1 1 men can Presented by Tbe India-B THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY G21.3G loGce . THE Central & South Hmeriean Cables ^pebttlon. 1893. Presented by Jfnbia Subbcr, (gutta ipmjra, antr Cflegrapfr Moths (Kompang (limiteb). y. r; 3 6 A v\ Ice CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN CABLES, 1893. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Mechanical particulars of Cable .... 1 Dates of Manufacture .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 5 Actual Loading of Cable .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 5 Loading of “ Silvertown ” 5 List of Staff, Cable Hands, and Crew 11 Drum Co-efficients and Mileage Table 17 Synopsis of Voyage .... .... .... .... 23 At Callao and Chorillos 30 Santa Elena — Chorillos Section : — Landing Shore-End at Chorillos .... .... .... 43 Paying out. Buoying Light Intermediate 43 At Callao 59 Sounding between Chorillos and Santa Elena 63 At Santa Elena 75 San Juan del Sue — Santa Elena Section: — Landing Shore-End at Santa Elena 81 Paying out. Buoying Light Intermediate 81 Santa Elena — Chorillos Section:— Landing Shore-End at Santa Elena.... .... .... 95 Paying out to buoy on Chorillos End 95 Completion of Section .... .... .... 95 Summary of Lengths.... .... .... .... 95 At Callao 167 Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena 177 At Santa Elena. Sounding off Santa Elena 183 Santa Elena— San Juan del Sue Section : — Splicing on, laying, and buoying extra length of Light Inter- mediate at Santa Elena 191 Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur .... . .... 203 At San Juan del Sur 217 952885 Index , San Juan del Sue — Salina Ceuz Section : — Landing Shore-End at San Juan del Sur Paying out. Buoying Light Intermediate Sounding between San Juan del Sur and Salina Cruz Salina Ceuz — San Juan del Sue Section Landing Shore-End at Salina Cruz Paying out to buoy on San Juan del Sur End Completion of Section . .... Summary of Lengths At San Juan del Sur f San Juan del Sue — Santa Elena Section : — Landing Shore-End at San Juan del Sur Paying out to buoy on Santa Elena End Completion of Section .... Summary of Lengths At Santa Elena Steaming from Santa Elena to Callao At Callao Laying Spaee Cable Start on homeward voyage Expendituee Tables : — Details of Cable expended Summary of Expenditure Position Sheets: — Santa Elena — Chorillos Section San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section Electeical Eepoet : — PAGE .... 221 .... 221 .... 243 .... 255 .... 255 .... 255 .... 255 .... 339 .... 351 .... 351 .... 351 .... 351 .... 441 .... 447 .... 455 .... 465 .... 473 .... 475 .... 475 .... 483 .... 487 .... 491 .... 495 .... 497 Index to Electrical Report .... MECHANICAL PARTICULARS OF CABLE. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN CABLES EXPEDITION, 1893. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION OF CABLE. Shore-End No. 1953b. Core. — Copper 107 lbs. and gutta percha 140 lbs. per n.m., served with tanned jute. Inner Sheathing . — 12 galvanized iron wires, each 0"*203 diameter when galvanized. Inner Serving . — Jute yarn prepared in compound. Outer Sheathing . — 14 galvanized iron wires, each 0"*300 diameter when galvanized. These wires pickled in compound before being used. Outer Serving . — 2 coats of compounded jute, alternating with 2 coats of compound. Weight dry per n.m. = 15*38 tons. Weight wet in air =15*528 tons. Weight in sea water= 11*648 tons. Specific gravity = 4*0. Breaking strain= 38*646 tons approximate. Diameter = 2"*060. Cireumfer- ence=6"*486. Cubic capacity per n.m.= 140*89 cubic feet. Heavy Intermediate No. 1952. Core. — Copper 107 lbs. and gutta percha 140 lbs. per nm., served with tanned jute. Sheathing . — 12 galvanized iron wires, each 0"*252 diameter when galvanized. Serving. — 2 coats of compounded jute, alternating with 3 coats of compound. Weight dry per n.m. = 7*298 tons. Weight wet in air 7*491 tons. Weight in sea water =5*09 tons. Specific gravity=3*12. Breaking strain= 17*07 tons approximate. Diameter=l"*613. Circumference =5"*0 68. Cubic capacity per n.m. =86*382 cubic feet. Heavy Intermediate No. 1952a. Similar in every respect to No. 1952, except that in this case the sheathing wires are pickled in compound=2*72 cwt. 3 4 2 Mechanical Description of Cable. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Light Intermediate No. 1951. Core . — Copper 107 lbs. and gatta percha 140 lbs. per n.m., served with tanned jute. Sheathing . — 12 galvanized iron wires, each 0"*203 diameter when galvanized. Serving . — 2 coats of prepared tape, alternating with 3 coats of compound. Weight dry per n.m.=4*571 tons. Weight wet in air = 4*654 tons. Weight in sea water =3*317 tons. Specific gravity =3*49. Breaking strain =11 -53 tons approxi- mate. Diameter =1" -189. Circumference=3"*737. Cubic capacity per n.m. =46*93 cubic feet. Light Deep Sea No. 1235. Core . — ^Copper 107 lbs. and gutta percha 140 lbs., served with tanned jute. Sheathing .— 12 galvanized steel wires, each 0"*084 diameter when galvanized. Breaking strain of each wire =84 tons per square inch. Each wire compounded and taped. Serving . — 1 coat of prepared tape and 20 hemp cords, alternating with 2 coats of compound. Weight dry per n.m.= 1*239 tons. Weight in air= 1*372 tons. Weight in sea water=0*687 tons. Breaking strain =6*5 6 tons. Specific gravity = 2*00. Diame- ter=0"*8656. Circumference=2''*7196. Cubic capacity per n.m. = 24*88 cubic feet. Modulus of tension=9*37 n.m. Elongation= 3*763 0 / o . Light Deep Sea No. 1235b. Core . — Copper 107 lbs. and gutta percha 140 lbs., served with tanned jute. Sheathing . — 12 galvanized steel wires, each 0''*084 diameter when galvanized. Breaking strain of each wire =84 tons per square inch. Each wire compounded and taped. Serving . — 2 coats of prepared tape, alternating with 3 coats of compound. Weight dry per n.m. = 1*177 tons. Weight wet in air= 1*2174 tons. Weight in sea water=0*670 tons. Breaking strain =6*1 tons. Specific gravity =2*22. Diameter =0"*7893. Circumference =2" *48 16. Cubic capacity =20 *68 cubic feet. Modulus of tension=9*10 n.m. 4 DATES OF MANUFACTURE. ACTUAL LOADING OF CABLE. LOADING OF “SILVERTOWN” AT GREENHITHE. . CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN DUPLICATE CABLES EXPEDITION, 1893. 5^ & o H > h— I zn m zn PQ H o £h o w P3 & EH O <1 Eft P 55 H S3 © !fp2 6° • pH a ® © cq 05 05 cq 00 CO 1— 1 o ^P a> © »P vp 9 VO 9 «0 9 05 VO 00 9 iH rH ft a i— i VO o 'P CO 05 VO rH rH VO © cq rH b CO (M i— i x> rH rH o CO rp VO Cq o xp -P TP ■'p "P CO CO 43 cq © <3 ft fl Q M < o CO CO CO cq VO CD 1> 05 ' o rH rH CO O rH rH rH 1 ^ 6 £ n ◄ M P3 CO cq cq rH VO VO CO > » VO VO VO 1C CO CO VO s 05 05 05 O cq cq 05 3 iH r-l rH rH r-t rH rH § • ft m & © © Q 43 43 ft ft be br ft ft V Total Manufactured . . . . 2623 *344 ACTUAL LOADING BY FACTORY MEASUREMENT, ALLOWING FOR SPLICES, &c. S s O O C i-j ? o o < o o II II S 3 rH O oo o II II II t n | r-l iffl lO > lO CO CO > OS <5 o ■e o ww .02 02 j fl fi ® ® 00 ^ ® ■Jl. t- O «D t* O lOH MM II II II II II II S ; ; 5 5 O O « & ^ ■ CO ^ GKJ rH ut) Wt iHiH II «*> ft C • . K , : «§ JJ&M Mg ■H "H ” fl 5 02 02 **3 -aj <= 3 ^‘ od| « 1111 EH En *& H <1 Loading of S.S. “ Silvertown ” at GreenJiitlie. LOADING OF S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” AT GREENHITHE. SUNDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1893. DISTRIBUTION OF WEIGHT IN SHIP. Cable in fore tank . . Tons. 822-8 ,, „ main tank 1872-3 „ „ after tank 1819-3 „ ,, after pockets (port side) 11-8 Coal in fore hold 395-0 „ „ bunkers 690-0 Fresh water in fore fresh water tank . 7-0 v » after „ „ ,, 33-0 Spare anchors and ropes . . 10-0 Steward’s stores S'**.... 48 ton n . 90-0 L amidships 42 „ J Boatswain’s stores 5-0 Carpenter’s „ 4-0 Extra chain cable . . 4-0 _ . . r forward 65 tons 1 . . . Cable stores i ... . . .. > 100-0 l amidships 35 „ J Cable buoys 9-0 Water in main boilers 80-0 Engine-room stores 6-0 Stores, &c., for the C. and S.A. Tel. Co. (forward) 10 >) 5J 5) fl n fj 5? 5) 55 (aft) 1-0 Deck machinery, spar deck, boats, &c. . # # # • • • • 5961-2 183-0 Total. . 6144-2 Draught of ship j Aft ^9^9'^ ^ ^ mean =28' l'\ 9 LIST OF STAFF, CABLE HANDS, AND CHEW. LIST OF STAFF, CABLE HANDS, AND CHEW. LIST OF STAFF. 1. Mr. M. H. Gray, Engineer-in-Chief. 2. Capt. J. E. Hunter, R.N., Engineer-in-Charge. 3. Mr. F. W. Robinson, Assistant Engineer. 4. 9$ P. Bates, S. C. Mote, 55 55 5. 99 55 5 5 6. 99 H. P. Daley, Accountant. 7. 99 T. E. M. Rymer-Jones, Assistant Accountant. 8 . 99 A. Fletcher, 55 «. 55 9. 99 R. S. Lloyd, Hydrographer. 10. 99 C. R. Wylie, Assistant Hydrographer. Chief Electrician. (Joined ship at Val- 11. 9J J. Rymer-Jones, paraiso, 13/3/93.) 12. 99 J. Schneider, Assistant Electrician. 13. 99 E. Raymond-Barker, 55 5-5 14. 99 F. W. Knight, „ ,, (Joined ship at Valparaiso, 13/3/93.) 15. 99 J. F. Lumsden, Assistant Electrician. (Drowned at Salina Cruz, 1/5/93.) 16. 99 P. C. Willmott-Dixon, Assistant Electrician. 17. %9 R. G. Wood, 55 5 5 18. 99 J. F. Coote, C. H. L. Cazalet, 55 55 19. 99 Electric Light Engineer. VISITORS. 20. Mr. J. Milne, 21. „ H. T. Pescod, 22. „ W. Booth, 23. „ J. H Ray, 24. „ T. N. Beach, 25. H. Kingsford, 26. H. S. Howard, For Central and South American Telegraph Company. Representatives of Central and South American ^ Telegraph Company (Joined ship 24/3/93). 12 List of Staff — contd. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” LIST OF CABLE HANDS. 1 . D. Smith, General Foreman. 2. W. Tillyer, Assistant Foreman. 3. C. Cakebread, ,, „ 4. T. Knight, Storekeeper. (In- valided home from Tene- rife, 1/2/93.) 5. B. Butcher, Leading Hand. 6. H. Grimes, „ 7. R. Keys, „ „ 8. J. Brissenden, Lamp Trimmer. 9. D. Healey, Carpenter. 10. H. Livingstone, Fitter. 11. C. Brown, ,, 12. J. Miller, Fitter’s Mate. 13. F. Young, Blacksmith. 14. C. Cooper, Blackmith’s Mate. 15. J. Go wing, Jointer. 16. R. Skinner, Jointer’s Mate. (Discharged at Callao to join the S.S. “Relay,” 26/5/93.) 17. R. Schwartz, Electric Light Driver. 1 8. H. Bendy, Cable Hand. 19. J. Dulling, „ 20. J. Copp, Cable Hand. 21. E. Broome, „ 22. J. Christian, ,, 23. R. Day (Deal), ,, 24. G. Newton, „ 25. P. Palmer, „ 26. A. Day (sen.), ,, 27. W. Garrod, „ 28. T. Ayres, „ 29. H. Hall, 30. S. Smith, , r 31. J. Ellis, „ 32. A. Day (jun.), ,, 33. M. Coleman, ,, 34. W. Bobbitt, „ 35. W. Coleman, ,, 36. W. Smith, „ 37. J. Burgess, „ 38. G. Armes, „ 39. A. Armes, „ 40. W. Armes, Cable Hand. (Drowned at Salina Cruz, 1/5/93.) 41. C. J. Cakebread, Caterer. PAYING-OUT WATCHES. Starboard. D. Smith, General Foreman. Port. W. Tillyer. Over Tank. C. Cakebread. B. Butcher. In ii H. Grimes. J. Dulling. 11 R. Keys. A. Day (jun.). ii A. Day (sen.). J. Copp 5? ii J. Christian. R. Day. 5? ii E. Broome. M. Coleman. j r ii W. Bobbitt. J. Burgess. 55 17 G. Armes. W. Coleman. 55 11 W. Smith. A. Armes. 55 11 W. Armes* T. Ayres. 55 11 W. Garrod. S. Smith. 55 Ii J. Ellis. G. Newton. 55 11 H. Bendy. P. Palmer. Leadsman. H. Hall. D. Healey. Brakes. F. Young. H. Livingstone. Machinery. C. Brown. C. Cooper. 5» J. Miller. 1 A.B. Messenger. 1 A.B. J. Brissenden, Lamp Trimmer and Storekeeper. R. Schwartz, Electric Light Driver. 13 List of Staff — contd. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” SOUNDING WATCHES. D. Smith, General Foreman (day work), a clkebread} Foremen ’ Di S ht work < if re 1 u!red )- In Charge Assistant Leading Hand Cable Hand 55 5) Engine Driver Lamp Trimmer No. 1. Capt. J. E. Hunter. Mr.T.E. Rymer- Jones. B. Butcher. G. Armes. J. Copp. W. Garrod. C. Brown. J. Brissenden. No. 2. Mr. F. W. Robin- son. jMr.C. E. Wylie. H. Grimes. J. Dulling. H. Bendy. H. Hall. F. Young. No. 3. Mr. P. Bates. (Mr. A. Fletcher. ( „ S. C. Mote. R. Keys. J. Christian. A. Day (jun.). T. Ayres. H. Livingstone. BOATS’ CREWS. Steam-Launch. Coxswain, H. Grimes. Driver, H. Livingstone. White Gig. Leading Hand, B. Butcher. No. 1, A. Day (sen.). 2, W. Bobbitt. „ 3, M. Coleman. „ 4, A. Armes. „ 5, W. Smith. I Bowman, A. Day (jun.). I Stoker, J. Miller. Brown Gig. Leading Hand, R. Keys. No. 1, H. Bendy. „ 2, T. Ayres. „ 3, W. Armes. „ 4, J. Burgess. „ 5, S. Smith. 14 List of Staff — contd. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” LIST OF OFFICERS AND CREW. 1. Mr. D. Morton, Captain. 2. ,, C. L. May, Chief Officer. 3. „ J. B. Cottier, 2nd ,, 4. „ B. C. Combe, Navigating Officer, and assistant 2nd Officer. 5. J. Ogilvie, 3rd Officer. 6. ,, H. A. Cruttwell, Surgeon. (Left ship 21/3/93.) 7. „ F. W. Toms, Assistant Surgeon. 8. H. Williams, Hospital Atten- dant. (Discharged at Callao 26/5/93.) 9. P. Gasnier, Carpenter. 10. R. Murray, 2nd Carpenter. 1 1 . H. Bradley, Boatswain. 13. 2 Boatswain’s Mates. 14. 1 Sailmaker and Storekeeper. 15. 1 Lamp Trimmer. 19. 4 Quartermasters. 42. 23 A.B.’s. (1 A.B. invalided home from Tenerife, 1/2/93.) 43. I Boy. 44. 1 Officer’s Servant. 45. Mr. James Stoddart, Chief Engineer. 46. „ G. Haig, 2nd Engineer. 47. „ C. Ball, 3rd „ 48. Mr. W. Sturton, 4th Engineer 49. Mr. T Porteus, 5th „ 50. J. Smith, Boilermaker. 51. J. Carr, Donkeyman. 52. 1 Storekeeper. 55. 3 Greasers. 64. 9 Firemen. 70. 6 Trimmers. 72. 2 Cleaners. (1 Cleaner dis- charged and 1 Cleaner engaged at Valparaiso 14/3/93.) 73. 1 Engineer’s Steward. 74. 1 Boilermaker’s Assistant. 75. 1 Donkey man’s Assistant. 76. Mr. 0. Cook, Chief Steward. 77. W. Pascoe, 2nd Steward. 78. A. Patrick, Storekeeper. 80. 2 Bedroom Stewards. 85. 5 Assistant ditto. 86. 1 Pantryman. 87. 1 Assistant ditto. 89. 2 2nd Class Stewards. 90. 1 3rd „ „ 91. 1 Captain’s Servant. 92. H. Firman, Chief Cook. 93. L. Ladeveze, 2nd „ 94. J. H. Youngman, Butcher. 95. C. Meers, Bakef. 97. 2 Scullions. SUMMARY. Staff 17 Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cable Hands . . . . . . . . . . 41 Officers and Crew . . . . . . . . 97 Total number of persons on board on leaving London =160 DBUM CO-EFFICIENTS AND MILEAGE TABLE. 17 B Drum Co- Efficients. S.S. SILVERTOWN.” CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN DUPLICATE CABLES EXPEDITION, 1893. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” CO-EFFICIENTS FOR PAYING-OUT DRUM. Circumference of Drum=17' 8 - 3 7 2 -" = 17'-6849. Type. Factory No. Circum- ference in inches. Length of 1 rev. Revs, per N.M. Log. Shore-End . . 1953b 6*486 feet. 18-225 333-984 2 -5237257 Heavy Intermediate 1952 5-068 18-107 336-164 2-5265507 n 1952a 5-068 18-107 336-164 2-5265507 Light „ .. 1951 3-737 17-996 338 236 2 -5292192 Light Deep Sea 1235 2-7196 17-9115 339837 2 -5312703 99 99 99 • • 1235b 24816 17-8917 340-213 2-5317513 Light Intermediate 944 2937 17-929 339-493 2 -5308310 1178 2-949 17930 339-474 2-5308068 Heavy Deep Sea b . . 1236 2-578 17-8997 340-060 2-5315562 Light Intermediate. . ex S.S. “ Relay.” 3-920 18-0115 337-951 2 -5288535 Drum Co- Efficients. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN, CO-EFFICIENTS FOR STARBOARD PICKING-UP DRUM. Circumference of Drum=17' 9J" = 17'*8229. Type. Factory No. Circum- ference in inches. Length of 1 rev. Revs, per N.M. Log. Shore-End . . 1953b 6-486 feet. 18 -363 331 *474 2 *5204497 Heavy Intermediate 1952 5-068 18 -245 333 -621 2 -5232534 » 99 1952a 5-068 18 *245 333621 2 -5232534 Light „ 1951 3-737 18 -134 335 -662 2 -5259017 Light Deep Sea . . 1235 2-7196 18 -0495 337-238 2 -5279370 99 99 99 1235b 2 -4816 18 -0297 337 -610 2-5284144 „ . Intermediate. . 944 2-937 18 -068 336-900 2-5275012 99 99 * * * * 1178 2-949 18 -069 336-882 2 -5274772 Heavy Deep Sea b . . 1236 2-578 18 *038 337*459 2 *5282209 f new, steel and manilla. . 3x3x4 6-140 18-334 331 -996 2 -5211322 * 1 old, „ „ 3x8x4 5-360 18 -269 333 -177 2 *5226746 g; \ » » hemp • • 3x3x4 4-980 18 -238 333 -755 2 -5234279 c3 <5 L » » 3x3x4 3-975 18 154 335 *295 2-5254269 f new, steel and manilla. . O i 4x4 3*860 18-144 335 -472 2 *5256562 pi | old, „ „ . . 4x4 3-800 18-139 335 -564 2 *5257759 § 1 n ew, „ „ 3x3 2*700 18 -048 337 *269 2-5279761 m 1 L°ld> » „ 3x3 2-950 18-069 336 *880 2 -5274751 Light Intermediate ex S.S. 3-920 18*1495 335 -381 2 -5255386 “ Relay ” 20 Drum Co- Efficients. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” CO-EFFICIENTS FOR PORT PICKING-UP DRUM. Circumference of Drum=17' 8^" — 17'-7396. Type. Factory No. Circum- ference in inches. Length of 1 rev. Revs, per N.M. Log. Shore-End . . 1953b 6-486 feet. 18-280 332985 2 -5224251 Heavy Intermediate 1952 5-068 18-162 335T52 2 -5252416 5 • * 1952a 5-068 18T62 335-152 2-5252416 Light „ 1951 3-737 18-051 337-21] 2-5279020 Light Deep Sea 1235 2-7196 17-9662 338-803 2 -5299467 >> • • • • 1235b 2-4816 17-9464 339T77 2 -5304264 Light Intermediate. . 944 2-937 17-984 338-461 2 -5295089 5? >> • • • • 1178 2949 17-985 338-442 2 -5294847 Heavy Deep Sea b . . 1236 2-578 17-954 339025 2 -5302319 as , Ph 1 O 1 f new, steel and manilla. . 3x3x4 6140 18-251 333-511 2-5231106 M SJO 1 old „ 3x3x4 5-360 18-186 334-703 2 -5246600 3 1 P % old, steel and hemp . . 3x3x4 4-980 18-155 335-287 2-5254169 ft $ C )> >> >j • • 3x3x4 3-975 18-071 336-841 2 -5274251 o f new, steel and manilla. . 4x4 3-860 18-061 337-020 2 -5276554 Pi O Ph 1 old „ „ 4x4 3-800 18-056 337T13 2-5277756 !>■ 1 new „ „ . . 3x3 2-700 17-965 338-833 2 -5299861 m ^old ,, „ . . 3x3 2-950 17-985 338-441 2-5294827 Light Intermediate. . ex S.S. 3-920 18-0662 336*928 2 -5275365 “ Relay ” 21 Mileage Table. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN DUPLICATE CABLES EXPEDITION, 1891. S.S. “SILYERTOWN.” MILEAGE TABLE FOR LIGHT DEEP SEA, No. 1235. Eevs. per min. Knots per hour. Revs, per min. Knots per hour. Revs, per min. Knots per hour. 1 •176 21 3-696 41 7-216 2 *352 22 3-872 42 7-392 3 *528 23 4-048 43 7 -568 4 •704 24 4-224 44 7-744 5 •880 25 4-400 45 7-920 6 1*056 26 4-576 46 8-096 7 1-232 27 4-752 47 8-272 8 1-408 28 4-928 48 8-448 9 1-584 29 5-104 49 8-624 10 1-760 30 5-280 50 8-800 11 1-936 31 5-456 51 8-976 12 2-112 32 5-632 52 9-152 13 2-288 33 5-808 53 9-328 14 2*464 34 5-984 54 9-504 15 2-640 35 6-160 55 9-680 16 2-816 36 6-336 56 9-856 17 2-992 37 6-512 57 10 032 18 3*168 38 6-688 58 10 -208 19 3 -344 . 39 6 *864 59 10 -384 20 3-520 40 7-040 60 10 -560 22 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” SYNOPSIS OF VOYAGE. 0‘> SYNOPSIS OF VOYAGE. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” 1893. Jan. 18th. Left Silvertown for Greenhithe. 55 22nd. Left Greenhithe for Tenerife. 55 24th. At anchor in St. Helen’s Bay, Isle of Wight, for eight hours, for engine-room purposes. 55 25th. Rounded Ushant. Feb. 1st. Arrived at and left Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 55 5th. Arrived at and left St. Vincent, Cape Verdes. 55 11th. Passed Island of Fernando de Noronha* 55 17th. Passed Cape Frio. 55 22nd. Passed Cape Corrientes. 55 27th. Entered the Straits of Magellan. 55 28th. Arrived at Sandy Point. Mar. 1st. Left Sandy Point and anchored in Glacier Bay same evening. 55 2nd. Passed out of the Straits of Magellan by Cape Pillar. 55 8th. Arrived at Coronel, Chili. 55 12th. Left Coronel. 55 13th. Arrived at Valparaiso. 55 14th. Left Valparaiso for Callao. 25 Synopsis of Voyage — contd. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” 1893. Mar. 20th. Arrived at Callao. „ 23rd. Sounding off Chorrillos. „ 24th. Laid Chorrillos Shore-End. „ 25th. At Callao, coaling ship. „ 26th. Left Callao for Santa Elena, sounding en route. „ 31st; Arrived at Santa Elena. April 1st. Laid Santa Elena northern Shore-End. „ 2nd. Commenced laying cable from Santa Elena to Chorrillos. „ 7th. Completed Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section, and put into Callao for coal. „ 12th. Left Callao for Santa Elena. „ 16th. Arrived at Santa Elena and spliced on a piece of Light Intermediate cable, ex “ Relay,” to northern Shore-End. „ 17th. Left Santa Elena for San Juan del Sur, sounding en route. „ 23rd. Arrived at San Juan del Sur. ,, 24th. Landed San Juan del Sur northern Shore-End. „ 25th. Laid out ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, „ 26th. Left San Juan del Sur for Salina Cruz, sounding en route. ,, 30th. Arrived at Salina Cruz. May 2nd. Salina Cruz Shore-End successfully landed. „ 3rd. Left Salina Cruz, laying cable to San Juan del Sur. » 7th. Completed the Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. „ 8th. Arrived at San Juan del Sur. „ 12th. San Juan del Sur southern Shore-End landed. Left San Juan del Sur, laying cable to Santa Elena. 26 Synopsis of Voyage — contd. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” 1893. May 18th. Completed the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section, and arrived at Santa Elena. „ 21st. Left Santa Elena. „ 24th. Arrived at Callao. „ 30th. Left Callao, and laid out spare cable. June 7th. Arrived at Coronel. „ 13th. Left Coronel for Straits of Magellan, en route for England. „ 19th. Passed Cape Pillar and entered Straits of Magellan. Steaming off Port Tamar all night. „ 20th. Anchored in Borja Bay for the night. „ 21st. Arrived at Sandy Point. „ 22nd. Left Sandy Point, and anchored in Gregory Bay for the night. „ 23rd. Passed out of the Straits of Magellan, rounding Cape Virgins at 3 p.m. July 4th. Passed Cape Frio, Brazil. „ 10th. Called at Fernando de Noronha. „ 17th. Arrived at and left St. Vincent, Cape de Verde. „ 22nd. Arrived at and left Tenerife for London. „ 28 th. Passed Cape Finisterre. Aug. 1st. Arrived in London. Ship docked in Victoria Docks. 27 ARRIVAL AT CALLAO. COALING. TRANSFERRING CABLE TO S.S. “RELAY.” March 20th to March 22nd, 1893. 29 ARRIVAL AT CALLAO. Houe. A.M. 6.0 8.0 9.0 10.33 11.17 11.25 11.40 NOON. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” MONDAY, MARCH 20th, 1893. Land in sight on starboard bow. Calm. Fine clear weather. Bar. 30-130 (68° F.). Temp. 72°-2 F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 66° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 70-|° F., main tank 70° F., after tank 70^° F. -r, ... , i j f Lorenzo Lighthouse N 18° W, 18*5 n.m. Position by land | Fronton Ig f and N 7 » w . Current observed since 9.37 p.m. yesterday = N 28° W, 13*0 n.m. = 1-2 KTS. Cable in each tank well flushed down with water by hose. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 70° F., main tank 70° F., after tank 70° F. San Lorenzo Lighthouse abeam, bearing S 30° E, 0*75 n.m. distant. Let go starboard anchor in 6^ fms. in Callao harbour. tv -ti r -i • f Forward 24' 6". Draught of ship 4 2g , 9 „. Note. — Mr. Stoddart states that there are 924 tons of coal remaining on board now. Telegraph steamers “ Relay ” and “ Retriever ” at anchor in the harbour. Received pratique. Port officials left ship. Captain Lugar and Mr. Kingsford, of the C. & S. A. Telegraph Co., Messrs. J. Eyre and Kennedy, of Messrs. Grace Brothers, Mr. Drew, of Messrs. Shute & Co., and Capt. Stamm, of the Pacific Steam Navigation Co., came on board. Calm. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-050 (69° F.). Temp. 70°-7 F. dry, 68° F.wet. Sea surface 61° F. 31 At Callao. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN. Hour. p.m. 0.25 1.0 2.5 2.15 3.35 5.25 6.45 7.0 7.30 MONDAY, MARCH 20th, 1893 -contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71° F , main tank 70 F., after tank 70 F. Captain Minhinnick, of the S.S. “Retriever,” came on board. Commenced to run water into each cable tank, so as to briug water level with top flake of cable. ' Captain Morton, with Drs. Cruttwell and Toms, and Mr. H. T. Pescod, left for the British Consulate. Dr. Cruttwell to sign off ship’s articles (as he is about to leave ship), Dr. Toms to sign articles as Surgeon instead of Assistant-Surgeon, and Mr. Pescod, who leaves ship, also to sign off articles. Captain Hunter, and Messrs. M. H. Gray and H. P. Daley, left for shore to visit Messrs. Graham, Rowe, & Co. (Agents), in Lima. Messrs. Booth, Beach, and Kay, who have come out in ship to join S.S. “ Relay,” also left for the British Consulate, to sign off ship’s articles and join S.S. “ Relay.” Mr. Falshaw, Chief Officer of the S.S. “Relay,” came on board. Finished running water into fore cable tank. Temp, at bottom of the cone now 62° F. Finished running water into main cable tank. Temp, at bottom of the cone now 63° F. Finished running water into after cable tank. Temp, at bottom of the cone now 63° F. Messrs. M. H. Gray and Daley and Captain Hunter returned from Lima to ship. Note. — While in Lima, Mr. M. H. Gray telegraphed to Silvergray, London, news of ship’s arrival here to-day, and arranged with Messrs. Graham, Rowe, & Co. to deal with Captain Hunter in all matters connected with ship’s business in this port. Light SE breeze. Fine clear weather. Bar. 30*090 (68° F.). Temp. 71*°2 F. dry, 67°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 63° F. During this evening, tests have been taken on all cable in tanks, with satisfactory results. 32 10.35 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Hour. a.m. 6.40 6.55 7.50 8.0 8.42 8.43 8.45 8.55 11.25 NOON. P.M. 0.54 1.0 1.31 2.0 Transferring Cable to S.S. “Relay.” TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, 1893. An empty lighter came alongside for cable for S.S. “ Relay.” Commenced transferring to lighter on port side IT 97 n.m. of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, Sec. “ 3c” (labelled “ M4,” and known as “ Piece G-”), from main tank for S.S. “ Relay,” with port picking-up drum. Commenced shipping fresh water in main boilers. Calm. Fine clear weather. Bar. 30T20 (68° F.). Temp. 65° F. dry, 64°*4 F. wet. Sea surface 60 T F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 65° F., main tank 65 F., after tank 65 j° F. Finished transferring to lighter the IT 97 n.m. of Shore- End cable from main tank for “ Relay.” By port picking-up drum measurement this length is only 1T11 N.M. Ends of the cable sealed, and cable well covered with canvas in the lighter. Mr. Daley left for shore, with ship’s mail, and to telegraph Mr. R. K. Gray, London, and also to obtain passage tickets for Mr. M. H. Gray and Dr. Cruttwell, who leave ship to-day. Put two T joint boxes and a case of sundries, from S.S. “ Silvertown,” into the lighter for S.S. “ Relay.” Lighter, with cable, &c., left for S.S. “ Relay.” Commenced to pump water out of fore cable tank. Light S’ly breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30*050 (68° F.). Temp. 66° 5 F. dry, 65°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 61° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 63° F., main tank 65-J° F., after tank 65^° F. Mr. Milne left ship. Finished shipping 50 tons of fresh water in main boilers. Captain Lugar and Mr. Kingsford came on board. Finished pumping water out of fore cable tank. 33 c At Callao. S.S. “SILVERTOWN. Hour. p.m. 3.0 3.55 4.0 4.42 5.45 6.20 8.0 MIDNT. A.M. 8.0 9.5 10.10 10.40 11.30 Transferring Cable to S.S. “Relay”— contd. TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, 1893 — contd. A quantity of provisions has been shipped to-day. Mr. M. H. Gray and Dr. Cruttwell took leave of ship, and left for the mail steamer “ Aconcagua.” Tests taken on all cable in tanks this afternoon by Mr. J Rymer-Jones, in the presence of Mr. Kingsford (of the C. & S.A. Telegraph Co.), with satisfactory results. Captains Hunter and Morton returned to ship. S.S. “ Acon- cagua ” left the port for Panama. Mr Daley came on board with a case of charts sent out per S.S. “ Orinoco.” Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 67° F., main tank 65° F., after tank 65^° F. Light S’ly wind. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-100 (68° F.). Temp. 66° F. dry, 65° F. wet. Sea surface 64° F. Calm. Fine and clear. Coaling. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1893. Calm. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-100 (69° F.). Temp. 65°-8 F. dry, 63°-5 F. wet Sea surface 63° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 66° F., main tank 64° F., after tank 64J° F. Captain Morton and Mr. R. S. Lloyd left in steam-launch for Chorrillos, to select and mark with buoys a safe and suitable anchorage for ship to land Shore-End cable. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 65^° F., main tank 64° F., after tank 64° F. Commenced shipping fresh water in fresh water tanks. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this morning, with satisfactory results. 34 At Callao. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. NOON. P.M. 2.55 3.25 4.53 5.7 6.27 8.0 Coaling — contd. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1893— contd. Light SSE airs. Fine, but hazy. Bar. 30*050 (68° F.). Temp. 66°-5 F. dry, 66° F. wet. Sea surface 63°*2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 66° F., main tank 65° F., after tank 65J° F. Sent the following telegram this morning: — “ Captain Hunter to Kingsford, Barranco. — Would you kindly oblige by having trench opened ready for Shore-End cable first thing Friday morning. Expenses to be defrayed by Graham, Rowe, & Co. for I. R. Co.” Shipped a new boat from Messrs. Shute & Co., in place of port surf-boat lost on 20.2.93, during voyage out. Finished shipping fresh water, having received 27J marks = about 25 tons. Captain Morton and Mr. R. S. Lloyd returned in steam- launch from Chorrillos. Note. — The steam-launch was delayed on the way to Chorrillos this morning, owing to a dense fog near Horrodada Island. Captain Morton left for shore, to advise the Captain of the Port that ship leaves for Chorrillos to-morrow. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 66° F., main tank 65 F., after tank 66° F. Received the following telegram this afternoon : — “ Kingsford, Barranco, to Captain Hunter, Callao. — Certainly will attend to trench.” Calm. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-100 (67° F.). Temp. 66*5° F. dry, 67° F. wet. Sea surface 63-5° F. SOUNDING OFF CHORRILLOS. AT ANCHOR OFF CHORRILLOS. March 23rd ; , 1893. 37 SOUNDING OFF CHORRILLOS. “S.S. SILYERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1893. 4.0 Calm. Fine and clear. 5.25 Weighed anchor and set on for position to take soundings. Steam-launch left for Chorrillos. 6.20 San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing S 43° E, 0*9 n.m. distant. Set course S 61° W. Calm. Fine and clear overhead, but very misty round horizon. Bar. 30-115 (68° F.). Temp. 67°-4 F. dry, 67°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 66°-5 F. Position I" San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing N 62° E. by land \ Fonton Island bearing N 82° E. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 65 F., main tank 65° F., after tank 65° F. 9.25 Sounding f Lat. 12° 13' -8 S 1 211 fms. Lost 10 fms. of 1 S \L°ng. 77° 36'-6 W j wire and sinker. No bearings obtainable, as land is obscured by haze. 10.6 Sounding f Lat. 12° 15-8 S \ { and „ 2 S I Long. 77° 36-0 W J gn ' m> anct s ‘ 10.15 Since 8 a.m. pumped a quantity of the water out of main and after cable tanks. 10.45 Sounding f Lat. 12° 15'T S 1 iqa f . A 3 S (Long. 77° 33-6 W ) 130 fms ‘ P* m ‘ and s ‘ San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing N 57° E. 11.0 Cable in each tank well flushed with water by hose. Depth of water now in cable tanks : fore tank 2", main tank 1' 8", after tank 3' 5''. 11.14 Sounding f Lat. 12° 14' -3 S 1 4 S ( Long. 77° 33-0 W } 107 fms - S n ' “• San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing N 59° E. 39 Sounding off Chorrillos. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 11.49 THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1893 —contd. Sounding- f Lat. 12° 15'-9 S | inof 5 S i Long. 77° 31-3 W / 102 fms ' *”■ m ‘ San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing N 52° E. NOON. Calm. Fine, but cloudy. Very hazy round the horizon. Calm sea. Bar. 30-050 (69° F.). Temp. 69°-2 F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 66°*2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 66^° F main tank 66° F., after tank 66° F. P.M. 1.45 f Temp. at bottom -i- Sounding f Lat. 12° 12'-0 S 1 58 fms.J by Therm. No. 1 ■ 6 S \ Long. 77° 16' *3 W J gn. m. S 87859 = 56°-3 [ F., 7*44 mm. Temp, of surface water 67° F. Position f N end of San Lorenzo Island bearing N 5° E. by land j S „ „ „ „ N38°E. 1.52 Set on for anchorage off Chorrillos town. At Anchor off Chorrillos. 4.17 Let go starboard anchor in 7 fms. off Chorrillos. Steam- launch came alongside. p ... f Cable Offices at Barranco N 89° E. osi ion i Barracks at Chorrillos S 63-^° E. or snip ^ golar Point Rock g jjo E Sounded round ship and found 7 to 8 fms. 4.22 Mr. Kingsford joined ship as the representative of the C. & S.A. Tel. Co. during the laying of cables. 4.55 Steam-launch with surf-boat in tow left for shore with Capt. Hunter, Capt. Morton, and Messrs. Robinson, Kings- ford, Lloyd, and Bates. Draught J Forward 25' 0". of ship \ Aft 29' 0". 6.0 Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 66° F., main tank 66^° F., after tank 67° F. 40 Hour. p.m. 6.5 8.0 9.30 Sounding off Chorrillos. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1893— contd. At Anchor off Chorrillos — contd. Capt. Hunter, Capt. Morton, and Messrs. Kingsford, Robinson, Lloyd, and Bates returned to ship, having examined landing place for Shore-End, and marked with a buoy (blue flag) the 3-fms. shoal to shoreward of ship, so that the Shore-End, which is to be landed to-morrow, may be kept clear of it. The trench for Cable-End has not yet been opened, but Mr. Kingsford says it will be commenced first thing to-morrow morning. Calm. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Bar. 30*050 (72° F.). ‘Temp. 70°*5 F. dry, 68°*9 F. wet. Sea surface 67° F. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this evening with satis- factory results, and the top end of Chorrillos Shore-End in fore tank sealed ready for landing in the morning. 41 SANTA ELENA — CHOBRILLOS SECTION. LANDING AND LAYING CHORRILLOS SHORE-END. LAYING CHORRILLOS HEAVY AND LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. BUOYING END OF LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. March 24th to March 25th, 1893. 43 SANTA ELENA- CHOKRILLOS SECTION. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. Landing Chorrillos Shore-End. A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893; 6.0 Cable hands turned to and commenced getting balloon- buoys along to quarter deck, and loading surf-boat with sand anchors, spider wheels, chain, shovels, picks, &c., required on the beach for landing Shore-End. 6.22 Messrs. P. Bates and C. H. L. Cazalet, with W. Tillyer, Foreman’s mate, and 7 cable hands left in surf - boat, containing Shore-End landing gear, in tow of steam-launch, for cable landing place. 6.30 Calm. Fine bright morning, but misty over land. Lowered cutters. 6.40 Commenced coiling hauling lines in cutters. 6.50 Tests taken on the spliced sections of Shore-End, Heavy Intermediate, and Light Intermediate in fore tank, for Chorrillos End, with satisfactory results. 7.10 Steam-launch returned to ship with surf -boat. 7.20 Thick fog came on, obscuring land all round. 7.55 Finished coiling 8 coils of 4J” rope for hauling lines in port cutters. 8.0 Calm. Fine, but cloudy. Fog hanging round the bay, but clearing gradually. Calm sea. Bar. 30-120 (66° F.). Temp. 66°*9 F. dry, 66°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 67°-2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 66^° F. main tank 66° F., after tank 66^° F. 8.5 Finished coiling 7 coils of 4" and 1 coil of 4^" rope in starboard cutter for hauling line. 8 48 Steam-launch left, with port cutter in tow, for the beach. Labourers on the beach opening out cable trench from cable hut to water’s edge. 45 Hour. a.m. 9.7 9.25 9.30 9.34 9.36 9.40 9.48 9.56 10.7 10.8 10.10 10.14 10.16 Santa Elena — Chorriltos Section. S.S. “ SILYER.TOWN.” Landing Chorrillos Shore-End— contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893— contd. Observed end of rope from port cutter landed at cable hut, and cutter, in tow of steam-launch, returning to ship, paying out rope on the way. Insufficient rope in port cutter to reach ship’s stern by about 50 fms. Starboard cutter moved up to port cutter and shackled on another rope. End of rope passed on board over stern sheave from starboard cutter. Messrs. Howard and Ireland, of the Central and South American Telegraph Company came on board. Mr. H. S. Howard is to join ship as Mr. Kingsford’s assistant during the laying of cables. Starboard cutter, with 7 coils of 4" rope, left in tow of steam-launch for cable hut. Coiled a 4" rope in surf - boat ready for use, should starboard cutter not have enough rope to reach ship. Observed end of rope from starboard cutter landed on the beach in front of cable hut, and shackled on to the end of the rope that was landed by port cutter. Observed starboard cutter, in tow of steam-launch, returning to ship, paying out rope. Shore hoisted “ all ready ” signal. Starboard cutter signalled for more rope. Surf-boat left ship, paying out rope from port picking-up drum and over port quarter, towards cutter to complete lines. Depth of water at ship’s stern=7j fms. Surf -boat met cutter and joined ropes, thus forming endless messenger, of 4" and 4J" ropes, between ship and shore. Commenced to heave in the slack of messenger over port quarter with port picking-up drum. Commenced veering away on anchor chain as required. Cutter and surf-boat returned to ship. 46 Santa Elena — Chqrrillos Section S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 10.30 10.42 10.50 11.38 11.50 11.58 NOON. P.M. 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.45 1.2 Landing Chorrillos Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893— contd. Ship now swung round with stern towards Cable Hut. Stopped heaving in on messenger. Hauled end of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” from fore tank to stern baulks, taking three turns round paying-out drum. Bent Shore-End on to end of messenger between ship and shore. Commenced heaving in on messenger again. End of Shore-End cable passed over stern sheave with 1st balloon buoy attached. Ship by bearings now 1 n.m. from beach. 90 fms. paid out on starboard bower chain ; stopped veering away. Depth at ship’s stern=:7-|' fms. Sent steam-launch away to follow cable ashore. Steam-launch made signals that rope close to the end of cable is foul on bottom. Stopped paying out cable and heaving in on messenger. 0*7066 n.m. of cable paid out. Steam-launch apparently unable to clear rope or cable from the bottom. Slacked up messenger a little. Light SW airs. Fine and clear. Mist round horizon. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*080 (70° F.). Temp. 73° F. dry, 70° *5 F. wet. Sea surface 70°*2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 69J° F., main tank 69° F., after tank 69-J 0 F. Mr. Robinson left in surf-boat with a coil of 4" rope, boat’s grapnel, and tackles to assist steam-launch in clearing line. Steam-launch and surf-boat endeavouring to clear rope from the bottom close to buoy on end of cable. Observed steam-launch with surf-boat in tow makmg for the beach. Surf-boat now under -running rope from beach to end of cable. Mr. Raper, of the West Coast of America Telegraph Company, came on board with a telegram from London. Surf -boat signalled, “ Heave away.” Line now clear. 47 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 1.3 1.18 1.17 1.22 1.35 1.40 ].55 1.57 2.35 2.38 3.1 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Landing Chorrillos Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893— contd. Resumed heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Surf-boat apparently holding on to end of cable. Surf-boat let go end of cable. Observed one of the balloon buoys on cable sink. Surf- boat cast off from steam-launch and took hold of the bight of cable at sunken buoy. Steam-launch came alongside and asked for 2 balloon buoys. All balloon buoys (55) now on cable. Sent cutters to stern of ship to hold up bight of cable as required. 1st balloon buoy ashore, end of cable on beach. 1*123 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out from ship to beach, but cable between ship and shore lies somewhat in the form of a letter “ S ”, with bight nearest ship leading seawards. ’ Cable Offices at Barranco < Barracks at Chorrillos 28° 20'. Mole at Chorrillos < Barracks Position, at Chorrillos 24° 20'. !Lat. 12° 9'*5 S. of ship ’ Mole at Chorrillos < Codo ^Long.77°3'*6W. Point 33° 55'. Morro Solar vertical angle, L 4° 24' = 1*9 n.m. distant. Distance between spider sheaves on beach=112 feet. From the spider wheel nearest cable to Cable Hut=130 feet along cable trench. Depth of cable trench =2 to 4^ feet. Distance by chart from ship to Cable Hut=l*06 n.m. Shore signalled, “ Enough cable on shore.” 1*147 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out— 1*123 n.m. = 0*024 n.m. of Shore-End cable on beach. Mr. Robinson with 5 cable hands returned to ship, leaving surf-boat holding up bight of cable near beach. Testing room reports cable making earth, possibly seal on end of cable on beach damaged. Shore hoisted “ all clear ” signal. Captain Hunter and Messrs. J. Rymer-Jones, Kingsford, Riiper, and Ireland,, with Jointer Gowing left in steam-launch 48 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SfLYERTOWN.” Landing Chorrillos Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893— contd. for Cable Hut, taking with them a crew of cable hands for the surf -boat holding on to cable near beach. Steam-launch returned with message to take balloon buoys off cable. Shore signalled, 44 Please test and say if 4 o.k.’ ” Steam-launch and cutters left to take buoys off cable. Depth at stern of ship=8 fms. Temp, at bottom=63° F. Signalled to shore, “ Tests 4 o.k.’ ” Shore signalled, 44 4 o.k.’ Haul off line.” Commenced to heave in on the remainder of rope which formed endless messenger. Steam-launch left for shore in answer to signals. Shore signalled, 44 Cast off balloon buoys.” Occasional strain on messenger ; picking up on it according to strain. N ote. — Since the rope from ship was taken off the end of cable on the beach the ship has swung round with head more to seawards, and straightened out the bight of cable between ship and shore considerably. Surf-boat returned from shore with fifteen balloon buoys, two spider wheels and sand anchors, a coil of 4" rope, chain, and sundry gear from the beach. Picking up on rope that formed messenger slowly, as strain increases at times. Steam-launch returned to ship with Capt. Hunter and Messrs. Kingsford, J. Rymer-Jones, and Cazalet; also Jointer Gowing and Tillyer (Foreman’s mate), with the five cable hands who have been working on the beach to-day. Several balloon buoys and the remainder of the gear that has been in use on the beach also brought back by steam- launch. 49 D Hour. p.m. Note. 5.0 5.19 5.21 5.25 5.30 5.53 6.16 6.18 6.22 6.23 6.25 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing Chorrillos Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893— contd. It was found that cable had been cut on the beach, thus accounting for the earth which showed in tests taken at 2.35 p.m. 5 fms. = 0 005 n.m. cut off end of cable on beach, as there was more than sufficient to reach Cable Hut. 0- 024 n.m.— 0-005 n.m. =0-01 9 n.m. of Shore-End cable now on beach between Hut and water’s edge. 1- 142 n.m. of Shore-End cable now between ship and Cable Hut. Cable laid in the trench on beach, and well buried by native labourers. Commenced to heave in on bower chain to 45 fms. Paying out cable as necessary. End of the rope that formed messenger came inboard over port quarter. Hoisted up surf -boat. Stopped picking up on anchor chain; stopped paying out on cable. Put another turn of cable on drum (four in all). Mr. P. Bates returned to ship in steam-launch, with the remainder of balloon buoys and both cutters in tow. Set about getting buoys on board. Both cutters hoisted up. Steam-launch left for Callao, to await ship’s arrival there, and taking a note from Mr. Kings- ford to Capt. Lugar, of the “Relay,” asking him to take the crew of the steam-launch on board his vessel if necessary. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 70° F., main tank 70° F., after tank 70 F. Commenced heaving up anchor. Commenced to pay out cable. Anchor aweigh. Set on “ slow ahead ”=18 revs, per min. Put engine of paying-out machine out of gear. Ship on Course S 80° W. Weight on brake levers= 1,380 lbs., but brakes right up. jy ... f Solar Point Rock bearing S 3° E. rosition Cable Office Barranco bearing N 85° E. Cable commenced running out according to strain =30 cwt. 50 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S,' “ SILVERTOWN.” Laying Chorrillos Shore-End— contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893— contd. Increased ship’s engines to 22 revs, per min. Ship’s engines=22 revs, per min. Drum=15 revs, per mi a. = about 3 kts. Increased ship’s engines to 25 revs, per min. Ship’s engines=24j revs, per min. Drum=17|- revs, per min. = about 3*2 kts. Weight on brake levers decreased to 844 lbs. (12 weights}. 2*847 n.m. of Shore-End— 0*005 n.m., No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from fore tank. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut = 2 *842 n.m. 2*847 n.m. — 1*147 n.m. = 1*700 n.m. of cable paid out from anchorage. Patent log= 1*1 n.m. Depth=12 fms. Drum =20 revs, per min. = 3 *5 kts. Ship’s engines =25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=844 lbs. Dyna- mometer=23 cwt. Strophometer=18 revs. 4*763 n.m. — 0*005 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=2*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut =4*758 n.m. Depth =14 fms. Drum =22 revs, per min. = 3*9 kts. Ship’s engines =25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer=22 cwt. Strophometer=20 revs. Light S’ly airs. Fine, but overcast. Slight S’lv swell. Bar. 30*060 (71° F.). Temp. 70°*2 F. dry, 69°*0 F. wet. Sea surface 69°*5 F. 6*733 n.m. — 0*005 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=4*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 6-728 n.m. Depth =13 fms. Drum=23 revs, per min. =4*0 kts. Ship’s engines =25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer =22 cwt. Strophometer=22 to 23 revs. 51 d 2 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN” Hour. p.m. 8.13 8.30 9.0 Laying Chorrillos Heavy Intermediate. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893 — contd. SPLICE between Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” and Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” from fore tank passed off drum. Patent log =5*0 n.m. Depth =13 fms. 7*551 n.m. of shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from fore tank. By Factory measurement Cut off on beach = 7*500 n.m. =0*005 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut =7*495 n.m. By Drum measurement Cut off on beach = 7*551 n.m. =0*005 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut =7*546 n.m. Difference .. .. =0*051 n.m. [ Palominos Islands, South^l Position | extremity bearing N 65° W. I Lat. 12° 10'*9 S. of San Lorenzo Island, East )> splice | extremity bearing N 26° W. | Long. 77° 10'*0 L Wells Island bearing N 48° W.J W. 1*181 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=6*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 8*676 n.m. Depth=13 fms. Drum = 25 \ revs, per min. =4*5 kts. appx. Ship’s engines = 26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=844 lbs. Dynamometer = (just lifting). Strophometer=18 to 25 revs. 3*263 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=7*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 10*758 n.m. Depth =30 fms. Drum =24 revs, per min. =4*2 kts. Ship’s engines = 26 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- [ mometer= (lifting). Strophometer=18 to 25 revs. 52 Santa Elena — CJiorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Laying Chorrillos Light Intermediate. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893 — contd. SPLICE between Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” and Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” from fore tank passed off drum. 3*486 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=7*7 n.m. Depth =30 fms. Length by Factory measurement of Heavy Intermediate, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out . . . . =3*490 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Heavy Inter- mediate, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out . . . . . . =3*486 n.m. Difference . . . . . . =0*004 n.m Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 10*985 n.m. Position of splice r Palominos Island, East ex-") tremity bearing N 26° W | . San Lorenzo Island, East ex- ! Lat. 12° 11' *5 S. | tremity bearing N 9° E [Long. 77° 13'*1 W. San Lorenzo Light bearing 1 , N 19° W j Increased ship’s engines to 28 revs, per min. 1*930 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=9*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 12*915 n.m. Depth =50 fms. Drum=26 revs, per min. =4*5 kts. Ship’s engines=28-£ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer = nil. Strophometer=20 to 25 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. 4*561 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=ll*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 15*546 n.m. Depth =60 fms. Drum=30 revs, per min.=5*28 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer = nil. Strophometer=26 to 31 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 32 revs, per min. 53 Santa Elena — Ckorrillos Section, S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 10.30 10.55 11.0 11.20 11.30 MIDNT. Laying Chorrillos Light Intermediate— contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1893 — contd. 7*326 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=13*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 18*311 n.m. Depth = 70 fms. Drum =31 revs, per min. =5 *45 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=844 lbs. Dyna- mometer=nil. Strophometer=28 to 31 revs. 9*620 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2 r paid out from fore tank. 'Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut =20*605 n.m. 10*123 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=16*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 21*108 n.m. Depth =85 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min. = 5*8 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dynamo- meter = nil. Strophometer=28 to 31 revs. Since 10.45 p.m. the deflection while testing has not been as steady as desired, but the insulation has not appreciably fallen. 13*103 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=18*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut= 24*088 n.m. Depth = 90 fms. Drum = 34 revs, per min. = 5*98 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer =nil. Strophometer=30 to 31 revs. Lighl South wind. Overcast and cloudy, but fine. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*080 (71° F.). Temp. 68° F. dry, 67°*7 F. wet. Sea surface 66° F. 15*971 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2 ” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=21*2 n.m. Total Cable Laid from Chorrillos Hut= 26*956 n.m. Depth = 100 fms. Drum=33J revs, per min. = 5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer = nil. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. 54 Hour. A.M. 0.30 0.45 0.48 0.52 0.53 0,55 0.58 1.11 1.15 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S:Si “ SILVERTOWN.” Laying Chorrillos Light Intermediate — ccntd. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 1893. 18*942 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log =23 *6 n.m. Total Cable Laid from Chorrillos Hut=29*927 n.m. Depth =150 fms. Drum =34 revs, per min. =5 *9 8 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =844 lbs. Dyna- mometer = nil. Strophometer=32 revs. Approaching end of cable, slowed engines to 20 revs, per min. Stopped ship’s engines. End of cable now being sealed ready for buoying. Strain on cable 18 cwt. Put ship’s engines “ full speed ” astern. Stopped engines. Letting cable run according to strain. Patent log=25*3 n.m. Weight on brake levers increased to 1380 lbs. Moving engines as required to ease out cable. Put engine of paying-out machine in gear, and commenced paying out on cable. Sounding f Lat. 12° 16' *17 S \ 7 S { Long. 77° 34' *4 W J 137 fms. grit. Buoying End of Chorrillos Light Intermediate. End of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” bottom end of piece 4 from fore tank passed off drum. 21*914 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from fore tank. Length by Factory measurement . . = 21*986 n.m. Length by Drum measurement. . .. = 21*914 „ Difference. . . . = 0*072 n.m. v 55 Hour, A.M. 1.16 1.20 1.26 1.43 1.48 2.20 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Buoying End of Chorrillos Light Intermediate— -contd. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Chorrillos Hut : — Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ” = 7-495n.m. Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3 ” - . . . . . = 3*490 „ Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2 ” = 21-986 „ Piece 4 or “ a ” from fore tank. Total . . . . 32-971 n.m. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, S 80° W (made good S 78° W)=31-824 n.m., CORRECTED TO 7.4.93. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 80° W= 30-900 n.m. Slack= 3-0°/ o . Bent quarter line on to cable on stern baulks. Bent mooring chain of buoy on to end of cable. Let go end of cable from stern sheave, and commenced to lower away on moorings of buoy over starboard bow sheave with starboard picking-up drum. Let go Buoy mediate. 43r,” on end of Chorrillos Light Inter- } Verified 26.3.93. Position f Lat. 12° 16'-17 S of buoy l^Long. 77° 34' -4 W Moorings of buoy : — 1 f " bridle. 1 side rope. 200 fms. 4" x 4" buoy rope. 40 „ f" chain. 10 „ „ „ stray. 1 mushroom =4 cwt. 0 qr. 26 lbs. Set on for position to place mark buoy. Course and distance =S 80° W, 2 n.m. Stopped ship, and commenced to lower moorings of mark buoy. 56 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Houb. Buoying End of Chorrillos Light Intermediate — contd. A.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 1893 — contd Moorings of buoy : — 1 f" bridle. 2 side ropes, each 20 fms. 400 fms. 4" x 4" buoy rope. 50 „ f" chain. 1 mushroom =4 cwt. 1 qr 16 lbs. 2.30 Sounding 8 S grit. 2.55 Let go mark buoy No. 42, with a cage on flagstaff. 3.0 Set on full speed for Callao. 57 AT CALLAO. COALING. March 25th, 1893. 59 AT CALLAO. Hour. A.M. 5.5 6.36 7.30 7.45 8.0 8.20 8.45 9.2 11.30 11.57 NOON. P.M. 0.48 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Coaling. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 1893 —contd. San Lorenzo Light bearing N 80° E, 9 8 n.m. distant. San Lorenzo Light bearing S, 1*2 n.m. Let go anchor in Callao Bay f Draught f For. 23' 0". in 7 fms. \ of ship \ Aft 29' 3". Steam-launch came alongside. Several lighters with coal came alongside. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30*100 (70° F.). Temp., 68°*3 F. dry, 66°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 68°-4 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 70° F., main tank 69-J° F. after tank 70° F. Commenced shipping coal in bunkers. Commenced shipping fresh water. Messrs. Kingsford and J. Rymer- Jones, with Jointer Gowing, left for shore, to proceed by train to Cborrillos to test the cable laid out from Chorrillos and buoyed by ship this morning. Shipped a quantity of ice and provisions. Captain Hunter, Captain Morton, and Mr. Daley left for shore to send telegram to Silvergray, London, to arrange accounts with Agents and to get ship cleared for Santa Elena. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Bar. 30-050 (73° F.). Temp. 67°-2 F. dry, 66°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 66° F. During this morning all cable in tanks has been tested, with satisfactory results. Captain Lugar came on board. 61 A t Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 1.55 2.8 2.30 3.15 5.25 8.0 8.33 10.35 Coaling — contd. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 1893 — contd. Finished shipping fresh water, having received about 27 tons to-day. Mr. J. Bailey, of the West Coastof America Telegraph Co., came on board. The Pacific Co.’s Coal Manager came on board. Finished shipping coal : 200 tons received to-day, making 1020 tons of coal on board, viz. : about 190 tons in fore hold and 830 tons in bunkers. Draught f Forward 24' 10". of ship \Aft 29' 10". Received from Messrs. Shute & Co. 3 coils of 4J" and 3 coils of 5" white manilla rope for cable stores, and 1 coil of 4^" rope for deck stores. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30*050 (72° F.). Temp. 68°-2 F. dry, 67°-4 F. wet. Sea surface 6 6° -2 F. Mr. Birrell, Assistant Manager of the P.S.N. Co., accom- panied by Messrs. Stokes and Bright, visited ship. Messrs. Kingsford & J. Rymer-Jones, with Jointer Go wing, returned to ship. Mr. Jones reports tests on the Chorrillos Shore-End very satisfactory. SOUNDING BETWEEN CHORRILLOS AND SANTA ELENA. March 26th to March 31st, 1893. SOUNDING BETWEEN CHORRILLOS AND SANTA ELENA. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. A.M. 6.0 7.0 8.0 8-55 10.6 10.25 10.40 10.42 10.52 10.58 11.24 NOON. SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 1893. Hoisted up boats and prepared for sea. Weighed anchor and set on to verify position of Buoy 43r on end of Chorrillos Shore-End, and Mark Buoy 42, let go yesterday morning. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Slight S’ly sea. Bar. 30*015 (66° F.). Temp. 66°-2 F. dry, 63°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 65° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of coDe : fore tank 67° F., main tank 66° F., after tank 67J° F. p • f San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing N 60° E. \ Palominos Islands bearing N 85° E. Sighted Buoy 43 r. Passed Buoy 43r on end of Chorrillos Shore-End. Up to Mark Buoy 42, having run 2*4 n.m. on S 80° W course from Cable Buoy 43r. Stopped ship. Lowered surf-boat and sent it away to put flag u W ” on mark buoy. Sounding f Lat. 12° 17'T S \ 9 S \ Long. 77° 37'*0 W J Mark buoy bearing N 30° E, 0*5 449 fms. gn. grit m. n.m. distant. Set on to pick up surf-boat and to take further soundings round buoys. Surf -boat hoisted up. A cage and flag “ W ” now on Mark Buoy 42. Moderate SSE breeze. Fine, but cloudy and misty. Slight sea and swell from SSE. Bar. 29-960 <71° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 62 0, 2 F. Position by f Lat. 12° 16' 2 S. observations \ Long. 7 7° 34' -4 W. 65 e Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 1893 —contd. Buoy 43r on Chorrillos End of cable close by on starboard quarter. All cable in tanks tested, with satisfactory results. 0.14 t Sounding 1 ■ 10 S ‘ Lat. 12 16 '6 S 1,133 frYig grit Long. 77°34'-4 WJ lddtmS * gnt * Bottom temp.") ("Max. 70°*9 F., 54°-4 F. 1 Therm. J 8-85 mm. Surface temp. [No. 87859 ] Min. 54° *4 F., 62°-2F. J [ 6-92 mm. 0.18 Set on for Santa Elena, sounding en route. 2.40 Sounding f Lat. 12° 2' -5 S "1 171 fms. st., and some par- 11 S ]_Long. 77° 49'-0 Wj tides resembling fish bone. Hormigas de Afuera Island bearing N 29° E, 5 n.m. distant. Current observed since noon=N 68° W, 3*1 n.m. = 1-3 kts. 4.0 Light SSE breeze. Fine and clear. Slight sea and swell. 4.50 Sounding fLat. 11° 49'*9 S "1 Ar7n f 12 S i Long. 77" 57'-6 W j 470 fms ' «"• m ’ 6.0 Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68° F., main tank 67° F., after tank 67J° F. 6.45 Position f Lat. 11° 41'*0 S. by stars \ Long. 78° 9' W. Current observed since 2.40 p.m.=N 27° W, 2*5 n.m.= 0’6 KT. 6.46 Sounding fLat. 11° 41'*0 S Q 13 S 8 \Long. 78° 9'-0 W ) 460fms ' {. s . 8.0 Moderate SE wind. Fine, but cloudy. Moderate following sea. Bar. 30*030 (70° F.). Temp. 67°-8 F. dry, 67°-2 F. wet Sea surface 66° F. 9.27 Sounding f Lat. 11° 34' -3 S 1 OQ _ , , f 14 S \ Long. 78" 28’-4 W / 887 fms ‘ m ‘ and f ‘ s ‘ MIDNT. Similar weather. 66 Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 0.46 5.16 5.30 8.0 10.57 NOON. P.M 2.27 6.0 6.25 MONDAY, MARCH 27th, 1893. Sounding f Lat. 11° 16' *3 S *1 1169 fms. Lost 1045 15 S \Long. 78° 41'*1 W j fms. of wire and tube. Position f Lat. 10° 47' *5 S. by stars { Long. 79° 3' -2 W. Current observed since 6.45 p.m. yesterday =S 66° W, 9*3 n.m.=0'9 kt. Sounding J Lat. 10° 47' -5 S 1 16 S \ Long. 79° 3' -2 WJ 1115 fms. gn. m. Light SSE breeze. Fine and clear. Slight sea and swell from SE. Bar. 30*050 (70° F.). Temp. 73° F. dry, 70°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 69°*4 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 67^° F., main tank 67° F., after tank 68° F. Sounding 17 S ' r Lat. 10° 13'*9 S Long. 79°29'*5W , Bottom temp."] ] 48°*6 F. [ Therm. 1267 fms. gn. m. Surface temp, f No. 87859 \ l 69° F. J f Min. 48° *6 F. 5*25 mm. Moderate SSE breeze. Fine and clear overhead. Misty round horizon. Slight sea. Bar. 30*000 (71° F.). Temp. 75° F. dry, 71°*5 wet. Sea surface 69°*5 F. Position by f Lat. 10° 6'*2 S. observations \Long. 79° 30'*5 W. Current observed since 5.16 a.m.=S 44° W, 3*2 n.m.=0*48 kts. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 67^° F., main tank 67° F., after tank 67-^° F. During this morning all cable in tanks tested, with satis- factory results. Sounding f Lat. 9° 50' *6 S 18 S \ Long. 79 37'*3 W j> 798 fms. gn. m. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 67° F., main tank 67° F., after tank 67-g° F. Position f Lat. 9° 22 '*0 S. by stars \ Long. 79° 56 *0 W. 67 £ 2 Hour. p.m. 8.0 8.59 MIDNT. A.M. 1.16 4-0 4.25 6.0 8.0 8.12 NOON. Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” MONDAY, MARCH 27th, 1893 —contd. Current observed since noon=N 53° W, 3*5 n.m. =0*54 KTS. Moderate SSE wind. Fine, bright, and clear. Moderate following sea. Bar. 30-040 (72° F.). Temp. 70°-8 F. dry, 6 9 °- 8 F. wet. Sea surface 70°*2 F. Sounding f 19 S 1 Lat. 9° 7'-0 S \ Long. 80° 4' -9 W J 890 fms. stf. m. Similar weather. TUESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1893. T Sounding ■ 20 S Lat. 8° 41'*3 S Long. 80° 20'-8 W Bottom temp.*'} 48°-4 F. I Therm. Surface temp, f No. 87859 70° -5 F. J 872 fms. stf. m. 'Max. 69°*5 F., 9*42 mm. Min. 48°-4 F., 5-13 mm. Light SE breeze. Fine and clear. stf. m. overcast. Stellar observations imprac- Sounding f Lat. 8° 20'-2 S \ f 21 S 1 Long. 80° 29' -5 W / tms * At daylight, ticable. Moderate SE breeze. Fine, but overcast. Slight sea from SSE. Bar. 30-100 (72° F.). Temp. 72° F. dry, 70°-5 wet. Sea surface 75°*3 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 67 F., main tank 67° F., after tank 68° F. Sounding 1 Lat. 7° 59'*7 S 22 S J Long. 80° 48'-0 W 1 1287 fms. gn. m. Light SE breeze. Fine and clear overhead, but hazy round horizon. Slight swell from SE. Bar. 30-100 (77° F.). Temp. 75° F. dry, 71°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. 68 Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 1.54 2.47 4.0 5.30 .. 6.0 6.30 6.33 8.0 8.31 9.0 TUESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1893 —contd. Position by fLat. 7° 34' *8 S. observations \ Long. 81° 6' -6 W. Current observed since 6.25 p.m. yesterday=S 64° W, 11*6 n.m.=0-66 kt. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68° F., main tank 67J° F., after tank 68° F. During the morning tests taken on all cable in tanks ; results satisfactory. Current observed since noon=W, 1*3 n.m.=0*7 kts. Sounding fLat. 7° 20' -5 S 1 2228 fms. Lost 1718 23 S \Long. 81° 14' A W J fms. of wire and tube. Note. — Some delay took place in taking this sounding owing to there being insufficient wire on the drum (1976 fms.), necessitating the shipping and splicing on another drum of wire. Light SE breeze. Fine and clear. Sighted Lobos de Afuera Island bearing N 67° E. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 67 F., main tank 67° F., after tank 68° F. Position J Lat. 6° 58'*3 S 1 Lobos de Afuera Island by stars \ Long. 80° 57'*3 W J bearing N 86° E. Current observed since 1.54 p.m.=S 77° W, 2 n.m.= 0*3 KT. Sounding f Lat. 6° 58'*3 S 24 S \ Long. 80° 57' *3 W 160 fms. grit. Light SE breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*100 (74° F.). Temp. 71° F. dry, 71° F. wet. Sea surface 70°*5 F. T Sounding 25 S ' 1047 fms. Lat. 7° 3'*5 S Long. 81° 8'*3 Bottom temp.'] 43° *2 F. \ Therm. Surface temp, r No. 87859 70°*5 F. J No current observed since 6.30 p.m. stf. m. Max. not re- liable. Min. 43°*2 F., 3*77 mm. Set on to the N’d, 155 n.m., to run to position of next sounding. 69 Hour. a.m. 4.0 5.30 5.45 8.0 10.35 NOON. P.M. 2.31 4.0 4.35 5.40 6.0 Sounding between Chorrillps and Santa Elena . S.S. “'SILVERTOWN” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, 1893. Light SE breeze. Fine and clear. Position f Lat. 5° 53'*3 S. by stars 1 Long. 81° 18'*3 W. Current observed since 8.15 p.m. yesterday=S 48° W, 4 n.m.=0*43 kt. Sighted Pisura Point bearing N 82° E. Calm. Fine, clear weather. Smooth sea. Bar. 30*150 (72° F.). Temp. 69°*9 P. dry, 69°*4 F. wet. Sea surface 69° F. r. • f Pisura Point S 49° E. Bearings | gaddle of Payta N 42 ° E . Current observed since 5.30 a.m.=S 46° W, 3*0 n.m.= 1*2 KT. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68° F., main tank 67 F., after tank 68° F. Bearings { Pa ? ta Point - N 70 °- E ' Saddle Hill N 88° E. Calm. Fine, bright, and clear. Smooth sea, with slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*100 (72° F.). Temp. 74°*5 F. dry, 72° F. wet. Sea surface 70° F. Position by f Lat. 5° O' *4 S. observations \ Long. 81° 34'*5 W. No current observed since 8 a.m. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68^° F., main tank 68° F., after tank 68 F. Tests taken on all cable this morning, with satisfactory results. Sounding f Lat. 4° 44' *0 S 1 26 S \ Long. 81° 38'*5 W J 1978 fms. gn. m. Light SE breeze. Fine and clear. 2059 fms. gn. m. Sounding f Lat. 4° 35'*5 S "1 27 S \ Long. 81° 42' *7 W f Position f Lat. 4° 31'*0 S. by stars \Long. 81° 39'*6 W. No current observed since noon. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68° F., main tank 67|° F., after tank 68| F. 70 Hour. p.m. 6.4 6.58 7.22 8.0 10.34 MIDNT, A.M. 1.46 4.0 4.27 , Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVEKTOWN.” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, 1893— contd. Sounding f Lat. 4° 31 '*0 S 28 S \ Long. 8L°39'*6 W Position f Lat. 4° 30' *5 S. by stars f Long. 81° 37'*0 W. No current observed since 5.40 1 1547 fms. p.m. gn. m. T. airo & i 37'*0 W J f Lat. 4 | Long. 81 v Sounding J Bottom temp.*'! 29 S ] 36°*6F. I | Surface temp. [ No L 67°*0 F. J 1346 fms. gn. m. Max. 70°*9 F. 8*83 mm. Min. 36°*6 F. 1*91 mm. Therm. 87859 Light S’ly breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Calm sea, but slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*100 (71 F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68°*5 wet. Sea surface 67°*8 F. fLat. 4° 8'*8 S 1QQ £ c I Long. 81" 88'-3 W / 1336 fms ' m ‘ -p Sounding! Bottom temp. ^ fMax. 68°*7 F., I . 30 S ] 3 6° *3 F. I Therm. J 8*42 mm. j Surface temp, f No. 87859 | Min. 36°*3 F., L 6 6° *8 F. J l 1*87 mm. Light S’ly wind. Fine, but overcast. Heavy dew. THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1893. Sounding f Lat. 3° 50'*7 S 1 u 31 S { Long. 81" 41'-6 W j 1819 fm8 ' ^ ob ' 0Z ' Light S’ly wind. Fine and clear. Calm sea, with slight S’ly swell. fLat. 3° 40'*6 S \ | Long. 81° 31*'9 W j T Sounding! Bottom temp."'! 32 S ] 38°*2 F. I Therm. | Surface temp, f No. 87859 L 67°*0 F. J No eights obtainable, as sky overcast. 71 952 fms. gn. gt. m. Max. 71°*2 F., 8*39 mm. Min. 38*2 F., 2*44 mm. 6.0 Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 8.15 8.0 9.12 NOON. P.M. 1.43 4.32 6.0 6.45 T. THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1893— contd. Lat. 3° 34'*5 S \ 917 f m s gn m Long. 81° 26'*9 W J y17 tms ‘ gn * m ‘ Sounding J Bottom temp.^ f Max. 67°*8 F., 33 S ^ 39°*5 F. I Therm. J 8*22 mm. Surface temp, r No. 87859 ] Min. 39 0, 5 F., 68°*2 F. J L 2 ‘ 70 mm * Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Smooth sea. Bar. 30*130 (69° F.). Temp. 70°*2 F. dry, 67°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 68° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 67^° F., main tank 67° F., after tank 68° F. Sounding f Lat. 3° 19'*9 S 1 OQr7£ . f 34 S (Long. 81° 40’-6 W } 2376 fms ' «”• m - Light S’ly breeze. Fine and clear overhead, misty round horizon. Smooth sea. Bar. 30*080 (75° F.). Temp. 75° F. dry, 69°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 71°*2 F. Position by f Lat. 3° 0'*2 S. observations \ Long. 81° 37'*2 W. Current observed since 6.58 p.m. yesterday =N 53° W, 11*6 n.m.=0*7 kt. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68° F., main tank 67^° F., after tank 68 F. During this morning, tests taken on all cable in tanks; results satisfactory. fLat. 2° 55'*1 S 1 I Long.8r28'-6wj 17b0fms - ^ Max. 74°*5 F., 9*56 mm. Surface temp, f No. 87859 S Min. 37°*4 F., L 72°*0 F. J l 2*22 mm. Sounding f Lat. 2° 40'*5 S T * 36 S f Long. 81° 1 6'-5 W J 1073 fms ’ £ n - m - Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 68° F., main tank 67-^° F., after tank 69° F. Position- fLat. 2° 24' *2 S. by stars \ Long. 81° 20' *5 W. Current observed since noon=N, 4*7 n.m. = 0*7 kt. 72 T Sounding ! Bottom temp. ■ 35 S 1 37°*4 F. I Therm. Hour. p.m. 6.57 8.0 9.1 10.43 11.40 MIDNT. A.M. 0.41 1.7 4.0 5.20 6.20 7.10 Sounding between Chorrillos and Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1893— contd. Sounding J Lat. 2° 24'*2 S 37 S \ Long. 81° 20' *5 W } 1115 fins. Lost tube. Moderate SW breeze. Fine and clear. Slight sea and swell from S’d. Bar. 30*030 (75° F.). Temp. 72°*2 F. dry, 70°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. Sounding 38 S Sounding 39 S { { Lat. 2° 26'*9 S 1 1919 fms. Lost 1123 fms. Long. 81° 27'*4 Wj of wire and tube. Lat. 2° 17'*9 S \ Long. 81° 24' *5 WJ 1717 fms. gn. m. Sighted St. Elena Lighthouse bearing N 82° E. Light SW breeze. Fine and clear. FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1893. fLat. 2° 9'*7 S J .... - Long. 81’ 21'-8w) 1176 fms ‘ ^- m - T Sounding , Bottom temp. "| fMax. 70°*8 F., • 40 S 1 36°*6 F. I Therm. J 8*84 mm. Surface temp, f No. 87859 | Min. 36°*6 F., C 72°*6F. J L 1*94 mm. Set on at reduced speed for anchorage in Santa Elena Bay. St. Elena Light bearing S 86° E. Current observed since 6*45 p.m. yesterday=N, 3*5 n.m.= 0*61 KT. Light S’ly breeze. Fine and clear. Increased engines to full speed. St. Elena Lighthouse bearing S, 2*5 n.m. distant. Let go starboard anchor in 9^ fms. in Santa Elena Bay. Draught J Forward 25' 0". of ship \ Aft 29' 0". f Cable House bearing S 31° W. Position < Lighthouse „ S 77° W. Lchepillo Point „ S 29° W. 73 - - AT SANTA ELENA, SOUNDING OFF SANTA ELENA. SS. “ SILVEBTOWN.” March 31st, 1893. 75 Hour. a.m. 7.20 7.29 7.30 8.0 8 10 8.45 9.50 10.0 10.3 10.55 11.25 11.26 11.30 AT SANTA ELENA. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1893 — contd. Lowered gig-, surf-boat, and port cutter, Natives appear to be opening out cable trench in front of Cable Hut. Messrs. J. Rymer -Jones and H. Kingsford left for Cable Hut in gig. Lowered steam-launch. Commenced loading cutter and surf-boat with electrical stores, provisions, and baggage for the Cable Hut. Calm. Fine and clear. Hot and sultry. Bar. 30-100 (76° F.). Temp. 75°-5 F. dry, 73°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 73°*3 F. Messrs. J. Schneider and F. W. A . Knight in surf -boat, and Mr. J. F. Lumsden with Jointer Skinner in cutter, left for Cable Hut. Messrs. Schneider and Knight will remain on shore for duty at the Cable Hut during the laying of the Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 68 F., main tank 68° F., after tank 68J° F. Put in steam-launch 5 wooden mark buoys, 5 50-lb. sinkers, and 60 fms. of 12-thread rope, Capt. Morton and Messrs. Lloyd and Combe left in steam- launch to select and mark with buoys a safe and suitable anchorage for ship to land Shore-Ends here. Mr. Lumsden returned with cutter and surf-boat, having landed stores at Cable Hut. Mr. J. Rymer-Jones on beach signalled, “ Send boat.” Capt. Morton and Messrs. Lloyd and Combe returned to ship. Steam-launch, with gig in tow, left for shore. All cable in tanks tested, with satisfactory results. 77 . At Santa Elena . s.s. “ silyertown; Hour. noon. P.M. 0.15 0.20 0.27 1.55 FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1893— contd. Light W by N breeze. Fine, clear and warm weather. Bar. 30*080 (78°F.) Temp. 80° F. dry, 75° F. wet. Sea surface 73° *5 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 70° F., main tank 69° F., after tank 70° F. Steam-launch and gig returned from shore with Messrs. J. Rymer- Jones and H. Kingsford, accompanied by four members of the Central & South American Telegraph Company’s staff at Santa Elena station (Messrs. T. J. Stannage, Gi. D. Hand, J. C. Everett, and J. Gr. Walsh), Mr. Rymer-Jones bringing off the following information (measurements taken by two of the Central & South American Telegraph Company’s staff) : — From brow of hill (position “A”) at Chepillo Point to Telegraph Officer 246 yds. 2 ft. From brow of hill (position “A”) at Chepillo Point to low water mark=66 yds. 2ft. From brow of hill (position “ A ”) at Chepillo Point to low water mark opposite Cable Hut =450 yds. From low water mark to Cable Hut=100 yds. The Central and South American Telegraph Company are now putting down three new land lines (Deep Sea type) between Cable Hut and Cable Office, length about 340 yds. (depth of trench =3| ft.), ready for the two new cables to be laid at this station. The trench for Shore-End has not yet been commenced. Sounding off Santa Elena. Hoisted up gig and commenced to heave up anchor Anchor up. Set on to take soundings to define the 100- fm. line off Santa Elena. Steam-launch left to anchor off Cable Hut till ship returns to the anchorage this evening. } 127 fms. Lat. 2° 5'*7 S Long. 81° 5'*5 W T Sounding J Bottom temp.") 41 S | 56°*7 F. | Surface temp. \ No. 87859 [ 73°-5 F. J ^ Commenced to lower moorings of mark buoy. 78 I Therm. gn. m. Max. 75°-7 F., 9*82 mm. Min. 56°-7 F., 7-50 mm. At Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 2.8 2.26 2.41 3.2 3.21 3.59 4.0 4.5 Sounding off Santa Elena — contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1893 —contd. Let go mark buoy 62 n. Observed current setting to the NE at about 1 kt. f White Patch bearing"! S 63° E. I Lat. 2° 5'*7 S. ighthouse bearing S 49° [Long. 81° 5''5 W. E, 8’5 n.m. distant. Moorings of buoy : — Position bridle. 20 fms. chain. 100 fms. 3" x 3" buoy rope. 23 fms. „ „ (side rope). 1 mushroom =2 cwt. 0 qrs. 5 lbs. Set on for position to take further soundings. Lighthouse bear- Sounding f Lat. 2° 6'-0 S \ 120 fms. 42 S \Long. 81°4'-6 Wj gn. m. Sounding f Lat. 2° 5'*6 S 43 S \Long.81°4'-9 W 1 95 fms. J / s. & m. | Sounding J Lat. 2° 5'-6 S 44 S \ Long. 81° 4'*8 W Sounding / Lat. 2° 3'*2 S ing S 48° E, 8*1 X n.m. distant. | Mark buoy 62n, L bearing N 67° W. ("Lighthouse bear- ing S 47° E. Buoy 62n bear- [_ ing S 89° W. ("Lighthouse bear- 1 95 fms. J ing S 47° E. J m. s. sh. ] Buoy 62n bear- L ing W. 45S“ & i Long! 81° 3 '^4 W } 99 fms ‘ & brk ' sh - Commenced to lower moorings of mark buoy. Let go mark buoy No. 61m. r Lighthouse bearing S 28° E Position White Spot bearing S 51° E l Lat. 2° 3' *2 S. Buoy 61m in line with buoy f Long. 81° 3'*4 W C 62n, bearing S 39° W J Moorings of buoy : — Y bridle. 20 fms. J" chain. 100 fms. 3" x 3" buoy rope. 23 fms. „ „ (side rope). 1 mushroom = 2 cwt. 0 qrs. 9 lbs. 79 At Santa Elena. 8.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Sounding off Santa Elena— contd. FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1893— contd. 4.34 4.58 Sounding J Lat. 2° 3'-5 S 1 66 fms. 46 S \ Long'. 81° 2'*9 W J grt. in. ^ i : ■ ■ 1 Sounding J Lat. 2° 2’-7 S 1 102 fms. J 47 S \ Long. 81° 2'-7 W J grt. m. ("Lighthouse bear- | ing S 27° E. ! Mark Buoy 61 m j bearingN33°W. | While Spot bear- [_ ing S 51J° E. '"Lighthouse bear- ing S 24° E. Buoy 61 m bear- . ing S 45° W. 5.5 Set on for anchorage off Cable Hut at Santa Elena. 6.0 Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : main tank 69^° F., after tank 70 J° F. : fore tank 70° F., 6.45 Steam-launch come alongside and was directed to find and stand by buoy put down this morning to mark ship’s anchorage for landing northern Shore-End. 7.10 Let go starboard anchor in 7\ fms. ; veered chain to 30 fms. near steam-launch at buoy. p ... J Cable Office bearing S 49° W. osi ion ^ Ligtaiuragg Hill bearing N 88° W (light obscured). 7.15 Steam-launch came alongside. 7.29 Messrs. Stannage, Hand, Everett, and Walsh, of the Central & South American Telegraph Company, left in gig, in tow of steam-launch, for shore. Mr. Stannage takes a telegram from Capt. Hunter to be forwarded to Silvergray, London. 8.0 Light SSW breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-050 (74°-6 F.). Temp. 73°-6 F. dry, 71°-2 wet. Sea surface 72°-6 F. 8 55 Steam-launch, with gig in tow, returned to ship, bringing on board Mr. E. H. Ripley, Superintendent of the cable office here, and Jointer Skinner. 9.45 Tests taken on Santa Elena Northern Shore-End, piece “ C,” in main tank, with satisfactory results, and the top end sealed ready for landing to-morrow morning. MID NT. Light W’ly breeze. Fine and clear. 80 SAN JUAN DEL SUE— SANTA ELENA SECTION. LANDING AND LAYING SANTA ELENA NORTH SHORE-END. LAYING SANTA ELENA NORTH HEAVY AND LIGHT INTERMEDIATES. BUOYING THE LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. Apkil 1st, 1893. 81 r Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. A.M. Landing Santa Elena North Shore-End. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893. 4.0 Light W’ly breeze. Fine and clear. Slight swell setting into the bay. 6.17 Captain Morton and Mr. Combe (Navigating Officer) left in steam-launch to sound to shoreward of ship, to see if it is possible to move ship nearer shore with safety. 6.25 Commenced loading surf -boat with two spider wheels, two sand anchors, chain, ropes, tools, and all gear required on the beach for the landing of Shore-End cable. 6.36 Messrs. P. Bates, S. C. Mote, and C. H. L. Cazalet with Tillyer (Foreman’s mate), Skinner (Jointer), and five cable hands left in surf-boat, containing Shore-End landing gear, for the beach in front of cable hut, Mr. Ripley, of the C. and S.A. Tel. Co., also left ship. 6.46 Commenced coiling hauling-off ropes in cutters. 6.56 Captain Morton and Mr. Combe returned to ship, having found an anchorage in fms. about two cables length nearer to shore. 7.10 Commenced to heave up anchor. 7.25 Anchor up. Set on slow to anchor nearer beach. 7.30 Surf-boat returned from the beach. Tests taken on the spliced sections of Shore-End, Heavy Intermediate and Light Intermediate, piece “ C ” in main tank, now about to be laid ; results satisfactory. 7.44 Let go starboard anchor in 6f fms., veered chain to 30 fms. Soundings round ship : forward, 6 j fms. ; amidships, 7 fms. ; aft, fms. 8.0 Calm. Fine and clear. Weather sultry. Slight swell. Bar. 30*050 (75° F.). Temp. 76°*5 F. dry, 73°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 69J° F. main tank 69° F., after tank 70° F. 8.20 Finished coiling hauling-off ropes in starboard cutter, viz. : 5 coils 4" white, 1 coil 4" tarred, 1 coil 4£" tarred, and 3 coils of 4^" white manilla rope. 83 f 2 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. Landing Santa Elena North Shore-End— contd. A.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893— contd. 8.36 Finished coiling hauling-off ropes in port cutter, viz. : 7 coils 4J" white and 3 coils of 5" white manilla rope. 9.10 Both cutters containing ropes for hauling-off lines, endless messenger, left in tow of steam-launch for the beach. 9.15 ; Cable hands on the beach are apparently digging trench for end of cable when landed. As the sun heats the sand on the beach considerably, instructions have been sent ashore to Mr. Bates to pour water over the sand in the trench before laying cable in it. 9.28 Observed port cutter land end of rope on the beach and start back in tow of steam-launch for the ship, paying out line on the way. 9.36 Observed native labourers assisting cable hands on the beach to open cable trench. 9.50 Hauled top end of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b/' piece “ C,” in main tank, along leads on main deck and three times round paying-out drum to stern sheave. 9.52 Port cutter arrived at ship’s stern and passed end of eighth rope from the beach inboard over stern sheave. 9.59 Bent 35 fms. of 4J" rope on to 2 fms. of the end of rope running from the beach to stern sheave and stoppered it along cable, making 37 fms. of rope stoppered on cable. Steam-launch and dingey left to pick up the three small wooden mark buoys put down yesterday to mark anchorage for ship. Seamen getting on board the two remaining coils of rope in port cutter. 10.12 Steam-launch and dingey now proceeding towards the beach. 10.26 End of rope from starboard cutter landed, and shackled on to the rope landed by port cutter on the beach. Cutter now started in tow of steam-launch for ship, paying out line on the way. 10.38 “ All ready” signal hoisted on the beach. 84 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. a.m. 10.50 10.56 11.0 11.3 11.7 11.24 11.27 I 11.29 11.38 11.39 11.45 11.46 11.47 | 11.48 | S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Landing Santa Elena North Shore-End— contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893— contd. Mr. Mote returned in steam-launch with starboard cutter and dingey in tow. End of the 9th rope from cutter passed inboard over port quarter and shackled on to a rope leading- from port picking-up drum, thus completing endless messenger between ship and shore. Commenced heaving in on messenger with port picking-up drum. Ship’s stern now swung round towards cable hut. Veered away on starboard anchor chain to 45 fms. End of Shore-End cable passed over ship’s stern with 1st balloon buoy attached. Rope forming messenger foul of its own bight near cable end. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Sent surf-boat away to underrun and clear ropes. Ropes now clear. Resumed heaving in on messenger. | Hailed surf-boat and told them to let go rope. Depth I at stern of ship=6 fms. Tide rising. Resumed paying out cable. Sent surf-boat away to follow end of cable ashore, to see that it runs clear of the bottom and rope forming messenger. Tide coming into the bay and setting messenger over cable. Connection of rope foul of rope on Cable End. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Surf- boat started to clear messenger again. Shore signalled, “ Send twelve men ashore to dig trench.” Surf -boat underrunning messenger, which appears to be clear. Resumed heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Surf-boat ceased underrunning messenger. Capt. Morton and Messrs. Lloyd and Combe left in steam- launch to put down a mark (torpedo) buoy with red flag in 6^ fms. to mark the Shore-End of the existing Santa Elena — Buenaventura Section, as it is arranged that the southern 85 Hour. A.M. 11.58 NOON. P.M. 0.20 0.38 0.45 0.48 3.0 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.42 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” Landing Santa Elena North Shore-End — contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893 — conta. Shore-End to be landed here to-morrow is to be laid between this northern cable the ship is now landing, and the northern- most cable already laid here. Surf -boat now T following Cable End ashore to see that it runs clear of messenger. Calm. Fine, bright, and clear. Bar. 30*030 (76° F.). Temp. 80° F. dry, 76*2° F. wet. Sea surface 75*8° F. Temperature in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 71° F., main tank 70J° F., after tank i71J° F. As the attention of those on shore cannot be attracted by hand signal flag, sent steam-launch and dingey ashore to ask Mr. Bates what labour he has there ( see message at 11.45 u.m.). Signalled to surf -boat to return to ship. Cable and rope, forming messenger, now running free; tide setting bight of the cable to the northward a little. Depth at stern of ship =38 feet. Lowered thermometer to within 2 ft. of the bottom and found the temp. = 69°*3 F. Steam-launch returned with surf-boat and dingey in tow. Mr. S. C. Mote to take photograph of cable line between ship and shore, and 10 seamen to assist in the digging of cable trench left in steam-launch for shore. Veered bower chain to 90 fms. All available balloon buoys (54) now on cable; tried buoying up bight of cable with empty beer casks, but as they failed, sent surf -boat and one of the cutters to hold up cable. End of cable reached beach. 1-147 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out from ship to beach, but cable takes a bend to the northward about midway between ship and shore. Shore hoisted danger signal. Stopped paying out on cable and heaving in on the messenger. 86 Hour. p.m. 1.44 1.57 2.20 2.26 2.35 2.50 3.36 3.37 3.53 Santa Elena — San Jv^an del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing Santa Elena North Shore-End — contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893— contd. Shore signalled, “ Enough cable on shore.” 1T86 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out from ship to Cable Hut — 1*147 n.m. =0*039 n.m. of Shore-End cable on the beach. ' Rocky Point and Cable House < 50° 53'. Left tangent of Lighthouse Hill and Cable Position House <[ 44° 44' 30". of ship ^ Left tangent of Lighthouse Hill bearing W. Cable Office bearing S 44^° W. Rocky Point bearing S 6° E. Lat. 2° 11*15 S. Long. 80° 57'*0 W. Distance from ship to spider wheel opposite Cable Hut by masthead angle (1° 30')= 1*16 n.m. Distance from spider wheel at high water mark to Cable Hut=215 ft. Distance between spider wheels =300 ft. Shore signalled, “Heave in line.” Shore signalled, “ Please send boat.” Capt. Hunter, Mr. H. Kingsford, and Mr. R. G. Wood left for shore in steam-launch with dingey in tow. Commenced to take balloon buoys off cable between ship and shore. Observed hands on the beach pouring water over the cable in the trench. Hands on the beach appear to be running cable up to Cable Hut. End of messenger came inboard with 5 balloon buoys attached. Commenced to heave in on anchor chain, and paying out on cable as necessary as ship moves up to anchor. 30 fms. of chain on starboard anchor now outboard, stopped heaving in on it. Ceased paying out cable. Observed steam-launch and boats returning from shore to ship. 4.0 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 4.28 4.32 4.58 5.0 5.12 5.13 5.15 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing Santa Elena North Shore-End— contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893.— contd. Capt. Hunter and Messrs. Kingsford, Bates, Mote, Wood, and Cazalet, and Dr. Toms, with the seamen and cable hands that have been working- on the beach to-day, returned to ship in steam-launch, which has both cutters, surf-boat, dingey, and 49 balloon buoys in tow. Messrs. Schneider and Knight, with Jointer Skinner, remaining on shore. All the Shore-End landing gear has been left on the beach ready for use to-morrow. The end of the cable has been run up into Cable Hut, with seal on the end, and all cable on the beach buried in a 4-feet trench. Capt. Hunter has arranged for a gang of native labourers to open up another trench to-night (as close to the trench dug to-day as is practicable without disturbing this Shore-End) ready for the southern Shore-End, which is to be landed to-morrow. Hoisted up surf -boat, and set about getting balloon buoys on board. Commenced to heave up anchor. Laying the Santa Elena North Shore-End. Commenced to pay out on cable according to strain. Steam-launch, with two cutters and dingey, to remain at this anchorage for the present. When dusk steam-launch to place a cutter, with lamp, at mark buoy put down this morning to mark the Shore-End of the Santa Elena— Buenaventura Section, and to place the second cutter, with lamp, at a mark buoy which ship will let go on getting underweigh. These lights will enable ship to anchor this evening in a position between the Shore-End laid to-day and the old northern Shore-End above named, ready for landing the Shore-End of the Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section to-morrow. Anchor at bows. Set on easy ahead=18 revs, per minute. Weight on brake levers=1380 lbs. (20 weights). Let go torpedo buoy, No. 80, with blue flag, moored with 15 fms. of ^-in. chain and 2 50-lb. sinkers, as a mark buoy for the cable now being laid. Increased ship’s engines to 22 revs, per minute. Ship steering N 47° E, by bearings of land. 88 Hour. p.m. 5.17 5.30 5.41 6.0 6.15 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Laying Santa Elena North Shore-End — contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893 -contd. Increased ship’s engines to 25 revs, per minute. 2-221 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from main tank, minus 1*186 n.m. = 1-035 n.m. of cable paid out from anchorage. Depth =9 fms. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 2-221 n.m. Drum=24-|- revs, per min. =4*5 kts. appx. Ship’s engines = 27 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =1380 lbs. Dynamometer =17 cwt. Strophometer=21 revs. Ship now making a curve round from N 47° E to N 40J° W. Lighthouse bearing S 73° W, 2-6 n.m. distant. Course made good from anchorage=N 47° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on N 47° E Course = 1-035 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on N 47° E Course = 1*0 N.M. Slack=3-5%. Position { Lat. 2° 10'-5 S. Long. 80° 56'-3 W. Ship on Course N 40^° W. 3*006 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from main tank, and laid from Santa Elena Hut. 1-820 n.m. of cable paid out from anchorage. Depth =9 fms. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on curve =0*785 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on curve =0*750 n.m. Slack=4-7%. Lighthouse bearing S 61° W, 3-1 n.m. distant. 'Lat. 2° 9'*8 S Position { Long. 80° 5 6' -2 W. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 4-389 n.m. 3*203 n.m. of cable paid out from anchorage. Patent log=, 1*2 N.M. Depth ±=12 fms. Drum=26 revs, per min.=4*6 kts. appx. Ship’s engines = 26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1380 lbs. Dynamometer = 17 cwt. Strophometer=22 revs. Light- house bearing S 34° W. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 70 F., mam tank 70° F., after tank 71° F. 89 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 6.30 6.36 6.50 6.55 7.5 S.S. “ SIL VERT OWN.” Laying Santa Elena North Shore-End— contd. SATUKDAY, APEIL 1st, 1893 —contd. 6*605 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. 3b, paid out from main tank, and laid from Santa Elena Hut, minus 1*186 n.m. =5*419 n.m. of cable paid out from anchorage. Patent log=3*l n.m. Depths 18 fms. Drum = 24 J revs, per min. =4*3 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1380 lbs. Dyna- mometer=17 cwt. Strophometer=21 to 25 re^s. Laying Santa Elena North Heavy Intermediate. SPLICE between Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” and Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” from main tank, passed off drum. 7*042 n.m. of Shore- End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=3*4 n.m. Depth =18 fms. Length by Factory measurement of Shore- End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ” . . . . =7*000 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Shore- End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” =7*042 „ Difference.. .. =0*042 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =7*000 n.m. 5*814 n.m. of Cable laid from Anchorage. Lighthouse bearing S 3° W, 4*5 n.m. distant. Position f Lat. 2° 6' *7 S. of splice \ Long. 80° 58'*7 W. Slowed ship’s engines to 20 revs, per min. Tests on cable now being laid very satisfactory, the end of the Light Intermediate in main tank handed over to jointer to seal. Laying Santa Elena North Light Intermediate. SPLICE between Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” and Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. 2, from main tank, passed off drum. 2*016 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=5*0 n.m. Depth =26 fms. 90 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Laying Santa Elena North Light Intermediate — contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893 —contd. Length by Factory measurement of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3 ” . . . . =1*990 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3” . . . . =2*016 „ Difference.. .. =0*026 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 8*990 n.m. Lighthouse bearing S 1 1 ° E. Position f Lat. 2° 5' *2 S. of splice \ Long. 81° 0'*0 W. Decreased ship’s engines to dead slow = about 18 revs, per min. Stopped ship’s engines. Approaching end of cable in main tank. Moving engines as required to ease out cable. Oabje running out slowly to strain=5 to 16 cwt. Patent log =5*4 n.m. Put engine of paying-out machine in gear, and paid out on cable. Bent port-quarter line on to cable on stern baulks, and paid out to it with engine. i | End of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. 2 (end of | piece “ C,” from main tank) passed off drum. 0*990 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. 2, I paid out from main tank. j Length by Factory measurement .. .. =0*990 n.m. | Length by Drum measurement . . . . =0*990 „ — Difference. . . . = Nil. | Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 9*980 n.m., | viz, ; — 91 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Buoying Santa Elena North Light Intermediate. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893— conld. Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b . =7*000 n.m. Heavy Intermediate, { Piece 3 or “ C ” from No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3 ’’=1*990 „ ” main tank. Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2 ” = 0*990 „ J 7.44 7.52 7.55 8.0 Total= 9*980 n.m. (=9*968 n.m. corrected ■ ■ — to 7.28 p.m., 16.4.93). Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, N 40^° W (made good N 39° W)= 6*974 (6*962 n.m. CORRECTED TO 7.28 P.M., 16.4.93) N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 40i° W= 6*700 n.m. Slack= 3*9°/ 0 . Set about bending mooring chain of buoy on to end of cable on stern baulks. Sounded in 29J fms. Let go end of cable attached to buoy 52b. Lighthouse bearing S 13° E, 6*7 n.m. distant. -p fLat. 2° 4'*6 S. Position -j^ong. 81° 0 ,- 35 W. Moorings of buoy : — 1 bridle. chain 1 20-fm. length 2 10 „ lengths §" 5 " ¥ 5 " 8 1 10 1 5 length stray. 1 mushroom =4 cwt. 1 qr. 16 lbs. Set on for anchorage off Santa Elena Cable Hut. Light W’ly breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Smooth sea. Bar. 29*984 (73° F.). Temp. 74°*5 F. dry, 72°*0 F. wet. Sea surface 72°*5 F. 8.45 Tests taken on the spliced sections of Shore-End, Heavy Intermediate, Light Intermediate, and Light Deep Sea cable (piece “ B ”) in after tank by Mr. J. Rymer-Jones, in the presence of Mr. Kingsford, with satisfactory resuls. This cable to be used to complete the Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. 92 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Buoying Santa Elena North Light Intermediate — contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1893 — contd. 9.36 9.47 10.10 Let go starboard anchor in 6 J fins, of water ; veered chain to 45 fms. Position f Tuft on Lighthouse Hill bearing S 80° W. \ Cable Office bearing S 19° W. Steam-launch came alongside, but left at once to bring boats back to ship. Steam-launch returned with both cutters and dingey in tow. Boats made fast to boom for the night. Top end of the Shore-End cable in after tank sealed, ready for landing to-morrow. LAYING THE SANTA ELENA— CHOBEILLOS SECTION. LANDING AND LAYING THE SANTA ELENA SOUTH SHORE-END. LAYING THE SANTA ELENA SOUTH HEAVY INTERMEDIATE. LAYING THE SANTA ELENA SOUTH LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. PAYING OUT MAIN CABLE FROM SANTA ELENA TO BUOY ON CHORRILLOS END. COMPLETION OF SECTION. April 2nd to April 7th, 1893. SANTA ELENA — CHOKRILLOS SECTION. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Landing the Santa Elena South Shore-End. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893. 4.0 Light WSW breeze. Fine, but overcast. Smooth sea. 5.50 Cable hands turned to and commenced coiling hauling-off ropes in cutters and fitting slips to balloon-buoys ready for use, in landing the Southern Shore-End. 6.15 Weighed anchor and set on for position about 2 cables length nearer shore, and about midway between the buoys put down yesterday to mark the Shore-End of the Santa Elena — Buenaventura Section and the Shore-End laid by ship yestesday. 6.35 Let go starboard anchor in 7jfms., veered chain to 30 fms. 7.12 Mr. Combe left in steam-launch to take soundings to shore- ward of ship. 7.16 Finished coiling hauling lines in cutters, viz. : 5 coils of 41" and 3 coils of 5 " in starboard cutter, and 5 coils of 4" and 3 coils of 41" in port cutter. 7.32 Mr. Combe returned to ship, having sounded and found sufficient water for ship to swing nearer beach. 7.50 Messrs. P. Bates, J. Rymer- Jones, and A. Fletcher, with Tillyer (Foreman’s raate), and 5 cable hands left in steam- launch for shore, taking cutters, containing hauling lines, and dingey in tow. 8.0 Light WSW airs. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-120 (74° F.). Temp. 73°-3 F. dry, 71°0 F. wet. Sea surface 72°-5 F. 8.15 Observed a gang of native labourers digging trench on the beach for Shore-End. 97 G Hour. a.m. 8.29 8.38 8.40 8.50 9.0 9.10 9.18 9.25 9.26 9.31 9*45 9.50 10.24 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Santa Elena South Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893— contd. Observed port cutter land end of rope on the beach and start back in tow of steam-launch for ship, paying out rope on the way. Port cutter arrived at ship’s stern and passed end of 8th rope running from the beach inboard, over port quarter, and along main deck to port picking-up drum. Hauled top end of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b” (piece B), in after tank up on deck, and three times round paying-out drum to stern baulks. Observed end of hauling-off rope landed from starboard cutter and shackled on to the end landed by port cutter, and hands on shore shifting one of the spider wheels. Starboard cutter and dingey in tow of steam-launch, left the beach for ship, paying out rope on the way. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 7\\° F., main tank 71° F., after tank 72° F. “ All ready ” signal hoisted on the beach. Starboard cutter arrived at ship’s stern and passed end of 7th rope inboard over stern sheave, thus completing endless messenger ( 1 5 ropes), between ship and shore. Bent end of messenger on to end of Shore -End cable on stern baulks. Steam-launch picked up the torpedo buoy with red flag, which was put down yesterday to mark the Shore-End of the Santa Elena — Buenaventura Section. Commenced to heave in on messenger with port picking-up drum. Ship now swung round, stern towards cable hut. Depth at stern of ship=6j fms. End or Shore-End cable passed over stern sheave with 1st balloon buoy attached. Shore signalled, “ Please send steam-launch with dingey.” 98 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. A.M. 10.28 10.52 10.58 11.10 11.20 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Santa Elena South Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 189 Z—conld. Captain Hunter and Mr. Kingsford left in steam-launch with dingey in tow for shore. 1st balloon buoy on beach. End of cable on shore. 0.9 19 n.m. of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from ship to beach Temp, at bottom, depth 6J fms.=70°*5 F. Shore signalled, “ Enough cable on shore.” Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. 1*006 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out from after tank minus 0*919 n.m. =0*087 n.m. of cable on beach, to reach cable hut. 49 balloon buoys on cable. Cable Office and left tangent of Lighthouse Hill < 60° O'. Cable Office and Rocky Point < 56° 16'. Jacinto Point and Rocky Point, < 17° 55'. Left tangent of Lighthouse Hill vertical <( angle 2° 6' = 1*5 n.m. Left tangent of Lighthouse Hill bearing N 89° W. Position of ship Cable Office bearing S 32° W. Rocky Point bearing S 24° E. Jacinto Point bearing S 43° E. Lat. 2° ll'*2 S. Long. 80° 57 -5 W. Distance by chart from ship to cable hut=0*9 n.m. Shore signalled, “ Take off balloons.” Port and starboard cutters, surf-boat and gig left ship to cast balloon buoys off cable. While going ashore this morning Mr. Rymer- Jones took the following temperatures : — At 5 fms. depth=71£° F., at water’s edge=72*°2 F. It is arranged that when the cable is laid in trench on beach, and instructions are given to cut the seal, the cable end will be permanently jointed to landline cable in Cable Hut, and shore will speak ship through the landline and cable from Cable Office. This morning, according to Mr. Rymer- Jones’ instructions, 107 a two-fathom length of core has been jointed on to the end of the northern Shore-End (landed yesterday) in the 99 g 2 Hour. A.M. 11.30 11.35 11.37 11.54 NOON. P.M. 0.17 0.37 0.38 0.40 0.43 1.6 1.30 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Santa Elena South Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893 — contd. hut, so as to give plenty of cable for use in the hut, viz., 2^ fms. Steam-launch left to pick up balloon buoys. Signalled to shore, “ Can we heave in line ? ” ; shore replied, “ Yes.” Laying the Santa Elena South Shore-End. Resumed heaving in on messenger. Steam-launch and port cutter with 27 balloon buoys came alongside. Light SW airs. Fine, but cloudy. Warm and sultry. Smooth sea. Bar. 30*080 (75° F.). Temp. 79° F. dry, 74°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 75° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 72° F., main tank 71° F., after tank 72° F. Steam-launch left for shore with all visitors and sundry provisions for cable hut. End of rope which formed messenger came inboard. Hoisted up port cutter. Surf -boat came alongside with 1 2 balloon buoys. Gig came alongside with the remainder of balloon buoys (10). Signalled to shore, “ Cut seal, make joint ; when finished call ship on mirror.” Shore replied, “ Making joint.” Natives on beach filling in cable trench, and cable hands putting spider wheels and other gear, that has been in use on the beach, in starboard cutter. Shore signalled, “ Look out for call on mirror fifteen minutes.” Clocks put on ten minutes, equal to about half the difference 1 in time between this and Callao, for cable time. 100 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section, Hour. p.m. 1.52 2.14 3.2 3.4 3.9 3.12 3.16 3.18 3.30 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Laying the Santa Elena South Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893— contd. Spoke shore on mirror instrument. Put another turn of cable round drum, making- 4 in all. Steam-launch, with cutter and dingey in tow, came along- side, bringing on board Capt. Hunter, and Messrs. Bates, Kingsford, and Fletcher, with Jointer Skinner, Tillyer (Fore- man’s mate), and the cable hands who have been working on the beach. All spider wheels, sand anchors, chain, and other gear that has been in use on the beach brought on board. The Shore-End landed to-day has been run into cable hut (about 3 fms. of the end in hut), and the cable on the beach well buried in a trench (close alongside the trench which contains the Shore-End landed yesterday) of about 4 ft. in depth to water’s edge. Set about getting gear on board and hoisting up all boats, &c., ready for putting to sea. Commenced to heave up anchor. r» i i n i • f Forward 24' 10". Draught of ship g „ Put engine of paying-out machine out of gear. Weight on brake levers = 1395 lbs. (20 weights). Dynamometer =40 cwt. (using scale which allows for 100 lbs. in counterpoise box). Cable started running out slowly to strain. Anchor aweigh. Set on slow ahead. Course N 32° E. Anchor at bows. Laying the Santa Elena South Intermediates. Increased ship’s engines to 25 revs, per min. 1-820 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from after tank. 1-006 n.m. =0-814 n.m. of cable, laid from anchorage. Patent log=0*6 n m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 1-820 n.m. Depth=9 fms. 101 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 3.45 4.0 4.28 S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” Laying the Santa Elena South Intermediates— contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893 — contd. Drum = 22 J revs, per min. = 3-8 kts. appx. Ship’s engines=25 revs, per min. Weight on break levers=1395 lbs. Dynamometer = 16 cwt. Strophometer=20 to 22 revs. 2-913 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from after tank, and laid from Santa Elena Hut, minus 1-006 n.m.= 1-907 n.m. of cable laid from anchorage Patent log=l*7 n.m. Depths 10 fms. Changed Course to N 60° W. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, N 32° E = 1-907 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 32° E= 1-850 n.m. Slack= 3-0°/ o . Lighthouse bearing S 49° W. Cable House bearing S 14° W. Position f Lat. 2° 9'-5 S. \Long. 80° 57'-4 W. Light SW by W airs. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Slight SW swell. Bar. 29-980 (76° F.). Temp. 79° F. dry, 75° F. wet. Sea surface 74° F. 3 973 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=2-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 3*973 n.m. Depth = 12 fms. Drum =25 revs, per min. =4-4 kts. Ship’s engines =25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer=15 to 13 cwt. Strophometer=21 to 23 revs. Laying the Santa Elena South Heavy Intermediate. SPLICE between Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec.“ 3b,” and Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” from after tank, passed off drum. 6-048 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=4-7 n.m. 102 Hour. p.m. 4.30 5.0 5.13 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SIL VERTOWN.” Laying the Santa Elena South Heavy Intermediate — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893— contd. Length by Factory measurement . . .. = 6*000 n.m. Length by Drum measurement .. .. =6*048 „ Difference .. .. .. =0*048 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 6*000 n.m. Depth =18 fms. Lighthouse bearing S 13° E. Cable House bearing S 24J° E. Position f Lat. 2° 8'*1 S. of splice \ Long. 80° 59'*9 W. Strain fell to 8^ cwt. on splice passing out. Changed Course to N 67° W. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, N 60° W= 3*087 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 60° W=2*900 n.m. Slack=6*4°/ 0 - 0*143 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3, paid out from after tank. Patent log=4*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 6*143 n.m. Depth=18 fms. Drum=26 revs, per min. = 4*5 kts. Ship’s engines=25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 8J cwt. Strophometer=22 to 25 revs. 2*505 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,’' paid out from after tank. Patent log=6*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 8*505 n.m. Depth =26 fms. Drum =27 revs, per min. =4*5 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake Ievers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer=8 cwt. Strophometer=22 to 27 revs. Laying the Santa Elena South Light Intermediate. SPLICE between Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3,” and Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” from after tank, passed off drum. 103 Hour. p.m. 5.30 5.37 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Laying the Santa Elena South Light Intermediate — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893 — contd. 3-492 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =7 *6 n.m. Length by Factory measurement . . . . =3-490 n.m. Length by Drum measurement .. .. =3-492 „ Difference .. .. .. =0-002 n.m. Total Cable Laid from Santa Elena Hut =9 490 n.m. Depth =35 fms. Changed Course to N 80° W. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, N 67° W (made good N 67° W)=3-490 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 67° W=3-350 n.m. Slack=4-2°/ 0 . Lighthouse bearing S 43° E. White Patch bearing S 65^° E. Position fLat. 2° 6' -7 S. of splice \Long. 81° 2' -95 W. 1-413 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=8*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 10*903 n.m. Depth =90 fms. Drum=27-J revs, per min.=4-8 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer=5f cwt. Strophometer=28 revs. Paying out Light Deep Sea. SPLICE between Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” and Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” from after tank passed off drum. 1-969 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=9*3 n.m. Length by Factory measurement of Light Intermediate .. .. .. . „ =1’990n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Light Intermediate .. .. .. .. =1-969 n.m. Difference •• .. =0-021 n.m. 104 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 6.0 6.30 6.35 7.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 11*480 n.m. Depth=120 fms. Changed Course to S 83° W. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, N 80° W (made good N 80° W)= 1*990 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 80° W= 1*850 n.m. Slack=7*5%. Mark Buoy 62n bearing N 43° W. Position (Lat. 2° 6' *3 S. of splice (Long. 81° 4' *8 W. 1*768 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=10’8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 13*248 n.m. Depth =200 fms. Drum=27-|- revs, per min. = 4*8 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer =4^ cwt. Strophometer=23 to 27 revs. 4*001 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =12*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 15*481 n.m. Depth =300 fms. Drum = 25 J revs, per min. = 4*48 kts. Ship’s engines =25^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer =4| cwt. Strophometer=23 revs. Lighthouse bearing S 67° E. 6*364 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=14*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena ILut= 17*844 n.m. Depth =380 fms. Drum=27j revs, per min. =4*8 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer=(lifting). Strophometer=25 revs. 8*718 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=16*9 n.m. 105 7.30 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour 7.38 8.0 8.18 8.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End. — contd. SUNDAY APRIL 2nd, 1893 ^-contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=20T98 n.m. Depth =450 fms. Drum=27^ revs, per min. = 4-8 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1395 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophometer=25 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 847 lbs. Light SW breeze. Fine, but overcast. Calm sea, with slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30T00 (77° F.). Temp. 74° F. dry, 72°-3 F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. 11-273 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=19-0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=22*753 n.m. Depth = 600 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min. = 5-1 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =847 lbs. Dyna- mometer =5 cwt. Strophometer=26 to 27 revs. Position : Santa Elena Lighthouse bearing S 78° E. Decreased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs. 12*894 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =20*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 24-374 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Changed Course to S 29° W. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 83° W (made good S 84° W)= 12-894 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 83° W=ll-775 n.m. Slack =9-5°/ 0 . Santa Elena Lighthouse bearing S 80° E. 13-827 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=21*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 25-307 n.m. Depth = 900 fms. 106 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour p.m. 8.35 9.0 9.25 9,30 9.33 10.0 10.4 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893 — contd. Drum =29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines =26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=5 to 5^ cwt. Strophometer=24 to 26 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 28 revs, per min. 16-534 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=23*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 28*014 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum = 30^ revs, per min. = 5-37 kts. Ship’s engines=28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =3^ cwt. Strophometer=28 to 30 revs. Put brakes down a little, and brought strain up to 7 cwt, 19*433 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =28*3 n.m. (corrected for ll°/ o too slow since leaving anchorage). Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 30*913 n.m. Depth= 1 050 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. = 5*8 kts. Ship’s engines =28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7 cwt. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs., and brought strain up to 9 cwt. 22-122 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=30*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 33-602 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min. = 5-6 kts. Ship’s engines=29 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=8-6 cwt. Strophometer=28 to 30 revs. 22-528 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=31-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=34 008 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Changed Course to S 9J 0 W. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 29° W (made good S 29 W)= 9-634 n.m. 107 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. P.M. 10.6 10.30 11.0 11.28 11.30 11.33 11.51 MIDNT. S.S. “ SIL VERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893 — contd. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 29° W=8*750 n.m. Slacks 10-1°/ . o - + . f Lat.°2° 14' *2 S. Position | Long gl o 20 ,. Q w _ Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. 24*947 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs33*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 36*427 n.m. Depth 1200 fms. Drums 32 revs, per min. = 5*63 kts. Ship’s engines=29^- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =8 to 8^ cwt. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. 27*931 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=36*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=39*411 n.m. Depths 1200 fms. Drums 33 J revs, per min.=5*88 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers— 126 lbs. Dyna- mometers 8| cwt. Strophometers29 to 32 revs. Put brakes down a little, and raised strain to between 9 and 10 cwt. 30-896 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =38*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 42*376 n.m. Depths 1200 fms. Drums33-|- revs, per min. = 5*9 kts. Ship’s enginess 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometers 10*1 cwt. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 32 revs, per min. Light SW breeze. Fine, but overcast. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*140 (75° F.). Temp. 72° F. dry, 70°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 71°*8 F. 34*004 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =41*5 n.m. 108 Hour. A.M. 0.30 1.0 1.30 1.33 1.34 2.0 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Bu'oy on Chorrillos End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1893 — contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=45*484 n.m. Depth=1250 fms. Drum =36 revs, per min. = 6-34 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- moter=9 cwt. Strophometer=31 to 35 revs. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893. 37*182 N.M.of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. See. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =44*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=48*662 n.m. Depth = 1300 fms. Drum=36 revs, per min.=6*34 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =426 lbs. Dyna- mo me ter =10 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 40*301 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235 pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=47*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=51*781 n.m. Depth =1340 fms. Drum =35 revs, per min. = 6*16 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =10 cwt. Strophometer=33 revs. 43*456 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=50*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=54*936 n.m. Depth=1350 fms. Drum=35^ revs, per min.=6*2 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer =10 cwt. Strophometer=31 to 33 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. Increased ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 46*843 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. M 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =53*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=58*323 n.m. Depth = 1350 fms. Drum =38 revs per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 10-^ cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. 109 Santa Elena — Cliorrillos Section . Hour. A.M. 2.30 3.0 3.30 3.41 4,0 4.30 S.S. “S1LVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — cuntd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. 50*150 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=56*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=61*630 n.m. Depth =1370 fms. Drum=37-^ revs, per min. = 6*56 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer =10J cwt. Strophometer=32 to 35 revs. 53*419 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=59*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 64*899 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min.=6*51 kts. Ship’s engines=35^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1^ cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 56*730 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent Iog=62*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=68*210 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=37-| revs, per min. = 6*56 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=32 to 35 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. Light SW breeze. Pine, but overcast. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*030 (74° F.). Temp. 70°*2 F. dry, 70°*0 F. wet. Sea surface 71°*0 F. 60*046 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=66*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 71*526 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=37J revs, per min.= 6*56 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=32 to 35 revs. 63*304 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =69*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 74*784 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. 110 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 4.45 5.0 5.30 S.S. “ SLLVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. Drum =37 revs, per min. =6*5 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. SPLICE in Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, between pt. Sec. “ 10” and Sec. “ 6 ” from after tank passed off drum. 64*884 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from after tank. Length by Factory measurement of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” . . =64*979 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10” . . . . =64*884 „ Difference.. .. =0*095 n.m. Patent log=71*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 76*459 n.m. Depth=1400 fms. Position fLat. 2° 51'* 1 S. of splice \ Long. 81° 29'*1 W. 1*545 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=72 8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =78*004 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum =35^ revs, per min. = 6*24 kts. Ship’s engines =34^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 4*796 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6” paid out from after tank. Patent log=75*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=81*255 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum = 38 revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer =11 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 8*145 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6” paid out from after tank. Patent log=79*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =84*604 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=37j revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. Ill Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 6.30 6.43 7.0 7.30 8.0 8.13 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. Daylight now, but sky overcast; stellar observations impracticable. 11*464 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=82*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=87*923 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min.=6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. Commenced to pump water out of forward ballast tank. 14*801 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. u 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=86*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=91*260 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min.=6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 18*156 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=89*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 94*615 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum = 38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=35^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. Light SSW wind. Fine, but overcast, with squally appear- ance and slight rain at times. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*130 (72° F.). Temp. 70°*2 F. dry, 69°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 70°*5 F. 21*566 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=92*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 98*025 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. =7*0 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 11 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 23*031 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1 235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =93*6 n.m. 112 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. IIOUR. A.M. 8.30 8.45 9.0 9.30 10.0 10.29 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =99*490 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Position by f Lat. 3° 17'*0 S by Acct. observations \ Long. 81° 32*9 W by Chron. Approximate. 25*041 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=95*8 n m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 101*500 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min =7*0 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =10 cwt. Strophometer=34 to 36 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 28*405 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=99*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 104*864 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min.=6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer 11 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 31*859 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 102*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 108*318 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. =7 *04 kts. Ship’s engines =35-^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10J cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 35*270 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 105*8 f.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 111*729 n.m Depth =1400 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min =7*04 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. 113 H Hour. a.m. 10.30 11.0 11.30 NOON. P.M. 0.15 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.’' Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. 38-639 N.M. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 108*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena ITut= 115*098 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. , Drum = 38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1 cwt. Strophometer=34 to 36 revs. 42*005 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 112*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 118*464 n.m. Depth = 1400 fms. Drum=39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s eugines = 35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10Jj cwt. Strophometer=35 to 36 revs. 45*407 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 115*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=121*866 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. =7*0 kts. Ship’s engines=35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 1 0 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. (Engineer’s time.) Light S by W breeze. Fine, but very cloudy. Slight sea and swell from S’d. Bar. 30*100 (73° F.). Temp. 69*8° F. dry, 69° F. wet. Sea surface 69*6° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : Fore tank 71° F., main tank 70 F. 48*779 n.m. of Light ueep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 118*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 125*238 n.m. Depth=1400 fms. Drum =39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer =10*4 cwt. Strophometer=34 to 36 revs. (Noon by observations.) 50*439 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank + 64*979 n.m.= 115*418 n.m. of Light Deep Sea cable laid. Patent log= | 120*5 n.m. 114 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 0.30 0.45 1.0 1.30 j S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893 — contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 126*898 n.m Depth=1400 fms. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, laid from Santa Elena Cable Hut= 126*898 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, from Santa Elena Cable Hut= 113*439 n.m. Slack =11 -86°/ 0 . Course made good since 10.4 p.m. yesterday=S 13 W. Cable, by Indciator, paid out since 10.4 p.m. yesterday = 92-890 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground =82-064 n.m. Slack=13T°/ 0 . Position by f Lat. 3° 34' -7 S. observations \Long-. 81° 37'*3 W. Current observed since 10.4 p.m. yesterday=N 38° W, 11-8 N.M. = 0*83 KT. 52-233 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 122T n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 128*692 n.m. Depth =1500 fms. Drum=39 revs, per min. = 6-86 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10 cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 55*750 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No.. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 125*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena IIut= 132*209 n.m. Depth=1500 fms. Drum = 39 J revs, per min.=6'9 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1 cwt. Strophometer=34 to 37 revs. 59-199 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 129*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 135*658 n.m. Depth=1550 fms. Drum = 39 J revs, per min. = 6*9 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 115 h 2 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 2.0 2.6 2.12 2.30 3.0 3.30 3.33 3.38 3.40 4.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893 — contd. 62-635 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 132*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =139*094 n.m. Depth =1600 fms. Drum =39 revs per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines =36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1*5 cwt. Stropho meter =35 to 37 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. >> » » 634 „ 66*125 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 135*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 142*584 n.m. Depth = 1700 fms. Drum = 39 J revs, per min. = 6*9 kts. Ship’s engines = 36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =634 lbs. Dyna- mometer =12 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 69*474 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 139*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =145*933 n.m. Depth = 1700 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines= 36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =6 34 lbs. Dyna- mometer =13 cwt. Slrophometer=35 revs. 72*849 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 142*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 149*308 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. Drum =38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines = 36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =634 lbs. Dyna- mometer 13 cwt. Strophometer=33 to 36 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 40 revs, per min. Decreased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. „ 497 „ Light S by W breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Slight sea and swell from the S’d and W’d. 116 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN” Hour. p.m. 4.15 4.19 4.30 4.37 5.0 5.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. Bar. 30*020 (72° F.). Temp. 71°*5 F. dry, 69°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 69°*5 F. 76*592 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 146*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 153*051 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s englnes= 39 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 49 7 lbs. Dy na- mometer=ll*5 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. Increased „ „ „ 497 ,, 80*183 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 151*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 156*642 n.m. Depth=1700 fms Drum=40^- revs, per min. = 7*1 kts. Ship’s engines = 40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer =11*5 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 80*983 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 151*8 n.m. Total Cable iaid from Santa Elena Hut =157*442 n.m Depth =1700 fms. Position by J Lat. 4° 6'-5 S \ aD „ rox ; mate observations \ Long. 81“ 41'-9 W j ^proximate. 83*958 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 154*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 160*417 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. Drum = 42 J revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer=lli cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. 87*836 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 158*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 164*295 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. 117 Hour. p.m. 5.42 6.0 6.11 6.30 6.38 Santa Fieri a — Chorvillos Section. S.S. “ S1LVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. Drum = 43 J revs, per min. =7*6 kts. Ship’s enginess40 revs, per min. Weight on brake leverss497 lbs. Dyna- mometers 1 1 J cwt. ■ Strophometers 38 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. 91-649 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs 162*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 168 *108 n.m. Depths 1700 fms. Drums43 revs, per min. s 7*56 kts. Ship’s enginess40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers s 5 68 lbs. Dyna- mometers 11 -5 cwt. Strophometers38 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72° F., main tank 71° F. Increased weight on brake levers to 634 lbs. 95*381 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logsl66*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 171*840 n.m. Depths 1700 fms. Drums43 revs, per min.s7*56 kts. Ship’s enginess40 revs, per min. Weight on brake leverss634 lbs. Dyna- mometers 13 cwt. Strophometers 35 to 37 revs. 96*364 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235., Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logsl67*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 172*823 n.m. Depths 1700 fms. D . 4 . , . f Lat. 4°13'*0S 1 . , Position by stars j LorJg> gl „ 3g ,. 4 w j approximate. Current observed since noon—N 50° W, 10*9 n.m.s1*6kts. 98*912 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs 170*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut si 75 *371 n.m. Depth ±=1700 fms. Drums 40 revs, per min. s 7*0 kts. Ship’s engines s 39 revs, per min. Weight on brake leverss634 lbs. Dyna- mometers^ cwt. Strophometers 37 revs. 118 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.’ Hour. p.m. Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893 —contd. 7 3Q 102*602 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 173*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 179*061 n.m. Depths 1700 fms. Drum =42 revs, per min. = 7*39 kts. Ship's engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=634 lbs. Dyna- mometer =13 cwt. Strophometer=40 revs. 8.0 Light E’ly breeze. Fine, bright and clear. Moderate S’ly swell. Bar. 30*100 (72° F.). Temp. 68° F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 67° F. 106*009 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. u 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 177*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 182*468 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. Drum =39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines=:35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=634 lbs. Dyna- mometer =13 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 8.12 Increased weight on brake levers to 703 lbs. 8.30 109*350 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=180*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 185*809 n.m. Depth=1700 fms. Drum=88 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=703 lbs. Dyna- mometer =14 cwt. Strophometer=39 revs. Note. — During the last hour ship’s engines were decreased gradually to 35 revs, per min. for engine-room purposes, and then increased to the required speed, viz.: 40 revs. During the last half-hour the drum has averaged 38 revs, per min., but is now running at 42 revs, per min. 9.0 113*200 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 184*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 189*659 n.m. Depth = 1700 fms. Drum=44 revs, per min.=774 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per mim. Weight on brake Ievers=703 Ids. Dyna- mometer=13 cwt. St,rophometer=38 to 41 revs. 119 Santa Elena— Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. 9.1 MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893— contd. Increased weight on brake levers to 774 lbs. 9.20 115*823 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 186*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 192*282 n.m. Depths 1700 fms. Patent logs now reset. Changed Course to S 32° E. Course made good since noon=S 3° W. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out since noon= 65*384 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground since noon= 59*000 n.m. Slack=10*8°/ . ^ ... fLat.°4° 34'*0 S. Position | Long ._ 8r 40 -. 0 w 9.30 116*889 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=l*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =193*348 n.m. Depth =1720 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. =7*04 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =774 lbs. Dyna- mometer=13J to 14 cwt. Slrophometer=37 revs. 10.0 120*582 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =4*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 197*041 n.m. Depth =1800 fms. Drum =43 revs, per min. = 7*56 kts. Ship’s engihes=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =774 lbs. Dyna- mometer =14 cwt. Strophometer=36 to 39 revs. 10.13 Increased weight on brake levers to 845 lbs. 10.30 124*263 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=8*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 200*722 n.m. Depth=1750 fms. Drum =41 revs, per min. = 7*22 kts. Ship’s engines =40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=845 lbs. Dyna- mometer— .13 to 14 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. 120 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 11.0 11.30 MIDNT. A.M. 0.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1893 —contd. 128*029 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. *‘ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs 11*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 2 04*488 n.m. Depths 1750 fms, Drum = 41 revs, per min. = 7*22 kts. Ship’s engines=40l revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =845 lbs. Dyna- mometers 14 cwt. Strophometer=39 revs. Changed Course to S7|° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 32° E (made good S 19° E)= 12*206 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 32° E= 11*500 n.m. Slacks 6* l°/ o . fLat. 4° 45'-0 S. Position \ Long. 81° 36' *3 W. 131*825 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=15*6 n.m. Total ( 'able laid from Santa Elena Huts 208*284 n.m. Depth si 700 fms. Drum=43 revs, per min.=7*57 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 845 lbs. Dyna- mometers 14 cwt. Strophometer=38 to 40 revs. Light S by E airs. Fine, but cloudy. Slight sea and swell from S’d and W’d. Bar. 30*120 (71° F.). Temp. 68°*5 F. dry. 68° F. wet. Sea surface 67°*3 F. 135*639 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs 19*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 212*098 n.m. Depths 1500 fms. Drums 42 revs, per min. = 7*39 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=845 lbs. Dyna- mometerslS^ cwt. Strophometer=39 to 41 revs. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893. 139*302 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=22*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=215*761 n.m. 121 Santa Elena — Chon illos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 0.38 1.0 1.7 1.13 1.30 1.38 2.0 2.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, A PHIL 4th, 1893— contd. Depths 1450 fms. Drum = 41 J revs, per min. = 7*28 kts. Ship’s engines = 41f- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=845 lbs. Dyna- mometer=15 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. ' Decreased weight on brake levers to 639 lbs. 142*880 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 26*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=219*339 n.m. Depth = 1350 fms. Drum=40j revs, per min. = 7*l kts. Ship’s engines= 41^ revs, per miri. Weight on brake levers=639 lbs. Dyna- mometer =13 cwt. Strophometer=37 to 38 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. 55 V » ^ 9 / 55 146*509 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=29*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=222*968 n.m. Depth=1250 fms. Drum=41 revs per min.=7*2 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =497 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll*5 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. 150*157 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=33*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 226*61 6 n.m. Depth =1250 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min. = 7*2 kts. Ship’s engines=41^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer 10*5 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. 153*874 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=37*0 n.m. Total (Able laid from Santa Elena Hut= 230*333 n.m. Depth=1200 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. = 7*39 kts. Ship’s engines=41i revs, per min. Weight, on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer 10 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. 122 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos a.m. End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893— contd. 3.0 3.30 4.0 157*555 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=40*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=234*014 n.m. Depths 120u fms. Drum=41j revs, per min. = 7*28 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. 161*251 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =44*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 237*710 n.m. Depth= 1150 fms. Drum=41^r revs, per min. = 7*28 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. Calm, fine, but overcast and cloudy. Slight S’ly sea and swell. Bar. 30*050 (71° F.). Temp. 68° F. dry, 67° F. wet. Sea surface 68° F. 164*894 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =47 *4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=241*353 n.m. Depth=l 150 fms. Drum = 41 revs, per min. = 7*2 kts. Ship’s engines=40^- revs. per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 ibs. Dyna- mometer^ 0 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. During this watch it appears, by the lead of the cable, that the ship has been set slightly to the Eastward. 4.30 168*581 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=51*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 245*040 n.m. Depth = 1150 fms. . Drum=41^ revs, per min. = 7*25 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 426 lbs* Dyna- mometer =10 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. 