881 A2a . p cop ,2 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY eai THrUBRARy BTmr JUN 2 7 1924 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library 2U m 11 NOU 2 NOV 1 4 IS OCT 29 32 Bb2 L161— H41 THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. (Cambridge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. m 2 7 1924 BY ' CLASSICAL EXAMINER TO THE UNIVERSITY OP LONDON. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LONDON: WHITTAKEB AND CO., G. BELL AND SONS. I888 'SSI 4 Za., p a., I ^ INTEODUCTION. Professor Kennedy well sums up the drift and purpose of the three great tragedies that form the trilogy of the Orestea, by calling them " three acts, as it were, of one plot." The Agamemnon^ he says^, is Hhe Crime ,' the Choephoroe is *the Vengeance,' and the third, the Eu- * menides, is 'the Avenger's Trial.' In all there is a moral ^ purpose which is developed not only very finely, from a ^ poetic point of view, but very powerfully as the theological and philosophical teaching of an earnest, reverent, and ^ religious mind. A fatalist by birth and education, a pre- ^ destinarian by conviction, and a pessimist by the workings of a naturally gloomy mind, he traces a whole chain of family evils to ancestral crime. Originating in a delusion or moral infatuation, dry], the subsequent crimes and woes are with him the necessary effects of a cause. The murder of Agamemnon by the hand of his wife, and that of Cly- temnestra by the hand of her son, are but the results of atrocities long before committed by Pelops and Atreus ; for sin ever produces a brood * like unto itself ' (v. 735). As in all works of the highest art it will be found ^ that our admiration increases with further study, so it is ^ especially true of the Agamemnon to say, that the more carefully its plot and composition are studied, and the more ^ pains are taken to master its many difficulties, the more -J it will seem to develop new beauties and new points of h interest in the characters of the principal actors. To ^ understand the play rightly and thoroughly is, without doubt, a high intellectual effort and exercise. The pride of Agamemnon, the unrelenting vindictiveness of Clytem- 1 Introduction, p. 1, ed. 1878. o5iv334 L 6 INTRODUCTION. nestra, and tlie undeserved misery of the captive Cas- sandra, are all worked out with singular skill, power, and consistency, subordinate to the general and main doctrine of the play, tha t Crime will have its PunishmenL a nd con- tempt of divine laws will be followed by a certain and inevitable Nemesis. It is a grand moral lesson, in which, although Fate and Destiny {dvdyKri) are prominent ideas, Divine Justice is never lost sight of. The ethical bearing of the play therefore was altogether on the side of natural religion. The following is a brief outline of the succession of events. (1) A watchman on the palace roof sees the beacon-light announcing the capture of Troy, and at once gives information to the expectant queen, who busies her- self with preparations for a general rejoicing. (2) The chorus describes, not without forebodings of evil, the causes of the expedition, the omens seen on the way, the sacrifice of Iphigenia. (3) Clytemnestra narrates to the chorus the stations of the beacon-lights, and expatiates on the relative positions of the captured and the conquerors. (4) A choral ode follows on the treachery of Paris, the grief of the injured Menelaus, the sufferings and secret murmurs of the people who are compelled to engage in a war for his selfish ends. (5) A herald arrives, bringing a detailed account of the events of the capture, followed by a narrative of dis- asters from a storm in the return. Between the two speeches, the queen makes a hypocritical protestation, half suspected by the chorus, of her love for her lord. (6) Another choral ode on Paris and the fascinations of Helen, with reflexions on one crime begetting another. (7) Agamemnon enters in a car with Cassandra, and boasts of his success, and the vengeance that has at last overtaken Troy. Clytemnestra addresses him with apparent affection, and a contest between them ensues about his walking on costly carpets into the palace. (8) The chorus more plainly than before bodes evil, though present ap- pearances seem favourable. (9) Cassandra utters wild words, not understood by the chorus, and more and more plainly foretells her own and the king's fate. (10) The INTRODUCTION. 7 groans of Agamemnon being killed are heard within the palace. The chorus hesitate as to what course they should pursue, when Clytemnestra comes forth and avows the deed. (11) Eecriminations ensue with the chorus, who threaten vengeance. (12) Aegisthus asserts that the deed was a just one, and that his own wrongs as well as Clytem- nestra's have been avenged. The play concludes with an assertion of his power and his determination to put down opposition by force. It has never been sufficiently observed, though it is a fact of much importance and interest, that Aeschylus no- where shows any knowledge of the Iliad and the Odyssey in this trilogy. He followed epics which contained in full the account of the sacrifice of Iphigenia, the early family feuds of the house of Atreus, and the rape of Helen; as well as others which described the return of the Greeks, the storm off the Grecian coast, and the murder of Agamemnon. These latter events are alluded to in the Odyssey, indeed, as the detention of the fleet is slightly alluded to in the second Book of the Iliad; but the poet did not take his accounts from these sources. He followed poems which in his time 'appear to have had both more popularity and more authority, the Cypria (Kijirpia 'iirri) and the '^baroi. The following extracts from Proclus' epitome of the Cypria (p. 234, ed. Westphal) wiU make this perfectly clear to the reader. ** Paris, at the suggestion of Aphrodite, builds a fleet, and Helenus (his inspired brother) utters predictions about the coming marriage^. Cassandra foreshows the troubles that will follow. Paris is entertained hospitably at Sparta, in the palace of Menelaus^. He offers Helen presents at the entertainment. Menelaus goes oft to Crete, charging Helen to entertain her guests. During his absence the lovers meet, and sail off after putting most of her property on board 3. He arrives at Troy and there solemnises the marriage*. The leaders of the Grecian fleet are summoned 1 SofKov 7rpo ^ - Kat ToiJS 4>epovTas x^^i^"- '^^'^ ^^P^^ ^poTots 6 Xa/xTrpors Swao-ras ifxirpiTTOVTas aWepi [d(TT€pas, orav ^Olvcoo-lv, dvToXds T€ t(3v] . a ^ v^x Kat cfivXaaao) Xa/x7ra8os to avfi^oXoVy avy-qv TTvpos, lpov(Tav Ik Tpotas ^ariv .' ^Vrw^^P ^ cEXwo-t/xoV re jSa^tv wSe yap KpaTCi 10 ywatKos dvSp6l3ov\ov Ikiri^ov Keap, €VT av §€ i/vKTt7rXay/^pCL (TVixfSaXeLV vttvc^' 15 oTav S' aetSciv ^ fXLvvpeaO ai Sokw, -UTTl/OV ToS' dvTLlXoXirOV ivTCfLVdiV (XKOS, KXaio) TOT oiKOV TOTjSe orvixcjiopdv a-rivoiv, ovx "ra Trpoo-O* dpLCTTa SLaTrovovfxivov. n^c^A\j>^,^^ vvv 8' ci5tvx'*75 yivoiT dTraXXayrj ttovwv, £0 cvayyeXov ^avevTOS dp^vaiov irvpo^, *0 X^^P^ Xa/X7rT?)p vvkto?, -qik^prjcriov 7jiJiovvTa t^Sc Xa/X7ra8| hropOidt'^iVi €L7rep 'IXtov ^roXts 12 AI2XTA0Y ^ avros T cywye (^poLfiLov xop^vo-ofxai* ra Seo-TroTwv yap cv Trco-oi/ra Oya-ofjuai, Tpis /3aXova-r]L\rj \€pa avaKTOoSLVOvvraL, > * ^ ^ 7rTepvyo)V iperfJiOLcnv ipeo-cro/Jievot, vorvo-vw^ BeixvLoryprj ^ ^ 1 , , irovov opraXt^^cDV oXecraFre?. ^•--wx^ .) vTraro^ S atwi/ ^ rts 'AttoXXwv 56 Ilai/ ^ Zcvs oloivoOpoov t^-- 6wc^' oVap yfxepocjiavTOV oXatVa. u.