Jtrat lapitat GUfttrrif ffekin, 3Uttt0ta Iritattnrg lExmtH^a Jtrst laptist Ollyttrrly ffekttt, 31lfn0ta Sriitntiflrg lExerrtoa Slunp (Htftrtwnilj to iEtgljtwtttlj Dedicatory Cxercises OFFICIARY Pastor. Rev. R. M. Webdell Church Clerk Roy Coons Treasurer Ed Rees BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ed Rees, Chairman R. L. Bearden Roy Ide R. L. Russell Harry Scott BOARD OF DEACONS Elmer Hughes, Chairman James Parr T. J. Miller Roy Coons C. B. Holland Earl Herbig Ed Rees HONORARY DEACONS L. A. Causey George Anderson BUILDING COMMITTEE Earl Herbig, Chairman James Parr C. B. Holland Roy Ide Ed Rees R. L. Beardon R. M. Webdell J. P. Payne Roy Coons R. L. Russell, Treasurer Two JLfbJt?*^ jru./Sssr. Sumner Dedicatory Exercises SUNDAY MORNING JUNE THIRTEENTH 8:30 O'clock March from the Court House to the New Church SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 O'clock Superintendent, Earl Herbig Address Benediction Assembly of Classes in their rooms SUNDAY MORNING 10:30 O'clock Voluntary — "Dedication March" Armstrong Miss Theola A. Lohnes, organist Hymn No. 80 Anthem— "The Souls of the Righteous". T. Tertius Noble The Chorus Choir Prayer Violin Duet — "Sadness" 1 "Berceuse" S Godard Miss Helen Thompson, Mr. Lee Bearden Scripture-Response Baritone Solo — "Gloria" (Sacred Hymn) A. Buzzi Peccla Mr. Ibe A. Meinen Hymn No. 78 Dedicatory Sermon . Rev. Benjamin Otto, D. D. Chicago, Illinois Report of Treasurer of Building Committee Offertory — "Slavonic Cradle Song" . Neruda Hymn No. 74 Benediction Postlude Whiting USHERS C. B. Holland James Parr Fred Waechter Chief Usher W. R. Gorsage G. T. King Earl Herbig Frank Tucker C. G. Sours Roy Ide Elmer Hughes J. B. Phillips Three Dedicatory Exercises SUNDAY EVENING 6:30 O'clock B. Y. P. U. President Miss Emma German Leader . Miss Beryl Farlin Address • Rev. G. W. Chessman Peoria, Illinois EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 O'clock Voluntary— "Fanfare" • • • • . • • Dubois Miss Theola Lohnes, organist Hymn No. 136 Presentation of the Church for dedication and its transfer to the trustees, by ......... • R. L. Russell Response. Edward Rees, for the trustees Dedication and Dedicatory Prayer Rev. G. W. Chessman Peoria, Illinois Anthem — "Praise My Soul" • • Schnecker The Chorus Choir Scripture Violin Solo — "Adoration" Borowski Miss Helen Thompson, Springfield, Illinois Announcements Offertory— "Twilight" Friml Mixed Quartette— "Hark, Hark, My Soul" Shelley Mrs. Julius Janssen, Mrs. Ibe Meinen Mr. John Brooking, Mr. Ibe Meinen Hymn No. 369 Sermon Rev. A. E. Peterson, D. D. Chicago, Illinois Hymn No. 344 Benediction Postlude — "Postlude alia Marcia" Grey USHERS C. B. Holland James Parr Fred Waechter Chief Usher W. R. Gorsage G. T. King Earl Herbig Frank Tucker C. G. Sours Roy Ide Elmer Hughes J. B. Phillips Four Tyedicatory Exercises MONDAY EVENING June Fourteenth 7:30 O'clock DENOMINATIONAL NIGHT Prelude — "Romance" Sheppard Hymn Duet — "The Heavens Resound" Beethoven Marie Caldwell, Florence Caldwell Scripture Prayer Address Dr. D. O. Hopkins District Superintendent Solo — Selected John Brooking Address — "A Denominational Consciousness". .Rev. H. W. Virgin, D.D. Chicago, Illinois Hymn Benediction Postlude— "Credo" Haydn USHERS Elliott Little, Chief Usher Floyd Corson George Herbig Herman Myers Everett Webdell Clinton Warner Norman Rockhold Oliver Little Five 'Dedicatory Exercises TUESDAY EVENING 8 O'clock DEDICATORY ORGAN RECITAL Miss Bertha Brunner, organist of the First Methodist Church, Peoria, Assisted by the Tazewell Four, Male Quartette Harvey Velde First Tenor John Loomis Second Tenor Oscar Winkel First Bass Ibe Meinen Second Bass Accompanist, Mrs. Alta Shacklett PROGRAM Prelude — Heroic Faulkes Night Cyril Jenkins From the South Gillette 0, the Lilting Springtime 1 In