THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 557 xb no. 63Z-GdAr Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. u. of I. Library 18 1940 NOV 1 1 1940 2 7 'JAN 3 19 17625-S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Franklin K. Lane, Secretary United States Geological Survey George Otis Smith, Director Bulletin 692 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS IN 1917 BY G. C. MARTIN AND OTHERS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 >«- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 CONTENTS. 1 XP Page. Preface, by G. C. Martin 1 Administrative report, by G. C. Martin 3 The Alaskan mining industry in 1917, by G. C. Martin 11 Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, by G. H. Canfield 43 Mining developments in the Ketchikan district, by Theodore Chapin 85 Geology and mineral resources of the west coast of Chichagof Island, by R. M. Overbeck 91 Platinum-bearing auriferous gravels of Chistochina River, by Theodore Chapin 137 Mining on Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson 143 Mineral resources of Jack Bay district and vicinity, Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson 153 Mining in central and northern Kenai Peninsula, by B. L. Johnson 175 Gold lode mining in the Willow Creek district, by S. R. Capps 177 Mineral resources of the western Talkeetna Mountains, by S. R. Capps 187 Mineral resources of the upper Chulitna region, by S. R. Capps 207 Platinum-bearing gold placers of the Kahiltna Valley, by J. B. Mertie, jr 233 Chromite deposits in Alaska, by J. B. Mertie, jr 265 Geologic problems at the Matanuska coal mines, by G. C. Martin 269 Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun islands and near Stepovak Bay, by A. G. Maddren 283 The beach placers of the west coast of Kodiak Island, by A. G. Maddren 299 Mining in the Fairbanks district, by Theodore Chapin 321 A molybdenite lode on Healy River, by Theodore Chapin 329 Mining in the Hot Springs district, by Theodore Chapin 331 Tin deposits of the Ruby district, by Theodore Chapin 337 The gold and platinum placers of the Tolstoi district, by G. L. Harrington 339 Tin mining in Seward Peninsula, by G. L. Harrington 353 Graphite mining in Seward Peninsula, by G. L. Harrington 363 The gold and platinum placers of the Kiwalik-Koyuk region, by G. L. Harring- ton 369 Index 401 Recent Survey publications on Alaska i C* III ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. Map of southeastern Alaska showing location of gaging stations. ..... II. Geologic sketch map of the west coast of Chichagof Island, Sitka district III. Geologic sketch map of Jack Bay and vicinity IV. Geologic sketch map of the western Talkeetna Mountains V. Geologic sketch map of the upper Chulitna region VI. Geologic sketch map of the Kahiltna Valley VII. Map of Alaska showing location of sulphur deposits VIII. Map of Kodiak Island IX. Geologic sketch map of the Tolstoi district X. Geologic sketch map of Kiwalik-Koyuk region Figure 1. Structure section across Slate Creek miles above its mouth 2. Index map showing location of the Jack Bay district 3. Map of the Seldovia district 4. Map of the Eska Creek coal mines 5. Structure sections at the Eska Creek coal mines - 6. Hypothetical correlation of coal beds on west bank of Eska Creek.. 7. Sketch map of Makushin Volcano and vicinity 8. Sketch map of part of Makushin Volcano showing location of sul- phur claims 9. Sketch map of sulphur area on Makushin Volcano 10. Map of Unalaska and Akun islands showing location of sulphur deposits 11. Sketch of sulphur claims on Akun Peak 12. Map of Stepovak Bay and vicinity showing location of sulphur deposits * - •••;*• 13. Sketch map showing tungsten lode claims in the Fairbanks district. Page. 44 96 158 188 208 236 284 300 340 370 138 154 266 270 272 276 284 285 286 293 294 298j 324 IV MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. By G. C. Martin and others. PREFACE. By G. C. Martin. This volume is the fourteenth of a series of annual bulletins 1 treating of the mining industry of Alaska and summarizing the results achieved during the year in the investigation of the mineral resources of the Territory. These reports are intended to give prompt publication of the more valuable economic results of the year. The time available for their preparation does not permit full office study of the field notes and specimens, and some of the state- ments made here may be subject to modification when the study has been completed. Those interested in any particular district should therefore procure a copy of the complete report on that district as soon as it is available. This volume, like the others of the series, contains an account of the mining industry, including statistics of mineral production, and also preliminary statements on investigations made by the Geological Survey. It is intended that this series of reports shall serve as convenient reference works on the mining industry for the years which they cover. It is not possible for a member of the Sur- vey to visit every mining district each year, and therefore the infor- mation used in preparing the summary on mining development is in part obtained from other reliable sources. Again, as for many years in the past, the Geological Survey is under great obligation to residents of the Territory for statistical data. Those who have thus aided include the many mine operators who have made reports on production as well as developments. There are still some Alaskan mineral producers who fail to respond to requests for information, but many prospectors, Federal officials, x The preceding volumes in this series are U. S. Geol. Survey Bulls. 259, 284, 314, 345, 379, 442, 480, 520, 542, 592, 622, 642, and 662. 5177 1 2 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. engineers, and officers of transportation and commercial companies have contributed valuable data. It is impracticable to enumerate all who have aided in this work, but it should be stated that without the assistance of these public-spirited citizens it would be impossible to prepare this report. Special acknowledgments should be made to the Director and other officers of the Mint; the officers of the Alaska customs service; Wells, Fargo & Co.; the members and officers of the Alaskan Engineering Commission ; the Alaska Mexican Gold Mining Co., Alaska United Gold Mining Co., and Alaska Tread- well Gold Mining Co., of Treadwell; B. L. Thane, of Juneau; G. H. Miller, of Skagway; George M. Esterly, of Nizina; James J. God- frey, of McCarthy; Stephen Birch, of Kennicott; John E. Hughes, of Valdez; John Ronan, of Seward; William K. McLennan, of Chisana; J. A. Kemp, of Steel Creek; Jos. Danker, of Chicken; U. G. Myers, of Eagle; Frank A. Reynolds, of Circle; First National Bank, American Bank of Alaska, Tanana Valley Railroad, A. Bruning, J. A. Fairborn, George Hutchinson, Falcon Joslin, Alex Mitchell, and R. C. Wood, of Fairbanks; Frank Hagel, of Berry; J. C. Felix, of Nenana; George L. Morrison and S. S. Rowell, of Hot Springs; A. Bock and Joseph Heller, of Tofty; George W. Ledger, of Rampart; W. H. Carney, of Tanana; Frank Cook, of Ruby; C. P. Wood and Miners & Merchants Bank, of Iditarod; Harry Fothergill, of Ophir; Harry Madison, of Tolstoi; George W. Pilcher, of Fortuna Ledge; Henry Howard, of Aniak; W. F. Green, of Tokotna; William Loisell and A. Stecker, of Quinhagak; R. W. J. Reed, of Nome; John D. Flannigan, of Council; Lars Gun- derson, of Haycock ; and Lewis Lloyd, of Shungnak. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT, By G. C. Martin. INTRODUCTION. Eleven parties were engaged during 1917 in Alaska surveys and investigations. The length of the field season ranged from 2-J to 12 months, being determined by the character of the work and by the climatic conditions prevailing in different parts of the Territory. The parties included 9 geologists, 1 topographer, 1 engineer, and 18 packers, cooks, and other auxiliaries. Nine of the parties were en- gaged in geologic surveys, one in topographic surveys, and one in stream gaging. The areas covered by reconnaissance geologic sur- veys on a scale of 1:250,000 (4 miles to an inch) amount to 1,750 square miles; by detailed geologic surveys on a scale of 1: 62,500 (1 mile to an inch), 275 square miles. Much of the time of the geolo- gists was devoted to the investigation of special problems relating to the occurrence of minerals, the results of which can not be expressed in terms of area. About 1,050 square miles was covered by reconnais- sance topographic surveys on a scale of 1:250,000 (4 miles to an inch). In cooperation with the Forest Service, stream gaging was continued in southeastern Alaska. In 1917 the entrance of the United States into the war and the beginning of the construction of the Government railroad in Alaska gave more than ordinary importance to the collection of reliable statistics of mineral occurrence and production. Many govern- mental agencies connected more or less directly with the prosecution of the war were seeking information concerning available supplies and reserves of raw material. Therefore, the greater number of the geologists assigned to Alaskan work were charged with investiga- tions of the occurrence and production of minerals of economic value, among which were tin, tungsten, platinum, copper, chrome iron ore, nickel, and sulphur. Of the five parties whose work may be classified geographically, two parties worked in southeastern Alaska, two on Prince William Sound, and one in the region tributary to the Government railroad. 3 4 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The following tables show the allotments, including both field and office work, of the total appropriation of $100,000 for the fiscal year 1917, classified by regions, by kinds of surveys, and by kinds of expenditures. In addition to these funds a balance of about $6,000 from last year’s appropriation was expended in equipping parties for the season’s field work. In the first table, the general office expenses are apportioned to the several allotments, account being taken of variations in character of work. The results are expressed in round numbers. Salaries of the permanent staff are included up to the end of the fiscal year 1918, but expenses other than these include only the cost of field and office work during 1917. The “ general investi- gations ” include, among other things, the cost of collecting mineral statistics, of office work relating to the field investigations of previous seasons, and of investigations under the direct administration of the geologic branch. A balance of about $37,300 is available for equipping the field parties in 1918. Approximate general distribution of appropriations for Alaska investigations , 1917. Southeastern Alaska $20, 30t> Prince William Sound, Copper River, and Controller Bay_ 10. 300 Cook Inlet and Susitna Basin 7, 600 Southwestern Alaska 3, 900 Yukon Basin 5, 500 Seward Peninsula 1, 900 General investigations 13, 200 To be allotted to field work, 1918 37, 300 100,000 Approximate allotments to different kinds of surveys and investigations , 1917, Reconnaissance geologic surveys $9, 100 Detailed geologic surveys 3, 400 Special geologic investigations 17, 500 Reconnaissance topographic surveys 4, 000 Investigations of water resources 5, 400 Collection of mineral statistics 1, 600 Miscellaneous, including administration, inspection, cler- ical salaries, office supplies and equipment, and map compilation 21, 700 To be allotted to field work, 1918 37, 300 100,000 Allotments for salaries and field expenses, 1917. Scientific and technical salaries $24, 964 Field expenses 18, 536 Clerical and administrative salaries and miscellaneous expenses 19, 200 To be allotted to field work, 1918 37, 300 106,000 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. 5 The following table exhibits the progress of investigations in Alaska and the annual grant of funds since systematic surveys were begun in 1898. It should be noted that a varying amount is spent each year on special investigations that yield results which can not be expressed in terms of area. Progress of surveys in Alaska, 1898-1017. Year. Areas covered by geologic surveys. Areas covered by topographic surveys/t ©8 *7? t-H r—i o 3 O 8 . ^ a -h O Water resources investiga- tions. cj a co >> c — 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 Percentage of total area of Alaska $46, 189 25. 000 60. 000 60, 000 60,000 60, 000 60, 000 80, 000 80, 000 80, 000 80, 000 90, 000 90, 000 100, 000 90, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 Sq.m. 9, 500 6, 000 3,300 6,200 6, 950 5.000 4,050 4.000 5.000 2,600 2.000 6, 100 Sq.m. Sq.m. 8,000 3, 500 1,000 6, 700 5,800 10, 050 8,000 3.500 4.100 4.000 1,400 2,850 5.500 8,635 10,550 2.000 2,950 7, 700 10, 700 5. 100 1, 750 Sq.m. 12, 840 8, 690 630 10, 200 8, 330 Sq.m. 2,070 Sq.m. Miles. 96 800 536 421 442 604 450 321 496 525 180 325 200 636 275 6,190 150 450 970 000 480 880 500 120 980 170 815 460 96 3, 400 • 600 480 787 40 501 427 444 36 246 298 287 10 12 67 86 202 95 286 457 556 703 429 309 381 1,561,189 73,200 101,285 5,507 51,680 148,030 3,731 453 12.48 1. 727 0. 94 8. 81 25.24 0. 64 a The Coast and Geodetic and International Boundary surveys and the General Land Office have also made topographic surveys in Alaska. The areas covered by these surveys are, of course, not included in these totals. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF INVESTIGATIONS. GENERAL WORK. Alfred H. Brooks, geologist in charge of the division of Alaskan mineral resources, was engaged in office and administrative work until May IT, when he entered the military service as captain of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, and was assigned to active duty in France, where he is now serving as lieutenant colonel. His time in office in the early part of 1917 was divided as follows: Fifty 6 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. days to routine and administrative work, 23-| days to the preparation of the progress report, 3J days to writing a pamphlet on mineral supplies of Alaska, 6| days to a memorial of Dr. C. Willard Hayes, 5 days to compilation of mineral statistics of Alaska, 2J days to the critical reading of manuscript, 5J days to field plans, 2 days to scien- tific meetings, 2^ days to study of the physiography of Alaska, and 11 days to matters connected with military service. The writer has been acting geologist in charge of the Alaska divi- sion since May 17. He was engaged in office work till August 1, when he started for Alaska. Two days were spent in Juneau, collecting data on mining developments. The time from August 15 to 21 was spent in the Katalla oil field. The time from August 26 to September 6 was devoted to a field conference with the engineer in charge of the Government coal mines in the Matanuska Valley. A brief visit was then made to the Nenana coal field. He returned to Washington on October 11. In the office the writer devoted his time to the following work: Forty-seven days to study of notes and preparation of report on the Nenana coal field, 22 days to report on upper Matanuska region, 43 days to compilation of data for use in establishing leasing units in the Nenana coal field, 5 days to preparation of memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior on the Nenana coal field, 13 days to preparation of memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior on the Matanuska coal field, 5 days to proof reading, 2 days to study of Alaska stratigraphy, and 9 days to the Alaska press bulletin. During the writer’s absence in Alaska F. H. Moffit was acting geologist in charge and devoted considerable time to executive work. Since June 11, 1917, most of Mr. Moffit’s time has been given to as- sisting Maj. Bagley in his investigations of airplane mapping, and since November he has devoted himself exclusively to that work. R. H. Sargent continued the general supervision of the Alaska topographic surveys and map compilation until May 26, when he was furloughed to accept a scientific position abroad. He has since returned to the Survey and is doing topographic work in the North- western States. E. M. Aten continued as office assistant to the acting geologist in charge and assisted in the collection of statistics of production of precious metals in Alaska until July 13, when he went into the mili- tary service as captain in the Quartermaster Corps, United States Army. After that date Miss L. M. Graves took up Mr. Aten’s ad- ministrative duties and T. R. Burch assisted in the collection and com- pilation of the mineral statistics. J. W. Bagley’s investigations of photo-topographic methods were early recognized as of potential military value. Both he and F. H. Moffit devoted considerable time to this work early in the year and on ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. 7 June 22 Mr. Bagley received a commission as captain (now major) of engineers. Since that date he has devoted all his time to airplane mapping work. He has been assisted by Mr. Moffit, Capt. C. E. Giffin, and J. B. Mertie. A systematic investigation of the heavy placer minerals of Alaska was begun by G. L. Harrington and J. B. Mertie, jr., during the year. This work has already yielded results of considerable value. Platinum was found in concentrate from Aloric River in the Kus- kokwim Delta and also from Marshall. Tin ore (cassiterite) was found in concentrates from Yentna River in such amount as to indi- cate that it possibly occurs in commercial quantities. Cassiterite was also found in small quantities in concentrates from Boob Creek in the Tolstoi district, from Willow Creek near Nome, and from Riglagalik River in the Ivuskokwim Delta. Scheelite was deter- mined in a number of concentrates from the vicinity of Nome and from Bonanza Creek at the base of Seward Peninsula. These lo- calities are not new but are important as indicating that the mineral may occur in sufficient amount to be a valuable by-product of placer mining. Scheelite was also found at a new locality on Jack Wade Creek. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. Field work in southeastern Alaska included special investigations of Paleozoic stratigraphy and paleontology by Edwin Kirk, a contin- uation of the geologic reconnaissance of the Ketchikan district by Theodore Chapin, a reconnaissance of parts of Chichagof Island with special investigations of the nickel deposits by R. M. Overbeck, a reconnaissance of Lituya Bay and special investigations of the iron ores of the Ketchikan district and of mining conditions in the Juneau district by J. B. Mertie, jr., and a continuation of the investigation of water resources by G. H. Canfield. Studies of the ore deposits and mining developments in the Ketchikan district were continued by Theodore Chapin, who de- voted the time from July 10 to 20 and from September 25 to No- vember 4 to this work. Especial attention was given to the copper deposits. An investigation of the reported occurrence of platinum at Lituya Bay was made by J. B. Mertie, jr., in July. Mr. Mertie also in- vestigated the iron ores of southeastern Alaska in October. A reconnaissance of the geology and mineral deposits of the Sitka district, with especial reference to the nickel-bearing copper ore on the west side of Chichagof Island, was made by R. M. Overbeck. The investigation of the water resources of southeastern Alaska, begun in 1915 under a cooperative agreement with the Forest Service, was continued throughout 1917. G. H. Canfield, who had charge of 8 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . this work, maintained IT automatic gages throughout the year. In addition to these gages 8 others were installed in cooperation with individuals and corporations. The results are briefly summarized in another section of this report. This work dould not have been carried on without the cordial cooperation of the Forest Service, many members of which have given substantial aid ; particular acknowledgment should be made to W. G. Weigle, special agent at Ketchikan, and to Leonard Lundgren, district engineer at Port- land, Oreg. A study of the Paleozoic rocks of southeastern Alaska was as- signed to Edwin Kirk in the summer of 1917. He left Washington July 1 and remained in the field until the later part of September studying the stratigraphy and making large collections of fossils from localities in southeastern Alaska. PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND AND COPPER RIVER REGION. Mr. B. L. Johnson in 1917 continued his investigations of mining developments in the Prince William Sound region and the eastern part of Kenai Peninsula. He also made a detailed survey of part of the Jack Bay district. Mr. Johnson devoted the time from July 14 to October 19 to this work. The reconnaissance topographic survey of the Prince William Sound region, which w T as begun several years ago, was extended eastward by D. C. Witherspoon in 1917. The season’s work com- prised 1,000 square miles, including the eastern shore line of Prince William Sound from Fidalgo Bay to the entrance of Orca Inlet, which was mapped on a scale of 1 : 250,000. In addition, Mr. Wither- spoon surveyed the eastern end of Hawkins Island. A brief investigation of the reported nickel ore in the Copper Biver valley was made by R. M. Overbeck, who devoted a few days in August to this work. COOK INLET, SUSITNA REGION, AND SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA. The progress of construction of the Government railroad in Alaska created a demand for information on the geology and min- eral resources of the region tributary thereto. S. R. Capps was charged with the investigation of an area tributary to the railroad in the upper Susitna Valley. Between July 1 and September 7 he made geologic reconnaissance surveys covering an area of more than 1,500 miles on a scale of 1:250,000, and also investigated the copper and gold lodes of the western Talkeetna Mountains and of the Willow Creek district. Investigations of the platinum deposits of the Yentna district and of the chromite deposits of lower Cook Inlet were made by Mr. Mertie. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. 9 The sulphur deposits of Makushin and Akun islands and near Stepovak Bay were investigated by A. G. Maddren. Mr. Maddren also made a brief visit to the beach placers on the west side of Kodiak Island. His field work extended from July 21 to Sep- tember 22. YUKON REGION. The work in the Yukon region included special investigations of the tungsten, tin, and platinum deposits of the Fairbanks, Hot Springs, and Ruby districts by Theodore Chapin ; a special investiga- tion of platinum deposits in the Tolstoi district by G. L. Harrington ; and an examination of the coal along the main line of the railroad west of Nenana River by G. C. Martin. No areal surveys were undertaken. SEWARD PENINSULA. Work on the Seward Peninsula included investigations by G. L. Harrington of the gold and platinum placers of the Candle and Koyuk districts, of the placer and lode tin and the graphite of the York district and Imuruk basin, and of the general mining devel- opments. No areal surveys were made. COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. The collection of statistics of production of metals in Alaska, begun by the Alaska division in 1905, was continued as usual. Pre- liminary estimates of mineral production for 1917 were published on January 1, 1918. PUBLICATIONS. During 1917 the Survey published 1 bulletin and 1 water-sup- ply paper relating to Alaska. In addition, 2 professional papers and 5 bulletins were in press, and 21 reports, including this volume, were in preparation at the end of the year. Five topographic maps were in press at the end of the year. REPORTS ISSUED. Bulletin 657. The use of the panoramic camera in topographic surveying, with notes on the application of photogrammetry to aerial surveys, by J. W. Bagley. Water-Supply Paper 418. Mineral springs of Alaska, by G. A. Waring. REPORTS IN PRESS. Professional Paper 109. The Canning River region, northern Alaska, by E. DeK. Leffingwell. Professional Paper 120-D. The structure and stratigraphy of Gravina and Revillagigedo islands, Alaska, by Theodore Chapin. (Published Aug. 22, 1918.) Bulletin 655. The Lake Clark-Central Kuskokwim region, Alaska, by P. S. Smith. (Published Apr. 17, 1918.) 10 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Bulletin 662. Mineral resources of Alaska, 1916, by Alfred H. Brooks and others. (Published Aug. 1, 1918.) Bulletin 667. The Cosna-Nowitna region, Alaska, by H. M. Eakin. (Pub- lished Apr. 12, 1918.) Bulletin 668. The Nelchina-Susitna region, Alaska, by Theodore Chapirw Bulletin 675. The upper Chitina Valley, Alaska, by F. H. Moffit, with a description of the igneous rocks, by R. M. Overbeck. (Published June 26, 1918.) REPORTS IN PREPARATION. Bulletin 664. The Nenana coal field, Alaska, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 682. The marble resources of southeastern Alaska, by E. F. Buc- chard. Bulletin 683. The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska, by G. L. Harrington. Bulletin 687. The Kantishna region, Alaska, by S. R. Capps. The lower Kuskokwim region, by A. G. Maddren. The Kotsina-Kuskulana district, by F. H. Moffit. The upper Matanuska basin, by G. C. Martin. Geology of the Glacier Bay and Lituya region, Alaska, by F. E. Wright and C. W. Wright. Geology of the region along the international boundary from Porcupine River to the Arctic Ocean, by A. G. Maddren. The Porcupine district, Alaska, by H. M. Eakin. The Yakataga district, Alaska, by A. G. Maddren. The Mesozoic stratigraphy of Alaska, by G. C. Martin. The Port Valdez and Jack Bay district, Alaska, by B. L. Johnson. The Ruby-Kuskokwim region, Alaska, by J. B. Mertie, jr., and G. L. Har- rington. The Cretaceous and Tertiary flora of Alaska, by Arthur Hollick. The Ketchikan district, Alaska, by Theodore Chapin. The geology and mineral resources of Latouche and Knight Island districts, Alaska, by B. L. Johnson. A geologic reconnaissance in the northern part of the Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, by Eliot Blackwelder. The western Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska, by S. R. Capps. The Juneau district, Alaska, by A. C. Spencer and H. M. Eakin. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN PRESS. Lower Matanuska Valley, by R. H. Sargent ; scale, 1 : 62,500 ; contour inter- val, 50 feet. Sale edition. (Issued Feb. 28, 1918.) Reconnaissance map of Cosna-Nowitna region, Alaska, by H. M. Eakin, C. E. Giffin, and R. B. Oliver ; Yukon River from Fort Gibbon to Nowitna River from Alaska Road Commission; scale, 1:250,000; contour interval, 200 feet. (Issued April 12, 1918, as Plate I, Bulletin 667.) Reconnaissance map of Lake Clark-Central Kuskokwim region, Alaska, by R. H. Sargent, D. C. Witherspoon, and C. E. Giffin; scale, 1:250,000; contour in- terval, 200 feet. (Published Apr. 17, 1918, as Plate I, Bulletin 655.) Reconnaissance map of Upper Chitina Valley, Alaska, by International Boundary Commission, F. H. Moffit, D. C. Witherspoon, and T. G. Gerdine ; scale, 1:250,000; contour interval, 200 feet. (Issued June 26, 1918, as Plate I, Bulletin 675.) Juneau and vicinity Alaska, by D. C. Witherspoon, control by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, D. C. Witherspoon, and Alaska Gastineau Mining Co. ; scale, 1:24,000; contour interval, 50 feet. Sale edition. Issued July 27, 1918.) THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917, By G. C. Martin. GENERAL. FEATURES. The mineral production of Alaska in 1917 is valued at $40,700,212. This output is less than that for 1916, which was $48,632,138, but is greater than that of any other year. The decrease is chiefly in copper, production of which fell from 119,602,028 pounds, valued at $29,484,291, in 1916, to 88,783,400 pounds, valued at $24,240,598, in 1917. The reduction in the output of copper was due largely to labor troubles, which included a strike at the Kennecott mine and shortage of labor at other mines. The production of gold fell off about $2,500,000 and is the smallest since 1904. The reduction in the output of gold is due chiefly to curtailment of operations be- cause of the scarcity of labor and the high cost of materials but is also due in part to the disaster at the Treadwell mine and the de- pletion of some of the richer placers. There was a reduction in the output of silver, which was due to the decrease in production of gold and copper. The value of silver produced in Alaska in 1917 was, however, the greatest in the history of mining in the Territory. The production of lead increased somewhat. The production of tin showed a considerable decrease, although the value of tin produced was greater than ever before. The production of antimony fell to very small proportions, owing to the inability of the producers in the interior of Alaska to compete with the cheaper foreign product. The production of coal was the largest in the history of mining in Alaska, owing to the beginning of commercial mining in the Mata- nuska field. Tungsten mining continued in the Fairbanks district and the Seward Peninsula on about the same scale as in the preceding year. Petroleum continued to be produced from the single patented claim near Katalla, and the local refinery was operated on about the customary scale. The production of marble and gypsum in south- eastern Alaska was somewhat less than in 1916. The year 1917 marks the beginning of the production of chromite in Alaska. The production of platinum, which was begun in 1916, continued on an increased scale. The production of platinum was chiefly from the Chistochina district and from Seward Peninsula, but small amounts 11 12 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. were also produced at other localities, and discoveries of platinum were recorded at many localities in different parts of Alaska. It is believed that these discoveries forecast the beginning of regular platinum production in Alaska, at least on a small scale. The statistics for the mineral production of Alaska for the last three years are given in the following table. The output of marble, gypsum, petroleum, and certain other substances is given as a single item, because a separate listing might reveal the production of in- dividual properties. Mineral output of Alaska, 1915, 1916, and 1917. 1915 1916 1917 Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Gold fine ounces. . Silver do Copper pounds.. Tin, metallic tons.. Antimony, crude ore do Lead short tons.. Coal do Marble, gypsum, petroleum, platinum, tungsten, chro- mium, and graphite 807,966 1.071,782 86, 509,312 102 833 437 1,400 $16,702,144 543,393 15, 139, 129 78,846 74,000 41,118 3,300 a 272, 299 834,068 1,379,171 119,602,028 139 1,458 820 12,200 $17,241,713 907,554 29, 484, 291 121,000 134,000 109, 120 55,000 b 579,500 709,050 1, 239, 150 88,793,400 100 165 852 53,955 $14,657,353 1,021,060 24,240, 598 123,300 28,000 146,584 265,317 218,000 32,854,229 48,632,178 40, 700,212 a No platinum, chromium, or tungsten included. b No chromium included. Regular mining may be said to have begun in Alaska in 1880, when the Juneau gold placers were first exploited. It is estimated that since that time mineral wealth has been produced to the value of more than $390,000,000. This output, by years and substances, is summarized in the following table : Value of total mineral production of Alaska, 1880-1917. By years. By substances. 1880-1890 $4,686,714 1891 916,920 1904 $9,569,715 1905 16,480,762 Gold $292,758,009 Si her 4,750,525 18SS 1,098,400 1893 1,051,610 1894 1,312,567 1895 2,388,042 1896 2,981,877 1897 2,540,401 1898 2,587,815 1899 5,706,226 1900 8,241,734 1901 7,010,838 1902 8,403,153 1903 8,944,134 1906 23,378,428 1907 20,850,235 1908 20,145,632 1909 21,146,953 1910 16,887,244 1911 20,691,241 1912 22,536,849 1914 19,065,666 1915 32,854,229 1916 48,632,212 1917 40,700,205 Copper 88,644,470 Tin 703, 152 Antimony 236,000 Lead.../. 363,964 Coal 686,150 Marble, gypsum, pe- troleum, etc 2, 143, 861 390,286,131 390,286, 131 THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 13 GOLD AND SILVER. The following table gives an estimate of the total production of gold and silver since the beginning of mining in 1880. For the earlier years, the figures, especially for the silver, are probably far from being correct, but they are based on the best information now available. Gold and silver produced in Alaska, 1880-1917. 18S0. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903 . 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Gold. Silver. Quantity (fine ounces). Value. Quantity (fine ounces). Commer- cial value. 967 $20,000 1,935 40,000 7,256 150,000 14, 561 9,724 301.000 201.000 10,320 $11, 146 14,512 300,000 21,575 446,000 32,653 675,000 41,119 850,000 2,320 2, 181 43,538 900,000 8,000 7,490 36,862 762,000 7,500 6,071 43, 538 900,000 8,000 7,920 52,245 1,080,000 8,000 7,000 50,213 1,038,000 8,400 6,570 62,017 1,282,000 22,261 14,257 112,642 2,328,500 67,200 44,222 138, 401 2,861,000 145,300 99,087 118,011 2,439,500 116,400 70,741 121,760 2,517,000 92,400 54,575 270,997 5,602,000 140, 100 84,276 395,030 8, 166,000 73,300 45,494 335,369 6,932,700 47,900 28,598 400,709 8,283,400 92,000 48,590 420,069 8,683,600 143,600 77,843 443,115 9, 160,000 198, 700 114,934 756, 101 15, 630,000 132, 174 80,165 1,066,030 22,036,794 203,500 136,345 936,043 19,349, 743 149, 784 98,857 933,290 19,292,818 135,672 71,906 987,417 20,411,716 147,950 76,934 780, 131 16,126,749 157,850 85,239 815,276 16,853,256 460,231 243,923 829, 436 17, 145, 951 515, 186 316,839 755,947 15,626,813 362,563 218,988 762,596 15,764,259 394,805 218,327 807, 966 16,702, 144 1,071,782 543,393 834,068 17,241,713 1,379,171 907,554 709, 050 14,657,353 1,239, 150 1,021,060 14, 162, 169 292,758,009 7,541,519 4,750,525 The subjoined table gives an estimate, based on the best available data, of the source of the gold and silver produced in Alaska since mining began in 1880. About $65,100,000 worth of gold, or nearly one-third of the total estimated output, was produced before 1905, and there is but scant information about its source. For the period since that time fairly complete statistical returns are available, and it is probable that the figures presented in the following table are sufficiently accurate to be valuable. The figures given for the silver recovered from placer gold and from siliceous ores are probably less accurate than those for the gold. Copper mining did not begin in Alaska until 1901, and the figures for gold and silver derived from 115086°— 19 2 14 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. this industry, as now presented, are therefore a close approximation to the actual output. Estimated sources of gold and silver produced in Alaska, 1880-1917. Gold. Silver. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value Siliceous ores a Fine ounces. 4,066, 033 75, 593 10,020,543 $84, 052, 353 1, 562, 664 207, 142,992 Fine ounces. 1, 229, 825 4, 608,461 1,703,323 $841,332 2,947,429 961,764 Copper ores Placers 14, 162, 169 292, 758,009 7,541,609 4,750,525 a Including small amounts of lead ore. The above table shows that about 28J per cent of the total gold pro- duction of Alaska has been obtained from the auriferous lode mines (siliceous ores). In 1917 the lode-gold production was 31 per cent; in 1916, 38 per cent; in 1915, 37 per cent; in 1914, 32 per cent; in 1913, 31.6 per cent; and in 1912, 29 per cent. In the following table the production of precious metals in 1917 has been distributed as to sources: Sources of gold and silver produced in Alaska, 1917. ■ Total quantity. Gold. Silver. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value Siliceous ores Copper ores Placers Tom. 3,414,660 659,951 Fine ounces. 221, 507 12,829 474,559 155 $4,578,930 265, 223 9,810,000 3,200 Fine ounces. 131, 503 1,040, 185 64,410 3,052 $108,358 857, 113 53,074 2,515 Lead and lead-copper ores 46 4,074,657 709,050 14,657,353 1,239, 150 1,021,060 Thirty-one gold-lode mines were operated in 1917. There was also a production from nine prospects or small mines that were not in regular operation. Twenty-nine mines were operated in 1916. The value of the lode gold output decreased from $5,912,736 in 1916 to $4,581,453 in 1917. Southeastern Alaska, especially the Juneau dis- trict, is still the only center of large quartz-mining developments in the Territory. Next in importance is the Willow Creek lode dis- trict. There was also considerable gold lode mining on Prince Wil- liam Sound. The production in the Fairbanks district increased slightly, but lode mine owners of Fairbanks are still awaiting the cheapening of operating costs, especially of fuel, which will be brought about by the Government railroad. Of the producing mines 10 were in southeastern Alaska, 3 on Prince William Sound, 4 on Kenai Peninsula, 5 in the Willow Creek district, and 9 in the Fair- banks district. In 1917 the average value of the gold and silver con- THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 15 tents for all siliceous ores mined was $1.37 a ton; the average for 1916 was $1.70 a ton. These averages reflect the dominance in the total lode production of the large tonnage produced from the low- grade ores of the Juneau district. The production by districts of gold and silver in 1917 from gold lode mines, including small amounts from lead-silver mines which can not be given separately without disclosing individual produc- tions, is given in the following table : Production of gold and silver from gold lode mines by districts, 1917. District. Mines operated. Ore mined (short tons). Gold. Silver. Average value of ore in gold and silver. Fine ounces. Value. Fine ounces. Value. Southeastern Alaska 10 3,400,120 205,107 $4, 239, 914 129,691 $106, 865 $1.28 Prince William Sound ® 3 5,350 4,509 93,208 697 575 17.53 Kenai Peninsula 4 140 223 4,614 124 102 33.68 Willow Creek 5 7,885 9, 466 195, 662 713 588 24.89 Fairbanks district b e 9 1,200 2,311 47,781 2,217 1,827 41.34 Seward Peninsula d CO 5 13 274 145 119 78.60 13 3,414, 700 221,629 4,581,453 133, 587 110, 076 1.37 a Also 5 prospects. b Includes some lead ore. e Also 2 prospects. d Lead ore. « One prospect on Seward Peninsula; also 1 shipment from an unknown locality. The value of the output of placer gold in Alaska in 1917 was about $9,810,000 ; in 1916 it was $11,140,000. The decrease Was due chiefly to restriction of operations because of the high cost of sup- plies and the scarcity of labor. These adverse conditions were felt in all parts of Alaska and everywhere tended to reduce the output of gold. Production was increased only where local conditions per- mitted an expansion of the industry in spite of increased costs. Such conditions existed in some of the newly discovered camps, and con- sequently there was an increase in the output of placer gold in the Tolovana, Marshall, Tolstoi, and Koyuk or Dime Creek districts. The production of the Ruby district increased slightly, owing to the very successful operation of the Greenstone dredge. There was also an apparent increase in the output of the Kuskokwim region, but this may be due to underestimates of the production of the previous year. It is estimated that about 610 placer mines were operated in the summer of 1917 and 200 during the previous winter, but many for only a part of the season. About 3,550 men were engaged in pro- ductive placer mining in the summer and 950 in the winter. In addition, several hundred men were engaged in prospecting or other nonproductive work relating to placer mining. The only new placer- bearing areas discovered during 1917 were in the Kuskokwim region, and these have not as yet made any large production. 16 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The following table shows approximately the total bulk of gravel mined annually and the value of the gold recovered per cubic yard. The table is based in part on returns made by placer mine operators and in part on certain other information which is not available this year. The figures for 1917 are based on an assumption that the ratio of the recovery per cubic yard for the mines which supplied complete information to the recovery per cubic yard for all mines is the same as in 1916. Although the table is thus only approximately correct, the amounts given are probably near the true figures. Estimated amount of gravel sluiced in Alaskan placer mines and value of gold recovered, 1908-1917. Year. Total quan- tity of gravel. Value of gold re- covered per cubic yard. Year. Total quan- tity of gravel. Value of gold re- covered per cubic yard. 1908 Cubic yards. 4.275.000 4.418. 000 4. 036. 000 5.790.000 7.050.000 $3. 74 3. 66 2. 97 2.17 1.70 1913 Cubic yards. 6, 800, 000 8. 500. 000 8. 100. 000 7. 100.000 5. 900. 000 $1.57 1.26 1.29, 1.57 1.68 1909 1914 1910 1915 1911 1916 1912 1917 The above table shows that from 1908 to 1914 there was a decline in the average gold content of the gravels mined. This decline re- flects the improved methods of placer mining that have been intro- duced, especially in the use of dredges. If data were available on the average recovery of gold previous to 1908 a far greater decline w^ould be noted. The rise of the average recovery from 1914 to 1917 is due largely to the fact that the Alaskan dredges were for the most part working on far richer placers. This change is also influenced by the fact that in 1916 and 1917 a larger percentage of the placer gold came from the rich deposits of the newer districts, where recoveries of $7 to $20 a cubic yard are not uncommon. In the final analysis the movement of the miners away from the lower-grade placers, made evident by the average recoveries for 1915 to 1917, is the result of the present economic conditions, which affect gold mining more adversely than most other industries. Thirty-six gold dredges were operated in Alaska in 1917, two more than in 1916. Twenty-eight dredges were in Seward Peninsula, three in the Iditarod, and one each in the Ruby, Fairbanks, Circle, Forty- mile, and Yentna districts. These dredges produced about $2,500,000 worth of gold and handled about 3,700,000 cubic yards of gravel. In 1916 the 34 dredges handled about 3,900,000 cubic yards of gravel and recovered gold worth $2,679,000. The average recovery of gold per cubic yard was about 67£ cents in 1917 and 69 cents in 1916. The gold dredges of Seward Peninsula made an average recovery of 49 cents a cubic yard in 1917 and 53 cents in 1916. The dredges of the Alaska Yukon districts are working on placers of relatively high THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 17 gold tenor. The value of gold recovered per cubic yard in 1917 was about 94 cents ; in 1916, about 85 cents. Though dredges were built for use in the Alaska Yukon as early as 1898 and at Nome in 1900, this method of placer mining did not reach a profitable stage until 1903, when two small dredges were suc- cessfully operated in Seward Peninsula. Dredging began in the Fortymile district in 1907; in the Iditarod, Birch Creek, and Fair- banks districts in 1912 ; and in the Yentna district in 1916. Up to the end of 1917 gold to the value of $17,610,000 has been mined by dredges. The distribution of this output by years is shown in the following table: Estimate of gold produced from dredge mining in Alaska, 1903-1917. Year. Number of dredges operated. Value of gold output. Year. Number of dredges operated. Value of gold output. 1903 2 $20,000 25.000 40.000 120, 000 250.000 171.000 425.000 800.000 1,500,000 1912 38 $2,200,000 2,200,000 2.350.000 2.330.000 2.679.000 2.500.000 1904 3 1913 36 1905 3 1914 42 1906 3 1915 35 1907 4 1916 34 1908 4 1917 36 1909 14 18 1910 17,610,000 1911 27 COPPER. The copper production of Alaska in 1917 was about 88,793,400 pounds, valued at about $24,240,598. This is less than the production in 1916, which was 119,854,839 pounds, valued at $29,484,291, but is greater than the production of any other year. The reduction in total output for the year was due largely to scarcity of labor and to a strike at the Kennecott-Bonanza mine. During the year 17 copper mines were operated, compared with 18 in 1916. Of these mines seven are in Ketchikan district, seven in the Prince William Sound district, and three in the Chitina district. Small shipments of copper were also made from nine prospects or mines not in regular operation. The output of the Alaska copper mines by districts is shown in the following table: Output of Alaska copper mines by districts in 1917. Mines. Ore (tons). Copper. Gold. Silver. Pounds. Value. Fine ounces. Value. Fine ounces. Value. Ketchikan district o7 b 3 d 7 41,060 267,541 351,356 2,646,553 70,587,110 15,559,737 $722,509 19,270,281 4, 247, 808 2,338 $48,337 6 217,557 20,500 887,880 132,773 $16,891 731,614 109, 405 Chitina district Prince William Sound c. . . 16,524 659,957 88,793,400 24,240,598 12,862 265,900 1,041,153 857,910 « Also small shipments from two prospects. b Also a small amount of placer copper and small shipments from four prospects, c Including a small amount from Cook Inlet. d Also small shipments from three prospects. 18 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The average copper content of the ores mined in 1917 was 6.4 per cent. The ores also yielded an average of $0,382 in gold and $1,233 in silver. The average yield for 1916 was 9.7 per cent of copper and $1.60 to the ton in gold and silver. The decrease in the content of copper for 1917 was due to the smaller proportion of high-grade Kennecott ores in the total production. The following table shows the total production of copper in Alaska by years: Copper produced in Alaska, 1880-1917. Year. Ore mined. Copper produced. 1880 1881-1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 Tons. a 40, 000 52, 199 105, 729 98,927 51,509 34, 669 39,365 68,975 93,452 135, 756 153, 605 369, 600 617, 264 659,957 2,521,007 Quantity. Pounds. 3,933 250.000 360.000 1,200,000 2,043,586 4, 805, 236 5,871,811 6,308,786 4,585,362 4, 124, 705 4,241,689 27,267,878 29,230,491 21,659,958 21,450, 628 86,509,312 119, 654, 839 88,793,400 428,561,614 Value. $826 40,000 41,400 156,000 275, 676 749,617 1, 133,260 1,261,757 605,267 536,211 538,695 3,408,485 4,823,031 3,357,293 2,852,934 15, 139, 129 29,484,291 24,240,598 88, 644,470 a Estimated. Among the noteworthy features of copper mining in Alaska in 1917 was the continued enormous output of the Kennecott-Bonanza mine in the Chitina district, which, as in previous years, over- shadowed all other operations. The total output of the coastal mines increased in 1917, largely owing to the increased production of the Beatson mine, but the aggregate production of the so-called inde- pendent mines was also larger than in 1916 in spite of the shortage of labor and ships. The heavy production from the smaller low- grade mines is, of course, due to the high price of copper and will not be maintained by all of them. However, some of the mines which are now being placed on a productive basis or on an enlarged capacity under the stimulus of high prices will probably be able to maintain their output with copper at a lower price, and the copper industry of Alaska will in general continue to advance, although there will doubtless be temporary setbacks. Work preparatory to the production of copper was continued energetically on several of THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917 . 19 the nonproducing mines and prospects in all three of the Alaska copper districts. No important new discoveries were reported. LEAD. The production of lead in Alaska in 1917 is estimated at 852 tons, valued at $146,584. This is the largest production in the history of mining in Alaska. The production of 1916, which was larger than that of any previous year, was 820 tons, valued at $113,160. Lead in Alaska is still, as in past years, derived chiefly from the con- centrates of the gold mines at Juneau. The production of lead in 1917 includes small amounts derived from the galena ores of the Fairbanks district and Seward Peninsula and from copper-lead ores of southeastern Alaska. Though silver-lead ores are found in many parts of Alaska, most of the deposits have not yet been opened on a commercial basis. The following table shows the production of lead in Alaska, so far as it can be determined from available data : Estimate of lead produced in Alaska, 1892-1917. Year. Quantity. Value. 1892 Tons. 30 $2,400 3,040 2,310 1906. 1893 40 1907. 1894 . . 35 1908. 1895 20 1,320 1909. 1896 30 1,800 1910. 1897 30 2, 160 2, 240 1911. 1898 30 1912. 1899 35 3, 150 3,440 1913. 1900 40 1914. 1901 40 3,440 2,460 2,520 1915. 1902 30 1916. 1903 30 1917. 1904 30 2,580 1905 30 2,620 Quantity. V alue. Tons. 30 $3,420 30 3, 180 40 3,360 69 5,934 75 6,600 51 4,59o 45 4,050 6 588 28 1,344 437 41,118 820 113,160 852 146, 584 2,933 369,348 TIN. The Alaskan mines produced about 100 tons of metallic tin, valued at $123,300, in 1917, compared with 139 tons, valued at $121,000, in 1916. The decrease was due in part to unusually heavy rains, which interfered with the work of the Seward Peninsula dredges, and in part to the cessation of large gold-mining operations in the Hot Springs district on account of the high cost and scarcity of supplies and labor. Not all of the tin ore mined in 1917 was shipped, for Knopf 1 estimates that the ore mined and shipped in 1917 yielded about 80 tons of metallic tin. This amount is considerably smaller than that given by the collector of customs, who states that 219 long tons of tin ore, containing 219,894 pounds (about 110 short tons) of 1 Knopf, Adolph, U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Resources, 1917, pt. 1, p. 63, 1919. 20 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. metallic tin, was shipped during 1917. The difference is probably due to the fact that a large amount of ore mined in 1916 was not shipped till 1917. The following table shows the production of tin in Alaska since 1902 : Tin produced in Alaska, 1902-1917. Year Quantity. Value Year. Quantity. Value. 1902 Tons. 15 25 14 6 34 22 25 11 10 $8,000 14,000 8,000 4,000 38,640 16,752 15, 180 7,638 8,335 1911 Tons. 61 130 69 104 102 139 100 $52,798 96,000 44, 103 66,560 78,846 121,000 123,300 1903 1912 1904 1913 1905 1914 1906 1915 1907 1916 1908 1917 1909 867 703, 152 1910 Most of the tin ore mined in 1917 came from the placers of the York district, Seward Peninsula, where two dredges and some sluic- ing yielded about 146 tons of tin ore. The gold placer mines of the Hot Springs district yielded about 25 tons of stream tin. Some development work was done on the tin lode claims of the York district, but no ore was milled or shipped. In the Hot Springs district there appears to be a considerable amount of stream tin in the old tailings and in the unworked ground. Prospecting in 1917 showed that both gold and stream tin occur in the basin of Sullivan Creek, considerably below the area which has been mined. Pros- pecting on Midnight Creek in the Ruby district has shown the pres- ence of tin at several places. The systematic examination of placer concentrates by the United States Geological Survey has shown that tin ore (cassiterite) exists in considerable amounts and possibly in commercial quantities in the placers of the Yentna district. This locality is a new one for tin ore and is the first at which tin ore has been authentically reported south of the Alaska Range. Cassiterite was also found in concen- trates from Boob Creek in the Tolstoi district, from Willow Creek near Nome, and from Riglagalik River in the Kuskokwim Delta. The occurrence on Boob Creek possibly indicates an extension of the previously known area that contains tin in the Ruby-Poorman dis- trict. TUNGSTEN. The production of tungsten in Alaska in 1917 is estimated at about 28 tons of scheelite concentrates valued at about $45,000. The Fair- banks district and Seward Peninsula were the principal producers of tungsten in Alaska in 1917. In the Fairbanks district two tung- sten mines are in course of development. At one of these mines one THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917 . 21 unit of a 75-ton mill is in operation and late in the summer was turning out several hundred pounds of scheelite concentrates daily. At the other mine a similar mill was in course of construction. Un- derground work was in progress at both mines. The present indi- cations give promise of a large increase in the production of tung- sten in the Fairbanks district. In Seward Peninsula tungsten was produced principally by sluicing the residual scheelite-bearing lode material in Sophie Gulch. Smaller quantities were recovered as the result of placer mining at other localities. As a result of the examination of placer concentrates by the United States Geological Survey, scheelite was determined in a number of concentrates from the vicinity of Nome and from Bonanza Creek at the base of Seward Peninsula. These localities are not new but are nevertheless of importance, as there appears to be a possibility of the production of scheelite as a valuable by-product of placer gold mining. A new locality, on Jack Wade Creek, in the Forty mile district, was found for this mineral. ANTIMONY. The Alaska output of antimony in 1917 was about 165 tons of crude ore worth about $28,000. The entire output came from the Fairbanks district and part of it was derived from reworking of old tailings. Production of antimony in Alaska, 1915-1917. Year Quantity of crude ore. Value. 1915 Tons. 833 1,458 165 $74,000 134,000 28,000 1916 1917 2,456 236,000 PLATINUM. It is estimated that the output of platinum in Alaska in 1917 was about 81 ounces of crude platinum valued at about $5,500. The largest productions were from Dime Creek on Seward Peninsula, from Boob Creek in the Tolstoi district, and from Slate Creek in the Chistochina district. Small amounts were produced from Sweep- stakes Creek in Seward Peninsula and from the beach placers of Kodiak Island. Platinum is proving to be very widely distributed in Alaska. In addition to the localities at which it has been previously recorded, 1 it has been found as a result of the systematic investigation of placer concentrates by the Geological Survey in concentrates from Aloric 1 U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 662, pp. 21-25, 1918; U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 666-P, p. 8, 1917. 22 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. River in the Ivuskokwim Delta and from the Marshall district. It has also been reported from the placers of Anvik River and of Valdez Creek, but these reports have not been confirmed. CHROMITE. The first production of chromite in Alaska was in 1917, when ship- ments were made from Port Chatham near the lower end of Cook Inlet. The Cook Inlet deposits have been known 1 for a number of years, but were reexamined in 1917 by J. B. Mertie, jr., 2 who has written a paper on the subject which appears elsewhere in this volume. NICKEL. Nickel ore has been reported at three localities in Alaska — on the west coast of Chichagof Island, near Copper River, and on Knight Island, Prince William Sound. The deposits on Chichagof Island and near Copper River were examined in the summer of 1917 by R. M. Overbeck, 3 who has written an account which appears else- where in this volume. A brief statement of the results of that examination follows: The nickel deposits of Chichagof Island are situated on the west coast of the island about 3 miles northwest of Pinta Bay, or about 65 miles northwest of Sitka. The developments consisted in 1917 of a 180-foot shaft, with 155 feet of drifts at the 80 and 180 foot levels, and of several prospect holes. The ore occurs in and near the margin of a mass of hornblende gabbro or norite which is intrusive into quartz-mica schist. This contact is parallel to the shore. The ore is exposed in tw T o outcrops about half a mile apart. A shaft was sunk at the more northerly of these outcrops. There is a third outcrop about half a mile farther north, where a mass of limonite is believed to be the weathered capping of the ore. These outcrops form irregular areas, about 70 feet in maximum diameter, projecting somewhat above the surrounding surface. At several other places the ore minerals were seen to be disseminated in small amounts through the country rock. The ore contains copper and nickel, the most abundant sulphide minerals being pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pentlandite. Pentlandite is an iron-nickel sulphide, (FeNi)S, containing 22 per cent of nickel. The minerals in the ore include also a small amount of niccolite, which is an arsenide of nickel containing about 43.9 per cent of nickel. Two selected samples of ore from the 80-foot level contain 4.68 and 3.93 per cent of nickel and a trace of cobalt. The number, size, and shape of the ore bodies have not been determined. The only opportunity for underground observation in 1917 was in the 80-foot level at the center outcrop. The shaft is in igneous rock that is free from ore 1 Grant, U. S., The southeastern coast of Kenai Peninsula : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 587, pp. 237-238, 1915. 2 Mertie, J. B., jr., Chromite deposits in Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Press Bull. 361, p. 1, April, 1918. 8 Overbeck, R. M., Nickel in Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Press Bull. 376, p. 2, August, 1918. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 23 minerals. The drift for about 30 feet from the shaft is also in barren horn- blende gabbro, but the last 30 feet of the drift is in massive ore. At the face of the drift there are some masses of barren rock, but the drill holes in the face are apparently in sulphides. There has been some faulting at this level, but its extent is not known. The drift at the 180-foot level could not be reached, but it is said to be about 80 feet long and to reveal ore which has apparently been somewhat broken up by faulting. The three outcrops described above apparently have no surface connection and may have no connection underground. They may possibly be the exposures of a single continuous ore body, but they are more likely to be outcrops of separate ore bodies that lie in a mineralized zone along the intrusive contact. This zone probably contains other ore bodies that do not show at the surface. Neither the outcrops nor the underground workings are of sufficient extent to permit any reliable estimate of the amount of ore that may be present at this locality. Ore bodies of this kind are generally very irregular. The amount of ore shown in the present workings therefore does not justify large invest- ments in facilities for mining, ore treatment, or shipping. The amount of ore in sight and the geologic conditions at the locality do, however, encourage the hope that workable ore bodies will be developed, and justify the expenditure of a mederate amount of money in blocking out the known ore body and in the search for other ore bodies. This search should include the thorough pros- pecting of the entire area along the contact of the intrusive rock with the schist. It is believed that diamond drilling near the known outcrops, and at the localities where disseminated ore is seen, may reveal additional ore bodies that do not reach the surface. The Copper River nickel locality is situated near the headwaters of Canyon Creek about 13 miles east of Copper River opposite Mile 121 on the Copper River & Northwestern Railroad at an altitude of more than 4,000 feet. Mining claims have been located on the outcrops of basic dikes which cut the schists, but only a little underground work has been done. Pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite are localized at a few places, but there is no evidence of extensive mineraliza- tion. The amount of ore can not be estimated on account of the small amount of underground work and the fact that at one locality, at least, the ore body has been faulted. A selected specimen of ore contains 7.23 per cent nickel and a trace of cobalt, but most of the known ore is believed to be of much lower grade. A nickel deposit is said to have been discovered on Knight Island, Prince William Sound. It is reported that this deposit was being prospected with a diamond drill in the summer of 1917, but the locality has not been visited by any member of the Geological Survey and no authentic information is available. MOLYBDENUM. No molybdenum has yet been produced from Alaska, but opera- tions preparatory to mining were undertaken in 1917 at a molybde- nite-bearing lode near Shakan on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island, at the molybdenite prospect 9 miles north of Skagway, and at a molybdenite deposit on Reid Creek, a tributary to Little Susitna River in the Willow Creek district. A molybdenite deposit is re- ported on Ptarmigan Creek, a tributary to the Dry Delta about 50 miles above the Tanana. An occurrence of molybdenite on Healy River is described by Theodore Chapin elsewhere in this volume. 24 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. COAL MINING. The production of coal in Alaska in 1917 was 53,955 tons, valued at about $265,317. This production was by far the largest in the history of coal mining in Alaska, and it probably marks the begin- ning of coal mining on a moderate but permanent commercial scale. The major part of the production was derived from the Matanuska coal field, especially from the Eska Creek mines, which were opened under private auspices in 1916 but were taken over and operated by the Alaskan Engineering Commission in 1917. The Matanuska branch of the Government railroad was completed late in the fall of 1917, which rendered the coal on Chickaloon River available for exploitation. The coal on Chickaloon River is being opened by the Alaskan Engineering Commission. A large amount of underground work must be done before mining can be attempted on a large scale, but small shipments of coal obtained in the course of development of the mines were made late in 1917. A small mine on Moose Creek was operated under a mining permit throughout the year, and work pre- paratory to mining was undertaken by private lessees on Moose Creek and near Chickaloon River. A more extended account of min- ing in the Matanuska field is given elsewhere in this volume. The lignite fields on Cook Inlet rank next to the Matanuska coal fields in point of production for 1917. A considerable quantity of lignite that was mined near Bluff Point was shipped to towns on Cook Inlet for local consumption. A lignite mine on Cache Creek in the Yentna district was operated during part of the year in order to supply fuel for a gold dredge. Steps preparatory to opening the Nenana coal field were in prog- ress throughout the year. The Government railroad was being ex- tended south toward this field from Nenana on Tanana River. The more accessible coal lands in the Nenana field were offered for leasing early in 1918. There was apparently no coal mining in the Bering River field during 1917. A railroad under construction from the east shore of Controller Bay to a patented coal claim in the eastern part of Bering River field is reported to be nearing completion. No leases had been granted in the Bering River field up to the close of 1917, but two claims have been patented, and it is said that one application for patent is still pending. The following table gives the estimated production of coal in Alaska since 1888. The production for 1888 to 1896 is estimated from the best data available but is only approximate. The figures for 1897 to 1917 are based for the most part on data supplied by operators. Most of the coal mined before 1916 was lignite. There was a small production of bituminous coal from the west end of the THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 25 Bering River field in 1906. The table does not include 855 tons of coal mined in the Bering River field in 1912 and 1,100 tons mined in the Matanuska field in 1913 for test by the United States Navy. Production of coal in Alaska, 1888 to 1917. Year. Quantity. Value. 1888-1S96 Short tons. 6,000 $84,000 28,000 14,000 1897 2,000 1898 1,000 1,200 1,200 1899 16,800 1900 16, 800 1901 1,300 2,212 15, 600 19,048 9,782 7,225 1902 1903 1,447 1904 1,694 1905 3,774 13,250 17, 974 1906 5,541 10, 139 1907 53,600 Year. Quantity. Value. 1908 Short tons. 3,107 2,800 1,000 900 355 2,300 $14,810 12,300 15,000 9,300 2,840 13,800 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1,400 13,073 53, 955 3,300 52,317 265,317 1916 1917 116,397 685,063 The following table shows the coal consumption of Alaska, in- cluding both local production and imports since 1899. Most of the coal shipped to Alaska was bituminous, but a little was anthracite : Coal consumed in Alaska, 1899-1917, in short tons. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Produced in Alaska, chiefly sub- bituminous and lignite. Imported from States, chiefly bi- tuminous from Wash- ington. Total foreign coal, chiefly bituminous from British Columbia. Total coal consumed. 1,200 10,000 o 50. 120 61,320 1,200 15,048 a 56', 623 72,871 1,300 24,000 a 77,674 102,974 2,212 40,000 a 68, 363 110,575 1,447 64, 626 a 60, 605 126,678 1,694 36,689 a 76, 815 115,198 3, 774 67, 713 a 72,567 144,054 5,541 69, 493 a 47, 590 122, 624 10, 139 46, 246 a 88, 596 144,981 3, 107 23,893 « 72, 831 99, 831 2,800 33,112 a 74,316 110,228 1,000 32,138 a 73, 904 107,042 900 32,255 « 88, 573 121,728 355 27,767 a 59, 804 87,926 2,300 61,666 « 60, 600 124,566 41,509 46, 153 87, 662 1,400 46,329 29,457 77, 186 13,073 44,934 53,672 111,679 53, 955 58,116 56, 589 168, 660 107, 397 775,534 1,214,852 2,097,783 « By fiscal years ending June 30. It is too early to forecast the future of coal mining in Alaska, especially in the Bering River and Matanuska fields. If future dis- coveries in the Matanuska field reveal any considerable extension of the known coal lands, especially the lands containing high-grade coal, the areas of which as now known are very small ; if it be found that the greatly disturbed bituminous coals of the Bering River and Matanuska fields can be mined at a moderate cost ; if the Matanuska or Bering River coal proves to be suitable for the manufacture of coke ; or if it is found that there is a supply of coal suitable for the 26 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Navy in the Matanuska or Bering River fields and if the Navy re- quires coal rather than oil — then there will probably be a rapid ex- pansion of coal mining in one or both of these fields. The facts now known indicate, however, that there may be considerable difficulty in producing and in selling any large amount of coal at a profit, and that mining in both these fields will probably proceed at a mod- erate rate. If the general public still retains the extravagant and entirely false impression that was created by sensational magazines' a few years ago as to the amount and value of Alaska coal it should be prepared for disappointment. The future of the Nenana coal field is more definite. This field contains a large amount of lignite of fair grade that can be mined at a moderate cost. The market is reasonably certain. Although this coal is not suitable for export, it will furnish a valuable and much-needed fuel in portions of interior Alaska that are now de- pendent on a scanty and expensive supply of wood. The coal of the Nenana field will probably be used as locomotive fuel on the Gov- ernment railroad, for power and thawing at the mines in the Tanana Valley, as domestic fuel in the Tanana Valley, and as fuel on local Tanana River boats and possibly on some of the Yukon steamers. The coal of the Nenana field should, if possible, be used on the greater part of the railroad, rather than the higher-grade Matanuska coal, because the heavy freight traffic will be north- bound, leaving southbound empties available for hauling coal. The Nenana coal field is nearer the summit of the Alaska Range than any known coal south of the divide. It seems reasonable to expect that a coal-mining industry of moderate size will begin in this field in the near future. The growth of coal mining in this field will be dependent on the growth of other industries. Gold mining, coal mining, and agriculture in the Tanana Valley should be mutually interdependent, and each industry, through the stimulating effect of the others, should expand at a gradually accelerating rate. The possibility of the growth of an important coal-mining industry on Cook Inlet should not be overlooked. There is a large amount of lignite on Cook Inlet, and it is of fair quality, being of about the same grade as the lignite of the Nenana field. Much of it is situated on waters that are navigable throughout the year, and it lies in beds that are but slightly folded. Its mining and shipment should, there- fore, be relatively cheap. The possibility of coal mining on Cook Inlet on a large scale depends, however, on the success of experiments in the treatment of lignite in order to render it available for purposes for which the higher-grade coals are now required. If lignites can, at a moderate cost, be rendered suitable for such purposes the lignites of Cook Inlet must be regarded as one of the most important factors in the Alaska coal situation. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917 . 27 PETROLEUM. The production of petroleum from the only oil claim patented in Alaska, in the Katalla district, was increased somewhat in 1917 by cleaning out the old wells. The Katalla refinery was operated as usual. Two new wells were drilled, and drilling was continued at a well started in a previous year, but no new productive wells were ob- tained. Some of the oil claims in the Katalla field were surveyed preparatory to application for patent. The consumption of petroleum in Alaska is indicated approxi- mately by the imports, which are shown in the following table : Petroleum products shipped to Alaska -from other parts of the United States, 1905-1917, in gallons .° 1905. 1906. 1907. 190S. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Oil used for fuel, includ- ing crude oil, gas oil, re- siduum, etc. Gasoline, in- cluding all lighter prod- ucts of dis- tillation. Illuminat- ing oil. Lubricating oil. 2,715,974 713, 496 627,391 83,319 2, 688, 940 580, 978 568, 033 83,992 9, 104, 300 636, 881 510, 145 100, 145 11, S91, 375 939, 424 566, 598 94, 542 14,119,102 746, 930 531, 727 85, 687 19, 143. 091 788, 154 620, 972 104, 512 20, 878, 843 1, 238, 865 423, 750 100, 141 15, 523, 555 2, 736, 739 672, 176 154, 565 15,682,412 1,735,658 661, 656 150, 918 18,601,384 2, 878, 723 731, 146 191, 876 16,910,012 2,413,962 513, 075 271, 981 23, 555, 811 2, 844, 801 732, 369 373, 046 23,971,114 3, 256, 870 750, 238 465, 693 194,785,913 21,511, 481 7,909, 276 2, 260, 417 a Compiled from Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States, 1905 to 1917, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. STRUCTURAL MATERIAL, ETC. One marble quarry and one gypsum mine were operated in south- eastern Alaska in 1917. No barite was shipped. Work was con- tinued on two graphite deposits in Seward Peninsula, and consid- erable graphite was mined and shipped. A brickyard was operated at Anchorage, and it is reported that one is being operated at Seward. A small limestone quarry and kiln and a deposit of marl near Anchor- age were worked and made small productions of lime. REVIEW BY DISTRICTS. The following review summarizes briefly the principal develop- ments in all the districts. Many of the districts were not visited by members of the Geological Survey in 1917 and some operators failed to make reports, so that the information at hand about mining in some of the districts is incomplete and scanty. The space here de- voted to any district is therefore not necessarily an indication of its relative importance. The arrangement is geographic, from south to north. 28 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. The mineral production of southeastern Alaska in 1917 was de- rived from 10 gold lode mines, 8 copper mines, 3 placer mines, 1 gypsum mine, and 1 marble quarry. The value of the mineral pro- duction fell from $7,032,010 in 1916 to $5,407,902 in 1917. The value of the different products is shown in the following table : Mineral production of southeastern Alaska, 1917. Gold lode mines. Copper mines. Placer mines. Value of products of all mines and quarries. Quan- tity (fine ounces). Value. Quantity (fine ounces). Value. Quan- tity (fine ounces). Value. Gold 205, 107 129, 691 $4,239,914 106, 825 2,338 20, 500 Pounds. 2, 646, 553 $48,337 16, 891 722, 509 1,790 133 $37,000 109 $4,825,251 123, 825 721,686 236,317 Silver Copper Lead, marble, gypsum, etc 5, 407,902 The largest mining operations, as in previous years, were at the gold mines in the Juneau district. All the productive copper min- ing of southeastern Alaska was in the Ketchikan district. Placer mining was limited to the Porcupine district and to small beach operations at Yakataga and Lituya Bay. The principal copper producers in the Ketchikan district were the Kush & Brown, It, Jumbo, and Mount Andrew mines. The Mamie mine was closed down in the spring, and an increased output ^vas made at the It. The Kich Hill copper property, on Kasaan Penin- sula, is being developed and made a small production. A 60-ton flotation mill was constructed on the Salt Chuck mine (formerly the Goodro mine). A molybdenite-bearing lode in the vicinity of Sha- kan, on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island, is being developed. Marble quarrying at Tokeen was continued about as usual. The Dunton mine was the only gold mine in operation. It is reported that a small plant for treating ore is under construction at the Com- plex mine on Moira Sound. Development of the copper lodes of the Ketchikan district, par- ticularly on Kasaan Peninsula, has led to the uncovering of large bodies of magnetic iron ore at a number of places. This magnetite, which contains in general about 0.5 per cent of copper, has hitherto been regarded only as a low-grade copper ore. Attention has re- cently been redirected to these ores as a source of iron. Magnetic separation should yield a high-grade iron ore and a valuable by- product of chalcopyrite to pay for the cost of separation. Plans for utilizing these iron ores are now being considered. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 29 Gold lode mining continued on a large scale at the mines near Juneau. As a result of a cave-in at the Treadwell, 700-foot, and Mexican mines, which occurred on April 21, these mines are now flooded with sea water and are not in operation. The surface equipment of these three mines is being dismantled and sold. The Keady Bullion mine, though connected at the 1,350-foot level with the Mexican mine, was saved by a concrete bulkhead, which after the cave-in was made per- manent and greatly strengthened. At the end of June the drawing of all broken and caved ore above the 2,000-foot level was discon- tinued, in order to render the mine entirely safe, and all open stopes are now being filled with waste. Development of the mine con- tinued in the lower levels. The 2,400-foot level is now completed, and rapid progress is being made in the 2,600- foot level. The pres- ent plans contemplate the ultimate extension of the new No. 2 shaft to the 3,000-foot level. If the ore is of satisfactory grade at that depth a prospect drift will be run along the ore body underneath the flooded workings of the other mines. The production of gold at the Beady Bullion mine was decreased to one-third the normal quantity when work above the 2,000-foot level was discontinued but will gradually be increased as the lower levels are opened up. The Alaska-Gastineau (Perseverance) mine and mill operated throughout the year. Operations were restricted by the scarcity of labor ; there were only 712 men employed in 1917 against 940 in 1916. The supply of broken ore in the stopes overcame the deficiency caused by the shortage of labor, and the mine and mill were operated on a somewhat larger scale than in 1916. Development and prospecting for ore bodies was prosecuted as energetically as conditions permitted. A total of 15,472 feet of drifts, crosscuts, and raises and 12,754 feet of diamond drilling was completed. The principal object of this work was to find new and richer ore bodies in order, to maintain the average glade of the ore sent to the mill and, if possible, to increase the average value. The mine is said to be in condition to furnish a maximum tonnage of ore whenever the necessary labor is available. The milling plant has shown a capacity of not less than 10,000 tons a day, and the transportation system, both underground and from the mine to the mill, is in a position to supply this tonnage. The Alaska Juneau mine was operated throughout the year. The new mill at this mine was started in April but has been running at less than half its capacity. Development work was continued at the Alaska-Ebner mine. The Jualin mine, at Berners Bay, was operated during most of the year but shut down in October on account of the scarcity and high price of supplies and labor. Other properties in the Juneau gold belt were 115086°— 19 3 30 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. also developed or operated in a small way, and prospecting for new lodes was continued. Development work continued at the molybdenite prospect 9 miles jiorth of Skagway. On Chichagof Island both the Chichagoff gold mine and the gyp- sum mine of the Pacific Coast Gypsum Co. were operated on about the same scale as last year. The main tunnel of the Chichagoff mine is now over 4,400 feet long. At the gypsum mine work was started on the new 300- foot level. This mine has been a steady producer since 1906. Development work was continued on the group of copper claims near the head of Pinta Bay, about 15 miles northwest of Chichagof. A little prospecting but no underground development work was done on the copper-nickel deposit at Nickel, about 22 miles north- west of Chichagof. COPPER RIVER REGION. The largest mining operations of the Copper River region in 1917, as in several years preceding, were at the Jumbo and Kennecott- Bonanza copper mines. Considerable copper was also shipped from the Mother Lode mine and small shipments were also made from several other properties. Other mineral production included placer gold mining in the Nizina and Chistochina districts. The Jumbo and Kennecott-Bonanza mines and the mill at Kenne- cott were operated on a large scale throughout the year, although production was considerably smaller than in 1916. This reduction in the output was due to a strike in the middle of summer and to short- age of labor throughout much of the year. The mill was operated at practically its full capacity throughout the winter, and this was the first time that it had not been necessary to shut down during the winter on account of the shortage of water. The ammonia leaching plant continued in successful operation, and it is reported that its capacity will be increased. Automobile roads for hauling ore from the Mother Lode and Nugget creek mines were constructed. Much development work was done at these mines and also at several other mines in the region. Hydraulic placer mining continued on a large scale in the Nizina district, where 2 mines employing 4 miners were operated in the win- ter of 1916-17, and 6 mines employing 91 miners in the summer of 1917. These mines produced about $120,000 in placer gold and also a little placer copper. No important developments or discoveries are reported. Placer mining on Slate Creek in the Chistochina district was con- tinued on a large scale. The production of this district is estimated at about $100,000 worth of gold and 15 or 20 ounces of platinum. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 31 Platinum is said to occur in about the proportion of one part by bulk of platinum to 100 parts of gold, but not all of the platinum is saved. Some underground work was done on the American Eagle lode near Tiekel, and a small production of gold was made. It is said that a small mill will be installed in 1918. PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. The value of mineral production on Prince William Sound was $4,667,929 in 1917 compared with about $3,000,000 in 1916. This amount is the value of the product at seven copper mines and three gold mines which can be classed as regular producers and of addi- tional small shipments from eight other small mines or prospects. Mineral production of Prince William Sound, 1917. Ore (tons). Gold (fine ounces). Value. Silver (fine ounces). Value. Copper (pounds). Value. Copper mines a Cold minfis 351, 356 5,350 10,524 4,509 $217, 557 93, 208 132, 773 697 $109, 406 575 15, 559, 737 $4, 247, 808 356,706 15,033 310, 765 133, 470 109,981 15, 559, 737 4,247,808 a Including one small shipment from Cook Inlet. The productive copper mines in 1917 included the Beatson, Black- bird, Schlosser property, Midas, Mackintosh property, and Ellamar. The Blackbird group, on Latouche Island, began shipping after lying dormant for several years. At the Beatson-Bonanza large operations were continued, the capacity of the milling plant was increased, and 350 men were employed. On the Blackbird 25 men were employed and a new ore body was opened up. On the Schlosser property 27 men were employed and considerable underground work was done. The Mackintosh property employed 13 men stoping an old lead and extending the adit tunnels on it and crosscutting to a new lead. The Ellamar mine, which employed 100 men, continued operations throughout the year on about the usual scale. At the Midas 50 men were employed during the year, underground operations were con- tinued, the tram was operated, and large shipments were made. On the Rua property 600 feet of tunnel and crosscuts were driven. A large low-grade copper property was discovered on Long Bay. Some diamond drilling on a nickeliferous deposit on Knight Island is reported. A detailed statement regarding the mining on Prince William Sound is given in another chapter of this volume. 32 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . KENAI PENINSULA. The mineral production of Kenai Peninsula includes about $30,000 of placer gold, $4,600 of lode gold, a small amount of silver obtained incidentally to the mining of the gold, a considerable amount of chromite, which was mined at Port Chatham on Cook Inlet, and some lignite mined at Bluff Point on Cook Inlet. There was very little activity in lode gold mining and no extensive developments are re- ported. A mill and tram are being installed at the Honan & James mine in the Moose Pass district. The largest placer mining opera- tions were on Resurrection and Crow creeks. Preliminary steps were taken toward the inauguration of large-scale operations at Canyon Creek. Very heavy rains in the fall caused serious damage at the placer mines throughout the district. WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT. The mineral production of the Willow Creek district in 1917 in- cluded $195,662 worth of gold and $586 worth of silver, all derived from quartz mines. The Alaska Free Gold, Gold Bullion, Gold Cord, Mabel, and Talkeetna (formerly Matanuska) mines were op- erated. The amount of ore milled was 7,883 tons. A promising new quartz vein which was opened at the Gold Cord mine at the head of Fishhook Creek has already been traced for several claim lengths. YENTNA DISTRICT. The Cache Creek district continues to be the principal source of placer gold in the Yentna basin. The inaccessibility of the placers on Cache Creek has made mining expensive, but a new wagon road, which is now under construction, from Talkeetna, on the Government railroad, to Cache Creek, will soon afford a quick and easy approach to the district. A dredge that burned local coal was operated on Cache Creek, and 15 hydraulic plants were working on Cache and Peters creeks during the summer. More than 100 men were employed, producing placer gold valued at $125,000 to $150,000. Operations at the end of the season were hampered by protracted rains and serious floods, which caused considerable damage to several mining plants. Late in the fall a Hudson dry dredge was installed on ground along the north side of Kichatna River, at the mouth of Nakochna River, to begin mining in the spring of 1918. Some prospecting and min- ing were done in the Camp Creek and Lake Creek basins. Along the lower Kahiltna River prospecting for platinum was car- ried on by one company at two localities — one about 3 miles below the mouth of Peters Creek and the other a short distance upstream from the mouth of the river. A hand drill and two power drills THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 33 were used in prospecting the river bars, about 12 men having been employed in this work. The prospecting is to be continued next season. Platinum occurs at many other places in the S'usitna basin, including Cache, Peters, Camp, and Lake creeks, as well as on Kichatna and Chulitna rivers, and placers that contain platinum in commercial quantities may ultimately be found. An examination of placer concentrates from Yentna River by the United States Geological Survey has revealed the presence of tin ore (cassiterite) in considerable amount and possibly in commercial quantities. UPPER SUSITNA REGION. The mineral production of the upper Susitna valley is still re- stricted to the placer gold of the Valdez Creek district. The lodes of the Broad Pass and Talkeetna districts are being prospected. In 1916 and 1917 about 20 groups of claims were staked on gold and copper bearing lodes in the basin of Iron Creek, a tributary of Talkeetna River from the southeast, but practically no underground work has yet been done. The discovery of a large dike that carries gold is reported from upper Talkeetna River. Some massive bornite that carried visible free gold and that was reported to have been found in the basin of Kashwitna River was brought in by a party of prospectors. The prescribed amount of annual assessment wmrk w T as performed on about a dozen groups of lode claims in the upper basin of Chulitna River, which is often referred to as the Broad Pass district. No mines in this district are yet productive, but more vigorous exploita- tion of the gold, copper, and antimony deposits awaits the better transportation that will be furnished by the Government railroad. A new discovery of copper is said to have been made near the head of MacLaren River. The vein is reported to be chalcopyrite from 2 to 10 inches wide in amygdaloidal greenstone. SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA. The known mineral production in southwestern Alaska in 1917 comprised a test shipment of copper ore from a locality near Kami- shak Bay and some placer gold from the Kodiak beaches, from a creek near Katmai Bay, and from Portage Creek in the Clark Lake district. YUKON BASIN. GENERAL FEATURES. The value of the gold produced by the placer mines of the Alaska Yukon districts in 1917 is estimated to have been $6,583,000, com- 34 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. pared with $7,550,000 in 1916. About 380 placer mines were oper- ated in the summer of 1917, giving employment to about 2,550 men, and about 165 placer mines were operated in the winter, employing about 790 men. Nine small lode mines, all in the Fairbanks district, were productive in 1917. The following table gives the estimated gold output of the principal Yukon placer camps: Estimated value of gold produced from placers of Yukon basin, 1917. Iditarod Fairbanks Tolovana Ruby Hot Springs. Marshall $1, 500, 000 1, 310, 000 1, 150, 000 885, 000 450, 000 425, 000 Koyukuk- Circle All others. $250, 000 200, 000 413, 000 6, 583, 000 The Yukon placer mines also produced about $39,000 worth of silver in 1917. The above figures do not include the output of the lode mines, which in 1917 produced gold and silver to the value of $49,607. There was also a small output of tin from the Hot Springs district, and considerable tungsten and some antimony ore was mined in the Fairbanks district. (See pp. 20-21.) The total value of the entire mineral production from the Alaska Yukon in 1917 was $6,747,835 ; that in 1916 was $7,839,757. Since mining began in 1886 the Alaska Yukon has produced minerals to the value of $123,180,000, of which $121,625,000 has been derived from the gold placers. The most noteworthy feature of the placer mining of the year was the increased output of the Tolovana placers. There was also an in- creased production in the Marshall, Tolstoi, and Ruby districts. The other districts show a decreased output, owing chiefly to a general retrenchment by operators because of the high cost of supplies and scarcity of labor. FAIRBANKS DISTRICT. The mineral production of the Fairbanks district in 1917 included placer gold worth $1,310,000, lode gold worth $47,781, placer silver worth $6,904, lode silver worth $1,826, and lead, tungsten, and anti- mony worth $58,257. The total value of the mineral output for 1917 was $1,424,768. The aggregate value of the entire mineral output of the district up to the close of 1917 is $70,417,000. Much the larger part of this amount represents the value of the placer gold, the pro- duction of which is shown by years in the subjoined table. In ad- dition to the actual production of the district about $1,000,000 worth of gold mined in tributary areas passes through Fairbanks each year. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 35 Placer gold and silver produced in the Fairbanks district, 1903-1911. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Gold. Silver. Quantity (fine ounces). Value. Quantity (fine ounces). Value. 1,935.00 29.025.00 290. 250.00 435.375.00 387,000.00 445.050.00 466. 818. 75 295. 087. 50 217. 687. 50 200, 756. 25 159.637.50 120.937.50 118. 518. 75 87.075.00 63,371.25 $40,000 600, 000 6, 000, 000 9.000. 000 8.000, 000 9. 200. 000 9. 650. 000 6. 100. 000 4. 500. 000 4. 150.000 3.300.000 2. 500. 000 2. 450. 000 1. 800. 000 1, 310, 000 348 5, 225 52,245 78, 367 69, 660 79, 900 84,027 53, 116 52, 245 48, 182 20, 274 29,024 28, 444 11,058 8,379 $188 2, 821 28, 212 42, 318 37,616 43, 151 45,375 28, 683 27,690 29,632 12, 245 16,050 14, 421 7,276 6,904 3,318,525.00 68,600,000 620, 503 342, 582 The available information as to the source of the gold by creeks is not very accurate. An attempt has been made in the following table, however, to distribute the total placer gold production of the Fairbanks district by the creeks on which the mines are located: Approximate distribution of gold produced in Fairbanks district, 1903-1917. Cleary Creek and tributaries $22, 860, 000 Goldstream Creek and tributaries 13, 800, 000 Ester Creek and tributaries 11, 230, 000 Dome Creek and tributaries 7, 910, 000 Fairbanks Creek and tributaries 7, 400, 000 Vault Creek and tributaries 2, 640, 000 Little Eldorado Creek 2, 100, 000 All other creeks 660, 000 68, 600, 000 No new discoveries or important developments in placer mining were made in 1917. A large dredge w T ill be installed on upper F air- banks Creek to begin operations in 1918. Gold lode mining in the Fairbanks district declined from 1913 to 1916 but showed a slight increase in production in 1917. The cost of supplies and fuel has become so high that many operators will wait for more favorable conditions rather than work at a low profit and run the risk of actual loss. Eight gold lode mines were worked in a small way, and five of these operated their own mills. One silver-lead deposit is being worked and made an output. One anti- mony mine was in operation and some ore was hand-picked from old tailings and shipped. Two tungsten mines are in process of develop- ment. One is in operation and during the fall produced 500 pounds of scheelite concentrates a day. On the other the mill was in course of construction, and surface and underground development work was in progress. 36 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . Details regarding lode mining are presented by Mr. Chapin in another chapter of this report. The following table shows the pro- duction of gold and silver from the Fairbanks lode mines since this form of mining began in 1910 : Lode gold and silver produced in the Fairbanks district, 1910-1917. Year. Crude ore (tons). Gold. Silver. Quantity (fine ounces). Value. Quantity (fine ounces). Value. 1910 148 875 4, 708 12,237 6, 526 5, 845 1,111 1,200 841.19 3, 103.02 9, 416.54 16,904.98 10, 904. 75 10,534.91 1, 904. 81 2, 211.38 $17,339 64, 145 194, 657 349, 457 225, 421 217, 776 39, 376 47, 731 106 582 1,578 4, 124 2,209 1, 796 140 2,217 $57 308 971 2,491 1,222 910 92 1,826 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 32,650 55,921.58 1, 155,952 12,752 7,877 CHISANA DISTRICT. Placer mines were operated on Bonanza, Big Eldorado, Gold Run, and Little Eldorado creeks in the Chisana district. A total of 11 mines employed 44 men and produced gold to the value of about $40,000. This camp is growing smaller year by year in spite of the fact that there is considerable prospecting on the neighboring creeks during winter. Only two mines were operated last winter. Pros- pecting is still going on in Notch Creek, but the ground is deep and thawed, and water consequently has to be pumped. Gold has been found in the gravel, but bedrock has not thus far been reached. FORTYMILE DISTRICT. The mineral production of the Fortymile district in 1917 con- sisted of placer gold worth about $80,000 that was derived from 25 mines employing 68 miners, which operated in the winter of 1916-17, and 35 mines employing 93 miners, which operated in the summer of 1917. In addition to this mining a small dredge was operated at Franklin. It is reported that the benches on Fortymile River are proving very good. Preparations are being made for mining the bench claims at several localities additional to those at which mining has already been carried on. The discovery of stibnite is reported on the Middle Fork of Fortymile River, 12 miles south of Josephs village. EAGLE DISTRICT. Twelve placer mines employing 25 men were operated in the Eagle district in 1917 and yielded a gold production of about $13,000. The largest number of mines and miners and the largest production THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917 . 37 was on American Creek. Preparations were being made for the in- stallation of a hydraulic outfit on Seventymile River in 1918. The hydraulic plant on Alder Creek tributary to Seventymile River had to close down early in the season for lack of water. A 6-mile ditch was being completed on Long Creek preparatory to hydraulic mining in 1918. CIRCLE DISTRICT. Owing to unfavorable conditions, chiefly lack of rain during the later part of August and during September, the gold production for nearly all creeks in the Circle district was greatly curtailed. The production was about $200,000, which is about $100,000 less than in 1916. About the same number of mines were operated and the same number of men employed as last year. The chief developments for 1917 included the installation of a hydraulic plant on Independence Creek, and the survey of placer mining ground for patent on Mam- moth, Mastodon, Independence, and Miller creeks. Material for the construction of a hydraulic plant on Deadwood Creek has been landed at Circle. RAMPART DISTRICT. The value of the gold produced in the Rampart district in 1917 was about $33,000. This gold was obtained from the operation of 2 mines employing 5 men in the winter of 1916-17 and 10 mines em- ploying 26 men in the summer of 1917. The largest production was on Hunter and Little Minook creeks. TOLOVANA DISTRICT. The output of the placer mines of the Tolovana district for 1917 was about $1,150,000, which is a 50 per cent increase over the produc- tion for 1916. About 50 mines were operated. Considerable pros- pecting has been reported, but authentic information as to the results is not at hand. HOT SPRINGS DISTRICT. The gold production of the Hot Springs district in 1917 is esti- mated to be $450,000. Placer mines employing 190 men were operated on 30 claims situated on Eureka, Sullivan, American, and Boulder creeks. The tin production is estimated at 25 tons. The decrease in the production of both gold and tin is due in part to the cessation of large operations on Woodchopper Creek and in part to the high cost of food and of mining supplies, which has prevented the working of any except high-grade ground. Although the tin output was small, there appears to be a considerable amount of stream tin in the old tailings and in the unworked ground. Prospecting in 1917 showed that both gold and stream tin occur in the basin of Sullivan Creek, 38 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . considerably below the area which has been mined, and that large bodies of low-grade gravels occur on Boulder Creek. It is reported that several prospectors are at work in Gold Basin, where they are finding considerable tin but only little gold. RUBY DISTRICT. Mining operations in the Ruby district in 1917 were conducted on about the same scale as in 1916, and placer gold worth $885,000 was produced, which is a little more than the production of 1916. It is reported that 19 mines, employing 310 men, were at work in the sum- mer of 1917 and 19 mines, employing 520 men in the winter of 1917- 18. The largest productions were on Greenstone, Poorman, Long, Spruce, and Tamarack creeks. The dredge on Greenstone Creek had a successful season, but the dredging ground has been worked out and the dredge will be moved. Good ground was discovered by winter prospecting on Ketchum Creek, but the ground is too deep for easy exploitation. Prospecting on Midnight Creek has shown the presence of placer tin at several places. INNOKO DISTRICT. The gold production of the Innoko district in 1917 is estimated at $125,000. About 7 mines employing 46 men operated in the winter of 1916-17 and 20 mines employing 78 men in the summer of 1917. The chief activity was on Yankee, Gaines, Little Spruce, and Ophir creeks. There were no new developments during the year. TOLSTOI DISTRICT. In the winter of 1916-17 a stampede to Tolstoi occurred, and there were at times as many as 400 men at that camp. There was much prospecting during the winter and spring, but not over 50 men were there in July. About $50,000 was taken out during the winter and summer in the Tolstoi district, the result of the operations of about 25 men on 5 plants, most of the production being made by one outfit on Boob Creek. Boob Creek is the only creek from which there was any production of platinum. It was not separated from the gold but was sold with it to a bank in Iditarod. The platinum in the gold was said to amount to about 1 per cent, which would make approxi- mately 30 ounces of platinum produced. IDITAROD DISTRICT. The placer gold production of the Iditarod district in 1917 was about $1,500,000, about $450,000 less than the production of 1916. The decrease was due largely to continued breakdowns of the Otter Creek dredge. Detailed information concerning mining in this dis- THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917 . 39 trict is not at hand, but it is believed that in addition to the 3 dredges there were about 15 mines employing nearly 400 men at work in the summer of 1917 and 2 mines employing about 10 men in the winter of 1916-17. KOYUKUK DISTRICT. Very little authentic information has been received concerning mining in the Koyukuk district except as a small proportion of the operators have supplied data on the output of their own properties. It is estimated that the total value of the gold produced in the Koyu- kuk district was about $250,000, which is considerably less than the production for 1916. In the Indian Kiver district 8 men were at work in the summer of 1917 on Indian Creek, Felix Fork, and Black Creek, and they produced about $4,000 in placer gold. MARSHALL DISTRICT. The production at Marshall was about $425,000, as compared with $270,000 in 1916. Most of this gold was produced by 5 mines on Willow Creek, employing about 200 men, but some smaller plants were at work on Willow, Disappointment, and Elephant creeks. A small amount of platinum occurs with the gold on some of the creeks at Marshall, but none has yet been saved. SMALLER YUKON DISTRICTS. About 4 placer mines employing 9 men are known to have been operated in the Chandalar district. It is estimated that the total production of the district was about $15,000. No information con- cerning lode mining has been received. The Richardson district, in the Tanana region, apparently pro- duced about $25,000, which is considerably smaller than in 1916. The discovery of a promising gold lode on Democrat Creek has been reported. No production has been reported from the Goodpaster region, though it is known that considerable prospecting was done. There were no large mining operations in either the Bonnifield or the Kantishna district during 1917. The value of the output of the Bonnifield district is estimated at $12,000 and of the Kantishna district at $15,000, both of which are somewhat less than in 1916. There was also some lode development in both districts There was no gold production in the Gold Mountain district, but considerable dead work is said to have been done preparatory to mining next year. Open cuts were made at Lancaster Creek, Ameri- can Gulch, and Grant Creek, and a hydraulic plant was installed on Mason Creek. The ground is said to average 12 to 20 feet deep. The benches consist of wash gravel and are not frozen. Very little pros- pecting has been done on them. 40 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. A strike is said to have been made on Anvik River by two men. Platinum is reported in association with the gold. KUSKOKWIM REGION. The gold production of the Kuskokwim region in 1917, according to the best information at hand, was about $135,000. The largest production was on Candle and Moore creeks. The dredge that was shipped in last year will be placed on the upper end of Candle Creek to work downstream. It is reported that a new strike was made on the left limit of Nixon Fork, between Nixon Fork and the North Fork of the Kuskokwim, a little below the mouth of South Fork. Another new discovery of placer gold was said to have been made on 'VVahmus or Watermouse Creek, in the Goodnews Bay district, where it is said that 4 men took out between $12,000 and $20,000 in 3 weeks. The gravels are said to be about 4 feet thick and to yield from $2 to $4 to the square foot. It is also reported that prospecting on Holitna River is yielding encouraging results. The Kuskokwim re- gion is still without adequate means of transportation, so both pros- pecting and mining are done under great difficulties. SEWARD PENINSULA. The mines of Seward Peninsula produced gold to the value of about $2,600,000 in 1917 as against $2,950,000 in 1916. The value of tin, tungsten, silver, and graphite produced in 1917 was about $147,600; in 1916 it was $170,000. The value of the total gold pro- duction since mining began in 1897 is about $76,892,000. Nearly all this gold was taken from placers; up to the present time little has been produced from lodes. Silver, tin, and other substances have been produced to the value of about $1,027,600. This amount makes the value of the total mineral output of Seward Peninsula to the end of 1917 about $77,900,000. Approximately 750 men were employed in placer mining in Sew- ard Peninsula, exclusive of those employed on dredges. They worked with 170 plants. About half the men were employed in the Nome and Council precincts. In 1917 twenty-eight gold dredges were operated on the penin- sula — 7 in the Nome district, 5 in the Solomon River district, 10 in the Council district, 2 in the Port Clarence district, 2 in the F air- haven district, and 2 in the Ivougarok district. Gold production on Dime Creek was greater than in the preced- ing year, 6 plants making a very large part of the $150,000 produced by deep mining during late winter and early spring. An additional $20,000 will about cover the summer production, mostly from three open cuts. Platinum occurs with the gold in the ratio of about 1 THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. 41 ounce of platinum to $5,000 worth of gold on the lower claims of the creek and on bench claims. The proportion of platinum is some- what larger on claims near the head of the creek. The platinum production in 1917 amounted to about 35 ounces. In all 17 plants worked during the winter and summer, employing about 85 men. This mining was done on 4 claims, but on other claims there was prospecting or setting up of plants for winter work. A number of men were engaged in this work for short periods during the summer, as well as in constructing ditches and in sluicing winter dumps. About $10,000 was produced on Sweepstakes Creek, between Bear Creek and Dime Creek, by 4 plants employing 11 men. This gold also contains a small amount of platinum, about an ounce having been separated from the gold. The gold production from Bear Creek is not known. Four out- fits, employing 14 men, worked during the season. Some prospect- ing also was done on this creek. A few pennyweights of platinum were produced. Exclusive of dredge production, the gold produced from the Port Clarence precinct is estimated at $27,000. That from the Kougarok precinct, likewise exclusive of dredge production, is estimated at $55,000. Lode mining developments for the year consisted for the most part of little more than the necessary assessment work. The high prices of lead and silver gave an impetus to the search for those metals in the vicinity of Lost River and on the Kugruk, consider- able work having been done on some properties in both localities. A mill was set up on a gold lode property near Bluff. During the summer two tin dredges were in operation in the York region — one on Buck Creek, the other on Grouse Creek below the mouth of Buck. In addition to the tin won by the dredges, a small amount of placer tin was sluiced by two men working on Iron Creek, which flows into Sutter Creek, a tributary of Buck Creek. One of the dredges was prospecting for future dredging ground, as the next season will finish up their present ground. Unusually heavy rains during the last week in August delayed the work of both dredges. I About 25 men were engaged in the placer mining of tin. Some development work was done on tin lode claims at the head of Buck Creek, Tin City, Lost River, and Ear Mountain. No ore was milled or shipped from any of these properties. Most of the tungsten ore (scheelite) produced in 1917, as in 1916, I came from Sophie Gulch. A few pounds was saved as the result of smaller placer operations on one of the small tributaries of Snake River, below Glacier Creek, and a small production was made on Sunset Creek, in the Port Clarence district. 42 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Work was done on two graphite properties during the summer of 1917. On one of these properties it consisted only of assessment work. On the other property about 4 miles of road were constructed from the property to Graphite Bay, an arm of Imuruk Basin. Some graphite was mined and was hauled to Graphite Bay by a gasoline tractor. KOBUK RIVER. During the year about 20 men were mining on Kobuk Biver, but they took out grubstakes only. The production of the district was probably about $25,000. The ground is worked by open cut in sum- mer, the deeper spots being worked in winter. Most of the mining is done on Klery Creek. One outfit was prospecting on Ambler Biver and another on the Noatak. It is reported that a strike was made at Walker Lake during the summer and that 4 or 5 men were rocking out $10 to $15 a day. About 9 mines employing 16 men were operated on Lynx, Biley, and Dahl creeks and Shungnak Biver making an estimated production of about $5,000. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA . 1 By George H. Canfield. INTRODUCTION. The streams of Alaska have been important factors in its industrial growth. The success of placer mining in northern and central Alaska has depended primarily on the water available for hydraulick- ing and dredging, and in southeastern Alaska water power has long been used by mines, canneries, sawmills, and other industries, although until recently most of the plants have been small. Since 1906 the United States Geological Survey has made system- atic studies of the water resources of Alaska. Investigations with special reference to placer mining have been made in Seward Pen- insula 2 and the Yukon-Tanana region, 3 and reconnaissance surveys for water power have been made about Prince William Sound, Cop- per River, Kenai Peninsula, and in other parts of southeastern Alaska. In the summer of 1914 Leonard Lundgren, district engineer of the Forest Service, made a reconnaissance of water-power sites to deter- mine the possibility of establishing the pulp industry in the Tongass National Forest, which covers a large part of southeastern Alaska. In connection with this reconnaissance a census of water powers was taken (see following table), which has been revised by Mr. Lundgren to January 1 , 1917, and is here published by courtesy of the Forester. Developed water powers in southeastern Alaska Jan. 1, 1917, in horsepower. [Prepared by Leonard Lundgren, district engineer, U. S. Forest Service.] Ketchikan region: Citizens Light, Power & Water Co 2, 000 New England Fish Co 2, 200 Miscellaneous plants 1, 000 5,200 Wrangell region 0 1 In cooperation with the United States Forest Service. 2 Henshaw, F. F., and Parker, G. L., Surface water supply of Seward, Peninsula, with a sketch of the geography and geology by P. S. Smith and a description of methods of placer mining by A. H. Brooks: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 314, 1913. 3 Ellsworth, C. E., and Davenport, R. W., Surface water supply of the Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 342, 1915; A water-power reconnaissance in south-central Alaska, with a section on southeastern Alaska by J. C. Hoyt: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 372, 1915. 43 44 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Sitka region: Sitka Wharf & Power Co 350 Chichagoff Mining Co 750 • Miscellaneous plants 150 Juneau region : Alaska-Treadwell Mining Co. : Douglas Island plant 4, 000 Sheep Creek plant 4, 100 Nugget Creek plant 5,700 Alaska-Gastineau Mining Co. : Salmon Creek plant, No. 1 5, 000 Salmon Creek plant, No. 2 5, 000 Annex Creek plant 5, 000 — —15, 000 Alaska Electric Light & Power Co 1, 000 Miscellaneous plants 1, 000 30, 800 Skagway region 100 37, 350 During the last few years some large water-power plants have been installed near Juneau to supply power for mining, and attention has been called to the feasibility of improving other power sites in that region and elsewhere in southeastern Alaska, to meet the increasing demand for power to be used in mining, lumbering, and fisheries, and the possible future demand for its use in the manufacture of wood pulp and electrochemical products. The streams on which it is pos- sible to develop power and the bays or other water bodies into which these streams discharge are listed in the following table and shown on the map (PI. I) : Streams affording power sites in southeastern Alaska, with position or water bodies into which they flow. Mainland. Porcupine River, near Porcupine. 1 Endicott River, west coast of Lynn Canal. Sherman Creek. 2 Cowee and Davies creeks, Berners Bay. Lemon Creek, near Juneau. 3 Gold Creek, at Juneau. 4 Sheep Creek, near Juneau. 4 Carlson Creek, Taku Inlet. 4 Turner Lake outlet, Taku Inlet. 5 Speel River, Speel River project, Port Snettisham. 4 Grindstone Creek, north shore of Stephens Passage. 4 Rhein Creek, north shore of Stephens Passage. i Gaging station maintained in 1909 by Porcupine Gold Mining Co. a Gaging station maintained for short period by mining company of Juneau. s Gaging station maintained by Kensington Mining Co., Aug. 17, 1914, to Dec. 31, 1916. See U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 662, p. 102, 1918. 4 See list of gaging stations, p. 46. 6 Gaging station maintained in 1908 and 1909 by Alaska-Treadwell Gold Mining Co. o t fHI l flf , GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Cape Cross^ Precipitation station MAP OP SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA SHOWING LOCATION olp GAGING STATIONS. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 45 Long Lake outlet, Speel River project, Port Snettisham . 1 Crater Lake outlet, Speel River project, Port Snettisham . 1 Tease Lake outlet, Speel River project, Port Snettisham. Sweetheart Falls Creek, south arm of Port Snettisham . 1 Port Houghton, Stephens Passage. Farragut Bay, Frederick Sound. Cascade Creek, Thomas Bay . 1 Mill Creek, near Wrangell . 1 Bradfield Canal, upper end of Cleveland Peninsula. Smugglers Cove, southeast shore of Cleveland Peninsula. Helm Bay, southeast shore of Cleveland Peninsula. Shelockum Lake outlet, Bailey Bay . 1 Chickamin River, east shore of Behm Canal. Rudyerd Bay, east shore of Behm Canal. Baranof Island. Port Conclusion, southeast coast. Port Walter . 2 Patterson Bay, east coast . 2 Red Bluff Bay, east coast. Cascade Bay, east coast . 2 Baranof Lake outlet, Warm Spring Bay, east coast . 1 Kasnyku Bay, east coast. Green Lake outlet, Silver Bay, west coast . 1 Necker Bay, west coast. Deep or Redoubt Lake, west coast. Chichagof Island. Slocum Arm, west coast. Suloia Bay, Peril Strait . 2 Khaz Bay, west coast. Freshwater Bay, east coast. Sitkoh Bay, southeast coast. Basket Bay, southeast coast. Penta Bay, west coast. Admiralty Island. Kootznahoo Inlet, west coast. Hood Bay, west coast. Kosciusko Island. Davidson Inlet . 2 Prince of Wales Island. Karta River, Karta Bay . 1 Whale Passage, behind Thorne Island, northeast coast. Myrtle Lake outlet, near Niblack post office . 1 Reynolds Creek, near Coppermount. Revillagigedo Island. Orchard Lake outlet, at Shrimp Bay . 1 Beaver Falls, George Inlet . 1 White River, George Inlet. Swan Lake outlet, east shore near head of Carroll Inlet . 1 Fish Creek, Thome Arm . 1 Gokatchin Creek, Thorne Arm. Ketchikan Creek, at Ketchikan . 1 Annette Island. Tamgas Harbor. 2 See list of miscellaneous measurements at end of report. 1 See list of gaging stations, p. 46. 115086°— 19 4 46 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Lack of definite information in regard to the quantity of water available and other physical factors that determine the feasibility of a power site has been one of the principal impediments to development. For this reason a systematic investigation, designed to determine the location and the feasibility of water-power sites in southeastern Alaska, was begun by the Geological Survey, in cooperation with j the Forest Service, in the spring of 1915. The practicability of a water-power site depends on the quantity of water available, the fall, and the possibility of storing water. Information in regard to fall and storage can be obtained by surveys at any time, but the volume and distribution of flow can be deter- mined only by observations extending over several years, as future flow must be predicted from that of the past. In beginning the investigations, therefore, the collection of stream-flow data was given precedence and constituted the principal work. Some general information, however, has been obtained, and in the fall of 1915 a few rainfall stations were established at higher elevations to supple- ment observations at mean sea level by the United States Weather Bureau. As a result of the investigations records of flow are now available for 20 gaging stations, as shown by the following list and indicated by corresponding numbers on Plate I. The date of establishment is indicated in parentheses. 1. Myrtle Lake outlet at Niblack, Prince of Wales Island (July 30, 1917). 2. Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan (established November 1, 1909; discontinued : June 30, 1912; reestablished July 1, 1915). 3. Beaver Falls Creek at George Inlet, Revillagigedo Island (Aug. 3, 1917). 4. Fish Creek near Sea Level, Revillagigedo Island (May 19, 1915). 5. Swan Lake outlet at Carroll Inlet, Revillagigedo Island (Aug. 24, 1916). 6. Orchard Lake outlet at Shrimp Bay, Revillagigedo Island (May 28, 1915). 7. Shelockum Lake outlet at Bailey Bay (June 4, 1915). 8. Karta River at Karta Bay, Prince of Wales Island (July 16, 1915). 9. Mill Creek on mainland, near Wrangell (June 17, 1915). 10. Cascade Creek at Thomas Bay, near Petersburg (Oct. 27, 1917). 11. Green Lake outlet at Silver Bay, near Sitka (August 22, 1915). 12. Baranof Lake outlet at Baranof, Baranof Island (June 28, 1915). 13. Sweetheart Falls Creek near Snettisham (July 31, 1915). 14. Crater Lake outlet at Speel River, Port Snettisham (Jan. 23, 1913). 15. Long River below Second Lake, at Port Snettisham (Nov. 11, 1915). 16. Speel River at Port Snettisham (July 15, 1916). 17. Grindstone Creek at Stephens Passage (May 6, 1916). 18. Carlson Creek at Sunny Cove, Taku Inlet (July 18, 1916). 19. Sheep Creek near Thane (July 26, 1916). 20. Gold Creek at Juneau (July 20, 1916). In addition to the stations in this list, records for Long Lake outlet (Jan. 23, 1913, to Nov. 10, 1915) and for Sherman Creek at Kensington mine, Lynn Canal (Aug. 17, 1914, to Dec. 31, 1916) are contained in the report for 1916. 1 i U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 662, pp. 136-139, 150-153, 1918. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN' SOUTHEASTERN - ALASKA. 47 The available power sites in each area were carefully considered, and gaging stations were established at those which apparently afforded the greatest opportunities for development. The records have been collected in accordance with the standard methods used elsewhere in the United States by the Geological Survey. Owing to the inaccessibility of the stations, water-stage recorders were used at all the stations except that on Ketchikan Creek, and cables have been installed from which discharge measurements are made. Special arrangements were made for observations through the winter to obtain a record of the low-water flow which occurs at that season. The data collected at the gaging stations are presented in the fol- lowing pages and include a general description of each station and tables showing the results of discharge measurements and the com- puted daily discharge. Much of the work has been made possible by the use of the Forest Service launches, on which transportation has been furnished to the engineers and others engaged in installing and maintaining the stations. The local knowledge of the Forest Service employees has also been of great assistance in carrying on the work, and special acknowledgment is due to W. G. Weigle, forest supervisor at Ketch- ikan, who has represented the Forest Service in the cooperation; to Leonard Lundgren, district engineer; and to George L. Drake, J. W. Wyckoff, C. T. Gardner, George H. Peterson, James Allen, W. H. Babbitt, Lyle Blodgett, and Milo Caughrean, who have assisted in various ways. During the winter of 1916-17 the field work was carried on by C. O. Brown, assistant engineer, United States Geological Survey. The following individuals and organizations assisted in maintaining gaging stations as indicated: T. J. Jones, Seattle, Wash., furnished a Stevens water-stage recorder, materials, and labor for installing a gage on Swan Lake outlet. The Alaska Gastineau Mining Co. installed gages and furnished gage-height records for Gold Creek near Juneau, Sheep Creek near Thane, and Carlson Creek at Sunny Cove. The Alaska Taku Mining Co. furnished a Lietz gage, labor, mate- rial, and transportation for the installation of a gage on Grindstone Creek at Taku Inlet. The Speel Kiver Project (Inc.), of Juneau, installed and main- tained gages and furnished gage readings for Crater Lake outlet at Speel Kiver, Long Lake outlet at Port Snettisham, Long River below Second Lake, and Speel River at Port Snettisham. The Kensington Mining Co., of Comet, furnished gage readings for Sherman Creek at Kensington mine. The Citizens Light, Power & Water Co., of Ketchikan, furnished gage readings for Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan. 48 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The G. M. Wakefield Mineral Lands Co. furnished gage, materials, and part of labor for the installation of a gaging station on Myrtle Lake outlet at Niblack; maintained gage, and furnished gage record. Mr. C. W. Bloodgood furnished gage and part of materials for installation of gaging station on Cascade Creek at Thomas Bay. GAGING- STATION RECORDS. MYRTLE CREEK AT NIBLACK, PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND. Location. — Halfway between beach and Myrtle Lake outlet which is one-third mile from tidewater, 1 mile from Niblack in north arm of Moira Sound, Prince of Wales Island, and 35 miles by water from Ketchikan. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — July 30 to December 31, 1917. Gage. -^S tevens continuous water-stage recorder on right bank; reached by a trail which leaves beach near mouth of creek. Discharge measurements.' — At medium and high stages from a cable across creek at outlet of lake; at low stages made by wading. Channel and control. — The gage is in a pool 10 feet upstream from a contracted portion of channel at a rocky riffle which forms a well-defined and permanent control. At the cable section the bed is smooth, the water deep, and the current uniform and sluggish. Extremes op stage. — Maximum stage during the period 4.40 feet at 5 p. m. No- vember 18; minimum stage, 1.27 feet at 7 a. m. August 10. Ice. — Stage-discharge relation not affected by ice. Data inadequate for determina- tion of discharge. Myrtle Lake, the outlet of which is 800 feet from tidewater, is at an elevation of 95 feet above sea level and is 122 acres in area. Niblack Lake, the outlet of which is 5,700 feet from tidewater, is at an elevation of 450 feet above sea level and is 383 acres in area. Mary Lake, which is unsurveyed, is about 6,000 feet from tidewater and 650 feet above sea level. Discharge measurements of Myrtle Creek at Niblack in 1917. Date. Made b; — Gage height. Dis- . charge. July 30 . . G. U. Canfield.. Feet. 1.39 Sec.-ft. 42 Nov. 25 . . do 2. 81 104 Daily gage height , in feet, of Myrtle Creek at Niblack for 1917. Day. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1.46 1.87 2. 17 3.8 2.15 1.49 1.78 2.40 3.6 1.95 1.41 1.72 2.49 3.25 1.90 1.37 1.66 2. 47 3.25 1.85 1,35 1.61 2.7 3.5 1.82 1.34 1.56 2.42 4.05 1.78 1.32 1.52 2.28 4. 1 1. 75 1.29 1.49 2.22 3.75 2.05 1.29 1.45 2. 16 1 3.4 2.35 i 1.31 1.42 2.14 3.5 2. 40 1.43 1.42 2.20 3.25 2. 30 1.40 1.73 2.13 ' 3. 15 2.15 1.38 1.82 2.15 ] 3. 75 2.00 1.40 1.87 2.08 4.3 1.92 1.67 2. 01 2.02 3.95 1.80 Day. July. Aug. j Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 16 1.82 2. 00 1.96 3.55 1.80 17 1.85 1.88 2.10 4.05 1.77 18 2. 13 1. 90 2. 55 4.3 1.73 19 2.6 2.03 2.42 4. 1 1.70 20 2. 39 1.95 2. 55 3.7 1.68 21 2.16 1.95 2.42 3.35 1.66 22 2.31 1.98 2. 55 3.05 1.64 23 i 2. IS 1.93 2.50 2.9 1.62 24 2.06 1.88 2. 43 2.9 1.59 25 1.94 1.93 2.36 2.85 1.58 26 2. 00 1.97 2. 25 2.9 1.56 27 2. 27 2. 10 2. 16 3. 1 1.54 28 2. 43 2.42 2.65 2. 85 1. 53 29 2.20 2.35 2.7 2.6 2.05 30 1.39 2.06 2.23 2.85 2.35 2.6 31 1.38 1. 96 3. 1 3. 1 Notf..— G age heights Nov. 29 to Dec. 15 and Dec. 21-31 estimated from maximum and minimum stages indicated by recorder and comparison with gage-height graph for Karta River. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 49 KETCHIKAN CREEK AT KETCHIKAN. Location. — One-fourth mile below power house of Citizens Light, Power & Water Co., one- third mile northeast of Ketchikan post office, downstream 200 feet from mouth of Schoenbar Creek (entering from right), miles from mouth of Granite Basin Creek (entering from left), and 1J miles from outlet of Ketchikan Lake. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — November 1, 1909, to June 30, 1912; June 9, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Vertical staff fastened to a telephone pole near board walk on left bank at bend of creek 200 feet downstream from mouth of Schoenbar Creek; read by- employee of the Citizens Light, Power & Water Co. The gage used since June 9, 1915, consists of the standard United States Geological Survey enameled gage section graduated in hundredths, half-tenths, and tenths from zero to 10 feet. The original gage, established November, 1909, and read until June 30, 1912, is at same location and same datum. It is a staff with graduations painted every tenth. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages from footbridge about 500 feet upstream from gage ; measuring section poor, as the bridge makes an angle of 20° with the current, and at high stages the flow is broken by large stumps near left bank and at middle of bridge. Low-stage measurements made by wading 50 feet below bridge or at another section 100 feet above gage. The flow of Schoenbar Creek has been added to obtain total flow past gage. Channel and control. — Gage is located in a large deep pool of still water at a bend in creek. The bed of the stream at the outlet of this pool is a solid rock ledge, but changes in a gravel bar at lower right side of pool cause occasional changes in stage-discharge relation. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage recorded during year, 8.3 feet, November 18 (discharge not determined); minimum stage recorded, 0.08 foot December 27 (discharge not determined). 1909-1912 and 1915-1917: Maximum stage recorded 8.3 feet November 18, 1917; minimum stage recorded 0.28 foot September 24, 1915 (discharge, 34 second-feet). A stage of 0.08 foot recorded December 27, 1917, but rating curve is not sufficiently well defined to determine discharge at that stage. Ice. — I ce forms along banks but control remains open. Diversions. — A small quantity of water is diverted above the station for the use of the town of Ketchikan, the New England Fish Co., and the Standard Oil Co. Regulation. — Small timber dam and headgates are located at outlet of Ketchikan Lake. Water diverted through power house is returned to creek above gage but causes very little diurnal fluctuation. During low water the flow is increased by water from the reservoir. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation changed during high water August 19. Rating curve used January 1 to August 18 well defined below and poorly defined above 2,000 second-feet. Gage read to hundredths once daily. Daily discharge ascertained by applying gage height to rating table. Sufficient discharge measure- ments have not been made to define rating curve applicable August 19 to Decem- ber 31. Records fair. Discharge measurements of Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 24 Aug. 24 26 C. O. Brown G. H. Canfield Feet. 1.13 1.23 1.10 Sec.-ft. 151 218 191 Oct. 18 Nov. 27 G. H. Canfield Feet. 0.94 2.20 Sec.-ft. 172 615 50 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan for period Jan. 1 to Aug. 18, 1917. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June, July. Aug. 118 61 54 42 125 228 720 180 69 54 54 42 93 196 382 200 71 54 61 245 90 196 493 160 66 108 66 241 74 196 720 180 64 176 69 125 76 220 616 160 74 249 66 99 160 308 357 160 142 232 61 82 160 216 382 160 262 285 54 79 523 436 285 160 87 212 50 76 285 262 180 142 262 216 50 76 220 196 160 241 267 168 52 71 216 '200 160 142 115 125 54 76 220 204 142 125 82 523 52 76 212 204 142 108 79 450 48 64 200 204 142 160 74 740 44 64 180 204 142 285 64 377 44 64 180 196 139 241 66 180 66 66 180 204 139 332 66 118 61 90 285 553 142 1, 290 85 108 54 142 220 493 142 74 69 61 176 200 332 125 61 66 54 142 180 382 125 64 66 71 139 172 357 125 102 64 69 142 160 220 125 142 64 56 142 176 220 285 204 61 54 142 180 180 155 125 61 54 142 176 180 125 122 64 44 142 180 180 180 90 54 44 139 180 160 142 66 46 142 216 160 142 64 44 139 220 180 142 61 42 220 180 Daily gage height, in feet, of Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan for period Aug. 19 to Dec. 31, 1917. Day. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Day. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 0.60 1.00 5.4 0. 50 16 1.18 1.00 1.9 0.20 2 .60 1.80 4.4 .42 17 .90 1.00 3.5 . 20 3 .50 1.84 1.8 .34 18 1.00 1.00 8.3 .20 4 .50 1.40 1. 4 .20 19 6.0 .80 .90 5.3 . 18 5 .50 3.30 1.2 .30 20 4.0 .60 1.40 2.9 .18 6 .50 1.70 4.0 .40 21 2.0 .60 1.50 2.0 .16 7 .46 1.20 7.7 .90 22 4.5 .60 2.5 1.2 .10 8 .. .40 .90 3. 4 2.1 23 1.8 .58 2.4 1.2 .10 9 .40 .82 1.8 .90 24 1.3 .58 1.3 1.8 .10 10 .40 .70 2.4 .50 25 1.1 1.10 1.2 1.9 .10 11 .50 1.40 1.9 .30 26 1.0 .66 1.3 1.6 .10 12 .56 1.20 1.6 .20 27 1.4 1.10 1.2 2.5 .08 13 .60 1.00 6.3 .20 28 2.0 1.40 1.7 1.4 . 10 14 .80 .90 7.8 .20 29 1.2 1.62 1.3 .9 1. 12 15 . 1.10 1.00 3.7 .20 30 1.1 1.56 2.8 .64 1.30 31 1.06 1.20 Monthly discharge of Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-ofl (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 267 61 106 6, 520 9, 940 February 740 54 179 March 71 42 54.8 3,370 6, 780 11,800 14,800 14,800 8, 780 April 245 42 114 May 523 74 192 553 160 249 July 720 125 240 August 1-18 1,290 108 246 The period 76, 800 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 51 BEAVER FALLS CREEK AT GEORGE INLET, REVILLAGIGEDO ISLAND. Location. — Two hundred feet above diversion dam and flume for shingle mill and salmon cannery; 800 feet from beach on west shore of George Inlet; 10 miles by water from Ketchikan. Drainage area. — 5.9 square miles (United States Forest Service survey made in 1917). Records available. — August 3 to October 10, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on left bank, a quarter of a mile frqm tidewater; reached by a corduroy trail which leaves beach back of cannery buildings. The gage was washed out by high water in November. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages, made from log-gaging bridge across stream a quarter of a mile upstream from gage ; at low stages made by wading under bridge. Channel and control. — The gage is in a partly sheltered pool in a narrow, deep, rocky canyon, 15 feet upstream from a small rocky fall, which forms a well-defined and permanent control. Diversions. — A small quantity of water is diverted about 200 yards below station into a flume for use of shingle mill and cannery. Lower Silvis Lake, whose elevation is 790 feet above sea level, is 1J miles from the beach, and its area is 62 acres. The elevation of upper Silvis Lake, whose outlet is only 1,100 feet from the upper end of the lower lake, is 1,100 feet above sea level, and its area is 234 acres. Drainage area above outlet of lower lake is 4.9 square miles; above outlet of upper lake, 3.6 square miles. Data inadequate for determination of discharge. Discharge measurements of Beaver Falls Creek at George Inlet in 1917 . [Made by G. H. Canfield.] Date. Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Gage height. Dis- charge. July 26 Feet. Sec.-ft. 88 83 Oct. 13 Feet. 1.71 1.32 Sec.-ft. 149 98 Aug. 3 1.30 Oct. 18 Daily gage height , in feet , of Beaver Falls Creek at George Inlet for 1917. Day. Aug. Sept. Oct. Day. Aug. Sept. Oct. Day. Aug. Sept. j Oct. 1 0.68 .60 .57 .48 .43 .39 .36 .33 .30 .29 1.66 2.80 2.31 3.29 2.01 1.28 1.03 .87 1.07 1.76 11 1.13 1.08 1.00 1.08 2.16 3.05 3.10 4.03 4.40 3.54 0.35 .79 1.28 2.09 2.42 1.85 1.28 1.75 1.22 1.28 21 2.53 3.42 2.34 1.93 1.58 1.18 1.85 2.50 1.68 3.08 2.96 2.24 1.37 ! 2 12 22 3 1.35 1.17 1.07 .98 .95 .90 .86 .90 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 2.63 2.75 1.80 1.11 .82 8 18 19 28 9 29 10 20 30 31 FISH CREEK NEAR SEA LEVEL, REVILLAGIGEDO ISLAND. Location. — In latitude 55° 24' N., longitude 131° 12' W., near outlet of Lower Lake on Fish Creek, 600 feet from tidewater at head of Thorne Arm, 2 miles northwest of mine at Sea Level, and 25 miles by water from Ketchikan. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — May 19, 1915, to December 31, 1917. 52 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on right shore of Lower Lake, 200 feet above outlet. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages made from cable across creek, 1 mile upstream from gage and 500 feet above head of Lower Lake; at low stages made by wading at cable. Only one small creek enters Lower Lake, at point opposite gage, between the cable site and control. Channel and control. — The lake is about 500 feet wide opposite the gage. Outlet consists of two channels, each about 60 feet wide, separated by an island 40 feet wide. From the lake to tidewater, 200 feet, the creek falls 20 feet. Bedrock exposed at the outlet of the lake forms a well-defined and permanent control. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during year, 5.33 feet at 6 p. m. November 1 (discharge, computed from an extension of rating curve, 4,600 second -feet) ; mini- mum stage 0,81 foot, March 16 (discharge, 57 second-feet). 1915-1917 : Maximum stage 5.33 feet November 1, 1917 (discharge, 4,600 second- feet); minimum stage, 0.50 foot, February 11, 1916 (discharge, 22 second-feet). Ice. — Lower Lake freezes over, but as gage is set back in the bank ice does not form in well, and the relatively warm water from the lake and the swift current keep the control open. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation affected by brush lodged at control January 1 to August 17; most of brush removed April 10 and remainder washed out on August 17. Rating curve used January 1 to April 10 well defined below and poorly defined above 400 seconddeet; curve used April 11 to August 17 well defined; curve used August 18 to December 31 is open-water curve used May 19, 1915, to August 23, 1916, and is well defined below and extended above 1,500 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except for periods indicated by breaks in record shown in the footnote to daily-discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspect- ing gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctuation, by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table mean daily gage heights for regular* intervals of day. Records excellent, except for short periods of break in record and for period when control was obstructed by brush, for which they are fair. There are three large lakes in the upper drainage basin: Big Lake, 2 miles from beach at elevation 275 feet, covers 1,700 acres; Third Lake, 250 acres; and Mirror Lake, at elevation 1,000 feet, 800 acres. Two-thirds of the drainage basin is covered with a thick growth of timber and brush interspersed with occasional patches of beaver swamp and muskeg. Only the tops of the highest mountains are bare. This large area of lake sur- face and vegetation, notwithstanding the steep slopes and shallow soil, affords a little ground storage and after a heavy precipitation maintains a good run-off. During a dry, hot period in summer, however, after the snow has melted, the flow becomes very low because of lack of ice or glaciers in the drainage basin. Discharge measurements of Fish Creek near Sea Level in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 25 Mar. 2 Apr. 16 C. O. Brown Feet. al.48 o.86 61.16 Sec.-ft. 243 65 164 June 23 Oct. 12 G. H. Canfield Feet. cl. 89 dl.82 Sec-ft. 557 550 . .do. . . do G. H. Canfield a Control obstructed by brush and logs. c Obstruction on control. b Part of obstruction on control removed Apr. 10. d Control clear. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 53 Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Fish Creek near Sea Level for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 137 130 76 70 394 710 482 256 254 857 4,240 302 2 135 119 67 69 382 616 623 354 208 686 3, C80 243 3 127 107 69 70 370 547 670 370 168 830 3,940 192 4 119 96 83 127 342 495 870 315 142 766 1,200 161 5 109 87 83 159 337 502 978 265 126 1,060 1,300 142 6 107 93 76 176 354 766 906 234 108 1,030 1,620 123 7 156 169 72 190 382 879 734 212 96 694 2,500 126 8 284 278 72 162 595 1,150 630 188 87 539 2,620 200 9 408 290 70 137 897 1,150 528, 170 82 428 1,780 302 10 499 284 67 132 897 822 436 152 76 368 1,400 351 11 492 284 65 130 670 609 382 148 73 395 974 296 12 408 284 64 130 540 502 354 152 91 525 750 243 '13 316 300 64 130 560 450 320 162 197 588 1,380 192 14 244 420 62 130 567 456 290 168 384 553 3,000 161 15 202 788 58 136 521 456 270 265 870 486 2,680 139 16 166 874 57 162 469 436 265 581 1,730 440 1,730 123 17 143 748 69 180 436 406 275 1,150 1,250 440 1,820 116 18 127 541 98 194 443 514 275 1,960 814 486 3, 220 108 19 127 338 91 242 495 942 275 2,380 618 454 3, 900 101 20 132 227 89 270 514 1,050 265 2,260 480 532 3,060 96 21 137 179 87 256 495 942 252 1,510 384 588 1,840 89 22 198 162 91 242 443 806 242 1,040 368 806 1,160 84 23 198 143 107 229 394 616 229 857 525 947 830 80 24 198 127 102 224 370 502 275 618 460 947 702 76 25 249 114 98 251 400 436 388 447 473 848 602 73 26 263 102 107 275 482 406 388 351 694 655 602 69 27 244 91 100 305 581 376 337 318 726 512 774 61 28 198 83 93 337 670 354 295 492 1,190 574 734 61 29 169 87 365. 742 342 2C0 525 1,680 744 574 180 30 153 82 388 766 337 234 414 1,300 1,080 414 606 31 140 76 726 220 324 2,690 1,730 Note.— D ischarge Jan. 21-24, Jan. 29 to Mar. 1, Apr. 5-16, Oct. 3-11 estimated, because of stopping gage clock, from maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recording pencil, from weather records, and from comparison of the hydrograph for this stream with hydrographs of other streams in near-by drainage basins. Monthly discharge of Fish Creek near Sea Level for 1917. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. J Mean. 499 107 212 13,000 874 83 266 14,800 107 57 80.2 4,930 388 69 196 11,700 897 337 524 32, 200 1,150 337 619 36, 800 978 220 418 25, 700 2,380 148 601 37,000 1,730 73 524 31,300 2,690 368 727 44, 700 4,240 414 1,830 109,000 1,730 61 220 13,500 4,240 57 518 375,000 SWAN LAKE OUTLET AT CARROLL INLET, REVILLAGIGEDO ISLAND. Location. — Halfway between Swan Lake and tidewater; on east shore of Carroll Inlet, 1 mile from its head; 30 miles by water from Ketchikan. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — August 24, 1916, to October 13, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on left bank, half a mile from tide- water; reached by a trail which leaves beach back of old cabin one-fourth mile south of mouth of creek. Gage was washed out by extreme high water in November, 1917. 54 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages, made from a cable across stream 100 feet downstream from gage; at low stages made by wading. Channel and control. — The gage well is in a deep pool 25 feet upstream from a contracted portion of channel, where a fall of a foot over bedrock forms a per- manent control. The effect of the violent fluctuation of the water surface outside of gage well is decreased in the inner float well because the intake holes at the bottom are very small. At the cable section the bed is rough, the water shallow, and the current very swift. Point of zero flow is at gage height 0.0 ±0.2 foot. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during period, 6.35 feet at 7 p. m. Au- gust 19, 1917 (discharge, computed from extension of rating curve, 1,900 second- feet); minimum stage, 1.01 feet at 10 p. m. April 2, 1917 (discharge, 39 second- feet). Ice. — Stage-discharge relation not affected by ice. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve fairly well defined between 50 and 900 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except January 1-25 and September 16-30. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph. Records fair. Swan Lake, whose area is about 350 acres, is 1^ miles from tidewater, at an elevation of 225 feet above sea level. Discharge measurements of Swan Lake outlet at Carroll Inlet in 1917 . Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 26 Feb. 2 C. O. Brown Feet. 1.72 1.27 Sec. -ft. 205 78 Apr. 7 June 23 G. H. Canfield Feet. 1.52 3. 14 Sec. -ft. 141 645 do do Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Swan Lake outlet at Carroll Inlet for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. 1 104 92 82 44 452 799 816 388 319 2 99 80 78 42 423 716 850 452 272 3 96 76 71 40 407 633 918 426 238 4 84 89 71 58 398 584 1,060 378 213 78 145 67 102 404 633 1,020 344 173 6 74 *251 65 136 468 816 952 325 170 7 169 356 62 148 534 850 782 294 154 8 263 468 60 142 833 969 683 285 139 9 340 468 58 133 969 969 600 260 127 10 . 404 436 54 130 833 799 551 254 118 11 388 391 52 133 650 666 518 254 115 12 . 340 344 53 130 584 584 485 269 124 13 272 414 52 130 666 567 452 282 288 683 14 216 518 49 133 650 633 423 306 468 15 163 891 46 148 584 633 436 551 1,010 16 . 136 901 44 172 551 617 430 910 17 109 683 45 200 534 584 452 1,300 18 96 502 53 229 568 666 452 1,600 1 19 96 375 62 260 584 864 449 1,700 20 99 294 60 278 584 884 426 1,600 21... 104 235 59 269 534 833 433 1,160 22 124 191 59 263 485 765 388 986 23 127 169 69 260 446 666 372 833 24 127 145 65 282 452 584 468 650 25 191 127 62 334 534 567 534 502 26 206 112 62 375 650 551 502 430 27 184 102 62 398 749 518 426 468 28 . 154 89 58 433 816 502 394 600 29 . 133 54 452 867 502 356 518 30 115 53 485 850 502 337 420 31 .. 102 48 833 340 388 Note. — Discharge Jan. 1-25 estimated from maximum and minimum stages indicated by recording pencil and comparison with gage-height graphs for Fish Creek near Sea Level; discharge Sept. 16-30 esti- mated at 1,100 second-feet by comparison with records of flow for Fish Creek. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 55 Monthly discharge of Swan Lake outlet at Carroll Inlet for 1917. Month. Discharge in secor d-feet. 4 Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 404 74 168 10.300 17, 700 3,600 15.600 37, 400 40.600 34. 300 38,000 40,500 February 901 76 319 March 82 48 59.2 April 485 40 211 May 969 398 609 June 969 502 682 July 1,060 1,700 337 558 August 254 618 September 681 1 The period 238,000 1 ORCHARD LAKE OUTLET AT SHRIMP BAY, REVILLAGIGEDO ISLAND. Location. — In latitude 55° 50 / N., longitude 131° 27' W., at outlet of Orchard Lake, one-third mile from tidewater at head of Shrimp Bay, an arm of Behm Canal, 46 miles by water from Ketchikan. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — May 28, 1915, to October 10, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on right bank 300 feet below Orchard Lake and 100 feet above site of timber-crib dam, which was built in 1914 for proposed pulp mill and washed out by high water August 10, 1915. Datum of gage lowered 2 feet September 15, 1915. Gage heights May 29 to August 10, 1915, referred to first datum; August 11, 1915, to August 17, 1916, to second datum. Datum of gage lowered 1 foot August 17, 1916. Gage heights August 18, 1916, to October 10, 1917, referred to this datum. Gage washed out in November, 1917. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages made from cable 50 feet downstream from gage; at low stages by wading near cable. Channel and control. — From Orchard Lake, at elevation 134 feet above high tide, the stream descends in a series of rapids for 1,000 feet through a narrow gorge, then divides into two channels and enters the bay in two cascades of 100-foot vertical fall. Opposite the gage the water is deep and the current sluggish. At the site of the old dam bedrock is exposed, but for 30 feet upstream the channel is filled in with loose rock and brush placed during construction of dam. This material forms a riffle which acts as a control for water surface at gage at low and medium stages and is scoured down when ice goes out of lake ; the rock outcrop at site of old dam acts as a control at high stages and is permanent. Extremes op discharge. — Maximum stage during period, 8.4 feet at 2 a. m. October 16, 1915 (discharge 6,230 second-feet); minimum discharge estimated, 20 second- feet February 11, 1916. Ice. — Ice forms on Orchard Lake, but because of swift current and relatively warm water from lake the outlet and control remain open. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation changed January 12 when logs lodged on con- trol; also on August 16, when logs were washed out and old gravel cofferdam under cable was scoured down farther. Rating curve used January 1-11 same as curve used April 13 to December 31, 1916, and is fairly well defined. Seven discharge measurements were made and six points for platting were computed by comparison with record of Fish Creek during the period January 1 to October 10 by means of which rating curves have been constructed which are applicable as follows: January 12 to August 16, well defined below and poorly defined above 500 second-feet; August 17 to October 10, poorly defined. Operation of water- stage recorder satisfactory, except January 15-29, when it stopped. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating tables daily gage height, determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or for days of considerable fluctuation by aver- aging the discharge for equal intervals of the day. Records fair. 56 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1017. The highest mountains on this drainage basin are only 3,500 feet above sea level and are covered to an elevation of 2,500 feet by a heavy stand of timber and a thick under- growth of brush, ferns, alders, and devil’s club. The topography is not so rugged as that of the area surrounding Shelockum Lake, and the proportion of vegetation, soil cover, and lake area is greater, so that more water is stored and the flow in the Orchard Lake drainage basin is better sustained. Discharge measurements of Orchard Lake outlet at Springs Bay in 1917. Date. Made by— Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by— Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 30 Brown and Gardner Feet. 1.04 Sec.-ft. 101 Aug. 1 Drake and Blodget Feet. 2.38 Scc.-ft. 460 Mar. 6 .74 67 26 C. T. Gardner 2.09 358 Apr. , 14 June 21 G. H. Canfield 1.39 180 Oct. 11 G. H. Canfield 3.26 880 4.22 1,070 Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Orchard Lake outlet at Shrimp Bay for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. 1 93 82 79 54 690 1,400 935 380 270 840 2 91 72 74 50 595 1,140 1,020 495 226 807 3 89 65 70 49 578 970 1,100 465 192 1,380 4 84 67 70 62 542 858 1,430 380 166 1,170 5 76 95 70 123 560 948 1,340 342 150 2.080 6 77 165 67 172 630 1.280 1,170 318 136 1.220 7 133 282 66 184 770 1,370 690 280 123 710 8 262 435 66 182 1,170 1,400 730 262 116 560 9 357 495 65 170 1,490 1,250 630 230 110 455 10 398 465 62 161 1, 170 995 560 218 105 410 11 440 420 61 170 835 860 525 216 102 12 322 355 61 170 690 790 510 235 112 13 248 368 60 170 970 770 465 239 249 14 196 495 56 174 1,020 880 420 300 450 15 163 1,000 54 214 880 880 420 606 1, 500 16 125 1,400 51 264 835 790 405 1,150 2,370 17 98 880 52 330 792 750 450 2,560 1.700 18 78 578 60 380 880 790 435 2,860 1,180 19 1 79 392 72 380 835 995 435 2, 880 915 20 83 290 75 405 835 1,020 435 2,420 630 21 83 222 72 380 730 1.070 495 1,520 508 22 83 183 74 368 650 1,070 420 1,300 840 23 83 154 78 368 595 860 380 1,060 890 24 85 130 75 432 630 750 510 730 690 25 132 117 68 510 835 750 730 525 730 26 216 106 70 578 1,070 750 710 410 890 27 188 95 67 612 1,370 670 525 410 790 28 154 86 65 670 1,520 612 435 508 2,000 29 128 62 710 1,640 595 372 508 2, 240 30 112 56 770 1,550 595 318 410 1,480 31 95 54 1,430 318 328 Note. — Discharge Jan. 1-14 estimated, because of stopping of clock, from maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recorder, from weather records, and from records of flow for Karta River. Monthly discharge of Orchard Lake outlet at Shrimp Bay for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 440 76 157 9,650 February 1,400 79 65 339 18.800 March. . . 51 65.6 4.030 April 770 49 309 18,400 57, 100 May 1,640 542 928 June 1,400 595 929 55.300 July 1.430 318 623 38.300 August 2,880 215 791 48,600 September 2,370 102 729 43,400 October 1-10 2,080 410 963 19.100 The period 313,000 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 57 SHELOCKUM LAKE OUTLET AT BAILEY BAY. Location. — In latitude 56° 00' N., longitude 131° 36' W., on mainland near outlet of Shelockum Lake, three-fourths mile by Forest Service trail from tidewater at north end of Bailey Bay, and 52 miles by water north of Ketchikan. Drainage area. — 18 square miles (measured on sheets Nos. 5 and 8 of the Alaska Boundary Tribunal, edition of 1895). Records available. — June 1, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on right shore of lake, 250 feet above outlet. Gage house was pushed off the well by a snowslide January 4, 1917. Gage not put into operation again until May 23. Discharge measurements. — Made from cable across outlet of lake, 200 feet below gage and 50 feet upstream from crest of falls. Channel and control. — Opposite the gage the lake is 600 feet wide; at the outlet bedrock is exposed and the water makes a nearly perpendicular fall of 150 feet. This fall forms an excellent and permanent control for the gage. At extremely high stages the lake has another outlet about 200 feet to left of main outlet. Point of zero flow is at gage height 0.6 foot. Extremes of discharge. — 1915-1917: Maximum stage during year, 6.84 feet, at 8 a. m. November 1 (discharge, 2,780 second-feet); minimum discharge, estimated from climatic records, 2.5 second-feet, January 31. Ice. — Ice forms on Shelockum Lake and at gage, but because of the swift current and relatively warm water from lake, the control remains open and stage-discharge relation is not affected by ice. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve well defined. Gage not in operation January 4 to May 22. Operation cf water-stage recorder for rest of year satisfactory except for periods of break in record shown in the foot- note to daily-discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to the rating table daily gage height determined by inspection of gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctuation, by averaging the discharge for equal inter- vals of the day. Records January 4 to May 22 and June 2-20 poor; excellent for rest of year except those for October 1-10 and December 1-27, which are fair. Shelockum Lake, at elevation 344 feet, is only 350 acres in area. The drainage basin above the lake is rough and precipitous and is covered with little soil or vege- tation. There are no glaciers or ice fields at the source of the tributary streams. Therefore, as there is little natural storage, the run-off after a heavy rainfall is rapid and not well sustained, and during a hot, dry summer the flow becomes very low. The large amount of snow that accumulates during the winter months maintains a good flow. Discharge measurements of Shelockum Lake outlet at Bailey Bay in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 31 C. O. Brown Feet. (a) (a) 3.30 Sec.-ft. 62.5 Apr. 13 June 21 G. H. Canfield 42 do 420 a Gage buried in snow and was not read. & Discharge estimated. 58 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Shelockum Lake outlet at Bailey Bay for 1917. Day. Jan. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 47 379 510 259 104 204 2,300 107 2 45 510 338 72 222 1,540 91 3 44 620 252 59 366 500 84 4 788 185 58 525 305 77 5 600 150 45 835 407 71 6 480 125 39 742 518 65 7 352 110 34 366 1,160 71 8 325 100 31 238 674 91 9 288 91 27 179 435 107 10 260 88 25 225 640 123 11 250 106 31 435 495 107 12 243 110 94 366 495 91 13 42 227 109 187 352 1, 250 78 14 202 170 450 308 2,400 68 15 204 366 480 255 1, 270 60 16 229 792 379 218 525 58 17 282 858 480 189 685 48 18 275 950 480 229 1,670 44 19 275 1,010 308 220 1.670 41 20 243 820 248 308 1*630 39 21 435 227 480 366 450 640 37 22 1 435 296 525 379 560 465 35 23 236 366 189 407 288 600 421 33 24 258 341 318 280 300 560 318 31 25 330 341 347 202 407 393 252 30 26 393 320 305 191 352 288 258 28 27 421 288 232 312 548 211 366 27 28 435 262 194 495 720 223 282 25 29 450 262 160 344 480 393 198 41 30 435 280 136 225 298 465 134 88 31 25 407 142 154 1,190 740 Note. — Discharge estimated, because of no gage-height record after Jan. 3, from flow Jan. 1-3, two dis- charge measurements, weather records, and comparison with records of flow for Orchard Lake outlet, as follows: Jan. 1-31, 16 second-feet; Feb. 1-28, 40 second-feet; Mar. 1-31, 16 second-feet; Apr. 1-30, 80 second- feet; May 1-22, 235 second-feet; June 2-20, 350 second-feet; estimates only roughly approximate and should be used with caution. Discharge Oct. 1-10 and Dec. 1-27 estimated from maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recorder and comparison of the hydrograph of this station with the hydrograph for Orchard Lake outlet. Monthly discharge of Shelockum Lake outlet at Bailey Bay for 1917. [Drainage area, 18 square miles.] Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 16 0.889 1.02 984 2,220 February 40 2.22 2.31 March 16 .889 1.02 984 4, 760 April 80 4.44 4.95 May 200 11.1 12.80 12,300 20,500 19. 100 21,000 15.400 23,600 46.400 5,220 June 345 19.2 21.42 July 788 136 310 17.2 19.83 August 1,010 88 342 19.0 21.90 September 720 25 259 14.4 16.07 October 1,190 2,400 179 384 21.3 24.56 November 134 780 43.3 48.31 December 740 25 84.9 4.72 5.44 The vea r 2,400 238 13.2 179. 63 172,000 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 59 KARTA RIVER AT KARTA BAY, PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND. Location. — In latitude 55° 34' N., longitude 132° 37 7 W., at head of Karta Bay, an arm of Kasaan Bay, on east coast of Prince of Wales Island, 42 miles by water across Clarence Strait from Ketchikan. Drainage area. — 49.5 square miles (U. S. Forest Service reconnaissance map of Prince of Wales Island, 1914). Records available. — July 1, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on left bank, half a mile above tide- water, at head of Karta Bay and 1J miles below outlet of Little Salmon Lake. Two per cent of total drainage of Karta River enters between outlet of lake and gage. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages made from cable across river 50 feet upstream from gage ; at low stages by wading at cable section. Channel and control. — From Little Salmon Lake, 1| miles from tidewater, the river descends 105 feet in a series of rapids in a wide, shallow channel, the banks of which are low but do not overflow. The bed is of coarse gravel and boulders; rock crops out only at outlet of lake. Gage and cable are at a pool of still water formed by a riffle of coarse gravel that makes a well-defined and permanent control. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during year, 5.5 feet at 11 p. m. Novem- ber 1 (discharge determined from extension of rating curve, 5,070 second-feet); minimum flow, estimated by a comparison with the record for Fish Creek, 80 second-feet on March 16. 1915-1917: Maximum stage, 5.5 feet November 1, 1917 (discharge, 5,070 second- feet); minimum flow, 21 second-feet, February 11, 1915. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve well defined between 80 and 1,500 second-feet; extended below 80 second-feet to the point of zero flow and above 1,500 second-feet by estimation. Operation of water-stage recorded satisfactory except for periods indicated by breaks in record as shown in footnote to daily-discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table mean daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graphs, or for days of considerable fluctuation by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table mean gage height for regular intervals of day. Records excellent except for periods of break in record and for discharge above 1,500 second-feet, for which they are fair. The combined area of Little Salmon Lake at elevation 105 feet, and Salmon Lake at elevation 110 feet, is 1,600 acres. The slopes along the right shore of lakes and at head of Salmon Lake are gentle, and the area included by the 250-foot contour above lake outlet is 5,500 acres. The drainage area to elevation, 2,000 feet, is heavily covered with timber and dense undergrowth of ferns, brush, and alders. The upper parts of the mountains are covered with thin soil and brush. Only a few peaks at an eleva- tion of 3,500 feet are bare. This large lake and flat area and thick vegetal cover affords considerable natural storage, which, after heavy precipitation, maintains a good run-off. The snow usually melts by the end of June, and the run-off becomes very low during a dry, hot summer. The Forest Service in the summer of 1916 constructed a pack trail from tidewater to outlet of Little Salmon Lake. Discharge measurements of Karta River at Karta Bay in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Feb. 6 C. O. Brown Feet. 1.48 Sec.-fL 289 524 June 25 G. H. Canfield 1.85 60 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA. 1917. Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Karta River at Karta Bay for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1 Dec. 1 j 229 100 633 722 402 184 280 943 4,440 480 2 152 192 88 595 641 415 184 228 898 3,770 382 3 145 206 83 558 467 176 197 1,070 1,880 308 4 149 210 86 515 565 164 172 1,050 1,270 259 5 121 238 83 515 501 748 156 149 1,480 1,700 229 6 118 290 86 543 558 773 145 153 1,070 2,020 206 377 389 118 610 595 625 135 121 748 2,360 201 8 697 501 125 952 665 543 121 112 588 1,820 338 9 790 118 1,030 633 501 118 100 467 1,270 730 10 824 536 106 862 565 434 121 94 408 2, 120 756 11 764 508 103' 645 501 376 118 83 460 1,940 625 12 588 460 103 572 448 332 112 91 474 1,880 494 13 460 536 558 422 296 112 168 508 2,540 396 14 370 756 565 448 264 121 202 494 3,860 282 15 302 1,170 558 494 248 192 1,020 448 3, 500 285 16 254 1,040 580 494 254 370 1 070 428 1,700 248 17 220 739 565 487 274 665 907 448 1,820 220 18....: 210 550 588 487 259 808 1,120 641 3,100 197 19 215 408 565 487 243 1,420 1,070 565 3,520 180 20 224 308 370 588 494 229 1,370 817 782 2,820 168 21 233 248 363 565 543 220 990 756 880 1,880 260 22 332 201 350 501 673 206 1,170 1,040 1,220 1,220 142 23 332 180 338 467 649 197 1, 070 990 1,540 1,060 132 24 332 152 350 467 610 224 799 817 2,060 1, 070 128 25 370 132 396 536 515 228 588 739 1,590 990 118 26 434 121 454 649 448 220 467 765 1,070 934 109 27 402 112 501 730 383 220 494 799 764 1,480 103 28 363 103 588 799 350 248 543 1,710 925 1,220 97 29 320 625 862 320 228 494 2,120 1,640 860 396 30 290 665 853 308 206 415 1,440 1,760 625 1,270 31 259 625 192 338 3,100 2,430 Note.— Discharge Jan. 28 to Feb. 5 estimated, because of stopping of clock, from maximum and minimum stages indicated by recorder and from a comparison of hydrograph for this station with that for Fish Creek. No gage-height record, owing to stick caught in float wheel; discharge estimated from a comparison of hydrograph for this station with that for Fish Creek: Mar. 13-31, 120 second-feet; Apr. 1-20, 140 second-feet. Discharge Dec. 27 interpolated. Monthly discharge of Karta River at Karta Bay for 1917. [Drainage area, 49.5 square miles.] Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. Ja.Tma.ry 824 118 348 7.03 8. 10 21,400 19, 900 6,890 February 1,170 103 358 7.23 7. 53 March... 112 2. 26 2. 61 April... 255 5. 15 5. 75 15, 200 May 1,030 722 467 634 12.8 14. 76 39, 000 30,800 21,100 .Tune 308 517 10.4 11.60 July 773 192 343 6.93 7.99 August 1,420 2, 120 2,960 4,440 2,430 112 457 9. 23 10.64 28, 100 38, 300 60, 100 120, 000 September 83 644 13.0 14. 50 October 408 977 19.7 22.71 November 625 2,020 393 40.8 45. 53 December 97 7.94 9. 15 24,200 The year 4,440 587 | 11.9 160.87 425,000 MILL CREEK NEAR WRANGELL. Location. — In latitude 56° 2S / N., longitude 132° 12' W., near outlet of Lake Vir- ginia on east shore of Eastern Passage, a narrow channel between Wrangell Island i and mainland, 6 miles by water from Wrangell. Drainage area. — 50 square miles (measured on U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey chart 8200). Records available. — June 17, 1915, to September 30, 1917. Gage. — Stevens water-stage recorder on left bank one-fourth mile below Lake Vir- ginia and three-fourths mile above tidewater. Gage washed out by extreme high I water November 14, 1917 ; record August 8 to November 14 lost with gage. Discharge measurements. — Made from cable across creek, 10 feet upstream from gage. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 61 Channel and control. — From the outlet of the lake, at an elevation of 100 feet above sea level and at a distance of 1 mile from tidewater, the creek descends in a series of rapids and falls. The bed is glacial drift and boulders at the rapids and rock outcrop at points of concentrated fall. The gage is in a pool of still water created by a small fall at a contracted point of channel. This fall makes a well-defined, permanent, and sensitive control. Extremes of discharge. — 1915-1917: Maximum stage, 8 feet October 16, 1915 (dis- charge, computed from extension of rating curve, about 3,310 second-feet, differs from that published in Bulletin 642 because of revision of rating curve) ; minimum stage, 0.02 foot February 11, 1916 (discharge, 15 second-feet). Ice. — Ice forms on the lake, at gage, and along the banks, but the swift current and flow of relatively Warm water from the lake keeps the control open. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent; not affected by ice. Rating curve well defined below 1,200 second-feet; extended above 1,200 second-feet. Oper- ation of water-stage recorder not satisfactory January 1 to May 18 and July 15 to August 1. Daily discharge, except for periods shown in footnote to daily-dis- charge table ascertained by applying to the rating table mean daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctua- tion, by averaging results obtained by averaging discharge for equal intervals of the day. Results good except for periods when water-stage recorder was not oper- ating satisfactorily. The drainage basin is covered with a heavy stand of timber to an elevation of 2,500 feet and a dense undergrowth of ferns, brush, alders, and devil’s-club, but because of the steep slopes and thin soil the run-off after heavy rains is rapid and the ground storage is small. During a dry, hot period in summer the flow is augmented by melt- ing ice from glaciers at the headwaters of two of the tributary streams. No discharge measurements were made at this station during the year. Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Mill Creek near Wrangell for 1917. 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. 60 60 70 38 380 965 909 590 57 55 65 36 350 715 1,030 1,030 55 48 60 34 330 540 1,150 680 53 55 60 38 310 492 1,660 510 51 70 58 45 330 760 1,250 430 51 110 58 62 460 1,340 965 388 70 120 56 85 580 1,030 715 409 100 190 54 85 700 965 742 130 260 52 78 820 875 645 160 188 50 78 580 645 558 180 170 47 78 350 540 540 160 155 46 78 280 510 525 140 200 45 78 540 525 . 575 120 300 43 80 600 680 525 100 700 40 85 520 662 85 1,230 40 87 490 575 72 '700 40 92 465 575 62 400 40 108 525 662 55 280 50 125 492 750 57 220 55 149 489 750 59 190 55 170 397 715 60 160 55 160 331 698 60 140 55 160 302 592 65 120 55 190 361 558 85 105 55 230 525 525 150 95 52 270 645 510 130 85 51 300 732 475 110 75 50 340 770 439 95 46 365 830 454 80 43 400 790 492 70 40 965 Note.— W ater-stage recorder not working property for the following periods: Jan. 1 to May 18; daily dis- charge estimated from discharge measurement Jan. 21, stafi gage, readings Jan. 21, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 20, May 11, maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recorder for each of periods Jan. 1-20, Jan. 22 to Feb. 9, Feb. 11 to Mar. 9, Mar. 13 to Apr. 19, Apr. 21 to May 10, and May 12-18, and from a comparison of hydrograph for this station with that for Orchard Lake outlet; discharge July 15-31 (625 second-feet^ estimated from maximum and mi n imum stages indicated by recorder and by comparison with records for Ba'ranof Lake outlet; discharge, Aug. 7-30, estimated at 850 second-feet and Sept. 1-30, 725 second-feet, by comparison with records of now for Baranof Lake outlet. 115086°— 19 5 62 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. Monthly discharge of Mill Creeh near Wrangell for 1917. [Drainage area, 50 square miles.] Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 180 51 89.7 1.79 2.06 5,520 12,800 3,150 February ». 1,230 48 231 4.62 4.81 March 70 40 51.2 1.02 1. 18 April 400 34 137 2. 74 3.06 8.150 Mav 965 280 524 10.5 12.11 32,200 39,700 June 1,340 439 667 13.3 14.84 July 723 14.5 16. 72 44.500 48.500 August a 788 15.8 18.22 September 1 a 725 14.5 16. 18 43.100 The period ,238,000 1 1 a Estimated. CASCADE CREEK AT THOMAS BAY, NEAR PETERSBURG. Location. — One-fourth mile above tidewater on each shore of south arm of Thomas Bay; 22 miles by water from Petersburg. One small tributary enters the river from the left one-half mile above gage and 2 miles below lake outlet. Drainage area. — 21 square miles (measured on the United States Geological Survey geologic reconnaissance map of the Wrangell mining district, edition of 1907). Records available. — October 27 to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on left bank, one-fourth mile from tidewater; reached by trail' which leaves beach back of old cabin at mouth of creek. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages, made from log footbridge across stream one-fourth mile upstream from gage; at low stages, made by wading. Channel and control. — From the outlet of a lake at an elevation of 1,200 feet above sea level and 3 miles from tidewater the river descends in a continuous series of rapids and falls through a narrow, deep canyon. Gage is in a protected eddy above a natural rock weir, which forms a well-defined and permanent control. The bed of river under the footbridge is rough and the current swift and irregular, but this section is the only place on whole river where even at low and medium stages there are no boils and eddies. Extremes of stage. — Maximum stage during period, 7.65 feet at 11 p. m., Novem- ber 18; minimum stage, 1.95 feet about December 31. Ice. — Stage-discharge relation not affected by ice. Data inadequate for determination of discharge. The first site on this stream for a storage reservoir is at a small lake 3 miles from tide- water and at elevation of 1,200 feet above sea level. The drainage area above the gaging station is 21 square miles and above the lake outlet, 17 square miles. Flow during summer is augmented by melting ice from glaciers on upper portion of drain- age area. The following discharge measurement was made by G. H. Canfield: October 29, 1917: Gage height, 3.24 feet; discharge, 181 second-feet. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATION'S IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 63 Daily gage height , in feet , of Cascade Creek at Thomas Bay , near Petersburg, for 1917. Day. Oct. Nov. Dec. Day. Oct. Nov. Dec. Day. Oct. Nov. Dec. 5. 65 6.6 4. 95 4. 25 4. 05 4.2 4. 75 4.2 3.8 4.6 2.79 2.67 2. 55 2. 43 2.37 2. 33 2. 32 2.5 2. 47 2. 38 11 4. 65 4. 55 5.2 6.8 5. 85 4.9 5.2 7.2 7. 25 6.6 2. 33 2. 25 2. 20 2. 15 21 5.6 5. 05 4. 55 4.0 3.7 3.6 3. 65 3. 35 3. 15 2. 93 9 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 2.9 3.4 3.2 3.7 4. 55 8 .... 18 28 9 19 29 10 20 30 31 GREEN LAKE OUTLET AT SILVER BAY, NEAR SITKA. Location. — In latitude 56° 59' N., longitude 135° W W., at outlet of Green Lake, at head of Silver Bay, 10^ miles by water south of Sitka. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — August 22, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens water-stage recorder on right bank at outlet of lake, reached by trail which leaves the beach one-fourth mile north of mouth of stream, ascends a 600- foot ridge, and then drops down to the outlet of the lake. Gage datum lowered 1.0 foot December 27, 1916. Discharge measurements. — Made from cable across outlet 30 feet below gage. Channel and control. — From Green Lake, 240 feet above sea level and 1,800 feet from tidewater, the stream descends in a series of falls and rapids through a nar- row canyon whose exposed rock walls rise perpendicularly more than a hundred feet. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during year, 10.74 feet at 12.30 a. m. November 20 (discharge, 2.220 second-feet); minimum stage, 0.12 foot April 2 (discharge, 15 second-feet). 1915-1917: Maximum stage, 11.22 feet (referred to datum used after December 27, 1916) on September 19, 1916 (discharge, 2,400 second-feet); minimum stage, 0.12 foot April 2, 1917 (discharge, 15 second-feet). Ice — Ice forms on lake and at gage, but because of current and flow of relatively warm water from the lake the control remains open. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve Well defined between 10 and 1,300 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except for periods indicated by breaks in record, as shown in the footnote to the daily- discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to the rating table mean daily gage height, determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctuation, by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table gage heights for regular intervals of day. Records good, except those for periods when gage was not operating satisfactorily, which are only roughly approximate. In the fall and winter the flow is low because there is little ground storage, and on most of the drainage area the precipitation is in the form of snow. This accumulated snow produces a large run-off during the spring, and the melting ice from the glacier and the ice-capped mountains augment the run-off from precipitation during the summer. The area of Green Lake is estimated to be only 100 acres. The following discharge measurement was made by G. H. Canfield: August 12, 1917: Gage height, 3.82 feet; discharge, 377 second-feet. 64 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Green LaJce outlet at Silver Bay for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Apr. May. June. July, Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 27 18 233 599 866 712 121 2 23 15 177 490 728 800 108 3 20 15 397 728 406 99 4 14 16 152 388 662 262 94 5 12 18 161 442 599 912 262 87 6 13 22 172 424 620 471 391 85 7 23 258 406 557 1,160 835 92 8 22 480 415 641 866 458 138 9 21 442 452 480 1,130 247 177 10 136 26 294 362 433 774 830 134 11 120 32 206 294 433 797 816 96 12 101 34 188 286 424 380 568 537 79 13 101 35 194 397 424 337 499 631 68 14 156 39 212 537 406 317 508 1,470 65 15 470 58 226 547 406 943 62 16 346 71 270 480 278 438 59 17 212 70 262 490 206 400 55 18 138 67 286 480 200 1,010 53 19 97 68 312 547 226 1,280 52 20 67 246 620 490 1,800 55 21 65 212 662 607 1 140 54 22 73 200 599 741 684 53 23 85 188 557 985 470 52 24 107 206 528 751 371 50 25 142 286 480 480 346 49 26 161 371 470 371 380 48 27 156 512 480 240 480 46 28 177 751 442 362 336 45 29 247 684 461 548 200 44 30 278 641 530 799 145 56 31 620 1,130 145 1 ( Note. — Water-stage recorder not working properly for the following periods: Jan. 1 to Feb. 9 and Feb. 20 j to Apr. 1; discharge estimates from climatic records and comparison of hydrograph for this station with | that for Baranoff Lake outlet, as follows: Jan. 7-31, 90 second-feet; Feb. 1-9, 110 second-feet; Feb. 20-28, ] 45 second-feet; Mar. 1-31, 50 second-feet; May 19-20, daily discharge estimated from maximum and mini- i mum stages indicated by the recorder. Discharge estimated by comparison with records of flow for Baranoff (l Lake outlet as follows: July 15-31, 425 second-feet; Aug. 1-11, 400 second-feet; Aug. 15-31, 640 second-feet; i Sept. 1-30, 620 second-feet; Oct. 1-4, 930 second-feet. Gage well frozen Dec. 22-28; discharge interpolated. Monthly discharge of Green Lake outlet at Silver Bay for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 76.1 4,680 6,660 3,070 4, 420 February 470 120 March 50 April 278 15 74.3 May 751 152 310 19, 100 June 662 286 475 • 28,300 30,200 32, 300 491 August 526 September 620 36,900 40, 100 37,800 4,800 October 200 652 November 1,800 177 145 636 December 44 78.1 The year 343 248,000 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 65 BARANOF LAKE OUTLET AT BARANOF, BARANOF ISLAND. Location. — In latitude 57° 5' N., longitude 134° 54' W., at townsite of Baranof, at head of Warm Spring Bay, east coast of Baranof Island, 18 miles east of Sitka across island, but 96 miles from Sitka by water through Peril Strait. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — June 28, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on right bank 700 feet below Baranof Lake and 800 feet above tidewater at head of Warm Spring Bay. Discharge measurements. — Made from cable across stream 100 feet below lake and 600 feet above gage. Channel and control. — From Baranof Lake, at elevation 130 feet above sea level and 1,500 feet from tidewater, the stream descends in a series of rapids and small falls and enters the bay in a cascade of about 100 feet concentrated fall. The bed is of glacial drift, boulders, and rock outcrop. The gage is in an eddy 50 feet downstream from the foot of a small fall and i00 feet upstream from a riffle which forms a well-defined control. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during year, 4.90 feet at 6 p. m. Novem- ber 19 (discharge, 2,780 second-feet); minimum stage, 0.40 foot April 3 (discharge, 31 second-feet). 1915-1917: Maximum stage, 5.3 feet August 10, 1915 (discharge, computed from extension of rating curve, 3,350 second-feet); minimum flow estimated by discharge measurement and climatic data, 28 second -feet on February 13, 1916. Ice. — Because of the swift current and flow of relatively warm water from the lake, the stream remains open. Diversions. — The flume to Olsen’s sawmill diverts from the stream 200 feet below gage only sufficient water to operate a 25-horsepower Pelton water wheel. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent; not affected by ice. Rating curve well defined below 2,000 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder satis- factory except for short periods indicated in footnote to daily-discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table mean daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctua- tion, by averaging discharge for equal intervals of day. Records good except for periods when recorder did not operate satisfactorily and for periods when water was frozen in well, for which they are fair. The drainage area is rough and precipitous, and the vegetable and soil cover is thin, even on the foothills of the mountains. The run-off is rapid, and the ground storage is small. During a dry, hot period, however, the flow is greatly augmented by melting ice from several small glaciers and ice-capped mountains. No discharge measurements were made at this station during the year. 66 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Baranof Lake outlet at Baranof for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 64 45 36 352 930 1,280 590 420 668 590 208 2 61 i 43 33 321 788 1,100 668 392 695 448 177 3 59 45 31 294 651 1050 640 384 1,280 345 153 4 46 34 288 615 930 568 370 1 280 294 137 5 42 36 279 615 855 545 342 l’ 140 291 122 6 44 37 288 615 820 545 327 695 291 116 7 48 37 330 615 788 545 309 1,380 376 110 8 46 37 590 615 788 545 300 1 100 384 112 9 44 36 695 615 695 545 276 l’lOO 339 108 10 42 37 545 545 668 545 264 855 464 104 11 40 42 432 496 695 590 261 820 755 96 12 39 51 366 480 695 545 • 545 668 695 91 13 i 37 57 352 568 725 492 678 568 725 86 14 35 59 388 725 668 460 640 500 1,330 81 15 34 69 440 788 640 500 855 448 1,050 76 16 37 80 460 755 668 725 668 380 615 71 17 52 86 460 725 725 1,050 980 336 500 67 18 57 92 468 725 695 1,100 1,650 309 890 63 19 57 108 500 788 788 1,540 1,380 306 1,840 59 20 56 114 480 890 820 1,170 1,230 400 2,000 69 21 54 110 412 930 755 820 1,100 532 1,230 70 22 78 55 108 380 890 668 1,010 1,180 695 820 65 23 72 60 113 376 855 640 1,230 930 890 590 63 24 66 50 129 388 820 615 930 640 788 620 61 25 60 57 175 452 820 615 668 480 590 480 59 26 55 62 183 568 755 590 590 444 460 464 57 27 52 57 201 725 725 545 930 934 362 545 55 28 48 51 222 930 725 522 1,050 2,000 330 388 53 29 46 285 1,010 725 492 855 1,430 380 303 50 30 50 352 1,050 788 444 615 930 432 245 65 31 37 1,010 464 488 800 90 Note. — Discharge estimated for following periods, because of unsatisfactory operation of water-stage recorder: Jan. 4-31 (80 second-feet) and Feb. 1-28 (100 second-feet) from weather records and by compari- son with records of flow for streams in near-by drainage basins. Discharge Dec. 12-18 interpolated and Dec. 23-31 estimated by comparison with records of flow for Green Lake outlet. Monthly discharge of Baranof Lake outlet at Baranof for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 78.2 4,810 February 90.4 5,020 March 62 34 47.4 2,910 April 352 31 99.7 5,930 May 1,050 279 504 31,000 June 930 480 719 42,800 1,280 444 724 44,500 August 1,540 460 745 45,800 September 2,000 261 745 44,300 October 1,380 306 683 42,000 November 2,000 245 664 39,500 December 208 50 90.1 5,540 The year 2,000 31 434 314,000 SWEETHEART FALLS CREEK NEAR SNETTISHAM. Location. — In latitude 57° 56^' N., longitude 133° 41' W., on east shore 1 mile from head of south arm of Port Snettisham, 3 miles south of mouth of Whiting River, 7 miles by water from Snettisham, and 42 miles by water from Juneau. No large jj tributaries enter river between gaging station and outlet of large lake, miles i upstream. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 67 Drainage area. — 27 square miles (measured on the United States Geological Survey topographic map of the Juneau gold belt, edition of 1905). Records available. — July 31, 1915, to March 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens water-stage recorder on right bank 300 feet upstream from tidewater on east shore of Port Snettisham. Gage washed out by high water in November, 1917, and record from April 20 last with the gage. Discharge measurements. — Made from cable across river one-fourth mile upstream from gage. Channel and control. — From the outlet of lake at an elevation of 520 feet above sea level and 2\ miles from tidewater the river descends in a series of rapids and falls through a narrow, deep canyon. Gage is in a pool at foot of two falls, each 25 feet high, which are known as Sweetheart Falls; outlet of pool is a natural rock weir which forms a well-defined and permanent control for gage. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during period, 4.2 feet August 14, 1915 (discharge, computed from an extension of the rating curve, 1,420 second-feet); minimum flow, estimated from discharge measurement and climatic data, 15 second-feet February 11, 1916. Ice. — Stage-discharge relation not seriously affected by ice. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation practically permanent; affected by ice January 29 to February 16. Rating curve well defined between 40 and 1,300 second-feet, extended beyond these limits by estimation. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except for periods indicated by breaks in record, as shown in footnote to daily discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table mean daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph. Records excellent except for periods of break in record, for which they are fair. In the fall and winter the run-off is small because the precipitation is in the form of snow and because of the small amount of ground storage ; during a hot, dry period the low run-off from the ground and lake storage is augmented by melting ice from one glacier. Discharge measurements of Sweetheart Falls Creek near Snettisham in 1917. Date. Made by— Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Mar. 9 Apr. 24 C. O. Brown Feet. 0.32 .66 Sec.-ft. 48 94 May 25 Sept. 14 G. H. Canfield Feet. 1.71 1.71 Sec.-ft. 412 410 do do Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Sweetheart Falls Creek near Snettisham for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1 26 51 80 11 70 77 42 21 57 141 48 2 28 48 80 12 68 67 40 22 59 110 45 3 31 54 59 13 68 150 37 23. 56 99 55 4 19 64 51 14 67 296 36 24 67 91 65 5 18 77 57 15 64 224 35 25 84 83 ' 77 6 18 98 55 16 57 258 32 26 82 82 65 7 57 127 51 17 56 242 36 27 70 82 55 8 70 150 47 18 63 195 46 28 63 82 45 9 70 127 45 19 67 178 51 29 57 40 10 70 94 43 20 ' 61 148 50 30 .. 56 35 31 54 30 Note. — Because of clock stopping or backwater from ice, discharge estimated from weather records at Juneau and from comparison of hydrograph for this station with hydrographs for Crater and Carlson creeks. Jan. 7-13, Jan. 29 to Feb. 16, and Mar. 23-31. 68 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Monthly discharge of Sweetheart Falls Creek near Snettisham for 1917. [Drainage area, 27 square miles.] Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 84 18 56.5 2.09 2.41 3,480 February 242 48 127 4.70 4.89 7,o:o March 80 30 49.5 1.83 2.11 3,010 The period 13,500 CRATER LAKE OUTLET AT SPEEL RIVER, PORT SNETTISHAM. Location. — At outlet of Crater Lake, 1 mile upstream from the edge of tide flats at head of north arm of Port Snettisham, 2 miles by trail from cabins of Speel River Project (Inc.), which are 42 miles by water from Juneau. Drainage area. — 11.9 square miles at outlet of Crater Lake and 13 square miles at mouth of stream at beach (measured on topographic maps of the Alaska Boundary Tribunal, edition of 1895). Records available. — January 23, 1913, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens water-stage recorder on left shore of lake, 100 feet upstream from outlet. A locally made water-stage recorder having a natural vertical scale and a time scale of 1 inch to 24 hours was used until replaced by Stevens gage June 29, 1916. The gage datum remained the same during the period. During the winter months, because of inaccessible location and deep snow, the operation of the gage at the lake was discontinued, and the stage read at staff gage in channel exposed at low tide at beach. The first gage at beach was set at an unknown datum and washed out in winter of 1915-16. Another staff gage was set at about the same location and used after November 24, 1916. Discharge measurements. — Made from cable across outlet of lake, 100 feet down- stream from gage and 10 feet upstream from crest of first falls. The rope sling from which discharge measurements were first made was replaced in fall of 1915 by a standard United States Geological Survey gaging car, making more accurate measurements possible. Channel and control. — The gage is on left shore of lake, 100 feet upstream from outlet where the stream becomes constricted into a narrow channel, the bed of which is composed of large boulders and rock outcrop, which form a well-defined and permanent control. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during the year, 5.0 feet August 19 (discharge, 1,270 second -feet) ; minimum flow, 12 second-feet March 15-16 and April 13-15. 1913-1917 : Maximum stage during the period, 5.9 feet August 13, 1915 (dis- charge, estimated from extension of rating curve, 1,680 second -feet) ; minimum flow, 5 second-feet February 1-13, 1916, estimated from one discharge measure- ment and weather records. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve defined by 19 dis- charge measurements, 13 of which were made by employees of the Speel River Project (Inc.) and 6 by an engineer of the United States Geological Survey, and is well defined below and extended above 1,000 second -feet. Rating curve used January 1 to May 25 for staff gage at beach, fairly well defined. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except June 30 to July 3, when gage clock was run down, September 13-16, 19-30, and November 1 to December 31. Discharge record January 1 to May 25 computed from gage-height records for staff gage at beach. Daily discharge May 26 to October 31 ascertained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctuation, by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table mean gage heights for regular intervals of the day. Discharge September 13-16, 19-30, and November 1 to December 31 estimated by comparison with WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 69 records of flow for Long River. Records obtained from gage at lake, good; those from gage at beach, fair; those obtained by comparison with records for Long River only roughly approximate. Crater Lake is at an elevation of 1,010 feet above sea level and covers 1.1 square miles. The sides of the mountains surrounding the lake are steep and barren, and the tops are covered by glaciers. Discharge measurements of Crater Lake outlet at Speel River , Port Snettisham, in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Feet. Sec.-ft. Feet. Sec.-ft. Jan. 1 Grosseth and Hayes. . . 1. 12 33.6 Mar. 29 C. N. Hayes 0.98 27.3 9 do, 1. 43 44. 8 31 do .87 19.7 10 Gust Grosseth . 10 37.4 Apr. 5 do .75 14.5 10 Brown and Hayes 1.36 44.6 10 do .69 13.1 12 do 1. 16 32.2 12 do .69 12.9 17 Grosseth and Hayes. . . .96 20.9 18 do .80 17. 1 29 Gust Grosseth .05 22. 5 22 Brown and Hayes .89 22. 3 31 Grosseth and Hayes. . . .97 19.7 23 C. O. Brown...' .88 21.2 Feb. 7 do. . . 1. 38 48. 6 24 do 1.06 34. 5 24 C. N. Hayes 1. 22 39. 0 25 C. N. Hayes 1.00 32. 4 26 do 1. 10 30.8 27 do 1.11 42.2 Mar. 2 do .93 19.9 29 do 1.28 70 10 do o.84 14.8 May 10 do 1.68 211 14 o. 75 13.9 12 do 1. 50 128 17 Brown and Hayes o.69 13.4 16 do 1. 54 136 24 do 1. 17 44.4 24 G. H. Canfield 1.45 103 27 do 1. 09 38.0 Dec. 7 do 61. 08 39 a Stage-discharge relation changed owing to blasting rocks out of channel. b New gage and datum at same location as old gage at beach. Note.— A ll discharge measurements except those made by Gust Grosseth Jan. 10 and 29 were made at the beach; gage heights referred to gage at beach. Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Crater Lake outlet at Sped River , Port Snettisham, for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. 1 37 21 20 19 65 304 402 697 223 186 2 30 18 20 17 60 280 487 642 198 231 3 L7 22 20 15 60 245 642 416 184 408 4 25 28 19 15 60 241 547 316 183 443 5 24 32 19 15 65 304 472 272 184 338 6 46 39 18 15 100 350 388 265 191 282 7 69 46 17 14 150 306 472 272 194 517 8 58 53 16 14 200 253 443 282 191 502 9 50 47 16 14 270 223 327 282 189 710 10 46 41 15 13 211 200 293 293 192 517 11 39 36 16 13 150 183 304 362 221 675 12 33 37 17 13 125 193 375 362 414 416 13 30 38 14 12 129 229 388 316 429 14 26 60 14 12 132 269 350 293 293 15 25 82 12 12 136 362 402 429 212 16 23 78 12 13 140 338 429 648 143 17 21 74 13 14 130 304 472 955 402 105 18 25 71 15 17 140 327 723 885 780 90 19 28 68 16 28 145 443 692 1,050 90 20 32 60 24 26 150 416 562 1,070 86 21 41 54 25 24 120 362 429 724 90 22 39 48 32 22 100 388 338 728 87 23 37 43 39 28 105 362 338 815 103 24 36 36 45 29 108 338 532 594 101 25 45 33 43 30 118 350 610 375 90 26 40 30 40 36 127 338 594 293 84 27 36 26 37 42 167 316 444 709 70 28 32 24 32 54 200 316 327 955 70 29 30 28 67 221 304 267 698 94 30 27 24 70 241 316 229 416 108 31 24 20 280 381 280 203 Note. — Daily discharge for days when staff gage was not read during period Jan. 1 to May 25 estimated from weather records and records of flow for Long River. Daily discharge June 30 to July 3 estimated from maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recorder and records of flow for Long River. Records Jan. 1 to May 26 show discharge at beach; May 26 to Dec. 31 discharge at outlet of Crater Lake. Discharge estimated, because gage was not operating, by comparison with records of flow for Long River, as follows: Sept. 13-16, 330 second-feet; Sept. 19-30, .480 second-feet; Nov. 1-30, 250 second-feet; Dec. 1-31, 35 second-feet. Records for these periods only roughly approximate. VO MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1911 Monthly discharge of Crater Lake outlet at Speel River , Port Snettisham, for 1917. [Drainage area 13.0 square miles at tidewater; 11.9 square miles at outlet of Crater Lake.] Discharge in second-feet. Run-ofT. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 69 21 34.9 2. 68 3.09 3.56 2,150 2,470 1,380 February 82 18 44. 5 3.42 March 45 12 22. 5 1.73 1.99 April 70 12 23.8 1.83 2.04 1,420 8,730 18,100 May 280 60 142 10.9 12.57 June 443 183 305 25.6 28.56 July 723 229 441 37.1 42.77 27.100 33.100 21,500 August 265 265 539 45. 3 52.23 September 183 361 30.3 33. 81 October 710 70 251 21. 1 24. 33 15,400 14,900 2,150 November 250 21.0 23. 43 December 35 2.94 3.39 Note. — Records Jan. 1 to May 25 show discharge at beach. Records May 26 to Dec. 31 show discharge at outlet of Crater Lake. See footnote to daily-discharge table. LONG RIVER BELOW SECOND LAI£E, AT PORT SNETTISHAM. LocAnoN. — One-half mile downstream from outlet of Second Lake, 1 mile down- stream from outlet of Long Lake, one-half mile upstream from head of Indian Lake; 2\ miles by trail and boat across Second Lake from cabins of the Speel River project at head of the North Arm of Port Snettisham, 42 miles by water from Juneau. Drainage area. — 33.2 square miles (measured on sheet No. 12 of the Alaska Bound- ary Tribunal maps, edition of 1895). Records available. — November 11, 1915, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on right bank one-half mile below outlet of Second Lake. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages made from cable across river at gage; at low stages made by wading one-fourth mile downstream. Channel and control. — At the gage the channel is deep and the current sluggish; banks are low and are overflowed at extremely high stages; bed smooth except for one large boulder. A rapid, 500 feet downstream, forms a well-defined and permanent control. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during year, 7.35 feet at 1 a. m. August 20 (discharge, 2,900 second-feet); minimum stage, 0.28 foot March 26 (discharge, 37 second-feet). 1916-17: Maximum stage, 7.35 feet August 20, 1917 (discharge, 2,900 second- feet); minimum flow, 23 second-feet, February 13, 1916. Ice. — Stage-discharge relation affected by ice during January, February, and March. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent; affected by ice or poor connection between well and river January 3-6, 21, 22, January 27 to February 7, February 19-28, and April 15 to May 5 . Rating curve fairly well defined between 50 and 400 second-feet and well defined between 400 and 2,000 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory throughout year except January 18-19, February 22-27, June 23-28, July 28 to August 3, November 21-25, and November 30 to December 31. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to the rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting the gage-height graph. Records good except for stages below 400 second-feet, for which they are fair. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 71 The area draining to Long River between Long Lake outlet and this station com- prises only 1.3 square miles, including First Lake and Second Lake. Because this area is at a low altitude and has no glaciers the run-off per square mile from it is greater early in the spring but much less in summer than that from the area above Long Lake, which is partly covered by glaciers. Discharge measurements of Long River below Second Lake, at Port Snettisham, in 1917. Date. Made by— Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 11 20 Mar. 22 Apr. 20 C. O. Brown Grosseth and Hayes Brown and Hayes do Feet. 1.10 .77 .40 .62 Sec.-ft. 95 57 47.1 57 May 23 24 July 5 Charles Hayes G. H. Canfield do Feet. 2.10 2. 10 4. 56 Sec.