^ rfji' j ^^^K cri) 8e, Ti;i/Sapea> 6vyaT€p, jSao-iAeta KX-uratjutrT/o-rpa, I^P^ Tt XP^os; Tt V€OT/; rt 8' liraKydoikivq, 85 TtVos ayyeXuxs 7r€v6oL TrepLTreixirra 6vQ(Tklv€l^; {^i^I-^ i^^u^-v?^ t^*we.v 5 TTOLVTiOV Se ^eWV T(OV dG-TVv6[l(i)Vy r(2v T ovpavL(i)V riov r ayopatW, 90 )8a)/j(,ol 8wpoto-t cjiXiyovTar aXXrj 8' aXXo^cv QvpavoiJL^Kr]« iKT€Xi(jt)v {h-i yap OeoOev KaraTrveUi ^ 105 Treifici jioXirdv oXko. $vix(f>VTO^ alwv), o7ra)S 'A;)(atcoi/ ScOpovov Kparos, 'EAAaSos y/Sas ^vfJLcjypova rdyav, 110 irifXTreL Sopl kol x^P^ irpaKTopi ^^-c^-*,-*.. ' OovpioS; opvts TcvK/otS' €7r' atay, otcavcoi/ ^acnXevs ^acriX^vai vcwv, o KeXatvo?, o r I^ottw 6< ^<'«^^ ^ dpyaipiJLaTL yivvav, j/j J/ *^ l3Xa/3evTa XoLcrdmv SpofxcDV. aiXii/QVy aiXivov ctTre, to 8' cS viKarto, 120 KcSvos Se CTTpaToixavTi^ tScoi/ Suo Xyjiacri Sto-crovs ^^^J^VTx » • '•^i^-^ 'ArpetSas fxa^^^Lfjiovs, cSa?/ XayoSatras TTOfXTTOVS T dp^ds, OVTO) 8' cTtTC T€pd^O)V "Xpovto) jtJicv dyp€L Tlptdixov iroXtv aSe /ceXeii^os, 125 K*^^ AAi/v TTcEi/ra Trvpywv KT7]vr] Trpoo-Qe rd SrjjULOTrXrjOrj ILoip dXaird^ei Trpos to j^iaiov. oTov 1X7] Tts dya 6e66cv Kvecjidarrj Trporvirev (rro/x-tOF /xeya Tpotas 130 O'TpartoOiv ot/co) yap e7rt'<^^ovos "Aprcfxts dyvd, TrravoLcnv kvcI irarpos, avTOTOKOV irpo Xo^ov fxoycpdv irrdKa OvofxivoLcn* 135 ; . OTvyer Se Seiirvov aterwi/. atXivov, atXivoi/ ctTre, to 8' ev vLKdT(j). Tocro'ov Trep evcjipoiv a KaXd €7ra)8» ^ . , Spoaoun XeiTTols /xaXepwv Xcovtwf, irdvTtDV T dypov6[JL(tiV ^tXo/xao-rois 140 y vrx-*^^ Orjpwv o^piKaXoKTL [rcpTTi/a], TOVTWV atrct ^u/xj8oXa Kpavai^ Scfta /tev, Kara/xo/x^a c^acr/xara [o-rpor^wv] . /M,-); Ttras avTiTri/oors Aavaor? xpovtas excv^jSos aTrXotas Tcv^T^, airevSofJiiva 6vaLav hepav, avofxov tiv\ aSatrov, ^ vciKeW T€KTOi/a crvii^VTOV, oi Seicrrjvopa' iLi^xvei ,.. %v^^lKUi ^ojSepa TraXcVopro? ^ .^.^ci^ otKOVo/xos SoXia ixvdixiov fi^rjvis reKVOTroivoj, — 150 ^ Tota8€ KaXxas ^vv /xcyaXots aya^oTs diriKkay^^v nopaifi dir 6pvC6(i)V oStW olkois /^acrtXctots- TOtS S' 6fJi6(jip€V(J^V TO TTaV dU TOT/ <^pov€rv jSpoTovs qScoVavTa, tov Tra^ /xa^os (TTp. /S'. ^cWa Kvptcos €X€tV. CTTOL^ct 8' €V ff V7rv(a irpo KapStas yivyi(Tnrriiim ttoVos, Kal Trap' afcoi/Tas ^X^c o-w^povctv Sat/JtOVWV 8€ TTOV x^P^5> jStatcDS t€i/ KT/p TO ju."); TriOiaOaL' /Sapela S\ ct 2C0 tIkvov Sat^(j)^ Sop^wv aya\//,a, pLiaivm 'TrapOei/ocr^dyoLcnv peiOpois 7raTp(oovs X^P^^ )8o)/xov ireAaj. irios Xtirovavs yeviap^ai, 205 $vp,p.axtas dp.apT(iv ; Travcravep^ov yap Ovcria^ TrapOevLOV & oXiiaTO^ ^PJ^ Trepiopyois iTTiOvp^uv ^e/xts* €V yap €Lrj, 210 cTTcl 8' ai'ay/cas cSv XcTraSvov, vXaKdv KaTaor)(€LV 06yyov dpoLov ot/cots ^ta )(aXLV(i}v T dvavS(^ fxivet. (TTp, €, KpoKov /3a27S; Tre^evye roiVo? aTrto-Ttas. KA. TpoLav Axatwv oScrai/' ^ ropws Xeyco ; 2C0 XO. X^P^ Z^' vcjyipTreL SaKpvov iKKaXovfiivy], KA. cS yap ^povovVTOS ojLi/xa crou KaTrjyopCi. XO. Ti yap TO TTtcrrov eort twvSc croi re/c/xap ; KA. €0-TtV Tt 8* o^x^'; /at; SoXcocravTOS ^cou. XO. TTOTCpa S' ov€tpcoi/ ^aor/xar ^virciOrj dijiu^ ; 2G5 KA. ov 8ofav Xd^oLfxi f3pL^ov(Tr]9 ToS* €vcjypovrj^ Acyco. 270 XO. Kat Tis tgS' i^LKOLT dv ayyeXwv Tax^s ; KA. ^'Hc^atcrro?, ''ISt/? Xap,7rpov cKTre/XTrwv ceXa?. (jipvKTos Se ^pvKToy Scvp' ttTT* dyydpov irvpo^ £7re/x7r€V ^iSi; /xev irpos *Ep/xatov XeTra? AyjfJivoV fiiyav Se 7rai/ov c/c vt^o-ou rpiTOV 275 VTrepTeXi]^ re ttovtov wcrre vwTco'afc ttrx^s TTopevTov Xap,7raSo? Trpos TySovvyr, -ttciJkt; to xP^o-o^cyyc?, Tt$ 17X109, o-eXag TrapayydXacra MaKia-TOV CKOTraL^' 280 08 oi! Tt fJieXXoiV ovS' d(j)pa(Tfx6vm vTrv(o nKc5/X€V05 TraprjKev dyyiXov ftcpos* CKtts Se €j>pvKTov ^a>s ctt' EvptVov poas Mccro-aTTtov (jivXa^L crrjfJLaLVCL p-oXov. ot 8' avTiXaixxj/av kol TrapriyyuXav Trpocro), 233 ypata? ipCLKY]atSptts o-eXijvrjs, Trpos KL0aLp(2vo9 XeVag, 7)y€ipev aXXrjv IkSox^v iro/JiTrov irvpo^, 200 aos Se TrjXiirofJiTrov ovx yvatveTO fppovpa, TrXeov Kaiovcra rwi/ elprj/jiivoyv' XtfxvTjV 8' VTrep Vopy(jj7nv eaKr]\l/€V aos* opos T Itt KlyiirXayKTOv i^LKVovfJievov wTpvve Oecrixov fxy -^povilecrdai irvpo^, 295 7re/JL7rov(n 8 avSatovTes dcj}66v(o fxivei (jiXoyos fxiyav 7r(jjy(ji)va, kol ^apoiVLKov TTOpOfiov KaroTTTov Trptov VTTepjSdXXeLV irpoaoi ibXiyovcyav* elr eaKTjil/ev, evT d(p[K€TO ^Apa)(yolov cuTTO^, dcrTvyeiTOva^ crKowd'S' SOO KaTrecT 'ArpctSwi/ ct? roSe crKT^Trret crriyos <^ao5 ToS', ovK wTraTTirov 'iSatov irvpos, TOtotS' eTOifJLOL XaiJL7raSr]6oyyds dKovetv io-rl a-vp:opds SiTrXys* ol fiev yap dfJLcjA crwfxao-LV TreTrrwAcoTes avSpwv Kacnyv)]TO)V re, koI cfiVTaXfXLOiV TraZSes yepovroiVy ovkIt i$ iXcvOipov dip7]s dTTOLfJUjj^ovcrL (jiiXTdroyv fiopov 320 TOVvXaKTOV evSijcrovo'L iraaav evcfypovrjv, €t S' ^.vae^Qvari tovs TroXicrcTovxovg Oeovs ToOs rrjs dXovcrr]6rj, ^ ..aJL TrpiireL Se ^w? atyoAa/xTres o-tVos* *;380 4 KaKOv Se -^aXKov rpoTrov, cC^ *t^4*'^. Tpi/Sto re Koi 7^poo■/5oAa^s^ /xeAa/xTray/Js iriXei SiKaLiXiOels, €7rel SttoKCt Trat? TTorayor opviVy 385 TToAct Trpoo-TpipLfx dcj^epTov evict's, ^it-}^-*^^**^"^^ A,tTav 8* ttKovefc /x€V oxJrts 6e(3v TOV 8' iTTiCTTpOCpOV TWvSe ^ . - ^wt' dSiKOV KaOatpei, U/^"''^ '^^ . 0105 Kat ncEpt95 iXO(jJV SCO ct? Sofxov Tov 'ArpetSar, yo^vv€ ^cviav rpdrret^av KAoTratcjfc ywaiKos. AtTTOvcra 8' ddTOLCTLV do-TTLO-TOpas Bopdv, l3ej3aKev §LjJiCL ^idirvXav, | * ^ v arX'qra rXacra* TroXAa 8' cdTevov ToS' evT/€7rovTCS 8op,a)i/ TTpocji'rjTaL* ^ 1^*^'^ ' ' "'Ici, tc5 8o)jU,a, 8a>/x,a Kal ^P^/^^*-* ^ 22 AI2XTA0T ^ ^.iM^^ 'n-dpea-TL f o-ty', aTLfxo^ dX)C aXotSopo?, tMVU TTO^O) 8' virepTTovTLa? €^d(Tixa 8o^e6 dvdcrcreLV 405 evjjLopcjyo^v Se ko\o(T(T(jjv €\6eTai X^pi^ dvSpL* o/x/xccTcov 8' €1/ ax'^vtats eppci ttclcj' 'Ac^poSira. ovetpoc^avTot 8€ nrevOyfioveq dvr. . 4*10 M ' irdpeicTi 8df at cj^ipovcrai ^dpiv fxaTatav. fidrav yap, €vt av eorOXd Tts 8okwv op^v, 4-*^^ irapaXXd^aaa 8ta x^P^'^ /3ilSaK€V oi/^ts ot! fxeOva-Tcpov TTTepOLS o7ra8ors virvov KcXevOoLS, 415 Ta fJicv Kar OLKdv l.(TTLa<5 dx^} ^^^^ .^vv"^ raS* icTTL, KOL twvS^ vTrcpf^aTOiTCpa. TO Trdv S dir ata? 'EXXa8os $vvop}iivoLs TTevOcLa rXrjcTLKdpSiOS S6fJi(i)V eKaoTOV TrpeTTCi, 420 ^oXXa yovv Oiyydvu irpos rjirap' o5s pXv ydp Tts hrepj^ev Tcvxyi /^ot^ cr7ro8os cts iKdarov S6p.ov o XP^o-aixoipos 8' ^'Ap^s o-oj/xaTwv, o-rp. y . ) Kttl raXavToi^xos €i/ p.dxO Sopos, TTVpuiOev iXtov ^tXotcrt 7rep.7r€L fiapv \lfrjypLa hvarZdKpvrov, avrt^vopos ctttoSov ye/xt^o)V Xe^rjraq v. ' • •€vOirov, ' * ^ 'vwcvWa. ^ ' ^ arivovcTL 8' Xcyovrcs av- 8pa Tov /x€i/ o5s /xax')?? I'Spts* Toi/ 8' cv ^ovats KaXws ttcctovt aX- Xorptas 8tat ywatKos* (jiOovepov 8' -utt' aXyos epTrei TrpoStKOLS 'ArpetSats. 