Summer j Charles Stebbins Male Quartette — An Even Song Protherse Cuckoo 1 The Bee ) (From Summer Sketches) Lemare Andantino Scene Orientale Kroeger Russian Boatmen's Song on the River Volga. (Arr. by Clarence Eddy) Male Quartette — a De Coppah Moon Shelley b Just Being Happy . Joelbeen Fantasietta un theme Provencal Dubois Cantilena G. Waring Stebbins Male Quartette — a The Shadows of the Evening Hours . Barri b God is Love Buck Song of the Basket Weaver .Alexander Russell The Bells of St. Anne de Beaupre ............... Alexander Russell Fanfare Lemmens USHERS Emma German, Edith Gleich Nellie Jansen Chief Usher Marie Weber Pearl Peyton Edna Miars Inez Wubben Beryl Farlin Six Dedicatory Cxercises WEDNESDAY EVENING June Sixteenth 7:30 O'clock PEKIN NIGHT AND RECEPTION Guests: Pastors of Pekin Churches Former Pastors Architect, Contractors Builders, Workmen and Organizations Organ Voluntary Prayer Xylophone Solo Robert Soady Accompanist, Louise West Greetings : Mayor Ben F. Michael and pastors of Pekin Churches Music by orchestra furnished by Musicians' Local No. 301 Hymn Social hour following program. The Church will be open to all. USHERS C. B. Holland, Frank Tucker James Parr Chief Usher R. L. Russell Elmer Hughes Fred Waechter Roy Coons Ed Rees Earl Herbig Roy Ide W. R. Gorsage R. L. Beardon C. G. Sours THURSDAY EVENING June Seventeenth 6:30 O'clock CHURCH BANQUET Toastmaster. . Dr. S. T. Glasford Vocal Solo— "Until" Sanderson Mr. John Brooking Short talks by members of Building Committee and others Vocal Solo — "Ave Marie" Gounod Miss Beula Becker, Tremont, Illinois Violin Obligato, Mr. Lee Bearden Violin and Flute Duet Mr. Lee Bearden Mr. John Albers Address — "Are You Paying Your Way?". .Rev. Charles Durden, D.D. Bloomington, Illinois Seven Dedicatory Exercises FRIDAY EVENING June Eighteenth 8 O'clock CONCERT Given by the Chorus Choir Ibe A Meinen , Director Theola A. Lohnes Organist Assisted by String Quartette R. Lee Bearden First Violin William Janssen Second Violin John Sheppard, Jr \. . Viola George Warren Cello Prelude — Sortie ,. . Dunham Chorus— Send Out Thy Light" Gounod String Quartette: (a) Minuet in G Beethoven (b) Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes (Old English) . .Pochon Quartette — Festival Te Deum . . . D. Buck Mrs. Nellie Janssen Mrs. Ibe Meinen Mr. John Brooking Mr. Ibe Meinen Chorus — Angel Voices Shelley Incidental Solo Miss Gertrude Derrick Announcements Silver Offering Offertory — Andante Pastorale Alexis Solo — When the Angel Comes Lillian Faitt Sheldon Mrs. Nellie Janssen Quartette — He Shall Come Down Like Rain Buck String Quartette — Andante Cantabile, Op. 11 Tschaikowsky Chorus — Fear Not, Israel Spicker Postlude — "Grand Choeur" Renaud USHERS Mable Gleich, Chief Usher Evelyn Gleich Bernice Wieburg Theresa Smith Agnes Rolfs Meta German Gertrude Derrick Eight Dedicatory Exercises BRIEF HISTORY OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The First Baptist Church of Pekin was organized in 1850 under Pastor Gilbert S. Bailey, and was reorganized in 1852. The two lots on which the present building stands were purchased in that year at a cost of $330.00. Work on the church was begun in 1854. The auditorium was first built with a, gallery at the North end, which was later removed and a choir recess built in. Other changes were made from time to time, but the general arrangement and appearance remained the same. In 1921 during the pastorate of Rev. E. C. Poole a movement for the erection of a new church was started. As time passed various plans were considered. After much deliberation it was decided that rather than build a new church on a different site it would be better to remodel the old building and thus preserve the sentiment connected with it. This plan has been carried out in 1926. The remodelled