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/i//ifirtntiitnr_/>ro/»mu1 S/jftnu / Phtilnnin t fattU Tn/rr M>t/, ' LETTERS OK ENTOMOLOGY, INTENDED FOR THE AMUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTION OF YOUNG PERSONS, AND TO FACILITATE THEIR ACQUIRING A KNOWLEDGE OP THE NATURAL HISTORY OP INSECTS. LONDON PRINTED FOR GEO. B. WHITTAKER, AVE-MARIA LANE. 1825. v 5^5.7 PREFACE. It is not the intention of the writer of these letters to offer a system of Entomology, but merely a short abstract of some of the more elaborate works on that subject ; which, how- ever superior in importance, are more calcu- lated for the scientific student, and often con- tain details more interesting to the physiologist than to the juvenile reader. The writer has o therefore endeavoured to avoid the minute- ness which might render the subject tedious, and has only to add, that her information is derived from Reaumur's Memoires, Shaw's Lectures, and that interesting work, the In- troduction to Entomology ; from which, in fact, the principal accounts are taken, and in which the discoveries of other naturalists are collected in the most attractive form. < » 35= CONTENTS. Page LETTER I. — INTRODUCTORY . . 1 LETTER II. INJURIOUS INSECTS . . 7 LETTER III. BENEFICIAL INSECTS . 19 LETTER IV. INSECTS IN GENERAL. BUTTERFLIES, &C. . . .26 LETTER V. — THE FUR-MOTH ... 51 LETTER VI. — BEES . . .58 LETTER VII. — BEES . . 68 LETTER VIII. — ANTS . . 76 LETTER IX. ANTS ..... 88 LETTER X. — ANTS .... 102 LETTER XI. — FLIES . ... 107 LETTER XII. BEE-FLIES . . . 123 LETTER XIII. — LUMINOUS INSECTS . . 138 LETTER XIV. THE COCHINEAL INSECT, &C. 142 LETTER XV. — IN CONCLUSION, EARWIGS, SPIDERS, FORNICA-LEO . . 148 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY LETTER I. MY DEAR HARRIET, It has often given me great con- cern to observe the inconsiderate and negligent manner in which you treat, and even torment, that most beautiful part of the creation, the tribe of insects, and particularly as your disposition is most foreign to any thing like cruelty ; you have therefore, my dear, no excuse, but ignorance of their real value and beauty, or mere thought- lessness, which, in a rational being, is of itself inexcusable. In the course of our correspondence, I will en- deavour, if you wish it, to impart the little know- ledge I have on the subject, and it may perhaps induce you to treat with greater regard, beings B 2 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. which are sometimes more useful than many people, who pass their lives in idleness or trifling occupations. You may perhaps, like some others, consider the study of this part of natural history of small importance, and as a frivolous amusement ; but though I should wish you to find it amusing, yet it has a higher object, — to excite admiration of the power of the great Author of so many wonders. Can we consider any thing trifling, or unworthy our regard, which it has pleased the Supreme Being to endow with such infinite variety of beauty and usefulness ? If men had not long ago watched the habits, and taken ad- vantage of the labour of insects, we should have wanted many of the luxuries and comforts we now enjoy. Who would have believed that a caterpillar, so small as the silkworm, could fur- nish one of the greatest articles of commerce, and give occasion to so many different arts and manufactures, enabling thousands of people to live by honest industry ? Honey and wax are without doubt most useful to us, and we should never have had them if men had not observed bees in their wild state, and made their peculiar habits subservient to their own use, by bringing them into hi ves. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 3 Gum lac, of which sealing-wax is made, is produced by a winged ant; and cochineal, of which there is so great a consumption, is an insect which multiplies very fast. Even the ink I now write with, I principally owe to an insect which forms the galls of which it is made ; but one of the most ancient and singular uses ever made of the labour of insects, is that of ripening figs in the Greek islands, and other Eastern countries, where the harvest of that fruit is of great consequence to the people. They plant two kinds of fig-trees, the wild and the cultivated sort. The wild tree bears fruit many times in the year, and in them grubs are born, which turn to flies. These flies are considered necessary to the ripening of the garden figs, which generally fall before their maturity, if these insects do not pierce them at the proper time. In the months of June and July, the country people gather wild figs, and stringing them on straws or sticks, place them on the garden fig-trees. They take great care every evening to look for the wild figs ready for gather- ing, that is, when a fly is ready to come out, and also, to observe when the other trees are pro- perly ripe ; for if the transfer is not made at the right time, the garden figs will fall. This custom b2 '- 4 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. is evidently established by long experience, as the peasants anxiously watch all the rest of the year, whether the wild figs will be likely to produce flies in time, and the number of them determines the harvest of fruit. Indeed so ne- cessary are these insects, that if they fail, the people have but one resource, which is, to spread over the trees a common plant called the asco- lombros, the fruit of which contains flies fit for the purpose. The ancients used many kinds of insects as medicine, but I shall only mention the can- tharides or blister-fly, which is so useful in many disorders. Now, my dear Harriet, let us change the scene, and consider the variety of mischief they may do us, if we do not know how to guard against them, which we shall not find easy, unless we previously know something of their habits and nature. A great number ravage not only our fields and gardens, but our houses, our furniture, and our garments ; they do not even spare our persons ; yet we are not to be alarmed, or fancy ourselves sadly aggrieved, if they make use of the weapons given them for their just defence ; for they have certainly as much right to live as ourselves, and those who wantonly destroy them LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. & commit a manifest act of oppression, which we should think the height of cruelty if performed upon any of the human species by a being suf-* ficiently powerful. Therefore I would not wish you to destroy those which are merely trouble- some, as many thoughtless people do, who would consider it very unjust if they were punished in the same way. In Europe, insects are seldom dangerous, except from their number, and in that case they must be destroyed speedily ; however, the harm- less kinds are by far the most common, and there is great amusement to be derived from rearing and observing them, for no species of animal un- dergoes such astonishing changes, or is endowed with such curious instincts. What a surprising difference is there between the crawling voracious caterpillar, and the volatile splendid butterfly, which can in many instances live without food, and is always content with the small portion of honey contained in flowers ! There is nothing more interesting than to ob- serve their domestic habits, if I may so express myself, and the different manner in which they take care of their little families. Even those who are most disgusted with the appearance of B spider, would be pleased to see the species LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. which envelops its eggs in a little silken bag which it always carries about, and when the young ones come out, they climb on their mother's back and cling fast, let her run ever so swiftly. The bees, and some kinds of wasps, feed their young many times a day like birds ; and others place their eggs in cells, which they make of earth, and shut them up with a sufficient quantity of food to last till they attain maturity. Some insects have a tender and delicate skin, which could not withstand the friction and chafing it would be exposed to, and therefore nature teaches them to make real garments, some of wool, some of silk, and others of leaves and different substances ; some make them longer and larger as they increase in size, and others make new ones. I remember seeing on a vine in the green- house, a singular whitish insect with six legs, bearing a roof of particles of mortar and earth seemingly combined with some glutinous sub- stance, and the little creature ran briskly along under its load, completely covered and defended. If you find the subject amusing, I will con- tinue my correspondence soon ; till then adieu. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. LETTER II. MY DEAR HARRIET, As it is a common error to sup- pose that because things are small, they are of no importance, and as perhaps you may be of this opinion, I will endeavour to convince you that it is wrong ; and therefore I will tell you some of the harm they can do when permitted. If they had no checks, we, and all the larger ani- mals, should soon be driven from the earth, and insects of all kinds reign paramount. This is no exaggeration, as you will perceive, when I disclose but a small part of their destructive powers. Nothing is free from them — neither the cun- ning, the swiftness, the strength, the ferocity, nor the bulk of animals can protect them ; even man himself is sometimes their prey. They are often swallowed, and, living in the inside, cause mortal diseases. Some people have even been devoured alive, as it were, by swarms of mites, for which there was no remedy. Among oui* personal assailants we may notice the red Acarus, #fr 8 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. mentioned by Ulloa, common in Popayan, called coy a, or coyba, the venom of which is so malig- nant, that if it is only crushed on the skin, it penetrates the flesh and raises large tumours, which are soon followed by death; it is de- scribed as much smaller than a bug. As to the fly tribe, you will not deny their power of becoming a real plague. What would you think of any large animal coming to attack you with a tremendous apparatus of knives and lancets issuing from its mouth ? Yet the horse- fly, and many others which have instruments resembling all kinds of murderous weapons, at- tack you, and, forming a siphon or pump of them, suck your blood with the greatest voracity. Of all these little torments, the gnat species is the worst. They may be truly said to have their sting in the mouth, since the pain and swelling of the bite show that they inject poison. This weapon is composed of five pieces besides the sheath, some of which appear simply lancets, while others are barbed like a bee's sting, and are adapted both for making the wound, and forming a siphon to draw out the blood. Although with us, they are rather teasing than absolutely injurious, yet when they come in great numbers they are a true plague. In the LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 9 year 1766, in the month of August, they ap- peared in such incredible numbers at Oxford as to resemble a black cloud darkening the air. One day a little before sunset, six columns were observed to ascend from the boughs of an apple tree, some in a perpendicular and others in an oblique direction, to the height of fifty or sixty feet. Their bite was so poisonous that it was attended by violent and alarming inflammation, and one, when killed, usually contained as much blood as would cover three or four square inches of wall. The poor Laplanders are the most to be pitied i they are obliged to live in suffocating smoke, either to eat or sleep, and the insects abound so much that they cannot breathe without draw- ing them in. Reaumur tells us that in some parts of France he saw people whose legs and arms were so swelled and inflamed with gnat-bites, that it was doubtful whether am- putation would not be necessary. In the neigh- bourhood of the Crimea, the Russian soldiers are obliged to sleep in sacks, to defend them from the mosquitos ; and even then, many die in consequence of mortification produced by the bites of these furious and bloodthirsty insects. Dr. Clarke, who relates it likewise, says, that in b5 10 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. spite of gloves, clothes, and handkerchiefs, his body, and those of his companions, were ren- dered one entire wound, and that the irritation and swelling excited a considerable degree of fever. In a most sultry night, when not a breath of air was stirring, exhausted by fatigue, pain, and heat, he sought shelter in his carriage, and, though almost suffocated, dared not open the window. Swarms nevertheless got in, and, in spite of the handkerchiefs with which he had bound up his head, filled his mouth, nostrils, and ears. In the midst of his torment he lighted a lamp, which was extinguished in a moment by such a prodigious number, that their'carcasses filled the glass chimney and lay in a large heap over the burner. Can you conceive a much more ^ disagreeable and tormenting situation ? — Captain Stedman says, that in America, his soldiers were obliged to sleep with their heads thrust into holes in the earth, and their necks wrapped round with their hammocks. Humboldt informs us that be- tween the little harbour of Higuerote, and the mouth of the Rio Unare, the wretched inhabit- ants are accustomed to stretch themselves on the ground, and pass the night buried in the sand three or four inches deep, leaving out the head only, which they cover with a handkerchief. * LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 11 We likewise learn from him that there are three kinds : the Mosquitos, flying in the day ; the Temporaneros, flying in the twilight; and the Zancudos, in the night; so that these unfortunate beings have no respite from their tormentors, which make almost uninhabitable all places where they particularly abound. After this account we cannot be surprised that they have given their names to bays, towns, and countries. There is Mosquito Bay, in St. Christopher's ; the town of Mosquitos, in Cuba ; and the Mosquito country, in North America; which are sufficient and me- lancholy proofs of their importance. Of all in- sects the locust is the most celebrated, for its powers of destruction, and dreaded more than an army of wild beasts ; yet this insect is not large, and is only herbivorous. Figure to your- self a country so covered that the ground cannot be seen; all its produce devoured, and not the least vestige of herbage left. In the year of the world 3800, Africa was infested by such infinite myriads of these animals that, having devoured every thing green, they flew off into the sea and were drowned; where, being cast on the shore, they emitted a stench greater than could have been caused by the carcases of an army. St. Augustine mentions a plague arising from the 12 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. same cause, which destroyed not less than 800,000 persons in the kingdom of Masinissa alone, and many more near the shore. A historian quoted by Mouffet, relates that in the year 591, an infinite number of locusts, unusually large, ravaged part of Italy, and being at length cast into the sea, their stench caused a pestilence which carried off near a million of men and beasts. The same occurrence is said to have taken place in the Venetian territory, though to a smaller extent. They have even reached as far as France, and in 1748 they were observed in England, with great alarm, but providentially they soon perished. These were evidently the stragglers from the vast swarms which in the year before ravaged Wallachia, Moldavia, Tran- sylvania, Hungary, and Poland. One of these swarms which entered Transylvania, in August, was several hundred fathoms in width (at Vienna the breadth of one was three miles), and extended so far, as to be four hours in passing over the Red Tower; and such was its density that it darkened the air to so great a degree, that when they flew low, a person could not see another at twenty paces ! Can we wonder at their being objects of terror, when the very account of them is enough to make one shudder? A gentleman ■£ LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 13 in India saw the immense army of locusts, which ravaged the Mahratta country. The column ex- tended near five hundred miles, and darkened the sun so much that no shadow was cast by any object. This was a red species, which made it still more horrible; for after they had stripped the trees, they clustered upon them, giving to every thing a sanguine hue. Of the noise they make, and their terrific ap- pearance, the prophet Joel has given a correct and sublime description : " A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the moun- tains : a great people and a strong : there hath not been even the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them is a desolate wilderness ; yea, and nothing shall escape them. Like the noise of chariots on the tops of moun- tains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong peo- ple set in battle array. Before their faces the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of 14 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. war, and they shall march every one in his ways, and they shall not break their ranks ; neither shall one thrust another, they shall walk every one in his path : and when they fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded. They shall run to and fro in the city ; they shall run upon the wall; they shall climb up upon the houses ; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them, the heavens shall tremble : the sun and moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining !" He further says, c - I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea ; and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up because he hath done great things." Locusts usually migrate from south to north, passing from the deserts of