v ASfc Ff STATUTES Q • WE L? 8 BAH OF THE t!»i¥£Bsiirof jiusais f y: / UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. C.IVELSi|r CF LLiSeis U83>HY JAN 3 1 i^i .ADOPTED NOVEMBER, 1 II 7 7. AMENDED JANUARY, 1. 1||| 1. PHILADELPHIA: y PRINTED BY .J. B. LIPPINCO^K^ CO. 1881 . y* • ^ M I VARSITY OF ILLINOIS APR^im Administrative Library STATUTES UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. ADOPTED NOVEMBER, 1 8 7 7. AMENDED JANUARY, 1881. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1881. STATUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Section 1. The Governor of the State of Pennsylvania for the time being is President of the Board by the charter, and when present at any meeting shall preside. Section 2. The Provost of the University shall be President pro tempore of the Board of Trustees, and except when the Governor shall be present shall preside at all meetings of the Trustees, preserve order thereat, appoint all committees, attest all the official acts, pro- ceedings, and resolutions of the Board which are intended to make contracts or conveyances, or to alienate, release, or dispose of the property of the University, whether the same be real or personal, and generally perform all other duties which pertain to the powers and duties of a presiding officer. Section 3. In the absence of the President pro tempore from any meeting the senior Trustee by election to his place, then present, shall preside, and for the time being exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the President pro tempore. Section 4. Stated meetings of the Trustees shall be held on the first Tuesday of every month, at such place and at such hour as the Board may by resolution from time to time order and direct. Special meetings may be called by the President pro tempore whenever he may deem the same necessary or expedient. In the absence of the President pro tempore from the city of Phil- adelphia, or of his refusal to call a special meeting of the Board on the written request of five Trustees, the Secretary shall, upon such a 4 written request, call a special meeting. The call for the special meet- ing shall designate the business proposed to be considered thereat, and no other business shall be transacted thereat unless by the unanimous consent of the members present, being at least thirteen in number. At least twenty-four hours’ notice shall be given for the holding of a stated or a special meeting, and the time and place for holding the meeting shall be expressed in the notice. Section 5. Five Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of ordinary business, but for the enactment of laws, the election of professors, the purchase or sale of real estate or other property, or the mortgaging, pledging, or encumbering thereof, at least thirteen Trustees shall be present, and a majority of the votes of those present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any order, reso- lution, or action of the Trustees, or for the election of any professor, or for the enactment or amendment of any law. Section 6. The order of business at the stated meetings shall be as follows : 1. Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting for the pur- pose of reconsidering the same, if any amendment thereof shall be deemed necessary, and for their adoption. 2. Communications addressed to the Board to be read, referred, or finally disposed of. 3. Reports from the Provost, and order taken thereon when it may be needed. 4. Reports of Standing Committees, and the consideration of reso- lutions or other propositions contained in such reports. 5. Reports of Special Committees and consideration thereof, and action thereon if needed. 6. Report of the Secretary and Treasurer. 7. Deferred business. 8. New business. 9. Reading of the rough minutes for correction. 10. Adjournment. Section 7. A competent person shall be elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Board, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Trustees. He shall receive such compensation for his services, payable monthly, as the Board may from time to time fix, and shall give such security for the faithful performance of all his duties as may be also from time to time fixed by a resolution of the Trustees. He shall, as Secretary, keep and engross regular minutes of the proceed- 5 ings of the Board, carefully preserve and keep in regular files all com- munications, reports, and other papers of importance ; conduct, under the direction of the President pro tempore , or of the standing or special committees, all needful correspondence on the business of the Board ; and, when he may be so requested, act as Secretary of any committee, and preserve the minutes of its proceedings ; give notice to all committees of their appointment, and transmit to them all papers, documents, and copies of resolutions that may be referred to them ; give notice of all stated and special meetings, and generally perform such duties usually pertaining to the office of a Secretary as the President 'pro tempore , or any committee of the Board, may direct. He shall have the custody of the corporate seal of the University, and shall affix and attest the same to such instruments or writings as the