gurl^tteriaiig f ubltr Hthntrg CHEAP ENGLISH BOOKS FOR THE SMALL AMERICAN LIBRARY Books are chosen for examples that are not likely to be in a small collection. Almost any book in these series is worth buy- ing, and the brevity of many like those in the “People’s Books” is a merit as the reader will have the three grains of wheat without the bushel of chaff. Make up a list of one or more from the various series to fill in and serve as specimens, and send the order to some careful agent, as, G. E. Stechert & Co., 15 1 West 25th St., New York City. Importing books through such a firm is little more trouble than ordering American books through a local bookstore. Prices may vary a cent or two but this is no great matter. Express or other transportation charge may be figured on the books in a shipment and will then not appear to be an alarming item. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates fMSUH 01 ox f. I Schenectady Public Library Cheap English Books for the Small American Library s. d. cts. All-England Series: Bell, each 1 0 .21 DUNN, H. A. C. Fencing. KNIGHT, E. F. Sailing. LYTTELTON, E. Cricket. WINN, R. G. A. Boxing. WOODGATE, W. B. Rowing and Sculling. ARNOLD, H. T. Steam Navigation Blackie. 1 6 .32 BEET, J. A. Key to Unlock the Bible. Religious Tract Society net 1 0 .2b BICKMORE, A. Industries for the Feeble-Minded. ’ Adlard 2 0 .50 BLAND, W. Ships and Boats Lockwood 1 6 32 BODKIN, R. C. How to Reason Brown & Nolan, net 1 0 25 Bohn’s Popular Library Series: Bell, each, net 1 0 25 CALVERLEY, C. S. Idylls of Theocritus. HOOPER, G. Waterloo. JAMESON, Mrs. Shakespeare’s Heroines. MIGNET. French Revolution. Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature Series: Cambridge University Press. Each, net 1 0 25 ALLEN, C. E. Modern Locomotive. ATTWOOD, E. L. Modern Warship. BROWN, J. English Puritans. COWARD, T. A. Migration of Birds. DAVISON, C. Origin of Earthquakes. HADDON, A. C. Wanderings of Peoples. ROBERTSON, J. G. Goethe and the Twentieth Century. SEWARD, A. C. Links with the Past in the Plant World. SMITH, G. Primitive Animals. SPENCER, L. Civilization of Ancient Mexico. WHYTE, A. G. Electricity in Locomotion. Cassell’s Operatic Selections Series: — Cassell. Each, net 6 13 BALFE. Bohemian Girl. DONIZETTI. Lucia di Lammermoor. FLOTOW. Martha. GOUNOD. Faust. VERDI. II Trovatore. CECELIA, Madame. Girls’ Clubs and Mothers’ Meetings - Burns. Net 1 6 38 Century Bible Handbook Series: Jack. Each, net 1 0 25 ANDREWS, H. T. Apocryphal Books. BENNETT, W. H. Old Testament History. HUMPHRIES, G. L. St. John and Other New Testament Teachers. MACKINTOSH, R. Christian Ethics. Club Series:: — Bell. Each 1 0 21 DIEHL, L. V. Skat. GOMME, A. B. Parlor and Playground Games. GREEN, R. F. Chess. - POLE, W. Whist. Common Commodities of Commerce Series: Pitman. Each, net 1 6 38 BEADLE, C. Rubber. HOOD, C. Iron and Steel. 