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Michalski DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS The Library of the Report No. UIUCDCS-R-78-897 A PLANAR GEOMETRICAL MODEL FOR REPRESENTING MULTIDIMENSIONAL DISCRETE SPACES AND MULTIPLE- VALUED LOGIC FUNCTIONS by Ryszard S. Michalski January 1978 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 This work was supported in part by the National Science Founadation under grant NSF MCS 76-22940. ABSTRACT A general planar model of multidimensional discrete spaces (a diagram) is described which can be used for geometrically representing binary, multiple- valued, discrete and variable-valued logic functions. It is es- sentially a multiple-valued extension of Marquand's binary diagram, with an additional feature of varying thickness of lines representing axes of variables. The diagram has been used extensively over the years by the author and his collaborators, and has proved to be useful for such tasks as: logic design and development of efficient algorithms for optimization of switching circuits of many variables, detection of symmetry in binary or multiple-valued Logic functions, fast conversion of normal forms of switching functions to =xclusive-or polynomial forms, design of algorithms for inductive inference and pattern recognition, optimization of decision tables and their conversion to aptimal decision trees. A method for recognizing in the diagram certain constructs (cartesian complexes), which are important for various applications, is presented and illustrated by two examples: one, involving a determination of a classification rule, and another, involving a synthesis of a variable-valued logic expression. tey words and phrases : Logic diagram, Marquand diagram, Karnaugh map, Veitch liagram, discrete spaces, multiple-valued logic, variable- valued logic, logic iesign. :R categories: 3.61, 3.63, 5.20, 5.21, 6.1 Motto: A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially when it is a right one. 1. INTRODUCTION There exists a large number of problems in which there is a need to deal with functions of the general form: f : D., x D~ x . . . x D ■+ D (1) 12 n where and D n , D_, ..., D are finite non-empty sets 1 I n D is a finite or infinite non-empty set. For example, a binary switching function is a special case of f when I, = D - ... = D = {0,1} and D = {0,1,*}, where * denotes a 'DON'T CARE' 12 n value. A k-valued switching function is a special case of f when D = D = ... = D = {0,1, ..., k-1} and D = {0,1, ..., k-1,*}. Often used in operations n research are the so-called psuedo-Boolean functions, which are a special case of f, when D » D - ... - D = {0,1} and D = [0,1] (the closed interval). 12 n When sets D. and D are finite sets of integers, {0,1,2,...}, then f represents a discrete function (e.g., Deschamps and Thayse [2]). In pattern recognition and decision theory many problems can be phrased as a search for an efficient expression of a function f, where D. are domains of values of certain features or descriptors which are used to char- acterize objects or situations, and D is either a finite set of decision classes to which the objects belong or a set of 'degrees of membership' of an object in a class (usually the closed interval [0,1]). Considered mainly from this point of view, functions f , in which D. and D are arbitrary finite sets with or without any order, were studied by Michalski and his collaborators (e.g., [12]- [14]) under the name of variable-valued logic functions. When analyzing a function f (which often is only partially defined), or designing algorithms involving such a function, it can be very useful to represent it in a form of a geometrical pattern. The advantage of such representation, as compared to a symbolic re- presentation, is that it is easier for humans to perceive in this form the global properties of the function, i.e., to "see" the function as a whole. Also, it is easier to detect various regularities in the function, if it is done by comparing geometrical configurations rather than strings of symbols or numbers. The above explains the popularity of Venn diagrams, Karnaugh maps , histograms or other graphical aids for representing functions. This paper describes a general planar geometrical model (a diagram) for representing functions type (1) and gives a method for easily recognizing constructs in the diagram which are important for applications. The presented diagram has been extensively used over the years by the author and his collaborators, and has proved to be very useful for various tasks such as: • logic design and a development of efficient algorithms for optimization of switching circuits of many variables (Michalski [8], Michalski and Kulpa [17]) • detection of symmetry in binary and multiple-valued logic functions (Michalski [9], Jensen [3]) « fast conversion of normal forms of switching functions to exclusive-or polynomial forms (Michalski [10]) • design of algorithms for inductive inference and pattern recognition (Michalski [12]-[15], Larson and Michalski [6]) • optimization of decision tables and their conversion to optimal decision trees (Michalski [16]). Let us define fi(d , d , ..., d ), written also as E, as the cartesian 1 I n product of sets D , i - 1,2, ... n: E(d , d , .... d )= E = D_ x D x ... x D (2) 1 ^ n 12 n where c^ - the number of elements in D , and call it the universe of events (or event space ). Let us assume, for simplicity, that the domains D are sets of positive integers: D. = (0, 1, .... d^, i = 1, 2, ..., n (3) where i ■ d -1. This assumption causes no loss in generality because any finite set can be isomorphically mapped into D given by (3) Let us also assume that D , D , ..., D are value sets (domains) of certain variables Li x 2 , ..., x r , respectively (i.e., x. can take values only from D , x - only from D«, and so on). A discrete-Euclidean representation of the space E would be in the form of an n-dimensional 'grid', spanned from the d. , d_, ..., d points on 12 n axes associated with variables x , x , ..., x , respectively (Fig. 1). The above geometrical model of E is, however, difficult to visualize when n > 3, and therefore it is n©t practical for a larger number of variables. In the past, for the case when x are binary variables, many dif- ferent planar representations of the space E have been proposed. Among well known early constructions are Euler's circles (1768) [1] and Venn diagrams (1880) [20], The earliest known constructions for representing logical operations were developed in XIII century by Raymond Lull [1]. A diagram of rectangular shape, which is divided into cells corres- ponding to single combinations of binary logic values was first pro- posed by Marquand in 1881 [7]. The regularity and simplicity of such a diagram made it useful for a larger number of variables than the Venn diagram. It has not become popular, however, because there was no pressing need at that time for representing complex logical functions. Such a need arose many years later when Shannon discovered the applicability of Boolean algebra for des- cribing switching systems. And then a Marquand-type diagram was independently rediscovered by Veitch in 1952 [19] (a diagram of this type was also developed by Svoboda [18]). Soon afterward in 1953, Karnaugh [4] reorganized the Veitch diagram, assigning variable values to rows and columns according to the Grey's code rather than to the regular binary code, used in Marquand and Veitch diagrams. In such an arrangement, any two neighboring cells in the diagram . x 2 II J -7- , d 2 =4, d 3 =4 Jkf : zzz^ z 2 n f = X A ^ ^ — -y^- -& IT &- *n y -- ^- — -*3^ -#! *T — ^ ,,1 -■M — - • - f(e)=l O — f(e) = CD- f(e) = ± • - f(e)=* Fig. 1. Discrete-Euclidean representation of the space E(U,U,M and a mapping f: E(4,4,4) -► {0, h ,, 1, *}. correspond to adjacent conjunctions (i.e., conjunctions which differ only in one literal (variable or its negation) and, therefore, can be reduced to one con- junction). In this form, the diagram (called the Karnaugh's map) became very popular as an aid in logical design of electronic circuitry. It is quite con- venient for minimization of Boolean functions up to 4 variables. When there are more than 4 variables, however, the rules of using the map change and quickly become rather