Board may order and direct. Section 8. As Treasurer he shall have charge of all deeds and other muniments of title to the real estate of the University, and of all bonds, mortgages, certificates of loans, stocks, or other evidences of property owned by it or pledged to it, which he shall deposit for safe keeping in such place of security as the Committee on Ways and Means may direct. He shall collect and receive all moneys that may in any way become due and payable to the Trustees, and deposit the same as received in the corporate name of the University in such bank or other institution in the city of Philadelphia as the Committee on Ways and Means may direct. He shall pay, according to such orders and resolutions as may be made by the Trustees, all debts and other obligations of the Trustees as the same shall become due and payable, and shall take full and sufficient receipts and acquittances as vouchers for such payments. He shall keep full and accurate accounts of all his receipts and pay- ments in proper books to be provided for such purposes, and shall sub- mit the same, together with his vouchers, monthly, to the Committee of Ways and Means for examination and approval. He shall make all payments by checks, and the check shall state for what account the payment has been made. He shall at each stated meeting present a summary statement of his receipts and payments for the preceding month, showing also the bal- ance of cash on hand and an estimate of the receipts and payments for the next month. The books of minutes and accounts, and all other papers and vouchers in the hands of the Secretary and Treasurer, shall at all 6 times be open to the inspection and examination of any Trustee, or of any Committee of the Board. Section 9. In case of the resignation or removal from office of the Secretary and Treasurer, he shall forthwith deliver to his successor, or to such other person as may be appointed to receive the same by the Trustees, all the property, books, papers, money, and every other mat- ter and thing belonging to the Board that may then be in his charge or possession ; and an inventory of all matters and things so delivered shall be made out and be duly attested by the person receiving the same, and also by the retiring Secretary and Treasurer. And in case of a vacancy occurring in the office of Secretary and Treasurer by the death of the person holding said office, it shall be the duty of the Committee of Ways and Means to obtain from the legal representative of the de- ceased officer all the books, property, money, papers, vouchers, and other effects of the Board that may at the time of his decease have been in his charge, care, or possession, and to have an inventory thereof made as aforesaid, to be attested by the signatures of the chairman of said committee and by the legal representative of the deceased officer. And in case of a vacancy occurring in the office of Secretary and Treasurer, from any cause whatever, such vacancy shall be filled by an appointment to be made by the President pro tempore , with the con- currence of the Committee of Ways and Means; such appointment to continue, however, only until an election of Secretary and Treasurer shall be made by the Trustees. No person shall be elected Secretary and Treasurer unless he has been nominated at the stated meeting of the Trustees held in the month preceding the stated meeting at which he is to be balloted for. Notice of such intended election shall be given to the several Trustees ; and no election shall be held unless at least thirteen Trustees are present, and the votes of a majority of those present shall be necessary to a choice. Section 10. At the stated meeting of the Board in the month of January, annually, the following standing committees, to consist of five members each, shall be appointed as follows : Ways and Means, by ballot. Buildings, Estates, and Property, by President pro tempore. Library “ “ Department of Arts “ “ Department of Science “ “ Department of Medicibe “ “ Department of Law “ “ 7 The Committee of Ways and Means shall have charge of the finan- cial affairs of the institution ; shall see to the safe investment and care of its funds ; supervise and examine the accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer ; report from time to time on the financial condition of the University, and on its revenues and expenditures ; make all invest- ments as may be ordered by the Board ; direct the Treasurer as to the places of deposit for the money and other property of the Board ; ex- amine and vouch the accounts of the Treasurer ; report and advise on all appropriations that may be requested by any department for ex- penditure ; see to the preparation of the annual report to be presented to the State Legislature ; and generally to watch over and care for the financial interests of the institution. Section 11. The Committee on Buildings, Estates, and Property shall have charge of the buildings and other real estate, and of the furniture and fixtures belonging to the institution ; attend to the selling, leasing, and renting of such parts of the property as may not be in actual use and occupied for the purpose of instruction ; see that all is kept in proper order