3 s. d. cts. HOOPER, L. G. Silk. HUNTER, J. A. Wool. IBBETSON, A. Tea. KEABLE, B. B. Coffee. MARTINEAU, G. Sugar — Cane and Beet. MITCHELL, C. A. Oil. PEAKE, R. J. Cotton. TANNER, A. E. Tobacco. WILSON, F. H. Coal. CRANE, W. J. E. Sheet Metal Workers’ Guide. Lockwood 1 6 CUNYNGHAME, H. Time and Clocks. Constable. Net 2 6 Decorators’ Assistant ! ; Lockwood 1 0 EDWARDES, T. Lore of the Honey-Bee. Methuen — i — net 1 0 English Library Series: Routledge. Each 2 6 BROWN, J. B. Manual of Practical Bibliography. Small Library. HUSBAND, T. F. Punctuation. RAE, W. S. C. Practical Library Administration. SAVAGE, E. H. Story of Libraries. Era Shakespeare: edited by H. M. Hudson. 42 vols. Jack. Each, net 8 Everyman’s Library Series: Dent. Each, net 1 0 The American edition in reinforced binding is better than the English. Apply for complete list to E. P. Dutton & Co., 681 Fifth Ave., New York City. FURNIVALL, F. J. Shakespeare; Life and Work. Cassell. Net 9 GLOVER, W. First Lessons in Coal Mining. Lock- wood Net 1 0 Great Writers Series: Scott. Each, net 1 0 BITHELL, J. Maeterlinck. ESPINASSE, F. Renan. Voltaire. SHARP, W. Heine. WATTS, H. E. Cervantes. WEDMORE, F. Balzac. HAMMOND, A. Brick Cutting and Setting. Lockwood 1 6 Bricklaying Lockwood 1 6 Handwork Series: Pitman. CLAYDON, E. P. Handwork and Needlework__net 2 0 PRING, B. V. Paper Cutting and Modeling net 1 6 Handybooks for Handicrafts Series: Lockwood, each, net 1 0 HASLUCK, P. N. Clock Jobber’s Handybook. Watch Jobber’s Handybook. Woodworker’s Handybook. HAWKHEAD, J. C. Handbook of Technical Instruc- tion for Wireless Telegraphers. Marconi Press Agency net 3 6 HEATHER, J. F. Optical Instruments Lockwood 1 6 HILL, C. Millinery — — Methuen 2 0 History of the Sciences Series: Watts. Each, net 1 0 BALDWIN, J. M. Psychology. BENN, A. W. Ancient Philosophy. Modern Philosophy. CONYBEARE, F. C. New Testament Criticism. DUFF, A. Old Testament Critilisms. FORBES, G. Astronomy. HADDON, A. C. Anthropology. KELTIE, J. S. Geography. 32 63 21 25 53 1 / 25 19 25 2 ? 32 32 50 38 25 88 32 42 25 4 > » MEAt/L, L. C. Biology. • THORPE, Sir E. Chemistry. 2 vols WOODWARD, H. P. Geology. H ° m p e T ? ^w^° k T? S 5, ries: Cassell. Each, net BROWNE, P. Practical Hpusekeeping. E1 e me nts of Home Dressmaking. PAYNE, A. G. Vegetarian Cookery. Home University Library Series: ..Williams. Each, net The American edition is better bound. Apply for complete list to Henry Holt & Co., 34 West 33rd St., New York City. JACK, F. B. Art of Laundry Work Jack. Net JACKSON, C. Outlines of Education in England Mow'bray. Net JOHNSON, G. F. Toys and Toy-Making_______ Longmans. Net JOHNSTON, J. Rapid Methods in Arithmetic Pitman. Net JONES, A. J. L. Indexing and Precis-Writing Pitman. Net KIPPING, R. Sails and Sail-Making Lockwood Library of Notable Books Series: Nelson. Each, net BANCROFT, Sir. S. The Bancrofts. BELLOC, H. Life of Danton. CANDLER, R. B. Mantle of the East- COLVIN, Sir. A. Making of Modern Egypt. CONWAY, Sir W. M. Alps from End to End. HAWKINS, Sir H. Reminiscences. HOLMES, T. London Police Courts. JEFFERIES, R. Wild Life in a Southern County. LANG, A. Historical Mysteries. MORLEY, Lord. Life of Cobden. O’BRIEN, R. B. Life of Parnell. PROTHERO, R. E. Psalms