THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Prom the Library of the Diocese of Springfield Protestant Episcopal Church Presented 1917 3 U£23c*r* J SSI Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library /> Aj Ip 7 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library IUN L161 — H41 THE LIBRARY OF THE ESIYEBSIH ftF 1IJLI850IS J SKETCHES OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF PATRICK HENRY. BY WILLIAM WIRT, OF RICHMOND, VA. »*a quo hoc maximum est, quod neque ante ilium, quern ille imitarateur neque ilium qui eum imitari poosset, inventus est.” — P aterc. lib. i. cap. v. PHILADELPHIA: ZEE CLAXTO:i5r & co., 930 Market Street. 1881 . DlST*I JT CF PENNSYLVANIA, TO WIT Be it iiernemftered, Thai. «>n the twenty firsT clay of March, in the tortv-secord year of the a Weinience ot the I inte«t States America, James Webster, o : tlie a* i Dis* tri' t. na.n ’rposited in this office the title ~f a hook, the right whereof he claims % pro* { r**ior in ,he words following, to wit : “ Sketches of the I.ifc am! Character of I atnek lenry. By William Wirt, of Richmond. Virginia. Second **d'»i«n, corrected by the / uflior in cpio hoc maximum est,