Arabia, which is the great cradle of them, to Palestine, Syria, Car- mania, Natolia, Bithynia, Constantinople, Po- land, &c. Can we ever be sufficiently thankful, my dear friend, that we are not visited by this terrible scourge ? If we had once felt the consequences, we should doubtless be more sensible of our LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 15 happiness in living in a country where every evil of the kind is comparatively slight; yet even here whole crops are sometimes destroyed by other insects. That most important plant, wheat, has many assailants ; one of the earliest is a grub which eats into the plant, about an inch below the surface of the earth, devouring the middle, which soon kills the plant. The larvae of a particular kind of beetle cause great destruction in a similar maimer j and, not content with this, the perfect beetle itself afterwards attacks, by night, the grain when in the ear. The far famed Hessian jiy which spreads such dismay wherever it appears, and made such ravages in North America that it threatened the total de- struction of the culture of wheat, was erroneously supposed to have been carried there from Ger- many by some Hessian soldiers. It commences its operations in autumn, as soon as the plant begins to appear above ground, when it devours the leaf and stem with equal voracity, until stopped *by the frost. When spring returns, the fly appears again and deposits its eggs in the heart of the main stem, which it perforates, and so weakens, that when the ear begins to grow heavy and is about to pass into the milky state, it breaks down and perishes. All the crops, as far 16 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. as they extended their flight, fell before them. They first appeared in Long Island, from whence they proceeded inland at the rate of fifteen or twenty miles annually. Nothing intercepts their career; they were seen to cross the Delaware like a cloud ; and their numbers were so great, that in the wheat harvest, five hundred were counted in a single glass tumbler, exposed to them a few minutes with some beer in it. When laid up in the barn or granary, the grain is often attacked by the Weevil, in its perfect as well as grub state; and this pest increases incredibly, for a single one will produce in one year 6000 descendants. Another very destructive species to plants in general (and which, indeed, comes next to the locusts), are the aphides, or plant-lice, which multiply so prodigiously as to cause great injury. In five generations one aphis may produce 5,904,900,000 descendants, and Reaumur sup- poses that in one year there may be twenty ge- nerations. Pease and beans are greatly injured by them, and in the year 1810, the produce was not much more than the seed sown : however, by being sown earlier, the pease have some chance of escaping. How dull would our beautiful meadows look - LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 17 if stript of their green carpet ! but they would soon be deprived of it, if their despoilers were permitted to increase like some other insects. The larvae of the cockchafer (scarahceus melo- lonihd), which remain in this state four years, sometimes destroy whole acres of grass. They undermine the richest meadows, and loosen the turf so much, that it will roll up as if cut by a spade. These grubs did so much injury about seventy years ago to a poor farmer near Norwich, that the court of that city, out of compassion, allowed him £25 ; and the man and his servant declared they had gathered eighty bushels of the beetle. They do not confine themselves to grass, but eat also the roots of corn ; and it is to pick up this grub, of which swine are likewise very fond, that the rooks follow the plough. I suppose you will exclaim, What! is there no remedy or defence against all these little de- stroyers ? I fear there are not many very effectual ones ; but I was amused at the plan of Mr. Rod- well, of Barham Hall, whose wheat- fields were ravaged by a small gray slug. Having heard that turnips had been successfully employed to entice the slugs from wheat, he had the land strewed with sliced turnips, and the next morn- ing the poor little slugs were all taken in the 18 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. trap, and picked off: near a bushel was gathered. I suppose you have heard enough of the dis- agreeable qualities and tormenting propensities of our little enemies, though I have told you but a very small part of them. In my next letter I shall take a less gloomy view of the subject, in the consideration of the benefits they bestow on us ; till then adieu. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 19 LETTER III. MY DEAR HARRIET, I think I cannot begin this letter better than by quoting the words of the author of the Introduction to Entomology: " God, in all the evil which he permits to take place,, whether spiritual, moral, or natural, has the ultimate good of his creatures in view. The evil that we suffer is often a counter-check, which restrains us from greater evil, or a spur to stimulate us to good : we should therefore consider every thing not ac- cording to the present sensations of pain, or the present loss or injury that it occasions, but ac- cording to its more general, remote, and per- manent effects and bearings ; — whether by it we are not impelled to the practice of many virtues, which otherwise might lie dormant in us — whether our moral habits are not improved — whether we are not rendered by it more prudent, cautious, and wary, more watchful to prevent evil, more ingenious and skilful to remedy it-j 20 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. and whether our higher faculties are not brought more into play, and our mental powers more in- vigorated, by the meditation and experiments necessary to secure ourselves. Viewed in these lights, what was a*t first regarded as wholly made up of evil, may be discovered to contain a con- siderable proportion of good." A few facts will convince us of the justice of these remarks. In countries where vegetation is luxuriant, even the locusts are of use to clear away the superabundance of some individual species. Sparrman remarks, that a region which had been choked up by shrubs, perennial plants, and hard, half- withered and unpalatable grasses, after being made bare by these scourges, soon appears in a far more beautiful dress, clothed with new herbs, superb lilies, and fresh annual grasses, and young juicy shoots of the perennial kind, affording de- licious herbage for the wild cattle and game. When in moderate numbers, the grubs, which feed upon grass, only devour so much as to make room for new shoots, and consequently hinder the roots from being matted. There are many similar instances, but the ways in which they are most beneficial to us, are by removing all dead and decaying substances ; supplying food to use- ful animals, as fish and birds; and devouring LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 21 other insects, which, by their multiplication, would become hurtful to us. What a scene would the face of Nature pre- sent, if Providence had not provided for the re- moval of the numberless dead carcasses which would strew the earth, and cause the most fatal and noisome effluvia ! As soon as life departs, the carcass is attacked by myriads of insects. The Histers pierce the skin ; next the flesh-flies cover it with their young, already hatched, and millions of eggs : how quickly these grubs will despatch it we may judge, when we consider that one flesh-fly will lay 20,000 eggs, and the grubs will devour enough in twenty-four hours to make their weight increase two hundredfold ! Can you imagine such little gluttons ? Linnaeus asserts, that three of these flies will devour a dead horse as fast as a lion would, and it seems very likely. The beetles come next ; wasps, hornets, and even ants : the horns of animals have a par- ticular species of insect which inhabit and feed upon them. The necrophorus respillo, or burying beetle, inters the bodies of small animals even of the size of mice and frogs. M. Gleditsch put four of these insects into a glass vessel half filled with earth and properly secured, and upon the earth 22 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. he placed two frogs. In less than twelve hours one of the frogs was buried by two of the beetles ; the other two ran about the whole day, as if busied in measuring the dimensions of the remaining corpse, which on the third day was also found buried. He then put in a dead linnet, and a pair soon began, by throwing the earth from under it, and pulling at the feathers from below. The male having driven the female away, continued the work for five hours, digging underneath, then mounting on it to tread it down, then retiring below to pull it down. At last, quite tired, it came out and leaned its head beside the bird upon the earth for a full hour, and then again set to work. In two days the bird was com- pletely buried. The object of these industrious insects is by this means to procure food for their young; for if the bodies are dug up in about six days, they will be found swarming with maggots. M. Gleditsch continued to add other small dead animals, which were all sooner or later buried ; and the result of his experiment was, that in fifty days four beetles had interred, in the very small space of earth allotted to them, twelve carcasses : viz. four frogs, three small birds, two fishes, one mole, and two grasshoppers, besides the entrails of a fish, and two morsels of LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 23 the lungs of an ox. Is not this surprising ? It is rather singular that the male should partake the labour with the female, which in the insect world is a very rare occurrence. Nothing is more unwholesome than the effluvia of decaying vegetable matter, and in removing this, our little friends render us an important service. It is very curious that stagnant water, winch would become putrid without, is made sweet and wholesome by the innumerable larvae of gnats, ephemera?, and other insects which live in it. Linnaeus' s experiment easily proves this : if two vessels are filled with putrid water, leaving the larva? in one, and taking them out of the other, the first will be found pure and sweet, and the other will remain in its impure state. The wood-destroying insects are highly useful in countries overspread with immense forests, where lightning and hurricanes make such devastation ; yet no traces of the ruin are to be found, though some of the gigantic tropical trees are almost impervious to the action of the ele- ments. They, however, soon disappear under the destroying operation of insects. As soon as a tree falls, one tribe attacks its bark, and thou- sands of holes are bored into the trunk by others. The rain thus finds access, and assists the decay. 24 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. Mr. Smeathman tells us, that the Termites will in a few weeks destroy and carry away the trunks of large trees, without leaving a particle behind ; and in places where two or three years before there has been a populous town, if the inhabit- ants have abandoned it, there will be a very thick wood, and not a vestige of a post to be seen. You may easily imagine that if these kinds of insects, though so useful in some cases, were permitted to increase very much, we should not have even a gate or a post; but they are kept in due bounds by the number of enemies which make them their prey. Some are in- sectivorous only in the larva state, others only in the perfect state, others in both states, and others in all three. The parasitical insects feed upon the living creature, and only destroy it when they attain their full growth ; the imparasitical ones are those which prey upon dead insects, or kill them. The most beneficial of the latter race are those which devour the aphides or plant- lice. The larva of a beautiful fly is one which has a pair of long crooked mandibles perforated, and serving instead of a mouth; with these it sucks the aphides without mercy, and the in- dividuals of one species even clothe themselves in the skins of their victims. Another grub, -*«* LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 25 furnished with a singular mandible like a trident with its three points, lies on the leaf of a twig covered with the aphides, and groping about, soon finds one, which he transfixes with this trident, raises into the air and devours; thus rendering a great service to the tree, which, when cleared of its destructive visitors, is enabled to put forth new shoots. The most important, however, is the pretty little lady-bird, or coc- cinella, which, in the larva state, feeds entirely on the aphides, which, under the name of the fly, cause so much damage to the hops. In 1807 the shore at Brighton, and at all the watering- places on the south coast, was literally covered with them, to the great surprise of the inhabit- ants, who did not know that they came from the neighbouring hop-grounds, where they had done good service in their larva state. The parasitical insects all lay their eggs in living subjects, in the larvae, the pupae, and even in the egg; but none are known to do it in perfect insects. This numerous race are called ichneumon flies, from their analogy to the Egyp- tian ichneumon, which was supposed to destroy the serpents, and eat the crocodile's eggs. These flies have a long pointed tail, with which they pierce a hole sufficiently deep for the egg, and it 26 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. is in vain the victim seeks to avoid the fatal wound ; the merciless fly does not leave it till she has deposited a sufficient number of eggs, and the poor caterpillar is forced to carry about her mortal enemies, which feed on her inside but never touch her vitals, though they are frequently in great numbers. Of thirty cabbage caterpillars which Reaumur put into a glass to feed, twenty- five were fatally pierced by an ichneumon ; from which we may judge of the great destruction of these injurious insects, which if suffered to increase, would become as great a plague as the locusts, and indeed have frequently been known to do serious damage. I cannot here enumerate all the species which prey upon each other, but I will mention some of the principal among those which devour the perfect insect. Ants, wasps, and hornets, are, among others, distinguished in this sanguinary or rather warlike respect; an ant will carry away a bee many times bigger than itself, and has even, with the help of its comrades, been seen to drag a young snake as thick as a goose- quill. A young lady told me she once saw a battle between a wasp and a bee, in which the former bit off all her enemy's six legs. Where i>r«Sf r*i lvilll'T I / I'ltfiiliv (W/t/f/t __ Painted Lady '! P. Ru$i^Grttn> Mmt v tnaJt . 3. /' Cnttat*jt ' — Hawthorn BtUtrrftv LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 27 cockroaches abound and are a great nuisance, the white ants are very useful in clearing them away. The Mantes, which are the most terrible and ferocious of insects (though from their ap- pearing to sit almost upright they are called praying-flies), have their fore-legs constructed like a sabre, and they dexterously use them as such to cleave their enemy in two, or cut off its head, often treating each other in this way. I believe these alarming little soldiers are not found in England. The scorpion is equally ferocious. Maupertuis put a hundred scorpions together, and a general and murderous battle immediately began. In a few days almost all were devoured by the survivors. They frequently eat their young as soon as born. Spiders are almost as fierce in their habits, destroying each other in great numbers. Many animals feed upon insects; the hedge- hog and mole are insectivorous, the latter being said to devour great quantities of the wire- worms. The swine are extremely fond of the grubs of the cockchafers, and if the grass is damaged by them, the rooting of it up will per- haps do more good than harm. The Ratel eats bees, and the Armadillo, locusts ; but the great Ant-eater is most deserving of notice, for he c2 28 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. scratches up the ant-hill with his long claws, and putting in his tongue., which is more than two feet in length, draws it back into his mouth when covered with ants, thus devouring thou- sands at a mouthful. Fish live almost entirely on insects, principally on the larvae of many kind of flies, called Caddis worms, and the perfect May-flies and Ephemerae. Reaumur has given an account of the immense hosts of these last insects, which come from some of the rivers in France at certain seasons, in thousands of millions, or rather in countless numbers ; they are aquatic in their first and second states, which last sometimes two or three years, though the perfect state is extremely short, some coming out after sunset, laying their eggs, and dying before sunrise, or often in a few hours. Reaumur did not see them till the middle of August, when, one even- ing before sunset, he got into his boat, and having detached some large masses of earth from the bank of the river, filled with the pupae, he put them into a large tub of water and waited the setting of the sun, but he saw at this period (which was the time specified) only a few flies skimming about the water; having waited pa- tiently till near eight o'clock, and a storm coming on, he retreated to his garden quite disappointed. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 29 He, however, had the tub brought ; and no sooner was it set down, than a great number of ephemerae came out, and while by torchlight he was enjoy- ing the sight, the threatened storm burst forth, and forced him to re-enter the house, after having thrown a cloth over the tub. When the rain ceased, he returned to the garden about nine o'clock, where a magnificent spectacle awaited him. Attracted by the exclamations of his gar- dener, he descended to the river. The quantity of ephemerae which filled the air above the river was inconceivably great, I»ul principally round the spot where he stood. In a few minutes the step on which he stood was covered with them to the depth of two, three, and four inches, and five or six feet of water was quite hidden by them; and being carried down by the current, they were quickly replaced. He was often obliged to retreat from this pelting rain of in- sects, which we may easily imagine to be ex- tremely disagreeable, as they got into his eyes, nose, and mouth. He remarks on the singularity of the great attraction of light to insects which are born to live only in darkness. The ephemerae instantly gathered round and covered those who held the flambeaux, which then showed quite a different 30 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. spectacle,, and filled with admiration even the most ignorant and stupid of his domestics : the light was surrounded with a great number of brilliant circles,, formed by rows of ephemerae, having the appearance of a scolloped line of silver, whirling round with great rapidity. Every one of these flies having made one or two circles, fell on the ground. At near ten o'clock this great cloud had almost disappeared. They had laid their eggs, and closed their transitory exist- ence. — I cannot finish my letter without giving you the animated and poetical description of a similar scene, from the Introduction to Ento- mology. " I was so fortunate as to witness a spectacle of this kind, which afforded me a more sublime gratification than any work or exhibition of art has power to communicate. The first was in 1811 : — taking an evening walk near my house, when the sun, declining fast towards the horizon, shone forth without a cloud, the whole atmo- sphere over and near the stream swarmed with infinite myriads of ephemerae and little gnats of the genus Chironomus, which, in the sunbeam, appeared as numerous and more lucid than the drops of rain, as if the heavens were showering down brilliant gems. Afterwards, in the follow- LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 31 ing year, one Sunday, a little before sunset, I was enjoying a stroll, with a friend, at a greater distance from the river, when, in a field by the road side, the same pleasing scene was renewed, but in a style of still greater magnificence ; for, from some cause in the atmosphere, the insects at a distance looked much larger than they really were. The choral dances consisted principally of ephemerae, but there were also some of chi- ronomi ; the former, however, being most con- spicuous, attracted our chief attention— alter- appearetf'so^tr^nsPeYiY ari'fl $&Vfo*MlS fey scarcely resembled any thing material — they re- minded us of angels and glorified spirits drink- ing life and joy in the effulgence of the Divine favour." The bard of Twickenham, from the terms in which the beautiful description of his sylphs is conceived in The Rape of the Lock, seems to have witnessed the pleasing scene here described : " Some to the sun their insect wings unfold, Waft on the breeze, or sink in clouds of gold ; Transparent forms, too fine for mortal sight, Their fluid bodies half dissolved in light ; Loose to the wind their airy garments flew, Thin glittering texture of the filmy dew, 32 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. Dipt in the richest tincture of the skies, Where light disports in ever-mingling dyes ; While every beam new transient colours brings, Colours that change, whene'er they wave their wings." I shall conclude my letter by wishing you an opportunity of seeing this delightful spectacle, which generally occurs in September. Adieu* i^ TO LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 33 LETTER IV. MY DEAR FRIEND, I must endeavour to give you some idea of the peculiar characters which distinguish the class of insects from other animals. First, they are furnished with several feet, not fewer than six (for those butterflies which appear to have only four legs, have also two false ones), and sometimes with a great many. Secondly, their flesh is affixed to the internal surface of their skin. Thirdly, they breathe not by lungs or gills, but by a sort of spiracles or breathing holes, situated at certain distances along each side of the body; and lastly, the head is ge- nerally furnished with a peculiar pair of pro- cesses, called Antennae, or jointed horns, which vary extremely, but are equally important organs to all. Linnaeus divides all insects into seven orders ; Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Aptera. Coleoptera contains all insects of the beetle tribe, or such c5 34 LETTERS ON ENT03IOLOGY. as have strong horny sheaths {elytra) or covers to their wings, which are curiously folded un- derneath. Hemiptera consists of half- winged in- sects, which have wing-sheaths of a tough and strong substance at the upper part, and soft or membranaceous at the lower, and the real or under wings are often of great size, and plaited longitudinally, in the manner of a fan. This order contains all the insects of the locust and grasshopper tribe ; the cockroaches, the lantern- flies, the Cicada?, and many others. The common earwig is an example of it. Lepidoptera, the most splendid and cpnspicuous of all orders, consists of the scaly- winged insects ; butterflies and moths belong to this order, being covered, not with feathers, as it was supposed, but small leathery or hairy scales. Neuroptera consists of such as have four large wings, furnished with very conspicuous nerves, fibres, or ramifications dispersed over the wing. This order is ex- emplified in dragon-flies, May-flies, and others. The celebrated ephemera also belongs to it. Hymenoptera consists of insects with four mem- branaceous wings, but not remarkably fibrous like the former. It contains all the wasp and bee tribe ; the ichneumons and a variety of others. Diplera consists of two-winged insects, ft LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 35 as the race of flies, or musca, strictly so called, and gnats, with a great variety of others. Aptera is the last order, and comprises wingless insects. It consists, according to Linnaeus, of the crab and lobster tribe, of spiders, scorpions, centi- pedes, monoculi, mites, and many others. Insects pass through four states : the egg, the larva, the pupa, or chrysalis, and the imago, or perfect state. You need not be told what the first is. The second, is when they first leave the egg and are like soft worms. Linnaeus calls this the larva state, and we have given it different names according to the species, as caterpillars, which are the larvae of the butterfly or moth ; maggots or grubs, which belong to the fly and beetle tribes, &c. In this state, during which they eat voraciously, and cast their skins several times, they remain different periods, some a few days, and others years. They cease eating, and fix themselves in a secure place, their skin sepa- rates, and discloses an oblong body, and thus they have attained the third stage of their ex- istence, which is called the pupa or chrysalis. It is not a general rule that they do not eat in this state, for a considerable number, as locusts, cockroaches, bugs, spiders, &c. not only greatly 36 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. resemble the perfect insect in form, but are equally capable of eating and moving. After remaining a certain time (some species only a few hours, while others remain months or one or more years in this state), the perfect insect bursts its case and enters on the last stage of its existence. Look at the elegant and volatile butterfly, which seems born but to flutter in the sun- beams, and regale itself with the pure nectar of flowers. It did not come into the world as you now behold it. At its first exclusion from the egg, and for some months of its existence after- wards, it was a wormlike caterpillar, crawling upon sixteen short legs, greedily devouring leaves with two jaws, and seeing by means of twelve eyes, so minute as to be nearly imperceptible. You now see it furnished with large wings ; ten of its legs have disappeared, and the remaining six are quite unlike the former ones; its jaws have vanished, and are replaced by a curled up trunk or proboscis, capable only of sipping liquid sweets : the form of its head is entirely changed, two long horns project from its upper surface, and instead of twelve minute eyes you behold two, very large, and composed of at least LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 37 twenty thousand convex lenses, each supposed to be a distinct and effective eye. I do not mean that you should think this change a transforma- tion. It is in fact nothing but a series of de- velopments, for every different skin and future form of the insect are enclosed in the caterpillar who throws them off as the parts expand. This may be perceived by dissection; the wings, rolled up into a sort of cord, are between the first and second segment of the caterpillar ; the antennae (or horns) and trunk are coiled up in front of the head, and the legs are sheathed in those of the caterpillar. Some caterpillars pass the winter in their own form ; they either make or find retreats, where they remain in a torpid state. Some bury them- selves at a considerable depth, and others re- main in plants and trees; these generally as- semble in numbers under a silken covering. There are even some kinds of butterflies which live through the winter in a torpid state, from which they may be roused by heat. To enume- rate all the different kinds would be impossible, therefore we must content ourselves with some of the most curious. The green and brown cab- bage caterpillar feeds only at night, and lives underground in the day, though it is sometimes 38 LETTERS ON EXTOMOLOGV. seen out at that time. The great sphinx cater- pillar is extremely beautiful, and appears quite conscious of the advantage, for it sits almost up- right, and holds its head in a most conceited manner. It is of a vivid peagreen, with lilac and white stripes on the sides, and a curved horn on the tail. It feeds on the privet, and turns to a large chrysalis after burying itself deep in the ground ; in the beginning of July it emerges, a large handsome moth. All caterpillars often change their skins, and frequently come out with quite different ones. They are not always torpid in the chrysalis state, for some will spring to a considerable height and move with great activity. The chrysalis of the bombyx dispar (a rare moth), turns round when touched, with great quickness, but as if fearful of breaking the thread by which it is suspended, by constantly twisting in one direction, it turns back again. A small brownish chrysalis, which is scarcely a quarter of an inch long, can jump more than an inch into the air, which in proportion to its length is a great height. I often wondered how the chrysalis that sus- pends itself by its tail could effect its purpose, till I had watched its manoeuvres repeatedly. Reau- LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 30 mur's description is nearly precise. The first operation of the caterpillar, when near its change, is to spin a curious little ball, or mound, of silk on the spot it has fixed on, composed of numer- ous little loops crossing each other. This being done, it prepares to suspend itself by its two hinder feet, which, like the others, are half sur- rounded by two rows of hooks of different sizes. The moment it presses these feet against the ball of silk, they are entangled among the loops. When they are safely fastened, it puts itself in a vertical position with the head downwards. It then bends its body upwards, making the back convex, and sometimes remains thus half an hour or more; this, which is often repeated, is to crack the skin on the back, that the chrysalis may come forth. The operation generally takes at least twenty-four hours, and sometimes two days ; but as soon as the least crack is made, it is quickly enlarged by the chrysalis, which swells its body with an undulating motion till the skin is split far enough to discover the upper part, which is so much larger than the envelope it quits, that it is surprising how it could be contained in it ; but it is the nature of the chry- salis to grow shorter and wider almost at the moment of its change. When the upper part is 40 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. all free, the next operation is to slip off the lower part towards the tail, and the chrysalis does this by swelling and contracting alternately, which pushes the skin gradually down, though some have an additional assistance in two rows of points which incline towards the tail. Thus aided, it soon pushes up the skin (for we must remember the head is downwards), and it is folded in a small packet round the place where the two hind feet are fastened. But how will the chrysalis disengage the skin, and yet remain suspended ? you may ask ; and indeed it seems a most perilous situation, but we must remark, that at the time of changing, the chrysalis is extremely soft and flexible; the rings or seg- ments then perform all the functions of limbs. It seizes between the rings a part of the folded skin, and pressing them together has a fine support; then it bends its body and draws it entirely from the skin. Next it stretches itself and seizes, between the rings above those it holds by, a higher part of the skin, lets go its hold of the first, and shortens itself again ; then repeats the movement, till the end of its body touches the ball of silk, and then it is suspended safely, for the end of the tail is furnished with a number of little hooks. But now having finished all LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 41 these difficult and dangerous manoeuvres, it has still to get rid of the old skin, which it will by no means suffer to remain so near, and the means it uses are singular. It seizes it with part of the body, which is beyond the hooks, and then gives itself a shake, which throws it violently from side to side. It thus pulls at the skin, and the hooks on the feet break or come out of the silk, being farther from the centre of the motion than its own hooks. If the skin does not fall after this, the chrysalis rests a little, and turns in the same manner in a contrary direction • ^4-^ " sometimes oungect to repeat tour or five times. After all this trouble and pains it resigns itself to repose for more than twenty days, and then comes forth a butterfly*. Caterpillars have many different modes of de- fence against their assailants ; some curl them- selves round as if dead, some walk or rather run away with amazing swiftness : that of the vine is remarkable in this respect. Others more courageously defend themselves by fixing half their bodies, and moving the other half in every direction, as if to seize the enemy. Others have * The caterpillar of the P. Io, or peacock butterfly, changes in this manner, and comes out in eleven or twelve days. 1 42 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. a kind of passive defence in long stiff hairs, which quickly breaking and piercing the flesh, create great inflammation, and smart like the sting of the nettle. Lesser having touched the horn of a sphinx caterpillar, it suddenly turned round its head, and ejected from its mouth a green, viscous, and very foetid fluid, which, though he repeatedly washed his hand with soap and fumed it with sulphur, infected it for two days. The caterpillars, also, of a particular tribe of saw- flies, when disturbed, eject a drop of fluid from themouui. x^. — . i .,, „.». ,. has the peculiar power of making a sound like the squeaking of a mouse, which is certainly the best defence it could have, as few people would like to touch a squeaking caterpillar. There is a small brown species which exactly resembles a dried stick, and holds itself erect like a little branch ; it is astonishing to see how long it will hold itself in this position, which, though it ap- pears painful to us, may be the very reverse to the insect. The maggot of the cheese, which turns to a black shining fly, takes amazing leaps : Swam- merdam saw one, only a quarter of an inch long, jump in this manner from a box six inches in depth ; which is in the same proportion of height - {■ LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 43 as if a man six feet high should jump into the air 144 feet ! He had seen others leap still higher. Butterflies come out in the spring, and attain their full size in a very short time. This order, which is designated lepidoplera, consists of but- terflies, hawk-moths, and moths, which are di- stinguished from each other chiefly by the form of their horns, or, more properly spewing, their antennae. Butterflies h^c tliree kinds: first, thosp l«*ge at the extremity; secondly, those which gradually increase till near the end ; and thirdly, those which are flat-sided like a ram's horn. Moths have also three kinds : the first, nearly even to the end; the second, diminishing gradually to a point ; and the third bearded or feathered ; but the antennae of the moth are always sharp pointed. Moths fly by night, though they may some- times be seen in dark shady places in the day- time. There is a moth which, though not remark- able for the beauty of its colours, is so from the singularity of its form. It exactly resembles a bundle of dried leaves, and every thing conspires to aid the deception. Its colour is that of a withered elm leaf; its upper wings are veined 44 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. and scalloped at the edges; the under wings project beyond the upper, and resemble them. On the head it has a kind of beak formed by two bearded horns, which look like the leaf stalk ; the antennae, which lie backwards as far as the wings, seem the continuation of it ; and, in short, the deception is complete while the moth is at rest. Tk^y are t0 b e found in England; but we cannot be surpiioo^ tnat th ev are seldom discovered, particularly