-ft. 271 277 1,190 Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Long River below Second Lake, at Port Snettisham, for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 81 77 85 57 680 908 1,580 660 506 470 154 2 73 73 77 57 680 1,090 1,550 582 408 377 130 3 69 68 72 57 600 1,280 1,110 530 885 276 120 4 56 64 70 49 620 1,330 908 502 998 216 118 5 53 60 61 51 720 1,180 780 495 863 222 114 6 63 130 57 52 263 720 1,040 740 492 660 227 112 7 133 198 54 52 303 680 1,090 740 498 1,180 488 109 8 183 222 51 51 380 620 1,020 760 492 1,260 399 105 9 119 129 50 49 464 565 840 760 478 1,600 298 103 10 102 103 49 49 412 502 760 760 478 1,330 318 100 11 92 91 48 48 318 467 760 862 478 1,600 530 99 12 82 82 45 48 295 488 840 908 495 1,720 526 98 13 75 106 45 48 303 548 840 840 660 1,040 620 96 14 69 179 43 48 332 620 800 800 840 780 1,410 95 15 66 263 42 326 720 862 1,020 1,100 600 1,520 93 16 59 196 40 315 700 908 1,380 1,180 422 930 91 17 73 179 40 309 680 1,020 908 1,230 306 620 88 18 96 164 41 326 720 1,360 1,960 1,630 276 975 86 19 118 157 42 350 862 1,410 2,360 2,370 276 1,460 83 20 77 150 43 362 862 1,260 2, 580 2,110 306 1,960 82 21 74 143 44 318 840 1,040 1,750 2,370 234 1,300 81 22 71 136 45 290 885 885 1,810 1,900 232 1 000 81 23 68 130 41 268 840 840 1,990 1,340 309 ’800 80 24 75 123 49 268 780 1,020 1,630 908 303 670 79 25 130 116 53 309 760 1,130 1,160 640 276 550 78 26 104 109 37 362 760 1,160 1,410 640 271 460 77 27 99 103 48 428 740 1,040 1,460 565 182 408 77 28 95 97 46 488 740 885 1,990 582 182 332 76 29 91 54 530 720 760 1,630 760 284 250 76 30... 86 73 582 730 660 1, 130 680 335 192 76 31 82 62 680 840 820 582 76 Note. — Water-stage recorder not working properly or stage-discharge relation affected by ice or poor connection between well and river for following periods: Jan. 3-6, 18-19, 21-22, Jan. 27 to Feb. 7, Feb. 19-28; daily discharge estimated from weather records and comparison with records of flow for Crater Creek. Discharge estimated from weather records and by comparison with records of flow for Crater Lake outlet as follows: Apr. 15-31, 80 second-feet; May 1-5, 160 second-feet. Discharge June 23-28, July 28 to Aug. 3, and Nov. 21-25 estimated from maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recorder and comparison with records of flow for Crater Lake outlet and Speed River. Discharge Nov. 29 to Dec. 31 estimated from readings of staff gage Dec. 10, 19, and 28 and from weather records. 72 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Monthly discharge of Long River below Second Lahe f at Port Snettisham, for 1917 . [Drainage area, 33.2 square miles.] Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 183 53 87.6 2.64 3.04 5,390 7,220 3,190 February 263 60 130 3.92 4.08 March 85 37 51.9 1.56 1.80 April 66.5 2.00 2. 23 3,960 20, 600 41,400 61,200 79.300 54,900 40, 100 39.300 5,820 May 680 335 10. 1 11.64 June 885 467 695 19.4 21.64 July 1,410 660 995 30.0 34. 59 August 2,580 2,370 1,720 740 1,290 38.9 44. 85 September 478 923 27.8 31.02 October 182 652 19.6 22. 60 November 1,960 154 192 660 19.9 22. 20 December 76 94.6 2.85 3.29 The year 2,580 37 501 15.1 204. 66 362,000 SPEEL RIVER AT PORT SNETTISHAM. Location. — At entrance of canyon one-fourth mile downstream from mouth of Long River, and 8 miles upstream from tide flats and the cabins of the Speel River Project (Inc.), which are at head of north arm of Port Snettisham and 42 miles by water from Juneau. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — July 1, 1916, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder 150 feet to the left of the constric- tion of the river at the entrance of the canyon. The gage is reached from cabins of the Speel River Project by trail to head of Second Lake, boat across Second Lake, trail to head of Indian Lake, boat across Indian Lake, trail down Long River and Indian River to canyon, and cable across river near entrance of the canyon — a total distance of about 7 miles. Discharge measurements. — At all stages made from cable having a clear span of 400 feet across river, one-half mile below gage and one-fourth mile below lower end of canyon. Channel and control. — For several miles above the canyon the river flows in sev- eral channels through a wide, flat, sandy valley in which the channels are con- tinually shifting. The river is constricted from a width of 500 feet to 75 feet at entrance of canyon. This constriction of channel and rock outcrop at entrance of canyon form a very sensitive and permanent control. The extreme range in stage is 28 feet. Above a stage of 22 feet part of the flow passes through a second- ary channel (the bed of which is rock overgrown with brush) which begins near gage and rejoins main channel at lower end of canyon. Below a stage of about 4 feet (discharge, 920 second-feet) water from stream does not reach the well except by seepage through gravel and water in well does not assume the level of the water in river. At the gaging cable the bed of the river is gravel, with one large rock outcrop near middle of stream. The current is very swift and carries a large quantity of sand in suspension. Extremes of discharge. — Maximum stage during period of record, 21.5 feet, Sep- tember 19, 1917 (discharge determined from an extension of the rating curve, 18,000 second-feet); minimum flow, 150 second-feet April 14, 1917, estimated by aid of discharge measurement March 25 and by comparison with record of flow of Long River. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 73 Ice. — Ice does not form at control, but so much frost forms in gage shelter and on metal parts of gage that the gage does not operate satisfactorily during the winter. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent, but for stages below 4 feet (920 second-feet) water from river does not reach gage well except by seepage through gravel. For low stages, therefore, water in the well does not assume the level of the water in the river and frequent measurements are necessary to estimate the flow. Rating curve fairly well defined between 1,200 and 10,000 second-feet; extended above 10,000 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder not satis- factory for periods indicated in footnote to daily-discharge table because of the frequent stopping of clock, due to the binding of paper-supply roll or to running down at times when ice on lakes was unsafe for crossing. Daily discharge ascer- tained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph. Records fair for periods when gage was operating satisfac- torily; poor for periods when clock was not running. Discharge measurements of Speel River at Port Snettisham in 1917 . Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 13 Mar. 25 C. O. Brown Feet. 1. 82 .94 Sec.-ft. 302 185 Apr. 21 Sept. 15 C. O. Brown Feet. 2.25 13.9 Sec.-ft. 334 5,910 doj G. H. Canfield Daily discharge , in second-feet , of Speel River at Port Snettisham for 1917. Day. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 . 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. 410 500 165 180 1,040 3,530 410 500 165 180 980 3,330 410 500 165 180 950 3,280 410 500 165 210 920 3,530 410 500 165 210 920 3,710 410 500 165 210 980 3,590 410 500 165 210 1,380 3,380 410 500 165 210 1,630 3,600 410 500 165 210 1,700 3,600 410 500 165 210 1,630 3,600 340 500 165 210 1,420 3,600 330 500 165 210 1,350 3,600 290 500 165 210 1,520 3,600 265 500 165 210 1,740 3,600 260 500 165 210 1,770 3,600 340 500 165 210 1,700 3,600 340 500 165 210 1,630 3,600 340 500 165 210 1,630 3,600 340 500 165 210 1,630 3,600 340 500 165 210 1,560 3,600 340 500 165 340 1,420 3,600 340 500 165 340 1,380 3,600 340 500 165 380 1,420 3,600 340 500 185 540 1,560 3,600 340 500 185 620 1,800 3,600 340 500 185 700 2, 190 3,600 340 500 185 700 2,430 3,600 340 500 185 700 2, 680 3,600 340 185 950 2, 950 3,600 340 180 1,040 3,180 3,600 340 180 3,530 July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6,100 3,800 5,500 2,720 500 6,100 3,800 5,500 2,470 500 6,100 3,800 5,500 2,270 500 6,100 3,800 5,500 2,050 500 6, 100 3,280 5,500 1,910 500 4,690 3,230 5,500 1,770 500 5,770 3,230 5,500 1,980 500 4,900 5,060 3,180 5,500 2,230 500 4,370 3,180 5,500 2,050 500 4,550 3, 130 6,800 1,940 500 4,310 3,130 8,050 2,230 500 4,620 3,250 5, 220 2,310 500 4,490 3,300 4,900 3,040 500 4,490 4,000 4,430 8,050 500 4,980 5,300 4,250 4,690 500 5,140 5,060 4,070 3,590 500 5,390 5,140 3,890 3,180 500 9,600 9,050 3,650 5, 140 500 6,000 16,000 3,530 9, 400 500 6,000 6,800 3,330 12,100 500 6,000 6,800 3,180 6,800 500 6,000 6,800 3,040 4,760 500 6,000 6,800 2,900 4,010 500 6,000 6,800 2,810 3,530 500 6,000 6,800 2,720 3,230 500 6,000 6,800* 2,230 1,800 500 6,000 6,800 2,510 1,800 500 6,000 6,800 2,430 1,800 500 6,000 6,800 2,390 1,800 500 6,000 6,800 2,350 1,800 500 6,000 2,820 500 Note. — D ischarge estimated by comparison with records of flow for Long River as follows: Jan. 1—10; Jan. 16 to Mar. 23; Apr. 4-20; June 8 to July 5; July 19 to Sept. 4; Sept. 12-14; Sept. 20 to Oct. 9; Nov. 10-17; and Nov. 26 to Dec. 3l. Braced figures show mean discharge for periods included. Discharge Aug. 1-31 estimated 8,500 second-feet. 74 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Monthly discharge of Sped River at Port Snettisham for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 356 500 170 329 1,700 3,570 5,670 8,500 5, 120 4,230 3,550 500 21,900 27,800 10,500 19,600 105.000 212.000 349.000 523.000 305.000 260.000 211,000 30,700 February March April May 3,530 920 June July August September 16,000 October November 12, 100 December The year 16,000 2,860 2,080,000 GRINDSTONE CREEK AT TAKU INLET. Location. — On north shore of Taku Inlet between Point Bishop and Point Salisbury, one-fourth mile west of mouth of Rhine Creek and 11 miles by water from Juneau. Drainage area. — Not measured. Records available. — May 6, 1916, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on left bank, 200 feet from tidewater, installed September 16, 1916. A Lietz seven-day graph water-stage recorder was used May 6 to June 17, 1916. Discharge measurements. — At all stages made by wading either in the channel on the beach, which is exposed at low tide, or 100 feet below gage at high tide. Channel and control. — For a distance of one-fourth mile from tidewater the stream descends in a series of rapids and falls through a narrow, rocky channel. The gage is at upper end of a turbulent pool between two falls, the lower of which forms a well-defined control. When gage was installed, logs were jammed in channel near upper end of pool. Extremes op discharge. — 1916-17: Maximum stage, 5.33 feet at 5 p. m., August 19, 1917 (discharge, estimated from extension of rating curve, 600 second-feet); minimum stage, —0.03 foot, estimated from climatic records to have occurred April 2, 1917 (discharge, 5 second-feet). Ice. — Stage-discharge relation not affected by ice. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve well defined below 150 second-feet; extended above 150 second-feet by estimation. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except for periods shown in the footnote to daily discharge table. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph or for days of considerable fluctuation by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table mean gage heights for regular intervals of day. Records excellent except those for periods of break in record and discharge above 150 second-feet, which are fair. Discharge measurements of Grindstone Creek at Taku Inlet in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Jan. 5 Feb. 14 June 13 C. O. Brown do G. H. Canfield Feet. 0.23 .63 1.24 Sec.-ft. 10.6 20.5 66 Sept. 7 Nov. 13 Dec. 7 G.H. Canfield do Feet. 0.73 1.24 .64 Sec.-ft. 23 68 21 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 75 Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Grindstone Creek at Taku Inlet for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 14 6.8 7.7 5.4 35 100 76 119 43 46 28 2 13 6.6 7.5 5.0 27 76 71 78 40 37 26 3 12 6.4 7.3 5.5 24 65 79 61 46 31 24 4 11 6.4 7.1 11 25 80 128 51 72 39 23 5 10 6.6 6.8 11 25 109 98 47 65 21 22 6 9.0 8.1 6.6 7.7 27 131 111 47 70 52 21 7 8.6 23 6.4 6.4 39 110 205 43 25 168 60 21 8 16 17 6.2 5.7 53 88 115 43 24 105 43 20 9 18 11 6.0 5.5 51 82 84 36 23 99 41 19 10 11 11 6.0 5.5 42 70 73 35 22 94 60 18 11 10 11 5.9 5.5 36 63 65 43 22 80 70 18 12 10 11 5.9 5.5 40 63 82 37 22 67 70 16 13 9.4 12 5.7 5.5 44 67 65 30 29 65 80 14 14 9.0 25 5.9 5.5 49 78 63 32 25 61 196 14 15 8.8 83 6.4 5.9 47 112 60 49 42 55 129 14 16 8.4 44 7.9 6.6 46 90 60 71 29 49 60 14 17 8.2 18 8.1 7.5 46 79 74 70 35 49 46 14 18 8.4 12 8.1 8.4 47 97 118 61 82 50 151 14 19 8.8 11 8.1 9.8 50 107 93 358 118 57 214 14 20 8. 2 11 8.2 12 60 95 94 83 68 202 14 21 7.9 10 8.2 16 51 96 77 67 53 151 13 22 7.3 9.6 8. 2 33 46 95 64 59 63 102 12 23 6.8 9. 2 8. 2 21 43 76 78 63 70 85 13 24 6.6 9.0 8. 1 25 47 68 95 53 67 67 13 25 8.2 8.8 7.9 32 52 66 103 49 57 75 12 26 9.0 8.4 7.5 32 57 62 128 50 49 96 12 27 8.6 8. 2 7. 1 31 62 61 83 46 42 112 11 28 7.7 7.9 6. 8 35 65 58 66 49 46 62 11 29 6.9 6.4 46 70 56 56 46 41 39 11 30 6.9 6.0 44 72 57 50 48 63 33 10 31 6.9 5.7 142 79 53 10 Note.— G age-height record Jan. 5 to Apr. 24 condensed so that it covered only about a foot of record paper; sticking of the supply paper on guides caused paper to feed too slowly; gage-height record for this period redrawn to normal time scale by aid of the peaks and troughs of the condensed graph, readings of staff gage Jan. 5, Feb . 14, and Mar. 16, and comparison with gage-height graphsfor Sheep, Gold, and Carlson creeks. Discharge July 15 and 16 interpolated. Gage float caught Aug. 20 to Sept. 6; discharge estimated by comparison with records of flow for Carlson Creek as follows: Aug. 21-31, 125 second-feet; Sept. 1-6, 30 second-feet. Discharge Nov. 18 to Dec. 6 estimated from maximum and minimum stages indicated by the recorder and comparison of gage-height record for this station with that for Carlson Creek. Discharge Dec. 26-31 estimated from weather records. Monthly discharge of Grindstone Creek at Taku Inlet for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 18 6.6 9.50 584 February 83 6.4 14.7 816 March 8.2 5.7 7.03 432 April 46 5.0 15.2 904 May 142 24 49.0 3,010 131 56 81. 9 4, 870 July 205 50 86. 9 5’ 340 August 358 30 90.7 5,580 September 118 22 43.0 2, 560 October 168 40 64.7 3,980 November 214 21 82.3 4,900 December 28 10 16.0 984 The year 358 5.0 46.9 34, 000 76 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. CARLSON CREEK AT SUNNY COVE. Location. — At Sunny Cove on west shore of Taku Inlet, 20 miles by water from Juneau. Drainage area. — 22.26 square miles (determined by engineering department of Alaska Gastineau Mining Co. from surveys made by that company). Records available. — July 18, 1916, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens water-stage recorder on left bank, 2 miles from tidewater; inspected several times a week by employees of the Alaska Gastineau Mining Co. Discharge measurements. — At high stages, made from cable across river one-half mile downstream from gage; at medium and low stages, by wading 500 feet upstream from gage. Channel and control. — Above the gage the stream meanders in one main channel and several small channels through a flat, sandy basin about a mile long; just below gage channel contracts and stream passes over rocky falls that form a well- defined and permanent control. Point of zero flow, gage height — 1.5 feet. Extremes of discharge. — 1916-17: Maximum stage during the year, 6.65 feet at 4 p. m., August 19, 1917 (discharge, computed from extension of rating curve, 3,800 second-feet); minimum flow estimated from climatic data and hydrographs for streams in near-by drainage basins, 28 second-feet, April 4, 1917. Ice. — Stage-discharge relation affected by ice January 1 to April 28 and December 1-31. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent. Rating curve well defined between 90 and 2,400 second-feet, extended below 90 second-feet to point of zero flow and above 2,400 second-feet by estimation. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except for a few days; as gage was visited several times a week, breaks in record caused by clock stopping were short. Daily discharge ascer- tained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctuation, by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table mean gage heights for regular intervals of the day. Records good except for stages below 90 second-feet and above 2,400 second-feet, for which they are fair. Discharge measurements of Carlson Creek at Sunny Cove in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Feb. 27 May 1 C. O. Brown. . Feet. -0. 08 .38 Sec.-ft. a 52. 8 173 Sept. 19 Nov. 13 G. H. Canfield Feet. 4.53 1. 30 Sec.-ft. 1,970 363 do do a About 1.8 second-feet should be deducted to give flow past the gage. Stage-dischargerelationaflected by ice. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 77 Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Carlson Creek, at Sunny Cove for 1917 . Day. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1 177 840 1,120 1,720 292 330 268 2 142 620 1,100 832 264 344 196 3 128 495 1,330 525 242 1,300 156 4 125 610 1,120 428 231 692 134 5 136 908 760 408 231 495 128 159 885 708 450 231 510 143 7 169 725 1,150 430 223 1,400 151 8 780 570 785 416 204 711 249 9 540 550 585 403 200 1,530 164 311 465 620 417 188 964 198 11 238 465 638 672 183 682 248 12 240 585 840 510 212 638 335 13 306 725 666 373 495 558 444 14 360 725 555 408 474 416 2,440 15 350 885 708 955 729 338 931 16 330 708 735 1,200 422 251 360 17 325 690 950 1,190 634 216 265 18 384 780 1,830 1,120 2,080 260 622 19 414 1,020 1,020 2,510 2,520 301 1,550 20 403 800 908 1,550 1,080 249 1,500 21 306 908 638 655 1,400 196 1,000 22 272 930 525 1,270 1,300 168 725 23 274 725 628 885 780 183 480 24 332 725 952 690 492 186 320 25 414 742 1,160 430 330 179 267 26 534 638 1,182 622 453 168 376 27. 570 620 708 2,040 342 138 386 28 620 602 495 1,400 527 177 248 29 672 602 430 690 760 216 153 30 655 585 389 436 513 665 136 31 930 1,060 338 651 Note. — Because of clock stopping or backwater from ice, discharge estimated from weather records at Juneau and from comparison of hydrograph for this station with those for Gold, Sheep, and Grindstone creeks as follows: Jan. 1-31, 50 second-feet; Feb. 1-28, 80 second-feet; Mar. 1-31, 40 second-feet; April 1-28, 50 second-feet; Nov. 20-21, daily discharge; Dec. 1-31, 64 second-feet. Monthly discharge of Carlson Creek at Sunny Cove for 1917. [Drainage area, 22.26 square miles.] Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. \ Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 50 2. 25 2. 59 3,070 4,440 February 80 3. 59 3. 74 March 40 1. 80 2. 08 2,460 3,570 23, 000 41,900 52, 100 51, 500 April 60 2. 70 3.01 May 930 125 374 16. 8 19. 37 June 1,020 465 704 31. 6 35. 26 July 1,830 389 848 38. 1 43. 93 August 2,510 2, 520 1,530 338 838 37.6 43. 35 September 183 601 27.0 30. 13 35, 800 29.900 28. 900 3,940 October 138 487 21.9 25. 25 November .• 2,440 128 486 21. 8 24. 33 December 64 2. 88 3. 32 The year 2, 520 388 17.4 236. 36 281, 000 115086°— 19 6 78 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. SHEEP CREEK NEAR THANE. Location. — At lower end of flat basin, above diversion dam for flume leading to Treadwell power house at beach, and 1 mile by tramway and ore railway from Thane. Drainage area. — 4.57 square miles above gaging bridge (measured on United States Geological Survey map of Juneau and vicinity, edition of 1917). Records available. — July 26, 1916, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on right bank at pool formed by an artificial control just below small island three-tenths mile upstream from diver- sion dam. Recorder inspected once a week by an employee of the Alaska Gas- tineau Mining Co. Discharge measurements. — At extremely high stages made from gaging bridge two-tenths mile downstream from gage; at low stages made by wading near bridge section. No streams enter between gage and measuring section, but seepage inflow varies from a small amount to 10 per cent of total flow, the per cent of in- flow usually being large after periods of heavy precipitation. Channel and control. — The station is near lower end of flat basin through which the stream meanders in a channel having low banks and bed of sand and gravel. An artificial control was built 2 feet below intake for gage well to confine the flow in one channel during high water and to insure a permanent stage-discharge relation. The spillway of the control at low stages consists of a timber, 16 feet long, set in the bed of the stream. During medium and high stages another timber, 8 feet long, bolted at top near right end, forms part of the control. A 3-foot cut-off wall is driven at upstream face of spillway. There are wing walls at each end and an 8-foot apron extends downstream from control. Extremes op discharge. — Maximum stage during year, 2.47 feet at 5 p. m., Novem- ber 14 (discharge, from extension of rating curve, 580 second-feet); minimum stage, 0.15 foot April 7 (discharge, 0.8 second-foot). Ice. — Ice forms in the channel above and below but not on the spillway of the control. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation permanent, but from August 19 to September 7 and September 20-24 intake pipe was obstructed with gravel, so that water surface in well was maintained at level of water surface in creek 10 feet upstream from control by seepage through gravel. Rating curve used August 19 to Septem- ber 7 and September 20-24 based on three discharge measurements and is fairly well defined below 150 second-feet; curve used remainder of year based on 14 discharge measurements and is well defined below 250 second-feet. Operation of water-stage recorder satisfactory except for short periods indicated in footnote to table of daily discharge. Daily discharge ascertained by applying to rating table daily gage height determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable fluctuation, by averaging results obtained by applying to rating table mean gage heights for regular intervals of the day. Records fair. Discharge measurements of Sheep Creek near Thane in 1917. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Date. Made by — Gage height. Dis- charge. Feb. 22 C. O. Brown Feet. 0. 70 Sec.-ft. 21.2 Sept. 7 G. H. Canfield Feet. 0.83 Sec.-ft. 40 Apr. 7 do .15 .8 22 do a 1.18 115 May 3 G. H. Canfield .78 38 26 do 1.02 83 June 5 do 1.17 125 Oct. 3 do 1.10 102 9 do 1.05 95 Dec. 22 do .53 12.9 July 18 , 1.35 176 a Intake pipe clogged; elevation of water surface in gage well higher than that in river. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 79 Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Sheep Creek near Thane for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 10.8 2.8 17.0 2.2 41 106 98 161 63 62 53 40 2 10.4 2.6 16.5 2.0 38 85 90 90 52 64 53 41 3 9.6 2.8 15.5 1.8 36 70 101 70 48 96 40 36 4 8.8 3.0 15.0 1.8 36 90 128 64 39 110 31 33 5 8.0 3.0 14.5 1.4 36 125 98 66 40 111 41 30 6 7.6 3.0 14.0 1.0 38 139 96 66 42 118 39 27 7 8.8 3.7 13.0 1.0 55 120 176 64 42 222 75 26 8 9.2 7.0 12.5 1.0 88 101 111 60 43 155 55 24 9 9.2 11.2 12.5 1.2 75 93 88 57 43 236 47 22 10 9.2 14.5 12.0 1.2 62 78 80 60 43 152 75 20 11 8.8 15.5 11.2 1.2 53 75 73 73 43 125 80 19 12 8.0 15.5 10.4 1.4 49 75 78 66 45 125 101 18 13 6.7 15.5 10.0 1.4 53 83 66 55 93 106 125 17 14 5.8 17.5 9.6 1.2 60 93 64 55 64 98 387 16 15.. 4.9 74 10.0 1.2 62 111 73 85 96 80 176 15 16 4.3 62 9.6 1.2 62 88 85 117 62 66 111 15 17 4.0 47 9. 2 1.4 64 85 90 111 80 57 93 14 18 3.7 32 8.8 1.6 68 96 167 93 185 55 147 14 19 3.4 27 8.0 2.2 70 111 120 219 216 51 265 13 20 3.2 25 7.0 2.8 68 96 117 208 270 64 265 13 21 2.8 23 6.4 3.7 55 96 96 122 134 51 191 13 22 2.6 22 5.8 5.8 49 98 78 124 124 57 147 12 23 2.2 22 5.5 9.6 47 83 96 114 108 64 120 12 24 1.6 21 5.2 16 43 80 101 100 86 60 93 11 25 2.8 20 4.9 25 62 80 114 80 73 55 78 10 26 4.0 20 4.6 30 75 73 161 82 85 45 80 10 27 3.4 19.0 4.0 31 70 70 104 149 68 43 85 9.6 28 3.2 18.0 3.7 38 60 70 83 144 73 45 68 9.2 29 3.2 3.4 43 70 68 73 94 90 41 53 9.2 30 3.0 3.0 43 75 70 66 77 78 84 38 9.0 31 3.0 2.6 141 109 67 83 9.0 Monthly discharge of Sheep Creek near Thane for 1917. [Drainage area, 4.57 square miles. 1 Discharge in second-feet. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth in inches on drainage area. Total in acre-feet. January 10.8 1.6 5.68 1.24 1.43 349 February 74 2.6 19.6 4.29 4.47 1,090 566 March 17 2.6 9. 21 2.02 2. 33 April 43 1.0 9.18 2. 01 2. 24 546 May 141 36 60.0 13.1 15.10 3,690 5.370 6,110 5, 930 5,020 5, 520 6. 370 1,130 June 139 68 90.3 19.8 22. 09 July 176 64 99.4 21.8 25.13 August 219 55 96.5 21.1 24.33 September 270 39 84.3 18.4 20.53 October 236 41 89.7 19.6 22. 60 November 387 31 107 23.4 26.11 December 41 9.0 18.3 4.00 4.61 The year 387 1.0 57.6 12.6 170.97 41,700 80 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. GOLD CREEK AT JUNEAU. Location. — At highway bridge at lower end of Last Chance basin, 200 feet upstream from diversion dam of Alaska Electric Light & Power Co., and one-fourth mile from Juneau. Drainage area. — 9.47 square miles (determined by engineering department of Alaska Gastineau Mining Co., from surveys made by that company). Records available. — July 20, 1916, to December 31, 1917. Gage. — Stevens continuous water-stage recorder on left bank at upstream side of highway bridge. A staff gage was installed September 19, 1916, on left wing wall of diversion dam 200 feet downstream and used in determining the time of changes in stage-discharge relation at the well gage. Discharge measurements. — At medium and high stages made from gaging bridge suspended, at right angles to current, from floor of highway bridge ; at low stages, made by wading near gage. Channel and control. — Station is at lower end of a flat gravel basin three-fourths j mile long. For 20 feet upstream from gage the stream is confined between the abutments of an old bridge, and for 15 feet downstream it is confined between the \ abutments of present bridge. For a distance of 130 feet farther downstream the ■ stream is confined in a narrow channel which is not subject to overflow. Because I of the steep gradient of channel opposite and for 150 feet below gage, a short j stretch of the channel immediately below the gage acts as the control. The ) operation of the head gates of flume at diversion dam, 200 feet downstream, does ; not affect the stage-discharge relation at gage, but the swift current during high stages shifts the gravel in bed of stream, thereby causing changes in the stage- discharge relation. Extremes of discharge. — 1916-17: Maximum mean daily discharge, 600 second- feet, August 19, 1917; minimum mean daily discharge, 4 second-feet February : 5 and April 1, 1917. Ice. — Stage-discharge relation affected by ice in December. Diversion. — Water diverted at several points upstream for power development is returned to creek above gage, except about 20 second-feet for 7 months (when there is a surplus over the amount used by the Alaska Electric Light & Power Co., which has the prior right) and 1 second-foot the remainder of the year used by the Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co. The dam 200 feet downstream diverts water into the flume of the Alaska Electric Light & Power Co. Regulation. — No storage reservoir above station that regulates the flow more than ii a few hours in low water. Accuracy. — Stage-discharge relation changed during periods of high water; 11 dis- j charge measurements and 3 simultaneous readings of water-stage recorder and staff gage at diversion dam were made during the period, by use of which rating curves have been constructed which are applicable as follows: January 1 to April 24, well defined; April 25 to August 19, well defined below and fairly well | defined above 500 second-feet; August 20 to noon, September 19, poorly defined; September 19-21, poorly defined; September 22 to October 8, poorly defined; I October 9 to December 31, well defined. Operation of water-stage recorder satis- 9 factory, except for short periods indicated in footnote to daily-discharge table. I Daily discharge ascertained by applying to the rating table daily gage height I determined by inspecting gage-height graph, or, for days of considerable flue- 1 tuation, by averaging the results obtained by applying to rating table mean i gage heights for equal intervals of the day. Records fair. WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 81 Discharge measurements of Gold Creek at Juneau in 1917. Date. Made by — Staff gage of dam. Gage height.® Dis- charge. Date. Made by— Gage height.® Dis- charge. Feb. 23 C. 0. Brown... Feet. Feet. 0. 34 Sec.-ft. 19 Sept. 6 20 G. H. Canfield Feet. 1.23 Sec.-ft. 58 Apr. 12 do .01 5.4 do 2.39 255 30 do -0.05 .80 65 25 do 1.65 116 May 5 do .61 44 Oct. 4 do 1.88 151 8 do .67 1.59 228 Nov. 6 do .88 46 31 G. H. Canfield . 1.03 1.98 350 20 do 2. 46 439 Sept. 1 1.48 96 Dec. 21 do .33 7.0 a Gage at highway bridge. Daily discharge , in second-feet, of Gold Creek at Juneau for 1917. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 9.0 5.0 13 4.0 58 260 302 462 102 93 79 58 2 9.0 4.7 12 4.4 46 195 266 230 92 85 76 52 3 8.1 4.5 11.5 4.8 51 151 325 162 80 277 62 47 4 7.3 4.3 11.5 5.2 50 190 378 135 93 235 42 43 5 6.1 4.0 11 7.7 43 289 263 127 72 170 55 38 6 5.2 5.0 11 7.0 50 308 273 145 70 145 51 35 7 13 8.0 10 6.1 107 263 411 135 72 395 97 32 8 13 9.0 9.5 5.8 210 202 283 124 59 230 65 28 9 10 11 9.0 5.5 162 180 200 120 51 470 45 25 10 10 13 8.5 5.5 109 145 183 129 50 315 69 23 11 9.5 15 8.5 5.8 83 139 178 197 55 115 105 21 12 9.0 15 8.5 5.5 80 164 197 147 65 186 124 18 8.5 17 7.7 5.5 100 183 178 107 160 177 152 16 14 8.1 33 7.7 5.8 118 224 157 116 121 128 587 15 15 7.7 206 7.7 6.7 111 279 192 254 180 101 247 13 16 7.7 86 7.3 7.3 111 213 226 360 100 72 94 10 17 6.0 59 7.7 9.0 114 216 243 325 128 62 69 9 18 7.7 44 7.7 10 129 242 444 260 431 62 179 8 19 7.3 42 7.7 12 135 299 315 600 560 63 446 8 20 6.0 35 7.7 13 135 251 282 348 2S0 82 505 8 21 6.4 27 7.7 13 102 266 208 235 298 58 362 8 22 5.8 21 7.7 14 91 295 171 235 370 72 279 7 23 5.8 17 7.7 18 90 227 213 185 270 86 177 7 24 10 16 7.7 25 107 202 276 156 170 75 142 7 25 11 14 7.3 38 129 202 302 111 110 58 117 7 26 7.0 13 6.7 43 141 183 376 137 135 48 130 6 27 6.5 14 6.7 46 157 176 224 390 93 41 150 6 28 6.2 13 6.4 54 176 169 171 382 118 46 96 6 29 5.8 6. 1 65 192 171 133 227 173 51 76 6 30 5.5 6. 1 68 185 192 116 154 140 151 06 6 31 5.2 5.8 295 280 114 158 6 Note. — Discharge Jan. 3-6 and Jan. 22 to Feb. 11 estimated, because of clock stopping, from weather data and comparison of hydrograph for this station with that for Sheep Creek. Discharge Nov. 29 to Dec. 31 estimated, because stage-discharge relation was affected by ice, from weather records and one discharge measurement. 82 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Monthly discharge of Gold Creek at Juneau for 1917. Month. Discharge in second-feet. Run-off (total in acre-feet). Maximum. Minimum. Mean. January 13.0 5.2 7.85 483 February 206 4.0 27.0 1,500 518 March 13.0 5.8 8. 42 April 68 4.0 17.3 1,030 7, 260 May . . 295 43 118 June 308 139 216 12,900 15,400 July 444 116 251 August 600 107 220 13,500 9,340 8,550 9,400 September 560 50 157 October 470 41 139 November 587 42 158 December 58 6 18.7 1,150 The year 600 4.0 112 81,000 STORAGE RESERVOIRS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. In 1917 reconnaissance was made of some of the streams in south- eastern Alaska for the purpose of ascertaining the location, size, and elevation of lakes which may be used as storage reservoirs. The result of this investigation is shown in the table which follows. Elevations of the lakes above sea level were determined by aneroid barometer. Areas and distances were estimated. Lakes available for storage reservoirs in southeastern Alaska. Location of lakes. Area. Elevation above sea level. First lake above mouth of Mahoney Creek tributary to the west shore of George Inlet, Reviliagigedo Island, one-fourth mile from tidewater Acres. 600 Feet. 75 Second lake above mouth of Mahoney Creek, 2 miles from tidewater 180 2,000 400 A lake 2 miles upstream from mouth of unnamed creek tributary to Thomas Bay near Petersburg. Mouth of creek is 1£ miles north of Wind Point on west shore of Thomas Bay 400 First lake above mouth of unnamed creek tributary to head of Cascade Bay, Baranof Island, 300 feet from tidewater 100 80 Second lake above mouth of the foregoing creek, 1£ miles from tidewater at head of Cascade Bay 185 Lake 500 feet above mouth of unnamed creek tributary to southern entrance to Patterson Bay, Baranof Island 500 350 Lake 300 feet above mouth of unnamed creek tributary to head of west arm of Patterson Bay, Baranof Island 200 110 Lake 1,000 feet above mouth of unnamed creek tributary to head of Big Port Walter, Baranof Isiand 450 500 First lake, one-fourth mile above mouth of unnamed creek tributary to head of Port Armstrong, Baranof Island, near whaling station 200 260 Second lake above mouth of the foregoing creek, 1 mile from tidewater 400 265 A lake, 1 mile above mouth of unnamed creek tributary to head of Davidson Inlet, Kosciusko Island 520 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. 83 MISCELLANEOUS MEASUREMENTS. Miscellaneous discharge measurements in southeastern Alaska in 1917. Date. Stream. Tributary to — Locality. Dis- charge. Mar. 7 Mahoney Creek.. George Inlet, Revil- One-fourth mile above first lake, 1J miles Sec.-ft. 2 Oct. 13 do lagigedo Island. do above beach on west shore of George Inlet 1 mile north of Beaver Falls. 300 feet upstream from beach 95 Aug. 9 Unnamed creek . . Thomas Bay, mainland Mouth at low tide, 11 miles north of 45 13 near Petersburg. Suloia Bay, Chichagof Wind Point on west shore of Thomas Bay. Mouth at low tide, at head of small bay 18 14 do Island. Cascade Bay, Baranof at north end of Suloia Bay. At narrows near middle of first lake, 528 15 do Island. Patterson Bay, Baranof half a mile from tidewater at head of Cascade Bay. Mouth at low tide, at south entrance of 90 15 .. do Island. do Patterson Bay. Stream at head of small cove near south- a 50 16 do do ern entrance of Patterson Bay. Mouth, at low tide, at head of west arm 110 17 do Big Port Walter, Bara- of Patterson Bay. Near outlet of lake on stream at head of 72 20 do nof Island. Davidson Inlet, Kos- Big Port Walter. Half a mile upstream from beach, at 57 ciusko Island. head of Davidson Inlet. a Estimated. MINING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE KETCHIKAN DISTRICT. By Theodore Chapin. INTRODUCTION. The mineral output of the Ketchikan district was smaller than in 1916. Six copper mines were in operation and at two other places mills were in course of construction. A molybdenum lode was opened up near Shakan on Prince of Wales Island and is in course of develop- ment. One gold lode mine was operated for a part of the year, and gold and silver were also won from ores mined primarily for copper. The decrease in mineral production is due in part to the closing of the Mamie mine for some months during the year, in part to the failure of several small mines to make any production, and to a general decrease in production at nearly all the large mines. PRODUCTION. The gold, silver, and copper production of the Ketchikan district is shown in the following table: Copper, gold, and silver produced in the Ketchikan mining district in 1915, 1916, and 1917. Ore Copper. Gold. Silver. Total mined. Quantity. Value, a Quantity. Value. Quantity. Valued value. Tons. 50,997 76,111 41,768 Pounds. 1,728, 182 3,526,703 2,643,543 $302,431 867,569 721, 686 Fine oz. 1,727. 38 2, 769. 61 2,545.71 $35,708 57, 253 52,623 Fine oz. 11,666 19,361 20, 218 $5,914 12, 640 16,658 $344,053 937,462 790,967 a Computations based on average price of copper in 1915 ($0,175), 1916 ($0,246), and 1917 ($0,273). b Computations based on average price of silver in 1915 ($0,507), 1916 ($0,658), and 1917 ($0,824). PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND. K ASA AN BAY AND VICINITY. The Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.) were the largest operators in the vicinity of Kasaan Bay. The Mamie mine, which was taken over by the Granby Co. in 1913, was closed down in the spring, and work was increased at the It mine. The ore bodies at the It occur in limestone near the contact of a large intrusive mass of quartz diorite and appear to have formed along the borders 85 86 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . of an older dioritic dike now largely altered to epidote and other secondary minerals. The ore occurs as bunches of chalcopyrite in the altered dike and in the garnet rock formed by the replacement of the limestone. The power plant at the beach is equipped with a coal-burning boiler and air compressor. During the summer of 1917 a geologic map of the vicinity was made and prospecting was carried on which has led to the discovery of other surface outcrops. The Goodro mine near the head of Kasaan Bay changed hands during the year and is now operated by the Salt Chuck Mining Co. No production was made during 1917. Development work was carried on, and a flotation mill that was started in the spring was completed before the end of the year. The mill is situated on the edge of the salt chuck. The ore is trammed from the mine to the mill, dumped into bins, passed over a grizzly into a crusher, and con- veyed to a 75-ton bin, from which it is automatically fed to the ball- mill (using four sizes of chilled steel balls), whence it is taken by a bucket conveyor to the flotation tank for treatment. Mixtures of pine tar and creosote will be used. The fines are frothed off and go to settling tanks. A scraper belt conveys the coarse ore and gangue on bottom to a trommel. The oversize from trommel goes to the mill, and the undersize to a Deister-Overstrom table, where the ore is separated from the gangue. The capacity of the mill is 60 tons a day. The ore bodies are in gabbro, and the ore minerals are essen- tially bornite and chalcocite and lesser amounts of other copper sulphides. The ore also carries gold and traces of platinum and palladium. Mine assays of the concentrates show copper content as high as 81 per cent, indicating the presence of some native copper. The Rush & Brown mine near the head of Karta Bay was operated on about the usual scale. The mine is developed on two lodes, a contact deposit of copper-bearing magnetite and a shear zone mineral- ized with copper sulphides. The new working shaft on the sulphide ore body has been deepened to the 350-foot level and drifts extended each side of the shaft. At the foot of the shaft is an ore lens from to 3 i feet wide composed of high-grade chalcopyrite together with a little pyrite. The entire width of the ore body at this level is not evident but in the upper levels it is from 4 to 14 feet and carries lenses of ore from 2 to 4 feet wide. The magnetite ore body is a contact deposit occurring along the border of intrusive diorite and altered sediments. It has been developed by a glory hole 100 feet deep and by workings on the underground levels for 250 feet in depth. In the fall of 1917 a boiler for a compressor plant was being installed. The Paul Young prospect is about a mile southwest of the Rush & Brown mine on the first stream west of Iron Creek, at an elevation of 100 feet. It is about three-quarters of a mile northwest of the Venus claim and 2 miles from the coast. The deposit occupies a shear zone MINING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE KETCHIKAN DISTRICT. 87 that strikes northwest nearly parallel to the stream and is exposed along the northeast bank. The only work done is surface stripping along the stream. The country rock is black slate, and the ore occurs in calcite veins that follow an intrusive porphyry dike. The calcite veins carry chalcopyrite and pyrite, and the bordering black slate is impregnated and veined with these sulphides. The width of the deposits is not evident, but they appear to extend beneath the creek bottom. The water was turned from its course for a short distance to uncover the deposit in the creek bottom, but the exposed rock is again covered with gravel. The deposit is exposed in the creek bank 250 feet lower down. Here the black slate is impregnated with pyrite and chalcopyrite which accompany tiny reticulating quartz veinlets. The Rich Hill group of claims, comprising the Rich Hill, Magnet, Buffer, Ouray, Interval, and Red Snapper, has recently been opened up and is now being developed by the Granby Co., who have the property bonded. The claims are on Kasaan Peninsula, about 2 miles southeast of Kasaan. The main workings are on the Rich Hill claim and are confined to a single lens of very rich chalcopyrite ore. This lens was opened by a cut 50 feet long and 20 to 30 feet deep and yielded 160 tons of ore, which brought $20,000. The min- eralized zone can be traced northwest and southeast of the open pit for some distance, and a short adit is now being run to cut the deposit below the floor of the open cut. On the adjoining claims prospect- ing has been carried on and a number of mineralized lodes have been opened. On the Ouray claim a wide contact zone extends from the beach to an elevation of 450 feet. The rock of this zone is a garnet-epidote-magnetite contact rock that carries chalcopyrite. Several openings have been made, which disclose bodies of commer- cial ore. South of Kart a Bay and northwest of Twelvemile Arm, including the vicinity of Hollis, is a mineralized area in which gold lodes pre- dominate. The country rock is a complex assemblage of igneous and sedimentary rocks. The bedded rocks include tuff, breccia, schist, limestone, black slate, argillite, and graywacke, and are cut by a large boss of quartz diorite and associated porphyritic dikes. The lodes are quartz veins that occur in the intrusive and the bedded volcanic rocks as well as in the sediments. A number of lodes have been opened in this gold. quartz belt and several small plants installed, but none has made a large production. This strongly mineralized region has never received the attention which it has deserved, and no doubt will be developed in the future. One large company might consolidate a number of these small prop- erties and operate them to advantage. 88 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The only mine in this region that was operated in 1917 was the Dut- ton mine, on Harris Creek. The Cracker jack claims join the Ready Bullion and extend south and southeast. On the surface three veins are recognized, known as the lower, middle, and upper veins. These are approximately parallel and form a lode system following intrusive porphyry dikes that cut the black slate. The dikes and black slate strike N. 25° W. and dip 35°-60° SW. The principal work has been done at an elevation of 850 feet at No. 1 tunnel. This tunnel penetrates black slate for 300 feet, until it cuts the vein and drifts on it for 700 feet along the hanging wall of the porphyry dike. The quartz vein borders the porphyry for a footwall and follows a well- defined hanging wall, although above the wall occur parallel quartz stringers that cut pyritized slate, which is said to carry both gold and silver. The hanging-wall vein averages about 5 or 6 feet across and at one place is over 12 feet. Along the footwall of the dike a smaller quartz vein occurs. A number of other adits have been opened on this lode system. The Lucky Nell claim, formerly known as the Flora and Nellie, is about 8 miles northwest of Hollis on the divide between Maybeso and Harris creeks, at an elevation of about 1,400 feet. The lode is a quartz fissure vein in porphyry. It is being developed by an open cut and two adits with a connecting winze. The principal work has been done on the lower adit, which has been driven along the vein for 500 feet. The vein strikes about N. 70° E. and dips 65°-80° SE. The vein is marked by two strong walls and averages about 4 feet in width. It is strongly metallized with pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite, and is reported to carry high values in gold and silver. HETTA INLET. The Jumbo mine on Copper Mountain, near the head of Hetta Inlet, was operated on about the usual scale but experienced some difficulty in getting shipping facilities for the transportation of ore to the smelter. The mine is developed on large contact deposits along intrusive diorite that forms the footwall of the deposits. The hanging wall is crystalline limestone and metamorphosed sediments. The copper deposits are irregular-shaped bodies of chalcopyrite- pyrrhotite ore and chalcopyrite-magnetite ore set in a gangue of garnet, calcite, epidote, and diopside. Copper prospects were being opened by Hal Gould on the south end of Sukkwan Island, about 3 miles northeast of Jackson Passage. The prospects occur in a zone of contact schist along the border of the large mass of intrusive granite that occupies the interior of the island. This schist has been prospected along the granite contact for about a mile, and throughout this distance shows more or less MINING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE KETCHIKAN DISTRICT. 89 mineralization. In places it is impregnated with pyrite and in others is veined with stringers of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite that follow the schistosity of the rock and cut across it. Only surface work had been done in 1917. WEST COAST. Development work was continued on the Big Harbor mine in Trocadero Bay, but no production was made. A molybdenite lode has recently been opened up near Shakan. The property is three-quarters of a mile south of Shakan, at an ele- vation of 600 feet. The deposit has been known for several years, but when first discovered the molybdenite was mistaken for galena, and when the assays showed negative results for lead the property was abandoned. It has recently been relocated by W. H. Butt and bonded to the Alaska Treadwell Mining Co., who are installing machinery for its development. The deposit is a fissure vein of quartz, about 6 feet wide, that cuts diorite but occurs near the contact of the diorite and tuffaceous sedi- ments. The quartz vein contains considerable feldspar, especially along the footwall, where in places it resembles an igneous rock. The diorite from the footwall is also mineralized. The vein carries molybdenite and also chalcopyrite and pyrite. The vein strikes N. 85° E. and 25° S. The deposit is covered by two claims, the Alaska Chief Nos. 1 and 2. « Aside from the output of the Vermont Marble Co., who operated on about the usual scale, there was no production of marble. Devel- opment work was continued at the El Capitan quarry, on Dry Pass, for a part of the summer, and a number of diamond-drill holes were put down, aggregating 1,000 feet. The cores show white crystalline marble, with some beds of blue and some of black and white. - • GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. By R. M. Overbeck. INTRODUCTION. Chichagof Island is the northernmost of the larger islands of the Alexander Archipelago of southeastern Alaska. It lies in the northern part of the Sitka mining district between latitude 57° 22' and 58° 17' N., and between longitude 134° 50' and 136° 33' W. The geography, geology, and mineral resources of the west coast of the island are dis- cussed in this report. The mining activity in the region during 1917 was as follows: One gold quartz mine was operating; steps were being taken toward opening another during 1917-18; and some develop- ment work was being done on a copper-nickel property north of Port- lock Harbor, and on copper claims near the head of Pint a Bay. The metals found so far on the west coast are gold, copper, and nickel. An important gypsum mine is on the east side of the island outside the district discussed here. Investigations of the geology of the west coast of Chichagof Island were made by C. W. Wright 1 in 1905 and by Knopf 2 in 1910. The reports and notebooks of these men have been consulted in the prepa- ration of this report. This report, though supplementary to the earlier work, is in a sense preliminary to a study of the geology of the whole island. During 1917, about two months of actual field work was done on the west coast of Chichagof Island, and another month was spent in carrying the work along Peril Strait, in making a trip to Sitka, and in making the run from Juneau to the field and from the field to Ketchi- kan. The field season extended from August 25 to November 9. The party consisted of one geologist and two boatmen. The chief object of the work was the investigation of deposits of the war minerals — copper and nickel. The areal geologic work, therefore, was incidental to the main object of the expedition. The shores of the island from Cross Sound to the head of Hooniah Sound were mapped geologically, but only a small amount of work could be done in the hills back from the shore because of an exceptionally early fall of 1 Wright, F. E. and C. W., The Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 347, pp. 38-43, 1908. 2 Knopf, Adolph, The Sitka mining district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 504, 1912. 91 92 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. snow. The base maps used were charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, some of which have been published and some of which were being made during 1917. Capt. C. G. Quillian, of the U. S. S. Patterson , aided materially in the work of mapping by supplying base maps and the data which had been collected by his parties. Acknowledgments are also due to Mr. Stuart Fleming, Mr. J. Freeburn, Mr. Wm. Free- bum, Mr. T. Baker, Mr. W. H. Roessel, and Mr. Nordley. GEOGRAPHY. Chichagof Island and Baranof Island together form a triangular land mass which has its base along Cross Sound and Icy Strait and its vertex 150 miles south-southeast of the center of the base. Peril Strait, which in its narrowest part is only a quarter of a mile wide, separates Chichagof Island from Baranof Island. Lisianski Strait cuts Yacobi Island, the northwest corner of the land mass, from Chichagof Island. Chatham Strait, a long fiord about 7 miles wide, runs along the east side of the island, the Pacific Ocean is on the west, and Cross Sound and Icy Strait are on the north. Chichagof Island is irregularly shaped; its greatest dimension, from northwest to south- east, is about 80 miles. The fiords, Lisianski Inlet, Idaho Inlet, Port Frederick, Tenakee Inlet, Peril Strait, Hooniah Sound, Slocum Arm, and Lisianski Strait, penetrate far into the island and give it a very long shore line. The straightness of these fiords and the parallelism of some of them is a noticeable feature of the map of the island. Two types of shore line are also evident on the map — one the ragged, island-fringed outer coast; the other the straight, relatively un- indented shores of the fiords. The water along the outer coast is comparatively shallow, and 16 miles offshore is only 600 feet deep. Along the straight fiord shores the 600-foot depth contour is at most places not more than half a mile from shore. Navigation near the outside coast is somewhat hazardous, owing to the numerous rocks and reefs, but a detailed chart of the southern part of the coast has been published and one of the northern part is being prepared. The west coast region of Chichagof Island is extremely rugged. The mountains rise steeply to a general elevation of about 2,300 feet and here and there a peak rises to a height of more than 3,000 feet. The mountain slopes are precipitous and in many places give foothold to only the most scanty vegetation. Countless lakes fill the valleys and the hollows between the ridges. Streams are numerous, and owing to the heavy rainfall are large compared to the size of their drainage basins. Most of the streams head in lakes and run over series of waterfalls into the sea. A prominent physiographic feature of the west coast of the island is the coastal plain, which extends from Cross Sound to Khaz Head at the entrance to Slocum Arm. This plain at Nickel is about 2 miles THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 93 wide, and has a general elevation near the shore of less than 100 feet and a maximum elevation of about 300 feet. The plain consists of rounded hills and low knobs, which rise above a terrain of swamps and small ponds. The land slopes gently upward toward the inner edge of the plain and then rises abruptly to elevations of over 2,000 feet. A scant growth of jack pine covers the plain in some of its drier portions, and a fair growth of spruce and hemlock covers most of the higher hills. Just south of Nickel this plain leaves the main part of the island, and it is. continued in the islands offshore south- ward to Khaz Head, beyond which the. mountains descend steeply into the sea. A continuation of the coastal plain is found beneath the sea in the coastal shelf, which extends offshore for about 16 miles, beyond which the sea bottom descends steeply in the next 4 miles to a depth of 3,300 feet. The long, narrow arms of the sea, such as Slocum Arm, Lisianski Inlet, Hooniah Sound, and Tenakee Inlet, are typical fiords. The sides are straight and steep, and the water reaches depths such as are not again encountered for 16 miles offshore. Slocum Arm, for example, is nearly 700 feet deep. This fiord shows another charac- teristic of fiords in that it has a deep central portion and a relatively shallower portion, or threshold, near its entrance. Broad, low valleys extend from the head of the fiords. The one at the head of Slocum Arm was once selected as a mail route, so that mail might be carried from Sitka to Chichagof without necessitating an outside trip. Low valleys connect the heads of Lisianski Inlet with Hooniah Sound and Port Frederick with Tenakee Inlet. Small streams enter all these fiords at their heads. Deep submarine channels can be traced in the submerged coastal shelf for some distance from the entrance of these fiords. Such channels were noted at the entrance to Peril Strait, Slocitm Arm, and Lisianski Strait. A view of the west coast of the island from several miles out at sea shows a number of broad valleys whose ends appear to be shut off from the sea by a relatively low barrier. A near view of one of these valleys north of Nickel from the mountains surrounding it shows the whole floor to be occupied by a- lake of apparently great depth. The barrier is a low row of hills about 700 feet high. A stream runs from the lake to the sea over a series of waterfalls. Such a valley, if drowned, would form a typical fiord with its steep sides, its deep central portion, and its threshold, or barrier, at its entrance. The population of Chichagof Island is small, possibly 800, white and native. Chichagof, the only town on the west coast, has a popu- lation of about 200. Tenakee is a health resort on the east side of the island. Gypsum, a mining camp on the east side, has a popu- lation of about 50. Hooniah is a native town at the entrance to Port Frederick. There are canneries at Hooniah, on Ford Arm, and 115086°— 19 7 94 at Chatham; and new ones are being built at Stag Bay and at Port Althorp. Sawmills have been installed on Suloia Bay and in Pavlof Harbor. Logging is carried on in a small way, for timber is needed in driving fish traps, making boxes, and timbering mines. Weekly boat service connects the towns on the east and north sides of the island with Juneau. The Chichagoff Mining Co. operates a boat between Chichagof and Juneau, which carries a few passengers and which makes trips about once a week. Sitka, on Baranof Island, is a port of call for some of the larger steamers, and has besides a regular weekly service to Juneau. Motor boats may be hired at Juneau and at Sitka to make the trip to Chichagof. Prospecting on the west coast of Chichagof Island should be car- ried on from a motor boat, for the many arms and fiords make much of the island accessible from a small boat. The shores of the island i have already been rather extensively prospected, but the country a short distance back from the shore seems to be relatively unexplored ' and unknown. The west coast of the island is rocky, and the weather i is often stormy, but by those with local knowledge of the waters much of this coast may be examined from the smooth water behind the r islands. In about 50 miles of coast, from the head of Slocum Arm ; to the southwest entrance to Lisianski Inlet, only about 8 miles of outside water need be traversed. Almost any point within the island i could be reached on a two days’ trip. Timber is in general not abundant in the western part of Chichagof < Island. The character and abundance of timber, however, depends on local conditions. Timber line lies anywhere from 1,500 to over • 2,000 feet in elevation. Two conditions restrict the growth of the i trees, the precipitousness of the slope and the marshiness of the \ ground. The more central portion of the island, visible from the d high peaks near the shore, is almost barren of trees. Much timber j near enough to the shore to be dropped into the water has been 1 already cut. Timber for the Chichagoff mine and for the sawmill in i Suloia Bay comes from Baranof Island. Spruce, hemlock, and cedar i are the principal trees, and their height, thickness, and soundness I vary greatly in different localities. The climate of the region is cool and moist, and precipitation is i frequent and heavy. No weather records have been kept for the I west coast of Chichagof Island, and since there are great seasonal and : i local variations in temperature and precipitation, the observations I that extend over only a few seasons are of little value. Although j the average annual precipitation at Sitka, for instance, is about 88 I inches, during the summer of 1917 there was a precipitation in one i month of over 23 inches. The game on the island should furnish the prospector, at certain j seasons of the year, with a considerable part of his food supply. MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 95 The principal large game is deer and bear. Deer are very plentiful. Minks seem to be rather plentiful, for a number of them were seen during the summer of 1917. Ducks and geese are abundant during certain seasons. GEOLOGY. PRINCIPAL FEATURES. The geology of the west coast of Chichagof Island is complex. This complexity is the result largely of extensive intrusion, which has metamorphosed the rocks cut by the intrusive bodies and has complicated their structure. Both dynamic and contact metamorphic rocks are found along the coast north of Dry Pass and along Peril Strait; dynamic metamorphic rocks prevail in Portlock Harbor and on Slocum Arm. The dynamic metamorphism is probably directly related to the intrusion of the larger igneous bodies. The geology of the island will be discussed under the following heads: (1) Undiffer- entiated metamorphic rocks; (2) graywacke; (3) igneous rocks; (4) development of the topographic features. The rocks of the undifferentiated metamorphic series are sheared conglomerate, lime- stone, argillite, tuff, flow rock, and intrusive rock, and several types of schist. No determinable fossils were found in these rocks; and although the rocks constituting this series may be of different ages, they are probably older than Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous. The graywacke series consists of graywacke, of some slaty and argillaceous beds, and of a little greenstone. The igneous rocks are both intrusive rocks and flow rocks. Granite, quartz diorite, diorite, alaskite, aplite, hornblende gabbro, norite, greenstone, and possibly some andesite are the types of rock represented. Quaternary deposits are practically absent, but the results of the action .of the ice are remarkably well shown by the topographic features. UNDIFFERENTIATED METAMORPHIC ROCKS. DISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTER. The undifferentiated metamorphic rocks occur on Lisianski Strait and Inlet, in the bays on the east side of Portlock Harbor, and at places on Slocum Arm and on Peril Strait. (See Pl. II.) The quartz -mica schist at the south entrance to Lisianski Strait (at Canoe Pass) and the rocks along the seashore from Canoe Pass to Dry Pass are mapped as graywacke, because gradations from graywacke into these rocks can be traced, and these rocks consequently are believed to be the metamorphic equivalents of the graywacke. The rocks of the east and west shores of the north end of Lisianski Strait and those along Peril Strait and Hooniah Sound, which are of somewhat different appearance from the rocks along the outer coast, may be of different age. 96 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Under the heading of undifferentiated metamorphic rocks will be considered all those rocks that seem to underlie the graywacke. Metamorphosed sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive rocks are included in the group, but at most places it is difficult and at many places impossible to tell whether the rock was originally sedimentary or igneous. The rocks in their present metamorphosed state are chlorite schist, hornblende schist, schistose greenstone, quartz-mica schist, schistose limestone, sheared conglomerate, and tuff. The chlorite schist, hornblende schist, and schistose greenstone are green and at some places show contorted banding. The quartz-mica schist is a fine-grained dark-brown rock (gray on weathered surface) which breaks into flat pieces, and the original bedding is represented by wavy bands of slightly different shades of brown. The schistose limestone is dark blue where impure and white where pure; the impure variety shows banding and some augen texture, and the white limestone, or marble, is greatly fractured but does not show banding. The sheared conglomerate have augen texture. The tuffs are red, gray, and nearly black, and show shearing and confused and contorted banding. Green rocks — hornblende schist, chlorite schist, and sheared green- stone — are numerous in the group of the undifferentiated meta- morphic rocks. They occur wherever these rocks are found but are particularly abundant in Portlock Harbor. Most of the rocks of Portlock Harbor are sheared greenstone, although in the field it is not always possible to tell the altered greenstone from a green con- glomerate or a green graywacke. Some of the greenstones are seen under the microscope to be very amygdaloidal, and these are probably flows; others are porphyritic and fairly coarse grained and may represent either flows or intrusives. Chlorite is the most abundant green mineral to form and in the amygdaloidal greenstones both chlorite and epidote fill the amygdules. Calcite is fairly abundant as an alteration mineral but is not nearly so abundant in these rocks as in the altered greenstones of the Eagle River region. The green schist at the Snowball prospect consists of chlorite and quartz, and its original nature can not be told. The dark-green rocks at the entrance to Lisianski Strait, in Canoe Pass, and near Porcupine Harbor probably represent altered basic intrusives. The green rocks at the head of Sister Lake and at the head of Deep Bay may be green- stone. The light-green chlorite schist at the entrance to Stag Bay and on Soapstone Point are highly altered rocks and do not preserve enough of their original characteristics to enable a definite determina- tion to be made. The rocks on Soapstone Point somewhat resemble greenstones in texture. Variegated black and green rocks were seen at a number of places, but no satisfactory identification of them has yet been made. The apparent abundance of green rock is believed to be due partly to the action of sea water on the rock. At many mat USi.'rtftjf OF TNE iip ft f THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 97 places where green rocks are exposed at the water line, gray rocks occur in outcrops away from the water line. The rocks along the shore from Dry Pass to Canoe Pass are chiefly dark-colored schists of rather fine grain and of uniform appearance, in which an abundance of mica (mainly biotite) has developed and in which quartz is also very abundant. At places the typical meta- morphic minerals, such as andalusite and corundum, occur. These schists weather light gray and tend to break into rather smooth blocks. They do not show extensive crinkling, such as is seen in some of the other schists. The gradation of this type of schist into the rocks of the graywacke series can be traced along the shores of Dry Pass, and there can be little doubt that this schist represents the product of the alteration of graywacke, and as such it is indicated on the map (PI. II). A similar type of alteration was found on the outer sides of Hill Island and of Peel Island. There are at least three beds of limestone in the rocks of the undifferentiated series. One bed, about 50 feet thick, more or less, occurs at the mouth of Didrickson Bay and on both sides of Deep Bay ; a thinner bed of dark-bluish impure limestone, in which indeter- minate fossils were found, lies north of the entrance to Didrickson Bay and again just within the mouth of Deep Bay. A thin bed of lime- stone lies close to the contact with graywacke, both in Portlock Harbor and in Slocum Arm. A rather thick bed of limestone occurs on the ridge that runs between Davison Peak and Baker Peak and at the head of Pinta Bay. This bed of limestone can probably be corre- lated with the so-called limestone “dike” that stretches apparently uninterruptedly from Baker Peak to White Mountain. Marble was found on Peril Strait near Poison Cove, in Ushk Bay, Patterson Bay, and at the head of Hooniah Sound. The schistose rocks near the north end of Lisianski Strait are mostly obscure, but they are thought to be in large part of sedi- mentary origin. They are dark and are extensively cut by dikes and by rather abundant quartz and calcite stringers. The rocks along Peril Strait are somewhat similar in appearance, although these are known to be partly sedimentary because of the presence of limestones. At most places it is difficult to differentiate these rocks from the igneous rocks with which they are associated. It would seem that these rocks might be of different age from the rocks of Portlock Harbor, both because they are of somewhat different appearance and because they lie to the east and apparently under the beds of Portlock Harbor. Many of the gray schistose rocks are indeterminate in character, but some of them are closely associated with flow rocks, and these are believed to be in part tuffs. A rock of this kind from Pinta Bay is seen under the microscope to consist of crushed pieces of fine- grained igneous rocks. 98 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The metamorphic rocks are probably of two types — dynamic- metamorphic rocks and contact-met amorphic rocks. Weathering, as a type of metamorphism, will not be discussed here. By dynamic metamorphism is meant alteration in the rocks, as originally deposited or intruded, brought about by the action of differential pressures. Under differential pressure rock cleavage is developed and new minerals are formed in the original rocks. The rocks consequently lose much of their original character, and rocks entirely different in color, texture, and mineral composition are formed. It is impossible in many specimens to determine what the original character of the rocks really was. In contact-metamorphism changes in the rocks intruded by an igneous body are brought about by pressure due to the intrusion, by rise in temperature, and by addition of material from the igneous body. The results of contact metamorphism and dynamic metamorphism are commonly the same; so that it may be impossible to tell whether a specimen is the result of one or the other process. No attempt has been made here to differentiate the two types. In the metamorphic rocks under discussion chlorite is one of the most abundant secondary minerals formed, but hornblende, mica^ corundum, and staurolite are locally abundant. Schistosity has developed extensively, and where bedding can be recognized it is approximately parallel with the schistosity. Bedding was seen in the quartz-mica schist and in the sheared conglomerates and limestone. These rocks are naturally faulted and jointed, and secondary cleavage has developed. Faulting was noticed at the entrance to Black Bay. Joints or secondary cleavage planes have at places formed rather extensively, perpendicular to the schistosity. The dip of the schistosity and of the beds at most places on Slocum Arm and in Portlock Harbor is steep toward the southwest; the strike is nearly northwest. Along Lisianski Strait the dip of the schistosity is toward the northeast, and the strike varies between northwest and north. Even at the contact with the batholith the dips are northeast and hence toward the batholith. Along Peril Strait the beds are extensively intruded by bodies of igneous rock, and, as might be expected, strikes and dips differ greatly in direction and amount from place to place. The present structure of the rocks is thought to be due to the intrusion of a great mass of granodioritic rock on the island, which, in forcing its way up through the rocks, squeezed and folded them. The rocks at most places dip away from this batholith. The apparently anomalous dip of the rocks along Lisianski Strait may have been caused by a still later intrusion of igneous rock repre- sented by the dioritic intrusion at the entrance to the strait or it may have been caused by slumping at the edge of the batholith. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 99 AGE AND CORRELATION. Rocks of different ages are probably included in the group of undifferentiated metamorphic rocks. No determinable fossils were found in these rocks, and their relationships to rocks of known geologic age are not everywhere clear; consequently their position in the geo- logic column can not be assigned with any degree of certainty. At all places except one these rocks appear to underlie the graywacke; but as the rocks at this one place where they overlie the gray- wacke are lithologically similar to the rocks that everywhere else underlie the graywacke, it is assumed that faulting has occurred. At most places transitional beds lie between the typical meta- morphic rocks and the typical graywacke. Structurally the two groups appear to be conformable, for the strikes and the dips are the same in both. The underlying beds seem to be more meta- morphosed than the graywacke, but metamorphism is a function of the original character of beds that are altered as well as of .the intensity of the metamorphosing forces. Very hard quartzose rocks like sand- stone would probably undergo less change than the soft and relatively complex volcanic rocks and shaly and calcareous sedimentary rocks. These highly metamorphosed rocks, too, lie nearer the batholith, which is thought to be the cause of much of the metamorphism, than the graywacke. Nothing definite can be known about the relations of the metamorphosed rocks of Lisianski Inlet and Peril Strait to the metamorphosed rocks that immediately underlie the graywacke. The two groups are lithologically different, but this difference may be due either to an original difference in type or to more intensive metamorphism. If the beds along the outer part of Chichagof Island are part of the west limb of an anticline 1 the beds on Peril Strait and Lisianski Inlet, which lie nearer the center of the anticline, would be older than the beds of Slocum Arm and Portlock Harbor and probably of a different geologic age. Lithologic correlation of these rocks with the rocks of other dis- tricts may be suggestive but can not be of great scientific value. In the Juneau district 2 is a series of tuffs, slates, flows, and limestone in which Triassic fossils have been found. Chapin 3 correlates some of these rocks of the Juneau district with the beds along the east side of Gravina Island and some of them with the rocks along the west coast of Gravina Island. The beds along the east side of Gravina Island are thought to be of Triassic and Jurassic age and those along the west coast are of Triassic age. The lithologic similarity of the sec- tions of the Juneau district, of Gravina Island, and of the west coast 1 Wright, F. E. and C. W., The Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 347, p. 38, 1918. 2 Brooks, A. H., unpublished notes. 8 Chapin, Theodore, unpublished notes. 100 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. of Chichagof Island is at once evident. Chapin 1 2 separates the rocks that immediately underlie the graywackes of Gravina Island into two parts — “a lower series of purely igneous material, mainly coarse pyroclastic rocks and breccias, and an upper series of mixed water- laid tuffs and black slates and limestone, with porphyritic basic rocks of similar composition, evidently partly intrusive and partly explo- sive.’ J 2 In Portlock Harbor the rocks near the contact are chiefly water-laid and those in the bays are most generally igneous. Tenta" tively, then, the rocks that underlie the graywacke on the west coast of Chichagof Island are correlated with the rocks that underlie the slate and graywacke of Gravina Island and which are placed by Chapin 3 in the Upper Triassic or Jurassic. The Wrights, 4 however, correlate the series of slate, greenstone, lava, tuff, and other material, on the west coast of Baranof and Chichagof islands, with lithologically similar rocks on Douglas Island, Cleveland Peninsula, and Gravina Island which they class as of Permian or Pennsylvanian age. To the north of Icy Strait, in Glacier Bay, the Silurian is represented by great thicknesses of limestone which are underlain by a thick argillite series of rocks. No thick limestones and no great amount of argillite were seen on the west coast of Chichagof Island. On the east side of Chichagof Island the lower Carboniferous is represented by a thick series of limestone of a distinctive character. No rocks of this type were seen here. These facts do not assist much in determining the age of the rocks, but they at least indicate possible correlations. GRAYWACKE. DISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTER. Graywacke extends along the west coast of Chichagof Island from Peril Strait to Dry Pass. The term graywacke is used here in the sense of a group of rocks in which graywacke is the prevailing rock type. North of Dry Pass the graywacke has been metamorphosed to a quartz-mica schist; south of Peril Strait it continues beyond the region mapped. The graywacke proper forms a band that has a maximum width of about 5 miles, an average width of 3 miles, and a length of 35 miles. The actual width of this band may be greater, for on its western side it passes beneath the sea. The metamorphic graywacke, or quartz-mica schist, extends from Dry Pass to Lisianski Strait, the northern limit of the area mapped, a distance of 7 miles. Exposures of these rocks are almost continuous along the shores within the belt. The outer coast from a point about a mile south 1 Chapin, Theodore, The structure and stratigraphy of Gravina and Revillagigedo Islands, Alaska: U. S. Geol Survey Prof. Paper 120-D, pp. 83-100, 1918. 2 Idem, p. 95. 3 Chapin, Theodore, op. cit. 4 Wright, F. E. and C. W., The Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 347, p. 35, 1908. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 101 of Khaz Head to Leo Anchorage could not he approached because of stormy weather, but from its general appearance and from the reports of prospectors it is believed to form a part of the graywacke area and is so mapped. In the general group term “graywacke” are included, besides gray- wacke, some slate, argillite, conglomerate, and greenstone. Gray- wacke is naturally the prevailing rock type, and the other types occur in relatively small amount. Uniformity in appearance char- acterizes the outcrops of these rocks, which at most places are weath- ered a somber reddish brown, greenish gray, or ash-gray. The rocks are massive and are greatly fractured and jointed. Where the rather coarse sandy graywacke predominates bedding can rarely be detected, hut where the rocks are argillaceous parallel bedding is fairly com- mon. Thin stringers of argillitic material run through the massive graywacke, and these weather out and allow the graywacke to break down into rather large lenticular pieces. At other places series of parallel joints are common, and here the graywacke breaks into large flat-sided blocks. Variations in outcrop from the one just described naturally exist. In places the beds are fine grained, sandy, and argillaceous, and in these places a type of ribbon structure occurs which is formed by an alter- nation of sandy and argillaceous beds, an inch or less thick, of some- what different color. Along the southwest side of Slocum Arm the rocks are typical dark slates which contain concretions of limestone. Near the head of Slocum Arm are dark beds of fine graywacke and argillite, in which fossils were found. On Ford Arm near the head is a very coarse conglomerate. In Ogden Passage a little greenstone is included in the graywacke. Fresh graywacke is a dark massive rock of medium gram, whose color and granularity do not differ greatly hi different specimens. The rock is hard and fresh looking, and in the medium-grained varie- ties glassy quartz and angular particles of slate set in a dense, dark groundmass can be seen. The rock is an indurated impure sand- stone, but the fine-grained varieties may easily be mistaken for a fine- grained igneous rock. A specimen from the mountain between the head of Slocum Arm and Leo Anchorage is a breccia in which are large angular particles of slate in a brownish sandy groundmass. Conglomerate occurs on Ford Arm, in Ogden Passage, and on Slocum Arm. The conglomerate on Ford Arm consists of rounded pebbles and boulders in a sandy matrix. The pebbles in the conglomerate are 3 inches or less in diameter, but many boulders from, 3 inches to 6 inches in diameter occur. The pebbles are graywacke, sandstone, chert, light, fine-grained igneous rock, and limestone. Quartz is not abundant. Many pebbles are sheared across. The conglomerate is at least a hundred feet thick here, but it could not be found along 102 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. its strike on the west side of the Arm. Conglomerates were found in other places, but none could compare with this one in thickness or in coarseness of grain. A conglomerate seen on Peril Strait contains rather abundant pebbles of coarse-grained igneous rock. The microscope gives a better idea of the composition and texture of the rock than the examination with a hand lens. The graywacke is seen to consist of mineral grains and fragments of rock set in a very fine carbonaceous groundmass of undeterminable material. The grains are somewhat rounded, but characteristically they are angular. The mineral grains are quartz, feldspar, and hornblende. The rock fragments are fine grained and for the most part indeter- minate, but some fine-grained igneous rocks were seen. The dark carbonaceous pieces are probably particles of slate. A little calcite and some particles of schist were noted in some of the thin sections. At fairly close intervals white quartz veins of various sizes cut the rocks of the graywacke series. These quartz veins are of two types — one occurs in shear zones and recements the crushed material, the other, known as “frozen veins” by the prospectors, is composed of simple quartz stringers that cut across the beds of the formation and are not related to recognizable shear zones. Mineralization has taken place in veins of the first type. The “frozen” stringers rarely show the iron stain that indicates the presence of sulphides and possible gold mineralization, and they do not seem to be of more than local extent. The source of the material of which the graywacke is formed is not known. The angularity of the particles would indicate that they have not been transported for a long distance. The presence of the quartz, of the relatively little-altered feldspar fragments, and of the pieces of fine-grained igneous rock would indicate that an area of igneous rock furnished a part of the material. The conglomerates, however, carry but little coarse-grained igneous material, such as is found in the interior of the island at the present time. As little dark slate is found in the rocks that underlie the graywackes, the source of the particles of slate in the graywackes is not known. It is possible that an unconformity may exist between the two series and that the slaty rocks have been removed by later erosion. The rounded limestone pebbles in the conglomerates might well have been derived from the limestone in the underlying metamorphic rocks. The hornblende may have come from either schist or igneous rocks. The alteration of the rocks is of two kinds — weathering and con- tact or dynamic metamorphism. As the rocks have been swept clean rather recently by the ice, weathering has not been extensive. The chief effect of the weather has been the breaking up of the rocks by purely mechanical means, and this has been aided by the weather- THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 103 ing out of the argillaceous stringers in the rocks. The chief chemical effect on the graywackes has been to color them slightly reddish, brownish, or greenish. The surfaces are somewhat pitted and gashed where the stringers of the softer material have been removed. On the mountain tops this process has gone a little farther than it has along the seashore. Where the graywackes have been intruded by igneous rocks or where they have undergone great differential pres- sures they have been altered to fine-grained dark-brown quartz-mica schists. At places where the bedding has been preserved it is seen to coincide rather closely with the secondary structure formed by pressure. The metamorphic minerals, such as andalusite, are par- ticularly abundant in the schist at some places. STRUCTURE AND THICKNESS. The graywacke rocks, as previously pointed out (see p. 100), stretch along the west coast of Chichagof Island from Peril Strait to Dry Pass. The actual width of the band of graywacke can not of course be told, as its western boundary lies under the sea. The greatest known width of the belt is 5 miles. The inner contact of the rocks strikes approximately N. 30° W. to Mine Cove, then swings to N. 60° W. in Portlock Harbor, and then N. 30° W. to Dry Pass, beyond which the graywacke has been altered to schist. Graywacke can not be certainly recognized north of Canoe Pass at the entrance to Lisianski Strait. Along the seaward side of the belt on Hill Island, on Kukkan Bay, and at the entrance to Khaz Bay, a schist was found. The schist on Hill Island is believed to be altered graywacke, for the gradation from gray- wacke to schist can be traced along the north side of Imperial Pas- sage. The agents of metamorphism were active along this outer coast, but whether the metamorphism is due to pressure or to the nearness of a large igneous body could not be told. On the islands at the entrance to Khaz Bay the metamorphism is undoubtedly due to the presence of the igneous body that is seen on some of the islands. The schist on Kukkan Bay appears to be altered greenstone that was intruded into the graywacke. Reliable strike and dip readings are difficult to get at many places because of the lack of bedding and because of the extensive jointing. In general the strikes lie between west and N. 45° W. A few strikes reach N. 30° W. The dips are almost universally to the south and range from 40° to 70°. At some places the beds stand vertical, and even (in a very few places) dip steeply to the north. The rocks are greatly fractured and jointed, and it is very often difficult to distinguish bedding from jointing. Faulting is common and extensive, but it can not always be recognized, as the non- homogeneity of the beds and the frequent occurrence of minor fracturing do not permit one to tell what movement, if any, has 104 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. taken place. Major faults are recognized by the great quantity of crushed material that occurs in the shear zones, and also by the presence of quartz, which at places has recemented the crushed rock. Such faults are very common and where they have been followed they seem to be persistent. The Chichagoff mine and most of the pros- pects of the district are located along such faults. The fault in the Chichagoff mine has been followed underground without a break for about a mile, and the strike and the dip of the fault plane are remark- ably constant. The Hirst-Chichagof mine lies on another such fault which seems to run nearly parallel to the first one. These crushed zones are of varying width; the same fault zone may be a foot or more wide in one place, and at another it may be 15 or 20 feet wide. Movement along these faults did n6t take place all at one time, and possibly movement still takes place along them, for much of the quartz along the zones has been crushed and recrushed since its deposition. The dike near the Chichagoff mine and the dike in the upper t unn el of the Hirst mine are crushed. The graywacke in the shear zones is com- minuted, and the slaty bands have been reduced to shiny slicken- sided pieces that look much like pieces of coal. At most places one wall of the zone is well defined and is followed by a sticky clay gouge; the other wall is poorly defined and grades over into the country rocks. The faults dip steeply in the Chichagoff mine and in the Hirst mine. This dip shows only a slight variation. At the Smith prospect the fault plane dips about 62° S., but in depth it flattens to 45° S. All the fault planes so far examined dip to the south. Strike and dip readings show that the graywacke beds have nearly parallel strikes throughout the belt and that they all dip steeply to the south. It is impossible to interpret the structure of the region from observations over such a limited area, and more work will have to be carried on in the neighboring areas. From the few facts at hand it would seem that the beds may form one limb of an anticline, for they seem to be resting on rocks of greater age. The beds do not possess sufficient peculiarities to enable one to trace recognizable beds and thus to detect reduplication of beds. In such a highly disturbed region reduplication of beds almost surely exists, and this may be due to close folding or to faulting, or to both. Extensive faulting has taken place. The suggestion naturally comes that the structure of the rocks is related to the large intrusive body that makes up the interior of the island. It is interesting to note in this connection that the highly schistose rocks along Lisianski Strait all dip toward that intrusive body. The similarity of the strikes and dips of the gray- J wackes and the older schists suggests a common origin for their later jj structure — a structure that, in some of the schists, must have been i imposed on an earlier structure. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 105 As the structural relations of the rocks are not very definitely known, no determination of their thickness can be made. The belt in its widest part is exposed continuously for 5 miles. Assuming a dip of 60° the resultant thickness of the beds exposed would be 23,000 feet, but there is every reason to believe that reduplication of beds has occurred and that the actual, thickness of the exposed formation is much less. On the other hand, it is not possible to tell how far beneath the sea the graywacke extends. The series is apparently thick, although no actual figures can be given. An estimate of the thickness of this series of rocks made by the Wrights, 1 who corre- lated it with similar rocks on Douglas Island and Glass Peninsula, is 3,000 feet, more or less. AGE AND CORRELATION. In a consideration of the age of the graywacke the first question that arises is whether the argillitic graywacke beds along the south- west side of Slocum Arm, which are fossiliferous, should be included in the graywacke series. The reasons for not including them would be that their relationships with the typical graywacke are not known; that they are somewhat different in appearance from the graywacke; and that fossils have not been found anywhere in the typical graywacke, although they were carefully looked for. The reasons for including them are that the rocks are graywackes although of somewhat different appearance; that the pelecypods found, although abundant numer- ically, seem to be limited to one or two species of Aucella, which fact would seem to indicate a peculiarly local condition of deposition (a similar condition apparently of the occurrence of a single fossiliferous bed in a great series of unfossiliferous rocks has been observed at Pybus Bay) ; and that the rocks appear to be interbedded with tuffs, flows, and limestones similar to those rocks at the base of the typical graywacke. Whether this apparent transition is due to infolding or whether such a transition series to the underlying schist is actually present is not known. On the peninsula southeast of the Hole in the Wall at Khaz Head the graywacke is massive and coarse grained and breaks down into large, smooth, angular blocks. A little farther down the peninsula, in Slocum Arm, the graywacke becomes finer grained and even somewhat cross-bedded but shows large, rounded pieces of light-colored lime- stone several inches in diameter and black slate pebbles and slivers. The general tone of the graywacke is greenish gray on the weathered surface. After a short concealed interval comes highly contorted greenish, reddish, and grayish schistose rocks, which are in part 1 Wright, F. E. and C. W., The Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 347, p. 35, 1908. 106 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. volcanic and in part sedimentary. These rocks extend for 2 miles along the shore with which their strike seems to be nearly parallel. The schistose beds are followed here by a rather massive graywacke, which is at places a grit, and then by the rather fine-grained gray- wacke in which Jurassic fossils were found. For about a mile the rocks exposed are chiefly the variegated greenish ones of the pre- ceding 2 miles, in which are some argillitic rocks. The occurrence of a limestone bed indicates a sedimentary origin for some of the rocks. Beyond the green rocks is slate. The slaty rocks carry some limestone concretions and throughout most of their extent are markedly parallel banded. The bands are about 2 inches wide and are indicated by differences in color. The slates follow the shore for about a mile and are then succeeded by the fossil-bearing graywacke, which continues to the head of the Arm. A small bed of limestone was found at this second fossil locality. The contact of these beds with the greenish volcanic and sedi- mentary beds is believed to lie close to the shore along this side of Slocum Arm. From the strike and dip it would appear that the slates and graywackes lie under the greenish rocks, but faulting has probably disturbed the relationships. The graywacke extends unbroken along the northeast side of Slocum Arm to a point within 4 miles of the head. A limestone bed, 15 to 25 feet thick, follows the graywacke and is followed in turn by tuffaceous beds, flows, and the contorted green and gray schists. Graywacke occurs in Flat and Hidden coves apparently interbedded with the tuffaceous beds and with the limestone. At one place it even seems to underlie the schist. The strikes and dips observed along this shore would indicate that the graywacke overlay the tuffs and flows. The section up to the 2,800 and 2,360 foot peaks at the head of the arm shows no graywacke but only highly contorted green and gray schist up to an elevation of 2,390 feet and then greenstone. In the southeast bay at the head of Ford Aim the graywacke series is interbedded with green and red volcanic rocks. Along the northeast shore of the northwest bay the rocks are schistose and probably are in large part of sedimentary origin. The strikes and dips here would seem to throw the graywackes over the tuffs and schists. In Sister Lake the underlying rock is a thinly laminated, extremely contorted schist, greenish and grayish in color, and at places very quartzose. The shore of the northeast bay of the lake is almost entirely a light-green schistose lock. In the narrows between the two lakes the rocks are gray schist and chert. On the eastern side of Lake Anna, near the entrance to the narrows, some greenstone tuff and limestone occur apparently within the graywacke series. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 107 All along the northeast side of Slocum Arm, then, the rocks of the graywacke series appear to overlie the tuff, flows, and schists and in part to be interbedded with the volcanic rocks. The extreme meta- morphism of the variegated rocks would seem to point to a greater age for them as compared with the graywacke. The tuffs may well be interbedded with the lower beds of the graywacke series. The relations on the southwest side of the arm may indicate that the fossil beds do not belong to the graywacke series; that faulting has taken place along this side of the arm; or that the volcanic and schistose rocks there are not the same series represented on the north side, but that they are considerably younger and actually do overlie the graywackes. As none of the schistose rocks are fossilif- erous and as at no place could the structural relations of the schist to the fossiliferous beds or the fossiliferous beds to the typical gray- wacke formation be observed, only a surmise of the actual relations can be made now. The question whether the fossiliferous beds should be included with the graywackes has already been considered. The~only evidence for faulting, other than that considered below, is the occurrence of brecciated graywacke at the head of the arm about on the line of the supposed fault. The rocks on the outer side of the peninsula could not be visited because of the stormy weather, but they are reported to be graywacke. This is borne out by the gray- wacke observed at Khaz Head and in Peril Strait. If this is true, then the graywackes of the outer coast would overlie the schistose beds, as they do on the north side of the arm, and a fault along the southwest side would appear probable. So far as lithologic resem- blance can be used as a criterion, the schistose rocks on the north and the south sides of the arm are very much alike, and on the lack of other evidence of correlation they would undoubtedly be placed together. On Peril Strait schist is found on the line of strike of the schist on the north side of the arm, and graywacke is found on the strike of the schist south of Slocum Arm. In Portlock Harbor the contact between the graywacke and the underlying series of rocks is exposed at half a dozen places. In the narrow strait between Portlock Harbor and Ogden Passage a reddish gritty sandstone, which contains angular particles of slate, lies at the base of the graywacke rocks. Under the grit is a bluish-gray lime- stone about 50 feet thick. On the large island in Portlock Harbor northwest of the entrance to Black Bay the contact is exposed at two places; on the southeast side of the island the contact seems to be somewhat gradational, for the upper beds of the green variegated rocks seem to be somewhat sandy in character; on the northwest side the contact is rather of the same type. The one point of contact on Peel Island shows the graywacke in contact with an intrusive body. At the Snipe Islands the contact passes between the eastern island and the two western ones and is concealed in the narrow strait 108 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. between them. On the eastern island the rocks are greatly sheared conglomerate, quartzite (?), and limestone. On the southeast side of Hill Island the rocks at the contact are argillitic rocks, limestone, and a sheared conglomerate. On the northwest side of the island the rocks at the contact are greenish schist, or greenstones, and limestone. Beyond this point the rocks all become schistose, and the graywackes are not again recognized as such. The question whether the metamorphic series and the graywacke series are separated by an unconformity can not be definitely settled. The graywackes rest on rocks that are in part sedimentary. On Slocum Arm the underlying beds are tuffs and limestones; in Portlock Harbor the underlying beds are so greatly altered that tuffs can not be definitely recognized, although many of the beds are extremely obscure and may be tuffs. Limestones are almost universally present under the graywacke in Portlock Harbor. In the absence of fossils it is not possible to say whether the underlying beds of Slocum Arm and those of Portlock Harbor are of the same age. It should be noted that in Slocum Arm the graywacke beds are apparently inter- bedded with the tuffs of the underlying series, and they do not seem to be so in Portlock Harbor. The strikes and dips of the two series of rocks appear to conform, but the rocks have undergone great struc- tural disturbances since their deposition, and the result of the action of the same force would result in imposing a somewhat similar structure on the rocks of both. The chief reason for placing an unconformity between them would be the great difference that exists in appearance and degree of alteration, but this difference may be a result of the character of the rocks. The most that can be said, then, from field observations is that an unconformity may exist between the two series. The age of the graywacke, determined by Stanton from fossils collected on the shore of Slocum Arm, is probably Upper Jurassic. The report on the fossils follows : 10147. No. 17AOF7: First prominent bight on southwest side of Slocum Arm, 3 miles southwest of Falcon Arm. Aucella sp., related to A. fischeriana (D’Orbigny). Belemnites sp., fragments of a small slender form. 10148. No. 17AOF8: Second prominent bight on southwest side of Slocum Arm, 5 miles southwest of Falcon Arm. Aucella sp., small distorted specimens possibly belonging to two species, one of which may be the same as the species in 10147. The form of Aucella in these two lots appears to be distinct from the forms identified as A. piochi Gabb and A. crassicollis Keyserling in previous collections from Pybus Bay, Admiralty Island. The present collections are believed to be of Upper Jurassic age. It should be remembered, however, that the distinction between Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous on the basis of Aucella alone is not always safe. It is possible that all the Aucdla-beaiing rocks of southeast Alaska may belong in the same series. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 109 Correlations of the rocks of the graywacke series with similar rocks of southeastern Alaska are at once suggested. The rocks of the Berners formation (Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous) of Eagle River in the Juneau district are lithologically similar to the rocks of the west coast of Chichagof Island, and fossils show them to be of the same age. Knopf 1 believed the Berners formation to be found on the Glass Peninsula and at Point Young on Admiralty Island. That the correlation of these rocks with the rocks of Pybus Bay at the south end of Admiralty Island is open to some doubt is indicated in the report made by Stanton. In the Ketchikan district the rocks would be correlated with the “conglomerate, slate, and graywacke’ ’ of Chapin , 2 which are found on Gravina Island and in the western part of the town of Ketchikan and at Wards Cove on Revillagigedo Island. This correlation is suggested by fossils, by lithographic similarity, and by relationship to other rocks. The suggestion has already been made that these rocks may be correlated with the graywacke of the Prince William Sound region, but as nothing conclusive is known about the age of those rocks the correlation will have to remain a suggestion. IGNEOUS ROCKS. The largest bodies of igneous rock in the region are those that are believed to be part of the Coast Range batholith. These rocks occupy much of the interior of the island, and in this brief report no attempt can be made to describe the various types that are found. Most of the area mapped is not far from the contact between these rocks and other rocks, and consequently the rocks of the intrusive body are very greatly sheared. Thin sections show that most of these rocks are considerably crushed and are extensively altered. The rocks seem to be normally quartz diorites, but types from granite to hornblendite can be found. A specimen from Stag Bay that in the hand specimen appears to be a greenstone is seen under the microscope to consist of feldspar (near albite), quartz, green horn- blende, chlorite, and epidote. This rock was probably originally a diorite. On Lisianski Strait, near Miner Island, the rock is a crushed albite granite. A little farther up the strait the rock consists entirely of crushed, coarsely crystallized hornblende. A specimen taken on Lisianski Inlet consists chiefly of crushed and recemented quartz and a little plagioclase feldspar. The rocks on Peril Strait and in Hooniah Sound seem to be somewhat more basic than the rocks on the west coast. They contain some quartz, plagioclase feldspar (near andesine), hornblende, and the usual alteration minerals. These 1 Knopf, Adolph, The Eagle River region, southeastern Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 502, pp. 17-18, 1912. 2 Chapin, Theodore, The structure and stratigraphy of Gravina and Revillagigedo Islands, Alaska: U. S* Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 120-D, pp. 97-98, 1918. 115086°— 19 8 110 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. rocks appear to be similar to the contact rocks of the Coast Range batholith of the mainland, and they are correlated with them. The age of the Coast Range batholith is not yet definitely determined, but it is generally thought to be Jurassic or Cretaceous. In this area these rocks cut the rocks of the metamorphic series, whose age has not been determined. An intrusive body of large size, which consists of a coarse-grained granite, cuts the greenstones and schists of Morris and Elfendahl lakes. The rocks of this body are very fight in color and are of very coarse grain. They are somewhat weathered, but otherwise are not greatly altered. They differ from the other granites of the region in their coarseness of grain, their fight color, their uniformity in char- acter, and in the fact that the alkali feldspar is orthoclase instead of albite. Part of the contact between this body and the greenstone was carefully examined, but no signs of mineralization were found. Coarse granite was found on the Porcupine Islands and on the island that forms the outer side of Cautious Pass. A specimen of the rock shows coarsely granular quartz, feldspar that ranges in com- position from albite to albite-ofigoclase, greenish biotite, muscovite, garnet, and sericite. This rock is an albite granite. Whether it represents the same period of intrusion as the orthoclase granite above can not be determined. The rocks represented by the intrusive body at Nickel are some- what variable. They are fairly fight gray but at places become a rather dark brown. Diorite and gabbro (norite) are the chief types represented. Nickel ore occurs with these rocks and a more detailed description of them is given under the discussion of the nickel ores. (See p. 129.) A similar body of diorite occurs on Lisianski Strait north of Canoe Pass. Dikes are fairly abundant in the region. They cut the graywacke, the rocks of the metamorphic series, and the greenstones. Most of the dikes are rather small and are fight in color, and all except the dike at the entrance to Deep Bay seem to be of the same type. One of these dikes occurs on the property of the Chichagoff Mining Co., at the Golden Gate mill, but no dikes were encountered in the mine itself. Another forms the footwall in the lower tunnel of the Hirst prospect. The dikes are rather abundant in the graywacke on i Slocum Arm between Ford Arm and Falcon Arm. Similar dikes \ cut the greenstone at the copper property at the head of Pinta Bay, ; and dikes that are of somewhat different appearance cut the green- stone on the ridge to the north of Morris Lake. The dike rock in i the lower tunnel on Baker Peak is highly mineralized with pyrite, ! and the chalcopyrite of the upper prospects seems to be in a greatly altered dike of this type. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. Ill The dike rocks are fine grained and light in color. The minerals that form the rock can not be determined with the naked eye, but the rocks are light colored, and consequently the ferromagnesian minerals are practically absent. Pyrite is rather abundant in some of the dikes, and these weather deep red-brown on the surface. Under the microscope these dike rocks are all seen to be rather extensively altered. A specimen of the rock from the Golden Gate mill is coarser grained than most of the dike rocks and seems to be somewhat less altered. These rocks, so far as can be determined, carry a little quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and a few dark minerals. The plagioclase in the dike of the Golden Gate appears to be near albite-oligoclase, and the rock is apparently an aplite. Alteration, chiefly to sericite and to chlorite, is extensive. Although there is a great similarity in appearance of these dike rocks, there is probably considerable variation in their character. The aplite dikes are at most places mineralized rather highly with pyrite, and as a conse- quence several of them have been staked as prospects. It is not known whether they carry gold. The dike at the entrance to Deep Bay is of a markedly different type from that of the other dikes. The rock is rather dark in color, and is porphyritic. The phenocrysts are feldspar and hornblende. The groundmass is fairly fine grained, and contains both lath-shaped crystals and closely spaced irregular grains. The feldspar phenocrysts are about labradorite, although some albite appears to be present. This rock is an andesite. The dikes that cut the greenstones north of Morris Lake are of a somewhat similar type. Greenstones are widespread in the region, including both intrusive and extrusive rocks. As their name implies, they are extensively altered, and it is no longer possible to tell exactly the type of basic rock from which they are derived. As it is not always possible in the field to distinguish the true greenstone from altered sedimentary rocks that are green in color, especially where they have been ren- dered schistose, no attempt has been made to show on the map all the greenstone areas of the region. Greenstones included with the metamorphic rocks were seen in Portlock Harbor, in Didrickson Bay, and in Deep Bay. The greenstones which have been indicated north of Morris Lake (see PI. II) appear to be of a different age from the green schists and greenstones included with the schist, for they do not show the excessive metamorphism of the other rocks. They appear to have a rather gentle dip to the east and to rest on the steeply dipping beds of the schistose series. They are massive fine-grained rocks which are in large part amygdaloidal. They are notably homogeneous. Epidote is widespread in the rocks, and small amounts of chalcopyrite are present in nearly every specimen of the greenstone 112 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. collected. The amygdaloidal character of the greenstone would indicate that it is, in part, a flow. That some may be intrusive, however, is suggested by the fact that in the green schist only a short distance from the supposed contact with the greenstone is a coarse- grained greenstone which appears to cut the schist and is hence of a later age. An amygdaloidal greenstone carrying chalcopyrite occurs on the peak at the head of Slocum Arm. A similar relationship to that on the Baker Ridge is seen in that a limestone bed lies in both places almost at the contact between schist and greenstone. Green- stone is reported from Rust Lake, near Chichagof. The age of the greenstones is not known. They may be of the same age as the greenstones of the Orca group of Prince William Sound, which are probably of Mesozoic age. A fresh-looking basalt was seen on Lisianski Strait opposite Miner Island. The rock in outcrop shows columnar jointing, and it has not been greatly disturbed since its deposition. The rock is porphyritic, vesicular, and has a fine-grained groundmass. The phenocrysts are altered hornblende crystals. This body of igneous rock may be the youngest in the region. DEVELOPMENT OF TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES. Most of the physiographic features of Chichagof Island are due primarily to glaciation, although structure and the character of bed- rock have had some effect in modifying the action of the ice. The fiords probably owe their straightness and parallelism to the directive action of bedrock structure on the moving ice. The characteristic features of the fiords, the lakes, the hanging valleys, the broad U-shaped valleys,, the steepened slopes, the through valleys at the heads of the fiords, and the holes and deepened channels off the coast are all undoubtedly due to the ice action. The coastal plain appears to be a structural feature and to represent an uplift of this part of the coast. Minor topographic features, such as the rounding of the granite peaks and the pointing of the greenstone peaks, are due secondarily to the nature of the bedrock. MINERAL RESOURCES. GOLD. OCCURRENCE. Prospecting for gold on the west coast of Chichagof Island has been carried on from time to time since 1905. A number of prospects have been located, but at the present time only one mine is being operated. Most of the prospects are along shear zones in the graywacke. The most active prospecting for gold has been done near Klag Bay. Klag Bay is about 54 miles northwest of Sitka by boat. It is con- THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 113 nected with Juneau by a motor boat which makes regular trips about once a week. The center of mining activity is at the head of Klag Bay at Chichagof, where the Chichagoff mine is located. Prospects have been located on Klag Bay, on Mine Cove to the north, and on Slocum Arm to the south. Practically all these prospects are gold quartz prospects, and most of them have been held for a number of years. Only one mine is being operated at the present time, although another may be opened shortly. Gold was first found by a native in 1905 in one of the streams near the head of Klag Bay. He carried the news to Sitka, a small stampede followed, and a number of claims were located. The history of the Klag Bay region has been given by Knopf. 1 The claims on Klag Bay all lie near the shore. The coast here is similar to that to the north. The coastal plain is confined here chiefly to the islands, which consist of low rounded hills and marshy flats. A line between the coastal plain and the mountain belt passes south of Doolth Mountain, between Lake Anna and Sister Lake, and into the sea at Khaz Head. The shore line is extremely irregular and throughout its extent is rocky, and the bottoms near the shore are foul. Kocks and reefs extend offshore for about 5 miles between Kukkan Bay and The Hole-in- the-Wall. Lake Anna and Sister Lake are tidal basins which can be entered with safety only at slack water. Doolth Mountain, in which the Chichagoff mine lies, is a smooth, rounded mountain about 2,120 feet in elevation. The rocks of the Klag Bay region are of two general types — the un- differentiated metamorphic rocks and the graywacke. The only igneous rocks seen in the vicinity of Klag Bay (except the altered igneous rocks in the schistose series) were the light-colored dikes, which are fairly abundant in the graywacke. The graywacke, as pointed out above (p. 108), is believed to be of Upper Jurassic age. The age of the dike rocks is not known, but they must be post- Jurassic. Graywacke is economically the most important rock of the region at the present time, because all the prospects so far located are in graywacke, although there is no apparent Reason why mineraliza- tion should not have taken place in the schistose series as well. One possible reason for the seeming localization of the mineralization in the graywacke is that the physical properties of the massive grav- wacke under great forces may have caused it to break with big clean fractures that were of great extent and that furnished excellent pathways for the ore-bearing solutions. The soft schistose rocks, on the other hand, would not give clean breaks or persistent pathways, so the solutions would dissipate through the schist and would not concentrate at any one place. Although the geology of the district appears to be simple, the interpretation of the structure is difficult. i Knopf, Adolph, The Sitka mining district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 504, pp. 18, 23, 1912. 114 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. As the beds are not fossiliferous in the Klag Bay region, fossil-bearing horizons can not be traced, and no beds were found that have per- sistent lithologic characteristics. Observations of the strike and dip show that the beds have a rather constant strike toward the north- west and a steep dip toward the south. The rocks northeast of the slate-graywacke series shown on the map belong to the complicated series of schists and volcanic rocks whose exact nature is in many places difficult to determine. CHICHAGOFF MINE. The Chichagoff mine is at the head of Klag Bay. The entrance to the mine is on the southeast side of Doolth Mountain, and the end of the main tunnel is now past the center of the mountain. Thirty stamps are operated at the mill at the present time, and the ore is concentrated both by amalgamation and by flotation. Electric power is brought from the generating station at the north end of Sister Lake. The source of the power is in Rust Lake, 1| miles above the power station on Sister Lake. The early history of the mine, taken from the report by Knopf, 1 is inserted here. The ore body was found in 1905, * * * by tracing to its source the quartz float so abundantly strewn in the bed of the small stream. The lode did not outcrop along the shore but was found in place one-quarter of a mile inland, at an elevation of 275 feet. At the outcrop the lode ranged from 2 to 4 feet in width. The float ore was carefully gathered and shipped to the smelter at Tacoma. This ore was rich enough to yield be- tween $15,000 and $20,000. The proceeds were applied to development work and the mine has paid its own way from the start. A drift tunnel 220 feet long was run on the ledge, and two ore shoots were encountered, the second of which was 18 feet wide at a maximum and averaged $63 a ton across this width. Later a second tunnel was driven 162 feet vertically beneath the upper tunnel, commencing behind the mill, which is situated at the beach. Ore was encountered at 800 feet from the portal, apparently belonging to the bottom of the first ore shoot. A raise was put through to the upper tunnel, and the ore thus developed is now being stoped. The present Chichagoff Mining Co. controls both the original Chichagoff or De Groff ^mine and the Golden Gate mine. The con- solidation took place in 1912. Since Knopf wrote his report it has been definitely proved that both mines are on the same lode. A few facts collected concerning the occurrence of the ore might be of general interest, as this mine is the only one in the district that has been extensively developed, and as it is probable that if other mines are opened up in the region the occurrence of the ore will be similar. Of course, it can not be argued that because the Chichagoff mine is successful every mine in the district of a similar type, or even one whose ore tenor may be as high or higher than that of the Chichagoff, will be likewise successful. It must be remembered 1 Ivnopf, Adolph, The Sitka mining district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 504, p. 23, 1912. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 115 that in mining relatively low grade ore the management of a mine is always an extremely important factor in determining its success or failure. The Chichagoff ore body is a vein deposit that has formed along a shear zone in the argillitic graywacke. The shear zone is a persistent one, and it has been followed continuously for over 4,500 feet. The strike of the zone is rather constant, and the dip is steep although somewhat variable. The shear zone may range in width from less than a foot to 10 feet. The ore does not occur continuously along the shear zone but is distributed in shoots. Five such shoots have been encountered in the main tunnel of the mine. Three of the shoots have been already worked out. In one of the shoots the ore gave out about 550 feet below sea level; in another at 400 feet. Both shoots reached the surface — one at 230 feet above sea level, the other at 1,370 feet. The shoots are tabular and are irregular in outline. One dips about 80° S. and the other stands about vertical. The third ore shoot was small and is really part of one of the other shoots. The other two ore shoots are not yet fully developed, so their extent is not known. The gold is associated with the quartz, which is white and glassy in appearance. Where there is no quartz there is no gold, although there may be abundant iron sulphide. Extreme irregularity charac- terizes the occurrence of the gold; it is irregularly distributed in irregularly shaped ore shoots. The thickness of the vein averages 2 \ feet, but the actual thickness differs greatly from place to place. There is said to be no relation between the thickness of the vein and the distribution of the gold. The value of the gold in a thick part of the vein may be high or it may not. It seems to be true, however, that where the quartz contains abundant sulphides it is likely to be richer in gold than at places where the sulphides are not so abundant. Sulphide mineralization and gold mineralization in the quartz seem to be genetically connected, although heavy pyrite mineralization in the black slate does not seem to be related to the gold mineralization. The quartz is in rather lenticular bodies, and their thickness varies greatly in short distances. At places the quartz bodies are twisted about and even seem to be cut off sharply. This feature suggests that movement has taken place subsequent to the formation of the bodies, and this is further borne out by the fact that in thin sections the quartz is seen to be very greatly crushed. In the shoot where the bodies of quartz are very irregular and appear to have been subjected to movement this disturbed part of the body is followed by a regular vein of quartz that has a uniform thickness of about 3 feet. Another characteristic way in which the quartz occurs is in the ribbon structure already described by Knopf. 1 This type of 1 Knopf, Adolph, op. cit., p. 21. 116 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. structure is caused by parallel stringers of quartz, which are sepa- rated by black slaty or carbonaceous layers. These stringers of quartz break away so cleanly from the slaty layers that the slaty layer has every appearance of being one of the walls of the shear zone. It seems to be advisable to put in a short crosscut here and there to make sure that the vein is not really thicker than it appears to be. A thin section of the vein matter shows crushed coarsely granular quartz, which together with some calcite surrounds and replaces the crushed slate and graywacke. Calcite is not abundant, and in the specimen examined was seen only with the fine-grained quartz, which was replacing the country rock. Some of the quartz shows wavy extinction, due to the pressure to which it was subjected. A thin section of the ore which shows free gold, pyrite, galena, and quartz does not exhibit features which would indicate the relative order of formation of the different minerals. \ The pyrite is well crystallized and fits in with the quartz mosaic in such a way that simultaneous crystallization is suggested. The gold is in the form of a small stringer that appears to cut across a quartz grain, and hence from this single occurrence it would appear to. be later than the quartz. A single example of the relationship between minerals is not sufficient, however, to establish a definite order of succession. The galena occurs between the quartz grains, and there is nothing to suggest whether it is older or younger than the quartz, or of the same age. The quartz, although crushed, does not show nearly the same amount of crushing that the dike rocks show; so it seems possible that the gold mineralization took place subsequent to the intrusion of the dike. The source of the ore-bearing solution is not known, although it probably had an igneous origin. The presence of a possible igneous source is indicated by the dike rocks. The Coast Range batholith is not far away, and that ore-bearing solutions could come from these rocks is shown by the fact that at many other places in southeastern Alaska the rocks near this batholith are mineralized. The distance of the deposits from the contact would not necessarily indicate their distance from the igneous body, which may lie only a short distance under the surface. It is at least probable that the dikes and the ore- bearing solution had a common origin, and that the ore-bearing solu- tion represents a later stage of effusion from the parent igneous mass. There seems to be no good evidence to show that the gold may have been leached from the graywacke and redeposited in the shear zones, for the graywacke is fresh and shows no effect of weathering or leaching. HIRST PROPERTY. The Hirst property lies on the northwest side of Doolth Mountain in Mine Cove. The property consists of three claims owned by Bernard THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 117 Hirst, of Sitka. These claims, together with the Bahrt claims on the opposite side of Doolth Mountain, are now under lease by the Hirst- Chichagof Mining Co. A considerable amount of work has been done on this property but nothing within the past few years. The Hirst- Chichagof Co. proposes to open the property as soon as financial matters can be arranged. There are two tunnels on the property — one at an elevation of about 255 feet above sea level, the other at 430 feet. These are called the 250 and the 450 foot levels. The 250-foot or lower tunnel is about 725 feet long; the upper about 427 feet. A tunnel at 100 feet above sea level, which is expected to intersect the ore body at about 900 feet from the entry, is projected. The rocks of Mine Cove belong to the graywacke series, but they are somewhat more carbonaceous and argillaceous than the rocks on Klag Bay. On the island at the entrance to the cove there is a shear zone cut by numerous quartz and calcite stringers. An old prospect, the Monte Cristo, lies on the main shore just south of this island. Several hundred yards west of the Hirst mine a tunnel about 30 feet long has been driven into the hillside along a small shear zone. A quartz stringer about 6 inches wide at the mouth of the tunnel diminishes at the face to about an inch wide. The lower tunnel on the Hirst property shows in sections across its face and roof a few inches of soft gray clay gouge, about a foot of crushed rock, through which run quartz stringers parallel to the foot- wall, and several feet of crushed argillitic rock containing small gnarled quartz stringers a fraction of an inch thick. The crushed slate is very much slickensided and carbonaceous and contains in the carbonaceous material considerable pyrite. A dike of much-altered porphyry, probably alaskite, similar in appearance to the other dikes of the region, runs along the footwall for most of the way through the ore shoot. The band of parallel quartz stringers differs in width from place to place and at the end of the ore shoot disappears entirely. These stringers follow the well-defined footwall. That the quartz was deposited later than the movement that produced the shear zone is shown by the fact that it occupies the shear zone; and that some movement has taken place since the original movement is shown by the crushed condition of the quartz. In the upper tunnel thin quartz stringers occur in the face. The footwall is hard and quartzitic. Quartz bands are abundant for about 8 inches from the footwall, which here strikes about N. 35° W. and dips about 78° S. The rock toward the hanging wall, as in the lower tunnel, is greatly crushed and contains but little quartz. The width of the band of parallel quartz stringers ranges between a foot and 3 feet in the ore shoot. This quartz occurs chiefly in parallel bands about 3 or 4 inches wide, which are separated from one another 118 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. by narrow dark bands of argillitic material. Small quartz stringers cut out in places at right angles to the footwall, but these probably do not carry gold. The footwall is at most places a light-colored clayey gouge and is well defined. There is abundant pyrite with this gouge and with the quartz of the gouge. Pyrite is rather abundant, too, in crushed material along the hanging-wall side of the vein. A light- colored dike, possibly 5 feet wide, occurs in the graywacke of the foot- wall near the north end of the ore shoot. It is cut sharply off by the fault. The lode proper in this tunnel has a maximum width of a little over 3J feet and a stope length of about 225 feet. The dip of the shoot at its north end is about 79° W. and its pitch is not known. Quartz crops out on the hillside about 60 feet above the mouth of the upper tunnel, and about a hundred feet higher in the stream some quartz is exposed as stringers in the graywacke. The quartz in the tunnel does not show much sulphide mineraliza- tion. The chief sulphide mineralization occurs in the crushed rock of the hanging-wall side of the vein, but it is generally reported that this sulphide does not carry the gold. The pyrite may be syngenetic — that is, it may have been originally in the slate in the form of iron, and under the physical and chemical conditions to which it was subjected it formed coarsely crystalline pyrite. It might in this way have formed independently of the action of the solution which brought in the gold. One assay, for instance, is reported to show $9 in gold in the quartz portion of the vein and only $0.85 in the pyrite-bearing slaty portion. Values as high as $56 in the upper level and $57 in the lower level are reported by the company. The gold appears to be irregularly distributed. The ore in this mine probably occurs in shoots. New shoots may be expected along the shear zone if it is followed, but nothing can be said about the distance that may have to be traversed before another shoot is reached, or about its tenor. OTHER PROSPECTS. A prospect from which some of the richest ore of the region has been taken is the Jumbo claim on the west side of Klag Bay about half a mile south of Chichagof. This is one of a group of four claims that extend over the hill to Ogden Passage, and it was staked in the early days. At the present time the workings consist of a tunnel about 35 feet long and an inclined shaft 48 feet deep that is now filled with water. In the face of the tunnel there is a small crushed zone about 6 inches wide that is filled with crushed slate and small quartz stringers. Two large quartz stringers cut across the face at an angle to the small crushed zone. Pyrite is fairly abundant in association with quartz, and also occurs in stringers that cut the slaty country rock. The country rock is a much-broken argillitic graywacke. The strike and dip of the fault plane is variable. Where measured THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 119 at the surface it strikes N. 54° W. and dips 62° S. The plane flattens to about 45°*S. at the bottom of the incline. The material in the dump shows brecciated slaty particles cemented by quartz in which are rather abundant well-crystallized pyrite, some galena, and some sphalerite. It is said that the quartz which shows rather abundant sphalerite is as a rule not very rich in gold. Some of the best speci- mens of free gold in the region came from this prospect. The prospects Sitka No. 1 and No. 2 are on the east slope of Doolth Mountain about a quarter of a mile north of the Chichagoff lode. Development only is reported. The upper tunnel lies at an elevation of about 950 feet. At the entrance to the tunnel in the creek bed a dozen or more quartz stringers cut across the direction of the tunnel. The tunnel is approximately 150 feet long and follows a shear zone of variable width. Almost no quartz occurs in this tunnel. A little pyrite was noted in the crushed rock of the shear zone. The strike of the tunnel is about N. 62° W., and the dip of the fault plane is 52° S. Sticky clay gouge follows the footwall at some places and the hanging wall at other places. The lower tunnel is at an elevation of about 670 feet. The shear zone that it follows strikes about N. 52° W. and dips 52° S. A little quartz occurs in the crushed zone. The footwall is graywacke and the hanging wall is a carbona- ceous argillite. At the face of the drift cross stringers of quartz occur in fractures, and a little pyrite mineralization was seen there. The quartz stringers are on the footwall of the shear zone. The Flora claim lies on the east slope of Doolth Mountain, about 800 feet west of the Golden Gate tunnel of the Chichagof mine. The tunnel is in a shear zone that contains some quartz. The Bahrt claims, Anna, Rose, and Henrietta, are on the south side of Doolth Mountain at the head of Klag Bay. These claims are thought to lie on the continuation of the Hirst-Chichagof shear zone, and the Hirst-Chichagof Co. has secured a lease on the property. The Handy property, consisting of two claims, is on the east side of Klag Bay opposite Chichagof. Considerable prospecting has been done on these claims. There is at the present time a tunnel about 45 feet long and an inclined shaft about 175 feet long. Work had been suspended at the time of visit. The dump consists chiefly of car- bonaceous slate, most of which is slickensided and highly graphitic. Some pieces of the quartz show mineralization with iron sulphide. The pyrite in most of the specimens occurs at the edge of a quartz band or in the slaty stringers in the quartz. About 40 feet above the tunnel mouth (80 feet above sea level) an outcrop shows quartz. The country rock is graywacke. The quartz stringers are lenticular and are practically confined to the footwall. The strike of the rocks is about N. 50°-70° W. and the dip is very steep to the south. The strike of the Chichagoff shear zone should carry it across the bay 120 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. somewhere near this point. The work on this prospect was started in September, 1916, and was discontinued in May, 1917. A prospect is located on the island between Chichagof and the Handy mine. This island has been located a number of times. It is now called the Submarine claim. Its workings consist of a shallow water-filled pit. Another prospect from which some rather rich specimens have been taken lies just within the entrance to Lake Anna and continues through to Klag Bay. This prospect was located in April, 1914. It lies along a fault zone in slaty rock. Small iron-stained stringers of quartz occur in the rocks on the dump. A remarkably smooth fault plane, which strikes about N. 20° E. and stands about vertical, forms the south side of the tunnel. The crushed zone as exposed in the tunnel is about 3 to 5 feet wide. The tunnel is about 100 feet long, but no recent work has been done in it. Considerable pyrite occurs with the quartz. Some quartz was found which contains pyrite, galena, pyrrhotite, and sphalerite. Several other prospects of the types just described occur in the region, but they were not visited. Four claims at the head of Falcon Arm extend from the beach to the top of the peak, a distance of about 4,500 feet. A trail runs from the head of Falcon Arm to the claims, and they can also be reached without much difficulty from the head of Ford Arm. The claims are about 14J miles by water from Chichagof. At an eleva- tion of about 400 feet above the beach a cabin has been built, and a short tunnel has been run in on a mineralized dike. This dike is an altered diorite aplite, and contains rather abundant pyrite. The main outcrop, apparently a mineralized dike, on these claims lies in a narrow gully at about 1,650 feet above sea level. Below the out- crop a tunnel about 30 feet long has been started into the crushed slate and graywacke to intersect the dike. Shots have been put into the outcrops of several other iron-stained dikes. The geology of the ridge is relatively simple. The country rock is graywacke, which here has been rather extensively intruded by light-colored dikes that range from 3 to 15 feet in width. The dike at the cabin is mineralized with pyrite and is reported to carry gold. The outcrop at 1,550 feet is greatly weathered, and as no develop- ment work has been done here its extent or relationships are not known. The prospecting tunnel is in crushed slate, and it does not j cut the mineralized dike above it. A few scattered quartz stringers were seen in the tunnel. Galena, pyrite, and sphalerite occur in stringers in the rock from :: the outcrop. Samples from this outcrop are reported to carry gold and some silver. The claims were located in the fall of 1916. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 121 A group of four claims is in the angle between Lisianski Strait and Lisianski Inlet, on Yacobi Island. The claims were located in 1917. The quartz vein along which the claims lie was first located about 30 years ago, and a tunnel about 35 feet long was run. It is reported that about $1,100 worth of gold was taken from the tunnel at that time. The exposure of the quartz is at tide level, and it appears to be in a shear zone, associated with a clay gouge. The width of the stringer ranges from less than a foot to about 3 feet. The country rock is a rather basic intrusive that belongs in the Coast Range batli- olith. A few feet away from the tunnel entrance is a coarsely grained hornblendite. Both the country rock and the quartz are greatly fractured. In the face of the tunnel the quartz has pinched out, but on the hillside at an elevation of about 75 feet, apparently on the strike of the vein, quartz is exposed. The quartz is white, fairly coarse grained, and except for a little chalcopyrite is practically free from sulphides. A little free gold was seen in the pure white quartz. A gold claim on the north side of Stag Bay, about one fourth mile northwest of the cannery, was located in 1917. The lode is in dio- rite and occurs as a quartz vein, which is about 3 feet wide at one place and about 1 foot wide a little lower down and is reported to extend about 200 feet up the cliff. This quartz is said to yield colors when crushed and panned. No development work has been done on the claim. The approximate strike of the quartz stringer is N. 30 c E. and the dip about vertical. No metallic minerals were seen in the quartz. Quartz veins of similar appearance cut the diorite at a number of places. COPPER. GOLD-COPPER GROUP. A group of six claims called the Gold-Copper group lies about 3 miles by trail from the head of Pinta Bay. The metals reported from these prospects are gold, silver, copper, and lead. Seven claims were first located in 1910 and were held by the Portlock Har- bor Mining Co. This company is said to have failed to do necessary assessment work and the ground was relocated on January 2, 1916, by T. Baker, James Toby, and George Bolyan. Six claims were located and were called the Gold-Copper group. At the present time the claims are under litigation. The claims are reached by trail from the head of Pinta Bay. Pinta Bay lies about 18 miles northwest of Chichagof, and about 70 miles from Sitka. The bay is a good harbor, as it is protected from the sea by Hill Island, and it has plenty of water. No reliable charts of the region exist at the present time, but it is hoped that one will be published shortly. The claims lie at elevations of 1,370 to 2,360 feet, and a pack trail about 3 miles long connects them with the head 122 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. of Pinta Bay. A tram about 1^ miles long could be built to connect the prospects with Baker Arm. An abundant supply of water for power is available in the stream that enters Pinta Bay at its head. The development work on these properties is not extensive. It consists of two tunnels at elevations of 1,360 and 1,440 feet, which were driven by the original holders of the property, the Portlock Harbor Copper Mining Co. The 1,440-foot tunnel is about 130 feet long and has about 30 feet of crosscuts. The 1,360-foot tunnel is about 50 feet long. Recent work has been done at a number of places on the hillside. At the elevation of 1,850 feet there is a shaft about 10 feet deep, at 1,935 feet a cut about 25 feet long, at 1,875 feet a 91 -foot tunnel, and at 1,880 feet a small open cut. The prospects lie near the western edge of the greenstone area shown on the map. (See PL II.) The hills to the north are all greenstone, and the rocks along the ridge to the southwest belong to the undifferentiated metamorphic series. The country rock on top of Baker Peak is amygdaloidal greenstone, and that in the immediate neighborhood of the prospects is a hard fine-grained, somewhat sheared greenstone. This rock is very much altered near the lode. Light-gray dikes of fine-grained igneous rock cut the greenstone. The dikes are highly mineralized with pyrite and are so badly altered that their original nature can not be definitely told. They appear under the microscope to be altered aplites. Such iron-stained dikes are rather common on this hill and along the ridge toward the sea. Although mineralization has taken place both in the greenstone and in the dikes, it appears to be connected genetically with the dikes. The source of the copper may be in the greenstone, but the dikes appear to have had some influence on its concentration. Small amounts of chalcopyrite were seen in similar-looking greenstone north of Morris Lake and above Slocum Arm. The chief visible metallic minerals of the lode are pyrite and chalcopyrite. Assays are reported to show gold, silver, and lead. The most promising showing of ore is in a new cut made in the fall of 1917, in which a zone heavily mineralized with chalcopyrite about 10 feet wide is exposed. At this place the country rock is altered iron-stained greenstone, and the lode rock is altered dike (?) rock impregnated with and cut by stringers of chalcopyrite. This lode rock is followed by about 10 feet of rather massive chalcopyrite. The mineralized zone appears to strike about N. 30°-40° W. and dip 70° W. Along the strike of this zone about 250 feet to the northwest a 10-foot shaft shows a mineralized zone about 2 feet wide. A small open cut made on a dike about 100 yards east of the tunnel of the new workings discloses a rock strongly mineralized with pyrite. The more highly mineralized portion is about 6 feet wide, THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 123 and its strike is N. 50°-60° W. This mineralized rock is reported to carry silver and lead. SNOW SLIDE CLAIMS. A copper prospect is located in Pinta Bay at the head of Baker Arm. The prospect consists of two claims called the Snow Slide claims. They were located in 1916 by the present locators of the Gold-Copper group. The prospect is on the steep hillside at an eleva- tion of about 650 feet and about 1,100 feet in a straight line from the beach. Substantial cabins have been built on the beach and at the prospect. The outcrop is exposed in the bed of a small stream. It consists of a zone of thin-banded quartzose green schist highly mineralized with pyrite, chalcopyrite, and possibly some pyrrhotite. The zone where exposed is about 6 feet wide. The country rock is green schist. A tunnel 171 feet long has been driven to intersect this mineralized zone, but work on it was stopped before the zone, if it continues in depth, was reached. No very recent work has been done on this prospect. LITTLE BAY CLAIMS. At the head of Little Bay, between Dry Pass and Nickel, four claims were located in 1916. The claims extend from the beach up the small creek which runs from Davison Mountain. Assays of specimens from these claims are reported to show copper, silver, gold, and in one specimen a trace of nickel. The only work done at the prospect on the beach consists of a few shots put into the outcrop. The minerals seen in the beach specimens were chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. These minerals occur in a very fine grained quartzitic rock, whose exact nature is not known. The immediate country rock is not exposed, but the nearest exposed country rock is the granitic and dioritic intrusive body which extends from Dry Pass to Cautious Pass. Near the head of the bay this rock shows considerable variation in character, and it is probable that the contact between the intrusive body and the intruded body is not far away. Owing to the lack of exposures the type of mineralization that has taken place here can not be told. The mineral specimens resemble those from the prospect at Hot Springs more than they do those from Nickel. CONGRESS CLAIMS. The Congress claims lie on the west side of Hill Island in the second bight north of Imperial Passage. A trail leads to them from a bight on Imperial Passage. These claims were located or relocated in 1916. The workings consist of a tunnel about 25 feet long, which is on the rocky seashore a few feet above sea level. The country rock is a gray 124 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. schist, somewhat micaceous and quartzose, and is probably a schistose phase of graywacke. The workings expose a quartzose schist zone body about 11§ feet wide mineralized with chalcopyrite and pyrrho- tite. The sulphides coat the thin plates of schist. On the south side of the zone is a band of green chloritic and hornblendic schist, which is somewhat quartzose and contains a few specks of chalcopyrite. On the north side of the zone is a thinly plated and quartzose gray schist. The green schist may represent an altered intrusive with which the mineralization is genetically connected. The type of ore body is similar to that near White Sulphur Springs. (See below.) No very recent work has been done on the prospect. OTHER PROSPECTS. A mining claim has been staked on the shore of Bertha Bay about half a mile northwest of White Sulphur Springs. This claim, or claims, was located in 1916. A few shot holes represent the work done. The prospect is on the seashore, which here consists of jagged rocks that rise about 20 feet above the water and which is deeply cut by narrow ravines. Bare rock is exposed for about 50 feet from the edge of the water to the line of vegetation. The rocks along this shore are very highly metamorphosed, and the ordinary metamorphic minerals, such as andalusite and mica, are highly developed. The nickel-bearing gabbro of the Sea Level property lies about 7,000 feet to the southeast. Granite lies on the Porcupine Islands about 8,000 feet southwest and on the shore about 2,000 feet north. The schist rocks that form the country rock here probably owe their schistose character to the dynamic contact action of the deep-seated intrusive rocks. The schist is dark gray and con- torted. At the point of discovery on the shore is a belt of light- colored quartzitic rock, iron-stained in places, which is parallel to the strike of the schistosity. It is separated from the schist by a sharp contact, and faulting may have taken place. This belt of quartz rock disappears under the moss at one end, and at the other end it pinches down to nothing. At the southeast end of the belt the rock in contact with the quartz rock is a medium-grained dark hornblende rock, which seems to be an altered basic intrusive in the schist. Mineralization is in the green rock at the contact and consists of stringers of chalcopyrite and pyrrho tite. Similar types of mineralization in which chalcopyrite occurs in schist associated with greenstone were seen in Canoe Pass, at the entrance to Khaz Bay, on Hill Island, and in Little Bay. This type is different from that at the Alaska Nickel Mines property, and although the mineral association of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite is the same, little or no nickel seems to be present. None of these bodies examined appeared to have more than local extent. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 125 NICKEL . 1 ALASKA NICKEL MINES. Nickel is known to be present in only one locality on the west coast of Chichagof Island. The claims of the Alaska Nickel Mines lie on the outside coast between Portlock Harbor and Lisianski Strait. The principal prospects are on Fleming Island, a small tidal island, about 25 miles by water northwest of Chichagof. The property in 1917 consisted of 18 claims and two fractions. The original locations were made in 1911, and a relocation was made in 1915. The company holding the property was called the Juneau Sea Level Copper Mines until 1917 when the name was changed to the Alaska Nickel Mines. The developments in 1917 consisted of a 180-foot shaft with levels at 80 feet and 180 feet (drifts totaled about 155 feet) and prospect holes at several places. A wharf site and water-power sites have been located by the present company. GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE DEPOSIT. Exposures of rock in this part of the coastal plain are confined to the seashore, for everywhere else the rocks are concealed by a heavy growth of vegetation and by swamps. Three outcrops, heavily stained with iron, were noted on the shore. These outcrops form irregular areas whose maximum diameter is about 70 feet and project somewhat above the surrounding rock. The extreme outcrops are about a mile apart. The northwest cropping shows limonite, and although no sulphides were seen it is probable that they would be found under the leached zone. The 180-foot shaft was sunk beside the central outcrop, and ore is reported on the 180-foot level. No work has been done on the southeast outcrop, but the ore minerals are found on the surface. At a number of other places the ore minerals have been found disseminated through the country rock in small amounts, but it is not yet known whether this type of so-called “ disseminated ore” can be handled profitably. Two of the principal outcrops are close to the contact between the igneous rock in which the ore bodies occur and the quartz-mica schist which these igneous rocks intrude. The northwest outcrop is several hundred feet from the contact; the central outcrop is a few feet from the contact; and the southeast outcrop also may be near a contact, but the heavy cloak of vegetation conceals the rock a few feet away from the outcrop. From the surface outcrops, then, it would appear that the distribution of the ore bodies is to some extent related to the contact between the igneous body and the schist. Most of the “disseminated ore” has been found near the contact, but some of it is farther away from the 1 Nickel is definitely known to occur at only one other place in Alaska. The occurrence is on Canyon Creek, Copper River valley, and a brief description of the prospect is given in U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 576, pp. 52-53, 1914. 115086°— 19 9 126 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . contact than are the two main outcrops. The only chance for underground observation was in the 80-foot level of the central outcrop. The shaft is in light-colored diorite that is free from ore minerals. The drift for about 30 feet from the shaft is in barren hornblende gabbro, but the last 20 feet are in massive ore. The contact between the barren rock and the ore-bearing portion appears to be an irregular line. There is a rather rapid transition from barren rock to rock in which there are a few disseminated sulphides and then to massive ore. The change does not appear to occur progressively but irregularly. In the face of the tunnel and in a crosscut near the face are some blocks of barren rock, but the drill holes in the face of the main tunnel are apparently in sulphides. Some movement has taken place in this tunnel, but its extent is not known. The 180-foot level could not be visited, but it is reported that ore was encountered on this level. The report that a clay gouge occurs in this level indi- cates that movement has taken place. The presence of niccolite on the 180-foot level indicates a secondary origin for some of the ore on that level. MINERALOGY. The chief metals that may be of commercial importance found in this deposit are copper and nickel. Assays furnished by the com- ■ pany show small amounts of gold and silver. The principal sulphide minerals are pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pentlandite. In the hand specimen of the rock chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are the only minerals i that can be recognized, but in a polished specimen of the ore the pentlandite can be plainly seen. A few specimens of niccolite have been obtained from both levels. The niccolite is a secondary mineral ' and lines crevices in the country rock. Insufficient underground work has been done to afford data on the relative abundance of the ore minerals. In some hand specimens chalcopyrite is more abundant than pyrrhotite, in other specimens the reverse is true. The minerals chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite have so often been described and are so common that they are known to all prospectors. Pentlandite, however, is a rare mineral and besides is not often distin- guishable from pyrrhotite in an ore specimen. As the mixture of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pentlandite looks just like the mixture of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite, the only way of determining defi- nitely whether nickel is present is to make a chemical test. A simple chemical method of testing for nickel is as follows: 1 Grind to a fine powder a sample — 2 or 3 grams (30 to 40 grains) ; treat in a test tube with a few cubic centimeters of aqua regia (a mixture of 1 part nitric acid and 3 or 4 parts hydrochloric acid), and boil nearly to dryness; then add enough nitric acid and water to dissolve all soluble substances. Filter if necessary. Dilute to i Hess, F. L., Nickel: U, S. Geol, Survey Mineral Resources, 1914, pt. 1, pp. 929-930, 1916. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 127 10-15 cubic centimeters (about one-third the contents of a test tube 6 inches long and three-fourths of an inch in diameter), add a gram or more (half a teaspoonful) of citric acid (solid), and dissolve by heating. Make the solution slightly ammo- niacal, noting that it should contain no precipitate. To the slightly ammoniacal solution add about 2 cubic centimeters (a half teaspoonful) of 1 per cent alcoholic solution of dimethylglyoxime. A voluminous scarlet precipitate indicates nickel. The aqua regia solution is boiled nearly to dryness to remove from it the large excess of acid and anything, such as hydrogen sulphide, that would cause the precipitation of iron, cobalt, nickel, etc., in the ammoniacal solution. The citric acid will prevent the precipitation of iron and aluminum as hydroxides, but will not prevent the precipitation of sulphides of iron, cobalt, nickel, and some other metals in the ammoniacal solution. If a brown precipitate of iron forms after the solution is made ammoniacal, it contains an insufficient quantity of citric acid. At the present time dimethylglyoxime may be difficult to obtain. The price for it is very high, but a small quantity (as much as will go on the blade of a pocket knife) should provide the prospector with enough solution to last a year. If copper is present the acid solution will turn deep blue when ammonia is added to it. Pentlandite is an iron-nickel sulphide, (Fe, Ni)S. It is brittle and has a hardness of 3.5-4. It has a metallic luster and a light bronze- yellow color. Pentlandite carries about 22 per cent nickel. Except on polished surfaces none could be recognized in the rough hand specimens of the ore. Niccolite is an arsenide of nickel, NiAs, and contains about 43.9 per cent nickel. It is very brittle and has a pale copper-red color. It was found in small amount lining crevices in the rock. TYPE. One of the purposes of the rather close study of a deposit that is not very extensively developed is to determine the type of the deposit if possible and so compare it with known deposits of similar type that have been extensively developed. Much of the experience gained in the development of the known deposit can then be applied to the development of the relatively unknown deposit. 'One can not argue, however, that if one deposit is large, every one of similar type is equally large. The similarity between the nickel deposit on Chichagof Island and the deposits at Sudbury, Canada, is at once evident. A comparison between the deposit on Chichagof Island and the Sudbury deposits can best be shown in the form of a comparative table. The description of the Sudbury deposits is drawn largely from the report of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission. 1 Report of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission, pp. 95-286, 1917. 128 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Comparison of Chichagof nickel deposit and the Sudbury deposits. Alaska Nickel Mines deposit. 1. Two of the outcrops are marginal in igneous rock, norite or diorite. The relations of the third outcrop are not known. 2. Predominating sulphides are pyrrho- tite, chalcopyrite, and pentlandite. 3. Ore minerals occur in places as blebs disseminated in norite. 4. Later granitic intrusive bodies cut the norite. 5. In general the rocks at the margin of the large intrusive body appear to be more basic than the rocks at a greater distance from the margin. 6. Barren blocks of rock seem to be in- cluded in the ore on the 80-foot level . 7. No micropegmatite found. Acidic rocks are chiefly albite bearing. 8. Freshest hypersthene occurs with the ore. 9. Transition from nonore to ore is rather sharp. 10. Little secondary quartz and no cal- cite has been observed. 11. The shape of the ore body is not known. 12. The sulphides are later than the sili- cates. The pentlandite is appar- ently in part later than the pyrrho- tite. Sudbury deposits. 1. Ore bodies are near or in norite. The chief commercial deposits are mar- ginal bodies outside the norite. 2. Same. 3. Same. 4. Same. 5. Same. 6. Ore is rocky. 7. Micropegmatite is abundant. 8. Same. 9. Transition from nonore to ore is sharp in Creighton ore body. 10. Secondary quartz and cal cite is re- ported from some of the deposits. 11. The shape of the commercial ore bodies is for the most part rudely lenticular. Some are in irregular cylinders or tubes; some are in dis- tinct veins. 12. Same. The nickel deposits of Chichagof Island and those of Sudbury are seen from the above comparative table to he essentially alike both in the general type of occurrence of the deposits and in the mineralogy of the ores. On the assumption, then, that the two deposits are genetically similar facts determined with regard to the Sudbury deposits may be applied to these deposits. Two types of occurrences have been recognized at Sudbury — u marginal” deposits and “ offset” deposits** Of the marginal deposits those that occur in the rocks adjacent to the norite contain the commercially important ore bodies. The ore bodies found on Chichagof Island are in the igneous rock — norite, hornblende gabbro, or diorite — but by analogy there seems to be no reason why the deposits should not be looked for in the adja- cent mica schist also. At Sudbury some of the commercial deposits are surrounded by rock in which the ore minerals are disseminated; THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 129 on Chichagof, consequently, outcrops of ore bodies should be looked for wherever so-called “ disseminated ores” are seen. The outlines of the partly developed ore body on Chichagof have not been suffi- ciently delimited to afford comparison with any of the Sudbury ore bodies. The ore body appears to stand nearly vertical and to be somewhat disturbed by faulting. Other points to be noted in prospecting on Chichagof Island are that ore so far has not been found in the very coarse grained dark norite, and that if a very coarse grained diorite — chiefly one containing large hornblende crystals and feldspar — is found, some disseminated ore minerals will be found in the rocks near by. A diorite that resembles the diorite of the nickel intrusive and differs from the other diorites of the region is shown on the map near the southwest entrance to Lisianski Strait, and prospecting may reveal some nickel deposits near this diorite. The irregularity of the occurrence of the Sudbury ore deposits suggests the necessity of careful underground explora- tion by means of the diamond drill to determine the extent of the ore bodies. PETROGRAPHY. As the general type of occurrence of these deposits has already been discussed, a description of some thin sections of rock and polished surfaces of ore will be given here. The deposits are found in a body of medium to coarse grained igneous rock that shows considerable variations in type — variations that extend all the way from granite to gabbro. This igneous body, or bodies, intrudes quartz-mica schist, which is supposed to be the metamorphic phase of the graywacke that occupies much of the west coast of Chichagof Island. A thin section of this quartz-mica schist shows biotite in parallel arrangement making up much of the slide; muscovite also occurs, both as the coarse-grained variety and as the fine-grained variety (sericite) ; quartz is fairly abundant as grains between the mica laths. A more intensely altered phase of this schist taken from the contact with the intrusive body shows a strong development of biotite, quartz, plagioclase (about oligoclase-andesine), garnet, muscovite, and acces- sory apatite. The minerals all show undulatory extinction. Small grains of zircon surrounded by pleochroic haloes occur in the biotite. In general a gradation in rock type from more acidic away from the contact to less acidic near the contact appears to exist. That this gradation is due entirely to differentiation, however, is doubtful; for the most acidic bodies of rock, such as those in Cautious Pass and those in Mirror Harbor, seem to be later than the diorite and intrusive in it. The acidic dikes are definitely later than the diorite and norite. A thin section of a specimen of the coarse granite of the type similar to that found in Cautious Pass consists of coarsely granular quartz, feldspar, greenish biotite, muscovite, and garnet. The feldspar is 130 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. albite and albite-oiigoclase. The rock gives evidence of having under- gone considerable pressure. The smaller light acidic dikes and bodies that cut the diorite are aplites and granites. The feldspar is albite and oligoclase. One of these dikes shows in thin section quartz, biotite, feldspar, and sericite. The feldspar is variable in composition, showing great variation in a single crystal, and ranges from albite to andesine. The feldspar crystals in the specimens examined show some alteration. One very coarse grained rock has feldspar crystals an inch or more in length. Practically no opaque minerals — sulphides or oxides — are present in these rocks. The rock that makes up most of the intrusive body falls under the general term of diorite. Different specimens show, however, great variation in color, texture, and mineral composition. The descriptions of only a few specimens can be given. A sample taken about 1,800 feet south of the main nickel outcrop is a light-colored, coarse-grained, somewhat gneissic rock containing a few scattered phenocrysts of feldspar. The microscope shows the rock to be somewhat crushed, although the minerals are relatively fresh in appearance. The mineral constituents of the rock are plagioclase, biotite, garnet, apatite, chlorite, and actinolite ( ?) . The plagioclase crystals are zonal and hence are of variable composition, which ranges from that of oligoclase-andesine to andesine-labradorite. Biotite is almost free of inclusions. A few magnetite grains gathered along the edges of the biotite may represent the alteration of seme of the biotite. The chlorite is secondary and replaces the garnet. Many needle-like crystals (actinolite?) occur as inclusions in the garnet and the feldspar. The absence of hornblende is to be noted. This rock is a diorite. Specimens of another type of diorite collected from several places are of a fairly dark greenish- gray rock, which is coarse grained and porphyritic. The thin section shows feldspar and hornblende phenocrysts set in a fairly fine grained groundmass. The feldspar is zonal, is variable in compo- sition, and is considerably altered. The average composition of the feldspar is about andesine. The hornblende phenocrysts are fresh and unaltered. The groundmass consists of altered feldspar, horn- blende, and alteration products. Sericite, chlorite (pennine), and a small amount of epidote are the alteration products. A type of diorite that has been noted at a number of places near occurrences of “disseminated ore” is a very coarse grained hornblende-feldspar rock. This rock in thin section shows hornblende crystals an inch long, set in a quartz-feldspar matrix. The hornblende crystals are fresh in appearance but are replaced by a little chlorite; they are lath-shaped and seem to be eaten into or corroded by the feldspar. At one place feldspar or quartz appears to have replaced the whole central portion of the hornblende crystal. The feldspar, which is THE WEST# COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 131 near oligoclase in composition, is extensively altered and replaced by sericite. Some of the feldspar is broken and shows bent twinning lamellae. This rock is quartz diorite porphyry. The most basic of the rocks — hornblende gabbro and norite — are found close to the outcrops of the ore bodies. A common rock of characteristic appearance that occurs near the ore bodies is a very coarsely grained hornblende gabbro or norite. The rock weathers to large rounded boulders with rough and pitted surfaces. Small amounts of ore minerals scattered in blebs are seen at some places in these rocks. A thin section of this type of rock shows it to con- sist chiefly of altered hornblende and pyroxene. Fresh-looking plagioclase occurs in small amount and is very basic in composition, being near labradorite-bytownite. The hornblende and pyroxene has altered almost entirely to a fine-grained aggregate that may be talc or uralite. Small amounts of biotite, chlorite, and sulphide were also noted. Another specimen of rock taken from a locality near the main nickel outcrop is a hornblende gabbro. The rock is medium to coarse grained and is greenish-gray in color. The light minerals and the dark minerals are nearly equal in amount. The thin section shows a rock consisting of mineral grains one twenty-fifth of an inch or less in diameter. The chief minerals are feldspar and hornblende; accessory minerals are sericite, chlorite, and quartz. The feldspar is near labradorite in composition ; the crystals are crushed, show undu- latory extinction, and have bent twinning lamellae. The hornblende is pale greenish and yellowish and is not strongly pleochroic. Small stringers of sericite cut and replace the plagioclase. The quartz is present in the form of a stringer that cuts across a feldspar crystal. A specimen of rock from a point about 75 feet from the outcrop of the main ore body is a fresh light-colored hornblende diorite. The thin section shows hornblende, feldspar, and quartz. The horn- blende is green and strongly pleochroic and is fresh and somewhat shreddy. The feldspar is partly altered and has the composition of andesine-labradorite. A specimen of the rock from the shaft sunk alongside the main ore body is hornblende gabbro. This rock consists largely of plagioclase that has a composition near that of labradorite. The mafic minerals are interstitial and are chiefly common hornblende. The apparently homogeneous crystals of hornblende in this rock and in many of the other rocks examined are really made up of differently oriented crystals, so that the ex- tinction takes place at different times in different parts of the crystal. A specimen of rock from the 80-foot level, about 10 feet from the shaft, is a dark-greenish medium-grained hornblende gabbro. The microscope shows altered hornblende, plagioclase, and a little sulphide. The hornblende is greatly altered; the feldspar crystals are broken and are cut by stringers of chlorite (?). The composition 132 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. of the plagioclase is near that of lahradorite. Another specimen taken from the 80-foot level, about 30 feet from the shaft, is a coarse- grained greenish hornblende gabbro. The plagioclase crystals, which have a composition about that of lahradorite, are somewhat broken and bent and are replaced in part with sericite. Some of the horn- blende crystals show bending. A specimen of the “ disseminated ore” is a dark-brown fairly coarse grained rock. It consists chiefly of hornblende, pyroxene, and feldspar, together with disseminated pyrrho tite and chalcopyrite and a little hiotite. The hornblende is brownish and is strongly pleochroic. The pyroxene is orthorhombic; it occurs in lath-shaped crystals rounded at the ends and has altered somewhat to hornblende. Where the pyroxene crystals are cut by the ore minerals there is a narrow border of an alteration mineral (sericite?). Pyroxene makes up about one-quarter of the section. The feldspar is plagioclase that has an average composition near that of lahradorite. The feldspar is clear and relatively unaltered and shows zonal arrangement. One of the crystals has been broken across, and the fracture is occupied by a differently oriented crystal of plagioclase; another crystal has bent twinning lamellae. A little chlorite was noted replacing the feldspar. Most of the opaque minerals replace and are definitely later than the principal silicates in the section. The replacement of the pyroxene by sulphide is particularly evident. The opaque minerals also occur as grains in the original minerals. Nickel was found in this specimen. A thin section of a specimen of the ore consists chiefly of opaque minerals with a little hornblende, pyroxene, and feldspar. The crystals of hornblende and pyroxene are rounded and are replaced in part by the ore minerals, which have entered the cleavage cracks of these minerals. The rounding of the hornblende and the pyroxene crystals may have been caused by their replacement by ore minerals, but this same type of rounding has been noted in specimens of norite and hornblende gabbro in which there are no ore minerals. If selective replacement of feldspar alone had taken place the resulting appearance of the mafic minerals would have been the same. A polished surface of the ore shows pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite. The pentlandite is of two kinds, one of which is in large grains that show cleavage and that surround and appear to be later than grains of pyrrhotite, and the other is in stringers, shreds, and patches I- in the pyrrhotite grains. The grains of pyrrhotite show blading simi- ; lar to that seen in polished surfaces of chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite in this particular specimen replaces the gangue minerals more extensively than do the other minerals. At no place in a dozen specimens exam- ined could any decisive evidence as to the relative time of formation of the sulphides with reference to one another be obtained. At one or two places the pentlandite appears to be possibly later than the THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 133 pyrrhotite, but at most places there is no indication which mineral was formed later. The same is true with regard to the relations of the chalcopyrite to the pentlandite and pyrrhotite. In places small stringers of pyrrhotite definitely cut chalcopyrite, and there can be no doubt about this particular bit of pyrrhotite being later than the chalcopyrite. Until more evidence is available than is afforded by the polished specimens examined, a decision as to the relative age of the opaque minerals to one another will have to be postponed. They are, however, definitely later than the original silicates. USES OF NICKEL . 1 The uses of nickel depend on its properties of toughening, whitening, hardening, increasing the elasticity, and preventing the oxidation of certain alloys; on its own resistance to alteration under atmospheric conditions; its beautiful white luster; the high polish it takes; and the ease with which it is electroplated. As with all other metals, its use depends on the fact that it is isolated from its ores with comparative ease and cheapness. * * * The crystalline structure of nickel steel is more minute and the modulus of elasticity is about the same as that of carbon steel, and it is harder. The alloy of iron and nickel known as “invar” is called a steel. Invar containing 36 per cent of nickel is practically without expansion or contraction when exposed to varying temperatures. It is used for scientific instruments, pendulums, and steel tapes. An alloy of 25 per cent nickel and 75 per cent copper is used in the 5-cent piece or “nickel” of United States coinage. The small coins of Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Sweden, and Switzerland contain some tin and zinc, the Italian coins only tin, and Chilean coins contain copper 70 per cent, nickel 20 per cent, and zinc 10 per cent. 2 Some other countries use pure nickel for their subsidiary coins. From 1857 to 1864 the United States used a composition of 12 per cent nickel and 88 per cent copper in 1-cent pieces, a very much better alloy than that now in use, which is 95 per cent copper and 5 per cent tin and zinc. 3 Monel metal is an alloy of nickel and copper made by the International Nickel Co. by smelting the Sudbury ores without separating the two metals. As stated by the Bayonne Casting Co. the composition is 67 per cent nickel, 28 per cent copper, and 5 per cent other metals, probably mostly iron and a little cobalt. It has a tensile strength equal to good nickel steel, resists many corrosive agents, and has a color and takes a polish equal to that of nickel. It is used for propellers for warships and smaller craft, including racing motor boats; for valves on high-pressure steam lines; valve stems ; pump rods and liners ; acid pumps ; burning points in enameling and japanning ovens; pickle frames and rods in tin-plate mills; wire cloth; golf -club heads; and roofing materials. The addition of a small percentage of nickel makes a silver- white alloy with copper, and considerable quantities of nickel are used in the alloy known as German silver, used for the more valuable metal. German silver is used direct for table ware and other utensils and as a base for silver-plated ware. Nichrome is a proprietary name for an alloy of nickel and chromium whch was first used for resistance wires in electrical work. It stands temperatures considerably above a red heat with little oxidation and without melting, so that it is used in small resistance furnaces in place of platinum. It is also used for chemist’s triangles, etc., 1 Hess, F. L., Nickel: U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Resources, 1915, pt. 1, pp. 761-763, 766, 1917. 2 Brannt, W. T., The metallic alloys, pp. 307-308, 1908. 2 Ann. Rept. Director of Mint, 1911, p. 9, 1912. 134 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. for making carbonizing pots, and in wire cloth for dipping baskets where articles are to be dipped in acid solutions. * * * Great quantities of nickel are used for plating iron and other articles where a beauti- ful protective finish is desired. It seems remarkable that, with its toughness, resistance to corrosion, and good color, pure nickel cooking utensils are not manufactured. HOT SPRINGS. Two hot-spring localities were visited in the western part of Chi- chagof Island. Both places had been previously visited by Waring 1 and are described as follows: HOT SPRINGS ON NORTH ARM OP PERIL STRAIT. On the north shore, about three-quarters of a mile eastward from the head of North Arm of Peril Strait (Hooniah Sound) , heated water issues at about half-tide level from the mussel and kelp covered rocks. As the warm water rises beneath or flows into the cold sea water, its presence is betrayed by convection currents, which give an oily appearance to the surface; but when examined at low tide the warm water has no noticeable taste nor odor. There is only a little bubbling, as of gas, and a small amount of dark-green vegetable growth, either algae or a seaweed. The three principal springs found issue from fissures in the rock, separated by spaces of 5 and 2 feet, about 100 yards northwest of a small cold-water stream. The tem- perature of the springs was 101° F., and their flow per minute, as near as it could be measured, was, respectively, about \\ gallons, a quarter of a gallon, and three-quarters of a gallon, but the discharge appeared to diminish as the tide fell, perhaps in part because of the draining off of contaminating sea water from the adjacent rocks above the springs, but probably in greater part because of the lowering of the hydrostatic pressure by the falling tide and the escape of the warm water from lower crevices. The analysis of the water of the largest of the three springs * * * shows that it has a high total mineral content and is of the sodium sulphate type. Although the sample collected contained considerable chloride it seems not to have been greatly contaminated with sea water left in the moss and gravel by the receding tide, for if it had been so contaminated it would have contained more chloride than sulphate. Beneath a low cemented gravel bank, near a large boulder 100 yards northwest of the principal group of springs, slightly warmer water (temperature 103° F.) forms oil-like convection currents over an area of several square yards in the adjacent bay water, but the outlet of this spring lowers with the tide, so that its discharge is not measurable. No other warm springs were found in a search extending from the head of the bay to a point a quarter of a mile east of the cold-water stream near the main spring group. Cliffs of massive granitic material rise from the narrow bouldery talus slope along the shore. In the main the rock seems to be comparatively unaltered, but near the springs there is a zone, possibly a dike, of fractured and altered dioritic rock. In the hand specimen this material shows considerable epidote and chlorite, products of the alteration of the original hornblende, and F. L. Hess, of the United States Geological Survey, noted that it contains much sphene. The escape of the spring water, probably heated either by the depth from which it rises or by chemical reactions in the altered rock, is apparently facilitated by the presence of this fractured mass of rock in the larger mass of intrusive crystalline material of the region. Because of their inconspicuous issuance and their inaccessible location for bathing, the springs are little known, and no attempt has been made to improve them. 1 Waring, G. A., Mineral springs of Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 418, pp. 33-35, 1917. THE WEST COAST OF CHICHAGOF ISLAND. 135 HOONIAH WARM SPRINGS. Hooniah Warm Springs are on the oceanward coast of Chichagof Island, about 70 miles northwest of Sitka. They may be reached by launch in calm weather, but as the coast is rocky and there is usually a heavy surf they have not been often visited. A log bathhouse or sweat chamber has been built over the principal spring, however, and the locality is the occasional camping place of hunters and trappers. The springs are in a small rock cove, in which much driftwood is cast up on a beach of large rounded stones. The principal spring issues at the edge of the forest, a few feet above the limit of drift logs and about 25 yards from and 15 feet above normal high-tide level. The water issues at a temperature of 111° F. from a vertical opening the size of one’s hand, in dark, hard schistose rock. After flowing through a natural rock pool, over which the bath chamber has been built, the discharge — 30 gallons a minute — cascades down to tidewater. The spring water tastes only faintly sulphureted, and there appears to be no escape of gas. A noticeable bubbling in the water below a small cascade in the run-off channel is probably due to air trapped in the cascade rather than to gas escaping from the water. Much pale salmon-colored to white, stringy algal growth forms along the run-off channel, as is usual at sulphureted warm springs. The analysis of water from this spring * * * shows that it is a moderately concentrated sodium chloride water containing considerable sulphate. Silica forms more than a third of the total content, possibly in part as a soluble silicate. A second spring, with a temperature of 110° F. and a discharge of about a gallon a minute, issues among the cobbles 20 yards east of and 7 feet lower than the main spring, and vapor, possibly from the same spring or fissure, issues from openings in the forest soil 15 yards shoreward. A third spring, with a temperature of 84° F. and a flow of half a gallon a minute, rises with slight bubbling in the muck of a small stream channel 50 yards west of the principal spring. Conditions at the main spring, where the water appears to issue directly from a fissure in the schist, indicate that the thermal water rises along such seams in the rock, which dips 80° S. 20° W. The abnormal temperature of the water may be due solely to the depth from which it rises, but it seems probable that it is due, in part at least, to the presence of intrusive rocks, which form a wide zone east of the springs. The schist from which the warm water issues is a common alteration phase of the Paleozoic or Mesozoic sediments near their contact with intrusive rocks throughout southeastern Alaska. The hot springs on the north arm of Peril Strait (Hooniah Sound) were visited at high tide, so the actual openings could not be observed. These springs issue at or near a contact, for although the rocks on both sides of the arm for several miles are granite, the small island just south of the spring is composed of marble. Other springs probably occur on the hillside, for steam could be seen rising now and then above the trees several hundred feet up the slope. Time was not available for an extended search for these springs. The writer was told of these springs by an old Indian, who said that he had found them 40 years ago. The White Sulphur Springs, formerly called the Hooniah Warm Springs, have been surveyed by the Forestry Bureau, and some attempt is being made to attract attention to them. Two cabins have been built, and a bathhouse has been constructed over a pool 136 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. made in the native rock. This work was started in the fall of 1916. The temperature in the hath is 100° to 105° F. A good trail runs to the small bay at Nickel. The water issues from fissures in the schist. The schist is a dark- gray contorted rock, which contains large metamorphic minerals — mica, garnet, staurolite, corundum, and others. It seems to have undergone later movement, for it is broken and recemented. Light and dark colored dikes cut the schist. The nature of the coastal plain to the east is for the most part concealed by muskeg swamps, but the few exposures show the same type of schist. A fairly large body of igneous rock occurs about 4,500 feet southeast of the springs, and a smaller body about 3,500 feet northwest. The rock of the Porcupine Islands off the coast, 1J miles southwest of the springs, is schist intruded with granite rocks. Copper-nickel ore occurs in the igneous body to the southeast, and a copper-nickel (?) claim has been located about 2,000 feet northwest of the springs. A hot spring is reported by Waring from Lisianski Inlet, but this spring was not found. PLATINUM-BEARING AURIFEROUS GRAVELS OF CfflSTOCHINA RIVER. By Theodore Chapin. INTRODUCTION. Slate Creek is the best known of a number of productive gold- bearing placer streams on the headwaters of Chistochina River, on the south side of the Alaska Range, in the upper Copper River basin. The other gold-bearing streams are Ruby Gulch, Chisna River, and Lime Creek, all of which are within a few miles of Slate Creek. GEOLOGY. CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS. The oldest rocks of the region are the Chisna and Mankomen for- mations, both of Carboniferous age. As originally described, the Chisna formation, the older, consists of tuffs, quartzites, and con- glomerates; the Mankomen formation is essentially black slate and limestone. TERTIARY CONGLOMERATE. Unconformably overlying the Mankomen rocks is a conglomerate composed essentially of well-rounded boulders of amygdaloidal greenstone, diorite, and quartz, with lesser amounts of black slate, limestone, schist, and porphyry. It is commonly of a brick-red color, due to the solutions of iron oxide that have penetrated it, and is known locally as the red conglomerate. The greenstone pebbles are the most permeable of the boulders and are often almost entirely weathered, containing only a small core of unaltered rock. The diorite pebbles are less permeable, but they generally contain a stained shell and are extensively fractured in parallel planes across the boulders. These fracture planes appear to have been channels of solution, and along each plane, although the boulder shows no displacement, is a polished surface resembling a slickenside. The conglomerate contains locally a great many boulders of Mankomen rocks, both slate and limestone, but no Chisna rocks. 137 138 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Fault blocks of similar conglomerate (see fig. 1), one of which occurs in the bed of Slate Creek and a parallel one that extends from the head of Ruby Creek westward to John Grosh Gulch, and an 5- N. Figure l. — Structure section across Slate Creek 14 miles above its moutb. unknown distance beyond, are believed to be composed of rocks of the same formation and have reached their present position through faulting. These rocks are not believed by the miners to be the same formation as the auriferous conglomerate that caps the ridge at the head of Miller Gulch. The conglomerate of the fault blocks is not known to carry any appreciable amount of gold, but it does contain a little sandstone and shale that carries thin seams of coal in places. The conglomerate on the ridge above Miller Gulch and Big Four Gulch is called “wash” by the miners, owing to the presence of a thick covering of residual detritus made up of rounded boulders derived from the conglomerate. The firmly cemented conglomer- ate, however, is exposed in a number of places. The difference in the content of gold is easily explained by the fact that the conglom- erate at the head of Miller Gulch lies at the normal base of the conglomerate, where the heavy minerals would naturally be con- centrated, whereas in the fault blocks of conglomerate the base is nowhere exposed. The presence of the coal seams in the fault blocks but not on the Miller-Big Four divide, and at other places where the conglomerate rests normally upon other rocks, is easily explained by the fact that the rocks exposed in the fault blocks represent a higher part of the section. The contact of the conglomerate with the Chisna formation on Slate Creek is a fault. At the head of ! Miller Gulch the conglomerate unconformably overlies the Man- ; komen formation and on Ruby Creek and John Grosh Gulch it occupies a fault block that has dropped down between Mankomen' jj rocks on both sides. This conglomerate on Slate Creek probably j belongs to the Gakona formation, of Eocene age, as mapped by Moffit 1 in the Chistochina district. i Moffit, F. H., U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 498, 1912. PLATINUM-BEARING GRAVELS OF CHISTOCHINA RIVER. 139 GLACIAL GRAVELS AND STREAM GRAVELS. The bench gravels of glacial origin and the stream gravels are younger formations than the Tertiary conglomerate and are of special interest on account of their valuable deposits of gold and platinum. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FORMATIONS AND STRUCTURE. The distribution of the formations is dependent upon the struc- ture. (See fig. 1, p. 138.) The Chisna formation, which at this place is made up of quartzite, tuffaceous conglomerate, and breccia, occupies an area south of Slate Creek. It is bordered by a fault that extends along the south bank of the valley of Slate Creek. This appears to be one of a system of parallel faults that extend in an east-west direction and dip toward the north. Four main faults which were observed show two downfaulted blocks of conglomerate inclosed between Mankomen and Chisna rocks. The main fault appears to be the one on the south side of Slate Creek, which has brought into contact the Carboniferous Chisna rocks and the Tertiary conglomerate. One of the downfaulted blocks of conglomerate is about coincident with the bed of Slate Creek. A parallel block of downthrown conglomerate extends across the heads of Ruby Creek and John Grosh Gulch. Along the upper contact of each of these fault blocks there was thrust faulting, so that at present the Car- boniferous rocks of the Mankomen formation actually overlie the Tertiary conglomerate. OCCURRENCE OF GOLD AND PLATINUM. Gold and platinum occur in three formations (see fig. 1, p. 138) and appear to represent three stages of concentration. The original bedrock source of the gold and platinum is not known, as lodes of neither metal have been found in this region. The first concentra- tion appears to be the “red conglomerate/’ which represents a cemented gold and platinum bearing gravel. A second concentration is found in the glacial gravels that form high benches on the south side of Slate Creek. These benches are made up of material derived by the erosion of the conglomerate and other rocks. The third concentration has taken place in the stream gravels. These three formations, the Tertiary conglomerate, the bench gravels, and the stream gravels, all of which carry both gold and platinum, are re- garded as promising sources of these metals. The stream gravels are very rich in gold and have been worked for a number of years. The bench gravels have not been extensively tested, but rich deposits of gold that occur within the bench deposits have been mined at a profit, and recent prospecting and sampling at a number of places 140 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. indicate that there are very large deposits of this gravel which can be worked at a profit when sufficient water is available for washing it. There is less chance of finding workable deposits in the conglom- erate, but recent prospecting has shown that it, too, may be profitably mined for gold and platinum. The gold and platinum usually occur together and appear to have the same source as far back as the rocks of the region record their history. There are no near-by basic rocks from which the platinum is likely to have been derived. The only basic rocks present are some small dikes that cut the platinum-bearing conglomerates. MINING. The output of gold on Slate Creek in 1917 is estimated at $100,000. No assays or other tests have been made to determine the relative amount of platinum accompanying the gold, but it is estimated to be a little over 1 per cent of the volume of the gold. As the- amount of platinum bears such a small proportion to that of the gold, its increased production is not easy to bring about. In 1917 the principal productive mining was on Slate Creek, where two hydraulic plants were in operation but a number of outfits were mining on a small scale. The M. E. W. Gold Mining Co., operated by J. M. Elmer, F. B. Walker, and Ross B. Watkins, was the largest producer. The M. E. W. property comprises more than 20 claims and extends from a point near the moraine of Chisto- china glacier, at the mouth of Slate Creek, to the lower end of the claims of the Jack Miller estate, near the mouth of Miller Gulch. It includes also claims near the divide of Slate Creek and Chisna River, claims on Big Four Creek, and bench claims on Slate Creek that extend to the ridge between Pyramid Peak and the head of Miller Gulch. Options were taken in 1914, and the property was acquired during the following year and prospecting and drilling were done. Most of the season in 1916 was also spent in dead work, but a short run was made and $9,000 worth of gold taken out. A cut 1,300 feet long was made along the south bank of Slate Creek from the mouth to the present position of the open cut. A flume and ditch was also constructed to bring in the water for hydraulicking. This ditch takes water from Chistochina glacier about a mile above the mouth of Slate Creek and at present supplies 1,500 inches of water, which is utilized by three giants. Two giants are used to j move gravels at the sluice head and one to stack tailings. A head 1 of 125 feet is maintained at the open cut and 175 feet at the tailings jj giant. It is planned to develop more water power on the west side of Chistochina glacier and bring it across the moraine. PLATINUM-BEARING GRAVELS OF CHISTOCHINA RIVER. 141 In 1917 work was commenced June 15 and continued until Sep- tember. Work at the time of the writer’s visit had been largely confined to two open cuts on Slate Creek. The deposits are in part in virgin ground and in part in rich gravels which had been once partly worked by the hand method of shoveling into sluice boxes. The old method never proved satisfactory, for the gradient of the stream is too low to admit of easy disposal of tailings, and floods often interfered with the work. Besides the productive mining on Slate Creek, assessment and development work has been continued on Big Four Creek and on the bench gravels of Slate Creek. The bench gravels contain ex- tensive deposits of gold and platinum, and from their elevated position could be easily hydraulicked when water is obtained. The claims of the Jack Miller estate were worked on about the usual scale. Twelve men were employed and bench gravels at the mouth of Miller Gulch were hydraulicked. Above the Jack Miller claims three or four small outfits were occupied in groundsluicing and shoveling in. No productive mining was in progress on any of the other creeks. 