435 APAMEMNQK. 23 r^x y-^- i ot S' avTov TTcpt ret^os MA WW #op5E>oi KaT4oi;cnv cx^pa 8* ^x^^ras ?Kpi;i/.€v. ^ ^ LJpk. ^^P^^^ ^' ao-Twv ^arts $vv koto), ^ ai/r. 7 . ^Uxh^^ ^eVci 8' aKOvo-at rt fcov 4,45 Twv TToXvKToi/o)!/ jap ovK aoTKOTTOL UeoL' KeAaivau 6 ^j^^^.^^ T6(96ror' a//,a-upoF, €V 8' cJ:fo-TOts TO 8' wepKOTTWs kX-ucit/ fSapv* (SdXXerai yap oWots Ato^€V Kepavvos* Ci^v^i^v w KptVo) 8' a4>0ovov oXPov. ♦ ^T^T ^^^^ TTToXiTTOpOrj^, ^TyV pSv aT;TOS aXo-us tjtt' aXXcDV /Jtov KaTtSoLfiL. (T^^ r ^ 7roX6V Stifca ^oci L^-^ ^e^. (U^^ T19 oTSei/, ciT€ Oeiov ccrrt /xt} i/^i;^09 ; ^ ^ Tis pev(2v KapTroiro rrjv cE/xapriW.^ \ tf7 4G3 Se/caro) o"€ ^iyyu rwS' dfjyiKOfjLrjv eroi;?, 3 > TToXXwi/ payeLCTwv i)^TTLSo)v, /xtas ri^xwi^. •'^WAljvjc CtJCtSl^ oi5 yap TTOT Tjv^ovv ^rfjS^ iv 'Apycta ;j(^oj/i , 6av(^v fieOi^cLv ^tXraroi; rd^ov fxipos, 490 ■uVaros T€ x^^pas Zei5s, o nT;^tos t amf, AaWv^^^ robots IdTTTijDV fxrjKiT eh y/Jidg fiiXrj. aXis Trapa ^KdjjiavSpov fjo-O* dvdp(TioiXov KrjpvKa, KrjpvKoyv G-i^d<;, yp(^ Tc rovs '7r€}x\l/avTap6vYj cjiipayv 605 #cat TotcrS* aVao-fc ^KOii/oi/ 'Ayap,€p,i/ojv aVaf. aXA' rtv da-Trdoraa-Qe, kol yap ovv irpiiru, TpoLav Karao-Kdif/avTa rov SiKYjcjyopov Atos fiaKeXXi^, KarctpyacTTat ttcSot/. AFAMEMNfilSr. ^^0.-^-14^ ( 2o) Kal (TTTepfxa 7rd(j7jXojv yap dpTrayrjs re Kal KXoTryj^ SiKrjv , ^ rov pvaiov 0^ yixapre, Kal irav wX^Opov t^*— crKjt C^M^rt^CMl^^ avToxOovov Trarpwoy eOpiaev Sojjlov* SnrXd 8' incrav TLpLajjiiBaL OdpidpTia. 520 XO. KTjpv^ ^A)(aLwv, x^^P^y Z^^P-'^^ crrpaTov^ ^ KH. ^atpo)* reOvdvai 8' ovk €T dvrepco ^eots. , ^ ^ XO. €pa)S irarpcoas ryoSe y7j4^i^4v*i S krct^XO. TepTTvrj^ dp rjT€. rrjorS* i-n-y/SoXoL vocrov. ^♦^^^A-^^'t-y, MH*^ KH. TTws St^ ; BiSaxOels rovSe Secnrocro) Xoyov, ^ ' XO. T(ov avT€pu)VTO)V IfJf^^pio ireTrXrjyixivoi, KH. TToOetv TToOovvra ryvSe yrjv (rrparov Xiyets ; (j^k-^XO. oSs TToXX' d[iavpds Ik cjypevos pi amcrrei/eti/. *jp KH. TToOev TO Syg-^pov rovr iirrjv, arvyos crrpar^ ; 530 " ^ XO. irdXai TO criydv fpappiaKov l3Xdf3v^^ ej^o). KH. Kal xrws ; dirovTOiv KOLpdvoiv erpets rivds ; XO. o5? I'uj/ TO (Tov Siijy Kal 6ave2v ttoXXtj ^dpiq. KH. cS yap iriTTpaKTai, ravra 8' €r ttoAXw p(por(i) Ttt /xei/ Tis cS Xi^etev €V7reT0} v-^-^ v ' ^ ' * ' ' Ivcm\ 4i * ^ /^o;^^©!;? yap ct Xeyot/xt /cal Svo-avXtas, *Vv^>»»v\J^ CTTrapi/as 7rapy]^€i yap KaTro yrjs Xecp^wviai Sp6(T0L Kareil/eKa^ov, c/xttcSoi/ (tivo^s i(r6r]fidT(i)Vy TidiyTes h/Orjpov rptxa. 515 26 AI2XTA0T ^ctjacum S' €t Xeyot Tt? oicdi/oktovov, olov 7rap€i)^ a(p€pTOV iSaua yimv, ^ y 6dX'7ro i^Na ^^.^i^^ /cai TToWd ^aip^iv ^vfX(jiopaLg Kara^io). 655 yjjuv he Tots XotTToto-tv 'ApyctW o-rparov vt/ca TO K€pSodyov K0ifjL(jt)VT€<5 evdSrj cfyXoya, 530 Kat j/uv Tot ixdo-cru) fxkv tl 8et cr' ep-ot Xey€tv ; ArAMEMNfiN. 27 ai/a/CTOs avTOv Trdvra Treucro/xat Xoyov* OTTws S* aptara toi/ c//,oi/ atSotoi/ ttoctlv (TTrevcra) TroEXti/ /xoXoi/ra Si^acrdai, (tL yap yvvaiKL TOVTOV (^eyyos iJStov SpaKetv, 6S5 (XTTo crrparet^as avSpa crcocrai/TOS ^eou, TTuAa? dvoL^ai ;) raur' aTrayyetXov Trocret, •37/CeiV OTTCOS Td)(L(TT ipdcr[JLL0V TToAet. yijmt/ca Tno-rrjv S' ev 80/xots cvpot jLtoXojr, oiavTrep ovv cAeiTre, h(jiiJLdr(MV Kvva 500 iaOXrjv iKCLVio, TroAe/xtW rots hvcr^poaiVy xiiAJL '^^^ raXA' o/xotW Trai/ra, O'rjfJiavT'qpiov ov^\v SiatpOeLpacrav iv pLrjK^i ')(p6vov, ovS oTSa ripiJ/LV o^S' iirtij/oyov cfidrLV d< . aAXou Trpos aySpos p,aXXov t^oXkos ^a^a?. £95 J TotocrS* o Ko/x7ro9, aXrjOeias yifioiv, ^-^vw^^^C iA^^^^afi/M^ lu ot;/c Ofori^os (OS ywat/c6 yevvma XaKjdy* ^-^ic^^^f XD. avTTy /xei/ oi;ra)s €?7r€ fiavOdvovTU (toi A '^^^^ ^ ^f*-*^^ \t^jfj^^^ '^^^^^'^ €pjU,?7i>€i;crtv €i;7rpe7rctjs Xoyov. ^ uyCc^V cri) 8' €t7re, Krjpv^, McveXecoi/ Se TrevOofJiai, 600 el vocTTLixo^ T€ fcal aeo'cjicrfJLivo^ rrdXiv^ rjiet ^vv vfuvy rrjaS^ yrjq cjiiXov Kpdro^* KH. OTJ/c €cr^* OTTWS Xi^aifXL rd \l/€vSrj KaXdy is TOV TToXvv cjiiXoLO-L KapTTOVCrOcLl xpovov, 5l,<»i/y^ if^XO. 7rw5 Srjr av elirdv Kedyd rdXrjOrj tv^olavTOS 'A;5(atiK0u crrparoi;, avTos T€ Koi TO -jrXotoi/. ou if/evSr} Xeyo). XO. TTorepov ava^^^ets e/xc^avw? €^ 'iXtou, ^ X^l^^y KOti/oj/ dxOos, ypiracre crrpaTov ; 610 KH. eKvpcras wcrrc ro^orris a/cpos o"/co7roi;' ^ fiaKpov Se TT^/xa cn;vTOjU,a)s IcjirjfJLLO-oi. Aj^-^^y^^'^'^' XO. TTorepa yap avTOV ^(5i/tos ^ reOvrjKOTOs ^arts Trpos aXXcov rai;TtX(ov c/cXtJ^cto ; ,j f ^ KH. oi5/c oIScv ovSets wctt' dirayyeiXai ropws, 613 iC^v >'^ vi^ ttXtJv TOV Tpi(f>ovTovcriv. XO. TToJs yap Xeycts ;(€t/xajva i/auTtKw o^TpaTW 28 AT2XTA0T iXOeiv reXcvT-fjcraL re Satfjiovdiv kotco; v J,^*-^'^ KH. evcji-q/xov ^fxap ov TrpiireL /caKayycAo) A****^ ^^Ci yXwacrr) /xtaiVctv j^wpt? 77 Tt/x>; ^cwi/. 620 ^ ' orav aTrevKToi Trrjfxar ayyeXos TroAet (TTiryvco irpoawTTiD irTwa-Lixov arparov (j^^prjy — TToAct fxlv cAkO? €1/ TO SyfJLLOV TV)(€LV, iroXXovs Se ttoAXwi/ l^ayKjOivraq 80/xwv avSpas SittAtJ jotacrrtyi, t?;!/ ''Aprjq ^fc irojs KcSva rots KaKoicn crvjifxi^o), Xiyojv " W^*-"^ .^ctuwv' 'A;>/ators ovk afirjvirov Oc^ov, ivvwjxoo-av yap, ovres exOicrroL to Trpti/, (aacJ\ v*M#AMa>* IIup Kat ©aAaoro-a, Kat rd ttlctt cSetfctTT^v (ji6eLpOVT€ TOV SvCrT7]V0V 'ApyCtW CTTpaTOV. 635 €1/ vvKTt EvaKVjJiavra 8' ojpwpet KttKa* ravs yap 7rpo5 ctAAT^Aato'i ©pr^Ktat Tri/oat rjp€LK0V al Se KepoTvirov fxevai ^la ^ X€Lfjiwvi, Tv^ijj ^vv t^dXr} r ofJifSpoKrvTrw, ^.,vc' • ' w;(ovt' dcj^avTOL TroLfJiivos KaKov crrpoPia,- 610 €7rcl S' dvrjXOe XapLirpov rjXiov cjidoq^ a^^^^^^ 6p(i)fJL€V €^€TO, <0S )U,77T €V OpjLtO) KVfJLaTOS tfliXiqV €X^iV, ILTjT l^oKeiXai Trpos KparatXccov x^ova. cTTctra 8' aST;^ ttovtlov Trecpevyores, 650 AcvKov KttT* rjfjiapy ov TrcTrot^oVcs tv;(17, i[3ovKoXovjX€V cjypovTLaiv viov 7rdOo<; ( > (TTpaTOV Ka/jtovTOS /cat KaKws ctttoSov/jicvov, XiyovcTiV ijju-as a5s oXwXoras* tl firjv ; 653 7JfJi€lS T iK€iV0V9 raVT €X^LV So^a^O/i€V.— ^t£cA.''