as they are vc*y quiet in the day. The chrysalis is nearly conical in shape, and of the usual colour, but appears pow- dered. The caterpillar is very large, and lives on pear and peach-trees. The death's-head moth, or Sphinx Atropos, is also very singular: it takes its name from the representation of a skull on its back or thorax, and was formerly regarded with great terror by the people of Brittany, who looked on it as the forerunner of pestilence. Unfortunately this in- sect is distinguished by the mournful cry it has the power of making ; it is something like the squeak of a mouse, but more plaintive, and this increased their terror. The noise is produced by the moth striking its trunk with two bearded laminae, which are placed on each side. There is a membrane above the trunk which may have LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 45 some part in it. These moths are also found in England : the caterpillar is yellow and green, and has a strongly curved horn on the tail. Nature varies no less in size than in form, as we may see in the difference between the great Indian butter- fly, which is several inches across, and the little white one which feeds on the cabbage, and is hardly so big as a pin's head, yet it has a trunk which does not roll up, but is protected by a sheath ; this little creature is only three days in the form of a chrysalis. From some kinds of caterpillars we may learn the good effects of living in harmony and fellow- ship. One of the commonest kinds, of which the eggs are laid by hundreds in the same place, and which come out nearly at the same time, range themselves in regular rows, and feed in perfect order, never interfering with each other ; which if they were inclined to do, would make sad confusion. They also work for the public good ; for as they go on eating the upper surface of the leaf, which dries and contracts, forming a kind of cavity, they draw silken threads across from side to side, till a tent is formed, into which they retire for shelter. They live principally on pear and apple-trees. These do not disperse till they have frequently changed their skin. 46 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. A more striking example is given by the oak caterpillars, which never separate even in the chrysalis state, but live together in families of five or six hundred brothers and sisters; they eat together, spin together, and repose together ; only as butterflies they separate. The order of their march is the most remarkable. One goes first, and apparently any one who chooses, and the rest all follow in regular rows of two, three, four, five, &c. : they stop when the leader stops, and follow minutely every turn. The order of their march is sometimes varied, but always regular. Is not this an excellent example of the good arising from proper subordination, for how else could they continue together ? Thus we see how the caterpillars are preserved and fed, but we must now consider their enemies and misfortunes. When any species multiplies exceedingly, nature always provides against its superabundance : she produces their enemies in equal numbers, and thus the balance is preserved. The poor caterpillars in particular have many of these; some swallow them at a mouthful, others pull them to pieces, and others suck them gradually, yet still they are very numerous. Though they appear the mildest and most help- less of insects, there is one kind winch are quite LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 47 cannibals, and eat each other. Twenty of this fierce race were put into a glass box by Reaumur, and regularly fed with oak leaves. It was re- marked that their number diminished daily, and yet there were no dead bodies ; this excited his attention, and he observed that when one met another, it seized it with its teeth near the head, and quickly inflicted mortal wounds. Wounded caterpillars either soon die or become weak, thus the conqueror found any easy prey ; and when it could not escape quietly, sucked and eat it, leaving the skin. The aggressors always ap- peared the strongest. Of these twenty cater- pillars there only remained one, which was so greedy that it would not quit its hold of the last victim. The most terrible enemy they have is the grub of an ichneumon fly, which lives in their insides, and is so well concealed that no one would su- spect it, as the poor caterpillar looks as well as usual, though its internal parts are continually being devoured. These grubs are of two sorts — those which live in society, and those which live alone : they all undergo a metamorphosis. They are produced by a beautiful green ichneumon fly, which pierces the skin of the caterpillar, and deposits its eggs in the hole. In due time the 48 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. grubs come out through the skin, sometimes to the number of fourteen or fifteen, yet the poor insect sometimes survives, and even turns to a chrysalis, though it does not become a butterfly. The most beautiful of the cabbage caterpillars is the most subject to be attacked by the gregarious grubs, which, after their coming out, spin them- selves up in cones. If we examine the elm or oak caterpillar, we shall frequently find one or two little white patches, which are usually placed between the rings. Examined with a microscope they ap- pear to be eggs ; but they are so firmly attached to the skin, that it comes off before they can be separated. Reaumur closely inspected one which he detached with care, and found a hole on the part next the skin. He afterwards dissected the caterpillar, and found in it a large grub. Some have these creatures outside in different parts of the body, sometimes to the number of twenty. They appear to bury their heads in the skin, and some spin their cones on the body of the caterpillar. Some flies even deposit their eggs in the eggs of the butterfly, and thus the latter are devoured before they are born. Another formidable enemy is a black shining grub, which becomes as large as a middling cater- LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 4b) pillar. It has pincers on its head, with which it soon pierces the under part, which it usually attacks, and when once fixed, there is no escape for its victim. It commonly devours as many as it finds, and generally establishes itself among those caterpillars which live in society. They are sometimes punished for their gluttony ; for when they have eaten so much as to be unable to move, the young ones of their own species attack and devour them, though without any apparent reason, for they will do this when they have plenty of caterpillars. Butterflies are also infested with parasitical insects. A young lady, one day last summer, was examining a common brown butterfly (papilio jurtina), and saw that on each side the thorax were some small bright red spots or tubercles. Having touched one of these with a pin, to her great surprise it came off, and ran across the paper as fast as its little legs could carry it ; and on examining the others, she found that their heads were buried in the butterfly's body in the same manner as a tick fixes itself in the flesh, and she had great difficulty in dislodging them. Lin- naeus says (speaking of his division of butterflies) that et the equites are either Troes or Trojans, distinguished by having red or blood-coloured spots or patches on each side their breasts ; or D 50 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. Achivi, Greeks, without the red marks." Shaw further says, that " it has been observed by some critics, that the blood-coloured spots mentioned by Linnaeus as characteristic of the Trojans are not always found'' Now, does it not occur to you, from these words, that the red marks may possibly be these insects ? I think it very pro- bable; but I do not know whether Linnaeus meant that the spots were hairy, and I wish some entomologist would ascertain and prove it. If you are ever so fortunate as to live in the country, you may amuse yourself by keeping butterflies in a thin gauze cage, which will enable you to examine without killing them ; and if you feed them with fresh flowers or honey, they will perhaps be very well contented to remain, par- ticularly if you have a great many. They are very sociable, and will feed from your firiger ; but I will not answer for your being able to tame them, as their life is so short. It is time to finish this long letter ; so, adieu ! But, stay, there is one circumstance I forgot to tell you. In the West Indies there is a large larva called the grub of the palm weevil, which is as large as the thumb ; it is roasted and eaten as a great delicacy. I have often heard it mentioned by a lady, who came from Demerara, who called it Grugru. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 51 LETTER V. I shall nowj my dear Harriet, give you some account of an insect which is in general only known by the mischief it causes, yet is worthy of attention on other accounts. We admire, and with reason, the ingenuity which has produced such variety and beauty in our clothing, and the means by which it is done ; but there is an insect which performs the same thing for itself without any help, and in the most beautiful manner. I mean the larvae of the moth, which are so destruc- tive to woollen cloths, furs, &c. These cater- pillars have too tender and delicate a skin to live without clothing : the habits they make are of a simple form, like a long tube, to fit their round bodies, and are made with great art. The insect chooses the woolly hairs proper for the purpose, and interweaves them with silken threads (for they are spinning caterpillars) ; the inside of this tube is lined with the same silk, and is exquisitely soft. They begin their work very soon after they are born, and are consequently obliged to d2 52 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. enlarge it as they grow, and this is the most difficult thing they have to do. We can easily imagine that they can add to the length, but not how they let it out at the sides. This they per- form by slitting down the side about a quarter of the length (for if they did it all at once it would fall off), and putting in a little piece like a gore; they proceed with another, till they come to the end. This may be very plainly discovered by taking the insect from a blue cloth and putting it on a red one, when the additions will be all red. They have different modes of doing it, however, but all equally ingenious. Should not this make us sometimes ashamed of our own want ot contrivance ? As these insects turn to moths every year, there are always plenty of their empty coats, which the young ones prefer taking to pieces for their own, to the cloth itself, as the materials are all prepared ; thus those born on green or blue cloths are sometimes clothed in quite different ccljurs, where there have been old insects be- fore : in consequence, it is very rare to find these coats in good condition. They also show a great deal of taste ; for it has been observed that, on a gray colour or brown cloth, the little creatures are dressed in bright red or blue ; and on ex- LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 53 amining the cloth with a microscope, many red, blue, or green hairs have been discovered mixed with the others. They cause more destruction by mowing, as it were, the long hairs which ob- struct their passage, than by what they eat. Finally, when they have attained their full size, and the time of their metamorphosis ap- proaches, they forsake the cloth they have lived on, and seek a more fixed and safe asylum. They fasten themselves in the angles of walls and the crevices of furniture, sometimes by one end, and sometimes by both, which they always close by a silken tissue. Thus inclosed, the caterpiDar soon turns to a chrysalis, which gradually changes from light yellow to a reddish colour; and finally, in about three weeks, comes out a little gray moth. If these larvae are shut up with dead butter- flies, they make very pretty garments of the hair and pieces of the wing. It is worthy of remark, that they never attack wool that is not cleansed of grease, and they dis- like any powerful smell. A fumigation of tobacco is fatal to them. There is another of the same species which lives in the woods, fields, or gardens, and feeds on the leaves. These do not clothe themselves 54 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. exactly in the same way as the domestic sort, and their habits are not so rich and varied, but their ingenuity is perhaps still more worthy of admiration. Though they are very common, they are seldom found but by those who know where to look, as they attach themselves to the under part of the leaf, and remain stationary ; the part to which they hang is usually withered. Their garments are also of the colour of dried leaves, and thus they escape notice : they are found in oaks, elms, pear and apple-trees, and rose-trees, but rarely in the last, and each tree has a different kind. As they are caterpillars, the body is long and round like those which eat cloth, but their gar- ments are of a different shape. They are formed like a triangular tube, smooth and hard, and much larger than the insect, to give it room to turn round. The manner in which they accom- plish the formation of them is very curious. The substance on which they feed is the pulp between the upper and lower membrane of the leaf; and when they have eaten away a sufficient space, they lie between the two membranes, in one of which they are to clothe themselves, and cut it out as a tailor cuts out his cloth; and though the form of the separate pieces is not LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 55 square or round, or of any regular figure, but extremely irregular, yet the two pieces fit exactly. The next thing is to fasten them together, and this they do with silken threads so neatly, that the joining can hardly be discerned with a microscope. But the most remarkable thing is, that they vary their operations according to cir- cumstances, and seldom do all alike ; for instance, if the leaf is too dry to separate the membranes, they will cut it out altogether. When they grow too large for their clothes, they make new. They may be found where the leaf is transparent, with a hole. Another kind cover themselves with little straws and dried stalks, which look very ridi- culous, and have the same effect as if our clothes were covered with rows of sticks. Land insects are not the only ones which want clothes. The aquatic kinds make them also, some of very fine sand, some of gravel, some of flat leaves, some of round stalks. Others arrange, with great taste, pieces of leaves round their coats; they appear bound with green ribbon. Others make use of every thing; fresh leaves and old rotten ones, pieces of wood new and old, gravel, small stones, pieces of shell, and even whole ones; nothing seems to come amiss. 56 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. They make themselves sometimes the most fan- tastical figures, but this only serves to show their ingenuity, because they do it for a particular purpose ; they are obliged to balance themselves in the water, and if too light, they put on a little stone ; if too heavy by having imbibed the water, they take a light piece of wood or straw. Some make very pretty garments by covering them with little shells, generally of very small snails or muscles. We should be very much surprised to see a savage, instead of clothing himself with the skins of what he kills, covering himself with the living animals ; for instance, with squirrels or foxes ; yet some of these insects actually do it, and cover themselves with little muscles, well fastened on, and quite alive, though we may easily imagine it is not a very comfortable situation. All these insects become flies with four wings : they first change into nymphs in their coat or sheath ; but as they would be liable in this torpid state to be devoured by voracious insects, they are obliged to stop the ends, which, as the water must not be excluded, they effectually do by a grating of silk. I must not pass over those caterpillars of this species which make themselves long silken LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 57 galleries instead of having portable garments. These make great havock among the bees, and brave, under this covering, all the stings of that people of warriors. They do not seek the honey, but the wax. These ingenious insects are all small ; but who will say that they are therefore unworthy our attention? When the Author of all being has deigned to form and preserve them in so won- derful a manner, and in such infinite variety, is it excusable in us to treat his works with indif- ference ? Are we worthy to inhabit a world so full of wonders, when we hardly take the trouble of opening our eyes to see it ? I hope you will think differently, and turn your admiration from the comparatively coarse and imperfect works of art, to the exquisite and truly beautiful scenes of nature. Believe me, &c. &c. d 5 58 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. LETTER VI. MY DEAR FRIEND, Of all associations of insects, there are none that have more excited the attention and admiration of mankind, in every age, than the colonies of the hive bee. It is a subject most fertile in wonders; even the most stupid and incurious must be struck with astonishment on viewing the inside of a bee-hive. It is a little city, divided into regular streets, composed of houses, constructed on the most exact geometrical principles, some serving for storehouses, others for the habitations of the citizens, and a few much larger for the palaces of the sovereigns, made of materials which the skill of man would in vain attempt to imitate, and this is all done by insects ! Well may Bonnet exclaim, " Quel abime aux yeux d'un sage qu'une ruche d'Abeilles ! Quelle sagesse profonde se cache dans cet abime ! Quel philosophe osera le fonder !" It is not necessary, as you