoosier Township. Mr. Smith attended the old-fash- ioned subscription school, and sat on a slab or split-pole bench. He has always resided in Hoosier Township, and now resides on the northeast quarter of Section 1. As a farmer and stock-raiser, he has been very successful, and now owns 320 acres in his own right. He knows all about pioneer life, and has grated corn many a time for meal to make bread, and gone forty miles to mill. He has always been an esteemed citizen, and many persons, both old and young, frequently go to him for coun- sel and advice. Uncle Eddie's advice on all moral and financial questions is considered the standard for his neighborhood. For twelve 3 - ears he was Justice of the Peace, and eight yeai-s of this time before the township organiza- tion. Mr. Smith is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was married, March 1, 1846, to Clarinda, daughter of Robert Bene- field, who settled in Clay County in 1837, This union has been blessed with nine children, viz., George W.. John W., James R., David D., Catharine E., Josiah L., Finley H., Amanda E. and Marietta. CITY OF FLORA. 191 CITY OF FLORA. THOMAS BLANCHARD. The ancestors of Thomas Blanchard came from Kentucky to Illinois, and settled in what was then Lawrence County, in 1825. "Willis Blanch- ard, the grandfather of Thomas, was a na- tive of North Carolina, and resided iD Ken- tuck)' several years previous to coming to Illinois, as above indicated. He had a fam- ily of four children — Thomas, Mary, Eliza- beth and Henry Blanchard. The latter was Thomas Blanchard' s father, and was born in Kentucky in 1814, and was consequently eleven years old when his parents removed to Illinois. He attained to manhood in Rich- land County, and there was married to Martha A. Bunch, a native of Kentucky. Their union was blessed with four children, Thomas being the eldest; Sarah J. is the wife of P. J. Jenkins, of Richland County; Huldah E. died unmarried, and Josiah W. Blanchard is a farmer of Richland County. The parents died in that county, the mother in September, 1851, and the father in Sep- tember. 1876. Thomas was born in Rich- land County, III., October 21, 1837, and was reared on the farm, attending the public schools of the county. He prepared himself for teaching, in which he engaged for a time. In June, 1861, he enlisted in Com- pany K, of the One Hundred and Twenty - tirst Illinois Regiment, and went forth to bear his part in the struggle for national freedom. During the early part of his mili- tary service, he participated in some warmly contested engagements, among which were Fredericktown, Mo., Perry ville, Ky., and Stone River, where he received a gunshot wound. Later he participated in the battle of Chickamauga, where he was made a pris- oner. He was held in the various prison pens of the South, principally at Richmond and Danville, from which latter prison he, in company with eight comrades, made a very daring escape on the night of the 8th of May, 1864, having been in the prisbn six months. But one, however, of the nine suc- ceeded in reaching the Union lines, the others being recaptured. Mr. Blanchard was caught after an absence of fifteen days, and was taken to Andersonville Prison, where he spent three months of hard treat- ment. He was afterward transferred to Charleston, later to Florence, S. C, and finally to Wilmington, from where he made a successful escape on the 20th of February, 1865. He was discharged from the service at Springfield, 111., in June, 1S65, and opened a book store in Flor&, Clay County, in the fall of the following year. In 1S69, he was appointed Postmaster at Flora, by U. S. Grant, and has held the position contin- uously since. He married EllaE. Ingraham November 8, 1868, who was born in Ohio. Their children are Hugh (deceased) and Walter Blanchard, who was born October, 1871. PEARLY P. BROWN. In common with many others of the settlers of Clay County, who deserve especial mention in this history, and who occupy an enviable place in the hearts of the most honored cit- izens, is P. P. Brown, the subject of these lines. He came to Clay County, 111., in 1855, from Vinton County, Ohio, where he was born June 13, 1835. His father, Pearly Brown, and his mother, Eliza Hul- 192 BIOGRAPHICAL: bert, were both natives of Connecticut, who settled in Ohio in the early history of Vin- ton County. Pearly P. Brown is the tenth child of a family of thirteen children born to these parents. His father was a trader and stock-dealer of some note, and young Pearly has followed in his footsteps in this particular, receiving his first lessons while a lad of less than ten years, at which time he crossed the Alleghany Mountains on foot, leading the foremost ox of his father's drove. This experience was often repeated in his boyhood days, crossing the mountains no less than eighteen times. In 1855, he settled on a farm in Stanford Township, five miles east from Flora, where he resided about eight years, moving then to Flora. In 1873, he purchased a farm in Harter Township, living upon it two years. In 1875, he was the choice of the county for the office of Treasurer, and filled that position with ac- ceptance for one term, since the expiration of which he has been a resident of Flora. In politics, he is Republican, and has represented Harter Township three terms as Supervisor, and four years as Assessor. He is regarded as an energetic and honorable stock-dealer, in which he is still actively engaged. He was married in Vinton County, Ohio, in ' 185-4, to Miss Clarissa Dunkle, a daughter of Eli Dunkle and Linnissia Pilcher. She was born November 21, 1837, in Vinton County, Ohio. They are blessed with seven children — Mary E., wife of JohnT. Eansdell, of Clay County; Linnissia, wife of C. C. Ripley, of Clay County; Harriet L., Clarissa N., Charles F., Sarah and William L. Brown. Mr. Brown is a member of the Masonic order, and both he and wife are honored members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Flora. JOSEPH O. BURTON, lawyer, Flora, 111., is a native of Lawrence County, Ind., born Sep- tember 15, 1844 The father, Alexander J. Burton, was a native of Virginia, and in early manhood went to Lawrence County, Ind., where he was married to Sarah Odell, a native of North Carolina. To them were born eight children, Joseph O. being the second, and of whom three are deceased. The mother died in 1857, in Clay County, III., the family having removed here in 1852. The father then settled in Hoosier Township, where he engaged in farming. He now is a resident of Pixley Township in Clay County. Of the five children living, one, Melcurt H. , is a resident of Dakota Territory; J. O. and Fannie O., of Flora 111. ; Caswell R., of Pix- ley Township, Clay County; and Rebecca, wife of J. W. Edwards, of Indiana. Joseph O. attended the common schools in boyhood, and when seventeen years old enlisted in Company D, Forty-eighth Illinois Regiment, under Col. Hayne. He was in the ranks just three months when he sustained the loss of the right leg, being struck with a shell in the battle of Fort Donelson. He was dis- charged, returned home, and as soon as he was able, he entered the academy at Mitch- ell, Ind., entering that institution in the winter of 1862, and completed the course in the spring of 1866. Daring the school course, he devoted considerable time to the study of law, and for two years following prosecuted this study principally under the Hon. B. J. Rotan, of Louisville, 111., and Hon. G. W. Henry, then of Louisville, 111. Mr. Burton was admitted to practice in the courts of Illinois in 1868, since which time he has been a member of the Clay County bar, with the exception of a few months. In 1876, he received the nomination, on the Republican tickot, for State's Attorney, but, in common with the entire county ticket, sustained a defeat. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., G. A. R, and of the Baptist CITY OF FLORA. 193 Church. He was married to Miss Elizabeth J. Blair, on the 2Sth of March, 1867, at Louisville, Clay County. She was born in Indiana on the 11th of April, 1847, and is a daughter of Jonathan and Lettie (Brown) Blair. The father died in 1S62, while in military service, and the mother is still a resident of Louisville, 111. Their union has been blest with the birth of four children — Alva A., born April 1, 1868; Stephen H., born October 17, 1872; Joseph, born May 10, 1876; and Sarah C. Burton, born Sep- tember 25, 1878. GABRIEL CLARK, harness dealer, Flora, 111., was born in Preble County, Ohio, in 1831, and when eight years of age came with his parents, George W. and Mary Clark, to Lawrence County, 111. There he grew to manhood, and was married in 1861 to Lavi- na Ann Underwood. She was a native of Lawrence County, and died in Flora in 1871, leaving three children — George M., Henri - etta and John G. Clark. Mr. Clark remained in Lawrence County until coming to Flora in 1866, where he has resided principally since, and until recently has been engaged at the trade of gunsmith. He was married to his second wife, Mary F. Leonard, in 1873. She was born in Martin County. Ind. , in ! 8 19. She, too, died in Flora, in April, 1881. This marriage resulted in the birth of two children — Charles L. Clark, deceased, and William H. Clark. Mr. Clark is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Flora, and is doing a very successful business as a harness-maker, which he has conducted since 1881. His father died in Lawrence County, 111., in 1881, and the mother at the residence of her son Gabriel, in Flora, 1878, while on a visit to that place. ISAAC K. CLARK, dealer in groceries and provisions, and member of the City Council for the First Ward, Flora, 111., was born October 30, 18-40, in Vinton County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. He is a son of Robert and Nancy (Fee) Clark, both of whom were natives of Ohio. His father was born about 1818, and is still a resident of the Buckeye State. The mother was born in 1811, and died in July, 1879. She was the mother of six children, two of whom are dead— Henry, Esther, Isaac K., Abram, Rob- ert and Hannah Clark. Both of the daugh- ters are deceased. On the 31st of May, 1862, Isaac K, enlisted in Company G, Eighty- eighth Ohio Regiment, from which he was discharged in September of the same year, in consequence of the expiration of the term of enlistment. He subsequently assisted to organize the Second Regiment of Ohio Mili- tia, and was commissioned Second Lieuten- ant of Company A. which ho held until the expiration of five years, when the organiza- tion was disbanded. They were frequently called into active service, and assisted in the capture of the rebel raider, John Morgan. Mr. Clark came to Flora, Clay Co., 111., in 1868, and in November of the following year engaged in mercantile business with Allen Hanks, under the firm name of Hanks & Clark. In April, 1870, Mr. Hanks sold his interest in the business to Mr. G. W. Ar- buthnot, with whom Mr. Clark did business until October, 1871, when Mr. C. retired from the firm. Since January, 1872, he has been associated for a time with Mr. Black, and later with M. L. Deal. In January, 1881, he opened his present business, which he has successfully conducted since. He is a man of»good business qualifications and unquestioned integrity, and served the city as Treasurer in 1879. He was married in Clay County, 111., June 4, 1872, to Alwilda M. Free, daughter of AVilliam and Mary (Elson) Free. Alwilda M. was born Janu- ary 8, 1844. Their family consists of Dora 13 :04 BIOUKAPHK'AL: May, born September 25, 1873, died August 4. 1875; Cora Bell, born February 21, 1876; Isaac Newton, born January 4, 1879, and Maggie Clark: born April 21, 1882. Will- iam Free was born in Pennsylvania, and Mary, his wife, was born in Virginia. JAMES ELY, merchant, Flora, 111., was born in West Springfield, Mass., March 16, 1833, and is a son of George and Maria (Cummings) Ely. His father was born in the town of Leverett, Mass., and descended from French parentage. His father, whose name was Nathaniel, came from France in the colonial days of Massachusetts, and was subsequently killed by Indians. George Ely married Maria Cummings in Massachusetts, where they resided until about 1845, when they removed to the State of New York, where they remained until the time of their death They had a family of seven children, of whom James is the oldest — Ann M. is the wife of Wallace Grace, of Troy, Penn. ; William, George, Harriet and Benjamin are residents of New York, and Abbie, the youngest, is deceased. James Ely was edu- cated in the State of New York, and has de- voted hie life to mercantile pursuits. After a brief business career in Chicago and at Michigan City, he settled in 1859 at New Albany, Ind., where he engaged for several years in merchandising, coming from there to Flora, 111., in 1881. He is a man of un- questioned integrity, and possessing as he does an experience embracing thirty years of mercantile life, he was the man needed to bring about a desirable reform in the business of Flora. He carries a complete stock of goods of a general character, and is deserv- ing of the substantial patronage which he is receiving. He was married, in Indiana in 1861, to Victoria J. Sackett, who was born in 1841. Their only child is a son, Henry Ely, born in Indiana October 19, 1864. Their family residence is on the north side of North avenue, and the business house on corner of Main street and North avenue. GEORGE A. GILLASPY, real estate and insurance agent at Flora, 111., was born in Shelby County, Mo., April 13, 1840. His parents were James H. and Hester M. (Gray) Gillaspy, the former a native of Henry County, Ky., and the latter of Maryland. His father died in 1841, and his mother in 1845. He was thus early left an orphan, but was reared by a relative who gave him the advantages of a liberal private education. In June, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Eleventh Missouri Regiment, under Gen. Har- ris. He was promoted to the office of Captain in August, 1862, which position he held dur- ing the remainder of his term of service. From 1864 until 1867, he was on the Western frontier, at the latter date locating at St. Louis, where he studied as a specialist in the treatment of the diseases of the eye. He came to Flora in 1871, and for two years practiced as an oculist. He afterward abandoned this profession and adopted that of teaching which he followed in Clay County for several years. In 1882, he opened an office in Flora for the prosecution of his present business. In politics, he is a Dem- ocrat and present Chairman of the Central Committee of Clay County. The Gillaspy family are of Scotch-IriBh origin, and were early represented in the colony of Virginia, his great-grandfather being a soldier in the Revolution. The mother, Hester Gray, was of English ancestry, who came with Lord Baltimore to the settlement of Maryland as early as 1620. ROBERT GRAY, special insurance agent for the American Central Company of St. Louis, is a resident of Flora, and a native of Switzerland County, Ind., where he was born May 25, 1843. He is the youngest of a fain- CITY OF FLOW A. 195 ily of thirteen children born to Peter and Nancy (Wright) Gray. His father, who was born in Virginia in 1791, served as a soldier in the war of 1812, completing a term of five years in the regular army. He was reared in Kentucky, to where he returned at the close of his service, and was there married to Nancy Wright. They remained in Kentucky several years, during which time four chil- dren were born to them. They emigrated to Indiana and settled near Vevay, in Switzer- land County, and there made a residence of several years, and where the rest of their large family were born. In 1852. they re- moved to Tipton County, Ind., where the parents died, the mother April 1 1, 1S66, and the father in 1S77. Robert received a very limited education in his youth, his total at- tendance in public schools not aggregating more than one year. In 1S62. August 11, he enlisted in Company C, of the One Hun- dred and First Indiana Regiment, and was wounded and made a prisoner on the l'Jth of September, 1863, at the battle of Chickamau- ga, having participated in the fights at Stone River, Milton and Tullahoma. He was retained a prisoner but a short time, after which he was attached to the United States Reserve Corps at Washington City. He was discharged April 14, 1S04. He then returned to Tipton County. Ind. . where for two years he engaged in the lumber and milling busi- ness. He was there married. March 11,1866, and in March of the following year came to Illinois, and located at Iola, in Clay County. In 1872, he was elected to the office of Sheriff of Clay County, as a Republican, and served acceptably for the term of two years. In 1875, he removed to Flora, and formed a partnership with Mr. M. H. Presley in local insurance business, aud in 1876, became the traveling agent for the American Central Company, having the supervision of the States of Illinois. Indiana. Kentucky and Tennessee. His wife, whose maiden name was Clara Lee, is a daughter of John and Parmelia Lee. She was born February 25, 1848, in Switzerland County, Ind. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Flora, and he of the Masonic- fra. ternity. They have two children. ALBERT GRIFFITH, contractor and builder. Flora, 111., was born October 8, 1822, in Columbiana County, Ohio. His father, William Griffith, was born in 1793 in Pennsylvania. The mother, whose maiden name was Mary Votaw, was born in 1803. in Virginia, and is of French ancestry. She came to Ohio when but three years old, and is still living on the homestead in Columbi- ana County, Ohio, where the father, William Griffith, died about 1S71. Albert, who is the oldest of a family of ten children, grew to manhood in Ohio, learning the trade of house carpenter while working with his father, who was also ,i builder. Ha was first married, to Eliza Kronne, who was born in Pennsylvania, but reared in Ohio. She died in Wayne County, 111., in February, 1855. leaving five children — Laura M. . wife of Arthur M. Baker, of Michigan; Frances A., wife of Jacob Portmess, of Indiana; William Henry Griffith, Oliver M., and Jonas S. Griffith. Pauline Gibbs, hi.-, second wife, was bom in Cincinnati, Ohio, and died in Flora, 111., De- cember 5, 1876. She was the mother of seven children, four of whom are now living — Luella E., wife of Lafayette Nickell, of Flora; Lena R., wife of T. Davis; Minnie A. and Ada P. Griffith. Mr. Griffith was next married to Elizabeth Morgan, who died in Flora. August 22, 18S1. He came to Illi- nois in 1854, and made a settlement in i Bedford Township, of Wayne County, but the year following came to Flora, Clay Coun- ty, where he continued his residence until the 19G BIOGRAPHICAL breaking-out of the late war, when he re- moved with his family to Wayne County, that they might have the near association of rel- atives during his absence in military service. He was enlisted in July, 1861, and was an officer, with the rank of Captain. He has been a resident of Flora, 111., since 1872, and constantly employed at his chosen trade, and though past sixty-one years old, enjoys good health, and pursues his work with apparently youthful vigor. LEONARD R. HAYWARD, miller and lumber dealer, Flora, is a son of Thomas E. and Catherine Hayward, and was born, July 13, 1852, in Clinton County, Ohio. In 1860, the family came to Illinois, and located in Clay County, where they engaged in the pur- suits of the farm. Leonard R. came to the village of Flora in 1866, where he engaged to work as an engineer, receiving 25 cents per day. He continued in this work until at the end of a very few years he was able to com- mand a salary of $900 per year. He has thus risen by honest industry from a poor boy to a place among the most enterprising business men of Flora. While he has thus been achieving success for himself, he has given very liberally to the support of the ministry, annually giving $100 for this pur- pose. He and his wife are honored members of the Christian Church. He was married in Flora, 111., May, 1876, to Miss Carrie How- ard, daughter of H. P. Howard, formerly of Flora, now of Evansville, Ind. She was born in Evansville in 1855, and was there reared, graduating from the high school of that city. They have a family of four chil- dren, viz., Blanche, born October 14, 1877; Mabel, July 4, 1879; Edith, February 28, 1881; and Howard Hayward, May 8, 1883. Mr. Hayward is a member of the Flora Lodge, No. 204, A. F. &A. M., and Flora Chapter No. 154, R. A. M. JUDGE GERSHOM A. HOFF, lawyer, Flora, 111., was born in Livingston County, N. Y.,May 16, 1839. His father, Jonathan Hoff, was born in Freehold, N. J., in 1796. He was reared to manhood in New York, and served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and in 1816 was married to Euphemia Pullis. She was born in the year 1800 in the city of New York. They emigrated to Illinois in 1843, settling that year in Washington County near Nashville, on what is known as the Dry Arm of the Looking Glass Prairie. There, in 1846, Mrs. Hoff died, leaving five children who grew to maturity, viz. : Peter, Jane (wife of J. Van Emburg, of New Jersey), Ann P. (wife of Capt. J. G. Owens, of Si Louis, Mo.), Gershom A. and Frank Hoff. From Washington County, the father removed to Clinton County in 1846, settling at Avis- ton, where he subsequently was married to a Widow Clark, and where, in 1853, he died, having devoted his life to the pursuit of farm- ing. After the death of his mother, G. A. Hoff became a member of the family of his uncle, C. Pullis, of St. Louis, where he re- mained until he was fourteen years old, when he went to the city of New York. He re- mained there five years, in the meantime adopting the trade of brick-mason. In 1861, he went to Nevada, and until the close of 1863 was successfully engaged in the mining interest. He then went East, and in March, 1864, came to Clay County, 111., and pur- chased a tract of land of 380 acres in Oska- loosa Township, returning the same year to New Jersey, where, in July, he married Miss Cornelia Van Ness. She was born June 14, 1 847, in New Jersey. They then moved upon the farm in this county, where they remained until 1869, when Mr. Hoff exchanged his farm for a stock of merchant goods in Xenia, where he was in business until 1873. He began the study of law in 1868, doing the CITY OF FLORA. !97 preparatory reading under the Hon. G. \V. Henry, of Louisville, 111. He was admitted to practice in January, 1872, since which time he has been a member of the Clay County bar. He was originally a Pro-Slavery Dernoerat,but supported the administration during the war and until 1872, when he used his influence in support of Horace Greeley, and that year re- ceived the unanimous nomination of the Fusion ticket for the office of County Clerk. In 1875, he was elected to the office of State's Attorney, serving two years, and then