(>^.' L»J^ yevoLTO 8' (OS aptorra- Mei/eXcwi/ yap o5v ^ TrpwTov T€ Kat /xoEXtcrra TrpocrSoKa /xoXetv v €t 8' o5i/ Tts aKTis T^Xtov vtv to-TopeZ ^ < V KOI t^dovra kol pXiirovra, ii-qx^vol^ Atos CGO ^tx^^jL^^rM-fc OTJTro) 6iXovT09 e^avaXwcrat yevog, cXttis TtS aVTOV TTpOS 8o/XOTJS T7f€tV TraXiT/. TOcrai;T a/<0T;cra5 tcr^t TaXyjOrj kXdcov. XO. Tis TTOT a3vojaa^€V w8' es to ttolv iTiqrviim — crrp. a . fti; TC9, OVTW ovx opw/xcv, Trpovptatori tou 7r€7rpa)/Aei/ou ^ ^^-^ J yX(3crcrai/ Iv Tv;(a vifxoiv ; — , • ^ rav Soptya/XjSpov ajX(j)LV€LK7j 6 ^EXivav ; cTret irpeTrovTOJS 670 iXevavs, eXavSpo?, IXeTTToXts, e/C T(OV dj3pOTifL(ji)V TrpOKaXviifioLTOiV 67rXei;cr€ Zecjivpov yiyavTO^ avpa, iroXvavSpOL re vXXovLOi/ reXeo-orLcjypoyv avr. a . yjXaG-ev, rpaTre^as dTifxtDdLV vcrTepio XP^^^ KOL $VVe(TTLOV Atos Trpacrcro/xeVa to vvficjiOTLjxov 685 fiiXoat8p(i)7ros TTOTL x^lpa, craivoyv re yaoTpos dvdyKats. XpovL(T0ei<5 8' ctTreSetfej/ dvT, ^, edos TO Trpos ToxcW* ;^a- piv Tpocf>ds yap ajitet/^cov firjXocjiovoLo-LV t do-aio-LV SatT* dKeX^vcTTOS eTCv^cv* siO aifLaTL 8' oTko9 icf>vp9r], d/xa)(ov dXyo Tjirap TrpoaiKV^iTai* 765 Kttl ^vyxp-ipovcnv o/xot07rpc7r€ts ayeXacrra irpoaoyTra ^ia^op^evoL, oo-Tt9 8' aya^os TrpojSaToyvoj/Acov, ot;/c etrrt Xa^ctv o/x/xara ^wto? Ttt Sokowt' evcjypovos €K Siavoias 77 vSap€L aaivuv fj^iXoTrjTi, v, 77 Opdaos €K OvcTLiov avSpdai Ovyo-Kovo-L KOixC^oiV AISXTAOT vvv S' ovK diT aKpa6opds €15 alfxarrjpov revxpg ov SixoppoTrm ij/ijcjiovs eOevTO^ T^o S' ivavrtia kvtu iXTTLs Trpocrrjet •)(eLXo^ ov TrXyjpovfJiivco. Kairvia 8' dXovaa vvv It €V(Trjixo7jiXL Tavrd KOL ^vvTjyopov (X e)(€ts. Travpois yap dvSpiov icrrl (jvyyeves To8e, fpiXov TOV €VTV)(ovvT dv€v cjiOovcav o-ijSetv, 8v(Tcjypo)V yap ios KapSiav 7rpocr>7/xei/os d)(6o^ SiTrXoit^eL rw TrcTra/jtei/o) vodov* Tol^ T avTo^ avTov TTijjJiao'LV ^apvveTai, Kal TOV Ovpaiov oXf^ov elaopoiv dTL% TCTpcDTat StKTuou TrXecD Xeyetv. ct 8' -^v T€6vrjK(is) ws kirX-rjOvov Xoyoi^ TpL(j(i)p.aTO£ rav TrjpvoiV 6 Sevrepos -stoXXtJi/ dvayOev, rrjv Kdro) yap ov Xeyco, xOovos TptfJLOLpov jj^Xati/ai/ k^iqvxu XajSwv, 84^ TOLtJJvB* €KaTL KXriSoViOV TraXiyKOTdiV AG. 3 AISXTAOT TToXXas aviodev dprdvas ifJiij^ SipY)<; eXvcrav aXXoi tt/qos ^tav XeXrjfjbfxivrjs* iic TwvSi TOL Trats h/6a^ ov irapaa-raT^i, 850 €/i(l)v TC KCtX CrwV KVpiOS TTLdTeVfJidTOlVy s XPW} Opeo-TT]^* firj^e BavfxdcrYjs roSc rpiip€L, €fJi0iy€ pXV S77 KXaVfidTlJdV €irLO-(TVT0L 860 irriyai KaTca-jSi^KacrLV, ovS* evt aTaywv, iv o^tfcotTOis S' o^iiiia(Ttv ^Xd^as exoy, Tois djjL(f>L croi KXatovcra XafjL7rTr}pov)(Las aTrjfxcXtjTovs aliv, iv S' ovdpaa-iv VTTOLt KUiVCDTTOS k^Tjy^ipopj'YJV 865 pLTTOLCn OoiVO-aOVTOfSf djJL^L (TOL TrdOf] opwcra -TrXetci) tov ^vvev^tovTO^ )(p6vov. vvv, TovTa irdvTa rXao-', dTrevOrjno cjypevl Xiyoifx dv dvSpa TovSe t(ov o'TaOixoiv Kvva, crwrrjpa vaos irpoTOVoVy vif/rjXy]? a-Tiyr}66vo^ S' dirldTQi' TToXXd yap ra irpXv /ca/ca riv€V)(ofX€(T6a'' vvv Si fioi, cjiiXov Kdpa, €K^aiv d7r7]vrj TTopOrjTOpa, 880 Sfiiaal, TL /xeXXc^', ats iTrecrTaXraL reXos -arcSov KcXciJ^ov crrpwvvwat ircrdo'p.acnv ; eu^vs y€viar6povTi<5 ov^ virv^i^ nKW/xevi; 885 6rja-€i StKatws ^vv Oeots ct/xap/xeVa. Ar. AtjSas yiveOXoVy SoijjLOLTOiv ifxiov (jivXa^, dirovdia fxkv ctTras ct/corcos il^rj' /xaKpav yap i^ircLva'S' aXX' ivaLCTifioys alveiv, Trap dX\(DV XPV cpx^o"^^^ yipas- 890 a/Spvve, pirjSk ^apjSdpov fjxoTos ScKrjv ;(a/xat7r€T€s j8oa/xa irpocrxdvrj^ ifxoL' /jiT^S' el/xacrt (rrpcocracr' i7rL66voov(Ta ttoXXtJs Tropc^upas Icrdpyvpov KrjKiSa irayKaiVLCTTOv, et/xaTwi/ (3a(f>ds* OLKOLS S' v7rdp)(€L TwvSe crw Oeois, avaf, €;(€ti/' TriveaOaL 8' ot;/c cTrurrarat So/xos. 935 TToXAwi/ iraTYjCTfJiov S' clfjidroyv dv rjv^dixrjv, SofJLOLCTL TrpovvexOivTO^ iv )(pr)(rTr]pLOis il/v)(rjs Ko/JLLCTTpa T^crSe fji7j)(avwfJL€vrj, pLt,rjs yap ovarr]p€vds 4>lXoi Opovov ; p(poi'OS 8' CTTI 955 AFAMEMNfiN. 37 ^pvjXvrjo-LOJV ^vvefx/SoXaLS il/afjLfLLas aKcxTa? iraprj- wpTO vav/SoLTas crTparo^i, irevOofJiaL 8' dir opLfiaTdiV dvT. a. 980 VOCTTOV, avTOfxapTvs wv* rov 8' av€v Xvpap€(rLV rcXecr^opots 8tvats KVKXoi;/i.€]/ov K€ap. €V)(0/uiaL 8' aTT* e/xa? * to Trdv cATTtSog ?/^t;^77 Trco-eti/ 070 idLfJL€V(OV dvdy€LV 38 AISXTAOT Zcvs f av €7ravcrev Itt cvXajSctci. fiotpa fjLOLpav iK Oewv cTpyc fjiy TrXiov (f>ip€LV, 995 irpocjiOdaaa-a KapSCa yXQcrcrav av raS* cfe;(€fc. vvv S' t;7ro otkoto) /Spc/xct Bvixaky-q^ T€ Kat o^JSei' hr^Xiroixiva irore Kaipiov eKToXvTrcvcrctv, 1000 ^o}7rvpoviJi€vapevos. KA. ctcro) KOjJLL^ov koL crv' KacroravSpav Xeyw CTree €^77K€ Zci;s dfjLrjvLTm So/xots Sov\o)v crraOeicrav KTrjcTLOV Poifiov TreXas. 1005 €K/3aLv dinqvYi^ r^crSe, /xtjS' vTrepcfipoveL, Koi TratSa yap rot (j^aa-lv ^AXKfiyvrj^s TroT€ irpaOivTa rXrjvaif kol t^vycuv Ovy^v /3ta. €t S' ovv dvdyKYj t^ctS' linppiTroi rv^^^y dpxoLioirXovToyv SecnroT^v TroXXrj ;(apts' 1010 ot 8* ovTTOT eXTTioravres rjixrjcrav KaXwg, wfJLOL T€ SoT;Xots irdvTa Kol irapd aTaOfLrjv, f-X'^t-'^y '^oLp* TjiiQv oldTrep vojXi^eTai, XO. aoL TOL Xiyovcra TraiJeTat ora^rj Xoyov. cvTos S' ai/ oScra (xopatixaiv aypevfxaroyv 1015 TretdoL dv, el TreiOoC' dTreiOonjs 8' tcrcos, KA. dXX* ctTTcp co-Tt x^^^^o'^^^ St/ci^v, ayvwra cfxavi^v jSdp^apov KeKTrjjxivi], €cra) f^pevQv Xeyovaa ttclOo} vlv Xoyo). XO. cTTov ra Xwo-ra rwv Trapecrrwrcov Xcyct. 1020 ireiOov, XLTTOvcra rovS' dfLa^yprj 6p6vov. KA. ov Tot Ovpaia t^S* c/xot cr;)^oX9; Trapa rpi^€iv' Ttt jacv yap icrTia^ iMecroixfjiaXov, €.(TTr]K€V rjSrj ixrjXa Trpos crc^aya? Trvpos, cSs OVTTOT iXirla-adi rrjv^ cfciv x<^P^^* 1025 o-i) 8' €t T6 Spao-cts TwvSe, p,77 orxoXiJv Tt^ei* ct 8' d^vvrjiiinv ovdOL ixrj Sc^^t Xdyov, AFAMEMNQN. (TV S' dvTL cjxDvrjs r]p.ov(Ta rov Oeov KoXeu, 1045 ovSkv Trpoa-rjKOVT Iv yoot? TrapatrTaretv. KA. 'AttoXXcdv, 'AttoXXcdv o-rp. . dyviaTy aTToXXcDV e/xo9* aTTwXecras yap ov /xdXt? to Sevrepoi/. XO. XPW^^^ €OiK€V dfKjn Tojv avTrjaLSpvvaa-a — ttco? ^pdo-a> reXos ; Td;(OS ydp to8' ecrrat. Trportiveh he p(etp e/c X^pos dpeypbara, 1080 XO. oiTTW fw^/ca* ruv ydp aivtyfidrtiiv iirapyefJiOLcn OeacjidTOL^ dpLrj^vQ. KA. €€, TTaTTCu, TTairoi, TL ToSe ^atverat ; o-rp. c'. ^ SiKTvov re y' "AtSov; dXX' dpKvp€vofjLavy]s tls cT 6eocj)6priTOs, dp.- crrp, rf, cfil S' aiJras Opo€LL&aXij KaKous drjScjJV Plov. KA. to5, to5, Xtyetas p.6pov drjSovo^s' dvT, TrepLjSaXov yap ol TTTepocpopov 8e/xas 1116 ^€01, yXvKW t' atwya KXavfidroiV drep* ijJLol Se p.ipjv€i (r)(L(Tp.odT(o fcXayya IX€X0TVTT€L^, OpiOV T OpOlOLS kv v6p.0LS TToOev opovs €)(€t^ 6€(JTr€orLas oSov KaKOppyp^ovag ; KA. 1(0 ydfJiOL, ydpLoi CTp. d\ TIaptSo?, oXiOpioi (f)LXo)V. 1126 loj %Kap,dvSpov irdrpiov ttotov Tore />i€V a/;t<^6 crag atovas rdXaiv yvvTop^av Tpocjyais* vvv 8' ap-^t KwKVTov re Ka^epovcTLOvg 1130 G)(6ovs €OLKa OecrTTHoST/jceLV rd^a, XO. Tt To8e Topoi' ayai/ cttos e<^7;p,tcra) ; crrp. t'. vcoyvos t av^pcoTTcoi/ fidOoi, 42 AISXTAOT 'n-i'TrXrjyfiai 8 viral BrjyfiarL c^otvto), Svo-oAyec rvx<^ fiLvvpa ^peo/xevas, 1135 OavfJLaT ifJLol kXvuv. TToXcos oXo/x€vas TO Trav, Id TTpoTTvpyoL OvdLai irarpos, '!roXvKavei<5 ^otCjV iroiov6iJL0)v. o.ko<; 8' 1140 ovSev i7r^pK€(Tav, TO fi-^ TtoXiv fxlv, wdTrep ovv €X^h mOuv cycJ Se Oepiiovov^s rax ^eSo) ^aXoj. XO. CTTo'/xcva TrpoTcpoLs raS' €7rc(^7?/AtVw. ai/T. t'. Kat Tts o-e KaKOcl>pov(ov rtOrj- 1145 (Ft Sat/xo)!