LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 5/0. 84 iJHor no. 37/- 373 Cop- Z Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 371 \2 December 1969 Graphics 8 Graphics Hardware - IU69 Gear by C. E. Carter R. Hostovsky H. Levin H . Lopeman R. Miller TUC IK UHW." DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS r o r Report No. 371 Graphics 8 Graphics Hardware - 1U69 Gear* by C. E. Carter R. Hostovsky H . Levin H . Lopeman R. Miller December 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Supported in part by grant U. S. AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 ? > /iit> Graphics 8 Graphics Hardware - 1^69 Gear CONTENTS Introduction page 1 Basic System 1. PDP-8 2. ASR 33 3. Dec tape k. PBD-338 5. Interval Timer k 15 19 22 31 Operating Additions 32 1. PDP-8 to 630 Interface 33 2. Data Disc 35 3. Data Tablet (Sylvania) ^5 k. Music Generator 51 5. Push Button Bootstrap 52 6. Illiac III Interface 5^ 7. 2701 Parallel Data Adapter 55 8. Microswitch Keyboard 58 Proposed Additions 1. Inktronic Printer 2. Display Processing Unit 60 61 71 Appendix A 1. Alphabetic IOT List 2. Sequential IOT List 75 75 79 Graphics 8 Introduction This report was written for two reasons. The first was to serve as a reference manual for the lU69 group in their everyday graphics work. The second was to serve as an applications manual for use by those University people who make use of the graphics facility. The report is divided into three parts: basic system, operating additions, and proposed additions. The basic system made up of a 16K-PDP-8 with interval timer, an ASR33 Teletype, 2 ea Dectapes , and a PDB-338 was installed and checked-out in June of 1967 • The operating additions have been made over the past two years. The proposed additions are being worked-on for purposes of making the total facility better for user applications. The items that make up the individual parts are described in this report and/or reference is made to another report for a more detailed description. Figure 1 is a configuration drawing of the Graphics 8 hardware. The four quadrants contain devices, controllers or interfaces corresponding to the title of the quadrant. The three communication interfaces have been particularly useful in enhansing the PDP-8 capabilities for graphics developments and user applications. The Graphics (system) is the present basic system tools for graphic work on the PDP-8. The Graphics (applications) is the developmental project for expanding the user facilities of the PDP-8. The local 1/0 contains the various low-speed devices access able to the user at the PDP-8. I — I < CD /£a\ 25 O 2 ^ /T\ 1% ° z ,_ a. uj z si /T\ vzy H •H Basic System The graphics 8 was ordered as a stand-alone graphics system with the PDP-8 processor, ASR33 teletype, 338 programmed buffered display, dectapes , and interval timer. This section of the report is made-up of short descriptions of each of these five pieces of the basic system. PDP-8 INTRODUCTION The Digital Equipment Corporation Programmed Data Processor-8 (PDP-8) is designed for use as a small-scale general -purpose computer, an independent information handling facility in a large computer system, or as the control element in a complex processing system. The PDP-8 is a one-address, fixed word length, parallel computer using 12 bit, two's complement arithmetic. Cycle time of the l6K word random-address magnetic-core memory is 1.5 microseconds. Standard features of the system include indirect addressing and facilities for instruction skipping and program interruption as functions of input-output device conditions. Flexible, high-capacity, input-output capabilities of the computer allow it to operate a variety of peripheral equipment. In addition to standard Teletype and per formatted tape equipment, the system is capable of operating in conjunction with a number of optional devices such as high- speed perforated tape readers and punches, card equipment, a line printer, analog-to-digital converters, cathode -ray-tube displays, magnetic drum systems, and magnetic-tape equipment. Equipment of special design is easily adapted for connection into the PDP-8 system. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION The PDP-8 system is organized into a processor, core memory, and input/output equipment and facilities. All arithmetic, logic, and system control operations of the standard PDP-8 are performed by the processor. Permanent (longer than one instruction time) local information storage and retrieval operations are performed by the core memory. The memory is continuously cycling and automatically performing a read and write operation during each computer cycle. Input and output address and data buffering ALL OPTIONAL PERIPHERAL - EQUIPMENT SKIP H> o- AC OATA OPTIONAL PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT • USING PROGRAMMED ^SELECT TRANSFERS C0DE (MS) SWITCH REGISTER ADDRESS TELETYPE MODEL 33 ASR TELETYPE CONTROL ALL OPTIONAL PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT OPTIONAL PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT USING THE DATA BREAK FACILITIES < ALL OPTIONAL PERIPHERAL -< EQUIPMENT DATA OUTPUT BUS DRIVERS DATA DATA DATA CLEAR AC LINK ACCUMULATOR AC CONTROL DATA OUTPUT BUS DRIVERS DATA INCREMENT MB TRANSFER DIRECTION * MEMORY BUFFER REGISTER MB CONTROL PROGRAM COUNTER CONTROL PROGRAM COUNTER INSTRUCTION REGISTER 3 BREAK REQUEST O- BREAK STATE 4096 -WORD CORE MEMORY MAJOR STATE GENERATOR AOORESS L< ADDRESS ACCEPTED ,T1 AND T2A CLOCK PULSES MEMORY ADDRESS REGISTER MA CONTROL ^IOP 1, 2, AND 4 PULSES IOP PULSE GENERATOR N ^RUN RUN AND PULSE CONTROL ^,POWER CLEAR PULSES POWER CLEAR PULSE GENERATOR "Q PROGRAM INTERRUPT REQ TIMING SIGNAL GENERATOR SPECIAL PULSE GENERATOR PROGRAM INTERRUPT SYNCH0NIZATK3N K TRANSFER DIRECTION IS INTO POP- 8 WHEN -3 VOLTS, OUT OF POP- 8 WHEN GROUND. -> =FLOW DIRECTION -t>=DEC STANDARD POSITIVE PULSE (-3V TO GROUND) -J> = DEC STANDARD NEGATIVE PULSE (GNDTO -3V) -O = 0EC STANDARD GROUND LEVEL SIGNAL -C» = DEC STANDARD -3 VOLT LEVEL SIGNAL Fig. 2 PDP-8 Block Diagram for the core memory is performed by registers of the processor, and operation of the memory is under control of timing signals produced by the processor. Interface circuits for the processor allow bussed connections to a variety of peripheral equipment. Each input/output device is responsible for detecting its own select code and for providing any necessary input or output gating. Individually programmed data transfers between the processor and peripheral equipment take place through the processor accumu- lator. Data transfers can be initiated by peripheral equipment rather than by the program, by means of the data break facilities. Standard features of the PDP-8 also allow peripheral equipment to perform certain control functions such as instruction skipping and a transfer of program control initiated by a program interrupt. MAJOR REGISTERS To store, retrieve, control, and modify information and to perform the required logical, arithmetic, and data processing operations, the core memory and the processor employ the logic components shown in Figure 2 and described in the following paragraphs. Accumulator (AC) Arithmetic and logic operations are performed in this 12-bit register. Under program control the AC can be cleared or complemented, its content can be rotated right or left with the link. The content of the memory buffer register can be added to the content of the AC and the result left in the AC. The content of both of these registers may be combined by the logical operation AND, the result remaining in the AC. The memory buffer register and the AC also have gates which allow them to be used together as the shift register and buffer register of a successive approximation analog-to-digital converter. Tb.3 inclusive OR may be performed between the AC and the switch register on the operator console and the result left in the AC. The accumulator also serves as an input-output register. All programmed information transfers between core memory and an external device pass through the accumulator. Link (L) This one-bit register is used to extend the arithmetic facilities of the accumulator. It is used as the carry register for two's complement arithmetic. Overflow into the L from the AC can be checked by the program to greatly simplify and speed up single and multiple precision arithmetic routines. Under program control the link can be cleared and complemented, and it can be rotated as part of the accumulator. Program Counter (PC) The program sequence, that is the order in which instructions are performed, is determined by the PC. This 12-bit register contains the address of the core memory location from which the next instruction will be taken. Information enters the PC from the core memory, via the memory- buffer register, and from the switch register on the operator console. Information in the PC is transferred into the memory address register to determine the core memory address from which each instruction is taken. Incrementation of the content of the PC establishes the successive core memory locations of the program and provides skipping of an instruction based upon a programmed test of information or conditions. Memory Address Register (MA) The address in core memory which is currently selected for reading or writing is contained in this 12-bit register. Data can be set into it from the memory buffer register, from the program counter, or from an I/O device using the data break facilities. Switch Register (SR) Information can be manually set into the switch register for transfer into the PC as an address by means of the LOAD ADDRESS key, or into the AC as data to be stored in core memory by means of the DEPOSIT key. Core Memory The core memory provides storage for instructions to be performed and information to be processed or distributed. This random address magnetic core memory holds l6K 12-bit words. Memory location 8 is used to store the content of the PC following a program interrupt, and location I3 is used to store the first instruction to be executed following a program interrupt. (When a program interrupt occurs, the content of the PC is stored in location 8 and program control is transferred to location 1 automatically.) Locations 10g through 17s are used for auto-indexing. All other locations can be used to store instructions or data. Core memory contains numerous circuits such as read-write switches , address decoders, inhibit drivers, and sense amplifiers. These circuits perform the electrical conversions necessary to transfer information into or out of the core array and perform no arithmetic or logic operations upon the data. Memory Buffer Register (MB) All information transfers between the processor registers and the core memory are temporarily held in the MB. Information can be transferred into the MB from the accumulator or memory address register. The MB can be cleared, incremented by one or two, or shifted right. Information can 8 be set into the MB from an external device during a data break or from core memory, via the sense amplLfiers. Information is read from a memory location in 0.8 microsecond and rewritten in the same location in another 0.8 microsecond of one 1.6 microsecond memory cycle. Instruction Register (IR) This 3-bit register contains the operation code of the instruction currently being performed by the machine. The three most significant bits of the current instruction are loaded into the IR from the memory buffer register during a Fetch cycle. The content of the IR is decoded to produce the eight basic instructions, and affect the cycles and states entered at each step in the program. Major State Generator One or more major control states are entered to determine and execute an instruction. The major state generator determines the machine state during each computer cycle. The major states are Fetch, Defer, Execute, and Break. Each state is produced as a function of the current instruction and the current state, except for