115086°— 19 10 MINING ON PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. By Bertrand L. Johnson. GENERAL FEATURES. The mineralization of the closely folded rock beds that border Prince William Sound introduced into them a considerable variety of minerals, among which were gold, silver, chalcopyrite, chalmersite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite, stibnite, quartz, epidote, albite, chlorite, calcite, and ankerite. The valuable metals of the ores of this region are copper, gold, and silver. The gold thus far observed is native. The copper occurs chiefly as chalcopyrite, but another copper-iron sulphide, chalmersite, which contains about 23 1 per cent of copper, has been recognized at properties on Solomon Gulch, Landlocked Bay, and Knight Island. Silver has been noted as an alloy of the native gold and is also associated with some of the copper ores, but in what combinations is not known. The ore deposits of this region may be broadly grouped into two classes — copper deposits and gold-bearing quartz lodes. The min- eral associations in both gold and copper deposits are in general the same. The copper mines produce large quantities of gold or silver or both, and the gold-quartz lodes contain Very small quantities of chalcopyrite. The gold quartz ores are free milling. They are crushed locally in small stamp or roller mills and the concentrates are shipped to smelters. The copper ores are sulphides and require smelting, with or without previous concentration. At one plant a flotation process is in operation. As no local smelters are available, the copper ores are shipped to smelters at Tacoma, Wash., and Anyox, British Columbia, where their copper, geld, and silver contents are recovered. The productive mines on Prince William Sound in 1917, so far as known, included nine copper and eight gold mines. A much larger quantity of copper ore than of gold-bearing quartz was mined and treated, and the total value of the metals obtained from the copper ores was several times that of the metals from the gold quartz ores. The value of the total mineral output of the Prince William Sound region in 1917 was $4,667,929, compared with $2,975,200 in 1916. 143 144 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA. 1917. COPPER MINING. GENERAL CONDITIONS. Copper mining was actively carried on in the Prince William Sound region in 1917 and a large production of copper was made. The regular producers, the Kennecott Copper Corporation at Latouche ; the Ellamar Mining Co., at Ellamar; and the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt- ing & Power Co. (Ltd.) , owner of the Midas mine in the Y aldez district, made large shipments as usual. Considerable ore was also shipped by the Latouche Copper Mining Co . from the Blackbird group on Latouche Island; the Alaska Mines Corporation controlling the Schlosser prop- erty, on Port Fidalgo; the Fidalgo Mining Co., on Port Fidalgo; and the Dickey Copper Co., on Port Fidalgo. Small shipments were reported from the property of Harry Moore on Knight Island and from that of the Patten Cooperating Co. The Threeman Mining Co., on Landlocked Bay, which has shipped much ore in previous years, made no shipments in 1917. Development work was done on some of the nonproducing properties and assessment work is reported on i many others. Crude ore was shipped from all the producing prop- erties and in addition copper-bearing flotation concentrates were I shipped from the Beatson-Bonanza mine, on Latouche Island. The | C0 PP er- bearing mineral in all the ore shipped was chalcopyrite. Much of the copper ore mined also carries either gold or silver or both. WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR. LATOUCHE AND KNIGHT ISLANDS. Large operations were in progress at the Beatson Bonanza mine of the j; Kennecott Copper Corporation throughout the year; the enlargement of the mi llin g plant to a capacity of 1,600 tons daily was in progress, I with consequent changes in power plant and mine. An average force j of 345 men was employed by the company during the year. A large I amusement hall, including moving pictures, bowling alleys, and club- 1 rooms for the use of the employees, was completed early in the year. | Other surface improvements included a new store and warehouse,! several new houses, a new compressor plant and building, and some (l small buildings and sheds. The head frame of the shaft was framed J during the winter and erected in the spring. Three Diesel engines^ were installed in the power plant. The capacity of the shipping! bunkers was doubled. Additional crushing and flotation equipment! was installed in the mill. A new shaft was completed and put in operation during the year,; and a hoist capable of handling 5-ton skips was installed. The main, haulage ways and drifts were widened to accommodate larger cars,! and two 4J-ton storage-battery electric locomotives were installed.! MINING ON PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. 145 A 500-ton concrete ore pocket was also finished. A big manway raise was completed between the main level and the top of the ore bluff. Considerable diamond-drill work was done during the year, some of it on the 100-foot level. No other work was done on this lower level during the year. The normal development work was in progress through the rest of the mine, and stoping operations were carried on between the main haulage level and the surface and eastward into the hill above the bluff pit level. The Blackbird claim of the Latouche Copper Mining Co. on Latouche Island was opened up and operated by Mr. W. A. Dickey. This claim lies just to the north of the Beatson-Bonanza mine, and the deposit under development on the Blackbird appears to lie in the northward extension of the same mineralized zone which includes the Beatson-Bonanza. Considerable underground development work, done both on the main-tunnel level and between this level and the surface, has developed an ore-bearing zone reported to be from 12 to 50 feet in width and said to be traceable underground for 700 feet. During the year crosscuts and drifts were run to the extent of 300 feet, and four s topes were opened up. Operations were in progress from June to October, inclusive. In October about 25 men were employed. A new wharf was erected during the year, a new black- smith shop was built at the mouth of the tunnel, and repair work was done on other buildings and the tram line. Several shipments of ore were made from the property during 1917. The last previous shipment was in 1907. Little was done on the other copper properties on Latouche Island. No development work in known to have been done on the Reynolds Alaska Development Co.’s property on Horseshoe Bay or on the property of the Seattle-Alaska Copper Co. on Montgomery Bay. On Knight Island no productive operations were in progress. The largest developments were on Rua Cove at the Copper Bullion claims (Rua property), which had previously been taken over by Mr. W. A. Dickey. A cabin and a house were erected near the shore of the cove, another building was completed at the upper camp, and a new black- smith shop was built at the mouth of the tunnel. A small water- power plant, with a two-drill compressor and two drills, was also installed. Underground work completed during the year totaled about 600 feet of tunnel and crosscuts. An average force of 10 men was employed during the summer. Operations were discontinued for the year on September 14, 1917, after a large body of low-grade copper ore had been partly blocked out. Some of the pyrrhotite ores of Mummy and Drier bays are reported to carry nickel, and during the season short tunnels were driven on the nickel-bearing lodes and some diamond drilling was done. 146 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. On the Copper Coin group on Drier Bay a small wharf was erected in the spring, and a compressor and supplies were placed on the ground but not installed. Only two or three men were at work on the property during the year, and no underground work is known to have been done. On the Pandora group on the Bay of Isles the only work done in 1917 consisted of some open cuts. This lead is now reported traceable a little over 1 ,000 feet. Small shipments of copper ore are reported from the Copper Queen claim on Hogan Bay and from a property of Harry Moore on Drier Bay. UNAKWIK INLET, WELLS BAY, LONG BAY, AND GLACIER ISLAND. A new copper discovery, on property called the Globe claims, was made back of Long Bay during 1917. The ore body is reported to be of low grade, several feet in width, and two claims in length. No development work was done. On Cedar Bay, the Lenora group of five claims was surveyed for patent in 1917. Very little underground development work was done during the year. Three men were at work on the property for three months in the spring, and about 75 feet of tunnel was driven. A small force of men is also reported to have worked underground on the property late in the fall. Only assessment work is reported on other properties in this vicinity. On Glacier Island assessment work is reported on the Portsmouth and Scotia Bell claims of Jens Jensen. The ore body lies a little more than half a mile south of Finski Bay. The country rock is greenstone, and the ore minerals consist of quartz, epidote, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Some development work has been done on min- eralized showings along a pronounced gully which apparently follows , a large shear zone. The lower tunnel, which has about 225 feet of , workings, is at an elevation of about 250 feet. The main drift, 150 feet in length, is on a shattered zone along a nearly north-south break that shows only a thin trace of gouge. This fracture dips 65° W. The maximum mineralized width of the shattered greenstone is t. about 3J feet, and the mineralization appears to be traceable about jj 60 feet. The ore is a hard, shattered greenstone firmly cemented . by sulphide-bearing quartz. A crosscut to the west encountered a mineralized shear zone that strikes N. 20° E. and dips 70° W., along , which about 30 feet of drifts have been driven. A width of 10 feet of ’ slightly cupriferous pyrite is reported to have been cut at one point in this shear, which may be the main shear followed by the gulch. The upper tunnel, at about 500 feet elevation, is driven 30 feet on a mineralized shear zone that outcrops on the east side of the gulch. ,;! MINING ON PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. 147 This showing is not traceable very far on the surface. The iace of the tunnel shows 4 feet of shattered greenstone cemented by much quartz that carries sulphides, chiefly chalcopyrite. A streak of nearly solid chalcopyrite, which has a maximum width of 3 inches, runs along the hanging wall. Just over the mouth of this tunnel this shear strikes N. 5° W. and dips about 65° W., and the mineralized portion of the shear has a width of 5 to 12 inches. Between these two tunnels there are some mineralized outcrops on which a little open-cut work has been done. The mineral deposit in each place is in a sheared or shattered greenstone and has a width of 1 to 6 feet, but the mineralization is traced only short distances by the present development work. PORT VALDEZ DISTRICT. The Midas mine of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., on Solomon Gulch, was actively developed during the year and was one of the important shippers of crude copper ore of the Prince William Sound region. An average force of about 50 men were employed during the year on the property. Surface improve- ments consisted of the erection of a new cook and bunk house and some open-cut work. The principal underground developments con- sisted in the sinking of an inclined winze, which has a dip of 60°, from No. 2 adit to a depth of 100 feet. No. 1 adit was also extended and considerable drifting done. A detailed account of the geology of this copper deposit and the copper-bearing area of the Port Valdez and Jack Bay district in which it is found is given elsewhere in this bulletin (pp. 157-173). ELLAMAR DISTRICT. The plant of the Ellamar Mining Co. was operated steadily the entire year except for shutdowns of two weeks in the summer and a few days in December. An average force of a little over 100 men was employed during the year. Surface improvements consisted of the erection of a social hall, the construction of a new warehouse on the dock, the shifting of the pump house to a new location in the glory hole, and the installation of foundations for a new power house. Most of the underground work this year has been between the sur- face and the 200-foot level. The water level was down to a few feet below the 500-foot level and the 500-foot level was open, but no work was being done on that level during 1917. Some work was done on the 100, 200, 300, and 400 foot levels, but stoping operations were confined to stopes between the 300-foot level and the surface. Some diamond drilling was also done. Regular shipments were con- tinued as usual. 148 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. No shipments were made from the property of the Threeman Mining Co., on Landlocked Bay, and only one man is reported to have been at work on the property during the year. On the property of the Hemple Copper Mining Co. on Landlocked Bay development work started in May. Six men were at work during the summer, but on October 1 the crew was reduced to three men. Work was temporarily stopped early in October but is said to have been resumed again about December 15. The work done up to October was all in tunnel No. 1 and consisted in driving a 110-foot crosscut, which cut a slightly mineralized shear zone at its inner end. On October 8 the shear zone showed a width of 8 feet, but at that date the inner wall of the shear had not been encountered. This shear strikes N. 70° W. and dips to the east. Up to October 1 no work had been done in 1917 on the property of the Landlock Bay Copper Mining Co., on Landlocked Bay. Twenty-two men are reported to have been at work early in the spring on the property of the Standard Copper Mines Co., near the entrance to Landlocked Bay. Later in the season a force of only 10 men was employed and for a period of about a month during the summer only 1 man was retained on the property. On October 8 only the watchman was on the ground. A new cookhouse and bunk house were erected on the mountain side, and a small building was put up at one of the tunnel mouths. The tram was also fixed and was operated during the summer. Some underground work was also done. The wharf was repaired, but no shipments of ore were made during the year. Only assessment work is reported on the Buckeye group on Land- locked Bay. PORT FIDALGO. Development work was in progress at two of the copper mines on Port Fidalgo, and shipments of ore are reported from all three mines. The Fidalgo Mining Co. worked steadily 'with an average force of 7 or 8 men and with a maximum number of about 13 throughout the year. Considerable underground development work was done, and some ore was shipped. Stoping operations were carried out between tunnels Nos. 1 and 2 and above tunnel No. 2. Tunnel No. 2 was extended and a crosscut already started was driven about 150 feet toward a new lead to the east. A new lower tunnel (started in 1916) was extended to a length of 300 feet. Considerable stripping was also done on the new lead. The Alaska Mines Corporation operated the old Schlosser property continuously throughout the year with a crew of 27 to 33 men. Underground work was done on four levels, and stoping operations were carried on over several of the levels. The ore deposit consists of lenses of sulphides occupying a linked system of shears. The ore MINING ON PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. 149 zone as now developed has a width of 100 feet and strikes about N. 20° E. and dips nearly vertically. The ore shoots pitch to the north parallel to the hillside. Several hundred feet of development work besides stoping is reported to have been done in 1917. The Dickey Copper Co., owner of the Mason and Gleason claims on Irish Cove, is not known to have operated during the year, although a shipment of ore is said to have been made from this property. Ed. Banzer is reported to have done a little work on a copper property near the head of Port Fidalgo, but no details are available at present. # CORDOVA AND VICINITY. Development was in progress during part of 1917 on a copper property on Fleming Spit. The operations were in charge of Mr. R. E. Hutchinson. The company, the Tacoma-Cordova Mines Co., employed a force of three or four men from June to September, in- clusive. Considerable work was done in two tunnels about 250 feet apart vertically, and a number of open cuts were made on the out- crop of the ore body under development. GOLD MINING. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The gold produced in the Prince William Sound region, other than that obtained from the gold-bearing copper ores, comes from both gold quartz lodes and gold placers. The placer deposits are few, small, and irregularly distributed. They are worked only intermit- tently, on a very small scale, and contribute little to the gold pro- duction. The producing gold quartz lodes are in the Port Wells and the Port Valdez districts. The Granite mine, on Port Wells, and the Cliff and Ramsay-Rutherford mines in the Port Valdez district are the largest producers. WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR. PORT WELLS DISTRICT. The Granite mine was the most productive property in the Port Wells district in 1917 as in the previous years. This property was in operation during the spring, but milling was stopped about the middle of May, and all operations were discontinued on June 1. About 40 men are said to have been employed during the spring operations. The property is to remain shut down until water power can be installed. The Thomas-Culross Mining Co., on Culross Island, completed the installation of a milling plant early in the spring, and the mill was in operation during a part of the season. From 5 to 20 men are said to have been employed. A small shipment of ore is also said to have been made to the Tacoma smelter. 150 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The Alaska Homestake Mining Co., whose property is on Harriman Fiord, report the installation of a 12-ton gyratory mill, crpsher, and concentrator in 1917. The mill is said to have been operated only a few days. Development work on the property at the close of 1917 is said to consist of an upper tunnel 225 feet long, a shaft 67 feet deep, and a lower tunnel 150 feet long connected with the shaft. About 18 men were employed on the property during the season. A new mill and aerial tram were erected on the Sweepstakes prop- erty on Harriman Fiord in 1917 but were not operated. On the Hermann-Eaton property on Betties Bay a water-power plant, air compressor, and machine drills were installed. A crosscut tunnel several hundred feet in length, driven at an elevation of about 350 feet, is said to have intersected the lead on the claims late in the fall. From 5 to 9 men were employed on the property at different times during the year. The property was closed down for the year early in October. Development work is reported to have been in progress on the Banner group on Betties Bay, and the adit tunnel on that property is said to have been extended to a length of over 400 feet. Three hundred feet of development work is reported on the Wagner & Johnson group at Golden. At the Osceola group on College Fiord drifting was continued on the lead, and the tunnel is said to have been extended 200 feet during the summer to a total length of about 400 feet. Five men were em- ployed on the property, and operations were in progress only during the summer. A crosscut tunnel was driven on the property of Chris Pedersen on Pigot Bay and a little drifting done on a lead in the tunnel. Two men were engaged in development work on the Tomboy group on Pigot Bay. Assessment work is said to have been done on many other prop- erties. PORT VALDEZ DISTRICT. The producing properties in 1917 in the Port Valdez district in- cluded the Cliff, Ramsay-Rutherford, Valdez Gold, Cube, and Slide. Development work was in progress on a few other properties, and the annual assessment was done on many others. The Cliff mine operated throughout the year, although the mill was run only intermittently. During January and February 18 to 20 men were employed, and the remainder of the year about 9 men. As the shaft and lower levels were flooded, all underground work was confined to the 100-foot level and the levels above and to the stopes between these levels. About 450 feet of drifts and crosscuts are reported to have been driven during 1917. MINING ON PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. 151 The Ramsay-Rutherford, after operating during part of the year, closed down early in June. The mill is reported to have been in operation from January 1 to June 4, although not running continuously. Mining operations ceased June 7. From 13 to 19 men were employed at different times during the season. Surface improvements are said to have consisted in the installation of an air compressor. Underground about 150 feet of drifting is reported on the lower levels. Stoping operations were carried on between several of the levels. The Valdez Gold Co. reports only assessment work. From 5 to 7 men were at work on the property during July, August, and part of September. A very few tons of ore was milled and only a little underground work was done. The Cube Mining Co. operated its mill during February and part of March and also for about a month beginning May 7. About 25 men were employed during the spring. The property was closed down early in July. A small shipment of ore was made from the Slide gold quartz claim near the head of Mineral Creek during the year. On the Alaska Gold Hill, formerly known as the Black Diamond property, 5 or 6 men were employed from January to September, two buildings were erected, and also a blacksmith shop at the tunnel mouth. This shop was later torn down. The upper tunnel was extended to a length of 605 feet. The Valdez Mining Co. let a contract late in the fall to extend the lower tunnel on their Valdez Glacier property a distance of 75 feet. Some development work is also said to have been in progress during the year on the property of the Patten Mining Co. near Swanport with a force of 6 or 7 men. On the Shoup Glacier properties a little development work was in progress. Two men were at work on the Nymond property, and about 100 feet of tunnel is said to have been driven. Work was also done on the Olson and McDonald properties. At the Gold King mine on Columbia Glacier 4 men were at work up to the end of April. The mill was not run. Late in the fall it is re- ported that a contract was let for sinking 50 feet farther a winze which had been sunk 15 feet during the spring developments. At the Mayfield on Columbia Glacier 2 men did the annual assess- ment work, which is reported to have consisted in driving an addi- tional 20 feet in the upper tunnel. * MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY DISTRICT AND VICINITY, PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. By Bertrand L. Johnson. INTRODUCTION. The object of this preliminary report is to describe briefly the distribution, geologic relations, and characteristics of the mineral deposits of the Jack Bay district and the adjacent area surrounding the upper portion of the adjoining valley of Solomon Gulch. A brief presentation of the geographic factors immediately bearing on the economic development of the mineral deposits of these areas precedes a short summary of the geology. The general description of the mineral deposits is followed by detailed descriptions of the few ore bodies which have so far been found. A more complete account of the geology and mineral resources of these areas will be incorporated in the final report on the Port Valdez and Jack Bay districts now in preparation. Detailed geologic mapping of the Jack Bay district and vicinity was done in the summer of 1917. Several trips had been made in previous years, however, to the area adjacent to the Midas copper mine, near the head of Solomon Gulch, in order to study the mineral- ization of that area while studying the geology and mineral resources of the adjacent Port Valdez district, and in 1912 the writer was asso- ciated with Mr. S. R. Capps in a study of the geology and mineral deposits of the Ellamar district, which adjoins the Jack Bay district on the south. GEOGRAPHY. The Jack Bay district comprises the small part of the Chugach Mountains that borders the northeast corner of Prince William Sound, which is drained by the several streams entering J ack Bay. (See fig. 2.) This report also discusses the mountainous area that surrounds the head of Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek, the waters of which flow off the northern slopes of the mountains bordering the north side of the south arm of Jack Bay into Port Valdez. The area under considera- tion adjoins on the north the mountainous Port Valdez district and on the south the less rugged Ellamar district. The western limit is the broad Valdez Arm of Prince William Sound. 153 154 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. This area is one of strong relief. The Chngach Mountains, which inclose Jack Bay, rise from sea level to elevations ranging from 3,000 to nearly 6,000 feet. The lower hills and mountains bordering the entrance to Jack Bay and the western portion of the ridge between the two arms of Jack Bay have the rounded characteristic forms of glacially overridden hills. The high peaks and ridges which sur- round the headwaters of the streams that drain into the heads of Figure 2. — Index map showing location of the Jack Bay district. both arms of the bay, however, are sharp and pinnacled, and rem- nants of the glacial sculptors of this rugged alpine topography rest in their ice-carved basins and feed many of the larger streams. In marked contrast to the rugged topography of most of the district are the flat gravel-covered lowlands at the heads of both arms of Jack Bay and the long, narrow gravel-floored basin of Solomon Gulch. Glaciers cover a relatively small part of the district but feed many of the larger streams. They 'are all of the alpine type. One through glacier lies in a col that connects Solomon Gulch with the headwaters of the main stream that drains into the south arm of Jack Bay, and another in cols that connect Sawmill Creek and a MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 155 parallel stream adjacent to it on the west with the valley of a stream that enters the head of the north fork of Jack Bay. The remaining glaciers are valley-head glaciers or lie in cirques along the valley walls and are concentrated chiefly along the north side of the ridge on the north side of the south arm of Jack Bay. The shore line of both arms of Jack Bay is smooth and even. The shores are steep, in may places precipitous, and rocky, with few islands except along the westward continuation of the range which separates the two forks of Jack Bay. The heads of both arms are filled by tidal mud flats sloping up into the gravel-covered flood plains of glacial streams. Small deltas lie at the mouths of some of the other streams. Near Valdez Arm two small wide-mouthed coves indent the southern shore of Jack Bay. The drainage of the Jack Bay district enters one or the other arm of Jack Bay. Solomon Gulch and Allison Creek flow northward into Port Valdez. The streams that enter Jack Bay are all less than 6 miles in length and drain narrow, steep-sided glaciated valleys. Solomon Gulch is about 7 \ miles and Allison Creek a little over 4 miles in length. All these streams derive a considerable part of their water supply from melting snow or ice, and the stream flow is subject to wide variations during the year. Two power plants have been in operation on the lower end of Solomon Gulch in the Port Valdez district in recent years, but there are none in the Jack Bay district. There are some small undeveloped water powers in the Jack Bay district. The climate of the Jack Bay district closely resembles that of the adjacent Port Valdez district. Both districts are somewhat colder and drier than the more southern parts of Prince William Sound, which are more directly exposed to the influence of the Pacific Ocean. Numerical comparisons of the climatic factors of these two districts can not be made, however, because of the lack of weather observa- tions within the area here referred to as the Jack Bay district. At Valdez and Fort Liscum, situated at sea level, in the Port Valdez district, weather records extend over a considerable period of time. These records show a total annual precipitation of about 56 inches at Valdez and 74 inches at Fort Liscum; the annual snowfall at Fort Liscum is at least 30 feet. The average temperature for the three summer months in the Port Valdez district is 52° F. and for the three winter months 21° F. Similarly situated portions of the Jack Bay district would appear to have a slightly greater rainfall and to be slightly warmer, owing to the somewhat greater exposure of this district to the ameliorating influences of the Pacific Ocean. Climatic conditions in the higher portions of the district are much more severe. Only that portion of the area covered by this report which imme- diately borders the shores of Jack Bay and Valdez Arm is forested. 156 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The upper limit of timber extends from a few hundred feet above sea level in the bottom of the valley at the head of the north arm of Jack Bay to elevations of about 1,750 feet near the mouth of the bay. Spruce and hemlock greatly predominate, and only a few cottonwoods are found. The local timber from this and adjacent districts is suitable for mine workings and rough lumber, but the better grades of lumber are brought from Seattle. All of the tim- bered portion of the Jack Bay district lies within the Chugach Na- tional Forest. Those portions of Allison Creek and Solomon Gulch valleys covered by this report are not timbered. The larger animals reported to be native to this area include the bear, mountain goat, and mountain sheep. Both the goats and the sheep are said to have been obtained in the high mountains surround- ing the head of Jack Bay, but only goats were seen during the present field season. Evidences of bears are plentiful in many places and both brown and black bears are reported. Wolverines, marmots, weasels, and porcupines are native to the area. Squirrels and rabbits are found in the adjacent Port Valdez district and probably range over parts of this area. Mink, marten, otter, and other small fur-bearing animals found in the adjacent dis- tricts are probably also to be obtained here, although no evidences of their presence were seen in the summer of 1917. Ptarmigan live in the portions of the region above timber line, and grouse are found in the spruce forests. Geese, ducks, sandpipers, and other waterfowl and shore birds are obtainable here in season. Bald eagles, owls, cormorants, gulls, terns, magpies, blue jays, ravens, crows, divers, and smaller birds are abundant. Several varieties of salmon are caught in Jack Bay for the can- neries at Valdez, Cordova, and Port Nellie Juan. Salmon trout, bass, and flounders are also obtained. Blackfish and whales are occasionally reported in the waters of Valdez Arm. Seals are com- mon, both in Jack Bay and Valdez Arm. The waters of the glacier streams flowing into the head of Jack Bay are milky from suspended rock flour, but the salmon ascend these streams for at least short distances. The few clear-water streams that enter the bay appear to be too precipitous in gradient to offer shelter to fresh-water fish. Valdez, the supply point of the Jack Bay district and for those portions of the Port Valdez district covered by this report, lies at the head of Port Valdez. The town has a population of several hundred and is provided with wharves, bank, hotels, stores, public schools, telephones, and electric lights. A good stock of supplies is kept on hand, and prices are not high, except for fuel. In the past the town has suffered from occasional floods of the streams from the Valdez Glacier, but it is now protected by a dike that was built in 1913-14. MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 157 Valdez is the coastal terminus of the Valdez-Fairbanks military road. It is connected by cable with Seward, Cordova, Juneau, and other points on the Alaska coast and with Seattle, and by tele^aph with Fairbanks. Port Valdez is open to navigation throughout the year. Valdez can be reached in six days by steamer from Seattle. Two companies operate steamers to Valdez, giving a summer service of about eight times a month and a winter service of four to six times a month. Freight charges in 1916 between Seattle and Valdez ranged from $3 to $45 a ton according to classification. Passenger rates in 1917 between Seattle and Valdez were as follows: First- class, upper deck, $50; first-class, lower deck, $47.50, and second- class, $30. Regular stops in the Port Valdez district are Valdez and Fort Liscum, but there is also a wharf at the Midas mine. There are no stops in the Jack Bay district. Transportation along the coast is effected largely by the use of gasoline launches, which can usually be hired for $10 to $30 a day. Regular service is maintained between Valdez and Fort Liscum by the post boat and between the wharf of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.) and Valdez by the company launch. Much of the Jack Bay district and the adjacent portions of the Port Valdez district are but a short distance from tidewater. The Midas mine and the country adjacent to the Solomon Basin are readily reached from the wagon road which has been built from a point on the south side of Port Valdez a short distance east of Fort Liscum up into Solomon Basin. There are no roads in the Jack Bay district, and but one prospect is connected with tidewater by a trail. An aerial tram operated by the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.) between its wharf on Port Valdez and the Mid s mine near the head of Solomon Gulch is used only for the transfer of ore and supplies. GEOLOGY. DIVISIONS OF THE ROCKS. The Jack Bay district lies in the southern part of the Chugach Mountains, which, in those portions bordering Prince William Sound, consist of folded and faulted Mesozoic ( ?) rocks — graywackes, argil- lites, slates, and subordinate amounts of conglomerates and dark- colored limestones — altered in places to schistose types and intruded at diverse points by granites and basic igneous rocks of Mesozoic or Tertiary age. (See PI. III.) 115086°— 19 11 158 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The sedimentary rocks of the Prince William Sound region were subdivided by the earlier geologists 1 into two great divisions — the Valdez and Orca groups. The Valdez group was described as con- sisting principally of graywacke and slate, and it was presumed to be older, more metamorphosed, and to lie unconformably beneath another great series of sediments of somewhat similar lithologic character, named the Orca group. The Orca rocks were stated to consist of interbedded slates and graywackes with extensive basic lava flows and thick conglomerate beds. The Valdez group was mapped as occurring on the northern and western shores of the sound, whereas the Oroa rocks outcropped on the eastern shore and also formed the islands of the sound. The Jack Bay district lies within the Valdez group of these writers. It includes, however, some small areas of greenstone of the Orca group and on its southern border an area of conglomerate probably also of Orca age. ROCKS OF THE VALDEZ GROUP. LITHOLOGIC SUBDIVISIONS. The rocks of the Valdez group in the Jack Bay district are all regionally metamorphosed types of sedimentary rocks. The variety is not great and but two lithologic subdivisions have been made, the graywackes and the black slates. A thick black slate formation on the east side of Valdez Arm between Jack and Galena bays appears to underlie the massive graywackes south of Jack Bay. Broad bands of black slates and argillite, however, also occur interbedded with the massive graywackes. In fact, all gradations exist, both in texture and in thickness of beds, for the rocks range from slates to conglomerates and the beds from narrow alternating bands of slate and graywacke to massive members of both rocks. The areas mapped as slate are underlain dominantly by slate and argillite together with minor amounts of graywacke. The graywacke areas are underlain dominantly by graywackes but in places contain a greater or less proportion of slates and argillites. THE GRAYWACKES. The graywackes and argillites cover a much larger portion of the area considered in this report than any of the other formations. They cover the entire portion of the Jack Bay district south of Jack Bay except for the small areas of slate and greenstone along Valdez Arm, I 1 Schrader, F. C., A reconnaissance of a part of Prince William Sound and the Copper River district, I Alaska in 1898: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Ann. Kept., p. 7, pp. 404-417, 1900. Schrader, F. C., and Spencer, A. C., The geology and mineral resources of a portion of the Copper River district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey special publication, pp. 32-40, 1901. Grant, U. S., and Higgins, D. F., Reconnaissance of the geology and mineral resources of Prince William J Sound, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 443, pp. 11, 20-33, 51-52, 1910. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SUR BULLETIN 692 PLATE III EXPLANATION Gravels sands^and silts < OL/j landslide debris J 2 Intrusive grqmte S \ Basic dikes ( Southern group of Orca age) Conglomerates UNCONFORMITY (?) Greenstones UNCONFORMITY Gi es Slates - — - — —-Fault □ Copper mine or copper prospect x Gold quartz prospect t\ $. kologicat, survey III BULLETIN 692 PI/ATE Fault □ Copper mine or copper prospect x Gold quartz prospect explanation \ l Basic dikes (Southern group of Orca age) Conglomerates UNCONFORMITY (?) Greenstones UNCONFORMITY Graywackes Slates m Gravels.sands,and silts cl, landslide debris Intrusive granite 3 4 5 MILES GEOLOGIC SKETCH MAP OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. MESOZOIC(?) MESOZOIC OR TERTIARY QUAT6RNARY MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 159 most of the northern part of this district, and much of the central por- tion between the two arms of Jack Bay and around the head of Sol- omon Gulch. The rocks grade from fine conglomeratic graywackes in a few places through gray to dark-gray coarse-grained graywackes containing feldspathic material to the darker fine-grained argillites and slates. The formation is largely made up of graywacke, but the proportion of the other types of rocks differs widely. The area south of the south arm of Jack Bay contains very little argillite and slate, but these two types are very abundant in the graywacke series between the two arms of Jack Bay and are quite abundant in the northern part of the district and along the middle section of the Solomon Gulch valley. The graywackes in most places are well bedded, and the thickness of individual beds ranges from a few inches to man}- feet. Most of the rocks are rather fine grained and are com- posed of subangular fragments of quartz and plagioclase feldspar, comparatively little decomposed, in a carbonaceous, calcareous, and argillaceous matrix. At one place in the mountains between the arms of Jack Bay a rather coarse grained graywacke contained nu- merous flat fragments of a mottled light-greenish chlorite schist. Locally the graywackes adjacent to the igneous intrusions and also at some other places have been slightly altered to a reddish-brown biotite-bearing graywacke. BLACK SLATES. The black slates are best developed along the east coast of Valdez Arm between Jack and Galena bays, along the north side of the streams draining into the heads of both arms of Jack Bay, and near the Midas mine on Solomon Gulch. The slates are dark-gray to black, very fine grained rocks and in many places have exceptionally well-developed slaty cleavage. A small amount of interbedded gray- wacke and argillite occurs in this formation. Many of the areas that contain slate have been intruded by the greenstones of the Orca group, and the slates adjacent to these intrusions have been altered to rocks resembling hornstones and charts or to knotenschiefer. The knotenschiefer are especially prominent at the head of Solomon Gulch. Many of the smaller greenstone intrusives in the slates in some of the disturbed areas have become schistose, their schistosity paralleling the cleavage of the slates. Some of the areas of slate in the vicinity of the greenstone intrusives have been mineralized. AGE OF THE VALDEZ GROUP. The age of sedimentary rocks here assigned to the Valdez group is not definitely known. The present determination of a probable Mesozoic age for these rocks rests upon the unsatisfactory evidence of one fossil, a worm tube, Terebellina palachei Ulrich, which was 160 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. found in 1917 in the massive graywacke series on the south side of Jack Bay. Similar tubes have been found by Grant in the black slates just north of the entrance to Galena Bay. These fossils are not diagnostic and serve only to determine the possible age of the con- taining rocks within wide limits. The present knowledge of this fossil appears to indicate a post-Triassic and probably Mesozoic age for it and for the containing rocks. ROCKS OF THE ORCA GROUP. LITHOLOGIC SUBDIVISIONS. The Orca group includes both sedimentary and igneous rocks and consists of a thick series of basic lava flows, many basic intrusive bodies genetically related to the extrusives, and contemporaneous sediments. The intrusive phases of the igneous rocks are more abundant than the extrusive in this area, although the latter type are represented, to a certain extent at least, in the greenstone area just north of the entrance to Galena Bay. All these igneous rocks are now largely altered to greenstones. No Orca sediments other than the conglomerates have been recognized. These conglomerates, which lie above the greenstone and contain pebbles derived from it, are tentatively placed in the Orca group. The presence of the green- stone pebbles in the conglomerate can not positively he construed as indicating an unconformity between the lavas and the conglom- erate, for the flows may have been partly subaerial, erupted con- temporaneously with the deposition of the conglomerate, and the greenstone boulders and pebbles may have been obtained from those portions of the flows exposed above sea level or near enough to sea level to suffer erosion. GREENSTONES. All the igneous rocks of this area are in this preliminary report! grouped under the general term “greenstones.” These greenstones] and their schistose equivalents, the green schists, are the derivatives I of basic igneous rocks of both intrusive and extrusive types. They] comprise flows, dikes, sills, bosses, and some large irregular intru-I sive masses. These basic rocks in many parts of this area intruded': the graywackes and slates of the Valdez group, showing a marked | preference for the slates. In the southwestern part of the Jack Bay! district and in the adjacent Ellamar district they broke through the! crust and flowed out over the surface of the sedimentary rocks. The largest single mass of greenstone lying within the area covered fj by this report crosses the head of Solomon Gulch a short distance above the Midas mine. This mass is known to extend in an east and| west direction from the crest of the divide between the Solomon j Gulch and Jack Bay drainage far up on the eastern slope of the valley MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 161 of Solomon Gulch, and it probably extends beyond the area mapped for a considerable distance. Its width at the bottom of Solomon Gulch is 1 mile. Many sills of greenstone lie parallel to the contact in the slates and graywackes along the southern border of this mass. A small part of the immense greenstone area of the Ellamar dis- trict extends into the southwestern part of this area just north of the mouth of Galena Bay. It is surrounded on the north and northeast by slates and is partly overlain on the west by a small area of conglom- erate. Inclusions of black slate occur in this greenstone along its western shore southwest of the conglomerate area. Ellipsoidal flow structures are visible in places on the western slope of this mass and also along the shore. Several basic dikes and sills, probably of the same age as the main body of the greenstone, cut the slates on the eastern shore of Valdez Arm just north of this large greenstone mass. A long, narrow mass of greenstone 3 miles in length, of irregular width and only one-fourth mile wide in its widest place, has intruded the slates and graywackes in the western part of the mountains between the arms of Jack Bay. It contains many inclusions of the country rock, some of which are slightly mineralized. Numerous sills and dikes occur in the mountains a little farther east. A small boss of greenstone about 1,000 feet in diameter lies in the slates just south of the Jumbo lode of the Midas mine. Near the All- American lode, also on the same property, sills and dikes, and some small irregular masses of greenstone are intrusive into the slate and argillite country rock and are well exposed in the canyon of Solomon Gulch to the west of that ore body. The greenstones are all fine grained. The textures include apha- nitic, finely porphyritic, diabasic, and schistose. Diabasic textures were observed in the dikes, in the sills, and in some of the larger masses. Some of the dikes have aphanitic contacts and dense, fine- grained, or finely porphyritic centers. The color of the greenstones ranges from light greenish gray to dark green. The fine-grained dike rocks are nearly black and in some places have lighter purplish- gray contacts. The schistose greenstones of the large area at the head of Solomon Gulch are dark green. In some places the original struc- ture and texture have been completely masked by the schistosity developed by the shearing of the greenstones by later movements, so that the rocks in many places now appear as light-green bands of chlorite schist. This schistosity often occurs in sills and dikes in the slates. The greenstones are slightly mineralized in some places. Chal- copyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, ankerite, and quartz were noted. The outcrops of these mineralized greenstones are usually rusty. 162 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. CONGLOMERATES. The largest exposure of conglomerate at present considered as of Orca age in the Jack Bay district lies along the eastern side of a small cove in the east side of Valdez Arm, about 1 mile north of Galena Bay. The only other occurrence of conglomerate of this age within this district is near by on a small island, one of the outer islands of the group at the north side of the entrance to Galena Bay and about a mile west of the first-mentioned locality. The large exposure along the eastern shore of the cove north of Galena Bay is about 1 mile in length and has a maximum width, near its southern end, of three- tenths of a mile. The conglomerate rests in a marked depression within the arms of the older slates and graywackes and the greenstones of the Orca group and lies on the western slope of the large greenstone mass forming the hills to the southeast. It is best exposed along the shore of the cove. The vertical bluff at the south end of the cove decreases in elevation and slope northward to a low, gently sloping : outcrop at the north end of the bay. The general tone of the rock is a dark bluish gray, and it resembles in many ways an indurated dark- colored till. The conglomerate near the southern end of the bluff is a massive i coarse-grained heterogeneous mixture with no sign of bedding. There are abundant angular to sub angular boulders of all sizes, the largest of which are several feet in diameter. Most of the boulders, however, are small and less than a foot in diameter. They consist chiefly of greenstone, graywacke, slate, and argillite. A few small, exceptionally well rounded pebbles of siliceous argillite are found. The greenstone boulders appear most abundantly in the lower part of the southern end of the bluff. To the northward the conglomerate is finer grained, and a few thin lenticular beds of graywacke 1 to 4 inches thick, which strike N. 30°-45° E. and dip 12°-25° W., appear in the conglomerate. The pebbles in the conglomerate at the north end of the bluff are mostly 1 to 2 inches in diameter, although in places larger boulders occur. Except for the greenstone boulders, which weather a light yellowish brown, the pebbles, boulders, and matrix are all dark. The matrix of the conglomerate is predominantly argillaceous. AGE OF THE ORCA GROUP. No definite evidence is available regarding the age of the Orca ; rocks of this area. The greenstones intrude the Mesozoic ( ?) rocks of the Valdez group, so that it can be said that they are post-Valdez in age, but further than this no definite statements can be made, and it can only be stated that the volcanic activity took place either in the Jurassic or in some later period of the Mesozoic or Tertiary. \ MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 163 There is no paleontologic evidence available as to the age of the con- glomerates. From lithologic and stratigraphic evidence they appear to be younger than the greenstones and may possibly be separated from them by an unconformity. QUATERNARY DEPOSITS. The Quaternary deposits, which were laid down by water and ice during an epoch of glaciation that has not yet closed are the youngest sediments of the district. The area has experienced intense glacial erosion, and most of the material eroded was carried by the ice far beyond the confines of the district. The Quaternary deposits con- sequently cover relatively small areas and rest unconformably on the glacial abraded surfaces of the igneous and consolidated sedimentary rocks of the district. They consist of unconsolidated material. The materials of these deposits were derived largely by the erosion of local glaciers from the bedrock of the area and consist dominantly of graywacke, argillite, slate, conglomerate, and greenstone. A small percentage of foreign material, however, is included, as is indicated by the presence of boulders of granitic and dioritic character on the eastern shore of Valdez Arm between Jack and Galena bays. No intrusions of the character of these boulders are known in place in the Jack Bay or Port Valdez districts. The unconsolidated Quaternary sediments consist of glacial de- posits; the gravel, sand, and silt deposits of the present glacial streams; small marine sand spits, short, narrow, barrier beaches, and little beaches filling the smaller indentations in the shore line; alluvial fans; and rather inconspicuous accumulations of talus. A thin, patchy mantle or veneer of glacial till — a heterogeneous mixture of boulders and pebbles in a fine, compact sticky blue clay — covers the lower-lying parts of the district, and low bluffs of till a few feet in elevation front the shore in places on Halibut Point and the shore to the west and south. The fluvioglacial deposits were laid down by anastomosing and aggrading overloaded glacial streams from valley glaciers, and then- deposition in front of the retreating ice tongues is still in progress. They consist of washed boulders, pebbles, gravels, sand, and silt, derived from the graywacke, argillite, greenstones, and conglomerate bedrock, and occupy long, narrow, glacially excavated rock basins, as on Solomon Gulch and on the main creek flowing into the head of the north arm of Jack Bay, or they form outwash delta plains which fill the heads of both arms of Jack Bay. On the geologic map (PI. Ill, p. 158) only the larger fluvioglacial areas of Jack Bay and Solomon Gulch, the few small alluvial fans which occur at the mouths of some of the streams discharging into Jack Bay, and a sand spit in the southwestern part of the district, 164 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917.- near Galena Bay, are indicated by the Quaternary pattern. The glacial deposits, as they are too small and patchy to completely mask the underlying bedrock, are not mapped. MINERAL RESOURCES. GENERAL FEATURES. The mineral resources of the Jack Bay district and those portions of the adj acent Port V aldez district covered by this report consist of lode deposits which contain copper, gold, and silver. In the follow- ing discussions of the relations of the ore deposits, two types of ores, copper-bearing sulphide ores and gold quartz ores, are recognized. At present only the copper ores are mined, but all the valuable metals mentioned are obtained from them. The copper ore of the Midas mine, the only productive property of the area under consideration, contains in addition to its copper content considerable amounts of gold and silver. No facilities are available locally for the smelting of these base ores, and the copper ore from the Midas mine, in the past, after being hand-sorted, has been shipped, for further treatment and for the recovery of its valuable contents, to the smelter of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.), at Anyox, British Columbia, and to the smelter of the Tacoma Smelting Co., at Tacoma, Wash. But few gold-bearing quartz veins have been dis- covered, and none of those yet found have been of sufficient present or prospective value to justify extensive development work on them. Some of the quartz veins contain chalcopyrite, the valuable copper mineral in the copper-bearing sulphide ores, but the amount present in these quartz veins is very small, and it is of no value as a source of copper. The first mineral location in this area was made in 1901 by H. E. Ellis, when he staked what is now known as the All-American lode of the Midas. A little development work was done on this lode in 1905. The following year the Jumbo lode of the Midas property was located. This lode received considerable attention under different owners in 1911, 1912, and 1913. In October, 1913, the present owners of the Midas, the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.), purchased the property and have brought it to its present position as an important copper producer of the Prince William Sound region. As a result of the gold quartz boom in the Port Valdez district in 1910 and 1911, the adjacent Jack Bay district re- ceived considerable attention. Few discoveries of gold quartz veins were made, however, in this rather barren-looking district, and little development work was done on the lodes found. Some slightly mineralized copper showings were staked on which short tunnels were driven, but the general belief that this portion of Prince William MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 165 Sound was underlain by auriferous rocks of the Valdez group appears to have hindered the search for copper lodes and the development of the known copper deposits. At present the Midas mine is the only property that is actively and continuously worked, and assessment work is being done on only a few other properties. The area considered in this report lies entirely within the Valdez recording district, the recording office of which is at Valdez. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE ORE DEPOSITS. The Jack Bay district and that portion of the Port Valdez district covered by this report lie between the Port Valdez gold quartz district on the north and the Ellamar copper district on the south and immediately adjoin both districts. Both copper-bearing sul- phide deposits and gold quartz veins occur in this area. The copper mineralization is restricted to two small areas, one of which lies between the two arms of Jack Bay and the other surrounds the upper end of Solomon Gulch and extends into the adjacent valleys. Copper deposits of proved economic value have thus far been found only within the Solomon Gulch area. The gold-bearing quartz veins lie mostly to the south of the south arm of Jack Bay, although a small vein was observed in the broad slate band north of the head of this arm. The mineralization has a known vertical range of at least 2,500 feet, extending from sea level iir the Orion quartz claim and the copper prospect on the north shore of the south arm of Jack Bay to the Bay view copper prospect nearly 2,000 feet above sea level on Solomon Gulch and the gold quartz veins south of Jack Bay at an elevation of about 2,500 feet. Both gold and copper prospects occur at inter- mediate levels. The Midas mine is at an elevation of about 800 feet. The only regularly producing property within the area discussed in this report is the Midas mine of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.), near the head of Solomon Gulch. No shipments of ore are known to have been made either to smelters or to custom mills from any of the gold or copper prospects of this area. GEOLOGIC RELATIONS OF THE ORE DEPOSITS. The copper deposits are closely associated with masses of intrusive greenstone. They occur either in shear zones in the greenstones or in near-by sedimentary rocks, or else as mineralized inclusions of sedimentary rocks in the greenstones. They furthermore appear to favor the black slates and argillites rather than the graywackes. In the adj acent Ellamar district the black slates include some impure dark limestones, and it is not improbable that some as yet unrecog- 166 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . nized dark limestones may likewise occur in the black slate series of this area and in the Midas mine much of the sulphide impregnation and replacement may be the result of the action of sheared calcareous I sediments upon the mineralizing solutions. The gold quartz deposits occupy simple fissures. Most of them are | in the folded and faulted massive graywacke series south of the south arm of Jack Bay, but one occupies a fissure that cuts the broad band | of black slates on the north side of the head of that arm of Jack Bay. \ Three of the quartz veins measured strike nearly north and south. I The other two had strikes of N. 40° E. and N. 75° W. The dips I range from 60° to vertical. The veins are narrow, not exceeding I 3 feet. The character of the country rock appears to have had I little if any chemical effect upon the deposition of the few gold I quartz lodes of the district. The country rock of the veins, however, I has been somewhat affected by the mineralizing solutions and now I in some places is impregnated with pyrite. The mineralogy of both types of ore is simple; the minerals are I few and are common to most of the properties of that type. Two | small mineralized shear zones on Solomon Gulch, however, in addi- I tion to the minerals usually found in the copper deposits, contain | chalmersite, CuFe 2 S 3 , a rare copper-iron sulphide that carries about I 23.5 per cent of copper, which has not yet been observed in the other I copper-bearing ores of this area. > v . The economically important copper-bearing mineral is chalco-l pyrite. Gold and silver both occur in the copper ores and also in J the gold quartz veins. The gold is probably native. In the gold; quartz veins the silver is alloyed with the gold. The combination] in which the silver occurs in the copper ores is not known. The original metallic minerals of the copper ores are chalcopyrite, ij chalmersite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, galena, gold,! and silver. The nonmetallic minerals associated with these mineralsl in the copper ores are quartz and calcite. In the gold quartz veinsjj arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, gold, and silver are the ore minerals, and quartz was the only gangue mineral noted. Limonite occurs! in the weathered outcrops of both gold and copper deposits butlj most abundantly on those of the copper deposits. J In all the mineral deposits of this area which were exammed thefl primary sulphides are exposed at or very near the surface, although! the outcrops of the ore bodies have in places been slightly modified by the postglacial oxidation of the sulphides in the veins since the! comparatively recent glaciation of this area. genesis of the ore deposits. Two distinct periods of mineralization are now thought to exisG in the Prince William Sound region, one in which gold quartz veins were formed in association with the intrusion of granites and the < MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 167 other in which copper ores were deposited in connection with the intrusion of large greenstone masses. The Jack Bay district lies between one of the typical gold quartz districts of the Prince William Sound region, the Port Valdez district, and a typical copper- district, the Ellamar district. In the adjacent Port Valdez district the gold- bearing quartz veins appear to be genetically related to small bosses of granite. In the Ellamar copper district on the south the copper deposits are associated with greenstones and are probably genetically related to them. In the Ellamar district, also, there are a few gold- bearing quartz veins which appear to have the same relations to the greenstones as the copper deposits and which were probably formed during the same period of mineralization as the copper deposits and by solutions from the same source. In the Jack Bay district and in those parts of the Port Valdez district considered here the copper deposits are associated with greenstones and the mineralizing solutions which deposited the copper deposits appear to have been genetically related to these basic intrusive rocks. The few quartz veins may likewise owe their origin to these same mineralizing solutions or they may be of the same age and origin as the gold quartz veins of the Port Valdez district. The evidence at hand is not conclusive. SUGGESTIONS FOR PROSPECTING. The possibility of finding gold quartz lodes of economic importance in the future in this area appears slight. Though the area is much fissured and a few of these fissures are known to be filled with slightly mineralized quartz, the small granite bosses and acidic dikes with which the gold-bearing quartz veins of this region are usually asso- ciated are lacking. Several of these bosses and dikes occur in the adjacent Port Valdez gold district, however, and some of the miner- alizing solutions which formed the gold lodes of that district may possibly have traveled far enough along the many fissures of the region to enter and fill some of the numerous fractures of the Jack Bay area. The chances for copper prospecting are better, although most of the area is underlain by massive graywackes which offer little if any inducement to the copper prospector. The most favorable situations in which to search for copper lodes would seem to be in the black slate and argillite areas, which are in the vicinity of masses of in- trusive greenstones. 168 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . MINES AND PROSPECTS. SOLOMON GULCH PROPERTIES. MIDAS MINE. The Midas copper mine, now the property of the Granby Consoli- dated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.), of Canada, is on the west side of Solomon Gulch, about 4J miles from Port Valdez, and at an elevation of about 800 feet above sea level. The property covers two separate ore deposits. The Jumbo lode, where the present extensive developments are being made, is on the west side of the valley near the head of the broad gravel flat which fills Solomon Basin and at the base of the high mountain ridge which forms the west wall of the valley of Solomon Gulch. The All-American lode is about half a mile upstream from this locality and in the middle of the valley bottom just above the head of the gravel flat. The nearest available standing timber is about 4J miles away, near the lower end of Solomon Gulch. The All-American lode was originally located by H. E. Ellis as “King Solomon’s Copper Mines Nos. 1 and 2” in 1901. It was later located by C. G. Debney and relocated in 1904 by him as the All- American Nos. 1 and 2. In 1905 an option on the claims was given to B. D. Brown and P. J. L. Parker, and in the summer of that year a shaft and crosscut totaling 150 feet were driven by them on this group. The Jumbo lode was located in 1906 by Mary G. Debney. In 1911 J. A. Carson procured an option on the property and later assigned it to A. E. Grigsby and T. J. Devinney, who transferred their interests to the Midas Copper Co. in July, 1912. Some develop- ment work was done in 1911 and 1912, and about 100 tons of copper ore was shipped to the Tacoma smelter in 1912. The Midas Copper Co. bonded the property to the Alaska Development & Mineral Co. from September 21, 1912, to June 27, 1913. Considerable under- ground work was done by this company before the property was turned back to the owners. In October, 1913, the Midas Copper Co. sold the property to the present owners, the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. (Ltd.), of Canada, who started develop- ment work the following spring. The first shipment of ore under the present ownership was made in August, 1916, and the mine has been an important shipper ever since. A maximum force of 130 men were employed during the construction of the tram line. The aver- age force employed on the property in 1917 was 50 men. The principal method of transportation of supplies between the ;■ Midas mine and the wharf is an 80-bucket Riblet tram line, 51 miles f in length. The erection of the tram line was started in May, 1914. Work on it was discontinued on September 1, 1914, as a result of MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 169 the European war and was not started again until the following April. The tram line was first put in operation in August, 1915, and has been operated much of the time since. The tram line is driven by a 35-horsepower 220-volt two-phase General Electric motor, current for which is furnished by the local electric-light plant on Solomon Gulch. All passenger travel between the mine and the camp on the shore is over the trail to the foot of the reservoir and then either over the wagon road to the shore near Fort Liscum or over one of two trails to the wharf. Surface improvements on the property include a wagon road from the shore of Port Valdez to the mine; an aerial tram, 5 1 miles in length, from the bay to the mine; a wharf and 3,000-ton storage bins at the coast terminal of the tram; several buildings on the shore near the wharf; ore bunkers, blacksmith shop, cook and bunk house, five cottages, sheds, and an air-compressor building at the mine. A 200-horsepower Diesel engine was installed at the mine in 1916 and furnishes all the power needed at the mine at present. This en- gine is used to drive a 160-horsepower Imperial- type Ingersoll-Rand air compressor and a 54-kilowatt 125-volt direct-current generator, which furnishes light for the camp buildings and the mine and power for the sorting belt and various small machinery. The underground developments on the principal ore body, the Jumbo lode, total nearly 4,000 feet in length and consist chiefly of four tunnels, 500 to 900 feet in length, driven largely in the ore- bearing zone; several raises; stopes between the three lower tunnels; and an inclined winze with a dip of 60°, which starts in No. 2 tunnel and extends to a depth of 100 feet. The vertical interval between the lowest and highest tunnel is 290 feet. Considerable open-cut work and stripping has also been done on the east side of the valley in an attempt to trace the eastward extension of this lode. On the All-American lode there are some shallow shafts and open cuts. The underground work on this group, which was done in 1905, is said to total about 150 feet. The Jumbo and All-American lodes lie within a broad band, com- posed dominantly of black slates, which has been intruded at several places by small bosses, sills, and dikes of greenstone. Interbedded with the black slates are also argillites, cherts, graywackes, and quartzites. Schistose phases of these rocks have resulted from the extensive deformation to which they have been subjected. This slate band crosses Solomon Gulch in a general southeasterly direction, but the individual strikes of the bedding recorded at different places range from S. 70° E. to S. 83° E. The dips of the beds are from 40° to 67° N. This slate band appears to grade upward rather abruptly to the northeast into a graywacke series, the individual beds of gray- 170 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. wacke ranging from a few inches to more than 20 feet in thickness. On the southwest the slate band is apparently faulted against the massive heavy-bedded graywackes of the peak southwest of the mine. A large boss of greenstone crops out within the slate band on the west side of Solomon Gulch, immediately south of the Jumbo lode. Nu- merous sills, dikes, and lenses of greenstone are exposed along both sides of the canyon just west of the All-American workings. The present developments show two apparently distinct ore bodies — the Jumbo lode on the west side of the valley, where the present extensive developments are being made, and the All-Ameri- can lode about half a mile upstream from this locality, in the middle of the valley bottom. Both deposits occur in mineralized shear zones. The Jumbo lead has been traced for over 800 feet into the hill by the tunnels. On the surface the highest showing of ore is about 650 feet above the lower tunnel. The general strike of the crushed zone appears to be a little north of east, but the strikes of individual shears within the major shear zone range from N. 75° W. to S. 62° W. and the dips range from 40° to 70° N. The lead splits in the two lower adits, the branches having strikes of N. 75° W. and S. 65° W. The width of the ore-bearing shear underground ranges from a few inches to 20 feet, but the average width of ore is between 3 and 4 feet. An overthrust fault occurs in the graywackes along the probable extension of the Jumbo lead to the southwest and may be the continuation of the Jumbo break. The All-American lode appears as a sulphide-impregnated shear zone in the sedimentary rocks on the north side of the greenstone intrusions which are exposed in the canyon nea^ by. The ore body strikes a little south of east and dips 60° N. The mineralized zone is wider than the Jumbo lode, and the ore in this zone is said to be of lower grade than that in the developed ore body of the Jumbo. The outcrop of the All- American lode as exposed by the open cuts has a width of about 25 feet. The ores are partly replacements and impregnations of the crushed country rocks and partly the result of cementation of small fractures by the ore minerals. The sulphide minerals present are pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrho tite, and sphalerite. Abundant beds of fine- grained pyrite are found in places. A little quartz is associated with the sulphides, and in the driving of the lower tunnel on the Jumbo lode lenses of quartz which had a maximum thickness of 1 foot were encountered. Sulphide-bearing quartz stringers are also reported to occur along the footwall of the shear zone on this lode. Gold and silver are reported in assays of the ores, but neither metal has been observed in specimens. Some limonite has resulted from the sur- ficial oxidation of the iron-bearing sulphides, and malachite stains from the carbonation of the chalcopyrite. MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 171 BAYVIEW CLAIM. The Bayview copper claim has been staked recently on a mineral- ized zone in the large greenstone area that crosses the head of Solo- mon Gulch. The claim is on the west side of Solomon Gulch, near the foot of a hanging glacier at an elevation of about 2,500 feet and about 1§ miles south of the Midas mine. OTHER COPPER DEPOSITS ON SOLOMON GULCH. Small sulphide lenses that carry chalcopyrite and chalmersite occur in short, narrow shear zones in the graywackes and slates along the southern contact of the large intrusive greenstone mass at the head of Solomon Gulch. These mineralized shears were found in similar places on both sides of the valley. The mineralization is too slight to be of economic importance but is of scientific interest as furnishing the only occurrence as yet known of the rare copper min- eral chalmersite (CuFe 2 S 3 ) in the Port Valdez or Jack Bay districts. Other minerals present in these small shears are chalcopyrite, quartz, and limonite. JACK BAY PROPERTIES. COPPER PROSPECTS ON JACK BAY. A tunnel about 40 feet in length has been driven at an elevation of 600 feet on the north side of the north arm of Jack Bay to the northeast of the large island between the two arms of Jack Bay. The country rock is a fine-grained bedded graywacke. The tunnel is driven on a shear zone that strikes N. 10° E. and dips 70° W. The tunnel is driven at the foot of a bluff at the lower exposed end of the shear, which shows in the face of the bluff above the tunnel for about 50 feet with a width of 2 to 4 feet. The walls of the shear are free and well defined and have a thin gouge in some places. The filling of the shear zone is not very badly sheared, and the shear is only slightly mineralized. The sulphides present in the ore are arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and galena. Quartz, calcite, and the crushed and altered country rock are the nonmetallic components of the ore. Some of the quartz occurs as small stringers. Limonite is present in the weathered ore. A small mass of greenstone intrudes the sedimentary rocks on the north side of the south arm of Jack Bay about 1 mile east of the tip of the point between the two arms of the bay. Many inclusions of the slate and argillite country rock are contained in this greenstone, and these inclusions are slightly metamorphosed and mineralized. The mineralization, however, everywhere appears very much too slight for the mineralized rock to constitute a possible ore body. These mineralized inclusions have been located as copper prospects, 172 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . and in one of the larger inclusions a tunnel 25 feet in length and with a 25-foot approach has been driven a few feet above high tide. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and a very little quartz are recognizable in the mineralized rock at this locality. Some mineralization appears in the sedimentary rocks along the northern contact of the intrusive greenstone mass on the crest of the divide between the two arms of Jack Bay, but this mineralization seems slight. Apparently, too, it has not attracted prospectors, as no evidence of development work was seen on any of the rusty croppings. Slightly mineralized float — iron-stained metamorphosed slates that carry specks of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite — was found in creek wash from the broad area of slate along the north side of the flat at the head of the south fork of Jack Bay. Heavily mineralized float that carries chalcopyrite and galena is said to have been found on Friday Creek. The lead from which this float came has not been located, and it is not known whether this lead outcrops within the valley of Friday Creek or whether the float was carried into that valley from the eastern portions of the Jack Bay district by the glaciers. GOLD QUARTZ PROSPECTS. Curly Kidney prospect . — The Curly Kidney claim was located by E. Rohrbach in 1910 in the valley of a small unnamed creek flowing into Jack Bay from the south about 2 miles east of the entrance. A 25-foot tunnel has been driven on the west bank of the creek at an elevation of about 600 feet above sea level, and some stripping has been done in the canyon a little farther upstream. The country rock is dominantly graywacke accompanied by a little argillite. The tun- nel is driven in a southerly direction on a shear zone 2 to 4 feet in width, which strikes S. 5° E. and dips about 80° E. This shear is very slightly mineralized. There is a small amount of quartz in very small stringers and a little pyrite both in the quartz and in the sheared material. The main showing on the property appears to be farther upstream in the bottom of the stream canyon at an eleva- tion of 670 feet, on what is probably one of a system of closely linked shear zones. The strike of this shear zone is about north and south, the dip nearly vertical, and the width as exposed is from 2 to 10 feet and probably wider in places, where at present the shear is not fully exposed. This shear contains a few lenses and stringers of quartz which have a maximum thickness of 3 feet. These stringers and lenses are short, and most of them are only a few inches thick. In most of the shear no quartz is visible at all. Arsenopyrite was the only sulphide seen in the ore. Assays of the ore are reported by the owner to show gold in the quartz. MINERAL RESOURCES OF JACK BAY AND VICINITY. 173 Orion claim . — The Orion claim is at sea level on the south side of the south arm of Jack Bay about 1J miles from the head of the hay. The country rock is gravwacke and a little argillite. About 75 feet of underground work has been done on the claim on a curving lead that outcrops on the shore. This lead is traceable about 25 feet across the beach and for about 50 feet in the tunnel. The outer end strikes N. 6° W. and dips 70° W. From 1 to 10 inches of quartz is visible in the lead, and this in places shows secondary handing parallel to well- defined walls. Arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, and quartz were the only minerals observed in the ore. Other gold quartz prospects . — A well-defined quartz vein, 6 inches to 3 feet in thickness, was observed at an elevation of 2,500 feet in the west wall of a small cirque the drainage from which is tributary from the south to the stream that enters the head of the south fork of Jack Bay, about 1 \ miles east of the head of the bay. The vein strikes N. 40° E. and dips 60° W., crosscutting the bedding of massive fine-grained graywackes, and is traceable several hundred feet by local outcrops. The walls break free. The lead does not appear to be very well mineralized. Quartz, arsenopyrite, and limonite were the only minerals seen in the ore. The presence of traces of gold, however, is reported to have been shown by assays. The quartz shows secondary banding parallel to the walls in some places. A smaller quartz vein, only a few inches wide but traceable for a considerable distance, crops out near the divide on the side of the ridge that fronts on Galena Bay. A small quartz vein 2 inches thick cuts the thick black slate series on the north side of the flat at the head of the south fork of Jack Bay. The vein crops out in the west wall of the canyon of a stream at an elevation of 100 feet and at a distance of 1\ miles from the head of the bay. The bedding and cleavage of the slates here strike S. 75° E. and dip 60° N. The vein strikes north and dips 55° W. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite were the only metallic minerals observed in the ore. 115086°— 19 12 MINING IN CENTRAL AND NORTHERN KENAI PENINSULA. By Bertrand L. Johnson. INTRODUCTION. The mineral production of central and northern Kenai Peninsula comes entirely from gold quartz lodes and placers. Very little gold quartz mining was in progress during 1917, and placer operations were restricted to a few streams. GOLD QUARTZ MINING. The producing gold lodes in 1917 were in the Moose Pass district, on Porcupine Creek, and in the Hope district. The Kenai Alaska, one of the large producers of former years, did not operate; both the mine and the mill were closed down. In the Moose Pass district a small mill, operated by water power, was installed on the Ronan & James property on Summit Creek, and several tons of ore were milled. The installation of this mill was started June 15, and all operations ceased on the property for the year on October 26. Under- ground operations consisted in the driving of 100 feet of tunnel and the removal of the ore, which was later milled. Surface improvements also included the erection of an aerial tramway between the mine and the mill. Present underground developments on the property consist of a 137-foot crosscut to the lead, a 210-foot drift on the vein, an 85-foot raise to the surface at the point where the lead was struck, and a 30-foot shaft on the outcrop of the ore body. On the Gilpatrick property, in Moose Pass, two men were at work, and some ore was milled in an arras tre which had been erected in previous years on this property. On the Columbia and Ophir claims, also in the Moose Pass district, only 12 feet of tunnel was driven during the year, and the mill on this property was not operated. Only assessment work is reported on the Beatrice and Sampson claims. On Porcupine Creek two or three men were said to have been at vork on the Bluebell and Primrose claims in 1917, and a few tons of ore are reported to have been mined and milled at the small mills on this creek. 175 176 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Some underground work was done on a gold lode property on Grant Lake, and the ore mined was milled in the arrastre on this property. The mill on the Lucky Strike property on Palmer Creek, near Hope, was operated from July 1 to October 1, one shift a day. The j mine also was operated from June 1 to October 1. GOLD PLACER OPERATIONS. Placer operations were in progress on Resurrection, Crow, Mills, I Winner, Canyon, Cooper, and Stetson creeks. Large mining opera- I tions were in progress only on Resurrection and Crow creeks. On Resurrection Creek several hydraulic outfits are said to have I been operating. The Mathison Mining Co. operated from June 6 to I September 18 with a crew of nine men. E. E. Carson hydraulicked I stream gravels from May 10 to July 2 with a crew of two men. I The Pearsons and the St. Louis Mining & Milling Co. are also reported I to have worked, but no data are available regarding their operations. I Practically all these placer camps suffered greater or less damage I during a heavy rain and wind storm which passed over the Kenai I Peninsula early in September, 1917. A large crew was at work on the Crow Creek placer property dui mg j the summer, and considerable work was done. This property is said to have suffered extensively also in the September storm. On I Winner Creek, a tributary of Glacier Creek, Axel Lindblad operated I from June 1 to September 28. _ On Mills Creek Robert Michaelson worked alone throughout tnej year, driving a tunnel, now 96 feet in length, in an old channel of Mills Creek. Fred Matz, on this same creek, groundsluiced on his 1 placer claim from June 1 to October 1. * The Dunfranwald Gold Mines carried on extensive development d work near the junction of Canyon Creek and East Fork preparatory,* to actual mining operations. This work is said to have consisted of j the construction of ditches, dams, and flumes. Some development work was also done on the Lynx Creek gravels. The major operation on Canyon Creek was at the property of the J Kenai Peninsula Placer Mines, where the installation of a hydraulic j plant is said to have been completed in September. The crew employed at this property during the season comprised 30 to 401 men, and they were engaged in opening up bench gravels on the! left limit of the creek. I Small hydraulic operations are reported on Cooper and btetsoD creeks. The property of the Kenai Mining & Milling Co. at the mouth j of Cooper Creek was not in operation. Two men were at work on the Getchell claims on Gulch Creek mining the old creek channel gravels by hydraulic methods. GOLD LODE MINING IN THE WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT. By Stephen R. Capps. INTRODUCTION. Gold mining in the Willow Creek district in 1917 was confined to the exploitation of the quartz lodes, from which almost the entire production has been won for several years. Although the first gold recovered from this area was gained by placer mining, the workable placers were soon exhausted, and of recent years their output has been negligible. The production from this camp in 1917 was made by four mines. Two of these mines, the Gold Bullion and the Alaska Free Gold, have been in operation for many years and have produced the bulk of the output of the district. The Independence mine, which has for years been a producer, was idle in 1917, though the mill was used to crush some ore from a near-by property. In 1916 a mill was erected and put into operation on the Mabel, and in 1917 a mill was completed on the property of the Talkeetna Gold Mining Co. To summarize these conditions, in 1917 there were five quartz mills in the district, of which three were operated steadily and two at intervals, and another small prospecting mill was ready to be set up. A report on the Willow Creek district, comprising a description of the geology and an account of the mining developments through 1913, has been pub- lished. 1 A later summary of the progress of mining through 1915 has also been issued. 2 The following notes on the properties are incomplete but are intended to supplement the previously published reports by carrying forward the account of the progress of mining to the fall of 1917. In the accompanying table the production of the district is given by years. The large production of 1914 is due to the fact that during that year the cyanidation of accumulated tailings was begun, and the gold so recovered came in part from ores previously mined. In 1915 and 1916 the two cyanide plants were operated principally on the current tailings. In 1917, as a result of the high price of potassium cyanide, considerable quantities of tailings were ponded for storage, to await a time of more favorable operating costs. 1 Capps, S. R., The Willow Creek district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 607, 1915. 2 Capps, S. R., Gold mining in the Willow Creek district: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 642, pp. 195-200, 1916. 177 178 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Gold and silver produced at lode mines in Willow Creek district , 1908-1917. Year. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Gold. Silver, a Quantity Value. Quantity Commer- (ounces). (ounces). cial value. 87.08 81,800 6.28 $3.64 1,015.87 21,000 80.25 41.73 1,320.15 27, 290 104.29 56.31 2,505.82 51,800 197. 95 109.91 4,673.02 96,600 369.07 226.97 4, 883.94 100,960 385.83 233.42 14,376.28 297, 184 1,330.00 735.00 11,961.55 247, 267 811.00 421.00 14,473.46 299, 193 1,468. 00 967.00 9, 466.17 195,662 713.00 586.00 a The silver content recovered from the gold bullion is estimated. GOLD BULLION MINING CO. The Gold Bullion mine was operated throughout the open season of 1917. Milling was begun on June 1, and the 12-stamp mill was operated at different proportions of its capacity, the rate depending upon the water supply. During the month of June the ore was sup- plied from the old No. 2 tunnel, but from July 1 to the end of the season all ore milled was taken from the Gold Dust tunnels 8, 9, 11, and 12. About 65 men were employed, of whom 50 were at the mine and 15 at the mill and camp. At the mine no mechanical power is used, and hand drilling is still relied upon. Hydraulic power is i obtained for the mill and to operate a part of the cable tram. The : water supply, however, has always been inadequate, and the quan- < tity of ore crushed in any year has been determined in large part I by the amount of power available. In 1916 five 1,050-pound stamps were added to the mill, making a total of 12 stamps, and a pipe line and small Pelton wheel were installed, using water brought from a j small stream on the mountain to the south of the mill under a head : of 425 feet, thus adding notably to the milling capacity. The cyanide plant for the treatment of the sands was installed | in 1914 and has operated satisfactorily. The sands accumulated before the installation of the cyanide plant have now been leached and the current mill product is being handled systematically. The j plant has six leaching tanks, one of 37 and five of 30 tons capacity, J and three other tanks for solutions. The product treated is coarser I than that formerly handled, and an extraction of about 78 per cent I is reported; the slimes are stored for possible future treatment. I The concentrates from the mill are now also cyanided on the ground I and the precipitates are all retorted, so that the only product shipped I is bullion. Several faults that add difficulty to the recovery of ore have recently i been encountered in mining. One of these faults is exposed in Gold GOLD LODE MINING IN THE WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT. 179 Dust tunnels No. 8 and No. 10 and in the No. 3 raise in tunnel No. 8, and no ore has been found beyond it. Another fault in the old No. 2 tunnel cuts off the ore in several drifts and is said to show a displacement of 50 feet. Exploratory work was done in 1917 on a surface showing of rich quartz in a saddle of the Craigie- Willow Creek divide, near the east end of the Gold Bullion claims, in the hope of locating the vein in place. About 20 tons of loose ore was picked up at this locality and taken by pack horses to a chute in the Gold Dust workings. The progress of underground mining on this property to September, 1917, may be briefly summarized as follows: The old No. 2 tunnel has now over 3,300 feet of workings in addition to the stopes. Gold Dust tunnel No. 11, started in 1916, extends over 200 feet in a southerly direction and has three southwest drifts of an aggregate length of 550 feet. Gold Dust tunnel No. 12 lies approximately 180 feet west of No. 11 and is about 150 feet long, with a southwest drift 60 feet long. Gold Dust tunnels 11 , 10, and 8 are now connected. No. 10 is 215 feet long, and much ground between it and No. 11 is stoped out. Old tunnel No. 9 is now caved and a new No. 9 has been driven to a length of 90 feet. The ground between the old and the new No. 9 tunnels is worked out. The mam No. 8 tunnel is 225 feet long and has four southeast drifts that aggregate 430 feet of tunnel in addition to stopes. Plans are under way to connect the Gold Dust No. 12 tunnel underground with the main No. 2 adit, thus making it possible to haul all ore from the Gold Dust workings by an underground tram to the head of the wire tram at the mouth of No. 2. This work would make it possible to eliminate one cable tramway and a surface tram line, both of which can be operated only during the open season from July 1 to October 1 and would lengthen the possible mining season. It was also proposed to drive the south drift of No. 2 tunnel through to the Willow Creek side of the mountain, to make accessible certain ores there that can not now be economically taken to the mill. ALASKA FREE GOLD MINING CO. Milling was commenced at the mine of the Alaska Free Gold Mining Co. on May 20, 1917, and was continued throughout the summer and fall, except for one month when operations were suspended on account of labor trouble. Before the strike both of the two Lane mills were operated for 24 hours a day for about a month, but since the resumption of operations only one mill has been turning. About 25 men have been employed on an average, and the mill has worked three shifts, but the mine has run only a single day shift. Con- siderable improvements have been made on the property since 1915. 180 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. A comfortable bunk house and a mess house have been built on the mountain near the workings, thus eliminating a high climb daily of the entire mining force. All the men now live at the mine except the mill crew of five men. A 16-horsepower Fairbanks-Morse gaso- line engine and an Ingersoll-Rand compressor have also been installed at the upper camp to supply power for an Ingersoll-Rand jack hammer. One man now does all the drilling and blasting and is said to replace 12 hand drillers. The cyanide plant was idle in 1917, as the increased cost of chemicals had greatly increased operating expenses. The sands are ponded for future treatment. In Septem- ber, 1917, the No. 8 tunnel was 225 feet long, the No. 9 tunnel 100 feet long, and the crosscut 175 feet long. A new 150-foot tunnel has also been driven, and new stopes have been made in all these workings. At the time of the visit the ore was being taken from surface workings on the outcrop of the main vein south of the open cut that was made in 1915. INDEPENDENCE GOLD MINES CO. As a result of increased operating costs no mining was done in 1917 on the property of the Independence mine. In 1916 an adit was driven below the old working tunnel to intercept the vein at a lower level. The vein was reached at a distance of 278 feet from the portal and was followed for 28 feet, but although its average thickness was 2 feet the gold content of the portion mined was less than that re- quired to pay costs of mining and treatment. Inl916aNo.2 Denver Chilean mill, which has a proved milling capacity of 36 tons of ore crushed to 40 mesh, was installed. In 1917 the pipe line that sup- plies the Pel ton wheel was extended to a total length of about 1,100 feet, giving a head of 210 feet at the wheel. A temporary arrange- ment was made with the owners of the Gold Cord prospect for the use of the mill, a tramway was erected to the Gold Cord workings, and a few hundred tons of ore was milled. Considerable prospecting, including several open cuts and a 33-foot tunnel on the east bank of Fishhook Creek, has been done in the en- deavor to locate new ore bodies. The northward strike of the Gold Cord vein indicates that the extension of the vein may cross the In- dependence property, and this possibility has stimulated prospecting. GOLD CORD MINING, MILLING & POWER CO. The Gold Cord Mining, Milling & Power Co. has nine claims on upper Fishhook Creek, located on a quartz vein discovered in the fall of 1915 by Byron and Charles Bartholf. Developments in September, 1917, included cook and bunk tents, 245 feet of underground workings, and a wire-cable tram with two buckets of 500 pounds capacity, sup- ported by four towers, that connects the workings with the quartz GOLD LODE MINING IN THE WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT. 181 mill of the Independence mine, at a distance of 2,400 feet. The slope from the mine to the mill is insufficient for gravity operation of the tram, and power for the tram is supplied from the mill. The Gold Cord ore body consists of a main vein, the so-called “blue lode/’ of blue-gray to greenish quartz mottled with white, which strikes in a general north-south direction and dips 40°-44° W. The vein ranges in width from 2 to 9 feet or more and cuts the diorite, that is, the country rock, for all the mines of this district. The quartz con- tains scattered specks and bunches of arsenopyrite and pyrite and some visible free gold. Near the portal of the tunnel the “ blue lode ” is apparently crossed, at an acute angle, by a vein of white quartz that strikes west of north and dips west. At the time of visit this portion of the tunnel was partly covered by timbers and lagging, and the conditions could not be satisfactorily determined. The ore from this mine is said to carry encouraging amounts of gold, but a mill test of a few hundred tons is said to have yielded only a part of the gold content upon the amalgamation plates, the re- mainder being so entangled with sulphides that further treatment will be necessary for its recovery. MABEL MINING, MILLING & POWER CO. The Mabel mine and mill were operated throughout the open season of 1917, beginning May 23, and about 18 men were employed, of whom 14 were working in the mine and 4 at the mill. This property was equipped in the winter of 1915-16 with a 2-bucket wire-cable tram- way 3,500 feet in length, which has a vertical drop of about 1,500 feet, connecting the mine with the mill, in which a Denver Chilean mill and crusher of about 15 tons capacity were installed. Power is obtained from a 13-inch turbine wheel that is operated by water procured from Archangel Creek through a ditch half a mile long and supplied to the wheel under a 30-foot head. After leaving the amalgamation tables the tailings are ponded for future chemical treatment. The under- ground workings in September, 1917, consisted of an upper tunnel 200 feet long, not including stopes, and a lower tunnel 260 feet long. From a hasty examination it appears that the workings show two dis- tinct veins, generally parallel and about 70 feet apart, which strike northeast and dip about 30° NW., and a third vein that is quite flat and connects the other two. This flat vein has not been followed be- yond its intersection with the two northwestward-dipping veins. The underground work has demonstrated a marked tendency of the veins to pinch and swell within short distances. Gold is also irregu- larly distributed in the veins, but for the last two years the mill has been supplied to capacity with ore of good grade. Near the surface cropping of the main vein and above the upper tunnel a small stringer of very high grade ore has been exploited. This stringer consists of banded white to rusty quartz that contains patches of sulphides, 182 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. stains of copper carbonate, and abundant visible free gold. It is gen- erally reported in this district that this high-grade ore contains gold tellurides, but samples selected by the owners as their typical “ tellu- ride ore” upon analysis in the chemical laboratory of the United States Geological Survey failed to show any trace of tellurium. TALKEETNA GOLD MINING CO. The property of the old Matanuska Gold Mining Co., in the upper basin of Fairangel Creek, was purchased in the fall of 1915 by the Tal- keetna Gold Mining Co. The property was equipped in 1917 with a Denver Chilean mill of about 12J tons crushing capacity, operated by a Pelton wheel working under an 85-foot head. The present water supply is inadequate during part of the season, but it is planned to extend the intake pipe line to give a head of 125 feet or more at the mill. Ore is brought to the mill from the mine by a wire-cable tram- way composed of two sections. The upper section, carried by f-inch cable, with one supporting tower, is 1,500 feet long and runs from the mine to an angle station. The lower section carries the ore from the angle station to the mill, a distance of 600 feet. Comfortable quar- ters for the men have been erected both at the mill and at the mine, and an average of 15 men were employed in 1917. In September, 1917, the main tunnel had a length of 60 feet. The tunnel was driven on a vein which near the surface showed a width of 1 to 3 feet but which in the breast of the tunnel was only 2 to 6 inches wide. Another tunnel, on a second vein, had a length of over 100 feet. The veins on this property, as elsewhere in the district, show a tendency to pinch and swell within short distances. KELLY- WILLOW CREEK PROSPECT. The Kelly-Willow Creek ground comprises five full claims and three fractional claims that he north of the Independence Gold Mines property and adjoin it. The owners report five distinct quartz veins, all showing a tendency to lie in parallel planes. Two of these veins are near the summit of Independence Mountain, one is considered to be the extension of the Independence vein, and of the two others one lies 300 feet above and the other 200 feet below the Independence vein. Development work has been directed, in large part, toward proving the continuity of the Independence vein and toward the location in it of pay shoots. The workings consist of a number of open cuts and two short tunnels 20 and 25 feet long. The open cuts seem to prove that the Independence vein is continu- ous northward for many hundred feet beyond the boundaries of the Independence property, and according to reports it carries gold throughout its length, locally in encouraging amounts. The general strike of the vein is N. 23° W. and the dip 35° SW. GOLD LODE MINING IN THE WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT. 183 RAY- WALLACE MINING CO. The Ray- Wallace Mining Co. has acquired a lease on the old Rosenthal property that lies on the high ridge which borders the basin of Fishhook Creek on the east. The old tunnel on the property is reported to have reached a length of 330 feet in 1917, and a new tunnel, on the Trickster claim, had been driven a distance of 30 feet to intersect a vein that crops out above, but it had not yet cut the vein. A new vein, on the Morning Star claim, has been uncovered by several open cuts. It strikes nearly due east and dips about 55° S. and shows a maximum of 6 inches of quartz and a foot or more of crushed and oxidized vein matter. The quartz contains some pyrite and arsenopyrite and some dark material in spots which is said to contain tellurides but which upon chemical analysis failed to give a trace of tellurium. The owners of this property plan to install a cable tram and a mill in the winter of 1917-18. MOHAWK MINING CO. The Mohawk Mining Co., which is incorporated as a stock company, has eight claims in the upper basin of Sidney Creek, a tributary of Archangel Creek from the south. The main vein has been developed by two tunnels, one about 70 feet above the other. The lower tunnel, 30 feet long, failed to penetrate through the loose detrital material. The upper tunnel, which is 160 feet long, is now partly caved in. It follows a band of decayed diorite and gouge in which is some white banded quartz that shows arsenopyrite. The vein pinches and swells and is said to show a maximum thickness of 30 inches of quartz, though at the breast the quartz vein was only 6 to 8 inches wide. The vein strikes N. 35° W. and dips 45° SW. Average assays of the vein matter are said to have given promising returns in gold, but the percentage of the gold content that can be recovered by amalgamation can be determined only by mill tests on a considerable amount of ore. It is said that milling equipment for this property had been purchased, but it was not installed in 1917. NORTHWESTERN MINE. A group of 13 claims, called the Northwestern mine, has been located on the* west side of Moose Creek, about 3 miles above the canyon through which that stream emerges from the mountains. The ore body lies on a high mountain ridge, about 1,600 feet above Moose Creek, at an elevation of about 3,800 feet. A horse trail leads up Moose Creek from its mouth, through the canyon, and from the valley bottom below the ore body a steep switchback foot trail leads to the prospect. 184 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The country rock in this vicinity exhibits a gneissic phase of the diorite mass that forms a large part of the Talkeetna Mountains. Near the south ridge of this mass, from Moose Creek westward across the basin of Little Susitna River, the intrusive rock has a more or less well-developed gneissic structure and locally shows a pronounced banding. Certain phases are also highly hornblendic. A short dis- tance south of the property here described Tertiary arkoses overlap and conceal the gneissic and granitic rocks. The ore body, which is conspicuous on account of a rusty red gossan, has been developed by open cuts, strippings, and a 33-foot tunnel. It has been formed through the replacement of the gneissic rock by sulphides, chiefly pyrrhotite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Sphalerite is also reported. The banding of the gneiss, although somewhat wavy and twisted, has a general strike of N. 60°-75° W. and a dip of 65° S. to vertical, and the ore body lies parallel to the gneissic structure. As shown by the workings, the area of heavy mineralization appears to have a thickness of 25 to 30 feet, and disseminated sulphides occur for con- siderable distances on either side. The body of massive sulphides has been exposed by open cuts along the strike for at least 80 feet, and gossan shows beyond the cuts in both directions. Within this ore body the sulphides range in abundance from scattered specks disseminated without any marked arrangement in rather massive diorite to bands of sulphides that follow the banding of gneissic materials and to massive sulphide masses in which no gangue or country rock appears. Each of the three principal sulphides — pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite — occurs in places in large, nearly pure aggregates, but more commonly the three are intermingled. The tunnel penetrates through the gossan into sulphides that are un- oxidized, except along joints and cracks down which surface waters have circulated. No one was resident on this property at the time of visit but assay certificates supplied by the principal owner showed from 0.04 to 0.08 ounce of gold and 0.8 to 1.2 ounces of silver to the ton, and from a trace to 5.6 per cent of copper. One assay also showed the presence of 0.03 per cent of nickel. OTHER PROSPECTS. In addition to the properties described above, there are many prospects in this region on which some work has been done. Some of these prospects were visited by the writer in 1917. Concerning others that he could not examine within the time available, infor- mation from sources that were believed to be reliable was obtained. The following notes include such information as seems worth pub- lishing. The so-called Jap claims, on upper Willow Creek, have been leased, and work was continued on two tunnels. On the Eagle claim GOLD LODE MINING IN THE WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT. 185 No. 2 the tunnel in the fall of 1917 was 200 feet long, with a 25-foot crosscut and a 50-foot winze. The vein is said to be 6 feet wide between walls, and the quartz vein matter averages 12 inches wide and is said to carry gold in commercial quantities. On the Mary claim is a tunnel 100 feet long on a quartz vein that is reported to average 2 feet wide but to be of rather low grade. Near the portal of this tunnel a winze has been started on a quartz stringer that is said to be rich in gold. The Bluebird claim, south of the Gold Cord, has been developed by numerous open cuts and a 30-foot shaft. The shaft is reported to show a large body of quartz that contains visible free gold. A group of four claims, also known as the Gold Cord, for the owners believe them to contain the northward extension of the Gold Cord vein opened in the head of Fishhook Creek valley, has ‘been staked in the upper basin of Sidney Creek. Open cuts show a few inches of white quartz that contains stains of copper carbonate and is said to carry visible free gold. Smith & Sutherland hold four claims in the southeastern portion of the Sidney Creek basin. It is reported that a 40-foot tunnel driven on this property has now caved in. Little work was done in 1917 on the Arch group. The old inclined tunnel is caved, and another 80-foot tunnel driven at a lower point on the same vein has now caved 50 feet from the portal and is inac- cessible. The Webbfoot group of two claims, lying on the south side of Arch- angel Creek and west of Sydney Creek, has been developed by a large amount of stripping along the outcrop of the vein. The vein is said to show an average width of several feet of quartz and to carry encouraging amounts in gold. The Alaska Quartz group of two claims, on the mountain ridge between Archangel and Reed creeks, has been prospected by two tunnels 20 feet and 212 feet long. In the longer tunnel the vein carries 16 inches of quartz at the portal, but the quartz pinches out about 40 feet from the portal, and beyond that point the tunnel was driven along a slip zone that contains gouge. The Babcock-McCoy claims, on Reed Creek, are developed by open cuts and by a 100-foot tunnel. The open cuts are said to show a vein that ranges from a few inches to 9 feet in thickness and that is said to carry promising amounts of gold. The tunnel, driven to intersect the vein at some distance below the cropping, has not yet reached the vein. The Little Gem group of three claims lies on the east side of upper Archangel Creek. Two tunnels, the upper 25 feet and the lower 60 feet long, have been driven on the vein, which in the workings shows a maximum width of 8 inches. The vein carries a very rich streak 186 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . of ore, from half an inch to 2 inches wide, in which visible gold is abundantly present. The owners have on the ground a 5-ton Buster Brown mill and a 4-horsepower Moline gasoline engine, with hemp rope for a tramway, although none of this equipment was installed in September, 1917. The Hillis group of three claims, commonly known as the Fern- Goodell property, is situated in the upper basin of Archangel Creek. An adit tunnel that has a total length of 96 feet was driven 40 feet to the vein, which was followed for 56 feet in an attempt to find an ore shoot that crops out on the surface. The vein in the tunnel is reported to have a maximum width of 5^ feet and to carry some gold throughout, with a particularly rich streak a few inches wide on the hanging wall. The vein quartz is white and shows arsenopyrite and some gold, and the richest ore is mottled with bluish spots. Tellu- rides have been reported from this property, but their presence has not yet been conclusively proved. Vein quartz, carrying considerable molybdenite, has been found in at least two localities in the Archangel Creek basin. One of these localities is in the upper basin of Fairangel Creek, and the other is on the divide between Archangel and Purches creeks. Neither locality was visited by the writer, and the extent of the deposits has not been determined. The Good Hope lode, on the east side of lower Heed Creek, was staked in 1916. It has been exposed in two large open cuts and is said to show a strong vein, several feet wide, from which a few colors of free gold may be panned. The Galena-Gold group of three claims was staked in 1917 on the head of Purches Creek. Little development work has been done, and neither the width nor the length of the ore body has been determined, but it is said that at least 1 foot of good ore, containing chalcopyrite, pyrite, galena, and free gold, shows on the surface. The Jessie B group of two claims lies in the upper basin of Peters Creek. The vein is reported to be from 2 to 5 feet wide, and speci- mens of ore show quartz stained with copper carbonates and iron oxide. The vein matter is said to show free gold upon panning, and a considerable amount of ore is said to have been mined and stacked during the progress of development work. MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. By Stephen R. Capps. INTRODUCTION. The limits of the region here called the western Talkeetna Moun- tains are somewhat arbitrarily drawn. It includes that portion of the Talkeetna mountain mass that lies west of a sinuous line extending from the head of Little Susitna River northward along the rugged crest of the mountains and embraces the basins of a number of westward-flowing tributaries of Susitna River and the basins of Sheep River and Iron Creek, two tributaries of Talkeetna River. Although the Willow Creek gold mining district is geologically and topographically a part of this region, it is excluded from the area here treated, as a separate account of its mining activities is given elsewhere. (See pp. 177-186.) Systematic surveys were begun in this part of Alaska in 1898, when G. H. Eldridge 1 and Robert Muldrow, of the United States Geological Survey, ascended the Susitna basin to Broad Pass and obtained the first accurate information concerning the geography of that great river system. During that same year W. C. Mendenhall, 2 while attached to a War Department expedition in charge of Capt. F. W. Glenn, ascended Matanuska River to its head and proceeded northeastward to Delta River, thus skirting the Talkeetna Mountains on the south and east. The next notable survey in the region here discussed was carried out in 1906, when R. H. Sargent and Sidney Paige, 3 of the United States Geological Survey, ascended Matanuska River and Chickaloon Creek, ascended Talkeetna River to Sheep River, and thence followed the west flank of the mountains southward to Knik Arm. Their topographic and geologic surveys thus com- pletely surrounded the western Talkeetna Mountains but left inclosed within their route of travel a large unmapped area. In 1910 F. J. Katz 4 spent a few days in the Willow Creek district, and in 1913 S. R. Capps 5 6 made a detailed study of that area. 1 Eldridge, G. H., A reconnaissance in the Susitna basin and adjacent territory, Alaska, in 1898: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Ann. Rept., pt. 7, pp. 1-29, 1900. 2 Mendenhall, W. C., A reconnaissance from Resurrection Bay to Tanana River, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Ann. Rept., pt. 7, pp. 31-264, 1900. 3 Paige, Sidney, and Knopf, Adolph, Geologic reconnaissance in the Matanuska and Talkeetna basins, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 327, 1907. Katz, F. J., A reconnaissance of the Willow Creek gold region: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 480, pp. 139-152, 6 Capps, S. R., The Willow Creek district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 607, 1915. 188 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . On the Government railroad in progress of construction from Seward to Tanana River, rails were laid by the fall of 1917 from Tumagain Arm northward as far as Montana Creek, and the branch line up Matanuska Valley was in operation to the Chickaloon coal field. Upon the laying of a stretch of track along the north shore of Turnagain Arm, now rapidly approaching completion, rail transporta- tion will be available from Seward to points well up Susitna Valley, and the area thus supplied will expand as construction proceeds northward. The western Talkeetna Mountains have long been considered to offer a promising field for the prospector. In 1897 the first gold- placer claims were staked on Willow Cteek, and although the work- able ground proved to he of small area, considerable gold was pro- duced. In 1906 gold quartz was discovered in the Willow Creek district, and since that time the production of lode gold has steadily increased. From time to time prospectors attempted to extend the productive area of the Willow Creek district northward, and some encouraging quartz veins were found, but the cost in time and money of getting supplies into that area grew prohibitive as the I distance from the water increased, and no serious attempts were made to develop mines north of the basins of Willow Creek and Little Susitna River. The passage of a bill by Congress authorizing a Government railroad up Susitna Valley and the progress of construction on this project greatly encouraged both prospectors and those seeking agricultural lands in this hitherto remote area, and it became desirable to complete topographic and geologic surveys along the route to be served by the railroad. Accordingly, in 1915, J. W. Bagley, of the United States I Geological Survey, carried out a reconnaissance topographic survey I in the western Talkeetna Mountains, covering an area of 835 square I miles previously unsurveyed. In 1917 the writer, in addition to I other duties, was assigned to the task of studying the more important 1 mineral resources of that area and of mapping the areal geology in so \ far as time for that work was available. After returning from a few s weeks’ visit to the upper Chulitna basin, the field party, consisting j of the geologist, a cook, and two packers, with seven pack horses, i left Talkeetna on July 29 and ascended the valley of Talkeetna River and of Iron Creek to the vicinity of the numerous lode prospects in that basin. Two weeks was spent in a study of the prospects and of the geologic conditions of that vicinity, after which the party pro- i ceeded southward through the mountains. Only 16 days was I available for the areal geologic mapping of several hundred square l miles of rugged mountains, but much of that area is occupied by a single geologic unit, and it is believed that the general distribution of formations, as shown on the map (PI. IV), is approximately correct 1 in its larger features. Oborin i Of THE /SSI '/.■ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE IV EXPLANATION Unconsolidated materials Glacial moraines.outwash gravels, and deposits of present streams Basaltic lava flows Andesite green stone flows Limestone, marble, slate, argillite, and quartzite B V Mies schist J MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 189 The conclusions reached in this paper are based on a preliminary study of the data gathered and are subject to modifications in the moro complete report now in preparation. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE REGION. GEOGRAPHY. The region here described as the western Talkeetna Mountains is, as its name implies, predominantly an area of high relief. On its eastern border the summit peaks of the mountain mass reach elevations of 7,000 to 8,800 feet and nourish many glaciers, the largest of which has a length of 12 miles. Farther west the mountains decrease some- what in height but are extremely rugged and steep for an average distance of 20 miles from the divide. Within that area the land forms are characteristically those of a severely glaciated mountain mass in crystalline rocks with multitudes of cirque basins and rela- tively straight, troughlike trunk valleys. As the Susitna lowlands are approached the mountain topography undergoes a sharp change of type. The ragged sky line of the higher mountains disappears, and the interstream ridges on the western mountain flank have rounded contours and plateau-like surfaces up to an elevation of 3,000 feet or more. Many facts prove that this series of plateaus, which may be regarded as a high beach now dis- sected, was once overridden by the northward-moving ice of the great Susitna glacier, and its subdued topography and rounded forms are due, at least in part, to the erosive effects of that ice mass. On their western flank the Talkeetna Mountains merge gradually into the Susitna lowlands. Susitna River flows southward through a broad structural basin that is bordered on the east by the Talkeetna Mountains and their northward extension and on the west by the Alaska Range and its foothills. Between these two mountain masses this lowland has a width of about 50 miles in the latitude of Kashwitna River but narrows to a width of 20 miles at Talkeetna. From it irregular projections extend up the valleys of the larger tributary streams. Along the axis of this basin the relief is slight, and the gradient southward to tidewater is gentle. Talkeetna, at the mouth of Talkeetna River, is 80 miles from the head of Cook Inlet, yet its elevation above sea level is only 350 feet. The flatness of the valley floor is relieved only by rolling morainic hills and by the comparatively shallow trenches of the streams that cross it. Toward its borders the relief increases, the stream trenches are of greater depth, and the rolling lowland merges into the flanks of the foothills and the mountain ranges. The area here treated contributes all its drainage to Susitna River. More than half of the region is drained directly to the Susitna by Willow and Little Willow creeks, Kashwitna River, and Montana 115086°— 19 13 190 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. and Sunshine creeks, all of which head in the mountains and flow westward to emerge into the lowlands through which they flow to join the Susitna. Sheep River and Iron Creek both head in glaciers at the summit of the range and flow in parallel courses northwest- ward to join Talkeetna River 16 and 30 miles, respectively, above its mouth. GLACIATION. The higher parts of the Talkeetna Mountains reach above the level of perpetual snow and nourish a large number of glaciers. A con- siderable portion of the waters of Kashwitna and Sheep rivers and Iron Creek is supplied by the melting ice fields, and Montana Creek receives enough glacial drainage to cloud its waters in summer. As measured by the standards of the neighboring Chugach and Alaska ranges all the glaciers in the Talkeetna Mountains are of small size, occupy only the extreme heads of the cirques, and are of simple form. Of those on the west slope of the mountains only three of four are of the type that comprises a somewhat extended main lobe fed by numerous tributaries. The largest glacier in the Talkeetna Mountains is that in which Sheep River heads. The upper basin of Sheep River is encircled by the highest peaks of the range, and the northern slopes are protected from solar radiation, so that conditions are especially favorable for the accumulation of glacial ice. In addition to the main glacier there are more than thirty smaller ice fields over half a mile long that send their water to Sheep River. The Kashwitna and Iron Creek basins also contain numerous glaciers. Although glaciers are so numerous in the range, the present glaciers are altogether insignificant as compared with the great ice fields that once covered this area. During the earlier period of glaciation all the mountain valleys were filled to the brim with glacial ice, so that only the highest peaks and ridges projected above its surface. This ice moved slowly down the valleys to join the enormous glaciers that occupied Susitna Valley. Some idea of the volume of the former Susitna glacier may be gained from the statement that at the mouth of Kashwitna River the glacier at one time reached a thickness of close to 4,000 feet and had a width of over 50 miles. ROUTES OF TRAVEL. Although not far distant from tidewater, the western Talkeetna Mountains have always been rather difficult of access, and few white men had traveled in them until the beginning of construction on the railroad gave promise of improved transportation to the region. Two routes of approach to the mountains have been followed, one by boat or sled up Susitna River and its tributaries and the other along the flank of the mountains northward from Willow Creek, the route MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 191 chosen by any particular party being determined by the time of year when the trip was to be made and the means of transportation avail- able. Most prospectors and trappers in interior Alaska prefer to travel in winter by dog sled, when the frozen streams and the mantle of snow make it possible to haul heavy loads with the least effort and equipment. Trading stations and stores have long been main- tained at Knik, on Knik Arm, and at Susitna station, on Susitna River near the mouth of the Yentna. A trading station was also operated for some years at the mouth of Talkeetna River but was abandoned in 1911. Winter travelers obtained supplies from one of these places and sledded them up the valleys to the chosen prospecting or trapping ground. In summer Susitna River is navigable for high- powered, shallow-draft boats as far north as the mouth of Indian River, and construction camps have been established at intervals along the line of the railroad by the Alaskan Engineering Commission. Talkeetna, a considerable village, including, in addition to the build- ings of the commission, several stores and many dwellings, has sprung up at the mouth of Talkeetna River, and transportation by boat was obtainable in 1917 to the mouth of Indian River. The tributaries of Susitna River from the east, however, are not navigable for power boats. Kashwitna and Talkeetna rivers may be ascended for some distance by poling boat, but the swift current and shoal waters of these streams make navigation by small boat difficult and dangerous. The only feasible land route for summer travel up the east side of Susitna Valley has been along the flank of the mountain pass. The Susitna lowlands contain much swampy ground and dense thickets of brush, so that very great difficulties were encountered in endeavoring to travel through them with horses. The higher parts of the moun- tains are much too rugged to permit taking horses across them from one east-west valley to another, so that a route between these two extremes must be chosen. Two such routes have been followed with pack trains in 1906, 1916, and 1917 by Geological Survey parties and present no insurmountable difficulties. Between the east-west valleys the broad, timberless benches afford good footing, and trails have been cut across the brushy valley slopes. In 1917 construction work on the Government railroad was pushed rapidly, and by the fall of that year rails were laid to Montana Creek and the grade was practically complete to Talkeetna. Trails and wagon roads that roughly followed the railroad survey through the lowlands had been built, and thus a route of great natural difficulty became the main highway of travel. Completion of the railroad to Talkeetna, and the consequent building of trails and wagon roads up the main valleys leading into the mountains, should within a few years make the whole of this region easy of access. 192 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. VEGETATION. A sharp contrast exists between the thick timber and brush of parts of the lowland areas of this region and the barren slopes of the higher mountains. The Susitna lowland is thickly wooded with trees wherever the ground is fairly well drained. Thus there is a heavy growth of cottonwood and spruce along the banks of all the streams, and of spruce and birch on the rolling hills of the lowland and the slopes of the mountain flanks. Groves of cottonwood trees, many of which reach a diameter of 3 or 4 feet, grow in favorable localities in the stream flats, and birch and spruce trees attain 2 feet in diameter on the slopes. Within the lowland area, however, there are many places in which drainage is sluggish and which are characterized by marshes, entirely barren of trees or containing only stunted, scrubby spruce trees. The same distribution of thick timber interspersed with areas of scattered stunted trees and barren marshes is found in the valleys of the tributary streams. Timber line has, in general, an elevation of about 2,000 feet; below that elevation well-drained lands are timbered, but above it few trees grow. Although, locally, cotton- wood and spruce trees of sufficient size to furnish saw logs are found, the timber is for the most part too small and of too poor quality to supply lumber for any but local uses, and no lumber industry of magnitude is likely to be developed. There is a possibility, however, that considerable areas of cottonwood and spruce that lie near the largest streams will sometime furnish materials for a wood-pulp industry. Within the timber of the lowlands there is commonly a thick growth of willow and alder brush, and these bushes grow at a con- siderably greater elevation than the trees, so that there is generally a belt of thick brush above timber line. The brush affords fuel for the camper at many places where trees are lacking, but the dense growth greatly impedes travel, and the man traveling with horses who leaves the few poorly defined trails must do much trail chopping to penetrate the thickets. Grass for forage for horses is abundant throughout the region, and camping grounds can nearly everywhere be found where horses will obtain sufficient grass for their needs. A variety of grass locally known as red top is particularly abundant near timber line, and over large areas it grows in thick stands to a height of 5 or 6 feet. While green it furnishes good forage for stock, but upon freezing in the fall it loses its nourishing qualities. An even better forage grass known as bunch grass occurs in places, usually above timber line. GAME. The big-game animals of this region include moose, caribou, sheep, and bear. Moose are generally, distributed throughout the lowlands and range wherever trees and brush grow. Caribou range MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 193 in the areas above timber line, particularly in the northeast part of this region, although they are nowhere abundant. The white big- horn sheep is found in the highest mountains, particularly in the headward basins of Sheep River and Iron Creek. Black bears live in and near timbered areas, and brown and grizzly bears may be seen almost anywhere, as they range the higher mountains and also visit the stream valleys during the salmon run. Rabbits and ptarmigan are very abundant during some years, but their numbers vary greatly from season to season, and in 1917 few were seen. Some fur-bearing animals, including fox, lynx, mink, and marten, are captured each winter. Salmon run up Susitna River and most of its tributaries to spawn, and practically all streams not clouded with glacial silt are stocked with grayling and trout. POPULATION. There are settlements of natives at Knik, Susitna station, and Talkeetna, and from these villages hunters and trappers have long made expeditions into the mountains for fur and meat, yet the visible evidences of their occupancy are meager. The Indian trans- ports his few belongings by dog sled in winter, following the frozen streams, and in summer uses a boat or loads his effects upon his dogs, himself, and his family. He chops no trail but makes detours around obstructions, and his trails are of little use to the white man who travels with horses. Only within the last year or two have there been any permanent white inhabitants in the mountainous portions of this region. A single group of claims was staked on Iron Creek in 1910 and has been visited yearly by the owners since that time, but no permanent buildings were constructed, and the only white visitors to the moun- tains were a few prospectors and trappers. Within the last few years, however, many mining claims have been located in the Iron Creek basin, and some prospects are known in Montana, Kashwitna, Peters, and Purches basins. Some log cabins have been constructed, and the number of permanent residents will increase as railroad construction stimulates prospecting and mining. Susitna station has long been a permanent settlement of whites and natives. Talkeetna has had white inhabitants at intervals and is now an established village. Since 1915, the development of an agricultural population around Knik Arm and in Matanuska Valley has proceeded rapidly, and in 1917 a large quantity of agricultural produce was raised there. Un- doubtedly this development will extend up Susitna Valley, where much land has farming possibilities, and a gradually increasing agricultural population may be expected in this region. 194 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. GENERAL GEOLOGY. CHARACTER OF THE ROCKS. The striking feature that at once becomes apparent on inspection of the geologic map of the western Talkeetna Mountains is the great predominance of igneous materials over sedimentary rocks. Great areas of deep-seated granitic intrusives, older deformed lava flows, and little-disturbed Tertiary lavas occupy almost all the region in which the hard rocks are exposed, and the granitic rocks and older lavas doubtless extend westward beneath the mantle of uncon- solidated materials. Except for a narrow and interrupted belt of sediments that crosses the basins of Sheep River and Iron Creek and a few isolated outliers of this group of sediments, with some materials of sedimentary origin intimately intruded by granitic rocks in the area between lower Sheep River and Iron Creek, the entire western Talkeetna Mountains are composed of igneous mate- rials. As has already been stated, the areal geologic mapping of this whole region was done hastily, for the prime object of the writer’s visit to the Susitna basin was the investigation of the min- eral resources of several widely separated localities. Time was therefore lacking for a careful tracing of the contacts between the formations, and more careful and painstaking work probably will make considerable modifications in the geologic boundaries as here given. It is believed, however, that the general outlines of the areas occupied by the different rock types are shown in approxi- mately their proper position. In many areas sedimentary rocks that contain determinable fos- sils give the geologist certain tie points from which he can draw con- clusions as to the age of the rock formations with which he deals. In this region, however, no fossils have been found. The few sedi- mentary rocks examined are highly metamorphic, and this meta- morphism included deformation and recrystallization, so that any fossils which the rocks may have once contained have been largely or completely destroyed. By their very nature the igneous rocks are unlikely to contain recognizable organic remains, so the age de- termination of the rocks in this area must be inferred from their cor- relation, upon lithologic or structural grounds, with other formations in surrounding regions where more satisfactory age determinations have been made. MICA SCHIST. The oldest rocks known within the Talkeetna Mountain area are the mica schists that occur on the south flank of the Willow Creek basin. These schists have been described elsewhere 1 and are not 1 Capps, S. R., The Willow Creek district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 607, pp. 26-30, 1915. MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 195 known to occur in the region here discussed, but it is of interest to note that they are of pre- Jurassic age and constitute one of the formations into which the granitic materials were intruded. LIMESTONES, MARBLES, SHALES, SLATES, AND QUARTZITIC SEDIMENTS. As shown on the geologic map (PL IV) a narrow and interrupted belt of sediments occurs at the contact of the granitic rocks with the andesite-greenstones in the basins of Iron Creek and Sheep River. Small outlying patches of these sediments also occur both in the granitic rocks and in the andesite. The most conspicuous member of the group of sediments is a heavy bed of blue-gray lime- stone that forms prominent cliffs on the north side of Iron Creek, on the Middle Fork of Iron Creek, and at the head of Prospect Creek. It has in places a thickness of at least 600 feet and from a distance appears to be massive. Close examination, however, shows that the rock has been greatly sheared and in part recrystallized. Upon weathering it breaks down into small prismatic bits and is seamed with thin films of calcite along the lines of cleavage. Within the limestone there are local masses of completely recrystallized mate- rial that now appears as beautiful pure-white marble. Associated with the limestone and overlying it there is in places a considerable thickness of shales, slates, and quartzitic beds that represent meta- morphosed clastic materials. A few miles south of Sheep River this group of sediments occurs in a narrow northeast-southwest belt. There the limestones have been completely altered to white and green contorted and banded marble, and the clastic beds to siliceous schists and quartzites. Fossils have nowhere been found in these sediments, and their age is not definitely known, but from a somewhat similar association of limestones, shales, and lava flows in the upper Chulitna region, where the limestones are of Triassic age, it is suggested that the sediments here described may prove to be Triassic. ANDE SITE-GREENSTONE S. A considerable belt of territory, extending from the basin of Iron Creek southward to the basins of Montana Creek and Kashwitna River, is occupied mainly by lava flows that are dominantly andesite- greenstones. These rocks are bordered on the southeast in part by the series of limestones, marbles, and associated sediments and in part by an intrusive contact with the granitic rocks. The northwest border of the andesite-greenstones has not been carefully traced out but is believed to be an intrusive contact with granitic materials. The characteristic phase of this material consists of a medium- grained blue-gray or greenish-gray rock full of amygdules filled with 196 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. greenish-yellow epidote. The epidote commonly displays a radial, spherulitic structure. Associated with the amygdaloidal rocks that were poured out as lava flows are local bodies of somewhat coarser grained dark-gray or black greenstones that probably represent an intrusive phase of the same period of igneous activity and may mark the location of vents through which the lavas reached the surface. The andesite-greenstones are of especial economic importance in the Iron Creek district, for it is in those rocks that the copper prospects of that basin have been found. Structurally the andesite-greenstones overlie the limestones, marbles, and associated sediments. Paige 1 has described similar rocks, associated with abundant dacites, rhyolites, and tuffs, that occupy a large area in the upper Talkeetna basin. The area here shown (PL IV) as occupied by andesite-greenstones is directly connected both to the northeast and southwest with the areas mapped by Paige. No definite evidence of the age of the greenstones was procured by the writer in 1917, but in the exten- sions of this area, in the upper Talkeetna basin, Paige obtained evidence that led him to classify the rocks as lower Middle Jurassic, and that age determination was later modified to Lower Jurassic. GRANITIC ROCKS. The dominant geologic feature of the Talkeetna Mountains is the great mass of granitic intrusive rocks that occupies a large portion of this region. These rocks form a main roughly circular area, measuring about 50 miles in diameter, and some smaller areas around the periphery of the central mass. The largest of these smaller areas lies for the most part in the lower Talkeetna basin and measures at least 12 by 15 miles. As shown on the map (PI. IV), the higher portions of this mountain mass are composed exclusively of granitic materials, and the rugged character of the mountain peaks, with their multitudes of ragged pinnacles and serrate ridges, is due to the influence that this rock type has exerted upon the forms produced by erosion. The granitic rocks are in general coarse-grained gray to pink diorites and granites and show a considerable range in texture and composition. Throughout most of the area in which they occur they are massive, little altered, and free from the effects of metamorphism. In some localities, however, they have been metamorphosed and show all gradations from unaltered massive materials through banded gneisses to hornblende schists. Within those areas in which meta- morphism has occurred there is a larger proportion of dark liorn- blendic rocks. 1 Paige, Sidney, and Knopf, Adolph, Geologic reconnaissance in the Matanuska and Talkeetna basins, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 327, pp. 16-19, 1907. MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 197 Structurally the granitic materials are found in intrusive contact with the mica schists of the Willow Creek district, with the limestones and shales of Sheep River and Iron Creek basins, and with the andesite- greenstones of those areas. They are therefore younger than all those formations. They are unconformably overlain by the Tertiary lavas of upper Iron Creek and by the early Tertiary sediments of the lower Matanuska basin and so are known to be pre-Tertiary. The evidence is still insufficient to prove their exact age, but there seems to be little doubt that they are Mesozoic, and although they have generally been referred to the Middle Jurassic are now believed to be of Lower Jurassic age. TERTIARY SEDIMENTS. Tertiary sediments, including arkoses, conglomerates, sands, shales ; and lignitic coal, occur at many localities around the borders of the Susitna basin. In general the outcrops occur along the flanks of the surrounding mountains or as isolated areas in which the Tertiary beds are surrounded by later unconsolidated materials and for the most part covered by them. The area of Tertiary deposits shown on the map (PI. IV) is small, but the economic value of the formation is disproportionate to its area, for the lignitic coal beds that are present in many places offer possibilities of the development of a valuable fuel supply. The best-known occurrence of this formation is in the Matanuska Valley, where a considerable area is underlain by workable coal beds. Farther west and north the beds are less conspicuous, and their distribution is not so well known. On the south flank of the Bald Mountain ridge, which separates the Willow Creek basin from the eastward-trending portion of Little Susitna River valley, there is a large area of arkoses and conglomerates of Tertiary age which contains no lignite beds that are known to be extensive. An excavation on the railroad line, in the spring of 1917, 2 miles west of the Little Susitna bridge, showed Tertiary beds, and in the summer of that year it was reported that a lignite bed was uncovered there. Lignite-bearing Tertiary beds are reported on the west flank of the Talkeetna Mountains in the basins of Willow Creek and Kashwitna River, but these localities were not visited, and the area and thickness of the formation are not known. Similarly unconsolidated Tertiary sands and shales, which contain a thick lignite bed, are reported on lower Chunilna Creek, a southward- flowing tributary of Talkeetna River, 4 miles above its mouth. What is probably the western extension of that same field lies along the east bank of Susitna River, from 7 to 12 miles above the mouth of the Talkeetna, and was briefly examined. In that locality, a distance of several miles, the river flows against a bluff composed of blue-gray sands, blue clays, a little sandstone, and some lignite. Good exposures 198 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. of undisturbed material are scarce, and above the bluff the surface is covered by younger unconsolidated deposits. A 2-foot bed of fairly good lignite was seen, and scattered detrital materials indicate that other lignite beds occur in the same section. It is reported that at one locality a 4-foot bed is exposed, and the coal-bearing area is said to extend to the west side of the river. The coal-bearing beds are believed to be of Eocene age. TERTIARY LAVAS. The deposition of the Tertiary sediments was interrupted from time to time by the ejection of basaltic lavas, and a large volume of this material was poured out after the last of the Tertiary sediments were laid down. Thus, in the Willow Creek district thin basal flows are conformably interbedded with Tertiary arkoses. The greatest development of these lavas, however, took place somewhat later, when large areas, including most of the earlier formations, were buried beneath extensive flows of basalt. These lavas reach their greatest development, in the area here discussed, in the upper basin of Iron Creek, where they form a nearly horizontal capping over many ridges and lie upon an erosion surface that was developed on both granitic rocks and greenstones. The basalt flows are of Tertiary age. Some are apparently Eocene, but for the most part they are believed to be post-Eocene. UNCONSOLIDATED DEPOSITS. The unconsolidated deposits include glacial morainal materials, glacial outwash gravels of both present and past glaciers, and the detrital materials of the present stream flats. As the earlier glaciers reached so great a development in this region, filling the Susitna basin to a height of over 4,000 feet and completely covering all the lower slopes of the mountains, the deposits left by them cover a large area and have a considerable vertical range. On the map (PI. IV) the distribution of those materials is shown only in the localities where they are present in sufficient thickness to conceal the identity of the underlying formations. Glacial materials have been recog- nized over a much wider area, but in places where the area and thick- ness of the material are small and where the character of the underlying rocks could be determined with little uncertainty the glacial materials were not shown on the map. During the withdrawal of the old glaciers large volumes of outwash gravels and sands were deposited over the lowlands, and these materials are still present in the form of gravel plains, locally dissected by the streams to form benches or terraces. The gravels along the flood plains of the present streams are composed both of the outwash from the present glaciers and of the products of normal weathering and erosion by streams. MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 199 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. GENERAL FEATURES. The first discovery of valuable mineral deposits in this general region was made in 1897, when gold placer gravels were found in the Willow Creek basin. The area of workable gold placer deposits proved to be small, but their discovery led to prospecting for the lodes from which the gold came, which resulted in the finding, in 1906, of the lode on which the Alaska Free Gold mine is located. This discovery was soon followed by others, and a permanent gold lode camp, which had produced over $1,000,000 by the end of 1916, was established. All the producing mines in this district are confined within a small area, but there has been more or less consistent pros- pecting in the mountains north of the producing area, and some promising gold lodes have been discovered but await improved trans- portation for further development. In 1910 claims were staked on the Copper Queen lode, on Iron Creek, and assessment work has been done on that property each year since. By 1916 it became apparent that rail transportation up Susitna Valley was soon to be realized, and a number of men went into the basin of Iron Creek, and many claims were staked on copper and gold bearing lodes, and the activity was continued in 1917. More or less work was done on 15 or 20 groups of claims, and a large num- ber of additional claims were staked. In August, 1917, about 20 men were prospecting or carrying on development work in the Iron Creek basin. At the time of the writer’s visit, in August, 1917, the Iron Creek district could be reached only by a poor trail that offered difficulties even for a pack horse. Supplies for the prospectors were therefore limited to articles that had been brought in by sled during the pre- ceding winter or to such materials as could be transported during the summer by pack horse. As a consequence of the remoteness of the district only the simplest forms of prospecting were carried out and even a small amount of development work demanded a large outlay of time and money. The ore bodies are opened only by rather shallow open cuts, and no attempt has been made to sink shafts or drive tunnels. In many places, too, the undisturbed bedrock near the ore outcrops is covered with vegetation or loose surficial material, so that it was difficult or impossible to determine either the size or the geologic relations of the ore bodies. No property in the dis- trict had at that time any mass of ore which a conservative mining engineer would consider as being blocked out. The prospects examined were believed to be valuable for their content of copper or of copper and gold. Most of the ore bodies are due to the replacement, along zones of faulting and shearing, of 200 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. andesite-greenstone by metallic minerals, but one or two have some of the aspects of contact-metamorphic deposits, though they lie at some distance from the contact of the diorite and greenstone. So far as is known the content of the ores in free gold is not sufficient to justify the installation of crushing and amalgamating machinery on the ground. The base character of the ore will necessitate smelting for the recovery of the copper and gold. Furthermore, the ores con- tain large amounts of metallic minerals in addition to those which carry the copper and gold, so that concentration, to reduce the weight and bulk of the ores shipped, is likely to offer difficulties. Locally there are bodies of nearly pure copper sulphides that need little concentration, but no large bodies of ore of this type have been developed, and the properties that develop into mines will probably prove to contain large bodies of ore of moderate richness. The imperative need of a mining camp of this type is therefore cheap transportation, and that can be obtained for this camp only by the construction of a branch line of the Government railroad either up Talkeetna River and Iron Creek, or up the Talkeetna to Sheep River and up that stream to and through the divide at Rainbow Lake and thence to the vicinity of the junction of the main forks of Iron Creek. PROSPECTS. The following descriptions of prospects are based on observations made in August, 1917. An attempt was made to visit all those properties on which any considerable amount of development work had been done or on which the owners were at work at the time of the writer’s visit. The properties visited are described in order, from west to east. A large number of claims have been staked in the dis- trict on which little work has been done, and time was not available to visit all of these. COPPER QUEEN GROUP. The Copper Queen group includes two claims that lie on the north side of Iron Creek, 2 miles below the mouth of East Fork. These claims were staked in 1910 by A. O. Wells, Frank Wells, and John Coffee and cover the first lode discovery in the Iron Creek district. The ore body lies in a rock bluff on the bank of Iron Creek, and all the work done on it is in the valley bottom. Developments have been confined to stripping the vegetation from the ore body and to the excavation of a shallow open cut. The country rock is an amygda- loidal andesite-greenstone, in which the amygdules are filled with greenish-yellow epidote. The ore body, which lies along a zone of shearing and crushing that strikes N. 10° E. and stands nearly verti- cal, has been formed by the replacement of the sheared andesite. In the open cut this sheared zone is heavily mineralized throughout a MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 201 width of 21 feet across the strike, though within that distance there are many large lenticular horses of nearly barren country rock. Pyrite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite are the common metallic minerals and occur as nearly pure masses of one or the other of these sulphides or intimately intergrown with one another. The ore is generally banded parallel to the direction of the shear zone and in places consists of parallel alternating bands of country rock, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Some quartz is present in the ore as gangue but is not abundant. Scattered specks and blotches of sulphides occur both in the horses within the ore body and in the wall rock for some distance back from the zone of shearing. The owners report that this ore body is valuable for its gold as well as its copper content, picked samples having shown upon assay several dollars a ton in gold, in addition to the copper. COPPER KING GROUP. The Copper King group comprises six claims that lie on the south valley wall of Iron Creek opposite the mouth of East Fork. The principal workings lie at an elevation of about 3,300 feet, 1,500 feet above the valley bottom. Development work on the property has been directed to the excavation of a large number of trenches and open cuts in the attempt to demonstrate the presence of a long con- tinuous ore body. These open cuts show that the andesite-greenstone country rock is cut by a shear zone that strikes northeast and dips about 60° E., in which the sheared material has been replaced in part by metallic minerals and some quartz. The shear ranges from 6 to 20 feet in width, and the degree of replacement of the sheared andesite- greenstone differs greatly from place to place. The best showing of ore was in a large open cut that had been excavated down to undis- turbed bedrock. In this cut, through a width of 9 feet across the strike of the shear zone, abundant chalcopyrite and specular hematite with some pyrite and a little quartz were exposed. The ore is banded parallel to the direction of the shear zone and consists of alternating bands of nearly pure chalcopyrite, specular hematite intergrown with quartz, and pyrite. The individual bands are more or less discon- tinuous, and the characteristic mineral of one band may be present in small amounts in the other bands. Another cut near by shows several feet of nearly pure hematite with only small amounts of sulphides. Locally some quartz is present in the shear zone in small distinct veins. The ore from this group of claims is said to carry only small amounts of gold and silver. COPPER WONDER GROUP. The Copper Wonder group comprises seven claims that lie on the south slope of the Iron Creek valley, south of the mouth of Middle Fork. These claims were first staked in June, 1917, and the only 202 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. development work done by August of that year was the excavation of three open cuts in the bluffs of Alder Gulch, at an elevation of about 2 ; 500 feet. These cuts show a zone of strong shearing in andesite-greenstone country rock, but the ground has been much disturbed, and in the shallow excavation the strike and dip of the shear zone could not be definitely determined. In the larger open cut the andesite-greenstone is seen to be much altered along the shear zone, in which there is a heavy deposit of specular hematite, together with some pyrite and bunches of chalcopyrite as large as one’s fist. A little quartz was also noted as a gangue mineral. The hematite has a thickness of 2 to 3 feet through an exposed vertical distance of 20 feet, and there is considerable copper carbonate stain in the altered shear-zone material. Scattered specks of sulphides were ^een in the andesite country rock outside of the shear zone. PHOENIX GROUP. The Phoenix group includes three claims on Hyphen Gulch, a small tributary of Iron Creek from the northeast, a little more than a mile above the mouth of Middle Fork. The only locality at which any noteworthy excavation had been made was at an elevation of 3,600 feet, where an open cut showed a small shear zone, 2 to 3 inches wide, in andesite-greenstone. This shear zone, or line of faulting, strikes S. 30° W. and dips 65° NW. and contains gouge and decomposed materials with a little quartz and some copper carbonate stains. The andesite-greenstone wall rock is, however, much stained with copper carbonate and has locally been partly replaced by chalcopyrite, bornite, specular hematite, and quartz. The bornite is closely associ- ated with chalcopyrite and is apparently a surface occurrence only, for a shallow excavation made at the best showing of bornite showed little bornite at a depth of a few feet below the surface but an increasing abundance of chalcopyrite. A number of narrow veins of nearly pure hematite with little associated sulphides have been found on this property. BLUE LODE GROUP. The Blue Lode group of five claims lies on the south side of the valley of Middle Fork of Iron Creek, about 2 \ miles above the mouth of that stream and 1 mile northeast of the Phoenix group. The principal excavation is at an elevation of 4,200 feet, where a large open cut has been made along a fault or shear zone about 2 feet wide that strikes N. 16° E. and dips 80° W. This zone is filled with gouge, fine crushed and decomposed material, and some quartz that contains chalcopyrite. The wall rock of this shear zone is andesite-greenstone, which has locally been replaced by specks and bunches of bornite and chalcopyrite. An andesite-greenstone cliff above the excavation shows abundant stains of azurite and malachite. Broken surfaces of MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 203 the surface wall rock show bornite and chalcopyrite intimately inter- mingled, but a few feet below the surface the bornite becomes rela- tively scarce and chalcopyrite predominates, suggesting that the bornite occupies only a shallow zone of enrichment and that at greater depth the chalcopyrite will prove to be the prevailing sulphide. Another open cut farther down the mountain shows chalcopyrite but no bornite. This property was staked only a few weeks before it was visited, and too little development work had been done to determine either the size of the ore body or its character at depth. EAST VIEW GROUP. The Eastview group of two claims lies in the basin of Middle Fork of Iron Creek half a mile southeast of the Blue Lode group and about the same distance northeast of the Phoenix, at an elevation of 4,500 feet. The country rock is andesite-greenstone, and the workings include three open cuts, from which have been taken large lumps of banded quartz, hematite, and chalcopyrite. In these lumps of ore chalcopyrite is locally abundant, but as none of the cuts had been carried down to undisturbed bedrock at the time of the writer’s visit, no ore in place was seen, and nothing is definitely known about the size or position of the ore body. TALKEETNA GROUP. The Talkeetna group of nine claims lies in the valley of Prospect Creek, about 2 miles above the mouth of that stream. The claims were staked in the spring of 1916, and their exploration and develop- ment have been limited to strippings and open cuts made in the en- deavor to show the character of the ore in place. At the time of the writer’s visit eight men were employed on this property. The main ore body is on the claim known as Talkeetna No. 2, where an exten- sive gossan on the steep mountain slope, at an elevation of 4,200 feet, renders the ore deposit conspicuous from a distance. A number of trenches and open cuts have been excavated through this gossan, but these have been made for the purpose of ascertaining the char- acter of the unoxidized ore body, and no consistent effort has been made to outline the area of mineralization or to determine its struc- ture and relations. The country rock is an amygdaloidal andesite- greenstone, and the amygdules are filled with epidote. This green- stone is cut by a shear zone that strikes approximately east and west and dips 75° N. The shear zone has acted as a channel for the cir- culation of mineralizing solutions, and the sheared material, as well as the massive wall rocks, have been in part replaced by specular hematite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and quartz. The area of heavy min- eralization, as well as could be determined from the workings, is several hundred feet long and is locally at least 30 feet thick. Its 204 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. long dimension is parallel to the strike of the shear zone, which itself lies almost parallel to the steep mountain face, so that the ore is exposed on the surface through a vertical distance of at least 50 feet. The gossan is only a few feet thick and is abundantly stained with copper carbonate. Specular hematite is by far the most abundant metallic mineral and occurs in massive aggregates many feet thick, in which the only other conspicuous mineral is granular quartz that is intimately intergrown with the hematite. Another abundant type of ore consists of an inter- grown aggregate of hematite, chalcopyrite, and quartz that forms the matrix of a breccia and surrounds angular fragments of andesite- greenstone, themselves partly replaced by iron and copper minerals. Elsewhere the ore consists of sheared and schistose andesite-green- stone largely replaced by metallic minerals, which is banded with small quartz veinlets that include the same minerals — pyrite, chalco- pyrite, and hematite. Veinlets of ore shoot off from the main ore body into the country rock, and sulphides and hematite are widely disseminated in the country rock for some distance on both sides of the shear zone. These claims are being prospected as a source of copper, and a large amount of work must be done before a proper estimate can be made of the amount of copper ore of any particular grade that is available. The principal copper mineral, chalcopyrite, differs greatly in abundance from place to place within the ore body. Locally hematite is present to the almost complete exclusion of the sulphides. Elsewhere chalcopyrite forms the bulk of the ore. In some places the chalcopyrite crystals are surrounded by a thin zone of hematite and that by quartz. It is reported that assays show from less than 1 per cent to 8 per cent of copper and small amounts of gold and silver. Underground exploration alone can determine the character and metallic content of this ore body with depth, but the great size of the deposit may make possible the development of a mine even with a comparatively low grade of ore. Shallow excavations have been made on croppings of metallic min- erals on claims No. 3 and No. 7 of this same group, on the north side of Prospect Creek, where a number of open cuts, for the most part shallow and in disturbed ground, show similar ores, which have the same association of pyrite, hematite, and chalcopyrite. OTHER PROSPECTS. A number of claims, or groups of claims, in addition to those de- scribed above, have been staked in the basin of Iron Creek, but on most of them little development work had been done, and the restric- tions of time imposed upon the writer made it possible to visit only those properties that had been furthest developed. The location of many of these groups is shown on the accompanying map (PI. IV). MINERAL RESOURCES OF WESTERN TALKEETNA MOUNTAINS. 205 Vigorous prospecting in this district has been carried on only since the spring of 1916, and many of the claims were staked in 1917, so that the amount of work which has been done on any property is not necessarily an index of the value of the ore deposit, and some of the properties not visited and not described specifically may be of greater merit than some of those that are more fully described here. The possibilities for the discovery of still other ore deposits in this area have by no means been exhausted, and it is likely that other ore bodies more valuable than any yet discovered may be found. A large area in the basins of Sheep River, Montana Creek, and Kash- witna River has received scant attention. Hand specimens of rich copper and gold ores have been brought out from this area by pros- pectors, but the localities from which they came could not be learned, and the deposits were not visited by the writer. Late in the summer of 1917 reports were circulated of the discovery, on a northward- flowing tributary of Talkeetna River opposite the upper basin of Iron Creek, of a large dike the surface croppings of which yielded gold upon panning, and which was said to show an encouraging gold con- tent upon assay. A considerable number of prospectors visited the locality, and many claims were staked, but the lateness of the season prevented a thorough prospecting of the deposit, and its commercial value is yet to be demonstrated. The next few years will probably witness increasing activity in prospecting in the western Talkeetna Mountains, and there is every promise that some producing mines will be developed. 115086°— 19 14 MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE UPPER CHULITNA REGION. By Stephen R. Capps. INTRODUCTION. The area here referred to as the upper Chulitna region includes what has generally been called the Broad Pass mining district. The prospects that have attracted considerable attention to this part of Alaska lie 15 to 30 miles southwest of Broad Pass, and that pass can be seen only in the distance. Furthermore, the term “Broad Pass region” 1 has already been used to describe an area including the headwaters of Nenana River and a part of the upper Susitna basin. In order to avoid confusion, therefore, the area here dis- cussed is termed the upper Chulitna region. It lies on the southeast slope of the Alaska Range between meridians 149° and 150° west longitude and parallels 62° 45' and 63° 15' north latitude. Although a few prospectors and explorers had penetrated to this part of Alaska, no systematic surveys had been extended to it until 1898, when, through the discovery of the rich gold placers in the Canadian Klondike, interest in Alaska was stimulated and a number of surveying expeditions were dispatched by the United States Army and the Geological Survey to different parts of the Territory. One of these expeditions, a Geological Survey party in charge of G. H. Eldridge and Robert Muldrow, ascended Susitna River to Indian River and proceeded thence northeastward through the upper Chulitna basin to the headwaters of Nenana River. The map published as a result of their expedition 2 gave the first authentic geographic infor- mation about a large area on the upper Susitna basin. In 1902 A. H. Brooks, of the Geological Survey, explored the west and north flank of the Alaska Range from the head of Skwentna River to the Nenana, and between that year and 1912 several mountaineer- ing, exploring, and railroad survey parties reached some part of this district but left no records that were available for the public. Among the more noteworthy of these explorations was that conducted by F. A. Cook, who in 1903 pushed southward across the range with pack horses through a pass lying somewhere between Muldrow 1 Moffit, F. H., The Broad Pass region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 608, 1915. 2 Eldridge, G. H., A reconnaissance in the Susitna basin and adjacent territory, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Ann. Rept., pt. 7, map 3, 1900. 207 208 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Glacier and Nenana River. His account of the journey is not clear, and he made no accurate survey, but as nearly as can be determined he crossed an ice-filled pass at the head of Teklanika River and descended Bull River to the Chulitna. It is reported that the first dis- covery of placer gold in this district was made by John Coffee in 1907 on Bryn Mawr Creek, and many lode claims were staked in the basin of West Fork of Chulitna River in 1909. In 1912 a mountaineering expedition, conducted by Herschel C. Parker and Belmore Browne, ascended Susitna and Chulitna rivers and what is now called Ohio Creek by dog sled, crossed a high, glacier-filled pass to the West Fork of Chulitna Glacier, and from the head of that glacier penetrated across another divide to the north slope of the Alaska Range. The sketch map of their route constitutes the first published record of the drainage along their line of travel through the range. In 1913 F. II. Moffit 1 and J. W. Bagley, of the Geological Survey, mapped both the geology and topography of an area extending from Broad Pass eastward to the West Fork of Susitna Glacier, and in 1914 D. L. Reaburn, of the Alaskan Engineering Commission, 2 mapped the topography along the line of the Government railroad survey between the mouth of Indian River and Broad Pass. For several years development work has been done on a num- ber of lode claims in the upper Chulitna basin, and encouraging reports have been circulated concerning large bodies of gold ore there. This area, at present so remote, will become readily accessible upon the completion of the Government railroad now in progress of construction between Seward, on the coast, and Fairbanks, on Tanana River. It was therefore deemed advisable to make at least a hasty geologic investigation of the area, to determine the geologic j conditions of the ore bodies and the probabilities of the development i in this area of producing mines. Upon the entrance of the United ; States into the European war, a large nmnber of the topographers of the Geological Survey were called upon for military work, and no ; topographer was available for making a topographic survey of the j region, but the maps of the Alaskan Engineering Commission along the main Chulitna Valley furnished control from which foot traverse and compass sketching could be carried westward. Plans were therefore made for a geologic party to visit this area during the summer of 1917, and the writer was assigned to carry them into effect. The season's work was to include investigations in other parts of the Susitna basin as well, so that only a short time could be spent in this area. The party, consisting of the geologist and three j camp hands, with seven pack horses, left Anchorage by railroad on June 18 for Matanuska, from which the horses were driven over the 1 Moffit, F. II., op. cit., Pis. I and II. 2 Reports of the Alaskan Engineering Commission for the period from Mar. 12, 1914, to Dec. 31, 1915: 3 64th Cong., 1st sess., II. Doc. 610, pt. 2, map 6, 1916. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY BULLETIN 692 PLATE V EXPLANATION 8s Unconsolidated deposits . Glacial morainal materials and gravels, bench gravels, and deposits of present streams & Partly consolidated sand, mud, and gravel. locally containing lignitic coal Cantwell formation Shale, argilljte, and con- glomerate with intrusives ' // / // / / / / Predominantly argillite and slate, with some graywacke and conglomerate, cut by dikes Conglomerate.tuff, green- j stone, limestone.and shale, | locally intimately intruded i by dikes and sills ) Green stone, tuff, chert.and metamorphosed sediments Granitic intrusives with some sediments Gold lode Gold-silver lode V Gold - silver-copper lode ■ Copper lode a Antimony lode x Gold placer prospect «» Lignitic coal PRE-TRIASSIC TRIASS1C POST-TRIASSIC TERTIARY QUATERNARY MINERAL RESOURCES OE UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 209 trail to the terminus of the rails, at that time at Little Susitna River. From that point the pack train followed the construction road and trails along the general route of the railroad survey up Susitna and Chulitna valleys to Middle Fork of Chulitna River, where a trail branching off to the northwest leads up West Fork of Chulitna River to the vicinity of the lode prospects. In all a period of only 24 days was spent between the time of departure from Indian River and the return to that place. During this time all the prospects in West Fork of Chulitna and Ohio Creek basins on which any considerable development work has been done were visited and the larger features of the geology of the area were mapped. The southeastward-flowing tributaries of Chulitna River have not yet been accurately surveyed, and the position of the drainage lines, shown on the accompanying sketch map (PL Y), as determined by foot and compass traverse, can be considered as only approximate. As already stated, the information on which this report is based was procured in the course of a hasty visit to the region, and during practically the whole time the weather conditions were very bad. The areas of the different geologic formations, as shown on the map (PL Y), are therefore subject to revision when more detailed field work is done. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE REGION. GEOGRAPHY. The upper Chulitna region consists essentially of the valley of Chulitna River, a broad northeast-southwest basin, which is bordered on both sides by rugged mountains. At a point just west of Chulitna Pass Chulitna River flows at an elevation of 1,200 feet, and at Broad Pass the basin floor rises to a height of about 2,400 feet. The south- east margin of the Chulitna basin lies only a few miles away from the river and is formed by a ridge of sharp and rugged peaks that rise to heights of 5,000 to 6,000 feet. The streams that drain this ridge are all of moderate size, and their water is clear, indicating the absence of any large glaciers in those mountains. To the northwest the Chulitna basin is of a different character, for it includes a long section of the southeast slope of the Alaska Range. There the lateral spurs of the main range begin only a short distance back from Chulitna River and become constantly higher and more inaccessible toward the crest of the range, 20 to 35 miles from the river. All the larger tributary streams from the Alaska Range, including Ohio Creek, West Fork of Chulitna River, Bull River, and their principal tribu- taries, carry glacial waters, and large areas in the valley heads are occupied by glacial ice. In the rugged ice-filled portion of the range travel is difficult and hazardous, and a large area is still entirely unexplored. 210 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. GLACIATION. The portion of the Alaska Range that drains to Chulitna River is characterized by the number and large size of its existing glaciers and by the pronounced manner in which the surface forms have been modeled by the greater glaciers of earlier times, of which the present ice tongues are the remnants. The southeast side of the Alaska Range nourishes some of the largest alpine glaciers of the continent. Two of these glaciers, tributaries of Chulitna River though lying south of the area here discussed, are several miles wide and probably over 30 miles long. In the region with which this report is concerned the larger streams that drain from the Alaska Range, including Ohio and Copeland creeks and West Fork of Chulitna and Bull rivers, as well as their larger tributaries, are glacier-fed. The size of the glaciers is determined by the altitude of the surrounding mountains and the area of the catchment basins. There can be no doubt that the present glaciers are small compared with those that occupied this region in times past. At the time of greatest glaciation, ice from the Alaska Range moved southward down Chulitna and Susitna valleys, was augmented by other glaciers from the Talkeetna and Kenai mountains, and pushed down the Cook Inlet depression at least as far as the Forelands. Thus the entire Susitna basin was a great ice field and was connected to the east by way of the upper Susitna basin with a similar ice field that filled the Copper River basin. In order to drain southward, as it did, this glacier must have had a surface slope to the south of steeper gradient than that of the present valley floor, so that in the area here discussed the glacial ice must have reached a great thickness, and this conclusion is verified by evidence of ice sculpture high on the flanks of Chulitna Valley. The divide between West Fork of Chulitna River and Long Creek was overridden by glacial ice to an elevation of at least 4,500 feet, 2,300 feet above the valley of West Fork, directly to the north. The east wall of Chulitna Valley near Anti- mony Creek also shows erosion by a southward-moving glacier to a height of much more than 4,000 feet. In the lack of an accurate topo- graphic map of this region as a whole it is not yet possible to outline the area reached by the glaciers at the time of their greatest exten- sion, but it is certain that at that time only the high peaks and ridges of the mountains projected above the ice and that from the crest of the Alaska Range to the Pacific Ocean the area of land above the ice was very much less than the area of the glaciers. ROUTES OF TRAVEL. The upper Chulitna region has always been difficult of access, and those who have visited it have done so only at the cost of much time and effort. The Alaskan prospector knows no barriers of distance MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 211 or bad trail if he is convinced that his chosen field offers a fair chance for the discovery of valuable minerals, but the time consumed in going to and from a remote area must be subtracted from the total season available for prospecting, and the actual time spent in the search for valuable ground is short when the trail to it is long and arduous. Heretofore two distinct methods of transportation, or a combination of the two, have been chiefly employed by those who have visited the region. The most favored has been the use of dog sleds up the frozen streams in winter. Supplies were procured from Talkeetna, where a store was maintained for some years, from Susitna station, or from Knik. A considerable part of the prospecting was done by a group of men who brought their supplies in during the fall, trapped for fur in the winter, and spent the summer in prospecting. Summer traveling was done for the most part by launch or poling boat up Susitna River to the mouth of Indian River, and thence by trail up Indian River through Chulitna Pass and up Chulitna Valley, crossing East and Middle forks to West Fork near the mouth of Bull River. A few parties came in by pack train from Knik Arm, following the west flank of the Talkeetna Mountains to Talkeetna River and crossing that stream to ascend Susitna Valley to Indian River. This method of travel was slow and costly and was used for the most part by surveying parties, whose work was a study of the entire route rather than an effort to reach the upper Chulitna by the easiest means. In the spring of 1915 active construction on the Government railroad, which is planned to extend from Seward to Fairbanks, was commenced, and the town of Anchorage was established as a base of supplies. During that year the work was for the most part con- fined to the areas bordering Knik and Turnagain arms and to the construction of a branch line to the coal fields of Matanuska Valley, but in 1916 and 1917 construction was carried on along the main line, up Susitna Valley, and power boats were operated for trans- porting passengers and freight up Susitna River to the mouth of Indian River. In June, 1917, the rails extended to the rail- road crossing of Little Susitna River 174 miles from Seward, and stretches of wagon road, connected by trail, followed the railroad route as far north as Talkeetna River. Above the Talkeetna a passable trail for pack horses was available all the way to West Fork of Chulitna River. By the end of 1917 it was reported that the rails were in place as far north as Montana Creek, 210 miles from Seward, and much of the railroad grade was completed as far as Dead Horse, about halfway between Talkeetna and Indian rivers. As soon as construction is completed to Broad Pass, the upper Chulitna district will become easily accessible, and the improved transportation will greatly stimulate mining and prospecting. 212 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . A favorable pass across the Alaska Range at the head of West Fork of Chulitna River has been used for sledding supplies across the range in winter and has been crossed by pack trains in summer. It is necessary to ascend the glacier at the head of West Fork of Chulitna River for a distance of 10 or 12 miles to a low pass, which leads perhaps 2 miles down another small glacier to the edge of Muldrow Glacier, which is followed northward for about 10 miles to the north base of the Alaska Range. The route presents no insur- mountable difficulties late in summer, though travel would be diffi- cult until the soft snow has disappeared from the surface of the glacier. The distance from the last spruce timber on West Fork of Chulitna River to the first brush near Muldrow Glacier is about 20 miles, and under favorable conditions the trip may be made by pack train in one day. The completion of the railroad will make the region easily accessi- ble from points on Tanana River by way of Nenana River. VEGETATION. • In the upper Chulitna region timber is confined to the valleys of the principal streams. The valley of Chulitna River has a growth of trees, mainly spruce, but including some cottonwood and birch, up to an average altitude of 2,000 feet above sea level, though locally trees grow above that altitude and considerable areas below 2,000 feet are untimbered. In the valleys tributary to the Chulitna through from the northwest a fringe of trees extends along the lower valley walls to an elevation of perhaps 2,500 feet. Thus spruce groves composed of trees reaching a foot or more in diameter are present on West Fork of Chulitna River to a point within 2 miles of the glacier in which the stream heads, and Ohio Creek has patches of good cottonwood and spruce trees for about 2 miles above the mouth of Christy Creek, whereas Copeland, Long, Colorado, and Costello creeks, with steeper gradients, follow timberless valleys in their upper courses, and even brush of sufficient size to supply the moderate needs of the camper is lacking. There is little timber in the Chulitna basin that is fit for other than local uses. Patches of cottonwood trees, in the bottoms of the larger streams, will supply logs as much as 4 feet in diameter, and these will furnish a small number of saw logs. The spruce and birch trees are generally small, few attaining a diameter of more than 2 feet, and although they will furnish cabin logs, mining timbers, cordwood, and an inferior grade of lumber, the products of the forests will be used only locally. Grass sufficient for forage can generally be found throughout the region. There are considerable areas of marshy bench lands and of spruce-covered bottoms in which the prevailing ground cover is MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 213 sphagnum moss and low brush and in which grass for horses is not abundant, but within those areas there are scattered well-drained spots in which horses will find sufficient food for a short time. The two principal varieties of forage grass are locally known as “red top/’ which grows to a height of several feet, and as “bunch grass,” which affords a less heavy growth but exceeds the “red top” in nutritive value. At a few localities a vetch, known to the prospectors as the “pea vine,” is abundant on the stream gravel bars and affords excel- lent forage. GAME. Although big game is not particularly abundant in the upper Chulitna basin, the prospector is occasionally able to furnish his larder with fresh meat. Caribou range over most of the area, and although usually found in small bands or as scattered individuals, when once seen they are easily procured by the hunter and so are the most useful animals for food. Moose are present in the timbered areas, though in small numbers, and on rare occasions the white mountain sheep are seen in the areas of rugged relief. Black bears are not uncommon, especially in the timbered and brushy tracts, and brown and grizzly bears are sometimes encountered. The relative scarcity of big game on this side of the Alaska Range is especially striking, for on the north slope of the range, not many miles away, is one of the most prolific game fields of North America. There sheep, caribou, and moose graze in great numbers, and their preference for the north slope of the range, rather than the south slope, is due directly or indirectly to climatic differences. The Chulitna slope of the mountains has a heavy precipitation, both in summer and in winter. The heavy winter’s snows impede free travel and cover the herbage on which the animals feed, whereas the small snowfall on the north slope leaves wide areas of bare, wind-swept pasture upon which the game herds graze. In summer, too, the drier, sunny climate of the north slope and the abundant pasturage there are preferred by the wild animals. Of the smaller wild animals rabbits and ptarmigan are perhaps most useful, for they furnish a valuable supply of fresh meat. At times both are extremely abundant, but in 1916 and 1917 they had almost completely disappeared. Trout and grayling may be caught in most of the clear-water streams, but as most of the rivers are glacier-fed and turbid, the opportunities for the traveler to get fish are infrequent. Each winter numerous fur-bearing animals are taken, including lynx, fox, mink, and marten. NATIVES. There are no established settlements of natives in the area dis- cussed in this report. The nearest settlement is at the mouth of Talkeetna River, where a few families spend part of each year catch- 214 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. ing salmon. Without doubt the natives at times ascend the tributa- ries of Chulitna River on hunting or trapping expeditions, but they have left little evidence of their visits. During the summer of 1917 no natives were encountered by the Geological Survey party north of Talkeetna River. GENERAL GEOLOGY. CHARACTER OF THE ROCKS. The rocks of the upper Chulitna region consist of a wide range of materials that have undergone different degrees of metamorphism. They include cherts, slates, and highly metamorphosed tuffs; less altered shales, graywackes, limestones, and tuffs; closely folded shales and graywackes; a thick series of shales and conglomerates; partly consolidated sands and clays with associated lignite; and several types of unconsolidated glacial and stream deposits. Igneous rocks are also present as basic lava flows, as dikes and sills, and as large intrusive masses. As shown on the map (PI. V), the largest bodies of intrusive rock within the area visited lie between Chulitna and Susitna rivers. Northwest of Chulitna River the Alaska Range proper shows on its flank a considerable amount of fragmental vol- canic material in the form of tuffs, associated with normal sediments. Farther to the northwest the main range is composed predominantly of sedimentary beds. The distribution of the geologic formations, as they have now been differentiated, is shown on the map (PI. V). The mapping, however, was done in the course of a hasty trip of only three weeks, the principal object of which was the visiting of the numerous mining claims. During the mapping it rained almost constantly. In this area the geology is by no means simple, and the grouping together of certain lithologic units and the areas assigned to them can be con- sidered as only tentative and will be considerably modified when more detailed studies are made. A base map was available only along the main Chulitna Valley. The main portion of the Alaska Range, from Chulitna River to the crest, is unmapped, and much of it is still unexplored. The drainage lines shown on the map as solid lines were taken from the surveys of the Alaskan Engineering Commission. The drainage shown in broken lines was mapped by foot traverse during the progress of the geologic work in 1917. STRUCTURE. The dominant structural trend of the rocks on the southeast flank of the Alaska Range is north-northeast, parallel to the axis of the range and to the broad trough of the Chulitna. A part of this struc- ture was developed during the growth of the present mountain range, and the structural features of the little-consolidated Tertiary lignite MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 215 beds may be attributed entirely to those mountain-building move- ments. The growth of the present range, however, took place in post-Mesozoic time. The Mesozoic and older rocks are more strongly metamorphosed than the Tertiary lignite-bearing beds, and their structure must therefore be in part ascribed to movements that antedated the last mountain-forming processes. Indeed, in exam- ining the formations it is seen that each is more severely metamor- phosed than the one succeeding it. It is therefore evident that the site of the Alaska Range has long been a zone of weakness along which folding has taken place from time to time, and the present mountains are but the topographic expression of the latest of the earth movements. Folding and faulting have both been operative in forming this massive range, and severe earthquakes in recent years suggest that even now the same slow forces are at work and that mountain growth still continues. SEDIMENTARY AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS. GREENSTONE TUFFS, SLATES, AND CHERTS. What appears to be the oldest group of rocks in the area here de- scribed comprises greenstone tuffs, cherts, and slates that form the front of the mountain range northwest of Chulitna River. These rocks crop out at intervals along the valley of West Fork of Chulitna River below the mouth of Colorado Creek and appear also on Long, Copeland, and Ohio creeks in the areas indicated on the map (PI. V). These rocks are prevailingly so metamorphosed and altered that their original character is difficult to determine in the hand specimens. At many places in which comparatively fresh and unaltered material can be obtained the characteristic rock consists of a multitude of frag- ments of basic dull-green to faint-purple lavas inclosed in a matrix of finer material of the same sort. The fragments are generally angular and of irregular shape and range in size from microscopic grains to pieces several inches in diameter. These rocks are composed of frag- mental material that was ejected violently from volcanic vents and accumulated in thick deposits, presumably in bodies of standing water. Their water-laid character is inferred not from any character- istic of the tuffs themselves, for they are free from any evidence of assortment of the materials, but from the association with the tuff beds of large amounts of chert and slate or argillite. At places the cherts and slates are notable members of the group, preponderating over the tuffs. Elsewhere they occur as thinner layers or lenses in areas where the tuffs are the prevailing rock. It is apparent that the normal processes of sedimentation, which resulted in the formation of the slates and cherts, were interrupted from time to time by volcanic outbursts, during which large quantities of fragmental volcanic material were ejected and accumulated rapidly in the near-by waters. 216 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917 . Between these periods of volcanic activity the normal sediments were laid down. The dark-gray to black slates occur in thin beds, alternating with light-green, gray, or blue-gray cherts. No fossils were found in this group of tuffs, slates, and cherts, and their age is not definitely known. As will be shown later, however, they are known to be overlain by other materials from which Triassic fossils were obtained. The structural relation between this group and the Triassic rocks has not been fully determined, but they are believed to be unconformable. If that conclusion is correct, the tuffs and associated slates and cherts are pre-Triassic and probably Paleozoic. No closer age determination is justifiable on the basis of our present knowledge. TRIASSIC TUFFS, LIMESTONES AND SHALES, AND LAVA FLOWS. Economically the most important group of rocks in the district is a series of Triassic tuffs, limestones, shales, and basic lava flows with minor amounts of conglomerate and graywacke, which apparently lies unconformably upon the beds already described. Most of the mineralized lodes so far discovered occur in these rocks. The approx- imate position of the contact between this group and the underlying group composed of greenstone, tuff, slate, and chert (see PI. V) crosses West Fork of Chulitna River a short distance below the mouth of Colorado and Bryn Mawr creeks, runs southwestward across the valleys of Long and Copeland creeks, and crosses Ohio Creek just above the mouth of Christy Creek. Between Costello and Long creeks the relations between the two groups of rocks are not clear, for the surface is generally covered with vegetation, and intrusive dikes and sills are unusually abundant. Farther south better exposures are available, and on Ohio Creek an excellent section is exhibited. There the older group of tuffs, slates, and cherts forms the walls of the lower valley as far northwest as Christy Creek, where it appears to lie unconformably beneath a heavy bed of conspicuous red tuff and agglomerate. This red tuff is the basal member of a group of rocks that has an aggregate thickness of several thousand feet and includes tuffs, agglomerates, conglomerates, amygdaloidal greenstone flows, and massive limestone beds. The tuffs range in texture from fine- grained rocks that resemble red sandstone, through coarser rocks composed of angular fragments from one-eighth to 1 inch in diameter, to coarse agglomerates containing fragments of volcanic debris several inches across. They range in color from vivid red, in which the composing fragments are chiefly j aspilite, through green and purple shades. In some of the tuffs the fragments ail appear to be sharply angular in outline; in others some fragments are angular and others partly rounded. These tuffs grade, by scarcely perceptible variations, into rocks composed largely of beautifully rounded quartz pebbles the MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 217 size of a pea, so that characteristic tuffs and typical conglomerates are apparently connected by a series of intermediate rocks. On upper Ohio Creek five distinct and massive limestone beds form conspicuous features of the landscape. One of these beds yielded fossils that were determined by T. W. Stanton to be of Triassic age, and several other collections of fossils, taken from boulders in the bed of Copeland Creek, all appear to be of the same age. The tuff beds, so abundant in the lower portions of this group of rocks, give place to amygdaloidal lava flows in the higher parts of the group, and on Ohio Creek a con- siderable thickness of lava flows appears above the uppermost lime- stone bed. On West Fork of Chulitna River the section, though presenting certain features in common with that on Ohio Creek, is greatly different in detail. The red and green tuffs are present at the base and appear at the Riverside claims along Bryn Mawr Creek and on the claims of the Golden Zone group. The abundant intrusive material, in dikes and sills, has altered the surrounding rocks by contact metamorphism, and as a result the limestones, here incon- spicuous, are generally changed to marble, and white, cream, and bluish cherts appear. The amygdaloidal greenstones, so abundant on upper Ohio Creek, are relatively scarce on West Fork of Chulitna River, where the group is overlain by a heavy body of black argillites, slates, and graywackes. ARGILLITES, SLATES, AND GRAYWACKES. A conspicuous group of rocks that crop out along the valley of West Fork of Chulitna River and forms a large element of the Alaska Range is composed predominantly of black argillite, together with minor amounts of graywacke and some fine conglomerate. Its extent along the strike, from northeast to southwest, has not been determined, but from the width of the belt across the strike, as ex- posed on West Fork of Chulitna River for a distance of over 7 miles, it seems certain that these rocks are of wide distribution. Their thickness as measured across the strike can not, however, be regarded as the normal thickness of the group, for there is abundant evidence of close folding and faulting. The general structural trend is north- east, and the dips average 45° or more and are prevailingly to the northwest. Intrusive dikes and sills are present throughout this group of sediments. Apparently this group of rocks lies structurally above the group of Triassic tuffs, limestones, shales, and lavas, though the relations between the two groups were not observed. Neither was it possible in the brief time available for the study to determine the relations of this group of rocks to the overlying formation, which, as will be shown, is probably of early Tertiary age. The only con- clusion that can now be drawn is that these beds are younger than that portion of the Triassic represented by the fossiliferous limestones and older than Eocene. 