LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 5/0. 84 no. 37/- 373 Cop-Z riffTH Report No. 373 COO-IU69-OI5I+ ORTHOGONALITY RELATIONS FOR CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS by M. K. Jain THE UBRARY OF THE M. M. Chawla January 19 70 FEB 3 1975 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Report No. 373 ORTHOGONALITY RELATIONS FOR CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS* M. K. Jain M. M. Chawla January 1970 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI This report is supported in part by contract U. S. AEG AT(ll-l)li|69, and in part by the National Science Foundation under grant NSF-GJ-217. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. TWO NEW ORTHOGONALITY RELATIONS FOR THE CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS 5 2 .1 Gauss-Che"byshev Quadrature with Fixed Abscissa x = +1 5 2 .2 Gauss-Chebyshev Quadrature Formula with Fixed Abscissa x = -1 7 2 . 3 I^ew Discrete Point Orthogonality Relations 10 3. NEW SCHEMES FOR THE APPROXIMATE COMPUTATION OF CHEBYSHEV-FOURIER COEFFICIENTS 11 h. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION BY TRUNCATED CHEBYSHEV- FOURIER EXPANSION lU 5. EXAMPLES l6 REFERENCES l8 ABSTRACT Two new discrete point orthogonality relations for the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind have "been obtained. Semi-closed Gaiiss- Chebyshev quadrature formulas, required for the purpose of obtaining these relations, have also been developed. These orthogonality relations lead to better approximations to the coefficients in the Chebyshev-Fourier expansion of a function and consequently to better values for an integral when the integrand is approximated by a truncated Chebyshev-Fourier series, 1. INTRODUCTION Let T (x) = cos(n arc cos x) , n = 0, 1, 2,..., be the n Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind defined over [-1,1]. These polynomials are known to be orthogonal in two ways (see Lanczos [l], pp. vii, xvii); (l) Tit if r = s = 1 T (x) T (x) I ^ -^— TT72-^^=U^^ r = s ^ -1 {1-^^r'^ y 1 if r 7^ s (2) Tn if r = s = or n E" T (x.) T (x ) =<^ifr= s i- orn lo if r 7^ s In (2), X. = cos(jiT/n); n > 0; r, s <_n. The double prime on sigma indicates that the first and the last terms are to be halved. The discrete point orthogonality relations (2) have been used by Clenshaw [2] for the approximate computation of the coefficients in the Chebyshev-Fourier expansion of a function and for the approximate integration of a function by means of truncated Chebyshev series. Our first result establishes that the discrete point orthogonality relations (2) can be obtained from the orthogonality relations (l) by replacing the integral by an appropriate Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formula. Theorem 1 . For r, s _^n, (l) =^(2) Proof . The (n+l) - point Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formula of the closed type over [-1,1] with fixed abscissas x = +1 (see Chawla [3]) is /^Ht7p = ^ ^ f(cos ^) +E (f) -1 (l-x^)^/^ ^ k=0 where E (f) denotes the error of the quadrature formula and is given by n^^^ " "22n-l (2n)! for some ne[-l,l]. The quadrature formula (3) is therefore exact for all polynomials of degree <_ 2n-l. Replacing the integral is (l) by the quadrature formula (3), together vith the error, we obtain (5) Ttt if r = s = n I - E"T(x.)T(x.)+E(TT)=(Jifr = s^O h.qTj sj nrs 12 (^0 if r 7^ s If r + s < 2n-l, then E ( T T ) = and (5 ) gives — nrs (6) Tn if r = s = E" T (x.) T (x.) =( g- if r = s y 1^0 if r 7^ s Next, let r = s = n. Since T^(x) = ■^(T (x) + l) and T (x) = 2'^"^x^ plus n 2 2n n lower degree terms, therefore, T (x) = 2 x plus lower degree terms, and from (k) we obtain E (T T ) = - — . Thus, for r = s = n we have n n n 2 from (5) Z" T (x.) T (x.) = ^J- E (T^)) = n Combining (6) and (T), the orthogonality relation (2) follows. Clearly the argument holds for the converse also. Let f(x) be continuous and of bounded variation on [-1,1], then f(x) has a imiformly convergent Chebyshev-Fourier expansion: (8) f(x) = E' a. T.