the Break state which is entered upon receipt of the Break Request signal supplied by peripheral equipment. Fetch During this state an instruction is read into the MB from core memory at the address specified by the content of the PC. The instruction is restored in core memory and retained in the MB. The operation code of the instruction is transferred into the IR to cause enactment, and the content of the PC is incremented by one. If a multiple-cycle instruction is fetched, the following major state will be either Defer or Execute. If a one-cycle instruction is fetched, the operations specified are performed during the last part of the Fetch cycle and the next state will be another Fetch. Defer When a 1 is present in bit 3 of a memory reference instruction, the Defer state is entered to obtain the full 12-bit address of the operand from the address in the current page or page specified by bits h through 11 of the instruction. The process of address deferring is called indirect addressing because access to the operand is addressed indirectly, or deferred, to another memory location. Execute This state is entered for all memory reference instructions except jump. During an AND, two's complement add, or increment and skip if zero instruction the content of the core memory location specified by the address portion of the instruction is read into the MB and the operation specified by bits through 2 of the instruction is performed. During a deposit and clear accumulator instruction the content of the AC is transferred into the MB and is stored in core memory at the address specified in the instruction. During a jump to subroutine instruction this state occurs to write the content of the PC into the core memory address designated by the instruction and to transfer this address into the PC to change control. Break When this state is established, the sequence of instructions is broken for a data break. The break occurs at the completion of the current instruction. The data break allows information to be transferred between core memory and an external device, via the MB. When this transfer has been completed, the program sequence is resumed from the point of the break. Output Bus Drivers Output signals from the computer processor are power amplified by output bus driver modules of the standard PDP-8; allowing these signals to drive a heavy circuit load. 1Q Functi :>nal Summary Operation of the computer is accomplished on a limited scale by keys on the operator console. Operation in this manner is limited to address and data storage by means of the switch register, core memory data examination, the normal start/stop/continue control, and the single step or single instruction operation that allows a program to be monitored visually as a maintenance operation. Most of these manually initiated operations are performed by executing an instruction in the same manner as by automatic programming, except that the gating is performed by special pulses rather than by the normal clock pulses. In automatic operation, instructions stored in core memory are loaded into the memory buffer register and executed during one or more computer cycles. Each instruction determines the major control states that must be entered for its execution. Each control state lasts for one 1. 5-microsecond computer cycle and is divided into distinct time states which can be used to perform sequential logical operations. Performance of any function of the computer is controlled by gating of a specific instruction during a specific major control state and a specific time state. TIMING AND CONTROL ELEMENTS Figure 2 shows the timing and control elements described in the succeeding paragraphs and indicates their relationship to the major registers. These elements can be grouped categorically into timing generators, register controls, and program controls. Timing Generators Timing pulses used to determine the computer cycle time and used to initiate sequential time-synchronized gating operations are produced 11 by the timing signal generator. Timing pulses used during operations resulting from the use of the keys and switches on the operator console are produced by the special pulse generator. Pulses that reset registers and control circuits during power turn on and turn off operations are produced by the power clear pulse generator. Several of these pulses are available to peripheral devices using programmed or data break information transfers . Register Controls Operation of the AC, MA, MB, and PC is controlled by an associated logic circuit. These circuits, in turn, transmit and receive control signals to and from I/O equipment. Programmed data transfer equipment can supply a pulse to the AC control to clear the AC prior to a data input and can supply a pulse to cause the content of the PC to be incremented, thus initiating an instruction skip. Equipment using the data break facility passes signals with the MA control and MB control to determine the direction and timing of data transfers in this mode. Program Controls Circuits are also included in the PDP-8 that produce the I/O pulses which initiate operations involved in input/output transfers, determine the advance of the computer program, and allow peripheral equipment to cause a program interrupt of the main computer program to transfer program control to a subroutine which performs some service for the I/O device. INTERFACE The input /output portion of the PDP-8 is very flexible and interfaces readily with special equipment, especially in real time data processing and control environment. The PDP-8 utilizes a "bus" I/O system rather than the more conventional "radial" system. The "bus" system allows a single set of data and control 12 lines to communicate with all I/O devices. The bus simply goes from one device to the next. No additional connections to the computer are required. External devices receive two types of information from the computer: data and control signals. Computer output data is present as static levels on 12 lines. These levels represent a 12-bit word to be transmitted in parallel to a device. Data signals are received at all devices but are sampled only by the appropriate one in response to a control signal. Control signals are of two types: levels and timing pulses. Six static levels and their complement are supplied by the MB on 12 lines. These lines contain a code representing the device from which action is required. Each device recognizes its own code and performs its function only when this code is. present. There are three timing pulses which may be programmed to occur. These IOP pulses are separated in time by one microsecond and are brought to all devices on 3 lines. These pulses are used by a device only when it is selected by the appropriate code on the level lines. They may be used to perform sequential functions in an external register, such as clear and read, or any other function requiring one, two, or three sequential pulses . Peripheral devices transmit information to the computer on four types of "busses". These are the information bus, the clear AC bus, the skip bus, and the program interrupt bus. The information bus consists of 12 lines normally held at -3 volts by load resistors within the computer. Whenever one of these lines is brought to ground, a binary 1 will be placed in the corresponding accumulator bit. Each device may use the input bus only when it is selected; and thus, these input lines are time shared among all of the connected devices. The skip bus is electrically identical to the information bus. However, when it is driven to ground the next sequential instruction will be skipped. It too can be used only by the device currently 13 selected and is effectively time shared. The program interrupt bus may- he driven to ground at any time by any device whether currently selected or not. When more than one device is connected to the interrupt bus they should also be connected to the skip bus so the program can identify the device requesting program interruption. The transmission of device slection levels and timing pulses is com- pletely under program control. A single instruction can select any one of 6k devices and transmit up to three IOP timing pulses. Since the timing pulses are individually programmable, one might be used to strobe data into an external device buffer, another to transmit data to the computer, and the third to test a status flip-flop and drive the skip bus to ground if it is in the enabling state. Data transfers may also be made directly with core memory at a high speed using the data break facility. This is a completely separate I/O system from the one described previously. It is standard equipment in every PDP-8 and is ordinarily used with fast I/O devices such as magnetic drums or tapes. Transfers through the data break facility are interlaced with the program in progress. They are initiated by a request from the peripheral device and not by programmed instruction. Thus, the device may exchange a word with memory whenever it is ready and does not have to wait for the program to issue an instruction. Computation may proceed on an interlaced basis with these transfers. lU ASR33 (See Figure 3) Teletype Corporation Model 33TY Standard Duty Automatic Send-Receive Page Printer Set with Tape Perforator and Reader (Private Line Version) has the following features: Eight-level, 11.0 unit code (l.O unit start and 2.0 unit stop pulse) 8-1/2" sprocket feed platen with 11" form out and associated reader control Data communications type wheel arrangement with associated four- row keyboard layout (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 115 V AC 60 cycle synchronous motor unit Gears for 100 wpm operation ( 110.0 Bauds) Adjusted for 72 character line Horizontal spacing 10 characters per inch Vertical spacing 3 or 6 lines per inch Selector magnet driver can accept .020 or .060 amperes with proper wiring (strapping) Generates "even" vertical parity Two-tone cover: Ivory and Greige Copyholder Answer-back drum to be coded by the customer Function box "online" operation of line feed, carriage return, bell and WRU Space suppression at end-of-line Control key (functions) Shift key (locks out keys without shift case) Break key and "Here-is" key Power supply transformer Convenience outlet 3-way switch (off, online and local) Wiring provision for optional full duplex operation Sheet metal stand with Greige color finish IS KEYBOARD PAPER TAPE PAPER TAPE PUNCH PAPER TAPE READER PRINT PAPER 101 CV DATA SET TELETYPE STAND ASR 33 Teletype Figure 3. 