33 ^r^crlfrat b t1 ee ^) nl gram (ilic ififtidlT JXuuttu'rsaru of Union ^Jark Congregational OJljnrclj .Jfflau 22 tn 20, 1910 73?*; R^7^ I -s' Q -J * VJ / / 7 7? t K 1/ Uh HISTORICAL SKETCH June, 1858. the First Congregational Church of Chicago opened a Mission Sunday school on West Washington street, near Wood, and in the following autumn erected a plain wooden building, designed with reference to its possible use, at some future time, as a place of worship. €[ In 1859, by an agreement made between the officers of the First Church and the Board of Directors of the Chicago Theo¬ logical Seminary, the building was removed, at the expense of the Seminary, to its grounds, corner of Reuben street (now Ashland boulevard) and Washington street, and enlarged at a cost of $1,200. It was stipulated that the ownership of the building should be con¬ veyed to a Congregational church whenever one should be formed in that sparsely settled neighborhood. In October. 1859, the Semi¬ nary took possession of it, while the main audience room was devoted to mission uses on the Sabbath. On the first Sabbath in January, 1860, the Seminary pro¬ fessors, Haven, Fisk and Bartlett, commenced holding regular Sabbath services in the chapel. <1 On the 18th of April following, a meeting was called with reference to the formation of a church. It was unanimously voted to proceed at once in the matter. A committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. At a meeting held May 7, this committee reported a Confession of Faith and Covenant, and also recommended that the rules of the church government be substantially the same as those laid down in -‘Punchard. on Congregationalism.” This recommenda¬ tion was adopted. ecoiU> 7:25 i*t. Preludes— (a) “In the Twilight” . . F. Flaxington Harper (b) Forest Scene ("Hansel and Gretel”) . E. Humperdinck PIANO AND ORGAN (Miss Mulford, Pianist) 1. Scripture Salutation. 2. Hymn 651—“Love Divine All Love Excelling” . Tune — Beecher 3. Anthem—Te Deum in B Flat . Harry R. Shelley 4. Scripture Lesson. 5. Prayer. 6. Response—“Just As I Am” .... /. H. Maunder 7. Anthem —“God is a Spirit” (“Woman of Samaria”). Sterndale Bennett 8. Offertory—“Retrospect” ..... Jules Benedict 9. Hymn 207—“How Gentle God's Commands’’ Tune — Dennis 10. Sermon—“The New Opportunity” REV. FRANK W. GUNSAULUS, D. D. 11. Hymn 724 —“Onward Christian Soldiers,” Tune — St. Gertrude 12 “Sevenfold, Amen” ..... John Stainer 13. “March of Priests” (“Athalia”) Mendelssohn THE PROGRAM CuessDa?, CrocntY-flourth 8:00 p. ifl. GENERAL CHURCH SOCIAL AND RECEPTION GREETINGS FROM Rev. W. A. Bartlett, D. D., First Church Rev. H. F. Milligan, Leavitt Street Church Rev. J. W. Welsh, California Avenue Church Rev. E. L. Reiner, Puritan Church Rev. Carl H. Corwin, Porter Memorial Church Music by former members of the Quartet and Mr. Frank W. Winter, Violinist Refreshments * B>et)msSDay, jttay EUicntytfrftl) S:00 ifl. REMINISCENCES — TEN MINUTE PAPERS BY Mrs. Adeline C. Nieberg Mrs. Fannie L. Rickcords Miss Belle M. Spence Mrs. A. A. Banks Rev. G. S. F. Savage, D. D. Prof. G. B. Willcox, D. D. Mr. Louis Lloyd THE PROGRAM CtjursiDay, jftai? Ctocnty^irtl) S:00 ffl. INTERDENOMINATIONAL FELLOWSHIP MEETING WITH GREETINGS FROM Bishop Samuel Fallows, St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church Rev. Charles A. Decker, Fourth Baptist Church Rev. L. P. McDonald, D. D., Church of the Epiphany, Episcopal Rev. L. L. Hammitt, Park Avenue Methodist Church Rev. J. J. Rae, D. D., Eighth Presbyterian Church Rev. A. Eugene Bartlett, Church of the Redeemer, Universalist Rev. Frank G. Smith, D. D., Warren Avenue Congregational Church MUSIC FROM FORMER MEMBERS OF THE QUARTET Including Mr. F. N. Dunford and Mrs. Anna Kriechbaum Robinson * tfriDay, jtflat CtnentY ^cbcntl) 5:30 p.ffl. (men only) GOLDEN JUBILEE DINNER—CHURCH PARLORS ADDRESSES AT THE TABLES BY Dr. Frederick A. Noble Professor Graham Taylor Dr. Wm. T. McElveen Rev. Joseph H. Chandler Marquis Eaton, Esq. Dr. Edw. F. Williams President Ozora S. Davis Solos by Messrs. R. S. Drott and E. F. Eilert, former members of the Quartet ADMISSION BY CARD Dr. Louis Falk O rganist from 1872 to 1897 THE PROGRAM 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. ^uuDai?, fetay