and repair ; examine and approve of all bills and accounts before the same shall be paid, and after the same have been duly vouched by the Provost or other officer authorized to make any outlay ; and generally to act as a committee on accounts for matters not in charge of the Committee of Ways and Means. Section 12. The Committee on the Library shall have charge of the general library of the institution, and care for the preservation of its books, furniture, and fixtures ; they shall have power to ap- point a librarian, make rules for his government and for the hours of his attendance, and define his duties ; provide for the use of the library ; and report at least once a year on the condition of the library, and recommend measures for its increase, improvement, and usefulness. Section 13. The Committees on the Departments of Arts, Science, Medicine, and Law shall severally have the care and supervision of the instruction to be given in said departments ; they shall aid the Pro- vost in the management of said departments, and by regular confer- ences and meetings with him ascertain the working and success of existing arrangements, and receive from the Provost such suggestions for improvement as the several Faculties may from time to time make through him, and report thereon to the Board. The auxiliary Department of Medicine shall be under the care of the Committee on the Department of Medicine, and the Department 8 of Music shall be under the care of the Committee on the Department of Science. Each of said committees shall have the general care of the apparatus, special libraries, collections, cabinets, and museums appropriated for the use of the department under its charge, and see that proper inven- tories and records of them are taken and kept ; and that the several professors and other officers in charge thereof are held properly respon- sible for their care and preservation and delivery to the Provost, or other officer who may be appointed to receive the same, on the resig- nation, death, or removal from office of any one having had the same in charge. Each Faculty shall prepare and present, through the Provost, to the proper committee in charge of its department, in the month of June of each year, an estimate of the amount that may be needed to defray its expenses from the 1st day of October until the 30th day of Sep- tember next succeeding ; which estimate shall be revised by the proper committee, and be transmitted to the Committee on Ways and Means, with such recommendations for its allowance or reduction as may be deemed proper. Section 14. The reports of all committees shall be in writing ; pro- vided, however, that the minutes of any committee may, if it deems the same advisable, be submitted as a report. Section 15. Special committees shall be appointed by the President pro tempore , whenever the Trustees may deem the same advisable, for the consideration of any subject. Section 16. No money shall be drawn from the treasury unless an appropriation for the expenditure of the same has been previously made by the Board. No debt shall be contracted unless a requisition for the object needed shall have been made therefor by the officer or agent authorized to order the same, and such requisition has been ap- proved by the Provost. Bills for all supplies ordered shall be collected at the close of every month and be sent to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, approved by the Provost before the day of the stated meeting in the following month, and the Secretary on the receipt of such bills shall present them to the Committee on Buildings, Estates, and Property for approval for payment. 9 OF THE PKOVOST. Section 17. The Provost shall be the chief executive officer of the University. He shall be a member of and President of each Faculty, and when present at a Faculty meeting shall preside thereat, and may call a special meeting of any Faculty when he may deem the same ex- pedient. He shall be the organ of communication between each Faculty and the several members thereof and the Board of Trustees. He shall from time to time report to the Board on the state of the in- struction in the several departments, and make such suggestions for the improvement thereof as he shall deem expedient. He shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees, and when present shall preside thereat, and have the privilege of speaking on all questions that may come before the Board, and he may attend and assist and advise thereat the meetings of any committee. Every Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, or other officer or agent engaged in instruction or discipline, shall be primarily responsible to him for the faithful performance of his duties, except in cases where an assistant is assigned for duty and service to a Professor in any department, in which case such assistant shall be primarily responsible to such Professor. He shall report to the Trustees all cases of neglect of duty on the part of any Professor or other officer or employee of the institution. He shall preside at all Com- mencements, and confer the Degrees ordered by the Trustees. He shall in all cases affecting the government and instruction have full and conclusive