16 Tape Reader Features 3-way operating switch for start, stop and free position "End-of-Tape" mechanism to shut down reader Feed sensing electromagnet is pulsed by the distributor Automatic control contacts for start and "X-ON" code, stop on "X-OFF" code and low paper alarm Power pack assembly with automatic control relay Parallel wire output to distributor Operating sequence; reads tape and feeds Capable of reading fully perforated tape Tape Punch Features Four operating buttons , "UNLOCK", LOCK "ON", "BACKSPACE", and "RELEASE". (When the lock "ON" button is depressed, the tape punch is locked into the "on" mode and cannot be turned off. When the "UNLOCK" button is depressed, the tape punch will not turn off but will be able to accept an "off" signal and turn off automatically.) l" Core of tape supply Fully perforated 8-level code holes and feed holes "V" shaped tape tearoff Operating sequence; feed and punch Removable chad box (designed for attaching to stand) Automatic control contacts for start on "Tape Aux. On" code, stop of "Tape Aux. Off" code and low paper alarm General Information Interoperates with existing teletypewriters having corresponding features Fewer options possible compared to Model 35 Heavy-Duty Equipment IT Actual and schematic wiring diagrams packaged with set Set shipped completely assembled less stand and chad box The above equipment requires a channel capable of handling 110.0 Bauds (bits per second) for operation at 100 wpm. One copy each of Bulletins 2T3B and 118UB furnished with each Dimensions Complete set less stand: Width 22" Depth 18-1/2" Height 8-3/8" Weight kk pounds Stand: Supports Teletypewriter Width 17-3/V Depth (at Top) 8" Depth (at Bottom) 6-1/2" Height 22-1/2" Weight 12 pounds Estimated Service Life U500 Hours at 100 wpm Lubrication Intervals (Printer, Tape Punch and Reader) 100 wpm 500 hours or 6 months, whichever is first Preventive Maintenance and Overhaul 100 wpm 1500 and 3000 hours NOTE: Hours indicates actual operating time. 18 DECT APE The Dectapes are connected to the PDP-8 by way of the Data Break Multiplexor feature through a Dectape Control (TCOl). The TC01 will be described first. Control, Dectape TCOl The TCOl Dectape Control operates up to eight TU55 Dectape Transports. Binary information is transferred between the tape and the computer in 12-bit computer words approximately every 133-1/3 microseconds. In writing, the control disassembles 12-bit computer words so that they are written at four successive lines on tape. Transfers between the computer and the control always occur in parallel for a 12-bit word. Data transfers use the PDP-8 Block Transfer Control (BTC) (high speed channel) facility of the computer. As the start and end of each block are detected by the Mark track detection circuits, the control raises a Dectape (DTCF) flag which causes a computer program interrupt. The program interrupt is used by the computer program to determine the block number. When it determines that the forthcoming block is the one selected for a data transfer, it selects the read or write control mode. Each time a word is assembled or Dectape is ready to receive a word from the computer, the control raises a data flag. This flag is connected to the computer facility to signify a break request. Therefore, when each 12-bit computer word is assembled, the data flag causes a transfer via the BTC. By using the Mark channel decoding circuits and the BTC in this manner, computation in the main computer program can continue during tape operations. Dectape TU55 Dectape is a convenient, low cost in-out data storage facility and updating device. FIXED POSITION ADDRESSING permits selective updating of tape inform- ation as in magnetic disk or drum storage devices. Units as small as a 19 single computer word may be stored or recorded on tape without disturbing adjacent information. Data blocks are numbered and completely addressable. AUTOMATIC WORD TRANSFERS use the PDP/8 Block Transfer Control to allow concurrent information processing and data acquisition during block transfers at 15 kc character rate. SIMPLE TRANSPORT MECHANISM improves reliability. Dectape's simple drive system requires no capstans, no pressure pad, and no mechanical buffering; therefore tape and head wear is minimal. POCKET-SIZE REELS are handy to carry, easy to load. Each 3-1/2 inch reel holds up to 3 million bits, the equivalent of U,000 feet of paper tape, assuming 6-bit words are used. BI-DIRECTIONAL OPERATION saves time, provides easy access to stored information; reading, writing, and searching may be conducted in either direction. REDUNDANT, PHASE RECORDING insures transfer reliability, reduces problem of skew in bi-directional operation. Use of phase (rather than amplitude) recording greatly reduces drop-outs due to variations in amplitude, PRE-RECORDED TIMING AND MARK TRACKS simplify programming. Relieve the programmer of the responsibility of furnishing timing or counting instructions and permit block and word addressability. PRE-TESTED SUBROUTINES are available for information storage and retrieval, maintenance, and diagnostic tests. Dectape Transport Type TU55 The TU55 is a bi-directional magnetic-tape transport consisting of a read/write head for recording and playback of information on five channels of the tape. Connections from the read/write head are made directly to the TC01 external control which contains the read and write amplifiers. 20 The logic circuits of the TU55 control tape movement in either direction over the read/write heads. Tape drive motor control is exer- cised completely through the use of solid state switching circuits to provide reliable operation. These switching circuits contain silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) which are controlled by normal DEC diode and transistor logic circuits. The function of these circuits is simply to control the torque of the two motors which transport the tape across the head according to the established function of the device, i.e., go, forward, reverse, or stop. In normal tape movement, full torque is applied to the forward or leading motor and a reduced torque is applied to the reverse or trailing motor to keep proper tension on the tape. Since tape motion is bidirectional, each motor serves as either the leading or trailing drive for the tape, depending upon the forward or reverse control status of the TU55. A positive stop is achieved by an electromagnetic brake mounted on each motor shaft. When a stop command is given, the trailing motor brake latches to stop tape motion. Enough torque is then applied to the leading motor to take up slack in the tape. Tape movement can be controlled by commands originating in the computer and applied to the TU55 through the TC01 Dectape control, or can be controlled by commands generated by manual operation of rocker type switches located on the front panel of the transport. Manual control is used to mount new reels of tape on the TU55, or as a quick maintenance check for proper operation of the control logic in moving the tape. 21 PROGRAMMED BUFFERED DISPLAY 338 The Type 338 Programmed Buffered Display is an incremental display system, consisting of a small scale, high speed computer and a display subsystem for control of the CRT. The computer used is the Digital Equipment PDP-8. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 338 display logic can he thought of as a special purpose computer which stores its instructions (display commands) in the memory of the PDP8, and interacts with the computer through a series of instruction interrupts and data transfers. The display is an output device with respect to the computer for the following reasons: a. The PDP8 has a series of instructions which start, stop, and load and interrogate the registers of the display. b. The PDP8 can modify the data commands which are interpreted by the display because the commands are stored in the PDP8 memory. The commands are transferred to the display control via the PDP8 single cycle data break system. The display file words are loaded into a table or block of successive memory locations; and the beginning location of this table is loaded into a special register called the display address counter (DAC). The output of the DAC and the break field registers are applied to the inputs of the memory (MA) register forming a 15-bit address which can increment across memory field boundaries. The data break is then 22 initiated by either the display or the computer, and this address is read into the MA. The computer then goes through a break cycle in which it fetches the word from memory and places it into its memory buffer (MB) register from where it is transferred to the buffer register (DX) in the display. During this time, the display starts its operation and the DAC is incrememted by one. The computer program counter (PC) is not incremented during the break cycle. At the end of the break cycle the PDP8 continues its main program until the display requires another data break. Display Parameters (Coordinate System) The display screen which is 9-3/8 inches square, has 10 bits of resolution; in other words there are l,02ij- points in the x and y directions or about a million points in all. The x and y position registers are 13 bits long, however, and therefore the screen represents only l/6k the total addressable area (paper). The paper is broken up into 6k sectors corresponding to the upper 3 bits of x and y, with sector defined as the lower left sector. Only information in sector is intensified so that translation is accomplished by moving the paper in relation to sector 0. The lower left corner is point (0,0), and the co- ordinates increase to the right and up, and decrease to the left and down. An edge violation occurs when a line is drawn across the boundary of the paper. This is a warning that an overflow condition has just occurred in the x or y position register. A vertical edge flag indicates the y position register went from all Is to all 0s, or from all 0s to all Is. The horizontal edge flag indicates overflow in the x register. The over- flow can be set to occur after the 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th bit in x and y. The virtual size can therefore be changed under program control. 23 Scale The scale setting determines the number of positions each succeeding spot is moved before it is intensified. It affects both the size and appearance of lines or symbols drawn in the vector, vector continue, short vector, increment, or character modes. At scale setting 11 , each point can be clearly distinguished. At scale setting 00 , lines and symbols appear to be continuous. The point spacing is illustrated in the following table. Scale Point Spacing Intensify °°2 Every 0, 2 • O • O • O * • O • O 2nd ,0 2 • O O O • O O O O O 4th • "2 • O OOOO O • O 8th Intensity There are eight intensity levels available on the display, ranging from 000 , which is barely visible, to 111^, which is very bright. Note that scale and intensity settings are interrelated. For example, if characters are drawn (with the character generator) at the lowest scale setting, and too high an intensity is used, they will be badly blurred. On the other hand, if many characters are to be displayed simultaneously or if the light pen is to be used, it is best to use as high an intensity level as possible. 2k State The display logic is broken into two states,, data state and control state. Control state commands are interpreted as instructions to the display logic to change parameters, jump, skip, etc. The data state commands are instructions to move the beam via the x and y position registers. When the display is initialized, the commands are accepted in control state until an "enter data state" command is given. The display returns to control state from data state by escaping. In control state , the first three bits (op code) designate the operation to be performed by the remaining nine bits. Seven of the eight op codes are used: Parameter 1 Mode 2 Jump 3 Pop k Conditional skip 1 5 Conditional skip 2 6 Miscellaneous (microprogrammed) Arithmetic compare 1 1 Arithmetic compare 2 2 Skip on flags 3 Count k-"J Set slaves (optional) 7 Sync Data state words are accepted in one of seven formats according to the contents of the mode register. The data state modes available are: 25 Increment Mode - This mode is used to draw alpha numeric characters or other small symbols, and to draw curves. A half-word instruction that will cause the beam position to be stepped one, two, or three times in one of eight directions. Direction is to the right, direction 1 is up and to the right, etc. Vector Mode - This mode is used to draw straight line segments. A two- word instruction which causes the beam position to be stepped along a line represented by a 10-bit delta y and a 10-bit delta x, each having a sign bit, Vector Continue Mode - This mode is used to draw a straight line to the edge of the screen. Similar to Vector mode but causes the vector to be extended until an "edge" is encountered. Short Vector Mode - This mode is used to draw figures composed of short line segments. A one-word instruction having a ^-bit delta y and a U-bit delta x, plus sign bits. It is transformed within the display to the same format as Vector mode, and operates in the same manner. The preceding modes are "incrementing;" that is, they move the beam by counting the x and y position registers. The counting is done at 1.2 microseconds per step on an intensified move; at 0.30 microseconds per step on a nonintensified move. Point Mode - This mode is used for random point plotting. A two-word instruction which causes new y and/or x coordinates to be set into the y and x position registers. 