218 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. Certain other black argillites, slates, and graywackes occur on the east side of Chulitna River and were observed from Granite Creek to Antimony Creek. These rocks are in general more highly metamor- phic than the rocks of West Fork of Chulitna River, just described, but are here included with that group, though the correlation is only tentative. Eldridge 1 described a group of slates exposed along Susitna River for a distance of 50 miles, which he termed the Susitna slates, but he made no statement as to their probable age. Brooks 2 described a similar belt of rocks in Kichatna Valley that he believed to be “of unknown age, but probably chiefly Paleozoic.” Capps 3 found the same belt of rocks to be continuous from the Kichatna locality of Brooks northeastward and traced it almost to the area described by Eldridge. He classified the rocks as probably of Paleozoic or Mesozoic age. Throughout that distance the slates, argillites, and graywackes of this group are perhaps the most abundant single element in the flank of the Alaska Range. The present investigation has disclosed the fact that a similar formation is prominent in the headwaters of Chulitna River, and although the correlation is by no means certain, it seems probable that the rocks there are a continuation of series of similar rocks mapped farther south. The evidence that the beds of the upper Chulitna are of Mesozoic age indicates a similar age for the great belt of rocks extending to the southwest, if future studies prove the stratigraphic continuity between the two localities. CANTWELL FORMATION. In the upper valley of West Fork of Chulitna River the valley walls for some distance above and below the terminus of the glacier in which that stream heads are composed of conglomerates, impure sandstones, grits, and shales. The beds are gray to black. Con- glomerates, in unusual abundance, occur throughout the formation. Among the included pebbles argillites, graywackes, and slates are most conspicuous, but pebbles of other rocks and of quartz are also present. Much of the conglomerate is fine, the pebbles averaging only a small fraction of an inch in diameter, but some coarser beds, inclosing boulders as much as a foot in diameter, were seen. The matrix consists of an impure gray sand or grit. All gradations are apparent in coarseness of bed, from coarse conglomerate through fine conglomerates and grits to sandstones and shales. In the general make-up of this group of sediments there is an un- mistakable resemblance to the Cantwell formation in the headwater 1 Eldridge, G. H., A reconnaissance in Susitna basin and adjacent territory, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Ann. Kept., pt. 7, pp. 15-16, 1900. 2 Brooks, A. H., The Mount Me Kinley region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 70, pp. 67-68, 1911, s Capps, S. R.. The Yentna district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 534, pp. 24-28, 1913. MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 219 region of Nenana River, as described by Moffit, 1 and in the upper Toklat basin as described by Capps. 2 In those localities the beds have been determined, on the basis of fossil plant remains, to be of Eocene age, and as the area here described is directly along the strike and only a few miles away from the Toklat locality, and as the litho- logic aspect of the rocks, although unusual, is the same at these localities, the beds of upper West Fork of Chulitna River are referred with little hesitancy to the Cantwell formation. The Cantwell for- mation is generally folded, tilted, and faulted and is cut by intrusive rocks. In places lava flows are interbedded with the sediments. The stratigraphic and structural evidence and the degree of indura- tion seem to indicate that these beds may be older than the Eocene. COAL-BEARING TERTIARY BEDS. The next succeeding formation that has been recognized in this region comprises the Tertiary coal-bearing deposits that occur at scattered localities throughout the Susitna basin. These beds include unconsolidated or slightly consolidated shales or clays, sands, gravels, conglomerates, and some lignitic coal. With the area here described the coal-bearing formation was seen at only two localities, and at these its exposures are small, but the presence of pieces of lignite on the gravel bars of both East and Middle forks of Chulitna River indi- cates that the formation occurs on both of those streams and that it may be of considerable extent beneath the deposits of younger gravels. The coal-bearing formation crops out as a bluff of fairly firm con- glomerate at the trail crossing of Middle Fork of Chulitna River, but no lignite was seen there. On Coal Creek, a small tributary of Cos- tello Creek, shales and sands, with lignitic coal, occur. They are described below (pp. 231-232). The age of the lignite-bearing formation throughout the Susitna basin has generally been regarded as Eocene. Some uncertainty, however, has arisen during the last few years, for on the evidence of the fossil plant remains obtained from the Cantwell formation that also has been classified as Eocene. Throughout the area in which it has been recognized the Cantwell formation consists of dark, com- pletely indurated rocks, which, though carrying a small amount of carbonaceous material, have nowhere been found to contain valuable coal beds. The Cantwell beds are also generally much tilted and deformed. The coal-bearing Tertiary beds, by contrast, are every- where light in color and are generally little consolidated and only mildly deformed. In both lithologic character and structure they differ greatly from the Cantwell formation and are certainly younger 1 Moffit, F. H., The Broad Pass region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 608, pp. 40-49, 1915. 2 Capps, S. R., The Kantishna region, Alaska: U, S. Geol. Survey Bull. 687, pp. 37-44, 1919, 220 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. than the Cantwell. There can be but little doubt, however, that the lignite-bearing beds of the upper Chulitna basin are tc be correlated with similar deposits that occur at intervals throughout that basin and that have been classed as of Eocene age. UNCONSOLIDATED DEPOSITS. The unconsolidated deposits include a variety of relatively young sediments, including the morainal materials dropped directly by glaciers; bench or high-level gravels, mainly laid down by the streams that carried the outwash from the ancient greater glaciers; and the gravels of the present stream flats, composed in part of the outwash from existing glaciers and in part of the products of normal stream erosion. All these deposits are undeformed. Recognizable moraines were seen only near the lower ends of the glaciers in which the tribu- taries from the Alaska Range head, but a layer of unassorted glacial till, composed of blue clay studded with boulders and angular frag- ments of rock, was seen at many places and may be expected generally throughout those parts of the lowlands that have escaped vigorous stream erosion. The bench gravels are strongly developed along the main Chulitna and in the lower valleys of its large tributaries and are especially conspicuous from the trail where it crosses Little Honolulu and Honolulu creeks and East Fork of Chulitna River. At all these places the bench gravels are yellowish from oxidation and are capped by bluish, unoxidized glacial till. The present stream gravels, composed in part of glacial outwash and the reworked bench gravels and glacial materials, include also the products of present- day rock weathering and erosion. IGNEOUS ROCKS. The only mass of intrusive rock of sufficient size to map separately, in an investigation such as that on which tlie present report is based, is a large body of granitic material that lies on the east side of Chulitna Valley and extends from a point below the mouth of Indian River northward to the vicinity of Honolulu Creek. It is composed of gray to pink diorite and granite, of medium to coarse grain, and is bordered on the east by black slates and by unconsolidated materials. The area shown on the map (PI. V) as occupied by granitic intrusive rocks includes also some large bodies of slate that were caught up and inclosed by the molten rock when it was injected, but time was not available for tracing out the outlines of these slate bodies. Dikes of granite and diorite also radiate from this central mass in all direc- tions and ramify through the neighboring formations. Indeed, acidic dike rocks that may be related to this large intrusive mass cut all the formations already described except the Tertiary coal-bearing MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 221 formation and the younger unconsolidated materials. The granitic intrusive rocks of the Alaska Range and of the Talkeetna Mountains have generally been referred to a period of extensive intrusion in Lower Jurassic time, and the rocks here described are of similar char- acter and possibly of the same age. This age determination is not considered final, however, for if the dike rocks that cut the Cantwell are referable to the same period of intrusion as the large granitic bodies east of Chulitna River, and the Eocene age of the Cantwell is accepted, the date of the intrusion must be post-Eocene. At present the evidence is not sufficiently conclusive to justify a definite age determination for the granitic intrusives as a whole. The group of tuffs and sediments from which Triassic fossils were collected contains large amounts of basic lavas, already referred to, and some basic dikes that were observed may be related to the same period of igneous activity as the lavas. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. HISTORY OF MINING AND PROSPECTING. Little information has been published concerning the early history of prospecting in the upper Chulitna region, and the date of the a rival of the first prospectors there is not known to the writer. Certainly the discovery of workable gold placer gravels on Valdez Creek, a headward tributary of Susitna River, in 1903 , stimulated prospecting in the upper basin of the Susitna, and it is likely that in the following years some adventurous pioneers made their way into the Chulitna basin, but no valuable discoveries of gold were made, and the region remained generally unknown. So far as could be learned, the first claim Was staked in this region by John Coffee on Bryn Mawr Creek in 1907 , and that claim was worked by the owner in 1909 . It is also reported that the first lode claim, the Golden Zone, was staked in 1909 , although the present owners date their holding from 1912 . The Northern Light lode was discovered in 1911 , and during the years 1911 and 1912 practically all the claims that are now held and many other claims later relinquished were first staked. The only valuable mineral actually recovered from this region has been a small amount of placer gold, which was taken from the head of Bryn Mawr Creek. Most of the interest in the region centers on the lodes, which contain gold, copper, and antimony in encouraging amounts. The ores are not free milling, however, and the prospective value of the lodes is in their possibility of producing a large tonnage of ore of moderate richness rather than small quan- tities of high-grade ore. For the development of properties of this kind good transportation is a prime essential, both for the bringing in of supplies and equipment and for the shipment of the mined ore or concentrates to a smelter. The remoteness and difficulty of access 115086°— 19 15 222 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. of the upper Chulitna region has so far effectually prevented any lode mining, but the transportation to be furnished by the Government r ailroad should make it possible to produce metal from those proper- ties that carry ores of sufficient richness to pay charges for mining, transportation, and smelting. LODE DEPOSITS. GENERAL FEATURES. No ore from the lode deposits of the upper Chulitna region has yet been reduced, and as a consequence no commercial production of metals has been made, so that all the lode properties are still to be classified as prospects. Active development work has been carried out on eight or ten groups of claims, however, and a lesser amount of prospecting has been done on several other properties. The fact that no producing mines have yet been developed in no way reflects upon the character of the ore deposits or upon the industry and initiative of the prospectors, for the lack of anything more than the crudest and most expensive means of transportation would have pre- vented the mining of all but the richest bonanza deposits. The real test of the merits of the properties will come when the Government railroad is finished and the best transportation that can be hoped for is available. Then, if the richness of the ore bodies justifies it, mines will be opened. Most of the claims in this region were staked and are held by men of small means, who have been compelled to finance their prospecting ventures in the summer by their earnings during the rest of the year. As the simplest mining supplies have been brought to this remote country only at great cost of money, time, and effort, the amount of work accomplished in opening up the ore deposits is small, yet it represents the utmost zeal and enthusiasm on the part of men who have worked under discouraging conditions. The accompanying sketch map (PL V) shows that with the excep- tion of a single prospect on Antimony Creek, east of Chulitna River, all the lode prospects in the upper Chulitna region he along a nearly straight line, near the contact between the older greenstone tuffs, cherts, and metamorphic sediments on the east and the Triassic tuffs, limestones, and shales on the west, and all he within the Triassic materials. Aside from the lode claims on Ohio Creek, which are of somewhat different character, the claims that have received most attention he in a narrow northeast-southwest belt about 7 miles long, cut across almost centrahy by West Fork of Chulitna River. It is a significant fact that in that part of the group of Triassic tuffs and sediments in which the ore bodies occur calcareous rocks are present, either as hmestone, marble, or limy shale. Furthermore, in the vicinity of the ore bodies there is an unusual amount of igneous MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 223 material, injected as dikes into the tuffs, limestones, and shales. The ore bodies themselves, as imperfectly exposed in the scanty workings, are not sharply outlined and have not generally a definite veinlike character. They appear to be irregular masses in which the mineralization is heavy in places but fades out into less mineralized country rock in all directions. Indeed, scattered specks of sulphides can be found in these rocks over wide areas. The principal metallic minerals recognized include arsenopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopy- rite, pyrrhotite, stibnite, and galena, and assay returns show the presence of gold. Some small, distinct veins cut the ore bodies, and these carry sulphides in a gangue of calcite or quartz, or both, but most of the ore seems to consist of sulphides that have replaced limy rocks, or else it occurs as disseminated sulphides in different types of material, including tuffs, cherts, limestones, and the dike rocks them- selves. The information at hand, therefore, indicates that as the result of the intrusion of acidic dikes the intruded rocks suffered some contact metamorphism. Mineralized solutions from the igneous mass penetrated the neighboring rocks and replaced certain of the limy beds. The calcareous beds were not alone affected, however, for sulphide-bearing solutions also penetrated certain tuff and chert beds and replaced portions of these with sulphides, but the larger ore bodies, as at present exposed, seem to represent the replacement of calcareous sediments by metallic sulphides. One great disadvantage under which the prospectors in the upper Chulitna region have labored is the difficulty of obtaining assay returns with sufficient promptness to guide the progress of develop- ment work. In ore of this character the gold content, upon which the value of the ore largely depends, can not be determined without assaying, and the difficulty of travel to and from the region has usually resulted in compelling the prospector to have only a single group of assays made at the end of his season’s development work. Such assays are too often made of picked samples of ore, rather than of average samples across an entire ore body, and the prospector is thus in danger of deceiving himself in regard to the average tenor of the ore. In the following notes those lode prospects on which any consider- able amount of development work has been done are described in the order in which they lie from northeast to southwest. j LODE PROSPECTS. Northern Light group . — The Northern Light group consists of three claims on the northeast side of Costello Creek, a short distance below the mouth of Camp Creek. These claims were first staked by A. O. Wells, Frank Wells, and Joe Focket in 1911 and are still held by 224 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. these men together with some additional partners, who later bought interest in the ground. The mineralized area first attracted attention on account of the rusty red discoloration of the outcrops. The country rock comprises a confused assemblage of volcanic tuffs, impure limestones, and shales, cut by dike rocks. Much of the rock is so badly altered that its original character is obscure, but tuffs, sediments, and ore are highly calcareous, and even the dike rocks contain calcium carbonate. The area of strongest mineralization is irregular in outline and has a greatest width of about 30 feet. The mineralized rock strikes about N. 65° W. and dips 70° SE. It is apparently the result of the replacement of a limy bed by sulphides and contains veins and hunches of quartz. This limy bed appears to lie between metamorphic tuffs, which the owners term the hanging wall, and a finely granular dike rock that forms the footwall. A tunnel 64 feet long has been driven into the highly stained bluff of Costello Creek through material that everywhere contains finely disseminated sulphides. At the time of the writer’s visit, in July, 1917, the breast of the tunnel showed a quartz vein 6 inches to 1 foot thick, highly mineralized. Within the mineralized zone there are many horses of the footwall rock that are comparatively lean in sulphides, though gold and silver have been found in assays of the country rock on both sides the area of heaviest mineralization, which has been traced along the surface for a distance of about 800 feet. The metallic minerals that have been recognized include arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and a little stibnite, and assays are said to show the presence of gold and silver in encouraging amounts. Lucrative group . — The Lucrative group, consisting of five claims, lies on Costello Creek near the mouth of Camp Creek. The only development work that was seen consists of a tunnel 15 feet long that is driven into a bluff on the west side of Camp Creek, about 1,500 feet above its mouth. The tunnel, which runs S. 70° W ., follows the strike of a rusty, mineralized, vertically dipping quartz stockwork in a mass of intrusive rock. The stockwork, as shown in the tunnel, is 15 to 18 inches wide, is much fractured and broken, and is bordered on each side by a sharply defined wall, along which movement has taken place, as shown by slickensides and gouge. The principal mineralization consisted in the formation of abundant arsenopyrite in bluish banded quartz, with some specks of chalcopyrite. . The owners were not on this property at the time of the writer’s visit, and no information was obtained concerning the content of the ore in gold or silver. Silver King group . — The Silver King group, consisting of two claims — the Silver King and Silver King Extension — lies on the northeast side of Colorado Creek about 1^ miles above the mouth of that stream. This ground had been located in previous years, MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 225 but the title had lapsed, and it was staked by the present owner in March, 1917. At the time of the writer’s visit development work on this ground had been confined to the excavation of a number of open cuts. ’These cuts nowhere penetrated to solid, undisturbed ground, so that the geologic structure of the ore deposit could not be determined with accuracy. As shown by the shallow excavations the center of mineralization appears to be in a dike that is highly altered. The dike probably cuts calcareous sediments, for it con- tains much calcite, and both the dike rock and the ore effervesce freely upon the application of dilute hydrochloric acid. The out- lines of the ore body had not been determined, but there is apparently a large mass of material that contains abundant sulphides. The sulphides that were recognized include arsenopyrite, pyrite, chal- copyrite, pyrrhotite, and stibnite, both in massive aggregates and finely disseminated throughout the country rock. Small calcite veinlets were observed, and in one cut a body of massive stibnite from 6 inches to 1 foot thick that strikes about east and west and dips 23° S. is exposed. No assays were available, and the content of the ore in gold and silver was not known. Riverside group . — The Riverside group comprises several claims that adjoin West Fork of Chulitna River on its southwest side, about a mile above the mouth of Bryn Mawr Creek. Developments in 1917 included half a dozen large open cuts, a shaft 15 feet deep, and two tunnels, one 10 feet long and the other of unknown length, now caved in. All these workings are at the base of a steep rock bluff, at the edge of the broad gravel flat of West Fork of Chulitna River. The rocks exposed consist predominantly of steeply dipping green to red tuffs, with which are associated pale-pink, green, and blue-gray cherts, locally banded; rusty gray and white marble; and abundant dikes of medium-grained acidic intrusive rocks. The tuffs are hard and dense and range in texture from fine-grained to very coarse. The marbles and cherts are less abundant but are visible in several of the open cuts. Tuffs, cherts, and calcareous beds are all more or less altered by contact metamorphism, as a result of their intimate intrusion by the dike rocks. The openings that have beeji made on these claims are unconnected, and the surface between them is covered by vegetation and by loose glacial deposits and talus, so that little can now be said in regard to the geologic relations and extent of the mineralized area. Such data as could be obtained, however, indicate that here, as at other places in the district, the mineralization is the result of the replacement of calcareous beds by quartz and metallic sulphides, introduced by mineralizing solutions that were related to the intruded dike rocks. The ore examined consists of a rusty quartz gangue full of vugs into which project quartz prisms terminated by rhombohedrons. 226 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Abundant sulphides, including arsenopyrite, pyrite, cbalcopyrite, galena, and probably sphalerite are inclosed by the quartz gangue, and specks of these sulphides occur without quartz gangue in marble, tuffs, and dike rocks. A little green copper carbonate stain was noted. It is reported that average assays taken over a zone in the marble 12 feet wide yielded several dollars a ton in gold and silver. Lindfors group . — The Lindfors group includes three claims, known as the Hill Top, Morning Glory, and Lucky Strike, all lying at the head of Bryn Mawr Creek and adjoining the Golden Zone group. This ground was staked in 1913, and the developments consist of a number of open cuts and strippings along both bluffs of Bryn Mawr Creek. No underground work had been done on these claims in July, 1917. The country rock, as exposed in the creek bluffs and the open cuts, consists of a group of altered materials, the original character of some of which is obscure. Tuffs, marbles, and dike rocks in different stages of alteration were noted, and all contain some disseminated sulphides. It is evident that on these claims the mineralization was due to the replacement of calcareous sediments by quartz and sulphides and to the impregnation of different types of country rock with sulphides introduced in connection with the intrusion of acidic dikes. Apparently the intrusion was followed by a period of pneumatolytic alteration of both the dikes and the rock into which they were intruded, and some metallic minerals may have been introduced at that time. One open cut shows a vein of massive arsenopyrite from 4 to 20 inches thick that lies between a much decomposed dike and some altered tuffs. Another cut showed a considerable area in which disseminated sulphides and some small sulphide-bearing quartz veinlets, containing also a brown-weathering carbonate that is probably ankerite, cut through much altered cal- careous materials. Arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite were recognized, and it is reported that some rich assays have been obtained and that large quantities of materials carry encouraging amounts of gold. Golden Zone group . — The Golden Zone group includes three claims in the upper basin of Bryn Mawr Creek, adjoining the Lindfors group on the northwest. The claims were staked in 1912, attention having been attracted to this locality by the presence of a large hill, the rock of which is oxidized to a rusty red and is conspicuous for a long distance. This hill on examination proves to be composed of a body of acidic rock that is intruded into an assemblage of materials including tuff, marble, and shale. The intrusive mass is generally impregnated with scattered specks of sulphides, but locally the mineralization is heavy, and the rock is cut by many small quartz veinlets. In places the intrusive material is massive and appears fresh in hand specimens, but in the more heavily mineralized portion MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 227 it is much altered and broken into slabs 3 to 8 inches thick, separated by layers of pulverulent material stained by iron oxide and copper carbonate. The developments include many small open cuts, one large cut 120 feet long, and 221 feet of underground workings. The large open cut shows altered and rusty intrusive material that con- tains disseminated sulphides and a little quartz, and an average sample through the whole cut is said to have yielded an encouraging amount of gold and silver. The tunnel, which was driven in a northwest direction on the slope of the hill toward Bryn Mawr Creek is straight for 137 feet and at a point 82 feet from the portal has a crosscut to the southwest 84 feet long. The main tunnel was driven through an altered and generally decomposed mass of dike rock in which iron and copper sulphides are generally disseminated and are especially abundant along cracks, joints, and slip zones. Some bunches and stringers of quartz are present in the dike rock. The crosscut follows a slip zone which contains gouge. Some white to buff soft calcareous material was also excavated from the tunnel. The metallic minerals that have been recognized on this property include arsenopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, mala- chite, and probably stibnite. It is reported that assays of the average material removed from the tunnel show several dollars a ton in gold and silver, and some rather high assays were procured. No one was resident on this property when it was visited in July, 1917. Hector group . — The Hector group includes two claims that lie on the Long Creek side of the divide between Long Creek and West Fork of Chulitna River, opposite the head of Bryn Mawr Creek. The ground was staked in 1914, and the developments include only a number of shallow open cuts. These cuts were made on small rock exposures that projected through a covering of vegetation and of surficial materials, so that no large surface of bedrock was available for examination, either for deciphering the geologic relations or for determining the extent of the ore bodies. The rocks examined include more or less altered materials that are probably the metamor- phic equivalents of siliceous shales, graywackes, and tuffs. The finer beds are banded white, brown, and green cherts, interbedded with dense graywackes and argillites. The beds strike S. 75°-80° W. and have steep dips, generally to the northwest. The whole assemblage has been intimately cut by acidic intrusive rocks, which form dikes of considerable size and are locally interleaved in thin layers with the sediments. The cherts are highly siliceous, but all the other materials have an appreciable content of calcium carbonate, and both the graywackes and the dike rocks effervesce freely with dilute hydrochloric acid. The principal ore body, as exposed in a shallow trench, consists of chalcopyrite and pyrrho tite, intimately mixed, disseminated through 228 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. the coarser sediments and the dike rocks. A trench shows minerali- zation over a distance of 30 feet across the bedding, and other open- ings along the strike show abundant sulphides 250 feet from the principal opening. The sulphides replace certain beds and occur in the dike rocks themselves. Chert beds that cut through the mineral- ized area are almost free from sulphides. The sulphides range in abundance from scattered small specks of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite to masses of sulphides in which little rock is visible. Some small quartz and calcite veinlets cut the ore, but the degree of mineralization seems to be independent of their presence. Assays of the best ore are said to have yielded 17 per cent of copper, but development has not yet proceeded far enough to determine the probable size of the ore body or the influence of depth upon the character and degree of mineralization. Ready Cash group . — The Ready Cash group, which is reported to include nine claims, lies on the northeast side of Ohio Creek about 3 miles above the mouth of Christy Creek. At the time of the writer’s visit, in July, 1917, no one was resident on these claims, and none of the owners were seen in the country, so that the only information gathered was that procured in a brief study of the workings that could be found by following trails from the camp site. The country rock in the vicinity of the workings consists of interbedded argillites, graywackes, and greenstone tuffs, all more or less metamorphosed. The local structure is generally difficult to determine, but the pre- vailing larger structural features strike somewhat east of north and in general dip rather steeply eastward. Apparently the attention of the prospectors was attracted to this locality by a quartz vein that crops out conspicuously on the east wall of a small gulch that is tribu- tary to Ohio Creek from the north. This vein, which cuts altered slates, graywackes, and tuffs, is 8 to 10 feet wide, strikes N. 15° E., and dips vertically. It is rusty and shows some stains of copper carbonate. A short distance down the mountain an adit tunnel 170 feet long was driven in a direction S. 80° E., apparently for the purpose of cutting the quartz vein at depth. The breast of the tunnel had not yet reached the vein exposed on the surface, but in the tunnel a few small quartz veins from 1 to 3 inches wide were intersected. No data were obtained concerning the assay values of the ores at this property. It is reported that another tunnel 75 feet long has been driven on this property a short distance downstream from the tunnel already mentioned and on the same vein as that which the 170-foot tunnel was meant to cut. The vein is said to be from 12 to 15 inches wide, to carry abundant galena, and to show high assays in silver. Pieces of ore which were found at the entrance to the long tunnel but which presumably come from the other tunnel show quartz with some cal- MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 229 cite that carries abundant arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and galena. North Carolina group . — The North Carolina group includes several claims that lie in the upper basin of Antimony Creek, a small tributary of East Fork of Chulitna River that joins that stream from the east at the trail crossing, 1 mile above the mouth of East Fork. Mining developments include a log cabin, in the highest patch of timber on the creek, two tunnels, 40 and 10 feet long, and a number of open cuts and strippings. The mouth of Antimony Creek has an elevation of approximately 1,625 feet above sea level. About 3 miles above the mouth of the stream, at an elevation of 2,700 feet, a 40-foot tunnel has been driven into the steep north bluff of the valley, about 75 feet above the creek, on a claim called North Carolina No. 3. The tunnel follows the foot- wall contact of a 3-foot basic dike with the shale, impure limestone, and graywacke country rock. The dike strikes S. 65° W. and dips 60° SE., and the sediments have about the same strike hut dip more gently. The tunnel is timbered and lagged and is caved at the breast, so that no opportunity was afforded to study the conditions of struc- ture and mineralization in it. It is reported that at the breast there is a gouge-filled slip zone, in which are scattered cubes and bunches of pyrite in the gouge. Pieces of ore found on the dump show abundant pyrite, which occurs as veins or streaks in the altered shales or argillites. The sulphide streaks are highly calcareous, and where the shales that carry the sulphides are more siliceous they contain tiny films and veinlets of calcite. Some secondary crystalline calcite also occurs surrounded by pyrite. The pyrite is probably due to the replacement of limy sediments by mineralized solutions that circu- lated along a fault zone. Assays are said to show the presence of small amounts of gold. Farther up Antimony Creek, on the top of the bordering ridge on the north, at an elevation of about 4,000 feet, a 10-foot tunnel has been driven on a claim known as North Carolina No. 5. This tunnel penetrates black argillites, slates, and graywackes that on the surface are so weathered and disturbed that their structure is not determi- nable. The tunnel is timbered and is caved at the breast, so that the geologic conditions encountered in driving it could not be determined. An ore pile at the mouth of the tunnel contains several tons of massive stibnite ore that includes both finely granular stibnite and a mixture of the granular sulphide with acicular crystals. In some specimens there is a considerable admixture of granular quartz through the stibnite, but other pieces show massive sulphide with no visible gangue. Small amounts of yellow and reddish secondary oxidation products, probably stibiconite and kermesite, were noted on weathered surfaces and in fractures in the ore, and some rusty quartz is associa ted 230 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. with. it. The owners report that the stibnite occurs in lenses or kid- neys that have a maximum thickness of 2 feet and are only a few feet long and that lie parallel in the vein. They report also that the stibnite carries some gold. Other prospects .- — In addition to the prospects already described, on which a considerable amount of systematic development work has been done, there are within the upper Chulitna region a number of claims or groups of claims that show different degrees of mineralization and on which the annual assessment work has been done for some years. On most of these claims too little work has been done to outline the ore bodies or to reveal the conditions or extent of the mineralization. The following notes mention those properties in this class to which the writer’s attention was directed: The Center Star group of two claims lies northeast of the Silver King group and on a line between it and the Northern Light property. The openings, which include several small open cuts and strippings, show a bluish dike rock in which disseminated arsenopyrite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite were recognized. The Flaurier group of five claims adjoins the Riverside group on the west. The country rock includes the same group of cherts, argillites, tuffs, and possibly limestone cut by dikes that have already been described as occurring at the Riverside group. Open cuts show altered, rusty materials that locally contain considerable quantities of sulphides, which seem to be scattered through the rock by impreg- nation rather than to occur as a segregated replacement deposit. Assays taken over a considerable area of this material are said to show- a few dollars in gold and silver to the ton. The Jumbo is a fractional claim adjoining the Riverside and lying 2,000 feet southwest of West Fork of Chulitna River. On this claim a large open cut shows a fine-grained conglomerate in which are bunches and specks of sulphides, mainly pyrrhotite but with some pyrite and chalcopyrite. The Golden Zone Extension group includes some claims that lie adjacent to the Golden Zone group on the southwest. Prospecting has been carried on by the opening of a number of long, shallow trenches, which for the most part fail to penetrate through the loose surficial material to undisturbed bedrock. The underlying rock apparently consists of altered tuff, chert, and argillites cut by dike rocks, in which there is locally some disseminated arsenopyrite. It is reported that a large number of claims have been staked on the main northern branch of West Fork of Chulitna River for man- ganese. The manganese is said to occur in seams in slate and ser- pentine. The surface ores are all soft and decomposed, and no excavations have been made that show the character of the man- ganese ore at depth. MINERAL RESOURCES OF UPPER CHULITNA REGION. 231 GOLD PLACER MINES AND PROSPECTS. In the upper Chulitna region, as in most other unexplored coun- tries, the efforts of the earliest prospectors were directed to the search for easily mined gold placer deposits, and in 1907 the first claims located in this region were staked for placer gold, on upper Bryn Mawr Creek. In 1909 some mining was done on this ground, and a small amount of gold was recovered. Prospecting for gold placer gravels has continued since that time, and although gold has been found at many places, it has nowhere been found in sufficient amount to warrant mining under the conditions imposed by the remoteness and difficulty of access of the region. In 1917 some prospecting for gold was done on West Fork of Chulitna River, but no workable deposits were found. Two men continued the attempt to discover a pay streak on lower Shotgun Creek, a tributary of lower Ohio Creek from the west. Encouraging amounts of gold have been found at that locality, and several persons have at one time or another attempted to mine there, but so far with- out success. The gravels of Gold Creek, a tributary that joins Susitna River from the east 2 miles below the mouth of Indian River, have long been known to be auriferous, and attempts to mine them have been made at intervals by different men. A small amount of gold has been recovered, but no ground rich enough to yield a profit to the miners has yet been found. Some gold has from time to time been won from the bars of Susitna River near the mouth of Gold Creek and a short distance below Dead- horse Hill. This gold was all fine and occurred near the top of the stream-gravel deposits. Deeper holes sunk through the gold-bearing gravels failed to show any increase in the amount of gold with depth but rather a decrease. COAL. As has already been stated, coal-bearing Tertiary beds are widely distributed throughout the basin of Susitna River and are known to occur at two localities in the upper Chulitna region. The only one of these localities that was visited in 1917 lies near the head of Coal Creek, a small stream that flows into Camp Creek, which in turn is tributary to Costello Creek from the northeast. There the bluffs show a section of Tertiary shale and lignite. At the time of the writer’s visit, in July, 1917, a snow bank covered much of the out- crop, and the surface of the beds was partly masked by detritus, but in a vertical section of 24 feet three lignite beds, 6, 5, and 9 feet thick, separated by shale beds, were seen. A 15-foot tunnel, driven on one coal bed, shows a 6-foot face of bright black lignite of fair quality. 232 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Neither the top nor the bottom of this bed was seen in the tunnel, so the thickness certainly exceeds 6 feet. The coal beds dip about 14° E. The area of the coal field is not known, for exposures are few, but the coal is apparently limited on the west by Camp Creek and is said to crop out at least 1,200 feet east of the tunnel. This lignite has had a small local use by the prospectors for fuel for camps and as forge coal. It is reported that Tertiary deposits containing a lignite bed several feet thick crop out in the valley of a tributary of Middle Fork of Chulitna River, about 11 miles above the j miction of East and Middle forks, between the trail and the line of the railroad survey, and coal- bearing beds are said to crop out on Coal Creek, a southeastward- flowing tributary of the Chulitna, south of Ohio Creek. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF THE KAHILTNA VALLEY. By J. B. Mertie, Jr. INTRODUCTION. The valley of Kahiltna River includes an area about 80 miles long and from 5 to 20 miles wide, which begins at the confluence of Kahiltna and Yentna rivers and extends somewhat west of north to the crest of the Alaska Range. This strip of territory, aggregat- ing about 1,000 square miles, forms the central part of the Yentna district. Cache Creek and its tributaries and the headwater tribu- taries of Peters Creek constitute the present center of mining activity in the Kahiltna Valley. The exploratory expeditions of Spurr 1 and Eldridge 2 in 1898 and of Brooks 3 in 1902 yielded the first geographic and geologic knowl- edge of Yentna and Susitna rivers, but Kahiltna River and its tribu- taries were not visited by these earlier workers. The first authentic geographic knowledge of the Kahiltna Valley 'was obtained in 1906, when the area now known as the Yentna district was mapped topo- graphically by R. W. Porter, working independently of the Geolog- ical Survey. In 1911 Capps 4 visited the Yentna district, including the valley of Kahiltna River, and made numerous corrections and additions to the topographic mapping of Porter, and two years later his reconnaissance topographic and geologic map of the region was published. Placer mining began in the Cache Creek and Peters Creek basins in 1905 and has continued to the present time. Capps, in addition to his geologic work in this district, also studied the gold placers and reported on their occurrence, origin, and value. The Kahiltna Valley, including Cache and Peters creeks, was visited by the writer in September, 1917, with two objects in view. First, platinum had been recently reported from gold placers at several localities along the lower part of Kahiltna River, and the 1 Spurr, J. E., A reconnaissance in southwestern Alaska in 1898: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Ann. Kept., pt. 7, pp. 31-264, 1900. 2 Eldridge, G. H., A reconnaissance in the Susitna basin and adjacent territory, Alaska, in 1898: Idem, pp. 1-30. 3 Brooks, A. H., The Mount McKinley region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 70, 1911. 4 Capps, S. R., The Yentna district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 534, 1913. 233 234 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. United States Geological Survey desired to investigate these occur- rences of platinum and determine, if possible, their significance and value, as well as to search for other platinum -bearing gravels ; second, it was desirable to learn the amount of mining development which had taken place during the preceding six years and thus to bring up to date the record of the placer-mining industry in this district. These objectives were accomplished in a trip of 27 days, starting from and returning to Anchorage. The writer takes this opportunity to acknowledge gratefully the hospitality and cordial cooperation of the mining men in the Cache Creek district. Special thanks are due to Messrs. Harris and Murray, of the Cache Creek Dredging Co. and the Cache Creek Mining Co., respectively, for many favors received. GEOGRAPHY. The geographic features of the Yentna district have already been stated in some detail by Capps, 1 and the following notes are written only as a summary of the data for Kahiltna Valley. Kahiltna River has its source in Kahiltna Glacier, from which a number of glacial streams emerge and flow for miles as a system of anasto- mosing channels over an aggraded flood plain of sand and gravel but gradually unite downstream to form the main river. A main channel may be said to begin at the mouth of Treasure Creek, about 7 miles in an air line from the foot of the glacier, but even from this point downstream to the flats the river flows through many sloughs over a wide flood plain. At the Kahiltna Flats the main channel and sloughs unite and spread out across the valley bottom to form a wide expanse of shadow water and shifting sand bars, through which a shallow-draft poling boat in many places has difficulty in finding a channel. Below the flats the main channel is well defined, though in places sloughs cause islands in the river. At a point 20 miles in an air line below the glacier, at Camp 2, the river enters a canyon and cuts through the Eocene coal-bearing formation for several miles in a series of rapids. Below the mouth of Peters Creek the river is incised in the coal-bearing rooks at many places and is a swift stream, which here and there flows in a gorge. A stretch of several miles of this character at the lower end of the Kahiltna is sometimes referred to as the lower canyon of the Kahiltna. The length of Kahiltna River, from Kahiltna Glacier to its junction with Yentna River, is about 42 miles in an air line, though much more than that by the windings of the stream. All the larger tributaries of Kahiltna River, with the exception of Treasure Creek, enter from the east side of the valley and drain 1 Capps, S. R., The Yentna district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 534, pp. 11-22, 1913. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 235 the Dutch, Peters, and Little Peters hills. Named in order down- stream, they are Granite, Cache, Hungryman, Bear, and Peters creeks, of which Cache and Peters creeks are the largest. These eastern tributaries of Kahiltna River emerge from the hills in gorges, of which the lower canyon of Cache Creek is typical, and flow over the Kahiltna flood plain to join the main river. The east side of the Dutch and Peters hills is drained by Tokichitna River and its tributaries, which head against the headwater tributaries of Peters and Granite creeks. The Dutch, Peters, and Little Peters hills form a kite-shaped area that is bounded on the northeast by the valley floor of Tokichitna River, on the southeast by the wide alluvial flats of Chulitna and Susitna rivers, on the southwest by the Kahiltna flood plain and Kahiltna Glacier, and on the northwest by Dutch Creek, a tributary of Granite Creek, and the upper Tokichitna tributaries. These three groups of hills, which include the Cache Creek mining district, cover an area of about 300 square miles adjoining what may be termed the upper Kahiltna basin. The lower Kahiltna Valley may be said to begin at the mouth of Peters Creek and to extend to Yentna River. The Dutch Hills rise to an elevation of over 4,000 feet, the Peters Hills between 3,000 and 4,000 feet, and the Little Peters Hills only 2,000 feet. A wide trough-shaped depression of glacial origin, occu- pied by Cache Creek and the headwater tributaries of Peters Creek and lying for the most part between elevations of 2,000 to 2,400 feet, separates the Dutch Hills from the Peters Hills to the south. The Peters Hills are separated from the Little Peters Hills by a wide, high, level flat at the heads of Hungryman and Bear creeks. The valley floor of Kahiltna River and its eastward continuation into the Susitna Flats constitute the lowland area of Kahiltna Valley. These lowlands consist of wide stretches of level alluvium, with some low rolling hills, separated usually from one another by lakes, swamps, or sluggish meandering streams. The lower Kahiltna V alley ranges in elevation from 200 to 500 feet; the elevation at the foot of Kahiltna Glacier is about 800 feet. In general, the lowland areas are timbered and densely overgrown by low brush. The only settlement in the lower Kahiltna Valley is McDougall, on the north bank of Yentna River about 8 miles above the mouth of the Kahiltna. The nearest post office is at Susitna, on the east bank of Susitna River at the mouth of the Yentna, 29 miles in an air line from McDougall. About 100 men are engaged in mining in the Kahiltna Valley, chiefly in the valleys of Cache and Peters creeks. 236 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. GEOLOGY. SLATE AND GRAYWACKE SERIES. The larger geologic units of Kahiltna Valley have already been described and mapped by Capps 1 and are shown on the geologic sketch map in this report (PL VI). The oldest rock formation known in the valley is a series of slates and graywackes, with certain phyllitio and quartzitic phases, which forms the predominating country rock of the Dutch, Peters, and Little Peters hills and extends to the northeast and southeast along the south flank of the Alaska Range. With regard to the lithologic character of these rocks, par- ticularly in the Dutch and Peters hills, Capps 2 writes as follows: They consist chiefly of black to gray slates and phyllites, in many places carbo- naceous, and beds of graywacke, which range from fine-grained to coarse gritty rocks. In some places the rocks are massive, with argillites instead of slates, but the foliated types are much more widespread than the massive types. It is difficult to estimate just what proportion of the whole series is formed by the graywacke beds. Many sections show great thicknesses of the slaty phases, with very little graywacke present. At other localities the graywackes preponderate, occurring in thick, massive beds that show little foliation or schistosity and that are often mistaken by the miners for fine-grained dike rocks, which they closely resemble. The whole series is much jointed, the graywackes less closely than the slates, which are in many places broken into long prismatic pieces by sets of intersecting joints. Of the slates in general Capps 2 further says : Evidences of mineralization are widespread in these rocks. A characteristic phase of the slates in many places throughout the region contains small cubical cavities, the largest a quarter of an inch in diameter, formed by the leaching out of cubes of iron pyrite, the rock being discolored for some distance around each cavity. Some of the graywacke beds also show the presence of much finely disseminated pyrite. The slate and graywacke series is greatly folded and faulted and exhibits great variation in strike and dip. The average strike, however, is about N. 60° E., and the general dip is at a high angle to the south. On account of the irregularity of structure and the lack of knowledge of these rocks over a large area, no reliable estimate of thickness can be made other than the statement, as given by Capps, 3 that the series is several thousand feet thick. This slate and graywacke series was correlated by Capps 3 with a similar series of rocks observed by Brooks 4 in the valley of Kichatna River and with the Susitna slate described by Eldridge, 5 and for lack of conclusive evidence it was assigned provisionally to the Paleozoic or Mesozoic. During the season of 1917 two fossil shells 1 Capps, S. R., The Yentna district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 534, pp. 22-47, 1913. 2 Idem, p. 25. 8 Idem, p. 27. 4 Brooks, A. H., The Mount McKinley region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 70, pp. 67-68, 1911. 6 Eldridge, G. H., A reconnaissance in the Susitna basin and adjacent territory, Alaska, in 1898: U. S. Geol. Survey Twentieth Aim. Rept., pt. 7, pp. 15-16, 1900. Eocene ancL later Pleistocene EXPLANATION Sedimentary rocks Alluvium {Gravel, sand, and silt of flood plains) Moraines and associated gravels {Glacial till and g/adO'f/u vial bench gravel, sand, and silt) Eocene coal-bearing sedi- ments and overlying later Tertiary gravel Slate and graywacke, with some quartzite IGNEOUS ROCKS Diorite, granite, and associated dikes Gold placer mine Coal mine MESOZOIC TERTIARY QUATERNARY -r*:- ■ ■; /ajvj -• t -■ .• .. ' :i. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 237 were found by the writer on Long Creek, in the Tokichitna Basin. The localities and the determinations made by T. W. Stanton are as follows: 10124. No. 4. Angular wash, half a mile from head of Long Creek, tributary of Tokichitna River. Elevation, 2,500 feet. 10125. No. 5. In place, a quarter of a mile from head of same creek. Elevation, 2,600 feet. These two specimens are fragmentary imprints in slate and probably represent a single species, which in my opinion is referable to a broad form of Inoceramus more like some of the Alaskan Upper Cretaceous types of Inoceramus than those known from the Jurassic. It is probably worthy of mention that the lithology of the matrix suggests the Yakutat rocks of Woody Island and that the fossils themselves have some resemblance to Inoceramya concentrica Ulrich from that locality, though they do not belong to that species. Though other fossils are needed to make the identifica- tion positive, I think that these fossils are probably of Upper Cretaceous age. Other fossil fragments were observed in the slate and graywacke series on Long Creek, and a careful search in this vicinity might reveal other forms or better-preserved specimens of the same one. It is evident, at all events, that this slate and graywacke series is Mesozoic in age and not Paleozoic, and it seems probable that it represents some horizon in the Cretaceous system. TERTIARY SYSTEM. Two formations, which make up the Tertiary system, overlie uncon- formably the slate and graywacke series. The older of these is the Eocene coal-bearing formation correlated with the Kenai, and the younger is a gravel deposit which lies conformably on the coal-bearing rocks. In the valley of Kahiltna River the coal-bearing rocks crop out in the valley of Treasure Creek, in the basin between the Dutch and Peters hills, along the east side of the Kahiltna Valley from the Little Peters Hills to Kahiltna Glacier, along the southeast flank of the Peters Hills, and in the lower Kahiltna Valley. Later alluvial deposits probably conceal large areas of these rocks in the Kahiltna and Susitna flats. The overlying gravels are best exposed west of Kahiltna Valley, at the head of Camp and Mills creeks, but are also said by Capps 1 to occur at the mouth of the canyon of Nugget Creek and on Cache Creek at the mouth of Windy Creek. They were noticed also by the writer on Gopher Creek, a headwater tributary of Willow Creek. The Eocene coal-bearing rocks are described by Capps 2 as follows: The character of the Eocene beds is more or less uniform in the many outcrops examined, even in widely separated localities. Most of the exposures show only a small part of the total thickness of the series, but even where the outcrops are small 1 Capps, S. R., The Yentna district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 534, p. 34, 1913. 3 Idem, p. 30. 115086°— 19 16 238 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. little difficulty is encountered in identifying them. The beds consist predominantly of unconsolidated or loosely consolidated clays and sands, containing layers of fine pebbles, and commonly some lignitic coal. Even where the surface is covered with vegetation pieces of lignite in the stream beds often serve to indicate the presence of these deposits. At the few localities where the relation between the Eocene sediments and the underlying slates could be studied, the slates and graywackes have been deeply weathered and decayed, the slates having broken down to a bluish-white kaolinic clay and the graywackes changed to a soft gritty sandstone before the over- lying materials were deposited. It is often difficult to determine the point at which the clay shales of the Tertiary succeed the residual clays of the slate series. The coal-bearing sediments consist of alternating clays, sands, and fine gravels, the beds in most places being little consolidated, though here and there a coarser layer has been cemented into a rather fine conglomerate or grit. At a bluff on the east bank of Susitna River at Susitna station there is an outcrop of a coarse-grained conglomerate which Spurr refers provisionally to the Kenai formation, of Eocene age, but nothing similar to this rock was seen in the Yentna region. Lignitic coal occurs in the Tertiary rocks in many places. All of the coal examined was rather fibrous and woody, of a brown to black color, and is of little value except as a source of local fuel supply. The beds examined are from a few inches to 12 feet in thickness. Structurally, the coal-bearing rocks are distinct from the slate and graywacke series in that they are only loosely consolidated and, although folded, show only to a small degree the effects of meta- morphism. Only exceptionally are the coal-bearing beds inclined at high angles, as for instance about 2J miles below the canyon on Peters Creek, where these rocks and their included coal beds dip 70° NW. and strike N. 45° E. The folding is, in general, of the broad, open type, and the rocks are only imperfectly indurated. Their thickness is not definitely known but is believed to exceed 1,000 feet. The overlying gravel has been described by Capps 1 as follows : The gravels are rudely stratified, as though by streams, the largest boulders being about 1 foot in diameter, but most of the pebbles measure from 2 to 4 inches through and are mixed with much sandy material. A large variety of rocks is represented by the pebbles — slates, graywackes, black and gray conglomerates, and quartz are present as well as diorites and many other types of igneous rocks. The deposit throughout its thickness shows a yellowish color due to oxidation, but the yellow color is evidently only a coating on the pebbles, for it has disappeared from the materials that have been rehandled by streams. The great age of these gravels is attested by their decayed condition, many of the pebbles being so rotten that they crumble and fall to pieces when disturbed, although they must have been hard and firm when they were rounded and deposited by the streams. The gravels, where seen by the writer on Gopher Creek, formed a rotten conglomerate made up in the main of greatly decayed pebbles a few inches in diameter, though cobbles as large as 18 inches were also seen. This conglomerate formed the bedrock underlying the stream placers at the upper end of Gopher Creek. The total thick- ness of the gravel is unknown, but at least 600 feet of such rock was seen by Capps 2 in the upper part of Treasure Creek. Capps, S. R., op. cit., p. 34. Idem, p. 35. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 239 QUATERNARY SYSTEM. With the advent of Quaternary time there came a gradual change in climatic conditions, which resulted in the development of glaciers in this area on a large scale. The glaciers gradually extended from the Alaska Range southward to Cook Inlet, filling the valleys and covering all the prominent hills in Kahiltna Valley. The Peters and Dutch hills, if not actually overridden by ice, were covered by a neve of snow and ice which contributed to the surrounding ice sheet. This ice advance, which occurred during Pleistocene time and per- haps extended into Recent time, was finally stopped by further climatic changes, and the ice fields began to disappear. It is prob- able that the retreat of the ice was rhythmic in character — that is, the glacier alternately retreated and advanced — with a cumulative net loss that resulted eventually in the entire disappearance of the ice fields and the restriction of the ice to the present valley glaciers. During the glacial epoch great physiographic changes took place. The details of the pre-Quaternary topography were entirely obliter- ated by the action of the ice and topography characteristic of a glaciated area was developed. Old stream valleys were scoured out and broadened into wide U-shaped valleys, and the hills were smoothed and rounded by overriding ice. The Alaska Range, the accumulating ground of the snow and ice, was rendered more rugged and precipitous than before, owing to “bergschrund” sapping on the high ridges. When the ice fields finally disappeared normal stream erosion again became effective, with the result that the glacial topography is now in the process of re transformation to the pre-Quaternary type. The gorges and canyons in Kahiltna River and its tributaries are an index of the degree to which normal stream erosion has been reestablished. Such gorges, though conspicuous, are relatively minor features of the present topography, and the old glaciated outlines still remain the dominating topographic features. These erosional processes have resulted necessarily in the develop- ment of several types of detrital deposits. During the period of glacial action and in the subsequent retreat of the glaciers the debris eroded by the action of the ice was deposited in moraines of different kinds, of which the ground moraines that were formed under the lower reaches of the ice field are best preserved. Terminal moraines at the ends of the glaciers appear for the most part to have been removed, either as they formed or shortly afterward, by glacial streams that issued from beneath the ice. The morainal material removed by the glacial streams was distributed over a wide area adjacent to the glaciers and subsequently, as the streams entrenched themselves in it, formed the bench gravels contiguous to the present 240 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. streams. These bench gravels, which consist of reworked glacio- flu via tile deposits, are essentially similar to the morainal material except that the detritus is more or less rounded and much of the finer silt, or glacial mud, has been carried away by the transporting streams. The lower portions of the bench deposits carry the larger boulders and the upper portions the smaller boulders, cobbles, and pebbles. On Cache Creek a short distance above the mouth of Nug- get Creek the bench gravels have an average size of about 5 inches, but some of those at the base of the deposits are as much as 3 feet in diameter. As the glaciers retreated and the streams began to adjust them- selves in the vacated valleys, the irregular glacial gradients were gradually transformed by alluviation at some places and stream erosion at others into normal or approximately normal stream gra- dients, with the characteristic water grades and headward steepening. This process has resulted in the development of the present alluvial deposits in the overdeepened glacial troughs and of canyons in the valley protuberances. There is little difference between the bench and stream gravels except that the process of stream sorting has been carried still further in the stream gravels. The coarser parts of the bench gravels, which the streams have been unable to handle, remain in the headwater alluvial deposits, and the finer materials have been deposited progressively downstream. In the lower courses of the large rivers the present alluvium is largely silt and fine sand. MINERAL RESOURCES. VALUABLE MINERALS PRESENT. Placer gold is the only mineral that has been exploited on a com- mercial scale in the valley of Kahiltna Eiver up to the present time. Other minerals of value, however, including principally platinum, cassiterite (tin oxide), and scheelite (calcium tungstate), have been found in the placer sands, and it is possible that some of these may later be produced in commercial amounts. Provision should be made for the recovery of platinum in the gold placers, where it is found in any considerable amount, and the district should be further prospected for workable deposits of placer platinum. Heavy con- centrates of cassiterite from the placer sands were noted at certain localities, and search should be made for their bedrock sources. The presence of scheelite in the placers, although it is not plentiful, indi- cates the presence of tungsten ore south of the Alaska Range and should be remembered when prospecting for lode deposits. The Eocene cqal deposits have already been used locally as a source of fuel and power PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 241 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. The central supply for Kahiltna Valley and vicinity is the town of Anchorage, at the head of Cook Inlet. From that point passengers and freight are transported by launches across the inlet and up Susitna Kiver to the mouth of the Yentna, where the trading station of Susitna is located. On account of present construction work on the Government railroad up Susitna Valley a small steamboat owned by the Government plies regularly between Anchorage and up-river points on the Susitna, stopping at Susitna station. Light-draft launches navigate Yentna Kiver to a point above the mouth of the Kichatna but seldom go above the trading station of McDougall, at the mouth of Lake Creek, which is the supply depot for Kahiltna Valley. A wagon road begins at McDougall, follows up the east side of the Lake Creek valley for about 15 miles, and then leads across into Kahiltna Valley, reaching Kahiltna Kiver at Camp 2, about 26 miles in an air line above its mouth. A bridge spans the river at this point. Camp 2 is connected with the Cache Creek district by a soft, difficult trail. During the summer of 1917 the Cache Creek Dredging Co. operated a small boat, fitted with a gasoline engine, on Kahiltna Kiver, transporting freight from Camp 2 to the mouth of Cache Creek, where it was conveyed by wagon up the canyon to the dredge, a distance of about 7 miles. A new wagon road, which has been surveyed from Talkeetna on the Government railroad to Cache Creek and vicinity, will when completed greatly facilitate communication with Kahiltna Valley. The transportation of supplies into Kahiltna Valley is at present slow, laborious, and costly. The freight rate by water from Anchor- age to McDougall was SI 5 a ton in 1917, and the commercial charge for winter dog-sled freighting from McDougall to Cache Creek is 8 to 10 cents a pound, though by the use of bobsleds and horses this may be reduced to 4 cents a pound. An extra charge of 2 to 5 cents a pound is made for taking supplies to the headwater tributaries of Cache and Peters creeks. The commercial freight rate in summer from McDougall to Cache Creek is 35 cents a pound, of which about 25 cents represents the actual cost. The minimum cost of freighting, therefore, from Anchorage to Cache Creek is $95 a ton. The new wagon road to Cache Creek used in conjunction with rail transporta- tion from Anchorage to Talkeetna should materially reduce the cost of supplies and will also make the district more accessible than heretofore. Timber for use in mining is not in great demand in Kahiltna Valley, for little underground work is done, and most of the placer mining is accomplished by hydraulic plants. The dredge on Cache Creek uses coal to generate power. Wood is used chiefly as fuel for heating, and for this as well as for lumber and other necessities there is an 242 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1M7. abundance of timber. Spruce 24 inches in diameter and cottonwood as large as 5 feet in diameter are available 1 in the lowlands, but little timber grows above an elevation of 2,000 feet. The Cache Creek mining district, on account of its general elevation above 2,000 feet, is at a disadvantage because the wood needed must be brought up from the timbered valleys below. Water for hydraulicking is taken from the streams at some distance above the placer ground and led by ditches to the hydraulic pipes. The rainfall and stream flow are adequate to supply plenty of water with the required pressure at most of the mining plants. Numerous good power sites for hydroelectric plants are available in the canyons of different streams and particularly in the lower valley of Cache Creek below the mouth of Spruce Creek, where a large and unfailing flow of water falls about 500 feet within a mile and a half or less. The standard wage in the Cache Creek district in 1917 was $5 a day and board for eight hours of labor, and winchmen, cooks, and other specialized workmen were paid $6 a day and board. On the basis of a charge of $1.50 a day for each man for the cost and prepara- tion of food, the total cost of unskilled labor amounted to 81 cents an hour and for skilled labor 94 cents an hour. PLACER DEPOSITS. CACHE CREEK BASIN. GENERAL FEATURES. Cache Creek and its tributaries drain the western part of the glacial trough which separates the Peters Hills from the Dutch Hills. The main creek rises in the Dutch Hills, flows in a general south- westerly direction for 18 miles, and empties into Kahiltna River about 13 miles below the glacier. Cache Creek has a number of tributaries, of which those entering from the northwest are the larger and the more important as producers of placer gold. The largest of those named in order downstream are Nugget, Thunder, Falls, and Dollar creeks. The southwestward-flowing tributaries in order downstream are Trout, Long, Windy, and Spruce creeks, of which only Windy and Spruce creeks have gold placers worthy of attention. The basin of Cache Creek embraces an area of about 75 square miles. In the upper part the basin of Cache Creek is a wide, open U-shaped glaciated valley, with a floor of soft coal-bearing rocks of Kenai age, into which Cache Creek has incised a V-shaped gorge that ranges from 250 to 300 feet in depth throughout its length. The tribu- taries of Cache Creek, including also upper Cache Creek, lie in the hard slate and graywacke that form the sides of the valley and have not been incised so deeply. For this reason canyons have developed JCapps, S. R., op. cit., p. 18. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 243 on the lower courses of the tributaries, in order to join the slate and graywacke valleys with the more deeply incised valley of Cache Creek. Cache Creek also has cut a canyon in its lower valley in order to reach on a water grade the more deeply scoured valley of Kahiltna River. The glacial trough that forms the upper basin of Cache Creek has an elevation of nearly 2,400 feet in the upper valley. Cache Creek at its mouth has an elevation of about 600 feet, thus showing a fall of 100 feet to the mile for the length of the stream. The fall in the upper valley is considerably less than this but is counter- balanced by a heavy fall in the lower valley or canyon of Cache Creek. The location of the gold placer mines under operation in the Kahiltna Valley, including also those on Cache and Peters creeks, is shown on the map (PL VI). CACHE CREEK. CREEK PLACERS. There are two sources of placer gold in the valley of Cache Creek — one in the glacial till and gravel that overlie the Eocene coal-bearing rocks in the broad valley and form the benches along the creek, and the other in the present stream gravels, which have been derived in large measure from the erosion of the glacial debris of the benches. Little is known concerning the distribution, number, and charac- ter of pay streaks in the reworked glacial debris. This material, though largely till,, has also zones of washed gravel and boulders, showing that stream as well as glacial action has effected its present distribution. The glacial till is composed of unsorted rocks and boulders of all sizes, showing usually little or no water action, together with a great amount of fine clay or glacial mud. Gold is distributed throughout the glacial material in greater or less amount, but true pay streaks are lacking on account of the paucity of the action of water, with its consequent sorting of material and concentration of the heavy metals and minerals. At some localities, more particu- larly where the action of water has played a more important part in the formation of the deposits, there is a slight concentration of the gold, so that the deposits may be mined at a profit on a small scale. There seems to be no regularity, however, in the distribution of the placers in the bench deposits, and no method is known whereby they may be located by physiographic deduction. At some places in the Cache Creek district quite unsorted glacial till has been mined by placer-mining methods and yielded a profit, but such occurrences must be regarded as altogether fortuitous — that is, as deposits of till which happened to be derived from rich gold lodes and suffered little 244 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. distribution prior to their final deposition. It is estimated that the content of gold in the more favored localities on the benches may average 10 cents a cubic yard. The future of the Cache Creek dis- trict as a mining center is dependent on the mining of these low- grade bench deposits by large-scale hydraulic methods. By large- scale operation and economic management it may be possible to mine such placers for as little as 4 or 5 cents a cubic yard, particularly after communication has been established with the Government rail- road and the district becomes more accessible. The present stream gravels have so far formed the more attractive field for placer mining on Cache Creek. Gold was first discovered in 1906 on Discovery claim in the upper canyon of Cache Creek, and placer-mining operations have been carried on intermittently since that time in the creek placers. The creek placers at the canyon were examined in 1911 by Capps, 1 who reported as follows on their distribution and character: The ground worked was that of the present stream flat, and the gravels moved range from 4 to 7 feet in depth and lie on slate bedrock. There are some large boulders present, but most of them can be handled by one man. A short distance below the canyon the slate bedrock gives place to the materials of the coal-bearing series, which change character within short distances, ranging from a fairly firm, gritty sandstone to soft clay shales. The pay streak is said to be rather well defined in the canyon and for a short distance below it but soon spreads out in the wider valley below and is difficult to trace. The gold is rather unevenly distributed, for, though most of it is found on bedrock, the degree of its concentration depends somewhat on the char- acter of the bedrock, the harder strata having retained it better than the softer. No records have been kept which would show the gold content of the gravels to the cubic yard or to the square yard of bedrock, but it is reported that the returns have averaged about $10 a day for each man employed. The sluice boxes, 14 inches wide, are set on a grade of 5 inches to the box length. The gravels are ground-sluiced to a depth within a foot or so of bedrock by the aid of canvas hose and water under pres- sure from the bench to the southwest, the rest of the gravel being shoveled in and bedrock cleaned by hand. The stream at Discovery claim can be depended upon to run a sluice head of water for the boxes used throughout the season, and most of the time it flows two sluice heads. The gold is coarse, bright, and somewhat worn, though many pieces are rough, and some cubes of crystalline gold have been found. Pieces worth $20 have been taken from this claim, and only about one-third of the gold recovered will pass through a 16-mesh screen. The coarseness of the gold and the roughness of some of it indicate that it has trav- eled no great distance from its bedrock source. It must originally have come from the quartz veinlets of the slate and graywacke series in the upper part of the Cache Creek valley or at the head of Bird Creek, for the upper valley at one time contained a vigorous glacier, and ice also came into it from the head of Bird Creek across a low divide. This glacier eroded its basin and doubtless scattered and removed any pre- glacial gold which may have been concentrated in its upper portion. No ground carrying paying quantities of gold has been discovered above the canyon of Cache Creek. Toward the mouth of the slate valley the ice scour was less severe, as the glacier joined a large sluggish ice sheet in the broad basin between Dutch and Peters hills. Here the valley deepening was not pronounced, and a part of the material 1 Capps, S R./ op. cit., pp. 54-55. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 245 picked up by the ice in. the upper valley was dropped. It may be that the glacial deposits here covered up portions of the preglacial channel of Cache Creek without disturbing them. When the glacier melted away, the stream cut through the glacial deposits and at and below the canyon intrenched itself into the slates and the softer beds to the east. In the rehandling of the glacier material any gold that it contained was concentrated in the stream bed, and if the valley was cut through any undis- turbed portions of the old preglacial channel these too would have contributed to the richness of the present placer deposits. In 1916 the Cache Creek Dredging Co., operating under a lease from the Cache Creek Mining Co., built a dredge and began work on Cache Creek in the placer ground owned by the latter company. Beginning at the mouth of Windy Creek, the dredge had worked upstream three-quarters of a mile by the fall of 1917. The pay streak is from 150 to 300 feet wide and is believed to extend upstream for several miles. The depth of the gravels ranges from 3 to 7 feet, averaging perhaps 4J feet, and the bedrock is the soft, loosely con- solidated Eocene sand, clay, and gravel. Practically all the gold is taken from the gravels, but it is necessary for the dredge to remove bedrock in shallow ground in order to excavate a channel sufficiently deep in which to float. The problem of working in shallow ground will probably be accentuated as the work continues upstream and may ultimately render necessary the reconstruction of the dredge or the purchase of a new one of lighter draft. The gold recovered by the Cache Creek dredge is a composite of the gold from various tributaries and can not be said to belong to any definite type. The assay value ranges from $17.60 to $17.80 an ounce. Though more waterworn than the gold in streams like Thunder Creek, owing to its further transportation, the Cache Creek gold nevertheless shows in its lack of well-rounded edges the fact that it has undergone comparatively little transportation. Some very angular gold recovered is doubtless derived from the weathering of near-by gravel banks of glacio-fluviatile origin, and the generally small proportion of well-rounded gold indicates that little of the gold has traveled very far. The gravel banks of the Cache Creek basin must be considered the source of most of the gold, as far as the pres- ent stream is concerned, though there are good reasons for believing that some of the gold has entered the placers from bedrock subse- quent to the retreat of the glaciers. The ultimate or bedrock source of the gold, however, is harder to decipher on account of glacial action, which has laid down a mantle of detrital material that con- ceals most of the original bedrock and is itself by no means so sus- ceptible to physiographic interpretation as stream detritus would be. It is believed both by Capps 1 and the writer that the bedrock source of the Cache Creek gold is confined mainly to the near-by hills — first, because the Cache Creek glacial trough appears to have been filled 246 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . with a sluggish ice sheet, which favored a minimum of glacial trans- portation, and, second, because the slate and graywacke bedrock in the basins of Cache and Peters creeks, particularly in the Dutch Hills, yields positive evidence of gold mineralization at several localities. A small amount of platinum metals, about 0.003 per cent of the gold by weight and less than 0.02 per cent of the gold in value, is also recovered. The platinum grains are small, few of them exceeding 1 millimeter in size, and most of them are thin and flaky. Two kinds of platinum metals appear to be present. The more common type is a dark-gray to bronzy metal, which carries probably the main con- tent of platinum. The second variety consists of bright silvery grains and commonly shows what appear to be crystalline outlines. This variety is believed to be mainly iridosmium. On page 258 is given an analysis of the platinum metals received from Poorman Creek, in the Peters Creek basin, and it is most likely that this analysis is also a fair index of the character of the platinum metals on Cache Creek. On account of the flaky character of the platinum it is probable that the recovery made by the dredge in the sluice line does not fairly represent the platinum content of the placers; but, on the other hand, it is unlikely that enough platinum is present in the placers to make the installation of more refined methods for its recovery worth while. As an indication of possible minerals of value in the territory drained by Cache Creek the concentrates or heavy minerals caught with the precious metals are also of interest. Examination of the concentrates from Cache Creek has revealed ilmenite, magnetite, cassiterite (tin oxide), zircon, quartz, garnet, limonite, pyrite, and scheelite (calcium tungstate) . The presence of cassiterite and scheel- ite is worthy of particular mention, for the ores of tin and tungsten have heretofore been found chiefly north of the Alaska Range, in interior Alaska. The dredge operating on Cache Creek is one of the flume type, with buckets of 7 \ cubic feet and a daily capacity of 2,000 cubic yards. Power is supplied by a steam boiler, under which coal is used for fuel. The coal is mined on Cache Creek at the mouth of Short Creek and is hauled by teams to the point where the dredge is operating and lightered on board to the boiler. A steam electric or hydro- electric plant is contemplated, and either should materially lessen the ultimate cost of mining. Prospecting is carried ahead of the dredge by means of an 8-horsepower gasoline drill. The dredge in 1917 was handicapped by a short season and by two heavy floods in Cache Creek, both of which did much damage and caused the loss of con- siderable tune. The second period of high water, which occurred in 1 Capps, S. R., op. cit., p. 54, 1913. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OE KAHILTNA VALLEY. 247 September, was particularly disastrous on Cache Creek and its trib- utaries, and the highest known water marks for Kahiltna and Yentna rivers were surpassed. BENCH PLACERS. On upper Cache Creek, just above the mouth of Gold Creek, the bench gravels on the left bank of the creek, at an elevation of 2,300 feet, were being worked in 1917 by hydraulicking. The bedrock at this locality is composed of Eocene coal-bearing sediments and con- sists mainly of sandstone, with some clay shale and conglomerate and coal seams. The bedrock surface is decidedly irregular, and good- sized “pot-holes” are exposed as the surface is uncovered. A lens of conglomerate covered by a seam of brown to black iron hydroxide forms the bedrock surface at one place, and on this irregular surface coarse gold is found. Much of the gold, particularly the coarse gold, occurs on such iron-stained bedrock surfaces, as well as in similar ■unstained gravel beds higher up in the placer body. Some gold, however, is distributed throughout the gravels. Most of the gravel is well rounded, with comparatively little sub- angular material. The average size of the 'gravel is about 4 or 5 inches, though boulders a foot in diameter are common, and others as large as 3 feet were seen. A body of heavier gravel wash, about 7 feet thick, lies next to bedrock. It is apparent that such bench gravels have undergone a high degree of stream sorting and are clearly to be distinguished from the glacio-fluviatile bench gravels at other localities in this vicinity, as, for instance, on Bird Creek. A clay seam which has some interest is exposed in the cut at this property. This seam is about three-fourths of an inch thick, strikes N. 22° W. and dips 78° W., and cuts through both the bench gravels and the underlying bedrock. To the east of this seam the gravels are well rounded, as above described, but to the west the detritus is comparatively unsorted and bears more resemblance to till than to a fluviatile deposit. It seems certain that this seam of clay is a fault gouge and indicates that fault movements have taken place subse- quent to the deposition of the bench gravels. The gold at this property is bright and little worn, and the largest piece so far recovered was worth $1.40. The assay value is about $17.50 an ounce. Considerable heavy sand is recovered with the gold, and samples of this sand contain ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, zircon, quartz, and pyrite. About 1,500 cubic yards of gravel had been hydraulicked and sluiced at this locality by the early part of September, 1917. Water is taken from Cache Creek and Columbia Gulch. One man was at work at this property. Still farther upstream, where the old pack trail along the south side of the Dutch Hills crosses Cache Creek, hydraulicking of the 248 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. bench deposits was in progress. This deposit, though showing plainly the effect of water action, is not nearly so well assorted as the one just described. It may be considered to be intermediate in character between the glacio-fluviatile material and the well-washed bench gravels. The deposit is about 35 feet thick, and the lower 12 feet is subangular wash. Overlying this wash is 12 feet of blue glacial mud containing angular unsorted boulders, above which lies 8 feet of the same material stained brown by surface oxidation. The bedrock is slate, which continued downstream for several hundred feet before the Eocene coal-bearing formation begins. The gold is said to be distributed in the lower 12 feet of washed gravel, but little gold is present on the slate bedrock. The gold is coarse and rather angular. The coarsest piece so far found is valued at $9. The concentrates are composed chiefly of pyrite, with subordinate amounts of magnetite, arsenopvrite, quartz, and scheelite. One man was working this placer. Farther downstream prepara- tions were being made to open another bench deposit, and for this purpose a ditch 1,000 fe§t long had been dug, giving a head of 40 feet. NTJGGET CREEK. Nugget Creek has been described by Capps 1 as follows: Nugget Creek is the uppermost large tributary of Cache Creek, joining it a few miles below its head. Its source is in the Dutch Hills, through which it flows in a wide, straight, U-shaped valley, which shows strongly the erosive action of the great glacier that once occupied it. In the hills the basin of Nugget Creek is composed of the rocks of the slate and graywacke series, and the stream flows in a postglacial canyon, which is shallow toward the valley head but narrower and deeper down- stream. At the point where it leaves the slate hills the creek occupies a canyon cut 200 feet into the rocks, but at the base of the hills the slates give place to the softer rocks of the coal-bearing series, and through these the stream has widened its gorge, though the valley walls are high and steep throughout the remainder of its course to Cache Creek. During the summer of 1917 one plant was engaged in working the creek placers below the mouth of the canyon, on claim No. 4 below Discovery, about 1,000 feet below the mouth of the canyon, along the west side of the creek. The bedrock is the coal-bearing formation, chiefly conglomerate composed of pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of a graywacke, made up of fragments of flint, chert, and slate. Overlying the bedrock is a thickness of 7 to 8 feet of gravel, in the lower part of which and on the bedrock itself is found most of the gold. The gold is coarse and is neither angular nor well rounded. The minerals collected with the gold in the sluice boxes include quartz, magnetite, cassiterite, pyrite, garnet, and zircon. 1 Capps, S. R., op. cit., p. 58. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 249 This deposit is mined by hydraulicking. Two nozzles are used, one for hydraulicking the gravels and the other for stacking the tailings. Water is taken from Nugget Creek at a point some dis- tance above the canyon, and a pressure of 200 feet is thus obtained. The gravel is washed toward shear boards and thence into a line of sluice boxes. Six men were at work on this property. The owners intend to work out the creek placers on both the east and west sides of the creek and then to turn their attention to the benches on the west side. In spite of floods and adverse mining conditions, 5,000 square feet of bedrock was cleaned at this property in 1917. One man was also at work on a bench on the east side of Nugget Creek, about 200 feet above the creek. A cut about 300 feet long and 12 feet wide had been made, and 9 feet of gravels removed. The lower 4 feet consists of heavy, well-washed boulders. Most of the gold is moderately coarse, though some of it is fine, and is rather rough. The concentrates recovered with the gold consist mainly of pyrite, with some magnetite, arsenopyrite, quartz, and a few grains of scheelite. This gravel was hydraulicked by a nozzle under a head of 50 feet, with water taken from a ditch 3 miles long. * THXJNDEB, CREEK. Capps 1 thus describes Thunder Creek : Thunder Creek heads in the slates and graywackes of the Dutch Hills, near Nugget Creek. On leaving the hills it bends to the south, following the general direction of the Cache Creek valley, and joins Cache Creek 3| miles below the mouth of Nugget Creek. In its course below the hills it is intrenched below the level of the surround- ing plateau, its valley lying for the most part in the beds of the coal-bearing series. For a portion of its length, however, it has cut through the softer sediments into a ridge of underlying slates. The bedrock, therefore, varies in different portions of the stream’s course. During the summer of 1917 one large hydraulic plant was operat- ing on Thunder Creek, on the Battle-Axe Association ground, about 1J miles below Discovery claim. A number of low benches along the west side of the creek have been worked out, and present opera- tions are confined to a high bench on the east side, about 150 feet above the creek level. The gravel deposit at this locality is 80 feet thick and resembles considerably the gravel bank on Cache Creek, above the mouth of Gold Creek, in that the gravel shows the effect of much water action. The lower 40 feet is much iron-stained, and layers of hard iron hydrox- ide cement near the bottom render this part of the deposit more resistant to the nozzle. Overlying the lower 40 feet is a body of fine, well-washed gravel 8 feet thick in a dark-blue clay cement, overlain in turn by a yellow gravel deposit much like the lower part. 1 Capps, S. R., op. cit., p. 61. 250 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . This placer body is most remarkable, however, on account of the peculiar character of the underlying bedrock. The coal-bearing formation is considered to be the bedrock, though hydraulic opera- tions have cut through it in places, exposing a much weathered phase of the slate and graywacke series, which projects upward as reefs. It is evident, therefore, that the coal-bearing formation forms only a thin mantle upon the slate and graywacke series. This mantle of soft bedrock constitutes the puzzling feature. In general, the rook at this locality is a brown clay, locally carrying thin streaks of coal, which strikes N. 40° E. and dips 35° NW., or toward Thunder Creek. Two well-defined beds of quartzose material, however, interbedded with the clay rock, and these beds carry coarse angular gold. The giant has little effect on this mate- rial, but on exposure to the air it slacks and flows away in a muddy ooze. These quartzose seams are composed largely of angular fragments of a much weathered and disintegrated gold quartz and a minor amount of well-rounded quartz pebbles, cemented in a white clayey material, which on close examination proves also to consist largely of fine fragments of quartz — that is, it is a siliceous clay. Thin seams of coal also are found in these siliceous seams, together with fine fragments of coal in all orientations, resembling washed material. A considerable proportion of the gold recovered at this plant comes from this siliceous clay, and even the adjoining brown clay contains a little gold. Two such siliceous deposits, each aver- aging about 12 feet in thickness, are exposed in the cut, about 50 feet apart stratigraphically. Both these deposits can be traced downstream, and in that direction they appear to lie farther apart. Seams of clay gouge that strike N. 80° W. and dip 85° N. cut these seams, as well as the other coal-bearing sediments, showing the presence of later faulting. It is difficult to formulate a satisfactory genetic interpretation of these siliceous beds. The angular shape of the quartz fragments and particularly the lack of admixture with other detrital material point unmistakably to a minimum of transportation in the formation of these deposits. On the other hand, the presence of even a small percentage of rounded quartz pebbles indicates that the action of water was certainly a factor in their formation, and the presence of coal seams also relates them to the detrital Eocene sediments. One fact that must have an important bearing is the evidence of deep residual weathering at this locality during the deposition of the coal-bearing sediments. The slate and graywacke under these coal-bearing beds are extremely decayed, being altered almost to the condition of a clay. Some of the quartz pebbles in the quartzose seams were also found to be badly disintegrated and ready to fall apart into angular fragments when separated from the clay matrix. Moreover, the PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 251 matrix, when viewed under the microscope, is seen to be composed of subangular to rounded grains of decayed cloudy quartz. All the evidence indicates that these quartzose seams are the result of deep residual weathering, with a minimum of water transportation, and the only logical inference is that some large gold-bearing quartz veins are present in the slate and graywacke series under the Eocene coal-bearing mantle at no great distance from this locality. It is not safe, however, to say that such quartz veins will be uncovered by following the quartzose beds in any particular direction, for too little is known of the conditions of deposition or of the direction from which the detrital material came. Neither is it safe to infer that the quartz veins when uncovered will prove to be comparable in content of gold with the derived detrital material, for much surface enrichment must have occurred in such deep weathering. If representative samples of the quartz fragments and pebbles could be obtained, quite free of the matrix, assays of the material might yield an approximate indication of the gold content of the original vein material. The gold recovered at this plant is coarse and bright, and most of it is angular, only about 2 per cent being rounded. The assays range from $17.50 to $18.15 an ounce and average perhaps $18. The largest pieces of gold recovered from the gravel banks were valued at about $10 or $12, but a nugget worth $100 has been taken from the Eocene quartzose seams. The concentrates recovered with the gold are composed of quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, zircon, pyrite, arsenopyrite, cassiterite, and a few grains of scheelite. Twelve men were employed at this plant early in the summer of 1917, but some of them left toward the end of the season. Three other operators were placer mining in a small way on the Battle-Axe Association ground — two below this plant, working low benches along Thunder Creek, and one upstream, working in the creek placers. Considerable native copper has been found in the bed of Thunder Creek at the upper plant. FALLS CREEK. Falls Creek is described by Capps 1 as follows: Falls Creek is the next important tributary of Cache Creek south of Thunder Creek. It heads in the slates and graywackes of the Dutch Hills, flows in a course roughly parallel to that of Thunder Creek, and joins Cache Creek about three-fourths mile south of it. At the point where it passes from the slates to the beds of the coal-bearing series it has developed a narrow canyon and a waterfall, which suggested its name. Gold was first mined on Falls Creek in 1905, in the canyon cut through the slates, and the stream afforded considerable production for a few years. In the narrower portion of the canyon the difficulties of diverting the creek prevented mining except for a short time in the spring when the volume of the stream was small. Capps, S. R., op. cit., p. 62 . 252 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Two small placer plants were in operation on Falls Creek in 1917. One of these plants was mining a bench placer deposit on claim No. 2 above Discovery, about 35 feet above the creek level. A hydraulic nozzle, with a head of 90 feet, was used to remove 3 feet of gravel from a slate bedrock. Water was being taken from a tributary of Falls Creek that enters from the east side. The gold is moderately coarse but contains no exceptionally large pieces. Earlier in the summer the same operator worked on an association of six claims that lie downstream from claim No.- 1 below Discovery. This work was done in the creek placers by the hydraulic nozzle under a head of 125 feet. The tailings also were stacked by means of the nozzle. The gold recovered was rather fine. Four men were employed. One other man was at work on Discovery claim on F alls Creek, just at the mouth of the canyon. DOLLAR CREEK. Capps 1 describes the general character of Dollar Creek as follows: Dollar Creek, the lowest large tributary of Cache Creek from the west, joins Cache Creek 2 miles below the mouth of Falls Creek. The geologic and topographic con- ditions in its basin are much like those on Thunder and Falls creeks. Dollar Creek flows from the slate hills at its head out onto the Cache Creek plateau in a sharply incised valley, which gradually becomes deeper downstream until at the mouth of the creek the valley bottom lies over 300 feet below the general level of the surrounding country. Even below the borddr of Dutch Hills the slate bedrock is exposed by the stream cut for some distance out upon the plateau, showing that the old slate surface on which the soft bedrock sediments were laid down was uneven. In 1917 placer mining was being carried on at the Anna Bub mine, a group of claims extending about 6 miles along Dollar Creek. The chief work was done on claim No. 1 above Discovery. The conditions at this property are essentially similar to those on Thunder Creek — that is, a hard bedrock composed of slate and graywacke is overlain by a gold-bearing quartzose stratum of Kenai age, which in turn is overlain by a body of gravel and glacial mud. At the site of present mining operations, on the east end of the creek, the bedrock is a deeply weathered green graywacke, which strikes N. 25° E. and dips from 70° E. to 90°. In the creek bed the bedrock consists of slate in a similar state of alteration, but more crushed and folded, and therefore with a less uniform trend. The quartzose stratum is estimated to be 60 feet thick in the middle of the cut and contains about an equal number of fragments of quartz and graywacke which are imperfectly rounded to angular, thus showing the small amount of water transportation. The gray- wacke, which is more susceptible to weathering than the quartz, is the more rounded, but even the quartz at this locality shows some- what more the effect of the action of water than the quartz on i Capps. S. R., op. cit., p. 62 . PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 253 Thunder Creek. A bed of lignite was seen on this deposit and others were reported. At one place in the cut a body of green gray- wacke, about 75 feet long and 30 feet thick, lies in and takes the place of the quartzose bed, about 10 feet of which lies both above and below the graywacke. This body may be either an exceptionally large detrital boulder lying in the quartzose formation,* or a reef projecting upward from the underlying bedrock, undercut on the west side and filled with placer material, or possibly a block of gray- wacke faulted upward from the underlying bedrock. The first hypothesis seems more probable. Overlying the quartzose beds is a bed of gravel, from a few inches to several feet in thickness, and ranging from fine “ chicken feed” to coarse boulders. This gravel, particularly in its coarser phases, carries considerable gold, though not so much to the cubic yard as the underlying quartzose deposit. Above the gravel lies 85 feet of blue reworked glacial mud, which contains many washed boulders from 6 inches to 3 feet in diameter and carries only a little gold. The uppermost 10 feet of the placer is composed of sandy wash with some gravel, which also pans a little fine gold. Most of the gold is recovered from the quartzose deposit and from the surface of the underlying graywacke. Within the quartzose body itself gold seems to be localized at the upper surface of thin bands of fine siliceous mud and also upon the lignite beds, both of which appear to have acted as false bedrock. It seems certain that this deposit has been acted upon by water to a greater degree than the Thunder Creek deposit, though the two deposits had essentially the same origin. The gold recovered is both coarse and fine, and only a little of it is worn. The largest nugget so far recovered is worth $90 and is believed to have come from the gravel bed above the quartzose deposit. An $18 nugget, with well-rounded outline, was found on the surface of the graywacke bedrock. The gold ranges from $17.56 to $17.60 an ounce in value. An unusually large amount of pyrite is recovered in the concen- trates. This mineral occurs in both crystalline and massive form, ranging from minute crystals up to balls of pyrite inches in diameter. This pyrite was assayed, at the suggestion of the writer, and was found to contain 4.03 ounces of gold or about $71 to the ton. The other heavy minerals of the concentrates include mag- netite, ilmenite, quartz, zircon, garnet, and cassiterite. This property has been worked for seven years, during the last four years of which work has been done largely on the quartzose deposit. Eight men were employed in 1917. Seventy-five sluice boxes, each about 6J feet in length, are used in the sluice line, and some fine gold is found in the very last of these. Hydraulicking is 115086°— 19 17 254 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. done under a head of 200 feet, and when conditions are favorable about 1,000 cubic yards of material can be put through the boxes in a day. WINDY CREEK. Windy Creek rises in the Peters Hills and flows in a general westerly course to join Cache Creek between Falls and Dollar creeks. It is the only tributary of Cache Creek from the southeast side of the valley that has been found to carry placer gold in economic amounts. The placer is a bench deposit about 80 feet above the creek level, on the left side, consisting of 160 to 180 feet of glacio-flu via tile material. The lower 40 to 60 feet consists of gravel, of which the lower 6 feet is iron-stained and firmly cemented. This body of gravel is overlain by 100 feet of blue mud containing large angular boulders, and this in turn is covered by 20 feet of gravel which extends to the surface. The gravel in general averages 5 inches in diameter, though boulders from 1 to 3 feet in diameter are uncovered. The bedrock is clay and sandrock of the coal-bearing formation. Most of the gold occurs in the lower 6 feet of the deposit and is fine and flaky, the largest piece recovered being valued at $1.85. The concentrates are composed of pyrite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, limonite, arsenopyrite, zircon, and a little cassiterite. Pyrite is particularly abundant in the upper gravel bed. Native copper in small amount and scheelite are also reported from the concentrates. This great bank of gravel and mud is washed down by two nozzles, of 4 and 5 inches diameter respectively, with a head of 225 feet. High and low line ditches from Windy, Little Windy (a fork of Windy), and Fox creeks supply the necessary water. Between 300,000 and 400,000 cubic yards of material was hydraulicked at this property in 1917. Four men were employed. PETERS CREEK BASIN. PETERS CREEK. Peters Creek rises in the Dutch Hills, flows for 17 miles to the southeast, cuts through the Peters Hills in a narrow gorge, and then flows in a direction south of west for about 19 miles to join Kahiltna River about 5 miles below Camp 2. That part of Peters Creek which drains the Dutch and Peters hills — that is, the upper 12 miles — is the scene of placer mining in this drainage basin and is the subject of discussion in this paper. Peters Creek in its lower valley flows in a flat, open-timbered country, over the outwash of glacio-fluviatile deposits. The chief headwater tributaries of Peters Creek are Cottonwood Creek, which enters from the northeast, and Bird Creek, which enters from the west 4 miles upstream. Poorman and Willow creeks are PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OP KAHILTNA VALLEY. 255 important tributaries of Cottonwood Creek and enter from the northwest side of the valley. Cottonwood, Willow, and Poorman creeks really drain the northeastward extension of the Cache Creek glaciated trough, whereas Bird Creek and the extreme headwater tributaries of Peters Creek cut back into the Dutch Hills. A low saddle west of the mouth of Cottonwood Creek separates Peters Creek from the headwaters of Cache Creek, and a similar low saddle separates the head of Cottonwood Creek from Long Creek, a tributary of Tokichitna River. Capps- 1 describes the physiographic features of Peters Creek as follows: Peters Creek occupies a valley intermediate between Kahiltna and Tokichitna rivers and in its upper portion is roughly parallel to these two streams. It heads in a broad, severely glaciated, U-shaped valley in the Dutch Hills, turns at a right angle to cross the Cache Creek plateau, crosses the Peters Hills through a deep trans- verse trough, and enters the broad lowland of the Susitna Valley, the west edge of which it follows to its junction with Kahiltna River. Its total length is more than 35 miles. In its course through the higher parts of the Dutch Hills it flows in the bot- tom of the glacial trough in a channel which has been notched little or not at all into the slates and graywackes of the hills. In the more easily eroded coal-bearing beds of the Cache Creek plateau it has intrenched itself deeply in a canyon-like valley that extends headward into the slates for some distance above the mouth of Bird Creek, and a similar canyon extends for more than a mile up Bird Creek. The down- ward slope of the Cache Creek plateau toward Peters Hills causes the stream valley to become shallower and wider in that direction, but on entering the valley through these hills the creek again flows through a rock canyon. This second slate canyon terminates at the east border of the Peters Hills, the stream once more flowing between valley walls of the coal-bearing series and the banks gradually becoming lower down- stream through the little-known area of the Susitna lowland to the south and east. No placer mining was being done on Peters Creek in 1917, but prospecting was in progress along the benches and in the stream gravels at the lower end of the Peters Hills canyon, and below this locality. About 2 miles of claims in this vicinity have been leased by one operator, and it is expected that these placers will be thor- oughly prospected in 1918. With regard to the discovery of gold on Peters Creek and particu- larly with reference to the earlier work done in and near this canyon, Capps 2 writes as follows : Gold was discovered at a number of places on Peters Creek and its affluents in 1905, and mining has been done on that creek each summer since that time. In 1911 work was in progress at two places on the main stream. At the mouth of the canyon, through Peters Hills, a short distance above the point at which the stream passes from the slates onto the soft bedrock, two men were mining on a bench about 30 feet above the stream level, where a few feet of gravel lie on a slate bedrock. Water under a pressure of 70 feet, brought by ditch and canvas hose, was used for piping the gravels into the sluice boxes. The gravels contain rather abundant boulders. At the time i Capps, S. R., op. cit., pp. 63-64. 2Idem, pp. 64-65. 256 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. the place was visited some of the ground was still frozen. The gold, which is for the most part concentrated on bedrock, is coarse, flat, worn, and somewhat rusty, and gives evidence of having traveled some distance from its source. The largest nugget found weighed 9 pennyweights, and the gold assays about $17.75 to the ounce. The ground worked in 1910 was a short distance downstream from that worked in 1911, on a bench only a few feet above the stream. The bedrock at this place is a hard, rusty dike intruded into the slates. Prospect holes in the creek gravels below the canyon show placer gold on a soft bedrock, but the gradient of the creek is too low and the ground too deep to permit mining by pick and shovel methods. The bedrock source of the gold in lower Peters Creek is still open to queston, but this gold, like that in the other parts of this district, was doubtless derived from the quartz stringers in the slates and graywackes. In lower Peters Creek some of the gold may have come directly from the rocks of Peters Hills, through which the valley is cut, but as gold is found in the stream gravels above Peters Hills and up to the head of the stream it seems probable that the present placers are in large part the product of reconcentration of gold that was scoured from the upper tributaries of the streams by glacial ice, scattered throughout the valley, and again reconcentrated by post- glacial erosion. About three-fourths mile below the mouth of Bird Creek, at the lower end of the upper rock canyon of Peters Creek, two men were mining in 1911 near the contact of the slates with the soft bedrock. A dike of a crystalline intrusive rock crosses Peters Creek at this place. The creek gravels average about 6 feet in depth and the gold values are concentrated on or near bedrock. At the time the creek was visited in 1911 little ground had been mined, but the claims between the mouth of the canyon and Bird Creek are said to have produced a few thousand dollars altogether. In 1916 the creek gravels on a bar west of the creek itself, about 2,000 feet below the mouth of the canyon, were mined by two men. A cut 700 feet long and 48 feet wide was worked by open-cuk meth- ods, and the material was shoveled into sluice boxes in three 16-foot cuts. The depth to bedrock was 4 feet but increased rather ab- ruptly on each side of the cut. This cut is an old watercourse of Peters Creek. The ground is reported to have yielded $1 a cubic yard of gravel mined. Downstream from this cut a number of prospect holes have been begun, but at a depth of 5 or 6 feet water was encountered and the work ceased. The bedrock, however, is known to be composed of the Eocene coal-bearing formation, con- sisting of sandstone, shale, and lignitic coal beds. If the drill shows that this lower ground is favorable, it may perhaps be worked profit- ably by dredging. About three-quarters of a mile below the canyon the valley floor that is suitable for dredging is about 1,200 feet wide, and the canyon is a fine power site. At the lower end of the canyon, at an elevation of 1,880 feet on the west side, the contact between the slate and graywacke series and the coal-bearing formation is exposed. The slate and gray- wacke formation at this locality strikes N. 70° W. and dips 30° N., though the original strike for this vicinity is probably more nearly N. 55° E., and the dip is steep to the northwest, as seen farther up in the canyon. Numerous diabase dikes cut the slate and gray- PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 257 wacke and weather out conchoidally as “niggerheads.” Quartz veinlets and stringers are also numerous. In this vicinity — that is, at the lower end of the canyon — a small bench placer about 15 feet above the creek and embracing about 5,000 square feet was hydraulicked in 1915 or 1916. The over- burden comprises 3 feet of gravel and 3 feet of overlying soil. Far- ther from the stream the overburden is heavier, and the work was discontinued. A similar bench about 50 to 80 feet above the creek bed was worked in 1916, and about 20,000 feet of bedrock was cleaned. It is possible that a larger hydraulic plant could be in- stalled here and could work the deeper and heavier bench gravels at a profit. POORMAN CREEK. The headwaters of Poorman Creek rise in and cut through the rock of the slate and graywacke series, but the coal-bearing forma- tion begins a short distance downstream and continues to the mouth. Discovery claim lies at the contact between the slate and graywacke series and the coal-bearing formation. Twenty-four claims, cover- ing practically the whole creek, are now owned by two men, who are working this ground every year. In 1917 most of the work was done on claim No. 1 below Discovery and a smaller amount on Dis- covery and claim No. 1 above Discovery. On claim No. 1 below Discovery a bench deposit was worked. This deposit consisted of 25 feet of gravel, lying upon a bedrock composed of Eocene conglomerate and clay shale. The lower part of the gravel is a heavier wash than the upper part and contains boulders 1 foot in diameter and some as large as 4 feet. It is also much iron stained. The upper part is made up of finer gravel and contains a number of beds of peat several inches thick. Much of the gold is found in the lower part of the gravel and on bedrock. About 2,500 square feet of bedrock, aggregating about 2,300 cubic yards of gravel, was hydraulicked on this bench in 1917. Water is usually scarce, and the hydraulicking has to be done intermittently, when the dam upstream fills with water. Also on claim No. 1 below Discovery, but upstream from the bench deposit just described, at the mouth of Dandy Creek, a tributary of Poorman Creek, two men worked the creek gravels by hydraulick- ing. The bedrock is composed of Eocene conglomerate, and the overburden is about 10 feet thick. The pay streak, which ranges in width on Poorman Creek from 6 to 150 feet, is here at its widest. Some hydraulic mining also was done on Poorman Creek above the mouth of Dandy Creek. The gold recovered from the upper end of Discovery claim and from claim No. 1 above Discovery is coarse, shotty, and rather dark in color, and some of it is much iron stained. The bench gold is 258 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. similar but a little coarser. The gold from Poorman Creek at the' mouth of Dandy Creek is brighter, finer, and more flaky. The bright gold is valued at $17.70 to $17.78 an ounce before melting, and the dark gold is worth somewhat more. The concentrates taken with Poorman Creek gold are of special interest on account of their content of platinum and tin. A mixed sample of the concentrates taken from bench and creek placers showed the presence of garnet, cassiterite, zircon, magnetite, ilmen- ite, pyrite, quartz, and platinum. This sample, after examination by the writer, was submitted to Ledoux & Co., of New York, who report the presence of 36.54 per cent of tin — that is, the sample must have contained about 46 per cent of cassiterite. The cassiter- ite is present as small crystals, none of which in the sample examined exceeded a quarter of an inch in diameter. Another sample of con- centrates, which weighed 647 grains and which was the very heaviest of the pannings and represented perhaps a five-hundredth concen- tration of the first sample, was found to have a considerable amount of platinum metals, perhaps 100 grains. The platinum metals from Poorman Creek are essentially similar to those from Cache Creek. Two kinds were obtained — the dark-gray to bronze flat, flaky pieces, which presumably are largely platinum, and the bright, silvery, commonly crystalline variety, which is sup- posed to be chiefly iridium and osmium. A sample weighing 41.6 grains was picked by hand from the heavy concentrates above men- tioned and was submitted to the chemical laboratory of the United States Geological Survey for complete analysis. P. C. Wells, the analyst, reports as follows: Analysis of sample of platinum metals from Poorman Creek. Silica, etc 1.0 Iridosmium 32. 0 Iridium 11.3 Rhodium 1. 4 Platinum 47. 3 Iron 5. 2 Gold 1.5 Palladium Trace. Copper 1 Nickel 03 Zinc and silver Trace. 99. 83 Specific gravity of sample, 18.1. More platinum was seen on Poorman Creek than at any other place in the Kahiltna Valley, yet even at this locality it is doubtful whether enough platinum is available to make its recovery on a commercial scale worth while. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 259 Poorman Creek shows evidence of intensive mineralization. On Discovery claim, at the contact of the slate and graywacke series with the coal-bearing formation, the slate strikes N. 35° E. and dips 55° NW. A dike of soda rhyolite porphyry cuts the slate just above the contact, and others crop out farther upstream. The porphyry consists of phenocrysts of quartz and albite in a fine-grained, much altered groundmass of the same material, and both phenocrysts and ground- mass show the result of later sericitization (replacement by sericite) . Mineralized quartz veins and stringers commonly accompany these dikes. In claim No. 1 above Discovery the slate bedrock is soft, de- composed, and much mineralized by pyrite. This zone of mineral- ization in upper Poorman Creek appears to extend into the Willow Creek and Long Creek basins and must have had a strong influence on the placers at those localities. It can not be doubted that some of the placer gold on Poorman Creek has been concentrated directly from sources in mineralized bedrock subsequent to the retreat of the ice, although concentration from the glacio-fluviatile deposits certainly took a major part in the process. One fact that bears on the localized origin of the gold on Poorman Creek is the recent discovery of a gold- bearing gravel channel in the coal-bearing sediments just above their contact with the slate and graywacke series. The value and extent of this channel have not been investigated, but the very fact of its existence indicates that some of the gold was localized in this drainage basin, for no means of transportation other than water was effective in the coal-forming epoch. The origin of the platinum metals is not known. WILLOW CREEK. On Willow Creek placer mining was carried on by one operator at two different localities — on Ruby Creek, a headwater tributary of Willow Creek that enters from the east side, and on the main Willow Creek some distance downstream. On Ruby Creek, where most of the summer’s work was done, the present stream gravels were being worked in a pay channel at least 30 feet wide, in which 4 feet of gravel lies upon Eocene coal-bearing bedrock. The gold is found largely on the bedrock. About 400 feet of the creek bed, or about 12,000 feet of bedrock, was worked by the hydraulic nozzle in 1917. On Willow Creek the gravel was shoveled into boxes. The gold is rather fine, flaky, and bright. It resembles very much the gold from Poorman Creek at the mouth of Dandy Creek, though it is a little finer. Platinum in small amount was noticed with the gold, though it may be considered negligible as a commercial product. The concentrates collected with the gold in the sluice boxes are made up of garnet, magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, cassiterite, pyrite, and 260 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. quartz. A sample of these concentrates was submitted to Ledoux & Co., of New York, who report the presence of 20.03 per cent of tin, hence the concentrates must consist of about 25 per cent cassiterite. The cassiterite is of the same character as that found on Poorman Creek — that is, it consists of small crystalline grains. On Gopher Creek, another headwater tributary of Willow Creek, which enters from the west side, another man was hydraulicking the creek gravels. A cut 1,200 feet long and 40 feet wide had been worked, exposing Eocene bedrock in the lower part of the cut and slate bedrock in the upper part. At the upper end of the cut two subsidiary pay channels that cross the main channel were discovered, and plans for future work involve the working of a left-side bench in the hope of finding a continuation of these channels. The overburden in the cut is about 4 feet thick, and the gold lies chiefly on bedrock. A preglacial conglomerate, composed of greatly decayed pebbles of all kinds, the largest 18 inches in diameter, was observed at the upper end of the cut. The gold is rather fine, the largest nugget so far recovered being valued at $4. An interesting exhibit from this placer con- sisted of a specimen in which native gold and lead were intimately intergrown. BIRD CREEK. At the lower end of Bird Creek, about two claim lengths from the mouth of the creek, one man was engaged in 1917 in working a bench deposit on the north side of the creek and about 50 feet above it. The bedrock is composed of slate and is overlain by a gravel deposit which is 8 feet thick at the north side of the cut and decreases to a few inches toward the creek. The bedrock is very uneven, owing partly to the high tilt of the slate and partly to erosional potholes. The best paying material is found mainly on the bedrock. The gold is coarse, dark, and iron stained. The largest nugget so far recov- ered weighed 1 ounce. A soda rhyolite porphyry dike crosses Bird Creek just above the bench, and numerous quartz stringers occur in the slate bedrock. Mining is done by means of a hydraulic nozzle, but the bedrock is picked, cleaned, and shoveled into the boxes by hand. One claim length farther upstream on Bird Creek another man was at work on the St. Louis bench, on the south side of the creek. The bench is 50 feet above the creek level, and a 40-foot head is used in hydraulicking the deposit. The gold placer body on the St. Louis bench is quite different from any in the Peters Creek basin previously described, and so far as any workable placer in the Cache Creek district is concerned it is corre- latable only with the glacio-fluviatile auriferous deposit on Windy Creek, in the Cache Creek basin. This deposit seems to be purely of glacio-fluviatile origin and consists of 50 to 75 feet of glacial mud PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 261 and angular to subangular boulders of all sizes, resting upon a much broken, decayed, and uneven-surfaced slate. The upper 10 feet is stained yellowish brown from the effect of surface oxidation. Gold is distributed rather evenly throughout the placer body, with no particular concentration at or near bedrock. The gold is both coarse and fine but is ahnost universally angular, only about 1 or 2 per cent being worn. One pretty specimen of dendritic gold and others of wire gold, all quite unworn, have been recovered. As a rule the gold is dark in color, and the largest nug- gets are deeply iron stained. A piece of gold worth $12 is the largest so far found. The concentrates contain about 95 per cent of pyrite, both in cubical and massive form. The few remaining constituents include arsenopyrite, magnetite, and a very little scheelite. A little native copper is also found occasionally in the concentrates. TOKICHITNA BASIN. LONG CREEK. Long Creek heads against Cottonwood and Poorman creeks and flows northeastward for about 6 miles to join the Tokichitna a short distance above Home Lake. Its drainage basin lies entirely within the area of the slate and graywacke series. In 1917 one man was engaged in placer mining on Canyon Creek, a small headwater tribu- tary of Long Creek that enters from the west. Both Canyon Creek and Long Creek above the mouth of Canyon Creek cut through the slate in gorges. The valley floor of Canyon Creek in the gorge is from 8 to 30 feet wide, and the pay channel has a greatest width of 7 to 15 feet, averag- ing perhaps 6 feet but narrowing in places to 1 foot. A cut 600 feet long in this channel was mined in 1917, the placer being shoveled into sluice boxes. At the upper end of the cut the gravel is only 2 feet thick, but it increases to 8 feet at the lower end. Most of the gravels are in the form of cobbles averaging 6 inches in diameter, though boulders as large as 2 feet are present. The gold, which is coarse, lies for the most part on or near bedrock, and much of it is iron stained. The largest nugget found was worth $34, but pieces worth from $1 to $3 are common. A few small grains of platinum were observed with the gold and in the heavy sands. The concentrates include magnetite, ihnenite, garnet, zircon, cassit- erite, specularite, quartz, and occasionally a little platinum. In a sample of the heaviest of these minerals, panned from the general run of concentrates, some fine specimens of crystalline cassiterite, with quite unworn edges, were noticed. 262 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. At the lower end of the cut on Canyon Creek a zone of soft, clayey decomposed slate about 50 feet wide is exposed, which is cut by quartz stringers and visibly mineralized by pyrite. This zone trends N. 15° E., the general trend of the slaty cleavage at this locality. At the head of Long Creek acidic dikes and numerous quartz stringers cut the slate. It is believed that much of the Long Creek gold in the present creek placers has been concentrated directly from miner- alized bedrock in this vicinity, rather than from the glacio-fluviatile deposits. KAHILTNA RIVER. In 1917 prospecting for gold and platinum placers was carried on at two localities on Kahiltna River — -one about 3 miles by stream below the mouth of Peters Creek, where five men were at work; the other 30 miles downstream, where seven men were employed. The bedrock at the upper camp is the coal-bearing formation, composed of iron-stained sandrock, blue clay with included woody material, and numerous lenses of fine iron-stained conglomerate. This formation is exposed above and below the camp in the bluffs along the river. Beds of lignitic coal are also present in this vicinity. The extreme width of the gravel channel is several hundred yards, but the boundaries of a definite pay channel had not yet been deter- mined at the time of the writer’s visit. Along the east side of the river, near the water’s edge, the gravel is 6 feet thick, but farther back, in the timber, it is 9 feet to bedrock. Seven drill holes had been sunk to bedrock, and the gravels were found to range from a few inches to 2 feet in diameter. There is said to be a heavy con- centration of black sand in the gravel. The gold is very fine, as the coarsest pieces are worth 1 or 2 cents, and it is said to be worth a trifle over $18 an ounce after melting. Platinum is also reported in these gravels. Mining on a very small scale has been carried on intermittently for a number of years along the bars of Kahiltna River, and some fairly rich spots have been found, particularly on the bars projecting into the river at sharp turns. Sholan Bar at this upper camp contains some surficial placer of this character. Thirty pans of gravel, panned for the vriter, contained considerable fine gold and a few grains of platinum. The concentrates taken in these 30 pans consisted of garnet, magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, and quartz. It is believed by the present prospectors that a good chance exists of finding similar amounts of gold, but more particularly platinum, in the deeper gravels extending to bedrock. The content of free platinum, how- ever, appears to be small, and the writer finds no evidence to support the idea that platinum is present in chemical combination with other minerals of the concentrates. PLATINUM-BEARING GOLD PLACERS OF KAHILTNA VALLEY. 263 At the lower camp on Kahiltna River seven men were engaged in prospecting and related work. Forty-five claims are owned and options are held on 36 others in the vicinity of this lower camp by the same owners as at the upper camp. Prospecting has been done chiefly at the bars along the river by hand methods and by means of two gasoline drills of 4 and 8 horsepower. Thirteen drill holes had been sunk by September, 1917. The lower camp is on the west side of Kahiltna River just above the mouth of Beaver Creek, a small tributary entering the river about 8 miles above the Yentna. At Round Bend Bar, on the east side of the Kahiltna about 8 miles above the camp, about $1,500 in gold was rocked out by two men from about 100 cubic yards of gravel taken from the bar in 1908. Some platinum was found with the gold. The concentrates included magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, limo- nite, quartz, garnet, zircon, and a little platinum. Each cubic yard of gravel is said to have contained 3 pounds of black sand. About 0.1 cubic yard of gravel from the water’s edge was panned for the writer and found to contain some fine gold and a few grains of plati- num. Four claims are held at Round Bend Bar and vicinity, and seven drill holes have been sunk, but none of them have reached bedrock. At Boulder Bench, on the same side of the river and downstream from Round Bend Bar, a small open cut about 600 square feet in extent has been made in the gravel bank about 15 feet above the river’s edge. This has been prospected at different times since 1907. The gold-bearing bedrock is exposed at a height of about 6 feet above the river, but a layer of hardened gravel and clay about 9 feet above the river has been used as a false bedrock. The average amount of gold to the cubic yard from this cut indicates a commercial gold placer, but the extent of the pay gravel is not known. A little plati- num also was found here in pieces as much as one-eighth inch in diameter. No drill holes have been sunk at Boulder Bench. Other barsf along the Kahiltna also carry some gold. At Leslies Bar, about 2 miles above the camp, on the west side of the river, four men working in 1907 made $13 a day for each man, and another bar near by produced $500 in 1906. At both these localities, however, the pay gravel was within 1 foot of the surface. One drill hole was put down 9 feet on Leslies Bar in 1916 and is said to have shown favorable conditions. Five drill holes were sunk in 1917 on the Red Hill Bar, across the river from the Round Bend claims. COAL DEPOSITS. The coal-bearing formation, as shown on the accompanying map (PI. VI), includes many beds of lignitic coal, which crop out at numer- ous localities in Kahiltna Valley. These coal beds range in size from 264 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. mere stringers a few inches thick up to beds 14 feet thick. The coal is classed as lignite, though it varies somewhat in grade. There is little promise that such fuel will ever have a market, even in the near-by Cook Inlet district, because of the presence of better coal in the Matanuska Valley which can be more easily procured. Yet a good opportunity exists to use this coal locally for fuel and power, and this is now being done by the Cache Creek Mining Co. A number of coal beds are exposed on Short Creek, a tributary to Cache Creek. Probably the best one is a bed of high-grade lignite about 8 feet thick, without partings, near the head of the creek. An entry 100 feet long was driven into this coal seam, and it was mined for a period by the Cache Creek Dredging Co., but the upkeep of the wagon road up the canyon of Short Creek was found to be too costly and the work was abandoned. At present the company is mining another coal bed at the mouth of Short Creek, about half a mile below the mouth of Falls Creek. About 1,000 tons a month was mined during the summer of 1917, most of which was used for generating power on the dredge. Some of it, however, was used for heating in the camp. Ten men, includ- ing a foreman, were employed. This coal bed strikes about west, or perhaps N. 80° W., and dips about 10° S. An entry 475 feet long, with a height of 6 feet in the clear, has been driven on the strike of the seam, and rooms have been turned off at regular intervals to the northwest, at an acute angle with the tunnel, in order to avoid work- ing directly up the dip. So far eight rooms have been turned off, the largest of which, No. 8, is 200 feet long. Gravity haulage is employed in the rooms. A tipple with a capacity of 50 tons has been built at the mine entry, and from this tipple coal is dumped into wagons and then hauled downstream to. the dredge on Cache Creek. The coal seam is rather uniform in thickness, averaging 5 feet 2 inches. About 14 inches of coal is left in the roof to support the overlying clay, and the rooms are therefore 4 feet high. No clay partings are present, but a streak about 4 inches thick in the upper half of the seam is of noticeably lower grade. Another promising bed of coal is exposed along the east bank of Peters Creek about 2J miles below the mouth of the canyon. This bed contains a fairly high grade coal, which is reported to do fairly well for blacksmi thing. The strike of the bed is about N. 45° E. and the dip about 70° NW. The shale footwall is exposed, but the hanging wall is covered by slide. About 10 feet of coal is exposed, but the total thickness of the bed is probably 12 or 14 feet. CHROMITE DEPOSITS IN ALASKA. \ By J. B. Mertie, Jr. Deposits of chromite have been known in Alaska for a number of years, but they became of economic interest only in 1917, when the relatively high price of the ore recalled them to the attention of mining men, with the result that ore is commercially mined at one property. The chromite deposits of present economic interest are at the southwest end of Kenai Peninsula, in two areas, one along the north shore of Port Chatham and the other at Red Mountain, about 16 miles to the northeast. (See fig. 3.) Both deposits occur in bodies of altered peridotite, and, so far as known, these are the only bodies of peridotite in this vicinity, but exploration farther from the coast, in the mountains, may reveal others. Peridotite of the same kind also occurs in large and small masses at several other places in the area between Yukon and Tanana rivers, and at Livengood, in that area, there is a deposit of chromite, but the ore in the interior of Alaska could not be mined profitably except when prices are very high. The chromite of southwestern Kenai Peninsula occurs in lens- shaped bodies that range in thickness from a few inches to 20 feet and that lie in attitudes ranging from horizontal to vertical. None of the lenses appear to be more than 150 feet long, and most of them measure considerably less. The ore is not of uniform grade. Some of it averages 50 per cent of chromic oxide, and some is a mixture of chromite and peridotite, the leanest part of which may yield only 5 to 10 per cent of chromic oxide. All gradations between these extremes are found. The deposit now being mined is on a spit at the southeast end of a peninsula known as Claim Point, which projects southeastward into Port Chatham. This peninsula measures about 4,000 feet from east to west and about 2,200 feet from north to south, and is joined to the mainland by a neck of land about 200 feet wide. The rock of Claim Point is entirely peridotite, which crops out also on the mainland to the north and continues southward into Port Chatham for an un- known distance. The known area of peridotite here covers about three-fifths of a square mile. 265 266 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The ore body is almost completely covered by water at high tide, so that mining must be done between low and half tide. The deposit is in a vertically placed lens, which has a length of about 100 feet and a maximum width of 20 feet. About 800 tons of ore containing from 46 to 49 per cent of chromic oxide was mined in 1917, and about as much more remains in sight Figure 3. — Map of the Seldovia district. Shaded areas show location of chromite deposits. above half tide. Ultimately it will be necessary to work from a shaft or cofferdam and hoist ore to the surface, a method that will increase materially the cost of mining. Probably the upper half of the deposit has been removed by erosion. If so, and if the deposit becomes thinner downward for 50 feet and the ore has a specific gravity of 3.9, only 4,000 or at most 5,000 tons remains below the level of half tide. CHROMITE DEPOSITS 1 1ST ALASKA. 267 Several other lenses of high-grade ore, none more than 3 feet thick, occur in this vicinity, as well as a number of bodies of low-grade ore that range in thickness from 5 to 20 feet and in content of chromic oxide from 5 to 15 per cent. At one place on the north side of Claim Point, near the crest of the peninsula, there are four lodes that stand nearly vertical, and the owners are considering the feasibility of driving a tunnel from a lower point on the hillside to crosscut them. These four bodies should produce, when concentrated, about 3,000 tons of 50 per cent ore, but it is likely that the tunnel contemplated might also reveal other deposits. There should be available at Claim Point at least 15,000 tons of chromite ore of a grade containing 50 per cent of chromic oxide. The freight rate on ore from Port Chatham to Seattle is $3.50 a ton, and from Seattle to an eastern smelter is about $12 a ton, to which must be added the cost of lighterage to the steamship anchorage in Port Chatham or lighterage to the wharf at Port Graham. The body of peridotite at Red Mountain is much larger than that at Claim Point but is more difficult of access, and the grade of the ore there is not so well known. The peridotite covers about 3 square miles and contains many stringers and lenses of chromite ore, of both high and low grade. The largest deposit observed was a lenticular body of high-grade ore not more than 75 feet long, that had a maximum thickness of 8 feet at the center and contained prob- ably not over 1,000 tons. At this place there are many other smaller deposits and perhaps some as large or larger, all of which should yield at least as much chrome ore and possibly several times as much as the body at Claim Point. On the other hand, these ores occur at an elevation of about 3,000 feet and at a minimum distance of 6 miles from tidewater, from which much of the route lies through a precipitous and densely vegetated country. In winter the ore might be sledded out to tidewater, but in summer it would have to be carried by a tram. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. By G. C. Martin. INTRODUCTION. A brief visit was made to the Matanuska coal fields from August 26 to 31, 1917, for the purpose of reviewing the mining developments that have been undertaken since the detailed geologic survey 1 of that field was made and of conferring with Mr. Sumner S. Smith, the engineer in charge of the coal-mining operations of the Alaskan Engineering Commission, in regard to structural and other geologic problems that had come up in connection with mining. MINES ON ESKA CREEK. GENERAL GEOLOGY. The mines on Eska Creek are in the NE. | NE. J sec. 16, T. 19 N., R. 3 W., which is part of leasing block No. 7. At the time that the field work was done the workings included nine openings, all of which are drifts from natural exposures of coal beds near the level of the creek. Three of these openings were productive mines, and the others included prospect openings, abandoned mines, and mines that had not yet become productive. (See fig. 4.) The coal beds that are being mined and prospected on Eska Creek are exposed in a discontinuous series of low cliffs that extend inter- mittently along one or the other bank of the creek but generally not on both of them. Between these cliffs are covered slopes, and back from them are gravel terraces and gently sloping areas covered with glacial drift and containing few if any exposures of rock. The outcrops on Eska Creek show that the creek cuts across two eastward- trending belts of gently dipping coal-bearing rocks — a southern or northward-dipping belt, in which the Emery, David, and Kelly drifts are situated, and a northern or southward-dipping belt, in which the Maitland, East Eska, Shaw, Martin, and West Eska drifts are situated. The southern belt lies north of and is separated by a concealed interval from Cretaceous rocks that are older than the coal. The northern belt lies south of and merges into or is separated by a fault from a belt of intensely deformed coal measures 1 Martin, G. C., and Katz, F. J., Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska Valley: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull, 500, 98 pp., 19 pis., 1912. 115086°— 19 18 269 270 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. that probably is practically barren of workable coal and that extends northward into the great zone of faulting on the southern border of the high mountains. For immediate practical purposes only the Figure 4.— Map of the Eska Creek coal mines. two gently dipping belts of coal measures need to be considered in further detail. As shown below (p. 273), these belts may be fault blocks or may be the opposite flanks of a syncline. The rocks of each GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. 271 belt are cut by faults, some of which show at the surface, whereas others have been encountered in mining. Nowhere has the magni- tude of any of the faults been determined. The southern or northward-dipping belt of coal-bearing rocks extends from a point near the northwest corner of Eska town site to a point between the Kelly drift and the upper railroad bridge just above the old mine camp. The strike is in general N. 60°-75° E., and the dip 30°-40° NW. Near the northern edge of this belt the following section is exposed: Section on west bank of Eska Creek opposite old mine camp. Sandstone. Ft. [Coal 2-2 J Coal (Kelly seam) j 1 ‘ Clod ” 4-6 [Coal (average) 3 Concealed 10 ± 6 5 4 5 2 Shale (partly concealed) Sandstone Gray shale with some ironstone Shale [Coal Coal (David seam)-! Yellow shale [Coal Carbonaceous shale Ironstone Gray shale Ironstone Gray shale Ironstone Gray shale Ironstone Gray shale Ironstone Gray shale Ironstone concretions Gray shale Sandstone lens (grades into shale) . . Shale with a few ironstone nodules Shale with a little coal Shale and coal Bone Coal (Emery seam) Coal Soft shale. Coal Soft shales. Coal These beds strike about N. 80° E. and dip 30° N. are shown graphically in figure 5. 3 £-2 4 2 I 2 5 5 12 3 2 6 li 10 6 3 1 4 2 10 Their relations 272 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Beneath this section the rocks are mostly concealed. Near the bridge at the lower end of the railroad yards is an outcrop which shows about 4 feet of impure coal that strikes N. 60° E. and dips 45° N. This bed should be about 300 or 400 feet below the Emery seam, if there is no fault in the concealed interval. On the east bank of the creek near the northwest corner of Eska town site is an outcrop GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. 273 of shale k in part coaly, that should be several hundred feet lower than the coal last described. The next known outcrops, down the creek, are of Cretaceous sand- stone in the bluff near the northeast corner of sec. 21. The inter- vening gap, about half a mile wide, would contain the contact of the coal measures with the underlying formation. There are reasons for suspecting that this contact is locally along a fault. The base of the coal-bearing formation is certainly not exposed along the creek, and apparently it is not exposed in the near-by hills. Consequently it is not possible to estimate the position of the coal beds just described relative to the base of the coal-bearing formation, or to state whether there are other coal beds beneath them. The northern or southward-dipping belt of coal-bearing rocks extends from the upper railroad bridge to the vicinity of the main forks of Eska Creek near the northeast corner of the SE. J SW. J sec. 9. The general strike is N. 60°-90° E., and the dip 5°-35° S. The discontinuity of the exposures, the presence of faults, and the presence of disturbances that may be caused either by faulting or by slumping and tilting of blocks of strata on the steep hillsides make it impossible to describe a complete section or to determine the thick- ness of strata and the number and position of the coal beds. The exposed strata are at least 300 feet thick and include four or more coal beds, among which are those opened at the Maitland, Eska, Shaw, and Martin drifts. Detailed measurements and discussions of the several incomplete local sections are given on pages 274-275. The base of the coal measures is not exposed in this belt, and there is no information available in regard to the total thickness of the coal measures or the number of the coal beds beneath the surface. The contact of the two belts of gently dipping coal-bearing rocks lies in a concealed interval near the upper bridge in the railroad yards. Because of this concealment it is impossible to state whether these belts lie on opposite flanks of a syncline or are fault blocks. As their contact lies approximately in line with the synclinal axis of Wishbone Hill, it might be assumed that the synclinal relation is the more probable. However, the synclinal structure of Wishbone Hill is shown only in exposures of the Eska conglomerate, which is less dis- turbed than the coal measures and overlies them possibly in uncon- formable relation, and consequently an unfaulted syncline in the conglomerate need not necessarily extend east to Eska Creek or down into the coal measures. Furthermore, the locality here discussed is nearer in line with the possible fault that marks the southern boundary of the conglomerate mass of Wishbone Hill than it is with the syn- clinal axis of the hill itself. The strata exposed on the opposite sides of the concealed interval are not sufficiently characteristic (see p. 274) to furnish reliable evidence as to whether they are identical. It must 274 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. be concluded, therefore, that either a fault or a synclinal axis is possible at this locality. The writer believes that the fault is more probable, but the actual relations can be determined with absolute certainty only by following the coal underground through the con- cealed interval. The northern or southward-dipping belt of coal-bearing rocks appears in a discontinuous series of exposures that extends along the east bank of the creek for about 600 feet, beginning near the railroad bridge, or about 400 feet above the Kelly drift. (See fig. 5.) The southernmost and presumably the highest (stratigraphically) of these exposures is the following: Section on east bank of Eslca Creek near upper railroad bridge. Shale. Feet. Coal, with shale partings 4 Sandstone and shale 20 Sandstone 7 Shale 3 [Coal 3 Coal (Maitland seam) < Shale 3-6 [Coal 3 It is possible that the Maitland seam is the same as the Kelly seam. This correlation is suggested by the general similarity in section of the coal seams themselves and by the presence of a massive sandstone above the Maitland seam like that above the Kelly seam. The writer believes that this correlation should be considered as probable, though not proved. The strata are mostly concealed for a distance of about 300 feet up the creek from the Maitland drift. About 150 feet above the Mait- land drift is an old prospect opening that shows about 3 feet of coal. This coal bed and the strata in the concealed intervals on each side of it should lie below the Maitland seam and have a thickness of 50 to 150 feet unless they have been faulted. The probable presence of at least one fault in this interval is indicated by the fact that the Eska coal, which has been opened (see section below) near the northern end or at the stratigraphic base of this concealed interval, is not overlain by the massive cliff-making sandstone and other strata which overlie the Eska coal on the west bank of the creek, nor is there room for these strata in the concealed interval. (See section, p. 275.) At the upper end of this concealed interval is an exposure in which the East Eska, Shaw, and Martin drifts have been driven. The section at this locality is as follows: Section on east bank of Eska Creek at upper end of railroad spur. Ft. in. Sandstone 20 Shale 5 Coal (Eska seam) ^ 2 6 GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. 275 Ft. in. Shale 9 Ft. in. 'Coal 1 1 Shale 1 Coal (Shaw seamV Coal 10£ Shale 1* Coal 2 0 4 2 Concealed (partly shale and sandstone) 25 ± Coal (Martin seam) 3± Above this point the best exposures are on the west bank of Eska Creek, where there is a discontinuous series of exposures that extends north from a point opposite the upper end of the preceding section. There are no exposures on the west bank of the creek between this point and the Kelly drift, a distance of about 800 feet. At the south- ern end of these exposures a drift (West Eska) has been driven on the Eska seam. The following section is exposed at this locality: Section in cliff on west side of Eska Creek opposite upper end of railroad spur. Ft. in. Sandstone (cliff) 75± Soft sandstone 9 Shale with a little coal 2 Concealed (shale and sandstone) G4 Shale 16 Coal (Eska seam) 3 Shale with coal streaks 5 Shale 14 Carbonaceous shale 2 Shale and coal 5 Ft. in. Coal 11 Shale 3 Coal 10 Coal (Shaw? seam)< Shale 3 Coal 10 Shale 1 .Coal 1 9 Shale Ironstone Shale Coal (shaly) Coal Shale Coal Shale with ironstone concretions Coal Shale Coal Shale 4 11 5 1 5 2 6 2 5 2 2 23 1 6 1 . 10 276 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The thick sandstone at the top of this section forms a cliff that extends continuously westward along the top of the bluff west of Eska Creek from the West Eska drift to a point near the northwest corner of the NE. \ sec. 16 . Beneath this sandstone cliff are gentler slopes, generally covered with talus and soil, in which reliable expo- sures are by no means numerous or extensive. Some of the exposures -50 L-0 Figure 6. — Hypothetical correlation of coal beds on west bank of Eska Creek, in the N. I NW. I sec. 16, T. 19 N., R. 3 E. 1, Cliff near West Eska drift; 2, about 1,250 feet below forks; 3, about 1,100 feet below forks. at the base of the bluff apparently indicate faults and local folds that were not seen in the sandstone of the cliff. Some of the exposures are certainly blocks that have been tilted or have fallen on the steep Hillside. A larger number of the exposures may either be rocks in place or tilted or fallen blocks. If they are rocks in place the GEOLOGIC PKOBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. 277 soft shales and coal beds may have yielded more than the massive sandstone under the forces that caused the folding and faulting, or the sandstone may overlie the coal-bearing shales with an undetected unconformity and for that reason does not partake of all their structural complexity, or it may he that there is an undetected fault along the base of the sandstone cliff. The writer has published elsewhere 1 a section which shows the strata beneath the massive sandstone at a locality about 1,200 feet above the West Eska drift. In another section 2 he shows the strata including and underlying the same sandstone at a locality about 1,350 feet above the West Eska drift. It will be assumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that there is neither an unconformity or a fault at the base of the sand- stone. Therefore, if the coal beds are persistent the coal beds in section 36 and those in the upper half of section 37 may possibly be correlated with the coal beds exposed in the cliff near the West Eska drift, as is indicated in figure 6. A short distance above the place where section 37 was measured several faults are exposed in the west bank of the creek. One of these faults shows considerable displacement. This fault possibly marks the northern edge of the block of rock that forms Wishbone Hill. Just north of this fault several northward-dipping coal beds are exposed, of which the following section was measured: Section on west bank of Eska Creek 1,450 feet above West Eska drift. Sandstone. Coal (lenticular) Shale Coal Shale Coal Shale Coal Shale Coal Shale Coal Shale Coal (with some shale) Shale . - ’ Ft. in. 4 14 2 6 2 2 6 4 8 2 1 1 20 2 5 The northward dip at this locality is believed to be a local feature caused by drag on the fault plane. The next exposures up the creek are of southward-dipping strata and do not show coal beds. The exposures on the west fork of Eska Creek, above the main forks in the SE. J SW. \ sec. 9, are of closely folded and much- 1 Martin, G. C., and Katz, F. J., Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 500, pp. 84-85, section 36, 1912. 2 Idem, pp. 85-87, section 37. 278 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. disturbed rocks, in which several thin coal beds and stringers of coal were noted. The thickest coal seen is near the northern boundary of sec. 9 and is recorded in section 38. 1 This exposure is possibly the same as that of which Mr. Sumner S. Smith has furnished the following measurement: Coal bed on west bank of Eska Creek near the north boundary of sec. 9 , T. 19 N., R. 3 E. Dark-brown shale that contains ironstone nodules. Ft. in. Mixed sandstone and shale 1 10 Intrusive (?) 2 6 Dark-brown shale that contains petrified wood and nodules 6 Dirty coal that carries bands of sulphur 1 4 Dark shale 1 4 Very hard black coal 2 2 Shale 1 Very hard black coal 3 Shale 1^ Very hard black coal 2 10 Shale that contains concretions 10 Strike, N. 70° E.; dip, 73° S. The writer believes that any coal beds that may occur in this belt of intensely deformed rocks on the border of the high mountains are so inaccessible and probably are so lenticular that they have no immediate value. PROGRESS OF MINING. The workings on Eska Creek consisted, in the summer of 1917, of nine openings, three of which (the Kelly, David, and Shaw drifts) are in the northward-dipping belt of coal measures, and the others (the Maitland, East Eska, Shaw, Martin, and West Eska drifts, and the unnamed prospect opening between the Maitland and East Eska drifts) are in the southward-dipping belt of coal measures. Some of these mines (the Kelly, David, Emery, and Maitland drifts and perhaps some of the others) were formerly worked by lessees. The Kelly, David, and Emery drifts had been abandoned, because the coal had been cut off by a fault, up to which it had been worked out above drainage. In the West Eska and Martin drifts main entries were being driven preparatory to mining. The Maitland, East Eska, and Shaw drifts were producing coal in an aggregate average amount of about 100 tons a day. In addition to the fault that cut off the coal in the Kelly, David, and Emery drifts, a fault cuts off the coal in the Maitland drift, and since the writer left the field faults have been encountered in the East Eska, Shaw, and West Eska drifts. None of these faults show at the surface. The position of each of these faults in the mines is indicated in figure 4. The extent of the faults beyond the present workings is not known. 1 Martin, G. C., and Katz, F. J., op. cit., p. 87. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. 279 CHICKALOON RIVER. The coal outcrops on Chickaloon River are situated in the S. J NE. 1 sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E., and in the SW. \ NW. J sec. 30, T. 20 N., R. 6 E., which constitute part of leasing block No. 12. Chickaloon River enters the general area of the Matanuska coal field (the Matanuska Valley proper) in the northern part of T. 20 N., R. 6 E. After flowing through a gorge cut in the Eska conglom- erate in sec. 5, it comes out into a more open valley, where there are discontinuous exposures, first on one bank and then on the other. These exposures, from the lower end of the conglomerate gorge in sec. 5 to the point where the river turns west in the SW. \ NW. 1 sec. 30, consist of steeply folded rocks that belong to the Chickaloon formation and of several intrusive masses. The Chickaloon forma- tion underlies the Eska conglomerate and includes the coal beds of the Matanuska field. However, it is not everywhere coal bearing, and none of the exposures just mentioned contain any coal. The outcrops on the north or west bank of Chickaloon River in its east- west course from the eastern boundary of the SW. 1 NW. I sec. 30, T. 20 N., R. 6 E., to the bend just above the west boundary of the NE. \ sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E., contain numerous exposures of coal. These outcrops will be discussed more fully below. The south or east bank of the river in this interval contains no known outcrops of coal. From this locality to its mouth Chickaloon River flows past almost continuous exposures of steeply but somewhat irregularly folded rocks that belong to the Chickaloon formation and of numerous intrusive masses. These exposures contain no coal. Throughout the series of exposures along Chickaloon River, from the point where it comes out of the high mountains into the general area of the Matanuska coal field to its mouth, the general dip is northward. The structure, however, is not a simple monocline, for the rocks are probably repeated by faults as well as by partly overturned folds. The discontinuity of the exposures, the presence of faults of un- determinable throw, the possibility of unseen faults and folds in the concealed intervals, and the lack of characteristic horizon markers make it impossible to describe the structure except in general terms. The area back from the river is mostly covered with terrace or glacial gravels. Exposures are in fact practically confined to the banks of the larger streams and to knobs of intrusive rocks. The only exposures of coal known to the writer in the area between Chickaloon and Kings rivers are an 18 or 20 inch bed of impure coal about 200 feet above the mouth of the creek that enters Chicka- loon River in the SW. J NW. \ sec. 25, a 15-inch bed of impure coal in the NW. J NW. J sec. 22, and a 3 or 4 foot bed of coke where a creek crosses the west line of the SW. \ sec. 15. The coal exposures on Chickaloon River are in the face of the bluff that extends for a little more than half a mile along the north or west 280 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. side of the river in its east-west course through the S. \ NE. J sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E., and the SW. \ NW. i sec. 30, T. .20 N., R. 6 E. This bluff, which is about 100 feet high, rises from the alluvial flat on the river’s edge to a gravel terrace that is about a quarter of a mile wide. The upper part of the bluff is composed of terrace gravels, and the lower part is composed of steeply dipping coal- bearing rocks that are partly concealed by gravels that have slid down over them. Several coal beds are exposed in outcrops on this bluff, but more complete exposures are afforded by 11 tunnels that have been driven into the face of the bluff. Detailed measurements of the coal beds and other strata in these tunnels, as they Were exposed in 1910, are given elsewhere. 1 Additional measurements were doubtless made by the engineers of the Bureau of Mines in the course of their mining operations of 1913, but these have not been published. The attitude of the coal beds differs somewhat in different parts of the exposures. The tunnels on Chickaloon River are situated in four groups between which the rooks are more or less concealed. This grouping is indicated in the following list, in which the tunnels are arranged in sequence from east to west : Coal tunnels on Chickaloon River. 1. Bend of river in east part of SW. \ NW. \ sec. 30, T. 20 N., R. 6 E. A, B, 2. E. i SE. i NE. £ sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. 3, C. W. i SE. i NE. i sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. D, 4, 5, E, F. SW. i NE. 1 sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. The five western tunnels (Nos. D, 4, 5, E, and F) and the eastern- most tunnel (No. 1) are situated farther north than the others. At all of these tunnels the strike is approximately east and the dip is 50°-70° N. In the Southernmost tunnels (Nos. A, B, and 2) and probably also in the near-by intermediate group (Nos. 3 and C) the strike is northwest and the dip is 65°-85° S. In tunnel No. 2, the presence of what seems to be a typical underolay on top of one of the coal beds indicates that the rooks are locally overturned. The attitude of the coal beds as described above, and the restric- tion of the known coal outcrops to this eastward course of the river, can not be definitely explained at present. There are several pos- sible theories concerning the local structure that may explain the known facts, but none of them can be proved or disproved without further knowledge of underground conditions. These theories are thus outlined: (1) That the coal outcrops lie on a monoclinal northward-dipping block of coal-bearing rocks, in the southern part of which (as in tunnels A, B, and 2) the rocks are folded beyond the vertical. 1 Martin, G. C., and Katz, F. J., Geology and coal fields of tlie lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 500, pp. 78-81, 1912. Regulations governing coal-land leases in the Territory of Alaska, 86 pp., maps, U. S. Dept. Interior, 1916. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS AT THE MATANUSKA COAL MINES. 281 If this theory holds, the coal lies only north of the river. The rocks south of the outcrops are barren of coal unless another block of coal or another horizon at which coal is present passes under them from the south. Eastern and western extensions of the coal belt may lie concealed beneath the terrace gravels, or these extensions may be cut off by transverse faults. (2) That the coal outcrops lie in an anticline, of which the coal beds of tunnels A, B, and 2 are on the southern limb. According to this theory, the coal may be present in depth both north and south of the river. Such an anticline may extend east and west beneath the terrace gravels, it may plunge in either or both directions, or it may be out off at one or both ends by a transverse fault. The exposure at tunnel No. 1 seems to indicate anticlinal folding. The northward-dipping rocks along the river below the tunnels indicate that the anticline, and possibly the coal beds also, are cut off by a fault and do not extend west of the bend of the river in the SW. i NE. I sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. (3) That the coal outcrops lie in two monoclinal blocks separated by a fault. Under this theory the coal may underlie at considerable depth an area both north and south of the river. The coal-bearing strata may extend east and west beneath the terrace gravels or they may be cut off by transverse faults. The actual structure at the Chickaloon coal outcrops and conse- quently the extent of the coal in depth can obviously be determined with certainty only by underground exploration. Because of this condition, and because there is very little coal above drainage at this locality, it is intended to sink a slope for 600 or 800 feet on one of the coal beds and then explore in depth with the purpose of blocking out, if possible, an area of workable coal. MINES AND PROSPECTS ON MOOSE CREEK. The Doherty mine, operated by the Doherty Coal Co. under a 10-acre mining permit, is situated on the west bank of Moose Creek in the NW. I sec. 2, T. 18 N., R. 2 E. This mine was opened in 1916. The section of the coal bed is as follows: Section of coal in Doherty mine. Sandstone (roof). Ft. in. Bone (“cap rock”) 1 1 Goal 1 11 Bone 1 Coal 1 3 Carbonaceous shale (“black dirt”) 3 Shale (floor). Strike N. 67° E., dip 45° SE. The coal is mined by the room and pillar system and is hoisted on a slope from the entry on the 400-foot level. On reaching the surface 282 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. it is screened and handpicked to remove the pieces of “cap rock” that come down in mining. The coal that goes through the screens is mixed with that which goes past the pickers and is hauled by a steam locomotive over a narrow-gage railroad, 3,000 feet long, to bunkers on a railroad spur one-fourth of a mile west of the mouth of Moose Creek. The output, about 50 tons a day, was sold in part to the Alaskan Engineering Commission and in part to the public in Anchorage. It is reported that the mine has been abandoned. The coal shipped from this mine is high in ash. A cleaning plant was being installed, which should result in a better product. If the operators of this mine are able to compete with other producers they will probably be able to find a moderately large area of workable coal in the vicinity of their mine. No structural disturbances have thus far been discovered. The mine is situated on the north flank of a small local basin or else on a southward-dipping fault block. If mining operations are extended at this point the slope should be continued either to the axis of the basin or to the lower edge of the fault block. A prospecting tunnel was being driven into the hill from the east bank of Moose Creek in the NW. J sec. 27, T. 19 N., R. 2 E., by prospective lessees of leasing blocks 2 and 3. The coal beds at this locality 1 lie near the supposed zone of faulting that apparently forms the northern boundary of the structural mass of Wishbone Hill. They are badly disturbed and have also been burned. The tunnel was being driven in an attempt to get into an area of workable coal beyond the disturbed and burned zone. At the time the locality was visited the driving of the tunnel was still in progress. LITTLE SUSITNA RIVER. A brief visit was made also to a locality on Little Susitna River, where a bed of lignite has been found in a “trap” from which ballast was being taken for the railroad. The locality is in sec. 21, T. 18 N., R. 3 W., near mile 175 from Seward. The bed is reported to have the following section : Section of lignite near Houston. Sand. Ft. in. Lignite 2 8 Shale and bone 2 Clay. At the time the locality was visited by the writer the coal was not exposed, the pit which had been dug into it being filled with water. The beds exposed in the trap are semi-indurated sand and clay like those of the Kenai formation of Cook Inlet. The lignite was found at the level of the swamp and is said to dip about 6° N. The bed consequently does not extend above drainage level. 1 Martin, G. €., and Katz, F. J., op. cit., p. 87 (sections 40-42). SULPHUR ON UNALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS AND NEAR STEPOVAK BAY, ALASKA. By A. G. Maddren. INTRODUCTION. Sulphur claims have been recorded at three localities in south- western Alaska — in the crater of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island, on Akun Island, and near Stepovak Bay on the Alaska Peninsula. (See PI. VII.) The deposits covered by these claims have not yet been mined, but during the last year they have received considerable attention with a view to production. These sulphur-bearing deposits are of the volcanic type termed solfataras — that is, they are surface deposits formed by sublimation from hot sulphurous volcanic vapors. They are situated in the belt of active and quiescent volcanoes that extends throughout the Alaska Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands, and Japan. Similar deposits un- doubtedly occur at other localities in this belt. Unalaska and Akun islands are near the east end of the Aleutian Islands, in latitude 54° N. and longitude 166° W. They lie west of Unimak Pass, the chief thoroughfare for vessels to Bering Sea. Stepovak Bay is on the south coast of the Alaska Peninsula, about 200 miles northeast of Unimak Pass, in latitude 55° 50' N. and longitude 159° 40' W., about 1,600 miles from Puget Sound. The only regular access to southwestern Alaska is by a small mail steamer that sails from Seward once a month. Unalaska is about 1,150 miles from Seward and about 1,750 miles from Seattle in an air line or 3,000 miles by way of Seward. During the summer steamers from Seattle to Nome and St. Michael enter Bering Sea through Unimak Pass but seldom call at Unalaska or near-by ports because of lack of trade. However, they would be available for ship- ment of freight to Puget Sound. Fishing vessels and Government patrol and supply steamers make irregular cruises along the coast during the summer and occasionally replenish their coal bunkers at Unalaska. A Navy wireless station at Unalaska is available for transmitting commercial messages. 283 284 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. The following descriptions of the sulphur-bearing deposits are based upon examinations made by the writer during August and September, 1917. MAKUSHIN VOLCANO. TOPOGRAPHY. Makushin Volcano, about 6,000 feet in altitude, is in the northern part of Unalaska Island, about 12 miles west of Dutch Harbor. (See figs. 7, 8.) It is 5 to 6 miles from the northwest coast and about the same distance north of Makushin Bay. Makushin Volcano is a composite volcanic pile built up of alternat- ing accumulations of basaltic lava, scoria, lapilli, and dust. In shape it is a broad dome, which forms a prominent feature of the landscape on account of its snow and ice capped summit and flanks. Glaciers descend its slopes to points about 2,500 feet above sea level, and rugged radiating ridges lie between the glaciers. A ring of ragged peaks surrounds a broad depression which marks the crater of a large extinct volcano. The mountain topographically dominates the part of the island it occupies over a radius of 5 or 6 miles. The crater of Makushin Volcano, as defined by its rim ridges, is broadly oval or horseshoe-shaped in plan and is nearly 2 by 14 miles in dimensions. Nearly continuous ridges form the crater rim except MAP OF ALASKA SHOWING LOCATION OF SULPHUR DEPOSITS loo o loo 200 300 400 sooMfles 500 Kilometers SULPHUK ON TJNALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS. 285 on the northwest side, at Big Gap, and at lesser gaps in the south and southeast sides. The floor of the crater is 300 to 500 feet below the higher crags of the rim, but the floor of the basin is exposed only in an area of 20 to 30 acres, where the sulphur deposits occur. Except in this bare area, the basin is occupied by glacial ice and snow that probably is several hundred feet thick in the central part of the basin. This ice and snow sags away from the walls of the crater and presents a con- cave surface that ^ 4 7" b_V 7 2U/ o <\ a: Y % U // rT- 1 7 \ i -7 i TT\Crl? 1 -L U \|\ V'< , j_ i > -7 r : 177 prH — L A ! 77 Fill! M ■+ i' v < Skate N X \ x o Man’ ^ v\ y \ / / x® 7 slopes northwest- ward to the Big Gap. This gap is the chief outlet of the crater, and the flow of ice toward it is indicated by the crevasses. THE SOLFATARA. POSITION AND CHAR- ACTER* The sulphur de- posit of Makushin Volcano is situated a short distance southwest of the cen- ter of the crater and is the only part of the crater that ap- pears to be perma- nently free from snow and ice. The bare area comprises a main southern portion about 1,200 feet long and TOO feet wide and a narrow tongue- like strip that extends north from the main area for about 1,500 feet and has an average width of 200 feet. (See fig. 9.) The area of these tracts is estimated to be 20 and 10 acres respectively. Some minor marginal patches extend beneath the overhanging edges of the ice. These marginal areas are, however, a variable quantity and are inaccessible, because they comprise the floors of grottoes or caverns and tunnels melted from the under surface of the snow and their roofs collapse from time to time. 115086°— 19 19 7*7 7 Snow and Lava Scale Vfe Sulphur - bearing ground Mi Figure 8. -Sketch map of part of Makushin Volcano show ing location of sulphur claims. 286 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. The southern part of the solfatara is a hummocky hill or ridge which rises about 100 feet above the comparatively smooth surface of the surrounding snow and ice. On the southwest flanks of this ridge are several grottoes or tunnel-like caverns. These grottoes ap- pear to lead toward a large chimney-like hole in the ice, about 150 feet in diameter, from which hot vapor discharges. This hole evidently marks a cleft in the rock from which hot vapor has melted the ice, and the grottoes are irregular passages that were melted in the ice by the circulation of hot vapor. The sulphurous character of the vapor is indicated by the sulphur that is deposited about the mouth of the hole, which stains the snow slightly yellow. It is evident that the main solfataric area is kept bare by subterranean heat. The heavy persistent clouds of condensed vapor indicate that the radiation of heat is active and fairly con- stant. In calm weather the condensed vapor rises many hundred feet and resembles smoke from a great chimney or a forest fire, but as vio- lent winds are common the heavy clouds of vapor are usually swirled and ed- died along the surface of the ice in different direc- tions. If the wind blows from one direction for some time there often is a per- ceptible yellowing of the snow with sulphur. At such times the solfatara is approachable only from the direction of the wind, as the sulphur fumes are strong and the thick vapor obscures the way over the crevassed surface. Probably the smokelike grayness of the vapor is due to finely divided particles of sulphur, and the precipitation of these particles causes the yellow film on the ice. I .0 I o Drill hole x Surface sample Figure 9. — Sketch map of sulphur area on Makushin Volcano. LITHOLOGY. As a whole the sulphur-bearing deposit is earthy and appears to be composed chiefly of siliceous residual products of rock decomposi- SULPHUR OIsT UN ALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS. 287 tion that have resulted from the highly corrosive chemical actions of the hot solfataric vapors on the basalt. No outcrops of the basalt rock that are certainly in place could be closely examined, because the only exposures are in the walls of the deeper fissures and down the throats of fumaroles from which vapors issue at temperatures too high to allow near approach. The firm, massive character of the walls of such openings probably confines the escaping vapor, so that it issues with a loud, roaring sound. The country rock is seen only in blocks, slabby fragments, and kernel-like pebbles and scaly flakes, in various stages of decomposition, that are scattered about on the surface and disseminated throughout finely divided residual mate- rial. The larger and least-altered blocks of basalt, from 1 to 2 feet in dimensions, have somewhat pitted light-gray surfaces but within are dark and of compact crystalline texture, similar to the non- vesicular portions of the lava flows on the flanks of the mountain. The underlying rock of the solfatara area is thus chiefly compact crystalline basaltic lava, but it probably includes also some porous vesicular lava and possibly some fragmental volcanic material such as lapilli and dust, which are present in the old crater rim. The olivine is considerably decomposed throughout the compact crystalline lava., but the other minerals are not extremely altered except near the surface. The leached surface layers of these blocks show the faded texture of the original lava and have a tendency to exfoliate or spawl off as concentric shells, especially when struck with a hammer. Some of the blocks have the form of roughly rounded boulders and cobbles and thus resemble volcanic bombs, and the residual earth suggests, at first sight, a light-colored volcanic ash. However, none of the boulders show the vesicular texture that usually characterizes bombs, and the earthy deposit appears to be mainly residual in origin. The residual earth that constitutes the bulk of the surface' mantle of the solfataric area is light gray to creamy white. As explained above, most of it was formed in place, although naturally some has been shifted locally by winds and rains, both of which are violent and frequent, and no doubt much of the finer clayey material has been washed away. Test holes drilled into the deposit show that the earthy mantle in places is fully 16 feet thick and that it changes little in character to that depth, although some thin layers are dark brownish red. The deposits were not bored to a greater depth than 16 feet, but below that depth they are believed to grade into less decomposed phases of the country rock. For the most part the deposit has a coarse mealy texture, but some of it resembles loosely compacted sandy clay. In general the material is quite porous and comparatively light weight when dry. It resembles kaolin, although its aluminous content is low. 288 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Although the earth is highly siliceous no sinter deposits were ol> served. Slight cementation occurs, but the somewhat crusty char- acter of the surface zone seems to be due in part to the drying out induced by the warmth of the ground and also to the deposition of sulphur in the upper 1 or 2 feet of porous ground, especially on the immediate surface of the tracts that are more or less constantly bathed by sulphurous vapors. SOLFATARIC ACTION. The most striking feature is the rather vigorous solfataric activity of the greater part of the bare ground. This activity may be divided into two phases that are somewhat distinct but nevertheless closely related. The most manifest activity is the discharge of hot sul- phurous vapor that deposits sulphur in the cooler part of the deposit. The other phase of solfataric activity is the corrosive chemical action upon the rock in the zone of oxidation, which has caused the forma- tion of a highly decomposed earthy residue that includes the bulk of the sulphur-bearing deposit and that rests upon the volcanic rocks from which the hot vapor emanates. Sulphurous and sulphuric acids probably are formed in small quantities in this surface zone. The most active escape of hot vapor seems to be in the southern part of the area of bare ground near the highest part of the ridge. At this place vapor at relatively high temperature issues with a roaring sound from several openings. The largest vent is at the southeast end of the ridge in the lower wall of a pit, about 75 feet in diameter and 40 feet deep, the bottom of which is filled with steam- ing gray mud. The sound from this fumarole can be distinctly heard for a distance of half a mile. The temperature of this fumarole was not measured, but that of a smaller one on top of the ridge was 810° F. at a point 2 feet down its throat. Temperatures of 170° and 180° were observed in crevices from which the escape of vapor was much less active, and fragments of ice were boiled in about 10 minutes in a kettle placed over one of the openings after the crust of sulphur that partly sealed it was broken away. The temperature of 310° F. indicates that the vapor is far hotter than the melting point of sulphur, which liquefies at about 240°. It was noted that no sulphur was being deposited where the tem- perature was 310°, although near the cooler border of the opening was a thin incrustation of sulphur. Several test holes that were drilled into cooler parts of the deposit tapped hot sulphurous vapor at depths of 4 to 8 feet, indicating that the porous earthy mantle is more or less charged with hot vapor. Thus it appears that except for a comparatively thin superficial zone the solfataric deposit as a whole is probably too hot at a short SULPHUR ON UNALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS. 289 distance below the surface to permit the deposition of sulphur, or conversely that the heat of the deposit below the surface is sufficient to keep most of the sulphur that may be present in a molten or vaporized state until it reaches the surface. In this connection it may be noted that sulphur may be extracted from ores of this character by melting it with steam under a pressure of about 60 pounds to the square inch. Steam under this pressure has a temperature of about 292° F. No field evidence was noted, however, of any of the sulphur having been melted after its deposition by sublimation. The commercial bodies of sulphur in this deposit are clearly sur- ficial. The percentage of sulphur at the surface does not indicate that rich deposits exists at depth, as is usually believed by the optimistic prospector. THE SULPHUR DEPOSITS. OCCURRENCE. The richer deposits of sulphur occur within 2 feet of the surface, but there is also more or less finely divided sulphur disseminated to a depth of at least 16 feet, the greatest depth from which samples were obtained. Some of the finely divided sulphur may be rede- posited, especially in the earthy accumulations along the lower flanks of the ridge, but most of it was undoubtedly sublimed from the vapor where it is now found. The most conspicuous deposits of sulphur occur along crevices or large clefts that intersect the surface of the ground in many di- rections and around the holes from which large volumes of hot vapor issue continuously. Some of the larger holes are true fumaroles. The cracks in the surface might be attributed to shrinkage of the earthy mantle, but as they have no geometrical arrangement it is more probable that they lie just above open fissures in the underlying rock. The largest masses of sulphur occur as irregular pieces, some of which are 8 to 10 inches in diameter. These pieces have more or less completely sealed the vents. Incrustations of sulphur an inch or more thick are being deposited on the lips of crevices and about the open vents. Hot sulphurous vapors issue from these openings in considerable volume, but only small amounts of vapor escape from sealed crevices. There may be a circulation of the sulphurous vapors from one set of crevices to another or from one part of a crevice to another part as the sealing progresses, the vapors seeking an out- let along passages of least resistance. In this way the sulphur may become distributed over the solfataric area. At present the most abundant deposition of sulphur appears to be in the crevices and vents which have temperatures of about 170° to 290 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. 180°. Comparatively little sulphur is being deposited about the hot fumaroles, such as one whose temperature is approximately 310°. In addition to the sulphur that may be brought from primary sources in the hot vapors and deposited directly at the surface, it is probable that sulphur is revolatilized from the hot lower zones of the deposit and recondensed in the cooler surface zone. Thus there may be a migration of the sulphur from deeper parts of the deposit to its surface. It also seems possible that some of the sulphur reaches the surface dissolved in superheated water vapor and is directly sublimed upon condensation of the water vapor in the cool atmosphere. Some of the sulphur may be precipitated from mixtures of hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S)* and sulphur dioxide (S0 2 ), two compounds which presumably can not exist together and which when commingled set sulphur free. To judge by the odor, small quantities of both these compounds seem to emanate from the solfatara, but they undoubtedly constitute a very small percentage of the total vapor. The odor of hydrogen sulphide was evident but not very marked. As one ten- thousandth part of sulphur dioxide in air is intolerable to human beings there probably is not much sulphur dioxide in the vapor, for no particularly suffocating effects were experienced upon breathing the vapor, even near the hot fumaroles. Water vapor is by far the most abundant emanation. It contains some dissolved sulphur which it deposits when it is condensed on the ice. AMOUNT. The sulphur deposit has not been sampled comprehensively, and it is very doubtful whether ordinary methods of sampling will give sufficiently accurate results to serve as a reliable basis for estimating the content of sulphur. The deposit may be divided roughly into two zones on the basis of percentage of sulphur — a richer zone that forms a surface layer from 1 to 2 feet thick that seems to owe its crusty character chiefly to the sulphur deposited in it, and a poorer subsoil zone that consists in greater part of moist, hot, porous, decomposed material in which a small percentage of sulphur is disseminated as grains and blebs to a depth of at least 15 to 20 feet at some points. The surface crust of the solfatara is rather irregular in general contour and quite uneven and hummocky in relief. Its minor ridges, •hollows, and hummocks seem to owe their form partly to uneven deposition of sulphur along the intricate mesh of crevices and vents and partly to subsequent erosion by wind and rain. The higher tracts along the main ridge of the solfatara appear to owe their general prominence to the proximity to the surface of the lava, which prob- ably underlies the whole solfataric area at no great depth, for all SULPHUR ON UNALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS. 291 the blocks that are scattered about on or protrude from the surface of these tracts are of a uniform crystalline basalt and the walls of the fumaroles and larger openings appear to be similar solid rock to a level within a foot or so of the surface. No definite data regarding the thickness of the lower layer or zone' are at hand, and it can not be assumed that the earthy mantle has a uniform thickness throughout the solfataric area. It is assumed to be thickest along the lower flanks of the area, where it has been tested to a depth of at least 16 feet. Over some of the higher tracts it is generally thin and in places is entirely absent. The sulphur is very irregularly distributed even in the crusty sur- face zone of the deposit. Although practically pure masses of sul- phur occur as fillings in some of the dormant and semidormant crev- ices and vents and seal their outlets it does not extend down these openings very far. Some of these masses are estimated to contain several cubic feet of reasonably pure sulphur that could be mined by careful hand methods. The aggregate crevice and vent space thus occupied with sulphur is relatively small. Although a few of the crevices are 10 to 12 inches wide, most of them are not more than 2 or 3 inches wide, and the cracks and crevices in which sulphur has been deposited are about the same size. The sulphur-bearing crust between the crevices averages about 12 inches in thickness, although in some places it is as much as 2 feet. In many places the upper half of this crust is composed chiefly of sulphur, and the lower half con- tains a large percentage of earthy material. The amount of sulphur in the solfatara is not so striking as the area of gray earth, streaked and dotted here and there by the sulphur deposited along discon- tinuous cracks and about small vents that are irregularly distributed over the surface of the ground in more or less definite tracts. Of the approximately 20 acres of bare ground that comprise the main area of the solfatara probably not more than 5 acres, in the southern part of the area, may be classed as containing a good grade of sulphur-bearing material, the remainder being of inferior grade, and only certain rather small tracts in the 5 acres of better ground contain high-grade material, even in the surface crust zone. Probably the average sulphur content of this surface crust is about 60 per cent of the material that would be handled in mining. If this estimate is correct it indicates about 260,000 cubic feet of sulphur, on a basis of 2 feet of depth, which is 12,500 tons at 125 pounds to the cubic foot. The high-grade sulphur deposited at the open vents is about 98 or 99 per cent pure and is estimated to constitute about 5 per cent of the surface material as a whole. It is estimated that about 70 per cent of this surface material, to a depth of 1 or 2 feet, is composed of material of which four analyses show a sulphur content of 86.3 292 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. to 89.6 per cent and average about 88 per cent. According to these figures, the average sulphur content of the surface material to a depth of 1 or 2 feet is about 60 per cent. If the weight of the dried ma- terial is about 70 pounds to the cubic foot, as is indicated by the determination of the specific gravity of a sample that was assumed to be representative, the 5 acres of better ground should contain about 1,800 tons of sulphur to the acre within 2 feet of the surface. It is difficult to make even a rough estimate, like that just given, for the sulphur content of the remainder of the deposit, especially of the earthy portion beneath the surface crust. In the first place this earth can not be assumed to be of uniform thickness, and sec- ondly, in the absence of comprehensive sampling over the whole area, the quantity of sulphur that may be disseminated in it is a matter of conjecture. Five samples taken in the southwestern flanks of the deposit from depths of about 4, 8, 10, 12, and 16 feet contain, re- spectively, 47, 29.8, 14.7, 13.8, and 9.5 per cent of sulphur, averaging about 23 per cent. If this average holds the zone from 2 to 16 feet below the surface should contain from 716 tons of sulphur for each acre-foot at a depth of 4 feet to 145 tons for each acre-foot at a depth of 16 feet, or a total for the entire 14-foot zone of 4,900 tons to the acre. PURITY. The chief impurity of the sulphur is the earthy material in which it is deposited. In the small samples collected by the writer this im- purity ranges from 1.5 or 2 per cent in selected pieces of solid sul- phur to 75, 80, and even 90 per cent in the poorer earthy material. This finely divided earthy impurity is composed chiefly of silica and lime and is comparatively light in weight. The separation of the sul- phur could be accomplished by heating the ore, for the sulphur would melt at a relatively low temperature and be drained off, making a commercial product of nearly pure sulphur. AKUN ISLAND. GEOGRAPHY. Akun Island lies on the western side of Unimak Pass about 23 miles southwest of Unimak Island. (See fig. 10.) The settlement of Unalaska, on Unalaska Island, is about 45 miles southwest of the northern end of Akun Island. Akun Island is about 12 miles long from north to south, has a very irregular coast line, and the northern part is nearly divided from the southern part by two large embayments that lie opposite each other — Akun Cove on the east coast and Lost Harbor on the west coast. The heads of these bays are separated by a strip of low land about 1 mile SULPHUR ON UNALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS. 293 wide. Except this narrow strip of land, the island is comparatively high and has a general rolling relief that is marked by rugged ridges. Rugged topography is particularly characteristic of the northern third of the island, the highest point of which is the summit of a roughly conical volcanic mountain 2,500 feet high. This volcanic mountain, locally called Akun Peak, stands near the northwest shore, Figure 10. — Map of Unalaska and Akun islands showing location of sulphur deposits. 