5.0 172*333 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=54*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=248*792 n.m. Depth = 1200 ims. 123 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour A.M. 5.12 5.30 5.57 5.58 6.0 6.8 6.30 6.35 7.0 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End— contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893— contd. Drum =42^ revs, per min. = 7*5 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10 cwt. Strophometer=40 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 176*155 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=58*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=252*614 n.m. Depth=1250 fms. Drum =43 revs, per min. = 7*5 6 kts. Ship’s engines= 4 Gi- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers— 49 i lbs Dyna- mometer = 10J cwt. Strophometer= 40 revs. 179*598 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=60*5 n.m Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =256*057 n.m. Depth =1300 fms. Increased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. 180*039 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=61*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 256*498 n.m. Depth =1300 fms. Drum=44 revs, per min. = 7*74 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. Strophometer=41 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 634 lbs. 183*877 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=65*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 260*336 n.m. Depth=1300 fms. Drum =43^ revs, per min. = 7*6 kts. Ship’s engines =40j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =634 lbs. Dyna- mometer=lli cwt. Strophometer=40 revs. Bearings { Pisura Point S 64° E. False Point S 42° E. 187*649 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. ‘* 6,’' paid out from after tank. Patent log=68*4 n.m. 124 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 7.1 7.28 7.30 8.0 8.10 8.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 — contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=264*108 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum=42^ revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =634 lbs. Dyna- inometer=10J cwt. Strophometer=40 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. 191*357 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =7 1*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =267*816 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum— 42 revs, per min. = 7*39 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometers 10 cwt. Strophometer=39 revs. Calm. Fine, bright and clear. Smooth sea, with moderate S’ly swell. Bar. 30*100 (71° F.). Temp. 68*8° F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 68*2° F. 195*032 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=75*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=271*491 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum =41^ revs, per min. = 7*21 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72° F., main tank 71^° F. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. 198*866 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=78*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =275*325 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. =7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=9 to 10 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. 125 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.0 9.8 9.30 10.0 10.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 —contd. 202 709 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tauk. Patent log=81*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =279*168 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum=43£ revs, per min. = 7*6 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer =9^- cwt. Strophometer=40 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 206*493 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=85*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=282*952n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum =43 revs, per min. = 7*56 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer=ll cwt. ~Strophometer=39 revs. 210*310 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=88*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena. Hut=286*769 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum=43 revs, per min. = 7*56 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =497 lbs. Dyna- mometer 11 cwt. Strophometer=38 to 41 revs. Changed Course to S 19° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 7 E (made good S 81° E)=82*281 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 71° E=79*800 n.m. Slack=3*1°/ 0 . t, ... / Lat. 6° 4'*0 S. Position | Loug . gl . 25 .. 0 w _ 214*123 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =92*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=290*582 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum =42 revs, per min. =7*4 kts. Ship’s engines =41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer^ 1^ cwt. Strophometer=38 to 41 revs. 126 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. 10.40 TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 — contd. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. 10.45 11 r 355 „ 10.50 n n ii *-84 ,, 10.58 ii ii ii 213 „ 11.0 217*872 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs95'5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =294*331 n.m. Depths about 1000 fms. Drums43 revs, per min.s7*57 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake leverss213 lbs. Dyna- mometers 10 cwt. Strophometer=38 to 41 revs. 11.11 Decreased weight on brake levers to 142 lbs. 11.30 221*556 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =99*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=298*015 n.m. Depths 1000 fms. Drums42 revs, per min.s7*36 kts. Ship’s enginess40J revs, per min. Weight on brake leverssl42 lbs, Dyna- mometersO cwt. Strophometers37 revs. NOON. (Engineer’s time.) Calm, fine and clear. Moderate swell from S’d and E’d. Ship pitching slightly. Bar. 30*070 (72° F.). Temp. 71°8 F. dry, 70° F. wet. Sea surface 71° *5 F. 225*349 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logsl02*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 301 -808 n.m. Depths 1000 fms. Drums43 revs, per min.s7*56 kts. Ship’s enginess40-J- revs, per min. W 7 eight on brake leverssl42 lbs. Dyna- mometers 9^ cwt. Strophometers38 to 41 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72-J° F., main tank 72° F. P.M. 0.12 (Noon by observations.) 226*988 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logs 104 N.M. 127 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 0.15 0.30 0.40 0.44 1.0 1.12 1.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 — contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts303*447 n.m. Depths 1000 fms. Cable, by Indicator, paid out since observed noon YESTERDAYS 176*549 N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, since observed noon YESTERDAYS 166*300 N.M. Slacks 6*16 °/ 0 . Position by f Lat. 6° 19'*8 S. observations { Long-. 81° 19 '*2 W. Current observed since 6.40 p.m. yesterdaysS 50° W T 9*8 n.m. s 0*56 KT. Increased weight on brake levers to 213 lbs. 229*251 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logsl05*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 305*710 n.m. Depths 1100 fms. Drums 44 revs, per min. s 7*74 kts. Ship’s enginess41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers s 2 13 lbs. Dyna- mometers 8 cwt. Strophometers37 to 41 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 355 lbs. 55 5 ) 55 426 „ 233*118 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. M 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logsl09*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hdts309*577 n.m Depths 1300 fms. Drum s 43 J revs, per min. s 7*6 kts. Ship’s engines s 40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers s 42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometersg cwt. Strophometers37 to 40 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 237*023 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent logsll2*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Huts 313*482 n.m. Depths 1200 fms. Drums44^ revs, per min.s7*8 kts. Ship’s enginess40J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers s 49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometers 8J cwt. Strophometers37 to 40 revs. 128 Santa Elena — Cliorrillos Section . Hour. p.m. 2.0 2.20 2.28 2.30 2.46 3.0 3.16 3.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 —contd. 240-880 n.m. of Light Deep Sea. No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=116-0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=317'34S n.m. Depths 1150 fms. Drum=43j revs, per min.=7-6 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=38 to 41 revs. Sighted Island of Lobos de Tierra, bearing N 73° E. Decreased weight on brake levers to 426 lbs. 244-670 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 119-4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=321T29 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum =42^ revs, per min.=7’45 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 355 lbs. 248-389 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 8,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 122-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 324*848 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=355 lbs. Dyna- mometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs. 251-986 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 126-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=328*445 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum =40J revs, per min.=7-l kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =8 cvct. Strophometer=37 revs. Light S by E breeze, fine and clear. Moderate S’ly sea and swell. Ship pitching slightly. Bar. 29-960 (72° F.). Temp. 74°-5 F. dry, 71°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 71°*5 F. 129 i Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 4.10 4.30 4.35 4.50 4.52 5.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 —contd. 255*546 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 129*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 332*005 n.m. Depths 1150 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. = 7*04 kts. Ship’s engines =40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer 9 cwt. Strophometer=35 to 38 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 213 lbs. 259*130 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 133*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=335*589 n.m. Depth =1300 fms. Drum =40-|- revs, per min. = 7*1 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=213 lbs. Dyna- mometer =9 cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. Changed Course to South. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 19° E (made good S 21^° E)=48*820 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground on last Course, S 19° E=47*000 n.m. Slack=3*8°/ 0 - fLat. 6° 47*7 S. \Long. 81°7'*5 W. Position Increased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs. v » » 355 ,, v >> j? 426 ,, 262*988 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 136*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=339*447 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. Drum = 43 J revs, per min. = 7* 6 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 9J cwt. Strophometer=40 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 38 revs, per min. 130 Santa Elena — C/iorrillos Section. Hour. P.M. 5.8 5.12 5.30 5.51 6.0 6.30 6.38 S.S. “ STLVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on CliorriHos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893— contd. Increased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 55 55 55 5(58 ,, 266*669 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 139*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =343*128 n.m. Depth =1550 fms. Drum =41^ revs, per min. = 7*3 kts. Ship’s engines =37^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dyna- mometer 11 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Decreased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. 270-512 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out' from after tank. Patent log= 142*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 346*971 n.m. Depth =1300 fms. Drum=43^ revs, per min.=7*6 kts. Ship’s engines=38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =49 7 lbs. Dyna- mometer=10 cwt. Strophometer=37 to 40 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72° F., main tank 71 \° F. 274*502 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 146*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 350*961 n.m. Depth =1150 fms. Drum =45 revs, per min. = 7*9 kts. Ship’s engines = 381- revs. per min. Weight on brake levers=497 lbs. Dyna- mometer=9 cwt. Strophometer=42 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. 275*630 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=147 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =352*089 n.m. Depth=1150 fms. Position by f Lat. 7° 5*'3 S. stars |_Long. 81° 6*6 W. Current observed since noon=S, 5*2 n.m. =0*8 kts. 276*795 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=148 n.m. 131 i 2 6.48 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section . Hour. p.m. 6.53 6.58 7.0 7.30 8.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893 —contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 353*254 n.m. Depth =1047 fms. Changed Course to S 27° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course S (made good S 2J° E)= 17*665 n.m. Distance, by chart, overground on last Course, S= 16*600 n.m. Slack= 6*4 °/ q . Position Lat. 7° 4*5' S. Long. 81° 6*5 W. Decreased weight on brake levers to 497 lbs. }) ' 55 55 4^6 ,, Sudden increase in the speed of drum. 278*242 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 149*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 354*701 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum =42^ revs, per min. =7*4 kts. Ship’s engines =38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 10 cwt. Str ophome ter =38 revs. 281*906 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log = 152*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 358*365 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum=41i revs, per min.=7*25 kts. Ship’s engines=39 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 8J cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. Light SE wind. Fine and clear. Moderate SE to S swell. Bar. 30*040 (72° F.). Temp. 71° F. dry, 70° F. wet. Sea surface 70°*2 F. 285*628 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1*235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 155*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 362*087. Depth = 1100 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. =7*3 kts. Ship’s engmes=38J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=8J cwt. Strophometer=38 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 132 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 8.18 8.30 9.0 9.30 10.0 10.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End— contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893— contd. Lifted brakes right up and reduced strain to 7 cwt. 289*233 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 158*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 365*692 n.m. Depth=llQ0 fms. Drum =41 revs, per min. = 7*22 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7j cwt. Strophometer=39 revs. 292*764 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 161*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 369*223 n.m. Depth =1100 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. =7*04 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Y/eight on brake levers =426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7J to 8 cwt. Strophometer=34 to 37 revs. 296*378 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 164*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 372*837 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min =7.22 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer 7-J to 8 cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. 300*032 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 167*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 376*491 n.m. Depth=1150 fms. Drum =41^ revs, per min. = 7*3 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- memeter=7j cwt. Strophometer=35 to 38 revs. 303*617 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 170*2 n m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 380*076 n.m. Depth =1200 fms. Drum = 40 J revs, per min. = 7* 1 2 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lb. Dyna- mometer =7 to 1\ cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. 133 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section: Hour. p.m. 11.0 11.30 MIDNT. A.M. 0.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Faying cut from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1893— contd. 307*121 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 173*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=383*580 n.m. Depths 1200 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. =7*04 kts. Ship’s engines=35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. 310*685 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 176*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 387*144 n.m. Depth =1200 fms. Drum=40-|- revs, per min.=7*12 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7^- to 8 cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. Light SSE wind. Fine and clear. Moderate SSE swell. Ship pitching at times. Bar. 30*060 (72° F.) Temp. 71° F. dry, 70° F. wet. Sea surface 70°*2 F. 314T70 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 179*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 390*629 n.m. Depth=1200 fms. Drum=39^ revs, per min. = 6*95 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893. 317*682 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 182*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 394*141 n.m. Depth=1200 fms. Drum=39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake Ievers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. 321*201 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 184*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 397*660 n.m 134 Hour. a.m. 1.30 2.0 2.30 3.0 3.30 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End— contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 —contd. Depth=1200 fms. Drum = 39 1= revs. per min. = 6-95 kts. Ship’s engines= 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 324-776 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. u 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 188*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 401*235 n.m. Depth =1100 fms. Drum =40^- revs, per min.=7*l kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer — cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. 328*319 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 190*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 404*778 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. = 7*04 kts. Ship’s engines=35|- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7j cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 331*771 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 193*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 408*230 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum =39 ( revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7J cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 335*285 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 196*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 41 1*744 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. =7*04 kts. Ship’s engines =35 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7j cwt. Strophometer=35 to 38 revs. 338*936 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 199*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 415*395 n.m. J 35 Hour, a.m. 4.0 4.30 5.0 5.30 5.38 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 — contd. Depth =1000 fms. Drum = 41 revs, per min. =7*21 kts. Ship’s engines=35|- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Moderate SSE breeze. Fine and clear. Moderate SSE sea and swell. Bar. 30-020 (73° F.). Temp. 70°-2, F. dry, 69° F. wet. Sea surface 70° F. 342-591 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 202-6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=419'050 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=41^ revs, per min. =7-34 kts. Ship’s engines=35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=37 to 38 revs. 346-158 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =2 05 *6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Saint Elena Hut=422*617 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=40j revs, per min.=7-13 kts. Ship’s engines= 35 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dynamo- meter =7 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. 349*706 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=208'6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=426-165 n.m. Depth = 1000 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. = 7*0 kts. Ship’s engines=35-J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. Dynamo- meter =7 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 353- 190 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=211*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =429 *649 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=39| revs, per min. = 6*96 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. Dynamo- meter =7 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. 354- 141 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 212*6 n.m. 136 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=430-600 n.m. Depth = 1000 fms. Position fLat. 8° 14'-2 S. 1 _• _ + _ by stars \ Long. 80° 3S’7 W. J a PP roxlmate - Current observed since 6.40 p.m. yesterday =S 4° W, 11*5 n.m.=1-04 kts. 6.0 356-568 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log = 2 14-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =433*027 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum = 38 revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =42 6 lbs. (right up). Dynamometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 6.30 359-938 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=217-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=436*397 n.m Depth=950 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6-6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=426 lbs. (right up). Dynamometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 6.50 Decreased weight on break levers to 284 lbs. 7.0 363-322 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=220-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =439*781 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum=38J revs, per min. = 6-7 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. (brakes right up). Dynamometer=7 cwt Strophometer=34 revs. 7.30 366-647 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 223*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =443*106 n.m. Depth =700 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. =6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. (brakes right up). Dynamometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 8.0 Light S by E wind. Fine, bright and clear. Hazy horizon. Smooth sea with slight S’ly swell. 137 Santa Elena — Cliorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 8.30 9.0 9.30 10.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 —contd. Bar. 30-120 (73° F.). Temp. 72° F. dry, 69-5° F. wet. Sea surface 72° F. 370-001 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 226*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =446-460 n.m. Depth=750 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min.=6'6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamometer =7 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72 \° F., main tank 72° F. 373-323 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 229-5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =44 9 -782 n.m. Depth =750 fms. Drum = 37 \ revs, .per min. =6*6 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=33 to 35 revs. 376-650 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 232-6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 453*109 n.m. Depth=750 fms. Drum =37^ revs, per min. =6*6 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =2 84 lbs. Dynamometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=33 revs. 379-991 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =2 35 *6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =45 6 -450 n.m. Depth =780 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. =6*69 kts. Ship’s engines= 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=33 to 35 revs. Note. — Took the foremost block off each brake strap on drum to ease the friction and reduce strain on cable ; appa- rently insufficient slack is being paid out. 383-260 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =238*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =459 *71 9 n.m. Depth =800 fms. 138 Hour. a.m. 10.30 11.0 11.30 NOON. Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. 44 SILVERTOWN;” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893— contd. Drum =37 revs, per min. = 6*51 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =8 cwt. Strophometer=33 to 35 revs. 386*527 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 44 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 241*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 462*986 n.m. Depth =900 fms. Drum =37 revs, per min. = 6*51 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamometer =8J cwts. Strophometer = 33 to 35 revs. 389*752 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 44 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 244*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =46 6*211 n.m. Depth =900 fms. Drum=36J revs, per min. = 6*41 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamometer=8J cwt. Strophometer=33 to 35 revs. 393*024 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 44 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =247 *7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 469*483 n.m. Depth =900 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min.=6*51 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7 to cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. (Engineer’s time.) Moderate SE by S breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Slight sea and swell from SSW. Bar. 30*100 (73° F.). Temp. 73°*8 F. dry, 70°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 73°*8 F. 396*249 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 44 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=250*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =472 *708 n.m. Depth=950 fms. Drum=36| revs, per min. = 6*41 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =7 to 7^ cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F, main tank 72-^ F. 139 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 0.7 0.30 1.0 1.7 1.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 — contd. (Noon by observations.) 396-973 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =25 1*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena IIut=473-432 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Cable, by Indicator, paid out since observed noon YESTERDAY = 1 69 ’985 N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, since observed noon YESTERDAY= 161*100 N.M. Slack= 5*5 0 / o . Position by f Lat. 8° 46' *7 S. observations \Long. 80° 15'*2 W. Current observed since 5.40 a.rn.=S 69° W, 1*6 n.m.= 0*25 KTS. 399*471 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 44 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 253*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=475*930 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum = 36 J revs, per min.=6*41 kts. Ship’s engines=35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 402*802 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 44 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =256*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =47 9 *2 61 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum =37^ revs, per min. =6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=2841bs. Dynamo- meter = 6 c wt. Strophometer = 3 1 to 34 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 32 revs, per min. 405*857 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=259*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =482 *3 16 n.m. Depth =8,50 fms. Drum =34^ revs, per min. = 6’0 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5| cwt. Strophometer =30 revs. 140 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour, p.m. 2.0 2.30 3.0 3.30 3.40 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 —contd. 408-790 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=262-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=485-249 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min. = 5-8 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=31 revs. 411-868 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=264‘8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =488*327 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum =34J revs, per min. =6*0 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=32 revs. 414-837 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 267*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 491 *296 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum=33| revs, per min. = 5-85 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=29 to 32 revs. 417*857 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=270-0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =494*31 6 n.m. Depth = 860 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min.=5-9 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. SPLICE in Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, between Sec. “ 6,” and Sec. “11,” from after tank, passed off drum. 418-842 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 6,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=271 *2 n.m. Length by Factory measurement of Light Deep Sea, Sec. “6” =419-570 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Light Deep Sea, Sec. “6” =418-842 „ Difference. . . . = — 0-728 n.m. 141 Hour. p.m. 4.0 4.30 5.0 5.30 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893— contd. 484*029 n.m. of Light Deep Sea Cable, by Factory measure- ment laid. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena IIut= 49 6*029 n.m. Depth=890 fms. -p • , • - r fLat. 9° 4'*9 S. Position of splice ( Long . 8|) „ 3 ,. 7 w _ Light SE by S wind. Fine, and clear. Slight sea and swell from S. Bar. 29-980 (73° F.). Temp. 74° F. dry, 71° F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. 1*886 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 272*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=497*915 n.m. Depth =890 fms. Drum =32^ revs, per min. =5 *71 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 4*796 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 275*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 500*825 n.m. Depth=860 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min. =5*8 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=32 revs. 7*762 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 278*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=503*791 n.m. Depth=830 fms. Drum=33^ revs, per min. = 5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=32J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 10*628 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =28 1*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 506*657 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum=32^ revs, per min.=5*7 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwL Strophometer=30 revs. 142 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section, Hour. p.m. 6.0 6.30 6.33 7.0 7.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 —contd. 13*424 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 284*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 509*453 n.m. Depth =8 00 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min.=5*63 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72 F., main tank 72° F. Increased ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 16*490 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=287*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 512*519 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum=35 revs, per min. = 6*16 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=33 revs. 16*796 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 287*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=512*825 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Position bv fLat. 9° 19*8' S. 1 A , stars ' i Long. 78° 54-4' W. } A PP r °*™ a te. Current observed since noon=S27° E., 3*0 n.m.=0*5 kts. 19*803 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235 Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=289*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=515*832 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum=37-J revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 23*152 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 293*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 519*181 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum=37J revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. Note. — The brakes have been right up throughout the day. 143 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 8.0 8.20 8.30 9.0 9.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893— contd. Moderate SSE wind. Fine, bright and clear. Moderate S’ly swell. Bar. 30-040 (72° F.). Temp. 71° F. dry, 70° F. wet. Sea surface 70° F. 26-436 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 296-0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 522*465 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum =37 revs, per min. = 6 -5 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=5 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 32 revs, per min. 29*711 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 299-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 525*740 n.m. Depth =750 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*5 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=5 cwt. Strophomet§r=33 to 35 revs. 32-657 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 301-6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 528-686 n.m. Depth =700 fms. Drum=33^ revs, per miri.=5-88 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer =5 to 5J cwt. Strophometer=30 to 32 revs. 35-600 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =304 -2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=531*629 n.m. Depth =700 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min. = 5*8 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 to 5J cwt. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. 38-495 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sect. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =306*8 n.m. 144 10.0 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 10.30 11.0 11.30 MIDNT. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=534*524 n.m. Depths 750 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. = 5-8 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 to 32 revs. 41-399 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 309*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=537-428 n.m. Depth =750 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min. = 5*8 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=28 to 31 revs. 44-333 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=311*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 540*362 n.m. Depth=750 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. = 5*8 kts. Ship’s engines = 32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer (lifting). Strophometer=30 to 32 revs. 47*223 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 314*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =543*252 n.m. Depth =750 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. =5 *8 kts. Ship’s engines =32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=29 to 30 revs. Moderate SSE wind. Fine clear weather. Moderate sea from SSE. Bar. 30*060 (73° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 70° F. 50*136 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=316*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =546 *165 n.m. Depth=800 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. =5 *81 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=28 to 30 revs. Changed Course to S 40° E. 145 k Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. 0.30 1.0 1.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1893 —contd. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course S. 27° E. (made good S. 26° E.)= 192*911 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on la.st course, S 27° E= 183*500 n.m. Slack=5T°/ 0 53*237 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =31 9*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=549*266 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum=35 revs, per min. = 6*16 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs.' Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=31 to 33 revs. 56*274 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 322*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 552*303 n.m. Depth=800 fms. Drum =34^ revs, per min. = 6*03 kts. Ship’s engines = 32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamometer (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 59*319 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 324*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 555*348 n.m. Depth =860 fms. Drura=34J revs, per min. = 6*03 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=31 to 33 revs. 62*485' n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=327*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=558*514 n.m. \ Depth =920 fms. End — contd. Position THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893. 146 Santa Elena — ChorriUos Section . Hour. a.m. 2.30 3.0 3.30 4.0 4 30 S.S. « SILYERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — cuntd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893 —contd. Drum=35^ revs, per min. = 6*2 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=33 revs. 65-696 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid ont from after tank. Patent log= 330-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =56 1-725 n.m. Depth =920 fms. Drum =36 revs, per min. = 6*33 kts. Ship’s engines = 32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=31 to 34 revs. 68-980 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=332’7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=565-009 n.m. Depth=925 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*51 kts. Ship’s engines = 32l revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=32 to 35 revs. 72-264 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=335'5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=568-293 n.m. Depth =925 fms. Drum = 37 revs, per min. = 6-51 kts. Ship’s engines=32^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=33 revs. Moderate SSE breeze. Fine and clear. Moderate SSE sea and swell. Bar. 30-000 (71° F.). Temp. 69° F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 69°-5 F. 75-530 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 338*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =57 1 -559 n.m. Depth=940 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*51 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=32 to 35 revs. 78-802 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 340*7 n.m. 147 k 2 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 5.0 5.30 5.55 C.O 6.3 6 30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End— contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893 — contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 574*831 n.m. Depth=940 fms. Drum =37 revs, per min. = 6 *5 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=35 revs. 82*163 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 343*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=578*192 n.m. Depth =945 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min.=6*68 kts. Ship’s engines= 32-J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamometer (lifting). Strophometer=35 revs. 85*503 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 346*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=581*532 n.m. Depth =960 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines= 32^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamometer (lifting). Strophometer=35 revs. Position by JLat. 10° 13'*3 S. stars \Long. 79° 25'*6 W. Current observed since 6*33 p.m. yesterday=S 13° W, 4*4 n.m.=0*4 kts. Commenced to run water into after ballast tank. 88*831 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =348*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =584*860 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=35 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 92*397 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=352 0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 588*426 n.m. Depth =950 fms. 148 Santa Elena — * Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 7.0 7.30 8.0 8.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893— contd. Drum =40 revs, per min. = 7*0 kts. Ship’s engineS=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=37 revs. 96-049 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 355*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=592-078 n.m. Depth= 1000 fms. Drum =41^ revs, per min. =7*2 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=38 revs. 99-545 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 358-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 595*574 n.m. Depth = 1150 fms. Drum=39^ revs, per min. = 6-9 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=37 revs. Light SE breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Slight S’ly sea and swell. Bar. 30*080 (71° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 70° F. 103-049 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=361T n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 599*078 n.m. Depth =1200 fms. Drum = 40 revs, per min. = 7*0 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=36 revs. 106-604 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 363-9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 602-633 n.m. Depth=1200 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. = 7*04 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=36 revs. Finished running water into after ballast tank =310 tons weight 149 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.0 9.30 9.42 10.0 10.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893— contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tanfa} 71^° F., main tank, 71° F. 110T 79 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 366*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 606*208 n.m. Depth = 1200 fms. Drum = 40-| revs, per min. = 7*1 kts. Ship’s engines =35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer = 37 revs. 113*802 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 370*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 609*831 n.m. Depth =1150 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min. =7*22 kts. Ship’s engines = 35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=38 revs. The following telegram was sent via Santa Elena : — “ Kingsford Ship to Walker Barranco. Ship arrives Chorrillos Buoy Friday morning early. Please arrange watch at Cable Hut on mirror from 7.0 a.m. Ship will want to test, and after final splice Schneider will test from Santa Elena. When not at hut leave cable free. Have testing apparatus ready for me to test Friday afternoon later. Best galva- nometer and twenty microfarad condenser.” 117*448 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=373*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 613*477 n.m. Depth = 1100 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min. = 7*22 kts. Ship’s engines = 35^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer = 37 revs. Note. — Brakes right up throughout the morning. 121*064 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 376*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 617*093 n.m Depth =1050 fms. 150 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893— contd. 11.0 11.30 NOON. 0.2 Drum =41 revs, per min. = 7-22 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=30 to 32 revs. Hove the log and found ship’s speed =6 kts. 124*666 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 379*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 620*695 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum=41 re\s. per min. = 7*22 kts. Ship’s engines =35 \ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=37 to 39 revs. Position: — Yinda Pass Mt. bearing E, 158 n.m. distant. 128*297 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=382*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 624*326 n.m. Depth = 1050 fms. Drum=4l revs, per min. =7*22 kts. Ship’s engines =35 j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer=35 to 37 revs. (Engineer’s time.) 131*666 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 385*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 627*695 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum =38^ revs, per mm. = 6*76 kts. Ship’s engines=35J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer = 35 to 38 revs. Through- out the watch brakes have been right up. Moderate SSE wind. Fine, bright, and clear. Moderate sea and swell from SSE. Bar. 30*050 (72° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 70° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 7l±° F., main tank 71^° F. (Noon by observations.) 131*840 n.m. of Light Deep Sen, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 385*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena.Hut= 627*869 n.m. 151 Santa Elena . — Chorrillos Section . Hour. p.m. 0.28 0.30 1.0 1.30 S.S. “ S1LVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893— contd. Depth=1050 fms. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out since ob- served noon yesterday =154*437 n.m. Distance by Chart, overground, since observed noon YESTERDAY =138*000 N.M. Slack= 11*9 °/ o . Position by f Lat. 10° 44'*0 S. observations \ Long. 79° 2'*8 W. Current observed since 5.30 a.m.= W, 2*7 n.m.=0*4 kts. Increased ship’s engines to 38 revs, per min. 135*103 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =388*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=631*132 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Druin=39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines=38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- met er=5J cwt. Strophometer= 35 to 37 revs. 138*808 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. f ‘ll,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 392*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 634*837 n.m. Depth = 1115 fms. Drum =42 revs, per min. =7 *4 kts. Ship’s engines =38^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs; Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=38 to 39 revs. 142*521 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=395*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 638*550 n.m. Depth = 1100 fms. Drum =42 revs, per min. =7*4 kts. Ship’s engines =38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meters 5 cwt. Strophometer=37 to 38 revs. 146*205 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 398*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 642*234 n.m. Depth =11 00 fms. Drum=41^ revs, per min. = 7*35 kts. Ship’s engines=38J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. 152 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 2.7 2.30 3.0 3.30 4.0 4.30 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End— contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893 — contd. Reduced ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 149*669 N.Tvi. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =402 *2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=645*698 n.m. Depth = 1100 fms. Drum =3 9 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines = 35^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 153*135 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=405*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut = 649*164 n.m. Depth = 1 100 fms. Drum=39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 156*587 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 408*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 652*616 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum=39 revs, per min. = 6*86 kts. Ship’s engines =351 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =5 cwt. Strophometer=33 to 35 revs. Moderate SSE bieeze. Fine and clear. Moderate sea and swell from SSE. Bar. 30*000 (72° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68°*7 F. wet. Sea surface 70°*0 F. 159*941 n.m. of Light Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=411*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 655*970 n.m. Depth = 105b fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines = 33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=32 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. 162*949 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =41 4*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 658*978 n.m. 153 Hour. p.m. 5.0 5.30 G.O 6.23 6.30 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893 — contd. Depth = 1050 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min. = 5*98 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 165-909 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=416-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 661*938 n.m. Depth = 1050 fms. Drum=33J revs, per min. = 5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =6 cwt. Strophometer = 30 revs. 168-940 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 419*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 664*96^ n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum = 34j revs, per min. = 6*0 kts. Ship’s engines = 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6 cwt. Strophometer = 31 revs. 171*983 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 422*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=668-012 n.m Depth=1000 fms. Drum = 34 J revs, per min. = 6*0 kts. Ship’s engines =30J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71^° F., main tank 71° F. 174*295 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =424*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 670*324 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Position fLat. 11° 12'*4 S. by stars \Long. 78° 36' *3 W. Current observed since noon=N 56° E., 1*6 n.m. = 0*25 kts. 174*913 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. f 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 424*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 670-942 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. 154 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. p.m. 7.0 7.30 8.0 8.30 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893 —contd. Drum=33 revs, per min.=5*8 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per rain. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 177*903 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=427*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 673*932 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum =334 revs, per min. =5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 180*946 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=429*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 676*975 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum=34^ revs, per min. = 6*0 kts. Ship’s engines=30-J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. Light SE by S wind. Fine, bright and clear. Slight swell from the SSE. Bar. 30*065 (72° F.). Temp. 69° F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 69°*1 F. 184*006 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =432*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 680*035 n.m. Depth = 1000 fms. Drum =34^ revs, per min. = 6*0 kts. Ship’s engines = 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- nieter=6 cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 187*037 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =434*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 683*066 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum = 341 revs, per min. = 6*06 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6^ cwt. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. 190*088 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 437*5 n.m. 155 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. « SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Paying oat from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorriilos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hct=686T17 n.m. Depth = 950 fms. Drum=34i revs, per min. = 6-06 kts. Ship’s engines = 31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =6J cwt. Strophometer=29 to 30 revs. 9.30 193-087 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent Log= 440-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=689T16 n.m. Depth = 900 fms. Drum = 34 revs, per min. = 5*98 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6J cwt. Strophometer=29 to 31 revs. 9.48 Reduced strain to 5J cwt. 10.0 196-180 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 442-9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 692*209 n.m. Depth=850 fms. Drum = 35 revs, per min. = 6-1 6 kts. Ship’s engines = 31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =2 84 lbs. Dynamometer=5J cwt. Strophometer=30 to 32 revs. 10.30 199-302 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=445'5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 695-331 n.m. Depth=800 fms. Drum= 35^ revs, per min. = 6-24 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=29 to 32 revs. 11.0 202-438 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =448 -2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=698‘467 n.m. Depth=700 fms. Drum = 35^ revs, per min. = 6*24 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=30 to 32 revs. 11.30 205-531 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 451*0 n.m. 156 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” m R Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1893 —contd. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=701*560 n.m. Depth = 650 fms. Drum=35 revs, per min. = 6*16 kts. Ship’s engines = 31 revs, per min. Weght on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = nil. Strophometer=29 to 33 revs. Midn’t Light SE by S breeze. Fine and clear, with dew. Slight SSE sea and swell. Bar. 30*050 (71° F.). Temp. 68° F. dry, 67° F. wet. Sea surface 67° F. 208*597 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =453*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 704*626 n.m. Depth = 600 fms. Drum=34i revs, per min. = 6*06 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=nil. St,rophometer=30 to 32 revs. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893. Decreased ship’s engines to 27 revs, per min., so as to make the Hormigas de Afuera Islands at daybreak. 211*369 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =45 6 *2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 707*398 n.m. Depth =5 50 fms. Drum=31l revs, per min. = 5*5 kts. Ship’s engines=27 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=27 revs. 214*035 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 458*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=710*064 n.m Depth =540 fms. Drum =30 revs, per min. =5 -28 kts. Ship’s engines = 27 \ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer = nil. Strophometer=28 revs. 107 A.M. 0.6 0.30 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 1.30 2.0 2.30 3.0 3.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN." Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 — contd. 216-898 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=461-0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 712-927 n.m. Depth=525 fms. Drum=32j revs, per min. =5-68 kts. Ship's engines= 28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers™ 284 lbs. Dynamometer = nil. Strophometer=27 to 30 revs. 219*711 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 463*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=715*740 n.m. Depth =500 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min.=5-63 kts. Ship’s engines=27j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=nil. Strophometer=28 to 30 revs. 222-327 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=465-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=718*356 n.m. Depth =525 fms. Drum=29^ revs, per min. = 5*2 kts. Ship’s engines=28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =2 84 lbs. Dynamo- meter =nil. Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. 224*987 n.m. of Light Deep Sea-, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 468*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=721*016 n.m. Depth=550 fms. Drum = 30 revs, per min. = 5*28 kts. Ship’s engines =28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=5J cwt. Strophometer=25 to 27 revs. 227*439 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. L235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=470*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=723*468 n.m. Depth=575 fms. Drum =27^ revs, per min. = 4-85 kts. Ship’s engines =28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=nil. Strophometer=26 revs. 158 Hour. a.m. 4.0 4,12 4.18 4.30 4.35 5.0 5.30 Santa Elena— Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, IMS— contd. Moderate SSE breeze. Fine and clear, with dew. Slight SSE sea and swell. Bar. 30-000 (60° F.). Temp. 67° -4 F. dry, 68°-6 F. wet. Sea surface 6 7° -2 F. 229-713 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =4 72 -5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 725 -742 n.m. Depth =5 7 5 fms. Drum=25^ revs, per min. = 4-45 kts. Ship’s engines = 27 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometers^ cwt. Strophometer=22 to 25 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 32 revs, per min. Increased ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 232-559 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 475-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 728-588 n.m. Depth =600 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min. =5*6 kts. Ship’s engines=35-J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =5| cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. Crders given to gradually increase ship’s, engines to 42 revs, per min. 236-237 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11 ” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 478*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 732*266 n.m. Depth =500 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. = 7*39 kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=40 revs. 240-392 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=482*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =736-421 n.m. Depth=400 fms. Drum=47 revs, per min. =8*2 kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer= 42 revs. 159 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 5.57 6.0 6.30 6.34 Paying out from Santa Elena to Buoy on Chorrillos End— cuntd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 —contd. Sighted the Islands of Hormigas de Afuera, bearing N 78° E. 244*579 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11," paid out from after tank. Patent log=486*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=740*608 n.m. Depth =300 fms. Drum=47^ revs, per min. = 8*3 kts. Ship’s engines = 42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=43 revs. 248*814 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =49 0*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =744*843 n.m. Depth =200 fms. Drum=48 revs, per min. =8*4 kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =2 84 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=43 revs. 249*361 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=491*0 n.m. , Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =745*390 n.m. Depth =200 fms. Changed Course to S 63° E (for Buoy on Chorrillos End). Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 40° E (made good S 39^° E)= 199*225 n.m. „ Distance by Chart, overground on last Course, S 40° E=173*150 n.m. Slack=15*0%. Island of Hormigas de Afuera bearing N 48° E, 7*6 n.m. distant. Position Lat. 12° 2 '*7 S. Long. 77°52'*2 W. ^No current observed since 6*23 p.m. yesterday. 252*930 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 494*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 748*959 n.m. Depth =250 fms. Drum=46j revs, per min. = 8*l kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer= 43 revs. 160 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 7.30 8.0 8.20 8.30 8.58 9.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Approaching Buoy on Chorrillos End. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 — contd. 257*035 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 498*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut =753*064 n.m. Depth =250 fms. Drum=46J revs. per min.=8T kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=42 revs. Light S’ly wind. Fine, but overcast and hazy. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*090 (70° F.). Temp. 66°*5 F. dry, 66° F. wet. Sea surface 67° F. 261*202 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =502*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut=757*231 n.m. Depth =300 fms. Dram =47 revs, per min. =8*27 kts. Ship’s engines =42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=43 revs. Hormigas de Afuera Islands, bearing N 1 2° W. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71° F., main tank 70 F. Sighted buoy on Chorrillos End of cable, bearing S 37° E. Changed Course. Steering for Buoy. 265*389 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 506*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 761*418 n.m. Depth=300 fms. Drum =47^ revs, per min. =8 *3 kts. Ship’s engines =42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=40 to 42 revs. Approaching Buoy “ 43r ” on end of Chorrillos Light Inter- mediate. Slowed engines to 30 revs, per min. Increased weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. 269*235 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 509*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Santa Elena Hut= 765*264 n.m. Depth =180 fms. 161 i. Sa?ita Elena — Chorrillos Section. S.S. « SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.7 9.14 9.20 9.25 9.27 9.29 9.32 9.35 9.36 9.42 9.47 9.50 9.59 Up to Buoy on Chorrillos End — contd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 — contd. Drum=43|- revs, per min. = 7*64 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. (brakes right up still). Dynamometer (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. , Stopped ship’s engines. Cable running out slowly to strain. Moving engines, as required, to bring ship up to buoy. Lowered surf-boat. Ship close to buoy. Patent log hauled in, registering 511*3 n.m. Stopped ship, and sent surf-boat away to dis- mantle buoy. Passed rope from port picking-up drum to boat at buoy. Drum rope shackled on to moorings of buoy ; commenced to heave in on it with port picking-up drum. Slipped Buoy “ 43r ” from moorings. Put engine of paying-out machine in gear. Cable over stern now leading almost up and down, and running out occasionally according to strain. Moorings of buoy on Chorrillos End coming in board free of strain. Hoisted Buoy “ 43r ” on board. Surf-boat hoisted up. Light Deep Sea Cable on Santa Elena End over stern sheave stopped, strain 9 to 15 cwt. Mushroom on moorings of Buoy “ 43r” at bows. Chorrillos End of cable (Light Intermediate type, buoyed on the 25th March) came in board, and on to port picking- up drum. Stopped picking up on it, as enough in board for splice with Santa Elena End, and bent on stoppers. Mark Buoy “ 42 w,” bearing S 77° W. « 162 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. A.M. 10.9 10.10 10.16 10.20 10.31 S.S. “ STLVERTOWN.” At Buoy on Chorrillos End. Completing Section. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 — contd. ' i i Cut 2 fms. =0*002 n.m. off Chorrillos End for damaged sheathing, and attached lead from testing-room. Strain on Santa Elena End (Light Deep Sea Cable) over stern varying from 0 to 10 cwt. Spoke Chorrillos Hut, and commenced tests on the cable. Bent slip rope and port quarter line on to Santa Elena End on stern baulks, and let the ropes take the strain of cable. Coiled down on quarter-deck 100 fms. of the Light Deep Sea Cable, from after tank, on Santa Elena End, for passing end of cable round port side of ship from stern to bows, and cut cable. 270*774 n.m. of Light Deep Sea Cable, No. 1235, part of Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank on Santa Elena End, by paying-out drum measurement. 270*774 n.m.— 0*027 n.m. (17 fms.=0*017 n.m. cut off as spare cable, see note at 11.30 a.m., and 10 fms. =0*010 n.m. for this final splice, see note at 11.30 a.m.)= 270*747 n.m. of Light Deep Sea Cable, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” laid from after tank, on Santa Elena End, by paying out drum measurement. On measuring with paying- out drum the length between the top end of, and the first Factory mile mark (No. 272) in Sec. “11,” Light Deep Sea, No. 1235 type, now remaining in after tank, it was found to be 0*662 n.m. ; therefore the length of Sec. “ 11 ” so far expended is 272 n.m.— 0*662 n.m.= 271*338 n.m. by Factory measurement, viz. : — Length cut off, for dry end, 11 fms.= 0*011 n.m. + 14 fms. =0*014 n.m. for splice with Sec. “ 6,” while loading ship . . = 0*025 n.m. Length cut off to-day, 17 fms. =0*0 17 n.m. for surplus cable on the end +10 fms.= 0*010 n.m. for this final splice . . . . = 0*027 „ Total length of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “11,” laid in the Svnta Elena Chorrillos Sec =271*286 „ Total . . . . =271*338 n.m. 163 l 2 /Santa Elena— Chorrillos Section. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN. Hour. a.m. 10.33 10.38 10.42 10.44 10.57 11.4 11.17 At Buoy on Chorrillos End. Completing Section — contd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 — contd. 767*315 N.M. OF CABLE LAID FROM SANTA ElENA HuT TO this Final Splice. Length by paying-ont Drum measurement of pt., Sec. “11,” laid on Santa Elena End=270*747 n.m. Length by Factory measurement of pt. Sec. “ 11,” laid on Santa Elena End . . =271*286 „ Difference . . . . = 0*539 n.m. Factory length of Sec. “11,” Light Deep Sea Cable No. 1235 as manufactured =345*819 n.m. Length of Sec. “ 11,” Light Deep Sea Cable, No. 1235 as expended =271*338 „ Total length of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 11,” now remaining in after tank= 74*481 n.m. Cable by Indicator, corrected, paid out .on Course, S 63° E and yarious=21*925 n.m. Note. — From 6.34 a.m. to 8.20 a.m., course S 63° E. From 8.20 a m. courses various, mainly S 37° E. Distance, by Chart, overground, on Course, S 63° E AND VARIOUS = 21*200 N.M. Slack =3*4°/ 0 . Commenced passing Santa Elena End (Light Deep Sea Cable) from stern sheave round port side of ship to port bow sheave. Santa Elena End brought inboard over port bow sheave and run along upper deck. Bent stoppers on Santa Elena End on bow baulks. Let go bight of Santa Elena End from stern sheave. Bent slip ropes on to both the Santa Elena and Chorrillos ends on bow baulks and let the slips take the strain of the cables, and then bent stoppers on both cables. Lead from testing room attached to Santa Elena End. Tests on Chorrillos End satisfactory, set about opening it out for splice with Santa Elena End. 164 Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section. Hour. a.m. 11.30 11.45 NOON. P.M. 0.15 1.23 1.58 2.9 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” At Buoy on Chorrillos End. Completing Section — contd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 —contd. Another 3 fms. cut off Chorrillos End, making 5 fms. = 0*005 n.m. cut off Chorrillos End to-day, reducing the length of cable from Chorrillos Hut to this final splice to 32*966 n.m., viz. : — Shore End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ” . . = 7*495 n.m. Heavy Int., ,, 1952 „ “3” . „ == 3*490 ,, Lightlnt., „ 1951 „ “2” . . = 21*981 „ Total . . . . = 32*966 n.m. Tests on Santa Elena End satisfactory. Set about opening out Santa Elena End for joint and splice with Chorillos End. 17 fms. =0*0 17 n.m. for surface cable on the end, and 10 fms. =0*010 n.m. for this final splice cut off Santa Elena End. Commenced joint between Chorillos End (Light Inter- mediate type, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2”), and Santa Elena End (Light Deep Sea type, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11.”) Final Splice. Light SE by S breeze. Fine, but overcast. Warm and sultry. Slight swell from S by E. Bar. 30*070 (72° F.) Temp. 66 °*2 F. dry, 65°*4 F. wet. Sea surface 68°*6 F. Sounded in 133 fms. Joint between Chorillos and Santa Elena Ends finished. Commenced splice. Splice between Chorrillos and Santa Elena Ends completed. Set about slipping bight. Final splice of the Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section slipped successfully. 