complicated. This paper describes a diagram for representing discrete spaces spanned over not only binary variables, but variables with any discrete values. The rules for constructing and using the diagram are the same for any number of variables and any number of values which variables can take. Consequently, the diagram provides a general geometrical model of discrete spaces. The diagram is essentially a multiple-valued extension of Marquand's binary diagram (although the author was not aware of this when he developed it) • In addition, it has a new feature which is a varying thickness of lines re- presenting axes of variables. This feature greatly improves the clarity of the diagram, especially when there are many variables. The diagram was orig- inally described in a departmental report by Michalski [11] which is out of print. The binary form of this diagram was described earlier (Michalski [8]). The intention of this paper is to make available written information about the diagram and describe various new results not yet published. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF THE DIAGRAM Suppose a task is to represent the space E(d , d , ..., d^), that is a space spanned over n variables, which take d , d», ..., d values, respectively First, determine v which is the maximal number satisfying relation: d • ' d„ ... d < d . ' d ., ... d ( 4 ) 12 v — v+1 v+2 n This is an arbitrary step, but it leads to a unique diagram for a given E. Also, the diagram is visually more satisfying if the products on both sides of (4) are approximately equal. (To achieve this a permutation of the d. -s may be helpful.) Next, draw an arbitrary rectangle and divide it into d * d„ . . . d rows and d , * d ,_ ... d columns according to the 12 v v+1 v+2 n following rules: (i) In the first step, divide the rectangle by horizontal lines into d rows and assign to the rows values 0, 1, .. ., &. (values of variable x ) in order from the top to the bottom. In the step i, 1 < 1 < v, divide each row generated in step i-1 into d rows, and assign to them values 0, 1, ..., 4 . , in order from the top to the bottom (&. = d. -1). (ii) Do the steps v+1, v+2, ..., n } in the similar way as above, but divide the rectangle by vertical lines into columns . (iii) The lines generated in step i, i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are called axes of x . . Vary the thickness of axes of dif- ferent variables: the thinnest should be axes of x v and x , next thinnest - the axes of x , and x ., , and n v-1 n-1 so on, until exhausting all the axes. (Thus, if n is even and v = n/2, the thickest will be the axes x, and x , n ) . 1 v+1 Figure 2 presents a general form of the diagram for n = 4. A unique vector (x , x , ..., x ) corresponds to each row and a unique vector (x ... x ,„, .... x ) corresponds to each column of the diagram. The inter- v+1 v+2 n section of any row with any column is called a cell . We will assume that the x 1 x 2 i I 1 o . • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 d 2 -i 1 . 1 • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i d 2 -l i 1 1 i i i i i l i ! ! 1 l I i i i I i • I 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 i! 1 1 i 1 J r> : • 1 1 1 1 : i 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 I l l i d 2 -l l • • • C 4-1 l • • • c 1 4-1 1 • • • c 2 4-1 i . . . ( d 3 -l u-i Fig, A diagram representing E(d ,d ,d ,d ), 8 cells do not include points belonging to any axis nor to the perimeter of the rectangle. Each cell represents an element of E ( event ) determined by con- catenating vectors (x^ * r ..., x y ) and (x^, x^, ..., X fl ) , corresponding to the row and the column, respectively, whose intersection produces the given cell. The diagram comprises d=d 1 ' d r " d n cells (that is the number of events in E). Each event e = (x n , x_, ..., x ) from E can be assigned a unique 1 z n number y(e) according to the formula: 1 y(e) =x n + y x ± p|d k (5) i=n-l k=n For example, in the space E(5,6,4,3) the value of the function y(e) (y- number ) for the event e = (3,4,1,2) is y(e) = 2 + 1-3 + 4-4-3 + 3-6-4-3 = 269 It is easy to see that from a given value y(e) and values