edifice stands superior in every way to what a new building erected for the same cost would stand. The old church had much of historical interest. It was soon after the building was started that Abraham Lincoln, then practically an unknown lawyer of Springfield, and personal friend of the pastor, Rev. Bailey, signed the subscription list and contributed a sum of money toward the building fund. It was most fitting that after Mr. Lincoln's death Rev. Wm. Roney, delivered from the first Baptist Church pulpit in 1865 one of the finest eulogies of Mr. Lincoln. It is not generally known that Chicago University had its incep- tion in Pekin in the little study of Rev. Bailey, first pastor of the church. Rev. C. C. Burroughs, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Chicago, together with Rev. H. G. Weston of Peoria drove to Pekin and were entertained in the home of Rev. Bailey, and these men decided at that time that Rev. Burroughs should go to Wash- ington, D. C. to solicit a gift from Stephen A. Douglas of ten acres of land in Chicago on which to build a Baptist Seminary. The trip was made and his mission rewarded by the gift from Mr. Douglas. A school for students of the ministry was built and known as the Old Seminary, which later became the Theological School of Chicago University. Nine 'Dedicatory Exercises ORGANIZATIONS SUNDAY SCHOOL Superintendent Earl Herbig Superintendent Primary Department .Mrs. A. E. Hobbs B. Y. P. U. President Emma German LADIES MISSION CIRCLE President Mrs. McCabe LADIES INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY President Mrs. Hilling CRUX ALBA President , Mrs. Lewis Garman BROTHERHOOD President Roy Coons THE CHORUS CHOIR SOPRANO Nellie Janssen Marion Frohling Lois Holland Josephine Bearden Mabel Hobbs Margaret Bearden Gertude Derrick Emma German Myrtle Sherman Marie Caldwell Irene Ambrose Gladys Dennis ALTO TENOR Elsie Meinen John Brooking Florence Caldwell William Janssen Dorothy Frohling Floyd Corson Katherine Janssen Floyd Sours BASS Charles Holland Ibe Meinen 'Dedicatory Exercises DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGAN The organ being inaugurated on this occasion was built by the Hinners Organ Co., of Pekin, Illinois, and embodies the latest ideas in construction known to modern organ builders. The organ is a two-manual instrument (two banks of keys) con- taining 519 pipes, all of which are enclosed in a plastered room behind the ornamental grille in the front of the church. The detached con- sole (or key desk) is of the modern stop-key type, equipped with 22 stop and coupler tablets, 12 combination pistons, three of which are adjustable on the Great and Pedal, and three on the Swell and Pedal. The 61 keys of each of the manuals and the 32 pedal keys and the stop-keys controlling the resources of the organ and the expression pedal mechanism in the console are all connected with the organ by means of electric cables. Through the use of the unit wind-chest for certain stops, the scope of the organ is made greater than that of the usual organ of approximately the same number of pipes. The pipes range from the big bass Bourdon over 10 feet in length, of wood, to the Piccolo smaller than a pencil and of metal. Four families of tone are represented. First, the Diapason, the powerful character- istic organ tone; second, the strings, resembling the Violins and 'Cellos of the orchestra; third, the Flutes, and fourth the reed Oboe. THE MEMORIAL TO MISS LAUREN. As a memorial to Miss Rose A. Lauren, who was for many years a faithful and devoted member of the church, the Crux Alba Club, of which she was the founder, has presented the lighting fixtures in the auditorium to perpetuate the memory of her through whose generosity the gift was made possible. Eleven Lohnes Print Shop Times Bldg.