in Human Life. TWEEDIE, Mrs. A. Through Finland in Carts. Little Books on Art Series: Methuen. Each, net BRADLEY, J. W. Illuminated Manuscripts. CIOLKOWSKA, M. Rodin. DAVENPORT, C. Jewellery. DAWSON, Mrs. N. Enamels. DILLON, E. Arts of Japan. JENNER, Mrs. H. Christian Symbolism. Masterpieces in Color Series: Jack. Each, net ALLNUTT, S. Corot. BENSUSAN, S. L. Murillo. HAY, A. Bellini. STALEY, E. Franz Hals. TURNER, P. M. Van Dyck. WOOD, T. M. Whistler. Modern Biographies Series: Constable. Each, net BICKLEY, F. J. M. Synge. DIMNET, E. Paul Bourget. THOMAS, E. Lafcadio Hearn. MORLEY, J. Life of Gladstone. 3 vols. Macmillan. Net MURRAY, J. E. Wireless Telephones — Lockwood. Net Music Text Books Series: Vincent Music Co. BAKER, F. C. How We Hear net PAGE, A. On Organ Playing __net PEARCE, C. W. Rudiments of Musical Knowledge — 4 net Students’ Counterpoint net SAWYER, F. J. Manual of Sight Singing net 5 s. 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 •2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 d. cts. 0 25 0 25 0 50 0 50 6 74 0 25 6 32 6 53 0 25 6 63 6 38 0 25 0 75 6 38 6 38 0 50 0 25 0 50 0 25 SHINN, F. G. Elementary Ear-Training net VINCENT, C. Scoring for an Orchestra net WAGSTAFF, L. Handbook of the Technique and the Study of Pianoforte Playing net ZEPER, M. E. P. Reading of Music net Nation’s Library Series: Collins. Each, net BASSETT, H. H. British Commerce. DAWSON, W. H. Industrial Germany. ENOCK, C. R. Panama Canal. HOWARD, L. G. R. New Birth of Ireland. LEWES, V. B. Oil Fuel. SCHUSTER, E. Eugenics. SNOWDEN, E. Feminist Movement. Socialism and Syndicalism. New Universal Library Series: Routledge. Each, net ADAMNAN. Life of St. Columba. BARHAM. Ingoldsby Legends. GALT. Annals of the Parrish. JOHNSON. Rasselas. KINGLAKE. Eothen. KNIGHT. Shadows of the Old Booksellers. LESSING. Laocoon. NEWMAN. Apologia pro Vita Sua. RAMSAY. Remniscences of Scottish Life. SEELEY. Ecce Homo. SYBEL. Crusades. TRELAWNY. Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author. NEWTON, M. B. Graded Games for Schools — Pitman 1 6 32 Oxford Church Text Books Series :__Rivington. Each, net 1 0 25 BURN, A. E. Apostles’ Creed. Athanasian Creed. Nicene Creed. COLEMAN, Bishop. History of the Church in the United States. FIELD, T. Manual for Confirmation. HUTTON, W. H. History of the Church in Great Britain. KIDD, B. J. Continental Reformation. MAUDE, J. H. History of the Book of Common Prayer. MITCHELL, Bishop. History of the Church in Scot- land. WAKEMAN, H. O. Reformation in Great Britain. People’s Books Series: Jack. Each, net 6 13 BESANT, A. Theosophy. CAMPBELL, N. R. Principles of Electricity. FAWCETT, M. G. Woman’s Suffrage. HARLEY, J. H. Syndicalism. HUTCHINSON, A. Hypnotism. JONES, A. J. Eucken. OGILVIE, A. Applications of Electricity. PHILLIPS, P. Radiation. POWICKE, F. M. Bismarck. RED WAY, G. W. Wellington and Waterloo. SKEMP, A. R. Common Faults in Writing English. WALKER, S. F. Aviation. WARD, W. P. Oxford Movement. Philosophies Ancient and Modern Series: Constable. Each, net 1 0 25 LUDOVICI, A. M. Nietzsche. MURRAY, E. L. Pragmatism. SOLOMON, J. Bergson. PINERO, Sir A. W. Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith. Heinemann 2 6 53 s. d. cts. 2 0 50 1 6 38 1 0 25 1 6 38 1 0 25 1 0 25 6 V S. d. cts. Second Mrs. Tanqueray _ _ _ __ _ Heinemann 2 6 53 Sweet Lavender Heinemann 2 6 53 — — Trelawny of the ‘Wells’ Heinemann 2 6 53 PLATT, F. Miracles Kelly. Net 1 0 25 Popular Library of Art Series: Duckworth. Net 2 0 50 BREAL, A. Velasquez. HUEFFER, F. M. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. MAUCLAIR, C. French Impressionists. •POWELL, Sir R. B. Scouting for Boys Pearson. Net 2 0 50 Scouting Games _ _ Pearson 2 0 50 Practical Primers of Business Series: Pitman. Each, net 1 0 25 BRIDGEWATER, H. Advertising. BYLES, R. B. Card Index System. DAVIS, J. F. English Composition. EKE, J. A. Elements of Insurance. GANDY, J. P. Elements of Banking. HALL, A. Shipping. PORRITT, H. W. Book-Keeping for Retailers. Present-Day Gardening Series: Jack. Each, net 1 CUTHBERTSON, W. Pansies and Violets. FARER, R. Rock Garden. GROVE, A. Lillies. WATSON, W. Climbing Plants. WRIGHT, H. J. Sweet Peas. Readable Books in Natural Knowledge Series: Macmillan. Each 1 FOURNIER, E. E. Wonders of Physical Science. PHILIP, J. C. Achievements of Chemical Science. SKEAT, W. W. Past at Our Doors. Romance of Empire Series (colored il.) : Jack. Each 3 COLVIN, I. D. South Africa. HORSLEY, R. New Zealand. LANG, J. L^nd of the Golden Trade. Outposts of Empire. LANG, W. H. Australia. SURRIDGE, V. India. WILLSON, B. Canada. SCHOLZ, R. F. Oxford and the Rhodes Scholarships. »__Oxford University Press. Net 2 SCOTT, J. Farm Roads, Fences and Gates. Lockwood 1 Scott Library Series: Scott. Each, net 1 BROWNE. Religio Medici. BYRON. Letters and Journals. CARLYLE. Sartor Resartus. EPICTETUS. Teachings. GOSSE. Nothern Studies. HERBERT. Autobiography. HUNT. Essays. MAZZINI. Essays. MITFORD. Our Village. RENAN. Life of Jesus. REYNOLDS. Discourses. SENECA. Morals. TACITUS. Annals. WALTON. Lives. WOLLSTONECRAFT. Rights of Woman. Scottish Clans and Their Tartans. (96 colored plates) Johnston 2 Self-Taught Series: Marlborough. Danish 2 French 1 German 1 Greek (modern) 2 Hungarian 2 6 38 6 32 6 74 6 63 6 32 0 25 6 53 6 53 6 32 6 32 6 53 6 53 7 s. d. cts. Italian 1 6 32 Portuguese 2 6 53 Russian 2 6 53 Spanish 1 6 32 Swedish 2 6 53 Sevenpenny Library of Fiction Series: Nelson. Each 7 15 CAINE, H. Son of Hagar. CHILDERS, E. Riddle of the Sands. GISSING, G. Born in Exile. MACKAY, L. M. Return of the Emigrant. MERRICK, L. Call from the Past. NORRIS, F. Shanghaied. WELLS, H. G. Country of the Blind. Shilling Handbooks Series: Pearson. Each 1 0 21 ARCHER, F. M. Dog in Health and Disease. GARDNER, G. Cage and Singing Birds. HOLLAND, C. Plow to Take and Fake Photographs. O’DELL, S. Heads, and How to Read Them. RAHILLY, J. J. Rugby Football. RENE, E. Hands, and How to Read Them. ROWLES, W. F. Greenhouses. Shilling Library Series: Murray. Each, net 1 0 25 FAIRLESS, M. Gathering of Brother Hilarius. HOARE, H. W. H. Our English