d, ,d_, ..., d , one can determine the corresponding event e=(x 1 ,x_, ..., x ). J- z n 1 Z n Namely, first divide y(e) by d ; the remainder is the value of x . Next, divide n n the result by d . ; the remainder is the value of x , , and so on, until the n-1 n-1 value of x is obtained. It can be easily verified that if one assigns the corresponding y-number to each cell, the order of the numbers in any diagram will be lexicographical (i.e., from left to right and from top to bottom), no matter what is the number of variables or the number of values the variables take. Figures 3 and 4 present diagrams for two different event spaces and the distribution of y-numbers in them. a. b. X l X 2 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 i 1 12 13 14 15 c 1 ) : 1 X X X 3 X 4 x x 00 01 II 10 00 01 II 10 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 12 13 15 14 8 9 11 10 A diagram representing binary space E(2,2,2,2) An equivalent Karnaugh map Fig. 3. Distribution of Y-numbers in a diagram and aa equivalent Karnaugh map. 10 Xj x 2 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 1 1 1 58 59 c 1 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 x 4 X, Fig. 4. Diagram for space E(3, 2,4, 3). 11 3. RECOGNITION OF INTERVAL AND CARTESIAN COMPLEXES IN A DIAGRAM 3.1 Definitions We will introduce now certain concepts which play an important role in various applications of the diagram. Let {x. = a, }, i e l,2,...,n , where a is a subset of D., denote the i 1 l i set of all events from an E, whose x. component takes a value from ot . : {x. = a. } = {e = (x. , x , ..., x ) |x. e a } (6) 11 12 n ' l i Such an event set is called a cartesian literal . If the subset a . is a se- quence of consecutive integers, a+1, ..., b, then the cartesian literal is called an interval literal and denoted {x. = a..b}. If a . consists of only l i one element, then {x. = ol.} is called an elementary literal . A set-theoretical product of cartesian (interval) literals is called a cartesian complex ( interval complex ) : n L= II {x ± = a}, I c {1,2,. ..,n} (7) i e I A cartesian complex which is a product of elementary literals is called an elementary complex . Set-theoretical operations on cartesian complexes: complement, product and sum are equivalent to the complement, intersection and union of the corresponding sets of cells in a diagram* (Fig. 5, 6, 7). In the binary case (i.e., when d = d = ... = d =2) cartesian complexes reduce to sets of events corresponding to single conjunctions of binary literals. For example, complex {x =0}{x =1}{x =0} corresponds to conjunction x x.x,.. 3. 2 Supporting concepts A function f : I-* D (8) * In the sequel, whenever it does not lead to confusion, a set of cells corresponding to a cartesian complex will be called simply a cartesian complex. 12 L*{x x «l f 2}{x s «l} L : {x 1 =0}u{x 3 =0} denotes L Fig. 5. Complement of a cartesian complex. 13 Lj»{vl}K-0.l} L 2 :{ Xl =l,2}{x 2 =1..3}{x 5 =O..E} denotes L i r\L z Fig. 6. An intersection of cartesian complexes. L-r {x 2 =1..3}{x 3 =l}{x 5 =0..2} L 2 : {x 1 -l}{x a -1..3} denotes L 1 \jL z Fig. 7» A union of cartesian complexes. 14 can be represented in a diagram by marking cells representing events e e E by corresponding value f(e). For example, Fig. 8 presents a diagramatic representation of the function from Fig. 1: f: E(4, 4, 4, 4) ■* {0, % , 1, *} (9) In solving various logical or combinatorial problems occurring. 7 e.g., in logic design, pattern classification, decision theory, etc., there is often a need for expressing a function f (8) in terms of concepts which are special cases of cartesian or interval complexes. For example, in logical design such concepts are prime implicants; in pattern classification and artificial intelligence - property lists or logical products of condi- tions: 'does feature x have value a' or 'does feature x have value in the set A' (Michalski [12]). In using diagrams for manual solving or illustrating such problems, or as an aid in designing and testing algorithms for a com- puter solution, a question arises of how to visually recognize in a diagram the configurations of cells which correspond to