must be aware, that bees should have a hive ; any other cavity would LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 59 serve them as well. You must have seen a honey- comb, and observed that it is a flattish cake, com- posed of a vast number of cells, mostly hexagonal, regularly applied side by side, and placed in two layers end to end. Several of these combs are fixed to the upper part and sides of the hive, at the distance of about half an inch from each other. Besides these vacancies, which are the high roads, there are cavities pierced through the combs, that they may not lose time by going round. If bees only constructed cells of in- variable size and arrangement, it would still be a matter of admiration ; but they do more. If forced by artificial means to bend their comb, they take the best means of doing it ; they en- large the mouths of the cells on the convex side, and diminish them on the other. A little re- flection will show you the beauty and ingenuity 4 of this contrivance, particularly as it is an ad- ventitious circumstance, which in their natural state would rarely, if ever, happen. The cells are of different dimensions, as the society consists of three orders differing in size. The cells for the male larvae are much larger than those belonging to the workers. The queen's cell is still larger, and diners in form, being shaped like a pear, and made of a coarser ma- GO LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. terial ; the situation is also different, being ver- tical instead of horizontal, with the mouth down- wards. The society of a hive of bees, besides the young brood, consists of one female or queen ; several hundreds of males or drones, and many thousand workers. The body of the queen is much longer than the others. The drone is quite the reverse in shape, being short, thick, and clumsy. The workers are oblong, and divided into two orders, the wax-makers and nurses. They are all im- perfect females like the ants. Sixteen days is the time assigned to a queen for her existence in the preparatory states, before she emerges from her cell: three she remains in the egg; when hatched, she continues feeding, or rather being fed, five more; when covered in, she begins to spin her cocoon, which is open at one end for a reason I shall presently give you. She is one day in doing this; she then reposes two days and sixteen hours, and then assumes the pupa or chrysalis, in which state she remains four days and eight hours. Four days more are required to bring the workers to perfection. There is a dif- ference in the shape of their cocoons, for workers c nd drones make complete ones, while the queen's is open at the lower end, and this is probably LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 61 occasioned by the form of the cells, for if a female larva be placed in a worker's cell, it will spin a complete cocoon, and if a worker grub be put in a royal cell, its cocoon will be incomplete. No provision of the great Author of nature is in vain. As the first queen who comes out must kill all the other female grubs, it would be ex- tremely difficult for her to do it if they were quite covered. When the prisoners are ready to emerge, they do not, like the ants, require assistance, but eat through their cocoon and cell, generally through the top. They now enter on a more interesting scene, in which the display of their wonderful and numerous instincts exceeds the most vaunted products of human skill and wisdom. First, we must speak of the queen mother, as incomparably the most important. The first mo- ments of her life are filled with anxiety, warfare, and peril, for she will bear no rival near her, and there are generally from sixteen to twenty royal cells in a hive, while only one is suffered to live, except when another queen is wanted to lead a swarm, in which case the workers take proper pre- cautions. Soon after the queen's birth she visits the royal cells, still inhabited, and darting with fury on the first she meets, by means of her jaws 62 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. she makes a hole, and stings the poor female to death. The workers, who look on, then enlarge the hole, and draw forth the carcass, just emerged from the thin covering of the pupa. If her enemy is still in that state, she only makes a hole in the cell, and the workers drawing it out, it perishes. If two queens come forth at the same time, the care of Providence to prevent the hive from being despoiled of a governor is shown in a remark- able instinct, which, when mutual destruction appears inevitable, makes them fly each other as if panic-struck. They dart forward at first, and being opposite have a mutual advantage; but when their stings would give reciprocally a mortal wound, terror seems to seize them, and they fly away. The attack is renewed in the same manner till one by stratagem gains an advantage, and inflicts the fatal wound. When another queen comes into the hive, the workers gather round her, but do not attempt to injure her. They likewise gather round their own queen, who is to fight the intruder. When she moves towards the spot, they open, to make a clear arena for the combat, and the rightful queen rushing on her enemy and seizing her in her jaws, near the root of the wings, despatches her with one stroke of her sting. Whatever LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 63 number of queens are introduced into a hive, all but one will perish, and she will have won the throne by her unassisted valour, for the workers never interfere. If the queen dies, they have a regular time of mourning for her, which is twenty-four hours, and before that time has elapsed, they will not suffer any other to enter their domain; but after that time, they will receive any queen. If the old queen remained in the hive when the young ones came forth, she would infallibly destroy them; but this is wisely prevented by a circum- stance which always takes place — the old queen leads the first swarm; and if there are more to go, the workers keep the young queens, de- stined to lead them, in their cells, till the proper moment : they however feed them with honey ; but as fast as they make an opening, they stop it with wax. They likewise take particular care to hinder the old queen from coming near these unfortunate princesses, if we may so call them. Sometimes when angry, she stands in a particular attitude, and makes a peculiar noise or humming, which affects the bees so much that they hang their heads and remain motion- less. At last she becomes violently agitated, and communicating her agitation to others, the 64 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. confusion increases till a swarm leaves the hive, which she either precedes or follows, like a sovereign driven forth by her rebellious sub- jects to seek a new kingdom. The bees in- variably let out the oldest female from her cell first, and she becomes the soul of all their actions and centre of their instincts, though so long their prisoner. If they are deprived of her, or the means of replacing her, they lose all their activity and become quite idle. You will no doubt ask me what are the means of replacing her without a royal cell, and I will relate to you in answer one of the most astonishing, and I believe un- paralleled facts in nature. If the bees are deprived of their queen, and are supplied with the part of the honeycomb containing only the grubs of the workers, they select one or more to be educated as queens, which by having a royal cell erected for them, and being fed with the royal jelly (a particular kind which is exclusively given to queens), only for two days, come out complete queens, with their form and instincts entirely changed, though if they had remained in a common cell they would have been only workers ! What shall we say to this ? How can a larger and warmer cell, a different and more pungent kind of food, LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 65 and an upright instead of a horizontal posture (which is the form of a royal cell), give the bee a different tongue, make its hind legs flat in- stead of concave, deprive them of the fringe of hairs winch forms the basket for carrying pollen; besides almost every other part of the body ? Can we imagine that these seemingly unimportant circumstances can alter all its instincts and pro- pensities, and that instead of a lively, industrious worker, it would become an indolent, tyrannical queen ? If this circumstance was not established by the most credible evidence, it would be almost impossible to believe it, ignorant as we are of the general laws of nature. The first who published it was M. Schirach, secretary of the Apiarian So- ciety in Upper Lusatia. It was communicated to the celebrated Bonnet, who long hesitated to believe it, but was at length convinced ; and M. Huber, by experiments repeated for ten years, was fully convinced of the truth of it. Indeed it had been practically known long before, for M. Vogel asserts, that experiments confirming this extra- ordinary fact had been made by more than a hundred different persons in the course of more than a hundred years, and that he had known old cultivators of bees who had assured him that if proper measures were taken, in a practice of 66 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. more than fifty years, the experiment never failed. Signor Monticelli, a Neapolitan pro- fessor, informs us that the Greeks and Turks know how to make artificial swarms, and that the art of producing queens at will has been known, in the little Sicilian island of Favignana, from very remote antiquity. I have been so particular in giving all this authority, my dear Harriet, because people in general are very apt to doubt what appears strange, merely because they do not comprehend why or how it is, for- getting that they are neither omniscient nor omni- present. Reaumur says that the best sign that a hive is preparing to swarm, is when on a sunny morning few bees go out of a hive. A good deal depends on the state of the weather, however, to accelerate or retard it. Another sign is a general hum in the evening, and which continues even in the night. The old queen leads the first swarm, and the first-born of those left, or the princess royal, if we may so call her, probably takes her place. The longest interval between the swarms is from seven to nine days, and between each successive one it is much shortened. If one of the antennae of a queen is cut off, it seems not to affect her ; but if deprived of both, LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. Oy she appears in a kind of delirium, and without her usual instincts, yet the respect of her subjects is the same. If two mutilated queens meet, they show not the slightest symptom of resentment. These antennae appear to be extraordinary in* struments of perception. The poor drones have a short life and a tragical end, for the eggs that produce them are usually laid in April or May, and they are stung to death by the workers in July or August. However, as they are quite idle members of the community, and do nothing but eat, it would not be proper that they should live all the winter to consume the labours of the industrious. We must remark that in hives de- prived of their queen they are suffered to re- main alive. I must defer any further account till my next letter, when I shall tell you some- thing of the workers, those lively and interest- ing visitors, who disdaining all but the sweetest productions of nature, live in flowers and feed on nectar, and whose cheerful hum insensibly enlivens our summer walks. Adieu for the present. 68 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. LETTER VII. I shall not pretend,, my dear Harriet, to give you a full and circumstantial account of all the history of bees, but shall only mention such things as I consider more particularly worthy of attention ; though even the most trivial circum- stance shows the wisdom and perfection in which all nature is made. The principal object of the working bees in their excursions, is to obtain three things : the nectar of flowers, from which they make honey and wax ; the pollen or dust of the anthers in flowers, of which they make bee bread, which is their food ; and the resinous substance called by the ancients propolis, and used in various ways in rendering the hive secure, and finishing the combs. The first is the pure fluid in the nec- taries of flowers, which they lick up with their long tongues ; for you must remark the bee's tongue is not a tube to suck with, but a real tongue, which laps or licks the honey, and passes it to the first stomach, which is called the LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 69 honey bag. When the bee returns to the hive, she regurgitates it in the form of pure honey, into one of the cells prepared. When the stomach of a bee is filled with nectar, she next, by means of the feathered hairs on her body, gathers the pollen from which the bee-bread is made, and which we may call the ambrosia. When her body is covered with this dust, she wipes it off with the brushes of her legs, not to disperse it, but to knead it into two small pellets, which she carries in the baskets formed by the hairs cross- ing each other, on her hind legs. Many authors assert that the bee never visits more than one species of flower in each journey from the hive ; and this appears most probable and reasonable ; for the grains of pollen would not> most likely, adhere together if not of the same kind ; and the pollen which the bee would carry into the flower might make the seed of a different kind, and there would be no perfect flower in time. The bee, on her arrival at the hive, either eats the pellets of farina, or calls others to her assist- ance. They store up the superfluous par* in empty cells. The propolis is collected from the buds of trees, particularly from the poplar. Huber 70 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. planted some twigs of a species of poplar : before the leaves were out, and almost directly, a bee alighted, and opening a bud, drew from it a thread of the viscid matter contained in it, and with its legs placed it in the basket of hairs. Their scent is remarkably acute, which Huber proved by putting some honey behind a window-shutter, whence it could not be seen, leaving the shutter just open enough for insects to pass if they chose ; and in less than a quarter of an hour, four bees, a butterfly, and some house-flies, had discovered it. Another time he put some into boxes with little holes in the lid, into which pieces of card were fitted, and placed the boxes about two hundred paces from his hives ; in about half an hour the bees found it out, and pushing in the card, got at the honey. When bees are laden, they always fly in a direct line to the nest, though by what means they are enabled to do this we cannot ascertain. That it is a fact, is strongly proved by the account in the Philosophical Transactions of the manner in which the people of New England discover whgre the wild bees live in the woods. They set a plate of honey or sugar on the ground, which is soon attacked by the bees: having secured two or three that have filled themselves, LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. *J1 the hunter lets one go, which rising into the air, flies straight to the nest ; he then strikes off at right angles with its course a few hundred yards, and letting a second fly, observes its course by his pocket compass, and the point where the two courses intersect is that where the nest is situated. In Upper Egypt the hives are transported from one place to another, to enable the bees to make a greater provision of honey. Towards the end of October, when the inundations of the Nile have ceased, and the husbandmen can cultivate their land, saintfoin is one of the first things sown; and as Upper Egypt is warmer than the lower, it gets there first into blossom, and the beehives are transported in boats from all parts of Egypt to the upper district, and are there heaped in •pyramids upon the boats prepared for them. In this station they remain some days, and when they are supposed to have gathered enough, are removed farther down, and so proceed till the middle of February ; when having traversed Egypt, they arrive at the sea, and are delivered to their respective owners. One of the most important employments of bees is the ventilation of their abode; for the heat would soon rise to too high a temperature 72 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. for respiration, and there can be no current of air. But how, you will say, is this done ? Just as you would do it yourself — by fanning them- selves. By means of the hooks at the edge they unite each pair of wings, and thus make a broader surface, which they vibrate so rapidly as to render the wings almost invisible. This is what produces the constant humming in a hive, and goes on in all seasons. Now let us consider what I think the most interesting part of their history — their language and tempers. The organ of the language of ants is their antennae. Huber has proved that it is the same with the bees, and I will tell you in what manner. He wished to know whether, when they had lost their queen (which is known to the whole hive in about an hour), they discovered it by their smell, their touch, or any unknown cause.. He first divided a hive by a grate, which kept the twoportionstwoor three lines asunder, so that they could not come at each other, though scent would pass. In the part where there was no queen, the bees Avere soon in great agitation ; and as they did not discover her where she was confined, they soon began to construct royal cells, which quieted them. He next separated them by a partition, through which they could pass their antenna?, LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. J3 but not their heads. In this case the bees all remained tranquil, and went on with their em- ployments as usual. The means they used to assure themselves that their queen was in their vicinity, and to communicate with her, was to pass their antennae through the openings of the grate ; an infinite number of these organs might be seen at once inquiring in all directions, and the queen was observed answering these anxious questions of her subjects in the most marked manner ; for she was fastened by her feet to the grate, crossing her antennae with those of the inquirers. That bees remember, is evident from an anec- dote related by Huber. One autumn, some honey was placed in a window — the bees at- tended it in crowds. The honey was taken away, and the window closed with a shutter all the w inter : in the spring, when it was opened, the bees returned, though no fresh honey had been placed there. No one who has been stung can doubt their anger and revenge; indeed they have always been celebrated for it. In Mungo Park's last mission to Africa, he was much annoyed by the attacks of bees. His people, in search of honey, disturbed a large colony of them. The bees E 74 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. sallied forth by myriads, and attacking men and beasts indiscriminately, put them all to the rout. One horse and six asses were killed or missing in consequence of their attack ; and for half an hour the bees seemed to have completely put an end to their journey. Lesser tells us that in 1525, in a time of war, a mob of peasants at- tempted to pillage the house of the minister of Elinde, who having in vain employed all his eloquence to dissuade them, ordered his servants to throw his beehives among them ; and it had the desired effect, for they were immediately put to flight. Great battles sometimes take place between two swarms, when one takes a fancy to a hive pre-occupied by another; but frequently strangers are not received so inhospitably. Eees from a hive in Mr. Knight's garden visited those of a cottager a hundred yards distant, considerably later than their time of labour ; every bee ap- pearing to be questioned as it arrived. On the tenth morning, however, the intercourse ceased, ending in a furious battle. On another occasion an intimacy took place between two hives of his own, which ended on the fifth day; but he sometimes observed that these visits ended in the union of two swarms. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 75 You must not think that this apparently pros- perous and powerful nation has no enemies; many beasts and birds have a particular taste both for them and their honey. Even frogs and toads are said to kill great numbers, and many fall into the water. Mice, in winter, often commit great ravages. Thorley once lost a stock by mice, which made a nest among the combs. The titmouse, according to the same author, will make a noise at the door of the hive, and when a bee comes out to see what is the matter, will seize and devour it. The swallows will assemble round the hives, and devour them like grains of corn. Bees will bear submersion nine hours, and when taken out of water will revive with proper heat. They are less active in winter, but not absolutely torpid ; for the heat in a hive is always great in the coldest weather. I believe I have given you the most interesting particulars relating to these insects, and I hope you will find in their history ample matter for reflection and admiration. — Adieu. e 2 7^ LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. LETTER VIII. MY DEAR HARRIET, I will now introduce you to a celebrated, and, in my opinion, interesting race of insects ; I mean the ants, which besides being indefatigably industrious, are extremely lively and frolicksome. I will begin with the Termites or white ants, which I think we may consider the nobility of the species. The majority of these animals are natives of tropical countries, though two species are indigenous to Europe, one of which, thought to have been imported, is come as far as Bourdeaux. Their societies consist of five different descriptions of individuals, workers or larvae, nymphs or pupae, neuters or soldiers, males and females. 1. The workers are the most numerous and active part of the community, upon whom devolves the office of erecting and repairing the buildings, collecting provision, at- tending upon the female, conveying the eggs, as soon as laid, to the nurseries, and feeding the young larvae till they are old enough to take LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 77 care of themselves. They are distinguished from the soldiers by their small size and round heads. 2d. The nymphs differ in nothing from the larvae, except that they have wings folded up in cases. 3d. The neuters are much less numerous than the workers, and much larger in size, and are distinguished by their long and large heads. Their office is that -of sentinels and defenders of the nest when it is attacked. 4th and 5th. Males and females, which are the nymphs arrived at perfection : there is only one of each in every separate society, and they are exempted from all participation in the labours and employments of the community. The first establishment of a colony of termites takes place in the following manner. In the evening, these animals having attained the perfect state, in which they are furnished with two pair of wings, emerge by myriads to seek their fortune. Borne on these ample wings, they fill the air, entering the houses, extinguish- ing the lights, and even sometimes being driven on board the ships that are near the shore. The next morning they are found covering the surface of the earth and waters, deprived of their wings, and looking like large maggots. In this help- 78 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. less state they become the prey of innumerable enemies ; and scarcely one pair in many millions escape to found a new colony. The workers, who ?.re continually prowling about in their covered ways, sometimes meet with a pair, and pay them homage, electing them to be the king and queen of a new colony. The workers di- rectly begin to inclose their new rulers in a chamber of clay, suited to their size, but which has a door too small to let them pass through, so that they are kept in complete confinement. When the female begins to lay eggs, the larva? or workers carry them away to the nurseries, in which when hatched they are provided with food, and receive every necessary attention. The buildings of the Termes fatalis, if con- sidered as in proportion to their size, make the Egyptian pyramids and edifices dwindle into nothing in comparison. The highest pyramid is not more than 600 feet high, which is not more than 120 times the height of the builders, supposing it on an average to be five feet. Whereas the nests of the termites being twelve feet high or more, and themselves only a quarter of an inch long, their building is more than 570 times their own height, which if they were of human stature would be half a mile. These nests are formed en- LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 79 tirely of clay, and are generally twelve feet high, and broad in proportion, so that a cluster of them is often taken for an Indian village. The first thing they do is to erect two or three turrets of clay, about a foot high, like sugar-loaves. These rapidly increase in number and height, until at length, being widened at the base, joined at the top with a dome, and surrounded with walls, they appear in the shape of a haycock. When in this state, they remove the inner turrets or scaffoldings, and use the clay for other purposes. They occupy only the lower part of this palace, leaving the top empty for the circulation of air, and defence against the weather. The inhabited part is occupied by the royal chamber; the nurseries for the young ones; storehouses for food; and innumerable galleries, passages, and empty rooms : in the middle is the royal cham- ber, shaped like an oven, with a very narrow entrance, so that the poor king and queen can never possibly come out. All round it are a great number of arched rooms of different sizes, either opening into each other or communicating by passages, and intended for the soldiers and attendants in waiting on their royal mistress. Next are the nurseries and magazines. The former are occupied by the eggs and young ones, 80 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY* and as they increase in number, are taken down and rebuilt. They differ from all the rest in being made of particles of Wood, apparently joined together with gums. Intermixed with these are the magazines formed of clay, and con- taining particles of wood, gums, and the in- spissated juices of plants. These apartments, separated by small empty chambers and galleries, are continued on all sides to the outer wall of the building, to about two-thirds of its height ; leaving, however, an open area in the middle, like the nave of a cathedral, supported by three or four large Gothic arches, which in the middle are sometimes two and three feet high, but on each side are diminished like aisles of arches in perspective. The floor is so contrived as to let any water that may happen to get in run off into the subterranean passages, which are of an astonishing size ; some being a foot in diameter, and quite round and smooth : they were the quarries from which they procured materials for building, and serve afterwards as the outlets of their fortress. As they find great difficulty in ascending a perpendicular, they make in the in- terior upright part of the building a flat path- way, which winds gradually up, like a road cut in the side of a mountain. Who will say LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 81 that we could learn nothing from insects ? They, taught by unerring wisdom, have used from time immemorial the boasted discoveries of man ; and, perhaps, if rightly observed, might teach us many more. They have, however, a contrivance still more extraordinary ; they make a bridge of one vast arch, from the floor to the upper apart- ments at the side, which serves as a flight of stairs, and shortens the distance extremely. Mr. Smeathman measured one of these bridges, which was half an inch broad, a quarter of an inch thick, and ten inches long. It was strengthened by a small arch at the bottom, and had a groove along the upper surface, pro- bably that they might not fall over. It is not the least surprising circumstance that, as Mr. Smeathman saw every reason for believing, the termites project, that is, build their arches, in- stead of excavating them. When any one is bold enough to attack the nest and make a breach in the walls, the labourers, who are incapable of fighting, retire within and the soldiers come out. One first appears to re- connoitre, then two or three more scramble after him, and presently a large body of them rush forth as fast as they can, with indescribable rage and fury. In their haste they frequently miss e 5 82 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. their hold, and tumble down ; but they soon recover themselves, and bite every thing they run against, when it is prudent to keep out of their way, for they make their fanged jaws meet at the very first stroke, and will not let go though pulled limb from limb. If on the first attack you give them no further interruption, in less than half an hour they re- turn into the nest, and the labourers hasten in all directions towards the breach, every one carry- ing in his mouth a lump of mortar, half as big as his body, which he sticks on the breach ; and this is done with so much regularity and despatch, that although thousands or millions are employed, they never appear to interrupt each other. While the labourers are thus employed, almost all the soldiers retire, except here and there one, who saunters about among the workers, but never assists in the work. One in particular places himself close to the wall which they are building, and turning himself leisurely on all sides, as if to survey the proceedings, appears to act as an overseer of the works. Every now and then, at the interval of a minute or two, by lifting up his head and striking with his forceps upon the wall of the nest, he makes a particular noise, which is answered by a loud LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 83 hiss from all the labourers, and appears to be a signal for despatch ; for every time it is heard, they are seen to redouble their pace with increased diligence. If you renew the attack, the same scene will be repeated; the labourers will dis- appear, and the soldiers rush forth as before; and when all is quiet, the workers resume their task, but never attempt to fight. The termites, however, do not always go under covered-ways. There is a larger species, which Mr. Smeathman calls the marching termes. He was once passing through a thick forest, when, on a sudden, a loud hiss like that of serpents struck him with alarm : the next step produced a repetition of the sound, which he then discovered to be that of the white ants ; yet he was surprised at seeing none of their hills or covered- ways. Following the noise, to his great astonishment and delight, he saw an army of those creatures emerging from a hole in the ground ; their number was prodigious, and they marched with the utmost celerity. When they had proceeded about a yard, they divided into two columns, chiefly composed of labourers about fifteen abreast, following each other in close order, and going straight forward. Here and there was seen a soldier, carrying his vast head with apparent difficulty, and looking like 84 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. an ox in a flock of sheep, who marched on in the same manner. At the distance of a foot or two from the columns, many other soldiers were to be seen standing still or pacing about, as if upon the look out, lest some enemy should sud- denly surprise their unwarlike comrades ; other soldiers (which was the most extraordinary part of the scene) having mounted some plants, and placed themselves on the points of their leaves, elevated from ten to fifteen inches from the ground, hung over the army marching below, and by striking their forceps upon the leaf, pro- duced at intervals the noise before-mentioned. To this signal the whole army returned a hiss, and obeyed it by increasing their pace. The soldiers at these signal stations sat quite still during the intervals of silence, except now and then making a slight turn of the head, and seemed as solicitous to keep their posts as regular sen- tinels. The two columns of this army united, after continuing separate for twelve or fifteen paces, having in no part been above three yards asunder, and then descended into the earth by two or three holes. Mr. Smeathman continued watching them for above an hour, during which time their numbers appeared neither to increase nor diminish. The soldiers, however, who quitted LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 85 the line of march, and acted as sentinels, became much more numerous before he quitted the spot. The larvae and neuters of this species are furnished with eyes. I shall now give you some account of my little favourites, the English ants, of which, according to Gould, there are five species : viz. 1st, the hill ant (formica rufa) ; 2. the jet ant (formica fuli- ginosa) ; 3d, the red ant (myrmica rubra), which is the only species armed with a sting, whereas the others make a wound with their forceps, and inject the poison into it ; 4th, the common yellow ant (formica flava) ; and 5th, the small black ant (formica fusca). The societies of ants differ from those of termites, in having inactive larvae and pupae, the neuters being at the same time soldiers and labourers. The foundation of their colonies differs from that of the termites in tnis respect, that the female, after losing her wings, does all the work usually performed by the neuters, and is soon assisted by her infant progeny. However, the females are not always at liberty to leave the nest they were born in, and the workers pull off their wings and forcibly detain them till they are reconciled to their fate : they then go where they please, attended by a single ant. When the female has laid her eggs, the workers begin 86 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. to pay her homage much the same as the bees render to their queen. All press round her, offer her food, and conduct her through the formicary, sometimes even carry- ing her on their jaws. When she is set down, others surround and caress her, one after another, tapping her on the head with their antenna?. " In whatever apartment," says Gould, " a queen condescends to be present, she commands obedi- ence and respect. An universal gladness spreads itself through the whole cell, which is expressed by particular acts of joy and exultation. They have a particular way of skipping, leaping, and standing upon their hind legs, and prancing with the others. These frolics they make use of both to congratulate each other when they meet, and to show their regard for their queen ; some of them gently walk over her, others dance round her ; she i6 generally encircled with a cluster of attendants, who if you separate them from her, soon collect themselves in a body, and inclose her in the midst." I fear, my dear Harriet, that all which I shall relate to you concerning these insects will appear almost incredible, but there is no doubt of the veracity of the authorities from which the account is derived ; and if you ask how any body could see into an ant-hill, I LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 87 must tell you that M. P. Huber invented a kind of ant-hive, by which he could watch their pro- ceedings ; but I must defer any further account to my next letter. Adieu ! 