/, xnrepOev (Sapvs ifnTL-n^oiV, fjL^XL^€LV iraO-q yocpa 6avaTO(j>6pa' rep/xa 8* dfirjxo-vf^* KA. Kat /XT^v d XP'^a-jtxos ovkcV e/c KaXu/x/xarcov eo-rai SeSopKws, vcoya/xov vvfi(jir]<; Slktjv 1150 XafxTTpos 8' eotK€V tJXioi; Trpos dvroXas -TTi/ecov kcYjt^iv, (oo-TC KVfiaros Slktjv kXv^€IV 'Trpos avyds TovSe 7r>7/xaTos ttoXv /xetCov (j>p€V(i(To> 8' oi;k€T atVty/xarwi/. Kttl [lapTvpeLTe arvvBpofJLWS ?X^os KaKwi/ 1155 pLvrjXaTOvarj rwv iraXaL ireirpayixivoiV, rrjv yap (TTiyrjv -n^vS' oilTroT cKXctTret x^P^^ ^}jipoiiiloi^ * * *• ©pare Toi;cr8€ toijs 80/xots icjyrjfJLivov^ viovs, 6v€Lp(ov 7rpo(rcjiepeLLXo)v, 1190 p(ctpas Kpewv TrXif^ovres otKctas ^opas, $vv ivripoLS re crTrXay^v, €7roLKTL(TTOV yiixos, irpiirovcr e^pVTCS, (Si/ Trarrjp iyevaaro. €K Twv8€ TTOtms ^i/jw-t /SovXeveLV TLvd XiovT dvaXKLV iv Xe^^L (Trpixxjxifievov 1193 Ot/COl^pOl', OLfJLOty T<3 fJLoXoVTL SecTTroTrj c/xw* ip€LV yap XPV '^^ BovXlov t^vyov, V€(jjv r hrapxp^ ^IXiov t dvaaraTrjs ovK olSev ola yXwcrcra fJiL(T7]Tr}^ kvvos Xi^ao-a KaKTeLvao-a cf>aLBp6vovSy Siktjv 1200 ''ATr]ov€vs icTLV. TL VLV KaXovo'a 8i;cr<^tXcs SaKOS rvxoifi dv; a/x<^t(7j3ati/av, ^ "^KvXXav nva olKOvcrav kv TriTpaKn^ vavTiXoiv ^XdjSrjv, 1205 U AISXTAOT 6vovcrav "AtSov fJLYjrip^y aorirovhoP r dpav ^lAots TTviova-av ; cos 8' iirioXoXv^aTo 7} iravTOToXixoq, wcnrep iv fJiOLXV^ rpoTry, SoK€L xaipuv vocrTifXio cronrjpLa, Koi T(Ol/S' OfJiOLOV €L TL /XT] TTCt^O)* TL jdp ; 1210 TO fliWov Tj^cu KOL av fJL kv ra^^L irapuiv ayav y dXrjOoixavTLv OLKTcipa^ ipeis, XO. TTjv filv ®vi(rTov Satra TratSciW Kp€wv $vv7]Ka Koi 7re<^ptKa* kol (pojBog [jl ej^ct kX.vovt d\r]9(j)g ovSlv iSrjKacrix^va* 1215 rd 8' aXA,' a/cowa? ck Spo/xov Trearwv rpi^m), KA. 'Aya/x€/xvoi/os o"€ fftrjfji kTroxf/eaOai fjiopov. XO. €vcf>YjfJiov, (o raXaiva, KOtfjirjcrov crTOfJia, KA. d\)C ovTL Tlanov twS' liriG'Tar^ Xoyo). XO. ov/c, €t irapicrrai y* dXXd pLrj yivono ttco. 1220 KA. cri) /xei/ KaTCT;;(€t, rots 8' dTroKruveiv fxiXei, XO. TtVos Trpos av8pos tout' a;(os 7roporvv€TaL ; KA. ^ KotpT* ap' dv 7rap€o-K07ret9 XprjcrfJLOJV ifx7j ; (Tc fiev irpo fxotpas TrjdyixaTL, OV firjv CLTL^OL y iK 6e(2v T€9v7]^OlJi€V» 1250 T^fet yap T^^xi^v dXXopevo9. KA. ovSet? aK0V€6 TauTa twj' evSaifjiovayv. XO. aW cvkXcws TOt /caT^aveti/ X^P^^ IBporco, 1275 KA. to), Trdrep, crov rSv r€ yevvatiov riKvwv. XO. Tt 8' eo-Tt xPVf^^'y 'TIS cr' d'7rou 6^o^; 46 AISXTAOT KA. ^€1;, 4>€v, XO. Tt TOVT €^€vfas; €t Tfc /Xt) p€VU)V (TTvyo?. KA. 6vov So/xofc TTviovcTLv alfxaToarayrj , 1280 XO. Kttt TTWS ; ToS' 0^€t 6viJjiT(J)V C^eCTTtW. KA. o/xotos dr/xos cStrTrcp c/c Td(j>ov TTpeireL, XO. %vpLov ayXat(j/xa Sw/xacrtv Xeycts. KA. aW cT/xt fcai/ 8o/xbtcrt kojkWovct' e/xTyi/ ^ Ayajxifjivovos re fxoLpav. apKeiroi jSco^. 1285 aXXa)s» Oavovarj piaprvp^ri pioi To8e, orav yvi'Ty ywaiKos avr' e/xov ^ai/^/j ctFifp T€ SrcrSa/xapTOS di/r dvSpos Treo-]]. 1290 iin^evovfxaL ravra 8* v -Trdo-t PpoToiaLV SaKTvXoSetKTcov S ovTts d7r€t7r(ov cipyct fxeXaOpoiV, MrjKiT iaiXOris rdSc €t, XO. y . KaycDy tolovtov yj/oJ/xaros Kotvwros (Sr, if/rjcjiL^ofJiaL Ti Spdv to /xt) p^iXXeiv 8' a/c/XTy. XO. S'. opai/ TrdpecTL' (ppoifiLd^ovrai yap cu9 1325 TvpavT/fflo? elSivat Si^a. 1340 XO.tjS'. Tai;T?7V hraiveiv irdvToOev TrXrjOvvofiaL, TpavfjJS ^ATpeiSrjv etSemt KvpovvO ottcos. KA. TToXXwT/ TrdpoiOev Kaipim elprjfxivioVf rdvavTL chreLV ovk liraKr^vOria-oixai, TTojs yap Tt5 i)(9pOLS l)(6pd mpcruvoiv, <^iXots 1345 SoKOvo-tv cTvat, TTTjfiovrjv dpKvo-rarov €j}pd$€L€V vij/os Kp€ior(TOV €K7r7;8?7jU,aTos ; €/xot 8* cEycov o8' ot;k d(f>p6vTi(TTOs TraXat rtK^y? TraXaias ^Xtfc, crvi/ XP^'^^ 7^ Z^^'*'* 48 ATSXTAOT €crTYjKa 8' €v6' cTrato-' €7r' efetpyac/xci/ots. 1350 oilro) S' €7rpafa, Kat raS' o^'AC dpV7]Lj3Xr](TTp0V) worirep i)(6vo)V) Trepi(TTL)(ltayrjv 1360 /SdXXei cpe/Avf} ij/aKdSL cjiOLVtas Spocrov, •^aipovaav ov^ev rjacrov rj 8toorSoTa) ycEvet (TTropyjTos KdXvKos Xo^eviiacnVc (Js (S8' exovTCDV, Trpia-^o^ 'ApyctW roSe, -^aipoiT dv, et ')(alpoiTy iyco 8' kirev^oixai, 1365 €1 8' -^v TrpcTTOi/rcos (So-T* iTncnrivSeiv veKpw, raS' av SiKatws -^^^ wcpSiKCos /xev oSi/- T0cra)F8€ Kparrjp iv 8o/xot9 KaKcov oSe TrXyjcra^s apatwv aT;Tos iKirLvei [xoXwv. XO. Oavfj^d^OfJiiv (TOV yXioaaav, o5s 9pa(Tva-T0fi0Si 1370 T^Tts TOtov8' ctt' aySpi KojicTra^ets Xoyov. KA. TTupda-Oi [JLOV yvvaiKos oJs dcf>pa(Tid.ovos' eyca 8' arpecrrw KapSta Trpos ctSoras Xeyco — (Ti) 8' atvetv ctre /xe xl/iyuv OiXets, ofioiov — ovTos ccTTH/ 'Aya/xe/xvo)T/, e/xos 1375 TTocrts, i/cfcpos Se, T^crSe 8€ftas X^P^^ tpyoVy 8tKatas tIktovo^. rdK w8' e^ci. XO. T6 /caKOT/j <3 ywat, (rrp. ■^OovoTpeclih iSavov tj ttotov Trao-afiiva puras aXos opfievov 1380 Td8' liriOov 6vo;v c/xot 1385 ArAMEMNflN. 49 KOL fucrog d(TT(j)V 87)1x66 povs r ^X^iv apa?, ovSev TOT dvSpl TwS' ivavTLOv cf>ep(i)V OS ov TTpoTiixQv wa-Trepel ^otov fiopov, fJiyjXoiv cjyXeovTiDV evwoKOLf; vofievixaa-Lv, eOvcrev avTov TratSa, fjuXTOLTrjv ifiol 1390 (iSlVy iTTloSoV @pYjKL(J)V drj}JidT(i)V. ov TOVTOV c/c y^s T^crSe XPW ^ dvSpr]\aT€Lv, fxiacfJidTCov diroLV ; iinjicoos S ifiujv €pyo)v StKacTTTys Tpa^ys cT. Xeyo) 8e croL ToiavT aTTCtXccv, (OS Trapea-Kevao-fiivTjs 1395 c/c T(0I/ OfJLOLOiV X^^P^ VLKljcraVT ifJLOV dpx^iv idv Se TOVfiTraXiv Kpatvy Oedsy yvdarei SiSa^^ets di//^€ yow to aoifjipoveiv. XO. fieyaXofJLTjTLS ct, avr. Trepif^pova S' cXaKe?, coorTrep oSi/ 1400 ^ovoXifi^l TV)(a cjyprjv lirLimiv^Tai, XCttos Itt o/A/xarcoi/ at/xaros Ip^irpiiruv dTieTOV €TL Icrtas ijJirjs 1110 Aiytcr^os, o5s to irpocrOtv cS povo}V ifJiOL. ovTOS yap oy/xti/ acTTrts ov dfiLKpd Opdaovs* K€LTaL, yvvaiKos TrjcrSe XvixavT7]pioaTr]X6yos TTLorTT] ^vvevvos, vavTiXoL^ Se o-eXfxdTOiv IcTOTpiprj^, OLTLfJia 8' ovK iTrpa^aTrjv' o fJiev yap ourcos* i] Si tol, kvkvov Slktjv, Tov vcTTaTov [xiXiJ/acra OavdcniJiov yoov 1430 fcetrat ^tXT/rwp twS', e/xoi 8' lir-qyay^v AG. 4 50 AT2XrA01? XO. €v, Tis av iv Tox^iy firj TrcpwoSwo?, crp. a'. fioXoL Tov atcl tj>ipov(r iv i^fuv 1425 ju,otp' drcXcvTov iWov, SaixivTOS ^tJAo/cos ev[i€V€a'TdTov, [fcal] TToXXa rXavTo? yvmiKos Stat'; Trpos yumtfcos S' aTricjiOurev /Blov, fcw to5 Trapdvovs *EXcm, crp. /5' . jLtta Tct? TToXXaSj ras •Jravu TroAAas 1431 ij/vxoi^ oXicracr viro Tpota, vvv Se TcXctav « sis iSF + Trokvpivaa-Tov cTnyv^tcro) L^'"''"/^* 7 *] St atjM.* aVLTTTOV 1435 T^TtS TOT* CV SofXOL'S cpts ipiSpixLTOS, dvBpos ot^v?. KA. [iriSkv Oavdrov pLoipav l7r€V)(pv arp. S' . Toto-Sc l3apvv6€LS' firj8* €t9 'EXcVr^r kotov iKTpiil/jj?, 1440 cJs avSjOoXerctp', o5s /^ta -TroXXwi/ avSpojv ifruxds Aavawv oXco-acr', divoraTOV aXyos eirpa^^v. XO. SoLfJiov, OS €/t7rtTV€ts SdpLacTL Kol SicfiVL" dvT» a. OLCTL TavTaXtSatcrtv, 1445 Kpdros r la-oij/vxov c/c yvi/atKwi/ KapSioSrjKTOV ifJiol KpaTvv€is» €7rl Se (rdfiaros StKav [jLtot] KopaKos €)(6pov o-TaOels Ikvo/xo)? vfivov vfiv€LV kireo^erai * * 1450 KA. vvi/ 8* cop^cocras (TTOfiaros yvwfirjv, avT. S • TOV rpiirdyyiov SaCfiova ycvvrjs rrjaSe KOcX'^aKOiv €K TOV yap epcos atp,aToXot;(os yctpct Tpe^cTttf Trptv KaroXyj^ai 1455 TO TraXatov a;(09, rcos Jx^/^* ArAMEMmiT. 51 XO. ^ iiiyav + oLKoip€vd2V 8' €7r' dXXo TTpdyfxa OrjydveL pXd/Srjs Trpos dXXats 6r]ydvai(n Motpa. t(o ya, ya, cWc e8€fa), dvT. •jrplv Tov8' €7ri8€tv dpyvpoTOLXpv 1516 Spoiras KarixovTa xa/^€wav. Tts d 6di/ra)T/ vtv, Tts d 6prjin](T(DV ; y a-v Td8' ep^at 1520 rXT^aeiy KTdvacr dv8pa rov wutt]^ d7roK(j)KV(raiy ^vxfi t dxo-piv Xdpi-v dvT epy(ov fX€ydX Trarlp dvTLao-aora Trpos WKViropov TTOpOjJievix dx^oiVf 1535 TTcpl X^^P^ /BaXovaa <^t\?;cr€t. XO. oi'ctSos T7K€t To8' aj/T* dvetSovs. dvT. 6'. SvcTfJia^a 8' €(TTt Kplvai* cjiip^L cjiipOVT, €KTLV€L S' O KaLV(J)V. fiLfivei Sc, fJiLfxvovTO S' ovv 1545 cv:: c iOiXd), SaLfJiovL tw IIActor^a/tSai/ opKovs 6eiX€vrj, TaSe /x,€V (TTcpyeiV, SvcrrXrjTd Tvep ovO** o Xoittov, lovt iK TwvSe So/xcov aXX-^v ycvcai/ Tpi/SeLv OavaTOLs avOevraLaiv* 1550 KTedvtDv T€ fiipos ^aiov ixovcrrj ttSlv d7ro)(prj fioi dXXrjXocftovov? ixavias /x€Xd6p(ov dcjieXovcrrf, Airis®os. 2 6pov 1555 aL7]v av '^Srj vvv (SporSv rifjuaopovs Oeovg dvtoOev yrjs cttotttcucit/ ax>7> tSaJv VcjiaVTOLS ci/ TTCTrXotS 'Ep6Vt5o)V Tov dvhpa TovZe Keifxevov ^tAo)? €/i,ol, X^P^s Trarpwas iKTivovra fxrjxoivds* 1560 'Arpcvs yap dp^ayv rrjaSe yrjs, tovtov Trarrjpy Traripa ®vita)i/. 