16'-2 S. splice 7 Long- 7 ?’ 34-4 W, 165 Hour. p.m. 2.11 Santa Elena — Cliorrillos Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Completing Section. Final Splice — contd. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893 — contd. SUMMARY OF CABLE IN THE CHORRILLOS— SANTA ELENA SECTION. Santa Elena — Shore-End, No. 1953A,pt. Sec. “ 3 b” = 6*000 n.m. ' Heavy Int., No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3” = 3*490 ,, Light Int., No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2 ” = 1*990 „ Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10” .. .. . . = 64*970 „ Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “6” = 419*570 „ Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11 ” = 271*286 „ Light Int., No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2 ” = 21*981 „ Heavy Int., No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3 ” = 3*490 „ Shore - End, No. 1953 b, pt. Sec. “3 b” = 7*495 „ Chorrillos. Total = 800*281 n.m. Set on full speed for Callao. 166 Piece “A” from Piece “B” from fore tank. after tank. AT CALLAO. COALING. April 7th to April 12th, 1893 . 167 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 5.20 6.0 6.5 6.15 6.16 6.35 7.22 8.0 9.40 A.M. 7.30 7.35 Coaling. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1893. Let go starboard anchor in 5f fms. of water in Callao harbour. rk i , f i • fFor. 22' 6". Draught of ship j Aft Amount of coal remaining on board =about 650 tons. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71J° F., main tank 71° F., after tank 72° F. Captain of the Port’s representative came on board. Mr. Miller, of Messrs. Shute & Co., came on board re orders for water, &c. Capt. Stamm, of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, came on board re coal required for ship. Deputy Capt. of the Port came on board respecting ship’s papers. Mr. H. P. Daley, accompanied by Mr. Miller, left for shore to get ship’s mail, and if Mr. Schneider’s tests on the completed Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section are satisfactory, to wire Silvergray, London, of the successful completion of the cable. Calm, fine and clear. Bar. 30*06 (72° F.). Temp. 65°*2 F. dry, 64°*5 F. wet. Sea surface= 67°-5 F. Mr. Daley returned to ship with ship’s mail, and having received news from Mr. Schneider at Santa Elena that the tests on the Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section are satisfactory, sent the following telegram : — “ Silvergray, London. Chor- rillos Santa Elena Section completed to-day. Tests highly satisfactory. All well. Hunter, Callao, Seventh.” SATURDAY, APRIL 8th, 1893. Commenced shipping coal in bunkers. Mr. Falshaw, chief officer of S.S. “ Relay,” came on board. 169 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN. Hour. a.m. 8.0 8.20 8.40 9.30 9.34 10.5 11.15 NOON. 3.35 5.45 Coaling— contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 8th, 1893 —contd. Light S by E breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30*100 (69° F.). Temp. 68°*2 F. dry, 67° F. wet. Sea surface 65°*5 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 72^° F., main tank 72° F., after tank 73° F. Commenced shipping coal in fore-hold. Messrs,. H. Kingsford and J. Rymer- Jones left for shore to proceed to Chorrillos Cable Hut, to test the Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section completed yesterday. Commenced shipping fresh water. A Customs Officer came on board and asked that the shipping of coal should stop, as the Agents (Messrs. Weiss &Co.) had not made any application to the port authorities for permission for the “ Silvertown ” to ship coal. Capt. Hunter, Capt. Morton, and Mr. Daley left for shore to visit the Captain of the Port and Agents. Capt. Stamm came on board re coaling of ship. Light NNW breeze. Fine and clear overhead, but hazy round bay. Bar. 30*100 (72° F.). Temp. 68° F. dry, 68°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 68° *2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 72 F., after tank 73° F. During this morning all cable in tanks tested, results satisfactory. Capt. Hunter, Capt. Morton, and Mr. Daley returned to ship. While on shore, Capt. Hunter arranged with Mr. Kingsford to wire to San Juan del Sur, to secure a lighter for the landing of Shore-End at that place, on or about 21st inst. Capt. Hunter was informed by Capt Lugar of the S.S. “ Relay,” that on 27th March, a hulk, fitted up as a floating hotel, had been taken to Chorrillos, and had anchored, as far as compass bearings from the Cable Hut could indicate, on or quite close to the Shore-End cable laid at Chorrillos on the 24th March. Stopped shipping coal for the day, about 360 tons of coals shipped. 170 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTO WN.” Hour p.m. 6.0 7.55 8.0 A.M. 7.5 8.0 8.80 9.20 9.45 NOON. Coaling— contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 8th, 1893 —contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 72°^ F., main tank 72° F., after tank 73° F. Messrs. P. Bates, and B. Combe (Navigating Officer) went on shore to meet Capt. Morton and take sights for rating chronometers. Light SW breeze. Fine, clear weather. Bar. 30-09 (71° F.). Temp. 68°-4 F. dry, 67°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 65 0, 2 F. This evening Capt. Hunter received a telegram from Mr. R. K. Gray, giving directions to accept Mr. Kingsford’s offer to supply the “ Silvertown ” with 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable from S.S. “Relay;” to be spliced on to the Santa Elena northern Shore-End to reach 100 fms. or more, so that the Light Deep Sea Cable of the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena section should not ran into less water than 100 fms. at Santa Elena. The length of Light Intermediate on the Santa Elena Northern Shore-End laid on the 1st April, only extending to 29J fms. of water at present. The 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable to be replaced on board “ Relay,” with 4 miles of Light Intermediate Cable to be cut off the San Juan del Sur Shore-End if practicable, or with 5 n.m. of Light Deep Sea Cable. SUNDAY, APRIL 9th, 1893. Resumed shipping coal in fore hold and bunkers. Calm. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-150 (72° F.). Temp. 65°-8 F. dry, 65° F. wet. Sea surface 66°-3 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 72£° F., after tank 73° F. Commenced shipping fresh water in main boilers. Mr. J. Rymer- Jones returned to ship. The tests taken on the Chorrillos — Santa Elena Sec., yesterday by Messrs. Kingsford and Rymer- Jones are very satisfactory. Capt. Morton left to visit the Master of the floating dock. Light NW airs. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-050 (74° F.). Temp. 68°-5 F. dry, 67°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 67° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73J° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 74° F 171 At Callao. S.S. “ S1LVERT0WN.” Hour. p.m. 1.50 3.25 4.40 6.0 8.0 A.M. 7.15 8.0 9.0 9.2 9.16 NOON. P.M. 2.27 Coaling — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 9th, 1893— contd. Finished taking in fresh water in boilers for the day. Messrs. Martin, Wells, and Sturrock, of Lima, visited ship. Messrs. Pescod (Sen.), and Cannock of the Central and South American Telegraph Company at Barranco, came on board. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F., main tank 72^° F., after tank 73^° F. Light SE breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-000 (73° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 68 0, 3 F. wet. Sea surface 64°-2 F. MONDAY, APRIL 10th, 1893. Resumed shipping coal in fore hold and bunkers. Calm. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-000 (70° F.). Temp. 65*5° F. dry, 64°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 6 3° *8 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 72^° F., main tank 72° F., after tank 73° F. Capt. Morton and Mr. R. S. Lloyd left in steam-launch for Chorrillos, to ascertain the position of the hulk anchored on or near the Shore-End, laid on the 24th March, at Chorrillos. Mr. F. P. Walker of the Central and South American Tele- graph Company came on board. Mr. J. Rymer-Jones and Mr. F. P. Walker left ship for S.S. “ Relay,” to test a piece of Light Intermediate Cable on board the “ Relay ” 4 n.m. of which are to be transferred to this ship for splicing on to the Santa Elena Northern Shore- End, laid on the 1st inst. ( See note at 8 p.m., 8/4/93). Calm. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-070 (72° F.). Temp. 73°-5 F. dry, 69°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 65° -5 F. Capt. Morton and Mr. R. S. Lloyd returned in steam-lannch from Chorrillos, having found that the hulk off Chorrillos is anchored to the westward and well clear of the new Shore-End. Capt. Morton placed two mark buoys on the cable, the first, a small wooden buoy with red flag, moored with rope and a 50-lb. shot, about 2 cables length from Cable Hut, 172 At Qallao. S.S. “SILVERTOWN. 5 Hour. f.M. 2.30 2.35 3.37 3.43 6.13 6.15 8,0 AM. 7.10 7.20 8.0 Coaling — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 10th, 1893— contd. and the second a torpedo buoy (No. 81), with red flag, moored with 10 fms. chain, and a mushroom 1 cwt. 3 qrs. 18 lbs., about 4 cables off the hut, and advised the Captain of the hulk of the existence of the cables at the anchorage. Ceased pumping fresh water in main boilers for the day. Captain Morton with Messrs. Lloyd and Combe left for shore to take sights. Steam-launch brought alongside ship a lighter containing 4 n.m. (by S.S. “Relay’s” measurement), of Light Inter- mediate Cable. This piece of cable is part of 9 n m. of Light Intermediate, Factory No. 876, Sec. “2a,” manufactured at Silvertown on the 13th February, 1890, and shipped on board the S.S. “ Relay” off Silvertown, in March, 1890. Commenced transferring with hand-transferring winch the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable from lighter to ship’s main tank. Unable to measure this piece of cable owing to using the hand gear. Finished shipping the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable ex “ Relay ” from lighter in main tank. Temp, in cable tank, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F., main tank 73J° F., after tank 74° F. Capt. Morton returned to ship with the Captain of the Port, Messrs. Shute and Drew, and several other visitors, including one or two officers from the S.S.’s “ Retriever” and “ Relay.” Light SSE. breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-050 (72° F.). Temp. 68°-2 F. dry, 67°-4 F. wet. Sea surface 63°-2 F. TUESDAT, APRIL 11th, 1893. Lighter which had contained the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable left ship in tow of one of the S.S. “ Relay’s ” boats. Resumed shipping coal. Calm. Fine, but cloudy and very hazy. Bar. 30-080 (62° F.). Temp. 65°-5 F. dry, 65° F. wet. Sea surface 6 3° -2 F. 173 At Callao. S.S. “ SIL VERT OWN.’*; Coaling— contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 11th, 1893— contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72 F., main tank 73° F., after tank 73^° F. Mr. Daley left for shore with ship’s mail, and to send the following telegrams : — 1. r“Capt. Hunter to Mr. Kingsford, Barranco. In answer to your request, I agree that should an interruption take place in your cables, you can use any section of the duplicate cables for your traffic, except when tests are to be taken.” 2. “ Capt. Hunter to Mr. Kingsford. ‘ Silvertown ’ does not sail till to-morrow afternoon. Please join at noon to-morrow, and advise Bremner.” Mr. Falshaw, Chief Officer of S.S. “ Relay,” came on board. Mr. Wylie, Chief Engineer of the Chilian mail steamer “ Aconcagua,” accompanied by Mr. Scott of Callao, came on board. Finished shipping water in main boilers ; 90 tons of fresh water shipped in main boilers since Saturday last. Resumed shipping fresh water in ship’s fresh water tanks. Calm. Fine, but cloudy and misty. Bar. 30-030 (72° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 67°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 67°-6 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 74° F. Capt. Morton left for shore to meet the Captain of the hulk anchored off Chorrillos, to give him directions as to the positions of the cables laid at Chorrillos. Mr. G. W. Bremner, of the Central and South American Telegraph Company, who joins ship for passage to Santa. Elena, came on board, accompanied by Mr. Bremner (Senr.), Manager of the Lima Gas Works, and other visitors. Ceased shipping coal for the day. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 74° F. 174 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 6.32 8.0 A.M. 7.10 8.0 Coaling — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 11th, 1893— contd. While on shore to-day Capt. Hunter has arranged for the settlement of the accounts of Messrs. Shute & Co. and Messrs. Weiss & Co. Capt. Morton has arranged ship’s clearance for San Juan del Sur, and received ship’s papers from the Port authorities, ready for sailing so soon as the required amount of coals are shipped. The following telegrams have been received and sent to-day : — 1. “Baker, Barranco, to Capt. Hunter, Callao. Following from Mr. Schneider. 1 375*46 dollars to pay messages. Shall I settle this ? Any reduction be made please ? ’ ” 2. “ Kingsford, Barranco, to Capt. Hunter, Callao. Presi- dent Scrymser wires me to request you kindly instruct your staff re permission work duplicate according your message of this morning.” 1. “ Capt. Hunter to Schneider, St. Elena. 375*46 dollars for messages can remain unpaid by you. Let the Telegraph Company debit India Rubber Company through New York, if India Rubber Company are to pay for such messages. We are not liable for telegrams sent concerning the work. We sail to-morrow afternoon for Santa Elena. Expect to reach you Saturday.” 2. “Capt. Hunter to Schneider, St. Elena. Please note that should interruption of old cable take place, I have arranged that the traffic should be worked through new cable, except when tests are necessary.” 3. “Capt. Hunter to Mr. Kingsford. Be your telegram. I have instructed our staff at Santa Elena to work new cable should old cable be interrupted, except when tests are necessary.” Light SSE breeze. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Bar. 30*050 (68° F.). Temp. 68° F. dry, 67°*6 F. wet. Sea surface 65° F. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1893. Resumed shipping coal in fore-hold and bunkers. Calm, with thick fog. Bar. 30*100 (69° F.). Temp. 63°*8 F. dry, 64°*6 F. wet. Sea surface 63°*8 F. 175 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m 11.35 NOON. P.M. 0.45 2 . 6 . Coaling — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1893— contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72J° F., main tank 72 F., after tank 73^° F. Finished shipping' coal. Total amount of coal shipped since the 7th inst., 1260 tons, viz. : 571 tons in fore hold, and 689 tons in bunkers (44 tons of which are on deck over bunkers). The total amount of coal now on board, 1,960 tons, viz. : in fore hold 751 tons, in bunkers 1,199 tons. Calm. Fine and clear overhead, but very hazy round the bay. Bar. 30-070 (68° F.). Temp. 65°-5 F. dry, 65°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 68° F. y-v , , f , • /Forward 26' 0' 7 . Draught ot ship s ^ ^ <^rj\ qh Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F., main tank 72J° F., after tank 73^° F. Capt. Stamm came on board to get Chief Engineer’s receipt for the 1260 tons of coal. Mr. H. Kingsford rejoined ship. 176 STEAMING FROM CALLAO TO SANTA ELENA SS. “ SILVERTOWN.” April 13th to April 16th, 1893. Hour. p.m. 2.33 3.14 5.32 6.0 6.20 6.25 6.27 6.30 6.38 6.57 7.0 8.0 8.50 . A.M. 5.24 8.0 Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1893— contd. Anchor up. Set on full speed to pick up Mark Buoy “ 42w” let go on 25*3*93. San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing S, 1 n.m. distant. Sighted mark buoy on starboard bow. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 73 P Up to mark buoy. Stopped ship and sent surf-boat away to buoy. Passed rope from starboard picking-up drum to boat at buoy. Drum rope shackled on to moorings of buoy. Commenced to heave in on rope. Slipped Buoy “42” from moorings. Surf-boat and Buoy “ 42 ” hoisted on board. Mushroom of moorings at bows. Set on for Santa Elena. Light S’ly wind. Fine and clear with heavy dew. Slight sea from the S. Bar. 30*050 (69° F.). Temp. 66°*3 F. dry, 66° F. wet. Sea surface 65°*3 F. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this evening with satis- factory results. THURSDAY, APRIL 13th, 1893. -p ... l , f Lat. 10° 5 6' *5 S. Position by stars ( Loug w 81 ,. # w Current observed since 3.14 p.m. yesterday=W, 3*0 n.m. = 0*21 KTS. Light E’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast, dull, hazy weather. Slight S’ly swell. m 2 179 Hour. a.m. 11.15 NOON. P.M. 6.0 8.0 MIDNT. A.M. 6.0 8.0 Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena— contd. THURSDAY, APRIL 13th, 1893 — contd. Bar. 30*075 (70° F.). Temp. 68°*8 F. dry, 68° F. wet. Sea surface 66°*8 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 72^° F., main tank 72° F., after tank 73° F. Cable in each tank well flushed with water by hose. Light STy breeze. Fine, but cloudy and overcast. Calm sea, with slight S’lv swell. Bar. 30*050 (70° F.). Temp. 72°*5 F. dry, 70°*5 F. wet Sea surface 69°*3 F. Position by f Lat. 10° 2'*8 S. observations \ Long. 79° 2'*7 W. Current observed since 5.24 a.m. = N 47° W, 5*6 n.m.= 0*85 KTS. Distance run from Callao=175 n.m. Since 7 p.m. yesterday = 150*5 n.m. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F., main tank 72-^° F., after tank 73-J 0 F. During this morning all cable in tanks tested, results satisfactory. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 72-J- 0 F., main tank 73° F., after tank 73J° F. Moderate SE by S wind. Fine, but very overcast. Slight following sea. Bar. 30*065 (72° F.). Temp. 71° F. dry, 69°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. Similar weather. FRIDAY, APRIL 14th, 1893. Overcast, gloomy weather. Observations impracticable. Light SE by S breeze. Overcast, dull and hazy weather. Calm sea, with slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30-095 (71° F.). Temp. 70°*2 F. dry, 69°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 67°*3 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 73^° F. 180 IIOUR. A.M. 8.30 10.6 NOON. P.M. 1.37 6.0 6.35 8.0 MIDNT. A.M. 3 45 4.50 5.43 Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena — contd , FRIDAY, APRIL 14th, 1893 — contd. Sighted Lobos de Afuera Island, bearing N 42° W. La Cruz Peak of Lobos de Afuera Island abeam, bearing S 61° W, 2-7 n.m. distant. Current observed since noon yesterday =N, 11*5 n.m.= 0*52 KTS. Calm, fine, but very cloudy. Calm sea. Bar. 30*040 (73° F.). Temp. 72° F. dry, 71° F. wet. Sea surface 68° *7 F. Position by f Lat. 6° 40' *9 S. observations ^ Long. 80° 47'*9 W. Distance run since noon yesterday =22 4*2 n.m. Current observed since 10.6 a.m. to-day = nil. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73J° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 74° F. All cable in tanks tested this morning, results satisfactory. Slowed engines to 7 knots, so as to make Santa Elena at daylight on Sunday instead of late to-morrow night. Lion Rock abeam, bearing N 61° E, 3*7 n.m. distant. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 73° F main tank 73° F., after tank 73 F. Aguja Point abeam, bearing N 61° E, 3*8 n.m. distant. Current observed since noon=N 13° W, 2*7 n.m. =0 4 kt. Moderate SSW breeze. Fine and clear. Calm sea. Bar. 30*000 (72° F.). Temp. 69° F. dry, 69° F. wet. Sea surface 67°*8 F. Light NN E breeze. Fine and clear, with heavy dew. SATURDAY, APRIL 15th, 1893. Sighted Talara Light, bearing N 49° E, Talara Light abeam, 11*8 n.m. distant. Position f Lat. 4° 30'*0 S. by stars \ Long. 81° 30'*3 W. Current observed since 6.35 p.m. yesterday =N 43° W, 13*6 n.m. = 1*2 kts. 181 Hour. a.m. 7.40 8.0 NOON P.M 4.0 §.0 11.0 Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Steaming from Callao to Santa Elena — contd. SATURDAY, APRIL 15th, 1893 — contd. Cape Blanco abeam, bearing S 74° E, estimated distance = 14-0 N.M. Light NNE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Calm sea. Bar. 30-072 (70° F.). Temp. 67°-8 F. dry, 67°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 65° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 72-J- 0 F., after tank 73 F. Gentle NNE breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-020 (72° F.). Temp. 74°-5 F. dry, 71°-6 F. wet Sea surface 67°*4 F. Position by f Lat. 3° 40' T S. observations i Long. 81° 25'*9 W. Distance rurusince noon yesterday =183*0 n.m. Current observed since 5.43 a.m. = N 19° W, 7*3 n.m.= l'l KTS. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 74° F., main tank 73-J° F., after tank 74^° F. During the morning all cable in tanks tested, results satisfactory. As ship is only 98 n.m. from Santa Elena, slowed engines to about 5 knots. Position by double f Lat. 3° 19'-5 S. altitudes \Long. 81° 18'-6 W. Current observed since noon=N 57° W, 2 n.m. = 0-5 kts. Too cloudy for observations this evening. Light S’ly wind. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-100 (71° F.). Temp. 71° F. dry, 71° F. wet. Sea surface 69° F. Sighted Santa Elena Light bearing N 24° E. Light N’ly airs. Fine and clear. Calm sea. MIDNT. AT SANTA ELENA. SOUNDING OFF SANTA ELENA S.S “ SILVERTOWN.” April 16th, 1893. 183 AT SANTA ELENA. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 1893. 4.30 Light variable airs. Fine and clear. Santa Elena Light bearing N 79° E. 5.40 Sighted Buoy 62n ; put f Lat. 2° 5'*7 S \ bearing down on the 31st March in \ Long. 81° 5'-5 W J N 4° E. 6.15 Up to Mark Buoy 62 n. Stopped ship and sent surf-boat away with end of rope from starboard picking-up drum. Current observed since 4 p.m. yesterday =N 3° E, 14-0 N.M. = 1‘0 KT. 6.22 Commenced heaving in on drum rope which is now shackled to moorings of buoy. 6.26 Slipped Buoy 62 from moorings. 6.30 Surf -boat and buoy hoisted on board. 6.35 Mushroom of buoy moorings at bows. Set on full speed for Santa Elena Bay. 8.0 Calm, Fine, bright, and clear. Bar. 30-010 (73° F.) Temp. 72° F. dry. 71° F. wet. Sea surface 74° F. Arrived in Santa Elena Bay. Lighthouse bearing S 40° W, 2 n.m. distant. Current observed since 6.15 a.m. = nil. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. 8.15 Stopped ship and lowered surf -boat. 8.20 Loaded surf -boat with sundry provisions brought from Callao for the C. and S. A. Tel. Co.’s staff at Santa Elena, and Mr. Bremner’s baggage. 8.27 Shore signalled “ Send two boats for baggage.” 8.28 Mr. J. Rymer-Jones with jointer went on shore. Telegram No. 14 sent to Silvergray, London, &c. Mr. Bremner left ship. 185 Hour, a.m. 8.30 9.0 9.57 10.16 10.20 10.51 11.10 11.19 11.27 11.30 11.38 11.41 NOON Sounding off Santa Elena. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 1893 — contd. Set on full speed for Mark Buoy No. 61m put down on 31st March in Lat. 2° 3'*2 S, Long. $1° 3'*4 W. Tests taken on the piece of Light Intermediate cable, ex “ Relay,” in main tank, results satisfactory. Mark Buoy 61m abeam. Stopped ship and sent boat away to put lamps on buoy. Buoy 61m, by bearing of lighthouse, found to be in correct position as given above. Boat returned to ship, having put two Miller’s globe lamps on buoy, and taken off flag m. Boat hoisted up. Set on for position to take soundings S «a*{ wr « w } «”*■ »"■ ”■ “» ««• Lighthouse bearing S 26° E. White Spot bearing S 47^-° E. Sounding f Lat. 2° 0*8' S "1 p , 49 S ( Long. 81° ff-8 W j 73 fms ' ^ m ' and Z rt Lighthouse bearing S 25 u E. White Spot bearing S 46j° Mark Buoy 61 bearing S 8° E. Commenced to lower moorings of mark buoy. Let go Mark Buoy 51b. Position | Long 2 81° 8 3^8 W Moorings of buoy : — 1 f" Bridle. 20 fms. f" chain. 50 „ 4x4 buoy rope. 20 „ „ side „ 1 mushroom =4 cwt. 0 qrs. 26 lbs. Lowered boat, and sent it away to put lamps on buoy. Boat returned, having put 2 Miller’s globe lamps on Buoy 51b. Boat hoisted up. Set on to take further soundings. Light W’ly airs. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Bar. 30*100 (74° F.). Temp. 72°*2 F. dry, 72°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 75° 'F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cnoe : fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. 186 Sounding off Santa Elena . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 0.1 0.23 0.47 1,4 3.22 1.39 1.40 1.51 1.55 2.0 3.25 SUNDAY, APRIL 16 th, 1893 — contd. 82 fms. gn. m. and gt. Sounding f Lat. 2° l'*8 S \ 50 S \Long. 81° 4' -3 W J Lighthouse and Buoy 61 in line bearing S 29° E. White Spot bearing S 49|° E. Sounding f Lat. 2° 2' *6 S 1 1A „ t A , 51 S \ Long-. 81” 4' 9 W J 10/ fms ' «”• m ‘ and Lighthouse bearing S 33° E. White Spot bearing S 53-J° E. Sounding f Lat. 2° 2'*2 S 1 n , 52 S { Long. 81” 3'-6 W / 86 fms ‘ «”• m ‘ aQd brk ' sh ‘ Lighthouse bearing S 27° E. White Spot bearing S 49^° E. Sounding r Lat. 2” 2’-4S 1 q , f o-n maud brk h 53 S \LoDg. 81 ° 3'-8 w J 8 ® * S n ' m ’ ana BrK - n - Lighthouse and Buoy 61 in line bearing S 28° E. Mark Buoy 51b bearing N 1° E. W{6^n» }•»*» Lighthouse and Mark Buoy No. 61 in line bearing S 28 J° E. Sounding f Lat. 2° 2' -8 S 1 . Q7 , 55 S * { Long. 81° 3' *55 W J 137 fms ’ gD ‘ m ’ and gt Lighthouse bearing S 28° E. Lowered boat and sent it away to put a blue Buoy No. 61. on Mark Sounding f Lat. 2° 3'-l S 56 S \Long. 81° 3'*4 W Lighthouse bearing S 27° E. Buoy 61 close by, about 300 yards to the S’d. Boat returned from Mark Buoy 61 blue flag. Boat hoisted up. Set on towards Cable Hut to pick up Messrs. Jones and others. Stopped ship and lay to off Cable Hut to await return of surf boat. 1 110 fms. gn. m. and grit. 187 Hour p.m. 3.45 Sounding off Santa Elena. . S.S. “ SIL VERT OWN.” SUNDAY, APRIL 16 th, 1893— contd. Hands set about getting baggage and stores out of surf- boat on board. A permanent joint has to-day been made between the end of the northern Shore-End (laid on the 1st inst.) in hut and No. 6 underground line between Cable Hut and Station ; the end of No. 6 land line is sealed in the Cable Station so that ship can test cable during the laying of the 4 knots of Light Intermediate cable, ex S.S. “ Relay.” No. 2 land line between Cable Hut and Cable Station is soldered to sheathing of the northern Shore-End in Cable Hut as earth wire. Written instructions have been handed to Mr. Ripley, Superintendent of the Santa Elena Station, to break the seal on end of northern Shore-End in station (No. 6 land line) 48 hours after ship’s departure and to test cable from time to time, wiring to ship in the event of any notice- able change in the insulation resistance. Mr. Ripley is also instructed to test the Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section altern- ately with Mr. W alker at Chorrillos. Mr. Kingsford sent and received the following telegrams : 1. To San Juan del Sur. “ We leave here in about an hour. Please send me as soon as possible such particulars as will enable us plot position of Station on Chart. Suggest you measure distance from observa- tion spot to station, and also from station to site of old pier.” 2. To San Juan del Sur. “ ‘ Relay ’ will before long substitute shore end type for present intermediate ends at San Juan. It is therefore most desirable that splices Shore- End to Intermediate should not be overlaid by duplicate cable ends. Please put a spar or barrel to mark position of these splices, and also, if you can manage it, put a mark on each cable at about j knot from shore. To do so you will probably have to tow a small grapnel with tripping line attached. We expect to anchor about f knot from station. At that distance cables are probably 150 fathoms apart, the northern being about 180 fathoms south of the nearer of out- lying rocks shown on chart. I do not think that you would find it easy to underrun to f knot position. Probably be at San Juan 26th. Please have trench 5 feet deep dug for cable end by 25th. Roadway not to be opened out till ‘ Silvertown ’ sighted.” 188 Hour. p.m. 4.0 4.5 Sounding off Santa Elena S.S. " SILVERTOWN.” SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 1893— contd. 3. To Salina Cruz. “ ‘ Silvertown ’ staff will have week or more in hut, therefore please arrange at once substantial covering above hut, supported by wooden poles, leaving say 2 feet air space between roof and covering, and latter extending about 6 feet on all sides.” 4. Received from San Juan del Sur. “ Distance from station to old pier about 200 yards, and from station to observation spot behind office about 30 yards.” Hoisted up surf-boat. Set on full speed for Buoy 52b on end of light inter- mediate on St. Elena Northern Shore-End (St. Elena — San Juan del Sur Section) laid on 1st iust. 189 SANTA ELENA — SAN JUAN DEL SUE SECTION. SPLICING ON AND LAYING EXTRA LENGTH OF LIGHT INTERMEDIATE FOR THE SANTA ELENA NORTH LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. AT BUOYS ON LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. April 16 th to April 17 th, 1893. 191 SPLICING ON AND LAYING EXTRA LENGTH OF LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. Hour. p.m. 5.15 5.22 5.26 5.27 5.33 5.35 5.37 5.39 5.43 SANTA ELENA NORTH LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. FOR THE SAN JUAN DEL SUR SECTION. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Splicing on Extra Length of Light Intermediate. Santa Elena North Light Intermediate. SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 1893 — contd. Passed Buoy 52b oh Santa Elena North Light Intermediate. Stopped ship about 200 fathoms to westward of buoy, and commenced to lower kedge anchor, attached to 10 fathoms of chain and 3x3x4 grappling rope, over port bow sheave with port picking-up drum. Kodge anchor on bottom. Put ship’s engines astern to bring ship’s stern on to buoy. Lowered surf -boat and sent it away to dismantle Buoy 52 b. Stopped paying out on kodge anchor. Passed rope from paying-out drum over stern sheave to boat at buoy. Drum rope shackled on to moorings of buoy, commenced to heave in on drum rope with paving-out drum. Slipped buoy from moorings. Buoy 52 hoisted up into port mizen rigging. 193 n Hour. p.m. 5.50 5.58 6.5 6.15 6.30 6.35 6.39 6.45 6.53 Santa Elena — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Splicing on Extra Length of Light Intermediate — contd. Santa Elena North Light Intermediate — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 1893— ccntd. Owing to strain on rope attached to moorings, paid out a few fathoms on rope attached to k:edge anchor, and took drum rope along main deck to starboard picking-up drum, to assist paying-out drum in heaving in on moorings of buoy attached to Santa Elena End. Commenced to heave in slowly on Santa Elena End with paying-out and starboard picking-up drums together, ac- cording to strain. Paying out on kedge as necessary, and heaving in on drum rope attached to Santa Elena End over stern sheave according to strain, which at limes is somewhat heavy. Rope on kedge leading broad oft on port bow and mooring chain of buoy on Santa Elena-End, leading well out on port quarter. Light W’ly breeze. Tide setting to the N.W. Mushroom of moorings, on Santa Elena End, at stern sheave. Stopped paying-out on kedge anchor. 200 fathoms of grappling rope now outboard on kedge. Stopped picking up on Santa Elena End. f Lighthouse bearing S. 13^° E., 6*6 n.m. distant. Position 190 fms. gn. m. and gt. Buoy 42r on cable bearing Sounding f Lat. 2° 2' -2 S 58 S \ Long. 81° 6'*9 W Lighthouse bearing S 41° E. S 79° E. \ 139 fms. gn. gt. m. Buoy 42r on cable bearing Light W’ly airs. Fine, bright, and clear. Smooth sea. Bar. 30*090 (73° F.). Temp. 74°*6 dry, 73°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 72°*4. Position by fLat. 1°51'*0 S. observations (^Long. 8L° 20'*0 W. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. During the morning all cable in tanks tested ; results satisfactory. Sounding f Lat. 1° 51'*0 S 1 59 S \Long. 81° 20'*0 W J Sounding f Lat. 1° 39'*9 S "1 60 S \ Long. 81° 27'*5 WJ Sounding f Lat. 1° 27'*1 S "1 61 S \ Long. 81° 34' *7 WJ 868 fms. 1827 fms. 1366 fms. gn. m. gn. m. gn. m. Position by f Lat. 1° 17'*5 S. stars \ Long. 81° 41'*2 W. Current observed since noon=N 49° W, 4*5 n.m.=0*67 kt. Sounding j 62 S \ Lat. 1° 14' *4° S \ Long. 81° 43'*2 W / 933 fms. 205 Lost tube. Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 8.0 9.59 MIDNT. A.M. 0 22 2*7 3.51 4.0 8.0 8.7 10.11 NOON. MONDAY, APRIL 17th, 1893 —contd. Light SW by W breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-04 (74° F.). Temp. 71-5° F. dry, 72°-0 F. wet. Sea surface 70°-7 F. Sounding f Lat. 0° 56'*1 S 1 oi o r . 63 S i Long. 81° 49'-9 W / 819 fms ‘ « rt Moderate SW wind. Fine, but overcast. TUESDAY, APRIL 18th, 1893. gt. m. gt. m. Sounding f Lat. 0° 42' -1 S 1 79Q f 64 S \ Long. 82° 0'-5W/^ u Ims ’ Sounding/ Lat. 0° 32'*1 S I frna 65 S 1 Long. 81° 55'-9 W / 76b tms ‘ Sounding Lat. 0° 22'-l S 1 f 66 S / Long. 81° 51'-0 W / Moderate SW. breeze. Fine, but cloudy. c s. Calm sea. Moderate S’ly breeze. Fine and clear. Bar, 30*075 (75° F.). Temp. 73°-6 F. dry, 73°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 70°*6 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 74J° F. Sounding / Lat. 0° 0'-2 N 67 S \ Long. 82° 18' *8 W^ Observed strong current setting to the NE. Sounding / Lat. 0° l'*7 N \ f 68 S \ Long. 82° 8'*3 W tms Observed strong current setting to the NE. 1075 fms. m. and s. m. s. Fine, bright, and clear. Slight Sea Moderate SSW. breeze, sea from southward. Bar. 30-030 (74° F.). Temp. 73°-5 F. dry, 73° F. wet. surface 70 o, 8 F. Position by /Lat. 0° 9'*6 N. observations / Long. 82° 20'-l W. Current observed since 6.40 p.m. yesterday, N 3° W, 24-7 n.m.=1*43 kts. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this morning with satisfactory results. 206 Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” I Tour. p M. 2.0 4.0 5.25 6.0 6.38 7.5 8.0 MIDNT. TUESDAY, APRIL 18th, 1893. T Sounding ■ 69 S i Note.- 1 1631 fms. j s. and m. Max. 70°-8 F., 8-8 mm. Min. 42°*1 F., 3-5 mm. f Lat. 0° 9'*2 N Long. 82°26'*7W Bottom temp, by" Therm. 87859, 42°-l F. [Surface temp. = 72°*0 F. -Some considerable delay took place in taking this sounding owing to the breeze and strong current setting ship to the northward and bringing considerable lead on the sounding wire. Light SSW. wind. Fine clear weather. Stopped ship for sounding No. 70. Position f Lat. 0° 24'-l N. by stars \ Long. 82° 14'-6 W. Current observed since noon=N 9° W, 4*5 n m.: :0'83 KT. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74° F., main tank 73 F., after tank 74° F. 1822 fms. gn. m. Sounding f Lat. 0° 24'*1 N 70 S \ Long. 82° 14'-6 Two attempts were made to take this sounding ; in the first case the wire fouled ship’s propeller and broke, with the loss of 1483 fms. of wire, one tube, and Miller-Case] la’s deep sea thermometer, No 87859. By the lead of the wife in sounding there appears to be a strong undercurrent, at from 500 to 800 fms. depth, setting to the southward. A surface current of about 1 knot running northwards was observed. Set on to the northward. Note.— It was now decided to make direct for San Juan del Sur, taking en route a sounding here and there as may appear advisable. The soundings taken by S.S. “Relay” (alongywhich route, according to contract, the cable is to be laid), are considered sufficient. Light SSW breeze. Fine, bright and clear. Slight sea from the S’d. Bar. 30*000 (75° F.). Temp. 71°-2 F. dry, 70°-9 F. wet. Sea surface 71° F. Similar weather. 207 Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1893. a.m. 4.18 Sounding 71 S ‘ f Lat. 1° 40'*5 N "1 ir7or7 f [Long. 82“ 41'-8W| 1727 fm& m - 5.45 Position J 'Lat. 1° 45'*1 N. by stars | Long. 92° 43 '*3 W. 6.15 8.0 10.5 10.27 10.41 10.55 11.7 11.19 Current, observed since 7*5 p.m. yesterday =N 25° E, 10*3 n.m.=0*98 kt. Crew and one watch of cable hands commenced trans- ferring coal from forehold to bunkers as ship is rather down by the head. Light S’ly wind. Fine and clear. Slight sea from S’d. Bar. 30-020 (77° F.). Temp. 78° F. dry, 75°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 76° -4 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 73° F., main tank 73° F., after tank 73^-° F. Stopped f Lat. 2° 25'-l N 9 to make Experiment No. 1, ship in \ Long. 82° 54'-l W J with Mr. Buchanan’s Deep Sea water bottle with Negretti and Zambra’s capsizing thermometer, No. 66732, attached. Lowered bottle and thermometer to 220 fathoms below the surface with 1" manilla rope, a 36 lb. sinker being attached to the bottom of the frame of the bottle, 5 minutes occupied in lowering bottle. Unable to reduce the angle of the lead of the line to less than 10°, owing to the current and wind from the southward, Sent messenger (a 2/ lbs. shackle) down the line to free trigger, so as to capsize thermometer and close stopcocks. 58 seconds occupied by the messenger in descent. T Hauled bottle and thermometer on board again. • Temperature by capsizing thermometer=51°*4 F. Temp, at surface 81°*5 F. Temperature of air, dry bulb 78 F. Specific gravity of the water brought up in water bottle = (at temperature of sample) 1*02674. T Lowered Millar-Oasella’s Deep Sea Thermometer, • No. 90284, to 220 fms., T _ / Max. 79°*5 F., 9-07 mm. lemp ^ Min> 5 Q o. 6 6 . 22 mm< Set on on course to the northward again. 208 Sounding betiveen Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1893 — contd noon. Moderate SSW breeze. Fine and clear. Smooth sea. Very sultry during 1 the morning 1 . Bar. 29-980 (80° F.). Temp. 82 0i 4 F. dry, 76°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 81 0, 5 F. Position by f Lat. 2° 31' -2 N. observations [Long 1 . 82° 55'* 1 W. Current observed since 5 45 a.m.sN 32° E., 3-9 n.m.s 0-63 kt. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. During this morning all cable in tanks tested in the p.m. presence of Mr. Kingsford ; results satisfactory. 2.10 2.19 2.25 2.39 Stopped f Lat. 2° 49'*2 N. \ to make experiment No. 2, ship in [ Long. 83° 3'-3 W. j with Mr. Buchanan’s Deep Sea water bottle with Negretti and Zambra’s Capsizing Ther- mometer, No. 66732, attached. Lowered bottle and thermometer to 220 fms. below the surface with V manilla rope ; a 36 lb. sinker and Millar- Casella’s Deep Sea Thermometer No. 90284, being attached to the bottom of the frame of the bottle. 5-^ minutes occupied in lowering bottle and thermometers. Sent messenger (1 lb. roll of lead) down the line to free trigger, 62 seconds occupied by the messenger in descent. Line leading up and down. Hauled bottle and thermometers on board again. Temp, by capsizing thermometers 52° F. Temp, at 220 fms., by Millar-Casella’s Thermometer, T. No. 90284s f Max. 79°*6 F, 9*3 mm. "1 Sea surface [Min. 51°*2F, 6-37 mm./ 81°-5 F. Specific gravity of the water brought up in water bottles (at temperature of sample) 1-02662. 2.45 3.30 6.0 Set on again on course northward. Stopped transferring coal from forehold to bunkers, bunkers now refilled. Total amount of coal transferred to-days 80 tons. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. Wind changed to the WNW and fell very light, with drizzling rain. 209 o Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1893— contd. 8.0 Light variable airs. Overcast and gloomy, with rain at times. Calm sea. Bar. 29-940 (79° F.). Temp. 77°-7 F. dry, 74°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 80° F. MIDNT. Light to fresh ETy breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Lightning to the NW. THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1893. A.M. 4.0 Light E’ly airs. Fine, bright and clear. 8.0 Calm. Fine, but cloudy. Very warm and sultry. Smooth sea. Bar. 30-020 (82° F.). Temp. 83° F. dry, 77°*5 wet. Sea surface 82 0, 8 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 74° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. 9.12 Stopped JLat. 5° 31'-7 N. 1 to make experiment No. 3 ship in ^Long. 84° l'*0 W. / with Mr. Buchanan’s water bottle and capsizing thermometer, in precisely the same manner as in experiment No. 2, made yesterday. 9.88 Hauled bottle and thermometers on board again. Temp, at 220 fms. by capsizing thermometer 49°-3 F. -y- Temp, at 220 fms. by Millar- f Max. 80°-5 F., 9*2n mm. 1 ■ Casella’s thermometer, No.< Min. 48°-8 F., 5-82 mm. 90284 [ Sea Surface 84*2 F. Specific gravity of the water brought up in water bottle =(at temperature of sample) 1*02691. 9.40 Set on on course to the North. NOON. Light WSW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Very warm weather. Slight sea from SW. Bar. 30-020 (82° F.). Temp. 85°*7 dry, 79° F. wet. Sea surface 8 4° *2, F. Position byl Lat. 5° 51'-2 N. observations / Long. 84° 7'*9 W. Distance run since noon yesterday =210 n.m. 210 Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 1.30 2.5 2.14 2.41 2.54 2.57 4.0 6.0 8.0 MIPNT. A.M. 4.0 THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1893 — contd. Current observed since noon yesterday=:N 13° W., 11*9 n.m. — 0-5 KTS. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74 J° F., main tank, 74-J° F., after tank 75^° F. All cable in tanks tested this morning 1 with satisfactory results. Passed a quantity of trees and drift wood being carried west by the current. Stopped f Lat. 6° 6'*0 N. "lfor experiment No. 4 with ship in \ Long. 84° 14'*0 W. J Mr. Buchanan’s water bottle and capsizing thermometer attached; mode of working similar in every respect to experiments Nos. 2 and 3. Bottle and thermometers lowered to 220 fms. as before. Considerable lead on the line owing to the surface current setting to the N W at about ^ knot, and an under current setting to the S’d. Line now leading up and down. Sent messenger down the line to free trigger. Hauled bottle and thermometers on board again. Temp, by capsizing thermometer =49° F. fMax. 82°*9F.,9*67mm. -j- Temp, by Millar-Casella’s ther- I ■ mometer, No. 90284 t Min. 48°*7 F., 5-80 mm. Sea surface 84°*3 F. Specific gravity of the water brought up in water bottle = (at temperature of sample) 1*02688. Set on full speed on course. Light WNW breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Light WNW wind. Squally appearance ahead. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74J° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75^° F. Light to moderate WNW breeze. Overcast with frequent rain, squalls since 7 p.m. Much lightning to the N and NW. Bar. 29*990 (81° F.). Temp. 81° F. dry, 76°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 83°*4 F. Fresh WNW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Much lightning all round. Thunder in the distance. Fresh WNW breeze. Fine and clear. Slight sea from the NW. 211 o o Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. а. m. 4.57 б. 27 8*0 NOON. P.M. 0*18 0-47 4.15 FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, 1893. Sounding J Lat. 7° 48'-0 N 1 72 S \Long. 84° 56' *5 W j Sounding f Lat. 7° 52'*1 N I 73 S \ Long. 84° 58'-5 W J 721 fms. d. s. 1191 fms. gn. m. Moderate WNW breeze. Fine and clear. Warm and sultry. Slight sea from NW. Bar. 30-000 (82° F.). Temp. 83° F. dry, 78° F. wet. Sea surface 82°-8 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74-J° F., after tank 75° F. Moderate WNW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Slight sea from WNW. Bar. 30-000 (83° F.). Temp. 85° F. dry, 78°*6 F. wet. Sea surface 83°-5 F. Position by f Lat. 8° 27'-8 N. observations \ Long. 85° 17'-4 W. Distance run since noon yesterday =173 n.m. Current observed since noon yesterday=S 29° W, 11-0 n.m. = 0-46 KTS. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 75° F., main tank 74^° F., after tank 75^° F. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this morning with satis- factory results. T. Sounding 74 S A Lat. 8°27'-8N \ . Long. 85° 17'-4 W J 700 fms. B T“o P 2 84 y l M -' 80 °' 5 F - 9* = 39° 6 F J Min * 39 °’° F *> 3 ‘ 8 mm * Surface temp. = 83°-5 F. T Sounding • 74 S B i Lat. 8°27'-8N 1...., Long. 85° 17'-4 W / 1445 fms ‘ Bottom temp, by' gn. m. 78 ’-° F " 8 - =35^6 F J Min * 35 °' 6 3 ' ( 8 mm. 09 mm. Surface temp.=83°-5 F. During the .last half hour passed through bands of tide rips, which much affected ship’s steering. Wind blowing light from the NW. Swung ship for compass errors. 212 Sounding between Santa, Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, 1893 —contd. 6.0 Sighted Cape Blanco bearing N 32° E. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74J° F., after tank 75J° F. 8.0 Light WNW airs. Fine, but overcast and gloomy. Light- ning to the NE. Bar. 30-000 (78° F.). Temp. 82°-5 F. dry, 77°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 82°-5 F. 9.25 Sounding J 75 S \ Lat. 9° 32’-6 N l 1t)0£)C . Long-. 85° 47'-3 W j 1292 fma ' d ‘ gn ‘ m ‘ MIDNT. Light variable airs. Cloudy, with rain at times. Vivid lightning to the S.E. ' ' "V SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1893. A.M. 4.0 Light NE breeze. Cloudy, with occasional showers. 7.48 -p Sounding * ■ 76 S < fLat. 10° 41'*2 N \ .. a . „ 1 Long. 86° 36'-3 W J 519 fms ’ gn ' m ' 1 %“ e 9028 b 4 y l Max - 78 °‘ 8 F - 8 ' 95 | _4™0 p ’ [Min. 41°-6 F., 4-32 mm. [ Surface temp. = 81° F. 8.0 Moderate ENE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30*060 (80° F.). Temp. 80°-2 F.dry, 77° F. wet. Sea surface 81° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74° F. main tank 74° F., after tank 7 5° F. 9.58 -j- Sounding! 1 • 77 S " fLat. 10°46'-8N 1 1AO , Long. 86° 28'-0 W / 109 fm& gt B The™ e 9?28 b 4 y l Max - 78 °' 7 F - 8 ' 97 “ F ’ J Min * 37 °’° F *’ 764 mm - ^Surface temp. = 80°-0 F. By the soundings taken this morning ship has evidently been set to the northward of the intended position of soundings ; no observations obtainable, as sky very overcast, , and the land is entirely obscured by haze. 213 Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. noon. P.M. 0.6 0.36 0.58 1.52 2 38 3.23 SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1893 — contd. Moderate NE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Hazy over the land, which is just visible only. Bar. 30-040 (82° F.). Temp. 80 o, 5 F. dry, 76° F. wet. Sea surface 80° -5 F. Position by JLat. 11° 0'*0 N "lCape Elena bearing observations \ Long. 86° 25'-0 W J S 80° E. Distance run since noon yesterday = 167 n.m. Current observed since noon yesterday =N 34° W, 28 n.m. = 1-17 KTS. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 75° F, main tank 74^° F., after tank 75 F. During the morning all cable in tanks tested ; results satisfactory. T Sounding . 78 S , Lon 86° 25 Hi W } 100 fms ’ m ‘ B Term e 90 P 28 b 4 y l Ma - 81 °' 6 94 =57M f ’ J Min ‘ 570,1 7 ‘ 65 mm * L Surface temp.=80 o, 5 F. Note. — As the 100 fathom line evidently extends further to the westward than expected, it is decided to take soundings both north and south of this position to clearly define the 100 fathom limit before putting into San Juan del Sur. Sounding J Lat. 11° 0'-7 N 79 S \ Long. 86° 24'*0 W Sounding f Lat. 11° l'*3 N 80 S \ Long. 86° 22'-9 W Sounding f Lat. 11° 5'*8 N 81 S \ Long. 86° 25'*7 W Cape Elena bearing S. 70° E. Sounding f Lat. 11° 4'-0 N 82 S 1 Long. 86° 22'-8 W Sounding f Lat. 11° 2'-5 N 83 S \ Long. 86° 19'-0 WJ Cape Elena bearing S 70° E. N 61° E. Current observed since noon=N 28° E., 2 n.m. =0*59 kt. 214 ■ 96 fms. olive gn. m. 96 fms. olive gn. m. 92 fms. gn. m. 94 fms. 1 gn. m. 87 fms. gn. m. Mount Papayal bearing Sounding between Santa Elena and San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 3.35 3.48 4.0 4.24 SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1893 —contd. Let go Mark Buoy 51h in position of Sounding No. 83. MooriEgs of Buoy : — 1 f" bridle. 1 10 fms. length 4" chain. 1 20 „ 50 „ 4x4 buoy rope 20 „ „ side „ 1 mushroom=4 cwt 0 qrs. 26 lbs. Lowered surf boat, and sent it away to put a dioptric lamp on buoy. Surf boat returned, hoisted it up, and set on for next posi- tion for sounding. Sounding / 84 S t Lat. 11° 3'*0 N \ Long. 86° 20'*2 W j 86 fms. gn. m. 4.30 6.0 6.35 Set on for anchorage. Course N 66^° E. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74-^° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. p ... f Mount Orosi bearing S 71° E. rosmon j Cape Elena? high land bearing . g 35 o K y an JVEoiint Papayal bearing N 54° E. Distance run bj' Patent log from Mark Buoy 51h=16-5 n.m. Changed course to N 61° E. Position of mark buoy f Lat. 11° 2' *5 N. now determined as j^Long. 86° 19'*0 W. 8.0 Moderate NE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Calm sea. Bar. 30-000 (83° F.). Temp. 82° F. dry, 75° F. wet. Sea surface 78°*8 F. Arrived at entrance to San Juan del Sur Bay. As there is no light burning in the Lighthouse, and it being too dark to get any reliable bearings of the points of land, decided to steam out seawards a little and lie to till daylight to- morrow. MIDNT. Light ENE wind. Fine, but cloudy. Lightning to the eastward. Ship steaming slow on S 60° W course. 215 AT SAN JUAN DEL SUR. April 23rd, 18.93. 217 AT SAN JUAN DEL SUR. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.’ Hour. a.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1893. 1.0 Put ship on N 60° E course. 4.0 Moderate ENE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Slight sea from NE. 5.0 Ship now making for anchorage. 7.28 Let go port anchor with 45 fms. of chain in 14 fms. of water in San Juan del Sur Bay. p ... f Lighthouse bearing S 76° E. rosmon i Southern Point bearillg g 57° E. ot stll P L Lot’s Wife Rock „ N 12° W. 7.55 Lowered steam-launch. 8.0 Fresh ENE breeze. Cloudy, with occasional rain squalls. Bar. 30-070 (81° F.). Temp. 81°*5 F. dry, 75° F. wet Sea surface 78°°5 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 74^° F., main tank 74° F., after tank 75° F. 10.40 Capt. Hunter and some of the staff left for shore in steam- launch and gig. NOON. P.M. Moderate ENE breeze. Cloudy and squally. Bar 30-050 (83° F.). Temp. 83°*6 F. dry, 75°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 78 0, 4 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 75° F., main tank 74J° F., after tank 75 F. 1.6 Steam-launch and gig returned. While on shore Capt. Hunter visited the Governor of San Juan del Sur, inspected cable landing place, and arranged for labour for the landing of Shore-End to-morrow. 2.12 Capt. Morton, with Messrs. R. S. Lloyd and B. C. Combe (Navigating Officer), left in steam-launch to sound, and to select and buoy position for ship’s anchorage for landing Shore-End. 2.57 Commenced to heave up anchor to move ship into position nearer shore, for the landing of the Shore-End of the San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. 219 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVEETOWN.” Hour. p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1893 — contd. 3.12 Anchor up. Set on slow for position. 3.13 Capt. Hunter and Mr. Daley left for shore to visit Mr. C. Holmann (Agent), and to send telegram, No. 15, to Silvergray, London. 3.20 Let go port anchor in 11 fms., veered chain to 45 fms. p ... f Lot’s Wife Rock bearing N 21° W. Southern Point „ ° S 40° E. orsmp [ CableHouse fj S 89° E. The Governor of San Juan del Sur and Messrs. Atherton and Kelly, of the C. and S. A. Tel. Co., accompanied by a number of visitors, came on board. 6.0 Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 75|° F,, main tank 74^° F., after tank 75-^° F. 8.0 Light ENE wind. Fine, bright and clear. Bar. 30-050 (85° F.). Temp. 82°-4 F. dry, 71° F. wet. Sea surface 78°-2 F. Note. — The main portion of the cable trench, for Shore- End, has been opened out from the cable office to high water mark to-day by native labourers. 9.59 Mr. Lumsden returned from shore with a note from Mr. Atherton to Capt. Hunter, stating that several bush fires are approaching the cable station, and should they require assistance would Capt. Hunter send men on signal being made. Capt. Hunter at once gave orders for a party of cable hands to go ashore in case their services are required. 10.42 Messrs. F. W. Robinson and J. F. Lumsden, with Dr. Toms and Chief Steward and D. Smith (General Foreman), D. Healey (Carpenter), and 11 cable hands, with buckets and hatchets, and provisions for the night, left in steam-launch for shore. MIDNT. Moderate ENE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. 220 SAN JUAN DEL SUE — SALINA CEUZ SECTION. LANDING AND LAYING THE SAN JUAN DEL SUB NORTH SHORE END. LAYING THE SAN JUAN DEL SUR NORTH HEAVY INTERMEDIATE. LAYING AND BUOYING THE SAN JUAN DEL SUR NORTH LIGHT INTERMEDIATE. COMPLETING THE NORTH SHORE END ON SAN JUAN BEACH. ' April 24th to April 26th, 1893. 221 . SAN JUAN DEL SUR — S ALIN A CRUZ SECTION. Hour. а. m. 0.5 4.0 б . 0 6.25 6.35 6.40 7.30 7.35 7.38 7.56 8.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893. Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End. Shore party returned to ship, their services not being 1 required on shore at present ; but it is arranged that should help from ship be necessary a rocket will be fired. Moderate ENE breeze. Fine, but overcast. Lowered both cutters and surf boat. Commenced coiling hauling-off ropes in cutters, viz., 3 coils 5" rope and 5 coils rope in port cutter, and 5 coils of 4" and 3 coils 4J" rope in starboard cutter. Put 2 spider wheels, 2 sand anchors, 6 shovels, flags, tools, chain, &c., required on the beach for the landing of Shore- End cable, into surf boat. American Mail Steamer “ Starbuck ” entered the port and anchored to shoreward of ship, off cable landing place. Tests made on the spliced section of Shore-End. Heavy Intermediate and Light Intermediate cable, piece “ E ” in main tank, for San Juan del Sur Northern Shore- End ; results satis- factory, and jointer set about sealing the top end ready for landing. Mr. B. C. Combe left in steam-launch to ask the Captain of the “Starbuck” to move his ship clear of cable landing, to enable the “ Silvertown ” to land Shore-End. Finished coiling hauling-off ropes in port cutter. Finished coiling hauling-off ropes in starboard cutter. Light ENE wind. Squally at times. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-045 (79° F.). Temp. 79° F. dry, 78°-8 F. wet. ~ surface 77° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 75 c main tank 74|° F., after tank 75^° F. 223 Hour. a.m. 8.10 8.53 9.13 9.50 10.2 10.10 10.15 10.45 48 San Juan clel Sur — Salina Cruz Section. S.S. “ S1LYERTOWN.” Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893 — contd. Mr. Combe returned from the “ Starbuck” with the infor- mation that the captain says he cannot move his ship until noon, he having cargo to discharge. Messrs. P. Bates, C. Cazalet, and R. Wood, with Tillyer, foreman’s mate, and five cable hands left in steam-launch with surf-boat in tow for the beach, to get all gear in order for landing cable ; Capt. Morton and Mr. Combe also pro- ceeding ashore to take sights for time. Steam-launch with surf-boat in tow returned to ship. Hands on beach placing spider wheels. Steam-launch left with surf-boat and both cutters, con- taining hauling off lines, in tow, for cable landing place. Written instructions sent to Mr. Bates on the beach to move the southern, or cable, 'spider wheel more to the north, so that the cable now about to be laid will run to the northward of the buoy marking the line of the existing northern cable here. Observed end of rope landed from port cutter at the southern spider wheel (flag u B ”) on the beach, and hands on beach running rope along beach towards the northern spider wheel (flag “ L.”) Commenced to heave up anchor. Shore signalled, “ Please hoist ‘ D ’ if spider is to be moved.” Anchor aweigh. Set on slow for position nearer beach. Let go port anchor in 9^ fms. of water; veered chain to 30 fms. at water’s edge. Wind blowing fresh from ENE (off the land). Hoisted ensign at the mizen to call the attention of shore to hand -flag signals. Cable hands on the beach engaged shifting spider wheels. Hoisted recall signal for starboard cutter, 224 Hour. a.m. 11.0 11.2 11.15 11.47 11.55 11.59 NOON. San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893— contd. Observed steam-launch take port cutter in tow for ship, cutter pajdng out rope from the southern spider wheel towards ship. Mail Steamer “ Starbuck ” left the port. Port cutter, in tow of steam-launch, arrived at ship’s stern and passed bight of the seventh rope inboard over stern sheave. About 6^ ropes running from ship to spider wheel on beach now. The remaining rope from port cutter hauled on board, and cutter made fast to boom. Observed end of rope from starboard cutter landed at northern spider wheel, and shackled on to the rope on beach that was landed by port cutter. Starboard cutter in tow of steam launch now returning to ship, paying out rope on the way. Distance between spider wheels=100 fms. Distance along the beach from southern spider wheel to Cable Office =290 fms. ; by chart =250 fms. Position of this f Lat. 11° 15'*34 N. landing place \ Long. 85° 52'*88 W. Position of f Lat. 11° 15'*1 N. Cable Office \ Long. 85° 52'*84 W. “ All ready ” signal hoisted on the beach. Starboard cutter, in tow of steam-launch, arrived at bows and passed end of seventh rope from the beach inboard over starboard bow sheave. Rope run along to starboard picking- up drum, thus completing endless messenger between ship and shore. Moderate ENE wind, squally at times. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30*050 (83° F.). Temp. 83° F. dry, 81°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 77°*8 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 75 F., main tank 75° F., after tank 75^° F. Draught of f Fwd. 26' 0". ship \Aft26'0". 225 p San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section . Hour. p.m. 0.3 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.25 0.30 0.43 0.45 0.50 0.57 1.4 1.20 S.S. “ S1LVERTOWN.” Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — conta. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893 — contd. Surf-boat returned from the beach. Hoisted up port cutter. Got the remaining rope from starboard cutter on board, and hung boat at boom. Shore signalled, “Hunter to Robinson. Must have 250 fms. to reach Hut.” Replied, “ Robinson to Hunter. O.K. will stopper on 150 fms.” Hove in on slack of messenger over stern sheave with paying-out drum, to make up 160 fms. on the end on board ; which is to be made fast to and stoppered along end of cable. Hauled top end of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b,” piece “E,” from main tank, along leads and three times round paying-out drum to stern sheaves, and set about making it fast to messenger. Commenced to heave in on messenger over starboard bow sheave with starboard picking-up drum. Tide ebbing. Ship now heading towards landing place. Mr. Howard, with jointer Gowing, left in steam-launch for shore, taking surf-boat in tow. End of Shore-End cable passed over stern sheave with 1st balloon buoy attached. Cable leading close round starboard side of ship, and ship swinging over cable. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out on cable. Ship now swung back, and clear of cable. Resumed heaving in on messenger and paying out on cable. Steam-launch and surf-boat returned to ship, with a note from Capt. Hunter, instructing Mr. Robinson to send 50 men ashore when cable is on beach, and to send food for all hands. 226 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.’ Hour. p.m. L30 1.43 2.0 2-5 2.13 2.19 2.25 2-30 2.38 2.40 3.5 3.22 Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893 — contd. 250 fathoms of cable paid out. Marked cable with spun- yarn, so that shore will know when there is sufficient cable on the beach to run up to Cable Office. Steam-launch left with food for shore party ; Mr. Lloyd went ashore to determine the position of the two buoys marking old cables near the beach. Anchor buoy foul of cable. Stopped picking up on mes- senger and paying out cable, and sent boat away to clear anchor buoy. Set the jib. Resumed heaving in on messenger and paying out on cable. Ship now swung round on to cable, balloon buoys on cable under ship’s bow. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Ship swinging clear of cable. Resumed heaving n on messenger and paying out cable. Ship now well clear of cable. Hauled down the jib. First balloon buoy on end of cable reached the beach. 0- 8443 n.m. of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b,” paid out from main tank, between ship and beach. Heaving in on messenger and paying out on cable according to signals from the beach. Signalled to shore, “You must let end of cable go through first spider sheave.” Shore signalled, “Enough cable on shore.” 52 balloon buoys outboard on cable. 1- 036 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out from ship to reach cable office- 0*844 n.m. =0 192 n.m. of cable on beach. 227 p 2 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour, p.m. 3.30 3 45 4.41 4.43 4.44 4.55 A Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893— contd. Lot’s Wife Rock and No. 1 Point < 19° 3'*0. No. 1 Point and No. 2 Point < 47° 13 (, 0. No. 2 Point and Cable Office < 56° 31'*0 Position . Lighthouse Hill, vertical angle 6° 42' =0*6 n.m. of ship I distant. Lot’s Wife Rock bearing N 31° W. Cable House „ S 87° E. ^Lighthouse „ S 52° E. Lat. 11° 15 *22 N. Long. 85° 53' *72 W. Distance, by chart, from ship to cable landing place (which bears N 811° E) =0*84 n.m. Forty-three men, made up of cable hands, seamen, firemen, and stewards, left, in charge of Mr. Cottier, 2nd officer, in steam-launch and surf-boat for shore, to assist hands and native labourers on beach. Observed all hands on shore, assisted by a few native labourers, hauling cable along beach (at right angles to the line of cable between ship and beach) towards the trench to cable office, laying cable in the water so far out as possible till it reaches the trench. Note.— T he cable between ship and beach lies well to the northward of the usual anchorage for vessels. Commenced to heave short on anchor. Steam-launch, with surf-boat and balloon buoys in tow, came alongside, bringing off a message from Captain Hunter that there is not sufficient Shore-End cable on beach to reach Cable Office, therefore messenger must be bent on to cable on beach again, after which ship to heave in on messenger and pay out cable. About 150 fms. more of cable required on the beach to reach office. Stopped heaving in on anchor chain. Got the 13 balloon buoys on board, and commenced coiling two coils of 4-J'' rope in surf boat. Paid out on anchor chain till 30 fms. shackle at hawsepipe. 228 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section . Hour. p.m. 5.15 5.41 5.45 6.0 6.20 6.25 6.30 6.38 6.50 6.56 7.15 7.19 7.23 7.31 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End— contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893 — contd. Steam-launch left for the beach, towing surf -boat, con- taiuing the two coils of rope (to complete messenger on beach) and signal lamps, in charge of W. Tillyer. Shore hoisted “ All ready ” signal. Commenced to heave in on messenger with starboard picking-up drum, and paying out on Shore-End cable over stern sheave. Heaving in on messenger, and paying out on cable, according to signals from the beach. Shore signalled, “ Enough cable on shore.” 55 balloons outboard. 1*096 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out from main tank — 0*844 n.m. =0*25 2 n.m. of cable on beach to reach Cable Office. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Shore signalled, “ Send launch.” Steam-launch and surf-boat left for shore. Signalled to shore, “ Do not let go hauling-off rope.” Signalled to shore, “ Shall I take off balloon buoys ? ” Steam-launch and surf-boat returned from shore with a message to take balloon buoys off cable. Commenced to heave up anchor, so as to make sure of its being clear of the cable when the balloon buoys are let go. Easing out or picking-up on messenger between ship and beach as required. Shore signalled, Send steam launch to pier.” Steam- launch left for shore. Strain on messenger, 1 J to 2f tons. Anchor clear of the bottom, stopped heaving in on it and set jib to cant ship’s head out seawards. Heaving in on messenger slowly, on which there is no strain. Cable leading well forward and slightly under ship on starboard bow. 229 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. Hour. p.m. 7.40 7.42 7.46 7.56 8.0 8.15 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893— contd. Ship’s head paying off to port and seawards. Commenced to slack out on messenger over bow. Steam-launch came alongside with 30 of the men that went ashore for work this afternoon. Ship now heading to the northward with starboard beam on to cable landing place. Let go port anchor and veered chain to 30 fathoms. Stopped paying out on messenger. Cable over stern, leading well out on starboard quarter. Steam launch left for shore. Surf-boat and gig left to cast balloon buoys off cable between ship and the beach. Moderate NE breeze and squally. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-000 (83° F.). Temp. 84°-3 F. dry, 75°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 77°*8 F. Captain Hunter with all hands returned to ship in steam launch. Note. — On arrival on shore this morning Captain Hunter arranged for 100 native labourers to be at beach when end of cable was landed, to carry bight of the cable along the beach to Cable Office, but onty 20 natives could be found in the village. In the first instance, an insufficient length of cable was landed ; a further leng th was consequently hauled ashore, and Captain Hunter then considered there was sufficient cable to reach the office : eventually it was found to be 55 fathoms short of the required amount. The bight of the cable at the landing place is made fast to the sand anchor of the southern spider wheel by a length of rope and chain, and the cable on the end is laid along the beach at low water mark till it reaches the trench opened out to low water mark in front of the Cable Office. The cable is laid and buried in the trench as far up the beach as possible towards the office, the extreme end of the cable reaching high water mark, where it is made fast to a 3-inch plank, and buried till such time as a further length of cable can be spliced on to it. 230 San Juan del Sur — Salma Cruz Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 8.20 9.7 9.15 9.54 10.25 11.6 MIDNT. A M 5.30 Landing the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1893 — contd. Steam-launch left for shore to bring off the remainder of shore party, and with instructions to let go the end of the messenger on the beach, so that it may be hauled on board. Commenced to heave in on messenger with starboard picking-up drum. Steam-launch brought 8 balloon buoys on board. End of the rope that formed cable messenger came in- board over starboard bow sheave. . Cable hands returned to ship in steam-launch, with surf- boat and gig and the remainder of balloon buoys (except 9, 3 of which are on shore) in tow. Tillyer reports that he has collected all the Shore-End landing gear together and taken it to the Cable Office, with the exception of the spider wheels, sand anchors, chain, 1 coil of 4^" rope and 3 balloon buoys, which are left at cable landing place. Tillyer also reports that the rope which held the bight of cable fast to the sand anchor of the southern spider wheel at cable landing place has this evening broken adrift, the bight of the cable is therefore probably well down the beach a little to seaward of low water mark. Steam-launch left for shore to remain at anchorage near pier till ship returns to the port after laying out cable. Note. — Some two or three of the firemen who went ashore with the other hands this afternoon are missing. Moderate NE wind, squally. Fine clear weather. Ship lying quietly to anchor and Shore-End cable over the stern. No strain on cable. A control test is being kept on cable all night. Laying the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893. All hands turned to and set about making ready to underweigh for laying out cable seawards. 231 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. Hour. A.M. 5.40 5.45 5.54 5.57 6.2 6.3 6.9 6.13 6.20 .30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Laying the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893 —contd. Stoppers taken off cables on stern baulks, and engine of paying out machine put out of gear. Weight on brake levers =829 lbs. Commenced to heave up anchor. Wind blowing fresh from ENE, and directly seawards. Fine bright morning. An American mail steamer entered the port. Anchor up. Ship’s head canting seawards. Put engine of paying-out machine in gear again, and pre- pared to start picking up slack of cable over stern. After picking up a fathom or two of cable put engine of machine out of gear and lifted brakes right up. Ship’s engines slow astern. Dynamometer rose to 40 cwt. Cable commenced running out. "Set on “ Easy ahead ” seaward. Let go Buoy “ 70 ” blue flag” made fast to cable with 12 fms. chain. Ship on Course S 80° W. 1-323 n.m. of Shore-End Cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from main tank, minus 1*096 n.m. = 0-227 n.m. of cable laid from anchorage. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on curve while getting on Course =0*227 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground on curve round on to Course = 0-180 n.m. Slack=20-6 %. fLat. 11 Position Bearings ^ 15'. 35 \ Long. 85° 53'-85 W. ' Lot’s Wife Rock N 26° W. No. 3 Point S 34° E. Ship’s engines increased to 25 revs, per min. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Drum=27 revs, per min. =4-7 kts.. (approx.). Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Drum = 29 revs, per min. = 5-0 kts. (approx.). Patent log=l-5 n.m. 232 San Juan del Sur—Salina Cruz Section. S.S. ‘ £ SILVERTOWN.” Hour, a M. Laying the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End- contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893— contd. 6.35 3-314 n.m. of Shore-End paid out from main tank minus 1*096 n.m.=2-218 n.m. of cable laid from anchorage. Patent log' =1-8 N.M. Changed Course to S 60° W. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course S 80° W (made good S 83° W)= 1-991 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground on last Course S 80° W (made good S 83° W)= 1-960 n.m. Slack=1*6 %. fLat. 11° 15'-12 N. Position l_Long. 85° 55'*79 W. Laying the San Juan del Sur North Heavy Intermediate. 