88 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. LETTER IX. MY DEAR HARRIET, Let us now consider a little the language of our formic friends., though I am sorry to say I cannot teach it to you grammatically. That they have a language is very evident, though they have no voice, in common with all other in- sects. The following facts prove their powers of communication, though the most superficial ob- server might judge for himself. If those on the surface are alarmed, it is astonishing how soon the alarm spreads through the whole nest. It creates the greatest bustle, and they carry, with all possible despatch, their treasures, the larvae, and pupae or eggs, as they are commonly called, down to the lowest apartments. A species which is found on the continent in- habits hollow trees. M. Huber observed that when he disturbed those farthest from the rest, they ran towards them, and striking their head againstthem, communicated the cause of their fear or anger ; that these conveyed the intelligence to LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 89 others, till the whole colony was in a ferment. The legs of one of M. Huber's formicaries were plunged into pans of water to prevent the escape of the ants ; this proved a source of great enjoy- ment to these little beings, for they are a thirsty race, and lap water like dogs. One day when he observed many of them drinking very merrily, he was so cruel as to disturb them, which sent most of the ants to the nest, but some, more thirsty than the rest, continued their potations. Upon this, one who had retreated returned to inform his thoughtless companions of their danger : one he pushed with his jaws, another he struck on the body, and so obliged three of them to leave off carousing and return j but the fourth, more resolute to drink it out, was not to be discomfited, and paid not the least regard to the kind blows with which his compeer re- peatedly belaboured him : at length, determined to have his way, he seized him by one of his hind legs, and gave him a violent pull : upon this, leaving his liquor, the loiterer turned round, and opening his threatening jaws, with every sign of anger, went very coolly to drinking again ; but his monitor, without further ceremony, rush- ing before him, seized him by the jaws, and at last dragged him off in triumph to the nest. 90 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. Some, which engage in military expeditions, previously send out spies to collect information, and when they return, the army proceeds accord- ingly to the quarter whence they arrived. Upon the march, communications are continually making between the van and the rear, and when arrived at the camp of the enemy, and the battle is begun, couriers are despatched to the nest for reinforce- ments, if necessary. What more can man do in his expeditions ? It is well known that ants give each other notice of a store of provision. Bradley says that a nest of ants, in a nobleman's garden, discovered a closet in the house in which pre- serves were kept; some in their rambles must have made the discovery and imparted it to their comrades, for they constantly visited it till the nest was destroyed. I will also give you an- other authority, which I hope you will consider very respectable, I mean my own. I have often watched the track of the ants across the path of the garden, and sometimes when an ant had pro- ceeded at the usual pace, half across, another would come running after him, and touching him with his antennae, or horns, they would both run back again as fast as their little legs would carry them, leaving me in the greatest curiosity to know what they said. I never saw one meet LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 91 another without touching his antennae, which as they make no significant sounds, like bees, must be their organ of speech, supplying the place both of voice and words. The signal for marching is made by the military ants touching the trunk with their antennae and forehead. They also ex- press in different ways their aversions and af- fections, and though we cannot easily ascertain whether they feel individual attachment, they certainly work for the public good, and any distress falling on a member of their community generally excites their sympathy. M. Latreille once cut off the antennae of an ant, and its com- panions, evidently pitying its sufferings, anointed the wounded part with a drop of transparent fluid from their mouth; and whoever observes them will be pleased to see how they assist each other in difficulties. They even recognise each other after absence, and evince a striking satis- faction. M. Huber witnessed the gesticulations of some ants, originally belonging to the same nest, who met after four months' separation, and though this was equal to a quarter of their life as perfect insects, yet they mutually recognised each other, saluted with their antennae, and united once more to form one family. They are also ever ready to promote each other's wel- 92 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. fare, and Share any good thing they may meet with. Those which go abroad feed those who remain in the nest, and if they discover any stock of food, they inform the whole community. M. Huber having produced heat by means of a flambeau, in a certain part of an artificial for- micary, the ants that happened to be in that quarter, after enjoying it for a time, hastened to convey the welcome intelligence to their com- patriots, whom they even carried suspended on their jaws to the spot, till hundreds might be seen thus laden with their friends. What a striking example of disinterestedness do these insects, which have the general stigma of selfishness so unjustly attached to them, present, and how clearly does this injustice show us the folly of judging on superficial and imperfect grounds; let us not therefore condemn hastily any being that we fancy hor- rible and disgusting, but which on minute in- vestigation will generally appear more really beautiful than those preferred by our compa- ratively unrefined senses. But to return to the ants. They are susceptible of anger as well as love, even to fierceness. Providence has fur- nished them with formidable weapons. Two strong mandibles arm their mouth, with which LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 93 they hold so fast, that they will sooner be torn limb from limb than let go their hold ; and after their battles the head of a conquered enemy may often be seen hanging on the antennae or legs of the victor, which he is obliged to wear, however troublesome., to the day of his death. Their poison bag is furnished with a powerful and venomous acid, which is celebrated for its efficacy, and ex- hales a strong sulphureous odour. Their courage is unconquerable, and often rises into extreme fury. If you point your finger at a hill ant, instead of running away, it faces about, and that it may make the most of itself, stiffens its legs to raise its body as high as possible, and thus prepares to repel your attack. If you put your finger nearer, it opens its jaws to bite. Does not this little • creature show more courage than the greatest hero of the human race ? Even Achilles himself would run away from a finger as much larger than himself, in proportion, as ours is larger than the ant. You will naturally suppose that so courage- ous a people frequently make war on each other, which is the case, and I might here invoke the muse to sing their battles, with as much reason as the poets who celebrate the similar contests of man. They fight for territory, for the droves of aphides, equally valuable with the flocks and 94 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. herds that cover our plains, and the body of a fly or beetle, or a cargo of straws, and bits of stick, are as important; to them as a fleet to our seamen. These wars are usually between those of a different species, but sometimes between those of the same, when so near as to incommode each other : among the red ants, combats some- times take place in the same nest. In these battles the neuters or workers are the only warriors, the males and females taking the wiser, if not more honourable part, of flight. The wars of the red ant appear to be only be- tween a small number of the citizens, and the object of the popular tumult seems to be to get rid of some useless member of the community, or perhaps some criminal who will not work. Gould says that many of them may be seen sur- rounding one of their own species, and pulling it to pieces. This unfortunate ant is generally feeble and languid ; but if from illness, it does not say much for their humanity. He once saw one of these ants dragged out of the nest with- out its head, but still alive and able to crawl. This poor ant might be fancied a criminal con- demned by a court of justice to suffer the sen- tence of the law. Mouffet bears testimony to a similar fact. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 95 The wars of the ants, not of the same species, take place usually among those which differ in size ; but the large ones are frequently outnum- bered and defeated by their little adversaries. Sometimes, however, after suffering a signal de- feat, the smaller species are obliged to shift their quarters and to seek another establishment. In order to cover their march, many small bodies are posted at a little distance from the rest. As soon as the large ants approach the camp, the foremost sentinels fly at them with the greatest fury, a violent struggle ensues, multitudes of their friends come to their assistance, and the giant is either slain or led captive. The species which M. Huber observed to fight in this way were formica herculanea, and formica sanguined, neither of which have been discovered in Britain* If you would see war, in all its forms, you must behold the combats of the hill ant. There you will see populous and rival cities, like Rome and Carthage, as if they had vowed each other's de- struction, pouring forth their myriads, by various roads, to decide their fate by arms. Figure to yourself two of these cities, equal in size and population, and situated about a hundred paces from each other; observe their countless num- bers, equal to the population of two mighty em- 96 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. pires. The whole space which separates them, for the breadth of twenty-four inches, appears alive with prodigious crowds. The armies meet midway between their habitations, and then join battle. Thousands of champions mounted on more elevated spots engage in single combat, and seize each other with their powerful jaws ; a still greater number are engaged on both sides in taking prisoners, which make vain efforts to escape, conscious of the cruel fate which awaits them. The spot where the battle most rages is about two or three square feet in dimensions : a penetrating odour exhales on all sides, — num- bers of ants are here lying dead, covered with venom, — others composing groups and chains are hooked together by the legs or jaws, and drag each other alternately in contrary directions till the strongest party prevails, and the single com- bats recommence. At the approach of night each party gradually retreats to its own city, but be- fore the following dawn the combat is renewed with redoubled fury, and occupies a larger space, inspiring you to exclaim with the poet's martial fervour, " The combat deepens — on, ye brave !" These daily fights continue till violent rains separating them, they forget their quarrel, and LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. - 97 peace is restored. It is very astonishing that, though they are all of the same make, colour, and scent, every one seemed to know those of his own party, and if one was attacked, by mistake it was immediately discovered by the assailant, and caresses succeeded to blows. The presence of M. Huber, who was a witness of one of these battles, did not in the least disturb them. Though all was fury on the field of battle, on the other side were ants peaceably going on their usual avocations, and the whole formicary seemed tran- quil and orderly, except where they were march- ing to recruit the army, or bring home prisoners. I know not whether you will feel much disposed to believe what I am now going to relate to you, but it rests on the respectable authority of M. Huber, who discovered it. What do you think of ants going out on expeditions to procure slaves for their domestic purposes ? and that these ants are red, while the slaves are black ! M. Huber appeals to all who doubt the fact to observe it for themselves ; but as we cannot do so in this country we must trust to his testimony, which, let us remark, was given in a country where it might be observed. There are two species of ants which engage in these expeditions, for- mica rufescens and formica sanguinea ; but they F 98 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. do not, like the African kings, make slaves of the older ones; their object being to carry off the infants of the colony, the larvae and pupae, which they educate in their own nests till they arrive at their perfect state, when they under- take all the business of the society. The ru- fescent ants do not go on these excursions, which last about ten weeks, till the males are ready to emerge into the perfect state ; and it is very re- markable, that if any individuals attempt to stray abroad earlier, they are detained by their slaves, who will not suffer them to proceed ; a wonder- ful provision of the Creator to prevent the black colonies from being pillaged when they contain only male and female brood, which would be their total destruction, without being any benefit to their assailants, to whom workers alone are useful. Their time of sallying forth is from two to five o'clock, if the weather is fine. Previously to marching they send out scouts, and proceed to the quarter from whence they come. The advanced guard usually consists of eight or ten ants ; but no sooner do these get beyond the rest; than they move back, wheeling round in a semi- circle, and mixing with the main body, while others succeed to their station. They have " no captain, overseer, or ruler" as Solomon observes, LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 99 their army being composed entirely of neuters. They do not confine themselves to the negro ants; for, if nearer, they sometimes attack the mining ants, which are much more courageous, and there- fore they move with closer order and rapidity. The miners dart upon them, fight foot to foot, and defend their progeny with unexampled courage. During these combats the pillaged ant-hill presents in miniature, the spectacle of a besieged city; hun- dreds of its inhabitants may be seen making their escape, and carrying off their young brood, and the newly excluded females, to a place of safety; but. when the danger is over they bring them back, and barricade their city, placing a strong guard at the entrance. — Formica sanguined is another of the slave-making ants. On the 15th of July, at ten in the morning, Huber observed a small band of these ants sallying forth from their nest and marching rapidly to a neighbouring nest of negroes, around which it dispersed. The inhabitants rushing out, attacked and took several prisoners ; those that escaped stopped, appearing to wait for succours ; small brigades kept fre- quently arriving, which emboldened them to ap- proach nearer to the city they blockaded ; upon this their anxiety to send home messengers seemed to increase; these spreading a general f2 300 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. alarm, a large reinforcement immediately set out to join the besieging army ; yet even then they did not begin the battle. Almost all the negroes coming out of their fortress, formed themselves in a body of about two feet square in front of it, and there expected the enemy. Frequent skirmishes were the prelude to the main con- flict, which was begun by the negroes. Long before success appeared dubious, they carried off their pupae and heaped them up at the entrance to their nest, on the side opposite to the enemy. The young females also fled to the same quarter. The sanguine ants at length rushed upon the ne- groes, and attacking them on all sides, after a stout resistance, the latter renouncing all defence, endeavoured to make off to a distance with the pupae they had heaped up : the assailants pursued and endeavoured to. gain the prize. Many also entered the nest and carried off the young brood left behind. A garrison being left in the captured city, on the following morning the business of transporting the brood is renewed. It often happens that the invaders take up their habita- tion in their new conquest. Because these negro ants are made slaves, you must not imagine they are treated with rigour or unkindness. They have only the same labours they must have LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 101 performed in their native nest, except, indeed, feeding their masters and carrying them about. Alas ! that laziness should infect even the most industrious of animals ! for they do not join in the labour, or even direct their slaves, and when not on the field of battle are quite helpless, being even unwilling to feed themselves. Indeed they are so dependent on the slaves, that, by a natural consequence, the latter seem to exercise a kind of authority over them. They will not suffer them, for instance, to go from the nest alone, and if they return to the nest without booty, show their displeasure by attacking them, and when they attempt to enter, dragging them out; so you see that they pay dearly for their laziness, as all must who depend on others for what they ought to do themselves. Adieu. 