(x] j=0 ' ' the prime on the sigma means that the first term is to be halved. The Chebyshev coefficients are given by (9) 2 ^ ^^^) T.(x)dx ^1=7-^ p'\/9 ' J = 0, 1, 2,... J ^ _1 (l-x^)^/^ Replacing the integral in (9) by the Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formula of the closed type (3) and neglecting the error we obtain ( 10 ) „ n a ~ - r' f(x.) T (x.) r n .^Q J r J where x. = cos(j7T/n). This is the scheme for the approximate computation J of the Chebyshev coefficients described by Clenshaw [2], If we define the numbers a^ , a , . . . , a as 1 n (11) 2 "^ a = - E" f(x.) T (x.) then it is easy to show [2] that (12) a=a+E(a- +a^^) r r _ 2np-r 2np+r This shows that a^ can be taken as an approximation for a^ with an error of 2(a +...); a can be taken as an approximation for a with an error of a^ ^ +.... However, 2n-l a -, = a ^ + a ^^ + a_ -,+... n-1 n-1 n+1 3n-l so that unless the coefficients a converge very rapidly, a ^ will not be a good approximation to a . But a = 2(a + a^ +. . .) n n 3n so that — a gives an approximation for a with an error of a^ +.... 2 n ° ^-^ n 3n 2. TWO NEW ORTHOGONALITY RELATIONS FOR THE CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS We have seen that the approximation (10) for the calculation of the Chebyshev coefficients results from replacing the integral in (9) by the two point closed Gaioss -Chebyshev quadrature formula. This raises another possibility of using semi-closed Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formulas with a fixed abscissas either at x = +1 or at x = -1 for replacing the integral in (9). Since the semi-closed formulas are more accurate (one degree of precision more) than the fully closed formula, it is expected that the resulting approximation will be better than that given by (lO). For this purpose, in the following, we develop the two semi- closed Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formulas and use them to obtain two new discrete point orthogonal relations for the Chebyshev polynomials similar to (2) . 2.1 Gauss -Chebyshev Quadrature with Fixed Abscissa x = +1 (^ -^) (i -i) Let w(x) = (x-l) P (x) where P is the Jacobi n n 1— x 1/2 polynomial on [-1,1] corresponding to the weight (tt~) . Let x , x , ..., x (- -h 2' 2 be the n zeros of P (x), and let L (x) be the Lagrange interpolation polynomial of degree n for f corresponding to the abscissas x = 1, x , ..., x , ^n(^) = „-T(ffe ^(1) ^ X .'i^^nl^) ^(^' 2 -1/2 Multiplying both sides by the weight ( 1-x ) and integrating over [-1,1] (13) 1 ^/ N^ 1 L (x)dx n •^ 2%= /~Vl72 = Af(l) -H Z A^f(^) -1 (1-x^)^/^ -1 {1-^r'^ k=i ^ ^ where the weights are given by A = 1 r w(x)dx _ 1 r w(x)dx " "'<1) -1 (x-l)(l-x2)l/2' \ " ^^ .i (,.^)(i.x2)l/2- k = 1, . . . , n. The precision of the quadrature formula (13) is clearly 2n. Since P (x) = c n n 1 - X where c is a positive constant, the n free abscissas of the formiila (13) n (^ -^) 2' 2 are the zeros of P (x). 2kTT ^ Therefore , ^ 1 T (x) - T A^) „ 2n+l ^ ,^ s,^ 2^1/2 2n+l -1 (l-xj(l-x ) ^k and A = jrj r where we have put ■\' 2' 9 But y , k = 1,..., n are the weights in the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formula (IW 1 1 X 1/2 ° -1 k=l and are given (see [U] by \ = 2^^ ""^ ^2^^^ and thus 2lT The Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature form-ula with fixed abscissa at x = +1 is, therefore, \ f(x)dx 2^ ^, ^. 