Bible. LIVINGSTONE, D. First Expedition to Africa. STANLEY, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. SKEY, L. R. How to Live well on 5s. a Week per Head Pearson. Net 10 25 SMITH, L. E. Home Washing Bemrose 1 0 21 SOMMERFELDT, H. A. Ships for Ocean and River Service Lockwood 1 6 32 SUFFLING, E. R. Church Festival Decorations Gill 2 6 53 Temple Cyclopedia Primers Series: Dent. Each, net 1 0 25 GARDNER, E. G. Dante. JORGA, N. Byzantine Empire. RAPPOPORT, A. S. English Drama. SMITH, F. E. International Law. STEGMAN, H. Sculpture of the West. SWEET, H. History of Language. TROTTER, W. F. Government of Greater Britain. Thresholds of Science Series: Constable. Each, net 2 0 50 BRUCKER, E. Botany. Zoology. DARZENS, G. Chemistry. GUILLAUME, C. E. Mechanics. The Times Series: Murray. Each, net 1 0 25 A Dickens Pilgrimage. Labor and Industry. The Land and the People. The Powers and Aeronautics. Some French Cathedrals. Variations of the Christian Faith Series: Constable - _ each, net 1 0 25 MILLARD, B. E. Congregationalism. TARRANT, W. G. Unitarianism. VICTORIA, Queen. Letters. 3 vols. Murray. Net 3 0 75 £ WALKER, B. Brickwork Lockwood 1 6 32 Ward, Lock & Co.’s Guide Book Series:. — Ward, Lock & Co. Each, net 1 0 25 $ Belfast, Mourne Mountains, etc. Channel Islands. Dartmoor. Dublin, Bray, Wicklow, etc. 8 s. d. cts. 1 * * Edinburgh and District. English Lake District. Glasgow and the. Clyde. Killarney and S. W. Ireland. London and Environs. Stratford-Upon-Avon. Wales, North (Northern Section). Wales, North (Southern Section). Each 2 Belgium Holland. Norway. Paris and Environs. Switzerland. WATT, H. J. Economy and Training of Memory Arnold 1 WELLS, J. Oxford Degree Ceremony. Clarendon. Net 1 WHEATLEY, H. B. How to Catalogue a Library Elliot Stock 2 How to Make an Index Elliot Stock 2 Wisdom of the East Series: Murray. BAYNES, H. Way of the Buddha net 2 COLLINS, E. Wisdom of Israel net 1 GILES, L. Sayings of Confucius net 2 KAPADIA, S. A. Teachings of Zoroaster net 2 LAWRENCE, C. E. Wisdom of the Apocryphanet — 2 MURRAY, M. A. Ancient Egyptian Legends net 2 WALSH, C. A. Master Singers of Japan net 2 WOLLASTON, Sir A. N. Religion of the Koran net 1 WORTABET, J. Arabian Wisdom net 1 World’s Classic Series: Oxford University Press Each, net 1 BORROW. Bible in Spain. EDWARDS. Lord of the Harvest. HAZLITT. Sketches and Essays. JERROLD. Mrs. Caudle. MACHIAVELLI. The Prince. MILL. Liberty. SOPHOCLES. Seven Plays. TOLSTOI. Twenty-three Tales. Work Handbooks Series: Cassell. Each, net 1 Conjuring Apparatus. Gramophones and Phonographs. Wireless Telegraphy. CHILDREN’S BOOKS. Beginner’s Books Series: Methuen BUXTON, E. M. W. Stories from the New Tes- tament 1 Stories from the Old Testament 1 Stories from Roman History 1 Bell’s Reading Books Series: Bell. Each 1 ADDISON. Sir Roger de Coverley, and Other Essays FITCHETT, W. H. Deeds that Won the Empire. GILBERT, Sir W. S. Story of the H. M. S. Pinafore (16 colored il.) MUNRO, D., ed. Lyrical Poetry for Boys and Girls. SYNGE, M. B. Great Irishmen. — - Great Scotsmen. Blackie’s Animal Picture-Books: Blackie. Each 1 Faithful Friends. Picture Book of Animals. True Stories About Animals. 