ELECTIONS OF 1913 Duties of Voters, Candidates and Political Committees UNDER "ACTS” RELATING TO |PERSONAL REGISTRATION” “UNIFORM PRIMARIES” “PARTY ENROLLMENT”! “NON-PARTISAN PRIMARIES” AND “CORRUPT PRACTICES” \ PREPARED BY GEORGE D. THORN CHIEF CLERK, STATE DEPARTMENT JL HARRISBURG, PA. 1913 HARRISBURG, PA.: WM. STANLEY RAY, STATE PRINTER 1913 ' V A - ( \ 0 for political purposes, shall pay, give or lend, or authorize to be paid, given or lent, any money or other valuable thing belonging to such corporation to any candidate or to any political committee, for the payment of any election expenses whatever. It shall be unlawful for any candidate, or the treasurer of a political committee, or person acting as such treasurer, to disburse any money received from any anonymous source. “CANDIDATE” DEFINED. The term “candidate,” as used in the act“ to reg¬ ulate nomination and election expenses,” shall, un¬ less especially restricted therein, include both can¬ didates for nomination and candidates for election. “POLITICAL COMMITTEE” DEFINED. The term “Political Committee” shall include every two or more persons who shall be elected, ap¬ pointed or chosen, or who shall have associated them¬ selves or co-operated, for the purpose, wholly or in part, of raising, collecting or disbursing money, or of controlling or directing the raising, collection or disbursement of money, for election expenses. TREASURER OF COMMITTEE. Every Political Committee shall appoint and con¬ stantly maintain a Treasurer, to receive, keep and disburse all sums of money which may be collected or received by such committee or by any of its mem¬ bers for election expenses; and unless such treas- urer is first appointed, and thereafter maintained, it shall be unlawful for a political committee or any of its members to collect, receive or disburse money for any such purpose. All money collected or re¬ ceived by any political committee or by any of its members, for election expenses, shall be paid over and made to pass through the hands of the treas¬ urer of such committee, and shall be disbursed by him; and it shall be unlawful for any political com¬ mittee or any of its members to disburse any money for election expenses unless such money shall have passed through the hands of the treasurer. v PENALTIES. Any person who shall incur any illegal election ex¬ penses, or otherwise violate any of the provisions of the act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars or more than one thousand dol¬ lars, or by imprisonment for not less than one month or more than two years, either or both, at the discre¬ tion of the court. BLANK FORMS. Blank forms, suitable for the statements required to be filed, are to be obtained from the County Com¬ missioners. 20 QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS. GENERAL ELECTIONS. Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, pos¬ sessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact:— First.—He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second.—He shall have resided in the State one year (or, having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have re¬ moved therefrom and returned, then six months), immediately preceding the election. Third.—He shall have resided in the election dis¬ trict where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately ijreceding the election. Fourth.—If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the elec¬ tion. RESIDENCE AND RIGHT TO VOTE OF GOV¬ ERNMENT OFFICIALS AND CERTAIN OTHER ELECTORS. For the purpose of voting no person shall be 1 deemed to have gained a residence by reason of his presence, or lost it by reason of his absence, while employed in the service, either civil or military, of this State or of the United States, nor while en- 21 gaged in the navigation of the waters of the State - or of the United States, or on the high seas, nor while a student of any institution of learning, nor while kept in any poorhouse or other asylum at pub¬ lic expense, nor while confined in public prison. POLITICAL CALENDAR FOR 1913. Municipal Primary Election, Tuesday, September 16, 1913. November Election, Tuesday, November 4, 1913. Last day for filing petitions for nomination for the primary, with the Secretary of the Common¬ wealth, Tuesday, August 19, 1913. Last day for filing nominations with the County Commissioners, Tuesday, September 23, 1913. Last day for filing nomination papers for Judges, with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Tuesday, September 30, 1913. Last dav to be assessed, for the November elec- i- 7 tion, Wednesday, September 3, 1913. Last day to be registered for the November elec¬ tion, in any city, Saturday, September 13, 1913. Last day to pay tax to qualify for the Novem¬ ber election, Saturday, October 4, 1913. Last day for filing statement of expenses for the * Primary, Wednesday, October 1, 1913. Last day for filing statement of expenses for the November election, Thursday, December 4, 1913. 22 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTI¬ TUTION. i There will be on the Official Ballot at the Novem¬ ber Election five proposed amendments to the Consti¬ tution, for adoption or rejection by the voters of the „ State. These Amendments are as follows: 1. To permit the Commonwealth to issue bonds in the sum of fifty million dollars for improving and rebuilding roads. 2. To permit special legislation regulating labor. 3. Providing that judges whose terms of office expire in an odd-numbered year shall hold over until the first Monday of January in the next year. 4. Providing that subjects of taxation may be classified. 5. Authorizing municipalities, other than Phila¬ delphia, to increase their indebtedness under cer¬ tain conditions. * i 0 i \ * * 30 112 0990 6575 1 J