6.38 7.0 SPLICE between Shore-End cable Mo. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ” and Heavy Intermediate cable Mo. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3 ” from main tank passed off drum. 3-521 n.m. of Shore-End Mo. 1953b, part Sec. 3b, paid out from main tank. Patent log=2-l n.m. Depth=30 fms. (approx.). Length by factory measurement of this piece of Shore-End .. .. .. .. =3-500 n.m. Length by drum measurement of this piece of Shore-End =3*521 Difference .. .. =0-021 n.m. { Lighthouse Hill bearing’) S 85° E ^Lat. 11° 15'-02 N. Mount Papayal bearing ( Long. 85° 55'-95 W M 63° E J 1-829 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=3*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur= 5*329 n.m. Depth = 32 fms. 233 Hour. a.m. 7.30 8.0 8.27 ■■ * ***!■ San Juan del Sur — Salma Cruz Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Laying the San Juan del Sur North Heavy Intermediate — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893— contd, Drum=28 revs, per min.=4-9 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 82 9 lbs. Dynamo- meter =9^ cwt. Strophometer=25 revs. Note. — Brakes right up. { Cape Elena bearing S. Mount Papayal bearing N 63|° E, 6*4 n.m distant. 4-363 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=6-3 n.m. Depths 40 fms. Drum = 28 J revs, per min.=5-0KTS. Ship’s engines=26^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=829 lbs. Dynamo- meter=9-| cwt. Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. Moderate E’ly breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Smooth sea. Bar. 30-030 (79° F.). Temp. 79°-8 F. dry, 74°-3 F. wet. Sea surface =78° F. 7-089 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=8-9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur=10-589 n.m. Depth =45 fms. Drum=30| revs, per min.=5*36 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =829 lbs. Dynamo- meter=9J cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. Laying the San Juan del Sur North Light Intermediate. SPLICE between Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “3,” and Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. 2,” from main tank, passed off drum. 9-466 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 195^, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=10‘9 n!m. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Heavy Intermediate . . . . = 9-490 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Heavy Intermediate. . . • . . . . = 9*466 „ Difference. . . . = — 0*024 n.m. 234 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. Hour, a.m. 8.30 9.0 9.30 10.0 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Laying the San Juan del Sur North Light Intermediate — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur= 12-990 n.m. Depth =55 fms. fHigh Land of Cape Elena^j | bearing S 3G° E I Position J Mount Orosi bearing S of splice’ 71° E Mount Papayal bearing N 61° E [ Lat. 11° 10'-4 N. Long. 86° 4' -4 W. 0-319 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=ll-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur= 13*309 n.m. Depth =55 fms. Drum = 30 \ revs, per min. = 5*4 kts. Ship’s engines =25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 829 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6 cwt. Strophometer=27 revs. 2-977 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=13-6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur= 15-967 n.m. Depth = 60 fms. Drum = 30 revs, per min. = 5*25 kts. Ship’s engines=25^- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=829 lbs. Dynamo- meter = lifting to 5 cwt. Strophometer=27 revs. 5*525 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=16 - 0 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur= 18*515 n.m. Depth =65 fms. Drum=28j revs, per min. =5*0 kts. Ship’s engines =25 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=829 lbs. Dynamo- meter=lifting to 5 cwt. Strophometer=26 revs. 8*213 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=18*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur=21-203 n.m. Depth =70 fms. Drum = 30 revs, per min. =5-25 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=829 lbs. Dynamo- meter=lifting to 5 cwt. Strophometer=28 revs. 235 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. A.M. 10.30 10.40 11.0 11.15 11.20 11.25 11.35 11.37 11.40 11.50 11.53 11.54 Laying the San Jnan del Sur North Light Intermediate — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893— contd. 11Y58 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=21*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur=24*148 n.m. Depth = 73 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. =: 5 *8 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =82 9 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. Sighted Mark Buoy 51h. 14*360 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=23*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur= 27*359 n.m. Depth =80 fms. Drum=36 revs, per min. = 6-33 kts. Ship’s engines=26 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=829 lbs. Dynamo- meter (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. Mark Buoy 51h bearing S 75° W., 3 n.m. distant. About to cut and buoy cable, reduced ship’s engines to “ dead slow.’’ Stopped ship’s engines. Control test taken off cable. 16*737 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=25*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur=29*727 n.m. Abreast of Mark Buoy 51 h, bearing N 30° W., 0*5 n.m. distant. Engines “ half speed ahead.” Stopped ship’s engines. Moving engines as required to ease out cable. Cable running out very slowly according to strain = from 6 to 7 cwt. Put brakes down and held cable. Put engine of paying-out machine in gear and commenced to pay out cable. 236 San Juan del Sur — Salma Cruz Section. Hour. a.m. 11.58 11.59 NOON. P.M. 0.4 0.5 0.10 0.15 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Buoying San Juan del Sur North Light Intermediate. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893 — contd. Stopped cable with brakes, and bent on port quarter line Paid out on cable till quarter line took the strain. Fresh ENE wind. Fine clear weather. Shght sea from ENE.. Bar. 30-000 (82° F.). Temp. 82°-3 F. dry, 76° F. wet. Sea surface 79°-2 F. Bent slip rope and buoy mooring chain on to cable on stern baulks. Cut cable and set about sealing end. 17-990 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur for the San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section^ 30-980 n.m., viz. : — f Part of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. ‘‘ 3b, ”=3*500 n.m. | Piece Heavy Int. „ 1952 „ „ “ 3, ” = 9 490 „ “E” in Light „ „ 1951 „ ,, “2, ” = 17-990 ,,* I main [ tank. Total.. .. =30-980 „ 4*0 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. 11 2,” now remaining in main tank (remainder of piece “ E.”) This piece of Light Intermediate is to be transferred to the S.S. “ Relay ” later, to replace the length supplied to this ship by the “ Relay” on the 10th inst. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 60° W (made good=S 59° W)=27*666 n.m. (corrected to 7th May=27-652 n.m.). Distance, by Chart, overground on last Course, S 60° W (made good S 59° W)=26'050 n.m. Slack= 6T4 °/ o . Sealed end of cable. Let go end of cable attached to Buoy 52 W (with cage above flag). * See later for alterations to this length. 237 Hour. p.m. 0.26 0.30 0.55 1.7 1.12 2.30 4.40 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Buoying San Juan del Sur North Light Inter- mediate — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893— contd. Position of f Lat. 11° l'*6 N. buoyed end \ Long. 86° 20'*2 W. Mount Papayal bearing N 61° E. „ Orosi bearing S 86° E. High Land of Cape Elena bearing S 73° E. Moorings of buoy : — 1 f" bridle. 1 10 fms. length § " chain. 1 15 „ „ f" „ (stray). 100 „ 4x4 buoy rope. 1 mushroom =4 cwt. 1 qr. 16 lbs. T Sounding • 85 S Set on to take lamp off Mark Buoy 51h, put down at 3.35 p.m. on 22nd inst. Close by Mark Buoy. Stopped ship and sent boat away to buoy. Mark Buoy 51h and Cable Buoy 52w in line, bearing S 41° W. Completing the San Juan del Sur Northern Shore-End on Beach. Boat returned to ship with lamp from buoy. Boat hoisted up. Set on for anchorage in San Juan del Sur Bay again. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 75J° F., main tank 75° F., after tank 75i° F. Sealed the end of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b,” Piece “ F,” in fore tank ready for cutting off a piece to splice on to the end of the Shore -End, landed on the beach here yesterday. fLat. 11° l'-6 N | Long. 86° 20' *2 W | Bottom temp, by ~ Therm. 90284 = 60°*7 F: Surface temp. = 79°*2 F. vv yl 92 fms. gn. m. Max. 79°-5 F., 9-08 mm. Min. 60°*73 F., 8-44 mm. 238 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. Hour. p.m. 4.58 5.5 5.10 6.2 6.20 6.25 7.30 8.0 8.30 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Completing the San Juan del Sur Northern Shore-End on Beach — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, m 3 — contd. Let go port anchor in 11 fms. in San Juan del Sur Bay, veered chain to 45 fms. Hoisted recall signal for steam-launch anchored off the pier. Lowered port cutter. Position of f Lot’s Wife Rock bearing N 22° W. ship \ Lighthouse bearing S 67° E. Mr. Lumsden, on the beach, signalled that 330 feet is the distance from the end of cable on beach, landed yesterday, to Cable Office. Cut 65 fathoms=0-064 n.m. off Salina Cruz Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” Piece “ F,” in fore tank, and coiled it in port cutter. This length goes ashore to be spliced on l;o the San Juan del Sur Northern Shore-End, landed yesterday, to make up sufficient Shore-End type of cable to reach Cable Office. 3*936 n.m. of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” now remain in fore tank for the Salina Cruz Shore-End (Piece F, in fore tank). Mr. F. W. Robinson left in steam-launch for shore, taking in tow port cutter, containing the piece of Shore-End cable and 4 cable hands, surf-boat, containing 10 cable hands, with all the necessary lamps and jointing and splicing tools, and gig with 5 cable hands. Mr. Holman, Agent and American Consul, and Mr. Way, of the C. and S. A. Tel. Co., came on board. Fresh NE wind. Fine and clear. Bar. 30*000 (83° F.). Temp. 83°*2 F. dry, 74°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 76°*2 F. Steam-launch with port cutter in tow returned to ship, bringing off the 2 spider-wheels, 2 sand anchors, 1 coil of 4^'' rope, 2 or 3 lengths of chain, and 3 balloon buoys, that were left on the beach yesterday after landing Shore-End. 239 Sau Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Completing the San Juan del Sur Northern Shore-End on Beach — contd. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893 —contd. Shore signalled, “ Have you launch and cutter alongside ?” Replied “ Yes.” Steam-launch and cutter hoisted on board. D. Smith (general foreman) and 12 cable hands returned from shore, having completed the work of splicing on the piece of cable to the Shore-End, and bringing off with them the remainder of the Shore-End landing gear, splicing tools, &c. Fresh NE breeze. Fine and clear. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 1893. Staff, jointers, and cable hands returned in gig. Note. — The length of Shore-End cable taken ashore yesterday afternoon has been spliced on to the end, on the beach, of the San Juan del Sur North Shore-End landed on the 24th inst., and the cable laid in the trench right up to the Cable Office, into which the end of the cable was taken through the floor. Five fms. = 0*005 n.m. for the splice was cut off the end of the cable that was laid on the 24th inst., and the 0*064 n.m. length of Shore-End cable taken ashore by the boat was reduced by 9 fms. to 0*055 n.m., being 9 fms. in excess of the length required to complete cable to office. While making the joint of this splice an examination was made of the beach from opposite office to the cable landing place, to see if the Shore-End was exposed anywhere along the beach. Only a few feet of the cable was found uncovered, where it lay on some stones at the site of the old pier, and arrangements were made with Mr. Atherton, Superintendent of the Cable Station, to have these stones removed and cable buried as soon as possible. Cable hands also collected all the gear that had been left at cable landing place, and took | it down to ship’s boats. On the splice (which lies 240 San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section. Hour. A.M. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Completing the San Juan del Sur Northern Shore-End on Beach — contd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 1893 — contd. at about high-water mark on the beach) being finished (at about 9.30 p.m.), the men were sent on board with ail gear, and Mr. Rymer- Jones tested the cable, from office to the end of the Light Intermediate (buoyed at 0.15 p.m. yesterday). Owing to the faulty condition of the batteries and instruments at the station, considerable delay took place in making the tests, which were not, from the same reason, altogether very satisfactory, but Messrs. Kingsford and Rymer-Jones satisfied themselves that the cable is in good condition. Arrangements were also made with Mr. Atherton to ha\e the Shore-End cable in the trench outside office well buried, by natives, as early as possible after daylight. Total length of cable now laid out from San Juan del Sur Hut for the San Juan del Sur — Salina Cruz Section = 31*030 N.M., viz. : — Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ”=0-055 n.m. - Part of Piece “F” in fore tank. ,, ,, ,, „ ,, ,, — 3*495 „ f Part of Heavy Int. „ 1952 „ ,, “3”= 9*490 „ j Piece Light „ ,,1951 „ „ “2”=17*990 „ =r35°*7 F. I 1 1329 fms. gn. m. Max. 86°’ 1 F., 10-18 mm. Min. 35°-7 F., 3*10 mm. ( Surface temp. = 83 0, 6 F. Light ESE breeze. Fine, bright and clear. Calm sea. Bar. 30*040 (85° F.). Temp. 83°-5 F. dry, 74°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 85°-0 E. Position by f Lat. 12° 32'-9 N. observations \ Long. 89° 35'-5 W. Current observed since 6.50 p.m. yesterday = N 76° W, 11*0 n.m. = 0-64 KTS. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 77-|° F., main tank 77° F., after tank 78° F. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this morning, results satisfactory. f Lat. 12° 32'*9 N j Long. 89° 35' *5 W T Sounding ! Bottom temp, by . 97 S 1 Therm. 902«4 1352 fms. gn. I = 35°*6 F. [Surface temp.=85°*0 F. Sounding f Lat. 12° 43' -0 N 98 S \Long. 89° 44' -1 W Max. 87 0, 8 F., 10*49 mm. Min. 35°*6 F., 3*6 mm. 1079 fms, gn. m. Finished transferring the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable from main tank to starboard lower-after pocket, leaving the Light Deep Sea in main tank clear for use. Light SE by S airs. Fine and clear. Very warm and sultry. Calm sea. 247 Sounding between So,n Juan del Sur and Salina Cruz. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 5.40 6.0 6.42 8.0 9.5 MIDNT. A.M. 0.25 3.45 3.55 5.31 6.0 7-20 8.0 THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1893 — contd. Sounding’ fLat. 12°42'-8 N 1 l/4r . n f 99 S {Long. 90° 8'-5 VV ) 14/0 fms ' ^ ”• Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 77^-° F., main tank 77° F., after tanks 77^° F. -p -i i fLat, 12°45'-8N Position by stars | Loug 90 <. u ,. t w Current observed since noon=S 86° W, 6-7 n.m. = 1-0 kts. Calm. Fine, bright, and clear overhead. Hazy horizon. Calm sea. Bar. 30-010 (82° F.). Temp. 82°-2 F. dry, 77°*7 F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. Sounding- fLat. 12° 58'*3 N 1 Q1C) f 100 S { Long. 90° 26'*6 W j 912 fms ‘ Light NW breeze. Fine, clear, and moonlight. FRIDAY, APRIL 28th, 1893. Soundiug fLat. 12° 54'-2 N f * 101 S \ Long. 90° 46’-8 W { 1 079 fms ‘ gn ' m ‘ Light NW airs. Fine, bright, and clear. Sounding fLat. 13° 6'-6 N 1 f 1 02 S { Long. 91° 4'-7 W j 961 fms ' «"• m ' I Lat. 13° 10’-o N Position by stars j Long . gr 15 ., 0 w Current observed since 6-42 p.m. yesterday =N 71° E, 5-8 n.m.=0*53 kts. One watch of seamen and one watch of cable hands com- menced transferring coal from forehold to bunkers. Sounding fLat. 13° 1 6'*0 N 103 S 1 Lat. 13° 1 6'*0 N I , Long.91°26'-8w) 905 fms - «”• m ‘ Light NNW airs. Fine, but cloudy. Hot and sultry. Calm sea. Bar. 30-050 (82° F.). Temp. 82°*6 F. dry, 71°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. 248 Sounding between San Juan del Sur and. Salina Cruz. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 28th, 1893 —eontd. 10.39 nOon. P.M. 0.16 2.0 2*22 4.0 4.12 4.30 6.0 7.43 8.0 Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 77° F. main tank 76^° F., after tank 77^-° F. Sounding f Lat. 13° 25'*8 N "1 104 S \Long. 91° 48'-7 WJ 1106 fms. gt. m. Calm. Fine and clear over bead, but hazy round horizon. Very sultry. Calm sea. Bar. 30*000 (87° F.). Temp. 88°*8 F. dry, 78°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 88°*5 F. Position by fLat. 13° 33'-6 JN. observations \ Long. 91°54'-8 W. Current observed since 5*31 a.m. = N 2° E, 3*6 n.m. = 0-55 Tests taken this morning on all cable in tanks with satisfactory results. Sounding f Lat. 13° 33'-6 N 105 S \Long. 91° 54'-8 W 1 1059 fms. gn. m. Temp, of sea at surface 88°*8 F. Sounding j Lat. 13° 34'-6 N 106 S [ Long. 92° 6'-5W j> 1658 fms. stf. gn. m. & gt. Light SW airs. Fine, clear weather. Very hot and sultry. Sounding f Lat. 13° 37'-5 N. 107 S \ Long. 92° 15 *2 W. 1 1779 fms. stf. gn. m. & gt. Stopped transferring coal from forehold to bunkers, having shifted 107 tons to-day ; leaving about 570 tons in forehold. Temp, in cable tanks, botton of cone : fore tank 79^° F, main tank 79° F, after tank 79J° F. Sounding f Lat. 13° 55'-6 N. 1 f 108 S {.Long. 92° 31-9 W.) ° 17 fms ‘ *"• m ‘ Light SW airs. Fine, and bright overhead, round horizon. Calm sea, with slight SW swell. Bar. 30-000 (85° F.). Temp. 84°-2 F. dry, 78 Sea surface 85°-5 F. 249 Sounding between San Juan del Sur and Salina Cruz. Daylight. Sky clouded over, with rainy and unsettled appearauce. Vivid lightning to the E’d. heavy appearance. Vivid flashes of lightning, with sharp claps of thunder to the E’d. Hot and sultry. Calm sea. Bar. 30-020 (83° F.). Temp. 83°-2 F. dry, 77°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 79^-° F., main tank 79-^° F., after tank 80° F. Tests made on the spliced sections of Shore-End, Heavy Intermediate, Light Intermediate, and Light Deep Sea, pt. Sec. “ 10,” Piece “ F,” in fore tank, for Salina Cruz Shore-End, and the Light Deep Sea remaining in after tank ; results satisfactory. Got the top end of Light Deep Sea cable (No. 1235, pt. of Sec. “ 11”) from after tank, and the bottom end of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” from fore tank up on deck, and commenced to open out both ends for joint, and splice together. 9 fms. = 0*009 n.m. for dry end, and 14 fms. = 0'014 n.m. for this splice cut off the Light Deep Sea in fore tank, thus S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 28th, 1893 — contd. midnt. Light NW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Calm sea. Vivid lightning to the NE. SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1893. A.M. 2.24 l»436 fms. gn. l. m. and s. 4.0 Light W airs. Fine and bright, but cloudy. 5.50 ^*1172fms. gn. m. g Q Light N’ly and variable airs. Fine, but cloudy, with Sounding between San Juan del Sur and Salina Cruz. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.18 9.57 11.0 NOON. P.M. 0.23 0.25 4.0 4.6 SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1893— contd. Sounding* f Lat. 14° 43'-3 N \ glg f , f 112 S 1 Long-. 93° 53'-9 W J ^ tm ’ stt * gn ' m ‘ Commenced joint between Light Deep Sea cable in fore and after tanks. Joint between Light Deep Sea cable in fore and after tanks finished, tested and passed. Commenced making the splice. Light variable breeze. Cloudy, with light showers of rain at times. Slight swell from SW. Bar. 29-990 (84° F.). Temp. 84°-2 F. dry, 78° F. wet. Sea surface 85° F. Position by f Lat. 14° 50'-0 N observations \ Long. 94° 15'*0 W Current observed since noon yesterday =N 26° W, 1-6 n.m. = 0-07 KTS. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 80° F., main tank 80° F., after tank 81° F. Sounding f Lat. 14° 50'*0 N 1 f 113 s ( Long. 94° 15'-0 W / 128a fms ’ «"• m ‘ Splice between the Light Deep Sea Cable in fore and after tanks completed, and bight of the cable between the two tanks triced up along deck. Total length of cable now spliced up ready for laying from Salina Cruz towards the buoyed end of cable off San Juan del Sur= 604-355 n.m., viz. : — Shore End, No. 1953 b, pt. Sec. “ 3 b . = 3-936 n.m. ] | Heavy Int., No. 1952, „ “ 3” . . = 6-990 „ | Is „ „ „ 1952a, „ “3a”.. = 5-000 „ VK Light „ „ 1951, „ “2” .. = 5*490 „ Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec., “ 10 ” = 106*497 „ „ ,, „ “11”= 74-481 „ „ Sec. “ 9 ” = 401-961 „ Total = 604-355 n.m. Light SW by W breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 29*900. Temp. 86°-2 F. dry bulb. Sea surface 85° F. Sounding [ Lat. 15° 6'-9 N "1 ,> 1( . r J 14 S° f Long. 94° 37 -4 W f 619 fms ' gn. m. 251 Sounding between San Juan del Sur and Salina Cruz. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 5.0 6.9 6.55 7.37 8.0 9.7 10.43 MIDNT. A.M. 0.25 2.35 3.34 SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1893 —contd. Tests taken on all cable in tanks this afternoon by Mr. J. Rymer-Jones, in the presence of Mr. Kingsford — results satisfactory. Sounding fLat. 15° 1 6'*8 N 1 1Q q ? , i 115 S 1 Loug. 94“ ST-l w } 138 fms - «*• «”• m - aud s - Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 80J° F., main tank 80° F; after tank 81° F. D ... , . fLat. 15° 19'-5 N. Position by stars | Long _ 94 . 81 -. 5 w . Current observed since noon Sounding I Lat. 15° 22'-4 N » 116 S | Long. 94° 35'-3 WJ Light SW by W breeze. Fine, bright and clear, haze round horizon. Slight WSW swell. Bar. 29-490 (84° F). Temp. 81° F. dry, 78° F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. nil. 127 fms. m. and s. h. Slight Sounding fLat. 15° 29'-4 N 1 1Q1 f , 117 S \ Long. 94° 43’-l WJ 101 tms ' c - d - s - Sounding fLat. 15° 36'-5 N 1 ■ " " 142 fms. c. s. and m. 118 S [Long. 94° 50'-9 W Fresh SW breeze. Fine clear weather. SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893. Sounding | Lat. 15; j nQ fmg _ m. and gt. 119 S t Long. 94° 58'-6 W f Lat. 15° 53'*2 N | Long 95“ 8'-3 W J 48 fm8 ‘ sft r S n - m ‘ T . S m d s e t "■ j — 61°-0 F f Mm. 61 *0 F., 8-5 mm. T. [Surface temp.=83°*5 F. fLat. 15°56'-9 N 1 | Long. 95° 8 ,- 3 W J 26 fms ' sft «”* m ' Sounding J Bottom temp, by l M „ r p n . 4mm 121 S N 'uv.— ... onocM l iv±ax. oi r., 4mm. Then u. 90284 =75°*2 F. Surface temp. = 83-5 F. 252 Min. 75°-2 F., 10-69 mm. Sounding between San Juan del Sur and Salina Cruz. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.’' Hour. a.m. 4.0 4.18 4.55 4.59 5.10 SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893 — coutd. Moderate SW wind. Fine and clear. Sounding / Lat. 16° 0' 2 N 1 9n f 122 S \ Long. 95° 8'*4 W / ^ Ims ’ Slight sea from SW. gn. m. Position by f Lat. 16° 4' -2 N. observations \ Long. 95° 8' -4 W. Current observed since 6.55 p.m. yesterday=N L4° E., 6-0 n.m. = 0*64 kt. Peak Tecuani bearing N 45° W. Sounding f Lat. 16° 4' *2 N 1 , 123 S t Long. 95° 8H W j 14 fms ' Set on for anchorage off Salina Cruz. 253 LAYING THE S ALINA CRUZ — SAN JUAN DEL SUR SECTION. AT SALINA CRUZ. LANDING THE SALINA CRUZ SHORE-END. PAYING OUT THE SALINA CRUZ SHORE-END, HEAVY AND LIGHT INTERMEDIATES. PAYING OUT MAIN CABLE FROM SALINA CRUZ TO SAN JUAN DEL SUR. COMPLETION OF SECTION. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” April 30th to May 7th, 1803. SALINA CRUZ— SAN JUAN DEL SUR SECTION. A.M. 6.10 7.25 7.42 7.45 8.0 8.10 9.23 9.35 9.42 9.54 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End. SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893 — contd. Let go port anchor in 10^ fms., veered chain to 45 fms. off Salina Cruz. Doctor of the port came on board. Doctor of the port left ship, promising Capt. Hunter to send to ship two native surf-boats as soon as possible. Two Customs officers came on board. Moderate SW breeze. Fine and clear. Slight sea coming into the bay. Slight surf on beach. Bar. 30-000 (83° F.). Temp.^3°-5 F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. Lowered steam-launch. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 80° F., main tank 80° F., after tank 80J° F. Capt. Hunter and Messrs. J. Rymer- Jones, Kingsford, Howard, Daley, and Cazalet, with Chief Steward, left for shore in gig. Observed Capt. Hunter and party land safe y. Commenced to heave up anchor, to take up position off Cable Hut to land Shore-End. Anchor up ; set on for position off Cable Hut. 257 R Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Hour. a.m. 9.55 10.6 10.15 10.20 10.25 10.29 11.12 11.25 11.28 11.35 11.58 NOON. Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893— contd. Messrs. E. Raymond-Barker and P. C. Willmott-Dixon, who go ashore for duty at Cable Hut during the laying of the Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section, left ship for shore in surf-boat. Let go port anchor in 9} fms. off Cable Hut, veered chain to 45 fms. { Cerro Morro Rocks bearing N 83° E. Punta de Conejo „ S 57^° W. Cable Hut „ N 32° E. Observed native labourers digging trench in front of Cable Hut for Shore-End. Tests taken on the 604*355 n.m. of cable spliced up in fore and after tanks yesterday ; results satisfactory. Sealed the end of the Shore-End (in fore tank) ready for landing. Lowered port and starboard cutters. Commenced coiling hauling-off lines in cutters, viz., 4 coils of 4" and 2 coils of 4J” rope in starboard cutter, and 4 coils of 4^" and 2 coils of 5" rope in port cutter. Dr. Toms left in steam-launch for shore. Shore signalled, “ Don’t send landing gear till I signal.” Replied “ o.k.” Shore signalled, “ Send electrical stores here at once.” Replied “ o.k. Stores now loading.” Finished coiling hauling lines in starboard and port cutters. Commenced loading surf-boat with electrical stores for Cable Hut. Mr. J. F. Lumsden, with Skinner (Jointer), and Brackett (Assistant Steward), left in surf-boat for landing place with food for shore party and electrical stores. Fresh SSW breeze. Fine and clear. Moderate sea rolling into anchorage, with considerable surf on the beach. Wind has freshened considerably during the morning. Bar. 29*950 (83° F.). Temp. 85°*1 F. dry, 79°*2 F. wet. Sea surface t>3°*8 F. 258 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 0.5 0.40 1.5 1.6 1 45 1.50 2.0 2.10 2.15 2.16 Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893 — contd. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank, 81° F., main tank 81° F., after tank 81j° F. Made both cutters, containing hauling-off lines, fast to stern of ship. Mr. J. F. Lumsden returned in surf-boat, bringing off notes from Capt. Hunter to Mr. F. W. Robinson and Capt. Morton, as follows : — ■“ Mr. Robinson. Great difficulty in getting anything done. Am arranging for two surf-boats to go off at about noon. Make use of them as you think fit. Am going to station house, which is about 1^ miles off. Will return at two o’clock. Will signal you from Hut directing where to land gear.” “ Capt. Morton. If possible try and get ship nearer and opposite the Hut.” Signalled to shore, “ Robinson to Hunter. Will not want shore surf-boat now.” Commenced loading surf-boat with all gear required on the beach for the landing of Shore-End, viz., 2 sand anchors, 2 spider wheels, shovels, buckets, flagstaffs, &c. Signalled to shore, “ Robinson to Hunter. Shall I send landing gear to Hut now.” Shore replied, “ Capt. Hunter not here. Cannot get any orders. Will ask directly he comes.” Shore signalled, “ Land all gear here” (at Cable Hut). Mr. P. Bates with Tillyer (Foreman’s Mate) and 5 : cable hands left in surf-boat, containing Shore-End landing gear, in tow of steam-launch for Cable Hut. Observed steam-launch and surf -boat returning from Cable Hut. Signalled to shore, “ Is surf too heavy to land ? ” Steam-launch and surf-boat returned alongside ship, Mr. Bates reporting that he did not think it safe to attempt to land the gear in front of Cable Hut. Steam-launch then took surf-boat in tow for ordinary landing place according to Mr. Robinson’s instructions. 259 r 2 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. 2.27 2.50 3.2 3.17 3.35 4.0 4.20 SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893 -contd. Cable hands employed getting all balloon buoys aft, ready for landing cable. Signalled to Capt. Hunter at Cable Hut, “ Surf -boat with gear has gone to landing place.” Shore signalled, “ Stop everything at present. Await signals.” Steam launch and surf boat returned to ship having landed Mr. Bates, with men and Shore-End landing gear at the landing place in front of the village. Shore signalled, “ Send launch and surf -boat to landing place.” Steam-launch and surf -boat left for landing place. Fresh SSW wind. Fine, but cloudy. Moderate sea rolling into anchorage. Capt. Hunter with Messrs. J. Rymer-Jones, Kingsford, Howard, Daley, Doctor Toms and Cazalet, with Chief Steward, Jointer Skinner, and Brackett (Assistant Steward) returned to ship in surf-boat in tow of steam-launch. Note. — On arrival on shore this morning Capt. Hunter arranged for two native surf -boats to go off to ship for stores, &c., but the boats could not go off to ship before noon. The Captain of Port was then visited, and arrangements made for a cart to take the shore party to Cable Office ; which is about two miles inland from the port. After waiting some time for the said cart found it could not be obtained, so after arranging that fifty natives should be at Cable Hut in the afternoon for the landing of Shore-End, the party walked to the Cable Station. On reaching Cable Office found that Mr. W. West, the Station Manager, had gone to Cable Hut to procure labourers to open out trench for Shore-End cable, according to instruc- tions sent by Mr. Kingsford through the Doctor of the Port first thing this morning. After sending message, No. 16, to Silvergray, London, and after Mr. J. Rymer-Jones had wired to Mr. Atherton at San Juan del Sur, to have the end of the Shore-End insulated by the 5th May, proceeded to walk to Cable Hut. On reaching Cable Hut at 2 p.m. found 260 Salma Cruz — San Juan chi Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 5.37 5.40 6.0 6.20 8.0 MIDNT. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 1893— contd. Mr. West there dismantling the C. and S. A. Tel. Co.’s testing apparatus, and about twelve labourers opening out a trench from hut to water’s edge ready for landing Shore- End. The fifty labourers as arranged for with the Capt. of Port had not arrived, and Messrs. Barker and Dixon shortly afterwards arrived at the Cable Hut reporting that they could not obtain any labour to get electrical stores brought down from the landing place to hut. It being then nearly 3 p.fn., with no signs of getting any assistance in the way of native labour, and wind blowing fresh, causing a fairly heavy surf on the beach, Capt. Hunter decided to signal ship to stop further work for the day, and after arranging with Mr. West to have cable trench ready early in the morning, and the electrical stores taken down to the hut, and testing apparatus fitted up, proceeded to return to ship. Meeting Mr. Bates (who had landed with Shore-End landing gear) en route arranged with him to get the cable gear carried down to the hut, aud then to return to ship if possible. Surf-boat in tow of steam-launch left for shore with a change of dry clothing, bedding and food for the hands on shore, in case they were not able to return to ship to-night. Let go starboard anchor, veered chain to 15 fms., and veered away on port anchor to 60 fms. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 80J° F., main tank 81° F., after tank 81° F. Mr. P. Bates with Tillyer (Foreman’s Mate) and 5 cable hands returned from shore in steam-launch and surf-boat, having landed and taken all Shore-End landing gear down to cable hut ready for the morning. Hung boats at the boom for the night. Moderate to fresh SSW wind. Fine, but cloudy. Moderate sea. Bar. 29*970 (83°-5 F.). Temp. 83°-6 F. dry, 79° F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. Strong SSW wind. Overcast, but tine. Moderate sea in the anchorage. 261 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. A.M. 4.0 5.30 6.10 6.44 7.34 8.0 8.15 8.48 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893. Moderate SW by S wind. Overcast and cloudy. Moderate sea in bay and surf on beach. All hands turned to and set about preparing to land Shore- End. Commenced loading surf-boat with bedding and 3 weeks’ provisions for use at Cable Hut. Messrs. J. Rymer-Jones, P. Bates, and C. H. L. Cazalet with Tillyer (Foreman’s Mate), and 5 cable hands, and Jointer Skinner left in surf-boat (containing above-named stores) in tow of steam-launch for the usual landing place, to walk from there to Cable Hut. Observed that since 4 p.m. yesterday a rough thatching of rushes on poles has been erected over Cable Hut and about 20 natives are on the beach opening out cable trench. Observed shore party land safely from surf-boat at landing place. Moderate SW by S breeze. Fine, but very cloudy. Moderate sea and swell coming into the anchorage, causing considerable surf on the beach. Bar. 30-000 (82° F.). Temp. 82°-7 F. dry,. 76°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 80^° F., main tank 81-^° F., after tank 81|° F. Tests taken on the cable spliced up in fore and after tanks ready for laying south, and on all the Light Deep Sea cable in main tank — results satisfactory. Hove up starboard anchor. Mr. Bates, with shore party having arrived at cable hut, signalled “'Surf much heavier than yesterday. Boat can come within 500 feet of shore.” Mr. F. W. Robinson left in steam-launch, containing oil distributers and a line-throwing gun, with surf-boat in tow in charge of Mr. J. F. Lumsden and manned by the follow- ing cable hands : A. Day, sen., W. Bobbitt, M. Coleman, A. Armes, and W. Armes, with 70 fms. of 21-thread line and four 50-fm. lengths of 2J" rope, proceeding towards the line of breakers opposite cable hut. Surf -boat ordered to 262 Satina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893— contd. anchor near breakers and pass a line to a native who will swim through the surf out to the boat and take line ashore if possible. Should that fail it is arranged that the line- throwing gun should be tried to get line ashore. 9.0 Surf-boat anchored close to breakers and steam-launch steaming backwards and forwards to windward of surf-boat pouring oil on the water. 9.13 Observed surf-boat capsize. 9.17 Observed all hands on shore wading in the water and assisting the hands from the capsized boat to land. Appa- rently one man being carried up beach. Steam-launch steamed in towards the surf and appeared to pick up a man. 9.25 Observed surf-boat hauled up the beach, evidently much damaged. 9.30 Shore signalled to Mr. Robinson in steam-launch, “ Lumsden and Armes missing.” 9.40 Steam-launch returned to ship with Mr. F. W. Robinson and the cable hand, W. Bobbitt, who was thrown out of surf- boat and picked up by the launch. Mr. Robinson reports that all was ready in surf-boat to pass a line to a native who was swimming out from the beach towards boat when it capsized. 9.45 Signalled to shore, “ Do you want doctor.” Shore replied, “ No.” 10.15 Shore party appears to be searching along the beach for the bodies of Mr. Lumsden and cable hand W. Armes. It is supposed that when the boat capsized, it must have struck the missing men, as both were good swimmers. 10.25 Capt. Hunter and Mr. Kingsford left in gig in tow of steam-launch for the usual landing place, which is somewhat sheltered by the Morro de Salinas. 10.50 Capt. Hunter and Mr. Kingsford returned to ship, having found it unsafe to attempt to land at Cable Hut; the heavy rollers near the beach would undoubtedly smash up the boat if landing attempted. As there is every appearance- to seaward of the 263 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893— contd. weather becoming much worse, decided to hoist up boats, move ship out to a safer anchorage seaward, and await better weather before making any further attempt to land Shore-End. 11.0 Signalled to shore, “ Hunter to Bates. Now hoisting up boats. Ship must anchor further seawards. Ask Mr. West to arrange for native surf -boat to land ropes for us as soon as practicable.” 11.20 Shore was understood to signal, “ A balloon would float ashore from buoy on wreck easily.” Commenced getting on board the ropes in the two cutters hanging astern since yesterday. 11.45 Signalled to shore, “ Arrange to come off in native surf-boat as soon as possible.” 1.55 Signalled to shore, “Hunter to West. Please offer natives a reward, say 100 dollars, if they can recover bodies of Lumsden and Armes.” NOON. Fresh S by W wind. Fine and clear. Warm and sultry. Moderate sea and surf. Bar. 30-000 (83° F.). Temp. 85°*3 F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 82°-3 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 80 F., main tank 8lJ° F., after tank 81-J° F. Shore signalled, “ Do we land end to-day or come off now ? ” P.M. 0.5 Signalled to shore, “ Come off when you can get native boat.” Shore replied, “Mr. West has gone to try to get boat.” Heavy rollers coming into the bay at times, causing heavy surf on the beach. 0.20 Shore signalled, “ In Kingsford’s xx yesterday to Baker get crinkles.” Replied to shore, at Mr. Kingsford’s request, “ o.k. Call crinkle sixteenth.” 264 Hour. p.m. 1.0 1.20 1.45 2.20 3.0 3.35 3.36 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End— contd. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893— contd. Signalled to shore, “ Please see Captain of Port at once, and ask if he will kindly arrange with natives to land heaving line. Let Captain understand that he will be most hand- somely paid. Suggest to him that the English speaking man who came with Port Doctor understands exactly what is wanted. Tell this man also that he will be well paid.” Shore signalled, “ Bates to Hunter. Captain of Port will not allow any boat to go off. Says it is too dangerous. Absolutely refuses under any consideration.” Signalled to shore, “ Kingsford to West. Please inform New York delay due to heavy surf. On no account mention accident.” All rope from starboard cutter hauled on board over ship’s stern, and a portion of one rope got on board from poit cutter ; stopped taking the rope out of the cutter. Signalled to shore, “Will now try send line ashore by balloon buoy.” Shore replied, “ Bates says go to wreck, smooth water.” Note . — This wreck lies in the breakers about \ n.m. W of the cable hut. As far as can be seen from the ship, everything is ready on the beach for the landing of cable, the spider wheels are placed in position, and trench dug from hut to high water mark. Signalled to shore, “ Signal Christian name of man Amies missing.” Shore replied, “ William.” Put into port cutter, which contains two 5" ropes and four 4J" ropes for hauling off lines, two coils of 2" rope, one box containing 170 fms. and another 190 fms. of rocket line, and three balloon-buoys. The cutter hanging astern, with 30 fms. on the end of one of the 5" ropes passed on board over ship’s stern sheave. Port cutter, in charge of Mr. Robinson, and manned by cable hands Keys, R. Day, Bendy, Ellis, and Copp, left for the line of breakers opposite Cable Hut, paying out the hauling- off ropes from cutter to ship as cutter proceeds towards 265 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 3.57 4.0 4.5 4.13 4.20 4.39 4.47 4.52 4.53 5.0 5.10 S.S. “ SIL VERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893— contd. beach. On arrival near the breakers cutter is to anchor, and try to float a small line with balloon buoys through the surf to the hands on shore, who will haul end of the hauling-off ropes from cutter to the beach. Cutter half-way between ship and beach, and a little to westward of Cable Hut, stopped paying out rope, and let go a balloon-buoy, with end of small line attached, to drift ashore. Light S by W wind, which has decreased considerably since noon. Fine, bright and clear. Moderate swell coming into the anchorage, but there appears to be less surf on the beach. Balloon-buoy appears to be slowly drifting towards the beach, cutter paying out the small line on buoy as required. Observed cutter let go another balloon buoy on the line. First balloon with end of line from cutter appears to be brought up just to seaward of the surf, probably line has fouled the bottom. Observed cutter signal to shore, “ Can native swim out to balloon ? ” Shore replied, “ Will try.” Shore signalled to cutter, “ Balloon 150 yards from shore, impossible to swim.” Buoy on end of line has now drifted down to the eastward and nearer Cable Hut, but the ebbing tide is evidently keeping balloon away from the beach. Observed cutter hauling line and balloon-buovs back. Let go starboard anchor, veered chain 15 fms., and veered away on port anchor to 60 fms. Cutter signalled to ship, “ Heave off line very easily ; flag will mean stop.” Replied “ o.k.” Ran the 5" rope which is leading over ship’s stern to cutter round paying-out drum and commenced to heave in on it, hauling cutter back to ship. 266 Selina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 5.23 5.27 5.37 5.48 €.0 6.15 6.20 6.45 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893— contd. Cutter arrived at ship’s stern ; Mr. Robinson and hands came on board. Cutter made fast to stern of ship. Work suspended for the night. Shore signalled, “ Are you going to send boat for us ? ” Signalled to shore party at hut, “We are now sending boats for you.” New boat manned by five seamen, and gig manned by cable hands, left for usual landing place to bring off shore party. Temp, at cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 80^° F., main tank 80^° F., after tank 80^° F. Mr. Barker at Cable Hut signalled, “Scrymser to Kings- forh, 75. Report results soundings to standpoint and pro- posed slattern for saluting.” Signalled to shore, “ Kingsford to West. Please wire New York surf still heavy ; am on boardship and unable to land at present.” New boat and gig returned to ship with some of the shore party. Jointer Skinner and the following cable hands left on shore : J. Dulling, W. Garrod, W. Coleman, T. Ayres, A. Da}^ (sen.), M. Coleman and A. Armes. Note. — Mr. P. Bates reports that on landing this morning the party proceeded to Cable Hut and got spider wheels in position, and all gear ready on beach for the landing of the Shore-End. The distance between the two spider wheels is 400 feet, and the trench opened out by labourers from Cable Hut to high water mark is 245 feet in length. The western or cable spider wheel lies at high water mark. The capsizing of tbe surf-boat this morning appears to have been some- what, if not entirely, due to the boat having gone too near the line of breakers. A. Day (sen.), one of the crew of the surf-boat, was, after much difficulty, rescued from the surf and restored to consciousness. The surf-boat, which the shore party hauled up the beach beyond high water mark this afternoon, is much damaged ; her stern being smashed from gunwale to kelson, and two of the air-tight cases 267 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 8.0 9.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893— washed out of the boat. Two 50-fm. lengths of 2^" manilla rope, about 55 fms. of ratline, air-tight cases, rudder and oars from the surf- boat were recovered ; as also one patent anchor ; but the anchor that was let go from the boat has not been found. On returning to ship this evening, much difficulty was experienced in getting away from the beach at the usual landing place, owing to the surf, which almost capsized gig in hauling out from the beach to her anchor, and it was considered advisable to leave the seven cable hands, above named, and Jointer Skinner on shore for the night, instead of again risking the gig in the surf. Mr. J. Rymer-Jones reports that all the electrical apparatus in the Cable Hot is ready. The stores and provisions landed this morning for Cable Hut have been impounded in the Custom House, pending orders from the Customs Officials at Tehuantepec. The chief of the Customs at Salina Cruz has wired to Tehuantepec for instructions concerning these stores, and Mr. West has telegraphed to the C. and S. A. Tel. Co.’s Agents in Tehuantepec, asking them to arrange matters with the Customs Officials there to further ship’s work at this port. Moderate SW breeze. Fine and clear. Moderate sea. Bar. 30'000 (82° F.). Temp. 81° F. dry, 79°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 82°-2 F. Shore signalled (as far as signals could be discerned), “ English Consul says want ‘ Silvertown’ to make up papers early to-morrow, as he is returning to Tehuantepec to- morrow.” Copy of letter from Mr. F. W. Robinson to Captain Hunter, dated May 1st, 1893, 8 p.m. : — “ I beg to hand you the following details of the sad catastrophe that has happened to-day. “ About 8.30 a.m. to-day I left the ship in steam-launch with surf-boat (Mr. Lumsden in charge) in tow and steamed towards Cable Hut. I had ail necessary ropes and gear in the two boats to endeavour to get a line ashore for landing the Shore-End. I had previously arranged with Mr. Lumsden that I would go in and see how the surf was, and whether it was practicable to beach the surf-boat. On 268 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour, p.m. A.M. 0.40 6.0 6.20 S.S. “SILVERTOWN” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — conta. MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1893 — contd. arriving off the hut I let go the surf -boat well outside the breakers and signalled shore, ‘ How is surf ? ’ Answer : ‘Very heavy indeed at times; not impossible if you have line; will send man to swim off.’ I replied, ‘Wait’; and then told Mr. Lumsden to keep further out, the boat having drifted in. When surf -boat was again well outside, I told him (Mr. Lumsden) to anchor, and then explained to him that he was not to try and beach her, and that a native would swim out and take the ratline line ashore. I then called shore up and signalled, ‘ Send man now.’ On looking round at surf-boat after receiving shore’s answer ‘ o.k.,’ I saw that a very heavj r roller was coming in on them, break- ing some 30 or 40 fms. farther out than any had done heretofore ; the boat’s crew were then hauling boat out as fast as possible. The roller caught the surf-boat broad on the port bow and turned her right over, throwing everyone into the water. “ I steamed as close in as possible and picked up one man (Bobbit). While we were getting him into the boat I saw another man, probably W. Armes, who was apparently insensible. I turned launch round and went for him, but he had disappeared and did not rise again. “ I saw nothing of poor Lumsden after the boat had capsized, and I fear that he must have been stunned when boat turned over. “ After steaming backwards and forwards for some time I returned to ship. “ These are, as well as I can recollect, the facts of the case as they appeared to me at the time.” TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893. American Mail Steamer “ Colon ” entered the port and anchored close by. All hands turned to. Shore signalled, “Ripley, Santa Elena, to Kingsford. Reliable steady I.R. to-day. Do you require figs ?•” Replied to shore, “ Kingsford to Ripley. Yes, please.” 269 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN. 5 ’ Hour. a.m. Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893— contd. 6.50 Lowered steam-launch and gig. 7.3 Mr. Kingsford, with Messrs. P. Bates and A. Fletcher, Tillyer (Foreman’s Mate) and cable hand, J. Burgess, left in gig for the usual landing place. 7.30 Observed all the shore party land safely from gig. 7.40 Observed gig, in putting off from the beach, capsize and get adrift. 7.47 Observed hands on shore recover gig, and apparently hauling her up on beach. 7.58 Shore signalled, “ Grig capsized, nobody hurt. Am making arrangement now for surf-boat.” 8.0 Light SW wind. Fine, but slightly cloudy and hazy. Much less sea and surf than yesterday. Bar. 30*020 (82° F.). Temp. 81°-8 F. dry, 78°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 82°-4 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 80-^° F., main tank 80J° F., after tank 80J° F. 8.9 Capt. of the Port, and Doctor of Port, who have been visiting S.S. “ Colon,” came on board. Cable hands employed rigging punt with a mast and sail, as it is the intention to take punt in towards Cable Hut, and let it drift and sail through the surf to the beach opposite Hut, with end of a line from ship, should line-throwing gun fail to land line. 8.15 Observed gig leave landing place. 8.29 Gig returned to ship with cable hands, A. Day, sen., M. Coleman, and A. Armes, who were thrown out of surf-boat yesterday when it capsized. Anchor lost when gig capsized this morning. Coiled in port cutter, hanging astern, a coil of 5" rope to make up six ropes. Commenced coiling in starboard cutter four coils of 4" and two coils of 4-J" manilla rope for hauling-off line. 8.55 The Captain and Doctor of Port left ship. 9.15 Observed Mr. P. Bates and others of shore party arrive at Cable Hut. 270 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.21 9.28 9.29 10.5 10.6 10.16 10.23 10.32 10.40 10.15 10.55 10.59 Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893— contd. Mr. Daley left for the Mail Steamer “ Colon,” with a letter for the Managing Director of I. R. Co. Shore signalled, “ Kingsford to Hunter. Am going to see man re bullocks.” Mr. Daley returned from S.S. “ Colon,” which vessel left for San Erancisco. Put into gig two coils of 2" line, heaving lines, anchor, surf lines, one cork float, and a box of rocket line .and put into steam-launch line-throwing gun and a box of rocket line. Mr. F. W. Robinson, left in steam-launch with gig, and punt (rigged with a sail) in tow for the line of breakers in front of Cable Hut. Leading hand R. Keys, with cable hands, Bendy, G-. Armes, Christian, Copp, and Ellis in gig. Signalled to shore, “ R. to B. Look out for line.” Shore signalled, “ Will swim off for line.” Observed gig anchor near breakers in front of Cable Hut. Finished coiling hauling-lines into starboard cutter, which with port cutter, also containing 6 ropes for hauling line, is hanging astern. Ship’s stern facing Cable Hut. Observed line-throwing gun fired from steam-launch near breakers and natives running into the surf in search of the line. Steam-launch signalled to shore, asking if they had found line; on shore replying “ No,” Mr. Robinson in steam-launch signalled, “ Will try again.” Observed steam-launch, steam in towards the breakers and fire line-throwing gun again. Steam-launch signalled to shore, “ Have you got line ? ” Shore replied, “ Yes.” 271 Salina Crus — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 11.6 11.9 11.15 11.18 11.26 11.39 11.56 NOON. P.M. 0.7 Oil Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893 —contd. Steam-launch steamed alongside gig and made the 2" line in gig fast to the small line which was fired ashore, and then signalled shore to haul away. Cable hands and natives on beach hauling on line. Shore signalled, “No bullocks; must land cable in usual way.” Observed the end of the 2" rope from gig hauled on to beach. Steam-launch signalled to shore, “ Do not take more line than necessary.” Shore replied, “Have got enough.” Observed a few natives digging cable trench down to low water mark. Mr. F. W. Robinson in steam-launch came alongside. Steam-launch took port cutter, containing six of the hauling off ropes,- in tow towards the gig. Mr. Robinson in charge of the steam-launch. End of 5" rope from port cutter made fast to the 2" rope in gig, and hands on beach hauling on 2" rope. Cutter paying out the 5" rope as required while men hauling ashore. Light SSW breeze. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Heavy rollers coming into the anchorage at times, causing heavy surf on beach. Bar. 30*010 (83° F.). Temp. 87° F. dry, 81° F. wet. Sea surface 82°*2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 80J° F., main tank 81° F., after tank 81J- 0 F. Hands on beach ceased hauling on the 2" line from gig. Mr. F. W. Robinson came alongside in steam-launch, and reported that , as the lines are hawser-laid, the 2" from gig and 5" from cutter were being paid out towards beach together. Had stopped men hauling on beach, having come to end of 2" rope in gig. 272 Salika Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 0.15 0.22 0.30 0.34 0.37 0.43 0.50 0.55 0.56 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.10 Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893 — contd . Mr. Robinson left in steam-launch with If coils of 2" line for gig. When end of 5'' rope is landed, the hands on beach will cast it clear of the 2" line, and then take the 2" rope along the beach to the spider wheel furthest from hut, to the E’d, ready for hauling heavy rope ashore at that spider wheel. Observed hands on beach hauling on 2" line again according to signals from steam-launch. Observed end of 5" rope from port cutter landed. Observed hands on shore run the end of the 5" rope round the spider wheel in front of Cable Hut and along beach towards the eastern spider wheel. Steam-launch signalled to shore, “ Is rope fast ? ” Shore replied, “ Yes.” Natives now running the 2" line from gig along beach towards eastern spider wheel. Observed steam-launch coming towards ship with port cutter in tow, the cutter paying out hauling-off rope. Punt let go from gig and now drifting into the surf towards beach. Port cutter in tow of steam-launch arrived at ship and passed bight of 4th rope inboard over stern sheave, only about 3-J ropes in use between beach and ship. Steam-launch took starboard cutter, containing 6 ropes for hauling-off lines, in tow towards gig and anchored clear of surf. Observed starboard cutter anchor outside line of breakers. Shore signalled, “ Temperature of water on beach 83° F.” Punt which has drifted ashore now hauled up the beach by natives. Observed natives and cable hands on beach now hauling on the 2" line which has been passed from gig to starboard cutter, and made fast to the 4J" rope in the cutter. 273 s Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . Hour. p.m. 1.14 1.21 1.24 1.25 1.28 1.38 2.0 2.8 2.20 2.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893— contd. Observed gig heave up anchor and start towards ship. Observed end of 4J" rope from starboard cutter landed on the beach and passed round eastern spider wheel towards the western spider wheel. Observed hauling-off ropes for endless messenger between ship and shore shackled together on beach. Shore hoisted “ all ready ” signal. Observed starboard cutter heave up anchor and start in tow of steam-launch to ship, paying out hauling-off rope from beach to ship. Shore signalled, “ Lines connected up. All ready for heaving away.” The two coils of rope remaining in port cutter hauled on board, and boat made fast to boom. Steam - launch, with starboard cutter in tow, arrived at ship’s stern. Bight of 5th rope from cutter hauled on board over port quarter and taken along deck to port picking-up drum, thus completing endless messenger (9 ropes in all) between ship and shore. The coil of 4J" rope that remained in starboard cutter got on board, and boat made fast to boom. Depth at stern of ship=9^fms. Temp, at bottoms 76°-8 E. Signalled to shore, Position of Cable Hut Prepare for work.” Lat. 16° 10'-2 2 N. Long. 95° U'-33 N. Hauled end of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” top end of Piece “ F,” from fore tank and along leads on main deck and three times round paying-out drum to stern baulks, and set about making 60 fms. of the end of messenger fast to end of cable. Commenced to heave in on messenger over port quarter with port picking-up drum. 274 2.35 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 2.45 2.47 3.24 3.30 3.44 3.50 3.51 3.52 4.0 S.S.. “SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893 — contd. End of Shore-End cable passed over stern sheave with first balloon buoy attached. Signalled to shore, “ 60 fms. rope stoppered along cable.” End of cable on first balloon buoy on beach. 0*518 n.m. of Shore-End cable paid out (from fore tank) from ship to beach. Shore hoisted “ stop ” signal. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Shore signalled, “ Can I send spiders and surf-boat off by hauling off line ? ” Signalled to shore, “ Yes ; bend rope on to punt.” Shore signalled, “ Enough cable ashore.” 0*605 n.m. of Shore -End cable paid out from ship to Cable Hut, minus 0*518 n.m. = 0*087 n.m. of Shore-End cable on beach. 35 balloon buoys outboard. { Morro de Salinas bearing S 86° W. ,, ,, „ Marques bearing S 63° W. Chipequa Point bearing S 51° W. Cable Hut bearing N 15° E. / Lat. 16° 9'*7 N. \ Long. 95° ll'*55 W. Distance, by chart, from ship to Cable Hut=0*59 n.m. Note. — This cable lies about 3J- cables west of the Shore- End of the existing Salina Cruz — La Libertad Section, accord- ing to the line of old cable marked on the chart. Sent steam-launch, starboard cutter, and gig away to cast balloon buoys off cable. Shore signalled, “Are you going to sea to-night?” Replied, “Yes. Sail to-night if possible. Have you ship’s articles and official log ? ” Light SW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Slight swell coming into anchorage. Shore signalled, “ Too much cable ; shall I cut or bury ? ” 275 s 2 4.25 Salinci Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. « SILVERTOWN.” Hour. P. M. 4.30 4.39 4.49 5.20 5.21 5.45 5.48 5.55 6.0 6.5 Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End —contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893— contd. Signalled to shore, “ Ask Mr. Kingsford and act ? ” Shore answered, “Mr. Kingsford not here.” Replied, “Cut where necessary.” Shore signalled, “ Now going to cut.” ^team-launch came alongside with starboard cutter, gig, and 15 balloon buoys in tow. Some 4 or 5 balloon buoys have been cut adrift from cable, and are now drifting ashore, 4 or 5 balloon buoys still on cable in the breakers. Sent the following messages by hand flag to shore : — “Jones to Kingsford. Tell Atherton to free end of cable at noon May 6th, until further orders.” “ Hunter to Bates. Abandon spiders, sand anchors, and punt,” “ Jones to Barker. Solder short rubber lead to cable and lap joint with rubber strip.” Hoisted up starboard cutter, and the 15 balloons got on board. Shore signalled, “ Here message. During daylight man with canoe and crew waits to take men through surf to our own boats which should be waiting at buoy. Captain of Port waits Custom-house permit from Tehuantepec before giving ship’s papers.” Shore signalled, “Heave away on hauling-off line.” Resumed heaving in on messenger over port quarter with port picking-up drum. Shore signalled, “ K. to H.” Mr. Scrymser instructs as to subscription on his account. Shall express thanks ship.” Temp, in cable tanks: main tank 80J° F., after tank 81° F. Signalled to shore, “ Send party on board at once. Bates remain behind for ship’s papers.” Shore replied, “ Send boats to buoy them” Note. — The buoy mentioned by shore is placed outside the line of breakers in front of the village, and by means of a rope made fast to it, the natives haul their boats out from beach. 276 Hour, p.m. 6.15 6.25 6.27 6.30 6.35 6.36 6.50 6.55 7.1 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. « SILVERTOWN.” Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End— contd. TUESDAY, MAX' 2nd, 1893 —contd. Shore signalled, “ Send boat to meet canoe.” Observed Messrs. Kingsford and Bates and others walking along beach to the village. Damaged surf -boat (which capsized yesterday) bottom upwards, to which is made fast 12 balloon buoys and 2 spider wheels from the beach, arrived at ship’s stern, made fast to the end of the rope that formed endless messenger for the landing of Shore-End. Set about getting broken boat, balloons, and spider wheels on board. Mr. Dixon at Cable Hut signalled, “No means of getting gear here to-night. What is to be done ? ” Steam-launch left for buoy off village to bring off shore party, taking a signal lamp for use at Hut, and a note to Mr. Bates to collect all balloon buoys, possible, and bring them on board when he comes. As far as can be seen from ship 3 balloon buoys are still fast to cable in the surf, and 2 or 3 are on the beach, having broken adrift from the rope that came inboard at 6.27 p.m., and washed ashore. Signalled to Cable Hut, “Don’t understand; repeat.” Shore answered, “ Cannot get cable gear to port to-night.” Spoke shore, through cable, on mirror instrument. Hut says, “Mr. Bates left with Mr. Kingsford, leaving cable hands here with orders to have gear taken to port by labourers; but labourers refuse to undertake extra work after sunset. What is to be done with cable gear, shovels, &c.?” Observed native boat come out from landing place to steam- launch with some of shore party. Signalled to shore, through cable, “ Capt. Hunter to Barker. Will abandon cable gear. Sail without. Use judgment selling. Must have balloons.” Shore replied, “ About 5 or 6 balloons here, but Tillyer has no means of conveying them.” Sent following to Cable Hut, “ Ship will not start until to-morrow morning.” Salina Cruz — 'San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 7.10 7.30 Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End— contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893— contd. Messrs. Kingsford, Bates, and Fletcher returned from shore in steam - launch, after having narrowly escaped being capsized in native boat in leaving landing place this evening. The cable hands and Jointer Skinner are left on shore, being too late in reaching the landing place to come off in native boat. Natives refused to attempt a second journey from the beach, owing to the surf. Mr. Bates reports that on landing this morning he accom- panied Mr. Kingsford to the Captain of the Port’s office, and tried every possible means to get a native boat to be placed at ship’s disposal to-day. $300 offered for the use of the boat, but all to no purpose. The ship’s articles and official log, giving particulars of the death of Mr. J. F. Lumsden and cable hand W. Armes yesterday, were left with Captain of the Port for the English Consul ; these papers were returned to Mr. Bates this evening unopened. On the Shore-End being landed this afternoon there were found to be 13 fms.=0-013 n.m. more cable on the beach than required to reach Cable Hut ; this length was cut off, and end of cable from ship run into the Cable Hut. The cable has been well buried in a trench of about 4 feet in depth to low water mark by labourers, and arrangements have been made with Mr. West to have a few natives for a day or two standing by to bury the cable should it become exposed at any part on the beach. 0*605 n.m. minus 0-013 n.m. =0*592 n.m. of Shore-End cable laid from ship to Cable Hut to-day. 0-087 n.m. minus 0*013 n.m. =0*074 n.m. of Shore-End cable now on beach between water’s edge and Cable Hut. Note. — Bill of health for ship could not be obtained from the Captain of the Port this evening, as he is awaiting in- structions from the Chief of the Customs at Tehuantepec. The balloon buoys and spider wheels that came off on end of messenger got on board, and damaged surf - boat hoisted up on to upper deck. Boat much damaged, but apparently not beyond repair. Gig hoisted up. Another turn of Shore-End cable put round paying-out drum. Spoke shore on mirror, and sent the following message: — 278' 7.40 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 8.0 8.33 MIDNT. A.M. 4.0 7.0 7.20 7.35 Landing the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, 1893— contd. “ Capt. Hunter to Barker. We remain here till to-morrow noon certain. Early morning will send instructions. Try if possible to get balloons aud gear to port. Light SSW wind. Fine and clear. Slight swell in the anchorage. Bar. 29-995 (83° F.). Temp. 83°*5 F. dry, 79°*9 F. wet. Sea surface 80°-l F Sent following message to Cable Hut : — li Hunter to Barker. Please ask Mr. West try and arrange through Captain of Port to send cable hands off in shore boat when steam- launch goes to landing place at 10 o’clock. If possible get gear off same time.” Mr. Kingsford this evening handed to Capt. Hunter a copy of the following telegram : — “ President Scrymser, Central and South American Telegraph Company, New York. May 2nd. Sympathies. Subscribe twenty pounds Armes family my account.” (See message from shore at 6.0 p.m.) Light SSW breeze. Fine and clear. Ship lying quietly to anchor and cable. Paying out the Salina Cruz Shore-End. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893. Light NW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Spoke Cable Hut on mirror. Observed C.P.G.H. flying at the Captain of the Port’s office, which means, “ Clearance of customs not yet arrived. Hourly expect.” Replied by hoisting signal for “ Thanks.” Sent the following message through cable to Hut : — “ To Cummings, Mexico. Ship 3rd, 4 Silvertown,’ is ready to leave, but Captain of Port says Aduana must give solvencia. Can’t do anything in Salina Cruz, and telegram sent to Tehuantepec j yesterday, p.m., has so far had no effect. Please ask 279 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd. authority wire direct to S.X. without delay. Kingsford.” M.M. to West S.C. “ Please note and send papers on board as soon as possible.” 7.51 Signalled to Captain of Port, “ Can you send hands off? ” Shore answered, 41 Yes, immediately.” 8.0 Light NW breeze. Pine, but overcast and hazy. Calm sea with slight swell. Moderate surf. Bar. 30-000 (81° F.). Temp. 80°-8 F., dry, 77°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 82° -5 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, main tank 80° F., after tank 81° F. Draught of ship {“? 4 ' 0 ' 8.3 Shore signalled through cable, “ Mr. West absent from office. Tillyer here, and must get gear, &c., off to port, no men available except trench labourers, who will take things to port, and finish refilling trench later on.” 8.35 Observed Tillyer and cable hands with natives on way towards village. 8.57 Cutter in charge of Mr. Wylie, with 6 cable hands, left to place a 70 class buoy, with cage on flagstaff, about 20 fms. astern of ship, to mark line of Shore-End cable, and to take a temperature sounding midway between ship and breakers. 9.0 Observed a native boat coming out from the landing place. 9.5 Lowered gig and sent it away to meet shore boat. 9.13 Native boat came alongside with 2 coils of 2" line, 5 balloon buoys, 5 shovels, luncheon basket, iron snatch block, 4 buckets, rocket line, and a few other small things from the beach. 9.15 Cutter returned, having put the 70 class buoy down in 9 fms., moored with 10 fms. chain, and 1 mushroom = 2 cwt. 0 qrs. 5 lbs. Temperature taken by cutter in 8f fms.= 81° F. 9.23 Native boat and gig left for cable landing place. 280 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.35 9.38 9.48 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.12 10.20 10.21 11.10 11.16 11.27 11.37 11.44 11.50 Paying out the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd. Commenced to heave up starboard anchor. Put engine of paying-out machine in gear, and paid out about 10 fms. of cable as ship moved up to anchor. Starboard anchor up. Commenced to heave short on port anchor. Paid out a little more cable. Put engine of paying-out machine out of gear. Weight on brake levers= 1125 lbs. (16 weights). Stopped heaving in on port anchor, 30 fms. chain now out- board. Gig and native boat came alongside with cable hands and Mr. Wehner, British Vice-Consul, and doctor of Tehuantepec, with ship’s papers. Two more balloon buoys brought on board by Til Iyer, who reports that two sand anchors, two short pieces of chain, about 400 fms. of rope, and one or two things of small importance left on shore. One balloon buoy missing. Note. — All the balloon buoys are clear of the cable between ship and shore. Native boat left for shore to bring on board the rope which natives are carrying from the Cable Hut to landing place. Hoisted up gig, and prepared for sea. As there are no signs of native boat coming from shore, lowered gig. Gig left for shore with Mr. Wehner (British Vice-Consul) and the doctor of Tehuantepec. Native boat now coming out from landing place to meet gig- Gig returned with a quantity of rope from shore. Gig and rope hoisted up. Moving ship’s engines. Strain on cable =60 cwt. Lifted brakes right up. 281 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . Hour. a.m. 11.53 11.56 NOON. P.M. 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.11 S.S, “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out the Salina Cruz Shore-End— ccntd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd. Cable running* out very slowly to strain. Commenced to heave up anchor. Strain on cabie at times = 80 cwt. Moderate NNE wind. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Slight SSW swell. Bar. 29*950 (92° F.). Temp. 92°-5 F. dry, 77°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, main tank 81° F., after tank 81^-° F. Anchor aweigh. Set on slow ahead. Strain on cable = 60 cwt. Cable running out slowly. Anchor up. Cable running out slowly to a strain of about 35 cwt. Ship on Course S 5° E. 0*743 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b,” paid out from fore tank, minus 0*013 n.m. (cut off on beach) = 0-730 n.m. of Shore-End cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut. 0*730 n.m. minus 0*592 n.m.= 0-138 n.m. of cable paid out from anchorage. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on Curve= 0*138 n.m. Distance by Chart overground=0*138 n.m. SLACK=Nil. Stopped ship’s engines and let go mark buoy 60 (cage on flagstaff). Depth=ll fms. Moorings of buoy : — 1 10-fm. length of §" chain. 'I Moorings riveted to- 1 5 „ „ „ > gether, and on to buoy 1 mushroom =3 cwt. 0 qrs. 7 lbs. J with §" shackles. Cerro Morro bearing N 76° E. Morro de Salinas bearing W. Position { Lat. 16° 9'-57 N. Long. 95° ir-58 W. Set on easy ahead. 282 Hour. p.m. 0.16 0.18 0.30 0.50 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Paying out the Salina Cruz Shore-End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893— contd. Drum=18J revs, per min. =3-2 kts. Ship’s engines=25 revs, per minute. Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per minute. Drum=29 revs, per min.=5*l kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Patent log=l*4 n.m. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Paying out Salina Cruz Heavy Intermediate. SPLICE between Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” and Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. sec. “ 3,” from FORE TANK PASSED OFF DRUM. Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. sec. “ 3b,” paid out from fore tank by Factory measurement . . =3*936 n.m. Cut off on beach =0*013 n.m. = 3*923 n.m Paid out by Drum measurement =3*958 n.m. Cut off on beach . . . . . . =0*013 n.m. =3*945 n.m. Difference . . . . =0*022 n.m. Patent log = 3 *2 n.m. Depth=16 fms. Morro de Salinas bearing N 26° W. ' Cerro Morro „ N 24° E. Morro Marques „ N 67° W. Position f Lat. 16° 6'*45 N. of splice \ Long. 95° ll'*38 W. Strain on dynamometer fell from 22 cwt. to 13 cwt. on splice passing outboard. 0*932 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=4*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=4*855 n.m. Depth = 19 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min. =5*6 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=13 cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. 283 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 1.30 2.0 2.5 2.30 2.54 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out Salina Cruz Heavy Intermediate— contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd. 3-757 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log =6 -8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 7-680 n.m. Depth =20 fms. Drum =31-1? revs, per min.=5-5 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = 1 6 cwt. Strophometer = 29 revs. 6-776 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=9-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 10*699 n.m. Depth=30 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min.=5-98 kts. Ship’s engines=34 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 13 cwt. Strophometer =31 revs. Mark shewing where Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 3,” ends, and where Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a,” commences (there being no splice between these types) cannot be found; although every search has been made in fore tank for it, and according to the indicator on pajdng-out drum now, this mark (if on cable) must have passed outboard unobserved. 9-787 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952 and 1952a, pt. Secs. “ 3” and “ 3a,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 12-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Saltna Cruz Hut= 13-710 n.m. Depth =45 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min.=5-98 kts. Ship’s engines=31 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dyna- mometer=13 cwt. Strophometer =30 revs. Paying out Salina Cruz Light Intermediate. SPLICE between Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a,” and Light Intermediate, No. 1952, pt. Sec. “ 2,” from fore tank, passed off drum. 11-914 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate cable, Nos. 1952 and 1952a, pt. Secs. “3” and “3a,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=14-9 n.m. 284 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 3.0 3.30 3.43 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out Salina Cruz Light Intermediate — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd. Length by Factory measurement of pt. Sec. “3 ”=6*990 n.m. and pt. Sec. “3a”= 5*00 n.m = 11*990 N.M. Length by Drum measurement of pt. Secs. “3” and “3 a” = 11*914 „ Difference . . . . = 0*076 n.m. Depth =80 fms. Total Cable laid, by Factory measurement, from Salina Cruz Hut= 15*913 n.m. { Chipequa Point (High Land) Lat. 15° 54'*75 bearing N 57° W I N. Mount Conejo bearing N 38° W [ Long. 95° 10'*88 „ Tecuaui „ N20°Wj W. Dynamometer fell to 8 cwt. after splice had passed out. 0*742 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=15*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 16*655 n.m. Depth =85 fms. Drum =32 revs, per min. = 5*6 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dyna- mometer =8 cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. 3*816 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=18*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 19*729 n.m. Depth =120 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min. =5*98 kts. Ship’s engmes=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dyna- mometer = 7-J cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. Reduced ship’s engines to 25 revs, per minute. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End. Paying out Light Deep Sea. SPLICE between Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” and Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” from fore tank, passed off drum. 285 Salina. Cruz — San Jaan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 3.45 4.0 4.20 4.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd. 5*599 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from fore tank. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate paid out. . = 5*490 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate paid out. . = 5*599 ,, Difference Total Cable laid, by Factory Salina Cruz Hut=21*403 n.m. Patent log=19*4 n.m. Depths 150 fms. .. =0*109 N.M. MEASUREMENT, FROM Position of splice Chipequa Point (High Land)') T , bearing N 47° W U Jat * A ?- Cerro Morro bearing N 1° E J lj0ng - y ° 49'*4 N. 3 10'*6 W. Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. Fresh NNE wind. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Slight following sea and swell. Bar. 29*860 (88° F.). Temp. 89°*2 F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 84°*8 F. 1*697 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=20*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 23*100 n.m. Depth =150 fms. Drum=39^ revs, per min.=6*9 kts. Ship’s engines= 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =7ijr cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 25 revs, per min. Ran a quantity of the water out of brake tank beneath paying-out machine, to about one-third from the bottom. 4*543 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=:23*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=25*946 n.m. Depth =150 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min. = 5*6 kts. Ship’s engines=25J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dyna- mometer=7^ cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. 286 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Sectioi\. Hour. p.m. 4.50 4.56 4.58 5.0 5.20 5.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893 —contd, 6-253' n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=25’2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =27-656 n.m. Depth=200 fms. Changed Course to S 56 ° E. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, S 5° E (made good S 2^° E)= 26-926 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 5° E (made good S 2J° E)=26-292 n.m. Slack=2-4%. f Mount Shadani bearing N 10° W. Position < Lat. 15° 43'-25 N. [Long. 95° 10' -40 W. Increased ship’s engines to 28 revs, per min. Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. Increased ship’s engines to 33 revs, per min. 6-803 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=25-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 28-206 n.m. Depth =200 fms. Drum=25J revs, per min. = 4-5 kts. Ship’s engines =28 revs, permin. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=nil to 5f cwt. Strophometer=23 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 36 revs, per min. 9-195 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=28T n.m. Total Cable laid from Saliny Cruz Hut =30*598 n.m. Depth=200 fms. Drum=27 revs, per min.=4-75 kts. Ship’s engines=37 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5f cwt. Strophometer=28 revs. 11-886 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=30*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 33-289 n.m. Depth =200 fms. 287 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Suv Seetion. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour p.m. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893— contd. 6.30 7.0 \ 7.30 8.0 Brum = 30 J revs, per min. =5*3 kts. Ship’s engines =37 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =6^ cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, main tank 80 F., after tank 81° F. 14*559 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log =33*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 35*962 n.m. Depth =190 fms. Drum=30 revs, per min. =5*28 kts. Ship’s engines =36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5J cwt. Strophometer=25 to 29 revs. 17*276 n.m of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=37*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=38*679 n.m. Depth =180 fms. Drum =30^ revs, per min.=5*3 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5f cwt. (mean). Strophometer=29 revs. Position fLat. 15° 35'*5 N. by stars (Long. 95° l'*9 W. Current observed since 4.50 p.m.=S 54° W, 2*2 n.m.= 1*0 KT. 20*024 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=40*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =41 *427 n.m. Depth=150 fms. Drum=31 revs, per min. = 5*4 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5-J cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. Strong NNE wind. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Moderate NE sea on port bow. Bar. 29*930 (86° F.). Temp. 86°*5 F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 84° *5 F. 22*884 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=43*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =44*287 n.m. Depth =140 fms. 288 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Hour. p.m. 8.30 9.0 9.30 10.0 10.30 Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893— contd. Drum =32 \ revs, per min. = 5*7 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5J cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 25*818 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=44*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=47*221 n.m. Depth=140 fms. Drum = 33 revs, per min. = 5 *8 kts. Ship’s engines =36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting only). Strophometer=36 revs. Note. — Brakes right up since noon. 28*776 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 47*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=50*179 n.m. Depth = 140 fms. Drum =33^ revs, per min. =5*9 kts. Ship’s engines =3 6^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 31*718 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log =50*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 53*121 n.m. Depth =125 fms. Drum=33J revs, per min. =5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 1125 ibs. Dynamo- meter=5j cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. 34*708 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=53*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=56*111 n.m. Depth =120 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min. = 6*0 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake Jevers= 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=30 levs. Ship rolling slightly to a rough sea. 37*733 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=56*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 59*136 n.m. Depth=115 fms. 289 t Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 10.48 11.0 11.30 MIDNT. A.M. 0.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1893— contd. Drum=34-J revs. perinin. = 6*07 kts. Ship’s engines =36 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=30 to 33 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 34 revs, per min. 40*846 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=59*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 62*249 n.m. Depth = 115 fms. Drum =35 revs, per min. = 6*16 kts. Ship’s engines =34 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=32 revs. 43*809 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=63*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 65*212 n.m. Depth = 120 fms. Drum=33^ revs, per min. =5*89 kts. Ship’s engines =34 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 1 125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=0 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=31 revs. Fresh NNW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Moderate con- fused sea. Bar. 29*960 (85° F.). Temp. 85° F. dry, 79°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 84°*3 F. 46*837 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=66*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =68*240 n.m. Depth =125 fms. Drum =34 revs, per min. = 6*0 kts. Ship’s engines=34 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=lL25 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=28 to 32 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893. 49*635 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=69*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 71*038 n.m. Depth =128 fms. 290 Salina Cruz— San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Hour. A M. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893 — contd. Drum = 31^ revs, per min.=5*5 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 ibs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=27 revs. 1.0 52T78 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=71*5 n.m. Total Carle laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 73*581 n.m. Depth = 130 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min. = 5T kts. Ship’s engines = 29 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. 1.30 54*764 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log =73*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =76*167 n.m. Depth =130 fms. Drum = 29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines = 281- revs. per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(lifting). Strophometer=24 to 28 revs. 2.0 57*333 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=76*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=78*736 n.m. Depth =139 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min.=5*l kts. Ship’s engines=29 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. 2.30 59*911 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=78*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=81*314 n.m. Depth =140 fms. Drum = 29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines=29j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. 3.0 62*550 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=81*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hlt= 83*953 n.m. Depth =140 fms. Drum =30 revs, per min. =5 *28 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=26 to 29 revs. 291 t 2 Hour, a.m. 3.30 4.0 4.30 5.0 5.30 Satina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893 — contd. 65*231 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=83*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =86*634 n.m. Depth =140 fms. Drum=30 revs, per min.=5*28 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=27 to 29 revs. Fresh NNW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Occasional lightning to the N’d and W’d. Moderate, confused sea from the NW. Bar. 29*900 (83° F.). Temp. 83°*0 F. dry, 78°*2 F. wet. Sea surface =84°*5 F. 68*012 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=86*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=89*415 n.m. Depth =138 fms. Drum=31| revs, per min.=5*5 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=27 to 30 revs. 70*787 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=88*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=92*190 n.m. Depth =138 fms. Drum =31^ revs, per min. =5*5 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=0 to 5^ cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. 73*474 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 9 1*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 94*877 n.m. Depth = 140 fms. Drum=30^ revs, per min.=5*3 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5J cwt. Strophometer=29 revs. 76*077 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=93*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 97*480 n.m. [ Depth =140 fms. 292 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SIL VERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 6.0 6.10 6.30 7.0 7.30 8.0 Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd. THURSDAY. MAY 4th, 1893— contd. revs, per min. = 5*2 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- Drum=29i meter =0 to 5J cwt. Strophometer=28 revs. 10 , 78*640 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. paid out from fore tank. Patent log=96*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 100*043 n.m. Depth =170 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min. = 5T kts. Ship’s engines=29 revs, per mm. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=0 to 5J cwt. Strophometer=27 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 33 revs, per min. 10 ,” 81*256 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. paid out from fore tank. Patent log =98*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 102*659 n.m. Depth= 180 fms. Drum = 29 J revs, per min. =5 *2 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=29 revs. 84*111 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 1,01*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Sauna Cruz Hut= 105*51 4 n.m. Depth =250 fms. Drum =32j revs, per min. = 5 *7 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=29 revs. 86*933 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10 ” paid out from fore tank. Patent iog= 104*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 108*336 n.m. Depth =320 fms. Drum=32 revs, per min. = 5 *6 kts. Ship’s engines =33 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. Light NE wind. Fine, but cloudy and squally. Hot and sultry. Slight sea from NW. Bar. 29*975 (84° F.). Temp. 84° *8 F. dry, 81° F. wet. Sea surface 85° F. 293 • Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 8.30 9.0 9.3 9.30 10.0 Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893 —contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : main tank 81J° F., after tank 82° F. 89-728 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 107*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 111*131 n.m. Depth =400 fms. Drum =31 revs, per min. = 5 -4 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 92-612 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 110-4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 114-015 n.m. Depth =4 70 fms. Drum =32J revs. per min. = 5 -7 kts. Ship’s engines = 33 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 95-525 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 113*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 116*928 n.m. Depth=500 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. = 5 *8 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 28 revs, per min. 98-021 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 115*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut = 119-424 n.m. Depth=550 fms. Drum=28 revs, per min. = 4*9 kts. Ship’s engines =27-|- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5^ cwt. Strophometer=25 revs. 100-354 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log= 117-5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=121*757 n.m. Depth = 600 fms. 294 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour, a.m. 10.30 11.0 11.2 11.10 11.22 11.24 S.S. “ SIL VERTO WN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893— contd. Drum=26-J revs, per min = 4-66 kts. Ship’s eng , ines=27 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meters 6 Jcwt. Strophometers25 revs. Sent the following telegram to Salina Cruz : — “ Hunter to West. Please get stoppers taken off cable.” 102*782 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent log=119*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Huts 124*185 n.m. Depth =650 fms. Drums 27^ revs, per min. = 4*84 kts. Ship’s engines=28 revs, per min. Weight on brake leverssl!25 lbs. Dynamo- meters 5 \ cwt. Strophometer=25 revs. 105*315 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. Patent logs 121 *9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Huts 126*718 n.m. Depths 700 fms. Drums 29 revs, per min. s 5*1 kts. Ship’s enginess27 revs, per min. Weight on brake leverssll25 lbs. Dynamo- meters^jifting). Strophometers27 revs. About to change from fore tank to after tank. Stopped ship’s engines. Moving ship’s engines as required, to ease out the bight of cable between the two tanks. Put brakes down and held cable. Engines “ full speed astern.” Dynamometers 6 cwt. Patent logs 122*6 n.m. All clear in tanks. Lifted brakes right up and set on “ half speed ahead.” SPLICE between Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,’* last end of Piece F, from fore tank, and Light Deep S'H, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” in after tank, passed off drum. 106*434 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from fore tank. 295 11.28 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. a.m. 11.35 11.45 11.50 NOON. 1\M. 0.8 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893 — contd. Length by Factory measurement of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out . . . . . . . . . . = 106-497 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out = 106-434 „ Difference . . . . = 0*063 n.m. Total Cable laid, by Factory Measurement, from Salina Cruz Hut = 127*900 n.m. Position f Lat. 14° 42' *0 N. of splice \ Long. 93° 48'*0 W. Decreased ship’s engines to 25 revs, per min. Decreased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs. Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. (Engineer’s time.) Light SE wind. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Slight NNE sea. Bar. 29-950 (86° F.). Temp. 86°-5 F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 86° F. 2-542 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 124*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 130*442 n.m. Depth = about 800 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min.=5*l kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers— 284 lbs. Dyna- mometers (nil). Strophometer=26 revs. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82 F., main tank 82° F. (Noon by observations.) 3*236 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 125*5 n.m. Depth =800 fms. approximately. Total Cable laid, by Factory measurement, from Salina Cruz Hut=131-136 n.m. Total distance, by Chart, overground, from Salina Cruz Hct= 128*970 n.m. Slack=1*67%. 296 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. P.M. 0.30 1.0 1,30 2.0 Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893— contd. Lat. 14° 41'*4 N. L Long. 93° 46'*1 W. Current observed since 7 p.m. yesterday = S 8° W, 5*0 n.m.= Position 0*3 KT. Course made good since 4.50 p.m. yesterday = S 521° E. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out since 4.50 p.m. yesterday =103 -480 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, since 4.50 p.m. yester- day =101 '950 n.m. Slack=1'5°/ 0 . 5*135 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 1 1,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=127’0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 133*035 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil.). Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. 7*715 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1,235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 129*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 135*615 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum =29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines =30-J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=26 to 28 revs. 10*316 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =131*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 138*216 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum=2£) revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines = 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=26 to 28 revs. 12*891 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 134*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 140*791 n.m. Depth = 780 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=26 to 28 revs. 297 Hour. p.m. 2.30 3.0 3.30 4.0 4.30 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893— contd. 15*442 n.m. of Light Deep. Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 1 36*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 143*342 n.m. Depth=770 fins. Drum=29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. 18-055 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 139*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 145*955 n.m. Depth = 7 70 fms. Drum = 29|- revs, per min. = 5*2 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer = 26 to 29 revs. 20*689 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log = 14 1*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 148*589 n.m. Depth =770 fms. Dtum = 29^ revs, per min. = 5*2 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=27 to 28 revs. Moderate SE breeze. Fine and clear weather. Slight sea from NNE. Bar. 29*900 (85° F.). Temp. 85° F. dry, 80°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 86° F. 23*328 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 143*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 151*228 n.m. Depth = 760 fms. Drum=30 revs, per min.=5*28 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=27 to 29 revs. Note. — Brakes right up throughout the watch. 26*074 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 146*5 n.m. 298 Hour, p.m. 5.0 5.30 6.0 6.30 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 153*974 n.m. Depth=750 fms. Drum=31 revs, per min. =5*4 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamor meter= (lifting). Strophometer=29» revs. 29*041 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 148*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 156*941 n.m. Depth = 700 fms. Drum=33J revs, per min. = 5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 32*124 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=151T n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 160*024 n.m. Depth =680 fms. Drum =35 revs, per min. =6*1 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=33 revs. 34*807 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 153*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =162*707 n.m. Depth =6 70 fms. Drum=30 revs, per min. =5*28 kts. Ship’s engines=29-| revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=28 revs. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82-J° F., main tank 82° F. 37*498 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 155*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Sauna Cruz Hut= 165*398 n.m. Depth=670 fms. Drum = 30^ revs, per min.=5*3 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(lifting). Strophometer=26 to 29 revs. 299 Salina, Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . Hour. p.m. 6.45 7.0 7.30 8.0 8 30 S.S. “ SIL VERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893— contd. 38*831 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 157*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 166*731 n.m. Depths 600 fms. Approximate | u u „ 25 o 2 N _ cs Current observed since noon=N 75° E, 4*2 n.m. = 0*62 kt. 40*152 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 158*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 168*052 n.m. Depths 600 fms. Drum=30 revs, per min. = 5*28 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=29 revs. 42*667 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 160*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 170*567 n.m. Depths 600 fms. Drum=28J revs, per min. = 4*9 kts. Ship’s engines =30^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=28 revs. Water shoaling considerably. Moderate S by E wind. Fine and bright, but cloudy, with much lightning. Slight sea from SE’d. Bar. 29*980 (85° F.). Temp. 84°*6 F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 85°*8 F. 45*375 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 163*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina. Cruz Hut= 173*275 n.m. Depth =350 fms. Drum = 30 J revs, per min. =5*3 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=29 revs. Note. — Brakes right up throughout the watch. 48*226 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 165*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hur= 176*126 n.m 3C0 Hocr. P.M. 9.0 9.30 10.0 10.30 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd, THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893— contd. Depth=360 fms. Drum = 32^ revs, per min. = 5*7 kts. Ship’s engines=30^- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- metered cwt. St rophometer =30 revs. 51*139 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 168*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 179*039 n.m. Depth =370 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. = 5*8 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=31 revs. 53*982 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 170*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=181*882 n.m. Depth =400 fms. Drum = 32 revs, per min. = 5*6 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 56*942 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =173*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 184*842 n.m. Depth =450 fms. Drum=33^ revs, per min. =5*9 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 59*926 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 175*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =187*826 n.m. Depth =600 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min. =5*98 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =( lifting). Strophometer=31 revs. 62*901 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 178*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 190*801 n.m Depth = 650 fms. 11.0 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 11.30 MIDNT. A.M. 0.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1893 — contd. Drum =34 revs, per min. =5*98 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=32 revs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt., but rises to 6 cwt., as cable reaches outside of flake. 66*070 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 181*0 n.m. Total Cable lajd from Salina Cruz Hut= 193*970 n.m. Depth =650 fms. Drum=36 revs, per min. = 6*33 kts. Ship’s engines=30j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=33 revs. Light SSE airs. Fine and bright, but cloudy, with vivid lightning to the SE. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*010 (84° F.). Temp. 85° F. dry, 79°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 84°*8 F. 69*404 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 183*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 197*304 n.m Depth =650 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*68 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=34 revs. Note. — Brakes right up throughout the watch. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893. 72*755 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 1.86*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 200*655 n.m. Depth=650 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*69 kts. Ship’s engines=30j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=33 to 34 revs. 302 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section , S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 —contd. 0.45 SPLICE in Light Deep Sea between pt. Sec. “ 11,” and Sec. “ 9,” from after tank, passed off drum. 74-406 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “11,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 187*5 n.m. Depth =630 fms. Length by Factory measurement of Light Deep Sea, pt. Sec. “ 11,” paid out . . =74-481 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of Light Deep Sea, pt. Sec. u 11,” paid out . . =74-406 n.m. Difference . . . . = 0*075 n.m. 180-978 n.m. of Light Deep Sea Cable, No. 1235, by Factory Measurement laid. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 202*381 n.m. Position f Lat. 14° 2 '-6 N. of splice \ Long. 92° 48' *5 W. 1.0 1.30 2.0 1-683 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 188*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =204-064 n.m. Depth =625 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*69 kts. Ship’s engines=30j revs, per min. Weight on brake ievers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=nil. Strophometer=35 revs. 5-011 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 191*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut = 207*392 n.m. Depth=600 fms. Drum=37J revs, per min. = 6-6 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=nil. Strophorneter=34 to 35 revs. 8*327 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 193*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 2 10*708 n.m. Depth =585 fms. Drum=37-£ revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=33 to 34 revs. 303 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. a.m. 2.30 3.0 3.30 4.0 4.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 — contd , 11-543 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 196-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=213*924 n.m. Depth =5 60 fms. Drum =3 6 revs, per min. = 6 -3 8 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=33 revs. 14*715 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 198*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 21 7*096 n.m. Depth = 5 60 fms. Drum=36 revs, per min. = 6 *3 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=33 revs. 17-926 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=201*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 220*307 n.m. Depth =550 fms. Drum=36 revs, per min. = 6-3 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=33 revs. Light northerly wind. Slight sea from NE. During the earlier part of the watch heavy rain squalls. About 3.0 a.m. a very heavy downfall of rain set in, accompanied bv loud thunder and vivid lightning. "Bar. 29-980 (81° F.). Temp. 79°-0 F. dry, 76°-4 F. wet. Sea surface 82° -4 F. 21*083 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 203*8 n.m. Total Cable laid fron Salina Cruz Hut =223*464 n.m. Depth =550 fms. Drum = 35 J revs, per min. = 6*24 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (nil). Strophometer=33 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. 24*197 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” aid out from after tank. Patent log= 206*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=226*578 n.m. 304 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section . Hour. a.m. 5.0 5.30 6.0 6.30 S.S. “ SIL VERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd . FKI DAY, MAY 5th, 1893— contd . Depth=530 fms. Drum =35 revs, per min. = 6-1 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=32 revs. 27-433 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =208*8 n.m. Total Cable laid prom Salina Crijz Hut= 229*814 n.m. Depth =520 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*5 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 30*773 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=211*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Sai.ina Cruz Hut= 233*154 n.m. Depth =570 fms. Drum =38 revs, per min. = 6 *6 kts. Ship’s engines = 30 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 34*134 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=214*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=236*515 n.m. Depth =620 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines = 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 37*500 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=216*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 239*881 n.m. Depth =630 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engines^ 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=35 revs. 40*975 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 219*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Sauna Cruz Hut= 243*356 n.m. Depth=650 fms. 305 u Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. a.m. 7.30 8.0 8.30 90 S.S. “ S1LVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893— contd. Drum =39J revs, per min. = 6-9 kts. Ship’s engines =31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=36 revs. Note. — At 4.0 a.m. drum showed current setting ship to SE’d. This current increased in force at 5.0 a.m., reaching its maximum velocity at 7.0 a.m. and then remaining constant. 44-524 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 222-3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 246-905 n.m. Depth =700 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. =7-0 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Calm. Fine and clear. Smooth sea. Heavy rain, with vivid lightning in earlier part of watch. Bar. 30-025 (83° F.). Temp. 83° F. dry, 77°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 85° F. 48-079 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 224-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 250-460 n.m. Depth =800 fms. Drum =40 revs, per min. = 7*0 kts. Ship’s engines=30J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =0 to 5 cwt. Strophometer=37 revs. Note. — Brakes right up throughout the watch. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 82° F., main tank 81^° F. 51*583 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. ‘ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log = 227 *3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =253*964 n.m. Depth=800 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. = 7-0 kts. Ship’s engines=30j revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 to 6 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 54-965 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=229*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 257*346 n.m. 306 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour a.m. 9.30 JO.O 10.30 11.0 11.30 S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 — contd. Depth =850 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6*6 kts. Ship’s engi.nes=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 58-272 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 232-5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 260-653 n.m Depth=900 fms. Drum =37^ revs, per min. = 6-6 kts. Ship’s engines^ 30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamometer =5 cwt. Strophometer=34 revs. 61-562 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 235*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 263*943 n.m. Depth =900 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*5 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=33 revs. 64-846 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=237-9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 267-227 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*5 kts. Ship’s engines=30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=34J revs. 68-118 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 240*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 270*499 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum =37 revs. per. min. = 6 -5 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=33 revs. 71-390 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =24 3T n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=273-771 n.m. Depth= 1100 fms. u 2 307 Hour. a.m. NOON. P.M. 0.4 0.30 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVEKTOWN ” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893— contd. Drum =37 revs, per min. =6 '5 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=33 revs. (Engineer’s time.) Calm. Fine, but slightly cloudy and hazy. Very hot and sultry. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30-000 (87° F.). Temp. 88°*4 F. dry, 81°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 87° -6 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 82£° F., main tank 82° F. 74-551 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 245-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Selina Cruz Hut= 276*932 n.m. Depth =1100 fms. Drum=36 revs, per min. = 6-34 kts. Ship’s engines =30 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = nil. Strophometer=35 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. (Nonn by observations.) 74*962 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 246*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=277*343 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out since OBSERVED NOON YESTERDAY = 146*207 N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, since observed noon YESTERDAY= 138-827 N.M. Slack=5-3%. Lat. 13° 23'*1 N. Position { ! Long. 91° 47'-9 W. Current observed since 6.45 p.m. yesterday =S 67° E, n.m. =0*9 KT. 16-0 77-919 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 248-4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 280*300 n.m. Depth=llQ0 fms. Drum=38 revs, per min. = 6-68 kts. Ship’s engines=30J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=35 to 36 revs. 308 Hour. p.m. 0.35 1.0 1.30 2.0 2.30 Salma Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 —contd. Changed Course to S 70° E. Course made good since OBSERVED NOON YESTERDAY = S 55|° E. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out since OBSERVED NOON YESTERDAY= 149*164 N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, since observed NOON YESTERDAY= 141*500 N.M. Slack=5*4°/ . _ ' o Position fLat. 13° 21'*8 N. \ Long. 91° 45'*5 YY\ Increased ship’s engines to 33 revs, per min. 81*575 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 251*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=283*956 n.m. Depths 1100 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min. = 7*22 kts. Ship’s engines=34 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=38 to 39 revs. 85*261 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 254*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 287*642 n.m, Depth=1100 fms. Drum=41J revs, per min. = 7*27 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =2 84 lbs. Dynamo- meter=nil. Strophometer=37 to 39 revs. 88*907 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 257*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=291*288 n.m. Depth = 1100 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min. = 7*2 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per ipin. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=37 to 38 revs. 92*526 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 260*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=294*907 n.m. Depth = 1050 fms. Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour, p.m 3.0 3.30 4.0 4.30 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 — contd. Drum =41 revs, per min. = 7*2 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=37 to 38 revs 96*184 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 263*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=298*565 n.m. Depth =1 000 f ms. Drum =41 revs, per min. =7*2 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =281 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=36 to 38 revs. 99*886 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =266*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 302*2 67 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min.=7*39 kts. Ship’s engines= 33 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (nil). St-rophometer=37 to 40 revs. Calm, fine and bright, but rather cloudy and hazy. Very light southerly airs. Slight sea from SSE. Bar. 29*930 (86° F.). Temp. 85°*5 F. dry, 80°*0 F. wet. Sea surface 89° F. 103*712 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log*=269*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 306*093 n.m. Patent log =269 *3 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=43 revs, per min. = 7*56 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=38 to 41 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. 107*631 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 272*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 310*012 n.m Depth =950 fms. Drum=44J revs, per min. =7*8 kts. Ship’s engines=34 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=39 revs. 310 Kl|M Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. Hour. p.m. 5.0 5.30 6.0 6.30 6.42 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 —contd. 111*533 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 275*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=313*914 n.m. Depth=950 fms. Drum =44 revs, per min. = 7*7 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophometer=40 revs. 115*447 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 278*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=317*828 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=44^ revs per min. = 7*8 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=(lifting). Strophometer=40 revs. 119*378 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=281*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=321*759 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Druih=44J revs, per min. = 7*8 kts. Ship’s engines=33J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophomet,er=40 revs. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 82° F., main tank 81° F. Decreased ship’s engines to 28 revs, per min. 122*891 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 283*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 325*272 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min.=7*0 kts. Ship’s engines=28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophometer=35 revs. 124*295 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 285*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hur=326*676 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Approximate f Lat. 13° 10'*5 N. position by stars \Long. 91° 3'*5 W. Current observed since noon=N 81° E, 7*5 n.m. = 1*1 kts. 311 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. 7.0 7.30 8.0 8.30 9.0 FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893 — contd. 126*410 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=286*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 328*791 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=40 revs, per min. = 7-0 kts. Ship’s engines=29 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=37 revs. 129-989 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 288*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 332-370 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=40j revs, per min.=7T kts. Ship’s engines=28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (1 if ting). Strophometer =36 revs. Light SW breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy, with lightning. Slight SW sea and swell. Bar. 30-000 (84°-6 F.). Temp. 84° F. dry, 80° F. wet. Sea surface 85° F. 133*390 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 291*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 335*771 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=38-J revs, per min. =6*9 kts. Ship’s engines=28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer =37 revs. Thoughout the watch the brakes have been right up. Increased ship’s engines to 33 revs, per minute. 137*157 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. 4t 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=293*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=339*538 n.m. Depth = 950 fms. Drum=42J revs, per min.=7*5 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =(nil). Strophometer =41 revs. 141-168 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=296*7 n.m. 312 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Sectiorc. Hour. p.m. 9.30 10.0 10.30 11.0 11.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWM.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =343*549 n.m. Depths 920 fms. Drum =4 5J revs, per min. = 8*0 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =(nil). Strophometer=41 revs. 145-164 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=299'7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=347-545 n.m. Depth = 920 fms. Drum=45 revs, per min. = 7*9 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=40^- revs. 149-192 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 302*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=351*573 n.m. Depth =920 fms. Drum =45^ revs, per min. = 8*0 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=41 revs. 153-288 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 305*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=355-669 n.m. Depth=920 fms. Drum=46j revs, per min. = 8T8 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 157*411 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =308*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=359-792 n.m. Depth =920 fms. Drum=46i revs, per min. = 8-18 kts. Ship’s engines=S3 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=41 revs. 161*519 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=311*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=363*900 n.m. Depth = 920 fms. 313 Hour. p.m. MIDNT. A.M. 0.30 1.0 1.30 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section - S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End— contd. FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1893— contd. Drum=46i revs, per min. =8*18 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (nil). Strophomener=41 revs. Similar weather as at 8.0 p.m. Slight SE swell. Bar. 30*200 (84° F.). Temp. 84° F. dry, 79°*9 F. wet. Sea surface 84*8° F. 165*618 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 314*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=367*999 n.m. Depth =920 fms. Drum = 46 \ revs, per min. = 8*1 8 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (nil). Strophometer=41 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893. 169*637 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=317*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 372*018 n.m. Depth=920 fms. Drum =45-^ revs, per min.— 8*0 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=40 revs. 173*509 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=320*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=375*890 n.m. Depth = 920 fms. Drum =44 revs, per min. = 7*74 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake Ievers= 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=38 to 41 revs. 177*282 n*m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =323*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =379*663 n.m. Depth =950 fms. 314 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Hour, a M. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893 —contd. Drum=42J revs, per min.=7*5 kts. Ship’s engines=32^- revs, per mm. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=38 revs. 2-0 160*972 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=326*l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=383*353 n.m. Depths 950 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=32^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=38 revs. 2.30 184*595 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 328*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=386*976 n.m. Depth = 950 fms. Drum=41 revs, per min. = 7*2 kts. Ship’s engines=32^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo meter=(nil). Strophometer=35 to 38 revs. 3.0 188*276 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. k ‘ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 331*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =3 90*65 7 n.m. Depth=950 fms. Drum = 41 J revs, per min. = 7 *28 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=37 to 39 revs. 3.30 192*009 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 334*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 394*390 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum =42 revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=32^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=39 revs. 4.0 Light NE breeze. Fine, but overcast. Slight SE’ly sea and swell. Bar. 30*000 (82° F.). Temp. 82° F. dry, 79° F. wet. Sea surface 84°*0 F. 315 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SIL VERT OWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893— contd. 195*706 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 337*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=398*087 n.m. Depth = 950 fms. Drum=42 revs, per min. =7*39 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=36 to 39 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. 4.30 199*452 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =340*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=401*833 n.m. Depth=950 fms. Drum = 42 J revs. per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=37 revs. 5.0 203*171 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=343*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =4 05 *5 5 2 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum =42^ revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs per min. Weight on brake levers =2 84 lbs. Dyna- mometer = ^lifting). Strophometer=38 revs. 5.30 206*823 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=346*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =409*204 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum =41^ revs, per min. =7*3 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer =( lifting). Strophometer=37 revs. 6.0 210*407 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 349*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=413*788n.m. Depth =1 TOO fms. Drum=40-| revs, per min. =7*1 kts. Ship’s engines =33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophometer=37 revs. 316 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. ' 6.10 6.30 7.0 7.30 8.0 SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893— contd. Increased ship’s engines to 36 revs, per min. Note. — Drum showed that the strong current to the S’d and E’d had been steadily decreasing in force since 1 a.m. Ship’s engines were accordingly increased to 36 revs, per min. 214-218 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 352*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=41 6*599 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum=43 revs, per min. = 7*5 kts. Ship’s engines=36| revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=(lifting). Strophometer=41 revs. 218-131 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 355*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=420*512 n.m Depth =1050 fms. Drum=44^ revs, per min. = 7*8 kts. Ship’s engines = 36l revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer=(lifting). Strophometer=40 revs. 222*033 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=359T n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 424*414 n.m. Depth = 1050 fms. Drum =44 revs, per min. = 7*7 kts. Ship’s engines =36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophometer=40 revs. Light NE wind. Fine, but overcast with heavy clouds. Slight S’ly s>yell. Bar. 30*030 (82° F.). Temp. 82°*4 F. dry, 79° F. wet. Sea surface 84° F. Temp, in cable tank, bottom of cone : fore tank 81J° F., main tank 81° F. Brakes right up throughout the watch. 225*900 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=362*3 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 428*281 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. 317 Hour. a.m. 8.30 9.0 9.30 10.0 10.25 10.30 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893 — contd. Drum = 44 revs, per min. = 7-7 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (lifting). Strophometer =40 revs. 229*828 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 365*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=432-209 n.m. Depths 1050 fins. Drum =44^ revs, per min. = 7-8 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer = 40 revs. 233-647 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 368*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=436-028 n.m. Depth=1100 fms. Drum=43 revs, per min. = 7-5 kts. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer =38 revs. 237-396 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 372*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=439'777 n.m. Depth =1050 fms. Drum=42l revs, per min. = 7-48 kts. Ship’s engines = 36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter= (lifting). Strophometer =38 revs. 241-125 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 375*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut =443-506 n.m. Depth=1050 fms. Drum =42 revs, per min. = 7*4 kts. Ship’s engines = 36 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dyna- mometer (lifting). Strophometer =38 to 41 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 38 revs, per min. 244-882 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 378*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut= 447*263 n.m. Depth = 1050 fms. 318 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. 11.0 11.30 11.54 Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 6m, 1893— contd. Drum = 42l revs, per min. = 7-48 kts. Ship’s engines = 37£ revs. per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =( lifting). Strophometer=39^ revs. 248*846 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=382-l n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=451-227 n.m. Depth=1050 fms. Drum=45 revs, per min. = 7-92 kts. Ship’s engines =38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=41 revs. 252-831 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=385-6 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=455-212 n.m Depth = 1050 fms. Drum=45 revs, per min. = 7*92 kts. Ship’s engines=38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = ^lifting). Strophometer=40 to 42 revs. (Noon bjr observations.) 256*170 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “9,” paid put from after tank. Patent log= 388*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=458-551 n.m Depth = 1000 fms. Cable, by Indicator, paid out since observed noon YESTERDAY= 181-208 N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, since observed noon YESTERDAY =164-223 N.M, Slack=10-3%. Current observed since 6.42 p.m. yesterday =S 48° E, 17 n.m. = 0*98 kt. Course made good since 0.30 p.m. yesterday S 67j° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out= 178-251 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground =16 1-550 n.m. Slack = 10*33%. (Engineer’s time.) Moderate ESE breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Slight sea and swell from SE. 319 , Position Hour. p.m. 0.20 0.27 0.30 1.0 1.11 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893 — contd . Ear. 30-040 (82° F.). Temp. 83° F. dry, 78° F. wet. Sea surface 83° -2 F. 256-832 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log=388’9 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=459‘213 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum=45j revs, per min. = 8*01 kts. Ship’s engines=38J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=40 to 41 revs. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82° F., main tank 81 F. Brakes up throughout the watch. Increased ship’s engines to 40 revs, per min. As ship must make 7 kts. over the ground to reach buoy ou San Juan del Sur End by 4 p.m. to-morrow, increased ship’s engines to 41 revs, per min. 260*681 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 392-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=463-062 n.m. Depth = 1000 fms. Drum=43^- revs, per min. = 7-6 kts. Ship’s engines=39 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=39 to 41 revs. 264-698 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log= 395-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=467-079 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum=45J revs, per min. = 8-01 kts. Ship’s engines =41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=41 to 42 revs. Sent the following telegram to Salina Cruz : — “ Kingsford to Atherton, San Juan. Expect reach San Juan Buoy about 4 p.m., May 7th, Sunday. Connect Shore Section to Morse ready for ship’s call Sunday at noon. Try Morse, working 320 Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 1.30 2.0 , 2.8 2.30 3.0 Paying out from Salina Cruz to Buoy on San Juan del Sur End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1893— contd. through 500 units to insure sensibility. Ship will use 12 cells, carbon to line. Keep strict watch on Morse from noon Sunday. 268*694 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 9,” paid out from after tank. Patent log =399*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from Salina Cruz Hut=471*075 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum =45 revs, per min. = 7*9 kts. Ship’s engines=41 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=40 to 41 revs. 272*625 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec . High land of Cape Elena bearing S 73° E. final splice SUMMARY OF CABLE IN THE SALINA CRUZ— SAN JUAN DEL SUR SECTION. Salina Cruz — Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b” = 3 923 n.m. H sr-} N °' i952 -^ s -“ 3 ”= 6 "° » „ „ „ 1952a „ “3a” = 5-000 „ Light Inter- mediate Light Deep Sea }>■ 1951 1235 5490 Piece “ F ” from fore tank. 10 ” = 106-497 11”= 74-481 „ 1 From after J „ 1951 “2” = 17966 1 Part of i [ Piece“E” » 5952 „ “3” = 9-490 i ” 1 | from main „ 1953b „ “ 3b’ ’ = 3-495 I » J tank. „ „ „ „ Sec. “9” =401 942 „ „ „ „ pt. Sec. “10”= 54-576 Light Inter- mediate Heavy Inter- mediate Shore-End, Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ” — 0*055 „ San Juan del Sue, Total . . = 689-915 n.m. 337 J tank. I From main j tank. Part of Piece “F” from fore tank. Salma Cruz — -San Juan del Stir Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. P.M. Picking up Mark Buoy. SUNDAY, MAY 7th, 1893 —contd. 5.50 Set on full speed to pick up Mark Buoy 51h, put down on 22nd April last. 6.14 Stopped ship’s engines and lowered boat. 6.29 Close by mark buoy. Stopped ship and sent boat away to dismantle buoy. 6.31 Passed drum rope to boat at buoy. 6.35 Drum rope shackled on, to moorings of buoy ; commenced to heave in on rope. 6.40 Slipped buoy from moorings. 6.46 Buoy hosted on board. 6.49 Mushroom of moorings at bows. 6.51 Surf -boat hoisted up. Set on for position to take sound- ings. 8.0 Light SSW airs. Fine, but cloudy. Calm sea. Bar. 30-050 (82° F.). Temp. 80°*8 F. dry, 76°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 81° *5 F. 8.1 Sounding JLat. 10° 55' -10 N l in q fTY1C! „ 124 S \Long. 86” 18’-65 WJ 103 fms ’ dk - S D - m - 8.21 Sounding f Lat. 10° 55'-7 N 1 irM f 125 s { Long. 86” 17'-8 W j 104 fms ‘ dk ‘ «"• m ‘ 8.25 Set on dead slow towards San Juan del Sur, to anchor there at daylight to-morrow. MIDNT. Light SSE breeze. Fine, but cloudy, with lightning to the NE. AT SAN JUAN DEL SUE. TRANSFERRING CABLE. S.S “ SILVERTO WN.” May 8th to May 11th, 1893. 389 y 2 AT SAN JUAN DEL SUR Hour. A.M. 1.54 4.0 6.20 6.30 6.45 8.0 8.22 10.38 11.37 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN .” MONDAY, MAY 8th, 1893. Sighted San Juan del Sur Light bearing N 54° E. Light SSE breeze. Fine and clear. Let go port anchor in 10 fms. off San Juan del Sur ; veered chain to 30 fms. f Lot’s Wife Rock bearing N 33° W. Position < Lighthouse bearing S 51° E. L Southern Extreme Point bearing S 26° E. Lowered steam-launch. -n i. f i. f Forward 21' 0". Draught of ship 2 g* Lowered port cutter and commenced loading it with electrical stores, several cases of provisions, and baggage of Messrs. Schneider and Knight, who will leave ship here for duty at cable office during the laying of the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Calm. Fine and clear. Bar. 30*080 (80° F.). Temp. 81° F. dry, 77° F. wet. Sea surface 81 0, 8 F. Mr. C. H. L. Cazalet, with Jointer Skinner, left in steam- launch for shore, taking in tow the port cutter, manned by seven cable hands, and containing electrical stores, &c. Mr. Cazalet also takes ship’s papers to hand to the Port Authorities. Port cutter returned to ship in tow of steam-launch. Mr. Cazalet reports that a Revolution has occurred here since ship left, and the Governor, who was on board a fortnight ago, has been deposed. Mr. J. Rymer-Jones left for shore to test the Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section, completed yesterday. 341 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. NOON. 5.45 6.0 8.0 9.0 MIDNT. A.M 6.0 6.50 MONDAY, MAY 8th, 1893 — contd. Light SW by W breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Bar. 30-050 (85° F.). Temp. 85° F. dry, 78 0, 2 F. wet. Sea surface 82°-5 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore lank 83° F., main tank 82^° F. Mr. P. Bates, with D. Smith (Cable Foreman), left for shore to select a lighter for use in the landing of Shore-End later. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82 F., main tank 82° F. The tests taken to-day on the Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur Section are highly satisfactory. A portion of the trench for southern Shore-End is opened out on the beach. This trench is 6 or 7 feet to sea- ward of the trench containing the northern Shore-End, landed on the 24th April last. Messrs. Schneider and Knight, with Jointer Skinner, remain on shore to-night, fixing up the testing apparatus in a spare room in the cable office, ready for use while ship is laying cable to Santa Elena. Light S’ly wind. Fine, but very cloudy, with rainy appearance. Lightning to the SE. Bar. 30-035 (83° F.). Temp. 82°-4 F. dry, 79°-6 F. wet. Sea surface 82°-6 F. Heavy rain, with thunder and lightning. Wind light and variable. Light variable wind. Overcast and showery, with lightning. TUESDAY, MAY 9th, 1893. Cable hands turned to and set about preparing to commence transferring piece u D,” or San Juan del Sur Southern Shore-End, from fore tank to main tank. Tests taken on all cable in tanks by Mr. J. Rymer-Jones, with satisfactory results. 342 Hour. A.M. 7.0 7.26 8.0 8.30 9.12 9.20 9.30 NOON. At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” TUESDAY, MAY 9th, 1893 —contd. Got the top end of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” in main tank, and top end of piece “ D,” Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” in fore tank, up on deck and commenced to open them out for joint and splice together. 11 fms.=0*011 n.m. cut off Light Deep Sea in main tank for this splice, thus reducing ihe length of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” in main tank, to 205*383 n.m. Commenced joint between Light Deep Sea in main tank and Light Intermediate in fore tank. Light ENE breeze. Overcast, with thick drizzling rain at times. Bar. 30*075 (78°*5 F.). Temp. 79° F. dry, 77° F. wet. Sea surface 81°*8 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82° F., main tank 81° F. Joint between the Light Deep Sea in main tank and Light Intermediate in fore tank finished and passed. Commenced the splice. Splice between Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” in main tank, and Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” in fore tank, completed. Set about putting turns of the bight of cable round starboard picking-up drum. Commenced transferring piece “ D ” (Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2 ” = 21*986 n.m., Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a ”=4*990 n.m., and Shore End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b ”=3*500 n.m.) from fore tank to main tank with starboard picking-up drum. Mr. Lloyd left for shore to take angles to check ship’s position, and to check the position of the two buoys inshore marking the route of the Central and South American Tele- graphic Company’s old cables. Light WNW breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30*060 {82° F.) Temp. 81°*5 F. dry, 77°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 83°*2 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82° F., main tank 81° F. 2*889 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable transferred from fore tank to main tank. 343 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN. Hour. p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 9th, 1893 —contd. 3.20 Lifted port anchor to see if it was all clear, and let it go again in practically the same position as before ; veered chain to 45 fms. f Lot’s Wife Rock N 38° W. Bearings Lighthouse S 43° E. [ Southern Point S 20° E. 3.45 Capt. Morton and Mr. P. Bates left for shore to take sights for chronometers. 4.0 Light SSW breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy. 7*510 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable transferred from fore tank to main tank. 5.33 Capt. Morton and Mr. P. Bates returned to ship. While on shore Mr. Bates arranged with Mr. C. Holmann (Agent) to have 30 labourers at Shore-End landing place on Thursday. 6.20 Transferring of cable delayed since 5.30 p.m. for want of steam. Note. — The fitting up of the testing apparatus and batteries in the Cable Office, for use while ship is laying cable from San Juan del Sur to Santa Elena, completed to-day. 8.0 Light ENE wind. Fine, but cloudy, with squally and rainy appearance. Vivid lightning all the evening. Bar. 30*080 (82°*6 F.) Temp. 82 J *7 F. dry, 79° F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. 10*356 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable transferred from fore tauk to main tank. MEDNT. Light variable winds. Overcast, with heavy rain at times. Much lightning all round. 13*972 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable transferred from fore tank to main tank. A.M. 4.0 WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, 1893. Similar weather. 