294 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. and its westward and northward slopes terminate as abrupt sea cliffs 500 to 1,000 feet high. GEOLOGY. The hard rocks of Akun Island consist at the base of rudely strati- fied volcanic fragmental materials (agglomerates and tuffs) that are overlain by andesitic lava flows. Each of these formations is 1,000 feet thick where it attains its maximum development. Akun Peak is a typical volcanic cone and appears to have been one of the chief centers of outflow for the lava in the northern part of the island. Its conical form suggests that it is a comparatively recent volcano, and the lavas that flowed from it are little altered except by surface weathering. On the other hand, the basal deposits of agglomerates and tuffs, upon which the lavas rest, are considerably cemented and oxidized, and it is probable that they are considerably older than the lavas. At one exposure on the north side of Lost Harbor, where the contact between the lavas and the agglomerates and tuffs is well displayed, it is evident that the lavas flowed out and buried an old land surface that had been eroded in the agglomerates and tuffs. THE SULPHUR DEPOSIT. LOCATION AND AREA. The sulphur-bearing area on Akun Island, upon which mining claims have been located (see fig. 11) , is situated on the upper flanks of a rugged mountain ridge, 1,800 feet high, that lies about a mile north- east of Akun Peak. This ridge is a somewhat detached outlying spur Figure 11. — Sketch of sulphur claims on Akun Teak. of Akun Peak, and divides the northward and southward drainage of this part of the island. The solfatara lies in the broad headwater basin of a steep gulch that descends to a small cove immediately west of Akun Head on the north shore of the island and is about 1 mile from the cove. The southward drainage from this ridge flows to the north shore of Lost Harbor in a gulch about 2 miles long, and the easiest approach to the solfataric locality is by way of this valley. The best route is along its eastern slopes and thence through a small gap, at the head of a tributary gulch, that lies immediately south from SULPHUR ON UNALASKA AND AKUN ISLANDS. 295 the deposit at an altitude of 1,600 feet. The sulphur-bearing area is between 15 and 20 acres in extent and stands from 1,300 to 1,500 feet above sea level, but the part of the deposit that is characterized by mild solfataric activity comprises only about 5 acres. VOLCANIC ACTIVITY. The solfatara is in rather mild or semidormant activity. Within the smaller area of about 5 acres small volumes of steam and scalding water, accompanied by a small quantity of hydrogen sulphide gas (H 2 S), issue from fissures at widely spaced intervals, and the remainder of the area shows no particular evidences of the escape of subterranean heat. The most striking evidence of solfatarism is of chemical decomposition of the rock. GENERAL FEATURES. The surface of the deposit consists of highly decomposed mate- rial, apparently of residual origin, that resembles the deposits of the solfatara in the crater of Makushin Volcano but is thinner. This earth is light gray to dull yellowish and forms a mantle from 1 to 4 feet thick. Much of it is essentially in place, but the steepness of the slope on which it rests has caused movement of some of the mate- rial and the hot waters that flow from crevices are transporting a small quantity to lower levels. The earthy deposit is of uniform character throughout the area as is proved by the sections exposed in numerous open cuts that were dug in 191f. Many of these excavations are only 4 to 5 feet deep, but about six of them are from 12 to 15 feet deep and show the nature of the ground. All these cuts show a highly decomposed, leached, porous surface layer of light-gray earth from 1 to 4 feet thick that conforms to the slope of the ridge. Beneath the surface layer is a zone of dark-gray semileached de- composed rock which in some places where it is saturated with water resembles massive clay. This zone ranges from 6 to 10 feet in thick- ness, and in its lower parts, where less decomposed, the joint planes and brecciated fragments may be seen. Along some of the seams in this subsurface zone a small quantity of alum salts is being deposited. This salt indicates that one of the changes which is taking place in the country rock is the decomposition of the feldspars. In the bottoms of the deepest cuts, 12 to 15 feet below the sur- face, the highly decomposed rock of the subsurface zone grades downward into a less decomposed compact crystalline rock and al- though considerably altered shows the mineral constituents dis- tinctly. The highly decomposed rock and earth within the solfatara ap- pears to be directly derived from the andesitic lava that composes 296 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . the body of the mountain ridge, good outcrops of which may be ob- served on the crest of the ridge immediately above the solfatara. The area of the sulphur-bearing earth is clearly a locality where solfataric vapors have found an outlet and have intensely decayed the rock by highly corrosive chemical reactions. The present solfataric activity at this locality is of a much milder stage than that of the solfatara on Makushin Volcano. In fact on Akun Island the activity seems to be entering into the hot spring stage. The evidence furnished in the open cuts as to the relatively shallow depths to which the solfataric decomposition extends indi- cates that this solfatara has never been extremely active. This con- clusion is further indicated by the comparatively small amount of sulphur present. THE SULPHUR. MODE OF OCCURRENCE. The sulphur in this deposit occurs chiefly in the form of crystal- line incrustations one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch thick on the walls of narrow crevices and small cavities in the porous earthly surface zone. Most of the crevices are not more than one-eighth inch wide, and few of the larger ones are as much as one-fourth to one- lialf inch wide, and usually they are only partly filled with sulphur. Some sulphur is also disseminated through the decomposed material, but there are practically no solid bodies of sulphur, even of small size, in any part of the deposit. Apparently a small quantity of sul- phur has also been deposited in the cooler parts of the subsurface zone, as is shown by incrustations observed 1 along the walls of the deeper open cuts at points 10 to 12 feet below the surface, but this sulphur may have been deposited since the excavations were made by small jets of water vapor that now find an easier passage into the excavations. The sulphur-bearing vapor evidently rises through the material of the subsurface zone from a subterranean source by way of rather tight seams that mark joint fractures in the original lava. Where these crevices have been exposed in the excavations the vapor issues from them. The temperature of the vapor is little above the boiling point (212° F.), and scalding water issues from some of the crevices, indi- cating that a considerable volume of the vapor condenses before reaching the surface. AMOUNT. Most of the sulphur in this deposit occurs in the porous earthy mantle within 1 to 4 feet of the surface. The average thickness of this mantle is believed to be about 2 feet. Two samples, one taken SULPHUR ON STEPOVAK BAY. 297 at the surface and the other at a depth of 4 feet, contained 55.5 and 22.8 per cent of sulphur, respectively. If the average thickness of the sulphur-bearing surface mantle is 2 feet, and if its average sul- phur content is 40 per cent, it should contain 1,200 tons of sulphur per acre. MINING AND SHIPMENT. Although this deposit is of low grade and is not very extensive, it is fairly accessible. If the material should prove to be of sufficient value to justify mining it, there are no engineering difficulties to hinder development. The sulphur-bearing material can easily be excavated and could then be transported to Lost Harbor by an aerial cable tramway that would be a little more than 2 miles long. The rise from Lost Har- bor to the gap in the ridge about 1,000 feet south of the solfatara is 1,600 feet and the descent from this gap to the deposit is only 200 to 800 feet. The sulphur doubtless could be extracted from its earthy ganguo by melting in retorts with steam, but there is no fuel on the island. Oil, however, is now shipped from California to a whaling establish- ment on Akutan Harbor, 10 miles from Lost Harbor, for use in gen- erating steam, and coal which might be developed for local use is reported to occur on Avatanak Island, about 5 miles southwest of Akun Island. It would probably be unprofitable to ship the sulphur- bearing earth in bulk to a distant point for treatment. Lost Harbor does not afford good shelter for vessels, as it is open to the heavy southwest swell of Bering Sea and has a rocky bottom. Several vessels have been wrecked on its shores because their anchors failed to hold. STEPOVAK BAY. Stepovak Bay is on the south shore of Alaska Peninsula in latitude 56° N. and longitude 160° W. The only important sulphur deposit reported in the vicinity (see fig. 12) is about 7 miles northwest of the head of the bay, at an altitude of 3,000 feet, near the crest of the Aleutian Range, which is glaciated and contains numerous dormant or active volcanoes. This deposit was not visited because of the danger in crossing the crevassed glaciers covered with newly fallen snow that obstruct the only available route to it. As seen from a distance of about 2 miles, the supposed sulphur-bearing bed is a light- colored zone 100 feet thick and half a mile long in the wall of a cirque that may be the site of an extinct crater. A glacial moraine that extends from this cirque consists largely of sulphur-bearing rock that was probably derived from the light-colored band already noted. The sulphur-bearing rock in the morainic deposits consists of porous volcanic breccia that contains compact crystalline sulphur in 298 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. the interstices of the breccia and also in the vesicles of the constitu- ent fragments. Some specimens probably contain 20 per cent sul- phur (by bulk) in veins one-eighth to one-fourth inch thick and show masses up to 1 inch long at the intersections of the veins. In much of the rock the sulphur is finely disseminated and probably does not constitute more than 5 or 10 per cent of the rock. In regard to the sulphur content of the morainic material as a whole, it may be stated that parts of the moraine may contain 10 per cent of sulphur, but larger parts are practically barren. The material in the moraine is probably poorer in sulphur than the bed from which it was derived and furthermore is a mixture of many different rocks rather than of those from the best parts of the sulphur deposit. Some pf the sulphur-bearing boulders are 30 to 40 feet thick, thus 'indi- cating a minimum thickness for the bed from which they are derived. The abundance of the sulphur-bearing material in the moraine also indicates that the original source was of considerable extent. THE BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA. By A. G. Maddren. INTRODUCTION. This paper is based on about three weeks’ field work in July, 1917. Previous to the writer’s visit the west coast of Kodiak Island had not been examined by the Geological Survey since 1895, when Becker and Dali 1 landed there in the course of an extended cruise along the Pacific coast of Alaska. Becker 2 published a brief account of the beach placer mining in progress at the time of his visit. It is not known in what year placer gold was discovered in the beach sands on the west coast of Kodiak Island, but mining lias been carried on there for about 30 years, and the value of the annual production of gold is estimated to have been from $3,000 to $10,000 during that period. The total production of the west coast district is variously estimated to be from $50,000 to $150,000. It is stated that as many as 100 men have mined along this coast in some years, especially during seasons when heavy storms have re- worked and concentrated the sands, but generally the number of miners has averaged not more than 25. In 1917, when the writer visited the district, only about 12 men worked for part of the year. The most profitable operations have been conducted early in the spring and late in the autumn. During the winter the beach deposits are often frozen, and during the summer the patches of sand that con- tain the best concentrations are as a rule covered by an overburden of light sands that is unprofitable to remove. GEOGRAPHY. GENERAL RELATIONS. Kodiak Island (see PL VIII) is situated between 57° and 58° north latitude and 152° and 155° west longitude. It is about 90 miles long from northeast to southwest and 50 miles wide from 1 Dall, W. H., Report on coal and lignite of Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Seventeenth Ann. Rept., pt. 1, pp. 800, 843, 1896. 2 Becker, G. F., Reconnaissance of the go]r| fields of (southern Alaska : TJ. S. Geol. Survey Eighteenth Anp. Rept., pt. 3, p. 86, 1898. 299 300 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. northwest to southeast and is the largest of a group of islands that is separated from the mainland of the Alaska Peninsula, about 30 miles distant, by Shelikof Strait. Afognak Island, the only other large member of the group, lies northeast of Kodiak Island and is separated from it by a narrow channel. The remainder of the group comprises about 12 islands of comparatively small area, which are distributed along the shores of the two large islands. The group as a whole is about 150 by 50 miles in extent and trends southwest- erly. In general it may be considered to be the submerged exten- sion of the K3nai Peninsula, which lies to the northeast, just as Shelikof Strait may be considered the southwestward extension of Cook Inlet. RELIEF AND SHORE LINE. The surface of Kodiak Island and also its associated islands is dominantly rugged and mountainous. Altitudes of 1,500 to 2,500 feet are reached in many sections of the coast, and in the central in- terior several summits stand between 4,000 and 4,500 feet in eleva- tion. The greater part of the shores is rock-bound and rugged, and the coast line, which is generally irregular, is indented by numerous deep narrow fiords and bays, some of which extend far inland. Many sections of the coast are bordered by outlying rocky islets and reefs, and most of the bays are more or less strewn with rocks. GEOLOGY. Only the general features of the bedrock geology of Kodiak Island are known. These features have been briefly described by Martin, 1 but the observations of the writer in the western part of the island have increased the knowledge of that district. In this report the geology, as described by Martin, will be reviewed and will be sup- plemented by the notes of the writer concerning the western part of the island. GENERAL FEATURES. T1 ie rocks of Kodiak Island and the neighboring islands consist chiefly of slates and graywackes, which are cut by numerous but for the most part small intrusive masses, partly granitic. Schists that probably underlie the slates and graywackes are present along the northwestern part of the island, and small areas of poorly consoli- dated Tertiary sediments are reported to lie along the southeastern flanks of the island. Quaternary sediments that consist of ground moraine overlain by glacial outwash gravels and recessional moraines occupy the floors of all the larger valleys and form a considerable belt 1 Martin, G. C., Mineral deposits of Kodiak and the neighboring islands : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull, 542, pp. 128-131, 1913. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY BULLETIN 692 PLATE VIII MAP OF KODIAK ISLAND. BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 301 of coastal plain along the west coast. The sequence of the rocks may be expressed as follows: Sequence of rocks of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Quaternary : Present stream and beach deposits. Glacial outwash sediments, recessional moraines, and terrace gravels due to glacial ponding, ground moraine, or till. Tertiary (?) : Sandstones. Lignite-bearing beds. Mesozoic ( ? ) : Granitic intrusive rocks. Graywacke and slate. Cherts and volcanic rocks of Triassic (?) age. Paleozoic (?) : Schist, greenstone, quartzite, and marble. SCHISTOSE ROCKS. Schistose rocks have been observed in only a small area on the north- west shore of Kodiak Island between Uyak and Sevenmile Beach, but from the reports of prospectors such rocks probably form a belt that extends southwestward from Uyak to the vicinity of Cape Ikolik and northeastward parallel to the northwest shore of the island, where they appear in outcrops on most or all of the promontories that over- look the coast of Shelikof Strait. Near Uyak these rocks comprise fine-grained quartzitic schist, crystalline limestone, and chloride schist and constitute a group of diverse lithologic character but of uniform degree of metamorphism and structural complexity. Associated with the schistose rocks are cherts and lavas, presumably of Triassic age, and slates and graywackes, but the relationship of these rocks to the schists has not been determined. However, it is presumed that the schists are older than the cherts and volcanic rocks, which are tentatively considered to be of Triassic age because they closely resemble similar rocks in Seldovia Bay, on Kenai Penin- sula, that are definitely known to be of Triassic age. At Seldovia Bay highly metamorphosed rocks similar to the schists here consid- ered are closely associated with the cherts and volcanic rocks. On the west coast , of Kodiak Island schistose rocks which corre- spond to those near Uyak were not observed in place, although peb- bles and cobbles of this character were found in the beach deposits. These materials may be derived from the Cape Ikolik peninsula, where some schistose rocks are reported to occur. This area was not examined, except in its southern part, where observations were made along its south shore for a short distance west from the mouth of a stream that is locally known as Old Bed Kiver. At this locality the rocky sea cliffs consist of highly deformed and somewhat severely 115086°— 19 20 302 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. metamorphosed volcanic agglomerates, tuffs, and breccias whose massive bedding strikes east and dips 40°-50° N. These rocks are composed primarily of volcanic fragmental materials, but some of the tuffaceous parts contain rounded cobbles of dark-blue, finely crystalline, hard brittle limestone. The tuffaceous matrix in which these limestone cobbles are embedded is schistose and well foliated, especially around the limestone cobbles, to which it is firmly welded. Some members of this formation are highly silicified, and one mas- sive member in particular is altered to a bright-red jasperoid rock, but it shows no bedding-like sedimentary cherts. Possibly these volcanic clastic rocks of the Cape Ikolik area rep- resent a lithologic phase of the cherts and volcanic rocks near Uyak, which are presumed to be of Triassic age. However, the degree of metamorphism of the Cape Ikolik rocks suggests that they may be more closely related in age to the schistose rocks of the island. SLATE AND GRAYWACKE. A series of interbedded slates and graywacke sandstones of con- siderable thickness forms most of the bedrock of Kodiak Island, to judge from the widespread outcrops of these rocks that have been observed along the northeast and northwest coasts, in the mountains of the southwestern part of the island, and along the shores of the long fiord inlets, such as Uyak and Alitak bays, that extend far into the interior. Apparently the only other rocks that may displace any considerable areas of these rocks in the interior of the island are massive bodies of granitic intrusive, one of which occupies a consid- erable area along the shores of Alitak Bay. For the most part these semimetamorphosed sediments consist of approximately equal amounts of. interbedded graywacke sandstone and slate in moderately thin beds, but in some outcrops the beds are more massive. Some conglomerate is present here and there ; in one outcrop it is a hundred feet or more in thickness in the foothills north of upper Olga Bay. The slates and to a less degree the graywackes have well-developed secondary cleavage, which has generally obliterated the bedding ex- cept where marked differences in composition preserve it. In general the dynamic metamorphism that has affected these rocks is expressed chiefly as thin cleavage in the slate members, which commonly show a tendency toward foliation, and as brecciation of the argillaceous graywacke members, which is generally marked by an intricate net- work of quartz veinlets deposited along the fractures. In some zones, however, the quartz-vein mineralization is chiefly of the tabu- lar type, extending along bedding planes. BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 303 The stratigraphic thickness of these slates and graywackes and their structural details are not known, but a thickness of at least several thousand feet and probably a much greater thickness is in- dicated. Isoclinal structure appears to be dominant. The average strike of these rocks throughout the island is northeastward, parallel with the trend of the belt, which ranges from N. 20° E. to N. 60° E. (true), and the dip ranges from 20° to 80° NW. INTRUSIVE ROCKS. The slates and graywackes of Kodiak Island are intruded by small dikes and sills, among which quartz-mica diorite, porphyrite, and soda rhyolite have been recognized. Large massive intrusive bodies of quartz-mica diorite and mica granodiorite also occur at wider intervals, and several such bodies have been noted along the northeastern coast and in the southwestern part of the island. Becker 1 has described such a granite mass which forms Karluk Head, and the writer observed two large granitic areas in the vicinity of Alitak Bay, one of which forms, the peninsula of Cape Alitak and the mountain mass named the Twins, immediately north of Lazy Bay, and the other a promontory locally known as Stock- holm Point, on the south shore of lower Olga Bay. In general the age of these intrusive masses is considered to cor- respond to that of the great bodies of similar rocks that are widely distributed throughout the coastal provinces of Alaska and which, where stratigraphic evidence is available, have been assigned with considerable assurance to late Mesozoic or early Tertiary time. TERTIARY SEDIMENTS. The Tertiary sediments so far reported to occur on Kodiak Island appear to be distributed almost wholly along the southeastern or Pacific seaboard of the island, although rocks of this age have been mentioned in Russian reports of doubtful accuracy as occurring in the northwestern part of the island. The only locality examined by the writer from which Tertiary sediments have been reported is that mentioned by Dali 2 as situated in the bight of the west coast near Red River (locally known as Old Red River) about 2 miles north of Ayakulik Island. Upon careful examination the outcrops that presumably were referred to the Tertiary prove to be marine beach sediments interbedded with deposits of till, which are described under “ Quaternary deposits.” (See pp. 311-31G.) 1 Becker, G. F., Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Eighteenth Ann. Kept., pt. 3, pp. 36, 41-42, 1898. 2 Dali, W. H., Report on coal and lignite of Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Seventeenth Ann. Rept., pt. 1, p. 800, 1896. 304 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The best-developed Tertiary sediments on Kodiak Island are fresh- water deposits which contain beds of lignite and are generally re- ferred to as of Kenai (Eocene) age. Sediments of this character are reported at several localities along the southeastern coast of the island, particularly in the vicinity of Kiluda Bay; and also on the high island of Sitkinak, situated a few miles south of Cape Trinity, the southwestern extremity of Kodiak. The lignite-bearing de- posits of Sitkinak Island are reported to contain a number of coal beds, one of which is said to be 10 to 12 feet thick. QUATERNARY DEPOSITS. OCCURRENCE. Unconsolidated deposits of Quaternary age are well developed in many parts of Kodiak Island, especially about its borders, and more particularly in its southwestern part, where they form a coastal plain of considerable extent. As the sediments of this coastal plain con- stitute a complete section of the Quaternary deposits, from the oldest to the youngest, a description of them may serve for the whole island. The thick covering of volcanic detritus that was deposited over all the northeastern part of the island by the eruption of Mount Katmai in June, 1912, did not extend west of Uyak Bay in note- worthy amounts and need not be considered in connection with the strictly sedimentary deposits, although fragments of pumice occur in the beach deposits. CLASSIFICATION. The unconsolidated sediments of the island may be divided, ac- cording to the manner in which they have been formed and deposited, into four rather distinct but related classes. In sequence from oldest to youngest these classes comprise (1) the ground moraine or till deposited by glacial ice during the period when the ice was advanc- ing over the island from the interior mountainous highlands to and beyond the present shore line; (2) the widespread sheets of outwash gravels, sands, and silts that rest upon or are incorporated with the till and were formed by streams that accompanied the melting of the glacial ice during its movements of retreat from its maximum limits back to the mountains; (3) the terminal and lateral moraines which were deposited by the glaciers at points where they halted temporarily during their retreat into the mountains, and the most prominent of which now form the dams that retain the large lakes occurring in many of the glaciated valleys; and (4) the sands and gravels of the present beaches and streams, which are the result of postglacial erosion and deposition and are derived chiefly from the three classes of glacial material just outlined. Some of the material, BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 305 however, in both the streams and beaches is due to postglacial erosion of bedrock, especially in the higher mountains and along the rocky sections of the coast. The first threo classes of deposits here outlined are essentially aggradational, or are built up by the deposition of superimposed unassorted detritus. Only the deposits of the fourth or youngest class are of the degradational or assorted type favorable to the segre- gation of placer metals, and on Kodiak Island only the beach deposits are dominantly of this kind, for the present stream system has not materially eroded the unconsolidated deposits or the bedrock areas of the island. CHARACTER. The most extensive exposures of the unconsolidated Quaternary sediments on Kodiak Island are in the sea bluffs that bound the coastal plain along its western shore from Cape Alitak to Old Red River, a distance of about 30 miles. These bluffs range from 25 to 250 feet in height and their continuity is broken at only a few points by the narrow valley mouths of the larger streams. Their base stands at the average level of high tide, and they are actively eroded by the waves whenever a surf is running, especially during violent storms, for this coast is open to the full sweep of the ocean from the southwest. The bluffs are chiefly composed of typical till but in some sections contain also a considerable proportion of outwash gravels and sands. At several localities coarse morainal boulder trains are present. For the most part the till is compact and stands well in the bluff faces where freshly exposed. Where it is of uniform clayey composition, with little admixture of sand and gravel, it presents characteristic massive exposures that weather to a hackly surface owing to an ir- regular incipient fracturing that is developed in it. There are, how- ever, large areas of the bluffs that have not been eroded recently, where the steep slopes are partly mantled by loose material that slumps and slides down from above to the upper edge of the beach. The till, besides making up the chief part of the bluffs, also forms most of the bedrock of the coastal platform upon which the loose beach sands and gravels rest. Without doubt the till extends some distance seaward as the floor of the coastal shelf upon which the surf is cutting, for it was noted that the sea was discolored by clay in sus- pension to a distance of 1,000 feet or more offshore whenever the surf was active. The till is unoxidized and of a typical gray color, as are also most of the outwash sediments associated with it, although in places dis- continuous strata in the outwash sediments and some portions of them near the tops of the bluffs are discolored brownish red and are slightly cemented with iron oxide. Springlike seepages are not uncommon at 306 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. the contact of the underlying impervious till and the overlying porous outwash sediments. Along the greater part of the bluffs from 3 to 6 feet of peaty soil or turf overlies either the outwash sediments or rests directly on the till deposits, and disrupted masses of turf are strewn about on the bluff slopes where slumping has been pronounced. Sand dunes 20 to 30 feet high occur locally on the tops of some of the higher bluffs. In general the bluffs consist of a basal member of till overlain by gravels and sands which from their poor assortment and the cross- bedding are thought to consist of outwash material. Considerable sections, however, consist wholly of till, and some sections of lesser extent consist chiefly of gravels and sands with little typical till. There is also a section, about a mile long, in which two distinct mem- bers of till are developed that are separated by a more or less con- tinuous but variable member of sands and gravels, parts of which at least have been subjected to wave washing as a beach, for they con- tain many water-worn fragments of marine shells, some specimens of which are complete enough to be identified specifically. A con- siderable number of water-rounded boulders of lignite are also em- bedded in the beach deposit. On weathering, these masses of lignite disintegrate into fragments that are strewn along the base of the bluffs. Evidently the presence of these masses led Becker to sur- mise that Tertiary lignite-bearing sediments were present in the bluffs of this vicinity, as noted by Dali, 1 but so far as the writer could learn lignite beds are absent. The lignite boulders apparently have been transported to this locality from a distance, together with the outwash deposits with which they are associated, and it is prob- able they once were morainal debris. This assorted beach outwash material crops out along the northern part of the bluffs north of a higher part of the bluffs that is locally named Canvas Point, or from 1 to 2 miles north of Ayakulik Island. The following species of marine shells have been identified tenta- tively by W. H. Dali, of the Survey, from the collection made by the writer, with the comment that the specimens are rolled and broken fragments of forms now living in the vicinity and that the as- sembly indicates a colder temperature than that now normal to the locality. Pecten (Chlamys) islandicus Muller. Monia macroschisma Deshayes. Tellina lutea Gray. Macoma middendorffii Dali. Venericardia crebricostata Krause. Venericardia? paucicostata Krause. Venericardia crassidens Broderip and Sowerby. Mya intermedia Dali. Latisipho halli Dali. Tachyrhynchus polaris Beck. Astarte borealis Schumacher. Saxidomus giganteus Deshayes. Chrysodomus sp. fragment. Boreotroplion sp. fragment. Balanus sp. fragment. i Dali, W. II., Report on coal and lignite of Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Seventeenth Ann. Rept., pt. 1, p. 800, 1896. BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 30 7 The beach sand member that contains the marine shells just enumerated and with which the water-rounded masses of lignite are closely associated, ranges from 20 to 40 feet in thickness and is clearly interbedded with till deposits. The till deposit above the sands is from 50 to 100 feet thick, and the till below them is exposed along the base of the bluffs to heights of 20 to 30 feet above the present high-tide level. Thus the present position of this old beach deposit, lying above the present sea level, indicates that an uplift of 30 to 50 feet has taken place along this particular section of the coast. It is clear that the old beach deposit was formed after at least 30 to 40 feet of typical till, upon which it rests, was laid down by glacial ice; that the ice then receded sufficiently to allow beach washing and deposition to take place at this locality, and that this interval was followed by a readvance of the glacial ice accompanied by renewed deposition of till to a thickness of 50 to 100 feet on top of the old beach sediments. This wave-washed beach member re- sulted from sedimentation that took place in the interval between the deposition of the older and the younger beds of till. The same relationship between beds of till and interstratified grav- els is indicated along other sections of the bluffs, except that the absence of marine shells or similar fossil remains in the intertill sediments shows that they were not reworked or assorted by wave action or, in other words, deposited along a strand line. Yet in some exposures such sands and gravels, instead of being cross-bedded, like most of the outwash material, are fairly well assorted, as if deposited in ponded waters, and it is reported that some of the best placer concentrations occur in areas along the beach where these sands form the bedrock. Although the assorted beach material that contains marine shells and occurs along about a mile of the bluffs is the only conclusive evidence that elevation has taken place on this coast during Quater- nary time, the bluffs present certain structural features which indi- cate that slight deformational movements occurred. It was noted that the outcrop of the upper surface of the basal deposit of till, as it is exposed along the bluffs, has a broadly undulating configura- tion and that although the till has a considerable horizontal extent, there are sections where the surface of the till sinks below the pres- ent high-tide level, and in these sections the bluffs are composed wholly of outwash sands and gravels. This might be interpreted as indicating merely irregularities in deposition of the till and out- wash deposits, such as often characterize glacial sedimentation of this kind. In view, however, of the evidence furnished by the older elevated marine beach along the northern part of the bluffs, it seems probable that a general but slight deformation of the uncon- solidated sediments has occurred along this coast in late Quaternary 308 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . time. This deformation is chiefly expressed by elevation of the lower bed of till to the extent of 30 to 50 feet above high tide, and in some places a corresponding depression in others. The coastal plain may then be considered to be made up of gently warped beds that form broad anticlines and synclines whose structure is possibly reflected in the generally rolling surface of the plain. How, ever, it must be borne in mind that such features, with the exception of the elevated marine beach, may be fully accounted for by irregularities in the original deposition of the sediments. ORIGIN. As all placer deposits are directly or indirectly related to the topo- graphic development of the region in which they occur, it is useful to note the physiographic processes that have affected the placer beach deposits of Kodiak Island, especially because here they are clearly evident. As all the gold-placer deposits so far discovered on Kodiak Island are confined to the present ocean beaches and as practically no valuable placer concentrations have been found in any of the present stream gravels, the topographic development of the whole island must be considered in a study of the origin of the placers. The physiographic history of the island is therefore treated some- what more fully than might otherwise be considered necessary. Glacial erosion . — In general the topography of Kodiak and the neighboring islands is the product of severe glaciation. The length and depth of the fiord inlets and channels are evidence of ice erosion that gave the major surface features their present form; and the numerous lakes in overdeepened or dammed-up sections of glaciated valleys afford further evidence on the former presence of ice streams which failed to erode their valley troughs to the depth of those now occupied by the sea. The arrangement and trends of the fiords, channels, and deep valley troughs, some of which contain large lakes, shows that the glaciation of Kodiak Island was essentially local in origin and had its center of development in the high mountainous interior, where it took the form of an ice cap that buried all but the highest summits and ridges. This ice cap was the source and feeding ground of numerous glaciers that flowed from it in all directions. At the stage of maximum glacial development some of the larger ice flows extended even beyond the present limits of the island. In fact, the whole of Kodiak Island appears to have been generally overrid- den by ice, with the possible exception of a small area situated in its northwestern part. There a group of low mountains, the western ex- tremity of which forms Cape Ikolik, appears to have remained free from ice, as a nunatak area, in the western margin of the ice fields. BEACH PLACEKS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 309 With particular reference to the western part of the island, Uyak and Alitak bays may be noted as examples of great fiords that were fully occupied by large glaciers, whose terminal lobes extended be- yond the present headlands during the stage of maximum ice de- velopment. Olga Bay was occupied by a great ice lobe that ex- tended to and beyond the present western shore line of the island in the vicinity of Low Cape, as shown by the morainal deposits that outcrop in the present coastal bluffs. The present western shore line of this bay is determined by a great crescentic terminal moraine that was deposited along the border of the ice lobe during a stand in the general retreat of the ice. The valley of Karluk River and lake was eroded by a long glacier, and likewise the valley basins now occupied by Ayakulik Lake and several other lakes of considerable extent, contiguous to Olga Bay, were eroded by glaciers and later dammed off by moraines. Thus the whole of Kodiak Island is dissected by a ramifying series of glaciated valley troughs, some of which now stand above sea level but many of which are partly occupied by the sea. These valleys radiate from the high central mountainous part of the island, upon which the ice cap formerly rested. The ice cap that now occupies much of southwestern Kenai Peninsula illustrates in many respects a stage of glaciation through which Kodiak Island passed before the ice disappeared from it. Glacial deposition . — The lowland features of Kodiak Island, as well as its highland features, are distinctly of glacial origin. Thus, all the lowland tracts in the western part of the island are the result of glaciofluvial sedimentation that accompanied glacial erosion in the highland areas. Primarily, the development of the lowlands depended upon the deposition by the glaciers, during their advance, of large quantities of detrital material that was eroded and trans- ported from the bedrock of the highland areas. The greater part of this material was laid down about the borders of the island and along the larger valleys in the form of ground moraine or till — sediments composed chiefly of clays, with some sands and gravels — which contain scattered angular fragments of rock and subangular or fairly well rounded boulders and cobbles. The lowlands also contain widespread outwash deposits of silts, sands, and gravels that were formed during the retreat of the ice front from its maxi- mum limit back into the valleys. Besides the outwash sediments that overlie much of the ground moraine there are also terminal and lateral moraine deposits, chiefly of the recessional type, whose form has been little modified since they were laid down. Practically all the lowland deposits are of glaciofluvial origin. They are present at the heads of the fiord inlets and bays and along the bottoms of the valleys that extend inland from tidewater; but 310 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. in the valleys that have not been eroded by glaciers below the present sea level the valley floors are flat marshy tracts that are poorly drained by the present streams and that contain many ponds and small lakes. Many of these valleys contain large lakes in basins which were formed either by unequal erosion of the bedrock or by the deposition of moraines that formed dams across the valleys. In some places both causes probably acted in combination. The most extensive lowland tract on Kodiak Island extends along its western coast from Cape Alitak northward nearly to Cape Ikolik. This tract constitutes a typical fluvioglacial coastal plain, about 30 miles long and from 2 to 5 miles wide, made up of coalescent sheets of ground moraine and outwash sediments with some modified ter- minal and lateral moraine deposits. Its rolling surface stands from 25 to 200 feet above sea level and has the typical uneven configuration of glacial sedimentary deposits, little modified by the erosion of postglacial streams. The greater part of the surface of this coastal plain apparently stands to-day as it was deposited by the outwash drainage from the retreating ice. Numerous poorly drained ponds and small lakes lie on its surface, and the few large streams that flow across it from the highlands have eroded only narrow valleys into the plain. Along its coastal margin this plain is bounded by practically con- tinuous sea bluffs cut in the unconsolidated sediments by the waves. These bluffs range in height from 25 to 200 feet, but in most places along the greater length of the 30 miles of coast they are between 50 and 100 feet in height. This rather uniform line of steep wave- cut bluffs may indicate that the coastal plain was elevated since its formation. Some evidence to support this view was found in the bluffs at one locality, where marine shells occur in wave-deposited beach sands at a height of 20 feet above the present limit of high tide. For the most part, however, the wave-cut bluffs may be con- sidered as a measure of the horizontal wave erosion that has occurred along this section of the coast since the coastal plain was formed, for it is probable that the original limit of the plain was seaward from its present position and that a marginal belt of the uncon- solidated sediments, from 1 to 2 miles wide, has been cut away by postglacial wave action. At any rate, it is clear that the unconsolidated deposits of this coast have been eroded and reworked by the w T aves, and it is logical to presume that the placer metals now found in the beach sands were concentrated by wave action, especially as no placers have been found in the narrow valleys cut by postglacial streams in the coastal-plain deposits. There are, however, several factors to be considered in this connection that will be discussed with reference to the bedrock sources of the placers. BEACH PLACERS OE THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 311 Postglacial erosion . — The present drainage of Kodiak Island was conditioned by the drainage that preceded glaciation. All the larger streams flow in valley troughs which were deeply eroded by the glaciers that formerly occupied them, and most of the large streams are merely the overflow outlets of the glacial lakes that occupy basins in these valleys. There are only two large streams on the island, Kar- luk and Ayakulik or Red rivers, and both of these drain large glacial lakes. Consequently most of the stream systems consist of one or more headwater branches and their small tributaries, which empty into the lakes, and a trunk stream that drains the lake to the sea. In general, the present streams have performed an insignificant amount of erosion and have modified only slightly the dominantly glacial topography of the island. The sediments that the headwaters of these streams erode from the bedrock areas of the highlands are deposited chiefly in the lakes, and the sediments that are eroded by the streams below the lakes are transported to the sea to be incorporated in the beaches. The principal erosion going on now is the cutting of rela- tively narrow valleys across the unconsolidated glacial deposits of the lowlands. Thus little erosion or concentration either of mineralized bedrock or of older unconsolidated sediments which could form placer deposits of commercial value has been done by the present streams. To sum up the evidence presented by the topographic development of Kodiak Island it may be stated that postglacial wave erosion and concentration along the shores of the island, especially along the shores composed of unconsolidated fluvioglacial sediments, is the most active agency favorable to the formation of placer deposits. THE BEACH DEPOSITS. GENERAL FEATURES. The present beach along the foot of the bluffs that extend from Cape Alitak to Old Red River, a distance of about 30 miles, is the longest section of continuous sandy shore line on Kodiak Island. Sevenmile Beach, so named from its approximate length, which ex- tends westward from Uyak Bay along the foot of similar bluffs of till, is the next longest beach on the island. None of the other beaches, most of which extend across the mouths of glaciated valleys, are more than 1 or 2 miles long, and the greater part of the coast line is characterized by rocky bluffs and headlands. The width of the west coast beach, as exposed between average high and low tide levels, ranges from 200 to 500 feet. The thick- ness of the loose beach deposits is from 3 to 6 feet, but, as in all beach sands and gravels that are undergoing active washing by surf, the thickness differs from place to place and time to time according to the manner in which the deposits are shifted back and forth by the surf and the variations effected by the ebb and flow of the tide. 312 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, lOtf. As the upper limit of the beach is determined in greater part by the base of the bluffs, which in turn is determined by the average limit of high tide, there is a comparatively small development of higher storm beach deposits along this coast. The only beach deposits of this kind are the short spits across the narrow valley mouths of a few large streams, which have cut down through the coastal plain to sea level, and several sections of barrier beach across the entrances to shallow tidal lagoons that occur between Cape Alitak and Low Cape, where certain tracts of the coastal plain are somewhat less elevated than elsewhere. The bedrock or marine platform upon which the loose beach de- posits rest is, for the most part, the compact clay till that forms the chief part of the bluff's. There are variations in the composition of the bedrock, however, that correspond to variation in the material in the bluff's and which are directly controlled by them. Thus, in the localities where morainal boulder deposits are incorporated with the till the beaches are characterized by boulder pavements that rest on the beach platform and the greater part of the beach deposits consist of coarse gravels, cobbles, and boulders. A few of these boulders are from 5 to 10 feet in greatest dimensions and a number of them reach dimensions of 2 to 3 feet. Where the more or less assorted outwash sands and gravels, which are associated with the till, extend below sea level the bedrock is commonly com- posed of sandy silt and somewhat resembles quicksand in be- havior when excavated. This condition appears to be due to its being charged with considerable water, possibly derived from seepage and under hydrostatic pressure. The typical till bedrock is said to be somewhat too slippery to re- tain the gold as well as the “ quicksand ” bedrock, but nevertheless good concentrations are made upon it under certain conditions, par- ticularly during violent storms that sweep it quite clean of the loose beach sands. The so-called “ quicksand ” bedrock is said by the miners to be the most favorable for the retention of the placer gold and to afford the best yields, but the areas of such bedrock are not extensive. The boulder pavement areas of the beach platform are considered to be unfavorable for the concentration of the gold in profitable amounts, and besides they are the most difficult to mine. DERIVATION OF THE BEACH PLACERS. It is evident that marine wave erosion has produced the practically continuous line of till and outwash bluffs which extends for about 30 miles along the west coast of Kodiak Island, and that the present beach deposits along the bases of these bluffs are the result of concen- tration by the waves of the sediments that compose the bluffs, with the BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 313 exception of the small proportion of similar sediments deposited on the beach by the larger streams that cross the coastal plain. If the present configuration and extent of the coastal plain are accepted as a basis for estimating the former seaward extension of the original plain it would appear that before postglacial marine erosion set in the former shore line was from 1 to 3 miles west of the position it now occupies. If the composition of that part of the coastal plain that apparently has been thus eroded away was similar to that of the present bluffs some idea may be formed of the character and great quantity of sediments that have been acted upon by marine erosion during postglacial time in producing the present beach placers. If the placer deposits of the present beach represent the concentrations from a belt or strip of coastal-plain sediments about 30 miles long, 2 miles wide, and 40 feet thick, it would appear that more than 2,000,000,000 cubic yards of material has been reduced by wave erosion. Probably the average gold content of these deposits was not more than 1 cent in 50 cubic yards of the original coastal-plain deposits as laid down by glacial sedimentation. The small gold con- tent of the gravels is indicated by the fact that practically no colors of gold have been obtained in prospecting the coastal-plain sediments as they occur in the bluffs, even in those parts where the outwash gravels and sands show evidence in the form of stratification of hav- ing been somewhat thoroughly assorted. The writer was informed that only in two or three places have even very fine colors of gold been obtained in such prospecting. The results obtained in prospecting along the beds of the present streams that cross the coastal plain are also reported to be wholly negative. Apparently the slight stream erosion that the unconsolidated coastal-plain deposits have undergone since they were formed has contributed practically no placer metals to the beach deposits. CONCENTRATION OF THE BEACH PLACERS. Prospects show that finely divided gold is present along the whole length of the beach from Cape Alitak' to Old Red River, as well as in the shorter beaches along other sections of the coast of Kodiak Island. However, the best concentrations occur chiefly in the form of local patches that are comparatively small and are not permanent as to position or richness, because the loose sands and gravels and the placer metals associated with them are being continually reas- sorted and shifted according to the direction and violence of the storms. Because of this unstable condition of the beach deposits the concentrated heavy minerals do not form pay streaks in the usual sense, although the heavier sands do have a tendency to ac- cumulate along the upper limits of the beaches near the base of the bluffs that arrest the surf and regulate its backwash action. 314 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . The west coast of Kodiak Island is exposed particularly to storms from the southwest and northwest quarters and as a rule the best con- centrations of the beach result from such storms. The storms of autumn and spring, together with the higher tides of those seasons, are considered to be the most effective in concentrating the placer metals in the beach sands. The waves induced by these storms cut away the basal parts of the bluffs and add small quantities of new material to the beach to be concentrated. Apparently the beaches have become enriched by this process, which has acted for a long period of time on a great quantity of sediment. The ordinary range of tide on this coast is from 8 to 10 feet, and during the spring and autumn the extreme range is from 12 to 16 feet. Thus there is a considerable increase in the zone of wave at- tack during the spring and autumn that enables the surf to reach and erode the foot of the bluffs more strongly. The higher surf also sweeps the rather resistant compact clay bedrock quite clear of the usual overburden of gravel and sand and more thoroughly con- centrates the fine gold with the heavier sands in patches that may be easily mined during the intervals of falling tide, provided they are found at once and recovered without delay. “ Banking up ” and “ washing down ” are the terms used by the miners to describe the constant eroding and concentrating action of surf on the beach. The power of the storm surf on this coast is great enough to move boulders that weigh several tons, of which there are a few distributed here and there along the beach. Boulders of this weight have been noted to change their positions appreciably in the course of several years. It is said that a moderate surf, such as accompanies a “ lazy summer swell,” is often very effective in “ wash- ing down ” small areas of the beach and concentrating the fine gold on the compact beach platform of till in patches that yield good returns in mining, although the surf that accompanies ordinary moderate weather usually “ banks up ” the loose sands and thus builds up an overburden of the lighter sands from 4 to 6 feet thick that is prac- tically barren of placer. Although the shifting about of the loose sands and gravels on the beach platform, together with the placer metals which they contain, is always more or less marked during a single storm and is carefully noted by the miners, the erosion of the compact till bluffs is rarely noticeable in a short period of time. Apparently there are periods of several years during which the appearance of the bluffs changes but little as a result of marine erosion. On the other hand, there are periods in which the accumulative effects of wave action are consid- erable, especially in conjunction with other factors. Miners who have resided on this coast say that for several years previous to a series of rather violent earthquakes late in October and early in November, 1912, which are supposed to be related to the eruption of Mount Katmai BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 315 in June of that year, the bluffs along the west coast of Kodiak Island for considerable distances had the aspect of a smooth and even-sloped escarpment, the surface of which was mantled by a well-established growth of turf from high-tide level to the top. The earthquakes in 1912, however, were severe enough to disrupt not only the bluffs but the greater part of the coastal plain as well. The ground was frozen at the time, so that the surface fracturing was emphasized. The com- pact till was ruptured and slightly faulted, some blocks were dis- placed to the extent of 3 feet with relation to one another, and the turf-covered surface of the coastal plain was greatly broken far inland from the bluffs, so that some cracks stood open as much as a foot. Since these earthquakes the bluffs have been eroded back by the waves 15 to 20 feet or more along practically their entire length, as is shown by well-established landmarks, such as cabins and other structures. In consequence of the concentration by the surf of the new material loosened from the face of the bluffs, it is stated that the gold content of the beach sands in recent years was noticeably greater than it had been for several years previous to 1912. This statement corroborates the view that the placer gold is derived chiefly from the bluffs of till and outwash sediments. In 1917 the bluffs presented sheer cliff walls for long distances, and a] though some sections were much broken by steps or benches the faces of the bluffs are so steep that ladders have to be provided for their ascent. Slides or slumps, such as characterize steep banks that are largely composed of clay, are common features, and small trick- ling streams erode steep gullies back short distances. No doubt such agencies tend to reduce the bluffs to a more mature aspect 'during periods when they are not disturbed by earthquakes or very strong marine erosion. Although no data are at hand as regards their num- ber, earthquakes of considerable violence are known to occur fre- quently in this part of Alaska, and they may accelerate erosion, espe- cially in tracts of unconsolidated sediments such as the coastal plain here considered, where steep escarpments facilitate the delivery of loosened material upon a beach where it may be directly attacked by heavy surf. However, storms of unusual intensity or duration are the chief factors in concentrating the loose beach deposits and forming the temporary segregations of placer sands. The autumn of 1902 is stated to have been a particularly good season for mining on the Kodiak beaches, the good yields being attributed to a series of northwesterly gales that washed the upper parts of the beaches almost clean of the overburden of gravel and sand and left the gold concentrated in patches with a minimum of waste. Thus the loose beach deposits are undergoing a never-ending as- sortment and reassortment with the addition of comparatively small 316 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. quantities of new material from the bluffs at irregular intervals of heavy storm erosion. In this way the beach placers, whose aggregate content of placer metals is not great, pass through seasonal periods of temporary local enrichment that are more marked in some years than in others. These periods alternate with others during which erosion and concentration by the waves is not so vigorous. Successful mining therefore depends chiefly upon the opportune recovery of the better concentrations at localities that can not be selected before- hand and at times that can not be predicted. THE PLACER MINERALS. The chief minerals that make up the heavy concentrates of the beach comprise magnetite, pyrite, chromite, gold, and a little plati- num. In most of the concentrates as mined there also is present a considerable percentage of artificially introduced metals, such as lead in the form of bird shot, solder from cans, and shoe nails of iron and brass. Some of the concentrates contain many heavy flakes of oxidized iron that probably are derived from disintegrated cans and nails. Amalgam lost from previous operations is recovered in small amounts. By far the chief mineral of the concentrates is magnetic black sand (magnetite) , which constitutes fully 95 per cent of several sam- ples examined, the remaining 5 per cent of nonmagnetic material being pyrite and chromic sand, which in dried samples may be readily separated with a hand magnet. For the most part the magnetite sand is fine grained; nine-tenths of it readily passes the 40-mesh screen, of which from one-third to two-thirds passes the 100-mesh screen. The following analysis (No. 3214) of placer platinum from Can- vas Point, west coast of Kodiak Island, was made by R. C. Wells, of the United States Geological Survey : Analysis of placer platinum from Kodiak Island, Alaska. Si0 2 , etc IrOs, Rh Ir from part of IrOs_. Rh from part of IrOs. Pt Ir Fe Au Rh Pci Cu Ni Zn and Ag 1.2 26.9 6.1 .1 55.3 2.4 6. 4 .3 .7 .1 .6 .08 Trace. Specific gravity, 17.2. 100. 18 BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 317 MINING METHODS. The mining practice has been that usually followed by beach miners, that is, rough washing of the sands in rockers or small port- able sluice boxes which save only the coarser flake or scale gold and that part of the finer gold which amalgamates readily. It has always been realized that much of the fine or flour gold and also some of the light scaly gold was lost with the black-sand concentrates. Hereto- fore, the concentrates have been considered an unavoidable hindrance to the recovery of the gold, especially the flour gold, and, until recently, they have been discarded as soon as possible without secondary treat- ment. The platinum, which has been recently recognized in small amounts, in association with the gold, was overlooked in the earlier years of mining, for the manner of washing the sands was too crude to reveal it. Recently, however, secondary panning of the concen- trates, followed by drying and blowing and crude separation with small horseshoe magnets, has been practiced by a few of the more careful miners with a view of saving more of the fine gold ; and this has resulted in the recovery of a few pennyweights of platinum. The use of undercurrents in treating the concentrates, or, better still, the use of some form of concentrating tables, would without doubt give a much greater saving of the gold in the sands and a better separation of the platinum metals. But such treatment of the concentrates on a commercial scale, to be fully effective, would re- quire a community of interest in the mining operations that has not existed up to the present time and probably would be difficult to establish and maintain. Mining operations can be conducted on the beaches of Kodiak Island only during periods of receding or low tides, because high tides, or at least the wash of the surf during such periods, reach to the base of the bluffs along practically the whole length of the west coast at all times. Consequently all mining equipment must be removed from the beach during high tide, and seldom can more than four or five hours actual mining be done on the beach in one day. Thus no preliminary preparation is possible beyond prospecting with a pan or shovel as the tide begins to ebb to determine a favorable place to mine. In former years rockers were used exclusively for such transient opera- tions, but recently small portable sluice-box equipment has been used to a considerable extent along certain sections of the beach where water is obtainable. Rockers are still used where water is not avail- able and during winter when the water supply for sluicing freezes ; they are also used for washing rich sands, which are sometimes col- lected from the beach in small quantities and accumulated in holes on the bluffs for future treatment and for reworking concentrates. The sluicing operations are generally carried on by two or three men working in partnership and depend upon a water supply obtained 115086°— 19 21 318 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. from the small lakes or ponds that lie on some parts of the coastal plain within short distances of the top of the bluffs. The water is brought to the edge of the bluffs in ditches, and thence it is conveyed to the beach, 40 to 70 feet below, by canvas hose ; or, in favorable situ- ations, where the bluffs are benched, a combination of ditches and flumes is built to carry the water along the face of the bluffs in either direction from the supply ditch, so that it is available for sluicing operations along a considerable section of the beach. The same result is also accomplished by extending canvas hose along the bluffs. Thus some of the miners are able to use the portable sluice boxes at any point along a section of the beach within half a mile of their main ditch, and, in a general way, such zones of operation are recognized as be- longing to the claimants of water rights and main ditches. The portable sluicing equipment consists of three boxes about 10 feet long, 10 inches wide, and 8 to 10 inches deep. The two lower boxes are fitted with wire grating on top of burlap. The third or up- per box, into which the sands and gravels are shoveled, is provided with slat riffles. A little quicksilver is generally used in the upper part of the lower box. The box line is set up on four or five horses that admit of adjusting both .the height and grade as desired. The usual grade is about 8 per cent. The water is led int© the boxes by canvas hose, about 6 inches in diameter, that is connected with the permanent system by which it is conveyed along the bluffs. The usual practice is to prospect the beach as the tide begins to fall and thus locate a spot where good concentration is taking place without too much overburden of barren sand and gravel. The boxes are set up on a satisfactory spot as soon as the tide has receded suf- ficiently. Generally a foot or so of the top sands is shoveled aside from a strip 6 or 7 feet wide along each side of the boxes, and 6 to 12 inches of the heavier sands that rest on the clay bedrock are shoveled into the boxes from both sides. The area of beach mined during one recession of the tide by three or four men working together is seldom more than may be properly shoveled into the boxes as they are set up in one position — an area about 30 feet long and 14 feet wide or from 400 to 450 square feet — although occasionally two set-ups or about twice this area may be mined. When the tide rises the equipment is removed to a safe place on the bluffs. It is considered unprofitable to attempt to mine in places where the overburden is more than 2 feet thick, and if possible a locality is selected where the back wash of the surf has temporarily “ washed down ” the loose sands and gravels to a foot or less in thickness. Such “ washing down ” or transient concentration of the beach usually oc- curs in a marked manner as a result of the backwash of heavy surf, and occasionally it is so thorough that all but 1 or 2 inches of the heaviest placer-bearing sands are swept from the clay bedrock along BEACH PLACERS OF THE WEST COAST OF KODIAK ISLAND. 319 the base of the bluffs. But the areas so concentrated are generally small and of little permanence, for often they may be covered by 2 feet of lighter sands during the next advance of the tide and the placer concentration may be dispersed with this change. Such con- centrations are often scraped up hurriedly, shoveled into buckets, and placed in safe places on the bluffs, to be washed later with rockers. The miners patrol the beach at frequent intervals, test it here and there by panning for the development of favorable conditions of con- centration, and thus secure the best yields. But under such transitory conditions mining is uncertain, and a month or more may pass without opportune conditions for activity, particularly in the summer, during which many of the miners make little effort to work. The compact till bedrock usually presents a surface that allows very little of the gold to become lodged within it, especially in those areas where it has been freshly scoured by the heavy surf that forms the best concentrations. Consequently it is seldom necessary to mine more than one-half to 1 inch of the somewhat softened surface of the bedrock in order to deliver practically all the gold-bearing material to the washing apparatus, except in localities where the bedrock is of the so-called “quicksand” variety, which consists essentially of a plastic mixture of sand, silt, and clay, charged excessively with water. In this quicksand bedrock the gold often finds lodgment to a depth of 6 to 12 inches below the ordinary surface of scour, and as the gold is retained by it to better advantage such areas are stated to be more en- riched than those where the bedrock is of compact till. Such areas of bedrock are particularly searched for by the miners and are mined to a depth of about a foot. Apparently the patches of so-called quick- sand bedrock occur chiefly along those sections of the bluffs where out- wash sediments that are incorporated with the till deposits dip below sea level and thus form the beach platform upon which the surf scours. Sediments similar to the quicksand may be observed in the bluffs above high-tide level that do not contain prospects of gold, so it is probable that the richer concentrations of gold noted in this kind of bedrock are formed on the present beach. It appears that the quicksand bed- rock favors enrichment, as contrasted with the compact till, simply be- cause it is a looser-textured medium that offers more secure lodgment for and better retention of the heavier beach concentrates from the washing action of the surf as it shifts the loose sands and gravels about on the beach platform. Mining is seldom attempted on those sections of the beach where boulders and cobbles are particularly abundant, and the compara- tively small amount of coarse material that may occur in areas that are mined is shoveled or rolled aside, according to size, as it is en- countered during the progress of digging. MINING IN THE FAIRBANKS DISTRICT. By Theodore Chapin. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The mineral production of the Fairbanks district in 1917 included placer gold, valued at $1,310,000; lode gold, valued at $47,781; placer silver, valued at $6,904 ; lode silver, valued at $1,827 ; and lead, tungsten, and antimony, valued at $58,257. The total value of the mineral output in 1917 was $1,424,769, as against $2,039,744 in 1916. The decrease was due in large part to a general retrenchment on the part of operators owing to the high cost of supplies, which prevented the working of low-grade ground. Failures were recorded in 1917 on ground which in previous years netted a good profit, and but for the general retrenchment other failures would doubtless have resulted. Quartz mining showed a slight increase, which in large part was due to the interest in tungsten lodes. Two tungsten mines were in course of development. At one of these mines one unit of a 75-ton mill was in operation, and in the summer of 1917 was turning out several hundred pounds of scheelite a day. On the other property a similar mill was in course of construction during the summer. Development was in progress at both properties. The surface show- ings indicate the possible presence of large tungsten-bearing deposits. Five gold quartz mills were in operation during a part of the year, and several other properties not equipped with mills made small outputs. On the whole the gold quartz mining was insignificant. The production of antimony in 1917 was small. Stibnite was mined at two localities, and at a third some ore was recovered from old tailings. One silver-lead lode in process of development made several ship- ments of high-grade argentiferous galena. GOLD LODES. FAIRBANKS CREEK. The Crites & Feldman mine and mill, on Moose Creek, a tributary of Fairbanks Creek, were operated throughout the year. The character of the mineral deposits has been described in previous publications and need not be repeated here. The Mizpah mine on Fairbanks Creek was operated by a small crew. The mine is developed on an eastward-trending vein that dips 321 322 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. steeply south. An inclined working shaft extends along the vein to a depth of 160 feet, from which drifts extend east and west. On the 80-foot level a slope 170 feet long reaches to the surface. The lode is a quartz vein from a few inches to 3 feet wide. It carries considerable stibnite and in places free gold is abundant and some very rich shoots occur. On the east end of the workings a galena- bearing lode has been encountered, which has been traced on the surface for a long distance. Last year a little scheelite was produced. The mine is equipped with a Huntington mill. Development work was continued on the Gilmore & Stevens property east of the Mizpah mine. A prospecting adit is being driven northerly into the hill for the purpose of crosscutting the Mizpah and other lodes which have been opened on the surface. In September, 1917, this adit was 800 feet long and presumably is not far from the ore-bearing zone, which on the surface contains a number of lodes. The property is equipped with a 5-stamp mill. Near the head of Fairbanks Creek development work has been continued on the McCarty property, and some production has been made of both gold and antimony. SKOOGY GULCH. The David mine on Skoogy Gulch was in operation during the summer. The property lies west of that of the Rainbow mine and is probably on the same vein that is exposed in the Rainbow workings. The underground workings consist of an adit driven from Skoogy Gulch along the vein for about 100 feet and an overhead stope 65 feet long. The lode is a quartz vein which differs in width from place to place from 6 inches to a gouge seam. The property is equipped with a 2-stamp Hendy mill with two 8-foot plates. A wood-burning boiler furnishes steam for mill, hoist, and compressor. The Rainbow mine is idle on account of litigation. The Overgard property on Skoogy Gulch made a small production. This property is equipped with a homemade 1 -stamp mill. The Heilig & Creighton property on the divide between Skoogy Gulch and Cleary Creek is now being prospected. A shaft has been sunk 60 feet and crosscuts started which show two parallel veins that strike N. 30° E. and dip 65° NW. The mine is equipped with a Little Giant mill and gasoline engine. CLEARY CREEK. Work was continued on the Tony Goessman property on Bedrock Creek tributary to Cleary Creek and a small production was made. There was no mining in 1917 at the Chatham mine, but the old tailings were picked over and some high-grade ore sorted out for shipment. MINING IN THE FAIRBANKS DISTRICT. 323 ESTER CREEK AND VICINITY. Considerable development work was done on deposits on the divide between Eva and Ace creeks. Twenty-seven claims covering an ore body known as the Ryan lode and a number of adjacent lodes were bonded by the Alaska Mineral & Development Co., and from October, 1916, to June, 1917, some exploration work was done. The Ryan lode was opened by one adit and five shafts, from which the lode was prospected by nine crosscuts across the lode at depths of 50 to 100 feet. Where examined by the writer the lode is 50 feet or more wide. It is a stringer lode and is com- posed of veins of quartz that inclose fractured and mineralized schist and seams of gouge. The lode carries considerable stibnite and is highly colored with the stains of antimony oxides. The lode strikes about north and dips east at high angles. Development work was started on the Ryan lode in October, 1916, and was suspended in June, 1917. On the Combination claim a few shallow pits exposed a quartz vein with arsenopyrite scattered through it and coatings of scoro- dite and cervantite. The size or extent of the ore body was not evident from the few exposures. The claim is on the slope of Eva Creek near the Ryan lode. Development work was continued by McGlone & Smith on the Bill Sunday Fraction lode claim. This claim is on the divide between Eva and St. Patrick creeks, northeast of the Fairchance claim, and is probably on the same or a parallel lode. The lode strikes N. 25° E. and dips from 70° SE. to nearly vertical. It has been opened by two shafts 100 feet and 20 feet deep and by surface cuts. At the surface the lode is solid quartz about 3 feet wide, but at depth it widens considerably. At a depth of 50 feet the lode consists of stringers of quartz which cut mineralized schist and carry large seams of gouge. The quartz carries a large amount of stibnite and cervantite and in places free gold. Fine gold is easily obtained by panning either the quartz or schist of the lode. The St. Paul mine at the head of Eva Creek was operated through- out the year. The property is equipped with a 7-foot roller mill which has a capacity of 20 tons a day. Roy McQueen is opening an antimony lode on the Jennie C. claim, situated on the divide between Ready Bullion and Nugget creeks. The lode is nearly solid stibnite with a little quartz and occurs in lenses. In places it is 18 to 24 inches wide, and in others it pinches to a seam of gouge matter. The vein strikes N. 45° W. and dips 75° NE. The ore is mined by surface trenching and is hand picked and sacked at the mine. 324 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. SILVER-LEAD LODES. A silver-lead deposit is being developed near the head of Cleary Creek on property leased from the Eldorado Mining & Milling Co. Development work in the fall of 1917 consisted of an inclined shaft 45 feet deep and about 30 feet of drifts and stopes. On the surface the vein was about 3 feet wide, and where the shaft was sunk it was composed principally of stibnite. Below the surface the vein attains a width of 10 to 15 feet. The vein incloses large bunches of pure galena, which is said to be rich in silver. Disseminated pyrite is abundant in parts of the lode. A strong hanging wall strikes N. 45° E. and dips steeply northwest. The footwall is not well defined and is marked by a gradation from lode to country rock. The ore is hand picked and sacked for shipment at the mine. TUNGSTEN DEPOSITS. Tungsten lodes have been discovered at two neighboring localities in the Fairbanks district; one at the divide between the tributaries of Fish and Smallwood creeks, and the other at the heads of First Figure 13 .— Sketch map showing tungsten lode claims in the Fairbanks district. Chance, Steele, and Engineer creeks. (See fig. 13.) At the first property one unit of a mill is in operation, and during the summer of 1917 it was producing 500 pounds of scheelite concentrates a day. At the other property a mill was in course of construction and active development work was being carried on. Besides these two mines, a number of claims are located on the scheelite-bearing lodes. The scheelite deposits of the Fairbanks district are believed to be much more extensive than the surface outcrops show and to give promise of a large future production of tungsten. MINING IN THE FAIRBANKS DISTRICT. 325 GEOLOGY. The tungsten lodes occur in an area of Birch Creek schist, described by Prindle 1 as a series of highly metamorphosed siliceous sediments that consist of massive quartzites, quartzite schists, quartz-mica schists, hornblende schists in part amphibolitic, carbonaceous schists, crystalline limestone, altered calcareous rocks, and associated eclo- gitic rocks, andalusite hornfels, and a small amount of granitic gneiss derived from intrusive porphyritic granite. ORE DEPOSITS. The ore deposits are for the most part replaced portions of the lime- stone and calcareous beds that occur interbedded with the schists. The deposits as far as noted appear to lie in a more or less continuous zone that strikes about N. 70° E. and parallels the general strike of the schist. The lodes are composed of quartz, calcite pyroxene, hornblende, garnet, epidote, biotite, and scheelite — minerals which are believed to have been formed by the replacement of the lime- stone and calcareous sediments by the tungsten-bearing solutions. Besides the lodes that represent replaced calcareous sediments there are quartz veins which also carry scheelite. The quartz veins follow the silicification of the limestone beds and in places cut the earlier formed lodes, resulting in an enriched ore body. The known tungsten deposits of this region all occur on the border of a body of porphyritic granite and are believed to be genetically connected with it. MINES AND PROSPECTS. ALASKA TUNGSTEN MINES CO. The Alaska Tungsten Mines Co. has property on Yellow Pup, one of the tributaries of Fish Creek and on the knob between the heads of Gilmore, Smallwood, and Fish creeks. The principal work has been on the Tungsten claim at an elevation of 2,472 feet. The property is reached by a first-class wagon road from Gilmore on Pedro Creek by way of Gilmore Creek. The lode strikes N. 70° E. parallel to the schistosity of the country rock and dips from 20° to 40° NW. The footwall is well defined and follows approximately the bedding planes of the greenstone and quartzite schist. The vein ranges in thickness from 2 to 12 feet and more, but the richest ore is confined to lenses from 2 to 5 feet thick. There is no definite hanging wall to the lode, but back of each is more ore. These are evidently structural planes, either bedding planes or less permeable zones in the original rock along which replacement has taken place. Thin stringers of scheelite-bearing quartz of later origin than the replaced rock follow the bedding planes and cut across them. 1 Prindle, L. M., Geology of the Fairbanks district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 525, pp. 59-131, 1913. 326 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The mine is being developed by an inclined shaft driven along the vein. In September, 1917, this shaft had been extended for 160 feet and dips at an angle of 40° to 18°. In places the shaft widens out to stopes and chambers, and the lower part has been opened to a width of 40 feet. The Scheelite claim joins the Tungsten on the east, and the ore bodies on the two claims are presumably the same. No mining was in progress in 1917. The development is reported to consist of a 75-foot inclined shaft along an ore shoot 10 feet wide and from 4 to 6 feet high. 1 About 250 tons of ore was shipped from this property in 1915-16. The mill and camp of the Alaska Tungsten Mines Co. is on Yellow Pup at an elevation of about 1,600 feet. One unit of a Faust con- centrating mill was installed during the summer of 1917 and in September was turning out 500 pounds of scheelite concentrates a day. The Murphy claim, on Yellow Pup just below the mouth of Pearl Creek, is under option to the Tungsten Mines Co., who are developing it. At the time of the writer’s visit the workings were inaccessible. Grab samples taken from the dump and crushed and panned appeared to be rich from the amount of concentrate the pannings yielded. The vein is said to be 4 feet wide and to strike N. 75° E. COLUMBIA MINE. The Columbia mine is being developed by the Columbia Mining Co. The group of claims now controlled by this company represents the original locations of J acob Meier and other claims acquired since. The claims are at the head of Steele Creek, about 10 miles from Fairbanks, with which they are connected by a good wagon road. A number of scheelit e-bearing lodes have been located. Location was made on the Columbia claim, where a scheelite lode and quartz vein that is associated with it have been exposed by an open cut and adits. The upper adit has been driven for 80 feet along the vein which follows a granite hanging wall and strikes about N. 20° W. and dips northeast. The lode apparently replaces calcareous beds but is cut by large quartz veins, which also appear to carry scheelite. A lower adit is now being driven to cut this lode. The Spruce Hen claim, now being developed by the Columbia Mining Co., is on the divide between First Chance and Steele creeks. From appearances several lodes have been opened by crosscuts at intervals for the entire length of the claim. The principal ore body appears to be an iron-stained lode about 4 feet wide. This lode has been opened by one cut to a depth of 8 feet. It strikes N. 50° E. and dips 45° NW. The lode appears to be composed of silicates, i Mertie, J. B., jr., Lode mining in the Fairbanks district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 662, p. 421, 1917. MINING IN THE FAIRBANKS DISTRICT. 327 which have replaced limestone beds, and is cut hy quartz stringers. Both the silicates and later quartz stringers are rich in scheelite. A little molybdenite also occurs. Seams of gouge occur along both walls of the lode. The camp and mill were in course of construction in 1917. The camp is at the head of Steele Creek at an elevation of 1,830 feet. The mill is on Steele Creek at an elevation of about 1,200 feet. A Marathon mill was first constructed, hut this did not prove satis- factory. The new mill is a Faust concentrating mill. The Ptarmigan and Franklin claims, on the head of Gilmore Creek, are being developed by J. F. Zimmerman. Surface cuts, made across the claims at a number of places, have disclosed several mineralized zones, one of which appeared to be 15 to 20 feet across. The lodes strike N. 40° E. and dip northwest. The lode material is quartz, and silicate rock has presumably replaced limestone along selective zones. Scheelite occurs in the quartz and silicates. The Tanana group of five claims occurs at the head of First Chance Creek. On the Tanana No. 1 claim an inclined shaft has been sunk 40 feet along the lode. The ore body is a mineralized zone of schist about 4 feet wide and follows the schistosity of the inclosing quartzite schist. The lode strikes N. 50° E. and dips northwest. The Tungsten Hill group of claims lies near the head of First Chance Creek. Of these Mertie 1 says: Four scheelite lodes had been discovered on these claims by August, 1916, and it is likely that others are present. On the Grand Duke Nikolas claim a scheelite lode in the schist country rock had been exposed in an open cut. This deposit consists of 6 to 8 feet decayed schist, carrying scheelite. Vein quartz containing a little gold is also present, cutting the mineralized zone. On the Tungsten No. 1 claim another open cut had been made in a country rock of mica schist and quartzite schist. A zone mineralized by scheelite is present, but the width of the lode was not apparent from the work done. On the General Joffre claim a scheelite lode, 14 feet wide, has been exposed. The lode as a whole was considered low-grade ore; but it contains in the central part an 18-inch stringer of decayed schist, which is of considerably higher grade. These claims certainly deserve further prospecting, for they are as advantageously situated with regard to the granite as other scheelite claims in the district on which workable lodes have been developed. The Black Bear and Blossom claims are west of the Tungsten Hill group and are apparently in the same mineralized zone. The lodes consist of quartz stringer lodes in schist. Considerable open trench- ing has been done on these two claims, and several lodes are exposed that apparently extend across the two claims. The scheelite occurs in the quartz stringers that penetrate the schist. These stringers in places are very rich, carrying large crystals of scheelite, and should be further developed. i Mertie, J. B., jr., op. cit., p. 424. ■ . . : r.v ' ■ A MOLYBDENITE LODE ON HEALY RIVER. By Theodore Chapin. A molybdenite-bearing quartz vein has recently been opened on Healy River. Its location is near the extreme head of the river on the south slope of Rainey Mountain, near the divide between Healy and South Fork of Goodpaster rivers. It is about 160 miles southeast of Fairbanks by trail. This deposit was not visited by the writer and the following description is abstracted from a report made to the owners by Albert Johnson, of Fairbanks. The ore deposit is described as a quartz fissure vein inclosed in granite. It trends east and dips north. The lode has not been developed to any extent but has been traced by shallow surface openings and float for three claim lengths and is believed to be con- tinuous for this distance. The vein is described as hard white quartz that carries bunches of molybdenite scattered sparingly through the vein and rather evenly distributed. The deposit is 6,000 to 6,500 feet above sea level and considerably above timber, but timber is said to be available on Healy River within 3 miles of the property, and the water of Healy River is regarded as sufficient for all mining purposes. Supplies are brought up Tanana River, a distance of 130 miles, to the mouth of Healy River, where a trading post has been established. From this place to the molybdenite deposit it is 40 miles. In summer pack horses may be taken along the ridge between Volkmar and Healy rivers and in winter the Healy can easily be traveled by double enders. 329 ■ MINING IN THE HOT SPRINGS DISTRICT. By Theodore Chapin. MINERAL PRODUCTION. The chief mineral product of the Hot Springs district is placer gold. In a portion of the district a considerable amount of cassit- erite (tin oxide) occurs with the gold, but the amount recovered is insignificant in value compared with the gold. There are no independent tin placers, but the tin content of many of the gold placers is sufficient if recovered to add considerably to the total value of the output. The production of gold in the Hot Springs district for 1917 was $450,000. In 1916 it was $800,000. This decrease was due to sev- eral causes. One of the principal causes is that which is common to all placer camps — the depletion of the bonanza ground. One of the immediate causes, however, was the cessation of the large scale operations of Howell & Cleveland, who for the last two years em- ployed a large force of men on Woodchopper Creek. Another important factor in this decline is the high cost of food and mining supplies, which prevented the working of any except the richest ground. It is not believed, however, that a decline in mining will continue from year to year, for there are large bodies of low-grade placer ground, which, under normal conditions, will be worked profitably for a great many years. In all about 16 plants operated for all or a part of the season and employed about 150 men. Besides there were a number of men prospecting and working in a small way. Several small outfits were reworking old tailings for the recovery of tin concentrates and whatever placer gold might be recovered by methods more refined than those used when the ground was first worked. At that time the miners seldom used Hungarian riffles in the sluice boxes, and much of the gold was lost in the clay lumps which would go over the pole and bar riffles without breaking up. Prospecting in 1917 showed that both gold and tin occur in the basin of Sullivan Creek, considerably below the area which has yet been mined. Large bodies of low-grade gravels are being worked on Boulder Creek. 331 332 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The production of tin in the Hot Springs district in 1917 is estimated at about 25 tons of ore that contained about 30,000 pounds of tin, valued at $14,400. In 1916 about 70 tons of ore that contained about 84,000 pounds of tin, valued at $36,500, was recovered. The decrease was due largely to the shutting down of the large plants on Woodchopper Creek. TIN ORE. OCCURRENCE. Although the stream tin, which occurs with the gold, has proved a considerable source of revenue, it is nowhere concentrated to such an extent that it can at present be mined profitably, except as an accessory to the gold. The bedrock sources of tin, which without much doubt occur somewhere within the drainage basin of Sullivan Creek, may contain workable deposits and will possibly support a more permanent mining industry than the placers. For a number of years the tin concentrates were thrown aside by the miners as their nature and value were not known, and they were considered a nuisance, as they blocked the riffles and interfered with the recovery of the gold. In 1911 the true nature of the tin ore was pointed out to the miners by H. M. Eakin, of thp Geological Survey, during a reconnaissance of this district, and since that time about 173 tons of cassiterite containing 208,000 pounds of tin, worth about $79,000, has been recovered. There was at first little incentive to save the ore, as the miners generally did not know where it could be sold, and the price was not high enough to make its recovery worth while. Speculators at first offered 5 cents a pound for the concentrates, and shipped them to Singapore and Wales for smelting. Since that time the price has advanced until in 1917, 14 and 15 cents a pound was offered at Hot Springs for the concentrates, a price which netted the producer 12 to 13 cents a pound at the mines. Since the value of the tin became known, most of the operators have recovered as much of it as could be readily won. The tin ore is so much lighter than the gold that by a proper elevation of the sluice boxes the main separation of cassiterite and gold is easily made. The small amount of fine gold that goes over with the tin concentrates is recovered by cyanidation or amalgamation. The most difficult operation, and one which at present entails a con- siderable waste of high-grade tin ore, is the separation of the cassit- erite from other heavy concentrates, principally pyrite and hematite, which are not easily separated from the tin by the ordinary sluicing methods. The tin ore ranges in size from particles the size of beach sand to boulders several inches in diameter and a few pieces nearly MINING IN THE HOT SPRINGS DISTRICT. 333 a foot in diameter. The large pieces are easily hand picked, and the ore is then put through a screen of appropriate mesh to remove the pyrite. The pyrite occurs in cubes, the largest of which are one- eighth inch in diameter, and much of the tin ore is in smaller pieces. It is thus obvious that much of the tin is not separable by screen- ing. At present it is not profitable to ship concentrates which contain any pyrite, and a great deal of tin is thus wasted. The fine tin ore contains a much larger proportion of metallic tin than the large pieces, which contain more quartz. The quartz inclusions of the large pieces, however, are reported to carry a considerable amount of gold, which might partly compensate for the smaller content of tin. The separation of the tin ore from the associated heavy concentrates should be easily accomplished by the use of proper machinery. Where no pyrite or other objectionable heavy concentrates are present there is no difficulty in concentrating the cassiterite. EXTENT AND SOURCE. The tin ore is practically confined to the basin of Sullivan Creek, and its concentrations in general appear to coincide with the gold placers of that basin. Stream tin has been reported on several streams below the workable gold placers, but naturally the lighter minerals are carried farther downstream. The upper limit of the tin ore on Sullivan Creek and its tributaries appears to be rather well defined. Evidently the bedrock source is somewhere in the present basin of Sullivan Creek and is presumably covered by gravels. Even if the lodes of Moose Mountain contain tin, they are not believed to be the source of the tin of Sullivan Creek, for then the heaviest con- centrations of stream- tin ore would normally occur just below the lodes and decrease downhill toward Sullivan Creek. As a matter of fact, little stream tin is found between the lodes of Moose Mountain and a point a short distance above Old Tofty, where the rich con- centrations begin very abruptly. The amount of tin ore that can be won under present conditions and costs is not large. As long as the placers of Sullivan Creek valley continue to operate on their present scale, there should be a production of 25 to 50 tons of tin ore a year, or possibly twice that amount if more refined methods of recovery are used. In the old tailings and in the low-grade gravels, however, several thousand tons of tin concentrates could be recovered at a higher cost of pro- duction. MINING OPERATIONS. The productive area of the Hot Springs district extends from a point near Fish Lake northeastward for about 35 miles to Pioneer Creek, a tributary of Eureka Creek. It comprises the drainage areas of Boulder, American, Sullivan, and Baker creeks. 115086°— 19 22 334 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. BAKER CREEK VALLEY. The principal operators of the Baker Creek valley are Frank & Graham on Pioneer Creek, a large tributary of Eureka Creek that enters from the northeast. The south side of the valley is steep walled and contains no gravel. North of the stream the valley wall is comparatively flat and ex- tends a long distance to the summit of the ridge. Along the upper part of this slope What Cheer and other bars are partly worked out, but below the bars are extensive deposits of low-grade gravels. The entire creek is now controlled by Frank & Graham, who are working the deposit by hydraulic methods. Two cuts are worked at once, so that they can be sluiced on alternate days, and the ground can be thawed by exposure to the sun and air. The gravel is shallow, and overburden and gravel are easily handled by water from the giants. Streams that cut across this north slope of Pioneer Creek contain much richer concentrations of gold. One of the richest of these tributary streams is Seattle Junior Creek, which is now being worked by hydraulic elevators. Operations here, however, are intermittent, as the elevators can be operated only when there is an ample supply of water. On Eureka Creek, about 2 miles above the mouth of Pioneer, one company which employs 5 men operated a hydraulic plant, sluicing bench gravels, and also did some prospecting. On Omega Creek two men drove a drift in the winter of 1916-17 and dug an open cut during the summer of 1917. Water is scarce but the gravels are shallow and very easily worked. A winter dump was also taken out on Chicago Creek. One outfit that employed four men operated on Thanksgiving Creek, and sluicing was also done on Rhode Island Creek and on the bench between Rhode Is- land and Glen creeks. SULLIVAN CREEK. The only active mining on Cache Creek was a little sniping for tin. On the Midnight Sun and Abe Lincoln claims, near Old Tofty, small plants recovered both tin and gold. On Tofty Gulch and the bench to the west three men reworked tailings and recovered several tons of tin ore and considerable gold. One small plant was in opera- tion on Miller Gulch, and between Miller Gulch and Woodchopper there were three outfits that employed from 50 to 60 men. Extensive deposits were located on Woodchopper Creek in 1914 and for the two years following were actively exploited by a large force of men. These mines were not worked in 1917, and there was little activity on Woodchopper Creek. MINING IN THE HOT SPRINGS DISTRICT. 335 AMERICAN CREEK. American Creek is a comparatively short creek that flows into Fish Lake. Mining is carried on in the upper part of the valley, which is floored with a deposit of shallow gravel from 10 to 18 feet deep. Below the mines the depth of the gravels increases at a steep grade toward Fish Lake. Three plants that employed about 16 men were in operation in 1917, using both open-cut methods and drifting. Gravity water is available for the lower workings, but at one plant it is necessary to pump water to elevated sluice boxes. BOULDER CREEK. Boulder Creek is a stream about 25 miles long that flows into the swampy lake area west of Fish Lake. Its main branch heads on the south slope of Moose Mountain, but several large tributaries enter it from the north and head in the main ridge that forms the main divide between Yukon and Tanana rivers. Prospecting has been carried on in Boulder Creek for a number of years, and low-grade deposits were known to exist, but not until recently were there any active mining operations. Ground was staked on the main fork of Boulder Creek, known locally as Big Boulder, 1J miles above the main forks, and active development work was started in the spring of 1916, when work was begun on a ditch which brings water 4 miles from a point near the head of Boulder Creek. The company controls 4J miles of ground. An option was taken on this ground by Cleveland & Howell and worked by them during a part of the season of 1917, but work was stopped in August, and the owners continued to work on a small scale. The south wall of the creek is steep and contains no gravel. North of the creek the valley wall forms a gentle slope which is floored with shallow alluvium, from 8 to 12 feet deep, that carries gold. The de- posits are low grade and spotted but are extensive and easily worked by hydraulic methods. The gold occurs on this bench for a length of several miles, and the workable areas, where explored, have a width of 1,200 feet. Over 200,000 feet of bedrock was cleaned in 1917. One man was prospecting on Little Boulder, the main tributary of the creek. The stream was diverted from its course and carried for half a mile through the flat at the mouth of the creek. The al- luvium is from 6 to 12 feet deep and consists of silt that carries layers and lenses of angular slate fragments. Trail Creek is the first tributary of Boulder that enters from the north below the main forks. On one of its branches, known as Dry Creek, one plant was operating in 1917. The gravels are shallow and angular. Where exposed by the cut they are from 3 to 6 feet deep and are composed of black slate, graywacke, quartzite, and schist, rocks similar to those exposed on bedrock. Water is not plentiful, but the ground is easily handled. * • • TIN DEPOSITS OF THE RUBY DISTRICT. By Theodore Chapin. The following statement is based on a hasty reconnaissance of the Ruby district in 1917 to determine the possibility of the production of tin. Although stream tin occurs at a number of places in the gold placers, there has been only a slight output. Cassiterite has been noted in the concentrates from Long, Spruce, Short, Tamarack, Midnight, Trail, Monument, Birch, Ruby, Poorman, Flat, and Green- stone creeks. The cassiterite is plentiful at few places, and at no place has enough been found to pay for mining it, except as an acces- sory to the gold. The gravels on Midnight Creek have been pros- pected for tin, and 14 sacks of concentrates were shipped to Singapore. This shipment consisted of 1,037 pounds of ore which assayed 52.2 per cent, or 537 pounds, of metallic tin. The net return of $156.22 from ore recovered from 6,000 square feet of bedrock gives a yield of about 2J cents a square foot. Evidently the amount of tin recov- ered from even the richest tin placers now known is so small that even the shallow gravels can not be worked profitably for the tin alone. At best it adds but little to the profit derived from the gold. It is also evident that the tin ore is so disseminated that it will be very difficult to recover any large quantity, although a few tons may be saved each year by the placer gold miners. 337 ■ ' THE GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF THE TOLSTOI DISTRICT. By George L. Harrington. INTRODUCTION. The Tolstoi district as considered in this report includes an area about 12 miles wide by 20 long that lies on the northwest flank of Mount Hurst. The drainage from the district reaches the Innoko mainly through Tolstoi and Dishna rivers. A time and compass traverse was made of the Dishna River from its mouth to the mouth of the Tolstoi, and thence up the Tolstoi to Madison Creek. Early in July, 1917, two weeks were spent in the vicinity of Tolstoi in collecting the data upon which this report and a portion of the accompanying geologic sketch map (PI. IX) are based. TOPOGRAPHY. Mount Hurst, the highest point in the area, reaches an elevation of nearly 3,000 feet and gives a maximum relief to the district of approximately 2,500 feet. Northeastward from Mount Hurst ex- tends a range of hills which have elevations between 1,200 and 1,800 feet above sea level, becoming lower as they approach the Innoko to the northeast. West of these hills the country presents a much less rugged aspect, and low, broad, flat-topped hills between which stretch wide valleys are the characteristic features, though some of the minor streams are rather sharply incised. Northward toward the Innoko there appears to be a succession of low hills, between which there are wide swampy areas that merge on the west with the lowlands of Innoko and Dishna rivers. Most of the area under discussion lies within the basin of Tolstoi River, and the high ridge of hills which culminates in Mount Hurst forms the divide between the Tolstoi drainage and that of the upper Innoko. The trend of the drainage when taken in conjunction with the geologic map, indicates that the northerly course of a number of streams is due to bedrock structure. Modifications, however, have been caused by alluviation or by lateral erosion, the latter in places where the streams flow on bedrock as well as where the banks are of unconsolidated material. 339 340 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. Numerous lakes are a characteristic feature of the poorly drained lowlands. They are usually small in area and occupy slight depres- sions in unconsolidated sediments rather than depressions in bed- rock. They lie at higher elevations than the oxbow lakes that are formed by changes in stream channels, and they are probably the composite result of a number of factors which include soil flow, the damming of sluggish streams by the growth of vegetation, and the thawing of lenses of ground ice. CLIMATE. Climatic conditions in this district are essentially the same as those found elsewhere within the lower Yukon drainage basin. Winters are somewhat more moderate than in the Upper Yukon, although they are both long and cold. Fair days in summer are usually very pleasant, but their number varies from year to year, as do the number of rainy days and the amount of rainfall. Usually, however, the later part of the summer has the greater precipitation. During July, 1917, the rains were unusually heavy and frequent, so that the Tolstoi reached and main- tained a stage of water for about 10 days comparable with that of the normal spring high water. In one rain during this period there was a precipitation of more than 2 inches in a few hours. In the high hills near Mount Hurst, the rainfall is apparently greater than in the low areas along the lower courses of Tolstoi and Dishna rivers, as these hills were frequently hidden in clouds when the sky was fairly clear over the valleys. VEGETATION. A heavy carpet of sphagnum mosses covers all but the highest peaks and steep slopes or heavily timbered areas. Where conditions are favor- able, in areas with good drainage, grasses make up a greater propor- tion of the vegetal covering. Alders, willows, and dwarf birch form the low growth of minor stream valleys and of the hillsides, and the larger species of willows, together with spruce, tamarack, cotton- wood, and some birch, make up the major growth along the Dishna and Tolstoi and their larger tributaries, where thawed and drained ground present conditions most favorable for their best development. The poorly drained interstream areas are occupied by a scattered and stunted growth of spruce. Tamarack may occasionally be found associated with it. Good timber occurs on the flanks of Mount Hurst up to 1,800 or 2,000 feet. Though this timber is mostly spruce, there are some patches of tamarack and a few birches. At Tolstoi there were gardens where the more rapidly maturing vegetables were raised. The amount so produced, however, was only a small proportion of the total quantities consumed, with the ex- ception of radishes and lettuce, of which practically the entire consump- tion was of local production. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 692 PLATE IX Scale 500,000 o 5 GEOLOGIC SKETCH MAP OF THE TOLSTOI DISTRICT. EXPLANATION SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Unconsolidated silt sand, and gravel (of fluvial, lacustrine or marine , and littoral origin) Sandstone, slate, phyllite, and conglomerate ii Chert and tuff (may include some Cretaceous sediments) Limestone, including some slate and phyllite Slate, phyllite, tuff, chert, greenstone, diorite, and quartz monzonite IGNEOUS ROCKS Soda rhyolite Andesite Diorite Quartz monzonite Greenstones (mainly metamorphosed andesite flows ana tuffs ) S3 Ups?., mu? WtftniTr of i i a, m GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF TOLSTOI DISTRICT. 341 ANIMAL LIFE. Black bear are said to be fairly common in this region, and one was seen on the Dishna. Caribou are only occasionally seen. Smaller animals are numerous. Geese and ducks were seen along the streams, and the swampy areas afford ideal breeding places for them. Ptarmigan are found on the higher hills in small flocks, though in lesser numbers than in former years. Grayling and trout are found in the streams and may be taken with a fly. Kijig salmon ascend the Dishna and sometimes ascend the Tolstoi also. The smaller species of salmon were taken in nets in considerable number at the mouth of Mastodon Creek. ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING MINING. In the vicinity of the creeks, where there has been more or less prospecting, a scattered growth of stunted spruce has afforded fuel for the small plants used for thawing. With an increase in magni- tude of operations, however, this type of fuel is unsatisfactory and uneconomical. In addition, it is necessary to have larger timber for use in mining. For the operations on Boob Creek cordwood and timber were hauled a distance of 2 to 4 miles from Tolstoi River and from Mastodon Creek. On other creeks, except those directly tribu- tary to Tolstoi River, where mining may be carried on, even greater difficulty in obtaining fuel will be found, and it is probable that for large operations it will be necessary to use liquid fuels. Such fuels can be carried by gasoline scows up Tolstoi River as far as Tolstoi and possibly still farther under favorable conditions of high water. Winter transportation from Tolstoi River would prob- ably prove most economical. Under present conditions even winter transportation to the upper portion of Madison Creek costs about 5 cents a pound from Tolstoi River. Supplies can be brought by water from Holy Cross to the mouth of the Tolstoi for 2 or 3 cents a pound. Navigation to this point is comparatively free from difficulties except in unusually low stages of water on Innoko and Dishna rivers. On Tolstoi River navigation is not practicable for power boats at low stages. Wages during the summer of 1917 were about the same as at other Alaskan camps, $5 a day of 8 hours with board being paid for under- ground work and $6 a day of 10 hours with board for surface work. No natives were employed in mining but some worked at the saw- mill at the mouth of Tolstoi River. The early summer of 1917 was unusually wet, yet on many of the smaller streams where prospecting was being carried on there was but little surplus of water over that required for sluicing. In normal 342 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. seasons it would appear that there will be a scarcity of water unless ditches are built to bring in water from two or more streams, or dependence must be placed either on the water supply furnished by the melting snow in spring or on that afforded intermittently by rains during the summer. An intermittent supply may be obtained by damming and “ splashing.” As the creek gradients are low in the lower courses, some difficulty may be experienced in securing dump room and grade for sluice boxes without building trestles. GEOLOGY. The geology of the region in general is simple, though its interpre- tation is at first somewhat difficult because outcrops of the forma- tions are not everywhere common, especially on the lower hills and gentler slopes. Vegetation covers these areas, and the nature of the underlying rocks is revealed only by the material taken from prospect holes, by isolated projecting rocks, or by exposures here and there along stream courses. The trend of the structural fea- tures, however, affords considerable help in geologic mapping and was relied on where other data were lacking. PALEOZOIC ROCKS. The most conspicuous of the Paleozoic rocks is a limestone, which forms the high conical hills on the northwest and west flanks of Mount Hurst and extends southwestward nearly to Tolstoi River . 1 It crosses Hurst Creek and appears at the base of the hills on the east side of this stream a short distance below the now abandoned Jap Roadhouse. A small outcrop lies between the forks of Mastodon and Mammoth creeks, and another appears on the south side of Myers Creek. Limestone pebbles are found in the gravels of Iron Creek, and this rock is said to crop out on the north side of the creek. It is not known whether or not it extends north of Madison Creek. Schistose and siliceous phases of the limestone appear in the vicin- ity of Mount Hurst, and the siliceous rock is finely crystalline. Else- where the rock appears to show but slight effects of crystallization. Areas of phyllites or schistose argillitic rocks are associated with the schistose limestone, but they are comparatively small, and on account of their similarity in composition can not everywhere be readily separated from some of the Cretaceous argillitic rocks which have been metamorphosed. As fossils have not been found, it is not possible to make a definite statement of the age of the limestone. Because of their lithologic similarities the limestone and associated rocks are considered to be of late Carboniferous age and to be cor- related with similar rocks on the lower Kuskokwim and on the lower Yukon near Marshall. i Maddren, A. G., oral communication. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF TOLSTOI DISTRICT. 343 PALEOZOIC OR MESOZOIC ROCKS. GREENSTONES, GREENSTONE TUFFS, AND CHERTS. Although the rocks of this group are of widely diverse types they are believed to be of like origin and to be closely related in age. They have been separated, however, in mapping, the tuffs and cherts being grouped together and the greenstones shown separately. They occur chiefly on the northwest flank of Mount Hurst and along the divide between Tolstoi and upper Innoko rivers, at the heads of Mastodon and Madison creeks, and probably also between Hurst Creek and upper Innoko River, south of the head of Mastodon Creek, in the area mapped as undifferentiated. Small areas are also known from other parts of the district, and cherts appear on the north side of Mastodon Creek about a mile northeast of Tolstoi. As consider- able faulting and folding were produced by the intrusions which form Mount Hurst and by the monzonite between Mastodon and Madison creeks, numerous other small patches of these rocks representing fault blocks will probably be found elsewhere in the district. Andesite rocks constitute a large portion of the greenstones, includ- ing most of the dense fine-grained dark-greenish tuffs between Hurst Creek and Tolstoi River and the more schistose phases, which proba- bly represent altered flows, at the head of Mastodon Creek. In addition to these two types other igneous rocks, including ba- saltic flows and the even more basic intrusives, which are probably the source of platinum in this district, occur in a number of small areas in the vicinity of Mount Hurst as well as to the north of Mas- todon Creek. Their areal extent is not known, for they are not con- spicuous in places where they are associated with the greenstones and, as has already been pointed out, an additional difficulty in mapping is caused by the widespread distribution of the Quaternary deposits,- which effectually conceals the underlying bedrock. Pyroxenites occur in close association with the greenstones. They are dark, coarsely granular, nonporphyritic rocks that consist mainly of augite and lesser amounts of diallage. In some platiniferous placer areas the source of the platinum has been found in rocks of this type. The cherts occur north of Mastodon Creek and along the ridge lead- ing to Mount Hurst west of Hurst Creek. They may be either light or dark, ranging from light horn-colored to dark greenish gray, and may resemble some of the phases of the tuffs with which they are closely associated. No definite age determination has yet been made of these rocks, but they overlie limestones which have been tentatively assigned to the Carboniferous. Chert cobbles and pebbles are found in a con- glomerate which overlies the greenstones and which marks the base of the Cretaceous in this district. The age of the group is therefore very late Paleozoic or early Mesozoic. It is not certain whether the basic intrusive rocks are of this age or younger. 344 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . CRETACEOUS ROCKS. In the Tolstoi district Cretaceous rocks have considerable extent, appearing on both sides of Tolstoi River and on the north side of both Mastodon and Madison creeks. Small patches of those rocks also appear along the lower part of the ridge west of Hurst Creek, and they probably form the bedrock of Boob Creek and of the area be- tween Boob Creek and Tolstoi River. The lithology shows considerable variation. Wherever the base of these rocks was observed, as along the ridge between Hurst and Ledge creeks and also north of Mastodon Creek, it is a conglomerate composed of chert pebbles that rests on the irregular surface of the underlying cherts. The sandstones show a greater diversity of mate- rials, including quartz, feldspar, fragments of carbonaceous rocks, and minerals of probably secondary origin, such as chlorite and calcite. If ferromagnesian minerals, such as hornblende, augite, or olivine^ were originally present, they have now been so completely altered to secondary minerals as to be unrecognizable. The feldspars are also undeterminable on account of kaolinization. A considerable proportion of the Cretaceous sediments are of the fine-grained argillaceous type and have been metamorphosed to form slates. Intrusion by the dioritic mass of Mount Hurst as well as by the diorites on the headwaters of Madison Creek, has produced phyl- litic phases of some of these rocks, so that they are not readily dis- tinguishable from the older phyllites that are associated with the Paleozoic limestone. Both the slates and phyllites are cut by nu- merous small quartz veins, which are probably the source of the gold. Some of the veined slates show pyritization. No fossils were found in the Tolstoi district, so that correlations must be based on stratigraphic and lithologic features. These rocks are essentially similar to the slates and sandstones in near-by regions which are of known 1 Cretaceous age and are therefore considered as belonging to that period. TERTIARY IGNEOUS ROCKS. QUARTZ MONZONITE. Pinkish quartz monzonite, which is locally known as granite, occurs along the ridge between the Madison and the Mastodon drainage at the head of Eldorado Creek, between Myers and Iron creeks, and also between Iron and Madison creeks. The areas mapped as monzonite may also contain some sedimentary rocks, as between Iron and Madison creeks, where limestones occur. i Mertie, J. B., jr., and Harrington, G. L., Mineral resources of the Ruby-Kuskokwim region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 642, p. 233, 1916. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF TOLSTOI DISTRICT. 345 It has been pointed out in a previous bulletin 1 that elsewhere in the Ruby-Kuskokwim region there is a close genetic connection be- tween the auriferous mineralization and the monzonitic rocks. In the Tolstoi district this relation also probably holds, and the occur- rence of gold placers is to be attributed to these intrusives. There is said to be some residual placer gold on the slopes of gills made up of the monzonite, and the auriferous quartz veins, which occur in the near-by areas of sedimentary rocks, are believed to be derived from the monzonite intrusion. The quartz monzonite is made up of quartz, orthoclase, and plagi- oclase in about equal amounts, together with hornblende and biotite. Apatite and magnetite are present as minor accessory minerals. A correlation with similar rocks elsewhere in the Ruby-Kuskokwim region 2 would establish a Tertiary age for the quartz monzonite. diorite. Diorites are perhaps more widely spread than the geologic map indicates, for it is extremely likely that in the area of undifferentiated rocks east of Hurst Creek a number of the higher peaks are composed of this type of rock. There are also numerous small outcrops in the greenstone areas, which are too small to represent on the map. These outcrops represent dikes from the larger batholithic intrusives which form Mount Hurst and appear on Joffre Creek. From the relations of the diorite and greenstone at the head of Joffre Creek, it appears likely that even where the diorite is not exposed it lies below the green- stone where that rock appears between Mount Hurst and Madison Creek. There are also dikelike intrusions of considerable extent in the Cretaceous sediments, in the limestones, and in the greenstones and greenstone tuffs. In the greenstones especially, the similarity of appearance on weathered surfaces makes a determination of the extent of these intrusions difficult. Some differences in the appearance of the diorite are due partly to the amount of weathering that the rock has undergone and partly to differences in composition. Weathering gives the rock a much darker and greener color than it has when unaltered, owing to the formation of secondary silicates and ferromagnesian minerals, such as zoisite, chlorite, and hornblende, as well as hydrous iron minerals. Where the rock is unaltered its constituents are plagioclase feldspar, biotite, and augite, together with a minor and varying amount of quartz. Apatite and magnetite are everywhere present, the mag- netite varying considerably in amount. In some places ilmenite appears to take the place of some of the magnetite and occurs in some- what larger grains. The feldspars range from albite oligoclase to labradorite, but the mean appears to be oligoclase andesine. 1 Mertie, J. B., jr., and Harrington, G. L., op. cit., pp. 235, 264, 1916. 2 Idem, p. 235. 346 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191 * 7 . Possibly the basic granular rocks that are associated with the greenstones, and from which the platinum is derived, are differentiates from the dioritic magma, but confirmatory evidence on this point is lacking, although the diorites in the greenstones are somewhat more basic than either the main mass of Mount Hurst or the intrusive mass on Joffre Creek. Although gold has been found on Joffre and Madison creeks, in the diorite, the gold may not have been derived from deposits which owe their origin to the intrusion of the monzonite. Age determinations are only possible where relations to both younger and older rocks are known. The diorite cuts Cretaceous rocks and therefore is post-Cretaceous and probably early Tertiary. Its age with relation to the monzonite is not known but both are assumed to have been introduced during the same period of igneous activity. SODA RHYOLITE AND ANDESITE. North and northwest of Mount Hurst low flat-topped hills appear to merge into the lowlands of the Dishna and the Innoko. So far as is known, these hills are made up of rhyolite flows and tuffs, though andesite is present in dikes and flows and possibly also in tuffs. They are mapped separately, but the rhyolite areas may include some andesite, and the area mapped as andesite may contain some rhyolite. The rhyolites are light-colored rocks and at a distance present an appearance like that of limestones with a slight buff tinge. In thin section they are seen to be fine-grained porphyritic rocks, the phenocrysts being quartz and the plagioclase feldspar. The quartz is usually of the smoky variety. Albite is the principal plagioclase, but the feldspars range between albite and oligoclase. Biotite is usually present in a few foils, which are also sometimes apparent in the hand specimen. Less commonly hornblende may be seen in the section. Magnetite may also be present. For the most part the groundmass is very fine grained and almost glassy in appearance. The flow or tuffaceous character of the rock is apparent from the typical texture seen in thin section. In the hand specimen the andesites are fight to dark greenish gray and can be readily distinguished from the rhyolites on account of their color. Where the andesites are in the field they are also much darker, and they are usually more completely covered by vegetation than the rhyolites. Associated with the flows or dikes are minor areas of dense fine-grained rocks which resemble argillites in appearance but which are probably fine-grained tuffs or volcanic muds. The rhyolites appear to make up the entire hilltop and in many places the steep slope to the flat of Tolstoi River, but the andesites north of Tolstoi appear at an elevation below the crest of the main ridge in small sub- sidiary ridges which trend northeastward in conformity with the GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF TOLSTOI DISTRICT. 347 general structural trend. Between Eldorado and Mastodon creeks the andesites occupy higher positions on the ridges, which correspond to those occupied by the rhyolites farther west. In thin section andesine feldspar appears to be the chief con- stituent of the rock, making up the phenocrysts as well as a consid- erable amount of the very fine grained groundmass. Phenocrysts of augite are also present in places. Magnetite occurs in small grains in widely varying amount. Much of the groundmass is altered and indeterminable and has been converted in part to secondary hydrous iron oxides, which give a general brown appearance to the section. It is not possible to make exact age determinations of these rocks, although some generalization may be made. There is a suggestion as to the relative ages of the andesite and rhyolite afforded by the form of the outcrops of the andesite and by the relative position of the two series. The ridges north of Tolstoi may represent the up- turned eroded edges of flows the source of which lay eastward, although this is by no means proved. If this supposition is correct the rhyolites which lie to the west of the andesites flowed out over and are younger than the andesites. In other areas in western Alaska rocks of one or the other type.are rather widely distributed. The exact lithologic equivalent of the rhyolite was seen on the north bank of the Innoko about halfway between Shageluk Slough and the mouth of Iditarod River. Collier 1 reports that both andesites and rhyolites cut the Cretaceous rocks between Ruby and Holy Cross. Andesitic and dacitic dikes, tuffs, and flows were found by the writer 2 to have a considerable extent along Anvik, Stuyahok, and Bonsila rivers, as well as in places along the Yukon between Anvik and Andreafski. At these occurrences they are younger than the Cretaceous rocks with which they are sometimes associated and are older than the late Tertiary or Quater- nary basalts of the lower Yukon. In other portions of the Ruby- Kuskokwim region both rhyolites and andesites have been found 3 which are of late Cretaceous or Tertiary age, and these are to be correlated with the corresponding rock types in the Tolstoi area. QUATERNARY DEPOSITS. Unconsolidated material which is mainly of Quaternary age covers much of the lowland area of the Tolstoi district and extends nearly to the heads of many of the smaller streams and occupies the inter- stream ridges. This material is in part alluvial but probably is also in part of marine or lacustrine origin, and the flat-topped hills at 1 Collier, A. J., unpublished notes. 2 Harrington, G. L., The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska (including the Marshall district): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 683, pi. 2, 1919. 3 Mertie, J. B., jr., and Harrington, G. L., Mineral resources of the Ruby-Kuskokwim region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 642, p. 236, 1916. 348 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. elevations of 800 to 1 ,000 feet may be wave-cut terraces upon which these sediments were deposited. For the most part, the sediments are thin and in large measure have been removed or have been left in only small areas. In the lowlands the former stream courses were filled with gravels, sands, and silts, but upon the reestablish- ment of drainage systems after the period of inundation a large amount of the unconsolidated material was removed. Between Tolstoi and Boob Creek prospect holes which have been sunk to a depth of 125 feet pass through about 60 feet of muck and ice which overlies an equal thickness of silts, sands, and gravels. In the silts there are large amounts of ice, in sheets rather than in wedges. These ice sheets appear to contain different amounts of silt and bands of clear ice from an inch or less to several feet in thickness, alternating with bands of frozen siltlike material, which show variations in thickness equally great. Possibly some of the numerous small lakes in the flatter, low-lying areas are due to depres- sions caused by the melting of ice layers underneath. The gold and platinum content of the gravels has been concentrated by either the action of waves on beaches or by the current of streams, or there may have been a reconcentration by streams from older deposits formed along beaches or streams. A somewhat unusual feature in connection with the placer gravels is that a short distance above the gravels there are fragments of vegetation and tufts of grass which resemble the niggerheads on the present surface. Their presence is easily explained. There is a covering of silts and sheet ice over practically all the gentler lower slopes, and when a small or intermittent stream has cut through the surface mat of vegetation it rapidly erodes the silt and ice to the gravels or to bedrock. By sloughing of the steep sides vegetation may reach the bottom of the cut, 20 feet or more in depth. By continuous sloughing, or by repeated freezing and thawing in fall and winter, the crevice is completely filled with ice and muck, and the following year the stream may follow a different course. The occurrence of tusks, teeth, and other bones of Pleistocene mammals in the placer gravels indicates the age of the deposits, although it is possible that later reworking has taken place and that some of the placers are later than the Pleistocene. The Quaternary history of this region has not been completely worked out, so that it is not possible to differentiate between the Pleistocene and Recent deposits on account of their similarity and the grading upward of one into the other. The deposits which are definitely of Recent age embrace stream alluvium, talus, and other detritus produced through the action of frost and other processes of weathering and the vegetal accumulations which cover large areas throughout the interior of Alaska. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF TOLSTOI DISTRICT. 349 MINERAL RESOURCES. HISTORY OF MINING DEVELOPMENT. The earlier history of the region has been given in the report of Maddren 1 on the mining developments in the Innoko basin to the time of his investigations in 1908. Some additional notes have been contributed by Eakin 2 as the result of a reconnaissance trip from Ruby to Iditarod in 1912. Incident to the stampede to the Innoko, in the vicinity of Ophir, many claims were staked on streams in the Dishna drainage. A few men prospected their claims faithfully, although the high cost of supplies and the difficulty of getting them at any price necessarily made prospecting difficult. Many claims were held by other men, however, and upon them only sufficient work was done to maintain titles or not even the amount of work required by law. Title to most of these claims had been permitted to lapse by 1915, and when a rush during the spring and summer of 1916 followed the discovery of gold during the previous winter most of the ground along the creeks lay open for restaking. Prospecting was carried on quite extensively during the summer of 1916, but Boob Creek alone made any production and that small. Preparations for mining on a larger scale were made, however, and during the winter and spring of 1916-17, a considerable production was made by the plant which operated on claim No. 2 below Discovery and the adjoining fraction above this claim. During the winter of 1916-17 there was a stampede from Ruby, Ophir, and Iditarod, which brought the population of the district up to about 450, most of whom staked claims. This stampede was followed during the winter by active prospecting on a large number of the creeks tributary to Tolstoi River, but for the most part this work failed to develop workable placer ground. As a result the population dwindled, until in July, 1917, there were only about 50 left in the district. About 150,000 in gold was taken out in 1917, the result of the operations of about 25 men on five plants, most of the production being on Boob Creek. Boob Creek is the only creek in the district that produced platinum. The plati- num was not separated from the gold but was sold with it to the bank in Iditarod. The platinum in the gold was said to amount to about 1 per cent, so that about 30 ounces of platinum was pro- duced in 1917. GOLD PLACERS. The only plant which made any considerable production up to July, 1917, is located on Boob Creek. Extensive mining operations have been confined to that creek, where one plant was in operation, 1 Maddren, A. G., The Innoko gold placer district, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 410, pp. 19-24, 1910. J Eakin, H. M., The Iditarod-Ruby region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 578, p. 39, 1914. 115086°— 19 23 350 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. and several outfits were engaged in prospecting during the spring and summer. The deposits are worked by underground methods for the aurif- erous gravels, 2 to 4 feet thick, lie beneath 25 to 35 feet of muck and ice. The surface gradient of the stream is low, not over 50 feet to the mile. Besides gold and platinum other minerals which may have economic importance are cinnabar and cassiterite, which are found in small amounts. Cinnabar occurs in small pebbles up to half an inch in diameter of a characteristic red color. Cassiterite in the form known as wood tin occurs in the typical botryoidal form, showing radiate structures when cracked open. The pebbles are somewhat darker than those seen in the Ruby district, being nearly black. The crushed mineral gives a very light brown powder. A small sample of the platinum from Boob Creek was presented to the Survey by Mr. J. S. Pitcher, of Tolstoi. It was analyzed by R. C. Wells in the chemical laboratory of the Survey and found to have the following composition: Analysis of specimen of platinum from Boob Creek, Tolstoi district. Platinum 83.4 Iridium .4 Palladium .3 Copper None. Rhodium .3 Iron 9. 8 Osmiridium, silica, and undetermined .6 Nickel None. 94.8 Pyrite, magnetite, garnet, feldspar, and quartz also occur in the concentrates. The quartz is found in small brilliant transparent crystals as well as in the milky white form from veins. A considerable number of grains of nearly opaque, brownish-black grains of obsidian or volcanic glass were also noted. Some of the tributaries of Tolstoi River, which head against Mount Hurst or its spurs, were prospected during the spring and summer. Up to July none had made any production. Considerable prospecting had also been done on tributaries of Mastodon Creek other than Boob, but without result. On Madison Creek and several of the streams flowing into it, including Esperanto, Joffre, and Eldorado creeks and their tribu- taries, considerable prospecting has been done. On Iron Creek, which empties into Eldorado, there were at one time seven or eight outfits, but in July only one of these was working about 2 miles from the head of the creek. Mining was being done in an open cut GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF TOLSTOI DISTRICT. 351 by three men who were shoveling into the boxes. The gravels were largely composed of phyllitic rocks and granite but included some pebbles of limestone. Sections show from 2 to 4 feet of gravel overlain by about 4 feet of muck. A considerable amount of stripping had been done, and it was planned to work during the summer. No platinum was found on this creek. A considerable amount of prospecting had been done on a number of claims near the head of Madison Creek, but work during July was confined to two claims. On claim No. 5 above Discovery three men were working. At this locality 4 feet of muck overlies about 8 feet of gravel, and the gold is found in the lower 4 feet. The gold from this claim is flaky, fine, and worn. No platinum was seen in pannings, which in addition to the gold contained magnetite, ilmenite, augite, hornblende, garnet, and zircon, none of which have economic value under these conditions of occurrence. The creek valley is about 150 to 200 feet wide on this claim. The ground in the center is said to be thawed, although it is frozen on either side. Operations were largely carried on with the purpose of ascertaining the extent and richness of the stream gravels. A small production was made from this and adjoining claims under the same ownership. One man was working on claim No. 7 above Discovery. A number of prospect holes had been sunk and the dirt from these holes and some short crosscuts had been rocked out. The gold, although somewhat worn, is considerably coarser than that found on claims lying farther down the creek and is described as “shotty” rather than flaky. An association of minerals similar to that on the lower claims is found in the concentrates. TIN MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. By George L. Harrington. SUMMARY OF MINING OPERATIONS. A resume of the history of tin mining in Alaska up to 1914 has been compiled by Eakin, 1 and the following summary of operations up to that date is largely abstracted from his report. Stream tin was first found on Buhner Creek, a tributary of Ani- kovik River, in 1900, and there has been some production of cassit- erite from placer operations in the York region since 1902. In 1911 a dredge was installed on Buck Creek which has been in operation each season since. Two dredges were installed on Anikovik River in 1914 for the recovery of both gold and cassiterite but were oper- ated only during that and the following season. A second dredge was installed on Buck Creek in 1915 and has worked each summer since that date. The machinery of one of the dredges on Anikovik River was removed from the hull in 1916 and installed on a dredge on Swanson Creek, a tributary of Agiapuk River. The hull was carried out to sea by high water and lost. The other dredge on Ani- kovik River was idle in both 1916 and 1917. Collier states 2 that “small specimens of stream tin have been found in the northern part of Seward Peninsula, from Cape Prince of Wales to the south shore of Kotzebue Sound, and in the southern part of the peninsula the ore has been found in several streams of the Nome district.” Hess mentions 3 that Goldbottom Creek in the Nome district, Fred Gulch, north of Mount Distin, Dick Creek, Old Glory, and a “ few other creeks of the Arctic slope east of Ears Mountain carry some stream tin.” Cassiterite lodes were discovered at Cape Mountain in 1902 and on Lost River the following year. Mining operations have been car- ried on at both localities ever since, although in a somewhat desul- tory fashion. TVo stamp mills have been erected at Tin City to handle ore from two properties, and a small tonnage has been pro- duced, but both properties have been idle for several years. At Lost 1 Eakin, H. M., U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 622, pp. 81-94, 1915. 2 Collier, A. J., U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 259, p. 126, 1905. 3 Hess, F. L., U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 284, p. 157, 1906. 353 354 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917 . River assessment work has been done annually for a number of years on a group of claims, and a fair stage of development has been reached. This property has been leased to different corporations which did some mining, milling the ore in a small test mill at the mine on Cassiterite Creek. In 1917 lumber and machinery for a mill at this property was at Teller, but the only assessment work was done at the mine. Assessment work has been done for a number of years on several lode prospects at several places in western Seward Peninsula. By far the largest proportion of the Alaskan tin production has come from the placer operations on Buck Creek or from Grouse Creek, into which it flows. A small production of placer tin has been, made from Cassiterite Creek. 1 Placer tin has also been recovered in the Yukon-Tanana region in the Hot Springs district, and a small pro- duction has been made in the Ruby district. Investigations of the possibilities of the tin production of these two districts were made in 1917 by Theodore Chapin, and his reports appear in another chapter of this volume. Investigations of the tin deposits of the York region have been made by a number of Geological Survey parties, the scope ranging from hasty reconnaissance trips to obtain the new facts revealed by mining developments to detailed studies of the one occur- rence. The most complete of these studies were made by Collier and later by Knopf, in whose reports will be found a description of most of the essential features covering the geologic occurrence of the cassiterite. The following publications deal primarily with the tin deposits of Seward Peninsula: Brooks, A. H., A new occurrence of cassiterite in Alaska : Science, new ser., vol, 13, No. 328, p. 593, 1901. Brooks, A. H., An occurrence of stream tin in tlie York region, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Resources, 1900, p. 270, 1901. Collier, A. J., The tin deposits of the York region, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 229, 1904. Collier, A. J., Recent developments of Alaska tin deposits : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 259, pp. 120-127, 1905. Hess, F. L., The York tin region : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 284, pp. 145-157, 1906. Knopf, Adolph, Geology of the Seward Peninsula tin deposits, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 358, 1908. Hess, F. L., Mineral resources of Alaska, 1911 : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 520, pp. 89-92, 1912. Eakin, H. M., Tin mining in Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 622, pp. 81-94, 1915. The following publications contain only incidental references to the occurrence of tin in the same region : 1 Eakin, H. M., op. cit., p. 89. TIN MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. 355 Brooks, A. H., A reconnaissance of the Cape Nome and adjacent gold fields of Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Special Pub., pp. 132-139, 1901. Collier, A. J., A reconnaissance of the northwestern part of Seward Penin- sula, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 2, pp. 49-51, 1902. A demand for a knowledge of the present possibilities of produc- tion of both the lode and placer tin deposits of the York region, re- sulting from the urgent need of tin, and the desire to find a source of this metal nearer than the Asiatic deposits led to the somewhat brief reconnaissance of portions of the York region in 1917. This report aims to present briefly the data obtained regarding develop- ments and possibilities of production rather than to present geologic facts which have been given in the reports already cited, especially those of Collier, Knopf, and Eakin. Acknowledgments are due and gladly given for courtesies received from Mr. T. A. Peterson, of the York Dredging Co., and Mr. A. Graham, of the American Tin Dredging Co., on Buck Creek, and Mr. William O’Brien on Lost River. Information regarding the tin deposits of Ear Mountain was received from Mr. T. Winfield, of Teller. Mr. Fred Hinton, of Teller, gave the writer his information regarding developments at Tin City. CASSITERITE LODES. Other work seriously curtailed the scope of the tin investigations in 1917, so that it was not possible to visit either Ear Mountain or Tin City. A superficial examination of the lode prospects near Potato Mountain was made, and portions of two days were spent on Lost River. LOST RIVER. In September, 1917, about 150 feet of additional drifts had been driven since Eakin visited the property in 1914. He says concerning the development on Cassiterite Creek at the Cassiterite and Ida Bell lodes i 1 The maximum width developed is 23 feet, and the average width is estimated at 12 feet, from the evidence afforded by numerous crosscuts along about 1,100 feet of drifts. The extreme limits of development work embrace a horizontal distance of 1,420 feet and a vertical distance of 410 feet above the creek bottom. The indications point to the persistence of the lode in form and character below the creek level, and no special mining difficulties at depth are indicated. Some strong veins carrying tin crop out 300 feet north of the Cassiterite lode and dip 45° S. The lode itself dips 85° in the same direction, and if these dips persist the veins should meet the lode at a depth of about 300 feet below the creek level. Developments on the Cassiterite lode in July, 1914, consisted of 1,094 feet of drifts on five levels, besides a number of crosscuts, and an upraise of 108 feet between the first and second levels east. 1 Eakin, H. M., op. cit., pp. 86, 87. 356 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. About 2,000 tons of ore taken from the first and second levels east lies on the dump at the portal of the lower adit. The test mill of the Lost River mine plant has operated for two successive seasons. The dump, containing about 2,000 tons of run-of-mine ore, was sampled by trenching entirely across its center and milling all the ore as it came. The results of the test probably indicate very closely the general tenor of the dump as a whole and of a large body of minable ore blocked out by the developments indicated. The managers report that about 4 per cent of concentrates were obtained from the ore milled during the two seasons and that no notable variation was ob- servable at any period of operation. The concentrates are very clean and are said to contain an average of 62.31 per cent of metallic tin and 11.08 per cent of metallic tungsten. The Ida Bell lode strikes northeast and intersects the Cassiterite lode at the surface 700 feet west of the creek and 225 feet above creek level. Its dip is approximately 90°. It is wider than the Cassiterite lode, ranging from 25 to 35 feet. Developments on this lode include a 70-foot adit and a 60-foot winze sunk at its extremity. Like the Cassiterite lode, the Ida Bell is a quartz porphyry dike, but the pro- nounced alteration of the former is not here duplicated. For the most part the lode consists of firm, slightly altered quartz porphyry intricately traversed by thin, rich veinlets with cassiterite as the only conspicuous valuable mineral. The ore is reported to be of good quality, but owing to its hardness it will require different treatment from that adapted to the Cassiterite lode ores, which are soft. Further development of this part of the mine will await a higher develop- ment of the reduction plant. Development work since 1914 had been mainly on the east side of the creek; that for 1917 contemplated the enlarging of the main haulage- way of the lowest level of the mine. This property has sufficient ore either mined and on the dump or developed so that production could be commenced as soon as a mill is installed. Milling machinery and the necessary lumber for the erec- tion of a mill building were at Teller in 1917. It is probable that this equipment could be most easily hauled to the mine during the winter, for the road from the mouth of Lost Liver to the mine crosses the river by fords severals times and would be impassable at high stages of the water. Where it is. above high-water stages, this road is in good condition. If a great amount of hauling was to be done it would probably be economical to build a road on the east side of the creek, which would involve comparative^ little work. For summer work hydroelectric installation would probably prove most satisfactory. For year-round operation, however, auxiliary power would be needed, which would be most economically furnished by internal-combustion engines, using crude oil or distillate as fuel. No timber other than driftwood on the beach is available for fuel. Timber for the mines must be shipped in. In addition to cassiterite the ore contains considerable wolframite, which may equal the cassiterite in amount. It adds materially to the TIN .MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. 357 value recovered from the ore. The two minerals should be separated before smelting. This property appears to offer the greatest hope of an increased production of tin, but although it is sufficiently developed to warrant the installation of a small mill, after thorough sampling and after data have been obtained as to costs of production, the output in the next few years is not likely to amount to more than a very small per- centage of the country’s needs. EAR MOUNTAIN. The lode deposits of Ear Mountain, together with their earliest geologic features, have been described by Knopf. 1 A considerable amount of prospecting has been done in this vicinity, and there has been some development work since Knopf’s visit. This work has for the most part amounted only to the annual assessment work necessary to maintain title to the claims. This area is much more difficult of access than Lost River, for it is 12 miles from Shishmaref Inlet — a large lagoon of shallow water navigable only to very shallow-draft boats. Light-draft steamers must unload at least 1J miles from the entrance to the lagoon. On account of these conditions, a considerably higher grade of ore must be found in this locality than on the south side of Seward Peninsula in order to make mining profitable. POTATO MOUNTAIN. A number of open cuts have been made on the tops of the hills near Potato Mountain, some of which are said to have shown good ore in the bottom. Bedrock has, however, been covered by the caving in of the sides of the prospect pits. The geologic features of the deposits of this area are described by Knopf. 2 Since Knopf’s visit a number of other cuts and prospect holes have been dug. A short tunnel, which shows some stringers of quartz with cassiterite, has also been driven. Prospecting has failed to afford any indications of the extent of the ore bodies shown in the openings. This prospect lies about 16 miles from York. A road which has been in use for teaming supplies for the Buck Creek dredges since 1911, runs within about 2 miles of the prospect. The road lies mostly along the watercourses of Anikovik River and Grouse and Buck creeks, crossing and recrossing them, and consequently is not espe- cially good for heavy hauling. Until further development has taken place the possibilities of the production of this property can not be stated. Under present con- 1 Knopf, Adolph, op. cit., pp. 25-32. 2 Idem, pp. 32-35. 358 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. ditions it would take at least two or three years before any production could be made. CAPE MOUNTAIN. A considerable amount of work was done for a number of years near Cape Mountain. A study of these deposits also was made by Knopf and a description of them is contained in his report. 1 Two properties have been extensively prospected by tunnels, shafts, and winzes, and a number of other claims have had a small amount of work done on them. On the property formerly belonging to the Bartels Tin Mining Co., which was later sold to the Empire Tin Mining Co. and still later is said to have been sold at marshal’s sale to Fred Hinton, of Teller, there are about 1,255 feet of tunnels and winzes. Knopf states 2 that at the time of his visit an 18-inch belt of tin ore about 400 feet from the mouth of the tunnel had not been exploited. A few tons of ore were milled in 1914 from the North Star claim, but the place in the workings from which it was obtained is not known. Some of the ore is said to run very high in cassiterite, but the re- ported average of such ore as is developed is about 3 or 4 per cent. The property includes a small mill, containing three stamps and a table. This group of claims has been patented and no work has been done since 1914. Although a considerable length of tunnels, cross drifts, and winzes has been driven, on this property, there appears not to have been development commensurate with the labor expended. Probably the claims of the group contain some bodies of good tin ore, but the development has failed to outline them, and further work is neces- sary before a statement of the potentialities of the property can be made. On the property of the United States Tin Mining Co. a shaft has been sunk on a quartz ledge and a rather long tunnel driven in hard granite to intersect this ledge. A mill has been erected near the beach at Tin City to handle ore from this property. The claims are pat- ented, but no work has been done on them for a number of years. Sufficient data are not at hand to warrant any statement as to possibilities of production from the group of claims held by this company. However, as no work has been done for some time, not- withstanding the prices prevailing for tin in recent years, it may reasonably be inferred that the stage in development has not yet been reached where any appreciable production can be counted on in the near future. 1 Knopf, Adloph, op. cit., pp. 35—41. 2 Idem, p. 40. TIN MINING IN SEWAKD PENINSULA. 359 OTHER LODES. In addition to the properties above mentioned, there are a number of other prospects in the York region, including Brooks Mountain and others than those already mentioned in the vicinity of Cape Mountain. The work on these properties has been of a desultory character and of relatively small amount. They appear to be negli- gible in any consideration of the possibilities of the production of tin. Besides the lodes which are being worked for tin mainly or chiefly, tin could possibly be recovered as an accessory mineral from other lodes in the York region. There are a number of silver-lead pros- pects on Lost River, on two of which some work was done during the summer of 1917. A third on Rapid Creek, a tributary of Lost River, is said to be extensively developed. At the Southern Cross lode tunnel on Lost River, opposite the mouth of Tin Creek, assays are said to show a small percentage of tin and tungsten, which probably occur as cassiterite and wolframite. In any treatment of the ores involving concentration on tables these minerals would be recovered. It is not known whether or not cassiterite occurs at the other prospects. The output of tin as a by-product of these lodes will probably be small. CASSITERITE PLACERS. LOST RIVER. A small production of placer tin was made one year on Cassiterite Creek, and it is said that a considerable amount of residual placer tin occurs on the slope of the hill near the mine. If hydroelectric power was used on this property and the water flumed to the mil], this ground could be sluiced and the tin recovered. EAR MOUNTAIN. A number of the creeks that head in Ear Mountain carry placer tin. Knopf 1 states that nuggets of cassiterite several inches in diameter can be picked off the bedrock riffles of Eldorado Creek, but on account of the small body of gravel the creek offers no placer possibilities. The gravels on Tuttle Creek are said to carry 5 ounces of cas- siterite to the pan, but their extent is not known, so that the oppor- tunity for commercial placer development can not be stated. If the gravels are as rich as reported a small sluicing plant could possibly operate successfully. Transportation of supplies to this locality, however, involves a haul to the edge of Shishmaref Inlet and ship- 1 Knopf, Adolph, op. cit., p. 26. 360 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. ment across this lagoon to Sarichef Island, where during favorable weather, small coasting schooners lay offshore and pick up or deliver freight. BUCK CREEK. By far the largest production of tin in the York region has been from the placers of Buck Creek, although during 1916 and 1917 the York Dredging Co. was operating on Grouse Creek, into which Buck Creek flows. The dredge of the American Tin Dredging Co. operated on Buck Creek. The area of placer ground on both streams suitable for working with a dredge is small, and a very few more seasons of work will exhaust the deposits. Sutter Creek was being prospected during the summer with a view to dredging, but this also is a short stream and would afford not over two or possibly three seasons’ work with a dredge. There is a possibility that a considerable amount of ground above the limits of dredging opera- tions can be worked profitably by shoveling or scraping into sluice boxes. The amount that could be recovered in any one season is small, for the supply of water for sluicing is not great and the scope of operations would depend largely upon the quantity of water available. During the summer of 1917 two men took out a few tons of cas- siterite from Iron Creek, a short tributary of Sutter Creek, heading against Buck Creek in the saddle just east of Potato Mountain. It is estimated that the gravels, which are 4 or 5 feet deep, carry about 15 pounds of tin to the cubic yard for a width of 15 to 20 feet. Placer ground on this creek extends not over a mile, and the upper limits of operations had been nearly reached in 1917, at a point where the stream valley becomes very narrow and the amount of gravel negligible in amount. Water for sluicing was scarce, and an intermittent supply for sluicing was obtained by building a small dam, which gave a full sluice head for a sufficient length of time to permit the successful washing of the gravel. Three boxes, 8 inches wide, were used, and the grade w T as 10 inches to the box length. Iron riffles were employed. In all about 26 men were engaged during the year on Iron, Buck, and Grouse creeks in the production of placer tin. Two dredges and one plant shoveling in were operated. ANIKOVIK RIVER. No production of placer tin has been made on Anikovik River since 1916. The one dredge on this stream was idle in 1917 also. Assessment work was done on a number of claims. Data are not available to warrant any statement as to their placer possibilities. TIN MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. 361 SUMMARY. Lode mining in 1917 was confined to development work on Lost River and Ear Mountain without any production. Lost River is believed to have possibilities as a producer of lode tin. Further development is necessary at other properties. Placer mining in 1917 was limited to the vicinity of Buck Creek. About 300 tons a year appears to be the limit of production for this area, and this production will be limited to a period of not over five years; after that time there will be production of only a few tons annually from sluicing operations. Placers may be developed in the vicinity of Ear Mountain, but the production in this vicinity will be small. On Lost River a few tons of residual placer tin may be recovered when water is available for sluicing. Anikovik River has a greater area of stream gravels which may be dredged than any of the other placers. A bedrock of finger slates, in a nearly vertical attitude and with numerous reefs, may interpose difficulties in dredging, involving a loss of some cassiterite and probably a con- siderable amount of the gold. The possibilities of the stream can not be stated. GRAPHITE MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. By George L. Harrington. The graphite deposits of Seward Peninsula have long been known, but a number of factors have hitherto prevented their exploitation and development. Gold has so long occupied the dominant position in the min- eral production of the district that other minerals have been but little considered by the miner. Moreover, gold mining possesses an exceptional advantage in that the product has usually an im- mediate local market through banks and merchants, at a reasonably high percentage of its value, the base price remaining constant. With other minerals, and especially with graphite, it has been neces- sary to obtain a higher grade of product than that which results directly from mining operations. With graphite hand sorting at the mine and further treatment after shipment to Seattle or San Francisco has been necessary before the material could be marketed. A system of treatment had to be developed and a market found for the refined product after tests had demonstrated its adaptability to certain uses and its unsuitability for others. The rather small market on the Pacific coast and the distance to the eastern market have also affected the output. Low prices until recently have been an additional drawback to mining in Alaska, where comparatively high prices for supplies and labor prevail. The high prices in 1917, combined with the fact that wages and southbound freight charges had increased but little, appeared to warrant extensive de- velopment of the deposits, provided a market could be developed. These deposits were described by Moffit 1 as follows : Graphite is abundant in some of the black schist beds belonging to the Nome and Kigluaik groups and gives them their characteristic color but is not known in a form to make it of economic importance within the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles. Just north of the Grand Central area, however, in the headwater areas of Grand Central River and Windy Creek, especially in the vicinity of the divide between these two streams, are graphite deposits of con- siderable size. Their occurrence, as well as that of graphite on the north side of the Kigluaik Range west of Cobblestone River, has been known for a long time, but only recently have they received especial attention from prospectors. 1 Moffit, F. H., Geology of the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 533, pp. 135-136, 1913. 364 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. A sharp ridge made up of biotite schist striking east and west and intruded by dikes and sills of coarse granitic rock or pegmatite rises on the south from the saddle between the Grand Central and Windy Creek. Some of the schist is highly graphitic, the graphite appearing as abundant small scales on the cleavage surface and much of it not being distinguishable on casual examina- tion from flakes of biotite. Locally graphite is segregated in beds or much flattened lenticular masses that conform in direction with the schist cleavage and reach thicknesses of 6, 8, or even 18 inches. These beds include thin layers of schist containing numerous large garnets and much quartz. The raw graphite found at this place is heavier than the higher grades of graphite, owing to its included quartz. The sills and dikes of pegmatite cutting the schist also contain graphite, which is associated with them in such a way as to suggest a close relationship between the intrusives and the graphite. Graphite appears to be an original mineral in the pegmatite as well as to be associated with it in the schist. At one place about 8 inches of solid graphite is included between a pegmatite sill and the overlying schist. The steep slopes of the mountain are strewn with graphite fragments, which, owing to the fact that they are much lighter in weight than either the schist or the pegmatite, appear more abundantly on the surface, especially in gullies where water has brought about a rough sorting. One block, with dimensions of approximately 7 feet, 6 feet, and 30 inches, consists of about equal thicknesses of schist and apparently almost pure graphite. The graphite-bearing schist extends eastward beyond the east fork of Grand Central River and westward across Windy Creek and the head of Cobblestone River to the region south of Imuruk Basin, in which the graphite is even more extensively developed than in the locality described and from which a number of commercial shipments have been made. Development work has been chiefly confined to those deposits on the north side of the Kigluaik or Sawtooth Range, west of Cobble- stone River. Most of the work has been limited to two groups of claims, those of the Alaska Graphite Mining Co. and those of the Uncle Sam Alaska Mining Syndicate. The claims of the first group lie about 4 miles east of Graphite Bay, an arm of Imuruk Basin, and 2 miles west of Cobblestone River. The camp of the other group is 2 miles south of Graphite Bay and about 2 miles west of the camp of the Alaska Graphite Mining Co. From Graphite Bay there is a moderately gently sloping gravel plain that extends up to the camps, the upper part of the slope being somewhat steeper than the lower part. The plain is formed of the gravels and alluvial debris, which were brought down from the higher parts of the range, and talus in interstream areas. Streams flow for short distances in V-shaped valleys, up to 50 feet deep through the talus accumulations, then their valleys widen and coalesce with the frontal plain of the range. At an elevation of 500 feet a distinct change in topography marks the contact of the talus and alluvial material with the underlying schists and gneisses, which form the steep north slope of the Kig- luaik Range. Graphite lenses are found along this steep slope for GRAPHITE MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. 365 several miles west of Cobblestone River. Development work has been confined to those outcrops which lie between elevations of 500 and 1,000 feet, although there are said to be other lenses higher up the slope. In September, when this area was visited, recent snows ex- tended down to about 750 feet, preventing any geologic work above that elevation. The lenses of graphite occur in association with quartz schists that carry biotite, but garnetiferous schists that carry some calcite are also locally present. Some of the quartz schists have the appearance of beds of metamorphosed sandstone. Tourmaline was noted in small grains in the graphite at one localit}^. Granitic rocks appear to make up a portion of the core of the range. The general trend of the schists in which the graphite occurs is a little north of west, and the dip is 60°-75° N. Locally there are two or three series of graphite lenses which are parallel in strike and dip, but it can not be positively stated, without further very detailed studies, that they represent more than one horizon which may have been repeated by faulting or close folding. The topographic situation and nearness to water transportation have favored development work at these deposits, in comparison with those which are said to occur for several miles eastward, extending along the front of the range beyond Cobblestone River, and appear- ing on the hill slopes or in the stream valleys which are incised into the range. The first claims were staked in 1900, but in the succeeding years little has been done until recently except assessment work. Small shipments have been made from time to time. for making mill tests or for samples of the material, but no steady production has been maintained. About 120 tons were shipped by the Uncle Sam Alaska Graphite Mining Syndicate in 1912, 1 but no shipment has been made by this company since. Assessment work has, however, been done on the nine claims of the group. As the lenses dip with the slope of the hillside, but more steeply, little work has been necessary to prove the existence of the bodies, and the assessment work has therefore taken the form of open cuts, from each of which a few sacks of graphite have been taken, so that there is now sacked and ready for shipping a considerable amount of hand-sorted graphite. Some of this graphite will require resacking before shipping. Two short tunnels have been driven on claims of this group. The development work to date has shown the presence of a number of lenses of graphite which may be continuous, but their size and continuity have not been proved. A small frame bunk house is the only building on the property. 1 Mertie, J. B., jr., U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 662, p. 449, 1917. 115086°— 19 24 366 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The property now being worked by the Alaska Graphite Co. con- sists of five claims which were staked in 1905 and three claims which were staked by N. Tweet in 1915 or 1916. In 1906 the bunk house on the property was built, and the following year about 35 tons of graphite was picked from the talus on the steep hillside and shipped. Other smaller shipments followed in succeeding years. Several tons of graphite were mined in 1916 but not shipped. In 1917 a large portion of the time of the seven men employed was con- sumed in making and repairing the road to Graphite Bay, as the unusually rainy weather during August made it necessary to cor- duroy the roads with alders, the only material at hand. In spite of this delay, however, a considerable tonnage of hand-picked graphite was mined from an open cut and shipped to San Francisco, together with that which was mined the previous year. Most of the production of 1916 and 1917 was made from an open pit about a hundred yards west of Glacier Creek, the first stream west of Cobblestone River. As exposed in the pit, the lens on which the mining was done had a width of 4 to 6 feet of graphite, the im- purities in which consisted of thin seams of quartz and schist. It appears in the bottom of the cut for a length of 30 feet, and the foot- wall has a height of about 20 feet. The graphite, which is exposed at one end of the cut, has a greater horizontal dimension than that given, and its vertical dimension has not been determined. On the east side of Glacier Creek a lens or series of closely spaced lenses of graphite that has a total vertical height of 400 feet or more is ex- posed. A few small open cuts afford some indications of a thickness which is comparable to that in the pit that is being worked. An 8-inch hydraulic pipe 400 feet long serves to convey the graphite from the pit to the loading station, 150 feet lower. Hand- sorting is done at the pit, and there are a number of tons of low- grade graphite on the dump. Transportation from the mine to Graphite Bay is by trucks drawn by a gasoline caterpillar tractor. At Graphite Bay the graphite is loaded on scows, which are towed to Teller, and there it is loaded on ocean steamers. In addition to the open pit near Glacier Creek there are a number of short tunnels and open cuts about a quarter or half a mile west of Glacier Creek, near the bunk house and cook tent of the company, from which there has been some production in previous years. On the steep hillside between the pit and bunk house are a num- ber of exposures of graphite, but little development work has been done to afford an indication of the size of the bodies. Some of these bodies, so far as can be told on a surface partly obscured by talus, are at least 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and a foot or more thick. GRAPHITE MINING IN SEWARD PENINSULA. 367 There appears to be an opportunity for the development of a large amount of graphite from these deposits. Transportation problems are relatively simple. If a sufficient tonnage is mined aerial trams, possibly of a gravity type, might be used from one or both, properties. For smaller tonnage good roads could be easily constructed for team or power haulage, and the power required for hauling loads would be small, on account of the generally uniform downhill slope to the shipping point. Graphite Bay affords a good shallow harbor, for numerous small coves and islands give protection from storms. If a mill should be erected at either property hydroelectric installa- tions would probably prove the more economical for summer opera- tions, power being derived from some of the small streams which cross the claims. For winter operations other power would be necessary. THE GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF THE KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. By George L. Harrington. INTRODUCTION. The principal work of the Geological Survey in the general region of the Kiwalik and Koyuk basins was done by three parties, those of Peters and Mendenhall, 1 who in 1900 ascended the Koyuk; of Witherspoon and Moffit, 2 who mapped both topographically and geologically the region south of Kotzebue Sound ; and of Smith and Eakin, 3 who mapped the area between Nulato, on the Yukon, and Council. In addition data in regard to water resources have been obtained through the work of F. F. Henshaw 4 in 1907 and 1909 and some geologic notes were also obtained by Mendenhall 5 at the close of the field season of 1901, when he visited the shores of Kotzebue Sound. The following report is based upon the reports of the earlier workers in this field, supplemented by data obtained by the writer during August, 1917, when he spent a few days in the vicinity of Candle, two days on Bear Creek, and about two weeks in the study of the gold and platinum placers of Sweepstakes and Dime creeks. No additional information was obtained regarding the region out- side of the Kiwalik, Bear Creek, and Koyuk drainage, but for the sake of completeness the drainage and geologic features of the adja- cent region are shown on the accompanying map (PI. X). The kindly hospitality of the miners and prospectors of the region is gladly and gratefully acknowledged by the writer, for without their assistance it would not have been possible to carry out the investiga- tions so easily or so speedily. 1 Mendenhall, W. C., A reconnaissance in the Norton Bay region, Alaska, in 1900 : U. S. Geol. Survey Special Pub., 1901. 2 Moffit, F. H., The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 247, 1905. 3 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay-Nulato region, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 449, 1911. 4 Henshaw, F. F., and Parker, G. L., Surface-water supply of Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 314, 1913. 5 Mendenhall, W. C., Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 10, 1902. 369 370 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917 . GEOLOGY. GENERAL FEATURES. The region covered by this report contains a number of geologic units. As far as possible these units have been mapped separately, but lack of outcrop and the brevity of the time spent not only by the writer but by other Survey parties engaged in geologic investigations in this region have prevented the obtaining of the information neces- sary for accurate mapping. Errors of detail may therefore occur, but the main geologic features will be found essentially as mapped. (See PI. X.) For the sake of completeness, the map is made larger than necessary to cover the work in 1917 in order to show the broader areal relations, which have been elucidated by the work of previous investigators. The oldest rocks of the region are the series of Paleozoic or older schists, slates, and limestones, which, in the northern portion of the area, appear mainly west of the Kiwalik, although to the east of this river some outcrops are known. The series extends south to Golofnin Sound, where it includes also some metamorphosed igneous rocks. A series of andesitic volcanic rocks, which embraces some water- land tuffs, and includes flows and breccias, occupies much of the area north of the Koyuk between the Kiwalik and the Buckland. These rocks have suffered some alteration, owing in part to weathering and in part to the stresses to which they have been subjected. Upon these and the other rocks Cretaceous sediments were deposited in large areas east of the East Fork of the Koyuk and of the West Fork of the Buckland, and in much smaller areas west of these streams. These rocks for the most part show considerable deformation of the beds, and although slaty cleavage has been developed in argillitic rock types, none show schistosity. At several geologic periods igneous activity has been mani- fested in this region by different types of intrusions, each in- trusion resulting in the deformation of some of the older rocks. Of this character are the greenstones of the Fish and Tubutolik river valleys, and the granites, monzonites, syenites, and diorites, which are found more or less widely distributed throughout the region, in many places, as at Kiwalik and Granite mountains, making up the highest points, or as in Bendeleben and Darby mountains constitut- ing an integral part of those ranges. After the deformation of the Cretaceous beds, which probably oc- curred during early Tertiary time and was caused by intrusions such as those of Granite Mountain, there appears to have been pe- riods of alternate elevation and depression of the land surface with respect to sea level, but these movements have been of regional rather than local character, and though there may have been some slight 1917 . GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 371 tilting of the land surface there has been no folding. During later Tertiary time vegetal material accumulated to form lignite beds such as those at the head of the Kiwalik. Somewhat later in the Tertiary period or early in the Quaternary period lavas covered much of the terrane of what is now the base of Seward Peninsula and may have covered some of the region now occupied by Norton Bay. The events of the Quaternary period are so involved that it will require much more detailed studies than it has been possible to make to work out the complex history of the unconsolidated deposits of that period. Oscillations of the land surface have caused inun- dations, and each change of base-level has affected the topography. The stream valleys were overflowed by the sea, which later withdrew either partly or wholly. In those areas not inundated, and in the inundated areas after their emergence, the processes of erosion normal to subarctic climates, including frost disintegration and soil flow, have been active. There has resulted an almost universal cover of Quaternary deposits, which ranges in thickness from a few inches to 200 feet or more. In a general way the covering due to rock dis- integration in place and to solifluction has been mapped with the underlying bedrock, and only those deposits of alluvial or marine origin have been represented on the map. PALEOZOIC ROCKS. The Paleozoic rocks in the northern part of the region have been described by Moffit 1 as follows: Under the head of “ Metamorphic series ” are grouped together a number of rock types of widely different character, the relationships of which are difficult to establish clearly, and the ages of which are in doubt. They possess the com- mon characteristics of having been in all cases greatly altered from their origi- nal condition at the time of consolidation. The changes include the folding of the beds and the production of secondary structures, such as schistosity, cleav- age, jointing, or faulting, resulting from pressure and the various movements of the rock mass ; the recrystallization of the mineral constituents and the devel- opment of new minerals ; the infiltration of quartz, giving the numerous veins, stringers, and lenses of that mineral which are so frequent in the outcrops and are so important in some places because of their gold content ; the peculiarities of structure due to the intrusion of large masses of igneous rock ; and other less noticeable features. The series includes massive and thin-bedded crystalline limestones and marbles, banded black and gray slates, and a variety of schistose rocks, both sedimentary and igneous, among which are micaceous, graphitic, quartzose, chloritic, felspathic, and amphibolitic phases. In the mapping, as far as practicable, the limestones have been shown separately from the other Paleozoic rocks. In the area vis- ited during the summer of 1917 the Paleozoic rocks were seen only in 1 Moffit, F. H., The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 247, p. 19, 1905. 372 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. the vicinity of Candle and in the Haycock Ridge between Dime Creek and the Landing. At both places the strike is about N. 20° E., and the dip is nearly vertical or steeply to the west. Schist pebbles were also seen in the gravels of Wilson Creek, at the head of the Kiwalik drainage, although no outcrops were noted. A few pebbles of slate and schist were taken from the bottoms of prospect holes on Little Eldorado Creek, and schist was seen at a few places on the east slope of the ridge farther south. The rounded knobs from which Haycock Ridge derived its name are of a light-gray schistose limestone. It is flanked on the east by a metamorphosed argillitic rock. The gravels on the claims below Discovery on Dime Creek contain slate pebbles which may be derived from them or which may represent a some- what metamorphosed phase of some of the more argillaceous Creta- ceous rocks. No reliable estimate of the thickness of this group of rocks can be made, for although they are in places nearly vertical in attitude, and horizontal distance would therefore ordinarily afford an ap- proximation of their thickness, they are badly faulted and show some folding, so that probably there has been much duplication of bedding. Definite age determinations have not been possible for the indi- vidual members of the Paleozoic. From the earlier work of Smith and Eakin 1 there appears to be ground for the belief that these rocks range in age from pre- Silurian and possibly pre-Cambrian to Car- boniferous, and that the greenstones which intrude them are prob- ably Devonian or Carboniferous. ANDESITIC TUFFS, FLOWS, AND BRECCIAS. In the region extending from the Koyuk, near the East Fork, northward along the Buckland-Kiwalik divide, is a complex series of volcanic rocks, chiefly andesitic in character but also including diabases and peridotites. These rocks occupy one of the areas mapped by Smith and Eakin 2 as “undifferentiated, nomnet amorphic in- trusives and effusives.” In the northern part of the Buckland- Kiwalik area they were • grouped in mapping by Moffit 3 with the much later basalts. In the present report the basalts have been partly separated in mapping, but north of Quartz Creek the data at hand are not sufficient to warrant an attempt at separation, and the an- desites as mapped, therefore, include areas of the later basalts. A number of different phases occur in this series in a section that was examined for several hundred feet along Sweepstakes Creek. 1 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay-Nulato region, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 449, pp. 93-95, 1911. 2 Idem, pi. 6. 2 Moffit, F. H., op. cit., pi. 3. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 373 Typical graywacke beds appear, together with conglomerates and tuffaceous rock, yet they are composed of fragments of the near-by distinctively effusive andesites or of essentially the same minerals. These rocks, which are sedimentary in origin, are not greatly differ- ent in appearance from the effusive types, and it is not always pos- sible to separate the two without recourse to a microscopic examina- tion of thin sections. Practically all are dark gray, usually with a strong greenish tinge. Porphyritic facies are fairly common and the coarser grained of these are locally known as “diorite.” Different degrees of metamorphism have been suffered by the series in different parts of the area; west of Granite Creek, between it and the bend of Sweepstakes Creek, and half a mile below the Hot Springs on Spring Creek, the rocks have been deformed and appear to be much jointed, faulted, and sheared and to have a considerable development of quartz and calcite veins. Elsewhere they have suffered little de- formation, as at the head of Greenstone Creek, where they can not be readily distinguished from the much later basalts, which here are less vesicular than usual. One of the features of a phase of these rocks on Dime and Sweep- stakes creeks is the weathering along closely spaced joints, so that it is difficult to get a fresh fracture surface, as the rock tends to break along the joints. The brownish-black weathered surface is termed “ burnt rock ” or “burnt lava ” by the miners. Typically these rocks consist of phenocrysts of plagioclase, chiefly andesine, and augite in a finer groundmass; of similar composition, and accessory magnetite is usually present. Ilmenite and olivine may be present also in some specimens. Secondary minerals give the rock its green color and consist largely of chlorite and some horn- blende. With the rocks of this composition, which are essentially extrusive in character, intrusive rocks are closely associated in some small areas. The intrusives are generally of a more basic character and include gabbros, diabases, and peridotites, the last characterized by their dark color, as they consist essentially of olivine and a dark pyroxene. From these rocks the platinum is probably derived, as well as the chrome spinel, which together with the olivine appears in the con- centrates wherever platinum has been found in this area. Several factors prevent the determination of the attitude of these rocks. Exposures in undisturbed outcrops are not especially com- mon and where present are generally massive, showing little or no structural features. On Sweepstakes Creek, on some of the sedi- mentary beds, strikes ranging from northeast to east and steep north- erly dips were observed. These rocks are much disturbed, as shown by the exposures on Spring Creek, yet from their wide distribu- tion and the general lack of infolded older or younger geologic 374 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. units, it is apparent that the series must have a maximum thickness of several thousand feet. Data as to the age of these rocks do not permit a statement of the exact time of their formation. They are younger than the Paleozoic rocks and older than the Cretaceous sediments, so that they may be very late Paleozoic or early or middle Mesozoic. As the basic coarsely granular intrusives in this series are not known to occur elsewhere, they are probably closely related in age to the rocks in which they occur. GRANITES, SYENITES, AND DIORITES. The granitic rocks in the southern portion of the area have been described by Mendenhall 1 and by Smith and Eakin , 2 and those in the northern portion by Moffit . 3 Only one area of these rocks was seen by the writer, the intrusive mass which forms Granite Mountain. Moffit 4 describes these rocks as follows : Hornblende is the prevailing dark mineral of the granites, but at times biotite takes its place. By a decrease in the amount of quartz the granites ap- proach syenites in composition, such phases being characterized by the abun- dance and large size of orthoclase crystals, which usually show Carlsbad twin- ning and have a roughly parallel arrangement, with the small intervening spaces filled with hornblende, biotite, and a small amount of quartz. Titanite is abundant. Moffit 4 also describes a garnet pyroxene malignite which is re- lated to the syenitic rocks just mentioned. Similar types appear in the gravels of Cub Creek, and black garnets (melanite) from the same source are very common in the concentrates from Rube Creek and less so in those from Sweepstakes. Coarsely porphyritic rocks of approximately the same nature are found on Sweepstakes Creek near the mouth of Granite. Near the hot springs on Spring Creek the rock is a typical diorite, composed essentially of plagioclase feldspars and hornblende, together with small amounts of accessory constituents. Dikes of syenitic type cut the andesite series, so that the dikes are the younger. From the fact that the pebbles of the Cretaceous con- glomerate 5 along the East Fork-Buckland divide are similar in char- acter to these igneous rocks, their pre- Cretaceous age appears to be well established. Possibly, however, some of the types are pre- Cretaceous, whereas others were not intruded until later and are approximately synchronous with the deformation of the Cretaceous sediments. 1 Mendenhall, W. C., Reconnaissance in the Norton Bay region, Alaska, in 1900 : U. S. Geol. Survey Special Pub., p. 204, 1901. 2 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., op. cit., pp. 64-70. 3 Moffit, F. H., The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Bull. 247, pp. 27-30, 1905. 