6 63 6 38 6 38 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 25 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 6 32 6 32 6 32 0 21 0 21 9 s. d. cts. Blackie’s Blue, Green and Red Picture-Books. 3 vols. Blackie. Each 1 6 Books for Young Readers Series: — Bell. Each 6 Queen Bee and Busy Bee. Story of a Cat. Three Monkeys. VESEY, Mrs. F. G. Gulls’ Crag. Children’s Heroes Series (8 colored il. each) Jaok. Each, net 1 0 Bruce Columbus Cromwell Joan of Arc Lincoln Livingston Nelson Raleigh Classics Retold for Children Series: (8 colored il. each) Jack. Each 2 0 JACKSON, A. F. David Copperfield. Hereward the Wake. CLAXTON, W. J. Book of Nature Poetry Blackie 1 6 Continuous Readers Series: 1 Bell. Each 9 CROMPTON, S. Life of Columbus. O’CONNOR, D. Story of Peter Pan. HENDRY, H. Red Apple and Silver Bells: Verses,.. J Blackie 1 6 Illustrated Continental Geography Readers 5 vols Blackie. Each 1 6 JOHNSON, M. Bunch of Keys Chambers 2 6 Lands and Their Stories Series: Blackie — BERRY, A. J. England and the English (12 col- ored il.) 1 3 Scotland. Ireland, and Britain Over-Seas (12 colored il.) 1 1 6 LAURENCE. H. Little Folks in Many Lands (16 colored il.) 1 0 Tales and Travels (16 colored il.) 1 0 PALMER. H. W. Europe and Its People. (12 col- ored il.) ... 1 8 Our Empire Over-Seas (12 colored il.) 1 9 Librarv of Famous Books Series: _♦ Blackie. Each — 1 0 ADDISON. Selections from the Spectator. ANDERSON, H. C. Favourite Fairy Tales. COOK, Capt. Voyages. Famous Discoveries bv Sea a nrl L^nd. HALL. B. Loq--Book of a Midshipman. TOSEPHUS. Selections. KTNGLAKE. A. W. .Eothen MTTFORD. M R Country Sketches. RETD. M Rifle Rangers. SCOTT, Sir W. Downfall of Napoleon. Prince Charlie. S+orips of i-he Sep in Former Davs. WINBOLT, S. E., ed. Poetry for the Young. LORD, Mrs. F. Tales from Canterbury Cathedral. Sampson Low 1 0 Tales from Exeter Cathedral. Sampson Low 1 0 Tales from St. Paul’s Cathedral Sampson Low 1 0 Tales from Westminster Abbey Sampson Low 1 0 32 11 25 ? 42 32 16 32 32 53 2j6 32 21 21 35 37 2 1 21 21 21 21 4 10 s. New Historical Series: Methuen — BOWYER, E. Stories from Ancient History 1 BUXTON, E. M. W. Stories from Modern History 1 Our Empire Story Series (maps and 8 colored il. each) — Jack. Each, net 1 MARSHALL, H. E. Australasia’s Story. Canada’s Story. India’s Story. South Africa’s Story. Pictorial History Series (32 colored il. each) : Black. Each 2 HOSKYN, E. L. More Pictures of British History. Pictures of British History. Rambler Nature Books Series (8 coloed il. each) Blackie. Net 1 CAMERON, M. Familiar Friends at Home. Round About the Seashore. CLAXTON, W. J. Rambles in the Woodlands. = Stories of Animal Life. Stories of Insect Life. SAMUELS, S. From the Forecastle to the Cabin Sampson Law 1 Sentinel Readers (8 colored il. each). 