in 1875 received a unanimous nomination for the office of County Judge at the hands of the Democratic party. The ability with which he performed the functions of this im- portant office is evidenced by the fact that after an incumbency of five years, he was again nominated by a unanimous vote of the convention to the same office, which he is now tilling to acceptance, in connection with which he still engages in the active practice of his profession. He is a member of the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows. His fam- ily consists of Cora L., born April 5, 1865; Alonzo G., April 23, 1869; and Cornelia G. Hoff, July 3, 1880. EDMUND L. HOWITT, lawyer, Flora, 111., is a native of Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y., and was born May 23, 1820. He was reared to manhood in Steuben County of the same State, and educated in the college of Lima, N. Y. He studied law at West Men- den, afterward at Rochester, N. Y., and was admitted to practice in 1846, and the same year came West and settled in Illinois. He practiced one year in Champaign County, one year in Newton, Jasper County, and came in 1850 to Louisville, Clay Co., 111. Mr. Howitt was originally a Jackson Democrat, but in 1854 he championed the cause of the Know- Nothing or American party, and was its pro- nounced leader in this county. Believing that his party could not become of national importance, he in 1856 voted for Fremont, and has acted with the Republican party ever since. In 1869, he received the appointment of Prosecuting Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, and remained in that State until 1872, when he returned to Flora, 111., having removed to the latter place in 1863. He was first married in 1849, to Miss Clarissa Price, daughter of Dr. Price, of Columbus, Ohio. She was born April 25, 1823, and died in Louisville, 111., April 20, 1859, leaving five children — Marion C, widow of Samuel Whittlesey, of Vincennes, Ind. ; Ruth Adella, now deceased; and Ed- ward L. , a teacher at Flora. The other two died in infancy. The second marriage oc- curred in Lawrence County, 111., in 1860, to Sarah Carrie, daughter of Andrew Carrie, of that county. She was born April 5, 1S35, and died in Flora, February 8, 1881, the mother of seven children, of whom four are now living — William A., a lawyer at Hills- boro, 111. ; Agnes, Nellie and Alice Howitt, of Flora. His present wife, Mary A. Howitt, was born in Wayne County, 111., June 4, 1855, and is a daughter of James McLin and M. I. (Fitzgerel) McLin. Clarissa A. Howitt was a member of the Baptist Church, and an influential Good Templar; Sarah E. Howitt was a faithful member of the Presby- terian Church, as is also his present wife. CRIDLETON T. JOHNSON, proprietor of the Clay County Mills, Flora, 111., was born October 9, 1837, in Lawrence County, 111., where he grew to manhood. When eighteen years old, he was apprenticed to J. L. Spencer, of Sumner, 111., with whom he learned the trade of blacksmith. At this trade he worked during his residence in Law- rence County, which terminated in 1873. at which time he came to Flora, Clay County. On the 20th of July, 1861, he enlisted in 198 BIOGRAPHIC AL Company A, Eleventh Missouri Regiment, in which organization he served two and a half years, when he was transferred to the Fifth United States Heavy Artillery, from which he was discharged May 20, 1866. He held the positions of Corporal and Orderly in the first organization, and was mustered out with the commission of Second Lieutenant, having served for several months as regimental drill- master. Mr. Johnson participated in many engagements, among which were Fredericks. town. Mo., Iuka and Corinth, Miss., and the siege of Vicksburg, including the battle of Jackson, Miss. He was married, October 29, 1865, in Orleans, Ind., to Miss Clara Ingra- hain, who was born in Pennsylvania May 22, 1840. They have two children — Cora, born in Flora, October 10, 1876, and Lolu John- son, born June 5, 1879. C. T. Johnson is a son of George W. Johnson, and grandson of James Johnson, who came from Knox County, Ind., where George W. was born April 17, 1809; to Lawrence County, 111., in 1818. In the latter county George W. was mar- ried to Nancy A. Turner; she was born October 6, 1811, and is a daughter of Robert Turner, who came from North Carolina to Lawrence County, 111., in an early day. Mr. C T. Johnson came to Flora as above stated in 1873, since which time he has been en- gaged in the milling business, and now owns a substantial mill furnished with the most modern machinery. JAY KENNER, merchant, Flora, 111., is a son of Alvin R. Kenner and Mary (Willis) Kenner, and was born in Albion, Edwards Co.. 111., April 1, 1844. He came to Flora, Clay County, with his father's family in 1858. In the latter part of 1863, he en- listed as a private soldier in Company K, Forty-eighth Illinois Regiment, from which he was discharged at Springfield, September, 1865. He was mustered out with the com mission of First Lieutentaut of his company, having proven himself a good soldier and a competent and faithful officer. He partici pated in a great portion of the most earnest service of the war, was in the engagement at Chattanooga, siege of Atlanta and the At- lanta campaign, and was with Gen. Sherman on his memorable march to the sea. He is a practical business man, having had an ex- tensive experience in mercantile life. He now controls an extensive house on the cor- ner of Main street and North avenue, carry- ing a $10,000 stock of general goods, includ- ing a complete stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes. While Flora is favored with a number of deserving merchants, we believe none are more deserving than Mr Jay Kenner, and a casual survey of his stock is all that is necessary to convince one that he possesses the business ability to anticipate and supply the wants of the public. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic and of the Christian Church. JOSEPH LUSE, of the firm of Warner & Luse, Flora, 111., was born June 13, 1824, in Washington County, Penn. While he was yet a child, his parents, Daniel and Susan (Hartley) Luse, removed to Ohio and settled in Guernsey County, where he grew to man- hood, being reared upon the farm and edu- cated in the common schools. He was mar- ried, November 10, 1 847, in Guernsey County, to Miss Elizabeth Starr, daughter of James and Catherine (Hiskett) Starr. She was born, July 4, 1827, in Guernsey County, Ohio. Mr. Luse continued on the farm in Ohio until the fall of 1864, when, having completed a term of enlistment in the military service, he removed his family ! to Illinois, and settled in Harter Township, Clay County. He here prosecuted his farm- ing interest until coming to Flora, in 1881, and still owns a landed interest of several CITY OF FLORA. 199 hundred acres. Since coming to Flora he has engaged in an extensive mercantile busi- ness, associated with C. H. Warner. His family are Sarah C, wife of Ed Higginson; Susan M. . wife of Samuel Finley; Mary E., wife of L. Sheehan; William A. (deceased); John M. ; Cynthia A., and Matilda, both of whom died in infancy; Linna, wife of R. L. Stanford; James S. (deceased); Joseph E., Alice and Charles L. Luse. Mr. Luse is an Elder in the Christian Church, of which Mrs. Luse is also an honored member. STEPHEN J. MAJOR, proprietor of the Major House, Flora, 111., is a son of H R. Major, one of the most venerable of Flora's citizens Stephen J. was born in Defiance, Defiance Co., Ohio. April 29, 1840, where he attained the age of fourteen, when he came with his parents to Illinois. They settled in Richland County, from whence they came to Flora in 1859. At that time S. J. engaged in hotel and livery business, which he continued until 1862, when he went to California to work at mining. In the latter part of 1863, he returned, and for two years was engaged in the mercantile trade. In 1865, he again resumed the hotel business which he has con- tinued successfully ever since. He then be- gan in a small frame building on the north side of North avenue, which has since been removed. In 1872, the main building of the present elegant building was erected. This building is of brick, three stories high and contains fifty- four rooms. In 1882, the two-story addition was built, the whole costing $22,000. Mr. Major is in politics a Republican. He is a member of Flora Lodge, No. 204, A., F. & A. M., Flora Chapter, No. 154, R. A. M., and the Gorin Conimandery. No. 14, K. T. He was mar- ried in 1866 to Miss Carrie Peake, daughter of William Peake, of Clay County. She was born in Ohio in 1842. They have two children, Harry S. and Mary Major. WILL A. MOORE. There are probably none of the many worthy citizens of Clay County more worthy of mention in these pages than he whose name heads this sketch. He was born in the year 1851 in the city of Balrimore, Md., where his childhood days were passed, but at an early age removed to Salem, 111., where he learned the art of printing, soon acquiring a proficiency in the " art preservative." He then went West, as he says, " to grow up with the country," and while in Missouri was for five years employed on the Herald of Rolla, Mo. From the lat- ter place he went to St. Louis, and was for four years engaged on the Globe Democrat. He returned to Illinois and located in Louis- ville, Clay County, where he engaged for eight years in a successful mercantile busi- ness, associate.! with his father, Henry Moore, now of Missouri. Mr. Moore now occupies the very important position of teller in the First National Bank of Flora, III, a position which he fills with marked ability, and with perfect satisfaction to all concerned. While he has been very successful in these various pursuits, he appears to manifest a decided preference for journalism, and is an excep- tionally good printer, and looks forward with pleasurable anticipation of some time in the future editing a paper which will be a new departure in journalism. Possessing as he does to a remarkable degree the merit of honor and personal responsibility, he is des- tined to prove successful in the future as in the past, and we point with pride to him as an example after which other young men may safely follow. We conclude this sketch, rendered only too brief, but regard it like many others, as forming one of the brightest paragraphs in the history of Clay County. JAMES G. NEFF, son of George and Eleanor (McCrary) Neff, was born May 16, 1832, in Lawrence County. Ohio, and came 200 BIOGRAPHICAL: with his parents to Clay bounty, 111., in 1849. His father, George Neff, was born in 1789, in Brownstown, Penn., and the mother was born in South Carolina in 1796. They both came to Ohio in early life, and were there married. George Neff was a practical farmer, and on settling in Clay County en- tered a large amount of land, consisting of 4,000 acres, and became a wealthy man, leaving a large estate at his death, which oc- curred on the 8th of December, 1863. His wife, Eleanor Neff, died October 2, 1855. They were members of the Baptist Church, and were prominent in establishing that society in this county, their house affording a place of worship, before the erection of any public church building. They left a host of ardent friends, and had a family of nine children, some of whom are now among the honored citizens of Clay and Wayne Counties. James G., whose name heads this sketch, is the seventh member of this family, of whom live are now deceased. He was married in Scioto County, Ohio, March 7, 1867, to Mrs. E. B. Wolcott, wid- ow of Henry Wolcott, and daughter of John B. Richart, of Ohio. She was born in Ohio. William E. Wolcott, of Chicago, is the only child of the first marriage. James G. and E. B. Neff have two children, viz., John B. , born January 10, 1868, and Sarah Edna Neff, born February 29, 1876. They are members of the .Baptist Church, and own a quantity of valuable real estate in the town of Flora. GEN. LEWIS B. PARSONS. In presenting to the people of Wayne and Clay Counties the name of Gen. L. B. Parsons, we feel our inability to do justice to him, and will content ourselves by standing aside and allowing some of his friends to speak for us — friends of whom any man may feel a par- donable pride. Space will not permit us to insert the many letters of just commendation shown the writer, and we give in the brief space at our command sufficient to show the merits of his public service and adminis- trative ability. The following is from the Constitution and Union, May, 1880: THE GOVERNORSHIP. GEN. LEWIS B. PARSONS PRESENTED TO THE 11,1.1 NOIS DEMOCRACY AS A SUITABLE NOMINEE FOR GOVERNOR. THE RECORD OF A STERLING MAN. [Eagle (111. ■ Constitution and Union.] The time has come when it is proper to speak out more strongly than heretofore in favor of Gen. Lewis B. Parsons, of Clay County, as the best man to lead the Demo- cratic State ticket in the contest this year. There are many gentlemen of eminent quali- fications for the place in various parts of the State, among whom, it is generally admitted, Gen. Parsons has a prominent position, and circumstances, we think, when fairly con- sidered, especially point him out at the pres- ent time as the safest and best man to lead our ticket. In Southern and Central Illinois, Gen. Parsons has. for many years, been so well known as to render any words in his favor unnecessary; but as he has ever declined to seek or hold political positions, he is not so well known in other sections. It seems, therefore, proper to say a few words, that we may in this most important campaign arrive at a wise conclusion in regard to the man most sure to lead to success, and who. if elected, will secure a good administration. Democrats through the State are divided by hopes of success and fear of defeat. If elected, Gen. Parsons will make a fearless, CITY OF FLORA. 201 prudent and efficient officer. If defeated, no honest man will regret or be ashamed of hav- ing voted for him. The fact that Gen. Par sons has for months persistently refused to heed the solicitations of his friends to allow the use of his name as a candidate for Gov- ernor is well known; and any one visiting his farm and beautiful home, knowing his love for agricultural pursuits, and his dislike of tho turmoil of political strife, which has repeatedly led him to decline important posi- tions, can well understand the cause. But it seems now generally understood that while Gen. Parsons will enter into no wrangling competition to secure the nomination, yet acting on the advice of men whose only aim is to secure the best interests of the State, he will accept should the Democratic Con- vention on the 10th of June so decide, and enter upon the campaign, which with him would mean a full and complete organization of the State, and a thoroughly business-like canvass, from the morning after the nomina- tion to the evening after the election. Gen. Parsons is a native of New York, born in 1818. His earlier years were mostly spent in his father's country store, in St. Lawrence County, the home of Mr. Silas Wright, of the purity and simplicity of whose private life he has ever been a great admirer. On his father's side, he comes from the old Mas- sachusetts stock, which emigrated to that State from England nearly two and a half centuries ago; and on his mother's side from the equally well-known Hoar family of the same State. His father, a man of rare energy, business capacity and public spirit, was the founder of the nourishing college in Iowa bearing his name, and for the endow- ment of which he gave a large fund. Gen. Parsons' grandfathers, both on the paternal and maternal sides, served in the Revolu- tionary war, one as an officer of distinction through the whole of that struggle. Gen. Parsons entered Yale College in 1836. His father having suffered severely by the finan- cial revulsion in 1837, he was obliged to struggle for an education under great diffi- culties, his pecuniary embarrassment com- pelling him to spend much of his time the last two years out of college in teaching. Yet, by his energy and industry, he main- tained his position and graduated with repu- tation in his class in 1840. In order to dis- charge debts incurred in college, and obtain funds to enable him to pursue his profession, he taught a classical school in Mississippi for two years, evincing those traits of energy, honesty and prudence, which not only then met with a just reward, but which have char- acterized him through his successful life. Entering Harvard Law School, then presided over by Justice Story and Prof. Greemleaf, in 1842, he pursued his studies till the spring of 1844, when, turning his steps westward, he landed in St. Louis in March of that year, with funds only sufficient to pay a dray- man to take his baggage to a hotol, a good library, for which he owed $600, a determined will, and an honest purpose to succeed ; but with no friend or acquaintance on whom to call for aid within hundreds of miles. Less than twenty years after, the same man had been the General Manager of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, one of the greatest com- mercial arteries leading to the same city, and had been for years engaged in directing the transportation of great armies, with all their supplies, animals and munitions, during a long war of the greatest magnitude, controlling by his single will, uuder the general order of the Secretary of War, all the vast means aud modes of transportation, not only of all the rivers and railroads of the West, but of the entire country. Such are the changes of our country and time! 203 BIOGRAPHICAL: LAWYER AND RAILROAD MANAGER. Mr. Parsons soon after reaching St. Louis went to Alton and became the partner of Newton D. Strong, an eminent lawyer and a brother of Judge Strong, of the United States Supreme Court. The firm did a large and successful business till Mr. Strong left the State, when Mr. Parsons formed a part- nership with Judge Henry W. Billings, afterward a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1869, a gentleman known and esteemed as widely as his early and sad death was lamented. In 1858, Mr. Parsons left Alton and became the legal adviser of the great banking house of Page & Bacon, then engaged in constructing the Ohio & Missis- sippi Railroad, at the same time purchasing the land on which he has since made the large farm on which he now resides. On the suspension of the banking house of Page & Bacon, Messrs. Aspinwall and associates took possession of the railroad, retaining Mr. Parsons as the General Western Manager. The work was completed far in advance of the contract time, eminently to the satisfac- tion of all parties. In the various positions of Attorney, Treasurer, General Manager, Di- rector and President of this road for a quar- ter of a century, he has discharged his duties so as to secure the perfect confidence of all parties and the public *in his integrity, energy and capacity, and though he has long since parted with all pecuniary interest in the road, he is still retained in the direc- tory. In 1860, Gen. Parsons resigned his official position with a view of rest and a European tour; but, like other sagacious men, perceiving the country was on the brink of a civil war, he resolved to stay at home and serve the nation. Soon after the com- mencement of the war, Gen. George B. Mc- Clellan, who, as Vice President of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, had known Gen. Parsons and his abilities, offered him a posi- tion under him in the East, which was at once accepted, and he proceeded thither. Early satisfied that the field and the West best suited his taste, Gen Parsons obtained an order to report to St. Louis, with a view to raising a regiment. On arriving there, Gen. Curtis, commanding the department, placed him on a commission with Captain, now Lieutenant General, Sher- idan, to investigate the afairs connected with Gen. Fremont's administration, which soon led to the celebrated Holt- Davis commission of greater civil powers. In the meantime, Gen. Halleck having taken command, and finding nothing but disorder and confusion in the transportation service — that it was conducted utterly regardless of system or economy — was inefficient, and the souroe of endless complaints by the railroads who neither knew whose order to obey, nor how to obtain compensation due them, learning of Gen. Parsons' experience and abilities, ob- tained an order from the Secretary of War placing him on his staff as aid de camp, with rank of Colonel, and gave him entire charge of railroad and river transportation. To one like Col. Parsons, accustomed to organize and direct the efforts of large bodies of men and the movements of large quantities of material, the pending difficulties were of easy solution, and he accepted the situation with a cheerful confidence which was amply vin- dicated by the results, and which soon brought order and harmony out of chaos and confusion. Introducing a few simple well- defined rules, combining uniformity with responsibility, and efficiency with economy, a revolution was at once effected most satis- factory to the Government officers and the railroads performing service, so that they as well as all river navigation became part of a single, central system, acting not only with CITY OF FLORA. 