Ctoent^fntlj 10:15 I. ifl. Preludes— (a) Overture, “Jubilee” . . C. M. Von Weber (b) Fantasia on Church Tunes . . Louis Falk (Written for dedication of Farrar Memorial Organ in Carpenter Chapel) DR. LOUIS FALK Doxology and Invocation. Hymn 58—‘'Welcome, Delightful Morn” . . Tune— Lischer Anthem—‘‘Festival Te Deum in D” . . . Dudley Buck Scripture Lesson. Prayer. Response—“After the Sowing” . . . Percy IV Blackmar Offertory—“The Monastery Bell” . ... L. Wely Hymn 748—“Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve,” T une —Christmas Sermon—“Getting Under the Burden,” REV. FREDERICK A. NOBLE, D. D., PASTOR EMERITUS Solo—“Eye Hath Not Seen” (“Holy City”) . . A. R. Gaul MISS MARGARET MULFORD Piano and Organ Accompaniment (In memory of those loyal and faithful spirits who worked here and who have passed from faith to sight.) Hymn 459—“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” Tune— Coronation Postlude— {a) “Andante Religioso” ... F. Thorne ( b ) “Marche Solonelle” . . . Felox Borowski DR. LOUIS FALK Rev. Frederick A. Noble, D. D. Pastor 1879 to 1901 Pastor Emeritus since 1901 Rev. Adolph A. Berle, D. D Pastor 1902—1903 Rev. Frank Newhall White, D. D Pastor since 1904 THE PROGRAM IfeunDay, jtiap Ctucnt^YStntl) 4:00 p. THE LORD'S SUPPER 1. Organ Prelude. 2. Hymn 822—“My Faith Looks Up to Thee” . Tune— Olivet 3. Baptism of Children. 4. Reception of Members. 5. Selection by Young Ladies' Choir. 6. Communion Meditation, REV. WM. A. BARTLETT, D. D. 7. The Lord’s Supper. 8. Hymn 1003—“Blest Be the Tie that Binds” . Tune— Dennis 7:20 p. MUSICAL FESTIVAL Preludes— (a) “Largo” (From Xerxes) . . . Handel THIRTEEN MEMBERS FROM THOMAS’ ORCHESTRA AND ORGAN (b) Benedictus . . . A. C. MacKenzie ( c) Scene Religieuse . . . Jules Massanet ORCHESTRA 1. Processional—“The Church's One Foundation,” UNITED CHOIRS 2. “Festival Te Deum in E Flat” .... Dudley Buck CHORUS 3. Twenty-third Psalm in Unison. 4. Gloria Patri. 5. “I Will Extol Thee” .... Angelo Mascheron MISS MABEL G. CORLEW Harp, Organ, Piano and Violin Accompaniment THE PROGRAM ^unDay, Ctucntt^tntl) ( Continued) 6 . 7. 8 . 9. Hymn 324 —“Adeste Fideles” (“O Come, All Ye Faithful”) Antiphonal Anthem—“Lovely Appear" (“Redemption”), Gounod UNITED CHOIRS Prayer. Response after Prayer—“Nunc Dimittis” . . Gregorian 10. Anthem—“List the Cherubic Host” (“Holy City”), A. R. Gaul ACCOMPANIMENT OF HARP AND ORGAN 11 . 12 . 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . Gospel Hymn—“Blessed Assurance.” Anthem—“Hark, Hark My Soul” . . . Harry R. Shelley CHORUS Offertory—“Andante Cantabile” . . . Tschaikowski STRING QUARTET Hymn 404—“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” Tune— Hamburg The Creed ........ Frank L. Moir CHORUS The Final Word, THE PASTOR Anthem—“Sanctus” (“Messe Solonelle”) . . . Gounod Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. Benediction. Sevenford Amen ...... John Stainer Postlude—“Pomp and Circumstance” . . . Edward Elgar ORGAN AND ORCHESTRA E. C. Knapp A ssistant Pastor since 1907 Mr. Albert Cotsworth Organist since 1905 p>rcjscut Cl)urcl) jE>trcctori? 33oard of deacons A. M. ALFORD B. DORR COLBY LOUIS LLOYD A. ARTHUR BANKS JAMES R. DEWEY HENRY W. RICE FRANK W. BROWN ELIJAH T. HARRIS ROGER SHERMAN JULIUS W. BUTLER WILLIAM HEALEY C. A. WEIRICK 0. S. CHAPMAN R. A. JERNBERG Clerk and ^Treasurer C. B. MOORE THEODORE B. WELLS ^untoap School CperuttDe Committee E. C. KNAPP, Superintendent H. W. SMIDT, 1 st Assistant Supt. A. H. GUNN, 2d Assistant Supt. ALEX HENDERSON, Secretary WM, B. EARLE, Treasurer departmental Superintendents MISS FANNY E. FARRAR, Cradle Roll MISS MARY LOUISA BUTLER, Primary MRS. E. C. KNAPP, Junior A. M. ALFORD, Intermediate DR. D. M. SOMERVILLE, Senior 0. S. CHAPMAN, Adult MISS BELLE M. SPENCE, Home From the church: PROF. R. A. JERNBERG, C. B. MOORE, and MRS. ARTHUR FARRAR Hinton |Barfe Congregational fc>ocirtp ^oard of Crustees JAMES M. SHERMAN, Chairman WILLIAM S. JOHNSTON GEORGE E. ALT PHILO F. PETTIBONE H. CARL ELLIS Clerk treasurer ROGER SHERMAN HELMER W. SMIDT (Quartet MISS MABEL G. CORLEW, Soprano MISS MARGARET MULFORD, Alto MR. ERNEST PEACOCK, Tenor MR. LOUIS GERHARDT, Bass MR. ALBERT COTSWORTH, Organist and Director lepton MR. J. C. BUTTERFIELD The Font