102 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. LETTER X. What I have next to relate, my dear Harriet, will be still more difficult to believe than the foregoing. What do you think of ants having their milch cattle ? The evidence for it is abun- dant and satisfactory. The loves of the ants and the aphides (the small insects which swarm on the stalks of roses, &c. &c.) have long been celebrated, and at the proper season you may observe them busy in obtaining their saccharine fluid, which we may call milk. This fluid, which is scarcely inferior to honey in sweetness (and is, in fact, called honey-dew when found on leaves), issues in limpid drops from the abdomen of the insect by these orifices. The ants are always at hand to watch for these drops, which they seize and suck down ; but if they choose they can make them yield it at their pleasure, or rather milk them. They use their antennae for fingers, with which they pat the aphis briskly till it yields its milk. But the most singular part of this history is, that the ants LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 103 make a property of these cows, which they fight for, and endeavour to keep to themselves. If strangers attempt to share their treasure, they drive them away with as much anger as a farmer would show to a thief he found milking his cows. Sometimes to rescue them they take them in their mouths, and even, if the branch is con- veniently situated, inclose it in a tube of earth or other materials, and thus confine them in a kind of paddock near the nest ! The greatest cow-keeper of all is the yellow ant, which is met with in our pastures. This species, which is not fond of roaming, and likes to have every thing within reach, usually collects in its nest a large herd of a kind of aphis that lives on the roots of grass, and thus, without going out, has always a copious supply of food. They take as much care of them as of their own offspring, and attend the eggs particularly, moistening them with their tongues, and giving them the advantage of the sun. They are equally careful after they are hatched, fighting fiercely for them if attacked ; but we shall not be sur- prised at thisj when we consider that they pro- duce almost their only food, and thus their wealth and prosperity depend on the number of their cattle. 104 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. When some species of ants (chiefly the great hill-ant) find their habitation incommodious, they often emigrate, and the first step is to raise re- cruits ; and this is done in a manner very like that pursued by our own army. They eagerly accost their fellow citizens, caress them with their antennae, and evidently propose the journey to them. If they seem disposed to go, the recruit- ing officer carries off his recruit, who, hanging by his mandibles, is coiled up spirally under his neck. Sometimes, however, they take them by surprise, and drag them away, as in our impress service for the navy. When arrived at the right place, the recruit is dropped and becomes a re- cruiter in his turn j and thus they proceed till the city is established: the old nest goes on as usual. They work in the night as well as the day, though not in such great numbers, as they are fond of warmth. They make good roads and paths, in which they always travel. Iluber says that the roads of the hill-ants are sometimes a hundred feet in length, and several inches wide, and that they are hollowed out by their labour. The perseverance of ants on one occasion led to very important results, which affected a large portion of the world; for the celebrated con- LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. lOo queror Timour being once forced to take shelter from his enemies in a ruined building, where he sat alone many hours, desirous of diverting his mind from his hopeless condition, he fixed his observation upon an ant that was carrying a grain of corn (probably a pupa) larger than itself up a liigh wall. Sixty-nine times the grain fell to the ground, but the seventieth time the ant reached the top of the wall. " This sight (said Timour) gave me courage at the moment, and I have never forgotten the lesson it conveyed." You must not suppose that the ants have all work and no play. They find time for their sports and games, which have been described by Gould and Bonnet; but Huber gives the most circumstantial account of them. He once ap- proached one of the nests of the hill-ants, ex- posed to the sun and sheltered from the north ; here the ants were basking together in great numbers, and gamboling about. None were working, so that it seemed a general holiday : let us imagine it a festival given on some great occasion. He saw them approach, moving their antennae very quickly, and with their fore feet pat the cheeks of other ants ; after, they reared up and seemed to wrestle, and seized each other in different ways ; then let go to renew the at- f5 106 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. tack; then turned each other over, and lifted each other by turns; then left those, and ran after others. The combat did not terminate till the least animated having thrown his antagonist, escaped into some gallery. Well, my dear Harriet, what do you think of this clever little people ? Does it not occur to you, that if we imitated more closely their various good qualities, we should be much better than we are ? In doing this we should but follow the wisdom of the great Creator, who has given them these extra- ordinary instincts, and has bestowed on us the higher boon of being able to draw rational con- clusions from them, which will, if we observe rightly, lead to the same end. Adieu. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 107 0fl LETTER XI. MY DEAR FRIEND, There is a tribe of insects more numerous and more varied than almost any other, and which furnishes a great branch of their natural history — I mean the tribe of flies. The number of species greatly exceeds that of butterflies, but in general they are very much smaller ; there are, however, some which greatly surpass them in size ; dragon-flies, for instance, whose bodies are longer than those of the largest butterflies. Grasshoppers belong to the class of flies, and some are of considerable size ; but the greatest part are comparatively very small, and some so diminutive, that the different species cannot be distinguished from each other. The principal distinction of flies from other winged insects is the transparency of their wings, which are neither powdered like the butterfly's, nor enclosed in sheath-cases like the beetle's. There are two general classes, according to Reau- mur, those with two wings, and those with four. The two- winged flies have, in place of the under 108 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. wings, poisers and sometimes winglets. The poisers are little membranaceous threads, placed one under the origin of each wing, near a spiracle or breathing hole, and terminated by an oval, round, or triangular button, which seems capable of dilatation and contraction. The winglets are of rigid membrane, and fringed, and generally consist of two concavo-convex pieces situated between the wing and the poisers, which, when the insect reposes, fold over each other like the valves of a bivalve shell ; but when it flies they are extended. If either of the winglets or poisers are cut off, the insect flies unsteadily, and leans to one side. The buzzing or humming of a fly is produced by the vibration of the root of the wings, and in most instances by the winglets and poisers. Though in their general appear- ance flies greatly resemble each other, yet in the form of the head and organs of feeding there is a material difference. Some have a trunk with- out any teeth ; some have a mouth without either trunk or teeth ; others have a mouth furnished with teeth, and others have both trunk and teeth. To give you a few examples. All the bee species have a trunk and two teeth above it : all the tribe of wasps have a mouth and two teeth inside. The plant-lice or aphides, which. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. J 09 whether winged or not, are in reality flies, have trunks and no teeth. Reaumur also places the grasshoppers among the flies. There is another species, which however is scarce, that of flies which have a long pointed head like a bird's beak, at the end of which are the instruments with which it feeds. A very pretty fly which hovers round flowers is an example of it, and has its long head split at the end, which opens like a beak. An instance of the importance of the differ- ence in the form of the head, I can give you in those flies which sometimes in summer bite so sharply even through a covering, and instantly draw blood. To a superficial or even attentive observer, they exactly resemble the common house-flies, which often fall a sacrifice to the unfortunate likeness ; yet they are not even of the same genus, the culprit being of the genus stomoxys, armed with a horny sharp-pointed weapon, and the innocent victim of the genus musca, having only a soft blunt organ for suction. Another important difference is between the weapons they carry on the tail. Those which are armed with a sting are but too well known ; but others are formed in a manner no less admirable and more harmless. Many females of the fly 110 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. kind have a long instrument for the purpose of piercing a hole in which to deposit their eggs in safety, which is called an ovipositor. Many of the ichneumon kind which deposit their eggs in living animals have this long tail, which is a most admirable instrument. The grasshoppers, in particular, have a large and strong ovipositor, but it is partly concealed by the body. In h- custa viridissima, the green English locust, which is frequently found in grass, it is very con- spicuous. The saw-flies have for the same pur- pose a most admirable and effective saw, which is contained in their bodies ; but if I were to enumerate all the various and beautiful instances of exquisite contrivance observable even in this tribe, it would go far beyond the limits of a letter : I shall therefore mention what occurs to me, in a desultory manner. It must, I think, have often surprised you to see flies walking upon glass, and the cieling and walls. It was formerly supposed to be per- formed by means of the hooks with which their feet were furnished, and to the smokiness and ruggedness of the glass ; but as they walk equally well on it when just cleaned, and on the most polished mirror, we must find another reason. It is ascertained that they are furnished with LETTERS ON ENTO3I0L0GY. Ill suckers which support them by the pressure of the atmosphere. These suckers consist of a membrane capable of extension and contraction ; they are concavo-convex, with scollopped edges, the concave surface being downy, and the convex granulated. When in action they are separated from each other, and the membrane expanded so as to increase the surface : by applying this closely to the glass, the air is sufficiently expelled to produce the pressure necessary to keep the animal from falling. When the suckers are dis- engaged, they are brought together again so as to be confined within the space between the two claws : this may be seen by watching the move- ments of a fly, inside a glass tumbler, with a common microscope. If you wet a piece of leather, and apply it closely to any thing, you will see an example of this suction in the dif- ficulty you will find in detaching it. You must have often observed that in the autumn the flies begin to move more slowly, and appear some- times to stick to the glass ; Mr. White remarks on this, that when their strength diminishes, the atmospheric pressure proves too strong for them to overcome, and they appear to labour along. They are besides furnished with a cushion of bristles or hooks, and claws. 112 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. There are fourteen thousand hemispheres or eyes distinguishable in the large eyes of the drone-fly, and each of these is a perfect eye, being furnished with a cornea, a transparent humour, and a retina. The most remarkable of insects for its eyes, is the libella, or dragon-fly : Leeuwenhock reckons in both twenty-five thou- sand and eighty-eight lenses, placed in an hex- angular position. He also numbered six thou- sand two hundred and thirty-six in those of the silk-worm in the image state, and eight thousand in the common fly. These large eyes are all immoveable, and so placed that the insect can see on all sides without turning. Reaumur asserts, that many kinds have besides three small eyes on the back of the head. Flies, in common with other insects, breathe by means of spiracles or breathing holes. All, whether two or four- winged, which have an in- dividual corslet or thorax to which the six legs are fastened, have four of these breathing-holes, two on each side the corslet. They have also others on the wings or segments of the body, but less considerable. They are placed length- ways on the body, being oblong, with raised edges, and generally of a different colour from the body ; they are most easily discovered in the LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 113 large dragon-flies. If these breathing-holes or mouths are stopped by plunging the insect in oil, or any other thick substance, suffocation is the consequence; indeed they may be truly called aerial beings, for air is the only circulating me- dium through the veins and branches of their wings, consequently their activity depends on the state of the atmosphere. The gnats are but too exquisitely formed for our repose. The trunk, if we may so call the complex weapon in its mouth, is highly deserving of a particular description, though I do not know that the beauty of it can console us for the pain it causes. It consists of an open cylindrical sheath, containing five pieces, which are like pikes and saws. The sheath is not slit all the way down, and we shall see the reason. The point which pierces the skin is composed of several others, and comes out of the round end of the sheath ; and as this sting, if we may so call it, must entirely enter the flesh to draw blood, the sheath, which is necessarily strong and stiff, and cannot pierce also, bends away the sting, which, except at the point, comes out of the slit part, and the sheath makes an angle underneath, and is drawn up towards the head. I do not know whether you can understand this description, 114 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. which Reaumur has illustrated with engravings, but I fear I cannot make it clearer. The beau- tiful feathery antennae of many kinds are visible even to the naked eye. The tipulidos, which strongly resemble the gnat, are, however, essen- tially different in not having any trunk or offen- sive weapon ; they have only a mouth without even any teeth. They are a very numerous tribe, and are probably generally mistaken for gnats. They are for the greatest part born under ground, while the maggot of the gnat is always aquatic. You must often observe, even in winter, clouds of little flies at different times of the day, which are constantly rising and falling in a straight line; and these are commonly of this species, and quite harmless. The largest tipula appears to be mounted on stilts, having legs of a most disproportionate length, which, however, are well adapted for walking in grass. The saw-flies are four- winged, and have two saws indented like ours, but much more curiously ; for the teeth themselves are indented again, and the fly in using them makes a double action, by drawing one back while she pushes the other forward. The use of them is to make a hole in the branches of different trees for the reception of the eggs. LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. 115 The grasshopper tribes, or gryllidce, and the Cicada (iettigonia) , are chiefly remarkable for the noise or chirping they make ; which however is confined to the males, as the females are quite mute. The common grasshopper produces his morning and evening song by applying his posterior shank to the thigh, and rubbing it briskly against the elytrum, or wing-case; this it does alternately with the right and left legs : they have also a tympanum or drum. De Geer thus describes it : On each side of the first segment of the ab- domen, immediately above the origin of the hind legs, there is a considerable and deep aperture of rather an oval form, which is partly closed by an irregular flat plate, or operculum, of a hard substance, but covered with a wrinkled flexible membrane. The opening left by this operculum is crescent-shaped, and at the bottom of the cavity is a white skin tightly stretched over, and shining like a little mirror. On that side of the aperture, which is towards the head, there is a little oval hole into which the point of a pin may be introduced without resistance. When the pellicle is removed, a large cavity appears. This description, which is that of the migratory locust (gryllus migratorius), answers very well to the tympanum of the common grasshoppers 116 LETTERS ON ENTOMOLOGY. The vibrations caused by the friction of the thighs and elytra striking upon this drum, are reverberated by it. The crickets make their intolerable chirping by rubbing the bases of their elytra against each other. I must describe their form to give you some idea how they do it. The elytra of both sexes are divided longi- tudinally into two portions ; a vertical or lateral one which covers the sides, and a horizontal or dorsal one which covers the back. In the female both these portions resemble each other in their nervures or veins, which running obliquely in two directions, by their in- tersection, form numerous small meshes of a lozenge shape : the elytra of these have no ele- vation at the base. In the males the vertical portion does not materially differ from that of the females; but in the horizontal, the base of each elytrum is elevated so as to form a cavity underneath. The nervures also, which are stronger and more prominent, run here and there into different kinds of forms ; particularly near the end of the wing you may observe a space nearly circular, with the vein running round it. The friction of the nervures of the upper or' convex surface of the base of the left-hand elytrum, which is undermost, against those of / /urns/, i I ' iriiitsstiii/is . Crmi /://,//(.-/, {.ornsf Fnnnfs. !, Cunu/to Imptriatis- Diamond /if<-//< .J. Seamttuas. iumius- Grten Ko.