cartesian or interval com- plexes. In order to develop such a rule, we will first introduce some geo- metrical concepts which are very easy to recognize in the diagram, and then express the rule in terms of these concepts. Definition 1 : A set of cells included in one row {column} or in two or more adjacent rows {columns} generated in step i = 1, 2, ..., v {i= v+1, v+2, ..., n} and, if i ^ 1 {i ^ v + 1}, contained in a single row {column} generated in step i-1, is called a regular row {regular column } (Fig. 9). Definition 2 : The intersection of any regular row and any regular column is called a regular rectangle (Fig. 10). Definitions 1 and 2 imply that any regular rectangle can be ex- pressed as a single product of interval literals, that is as an interval complex. A regular rectangle can be considered a diagram itself, representing 15 \ i 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 v 2 2 1 1 % 1 1 v 2 3 v 2 Vz v 2 v 2 v 2 l C 2 ) 3 i i 2 3 i 2 > 3 i - 2 5 3 X X Fig. 8. Diagramatic representation of the mapping f from Fig. 1, The empty cells have value *, 16 Fig. 9. A t» a ? - regular rows, A ,A, - regular columns B - not a regular row, B - not a regular column, Fig. 10- A ,A , ...,A - regular rectangles K 1»B_,B ,B< - not regular rectangleu 17 a subspace of the total event space, spanned over the axes which cross the rectangle. If we assume that the perimeter of a diagram is made of the thickest line, then it is easy to observe that the thickest axis crossing any regular rectangle is never thicker than the thickest, parallel to it, borderline axis. From now on, whenever we use the name rectangle, we will mean a regular rectangle. Definition 3 : A regular partition of a rectangle is a set of rectangles obtained by splitting the original rectangle along the thickest horizontal or vertical axes crossing the rectangle (Fig. 11). It follows from the definition 3 that expressions of rectangles in a partition differ only in one literal (Fig. 11). Definition 4 : Let E be a set of cells. The minimal-under- inclusion regular rectangle which includes E (i.e. the regular rectangle contained in every other rectangle which includes E) , is called the covering rectangle of E_ (Fig. 12). Suppose a configuration of cells, E, corresponds to a simple car- tesian complex L(E), i.e., a product of literals involving variables from the set {x. , . . . ,x }. 1 n Lemma 1 If E is a proper subset of rectangle R, then L(E) can be expressed as L(E) = L(R) n L (10) where L(R) is a product of literals expressing rectangle R, and L a product of literals called an expression of E ±n context of R. Proof Since an intersection of sets of cells corresponds to a product of expressions representing sets and E C R, therefore the expression L(R) must be a part of the product L(E); the remaining part is L. M Xi x 2 \ir "V 1 V= l 2 X 4 X, Fig. 11. R 2 : { X;L =0}{x 3=1,2} R 3 . : { X;L =2}{x =1,2} R 2 : {x 1 =l}{x 3 =l,2} The set {R , R , R } is a regular partition of rectangle R. 18 19 R(Ej) R(E 2 ) x l Xo v J 1 \ / / r 1 L / l / i> 2 % h 3 ^ E 3 (^ 1 1 i i ^ % -»■ 2 4 % V /^/ 1 R(E 3 ) 3 V *J E 4 R(E 5 ) 2 1 p b ^ -\ 2 E 5 R(E 4 )^ 3 ^ ^) 1 ( 2 ) 3 c ) i 2 L 3 1 C 2 ) 3 i i 2 L 3 x 5 x 4 x. Fig. 12 , Event sets E. and their covering rectangles RtE,), i = 1,2,. ..,5. 20 The product L is a cartesian complex in the subspace of event space E, determined by rectangle R, i.e., spanned over the axes crossing the rectangle. Lemma 1 implies that in order to determine whether a set E cor- responds to a cartesian complex, it is sufficient to determine whether E is a cartesian complex in the context of a rectangle which includes E (rather than in the context of the whole diagram) . Let E be a subset of cells of some regular rectangle R. E can be represented in R by marking cells which belong to E and leaving the remaining cells of R unmarked. Definition 5 ; A regular rectangle R with marked cells belonging to a set of cells E is called an image of E and denoted I(R,E). If E is a cartesian com- plex in the context of R, then R is called an image of a_ cartesian complex . For completeness, a rectangle with no marked cells is alternatively called an empty image . Definition 6 : Two or more images are congruent if they can be superimposed by translation and, when superimposed, the corresponding cells in the images are all marked or all empty (Fig. 13). 