4 Idem, p. 29. e Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., op. cit., p. 56. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 375 CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. From a study of the distribution of the Cretaceous rocks of western Alaska it appears that at the beginning of the Cretaceous period a broad valley or embayment occupied much of the area east of the Darby Mountains, which included much of the Kovuk, lower Yukon, Innoko, and lower Kuskokwim valleys. Scattered through this wide area were small land areas, such as the Kaiyuh Mountains and their northeastern extension, as well as minor elevated points, which for a time furnished material for the vast amount of sediments of this age but which were later covered by transported silts and sands derived from other sources. In this region the presence of the early Cretaceous has not been proved. During that epoch it probably con- stituted a portion of the land surface. During later Cretaceous time, however, by a subsidence of the region now occupied by rocks of that age, the sea gradually encroached upon the land areas. Where the coasts were bold and rocky, like much of the present southern coast of Seward Peninsula between the mouth of the Kwiniuk River and Topkok Head, conglomerates were deposited. The offshore de- posits were sands, and the zone of conglomerates was relatively nar- row. Where the sea encroached upon delta areas, as at the mouth of the Tubutulik or Kwik or the much larger deltas of streams cor- responding to the Yukon, much finer sediments were laid down, such as fine sands and silts, which later by consolidation formed sand- stones, shales, and slates. The offshore deposits were practically all shales, some of which were somewhat calcareous. The coal beds of this age were probably accumulated in swampy areas but little above sea level, where the climatic conditions of that time particularly fav- ored vegetal growth and accumulation. The distribution of the Cretaceous sediments is indicated on the map (PI. X) , but several areas, such as the small areas on Peace River and the coal-bearing bed of the Kugruk, have not been delineated. Several types of deposits are illustrated by the rocks in the valley of Dime Creek, or near it. At the mouth of Silver Gulch the con- glomerates represent the near-shore or beach deposits along a coast, the rocks of which were Paleozoic limestones and slates. The peb- bles of the conglomerate are largely of these two lithologic types. Farther out in the valley of Dime Creek much finer grained rocks appear. They are highly calcareous, showing that the probable source of a large portion of the grains composing them was the lime- stone. Quartz grains and clayey material make up most of the re- mainder of the sandstones. The grits and fine conglomerates found near the landing are charac- terized by the presence of great numbers of small white rounded quartz pebbles. It appears likely that these sediments represent either 376 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. stream or offshore deposits. Quartz veins in the Paleozoic rocks were the source of the pebbles. In the valley of Peace River a little evidence of the former presence of Cretaceous rocks is found, and it is probable that detailed examina- tions of all the exposures, and of fragments of bedrock from the numerous prospect holes would reveal a much wider occurrence of these sediments than the present mapping indicates. On Flat Creek fragments of sandstone were seen on the dump of a prospect hole, and on Moon Creek, less than half a mile from the river, another dump showed fragments of slate and many white pebbles similar to those in the grits. These pebbles were probably of local origin, rather than stream-borne gravels. The other areas of Cretaceous rocks have been described by Smith and Eakin 1 and are essentially the same in character as in the vicinity of Dime Creek. Fossil plants 2 * from the Kwik-Tubutulik divide serve to establish the Cretaceous age of the series. Moffit s correlates the beds associated with the coal on the Kugruk with those of the Koyuk. TERTIARY ROCKS. It is not known how long sedimentation continued after the close of the Cretaceous. In near-by regions there is reason to believe that it was uninterrupted until well into the Eocene. By that time a con- siderable thickness of Cretaceous beds had accumulated, a large por- tion of which has since been eroded. At or near the close of the Eocene, however, earth movements of considerable magnitude took place 4 in different parts of Alaska, and this region was affected by them. Igneous intrusions along the axes of the folds accompanied this diastrophism. Some of the rocks of the Granite Mountain area, already described, and the accompanying dikes, which are found on Bear and Candle creeks, may be of this character. Smith and Eakin 5 describe a series of rocks which range in charac- ter from augite andesite to augite diorite in the vicinity of Christmas Mountain, and on the Shaktolik quartz porphyry was found by them. These rocks are post-Cretaceous. The topography formed by these intrusions and the earth move- ments was much more rugged than that of the present, and conse- quently there was little or no deposition of terrestrial sediments until quite late in the Tertiary, when land forms comparable in character with those now found had been developed. In some of the basins of 1 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., op. cit., pp. 54-60. 2 Idem, p. 56. 2 Moffit, F. H., op. cit. p. 26. 4 Brooks, A. H., The geography and geology of Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 45, p. 266, 1906. B Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., op. cit., pp. 70-71. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 377 that time terrestrial deposits were formed. It is not possible to state the extent of these deposits, both on account of the small amount of field work and on account of their great resemblance to alluvial ma- terial of considerably later age. One area has been described by Smith and Eakin 1 as occurring on the Rathlatulik. Another small area was observed by the writer on Wilson Creek, one of the head- water streams of the Kiwalik. At both areas are deposits of lignite in association with clays. On Wilson Creek the lignite is several feet thick and contains squeezed and carbonized tree trunks of small size. Overlying it is a bluish clay, which is oxidized to yellow on the surface. This clay has crept or flowed over the lignite until it has almost completely covered it. A small amount of lignite had been mined and the open- ing showed that the bed was at about the level of the creek. Appar- ently overlying the clay were basalt flows, which crop out on the west bank of the stream about 75 yards or less from it. About 200 yards farther downstream, at a second small cropping, a thickness of 6 or 8 inches of lignite was exposed. Neither the rocks above or below it were exposed, and the lignite was partly covered by moss and other vegetation. There is no direct evidence of the age of these deposits, whether Tertiary or Quaternary. From the fact that they are apparently older than the basalts, which are believed to have been extruded dur- ing the late Tertiary or early Quaternary, an assumption of late Tertiary age is made. BASALTS. Vesicular basalts, generally containing olivine and in places, as at St. Michael, associated with tuffs, are widely distributed in western Alaska, especially at the base of I.Seward Peninsula and the near-by regions to the south. In the Kiwalik-Koyuk region they occupy areas comparable in size with those of any other lithologic unit and form the divides between the Koyuk and the Buckland, the Koyuk and the Kiwalik, and the divide at the heads of the Koyuk, Kuzitrin, and Goodhope. They probably occupy considerably larger areas along the Kiwalik-Buckland divide than the map shows, and for- merly their extent was certainly much greater than now. Thus, the entire valley of Peace River may have been filled, so that the areas on either side of the river near Moon Creek were continuous, and, in- deed, the three large areas already mentioned may have been con- tinuous. The basalts would thus have filled the entire valley of the Koyuk and extended south to include the area north of the Mukluk- tulik and that on the Tubutulik. Possibly the area at the head of the Koyuk had a different source and did not reach the other flows. 1 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., op. cit., p. 140. 378 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Whether there was a connection between these flows and those on the south side of Norton Sound has not been proved. Concerning the lavas along the Koyuk, Mendenhall 1 states : The lava is a green, gray, or black rock, the color depending in part upon its freshness. It is compact or vesicular and usually porphyritic, olivine being the most conspicuous of the phenocrysts, although plagioclase is recognizable mega- scopically in some instances. Sometimes the vesicles are filled with opal ; more frequently they are without filling. The rock varies in texture, having sometimes a very glassy groundmass and in other cases showing a coarse, well-defined, interstitial arrangement with almost no glass. * * * The basalt beds have not been disturbed since they were poured out. They are horizontal wherever their attitude is determinable and overlie all the other rocks. Moffit, 2 3 after describing the lavas west of the Kugruk, says : The basalts and diabases of the area west of Kiwalik River are somewhat different in occurrence from those previously described, in that they are found at considerably higher elevations and apparently are not directly connected with those of the more western area. The hills facing Kiwalik River on the east are largely made up of lavas in which the diabases predominate over the basalts. Sheeted flows do not occur frequently, and under the microscope the rock is seen at times to be somewhat altered. Whether the Kiwalik-Buckland-Koyuk flows were connected with those at the head of the Koyuk is not readily apparent. Probably the lavas were discharged from different vents, even though the Koyuk from its source to its mouth was once filled. F rom the features which have been described by Moffit it appears likely that some of the lavas from the vents at the head of the Koyuk are relatively recent. On the lower Koyuk, however, there is the evidence of the erosion of a thick- ness of 200 feet or more of these rocks from the valley of Peace River, by a relatively small stream, which, however, probably had a gradient much greater than it now possesses. Valleys cut since the extrusion of the lava have been filled to a depth of nearly 200 feet with gravel, and new channels, such as the present course of the Koyuk, were again cut. From this evidence it is apparent that the lavas must have been extruded in either Tertiary or very early Quaternary time. QUATERNARY DEPOSITS. Since the extravasation of the lavas, which in this area at least probably occurred in late Tertiary time, there have been oscillations of this portion of the earth’s crust which have caused the submersion and emergence of the land surface and which were possibly repeated several times. These movements took place with little or no attend- ant warping or folding. From the forms of the valleys and the 1 Mendenhall, W. C., A reconnaissance in the Norton Bay region, Alaska, in 1900: U. S. Geol. Survey Special Pub., p. 206, 1901. 3 Moffit, F. H., op. cit., p. 34. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 379 depths of gravels, which in places lie well below sea level, it is ap- parent that the land surface once stood at least 50 feet or more higher than it does at present with regard to sea level. An elevation of 100 feet, which is by no means improbable, would now make a land surface of Norton Bay and much of Norton Sound. Throughout the Quaternary period erosion was in progress wher- ever the land lay above sea level. From the erosional debris a com- plex series of imbricated unconsolidated marine and alluvial deposits was formed through surface oscillations and filled the lowlands and stream valleys. Sections of these deposits are obtainable only from prospect holes and show alternations of sand and gravel. In places their thickness is more than 200 feet. On Dime Creek holes over 100 feet deep have been sunk. In some of these holes fragments of shells have been found, but the fragments are not of a nature to permit a determination of their character and age. The older gravels are indistinguishable from those that occur along the present stream courses and beaches, so that possibly some of them may antedate the extrusion of the basalts, but until more definite information is at hand as to the age of both the basalts and the older gravels, it appears logical to assume that the basalts are of Tertiary age and that the gravels, some of which contain basalt pebbles, are of Quaternary age. In addition to those deposits of alluvial or marine origin, uncon- solidated debris and organic deposits cover much of the surface. Mechanical disintegration through different phases of weathering produces an angular rock talus on all uncovered slopes ; this material is gradually transported to the bottoms of the valleys by solifluction, of which gravity and the action of frost appear to be the principal forces. A large number of the gentler slopes show the lobate forms which characterize soil flows, and the scarps at their front may be exceptionally as much as 6 to 10 feet high, but normally are 1 to 2 feet. Except on the very steepest slopes and on some of the strongly wind-swept higher ridges there is an almost universal covering of vegetation, largely mosses and lichens. This vegetation serves to hold moisture and also to prevent the melting of the underlying frozen, moisture-saturated peaty material, thus perpetuating the conditions most favorable for growths of this kind. As a result ex- tensive bogs cover much of the area, on the broad, flat-topped ridges at moderate elevations as well as in the lowlands. In the flatter areas there is a tendency toward an accumulation of peat, but on the slopes, the vegetation is disturbed by the soil movements and shows less tendency to accumulate. 380 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. MINERAL RESOURCES. HISTORY OF MINING DEVELOPMENT. Soon after the discovery of gold at Nome there was active pros- pecting over much of the more readily accessible streams of Seward Peninsula, and Candle Creek was staked 1 during July, 1901. Bear Creek was staked and recorded in August of the same year but is said to have been staked though not recorded 1 in 1900. Mining has resulted in a considerable production yearly from Candle Creek. The annual output from Bear Creek has shown considerable variation; in some years little or no production was made. In the basin of the Koyuk some prospecting has been done on a number of streams during the period from 1899 or 1900 2 up to the present. A summary of this work up to 1909 is included in the report of Smith and Eakin. 3 Until that time no workable placers had been discovered in the Koyuk region. In 1909 some prospecting had been done on Peace River near the mouth of Sweepstakes Creek, and in the fall of that year Sweepstakes Creek was staked for about 9 miles, practically its entire length, by S. B. Smith and several associates. After prospecting for a number of years, the title to the lower 4 miles of the creek was allowed to lapse. Gold valued at a few thousand dollars is said to have been taken out from this creek in 1910, and an average annual production between $4,000 and $5,000 is reported for the period from 1910 to 1917, inclusive. In 1910 Dime Creek was staked and some prospecting was done on some of the lower claims, but no commercial placer ground was dis- covered. Rube Creek, then called Diamond Creek, is also said to have been staked the same year, and a small amount of prospecting was done but with negative results. No further work was done by the original holders of this ground, and their title was lost. In 1915 Dime Creek was again prospected, and gold was discovered at the mouth of Eldorado Creek on April 4. On the hypothesis that the gold had been derived from the metamorphic rocks which form the divide between Peace River and Dime Creek, the discoverers staked the first claims on Eldorado Creek, leaving what proved to be the richest ground open to staking by later comers, who staked not only the creek but the first and second tier bench claims, on both the right and left limits of Dime Creek. Many of its smaller tributaries 1 Moffit, F. H., The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 247, p. 50, 1905. 2 Mendenhall, W. C., A reconnaissance in the Norton Bay region, Alaska, in 1900 : U. S. Geol. Survey Special Pub., p. 212, 1901. 3 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay-Nulato region, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 449, pp. 110-115, 1911. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 381 have also been staked, as have a number of the near-by tributary streams and gulches of both Koyuk and Peace rivers, as well as some of the tributaries of Sweepstakes Creek. A number of claims were staked on Rube Creek and some small gulches tributary to it on March 31, 1917. When the first claims were staked on Sweepstakes and later on Dime Creek, recording had to be done at Council, as the Koyuk Basin lay within the limits of the Council City precinct. To facili- tate recording, however, a new precinct was formed by dividing the Council City precinct into the Council City and the Koyuk precincts. The Koyuk precinct, as defined by a decree of the court dated De- cember 28, 1916, includes the drainage basins of the Inglutalik, Koyuk, and Kwik rivers, as well as a few small streams that lie between the Inglutalik and Kwik and that flow into Norton Bay. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. Candle, on the northern side of the peninsula, is located on Kiwalik River, about 7 miles from the town of Kiwalik, at the mouth of the river, where supplies are brought in summer by small coast- wise vessels from Nome or by the larger freighters direct from San Francisco or Seattle. They are carried up the river in shallow- draft power scows. The effects of the higher tides are sometimes noted at Candle. On the other hand, at normal or low stages of water, if a south wind is blowing, considerable difficulty may be ex- perienced in reaching Candle by boat, for the wind may be sufficient to overcome the effects of the incoming tide. In summer the mail is brought from Nome by a small coasting vessel, on a two or three weeks’ schedule, which may be lengthened to nearly a month by un- favorable conditions. In winter communication and transportation of the mail is by dog team, and the mail is on a fortnightly schedule. There is a telephone line from Candle to Nome, and a local line from Candle out to Candle Creek. Bear Creek is about 40 miles from Candle, with which it is con- nected by a wagon trail that is poorly defined on some of the wide, flat- topped tundra-covered ridges over which it runs. Most of the mining supplies are brought to Bear Creek in the spring by horse team and sled, although some supplies are brought in by wagon dur- ing the summer. Mail for this creek goes to Candle. It is about 15 miles from Bear Creek over Granite Mountain to Sweepstakes Creek, at the mouth of Granite Creek, about 10 miles from Sweepstakes to the road house on Dime Creek, and about 7 miles from there to the place known as Dime Landing, or simply “the Landing,” on Koyuk River. A number of small gasoline 115086°— 19 25 382 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. schooners, some of which made an effort to maintain a 6-day round- trip schedule, afford frequent communication between Nome, Golof- nin (Cheenik), and the Landing. During the summer of 1917 mails were brought on a monthly schedule to Golofnin from Nome and St. Michael and carried from there to the Koyuk. Haycock post office is located at the mining center on Dime Creek. F reighting was done from the Landing to the creek over two very soft trails. The miners on Sweepstakes got in most of their supplies during the win- ter, but some freighting was also done by wagon during the summer. SUPPLIES. A large part of the supplies for both Candle and Dime creeks are brought from Nome. The local rate from Nome to Kiwalik was $20 ; that from Seattle to Kiwalik on general merchandise in 1917 was $19 for less than car-lot shipments and $14 for car lots, not including lighterage. Freight from Kiwalik to Candle was $5 a ton. From Candle to the mouth of Patterson Creek (claim 19 above Discovery), the summer rate was 2J cents a pound. A considerable amount of the tonnage of supplies to all the creeks in the area consists of gasolene and distillate for use of the engines used in pumping or on the dredge on Candle Creek. A fairly good wagon road to the mining plants makes summer freighting at Candle but little more difficult than that to many mining camps in the States. Supplies are hauled as far as possible in winter. Supplies are obtained on the Koyuk from both Nome and Golofnin, and the freight rate from Nome to the Landing on the Koyuk is $20 a ton. An example of the effect of poor roads on the cost of haulage is shown by the fact that the summer rate from the Landing to Dime Creek is 4 cents a pound, when the hauling is done over the extremely poor and rough roads across the tundra, whereas the winter rate is 1 cent a pound, when the hauling is done. by sleds and the roads are fairly good. The cost of freight from Seattle to Nome, when added to the charges just mentioned, makes prices at Dime Creek about 6 cents a pound higher than those in Seattle through transportation charges alone. At one of the stores on the creek the following prices were charged in August, 1917: Potatoes, 12 cents; flour, 12 cents; bacon, 60 cents; ham, 50 cents; sugar, 16^ cents a pound. A road is to be constructed by the Territorial Koad Commission from the Land- ing to the center of mining operations on Dime Creek, and this should reduce the cost of transportation considerably. During the winter and spring of 1916-17 supplies were difficult to obtain, largely on account of the shortage of teams for hauling. In the fall of 1917 conditions had improved, for in addition to two or three teams used for private hauling there were two teams engaged GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 383 in freighting, and it was reported that others were coming. If a shortage occurs during the winter, supplies could be freighted from Golofnin. Little wild game, except ducks and geese, is to be found in this, region. Rabbits are sometimes plentiful. Ptarmigan are scarce. Occasionally bear are seen, but not often. The few caribou that are reported here have probably strayed from one of the reindeer herds which are pastured near by. In the smaller streams, where mining operation have not muddied the water, both grayling and trout are found. In the larger streams salmon are caught and dried for dog feed. TIMBER AND COAL. A scanty growth of spruce covers parts of eastern Seward Peninsula, and good-sized trees are found along the high, well-drained banks of the larger streams up to about 400 feet elevation or possibly a little higher. There is no timber in the vicinity of Candle, although it grows on the upper part of the Kiwalik and Buckland rivers. In the Koyuk basin good-sized timber, suitable for ginpoles or masts for mining, is found along some of the larger tributaries, such as Peace River and the East Fork. Timber is present for only a short dis- tance up Sweepstakes Creek. A fair growth is said to have once fringed Dime Creek, but this has been removed and there now re- mains only scattered stunted trees common to poorly drained and boggy hillsides, although some of the steeper-sided valleys, where the drainage is better, support timber which furnishes excellent fuel, and even house logs are obtained. A large number of logs of good size will be required in the construction of the road from the Landing to Dime Creek, and this will materially decrease the available timber. Gasoline and distillate are used generally wherever pumping is to be done and on the dredge on Candle Creek. Coal is the principal fuel used in the vicinity of Candle, but on Dime Creek its use appears to be confined mainly to domestic purposes at present. Within a very short time it will be necessary, on account of the scarcity of timber, to use coal or oil for power and thawing in mining operations also. It appears likely that the production of gold in 1917 would have been somewhat larger had there been a sufficient number of teams to haul wood for fuel during the spring and early in the summer, and mining operations could then have been carried on much later than they were. It is said that some wood was hauled by dog teams. The cost of wood at the boilers ranged from $16 to $20 a cord. Lignite is obtainable in the Candle district from the vicinity of Chi- cago Creek, on the Kugruk. This coal formerly sold at about $30 in Candle, but none had been brought from the mine in 1915, 1916, or 384 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. 1917, and bituminous coal, which had been shipped in, was used. It cost about twice as much as the Kugruk coal but was rated about twice as high for steaming. Coal of a generally similar character is found near the mouth of the Koyuk, just about at sea level, where one 4- foot seam is said to be exposed. Near by is a 2-foot seam, and several seams of a few inches in width also occur. In this connection it is interesting to note that a fragment of coal was picked up from the dump of a prospect hole at about claim 9 below Discovery on Dime Creek, together with some angular sandstone pebbles, indicating that the coal series is probably present in this general vicinity. An analysis of the coal at the mouth of the Koyuk, made for Mr. John La Montaigne, is given for comparison with that from the Kugruk. Analyses of coal from Seward Peninsula. Koyuk coal. Kugruk coal.® Fixed carbon 39.87 33.58 Volatile combustible 33.94 38. 15 Moisture 19.89 24.92 Ash 5.86 3.85 Sulphur .44 .68 100. 00 101. 18 a Analysis made in laboratory of the Geological Survey. See Moffit, F. H., The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 247, p. 67, 1905. The locality on the Koyuk was not visited, but it is said to be near or at tidewater, and some difficulty might be had at times in mining on account of flooding the workings. This coal is about 20 miles from the scene of mining operations on Dime Creek, and winter haulage should present little difficulty. Summer haulage might be attempted by boating the coal up to the Landing in scows and haul- ing it by wagon from there. If the deposit is workable, it should furnish a fuel at least as good as wood at about the same price a ton as the wood costs a cord. Another possible source of fuel is the lignite on Wilson Creek, one of the headwater tributaries of Kiwalik River. This deposit lies about 2 or 3 miles from Sw T eepstakes Creek, and is therefore between 12 and 14 miles from Dime Creek. A small opening has been made on the lignite, but it was badly caved at the time of the writer's visit and but little could be told of the nature of the bed or its extent. It lies on the west bank of the creek, and apparently has a slight dip into the bank and upstream. The lignite is extremely fibrous and contains tree stems, in some of which the annular rings are still plainly discernible, the wood apparently being altered but little, although it appears carbonized. A thickness of 3 feet was exposed in the face by digging, but from the occurrence of the coal in the GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 385 caved-in adit, it appears that the total thickness is much greater, 7 or 8 feet or even more not being improbable. Overlying the coal is a very stiff gummy clay, and apparently overlying the clay are basaltic lavas. The lignite was exposed along the stream for a distance of about 15 feet, but most of it was covered by the clay, which had crept down over it. Fragments of the lignite appear below the outcrop in the stream gravels for several yards. About 200 yards down- stream a second outcrop shows a thickness of a few inches, but the thickness of the deposit may be much more than this. It has been used to a small extent for domestic purposes and seems to be quite satisfactory. No tests had been macA, so far as known, of its suitability for making steam. WATER. As in many other parts of Seward Peninsula, the question of a water supply in this region is serious, and numerous expedients have been adopted to utilize the water that is available. Ditches have been constructed and pumps are used to some extent, probably much more than in most Alaskan mining districts. Where winter work is done, a large part of the sluicing of the winter dumps is done with the flood waters which result from the melting of the winter snows. In the vicinity of Candle the problem is especially serious. A ditch from west-side tributaries of the Kiwalik furnishes water for hydraulicking operations on John Bull Hill, near Candle, but at times during the season the ditch carries so little water that mining is impossible. The same conditions prevail on Candle Creek and its tributaries, but the dredge can operate in its pond, even though but little additional water is coming in. Those plants which pump w T ater are somewhat better off than those which depend on ditch water for sluicing, although some losses of gold are probably entailed in the use of dirty water. On the benches there is difficulty in getting water, and often short ditches are cut in the face of the hillsides to catch the run-off for use in sluicing, in connection with the water obtained from some of the small depressions. At times Patterson Creek car- ries considerable water, and this has been utilized in mining. It is said that if water was available, it would pay to groundsluice off the overburden from a number of claims on the benches and to rework the old piles of tailings as well. It may be possible to work some of this ground with water from the Kiwalik ditch after the exhaustion of the placer gravels upon which the ditch company is now operating, but rather extensive surveys would be necessary in order to determine how much of the Candle Creek benches could be worked in this manner. 386 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. On Bear Creek the problem of water supply is much less serious than elsewhere, largely because the water for the ditch and other mining plants is taken from streams that head in a high ridge on which there is a much greater and more frequent precipitation than elsewhere in the region. In dry seasons, however, even on this creek a shortage of water is sometimes felt. Aside from the operations of the ditch company, mining is being done on the beds of small streams which usually furnish sufficient water for sluicing the auriferous gravels as they are shoveled into the boxes. In a general way the conditions on Sweepstakes Creek are analo- gous to those on Bear Creek, for the streams that head in the high peak of Granite Mountain usually have a flow of water sufficient for all the operations now being carried on. The same conditions prevail in part on Rube Creek and other tributaries of Peace River, but the flow of these streams is normally only moderate in amount, and difficulty may arise in protracted periods of dry weather in getting sufficient water to carry on mining operations, if more than one or two plants are at work, unless additional supplies are obtained from near-by creeks. On Dime Creek the conditions as regards water supply somewhat resemble those on Candle Creek, and conservation and complete utili- zation are aimed at. The latest claims staked on the benches are con- fronted with the greatest problems, for the rights of the earlier staker to creek water which may be brought onto the benches must be ob- served, and recourse is had, therefore, to numerous expedients, such as pumping the dirty water from the creek or digging wing ditches on the hillside above to collect spring and summer run-off. The supply of water of these systems is frequently augmented by the construction of ditches to one or more small draws or pups. A fairly satisfactory supply of water is obtained in this way for sluicing winter dumps, but for continuous summer work it will prove far from satisfactory. Stripping operations by groundsluicing are practically limited to those claims which have ditch water obtained from the creek, or which pump the water from and return it to the creek. WAGES AND LABOR CONDITIONS. The wages common to most Alaskan camps, $5 a day and board and higher wages to hoistmen and blacksmiths, are also paid in this region. Both at Candle and at Dime Creek most of the mining is done during the winter, and only a subordinate amount during the summer, although there is some prospecting in the summer. On Candle Creek most of the summer work is done on the shallow ground of the creek. On Bear and Sweepstakes creeks only summer open- cut work is done. On Dime Creek summer operations were confined to three plants which were open cutting and to a small amount of GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF RIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 387 underground work, largely of a nature preparatory to winter mining. A considerable amount of prospecting and ditch construction was also done. At Candle but few men were idle who wanted employment, for the road-repair work engaged most of those who had worked in the mines during the winter. On Dime Creek a number of men were idle during August. GOLD PLACERS. PHYSIOGRAPHY. The origin of the placers is so intimately connected with the physiographic history of the region that it is appropriate to discuss this feature in connection with the placers, and an interpretation of the topographic forms may throw some light on the mode of concen- tration of these deposits. A striking topographic feature in many parts of the region be- tween Eschscholtz Bay and Norton Bay is the terraced character of many of the hills and mountains. These terraces attain the greatest prominence in areas of massive, well-indurated rocks like the gran- ites or the series of agglomerates, tuffs, and flows of an andesitic character which lie chiefly north of the Koyuk. Moffit 1 states “ that a given bench could often be traced from one locality to another, but the contour interval [used in the topographic mapping] was too great to permit any extended correlation of levels.” The areas of older metamorphic rocks do not present this terraced appearance, although broad flat-topped or very smooth-crowned ridges are pre- dominant. It is possible, although by no means certain, that these flat-topped ridges correspond to the terraces in the more resistant rocks and with the terraces represent marine benches. If so, there is lacking the confirmatory evidence of widely distributed beach pebbles, such as might be expected if the benches were water cut. Although Moffit 2 states that on some of the upper tributaries of the Kiwalik and on Old Glory Creek elevated benches of gravel were seen at an altitude of about 500 or 600 feet above sea level, the presence of gravels on the terraces is unusual, for he says : 1 't'he floors of the benches are usually covered with debris, which is angular or rounded, and is probably due to weathering rather than to grinding by water currents. The edges of the benches are made up of angular blocks pro- duced by the action of the frost on the bedrock, now only occasionally visible. The blocks appear not to have been moved any considerable distance but simply to have tumbled down and formed a talus along the front of the rock wall, which they now conceal in nearly all cases. 1 Moffit, F. H., The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 247, p. 44, 1905. 2 Idem, p. 40. 388 MINERAL RESOURCES OE ALASKA, 1917. If these terraces were formed by wave erosion the gravel and sand which were produced in the incision of the benches have been largely if not wholly removed from most of them, although, as already cited, some of the high-lying gravels still remain. It is somewhat difficult to believe that wave-cut terraces would still present such definite scarps as are found at even the highest elevations, and that erosion took place of sufficient magnitude to remove all the unconsolidated beach debris which had been formed in cutting the benches as the sea encroached by stages upon the land surface. If it is assumed that some of the terraces were cut as the land surface emerged from the sea, an even longer period of endurance of the highest terraces is thereby postulated. It may therefore be possible that some at least of the terraces owe their origin to some other cause, although it is believed that the land surface has been depressed to a depth of several hundred feet below sea level. In the Yukon-Koyukuk re- gion similar high terraces have been ascribed by Eakin 1 to a proc- ess termed u altiplanation,” a phase of solifluction that under cer- tain conditions finds expression in terrace-like forms and flattened summits. Until definite proof of a marine origin is obtained, it appears logical in this region also to accept Eakin’s hypothesis of origin for the highest of the terraces, although the sea probably covered the land to a height of 500 or 600 feet and carved the land forms to that elevation. Stream erosion has greatly modified the topography since emergence, and the tendency has been to restore the former topography by sweeping out the unconsolidated sedi- ments from the filled valleys. On the hillsides solifluction has been an important agent in the transportation of the debris to the bottoms of the valleys, where it was removed by the streams. The numerous exposures of basaltic lavas afford some indication of the topography which existed previous to their extravasation. It appears likely that at that time a very mature topography had been developed and the country was nearly base-leveled. It may be that the extrusion of the lavas occurred shortly after the emergence of the land surface nearly to its present level, when many of the valleys were nearly if not quite filled with gravels and sands resulting from inundation. Drainageways had been established, however, and it was down these that the lavas took their course. At the head of Bear Creek, they are found at an elevation of about 1,200 feet, and this appears to be about the maximum height reached, except in the area at the head of the Koyuk, from which it is likely that a very considerable part of the lavas came. There may also have been vents for these lavas somewhere on the Buckland-Kiwalik divide. Moffit 2 1 Eakin, H. M., The Yukon-Koyukuk region, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 631, p. 78, 1916. 2 Moffit, F. H., op. cit., pp. 32-33. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 389 describes the topographic changes due to the lava flows in the fol- lowing terms : Important modifications of the drainage were brought about by the extru- sion of the lava, which occupied the depressions and flowed down the valleys in broad rivers of molten rock. At times the cooling of the advancing front wall dammed back the flow and forced it over the low, rounded divides between the watercourses into the next valley beyond, or formed a lake [of molten lava] which finally overflowed the obstruction and resumed its original course, only to repeat the process a little farther on. In this way islands of bare ground were left between the great finger-like protrusions along the edge of the sheet. At the same time a shifting of the watercourses was brought about, for when not of sufficient volume to fill it the lava occupied the lowest part of the valley and the waters sought a new channel parallel to the old one, along the edge of the hardened flow. A number of lakes and ponds also owe their existence to the damming of streams by lava, among which may be mentioned Lake Imuruk, the largest body of fresh water on the peninsula. Observations made by Collier on Noxapaga River showed these more recent lavas overlying gravels which are cemented near the contact by indurated clays and contain pebbles of an older flow — conclusive evidence that considerable time must have elapsed between the first outbreaks and the solidification of the flows just described. The source from which the recent basalts of Noxapaga and Ivuzitrin rivers were discharged lies to the southwest of Lake Imuruk, this being shown by the scattered lava cones as well as by the direction of movement of the flows themselves. On the upper part of Koyuk River a similar relation of basalts and gravels was observed by Mendenhall. He found on the truncated edges of the schists 5 feet of gravel, made up of schist, vein quartz, and granite; this in turn was covered by an undisturbed horizontal sheet of olivine basalt, which had been but little affected by the erosive action of the stream since it came to rest, and was therefore believed by him to be of Pleistocene age. No evidence of flows as recent as those between Noxapaga and Kuzitrin rivers was seen by the writer in the country toward the northeast, where the lavas have been subjected to weathering for a much longer time and have suffered correspondingly. In the region south of Kotzebue Sound it is probable that a drainage system differing very little from the present one and containing a con- siderable body of gravels was invaded and partly filled by the basic lavas, which formed a sheet of no great thickness across the valleys. The present streams then resumed their work and cut down through the thin lava sheet, uncovered again the older channels, and left the conspicuous rim of lava now seen surrounding many of the valleys. In evidence of this may be mentioned the fact that the lavas in almost all cases appear well up on the sides of the narrow valleys, and that there is no indication that they ever covered the higher hills above the valleys. In one instance, at the west end of the big bend of Kugruk River, the lavas appear at the water’s edge; in all other cases, as far as observed by the writer, they are above the streams, which at present occupy channels in the older metamorphic schists and limestones. It should be stated, however, that no contact of lavas overlying gravels, such as that de- scribed by Mendenhall and Collier, was observed in the region, since the great quantity of broken blocks, thrown down largely by the action of the frost, pre- vented a view of the base of the flows. This condition also prevented any accu- rate determination of the thickness of the lava, though two flat-topped hills of it south of the upper part of Cottonwood Creek have an elevation of 60 feet 390 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. above the plain on which they rest. In the one nearer the Cottonwood the base is formed by some 8 feet of agglomerate containing boulders of basalt. This relation of the lavas to the gravels is a question of some interest, since, if the ideas here advanced are correct, it is possible that valuable placer gravels may be present somewhere beneath the lavas. Where the lava rim was seen on the Kiwalik, about a mile above Candle, it was a far less pronounced feature than in the areas to the west that are described by Moffit. At the headwaters of the Kiwalik, on Wilson Creek across the divide from Sweepstakes, and at the head of Moon Creek on the west side of Peace River, the basalt caps the hills, and on the east side of the river opposite Moon Creek it appears nearly to the crest of the ridge. In places at each of these three occurrences there appears a distinct scarp or rim, but elsewhere the presence of the basalt is only indicated by the numerous large angular pieces of the rock which cover the very gentle slopes. Wherever bed- rock was seen in the banks of Peace River it consisted of the much older series of andesitic tuffs and flows, generally overlain by uncon- solidated gravels. At the head of the Kiwalik, the basalt appears to overlie clay beds above a bed of very fibrous lignite. It appears likely from the distribution of the basalts that they once covered the gravels which occupied the valleys of Peace River and Sweepstakes Creek, but west of Peace River and north of Sweep - stakes Creek they have since been removed by erosion. Moffit 1 states that the presence of the lava on Candle Creek is shown by fragments in the gravel and on the hill slopes and by a few outcrops. It prob- ably also filled the valley of Kiwalik River from Candle up to a point between the mouths of Lava and Hunter creeks. It is likely that detailed work would reveal the presence of remnants of this flow on the west side of the Kiwalik also. None of the recent basalts are found on Bear Creek except at its head, where their position indicates that if Bear Creek flowed in its present valley at the time of their extrusion a lava stream must cer- tainly have flowed down this depression. They are not now present in this valley, so far as known. In like manner, basalts occur on the divide between Dime Creek and Peace River, west of Eldorado Creek, and at the head of Flat Creek in positions which indicate that they would have flowed down a de- pression corresponding to the present valley of Dime Creek had it existed at the time of their extrusion. These basalts have been re- moved without leaving a trace of their former presence except the olivine found in the heavy sands of the clean-ups. The presence of the lava on the divide between Mukluktulik River and Kenwood Creek indicates from its position that it must once have been connected with the basalt areas to the north in the Koyuk basin. 1 Moffit, F. H., op. cit., p. 61. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 391 A measure of tlie amount of erosion since the extrusion of the lavas is afforded by these numerous flows. An interpretation of the age relations is presented on page 381. CANDLE CREEK. Candle Creek has been one of the large gold-producing creeks of Seward Peninsula for many years. The earliest workings were on creek claims, and mining operations in summer are still largely confined to the creek, although some of the more shallow benches are now being worked by open-cut methods. After the discovery of the creek placers, prospecting revealed the presence of valuable ground on the benches, and deposits of such gravels have been worked there for a number of years. The bedrock in the lower claims is mainly schist, but on the bench claims it is in many places a coarsely porphyritic andesite. It is said that on the upper bench the pay streak follows rather closely the contact between the andesite and the schist. On the creek claims, according to Moffit: 1 Schist (often coarse and angular, at times finely divided) forms much the larger part of the gravels in the channel. Quartz-vein stuff with some lime- stone makes up the remainder. An ice bed of variable thickness, which meas- ures about 12 feet near Patterson Creek and extends to the west of the stream channel several hundred feet, overlies the gravels in the bottom of the valley. The tendency of the debris on the slopes of either side of the valley to slide down tow r ard the creek is shown by the bulging up of the clay from the bottom of the cuts and by the closing in of the sides. In consequence of this tendency the gravels are usually much disturbed and there is no uniformity in the sections. At the mouth of Patterson Creek there are from 6 to 8 feet of gravel and slide resting on a blue-clay bedrock ; at Willow Creek the gravels measure from 5 to 8 feet ; on a bench claim below Patterson Creek the gravels are not so thick — 4 or 5 feet of fine schist, “ chicken feed,” is covered by 10 or 12 feet of ice and 2 feet of muck ; on a bench claim nearly 1,000 feet west of Candle Creek a 33-foot hole put down wdth a thawer gave the fol- lowing section: Section near Candle Creek. Feet. Muck 3 Slide consisting of yellowish and reddish quartz sand with “chicken feed” (finely ground schist) 28 Sand 1 Gravel with rounded quartz pebbles 1 Bedrock, yellowish clay with pieces of lava. The gold on tlie creek claims, where the bedrock is schist, is flat- tened and black; that taken from bench claims, where andesite is the bedrock, is said usually to be bright. u Iron stones,” rounded pebbles o-f hematite or limonite, are generally found in close asso- 1 Moffit, F. II., op. cit., p. 61. 392 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. ciation with the richer deposits. Other minerals found in the sluice boxes in the clean-up includes arsenopyrite, pyrite, galena, chalco- pyrite, magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, garnet, and cerusite. Of these minerals, arsenopyrite appeared to make up far the largest pro- portion on a claim near the mouth of Patterson Creek. The chalco- pyrite occurs in association with the galena in the same grains. Some of the galena is coated with cerusite. These minerals are found also in the cuts of the Keewalik Mining Co. on John Bull Hill south of Candle, but the iron oxides appear to predominate and occur in well-rounded grains or small pebbles. In addition to the minerals above mentioned, shot coated with lead oxide are found with the heavy sands. About 12 small plants, employing in all about 30 men, were at work during the winter of 1916-17, either engaged in mining or in pros- pecting on Candle Creek and its tributaries, including 11 men who worked on Jump Creek. In summer about 55 men were engaged in mining, about half of them with two of the eleven plants that were operating. Power scrapers were used on a number of claims. On some it was necessary to pump water in order to get sufficient eleva- tion and suitable grade for the boxes, as well as dumping room for tailings. One dredge was in operation, and two plants hydraulicked the overburden and the auriferous gravels. China pumps were used on some of the creek claims to remove water from the pits. The dredge was operating on claim No. 5 above Discovery. An- other dredge was to be moved to the creek during the winter of 1917-18. These dredges will operate on the creek claims, and some of the ground will be reworked. It is said that many of the bench claims contain sufficient gold in the tailings from former operations to warrant reworking if water could be obtained. Considerable losses were entailed in washing the clayey gravels by the methods previously used, largely because of insufficient water. Projects have been proposed for getting water on these claims by the construction of a ditch, but the high initial expense has served to delay the carrying out of any of these plans while the ownership of the ground to be worked is as widely dis- tributed as at present. BEAR CREEK. Bear Creek is tributary to Buckland Kiver on the northern drain- age slope of Seward Peninsula. Gold has been mined on the main creek and two of its tributaries, Sheridan and Cub creeks. The first claims recorded were staked in 1901 and some work was done later on the richest gravels, Moffit 1 stating that in 1903 about $10,000 1 Moffit, F. H., op. cit., p. G4 GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 393 was taken out. Concerning the later developments, Smith and Eakin 1 give the following information : From 1903 to 1907 a little desultory prospecting and mining was done, but during the latter year the building of a ditch along the west slope of the valley revived interest in the region. The small precipitation of 1908, however, pre- vented any extensive use of the new ditch, and in 1909 there was no evidence that productive mining was in progress. Since 1909 changes in ownership have taken place, and in addition to the hydraulicking plant of the former ditch company there has been installed a hydraulic elevator of the open-flume type, which oper- ated in 1916 and 1917. This plant was working on Bear Creek near the mouth of Split. In 1917 two men were engaged in open-cut work on a beach claim near this plant, one man was open cutting on a claim about a mile below, and one man was working on an open cut on Sheridan Creek. In addition some assessment work was done on a number of other claims on Bear Creek, and Cub Creek had been restaked recently, although no work had been done on it early in August. For the most part, the bedrock is a series of altered andesite tuffs and flows, but intrusive rocks of a more basic character are associated with them, for pebbles of diabase were seen in the creek gravels. Probably the platinum that is obtained in small amount on Bear Creek is derived from rocks of this character. In addition to the basic intrusives there are numerous dikes of acidic intrusives;’ fresh andesite dikes, which cut the metamorphosed andesitic rocks, were seen on the hills north of Split Creek, and pebbles of syenite and diorite were noted below the mouths of small streams between Split and Cub creeks. In the bed of the main stream dikes were seen, but they were so badly weathered that their original nature was not determinable. The bedrock on the lower part of Cub Creek is of the metamorphosed andesite series, but a large proportion of the boulders of the creek are composed of porphyritic syenite, monzonite, or dio- rite, and some of them carry the brown garnet melanite. These rock types correspond to those described by Moffit 2 as occurring in the vicinity of Granite Mountain. Pyritic mineralization, of which the deposition of the gold is a phase, accompanied the intrusion of these rocks. The bedrock surface in the creek is extremely irregular, and its unevenness appears to prevent large-scale operations by methods other than those now being used. A considerable portion of the gold lies close to bedrock, and it must therefore be thoroughly cleaned for successful mining. In the concentrates found in the clean-ups by far 1 Smith, I\ S., and Eakin, H. M., A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay-Nulato region : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 449, pp. 125-126, 1911 . Moffit, F. H., op. cit., pp. 29-30. 394 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. the largest proportion of the heavy sands consist of the iron oxides, magnetite and hematite. The magnetite is easily removed by the magnet, but the hematite gives some trouble, as it is not readily sepa- rable from the gold. In addition to these minerals smaller amounts of limonite, ilmenite, pyrite, garnet, olivine, and some of the lighter silicates are also found. Of special interest in connection with the platinum is the occurrence of rounded grains and perfect octahedra of a chrome spinel, which resembles magnetite but is only very faintly magnetite, and in addition appears to have a more vitreous rather than metallic luster. A similar association of minerals is found on Sheridan Creek, where the geologic conditions are essentially the same as those on the main stream. RUBE CREEK. Rube Creek is a small stream that enters Peace River from the west about 7 or 8 miles above Sweepstakes Creek. It flows close to the base of the mountain mass that lies to the south, so that there is less workable placer ground, either stream or bench, on that side than on the north, where between Rube and Farmer creeks there is a sloping tundra plain in which these two streams have only slightly intrenched themselves. A nhmber of claims have been staked on both creeks as well as on some of the tributaries of Rube Creek from the south. Most of the work in August, 1917, had been done on a group of claims on Rube Creek, where a ditch had been dug and two open cuts had been made. Most of the work of development had been done on the lower cut, which was about 100 feet long and from 3 to 8 feet deep. Gold is found on a false bedrock, an impervious clayey stratum, and in the superjacent 2 to 3 feet of gravel. Overlying the pay gravel is an uneven thickness of barren gravel and sand, which is overlain by 2 feet or more of muck and vegetation. North of Rube Creek the depth to bedrock is greater, and in one section 6 feet or more of ice containing a small amount of gray-blue muck is ex- posed below the surface covering of vegetation. At one place several alternating thin layers of gravel and muck were noted. These layers were probably formed by the deposition of the gravels on the moss- covered surface by successive spring overflows, and the accumulation of moss and finer material on the surface between flows. Pannings from the pay gravels showed several colors to the pan of bright gold, somewhat less flaky than that on Dime Creek. No platinum was seen in the pannings, but it is said to be found. The heavy sands include an unusual amount of black garnet. Besides the lighter silicates, hematite, olivine, zircon, and chrome spinel are also present. Only a few grains of the chrome spinel were seen. In one of the bare patches between Rube and F armer creeks a pan of dirt was washed and showed a few fine colors. The minerals in GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 395 the concentrates were essentially the same as those on Rube Creek, the black garnet being conspicuous. SWEEPSTAKES CREEK. Sweepstakes Creek is the main tributary of Peace River from the west, and at their junction the two streams are about the same size. It is untimbered except near Peace River. Like Rube Creek it flows close to its south bank, and there is a very gentle slope on the north side. During the summer four plants, which employed about 12 men, were in operation. Work Avas done on rather Avidely separated claims, extending from the mouth of Bear Gulch, about 2 miles below Discovery claim, which is near the forks of Sweepstakes, to claim No. 10 above Discovery. The ground is shallow, and open- cutting is practiced. A large part of the overburden of muck and vegetation, as well as the upper part of the gravels, is sluiced off, and the auriferous gravels are then shoA r eled into a line of sluice boxes. On the upper claims worked the depth to bedrock is about 6 feet, the upper 2 feet of which consists largely of muck and vegetation. The material on this claim contains many angular fragments of rock, 8 inches or larger in dimensions and comparatively little rounded gravel. On the lower claims the depth to bedrock is somewhat greater, ranging from 7 to 15 feet, of which the gravels make up from 4 to 9 feet. The gravel is well rounded and relatively small, although some boulders are present. The bedrock is similar in character to that of most of the material of the gravels and is somewhat decom- posed, so that often the bedrock is excavated to a depth of a few inches and put through the sluice boxes also, in order to prevent the loss of gold. On most of the creek the bedrock consists of the metamorphosed andesite series, but there are places where the much older metamor- phic rocks seem to underlie the auriferous gravels. Elsewhere, as near the mouth of Granite Creek and on the uppermost claims being worked, syenitic rocks appear. Platinum, comparable in the ratio of its occurrence Avith the gold to that on Dime Creek, is found on the Circle claim at the mouth of Bear Gulch, and pannings from Bear Gulch are also said to carry considerable amounts of this metal. It was not reported in the gold from the upper claims. The heavy sands include magnetite, olivine, broAvn and red garnets, zircon, hematite, and a small amount of ilmenite. Chrome spinel is present also in considerable amounts, and it is probably derAed from the same source as the platinum. 396 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. DIME CREEK. Dime Creek is tributary to Koyule River from the northeast be- tween Peace River and East Fork. The first claims were staked in 1910 by Sam Smith and his associates. Prospect holes were sunk on the lower claims, but the results obtained did not warrant further operations, and the claims were abandoned. On April 4, 1915, gold was discovered near the mouth of Little Eldorado Creek by Tom Moon and Henry Ryan. There resulted a stampede to the creek; and, after what were supposed to be the good claims on Little Eldo- rado Creek were staked, the late comers took first the creek claims and then the bench claims on Dime Creek as well as its tributaries, and claims were also staked in the basins of near-by streams. A pro- duction of about $3,000 is said to have been made from three claims 1 during that year. Neither machinery nor supplies were near at hand, and they had to be brought from Golofnin or Nome, so that no con- siderable production was made until the following year. It has been estimated 2 that the production of 1916 was about $100,000 from eight claims. In 1917 about 17 plants in operation on 16 claims employed a total of 85 men. It is believed that the production from winter and sum- mer operations was about $150,000. In addition to the gold about 35 ounces of platinum was produced. It is said that on the creek and bench claims at the lower end of Dime Creek there is about 1 ounce of platinum to each $5,000 of gold ; on the upper claims this ratio is considerably higher, so that it may amount to as much as 1 ounce to each $2,000 in gold. The following analysis of platinum from Dime Creek was made by R. C. Wells in the laboratory of the Geological Survey: Analysis of platinum from Dime Creek, Seward Peninsula. Gold 0. 6 Silver 9. 5 Lead 1.4 Platinum 71. 5 Iridium (?) 3.8 Palladium . 9 Copper . 1 Rhodium . 9 Iron 6. 1 Osmiridium, silica, and undetermined 3. 4 Nickel x trace 98. 2 1 Brooks, A. H., The Alaskan mining industry in 1915 : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 642, p. 70, 1916. 2 Mertie, J. B., Lode and placer mining on Seward Peninsula, Alaska : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 662, p. 454, 1917. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 397 The highest values that have been reported for the gold from this creek are $19.84 and $19.88 a fine ounce. The fineness of the gold worth $19.88 an ounce was 961 parts gold and 32 parts silver. The depth to bedrock differs considerably. In a general way the claims at the upper end of the creek are somewhat more shallow than those farther downstream, and the depth to bedrock increases still more on claims as far down as claims 8 or 9 below Discovery. Where mining is being carried on, from claim 7 above to claim 1 below, the depths range from 10 or 12 feet to about 30 feet on the creek claims. On the right limit benches the depths range from 6 to 10 feet; on the left limit, the first tier opposite claim 2 above, the depths are about the same but increase downstream, so that on the second tier bench opposite Discovery the depths to bedrock range from 25 to 50 feet. Bedrock lies a little higher than the present surface of the stream. The section made known by mining operations differs ac- cording to the depths of the holes. Normally, however, there is a gravel layer from 2 to 8 feet in thickness overlain by a few feet of muck and ice, which in turn is covered by about 1 or 2 feet of vegeta- tion and peaty material. In some of the deeper holes, especially on the benches, there is a layer of angular rocks and clayey material which appears to be largely hillside talus. This is locally known as “ slide ” and contains little, if any, rounded gravel. All the ground worked is frozen. Summer operations were largely confined to open-cut work, pros- pecting, repairing of ditches, and getting equipment and supplies for winter work. A few small plants that were worked during the summer hoisted with a windlass. There appears to be little reason why, if it is possible to obtain fuel and other supplies, deep mining should not be carried on during the summer, as well as in winter. Open cutting was in progress in August, 1917, on three claims; one plant used ditch water for stripping and sluicing, one pumped from Dime Creek, and the third supplemented water that was pumped from the creek by ditch water when it was available. A large pro- portion of the overburden of the auriferous gravels on these claims consisted of muck and ice below a protective mantle of vegetation. When this covering had been removed even a small amount of water was effective in stripping. The gold is found mostly on or near bedrock, but some is dis- tributed through 2 or 3 feet of gravel, so that it is necessary to mine and sluice this amount of material. The amount ranges from 50 cents to over $2 a square foot of bedrock mined. Though the pay streak on the creek claims is fairly well defined, it may in places be divided and on the bench claims there appear to be several lines along which concentration has taken place, as though effected by wave action along beaches at successive stages of elevation or de- 115086°— 19 26 398 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. pression of the land surface. Further data are required to prove this hypothesis, which can best be obtained from actual mining op- erations and observations as to the lineal continuity of pay streaks. In association with the gold and platinum in the sands from clean- ups a number of heavy minerals have been found. These minerals include a little magnetite, hematite, and limonite, and large amounts of chrome spinel and olivine, together with some pyroxene. Garnets are found, although rarely. Rutile was noted from one of the left- limit second-tier bench claims. Bedrock on the creek consists largely of the metamorphosed andesite series. The older slates and limestones appear, however, on the west side of the creek, and Little Eldorado Creek follows along the contact. At the mouth of Silver Gulch a Cretaceous conglomerate, which contains pebbles of limestone and slate, appears in the stream banks, and with Cretaceous shale and sandstone forms the bedrock of most of the creek claims below this tributary. Pebbles of glassy lava in the stream gravels indicate that some- where on the creek this rock forms the bedrock. The olivine and pyroxene, which are green and greenish-black minerals in the heavy sands, may have been derived from the recent basaltic lavas which occur along the divide between Dime Creek and Flat Creek, as well as on the ridge between Dime Creek and Peace River, and probably once occupied or covered Dime Creek valley, or they may have been derived, together with the chrome spinel, from a peridotite at the head of Dime Creek. This rock probably is the source of the plat- inum also, and the fact that the platinum grains are so rounded af- fords an indication of the distance traveled and the amount of abra- sion to which they have been subjected. Grains of platinum from the upper claims appeared more commonly to be angular, although even there a large proportion is shotlike. A composite sample of chrome spinel from several claims on Dime Creek and a sample of concentrates from the left-limit second-tier bench claim opposite Discovery, Dime Creek, were analyzed by Chase Palmer in the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey and were found to contain 51.14 and 15.42 per cent of chromic oxide (Cr 2 O s ), respectively. LODE PROSPECTS. There has been but little attempt at lode mining within this region, probably largely on account of the poor exposures, except along streams throughout much of the area. In the mountainous areas at the heads of the larger streams exposures are somewhat better, but the difficulties of transportation are such that even moderately rich ores could scarcely be worked at a profit except on a large scale and after the completion of roads or railroads to them. GOLD AND PLATINUM PLACERS OF KIWALIK-KOYUK REGION. 399 Only two prospects are known to tlie writer. What is known as the Beltz prospect consists of ten or more small open cuts on the north side of Split Creek, a tributary of Bear Creek. These lie at an aver- age elevation of about TOO feet above the mouth of Split Creek. The pits are badly caved and filled with talus from the slope, so that it was not possible to obtain any data on width, dip, or strike of the vein. Near some of these pits vein quartz was seen, which carried some copper as chalcopyrite. The weathering of the chalcopyrite had caused the rock to appear rusty from the iron oxide with small patches of green copper carbonate. There does not appear ever to have been any production of ore from this property, and it is not possible to make any statement of its potentialities. On the Kugruk about a quarter of a mile east of the mouth of In- dependence Creek there is an argentiferous lead prospect owned by Perkeypile & Ford, which was not visited. Considerable develop- ment work is said to have been done on this property by open cuts, tunnels, and winzes. In addition to lead and silver assays show a considerable percentage of zinc, traces of copper, and a small amount of gold. Transportation of supplies to this prospect and of the ore or con- centrates from it appear to be the controlling factors in this develop- ment. Candle, 25 miles distant, is the nearest town to which sup- plies could be brought, although it is possible that they could be brought up the Kugruk to a point somewhat nearer. The future of this property appears to be dependent upon the proving of a suffi- ciently large ore body to warrant the construction of a road or rail- road from the mine to Candle or Deering for the economic handling of supplies and ore. If a road was built to Candle, advantage could probably be taken of that already constructed up Candle Creek. For a small plant winter transportation of both supplies and ore would doubtless prove most economical. Coal for fuel and power could be obtained on the Kugruk within 15 or 20 miles. COAL. The workable deposits of coal in this area have already been quite fully discussed under the consideration of the economic factors that affect the mining of placer gold. (See pp. 383-385.) In addition to these occurrences small deposits are also known at the head of Hunter Creek and near the mouth of the Buckland. Nothing further is known regarding these deposits. HOT SPRINGS. A slight depression on a bench 50 feet above the west bank of Spring Creek, about half a mile above the forks, contains hot springs which rise up through angular fragments of diorite and metamor- phosed andesite. Several basins have been artificially excavated, 400 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 191*7. and the water, most of which comes from a spring at the upper end of the series, flows successively through these basins. The temper- ature is such that the hand can be held in the uppermost pool without discomfort and is probably about 105° F. The lower pools are slightly cooler. South of the main spring is a small seep. In the basins is a considerable growth of red, yellow, pink, and green algae. There is a slight odor of sulphur dioxide in the vicinity. The rocks over which the spring waters flow have a thin white tasteless coating, but there are no deposits of siliceous or calcareous material. Bub- bles of an odorless, noninflammable gas, probably carbon dioxide, rise almost constantly in the pool of the principal spring. In the bank of the stream just below the spring is a small out- crop of a gray hornblende diorite, which is intrusive in the andesitic series. It appears likely that the spring is fed by atmospheric water, which falls on the upper slopes of Granite Mountain and follows joints and fissures in the rocks down to the zone where it acquires its heat and then rises along another fissure to form the spring. The water is tasteless and odorless and fairly potable after cooling, although a trifle “ flat.” No utilization has been made of the springs. SOURCE OF VALUABLE PLACER MINERALS. The essential facts concerning the source of the placers have been included in the preceding discussion. It may, however, be well to summarize briefly the main features of their origin. The ’origin of the gold is attributed to syenitic and dioritic intru- sions and possibly on Candle Creek to the more porphyritic andesite. At Candle Creek a portion of the gold of the placers is also probably to be attributed to the breaking down of auriferous quartz veins in the older metamorphic rocks. In a general way, there seems to have been comparatively little quartz deposited in veins accompanying the deposition of the gold, but the quartz was deposited in thin fissures in the older andesites and metamorphic series. The gold was concen- trated in the placers along marine beaches or along stream valleys; some deposits were undoubtedly subjected to both beach and stream concentration. The platinum, which is found in the placers on Bear, Sweepstakes, and Dime creeks, and of which a few grains are reported from Candle Creek differs in origin from the gold in that it is a constit- uent of the basic igneous rock and is not due to an intrusion later than the platinum-bearing rock. The history of its concentration in placers is essentially the same as that of the gold with which it occurs. The chrome spinel and probably some of the olivine found in the platiniferous placers were derived from the same rock as the platinum. INDEX, A. Page. Abe Lincoln claim, Hot Springs district, placer mining on 334 Acknowledgments for aid 1-2, 47-48,92,234,355,369 Admiralty Island, water-power sites on 45 Akun Island, location of and access to.. 283,292-294 sulphur deposit on 294-297 Alaska, map of, showing location of sulphur deposits 284 southeastern, map cf, showing location of gaging stations 44 Alaska Free Gold Mining Co., operations cf. 179-180 Alaska-Gastineau mine, Juneau district, operations in 29 Alaska Gold Hill property, Port Valdez dis- trict, development work on 151 Alaska Graphite Minin g Co., operations of. . 364-367 Alaska Homestake Mining Co., operations of. . 150 Alaska Juneau mine, Juneau district, mining and milling at 29 Alaska Mineral & Development Co., opera- tions of 323 Alaska Mines Corporation, mining by 148-149 Alaska Nickel Mines, Chichagof Island, de- scription of 125-133 Alaska Quartz claims, Willow Creek district, prospecting on 185 Alaska Tungsten Mines Co., operations of. . 325-326 Alder Creek, hydraulic mining on 37 Allison Creek, description of 155 Ambler River, prospecting on 42 American Creek, placer mining on 335 American Gulch, work on 39 Anchorage, facilities of, as a supply point 241 Anikovik River, tin mining on 360,361 Animals and fish, distribution of . . 192-193, 213, 341 Anna Bub mine, Kahiltna Valley, hydraulick- ingat 252-254 Annette Island, water-power site on 45 Antimony, occurrence and mining of .36, 229-230, 323 production of 21 Antimony Creek, mining on 229-230 Anvik River, gold and platinum on 40 Appropriation, distribution and allotments of. 4 Arch claims, Willow Creek district, condition of 185 Archangel Creek, mining on 185-186 Aten, E. M., work of 6 B. Babcock-McCoy claims, Willow Creek dis- trict, development on 185 Bagley, J. W., work of 6-7 Bahrt claims, Chichagof Island, description of. 119 Bailey Bay, Shelockum Lake outlet at 57-58 Baker Creek valley, mining in 334 Banner claims, Betties Bay, work on 150 Baranof Island, water-power sites on 45 Page. Baranof Lake outlet at Baranof 65-66 Barite, no shipment of, in 1917 27 Bay of Isles, operations on 146 Bayview claim, Jack Bay district, location of. 171 Bear Creek, placer mining on 41,393-394 rocks on 376 Beatrice claim, Moose Pass district, work on. 175 Beatson-Bonanza mine, Latouche Island, operations in 144-145 Beaver Falls, Mahoney Creek near 83 Beaver Falls Creek at George Inlet, Revilla- gigedo Island 51 Bedrock Creek, lode mining on 322 Beltz prospect, Kiwalik-Koyuk region, location and minerals of 399 Bering River coal field, future of 25-26 Bertha Bay, Chichagof Island, claim on 124 Betties Bay, Prince William Sound, opera- tions on 150 Big Eldorado Creek, mining on 36 Big Four Creek, mining on 141 Big Harbor mine, development on 89 Bill Sunday Fraction claim, Fairbanks dis- trict, development on 323 Bird Creek, placer mining on 260-261 Black Bear claim, Fairbanks district, tung- sten lodes on 327 Blackbird claim, Latouche Island, mining on . 145 Black Creek, production on 39 Black Diamond property. See Alaska Gold Hill property. Blossom claim, Fairbanks district, tungsten lodes on 327 Bluebell claim, Kenai Peninsula, work on. . . 175 Bluebird claim, Willow Creek district, devel- opment on 185 Blue Lode claims, Talkeetna Mountains, minerals on 202-203 Bluff, Seward Peninsula, mill built near 41 Bonanza Creek, mining on 36 Bonnifield district, production in. 39 Boob Creek, placer mining on 349-350 production on 38 rocks on 344,348 timber supply on 341 Boulder Bench, Kahiltna Valley, prospecting on 263 Boulder Creek, minerals on 38 placer mining on 335 Bricks, making of 27 Broad Pass region. See Chulitna region, upper part of. Brooks, Alfred H., administrative work and military service of 5-6 Brooks Mountain, prospecting for tin on 359 Bryn Mawr Creek, mining on 226-227, 230, 231 Buck Creek, tin mining on 41,360,361 Buckeye claims, Landlocked Bay, work on. . 148 Burch, T. R., work of 6 401 402 INDEX C. Page. Cache Creek, geography of the basin of 242-243 placer mining on 32, 243-248, 334 transportation to 241 Camp Creek basin, minin g in 32 Candle, Kiwalik region, access to 381 Candle Creek, placer mining on 391-392 production on 40 rocks on 372,391 Canfield, George H., Water-power investi- gations in southeastern Alaska.. 43-83 work of 7-8 Canyon Creek, Kahiltna Valley, placer min- ing on 261-262 Kenai Peninsula, mining operations on. 32, 176 Cape Mountain, prospecting for tin on 358 Capps, Stephen R., cited 236, 237-238, 244-245, 248, 249, 251, 252, 255-256 Gold lode mining in the Willow Creek district 177-186 Mineral resources of the upper Chulitna region 207-232 Mineral resources of the Western Talkeet- na Mountains 187-205 work of. 8 Carlson Creek at Sunny Cove 76-77 Carroll Inlet, Revillagigedo Island, Swan Lake outlet at 53-55 Cascade Creek at Thomas Bay, near Peters- burg 62-63 Cassiterite. See Tin. Cassiterite Creek, tin mining on 355-356 Cedar Bay, development work on 146 Center Star claims, upper Chulitna region, minerals on 230 Chandalar district, production in 39 Chapin, Theodore, A molybdenite lode on Healy River 329 Mining developments in the Ketchikan district 85-89 Mining in the Fairbanks district 321-327 Mining in the Hot Springs district 331-335 Platinum-bearing auriferous gravels of Chistochina River 137-141 Tin deposits of the Ruby district 337 work of 7, 9 Chatham mine, Fairbanks district, work on. 322 Chicago Creek, placer mining on 334 Chichagof Island, access to 94 game on 94-95 gold and gypsum mining on 30 population and industries of 93-94 water-power sites on 45 west coast of, climate and vegetation of- . 94 copper deposits on 121-124, 136 development of topography of 112 dike rocks of 110-111 field work on 91 geography of. 92-95 geologic sketch map of 96 geology of 95-112 gold deposits on . . r 112-121 graywacke on, age and correlation of 105-109 distribution and character of. - - 100-103 structure and thickness of 103-105 hot springs on 134-136 Page. Chichagof Island, west coast of, igneous rocks of 109-112,129-132 nickel deposits on 22-23,125-133,136 undifferentiated metamorphic rocks of. . 95-100 Chichagof! mine, description of 114-116 Chickaloon River, coal beds on.. 278-281 Chisana district, mining in 36 Chistochina River, platinum-bearing aurif- erous gravels of 137-141 Chitina district, copper production in 17, 18 Chromium, occurrence and mining of 265-267, 398, 400 production of 22, 32 Chugach Mountains, altitudes of 154 Chulitna region, upper part of, geography of. 209-214 upper part of, geologic sketch map of 208 geology of 214-221 mines and prospects in 33,221-232 surveys in 207-209 Chulitna River, Middle Fork of, lignite on. . . 232 West Fork of, mining on 225-226, 227-228,230,231 Circle district, mining in 37 Claim Point, chromite deposit on 265-267 Cleary Creek, lode mining on 322,324 Cliff mine. Port Valdez district, operation of. 150 Coal, occurrence and mining of 219-220, 231-232, 263-264, 304, 383-385, 399 production of 24-26 Coal Creek, lignite beds on 231-232 College Fiord, mining on 150 Colorado Creek, mining on 224-225, 230 Columbia claim, Moose Pass district, work on. 175 Columbia Glacier, mining on 151 Columbia mine, Fairbanks district, develop- ment in 326 Combination claim, Fairbanks district, min- erals on 323 Congress claims, Chichagof Island, descrip- tion of 123-124 Cook Inlet, mining operations on 32 Cook Inlet coal, future of 26 Cook Inlet region, field work in 8 Cooper Creek, Kenai Peninsula, placer min- ing on 176 Copper, production of 17-19, 28 Copper Bullion claims, Prince William Sound, development on 145 Copper Coin claims, Prince William Sound, work on 146 Copper King claims, Talkeetna Mountains, ore body on ..... 201 Copper Queen claim, Prince William Sound, shipments from 146 Copper Queen claims, Talkeetna Mountains, ore body in 200-201 Copper River, nickel deposit near 23 Copper River region, field work in 8 mining operations in 30-31 Copper Wonder claims, Talkeetna Mountains, minerals on 201-202 Cordova, operations near 149 Costello Creek, prospecting on 223-224 Crater Lake outlet at Speel River, Port Snet- tisham 68-70 INDEX 403 Page. Crites & Peldman mine, Fairbanks district, operation of 321 Crow Creek , placer mining on 32, 176 Cube Mining Co., operations of 151 Culross Island, Prince William Sound, min- ing on 149 Curly Kidney prospect, Jack Bay district, description of. 172 Cyanide plants, operation of 177, 178, 180 D. Dahl Creek, production on 42 Dali, W. H., fossils determined by 306 David mine, Fairbanks district, equipment of. 322 Dead wood Creek, hydraulic plant for 37 Democrat Creek, lode on 39 Dime Creek, placer mining on 396-398 production on 40 rocks on 372-373, 375, 379 Disappointment Creek, mining cn 39 Discharge measurements, miscellaneous 83 Doherty mine, Matanuska coal field, opera- tions in 281-282 Dollar Creek, placer mining on 252-254 Dredging, production of gold from 16-17 Drier Bay, operations on 145, 146 Dry Creek, placer mining on 335 Dutton mine, ore bodies of 88 E. Eakin, H. M., cited 355-356,393 Eagle claim No. 2, Willow Creek district, de- velopment on 184-185 Eagle district, mining in 36-37 Ear Mountain, conditions affecting mining on 357,359-360,361 tin lode claims near 41 Eastview claims, Talkeetna Mountains, min- erals on 203 Economic conditions affecting mining 156-157, 241-242, 341-342, 381-387 Elephant Creek, mining on 39 Ellamar Mining Co., operations and ship- ments by 147 Eska Creek, coal beds on 269-278 coal mining on 278 sections on east bank of 274-275 sections on west bank of 271, 275, 277, 278 Ester Creek, mining on 323 Eureka Creek, placer mining on 334 Eva Creek, lode mining on 323 F. Fairangel Creek, lodes on 186 Fairbanks Creek, lode mining on 321-322 Fairbanks district, mineral production in 14, 15,16,34-36,321 silver-lead deposit in 324 tungsten deposits in 324-327 Falcon Arm, Chicagof Island, claims on 120 Falls Creek, placer mining on 251-252 Felix Fork, production on 39 Fem-Goodell property. Willow Creek dis- trict, development on 186 Fidalgo Mining Co., operations by 148 Field work, record of 3 Page. Fish, distribution of 192-193, 213, 341 Fish Creek near sea level, Revillagigedo Is- land 51-53 Fishhook Creek, new quartz vein on 32 First Chance Creek, tungsten lodes on 326,327 Flaurier claims, Chulitna region, minerals on . 230 Flora claim, Chichagof Island, description of. 119 Forest Service, cooperation by 8,43,47 Fortymile district, mining in 36 Frank & Graham, mining operations by 334 Franklin claim, Fairbanks district, develop- ment on 327 Freight rates. See Economic conditions af- fecting mining. Fuel. See Economic conditions affecting mining. G. Gaging stations, list of 46 records of 48-82 Gaging stations in southeastern Alaska, map showing location of 44 Gaines Creek, production on 38 Galena-Gold claims. Willow Creek district, ore body on 186 Game. See Animals and fish. Geographic distribution of work 5-7 George Inlet, Revillagigedo Island, Beaver Falls Creek at 51 Giffin, C. E., work of 7 Gilmore & Stevens property, Fairbanks dis- trict, development on 322 Gilmore Creek, tungsten lodes on 327 Gilpatrick property, Moose Pass district, work on 175 Glaciation, present and past 154-155, 190, 198, 210, 239-240 Glacier Creek, graphite deposit on 366 Glacier Island, development work on 146-147 Globe claims, Prince William Sound, copper discovery on 146 Gold, production of 13-42 Gold Basin, tin and gold in 38 Gold Bullion Mining Co., operations of 178-179 Gold-Copper group of claims, Chichagof Is- land, description of 121-123 Gold Cord claims. Willow Creek district, de- scription of 185 Gold Cord Mining, Milling & Power Co., property of 180-181 Gold Creek at Juneau 80-82 upper Chulitna region, prospecting for placers on 231 Gold King mine, Port Valdez district, work on 151 Gold Mountain district, mining work in 39 Gold Run, mining on 36 Golden, Prince William Sound region, devel- opment at 150 Golden Zone claims, Chulitna region, miner- alization on 226-227 Golden Zone Extension claims, Chulitna re- gion, prospecting on 230 Good Hope lode, prospecting on 186 Goodpaster region, prospecting in 39 Goodro mine, ores of, and mode of treatment. . 86 Gopher Creek, placer mining on 260 404 INDEX. Page. Granite mine, Port Wells district, operations in 149 Grant Creek, work on 39 Grant Lake, Kenai Peninsula, min ing on 176 Graphite, deposits of, on Seward Peninsula . 363-367 production of 27,42 Graves, Miss L. H., work of 6 Graywacke, age, nature, and distribution of, on the west coast of Chichagof Island 100-109 Green Lake outlet at Silver Bay, near Sitka. . 63-64 Greenstone Creek, production on 38 Grindstone Creek at Taku Inlet 74-75 Grouse Creek, tin mining on 41,360 Gulch Creek, placer min ing on 176 Gypsum, mining of 27,30 H. Handy property, Chichagof Island, descrip- tion of 119-120 Harriman Fiord, Prince William Sound, min- ing on 150 Harrington, George L., Graphite mining in Seward Peninsula 363-367 The gold and platinum placers of the Kiwalik-Koyuk region 369-400 The gold and platinum placers of the Tol- stoi district 339-351 Tin mining in Seward Peninsula 353-361 work of 7, 9 Healy River, molybdenite lode on 329 Hector claims, Chulitna region, mineraliza- tion on 227-228 Heilig & Creighton property, Fairbanks dis- trict, prospecting on 322 Hemple Copper Mining Co. , development by. 148 Hermann-Eaton property, Betties Bay, development on 150 Hess, F. L., cited 126-127 Hetta Inlet, mining operations near 88-89 Hillis claims, Willow Creek district, ore body on 186 Hirst property, description of 116-118 Holitna River, prospecting on 40 Hooniah Warm Springs, Chichagof Island, description of 135-136 Hot springs, descriptions of 134-136 Hot Springs district, mineral production in. . 20, 37- 38,331-332 tin ore in, occurrence and source of 332-333 Hunter Creek, gold production on 37 Hurst Creek, rocks on 342, 343, 345 I. Ida Bell lode, description of 356 Iditarod district, production in 38-39 Independence Creek, mining on 37 Independence Gold Mines Co. , operations of. . 180 Indian Creek, production on 39 Innoko district, production in 38 Iridium. See Platinum metals. Iron, extraction of, from magnetite 28 Iron Creek, Talkcctna Mountains, claims on . 199-205 Talkeetna Mountains, lode claims staked on 33 Seward Peninsula, placer tin on 41 tin mining on 360 Tolstoi district, placer mining on 350-351 It mine, ore bodies in 85-86 Page. Jack Bay and vicinity, geologic sketch map Of 158 J ack Bay district, animals and fish of 156 geography of 153-157 geology of 157-164 mineral resources of 164-167 mines and prospects in 168-173 ore deposits in, distribution of 165 genesis of 166-167 geologic relations of *. 165-166 suggestions for prospecting in 167 Jap claims, Willow Creek district, work on. . 184 Jennie C . claim, antimony lode on 323 Jessie B. claims. Willow Creek district, ore body on 186 Johnson, Bertrand L., Mineral resources of Jack Bay district and vicinity, Prince William Sound 153-173 Mining in central and northern Kenai Peninsula 175-176 Mining on Prince William Sound 143-151 work of 8 Jumbo claim, Chichagof Island, description of 118-119 Chulitna region, minerals on 230 Jumbo mine, Copper River region, operation of 30 Ketchikan district, ore bodies of 88 J ump Creek, placer mining on 392 Juneau, Gold Creek at 80-82 Juneau region, developed water power in 44 gold mining in 28,29-30 Juneau Sea Level Copper Mines. See Alaska Nickel Mines. K. Kahiltna Valley, coal deposits in 263-264 economic conditions in 241-242 geography of 234 geologic sketch map of 236 geology of 236-240 location and exploration of 233-234 mineral resources of 240-264 placer mining on 262-263 prospecting for platinum on 32-33 Kamishak Bay, copper deposit near 33 Kantishna district, production in 39 Karta Bay, ore bodies south of. 87 Karta River at Karta Bay, Prince of Wales Island 59-60 Kasaan Bay, vicinity of, mining operations in 85-88 Kashwitna River, prospecting on 33 Katmai Bay region, placer gold in 33 Kelly-Willow Creek prospect, development on 182 Kenai Peninsula, chromite deposits on 265-267 mineral production on 14, 15, 32 mining on 175-176 Kennecott-B onanza mine , operation of 30 Kennecott Copper Corporation, operations of 144-145 Ketchikan Creek at Ketchikan 49-50 Ketchikan district, copper mining in 28 mineral production in 17,85 developed water power in 43 INDEX 405 Page. Ketchum Creek, prospecting on 38 Kichatna River, dredge installed on 32 Kirk, Edwin, work of 7, 8 Kiwalik-Koyuk region, coal beds in . . . 383-385, 399 economic conditions in 381-387 explorations in 369 geologic sketch map of 370 geology of 370-379 hot springs in 399-400 mineral resources of 380-400 placers in, descriptions of 391-398 origin of 387-391,400 Klag Bay, gold prospects on 112, 114 Klery Creek, production on 42 Knight Island, nickel deposit on 23, 31 operations on 145 Knopf, Adolph, cited 114 Kobuk River district, production in 42 Kodiak Island, bluffs of, material and de- velopment of 305-312 geography of 299-300 geology of 300-316 glaciation on 308-310 map of 300 placers on, development and composition of 312-316 methods of mining 317-319 production on 33,299 Kosciusko Island, water-power site on 45 Kougarok precinct , production in — 41 Koyukuk district, gold production in 39 Kugruk River, silver-lead prospect on 399 Kuskokwim region, production in 40 L. Lake Anna, prospect on 120 Lake Creek basin, mining in 32 Lancaster Creek, work on 39 Landlocked Bay, operations on 148 Latouche Island, mining operations on 31, 144-145 Lead, production of 19, 28 Lenora claims, Prince William Sound, devel- opment work on 146 Leslies Bar, Kahiltna Valley, placer mining on 263 Lime, burning of 27 Lindfors claims, Chulitna region, mineraliza- tion on 226 Lisianski Inlet, hot spring on 136 Little Bay claims, Chichagof Island, descrip- tion of .,... 123 Little Boulder Creek, prospecting on 335 Little Eldorado Creek, mining on 36 Little Gem claims, Willow Creek district, ore body on 185-186 Little Minook Creek, gold production on 37 Little Spruce Creek, production on 38 Little Susitna River, coal bed on 282 Lode min es, output of gold and silver from. . 14-15 Long Bay, copper discovery near 146 Long Creek, Eagle district, ditch for hydraulic mining on 37 Ruby district, production on 38 Tokichitna basin, placer mining on 261-262 upper Chulitna region, mining on 227 Page. Long River below Second Lake, at Port Snet- tisham 70-72 Lost River, tin mining on 41, 355-357, 359, 361 Lucky Nell claim, ore body of 88 Lucky Strike property, Kenai Peninsula, mining on 176 Lucrative claims, Chulitna region, minerals on 224 Lynx Creek, production on 42 M. M. E. W. Gold Mining Co., property of. . . 140-141 Mabel Mining, Milling & Power Co., opera- tions of. 181-182 McCarty property, Fairbanks district, devel- opment on 322 McDonald property, Port Valdez district, work on 151 McDougall, supplies obtained from 241 MacLaren River, copper deposit on 33 Maddren, A. G., Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun islands and near Stepovak Bay, Alaska 283-298 The beach placers of the west coast of Kodiak Island, Alaska 299-319 work of. „ 9 Madison Creek, prospecting on 350, 351 Magnetite, utilization of 28 Mahoney Creek near Beaver Falls 83 Makushin Volcano, sulphur deposit in 285-292 topography of 284-285 Manganese, occurrence of 230 Maps, topographic, in press 10 Marble, occurrence and quarrying of. . . 27, 28, 89, 97 Marl, production of 27 Marshall district, production in 39 Martin, G. C.. Administrative report 3-10 Geologic problems at the Matanuska coal mines 269-282 Preface 1-2 The Alaskan mining industry in 1917 11-42 work of. 6, 9 Mary claim, Willow Creek district, ore body of 185 Mason Creek, hydraulic plant installed on. . . 39 Mastodon Creek, prospecting on 350 Matanuska coal field, coal beds, and mining in 269-282 future of. 25-26 production in 24-25 Mayfield property, Port Valdez district, work on 151 Mendenhall, W. C., cited 378 Mercury, occurrence and mining of 350 Mertie, J. B., jr., Chromite deposits in Alaska. 265-267 cited 327 Platinum-bearing gold placers of the Kahiltna Valley 233-264 work of 7, 8 Mexican mine, dismantlement of 29 Midas mine, Port Valdez district, history and description of. 168-170 Port Valdez district, location of lodes of. 164 shipments from 147 working of 164,165 406 INDEX. Page. Midnight Creek, tin on 38 Midnight Sun claim, Hot Springs district, placer mining on 334 Mill Creek near Wrangell 60-62 Miller, Jack, estate, claims of 140, 141 Miller Gulch, placer mining on 334 Mills Creek, Kenai Peninsula, placer mining on 176 Mineral Creek, mining on 151 Minerals, summary of production of 11-12 Mizpah mine, Fairbanks district, operation of 321-322 Moffit, F. H., cited .... 363, 374, 378, 387, 389-390, 391 work of 6, 7 Mohawk Mining Co., property of 183 Moira Sound, millin g on 28 Molybdenum, occurrence of 23, 30,89, 186,327,329 Moore Creek, production on 40 Moose Creek, Fairbanks district, lode mining on 321 Matanuska coal field, coal bed on 281-282 Moose Pass district, lode minin g in 175 milling operations in 32 Mount Hurst, rocks in and near . . . 342, 343, 345, 346 Mount Katmai, detritus from 304 Mummy Bay, operations on 145 Murphy claim, Fairbanks district, ore body on 326 Myrtle Creek at Niblack, Prince of Wales Island 48 N, Natives, settlements of 193,213-214 N enana coal field . future of 26 Niblack, Prince of Wales Island, Myrtle Creek at 48 Nickel, prospecting at 30 Nickel, chemical test for 126-127 occurrence and minin g of 125-133, 136, 145 production of 22-23 uses of 133-134 Nixon Fork, strike on 40 Nizina district, placer mini ng in 30 Noatak River, prospecting on 42 North Carolina claims, Chulitna region, min- eralization on 229-230 Northern Light claims, Chulitna region, min- erals on 223-224 Northwestern Mine, Willow Creek district, location and ore body of 183-184 Notch Creek, prospecting on 36 Nugget Creek, mining on 248-249, 323 Nymond property, Port Valdez district, work on 151 O. Orion claim, Jack Bay district, description of. 173 Osceola claims, College Fiord, development on. 150 Osmium. See Platinum metals. Overbeck, R. M., Geology and mineral re- sources of the west coast of Chi- chagof Island 91-136 work of 7,8 Overgard property, Fairbanks district, opera- tion of 322 Ohio Creek, mining on 228-229 Page. Olson property, Port Valdez district, work on 151 Omega Creek, placer mining on 334 Ophir claim, Moose Pass district, work on 175 Ophir Creek, production on 38 Orca group, rocks of 158, 160-163 Orchard Lake outlet at Shrimp Bay, Revilla- gigedo Island 55-56 P. Palmer, Chase, analysis by 398 Palmer Creek, Kenai Pe nins ula, minin g on. . 176 Pandora claims, Prince William Sound, work on 146 Patten Mining Co., development by 151 Paul Young prospect, ore bodies of. 86-87 Pederson, Chris, development by 150 Peril Strait, Chichagof Island, hot springs on 134,135 Perkeypile & Ford, property of 399 Peters Creek, Kahiltna Valley, coal bed on. . 264 Kahiltna Valley, mining on 32 Willow Creek district, mining on 186 physiography of 255 placer mining on 254-257 Petroleum, consumption of 27 operations for 27 Phoenix claims, Talkeetna Mountains, min- erals on 202 Pigot Bay, mining on 150 Pinta Bay, development of copper claims near 30 Pioneer Creek, mining on 334 Platinum metals, occurrence and mining of . . 33, 39, 40, 41, 139-141, 246, 258, 259, 261, 262, 316, 350, 396, 400 production of 21-22, 30-31, 38 Poorman Creek, Kahiltna Valley, placer min- ing on 257-259 Ruby district, production on 38 PorcupineCreek, Kenai Peninsula, mining on. 175 Porcupine district, placer mining in 28 Port Chatham, chromite deposit on 265-267 Port Clarence precinct, production in 41 Port Fidalgo, mining on 148-149 Port Snettisham, Crater Lake outlet at 68-70 Long River below Second Lake at 70-72 Speel River at 72-74 Port Valdez district, mining in 147, 150-151 Port Wells district, gold mining in 149-150 Portage Creek, placer gold on 33 Portlock Harbor Mining Co., c laims of 121-123 Portsmouth claim, Prince William Sound region, work on 146-147 Potato Mountain, prospecting for tin on. . . 357-358 Primrose claim, Kenai Peninsula, work on. . 175 85-89 45 Prince of Wales Island, mining operations on water-power sites on Prince William Sound region, copper produc tionin 17,31 field work in 8 gold and silver productionin 14, 15, 31 minin g operations in 143-1 51 Ptarmigan claim, Fairbanks district, develop- ment on 327 Publications issued or in preparation 9-10 Purches Creek, mining on 186 INDEX 407 R. Page. Railroad, Government, progress of 188,191 Rainbow mine, Fairbanks district, litigation over 322 Rampart district, gold production in 37 Ramsay-Rutherford mine, Port Valdez dis- trict, operation of 151 Rapid Creek, tin on 359 Ray-Wallace Mining Co., operations of 183 Ready Bullion mine, operations in 29 Ready Cash claims, Chulitna Region, miner- alization on 228-229 Red Hill Bar , Kahiltna V alley, prospecting on 2G3 Red Mountain, chromite deposit at 267 Reed Creek, mining on r 185, 186 Resurrection Creek, placer mining on 32, 176 Revillagigedo Island, water-power sites on.. 45 Rhode Island Creek, placer mining on 334 Rich Hill claims, ore bodies of 87 Richardson district, production in 39 Riley Creek, production on 42 Riverside claims, Chulitna region, min- erals on 225-226 Ronan & James property, Kenai Peninsula, operations on 175 Round Bend Bar, Kahiltna Valley, placer mining at 263 Ruby Creek, placer mining on 259-260 Ruby district, production in 38 stream tin in 337 Rush & Brown mine, development of ore bodies in 86 Ryan lode, Fairbanks district, development on 323 S. St. Paul mine, Fairbanks district, operation of 323 Sampson claim, Moose Pass district, work on . 175 Sargent, R. H., work of 6 Scheelite. See Tungsten. Scheelite claim, Fairbanks district, workings on 326 Scotia Bell claim, Prince William Sound re- gion, work on 146-147 Sea Level, Revillagigedo Island, Fish Creek near 51-53 Seattle Junior Creek, placer deposits on 334 Seven Hundred-foot mine, dismantlement of. 29 Seventymile River, hydraulic mining on 37 Seward Peninsula, field work on 9 gold and silver production on 15, 16, 40-41 graphite mining on 42, 363-367 tin min ing on 353-361 tin production on 20, 40-41 Shakan, molybdenite lode near 89 Sheep Creek near Thane 78-79 Shelockum Lake outlet at Bailey Bay 57-58 Short Creek, coal beds on 264 Shoup Glacier claims, Port Valdez district, development on 151 Shrimp Bay, Revillagigedo Island, Orchard Lake outlet at -r. 55-56 Shungnak River, production on 42 Sidney Creek, Willow Creek district, claims on 185 Pago. Silver, production of 13-15,28 Silver King claims, Chulitna region, ore de- posit on 224-225 Sitka, Green Lake outlet at Silver Bay near. . 63-64 Sitka No. 1 and No. 2 prospects, description of 119 Sitka region, developed water power in 44 Skagway region, developed water power m . . 44 Skoogy Gulch, lode mining on 322 Slate Creek, gold and platinum on 139-141 gravels of 139 placer mining on 30-31 rocks bordering 137-139 Slide claim, Mineral Creek, shipment from. . . 151 Smith, P. S., and Eakin, H. M., cited 393 Smith & Sutherland, claims of, in the Willow Creek district 185 Snake River, tungsten produced near 41 Snettisham, Sweetheart Falls Creek near 66-68 Snow Slide claims, Chichagof Island, de- scription of 123 Solfatara on Unalaska Island, description of 285-289 Solomon Gulch, description of 155 mines on 147, 168-171 ore deposits on 164^165 Sophie Gulch, tungsten produced on 41 Southeastern Alaska, field work in 7-8 mining operations and production in — 28-30 Southwestern Alaska, field work in 9 mineral production in 33 Speel River at Port Snettisham 72-74 Split Creek, placer prospects on 399 Springs, hot, occurrence of 399-400 Spruce Creek, production on 38 Spruce Hen claim, Fairbanks district, ore bodies on 326 Stag Bay, Chichagof Island, description of. . . 121 Standard Copper Mines Co.’s property, Land- locked Bay, work on 148 Stanton, T. W., fossils determined by 108,237 Steel Creek, tungsten lodes on 326-327 Stepovak Bay, sulphur deposit on 297-298 Storage reservoirs in southeastern Alaska 82 Structural material, operation for 27 Submarine claim, Chichagof Island, descrip- tion of 120 Sudbury, Canada, nickel deposit, comparison of, with nickel deposit on Chi- chagof Island 127-129 Sukkwan Island, copper prospects on 88-89 Sullivan Creek, gold and tin on 37-38,333 placer mining on 334 Sulphur, deposits of 289-292, 294-298 Summit Creek, operations on 175 Sunny Cove, Carlson Creek at 76-77 Sunset Creek, tungsten produced on 41 Surveys, appropriations for and progress of, 1898-1917 5 Susitna region, field work in 8 mini ng operations in 33 prospecting for placers on 231 Susitna River, transportation on 190-191 Sutter Creek, tin mining on 360 Swan Lake outlet at Carroll Inlet, Revillagi- gedo Island 53-55 408 INDEX Page. Sweepstakes Creek, placer mining on 395 production on 41 rocks on 372-374 Sweepstakes property, Harriman Fiord, development on 150 Sweetheart Falls Creek near Snettisham 66-68 U. Page. Unalaska Island, location of and access to. . . 283 sulphur deposit on 285-292 Uncle Sam Alaska Mining Syndicate, graph- ite mining by 364-365 T. V Taku Inlet, Grindstone Creek at 74-75 Talkeetna claims, Prospect Creek, develop- ment on 203-204 Talkeetna district, lode prospecting in 33 Talkeetna Gold Mining Co., property and equipment of 182 Talkeetna Mountains, western part of, geogra- phy of. 189-193 western part of, geologic sketch map of . . . 188 geology of 194-198 mineral resources of 199-205 surveys in 187-188 Tamarack Creek, production on 38 Tanana claims, Fairbanks district, tungsten lode on 327 Thane, Sheep Creek near 78-79 Thanksgiving Creek, placer mining on 334 Thomas Bay near Petersburg, Cascade Creek at 62-63 Thomas-Culross Mining Co., operations of. . 149 Three man Milling Co.’s property, Landlocked Bay, work on 148 Thunder Creek, placer mining on 249-251 Timber supply. See Economic conditions affecting mining. Tin, occurrence and mining of. . . 33, 38, 246, 258, 260, 261, 332-333, 350, 353-361 production of 19-20,37-38,41 Tin City, tin lode claims near 41 Tofty Gulch, placer mining on 334 Tokeen, marble quarrying at 28 Tokichitna Basin, placer mining in 261-262 Tolovana district, mineral production in 37 Tolstoi district, economic conditions in 341-342 geography of 339-341 geologic sketch map of 340 geology of 342-348 mineral resources of 349-351 production in 38 Tomboy claims, Pigot Bay, development on 150 Tony Goessman property, Fairbanks district, mining on 322 Transportation. See Economic conditions affecting m inin g. Treadwell mine, dismantlement of 29 Tungsten, occurrence and mining of 246, 324-327,356-357 production of 20-21,41 Tungsten Hill claims, Fairbanks district, scheelite lodes on 327 Valdez, location and industries of 156-157 Valdez Creek district, mining in 33 Valdez Gold Co., development by 151 Valdez Mining Co., development by 151 Vegetation, kinds and prevalence of 94, 155-156, 192, 212, 340, 383 Wages. See Economic conditions affecting mining. Wagner & Johnson claims, Port Wells dis- trict, development on 150 Wahmus Creek, discovery of placer gold on. . 40 Walker Lake, strike reported at 42 Waring, G. A., cited 134-135 Water supply, importance of, for mining and other industries 43 See also Economic conditions affecting mining . Water power, developed, in southeastern Alaska 43-^4 information needed on 46 sites for, in southeastern Alaska AA-Ah Watermouse Creek, discovery of placer gold on 40 Webbfoot claims, Willow Creek district, development on 185 Wells, It. C., analyses by 258,316,396 White Sulphur Springs, Chichagof Island, description of 135-136 Willow Creek, Kahiltna Valley, placer mining on 259-260 Marshall district, production on 39 Willow Creek district, production in 14, 15,32, 177-178 Windy Creek, placer minin g on 254 Winner Creek, placer mining on 176 Witherspoon, D. C., work of 8 Woodchopper Creek, placer mining on 37,334 Wrangell, Mill Creek near 60-62 Y. Yacobi Island, claims on 121 Yankee Creek, production on 38 Yellow Pup Creek, antimony lodes on 325,326 Yentna district, mining operations in 32-33 York region, tin mining in 353-361 Yukon region, field work in 9 mineral production in 33-40 RECENT SURVEY PUBLICATIONS ON ALASKA. [Arranged geographically. A complete list can be had on application.] All these publications can be obtained or consulted in the following ways : 1. A limited number are delivered to the Director of the Survey, from whom they can be obtained free of charge (except certain maps) on application. 2. A certain number are delivered to Senators and Representatives in Con- gress for distribution. 3. Other copies are deposited with the Superintendent of Documents, Wash- ington, D. C., from whom they can be had at prices slightly above cost. The publications marked with an asterisk (*) in this list are out of stock at the Survey, but can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents at the prices stated. 4. Copies of all Government publications are furnished to the principal public libraries throughout the United States, where they can be consulted by those interested. The maps whose price is stated are sold by the Geological Survey and not by the Superintendent of Documents. On an order amounting to $5 or more at the retail price a discount of 40 per cent is allowed. GENERAL. REPORTS. * The geography and geology of Alaska, a summary of existing knowledge, by A. H. Brooks, with a section on climate, by Cleveland Abbe, jr., and a topo- graphic map and description thereof, by R. U. Goode. Professional Paper 45, 1906, 327 pp. No copies available. May be consulted at many public libraries. *Placer mining in Alaska in 1904, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 259, 1905, pp. 18-31. 15 cents. The mining industry in 1905, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 284, 1906, pp. 4-9. * The mining industry in 1906, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 314, 1907, pp. 19-39. 30 cents. * The mining industry in 1907, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 345, 1908, pp. 30-53. 45 cents. * The mining industry in 1908, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 21-62. 50 cents. *The mining industry in 1909, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 20-46. 40 cents. The mining industry in 1910, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 480, 1911, pp. 21-42. The mining industry in 1911, by A. H. Brooks In Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 19-44. 50 cents. The mining industry in 1912, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 18-51. * The Alaskan mining industry in 1913, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 45-74. 60 cents. i II MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. The Alaskan mining industry in 1914, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 15-68. The Alaskan mining industry in 1915, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 17-72. The Alaskan mining industry in 1916, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 11-62. The Alaskan mining industry in 1917, by G. C. Martin. In Bulletin 692, 1918, pp. 11-42. Railway routes, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 284, 1906, pp. 10-17. Railway routes from the Pacific seaboard to Fairbanks, Alaska, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 45-88. ♦Geologic features of Alaskan metalliferous lodes, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 480, 1911, pp. 43-93. ♦The mineral deposits of Alaska, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 18-44. ♦The future of gold placer mining in Alaska, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 69-79. *Tin resources of Alaska, by F. L. Hess. In Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 89-92. 50 cents. ♦The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposits, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 250, 1905, 64 pp. 15 cents. Alaska coal and its utilization, by A. H. Brooks. Bulletin 442-J, reprinted 1914. *The possible use of peat fuel in Alaska, by C. A. Davis. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 63-66. 50 cents. *The preparation and use of peat as a fuel, by C. A. Davis. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 101-132. 40 cents. ♦Methods and costs of gravel and placer mining in Alaska, by C. W. Puring- ton. Bulletin 263, 1905, 362 pp. No copies available. (Abstract in Bulletin 259, 1905, pp. 32-46.) ♦Prospecting and mining gold placers in Alaska, by J. P. Hutchins. In Bulletin 345, 1908, pp. 54—77. 45 cents. ♦Geographic dictionary of Alaska, by Marcus Baker ; second edition prepared by James McCormick. Bulletin 299, 1906, 690 pp. 50 cents. Tin mining in Alaska, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 81-94. Antimony deposits of Alaska, by A. H. Brooks. Bulletin 649, 1916, 67 pp. The use of the panoramic camera in topographic surveying, by J. W. Bagley. Bulletin 657, 1917, 88 pp. The mineral springs of Alaska, by G. A. Waring. .Water-Supply Paper 418, 1917, 114 pp. Alaska’s mineral supplies, by A. H. Brooks. Bulletin 666-P, pp. 1-14. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Map of Alaska (A) ; scale 1: 5,000,000; 1912, by A. H. Brooks. 20 cents retail or 12 cents wholesale. Map of Alaska (B) ; scale 1: 1,500.000; 1915, by A. H. Brooks and R. H. Sar- gent. 80 cents retail or 48 cents wholesale. Map of Alaska (C) ; scale 1: 12,000,000; 1916. 1 cent retail or five for 3 cents wholesale. Map of Alaska showing distribution of mineral deposits ; scale 1 : 5,000,000 ; by A. H. Brooks. 20 cents retail or 12 cents wholesale. New editions in- cluded in Bulletins 642 and -662. Index map of Alaska, including list of publications ; scale 1 : 5,000,000 ; by A. H. Brooks. Free. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917 , III SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. REPORTS. *The Porcupine placer district, Alaska, by C. W. Wright. Bulletin 236, 1904, 35 pp. 15 cents. ♦Economic developments in southeastern Alaska, by F. E. and C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 259, 1905, pp. 47-68. 15 cents. ♦The Juneau gold belt, Alaska, by A. C. Spencer, pp. 1-137, and a reconnais- sance of Admiralty Island, Alaska, by C. W. Wright, pp. 138-154. Bulletin 287, 1906, 161 pp. 75 cents. Lode mining in southeastern Alaska, by F. E. and C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 284, 1906, pp. 30-53. Nonmetallic deposits of southeastern Alaska, by C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 284, 1906, pp. 54-60. Lode mining in southeastern Alaska, by C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 314, 1907, pp. 47-72. Nonmetalliferous mineral resources of southeastern Alaska, by C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 314, 1907, pp. 73-81. Reconnaissance on the Pacific coast from Yakutat to Alsek River, by Eliot Blackwelder. In Bulletin 314, 1907, pp. 82-88. ♦Lode mining in southeastern Alaska, 1907, by C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 345, 1908, pp. 78-97. 45 cents. ♦The building stones and materials of southeastern Alaska, by C. W. Wright. In Bulletin 345, 1908, pp. 116-126. 45 cents. ♦The Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts, Alaska, by F. E. and C. W. Wright. Bulletin 347, 1908, 210 pp. 60 cents. ♦The Yakutat Bay region, Alaska ; Physiography and glacial geology, by R. S. Tarr ; Areal geology, by R. S. Tarr and B. S. Butler. Professional Paper 64, 1909, 186 pp. 50 cents. ♦Mining in southeastern Alaska, by C. W. W right. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 67-86. 50 cents. ♦Mining in southeastern Alaska, by Adolph Knopf. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 133-143. 40 cents. ♦Occurrence of iron ore near Haines, by Adolph Knopf. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 144-146. 40 cents. ♦Report of water-power reconnaissance in southeastern Alaska, by J. C. Hoyt. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 147-157. 40 cents. Geology of the Berners Bay region, Alaska, by Adolph Knopf. Bulletin 446, 1911, 58 pp. Mining in southeastern Alaska, by Adolph Knopf. In Bulletin 480, 1911, pp. 94-102. The Eagle River region, by Adolph Knopf. In Bulletin 480, 1911, pp. 103-111. The Eagle River region, southeastern Alaska, by Adolph Knopf. Bulletin 502, 1912, 61 pp. The Sitka mining district, Alaska, by Adolph Knopf. Bulletin 504, 1912, 32 pp. The earthquakes at Yakutat Bay, Alaska, in September, 1899, by R. S. Tarr and Lawrence Martin, with a preface by G. K. Gilbert. Professional Paper 69, 1912, 135 pp. Marble resources of Ketchikan and Wrangell districts, by E. F. Burchard. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 52-77. Marble resources of the Juneau, Skagway, and Sitka districts, by E. F. Burchard. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 95-107. A barite deposit near Wrangell, by E. F. Burchard. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 109-117. IV MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. *Lode mining in the Ketchikan district, by P. S. Smith. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 75-94. 60 cents. The geology and ore deposits of Copper Mountain and Kasaan Peninsula, Alaska, by C. W. Wright. Professional Paper 87, 1915, 110 pp. Mining in the Juneau region, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 95-102. Notes on the geology of Gravina Island, Alaska, by P. S. Smith. In Professional Paper 95, 1916, pp. 97-105. Mining in southeastern Alaska, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 73-104. Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, by G. H. Canfield. In Bul- letin 642, 1916, pp. 105-127. Mining developments in the Ketchikan and Wrangell districts, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 63-75. Lode mining in the Juneau gold belt, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 71-92. Gold placer mining in the Porcupine district, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 93-100. Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, by G. H. Canfield. In Bul- letin 662, 1917, pp. 101-154. Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, by G. H. Canfield. In Bul- letin 692, 1919, pp. 43-83. The structure and stratigraphy of Gravina and Bevillagigedo islands, Alaska, by Theodore Chapin. In Professional Paper 120-D, 1918, pp. 83-100. Mining developments in the Ketchikan mining district, by Theodore Chapin, In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 85-89. The geology and mineral resources of the west coast of Chichagof Island, by R. M. Overbeck. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 91-136. In preparation. Marble deposits of southeastern Alaska, by E. F. Burchard. Bulletin 682. The Porcupine district, by H. M. Eakin. Bulletin 699. The Juneau district, by A. C. Spencer and H. M. Eakin. Geology of the Glacier Bay and Lituya region, Alaska, by F. E. and C. W. Wright. The Ketchikan district, Alaska, by Theodore Chapin. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. * Juneau gold belt, Alaska ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; compiled. In *Bulletin 287. 75 cents. Not issued separately. Juneau special (No. 581A) ; scale, 1:62,500; by W. J. Peters. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Berners Bay special (No. 581B) ; scale, 1: 62,500; by R. B. Oliver. 10 cents re- tail or 6 cents wholesale. Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island (No. 540A) ; scale, 1:62,500; by D. C. Witherspoon, R. H. Sargent, and J. W. Bagley. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also contained in Professional Paper 87. Copper Mountain and vicinity, Prince of Wales Island (No. 540B) ; scale, 1 : 62,500 ; by R. H. Sargent. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also con- tained in Professional Paper 87. Eagle River region (No. 581C) ; scale, 1: 62,500; by J. W. Bagley, C. E. Giffin, and R. E. Johnson. In Bulletin 502. Not issued separately. Juneau and vicinity (No. 581D) ; scale, 1:24,000; contour interval, 50 feet; by D. C. Witherspoon. 10 cents. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. V CONTROLLER BAY, PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND, AND COPPER RIVER REGIONS. REPORTS. ♦The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposits, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 250, 1905, 64 pp. 15 cents. ♦Geology of the central Copper River region, Alaska, by W. C. Mendenhall. Professional Paper 41, 1905, 133 pp. 50 cents. ♦Geology and mineral resources of Controller Bay region, Alaska, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 335, 1908, 141 pp. 70 cents. ♦Notes on copper prospects of Prince William Sound, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulle- tin 345, 1908, pp. 176-178. 45 cents. Mineral resources of the Kotsina-Chitina region, by F. H. Moffit and A. G. Maddren. Bulletin 374, 1909, 103 pp. ♦Copper mining and prospecting on Prince 'Vyilliam Sound, by U. S. Grant and D. F. Higgins, jr. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 78-96. 50 cents. ♦Gold on Prince William Sound, by U. S. Grant. In Bulletin 379, 1909, p. 97. 50 cents. Mining in the Kotsina-Chitina, Chistochina, and Valdez Creek regions, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 153-160. Mineral resources of the Nabesna-White River district, by F. H. Moffit and Adolph Knopf; with a section on the Quaternary, by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 417, 1910, 64 pp. Mining in the Chitina district, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 158-163. Mining and prospecting on Prince William Sound in 1909, by U. S. Grant. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 164-165. Reconnaissance of the geology and mineral resources of Prince William Sound, Alaska, by U. S. Grant and D. F. Higgins. Bulletin 443, 1910, 89 pp. Geology and mineral resources of the Nizina district, Alaska, by F. H. Moffit and S. R. Capps. Bulletin 448, 1911, 111 pp. Headwater regions of Gulkana and Susitna rivers, Alaska, with accounts of the Valdez Creek and Chistochina placer districts, by F. H. Moffit. Bulletin 498, 1912, 82 pp. ♦The Chitina district, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 105-107. 50 cents. ♦Gold deposits near Valdez, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 108-130. 50 cents. Coastal glaciers of Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by U. S. Grant and D. F. Higgins. Bulletin 526, 1913, 75 pp. The McKinley Lake district, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 78-80. Mining in Chitina Talley, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 81-85. Mineral deposits of the Ellamar district, by S. R. Capps and B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 86-124. The mineral deposits of the Yakataga region, by A. G. Maddren. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 119-154. ♦Preliminary report on water power of south-central Alaska, by C. E. Ellsworth and R. W. Davenport. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 155-194. The Port Wells gold lode district, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 195-236. Mining on Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 237-244. 115086°— 19 27 VI MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Geology of the Hanagita-Bremner region, by F. H. Moffit. Bulletin 576, 1915, 56 pp. The geology and mineral resources of Kenai Peninsula, by G. C. Martin, B. L. Johnson, and U. S. Grant. Bulletin 587, 1915, 243 pp. Mineral deposits of the Kotsina-Kuskulana district, with notes on mining in Chitina Valley, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 103-117. Auriferous gravels of the Nelchina-Susitna region, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 118-130. Mining on Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 131-139. The gold and copper deposits of the Port Valdez district, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 140-188. The Ellamar district, by S. R. Capps and B. L. Johnson. Bulletin 605, 125 pp. A water-power reconnaissance in south-central Alaska, by C. E. Ellsworth and R. W. Davenport. Water-Supply Paper 372, 173 pp. Mineral resources of the upper Chitina Valley, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 129-136. Mining on Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 137-145. Mining in the lower Copper River basin, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 155-182. Retreat of Barry Glacier, Port Wells, Prince William Sound, Alaska, between 1910 and 1914, by B. L. Johnson. In Professional Paper 98, 1916, pp. 35-36. Mining on Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 183-192. Copper deposits of the Latouche and Knight Island districts, Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 193-220. The Nelchina-Susitna region, by Theodore Chapin. Bulletin 668, 1918, 67 pp. The upper Chitina Valley, by F. H. Moffit, with a description of the igneous rocks, by R. M. Overbeck. Bulletin 675, 1918, 82 pp. Platinum-bearing auriferous gravels of Chistochina River, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 137-141. Mining in Prince William Sound, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 143-151. Mineral resources of Jack Bay district and vicinity, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 153-173. Mining in central and northern Kenai Peninsula in 1917, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 175-186. In preparation. The Kotsina-Kuskulana district, by F. H. Moffit. The Latouche and Knight Island districts, Prince William Sound, Alaska, by B. L. Johnson. The Valdez- Jack Bay district, Prince William Sound, Alaska, by B. L. Johnson. The Yakataga region, by A. G. Maddren. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Central Copper River region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by T. G. Gerdine. In *Professional Paper 41. 50 cents. Not issued separately. Headwater regions of Copper, Nabesna, and Chisana rivers, reconnaissance map; scale, 1:250,000; by D. C. Witherspoon, T. G. Gerdine, and W. J. Peters. In * Professional Paper 41. 50 cents. Not issued separately. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. VII Controller Bay region (No. 601A) ; scale, 1:62,500; by E. G. Hamilton and W. R. Hill. 35 cents retail or 21 cents wholesale. Also published in *Bulletin 335. 70 cents. Chitina quadrangle (No. 601), reconnaissance map; scale, 1:250,000; by T. G. Gerdine, D. C. Witherspoon, and others. 50 cents retail or 30 cents wholesale. Also published in Bulletin 576. Nizina district (No. 601B) ; scale, 1:62,500; by D. C. Witherspoon and R. M. La Follette. In Bulletin 448. Not issued separately. Headwater regions of Gulkana and Susitna rivers ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by D. C. Witherspoon, J. W. Bagley, and C. E. Giffin. In Bulletin 498. Not issued separately. Prince William Sound ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; compiled. In Bulletin 526. Not issued separately. Port Valdez district (No. 602B) ; scale, 1:62,500; by J. W. Bagley. 20 cents retail or 12 cents wholesale. The Bering River coal fields ; scale, 1 : 62,500 ; by G. C. Martin. 25 cents retail or 15 cents wholesale. The Ellamar district (No. 602D) ; scale, 1: 62,500; by R. H. Sargent and C. E. Giffin. Published in Bulletin 605. Not issued separately. Nelchina-Susitna region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by J. W. Bagley, T. G. Gerdine, and others. In Bulletin 668. Not issued separately. Upper Chitina Valley, reconnaissance map; scale, 1:250,000; contour interval, 200 feet ; by International Boundary Commission, F. H. Moffit, D. C. Wither- spoon, and T. G. Gerdine. In Bulletin 675. Not issued separately. In preparation. The Kotsina-Kuskulana district (No. 601C) ; scale, 1:62,500; by D. C. Wither- spoon. The Port Wells region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by J. W. Bagley. Jack Bay district ; scale, 1 : 62,500 ; by J. W. Bagley. COOK INLET AND SUSITNA REGION. REPORTS. *The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposits, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 250, 1905, 64 pp. 15 cents. *Gold placers of Turnagain Arm, Cook Inlet, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 259, 1905, pp. 90-99. 15 cents. *Mineral resources of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by F. H. Moffit and R. W. Stone. Bulletin 277, 1906, 80 pp. ♦Gold placers of the Mulchatna, by F. J. Katz. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 201- 202. 40 cents. ♦Geologic reconnaissance in the Matanuska and Talkeetna basins, Alaska, by Sidney Paige and Adolph Knopf. Bulletin 327, 1907, 71 pp. The Mount McKinley region, Alaska, by A. H. Brooks, with descriptions of the igneous rocks and of the Bonnifield and Kantishna districts, by L. M. Prindle. Professional Paper 70, 1911, 234 pp. A geologic reconnaissance of the Iliamna region, Alaska, by G. C. Martin and F. J. Katz. Bulletin 485, 1912, 138 pp. Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska, by G. C. Martin and F. J. Katz. Bulletin 500, 1912, 98 pp. The Yentna district, Alaska, by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 534, 1913, 75 pp. Gold lodes and placers of the Willow Creek district, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 245-272. VT1I MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Mineral resources of tiie upper Matanuska and Nelchina valleys, by G. C. Martin and J. B. Mertie, jr. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 273-300. Preliminary report on the Broad Pass region, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 301-306. Mining in the Valdez Creek placer district, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 307-308. The geology and mineral resources of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by G. C. Martin B. L. Johnson, and U. S. Grant. Bulletin 587, 1915, 243 pp. The Willow Creek district, by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 607, 1915, 86 pp. The Broad Pass region, by F. H. Moffit and J. E. Pogue. Bulletin 608, 1915. 80 pp. Auriferous gravels of the Nelchina-Susitna region, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 118-130. The Turnagain-Knik region, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 147-194. Gold mining in the Willow Creek district, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 195-200. The Nelchina-Susitna region, by Theodore Chapin. Bulletin 668, 1918, 67 pp. Mineral resources of the upper Chulitna region, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 207-232. Gold lode mining in the Willow Creek district, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 177-186. Mineral resources of the western Talkeetna Mountains, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 187-205. Platinum-bearing gold placers of Kahiltna Valley, by J. B. Mertie, jr. In Bul- letin 692, 1919, pp. 233-264. Chromite deposits of Alaska, by J. B. Mertie, jr. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 265-267. Geologic problems at the Matanuska coal mines, by G. C. Martin. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 269-282. In preparation . The geology of upper Matanuska basin, by G. C. Martin. The western Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska, by S. R. Capps. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Kenai Peninsula, southern portion ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; compiled. In Bulletin 526. Not issued separately. Matanuska and Talkeetna region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by T. G. Gerdine and R. H. Sargent. In *Bulletin 327. 25 cents. Not issued separately. Lower Matanuska Valley; scale, 1:62,500; by R. H. Sargent. In Bulletin 500. Not issued separately. Yentna district, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by R. W. Porter. Re- vised edition. In Bulletin 534. Not issued separately. Mount McKinley region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 625,000 ; by D. L. Rea- burn. In Professional Paper 70. Not issued separately. Kenai Peninsula, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by R. H. Sargent, J. W. Bagley, and others. In Bulletin 587. Not issued separately. Moose Pass and vicinity (602C) ; scale, 1: 62,500; by J. W. Bagley. In Bulletin 587. Not issued separately. The Willow Creek district; scale, 1:62,500; by C. E. Giffin. In Bulletin 607. Not issued separately. The Broad Pass region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by J. W. Bagley. In Bulletin 608. Not issued separately. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. IX Lower Matanuska Valley (602A) ; scale, 1:62,500; contour interval, 50 feet; by R. H. Sargent. 10 cents. Nelchina-Susitna region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by J. W. Bagley. In Bulletin 668. Not issued separately. SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA. REPORTS. ♦A reconnaissance in southwestern Alaska, by J. E. Spurr. In Twentieth Annual Report, pt. 7, 1900, pp. 31-264. $1.80. ♦Gold mine on Unalaska Island, by A. J. Collier. In Bulletin 259, 1905, pp. 102-103. 15 cents. ♦The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposits, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 250, 1905, 64 pp. 15 cents. Geology and mineral resources of parts of Alaska Peninsula, by W. W. Atwood. Bulletin 467, 1911, 137 pp. A geologic reconnaissance of the Iliamna region, Alaska, by G. C. Martin and F. J. Katz. Bulletin 485, 1912, 138 pp. Mineral deposits of Kodiak and the neighboring islands, by G. C. Martin. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 125-136. The Lake Clark-Central Kuskokwim region, by P. S. Smith. Bulletin 655, 1918, 162 pp. The beach placers of the west coast of Kodiak Island, Alaska, by A. G. Maddren. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 299-319. Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun islands and near Stepovak Bay, Alaska, by A. G. Maddren. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 283-298. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Herendeen Bay and Unga Island region, reconnaissance map; scale, 1:250,000; by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 467. Not issued separately. Chignik Bay region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 467. Not issued separately. Iliamna region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by D. C. Witherspoon and C. E. Giffin. In Bulletin 485. Not issued separately. ♦Kuskokwim River and Bristol Bay region ; scale, 1 : 625,000 ; by W. S. Post. In Twentieth Annual Report, pt. 7. $1.80. Not issued separately. Lake Clark-Central Kuskokwim region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by R. H. Sargent, D. C. Witherspoon, and C. E. Giffin. In Bulletin 655. Not issued separately. YUKON AND KUSKOKWIM BASINS. REPORTS. ♦The coal resources of the Yukon, Alaska, by A. J. Collier. Bulletin 218, 1903, 71 pp. 15 cents. ♦Occurrence of gold in the Yukon-Tanana region, by L. M. Prindle. In Bulletin 345, 1908, pp. 179-186. 45 cents. The Fortymile quadrangle, Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, by L. M. Prindle. Bulletin 375, 1909, 52 pp. Water-supply investigations in Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, 1907-8 (Fair- banks, Circle, and Rampart districts), by C. C. Covert and C. E. Ellsworth. Water-Supply Paper 228, 1909, 108 pp. The Innoko gold placer district, Alaska, with accounts of the Central Kusko- kwim Valley and the Ruby Creek and Gold Hill placers, by A. G. Maddren. Bulletin 410, 1910, 87 pp. X MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Mineral resources of Nabesna-White River district, by F. H. Moffit and Adolph Knopf, with a section on the Quaternary by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 417, 1910, 64 pp. ♦Placer mining in the Yukon-Tanana region, by C. E. Ellsworth. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 230-245. 40 cents. ♦Occurrence of wolframite and cassiterite in the gold placers of Deadwood Creek, Birch Creek district, by B. L. Johnson. In Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 246-250. 40 cents. Placer mining in the Yukon-Tanana region, by C. E. Ellsworth and G. L. Parker. In Bulletin 480, 1911, pp. 153-172. Gold placer-mining developments in the Innoko-Iditarod region, by A. G. Mad- dren. In Bulletin 480, 1911, pp. 236-270. Placer mining in the Fortymile and Seventymile river districts, by E. A. Porter. In *Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 211-218. 50 cents. Placer mining in the Fairbanks and Circle districts, by C. E. Ellsworth. In ♦Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 240-245. 50 cents. Gold placers between Woodchopper and Fourth of July creeks, upper Yukon River, by L. M. Prindle and J. B. Mertie, jr. In *Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 201- 210. 50 cents. The Bonnifield region, Alaska, by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 501, 1912, 162 pp. A geologic reconnaissance of a part of the Rampart quadrangle, Alaska, by H. M. Eakin. Bulletin 535, 1913, 38 pp. A geologic reconnaissance of the Fairbanks quadrangle, Alaska, by L. M. Prindle, with a detailed description of the Fairbanks district, by L. M. Prindle and F. J. Katz, and an account of lode mining near Fairbanks, by P. S. Smith. Bulletin 525, 1913, 220 pp. The Koyukuk-Chandalar region, Alaska, by A. G. Maddren. Bulletin 532, 1913, 119 pp. Price 25 cents. A geologic reconnaissance of the Circle quadrangle, Alaska, by L. M. Prindle. Bulletin 538, 1913, 82 pp. Placer mining in the Yukon-Tanana region, by C. E. Ellsworth and R. W. Daven- port. In Bulletin 542, 1913, pp. 203-222. The Chisana placer district, by A. H. Brooks. In *Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 309-320. ♦Placer mining in the Yukon-Tanana region, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 357-362. 60 cents. ♦Lode developments near Fairbanks, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 321-355. 60 cents. Mineral resources of the Yukon-Koyukuk region, by H. M. Eakin. In *Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 371-384. The Iditarod-Ruby region, Alaska, by H. M. Eakin. Bulletin 578, 1914, 45 pp. Surface water supply of the Yukon-Tanana region, 1907 to 1912, by C. E. Ells- worth and R. W. Davenport. Water-Supply Paper 342, 1915, 343 pp. Mineral resources of the Chisana-White River district, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 189-228. Mining in the Fairbanks district, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 229-238. Mining in the Hot Springs district, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 239-245. Mineral resources of the Lake Clark-Iditarod region, by P. S. Smith. In Bulle- tin 622, 1915, pp. 247-271. Quicksilver deposits of the Kuskokwim region, by P. S. Smith and A. G. Mad- dren. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 272-291. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. XI Gold placers of the lower Kuskokwim, by A. G. Maddren. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 292-360. An ancient volcanic eruption in the upper Yukon Basin, by S. R. Capps. Pro- fessional Paper 95-D, 1915, pp. 59-64. Preliminary report on Tolovana district, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 201-209. Exploration in the Cosna-Nowitna region, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 211-222. Mineral resources of the Ruby-Kuskokwim region, by J. B. Mertie, jr., and G. L. Harrington. In Bulletin 642, 1916, pp. 22S-266. The Chisana-White River district, by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 630, 1916, 130 pp. The Yukon-Koyukuk region, by H. M. Eakin. Bulletin 631, 1916, 88 pp. Mineral resources of the Kantishna region, by S. R. Capps. In Bulletin 662, . 1917, pp. 279-331. The gold placers of the Tolovana district, by J. B. Mertie, jr. 1917, pp. 221-277. Gold placers near the Nenana coal field, by A. G. Maddren. 1917, pp. 363-402. Lode mining in the Fairbanks district, by J. B. Mertie, jr. 1917, pp. 403-424. Lode deposits near the Nenana coal field, by R. M. Overbeck. 1917, pp. 351-362. Gold placers of the Anvik-Andreafski region, by G. L. Harrington. 662, 1917, pp. 333-349. The Lake Clark-central Kuskokwim region, by P. S. Smith. Bulletin 655, 1918, 162 pp. The Nenana coal field, by G. C. Martin. Bulletin 664, 1919, 54 pp. The Cosna-Nowitna region, by H. M. Eakin. Bulletin 667, 1918, 54 pp. The Anvik-Andreafski region, by G. L. Harrington. Bulletin 683, 1918, 70 pp. The Kantishna district, by S. R. Capps. Bulletin 687, 1919, 116 pp. Mining in the Fairbanks district, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 321-327. A molybdenite lode on Healy River, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 692, 1919, p. 329. Mining in the Hot Springs district, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 692, 1919, In Bulletin 662, In Bulletin 662, In Bulletin 662, In Bulletin 662, In Bulletin pp. 331-335. Tin deposits of the Ruby district, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 692, 1919, p. 337. The gold and platinum placers of the Tolstoi district, by G. L. Harrington. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 339-351. In preparation. The Ruby-Kuskokwim region, by J. B. Mertie, jr., and G. L. Harrington. The Lower Kuskokwim region, by A. G. Maddren. A geologic reconnaissance in the northern part of the Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, by Eliot Blackwelder. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Circle quadrangle (No. 641) : scale, 1: 250,000; by T. G. Gerdine, D. C. Wither- spoon, and others. 50 cents retail or 30 cents wholesale. Also in *Bulletin 295. 35 cents. Fairbanks quadrangle (No. 642); scale, 1:250,000; by T. G. Gerdine, D. C. Witherspoon, R. B. Oliver, and J. W. Bagley. 50 cents retail or 30 cents wholesale. Also in *Bulletins 337 (25 cents) and 525. XII MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Fortymile quadrangle (No. 640) ; scale, 1: 250,000; by E. C. Barnard. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin 375. Rampart quadrangle (No. 643) ; scale, 1:250,000; by D. C. Witherspoon and R. B. Oliver. 20 cents retail or 12 cents wholesale. Also in *Bulletin 337 (25 cents) and part in Bulletin 535. Fairbanks special (No. 642A) ; scale, 1:62,500; by T. G. Gerdine and R. H. Sargent. 20 cents retail or 12 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin 525. Bonnifield region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by J. W. Bagley, D. C. Witherspoon, and C. E. Giffin. In Bulletin 501. Not issued separately. Iditarod-Ruby region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by C. G. Anderson, W. S. Post, and others. In Bulletin 578. Not issued separately. Middle Kuskokwim and lower Yukon region ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; by C. G. Ander- son, W. S. Post, and others. In Bulletin 578. Not issued separately. Chisana-White River region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by C. E. Giffin and D. C. Wither- spoon. In Bulletin 630. Not issued separately. Yukon-Koyukuk region ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 631. Not issued separately. Cosna-Nowitna region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by H. M. Eakin, C. E. Giffin, and R. B. Oliver. In Bulletin 667. Not issued separately. Lake Clark-Central Kuskokwim region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by R. PI. Sargent, D. C. Witherspoon, and C. E. Giffin. In Bulletin 655. Not issued separately. Anvik-Andreafski region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by R. H. Sargent. In Bulletin 683. Not issued separately. Marshall district ; scale, 1 : 125,000 ; by R. H. Sargent. In Bulletin 683. Not issued separately. Nenana-Kantishna region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by C. E. Giffin, J. W. Bagley, R. B. Oliver, and D. C. Witherspoon. In Bulletin 687. Not issued separately. In preparation. Lower Kuskokwim region ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; by A. G. Maddren. Ruby district; scale, 1: 250,000; by C. E. Giffin and R. H. Sargent. Innoko-Iditarod region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by R. H. Sargent and C. E. Giffin. SEWARD PENINSULA. REPORTS. The Fairhaven gold placers of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by F. H. Moffit. Bul- letin 247, 1905, 85 pp. Gold mining on Seward Peninsula, by F. H. Moffit. In Bulletin 284, 1906, pp. 132-141. The Kougarok region, by A. H. Brooks. In Bulletin 314, 1907, pp. 164-181. Geology and mineral resources of Iron Creek, by P. S. Smith. In Bulletin 314, 1907, pp. 157-163. 7 The gold placers of parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, including the Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope precincts, by A. J. Collier, F. L. Hess, P. S. Smith, and A. H. Brooks. Bulletin 328, 1908, 343 pp. ♦Investigation of the mineral deposits of Seward Peninsula, by P. S. Smith. In Bulletin 345, 1908, pp. 206-250. 45 cents. Geology of the Seward Peninsula tin deposits, by Adolph Knopf. Bulletin 358, 1908, 72 pp. Recent developments in southern Seward Peninsula, by P. S. Smith. In ♦Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 267-301. THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1917. xm ♦The Iron Creek region, by P. S. Smith. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 302-354. 50 cents. ♦Mining in the Fairhaven district, by F. F. Henshaw. In Bulletin 379, 1909, pp. 355-369. 50 cents. Geology and mineral resources of the Solomon and Casadepaga quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by P. S. Smith. Bulletin 433, 1910, 227 pp. Mining in Seward Peninsula, by F. F. Henshaw. In *Bulletin 442, 1910, pp. 353-371. A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay-Nulato region, by P. S. Smith and H. M. Eakin. Bulletin 449, 1911, 146 pp. ♦Notes on mining in Seward Peninsula, by P. S. Smith. In Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 339-344. 50 cents. Geology of the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles, Alaska, by F. H. Moffit. Bulletin 533, 1913, 140 pp. ♦Surface water supply of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by F. F. Henshaw and G. L. Parker, with a sketch of the geography and geology by P. S. Smith and a description of methods of placer mining by A. H. Brooks ; including topographic reconnaissance map. Water-Supply Paper 314, 1913, 317 pp. 45 cents. ♦Placer mining on Seward Peninsula, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 385-396. 60 cents. ♦Lode developments on Seward Peninsula, by Theodore Chapin. In Bulletin 592, 1914, pp. 397-407. 60 cents. Iron-ore deposits near Nome, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 361- 365. Placer mining in Seward Peninsula, by H. M. Eakin. In Bulletin 622, 1915, pp. 366-373. Lode mining and prospecting on Seward Peninsula, by J. B. Mertie, jr. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 425-449. Placer mining on Seward Peninsula, by J. B. Mertie, jr. In Bulletin 662, 1917, pp. 451-458. Tin mining in Seward Peninsula, by G. L. Harrington. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 353-361. Graphite mining in Seward Peninsula, by G. L. Harrington. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 363-367. The gold and platinum placers of the Kiwalik-Koyuk region, by G. L. Harring- ton. In Bulletin 692, 1919, pp. 369-400. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Seward Peninsula ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; compiled from work of D. C. Witherspoon, T. G. Gerdine, and others, of the Geological Survey, and all available sources. In Water-Supply Paper 314. Not issued separately. Seward Peninsula, northeastern portion, reconnaissance map (No. 655) ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by D. C. Witherspoon and C. E. Hill. 50 cents retail or 30 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin 247. Seward Peninsula, northwestern portion, reconnaissance map (No. 657) ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by T. G. Gerdine and D. C. Witherspoon. 50 cents retail or 30 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin 328. Seward Peninsula, southern portion, reconnaissance map (No. 656) ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by E. C. Barnard, T. G. Gerdine, and others. 50 cents retail or 30 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin. 328. XIV MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA, 1917. Seward Peninsula, southeastern portion, reconnaissance map (Nos. 655-656) ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by E. C. Barnard, D. L. Reaburn, H. M. Eakin, and others. In Bulletin 449. Not issued separately. Nulato-Norton Bay region ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; by P. S. Smith, H. M. Eakin, and others. In Bulletin 449. Not issued separately. Grand Central quadrangle (No. 646A) ; scale, 1:62,500; by T. G. Gerdine, It. B. Oliver, and W. R. Hill. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin 533. Nome quadrangle (No. 646B) ; scale, 1:62,500; by T. G. Gerdine, R. B. Oliver, and W. R. Hill. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also in Bulletin 533. Casadepaga quadrangle (No. 646C) ; scale, 1:62,500; by T. G. Gerdine, W. B. Corse, and B. A. Yoder. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also in Bul- letin 433. Solomon quadrangle (No. 646D) ; scale, 1:62,500; by. T. G. Gerdine, W. B. Corse, and B. A. Yoder. 10 cents retail or 6 cents wholesale. Also in Bul- letin 433. NORTHERN ALASKA. REPORTS. *A reconnaissance in northern Alaska across the Rocky Mountains, along Koyu- kuk, John, Anaktuvuk, and Colville rivers and the Arctic coast to Cape Lisburne in 1901, by F. C. Schrader, with notes by W. J. Peters. Professional Paper 20, 1904, 139 pp. 40 cents. ♦Geology and coal resources of the Cape Lisburne region, Alaska, by A. J. Collier. Bulletin 278, 1906, 54 pp. 15 cents. Geologic investigations along the Canada-Alaska boundary, by A. G. Maddren. In ^Bulletin 520, 1912, pp. 297-314. The Noatak-Kobuk region, by P. S. Smith. Bulletin 536, 1913, 160 pp. The Koyukuk-Chandalar region, Alaska, by A. G. Maddren. Bulletin 532, 1913, 119 pp. The Canning River region of northern Alaska, by E. de K. Leffingwell Profes- sional Paper 109, 1919, 251 pp. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. ♦Koyukuk River to mouth of Colville River, including John River; scale, 1 : 1,250,000 ; by W. J. Peters. In *Professional Paper 20. 40 cents. Not issued separately. Koyukuk and Chandalar region, reconnaissance map ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; by T. G. Gerdine, D. L. Reaburn, D. C. Witherspoon, and A. G. Maddren. In Bulletin 532. Not issued separately. Noatak-Kobuk region ; scale, 1 : 500,000 ; by C. E. Giffin, D. L. Reaburn, H. M. Eakin, and others. In Bulletin 536. Not issued separately. Canning River region ; scale, 1 : 250,000 ; by E. de K. Leffingwell. In Profes- sional Paper 109. Not issued separately. North Arctic coast ; scale, 1 : 1,000,000 ; by E. de K. Leffingwell. In Professional Paper 109. Not issued separately. Martin Point to Thetis Island ; scale, 1 : 125,000 ; by E. de K. Leffingwell. In Professional Paper 109. Not issued separately. o DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Franklin K. Lane, Secretary United States Geological Survey George Otis Smith, Director Bulletin 693 THE EVAPORATION AND CONCENTRATION OF WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS BY R. VAN A. MILLS AND WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 651 \ax> « t CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Results of the investigation f 5 Acknowledgments 7 Field work 8 Location of quadrangles studied 9 Geology of the Appalachian oil and gas fields 9 Geologic reports relative to the areas studied 9 Areal geology 11 Stratigraphy and structure 11 Lithology and mineralogy of the sediments 12 Kinds of rock 12 Results of petrographic examination of rock specimens 14 Results of chemical examination of rock specimens 16 Results of physical examination of rock specimens 20 Characteristics of the oil and gas in the Appalachian fields 22 Occurrence and distribution of water in the strata 22 Present distribution of water in the oil and gas bearing rocks 22 Water-bearing sands 22 Dry sands 23 Mode of occurrence of petroleum, natural gas, and water in the water-bearing sands 25 Oil, gas, and water mixtures 25 Evidence of the occurrence of oil, gas, and water mixtures 26 Temperature and pressure 27 Characteristics of the Appalachian oil and gas field waters 29 Deep-seated brines and their comparison with sea water 29 Analyses of Appalachian oil and gas field waters 33 Shallow well waters 40 Changes in oil' and gas field waters as deduced from field observations and chemical analyses 44 Mineral deposition during the extraction of oil and gas 44 Changes in the deep-seated waters during the extraction of oil and gas 50 Method of study 50 Comparison of waters from the same well 51 Comparisons of waters from the same geologic horizons in neighboring fields 55 Evidence that similar differences in the waters have been brought about during geologic time 57 Comparison of waters from different geologic horizons 57 Evidence of the natural escape of gases 60 Relations between the geologic history of certain reservoir rocks and their included waters 63 Hypotheses concerning the origin of the oil and gas field waters 64 Hypotheses previously suggested 64 Present hypothesis 67 3 4 CONTENTS. Page. History of the oil and gas field waters 68 Inclusion and migration of waters of sedimentation 68 Changes in the waters of sedimentation 70 Deep-seated waters as agents of cementation 76 Retention of waters associated with gas and oil 76 Evaporation of water at depth - 77 Variables involved 77 Limiting moisture content of natural gas 79 Effect of the increase of temperature with increasing depth 83 Effects due to changes of pressure 1 84 Solubility of natural gas in oil and water 86 Origin of the gases as related to the evaporation of the associated waters. . . 87 Related phenomena and deductions of practical value 89 Association of rock salt with deposits of natural gas and petroleum 89 Origin of salt domes 90 Amount of gas available for evaporation 94 Accumulations of gas and oil associated with salt domes 94 Induced segregation of oil and gas 95 Clogging of oil and gas sands 98 Prospecting for oil and gas 98 Determining the source of infiltrating waters 99 Need for further investigation 100 Index 101 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Generalized sections showing the oil and gas sands and the accom- panying beds from which water and rock samples were collected . 12 II. Salt crusts formed during the production of natural gas 48 III. Incrusted sandstone from oil wells near Evans City, Butler County, Pa 50 IV. Sulphate crusts from oil wells in Butler County, Pa 52 Figure 1. Index map showing location of the Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles, Ohio, the Zelienople and Butler quadrangles, Pa., and the names and positions of other quadrangles for which struc- tural maps have been prepared 9 2. Sketch map showing the areal geology of the Appalachian coal basin . 11 3. Structure contour map of the Appalachian coal basin, showing con- tours on the Big Injun sand 11 4. Curve showing the rates of production of oil and water from well No. 1, Schroeder heirs’ farm, Miltonsburg, Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio, when water samples were collected from that well . . 51 5. Temperature- vapor pressure curve for pure water 81 THE EVAPORATION AND CONCENTRATION OF WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. By R. Van A. Mills and R. C. Wells. INTRODUCTION. RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION. The association of saline waters 1 with petroleum and natural gas has been widely observed, but the origin or mode of formation of these waters has remained a perplexing problem. It has been com- monly assumed that the dissolved salts were derived through the leaching of the sediments by percolating ground waters, or that the deep-seated brines are essentially fossil ocean waters which were in- cluded and buried in the marine sediments at the time of deposition. In the light of the present investigation these relatively simple con- cepts give way to the conclusion that the brines are the result of a complex and long-continued evolution in which waters of sedimenta- tion together with ground waters from other sources have undergone deep-seated evaporation and concentration accompanied by note- worthy chemical changes. Our interpretation of the mode of formation of many oil and gas field brines is partly the outcome of a study of changes in the brines incident to the extraction of gas and oil from their reservoir rocks. It appears that the waters undergo deep-seated concentration, brought about by their evaporation into moving and expanding gas. During this concentration there is a definite order of' change in the relative proportions of the dissolved constituents in the waters. Carbon dioxide and other gases are lost from solution. Calcium, magnesium, and iron separate from solution as carbonates, and under favorable conditions sodium and minor proportions of calcium and 1 The term water is frequently used throughout this paper to mean a dilute aqueous solution or weak brine. 6 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. magnesium separate as chlorides — a process illustrated in the salting up of gas wells. A further separation of the dissolved constituents, > more particularly of calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, barium, strontium, carbonate, and silica, is brought about when waters from different beds and having different properties of reaction become mixed. Lastly, the ratio of calcium to chlorine in the waters in- creases and the ratio of sodium to chlorine decreases with the con- centration. It is a logical step to pass from the facts just recorded to a theory of the formation of the brines. The brines, as they occur in their reservoir rocks, prior to the extraction of gas and oil from these rocks by man, vary greatly in their degree of concentration, and it may be stated as a rule that the concentration of the dissolved constituents of the waters increases with depth, and that the differ- ences between the concentrated and relatively dilute waters are of the same sort as those brought about during the artificial extraction of gas and oil. There are, however, noteworthy exceptions to this rule ; waters that appear to have remained deeply buried under thick covers of relatively impermeable beds since their inclusion in the sediments seem to be less concentrated than those occurring in more shallow beds directly beneath and above certain unconformities. We are led to conclude that the changes in the waters incident to the extraction of gas and oil are largely of the same order as those by which the brines were formed. Marine water of sedimentation and ground water from other sources have been included and deeply buried in the sediments, where, in association with gas and oil, they have migrated and undergone concentration, accompanied by changes in the nature and relative proportions of the dissolved constituents. Concentration is due in part to the leaching of the sediments by the migrating waters but mainly to the evaporation of water into gases that are moving and expanding through natural channels. Reactions between the dissolved constituents of different types of waters and between the dissolved constituents of the waters and the organic and inorganic constituents of the sediments have been important factors in the formation of the brines and so also have mass action and reactions due to deep-seated thermal conditions. During the deep-seated concentration of the waters various con- stituents have separated from solution as their points of saturation were reached. Under favorable conditions the concentration has proceeded sufficiently to cause the deposition from solution of sodium chloride. Chemical reactions and precipitation have also been ef- fective in bringing about these separations. Much evidence of what has taken place through deep-seated natural agencies is furnished INTRODUCTION. 7 by studies of the salts interstitially included in the sediments from which gas and oil have not been extracted, but the most striking example of the deep-seated natural deposition of salt is furnished by the salt domes of Louisiana and Texas. We attribute the forma- tion of these great salt masses largely to the geophysical and geo- chemical processes herein described; deep-seated evaporation and concentration of chloride waters due to the movement and expansion of gases through natural passages, more particularly through fault fissures, having been agencies of prime importance. The salts deposited in wells during the extraction of gas and oil, those occurring interstitially in the sediments, and those constituting the Louisiana and Texas salt domes all agree closely in composition with hypothetical salts whose loss from solution during concentra- tion has been predicated by us through comparisons of the analyses of the dilute and concentrated brines under scrutiny. It is our purpose to describe the mode of concentration of these waters, the changes they have undergone, and some of the relations that the changes bear to the occurrence and production of petroleum and natural gas. Though samples of the waters under investigation were collected only in the Appalachian fields, the conclusions are widely applicable. As shown in the concluding chapter, many of the principles herein set forth are capable of practical application, and it is intended that this bulletin shall be of economic value to oil and gas operators as well as of scientific interest. We shall feel repaid for our studies if we make apparent the need for further detailed field and laboratory investigations of the chemical and physical interactions between petroleum and natural gas, on the one hand, and the associated waters and reservoir rocks, on the other. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We are indebted to our colleagues D. Dale Condit and G. B. Rich- ardson for cooperation and assistance during the field investigations relative to this paper, and to M. I. Goldman for petrographic studies of rock specimens. E. S. Larsen and W. T. Schaller have also made brief petrographic examinations of some of the rock and mineral specimens collected. A. F. Melcher made the porosity tests and S. C. Dinsmore many of the water analyses herein published. The hearty cooperation of numerous oil and gas companies and individual oper- ators is also gratefully acknowledged. To Herman Stabler and Chase Palmer we are especially indebted for assistance during the chemical investigation of materials collected in the field and for help- ful criticism and advice during the preparation of the manuscript. 8 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. FIELD WORK. The field investigations upon which this paper is based were made by R. Van A. Mills, D. Dale Condit, Frank Reeves, and G. B. Rich- ardson during the summers of 1914, 1915, and 1916. The oil and gas resources of the Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles, in southeastern Ohio, were studied by Messrs. Condit, Mills, and Reeves for four months during the summer of 1914. Subsequently the field work in these areas was continued by Mr. Mills during April and May, 1915, and June, 1916. Messrs. Richardson and Mills also studied the oil and gas resources of the Butler and Zelienople quad- rangles, in western Pennsylvania, during the summer of 1915. In the course of these economic investigations particular attention was paid to the distribution and mode of occurrence of the water associated with petroleum and natural gas, with a view to studying some of the physical and chemical relations between the hydrocar- bons, the reservoir rocks, and the associated waters. As material for use in studying the possible changes that the waters have under- gone, both before and after the extraction of oil and gas commenced, samples of oil, gas, oil and gas bearing rocks, and the waters associ- ated with the oil and gas were collected for laboratory study. The oil samples were collected fresh as the oil emerged from the wells and were placed in glass bottles for shipment. The gas samples were collected in large glass containers by the displacement of air and also by the displacement of water. In collecting water samples from deep wells it is difficult to obtain a truly representative sample from a particular bed. Water from one sandstone is likely to enter another through poorly plugged, abandoned wells, or through and around faulty casings. The ef- fort was therefore made to collect samples from tightly cased wells and in newly drilled fields, where water from shallow sources had not leaked into the deeper sands through abandoned wells. The samples were collected directly as the waters came from the wells and were therefore not affected by standing in tanks. So far as pos- sible, the samples of water were collected where collateral data re- garding the depth, thickness, texture, and structure of the productive sands, the geology of the region, and the history of production were available. The rock samples were collected when they were freshly removed from the wells, except where otherwise noted. Lump samples and loose sand blasted from the deep beds when the wells were shot were collected in preference to the finely pulverized fragments contained in drill sludge. GEOLOGY OF APPALACHIAN FIELDS. 9 LOCATION OF QUADRANGLES STUDIED. The location of the four quadrangles studied is shown on the index map (fig. 1). The Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles, which include parts of Belmont, Monroe, Noble, and Guernsey coun- ties, in southeastern Ohio, are from 25 to 45 miles southwest of Wheeling, W. Va., and from 25 to 40 miles north of Marietta, Ohio. The Butler and Zelienople quadrangles, including parts of Butler, Lawrence, and Beaver counties, in western Pennsylvania, are from 20 to 40 miles north of Pittsburgh, Pa., and about 80 miles northeast of the Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles. Figure 1. — Index map showing location of the Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles, Ohio (Nos. 1 and 2, heavily shaded), the Zelienople and Butler quadrangles, Pa. (Nos. 25 and 26, heavily shaded), and the names and positions of other quad- rangles for which structural maps have been prepared (light shading). 3, Flush- ing ; 4, Cadiz ; 5, Steubenville ; 6, Claysville ; 7, Burgettstown ; 8, Carnegie ; 9, Beaver ; 10, Sewickley ; 11, Amity ; 12, Rogersville ; 13, Waynesburg ; 14, Wooster ; 15, Fox- burg ; 16, Clarion ; 17, Kittanning ; 18, Rural Valley ; 19, Elders Ridge ; 20, Latrobe ; 21, Brownsville, 22, Connellsville ; 23, Masontown ; 24, Uniontown. GEOLOGY OF THE APPALACHIAN OIL AND GAS FIELDS. GEOLOGIC REPORTS RELATIVE TO THE AREAS STUDIED. Two brief geologic reports on the Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles 1 have been published by the United States Geological 1 Condit, D. D., Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Summerfield quadrangle, Guernsey, Noble, and Monroe counties, Ohio : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 621, pp. 217-231, 1916 (Bull. 621— N) ; Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Woodsfield quadrangle, Belmont, Monroe, Noble, and Guernsey counties, Ohio : Idem, pp. 233-249, 1915 (Bull. 621-0). 10 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. Survey, and a more detailed report on the oil and gas resources of the same areas is now under preparation. Geologic reports on the Butler and Zelienople quadrangles are also being prepared for pub- lication by the Survey. In addition to these, the Survey has pub- lished the following bulletins concerning oil and gas fields in Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania : 198. The Berea grit oil sand in the Cadiz quadrangle, Ohio, by W. T. Griswold. 1902. 43 pp., 1 pi. 279. Economic geology of the Kittanning and Rural Valley quadrangles, Pa., by Charles Butts. 1906. 198 pp., 11 pis. 286. Economic geology of the Beaver quadrangle, Pa. (southern Beaver and northwestern Allegheny counties), by L. H. Woolsey. 1906. 132 pp., 8 pis. 300. Economic geology of the Amity quadrangle, eastern Washington County, Pa., by F. G. Clapp. 1907. 145 pp., 8 pis. 304. Oil and gas fields of Green County, Pa., by R. W. Stone and F. G. Clapp. 1907. 110 pp., 3 pis. 318. Geology of oil and gas fields in Steubenville, Burgettstown, and Clays- ville quadrangles, Ohio, W. Va., and Pa., by W. T. Griswold and M. J. Munn. 1907. 196 pp., 13 pis. 346. Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Flushing quadrangle, Harrison, Belmont, and Guernsey counties, Ohio, by W. T. Griswold. 1908. 30 pp., 2 pis. 349. Economic geology of the Kenova quadrangle, Ky., Ohio., and W. Va., by W. C. Phalen. 1908. 158 pp., 6 pis. 454. Coal, oil, and gas of the Foxburg quadrangle, Pa., by E. W. Shaw and M. J. Munn. 1911. 85 pp., 10 pis. 456. Oil and gas fields of the Carnegie quadrangle, Pa., by M. J. Munn. 1911. 99 pp., 5 pis. 541-A. Oil and gas in the* northern part of the Cadiz quadrangle, Ohio, by D. D. Condit. 1913. 9 pp., 1 pi. 621-H. Anticlines in the Clinton sand near Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, by C. A. Bonine. 1915. 12 pp., 1 pi. 661-A. The Cleveland gas field, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, with a study of rock pressure, by G. S. Rogers. 1917. 68 pp., 2 pis. The following geologic folios contain descriptions of oil and gas fields in Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania: 69. Huntington, W. Va.-Ohio, by M. R. Campbell. 1900. 72. Charleston, W. Va., by M. R. Campbell. 1901. 82. Masontown-Uniontown, Pa., by M. R. Campbell. 1902. 115. Kittanning, Pa., by Charles Butts and Frank Leverett. 1904. 121. Waynesburg, Pa., by R. W. Stone. 1905. 146. Rogersville, Pa., by F. G. Clapp. 1907. 176. Sewickley, Pa., by M. J. Munn. 1911. 177. Burgettstown-Carnegie, Pa., by E. W. Shaw and M. J. Munn. 1911. 178. Foxburg-Clarion, Pa., by E. W. Shaw, E. F. Lines, and M. J. Munn. 1911. 180. Claysville, Pa., by M. J. Munn. 1912. 184. Kenova, Ky.-W. Va.-Ohio, by W. C. Phalen. 1912. GEOLOGY OF APPALACHIAN FIELDS. 11 AREAL GEOLOGY. The Appalachian oil and gas fields are in the great geosyncline generally known as the Appalachian coal basin, which lies between the Cincinnati an- ticline on the west and the Appalach- ian uplift on the east. Over most of the area, as shown by figure 2, the rocks exposed at the surface are of Pennsylvanian age, but Permian beds cover the center of the basin and both Mississippian and Devonian beds crop out around the edges. STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE. In the fields un- der discussion pe- troleum and nat- ural gas occur as- sociated with saline waters in relatively porous, open - tex- tured “ pay sands ” in marine deposits and in continental deposits laid down at or near sea level. The sediments in southeastern Ohio are estimated to have a total thick- ness of more than 9,000 feet. Some of the productive oil and gas bearing strata, such as those of the Catskill (?) formation in western Penn- sylvania and those in the overlying coal measures, are probably not Figure 2. — Sketch map showing the areal geology of the Ap- palachian coal basin. 11, Permian ; 12, Pennsylvanian ; 13, Mississippian ; 14, Devonian ; 15, Silurian ; 16, Ordovician. Figure 3. — Structure contour map of the Appalachian coal basin, showing contours on the Big Injun sand. (After Reeves.) 12 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. of marine origin, but were deposited sufficiently close to the sea to become interbedded with marine deposits. Under such conditions the nonmarine sediments have probably become more or less perme- ated by marine waters of sedimentation, as will be explained in the following text. The regional structure and general position of the great Appa- lachian geosyncline are shown by figure 3. In the four quadrangles studied during the preparation of this bulletin (see fig. 1) the strata dip gently to the south and southeast, toward the trough of the geosyncline. The dips average approximately 50 feet to the mile, though there are numerous minor folds in which they are more pro- nounced. In the Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles, in south- eastern Ohio, where a very large number of well records were pro- cured, there is much evidence that the strata of Mississippian age had been distorted by small, relatively sharp folds prior to the de- position of the overlying Pennsylvanian sediments. Detailed studies in these two quadrangles have therefore rendered the unconformity between the beds of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian age especially evident. A generalized section of the formations in eastern Ohio is given on the following page. The stratigraphic position of the reservoir rocks from which samples of water and of oil and gas bearing rocks were collected is shown in Plate I. It will be observed that these beds range in age from late Devonian to early Pennsylvanian. The oil and gas sands are for the most part lenticular, many of the productive beds at the same stratigraphic horizons being isolated from one another by rela- tively impermeable shales, tightly cemented sandstones, or grada- tions between the two. For detailed descriptions and structure contour maps of the oil and gas sands in southeastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, the reader is referred to the publications listed on page 10. GENERALIZED SECTIONS SHOWING THE OIL AND GAS SANDS AND THE ACCOMPANYING BEDS IN THE AREAS FROM WHICH WATER AND ROCK SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED. MISSISSIPPI AN V. 8. GKOLOOICAt. 9URVIV A GEOLOGY OF APPALACHIAN FIELDS, 13 Generalized section of formations in eastern Ohio. a System. Group or formation. Thick- ness (feet). Character. Driller’s description. Carboniferous. (Permian series. ) Washington for- mation. 400 Nonpersistent sandstone members with shale and clay of general reddish-brown color. A few thin beds of coal and limestone in lower portion. ( Pennsylvanian series. ) Monongahela for- mation. 255-275 Limestone, shale, and a little sand- stone. Contains the Pitts- burgh, Pomeroy, Meigs Creek, Uniontown, arid Waynesburg coal beds, all of more or less value in the Woodsfield quadrangle. Conemaugh for- mation. 460-475 Irregular members grading into shales, commonly of reddish- brown or variegated colors. Upper and lower Pittsburgh limestone members near top; Ames and Cambridge limestone members a little below middle. Mahoning sandstone member at the base, locally productive of oil. Includes First Cow Run, Buell Run, and Mahoning sands. Allegheny forma- tion. 250-265 Sandstone, shale, and important clay and coal beds, including the Lower Kittanning,. Middle Kit- tanning, and Lower and Upper Freeport. Includes P e e k e r, Macksburg 500-foot, and Second Cow Run oil sands named in descending order. Pottsville for- mation. 155-170 Consists largely of sandstone and conglomerate, which rest with uneven contact on the eroded surface of the Mississippian beds. The sandstone is gen- erally divided into several parts by beds of clay shale, and coals are also locally present. Includes Maxton sand. (Mississippian series.) Maxville lime- stone. 0-100 Dark-gray and bluish to light-gray limestone with interbedded shale and fine-grained sandstone. Big lime; ihcludes Big lime sand. — Unconformity Logan formation. 25-100 Consists of sandstone, the Keener sand, interbedded with shale; a valuable source of oil and gas. Includes Keener oil sand. Black Hand for- mation. 75-175 Coarse sandstone interbedded with and grading laterally into sandy shale. Probably includes Big Injun and Squaw oil sands. Cuyahoga for- mation. 350-450? Mostly sandy shale in lower part, with a few beds of shaly sand- stone. Includes Welsh oil sand. Sunbury shale. 25-40 Dark carbonaceous shale. Black shale. Berea sandstone. 0-40 Berea sand, consisting of coarse to fine grained gray to white sand- stone. Lenticular in the Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles. Berea oil and gas sand. a The part of this section below the Berea sandstone is taken from a paper by G. S. Rogers (The Cleve- land gas field, Cuyahoga County, Ohio: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 661, p. 5, 1917). 14 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS, Generalized section of formations in eastern Ohio — Continued. System. Group or formation. Thick- ness (feet). Character. Driller’s description. Devonian or Carbonifer- ous. Bedford shale. 20-40? Mottled gray, reddish, and brown- ish shale. Ohio shale, 1,100-3,000 feet, usually treated as a unit in southern Ohio. Devonian. Unconformity Silurian. Ohio shale group. Cleveland shale. 50-120 Massive hard black bituminous, with a few bluish layers in lower portion. Chagrin shale. 850-1,200 Soft bluish-gray clay shale, with some concretionary layers. Huron shale. Black and bluish shale in upper and lower portions, with a band of gray shale near middle . Olentangy? shale. 80 Gray calcareous shale. Delaware lime- stone. 500-700 Blue and gray limestone, becom- ing dolomitic in lower part. Contains a 30 to 50 foot bed of white quartz sandstone, 350 to 450 feet below top. Big lime; includes Newburg sand and some “stray” sands in lower 300 feet, 490-1,825 feet. | Columbus lime- stone. Monroe formation. Salina formation. 400-600 Shale, dolomite, anhydrite or gypsum, and rock salt. Niagara limestone. 400-600 Dolomite and limestone. “Clinton” for- mation. 150-250 Crystalline limestone of various fight colors: calcareous shale and thin-bedded limestone, with sandstone layer in lower part. Includes Little lime, 75-150 feet. j Clinton sand, 0-60 feet. 25-75 feet. “Medina” shale. 300-400 Red clay shale, with thin layers of sandstone. Medina red rock. Ordovician. Shale and lime- stone of Cincin- natian age. 750-1,250 Dark shale, with thin layers of limestone, especially in upper part. Slate and shells. Trenton (?) lime- stone. (?) Limestone. Trenton lime. LITHOLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF THE SEDIMENTS. KINDS OF ROCK. The reservoir rocks are principally porous dolomitic limestones and quartzitic and calcareous sandstones interbedded with relatively im- permeable shales, tightly cemented sandstones, and gradations be- GEOLOGY OF APPALACHIAN FIELDS, 15 tween these rocks. Fragments of the oil and gas bearing rocks were collected when they were cleaned from wells in the different fields and have been examined both petrographically and chemically. RESULTS OF PETROGRAPHIC EXAMINATION OF ROCK SPECIMENS. For the petrographic study of the rock specimens we are indebted to M. I. Goldman, who reports as follows : The results of the petrographic study, presented herewith, are only tenta- tive, as more detailed microscopic observations and more extensive study of the relation of the history and distribution of wells to the observed petrographic features are necessary to establish the conclusions. The primary object of the investigation was to find any characteristics of the rocks that might bear on the distribution of oil in them. As the work progressed it appeared that, in addition, light might be thrown on some of the early stages of metamorphism and their relation to geologic conditions. It was found impracticable to make determinations of pore space, because, by the tearing out of soft minerals and in other ways, holes are produced in grind- ing the thin sections. As methods for the determination of the primary or syngenetic features of sedimentary rocks from their thin sections are still rather undeveloped and inadequate, no attempt was made to determine those features beyond recognizing that quartz, feldspar, mica, and clay substance were the principal constituents of the rocks examined. Otherwise the investi- gation was limited to the study of secondary or epigenetic minerals. The following minerals were recognized : Quartz as a secondary growth around the original grains and in continuous crystallographic orientation with them was found in almost all the sandstones that were not too argillaceous. The approach to quartzite was in general great- est in the deepest beds, though this relation was highly variable. Kaolinite, known as a common mineral in sandstones, was found in fine crystalline aggregates filling the pore spaces. Calcite and other carbonates seemed to be particularly abundant in pro- ductive sandstones in older fields in which wells were very numerous, thus indicating a relation to recent ground-water circulation resulting from drilling. Sulphides (pyrite or marcasite) were scarce in oil and gas bearing rocks from the Woodsfield and Summerfield quadrangles and occurred mainly in the clays associated with carbonaceous matter, a common syngenetic relation. It is significant, however, as illustrating the mineralogic and chemical individ- uality of different fields, that in some regions outside of these areas in Ohio and Pennsylvania the sulphides are common in large aggregations in sandstones. Chert and opal growths were scarce and difficult to recognize and received no special attention. Micas are probably the most significant of the secondary minerals. They are of various species and types, from almost colorless to yellowish green and from brilliantly polarizing to almost isotropic. Their differentiation from syngenetic micas is difficult, being based mainly on habit and distribution. They are the minerals that most require further study, but so far as can be stated at present their development in the pay sands seems to be, like that of the carbonates, related to circulation of water resulting from the opening of wells. However, as is shown in the subsequent discussion by Messrs. Mills and Wells, the chemical changes that resulted in the formation of these secondary micas, like those that produced the carbonates and other epigenetic minerals, probably also took place during the slow natural circulation that preceded 16 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. drilling. In regard to changes in composition of the waters associated with oil and gas it is significant that some of the secondary micas are evidently chlorites and that magnesium would therefore have been used in forming them. There were some indications that the development of secondary quartz and sulphides might also be related to the circulation of water resulting from the removal of oil and gas. An interesting feature is the apparent granulation and recementing by silica of some of the grains of quartz in a few of the samples. This may be the beginning of the mechanical part of metamorphism, but the possibility has also been suggested that it is due to crushing resulting from blows of the drill in sinking the well, with subsequent cementing. A choice between these two interpretations could be made only on the basis of a study of the distribution of the samples showing this feature. The assumption of metamorphism due to pressure resulting from the weight of overlying beds is favored by the two facts that the phenomenon is apparently rare and that, so far as may be concluded from this preliminary study, it occurs mainly in samples from greater depths, especially in one from a depth of 2,230 feet. No determinations of possible water-soluble minerals in the sections could be made, as these would be removed in grinding. It may be noticed that all the factors considered above are related to the occurrence and circulation of underground waters in the rocks. The under- ground waters in turn, as shown elsewhere in this paper, have important bear- ings on the occurrence of oil and gas. A dark-brown stain, believed to be due to oil, is found in connection with carbonaceous matter in some of the clays, a relation well recognized in the oil shales of the western United States. 1 No other direct relation between the oil and gas associated with the rocks and their microscopic features was estab- lished. The porosity would of course be one of the most important properties to consider if the conditions under which thin sections are produced permitted its determination under the microscope. As regards metamorphism in general, it is suggested that at least during the earliest stages an important factor may be the presence of open fissures or passages of exceptional porosity which would facilitate the flow of water through the rocks. RESULTS OF CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF ROCK SPECIMENS. In order to supplement the microscopic examination of the rock specimens obtained from the oil and gas wells, a number of chemical determinations were made, together with a few fairly complete analyses. The proportions of the water-soluble constituents were first determined by extracting 2-gram portions of the powdered samples with about 100 cubic centimeters of water at ordinary tem- perature, filtering, evaporating the filtrates to dryness at 110° C., and weighing the residues. In Table 1 the results are stated as percentages of the rocks 66 soluble in water.” The composition of the water-soluble material was not ascertained in the first determina- tions, but it is believed to have been largely sodium chloride, as indi- cated in Tables 3 and 15. The proportion of water-soluble materials 1 See the studies of the late C. A. Davis. GEOLOGY OF APPALACHIAN FIELDS. ' 17 ranged from 0.25 to 0.84 per cent. Next the leached portions of the samples were extracted with 1/10 hydrochloric acid in order to gain an insight into the nature of the acid-soluble constituents. The re- sults are stated as percentages of the rock u soluble in HC1.” After this treatment the residue was extracted with 5 per cent solution of soditfm carbonate to determine the amount of soluble silica present. Table 1. — Chemical determinations on rock specimens from oil and gas wells. [Percentages of samples by weight. Determinations by It. C. Wells.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Soluble in wfiter® 0.05 0.17 0. 35 0. 84 0.57 0.10 Soluble in 1/10 HC1: gJOg .29 .97 .12 .10 .04' .08 Fe 2 Oab . 95 4.75 2.35 1. 13 .11 .68 A1 2 0 3 .33 1. 47 .32 .14 .03 .09 CaO .12 .37 2.72 1. 35 .08 .19 MgO .08 .56 .73 .37 None. .09 p 2 o 5 .02 .10 .03 .01 .02 Trace. co 2 Trace. 2. 14 4. 23 1.80 None. Trace. Soluble in 5 per cent solution of Na 2 C0 3 : Si0 2 - . 15 .63 .14 .18 .07 .17 1 a Mainly chlorides. i> All Fe as F 6203 . 1 Keener sand, of late Mississippian age; depth 1,451 to 1,469 feet; Jerusalem, Simsbury Township. Monroe County, Ohio. Fragments of sandstone had been shot and cleaned from an old oil well and had lain exposed to the weather for several months before being collected. 2 Shale underlying Third sand, of probable late Devonian age; depth, l,450±feet; Evans City, Butler County. Pa. Fragments of shale drilled from a new well and collected at once. 3. Berea sand, of early Mississippian age; Armstrongs Mills, Washington township, Belmont County, Ohio. Fragments of sandstone cleaned from a gas and oil well 10 years old. The sample was collected as S °4 n B erea^^n^,^! V ^ar ly°Missis si ppian age; depth, 1,900± feet; Woodsfield, Center Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Fragments of sandstone cleaned from a g%s and oil well 10 years old. The sample was collected as soon as it was removed from the well. . . . , . Ann , 5 Big lime sand (sandy phase of Maxville limestone), of late Mississippian age; depth, 1, 400 ± feet, Ozark Sunsbury Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Fragments of sandstone shot and cleaned from a new oil well in an old field. The sample was collected assoon as it was removed from the well. 6. Third sand, of probable late Devonian age; depth 1,430 to 1,460 feet; Evans City, Forward Township, Butler County, Pa. Fragments of sandstone shot and cleaned from a new oil well m a new field. The sample was collected as soon as it was cleaned from the well. In Table 2 are presented the results of the more complete analyses. Table 2. — Analysis of rock specimens from oil and gas wells. [R. C. Wells, analyst.] * 2 3 93. 82 62. 17 85.90 1.75 7.54 2.82 173 16.84 1.68 .19 .44 2.96 .25 1.46 .84 .02 .10 .03 Trace. 2. 14 4.23 .12 .87 .12 2.31 3.95 1.35 99. 19 95. 51 99. 93 1. Keener sand, of late Mississippian age; depth 1,451 to 1,469 feet; Jerusalem, Simsbmy Townshlp Monroe County, 6hio. Fragments of sandstone had been shot and cleaned from an old oil well and had lain exposed to the weather for several months before being collected. ~ 2 Shale underlying Third sand, of probable late Devonian age; depth, 1,450± feet, Evans City, Butler County, Pa. Fragments of shale drilled from a new well and collected atonce. ~ . 3. Berea sand, of early Mississippian age; Armstrongs Mills, Washington i Township, Belmont County. Fragments of sandstone cleaned from a gas ana oil well 10 years old. The sample was collected Ohio, as soon as it was removed from the well. 91818°— 19 2 18 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. The chemical tests were made partly to ascertain the character of the cementing material. That generally found in sandy sediments includes silica and hydrous silicates of iron, aluminum, calcium, and magnesium, the composition depending somewhat on the foreign substances in the sand. As a matter of fact, pure siliceous sandstones are the exception. When, as in the rocks examined, clay, mud, and carbonates are also present the list of possible cements is greatly in- creased and includes the carbonates of iron, magnesium, and calcium and various phosphates and sulphates: Tables 1 and 2 show that the proportion of carbonates in the sands examined is not large; in fact, carbonates are absent in the Bib lime sand, and only traces are found in the specimens of the Keener and Third sands. Much of the iron found in the shale below the Third sand and in the Berea sand from Woodsfield and practically all of that in the Berea sand from Armstrongs Mills is present as ferrous carbonate, although reported as ferric oxide; the determination of ferrous iron is unreliable in the presence of organic matter. Mag- nesium was found in all but one of the sands, and some calcium in all. Sands 2, 3, and 4 effervesce with acid, but the other three sands show no appreciable effervescence. Sample 4, collected from an old well yielding oil and gas from the Berea sand, is salty to the taste and shows the largest proportion of material soluble in water. None of the specimens shows a marked amount of silica soluble in acid or in sodium carbonate after treatment with acid, except the shale be- low the Third sand. This rock may contain a magnesium silicate which is decomposed by acid. The magnesium content of all the specimens appears to be low, though it must be remarked that the relatively insoluble magnesium silicates would not be dissolved under the conditions of these experiments. Dolomite is present only in small amounts, but specimens of the deeply buried limestones that have been previously reported as dolomitic could not be procured for examination. Small proportions of water-soluble salts, more particularly sodium chloride, were found in all the rock samples in which these constit- uents were sought. Some uncertainty as to the mode of occurrence of the salts is introduced by the small proportions contained in the rocks examined. The salts are present in smaller proportions than would be found in a sandstone having a total porosity of 15 per cent if it were saturated with an average Appalachian oil field brine and then dried. It may therefore be suggested that the salts in the speci- mens examined have been deposited merely by the drying of small amounts of brine contained in the rocks when the specimens w T ere collected. This suggestion would be reasonable if the rocks had been saturated with water when they were collected from the wells, but some of them were partly saturated with oil and came from rela- GEOLOGY OE APPALACHIAN EIELDS. 19 tively water-dry strata. The occurrence in a sedimentary rock, now relatively dry of water, of 0.5 per cent of water-soluble matter, of which 82.7 per cent is made up of chlorides, suggests that salts of this type were deposited in the rock as a result of deep-seated evaporation. As will be explained later, the brines associated with oil and gas in the Appalachian fields have probably undergone concentration, and the salt that occurs in densely cemented barren rock may have been included in other minerals deposited chemically from the waters before they reached their present stage of concentration. In other words, water concentration and cementation have probably been more or less concomitant processes, and the soluble salts, especially sodium chloride, may have been mechanically included in the cements. It is significant that chlorides, especially sodium chloride, occur in the densely cemented sediments and in secondary deposits of calcite and barite collected from oil wells. The possibility that the included sodium chloride was formed concomitantly with calcium carbonate by the mixing and concentration of waters of different types is dis- cussed in the succeeding text. As related to the concentration prob- lem, which is also developed in succeeding pages, it seems important that sodium chloride constitutes 86.5 to 100 per cent of the chlorides present in the samples examined, whereas the salts obtained by the complete evaporation of the brines contain about 20 per cent of cal- cium chloride and 5 per cent of magnesium chloride. Table 3. Water-soluble material, chlorides, and sodium chloride in deeply buried sediments. [S. C. Dinsmore, analyst.] Percentage of water- soluble material in the rocks. Percentage of chlorides in the rocks. Percentage of NaCl in the rocks. Percentage of NaCl in the chlorides. 0. 131 0.029 0.029 100.0 AK C .245 .157 .173 . 150 yo. t) .332 . 165 95. 4 .139 .098 .096 98. 0 .509 .421 .364 86. 5 .092 .043 .043 100. 0 — . O. nuuuicu-wuu oo-uu, gas, oil, and water were practically absent. 