20=5 power and efficiency but with unsurpassed economy. Such yuccess gained the entire confidence of the Government, and Col. Parsons' authority soon became complete and co-extensive with the valley west of the Alle- ghanies, extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the Indian wars, two thousand miles up the Yellowstone, as also the Upper Mississippi. In 1863, the Secretary of War ordered Col. Parsons to Washington, but revoked the order on his tendering his resignation rather than leave the West. In 1864, however, on an imperative order of the Secretary he took charge of the bureau of rail and river trans- portation for the entire country, and in a brief period he perfected a complete organi- zation and introduced rules, regulations and forms which were made the basis of action for that important department. While in that position he, in person, effect- ed a movement pronounced by Secretary Stanton as well as by high English and French military authorities as without a parallel in the movement of armies, and on the result of which President Lincoln ordered his promotion to a full Brigadier, viz. , the transfer of the Twenty-third Army Corps of 20,000 men, with all its artillery and animals, from Clinton, Tenn., to the Potomac, in the brief space of eleven days, a distance of over 1.400 miles in mid-winter, over mount- ains and through rivers obstructed by snow and ice and by broken-down railroads, sub- ject to guerrilla incursions, all without the loss of life or property. It is a singular fact that though so suc- cessful in all respects, Col. Parsons twice tendered his resignation in order to raise a regiment for active field service, which was as it should have been, imperatively declined by the Secretary of War. Happening to be present at the first attack on Vicksburg, he tendered his services and acted as volunteer abundant evi- authority — from Lincoln, Gens. aid to Gen. Shermau, and subsequently acted in like capacity on Gen. McClernand's staff at the battle and capture of Arkansas Post, where, if not the first, he was among the first to enter the fortification, and for which he received special notice from the commanding officers. Soon after the sur- render of Lee, Gen. Parsons tendered his resignation, his private business imperatively requiring his attention, but was detained by the Secretary of War for many months to aid in important service. The same firmnesB, energy and economy have distinguished Gen. Parsons equally in public and private life, and evinced his superior organizing and administrative abilities. There is upon record dence from the highest such men as President Grant. Sherman and Schofield, Judges David Davis, Trumbull, E. B. Washburne, and a host of others — of most meritorious service, all agreeing that Gen. Parsons' ad- ministration saved millions to the Govern- ment. As early as September 13, 1863, that most able and excellent officer. Gen. Robert Allen, then Col. Parson's superior, in writing the Secretary of War, asking for Col. Parsons' pro- motions, among other things said: " Having had charge of that most important branch of the service — steamboat and railroad transpor- tation — his duties have been arduous, have been highly responsible, and he has dis- charged them with signal success and ability. His administration of his branch of the de- partment has been eminently satisfactory. No military movement in the West has failed or faltered for lack of transportation or sup- plies of any kind. The wants of armies in the field have been anticipated and met with alacrity and dispatch. If industry joined to capacity, and integrity to energy, all pos- 204 BIOGRAPHICAL: sessed and duly exercised in the same person, entitled him to the advancement, then I may safely claim promotion for Col. Par- sons. " An equally strong statement was made by Gen. Grant in May, 1865, and the following is an extract from the New York Times, of July 20, of that year: " No officer of the United States Army could speak with a more correct knowledge than did Gen. Parsons of the number and efficiency of the armies of the Union, for no one perhaps had more experience than he in their organi- zation, subsistence and handling. We vent- ure to say that if Secretary Stanton were called on to name the officer that more than any other had distinguished himself in the task of wielding the vast machinery of the Union armies during all the stages of the conflict in^response to the plans and require- ments of our Generals, he would with little hesitation designate Gen. Lewis B. Parsons. It is to his matchless combination that must be attributed much of the efficiency and suc- cess that almost invariably marked every military movement in the West." Soon after the war, Gen. Parsons spent two years abroad, visiting all parts of Europe and the Orient, seeking to regain his health, greatlv impaired by over four years of inces- sant labor, he having been absent from duty but twenty-one days while in service. Dur- ing the war, while faithfully serving his country, he never wavered in his political faith. Beginning a Douglas War Democrat, he continued such, though some of his friends firmly believed this long delayed his just promotion. Continuing since the war an earnest but conservative Democrat, he has never been drawn into any temporary political experiments, but has believed that there lay at the foundation of true Demo- cratic principles certain great truths which. in time, would assert supreme power, and in their practical application restore the Gov- ernment to the simplicity, purity, economy and honesty of the better days of the Repub- lic. Believing such a man at the present time most likely to lead us to victory, Gen. Parsons' friends in Southern Illinois, where he has so greatly aided in restoring our Dem- ocratic majorities, ask all sections of the State to assist in his nomination and elec- tion, relying not only on his abilities as a public, speaker, but on his organizing abili- ties and great energy of character. Headquarters Armt of U. 8. I Washington, D. C, May 20, 1865. f Dear General: I have long contemplated writing you and ex- pressing niy satisfaction with the manner in which you have dischargsd the very responsible and difficult duties of Superintendent of river and rail- road transportation for the armies both in the West and East. The position is second in importance to no other connected with the military service, and to have been appointed to it at the beginning of the war of the magnitude and duration of this one, and holding it to its close, providing transportation for whole armies, with all that appertains to them for thou- sands of miles, adjusting accounts involving millions of money, and doing justice to all, never delaying for a moment any military operations dependent on you, meriting and receiving the commeudatious of your superior officers, and the recognition of the Government for integrity of character, and for the able and efficient manner in which you have rilled it, evidences an honesty of purpose, knowledge of men, business intelligence and executive ability of the highest order, and of which any man might be justly proud. ■\Yishingyou a speedy return to health and duty, I remain, yours truly. U. S. Grant. Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Parsons, A. Q. M. The following is a copy of the order of President Lincoln to the Secretary of War, au- thorizing the speedy promotion of Gen. Par- sons to the commission of Brigadier Gen- eral: CITY OF FLORA. 205 Executive Mansion, I Washington, March 17, 1865. f Hon. Sec't or War: Dear Sir — I have long thought Col. Lewis B. Parsons ought to be promoted, and intended it should have been sooner done. His long services and uniform testimon)' to the ability with which he has discharged his very responsible and extended duties render it but just and proper his services should be acknowledged, and more especially so since his great success in executing your order for the recent movement of troops from the West. You will therefore at once promote Col. Parsons to the rank of Brigadier General of Volunteers, if there is a vacancy which can be given to the Quarter- master's Department, and if not you will so promote him when the first vacancy occurs. Yours truly, [Signed] A. Lincoln. M. H PRESLEY. In representing to the readers of Clay County's history the man whose name heads this sketch, we feel incom- petent to do him justice. We fully realize that it is due the present as well as the future generations, that a record of noble men be faithfully preserved; not for the purpose of eulogizing those of whom we write, but to give those for whom we write the benefits of their noble example. It is said that " an honest man is the noblest work of God." Tbis is more especially true because of the potent influence of their example, the emu- lation of which makes the world happier, and by making it happier makes it better. M. H. Presley was born in North Carolina in October, 1828, but grew to manhood in Smith County, Tenn., where his parents removed when he was but a child. His father, whose name was Valentine Presley, was born in 1790 in North Carolina, but descends from German parentage on the father's side, and Scotch-Irish on the side of his mother, whose name was Susan Morton, who was born in 1791 in Virginia. We are informed that the name Presley was originally Bressly, and the change was made as a matter of choice by Valentine, the father of M. H. Valen- tine Presley and Susan Morton were married about 1808. The result of this union was a large family of children, seven of whom were reared to man and womanhood. The oldest, Sanders M. Presley, became an influential minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died in Tennessee at the age of thirty - three; Thursey J., is the wife of Andrew Winchester, of Tennessee; Huldah, deceased, wife of Joel "Winchester; P. W. and Andrew M. , now of De Kalb County, Tenn.; Susan D., deceased, wife of William Coggin, and M. H. Presley, the subject of this sketch. The parents of this family, with M. H., came to Clay County, 111., in 1852, and settled on a farm in the northwest part of the county, where the father died the same year, and where the mother also died in 1858. De- cember 15, 1853, M. H. Presley was married to Miss Sarah E., daughter of Alfred J. and Sarah J. Moore. She was born in Clay County, 111., July 21, 1835. Their family comprises five children — William, who was drowned in July, 1866, was born July 5, 1855; Selecta J., was born July 25, 1S59; Frankie M., was born January 25, 1862, and is the wife of T. A. Wilson, of Flora; Alfred M. Presley, the youngest, was born January 18, 1867. In politics, Mr. Presley is a Re- publican, and while he is not a politician, he wields an influence of no mean order in lo- cal politics, and positively refuses to accept office. He is an honored member of the Masonic fraternity and A. O. U. W. As a business man, he displays unusual wisdom, and by a life of energetic, honorable deal- ing, has become one of the ablest men of Clay County. He is a director and stock- holder in tbe First National Bank of Flora. SYLVESTER RIDER. The subject of this sketch, for many years a resident of Wayne County, 111., was born in Adams County, Penn., in May, 1814. He is a son 206 BIOGRAPHICAL: Paul Rider, who was born in the same county, and whose parents came from Switzerland and settled in Pennsylvania. When Sylves- ter was a small boy, his parents removed to Frederick County, Md., where they remained a few years, coming thence in 1825 to Stark County, Ohio. There the parents died — the father in 1828, and the mother, whose maiden name was Sarah Shorb, died about 1846. Sylvester grew to maturity in Ohio, and in 1836 was married to Ann F. C. Shorb, who was born in 1812 in Maryland. To these parents have been born twelve children, of whom but five are now living — L. J., A. B. and C. B. Rider, whose sketches appear else- where in this work, and Misses Dora and Margaret Rider, of Flora. Mr. Rider came from Ohio to Wayne County, 111., in 1843, having decided to engage in sheep-raising and wool-growing, which he pursued with profit for several years. He settled a farm near Fairfield, which he developed and so thor- oughly improved that he obtained a premium for the best improved farm in the State. Having sold this farm, he removed to Flora, Clay County, in 1865, purchasing a small farm of forty acres within the corporate lim- its of the town, where he has an elegant house and a truly happy home. He is re- tired from active business, but is a director of the First National Bank of Flora. He was educated to the Catholic faith, to which he has ever remained ardently attached, and in his house was said the first mass in Wayne County, by the Rev. Father Fisher. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rider are well advanced in life, and are looking beyond the brief interval that separates them from their eternal re- ward, and we think when that supreme hour comes they will leave behind as many friends and as few faults as commonly bless the lot of man. GEORGE W. SMITH, insurance and real estate agent, Flora, 111., is a son of Willie and Cynthia (Jones) Smith, and was born October 7, 1847, in Marion County, 111. The father was born in North Carolina, and when a mere boy removed with his parents to Ten- nessee, where he attained to manhood. He came with other members of the family to Illinois, and settled in Marion County in 1828, and was there married to Sallie Lynch, who died, leaving a family of six children, of whom three are still living. Mr. Smith next married Cynthia Jones, daughter of Bjrori Jones, and widow of John Rotan. She was born in White County, Tenn., in 1812, and is still living, and a resident of Flora, 111. She is the mother of eight chil- dren, three of whom are the issue of the mar- riage to Willis Smith, which occurred in 1845. The Rotan children were William Rotan, now a farmer in Missouri; Nancy (deceased), wife of Mr. L. L. Johnson, of Missouri; the late Hon. Byron J. Rotan, of Louisville, 111., who was an able lawyer, and a member of the State Legislature from the Forty-fourth District from 1873 to 1875; he died in Louisville, 111., March 9, 1880, leav- ing a wife and three children, now residents of Missouri ; the fourth was Jane Rotan, who died in 1854, in early womanhood; the youngest being John M. Rotan, now of Kin mundy, 111. Of the three children born to Willis and Cynthia Smith, the first died in infancy, George W. being the . second and Randolph Smith the youngest. George W. was educated in the common schools and at the Plattsburg College, of Missouri. He adopted the profession of teacher, and dur- ing an experience of fifteen years in Clay County established a reputation as an able educator. He retired from the profession in 1883, having the three years preceding been the Principal of the public school of Flora. In 1873, he was appointed to the office of CITY OF FLORA. 207 County Superintendent of Schools of Clay County, to fill tbe unexpired term occasioned by the resignation of J. H. Songer. In 1874, he was elected to the same office, and was in 1877 again the choice of the people, in which office he served with acceptance until the fall of 1882, an aggregate term of nine years. He is now Police Magistrate of the village of Flora, and is doing a thriving business in insurance and real estate. He was married, in Louisville, 111., April 9, 1875, to Miss Nora David, daughter of James and Eliza- beth (Adams) David, the former deceased and the latter the wife of Judge L. S. Hopkins, of Louisville. Mrs. Nora Smith was born October 20, 1852, in Indiana. They have had but two children, viz., Randolph, born September 18, 1876, died November 9, 1878: and Nell Smith, born March 3, 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the M. E. Church, and be of the Masonic order. Willis Smith, father of George W. and Randolph Smith, died in 1S50, of cholera, while en route for California. RANDOLPH SMITH, Cashier of the First National Bank of Flora, is a son of Willis and Cynthia Smith, and was born May 31, 1849, in Marion County, 111. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Marion and Clay Counties, and qualified himself for the profession of teaching, which he began. After a brief period, however, he was induced to accept the position of Deputy Circuit Clerk of Clay County, which he did in the spring of 1870, retaining this position two .years. In the fall of 1872, he was the can- didate on the Democratic ticket for the office of Circuit Clerk, but, in common with the entire ticket, sustained a defeat. In March, 1873, he became the book-keeper for the First National Bank at Flora, the duties of which he ably performed until 1878, when he was elected to the position of cashier, which he still fills with universal acceptance. He was married, in Louisville, 111., October 1, 1873, to Miss Minnie L. Hanna, daughter of William H. and Anna M. Hanna. She was born June 1, 1852, in Ohio. The fol- lowing children were born to them: Medora A., George C. and Claude Earl Smith. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the M. E. Church, and he of the Masonic order and A. O. U. W. ANDREW SNYDER, a resident of Flora, and one of the first farmers of Clay County, was born, February 5, 1818, in Bavaria, Germany. When eighteen years old, he came to the United States with his parents, Nicholas and Barbara Snyder, who settled at Wheeling, Ohio Co., W. Va., where they died. Andrew is the third of their family of four children. In January, 1846, he was married to Miss Rebecca Whitney, daughter of John Whitney and Sarah Hansel, the lat- ter of German ancestry. She was born June 12, 1827, in Virginia. They resided in Virginia after marriage about seven years, when they removed to Monroe County, Ohio, from where they came to Clay County, 111., in 1861. They then settled on a farm in Harter Township, south of Flora, where they lived several years, and where Mr. Snyder still owns a large tract of valuable land. They have been blessed with eleven children, four of whom have died — Margaret Jane (deceased), wife of Benjamin Chaney; Anna M.. Sarah E., both of whom are deceased; John N., of the firm of Cook & Snyder, at Flora; Josephus (deceased); Andrew C, Annie E., Martin T., Rhoda, Daisy and Vio- let Snyder. The family are members of the Baptist Church. JOHN N. SNYDER, of the milling firm of Cook & Snyder, of Flora, 111., is a son of Andrew Snyder, and was born March 28, 1851, in Wheeling, Ohio Co., W. Va. He 208 BIOGRAPHICAL: came to Clay County with his parents in 1861, and remained with his father on the farm until 1873, when he went to Tennessee and engaged in railroad work until return- ing to Flora, 111., in 1875. In the latter year, he married Rebecca Todd, a daughter of Henry M. and Nancy J. Todd, of Mont- gomery County, 111. She was born May 6, 1857, in Champaign County, Ohio. They have three children, viz.: Ethel, born Decem- ber 7, 1876; Josephus Lee, born October 27, 1878; and Rosamond Snyder, born April 24, 1882. In April, 1881, J. N. Snyder pur- chased an interest in the Farmers' Mill, of Flora, associated with his father and Will- iam W. Cook. DR. W. L. SUGGETT, of Flora, 111., and only child of Dr. James M. and Caro- line M. Suggett, was born in Henry County, Ky., March 5, 1S52. At the age of sixteen he entered the State Normal University, at Normal, 111., where he remained as a student for four years. He then began the study of medicine with his father, and in 1876 and 1877 attended lectures at the University of Louisville. In 1878, he began the practice of medicine in Flora and vicinity, where he en- joys the reputation of an able physician. Having, however, a natural ambition to excel in his chosen profession, he is at the pres- ent writing availing himself of the benefits of a thorough course in the Medical College of St. Louis, in which he will soon gradu- ate. He was married in Louisville, Ky., June 4, 1872, to Miss Alice J. Rncker, of Spencer County, Ky., where she was born July 4, 1855. She is a daughter of Dr. George W. and Julia (Bennett) Rucker. They have two interesting children, viz.: Orril L. Suggett, born May 13, 1873, and Virgil O. Suggett, born December 17, 1878. The older son, though but ten years old, is a complete master of the science of telegraphy, and has charge of the Baltimore & Ohio Company's office at Flora. He is probably the youngest operator in the State, if indeed there is another in any State so young, who assumes the entire duties of an office. DR. JAMES M. SUGGETT, Flora, 111., was born in Kentucky May 11, 1824. His father, William Suggett, was a native of Vir- ginia, though of Welsh origin, and his mother, whose name was Elizabeth Castle- ton, was of German ancestry, and born in Kentucky. James M. is the youngest of a family of twelve children born to these par- i ents, who died in Kentucky, the mother in 1838, and father in 1861. Dr. James M. Suggett was educated in Georgetown College, Kentucky, and having decided on the prac- tice of medicine he did the preparatory reading under Dr. H. C. Craig, of George- town, Ky. , and in 1847 graduated in the Medical Department of the Transylvania University of that State. After a practice ; of twelve years in Kentucky, be removed to Missouri in 1856, and there engaged in prac- tice until 1862, when he removed to McLean County, 111. From there he came to Flora i in 1877, and has practiced in Clay County since, principally in Louisville. He was married in Henry County, Ky., in 1846, to Ellen D. Hays, who died in Kentucky in 1850, leaving a daughter Catherine, who died in 1870. He was married to Caroline M. Rucker, of Kentucky, on the 25th day of February, 1851. She was born March 9, 1829, in Shelby County, Ky., and is still living. Dr. James M. Suggett is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and in 1S82 was elected to the office of County Coroner, of Clay County, which he now holds. JOHN S. SYMONDS, a resident of Flora, 111., and present member of the Legislature, was born January 18, 1S33, in Cayuga County, N. Y. His father, Shubel Symonds, CITY OF FLORA. 209 was born in 1786, and served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and in 1815 was married in York State to Mary Baker. She was born in Rhode Island, in 1796 and is now a member of the family of her son, John S., of Flora. He is the youngest of seven children born to these parents, and was educated in the pub- lic schools of New York; he was there mar- ried, in November, 1855, to Helen M. Thom- as,' and two years later came to Illinois and settled in Clay County, which has been his permanent home since. From 1859 to 1863, he was engaged in mining interests in Colo- rado. From 1863 to 1881, he engaged in merchandising at Xenia, 111., and in the meantime superintended an extensive agri- cultural interest. During the late war, and until 1872, he supported the administration, but prior to and since that period has been acting with the Democratic party. He has filled the various offices of the town and coun- ty, and in 1882 was elected to his present position as a member of the Lower House. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Symonds was born December 6, 1839, in New York, and is a daughter of Sidney O. and Ophelia (Eaton) Thomas. The family consists of Lilly, Lula, Helen O., Edwin, Minnie and Sidney O. Symonds, the eldest of whom is deceased. THOMAS A. WILSON, druggist and phar- macist, at Flora, 111., and son of John and Eliza J. Wilson, of Fairfield, Wayne County, was born in Wayne County February 11, 18 19. He was reared to manhood in Wayne County, and in the meantime attended the public schools of Fairfield. He came to Flora in 1873, and engaged as a druggist's clerk in the store of Dr. W. B. Wilson, in which capacity he worked until 1876, when, in connection with C. B. Rider, he pur- chased the stock, which partnership termi- nated in 1878, by the retiring of Mr. Rider, since which time Mr. Wilson has conducted the business alone. He carries a complete stock of goods, and is located on the north side of North avenue. He was married, in Flora, on the 22d of November, 1881, to Miss Frankie M. Presley, daughter of M. H. and S. E. Presley, of Flora. She was born in Clay County, 111., January 25, 1862. They have one child — Electa Wilson, born November 5, 18S2. Mr. Wilson is a mem- ber of the Masonic order, and of the A. O. U. W. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are hon- ored members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Flora. MATHINSEY O WITHERSPOON, of the firm of Witherspoon & Kiely, Flora. HI., was born November 30, 1823, in Allen Coun- ty, Ky. He is the youngest of a family of ten children born to Hardy and Nancy (Mot ley) Witherspoon, who were both natives of North Carolina, where they were reared and married, moving afterward to Kentucky, where M. O. Witherspoon grew to manhood. He was married. March 23, 1843, to Miss Frances A. Tibbs, daughter of James Tibbs and Martha (Webb), both of whom were na- tives of Virginia. Frances A. was born Jan uary 4, 1823. Mr. Withe-spoon, in 1853, removed to Missouri, where he resided until 1863, when on account of the turbulent agi- tation of the issues of the war, he decided to leave th9 State, not, however, until he had been robbed by guerrillas of his property, amounting to $2,000. He then settled in Wayne County, 111., where for three years he was engaged in milling and lumber business, but in 1866 he went to Xenia, Clay County, where he resided until coming to Flora in 1868. Since the latter date, he has served eight years as Constable, and the remaining years has given his attention to merchandis- ing. He is now the active partner in a gro 14 210 BIOGRAPHICAL: eery business on the south side of North avenue. Both he and ivife have been hon- ored members of the Baptist Church for thirty-seven years, he sustaining the rela- tion of Deacon. He is also an ardent advo- cate of the cause of temperance, and is con- trolled in his political views largely by that issue. They have had a family of nine chil- dren, but eight times has the angel of death invaded their family circle, each time bear- ing one of their " jewels " to the " farther side." But one of these eight deceased chil- dren grew to maturity, viz., William T., who died in 1864, while in military service. Martha A., who was born January 23, 1855, is the wife of John Kiely, of Flora, to whom she was married February 20, 1878. John Kiely was born November 20, 1854, in Ohio, and came to Flora in 1880. They have one son — Ollie Kiely, born December 11, 1879. HARTER TOWNSHIP. JOHN EGGINTON, farmer, P. O. Flora, is a native of Worcestershire, England, where he was born in the month of May, 1817. He is the oldest of three children born to Joseph and Eleanor Egginton, each of whom were natives of England. John Egginton grew to maturity in his native country, aud was reared to the trade of iron refiner, which pursuit he followed for many years in Eng- land. In 1848, he was married to Jane Robson. daughter of James Robson and Mary A. Miller. She was born March 10, 1827, in England. In August, 1849, they emi- grated to the United States, and for one year resided in Pittsburgh, Penn. , coming thence to Wayne County, 111. There they settled in the Arrington Prairie, but after a residence of a few years, traded their farm for the one they now occupy in Clay County. He owns over 200 acres of land, devoting his attention to agriculture and fruit-growing, and has one of the finest apple orchards in Southern Illi- nois. The family consists of eight children, as follows: Ellen, the wife of James Hen- derson, born August 3, 1849; Christopher, the only son, was born July 29, 1852; Mary A., born July 28, 1854; Sarah J., born April 30, 1857; Margret I., born December 17, 1859; Clara, born July 17, 1862; Amanda, born August 17, 1864; and Alice Egginton, born October 17, 1S71. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Egginton and son Christopher are members of the Xenia Lodge. A. , F. & A. M. URIAH FISHER, Jr., is a son of Uriah and Elizabeth (Core) Fisher. They were both natives of Virginia, where they were married, and where four children were born, including Uriah Fisher, Jr., who was born March 31, 1828. In 1836, the family re- moved to Tennessee, where they resided two years, and where one child was born. In 1838, they removed to Illinois, and settled in Wabash County. In 1843 or 1844, they came to Clay County, and purchased a tract of land in Section 17, of Town 3, Range 6, where they lived until the time of their death. The father died January 4, 1859, and the mother lived to be eighty-four years old, and died May 17, 1883. The family consisted of Peter F., Catherine, William, Uriah, Eliza- beth, Sarah F. , Calvin, the last of whom was born in Clay County, 111., all of whom are deceased except Uriah. Uriah was married, HARTER TOWNSHIP. Ml January 15, 1852, in Clay County, to Mary Golden, daughter of Edward and Mary Gol- den, who were among the first settlers of Clay County. Mary (Goldeu) Fisher was born in Clay County. 111., September 16, 1832. In August, 1862, Mr. Fishsr enlisted in Company F, Ninety-eighth Illinois Infan- try, from which he was discharged at Spring- field July 7, 1865, having participated in the battles of Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, siege of Atlanta, and all the fighting inci- dent to the Atlanta campaign and battle of Selma, Ala., taking part in the memorable charge on that place. Since the war, he has devoted his time to the pursuits of the farm, and owns a farm of eighty acres in Section 17, of Harter Township. They have had six children, four of whom are living at this time — Rebecca C, wife of James Jacobs, was born January 22. 1853; Jane F., wife of Jefferson McGrew, born March 30, 1855; Mary E., wife of James Lyon, was born February 24. 1860; William D., born June 11, 1857, deceased; Eliza A., born Septem- ber 2S, 1862, deceased; John N. G., born April 29, 1867; and Dora G. Fisher, born June 5, 1869. GEORGE FOSTER was born December 5. 1830, in Muskingum County. Ohio. An- drew Foster, his father, was born in Penn- sylvania December 11, 1788, and there grew to manhood, and married Nancy St. Clair, who was born in the same State, October 7. 1790. They emigrated to Muskingum County, Ohio, residing there from 1815 to 1841, when they removed to Jackson County, of the same State. There the father died in August, 1865. The mother, in 1867. came to Clay County, 111., and died at the resi- dence of her son, George Foster, in Decem- ber of 1872. They had eleven children (George being the tenth), seven of whom are now living. The parents were both members of the Baptist Church, the mother having belonged for fifty -eight years. George Fos- ter came to Clay County. 111., in 1865. and has been a resident of Harter Township since. On the 8th of December. 1852, in Jackson County, Ohio, Mr. Foster was married to Lora A. Hayward, who was born in Scioto County, Ohio, in 1832. She died in 1S76. in Clay County, 111., and was the mother of five children, three of whom died previous to their mother. Martha M., the eldest, was born in Jackson County. Ohio. November 7. 1855, and died January 22. 1S74; Leonard A. was born January 28, 1858, in Ohio, and married Miss Annie Abbott, November 15. 1883; Effie E., wife of Z. Reeder, born in Ohio, May 8. 1861; Ernest H.. was born June 24, 1865, and died June 30, of same month. The youngest was born in Clay County. 111. . and died unnamed. Mr. Foster was mar- ried, May 22, 1879, to his present wife. Mrs. Martha Owens, widow of G. Owens, and daughter of Henry and Sarah Hawkins. She was born April 12, 1834, in Canada, and came to Clay County about 1858. with her parents. Mrs. Foster was married first to Greenbury Owens, December 16, 1860. by whom she had five children, all of whom were born in Clay City, of Clay County. The record of this family is another evidence of the frailty of human life, and shows how in a few brief years our fondest hopes may be dwarfed. Four times in the brief space of five years the death angel invades this house- hold, and takes in his embrace one of its members; first, Sarah A., the eldest child, died on the 28th of February, 1S6S; she was born November 19, 1861. The next was the father, who died in Clay City, August 18, 1871; he was buried at Flora, with the honors of the Masonic fraternity, of which he was an accepted member. Mattie Owens was born June 11, 1868, and died October 6 212 BIOGRAPHICAL: 1872; Flora I. was born November 2, 1863, aud died April 5, 1873. The two surviving children are Edward G, born April 7, 1865, and Albert H. Owens, born August 28, 1870. While Mrs. F. has been thus bereaved of very much that would make life happy, she is still a submissive Christian lady, and lavishes her heart's affections on her present family, which includes an orphan child, named Lola Manicol. Mr. and Mrs. Foster own a farm- ing interest in Harter Township, consisting of 420 acres of beautiful land. JOHN A. GERHART, a prominent farmer in Harter Township, was born in Lebanon County, Penn. , November 15, 1833. He is a descendant of one of the early and most prominent families of that State. The fam- ily was first represented in the United States in the colonial days, the great-grandfather of John A. serving as a soldier through the en- tire war of the Revolution. The father of John A. Gerhart was Jacob, and was born and reared in Pennsylvania, where he mar- ried Mary Albert, who was a native of the same State, and like her husband descended from German ancestors. They had four chil- dren, John A. being the oldest. The three daughters are still living in the East. John A. Gerhart was reared to the pursuits of the farm, though he afterward followed other callings, in all of which success attended his efforts. He was married in Pennsylvania, December 26, 1858, to Miss Lydia Roebuck, daughter of Jacob Roebuck and Sarah Yungst, who were both of German origin and descendants of pioneer families in Pennsyl- vania. She was born in Pennsylvania Sep- tember 18, 1836. Their union has resulted in the birth of seven children, viz., Allen J., born on the 10th of September, 1860, and died February 25, 1861; Lizzie, wife of T. B. Crisp, of Irving, 111., was born December 3. 1861, and married Decomber 2, 1880; John Gerhart, February 18, 1864; Emma, January 22, 1866; Ellen, April 12, 1868; Robert L., September 17, 1869; and Albert Gerhart, July 18, 1871. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart are members of the Presbyterian Church of Flora. Mr. Gerhart came to Clay County, 111., in 1S76, and purchased a farm of 222 acres in Harter Township near the village of Flora, where he still resides. JUDGE R. B. HENRY was born Febru- ary 15, 1828, in Ohio, and there grew to manhood. He became a member of the Baptist Church in his boyhood, maintaining a membership in that society for about five years, when he transferred his membership to the Christian Church. When about twenty-one years old, he was regularly or- dained as a minister in the Christian Church, to which he has remained ardently attached ever since. About twelve years of his life have been spent in exclusive ministerial labor, the remainder of his time having been de- voted to teaching, preaching and superintend- ing the interests of the farm. Though an unpartisan in politics, he has exerted a potent influence for the general good. He was originally an anti-slavery man and supported the administration during the late war, but since 1872 his influence has been enjoyed by the Independent Reform party, and upon that ticket was elected in 1873 to the office of County Judge of Clay County, which position he filled with acceptance for four years. In 1874, and during his term of office as Judge, he was made the candidate of his party to represent the Sixteenth District in Congress, but sustained a defeat. In 1876, he was a Presidential Elector, and cast his vote for Peter Cooper. He was married in Darke County, Ohio,- November 4, 1852, to Eliza- beth Adams, daughter of George and Virlin- da (Webb) Adams. She was born in Ohio in October, 1832. Her father was a native of HARTER TOWNSHIP. 213 Ohio, and was born where Cincinnati now stands. Her mother was born in Virginia. Mr. Henry has reared a family of ten chil- dren named as follows: George A., Vir- ginia A., Rolando H, Anna V. (wife of David W. Blain, of Kansas City), James T. , Carrie B. , Rolla B. , Jr., Hattie, Rebecca and Harry Henry. Judge Henry was educated in Springfield, Ohio, and as a public speaker is possessed of a talent of no ordinary char- acter. He is a man of strong physical frame and endurance, which characterizes the en- tire family, as they have all enjoyed remark- able health and have never had a death in their large family. EDWARD HIGGINSON was born in Ireland July 22, 1841, and came with his parents, Alexander and Charlotte Higginson, to the United States in 1850. The year fol- lowing, the family settled in Harter Town- ship of Clay County, where they have since resided. Alexander Higginson was born in the year 1813 in Ireland, and was there mar- ried to Charlotte Peel, who was also a native of Ireland. She was born in 1815, and died in Ireland in 1843. Their family consisted of four children — Maria J., died in infancy; Frances A., wife of E. S. Jenkins; Edward and Jane Higginson. Alexander Higginson was married in Clay County to Jane Suffern, who was a native of Ireland. She died in Clay County in January, 1872. Edward grew to manhood in Clay County, and on the 6th of August, 1862, he enlisted in Company A. of the Ninety -eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served until mustered out at the close of the war in 1S65. He participat- ed in several general engagements, including Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga and the lighting incident to the Atlanta campaign. He was married on the 12th of April, 1866, to Sarah C, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Luse. She was born in Ohio in October, 1847. They have a family, consisting of Mary Frances, born April 5, 1869; Charlotte E., born December 28, 1870; William E., No- vember 29, 1872; Emma Grace, April 13, 1875; Effie Jane, March 20, 1878; and Joseph A. Higginson, born February 10, 1881. BARTON B. INGRAHAM is one of the substantial farmers of Harter Township, liv- ing in Section 12, Town 3 north, Range 6 east. He was born in Wabash County. 111., April 3, 1825. His parents, Henry and An- geline Ingraham, were very early settlers in Wabash County, but while Barton B. was a mere child, they removed to Ohio, and in 1839 they again removed, this time going to the State of Pennsylvania, which was for many years their home. The father died in Ohio while"on a visit, and the mother subse- quently removed to Illinois, and died in Clay County in 1879. B. B. Ingraham was reared to the pursuits of the farm, to which he has ever clung with a persistency which has insured his success. He now owns more than 600 acres of valuable land in Clay County. He was married in Pennsylvania, in 1847, to Jane C. Johnston. She is a daughter of Joseph and Martha Johnston, and was born in Pennsylvania September 27, 1827. Mr. Ingraham came to Illinois and to Clay County in 1861, first locating in the village of Flora, where he and Mr. Fred- erick Pierce erected one of the first mills of the town. He, however, soon abandoned this business to engage in that of farming. Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church of Flora. They have been blessed with a family of fourteen children, two of whom died in infancy un- named. The others are Lauretta, wife of John Tanner, of Louisville, born November 28, 1847; Virgil S., born January 15, 1849, and died April 24, 1862; Leverett J., born September 19, 1850; LeanderH, born March 3U BIOGRAPHICAL: 4, 1852; Cerissa B., wife of D. C. Hagle, was born October 24, 1854; Isadora, born September 6, 1856, and died September 1, 1872; Alpheus F., born April 12, 1858; Justin M., born January 26, 1860, and died in Kansas; William E. E., born September 1, 1862; Mary E., born August 26, 1865; Mar- tha A., born November 17, 1867; and Joseph H„ born April 23, 1870. HENRY McELYEA, one of the pioneers of Clay County, 111., was born May 3, 1815, in Montgomery County, Tenn. The ancestors came to the United States from Ireland, though of Scotch origin. His great-grand- father was the first representative of the name in this country. He settled in the East. John McElyea, father of Henry, was born in Virginia, and was a son of Patrick McElyea. John McElyea married in East- Tennessee to Miss Sarah Boone, daughter of Hezekiah Boone, an own cousin to the famous Daniel Boone, of Kentucky fame. Her immediate ancestors were from England and "Wales and came in the colonial days to this country, settling in Washington City. Sarah, the mother of Henry McElyea was born iu Virginia. John McElyea was a soldier in the war of 1812, had a family of twelve children, and both he and his wife died many years since in Orange County, End., where they settled in 1828. Henry is the ninth of this family, and the only one now living. He grew to manhood in Orange County, Ind., where, December 2, 1S36, he married Miss Elizabeth Miller, a daughter of Jacob Miller and Elizabeth Liston. Jacob Miller was a native of Tennessee, and Eliza- beth of Kentucky. They were married in Indiana, and reared a family of ten chil- dren, all of whom grew to maturity. Eliza- beth McElyea was the fourth of this family, and was born July 20, 1819, in Orange Coun- ty, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Elyea have been blessed with eleven children, but three, how- ever, survive — Andrew J., a resident of Son- ger Township, Clay County, the father of sis children; Jacob, born August 7, 1853, in Clay County, 111., and now a resident of Harter Township, married to his second wife Phoebe E. Anderson, September 4, 1879; he has three children— Effie, the issue of former marriage was born October 14,1871; Otto Merritt, born September 9, 1880; and Re- becca A., born August 13, 1883. Lucinda Ellen, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Mc- Elyea. was born September 18, 1857, and married, September 12, 1878, to George An- derson, of Wayne County, 111. They have two children. Mr. McElyea came to Clay County in 1849, and settled near Oskaloosa in Songer Township, where he lived until 1871. when he removed to his present home in Harter Township. He is a man of acknowl- edged honesty; both he and his venerable wife having been members of the Christian Church for nearly forty years. ALEXANDER G. McQTJEEN, though not a pioueer of Clay County, is one of the thrifty, enterprising farmers of Harter Town- ship, where he has recently purchased a val- uable farm, not as the result of any inherent love for the rural pursuits, but as a means of regaining his lost health, which became im- paired in military service during the late civil war. It is of his military record which we would speak more particularly. He was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, November 30, 1830, and is a son of Donald McQueen and Ann Fraser, both of whom were born in : the Highlands of Scotland, the father in 1779. and mother in 1797. These parents settled in Ohio in 1820, where they died — the mother in 1851, and the father in 1866. Alexander G. attended the common schools until fourteen years old. when he engaged as a clerk to procure means to continue his HAHTEB TOWNSHIP. 215 studies in college. He took a preparatory course in the Academy at Wellsville, Ohio, and in 1852 entered the Jefferson College at Cannonsburg, Penn. In 1856, he went to Iowa, where he engaged for ;i short time in milling, after which he was a partner in a wholesale grocery house in Keokuk. Having disposed of his interest in this business in 1860, he embarked in the general produce and shipping business, carrying his mer- chandise by boat to the South. The fall of 1860 found him in Memphis with a cargo of goods which was left aB a drug on his hands by the suspension of the Southern banks, in- cident to the election of A. Lincoln. Re- maining in this place until the coming spring of 1861, he was given the alternative of en- listing in the Confederate army, or being conscripted. He chose the voluntary enlist- ment, but soon after deserted and returned to Keokuk, Iowa, where, in the spring of 1861, he assisted to organize the First Iowa Cavalry, entering the service as a private in Company A. In September, 1861, he was commissioned as First Lieutenant of the company, and promoted to the position of Captain in December of the same year. He was nest promoted to the office of Major of the regiment, then to Lieutenant Colonel. Owing to unfitness for field duty by severe illness, he was detailed as First Assistant in charge of the Western Division of the Cav- alry Bureau, with his headquarters at Chi- cago. In July, 1864, he was appointed In- spector General of Cavalry for the Military Department west of the Mississippi River, with headquarters at New Orleans. While on duty here, he became Chief of Gen. Davidson's Staff, and for meritorious service was promoted to the office of Brigadier Gen- eral of his regiment, which commission he held when the regiment was disbanded on the 4th of March, 1866. Space will not permit us to enumerate the various engagements in which he participated; suffice it to say that he performed valuable service both in the field and in the various administrative posi- tions to which he was called. He was mar- ried, March 7, 1867, to Maggie Falconer, a native of Ohio, who was born September 26, 1840. They have but one child — Daniel A. McQueen, who was born in Keokuk, February 11. 1872. Mr. McQueen is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and came to Clay County in 1879. WILLIAM T. SMITH was born in Wood County, W. Va., August 17, 1825. His par- ents, Edward E. Smith and Elizabeth (Peck) Smith, were natives of New England, where they grew to maturity, married, and lived till their removal to West Virginia, ?probably about 1823 or 1824. They had a family of eleven children, W T . T. Smith being the sixth, and of whom but five are now living. The mother died in West Virginia in April, 1835, and the father in the summer of 1863. After the death of his mother, William T. was placed among strangers, and has since proved the architect of his own fortune. He remained on a farm until he was seventeen years old, when he learned the trade of tailor, and was so successful that after a few years he opened for himself a merchant tailoring establishment, which business he pursued until 1866. His success in a business way, which has been very flattering, has been more than equaled by his domestic adversity, having'buried two wives and three children. His first marriage occurred April 28, 1846, to Eunice A. Shaw, who died April 1, 1849. She was the mother of two children — Will- iam L. and Frank Smith, the latter being deceased. January 24, 1850, he married Carolina L. Bliss, in Marietta, Ohio, where she was born, and where, on the 23d of May, 1856, she died. She was the mother of three 210 BIOGRAPHICAL: children, viz. : Mary F., Catherine E. Dixon (of Kansas), and Charley, of whom the former and latter are dead. His present wife, Rebecca H Means, to whom he was married in November, I860, was born October 6, 1832, in Westmoreland County, Penn., and is a daughter of James Means and Elizabeth (Robinson) Means. These parents were born in Maryland, the father December 8, 1799, and the mother September 11, 1799. They were married October 6, 1820, in Pennsyl- vania, and were blest with six children, Mrs. S. being the fifth. Mr. Smith came to Clay County, 111., in 1875, and purchased a farm of 175 acres in Harter Township, near Flora, to which he has added at times until he now owns 315 acres. He is one of the county's best farmers, and a man who is universally respected and honored^by all who know him. Both he and his estimable wife are members of the Flora Methodist Episcopal Church. BIBLE GBOYE TOWNSHIP. GEORGE W. COLBORN, farmer, P. O. Bible Grove. Among the steady, well-to-do farmers in Clay County is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born August 20, 1825, in Hamilton County, Ind. He is a son of Robert Colborn, a na- tive of Ohio, who came here about 1840, and entered considerable land at $1. 