3.3 A cartesian complex recognition theorem and a recognition rule Suppose E , E , ... are configurations of cells corresponding to cartesian complexes. Lemma 2 If and only if images I (R ,E ), I (R ,E ), ... are congruent then expressions of E..,E ... in the context of R ,R , ... are identical. Proof According to lemma 1, a cartesian complex L(E.) corresponding to E., j = 1, 2, .. } can be expressed as (i) L(E.) = L(R.) n L. 3 3 3 where L(F.) is the expression of the rectangle R • , and L^ is the expression of E. in the context of R.. Since images I(R^,E^) are congruent, then each E. , j 1, 2, .., has an identical location with regard to the borderlines of the 21 Fig. 13. Images I , ..,1 are congruent. 22 corresponding rectangle and, consequently, the differences between expres- sions L(E.), j = 1, 2,..., can only be due to the differences in expressions of rectangles, i.e., L(R.). Thus, all L. must be identical. To prove the reverse implication, observe, that if all L. are identical, then expressions L(E.), given by (i), can differ only in expres- sions of rectangles, i.e., L(R.), and, consequently, images I(R.,E.) have to be congruent. fl| Let L.,j =1, 2,... be cartesian complexes which differ only in one literal: L. = T{x =a.}, j =1, 2, ... where T is the common part. Using the distributive property of the set- theoretical union over the intersection and the definition of literal, we can write: UL. - U T{x-a.} - T{x-U .a.} (11) J J J 1 Consequently, the union of such cartesian complexes is also a cartesian complex. The equation (11) is called the combining rule . If U a. = D , . J k where D is the domain of x, , then {x. =Ua . } is equivalent to the event space k k' k j M v E and rule (11) reduces to the simplification rule : U T{x =a.} = T ( 12 ) j R J We can now formulate a theorem which leads to a recursive recogni- tion rule for cartesian and interval complexes in an arbitrary diagram. Theorem 1 A configuration E of cells in a diagram is a cartesian complex if and only if: (1) E is a regular rectangle (in this case E is also an interval complex) , or (2) A regular partition of the covering rectangle of E consists of congruent images of cartesian complexes 23 and possibly some empty images. If the partition has no empty images, and consists of congruent images of interval complexes, then E is also an interval complex. Proof : Condition 1: The definition of a regular rectangle (definition 2) implies that a rectangle can be expressed as an interval complex. Condition 2: Definition 3 implies that a regular partition of a rectangle consists of rectangles whose expressions differ only in one lit- eral. Let R_, R , ... denote nonempty rectangles and E , E^ t ... event sets contained in them, respectively. Because images I(R.,E.), j = 1, 2, ..., are congruent, therefore, according to lemma 2, expressions of E in the context of R. are identical, and, therefore, complete expressions of E , L(E ), J J J differ only in one literal. We have E = E U E 2 U ... (i) therefore, the expression of E, L(E), is the union of L(E.) and, according to the combining rule (11), is a cartesian complex- If a partition of the covering rectangle does not include empty images, that means that in the expressions L(E.) = T{x.=a.}, j = 1, 2, ... j i J a.-s form a set of consecutive integers. Consequently, the union UL(E.) = T{x.=a.}, where a. = U a is an interval complex, if T is an interval com- ii i j 3 plex, i.e., if rectangles of the partition are images of interval complexes. Now we have to prove that if E corresponds to a cartesian complex then it satisfies condition 2 (if it satisfies condition 1 it also satisfies condition 2). Let L(E) denote a cartesian complex corresponding to E: n L(E) = n {x.=ci.}, a. C D. lii—i 1=1 24 Suppose sets a. are transformed to new sets a 3 a . , by filling 'gaps' in a. or substituting D. for a., such that n 1 R(E) = {x.=a.