2kTT . _^ „+, . where E ( f ) denotes the error of the formula. n 2 .2 Gauss-Chebyshev Quadrature Formula with Fixed Abscissa x = -1 (-- -) (-- -) Let v(x) = (x+l) P (x) where P (x) is the Jacobi 1+x 1/2 polynomial of degree n over [-1,1] corresponding to the weight {- ) Let the zeros of P (x) be denoted by x^ , . . . , x , and let M (x) be n In n the Lagrange interpolation polynomial of degree n for f corresponding to the abscissas x= -1, x, , . . . , x : 1 n n v'(-l)(x+lj , _, v'(x,)(x-x,) k ^^ V^x^Mx-x^, 2 —1/2 Integrating over [-1,1] with weight (l-x ) , (16) 1 , . 1 M (x)dx / ^ l^/^ ~ / -^^-77J= Bf(-l) + E Bf(x,) -1 (l-x2)l/2 (i_x2)l/2 k=l ^ ^ where ■n _ 1 f v(x)dx _ 1 . v(x)dx " ^'^^-l (x.l)(l-x2)l/2' 'k - ^^T^i (_ )(l-x2)l/2' ■\' k = 1,. .., n. Since (-!» |) T (x) + T _^ fx) P 2 2 (^) ^ ^ n n+1 n n 1 + X the abscissas x, = cos ( (2k-l) TT/(2n+l) ) , k = 1,..., n. Now, f ^.n 1 T (x) + T _^^(x) 2^-^ -1 (l.x)(l-x2)l/2 2n.l and B =-i-X k 1+x k where we have put (-i -) " (4 i)' -1 ^-'^ ""-^ But X are the weights in the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formula K. ^1^) ^ l+x 1/2 "" -1 k=l and are given by \ " mT cos^((k-|)7r/(2n+l)), k = 1,..., n. Therefore , \ - 2^;;i> ^ = l--" ^ The Gauss -Chehyshev quadrature formula with fixed abscissa x = -1 is, therefore. (18) ^ f(x)dx _ _2tt_ ''^^, , (2k-.l) V , p-, ->, ( , ' 2.1/2 - i^^,^ ^^"°" 2n+l ^^ \^^^ -1 (1-x j k=l where E (f ) denotes the error of the formula. The lower prime on the sigma n indicates that the last term is to be halved. The formula (l8) is of precision 2n. 10 An error analysis of v.he serai-closed Gaviss-Chebyshev quadrature formulas (15) and (l8) with fixed abscissa at x = 1 and -1, respectively, will be given in Section 3. 2.3 New Discrete Point Orthogonality Relations From the orthogonality relations (l) for the Chebyshev polynomials we deduce the following two discrete point orthogonality relations similar to (2). Replacing the integral in (l) by the quadrature formula (15) of precision 2n, we obtain: Theorem 2 . If x^ = cos ( ■ -, ) » ^ = 0, 1,..., n, then for r, s <_ n, (19) r(2n+l)/2 if r = s = "" ) Z' T (x, ) T (x ) =< (2n+l)/4 if r = s ^^ L if r 7^ s Again, replacing the integral in (l) by the quadrature formula (l8) of precision 2n, we obtain Theorem _3.. If x^ = cos ((2k-l)TT/(2n+l)), k = 1,..., n+1, then for r, s <_n. (20) r(2n+l)/2 if r = s = n+1 I Z. T^(x^) T^(xj^) =/ (2n+l)/l| if r = s ?^ k=l ^ ^ I V if r 7^ s 11 3. NEW SCHEMES FOR THE APPROXIMATE COMPUTATION OF CHEBYSHEV -FOURIER COEFFICIENTS We have seen that the Clenshaw scheme for calculating approximately the Chebyshev-Foiirier coefficients a. consists of J replacing the integral in (9) "by the fully closed Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formula (3). Alternative "better schemes can be obtained by replacing the integral by either of the semi-closed formulas; however, these formulas lack in symmetry. Replacing the integral in (9) by the semi-closed Gauss- Chebyshev quadrature formula ( 15 ) and neglecting the error, we obtain the approximation (21) ^ n a = ^— - E' f(x.) T (x.) r 2n+l ^^Q J r J where x. = cos (2JTT/(2n+l) ) , j = 0, l,...,n. If we define for J r = 0, 1,..., n, the numbers (22) n B = ~- Z- f(x.) T (x.) r 2n+l ^^Q J r J then substituting (8) in (22) and using the orthogonality relations (19) we obtain (23) B = a + Z (a/^ ^^ ^ + a.,^ ^^ . ^ ), r = 0, 1,..., n r r _ (2n+ljp-r (2n+l}p+r ' > > » Jr Note that for r = 0, (23) reduces to the quadrature formula (l5) so that the error is given by 12 {2k) ^ E (f) = -TT Z a,. .. n -, (2n+l)p p=l and for r = 0, 1, . . . , n, 3 ~ a with an error of Z (a/o , -, \ + ' ' ' ' r r -, (2n+l)p-r p=l ^(2n+l)p-r^* Similarly, replacing the integral in (9) hy the semi-closed Gauss -Chebyshev quadrature formula (l8) and neglecting the error, we obtain the approximation (25) ^ n J , (2k-l)TT\ where x. = cos {— — ) j = 1,..., n+1. For r = 0, 1,..., n define the numbers (26) , n+1 Y = Trrrr ^' f(x.) T (x.) 