26 Graph-Plot Mode - This mode is used to draw curves of mathematical functions. A one-word instruction which causes the y or x position register to be changed; at the same time, the other register is incremented by a count of one, two, four, or eight, depending on the current scale factor. This mode is useful for plotting curves resulting from a series of solutions of an equation. Point and Graph-Plot modes operate at one of two rates, depending upon the position of the new point with respect to the previous point. The high-order three bits of the ten y and ten x position bits are compared to the corresponding bits in the new data words. If they are the same, the delay for beam-settling time is 6 microseconds; if they differ, a 35 micro- second delay is used. Character Mode - A half-word instruction, using the Type VC38 Character Generator. All modes are entered from control state by the "enter data state" command. Each mode, however, has its own way of escaping back to control state. The mode register is cleared by power clear and initialization of display (IOT 165). Subroutining The display has control state commands which will modify the DAC. This enables unconditional display jumps (jump), jump to subroutine (push jump) and the return from subroutines (pop). The new address is specified by 15 bits allowing direct addressing of 32 K of core. The jump and push 27 jump commands are specified by two consecutive 12 -"bit words. Push, jump stores the return address, mode, intensity, scale, and light pen on a push-down pointer list which resides in the first h K of PDP8 core. This information is automatically written into two locations in the format shown below. B reak Fie d Light Pen Scale Mode Intensity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 First Word Low Order 12-Bits of Memory Address 8 10 11 Second Word The information is placed in the address indicated by the push-down pointer, (PDP) which is a 12-bit register in the display logic. When a push jump is executed, the PDP is incremented twice, adding a new entry to the PDP list. This allows multi-level and recursive subroutines in the display. The pop command takes the last entry on the PDP list from core and gates it back to the proper registers. The display status, however, can be inhibited from being restored. The PDP is automatically decremented by two, making the PDP list a last in first out stack. 28 Light Pen The light pen is an input device which generates a signal Cflag) that can be sensed and interpreted by the computer. A light pen interruption stops the display, leaving the contents of all display registers intact, and signals the computer that an interruption has occurred. When this happens, the programmer can examine the contents of the display registers to determine the location (on the display) of the point of light that was sensed by the light pen and/or determine the memory location of the data word specifying that point. The light pen detects light in the range 1*300 to 56OO angstroms. Pushbuttons The 338 is equipped with a bank of twelve pushbuttons. They are placed six in a row with a clear button to reset that group. The buttons in each group are interlocked, but two buttons in different groups can be pressed simultaneously. Pressing a button complements an associated flip-flop. For reference, the pushbutton is lit when its flip-flop is in the 1 state. The state of the pushbuttons can be sensed both by the display, using the control state skip instructions, and the PDP8, which can read the state of the pushbuttons into the accumulator. The PDP8 and display can also clear and set the pushbuttons. This enables three-way communication between the operator, display logic, and PDP8. The buttons are labeled through 11 and are packaged in a compact, portable box. The box is connected to the display by a 20 foot cable. There is also a special computer interrupt button on the box. 29 Flags There are a number of special conditions that can arise in the display which require the attention of the PDP8 processor. These conditions are indicated by display flags which can interrupt the computer and he sensed by IOT skip instructions. The flags are: a. Internal stop b. External stop c. Edge d. Light pen find e . Push button hit f. Manual interrupt The flags can be separated into two groups; a-d are flags which stop the display; e-f are flags which do not stop the display. Group 1 flags are cleared in one of three ways: initialization of a display sequence; resuming from the point the display stopped; and a pulse to clear the flag if the display is no longer needed. 30 Interval Timer The basic system was installed with an interval timer. It was changed to synchronize with the line voltage. The orders associated with the timer are: 6311 Skip on no timer flag, 6312 Clear timer flag, enable timer interrupt, 631^ Disable timer interrupt. (H. Levin) 31 Operating Additions Very soon after the Graphics 8 was put into operation it became obvious that it could not stand alone and was in need of a number of hardware improvements. The list began with a slow link to a large 360 installation and carried through a Data Disc for more local storage, a Data Tablet for input, an Audio Output for sound production, a push button bootstrap for convenience, an Illiac III connection for testing applications, a 2701 P.D.A. for more rapid access to 360 and a microswitch keyboard for replacement of the teletype keyboard. 32 PDP8 TO 630 INTERFACE General Description The PDP8 to 630 interface is a half duplex, 100 CPS, serial input to the 630 Data Communications unit. The 630 has no knowledge of the port being anything other than a high speed serial device. The interface consists primarily of: 1. An entry to the PDP8 accumulator, 2. An entry from the PDP8 accumulator, 3. Six IOT instructions to control transfers, h. An entry to the PDP8 skip bus, interrupt bus, and clear ACC bus, 5. A DEC 4706 receiver card, and U707 transmitter card, 6. Miscellaneous control logic. Instruction Set IOT 6631 - SKIP ON RECEIVER FLAG 6632 - CLR ACC AND REC FLAG 663U - GATE REC TO ACC 66kl - CLR INT. ENABLE 66^2 - SET INT. ENABLE 66 UU - CLR TRANSMITTER FLAG AND INPUT DATA FROM ACC Due to the half duplex mode of operation an echo is generated in the receiver when data is transmitted. This allows testing of transmitter completion with an IOT 6631. Transmitter Transmitting data to the 630 consists of gating the ACC contents into the transmitter with an IOT 66hk. The interrupt enable 33 flag must have been set with an IOT 66^2 in order to test for transmitter completion. The IOT 66kh also enables the shift clock and starts transmitting data. The receiver is active during transmission and receives the transmitted data as it is going to the 6 30. When the receiver flag comes on, it has received the complete character. A test of the receiver flag with an IOT 66 31 will generate a program skip when the flag is present. A new character may then be transferred from the accumulator to the transmitter. Receiving Receiving data from the 630 consists of clearing the receiver flag and enabling the interrupt. An incoming character will set the receiver flag and generate an interrupt (if allowed). A test of the receiver flag with an IOT 6631 will generate a program skip, indicating a character is present. An IOT 663^ will gate the contents of the receiver into the accumulator. (R. Miller) 3k Data Disk The following information describes our disk storage system with the exception that: The 6k heads of electronics will be divided into 32 groups of 2 heads each. Summary of Specifications Disk Speed Data Rate Data Capacity Input /Output Levels Envi ronment al 1800 RPM +1.32 - 3% Hysteresis Synchronous Motor 3.0 Mbps per track 100,000 bits per track (tracks can be added in increments of 8, up to 6k, and +5V TTL integrated circuit interface Operating temp: 50°F. - 105°F. ; less than 20°F. change per hour. Non-operating: -20°F. - +130°F. Operating humidity: 105? - 80$ RH without condensation. Non-operating humidity: to 90% RH without condensation. Corrosive atmospheres such as those found in steel and chemical plants are not permitted. AC Power DC Power Requirements (Per track) Floor vibration of 0.15 g's max. from 10 to 65 Hz. The disk package shall not be damaged by 5 g's or less of shock in any axis. 120V + 10$ , 60 Hz +0.5 -1.5 Hz single phase 8.2A starting (10 sec); 2.6A running +18V at 125 ma (while writing) +6V at 90 ma) -6v at kO ma) +5% regulation (Power supplied by internal power supply. ) Weight 86 pounds 35 General Description Electrical The F-series Parallel Digital Disk Memory System has a 12-inch disk "which can contain as many as 6k data tracks with 100,000 bits on each track. The disk rotates at 1800 RPM and the bit rate is 3 million bits per second. The FPD unit is designed for display buffer storage applications. The disk unit uses synchronous clocking from a clock track and is recommended for temporary storage only. Where data is to be stored for an indefinite period, the Data Disk F6 Memory should be employed. Each track is complete with a read/write head and all electronics to perform the following functions (Figures k, 5); Encode data Write data Read data Decode data Re-clock data Any number of tracks may be written or read in parallel, since each has a clocked flip-flop output. System Application The FPD unit is designed so that each track on the disk may feed a separate TV monitor display. A high-speed processor can access each track and update the presentation stored upon any track. Where display rates higher than 3 million bits per second are needed, more than one track can be combined to form the display buffer. For example, data read from four channels may be loaded into a four-bit shift register and with a kX clock the data can be shifted into the display channel at a 12 million bit rate (Figure 6). Any number of tracks, up to 6U, may be combined. TEXAS INSTR. JKFF SN7473N 3N7473N SN7400N J K WRITE AMPLIFIER READ AMPLIFIER J CLOCK K Q A, DATA WRITE r\ A F DATA READ WR cue RE CLC TE >CK AD )CK WRITE ENAB LE J - Figure k DATA WRITE #1 WRITE ENABLE #1 DATA READ#1 DATA WRITE #64 WRITE ENABLE #64 DATA READ #64 WRITE SHIFT READ SHIFT TRACK ORIGIN WRITE/READ AMP#1 WRITE/READ AMP #64 CLOCK LOGIC UP TO 64 TRACKS HEAD #1 HEAD #64 BIT CLOCK READ CLOCK HEAD m- o CO Figure 5 37 READ DATA WRITE #1 — •> TRACK #1 GATE SHIFT REGISTER DATA WRITE #2 — * TRACK #2 DATA WRITE #3 — •" TRACK #3 DATA WRITE #4 — •* TRACK #4 t LOAD t SHIFT 4X CLOCK Figure 6 FPD UNIT INPUT DEVICE WRITE LINE READ LINE SN7473N TWISTED PAIR (10' MAX. ; 15 PF/FT.) SN7400N WRITE ENABLE 2 LOADS TWISTED PAIR (10' MAX. ; 15 PF/FT.) Figure 7 38 Input/Output Details Input /Output Lines Each track has three input/output lines that are sent over two tw:.sted pairs of cables, as shown in Figure 7. The FPD unit uses Texas Instrument Series SN7UOON and SN7U73N TTL integrated circuits. Input Connectors Eight 3^-pin connectors are provided, each serving eight heads. The use of 16 heads would require two connectors, etc. All eight connectors (31 through S8) would be required if 6U heads were used. (See Table 2.) Table 2 also indicates the function served by each pin on each connector, as well as the tracks served by each. Table 1 Data Input/Output Lines Data Write 1 thru 6U: Write Enable 1 thru 6U: Data Read 1 thru 6U: An input line that is driven from output of a flip-flop that is clocked by Data Write Shift Clock. The Write Enable line going high will cause the data on the corresponding Data Write line to be written on the track. As long as the Write Enable line is high, writing will continue. Each Data Read line is the buffered out- put of a clocked flip-flop. The Data Read is delayed 2 bits times from Data Write