1570 54 AISXTAOT Koi TrpocrrpoTratos co-rtas ftoXoSv TraXtV 1565 rXTjfJLOiV 0i;c(TT7^s fjLOipav rjvp€r acrc^aX^, TO fiTj OavdiV Trarpioov alfxdiat TriSov avTov' $€VLa rovSc SvaOeos irarrjp *ATp€VS 'jrpoOvfJUD'i fxaXXov r) ^tXws Trarpt Tw '/A<5, Kp€ovpy6v ^fiap -evdviim ayctv 8oK(or, 7rap€crx€ Satra TratSctW Kpeiov. rd filv TToStjprj koX x^P^^ aKpovs KTcVas tKpvTTT avoiOev avSpa/cas KaO-^fieuos* aa-Yjfxa S' aTJTwv avrtV dyvoia Xa^wv tcrOei popdv da-coTOV, cos opa?, yeVct. 1575 KaTTCLT cTTtyvovs cpyov ot5 KaraCa-Lov, wfio)^€V, dfJLTTLTTTeL 8' aTTO (T^ay^s c/x-wi/* /lopol/ 8' acjiepTOV IIcXoTrtSais eTrcux^rat, XaKTLCTfJia SetTTVOV ^wSckcos Tt^cts dpav^ ovTCDS oXlaOai irdv to IlXcto-^cVovs yeVos. 1680 CK TcuvSe o*ot TTCo-oi'Ta TovS' iSctv Trapa. Kaya5 StKaios toiJSc tov <^ovov pa(f>evs' rpLTOv yap ovTa /a' cttI Sck* a^Xto) -jraTpt $vv€^€XavveL tvt66v ovt iv dTrapydvoiV rpa^lvra 8' aWis 77 Sikt; Karrjyaye. ^ 1585 Kttt To{}8e TavSpos 7]il/dfji7]v dvpalos rj^ eKwv KaraKTaveiV, fiovos 8' €7roiKTOv ToVSe jSovX^vo-ai ^dvov. ov <^77jLt' aXiJ^ctv hUrj to aov Kapa BrjfJLoppi(j>€LSy dd^ lo-Ol, Xeva-Lfiov^; dpds. AI. (TV TavTa ^(ovets vepTepa Trpoo^y/xcvos 1595 KWTTT/, KpaTovvT(ov Tlov cTTt ^vy<3 8opos ; yrcoo-ct, ycpwv wr, (o? 8t8ao-KCO-^at /3apv T<3 TryXtKOVTO), a-0370-Tt8cs Svai 8t8do'K€tv e^oxoJTaTat 9oyyrj7 T<58' i^ovXcvo-as fiopov Spacrat to8' cpyov ot5k erXTys avroKTovcDS. AI. TO yap 8oXajo'at -Trpog ywaiKos (racjim' cy(o 8' ■Sttotttos ix6pds y TraXatycvT^s. 1615 efc TcDi/ 8€ to{j8€ ^77/xaT(oi/ TTCLpacrofxaL dpx^LV TTokiTi^v* Tov 8€ /x^) TTeiOavopa ^cvfoj jSapctats ovrt p-T^ cr€ipaLXi^s crKOT(a Xt/xos fwotK05 fJiaXOaKov crcj> cTroi/^crat. 1620 XO. Tfc 877 ToV ai/8pa T0V8' aTTO l/^VX^S KttK^S ov/c avTos T^vapt^cs, aXXa cn)i/ yvr^y, Xwpas /xtao-p0LV yivrjTai roivSe 'irayKparrj^ <^ov€i;s; AI. aXX' cTTcl 8oK€ts raS' ep8ctv kov Xeyctv, yvoJcrei raxa. * * * * AI. eta 877, <^6Xo6 XoxLTaiy Tovpyov ovx ^Kd.y-Kal .Cv] Compare the openmg of Soph. A4ax del ixh—Kal vw k.t.\., and mf. 654, 1246. A sta,te iSirmaTe, and a special example is ej^ed xn xUus^^ of it. ' I am ever asking of the gods a riddance ftom these toils during the lon^tlm^-t-t^ear s watch. Or #oupa^ may be in apposition to ■Kbv<^v, and ^re.as ix-nKO, may mean ' lasting for a year,' i.e. that has already lasted so long. Cf. Od. IV. 526, 4,i\a,Tae S' 8 y' els e^mvri^.— y k.t.X., keep- i^ng which by night on the palace of the Atndae with head on hand, like (with the vigilance of) ; ,^!I?oh ,cotu (TTadfiuv Kim, and see also v. 1327. , „ . 10. he Kpare^] ' So strong m its belief,' so fcm in its resolve is the manly-counseUing hopeful heart of a wo- ^aan.' Her confidence in the result is expressed inf. 577. Some refer (cparfi to the imperious order given to the watch- man? "in thfepithet aV5p6%Xo. there P^^aps^-^mten- tional ambiguity, 'form ng ^ts designs with the fiimnes^^^^^ a man,' and 'having plans about a husband, the latter sense understood by the spectators, but less obvious. 58 AGAMEMNON. 12 — 18. eSr' dv 5e — /cXa/w r6re] This forms the prota- sis and apodosis of a sentence, "which is somewhat involved by the intermediate clause brav 5' aeLbeLv k.t.\, * And when- ever (unable to sleep in my comfortless quarters, and fear- ing, as holding a night-watch, the penalty of doing this) I have a mind to sing by way of keeping myself awake, — fall to tears from grief at the affairs of this house, now no longer, as before, managed for the best.' He might have said, orav, hdpoaov evvrjv ^x^^» q.beLV ^okQ, rbre K\aiu) ac.t.X. Grief takes the place of joy in his heart, — he cannot be merry if he would (see v. 619). 15. TO fjLrjf Lat. quominus, is often used nearly as a synonym of dWe /xt}, e.g. inf. 552, 1567, and the sense here is, *to prevent me from closing my eyelids soundly in repose.' So inf. 1265, Sfifia (Tv/jL^dXo) rode. 16. orav de k.t.\.] *So, whenever I have a mind to sing or hum (whistle) a tune, applying in my discomfort (iy) this remedy of song against sleep,' &c. By evr^fiveiv, as inf. 386 and 1232, ixiadov evdrjaeiv Kbrtp, the notion is conveyed, by a common metaphor from medicine, of shredding simples into a mixture. — dvriiioKirov, literally * song-like,' or * taking the place of song,' Hke avH^ovKos, Cho. 128, avrlfiLc^dos^ Suppl, 266, here has the additional notion of juLoXirrj dvrl virvov, — a distinct notion, indeed, but the double entendre is very common in tragedy. 21. 7rvp6s] *But now may I get a lucky riddance from my toils by the appearance of the beacon-light bringing good tidings through the gloom of night.' The wish is no sooner expressed than the light is seen (perhaps a sudden blaze was really displayed in the theatre). The warder greets it with a loud "hurrah!" (i'oO), and says that he in- tends by that piercing shout {ropcos) to wake up the Queen, that she may utter in the house the joyful (prop, sacrificial) cry of thanksgiving at so auspicious an event. For oXoXv- yiubs see inf. 578. The allusion is to the sacrifices the queen orders to be performed in the city, inf. 87 — 96. 31. (ppoLjuiLop] As a prelude to, i.e. as the first of, the dances that will be given in the city to celebrate the victory. The warder, who was doubtless seen during this prologue on the top of the stage-wall representing the palace of the Atridae, here goes through some figures or steps of a dance, such as is called Kbpda^ in comedy. 32. 6r](TofjLaL\ *I will reckon (lit. * score') this stroke of luck in the fortunes of my masters, now that this beacon- light has made me a throw of a sice with each of the three dice,' which was the highest throw in playing the game. 34. yhoLTo 5' odv'\ The precise sense is, 'Well! I won't say more about that, — I will only add. May I grasp the friendly hand of my lord on his return,' viz. to put an end NOTES. 59 to the present misdoings in the house. So 5' odv is often used, like the Latin ceterum, in the sense of 'be that as it may.' See inf. 217, 246, 1545.— ^ao-rdo-at is properly to hold in one's hand so as to feel and bear the weight of any object. 36. ra S' &\\a\ * For the rest, I say nothing. There is a weight (lit. ' a huge ox has set his foot ') on my tongue ; the house itself, were it to get a voice, would give the plainest account ; (I cannot,) for, willing as I am to speak to those who have the knowledge, I purposely forget everything for such as have not.' Similarly Herodotus has e/cwz/ eiriXrjdofiat IV. 43, and totjtwv ixkv ckCju kirek-qdero iii. 75. — fiadoda-LV, cf. 598. 