25 per acre. Robert Colborn was a good citizen, farmer and neighbor. He died here, mourned by all who knew him. The mother of our subject was Rosanna (West) Colborn, a native of Virginia. She also died here. She was the mother of ten children, some of whom with their descendants are now living in this county. Our subject did not get the help in starting in life that others did, yet by his in- dustry and perseverance, he has done so well that he was able to buy the home place, and now owns 640 acres of land and is one of the largest land owners in the township. He was joined in matrimony to Miss Ophelia Ackison, born September 21, 1829, in Holmes County, Ohio. She is a daughter of William and Harriet (Cook) Ackison. He is a native of Pennsylvania and she of Rhode Island. Nine children, of whom seven are now living, blessed this happy union, viz., Nancy J. Curtright, Robert W. (deceased), Rosanna Webster, Steven A. , Martha, George W., Caroline and Josiah F. Mr. and Mrs. Colborn are members of the Christian Church. He has served the people as Constable and Justice of the Peace; the latter office he has held for the last twenty years. In politics, he is identified with the Democratic party. W. W. DUNCAN, physician, Bible Grove. Among the men who owe their success in life to their own energy and ability stands him whose name appears at the head of this sketch. He was born, December 10, 1829, in Nelson County, Ky. He is a son of James Duncan, a native of South Carolina, and a farmer by occupation. The grandfather of our subject was William Duncan. He was a native of Virginia, of Scotch descent. The mother of our subject was Editha (McKay) Duncan, a native of Nelson County. Ky. Dr. Duncan was married, November 28, 1860. in Mason, Effingham County, 111., to Miss Mary Ella White, born March 18, 1841. in Bond County, 111. She is a daughter of BIBLE GROVE TOWNSHIP. !17 William and Agnes (Johnson) White. He is a native of North Carolina and she of Tennessee. Four children are the result of this happy union, viz., William C, born Jan- uary 31, 1863; Anna J., August 2, 1868; Mary Edith, February 19, 1871; and Charles Ed, June 23, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Dun- can are religiously connected with the Baptist Church. The Doctor received his medical education in Louisville, Ky., but is mainly self-educated. On October 30, 1861, Dr. Duncan settled in Georgetown, where he follows his noble profession, he having prac- ticed over two years in Kentucky and three years near Mason, Effingham County, 111., pre- vious to his coming here. He does not shun his work, and is one of that kind of physicians who ride themselves into a lucrative practice. LOREN GOULD, farmer, P. O. Bible Grove, was born May 11, 1838, in Edwards County, 111., son of Philander Gould, a native of New York. He is a farmer by occupation, and came to Illinois when about eighteen years old, settling in Edwards County, 111., where he yet resides. The family is an old one of good standing, and distantly connected with the famous railroad king, Jay Gould. The mother of our subject was Sarah (Knol- ton) Gould, a native of Virginia. She died January 10, 1876. She was the mother of ten children, who are all living and have numerous descendants. Our subject was educated in Edwards County, 111., where he resided till he was of age, when he got mar- ried and moved to this county in 1859; here he bought and commenced to farm; success has crowned his efforts, and now he owns in this and Jasper County 410 acres of good land. Mr. Gould is an enterprising farmer. He was married, August 25, 1859, to Miss Delia E. Stanley, born June 24, 1842, in Edwards County, 111. She is a daughter of William and Maria (Gunn) Stanley, who are natives of Ohio. Eight children blessed this happy union, their names are Sarah M. , born August 2, 1860; Lizzie H, born March 9, 1863; Cina P., born August 28, 1865; Ezra O., born July 17, 1869; Ella R., born April 15, 1873; Duel W. (deceased aged two years and eight months); Hattie C, born October 15, 1878; and Effie C, born December 25, 1882. Mr. Gould has served his neighbors in the capacity of School Trustee, and polit- ically he is a Republican. THEOREN GOULD, merchant, Bible Grove. Among the wide-awake business men of Clay County must be classed Mr. Gould. He was born July 10, 1842, in Edwards County, 111.; son of Philander Gould, a native of New York, and a farmer by occupation. The mother of our subject was Sarah (Knowlton) Gould, a native of Virginia, she died in Edwards County, 111. She was the mother of ten children, all living. Our subject was educated in Edwards County. In early life he farmed, and at the age of nineteen entered the army, enlisting in the fall of 1861, and served faithfully till he was wounded at Jackson, Miss., when he was honorably discharged and returned home. While in the army, he participated in the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Vicksburg and other engagments. He was a Sergeant. After the war Mr. Gould engaged in farming and stock-dealing, owning now over 600 acres in this and adjoining counties. Between 1878 and 1880, he opened the Bible Grove Grist Mill, and bought D. D. C. Pix- ley's general merchandising store in George- town, where he now does a thriving business. Mr. Gould was joined in matrimony May 25, 1865, to Miss Nancy A. Webster, who was born January 23, 1848 in Clay County, 111. She is a daughter of Anderson and Sarah (Fulk) Webster. Five children blessed this union, viz.: Chloe F., born June 4, 1866; 218 BIOGRAPHICAL: Charley A., born June 10, 1868; Philander, born February 24, 1872; Sarah E., born Feb- ruary 23, 1877, she died September 26, 1879; and Lola G., born October 31, 1881. Mrs. Gould is a member of the Christian Church. Mr. Gould is an A. F. & A. M., also an I. O. O. F.. and is at present, Commander of the G. A. R. Post. A. T. HARDIN, farmer, P. O. Bible Grove, was born June 25, 1824, in Orange County, Ind. He is a son of John Hardin, who for many years was a resident of Clay County, having first settled in Effingham County, 111., to which place he came from Washing- ton County, Ind., about 1860, to which latter rjlace he came in 1815. He died February 11, 1883, aged eiglity-seven years. He reared a large family of eleven children, and lived to see them all happily married. The mother of our subject was Ellen (Colclasure) Hardin. She was born in 1798, in Hardin County, Ky., and died February 12, 1871, in Mason, Effingham County, 111. Subject had been educated in Washington County, Ind., and in early life taught school three years, and then settled down to farming. He came to Clay County, 111., in 1850, and permanent- ly located, having first been here in 1846 on a visit, but stayed long enough to teach a three month school. In Bible Grove Town- ship he settled on eighty acres of land that his father had entered in 1836. Here he has lived ever since, owning now 325 acres of fine land with good buildings. Mr. Har- din was married, August 15, 1850, in Wash- ington County, Ind., to Miss Winifred Chen- oweth, a native of Indiana, born October 28, 1831. Her parents were Elias and Eliz- abeth (Mcintosh) Chenoweth. This happy union resulted in eight children that are now living — William A., John, Ellen E., Stevens S., Aaron L., Mary A., Florence and Eva M. — all esteemed members of the respective com- munities in which they reside. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin are connected with the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. He is a Democrat, has filled school offices, and for two years was Township Supervisor. Of Mr. Hardin it may be said that he owes his succees in life to in- dustry and perseverance. C. F. LANDWEHR, farmer, P. O. Bible Grove,'was born January 5, 1851, in Prussia, Germany. His father, Charles Landwehr, is also a farmer by occupation, and yet re- sides in Bible Grove Township, near his son. The mother of our subject is Catha- rine (Coors) Landwehr; she is yet living and is the mother of five children. Our subject received his education partly in Germany and partly in St. Louis. In early life he farmed, but in 1873 he went to California, the acme of this wonderland America, and there in Pescadero, he worked at the Lincoln Hotel, a3 porter and clerk. Finally, after working for some time at the Swanton House, he went to farming, and in the winter of 1870, returned to Illinois. Here he was married in April, 1880, to Miss Mary Mascher ; this lady was born June 20, 1863, in Jasper County, 111. She is a daughter of Frederick Mascher. She has blessed her husband with two children — Emery and Emelia, Mr. Land- wehr is an intelligent farmer, and owns 220 acres of land. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church. Politically, our Bubject is a Republican. CAMERON McKNIGHT, farmer, P. O. Ingraham, was born October 7, 1828, in Lawrence County, Ind. He is a son of Will- iam A. McKnight, born 1800, in North Caro- lina. In 1811, he came to Indiana, and in 1835 he removed to Clay County, 111., where he bought land and improved it. He was one of the first to settle in that part of the county, and was a man of a great deal of en- ergy and ability. He died in this county in BIBLE GROVE TOWNSHIP. 219 the spring of 1862, from wounds received at the hands of robbers on the night of October 1, 18(31, in Bible Grove Township. The grandfather of our subject was Roger Mc- Knight, a native of North Carolina; he died in Indiana. Rebecca (Erwin) McKnight was the mother of Cameron McKnight. She was born 1804, in Lawrence County, Ind. She died 1843, in Clay County, 111. Eight chil- dren called her mother, of whom five are now living. Our subject received only about six months' schooling in his life. In early life he was fond of the sport and spent consider- able leisure time in hunting, and even now will devote some time each year to a hunting trip, generally going south to Arkansas. His father gave him forty acres of land, and in 1850 he bought 160 himself, and on these 200 acres he settled just after he was married to Rebecca Fields, a native of Indi- ana, who died in April, 1877, leaving eight children, viz., Sarah C. Harmon, Austin R. , Cynthia Moore, Millard F., Jehu L., Lyman T.. Homer B. and Laura. Mr. McKnight's second wife is Mrs. Martha Turner, born February 3, 1832, in Orange County, Ind. She is a daughter of Francis M. and Eliza- beth (Reed) Moore. The following six chil- dren are by her first husband, Mr. B. H. Turner: Francis M. , Joseph B., Sarah E., ressie D. Odell. William S., and Ida M. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a Republican. Although he has given his children a great deal of land, he has yet 240 acres of good land. In early life, at the age of twenty he worked on the Mississippi River, going as far north as St. Paul, Minn., where he worked fifteen months in the pine- ries, returning in 1849, after an absence of twenty- five months, to Clay County, with which he has been identified ever since. JOHN MURVIN, druggist, Bible Grove. This energetic young business man was born November 1, 1850, in Richland County, 111. His father, Francis P. Murvin was a native of Kentucky. He was a farmer by occupa- tion, and came to Richland County when quite young, and died there in 1858. The mother of our subject was Rebecca (Hock- man) Murvin, a native of Illinois. Five children bless her memory. She died 1867, in Richland County, 111. Our subject went to school in early life in Richland Couuty, and at the age of sixteen went to live with his uncle, John A. Murvin, of Clay County, 111. He lived with his uncle five years, and during that time taught school two years. Afterward he taught school another year. He was joined in matrimony, April 25, 1872, in Clay County, 111., to Miss Charlotte Lewis, born April 22, 1854, in this county. She is a daughter of Washington Lewis, a well- known settler of Clay County. Mrs. Char- lotte Murvin died November 6, 1880. She was the mother of the following children, viz., Francis W., Harry B. and Marvin E. Our sabject was married a second time, June 19, 1881, to Susannah Littell, born July 9, 1860. She is a daughter of Hiram R. and Martha A. (Boston) Littell. One little boy named Claude blessed this union. He was born September 24, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Murvin are members of the Methodist Protest- ant Church. He is also an I. O. O. F., Bible Grove Lodge, 273. Mr. Murvin lived seven months in Richland County, and then one year in Flora; then raised one crop on his father-in-law's farm, and then went to Ingraham, where he clerked for Osman Pix- ley five years and four months; then, in Jan- uary, 1880, came to Bible Grove, where he now keeps a drug store and the post office. JOHN SCHMIDT, merchant, Bible Grove, was born December 24, 1850, in Holstein, Germany. His father was N. P. Schmidt, a 220 BIOGRAPHICAL: teacher by occupation, and yet living in Germany. The mother of our subject, Chris- tina Schmidt, is the mother of five children, of whom three are now living, viz., John, Herman and Emma. John, our subject, is a true type of our northern German, who is noted the world over for his quietness, firm- ness, industry and honesty. He was edu- cated in Germany, and came to the United States in the fall of 1869, locating in Ches- ter, Randolph Co., 111., where he teamed and peddled for A. Smith, with whom he after- ward came to Bible Grove, Clay County, 111., where he clerked for him till he was admit- ted as a junior partner in 1877. In the fall of the same year, he was married to Mrs. Barbara Bald, who was born December 26, 1849, in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. She is a daughter of Henry and Katharina (Sau- erwein) Sehnert. Two children, now living, blessed this happy union, viz., John P. A., born in November, 1878, and Henry J. H. , in January, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are religiously connected with the German Methodist Ejjiscopal Church, and are exem- plary members of society. The Republican party claims Mr. Schmidt as a supporter. JACOB SEHNERT, merchant, Bible Grove, was born September 28, 1844, in Hesse-Darm- stadt, Germany. He is a son of Henry Sehnert, also a native of Germany, where he followed farming. He came to the United States in 1853, landing in New York. From there he went to St. Louis, Mo., but finally settled in Monroe County, 111., where he bought a farm and where he died the same year. The mother of our subject is Katharina (Sauer- wein) Sehnert, a native of Germany, and yet living, the mother of nine children, of whom seven are now living, viz.: Nicholas, Adam, Margaret Smith, Jacob, Mary Reitz, Barbara Schmidt and Peter. Our subject went to school in Monroe County, 111., where he afterward farmed till 1872, when he came to Bible Grove, where he entered in partnership with A. Smith, his brother-in-law, and en- gaged in mercantile pursuits, keeping a large general store, and also selling: the McCor- mick farm machinery. Our subject also has an interest in the Bible Grove Star Flouring Mills; and the company have also a branch store in Dieterich, Effingham County. Our subject was married, in Washington County, 111., October 14, 1875, to Lydia Bernreuter, born November 23, 1852, in Watertown, Wis. She is a daughter of Conrad and Katherine (Stullken) Bernreuter, the former a native of Bavaria, and the latter of Oldenburg, Ger- many. Three children blessed this happy union, viz.: Matilda M., born January 5, 1877; Lydia C. October 5, 1879; and Ed- ward, June 17, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Sehnert are members of the German Methodist Ejiis- copal Church. In poli+ics, he is a Repub- lican, and in business circles is counted as a wide-awake, energetic man. ANDREW SMITH, merchant, Bible Grove, was born February 4, 1838, in Schleswig, Ger- many. He is a son of Peter Smith (whose name is spelled Schmidt in German), also a na- tive of Schleswig, Germany, where he fol- lowed farming for an occupation. The mother of our subject was Stinka (Jacobson) Schmidt. She also died in Germany. Oar subject was educated in Germany, where he clerked sevei'al years, and there laid the foun- dation of the strict business habits which characterize him now, and make him a valu- able acquisition to the business circles of Clay County. At the age of twenty, he left the home of his childhood and emigrated to the United States, here to seek his fortune with that determination which is character- istic to the race from which he sprung. After a short sojourn in New York, he went to Randolph County. 111., where he farmed BIBLE GROVE TOWNSHIP. 221 mostly for over thirteen years. In the spring of 1872, he came to Effingham County, and in the fall of the same year he removed to Bible Grove Township, where he went into business with J. Sehnert. These gentlemen kept a general store, adding to their stock yearly, till at present they keep a full line of dry goods, groceries, clothing, hardware, farm implements, harness, glass and queensware, etc. In 1876, John Schmidt was taken into the firm as a junior partner. John Schmidt is a nephew of Andrew Smith, for whom he had been clerking several years. Our sub- ject was married, March 22, 1870, in Ran- dolph County, 111., to Miss Margaret Sehnert born in April, 1S42, in Hesse-Darmstadt Germany. She is the mother of seven chil dren, viz.: Peter H., born January 28, 1871 Anna B., September 16, 1872; John William August 14, 1874; Jacob A., March, 1876 Charles E., December 18, 1877; Lydia M. November 5, 1879; and Philip N., May 29 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are religiously con- nected with the German Methodist Episcopal Church. GEORGE W. STURDIVANT, farmer P. O. Bible Grove, born June 14, 1820, in Washington County, Va. , near Abingdon. He is a son of Joseph A. and Mary (Hollo- way) Sturdivant, natives of North Carolina, where he was a distiller by occupation. Our subject, George W. Sturdivant, went to school in Indiana. He came here in 1842, ac- companied by his faithful wife, and with only about $20 of earthly possessions, but through industry, perseverance and economy he has acquired considerable means, and is counted among our most substantial men in Bible Grove Township. He has 500 acres of land in this county, besides owning town prop erty. Mr. Sturdivant is now practically re- tired from active life, and is reaping the re- sult of his well-spent life. He has served the public in different offices, among others that of Constable twelve years, Township Supervisor seven years, and in an early day was Deputy Sheriff under Col. Henry Neff. Our subject was joined in matrimony in In- diana, to Miss Margaret Vandyke, born April 10, 1822, in North Carolina. She is a daughter of Charles and Jane (Phelps) Van dyke. Eight children, of whom three are now living, blessed this union — James K. , born January 6, 1846; Sarah Greenwood, born May 26, 1868, and Joseph A., born April 20, 1851, who are all happily married, and are exemplary members of their respec- tive communities. WILLIAM SUNDERMANN, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Bible Grove, is a native of Lippe-Detmold, Germany. His father, William Sundermann, Sr., was a farmer by occupation. Our subject was one of those restless young men who early in life are infatuated with a desire to travel and see the wonderland America, to which he emigrated when quite young. He had barely enough funds to bring him to the United States, and after a few months' stay in New York, he, with the assistance of a friend with whom he was afterward associated in business in Illinois, made his way to Philadelphia, and then to St. Louis, Mo. For some years he roamed and led a wander- ing life full of adventure and interesting in- cidents, for which we have no space here. In 1837, he came to Clay County, 111., where he worked on the old State road under Rod- gers. He liked the country, and conceived the idea to return to it some future time. About 1838, he went up the Arkansas River in a United States Government snag boat, under Capt. Cooper, falling overboard twice, "just for the fun of it,'' as the Captain told him. In the year 1839, he returned to Illi- nois in a two- wheeled vehicle, loaded with 223 BIOGRAPHICAL goods, mostly jewelry and calico, which he peddled over the country, buying and trading for skins and pelts of all kinds, with which he returned to St. Louis. He traveled in this way all over Clay County, and was a welcome guest wherever he made his appear- ance. By the solicitation of settlers on Hoosier Prairie, he was induced to put up a store in partnership with Henry Mickey, in the south part of the prairie. Mr. Mickey's interest was bought out by A. Hauseman, who in partnership with our subject bought eighty acres of land in Section 33, where Mr. Sundermann now resides. To this land he removed his log store house, added to his stock of goods, opened a market and kept a two-horse wagon between here and St. Louis. At that time, saddle-hams of deer sold often for only for 25 cents, eggs for 3 cents per dozen, dressed pork from $1.50 to $2.50 per cwt. ; cattle from one to two years old, from $1 to $10 per head; cows, $8 and $9. At one time Mr. Sundermann had his two good and only horses stolen; he traveled several weeks in search of them, but never found them. His partnership with Mr. Hauseman expired after one year. In course of time our subject bought more land, and after hav- ing peddled and sold goods for about eight years, he settled down to farming, and his industry and perseverance has been awarded to such an extent that he is now oue of our wealthiest farmers in this county. He owns over 1,400 acres of land which lies nearly in one body around him. Our subject was mar- ried, August 8, 1841, in this county, to Mary Johnson, a daughter of Thomas H. and Susan (StalliDs) Johnson. She was born January 16, 1823, and died August 15, 1858. She was the mother of a large family, of whom only Jefferson T. and Elizabeth, wife of James Brooks, are now living; Susan, George W., Henry, Frederick W., Col ambus and Mary are deceased. Our subject was married, a second time, November 21, 1860, to Catharine Fopa, born April 6, 1839, in Germany. She was a daughter of Henry and Elsebein (Straut) Fopa. She