6 vols Blackie 7 SNAPE, H. J. Europe; a Geography Blackie 2 STEEDMAN, A. Little Child’s Life of Jesus (24 colored il.) Jack. Net 1 STIRLING, A. H. Reign of the Princess Naska. Blackie 1 Stories from History Series (8 colored il. each) : Jack. Each, net 1 The Crusades Engftsh History French History Greek History Roman History The Vikings Stories from the Histories Series: Methuen 1 BUXTON, E. M. W. Scottish History. Through the World Series (maps an- 8 colored il. each): Jack, Each, net 1 MARSHALL, H. E. Through Europe and Egypt with Napoleon. Through Great Britain and Ireland with Cromwell. Told to the Children Series (8 colored il. each) Jack. Each, net 1 Ballads Beowulf King Arthur’s Knights Nursery Rhymes Robin Hood Shakespeare Siegfrid William Tell WILSON. T. W. New Testament Stories (12 colored il.) Blackie 2 Old Testament Stories (12 colored il.) Blackie 2 World We Live In; an Introductory Geography (6 col- ored il.) Blackie 1 d. cts. 6 32 6 32 6 38 0 42 0 25 0 21 11 $1.6J 0 42 6 38 6 32 0 25 6 32 6 38 0 25 6 53 6 53 6 32 11 PUBLISHERS’ CATALOGUES. Send postcards with printed name and address of your library to the following London publishers with request for complete cata- logues and announcements as issued. Study these lists and order fearlessly a few books from time to time to round out your collec- tion. Edward Arnold, 41-43, Maddox Street, Bond Street, W. George Bell & Sons (Limited), York House, Portugal Street, W. C. Adam & Charles Black, 4, Soho Square, W. Blackie & Son (Limited), 50, Old Ba’Jey, Ei C. William Blackwood & Sons, 37, Paternoster Row, E. C. Cambridge University Press, Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, E. C. Cassell & Co. (Limited), La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, E. C. W. & R. Chambers (Limited), 38, Soho Square, W. Chapman & Hall (Limited), 11, Henrietta Street, Covent Gar- den, W. C. Chatto &. Windus, 111, St. Martin’s Lane, W. C. Clarendon Press, Amen Corner, E. C. Wm. Collips Sons & Co. (Limited), 4, Bridewell Place, New Bridge Street, E. C. Constable & Co. (Limited), 10, Orange St., Leicester Sq., W. C. J. M. Dent & Sons (Limited), 10-13 Bedford Street, W. C. Duckworth & Co., 3, Henrietta. Street, Covent Garden, W. C. George G. Harrap & Co., 3, Portsmouth St., Kingsway, W. C. William Heinemann, 21, Bedford Street, W. C. T. C. & E. C. Jack, 67, Long Acre, W. C. Lockwood, Crosby & Son, 7, Stationers’ Hall Court,' E. C. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. (Limited), 100, Southwark Street, S. E. Methuen & Co., 36, Essex Street, W. C. John Murray, 50A, Albemarle Street, W. C. Arthur Pearson (Limited), Henrietta Street, W. C. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons (Limited), 1, Amen Corner, E. C. Religious Tract Society, 4, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E. C. George Routledge & Sons (Limited), Broadway House, 68-74, Carter Lane. E. C. Walter Scott Publishing: Co. (Limited). Paternoster Square, E. C. ^ P C. K., Northumberland Avenue, W. C. E. & F. N. Spon (Limited), 57, Haymarket, W. C. T. Fisher Unwin. 1, Adelphi Terrace, W. C. Ward, Lock & Co. (Limited), Dorset Street, Salisbury Square, E. C. 12