40. The chorus of old men, the watchman having re- tired into the palace, sing the anapaestic parodos as they march in procession across the orchestra to their places at the thymele or central altar, on arriving at which they com- mence the first stasimon, v. 104, or rather, perhaps, a irpooL- fjLLOP or introduction to the ode beginning at v. 155, composed more or less in epic and dactylic rhythms. 44. TLfxrjs, though preceding 'Arpeiddu, seems the genitive in apposition to it, ' a sturdy pair of Atreus' sons, (holding) from Zeus an office of joint thrones and two sceptres (united in one).' The two are spoken of, perhaps in reference to the Spartan kings, as being virtually invested with one and the same office. They are called KXeivop ^vybv in Eur. Hel. 392. There is no allusion to this in the Iliad, and generally, it is to be observed, this play is based on epic poems entirely distinct from our Homer. We may compare, however, II. xvii. 249, ot re Trap' 'Ar/oetS??? "AjyafxefwovL Koi MeveXdcp drjfjLLa irivovcLV Kal (rrifxalvovaiv €KacrTos Xaofs, e/c 5^ Albs TLJJL7} Kal Kudos OTrrjdei, 4:5, xtXioj'auraj'] The poets sometimes give this num- ber, perhaps as a round one ; but Thucydides, i. 10, follow- ing more nearly the "Catalogue" oi Iliad ii. says. Homer ireTroirjKe xtXtwv Kal dtaKoa-iuu peQu. Euripides, Iph. Aul. 174, has eXdraLs xtXt<5?'au(Tti'. — For atpeiu gtoXov, a technical term, derived from the notion of going ujp to the 'high seas,' compare SuppL 2, (tt6Xov rjiiirepov vd'Cov dpQivr dirb irpoa- TOfJilwp — NeiXou. — dpcoydv may stand in apposition to (rrbXov^ though rather, perhaps, to the sentence itself. Cf. 218. 49. eKTrarioLS dXyecn] *In solitary grief for their young.' Hesych. eKirdrLor rb ^^w irdrov. The birds, de- prived of their young (perhaps by some creature of prey) in their wild haunts, scream in distress, and some avenging god punishes the transgressor for the wrong done. It is not said that the unfledged young have been stolen by human hand, though this may be meant. The word irapa- Baaiv in v. 59 is used in reference to the transgression of m AGAMEMNON. Paris, who has carried off the bride from Menelaus' home. The simile is good, because it is complete in all its parts, viz. the robbery, the grief, the appeal to justice, and the con- sequent vengeance. 54. defjLPLorifjpr] t6vov] Either * the pains bestowed on their young, causing them to keep the nest,' or * the pains bestowed on their unfledged (nest-keeping) young.' Hesych. dejJLVLOTTiprj irdvov Aiax^^os 'Ayafxe/JLvopt. KaOoaov oi veovaol ^TL TOLOVTol ds of v. 56 is con- trasted with the Zei>9 of v. 62, with the distinctive epithet of ^hios. See inf. 353, Ala tol ^evLOP fiiyap aidovjuiaL, top rdde irpd^apT Ac.r.X., and for the application of a simile, V. 390, oTos Kal UdpLs iXOCtjp /c.r.X. 61. iir 'AXe^dvdpcp] For the dative see inf. 354. 62. iroXvdpopos] Helen was said to have had a number of suitors and more than one husband. They are enume- rated by ApoUodorus, iii. 10. 8, where they form together a tolerably long list of twenty-eight. 64. Perhaps KOpLais ipepcLdofx^pov, which restores the caesura and supphes a government of KoviaLs, which is now a dative of place. — TrporeXeioLs, ' the onset,' a metaphor from the preliminary rites of marriage. The meaning perhaps is, that war was sent or threatened by Zeus before the marriage was accomplished; cf. inf. 395. Eur. Iph. AuL Q4t. We cannot tell how this subject of the Rape of Helen was treated in the Cypria, which Aeschylus followed. Possibly some ancient marriage-ceremony is alluded to, as the break- ing of a spear- shaft over the head of a bride. Compare Ovid, Fast, ii. 560, where the parting of a bride's hair with the point of a spear is mentioned. Hesych. irporiXcLa' 7} irpb tQp ydfxwp 6vala, Kal eopTrj. r^Xos yap 6 ydfios, dTro rov els TeXeLdrrjTa dycLP. Inf. 219, it means simply 6v(Tia virkp rCiP prjQp, See also v. 699. In Iph, Aul. 433 irpore- Xl^eip is to consecrate or dedicate by a marriage-rite. NOTES. CI 6'6. It is doubtful if this is the true reading. Both grammar and metre point to Lavaols iirLdrjJovTas, the future participle being hardly used like the Latin imposi^ turns, but rather as the supine in -um with verbs of motion. Cf. IL II. 39, d-f)(r€LV yhp 'ir ^fieWev iir dXyea re (TTOvaxas re "^003(^1 re koX Aavaoiat 5ta Kparepds vfffxlvas. _ 71. iraodd^X^eCl The subject is uncertain ; the sense may be either, ' Paris will not aUay the wrath of Zeus for an unholy marriage by any tears or sacrifices,' or 'Agamemnon wiU not appease Zeus for the impious slaughter of his daughter.' The latter sense rather better suits airvpuiv iepiv, meaning an irregular or unlawful rite, as not made by a burnt-offering. It is called dvaU aSatros mf. 14b.--- drevels, * intense,' or perhaps ' obstinate,' apphed to that which will break rather than bend or stretch. 72 77/xeisl *We, the aged men of the chorus, taking no part in the vengeance (i.e. in the expedition to exact it), are. staying at home, supporting our feeble steps on staves. Whether MraL (from drirr^s) or drirq. be read, ^ the sense seems to be * non-avenging.' Hesych. aT^rar aSc/cot (per- haps dirb^LKoi, * keeping away from the suit 75 We must suppose that each xopevrr^s carried a sticis: (BaKTVP'^a) as he walked over the orchestra. There is an allusion to the riddle of the Sphinx said to have been solved by Oedipus, about walking on four, two, and three legs at different periods of life, . 77. a^/do-o-w^'] ^liolding sway.' The vigour of youth, — its marrow, as it were,-seems regarded as holding the seat of life like the anima of Lucretius, m the centre ot the breast.' The sense is, * as boyish strength and spirit, when yet below the military age (Theb, 10), are as unfit for ser- vice as the feebleness of those who are past it, so the very old man supports his steps on a stick, and dreams by day in his dotage like a mere child.' In the words "Aprjs ovk in X^pq> and their correlative TratSos ovUv apeio^v, the military -nkLKla or age of service is described. , 79. 0 d' v7ripyvP<^s is conjectural; some read t6^ vTT^Wc., with no difference of meaning. (The Med h^B and inf. 939, pi^V^ y^P oiicrvs s TeXetos, inf. 946) that the events portended by the eagles, partly good and partly bad, may be accomphshed. This must mean, 'that the good may not be accomplished without the attending evil,' viz. the woe that awaits the victor. 143. The word arpovOCov, which could not be applied to the eagles, seems to have crept in from some ancient gloss, or from the narrative in II. ii. 311. 144; /caX^w] While she, the goddess, prefers her re- quest to Zeus, I, the seer, call upon Apollo whom I serve, that he may avert the dreadful sacrifice of a child which she is demanding as the price for allowing the army to leave her shores at Aulis; lit. 'that she may not cause a calm that will long detain the Grecian ships, in her eager- ness to obtain another sacrifice,' viz. resulting from that of the hare, 'a lawless and impious one.' The dreadful superstition, mere devil-worship, so touchingly described below, and so celebrated in antiquity, is denounced by Lucretius in one of his most splendid passages, i. 90, seqq. . NOTES. 