authority, subject only to the Board of Trustees, and as the chief executive officer of the University shall be obeyed and respected accordingly. In case of a vacancy in the office of the Provost, or of his permanent absence from the city or from duty, the Yice-Provost shall act as Provost until the vacancy be filled or the Provost shall return to the discharge of his duties. OF INSTKUCTION AND DISCIPLINE. Section 18. The instruction to the students shall be given, and their government shall be administered in such manner as the Faculty of each department may direct, under the general supervision, control, and order of the Board of Trustees. All cases of discipline shall be administered by the several Faculties through the Dean, but no indefinite suspension or dismissal of a stu- 10 dent from the University shall be made by any Faculty, except at a meeting thereof at which the Provost shall be present, and by the concurrence of at least two-thirds of such Faculty. The Deans of the several Faculties shall approve of all requisitions for supplies before the same are ordered by any Professor or other officer in charge, and shall certify to the Provost all bills for supplies duly ordered. They shall receive and transmit to the Provost for transmission to the proper committee all applications for gratuitous instruction, with the proofs of the worthiness of the claims of the applicants for ad- mission, and also their opinion as to the propriety of admitting the applicants. They shall also receive applications for free scholarships, and report the names of those found qualified by the several Faculties to the Provost for transmission to the proper committee for admission. The Dean of the Medical Faculty shall have the care and super- vision of the buildings and grounds appropriated to Medical and Dental Instruction. The Dean of the Faculty of Science shall have the care and supervision of the buildings and grounds appropriated for Literary, Scientific, and Legal Instruction. They shall severally enforce such care and supervision by such officers and servants as the Trustees may direct to be employed for such services. Section 19. There shall be the following Faculties, to consist of the Provost and such number of Professors, adjunct, and assistant Professors as the Trustees may from time to time direct, to wit : Arts, Medicine, Law, Towne Scientific School, Auxiliary of Medicine, and Music. Each Faculty shall meet at least once a month, or when called specially by the Provost, except during vacation, and the members thereof shall attend such meetings, and shall elect a Dean and Secretary. Provided, however, that the Vice-Provost shall be ex -officio Dean of the Faculty of Arts. In the absence of the Provost from any meeting the Dean shall preside. The Secretary shall keep regular minutes of its pro- ceedings, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of any Trustee, to the Provost, or any member of the Faculty. All requisitions for supplies shall be issued and signed by the Sec- retary of the Faculty for whose use such supplies are needed. No requisition for a supply shall be issued unless an appropriation has been duly made by the Trustees for defraying the expenses thereof. Each Faculty shall have such instructors, assistants, and other em- ployees assigned to it as the Trustees, by resolution for such purposes, may allow. 11 Every Professor, adjunct Professor, or other officer or employee shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board, and shall receive such compensation for his services, payable monthly, as the Trustees may from time to time designate. Removals from office, except in the case of a member of a Faculty, shall be made by the Provost with the concurrence of the standing committee on the department or other branch of the service of the University in which the person to be removed has been employed. A member of a Faculty may be removed at any meeting of the Board of Trustees at which at least thirteen members are present and at least two-thirds of those present concurring in such removal ; but no member of a Faculty shall be removed from office unless for cause shown in a complaint made in writing by the Provost or the standing- committee having charge of the department in which such member is employed, nor until notice has been given to such member of the com- plaint against him, which notice shall be served on the member so complained of at least ten days before the consideration of his case by the Board of Trustees. His reply to the complaint shall be in writing. But the Trustees expressly reserve the right in all cases by the proper quorum and vote to summarily remove any member of a Faculty from office if in their judgment the interests of the University require such removal. Section 20. Professorships on special subjects may be established by resolutions of the Trustees, and the Professors to fill the same shall be chosen in the same way as Professors in the regular Faculties. Such Professors shall hold their offices for such terms and receive such compensation as the resolution providing for their appointment may direct. Section 21. Students shall be admitted into the several depart- ments as the regulations, which may from