}, 1-1 * X defines the covering rectangle of E. If k is selected in such a way that x k are the thickest vertical or horizontal axes crossing rectangle R(E) , then rectangles R defined by complexes 3. L(R ) - L 1 {x =a}, a e 0.} a rC K. where 1 n 1 L = {x.=at> ifk i=l constitute a regular partition of R(E). A rectangle defined by L(R ), contains for a e ol , 5 X Fig. 18. Cartesian complexes for determining a DVL. ; expression of function from Fig. 8. 35 f: l[x =l][x 2 =0]V l[x =l,2][x 2 =l,2][x +2] V Jg[x 3 -1,2] V _ J V. j L l L 2 L 3 An equivalent way of expressing f is by an ordered set of produc- tion rules (i.e., rules which consist of a condition part and an action part; the action part is evoked if the condition part is satisfied). Rules in an ordered set are applied sequentially, the first rule satisfied produces the action: [ X;L =l][x 2 =0] => [f=l] [x 1 =l,2][x 2 =l,2][x 3 +2] => [f=l] [x 3 =l,2] => [f= h ] Sometimes an unordered set of rules is preferable (i.e., rules can be applied in any order). In this case, each set of cells with the same mark is treated independently. For example, function f from Fig. 8 can be ex- pressed by the following unordered set of rules: [ Xl =l][x 2 =0] => [f=l] [ Xl =l,2][x 2 =l,2][x 3 +2] => [f-1] [x 3 =2] «> [f- h ] [ Xl =3][x 3 =l,2] => [f= h ] To see clearly the difference between the two sets of rules, the reader is advised to represent them in the diagram. 5. SUMMARY We have presented here a general geometrical model of multidimensional discrete spaces, and introduced several concepts associated with the model, such as regular row, column, rectangle, a regular partition, etc. These concepts were subsequently used for determining a rule for recognizing constructs, specifically cartesian and interval complexes, that are important in various applications of the model. 36 The model can serve as an aid in designing, testing, describing, and, also, in many practical problems, in hand executing algorithms involving discrete, many valued or variable-valued logic functions. It can also be useful in education, for teaching concepts and algorithms involving such functions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF MCS- 76-22940. The author owes many thanks to his collaborators and students who shared with him the experiences of using the diagram over the years and con- tributed to the final form of the recognition rule of cartesian complexes. Thanks are also due to the former CACM Technical Department Editor Professor Glenn Manacher for his comments and suggestions. 37 REFERENCES Bochenski, J. M. Formal Logic . Frelburg-Munchen, 1956 Deschamp, J. P. and Thayse A. Representation of Discrete Functions. Proceedings of the 1975 International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic , Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, May 13-16, 1975, pp. 99-111. Jensen, G. M. The Determination of Symmetric VL^ Formulas. Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1975. Karnough, M. The Map Method for Synthesis of Combinational Logic Circuits, Commun. Electron . November 1953, pp. 593-599. Kuzichev, A. S. Diagramy Venna . Izd. Nauka, 1968 (in Russian). Larson, J. and Michalski, R. S. AQVAL/1 (AQ7) User's Guide and Program Description. Report No. 731 . Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, June 1975. Marquand, A. On Logical Diagrams for n Terms. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science . Vol. XII, 5th Series, No. 75, 1881, 266-270. Michalski, R. S. Graphical Minimization of Switching Functions in Class of Disjunctive Normal Forms. Journal of the Institute of Automatic Control . Polish Academy of Sciences. No. 52, Warsaw, 1967 (in Polish). Michalski, R. S. Recognition of Total or Partial Symmetry in a Switching Function Completely or Incompletely Specified. Proceedings of the IV Congress of International Federation on Automatic Control (IFAC ), Vol. 27 (Finite Automata and Switching Systems), Warsaw, June 16-21, 1969, pp. 109-129. Michalski, R. S. Conversion of Normal Forms of Switching Functions into Exclusive-Or-Polynomial Forms. Archiwum Automatyki i Telemechaniki , Polish Academy of Sciences, No. 3, 1971, 263-278 (in Polish). Michalski, R. S. A Geometrical