and may be shifted into an external register by using the negative edge of Data Read Shift Clocks. During Write the output of the Data Read line is held low. 39 a oo t- t- QO OO On On o o H H CM CM on on -3 -3- C CO o o t— LT\ LTN LTN LTN LCN LA V£) VO vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo ON ON o o H H CM CM on on -3- -3" LT\ LT\ vo vo co o .p VO -3- -a- LTN LTN LTN LTN LT\ LT\ LTN LTN LfA LTN LfN LTN LTN LTN rH H C\| CM on on _3 -3- LTN LTN vo vo t— t- oo oo CO -3" -3 _3 _3 -3- -3 -3- -3- -3- -3- -3- -3- -3- J- -3" -3" Xl 0) LTN oo on -3 -3 LTN LT\ vo vo t- t- CO CO On 0\ o o G CO bO •H -3 on on on on on on on en m on on m m m -3- -3- u-n u-s vo vo c- t— co oo On On o o H r-\ CM CM w co to < on C\J CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM on on on oo on on t— t— CO CO ON ON o o r-\ H CM CM oo on -3- -3- CO w AJ CXI H H H rH r-i H CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM On On o o H H CM CM on on J- -3- LTN LTN vo vo O CO a) rH ^-\ rH rH rH H rH H H H H H H H rH H CM CM on on -3- -3- LT\ LT\ vo vo r— t— oo oo Eh CO o 6 d o o d d o s s 3 3 3 3 3 3 AJ « AJ AJ AJ A! AJ A o o o o o CJ o CJ aj aj 0} aj a) a) a) a) c h !h ^ ^ !h Sh ^ u o •H -p EH Eh Eh Eh B-< Eh Eh Eh CD CD cu a> 0) 0) CD CD o •-i H rH H rH rH H rH G fit ,0 ,£> ,a ,a fl -9 -9 Xl 3 c5 o5 a) aj a) a) aj a) 0) Pn G c G G G c G c G w H w w w w w w bC X) X) Xl X) X) XJ X) Xl •H a; C CD G 0) c CD C o > o s o S o > o 13 O 3 o p * * * * * * * * c • •H O p > 3= X >H CS] aj fit O X) «m bD ^: -h ■«-3 AJ c PL, 3 g co t— I— CO CO On On o o r-i r-\ CM CM en m -3- J- G CO o a t— LTN LT\ LTN LTN LTN LTN VO VO vo vo VO VO VO VO vo vo On On o o <-\ r-\ CM CM on on -3- -3- LP> LTN vo vo CO o P vo -3- -3- LTN LT\ LT\ LTN LTN LTN LT\ Lf> LTN LTN LTN LTN LT\ LT\ rH rH CM CM on on -3" -3- LTN ir\ VO VO t— t— OO CO CO Xl (1) LTN _3 -3 -3- -3 _3 .3 J- -3- -J- -3" -3- -3- -3- J" -3- -3- on on -3- -3 LTN LTN vo vo t— t— co co On ON o o C CO bo •H J- on on en on on on m on on on oo oo oo on -3" -3- LTN LTN VO VO t— t- co oo ON ON o o r-t r-i CM CM w co CM C\J CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM on on m on on oo CO t— r- oo co ON On o o r-\ <-\ CM CM oo on -3- _3 CO r-\ r-\ H H r-\ H CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO AJ CM ON ON o o r-i r-l CM CM on on J- -3- LTN LTN VO VO O CO as rH rH r-i r-\ r-i rH <-{ <-\ H ,-i <-\ H t-i t-{ rH r-{ CM CM on on -3- .3- LT\ LTN vo vo r— t>- CO CO Eh CO 6 • 6 • 6 • o • d • d • o • d • 3 O 3 o 3 O 3 O 3 O 3 O 3 O 3 O s 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a; a; ^ A! A! AJ AJ AJ o AJ u a! o A! CJ AJ O A! O AJ O A! O AJ c aj cj a) o d o a) u aj u a) o aj o aj o o r< CC) u a ?h aj r( aj *h aj ^ a) U a) u a) •H Eh U £h U Eh U Eh U Eh Sh Eh U Eh ^. Eh U -p Eh Eh z-> EH Eh Eh Eh Eh o a; CD X) P XJ -p X) P XJ CD 3 •h a) •h a) •h aj •h aj •h aj •h a) •h a) •h aj c Pn *-, a; U CU h CU ^ H CD bC S pc 2£ PC S PC > PC Ds PC D£ PC S PC 2 « •H C/} a) a) a) aj nJ cd a) ofl aj a) a) aj aj aj aj aj w p p p p p p p p p p p p p p -£ -^ aj a! aj a5 at a) a) aj a) a) aj a) aj aj a) aj aj G P P a a Q Q a q Q P p p p p p p p * * * * * * * * G • •H O < m o p W P^ K t-s w p S 3 PL, PC CO Eh e Ph 3 CM ■3 Eh Uo Clocks Five clocks, all derived from one track, are available in the standard i FPD system. Two are used internally, and the other three are for use at the interface. The three interface clocks are the Track Origin (once per revolu- tion), Write Shift and Read Shift (Figure 8 and Table 3). The Write Shift Clocks are used to change the state of the Data Write line and are counted down to indicate angular position of the disc. The Track Origin clock is derived from the six-bit gap in the clock track and is used to indicate the zero degree position of the disc and as a reset for any counters used to identify other angular positions. Clock Connector S9 S9 is a 3^-pin used by the clock track only. (See Table h for pin assignments . ) Table 3 Clock Output Lines Data Write Shift Clock: A 3-million bit per second clock with 6 clocks missing at Track Origin time. The negative edge is used for changing state of Data Write lines Data Read Shift Clocks: Inverted Data Write Shift Clocks. The negative edge is used for sampling the Data Read lines. The Data Read is delayed 2 bit times from Data Write. Data Origin Clock: A once-per-revolution clock used to reset counters, etc. Ul TRACK ORIGIN WRITE SHIFT CLOCK WRITE ENABLE DATA WRITE DATA READ READ SHIFT CLOCKS V Figure 8 Table k Pin Assignment S^-Pin Clock Connector S9* Pin No. Function A B Write shift clocks ) Twisted Ground ) pair C D Read shift clock ) Twisted Ground ) pair E F Track origin clock ) Twisted Ground ) pair H J Clock data write line ) Twisted Clock write enable line) pair *Data Disc No. 2535 Winchester MRAC 3^P k2 Operation Write To write, the first bit of data is placed on the Data Write line and at the correct angular position the Write Enable line is raised and writ- ing begins. Each negative-going transition of the Write Shift clock is used by the external device to transfer another data bit onto the Data Write line. The turn on of the Write Enable should occur at no later than 100 nanoseconds of the negative edge of a Write Shift clock. Write Enable should be turned off at the next positive-going clock transition following the last shift clock. (See timing diagram, Figure 8.) Read During Write the Data Read line is held low but at all other times, any data on the track will be clocked out to the Data Read line. The data may be transferred from the Data Read line to an external device at the nega- tive edge of the Read Shift Clock. U3 kh . SYLVAMA DATA TABLET GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction The SYLVANIA DATA TABLET MODEL DT-1 is a coordinate encoder designed to permit graphical communication between man and computer. This solid state system enables the user to enter hand-printed alphanumeric data, curve tracing and modification data, or any other form of hand- generated graphic data into a computer system. The DT-1 is completely contained within three units — a metal rimmed transparent glass writing panel, an electronic pen, and a 1.5 cubic foot electronics package. Description The Sylvania Data Tablet is inherently an analog device in which coordinate information is obtained by phase measurements. Several advantages are forthcoming from this: First, the continuous nature of analog signals allows infinite resolution limited only by system noise. Second, since amplitude stability is not necessary, a capacitance pick up (pen) can be used and dielectric layers may be interposed between it and the active surface. The writing panel of the Sylvania Data Tablet consists of a transparent, continuous conductive film bonded to a heavy glass base plate. A thin glass sheet is laminated to the exposed surface of the film to prevent wear and contamination. A drive network coupled to the electronics package excites the film at discrete points along its circum- ference in such a manner that a traveling wave (in a mathematical sense) is established parallel to each orthogonal axis. This wave has the property that its phase is a linear function of position as in the relationship: V = K sin (wt - ax) The actual tablet signals are more complicated due to the requirement for axis separation. The latter is accomplished by introducting individual frequency translations to the drive signals. h<5 1 KHz OSCILLATOR 90 KHz 'X' AXIS MODULATOR 110 KHz •V AXIS MODULATOR 'X' DRIVE AMPLIFIERS 'Y' DRIVE AMPLIFIERS IP l| I, H STYLUS 'X' AXIS DEMODULATOR •Y' AXIS DEMODULATOR 'X' PHASE DETECTOR 12 BIT DIGITAL BUFFER :} 12 LINES 2 ANALOG OUTPUTS 'Y' PHASE DETECTOR 12 BIT DIGITAL BUFFER 12 LINES 'Z' AXIS AMP. DET. 3 LINES TABLET Figure 9 Sylvania Model DT-I Block Diagram Figure 9 is a "block diagram of the Sylvania Data Tablet. A stable 1 KHz sinusoid oscillator generates the primary signal (which will later contain the desired phase shift) used in the system. Balanced modulators operating with 90 KHz and 110 KHz carrier frequencies multiplex the primary signal to different portions of the frequency spectrum as double-sideband suppressed-carrier signals. These are buffered by the 'X' and ' Y' drive amplifiers which in turn drive the conductive film network through a shielded drive cable. An electronic pen (with a high input impedance amplifier built in), capacitively senses the field in the region beneath the pen tip through the glass laminate and any overlayed paper. The voltage is transferred to the electronic package via the attached coaxial cable. ke Circuitry within the electronics package separates the pen signals into 'X' and 'Y' channels and extracts the phase information. The desired phase is observed in the envelope waveform of the signals while the axis information is contained in the carrier frequencies. 'X' and 'Y' axis demodulators, which are in fact synchronous detectors keyed by the carrier oscillators, extract the 1 KHz envelopes from the complex pen signals. Phase detectors then compare the demodulator outputs against the 1 KHz primary signal and produce analog and digital voltages prop- ortional to the phase shifts . An additional circuit measures the amplitude of the pen signals and provides a coarse measure of height ('Z' axis). Specifications ELECTRICAL Accuracy Resolution SYLVANIA DATA TABLET MODEL DT-1 Bandwidth Data rate Digital outputs : 'X' and 'Y 1 axis 'Z' axis Data Ready Line 'One' state 'Zero' state Maximum load +_ 1% of full scale in each coordinate axis + .025$ of full scale or 12 binary bits at 5 Hz bandwidth 20 Hz supplied 200 coordinate points per second Two 12 bit buffer register outputs available — updated every 5 milliseconds One bit for each threshold. Output levels are designated 000 , 001 , 011 , 111 — updated independent of system timing. Set to 'zero' five microsec. before X-Y buffers change and reset to 'one' state five microsec. after change +k volts +.5 volts 600 pf . at 10 milliamps for either state hi Analog Outputs : ■X' and 'Y' axis Z' axis External connectors and controls: Front panel Rear panel Power source Operating temp, range MECHANICAL Writing panel dimen- sions Writing aperture Two buffered output lines with a dc voltage proportional to position. Range is from -2 volts to +2 volts with zero at the center. Output impedence is 500 ohms. Same as digital except inverted. Output impedance is 850 ohms in high state and 20 ohms in the low state. Power on-off switch with built-in pilot light, Miniature coaxial connector for the electronic pen ik pin auxiliary writing panel connector 3^ pin digital output connector containing the 'one' side of the 'X-Y' buffer registers. Three 'Z' axis bits and the Data Ready Line are also available. 