'r 2n+l J r J J -^ Substituting (8) in (26) and using the orthogonality relations (20), we obt ain (27) ^r = \ ■" ^l^ ^-^) ^^2n+l)p-r "^ ^2n+l)p-Hr) For r = 0, (27) leads to the quadrature formula (l8), and the error is given by (28) E (f) = TT n p=i E-(f) = . E (-l)P^^ a(^^^^)^ 13 Also for r = 0, 1,..., n, (27) shows that y ~ a with an error of oo ^ ^"^^ ^^(2n+l)p-r "*■ ^(2n+l)p+r^- p=l '^ '^ Ik h. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION BY TRUNCATED CHEBYSHEV-FOURIER EXPANSION Let f(x) have the Chebyshev-Fourier expansion (8). A useful polynomial approximation to f(x) can be fo\md by trioncatin^ the expansion at some j = N: (29) N f(x) = E- a^ T^(x) k=0 and therefore. (30) 1 N 1 / f(x)dx ~ Z' a, ( / T (x)dx) -1 k=0 ^ -1 ^ But (31) /> 2 . „ , . -— — if k IS even k -1 / T (x)dx = -1 I if k is odd so that (32) 1 [N/2] / f(x)dx = Z -2 a^ -1 k=0 Uk^-1 ^^ where [k] denotes the largest integer contained in k. The Chebyshev coefficients a can be computed through either (2l) or (25). idk Note that as far as approximate integration over [-1,1] is concerned, the lack of symmetry of the approximations (2l) or (25) does not affect as only even coefficients are needed in (32). The improved 15 accuracy of these algorithms for the approximate computation of the Chebyshev coefficients will therefore produce better approximations to the value of the integral than that resulting from the use of the algorithm (lO) . 16 ' 5 . EXAMPLES 2 1/2 -1 The Chebyshev coefficients for (l-x ) and tan x calculated from (22) are compared in Tables 1 and 2 respectively, with those calculated from (ll) as also -with their exact values. In each case n = 9. In Table 3 we compare the approximate values I and ■*" 2 1/2 I. for 1(f) = / f(x)dx for f(x) = (l-x ) ' and log(l.01+x) as ^ -1 obtained from (32) when the a 's are approximated, respectively, by a, 's and 3, 's with the exact values for these integrals. It will be k k ^ observed that the 3, 's produce better approximations. K. IT Table 1 f(x) = (l-x^)l/2 r 3 r a r (exact) r +1.2T033T8 +1.2732395 +1.2602859 2 -0.U2 73309 -0.U2 1+1+132 -O.H376913 k -0.0878^+91 -O.O8U8826 -0.0992158 6 -0.039^289 -0.0363783 -0.0527911 8 -0.0233851 -0.0202102 -o.oUoi+Uoi Table 2 f(x) = tan'-'-x r ! ^ a r (exact) a r 1 +O.828U2712 +0.82 81+2 712 +0.82 81+2 716 3 1 -0.01+737851+ -0. 01+73785 1+ -0. 01+737878 5 +0.00 1+87732 +O.OOI+87732 +O.OOI+87895 7 \^ -0.00059773 -0.00059773 -0.00060892 Table 3 fCx) N h I I a log(l.01+x) 9 5 1.5699337 -0.56131+05 1.5707963 -0.5506975 1.5696093 -O.5662I+77 18 REFERENCES [l] Lanczos, C, "Applied Analysis," Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1956. [2] Clenshaw, C. W. , "Chebyshev Series for Mathematical Functions," National Physical Laboratory Mathematical Tables, Vol. 5, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, I962 . [3] Chawla, M. M. , "Error Bounds for the Gaiiss-Chebyshev Quadrature Formula of the Closed I^pe," Math. Comp. , 22 (1968), pp. 889-891. [k] Krylov, V. I., "Approximate Calculation of Integrals," Macmillan, New York, New York, I962. Form AEC-427 (6/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIE^TIF;C AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( S»e Instructions on Reverse Side ) AEC REPORT NO. COO-lU69-015i+ 2. TITLE ORTHOGONALITY RELATIONS FOR CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS a TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): Qa. Scientific and technical report r~l b. Conference p>aper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): r^-a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I I b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. 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