17*270 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable transferred from fore tank to main tank. 5.30 American mail steamer “ City of Panama,” bound for Panama, arrived in the port. . 344 Hour. a.m. 8.0 9.0 9.20 10.10 10.23 10.50 NOON. r.M. 0.7 0.54 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, 1893— contd. Light ENE wind. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-080 (80° F.). Temp. 80° F. dry, 74°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. 21-176 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable transferred from fore tank to main tank. Splice between Light Intermediate and Heavy Inter- mediate in piece “ D,” passed off drum from fore tank to main tank. 22*287 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” transferred from fore tank. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate . . . . .. =21-986 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate .. .. ..=22-287 ,, Difference .. . ,= 0*301 n.m. Difference probably due to slip on drum. Capt. Morton, with Messrs. Bates and Combe, left for shore to take sights. Messrs. Bates and Combe returned in steam-launch, with an empty lighter in tow. Made the lighter fast to ship’s stern. Messrs. Bates and Fletcher left in steam-launch to measure the distance from the northern buoy, which marks the route of the old cables near cable landing, to Cable Office. Dingey in tow of steam-launch. A small wooden mark buoy taken in the steam-launch. S.S. “ City of Panama ” left the port. Moderate ENE breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-070 (84° F.). Temp. 84°-2 F. dry, 77°*3 F. wet. Sea surface =83° F. Steam-launch left for shore with a case of Martini-Henri rifle cartridges for Mr. Holmann. Messrs. Bates and Fletcher, accompanied by Mr. O’Connor, of the Central and South American Telegraph Company, returned to ship. Mr. Bates reports that the distance from the northern mark buoy, immediately in front of cable landing place, to 345 Hour. p.m. 2.0 3.15 4.58 5.35 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, 1893 —contd. the Cable Office is 289 fms., including- 45 fms. from low water mark to the office. Splice between Heavy Intermediate and Shore-End in Piece “ D,” passed off drum from fore tank to main tank. 4-975 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a,” transferred from fore tank. Length of Factory measurement of this piece of Heavy Intermediate . . . . . . =4*990 n.m. Length by Drum Measurement of this piece of Heavy Intermediate . . . . .. =4*975 „ Difference. . . . . . =0*015 „ Capt. Morton and Mr. Combe left for shore in steam-launch to take further sights for time. Mr. Bates went ashore to inform Agent that the labourers for the landing of the Shore-End will not be required before Friday morning. End of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” last end of piece “ D,” passed off drum from fore tank to main tank. 3*394 n.m. of Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” trans- ferred from fore tank. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Shore-End. . . . =3*500 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Shore-End . . . . =3*391 „ Difference =0*106 „ Total length of cable now in main tank, and spliced together, ready for laying the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section =1067*52 6 n.m., viz. : — Shore-End No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ”= 3500n.m. ] Piece “ D,” Heavy Int. „ 1952a, „ „ “3a” = 4 990 ,, from fore Light Int. „ 1951 „ „ “ 2 ” = 21986 „ J tank Light Deep Sea „ 1235 „ „ “10” = 205383 „ „ „ „ Sec. “5” =416 067 „ „ „ „ „ „ “7” =415600 „ 1067-526 n.m. 346 At San Juan del Sur . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 6.0 6.2 8.0 A.M. 8.0 8.40 10.28 NOON. P.M. 0.30 0.40 2.0 WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, 1893 —contd. Total length of cable now remaining in fore tank=49*970 n.m. of Light deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ Ha.” Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82 F., main tank 82° F. Mr. J. Rymer-Jones left in steam-launch to take a few temperature soundings between ship aud Cable Office. Light variable airs. Fine, but cloudy. Lightning to the southward. Bar. 30-060 (85° F.). Temp. 83°-6 F. dry, 76°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1893. Light E’ly wind. Fine, clear weather. Slight SW swell. Bar. 30-100 (81° F.). Temp. 81° F. dry, 76* F. wet. Sea surface 82°-5 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 82° F., main tank 82° F. American mail steamer “ Starbuck ” entered the port. Mr. P. Bates left for shore to make arrangements for the landing of Shore-End. Moderate ENE breeze. Fine and clear. Slight swell coming into the anchorage. Bar. 30-060 (85° F.). Temp. 84°-3 F. dry, 76° F. wet. Sea surface 83°*6 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 83 F., main tank 83 J° F. Coiled a length of 4^" rope in lighter, hanging astern of ship. Mail steamer “ Starbuck ” left the port. All cable in main tank tested, with satisfactory results. Set about sealing the top end (Shore-End cable) of the cable in main tank ready for landing. 347 Hour. p.m. 2.18 2.53 3.45 4.15 4.17 4.25 4.30 5.5 5.30 5.37 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1893 —contd. Commenced coiling hauling-off ropes in both cutters, 7 coils of assorted 4", 4|", and 5" ropes in each boat. Steam-launch, with dingey in tow, left for shore, taking 2 spider wheels, 2 sand anchors, chain, rope, shovels, and all gear required on the beach for the landing of Shore-End. Finished coiling hauling-off ropes in cutters. Hauled end of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” from main tank, along leads and three times round paying- out drum to stern sheave. Steam-launch, with dingey in tow, returned from shore, bringing a note from Mr. Bates, stating that the length from Cable House to low water mark is 395 feet. Commenced coiling 350 fms. of Shore-End cable in lighter, astern of ship ; marking cable at every 50 fms. with knots of spunyarn, and at 70 fms. from the end of cable the cable is marked with white manilla yarn. Steam-launch left for shore. 0‘347 n.m. (or 350 fms.) of Shore-End cable from main tank abaft paying-out drum. Bent on the spun yarn mark, with seven knots tied in it, and paid out on cable till 350 fms. mark in lighter. Lighter, containing the 350 fms. of Shore-End cable, fast to a line from each quarter of ship, and the bight of cable between ship’s stern sheave, and lighter made fast on the bows of lighter. Cable in lighter well covered with canvas, over which water was poured. Steam-launch returned with Mr. P. Bates and Mr. Holmann (Agent). Mr. Bates reports having taken Shore-End landing gear round to cable landing place (which is immediately to shore- ward of the northern buoy marking old cables), one sand anchor and Spider sheave (southern) placed in position, flag “ B,” put up at position of southern spider sheave and flag “ L,” put up to mark position for northern spider- wheel. Distance between flags=100 fms. Sand anchors are placed at high water mark. 348 At San Juan del Sur. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 8.0 8.35 THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1893 —contd. Moderate S’ly wind. Fine, bright, and clear. Slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30-050 (84°. F.). Temp. 84°-5 F. dry, 75°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. All cable in main tank (to sealed end in lighter) tested by Mr. J. Rymer- Jones; results satisfactory. Carpenter employed during the day fitting up lighter ready for laying cable. 349 LAYING THE SAN JUAN DEL SUR— SANTA ELENA SECTION. LANDING SAN JUAN DEL SUR SOUTH SHORE-END. PAYING OUT SAN JUAN DEL SUR SOUTH HEAVY AND LIGHT INTERMEDIATES. PAYING OUT MAIN CABLE FROM SAN JUAN DEL SUR TOWARDS BUOY ON SANTA ELENA END. COMPLETION OF SECTION. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” May 12th to May 18th, 1893. J51 / LAYING THE SAN JUAN DEL SUR— SANTA ELENA SECTION. .Hour. а. m. б . 0 6.27 7.0 7.58 8.0 8.8 8.18 8.31 8.57 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Landing San Juan del Sur South Shore-End. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893. Cable hands turned to and set about getting balloon buoys, &c., aft to quarter deck. Staff and cable hands left in steam-launch for shore. Observed a number of native labourers working at trench between Cable Office and water’s edge, and shore party at Cable landing place putting northern spider wheel in position, &c. German steamer “ Miranda ” arrived from the northward and anchored to shoreward of ship. Calm. Fine clear weather. Slight SW swell. Bar. 30*080 (82° F.). Temp. 82°*8 F. dry, 77°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 82°*5 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 83° F., main tank 83^° F. Mr. Ogilvie (3rd officer) left in steam-launch to ask the Captain of the “Miranda” if he would anchor his vessel a little more to the south to permit “ Silvertown ” to run lines ashore. Mr. Ogilvie returned and reported that the Captain of the “Miranda” said that if his vessel was not clear when swung round to anchor, he would take up another position. ! Mr. Ogilvie left in steam-launch for the “Miranda,” to explain to the Captain the direction in which the “ Silver- town ” wished to run lines for the landing of Shore-End. i ! Steam-launch took port cutter, containing 7 coils of rope j for hauling-off line, in tow for beach 353 z San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section, S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 9.0 9.12 9.15 9.20 9.34 9.37 9.47 9.58 10.7 10.20 10.25 3 0.40 Landing San Juan del Sur South Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893— contd. Observed the “ Miranda ” underweigh for a position more to the SSW, as requested. Observed end of rope from port cutter landed near northern spider-wheel by natives, and hands on shore running it round the northern spider- wheel along beach towards southern spider- wheel, at Cable landing place. Observed the “ Miranda ” anchor again, but still to the north of the northern mark buoy, and immediately in the way between “ Silvertown ” and Cable landing place. Observed port cutter, in tow of steam-launch, coming towards ship, paying out rope from beach to ship. Port cutter arrived at starboard bow and passed bight of 7th rope inboard over starboard bow sheave, rope run along to starboard picking-up drum. Capt. Morton left for the S.S. “ Miranda,” to explain to the Captain where we wish him to anchor. Capt. Morton returned to ship, with the information that the Captain of the “ Miranda ” will not move his ship. Signalled to shore, “ Move cable spider-wheel clear of “ Miranda’s ” stern. Steam-launch left for shore, taking starboard cutter, con- taining 7 coils of rope for hauling-off line, in tow. Coiled a further length of 50 fms. of Shore-End cable in the lighter hanging astern of ship. 0*395 n.m. (or 400 fms.) of Shore-End Cable put in the lighter. S.S. “ Miranda ” now swung round stern more towards Cable Office, and, therefore, clear of the direction in which ship wishes to run rope ashore to southern, or cable, spider- sheave on beach. Signalled to shore, “Cable spider o.k., get line ashore.” Observed end of rope from starboard cutter landed at southern spider-wheel by 4 natives, who swam off from the beach for it, and hands on the beach moving southern spider- sheave more to the northward. 354 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 10.45 10.56 11.0 11.3 11.12 11.26 NOON. P.M. 0.10 Landing San Juan del Sur South Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893— contd. Note. — The spider-sheave was moved 18 fms. to the northward, reducing the distance between spider-sheaves to 82 fms. Observed starboard cutter, in tow of steam-launch, coming towards ship, paying out rope from beach to ship. Ropes shackled together on the beach. Starboard cutter, in tow of steam-launch, arrived at ship’s stern and passed bight of 6th rope from the beach inboard over stern sheave, thus completing endless messenger between ship and cable landing place. Cut the 6th rope on board, about 10 fms. from the shackle outboard, and set about bending it on to the Shore-End Cable on stern baulks, making it fast to cable near 400 fms. mark in the lighter and to bows of lighter. Cable well fast to messenger both on board lighter and on ship, and cable hanging over lighter’s stern made fast to the stern of lighter. Ship’s quarter lines, and coal baskets, hanging astern of lighter, hauled on board ship. “ All ready ” signal hoisted on the beach. Commenced to heave in on messenger over starboard bow sheave with starboard picking-up drum. Ship heading seawards with stern facing Cable landing place. Position of f Lat. 11° 15'-34 N. cable landing \ Long. 85° 52'*88 W. Messenger now tightening out and hauling lighter towards beach. Commenced to pay out Shore-End Cable. 1st balloon buoy bent on. 0-416 n.m. of Shore-End, paid out from main tank. Light WSW airs. Fine and clear. Slight swell. Bar. 30-020 (84° F.). Temp. 84°-2 F. dry, 78°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 84°-8 F. Signalled to shore, “ Put stake in beach where trench takes water’s edge.” Lighter now near beach. Stopped heaving in on messenger and paying out cable. Thirty-two balloons out-board. 355 z 2 Hour. p.m. 0.37 0.39 0.51 0.53 1.5 1.21 1.33 1.35 1.45 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Landing San Juan del Sur South Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 —contd. 0-988 n.m. of Shore-End Cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from main tank, including 0*395 n.m. of Shore-End Cable in the lighter. Dingey now taking end of a rope from lighter to beach. Observed three or four natives swimming out from beach to dingey. Steam-launch signalled to shore, “When stopper is fast signal ship to let go hauling-off rope.” Natives now landed rope from dingey. Shore signalled to steam-launch, “ Line broken.” Observed lighter put overboard the bight of cable fast to messenger from ship, and start in tow of steam-launch, paying out cable between beach and mark buoys towards Cable Office. Messenger from ship holding bight of cable abreast of southern spider sheave. Note. — As far as Mr. Bates could judge the distance from the southern spider sheave to this bight of cable is about 130 fms. Observed bight on the end of cable passed from lighter to beach in front of Cable Office. Observed all hands taking bight of cable up towards Cable Office. Port and starboard cutters left ship to take balloon-buoys off cable between ship and beach. Shore signalled, “ Take current off, now cut.” Lot’s Wife Rock and No. 1 Point <13° 44' 0” No. 2 Point and No. 1 Point < 56° 12' 0" Position! „ „ Cable House 64° 50' 0” of ship | No. 3 „ „ < 60° 46' 0” Lot’s Wife Rock bearing N 36° W. No. 3 Point bearing S 23^° E. Lat. 11° 15'*1 8 N. Long. 85° 53'-59 W. Distance, by chart, from ship to Cable Office (along route followed by lighter) =0*85 n.m. Distance, by chart, from ship to southern spider sheave = 0*73 n.m. 356 San Juan del Sur — Santa Klena Section , S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 1.55 2.20 2.25 3.0 3.15 3.20 3.30 3.55 4.10 4.20 4.27 4.33 Landing San Juan del Sur South Shore-End — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 — contd. Mr. Way, of the Central and South American Telegraph Company, came on board. Observed natives burying cable in trench in front of Cable Office, down to water’s edge. Cable hands returning to spider wheels on beach to make rope on bight of cable fast to the sand anchor of the southern spider wheel and to cast messenger adrift so that the remainder of it may be hauled on board. “ All clear ” signal hoisted on beach. Commenced heaving in on messenger with starboard picking-up drum. Staff and cable hands returned from shore in steam-launch, which has in tow starboard cutter and dingey and twenty-five balloon buoys. Note. — 69 fms. = 0-068 n.m. was cut off the end of the Shore-End when landed from the lighter, as the length landed was found to be that much in excess of the amount required to reach the Cable Office. 0*988 n.m. minus 0*068 n.m. =0*920 n.m. of Shore-End cable, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” now laid between ship and Cable Office. The 0*068 n.m. cut off on the beach is laid in the trench and buried alongside the Shore-End, as spare cable, accord- ing to Mr. H. Kingsford’s instructions. Steam launch left to tow off port cutter and balloon buoys. Steam launch returned with port cutter and the remainder of balloon buoys in tow. Starboard cutter and dingey hoisted on board. End of rope that formed messenger came inboard. Signalled to shore, “When shall we send boat for hands and gear ? ” Shore replied, “ Send boat now.” Steam launch and cutter left for shore. Put another turn of Shore-End cable round paying-out drum, making four in all. 357 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. P.M. Landing San Juan del Sur South Shore-End— contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 —contd. 4.50 Shore signalled, “ Call on mirror.” 4.52 Spoke shore through cable with mirror instrument in testing room. 5.13 Port cutter now taking buoy “ 70 ” off the chain with which it #as made fast to the northern Shore-End laid by this ship on 25th April last. 5.20 Cutter with W. Tillyer and five cable hands returned to Ship, with buoy No. 70, and gear from the beach, except one sand anchor left on jetty. The other sand anchor is made fast to the bight of cable near beach with a short piece of chain and 4^" rope, so as to avoid ship dragging the bight of cable on getting underweigh. 5.40 Hoisted up port cutter, and set about preparing to get ship underweigh. 5.50 S.S. “ Miranda ” left the port. 6.10 Commenced to heave up anchor. Draught of f Fwd. 20' 11". ship l Aft, 23' 7". 6.12 Dynamometer =40 cwt. Weight on brake levers = 1125 lbs. 6.14 Put engine of paying-out machine out of gear, and lifted brakes right up. 6.19 Cable commenced running out very slowly. 6.23 Anchor aweigh. Set on “ slow ahead.” Paying out San Juan del Sur South Shore-End. 6.25 Anchor at bows. Ship on Course S 70° W. 6.27 Increased ship’s engines to 25 revs, per min. 6.40 Ship’s engines=25 revs, per min. Drum=21 revs, per min. =3*5 kts. 6.50 Increased ship’s engines to 28 revs, per min. 7.0 Ship’s engines=29 revs, per min. Drum=23 revs, per min =4*0 kts. Dynamometer=13 to 22 cwt. Patent log= 1*8 N.M. 358 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Paying out San Juan del Sur South Heavy Intermediate. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 —contd. 7.8 SPLICE between Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” and Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “3a,” from main tank passed off drum. Shore-End, No. I 953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b,” paid out from main tank by Factory measure- ment . . . . . . =3-432 n.m. Cutoff on beach. . .. =0-068 „ = 3-364 n.m. Paid out by Drum measurement =3*392 n.m. Cut off on beach. . . . =0-068 „ = 3*324 Difference . . . . = 0*040 n.m. Patent log=2*5 n.m. Depth =27 fms. Dynamometer fell from 18 to 8 cwt. on splice passing out- board. The length of this piece of Shore-End cable by star- board picking-up drum on the 10th inst. (=3*394 n.m.) verifies the length by paying-out drum as above : from which it appears that the length by Factory measurement (originally 3*500 n.m.) is in excess although the length by Electrical measurement is given as 3*550 n.m. | Position f Lat. 11° 14' *30 N. of splice \ Long. 85° 55'*95 W. Changed Course to S 47° W. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course S 70° W (made good S 70° W)=2*512 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 70° W (made good S 70° W)= 2*510 n.m. Slack = — °/ 0 . 7 3 q 1*511 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =3 *9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 4*943 n.m. Depth =30 fms. Drum=23J revs, per min.=4T kts. Ship’s engines=28J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=7j cwt. Strophometer=22 revs. 8.0 Moderate S’ly. wind. Fine and clear, with lightning. Slight SW swelj. 359 San Juan del Sur— Santa Elena Section. Hour. p.m. 8.18 8.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out San Juan del Sur South Heavy Intermediate — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 — contd. Bar. 30’000 (83° F.). Temp. 83° F. dry, 78°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 83° F. 3*653 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=5-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 7*085 n.m. Depth =40 fms. Drum =24 revs, per min. = 4-28 kts. Ship’s engines =29 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 1 125 lbs. Dynamo- meter 7^- cwt. Stropho meter =22 revs. Paying out San Juan del Sur South Light Intermediate. SPLICE between Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “ 3a,” and Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” from main tank, passed off drum. 4-977 n.m. of Heavy Intermediate, No. 1952a, pt. Sec. “3a,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=7*l n.m. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Heavy Intermediate paid out . . = 4-990 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Heavy Intermediate paid out . . . . = 4-977 „ Difference . . . . = 0-013 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 8- 422 n.m. Depth=45 fms. Position f Lat. 11° 11' *1 N. of splice \ Long. 85° 59' -82 W. Dynamometer fell to zero on splice passing out. 0-878 n.m. of Light Intermedite, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=7-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 9- 300 n.m. Depth =50 fms. Drum =24 revs, per min. =4-2 kts. Ship’s engines =28 revs, per mip. Weight on brake levers= 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=22 revs. Put brakes down a little and brought strain up to about 5 or 5J cwt. 360 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section . II OUR. P.M. 9.0 9.18 9.30 10.0 10.15 10.30 11.0 S.S. “ SIL VERT OWN.” Paying out San Juan del Sur South Light Intermediate — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 — contd. 2*936 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=9*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 11*358 n.m. Depth = 60 fms. Drum =23 revs, per min. =4*1 kts. Ship’s engines =28 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=22 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. 4*899 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid from main tank. Patent log=U*4 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 13*321 n.m. Depth =65 fms. Drum =22 revs, per min. =3*9 kts. Ship’s engines = 30 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=20 to 25 revs. 7*075 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=13*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan df.l Sur Office = 15*497 n.m. Depth = 65 fms. Drum =24 revs, per min. =4*2 kts. Ship’s engines =31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=21 to 24 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 32 revs, per minute. 9*443 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=15*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office= 17*865 n.m. Depth =65 fms. Drum=27 revs, per min.=4*7 kts. Ship's engines=32J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=24 to 27 revs. 11*852 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=18*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 20*274 n.m. Depth =70 fms. 361 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section* Hour. p.m. 11.30 MIDNT. A.M. 0.30 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Paying out San Juan del Sur South Light Intermediate — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 12th, 1893 —contd. Drum=27 revs, per min.=4-7 kts. Ship’s engines=32 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter =5 cwt. Strophometer=25 revs. 14-283 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =20*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 22-705 n.m. Depth =90 fms. Drum=27j revs, per min. =4*8 kts. Ship’s engines =32-1- revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Stropho meter = 25 J revs. Moderate SSE wind. Fine, bright and clear, with light- ning to the WNW. Slight sea and swell from S’d. Bar. 29*980 (81° F.). Temp. 80° F. dry, 77° F. wet. Sea surface 81°-7 F. 16-885 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=23'l n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 25-307 n.m. Depth =95 fms. Drum=29-| revs, per min. =5*2 kts. Ship’s engines = 32 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter=5 cwt. Strophometer=26 to 29 revs. Note. — From midnight 12th until 0.30 a.m. 13th, drum suddenly increased about 8 revs, per min., 5 cwt. strain being carried. 0.40 a.m. increased strain to 7 cwt. Drum decreased to 26 revs. Ship probably passed over a small depression ; depth was supposed to be 100 fms. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893. 20-175 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. u 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=25-6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office= 28-597 n.m. Depth =98 fms. Drum= 37 revs, per min. = 6*51 kts. Ship’s engines=33 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 1125 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=35 to 36 revs. 362 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. A.M. 0.40 0.52 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out San Juan del Sur South Light Intermediate — contd . SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd. According* to the speed of drum (which has increased rapidly during last half-hour) ship is evidently running into deep water. Lowered brakes to bring strain up to about 7 cwt., and reduced weight on brake levers to 568 lbs. Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End. Paying out Light Deep Sea. SPLICE between Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec.“2” and Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” from main tank, passed off drum. 22*286 n.m. of Light Intermediate, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=27*3 n.m. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate . . . . . . =21*986 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate .. .. . =22*286 „ Difference .. = 0*300 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 30*408 n.m. Depth=104 fms. Note. — Length by Electrical measurement of this piece of Light Intermediate. . =22*323 n.m. Length by starboard picking-up drum on 10th inst. . . . . =22*287 „ Length by paying-out drum as above . . . . . . . . =22*286 „ From the above measurements it appears that the length by Factory measurement, viz., 21*986 n.m. is not correct, although that length is borne out by Shipping Drum measurement. Changed Course to S 17-J 0 W. Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, S47° W (made good S 47° W)=26*976 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 47° W (made good S 47° W)=25*650 n.m. 363 Hour. a.m. 0.55 1.0 1.30 2.0 2.30 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893 — contd. Slack=5*2%. Position fLat. 10° 56'*9 N. of splice \ Long. 86° 16'*8 W. Speed of drum and strain decreased. Lifted brakes right up. 0*579 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=27*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 30*987 n.m. Depth =110 fms. Drum=30^ revs, per min. = 5*37 kts. Ship’s engines=32i revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (nil). Strophometer=24 to 27 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 38 revs, per min. 3*139 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=30*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 33*547 n.m. Depth=110 fms. Drum=29 revs, per min. =5*1 kts. Ship’s engines=38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(uil). Strophometer=26 to 30 revs. 5*705 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =33 *7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 36*113 n.m. Depth =112 fms. Drum =29 revs, per min. = 5*1 kts. Ship’s engines =38.^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=25 to 28 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 42 revs, per min. 8*569 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =37*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office= 38*977 n.m. Depth = 150 fms. San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. a.m. 3.0 3 30 4.0 4.30 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd. Drum=32 revs, per min. =5*64 kts. Ship’s engines =42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter =( nil). Strophometer=27 to 34 revs. 11*523 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pi. Sec. “10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =40*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 41*931 n.m. Depth =200 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min.=5*81 kts. Ship’s engines=43 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=29 to 32 revs. 14*454 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =44*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 44*862 n.m. Depth =300 fms. Drum=33 revs, per min. =5*8 kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=30 revs. Moderate SE’ly breeze. Fine weather, but cloudy. Slight southerly sea. Bar. 29*930 (81° F.). Temp. 81*0° F. dry, 77*0° F. wet. Sea surface 82° F. 17*387 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. K 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=47*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Offices 47*795 n.m. Depth =400 fms. Drum =33 revs, per min. =5 *8 kts. Ship’s engines =42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=28 to 33 revs. 20*251 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10/ paid out from main tank. Patent log=51*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 50*659 n.m. Depth =500 fms. 365 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 5.0 5.30 6.0 6.15 Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd. Drum = 32 J revs, per min. =5*7 kts. Ship’s engines =42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=30 revs. 23*246 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=55*l n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 53*654 n.m. Depth =700 fms. Drum=34 revs, per min. =5-98 kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=32 revs. 26*392 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=58*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 56*800 n.m. Depth =850 fms. Drum=35J revs. permin. = 6*2 kts. Ship’s engines =42| revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting) Strophometer=33 revs. 29*652 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=62*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office= 60*060 n.m. Depth =950 fms. Drum=37 revs, per min. = 6*5 kts. Ship’s engines=42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=32 revs. -p . . f Rincon del Yolcan Viejo bearing N 73° E. position i High land of Cap0 Elena „ N 55 io K , y , ] Mount Gongora (S. Vicente) bearing N 78^° E. an Mount Orosi bearing N 63 E. Lat. 10° 30'*8 N. Long. 86°'26'*0 W. Put cable over “ old man ” fair lead to ease friction on main quadrant. 366 Hock. a.m. 6 30 7.0 7.30 8.0 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd,. 33T57 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=66'3 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 63’565 n.m. Depth=1000 fms. Drum = 39 J revs, per min. = 7*0 kts. Ship’s engines =42 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=38 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 45 revs, per min. 36-968 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 70-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 67*376 n.m. Depth =1200 fms. Drum =43 revs, per min. = 7-5 kts. Ship’s engines =45 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=42 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 48 revs, per min. 40-940 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=74-0 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 71-348 n.m. Depth =1300 fms. Drum =45 revs, per min. =7*9 kts. Ship’s engines =46 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=43 revs. Changed Course to S 37° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 17J° W (made good S 19 j° W)=40*940 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 17J° W (made good S 19|° W)=37-507 n.m. Slack=9-1 0 / 0 . ^ ... f Lat. 10° 21'-6 N. Position | Long _ 8g0 29 ,. 7 w _ 44-824 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =78*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 75-232 n.m. 367 Hour. A.M. 8.30 9.0 9.30 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd. Depth =1350 fms. Drum =44 revs, per min. =7*74 kts. Ship’s engines =45 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter =(lifting). Strophometer = 40 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. Light SSE wind. Fine, but very cloudy. Slight sea and swell from SE. Bar. 30-000 (81° F.). Temp. 81° F. dry, 78° '3 F. wet. Sea surface 82°-5 F. Temp, in fore cable tank =83° F. p ... /Mount Orosi bearing N 55° E. rosition | Hi g h land of Cape Elena faring N 46° E. Current observed since 6.0 a.m.=N 12° W. 3-0 n.m.= 1-5 KTS. 48-800 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=82-2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 79-208 n.m. Depth =1300 fms. Drum =45 revs, per min. =7*9 kts. Ship’s engines =45 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer =41 revs. 52-934 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=86-4 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 83-342 n.m. Depth =1200 fms. Drum=46j revs, per min. =8-2 kts. Ship’s engines=46 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =568 lbs. Dynamo- meter =(liftmg). Strophometer 41 to 44 revs. 57-036 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part Sec. “ 10, ’ paid out from main tank. Patent log=90*5 n.m. TotalL Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 87-444 n.m. Depth =1200 fms. Drum=46J revs, per min.=8-2 kts. Ship’s engines=48 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer =43 revs. 368 Hour. a.m. 10.0 10.30 11.0 11.30 NOON San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd. 61*276 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=94*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 91*684 n.m. Depths 1000 fms. Drum=48 revs, per min. = 8*45 kts. Ship’s engines =47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=43 revs. Severe thunderstorm passing over ship since 9.0 a.m. with heavy rain. 65*443 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=98*7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 95*851 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=47 revs, per min.=8*27 kts. Ship’s engines=45 to 48 revs, per min. (ship pitching). Weight on brake levers = 568 lbs. Dynamometer = (lifting). Strophometer=41 to 43 revs. Rain now ceased. Overcast and hazy all round, with thunder at times. Long S’ly swell. 69*619 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, part Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 102*9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office= 100*027 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=47i revs, per min. =8*36 kts. Ship’s engines=46^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=41 to 43 revs. 73*732 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10.” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 107*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 104*140 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Drum=46J revs, per min.=8*18 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=42 revs. (Engineer’s time.) Light variable airs and calms. Cloudy, with rain at times. Moderate S’ly swell. 369 2 a San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p M Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893— contd. Bar. 30*010 (77° F.). Temp. 76°*5 F. dry, 75° F. wet. Sea surface 80°*8 F. 77*743 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=lll*7 n.m. . Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 108*151 n.m. Depths 1000 fms. Drum=45-J revs, per min. =8*01 kts. Ship’s engines =48 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs.. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer = 42 revs. Temp, in fore cable tank, bottom of cone =82-1° F. 0.10 (Noon by observations.) 79*050 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 113*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 109*458 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Total Cable laid, by Factory Measurement, from San Juan del Sur Office= 109*458 n.m. Total distance, by Chart, overground, from San Juan del Sur Office= 102*217 n.m. Slack=7T 0 / 0 . ... f Lat. 9° 53'*1 N. X O SI tlOEL S r Q£° O' rr TT r | Long. 86 8 *7 VV . Current observed since 8 a.m.=N 53° W., 6*2 n.m.= 1*5 KTS. 0.30 81*780 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=115*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 112*188 n.m. Depth=1400 fms. Drum = 45 J revs, per min. =8*01 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer =40 revs. 1.0 85*923 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec, “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 120*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 116*331 n.m. 370 San Juan del Sur — -Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. 1.30 2.0 2.30 3.0 SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893 — contd. Depth =1400 fms. Dram =47 revs, per min. =8*27 kts. Ship’s engines=48 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meters (nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 90*113 n.m of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 124-4 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 120-521 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=47 revs. permin. = 8-27 kts. Ship’s engines=47-| revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 5 G8 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 94-280 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log =128-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 124-688 n.m. Depth =1400 fms. Drum=47 revs, per min. =8*27 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 98*491 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 133*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 128-899 n.m. Depth=1500 fms. Drum=47j revs, per min. =8*3 kts. Ship’s engines=48 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 102-655 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 137*5 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 183-063 n.m. Depth=1500 fms. Drum=47 revs, per min. = 8-27 kts. Ship’s engines =47 reVs. per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=40 to 43 revs. 371 2 a 2 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN” Hour. p.m. Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893 — contd. 3.30 4.0 4.30 5.0 5.30 106-736 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=141-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 137T44 n.m. Depth =1700 fms. Drum=46 revs, per min.=8-09 kts. Ship’s engines=47i revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=38 to 43 revs. Moderate to fresh SSW breeze. Fine, but overcast and cloudy. Moderate S’ly sea. Bar. 29-930 (77° F.) Temp. 76°-5 F. dry, 74°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 81° F. • 110-797 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 146*1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 141*205 n.m. Depth=1700 fms. Drum=46 revs, per min. = 8*09 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=40 to 43 revs. Brakes right up throughout the watch. 114-908 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 150*3 n.m Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 145-316 n.m. Depth =1450 fms. Drum=47revs. per min. = 8-27 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 119*022 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. ‘110,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 154-8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 149-430 n.m. Depth=1450 fms. Drum=47 revs, per min. = 8*27 kts. Ship’s engines= 461- revs. per min. Weight on brake levers = 5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=42 revs. 123-247 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 158*9 n.m. 372 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. 6.0 6.30 7.0 Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. \ SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1893 -contd. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 153-655 n.m. Depths 1500 fms. Drum=48 revs, per min. =8-4 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=44 revs. 127*496 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 10,” paid out from main tank. Pacent log= 163-1 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 157-904 n.m. Depth =1550 fms. • Lrum=48 revs, per min. = 8*4 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Stropnometer=43 revs. Temp, in fore tank, bottom of cone=83° F. Changed Course to S 27° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, S 37° E (made good S 36° E)= 86*55 6 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 37° E (made good S 36° E)=81-200 n.m. Slack=6-6 7 Q . f Lat. 9° 16'-7 N ~l Cape Blanco bearing about Position ^ Long. 85° 4 1 - '2 W j N 6 gr 2g ,. 5 w Current observed since noon yesterday =S 87° W, 21 n.m. = 1-14 KTS. Ran water into tank under paying-out machine. Land in sight from aloft. 338-351 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 885-9 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 990-209 n.m. Depth=2000 fms. Drum=46|- revs, per min. =8- 18 kts. Ship’s engines= 38 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=40 revs. Increased ship’s engines to 40 revs, per min. Sighted Santa Elena Point bearing S 83° E. 340-923 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 888-7 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 992-781 n.m. Depth =1000 fms. Changed Course to N 57° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course S 76° E (made good S 78° E)= 6-674 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course S 76° E (made good S 78° E)= 6-000 n.m. 432 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. A.M. Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End— contd. THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1893— contd. Slack=11*2°/ 0 . t> / Lat. 2° 8'*2 S. I Santa Elena Point bearing Position | Long. 81° 22'-6 W. j S 81° E. 7.30 342*541 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 890*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 994*399 n.m. Depth =500 fms. Drum =47^ revs, per min. =8*36 kts. Ship’s engines =40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=43 revs. 7.56 8.0 346*581 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=893*6 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 998*439 n.m. Depth =670 fms. Changed Course to N. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, N 57° E (made good N 62±° E)= 5*658 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 57° E (made good N 62J° E)= 5*100 n.m. Slack=10*9 %. Position Lat. 2° 5'*8 S. Long. 81° 18'*1 W. / 4 Santa Elena Point bearing S 72° E. Light SW breeze. Pine, but overcast and hazy. Smooth sea, slight S’ly swell. Bar. 30*075 (73° F.). Temp. 71°*5 F. dry, 68°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 73° F. 347*099 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 893*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 998*957 n.m. Depth =500 fms. Drum=51^ revs, per min. = 9*06 kts. Ship’s engines =40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers= 568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting). Strophometer=44 revs. Temp, in fore cable tank, bottom of cone =78° F. 433 2 e San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. A.M. 8.30 8.34 9.0 9.18 9.20 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 18 th, 1893— contd. 351*869 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log=898*l n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 1003*727 n.m. Depth =600 fms. Drum =54 revs, per min. =9*5 kts. Ship’s engines =40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=48 revs. 352*546 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 898*8 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 1004*404 n.m. Depth =500 fms. Changed Course to N 76° E. Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, N (made good N)= 5*965 N.M. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N (made good N)=5*400 n.m. Slack=10*5°/o- D f Lat. 2° 0' *4 S. 1 Santa Elena Point bearing Position | Long gr 18 ,.j w . } s 56 io E 356*312 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 902*0 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 1008*170 n.m. Depth =500 fms. Drum = 50 J revs, per min. = 8*89 kts. Ship’s engines =40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =5 68 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=41 revs. Brakes right up throughout the morning. Sighted Buoy 42r on Santa Elena End bearing S 81° E. 359*152 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 905*2 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 1011*010 N.M. San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section . Hour. a.m. 9.30 10.0 10.10 10.14 10.15 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Paying out from San Juan del Sur to Buoy on Santa Elena End — contd. THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1893— contd, Depth=300 fms. Changed Course to S 81° E Cable, by Indicator, paid out on last Course, N 76° E (made good N 76° E)= 6*606 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, N 76° E (made good N 76° E)= 6*000 n.m. Slack = 10- 1°/ 0 . p ... f Lat. 1° 59'-0 S 1 Santa Elena Lighthouse rosition | Long> 81 ° 12 '. 3 w J bearing S 40° E. 360-514 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 906-3 n.m. Total Cable laid prom San Juan del Sur Officer 1012-372 n.m. Depth =250 fms. Drum=47-J revs, per min. =8*36 kts. Ship’s engines=40 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (nil). Strophometer=41 revs. 364-531 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. Patent log= 910-4 n.m. Total Cable laid from San Juan del Sur Office = 1016-389 n.m. Depth =200 fms. Drum =45^ revs, per min. =8*01 kts. Ship’s engines = 40J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=568 lbs. Dyna- mometer = (nil). Strophometer=40 revs. Bearings : — Santa Elena Lighthouse S 32° E. Mark buoy 61, blue flag, S 50° E. Ship’s engines =38 revs, per min. Ship’s engines=36 revs, per min. Increased weight on brake levers to 1125 lbs. (16 weights). Approaching buoy 42r (with cage) on Santa Elena End, Stopped ship’s engines. Moving engines as required to bring ship up to buoy. 435 2 e 2 10.20 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. a.m. 10.32 10.42 10.48 10.50 10.51 10.55 10.56 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Up to Buoy on Santa Elena End. THURSDAY, MAY 18 th, 1893 — contd. Lowered starboard surf -boat. Note. — This surf -boat, which was damaged at Salina Cruz on the 1st instant, has been repaired by ship’s carpenter. Cable running out slowly to strain =5 to 7 cwt. Ship up to buoy. Sent surf -boat away to dismantle buoy. Patent log=914-8 n.m. Passed rope from port picking-up drum to boat at buoy. Drum-rope shackled on to moorings of buoy, commenced to heave in on moorings with port picking-up drum. Put engine of paying- out machine in gear, and commenced paying out on San Juan del Sur End (Light Deep Sea from main tank) over stern sheave as required. Slipped buoy 42 from moorings. Buoy 42 hoisted on board. Factory mile mark No. 368, in Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “7,” from main tank passed off drum. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,’ paying-out drum measurement . Length by Factory measurement = Splice with Sec. “ 5 ”. . = 0-014 Dry End . . . . = 0-007 paid out by n.m. .. =5 367-600 368-000' 0-021 = 367-979 367-979_ Difference .. . = 0*379 Total Cable, by Factory Measurement, laid from San Juan del Sur Officer 1019-837 n.m. At Santa Elena End — Completing Section. Paying out on San Juan del Sur End over stern sheave as required, to keep it free of strain. 436 10.57 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. A.M. 11.4 11.8 11.10 11.15 11.18 11.31 11.43 11,50 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” At Santa Elena End — Completing Section— contd. THURSDAY, MAY 18 th, 1893 —contd. Hoisted up starboard surf -boat. Santa Elena End (Light Intermediate type, ex S.S. “ Relay,” laid on the 16th April last) came inboard, and on to port picking-up drum. Stopped picking up on Santa Elena End and bent on stoppers. Turns of Santa Elena End taken off drum. Out 30 fms. for kink and damaged sheathing off Santa Elena End, and attached lead from testing-room. Picking up and paying out on San Juan del Sur End as required. No strain on cable. Spoke Santa Elena. Bent starboard quarter line and slip rope on San Juan del Sur End on stern baulks, and let the ropes take weight of cable. Tests on Santa Elena End satisfactory. Paid down on quarter deck 100 fms. of the Light Deep Sea cable, from main tank, on San Juan del Sur End, for passing end of cable round starboard side of ship, from stern to bows. Cut cable. 0*200 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank since Factory mile mark No. 368 passed out at 10.56 a.m. on San Juan del Sur End. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” paid out by Factory measurement . . . . = 368 179 n.m Surplus on end = 0*030 1 _ nnq7 Final splice . . =0*007 / “ U ' Ud/ ” 368*142 n.m. 437 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. a.m. 11.51 11.58 NOON. P.M. 0.3 0.5 0.11 0.13 0.18 S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” At Santa Elena End— Completing Section— contd. THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1893— contd. Total Cable laid, by Factory Measurement, from San Juan del Sur Office= 1020-0 n.m. 47-421 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, Sec. “ 7,” now left in main tank. ; Cable, by Indicator, corrected, paid out on last Course, S 81° E (made good S 65^° E) = 8-990 n.m. Distance, by Chart, overground, on last Course, S 81° E (made good S 65J° E)=8-000 n.m. Slack=12-4°/ 0 . Commenced passing San Juan del Sur End round starboard side of ship, from stern sheave to starboard bow sheave. San Juan del Sur End brought inboard over starboard bow sheave and run along upper deck. Light SW winds. Fine, but overcast. Slight sea from SW. Bar. 30-050 (73° F.). Temp. 71°-5 F. dry, 69°-5 F. wet. Sea surface 75° F. Bent stoppers on San Juan del Sur End on bow baulks, and lead from testing room attached. Let go bight of San Juan del Sur End from stern sheave. Bent on rounding and re-bent stoppers on San Juan del Sur End on starboard bow sheave. Shifted Santa Elena End from port bow sheave to starboard bow sheave and rebent on stoppers. Cut another 12 fms. (surplus cable) off Santa Elena End (making 42 fms. =0-041 n.m. in all) and commenced to open it out for splice with San Juan del Sur End. 3-935 n.m. minus 0-041=3-894 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable, ex S.S. “ Relay,” now remaining on Santa Elena End. 438 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. At Santa Elena End— Completing Section— contd. THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1893— contd. Total length of cable laid from Santa Elena Hut to this (final) splice = Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “ 3b ”=7*000 n.m. Heavy Int., „ 1952, „ „ “3” =1*990 „ Light „ „ 1951, „ „ “ 2 ” =0*978 „ „ „ ex. S.S. “ Relay,” . . =3*894 „ Total .. .. = 13 862 n.m. 0.25 Tests on San Juan del Sur End satisfactory. 0.28 Cut 30 fms. (for surplus cable) off San Juan del Sur End and commenced to open out for splice with Santa Elena End. 8 fms. on the San Juan del Sur End expended for this final splice, making in all 38 fms. =0*03 7 n.m. 0.38 Commenced joint between San Juan del Sur End (Light Deep Sea type), and Santa Elena End (Light Intermediate type). 0.58 Sounded in 100 fms. 1.20 Ship lying broadside on to the wind at times, against the helm. Bent a slip rope on to San Juan del Sur End, in case a strain should come on the cable, and make it necessary to veer away. 1.30 Joint between San Juan del Sur and Santa Elena Ends finished and passed. Commenced final splice. 2.2 Final splice completed. Set about slipping the bight of cable. Completing Section— Final Bight. 2.11 Final splice of the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section slipped successfully. f Santa Elena Lighthouse bearing S 27J° E. Position of J Lat. 2° 2 '*8 S. J Mark buoy 61 (blue flag) final splice \ Long. 81° 3'*3 W. | bearing S 6J° W. White Spot bearing [ S 50° E. 439 San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Hour. p.m. 2.15 3.45 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Summary of Lengths. THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1893 —contd. Summary op Cable in the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section: — San Juan del Sue— Shore-End, No. 1953b, pt. Sec. “3b” Heavy Int. „ 1952a, „ “ 3a ” Light „ ,,1951 „ “2” Light Deep Sea „ 1235 „ “ 10 ” Sec. “5” pt. Sec. “7” » » Light Int. » » » » Ex “Relay” 2a” Heavy Int. Shore-End Santa Elena — No. 1951 „ 1952 1953b „ “ 2 ” „ “3” „ “3b” 3*432 n, 4*990 21*986 205*383 416*067 368*142 3*894 0*978 1*990 7*000 .M. Piece “D” from main ► tank. Laid 12th to 18th May, 1893. J Laid 16th '[April, 1893 Piece “C’ from main tank. Laid 1st April, 1893. Total . . . . 1033*862 n.m. Set on full speed for anchorage off Santa Elena Cable Hut. Temperature in main cable tank=79J° F. 440 AT SANTA ELENA. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” May 18th to May 20th, 1893. 441 AT SANTA ELENA. Hour. p.m. 4.0 4.13 6.45 6.47 7.0 8.0 8.30 MIDNT. S.S. “ BIL VERT OWN.” THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1893 —contd. Let go port anchor in 6f fms. of water off Santa Elena ; veered chain to 45 fms. -n f Cable House and Lighthouse 36° 40'. Positron | n Rocky Point 38° 40'. „ „ Jacinto „ 84° 10'. /Forward 16' 0". \Aft 21' 10". of ship Draught of ship Mr. J. Rymer- Jones left in gig for Cable Hut, to get Mr Schneider’s (at San Juan del Sur) results of tests on the completed San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section, and to wire Silvergray, London, and New York, of the completion of the cables, if the tests are “ o.k.” Mr. Rymer- Jones reports that on reaching Cable Hut he found that Mr. Schneider had instructed Santa Elena to free end of cable for 3 hours, which time would not elapse before 7 p.m. ; he therefore arranged with Mr. Ripley, Manager of the Station, to signal results and tests with hand-signal lamp to ship, and if tests are satisfactory to forward telegram to Silvergray, London. Captain of the Port and other officials came on board. Hoisted up gig. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast and hazy. Bar. 30-050 71°-5 (F.). Temp. 71°T F. dry, 68°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 75°-5 F. Shore signalled, “ S.Gr. Schneider to Rymer-Jones. D.R. total zinc fourteen point two megs. Fifth thirty point six, both currents agree. Storm. Earth till morning.” Replied, “ o.k., send telegram.” Shore signalled, “ Telegram gone forward o.k.” Similar weather as at 8.0 p.m. 443 At Santa Elena . S.S. “SILVERTOWN” Hour a.m. 8.0 9.15 10.55 NOON. P.M. 1.55 2.15 2.18 2.37 3.5 3.15 4.0 5.5 FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 1893. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30-080 (72° F.). Temp. 71°*5 F. dry, 68°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 73° *3 F. Messrs. J. Rymer- Jones, H. Kingsford, and J. F. Coote, with Jointer Growing, and Messrs. Bremner and Bogardus (of the C. & S. A. Tel. Co.) left for shore, to test the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section. Mr. Stannage, of the C. & S. A. Tel. Co., came on board with a telegram to Capt. Hunter from Mr. Schneider, con- firming the results of tests signalled from shore last evening. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30-050 (74° F.). Temp. 74°*8 F. dry, 70° F. wet. Sea surface 75°-2 F. Shore signalled, “ Message for Capt. Hunter.” Replied, “ O.K.” Mr. Cazalet and Dr. Toms, with Mr. Stannage, left in gig for Cable Hut. Tested the buoyancy of Buoy No. 62, and found that 40 fms. of J" chain was as much as the buoy could float with. 30 fms. of J" chain is the calculated load for buoy. Surf -boat left to pick up mark buoy (torpedo buoy No. 80 with blue flag) which was let go at 5.13 p.m.,on 1st April, to mark route of Northern Shore-End laid that day. Surf-boat returned with mark buoy and. moorings, viz., 15 fms. J" chain, and two 50-lb. sinkers. Hoisted up surf-boat. Gig returned from shore with congratulatory telegram from Silvergray, London, to Capt. Hunter on the completion of the cables, and bringing on board several visitors. Mr. Mote left for shore in gig, taking a note to Mr. Kingsford from Capt. Hunter re the C. & S. A. Tel. Co. using the completed sections of cable for traffic during the ten days’ guarantee. 444 Hour. p.m. 8.0 8.40 8.50 A.M. 4.10 6.30 6.40 7.25 8.0 9.35 10.20 NOON. At Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” ( FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 1893 —contd. Light SW wind. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30*080 (73° F.). Temp. 71°*2 F. dry, 69*5° F. wet. Sea surface 74°*8 F. The tests taken by Mr. J. Ryrner- Jones to-day on the San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena Section are highly satis- factory. Hoisted gig and prepared for putting to sea. SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 1893. Weighed anchor and set on to pick up Mark Buoy No. 61, blue flag, put down at 4.5 p.m. March 31st. Buoy No. 61, and moorings on board. Set on for position to take four soundings along route of the Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section (at Mr. Kingsford’s request) en route to Callao. Joint in steam pipe of main engines gave way ; stopped ship. Lighthouse bearing S 38 E, 9 n.m. Set on at half speed for anchorage in Santa Elena Bay again, to effect repairs in engine room. Light S’ly breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-180 (75° F.). Temp. 75°-8 F. dry, 70° F. wet. Sea surface 73°*5 F. Stopped ship and let go starboard anchor in 7 fms. of water; veered chain to 45 fms., off Santa Elena Cable Hut. f Cable Office bearing S 52° W. Position < Rocky Point ,, S 20° W. L Cable Office and Rocky Point 32° 40'. Messrs. J. Ryrner- Jones, Kingsford, and Howard left for Cable Office. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Bar. 30-130 (73° F.). Temp. 77°-2 F. dry, 68° F. wet Sea surface 75° F. 445 At Santa Elena. S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 1893— contd. Temp, in cable tanks: bottom of cone, fore tank 78 F., main tank 78° F. 6.0 Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 78° F., main tank 78° F. 8.0 Light SSW wind. Fine, but slightly cloudy. Bar. 30*100 (74° F.). Temp. 71° F. dry, 69° F wet. Sea ; surface 73° -5 F. STEAMING FROM SANTA ELENA TO CALLAO. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” May 21st to May 24th, 1893. STEAMING FROM SANTA ELENA TO CALLAO. Hour. a.m. 4.0 4.10 5.10 8.0 9.15 10.7 NOON. P.M. 4.0 S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” SUNDAY, MAY 21st, 1893, Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast Weighed anchor and set on for Callao. Santa Elena Lighthouse bearing S 24° E, 4 n.m. distant. Fresh SW wind, fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30*100 (73° F.). Temp, 68°-8 F. dry, 67° F. wet. Sea surface 72°-5 F. Temp, in cable tanks : bottom of cone, fore tank 77^° F., main tank 77° F., after tank (empty). Cable in fore and main tanks well flushed with water by hose. Sounding f Lat. 2° 34'-4 S '11776 fms. Lost 1020 126 S (Long. 81° 25'*7 W J fms. of wire and tube. Note. — Much difficulty was experienced in taking this sounding owing to ship being very light, and breeze blowing strong from SW. Captain Hunter informed Mr. Kingsford that unless the wind moderated considerably he could not take the soundings as arranged for. Strong SS W wind. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Moderate sea and swell from the SW. Bar. 30*080 (75° F.). Temp. 68 0, 2 F. dry, 66°-5 wet. Sea surface 70° F. Temp, in cable tanks: bottom of cone, fore tank 77J° F , main tank 77^-° F. Position by f ,Lat. 2° 42'-4 S. observations (Long. 81° 28'-0 W. Current observed since 5.10 a.m. = N 60° W, 7*2 n.m.= 1-06 KTS. Fresh S’ly breeze. Fine and clear. 449 2 f Hour. y . M. 6.0 6.48 8.0 MIDNT. A.M. 2.0 3.42 4.0 8.0 9.20 NOON Steaming from Santa Elena to Callao. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” SUNDAY, MAY 21st, 1893 —contd. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 76J° F., main tank 76° F. Position f Lat. 5° 24'*3 S. by stars \Long. 81° 30'-5 W. Current observed since noon=N, 8*6 n.m.=‘1*25 kts. Strong head STy wind and sea. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-080 (71° F.). Temp. 67° F. dry, 65° F. wet. Sea surface 67° F. Similar weather. MONDAY, MAY 22nd, 1893. Sighted Talara Light bearing S 36° E. Talara light abeam bearing E, 9 n.m. distant. No current observed since 6.48 p.m. yesterday. Fresh STy wind. Fine, but cloudy. Moderate sea. Fresh STy breeze. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Slight decreasing sea. Bar. 30*100 (67° F.). Temp. 64 0, 5 F. dry, 62° F. wet. Sea surface 64°-5 F. Saddle of Payta bearing S 80° E. Temp, in cable tanks: bottom of cone, fore tank 71J° F., main tank 71° F. Cable in fore and main tanks well flushed with water by hose. Depth of water in cable tanks : fore tank 3", main tank 3". Moderate decreasing STy breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Bar. 30-070 (72° F.). Temp. 67° F. dry, 63°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 64°-5 F. Position by f Lat. 5° 40'*5 S. T Pisura Point, bearing observations \ Long. 81° 21'-2 W. J S 65° E. Distance run since noon yesterdays 179 n.m. Current observed since 3.42 a.m.snil. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone :fore tank 71° F., main tank 70J° F. During the morning tests taken on the cable in fore and main tanks; results satisfactory. 450 Steaming from Santa Elena to Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. MONDAY, MAY 22nd, 1893— contd. 4.0 Light SSE wind. Fine and clear. Slightly S’ly swell. 5.0 Sighted the Island of Lobos de Tierra on port bow. 6.0 f S extreme Lobos de Tierra Island S 53° E. Beatings | N ^ „ S 88° E. Current observed since noon=N, 5 n.m.=0-83 kt. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 70^-° F., main tank 70° F. 8.0 Light SSE breeze. Fine and clear. Bar. 30-080 (66° F.). Temp. 64° F. dry, 63° F. wet. Sea surface 62°*5 F. 10.0 Observed Island of Lobos de Afuera bearing S 14° E. 10.44 Lagartija Island abeam, bearing S 50° W, 1-3 n.m. distant. No current observed since 6 p.m. MIDNT. Moderate SSE breeze and sea. Fine clear weather. ■ ;c A.M. 8.0 TUESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1893. Moderate SE wind. Fine, but cloudy. Slight S’ly sea and swell. Bar. 30-140 (69° F.). Temp. 68°*3 F. dry, 65° F. wet. Sea surface 64° -2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71° F., main tank 70J° F. 9.20 Cable in fore and main cable tanks well flushed down with water by hose. Depth of water now in cable tanks : fore tank 4"., main tank 4". NOON. Moderate SE by S breeze. Fine and clear. Bar 30-100 (72° F.). Temp. 73° F. dry, 62°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 66° F. Position by "1 Lat. 8° 38'-0 S. observations j Long. 79° 45'-3 W. Distance run since noon yesterday =202 -5 n.m. Current observed since 10.44 p.m. yesterday=S, 8-1 n.m.= 0-62 kt. 451 2 f 2 Hour. p.m. 2.0 3.11 4.0 4.10 5.20 6.0 8.0 Steaming from Santa Elena to Callao. S.S. « SIL VERT OWN.” TUESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1893 ^-contd. Temp, in cable tauks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71-^° F., main tank 71° F. During- the morning tests taken on all cable in tanks, with satisfactory results. Got bottom end of cable, Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “11 a,**' in fore tank, and top end of cable, Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” in main tank, up on deck, and commenced to open them out for joint and splice together. 4 fms. for dry end and 14 fms. for this splice cut off the cable in fore tank, therefore 49-970 n.m. minus 0*018 n.m.= 49*952 n.m. of Light Deep Sea cable, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” now remaining in fore tank. Commenced joint between Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” in fore tank, and Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. u 7,” in main tank. Fresh SE by S breeze. Fine clear weather. Moderate S’ly sea. Joint between cable in fore and main tanks completed, tested, and passed. Commenced the splice. Splice between Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, See. “ 11a,” in fore tank, and Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” in main tank completed, and bight of cable between the two tanks triced up on main deck. Total length of cable now remaining in tanks and spliced up together ready for laying out as spare cable for the C. & S. A. Tel. Co. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “11a”.. . . . . =49-952 n.m. in fore tank. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “7” . . ... . . =47-421 „ main tank. Total .. =97*373 n.m. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 71° F., main tank 70J° F. Fresh to strong SE by S breeze. Fine clear weather. Moderate sea from SE. Bar. 30-100 (68° F.). Temp. 65° F. dry, 62°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 65° '2 F. MIDNT. Similar weather. 452 Steaming from Santa Elena to Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th 1893. 4.0 Strong head wind. Cloudy and overcast. 8.0 Fresh SE by S wind. Fine, but overcast and gloomy. Slight sea from SE. Bar. 30*130 (66° F.). Temp. 63°-3 F. dry, 61°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 63°*8 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 70 F., main tank 70° F. 9-30 Sighted Mazorca Island bearing S 43° E. 10.0 Bearine-s / Mazorca Island s 40 ° & Bearings | Pekdo „ s 15 ° Fj . Current observed since noon yesterday =S 44° E, 7*9 n.m. =0-35 kt. NCON P.M. Light SE by S breeze. Fine, but cloudy and overcast. Slight STy swell. Bar. 30*040 (68° F.). Temp. 64° F. dry, 62° F. wet. Sea surface 62 0, 5 F. -p • i • J*Lat. 11° 27'*3 S. Position | Long 77 o 43 .. 5 w f Pelado Island W. Bearings < Mazorca Island N 9° W. [^Chequitana Island N 15° E. Distance run since noon yesterday =209 n.m. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 71 F., main tank 70^° F. Tests taken on cable in fore and main tanks this morning, with satisfactory results. 4.0 Moderate SE by S breeze. Fine, but cloudy and hazy. Sighted San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing S 31° E. 5.40 Let go starboard anchor in 5f fms. of water in Callao Harbour ; veered chain to 30 fms. 453 AT CALLAO. TRANSFERRING CABLE. COALING. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” May 24th to May 29th, 1893. 455 AT CALLAO, Hour. p.m. 5.44 5.52 6.11 8.0 9.25 S,S. “ SILVERTOWN.” WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1893 —contd. Observed S.S. “Relay” in the floating* dry dock, and H.M.S. “ Melpomene ” at anchor in the harbour. Capt. Lugar came alongside, and reported to Mr. Kingsford that the Chorrillos — Payta Section is Interrupted, and that Mr. Scrymser asks Capt. Hunter to undertake the repairing of that section with the “ Silvertown.” The cable is faulty or broken down, about ten miles from Chorrillos Hut ; that is to say, in about 14 fms. of water close to Fronton Island. Capt. Hunter informed Mr. Kingsford that he could nob undertake the repairs to the cable, as considerable work, which will occupy about five days, has to be done in the engine-room of the “Silvertown”; besides the ship is too light, and therefore quite unfit to attempt any cable work in shallow water. Note. — It is expected that the S.S. “ Relay ” will leave the dry dock on Tuesday next. Lowered steam-launch. Mr. Baker, Manager of the Central and South American Telegraph Company in Lima, and Capt. Lugar came on board, also Mr. Drew, Agent for Messrs. T. Shute and Co., Ship Chandlers, with ship’s mail. Light SE by S breeze. Fine and clear, with heavy dew. Bar. 30-100 (68° F.). Temp. 60°*8 F. dry, 58°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 61°-8 F. Mr. Drew left ship for shore, taking with him telegram, No. 24, for Silvergray, London, and a telegram from Mr. Baker for New York. 457 A t Callao. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1893. 7.50 Mr. Falshaw, Chief Officer of the S.S. “ Relay,” came on board. 7.58 An empty lighter came alongside, to take in 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable for the “ Relay.” 8.0 Calm. Fine, but overcast and hazy. Bar. 30Y30 (62° F.). Temp., 61°*2 F. dry, 60° F., wet. Sea surface 60° -2 F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 71° F., main tank 71° F. n » i. f Forward 14' 0”. Draught or ship <* t 2{) , ^ 8.8 The Deputy Captain and the Doctor of Port came on board. 8.25 Mr. Baker, of the Central and South American Telegraph Company, left ship, taking with him telegram, No. 25, for Silvergray, London, explaining the reason why the “ Silver- town ” cannot undertake the repairs to the Chorrillos — Payta Section. 9.0 A Lieutenant from H.M.S. “ Melpomene ” came on board. 9.2 Commenced coiling in lighter alongside the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable, No. 1951, pt. Sec. “ 2,” originally part of San Juan del Sur north Shore-End, from starboard after lower pocket. This 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable is to be taken to the S.S. “ Relay,” in return for the 3*935 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable received from the “ Relay ” on the 10th April last. 9.30 Tests made on the cable in fore and main tanks, with satisfactory results. 