died in this county leaving five children — Dora, born October 17, 1861; William H., born April 3, 1863; John, born June 24, 1864; Conrad, deceased; and Edwin, born February 7, 1868. Mr. Sundermann is an example of what en- ergy, industry and close application to farm ing will accomplish. Religiously, he is con- nected ffith the Reformed Church ANDERSON WEBSTER (deceased). Among the worthy men who have lived in Clay County, and whose influence was felt in all things that concerned the good of the community in which they resided and who have given wealth and stamina to the couuty. we count him among one of the first and foremost whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Anderson Webster was a man who meant yes when he said it, and his friendship was sought far and wide. He was one of those progressive kind of men who did not con- sider his own interest first when the interest of his friends and his county came into con- sideration. He is and always will be re- membered as a man of sterling worth. His demise, which occurred July 6, 1877, left a void in the social and business circles in Clay County that will always be felt. As an evidence of his financial success, it is said that he had only forty acres of land when he was married, but at the time of his death owned about 1,300 acres of jland, on a part of which, 260 acres, the old home farm, Mis Sarah AVebster, the widow of Anderson Web- ter, now resides; the other land has been di- vided among the children. Mr. Webster was born June 27, 1827, in Indiana, and is a son of Isaac and Margaret (Bell) Webster, natives of Kentucky. Isaac Webster died in BIBLE GROVE TOWNSHIP. Indiana, but his wife and seven children came to this county; they are mentioned in another part of the history. Our subject was married, September 10, 1845, in Louis- ville, 111., to Sarah Fulk, daughter of An- drew and Susan (Fiska) Fulk, natives of North Carolina. He came here in 1839, and died here; she died in Madison County, 111. They were the parents of ten children, of whom four are now living. Mrs. Sarah Webster went to school in Indiana, and was brought to this country by her parents. She is the mother of nine children, viz. : Nancy A. Gould, Jonathan, David, Noah M., Lavina E., William A., Ferdinand E., Mary Ida and Lola E. The subject of this sketch was no politician and gave his support to the Democratic party. NOAH WEBSTER, farmer, P. O. Bible Grove. The subject of this sketch was born January 31, 1833, in Martin County, Ind. His parents, Isaac and Margaret (Bell) Web- ster, came from Kentucky. They were mar- ried in Tennessee, and after living many years in Kentucky went to Martin County, Ind., where Isaac Webster died from a wound received accidently by an adze with which he was blazing trees in the winter. He bled to death before he reached home. Mrs. Margaret was the mother of fourteen children, of whom four are now living, viz. : Wilson, Thomas, James, and Noah, our sub- ject, who was brought to this county by his mother in 1835. She settled four miles southeast of Louisville, where they lived three years, and then moved to what is now called Blair Township, on Panther Creek, near Jordan Post Office, where she died in 1845. Six boys besides Noah came with her to this county; of them only Thomas and James, of Indiana, are now living. After the death of our subject's mother, Noah Webster lived with his brother, Sanford Webster, and accompanied him to Texas; returned the same year, 1840. In 1849, he left his brother and went to DeWitt County, and from there to Adams County, returning to this county in 1852, and since then he has lived in this county. Our subject was mar- ried, August 7, 1850, to Rebecca Turner, born November 10, 1830, in Lawrence County, daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah (Taylor) Turner, natives of Illinois. This union was blessed with six children, viz. : Merrit D. (deceased), Celesta E , Effie J., Harrison R., Richard A. and Stella M. Mrs. Webster is a member of the Christian Church. Mr. Webster is a member of the A. , F. & A. M. , Mayo Lodge, and G. A. R. To the member- ship of the latter lodge he is entitled by his service in the army. He enlisted Jan- uary 1, 1804, and served till the close of the war. He participated in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kene- saw Mountain, Sand Town, siege of At- lanta, Jonesboro, Lovejoy, siege of Savannah, Fort McAllister, in Georgia; Duck Branch, Edisto River, Columbia, in South Carolina, and Bentonville, North Carolina. Mr. Web- ster merchandized about one year in Louis- ville. Financially he has been successful, owning now 700 acres of land in Bible Grove Township, where he now resides sur- rounded by his family. Mr. Webster has served the pubiic in the caj>acity of Town- ship Supervisor, and other township and school offices. He is a warm supporter of the Re- publican party. While in the army he worked his way by his punctuality from Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant and Captain. Our subject's life thus far has been a success, and is au example worthy of imitation. LEONARD WOLF, farmer, P. O. Bible Grove, is a son of Anderson and Polly (Ford) Wolf, who came to this county from Orange 224 BIOGRAPHICAL: County, Iud. Our subject received such advan- tages in schooling as our county afforded at that time. He spent the early part of his life tilling the virgin soil of Bible Grove Township, and when the war clouds began to show themselves on the southern horizon, he became zealous to protect the stars and stripes, and enlisted September 2, 1861, in the Forty-eighth Regiment Illinois Volun- teer Infantry, Company B, commanded by Capt. W. J. Stevenson, serving till the close of the war, participating in the battles of Forts Henry and Donelson, Jackson, Vicks- burg, Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain, siege of Knoxville, Franklin, Tenn., aud others. He veteranized in 1864, and while home was married, February 17, 1864, to Miss Susan J. Wheat, born in Law- rence County, Ind. She was a daughter of Andrew and Rose Ann (Moore) Wheat, farmers by occupation and natives of Kentucky. Four children have blessed this union, viz., Louis A., born July 19, 1866; Sarah L., March 13, 186S; Cora M., May 31, 1873; and Edith F., April 6, 1879. Mrs. Susan J. Wolf was a member of the Christian Church, and died April 4, 1882. Our subject was married a second time to Miss Mary E. Ut- terback, born June 24, 1855, iu Clay County, 111. She is a daughter of Upton and Bar- bara (Bracket) Utterbank, natives of Ken- tucky. Mrs. Mary E. Wolf is a member of the Christian Church. He is a Democrat in politics; owns forty acres of land, and farms part of his time; is a Constable and is also an agent for the Cobbs & Son Marble Works, Olney, 111. WILLIAM F WYATT, farmer and thresher, Section 26, Bible Grove Township, P. O. Ingrahara, was born in Greenbrier County, Va., November 2, 1833. His father, Andrew Wyatt (deceased), was a native of Massachusetts, who removed with his family to Braxton County, Va. , in 1834. There our subject worked on the farm and attended a subscription school. He came to Edwards County in 1853, and settled near Bone Gap. He served in the late war, in Company H, Ninety-eighth Illinois Regiment, and par- ticipated in the battles of Chickamauga, and all the engagements of the campaign from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, and on to the close of the war. He came to Clay County in the spring of 1874, where he owns eighty acres of land, and also follows threshing and car- pentering. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Wyatt was married, November 7, 1855, to Eliza A. Hawkins, daughter of James Hawkins (deceased). They had nine children, seven of whom are living — James H, Mary E., Rhuhama A., William A., Anga L.. Ettie A. and Catharine M. SONGER TOWNSHIP JOSEPH ANDERSON, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Grant County, Ky., Sep- tember 1, 1819, to Joseph and Patsie D. (Hen- derson) Anderson. The father was a native of Virginia, born May 8. 1792. The mother was born July 8, 1791, in Kentucky. When he was a child he emigrated to Boone County, Ky., with his parents, and it was there he was married, and afterward moved to Grant County. In March, 1824. they removed to SONGER TOWNSHIP. 225 Decatur County, Ind., where they resided till 1859, and then came to Clay County, 111., where they lived until death. He died May 29, 1879; she, January 17, 1SS0. They were the parents of six sons and two daugh- ters. The following yet survive: Thomas, Joseph, John J., William, Mrs. Rebecca J. Irwin, of Arkansas, and George. All reside in this county except Mrs. Irwin. Our sub- ject was reared and educated in Indiana, where he resided until 1847. February 2, 1847, he was married in Indiana to Miss Eliza Anderson. She was born in Boone County, Ky., July 15, 1827, and is the daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Myers) An- derson. They died in Kentucky, he Octo- ber 27, 1880, she March, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson have four children liv- ing and three dead. The living are David S. ; Sarah J., wife of Welcome Anderson; George W. and Jasper R. Soon after mar- riage, Mr. Anderson moved to this county, and December 7, 1847, settled on his present farm, buying at first but 240 acres. He now owns 628 acres, 520 lying in one body. He has been successful in his business, for all has been obtained through hard work and good business tact. In 1848, his farm was burned over 'by a prairie tire, and he lost 10,000 rails, besides part of his crop. As he was away from home, his neighbors turned out and gathered the corn still remaining, and cribbed it for him. In 1802, he, in part- nership with his brother George, ran the first steam thresher ever used in Clay County. Mr. Anderson has never taken much of a part in political matters, but he is identified with the Democratic party. WELCOME ANDERSON, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, April 11, 1837, to S. C. and Sarah (Moore), Anderson. The father was a native of Penn- sylvania, and the mother of Ohio. They were the parents of six children now living, three sons and three daughters. His occu- pation was that of a farmer. When our sub- ject was about nine years of age, he removed to Muskingum County, Ohio, with his par- ents, and it was there he was reared and edu- cated. He remained at home till about twenty-two years of age, and then began for himself. In 1861, he went to Texas, and for f our years was engaged in the sheep business. In 1865, he sold out and returned to Ohio, and engaged in the saw mill business. In 1866. he brought his mill to Clay County, 111., and for three years was engaged in that business, and then began farming. He now owns 240 acres of prairie land and 40 of tim- ber, on which he does general farming. In 1S67. he was married in this county, to Miss Sallie J. Anderson, a daughter of Joseph Anderson, whose sketch appears. This union has been blest with the following- named children: Ezra W., Flora O, Asher L. and Leslie J. Mr. Anderson is identified with the Democratic party, but has avoided political life. J. M. BRYAN, farmer. P. O. Xenia. was born in Pendleton County, Ky., Sep- tember 1, 1822, to Luke and Mary (San- ders) Bryan, natives of North Carolina. When our subject was eight years of age, he moved to Indianapolis, Ind., with his parents, and remained there until 1860, when he came to Clay County, 111. For five years, he was there engaged in farming, but about 1865, he engaged in the milling business at Xenia, in which he continued for fourteen years, when he again removed to the farm. He now owns 295 acres of well-improved land. April 2, 1844, he was married, in Indianapolis, Ind., to Miss Martha Russell. She is a native of Indiana, and a daughter of John and Malena Russell. Mi\ and Mrs. Bryan have four chil- dren, viz. : Alphonso, an attorney in Cham- is 226 BIOGRAPHICAL: paign, 111.; John R., a farmer in this coun- ty; Mrs. Parraelia Garland, of Howell, Michigan; and Orvil Grant, at home. Mr. Byan is a member of the A. P. & A. M . of Xenia. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. The grandfather of our subject, Samuel Bryan, was a native of Virginia, but moved to Kentucky in company with Daniel Boone, and his wife, our sub- ject's grandmother, is said to have been the first white woman in Kentucky. JOHN R. BRYAN, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Indiana April 6, 1848, and is the son of J. M. Bryan. Our subject was reared on the farm, and was educated in the schools of Xenia, but afterward attended the State University at Champaign, 111., for one year. His occupation has been that of a stock dealer and raiser and farmer. He now owns 200 acres of land, 160 acres of which are prairie and forty timber land. In 1880, he built on the farm one of the best farm residences in the county. The main building is 32x17 feet, L 9x17 feet, all two stories high, and a single-story kitchen 14x18 feet. December 23, 1875, he was married, in this county, to Miss Catherine A. Cannon. She was born in Kentucky November 1, 1858, daughter of John and Mary Cannon, now residents of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan have four children, viz.: Inez C. , Minnie, Joseph Lyman "and Malena. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. In pol- itics, he is Democratic. In early life, Mr. Bryan spent two years in Colorado, mining, dairying, etc., and made a success of his enterprise. He had gone to the West when only nineteen years of age. P. B. DOW, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Bellefontaine, Logan Co., Ohio, May 5, 1840, to Robert and Harriet (Brewster) Dow. The father was born in Scotland, near Crief, but came to the United States when only live years of age. He is yet living, and at the advanced age of seventy years. The mother was born in Pennsylvana, and died when our subject was small. She was the mother of live sons, four of whom yet survive — one son died in 1878. Mr. Robert Dow has been married three times. By the second wife, however, he had no child, but has a daughter by the third wife. His occupation has al- ways been that of farmer, but is now retired from active life. Our subject was reared on the farm and educated in the schools of his native county. He has made farming his occupation during life, and has met with success, as he now owns a farm of 240 acres of well -improved land. On his farm there are never- failing springs of pure water, and also an outcropping of coal in a four-inch vein. In the spring of 1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-second Ohio Infantry. Soon afterward, however, he raised a company for the One Hundred and Ninety- first Ohio Infantry, and was elected Captain of the company. He then served as Captain of Company F till receiving his discharge in Sepiember, 1865. During his service, he was in the Army of the Potomac, participating in all the engagements on the Peninsula and around Richmond during his time of service. After returning from the army, he again en- gaged in farming in Ohio, but in 1871 came to Clay County, 111., to his present farm. In April, 1869, he was married, in his native county in Ohio, to Miss Sallie E. Patterson, a native of Washington County, Penn. This union has been blessed with the following- named children: Stewart P., Robert B., William S., D. Jay, Mary Nina and Brew- ster. He and wife are members of the United Presbyterian Church. He is a mem- ber of the G. A. R. of Xenia. In politics, he is Republican. THOMAS HARRISON, farmer, P. O. SONGER TOWNSHIP. 227 Xenia, was born ia Dearborn County, Ind., July 18, 1825, to John and Phoebe (Milburn) Harrison, both natives of Virginia, where they were married. In 1814, they emigrated to Indiana, and lived in a block-house for some time. They resided in 'Indiana till death. They were the parents of four sons and four daughters; three sons and one of the daughters yet survive, viz., Simeon, Thomas, John, and Elizabeth Caldwell. When our subject was a young man, he learned to be a pilot on the river, and for nine years was on a boat as pilot, running between Cincinnati and New Orleans. The life was too rough to suit him, so he quit the river, and for five and one-half years was in the distilling bus- iness.'. In 1853, he commenced farming in Indiana. He continued farming and dealing in stock in Indiana till 1865, when he sold out and came to Clay County, 111., and bought his present farm, which now contains 345 acres, 2S0 of which are in prairie. When Mr. Harrison started in life, it was under adverse circumstances, having no capital, and but very little education. However, through his energy and perseverance, he has accumulated a good property, and has litted himself for a good business man. Ever since his marriage, he has taken an active interest in schools, and for eight years has held the office of Township Treasurer of schools. June 7, 1849, he was married to Mary L. Hudson. She died April, 1850. May 4, 1851, Mr. Harrison was married to Miss Martha Wheeler. She was born in Indiana, daughter of William and Nancy Wheeler. This union has been blest with nine children living and one dead, viz.: Mary E., Atha J., Nancy, Margaret (deceased), William H., Per- ry, John, Theodore, Abigail and Cornelia. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is identified with the Democratic party. A. M. E. MARTIN, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Rush County, Ind., November 20. 1833. to William and Mary (Jones) Mar- tin, natives of Woodford County, Ky., where they were married. In about 1823, they em- igrated to Indiana, where they resided till 1842, and then came to Clay County, 111., where she died in 1843. He, however, lived till 1876. He was married three times, but only had children by the first wife, and by her there were five daughters and three sons, and of that number only the following are now living: James W., Elizabeth Holeman, and our subject. A. M. E. Our subject has resided most of his life in Clay County, com- ing here with his father in 1842. Six years of his life, however, he resided in Marion County. He also has been married three times; first, November 11, 1853, to Mary Jane Atkinson, a native of Orange County. Ind. She was the mother of five children now living, and three dead. Mrs. Martin died in 1870. He was married, February 9, 1873, to Lucinda A. Chasteen, a native of Illinois. She was the mother of one child, now living. Mrs. M. died January 3, 1874. July 11, 1875, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Thomas, a native of Orange Coun- ty, Ind. She is the mother of three children. The following are the names of Mr. Martin's living children: Jasper N., William A, Mary E., Rosa B., Lydia J., Winnie L., Ella J., James E. and an infant. When Mr. Martin first started for himself, it was as a farm hand, working for two years on a farm in In- diana in 1850 and 1851. October 3, 1864, he moved on to his present farm, which was at that time all an open prairie. He now owns a farm of 218 acres of well-improved land. He and wife are members of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, and have been for nearly a quarter of a century, and during that time he has been an Elder in the church. 228 BIOGRAPHICAL: In politics, be is Democratic, and has held different township offices; for four years in succession he was Supervisor of the town- ship, and for two years was Chairman of the board. I. N. SEFTON, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was bom in Greensburg, Decatur Co., Ind. , September 5, 1835, and is the son of Henry and Eliza (Poe) Sefton. The mother was born in Kentucky, but was mostly reared in Indiana. The father was born in Ireland but came to the United States, when about twelve years of age, and settled with his parents in Indiana. His trade was that of wa^'on and carriage maker, and he followed that occupation till coming to Clay County in about 1852. He then invested in a farm of 160 acres at first, to which he afterward added eighty more, so that now the old home- stead contains 240 acres of land. For three years after coming to the county, he was en- gaged in a wagon and blacksmith shop in Xenia, but then returned to the farm where he died in 1871. His widow, however, still survives, and was seventy-one years of age in February, 1883. She is the mother of eight children — two daughters and six sons. One son and one daughter, however, died after reaching maturity. The remaining ones are living in this county. Our subject is the eldest of the family. He was reared in De- catur County, Ind., and in this county, and mostly educated here. March 21, 1861, he was married to Ellen Sefton. She was born in Decatur County, Ind.. daughter of Will- iam Sefton, of this county. Mrs. Sefton died October 31, 1872. She was the mother of two sons and two daughters, viz., Almira, Cyrus, Dora and Thiers. Mr. S. settled on his present farm soon after marriage. It was at that time all open prairie. He now owns 160 acres of well-improved land, on which he is engaged in general farming, stock and hay-raising. He and his brothers have a hay press on the farm, and a ware- house in Xenia for their hay. In politics, he is identified with the Republican party. JACOB H. SONGER, farmer, P. O. Xenia, was born in Clay County April 6, 1838, and is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Whit- man) Songer. The father was a native of Virginia, born February 8, 1801. The moth- er was born in Kentucky April 20, 1809. In youth they had emigrated to Indiana, and were there married November 14, 1828, and almost immediately afterward moved to Clay County, III. In the spring of 1829, settled on the farm, where they lived to a good old age, he dying April 6, 1874, and she Octo- ber 13, 1880. They were the parents of six sons and six daughters. Of the twelve only the following are now living: John; Nancy, wife of Robert Walker; Frances A., wife of Flemming Warren; Eliza A., wife of John W. Chapman; Frederick W. and Jacob H. Mr. Samuel Songer's occupation was that of a farmer, and through his industry accumu- lated a good property, and more than all lived so as to gain the respect and confidence of all. Our subject was reared on the farm, and in early life he attended the schools of the county. In later years, he was a student at McKendree College, Lebanon, 111., for two years. In starting in life for himself, he chose the same occupation as his father. However, he has taught several schools. Mr. Songer's farm contains 420 acres of land, part of it being a portion of the old home- stead. He is engaged in general farming, however the raising of hay receives most of his attention. December 22, 1863, he was married to Miss Sarah J. Onstott, daughter of Levi Onstott, of Xenia Township. She was tlie mother of three children, viz., Agnes, Edgar (who died at two and a half years of age), and Delbert. Mrs. Songer died Au- PIXLEY TOWNSHIP. 