Model for the Synthesis of Interval Covers. Report No. 461, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, June 24, 1971. Michalski, R. S. A Variable-Valued Logic System as Applied to Picture Description and Recognition," Chapter in the book, GRAPHIC LANGUAGES , eds. F. Nake and A. Rosenfeld, North-Holland Publishers, 1972. Michalski, R. S. Variable-Valued Logic and Its Applications to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Chapter in the monograph: Multiple- Valued Logic and Computer Science , edt. David Rine, North-Holland Publishers, 1975. Michalski, R. S. Synthesis of Optimal and Quasi-Optimal Variable-Valued Logic Formulas. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Multiple- Valued Logic , Bloomington, Indiana, May 13-16, 1975, pp. 76-87. 38 15. Michalski, R. S. A System of Programs for Computer-aided Induction: A Summary. Proceedings of the Fifth Intern. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, MIT, 22-26 August, 1977. 16. Michalski, R. S. Designing Extended Entry Decision Tables and Optimal Decision Trees Using Decision Diagrams. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-78-898, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL., March 1978. 17. Michalski, R. S., Kulpa A. A system of programs for the synthesis of switching circuits using the method of disjoint stars, Foundations of Information Processing, IFIP Congress, Ljubliana, August 1971. 18. Svoboda, A. Grafico-mechanicke pomucky uzirane pri analise a synthese kontaktowych obvodu. Stroje Zpracov . Inf. No. 4, 1956 (in Chech). 19. Veitch, E. W. A Chart Method for Simplifying Truth Functions. Proc. Assoc. Comput . Machine Conf . , May 2-3, 1952, pp. 127-133. 20. Venn, J. On the Diagrammatic and Mechanical Representations of Propositions and Reasoning. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, vol. 10, 1880. ILIOGRAPHIC DATA EET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-78-897 ritle and Subtitle [ PLANAR GEOMETRICAL MODEL FOR REPRESENTING MULTIDIMENSIONAL DISCRETE SPACES AND MULTIPLE- VALUED LOGIC FUNCTIONS 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date January 1978 6. Luthor(s) tyszard S. Michalski 8- Performing Organization Rept. No - UIUCDCS-R-78-897 'erforming Organization Name and Address Iniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign )epartment of Computer Science Jrbana, Illinois 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 14. Supplementary Notes tpstracts ^ general planar model of multidimensional discrete spaces (a diagram) is des- ibed which can be used for geometrically representing binary, multiple-valued, dis- ete and variable-valued logic functions. It is essentially a multiple-valued exten- an of Marquand's binary diagram, with an additional feature of varying thickness of ties representing axes of variables. The diagram has been used extensively over the years by the author and his collabo- tors, and has proved to be useful for such tasks as: logic design and development of ficient algorithms for optimization of switching circuits of many variables, detection symmetry in binary or multiple-valued logic functions, fast conversion of normal rms of switching functions to exclusive-or polynomial forms, design of algorithms for iuctive inference and pattern recognition, optimization of decision tables and their iversion to optimal decision trees. A method for recognizing in the diagram certain constructs (cartesian complexes) , Lch are important for various applications, is presented and illustrated by two amples: one, involving a determination of a classification rule, and another, involv- g a synthesis of a variable-valued logic expression. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Logic diagram, Marquand diagram, Karnaugh map, Veitch diagram, discrete spaces, multiple-valued logic, variable-valued logic, logic design. CR categories: 3.61, 3.63, 5.20, 5.21, 6.1 Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms COSATI Field/Group Availability Statement Please Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 42 22. Price M NTIS-39 ( 10-701 USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 t ^