9 pin analog output connector containing 'X' and 'Y' dc outputs and three 'Z' axis bits. ik pin writing panel drive connector Three-prong power connector Power line fuse — 3 amps Three power supply fuses — 3 amps 105 to 125 volts 60 Hz, 150 watts +10°C. to +40°C. 15" x 16" x 3/U" 11" x 11" kQ Electronic package dimensions IT" x 18 1/2" x 7" Writing panel weight Approximately 15 pounds Electronic package weight Approximately 35 pounds Pen replacement cartridge "Papermate" standard refill Operation The Sylvania Data Tablet Model DT-1 may be used as a table-top unit or a transparent overlay for a computer- controlled cathode ray tube display. For the latter use, the bottom plate must be removed by taking out the eight mounting bolts on the bottom. The writing panel may then be mounted over the face of the CRT and the electronic pen used in a "light pen" fashion. Rear projection techniques may also be employed by placing a translucent diffusing overlay on the writing panel. The electronic package may be converted from table top to relay rack operation by attaching the included adaptor brackets. The writing panel may be mounted up to ten feet (with appropriate cable) from the electronic package using either the front or rear 1^- pin panel connectors. The electronic pen can only be connected at the front panel of the electronic package. Analog outputs are available on a 9-pin jack and digital outputs on a 3^ pin jack both mounted on the rear panel. A three prong connector and power cord are supplied for connecting 115 volts, 60 Hz to the Model DT-1. The digital output is a binary parallel format for the 'X' and 'Y' axis. Two 12 -bit words are simultaneously stored in buffer registers which are updated 200 times per second by internal timing signals. A Data Ready Line, available at the digital connector, drops to the "zero" state five microseconds before the buffer registers are updated and returns to the "one" state five microseconds following the transfer. Only 100 nanoseconds are required to load the buffer registers which remain quiescent during the U9 remainder of the five millisecond period. The center of the tablet corresponds to binary 100 000 000 000 . The left and bottom edges are represented by 000 000 000 000 ; the top and righthand edges by 111 111 111 111 . A ' Z' axis (pen height above the -writing panel) three-bit word is also available at the digital connector. Each bit corresponds to an adjustable threshold level and is independent of digital timing. As the stylus approaches the writing panel surface from a remote position, the 'Z' representation changes in the following manner: 000 (over 1 inch away), 001, 011, (touching the tablet), and finally 111. The maximum value is reached only when a slight downward pressure is applied to the pen forcing the closure of built-in switch contacts. The analog outputs are internally buffered and are protected against short circuit. Zero volts corresponds to the center position while the left and bottom edges produce minus two volts dc ; the right and top edges produce plus two volts dc. Both analog outputs and three ' Z 1 axis bits are available on the 9-pin analog connector. 50 PDP/8 MUSIC GENERATOR Introduction The PDP/8 music generator is a low cost device that is capable of producing audio tones over a speaker. Its main purpose is to allow a program to audibly signal a user about various conditions, e.g., an illegal command has been entered, an error has occurred, etc. Hardware The music generator consists of: 1. An IOT decoder board; 2. Two flip-flops resistively coupled to: 3. An audio amplifier; k. A loudspeaker. Instructions ' The following instructions are used in programming the music generator: 6 701 - clear both flip-flops 6702 - complement flip-flop 1 6"J0h - complement flip-flop 2 51 PDP/8 BOOTSTRAP LOADER- HISTORY AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The PDP/8 bootstrap loader was designed to do away with two very messy and time consuming features of the PDP/8. The PDP/8 rim loader formerly had to be toggled in by hand, using the accumulator switches. This consisted of toggling in l6 instructions and depositing them in core memory. This loader is necessary to read paper tape. The PDP/8 tape loader (20 instructions) was formerly read in via the teletype 10 CPS reader. The rim loader must have been present in order to activate the reader. The tape loader is necessary in order to use the Dectapes. The bootstrap loader allows one to select either the rim or the tape loader option via a switch. The starting address of the selected bootstrap -1 must be set into the ace. switches and loaded with the load address key. The ace. switches are then cleared to all °' s and the loader pushbutton depressed. The selected loader is automatically loaded into the PDP/8 memory. The teletype reader or the Dectapes are then ready to use. The accumulator entry is made to the unused side of the accumulator switches. The set line is the deposit switch. Logic Description The loader uses a gated clock for timing and a flip-flop register for decoding. The decoder register length is selected by the 52 bootstrap selector switch. The selector switch also gates the outputs of two diode matrix boards to the accumulator. Either one or the other of the two matrix boards is connected to the accumulator entry. When the pushbutton is depressed, the clock is enabled and counts the decoder register to output the first word into the accumulator, The clock output is also used to set the deposit switch entry on the PDP/8. At clock frequency, the decoder outputs consecutively gate words from the selected matrix to the accumulator entry and the deposit line is switched. At the proper count for the selected matrix, the clock is disabled and further action is inhibited until the pushbutton is released and depressed again. Setting the starting address to -1, when loading the loader, is necessary to insure the output of the matrix in a static condition is all o' s. This will not interfere with the normal use of the accumulator switches. 53 ILLIAC III INTERFACE The interface from the PDP/8 to Illiac III is an accumulator interface. It has the capability of transferring information to and from the PDP/8 accumulator. The interface has an entry to the PDP/8 program skip bus and several IOT instructions to control the transfer. There are two control flops to control the status of the interface at the PDP/8 END, device ready, and data ready. IOT List 6731 - SKIP ON DEVICE READY 6732 - CLEAR DEVICE READY 673H - CLEAR DATA RDY 67^1 - SKIP ON DATA RDY 67^2 - GATE ACCUMULATOR, SENT TO ILLIAC 3 AS DATA ACCEPTED 6Thh - SENT TO ILLIAC 3 AS CONTROL 675^ 6752 > SENT TO ILLIAC 3 AS CONTROL 6 75^ J 5h 2701 PARALLEL DATA ADAPTER* In order to improve the communications capability to the 360 computers in the Department, a better hardware link was required. The IBM 2701 parallel data adapter was chosen for interface purposes for at least the following reasons. 1. The 2701 allows the PDP/8 to be reasonably well isolated from the 360 channels. Thus, less chance of a system interference. 2. The parallel data adapter is a much simpler control that operates in a parallel-by-word (l6 bits )-f ashion over a demand- response interface . 3. This type of interface had been done before for a PDP/7 so there was some familiarity with its design. The general operating characteristics of the PDP/8-2701 PDA interface is such as to allow either computer ( 360 or PDP/8) to initiate a block transfer. The 16 bit word that is transferred to the 360 is broken into two bytes of 8 bits each for 360 channel transfers. The 16 bit word as it arrives at the PDP/8 is broken into two 6 bit characters. The other four bits are not used. The hardware requirement for this interface was to construct a controller that would exchange information with the EDP/8 data break facility on one side and the 2701 PDA on the other. The data break requirements are reasonably simple to satisfy. The 2701 PDA interface requirements are given below. * See Report No. 372 for more detail. 55 2701 Parallel Data Adapter (PDA) Output Data Lines (l6) Input Data Lines (l6) Write Select (l) Read Select (l) Write Ready (l) Read Ready (l) Demand (l) End of Record (EOR) (l) Redundancy Error (l) Interrupt (l) PDP/8 Interface Parity (l) Parity (l) Parity Error OUTPUT DATA LINES, INPUT DATA LINES. WRITE SELECT. READ SELECT. WRITE READY. READ READY. From the PDA to the interface buffer register. While the word is held in the buffer register, parity is generated in the interface and compared with PDA parity. From the interface buffer register to the PDA. Parity is generated in the interface and sent to the PDA. From the PDA to the interface to signal a write operation from the 2701. This line also generates an interrupt to the PDP/8 if the write enable flop is set. From the PDA to the interface to signal a read operation from the 2701. This line also generates an interrupt to the PDP/8 if the read enable flop is set. From the PDA to the interface. This line notifies the interface of a data word on the bus. The data is valid and settled before the line is raised. From the PDA to the interface. This line notifies the interface it is available and ready to accept a word from the bus . 56 DEMAND. To the °DA from interface. WRITE COMMAND. READ COMMAND. REDUNDANCY ERROR. END OF RECORD (EOR). INTERRUPT . PARITY . PARITY-INTERFACE TO PDA, PARITY ERROR More detailed Computer Science Report Signifies the interface has accepted the word on the bus Signifies the data on the bus is valid. Read data must be valid for the duration of the demand signal. (Interface Parity Error). Interface to PDA.' Indicates the interface has detected a parity error on a write operation. Interface to PDA. This line signifies the interface has completed the operation and will not generate or accept any more data. This line also causes the PDA to present device end and channel end status to the 360 channel. Interface to PDA. Signals the PDA to interrupt the CPU through the channel. PDA to interface. Parity is sent simultaneously with the data bus. The interface gates the data bus into the buffer register, and calculates parity to be compared with the PDA parity. .The interface buffer register is loaded from the P.D.P.8 and parity is calculated from the register contents. The data and parity is sent simultan- eously to the PDA. The 2701 PDA signals the PDP/8 when an error is detected when checking parity on a read operation. information can be found in the Department of #323 titled "DEC PDP/8 Interface to IBM 2701 PDA." 57 Microswitch Keyboard (see figures 10, ll) The microswitch keyboard is an assembly of svitch modules into a standard array of keys for alphanumeric character entry. Our particular keyboard is ASCII codes so as to be somewhat compatable with our other teletype keyboards . The features of this keyboard that influenced our choice were (l) the integrated ckt. compatability , (2) the single power supply requirement, (3) the Hall Effect switch. The integrated ckt. compatability saves a lot of level conversions and logic changes when applying the keyboard, to hardware interfaces. The single power supply requirement certainly makes life simple when using the keyboard with other devices. The Hall Effect s W itch should allow the operation to be quiet and reliable. Switch Specifications Power Requirements Current Drain Output Capacity Temp . Range Force at Operating Point Pretravel Total Travel Release Point 5V. DC. ±5% Standby: 15 MA/switch Quiescent: 100 yuA leakage Operated: 3.5V § 10MA Operating: +35° to +125°F Non operating: -Uo° to l60°F R.H. 95% 3 oz. nominal 0.125 in. (+0.025 -0.050) 0.187 in. nominal 0.i+0 in. min. from free position 58 Figure 10 PLUNGER HOUSING MAGNET/SHUNT MEMBER SOLID STATE CHIP LEAD FRAME TERMINALS Figure 11 59 PROPOSED ADDITIONS As the general capabilities of the graphic system have increased through its software development, communications interfaces and hardware additions it has become more apparent that two things were needed for applications. These were (l) a more rapid means of local printout and (2) more terminals for simultaneous graphic operations. After some looking, the Teletype Inktronic printer was chosen for the printout. The main reasons for this choice were (l) price ($5300) and (2) almost no mechanics. The speed of 2 lines/second with no mechanical carriage return was appealing for our PDP8. The prospects of having a printer that was completely Electronic was likewise appealing from the maintenance point of view. A description of the Inktronic is given in this section. The method we chose for getting more terminals is described under the heading of Display Processing Unit. It was taken directly from DCS Report No. 3^3. 