65 147. o-ijfx^vTou, sup. 107, here means a quarrel between two, husband and wife, who ought ^vfxv\aKd.y Karaaxety d)d6yyov may = 0uXa|a6 cpdoyyov, or (4) d6yyov. On the whole, the first seems the simplest explanation. 230. KpbKov ^a0cts] The saffron-dyed veil (the Eoman flammeolum), or the royal robe, KpoKo:r6p, KpoKb^airrov (Pers, bbl), may be meant, but not the stream of blood though inf. 1070 we have (in a different sense) KpoKo^a^s arayihv. Ihe sense is, that as she let fall her long veil to the ground and so exposed her face, she threw glances on those around 5—2 AGAMEMNON, in appealing for pity. There can be no doubt, if only froni the allusion in cbs iu ypacpacs, 'as is seen m pictures, that the poet had in view some well-known representation ot the scene, of which indeed a fresco-painting found at Pompeii still exists, the details of which exactly agree with this descr^iption.^^^^^_^ She looked as if she wished to speak, but the gag on her imouth prevented her.—^Tre^, * she ap- pealed for pity because she had often sung before them at the airopdal in her father's halls.' ^ 236. Hesych. dTavpojros' d^vyos Kal irapdevos. ±ier maiden character is contrasted with the apx^crrpiSes who commonly performed on these festive occasions. 238. iraLCLva [iracQva) is Hartung's correction for aii^m. The paean is called rpLrdairovdos because it was sung either with the three libations, or at the third of them^ only, which was to Zei>s SwTTjp, who is hence caUed rptros m SuppL ib. See also Cho. 335, 569, and inf. 1357. 239 oiir eXdou] ' What foUowed next (viz. the death- scene),*as I did not see it, so neither do I describe. But what Calchas said must have come to pass ' (it is not m vain that he practises his art). This is said, because the story was that a stag was substituted for the maid at the moment of the sacrifice: see Iph, T, 783, Iv\ A, 1587. 241 Mkcl U k.tXI It is here hinted, that as a deed was done, so will suffering for it surely arrive m time, though it is no use grieving about it till it has come.— eTrtp- P^ireZ transitively, ' causes knowledge to come upon men after suffering.' Cf. sup. 170. The reading kirel ov yevoir dV U(TLs is somewhat uncertain, some having 'nXvoLs, the MS. /cXi5ots. By X^acs it is meant, that grieving before- hand is not likely to undo the evils in store for us. J^or tdov, * 'tis all one with,' &c., see inf. 1374. 245. ij^ec, viz. to fJiiXKoi^^ *It will come with the bright rays of the morning,' i.e. we shall know with the daylight what our fortunes really are ; cf. 256. 247 rdoe] The old men speak of themselves as the custodians of the state, and the most nearly related to it, during the absence of the king. Schol. 3Ied. iireLdrj t^bvoi yipovres ecbiiKarrov rrjp 'EXXctSa. 249. ijKO} (76i3i>f] Not 'I have come to pay respect (as the chorus had before addressed the queen, v. 83),^ but 'l have come full of respect for your majesty. This is at once a prelude to and an apology for asking for informa- tion. The king and queen are regarded as having separate thrones; and when the male throne (or throne of the male) is empty, honour is to be paid to the occupant of the other. See inf. 835. ^ , ^ >f 252. et TL KeZvbv is Prof. Kennedy's reading for etre NOTES. 69 KeZvov, and it gives a clearer meaning with very slight change, * whether you are burning incense because you have actually heard some good news, or, if not, because you hope to hear, I should be glad to know; albeit, if you dechne to say, I shall not be offended.' 255. eviyyeKos, with fxhv^ takes up and repeats with emphasis the preceding word; 'good tidings, indeed, let us hope the morn will bring from its parent night.' 262. eu (ppovovvTos] 'Your eye (viz. the tear in it) shows you are right-minded and loyal.' Or perhaps, 'that you take a right view' in rejoicing. Compare Gho. 761, dXX' rj (ppovels €v t6l(tl vvv rjyyeXfJLcvoLs; where yrjOo^ay os] 'In short, there was no evil we had not to lament, or that we did not obtain for our daily share ' 541. cTT^yos] Lat. horror, in the literal sense of bodily shivering.— yap in the next line is equivalent to ^ireihT]. 545. Tieevres, in the masculine, agrees with dpoaoi by a somewhat singular anomaly. See sup. 119, Xa-ytVaj/ 7^^^^ BXaBhra.—Mripov, efferatam, shaggy as the fur ot wild beasts. It is used in its more proper sense, 'full of wild animals,' in Eur. Bhes, 289. But in PMloct. 698, evOvpov TTodbs has a meaning more like the present. ^ ^rr* -d ^ 551. roi(TL fjL€v] This is opposed to i]/Mu de v. 55b. iiut the construction is rather confused, purposely, perhaps, to express emotion. 'Our toils are over, for the dead, so that they have no care or deske to return to life; for the survi- vors, so that the gain completely outweighs aU the suffer- ing.'— t6 M^, i.e. uicrre fi^. Cf. sup. 15. Others make to aiiTTOTe ixi\€LV the subject to irapolxeraL. , . , ^ , 555. Kai iroXKd xa^petf] 'I think we ought (not only not to grieve, but) even to rejoice greatly at the results (at our present circumstances).' Others translate, * I bid a long farewell to these mishaps.' 558. ws, here for dxire, seems to mean, 'so that it is likely that they (the returning host) have uttered a boast to this very light of the sun, as they fly over sea and land, We have taken Troy at last, and hung up the spoils in the Grecian temples for a lasting memoriaV The herald is conjecturing (as the queen did about the scenes m the captured city, sup. 312 seqq.) what the army are doing in their present joy ; and it may be inferred from Qumtus Smyrnaeus xiv. 117, that songs of triumph and boasts ot Grecian prowess attended the return. 561. Whether roZs KaO' 'EXXdSa be taken with Oeoh or ddfJLOLs, the temples in the Troad must be meant, e.g. those to Apollo and Athena, 78 AGAMEMNON. 562. dpxatof] olim antiquum futurum, Hermann, who compares Oed, Col. 1632, Us ixoi xepbs arjs iriarti^ apxalav TGKPOLS. 564. TifiyaeraL] ' Due honour too shall be paid to the grace of Zeus that has achieved this victory,' viz. as metos. Cf.^sup. 345, where ovk dTcjuos may mean rcfiw ^xov(Ta irap' 566. vLK{i)fievos\ The chorus, who had been inclined to despond, now acknowledges that a cheerful view is better and more reasonable. 568. ti^Xuv] We may supply d/coOcrai, the reference bemg to the longer narrative given in the queen's presence mf, 619 seqq. Again, with ^fxe we may understand d/coi5- (Tavra. The subject of irXovri^eLv is tre, 'that at the same time you inform her, you should also inform (enrich) me.' 570. Clytemnestra, in a very artistic but somewhat boastful speech, exults that her confidence in the capture (sup. 10) was not misplaced, but that events have justified it. She refers to the sacrifices and the joyful shout before described, vv. 28, 87. 573. ^pvKro)pQ3v\ From