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Gear July 1978 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URB ANA- CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 Supported in part by the Department of Energy under grant ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383, 1. Introduction In a recent report, Zlatev [4] extends the known class of unconditionally stable variable-step multistep methods (that is, methods which are stable for any stepsize sequence such that the ratio of the largest to smallest steps is bounded) to include methods of the form (1.1) y = 0L [{h}]y . 4- a.[{h}]y „ + derivative terms, n i n-1 2. n-Z By the notation a.[{h}] we simply indicate that the a. may depend on the ratio of one or more past steps. Zlatev shows (1.1) to be stable as long as | Oi,, | < 1, a property that will hold for any reasonable strategy for computing a, and a_ from {h}. (Note that |a„| < 1 for a strongly stable constant-step method.) The proof of convergence presented in Zlatev' s report is particularly interesting for two reasons: (a) it yields a proof of fixed-step convergence that is intuitively more pleasing than the "standard" proof, as found in Henrici [3], being more direct; and (b) it permits an extension to all strongly stable methods, which, while not yielding unconditional stability (shown to be untrue in general by a counter example in [1]), leads to a bound on stepsize ratios which can be computed for any particular formula, and hence simply implemented in practical programs. This short paper discusses an extension of Zlatev' s proof, first at an intuitive level which this writer finds particularly appealing, then at a technical level. Finally, the constructive application of the result to the calculation of stable-step ratios (the bounds b and B) is discussed. 2. Zlatev's Proof Technique Consider the strongly stable, constant-step method (2.1) y = Z a. y . + Z h3. f(y .) n . .. 1 n-i . _ i n-i i=l i=0 for the initial value problem (2.2) y' = f(y, t), y(0) = y Q . The equation for the global error, e = y - y(t ), takes the form n n n (2.3) e = Z a.e .+ I h3. g .e . + d , n . , l n-i . _ i n-i n-i n i=l i=0 where g. = f evaluated at a suitable point, and d is the local truncation : y n error. The "standard" proof of convergence involves bounding the rate of growth of solutions of this difference equation which is an order h perturbation of a difference equation with a root at one. Zlatev considers, instead, a difference equation for c = e - e „ . This satisfies n n n-1 the equation k-1 k (2.4) c =e -e ,= Z y. c .+ Z hS . g .e , + d n n n-1 . ' i n-i . „ l n-i n-i n i=l i=0 If we write p(£) = -£ + £ & . K , P(£) = ~K + Z Y.C we find i=l 1 i=l 1 that p(£) = K P(?)/(?-D, that is, p(?) is a "deflated" form of p(0 with the unit root replaced by zero. If the method is strongly stable, p(£) has all of its zeros strictly inside the unit circle, hence the growth of solutions of eq. (2.4) can be bounded by a constant times the __ i -i largest of the added terms ( Z h$ . g . e . + d ). If d is 0(h ) . _ i n-i n-i n n i=0 and e is 0(h P ), this term is 0(h P+1 ), hence c is 0(h P ). The global n error e is simply e n + Z (c.), and, since there are order of 1/h terms n U . t 1 i=l in the sum, e is 0(h /h) = 0(h). Of course, this argument is circular, so there are a few technical details to work out. This is the subject of the next section. 3. Variable-step Methods Consider a method given by eq. (2.1) where h depends on n, and the a. and $. may vary with the ratios of stepsizes. Following the notation in [1], the error equation (2.3) may be written in the form (3.1) e =(S +hS)e n +d — n n n n — n-1 — n where e is the error in the collection of saved information *n (e ' g ' ^n = [ V y n- 1' V-2 , . . . , h y ' , h n y n' n-1 'n-l , . . . ] ) , S contains the dependence of (2.3) on g = 3f/8y, and S depends only on the coefficients of the method. In [1] it is shown that if S (where m S , n ) and I S can be bounded independently m+1 ' ' n' ' n s n = s =s s ,. m . , _ 1 n n-1 j=m+l of n > m, then convergence can be proved for consistent methods, so that bounded | S and | S is a reasonable stability condition . For the m ' ' n multistep method above, s = n \ a 2 ... a k j3 1 6 2 ... K 10... 