time to time be adopted by the Trustees, shall direct. These regulations shall prescribe the ex- aminations requisite for admission, the courses of study, the qualifi- cations required for Degrees, the cost of tuition, and the general discipline of the University. Section 22. Gratuitous instruction shall be given in each depart- ment to such number of indigent students as the standing committee having charge thereof shall direct. Applicants for such instruction shall submit to the Dean of the Faculty of the department which the students desire to enter their claims to such instruction, and if he after examination shall deem them qualified in all respects for admission he 12 shall report thereon to the Provost, who shall then take order on such applications. The names of such students shall not be made public, but be confined to the knowledge of the Provost, Dean, Treas- urer, and proper committee. Section 23. There shall be forty scholarships in the Towne Scien- tific School, ten of which shall be competed for annually by pupils of the public schools in the city of Philadelphia under such rules as have heretofore been adopted and published therefor ; but such rules may from time to time be altered or amended by special resolutions of the Board, to take effect at the beginning of the college year after their adoption. Section 24. Female students shall be admitted to such partial courses of advanced studies in the department of Arts and Towne Scientific School and Music as the Provost, with the approval of the proper committees, shall direct. The terms of admission and the req- uisites therefor shall be fixed by the committee in conjunction with the Provost. The name of any such student admitted to gratuitous instruction under this section shall not be made public, but be con- fined to the knowledge of the Provost, Treasurer, and proper com- mittee. Section 25. There shall be two public Commencements held an- nually for conferring Degrees : the first, for Degrees in Medicine, on the 15th day of March, and the second, on the 15th of June, for Degrees in the Arts, Law, Science, and auxiliary department of Medicine and Music. When those days shall fall on Saturday or Sunday the Com- mencement shall be held on the preceding Friday. At all Commencements and other public occasions, the Provost, Yice-Provost, and Professors and students shall, unless excused by the Provost, appear in proper caps and gowns. Section 26. Honorary Degrees will be conferred on persons deemed worthy to receive the same in the following manner: a nomination of the candidate for such a Degree, with a statement of his claims to such a distinction, shall be made in writing and be presented to the Board of Trustees at a stated meeting. Such nomination shall be referred to the standing committee having charge of the department to which the proposed Degree pertains. The committee shall report on the nomina- tion at the next or some subsequent stated meeting. If a favorable report shall be made on such nomination it shall lie over for one month, and then the Trustees shall vote thereon ; and the unanimous vote of the Trustees casting ballots shall be required for conferring any 13 honorary Degree. Degrees so ordered shall be conferred at the Com- mencement next succeeding such order. Section 27. Every mandamus ordering the conferring of Degrees shall be signed by at least thirteen Trustees ; and the several Faculties shall certify to the Board through- the Provost at least ten days before the holding of any Commencement the names of such candidates for Degrees as have passed satisfactory examinations and are otherwise qualified to receive the same. Section 28. No room in the University buildings shall be used by the students or any other person for a meeting, unless the permission of the Provost or of the Trustees has been first obtained. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Section 29. When a Professor desires leave of absence from his duties he shall make application in writing to the Provost, stating the reason therefor. If the leave asked for does not extend beyond one week, the Provost shall decide upon the application ; and if for a longer period, he shall forward the application to the committee on the proper department for action thereon. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Section 30. The University Hospital shall remain in charge of its Board of Managers and professional staff, under the rules and regula- tions now in force, until the same are duly altered or amended. EXISTING LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Section 31. All statutes of the University heretofore enacted by the Board of Trustees, and all regulations now in force for the instruc- tion and government of the students under the authority of the several Faculties, that are not altered or supplied by this code, shall be con- tinued in force until otherwise ordered by the Trustees. AMENDMENTS. Section 32. Propositions for the alteration or amendment of these laws shall be made in writing, be submitted at a stated meeting, and be considered and acted on at the next or some subsequent stated meeting, of which proposed consideration notice shall be given by the Secretary. — * . - >"•