229 gust 22, 1873. March 6, 18S1, he was united in marriage to Miss Amanda E. Mul- ling, daughter of John D. Mullins, a resident of this township. This union has been blest with one child, viz., Bruce. In politics, Mr. Songer is identified with the Republican party. ROBERT WALKER, Xenia. The sub- ject of this sketch was bom in Rush County, Ind., June 6, 1827, to John and Margaret (Anderson) Walker, both natives of Virginia. The father was born February 1, 1786. The mother September 20, 1791. In early life they had emigrated to Kentucky, where they were married October 14, 1813. Some years after this, they moved to Indiana. His oc- cupation was that of a farmer in early life, but in later years he followed school-teach- ing, as he was unable for farm work on ac- count of rheumatism. In fall of 1837, they removed from Indiana to Coles County, 111., where he died February 8, 1840. In fall of 1840, the family returned to Indiana, to De- catur County, and in November, 1848, came to Clay County, 111., where the mother re- sided till her death, December 27, 1876. They were the parents of seven children who lived to be grown; three had died in infancy. Only three of the family are now living — James M., Robert and Samuel. Our subject was educated in Indiana, and has made farm- ing his occupation during life. September 18, 1851, he was married to Miss Nancy Songer, a daughter of Samuel Songer (see sketch of Jacob Songer). She was born February 28, 1832, and is the mother of seven children living and two dead— John S., Margaret (wife of Henry V. Jessup), Josephine Sayre, Angie, Leander, Kittie and Arthur. After marriage, Mr. Songer settled on the farcn one mile north of his present residence, where he resided till 1883, and then came to his present farm, which was the old homestead of Mr. Samuel Songer. His farm now contains 290 acres of land, most of which is in cultivation. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In politics, he is an active Republican. PIXLEY TOWNSHIP. MILO BLACK, M. D, and farmer, P. O. Sailor Springs, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, November 22, 1816, and is a son of Matthias Black (deceased) and Elizabeth (Hammel) Black. The latter died in New- ton. Ind., in 1881, at the age of eighty-nine years. Our subject was brought up on the farm and educated in the Madisonville Sem- inary, in his native county. He graduated from the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati in 1841, and at once removed to Lawrence- burg, Ind., where he practiced medicine un- til 1846. He then returned to Madisonville, Ohio, and practiced there until 1849, when he went via Cape Horn to California. He practiced in San Francisco until March, 1851; during this time he built and carried on a hospital there. In 1851, he returned to Madisonville, and built there a fine resi- dence, which has remained the finest in that place, until the present day. He continued to practice medicine in his old home town until 1864, when he came to Clay County. He practiced medicine with great success in 230 BIOGRAPHICAL: and around Pixley Township until 1880, when he left the farm to the care of his sons and established a drug store in Clay City, but sickness in his sons' families caused him to return to the farm, but he refuses to practice regularly. The Doctor has been very success- ful also as a farmer and stock -raiser, and owns 520 acres of land. He was married, December 7, 1843, to Priscilla H. Clason, a daughter of Smith Clason. They have had seven children, live living — John L., present Treasurer of Clay County; Charles W., at home; Frederick E., at home; Stella H. Mc- Collum, in Alabama; and Otto E. is learning telegraphy in Clay City. While in Ohio, the Doctor was Township Treasurer for five years. JOSEPH DEWHIEST, farmer, P. O. Wil- sonburg, was born in Edwards County, 111., January 24, 1836, and is a son of James Dewhirst (deceased), a native of Epworth, Lincolnshire, England, who came to America when eighteen years old. He was a carpenter, but in after life a farmer. Our subject has always lived on the farm. His educational advantages were limited, having attended a subscription school a short time, taught in a log cabin with a dirt floor and slab seats. He came to Clay County with his parents in 1851, and has since made this his home. He owns 170 acres of land, and is en- gaged in farming and stock-raising on Sec- tion 13. In religion, he is a Methodist. He was married December 25, 1856, to Nancy C, daughter of Samuel Byrne (deceased). They have had six children, five living — James A , Elizabeth F.. Solomon H, John M. and Jettie C. JOHN DITTEE, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Sailor Springs, is a native of Smith County, Tenn., and was born December 7, 18(»7. His father, Elijah Ditter, was a Da- tive of North Carolina. John was raised on the farm in his native county, and received a limited education in a subscription school, taught in a log cabin with a dirt floor and a paper window. He came to Clay County in the spring of 1829, and settled at Sailor Springs, on Section 25, Hoosier Township, where he entered a cabin on the claim of Hack Sams, paying him soon afterward $75 for his claim and improvements. Mr. Ditter afterward went ten or twelve miles to assist in house-raising, and the settlers worked the roads from Louisville to Fox Eiver, near Olney, under the same path- master. The deer and other wild animals were numerous in those days, and Mr. Ditter killed many of them for his supply of meat. He resided at the^Springs for seven years, when he removed to his present homestead on Section 18, Pixley Township. He began life with little or no means, and gradually worked his way up. As a farmer and stock- raiser, he has been eminently successful, and now owns 680 acres of land. He held the office of Supervisor one term, but has never sought political favors. He is a Mason, and in religious views a Universal isi He was married, July 10, 1828, lo Amelia McKinney, a daughter of Jeremiah McKinney (deceased), and a sister of James McKinney, of Pixley Township, of whom we make further mention elsewhere in this work. This union was blessed with eight children, but one of whom is living, viz., John. Mrs. Ditter died in November, 1S48, and he married again in 1849, this time to Mrs. Thursey Chapman, by whom he has had four children, two of these are living — George W. and Amanda (Hammer). WILLIAM L. HOUSTON, builder, Sail- or Springs, was born in Hillsboro Coun- ty. N. H, August 20, 1813, and is a son of John Houston (deceased), also a native of New Hampshire. Mr. Houston spent his boyhood days on the farm, and attended a P1XLEY TOWNSHIP. 231 common school, and a select school in Hop- kinton, N. H. He learned the carpenter and builder's trade when but a boy. He is also an accomplished brick mason and plasterer. In January, 1836, he removed to Pike Coun- ty, 111., locating in Griggsville. He there followed his trade until 1866, when he came to Pana, 111., and there engaged in the man- ufacture of brick, until 1882, when he visited his native State, and, returning, purchased some land on Section 30, just in the edge of Pixley Township, and laid out Houston's Addition to Sailor Springs, and has since busied himself in building houses here. Mr. Houston does not neglect the religious and charitable institutions; he built, at his own expense, a house for public worship at Sailor Springs in 1883. He is a Baptist in faith and practice. He moved his family to the Springs in the spring of 1883. He was married in April, 1837, to Maria Whittimore, a native of Massachusetts. WILLIAM H. LEVITT, farmer and stock- dealer, P. O. Gatewood, is a native of Posey County, Ind., and was born October 2, 1834. His father, Michael Levitt, was born near Lexington, Ky., and his mother, Maria (Han- ning) Levitt, was a native of Fayette County, Ky., and a daughter of Daniel Hanning, a Virginian by birth, and of German descent. Michael Levitt removed with his family to Clay County in 1849, and settled on Levitt's Prairie, in Pixley Township, which was settled iirst by his brother, James Levitt, as early as 1828. William attended the com- mon schools, and since grown has paid his attention to farming and dealing in stock. He owns 500 acres of land. For two years he engaged in the mercantile business at Gatewood. In religion, he is a Baptist. He was married, October 27, 1875, to Drucilla, only child of Joel Wammack (deceased), an early settler of Clay County. They have had two children -Francis Marion and Will- iam R. PETER M. LOUGH, farmer, P. O. Wil- sonburg, was born in Braxton County, W. Va. > March 26, 1838, and is a son of Peter Lough' a native of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lough was brought up on the farm, and attended school in a log cabin with a dirt floor. He came with his parents to Edwards County, 111., in 1839, and to this county in 1840. The first summer they lived in a rail pen, and in the fall built a cabin. Mr. Lough was a soldier in the late war, in Company H, Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Vicksburg, At- lanta, Kenesaw Mountain, Lookout Mountain, both battles at Corinth, Jackson, Miss., Res- aca, Big Shanty, Island No. 10, Point Pleasant, Bentonville and others, and was with Sherman to the sea. He was married, February 1, 1875, to Elizabeth Dewhirst, daughter of James Dewhirst (deceased). Our subject owns ninety acres of land, and is en- gaged in general farming. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. JAMES McKINNEY, farmer, P. O. Sailor Springs, is a native of Wilson County, Tenn., and was born April 26, 1812. His father, Jeremiah McKinney (deceased) was a native of Virginia. Our subject was left an orphan when only three or four years old, and was brought up by his uncle, Elijah Wammack, who resided also in Wilson County. James enjoyed very limited educational advantages, but had to perform much hard labor; to use his own words: " I had a very hard row to peddle." He came to this county in 1830, where he has since resided. As a farmer and stock-raiser, he has been eminently success- ful, and now owns about 400 acres of land. He was a soldier in the Bla'ck Hawk war in 1832, under Capt. John Onstott and Gen. 232 BIOGRAPHICAL Pope. His Lieutenants were Henson and Moore. In the early clays, he saw many In- dians here, but they were peaceable and quiet. He also saw and killed many deer, wild eats, catamounts and panthers. He al- so saw several bears; he killed three wild cats in one day. He has been a valued and useful citizen all through life. For several years he held the office of Supervisor for Pixley Township. Mr. McKinney was mar- ried in October, 1835, to Elizabeth Berry, daughter of Thomas Berry, an early settler of Clay County. They had three children, all deceased. Mrs. McKinney died in Feb- ruary, 1839, and the following fall he mar- ried Mary, daughter of Dugal Campbell. By her he had eleven children, of whom but two are living — Jeremiah and John A. Two sons, James K. and Charles B., died after grown. Mrs. McKinney died, and he mar- ried Mrs. Mary Lutz for his third wife, who is his present companion. She had one child by her first husband — Diana Lutz. JAMES A. NEVINS, Superintendent, Sailor Springs, was born in Overton County, Tenn., January 30, 1835. His father, Rob- ert Nevins (deceased), was a native of the same county, and brought his family to Ma- coupin County, 111., in 1839. Mr. Nevins assisted in getting out the timbers of the trestles on the Springfield Branch of the O. & M. R. R., and was the company's first agent at Louisville, in Clay County. The first three months he used a box car for an office. He remained at Louisville until Jan- uary, 1871, when he was transferred to Fair- field, in AVayne County. He remained there until April, 1880, when he removed to Sailor Springs, where he has for over three years been Superintendent and general manager of the Springs and grounds. He was a soldier for Uncle Sam in the late war, in Company B, Fortieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded accidentally while performing some labor, and now draws a pension. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to the Fairfield Chapter. He is also a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Nevins was mar- ried, December 22, 1856, to Martha Sprouse, a sister of Capt. W. T. Sprouse, formerly of Company B, Fortieth Regiment Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry. DR. ANDREW J. SHORE, physician, Gatewood, was born in Orange County, Ind., April 12, 1835, and is a son of John H. Shore (deceased), a native of North Carolina. The Doctor was brought up on the farm, and attended the common schools. He came to Clay County in 1852, and for eighteen years engaged in teaching, for the most part in this county. He taught the first public school in District No. 5, in Pixley Township. He served in the late war in Company F, Forty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, and participated in the battles of Jackson Cross Roads, Fort Blakely and others. " After peace was declared, his regi- ment was kept on provost duty until January, 1866. It was during that time that he did much of his reading medicine. He began the practice of medicine in Pixley Township in 1873, and built up a large practice. In 1877, he passed the State Board of Medical Examiners at Charleston, and has since con- tinued his practice. He also owns a good farm. The Doctor is at present Postmaster, Township School Treasurer, and Justice of the Peace. In 1880, he took the census of Pixley Township. He is a member of the Ancient Order of United Woikmen, and of the Christian Church. He was married, in February, 1870, to Cecelia Wheatly, daugh- ter of Josiah Wheatly (deceased). They have four children, viz. : Matilda E., Fran- cis M.. Elizabeth A. and John P. J. P1XLEY TOWNSHIP. 233 ROBERT H. SMITH, Justice of the Peace, and farmer, P. O. Clay City is a native of Franklin County, N. C, and was born February 18, 1833. His father, James H Smith (deceased), was a native of Frank- lin County also, who brought his family to Clay County in 1852, where he died in 1856. Our subject was brought up on the farm, and educated in the common schools. He is also a carpenter by trade, and has followed that avocation more or less. He owns eighty acres of land, and resides on Section 32. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace for the past nine years, and is the present incum- bent. The Esquire is a member in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was married, May 11, 1S56, to Susan A., daughter of James Alexander (deceased), a North Carolinian, who settled in Clay County over forty years ago. They have had eight children, seven living —John H, Ella, James A., Laura I., Stella F., Theodore and Edward. Mr. Smith's grandfather, GoodmaD Smith, was born in North Carolina, and of Irish descent. BENJAMIN H. WILLIAMS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Clay City, was born hi Lawrence County, Ind., April 30, 1816, and is a son of James Williams (deceased), a native of North Carolina, and one of the first settlers of Lawrence County, Ind. Ben- jamin attended a subscription school taught in a log cabin, with split-pole benches, puncheon floor, stick and clay chimney and a huge fire-place. He came to this county in 1840, where he has since resided. He began life on nothing, and by hard work and econ- omy has acquired 200 acres of valuable land, well improved. He has been married three times His first wife was Nancy West, who bore hem eight children, but one of whom is living, viz., Susan (Payne). He married Gracie Cooper for his second wife, who had two children, one living, viz., Jesse. His third wife was Cynthia, daughter of JameB Ritcheson, who came to Clay County in 1850. By her he has had four children, three liv- ing — John A., Charlotte and Sarah C. Mr. W. is a member of the Christian Church. NATHAN H. WILLIAMS, farmer, P. O. Clay City, was born in Greenbrier County, Va., January 23, 1820, and is a son of "Will- iam Williams (deceased), a native also of Greenbrier County. Mr. Williams spent his boyhood days on his father's farm in his native county, and attended a subscription school. In 1839, he went to Johnson Coun- ty, Mo., but returned to Virginia in 1840. In 1845, he came to Gallia County, Ohio, where he engaged in farming until 1865, when he came to Clay County. He owns 100 acres of land, and lives on Section 31. He is a Deacon in the Christian Church. Mr. "Will- iams married Melissa Eagle, January 1, 1846, and by her has had nine children — William (killed by the cars at Lebanon, 111., several years ago), George, ReeBe and Char- ley (twins), Mary E., Margaret, Elmer (de- ceased), Alonzo and John. 234 BIOGRAPHIC A], STANFORD TOWNSHIP. J. T. BOTHWELL, farmer, P. O. Clay City, was born in what is now Vinton, then Athens County, Ohio, on September 16, 1816, and is a son of James and Charlotte (Potter) Bothwell. The father was a native of Scot- land and came to this country when eight years old, with his parents, who settled in Win- chester, Va. After residing there a few years, the parents moved to Greensburg in the same State, where they died. The father grew to manhood there and married Miss Charlotte Potter, who was a native of Fayette County, Penn. The twain came to Athens County, Ohio, soon after their marriage and settled down. Subject was the fourth of eleven children, of whom but six are now living — J. T., J. K. and A. W. (in this county), G. B. (in Missouri), E. P. (in McArthar, Ohio) and Mrs. Catherine Foster (in Chillicothe, Ohio). The subscription schools of his na- tive county furnished subject his means of education. He remained at home until about twenty-one, and then commenced working as a journeyman tailor, going from point to point. In November, 1840, he came to Clay County, and first settled in Maysville. Here he followed numerous vocations. He first worked at his trade, then opened a general store, next accepted the position of station agent on the stage line, and finally became Postmaster. He remained in Maysville until April, 1857, and then came to his pres- ent farm in this township. He first pur- chased 120 acres, which he has increased to about 1,800 acres in this and Wayne County. He now has about 800 acres in cul- tivation and thirty acres in orchard. Has been considerable of a stock dealer, but of late years has not paid so much attention to it. Mr. Bothwell has been married three times. The first time in Ohio,' in March, 1840, to Miss Priscilla Potter, a daugh- ter of Charles Potter. This lady was the mother of five children, two of whom are now living, viz.: Charles H., in Missouri; and J. O, in Wayne County. Her death took place in November, 1847. And he was mar- ried the second time, in Wayne County, in June, 1848, to Miss Indiana Mabry, a daugh- ter of Benjamin Mabry, one of the early pioneer's of the adjoining county. This union resulted in ten children, eight of whom are now living, viz.: J. C. (in Colorado), Mrs. Alice Lownsdale (in Clay City), Mrs. Emma Foster (in Missouri), Mrs. Sallie Todd (in Shelby County, 111.), Ben (in In- diana), and Samuel I., Clara and Kate (at home). This lady died in January, 1872. And subject was married in July, 1873, to Miss Kebecca Louthridge. She is the daugh- ter of Samuel Louthridge, a native of Scot- land. Mr. Bothwell is a member of the Clay City Methodist Church, and Mrs. Bothwell of the Flora Presbyterian Church. In politics,Mr. Bothwell is identified with the Republican party. JOHN M. CHAFFIN, farmer, P. O. Clay City, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, on March 28, 1828, and is a son of Reuben and Sarah (Smith) Chafiin. The father was a native of New Hampshire, and of English descent, the mother, a native of Vermont, and died in January, 1876. The father was both a farmer and miller by occupation. His death occurred in February. 1863. Subject was the fifth of eleven children, of whom STANFORD TOWNSHIP. 235 nine are now living, viz., Osman, in Howard County, Ind. ; Mrs. Electa Smith, of Stanford Township ; Leander, in Warren County, Iowa ; Francis M. , in Page County, Iowa ; Reuben, in San Diego County, Cal. ; Mrs. Lucy Michaelney, in Sumner County, Kan. ; Benjamin F., in Wan-en County, Iowa ; Mrs. Roxy Newlan. in Scioto County, Ohio, and John M. (our subject). The latter' s educa- tion was received in the schools of his native county. He remained at home until twenty- one, assisting in his father's mill, and also learned the carpenter's trade. He then be- came a partner in a mill in Scioto County. In 1852, he came to Clay County, and here for a number of years he followed his trade of carpenter. In the fall of 1865, he came to his present farm, where he now owns 390 acres in Sections 13 and 24, of Township 3 north. Range 7 east. Has about 300 acres in cultivation. Mr. Chaffin was married in Stanford Township, on May 17, 1863, to Miss Mary E. Clay pool, a daughter of John Clay- pool, of Ohio. Mrs. Chaffin was born on May 10. 1845, and is the mother of three living children, viz., Herbert Bruce, born March U7 . 1864 ; Francis Marion, born December •_:5. 1869 ; Horatio Clyde, born January 4, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffin are both mem- bers of the Clay City Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject is a strong Republican. ABEL CHANEY, farmer, P. O. Clay City. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is one of the oldest settlers now living in the township. He was born on February 5, 1816, in Calvert County, Md. , and is a son of William and Ann (Wilkinson) Chaney, natives of that State. Subject was the eighth of ten children, four" of whom are now living, viz., Louis, Abel and Henry in this township, and Mrs. Phoebe Ann Price, of Flora. Soon after subject was born, his parents moved to Butler County, Ohio, where the father died on September 1, 1834, and in October follow- ing the mother moved to Clinton County, Ind., with her family. Here she died in 1841. Subject's education was received mainly in the schools of Ohio. He remained at home with his mother until twenty-two, and then settled down on a farm in Clinton County, and commenced life for himself. There he remained until September, 1853, and then came to Clay County. He settled on his present farm in this township, where he now owns 130 acres in Sections 24 and 25, of Township 3 north, Range 7 east. He has about 110 acres in cultivation, and about two and a-half acres orchard. Mr Chaney was married, in Clinton County, Ind., on January 4, 1838, to Miss Christina Fisher, a daughter of Peter and Catherine (Zaering) Fisher, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Dutch descent. Mrs. Chaney was born on October 4, 1818, and is the mother of nine children, six of whom are now living, viz., Washington C, born April 2, 1839, and now in Flora ; Thomas A., born October 5, 1841, now in Wayne County ; Sarah C, born May 4, 1844, now wife of F. J. Sheridan ; David F., born October 1, 1846, now in Wayne County ; Phoebe Ann, born October 27, 1848, now wife of E. McGilton; Charles O, born March 3, 1862, and now at home. Of the deceased ones Louis M. was born February 15, 1851, died August 19, 1858 ; Mary E. was born May 17, 1853, died August 4, 1860 ; Edward A. was born September 21, 1853, died April 23, 1862. Mr. Chaney has served in many offices, among which are School Treasurer twelve years, and Justice of the Peace twelve years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chaney are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church South of Clay City. In politics, our sub- ject is identified with the Democratic party. WALTER GILL, farmer. P. O. Clay City, was born in Yorkshire, England, on April 18, 236 BIOUUAPHK'AI.: 1827, and is a son of "William and Sallie (Littlewood) Gill, both of whom are now dead. He was the eldest of a family of thirteen children, of whom but four are now living, William, Ruth and Eliza, in England, and Walter, our subject. The latter received a common English education in the old country, and at an early age was apprenticed to learn the mason and stone-cutter's trade. He worked at that trade in England until about twenty-three, and then came to this country, landing in the city of New York in the summer of 1850. He worked in that city at his trade the following fall and win- ter, and in the next two years he worked in different cities in the Atlantic and Middle States. In 1853, he came to Illinois and began working as a contractor for mason and stone work on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. He worked on that road for two years, and then went to Missouri and there worked on the North Missouri, which was then under process of construction. He only worked there for one year, and then re- turned to Illinois. He settled in Stanford Township, Clay County. He first purchased 120 acres which he has since increased to 360 acres, situated in Sections 10, 15, 21 and 22. Has about 230 acres in cultivation; al- so pays some attention to stock-raising, handling about fifty head of cattle, and con- siderable amount of other stock in a year. Mr. Grill was married in Clay City Town- ship, Clay County, on March 15, 1855. to Mary Ann Evans, a daughter of Seth and Ketorah Evans, early pioneer settlers in this county, and already noticed in the his- tory of Clay City Township. Mrs. Gill was born in this county on October 5, 1827, and was the mother of seven children, live of whom are now living — Jonas in Flora, "Will- iam in Flora, Francis at Xenia, Charles in Louisville, and Oscar at Mill Shoals. Her death took place in March, 1866, and on September 26, 1869, Mr. Gill was married near Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co., 111., to Miss Mary Jane Gray, a daughter of George and Mary Ann (Doty) Gray, both natives of Virginia. This lady was also born in that State on January 1, 1840, and to her have been born five children, three of whom are now living, viz., Cora L., Ida R. and Emma J. Mr. Gill is a strong Democrat. Mrs. Gill is a member of the Clay City Methodist Epis- copal Church. JOSEPH S. PEAK, school teacher, Flora, was born in Butler County, Ohio, on March 16, 1837, and is a son of William E. and Cynthia (Flenner) Peak. The parents were also born in that county, but the father originally descended from English emigrants who settled in an early day in Maryland, and the mother came from Pennsylvania Dutch stock. Subject was the second of eleven children, of whom eight are now liv- ing — Mrs. Angeline Chidester, of Flora; Mrs. Mary Floyd, of Dublin, Ind. ; T. De "Witt, of Portsmouth, Ohio; Mrs. Carrie Major, of Flora; Mrs. Callie Manker, of Clay City; R. F., in Fort Scott, Kansas; Lou M., in Clay City, and Joseph S., our subject. In 1853, the parents came to Indiana and settled in Shelby County. There they remained some ten years, and then came to Flora, 111. At this place the mother died in February, 1877, but the father is still living there at the hale old age of seventy-five. The free schools of Ohio furnished our subject his means of ed- ucation. He assisted on the home farm in Indiana until about eighteen, when he com- menced teaching, and ever since he has made that the vocation of his life. He remained in Indiana until 1S64, when he came to Clay County and settled in this township. Here he now owns sixty acres in Section 16, of Town 2 north, Range 7, which he farms in STAFFORD TOWNSHIP. 23T the summer. His schools have been taught mainly in this township, and he is regarded as one of the best teachers in the county. He has taught every year since he arrived in the county. Among the schools which he has taught have been two terms at Baylor Schoolhouse, four at Seminary School, two at Bothwell and is now teaching at the Cen- ter School. He enlisted in Indiana on August 20, 1861, in Company B of the Thirty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served nine months. Was honorably discharged on account of sickness. Mr. Peak was married in Shelby County, Ind., on November 7, 1857, to Miss Susan Lick, a daughter of John B. and Maria (East) Lick, natives of North Carolina. This union has resulted in seven children, six of whom are now living — Addie, Charles A., Mary (now Deputy Postmistress at Clay City). William B., Edwin E. and Tillie L. He has served in many township offices, among which might be mentioned that of Township Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer. He has always been connected with the Re- publican party. He is a member of the United Brethren Church at Harmony Chapel- HARRY L. VAIL, farmer, P. O. Clay City, was born in Butler County, Ohio, on February 22, 1845, and is a son of Moses and Elizabeth (Vail) Vail. The parents were natives of Darke County, and of Scotch de- scent. Subject was the seventh of eight children, of whom seven are living, viz. : Mrs. Ellen Smalley, in Montgomery County, Ind. ; Mrs. Sarah Murphy, of Randolph County, Ind.; Linus, in Butler County, Ohio; Mrs. Maria Enyart, of Louisville. Clay County; Mrs. Matilda Kinikin, of Butler County, Ohio; Mrs. Eliza J. Peak, of Ports- mouth. Ohio; and Harry L., our subject. The free schools of his native county fur- nished the latter his means of education. He remained at home until twenty, and then came to Schuyler County, 111., where he remained but one year; then, in 1867, he came to Clay County, and first settled in this town- ship. After a year's residence on the farm, he moved to Clay City, and purchasing a drug store ran it for two years. He next went to Mississippi, and there merchandized for two years. From this State he again returned to Clay County, and this time lo- cated at Louisville, where he merchandized for one year. In 1872, he again came back to his farm in this township, and resided here for four years. The next two years he spent in his native county in Ohio, and then again came to this township. Here he now owns 740 acres in Sections 34. 35 and 36. He has about 700 acres in cultivation, and twelve acres in orchard. He also devotes some attention to stock-raising, handling about seventy -five head of hogs and 100 head of cattle per year. Mr. Vail was married, in St. Louis, Mo., on December 1, 1867, to Miss Fanny Murphy. This lady was born on January 7, 1845. Mr. Vail gives his support to the Democratic party. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vail are members of the Olive Methodist Episcopal Church South of this township. Subject is also a member of Clay City Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M. BIOGRAPHICAL: LARKINSBURG TOWNSHIP. J. M. ALLDRIDGE, merchant, Iola, was born June 18, 1840, in this township. He is a son of William and Dicy (Davis) Al- dridge, of whom mention is made in another part of this work. Our subject went to school here, and engaged in farming till he came to Iola. Previous to this, he had owned two good farms; the first of 100 acres he sold to Andrew Koss; the last of 136 acres he told to S. Weaver. In Iola, he bought a lot and house of Moore & Riley, in which he keeps a grocery store, also queens- ware and glassware. He also keeps boarders. Mr. Alldridge was married here, December 17, 1868, to Miss Sarah J. Littleton, born August 5, 1850, in this township. She is a daughter of John and Catharine (Peck) Lit- tleton, who are natives of Ohio. The result of this happy union is five children, viz., Mary A., Robert E., Leslie, Dollie and Claude (deceased). Mi - . Alldridge has made a suc- cess in farming, and also in his new occupa- tion, for which he seems eminently fitted. He has filled the offices of Township Clerk two years, and of Township Assessor two years. In politics, he is an ardent Democrat, and con sidered a leader among the Democrats in Larkinsburg Township. EDWAED FENDER, farmer, P. O. Iola, was born September 16, 1826, in Ashe Coun- ty, N. C, son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Bath) Fender. Andrew Fender was a native of North Carolina, and was a farmer and black- smith by occupation. He came to this county from Owen County, Ind., in 1843, and settled in Louisville Township, where he lived one year, then came to Larkinsburg Township, where he settled in Section 11, and bought the improvements on Lowtrip*s farm, which land he deeded the next year. After living here eighteen years, he went to Mercer County, 111., where he lived fourteen years; then re- turned to this county, and after a three rears' residence here moved back to Mercer County, where he died March 1 1, 1883, aged one hun- dred years. He was married four times, his first wife, Sarah O. Bath, died leaving seven children, viz., Aaron, Louis, John, Nellie, Anderson, Catharine and Nancy, of whom only Aaron is now living. His second wife, Elizabeth Bath, born in North Carolina, was the mother of six children, viz., Daniel, An- drew, Charity (deceased), Edward (our sub- ject), Elizabath Williamson and Nancy (de- ceased). His third wife, Mrs. Margaret Dyer, died in Mercer County. She was the mother of four children by this marriage, viz., Polly A. Shieft, Isaac, Madison and Jacob. His fourth wife, Mrs. Bingum. is yet living, and is the mother of several chil- dren. Our subject has been a farmer and trader. After he was married, he bought eighty acres of land in Louisville Township, which he sold. He then bought 120 acres which he also sold, living only a short time on each place. He then bought 160 acres in Oskaloosa Township, where he lived about twenty-nine years, during which time he bought considerable land, owning at one time 640 acres. He moved to Iola in Febru- ary, 1873. and has practically retired from active life. He started with nothing in the world and is a self-made man in every re- spect. While in Iola, he worked at the blacksmith trade part of the time, also was in a drug store, and for two years owned a LARKINSBURG TOWNSHIP. one-third interest in the Iola Mills. He never learned to read and write, but has done a good deal of business in his life. Our sub- ject was married here, April 9, 1846, to Miss Ella J. Davis, born February 16, 1829, in Tennessee. She is a daughter of Basil and Sarah (Tims) Davis. She is the mother of eleven children, of whom five are now living, viz., John W., Andrew B., Henry M., Theo- dosia Williams and James N. Mr. and Mrs. Fender are religiously connected with the Baptist Church. He is a Democrat; and has yet 280 acres of land, having given all his children a farm or its equivalent in money. I. D. FENDER, farmer, P. O. Edgewood, Effingham Co., 111., was born December 24, 1839, in Lawrence County, Ind. His par- ents were John and Matilda (Sheeks) Fender, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Lawrence County, Ind.; she died in 1875. John Fender, the father of our subject, came to Illinois in 1850, and settled in Effingham County, where he died in the fall of 1865. He was one of the largest farmers of his day, owning at one time over 1,200 acres of land in this and Effingbam Counties, of which a great deal was deeded to his children before his demise. He was also a great stock-trader as well as farmer, and widely known for his honesty in dealing and his broad ideas and general knowledge. He was married in Indiana. His wife was the mother of nine children, of whom live are now living, viz.: Malinda C. Brown, Isaac D. (our subject), Sarah (deceased), Daniel (now a resident of Mercer County), John B. (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), Joseph O., Martha E. Brown (deceased), and Henry D. Our subject was reared and schooled in Indiana and in this county. He has been married twice, the first time in 1860, to Sarah J.Price, a native of this town- ship, a daughter of James and Sina (Trover) Price, he a native of North Carolina, and she of Larkinsbnrg Township, of which her father was an old settler. Seven children were the result of this union, of whom only Sina O, born May 16, 1868, is now living. After the death of Mr. Fender's first wife, he was married a second time, to Eugenia Brown, born April 2, 1855, in Johnson County, Ind., daughter of Job and Phcebe (Williams) Brown. Four children are the result of this union, viz.: Charley J., Phcebe L. , Robert O., and Maggie D. Mr. and Mrs. Fender are members of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. He is a Republican; has been Tax Collector three terms; and keeps his farm of 250 acres in a high state of cul- tivation. H. S. WATSON, farmer and miller, P. O. Iola. Some men can only follow one occu- pation in life, and that one is the only one which leads to their prosperity. Other men, with large and active brains, perhaps with a restless disposition, but with sterling business qualities, can go into almost anything and make a success of it. The subject of the fol- lowing sketch belongs to the latter class, and at life's close can look back and say that he has not lived in vain: Mr. H. S. Watson was born October 6, 1831, in Washington County, N. Y. , of which place his pai-ents, David R. and Lydia (Whedon) Watson, are also natives. David Watson is a mechanic, and is yet living in Livingston County, N. Y. , aged seventy-seven years, and is the father of three children, viz.: Henry S., William D. and Maria McKinnon (deceased). Mrs. Lydia Watson died in this township in 1871, after which David R. W T atson, the father of our subject, was married a second time to Lois A Worthington, a native of New York. She is yet living, and is the mother of Walter Watson. Our subject was educated in New York, and at the age of fourteen went to 240 BIOGRAPHICAL: Monticello, Jefferson Co., Ga., whore he clerked eight years in succession for his un- cle, Joel S. Graves, who owned one store in Georgia and another across the line in Flor- ida. Mr. Watson also clerked in the Florida store whenever business was pressing. In Thomas County, Ga., on February 1, 1S54, onr subject was married to Miss Julia A. Wood, born February 3, 1832, in Southwick, Mass. Her parents, William A. and Laura (Shepard) Wood, wero also natives of Massa- chusetts, and of English descent. Our subject followed farming in Georgia till December, 1857, when he came to Xenia, Clay Co., 111., where he followed the carpenter and joiner's trade till 1860, when he merchandized oneyear in Blue Point, Wayne Co., 111., with discour- aging results, and in 1801 came to Larkins- burg Township, where he farmed one year. In 1802, he enlisted in the Ninety-eighth Illinois Mounted Infantry, Company C, act- ing as Regimental Quartermaster, with the rank of Lieutenant. While at Macon, Ga., he was detailed as Post Quartermaster, in which capacity he remained until he was or- dered home with his regiment, having served nearly three years. After the war, our sub- ject engaged in the furniture business in Xenia, but after one year moved to Odin, Marion County, where he worked at the car- ponter trade, and then went to Medina, Or- leans Co., N. Y. , where he remained but a short time, and then returned to Larkins- burg Township, Clay Co., 111., which he has made his home mainly ever since. During the years 1872 to 1870, he served as County Treasurer of Clay County. In 1876, he formed a partnership with William H. Hudle- son, and engaged in the banking business at Louisville till November, 1881, when he closed up and returned to Larkinsburg Town- ship, where he is at present engaged in the milling business, having bought a one-fourth interest in the Tola Mills. He also is inter- ested in farming, and owns 900 acres of land in this and adjoining townships. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are members of the Presbyterian Church in Flora, and are the parents of two children, viz. : Laura S. Rapp (born Novem- ber 9, 1854), and Henry E. (born September 22, 1856). Mr. Watson is an active member of the Iola Lodge, No. 091, of which he has been Master. He is identified with the Re- publican party, has tilled many township offices, and is at present President of the Board of Supervisors. BLAIR TOWNSHIP. JAMES ANDERSON, physician, Hord, was born July, 3, 1 825 in Fayette County, Ind. , son of George and Eliza (Shipley) Anderson, he a native of Kentucky, and she of Maryland. He was born in September, 1798, and died Aug. 0, 1883, and was a farmer and mechanic by occupation. She was born in 1S03, and died in Sonoma County, Cal. She is the mother of ten children, viz.: James, Cyn- thia, Eliza, Robert and David (twins), Sarah, Jane, George, Rebecca and Thomas. Our subject is mainly self-educated, receiv- ing his medicial education at Des Moines, Iowa, to which city his father had moved in 1848. There Dr. Russell was his preceptor for two years, after which he studied medi- cine himself and gradually acquired his fund of knowledge. In the spring of 1852, he re- BLAIR TOWNSHIP. 241 turned to Illinois, where he stayed one year with Dr. Falley, of Mason, Effingham County. In 1856, our subject came to Clay County, where he boarded nine months with Dr. Bugher and taught school, also prac- ticed medicine a little by visiting Dr. Bugher's patients for him. After this, our subject taught school in this and Effingham County for two years, and finally in 1858 established himself as a physician in Jordon. At present he resides a half mile west of Jordon, now called Hord Post Office, enjoy- ing a large and remunerative practice. The Doctor also owns 215 acres of land in this town- ship. Dr. Anderson was joined in matrimony, January 2, 1859, in Blair Township to Miss Susannah Blair, born February 13, 1836, in Indiana. She is a daughter of James and Margaret (Hughes) Blair. Six children are the result of this happy union, the names of the children are: George (born October 10, 1859), David B. (born December 10, 1861), Francis H. (born October 15, 186 1), Howard M. (born July 23, 1870), Luella (born April 24, 1872, she died November 14, 1874), and Mahala A. (born March 10, 1876). Dr. and Mrs. Anderson are members of the Baptist Church. He has filled the office of Town- ship Clerk, Highway Commissioner, Town ship Supervisor. DAVID BLAIR, farmer, P. O. Hord, was born June 16, 1829, in Martin County, Ind. He is a son of James and Margaret (Hughes) Blair, natives of Tennessee, who settled in Blair Township on Section 15, in the fall of 1839. Our subject received his schooling in Indiana and in the old-fashioned subscrip- tion schools of this county. When the war clouds began to hover over this country, Mr. Blair became an ardent supporter of the Union cause and enlisted August 12, 1861, at Mason, 111., in the Thirty-eighth Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, Company B, Capt. Young. He held the position of First Duty Sergeant, and served till September 15, 1864, that be- ing the expiration of his time, and on ac- count of sickness, received his discharge at Chattanooga. He participated in the battles of Frederickstown, Stone River, the Georgia campaign and other engagements. At the battle of Stone River, he was taken prisoner of war, but paroled, and as the parole was not recognized, he continued to do duty. Upon his leturn home, he engaged in agri- cultural pursuits, and as the result of his la- bor has a fine farm of 140 acres of land with good improvements. He bought his first land in 1864. forty-eight acres, for which he paid $800. Our subject was married. No- vember 3, 1864, to Hannah R. Wilson, who died July 3, 1865. His present wife, nee Miss Adeline Lewis, a model wife and house- keeper, was born October 10, 1835, in Louis- ville. She is a daughter of Crawford and Elizabeth (Neel) Lewis, and is the mother of four children — Hallie G., born August 25, 1869; Francis W., born December 2, 1870. Harrison E. born August 5, 1872, and Anna Rosette, deceased. Mr. Blair has served his many friends in the capacity of School Treas- urer, and in politics is a Republican. JESSE BLAIR, farmer, P. O. Hord, is another descendant of one of our old pio- neer families in Blair Township. He is a son of Josiah Blair, who was a native of Hawkins County, Tenn. He, Josiah Blair, was married twice; his first wife, Hattie (Ray) Blair, was a native of Indiana, where she died. She was the mother of five children — George, Nancy Eytchison, John, Jesse, our subject, and Jemima Redman. His second wife, Lavina Westmoreland, whom he mar- ried in Indiana, and with whom he came to this county, was the mother of the following children — Manley, William, Alfred, Josiah and Hailey are now dead, Manley and Josiah 242 BIOGRAPHICAL: dying while in the army. The following are yet living: James H., Henry C, Harrison, Louisa Williams, Lavina E., Elizabeth Rex- rode and Sarah J., wife of Dr. Gladson. Josiah Blair died in this county in 1865. Mrs. Lavina Blair died several years after her husband's demise. The grandfather of our subject was Robert Blair, whose wife's maiden name was Bean; they came here in 1837, and died here. Our subject, Jesse Blair, received only three months' schooling, which was obtained from William Laws in a log schoolhouse, but not learning to write till he was twenty-one years old. He came to this county with his father in the spring of 1837, and spent his youth in cultivating the virgin soil of Blair Township, which was named in honor of his father and uncles. In 1855, Jesse Blair bought forty acres of land, for which he paid $325. He now owns 200 acres of good land. Mr. Blair has been married twice. His first wife, Polly A. Ed- wards, was a daughter of William Edwards, an old pioneer, who is yet living in this county. She was born in Indiana, and died here. His present wife, who was Mrs. Mary Hodge, a widow lady at time of marriage, is a daughter of William and Frances Jordan, both natives of North Carolina. Mrs. Blair, a native of Indiana, and is the mother of A. E. Hodge, a son of her first husband. Mr. and Mrs. Blair are connected with the Chris- tian Church, sometimes called New-Lights. Mr. Blair enjoys the respect of the commu- nity in which he resides, having served the people therein as Constable seven years, and Justice of the Peace seven years; votes the Republican ticket. ^&