60 INTRONIC PAGE PRINTER GENERAL The receive-only "INKTRONIC" system forms characters from a series of nozzles (jets) located in a horizontal plane in front of the page. An ink supply cavity, common to ^0 ink nozzles and maintained at a selected pressure and temperature, enables large quantities of uniform copy to be recorded on a conventional teletypewriter paper. A high potential charge on the platen, located directly behind the paper, attracts a stream of ink at high velocity from the selected nozzle. In transit, the stream breaks up into tiny droplets which are individually guided (electrostatically) in a vertical and a horizontal plane to form each character one character every eight milliseconds at 1200 words per minute. The nozzles are selected sequentially to print an 80 character line. PRINTER MODULE LAYOUT The cabinet supports the nonimpact recording unit and its cover on an extendable panel (figure 12). A shelf directly below the panel is provided for certain data or auxiliary sets. A blank panel (except for a recessed control switch) replaces the data set when used on our P.D.P.8. All horizontal and vertical drive pulses, directing the excursion of each stream of ink, are generated by one of four modules housed in the lower section of the cabinet. A self-contained multivoltage power supply furnishes the operating potential for the various logic circuits of the system and initiates the high potential fields for the respective elements of the printer. The memory logic is contained in the character generated module with facilities for changing from Baudot to ASCII code or vice versa. The interface module houses the terminal control logic, etc. Facilities for supplying a large volume of teletypewriter paper to 61 -RECORDER AND PAPER TRANSPORT MP CRANISM (Fully Dependent Upon Drive, Memory, and Interface Circuits in Modules Below) PAPER UNWINDER ASSEMBLY Supports roll of paper and paper- out sensing mechanism on sliding panel. PAPER TRANSPORT MECHANISM Facilities for friction feeding a precise amount of paper from the external supply roll, across the platen and outward to the take-up reel. PAPER WINDER ASSEMBLY RECORDER MECHANISM Ink reservoir enclosing pump, manifold, nozzles and deflecting electrodes. FUNCTION CONTROL STRIP Provides control, alarms, and switching for the overall set. SLIDING PANEL DATA SET 202C - Serial Input 804A - Parallel Input Data Auxiliary Set 402D - External RECORDER DRIVE MODULE CHARACTER GENERATOR MODULE HIGH VOLTAGE ON INDICATOR MULTIVOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY INTERFACE MODULE Figure 12 Inktronic Printer 62 the printer at high speeds and a motor driven take-up reel to retrieve the printed copy from the unit are provided by the external paper handling devices at the rear of the cabinet. DESCRIPTION The high speed page recorder and transport (figure 12) is capable of printing copy at any rate of speed up to 1200 words per minute. Unlike most telegraphic printing devices, this unit utilizes high potential fields to transfer ink to the paper and, with the exception of paper feeding, line feeding, and ink circulating (pump mechanisms, it has no moving parts. The nonimpact printing function is dependent not only upon the initiation of a high velocity stream of ink from the selected nozzle, but also upon the direction of this trace to form a character. Printing takes place from left to right across the page under control of the recorder drive circuits. The recorder drive circuits control the flow of ink with the valving electrode as well as the forming of characters with the horizontal and vertical deflection electrodes. The maximum length of line is 80 characters . Paper for the recorder and transport is fed from a U- 1/2 inch diameter roll, through the paper transport mechanism, to the line feed mechanism which controls the paper as it passes the ink nozzles. The paper tensioner assembly pulls the printed paper from the platen and also keeps it tightly against the platen during printing. Illumination of the printing station is provided by a fluorescent lamp assembly attached toward the front of the cover. The plastic lens directs the light over the full width of the copy to be viewed. The printing portion of the nonimpact page recorder consists of an ink tank with a means of maintaining consistent pressure on i+0 ink nozzles, and a series of (four-element) electrodes to initiate and control the ink 63 stream. The platen, which attracts the ink from the respective nozzles, is located on the paper transport unit. The ink tank, enclosing the electrodes and ink handling components, extends across the entire width of the unit, and forms the front side of the paper transport mechanism. The supply tank at the front of the unit has a liquid ink capacity of about one bottle of "INKTRONIC" ink TP301168 (12 ounces per bottle). The manifold, with its kO nozzles and attached character forming electrodes, is located near the top of the tank and aligns with the platen. A continuous flow of ink is forced into the manifold reservoir by a diaphram type pump. The reservoir spillway maintains a certain ink level and enables the excess ink to be returned to the tank. Individual ducts connect the common reservoir with the respective nozzle. An electric heating element, embedded in the manifold below the nozzles, warms the liquid to facilitate an even flow of ink and the printing of a legible copy. PRINTING The recorder assembly consists of forty sets of printing units. Each printing unit consists of a nozzle, a valving electrode, a pair of vertical deflection electrodes, and a pair of horizontal deflection electrodes. Across the front of the print head assembly is the mask. There is a rectangular hole in the mask in front of each printing unit. Each printing unit prints two characters, one in a left matrix and one in a right matrix. A maximum of 32 points in the matrix are available for forming one character. However, one of these points must be used to end the character. Therefore, 31 points in the matrix are the maximum area available for the actual printing of one character (figure 13). The manifold supports the nozzles and provides a supply of ink to each of the forty nozzles. The manifold and nozzles are held at a constant negative voltage of -1900 v dc. 6h BDUKT •O >HO »-l © «-« O o o • °; / o. ». * o to' I **J o A e • © o o o ^ 1 ■ — e * > °l ri • o • ) • e ;•- .. la > ©■ °v o p o C A o' J >< >,.% ,o_ o *. p\ / J- {•■ 7 / EDGE OF MASK I 1 / * / / / / / / / / r / i o t 3 JET DOWN-LEFT JET DOWN-RIGHT Figure ik Basic Tracing Pattern of Typical Electrode Assembly 65 VERTICAL DEFLECTION ELECTRODE Upper Element: Potential to direct ink to bottom edge of character: 1100 (+50) v dc. Voltage differential to form character: 500 (+25) v dc. Jet down function to restrict printing: Min 780 v— -Max 820 v Lower Element: Potential to direct ink to top edge of character: 1100 (+50) v dc. Voltage differential to form character: 500 (+25) v dc. Jet down function to restrict printing: Min 1880 v~-Max 1920 v SINGLE GUN ELECTRODE ASSEMBLY MANIFOLD (40 NOZZLES) POTENTIAL - 1900 V DC ,_ 560 (+30) VOLT DIFFERENTIAL 1400 (+25) VOLT DIFFERENTIAL 560 (+30) VOLT DIFFERENTIAL PLATEN POTENTIAL +10, 000 (+400) V DC VALVING ELECTRODE: "ON" FUNCTION +550 (+20) V DC; "OFF" FUNCTION (+1) V DC ,_500 (+25) VOLT DIFFERENTIAL v NOMINAL VALUES/ 1600 V(HV)— ! 100 V (HV) 3 CROSSOVER 1100 V(LV) 1600 V (LV) 'NOMINAL VALUES % MASK: POTENTIAL +5000 (+200) V DC HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION ELECTRODE Right Element: Potential to direct ink to left side of left character: 1360 (+50) v dc. Voltage differential from left side to right side of any full width character: 560 (+30) v dc. Voltage differential between left side of left character and right side of right character: Min 1375 v— Max 1425 v Left Element: Potential to direct ink to right side of right character: 1440 (+50) v dc. Voltage differential from left side to right side of any full width character: 560 (+30) v dc. Voltage differential between left side of left character and right side of right character: Min 1295 v-*-Max 1345 v Figure 15 Nominal Electrode Voltages 66 HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION ELECTRODE (LEFT ELEMENT) CHARACTER HEIGHT 1600 1544 1488 1433 1377 1S22 1266 1211 1155 1100 1044 988 - 933 877 822 800 OO OQOOOO •0 c- V • IA * n M N N N N N N N N OOOOOOOO 8 8 S £ S I S3 CHARACTER 1 1" 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1100 1155 1211 1266 1322 1377 1433 1488 1544 1600 1655 1766 1822 1877 1900 N ELECTROD! ENT) 9 17 N ELECTRODI [ENT) 8 18 7 ^ 19 6 20 5 21 L DEFLECTIO (UPPER ELEM 4 22 OS 3 23 2 24 -1 30 29 28 27 26 25 1 1 < < t-4 > * H « W 5> O «D •0 o o s g CO © «p o «o o 00 © s § M N s CO © C4 ! o CM CM 8 • o 00 CO CM o •r HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION ELECTRODE (RIGHT ELEMENT) LEFT MATRIX RIGHT MATRIX -VALVE DOWN MASK POSITION Figure 16 Character Matrix and Deflection Voltage 67 The valving electrode, in front of each nozzle, controls the flow of ink from that nozzle. The valving electrode derives its potential of + 550 v dc (figure 15) from the spacing drive power supply contained in cabinet. The spacing drive power supply uses the input signals, received from the character generator, to select the appropriate valving electrodes which will turn on the appropriate nozzles for printing. When the valving electrode is at the off voltage (0 v dc), no ink issues from the nozzle. When it is at the on voltage (+550 v dc), ink is extracted from the nozzle in the form of a droplet stream. The droplets, approximately 0.001 inches in diameter, pass through the hole in the valving electrode and proceed with increasing velocity to the region of the deflection electrodes. The first pair of deflection electrodes which influence the path of the ink droplets are the vertical deflection electrodes. These electrodes are supplied with their deflection voltage (figure 15) by the high voltage power supply which is modulated by the digital-to-analog converter for vertical printing contained in lower cabinet. The vertical deflection electrodes, one above and one below the jet, are arranged to form a horizontal slot. If the upper electrode is at a higher voltage than the lower, the ink droplets will be deflected upward; or conversely, if the lower electrode is at a high voltage than the upper, the path of the droplets will be deflected downward. The average voltage of these two electrodes is higher than that of the valving electrode; therefore, the droplets are accelerated. The next set of electrodes, the horizontal deflection electrodes, are arranged to form a vertical slot. These electrodes are supplied with their deflection voltage (figure 12) by the high voltage power supply (contained in the lower cabinet) which is modulated by the digital-to-analog converter for horizontal printing. Similar to the above description, the 68 droplets can be deflected horizontally by varying the electrode voltage. The average voltage of this electrode set is higher than the previous set; so, again the ink droplets are accelerated. In their flight toward the paper, the ink droplets encounter one more electrode, the mask. The mask derives its constant +5000 v dc (figure 15) from the power supply located at the rear of the paper handler. When a nonprinting condition exists, the mask acts as a shield. That is, the voltage at the deflection electrodes is such that the stream of ink droplets are deflected downward striking the lower portion of the mask. The ink droplets are therefore prevented from continuing their journey to the paper and drain down the mask to be returned to the ink supply in the manifold. When a printing condition exists, the voltage is selected to hold the mask voltage at the same average voltage established by the electric field between the previous electrode set and the platen. As far as the ink droplets are concerned, the mask is invisible. Also the mask provides some protection for the deflecting electrodes. A fixed amount of time is available for printing each character. At 1200 words per minute this is 8 milliseconds. However, characters built up from relatively few dots in the matrix pattern, such as the letter I will be finished printing early and a wait period occurs. Even though the ink jet is turned on, it must not print. This is accomplished by deflecting the ink jet downward to a considerable distance below the printing area where it strikes the mask shown in figure l6. Ink that hits the mask cannot reach the paper, so