10.5 Capt. Lugar came on board. Received the following telegram : — “ Matthew Gray says to Capt. Hunter, of 4 Silvertown,’ Callao, give every possible assistance with your ship and men to repair old cable quickly, Scrymser.” NOON. Light variable airs. Fine clear weather. Bar. 30*100 (65° F.) Temp. 67° F. dry, 63*8° F. wet. Sea surface 62*5° F. 458 Hour. p.m. 1.30 2.5 2.10 2.22 3.0 4.22 5.40 6.0 6.10 8.0 A t Callao. . S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1893 — contd. Finished transferring- the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate to lighter. Tests taken on the 4 n.m. of cable in lighter ; results satisfactory, and ends sealed, after which covered cable with canvas, the latter well wetted. Mr. Bates left in steam-launch, with lighter containing cable in tow, for floating dock, in which the ‘‘ Relay ” is. Mr. Bates goes to the u Relay ” to ask Mr. Falshaw to take the cable out of the lighter at once, as it is very heavily laden. Steam-launch returned from the “ Relay ” with a note, stating that Mr. Falshaw says he has received orders not to ship the 4 n.m. of cable from the lighter, which is now anchored close by floating dock. A Customs Officer came on board for manifest. Mr. P. Bates left for the “ Relay ” again and for shore, to see Mr. Drew and make some arrangements for the lighter, containing the 4 n.m. Light Intermediate Cable, to be taken to an anchorage in smooth water. Mr. Drew left in steam-launch to take lighter, containing the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable, in tow for a quiet anchorage in shore. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 70 F., main tank 70° F. Received a note from Mr. Falshaw, stating that the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate Cable in lighter would be shipped on board S.S. “ Relay ” first thing to-morrow morning. Light S’ly wind. Fine and clear. Bar. 30*100 (63° F.). Temp. 62° F. dry, 61° F. wet. Sea surface 61° F. 459 Hour. а. m. б . 0 6.15 7.0 7.30 8.0 8.40 9.59 10.50 istoon. At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Coaling. FRIDAY, MAY 26th, 1893. Light N’ly wind. Overcast, with light thin rain. Steam-launch w r ent away to bring the lighter containing the 4 n.m. of Light Intermediate cable out from the inner harbour to the S.S. “ Relay.” Commenced shipping coal in bunkers. Steam-launch returned to ship, having left the lighter with cable alongside the floating dock in charge of Foreman Greenfield, of S.S. “ Relay.” Light N’ly wind. Fine, but overcast and hazy. Bar. 30*130 (65° F.). Temp. 62° F. dry, 61°*5 F. wet. Sea surface 61° F. R. Skinner (jointer’s mate) left ship to join S.S. “ Relay.” Dr. Campion came on board to consult with Dr. Toms con- cerning II. Williams, Hospital Attendant, who is very ill with liver complaint with complications. Dr. Campion left ship. The doctors have decided that H. Williams should be taken to the hospital on shore. Light N’ly breeze. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30*100 (67° F.). Temp. 64°*3 F. dry, 61°*8 F. wet. Sea surface 62°*5 F. Capt. Hunter received the following telegrams : — 1. “ From Silvergray, London. Mr. Scrymser telegraphs will use ‘ Relay.’ Come home through Smyth’s Channel unless Morton object. Mr. Rymer- Jones to return Vera Cruz Galveston to examine duplex and report London, making repair if necessary. Have requested Mr. Scrymser to arrange credits Callao, Vera Cruz, Galveston. Take soundings as arranged.” 2. “ From Baker, Barranco. In view of your engine room repairs and the possibility of the ‘ Relay ’ being able to leave dock to-morrow or Monday, and considering our rough tests slow fault about four miles from Chorrillos, ‘Relay’ will do the work unless ‘ Silvertown ’ could do it earlier and on eve of her departure south.” 460 At Callao. S.8. “ S1LVERT0WN.” Hour. p.m. 2.18 3.13 3.30 8.0 A.M. 7.0 8.0 NOON. P.M. 7.25 8.0 A.M. 8.0 Coaling — contd. FRIDAY, MAY 26th, 1893 — contd. Dr. Toms, with H. Williams, hospital attendant, left for shore, the latter to be taken to hospital. Messrs. J. Rymer- Jones and J. F. Coote returned to ship from Chorrillos. Received on board four deep sea thermometers and three sample cases of cable from England, one of the latter damaged Calm. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-120 (65° F.). Temp. 62°-5 F. dry, 60°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 62° F. SATURDAY, MAY 27th, 1893. Resumed shipping coal in bunkers. Light NW breeze. Fine, but overcast. Dull and damp weather. Bar. 30-120 (61° F.). Temp. 61° F. dry, 60° F. wet. Sea surface 62° F. Light NW breeze. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30-120 (63° F.). Temp. 64°-2 F. dry, 61°*2 wet. Sea surface 62°*8 F. Finished shipping coal, having taken on board 532 tons in bunkers. Total amount of coal now on board about 1530 tons, viz. : — 1000 tons in bunkers and 530 tons in fore hold. Calm. Fine, but overcast. Bar. 30-150 (65°*5 F.). Temp. 63° F. dry, 61° F. wet. Sea surface 63° F. SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 1893. Calm. Fine, but overcast and hazy. Bar. 30-175 (6,7° F.). Temp. 61°‘3 F. dry, 59°-8 F. wet. Sea surface 62° -4 F. Draught f Forward 16 ' 0". of ship \ Aft 23' 0". Received on board a telegram from Silrergray, London. 461 9.55 At Callao. S.S. 44 SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. 11.20 NOON. P.M. 0.55 1.30 2.30 3.20 8.0 9.20 11.5 MIDNT. SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 1893— contd. Received from Messrs. Graham Rowe & Co., the following- telegram from Messrs. Gibbs & Co., Valparaiso, “ 4 Silvertown,’ Arauco can give anyhow 1000 tons, in all probability 2000 tons. in 5 days. We cannot guarantee it on account of late strike. Send us instructions. Telegraph actual sailing.” Note. — This telegram refers to arrangements made by Capt. Hunter with Messrs. Graham Rowe & Co., that the “Silvertown” would arrive at Coronel on 7th June, and would ship 2000 tons of coal if it could be put on board in 5 days. Replied to this telegram as follows : — 44 Capt. Hunter, * Silvertown,’ to Messrs. Gibbs & Co., Valparaiso. Will take as much coal as you can ship at Coronel in five days ; if possible, 2000 tons. Sail from Callao daylight 30th.” Light SW airs. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30T50 (65° F.). Temp. 70° F. dry, 65° F. wet. Sea surface 64° F. Capt. Parr, of H.M.S. f‘ Melpomene,” came on board. H.M.S. “ Royal Arthur,” from the southward, arrived in the port. Capt. Hunter left to visit Admiral Stephenson on board H.M.S. 44 Royal Arthur.” H.M.S. 44 Royal Arthur ” left to overtake the mail steamer 44 Bolivia,” which has gone south. Light SW breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30*130 (65° F.). Temp. 65° F. dry, 63°*2 F. wet. Sea surface 65° F. Williams, late Hospital Attendant, who was taken to the hospital for treatment on Friday last, complains of his treatment at the Callao hospital, and asks to be allowed to return to ship. Mr. J. Rymer- Jones reports that the tests taken on the completed Salina Cruz — San Juan del Sur* San Juan del Sur — Santa Elena, and Santa Elena — Chorrillos Sections are highly satisfactory, and that Mr. Kingsford will to-morrow forward to Capt. Hunter the certificates of acceptance of the cables. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but cloudy, with heavy dew. 462 At Callao. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. a.m. MONDAY, MAY 29th, 1893. 8.0 Calm. Fine and bright, but cloudy. Bar. 30-120 (64° F.). Temp. 61°-5 F., dry, 60°-3 F. wet. Sea surface 62°-5 F. 8.3 , Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone : fore tank 72° F., main tank 71^° F. 9.16 H. Williams, late Hospital Attendant, left for shore, to return to the care of the British Consul, as originally arranged. 9.30 Captain Morton and Mr. Combe left for shore, to take sights for chronometer errors. 11.22 Mr. J. Rymer-Jones left for shore to wire particulars of tests to Mr. Kingsford. NOON. Light S’ly breeze. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-120 (66° F.). Temp. 67° F. dry, 63° F. wet. Sea surface 64° F. Temp, in cable tanks, bottom of cone: fore tank 71^° F, mam tank 71° F. P.M. 2.J 1 Mr. H. S. Howard came on board, bringing certificate for cables from Mr. Kingsford. 3.9 Captain W. R. Lugar and family came on board for passage to London. . 3.1 6 Sent telegram, No. 26, to Silvergray, London, from Capt. Hunter. 5.5 Hoisted up steam-launch and other boats, and made ready for putting to sea to-morrow morning. 6.1 T. J. Lewis, A.B., taken on board to work his passage to London. 8.0 Light S’ly wiud. Fine, but cloudy. Bar. 30-100 (.68° F.). Temp. 63° F. dry, 61°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 62°-5 F. During this evening tests taken with satisfactory results on the spliced sections of Light Deep Sea cable in fore and main tanks, forming the “spare” cable, and top end iu fore tank, sealed ready for laying the cable to-morrow between Solar Point, Chorrillos, and San Gallan Island, near Pisco. MIDNT. | Similar weather, with much dew. 463 LAYING SPARE CABLE BETWEEN CHORRILLOS AND PISCO. START ON HOMEWARD VOYAGE. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.’ May 30th, 1893. 2 G 4G5 Hour, A.,M. 3.25 4.0 4.30 5.15 5.38 6.0 7.0 8.0 LAYING SPARE CABLE BETWEEN CHORRILLOS AND PISCO. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” TUESDAY MAY 30th, 1893. Mr. J. Rymer-Jones, who goes to the Gulf of Mexico to examine the duplex apparatus at Galveston and Vera Cruz, left ship for the sailing ship “ Dartford,” to remain there till about 10 a.m. when he will proceed to the mail steamer “ Mapocho,” for passage to Panama. Light NW breeze. Fine, but cloudy and overcast. Weighed anchor and set on for position to lay out the spare cable that is in fore and main tanks, viz : — (See note 5.20 p.m., 23rd inst.). Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a ” . . . . = 49-952 n.m. in fore tank. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “7” . . . . = 47*421 „ main tank. Total . . = 97*373 n.m. Stopped ship for engine-room purposes. Set on on course again. San Lorenzo Lighthouse bearing E, 1*8 n.m. distant. Hauled the top end of Light Deep Sea cable, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” from fore tank, along leads and 4 times round paying-out drum to stern sheaves, and there made it fast to a 2 cwt. 0 qrs. 9 lbs. mushroom with 2 fms. of f" chain. Light NW breeze. Fine, but overcast, dull ajnd hazy. Heavy S’ly swell. Bar. 30*100 (66° F.). Temp. 61°*5 F. dry, 61°*3 F. wet. Sea surface 62°*5 F. Stopped ship’s engines. Off Solar Point, Chorrillos. 467 2 g 2 8.10 Laying Spare Cable between Chorrillos and Fisco S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” Hour. A.M. TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 1893— contcU 8.18 Sounded in 26J fms. 8.20 Commenced to pay out over stern sheave Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” with paying-out machine. 8.21 Set on “ slow ahead.” C Solar Point hearing N 72° E. Position I Chorrillos Point and Codo Point 27° 20'. , of ship | Solar Point and Codo Point 27° 15' Chorrillos Point bearing N 40° E. Lat. 12° 13'-l S. Long. 77° 5' -4 W. 8.24 Stopped ship’s engines. 8.26 Set on slow ahead. Ship on course S 18° E. 8.29 Stopped ship’s engines, i-mile of cable paid out. 8.33 Stopped paying out cable and put engine of paying-out machine out of gear. 0*5 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” PAID OUT FROM FORE TANK. 8.34 Set on “ slow ahead.” Cable running out slowly. Cable hands assisting drum to revolve. Brakes right up. Weight on brake levers =849 lbs. 9.0 2-527 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log =2-0 n.m. Drum=28-|- r evs. per min.=5-0 kts. Ship’s engines=35 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers = 849 lbs. Dynamo- meter = (lifting, as ship pitches). Strophometer=28 td 31 revs. 9.6 Increased ship’s engines to 40 revs, per min. 9.20 Increased ship’s engines to 45 revs, per min. LO.O 9-353 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=8*0 n.m. Drum=42 revs, per min.=7‘4 kts. Ship’s engines=44 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=849 lbs. Dynamo- meier=(lifting). Strophometer=39 revs. 468 Laying Spare Cable between Chorrillos and Pisco. S.S. “SILVERTOWN” Hoer. A.M. 11.0 11.37 NOON. P.M. 1.0 2.0 TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 189 3—contd. Starboard watch of cable hands employed baling water out of main cable tank with buckets. Ship pitching to a long and moderate SW swell. Dynamometer lifting at times from 0 to 6 cwt. 17*216 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=15*0 n.m. Drum=44l revs, per min. = 7*83 kts. Ship’s engines=45^ revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=849 lbs. Dynamo- meter=(lifting). Strophometer=37 to 43 revs. Bearing / Chilca Point S 8 4° E. Hearings |p achacamac Island N 2 3° E. Decreased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs., and put brakes down. A mean strain of 6J cwt. is put on to counteract the. pitch- ing of the ship. Light WSW wind. Fine, but overcast. Long S’ly swell Ship pitching a good deal. Bar. 30*080 (69° F.). Temp. 62° F. dry, 6.0° F. wet. Sea surface 62°*8 F. 24*873 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=21*9 n.m. Drum=43i revs, per min. — 7*65 kts. Ship’s engines=46 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- ineter=6^ cwt. (mean;. Strophometer=37 to 45 revs. { Calavera Head bearing N 73° E. Chilca Point bearing N 57° E. Distance run since 8.21 a.m. = 24*45 n.m. Slack on Cabled 1*73%. 32*703 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log =28*7 n.m. Drum =44 revs, per min. = 7 *74 kts. Ship’s engines = 46 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter = 6^ cwt. Strophometer=43 revs. 40*454 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=35*5 n.m. Drum =44 revs, per min. = 7*74 kts. Ship’s engines=46 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6£ cwt. Strophometer=34 to 45 revs. 469 Hour. p.m. 2.54 3.0 3.10 3.14 3.26 3.28 3.32 3.33 3.36 4.0 Laying Spare Cable between Chorrillos . dnd Pisco. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 1893— contd. H.M.S. “ Royal Arthur ” away off starboard bow, at target practice. About to change from fore tank to main tank. Reduced ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. 48*293 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=42-3 n.m. Drum =32 revs, per min. =5 *6 kts. Ship’s engines=31 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6J cwt. Strophometer=30 revs. Increased weight on brake levers to 849 lbs. (12 weights). Stopped ship’s engines. Exchanged the following signals with H.M.S. “ Royal Arthur : ” — *“ Adieu. Wish you pleasant voyage.” Put brakes down and held cable. Ship stopped. Patent log =43 -3 n.m. Strain =20 cwt. All clear in tanks. Lifted brake's right up, and set on easy ahead. SPLICE between Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” from fore tank, and Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” from main tank, passed off drum. 49*892 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235b, Sec. “ 11a,” paid out from fore tank. Length by Factory measurement of this piece of Light Deep Sea paid out . . . . =49-952 n.m. Length by Drum measurement of this piece of Light Deep Sea paid out . . =49-892 „ Difference = 0-060 „ Fore tank now empty. Position f Lat. 12° 59' *8 S. of Splice \ Long. 76° 48'-0 W. Decreased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs. Increased ship’s engines to 40 revs, per min. Calm. Fine and clear. Moderate southerly sea and swell. Very hazy horizon. Bar. 30*020 (72° F.). Temp. 64°-5 F. dry, 61° F* wet. Sea surface 62°-5 F. 470 Laying Spare Cable between Chorrillos and Pisco . S.S. “ SILYERTOWN.” Hour. p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 1893 —contd. 2*754 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. 52*706 N.M. OP SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=45*6 n.m. Drum=4o revs, per min. =7*0 kts. , Ship’s engines =39 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6^ cwt. Strophometer=30 to 4 0 revs. 4.5 Increased ship’s engines to 45 revs, per min. 4.37 Increased ship’s engines to full speed. 5.0 10*355 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. 60*307 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=51*5 n.m. Drum=45 revs, per min. =7*92 kts. Ship’s engines=46 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=9 cwt. Strophometer=30 to 46 revs. 5.30 Southerly swell, heavy at times, causing ship to pitch considerably. 6.0 18*262 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “7,” paid out from main tank. 68*214 N.M. OF SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=57*8 n.m. Drum =43 revs, per min. = 7*56 kts. Ship’s engines=46J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =9 cwt. Strophometer=32 to 47 revs. Appx. position f Lat. 13° 16'*0 S. by stars \Long. 76° 41'*5 W. Current observed since noon=S 49° E, 5*4 n.m.=0*85 kt. 26*001 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. 75*953 n.m. of spare cable laid. Patent log=64*l n.m. Drum=43J revs, per min. = 7*66 kts. Ship’s engines=47 revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter =9 cwt. Strophometer=32 to 47 revs. 471 Hour. p.m. 7.6 7.12 7.20 8.0 8.35 9.0 9.3 9.30 9.45 9.46 ■ Laying Spare Cable between Chorrillos and Pisco. S.S. “SILVERTOWN.” TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 1893 —contd. Decreased weight on brake levers to 142 lbs. Ran a quantity of the water out of tank under paying-out machine. Increased weight on brake levers to 284 lbs. Reduced strain to 6J cwt. Ship pitching less heavily. Moderately S’ly breeze. Fine, bright, and clear. Heavy S’ly swell, with moderate sea. Heavy dew. Bar. 30-05 (67° F.). Temp. 61°-5 F. dry, 60°-2 F. wet. Sea surface 61°*5 F. 33-963 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. 83-915 N.M. OP SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log=70*7 n.m. Drum = 45 J revs, per min. =8-0 kts. Ship’s engines =47 revs, per min. W eight on brake levers= 284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=6Jcwt. Strophometer=36 to 46 revs. End of cable handed over to jointer to seal. 41-646 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. 91-958 N.M. OP SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log =77-5 n.m. Drum =42 revs, per min. = 7*39 kts. Ship’s engines = 46 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers=284 lbs. Dynamo- meter=7 cwt. Strophometer=28 to 40 revs. Decreased ship’s engines to 35 revs, per min. 44-348 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out from main tank. 94-300 N.M. OP SPARE CABLE LAID. Patent log =79-8 n.m. Drum = 30 J revs, per min. = 5-37 kts. Ship’s engines = 33 J revs, per min. Weight on brake levers =284 lbs. Dynarno- meter=6J cwt. Strophometer=20 to 28 revs. San Gallan Island bearing S 28° E. Decreased ship’s engines to 30 revs, per min. Approaching end of cable. Increased weight on brake levers to 849 lbs. 472 Laying Spare Cable between CJiorrillos and Pisco. S.S. “ SILVERTOWN ” Hour. p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 30th, 1893— contd. 10.2 Stopped ship’s engines. 10.6 Moving engines as required to ease out cable end. Dynamo- meters (lifting). 10.22 Sounded in 83 fms., soft green mud. 10.26 End of cable Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” from main tank passed off drum and over stern-sheave outboard with 4" rope attached, paying out on rope till end of cable on bottom. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out by Drum measurement . . . . =47-361 n.m. Light Deep Sea, No. 1235, pt. Sec. “ 7,” paid out by Factory measurement .. .. =47*421 „ 10.30 Difference = 0*060 „ 49*952 n.m. -f- 47*421 n.m. = 97*373 n.m. of cable laid as “ spare cable ” for C. & S. A. Tel. Co. This clears all the C. & S. A. Tel. Co.’s cable out of ship. All tanks now empty. As end of cable now on bottom cut rope and let end go, nothing attached to it. About 105 fms. of the 4" rope paid out. ^ ... f Lat. 13° 44'*4 S. Position j Long _ 76 ° 32 '. 5 1 Ballista Island bearing E. < San Gallan Island, western extreme, bearing L S 29° E. 10.31 11.24 Set on full speed for Coronel. San Gallan Island abeam, bearing E, 2*2 n.m. distant. MIDNT. Fresh SSE wind. Fine and clear. Moderate head sea and swell. Ship pitching. 473 EXPENDITURE TABLES. DETAILS OF CABLE EXPENDED. I J g 003 EH 2 s3 ' S * c3 u - P o . © © © © Joo^oo s n -i a o) : : : :::::::: : K 9 9 9 9 o © © lOOi-HOOOOOOO ‘ 0>05000CTir~00»0> Hs : : : : : i^^©©©©©^© Z •~t©tOeOi-< g (H « N W N Ph « Ph ft. || © - lO IO >o © Oj © © W J M W P d w ^ 2 8j S3 477 DETAILS OF CABLE EXPENDED — continued. a § a co ■§ 8 8 2 kO o3 tg ® .5 &tT3 T3 -g g fa o « " j Jj G 8 s a 2 2 2 S G ® § S u •aSuiouDny s ( dxqg o O ,a ” o .a w o £ * MJ3 Sft *!§ ®fa « £8g ® fa *3 PQ £* -2 d fa : eo to PO . oo : lo ^ g g Ba° O ^ Ph • C® il i-H fa ^ ^ ^ £h CO ^ CD & Szs fc fa ^ ^ N o gj fc & fc N N O) o *o »o o o o £ > £ £ 484 05 05 00 co : : : oo : oo »p 00 o 00 co S o cp co • co co S I o S S Suo I co S I co o o O rH 00 05 T* o CM (M £ o 05 IQ 02 & & CO ^ O t- 00 o co co ^ © CO © CO 00 05 •p 00 CO C0-^T^^COCOCOt^00O5 05 w

00 00 00 00 05 05 o CO l>- o CM CO »Tj CM p 8 o O CM o o p § o ? O O O O O O i • »C 05 ■ : (05 05 : 8 £ co o *o CO 00 *" H w o 5 : W o O CM : w o CM w t- 02 W o H|<* 05 CM w 00 W H|« CM CO 52 ! W 0 CO b- W 0 CO Xfl 02 Xfl 02 02 02 H w H W w w w w o t- CM © CO ' i co o CO o CO N o IQ 52; §5 0 00 02 02 02 xn xn fc 5 z 5 xn CO 05 O 00 o »C © iO CO PH *o CO PH pH co co CO -o |C*» CO CM iO 00 o ?o CO 00 CM 00 00 CM CO CO CO »c CO CO CM CM CM CM T*< CO co co CO CM CM CM CM CM rn _4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 p cm rH p p CD CO p h- p p p p p CM CD p 00 s 05 00 CO Ih 05 *o o CO rH CD o t- 00 0 05 CM **4 IO *© CM CO 02 CO 0 00 CO CD * CO CO CM ,r* © o CM CM CM rH CM 3 (M « »C CO t>- 2 05 20 - CM CM C* CM 3 a 26 27 00 CM 29 489 SAN JUAN DEL SUR— SANTA ELENA SECTION — continued. 490 POSITION SHEET. SAN JUAN DEL SUP— SALINA CPUZ SECTION. 491 SAN JUAN DEL SUR — SALINA CRUZ SECTION. I 3 S eS .s M ftrH - CO pH S' m JS M o S*« M 02 5 5 tujc- a ^ o , * If 1 -rl ^ 35 U G3 S'g rt o §cu ilill; SAN JUAN DEL SUR — S ALIN A CRUZ SECTION — continued. 494 ELECTEICAL REPOET. 495 2 h 3 £s*-~ ,L4S-\^t*0 S /Z-'Ct^CA *X< ^ fl/l A \ £c< ■ - O • 02. ff £~ ^ " 0 ^ s ^ y 2. J C Um^XJ y>-j~- jr--rw. - /i£0 Ly> ^ = O-'TOZ'l = /&o ^/b ^_. y f _ [ " / ^ l -^ ^ a /is o a „ "» fi^n cc ~ o ’os^j^ " /^?wA«/rw * .1^3 , _a — i t/l Z 0 V r «_y / >~2^ . &X y7-£* y~* Tt*/ e^ccuud -7v5 5 ) 1483* 1*96 0*05 „ J Mr. Kingsford received a telegram on April 1st from Mr. Walker, at Barranco, saying : — “ A pontoon restaurant has anchored in Chor- rillos, bearing from Hut N 27° W, Office N 32° E, with about 40 fms. of chain towards Point. Have advised them they are on cables. Shall we do anything further or await return ? ” A later telegram said : — “ Bearings true, craft small, heavy chain, but wants take up position permanently. Mo damage likely at present, but possible incon- venience.” On April 2nd, the “ Silvertown ” took up her position, in 6^ fms. off the Cable Hut, to land the Santa Elena Southern Shore Section. Distance of ship from shore, by observation . . = 0*900 n.m. „ „ to water’s edge, by cable measurement = 0*919 ,, „ „ from water’s edge to Hut . . . . = 0*087 „ „ „ „ ship to cable „ . . . . 1 006 „ In order not to expose the Northern Shore-End already in the trench, a new trench was opened close to the Northern Shore-End. Before noon the end had been taken into the Hut, and was there jointed to underground line No. 5 (recently laid) in order to be able to test from the station while paying out the main cable — No. 4 underground line, connected at the Hut with all the sheathing wires of both cables, being used for an “ earth.” 508 General Electrical Report . At 3.23 p.m., April 2nd, the ship started paying out towards Chorrillos. The usual control test with 80 (Leclanche) cells being kept permanently on the cable, and the current momentarily increased to 108 cells, in order to give the Shore Station the ship’s time at 8 a.m. and at 8 p.m., a signal was exchanged with the Santa Elena Station every 5 minutes, and the testing current reversed every hour. Results of the insulation test at the 1st, 5th, 30th min., and at the full hour, were supplied to Mr. Kingsford as the laying proceeded. The total length in circuit = 1243-783 n.m. Paying out continued without hitch or interruption; and at 9.10 a.m., April 7th, the “ Silvertown” arrived at the buoy on the Chorrillos Shore Section. This was picked up and tested with the following result : — Length = 32-966 n.m. C. R. total = 357"0“ : per n.m. = 10829“ : calc. temp. 60° F. D. R. 1st min Z total = 114’6 n „ = 3780'° „ 5th „ „ U 157-6 „ = 5197- After cutting the main cable , the following result was obtained : — C. R. D. R. total 1st min. Z 5th = 7920-4“ per n.m. = 10 322“ : calc. temp. 37i° F. total 1 1*4!“ „ =14126- 1 JLl 767 . 342 n .m. = 255-9 = 196360 j- Length = On slipping the bight-splice, at 2.13 p.m., April 7th, the ship pro- ceeded to Callao, where the following results of tests by Mr. Schneider, from Santa Elena Station, were received. “ 3 p.m. Results of first test on Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section after completion.” [Length = 800-281 n.m.] C.R. total mean Z = 8259’“ C. = 8243 “ D.R. 1st min. Z total = 19 0 n l 5th „ „ = 395 \ 30th „ „ =66 9 J Both currents agree well ; tests satisfactory throughout. Also the following results on the Santa Elena Northern Shore Section — “D.R. total 1st min. Z = 141-n. Test satisfactory”. Length — 9*980 n.m. The Factory electrical data at 75° F. of the completed Santa Elena — Chorrillos cable, the length of the various types, the position of splices and coils, &c., &c., a copy of which was handed to Mr. Kingsford, will be found annexed. 509 General Electrical Report. The following- are the results of tests by Mr. J Rymer- Jones on the Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section from Ohorrillos Hut, April 8th, when Mr. Kingsford was present. [Length — 800281 n.m.] C. R. measured total = 8248’ 7“ : D. R. 1st min. Z total = 19121° 5th „ „ -41-862 15th „ „ = 58-279 per n.m. — 10-307“ : calc. temp. = 36^° F. „ -■ 15302 ° At sea temp. „ = 33502. „ „ = 46640- Note . — The cable only between the two huts was in circuit, the joint with the underground line at Santa Elena Hut being cut for this test. Mr. Schneider was instructed to test this cable daily from Santa Elena Station, t'.e., through the underground line, taking 15 minutes with each current and discharging for one hour between the two tests. The following Light Intermediate type was, on April 10th, taken out of the S.S. “Relay” in order to carry the Santa Elena Northern Shore Section (now buoyed in 29J fms.) beyond the 100-fm. line of soundings — Type. Length C.R. at 75° F. Capacity. D.R. at 75° F. N.M. Total. Per n.m. Total. Per n.m. Total. Per n.m. Light Intermediate 3935 44-048 11-194 1-445 ■3672 90-47 356- Note . — This cable was received from the t£ Relay,” as 4 - 000 n.m. When paid out it was carefully measured and found to be 0-065 n.m. less than was supposed. It is part of 9 000 n.m. supplied to the “ Relay ” from the Silvertown Factory, March 10th, 1890. Part of this had been expended and the remaining 5 817 n.m., from which the above cable was cut, has never (Mr. Kingsford believes) been shifted from the bottom of the “ Relay’s ” tank, where it was originally coiled at Silvertown in March, 1890. Before leaving Callao for Santa Elena (April 12th) a message was sent to Mr. Schneider at Santa Elena from Capt. Hunter, saying : “ Please note should interruption of old cable take place I have arranged that the traffic should be worked through our cables except when tests are necessary.” At daylight, April 16th, the mark buoy was picked up off Santa Elena, and at 8 a.m. the same day the “Silvertown” dropped anchor off Santa Elena Station. Daily tests by Mr. Schneider from Santa Elena on the Santa Elena — 510 General Electrical Report. Chorrillos cable had given very regular results ranging from a total D.R. for the 1st min. Z, of 18*72 to 19*56 megs., the last test made. Daily tests on the Santa Elena Northern Shore Section showed that the insulation had remained practically the same as when tested on April 2nd, the day after laying. D.R. 1st min. Z total, April 2nd = 125*3° : April 16th = 130*97°. Headings had been quite steady and the electrification regular. In order to test the Santa Elena Northern Shore Section daily from the station, a permanent joint was made between it and No. 6 under- ground line. The end at the station was, however, temporarily sealed while the ship was employed splicing on and laying into deeper water the additional 3*935 n.m. of Light Intermediate type, lately received from the “ Relay.” As Messrs. Schneider and Knight were required for the cable work north of Santa Elena, Mr. Kingsford arranged that Mr. Ripley (the Station Manager), at Santa Elena, and Mr. Walker, at Chorrillos, should continue the tests on the Santa Elena — Chorillos completed section alternately from their respective ends during the ship’s absence ; and that Mr. Ripley should also take occasional tests on the Northern Shore Section during the ship’s absence. After placing a mark buoy, No. 61, with a lamp on it as a guide when paying out, the seaward end of the Santa Elena Northern Shore Section was taken on board ; and as the insulation test gave a satis- factory result, viz., D.R. 1st min. Z total= 128*2°, a splice was made and the 3*935 n.m. of additional Light Intermediate cable, ex “ Relay,” paid out; the end being buoyed, shortly before midnight, April 16th r in 126 fms. Buoy No. 42, flag R. Total length of the Santa Elena Northern Shore Section = 14*061 n.m. After slipping the buoy, the “ Silvertown ” picked up buoys, No. 52 (flag M), and No. 51 (flag B), and took the lamps from mark buoy No. 61 (blue flag), when she proceeded north to San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua), sounding en route — see list of soundings over proposed route of Santa Elena — San Juan Cable in Appendix. On nearing San Juan, 3.22 p.m., April 22nd, a mark buoy (No. 51 H) w ith a dioptric lamp on it was placed in 92 fms., and at 8 p.m. the same 511 General Electrical Report . evening the “ Silvertown ” arrived off San Juan, but, owing to there being no light at the lighthouse, did not attempt to enter the harbour till next morning. As there was a stiff breeze blowing, accompanied with rain, it was found impracticable to land the Shore-End to-day (April 23rd). The following morning, however, the “ Silvertown ” succeeded in doing so. Distance of ship from the spider-wheel on beach, by observation = O' 84 n.m. „ „ „ „ „ cable =0-844 „ „ from spider-wheel to the station (along the trench) =0‘212 „ Total length paid out by the ship’s drum measurement = 1*036 n.m. at the time when the shore signalled “ Enough cable.” The end was carried from the point of landing {spider-wheel) to the Telegraph Station by the ship’s hands and natives, who laid the cable in the french, a distance of 430 yards. As it was found that the cable end was too short to reach to the Station, more cable was heaved ashore, the ship raising her anchor and altering her position slightly. For a short time the control test readings became unsteady. This was found to be due to the considerable length of cable carried along the beach and then suddenly laid in the water, the difference in the electro -static charge under the two conditions being sufficient to account for it, and the readings, when the cable was undisturbed, were perfectly steady as before. When the cable had been straightened out along the beach it was found that the end was still 55 fms. too short to reach to the telegraph station. It was, therefore, decided to pay out the remainder of the San Juan Northern Shore Section, ex main tank, at daylight, April 25th, and after buoying the Seaward End to return to San Juan, and splice on a short additional length of Shore-End type to reach to the station. This was accordingly done, the Seaward End of the Light-Inter- mediate type being buoyed in 92 fms. : — Buoy No. 52, flag W. Length laid= 30*980 n.m. The remaining 4*000 n.m. of the Light Intermediate type was cut off this section to replace the 3*935 n.m. obtained from the S.S. “Relay ” on April 10th. Tests on this section (34*980 n.m.), before laying and cutting, gave: — C.R. measured total = 395'02 : per n.m. = 11*298 units : calc. temp.= 79|-°.F. jD.-R. lstmin. Z „ =23.37 : „ =817 fi : red. to 75°F. = 1151° . 512 General Electrical Report. A copy of this test, and also insulation values every half hour while paying- out, handed to Mr. K ingsford. On the ship’s return to San Juan the same evening, 65 fms. of Shore-End type were cut from the top end of the Salma Cruz Shore Section in the fore tank to be spliced to the San Juan Northern Shore- End on the beach, in order to reach to the Telegraph Station. A 5-fm. splice was made on the beach, and, to insure more perfect contact between wires for a good “ earth,” the butt ends of all wires of the splice (both inner and outer sheathings) were served with an extra long lapping — about 4 inches long — of binding wire. The end, for about 3 ft. above the floor, at the Station has its double sheathing intact ; the inner sheathing wires extending another foot beyond. For the “ earth ” a 7-strand copper wire is soldered to every wire of both sheathings. Beyond the inner sheathing the core extends for 7 ft. of which 3^ ft. has its serving on, and is lapped with tape. Another 18 inches or so are lapped with felt, and also cotton tape ; while for the remaining 18 inches the gutta-percha is left bare. Total length of the San Juan Northern Shore Section, when through to the Station = 31*030 n.m. Where the cable is laid along the beach over some loose rocks of an old pier, it had not been able to sink ; and a fathom length was found exposed at low water. This part of the cable Mr. Holmann — the “ Silvertown ” Company’s Agent — undertook to have buried at least 2 ft. at daylight on the morrow (April 26th), before the sun could injure it. As it was not intended to leave any member of the “ Silvertown’s ” staff at present at San Juan, Mr. Kingsford kindly arranged with Mr. Atherton (the Station Manager) to test the San Juan Northern Shore Section during the ship’s absence. The above shore work concluded, the “ Silvertown” left San Juan for Salina Cruz, and, on her w r ay north, made the series of soundings along the proposed route of the cable given in the Appendix; and turned over the 4*000 n.m. of Light Intermediate for the “ Relay ” from the main tank into the starboard fore pocket, to get it out of the way. The day before reaching Salina Cruz (April 29th) the bottom end 513 General Electrical Report. [Light Deep Sea, Pt. Sec. 10] of the top spliced section in the fore tank [127*936 n.m.], and the top end of [Light Deep Sea, Pt. Sec. 11] the spliced Light Deep Sea in the after tank [476*441 n.m.] were tested, and a 14-fm. splice made between them. A test on Light Deep Sea in the after tank [476*441 n.m.] before splicing gave : — D.R. 1st min. Z total = 2372* 1 : per N.M. = 1130* n . : red. to 75° F. = 1419* °. After splicing, the sections in the fore and after tanks were tested in the presence of Mr. Kingsford. Length = 604*353 n.m. D.R. 1st min. Z total = 1*875 : per N.M. = 1133* : red. to 75° F. = 1536* n . Tests were also to-day (April 29th) made on the remaining sections on board, in the presence of Mr. Kingsford, to whom copies were given. Date. Tank. Length. C.R. measured. Calc. D.R. at Tank Temp. Reduced to 75° F. perN.M. N.M. Total. Per n.m. Temp. Total. PerN.M April 29 Fore . . 80*858 912*605 11-286 78° 10*559 853-8 1073* „ 29 Main . . 1091-667 12147 7 11*127 73° 1*518 1657* 1423- On April 30th, at daylight, the “ Silvertown ” dropped anchor off Salina Cruz, and during the forenoon sent ashore the spider-wheels and other gear for heaving the cable end ashore ; and all electrical appa- ratus. These had to be landed at the “Port,” it being impossible to land nearer to the Cable Hut owing to the heavy breakers. It was, however, found to be impracticable to land the Shore-End that day, as the native surf-boat and men were not provided as had been promised. Mr. Raymond-Barker remained in charge of the Cable Hui;, while laying the cable, assisted by Mr. Willmott-Dixon, and also by Mr. West, the Station Manager, who put his services at Mr. Barker’s disposal. On account of the distance of the Hut from the Station, and from any source of supplies, which are moreover limited and expensive, it was necessary to land from the ship provisions for three weeks, bedding*, 514 General Electrical Report. &c., &c., for the use of the “ Silvertown’s ” staff employed at the Hut, while laying the cable. Distance from the Pori to the Cable Hat is about one mile. „ „ Station „ two miles. „ Station to the Cable Hut „ two miles. As the old Station had been removed, and the Hut was the only accommodation available, Mr. West had been instructed to erect a covering on poles over the Cable Hut, leaving an air-space of two or three feet, and to make the covering to overlap the eaves by about six feet. This was done in order to make the Hut more habitable, as the heat is very great during the day, owing to there 'being no match - hoarding over the corrugated iron sides of the house, and consequently no air-space between the two, as is the case with the “ Silvertown ” Huts now constructed. As the assistance of the native surf-boat could not be secured, Messrs. Robinson and Lumsden attempted to land a line across the surf on May 1st by means of the line-throwing apparatus. It had also been arranged that one of the natives should try to swim out from the shore with a line to the surf -boat which was to anchor outside of the breakers. When the native was about to make the attempt, the surf- boat, with five cable hands and Mr. Lumsden in charge, approached too near to the breakers and the boat was capsized. Of the occupants three cable hands succeeded in reaching the shore very much exhausted, and one was picked up by the steam-launch, which at considerable risk steamed as close to the breakers as was possible to render assistance ; but the remaining two, Mr. Lumsden and William Armes (cable hand), could not be found. It would be quite out of place to dwell on this sudden and terrible calamity which called forth the deepest feelings of regret and sympathy of every one of their shipmates ; but it would not be proper to dismiss the mention of this painful accident without gratefully recording the universal expressions of sympathy and most generous response made to the fund for the family of William Armes by the members of the C. & S. A. Tel. Co.’s staff at every one of the stations, both in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Pacific coast. The following morning, May 2nd, Mr. Robinson succeeded at the third trial in getting a line on shore by means of a gun firing a light line from the steam-launch, which steamed close in towards the breakers 515 2 k General Eleetrical Report. before firing. By 4.24 p.m. the end of the cable had been landed and laid in its trench, about five feet deep ; but owing to the difficulty in getting the cable balloon buoys and other gear from the shore, the “ Silvertown ” did not leave till noon on May 3rd, when she started paying out towards San Juan. Distance of ship from shore when landing the cable end by observation =0'59 n.m. „ „ „ „ „ cable =0-518 „ A test before landing the end gave for the 604*354 n.m. in circuit. D.R. 1st min. Z total = 1*6° : per n.m. = 967 ° : red. to 75° F. = 13616 n . Another test by Mr. Raymond-Barker, on May 3rd, from Salina Cruz Hut gave : — D.R. 1st min. Z total = 1-69° before starting to pay out after landing the end. The usual system of continuity and insulation control test was kept on the cable continuously night and day while paying out, the result of the 1st, 5th, 30th, and 60th minute of each hour being supplied to Mr. Kingsford. At 11.28 a.m., May 4th, all the cable had been paid out from the fore tank, and a change was made to the after tank. On May 6th the spliced Light Deep Sea in the main tank [1091-667 n.m.] was tested in the presence of Mr. Kingsford, who received a copy : — D.R. 1st min. Z total = T279 n : per n.m. = 1397° : red. to 75° = 1507° Before splicing this last length [1091*667 n.m.] to the section then ru lining out from the after tank, continuity signals were tried, and it was found that charging 2 mfds. at the Salina Cruz Hut from the cable charged with 80 Leclanche cells, produced scarcely any visible effect on the ship’s galvanometer. It was arranged, therefore, that Salina Cruz Hut should put the end of the cable to “ earth ” through lOOOOO’w instead of using the condenser. The very long length in circuit [1696*008 n.m.] of such light core [107 lbs. copper and 140 lbs. gutta-percha] 1100 knots of which was coiled in the tanks, made signals very small and very trying to read — in fact when the ship 'rolled heavily it was scarcely 7 possible to read at all. 516 General Electrical Report. At 5.42 a.m., May 7th, a change was made to the main tank from after tank, the whole of the cable in the latter tank being paid out. By noon the buoy on the San Juan Northern Shore Section was sighted, the end being taken on board at 1.25 p.m. Tests to San Juan Station. Length=31*016 n.m. : — C.R. total =339 85 : per n.m. = 10*957 : calc. temp. = 64° F. JD.R. 1st min. Z total =89*89° „ =2788 : red. to 75.°F. = 1208° . At Mr. Kingsford’s request the following comparison of tests on the San Juan Northern Shore Section was furnished : — Comparison of Tests on the San Juan Northern Shore Section. Date, Length in Temperature. C.R. Measured. D.R. Measured. Remarks. 1893. Circuit. N.M. Calc. Obs. Total. Per n.m. Total. Per n.m. Reduced to 75° K. O 0 b> a n Jan. 15 34 *980 38i 39 391 *721 11U92 487 *96 17080 * 1065* After shipment. April 8 i> 75 72 391*12 11*181 34*84 1219 * 1219* At Callao. „ 13 *i 75 72 391 *22 11 *184' 35 *49 1241* 1241 * At Sea. >» 17 711 74 391*12 11*181 34 *58 1209* 1164* En route to San Juan 18 ii 744 74 391 *22 11*184 35*40 1238* 1192* 11 >> 20 „ 76| 74 392*72 11 *227 29*19 1021* 1144* 11 !> 21 i? 774 744 393 *62 11*253 25 *321 885 *7 1071* 11 !> n 22 79 74 394-72 11 *2b4 24*55 858*6 1164: * 11 I’ ,, 24 794 744 395-02 11*293 23*37 817*4 1151* At anchor at San J uan . ” 24 ii 79| 744 395 *02 11 *293 23*66 827 *7 1165* At anchor before land ing end. May 7 31 *030 64 339 *85 10 *957 89*89 2788* 1208* Before splicing to Shore-End Sec. After cutting, and before splicing, tests to Salina Cruz [= 658*92 n.m.] gave : — C. R. total =6864*3“ : per n.m. = 10*41 “ : calc. temp. = 41°*5 F. D. R. 1st min. Z total=16-80° : „ =11069-° { regnl " Note. — A copy of this test was handed to Mr. Kingsford. After making the final splice the bight was slipped in 92 fms., and the “ Silvertown” set on for San Juan. At daylight, May 8th, the “Silvertown” anchored off San Juan, and on members of the staff landing they found that since our last visit, the town had, without fighting, been taken possession of by the 517 2 k 2 General Electrical Report. revolutionary party. No opposition or inconvenience, however, arose from this change. The following results were received from Mr. Raymond-Barker, who had been instructed to test the Salina Cruz — San Juan cable from Salma Cruz as soon as the bight splice had been slipped : — C. R. total =7203*5": corrected for temp. = 7246*7" : Length =689*914 n.m. D. R. 1st min. Z total = 14*42°: 1st min. 0 total = 13*94° 5 „ „ =22*44 : 5 „ „ =20*19 1 Earth current 30 „ „ =29*77 : 30 „ „ =27.62 J fluctuating. For the Factory electrical values at 75° F. of all sections enteriDg into the Salina Cruz — San Juan cable, the types, position of splices, a comparison of tests on this cable, &c., &c., see Appendix. As San Juan will be the controlling station while laying, the San Juan — Santa Elena cable testing apparatus was landed and set up in a room adjoining the office by Mr. Schneider, who remained on shore in charge of the testing work, being assisted by Mr. Knight, of the “ Silvertown ” staff, and Mr. Atherton, the Station Manager, who kindly offered to take a watch. Tests by Mr. Rymer-Jones, on the San Juan — Santa Elena Cable, May 8th ; Mr. Kingsford present. C.R. total arithmetic mean = 7195*4" : corr. for temp. = 7244*" : per sr.M. = 10*500" „ harmonic „ =7174* : „ =7222* : „ =10*468 I>.B. „ 1st min. Z=16« n :per N .M. = 11315- n l_ L h „ „ C = 16*68 : „ =11506* J 6 Tests by Mr. Kingsford [2nd test] on May 9th gave : — C, R. by slide resistances at 83° F. =7232*47" Corrected for temp. = 7244*6" „ reproducing the mean slide value = 7193* „ „ =7234* Capacity (Gott’s method) = 225*4 mfds. : per n.m. = *3267 mfd. „ „ Factory value ^224*21 „ „ =*325 „ D.R. 1st min. Z total = 14*771° : per n.m. = 10191*° „ „ C „ = 14*01 „ = 9666* Another test on the above cable on May 10th : — Capacity (G-ott’s method) by Mr. Schneider. Corrected = 227*3 mfds. „ Factory value . . . . . . . . = 224*2 „ D.R. — 1st test by Mr. Kingsford. Total 1st min. Z = 14*124° with 18 cells. 2nd ’ J ” Z = 14 ' 274 1 72 ” 2nd „ „ ” L „ ' C = 14*67 J ” 518 General Electrical Report. Another test on the above cable, on May 11th, by Mr. Kingsford : — C. JR., by slides, mean of 18 readings. Corrected for temp. = 7244- w „ reproducing the mean slide value „ ,, — 7206* Capacity (Gott’s method) 4 secs, charge. Corrected = 232"5 : per n.m. = '337 mfd. „ „ 10 „ „ =2326 „ =*337 „ D. R . — Total 1st min. Z = 13-857° : per n.m.= 9560- n „ , „ „ C = 14-092 : „ = 9722- Note . — The standard of comparison for the above capacity tests was 3 con- densers, by Elliott, having a combined capacity of 59 "8 mfds. On May 9th a splice was made between the 30*888 n.m. of Light Intermediate, Heavy Intermediate, and Shore-End in the fore tank, and 1037*061 n.m. of Light Deep Sea in the main tank — the Light Intermediate being joined to Light Deep Sea, pt. sec. 10 ; after which the Light Intermediate, Heavy Intermediate, and Shore-End types were turned over, in the order named, from the fore tank on to the top of the Light Deep Sea in the main tank, making a total length of 1067*949 n.m. Before splicing, tests on these sections gave: — Tank. Type. Length N.M. Dielec. Resistance. Eore L.I., H.I., & S.E. 30-888 1 D.R. 1st min. Z total = 7"97l per N.M. L.D.S., Pt. 11A # 49-970 j = 644-5° red. to 75° = 1140° r a I D.R. 1st min. Z total = 1*391 per n.m. Main L.D.S. 1037061 \ = 1443-° rad. to 75° = 1498’5 °. Turning over the 30*888 n.m. from the fore into the main tank showed that the Light Intermediate type was longer by 0*301 n.m. than the length given by the Factory Cable Department, the paying- out drum measuring this Section 22*287 n.m. instead of 21*986 n.m. This difference closely agrees with the length of core in the “ Section ” book, viz.: 22*337 n.m., and has therefore been taken as correct, evidently this Section was run out and not cut out at 22*000 n.m. # This piece in the fore tank was left joined up with the spliced Light Inter- mediate, Heavy Intermediate, and Shore-End when the test was made, otherwise the deflection would have been too small to obtain a reliable insulation vaiue. 519 General Electrical Report. The total length in circuit after splicing up ready to pay out from San Juan to Santa Elena = 1C 67*938 n.m. The San Juan Southern Shore-End was landed on May 12th, as follows : — A length of 350 fms. of the Shore-End type, ex main tank, to reach from the point of landing, where the spider-wheel was placed, to the Station, was coiled down into a lighter, but no cut was made; the intention being to heave the bight on shore from the lighter, anchored as close inshore as possible, and then pay out the remainder from the lig’hter, in tow of the steam-launch, around the Bay to a point in front of the Station ; and thence lay the end in the trench across the beach to the Station. With her 350 fms. on board the lighter was hauled towards the shore and cable paid out from the ship — balloon buoys being attached at intervals as usual — and the end was successfully landed in the manner explained above. Distance of Ship from the spider- wheel on Shore = 0*73 N.M. „ „ to the Station by Chart approx. = 0'85 „ Total paid out while ship at anchor: — Including about 0*347 N.M. in Lighter = 0*988 n.m. Cut off (surplus in Station) 69 fathoms* = *068 „ Length of Shore-End type between Ship and Station = *920 „ The treatment of the Core at the Cable-End in the Hut and the nature of the “ earth ” provided by the sheathing wires is the same as already described when dealing with the San Juan Northern Shore-End. Test on the 1067*938 n.m. of cable in circuit, May 12th, before landing the end. D.R. 1st min. Z total = 1*219° : per n.m. 1302* n : red. to 75° F. = 1352 ° . Test by Mr. Schneider after landing the Shore-End : — D.R. 1st min. Z total = 1*32 ° : 5th min. = 142 a . The “* Silvertown ” started paying out from San Juan at 6.18 p.m., * The 69 fms. cut off the end, are buried in the trench with the Shore-End, at Mr. Kingsford’s suggestion. 520 General Electrical Report. May 12th, and arrived at the buoy- on the Santa Elena Shore Section at 10.16 a.m., May 18th. No noteworthy incident happened during the laying, which, from beginning to end, was without a hitch ot any kind. The D.R. values of the cable for the 1st, 5th, 30th, and 60th mins, of each hour, as shown by the control test, were supplied to Mr. Kings- ford as the laying proceeded. On taking the end of the S.L. Northern Shore-End on board 30 fms. (damaged) were cut off, and the following results obtained when tested : — C. R. mean total = 155075 : per n.m. = 11’179“ : length = 14031 N.M. D. R. 1st min. Z „ = 76'194 : „ = 1069* n at 73° F. After cutting the main cable, a test from the ship to San Juan Station — 1020-367 n.m. — gave : — C. R. mean total = 10520-8 w : per n.m. = 10 311 : calc. temp. = 37° F. D. R. 1st min. Z total = 14-724° : „ = 15023. The final splice was accordingly made and slipped at 2.4 p.m., May 18th, thus completing the last of the three sections. For the Factory electrical values at 75° F. of the different types which enter into this cable — the position of splices — a comparison of tests before and after shipment, and before and after laying, &c., &c., see Appendix. Santa Elena was reached the same afternoon (May 18th), and the following results of tests, obtained by Mr. Schneider from San Juan Station, were received. Length = 1034*357 n.m., including the under- ground line [0*58 n.m.] at Santa Elena : — Length C.R. measured. Calc. Temp. D.R. at Sea Temp. Remarks. N.M. Total. CO Per n.m. O) Fah. Total. O Per n.m. n Length in circuit ... 1034-357 10593-00 14-20 ... "i S.L. Underground line •158 3-92 ... 1483- 1 ... , Both currents agreeing well. S.L. San Juan cable 1034-199 10589-08 10-24 33-7 14-34 14826 -J Note . — Underground lines Nos. 4 and 6 used for C.R., and No. 6 only for D.R. 521 General Electrical Report. While at Santa Elena Mr. Kingsford obtained the following results : — Test on Santa Elena — San Juan Section , May 19th. Length = 1034-199 n.m. C.R. by slides, harmonic mean, corrected for temp. Total = 10699’6“ : per N.M. = 10 344 calc. temp. 38"3° F. Standard of comparison lOOOOw by Elliott, No. 1952. C. R. by slides, reproducing balance by substituting resistance coils for cable. Total = 10683“ per n.m. = 10330“) calc. temp. 37i° P. Capacity (by Gott’s method). Total — 339'3 : per n.m. = *3281 mfd. ,, Factory value „ = 337"85 „ = -3367 „ Standard of comparison, 2 condensers by Elliott, total capacity = 4053 mfds. D. R. 1st 'min. Z total = 12232° : per n.m. = 12652° : Impt. 0 / o between 1st and 5th mins. = 105"3. D.R. 1st min. C total = 13-148°: per n.m. = 13600° : Impt. °/ 0 between 1st and 5th mins. = 110‘4. Test on Santa Elena — Chorrillos Section , May 19th. Length = 800-281 n.m. C.R. by slides, harmonic mean, corrected for temp. : total = 8293'“ per n.m. = 10-362“ : calc. temp. 39°-2 F. Standard of comparison lOOOOw by Elliott, No. 1952. C. R. by slides, reproducing balance by substituting resistance coils for cable. Total = 8270“) : per n.m. — 10334“ : calc. temp. 37°"9 P. Capacity (by Gott’s method). Total = 263"29. per n.m. = 0"329 mfd. ,/ „ Factory value ,, — 260’49 „ = 0-3255 „ Standard of comparison, 2 condensers by Elliott, total capacity = 40"53 mfds. D. R. 1st min. Z total = 18-509° : per N.M. = 14812'°: Impt. °/ 0 between 1st and 6th mins. = 117" 1. D.R. 1st min. C total = 18-522 : per N.M. = 14822-° : Impt. 0 / o between 1st and 5th mins. = 125" 5. Test on Santa Elena — San Juan — Salina Cruz Sections , May 19th. Length = 1724-124 n.m. C.R. by slides, harmonic mean, corrected for temp. : total = 17940"8“ : per N.M. = 10-404 a> : calc. temp. 41°-0P. C. R. by slides, balance reproduced by resistance coils, corrected for temp. : total = 17902'“ : per n.m. = 10-383« : calc. temp. 39 0, 7 F. D. R. 1st min. Z total = 6’4440 : per N.M. = 11111° : Impt. % between 1st and 5th mins. = 92*4. D.R. lot min. C total = 6"309° : per n.m. = 1087"9° : Impt. °/ Q between 1st and 5th mins. = 89’78. Before leaving Santa Elena an instruction was sent to Mr. Schneider to test the Santa Elena — San Juan Section daily. Mr. Kaymond- 522 General Electrical Report. Barker having* similar instructions with regard to the Salina Cruz — San Juan Cable. All testing apparatus was brought away, as Mr. Kingsford decided to take his final tests at Chorrillos, the guarantee expiring on May 28th, that is ten days from the completion of the last San Juan — Santa Elena Section. At daylight, May 20th, the “ Silvertown ” left Santa Elena for Callao, but returned to anchorage in order to effect a small repair in her engine room. Taking advantage of the delay, Mr. Kingsford again tested the Santa Elena — Chorrillos cable to verify results obtained by Mr. Walker from Chorrillos Hut and by himself, on May 19th, from Santa Elena Station. This test (2nd test) gave : — D.R. 1st min. : Z total = 17*89° : per n.m.= 14315* ° : at sea temp. : Impt. % 1st and 5th min. : 126 '2. D.R. 1st min. : C total = 16*98 ° : per n.m. = 13586* ° : at sea temp. : Impt. % 1st and 5tli min. : 162*0. On May 21st the “ Silvertown ” finally left Santa Elena for Callao. It was proposed to take soundings off Talara en route to Callao and ascertain the specific gravity of the bottom water at a few miles from land, where the 1882 cable has frequently been broken — so often, indeed, as to necessitate its diversion further seawards, as much as 14J knots from shore — its present position. A theory exists that the altitude of the Andes inland may supply the pressure for springs of water welling up from the bottom, which bottom is found to change its depth from 565 fms. at 6 knots from shore to 1256 fms. at 12 knots distant. The cable was first laid at 10J knots from Talara Point. The zone where trouble has been experienced so far has been at about 21 knots to the east and west of this position. The idea, however, of making soundings in this locality had, however, to be abandoned. As it was intended to lay the surplus new cable belonging to the C. & S. A. Tel. Co. in some position where it will be easily accessible whenever the “ Relay” may require it, the 47*421 n.m. of Light Deep Sea type, pt. sec. 7, in the main tank, was spliced to the 49*970 n.m. of Light Deep Sea, pt. 11 A, in the fore tank. 523 General Electrical Report. Tests before splicing, May 23rd, gave, for these two sections D.R. values : — L.D.S., pt.7 = 47 421 n.m. : D.R. 1st min. : Z total = 67*85° : per n.m. = 3217*5° at 69° =2039 ° at 75° F. L.D.S., 11A. = 49*970 n.m. : D.R. 1st min.: Z total = 74 43° : per n.m. = 3719*5° at 69° =2357*° at 75° F. After making a 14-fms. splice between these two sections, the whole length, 97*373 n.m., was tested, May 25th, and gave : — D.R. 1st min. Z total = 38*41° : per N.M. = 3740*° at 67° : red. to 75° F. = 2035*5° On arriving at Callao, May 24th, it was found that the 1882 Chorril- los — Payta cable was interrupted, and that the C. & S. A. Tel. Co. was using the new Chorrillos — Santa Elena cable, as had been agreed upon. Owing to the interruption and the traffic requiring the use of the new cable from six a.m. until midnight, Mr. Rymer- Jones agreed to Mr. Kingston’s proposal to test the new duplicate cables between midnight and six a.m. each night until the expiration of the ten days’ guarantee. The 4*000 n.m. of Light Intermediate type, pt. sec. 2, was coiled into a barge, May 25th, and sent the same day to the S.S. “ Relay ” to replace the 3*935 n.m. received from her on April 10th. A copy of the last test, together with the factory 75° values of this cable, was handed to Mr. Kingsford. C. R. mean total = 43*389" : per N.M. = 10*847" units : calc. temp. 65p* F. D. R. 1st min. Z total = 663*5° „ = 2660* ° at 65|° F. Factory Values of Light Intermediate type sent on board S.S. “ Relay.” 524 General Electrical Report . The following results were obtained by Mr. Kingsford from Chorril- los Hut on the Chorrillos — Santa Elena — San Juan cables joined to- gether = 1834-48 n.m. 1 st Test , 0.57 p.m., May 26th : D.R. 1st min. Z total =6' 579° : „ 5th „ „ = 17;396 : „ 1st „ C „ =7-248°: „ 5th „ „ =19-036 : 2nd Test , 2.34 p.m. : — D.R. 1st min. Z total = 6 313 ° : „ 5th „ „ =18-828 : „ 1st „ C „ = 6-782 „ 5th „ „ =19-449 : Impt. %. per n.m. = 12069 ° 1 „ =31912* J . . . . 164 4 „ =13296* 1 „ =34921- J .. .. 162-5 Impt. %. per n.m. = 11580-° 1 = 34535' J ■ .. 198-2 „ =12442* 1 „ =35678* J .. .. 186-8 The mean of nine tests made by Messrs. Schneider and Barker on the Salina Cruz — San Juan cable , May 15th to 25th. gave : — D.R. 1st min. Z total=1340° : per n.m. =9244‘8° 1 „ 5th „ „ =2044 : „ =14102' J „ 1st „ C „ =13-23°: „ =9127-5 \ „ 5th „ „ =19-80 : „ =13660- J Impt. %. . . 52-5 . . 4966 The mean of seven tests by Mr. Schneider from San Juan on the San Juan — Santa Elena cable = 1034*199 n.m. D.R. 1st min. Z total = 32-9° „ 5th „ „ „ 1st „ C „ = 13-3°: „ 5th „ „ = 29-8 Impt. %. per n.m. = 13341° | 101*6 =26900 =13755 =30829 : } 124*1 The mean of three tests by Mr. Atherton, Station Manager at San Juan, on the San Juan — Santa Elena cable , May 26th. Impt. %. D.R. 1st min. Z total = 12 09° per F.M. = 12504 ° \ . . 129-7 „ 5th „ „ =27-77 „ =28720* J ** „ 1st „ C „ =12-93° „ =13372* 1 .. 137*4 5th „ „ =30*7 ,, =31750* J Jointer Skinner signed off the “ Silvertown’s” Articles, May 26th, in order to join the S.S. “ Relay.” The same day Mr. Rymer-Jones General Electrical Report, received orders to leave the 44 Silvertown,” and go to Vera Cruz and Galveston in order to report to London the condition of the duplex apparatus at those stations. Tests from Chorrillos Hut by Mr. Kingsford : — D.B. Zinc. O a a> o D.B. Carb. n a a> o Date. Time. Section. Length N.M. 1st Min. 5th Min. a. Pr a 1st Min. 5th Min. u O* P< B May 26 11 P.M. Chorrillos to Santa Elena 800-281 20-122 51 -866 157 -8 20 -804 1st Test „ 27 1 A.M. Chorrillos to Salina Cruz 2524-394 2-938 8-7386 2-733 8-831 2nd „ „ 27 2 A.M. Chorrillos to Salina Cruz 2524-394 2-519 8*705 2-566 3rd ,, .. 27 11 P.M. Chorrillos to Santa Elena 800 -281 20-24 46-00 127 *3 | 18-88 48*19 155-2 1st „ „ 28 0.3 A.M. Chorrillos to Salina Cruz 2524 -394 2 -545 9-434 270-7 2-667 8-696 226-1 2nd „ „ 28 1.10 A.M Chorrillos to Salina Cruz 2524-394 2-825 9-434 232 -9' ! 2-660 8-620 ! 224-1 Tests by Mr. Atherton from San Juan Station : — D.B. Zinc. O c HI o D.B. Garb. £ y Date. Time. Section. Length. N.M. 1st Min. S3 S A o P. P< a 1st Min. 5th Min. 04 Ph a 1st Test May 27 11 A.M. San Juan to Salina Cruz 689 -914 12-6 17-4 38-10 11-4 17-0 49-12 2nd „ „ 27 to San Juan to Salina Cruz 689-914 12-1 16-2 33*89 12-0 17-7 47 -5 3rd „ „ 27 2. 30. p.m. San Juan to Salina Cruz 689-914 12-5 20-7 65-60 12-0 19-6 63 -33 Test by Mr. Schneider, May 28th, San Juan — Salma Cruz = 689*914 n.m. : — C.R. mean of C and Z total = 7168-5“ : corrected for temp. = 7195’4“ : per n.m. = 10 429“ • B.R. 1st min. Z total 99 99 99 99 5th 10th =-.1313 = 20-3 Impt. °/ 0 n -. 1 54-6 = 2248 1st 5th 10th min. C total 99 99 = 1321 n = 20-5 Impt. °/ 0 1 55-18 „ =22-48 526 General Electrical Report. Test by Mr. Schneider, May 28th, San Juan — Santa Elena = 1034T99 n.m. C.R. mean of C and Z total = 10564 “ : corrected for temp. = 10604'“ : per n.m. = 10'253“ D.R. 1st min. Z total = 13*37° 1 Impt. °/ 0 1st min. C total = 13*15° 1 Impt. 0 / o „ 5th „ „ =27'5 J 105*7 5th „ „ = 27'2 J 106'84 „ 10th „ „ = 32'7 10th „ „ = 33*4 “ Tests on both sections quite satisfactory ; readings regular and compare well. Earth current moderate. Schneider. ’ Final tests made by Mr. Kingsford from Chorrillos Hut. Date. Time. Section. Length. N.M. D.R. Zinc. O Impt. per cent. D.R. Carbon. a. Impt. per cent. 1st Min. 5th Min. 1st Min. 5th Min. 1st Test May 28 0*53 p.m. Chorrillos — Santa 6-643 19 *220 189 *3 6-462 15-12 134-0 Elena— San Juan OQ ) 1-56 „ \ Chorrillos — Santa 6*380 21 *581 238*2 Not taken. 2nd „ ,y AO < 2*22 „ j Elena — San Juan Note . — The carbon current was kept on till 2.22 p.m., the time when the guarantee of ten days expired. This was calculated from the time of slipping the final splice of the San Juan — Santa Elena cable, the last section completed. The following mean results of tests were handed to Mr. Kingsford before the “ Silvertown ” left Callao. Chorrillos — Santa Elena Section. Length = 800*281 n.m. C.R. total ohsd. = 8293*“: per n.m. = 10*362“. Capacity total corrected, 263*29 : per n.m. = *329 mfd. Temp, mean obsd. of sea bottom „ „ calcd. from Mr. Kingsford’s C.R. test ••= D.R. total 1st min. Z = 19*34°, C =i 19*22° 38 *64 E. 1 °*2 F. J Depth (mean) 1085* fms. 5th = 46*74 = 47*94 ■mean of 5 tests. 1st min. mean of Z and C = 19*28° : per n.m. = 15480*°* \ j t o / _ ^5.5 5th „ „ „ „ = 47*34 „ = 38008* J * ' ° * D.R. given by Mr. Kingsford in the certificate = 14818 Q per n.m. 527 General Electrical Report. Santa Elena — San Juan Section. Length = 1034*199 n.m. C.R. obsd. total = 106996“ per n.m. = 10344“ units. Capacity ,, corrected = 33933 : per n.m. = ’328 mfd. Temp., mean obsd., of sea bottom = 36°*8 F. 1 Depth (mean) = „ „ calcd. from Mr. Kingsford’s C.R. test = 38 0, 3 F. J 1489' fms. D.R. total 1st min. Z = 12‘62° : C. = 1319° „ 5th. „ = 26-41 „ = 29-79 D.JR.lst min. mean of Z &C total = 12‘90 ° : per n.m. = 13343 ° * '[Impt. °/ a - 5th „ „ =28-10 : „ = 29064- mean of 11 tests. J 118-6' San Juan — Salma Cruz Section. Length = 689*914 n.m. C. R. obsd. total = 7244 - 6“ : per N.M. = 10-500“ units. Capacity „ corrected = 234 06 : per n.m. = ‘339 mfd. Temp., mean obsd., of sea bottom . . . . = 43°-61 F. 1 Depth (mean) „ „ calcd. from Mr. Kingsford’s C.R. test = 45 o, 0 F. J D. R. total 1st min. Z = 13 41 ° : C. = 13-43 „ 5th i = 2002 . . = 19" 596- fms. *•43 ° 1 )-75 J mean of 15 tests. 1st min. mean of Z & C total = 13’422 ° : per N.M. = 9260"° f 1 Impt. % 5th „ „ 19-88 „ =13718- J 48-14 Test on the surplus Light Deep Sea cable [pt. secs. 7 and 11 A spliced together] in the fore and main tanks before sealing the top end in the fore tank ready to lay in the position selected for this spare cable. Length = 97*373 n.m. C. R. mean total = 1066-67“ : per n.m. = 10*955“ : calcd. temp. 65F° F. D. R. 1st min. Z total = 46*16° „ = 4495*°l : red. to 75° F.=2183* ° The Factory values at 75° F. for this section are : — Tank. Type. Factory. Section. Order of iCoils. Length n.m. C.R. at 75° F. CO Capacity. D.R. at 75° F. a Total. . a z Ph Total. s' z 5 Ph ■ Total. S z £ Fore Main L.D.S. 1235 -B 1235* 11 A Pt. 7 757-Pt. 853 Pt. 699-834 49 -952 47 -421 559 -345 529-176 11-200 11-159 15-647 15-126 •3132 •3190 19-507 22-104 974-4 1048 -2 97-373 1088-521 11-179 30-773 •3160 10 -362 1009-0 # D.R. given bj Mr. Kingsford in the certificate = 13126"° per n.m. f D.R. given by Mr. Kingsford in the certificate = 93L4'° per n.m. 528 General Electrical Report. A certificate accepting the cables was received from Mr. Kingsford by Captain Hunter, on May 29th, and the following morning, before daylight, the “ Silvertown” left Callao homeward bound. Paying out Spare Cable. At 8.20 a.m. May 30th, the end of Light Deep Shore, pt. 11 A, was paid out overboard from the fore tank in 26 fms. of water. A mushroom, but no buoy, was attached. Leaden label, marked “ L.D S. Sec. 11 A.” attached to the end. { Solar Point . . . . N 72° E. Herradada . . . . N 35° W. Chorriilos Point . . N 40° E. While paying out, a control test was kept on the cable, the current being reversed every hour. At 3.30 p.m., sec. 11 A, had all run out, and a change was made to the main tank, pt. sec. 7. By 10.30 p.m., the last end had passed overboard in 83‘ fms. of water. A leaden label marked “ L.D.S., Pt. 7,” was attached to the end, but no mushroom or buoy. Average depth along route of cable =100 fms. Bearings ^ Ballista Island . . E. San Gallan [R. Tangent] S 29° E. Total cable returned to the “ Silvertown ” works : — Type. Factory Section. Length N.M. Remarks. L.I. 944- Pt. 3 B. I \ 2-8013 ] Remaining in the port >5 1175* Pt. 4 A, 9 and 11 A J 1 after - pocket, where | first shipped. Not H.D.S.b. 1236- Pt. 6 2-2643 J touched during voyage. 50656 The testing instruments, including the batteries used at Santa Eiena, were returned to the works in the “ Silvertown,” while those from San Juan and Salina Cruz were shipped to London by waj^ of the 529 General Electrical Report. Straits of Magellan, with the exception of the batteries, which were, by arrangement with Mr. Kingsford, left at the stations and taken over by the C. & S. A. Tel. Co. Messrs. Schneider and Knight returned to England from San Juan, via Panama and New York, and Messrs. Barker and Dixon from Salina Cruz by way of San Francisco and New York. Mr. J. Rymer- Jones had to leave the “ Silvertown ” at Callao, having received instructions to proceed to Yera Cruz and Galveston, and report on the Duplex apparatus of the Mexican Telegraph Com pany. The electrical work, while laying the surplus Light Deep Sea cable off Chorrillos, was, therefore, conducted by Mr. J. F. Coote, who alone of the electrical staff remained on board. The dates of the “Silvertown’s arrival at and departure from the different ports on her homeward voyage are as follows : — Arrived off Coronel .. .. June 7, 11.45 a.m. Left June 13, 4.20 p.m. „ Sandy Point .. . . „ 21, 6.30 p.m. „ 22, 10.15 a.m. „ Fernando da Noronha, July 10, 8.55 „ Left July 11, 0.45 „ „ St. Vincent . . . . „ 17, 5.50 A.m. „ 17, 0.45 p.m. „ Santa Cruz —Tenerife „ 22, 6.50 ,, „ 22, 0.33 „ „ Gravesend — Thames Aug. 1, 2.45 p.m. On the homeward passage, between June 28th and July 1st, some soundings were taken between the River Plate and Rio de Janeiro. JOHN RYMER-JONES, Electrician. 530 DISTRIBUTION OF CABLE IN TANKS ON BOARD S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” DISTRIBUTION OF CABLE IN TANKS ON BOARD S.S, “ SILVERTOWN. VALUES AT 75° F. OF CABLE ON BOARD S.S. “ SILVERTOWN.” 533 2 l. 2 VALUES AT 75° F. OF SECTIONS ON BOARD S.S. “ SXLVERTOW N. ! Electrical Report 13 pH g** cS 3 cq rH 5 00 1 ftOrH Cq 05 05 cq O cq o 9 O 0 0 Ph Erl % 05 K5 05 CO cq 00 05 co pH 05 O 05 CO K5 pH o3 p4 3 9 J> cq fi o 05 O eg 0 EH 41 rH 05 4 cq a 00 rH 05 1 > 05 05 05 iH 00 00 0 05 00 d 00 05 O cq rH rH cq \p O Eh cq rH i> O 1— 1 i> 0 X> 00 CD 00 # rH cq rH rH 8 rH rH rH rH o K5 Ph rH 1-1 rH PH l> 13 05 O 0 05 00 05 rH 00 P3 43 q> 05 K5 9 d O t-H 05 00 05 05 3 00 CO cq 05 § O O CO -o rd 43 m O 05 00 43 3 ■ lO HP 9 05 § 45 3 13 fc Q t> 05 r-H cq cq co H QD y Cd 00 00 10 rH US 05 05 05 43 M 00 q> 1£5 rH ■43 W PH be O »_ fiO ^ 4 t> rfl 05 00 rH CO cq 1(5 05 O K 5 05 5 rH 00 O 00 lO q> 00 9 9 4 ■f 00 00 rH 1(5 co rH O cq rH 1—1 W H ■*3 cq Ph .c Electrical Report. Cl r— < o CO kO 5 CO tP Tfi 00 r> eo eq cq rH cq rH ,_i iH rH I-H rH rH rH CO kO CO rH CO kO 00 1> 05 O rH H O kO CO kO 05 CO 3 O O 00 00 i— I i— I 05 ff) N (N CO CO i- 1 1>» CO CO CO VO « ^ 1> o o o N ifl 05 I O rH t> | (N (M i— I I i> CO (M ' 1-000 12 76 „ 1-000 12 76 „ 1-432 20 70 „ 1-923 14 74-25 H.I. 2-000 to k»|H 68 -5 H.I. 3-000 16 73-5 „ 2-990 35 67 *25 5? 3-000 23* 69 L.I. 5-000 50 . 64-5 „ 5-990 40 66-25 \ r 55 7*000 67* 61-75 \ ! L.I. 5-490 100 57 -5 j > 10 -323 89* 59 L.D.S. 10 -ooo 150 53-5 L.D.S. 30-000 552 41 55 30 000 140 54-25 57 70 -000 1200 36 55 66 -497 315 46 -2 „ 105383 1400 35-5 „ 74-481 700 39 „ 200 -000 1600 35-25 55 101-941 900 37 -2 5) 216 -067 1800 35 „ 200-000 900 37 -2 >5 183-142 1800 35 55 100 -ooo 525 41-4 55 100 -ooo 1450 35*5 5? 29 -576 120 56 50 -000 1450 35 -5 55 25 -000 91 59 5> 25 -000 1200 36 L.I. 9-976 77* 61 55 10 -ooo 363 44-5 „ 8-000 60 63 L.I. 3-894 78 60 H.I. 5-000 47* 65 55 0*978 28 68 -5 55 4 -490. 33* 67 -25 H.I. 1-990 23 66 -5 S.E. 2-000 19* 71 S.E. 4-000 14* 68-75 San Juan „ 1-550 6 79 -5 >> 1-500 7* 71 Sta. Elena 55 1-500 3 72 Electrical Report. DEPTHS AND BOTTOM TEMPERATURES OYER ROUTE OF CABLES. Position. Type. Length. Mean Depth. Mean Temp. N.M. EMS. E. o Santa Elena . . S.E. 1000 3 715 3 » 2-000 8£ 70 )) 3-000 14 68-5 H.I. 3-490 30 66 L.I. 1-990 82 59-5 L.D.S 10-000 362 44*5 33 20-000 1,050 36-75 33 34-979 1,600 3615 33 45 000 1,550 3615 33 182000 1,400 3625 33 34000 1,300 36-35 33 158-570 1,200 365 33 190-000 1,000 36-85 30000 750 38-25 33 30-000 350 44-75 21-286 168 510 L.I. 11-981 108 53-75 33 6-000 70 56-0 > f ” 4-000 45 58-25 H.I. 2-000 25 60-25 33 1-490 17 61'5 S.E. 3-495 14 61-75 33 3-000 11 62-5 Chobrillos 33 1-000 4 63-5 545 TEMPERATURE SOUNDINGS TAKEN ALONG ROUTE OF CABLES. TEMPERATURE SOUNDINGS TAKEN ALONG ROUTE OF CABLES. Electrical Report. 548 Electrical Report. tO O O iQ l>05 0i0 coco S co oq i> c» 0 • £ 3 cot- ScOCOOQOO'^S & s r- O I£b O O O -* CO .-H £ £ £ ^ CO o o £ £ IN CO CO N O co m o oo r> 50 00 m O N » N N N 02 CQ o in tji cq o o i — 1 « <# m cc cc |- cc cc occc^h— I— f— i— I— I— h- CM Tt< 05 t> i i i i i i 549 Note. — Figures in Black Type represent Soundings taken in 1882 by S.S. “Retriever.” EXPENDITURE TABLES. 551 EXPENDITURE TABLES. Electrical Report. Electrical Report. 8 o o o o »o o rii ■ 10 /-T a? oo 2 o CO •£ ^ 05 Ph | §M O r p J Tj © fi t* & O 4 •"3 d H cri hi m 1-3 o 02 I l“3 m 02 1 ori | 02 Q 1 02 1 jL /■V 1 1 | O 1 fcq 1 as l 1 1 os* d pH O d ' — • d " t-a 02 •-3 Q 02 d 02 Hd hj OQ 02 02 GO* GO © o O i—i O 00 O co CO Os 05 05 oo 05 J> 05 (M ■m 05 05 05 05 05 Tf< 05 co 05 rH rH 1— 1 O \a vo s O fcJD B H tf M : W ' C r o 1 «?» vO ’3 ® 02 02 CO a£ K, as 0 2 ; * U 1 0 „ 4h 0 ec 6 5 j 0 0 r o ® >• ?H 5 “ C 3 n '53 ^ 8«« « 1 S 5 % 2 — < 03 0 0 03 10 w 02 vO 9 •O 02 03 03 TP O O 1-1 rH zA t-s m 1-2 02 1 j 02 02 <53 O Tit O Cj 02 vp 9 9 00 O CO HP CD 03 03 CO vO VO O CO rH hF ©3 O co 0 02 CO O O 9 9 03 9 9 O O ’ 0 0 O 0 0 VO vO OC "$l tF CO CO 9? : rH : 9 rH CO rH CO 0 0 0 O 6 m Vv VO CO 03 H® rH Ph < rH rH i-h ►4 .2 ® cs 3 0 £** 555 COMPARISON OF TESTS ON COMPLETED SECTIONS. 557 Electrical Report. o o o o 5z; o TJ1 1—1 PS <1 Q-. S o o Mean of 5 tests. t "Value given by Mr. Kingsford in certificate. t Mean of 11 tests. § Mean of 15 tests. \ ■ 1 . . ' HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. martin’s LANE.