1... ( ) 10 _ _ 1 r 1 ... O |° — • 1 0_ We now consider the similarity transformation of S to Q S Q where n n Q - l o ... -l l ... O -l i o o This corresponds to a change of variables, from e,e ,,e O ,...to n n-1 n-z e , -c , -c ,,... and is in the spirit of Zlatev's technique. We find that n n n-1 QS n Q -1 1 " Y l " Y 2 ••' " Y k-1 3, 3« ... \ Y l Y 2 •'• Y k-1 -3 , -3 _ ... A 10 1 L O 1 ... o 1 1 1 0_ n n s n q 1 = n (Q s. q" 1 ) 111 Li J j=m+l 1 ! y ! n,m — t , ^n 1 I S B m n,m C^) \ cn ~ m where (3.2) y = y . + x S with y n , m n— 1 , m n m mm = . Suppose, for a moment, that S < r where r < 1. n — Then eq. (3.2) implies (3.3) n,m' ' — 1-r max m m + k and is trivially bounded, it then follows that B is bounded if the 3. are bounded. Thus, it remains n,m x to consider conditions under which Is < r < 1. Note that S is the ii n i i _ n companion matrix of the polynomial p(£)/(£-l), all °f whose zeros are inside the unit circle. Consider the coefficients for eq. (2.1) with constant steps. If the largest zero of p (£)/(?-!) is r, there exists a norm | | • | | such that S| | < r + E = r for any £ > where S is S for constant stepsizes. (Let H be a similarity transformation S to Jordan form with its nonzero off-diagonal elements equal to e. Let |x| I be the max norm of Hx and si I the matrix norm n H I. /\ . . S TT . If the 1 n ' ' H coefficients a. of a variable-step method are continuous functions of the 1 |S is a continuous n H function of the step ratios. When all the ratios are unity, |§ | | < r < 1. Hence, for an r such that r < r < 1, there exists a pair n H of numbers b < 1 < B such that if the step ratios lie between b and B |S < r < 1. ii u i i _ 4. Computing b and B This can be done once and for all for any given method, it does not have to be computed during an integration. First, the similarity transform H of S to Jordan form must be computed. (If the zeros of p(£) i i ^ ii are distinct, the Jordan form is diagonal.) Next, the function |S | |„, which depends on the step ratios, must be formed. For any pair of values b and B. the maximum of S I L T in the hypercube of step ratios between b / ' ' n' 'H and B can be computed (approximately) . The value of b and B can be decreased and increased respectively until this maximum is any selected r such that 1 > r > f. (If r is chosen closer to 1, the range between b and B will be larger, but the error constants will be greater because of the 1/(1 - r) factor in eq. (3.3).) For many methods one will find that b can be made very close to zero without problem as rapid step reductions in variable step methods yield methods that are essentially one-step methods of order one or two for which the y. are zero. This is fortunate because it is desirable to be able to reduce the step suddenly when the solution exhibits a sharp change. Variable Order Methods In [2] it was shown that changing formulas "occassionally" did not affect stability. Precisely, it was shown that, for any set of strongly stable formulas {F. } there exists integers N. . such that if at 1 ji least N. . steps of formula F. are taken after a switch from formula F., ji i J then the combined method is stable. This result carries over to the A i current situation with a much simpler proof. Suppose S is the matrix S corresponding to formula F. at constant stepsize. Let H. be such that Is 1 !! < r. < 1. Choose the r., b. and B. such that Is 1 !! < r. < 1 1 ' ' 'H. — i 11 i M n"H, - i i i for all step ratios in the range [b., B.]. Now choose r such that max r. < r < 1. (We only consider finite sets of formula in practice. i The mathematically minded must add requirements such as uniformly strongly stable to guarantee that sup r. < 1.) Now consider the max norm i | # | of S where all steps are taken with method i. ■ i i i m I |c n | I < I liT 1 ! I I |q n ! I I | W I I i i m i i _ i i x i i i ' m ' 'h. ' ' i' ' l MhT 1 !! Mh.II r n_m — ' ' i ' ' ' ' 1' ' i < UIh: 1 !! ||h.