deflecting the ink downward is equivalent, in effect, to turning off the ink jet. Whenever a jet is turned on by the valving electrode (ink flowing) but is not printing, it is directed toward the mask. This situation occurs at three different 69 times in the printing process: first, during the time allowed for ink to start flowing, but before printing has begun; second, after a left character has been printed but before a right character has started; and third, after printing has been completed and during the time allowed to turn off the ink jet. To print a line of characters from left to right, each of the kO ink jets could be turned on in successize order. Thus, the first jet could be turned on, print two characters followed by the second jet to print the next two characters, and so forth. Each individual jet prints first a left and then a right character until the entire line is printed. The return to starting position for a new line is called reset and is initiated by a CARRIAGE RETURN (reset) signal. To understand the character signals which must be supplied as input signals to the printer drive for providing the required vertical and horizontal deflection at the electrodes, refer to figure 13. This basic matrix pattern shows 12 possible positions above the zero position. The seven horizontal positions are represented by a 3-bit binary code, as shown above the matrix pattern. Any position in the matrix pattern may be located by specifying four vertical bits and three horizontal bits. TO DISPLAY PROCESSING UNIT The Display Processing Unit (DPU) is the interface between the PDP8 memory and the remainder of a display system. (The display system configuration is shown in Figure IT). Because this interface executes programs from memory, because it has an instruction repertoire, and because programs can be written for the display processor, it can be thought of as a computer. It is a special kind of computer with capabilities oriented toward making pictures rather than performing computational tasks. Many of its instructions are descriptive of drawing operations rather than computational operations. Because the DPU operates in conjunction with a general purpose computer, "general" computing capabilities were not given to it. The DPU fetches data from the PDP8 core memory, decodes it and generates picture information. This information is then transferred via a core memory buffer to a track of the central disk buffer, thus releasing the DPU for other tasks. The DPU performs the same functions that the DEC 338 does, with the additional capabilities of controlling and refreshing the picture at as many as l6 display terminals. All commands are transferred to the DPU via the PDP8 single cycle data-break system. The programmer may specify which terminal he wishes to access at any time. A special hardware scheme is used to generate the incremental commands from the combinations of codes which form lines and characters. The order of execution of all the Control State instructions, PDP8 display oriented instructions and the picture generation, is determined by a central control unit. The unit is composed of several sequential control points which govern the data flow in the DPU. An interrupt queueing scheme controls the data communication between the display terminals and the DPU. 71 o •H u B bO •H > CO Pu w •H O 72 A central disk buffer holds the picture information for up to 16 display terminals, with a single track of the disk being dedicated to each of the terminals. Each of the tracks has its own read-head and line driver. The disk rotates at 30 revolutions per second, so the picture on each scope is refreshed at 30-cycle rate. This rate is high enough to give a flicker- free display. At the data rate used, 10 points /second are plotted by the display terminals . The picture on each track of the disk is specified in terms of simple 3-bit incremental command. These commands are decoded by a display control at each of the scope terminals where X-Y deflection signals are produced to position and display points. The commands allow the beam to be moved a certain number of units in any direction on a 102U x 102U grid (left-right, up-down, or diagonally) covering a 10" x 10" area on the s cope face . Information corresponding to the initial values of X and Y, four spot intensities, scale factor, P. B. enable, and joystick interrupt- enable are also stored on the disk. Zoom option information is transferred directly to the display terminal, so that frames may be expanded by a factor of two, four, or eight. The operator of the CRT display can communicate immediately with the DPU and the PDP8 processor by using the incremental joystick or the push-button control box. The DEC 338, in order to generate typical pictures, uses about 30,000 moves per frame, and the picture has to be reconstructed and regenerated 30 times per second to avoid excessive flicker. Also, the 338 may access the PDP8 via the data-break system only once in three 73 PDP8 memory cycles, degrading the speed of generating points and vectors which results in lower picture capacity. The DPU disk "buffer contains about 100,000 bits or 33,000 instructions in a full track. A track of data corresponds to a picture containing 660" of drawings . This means 66 screen widths of horizontal or vertical lines (in scale of 2) or about 1500 characters, or a proportional mix. Consequently, the DPU disk configuration with its independent picture refreshing capability, easily handles display files like those executed by the DEC 338. lh ALPHABETIC IOT LIST Data Disk 6551 6552 655U 6561 6562 656U DECTAPE 6761 DTRA 6762 DTCA 676I4 DTXA 6771 DTSF 6772 DTRB 677^ DTLB DISPLAY 6051 6052 605^ 6061 6062 606U 6071 6072 607^ 6132 6135 61U2 61U5 6151 6152 615U 6155 6161 6162 6i6h 6165 6171 6172 617U 6303 630U 6311 6312 631k RPDP RXP RYP RDAC RSI RS2 RPB RSG1 RSG2 SLLP SPDP SPSP SIC SPES SPEF STPD LBF CFD RES2 INIT SPSF SPMI RES1 SCG RCG Gate AC to Address Register Clear Disk Done and Interrupt Enable Enable Interrupt Skip on Disk Done Transfer AC contents to Disk Control Read Status Register A Clear Status Register A Load Status Register A Skip On Flags Read Status Register B Load Status Register B Read Push Down Pointer Read X Position Register, bits 1-12 Read Y Position Register, bits 1-12 Read Display Address Counter Read Status 1 Read Status 2 Read Push Buttons Read Slave Group 1 Read Slave Group 2 Skip on Light Pen Hit Flag Set the Push Down Pointer Skip on Slave Light Pen Hit Flag Set Initial Conditions Skip on External Stop Flag Skip on Edge Flag Stop Display (External) Load Break Field Clear Display Flags Resume After Stop Code Initialize the Display Skip on Internal Stop Flag Skip on Manual Interrupt Resume after Light Pen Hit, Edge, or External Stop Flag Set Character Generator Read Character Generator Skip if Clock Flag = Clear Clock Flag and Enable Clock Interrupt Disable Clock Interrupt 75 EXTENDED MEMORY 6201 CDFO 6202 CIFO 6204 6211 CDF1 6212 CIF1 6214 RDF 6221 CDF2 6222 CIF2 6224 RIF 6231 CDF 3 6232 CIF3 6234 RIB 62 4l CDF4 62 42 CIF4 6244 RMF 6251 CDF5 6252 CIF5 6254 6261 CDF6 6262 CTF6 6264 6271 CDF 7 6272 CIF7 6274 ILLIAC III 6731 6732 6734 6741 67^2 67M+ 6751 6752 6754 INKTRONIC 61+Ui 6442 6444 6451 6452 6454 Change to Data Field Change to Instruction Field Change to Data Field 1 Change to Instruction Field 1 Read Data Field Change to Data Field 2 Change to Instruction Field 2 Read Instruction Field Change to Data Field 3 Change to Instruction Field 3 Read Interrupt Buffer Change to Data Field Change to Instruction Field 4 Restore Memory Field Change to Data Field 5 Change to Instruction Field 5 Change to Data Field 6 Change to Instruction Field 6 Change to Data Field 7 Change to Instruction Field 7 Skip on Device Ready Clear Device Ready, Information Ready Clear Data Ready Skip on Data Ready Gate Contents of AC and Data Accepted External Device Comp. Skip on Printer Ready Enable Interrupt Disable Interrupt Skip on Character Done Clear Character Done Gate Character and Start Print 76 Interface to 630 6631 6632 663I+ 66U1 66 1+2 6641+ MUSIC MAKER 6701 6702 670U PDA-2701 64oi ICR1 61+02 ICR2 61+01+ ICR1+ 61+11 SRR 61+12 ERI 61+11+ CRD 61+21 SRD 61+22 DRI 61+21+ SWCR 61+31 SPE 61+32 CPE 61+31+ SEM 6501 ICW1 6502 ICW2 650I+ ICW1+ 6511 SWR 6512 EWI 651I+ CWD 6521 SWD 6522 DWI 652I+ PROGRAM INTERRUPT 6001 ION 6002 IOF Skip on Flags Clear AC and Receiver Flag Gate Receiver Output to AC Clear Interrupt Enable Set Interrupt Enable Clear Transmitter Flag and Input Data from AC Reset both flip flops to "0" Complements flip flop "l" Complements flip flop "2" Initiate Channel Read Gate Contents of AC into Data Address Register (not used) Skip on Read Ready Enable Read Interrupt Clear Read Done Skip on Read Done Disable Read Interrupt Set Word Count Register Skip on Parity Error Clear Parity Error Set Extended Memory Initiate Channel Write Gate Contents of AC into Data Address Register (not used) Skip on Write Ready Enable Write Interrupt Clear Write Done Skip on Write Done Disable Write Interrupt (not used) Turn Interrupt On Turn Interrupt Off 77 SYLVANIA TABLET 6711 Skip on Tablet Ready 6712 Disable Interrupt and Clear Data Ready 671^ Enable Interrupt 6721 Read Tablet "X" 6722 Read Tablet "Y M 672I+ Read Tablet "Z" TELETYPE-KEYBOARD/READER Skip if Keyboard/Reader Flag = 1 Clear AC and Keyboard/Reader Flag Read Keyboard/Reader Buffer, Static Clear AC, read Keyboard/Reader Buffer and Clear Keyboard Flag TELETYPE-TELEPRINTER /PUNCH Skip if Teleprinter /Punch Flag = 1 Clear Teleprinter /Punch Flag Load Teleprinter/Punch Buffer, Select and Print 60k6 TLS Load Teleprinter /Punch Buffer, Select and Print, and Clear Teleprinter /Punch Flag 6031 KSF 6032 KCC 603h KRS 6036 KRB 601+1 TSF 60 k2 TCF 6ohh TPC 78 PDP-8 IOT LIST 6001 ION 6002 IOF 600U ADC 6101 6102 6lOh 6011 Save for high speed reader 6lll 6012 " 6112 601U " 6llU 6021 Save for high speed punch 6121 6022 " 6122 602k " 612U 6031 TTY Reader 6032 ti 603h 11 60U1 TTY Printer 60I+2 ti 6okk 11 6051 338 6052 605U 6061 6062 606U 6071 60T2 607^ 6131 338 6132 11 613^ 11 6lUl 11 6lU2 11 6lUU n 6151 11 6152 11 615U n 6l6l 11 6162 11 6164 it 6171 11 6172 11 617U 11 79 6201 Extended Memory 6301 Type VC38 Character Generator 6202 " 6302 " 6201+ " 6301+ " 6211 " 6311 338 Real Time Clock 6212 " 6312 " 621U " 631U " 6221 " 6321 6222 " 6322 622U " 6321+ 6231 " 6331 6232 " 6332 623U " 6331+ 62Ul " 63I+I 621+2 " 631+2 621+1+ » 63I+I+ 6251 " 6351 6252 " 6352 6251+ " 635U 6261 " 6361 6262 " 6362 626U " 6361+ 6271 " 6371 6272 " 6372 6271+ " 637U 80 61+01 PDP-8 to 2701 61+02 6Uoi+ 61+11 61+12 6UH+ 61+21 6U22 6U2U (not used) 6501 PDP-8 to 2701 6502 650I+ 6511 6512 65lU 6521 6522 652U (not used) 6431 PDP-8 to 2701 6432 6434 6 4 Ul Inktronic Printer 61+1+2 6U1+1+ 61+51 61+52 6U5I+ 61+61 6U62 61+61+ 61+71 6I+72 6U7I+ 6531 6532 6531+ 65I+I 65I+2 65I+I+ 6551 Data Disk 6552 6554 656I 6562 6561+ 6571 6572 81 6 ^ 6601 6602 660h 6611 6612 66H+ 6621 6622 6621+ 6631 PDP-8 Interface to 630 6632 663k 661+1 661+2 66hk 6651 6652 665U 6661 6662 6661+ 6671 6672 667I+ 6701 Music Maker 6702 IT 670I+ II 6711 Sylvania Tablet 6712 11 671 1+ it 6721 11 6722 11 672U 11 6731 ILLIAC III 6732 it 6l3h it 67>+l ti 671+2" 67I+U tt 6751 11 6752 ti 6751+ it 6761 DECTAPE 6762 tt 676I+ it 6771 ti 6772 tt 6771+ tt 82 Form AEC-427 16/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-li+69-0151 2. TITLE Graphics 8 Graphics Hardware - 1U69 Gear 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): nta. Scientific and technical report I I b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): \A a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I I b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. I I c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Principle Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature ^l\o£kk> C i^-- Date December 2U,' 1969 FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. I) b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. 1 1 c. Patent clearance not required.