|| A) n " m ] r n_m — ' ■ i ' ' ' ' i 1 ' r Since we have chosen r. < r, there exists an integer N. such that i i _i r • l|H. I I Ih.I (— ) P < 1 for all p > N 10 Thus, if at least N. steps are taken with formula F., we can bound 1 1 Is for a sequence of variable-step, variable-order formulas by m Kr where K = max(||H. I Ih.II). This can easily seem to be 1 ' i ' ' ' ' l 1 ' i i ^n i i sufficient to show that S is bounded as before. (The proof above 1 ' m 1 ' yields N.. = N. for all j . In practice, a smaller value of N.. can be 7 ji i Ji obtained by setting N. . = ji log llHj h, 1 ! log r - log r t and K- maxCllH" 1 !! ||H ||). i,j Only the presentation of the proof is complicated, not the principle.) Consequently, a practical step and order control restriction which is guaranteed to be stable for strongly stable methods is as follows: 1. If the order was changed within too few steps, stay at the current order; otherwise, consider changing the order in the next step. 2. Compute the "optimal" step and order for the next step using your favorite algorithm. 3. If the step increase is greater than permitted, use the maximum allowed. 4. If the step decrease is larger than allowed, change to a one-step method to "restart"; otherwise, take the recommended step. (The question of restarting is the subject of a paper in preparation by this writer. It is possible to restart efficiently at high order using a one-step method which is automatically stable.) 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Gear, C. W. and K. W. Tu, "The effect of variable mesh size on the stability of multistep methods," SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis , 11 (5), October 1974, 1025-1043. 2. Gear, C. W. and D. S. Watanabe, "Stability and convergence of variable order multistep methods," SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis , 11 (5), October 1974, 1044-1058. 3. Henrici, P., DISCRETE VARIABLE METHODS IN ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1962. 4. Zlatev, Z., "Stability properties of variable step-size, variable formula methods," Mathematics Institute, University of Copenhagen, Preprint Series //38, 1977. „mAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION SfSm UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIF C AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT I See Instructions on Reverse Side ) AEC REPORT NO. COO-2383-0048 STABILITY OF VARIABLE-STEP METHODS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): [x] a. Scientific and technical report [] b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference _ Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): Kl a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. J b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. ] c. Make no announcement or distribution. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. William Gear Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 Signature Date July 18, 1978 FOR AEC USE ONLY AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: PATENT CLEARANCE: Lj a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. LJ c. Patent clearance not required. BLIOGRAPHIC DATA IEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-78-931 2. 3. Recipient's Accession No. Title and Subtitle STABILITY OF VARIABLE-STEP METHODS 5. Report Date Julv 18, 1978 FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 6. Author(s) C. William Gear 8. Performing Organization Rept. No -UIUCDCS-R-78-931 Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. COO-2383-0048 11. Contract/Grant No. ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383 , Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Department of Energy 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439 13. Type of Report Si Period Covered Research 14. . Supplementary Notes . Abstracts It is proved that, for any multistep formul constant stepsize, there exist constants b • of adjacent steps satisfies b < h /h , < B — n n-1 — of the formula is stable. A practical step- a which is strongly stable at < 1 < B such that if the ratio , the variable-step implementation -order control restriction which guarantees stability is given. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors variable-step ordinary differential equations stability multistep methods variable-order • Identif iers/Open-Ended Terms • COSATI Fie Id /Group tAvT Availability Statement unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 13 22. Price CM NTIS-15 ( 10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 SEP 2 1 t978 \m