20 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. The analyses on which Table 3 is based were made in the following manner : A 50-gram portion of the finely pulverized sample was leached with 300 cubic centimeters of distilled water at 45° C. for 17 hours, with frequent stirring. The resultant solution was then filtered into a graduated 500 cubic centimeter flask and the leached sample washed with distilled water until the filtrate attained a volume of 500 cubic centimeters. Aliquot portions, representing 10 grams of the sample, were taken for determinations of total water-soluble material, Ca, Mg, N-a, K, S0 4 , and Cl. The material that was soluble in water was determined by evaporating to dryness and heating at 110° C. for one hour, cooling the residue in a desiccator, and weighing. Other analytical determinations were made in the usual manner. RESULTS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF ROCK SPECIMENS. In order to study further the character of these rocks, physical tests were made on lump specimens to determine the percentage of total pore space in which oil, gas, and water might occur or in which mineral matter might be deposited. For this work we are indebted to A. F. Melcher, of the United States Geological Survey. The total proportions of pore space in the fragments tested are shown in Table 4 to range from 4 or 5 up to 18 or 19 per cent of the rock volume. Notwithstanding the care exercised in collecting the specimens, some of the lumps of rock that are thought to be pay sand, which were obtained after productive oil and gas wells had been shot, may represent hard, relatively dense layers of the sandstone and not the porous, open-textured pay sands from which the oil and gas are de- rived. Apparently no consistent relation exists between the porosity of the sands and the size and shape of the component grains. The variations in porosity are due largely to the irregularity with which the sediments have been cemented both before and during the extrac- tion of oil and gas. In addition to the porosities shown in Table 4 Richardson 1 reports that some lump samples of the Hundred- foot sand collected in But- ler County, Pa., have total porosities as low as 4.5 to 7.3 per cent. It seems probable that the total pore space in the relatively open-tex- tured parts of the Hundred-foot sand may be at least 15 to 18 per cent or more of the rock volume, though we have no positive data on this subject. 1 Richardson, G. B., Note on Appalachian oil field brines : Econ. Geology, vol. 12, pp. 39-41, 1917. Table 4. — Total pore space in. oil and gas bearing sands and associated rocks , with diameter and density of the component grains. GEOLOGY OE APPALACHIAN FIELDS. 21 22 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OIL AND GAS IN THE APPALACHIAN FIELDS. The chemical examination by the Bureau of Mines of crude pe- troleum and natural gas collected during our field studies and the many other available analyses of the oils and gases from the areas studied 1 indicate that the oils are composed essentially of members of the paraffin series and contain no asphalt. It is evident from their generally low specific gravity, ranging from 0.6837 to 0.8482, and also from their fractional distillation, especially between 150° and 300° C., that the oils, with but few possible exceptions, contain no considerable proportions of the aromatic series. The sulphur content of the oils is also insignificant. Analyses of natural gas from the Appalachian fields, reported in percentages by volume, moisture free, show that the gas consists es- sentially of the paraffin hydrocarbons methane and ethane. The usual methane content ranges from 66.0 to 98.0 per cent and that of ethane from less than 1 to more than 29 per cent. The carbon dioxide content ranges from less than 0.1 to more than 5 per cent ; • and that of nitrogen from less than 0.5 to more than 5 per cent. The oxygen content is generally less than 0.5 per cent. The proportions of hydrogen sulphide and other minor constituents are practically negligible. It is unfortunate that little or no attention has been paid to the accurate determination of the moisture content of natural gas as it is drawn from the reservoir rocks and that inadequate study has been given to the physical and chemical relations existing between pe- troleum and natural gas on the one hand and their associated waters and reservoir rocks on the other. OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER IN THE STRATA. PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF WATER IN THE OIL AND GAS BEARING ROCKS. WATER-BEARING SANDS. In the Appalachian fields the oil sands of both the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian series are generally water bearing throughout, though some of the beds are locally termed dry because they do not yield perceptible flows of water into open wells. Thus in the Woods- field and Summerfield quadrangles, in southeastern Ohio, the Big lime sand, a lenticular sandstone in the Maxville limestone, of late 1 Day, D. T., The production of petroleum in 1913 : U. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Re- sources, 1913, pt. 2, pp. 1126-1284, 1914. DISTRIBUTION OF WATER IN THE STRATA. 23 Mississippian age, is locally termed dry, though in places within these quadrangles, it is characteristically water bearing. The Keener and Big Injun sands in southeastern Ohio are characteristically water bearing, though they too fail to yield appreciable flows of water in certain oil and gas fields and in some barren areas. In general wherever in western Pennsylvania paying quantities of oil are found in the Hundred-foot sand, of probable early Mississippian age, that sand contains abundant water. DRY SANDS. Some of the oil and gas bearing sands are relatively free from water — that is, they fail to yield perceptible flows of water into open wells and are consequently termed dry sands. In some of the beds of the Devonian system or of probable Devonian age, more particularly those of the Catskill ( ? ) formation in western Pennsyl- vania, the apparent absence of water is the rule rather than the ex- ception. Here again, however, the distribution of water is irregular, parts of the so-called dry sands evidently being saturated with water. We believe that in strata penetrated by the drill the existence of a sand actually dry of water is doubtful. The. occurrence of small amounts of water in a sand may be overlooked because the water evaporates into gas entering wells, or because the proportion of water accompanying oil may be too small to be observed. Water is generally found at the bottoms of inclosed or covered field tanks that receive oil from so-called dry sands. Such sa nds are only rela- tively dry of water. The failure of a bed to yield a perceptible flow of gas, oil, or water into a well does not necessarily signify the ab- sence of any of these fluids. In beds such as shales and tight sands the rock interstices may be too fine to emit noticeable amounts of the fluids, or the fluid movements into a well may be so slow as to require several days or even weeks to make the presence of gas, oil, or water noticeable. The fact that water introduced into a well is absorbed by a sand indicates merely the comparative dryness of that sand but in no way signifies the absence of water. Several explanations have been offered to account for the so-called dry sands. In a recent contribution Reeves 1 concludes that the “ non water-bearing ” sandstones of what has been called the Catskill for- mation in southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia were dried out while exposed to the air under the semiarid conditions which he supposes to have existed during the Catskill time. He further postu- lates the exclusion of water from these beds during later submer- gence, owing to the presence of interstitially included air. 1 Reeves, Frank, The absence of water in certain sandstones of the Appalachian oil fields : Econ. Geology, vol. 12, pp. 354-378, 1917. 24 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND -NATURAL GAS. The abundance of epigenetic minerals with which the so-called dry sands are cemented and which were evidently deposited from circulating water suggests to us the long-continued presence of more water than the so-called dry sands now contain. What therefore seems to be a more plausible explanation for the comparative dryness of certain beds is that the displacement of water in these beds by compacting and cementation or by the incursion of petroleum and natural gas 1 has been relatively complete, or that the sands may have been partly dried out by the evaporative processes herein described. In regard to this last suggestion, it is a significant fact that the water content of the strata decreases and that the degree of concentration of the dissolved constituents of the waters increases with increasing depth. t An argument used by Reeves, that red beds are proof of the former existence of an arid climate, is somewhat weakened by the fact that red ferric oxide may be formed from hydrated ferric oxide by the dehydrating action of salt solutions, just as anhydrite is similarly formed from gypsum. Daubree 2 states that he carried out this dehydration experimentally in a saturated solution of sodium chloride at only 150° C. According to him, Elie de Beaumont 3 seems to have been the first to point out the causal relation between salt for- mations and the variegated red tint of certain clays, sandstones, and even of salt itself. In showing that water does not always disappear at depth, Reeves 4 calls attention to the occurrence of salt water in the Lower Devo- nian rocks near Charleston, W. Va., and McDonald, Pa. In a deep well at McDonald, salt water was encountered at a depth of 6,260 feet, presumably in the Oriskany sandstone, and rose 4,000 feet in the well. During the preparation of this bulletin we have collected and examined waters from the Upper Devonian series in Butler County, Pa., where the beds in many places are termed dry. Broadly speaking, we believe that within the Appalachian basin all the sands reached by the drill are water bearing and that there is no regional level of water saturation above which a deeply buried oil and gas bearing rock is dry. The so-called water surfaces, the upper limits of water saturation, and the so-called non water-bearing por- tions of the oil and gas bearing sands are only local in their occurrence. 1 Johnson, R. H., The r61e and fate of the connate water in oil and gas sands : Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 51, pp. 587—592, 1916. 2 Etudes et experiences synth€tiques sur le metamorphisme : Annales des mines, 5th ser., vol. 16, p. 411, 1859 ; Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept., 1861, p. 270. 3 Daubr£e’s reference is “ Explication de la carte g£olegique de France, vol. 2, p. 94.” 4 Reeves, Frank, The absence of water in certain sandstones of the Appalachian oil fields : Econ. Geology, vol. 12, pp. 354-378, 1917. OCCURRENCE OF OIL, GAS, AND WATER IN THE SANDS. 25 The irregular distribution and arrangement of the gas, oil, and water content^ of the productive sands are due, no doubt, to a com- plex succession of events in which rock movements, the displacement of water by oil and gas, compacting and cementation of the sedi- ments, conditions of structure, texture, and lenticularity of the beds, the evaporation of water into moving and expanding gases, and, finally, the movements of the fluids incident to gas and oil extrac- tion by man have afforded important modifying conditions. Surface waters are constantly percolating into the shallow rocks, so that near the surface and near the outcrops of the reservoir rocks the saline waters undergo dilution by incursions of water from shal- lower sources. The distribution of typical Appalachian oil-field brines, having only chloride salinity, is therefore limited to those beds in which the excessive influx of surface water has been prevented. MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS, AND WATER IN THE WATER-BEARING SANDS. OIL, GAS, AND WATER MIXTURES. In order to explain more clearly the changes that the waters asso- ciated with petroleum and natural gas undergo during the extrac- tion of these substances from their reservoir rocks, it is necessary to consider the mode of occurrence. A fact that seems to have been generally overlooked is that in most of the water-saturated pay sands in the Appalachian fields the natural segregation of gas and oil above water is very incomplete, so that gas, oil, and water occur in- timately mixed in the interstices of the pay sands. Munn 1 has de- scribed this mode of occurrence of petroleum in the Sewickley quad- rangle, in Pennsylvania, where portions of tl>e Hundred-foot sand were inferred by him to be completely saturated with mixtures of oil and water. Field observations supplemented by inquiries among operators in the Butler and Zelienople quadrangles, in western Penn- sylvania, have led to the conclusion that similar mixtures occur in the Hundred- foot sand throughout these two quadrangles. A more thorough investigation in the Woodsfield and Summerfield quad- rangles, in southeastern Ohio, affords convincing evidence that this is a common mode of occurrence of both gas and oil in the water- saturated sands in these areas. This mode of occurrence of mixtures _ of gas, oil, and water involves a very indefinite demarcation between water and overlying mixtures rich in the hydrocarbons, the so-called oil-water surfaces being extremely irregular gradations from mix- tures containing large proportions of oil and gas to mixtures less rich in these substances or to water containing too little gas and oil to 1 Munn, M. J., Geology of the oil and gas fields in the Sewickley quadrangle, Pa. : Pennsylvania Top. and Geol. Survey Comm. Kept. 1, p. 85, 1910. 26 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. warrant production. Where the top of a typical water-bearing pay sand is relatively high, owing to folding or to the lenticular character of the sand, gas and oil are frequently found more completely segre- gated above the water than in the adjacent portions of the same sand where the mixtures are less rich in gas and oil. Another important fact, brought forth by these detailed studies, is that the so-called oil-water surfaces, the irregular and indefinite contacts between oil and water, appear from well logs to be inclined in the same direction as the tops of the pay sands, though less steeply. Such inclined oil-water surfaces in Oklahoma have been described by Beal. 1 EVIDENCE OF THE OCCURRENCE OF OIL, GAS, AND WATER MIXTURES. Evidence bearing upon the conditions above set forth has been procured by inquiries among oil and gas men, together with detailed observations in the different fields that we have studied. Gas, oil, and water are generally produced simultaneously from wells drilled either to the tops of water-saturated pay sands or only a few feet into them. Many of these wells continue to produce mixtures of oil and water together with gas for periods of 10 to 30 years. Some of them flow at first several hundreds or thousands of barrels of mixed oil and water a day. Those that originally yield large quantities of oil with practically no water generally yield both water and oil as the initial rates of flow diminish. These phenomena are due partly to the differential flow of oil and water through the sands, but it is not probable that great volumes of oil, gas, and water would be yielded together from the top of a pay sand just tapped if the segre- gation of the gas and oil above the water were at all complete. In several fields it has been possible to compare the yields from individual wells that were first drilled to the tops of the pay sands and were subsequently drilled deeper into the same pays. For ex- ample, a well near Miltonsburg, Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio, was first drilled 3 feet into the Keener sand in November, 1915, and had an initial daily rate of production of 9 barrels of oil with 12 barrels of salt water. After having been pumped for three months the well was yielding only 3J barrels of oil a day, though the daily production of water remained at about 12 barrels. In April, 1916, the daily rate of oil production had declined still fur- ther, though the water production remained about the same. The well was then drilled 6 feet deeper into the pay sand and yielded 7 barrels of oil a day, with about 18 barrels of salt water. If at this place the segregation of oil above the water had been nearly com- 1 Beal, C. H., Geologic structure in the Cushing oil and gas field, Okla., and its rela- tion to the oil, gas, and water : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 658, 1917. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. 27 plete, the increase in depth of the well would probably have brought about a relatively large increase in the amount of water produced and a correspondingly small increase in the amount of oil. On the contrary, however, the production of oil was increased 100 per cent by drilling the well deeper, whereas the production of water was in- creased only 50 per cent. The oil and water must have been rather intimately mixed, a large proportion of the oil occurring below the water that was being produced before the well was deepened. The example cited is typical of a large number of such occurrences reported during our field Studies. It must be noted, however, that drilling wells deeper in water-saturated sands is dangerous, because of the large amounts of water that may be encountered under the rich oil and water mixtures in the same or underlying pay sands. Many valuable wells have been spoiled in this way. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. The temperatures at which oil, gas, and water occur in their reser- voir rocks were not measured during our field investigations but are shown by the deep-well temperature measurements of Hallock, 1 Johnston, 2 and Van Orstrand 3 to range from 18° or 19° C. at a depth of 1,000 feet to about 3&° to 36° C. at a depth of 3,000 feet. To what extent the rocks together with their included waters and hydrocar- bons have cooled subsequent to periods of regional deformation or subsequent to periods of deepest burial is of course uncertain, but it is reasonable to assume that the waters under scrutiny have been sub- jected to much higher temperatures than those just quoted. Such a supposition is strengthened by the occurrence of highly heated saline waters in the oil fields of Louisiana and Texas. Data relative to initial gas pressures encountered in various reser- voir rocks were furnished by operators. These pressures range from only a few pounds to the square inch in the shallow sands to several hundred pounds in the deeper beds. In the Woodsfield and Summer- field quadrangles the initial gas pressures may be summarized as follows : Big lime sand, 400 to 440 pounds to the square inch ; Keener sand, 470 to 480 pounds; Big Injun sand, 500 pounds; Berea sand, 565 to 735 pounds. In the Butler and Zelienople quadrangles the following initial gas pressures in the deeper sands are reported: Hundred-foot sand, 750 to 810 pounds to the square inch ; Third sand, 750 to 820 pounds; Fourth sand, 810 to 930 pounds, and Fifth sand, 860 to 875 pounds. 1 Hallock, William, Subterranean temperatures at Wheeling, W. Va., and Pittsburgh, Pa. : School of Mines Quart., vol. 18, pp. 148-153, 1897. 2 Johnston, John, Note on the temperature in the deep boring at Findlay, Ohio : Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., yol. 36, pp. 131-133, 1913. 3 Van Orstrand, C. E., unpublished manuscript, U. S. Geological Survey. 28 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. The following table contains some data from the literature and from our unpublished notes on gas pressures : Table 5. — Initial gas pressures at different depths in several gas fields. Name of bed. Locality. Depth (feet). Initial gas pressure (pounds per square inch). Average increase of pressure per lOOfeet (pounds per square inch). Authority. Woodsfield, Ohio 1,295 1,310 280 22 Authors’ notes: 365 28 Data furnished by various oil and gas companies. Do. Do Wayne Township, Bel- mont County, Ohio. Southeast corner of Ma- 1,412 1,465 400 28 Do. Do laga Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Wayne Township, Bel- mont County, Ohio. Woodsfield, Ohio 440 30 Do. Keener sand 1,515 475 31 Do. Big Injun sand do 1,468 500 34 Do. Berea sand .... do 2,090 1,698 710 34 Do. Do Summerfield, Ohio 565 33 Do. Do Sunsbury Township, Mon- roe County, Ohio. Summit Township, But- ler County, Pa. Butler, Pa ' 2, 060 735 36 Do. Butler gas sand 1,200 380 32 Do. Hundred-foot sand 1,400 780 56 Do. Do. Third sand 1 1 do i 1,700 785 46 Do do 1 1,452 1,800 600 41 Do. Fourth sand 870 48 Do. Do do ! 1,568 1,950 2, 700 225 14 Do. Fifth sand do 870 45 Do. “Clinton” sand Harrison Township, 1 Knox County, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio 810 30 Do. Do / 2,500 \ 2, 900 3,000 800 1, 100 425 J-32-38 Rogers.® Wan Hom.i Do *. Newberg, Ohio ! 14 * Trenton” limestone Findlav, Ohio 950 400-450 42-47 Orton, c Do Kokomo, Ind 650 328 50 Do. Do Cleveland, Ohio 4, 500 37 0. 82 Van Horn.b Benson sand Barbour County, W. Va. . West Virginia.! 4, 090 2, 989 1,800 44 I. C. White.d Do. (?) 1,420 47 (?) Havre, Mont 947 490 52 Stebinger. « Do. (?) do 1,370 540 39 (?) Louisiana 1,650 1,800 650 39 Knapp./ Do.ff Unconsolidated sand do 600 33 (?) Loco, Okla 750 310 41 McMurray and Lewis.A a Rogers, G. S., The Cleveland gas field, Cuyahoga County, Ohio: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 661, p. 37, b Van Horn, F. R., Reservoir gas and oil in the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio: Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 56, p. 839, 1917. c Orton, Edward, The Trenton limestone as a source of petroleum and natural gas in Ohio and Indiana: U. S. Geol. Survey Eighth Ann. Rept., p. 645, 1889. d Personal communication. eStebinger, Eugene, Possibilities of oil and gas in north-central Montana: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 641, p. 73, 1916. / Knapp, I. N., discussion of paper by R. W. Johnson, The role and fato of connate water in oil and gas sands: Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 51, p. 593, 1915. g Knapp, I. N., discussion of paper by W. H. Kobbe, The recovery of petroleum from unconsolidated sands: Idem, vol. 56. p. 825, 1917. h McMurray, W. F.. and Lewis, J. O., Underground wastes in oil and gas fields and methods of preven- tion: Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 130, p. 13, 1916. v CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS. 29 Dr. I. C. White 1 reports gas pressures in West Virginia ranging from 600 pounds to the square inch in the Big Injun sand to as much as 1,800 pounds in a sand 4,090 feet deep. Rogers 2 reported gas pressures of 800 to 1,100 pounds to the square inch in the so-called Clinton sand near Cleveland, Ohio. Table 5 shows that in several localities there is a rough proportion between initial gas pressure and depth, especially in the deeper sands. It is well recognized that gases forming from organic matter develop pressure when confined. To what extent these gas pressures or “ rock pressures ” are due to this or other causes is problematic, but whatever the source or origin of the gases and the causes of the pressure, the table suggests that there have been adjustments of pressure according to depth. It seems probable that hydrostatic pressure, weight of superincumbent strata, rock movements, deep-seated thermal con- ditions, the long-qontinued formation of natural gases, and the re- sistance to fluid movements through the strata all enter into the causes for “ rock pressure.” In other words, “ rock pressures ” are not necessarily “ fossil pressures ” but represent a summation of effects from remote time up to the present. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE APPALACHIAN OIL AND GAS FIELD WATERS. DEEP-SEATED BRINES AND THEIR COMPARISON WITH SEA WATER. As the result of our studies we have concluded that the deep- \ seated Appalachian oil and gas field brines are, in part, the deriva- J tives of former ocean water. Certain fundamental differences in composition, however, exist between ocean water and the waters under consideration. These differences have been noted in the literature 3 and are strikingly shown by Table 6. In the part of the table on page 30 analyses of the dissolved solids are expressed as per- centages of the several constituents. The proportions of total dis- solved solids in the different waters are also shown here, in terms of grams per kilogram or grams per liter. On page 31 are shown ratios of some of the constituents to chlorine. As the chlorine content of the dissolved solids in the waters under comparison is more uniform 1 Personal communication. 2 Rogers, G. S., The Cleveland gas field, Cuyahoga County, Ohio : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 661, p. 37, 1917. 8 Hunt, T. S., Chemical and geological essays, pp. 11-12, Boston, 1875. Palmer, Chase, The geochemical interpretation of water analyses : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 479, Table 2, opposite p. 14, 1911. Washburne, C, W., Chlorides in oil-field waters : Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans, vol. 48, pp. 687-693, 1914. 30 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. than that of the other constituents or of the total dissolved solids themselves, the ratios of the different constituents to chlorine are used as a basis for comparison. The ratios are first stated in terms of the actual percentages of the dissolved solids. In the lower part of the table these ratios are expressed in terms of the chemical reacting values of the constituents. The principle of reacting values has been applied in the interpretation 4 and comparison of water analyses by several American investigators, among whom may be mentioned Stabler , 1 Palmer , 2 Spencer , 3 Emmons and Harrington , 4 Van Winkle , 5 Waring , 6 Clapp , 7 Siebenthal , 8 and Kogers . 9 Table 6. — Comparison between ocean water and Appalachian oil and gas field brines. Ocean water. Bitterns cSSnt?atio?of Appalachian oil and gas field waters, ocean water. I 1 2 3 4 Pennsylvania. Ohio. 5 6 7 8 9 0. 01 0.06 0.41 1 .03 Trace. .08 0.06 0.05 .01 a . 10 .10 .70 1.20 1.18 0.26 8.57 9.56 8.40 8. 19 5. 18 .16 1.31 Trace. None. Trace. Trace. 3.71 3.59 3.72 10. 05 1.46 .94 1.47 1.30 1.63 30.54 31.08 32.06 20.39 27.34 24.50 27.59 27.82 29.88 1.11 .71 .78 2.25 .20 1.97 .10 .49 .96 .05 .18 None. None. None. None. None. .31 None. None. .03 .70 7.68 7.72 5.78 14.64 .02 .02 .10 None. None. 55.21 54.39 56.18 49.99 61.97 61.38 62.29 62.00 60.44 .19 1.15 1.22 2.68 .16 .26 100. 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 £r r-o co rO } 37.66 275. 46 337. 12 122. 16 263.64 131. 89 b 141.13 & 53. 06 Si02 (Al, Fe) 2 0 3 . Fe" Al v^Ca Sr Ba Mg Na K C0 3 HCOg \^S0 4 Cl Br, I Total dissolved solids, grams per kilogram. . 0 Total iron. 6 Grams per liter. 1 Stabler, Herman, Industrial water analyses and their interpretation by the engi- neer : Eng. News, vol. 60, p. 355, 1908. 2 Palmer, Chase, The geochemical interpretation of water analyses : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 479, pp. 12-14, 1911 ; Mineralogy of waters from artesian wells at Charles- ton, S. C. : U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 90, pp. 92-93, 1914. 3 Spencer, A. C., Chalcocite enrichment : Econ. Geology, vol. 8, p. 646, 1913. 4 Emmons, W. H., and Harrington, G. L., A comparison of waters of mines and hot springs : Econ. Geology, vol. 8, p. 661, 1913. 5 Van Winkle, Walton, Quality of the surface waters of Washington : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 339, pp. 34-35, 1914 ; Quality of the surface waters of Oregon : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 363, pp. 37-38, 1914. 6 Waring, G. A., Springs of California : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 338, pp. 22-23, 1914. 7 Clapp, C. H., Sharp Point hot spring, Vancouver Island, British Columbia : Canada Geol. Survey Summary Kept, for 1913, pp. 80-83, 1914. 8 Siebenthal, C. E., Origin of the zinc and lead deposits of the Joplin region, Mis- souri, Kansas, and Oklahoma : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 606, 1915. 9 Rogers, G. S., The interpretation of water analyses by the geologist : Econ. Geology, vol. 12, pp. 56-88, 1917 ; Chemical relations of the oil-field waters in San Joaquin Valley, Cal. : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 653, 1917. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS. 31 Table 6. — Comparison between ocean icater and Appalachian oil, etc. — Contcl. Ratios of the percentages of certain constituents to that of chlorine. Ocean water. Bitterns derived from concentration of ocean water. Appalachian oil and gas field waters. 1 2 3 4 Pennsylvania. Ohio. 5 6 7 8 9 Na 0. 553 0.571 0.571 0.408 0. 441 0. 399 0.443 0. 449 0.494 Ca .022 .022 .005 .000 .138 .156 .135 .132 .086 Mg.... .067 .066 .066 .201 .024 .015 .024 .021 .027 S0 4 .139 .142 .103 .292 .0003 .0003 .002 .000 .000 Ratios of the reacting values a of certain constituents to that of chlorine. [Per thousand of chlorine.] Na 852.5 880.2 880.2 628.9 679.8 615.1 682.9 692.1 761.5. Ca 38.4 38.4 8. 19 244.9 275.7 238.7 233.8 151.7 Mg 196.6 192.5 193.0 586.2 68.8 44.7 68.8 61.1 78.6 SO4 102.7 104.9 76.0 216.1 .2 2 1.19 .0 .0 a The meaning of the term “reacting value” is explained by Herman Stabler (Some stream waters of the western United States: U. S. Geol. Survey "Water-Supply Paper 274, p. 167, 1911) as follows: “If the number of parts per million (or per thousand or per hundred) of each radicle found by analysis be multi- plied by its reaction coefficient (reciprocal of combining weight), a number will be obtained which may be called the 'reacting value’ for that analysis. ” 1. Mean of 77 analyses of ocean water from many localities, collected by the Challenger expedition, W. Dittmar, analyst. Challenger Kept., Physics and chemistry, vol. 1, p. 203, 1884. Total dissolved solids, 3.301 to 3.737 per cent. Analysis revised to show bicarbonates by R. C. Wells, U. S. Geol. Survey Professional Paper 120-A, p. 15, 1918. 2. Analysis of Mediterranean ocean water. Specific gravity of water, 1.0258. J. Usiglio, analyst. Annales chim. phys., 3d ser., vol. 27, pp. 92-172, 1849. Analysis reduced to ionic form and to percentages of total solids by F. W. Clarke, Data of geochemistry, 3d ed., U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 616, p. 219, 1916. 3. Analysis of Mediterranean ocean water concentrated from density of 1.0258 to density of 1.21. Refer- ence same as that for 2. 4. Analysis of Mediterranean ocean water concentrated from density of 1.0258 to density of 1.264. Reference same as that for 2. 5. Analysis of brine from Hundred-foot sand, probably of early Mississippian age; depth, 1,170 feet±. Sample collected from an old oil well, August 15, 1915, on McGrath farm, Center Township, Butler County, Pa. Specific gravity of water, 1.0876. R. C. Wells, analyst. The amount of sample available for analysis was insufficient for a direct determination of the total carbon dioxide, if present. 6. Analysis of brine from sandstone of early Devonian age, depth 6,260± to 6,300 feet. From gas well 8 miles southwest of Imperial, Washington County, Pa. Specific gravity of water, 1.211. George Steiger, analyst. Quoted by F. W. Clarke (Water analyses from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 364, p. 9, 1914). 7. Analysis of brine from Hundred-foot sand, probably of early Mississippian age, depth 1,359 feet. Sample collected by G. B. Richardson from old oil well on farm of Charles Hoffman, 5 miles northeast of Butler, Pa. W. B. Hicks and R. K. Bailey, analysts. Quoted by G. B. Richardson (Note on the diffu- sion of sodium chloride in Appalachian oil-field waters: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 7, pp. 73-75, 1917). 8. Analysis of brine from Big lime sand, of late Mississippian age, depth 1,431 to 1,444 feet. Sample collected by R. Van A. Mills, April 24, 1915, from an old oil well in an old oil and gas field, well No. 5 on F. Mellotte farm, in the northeast corner of Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 9. Analysis of brine from Berea sand, of early Mississippian age, depth 1,748 to 1,760 feet. Sample collected by R. Van A. Mills, April 28, 1915, from a gas well 14 months old, on the Gulic farm. 1 mile west of Summerfield, Marion Township, Noble County, Ohio. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. It will be observed, by referring to Table 6 and to the analyses quoted on pages 33-39, that the concentration of the Appalachian oil and gas field brines ranges from slightly less to several times greater than that of ocean water. The ratios of sodium to chlorine, mag- nesium to chlorine, and sulphate to chlorine are all smaller in the oil and gas field waters than in ocean water, sulphate being compara- tively absent in the oil and gas field waters. In contrast to this, 32 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. the ratios of calcium to chlorine in the oil and- gas field waters are much greater than in ocean water. By comparing the analyses of bitterns derived from the evapora- tion of ocean water (3 and 4 in Table 6) with the analyses of oil and gas field waters shown in the same table, it will be observed that the differences between these types of brine become more striking as the evaporation of the ocean water progresses. This is due to the order of deposition of the dissolved constituents from ocean Avater during concentration. Calcium is deposited as carbonate and sulphate, but magnesium is retained longer in solution, the proportion of this con- stituent being consequently increased as calcium is eliminated. After the elimination of calcium, the proportion of sulphate remain- ing in solution increases, as is shown by analysis 4, Table 6. The sodium content of some bitterns derived from ocean water may be comparable with the sodium content of oil and gas field brines, but the other differences are none the less pronounced. These items make it apparent that the oil and gas field brines under consideration have not originated merely from the concentration of water such as now constitutes the ocean. By applying Palmer’s system of classification, 1 the reader will see (Table 7) that the properties of reaction of all the oil and gas field waters whose analyses are shown in Table 6 lie approximately be- tween those of normal ocean water and the concentrated ocean water represented by analysis 4. The properties expressed under 9, Table 7, approach most nearly those of normal ocean water, and the proper- ties expressed under 6, Table 7, approach most nearly those of the concentrated ocean water (4). Although, as expressed by Palmer’s classification, the properties of reaction of the waters under compari- son have striking similarities, it must be noted, as shown in the pre- ceding discussion, that the saltness of normal and concentrated ocean waters is due partly to sulphate, whereas the saltness of oil and gas field waters is due almost entirely to chloride. It should also be noted that the proportion of magnesium in the constituents of nor- mal and concentrated ocean water is greater and the proportion of calcium is less than in the constituents of the oil and gas field brines.^ Water with the properties expressed under 9, Table 7, and the com- position expressed under 9, Table 6, might be derived from normal ocean water by concentration if practically all the sulphate and part of the magnesium and sodium were removed and a certain amount of calcium added. In the succeeding pages we show some of the prob- abilities regarding these changes. 1 Palmer, Chase, The geochemical interpretation of water analyses : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 479, 1911. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS. 33 Table 7 . — Properties of reaction of ocean water and of Appalachian oil and gas field waters, expressed in percentages A Properties of reaction. Ocean water. Bitterns de- rived from the concentration of ocean water. Appalachian oil and gas field waters. Pennsylvania. Ohio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Primary salinity 78.8 79.4 81.6 53.2 69.2 66.5 69.0 70.4 77.2 Secondary salinity hr. 20.8 20.2 18.4 46.8 30.8 33.5 31.0 29.6 22.2 Secondary alkalinity .4 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 a The waters whose properties of reaction are shown in this table are the same as those shown in Table 6. ANALYSES OF APPALACHIAN OIL AND GAS FIELD WATERS. Table 8. — Analyses of waters from the Hundred-foot sand. Grams per liter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Si02 0. 24 0. 18 0. 15 0.11 0. 78 0. 01 Fe.: 0. 07 .01 0. 04 .02 .02 a. 11 A1 .49 .26 .12 b. 12 .57 b. 04 Ca 12. 21 10. 29 10.85 7. 25 7.48 13.59 11.40 Sr c. 21 Mg 2. 14 1.85 1.71 1.35 1.35 1.46 1.95 Na 40. 10 33.76 31.46 27.59 27.37 41.74 36.30 K . 14 .26 2.67 .16 Present. 2.13 .26 hco 3 S0 4 Cl Br.... ! None. .14 90. 54 .02 .12 78. 78 .03 .22 77.39 .03 None. 59.61 .02 None. 58.52 .07 None. 96.56 None. Trace. 82.35 .22 Specific gravitv 145.34 d 1. 102 125. 82 124.81 96. 28 94.97 156. 92 132. 85 1.088 Reacting values, in milligram equivalents per liter.* Fe 2.5 610.5 176.1 1,743.4 3.6 0.5 513.7 152.3 1,468.0 6.0 1.2 541.7 140.7 1,368.0 68.0 1.0 679.0 120.0 1,815.0 54.0 0.4 569.1 160. 4 1,578.0 6.7 4.9 Ca 362.0 111.0 1, 200. 0 4.1 374.0 111.0 1,190.0 Mg Na K Sr Total basic radicles HCOg 2,536.1 2, 140.5 2,119.6 1,677.1 1, 675. 0 2, 669. 0 2,319.5 .4 2.6 2, 222. 0 .5 4.5 2, 182. 0 1.0 None. 2, 723. 0 None. Trace. 2, 322. 0 3.0 S0 4 2.9 2,553.4 Cl.. 1,681.0 1, 650. 0 Br Total acid radicles 2,556.3 2,225.0 | 2,187.0 1,681.0 1, 650. 0 2, 724.0 2, 326. 0 o Ferrous iron. b Al 2 0 3 +Fe 2 0 3 . c Barium absent. d Calculated from content of salts. « It is believed that these terms will be clear without elaborate explanation. A solution containing a milligram equivalent per liter would be “thousandth normal” in the terms of analytical chemistry, a milligram equivalent of any element or radicle being as many milligrams of the element or radicle as are equivalent in capacity for chemical reaction to 1.008 milligrams of hydrogen or 8.000 milligrams of oxygen. 91818°— 19 3 34 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. Table 8. — Analyses of waters from the Hundred-foot sand — Continued. Reacting values, in per cent. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sr 0.1 12.2 3.5 34.1 .1 Ca 12.0 3.4 34.5 .1 .1 49.9 11.6 3.4 34.9 .1 12.4 3.2 32.8 1.6 .1 49.9 10.8 3.3 35.8 .1 11.3 3.4 35.3 12.4 2.2 34.4 1.0 Mg: Na K. . S0 4 Cl.'. 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 49.9 .1 Br. . . 100. 0 | 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Approximate percentages of principal salts. CaCl 2 - MgCl 2 NaCl KC1 23.2 5.8 70.8 .2 22.5 5.7 71.5 .3 23.9 5.3 66.7 4.1 21.0 5.5 73.2 .3 22.6 5.6 71.8 25.0 3.8 68.6 2.6 24.1 5.7 69.9 .3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 160. 0 100.0 1. Brine from Hundred-foot sand; depth 1,359 feet; well No. 2, Charles Hoffman farm, Oakland Township, Butler County, Pa. Sample collected in October, 1915. Na and K determined by W. B. Hicks ; the rest of the determinations by R. K. Bailey, Econ. Geology, vol. 12, p. 39, 1917. 2. Brine from Ilundred-foot sand; depth 1,018 to 1,035 feet; well No. 1, Harlan Book farm, Muddy Creek, Clay Township, Butler County, Pa. This is a new oil well which had just been completed when the sample was collected in October, 1915. Well drilled by Parker & Edwards Co. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. ' 3. Brine from Hundred-foot sand ; well No. 2, Mary B. Heist farm, Center and Butler townships, Butler County, Pa. Sample collected in September, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 4. Brine from Hundred-foot sand ; depth 1,361 to 1,387 feet ; well No. 3, W. H. Cooper farm, Penn Township, Butler County, Pa. This was an oil well drilled about one year prior to the collecting of the sample. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 5. Same water as No. 4. Chas« Palmer, analyst. 6. Brine from Hundred-foot sand, well on the Charles Kaiser farm, eastern part of Summit Township, Butler County, Pa. Sample collected in September, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 7. Brine from Hundred-foot sand; depth l,170±feet; old McCarrier & Waid well on McGrath farm, Pine tract, Center Township, Butler County, Pa. Sample collected in August, 1915. Sample was clear when collected, but reddish-yellow precipitate formed on standing 24 hours. R. C, Wells, analyst. Table 9. — Analyses of waters from various sands. Grams per liter. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 * Si0 2 - _ - - . 0.019 .007 1.87 .02 0.080 Trace. .011 .050 0.05 0 None. b. 05 2.89 c. 07 .80 19.50 .23 .26 None. 38. 54 .16 0.09 * .02 . 15 11.56 0. 02 a. 08 None. 5. 58 .04 1.03 23. 85 .25 .32 None. 50.33 .15 0.08 .01 .56 11.36 Fe Present. Present. 0.89 A1 Ca .060 7.58 Sr Mg .32 9. 81 .030 2. 640 1.62 30. 45 .010. .299 .055 .261 None. .435 1.83 39. 27 .70 .03 None. 87.50 1.63 38.32 .51 .03 None. 84.71 Na K hco 3 .16 .102 None. 4.200 .09 None. 64.93 S0 4 Cl 17.28 Br Total 28. 46 7. 123 106.56 1.201 62.55 1.044 141.15 d 1. 102 81.65 1.056 137. 21 Specific gravity « Ferrous iron. 6 Al 2 0 3 +Fe 2 0 3 . c Barium absent. d Calculated from salt content. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS. 35 Table 9 . — Analyses of waters from vai'ious sands — Continued. Reacting values, in milligram equivalents per liter. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fe 1.0 378.0 133.0 1,324.0 None. 144.3 65.8 847.8 5.9 1.6 0.6 577.9 150.6 1,707.0 17.8 3.0 278.6 84.8 1,037.0 6.4 .9 0.5 567.8 134.0 1,666.0 13.0 Ca 22.3 25.9 426.4 3.0 2.5 114.8 2.5 .8 13.0 1.4 Mg Na K Sr Total basic radicles 474.6 120.3 1,836.0 17.7 1,067.4 2, 453.9 1, 410. 7 2,381.3 hco 3 a2.5 4.3 None. 12.3 4.3 None. 1,087.0 2.0 1.0 None. 2, 468.0 5.3 None. 1,419.0 1.9 1.0 None. 2,389.0 SO* Cl 487.3 118.5 1,831.0 Br Total acid radicles 489. 8 118.5 1,831.0 16.6 1,093.3 2, 469. 0 1, 426. 2 2,390.0 Reacting values, in per cent. Fe 0. 1 Ca 2.3 1.2 10.3 7.5 6.6 11.8 9.8 ♦ 11.9 Mg 2.6 1. 1 3.6 2.4 3. 1 3.0 3.0 2.8 35.0 n! 45.1 47.7 36.1 35.9 40.0 34.8 36.9 K 4.2 .3 .4 .2 .3 hco 3 .2 12.9 .2 .2 Cl 49.8 50.0 50.0 37.1 49.7 50.0 49.8 50.0 Br .1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Approximate percentages of principal salts. CaCl 2 4.4 2.4 12.3 14.5 12.7 22.7 18.9 23.0 MgCl 2 4.3 1.8 6.6 4.0 5.0 5.1 4.9 4.7 NaCl I KC1 } 91.3 95.8 81.1 / 69.9 \ 11.6 81.6 71.3 .9 75. 6 .6 71.6 .7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 j 100. 0 100.0 100.0 a Includes HS. 8. Brine from Five Hundred-foot sand ; depth 420 feet ; well No. 7, Vorhies farm, Center Township, Noble County, Ohio. Sample collected in December, 1915. The well from which the sample was collected is one of a group of several shallow-sand wells that yielded small amounts of oil for a few years. In March, 1917, the well was not being pumped. The sample was clear when collected, but a rusty yellow precipitate formed during the first 24 hours after the water was collected. On standing a few weeks this yellowish precipitate was replaced by a black precipitate of ferrous sulphide. It is not known whether the iron was originally present or was contributed by the iron piping in the well, but it is evident that a soluble sulphide was present and that it re- acted with the iron upon standing. Chase Palmer, analyst. 9. Brine from Cow Run sand ; depth 900 feet ; well of American Oil Development Co. on Cave Run, Pleasants County, W. Va. Production of water 2 barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves. Frank, Econ, Geology, vol. 12, p. 374, 1917. 10. Brine from Salt sand ; depth 1,600 feet ; S. E. Elliot well No. 12, South Penn Oil Co., Bell Run, Lafayette district, Wirt County, W. Va. Production of water 25 barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, op. cit., p. 374. 11. Artesian water from shallow-sand well on Neigh farm, Summit Township, Butler County, Pa. Water comes from depth of about 350 feet. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 12. Brine from Maxton sand ; depth 905 feet ; well No. 1, David Bintz farm, sec. 33. Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio, near Monroefield. Well drilled in August, 1912 ; sample collected in November, 1916. Very dark green to black oil, containing brownish-yellow specks collected with the water. Rust-colored precipitate at bottom of bottle after standing 48 hours. R. C. Wells, analyst. 13. Brine from Big lime sand ; depth 1,431 to 1,444 feet ; well No. 5, F. Mellotte farm, northeast corner of Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Sample collected April 24, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 14. Brine from Big lime sand ; depth 1,339 to 1,349 feet ; well No. 1, Egger Bros.’ farm, sec. 10, Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio, near Miltonsburg. Well com- pleted in January, 1916 ; sample collected in September, 1916. Gas well, initial open- flow production 1,500,000 cubic feet a day ; initial gas pressure 360 pounds to the square inch. Production of water 1£ barrels a week. Black deposit on inside of bottle in air space just above water, also dirty-gray flocculent precipitate floating at top of water and a somewhat lighter-colored gray flocculent precipitate at bottom of bottle. No oil was present. R. C. Wells, analyst. 15. Brine from Keener sand; depth 1,451 to 1,469 feet; well No. 2, J. R. Scott farm, near Jerusalem, Sunsbury Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Sample collected April 24, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 36 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. Table 10 . — Analyses of waters from the Keener sand. Grams per liter. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0.08 .01 .35 5.68 0. 14 .02 .62 12.98 0.05 a. 01 &.05 2.98 c. 08 .82 19.85 .23 .17 None. 38. 89 .11 0.06 0.04 0.02 .04 Fe A1 b. 08 11.20 Ca 8.02 8.34 10.84 Sr Mg 1.04 22. 84 .60 .08 None. 48.46 1.69 43.40 2. 47 .04 None. 97.96 1. 42 28.76 1.82 38. 64 1.48 29.74 2.99 41.53 Na K HCO3 .03 .04 .03 None. 64. 10 .03 .01 91.70 SO4 Cl 62. 48 83.88 Br.. .. Specific gravity 79.15 159. 32 100.71 63.24 1.043 135.72 103.73 147. 16 Reacting values, in milligram equivalents per liter. Fe . 0.4 0.6 Trace. 1.0 Ca 283.9 648.0 400.3 148.8 559. 2 416.0 541.0 Mg 85.5 139.5 116.9 67.5 149.7 122.0 240.0 Na 993.0 1,887.0 1,250.0 863.1 1,680.0 1,293.0 1,806.0 K 15.0 63.0 5.9 Sr.. . . 1.9 Total basic radicles 1,377.8 2,738.1 1,767.2 1,087.2 2, 388. 9 1,831.0 2,594.0 HCO 1.0 .6 .6 2.8 .7 1 Trace. SO4... None. None. None. None. Cl. 1, 367. 0 2,763.0 1,762.0 1,097.0 2, 366. 0 1,808.0 2,586.0 Br 1.4 Total acid radicles 1,368.0 2,763.6 1,762.6 1, 101. 2 2,366.7 1,808.0 2,586.0 Reacting values , in per cent. Sr 0.1 Ca 10.4 11.7 11.3 6.7 11.8 11.5 10.5 Mg 3.1 2.5 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.4 4.7 Na 36.0 34.7 35.4 39.8 35.0 35.1 34.8 K .5 1.1 .3 HC0 3 .1 Cl 50.0 50.0 50.0 49.9 50.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Approximate percentages of principal salts. CaCh 20.2 22.6 22.0 13.2 23.0 22.5 20.5 MgCl 2 5.2 4.1 5. 6 5. 1 5.3 5. 6 8.0 NaCl 73.2 70.3 72.4 81.0 71.7 71.9 71.5 KC1 1.4 3.0 .7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 1C0.0 100.0 100.0 a Ferrous iron. b AI2O3+ Fe203. c Barium absent. 16. Brine from Keener sand; depth 1,465 to 1,471 feet; well No. 1, Schroeder heirs’ farm, 1$ miles south of Miltonsburg, Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Rate of production from this new well, 150 barrels of oil a day, with large amounts of gas and small amounts of brine when the sample was collected, April24, 1915. The wellwas the first in the field and was drilled in March, 1915. S.C. Dinsmore, analyst. 17. Brine from Keener sand; depth 870 to 880 feet; well No. 2, Mancel Secrest farm, 1^ miles southeast of Chaseville, Seneca Township, Noble County, Ohio. Sample collected May 1, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 18. Brine from Keener sand; well No. 1 (gas well), A. Clause farm, NE. J sec. 10, Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio, near Miltonsburg. Well completed February 18, 1916; sample collected in Sep- tember, 1916. Chase Palmer, analyst. 19. Brine from Keener sand; depth 1,302 feet; well No. 4 (oil well), C. J. Clause farm, sec. 27, Malaga Township, Monroe County, Ohio, near Monroefield. Well drilled in July, 1913; sample collected No- vember 7, 1916. Dull amber-colored oil was collected with the water. The water was clear when col- lected, but a reddish rusty precipitate settled at the bottom of the bottle within 24 hours. R. C. Wells, analyst. 20. Brine from Keener sand; depth 1,451 to 1,469 feet; well No. 2, J. R. Scott farm, NE. \ sec. 23, Suns- bury Township, Monroe County, Ohio, half a mile southeast from Jerusalem village. Old oil and gas well, drilled in 1904. The well is reported to have flowed and sprayed oil at the rate of 350 barrels a day with very little water at first. In June, 1916, it was yielding daily 2 barrels of oil together with 5 barrels of water. Sample collected in August, 1916. Chase Palmer, analyst. 21. Brine from the same well as that described under No. 16 but collected in September, 1916. Chase Palmer, analyst. 22. Brine from Keener sand; depth 1,700 feet; American Oil Co.’s well on J. T. Craw farm, Cave Run, Pleasants County W. Va. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, Econ. Geology, vol. 12, p. 374, 1917. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS, 37 Table 11. — Analyses of waters from the Big Injun sand. Grams per liter. 23 24 25 26 0. 70 .02 .60 12.22 2.89 45.88 .35 .02 None. 102. 14 0.21 .03 0.19 .02 0. 13 .04 Fe A1 Ca 11.94 1.81 } 37.67 .04 None. 84.35 10. 24 1.63 33.47 .01 None. 74.38 17.12 2. 96 53.69 Mg Na K hco 3 so 4 None. 121. 63 Cl 164.82 136.05 119.94 195. 63 Reacting values, in milligram equivalents per liter. Fe 0.6 610.1 236.6 1,995.0 9.0 1.0 596.0 149.0 1,710.0 1.0 511.0 134.0 1,455.0 1.0 855.0 244.0 2,334.0 Ca M" Na K Total basic radicles 2,851.3 2,455.0 2, 101.0 3,434.0 HC0 3 .3 None. 2,181.0 SO4 None. 2,379.0 None. 2,097.0 None. 3,430.0 Cl Total acid radicles 2,881.3 2,379.0 2,097.0 3, 430. 0 Reacting values, in per cent. 10.6 12.5 12.2 12.4 4.1 3.1 3.2 3.6 35.1 .2 34.4 34.6 34.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Approximate percentages of principal salts. MgCl 2 NaCl KC1 20.8 6.9 71.9 .4 24.4 5.2 70.4 23.7 5.3 71.0 24.6 5.9 69.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 23. Brine from Big Injun sand; depth 1,200 feet; well No. 1, Henry H. Moore farm, near Summerfield, Marion Township, Noble County, Ohio. Sample collected April 27, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 24. Brine from Big Injun sand; depth 1,425 feet; Carter Oil Co.’s well No. 2, on Russell heirs’ farm, near Paden City, Wetzel County, W. Va. Production of water 5 barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, Econ. Geology, vol. 12, p. 374, 1917. 25. Brine from Big Injun sand; depth 1,355 feet; E. A. Bradley well No. 2, Fiel farm, Jackson Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Production of water 3 barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, op. cit., p. 374. 26. Brine from Big Injun sand; depth 2,000 feet; South Penn Oil Co.’s well No. 1, Isaiah Baker farm, Muddy Creek, Tyler County, W. Va. Production of water 20 barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, op. cit., p. 374. 38 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. Table 12. — Analyses of waters from the Berea sand. Grams per liter. 27 28 29 30 31 SiO. 0.090 0.22 0. 14 0.08 Fe .006 .06 .01 A1 .022 .37 .50 Ca .220 2.75 2.79 9.24 7.34 Mg .070 .86 1.01 2. 06 1.16 Na .475 15.85 19.49 32.66 25.82 K . . . .055 .51 .50 HCO 3 .146 .37 .05 .02 .06 SO* None. None. None. None. None. Cl 1.045 32.07 38.69 72.60 55.46 Sneeifie ?ravitv_ 2.129 53.06 I 63. 18 116.66 1.08 98.84 1.06 1 1 Reacting: values, in milligram equivalents per liter. V,. 0.2 2.0 0.3 Ca 11.0 137.3 139.3 461.3 366. 5 Mg 5.7 71.0 83.0 169.6 95.5 Na 21.3 689.1 847.4 1,420.0 1, 123. 0 K... 1.4 13.0 13.0 Total basic radicles 39.6 912.4 1,083.0 2,050.9 1.585.0 HCOj-.... 2.4 6.1 .8 .4 .9 SO* None. None. None. None. None. Cl 29. 5 904.4 1,091.0 2, 047. 0 1,564.0 Total acid radicles 31.9 910.5 1,091.8 2,047.4 1,564.9 Reacting values, in per cent. Fe 0.3 0.1 Ca 17.3 7.5 6.4 11.3 11.7 Mg 8.9 3.9 3.8 4.1 3.1 Na.. 21.3 37.8 39.2 34.6 35.2 K 2.2 .7 .6 HC0 3 3.8 .3 Cl 46.2 49.7 50.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Approximate percentages of principal salts. 34.8 14.6 12.3 21.8 23.1 MgCl 2 15.5 6. 5 6.3 6.9 5.1 NaCl KC1 43.4 6.3 77.1 1.8 79.9 1.5 } 71.3 71.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 27. Brine from Berea sand; depth 2,141 to 2,162 feet; well No. 4 (old oil well), Taylor heirs' farm, 2 miles east of Woodsfield, Center Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Sample collected April 26, 1915, from a separating tank at the well; had probably undergone dilution after being brought to the surface. S. C. Dins more, analyst. 28. Brine from Berea sand; depth, 1,748 to 1,760 feet; well No. 2 (gas well), Gulic farm, 1 mile west of Summerfield, Marion Township, Noble County, Ohio. Sample collected April 28, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 29. Brine from Berea sand; depth 1,570 to 1,592 feet; well No. 2, S. L. Murphy farm, near Chascville, Seneca Township, Noble County, Ohio. Sample collected April 30, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. .30. Brine from Berea sand; depth 1,727 to 1,740 feet; well No. 1 (old oil well). J. A. Adams farm, half a mile west of Barnesville, Warren Township, Belmont County, Ohio. The well was yielding 48 barrels of oil and 8 barrels of salt water a month when visited in June, 1916; the initial yield of oil from the well about 20 years prior to this was about 180 barrels of oil a month. Both oil and gas were produced in this field Sample collected July 24, 1916. Chase Palmer, analyst. 31. Brine from Berea sand; depth 2,141 to 2,162 feet; well No. 4 (old oil well), Taylor heirs’ farm. 2 miles east of Woodsfield, Center Township, Monroe County, Ohio. The well had been yielding oil and salt water since 1905. Sample collected July 25, 1916; sample 27, collected from same well a year previously. Chase Palmer, analyst. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS. 39 Table 13. — Analyses of tvaters from various sands Grams per liter. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Si0 2 0.01 .07 Trace. o0.14 & .02 13.79 c .11 2. 22 37.93 .73 .04 .18 88.82 .19 0.05 .04 0. 12 .05 .83 15.82 0.05 0.03 .09 Fe 0. 19 A1 b . 08 15.36 Ca 10. 16 7.91 10.28 30.50 d 4.30 3.00 78.20 6.25 2.58 1.05 .44 5.01 .49 *.41 None. 13.80 1.11 Sr Mg 1.48 31.65 1. 47 28.60 .35 .03 .01 62.65 1.87 40. 80 .95 .03 .13 97.61 2. 04 40. 58 .76 .02 Trace. 95. 80 1.54 32. 84 Na K hco 3 .05 .37 70.70 .03 .04 73.15 S0 4 .06 196. 00 .85 Cl Br Specific gravity 114.49 144. 17 1.099 101. 18 158. 21 154.69 118.00 319.35 1.211 24.89 1.160 Reacting values, in milligram equivalents per liter. Fe 2.0 507.0 122.0 1,376.0 0.5 688.3 182.8 1,649.0 18.7 2.5 1.0 395.0 121.0 1, 243. 0 9.0 3.0 513.0 127.0 1,428.0 7.0 1,523.0 247.0 3, 400. 0 160. 0 98.0 Ca 790.5 154. 0 1.774.0 24.4 766.8 167.9 1, 764. 0 19.5 129.0 35.6 217.8 12.5 24.0 Mg Na K Sr Total basic radicles 2.007.0 2,541.8 1, 769. 0 2, 742. 9 2, 718. 2 2,071.0 5,435.0 418.9 HC0 3 .7 3.7 2, 505. 0 2.4 Trace. None. 389.2 13.9 SO4 2.3 2, 752. 0 Trace. 2, 702. 0 1.0 5,527.0 10.0 Cl 1,998.0 1, 767. 0 2,063.0 Br Total acid radicles 1,998.0 2, 511.8 1, 767. 0 2, 754.3 2,702.0 2,063.0 5,538.0 403.1 Reacting values, in per cent. Sr 0.9 3.0 Ca 12.7 13.8 11.2 14.4 14.2 12.5 13.8 16.0 Mg 3.0 3.6 3.4 2.8 3. 1 3. 1 2.2 4.4 Na 34.3 32.2 35.2 32.4 32.3 34.4 31.6 25. 1 K . 4 .2 .4 .4 1.5 1.5 Cl 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 49.9 48.3 Br .1 1.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Approximate percentages of principal salts. CaCl 2 ! 24. 7 26.6 21.8 27.8 27.6 24.3 28.4 32.3 MgCl 2 I 5.1 6.1 5.7 4.6 5.2 5.2 3.7 7.7 NaCl } 70.2 / 66.3 71.8 66.4 66.2 70.5 64.2 55.8 KC1 l 1.0 .7 1.2 1.0 3.7 4.2 : 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 a Ferrous iron. b Al 2 03+Fe 2 0 3 . * Barium absent. d Trace of Ba. e Trace of C0 3 . 32. Brine from Second sand; depth 948 to 964 feet; well No. 19, A. B. Kelly farm. Tionesta Township, Forest County, Pa. Production of water was originally 5 barrels daily but had declined to 3 barrels daily when the sample was collected. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank. Econ. Geology, vol. 12. p.374, 1917. 33. Brine from Third or Fourth (?) sand; depth 1,842 to 1,870 feet; well No. 2 (oil well), Cyrus Step farm, Penn Township, Butler County, Pa. The initial production of oil from this well, about 20 years ago, is reported to have been 100 barrels of oil daily, with very little water. In August, 1915, when the sample was collected, the well was yielding three-fourths of a barrel of oil and 10 barrels of salt water a day. The usual yellowish precipitate formed at the bottom of the bottle upon standing. R. C. Wells, analyst. 34. Brine from Fourth sand; depth 1,623 to 1,654 feet; South Penn Oil Co’s, well No. 1 on D. C. Rankin farm, Fairview Township, Butler County, Pa. Production of water H barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, op. cit., p. 374. 35. Brine from Bowlder sand, depth 1,701 to 1,720± feet; well No. 1 (new oil well), Mrs. Henry Welsh farm, Penn Township, Butler County, Pa. Sample collected in September, 1915. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. 36. Duplicate of sample 35. Chase Palmer, analyst. 37. Brine from Fifth sand; depth 2,200 feet; well No. 1 of South Penn Oil Co., on Maggie McDonald farm, McDonald, Allegheny County, Pa. Production of water 1 or 2 barrels daily. S. C. Dinsmore, analyst. Reeves, Frank, op. cit., p. 374. 38. Brine from Peoples Natural Gas Co’s, well, 8 miles southwest of Imperial, Washington County, Pa. Depth of well when sample was collected 6,300 feet. Geologic horizon believed to be that of Oriskany sandstone. The water rose 4,000 feet in the well. This water is remarkable for its very high content of strontium. George Steiger, analyst. U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 364, p. 9, 1914. 39. Water from a deep well on Slaughters Creek, near Coalburg, W. Va. The water is said to occur at a depth of 5,590 feet in a stratum of fine black sand whose geologic horizon is not reported. The water rose in the well about 3,000 feet. Sample collected in July, 1912, by William Seymour Edwards Oil Co., Charles- tonand Kanawha, W. Va. Chase Palmer, analyst. U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper364, p. 11, 1914. 40 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. SHALLOW WELL WATERS. The 15 analyses shown in Table 14 are selected from the files of the water-resources branch of the United States Geological Survey and represent waters from shallow wells in or near the areas studied during the preparation of this bulletin. Though all the analyses except No. 15 were made to show the quality of the water for use in boilers and are incomplete, they nevertheless afford a good idea of the character of the waters from the shallow rocks. Ground waters of meteoric origin, such as are obtained from shal- low wells, when percolating through soils and rocks near the surface take into solution various mineral constituents, so that the nature and proportions of the dissolved constituents depend largely on the kinds of rock with which the waters have been in contact. Calcium, magnesium, and carbonate are characteristic of waters in limestone areas. Sulphate is generally a derivative of surface oxidation. Sodium, whose reacting value exceeds the combined reacting values of chlorine and sulphate in the waters represented by analyses 2, 8, 9, and 15, has doubtless been derived from rocks rich in sodium- bearing minerals. Chlorine is present in all the waters analyzed and has been acquired either through the leaching of soluble chlo- rides from the shallow rocks or by the mixing of normal ground waters with chloride waters such as constitute the deep-seated brines. The proportion of chlorine varies too much to warrant its use as a basis for extended comparison, but by comparing the analyses given in Table 14 with those given in Tables 8 to 13 a few broad dif- ferences between the shallow and deep waters are apparent. The proportions of total dissolved solids in the shallow waters are ex- tremely diverse but are always smaller than in the deep-seated waters. All but one of the shallow waters contain a relatively large propor- tion of sulphate, and the reacting value of this constituent exceeds that of chlorine in each of the waters represented by analyses 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, and 14. The proportions of sulphate in the deep-seated brines are practically negligible. The shallow waters are character- ized by a large proportion of carbonate, whereas that constituent is present in relatively small amount in the deep-seated waters. In all the shallow waters except the one represented by analysis 2 calcium ex- ceeds magnesium. This relation also holds in the deep-seated waters, but the proportions of calcium and magnesium in the dissolved solids of the shallow waters are larger than in the deep-seated waters. In each of the shallow T waters except those represented b}^ analyses 3, 5, 6, and 10, the reacting value of sodium is either equal to or greater than that of chlorine. In the deep-seated brinss the reacting values of sodium are less than those of chlorine. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS. 41 A wide range of properties of reaction of the different shallow waters is shown in the lower part of Table 14. Primary salinity predominates in waters 5, 8, 10, and 15. The secondary chloride salinity of waters 3, 5, 6, and 10 indicates that these approach most nearly the deep-seated oil-field brines. Primary alkalinity is the pre- dominating property of reaction in waters 2 and 9, and secondary alkalinity is the principal property of reaction in the waters repre- sented by analyses 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Though primary salinity predominates in the waters represented under analyses 8 and 15, the total properties of reaction of these two waters are also made up partly of primary alkalinity. Primary alkalinity in the deep- seated brines of the Appalachian fields is exceptional. The large proportions of total dissolved solids, the relatively large proportions of chlorine with respect to sodium, and the compara- tively small proportions of sulphate, due possibly to precipitation or reduction in the waters represented by analyses 5 and 15, lead to the conclusion that these waters are mixtures of waters from shallow and deep sources. Waters such as these, which are intermediate between normal ground waters and deep-seated brines, deserve fur- ther study than we have been able to give them. We have found it difficult to procure representative samples of such waters, which are unsatisfactory for industrial uses and are also generally excluded from deep wells by casings. It is probable, however, that studies of the waters accompanying oil in the shallow-sand territories of the Appalachian fields and of the waters immediately above and below the shallow oil sands would show, in places near the outcrops, evidences of the incursion of ground waters. The gradations from normal ground waters to characteristic deep-seated brines must depend partly on the extent to which the deeper waters have received accessions of shallow ground waters. In the succeeding pages we show some of the reactions that are involved when shallow ground waters of one type leak into oil wells and mix with deep-seated waters of a different type. We believe that similar changes have occurred in past geologic time, and this belief is strengthened by the fact that the reactions that would be produced by mixing and con- centrating certain deep and shallow waters would bring about much the same difference that we observe between deep and shallow brines. Table 14 . — Partial analyses of waters from shallow wells in the Appalachian oil and gas fields. 42 WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS. 15 O O O O ;0 1 O O d id !h »OH io co • o CO ^ • CM ° 1 o j 3 j ^ i s j 95.6 12.3 5.8 8.9 30.7 314.1 467.4 CO 66.3 11.7 1.3 1.9 41.2 209.3 331.7 CM 80.2 20.9 1.2 1.9 60.3 272.8 CO CO a 11.7 5.6 2.0 3.0 4.7 58.0 o a o 19.0 6.7 34.4 67.4 11.6 43.9 183.0 10 05 N OX 00 X CO CM id CM d rf o N CO CM CO 05 lO t>- CM O oco d no d O CM lO HNrf 00 id N- CM* id CO CM CM TfrH05 00 O o CM CO 00* CO O id CM* 05 CO 1-t O TT CO CM HIO O ^ CO*H I s 1 i 2 § co t- ~i o o 2 °*g?S | cr> co ! Sg ^ O'? N Tj< d •-< ONV O U3 — i X CO 00 00 CO o O cd d CO CM o to to 05 o * -o I o I CM N- CO 04 ‘ g co co cm ; o to TT o CO CM CO 05 CM O O to ^ CO CM* d O 05 ^ to o 0*0 05* o* CM 05* CO !-? Naoac lO 3 05 o o> io tj! ci t" C*5 O ^ CO O CM O CM © td X* d 05 1-H 05 1 CM — < *-h CM j 8 ■ ‘ - ip J tea • *nCJ oS^WooqW Properties of reaction, in per cent. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WATERS, 43 CM .000 j I ! t- oo* t'- * 100.0 4.1 10.6 CO 33 100.0 1.4 19.4 Z’6 1 100.0 0.9 21.8 CO 0 1 7.6 8.4 o oo o o’ o 52.4 22.4 CM •O CM 100.0 oo Icoco CM Ip o 8 »0 • I'- 00 ‘O • 05 Tt< »Q * CM H 100.0 39.2 10.5 50.3 o o* o 41.8 16.4 oo *** o 8 54. 6 32.0 a CO o 8 CO O 05 % o 8 12.4 29.6 o oo lO O 8 10.8 72.6 16.6 100.0 28. 1 13.5 GO «o o 8 : : : &&-a c3 C3 3 4 o 3 o £ 3 3 3 4^> § a ^d .20 P o3 S $ 2| +5 Oh c-^ <3±i du o M g«W 5 M( 5 | o rt o t 3 > a • 3 O «! a o 1 1 So o aa ® 2 * S os feVi 0 o o o £-• ® |1 CC 03 si m2? '3 3 fc§ fl CO °2 si CO ^ 3 2 3 S "2 0,5 03 fl 5 ^3 i^J-i HJ-C^ ^ 03 ( 5 -C?a> •,-«•£' ^•§ 3 “ 3 -S 23 - 23 ®'S '2 ^ SOS 2 « 2 -S^o 3 o^ p.§« 3 io ^Ei^g-S^E^^Scjl t> »j pi ®rQ , ! ®E-< 3 T 3 rt'c 3 to "S'O 3 'S 3 3 o 32 c • *p O W iH 'S CM *3 CO 3 ® *0 05 C »“H r-H CH Cr-H £ t-H ^ rH 3 £ < 3 3 £ ift ’cO Q \ - SoS a 3 oo § 6“ >»mO 3 s 3 -S 2 -riS-S-s p-g^e 3 b . w fe § 03 O q 3 . l-» o ■H ,7 K fl^j C 2 H °3<~>£G tie* £2 a a I !_ 1 03 -uTJ ® 03 03 P-l §*— oT ® 3 M .■«« £ o-h o 3<-> g| ^ So • 3 22°3 1 j 2 p 5 c 30 . 83 , 03 o :=! 3 £ Si^p^s ^-h O ^ 32 ® • ^ § > § ^3 C2 ^ o utS 1 ®2 o S 03 ■H.O (*>«*«« ®M 2^ u >pq ^•oggS^S ^ r ? 5 « 3 rt *V-J ZL *h O 0^03 *Z? is 2 2 c3 d >rO OJXJra •_ w © _ '^ 2 ^ •.§ ^ 2 ^ 3 S- 2 c 3 2 53 '5 *°£ 1 d 03 fl c3 dd3 0.CJ d> g.g gd2 ! £« o|g| i" |ag.s t ,3 ^ 3 3 c, 9 in" t< S 3 o 3 Tj 3 ^ 3 t; 3 -q 3 >> 3 ^ 03 ^o 3 ®o 3 -H 03 .HdSc 332 c 3 .H oioo*j h guid'd "i qo § a 3 **l "- vinz Antioquia und die neu entdeckte Lagerstatte der Platina auf Gangen. (Also platinum in the Ural Mountains.) (Let- ter from Boussingault, Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 7: 520.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Hertha, 7 (1826), 263; Quart. J. of Sci. 22 (1826), 225; J. de pharm. 12 (1826), 434; Ann. chim. phys. 32 (1826), 204; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 7 (1826), 515; J. chim. med. 2 (1826), 397; Edin. J. of Sci. 5 (1826), 323; Amer. J. of Sci. 12 (1827), 384; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 47 (1826), 368; Phil. Mag. 68 (1826), 306; Bibl. univ. Nov. (1826); Le Globe, July 20 (1826); Edin. N. Phil. J. 2 (1827), 197; Ann. des mines [2], 1 (1827), 175, 178; Berzelius Jsb. 7 (1828), 184; Mag. fur Pharm. 16 (1826), 101, 353; Ztsch. fur Min. 1826, No. 12. 1826: la. Erdmann. Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Russland. Part 2, p. 132. Pt, 1826: 2. Platina found in Russia. Pt. Edin. Phil. J. 14 (1826), 173. 1826: 3. J. Menge. Geognostische Nachrichten aus Sibirien; Be- merkungen fiber die Gold- und Platina-Bergwerke des Ural- Gebirges. Pt. Leonhard, Ztsch. fiir Min. 2 (1826), 245, 508; Ann. sci. nat. 10 (1827), 386; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 2 (1827), 199. 1826: 4. A. Breithaupt. Mineralogische Untersuchung des rus- sischen Platinsandes. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 8 (1826), 500; Phil. Mag. [2], 3 (1828), 72; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 3 (1827), 272; Mag. fiir Pharm. 20 (1827), 210; Berzelius Jsb. 7 (1828), 185; Ann. chim. phys. 38 (1828), 443; J. des mines russes, Aug. (1827); Ann. des mines [2], 3 (1828), 283. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 41 1826: 5. G. Osann. Untersuchung der russischen Platina. (Very full study of the ore; contains announcement of three new metals, ruthenium, pluran, and polin, 13 : 287. Pluran was perhaps ruthenium, but Osann’s ruthenium and polin were errors. Claus. Cf. 1829:6.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, [Ru, Po, Plu]. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 8 (1826), 505; 11 (1827), 311; 13 (1828), 283; 14 (1828), 329; Arch. ges. Naturl, 16 (1829), 129; Edinb. New Phil. J. 3 (1827), 276; Quart. J. of Sci. 26 (1828), 438; Phil. Mag. [2], 2 (1827), 391; Heusman Repert. de chim. Sept. (1827); J. chim. m6d. 4 (1828), 554; Bull. math. chim. (Ferussac), Sept. (1828); Mag. fur Pliarm. 20 (1827), 346; 24 (1828), 185; Amer. J. of Sci. 16 (1829), 384; Berzelius Jsb. 7 (1828), 185; 8 (1829), 206. 1826: 6. T. Thomson. Analysis of the ore of iridium. (Attempt to determine atomic weights.) Ir, Rh. Ann. of Phil. (Thomson), 2 (1826), 17; Mag. fur Pharm. 16 (1826), 353; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 47 (1826), 55; Polyt. J. (Dingl.), 16 (1826), 111; Ann. des mines, 12 (1826), 326; Berzelius Jsb. 7 (1828), 183. 1826: 7. A. J. Balard. Memoire sur une substance particuliere- ment contenue dans Teau de la mer (le brome). (Compound of platinum and bromine, p. 362.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 32 (1826), 337; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 8 (1826), 333; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 48 (1826), 87; Ann. of Phil. (Thomson), 28 (1826), 416; J. de Pharm. 12 (1826), 517; N. J. der Pharm. (Trommsd.), 14 (1827), 80. 1826: 8. G. Forchhammer. Bemaerkninger over et nyt chemisk Provemiddel paa Platin, det salpetersure Quiksolvforilte. (HgN0 3 .) Pt. Overs. Danske Yid. Selsk. 1826-27, 8; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 52 (1828), 3; Mag. fiir Pharm. 24 (1828), 393. 1826: 9. H. B. Miller. On the oxidation of palladium during its effecting the union of the hydrogen and oxygen gases from ether, alcohol, etc. Pd. Ann. of Phil. (Thomson), 28 (1826), 20. 1826: 10. J. W. Dobereiner. Neue Bereitung des Platinsuboxyds, hochst dunner Platin iiberzug statt Platinschwamm ; Gebrauch des Essiglampchens und Bereitung der Essigsaure im Grossen mittelst des Platinsuboxyds. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 9 (1826), 341; Mag. fiir Pharm. 18 (1827), 342. 1826: 11. — Observations on alloys or mixtures of metals. (Alloys of platinum metals with copper, molybdenum, bis- muth, gold, tin, iron, and arsenic are mentioned.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir. Franklin Jour. 1 (1826), 316; from Dictionnaire technologique; from Th6nard, Chimie 61ementaire. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 1826: 12. W. Nasse. Versuche mit einigen Metallen ... in Porzellanfeuer. (Unschmelzbarkeit des Platins.) Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 46 {1826), 80. 1826: 13. J. W. Dobereiner. Platinschwammbereitung und Ge- brauch. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 47 (1826), 119; Phil. Mag. [2], 2 (1827), 388; Heusman R5p. de chim.; Berzelius Jsb. 7 (1828), 130. 1826: 14. H. B. Miller. Addition to the list of substances that cause a coil of platinum wire to continue in a state of incan- descence, etc. Pt. Ann. of Phil. (Thomson), 28 (1826), 21. 1826: 15. J. J. Berzelius. Ueber die Bestimmung der relativen Anzahl yon einfachen Atomen in chemischen Verbindungen. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 8 (1826), 178. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os. 1826: 16. S. Marianini. Experiences pour determiner la force elec tromo trice relative des conducteurs de la meme classe. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 33 (1826), 14; from Saggio di esperienze electromo- triche, etc., Venezia, 1825; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 47 (1827), 47. 1827: 1. N. Mamyscheff. Beschreibung der Entdeckung der Platina in Siberien. Pt. Ztsch. fur Min. (Leonhard), 1827, 265; Berzelius Jsb. 8 (1829), 202. 1827: 2. A. T. Kupffer. Ueber das Vorkommen des Platins in Sibirien. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 12 (1827), 236. 1827: 3. Sur le minerai de platine de Siberie. Pt. J. des mines russ. Aug. (1827); Ann. des mines [2], 3 (1828), 284. 1827: 4. (Platinum mines of the Ural Mountains.) Pt. Bui. univ. Sept. 1827; Amer. J. of Sci. 14 (1828), 204. 1827: 5. A. von Humboldt. Grosse der Korner von gediegenem Platin. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 10 (1827), 487; Ann. chim. phys. 37 (1828), 222; Amer. J. of Sci. 16 (1829), 389; Bull. math. chim. (F6russac), Nov. (1828); Berzelius Jsb. 8 (1829), 203; Mag. fur Pharm. 28 (1829), 129. j 1827 : 6. Arkhipoff. Nouveau moyen d’extraire Tor du minerai de platine. Pt. J. des mines russ. ; Ann. des mines [2], 1 (1827), 174. 1827: 7. Tafel der Atomengewichte der einfachen Korper und deren Oxyde. (Atomic weights.) Pt, Pd, Rh. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 10 (1827), 340. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 43 1827: 8. G. Osann. Merkwiirdiges Verhaltniss des Eigengewiclits pulverisirter Korper zu ihren Atomengewichten. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 12 (1827), 487. 1827: 9. J. B. van Mons. Salzsaures Platin. (Verfluchtigung eines weisses Precipitats mit Chlorplatin.) Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 10 (1827), 59. 1827: 10. P. A. von Bonsdorff. Extrait d’une lettre a M. Gay- Lussac. (Combination of chlorplatinic acid with copper, zinc, manganese, iron, etc., chlorides.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 34 (1827), 145; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 49 (1827), 324. 1827: 11. (Note on double chlorides of platinum and pal- ladium.) Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 11 (1827), 124. 1827: 12. N. W. Fischer. Zur Gescliiehte des Arseniks. (Rau- chen des mit Platin tiberzogenen Arseniks nach Erhitzen, p. 228.) Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 11 (1827), 224. 1827: 12a. E. Mitscherlich. Ueber eine neue Oxydationsstufe des Selens. (Einwirkung der Selensaure auf Platin, p. 630.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 9 (1827), 623; Ann. chim. phys. 36 (1827), 100; Edinb . J. of Sci. 8 (1828), 294; Quart. J. of Sci. 2 (1827), 471. 1827: 13. N. W. Fischer. Zur Geschichte des Palladiums. (Ver- halten zu den Sauren, p. 192; zu Reagentien, 197; Doppelsaize, 200.) Pd. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 51 (1827), 192; Phil. Mag. [2], 4 (1828), 230, Heusman Rep. de chim. Feb. (1828); Ann. des mines [2], 5 (1829); 168; Berzelius Jsb. 8 (1829), 183. 1827: 14. N. W. Fischer. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Erzmetalle. (Properties of platinum and palladium, p. 227.) Pt, Pd. Arch. ges. Naturl. 13 (1828), 223; from Bui. d. lat. wiss. Sect. d. Schlesischen Gesell. fiir vateriand. Cultur, 1827. 1827: 15. N. W. Fischer. Metallreduction auf nassem Wegc, durch andere Metalle. (Palladium, 9: 256 and 10: 607. Os- mium, 12: 499. Platinum, palladium, and osmium, 12: 504.) Pt, Pd, Os. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg), 9 (1827), 256; 10 (1827), 607; 12 (1828), 499, 504; J. de Pharm. 16 (1830), 133. 1827: 16. M. J. Eiciifeld. Eine Erfmdung das Platin zu schmcl- zen. Pt. Journal d’Odessa, 1827, 63; Bui. d. sci. tech. (1828), 280; J. techn. Chem. 2 (1828), 402; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 28 (1828), 477; J. Frank, inst. [2], 2 (1828), 249; Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 10G. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1827 1827: 1827: 1827: 1827: 1827: 1828: 1828: 1828: 1828: 1828: 1828: 17. K. W. G. Kastner. Durchscheinbarkeit des Platins. Arch. ges. Naturl. 10 (1827), 490 (footnote). Pt. 18. T. Cooper. Experiments and observations on some al- loys of platinum. (Alloys; speculum metal containing platinum.) Pt. Franklin Joum. 3 (1827), J98; Teclm. Repository, 1 (1827), 13; J. teelin. Chem. 1 (1828), 350; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 25 (1827), 401. 19. (Notes on alloys of gold, palladium, and rho- dium.) * ' Pd, Kb. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 10 (1S27), 321. 20. [J. R.] Breant. (Sipbon of platinum.) Pt. J. de pharm. June, 1827; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 50 (1827), 383. 21. C. Despretz. Sur la conductibilite des principaux metaux et de quelques substances terreuses. (Conductivity of platinum.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 36 (1827), 422; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 12 (1828), 282; Quart. J. of Sci. 1 (1828), 220. 22. W. S. Harris. On tlie relative powers of various metallic substances as conductors of electricity. (Conductivity of platinum.) Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 107 (1827), 18; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 2 (L833), 298; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 12 (1828), 280; Bull. math. chim. (Ferussac), 8 (1827), 33. 1. M. vox Exgelhardt. Die Lagerstatte des Goldes und Platins im Ural-Gebirge. Riga, 1828. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Bb. Mag. fiir Pharm. 24 (1828), 193 (very full); Arch. ges. Naturl. 21 (1831), 160. 2. F. II. Bemerkungen fiber die Lagerstatte des Platins am Ural. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 13 (1828), 566. 3. Native platinum from Nijne Taguilski. Pt. Monthly Mag. Feb. 1828; Phil. Mag. [2], 3 (1S28), 232. 4. C. M. Marx and others. Platinamassen von betracht- lichen Grosse und Reichthum an Platin und Gold im Ural. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 54 (1828), 466. 5. Largest known masses of native platina. Pt. Edin. N. Phil. J. 4 (1828), 185; Phil. Mag. [2], 4 (1828), 308. 6. A. Breithaupt. Die Krystallisation der Markase. (Iri- dosmin, p. 171.) Ir, Os. J. fui' Chem. (Schweigger), 52 (1828), 165. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 45 1828: 7. A. Breithaupt. Notiz fiber Verkauf des russischen Platins. Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 52 (1828), 109; Phil. Mag. [2], 4 (1828), 458. 1828: 7a. Lubarsky. Ural platinum in nature. Pt. “Mining J. 8 (1828), 158” [1842:3a (?)]. 1828: 7b. Lubarsky. Platinum mines in district of Tagilsk. Pt. “Mining J. 1828, 125” [1845:4a (?)]. 1828: 8. Miinzen aus Platina. (Note.) Pt. Mag. fiir Pharm. 23 (1828), 229; Ann. of Phil. (Thomson) (1828), Dec.; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 6 (1829), 197. 1828 : 9. J. J. Berzelius. Forsok ofver de mctaller som &tfolja Plati- nan samt ofver sattet att analysera Platinans nativa legeringar eller Maimer. (Atomic weights, salts, oxalates, sulphates, etc. Considered ruthenium as iridium. Rhodium salts, p. 32; palladium salts, 46; iridium salts, 59; osmium salts, 81; separa- tion of platinum from ore, 103; platinum sulphide, 114.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Kong. Yet. Acad. Handl. (Stockholm), 1828, 25; Ann. chim. phys. 40 (1829), 51, 138, 257, 337; Ann. derPhys. (Pogg.), J3 (1828), 435, 527; J. techn. Chem. 3 (1828), 465; Phil. Mag. [2], 5 Q829), 395; 6, 146; Amer. J. of Sci. 18 (1830), 162; Pol>t. J. (Dingier), 30 (1828), 315; Oken, Isis, 22 (1829), 279; Quart. J. of Sci. 2 (1829), 174; Ann. des mines [2], 5 (1829), 326; Mag. fiir Pharm. 26 (1829), 106, 279; Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 114, 163, 169, .171, 180, 194; 10 (1831), 112. 1828: 10. P. A. von Bonsdorff. Bidrag till afgorande af fragan om Clilor, Iod. m. fl. metalloider, i likhet med syre, aro syra- och basbildande Kroppar. (Chioroplatinates, bromoplati- nates, and bromopalladates.) Pt, Pd. Kong. Yet. Acad. Handl. Stockholm, 1828, 174; 1830, 117; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 17 (1829), 247; 18 (1829), 331; 19 (1830), 337; Ann. chim. phys. 44 (1830), 189, 244; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 409, 41 J. 1828: 11. G. Magnus. Ueber einige neue Verbindungen des Platinchloriirs. (Salt of Magnus, first platinum base.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 14 (1828), 239; Ann. chim. phys. 40 (1829), 110; Quart. J. Sci. 1 (1829), 420; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 142; Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 159; Mag. fur Pharm. 26 (1829), 297. 1828: 12. J. W. Dobereiner. Vermischte chemische Erfahrungen fiber Platina. (Precipitation by zinc, decomposition of carbon monoxide by dry oxide of platinum, platinum sulphide, and platinum “feuerzeug.”) Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 54 (1828), 412; Amer. J. of Sci. 18 (1830), 151; Quart. J. Sci. 2 (1829), 196; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 141; Mag. fur Pharm. 26 (1829), 298. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1828: 13. N. W. Fischer. Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss des Platins und die mit demselben in Verbindung vorkommenden Metalle, namentlich des Rhodiums nnd Iridiums. (Action of various reagents, zinnsalz, hydrogen sulphide, etc.) Ft, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 53 (1828), 108; Mag. fur Pharm. 24 (1828), •394; 28 (1829), 295. 1828: 14. L. Kralovanszky. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen fiber Lithium. (Action of lithium on platinum.) Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 54 (1828), 232, 348. 1828: 15. G. Wetzlar. Beitrage zur chemischen Geschichte des Silbers. (Recognition of palladium by action of copper chloride, p. 474.) Pd. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 52 (1828), 483. 1828: 16. Ueber die Wirkung zwischen Gold und Silber im starren Zustande und die Legirung von Gold und Plati- num. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 14 (1828), 525. 1828: 17. O. L. Erdmann. Technische Amvendbarkeit des rohen Platins. Pt. J. techn. Chem. 1 (1828), 362. 1828: 18. O. L. Erdmann. Ueber Dobereiner’s Raucherlampchen und das Platiniren des Glases. Pt. J. techn. Chem. 3 (18281, 395. 1828: 19. O. L. Erdmann. Seebeck’s Prufung der Platina auf ihre Reinheit durch Thermomagnetismus. Pt. J. techn. Chem. 2 (1828), 89. 1828: 20. J. Zuber. (Platinirung.) Pt. Pul. Soc. indust. Mulhouse, 4, ; J. techn. Chem. 2 (1828), 527. 1828: 21. Labonte and Depuis. (Verfahren Kupfer mit Platina zu plaquiren.) Pt. Bescr. d. machines dans les brevets, par Christian, 1828, 523; Rep. of Pat. Inventions, Jure, 1828, 580; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 33 (1829), 129; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 6 (1830), 176. 1828 : 22. J. S. C. Schweigger. Ueber Nobili’s eiektrochemischen Figuren. (Platinum plating on glass.) Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 54 (1828), 59. 1828: 23. J. P. J. D’Arcet. Ueber die Scheidung des Goldes und Silbers vom Kupfer mittelst Schwefelsaure. (Use of platinum vessels.) Pt. Recueil industriel, Dec. 1828; from Memoire on Instructions relative to the art of refining, Paris, 1828 (or 1827?); J. techn. ('hem. 4 (1829), 424; Polyt. J. (Di igler), 31 (1828), 281; Bibl. univ. Apr. 1829; Amer. J. of Sci. 17 (1830), 179. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 47 1828: 24. K. W. G. Kastner. Gtite und Preis des Nlirnberger Blatt- und Maler-Platin. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 14 (1828), 162. 1828: 25. N. W. Fischer. Zur Geschichte des Platins. (Wiir- meleitung des Platins, also chlorides of ammonium and plati- num.) Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. .14 (1828), 145; J. techn. Chem. 3 (1828), 263; Quart. J. of Sci. 5 (1829), 193; Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 109, 113, 161; Mag. fur Pharm. 24 (1828), 347. 1828: 26. L. Schwartz. Sur la mesure des hautes temperatures. Pt. Bui. Soc. indust. Mulhouse, 1 (1828), 22; J. techn. Chem. 2 (1828), 341. 1828: 27. C. H. Pfaff. Ueber die sogenannte elektrische Ladung der Metalle im Kreise der voltaischen Saule. (No change in platinum wire.) Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 53 (1828), 401. 1828: 28. Dublanc. (Platinum chloride test for iodine.) Pt. Berzelius Jsb. 7 (1828), 148. 1829: 1. A. T. Kupffer. Versuch einer geognostischen Schild- erung des Urals. (Occurrence of platinum, p. 283.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 16 (1829), 260. 1829: 2. Platingewinnung am Ural (Ausbeute). Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 15 (1829), 52; J. techn. Chem. 5 (1829), 104. 1829: 3. (Platinum in Ural Mountains.) Pt. “From a Prussian journal”; Amer. J. of Sci. 18 (1830), 190; Phil. Mag. [2], 7 (1830), 59; Bibl. uniy.fuly, 1829 [1830?]. 1829: 4. J. C. L. Zincken. Ueber des Palladium im Herzogthum Anhalt-Bernburg. Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 16 (1829), 491; J. techn. Chem. 6 (1829), 235; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 56 (1825), 487; Ann. chim. phys. 44 (1830), 206; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 447; Berzelius Jsb. 10 (1831), 167; 11 (1832), 202. 1829: 5. Benecke and Rienecker. Ueber des Selen-Palladiimi bei Tilkerode im Harze. (Arbeit.) Pd. 1829: 6. G. Osann. Berichtigung, meine Analyse des ural’schen Platins betreffend. (No new metal present.) [Ru, Po, Plu,] Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. •Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 15 (1829), 158; Arch. ges. Naturl. 16 (1829), 129; Mag. fiir Pharm. 26 (1829), 294. 1829: 7. W. H. Wollaston. Sur la preparation du palladium, Pd. Ann. chim. phys. 41 (1829), 413. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1829: 8. W. H. Wollaston. Sur la preparation cle V osmium. Os. Ann. chim. phys. 41 (1829), 414. 1829: 9. J. J. Berzelius. Einige nachtragliche Bemerkungen liber das Iridium und das Osmium. (Continued from 1828:9.) Ir, Os. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 15 (1829), 208; Ann. chim. phys. 42 (1829), 185; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 144. 1829: 10. W. C. Zeise. Om Platin chloridet. Havniae (Copen- hagen), 1830. Pt. Oversigt Danske Yid. Sels. 1829-30, 21; Afhandl. Danske Vid. Sels. 5 (1832), 55. 1829: 11. [E.] Davy. Fulminic acid. Pt. Roy. Soc. Dublin, 1829; Berzelius Jsb. 12 (1833), 95, 121; Pharm. Cen- trbl. (1835), 8. 1829: 12. J. J. Berzelius. Eine besondere Art von Platinsalzen. (Organic platinum compound, probably" “ Acechlorplatin ” of Zeise.) Pt. Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 162; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 16 (1829), 82; Mag. fur Pharm. 28 (1829), 316. 1829: 13. J. L. Lassaigne. Sur les combinaisons de l’iode avec le manganese, le fer, et le platine. Pt, J. chim. rued. 5 (1829), 330; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 114; Berzelius Jsb. 10 (1831), 152. / 1829: 14. K. W. G. Kastner. Unerwartetes Reduction der auf- gelosten Platinoxyds durch Aether. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 18 (1829), 388. 1829: 15. L. H. Zenneck. Ueber das pneumatische Verhalten einiger Metalle zur Salzsaure. (Platinum in hydrochloric acid, p. 101.) (Platinum foil helps solution of metals in hy- drochloric acid, p. 108.) Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 17 (1829), 92. 1829: 16. W. A. Lampadius. Einige neue Erfahrungen uber das Verhalten des Silbers gegen Platin. (Alloy and separation.) J. techn. C'hem. 4 (1829), 279; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 412. Pt. 1829: 17. W. A. Lampadius. Zerlegung der Iridchloride durch Platinmetalle. (Also iridium alloy T s and separation.) Pt, Ir. J. techn. Chem. 6 (1829), 453; 11 (1831), 1; Ann. des mines [3], 1 (1832), 412. 1829: 18. N. W. Fischer. Ueber Metallsuperoxyde. (Palladium superoxide, p. 218.) Pd. Arch. ges. Naturl. 16 (1829), 214; Mag. fur Pharm. 28 (1829), 317. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 49 1829: 19. N. W. Fischer. Ueber die Wiederherstellung der Me- talle durch Stickstoff. (Deduction of palladium on evapora- tion by the nitrogen of the air; also observations (p. 459) by Kastner.) Pt, Pd. Arch. ges. Naturl. 18 (1829), 105, 457; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 17 (1829), 137, 479; Amer. J. of Sci. 19 (1831), 371. 1829: 20. W. H. Wollaston. On a method of rendering platina malleable. (Bakerian lecture, 1828. Also palladium, and the obtaining of the oxide of osmium in a crystalline state.) Pt, Ir, Os, Pd. Phil. Trans. London, 119 (1829), 1; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 2 (1833), 352; Ann. chim. phys. 41 (1829), 403; J. techn. Chem. 5 (1829), 235; 6, 221; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 15 (1829), 299; 16, 158; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 55 (1829), 376; 56, 253; 57, 69; Phil. Mag. [2], 5 (1829), 65; 6, 1; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 31 (1829), 76; 32, 149; 34, 1; Quart. J. of Sci. 6 (1829), 97; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 4 (1829), 226; Bibl. univ. 41 <1829), 128; Mech. Mag. 279 (1828), 319; Arch. ges. Naturl. 17 (1829), 113; Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 107; Mag. fur Pharm. 28 (1829), 314. 1829: 21. J. N. Planiava. Bereitung eines leicht zundenden Platinschwammes. Pt. Ztsch. fur Phys. (Baumgartner), 5 (1829), 9; J. techn. Chem. 4 (1829), 121. 1829: 22. J. von Liebig. Sur le precipite noir de platine de M. Ed- mund Davy, et sur la propriety de l’6ponge de platine d’en- flammer Fhydrogene. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 42 (1829), 316; Amer. J. of Sci. 18 (1830), 398; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 17 (1829), 101; J. techn. Chem. 6 (1829), 467; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 6 (1830), 269. 1829: 23. F. Wohler. Increased combustibility of carbon by platinum. Pt. Quart. J. of Sci. 6 (1829), 178; Phil. Mag. [2], 6 (1829), 394. 1829: 24. J. W. Dobereiner. Zur weiteren Kenntniss der chemi- schen Dynamik des Platins, etc. (Platiniren des Glases.) (Quantitative Bestimmung des Alkohols mittelst Platin- suboxydul.) Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 16 (1829), 111; J. techn. Chem. 4 (1829), 496; 5 (1829), 103; Berzelius Jsb. 10 (1831), 111. 1829: 25. T. Graham. On the application of spongy platinum to eudiometry. Pt. Quart. J. Sci. 2 (1829), 354; J. techn. Chem. 8 (1830), 20; Bibl. brit. [2], 43 (1830), 387. 1829: 26. A. C. Becquerel. De pouvoir thermo-electrique des metaux. (Copper-platinum and iron-platinum couples.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 41 (1829), 353; Mem. de l’lnst. Paris, 10 (1831), 237; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 16 (1829), 306; 17, 535; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 57 (1829), 302. 109733*- -19— Bull. 694 4 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1829: 27. C. Despretz. Observations sur les modifications que subissent les metaux dans leurs proprietes physiques, par Taction combine© du gaz ammoniacal et de la chaleur. (No change in platinum, p. 129.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 42 (1829), 122; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 17 (1829), 296; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 58 (1830), 226; Quart. J. of Sci. 1 (1830), 201. 1830: 1. M. von Engelhardt. Die Lagerstatte der Diamanten im ITral-Gebirge. Riga, 1830. (Occurrence of platinum.) Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 21 (1831), 160. 1830: 2. M. von Engelhardt. Vorkommen des Platins in dem Porphyr. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 20 (1830), 532. 1830: 3. C. M. Marx. Ueber die von Struve’ sche Mineralien-samm- lung. (Description of platinum and iridosmium.) Pt, Os, Ir. Arch. ges. Naturl. 19 (1830), 370. 1830: 4. A. von Humboldt. (Platin-Ausbeute.) Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 18 (1830), 273; Arch. ges. Naturl. 21 (1831), 161. 1830: 5. Quesneville, fils. Une methode pour separer Tosmium et Tiridium de la mine de platine. (Read at Soc. de Pharm., Aug. 11, 1830.) Pt, Ir, Os. J. chim. med. 6 (1830), 668; J. de pharm. 16 (1830), 557; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 40 (1831), 73; Berzelius Jsb. 11 (1832), 144. 1830: 6. J. J. Berzelius. Oxyde des Platins. Pt. Berzelius Jsb. 9 (1830), 110. 1830: 7. J. von Liebig. Neue Erfahrungen fiber J. [! E.] Davy’s sogennantes salpetrichtsaures Platinoxyd oder Dobereiners Platinsuboxyd. Pt. Mag. fur Pharm. 29 (1830), 101. 1830: 8. L. Hunefeld. Ueber zwei neue Dopplesalze aus Chlor, Zink und Platin. (Zinc platino- and pla tini-chloride.) Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 60 (1830), 197; Arch, ges Naturl. 21 (1831), 471; Berzelius Jsb. 11 (1832), 191. 1830: 9. N. W. Fischer. Bemerkungen fiber die Platinmetalle. (Phosphorsaures Rhodiumoxyd u. s. w.) Pt, Pd, Os, Ir, Rh. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 18 (1830), 256; Berzelius Jsb. 11 (1832), 143; Mag. fiir Pharm. 32 (1830), 314. 1830: 9a. Seleniuret of palladium. Pd. Edinb. J. of Sci. [2], 3 (1830), 358. 1830: 10. G. F. Wach. Ueber das Phanomen, welches von Dutro- chet mit dem Ausdrucke Endosmose und Exosmose bezeichnet wurde, und daran sich reihende Beobachtungen fiber Metall- vegetationen. (“Platinvegetation.”) Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 58 (1830), 60. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 51 1830: 11. G. Osann. (Specific gravity of platinum, etc.) Pt. Arch. Chem. (Kastner), 1 (1830), 58; Pharm. Centrbl. 1831, 291. 1830: 12. K. W. G. Kastner. Vervollkommnung des Platin- schwamms. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 20 (1830), 425; Pharm. Centrbl. 1831, 275. 1830: 13. M. Faraday. On the manufacture of glass for optical purposes (Bakerian lecture, 1829 ). (Use of platinum for vessels, p. 16; preparation of spongy platinum, p. 56.) Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 120 (1830), 1; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 2 (1833), 388; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 18 (1830), 556, 577; J. techn. Chem. 9 (1830), 113; Ann. chim. phys. 45 (1830), 225; Froriep, Notizen, 27 (1830), 116. 1830: 14. W. A. Lampadius. Einfaches Verfahren Kupfer und Messing mit Silber und Platin zu bedecken. Pt. J. techn. Chem. 8 (1830), 52. 1830: 15. J. F. Daniell. On certain phenomena resulting from the action of mercury upon different metals. (Mercury on platinum.) Pt. J. Roy. Institution, 1 (1831), 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 20 (1830), 260; Bibl. brit. [2], 46 (1831), 32. 1830: 16. F. Gobel. Magnetische Reaction des Platins. Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 60 (1830), 415; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 11 (1831), 388. 1830: 17. (Imitation of platinum by copper zinc alloy.) Pt. Recueil indust. Apr. 1830; Amer. J. of Sci. 22 (1832), 383. 1830: 18. W. E. Weber. Ueber die specifische Warme fester Korper, insbesondere der Metalle. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 20 (1830), 178; Berzelius Jsb. 11 (1832), 13. 1830: 19. N. W. Fischer. Zur Warmelehre, besonders in Hin- sicht auf das Leitungsvermogen des Platins. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 19 (1830), 507; Berzelius Jsb. 11 (1832), 13. 1831: 1. On the gold, silver, and platina of Russia. Pt. Featherstonehaugh ’s Amer. J. of Geol. Sept. 1831; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 13 (1832), 189. 1831: 2. J. N. Fuchs. Plat.ingeschiebe von ausserordentlicher Grosse von Nische Tagilsk. Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 62 (1831), 94. 1831: 3. Verkauf von Osmium Iridium. (Price.) Os, Ir. J. techn. Chem. 10 (1831), 144. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1831: 4. W. C. Zeise. Von der Wirkung zwischen Platinchlorid und Alkohol, und von den dabei entstehenden neuen Sub- stanzen. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 21 (1831), 497; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 62 (1831), 393; 63, 121; Mag. fiir Pharm. 35 (1831), 105; Pharm. Centrbl. 2 (1831), 677, 693; Berzelius Jsb. 12 (1833), 300; Mag. fur Pharm. 36 (1831), 104. 1831: 5. W. C. Zeise. Kulbrintet Chlorplatin-ammoniak [1831], (Gekohlenwasserstofftes Chlorplatin-Ammoniak.) Pt. Afhandl. Danske Vid. Sels. 5 (1832), 141; Oversigt. Danske Vid. Sels. 1830-31, 24; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 136; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 21 (1831), 542; Edinb. J. of Sci. 6 (1832), 328; Berzelius Jsb. 12 (1833), 300. 1831: 6. A. Connell. On the acidification of Iodine by means of nitric acid. (Iodic acid has no action on platinum.) Pt. Edinb. N. Phil. J. 11 (1831), 72; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 62 (1831), 495; Amer. J. of Sci. 21 (1832), 376. 1831: 7. A. C. Becquerel. Du carbonate de chaux cristallise, et de 1’ action simultanee des matieres sucrees ou mucilagineuses sur quelques oxides metalliques, par Tintermediaire des alcalis et des terres. (Action on oxide of platinum.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 47 (1831), 5; J. chim. med. 7 (1831), 297; Pharm. Centrbl. 1831, 415. 1831: 8. J. W. Dobereiner. Zersetzung des Platinchlorids von Oxalsaure und oxalsauren Salzen am Sonnenlicht. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 62 (1831), 94; Pharm. Centrbl. 1831, 383. 1831 : 9. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Oxal-, Ameisen-, und Essig. saure. (Action of platinum black.) Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 232. 1831: 10. F. W. Schweigger-Seidel. Nachtrag zu Ddbcreiner’sl Oxal-, Ameisen- und Essigsaure. Pt.J J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 234. 1831: 11. F. W. Schweigger-Seidel. Ueber Platinagluhlampenl und Lampenessig. Pt.l J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 147. 1831 : 12. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Platinmohr und einen Essig-1 bildungs-Apparat. Pt.l J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 363; J. prakt. Chem. 2 (1834), 520.J1 1831: 13. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Entziindung des Knallgaseal durch Platinmohr. PtJl J. fiir Chem. (Sehweigger), 63 (1831)464; Berzelfus Jsb. 12 (1833), 114.H BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 53 1831: 14. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Iridmohr und dessen ausge- zeichnete Ziindkraft. Ir. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 465. 1831: 15. J. W. Dobereiner. Portatives Iridfeuerzeug. Ir. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 467. 1831: 16. J. W. Dobereiner. Merkwtirdige Ammoniakbildung (aus Salpetersaure, Alkohol und Platin- oder Irid-mobr). J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 476, Pt, Ir. 1831: 17. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Nobili’s elektro-chemische Farbenfiguren. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 472. 1831: 18. R. Bottger. Ueber Platinaschwamm und die, dessen Ziindkraft vollig aufhebende, Eigenscbaft der, mit Ammoniak- gas vermischten, atmospharischen Luft. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 371; J. techn. Chem. 12 (1831), 233; Berzelius Jsb. 12 (18-33), 113; Pharm. Centrbl. 1831, 785. 1831: 19. J. S. C. Schweigger. Ueber Bottger “fiber Platina- schwamm, u. s. w.” (Action of ammonia.) Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 375. 1831: 20. H. Hess. Sur le propriety que possede le platine tres divise d’operer la combinaison de l’oxigene avec l’hydrogene, et sur la densite du platine. Pt. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. [6], 1 (1831), 587; Gott. Gelehrte Anzeiger, 1833, 139; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 379. 1831: 21. R. Hare. Asbestos impregnated with platinum. (Let- ter.) Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 20 (1831), 160; J. techn. Chem. 14 (1832), 235; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 44 (1832), 231. 1831: 22. G. Merryweatiier. Account of a platina lamp. Pt. Edinb. N. Phil. J. 10 (1831), 359; Amer. J. of Sci. 20 (1831), 385; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 63 (1831), 148; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 40 (1831), 73; Pharm. Centrbl. 1831, 812. 1831: 23. S. F. Hermbstadt. Versuche und Beobachtungen fiber die Essigsaure. (Action of platinum black on alcohol.) Pt. Abhand. Acad. Berlin, 1831, 285; J. techn. Chem. 17 (1833), 232; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 587. 1831: 24. J. A. Buchner. (Action of fused ammonium nitrate on platinum.) Pt. Rep. fiir Pharm. (Buchner), 39 (1831), 360; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 240. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1831: 25. J. J. Berzelius. Vanadins foreningar med metaller. (Platinum-vanadium alloy.) Pt. Handl. Vet. Akad. Stockholm, 1831, 22; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 62 (1831), 349; Ann. chim. phys. 47 (1831), 337; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 21 (1831), 1; Phil. Mag. 10 (1831), 321. 1831: 26. Stieren. Platingefasse. Pt. Rep. fur Pharm. (Buchner), 39 (1831), 1; J. techn. Chem. 13 (1832), 492; 16 (1833), 376 (Berichtigung); Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 77. 1831:27. H. Abich. Chemische Untersuching des Spinels. (Steel press for platinum, p. 309.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 23 (1831), 305; Ann. des mines, [3], 6 (1834), 244. 1831: 28. J. F. Daniell. Further experiments with a new register pyrometer for measuring the expansion of solids. (Cause of change of texture of platinum when heated with black lead, p. 456.) Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 121 (1831), 443; J. techn. Chem. 15 (1832), 459; Phil. Mag. 1 (1832), 261. 1831: 29. Boudon de St. Amand. Platin in Porcellanfarbung u. s. w. Pt. Desc. d. machines, Brevets d’inv. par Christian, 16, 5; Polyt. J. (Ding- ier), 41 (1831), 219. 1832: 1. Platinausbeute am Ural. Pt. J. de St. Petersb. (J. des mines Russ.?) (1832), Mar. 8-20; Berzelius Jsb. 12 (1833), 175. 1832: 2. J. F. W. Herschel. On the action of light in determining the precipitation of muriate of platinum by lime water. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 1 (1832), 58; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 26 (1832), 176; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 3 (1832), 337; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 65 (1832), 262; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 620; Berzelius Jsb. 13 (1834), 141. 1832: 3. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Platinoxyd-Natron und daraus bereiteten Platinmohr. Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 66 (1832), 298; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 141; Berzelius Jsb. 13 (1834), 107, 142. 1832: 4. P. A. von Bonsdorff. Analys af tvenne Brom-salter (Bromo-Platinas Natricus och Bromo-Auras Kalicus.) Pt. Handl. Vet. Acad. Stockholm, 1832, 88; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 33 (1834), 61; LTnstitut, 3 (1835), 105; Berzelius Jsb. 12 (1833), 158; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 486. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 55 1832: 5. J. L. Lassaigne. Memoire sur les iodures de platine et les composes doubles qu’ils peuvent former avec les iodures basiques, Tacide hydriodique, et l’hydriodate d’ammoniaque. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 51 (1832), 113; J. chim. med. 8 (1832), 705; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 33 (1834), 67; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 8 (1833), 185; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 67 (1833), 30; Phil. Mag. [3], 3 (1833), 384; Berzelius Jsb. 13 (1834), 142. 1832 : 6. J. L. Lassaigne. Recherches sur la limite de sensibilite de certains reactifs tres-employ6s dans Fanatyse chimique. (Platinic chloride.) Pt. J. chim. med. 8 (1832), 513, 577; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 774, 914. 1832: 7. P. Orfila. Ueber mehrere mineralische Gifte. (Platinic chloride for potassium iodide.) Pt. J. chim. med. 8 (1832), 257; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 464; Froriep, Notizen, 34 (1832), 33. 1832: 8. R. J. Kane (and R. Phillips). Analysis of some com- pounds of platinum. (Iodides.) (Observations by R. Phillips in Phil. Mag. 2: 197.) Pt. Dublin J. Med. Chem. Sci. 1 (1832), 304; Phil. Mag. [3], 2 (1833), 197. 1832: 9. J. W. Dobereiner. Notizen fiber Sauerstoffatlier, und verwandte Gegenstande. (Action of platinum black in promo- tion of the oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 24 (1832), 603; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 2 (1832), 343; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 477. 1832: 10. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber die depotenzirende Wirkung des Ammoniaks auf den Platinschwamm. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 1 (1832), 29. 1832: 11. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber die Bereitung des Platin- mohrs. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 2 (1832), 1; J. techn. Chem. 14 (1832), 456; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 515, 857. 1832: 12. Ueber Essigsaureerzeugung. (Use of plati- num black. Subject of a prize award.) Pt. Ber. Soc. d. Pharm. Paris; J. de pharm. 18 (1832), 364; J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 62 (1832), 285. 1832: 13. P. Phillips. Ueber Fabrication der Schwefelsaure ohne Salpeter. (By platinum black.) Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 65 (1832), 443; J. techn. Chem. 14 (1832), 330. 1832: 14. Bereitung und interessanteste Eigenschaften verschiedener merkwfirdiger Platinpraparate nebst darauf gegrundeten Apparaten und Versuchen. (Chiefly on action of platinum black.) Pt, Ir. Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 113, 139, 145, 161, 177. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1832: 15. W. Marshall. An account of the Russian method of rendering platinum malleable. Pt. Phil. Mag. [2], 11 (1832), 321; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 4 (1832), 210; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 65 (1832), 259; J. techn. Chem. 14 (1832), 319; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 45 (1832), 205; Berzelius Jsb. 13 (1834), 106. 1832: 16. C. M. Marx. Die Schweissbarkeit des Platins. Pt. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 66 (1832), 159; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 8 (1833), 182; J. techn. Chem. 16 (1833), 127; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 133; Berzelius Jsb. 13 (1834), 107. 1832: 17. J. J. Berzelius. Ueber verschiedene chemische Opera- tionen und Gerathschaften. (Platinum crucibles, p. 357.) Pt. J. techn. Chem. 13 (1832), 320; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 767. 1832: 18. G. Bischof. Leichte Zerstorbarkeit von Platingefassen. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 64 (1832), 123; Pharm. Centrbl. 1832, 126. 1832: 19. (Platinum alloys.) Pt. J. chim. mM. Sept. 1832; J. techn. Chem. 16 (1833), 133. 1833: 1 . G. Rose. Ueber die im Ural vorkommenden krystalli- sirten Verbindungen von Osmium und Iridium. Ir, Os. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 29 (1833), 452; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 12 (1834), 238; Ann. des mines [3], 6 (1834), 270; Phil. Mag. [3], 5 (1834), 101. 1833: 2. Gisement du platine en Sib erie. Pt. J. de St.-P6tersb. (J. des mines Russ.?) (1833), Sept.; Ann. des mines [3], 5 (1834), 585. 1833: 3. H. F. Gaultier de Claubry. (Discovery of platinum in France in galena.) Pt. Soc. d ’encouragement., May 8, 1833; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 49 (1833), 232; L’lnstitut, ; J. chim. med. 9 (1833), 434. 1833:4. Dangaz. (Platinum in France; with analysis.) Pt. L’lnstitut, No. 35 (1833); Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 591; J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 76. 1833: 5. D’Argy. Platine en galene. (Discovery of platinum in France.) Pt. L’lnstitut, No. 26 (1833), 218; 27 (1833); 46 (1833), 103; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 16; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 125; J. chim. med. 10 (1834), 109; Berzelius Jsb. 14 (1835), 177. 1 833 : 6. J. Prinsep. Note on the discovery of platina in Ava. Pt. Asiatick Researches, 18, ii (1833), 279; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 34 (1835), 380; Berzelius Jsb. 16 (1837), 170. 1833: 7. W. A. Lampadius and G. P. Plattner. Ueber das gemeinschaftliche Vorkommen des Platinerzes und des gedic- genen Silbergoldes in einem Gangfossile aus Brazilien. Pt. J. techn. Chem. 18 (1833), 453. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 57 1833: 8. F. Wohler. Sur F extraction de Firidium et de Fosmium du residu noir de platine. Ir, Oc. Ann. chim. phys. 54 (1833), 317; J. chim. m6d. 10 (1834), 127; Ann. des mines [3], 5 (1834), 493. 1833: 9. J. J. Berzelius. Undersokning af Osmium-Iridium. Os, Ir. Handl. Vet. Acad. Stockholm, 1833, 313; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 32 (1834), 232; Phil. Mag. [3], 6 (1835), 238; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 558; Berzelius Jsb. 14 (1835), 178. 1833: 10. A. Breithaupt. Ueber einen Korper, der schwerer als Platin ist. (Osmiridium; also specific gravity of palladium.) Os, Ir, Pd. J. fur Chem. (Schweigger), 69 (1833), 1; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 12 (1834), 239; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 894, 908; Ann. des mines [3], 5 [1834], 586; Berzelius Jsb. 14 (1835), 180. 1833: 11. A. Breithaupt. Vorlaufige chemische Untersuchungen des schwersten metallischen Korpers, den man kennt. (Os- miridiums.) Os, Ir. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 69 (1833), 96; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 32. 1833: 12. J. Persoz. (Separation of osmium and iridium.) Os, Ir. J. chim. med. 9 (1833), 420; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 69 (1833), 99; Phil. Mag. [3], 4 (1834), 155; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 142; Berzelius Jsb. 14 (1835), 168; Ann. des mines [3], 5 (1834), 489. 1833: 13. J. J. Berzelius. Atomgewichte der einfachen Korper. Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 2. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os. 1833: 14. R. Phillips. Experiments on platina. (Reduction by tartrates, etc.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 2 (1833), 94; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 8 (1833), 189; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 288; J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 68 (1833), 42; J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 375; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 379; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 49 (1833), 128; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 485. 1833: 15. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber mehrere neue Platin verbin- dungen. (Oxalsaures Platin, und Platinsauren Natron.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 28 (1833), 180; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 8 (1833), 189, 191; Ann. chim. phys. 53 (1833), 204; Amer. J. of Sci. 28 (1835), 130; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 472; Phil. Mag. [3], 5 (1834), 150; Ann. des mines [3], 5 (1834), 484; Berzelius Jsb. 14 (1835), 123, 159. 1833: 16. J. L. Lassaigne. Sur Fiodure de palladium. Pd. J. chim. m6d. 9 (1833), 447, from Soc. chim. med. 1833: 17. R. J. Kane. Remarks on the composition of the iodide of platinum. Pt. Dublin J. Med. Chem. Sci. 3 (1833), 211. 1833: 18. R. J. Kane. Reclamation au sujet de la decouverte des iodures de platine. Pt. J. chim. m6d. 9 (1833), 26. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. % 1833: 19. J. L. Lassaigne. Reponse h M. R. J. Kane. (On dis- covery of iodides of platinum.) Pt. J. chim. med. 9 (1833), 27. 1833: 20. R. Phillips. Observations on Mr. R. J. Kane’s “ Analy- sis of some combinations of platinum” (iodides). (Cf. 1832: 8.) Phil. Mag. [3], 2 (1833), 197. Pt. 1833: 21. F. Gobel. Verhalten der Ameisensaure zu einigen Metalloxyden und Hyperoxyden. (Action on oxides of plati- num and palladium.) Pt, Pd. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 67 (1833), 74; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 176. 1833: 22. J. B. Boussingault. Examen d’une substance con- sid6ree comme un compose d’hydrogene et de platine. Pt. Ann. chim. pliys. 53 (1833), 441; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 542; J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 251; Phil. Mag. [3], 5 (1834), 155; Ann. dee mines [3], 5 (1834), 487; Berzelius Jsb. 14 (1835), 122. 1833: 23. R. Bottger. Einige Bemerkungen fiber Bereitungs- und Behandlungsweise des Platinschwammes zum Gebrauch in Dobereiner’s Apparat zur Entziindung des Hydrogens. Pt. J. fiir Chem. (Schweigger), 68 (1833), 390; J. techn. Chem. 18 (1833), 237; Pharm. Centrbl. 1833, 819. 1833: 24. A. F. E. Degen. Ueber ein Eudiometer, bei dem die Wasserbildung durch unvermischten Platinschwamm bewirkt wird. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 27 (1833), 557. 1833: 25. J. L. Prevost. (Salzsaures Natron-Platin als Heilmitte in der Epilepsie.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 5 (1833), 231, from Med. Soc. of Geneva. 1833: 26. G. F. C. Frick. Ueber die Anwendung des Iridiums zu Pore ell anfarben. Ir. J. techn. Chem. 18 (1833), 406; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 17; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 94; Ann. des mines 13], 7 (1835), 487; Berzelius Jsb. 15 11836). 148. 1833: 27. E. Lenz. Ueber die Leitungsfahigkeit der Metalle fur die Electricitat, bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Pt. M6m. Acad. sci. St.-P4tersbourg, 2 (1833), 631; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 34 (1835), 430; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 863. 1834: 1 . P. Berthier and A. C. Becquerel. Platin in Frank- reich. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 590. 1834 : 2. Villain. (Platinum in France.) J. chim. mdd. Feb. (1834); Phil. Mag. [3], 5 (1834), 158. Pt. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 59 1834: 3. Platinum in France. Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 26 (1834), 389. 1834: 4. G. Rose. Ueber die Lagerstatte des Platins im Ural. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 673. Pt. 1834: 5. E. F. Cooke. Price of platinum. Amer. J. of Sci. 26 (1834), 210. Pt. 1834: 6. L. F. Svanberg. Bidrag till narmare kannedom af kemiske sammansattningen af de Amerikanska platinamalmerna. (Composition of platina del Pinto and other South American platinum and iridium.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Handl. Yet. Akad. Stockholm, 1834, 84; Ann. der Pliys. (Pogg.), 36 (1835), 471; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 205; Bibl. univ. 2 (1836), 382; L’Institut, hfo. 67; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 557. 1834: 7. P. Sobolevsky. Ueber das Ausbringen des Platins in Russland. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 33 (1834), 99; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 13 (1835), 42 (read at Gesellsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1834); J. de Pharm. 21 (1835), 181; Bibl. univ. 9 (1837), 179; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 480; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 149. 1834: 8. F. Wohler. Ueber die Gewinnung von Iridium und Os- mium aus dem Platinriickstand. (Heating with sodium chlo- ride in chlorine.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 161; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 9 (1834), 149; Amer. J. of Sci. 26 (1834), 371; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 121; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 145; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 207. 1834: 9. J. Persoz. Memoire sur la preparation de F osmium et de Tiridium, et sur Faction du sulfate acide de potasse sur les metaux de platine en presence des chlorures alcalins. (Also decomposition by sodium sulphide.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Ann. chim. phys. 55 (1834), 210; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 12 (1834), 12; 16 (1835), 204; J. prakt. Chem. 2 (1834), 473; Phil. Mag. [3], 5 (1834), 314; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 53 (1834), 129; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 120 . 1834: 10. R. Bottger. Neues Verfahren, aus den Chloriden des Platins und Iridiums, mittelst fliissigen Schwefelkohlenstoffs, Schwefelplatin und Schwefeliridiums darzustellen. Pt, Ir. J. prakt. Chem. 3 (1834), 267; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 16 (1835), 206; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 148, 153, 154. 1834: 11. R. J. Kane. On some compounds formed by the action of [proto]ch!oride of platinum and [proto]chloride of tin. Pt. Dublin J. Med. Chem. Sci. 5 (1834). 1834: 12. W. C. Zeise. Om mercaptanet. (Platinmercaptid.) Pt. Afh. Dansk. Vid. Sels. 6 (1837), 1; J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 409. 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1834: 12a. J. C. Booth. (Potassium-iridium cyanide.) Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 167; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 169. 1834: 13. J. yon Liebig. Ueber die Constitution des Aethers und seiner Verbindungen. (Entzundliches Platinchlorur von Zeise, p. 9.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 9 (1834), 1; Ann. der Pbys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 321. 1834: 14. J. J. Berzelius. Atomgewichte der einfachen Korper. Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 2. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. 1834: 15. R. Brandes. Reagens fur Weinsteinsaure. (Platinic chloride.) Pt. Ann. Cbem. (Liebig), 9 (1834), 302; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 670. 1834: 16. K. W. G. Kastner. Chemikalische Bemerkungen. (Kalium platinichlorid als Zeugdruckfarbe, p. 408; Zusatz von Weingeist zur Reinigung des Platinchlorids und des Iridium- chlorids, p. 409.) Pt, Ir. Arch. ges. Naturl. 26 (1834), 407. 1834: 17. P. Berthier. “Traite des essais par la voie seche.” Vol. 2, p. 1002. Ir, Os. Ann. des mines [3], 5 (1834), 490; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 148. 1834: 18. L. F. Bley. Platinmohr. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 2 (1834), 520; Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 15. 1834: 19. M. Faraday. On the power of metals and other solids to induce the combination of gaseous bodies. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. Phil. Trans. London, 124 (1834), 55; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 14 (1835), 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 33 (1834), 151; J. de pharm. 21 (1835), 36; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 51 (1834), 274; Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 458; Lit. Gazette, No. 888; Phil. Mag. 5 (1834), 161, 252, 334, 424; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 483. 1834: 20. J. W. Dobereiner. Sauers toff absorption des Platins. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 31 (1834), 512, aus Preus. Staatsztg. Mar. 13, 1834; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 12 (1834), 236; Bibl. brit. [2], 56 (1834), 332; Ann. des mines [3], 7 (1835), 485. 1834: 21. J. W. Dobereiner. Ausserordentliche Verdichtung des Sauerstoffs durch Platinmohr. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 76. 1S34: 22. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Platinmohr. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 254; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 50. 1834: 23. J. W. Dobereiner. Das Platin als reines Oxyrrophon (Sauerstoffgassauger) erkannt. Pt. ! J. prakt. Chem. 1 (1834), 114, 369; Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 151; Pharm. j Centrbl. 1834, 477, 509. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 61 1834: 24. R. Bottger. Fernere Ergebnisse meiner Versuche iiber Bildung einiger Amalgame. (Platinamalgame.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 3 (1834), 278; Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 105. 1834: 25. K. Karamarsch. Versuche iiber die absolute Festigkeit der (zu Draht gezogenen) Metalle. Pt. Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. Wien. 18 (1834), 54; Pharm. Centrbl. 1834, 337. 1835: 1. Platina and gold of the Uralian Mountains. Pt. Edinb. N. Phil. J. 18 (1835), 366; Amer. J. of Sci. 28 (1835), 395. 1835: 2. Teploff. Aper^u de la richesse minerale de F empire russe. (Occurrence of platinum.) Pt. Ann. des mines [3], 8 (1835), 51; Ann. chim. phys. 60 (1835), 394. 1835: 3. J. J. Berzelius. (Vorkommen des Platins in Ava und am Harz.) Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 34 (1835), 381. 1835: 4. L. Hopff. Platin im Rheinsande. Pt. Arch. ges. Naturl. 27 (1835), 394. 1835: 5. J. J. Berzelius. Analyse des “Ouro poudre” (faules Gold) von Slid Amerika. Pd. Berzelius Jsb. 15 (1836), 205; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 35 (1835), 514. 1835: 6. G. Rose. Ueber das gediegene Iridium. Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 34 (1835), 377. 1835: 7. G. Osann. Platin mit Meteoreisen. (Is platinum me- teoric?) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 38 (1836), 238. 1835 : 8. — Product of platinum mines. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [2], 15 (1835), 293; from Berlin State Gazette and London Mech. Mag. 1835: 9. F. Dobereiner. Ueber eine neue Methode der Analyse des Platinerzes, der Darstellung des Platinmohrs und des chemisch reinen Palladiums. Pt, Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 14 (1835), 251; Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 767; Berzelius Jsb. 16 (1837), 108, 160. 1835: 10. J. R. Joss. Wichtige Bemerkung als Beitrag zur Zerle- gung des Osmium-Irids. Pt, Ir, Os, Rh. J. prakt. Chem. 4 (1835), 371. 1835: 11. J. W. Dobereiner. Fernere Mi ttheilungen [iiber Osmi- um-Irid, platinsauren Kalk und Platinoxydnatron]. Pt, Os, Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 36 (1835), 464; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 26, (1840), 196; Ann. des mines [3], 15 (1839), 445; Bibl. univ. 4 (1836), 167. 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1835: 12. J. W. Dobereiner. Chemische Eigenschaften und phys- ische Natur des auf nassem Wege reducirten Platins. (Reac- tion between platinum chloride and ferric chloride, etc.) (Ann. Chem. (Liebig) 14:15; also by F. Dobereiner and Weiss.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 14 (1835), 10, 15; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 36 (1835), 308, 458; Amer. J. of Sci. 34(1838), 207; L’Institut; J. de pharm. 21 (1835), 530; Bibl. univ. 1 (1836), 364; 3 (1836), 173; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 63, 86; Ann. des mines [3], 9 (1836), 381, 382; Berzelius Jsb. 16 (1837), 105, 106, 107, 160. 1835: 13. J. R. Joss. Ueber eine merkwurdige Reduction des Platins. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 4 (1835), 374. 1835: 14. W. W. Mather. Crystallized perchloride of platinum. Amer. J. of Sci. 27 (1835), 262. Pt. 1835: 15. W. W. Mather. Iodide of potassium and platinum. Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 27 (1835), 257. 1835: 16. R. J. Kane. On some combinations of protochloride of platinum with protochloride of tin. Pt. Brit. Ass. Rept. 1835, ii, 44; Phil. Mag. [3], 7 (1835), 399; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 20 (1836), 187; J. prakt. Chem. 7 (1836), 135; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 301. 1835: 17. J. L. Lassaigne. M6moire sur les combinaisons de Tiode avec le palladium et Tiridium. Pd, Ir. J. chim. med. [2], 1 (1835), 57; Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 202; Berzelius Jsb. 16 (1837), 153. 1835: 18. J. J. Berzelius. Atomgewichte der einfachen Korper. (Atomic weight of platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os. Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 1. 1835: 19. W. Maugham. (Fusion of platinum by the oxyhydrogen blowpipe.) Pt. Soc. of Arts, May 12 (1835); Mag. of Pop. Sci. 3 (1837), 208; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 61 (1836), 75. 1835: 20. W. W. Mather. Amalgam of platinum. Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 27 (1835), 263. 1835: 21. J. yon Liebig. Ueber die Producte der Oxydation des Alkohols. (Oxidation of alcohol by means of platinum sponge.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 14 (1835), 133; Ann. chim. phys. 59 (1835), 289; J. de pharm. 21 (1835), 472; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 36 (1835), 275; Pharm. Centrbl. 1835, 649. 1835: 22. W. Artus. Ueber die Vernichtung der Ziindkraft des Platinschwammes durch Schwefelwasserstoffgas. Pt. J. prakt. chem. 6 (1835), 176; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 79. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 63 1835: 1835: 1836: 1836: 1836: 1836: 1836: 1836: 1836: 23. G. F. Hanle. Verbesserung an den Platinfeuerzeugen. Pt. Repert. fur Pharm. (Buchner), 2 (1835), 64; Pharm. Oentrbl. 1835, 633. 24. W. C. Henry. Experiments on the action of metals in determining gaseous combination. (Action of platinum.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 6 (1835), 362; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 36 (1835), 150; J. prakt. Chem. 5 (1835), 109; Amer. J. of Sci. 31 (1837), 348; Edinb. N. Phil. J. (1836), 99; Pharm. Oentrbl. 1835, 838; Ann. des mines [3], 9 (1835), 383. 1. E. Hermann. Ueber Irit und Osmit, zwei neue Min- er alien. Ir, Os. Bui. Soc. nat. Moscou, 9 (1836), 215. 2. J. E. Herberger. (Silberhaltiges Platin.) Pt. Repert. fiir Pharm. (Buchner) [2], 5 (1836), 211; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 20 (1836), 186; Pharm. Oentrbl. 1836, 477. 3. E. Hermann. Ueber einige dreifache Verbindungen von Osmium-, Iridium- und Platinchlorid mit Chlorkalium und Chlor ammonium. Pt, Ir, Os. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 37 (1836), 407; Bibl. univ. 4 (1836), 384; Phil. Mag. [3], 9 (1836), 232; Pharm. Oentrbl. 1836, 364; Ann. des mines [3], 11 (1837), 276. 4. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber mehrere neue Platinverbin- dungen. (Cyanides of platinum, platinum and mercury, and platinum and hydrogen.) Pt, Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 37 (1836), 545; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 17 (1836), 250; Pharm. 22 (1836), 551; Phil. Mag. [3], 9 (1836), 314; Pharm. Oentrbl. 1836, 417; Bui. univ. 4 (1836), 381; Ann. des mines [3], 11 (1837), 273. 5. W. C. Zeise. Ny undersogelse over det braenbare Chlor- platin. (Combustible chloride of platinum with alcohol.) Pt. Afhand. Danske Vid. Sels. [4], 6 (1837), 333; Oversigt Danske Vid. Sels. 1836-37, 9; Ann. chim. phys. 63 (1836), 411; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 23 (1837), 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 40 (1837), 234; Berzelius Jsb. 18 (1839), 445. 6. L. A. Buchner, Jr. Ueber der Granzen der Wahrnehm- barkeit mehrer chemischer Eeactionen. (Platinum with stan- nous chloride, mercurous nitrate, and potassium iodide.) Pt. Pharm. Oentrbl. 1836, 434. 7. V. Eegnault. Eecherches relatives a Faction de la vapeur d’eau a une haute temperature sur les m6taux. (Osmium, p. 366; other platinum metals, p. 368.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Eh. Ann. chim. phys. 62 (1836), 337 ; Ann. des mines [3], 11 (1837), 3; J. prakt. Chem. 10 (1837), 139; J. de pharm. 23 (1837), 185. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1836: 8. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber eine sehr leichte Darstellung von Platinschwarz. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 17 (1836), 67; Bibl. univ. 3 (1836), 396; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 255; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 21 (1838), 64; Ann. des mines [3], 11 (1837), 272; Berzelius Jsb. 1 (1838), 110. 1836: 9. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Platinmohr. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 37 (1836), 548; Phil. Mag. [3], 9 (1836), 544; 10 (1837), 154; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 427; J. de pharm. July (1836); Berzelius Jsb. 1 (1838), 184. 1836: 10. W. C. Henry. On gaseous interference (with water- forming action of platinum). Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 9 (1836), 324; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 23 (1837), 140; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 39 (1836), 385; Edinb. N. Phil. J. (1836), 311; J. prakt. Chem. 9 (1836), 347; Pharm. Centrbl. 1837, 154. 1836: 11. C. F. Mohr. Ueber die Herstellung der Ziindkraft des Platinschwammchen. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 18 (1836), 55; Berzelius Jsb. 1 (1838), 110. 1836: 12. A. F. E. Degen. Versuche fiber die Netzbarkeit der Oberflache verschiedener Korper. (Absorption of gases by platinum.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 38 (1836), 449; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 695. 1836: 13. A. F. E. Degen. Wasserbildendefahigkeit des Platins. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 38 (1836), 454; Pharm. Centrbl. 1836, 698. Pt. 1836: 14. J. W. Dobereiner. Zur Chemie des Platins in wissen- schaftlicher und technischer Beziehung. Stuttgart, 1836. Pt. Bibl. univ. 7 (1837), 411. 1836: 15. J. B. Trommsdorff. Kritik von J. W. Dobereiner’ s “Zur Chemie des Platins.” Pt. Ana. Chem. (Liebig), 18 (1836), 105. . 1836: 16. J. Pelouze. Note sur la fabrication du platine. Pt. C. R. 3 (1836), 421; Ann. chim. phys. 62 (1836), 443; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 20 (1837), 53; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 63 (1837), 281. 1836: 17. J. von Liebig. (Short note on preparation of platinum.) J. chim. med. [2], 2 (1836), 581. Pt. 1836: 18. J. von Liebig. (Malleable platinum.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 62 (1836), 443; Ann. des mines [3], 11 (1837), 276. 1836: 19. C. S. M. Pouillet. Recherches sur les hautes tempe- ratures. (Specific heat of platinum from 100° to 1,200°.) Pt. C. R. 3 (1836), 782; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 39 (1836), 571; Pharm. Centrbl. 1837, 274. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 65 1836: 1837: 1837: 1837: 1837: 1837 1837 1837 20. — - (Alloys which may be substituted for platinum on lightning rods.) Pt. J. des connais. us. et pract. Sept. (1835); J. Frank. Inst. [2], 17 (1836), 427. 1. M. Pettenkoffer. (Very general occurrence of plati- num, as in all silver coins.) Pt. Rep. fur Pharm. (Buchner), 47 (1837), 72. 2. P. N. Johnson and W. A. Lampadius. Ueber brazilian- isches Palladgold und dessen Ausbringen und Scheidung. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. 10 (1837), 501; 11 (1837), 309; Ann. des mines [3], 13 (1838), 713; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 68 (1838), 153; Phil. Mag. [3], 29 (1846), 130; J. Frank. Soc. [2], 19 (1837), 7; (from “Mining J.”); Berzelius Jsb. 18 (1839), 145, 214. 3. G. F. C. Frick. Ueber die Scheidung des Iridiums zum technischen Gebrauch im Grossen, aus den R ticks tanden von der Scheidung des Platins in Petersburg. Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 40 (1837), 209; Ann. des mines [3], 13 (1838), 488; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 24 (1837), 205; J. prakt. Chem. 11 (1837), 71; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 64 (1837), 373; Pharm. Centrbl. 1837, 545; Berzelius Jsb. 18 (1839), 139. 4. L. R. von Fellenberg. Neue Methode zur Auflosung des Indiums — mit Berichtigung (by fusion with sulphur and alkaline carbonates). Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 41 (1837), 210; 44 (1838), 220; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 24 (1837), 207; 28 (1838), 238; Bibl. univ. 9 (1837), 425; 15 (1838), 193; J. de pharm. 23 (1837), 571; J. prakt. Chem. 12 (1837), 353; 15 (1838), 446; Ann. des mines [3], 13 (1838), 480; 15 (1839), 446; Phil. Mag. [3], 12 (1838), 141; Pharm. Centrbl. 1837, 544; 1838, 686; Berzelius Jsb. 18 (1839), 142; 19 (1840), 225. 5. R. W. Bunsen. Notiz liber die Schmelzbarkeit des Iridi- ums. (Mit Kohle vor dem Knallgeblase.) Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 41 -(1837), 207; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 24 (1837), 205; Ann. des mines [3], 13 (1838), 479; Bibl. uriv. 12 (1837), 422; Pharm. Centrbl. 1837, 543; Berzelius Jsb. 18 (1839), 144. 6. J. F. Simon. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Arseniks und seiner Verbindungen. (Arsenigsaures Platinoxyd-Ammoniak, p. 444.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 40 (183?), 411; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 23 (,l83/), 271; Pharm. Centr. 1837, 410. 7. C. Rammelsberg. Ueber die einfachen und doppelten Cyanmetalle. (Platinum cyanides, p. 136; palladium cyanides, p. 137; iridium cyanides, p. 139.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 42 (i837), 111; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 28 (1838), 216; Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 39; Berzelius Jsb. L8 (1839), 163. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 5 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1837: 8. J. yon Liebig. Ueber die Aethertheorie, in besonderer Riicksicht auf die vorhergehends Abhandlung Zeise’s (uber entzundhches Platinchlorid). (Cf. 1836:5.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 23 (1837), 12; J. de pharm. 24 (1838), 6; Berze- lius Jsb. 18 (1839), 199. 1837: 9. G. J. Mulder. Over de eigenschappen en de zamenstei- ling van eenige Oenanthaten. (Platinum oenanthate.) Pt. Natuur- en Scheikundig Archief (Mulder), 5 (1837), 235. 1837: 10. F. X. Hindl. Ueber die Probe von platinhaitenden Gold- und Silberlegirungen. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 10 (1837), 167. 1837: 11. R. Bottger. Ueber Iridiumamalgam. Ir. J. prakt. Chem. 12 (1837), 352 (from Bottger, Beitrage zur Phvsik und Chemie, p. 103); Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 26; Berzelius Jsb. i8 (1839), 149. 1838: 1. G. Aime. Mineral de plomb sulfure d’ Alger. (Contain- ing trace of platinum.) Pt. C. R. 7 (1838), 246. 1838: 2. A. de la Rive. Sur Loxidation du platine, et la tlieorie chimique de relectricite voltaique. Pt. C. R. 7 (1838), 1061; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 46 (1839), 489; L’Institut, 6 (1838), 414; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 141. 1838: 3. F. Dobereiner. Darstellung eines moglichst reinen Pla- tin-salmiaks aus Platinerzlosung. Pt. Archiv der Pharm. 14 (1838), 274; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 28 (1838), 238; Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 602. 1838: 4. E. Biewend. Analyse des Rhodiumcbloridnatriums, und liber eine neue Rhodium- verbindung. (Aetherrhodiumchlo- ridnatrium.) Rh. J. prakt. Chem. 15 (1838), 126; Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 925; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 268. 1838: 5. J. W. Dobereiner. Platinchlorid (resp. Platinoxyd) und Schwefligesaure. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 15 (1838), 315; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839,- 175; J. chim. med. [2], 6 (1840), 318 (separ. Pt and Cu); Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 273. 1838: 6. J. Gros. Recherches sur une serie nouvelle de sels de platine. (Platinum-ammonium base.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 69 (1838), 204; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 27 (1838), 241; Ann. des mines [3], 15 (1839), 443; Arab. phys. Kemi, 1839, 258; Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 819; Phil. Mag. [3], 18 (1841), 284; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 269. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 67 1838: 7. R. J. Kane. Ueber die Zusammensetzung einiger Queck- silberverbindungen und Ammoniakdoppelsalze. (Platin- ammonium compounds.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 26 (1838), 201. 1838: 8. W. C. Zeise. Om Acechlorplatin, med bemaerkninger over nogle andre producter af virkningen mellem Platinchlorid og Acetone. Pt. Afhandl. Danske Yid. Selsk. [4], 8 (1841), 171; Oversigt Danske Vid. 'Selsk. 1838, 3; 1839, 11; Ann. chim. phys. 72 (1839), 113; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 45 (1838), 332; 47 (1839), 478; Erganz. Bd. 2 (1842), 155, 312; J. prakt. Chem. 20 (1840), 193; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 33 (1840), 29; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839, 43; 1840, 66, 81; Phil. Mag. [33, 14 (1839), 84; Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 3 (1839), 488; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 603; 20 (1841), 88, 521. 1838: 9. W. H. Ellet. New mode of obtaining osmium. Os J. Frank. Inst. [2], 21 (1838), 384. 1838: 10. H. Reinsch. Ueber das FaUungsverhaltniss der wich- tigern Metalle gegen Schwefelwasserstoffgas aus ihren mit Hydrochlorsaure angesauerten Losungen. (Platin, p. 132.) J. prakt. Chem. 13 (1838), 132. Pt. 1838: 11. J. L. Lassaigne. Sur l’essai des soudes iodurees. (Use of palladium salts for the determination of iodine in varec soda.) Pd. J. chim. m6d. [2], 4 (1838), 349; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839, 80. 1838: 12. R. Hare. Notice respecting the fusion of platina. Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 33 (1838), 195; 35 (1839), 328; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 28 (1839), 352; Bibl. univ. 13 (1838), 200; 17 (1838), 393; Ann. des mines [3], 13 (1838), 479; J. prakt. Chem. 16 (1839), 512; 19 (1840), 180; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 46 (1839), 512; Phil. Mag. [3], 15 (1839), 487; Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 4 (1839), 70. 1838: 13. C. F. Schonbein. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Er- fahrungen Hartley’s in Betreff des Eisens. (Platin-Eisen Le- girung, p. 17.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 43 (1838), 13; Bibl. univ. 13 (1838), 164; J. prakt. Chem. 14 (1838), 315; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 223. 1838: 14. R. Bottger. Licht und Warmeentwicklung beim Ver- binden des Zinks und Cadmiums mit dem Platin. Pt. Bottger, Beitrag, 126; Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 128. 1838: 15. R. Bottger. Auf welchem Wege lassen sich hochst- glanzende Lichterscheinungen bei der Vereinigung gewisser Metalle mit Chlor hervorrufen? Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 43 (1838), 660; Pharm. Centrbl. 1838, 912. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1838: 16. E. Melly. Note sur quelques experiences entreprises dans le but d’appliquer le platine sur d’autres metaux. Pt. Bibl. univ. 16 (1838), 375; J. prakt. Chem. 16 (1839), 232; Ann. des mines [4], 2 (1842), 228; J. chim. med. [2], 4 (1838), 569; Berzelius Jsb. 20 (1841), 87; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 2 (1848-50), 95. 1838: 17. F. Kuhlmann. Note sur plusieurs reactions nouvelles determinees par l’eponge de platine, et considerations sur les services que cette substance est appelee a rendre a la science. Pt. C. R. 7 (1838), 1107; Ann. des mines [3], 15 (1839), 441; J. prakt. Chem. 16 (1839), 480; J. Frank. Inst. [2], 25 (1840), 135; Amer. J. of Sci. 37 (1839), 198; L’Institut, No. 261-262, 496; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839, 237; Phil. Mag. [3], 14 (1839), 157; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 73 (1839), 60; Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 4 (1839 -40), 157; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 178. 1838: 18. Musler. (Remarks on Kuhlmann J s communication on platinum sponge, referring to Berzelius: Chemie, ii, pp. 43, 44.) Pt. C. R. 7 (1838), 1162. 1838: 19. C. F. Schonbein. Observations sur le role electromoteur de quelques peroxides metalliques, du platine et du fer passif. Bibl. univ. 14 (1838), 150; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 43 (1838), 89. Pt. 1838: 20. C. F. Schonbein. Letter to Mr. Faraday on the mutual voltaic relations of certain peroxides, platina, and inactive iron. Pt. Phil. Mag. 12 (1838), 225. 1838: 21. T. Andrews. On the action of nitric acid on bismuth and other metals. (Passive state in bismuth induced by con- tact with platinum.) Pt. Phil. Mag. 12 (1838), 305; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 45 (1838), 121; Ber- zelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 222. 1838: 22. A. Gaudin. Note sur Papplication de la lumiere Drum- mond a Peclairage public et prive. (Properties of the alloy of platinum and iridium.) Pt, Ir. C. R. 6 (1838), 862; J. prakt. Chem. 16^1839), 55. 1838: 23. J. W. Dobereixer. Wirkung von Iridosmium -zur In- duction der Warme in Fliissigkeiten, und zur Losung des Zinnes u. s. w. Ir, Os. J. prakt. Chem. 15 (1838), 319; Berzelius Jsb. 19 (1840), 224. 1838: 24. G. Bird. Observations on some peculiar properties acquired by plates of platina which have been used as elec- trodes of a voltaic battery. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 13 (1838), 379. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 69 1838: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 1839: 25. C. Matteucci. (Polarization of platinum electrodes.) L’Institut, ; Phil. Mag. [3], 13 (1838), 469. Pt. 1. G. Rose. Ueber das urspriingliche Vorkommen des Golde3 und des Platins im Ural. Pt. Ber. Acad. Berlin, 1839, 265. 2. L. Horner. Verslag van een geologish onderzoek van het zuid-oostelijke gedeelte van Borneo. (Occurrence and work- ing of platinum, p. Ill and following.) Pt. Yerh. Batav. Genoot. Kunst Wetensch. 17, ii (1839), 89; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 55 (1842), 526; Ann. des mines [4], 3 (1843), 850; Edinb. N. PhiL J. 33 (1842), 284; Bibl. univ. 43 (1843), 195; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 195; Berzelius Jsb. 23 (1844), 273. 3. F. Wohler. Osmium-Iridium in verarbeitetem Gold. Os, Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 29 (1839), 336; Ann. des mines [3], 17 (1840), 672; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839, 590; Bibl. univ. 22 (1839), 398. 4. F. J. Malaguti. Action du chlore sur plusieurs sub- stances 6therees et sur le methylal. (Theory of Zeise’s acechlorplatin.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. 70 (1839), 337; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 32 (1839), 15; J. prakt. Chem. 18 (1839), 27; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839, 593. 5. J. W. Dobereiner. Analyse des Meerschaums. (Plati- num sponge and meerschaum for crucibles.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 17 (1839), 158. 6. Geiseler. Ueber die Benutzung des brennenden Was- serstoffgases als Lothrohrflamme. (Platinum glows bril- liantly.) Pt. Arch, der Pharm. [2], 17 (1839), 144; Pharm. Centrbl. 1839, 189. 7. F. Kuhlmann. Travail relatif aux proprietes du platine divise, et aux phenomenes de V etherification. Pt. C. R. 9 (1839), 496; J. prakt. Chem. 19 (1840), 50. 8. M. Martens. Sur les produits de la combustion lente de Palcool et de Tether autour du fils de platine. Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. Bruxelles, 6, i (1839), 95; J. prakt. Chem. 18 (1839), 372. 9. W. R. Grove. On voltaic series and the combination of gases by platinum. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 14 (1839), 127; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 67 (1839), 132. 10. W. R. Grove. On a new voltaic battery. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 14 (1839), 287; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 69 (1840), 600. 11. J. B. On the polarized condition of platinum electrodes and the theory of secondary piles. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 14 (1839), 446. 70 1839: 1840: 1840: 1840: 1840: 1840: 1840: 1840: 1840: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 12. C. F. Schonbein. Notice on some peculiar voltaic arrangements. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 15 (1839), 136; Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 7 (1841), 285. а. Koltovsky. (Platinum mines in the district of Goro- blagodat.) Mining J., 1840, i, 227; Ann. des mines [3], 17 (1840), 227. 1. A. Breithaupt. Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss einiger Kiese und der Kies bildenden Metalle, auch neue Isomorphie (Iridosmin). Ir, Os. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 51 (1840), 513. 2. Y. A. Jacquelain. Observations relatives a la cristallisa- tion du platine. Modifications apportees dans Tart de travail- ler ce metal. Pt. C. R. 11 (1840), 204; Ann. chim. phys. 74 (1840), 213; Ann. des mines [3], 19 (1841), 545; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 40 (1841), 289; J. prakt. Chem. 22 (1841), 22; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 78 (1840), 48; 89 (1842), 159; Berzelius Jsb. 21 (1842), 103. 3. L. R. von Fellenberg. Ueber die Zersetzung der Schwe- felmetalle durch Chlorgas. (Rhodium sulphide, p. 63; palla- dium sulphide, p. 65; iridium sulphide, p. 66; platinum sulphide, p. 70.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 50 (1840), 61; Berzelius Jsb. 21 (1842), 91. 4. H. D. Rogers and M. H. Boye. Upon a new compound of the deutochloride of platinum, nitric oxide, and hydrochloric acid. (Aqua regia on platinum.) Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 38 (1840), 186; 39 (1840), 369; Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 7 (1841), 59; Ann. Chem. (Leibig), 40 (1841), 289; Berzelius Jsb. 21 (1842), 138; J. prakt. Chem. 26 (1842), 150; Jsb. Chem. 1847, 319; Pharm. Centrbl. 1842, 749; Phil. Mag. [3], 17 (1840), 397. 5. J. Reiset. Observations sur une combinaison nouvelle de chlorure de platine etc. d ; ammoniaque, consideree comme le radical des sels de Gros. Pt. C. R, 10 (1840), 870; 11 (1840), 711; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 36 (1840), 111; J. prakt. Chem. 20 (1840), 500; Ann. des mines [3], 19 (1841), 546; Berzelius Jsb. 21 (1842), 104. б. Parisot. (Reduction of platinum from potassium platini- chloride.) Pt. J. chim. m6d. Apr. (1840); Polyt. J. (Dingier), 77 (1840), 396. 7. F. Hofer. Observations et recherches experiment ales sur le platine considere comme agent physiologique et thera- peutique. (Less poisonous than gold; useful in syphilis.) Pt. Gaz. medicale (1840), No. 48; J. de Pharm. 27 (1841), 213; Pharm. Centrbl. 1841, 111; J. chim. m6d. [2J, 8 (1842), 380. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 71 1840: 8. R. Hare. Exhibition of fused platinum at meeting of the American Philosophical Society. Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. 38 (1840), 155, 163. 1840: 9. R. Bottger. Einige neue auf die Vergoldung und Verplatinirung der Metalle durch Galvanismus Bezug habende Erfahrungen. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 35 (1840), 350; Berzelius Jsb. 21 (1842), 111, 1840: 10. [N. W. ?] Fischer. Platinum wire for musical instru- ments. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [2], 25 (1840), 359; froip Mech. Mag. and Atheneum. 1840: 11. — Uses of palladium. Pd. J. Frank. Inst. [2], 25 (1840), 201; from Lond. J. Arts Sci. 1840: 12. V. Regnault. Recherches sur le chaleur specifique des corps simples et composes. (Specific heat of platinum, 73: 45; 9: 345; palladium, 73: 47; iridium, 73: 53.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Ann. chim. phys. 73 (1840), 5; [3], 9 (1843), 322; Ann. Chem. Liebig), 36 (1840), 108; 52 (1844), 170; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 51 (1840), 44, 221, 223,236; 62 (1844), 74. 1840: 13. M. H. Jacobi. Mesure comparative de Taction de deux couples voltai'ques, Tun cuivre-zinc, T autre platine-zinc. Pt. Bull. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 6 (1840), 368; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 50 (1840), 510; Phil. Mag. [3], 17 (1840), 241; C. R. 11 (1840), 1058. 1840: 14. A. Smee. On the galvanic properties of the metallic elementary bodies. (Plating platinum plates with plati- num.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 16 (1840), 315; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 61 (1844), 593; Proc. Elect. Soc. London, 1837-40, 202. 1841 : a. Helmersen. Reise nach dem Ural und der Kirgisensteppe. Beitrage der russischen Reiches, pp. 87, 105, 182, 205, 212. Pt. 1841: 1. J. W. Dobereiner. Platin in dem goldhaltigen Sande des Rheins. Pt. Archiv der Pharm. 25 (1841), 57; Ann. des mines [4] 3 (1843), 850; Berze- lius Jsb. 22 (1843), 199; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 8 (1844), 72; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 34 (1843), 184. 1841 : 2. F. D. H. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Abscheidung des Platins in dem goldhaltigen Rheinsande. Pt. Archiv der Pharm. 25 (1841), 37. 1841: 3. R. Hermann. Ueber Ural-Orthit und Irit, zwei neue Miner alien. Ir, Os. J. prakt. Chem. 23 (1841), 273; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 191; Jsb. Chem. 1 49, 734; 1860, 742; Kenngott, Mineral. Untersuchungen, Heft 1, 61; Berg- u. Hiitten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 897; Ann. des mines [4], 3 (1843), 852. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1841: 4. Quantites de . . . platin exploit6es en Russie en 1840. Pt. Ann. des mines de Russie, 1841, 424; Ann. des mines [4], 5 (1844), 620. 1841: 5. G. Rose. Ueber die Dimorphie des Iridiums. Ir. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) 54 (1841), 537; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 110; Berg- u. Hiitten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 161. 1841: 6 . T. G. Tilley. Ueber die angebliche Verwandlung von Rhodium in Eisen. Rh. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 39 (1841), 321. 1841: 7. G. C. Wittstein. (Preparation of the oxide of platinum.) Pt. Repert. fur Pharm. (Buchner), 24 (1841), 45; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 44 (1842), 276; Ann. des mines [4], 2 (1842), 229; Pharm. Centrbl. 1842, 190; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 109. 1841: 8. A. Delarive. Nouvelles recherches sur les proprietes des courants electriques discontinues. (Oxidation of platinum.) Pt. Archives de l’electr. 1 (1841), 175; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 54 (1841), 378. Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 9 (1842), 91. 1841: 9. C. Rammelsberg. Ueber die bromsaure Salze. (Plati- num salts exist only in solution.) Pt, Pd. Ber. Akad. Berlin, 1841, 326; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 55 (1842), 86; J. prakt. Chem. 24 (1841), 285; 25 (1842), 225; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 142. 1841: 10. J. J. Berzelius. Ueber die neuen platihaltigen Salz- basen (auch Entdeckung von Reiset privatim mitgetheilt). Pt. Berzelius Jsb. 21 (1842), 105; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 38 (1841), 358; Pharm. Centrbl. 1841, 804. 1841: 11. R. [J.?] Kane. Abstract of the history of a new class of platina-salts discovered by M. Gros. Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 18 (1841), 293; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 108. 1841: 12. H. Fehling. Ueber einige Verbindungen der Palladium Haloide mit Ammoniak. Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 39 (1841), 110; Phil. Mag. [3], 20 (1842), 34; Pharm*, Centrbl. 1841, 605; Berzelius. Jsb. 22 (1843), 153. 1841: 13. Kemp. (Separation of gold from platinum by oxalic acid.) Pt. Repert. fiir Pharm. (Buchner), 24 (1841), 235; Ann. des mines [4], 2 (1842), 230; Pharm. Centrbl. 1841, 943. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 73 1841: 14. R. Bottger. Ueber die Reduction platinhaltiger Fliis- sigkeiten und Salze mittelst Zink. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 37 (1841), 116; Ann. des mines [4], 2 (1842), 229; Pharm. Centrbl. 1841, 95; Bibl. univ. 35 (1841), 405; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 107. 1841 : 15. C. On the manufacture of platinum (by electricity). Pt. Phil. Mag. [3], 18 (1841), 442; Bibl. univ. 36 (1841), 199. 1841: 16. E. Biewend. Schweissbarkeit des Palladiums. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. 23 (1841), 248; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 40 (1841), 290; Pharm. Centrbl. 1841, 478; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1843), 110. 1841: 17. R. Bottger. Neue, einfache Methode, Kupfer und Messing auf sogenannten nassen Wege mit Platin zu iiber- ziehen. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 39 (1841), 175. 1841: 18. N. W. Fisher. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Warmeleitung von Kupfer, Eisen, und Platin. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg), 52 (1841), 632. 1841 : 19. H. Elkington. Improvement in plating with platinum. Lond. J. Arts Sci. May (1841); J. Frank. Inst. [3], 2 (1841), 408. Pt. 1841: 20. E. J. Johnson. On the application of native alloy for compass pivots. (Iridosmium.) Ir, Os. Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 6 (1841), 64; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 79 (1841), 79; The Athenaeum, No. 678. 1841: 21. M. H. Jacobi. Sur les remarques de M. Becquerel rela- tives a ma mesure comparative de Paction de deux couples voltaiques, Pun cuivre-zinc, Pautre platine-zinc. Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 8 (1841), 262; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 53 (1841), 336; Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 8 (1842), 18; Proc. Elect. Soc. London, 1843, 35. 1841: 22. J. C. Poggendorff. Giebt es galvanische Ketten ohne primitive chemische Action? Pt. Ber. Acad. Berlin, 1841, 312; Arch, de l’elect. 3 (1843), 117; J. prakt. Chem. 25 (1842), 177; J. de pharm. 1 (1842), 385; Ann. of Elect. (Sturgeon), 9 (1842), 143; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 54 (1841), 353. 1842: 1 . G. Rose. Mineralogisch-geognostische Reise nach dem Ural. (Gold and platinum production of Russia for 1841, 2 , 434.) Pt. Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 701; Berzelius Jsb. 22 (1844), 273. 1842: 2. J. Menge. Nachricht fiber einen mineralogischen Ausflug in das Uralgebirge. Pt. Schriften Min. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1 (1842), 105. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 1842: 3. Geschichte und wissenschaftliche Beschaftigungen der Gesellschaft. (Contains many references to platinum: I. W. Below, discoverer of platinum in Ural Mountains in 1825, p. cxxxvi; A. N. Demidow, platinum from his mines, pp. lxxiv, cxxxiii.) Pt. Schriften Min. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1 (1842), 1. 1842: 3a. Lubarsky. The Ural platinum in nature. Pt. Mining J. 8 (1842), 158. 1842: 3b. Sivkof. Geognostic description of certain regions of the district of Gorohlagodat studied from 1834 to 1835. Pt. Mining J. 8, iii (1842), 225. 1842: 3c. Koltovsky. Mines of Messrs. Demidoff in the district of Nijni-Tagilsk. (1846: lb?) Pt. Mining J. 8 (1842), 272. 1842: 4. [Platinausbeute Russlands 1842.] Pt. Berg- und Htitten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 835. 1842: 5. Vorkommen und Verbreitung der Metalle auf der Erdoberflache. (Platinum, p. 9.) Pt. Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 2. 1842: 6. L. F. Svanberg. Om nagra mineralier samt om platina- malmens sammansattning. (Composition of platinum ore.) Pt. Forhandl. Skand. Naturforskare, 3 (1842), 505; J. prakt. Chem. 31 (1844), 169; Berzelius Jsb.23(1844), 273; Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 3 (1844), 472. 1842: 6a. Minchin. Chemical analyses of the different kinds of platinum from the Urals. Pt. Trans. Min. Soc. St. Petersburg, 1842, ii, 101. 1842: 7. G. Rose. Ueber die Dimorphie des Palladiums. Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 55 (1842), 329; Berzelius Jsb. 23 (1844), 121; Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 1 (1842), 439. 1842: 8. R. [J. ?] Kane. Contributions to the chemical history of palladium and platinum. (Palladium oxide, p. 276; chlorides, 280; sulphates, 287; nitrates, 292; oxalates, 297; platinum chloride, 298; pla tin ammonium compounds, 299.) Pt, Pd. Phil. Trans. London, 132 (1842), 275; Ann. des mines [4], 8 (1845), 231; Phil. Mag. [3], 21 (1842), 50; Berzelius Jsb. 24 (1844), 146,231,238; Pharm. Centrbl. 1844, 737, 741. 1842: 9. A. Litton and G. H. E. Schnedermann. L T eber ein neues Platinoxydul-Doppelsalz. (Double sulphite of platinum and sodium.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 42 (1842), 316; Amer. J. of Sci. 44 (1843), 274; Ann. des mines [4], 5 (1844), 446; J. de pharm. 2 (1842), 248; Berzelius Jsb. 23 (1844), 221. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 75 1842: 10. W. Knop. Ueber eine neue Platinverbindung. (Potas- sium platinocyanide, copper red salt. “Also discovered by Erdmann.”) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 42 (1842), 110; 43, 111; Ann. des mines [4], 5 (1844), 446; Pharm. Centrbl. 1842, 542, 678; 1843, 192; J. de pharm. 2 (1842), 328; Berzelius Jsb. 23 (1844), 219. 1842: 11. C. Himly. Vorlaufige Notiz einer neuen Methode, die Metalle aus ihren Auflosungen als Schwefelmetalle abzusclieiden und von einander zu trennen. (Action of sodium thiosulphate on potassium platiniehloride, p. 152.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 43 (1842), 150; J. de pharm. 2 (1842), 430. 1842: 12. It. W. Bunsen. On a new class of cacodyl compounds containing platinum. Pt. Mem. Chem. Soc. 1 (1842), 63; Phil. Mag. [3], 20 (1842), 395. 1842: 13. C. F. Schonbein. Ueber die directe Oxydirbarkeit des Platins und des Goldes. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 56 (1842), 145, 235; Archiv. de P elect. 2 (1842), 509; Ber. Nat. Gesell. Basel, 5 (1843), 21. 1842: 14. E. Millon. Recherches sur I’acide nitrique. (Solu- bility of platinum in aqua regia.) Pt. C. R. 14 (1842), 906. 1842: 15. R. F. Marchand. Ueber die Einwirkung der gliihende Metalle auf das olbildende Gas. (Auf Platinum und Palla- dium, p. 490.) Pt, Pd. J. prakt. Chem. 26 (1842), 478; J. de pharm. 3 (1843), 60; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 44 (1842), 277; Pharm. Centrabl. 1842, 837. 1842: 16. J. Haidlen and C. R. Fresenius. Ueber die Anwend- ung des Cyankaiiums in der chemischen Analyse. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 43 (1842), 131, 145. 1842: 17. R. Hare. [Fusion of platinum and iridium.] Pt, Ir. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 2 (1842), 196. 1843: 1 . A. von Humboldt. Note sur le plus grand morceau de platine trouve jusqu’ici h Nijni Tagenlse. Pt. Ann. des mines [4}, 3 (1843), 53; Amer. J. Sci. 46 (1844), 212. 1843: 2. Ein neues Stuck gediegenes Platina. (23 pounds.) Bergm. J. 1843, 119; Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 5 (1846), 590. Pt. 1843: 3. Weinlig. Das Vorkommen von Osmium-Iridium in verarbeiteten Golde. Os, Ir. Pharm. Centrbl. 1843, 207. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 1843: 4. Ueber die in den uralischen Hutten in der ersten, Halfte von 1843 gewonnene Masse von Gold und Platina. Bergm. J. 1843, 119; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 5 (1846), 585. Pt. 1843: 5. J. L. L[assaigne]. Extraction du palladium au Bresil. Pd. Echo du monde savant, ; J. chim. med. [2], 9(1843), 614; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 7 (1844), 255; Phil. Mag. [3], 23 (1843), 398; Edin. N. Phil. J. 36 (1843), 207. 1843. 6. W. J. Cock. On palladium, its extraction, alloys, etc. Pd. Proc. Chem. Soc. (Lond.), 1 (1843), 161; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 49 (1844), 236; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 6 (1843), 329; Ann. des mines [4], 5 (1844), 443; J. prakt. Chem. 30 (1843), 20; J. de pharm. 6 (1844), 21; Phil. Mag. [3], 23 (1843), 16; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 89 (1843), 385; Rev. scientif. 16 (1844), 466; Chem. Gaz. 1 (1843), 193; Pharm. Centrbl. 1843, 159; Bibl. univ. 47 (1843), 382. 1843: 7. J. J. Berzelius. Om Allotropi hos enkla Kroppar sasom en af orsakerna till isomeri hos deras foreningar. (Allotropie einfacher Korper als eine der Ursachen der Iso- merie bei ihren Verbindungen.) Ir, Os, Pt, Pd, Rh. Handl. Vet. Acad. Stockholm, 1843, 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 61 (1844), 11; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 49 (1844), 247; Scient. Mem. (Taylor), 4 (1846), 240; Pharm. Centrbl. 1844, 261; Berzelius Jsb. 25 (1844), 100. 1843: 8. C. Gerhardt. Ueber die chemische Classification der or- ganischen Substanzen. (Analysis of chlorplatinates of quinine, strychnine, and quinoleine.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 28 (1843), 65. 1843: 9. P. Berthier. Sur quel ques separations operees au moyen de l’acide sulfureux ou des sulfites alcalins. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [2], 7 (1843), 74; J. prakt. Chem. 29 (1843), 75; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 46 (1843), 182. 1843: 10. R. Bottger. Warum versagt Platinschwamm so oft seinen Dienst? Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 47 (1843), 348, J. prakt. Chem. 30 (1843), 272; Ann. des mines [4], 5 (1844), 445. 1843: 11. J. W. Dobereiner. Depotenzirende Wirkung des Am- moniaks auf zundenden Platinschwamm. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 28 (1843), 165; Berzelius Jsb. 24 (1845), 147. 1843: 12. J. W. Dobereiner. Ueber Glycerin und Mannit. (Ein- wirkung von Platinschwamm.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 29 (1843), 451. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 77 1843: 13. J. Reiset and E. Millon. Memoire sur les phenomenes chimiques dus au contact. (Action of platinum sponge on organic substances at high temperatures.) Pt. C. R. 16 (1843), 1190; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 8 (1843), 280; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 48 (1843), 199; Bibl. univ. 46 (1843), 169; J. prakt. Chem. 29 (1843), 365; L’Institut, No. 493; Pharm. Centrbl. 1843, 525; Berzelius Jsb. 24 (1845), 29. 1843: 14. C. F. Schonbein. Einige Beobachtungen und Bemer- kungen iiber den Einfluss, den gewisse Gasarten auf die Zund- kraft des Platins ausliben. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 29 (1843), 238; Bibl. univ. 46 (1843), 113; Berzelius Jsb. 24 (1845), 147. 1843: 15. R. Bottger. Ueber das Verplatiniren auf galvanischen Wege. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 30 (1843), 267; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 47 (1843), 342. 1843: 16. — Covering copper and brass with platinum. Pt. Ann. of Chym. and Pract. Pharm. 1843; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 6 (1843), 357. 1844: 1. M. Leplay. Recherches geologiques dans TOural. (Oc- currence of platinum.) Pt. C. R. 19 (1844), 853. 1844: 2. M. M. Kositzky. Notiz iiber das uralsche Platin. (Com- position of ore.) Pt. Verhandl. Min. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1844, 165. 1844: 3. M. M. Kositzky. Ueber die Scheidung des Iridiums am Miinzhofe zu St. Petersburg. Ir, Pt, Pd, Rh, Os. Yerhandl. Min. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1844, 178. 1844: 4. C. Claus. Untersuchung des Platinruckstandes, nebst vorlaufiger Ankundigung eines neuen Metalles (Ruthenium). (Atomic weight of Ru = 104.57.) * Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-P6tersb. 3 (1845), 38, 311, 354; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 56 (1845), 257; J. prakt. Chem. 32 (1844), 479; 34 (1845), 173, 420; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 64 (1845), 192; 65 (1845), 200; Ann. des mines [4], *8 (1845), 234; Amer. J. Sci. 48 (1845), 401; Berzelius Jsb. 25 (1846), 206, 297; Pharm. Centrbl. 1844,641,646, 858; 1845,353; Chem. Gaz. 3 (1845), Feb. 1; J. de pharm. 7 (1845), 442; 8 (1845), 381; Phil. Mag. [3], 27 (1845), 230; Bibl. univ. 58 (1845), 387; Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 2 (1845) r l I 3 (1846), 61. 1844: 5. C. Claus. (Chemical investigation of the residues of Uralian platinum and of the new metal ruthenium.) Kazan, 1844. (Demidoff prize essay. Title in Russian.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. 1844: 6. C. Claus. (Fallung der Rhodiumlosung durch Kalk und durch borsaures Natron.) Rh. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-P6tersb. 2 (1843), 158. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1844: 7. E. Fremy. Recherches sur les acides metalliques. (Osmic acid.) Os, Ir. C. R. 18 (1844), 144; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 12 (1844), 457; Ann. des mine3 [4], 5 (1844), 448; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 52 (1844), 271; Amer. j. Sci. 48 (1845), 185; 49, 199; Berzelius Jsb. 25 (1845), 203, 232; J. de pharm. 5 (1844), 188; J. prakt. Chem. 31 (1844), 482; 34 (1845), 303; Pharm. Centrbl. 1844, 266; 1845, 173; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 92 (1844) , 208 ; Phil. Mag. [3], 24 (1844), 393, 474; Revue scient. 3 (1844), 333. 1844: 8. E. Fremy. Memoire sur rosmium. (Very full, including atomic weight Os = 199.65.) Os. C. R. 19 (1844), 468; J. de pharm. 6 (1844), 241; J. prakt. Chem. 33 (1844;, 407. 1844: 9. L. Schaffner. Ueber die Zusammensetzung einiger Hy- drate. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 51 (1844), 168; Pharm. Centrbl. 1844, 913. 1844: 10. T. Wertheim. Untersuchung des Knoblauchols. (Plati- num and palladium compounds.) Pt, Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 51 (1844), 289; J. de pharm. 7 (1845), 174; Berze- lius Jsb. 25 (1816), 639. 1844: 11 . M. Peyrone. De Faction de Fammoniaque sur le proto- chlorure de platine. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [3], 12 (1844), 193; L6 (1846), 432; Ann. Chem. (Lie- big), 51 (1844), 1; 55 (1845), 205; J. de pharm. 9 (1846), 158; 12 (1847), 221; Pharm. Centrbl. i844, 769, 784; 1846, 199; Berzelius Jsb. 25 (1846), 215, 242; 26 (1847), 264. 1844: 12. J. Reiset. Memoire sur les combinaisons de deux nou- velles bases ale alines nontenant du platine. (ReisePs plat- ammonium base.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [3], 11 (1844), 417; J. prakt. Chem. 33 (1844), 321; Ann. Chem. (Liebig); 52 (1844), 262; Ann. des mines (4], 8 (1845), 228; C. R. 18 (1844), 1100; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 113; Berzelius Jsb. 25 (1846), 214, 234. 1844: 13. J. Blyth. On the composition of narcotine, and some of its products of decomposition by the action of bichloride of platinum. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. London, 2 (1844), 163; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 50 (1814), 29; Phil. Mag. [3], 25 (1844), 363. 1844: 14. R. F. Marchand. Ueber das spec.ifische Gewicht der Platina. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 33 (1844), 385; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 191. 1844: 15. F. Reich. Notiz uber das Kohlenoxydgasgeblase (Schmelzen des Platins). Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 33 (1844), 478. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 79 1844: 16. A. Pleischl. Ueber das Entstehen der Blasen in Platin- gerathschaften. Pt. Arm. der Phys. (Pogg.'), 63 (1844), 111; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 143. 1844: 17. J. W. Dobereiner. Erhohung der oxydirenden Eigen- schaften des Platinmohrs. Pt. J. fur prakt. Pharm. 9 (1844), 233; Pharm. Centrbl. 1844, 879; Berze- lius Jsb. 25 (1816), 213. 1844: 18. K. A. Hirschberg. Ueber Anfertigung der Platin- sehwammchen. Pt. Berliner Gew.-, Indust.- imd Handelsblatt, 1, 2, No. 20; Polyt. J. (Ding- ier), 94 (1844), 208. 1844: 19. J. C. Poggendgrff. Beschreibung der Wippe. (Action of platinized platinum plates.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 61 (1844), 593. 1844: 20. C. F. Schonbein. Ueber den Einfluss den gewisse Gasarten auf die Zundkraft des Platins ausiiben. Pt. Ber. Verh. Naturf. Gesell. Basel, 6 (1844), 5. 1844: 21. G. Wertheim. Recherches sur Telasticite. (Elasticity of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 19 (1844), 229; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 12 (1844), 385; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Erganz. Bd. 2 (1848), 1. 1845: 1. E. L. Schubarth. Ueber die vermeintliche Kenntniss der Alten von Platin. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 65 (1845), 621. 1845: 2. J. S. C. Schweigger. Ueber Platina, altes und neues. (History of platinum.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 34 (1845), 385. 1845: 3. J. A. Ueber den Platingewinn in Russland. Pt. Allgemein. preuss. Ztg. ; Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 4 (1845), 956, 975. 1845: 4. Gold- und Platin aausbeute am Ural. Pt, etc. Bergwerksfreund, 9, Nr. 6; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 751. 1845 : 4a. Lubarsky. Platinum mines in the district of Tagilsk. Mining J. 11 (1828), 125. Pt. 1845: 5. C. Claus. Ueber die neuen Metalle, welche von Prof. Osann in dem Platinriickstande aufgefunden worden sind. (Polin, ruthenium, and pluran.) Plu, Po, Ru, Os, Ir, Rh, Pt, Pd. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 5 (1847), 182; J. prakt. Chem. 38 (1846), 164; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 39 (1845), 199. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1845: 6 . G. Osann. Bemerkungen liber den Aufsatz des Herrn Prof. Claus, die von mir aufgefundenen neuen Metalle in dem Rtickstande des uralschen Platins betreffend. (In J. prakt. Chem. 38, 164.) Ru, Plu, Po. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 64 (1845), 208; J. prakt. Chem. 39 (1846), 111; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 74. 1845: 7. G. Osann. Analyse des in Salpeter-Salzsaure unauflosli- chen Riickstands des uralschen Platins. Plu, Po, Ru, Os, Ir, Rh, Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 64 (1845), 197; 69 (1846), 453; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 167. ” 1845: 8. C. Claus. Ueber das Polin des Herrn Prof. Osann. Ru, Po, Plu, Os, Ir, Rh, Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 64 (1845), 622. 1845: 9. [E. Fremy.] (Claim of priority on Claus’s work on plati- num residues.) Os. J. de pharm. 8 (1845), 381; Phil. Mag. [3], 27 (1845), 233. 1845: 10. G. G. Aquilina. Memoire sur l’iode et sur un nouveau reactif de ce corps. (Iodic acid as a reagent for platinum.) Pt. J. chim. med. [3], 1 (1845), 682. (Read before Soc. med. d’encourag. de Malthe, Feb. 20, 1845.) 1845: 11. E. Cottereau, fils. Note sur la valeur relative de Tamidon et du chlorure platinique employee comme reactifs de l’iode et des composes d’iode. Pt. J. chim. med. [3], 1 (1845), 637; Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 63. 1845: 12. H. Kopp. Specifisches Yolum und specifisches Gewicht- Tabellen. Pt. Pd, Ir, Os, Rh. J. prakt. Chem. 34 (1845), 5. 1845: 13. L. Elsner. Ueber die Trennung des Goldes und Platins von Zinn und Arsenik. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 35 (1845), 310; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 98 (1845), 128; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 895; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 4 (1845), 1128. 1845: 14. K. W. G. Kastner, Frei erhalten der Platin-Tiegel, -Bleche, -Loffel, -Spatel, und dergleichen vom Beitritt des Silicas und des Eisens. (Protected in a Hessian crucible filled with calcium carbonate.) Pt. Arch, der Pharm. 94 (1845), 1; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 800. 1845: 15. J. Weiger. (Preparation of alloys containing platinum and palladium for dentists.) (Alloys of platinum, gold, silver, and palladium.) Pt, Pd. London J. of Arts, 26 (1845), 398; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 97 (1845), 380. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 81 1845: 16. J. W. Dobereiner. Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte der chemischen Dynamik des Platins. (Platinum sponge.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 64 (1845), 94; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 53 (1845), 145; J. de pharm. 7 (1845), 356; Amer. J. of Sci. [2], 1 (1846), 110; Pharm. Centrbl. 1845, 350; Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 179. 1845: 17. C. F. Schonbein. On some chemical effects produced by platinum. (Platinum sponge on guaiacum, potassium iodide, potassium ferrocyanide.) Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. London, 3 (1845), 17; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 67 (1846), 233; Phil. Mag. 29 (1846), 40. 1845: 18. A. Schrotter. Modifications apportees a certaines reac_ tions chimiques par une tres-basse temperature. (Platinum sponge without effect on knallgas.) Pt. C. R. 20 (1845), 193; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 64 (1845), 471. 1845: 19. P. Riess. Ueber das Gliihen und Schmelzen von Metall- drahten durch Elektricitat. Pt. Abh. Acad. Berlin, 1845. 89; Ber. Acad. Berlin, 1845, 185; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 65 (1845), 481; Scientif. Mem. (Taylor), 4 (1846), 432; Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 1. 1846: 20. N. W. Fischer. Ueber das Vermogen mehrerer gas- und dunst-formige Korper zu polarisiren und auf Iodkalium, Cyaneisenkalium, etc., zersetzend einzuwirken. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 34 (1845), 186; Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 8. 1845: 21. J. C. Poggendorff. [Galvanische Reihe in Cyankalium- losung.] Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 66 (1845), 597; Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 12. 1846: 1 . R. I. Murchison. Platinum of the Ural and Siberia. Pt. Amer. J. of Sci. [2], 2 (1846), 120; from “ Russia and the Ural.” 1846: la. Golochovsky. Description of newly discovered mines of platinum and gold. Pt. Mining J. 8 (1846), 103. 1846: lb. Koltovsky. Mines of Messrs. Demidoff in the district of Nijni Tagilsk. Pt. Mining J. 8 (1846), 272. 1846: 2. J. Fritzsche. Ueber eine vortheilhafte Methode der Auf- schliessung des Osmium-Iridiums. Os, Ir, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 5 (1847), 186; J. prakt. Chem. 37 (1846), 483; J. de pharm. 1846, Sept.; Phil. Mag. [3], 29 (1846), 420; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 103 (1847), 155; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 119; Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 511; Berzelius Jsb. 27 (1848), 129. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 6 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1846: 3 . Schmidt and Johnston. Sur le traitement du palladium. Pd. C. R. 22 (1846), 335; Ann. des mines [4], 11 (1847), 525; L’Inatitut, No. 634, 65; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 98 (1846), 482; Berg-u. Hiitten. Ztg. 5(1846), 793; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 1 (1846-48), 34. 1846: 4. G. Osann. Platin im oxydirten Zustande. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 67 (1846), 374; Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 591. 1846: 5. W. Knop and G. H. E. Schnedermann. Ueber die Cyan- verbindungen des Platins. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 37 (1846), 461; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 300; J. de pharm. 10 (1846), 223; Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 633; Berzelius Jsb. 27 (1848), 192. 1846: 6. W. Haidinger. Merkwiirdige Farbenvertheilung am Cyan- platinmagnesium. Pt. Haidinger Ber. 1 (1846), 3; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 68 (1846), 302. 1846: 7. C. Claus. Ueber die chemischen Verhaltnisbe des Ruthe- niums, verglichen mit denen des Iridiums. Ru, Ir. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 5 (1847), 241; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 59 (1846), 234; Ann. des mines [4], 11 (1847), 526; J. prakt. Chem. 39 (1846), 88; J. de pharm. 11 (1847), 76, 137; Phil. Mag. [3], 29 (1846), 556; Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 817; Berzelius Jsb. 27 (1848), 116 (with criticism by Berzelius), 132. 1846: 8. C. Claus. Test for ruthenium. (Fusion with saltpeter and potash.) Ru. The Chemist, 1846, Jan. 1; Amer. J. of Sci. [2], 2 (1846), 111. 1846: 9. L. F. Svanberg. (Osmic acid.) Os. Oefversigt Akad. Forhand. 3 (1846), 36; Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 181. 1846: 10. J. Fritzsche and H. Struve. Ueber die Osman- osmium-saure. Os. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-P^tersb. 6 (1848), 81; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 263; Ann. des mines [4], 15 (1849), 149; J. de pharm. [3], 12 (1847), 304 (with Gerhardt’s comments); J. prakt. Chem. 41 (1847), 97; Phil. Mag. [3], 31 (1847), 534; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 385; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 461; Rapp. Ann. (Berzelius), 1847, 92; L’lnstitut, 17 (1849), 143; Berzelius Jsb. 27 (1848), 155. 1846: 11. Raewsky. Recherches sur les divers composes platin- iques derives du sel vert de Magnus. Pt. C. R. 23 (1846), 353; 24 (1847), 1151; 25 (1847), 794; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 22 (1848), 278; J. de pharm. [3], 12 (1847), 223; 14 (1848), 315 (with Gerhardt’s comments); Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 309; 68 (1848), 316; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 636; 1848, 109; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 455; J. Chem. Soc. 1 (1848), 189; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 158. 1846: 12. H. Rose. Ueber die Einwirkung des Wassers auf Chlor- metalle. Pt, Pd. Ber. Acad. (Berlin), 1846, 186; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 68 (1846), 444, 445; J. prakt. Chem. 38 (1845), 498. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 83 1846: 13. C. R. Fresenius. Ueber die Loslichkeitsverhaltnisse von einigen bei der quantitativen Analyse als Bestimmungsformen, etc., dienenden Niederschlagen. (Solubility of ammonium and potassium platinichloride in alcohol.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 59 (1846), 117; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 36. 1846: 14. L. Crosnier. Sur Taction reciproque de quelques sul- fures metalliques naturels, et des sels de platine. Pt. C. R. 23 (1846), 217. 1846: 15. R. Hare. Fusion of iridium and rhodium. Ir, Rh. Amer. J. of Sci. [2], 2 (1846), 365; Rev. scient. 9 (1846), 233; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 415; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 76. 1846: 16. L. Elsner. Beobachtungen fiber das Verhalten regu- linischer Metalle in einer wassrigen Losung von Cyankalium. (Platinum not soluble when used as anode.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 37 (1846), 441; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 101 (1846), 117; Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 652; Berzelius Jsb. 27 (1848), 8. 1846: 17. L. Playfair and J. P. Joule. Researches on atomic volumes and specific gravity. (Pt, Pd, Rh, Os, Ir, pp. 62, 63; Pt sponge, 69; Pt, 72; PtS, PdS, 89; allotropic conditions of Ir, Os, 97; Pt, 98.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os. Proc. Chem. Soc. London, 3 (1846), 57; Phil. Mag. 27 (1845), 474. 1846: 18. Tonnelier. Einfaches Verfahren, chemische Gefasse von Gyps zu reinigen. (Boiling with solution of potassium carbonate.) Pt. Pharm. Centrbl. 1846, 271. 1846: 19. M. Faraday. Magnetism and diamagnetism of metals. Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os. Phil. Trans. London, 136 (1846), 47; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 70 (1847), 35; Bibl. univ. arch. 2 (1846), 145. 1846: 20. C. F. Schonbein. On the influence exerted by elec- tricity, platinum, and silver upon the luminosity of phos- phorus. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. Lond. 3 (1846), 104; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 68 (1846), 37; Phil. Mag. [3], 29 (1846), 122. 1846: 21. E. Becquerel. Recherches sur la conductibilite elcc- trique des corps solides et liquides. (Conductivity of plati- num and palladium.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 22 (1846), 416; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 17 (1846), 242; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 70 (1847), 243; Amer. J. Sci. 8 (1849), 185; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 289. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1846: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 22. W. R. Grove. On certain phenomena of voltaic igni- tion, and the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat. (Decomposition by platinum and osmiridium. Bakerian lecture.) Pt, Os, Ir. Phil. Trans. London, 137 (1847), 1, 17; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 3 (1851), 657; Phil. Mag. [3], 31 (1847), 20, 91, 96; Ann. chim. phys. 21 (1847), 129; Bibl. univ. arch. 5 (1847), 18, 112; J. prakt. Chem. 43 (1848), 309; J. de pharm. 12 (1847), 154; 14 (1848), 29; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 63 (1847), 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 71 (1847), 194; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 632. 1. Maximilian Herzog von Leuchtenberg. Weitere Un- tersuchungen des schwarzen Niederschlages, welcher sich an der Anode bei der Zersetzung des Kupfervitriols durch den galvanischen Strom bildet. (Platinum in copper ores.) Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-P5tersb. 6 (1848), 129; J. prakt. Chem. 41 (1847), 222; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 106 (1847), 35; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 1022; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 85. 2. Molnar. (Platinum in sand from Ohlapian, Hungary.) Haidinger Ber. 3 (1847), 412, 475; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 1152. Pt. 3. Kopetzky and A. Patera. (Platinum not in Ohlapian sand.) Pt. Haidinger Ber. 3 (1847), 439; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 1152. 4. C*. U. Shepard. Native platinum in North Carolina. (Rutherford County. Mistake, see 1892: 1.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [2], 4 (1847), 280; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 74 (1848), 320; J. prakt. Chem. 45 (1848), 454; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 511; Berzelius Jsb. 1847-48, 1152; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg> 8 (1849), 79. 4a. Quintus Icilius. Die Atomgewichte vom Palladium, Kalium, Chlor, Silber, Ivohlenstoff, und Wasserstoff, nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate berechnet. Inaug. Diss. Gottingen, 1847. (Pd= 111.879.) Pd. 5. M. Pettenkofer. Ueber die Affinirung des Goldes und uber die grosse Verbreitung des Platins.. Pt. Gelehrte Anz. Miinchen, 24 (1847), 589; Bui. Akad. Sci. Munehen, 1847, 101; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 104 (1847), 118, 198; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 294; Repert. der Pharm. 1847, 72; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 766; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 85. 6. H. Hess. Note sur le traitement du mineral de platine. (Fusion with zinc.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-P6tersb. 6 (1848), 80; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 267; Ann. des mines [4], 15 (1849), 149; 19 (1851), 415; L’Institut, 17 (1849), 144; J. prakt. Chem. 40 (1847), 498; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 104 (1847), 468; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 15 (1848), 388; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 453; Civ. Eng. and Arch. Jour. ; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 1 (1846-48), 48; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 85. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 85 1847: 7. C. Claus. Beitrage zur Chemie der Platinmetalle. (Irid- ium chloride and sulphites, p. 273; osmium sulphites, 278; platinum sulphites, 287; ruthenium sulphites, 288.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Rh. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 6 (1848), 273; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 63 (1847), 337; J. prakt. Chem. 42 (1847), 348; J. de pharm. [3], 14 (1848), 385; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 849, 867; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 453, 457, 458, 461; LTnstitut, 17 (1849), 143, 244; Ann. des mines [4], 19 (1851), 415; Phil. Mag. [3], 35 (1849), 396; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 9 (1850), 422; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 76. C. Claus. (Iridiumchlorid.) Ir. Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 262. C. Claus. (Verhalten des Iridiums gegen schmelzendes Kali und Salpeter.) Ir. Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 184. 1847: 10. C. Claus (J. J. Berzelius). (Vorkommen des Ruthe- niums, Methode auszuziehen, und Beschreibung der Salze.) (This contains Berzelius’s criticism of Claus’s discovery that the 3KC1, IrCl 3 of Berzelius is really 2KC1, RuC1 4 — in reality it is 2KC1, RuC1 3 NO; see 1889: 9 and 1894: 11.) Ru, Ir. Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 181. 1847: 11. N.W. Fischer. Zur Geschichte des Palladiums. (Verhalt zu Sauren, Pogg. 71 :432; zu Alkalien, 437; Doppelsalze, 440.) Pd. Uebers. Schles. Gesell. Breslau, 1847, 30; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) 71 (1847), 431; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 260; Pharm. Centrbl 1847, 554; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 457; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 86. 1847: 12. C. Claus. (Platin Ammoniak: Neue Basis aus einem Atome Platinoxyd und zwei Aequivalente Ammoniak.) Pt. Berzelius Jsb. 26 (1847), 180. 1847: 13. M. Peyrone. Richerche comparative sopra alcuni isomeri del sal verde di Magnus. Pt. Mem. Accad. Torino, 10 (1849), 171; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 61 (1847), 178; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 411; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 454; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 154. 1847: 14. B. Quadrat. Ueber Verbindungen des Platincyanurs mit Cyanmetallen und uber die Platinblausaure. Pt. Abhandl. Bohm. Gesel. [5], 5 (1847), 16; Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 3 (1849), 10; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 63 (1847), 164; 65 (1848), 249; 70 (1849), 300; J. de pharm. [3], 12 (1847), 457; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 97; 1849, 657; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 482; 1849, 301; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 147. 1847: 15. C. Rammelsberg. Ueber ein neues Kaliumkupfercyanur. (Mercury platinocyanid.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 73 (1848), 117; J. prakt. Chem. 41 (1847), 184; Ber. Acad. Berlin, 1847, 115; Jsb. Chem. 1847-47, 484. 1847: 8. 1847: 9. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 1847: 16. A. Laurent. Sur les polycyanures. (Important article on theory of double cyanides.) Pt. C. R. 26 (1848), 295; J. prakt. Chem. 42 (1847), 128; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 423; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 484. 17. W. Haidinger. Ueber das Schillern der Krystallflachen. (Platinocyanides of magnesium, barium, and potassium, and platinum oxalate.) Pt. Haidinger, Ber. 2 (1847), 98; Haidinger Abhandl. 1 (1847), 143; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 70 (1847), 574; 71 (1847), 321; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 195. 18. W. Haidinger. Platinverbindungen mit schillernden Flachen. (Cyanides and oxalate.) Pt. Haidinger, Ber. 2 (1847), 198, 263. 19. W. Hittorf. Ueber die Bildung einer blauen Oxydations- stufe des Platins . . . auf galvanischem Wege. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 72 (1847), 481; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 64 (1847), 268; J. prakt. Chem. 42 (1847), 469; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 23; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 453; Berzelius Jsb. 28 (1849), 84. 20. L. Kessler. Note sur Femploi de Y acetate ferreux comme moyen de separation de Y argent. (Precipitation of platinum by iron sulphate with acetic acid.) Pt. J. de pharm. [3], 11 (1847), 86; Palomba, Raccolta. 3 (1847), 379; Pharm. Centrbl. 1847, 413. 21. R. Hare. On certain improvements in the construction and supply of the hydro-oxygen blowpipe, by which rhodium, iridium, or the osmiuret of iridium, also platinum in the large way, have been fused. Pt, Ir, Rh, Os. J. Frank. Inst, [3], 13 (1847), 196; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 4 (1847), 37; Phil. Mag. [3], 31 (1847), 147, 356; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 108 (1848), 270. 22. R. Hare. Apparatus for the fusion of iridium or rhodium, or masses of platinum less than 5 ounces in weight. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 14 [1847], 128. Pt, Ir, Rll. 23. H. H[ess]. Schmelzbarkeit des Iridiums, des Osmiridi- ums und des Rhodiums. Pt, Ir, Os, Rh. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 6 (1847), 107. 24. F. Ludersdorff. (Platinum on porcelain.) Pt. Verh. Gew. Bef. Preus. 1847, ii, 67; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 105 (1847), 36; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 1067; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 1 (1846-48), 18. 25 . Mention and Wagner. Piatin als Legirung zu Schmuck- sachen, etc. Pt. Brevets d’invention, 1847, 425; Polyt. Centrbl. 1848, Mar. 1; Polyt, J. (Dingier), 108 (1848), 396. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 87 1847: 1847: 1848: 1848: 1848: 1848: 1848: 1848: 1848: 26. G. Wilson. On the decomposition of water by platinum and the black oxide of manganese at a white heat, with some observations on the theory of Mr. Grove’s experiments. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. Lond. 3 (1847), 332; Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts, 3 (1851), 170; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 43 (1847), 244; Chem. Gaz. 5 (1847), 198; Phil. Mag. 31 (1847), 177. 27. J. Lamont. Reduction der Schwingungen eines Magnets auf den luftleeren Raum. (Polaritat des Palladiums und Plat- inums.) Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 71 (1847), 128. 1. R. Gueymard. Memoire historique sur la decouverte du platine dans les Alpes. Pt. Moniteur indust. 1848, Sept. 14; J. prakt. Chem. 45 (1848), 454; C. R. 29 (1849), 814; Ann. des mines [4], 14 (1848), 331; 16 (1849), 495; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 79 (1850), 480; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 7 (1849), 137; Phil. Mag. [3], 36 (1850), 323; Jsb. Chem. 1849, 726; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 115 (1850), 395; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 9 (1850), 479. 2. A. Faber. Producte Ostindiens. (Platinum in Bur- ma.) Pt. Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 569. 3. M. Pettenkofer. Ueber die grosse Verbreitung des Platins und sein Vorkommen in alien giildischen Silbermun- zen. Pt. Bui. Akad. Miinchen, 1848, 142; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 74 (1848) 316; Rep. fur Pharm. (Buchner) [2], 47 (1847),, 72; Revue scientifique, 5 (1849), 231; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 453. 4. C. F. Plattner. Untersuchung des Ruckstandes von der Freiberger Silbererz-Amalgamation auf einen Gehalt an Gold und Platin. . Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 7 (1848), 628. 5. N. W. Fischer. Ueber die salpetrichsauren Salze. (Sal- petrichsaures Palladiumoxydkali.) Pd. Uebers. Schles. Gesel. Breslau, 1848, 31; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 74 (1848), 123; J. prakt. Chem. 46 (1849), 318; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 401. 6. Raewsky. Memoire sur les combinaisons du platine avec la nicotine. Pt. C. R. 27 (1848), 609; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 25 (1849), 332; J. prakt. Chem. 46 (1849), 470; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 70 (1849), 232; Pharm. Centrbl. 1849, 329. 7. Raewsky. Recherches sur les sels anilicoplatiniques. Pt. C. R. 26 (1848), 424; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 400; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 655. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1848: 8. J. Blyth. On the composition of coniine, and its prod- ucts of decomposition. (Action of platinum chloride.) Pt. Q. J. Chem. Soc. 1 (1848), 345; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 70 (1849), 73. 1848: 9. F. M. Baumert. Analyse des Platincyanmagnesiumsalz des Quadrat’s. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 65 (1848), 250, footnote; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 484. 1848: 10. Lyons and Mill ward. Alloy of copper with platinum and palladium. Pt, Pd. Repert. Patent Invent. Feb. 1848, 114; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 108 (1848), 398. 1848: 11. G. Osann. Ueber die Bestimmung specifischer Ge- wichte fester Korper. (Specific gravity of platinum.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. 73 (1848), 605; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 330; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 33. 1848: 12. G. Rose. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen fiber das speci- fische Gewicht des pulverformigen Platins. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 73 (1848), 13; 75 (1848), 403; Ann. Chem. (Lie- big), 68 (1848), 159; Pharm. Centrbl. 1848, 91; Jsb. Chem. 1847-48, 37. 1849: a. R. I. Murchison. Geology of European Russia. 1849. Part II, pp. 113, 312. Pt. 1849: 1 . J. J. Ebelmen. Rapport sur l’existence du platine dans certains minerais du departement de l’lsere. Pt. Ann. des mines [4], 16 (1849), 505. 1849: 2. Platinum in California. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [2], 8 (1849), 294; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 48 (1850), 185. 1849: 3. Sur la production des mines d’or et de platine de l’Oural en 1849. Pt, Ir, Os. Ann. des mines [4], 16 (1849), 531. 1849: 4. P. Jewreinow. Ueber ein schwarzes Salz, das man bei Ausscheidung des Iridiums aus Platinrfickstanden erhalt. (Potassium iridium chloride.) Ir. Berg J. (St. Petersburg), 1849, Th. J , Heft 3; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 12 (1853), 193. 1849: 5. A. Schrotter. Ueber die auf directem Wege darstell- baren Verbindungen des Phosphors mit den Metallcn. (Union of phosphorus with platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Sitzber. Acad. Wien. 2 (1849), 301. 1849: 6. A. Laurent and C. Gerhardt. De Faction de Fammoni- aque sur le chloroplatinate d’ammoniaque. (Theory of plati- num bases and double cyanides.) Pt. Laurent et Gerhardt, C. R. 1849, 113; 1850, 145; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 73 (1850), 223; J. prakt. Chem. 46 (1849), 511; Chem. Centrbl. 1850 437, 471; Jsb. Chem. 1849, 289; 1850, 360. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 89 1849: 7. W. Haidinger. Ueber die Formen und einige optische Eigenschaften der Magnesium-Platin-Cyanure. Pt. Sitzber. Acad. Wien, 1849, 20; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 77 (1849), 89; Jsb. Chem. 1849, 122. 1S49: 8. F. Brauell. De acidi osmici in homines et animalia effectu. Casani, 1849. Os. 1849: 9. M. Pettenkofer. Ueber die Bestandtheile der Schlacken, welche beim Schmelzen des Scheidegoldes mit Salpeter gebildet werden, und uber deren Benutzung. Pt, Pd, Os. Polyt. J. (Dingier), 111 (1849), 357; Jsb. Chem. 1849, 635; Polyt. Centrbl. (1849), 926, 933 ! 1849: 10. G. Rose. Ueber die Krystallform der rhomb oedrischen Metalle, namentlich des Wismuths. (Auch Palladiums, Iri- diums und Osmiums.) Pd, Ir, Os. Abhandl. Acad. Berlin (Phys.), 1849, 72; Ber. Acad. Berlin, 1849, 137; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 76 (1850), 245; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 77 (1849), 149; J. prakt. Chem. 49 (1850), 163; Jahrb. Min. 1849, 566; L’Institut, 1849, 342; Pharm. Centrbl. 1849, 489; Jsb. Chem. 1849, 13. 1849: 11. A. Salvetat. Note sur un nouvel emploi du platine dans la peinture sur porcelaine. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [3], 25 (1849), 342; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 72 (1849), 263; Ann. des mines [4], 19 (1851), 414; J. prakt. Chem. 47 (1849), 232; Pharm. Centrbl. 1849, 260; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 112 (1849), 45; Jsb. Chem. 1849, 652. 1849: 12. J. Field. On the chemical combinations induced in gaseous mixtures by contact with certain metals, with especial reference to the action of spongy platinum on mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen. (Cause.) Pt. Pharm. J. and Trans. 8 (1849), 381; Pharm. Centrbl. 1849, 381. 1849: 13. C. Despretz. Sur la fusion et la volatilization des corps refractaires. Note sur quelques experiences faites avec le triple concour de la pile voltaique, du soleil, et du chalumeau. Pt, Pd. C. R. 29 (1849), 545; Ann des mines [4], 19 (1851), 333; L’Institut, 811, 226; 829, 368; Chem. Centrbl. 1850, 22. 1850: 1. C. de Paravey. Sur quelques passages de Pline FAncien qui semblent pouvoir se rapporter au platine (livre 33 : 3 et 34 : 16). Pt. C. R. 31 (1850), 179. 1850: 2. W. Mallet. On the minerals of the auriferous districts of Wicklow. Pt. J. Geol. Soc. Dublin, 4 (1850), 269; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 11 (1851), 232; Phil. Mag. [3], 37 (1850), 393; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 699. 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1850: 3. R. M. Patterson. Ueber die Beschaffenheit imd das Vor- kommen des Goldes, Platins und der Diamanten in den Verei- nigten Staaten. Pt, Ir, Os. Ztsch. Deutsch. geol. Geseli. 2 (1850), 60; Jahrbuch Min. 1851, 351; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 698; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 9 (1850), 609. 1850: 4. J. E. Teschemacher. Platinum of California. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [2], 10 (1850), 121; Edinb. N. Phil. J. 51 (1851), 193; Ohem. Centrbl. 1851, 640; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 699. 1850: 5. T. Thomson. Biographical account of Dr. Wollaston. (Account of his discoveries.) Pt, Pd, Rh. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 3 (1850), 129. 1850: 6. E. Fremy. Recherches chimique sur Tor. (Note on mak- ing platinates, Ann. chim. phys. 31 : 482.) Pt. C. It. 31 (1850), 893; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 31 (1851), 478; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 79 (1851), 43; J. prakt. Chem. 52 (1851), 159; J. de pharm. 19 (1851), 84. 1850: 7. C. A. Wurtz. Memoire sur une serie d’alcaloides homo- logues avec Fammoniaque. (Platino- and platinichlo rides of methyl-, ethyl-, and amyl-amin.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [3], 30 (1850), 443; J. prakt. Chem. 52 (1851), 193; Chem. Centrbl. 1851, 166, 177; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 335, 443. 1850: 8. C. Gerhardt. Recherches sur les combinaisons ammo- niacales du platine. Pt. , . Gerhardt et Laurent, C. R. 1850, 273; C. R. 31 (1850), 241; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 76 (1850), 307; Ann. des mines [4], 19 (1851), 414; J. prakt. Chem. 51 (1850), 351; 53 (1851), 345; Chem. Centrbl. 1851, 97. 1850: 9. J. Schabus. Ueber die Krystallformen des Barium- Platin-Cyanurs. Pt. Sitzber. Acad. Wien, 4 (1850), 569; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 360. 1850: 10. A. Reynoso. De Faction des bases sur les sels, et en particular sur les arsenites. (Reduction of palladium salts by silver arsenite.) Pd. C. R. 31 (1850) 68; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 33 (1851), 245; J. prakt. ChemJ 51 (1850), 160; 54 (1851), 309. 1850: 11. A. Masson. Etudes de photometrie 61ectrique. (Spectre du platine incandescent.) Pt. C. R. 31 (1850), 887; 32 (1851), 127; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 31 (1851), 323. 1850: 12. J. P. Joule. On some amalgams. (Platinum amalgam, PtHg 2 .) Pt. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1850, ii, 55; Chem. Gaz. 1850, 339; L’Institut, 1850, 327; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 333. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 91 1850: 13. A. Baudrimont. Experiences sur la tenacity des m6taux malleables. (Tenacity of palladium and platinum.) Pd, Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [3], 30 (1850), 304; C. R. 31 (1850), 115; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 76 (1850), 123; Ann. der phys. (Pogg.), 82 (1851), 156; L’Institut, 18 (1850), 241; J. de pharm. 19 (1851), 206; Phil. Mag. [3], 37 (1850), 308; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 78. 1850: 14. C. Bromeis. Ueber das Plattiren mit Platinum. Pt. Polyt. J. (Dingier), 116 (1850), 283; Jsb. Chem. 1850, 631. 1850: 15. A. Wagner. Ersatzmittel des Schwammplatin bei Wein- geistgluhlampen. (Chromate of copper.) Pt. Polyt. Centrbl. 16 (1850), Nr. 1; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 115 (1850), 159; Chem. Centrbl. 1850, 157. 1850: 16. D. Brewster. On the optical properties of the cyanurets of platinum and magnesia, and of barytes and platinum. Pt. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1850, ii, 5. 1851: a. Tserrener. Erdkunde Gouvernments Perm. Leipzig, 1851. Pt. 1851: 1. T. S. Hunt. [Platinum and iridosmine in Canada.] Pt, Ir, Os. Report Geol. Surv. Canada, 1851-52, 120; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 15 (1853), 448; Ann. des mines [5], 3 (1853), 683. 1851: 2. F. A. Genth. Nord-Amerikanische Mineralien. (Plati- num from Lancaster County, Pa.) Pt. Nord-Amer. Monatsber. 2 (1851), June; J. prakt. Chem. 55 (1852), 254; Chem. Centrbl. 1851, 417; Berg- u. Hiitten. Ztg. 11 (1852), 328. 1851: 3. G. A. Kenngott. Irite. Ir, Os. Amer. J. Sci. [2], 11 (1851), 232; from Mineral. Untersuchungen, 1, 61. 1851: 4. J. J. Ebelman. Sur la cristallisation par la voie seche. (Artificial octahedral crystals of platinum.) Pt. C. R. 32 (1851), 710; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 80 (1851), 212. 1851: 5. F. Claudet. On a class of ammoniacal compounds of cobalt. (Platinum salts of cobaltamins.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [4], 2 (1851), 253; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 33 (1851), 483; J. prakt. Chem. 54 (1851), 270; Chem. Centrbl. 1851, 865; J. Chem. Soc. 4 (1851), 355. *1851: 6. H. H. Landolt. Ueber das Stibmethyl und seine Ver- bindungen. (Double chloride of platinum and tetramethylsti- bonium.) Pt. Mitth. nat. forsch. Gesell. Zurich, 2 (1850-52), 349, 524; Ann. chim. phys. 34 (1852), 226; 37 (1853), 60; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 78 (1851), 91; 84 (1852), 44; J. prakt. Chem. 52 (1851), 385; 57 (1852), 129; J. de pharm. 20 (1851), 65; Chem. Centrbl. 1852, 625. 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1851: 1851: 1851: 1851: 1851: 1851: 1851: 1852: 7. A. W. Hofmann. Researches into the molecular constitu- tion of the organic bases. II. (Platinum bases, p. 397.) Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 141 (1851), 357; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 33 (1851), 108; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 78 (1851), 253; 79, 11; C. R. 33 (1851), 95; L’Institut, 19 (1851), 189; J. de pharm. [3], 20 (1851), 220, J. prakt. Chem. 53 (1851), 390; Laurent et Gerhardt, C. R. 1851, 189; Q. J. Chem. Soc. 4 (1852), 304; Chem. Centrbl. 1851, 772, 787; Jsb. Chem. 1851, 496. 8. G. B. Buckton. Observations upon the deportment of diplatosamine with cyanogen. Pt. Q. J. Chem. Soc. 4 (1851), 26; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 78 (1851), 328; J. de pharm. 19 (1851), 393; J. prakt. Chem. 53 (1851), 174; Laurent et Gerhardt, C. R. 1851, 91; Chem. Centrbl. 1851, 696; Jsb. Chem. 185i, 370; Ann. chim. phys. (1851), 393. 9. J. L. Lassaigne. Observations sur le degr6 de sensibilite des divers reactifs par l’iode, et ses divers composes. (Use of palladium salts.) Pd. J. chim. m£d. [3], 7 (1851), 142; J. de pharm. 19 (1851), 428. 10. A. Butlerow. Ueber die oxydirende Wirkung der Osmiumsaure auf organische Korper. Os. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 10 (1852), 177; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 84 (1852), 278; J. prakt. Chem. 56 (1852), 271; L’Institut, 20 (1852), 249; Jsb. Chem. 1852, 429; Melanges phys. chim. Acad. St.-P5tersb. 1 (1851), 355. 11. M. G. von Paucker. Das astronomische Langenmaas. (Ausdehnung des Platins.) Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 10 (1852), 209; Jsb. Chem. 1852, 2. 12. A. Baudrimont. Experiences sur 1’ elasticity des corps heterophones. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [3], 32 (1851), 288; Jour, fur Physik, 2 (1851), 533; Jsb. Chem. 1851, 82. 13. A. C. Becquerel. Memoire sur les effets electriques pro- duits dans les tubercules, les racines et les fruits, lors de Y intro- duction d’aiguilles galvanometriques en platine. Pt. C. R, 32 (1851), 657; Mem. l’lnstitut, 23 (1853), 301. 1. E. Gueymard. Recherches analytiques du platine dans les Alpes. Pt. Ann. des mines [5], 1 (1852), 345; 5 (1854), 165; C. R. 38 (1854), 941; 40 (1855), 1274; Arch, des sci. phys. nat. 2 7 (1854), 77; Bui. Soc. g5ol. Paris, 12 (1854-55), 429; Jsb. Chem. 1852, 831; 1854, 80/; 1855 ; 905; L’Institut, 23 (L855), 212; Chem. Centrbl. 1855, 543; Berg- u. Hiitten. Ztg. 12 (1853), 752. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 93 1852: 2. F. A. Genth. On some minerals which accompany gold in California. (Platinum and osmiridium.) Pt, Ir, Os. Pioc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 6 (1852), 113; Nord-Amer. Monatsber. 2 (1852), 205, 249; Ana. des mines [5], 4 (1853), 130; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 14 (1852), 277; Ediab. N. Phil. J. 54 (1853), 182; J. prakt. Chem. 58 (1853), 245; Chem. Centrbl. 1852, 72; Jsb. Chem. 1852, 831; Berg- u. Hutten. Ztg. 12 (1853), 751. 1852: 3. F. A. Genth. On a probably new element with iridos- mine and platinum from California. Pt, Ir, Os, Pd, Rh, Ru. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 6 (1852), 209; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 15 (1853), 446; Ann. des mines [5], 3 (1853), 683; Chem. Gaz. 11 (1853), 145; J. prakt. Chem. 59 (1853), 156; Chem. Centrbl. 1853, 366; Jsb. Chem. 1853, 389, 775. 1852: 4. C. Palmstedt. Platina funnen vid sa kallad skedning af silfvermynt vid Kongl. Myntet i Munchen. Pt. Ofvers. Vet. Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 9 (1852), 220. 1852: 5. Bericht iiber die Gold- und Platina- Ausbeute in Russland, im Jahre 1851. Pt. Buss. Berg. J. 1852, i, 149, 311, 457, 461, 463; Berg- u. Hutten. Ztg. 12 (1853), 661. 1852: 6. C. Karmrodt and E. Uhrlaub. Ueber ein neues Iridium- salz. (Double chlorides of iridium and sodium and silver.) Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 81 (1852), 120; J. prakt. Chem. 56 (1852), 190; Chem. Centrbl. 1852, 262; Jsb. Chem. 1851, 372. 1852: 7. Skoblikoff. Recherches sur quelques combinaisons nou- velles d’iridium. (Irid-ammonium compounds.) Ir. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-P266; Jsb. Chem. 1864,256. ' .... 1864: 11. L. Ditscheiner. Die Krystallformen einiger Platin- cyanverbindungen. Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 50, ii (1864), 373; Anzeig. Akad. Wien, 1 (1864), 169; L’Institut, 33 (1865), 55. 1864: 12. Platinage des metaux. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 1 (1864), 301. 1864: 13. H. Kopp. Untersuchungen fiber die specifische Warine der starren und tropfbarflfissigen Korper. (Specifische Warme des Platins und des Iridiums, p. 73; des Platinchlorid-Chlor- kaliums, p. 95.) Pt, Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Bd. 3 (1864), 1. 1864: 14. F. J. Pisko. Beitrag zur Fluorescenz des Lichtes. (Cesium-platinum sulphide.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 123 (1864), 167. 1864: 15. F. M. Raoult. Recherches sur les forces elec tromo trices. (Force produced at contact of platinum and gold.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [4], 2 (1864), 317. 1865: 1 . K. Kraut. Baryum in Platin. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 4 (1865), 369; Chem. News, 14 (1866), 34; Jsb. Chem. 1865, 282. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 121 1865: 2. V. von Zepharovich. Krystallographische Mittheilung uber zwei Platindoppelsalze des Piperidinharnstoffes. Pt. Sitzber. Akacl. Wien, 52, ii (1865), 241. 1865: 3. P. T. Cleve. Bidrag till kannedomen om ammoniakaliska Kromforeningar. (Platinichlorides of chromium bases.) Pt. Handl. Akad. Stockholm [2], 6, (1866), 4. 1865: 4. P. T. Cleve. Fdrelopande underrattelser om nagra brom- och jodhaltiga ammoniakaliska Platinaforeningar. (Bromine and iodine salts of platinum bases.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 22 (1865), 487; J. prakt. Chem. 100 (1867), 22; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 321. 1865: 5. H. Baubigny. Ueber ein neues Palladiumsalz (Pallad- aminchlorur). Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Bd. 4 (1865), 253; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 508; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 276. 1865: 6. C. Birnbaum. Ueber die Bromverbindungen des Iridiums. Inaug. Diss. Gottingen, 1864. Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 133 (1865), 161; J. prakt. Chem. 96 (1865), 207; Bui. Soc. ehim. [2], 4 (1865), 112; Chem. Centrbl. 1865, 354; Ztsch. Chem. 8 (1865), 22; Jsb. Chem. 1864, 292. 1865: 7. C. Birnbaum. Ueber die Einwirkung der schwefligen Saure auf das blaue Iridiumoxydhy drat. Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 136 (1865), 177; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 5 (1866), 354; /; Chem, Centrbl. 1865, 1132; J. prakt. Chem. 98 (1866), 32; Ztsch. Chem. 8 (1865), 459; Jsb. Chem. 1865, 283. 1865: 8. J. Redtenbacher. Ueber die Trennung von Rubidium und Casium in Form der Alaune. (Loslichkeit des Kalium, Rubidium und Casium Platinchlorids.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 51, ii (1865), 247; Anzeig. Akad. Wien, 2 (1865), 39; J. prakt. Chem. 94 (1865), 442; Chem. Centrbl. 1865, 625; L’lnsti- tut, 33 (1865), 216; Phil. Mag. [4], 2 (1865), 375; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 4 (1865), 97; Ztsch. Chem. 8 (1865), 345; Jsb. Chem. 1865, 705. 1865: 9. E. A. van der Burg. Chemisehe Mittheilungen in Betreff der China- Alkaloide. (Verhalten der China-Alkaloide zu einer Kaliumplatincyanurlosung, p. 296.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 4 (1865), 272; Jsb. Chem. 1865, 439. 1865: 10. C. Stahlschmidt, Sy, and Wagner. (Platinum-plated dishes for the chemical laboratory.) Pt. Verh. Yer. Beford. Gewerbefleisses in Preussen, 1865, 90; J. prakt. Chem. 98 (1866), 320; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 179 (1866), 162; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 99. 1865: 11. G. Magnus. (Note on plating with platinum.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [4], 6 (1865), 146. 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1865: 12. A. Salvetat. Ueber die Spiegel aus platinirtem Glase von Creswell und Tavernier. Pt. Bui. Soc. encourage. Sept. (1865), 526; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 180 (1866), 39; Polyt. Centrbl. 32 (1866), 407, 730; Chem. tech. Repert. 4, ii (1865), 39; Deutsch. indust. Ztg. 6 (1865), 495; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner) 15 (1865-66), 192. 1865: 13. J. B. A. Dode. (Platinspiegel.) Pt. Les Mondes, 7, 603; Breslauer Gewerbeblatt (1865), No. 13; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 3 (1865), 398; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 177 (1865), 79; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 50 (1865), 273; Lond. J. Arts. Sci. (1865), July. : 14. Platinum mirrors, introduced by Dode. Pt. 1865 1865 1865 Quart, J. of Sci. 2 (1865), 497. 15. Schwarz. Dode’s Platinspiegel. Pt. Breslauer Gewerbebl. (1865), No. 13; Chem. Centrbl. 1865, 960. 16. P. Weiskopf. Platinaspiegeln auf Glas. Pt. Deutsch. Gew. Ztg. 30 (1865), 468; Chem. tech. Repert. 4, ii (1865), 40; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 15 (1865f-66), 191. 1865: 17. K. Kraut. Ein Vorlesungsversuch. (Oxidation von Ammoniak zu Ammoniumnitrat mittelst Platindraht.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 136 (1865), 69; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 51 (1866), 137. 1865: 18. E. Sell. Sur un produit de Toxydation de Terythrite (par platinmohr). Pt. C. R. 61 (1865), 741; J. prakt. Chem. 97 (1866), 251. 1865: 19. E. Edlund. Qvantitativ bestamning af de varmefeno- mener, som uppkomma vid metallers volumforandring, af veorsom af varmets mekaniska eqvivalent, oberoende af metallens nire arbete. (Elasticitats-Coefficienten des Platins.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Stockholm, 22 (1865), 295; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 126 (1865), 565; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 8 (1867), 257. 1866:1. N. von Kokscharow. Mineralogische No tizen fiber . . . Platin. (Platinum ore magnetic.) Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 11 (1867), 79; Jahr. Min. 1867, 194; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 912. 1866: la. N. von Kokscharow. Materiaux pour la mineralogie de la Russie, vol. 5, p. 177. Pt. 1866: 2. F. Wohler. Ueber ein neues Mineral von Borneo. (Laurit, RuOsS.) Ru, Os. Gottingen Nachrichten, 1866, 155; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 139 (1866), 116; J. prakt. Chem. 98 (1866), 226; Chem. Centrbl. 1866, 620; €. R. 62 (1866), 1059; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 9 (1866), 515; Natuurk. Tijdsch. Batavia, 30 (1868), 416. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 123 1866:3. S. Cloez. Iridium cristallise. Ir. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 5 (1866), 162. 1866: 4. E. Sonstadt. Note on the purification of platinum. (Cleaning platinum crucibles from iron ores.) Pt. Chem. News, 13 (1866), 145; J. de pharm. [4], 4 (1866), 152; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 180 (1866), 365; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 51 (1866), 416; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 267; Polyt. Centrbl. 32 (1866), 758; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 15 (1865-66), 163. 1866: 5 . A. Forster. Zur Kenntniss und Trennung der Platin- metalle (Resume). Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 117; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 226. 1866: 6. C. F. Schonbein. De Faction du platine, du ruthenium, du rhodium et de Firidium sur Feau de chlor, sur les dissolu- tions aqueuses des hypochlorites, sur les peroxyde d’hydrogene, et sur Foxygene ozonize. Pt, Ir, Rh, Ru. Ann. chim. phys. [4], 7 (1866), 103; 8 (1866), 465; J. prakt. Chem. 98 (1866), 76; Verh. Naturf. Gesel. Basel, 4 (1867), 286; J. de pharm. [4], 4 (1866), 395; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 7 (1867), 339; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 104; Sitzber. Akad. Miinchen, 1866, i, 278; Chem. News, 13 (1866), 207. 1866: 7. C. Birnbaum. Ueber die Einwirkung von schwefliger Saure auf Platinoxydhydrat. (Also separation of platinum and iridium, p. 177.) Pt, Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 139 (1866), 164; J. prakt. Chem. 100 (1867), 123; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 6 (1866), 453; Chem. Centrbl. 1866, 854; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 405; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 235; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 269. 1866: 8. P. Schottlander. Platinur-Natrium-Hyposulphit. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 140 (1866), 200; J. prakt. Chem. 100 (1867), 381; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 223; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 739; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 268. 1866: 9. [F. Wohler.] Zur Kenntniss des Osmiums. Os. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 140 (1866), 253; Chem. News, 15 (1867), 86; J. prakt. Chem. 100 (1867), 407; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 7 (1867), 396; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 742; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 276. 1866: 10. J. H. Gladstone. On pyrophosphotriamic acid. (Plat- inum salt, p. 12.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 19 (1866), 1. 1866: 11. II. Rossler. Ueber die Doppelcyaniire des Palladiums. (Inaug. Diss.) Gottingen, 1866. (Refers also to double cyanides of platinum.) Pd, Pt. Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 175; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 6 (1866), 323; Ztsch, anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 403; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 275, 290. 1866: 12. P. T. Cleye. Om ammoniakaliska Platinforeningar. Pt. Nova acta Upsala [3], 6 (1866), 5; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 7 (1867), 12; Ztsch. Chem. 10 (1867), 228; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 945; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 321. 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1866: 13. E. A. Hadow. The platinum-bases: the best mode of ob- taining and identifying them; some new compounds. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 19 (1866), 345; Chem. News, 13 (1866), 281; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 625; J. prakt, Chem. 100 (1867), 30; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 560; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 272. 1866: 14. R. Bottger. Ueber ein sehr auffallendes Verhalten verschiedener Stoffe zu Schwefel-Wasserstoffgas. (Platin- schwarz und Schiesswolle.) Pt. Jsb. phys. Yer. Frankfurt, 1866-67; J. prakt. Chem. 103 (1868), 310. 1866: 15. [F. Wohler.] Trennung von Kupfer und Palladium. (By potassium thiocyanate.) Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 140 (1866), 144; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 10 (1867), 510; Chem. News, 15 (1867), 40; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 7 (1867), 40; J. prakt. Chem. 100 (1867), 440; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 182 (1866), 347; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 403; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 754; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 810. 1866: 16. A. Commaille. Sur Faction du nitrate d’argent et du protonitrate de mercure sur le bichlorure de platine. (Chloro- platinate of silver, etc.) Pt. C. R. 63 (1866), 553; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 6 (1866), 262; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 125; Chem. News, 14 (1866), 175; J. de pharm. [4], 4 (1866), 363; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 6 (1867), 121; Ztsch. Chem. 9 (1866), 668; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 267. : . 1866: 17. R. Finkener. Ueber die Trennung des Kalium vom Natrium und mehreren anderen Substanzen vermittelst Platin- chlorid. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 129 (1866), 637; Chem. Centrbl; 1867, 333; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 6 (1867), 213. 1866: 18. G. Dragendorff. Ueber einige neue Reagentien auf Al- kaloide. (Iridium trichloride and ruthenium trichloride .) Ir , Ru. Pharm. Ztsch. f. Russland, 5 (1866), 82; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 87. 1866: 19. R. Bunsen. Flammenreactionen. (Platinum metals, pp. 284, 285.) Pd, Pt, Ir, Rh, Os. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 138 (1866), 257; Phil. Mag. [4], 32 (1866), 97, 100; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 27 (1866), 25; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 371; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 780; J. Frank. Inst. 55 (1868), 129, 266. 1866: 20. — Platinum apparatus (platinized copper). Pt. Chem. News, 14 (1866), 179. 1866: 21. G. C. Wittstein. Ueber die Ursache der allmaligen Ge- wichtsabnahme der Platintiegel beim Gliihen. Pt, Os. Polyt. J. (Dingier), 179 (1866), 299; Arch, der Pharm. [2], 125 (1866), 242; Chem. Centrbl. 1866, 79; Vierteljsch. fur Pharm. 15 (1866), 14; Z£sch> Pharm. fiir Russland, 4, 475; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 5 (1866), 98; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 267; Polyt. Notizbl. 21 (1866), No. 2; Pharm. Centrhalle, 7 (1866), No. 1; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 15 (1865-66), 140; Polyt. Centrbl. 32 (1866), 349, 611; Deutsch. 111. Gew. Ztg. (1866), No. 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 125 1866: 22. A. Scheurer-Kestner. (Use of platinum vessels in con- centrating sulphuric acid, and its waste.) Pt. Mech. Mag. (1866), Apr.; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 52 (1866), 69, 471. 1866: 23. J. B. Thomson. (Deposition of platinum.) Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 52 (1866), 69. 1866: 24. R. Bottger. Ueber cine sehr geeignete Flussigkeit zum Yerplatiniren von Kupfer, Messing, Neusilber und dergl. Pt. Jsb. Phys. Ver. Frankfurt, 1866-67: Polyt. J. (Dingier), 188 (1868), 252; J. prakt. Chem. 103 (1868), 311; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 10 (1868), 166; Polyt. Notizbl. 23 (1868), No. 10; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 17 (1867-68), 173. 1866: 25. T. Graham. On the absorption and dialytic separation of gases by colloid septa. Action of metallic septa at a red heat. (Platinum, p. 415; palladium, 426; osmium and iri- dium, 431.) Pt, Pd, Os, Ir. Phil. Trans. London, 156 (1866), 399; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 15 (1866), 223; Chem. News, 14 (1866), 88; J. Chem. Soc. 20 (1867), 235; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Bd. 5 (1867), 33, 53; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 12 (1867), 505; Ann. der Phys. 129 (1866), 576; C. R. 63 (1866), 471; Chem. Centrbl. 1866, 1017; 1867, 130; L’lnstitut, 34 (1866), 315; J. de pharm. [4], 4 (1866), 351; J. prakt. Chem. 99 (1867), 126; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 28 (1867), 193; Phil. Mag. [4], 32 (1866), 401, 503; Polyt. J. (Dingier), ,182 (1866), 307; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 6(1867), 108; Ztsch. Chem. 10(1867), 139; jsb. Chem. 1866, 43. ;v, : \ ' LA \>i. ' 7 ■■ : ■ 1866: 26. P. de Wilde. Action de Fhydrogene sur Facetylene sous F influence du noir de platine. (Absorption of acetylene by platinum.) Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. Bruxelles, 21 (1866), 31; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Bd. 4 (1866), 378; Bui. Soc. chim. 5 (1866), 175; 12 (1869), 103; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 51 (1866), 322; Kosmos, . 1866: 27. A. Matthiessen. On the expansion by heat of metals and alloys. (Palladium, Pogg., 130:59; Platinum, 60.) Pd, Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 156 (1866), 861; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 15 (1867), 220; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 130 (1867), 50; Phil. Mag. [4], 32 (1866), 472; Jsb. Chem. 1866, 24. 1866: 28. V. yon Lang. Orientirung der Warmeleitungsfahigkeit einaxiger Krystalle. (Platinocyanide of magnesium.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 54, ii (1866), 163; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 135(1868), 29; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 16 (1869), 469: Jsb. Chem. 1868, 58; Anzeig. Akad. Wien, 1866, 157. 1867: 1. Iridium in Canada. Ir. Keystone News, Mar. 1 (1867); Chem. News, 15 (1867), 207. 126 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1867: 2. R. Wagner. Platinfabrikation (auf der Pariser Ausstel- lung), aus “Das Hervorragende auf dem Gebiete der chemi- schen Technologie in der allgemeinen Industrieausstellung in Paris im Jahre 1867,” in Kunst und Gewerbebl. d. polyt. Ver. Bayern, 1867. " Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 102 (1867), 125; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 464; Polyt. Centrbl. 33 (1867), 1282. 1867: 3. W. yon Schneider. Ueber Abscheidung des reinen Pla- tins und Iridiums (for technical use). Diss. Dorpat, 1868, p. 62. Pt, Ir. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Bd. 5 (1867), 261; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 10 (1868), 21; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 875; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 7 (1868), 262; Ztsch. Chem. 11 (1868), 182; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 314, 854; Ztsch. Pharm. fur Russland, 1868, 406; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 190 (1868), 118; Polyt. Centrbl. 34 (1868), 1657; Polyt. Notizbl. 23 (1868), No. 19; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 18 (1868-69), 192. 1867: 4. K. Birnbaum. Ueber einige Doppelsalze des Platin- chlorids. Pt. Ztsch. Chem. 10 (1867), 528; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 8 (1867), 416; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 319; Chem. News, 17 (1868), 60. 1867: 5 . K. Birnbaum. Ueber die Verbindungen des Aethylens und seiner Homologen mit dem Platinchlorur. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 145 (1868), 67; Ztsch. Chem. 10 (1867), 388, 518; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 680; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 14 (1868), 452; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 8 (1867), 339; J. prakt. Chem. 104 (1868), 381. 1867: 6. R. Weber. Ueber einige Verbindungen des Platin- und des Goldehlorids. (Mit Chlorwasserstoff und Nitrylchlorur.) Pt. Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1867, 77; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 131 (1867), 441; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 8 (1867), 177; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 329; L’Institut, 35 (1867), 277; J. prakt. Chem. 101 (1867), 42; N. arch, sci. phys. nat. 30 (1867), 182; Ztsch. Chem. 10 (1867), 382; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 319; Chem. News, 16 (1867), 24. 1867: 7. H. H. Croft. Notes on some compounds of palladium. (Chlorides and thiocyanates.) Pd. Chem. News, 16 (1867), 53; Ztsch. Chem. 10 (1867), 671; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 9 (1868), 313; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 816; J. prakt. Chem. 104 (1868), 64; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 331. 1867: 8. E. Carstanjen. Ueber das Thallium und seine Verbin- dungen. (Thallium-Platincyanur, p. 144.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 102 (1867), 129; Ztsch. Chem. 11 (1868), 69; Jsb. Chem. 1867, 281. 1867 : 9. P. T. Cleve. Om nagra derivator af den Gros’ska Platina- basen, I, II. Pt. Handl. Akad. Stockholm [2], 7 (1867), 6; 7 (1868), 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 127 1867: 10. J. Thomsen. En raekke Dobbeltchloride, henhorende til Platinbasernes Gruppe. Pt. Oversigt Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kjobenhavn, 1867, 225; Resume Bui. Soc. roy. Danske, 1867, 42; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 278. 1867: 11. S. M. Jorgensen. Nogle analogier mellem Platin og Tin, et bidrag til belysning af kiselsyrens formel. Pt. Skriften Danske Vid. Selsk. Kjobenhavn [5], 6 (1867), 449. 1867: 12. M. C. Lea. On a new test for hyposulphites. (Purple with ruthenium salts in ammoniacal solution.) Ru. Amer. J. Sci. [2], 44 (1867), 222; J. prakt. Chem. 103 (1868), 444. 1867: 13. Y. Schwarzenbach. Ueber Aequivalenzverhaltnisse der Eiweisskorper. (Albumen and casein with platinum chloride.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 144 (1867), 62; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 10 (1868), 57; J. prakt. Chem. 103 (1868), 57; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 852. 1867: 14. H. Sainte-Claire Deyille. Sur les proprietes du alliage du platine et plombe. (Platinum-lead alloy.) Pt. C. R. 64 (1867), 1098; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 185 (1867), 83; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 272. 1867: 15. (Alloy of platinum and steel.) Pt. Les Mondes, 13 (1867), No. 15; Quart. J. Sci. 4 (1867), 427. 1867: 16. Church. LTeber das Platiniren von Eisen, Kupfer, Messing, u. s. w. Pt. Deutsch. Gewerb. Ztg. 32 (1867), No. 43; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 17 (1867-68), 173. 1867: 17. Church. Bemerkung zu dem Platinirverfahren. Pt. Polyt. Notizbl. 22 (1867), No. 22; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 17 (1867- 68), 174. 1867: 18. R. Bottger. Platin uberziigen auf Glas u. s. w. Pt. Jahrb. Phys. Ver. Frankfurt, 1867-68, 64; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 192 (1869), 475; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 18 (1868-69), 193. 1867: 19. G. Merz. Einige Beitrage zur Experimental-Chemie; 24. Platinmohr in einem Strome von mit Luft vermischtem Leuchtgas. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 101 (1867), 271; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 100. 1867: 20. W. Artus. Anwendung des feinzertheilten Platins in der Schnellessigfabrication. Pt. 4 Polyt. J. (Dingier), 186 (1867), 158; Vierteljsch. fur techn. Chem.; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 272; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 17 (1867-68), 171. 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1868: 1. R. W. Bunsen. Ueber das Rhodium. (Darstellung, Ab- seheidung, Verarbeitung des Platinruckstandes.) Rh, Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 146 (1868), 265; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 11 (1869), 308; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 881; Chem. News, 21 (1870), 39; Phil. Mag. [4], 36 (1868), 253; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 58 (1869), 393: J. prakt. Chem. 105, (1868), 350; Ztsch. Chem. 12 (1869), 3; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 280. 1868: 2. H. Kammerer. Ueber Chlorjodplatin. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 148 (1868), 329; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 11 (1869), 411; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 272; J. prakt. Chem. 106 (1869), 250. 1868: 3. C.Diakonoav. Ueber Platincyanverbindungen der Eiweiss- korper. Pt. Med. Chem. Untersuch. (Hoppe-Seyler), 1 (1866-71), 228; Ztsch. Chem. 11 (1868), 67; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 10 (1868), 58. 1868: 4. W. Skey. On the formation of double sulphocyanides of certain of the alkaloids. (Morphin thiocyanate, etc.) Pt. Chem. News, 17 (1868), 184; J. prakt. Chem. 105 (1868), 420. 1868: 5. V. Marcano. Sobre un nuevo sulfocianato de platina. Pt. Yargasia (Caracas), 1 (1868), 176; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), ’250; Ber. 13 (1880t, 925; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 277; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 403. 1868: 6. P. Schutzenberger. Sur quelques reactions donnant lieu a la production de l’oxyehlorure de carbone, et sur un nouveau compose volatil de platine. (Platinum carbonyl- chloride.) Pt. C. R. 66 (1868), 666, 747; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 10 (1868), 188; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 15 (1868), 100; Chem. Centrbl. 1869, 623; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 47 (1869), 423; J. de pharm. [4], 9 (1869), 218; J. prakt. Chem. 107 (1869), 122, 126; Phil. Mag. [4], 35 (1868), 452; Ztsch. Chem. 11 (1868), 321, 382; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 174, 277; Chem. News, 17 (1868), 191. 1868: 7. F. Wohler. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Metalle im electrischen Strome. (Oxydirbarkeit des Palladiums, des Osmiums, des Rutheniums und des Osmiridiums.) Pd, Os, Ru, Ir. Nachr. Gesel. Wiss. Gottingen, 1868, 169; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 146 (1868), 375; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 10 (1868), 352; Chem. Centrbl. 1868, 889; Ztsch. Chem. 11 (1868), 385; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 192. 1868: 8. H. Topsoe. Krystallografisk-kemisk Undersogelse over Platinets dobbelthaloidsalte. (Double, chlorides, bromides, and iodides of platinum.) Pt. Oversigt Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1868, 123; 1869, 74; Resume Bui. Soc. roy. Danske, 1868, 3; 1869, 19; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 35 (1569). 58; 38 (1870), 297; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 273; 1870, 388; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 683. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 129 1868: 9. H. Topsoe. (Ueber die Hydrate der Platinsaure und das platinsaure Barium.) Pt. Tidsk. Phys. Chem. 7 (1868), 321; Ber. 3 (1870), 462; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 14 (1870), 207; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 424; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 652; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 386; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 47; Amer. Chemist. 1 (1870), 116. 1868: 10. T. Graham. On the occlusion of hydrogen by metals. (Palladium and platinum.) Pd, Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 16 (1868), 422; Chem. News, 18 (1868), 55; Ann, chim. phys. [4], 14 (1868), 315; 15 (1868), 501; Phil. Mag. [4], 36 (1868), 63; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 6 (1868), 284; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 134 (1868), 321; Ann. des mines [7], 1 (1872), 133; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 47 (1869), 417; Ber. 2 (1869), 382; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 11 (1869], 408; L’Institut, 36 (1868), 194; J. prakt. Chem. 105 (1868), 293; C. R. 66 (1868), 1014; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 32 (1868), 148; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 191 (1869), 210, 251; Yierteljschr. fur Pharm. 18 (1869), 449-; Athe- neum, Jan. 16 (1869); Les Mondes, 19 (1869), 126. 1868: 11. J. Chalmers and R. R. Tatlock. On the estimation of potassium. (Purification of platinum residues.) Pt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 6 (1868), 390; Chem. News, 17 (1868), 199. 1868: 12. Vogel. Verwendung durchlocherter Platintiegel. Pt. N. Rep. fur Pharm. 17 (1868), 275; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 8 (1869), 449. 1868: 13. D. Forbes. Glass and platinum forceps for manipula- ting in acid and other solutions. Pt. Chem. News, 18 (1868), 155. 1868: 14. J. B. A. Dode. Paltiniren von Metallen. Pt. Deutsch. Indust. Ztg. 9 (1868), No. 9; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 17 (1867-68), 172. 1868: 15. G. F. C. Frick. Ueber die Verwendung des Iridiums zu Porzellanfarben. Ir. Polyt. Natizbl. ; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 194 (1869), 163; Chem. News, 20 (1869), 286. 1868: 16. G. Quincke. Ueber die Capillaritats-Constanten fester Korper und geschmolzener Korper. (Capillaritats-Coefiicient des Platins und des Palladiums.) Pt, Pd. Monatsber.i Akad. Berlin, 1868, 132,-350; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 134 (1868), 356; 135 (1868), 621; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 15 (1868), 504; 16 (1869), 502; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 32 (1868), 228; Phil. Mag. [4], 36 (1868), 267; Jsb. Chem. 1868, 17, 20. 1868: 17. R. Thalen. Memoire sur la determination des longeurs d’onde des raies metalliques. (Platinum, p. 30, and Ann. chim. phys. 18 : 237 ; palladium, 237; osmium, 243.) Pt, Pd, Os. Nova acta Upsala [3], 6 (1868), 9; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 18 (1869), 202; Repert. fiir phys. Technik, 6 (1870), 27. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 9 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1869: 1. Discovery of platinum in Scotland. Pt. Chem. News, 19 (1869), 154, from “Mining Journal. ” 1869: 2. [F. Wohler.] Vorkommen des Laurits im Platinerz von Oregon. Os, Ru. Nachr. Gesel. Wiss. Gottingen, 1869, 327; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 151 (1869), 374; Ztsch. gesammt. Naturw. 35 (1870), 231. 1869: 3. W. M. Watts. On the atomic weights of gold, platinum, iridium, osmium, rhodium, and palladium. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Chem. News, 19 (1869), 302; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 9 (1870), 155. 1869: 4. T. Graham. On the relation of hydrogen to palladium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 17 (1869), 212; Chem. News, 19 (1869), 52; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 150 (1869), 353; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 16 (1869), 188; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 136 (1869), 317; C. R. 68 (1869), 101; Chem. Centrbl. 1869, 719; J. Chem. Soc. 22 (1869), 419; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 57 (1869), 256; J. prakt. Chem. 106 (1869), 426; Phil. Mag. [4], 37 (1869), 122; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 194 (1869), 133; Revista minera, 20 (1869), 129. 1869: 5. T. Graham. Additional observations on hydrogenium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 17 (1869), 500; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 152 (1869), 168; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 16 (1869), 188; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 138 (1869), 49; Chem. News, 20 (1869), 16; C. R. 68 (1869), 1511; J. de pharm. [4], 10 (1869), 168; Phil. Mag. [4], 38 (1869), 459; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 194 (1869), 133, 382. 1869: 6. C. A. Wurtz. Note sur la preparation d’un hydrure de palladium. Pd. C. R. 68 (1869), 111. 1869: 7. R. Bottger. PaUadiumwasserstoff. Pd. Ber. 2 (1869), 609; from 43 Yersamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. 1869: 8. W. C. Roberts. Note on the experimental illustration of the expansion of palladium attending the formation of its alloy with hydrogenium. Pd. Phil. Mag. [4], 38 (1869), 51; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 18 (1S69), 381; Ber. 2 (1869), 287; Student and Intel. Obs. 3 (1869), 311; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 298. 1869: 9. J. Dewar. On the motion of a palladium plate during the formation of Graham’s hydrogenium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 6 (1869), 504; Phil. Mag. [4], 37 (1869), 424; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 297. 1869: 10. A. W. Hofmann. (Account of a palladium hydrogen medal given by Graham to Magnus.) Pd. Ber. 2 (1869), 476; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 194 (1869), 355. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 131 1869: 11. H. Topsoe. Krystallografisk-kemiske undersogelser over dobbelthaloidsaltene. (Double chlorides of palladium.) Pd. Oversigt Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1869, 246; Resume Bui. Soc. roy. Danske, 1869, 34; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 38 (1870), 374; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 684; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 393. * 1869: 12. K. Birnbaum. Ueber die Einwirkung der schwefligen Saure auf Platinchlorid. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 152 (1869), 137; 159 (1871), 116; Chem. News, 20 (1869), 189, 322; 24 (1871), 109; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 532; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 139; 16 (1871), 82; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 891; Ztsch. Chem. 12 (1869), 504; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 293; 1871, 347; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 602. 1869: 13. R. Schneider. Ueber eine neue Reihe krystallisirter Platinverbindungen. (Oxysulphide of platinum and tin.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 136 (1869), 105; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 100; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 12 (1869), 243; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 49 (1870), 109; Chem. News, 19 (1869), 179; Ztsch. Chem. 12 (1869), 513; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 296. 1869: 14. R. Schneider. Ueber neue Schwefelsalze. (Platinum thiocyanate, double sulphides of platinum and palladium, oxide of palladium.) Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 136 (1869), 460; 138 (1869), 299, 604; 139 (1870), 661; 141 (1870), 519; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 14 (1870), 205; J. prakt. Chem. 108 (1869), 22; [2], 2 (1870), 141; 3(1871), 103; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 102, 572; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 476; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 313; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 366; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 229, 231, 391. 1869: 15. P. Weselsky. Ueber einige Doppelcyanverbindungen. (New method of forming.) Pt, Pd. Ber. 2 (1869), 588; Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 60, ii (1870), 261; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 336; Ztsch. Chem. 31 (1871), 16; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 313. 1869: 16. J. Thomsen. Ueber eine neue den Platinbasen angehorige Gruppe von Doppelchloriden. (Platinum ammonium bases.) Pt. Ber. 2 (1869), 668; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 503; Chem. Centrbl. 1869, 1034; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 292. 1869: 16a. C. W. Blomstrand. Die Chemie der Jetztzeit. Heidel- berg, 1869. 1869: 17. C. W. Blomstrand. Zur Kenntniss der gepaarten Ver- bindungen des funfatomigen Sticks toffes. (Cyanplatin Ver- bindungen and Platinammonium Basen.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 26 (1870), 201; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 3 (1871), 186; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 800; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 346. 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1869: 18. C. W. Blomstrand. Zur Kenntniss der gepaarten Ver- bindungen der anorganiscben Chemie. (Platinum double cyanides, thiocyanates, and nitrites.) Pt. Ber. 2 (1869), 202; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 144; Ztsch. Ghem. 12 (1869), 439; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 49 (1869), 110. 1869: 19. C. Scheibler. Zur Analyse der Gold- und Platinsalze organischer Basen. Pt. Ber. 2 (1869), 295; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 48; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 9 (1870), 272. 1869: 20. P. Owsjannikow. Ueber die Einwirkung der Osmiamid- verbindung Fremy’s auf thierische Gewebe. Os. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersb. 13 (1869), 466; J. Prakt. Chem. 108 (1869), 186; Chem. News, 21 (1870), 132. 1869: 21. W. Skey. On the fusibility of platinum in tbe blowpipo flame. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 2 (1869), 155; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 268; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 87; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 199 (1871), 426; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 380; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1871), 314. 1869: 22. E. Bottger. Die Erzeugung von glanzenden Platin- uberziigen auf Glas, Porcellan, u. s. w. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 107 (1869), 43; Ber. 2 (1869), 612; from 43. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 59 (1870), 360; Chem. News, 20 (1869), 58; Polyt. Notizbl. 24 (1869), No. 10; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 198 (1870), 475; Deutsch. Indust. Ztg. 10 (1869), No. 25. 1869: 23, Platinizing fluid (for plating copper, etc.). Pt. Quart. J. Sci. 6 (1869), 428. 1869: 24. Platiniren. Pt. Scient. Amer. ; Deutsch. Gewerb. Ztg. 35 (1870), No. 7; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 19 (1869-70), 156. 1869: 25. A. W. Hofmann. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Methylal- dehydes. (Formation of platinum mirror by methyl alcohol.) Pt. Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1869, 362; J. prakt. Chem. 107 (1869), 414; Ber. 2 (1869), 152; Ztsch. Chem. 12 (1869), 375. 1869 : 26 . M. Reimann. Indelible ink for marking linen. (Use of platinum chloride for purple ink.) Scient. Amer. 21 (1869), 162; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 195 (1870), 285; Deutsch. illust. Gewerbeztg. 1869, 313; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 1264. 1869:27 . A. H. L. Fizeau. Tableau des dilations par la chaleur de divers corps simples metalliques, etc. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. C. R. 68 (1869), 1125; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 138 (1869), 26; Les Mondea, 20 (1869), 139; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 85. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 133 1869: 28. W. Gibbs. On the wave lengths of the spectral lines of the elements. Pt, Pd, Os. Amer. J. Sci. [2], 47 (I860), 194. 1869: 30. R. Bottger. Ueber das Auftreten activen Wasser- stoff gases bei der Elektrolyse angesauerten Wassers mittelst eines als Kathode dienenden PaUadiumblechs. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. 107 (1869), 41; Ztsch. gesammt. Naturw. 33 (1869), 378. 1869: 31. A. von Obermayer. Experimentelle Bcstimmung des Leitungswiderstandes in Platin-Blechen. Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 60, ii (1869), 245. 1869: 32. J. M. Gaugain. Sur les forces 61ectromotrices que le platine developpe lorsqu’il est mis en contact avec divers liquides. Pt. C. It. 69 (1869), 1300; Chem. News, 20 (1869), 321; L’Institut, 37 (1869), 401; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 147. 1869: 33. E. Villari. Sulla forza elettro-mo trice del palladio nelle pile a gas. Pd. Rendiconti 1st. lombardo [2], 2 (1869), 1085; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) 151 (1874), 608; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 123. 1869: 34. J. C. Poggendorff. Ueber das galvanische Verhalten des Palladiums. Pd. Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1869, 116; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 136 (1869), 483; J. prakt. Chem. 108 (1869), 232; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 17 (1869), 505; Ber. 2 (1869), 74; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 12 (1869), 234; Phil. Mag. [4], 37 (1869), 474; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 192 (1869), 426; Ztsch. Chem. 12 (1869), 348; Jsb. Chem. 1869, 298. 1870: 1. A. E. Nordenskjold. Platin in Lappland. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 140 (1870), 336; Arch, der Pharm. [2], 144 (1870), 183; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 487; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 96; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 197 (1870), 289; Jsb. Chenu 1870, 1270; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1870), 157. 1870: la. C. F. Hartt. Geology and physical geography of Brazil. Boston, 1870. (Platinum in quartz, p. 448; palladium of Minas Geraes, p. 542.) Pt, Pd. 1870: lb. F. A. Genth. Discovery of rhodium gold in San Domingo. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 11 (1870), 438. 1870: 2. P. A. Favre. Recherches thermiques sur le caractere metallique de Thydrogene associe au palladium. Pd. C. It. 71 (1870), 214; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 150; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 59 (1870), 352; Chem. News, 19 (1869), 299; Quart. J. Sci. 7 (1870), 105. 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1870: 3. S. A. Norton. Ueber ein neues Chlorplatin. (With 5 molecules of water.) J. prakt. Chem. [2], 2 (1870), 469; Amer. J. Sci. [3J, 1 (1871), 375; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 15 (1871), 61; Chem. News, 23 (1871), 83; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 388. 1870:4. J. Thomsen. Ueber Berylliumplatinchlorid. Pt. Ber. 3 (1870), 827; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 15 (1871), 50; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 263; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 202; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 266; Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 45; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1871), 268. 1870: 5. A. Cahours and H. Gal. Recherches sur de nouveaux derives platiniques des bases phosphorees. Pt. C. R. 70 (1870), 897; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 155 (1870), 223; Ber. 3 (1870), 501; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 14 (1870), 386; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 321; LTnstitut, 38 (1870), 129; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 2 (1870), 213; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 349; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 808; J. de l’anat. (Robin), 7 (1871), 396; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1870), 27. 1870: 6. A. Cahours and H. Gal. Recherches sur de nouveaux derives de la triethylphosphine. Pt. C. R. 70 (1870), 1380; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 155 (1870), 355; Ber. 3 (1870), 800; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 14 (1870), 386; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 451; LTnstitut, 38 (1870), 140; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 2 (1870), 213; Ztsch- Chem. 13 (1870), 349; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 808. 1870: 7. A. Cahours and IT. Gal. Recherches relatives k T action des chlorures de platine, de palladium et d’or sur les phosphines et les arsines. Pt, Pd. C. R. 71 (1870), 208; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 156 (1870), 302; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 14 (1870), 387; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 500; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 58; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 50 (1870), 415; LTnstitut, 38 (1870), 212, 250; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 2 (1870), 460; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 662; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 812; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1870), 147. 1870: 8. H. Kolbe. Ueber die chemische Constitution obiger [von Cahours und Gal] dargestellter Phosphorplatinverbindungen. (Also considers platinum ammonium bases.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 2 (1870), 217; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 661; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 813. 1870: 9. P. Schutzenberger. Recherches sur le platine. Combi- naisons de .jous clilorure de platine avec l’oxyd de charbon et trichlorure de phosphore. (Compounds of platinum bichloride with carbonyl chloride and with phosphorus trichloride and of platinum tetrachloride with alcohol.) Pt. C. R. 70 (1870), 1134, 1287, 1414; 71 (1870), 69; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 21 (1870), 350; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 483; 14 (1870), 17, 97, 178; Ber. 3 (1870), 505, 574, 678; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 387, 438, 456; Chem. News, 21 (1870), 262, 298; 122 (1870), 107; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), Suppl. Bd. 8 (1872), 242; LTnstitut, 38 (1870), 171; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 4 (1871), 159; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 171, 408; Amer. J. Sci. [2], 50 (1870), 144, 414, 415; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 381, 382, 384, 388; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 1009; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1870), 68, 150. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 135 1870: 10. E. Fremy. Recherches sur l’acide azoteux. (Reduction of potassium osmate to osmite by nitrous acid.) Os. C. Pv. 70 (1870), 61; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 108; J. de pharm. 11 (1870), 193. 1870: 11. P. T. Cleve. Om n&gra isomera Platinabaser. Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 27 (1870), 777. 1870: 12. P. T. Cleye. Om Platina-baser, hvilka inneholla organ- iska radikaler. (Anilin bases, etc.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 27 (1870), 883. 1870: 13. C. Gordon. Zur Geschichte der Platinbasen. Pt. Ber. 3 (1870), 174; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 518; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 197; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 518; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 813. 1870: 14. C. W. Elomstrand. Om isomera Platina-baser. Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 27 (1870), 789. 1870: 15. S. E. Phillips. On the platin-ammonia compounds. Pt. Chem. News, 22 (1870), 49; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 391. 1870: 16. W. Odling. On the ammonia compounds of platinum. Pt. Proc. Roy. Inst. 6 (1872), 176; Chem. News, 21 (1870), 269, 289; Ber. 3 (1870), 682; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 435; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 389. 1870: 17. H. Topsoe. Ueber einige Methoden zur Bestimmung des Chlors, des Broms, und des Iods in ihrer Verbindungen mit Platin. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 9 (1870), 30; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 14 (1870), 46. 1870: 18. E. Johannsen. Ueber das Verhalten des Platinclilorids gegen Kalk- und Barytwasser. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 155 (1870), 204; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 15 (1871), 58; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 580; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 178; Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 44; Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 683; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 386. 1870: 19. K. Preiss. Ueber quantitative Bestimmung der Doppel- cyanide. (By heating with oxalic acid.) Pt. Sitzber. Bohm. Gesell. 1870, ii, 79. 1870: 20. [M. G. Farmer.] Fusing iridosmine. Ir, Os. Amer. Chem. 1 (1870), 27; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 225; Quart. J. Sci. 8 (1871), 115. 1870: 21. H. Sainte-Claire Deville. [Fusion of platinum with spirting.] Pt. C. R. 70 (1870), 256, 287; Chem. News, 21 (1870), 94; Quart. J. Sci. 7 (1870), 287. 1870: 22. C. Chojnacki. Ueber die Verbindungen des Aethylens mit Eisen- und Platinbromur. Pt. Ztsch. Chem. 13 (1870), 419; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 15 (1871), 68. 136 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1870: 23. F. Stolba. Ueber die Gewichtsabnahme der Platintiegel bei andauernder Gluhhitze. (And use of sea sand for cleaning platinum crucibles.) Pt. Abh. Bohm. Gesell. [6], 4 (1870), 4, 5; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 198 (1870), 177; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 737; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 275; Polyt. Notiz. 25 (1870), 365; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 10 (1871), 333; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 923. 1870:24. A. Bauer. Ueber eine Legirung des Bleis mit Platin. Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 62, ii (1870), 46; Ber. 3 (1870), 830; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 198 (1870), 218; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 15 (1871), 49; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 691; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 263; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 226; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 202; Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 55; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 380; Amer. Chemist, 1 (1871), 268. 1870: 25. A. Descloizeaux. Note sur la forme cristalline et les proprietos optiques d’une combinaison de protochlorure de platine et de triathylphosphine analogue au sel de Magnus. C. R. 70 (1870), 970. Pt. 1870: 26. Platinapparat fur Goldproben von Johnson, Matthey & Co., in London. Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 29 (1870), 325. 1870: 27. A. Jouglet. Sur la fabrication des glaces et miroirs platinises. (By use of essence of lavender.) Pt. C. R. 70 (1870), 52; Ber. 3 (1870), 37; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 13 (1870), 477; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 86; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 195 (1870), 464; Quart. J. Sci. 7 (1870), 262: Deutsch. Gewerb. Ztg. 25 (1870), No. 14; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 19 (1869—70), 175; Gewerbebl. aus Wiirtembg. 1870, No. 16. 1870: 28. H. Schwarz. Ueber Glanzgold, Glanzplatin, und die Liisterfarben. Pt. Polyt. J. (Dingier), 197 (1870), 243; Chem. Centrbl. 1870, 555; Polyt. Centrbl. 36 (1870), 1617; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 1157. 1870: 29. J. Schoras. L T eber eigenthiimliche Farbenerscheinungen gewisser Platincyan-Metalle. Pt. Ber. 3 (1870), 13. 1870: 30. L. Schonn. Zur Passivitat des Eisens und zur Elek- trolyse. (Iron made passive by platinum wire.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Erganz. Bd. 5 (1871), 319; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 124. 1870: 31. Schinz. (Platinum light.) Pt. Cosmos, rev. encycl. (1870), Jan. 8; Chem. News, 21 (1870), 35. 1870: 32. J. Thomsen. Thermochemiske L T ntersogelser. (Chlor- platinsaure, p. 213.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 139 (1870), 193; 140 (1870), 524, 532; Ber. 9 (1876), 163; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 118, 122; Skrifte Danske Selsk. [5], 8 (1870), 369; 9 (1873), 265. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 137 1870: 33. R. Bunsen. Calorimetrische Untersuchungen. (Spe- cific heat of ruthenium, p. 27.) Ru. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 141 (1870), 1; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 23 (1871), 58; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 61; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 40 (1871), 25; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 10 (1871), 257; Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 8; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 83. 1870: 34. W. Skey. Absorption of sulphur by gold, and its effects in retarding amalgamation. (Action of hydrogen sulphide on platinum.) Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 3 (1870), 216; Chem. News, 22 (1870), 282; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 1071. 1870: 3 5 . W. Skey. On the absorptive properties of platinum. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 3 (1870), 221. Pt. 1870: 36. W. Skey. On the capability of certain sulphides to form the negative pole of a galvanic circuit or battery. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 3 (1870), 225; Chem. News, 23 (1871), 291. 1870: 37. W. Skey. On the reduction of certain metals from their solution by metallic sulphides and the relation of this to the occurrence of such metals in a native state. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 3 (1870), 225; Chem. News, 23 (1871), 232; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 374. 1870: 38. W. Skey. On the electro-motive power of metallic sul- phides. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 3 (1870), 232; Chem. News, 23 (1871), 255. 1870: 39. E. Edlund. Om den elektromotoriska Kraften vid beroring mellem Metaller. (Electromotive force from con- tact of copper with platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 27 (1870), 3, 927; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 143 (1871), 404, 534 (Pt: Pd, 547, 560; Cu: Pt 538,555); Ann. chim. phys. 23 (1871), 356; L’lnstitut, 39 (1871), 152; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 42 (1871), 402; Phil. Mag. 41 (1871), 18; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 121 . Gold- und Platingewinnung in Russland. Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 30 (1871), 361; Polyt. Centrbl. 37 (1871), 1447;' Polyt. J. (Dingier), 203 (1872), 152; Amer. Chemist, 2 (1872), 5.35. R. Bottger. Reducirende Wirkung des mit Wasser- stoff beladenen Palladiums. (Auf Ferricyankalium.) Pd. Ber. 4 (1871), 809; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 721; Polyt. Notizbl. 26 (1871), No. 10; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 201 (1871), 80; 206 (1872), 155; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 203 (from 44. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. und Aerzte); Gaz. chim. 3 (1873), 89. 1871: 1. 1871: 2. 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1871: 3. K. Lisenko. (Quantity of hydrogen in hydride of palla- dium.) Pd. J. Russ. chem. Gesel. 3 (1871), 307; 4 (1872), 210; Ber. 5 (1872), 29: Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 17 (1872), 117; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 178; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 278; Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 115. 1871: 4. C. F. Mohr. Ueber die metallische Natur des Wasser- stoffs. Pd. Ber. 4 (1871), 239: Jsb. Chem. 1871, 202. 1871: 5. H. Kolbe. Ueber die reducirenden Wirkungen des vom Palladium absorbirten Wasserst offgases. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 4 (1871), 418; Chem. News, 25 (1872), 46; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 203. 1871:6. H. Lawrow. Ueber crystallisirtes Platinchlorid. Pt. Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 615; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 17 (1872), 504; Chem Centrbl. 1872, 354; J. Chem. Soc. 25 (1872), 600; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 277 Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 401. 1871: 7. S. P. Sadtler. On the iridium compounds, analogous to the aethylen and protochloride of platinum salts. (IrCl 4 , 2C 2 H 4 ,2KC1.) Inaug. Diss. Gottingen, 1871. Ir, Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 2 (1871), 338; Ber. 4 (1871), 681; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 17 (1872), 54; Chem. News, 24 (1871), 280; J. Chem. Soc. 25 (.1872), 48; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 335; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 536. 1871:8. W. Gibbs. Hexatomische Verbindungen des Iridiums mi t saltpetriger Saure. Ir. Ber. 4 (1871), 280; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 16 (1871), 82; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 354; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 200. 1871: 9. R. J. Friswell. A new double salt of thallium. (Thal- lium platinocyanide with potassium carbonate.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 461; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 159 (1871), 383; Ber. 4 (1871), 529; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 16 (1871), 87; Chem. News, 23 (1871), 249; Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 414; Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 26, 170. 1871: 10. F. Toczynski. Ueber die Platincyanide und Tartrate des Berylliums. Pt. Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 275; Pharm. Ztsch. Russland, 11 (1872), 166, 201; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 16 (1871), 254; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 564; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 1013; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 359. 1871: 11. W. C. Lossen. Ueber die Chlorhydrate des Hydroxyl- amins. (Platinum ammonium bases from mixture of plati- num chloride and hydroxvlamin, p. 247.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 160 (1871), 243; Ztsch. Chem. 14 (1871), 326. 1871: 12. P. T. Cleve. On ammoniacal platinum bases. Pt. Handl. Akad. Stockholm [2], 10 (1871), No. 9; Ber. 4 (1871), 70, 673; 6 (1873), 1468; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 15 (1871), 161; 16 (1871), 203; 17 (1872), 100, 294; Chem. News, 24 (1871), 73; 25 (1872), 47, 286, 311; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 342; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 349; 1872, 278; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 4 (1872), 226; Amer. Chemist, 2 (1872), 391. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 139 1871: 13. P. T. Cleve. Om n&gra marklige isomerier uti den oor- ganiska Kemien. (Platinum ammonium bases.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 28 (1871), 175. 1871: 14. P. T. Cleve. Nitriter af nagra platinabaser. Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 28 (1871), 181. 1871 : 15. P. T. Cleve. Sulfiter af de isomera baserna platosammin och platosemidiammin. Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 28 (1871), 187. 1871: 16. C. W. Blomstrand. Ueber die MetaUammoniake oder die Metall amine. (Platinbasen.) Pt. Ber. 4 (1871), 40, 70; Chem. Centrbl. 1871, 800. 1871: 17. C. W. Blomstrand. Zur Frage fiber die Verbindungs- werte der Grundstoffe. (Wertigkeit des Platins in Platin- basen.) Pt. Ber. 4 (1871), 639. 1871: 18. A. Rabuteau. Recherches sur les proprietes physio- logiques de divers sels du genre chlorure. Des albuminuries metalliques. (Action of palladium chloride.) Pd. C. R. 73 (1871), 1390; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 8. 1871: 19. H. Topsoe and C. Christiansen. Krystallografisk- optiske undersogelser, med saerligt hensyn til isomorfe stuff er. (Chloro- and bromoplatinates.) Pt. Skrifter Danske Selsk. Kjobenhavn [5], 9 (1873), 623; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 1 (1874), 41. 1871: 20. F. Jean. (Sodium sulphide as blowpipe reagent for plat- inum, palladium, and iridium.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Scientific Press (San Francisco), 23 (1871), No. 13; Berg- u. Hfitten. Ztg. 30 (1871), 414; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 213. 1871: 21. J. Thomsen. Thermochemische Untersuchungen. (Neu- tralization of chlorplatinic acid, p. 533.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 143 (1871), 497; Ber. 4 (1871), 586; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 16 (1871), 163; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 106. 1871: 22. Manufacture of platinum in New York. (Edi- torial note.) Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 62 (1871), 218. 1871: 23. E. J. Chapman. Fusibility of platinum by the blow- pipe. Pt. Chem. News, 23 (1871), 33; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 34G. 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1871: 24. A. Bauer. Ueber einige Legirungen. (Bleiplatin und Bleipalladium.) Pt, Pd. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 63, ii (1871), 333; Ber. 4 (1871), 449; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 200 (1872), 285; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 16 (1871), 78; Gaz. chim. 1 (1871), 366; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 1166; Ztsch. Chern. 14 (1871), 542; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 316. 1871 : 25. Klinkerfues. (Apparatus for lighting gas by condensa- tion of gas on platinum wire.) Pt. Deutsch. Indust . Ztg. 1871, 365; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 49. 1871: 26. E. Baudrimont. Recherches sur Taction intime des substances qui aident a la decomposition du chlorate de potasse pour en degager l’oxygene. (Action of finely divided platinum.) Pt. C. R. 73 (1871), 254; J. de pharm. 14 (1871), 81, 161; J. Chem. Soc. 24 (1871), 1154; Moniteur scientif. 13 (1871), 783. 1871: 27. W. Skey. On the electro-motive and electrolytic phenomena developed by gold and platina in solution of the alkaline sulphides and sulphuretted hydrogen. (And in sea water.) Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 4 (1871), 313; Chem. News, 23 (1871), 221; Amer. Chemist, 2 (1872), 48; Jsb. Chem. 1871, 123. 1872: 1 . A. Bettendorff. Ueber die Reindarstellung der Platin- metalle. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Sitzber. Niederrhein. Gesel. Bonn, 29 (1872), 9. 1872: 2. W. C. Roberts and C. R. A. Wright. On the condition of the hydrogen occluded by palladium, as indicated by the specific heat of the charged metal. Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 112; Ber. 5 (1872), 996, 1062; Chem. News, 26 (1872), 286; Chem. Centrbl. 1873, 258. 1872: 3. S. A. Norton. Weitere Mittheilung liber das neue Platin- chlorid (PtCl 4 ,5H 2 0). Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 5 (1872), 365; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 4 (1872), 312; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 18 (1872), 220; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 372; Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 242; J. Chem. Soc. 25 (1872), 680; Amer. Chemist, 3 (1872), 69. 1872: 4. P. Schutzenberger and C. Fontaine. Memoire sur les composes phosphoplatiniques. (Chlorure et les acides phospho- platineux et platinique.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 17 (1872), 386, 482, 529; 18 (1872), 101, 148; Ber. 5 (1872), 222, 555; Chem. News, 26 (1872), 36, 48; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 549; Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 399, 480, 486; J. Chem. Soc. 25 (1872), 791; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 278. 1872: 5. G. Saillard. Sur une nouvelle combinaison phosplio- platinique deriv6e de la toluidine. Pt. C. R. 74 (1872), 1526; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 18 (1872), 254; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 549; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 278; Amer. Chemist, 3 (1873), 307. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 141 1872: 6. P. T. Cleve and O. M. Hoeglund. Sur les combinaisons de Tyttrium et de Terbium. (Platinocyanides of yttrium, erbium, didymium, and thorium, with crystallography.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 18 (1872), 198; Bihang Akad. Handl. Stockholm, 1 (1872), No. 8; Ber. 6 (1873), 1468; J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 136. 1872: 7. H. C. Bolton. Observations on the platinocyanide of magnesium. (With bibliography of the literature of platino- cyanide of magnesium, p. 370.) Pt. Amer. Chem. 2 (1872), 367. 1872: 8. A. Guerout. De Taction de Tacide sulfureux sur les sulfures insolubles recemment precipites. (Platinum sulphide not acted on.) Pt. C. R. 75 (1872), 1276; Gaz. chim. 3 (1873), 108; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 176. 1872: 9. H. Topsoe. KrystaUographisch-chemische TJntersuch- ungen. (Crystallization of platinum bases.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 66, ii (1872), 5; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 163; N. arch, sci. phys. nat. 45 (1872), 76. 1872: 10. H. Violette. Fusion du platine. Pt. C. R. 75 (1872), 1027; Ann. chim. phys. 28 (1873), 469; Be”. 5 (1872) 938; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 19 (1873), 39; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 785; Chem. News, 26 (1872), 227; 27 (1873), 224, 246; J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 477; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 65 (1873), 157; Gaz. chim. 3 (1873), 102; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 206 (1872), 283; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 276; 1873, 291; Amer. Chemist, 3 (1873), 391; 4 (1873), 37; Les Mondes (1872), Nov. 7; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 5, ii (1873), 56; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 22 (1872-73), 219; Quart. J. Sci. 10 (1873), 415; Polyt. Centrbl. 39 (1873), 65. 1872: 11. J. B. Dumas. Fusion du platine. (Query raised on Violette’s paper, 1872: 10.) Pt. C. R. 75 (1872), 1028; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 277. 1872: 12. R. Hasenclever. Ueber Concentration von Schwefel- saure. (Platin-apparat, p. 506.) Ber. 5 (1872), 502. 1872: 13. Manufacture of platinum in Chester County, New York. (Editorial note.) Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 63 (1872), 9. 1872: 14. J. B. Thompson. On pyroplating (with platinum, etc.) Chem. News, 26 (1872), 26; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 18 (1872), 518. Pt. 1872: 15. J. L. Smith. A new and ready method of forming plati- num black. Pt. Amer. Chem. 2 (1872), 291; Chem. News, 26 (1872), 208; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 19 (1873), 119; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 273; 1873, 20; Gaz. chim. 3 (1873), 179; J. Chem. Soc. 25 (1872), 790; 26 (1873), 141; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 204 (1872), 76; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 277. 142 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. « 1872: 16. A. Jouglet. (Platinum coinage.) Pt. Moniteur scient. (1872), Dec.; Chem. News, 26 (1872), 288. 1872: 17. M. Saytzeff. Ueber die Einwirkung des vom Palladium absorbirten Wassers toffs auf einige organische Verbindungen. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 6 (1872), 128; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 758; Chem. News, 26 (1872), 241; Gaz. chim. 2 (1872), 469; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 279; Amer. Chemist, 3 (1873), 305. 1872: 18. R. Bottger. (Ueber das Verhalten von Platin- und Palladiumsalzen zu ameisensaurem Natron.) Pt, Pd. Jsb. Phys. Yer. Frankfort, 1872-73, 11, 14; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 322, 371; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 13 (1874), 176; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 22 (1872-73), 220; Indust. Blatter, 10 (1873), No. 1. 1872: 19. P. Desaines. Recherches sur la reflexion de la chaleur a la surface des corps polis. Pt. C. R, 74 (1872), 1102, 1185; Phil. Mag. [4], 43 (1872), 544; 44 (1872), 77; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 103. 1872: 20. H. Buff. Ueber die Ausdehnungswarme fester Korper Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 145 (1872), 626; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 44 (1872), 341; Phil. Mag. [4], 44 (1872), 544; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 59. 1872: 21. A.Merget. (Sur des nouveaux precedes pour la reduction des sels des metaux des derniers sections.) (Photochimique?) Ann. Soc. agric. Lyon, 5 (1872), 104. Pt, Pd, Ir. 1872: 22. J. M. Gaugain. Sur les forces electromotrices develop- pees au contact des metaux et des liquides inactifs. (Electro- motive action of wet platinum plates.) Pt. C. R. 74 (1872), 610, 1332; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 108. 1872: 23. H. Helmholtz. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation des Platin. Pt. Ztsch. gesammt. Naturw. 6 (1872), 186; J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 463; Chem. Centrbl. 1872, 689. 1873: a. Tschupin. Geographical and statistical dictionary of the State of Perm. 1873. Pt. 1873: 1. A. Vogel. Platinerz von San Domingo. Pt. N. Rep. fur Pharm. 22 (1873), 292; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 196; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 291. 1873: la. B. Silliman. Platinum and iridosmine (in Cherokee washings, Butte County, Calif.) Pt, Ir, Os. Amer. J. Sc. [3], 6 (1873), 132. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 143 1873: 2. T. Knosel. Ueber Verarbeitung der Platinr ticks tande . Pt. Ber. 6 (1873), 1159; Polyt. J. (Dinger), 210 (1873), 189; Bui. Soc. chini. [2], 21 (1874), 179; Chem. Centrbl. 1873, 723; Chem. News, 28 (1873), 280; Gaz. chim. 4 (1874), 147; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 443; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 291; Amer. Chemist, 4 (1874), 312; Deutsche Gewerb. Ztg. 39 (1874), No. 3; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 23 (1873-74), 186. 1873: 3. J. Dewar. On the physical constants of hydrogenium. Pd. Trans. Roy. Soe. Edinb. 27 (1873), 167; Phil. Mag. [4], 47 (1874), 334; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 50 (1874), 207; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 180; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 866. 1873: 4. R. W. Raymond. The mining industry as illustrated at the Vienna Exposition. (Platinum industry of Russia, and note on an ingot of palladium.) Pt, Pd. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. 2 (1873), 138; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 6 (1873), 474. 1873: 5. C. de Marignac. Notices chimiques et eristallographiques sur quelques sels de glucine et des metaux de la c6rite. (Chloro- platinates, p. 212, and Ann. chim. phys. p. 65.) Pt. N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 46 (1873), 193; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 30 (1873), 45; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 24. 1873: 6. A. Welkow. Beryllium-Platinchlorid. Pt. Ber. 6 (1873), 1288; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 50; Chem. News, 29 (1874), 51. 1873: 7. W. Gibbs. Researches on the hexatomic compounds of cobalt. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 6 (1873), 116; Ber. 6 (18.73), 830. 1873: 8. R. Schneider. Ueber neue Schwefelsalze. (Double sul- phide of platinum and sodium.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 149 (1873), 381; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 8 (1873), 29; Gaz. chim. 4 (1874), 143; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 20 (1873), 259; J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 1197; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 197. 1873: 9. R. Schneider. Ueber neue Schwefelsalze. (Double sul- phides of palladium.) Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 148 (1873), 625; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 7 (1873), 214; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 20 (1873), 259; Gaz. chim. 3 (1873), 585; 4 (1874), 93; J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 1197; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 195. 1873: 10. S. P. Sharples. Ammonio-platinous chloride. (Salt of Magnus.) Pt. Amer. Chem. 4 (1873), 46; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 292. 1873 : 1 1. N. O. Holst. Bidrag till kannedomen om Platinans Cyan- foreningar. (Platinocyanides of barium, strontium, etc.) Pt. irs-skrift Univ. Lund, 10, ii (1873), No. 6; Ber. 8 (1875.)., 124; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 238; Bui. Soc. chim. ,[2], 22 (1874), 347; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 786. 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1873: 12. W. J. Russell. On the action of hydrogen on silver ni- trate (and solutions of platinum and palladium, p. 11). Pt, Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 3; Ber. 6 (1873), 1423; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 447; Chem. News, 28 (1873), 277 1873: 13. O. Pettersson. Untersuehungen uber Molecularvolu- mina einiger Reihen von isomorphen Salzen. (Double salts of platinum.) Pt. Nova acta Soc. Upsala [3], 9 (1873); Ber. 7 (1874), 478. 1873: 14. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and H. Debray. (Alliage du platine et de Tiridium.) Pt, Ir. N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 48 (1873), 45; Jsb. Chem. 1872, 291; Gazz. chim. ital. 4 (1874), 167. 1873: 15. S. Bottone. Relation zwischen Atomgewicht, speci- fischem Gewicht, und Harte metallischer Elemente. Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 150 1873), 644; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 114; Chem. News, 27 (1873), 215; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 6 (1873), 457; Les Mondes, 31 (1873), 720. 1873: 16. F. Stolba. Ueber Platinschmelztiegel. Pt. Sitzber. Bohm. Gesel. Wiss. 1873, 325; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 114; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 13 (1874), 309; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 1011. 1873: 17. F. Mohr. Correction des Platintiegelgewichts. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 12 (1873), 150; Chem. News, 29 (1874), 27; Amer. Chemist, 4 (1873); 233. 1873: 18. Helonis. Platinbronce. (Patent.) Pt. Ber. 6 (1873), 42; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 19 (1873), 43; Amer. Chemist, 4 (1873), 235; Gaceta indust. No. 371; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 5, ii (1873), 268; Deutsch. Indust. Ztg. 14 (1873), No. 1; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 22 (1872-73), 221. 1873: 19. J. B. A. Dode. Platinage aurifere des glaces. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 19 (1873), 572; Ber. 6 (1873), 1273; Deutsch. Gewerb. Ztg. 39 (1874), No. 4; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 23 (1873-74), 204; Deutsch. Indust. Ztg. 14 (1873), No. 49; Polyt. Centrbl. 39 (1873), 1440; Polyt. J. (Dingl.), 211 (1874), 74; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 928. 1873: 20. W. C. Rontgen. Ueber das Lothen von platinirten Glasern. * Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 150 (1873), 331; Chem. News, 30 (1874), 187; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 24 (1874-75), 128; Repert. fur exp. Physik, 10, No. 3; Deutsch. Indust. Ztg. 15 (1874), 328. 1873: 21. A. Merget. Recherches photochimiques sur l’emploi des gaz comme r6velateurs, et sur Tinfluence des conditions physiques au point de vue de la sensibilisation. (Reduction of platinum salts by hydrogen.) Pt, Pd, Ir. C. R. 76 (1873), 1470; 77 (1873), 38; Chem. News, 28 (1873), 70. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 145 1873: 22. H. Pellet. [Reduction des sels du platine par l’hydro- gSne.] (Not reduced; reply to Merget, C. R. 77 : 38.) Pt. C. R. 77 (1873), 112; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 20 (1873), 258; Chem. Centrbl. 1873; Gaz. chim. 4 (1874), 93; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 291. 1873: 23. C. Gourdon. Nouvelles observations concernant 1’ influ- ence des depots metalliques sur le zinc mis en presence des acides et des alcalis; nouveaux procedes d’heliogravure. (Effect of platinum on solution of zinc.) Pt. C. It. Assoc, franc. 2 (1873), 302; C. R. 76 (1873), 1250; Ber. 6 (1873), 680. 1873: 24. C. A. Gruel. Bedingungen zur sicheren Zundong der Dobereinschen Platin-Feuerzeuge. Pt. Indust. Blatter, 10 (1873), 425; Polyt. Notizbl. 28 (1873), bd; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 119; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 929; Polyt. J. (Dingier), 211 (1874), 243. 1873: 25. R. Bottger. Vorlesungsversuche mit activem Wasser- stoff und Sauerstoff. Pd. Tagebl. Naturf. Versamml. 1873, 106; Chem. Centrbl. 1873, 818. 1873: 26. R. Bottger. Ueber Aufbewahrung und Eigensehaften eines auf elektrolytischem Wege mit Wasserstoff ubersattigten Palladiumbleches. Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Jubelbd. (1874), 150; J. prakt. Chem. 12], 9 (1874), 193; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 226; Gaz. chim. 4 (1874), 570; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 866, 1139; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 51 (1874), 185; Phil. Mag. [4], 49 (1875), 80; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 295; Amer. Chemist, 5 (1874), 138; 5 (1875), 425. 1873:27. J. J. Coquillion. Action du platine et du palladium sur les hydrocarbures. Pt, Pd. C. R. 77 (1873), 444; Ber. 6 (1873), 1264; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 20 (1873), 493; Chem. Centrbl. 1873, 611; Chem. News, 28 (1873), 125; J. Chem. Soc. 26 (1873), 1214; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 6, ii (1874), 28. 1873: 27a. (See p. 454.) 1873: 28. A. Voller. Ueber Aenderungen der elektromotorischen Kraft galvanischer Combinationen durch die Warme (Platin in Salpetersaure). (Inaug. Diss.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 149 (1873), 394; Jsb. Chem. 1873, 122. 1873: 29. P. A. Favre. Recherches thermiques sur la condensa- tion des gaz par les corps solides. Absorption de l’hydrogene par le noir de platine. Pt. C. R. 77 (1873), 649; Chem. News, 28 (1873), 213; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 15. 1873: 30. H. Schroder. Dichtigkeitsmessungen. Heidelberg, 1873. (Density of potassium and ammonium chloroplatinates.) Pt. Jsb. Chem. 1879, 32. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 10 146 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1874: 1. H. J. Burkart. Ueber neue mexicanische Fundorte einiger Mineralien. (Occurrence of platinum in Mexico, p. 594.) Pt. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 1874, 587; Dingl’. pol. J. 240 (1881), 213; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 1230; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 551. 1S74: 2. A. Frenzel. Mineralogisches [8. Eisenplatin]. (From Russia, p. 684.) Pt. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 1874, 673; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 1230. 1S74: 3. H. Morin. Presentation d’un lingot de 250 kilogrammes de platine et d’iridium allies, fondu, etc. (Properties of alloy.) Pt, Ir. C. R. 78 (1874), 1502; Dingl. pol. J. 213 (1874), 337; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 1065; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 6, ii (1874), 298; Polyt. Centrbl. 40 (1874), 966; Amer. Chemist, 5 (1874), 146. 1S74: 4. F. Beilsteix. Die chemische Grossindustrie auf der Weltausstellung zu Wien, 1873. (Platinum manufactory of Johnson, Matthey & Co.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Poiyt. J. (Dingier), 211 (1874), 155; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 176; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 1064. 1874: 5. Production of platinum. Pt. Amer. Chemist, 4 (1874), 440; from Engineering. 1874: 6. H. Saixt-Claire Deyille, H. Debray, and H. Morin. (Separation of iridium from platinum ores, platinum-iridium alloys, and normal meter; also poisonous qualities of osmium.) Pt, Ir, Os. Technologist©, 36 (1874), 194; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 609; Polyt. Centrbl. 40 (1874), 966. 1874: 7. L. J. Troost and H. Hautefeuille. Note sur le palla- dium hydrogene. Density de Thydrogene combing avec metaux. Pd. C. R. 78 (1874), 686, 968; Ann. chim. phvs. [5], 2 (1874), 279, 287; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 22 (1874), 118, 120; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 153 (1874), 144; Ber. 7 (1874), 480; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 276; Chem. News, 29 (1874), 196; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 660; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 9 (1874), 199; Phil. Mag. [4], 47 (1874), 397; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 293; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 6, ii (1874), 165; Amer. Chem. 5 (1874), 143. 1874: 8. J. Moutier. Sur la chaleur degagee par la combinaison de rhydrogene avec les metaux. Pd. C. R. 79 (1874), 1242; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 138; L’Institut, 42 (1874), 412; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 112. 1874: 9. P. A. Fayre. Recherches sur Thydrogene. (Heat devel- opment of platinum-hydrogen and palladium -hydrogen.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 78 (1874), 1257; Ber. 7 (1874), 737; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 111; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 22 (1874), 486. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 147 1874: 1874: 4874: 1874: 1874: 1874: 1874: 1874: 1874: 1874: ✓ 1874: 10. P. A. Favre. Recherches thermiques sur la condensation des gas par les corps solides et la chaleur degagee dans Pacte de cette absorption. (Condensation of hydrogen by platinum and palladium, pp. 215, 227, 256.) Pt, Pd. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 1 (1874), 209. 11. J. L. Smith. Condensation of air on the surface of plati- num. Pt. Amer. Chemist, 5 (1874), 212; Chem. News, 31 (1875), 55; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 480. 12. J. L. Smith. A ready method of showing the absorption of hydrogen by palladium. Pd. Amer. Chemist, 5 (1874), 213; Chem. News, 31 (1875), 56; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 177; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 424. 13. J. Thomsen. Bery Ilium-Plat inchlorid. Pt. Ber. 7 (1874), 75; Chem. Centrbl. 18/4, 245. 14. A. Welkow. Beryllium-Palladium chlorid. Pd. Ber. 7 (1874), 38; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 21 (1874), 273; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 245; Chem. News, 29 (1874), 155; Gaz. chim. 4 (1874), 278. 15. A. Welkow. Beryllium-Palladiumchlorur. Pd. Be*. 7 (1874), 803; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 22 (1874), 499; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 467; Gaz. chim. 5 (1875), 61. 16. A. Welkow. Aluminium-Platinchlorid. Pt. Ber. 7 (1874), 304; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 22 (1874), 153; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 292; Gaz. chim. 4 (1874), 302. 17. A. Welkow. Aluminum-Palladiumchlorur. Pd. Ber. 7 (1874), 802; Bui. Soc. chim. [2J, 22 (1874), 499; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 467; Chem. News, 29 (1874), 265; Gaz. chim. 5 (1875), 61; J. Russ-. Chem. Soc. 6, ii (1874), 313. 18. P. T.Cleve. Bidrag till jordmetallernas kemi. (Chlorides and cyanides of platinum and thorium, No. 6; lanthanum, 7; didymium, 8; yttrium, 12; erbium, 12.) Pt. Bihang Akad. Handl. (Stockholm), 2 (1874), 6-, 7, 8, 12; Bui. Soc. chim. [2f, 2J (1874), 115, 196, 246, 344; Ber. 8 (1875), 128. 19. [F. Wohler.] Palladiumoxydul in Wasserstoffgas. Pd. NachrichteD, Gottingen, 1874, 420; Ann. Chem. (Liebig-); 174 (1874), 60; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 23 (1875), 267; Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 213; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 770; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 295; Ztsch. ges. Wiss. 11 (1875), 63; Amer. Chemist, 5 (1875), 384; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 7, ii (1875), 8. 20. [F. Wohler.] Notiz liber ein Palladiumsalz. (Sodium palladium sulphite.) Pd. Nachrichten, Gottingen, 1874, 419; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 174 (1874), 199; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 23 (1875), 267; Chem. Centrbl. 1.874, 803; Chem. News, 30 (1874), 275$ Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 224; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 296; Ztsch. ges. Wias. 11 (1875)^ 67; Amer. Chemist, 5 (1875), 353; I, Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 134. 148 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1874: 21. W. Skey. On the formation of certain double metallic sulphocyanides (of platinum with aniline). Pt. Chem. News, 30 (1874), 33; Ber. 7 (1874), 1459; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 300. 1874: 22. W. Skey. Notes upon the production of certain double salts of the aniline bases and indigo with metallic salts (with platinum chloride and thiocyanate). Pt. Chem. News, 30 (1874), 33; Ber. 7 (L874), 1459; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 300. 1874:23. R. Schneider. Ueber neue Schwefelsalze. (Summary.) Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 153 (1874), 588; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 11 (1875)/ 91; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 533. 1874: 24. S. Jolin. Om cerium och dess foreningar. (Double chlorides and cyanides of platinum and cerium.) Pt. Bihang. Akad. Handl. 2 (1874), 14; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 21 (1874), 533. 1874: 25. F. Gramp. Ueber Affinitatsverhaltnisse der Halogen- metallyerbindungen. (Platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Ber. 7 (1874), 1723; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 423; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 49. 1874: 26. G. Krause. Beitrag zur Bestimmung des Kalium als Kaliumplatinchlorid. Pt. Arch, fur Pharm. 205 (1874), 407; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 14 (1875), 184; Pharm. J. 5 (1875), 782; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 978; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1870), 437. 1874: 27. H. Sainte-Claire Deyille and H. Debray. Sur une pro- priety nouvelle du rhodium metallique. (Reduction of formic acid.) Rh, Pt, Pd, Ir, Ru. C. B. 78 (1874), 1782; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 22 (1874), 360; Ber. 7 (1874), 1038; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 513; Chem. News, 30 (1874), 98; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 1076; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 296; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 6, ii (1874), 301. 1874: 28. H. Sainte-Claire Deville. [Poisonous qualities of osmic acid.] Os. C. R. 78 (1874), 1509; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 610. 1874: 29. G. Vulpius. Ueber Platinreduction. (Preparation of platinum sponge.) Pt. Arch, fur Pharm. 205 (1874), 417; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 786; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 192; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 294; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 437. 1874: 30. C. A. Winkler. Ueber die Loslichkeit des legirten Platins in Salpetersaure. (When alloyed with silver, copper, lead, bis- muth, or zinc.) Ztsch. anal. Chem. 13 (1874), 369; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 162; J. Chem. Soc. 13 (1875), 428; Berg- u. Htitten. Ztg. 34 (1875), 145; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 7, ii (1875), 27; Amer. Chemist, 5 (1875), 402. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 149 1874: 31. H. Topsoe. Beitrage zur krystallographischen Kenntniss der Salze der seltenen Erdmetalle. (Double platinum chlorides and cyanides.) Pt. Bihang Akad. Handl. (Stockholm), 2 (1874), 5; Ber. 8 (1875), 129. 1874: 32. A. H. L. Fizeau. Dilation du alliage platine-iridium. Ir, Pt. C. R. 78 (.1874), 1205; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 70. 1874: 33. J. L. Smith. Gold-lined capsules and crucibles. Pt. Amer. Chemist, 5 (1874), 213; Chem. News, 31 (1875), 55; Dingl. pol. J. 219 (1876), 183; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 1096; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 25 (1875-76), 203; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 14 (1875), 329. 1874: 34. H. Carmichael. (Platinum digestor.) Pt. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 1874; Amer. Chemist, 5 (1874), 163. 1874 : 35. E. Reichardt. Briichiges Platin. (With silicon.) Pt. Arch, fiir Pharm. 205 (1874), 123; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 595; Dingl. pol. J. 213 (1874), 445; 240 (1881), 217; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 294; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1875), 155. 1874: 36. A. Polain. De la resistance du bronze phosphoreux et de ses applications dans Tindustrie. (Plating phosphor- bronze with platinum.) Pt. Rev. univ. des mines, 35 (1874), 595; Dirgl. pol. J. 217 (1875), 494. 1874: 37. P. de Wilde. Action de Fhydrogene sur 1’ acetylene et T ethylene sous h influence du noir de platine. Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. Bruxelles, 37 (1874), 73; Ber. 7 (1874), 353; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 21 (1874), 446; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 882. 1874:38. R. C. Bottger. Ueber Aufbewahrung und Eigenschaften eines auf elektrolytischem Wege mit Wasserstoff ubersiittigten Palladiumbleches. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. 9 (1874), 193; Tageblatt Naturf. Versamml. 1875, 54; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 643; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 7, ii (1875), 97. 1874: 39. M. Traube. Zur Theorie der Fermentwirkung. (Plati- num black on sugar.) Pt. Ber. 7 (1874), 115; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 13 (1874), 349; N. arch. sci. phys. nat. 49 (1874), 141; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 951. 1874:40. E. Hagenbach-Bischoff. Fernere Versuche fiber Fluor- escenz. (Of platinocyanides, p. 309.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Jubeib. (1874), 303; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 155. 1874: 41. H. Topsoe. Krystallographisch-chemische Untersuch- ungen (iiber Baryumplatinchlorid und Natriumplatin- bromid). Pt. Sitzber. Wien. Acad. 69, ii (1874), 261; Jsb. Chem. 1874, 179. 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1874: 42. Willis, Jr. (Platinum and iridium in photography.) Pt, Ir. Polyt. Notizbl. (1874), No. 6; Amer. Chemist; 5 (1874), 153; Chem. Centrbl. 1874, 583; J. Chem. Soe. 27 (1874), 1019. 1874: 43. D. Macaluso. Untersuchung liber die galvanische Polarisation durch Chlor und Wasserstoff. Ueber die electro- motorische Kraft des mit kleinen Mengen von Chlor beladenen Platins. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 29 (1874), 225; J. Chem. Soc. 27 (1874), 1044. 1875: 1. A. Descloizeaux. Note sur Y element pyroxenique de la roche associee au platine de FOuraL Pt. C. R. 80 (1875), 785; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 623. 1875: 2. G. A. Daubree. Association, dans FOural, du platine natif h la roche a base de peridot; relation d’origine qui unit ce metal avec le fer chrome. (Matrix of platinum.) Pt. C. R. 80 (1875), 707; Bui. Soc. geol. (Paris), 3 (1875), 311; Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 1875, 540; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 1194; Ann. des mines [7], 9 (1876), 123; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 469; Le Technol. 1876, No. 7. 1875: 3. H. Sainte-Claire Deville. Sur les alliages de platine et de fer. (Rejoinder to Daubree, 1875: 27.) Pt, Ir. C. R. 80 (1875), 589; Chem. News, 31 (1875), 171; J. Chem. Soe. 28 (1875). 534; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 232, 1196; 1880, 362; Monit. scientif. [3], 6 (1876), 548; Chem. Industrie, 3 (1880), 22. 1875: 4. K. L. F. yon Sandberger. (Barytglimmer vom Habach- thal; Brauneisenerz-Pseudomorphosen, welche Platin enthal- ten, aus Mexico.) Pt. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 1875, 625; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 54; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 1194. 1875: 5. Werth von Metallen. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 34 (1875), 244 (from Mining and Sci. Press); Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 544. 1875: 6. Zur Industrie der Edelmetalle. (Scheidung der alten Thaler in Frankfurt a. M.) Pt, Pd. Indust. Blatter, 12 (1875), 386; Dingl. pol. J. 218 (1875), 376. 1875: 7. (Apparatus at Conservatory of Arts and Trades [Paris] for fusion of platinum.) Pt. Amer. Chemist, 5 (1875), 354; from La Nature. 1875: 8. (Forging of a platinum ingot.) Pt. Amer. Chemist, 5 (1875), 394; from La Nature. 1875: 9. J. R. von Wagner. Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Broms in der Hydrometallurgie, der Probirkunst, und der chemischen Technologie. (Extraction of platinum.) Pt. Chem. Centrbl. 1875; Dingl. pol. J. 218 (1875), 254; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 25 (1876), 138. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 151 1875: 10. J. L. Smith. A convenient instrument for showing the absorption of hydrogen gas by palladium. (Read at A. A. A. S., 1875.) Pd, Pt. Amer. Chemist, 6 (1875), 106; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 153; Gazz. chim. ifcal. 6 (1876), 101; Rev. scientif. Feb. (1876). 1875: 11. L. H. Laudy. The occlusion of hydrogen by palladium. Amer. Chemist, 5 (1875), 362; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 154. Pd. 1875: 12. L. Troost and P. Hautefeuille. Sur la dissolution de l’hydrogene dans les metaux. Pd. C. R. 80 (1875), 788; Chem. News, 31 (1875), 196. 1875: 13. R. Godeffroy. Einige neue Salze und Reactionen des Caesiums und Rubidiums. (Double platinum chlorides.) Pt. Ber. 8 (1875), 9; Pharm. Ztsch. Russl. 14 (1875), 35; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 14 (1875), 92. 1875: 14. A. von Lasaulx. Ueber die Krystallformen des Natri- umiridium- und des Natriumrhodium-Sesquichlorurs. Neues Jahrb. Min. 1875, 128. Ir, Rh. 1875: 15. B. Delachanal and A. Mermet. Sur une compose de platine, d’etain et d’oxygene, analogue au pourpre de Cassius. (Oxyde platinostannique de M. Dumas.) Pt. C. R. 81 (1875), 370; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 24 (1875), 435; Ber. 8 (1875), 1353; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 625; Chem. News, 32 (1875), 157; Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 159; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 48; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 232; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 7, ii (1875), 404; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 319. 1875: 16. S. Kern. On the action of sulphocyanides on palladium chloride and nitrate. (No precipitate.) Pd. Chem. News, 32 (1875), 242; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 7, i (1875), 316; Ber. 8 (1875), 1684; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 17 (1878), 491; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 233. 1875: 17. S. Kern. On some reactions of iodine and palladium chloride with potassium ferrocyanide. Pd. Chem. News, 33 (1876), 184; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 7, i (1875), 316; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 325. 1875: 18. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and H. Debray. Du ruthe- nium et de ses composes oxygenes. Ru. C. R. 80 (1875). 457; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 4 (1875), 537; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 24 (1875), 191; Ber. 8 (1875), 339; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 258; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 48; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 233; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1875), 189; 6 (1876), 396; Gazz. chim. ital. 6 (1876), 518. 1875: 19. A. Atterberg. Sur quelques combinaisons du glucin- ium (piatinocyanid). Pt. • Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 24 (1875), 358; Gazz. chim. ital. 6 (1876), 159. 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1S75: 20. Y. A. Vidau. Note sur les cuprocyanures et le pallado- cyanure de potassium. Pd. J. de pharm. 22 (1875), 321; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 319; Gazz, cliim. 6 (1876), 224; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 456. 1875: 21. F. Selmi (and C. Bettelli). Nuovi reattivi per ricono- scere e discernere gli alcaloidi venefici. (Potassium iodo- platinate as a reagent for the alkaloids.) Pt. Mem. Accad. sci. Bologna, 6 (1875), 189, 201; Bendiconti Accad. sci. Bologna, 1875, 104, 153; Gaz. chim. 5 (1875), 255; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 113, 114; Ber. 8 (1875), 1198; 9 (1876), 196; Bui. med. d. Bo- logna, 19, 321. 1875: 22. H. Zenger. Eine bis jetzt vernachlassigte Iodquelle. (Susswasserpflanzen.) (Detection of iodine by palladium iodide.) Pd. Arch, fur Pharm. 206 (1875), 137; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 876; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 259; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 14 (1875), 368. 1875: 23. W. C. Lossen. Notiz liber die reducirende Wirkung des Hydroxyl amins auf Platinchlorid). Pt. Ber. 8 (1875), 357. 1875: 24. V. Meyer and J. Locher. Ueber die Einwirkung der Sauren auf nitrirte Fettkorper. (Action of hydrogen on hydroxylamin in presence of platinum tetrachlorided Pt. Ber. 8 (1875), 219 (footnote). 1875: 25. T. J. Fairley. On new solvents for gold, silver, plati- num, etc., with an explanation of the so-called catalytic action of these metals and their salts on hydrogen dioxide. Brit. Assoc. Hep. 45 (1875), 42 (title only); Ber. 8 (1875), 1600. Pt. 1875: 26. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and H. Debray. De la densite du platine et de F iridium purs, et de leurs alliages. Pt, Ir. C. R. 81 (1875), 839; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 26 (1876), 157; Ber. 8 (1875), 1591; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 4; Chem. News, 32 (1875), 281; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 11 (1876), 142; Monit. scient. [3], 6 (1876), 75; Phil. Mag. [4], 50 (1875), 558; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 523; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 15 (1876), 451; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 231; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 8, ii (1876), 109; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 398; J. de pharm. 23 (1876), 168; Gazz. chim. ital. 6 (1876), 475. 1875: 27. G. A. Daubree. Experiences sur Fimitation artifici- elle du platine natif magnetipolaire. Pt. C. R. 80 (1875), 526; Ann. des mines [7], 9 (1876), 123; Bui. Soc. g£ol. Paris, 3 (1875), 310; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 216; Jsb. Chem. 1875, 1195. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 153 1875: 28. A. Scheurer-Kestner. Dissolution clu platine dans Facide sulfurique, pendant l’operation industrielle de la con- centration. * Pt. C. R. 81 (1875), 892; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 24 (1875), 501; Ber 8 (1875), 1593; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 11 (1876), 216; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 8; Chem. News, 32 (1875), 281; Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 162; J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 345; Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 296, 356. 1875: 29. A. Bauer. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefelsaure auf Blei. (And lead-platinum alloys.) Pt. Ber. 8 (1875), 212; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 211. 1875: 30. P. Weiskopf. Kupferlegirung und Silber intensiv schwarz zu farben. (Durch Platinchlorur.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 215 (1875), 470. 1875: 31. Heyl. [Pflug’s Platinfarbe.] Pt. Gewerbeblatt f. Grossh. Hessen, 38 (1875), 229; Polyt. Notizbl. 30 (1875), 267; Chem. Centrbl. 1875, 710; Amer. Chemist, 6.(1875), 236. 1875: 32. J. J. Coquillion. Sur Faction du platine et du palla- dium sur les hydrocarbures de la serie benzenique. (Oxida- tion.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 80 (1875), 1089; Ber. 8 (1875), 697; Chem. News, 31 (1875), 239; J. Chem. Soc. 28 (1875), 1188. 1875: 33. P. Champion, H. Pellet, and Grenier. Application de Felectricite a Finflammation des fourneaux de mine, torpilles, etc., et a Findustrie miniere. (Amorces a fils de platine, p. 84.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 5 (1875), 28. 1876: 1 . A. Terreil. Analyse du platine natif magnetique de Nischne-Tagilsk. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 25 (1876), 482; C. R. 82 (1876), 1116; Ber. 9 (1876), 850; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 408; Chem. News, 33 (1876), 213; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 1116; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 386; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 290, ^ 1218. 1876:2. G. A. Daubree. Presence du nickel dans le platine natif. C. R. 82 (1876), 1116; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 290. Pt. 1876: 3. G. von Uslar. Die Platin und Silber fuhrende Seifen von Santa Maria de las Animas (Mexico). Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 35 (1876), 88; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 213. 1876: 4. H. Rossler. Ueber das Vorkommen von Palladium, Platin und Selen in den Silbermunzen. Pt, Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 180 (1876), 240; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 284; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 11 (1876), 486; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 285. 1876: 5. Frantz. Russlands Montanproduction. Pt. Oberschles. Ztsch. (1876), No. 16; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 35 (1876), 179; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 384. 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1S76: 1876: 1876: 1876: 1876: 1876: 1876: 1876: 1876: 6. Brachelli. Jahrliche Met allproduction. Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 35 (1876), 179 (from Die Staaten Europa’s); Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 368. 7. Die Preise aller Metalle. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 35 (1876), 410 (from Stummer’s Ingenieur); Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 160. 8. Zur Darstellung des Platins. (Editorial review.) Dingl. pol. J. 220 (1876),. 95. 9. J. Philipp. Darstellung Platins von Heraeus (auf der Wiener Ausstellung). Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Amtlicher Ber. iiber Wiener Ausst. Heft 20, 999; Dingl. pol. J. 220 (1876), 95; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 1075. 10. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. H. Debray. De rosmium. (Preparation and properties.) Os. C. It. 82 (1876), 1076; Ber. 9 (1876), 848; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 26 (1876), 339; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 417; Chem. News, 33 (1876), 230; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 34; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 279; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 15 (1876), 454; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 301; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1876), 120. 11. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. H. Debray. Sur les propri6t6s physiques et chimiques du ruthenium. (Im- portant memoir on preparation, crystallization, analysis, alloys, and tetroxide.) Ru. C. R. 83 (1876), 926; Ber. 9 (1876), 1935; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 66; Chem. News, 34 (1876), 265; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 443; J. de pharm. 25 (1877), 182; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 302, 1004; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 9, ii (1877), 245; Amer. Chemist. 6 (1876), 277. 12. L. F. Nilson. Zur Frage uber die Valenz der seltenen Er H m etalle. (Chlorplatinates of the rare earths, and iron, chromium, indium, aluminum, and tin.) Pt. Ber. 9 (1876), 1056, 1142; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 292; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 206; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 9, ii (1877), 98; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1876), 242. 13. L. F. Nilson. Untersuchung iiber Chlorosalze und Doppelnitrite des Platins. Pt. Nova acta Soc. sci. Upsala, [3], vol. extraord. (1877), No. 15, Oefversigt Akad. Handl. (Stockholm), 33 (1876), No. 6, 3, 11, 23; Ber. 9 (1876), 1722; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 208, 210, 242; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 98, 291; 1878. 212; Chem. News, 34 (1876), 270; 36 (1877), 183; 37 (1878), 31; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 1532; 8 (1878), 160; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 115, 277; 34 (1878), 274; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 15 (1877), 177, 260; 16 (1877), 241; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 295; 1877, 310. 14. A. Guyard (H. Tamm). Note sur le siliciure de platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 25 (1876), 510; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 217; Gaz. chim. 3 (1878), 522; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 384; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 292'; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 9, ii (1877), 98; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1877), 322. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 155 1876: 15. J. B. J. Bqussingault. Sur la siliciuration du platine et de quelques autres metaux. Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir. C. R. 82 (1876), 591; Ann. china, phys. [5], 8 (1876), 145; Ber. 9 (1876), 503; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 26 (1876), 265; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 307; Chem. News, 33 (1876), 148; Dingl. pol. J. 225 (1877), 108; Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 496; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 47; Jsb. Chem. 1870, 291; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 8, ii (1876), 392; 9, ii (1877), 207. 1876: 16. F. Kruger. Ueber Isomerien bei organischen Sulfinver- bindungen. (Platinum salts of sulphur bases.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 14 (1876), 193; Gazz. chim. ital. 7 (1877), 246. 1876: 17. W. Heintz. Ein neues, zwei verschiedene Ammoniak- basen enthaltendes Platinsalz. (Triacetonamin und Triace- tonalkamin.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 183 (1876), 317; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 20; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 592; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1877), 360. 1876: 18. G. Quesneville. Action de Tammoniaque et des am- moniaques composees sur les chlorures phosphoplatineux et phosphoplatinique. Pt. Monit. scient. [3], 6 (1876), 659; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 298. 1876: 19. P. Casamajor. On the amalgamation of iron and of some other metals. (Platinum and palladium amalgam.) Pt, Pd. Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 450; Chem. News, 34 (1876), 34; Engin. Mag. 15 (1876), 305; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 281; Archiv Pharm. [3], 11 (1877), 464; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 474. 1876: 20. G. H. Billings. The properties of iron alloyed with other metals. (With platinum, p. 451.) Pt. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. 5 (1876), 447; Dingi. pol. J. 228 (1878), 430; Eng. and Min. J. 23 (1877), 415. 1876: 21. A. Chatin. Des causes d’insucc&s dans la recherche de minimes quantites d’iode. (Detection of iodine by palladium chloride.) Pd. C. R. 82 (1876), 128; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 15 (1876), 460. 1876: 22. F. Becker. Ueber einige Tellurverbindungen. (Sepa- ration of tellurium and platinum, Ann. Chem., p. 268.) Pt. Sitzber. Phys. Med. Soc. Erlangen, 8 (1876), 23; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 180 (1876), 257; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 15 (1876), 338. 1876: 23. M. Kretschy. Konnen die indirecten Methoden der Alkalibestimmung sich gegenseitig controliren oder zu Con- t trole der directen Methoden verwendet werden? (Bestim- mung des Kalis mittelst Chlorplatin, p. 49.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. ('hem. 15 (1876), 37. 156 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1876: 24. S. Kern. On the action of magnesium on some metallic salts. (Platinum salts, p. 112; palladium salts, 236.) Pt, Pd. Chem. News, 33 (1876), 112, 236; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 111. 1876: 25. S. Kern. On some reactions of iodine and palladium chloride with potassium ferrocyanide. Pd. Chem. News, 33 (1876), 184. 1876: 26. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. H. Debray. Do la decomposition de Teau par le platine. Pt. 0. It. 82 (1876), 241; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 26 (1876), 268; J. de pharm. 23 (1876), 166; Ber. 9 (1876), 355; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 193; Chem. News, 33 (1876), 74; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 43; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 11 (1876), 318; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 299; Gazz. chim. ital. 6 (1876), 475. 1876: 27. F. Wohler. Notiz liber das Verhalten des Palladiums in der Alkoholflamme. (Decomposition of alcohol and ethyl- ene.) Pd. Nachrichten, Gottingen, 1876, 489; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 184 (1877), 128; Ber. 9 (1876), 1713; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 158; Chem. News, 34 (1876), 269; 35 (1877), 55; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 437; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 13 (1877), 148; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 300; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1877), 360; Phil. Mag. [5], 3 (1877), 35. 1876: 28. W. Skey. On the oxidation of silver and platinum by oxygen in the presence of water. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 8 (1876), 332; Chem. News, 35 (1877), 203; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 303; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 608. 1876: 29. W. Skey. On certain chemical effects of oxygenized graphite and platinum. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 8 (1876), 347; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 60; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 609; 32 (1877), 710. 1876: 30. J. Thomsen. Ueber die Neutralization. (Neutraliza- tionswarme der Ammoniumbasen.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 13 (1876), 241; Chem. Centrbl. 7 (1876), 545; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 83. 1876: 31. F. Kopfer. On the use of platinum in the ultimate analysis of chemical compounds. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 29 (1876), 660; Ber. 9 (1876), 508; Bui. Soc. chim. [2J, 26 (1876), 475; Chem. News, 33 (1876), 127. 1876: 32. F. Kopfer. Ueber die Anwendung des Platins bei der Elemen tar analyse. Pt. Ber. 9 (1876), 1377; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 228; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 958; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1877), 316. 1876: 33. A. Mitscherlich. Elemen tar analyse vermittelst Queck- silberoxyd. (Use of potassium chlorplatinate to determine oxygen directly, p. 374.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 15 (1876), 371. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 157 1876: 34. E. F. Durre. Studien fiber die Ausnutzung der Warme in den Oefen der Hiittenwesen. (Platinschmelzen in Kna.ll- gasgebl&se.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 220 (1876), 324. 1876: 35. C. J. H. W. Platinum combustion tubes. Pt. Chem. News, 34 (1876), 67; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1877), 362. 1876: 36. W. D. Herman. Platinum combustion tubes. Pt. Chem. News, 34 (1876), 81. 1876: 37. W. Jago. Rapid filtratioil (by platinum filters). Pt. Amer. Chemist, 6 (1876), 351; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 959. 1876: 38. C. Stockman. Ueber das Aufschliessen von Silicaten. (Getting melt out of platinum crucible.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 15 (1876), 283. 1876: 39. F. Stolba. Ueber die Anwendung des Borfluorkaliums als Flussmittel bei Lothungen. (Zur Reinigung der Platin- tiegel durch Borfluorkalium und Borsaure.) Pt. Sitzber. Bohm. Gesel. (Prag), 1876, 220; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 16 (1877), 95. 1876: 40. F. Bode. Faure und Kessler’s Platinschale. (Zur Schwefelsaureconcentration.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 220 (1876), 334. 1876: 41. F. Bode. Concentration von Schwefelsaure in Platin- schalen nach Faure und Kessler. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 220 (1876), 336. 1876:42. F. Bode (nach Scheurer-Kestner). Ueber Abniitzung der Platingefasse beim Concentration von Schwefelsaure. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 221 (1876), 82; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 674. 1876: 44. L. Kessler (also R. Hasenclever and Johnson, Matthey & Co.). Ueber Faure und Kessler’s Platinschale. Dingl. pol. J. 221 (1876), 85. Pt. 1876: 45. [J. Zeman and F. Fischer.] Ueber Faure und Kessler’s Platinschale. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 221 (1876), 384. 1876: 46. F. Bode. Neue Formen der alten Platinkessel. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 221 (1876), 541; 225 (1877), 281. 1876: 47. Lamy. Appareils a cuvette de platine de MM. Faure et Kessler pour la concentration d’acide sulfurique. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 25 (1876), 279. 1876: 48. R. C. Bottger. Neues Verfahren Mctalle auf galvan- ischem Wege mit Platin zu uberziehen. Pt. Jsb. Phys. Ver. Frankfurt, 1876-77, 20; Dingl. pol. J. 229 (1878), 395; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 76 (1878), 348. 158 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 1876: 49. A. Bertrand. Reeherches sur la production de d6p6ts electro-chimiques . . . de palladium. Pd. C. R. 83 (1876), 854; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 382; Chem. News, 34 (1876), 227; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 388; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 161. 1876: 50. Frantz. Application 6lectrochimique du palladium en vue de suppleer 1’ argentine. (French patent 107961, May 8, 1875.) Pd. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 25 (1876), 576; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 592; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 239. 1876: 51. S. de Luca. Sul piombo contenuto in due punte di platino de’ parafulmini dell’ Osservatorio vesuviano. (Lead in platinum points on lightning rods.) Pt. Rendiconti Accad. Napoli, 15 (1876), 69; C. R. 82 (1876), 1187; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 340; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 290. 1876: 52. — Untersuchung von Filsinger fiber die soge- nannte Pflug’sche Platinanstrichmasse (Platinfarbe). (Con- tains no platinum.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 221 (1876), 288, 1876: 53. J. J. Coquillion. Proc6de pour doser les hydrocarbures et en particulier le grison dans les mines. (Use of palladium wire for ignition.) Pd. C. R. 83 (1876), 394; Ber. 10 (1877), 730; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 17 (1878). 329; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 959. 1876: 54. J. J. Coquillion. Sur les limites entre lesquelles peut se produire T explosion du grison, et sur nouvelles proprietes du palladium. (Combustion without explosion.) Pd. C. R. 83 (1876), 709; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 314; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 738; Chem. News, 34 (1876), 205; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 386; J. Chem. Soc. 31 (1877), 166; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 301. 1876: 55. M. R. Zdrawkowitch. Preparation du noir de platine au moyen de la glycerine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 25 (1876), 198; Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 181 (1876), 192; Ber. 9 (1876), 443; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 322; Chem. News, 33 (1876), 261; Dingl. pol. J. 221 (1876), 288; Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 202; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 47; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1876), 115; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 8, ii (1876), 252; Pharm. Centrh. 17 (1876), 179; Jsb. Chem, 1876, 291; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 25 (1875-76), 203. 1876: 56. R. C. Bottger. Palladiumwasserstoff. Pd. Ber. 9 (1876), 1795 (from 49te Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. und Aerzte). 1876: 57. E. von Meyer. Ueber die bei der langsamen Oxydation des Wasserstoffs und Kohlenoxyds mittelst Platins sich aussernden Affinitatswirkungen. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 13 (1876), 121; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 40; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 8, ii (1876), 290. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 159 1876: 58. E. yon Meyer. Beitrag zur Theorie der “ Katalytischen Wirkungen” des Platins. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 14 (1876), 124; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 155; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 625; J. Chem. Soc. 30 (1876), 486; Jsb. Chem. 1876, 12. 1876 : 59. J. B. Dumas. Etudes sur le phylloxera et sur les sulfocar- bonates. (Action of platinum sponge on sulphocarbonates, p. 71.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 7 (1876), 1. 1876: 60. L. Bleekrode. On electrical conductivity and electro- lysis of chemical compounds. (Nonelectrolysis of osmium tetroxide.) Os. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 25 (1877), 322; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), [2], 3 (1878), 161; Phil. Mag. [5], 5 (1878), 375, 439; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 148. 1876: 61. H. Helmholtz (and E. Root). Bericht iiber Versuche des Hrn. Dr. E. Root aus Boston, die Durchdringung des Platina mit elektrolytischen Gasen betreffend. Pt. Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1876, 217; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 159 (1876), 416; Chem. Centrbl. 1876, 401; Phil. Mag. [5], 2 (1876), 153; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 161, 271. 1876: 62. C. G. Knott, J. MacGregor, and C. M. Smith. The thermoelectric properties of cobalt. (Thermoelectric prop- erties of cobalt-palladium.) Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 9 (1878), 421; Ann. der Phys. Beibl. 2 (1878), 277; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 136. 1876 : 63 . A. Lallemand. Recherches sur Fillumination des corps transparents. (Polarisation on surface of platinum black, p. 132 .) Pt- Ann. chim. phys. [5], 8 (1876), 93. 1876: 64. G. Pisati. Sul Y elasticity dei metaJli a diverse tempera- ture. (Torsion elasticity of platinum.) Pt. Gaz. chim. 6 (1876), 57; 7 (1877), 61, 173. 1876: 65. G. Matthey. Regie en platine iridie de F Association geodesique internationale. (Letter.) Pt, Ir. C. R. 83 (1876), 1090; Amer. Chemist, 7 (1877), 324. 1876:66. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville. Observations sur la com- munication de M. Matthey (regie en platine iridi6). Pt, Ir. C. R. 83 (1876), 1091; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 8, ii (1876), 227. 1877: 2. S. Kern. On Russian platinum-ore from the Oural Mountains. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Chem. News 35 (1877), 88; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 287; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 177; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 1259; Quart. J. Sci. 14 (1877), 284. 160 1877: 1877: 1877: 1877: 1877: 1877: 1877: 1877: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 3. S. Kern. On the new metal davyum; note on davyum; on some new researches on the metal davyum; on the spectrum of the metal davyum; solubility of sodium davyum chloride; some remarks on the metal davyum. Da. Chem. News, 36 (1877), 4, 92, 114, 155, 164; 37 (1878), 65; C. R. 85 (1877), 72, 623, 667; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 9, i (1877), 295; Ber. 10 (1877), 1738; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 566; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 562, 642, 754; J. de pharm. 27 (1878), 114; Nature, 17 (1878), 245; Phil. Mag. [5], 4 (1877), 158, 395; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 316; 1878, 318; Dingl. pol. J. 225 (1877), 210; Gazz. chim. ital. 7 (1877), 561; 8 (1878), 217, 218. 4. A. H. Allen. Contributions on chemical analysis. (Criti- cism on S. Kern’s discovery of davyum.) Da. Chem. News, 36 (1877), 33; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 318. 5. K. Karmarsch. Betrachtungen fiber die neueren Veranderungen und den gegenwartigen Zustand des euro- paischen Miinzwesens. (Platin als Munzmetall.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 223 (1877), 11. 6. L. Opificius. Die Gewinnung der Platinmetalle in der deutschen Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt zu Frankfurt a. M. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh. Dingl. pol. J. 224 (1877), 414; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 492; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 1124; Chem. tech. Mittli. (Eisner), 27 (1877-78), 268; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 112; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 29 (1878), 88. 7. J. Thomsen. Darstellung einiger Platinverbindungen. (Chloro- and bromo-platinites.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 15 (1877), 294; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 466; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 183; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 532; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 276; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 306. 8. F. W. Clarke. Notes upon some fluorides. (Unsuccess- ful attempt to form platinum fluoride'.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 13 (1877), 292; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 304. 9. S. M. Jorgensen. Platinoxyduloxyd. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 16 (1877), 344; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 600; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 212; Gaz. chim. 9 (1879), 161; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 304; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 200. 10. J. Ribau. Sur quelques proprietes des sulfures de platine au point de vue analytique. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 241; C. R. 85 (1877), 283; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 15 (1878), 52; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 631; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 100; Gaz. chim. 8 (1878), 54; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 17 (1878), 99; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 1070; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 9, ii (1877), 362; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 28 (1878-79), 36; Arch. Pharm. [3], 13 (1878), Aug. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 161 1877: 11. E. yon Meyer. Ueber die Zusammensetzung und das chemische Verbal ten des “oxydirten Schwefelplatins.” Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 15 (1877), 1; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 13 (1877), 301; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 362; Chem. News, 35 (1877), 116; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 381; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 114; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 305; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 9, ii (1877), 313. 1877: 12. E.von Meyer. Ueber Osmiumoxysulfide. Os. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 16 (1877), 77; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 313; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 641; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 225; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 316; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 305; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 14. 1877: 13. P. Claesson. Ueber Aethylmerkaptan. (Merkaptide der Platinmctalle, p. 206.) Pt, Rh, Ir. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 15 (1877), 193; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 295; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 520. 1877: 14. A. Cahours. Recherches sur les sulfmes. (Chloro- platinate of triethylsulphine, p. 41.) Pt. Aim. chim. phys. [5], 10, (1877) 13. 1877: 15. W. Gibbs. Ueber complexe anorganisehe Sauren. (Pla- tomolybdates and tungstates.) Pt. Ber. 10 (1877), 1384; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 14(1877), 61; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 30 (1878), 31; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 658; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 847; Jsb. Chem. 1877,294. 1877: 16. L. F. Nilson. Om inverkan af jod och alkoliol pa plato- nitrit. (Action of iodine and alcohol on platonitrites.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forhand. Stockholm, 34 (1877), No. 5, 3; Ber. 10 (1877), 930; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 14 (1877), 149; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 450; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 710; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 313; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 77. 1877: 17. L. F. Nilson. Om en ny platonitrosylsyra. (A new platonitrosyl acid.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forhand. Stockholm, 34 (1877), No. 5, 9; Ber. 10 (1877), 934; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 362; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 450; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 711; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 313. 1877: 18. R. J. Friswell and A. J. Greenaway. Note on thalli- ous platinocyanide. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 251; Ber. 10 (1877), 1858, 1604; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 30 (1878), 120; Chem. News, 35 (1877), 272; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 314, 336; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 76; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 205. 1877 : 19. G. N. Wyrouboff. Note sur la composition et les formes cristallines de deux nouvcaux ferricyanures et d’un sulfocyano- platinatc dc potassium. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 10 (1877), 409; Ber. 13 (1880), 1137; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 402; Chem. News, 42 (1880), 166; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 331; Ztsch. Kryst. 1 (1877), 403. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 11 162 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1877 : 20. L. J. Troost and P. Hautefeuille. Sur les corps com- poses susceptibles de se produire a une temperature tres- superiaure a celle qui determine leur decomposition complete. (Yolatilizability of platinum in chlorine gas.) Pt. C. R. 84 (1877), 946; Ber. 10 (1877), 1172; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 402; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 481; J. de pharm. 26 (1877), 143; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 202 . 1877: 21. J. H. Debray. Iridium; ses alliages; fusion. Ir, Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 27 (1877), 146; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 210. 1877 : 22. W. Heintz. Reducirende Wirkung der Knochenkohle bei niedere Temperature. (Auf Platinchlorid und Platindop- pelsalze.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 187 (1877), 227. 1877 : 23. S. M. Jorgensen. Verhalten des Wasserstoffplatin- chlorids gegen Silbernitrat. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 16 (1877), 342; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 500; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 212; Gaz. chim. 9 (1879), 161; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 307; Ber. 12 (1879), 1729; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 200. 1877: 24. E. Duvillier. Methode pour retirer le platine des chloroplatinates. Pt. C. R. 84 (1877), 444; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 10 (1877), 572; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 28 (1877), 359; Ber. 10 (1877), 730; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 291; Chem. News, 35 (1877), 134; Dingl. pol. J. 225 (1877), 210; Gaz. chim. 7 (1877), 335; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 574; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 18 (1879), 461; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 587; Arch. Pharm. [3], 13 (1878), Sept.; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 304; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 28 (1878-79), 1. 1877 : 25. C. R. Fresenius. Zur Bestimmung des Kaliums als Kaliumplatinchlorid, namentlich bei Gegenwart der Chlor- verbindungen der Metalle der alkalischen Erde. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 16 (1877), 63; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 251. 1877 : 26. A. Gawalovski. Verfalschung von kauflich bezogenem Natriumpalladiumchlorur mit Kochsalz. Pd. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 16 (1877), 58; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 225; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 1053. 1877: 27. W. Schimper. (Krystallformen des Triathylselenchlo- ridplatinchlorid.) Pt. Ztsch. Kryst. 1 (1877), 218; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 315. 1877: 28. A. Gaiffe. Note sur le trefilage du platine. Pt. C. R. 85 (1877), 625; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 182; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 216; Gazz. chim. ital. 8 (1878), 218; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 178; Jsb.' Chem. 1878, 1114. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 163 1877 : 29. J. H. Johnson. Ueberziehen von Eisen mit Platin (patent). Pt. Ber. 10 (1877), 1974; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 112. 1877: 30. G. Parodi and A. Mascazzini. Sulla determinazione dello zinco e del piombo dai loro minerali e prodotti di arte median te Felettrolisi. (Coating of platinum with zinc.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 7 (1877), 222; Ber. 10 (1877), 84; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 146; Annali di chim. 67 (1878), 185. 1877: 31. (Platiniren.) Pt. Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 27 (1877-78), 287; from Polyt. Notizbl. 1877: 32. A. W. Wright. On the production of transparent me- tallic films by the electrical discharge in exhausted tubes. (Production of platinum film on glass.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. 13 (1877), 49; Monit. scient. [3], 8 (1878), 1061; Dingl. pol. J. 225(1877), 402; Naturforscher, 10(1877), 108; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 1114. 1877:33. F. Bode. Ueber Concentration von Schwefelsaure. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 223 (1877), 299. 1877: 34. F. Bode. Notizen aus der Schwefelsaurefabrication. (Use of platinum vessels for concentration.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 225 (1877), 281. 1877: 35. M. Prentice. Verbesserte Platingefasse. (Patent.) Bef. 10 (1877), 1170. Pt. 1877 : 36. W. Kummel. Pfiug’s Platinfarbe. Pt. Deutsche Bauztg. 1877, 267; Dingl. pol. J. 225 (1877), 215; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 1232: 1877: 37. R. C. Bottger. Platinschwarzgewinnung. Pt. Jsb. Phys. Ver. Frankfurt; Pharm. Centrhalle, 18 (1877), 218; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 576; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 114. 1877: 38. F. Hoppe-Seyler. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen. 1. Pal- ladiumwasserstoff als Oxydationsmittel. 2. Benzol oxydirt zu Phenol durch Palladiumwasserstoff. 3. Oxyhamoglobin reducirt zu Methamoglobin durch Palladiumwasserstoff. Pd. Ztsch. physiol. Chem. 1 (1877), 396; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 306; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 315. 1877 : 39. D. Tommasi. Ricerche fisico-chimiche sui differenti stati allotropici dell’ idrogeno. (Hydrogen on palladium.) Pd. Rendio. 1st. lombardo [2], 10 (1877), 520; Monit. scient. [3], 8 (1878), 829; Ber. 10 (1877), 2056; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 83; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 193. 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1877: 40. J. J. Coquillion. Sur la dissociation des carbures au moyen du fil de palladium, et sur le rapprochement de ces faits avec les actions de presence ou phenomenes catalitiques. Pd. C. R. 84 (1877), 1503; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 561; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 43; Gazz. chim. ital. 7 (1877), 500; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 830. 1877: 41. J. J. Coquillion. Application du fil de palladium au dosage des hydrocarbures m&les en petite proportion dans Fair. “ Pd. C. R. 85 (1877), 1106; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 104; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 10; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 248; J. de pharm. 27 (1878), 451. 1877: 42. F. W. Clarke. Some specific gravity determinations. (Potassium chloro platini te and plati thiocyanate.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 14 (1877), 282. 1877: 43. G. Govi. Sur la transparence du fer et du platine incan- descent. Pt. C. R. 85 (1877), 699; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 204; Dingl. pol. J. 229 (1878), 565. 1877: 44. G. L. Ciamician. Ueber die Spectren der chemischen Elemente und ihrer Verbindungen. (Spectra of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 76, ii (1878), 499; Anzeig. Akad. Wien, 14 (1877), 181; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 174; Repert. Exper. Phys. 13 (1877), 432. 1877: 45. J. Violle. Chaleur specifique et chaleur de fusion du platine. Pt. C. R. 85 (1877), 543; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 30 (1878), 167; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 674; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 151; Dingl. pol. J. 227 (1878), 108; Gazz. chim. ital. 8 (1878), 217; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 106; Phil. Mag. [5], 4 (1877), 318; Jsb. Chem. 1877, 95; J. de phys. 7 (1878), 69; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 39. 1877: 46. J. Thomsen. Thermo chemische Untersuchungen fiber Platin und Palladium. Pt, Pd. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 15 (1877), 435; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 271; Chem. Centrbl. 1877, 546; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 224; J. Chem. Soc. 32 (1877), 566. 1877: 48. N. Gesechus. (Elasticity of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 8, ii (1876), 311, 356; Chem. News, 36 (1877), 39. 1878: 1. J. Piiilipp. Le platine et les metaux qui l’accompagnent Monit. scient, 20 (1878), 59. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1878: 2. The metallurgy of platinum. (Notes from the Paris Exposition.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Chem. News, 38 (1878), 43. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 165 1878: 3. G. Matthey. The preparation in a state of purity of the group of metals known as the platinum series, and notes upon the manufacture of iridio-platinum. Pt, Ir, Pd, Rh, Os, Ru. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 28 (1879), 463; Iron, 13 (1879), 654, 678; Chem. News, 39 (1879), 175; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 213; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 11, ii (1879), 305. 1878: 4. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. H. Debray. Dis- sociation des oxydes de la famille du platine. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. C. R. 87 (1878), 441; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 682; Ber. 11 (1879), 364; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 32 (1879), 294; Chem. News, 38 (1878), 188; J. de pharm. 28 (1878), 441; Phil. Mag. [5], 6 (1878), 394; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878),- 331; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 154; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 123. 1878: 4a. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. S. Stas. De T analyse du platine iridie employe par la section fran^aise de la commission internationale du metre a la conferences des prototypes. Pt, Ir. Proc. verb, du Com. des poids et.mesures, 1878. 1878 : 5. R. Godeffroy. Eigenschaften einiger Caesium- und Rubi- dium verbindungen. (Cesium palladium chloride.) Pd. Arch, pharm. 212 (1878), 47; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 162; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 237. 1878: 6. S. M. Jorgensen. Bidrag til Kobaltammoniakforbind- elsernes Chemi. (Chloro- and bromo-platinates.) Pt. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Sels. Copenhagen, 1878, 7; J. prakt. Chem. 18 (1878), 209. 1878: 7. F. T. Frerichs and E. F. Smith. Ueber das Didym und Lanthan. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 191 (1878), 331; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 386; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 445. 1878: 8. P. T. Cleve. Om nagra lantan- och didymforeningar. (Chloroplatinates; criticism of Frerichs and Smith.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 35 (1878), No. 5, 9; Ber. 11 (1878), 910; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 29 (1878), 492; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 250. 1878: 9. D. Cochin. Sur quelques combinaisons du platine. (Phos- phoplatinum ethers.) Pt. C. R. 86 (1878), 1402; Bui, Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 498; Chem. News, 38 (1878), 20; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 315; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 287. 1878 : 10. C. Seubert. Ueber einige Doppelsalze des zweiwerthigen Iridiums. (Double sulphites.) Ir. Ber. 11 (1878), 1761; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 32 (1879), 403; Chem. News, 39 (1879), 74; Dingl. pol. J. 230 (1878), 370; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 125; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 316; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 11, ii (1879), 237. 1G6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1878: 11. C. Seubert. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Iridiums (192.744, H=l.) Ir. Ber. 11 (1878), 1767; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 32 (1879), 404; Amer. J.Sci. [3], 17 (1879), 64; Chem. News, 39 (1879). 74; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 125; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 21 (1881), 155; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 316; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 320; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 3 (1879), 322. 1878: 12. E. yon Meyer. Ueber einige neue Platinverbindungen : die Knallplatine. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 18 (1878), 305; Ber. 12 (1879), 130; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 172; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 99; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 309. 1878: 13. L. F. Nilson and O. Pettersson. Ueber Darstellung und Valenz des Berylliums. (Platonitrites and chlorplatinate.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), [2], 4 (1878), 554; Nova acta Soc. sci. Upsala, 10 (1879), No. 9; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 244. 1878: 14. L. F. Nilson. Om jodhaltiga derivat af platonitrit. (Platoiodonitrites.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 35 (1878), No. 3, 51; Nova acta Soc. sci. Upsala 10 (1879), No. 16; Ber. 11 (1878), 879; 13 (1880), 775; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 359; Chem. News, 38 (1878), 49; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 706; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 21 (1880), 172; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 312; 1880, 363; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 261; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. ’ 11, ii (1879), 305. 1878: 15. S. E. Phillips. A study of plat-ammonia compounds. (Concluding with The general character of the metal ammo- nium, p. 232.) Pt, Rh, Ir, Ru, Pd. Chem. News, 37 (1878), 209, 231; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 309. 1878: 16. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. H. Debray. Sur un nouveau compose du palladium. (Palladamin chloride.) Pd. C. R. 86 (1878), 926; J. de pharm. 27 (1878), 422; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 440; Chem. Ceitrbl. 1878, 387; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 216; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 144, 267; J Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 650; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 316; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 237. 1878: 17. A. Berlin. Sur les crist aux idiocy clophanes. (Platino- cyanide of yttrium, p. 408.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 15 (1878), 396. 1878: 18. F. W. Clarke. On some seleniocyanates. (Potassium platinoseleniocyanate.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 16 (1878), 199; Ber. 11 (1878), 1325; Chem. News, 38 (1878), 170. 1878: 19. H. yon Jcptner. Neue Methode der quantitativen Un- tersuchung von Gold- und Silberlegirungen. Pt. Auzeiger Akad. Wien, 15 (1878), 161; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 448; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 18 (1879), 104. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 167 1878: 20. R. C. Bottger. (Losungsmittel fur Ammoniumchloro- platinate.) (Sodium citrate.) Pt. Tagebl. 51te Yersamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1878, 46; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 786. 1878: 21. R. C. Bottger. (Verhalten des Phosphors zu Metall- losungen.) (Platinum and palladium solutions.) Pt, Pd. Polyt. Notizbl. 33 (1878), 30; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 208. 1878: 22. M. Berthelot. Sur la decomposition des hydracides par les metaux. (Action of hydrochloric acid on platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. C. Pv. 87 (1878), 619; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 16 (J879), 433; J. de pharm. 28 (1878), 521; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 302. 1878: 23. J. Volhard. Die Anwendung des Schwefelcyanammo- niums in die Maassanaiyse. (Presence of palladium in estim; - tion of silver injurious.) Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 191 (1878), 1; Monit. scient. 20 (1878), 390; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 77. 1878: 24. P. de Clermont and Frommel. Sur une nouvelle methode de separation de Y arsenic des autres metaux. (Sepa- ration from platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. C. R. 86 (1878), 828; C. R. Assoc, frang. 7 (1878), 459; J. de pharm. 28 (1878), 176; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 29 (1878), 290; Diagl. pol. J. 229 (1878), 302; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 1051; Gazz. chim. ital. 8 (1878), 480. 1878: 25. G. Broesike. Ueberosmiumsaure als Mikroskopisch- farbemittel. Os. Med. Centrbl. 16 (1878), 833; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 7; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 18 (1879), 460. 1878: 26. Pelletan. A method of preserving the rotation infu- soria, etc., with their organs extended (with osmic acid.) Os. J. Roy. Micros. Soc. 1 (1878), 189. 1878: 27. T. L. Brunton and J. Fayrer. Note on the effect of various substances in destroying the activity of cobra poison. (Action of platinum chloride.) Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 27 (1878), 465; Jsb. Chem. L878, 1014. 1878: 28. A. Pedler. On cobra poison. (Antidotal action of platinum chloride.) Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 27 (1878), L7. 1878: 29. F. Kopfer. Das Platin als Sauers toff iibertrager bei der Elcmentaranalyse der Kohlenstoffverbindungen. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 17 (1878), 1; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 32 (1879), 108; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 1070. 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1878: 30. F. W. Clarke. Some specific gravity determinations. (Potassium chlorplatinite.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 16 (1878), 206; Ber. 11 (1878), 1504; Chem. News, 38 (1878), 214; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 295, 1005; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 26. 1878: 31. W. Hittorf. Rechtfertigung des Satzes: “ Electrolyte sind Salze” als Erwiderung auf Dr. L. Bleekrode’s Kritik [1876: 60]. (Verhalten des Natriumplatinchlorids, p. 390; Ueberosmiumsaure, p. 404.) Os, Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 4 (1878), 374; Jsb. 1878, 149. 1878: 32. F. Morges. (Electrolysis of platinum chloride.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 8 (1878), 479. 1878: 33. F. A. Gooch. On a new method for the separation and subsequent treatment of precipitate in chemical analysis. (Gooch crucible.) Pt. Troc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 13 (1878), 342; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 181; Amer. Chem. J. 1 (1879), 317; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 1039. 1878: 34. T. Gar side. Mending platinum crucibles. Pt. Chem. News, 38 (1878), 65; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 666; Chem. Ztg. 2 (1878), 371; Dingl. pol. J. 230 (1878), 451; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 1020. 1878: 35. Platinapparate mit gewelltem Boden. Pt. Chem. Indnst. 1 (1878), 194; Dingl. pol. J. 230 (1878), 511. 1878:36. F. W. Kalbfleisch. Combinirte Blei und Platinapparat zur Concentration von Schwefelsaure. (German patent 1005, Oct. 9, 1877.) Pt. Ber. 11 (1878), 999. 1878: 39. F. Bode. Ueber Kalbfleisch’s neuen Platinapparat. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 228 (1878), 249. 1878: 40. A. Sciieurer-Kestner. Sur la dissolution du platine dans l’acide sulfurique, pendant F operation industrielle de la concentration. Pt. C. It. 86 (1878), 1082; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 30 (1878), 28; J. de pharm. 28 (1878), 170; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 442; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 237; J. Chem. Soc. 34 (1878), 650; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 309; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 10, ii (1878), 239. 1878: 41. J. B. Boussingault. Sur la production, la constitution et les proprietes des aciers chromes. (Platinum steel, p. 98.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 15 (1878), 91. 1878. 42. M. Bertiielot. Sur les affinites relatives et deplace- ments reciproques de Foxygene et des elements halogenes, combines avec les corps metalliques. (Combinations of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 86 (1878), 628; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 15 (1878), 185; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 251; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 103, 112. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 169 1878: 43. J. Thomsen. Thermochemische Untersuchungcn. Ucber die Ccnstitution der wasserhaltigen Salze. (Chlorplatinates, pp. 38 et seq.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 18 (1878), 1; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 793, 809; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 88, 90. 1878: 44. J. Violle. Chaleur specifique et chaleur de fusion du palladium. Pd. C. R. 87 (1878), 981; Bul.-Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 293; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 98; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 72; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 11, ii (1879), 192. 1878: 45. R. Sabine. Motions produced by dilute acids on some amalgam surfaces. (Platinum amalgam.) Pt. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1878, 435; Phil. Mag. [5], 6 (1878), 211; Ann. der Phys. Beibl. 2 (1878), 618; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 154. 1878: 46. J. Coquillion. Action de la vapeur d’eau sur les hydro- carbures porte a la temperature rouge. (In presence of plati- num and palladium wire.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 86 (1878), 1197; 87 (1878), 795; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 177; Chem. News, 38 (1878), 287; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 367; Gazz. chim. ital. 9 1879), 273. 1878: 47. A. Crova. Sur la mesure spectrometrique des hautes temperatures. (By platinum foil.) Pt. C. R. 87 (1878), 979; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 68. 1878: 49. J. N. Lockyer. Researches in spectrum analysis in con- nection with the spectrum of the sun. (Palladium found in the sun.) Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 27 (1878), 279; C. R. 86 (1878), 317; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 185. 1878: 50. D. Tommasi. SulF azione della cosi della forza catalitica spiegata secondo la teoria termodinamica. (Action of plati- num sponge on gaseous mixtures.) Pt. Rendic. 1st. lombardo [2], 11 (1878), 128; Monit. scient. 21 (1879), 866; Ber. 11 (1878), 811; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 433; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 9. 1878: 51. D. Tommasi. Riduzione del cloruro di argento e del cloruro ferrico. (By platinum.) Pt. Rendic. 1st. lombardo [2], 11 (1878), 281; J. de pharm. 29 (1879), 291. 1878: 52. F. Hoppe-Seyler. Ueber Gahrungsprozesse. (Action of palladium-hydrogen in decay, p. 21.) Pd, Pt. Ztsch. physiol. Chem. 2 (1878), 1; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 1025. 1878: 53. J. H. Gladstone and A. Tribe. Analogies between the action of the copper-zinc couple and of occluded and nascent hydrogen. (Reducing action of palladium-hydrogen.) Pt, Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 33 (1878), 306; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 191. 170 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1878: 1878: 1878: 1878: 1878: 1878: 1878: 1878: 1879: 1879: 54. N. Beketoff. (Ermittelung der Warmecapacitat des Wassers toffs in seiner Legirung mit Palladium.) Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 11, i (1878), 4; Ber. 12 (1879), 686; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 197; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 242; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 91; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 590. 55. H. F. Morley. On Grove’s gas battery. (Use of plati- num plates.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [5], 5 (1878), 272; Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 2 (1879), 212. Ann. der Phys. Beibl. 2 (1878), 266; Chem. News, 37 (1878), 78; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 140. 56. G. Gore. On the thermo-electric properties of liquids. (With platinum and palladium plates.) Pt, Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 27 (1878), 513; Ann. der Phys. Beibl. 2 (1878), 617; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 135. 57. W. Beetz. Ueber die Electricitatserregung beim Con- tact fester und gasformiger Korper. (Contact of gases with platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Sitzber. Akad. Munchen, 8 (1878), 140; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 5 (1878), 1; Phil. Mag. [5], 7 (1879), 1; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 138. 58. F. Exner. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation des Pla- tins in Wasser. Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 77, ii (1878), 231; Anzeig. Akad. Wien, 15 (1878), 46; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 7 (1878), 388; Chem. Centrbl. 1878, 337; Jsb. Chem. 1878, 140; Phil. Mag. [5], 5 (1878), 400; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 578. 59. H. Herwig. Ueber die zur vollen Ladung einen con- densatorischen Platinwasserzelle erforderlich Electricitats- menge und uber die Distanz der Molecule im flussigen Wasser. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 4 (1878), 465; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 194. 60. F. Rossetti. Indagini sperimentali sulla temperatura del sole. (Pouvoir emissif du platine, Ann. chim. phys. 17: 199, 202.) Pt. Mem. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 2 (1878), 169; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 17 (1879), 177; Nuovo Cimento, 3 (1878), 238; Spectrosc. ital. mem. 7 (1878), 22; Meteor. Ztsch. 13 (1878), 420. 61. C. Winkler. Platinizing porous substances. (German patent 4566, Sept. 21, 1878.) J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 300. 1. O. Luthy. Platinlager in den Vereinigten Staaten. (In California.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 3 (1879), 559; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 213. 2. P. J. Jeremejew. (Platin sand.) Pt, Ir. Verh. K. min. Gesell. zu St. Petersburg, 14 (1879), 155; Ztsch. Kryst. 3 (1879), 436; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1180. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 171 1879: 3. A. Guyard (H. Tamm). De rouralium— un nouveau metal de la famille du platine. Ur. Monit. scient. [3], 9 (1879), 795; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 309; Chem. News, 40 (1879),. 57; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 79 (1880), 63; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 32 (1879), 3. 1 879 : 4. G. Matthey. The preparation in a state of purity of the group of metals known as the platinum series, and notes upon the manufacture of iridio-platinum. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 28 (1879), 463; Chem. News, 39 (1879), 175; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 772; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1100. 1879: 5. E. J. Jungfleisch. Procede de preparation dhridium. Ir. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 50. 1879: 6. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. H. Debray. Sur la laurite et de platine ferrifere artificiels. Pt, Ru. C. R. 89 (1879), 587; Ber. 12 (1879), 2269; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 729; Chem. News, 40 (1879), 203; Dingl. pol. J. 236 (1880), 86; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 222; Jahrb. Min. 1880, Ref. 178; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1184; Ztsch. Kryst. 4 (1881), 420. 1879:7. L. Pitkin. On the formation of compound platinates and a new platino-potassium salt. (Chlorobromoplatinate.) Pt. School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 1 (1880), 64; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 472; Chem. News, 41 (1880), 118; Ber. 13 (1880), 568; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 277; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 706; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 362. 1879:8. E. Drechsel. Ueber Harnstoffpailadiumchlorur. Pd. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 20 (1879), 469; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 34 (1880), 96; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 23; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 161; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 342. 1879: 9. W. Heintz. Platinchloridverbindung des salzsauren Plarn- stoffs. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 198 (1879), 91. 1879 : 10. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitriige zur Chemie der Chromammo- niakverbindungen. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 20 (1879), 105; from Festschrift beim 400 Jahresfeste der Universitat Kopenhagen, Juni 1879; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 199. 1879: 11. K. Birnbaum. Ueber ein neues Salz einer Iridiumbase. (Sulfit des Iridammoniums.) Ir. Ber. 12 (1879), 1544; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 34 (1880), 158; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 659; Chem. News, 40 (1879), 300; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 13; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 308. 1879: 12. P. Groth and L. F. Nilson. Ueber Platojodoni trite: krystallographische und chemische Untersuchung. Pt. Nova acta Soc. sci. Upsala [3], 10 (1879), No. 16. 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1879: 13. L. L. de Koxinck. Ueber die Angreifbarkeit des Platins durch schmelzende kohlensaure Alkalien. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 18 (1879), 569; Ber. 12 (1879), 2257; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 819; Chem. News, 41 (1880), 25; Chem. Ztg. 3 (1879), 770; Dingl. pol. J. 235 (1880), 88; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 581; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1042; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 12, ii (1880), 97; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 29 (1879-80), 5; 30 (1880-81), 218. 1879: 14. T. A. Edison. Action of aqua regia on platinum. Pt. Scient. Amer. 41 (1879), 216; Chem. Ztg. 3 (1879), 650. 1879: 15. E. Drecksel. Elektrolytische Versuche. (Platinelek- troden auf Ammoniumsalze . ) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 20 (1879), 378; Ber. 12 (1879), 2181; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 753; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 300. 1879: 16. A. Volta. L’ozono sopra alcuni metalli nobili. (Plat- inum, p. 526; palladium, 527.) Pt, Pd. Gazz. chim. ital. 9 (1879), 521; Ber. 13 (1880), 203; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 205; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 192. .1879: 17. B. Reinitzer. (Verunreinigungen des Platinchlorids.) Ber. Oster. chem. Gesell. 1879, 16; Dingl. pol. J. 234 (1879), 432. Pt. 1879: 18. F. Seelheim. Ueber die Fluchtigkeit des Platins in Chlorgas. Pt. Ber. 12 (1879), 2066; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 479; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 34 (1880), 351; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 818; Chem. News, 40 (1879), 241; 41 (1880), 81; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 94; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 19 (1880), 65; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 51, 306; Chem. Ztg. 3 (1879), 702. 1879: 19. V. Meyer. Antwort auf Herrn F. Seelheim’s Kritik meiner Versuche liber das Chlor. Pt. Ber. 12 (1879), 2202; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 4S1; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 5; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 51; Chem. Ztg. 3 (1879), 769. 1879: 20. "W. Smith. Behaviour of chlorine at a high temperature, or results of Victor Meyer’s recent research. (Platinum chlorides as a source of pure chlorine for vapor density deter- mination.) Pt. Chem. News, 40 (1879), 49, 69, 155, 225; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 51. 1879:21. F. P. Dunnington. Dissociation of chlorine. (Platinum chlorides as a source of chlorine.) Pt. Chem. News, 40 (1879), 141, 213. 1879: 22. H. Precht. Die Bestimmung des Kaliums als Kalium- platinchloiid. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 18 (1879), 509; Dingl. pol. J. 235 (1880), 133; Ber. 12 (1879), 2255; J. Chem. Soc. 3S (1880), 577; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1043; 1880, 1173. 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: 1879: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 173 23. W. F. Gintl. (Presence of auric chloride in plati- num chloride.) Pt. Ber. Oestr. Gesel. Ford. Chem. Ind. 1, 17; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 449; Chem. News, 43 (1881), 25; 44 (1881), 47; Chem. Ztg. 3 (1879), 653. 24. N. W. Perry. Improved method for making platinum- alloy assays. Pt, Ir, Os, Pd, Rh, Ru. Chem. News, 39 (1879), 89; Eng. and Mining J. (N. Y.), 27 (1879), 29; Berg- und Hutten. Ztg. 38 (1879), 372; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 217; Ztsch.' anal. Chem. 19 (1880), 83; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 555; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1196; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 28 (1878-79), 35. 25. W. Hempel. Ueber die Grenze der Nachweisbarkeit des Kohlenoxydgases. (Mittelst Natriumpalladiumchlorur.) Pd. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 18 (1879), 399. 26. W. Hempel. Ueber die gasanalytische Bestimmung des Wasserstoff durch Absorption. (Mittelst Palladium.) Pd. Ber. 12 (1879), 636; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1025. 27. W. PIempel. Die fractionirte Verbrennung von Wasser- stoff und Sauerstoff. (Mittelst Palladium.) Pd. Ber. 12 (1879), 1006; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 27, 1025. 28. P. de Clermont. De Taction des sels ammoniacaux sur quelques sulfures metalliques et de T application des faits observes a Tanalyse. (No action on platinum sulphides.) Pt. C. It. 88 (1879), 972; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 31 (1879), 483; Ber. 12 (1879), 2092; C. R. Assoc, fran?. 8 (1879), 446. 29. P. de Clermont and Frommel. De Taction de Teau sur les sulfures metalliques. (Platinum, p. 203.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 18 (1879), 189; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 181. 30. H. Topsoe. Krystallografiske Undersogelser over en Raekke Dobbelt-Platonitrite. Pt. Oversigt Danske Sels. Forh. Kjobenhavn, 1879, 1; Ber. 12 (1879), 1730; Ztsch. Kryst. 4 (1880), 469; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 307; 1880, 363. 31. E. Lommel. Ueber die dichroitische Fluorescenz des Magnesiumplatincyanurs. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 8 (1879), 634; Sitzber. Phys. Med. Soc. Erlangen, 12 (1880), 27; Repert. Exp. Phys. 16 (1880), 714. 32. T. J. Parker. On some applications of osmic acid to microscopic purposes. . Os. J. Roy. Micros. Soc. 2 (1879), 381; J. of Sci. (Crooke’s?) [3], 1 (1879), 704. 33. R. Altmann. Ueber die Verwerthbarkeit der Corrosion in der mikroskopischen Anatomie. (Use of osmic acid.) Os. Archiv f. mikros. Anat. 16 (1879), 471; J. Roy. Micros. Soc. 2 (1879), 610; J. of Sci. [3], 1 (1879), 704. 174 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1879: 34. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and E. Mascart. Sur la construction de la regie geodesique internationale. (Analysis and properties of the standard.) Pt, Ir, Rh, Ru. Ann. Ecole normale, Paris, 8 (1879), 9; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 16 (1879), 506; C. R. 88 (1879), 210; Dingl. pol. J. 232 (1879), 547. 1879: 34a. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. S. Stas. Des types en platine, en iridium et en platine iridic h diff brents litres. Pt, Ir. Proc. verb. Com. despoids et mesures, 1879. 1879 : 35. Van Allen. (Letter describing John Holland’s process of drilling holes in osrniridium.) Ir, Os. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 78 (1879), 72. 1879 : 36. D. Clerk and C. A. Fawsitt. Coating iron and steel with platinum. (English patent 1182, Mar. 25, 1879.) Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2 (1880), 141; Ber. 13 (1880), 585. 1879: 37. J. B. A. Dode. Coating metals with platinum. (U. S. patent 219807.) Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1 (1879), 407. 1879: 38. A. P. G. Daumesnil. Metalle mit schutzenden Ueberzug zuversehen. (German patent, Kiasse 48, No. 10059, Oct. 18, 1879.) (Plating with platinum.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 237 (1880), 302; Chem. Indust. 3 (1880), 279; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880). 522; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1249. 1879: 39. L. M. Stoffel. (Plating with platinum.) Pt. Monit. scient. [3], 9 (1879), 1099. 1879: 40. G. Janecek. (No platinum in so-called platina amalgams in dentistry.) Pt. Chem. Indust. 2 (1879), 249; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 216; Chem. tech Mitth. (Eisner), 28 (1878-79), 193. 1879: 41. Koninck. (Platineisen Bilder in Photographie.) Pt. Phot. Mitth. 16 (1879), 73; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 537. 1879: 42. Platindruckverfahren. Pt. Photog. Archiv, No. 385; Chem. tech. Mitth. ( Eisner), 28 (1878-79), 235. 1879: 43. J. Violle. Chaleurs specifiques et points de fusion de divers metaux refractaires. (Melting point of palladium, platinum, and iridium and specific heat- of iridium.) Pd, Pt, Ir. C. R. 89 (1879), 702; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 35 (1881), 434; Dingl. pol. J. 235. (1880), 468; Phil. Mag. [5], 8 (1879), 501; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 19 (1880), 203; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 92; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 12, ii (1880), 142. 1879: 44. J. Violle. Sur la radiation du platine incandescent. Pt. C. R. 88 (1879), 171; Chem, News, 39 (1879), 83; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 573. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 175 1879: 45. T. A. Edison. On the phenomena of heating metals in vacuo by means of an electric current. (Platinum shows green flame and loss of weight.) Pt, Ir. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 1879, 173; Chem. News, 40 (1879), 152; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 1090. 1879: 46. G. D. Liveing and J. Dewar. On the reversal of the lines of metallic vapours. (Platinum and palladium give no reversals, p. 406.) Pt, Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 29 (1879), 402. 1879: 47. A. Gouy. photometriques sur les flammes colorees. (Spectra of flames charged with vapors of osmium, platinum, palladium, and iridium, p. 100.) Os, Pt, Pd, Ir. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 18 (1879), 1. 1879: 48. E. L. Nichols. On the character and intensity of the rays emitted by glowing platinum. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 18 (1879), 446; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 157. 1879: 49. J. H. Gladstone and A. Tribe. Investigations into the action of substances in the nascent and occluded conditions. (Preparation of pure platinum, p. 176; occluded hydrogen on palladium, 177; platinum, 178.) Pt, Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 35 (1879), 172; Ber. 12 (1879), 389. 1879: 50. F. Hoppe-Seyler. Erregung des Sauerstoffs durch nascirenden Wasserstoff. (Reducirende Wirkung des Palla- diumwassers toffs.) Pd. Ber. 12 (1879), 1551; Jsb. Chem. 1879, 189. 1879: 51. K. R. Koch. Ueber die Veranderung, welche die Oberflache des Platins und des Palladiums durch die Sauer- stoffpolarisation erfahrt. Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 8 (1879), 92; J. Chem. Soc. 36 (1879), 1005. 1879: 52. G. Gore. Chemico-electric relations of metals in solu- tions of salts of potassium. (Full investigation.) Pt, Rh, Ir, Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 30 (1879), 38; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 155. 1879: 53. R. C. Bottger. (Ladungsphanomena des Palladiums und des Platins mit Sauers toff und Wasserstoff.) Pd, Pt. Polyt. Notizbl. 34 (1879), 39; Chem. Centrbl. 1879, 241. 1879: 54. J. H. Gladstone and A. Tribe. On dry copper-zinc couples and analogous agents. (Zinc-platinum and zinc- palladium, p. 575; magnesium-platinum, 576.) Pd, Pt.. J. Chem. Soc. 35 (i879), 567. 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1879: 55. L. Schwendler. On a new standard of light. (Glowing platinum.) Pt. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 48, ii (1879), 83; Dingl. pol. J. 235 (1880), 271; Phil. Mag. 8 (1879), 392; Nature, 21 (1880), 158; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1361; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880), 190; Scient. Amer. 41 (1879), 216; Chem. Ztg. 3 (L879), 650. 1880: 1 . A. Koppen. (Discovery [and history?] of platinum in Russia.) Pt. Russische Revue, 9 (1880), 460; referred to Dingl. pol. J. 255 (1885), 489. 1880: 2. J. S. Newberry. The origin and classification of ore deposits. (Platinum deposits, p. 38.) School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 1 (1880), 87. 1880: 2a. G. F. Becker. Atomic weight determinations: a digest of the investigations published since 1814. 1880. Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, xxvii; Constants of nature, Part 4. (Platinum, p. 98; palladium, p. 95; iridium, p. 64; rhodium, p. 101; osmium, p. 94; ruthenium, p. 103.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1880 : 2b.. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. S. Stas. De la regie type en forme d’X et en platine iridie pur a 10 % d'iridium. Proc. verb. Com. des poids et mesures, 1880. Pt, Ir. 1880: 3. T. Wilm. (Beitrage zur Chemie der Platinmetalle.) (Preparation of platinum metals, especially palladium.) Pt, Pd, Ir. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 12, i (1880), 81, 327;- Ber. 13 (1880), 1198; Bui. Chem. Soc. [2], 34 (1880), 679; 35 (1881), 66; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 546; 1881, 37; Chem. News, 43 (1881), 292; Dingl. pol. J. 237 (1880), 332; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 854; 40 (1881), 226; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 365, 1196; Monit. scient. 23 (1881), 799; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880), 473. 1880: 4. G. Praetorius-Seidler. Zur Kenntniss des Cyanamids. (Platindoppelsalze des Sulfoharnstoffs, p. 142.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 21 (1880), 129. 1889:5. V. Meyer and J. Zublin. Ueber Platinbromid. Pt. Ber. 13 (1880), 404; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 261; Chem. News, 42 (1880), 120; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 445; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 362. 1880: 6. R. Engel. Sur un hypophosphite platineux. (Action of phosphin on platinum tetrachloride.) Pt. C. R. 91 (1880), 1068; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 35 (1881), 100; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 68; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 361; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, ii (1881), 247; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1S81), 61: J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 226; Chem. News, 43 (1881), 234. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 177 1880: 7. F. Isambert. Sur les combinaisons du gaz ammoniac avec le chlorure et Fiodure du palladium. Pd. C. R. 91 (1880), 708; Ber. 13 (1880), 2409; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 800; Chem. News, 42 (1880), 294; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 366; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, ii (1881), 278. 1880: 8. O. T. Christensen. Bidrag til Chromammoniakfor- bindelserncs Kemi. (Chloroplatinates of chromium bases.) Pt, Oversigt Dansk. Yid. Sels. Kjobenhavn, 1880, 1; 1881, 85; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 23 (1881), 26, 54; 24 (1881), 74; Bid. Soc. chim. [2], 36 (1881), 313, 316; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 237. 1880: 9. G. N. Wyrouboff. Remarques sur le sulfocyanate de platine de M. V. Marcano. (Of. 1868: 5.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 402; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 449; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 618. 1880: 10. V. Marcano. Sulfocyanate de platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 250, 402; Ber. 13 (1880), 925; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 277; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2 (1880), 363, 430; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 403. 1880: 11. R. Scholtz. Ueber einige Platincyandoppelvcrbind- ungen. (With measurements of crystals.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 82, ii (1880), 1233; Ber. 11 (1881), 514; Monatsh. f. Chem. 1 (1880), 900; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 320; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 707; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 60. 1880: 12. A. Richard and A. Bertrand. Sur le platinocyanure double de magnesium et de potassium. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 34 (1880), 630; Ber. 14 (1881), 108; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 38; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 364. 1880: 13. P. T. Cleve. Om erbinjorden. (Erbium chloroplati- nate.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 37 (1880), No. 7, 3; C. R. 91 (1880), 381; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 305. 1880: 14. W. Spring. Recherches sur la propriety que possedent les corps de se souder sous Faction de la pression. (Platinum, Ann. chim. phys., p. 187.) Pt. Bui. Acad. Bruxelles, 49 (1880), 323; Rev. univ. des mines [2], 8 (1880), 470; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 22 (1881), 170. 1880: 15. A. Ditte. Action de Facide chlorhydrique sur les chlorures metalliques. (On platinum tetrachloride.) Pt. C. R. 91 (1880), 986; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 22 (1881), 551; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 36; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 154. 1880: 16. V. Meyer. Einige Yersuche iiber die Dampfdichten der Alkalimetalle. (Action of potassium and sodium on plati- num.) Pt. Ber. 13 (1880), 391. 109733°— 19— Bull. 094 12 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1880: 17. J. M. Eder. Ueber die hervorragenden reducirenden Eigenschaften des Kaliumferrooxalates und einige durch das- selbe hervorgerufene Reactionen. (Reduction of chloride of platinum.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 81, ii (1880), 196; Ber. 13 (1880), 500; Chem. In- dust. 3 (1880), 142; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 770; Monatsh. f. Chem. 1 (1880), 137; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 21 (1882), 107. 1880: 18. T. L. Phipson. On the reduction of auric chloride by hydrogen in presence of platinum. (Hydrogen condensed on platinum.) Pt. Chem. News, 41 (1880), 13; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 361. 1880: 19. D. Tommasi. On the reduction of chloride of gold by hydrogen in the presence of platinum. (Hydrogen condensed on platinum.) Pt. Chem. News, 41 (1880), 116; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 361. 1880:20. H. Goldschmidt. Die Yalenz des Phosphors. (Note on action of platinum on phosphorus penta chloride.) Pt. Jsb. Lese- u. Redehalle d. deutsch. Stud. Prag, 1889-81; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 489; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 188. 1880: 21. A. Certes. Sur 1’ analyse micrographique des eaux. (Osmium tetroxide in water analysis.) Os. C. R. 90 (1880), 1435; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1144. 1880: 22. C. Vincent. Note sur les reactions produites par la dimethylamine aqueuse sur les dissolutions metalliques. (On platinum and palladium solutions.) Pt, Pd. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 156; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 278; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 19 (1880), 480. 1880:23. T. T. Morrell. Estimation of small quantities of potash with platinic chloride. Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2 (1880), 145; Ber. 13 (1880), 1886; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880), 509; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1173; Dingl. pol. J. 241 (1881), 140. 1880: 24. J. von Fodor. (Palladium chloride as reagent for carbon monoxide.) Pd. Deutsch. Vierteljsch. off. Gesundhpflege. 12 (1880), 377; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 22 (1883), 81; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 1555. 1880 : 25. H. von Juptxer. Die Trennung des Goldes mittelst Cad- mium. (From the platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Oester. Ztsch. Bergwesens, 28 (1880), 182; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880), 276; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1196. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 179 1880: 26. C. Luckow. Ueber die Anwendung das elektrischen Stromes in der analytischen Cliemie. (Electrolytic determina- tion of platinum, p. 13.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 19 (1880), 1; Chem. News, 41 (1880), 213; Dingl. pol. J. 239 (1881), 307; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1140. 1880:27. L. Schucht. Zur Elektrolyse. (Electrolytic determina- tion of palladium.) Pd. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 39 (1880), 121; Chem. News, 41 (1880), 280; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 374; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880), 293; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 174, 1143. 1880: 28. J. H. Debray. Action des acides sur les alliages du rho- dium avec le plomb et le zinc. (Also lead alloys with the other platinum metals.) Rh, Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru. C. R. 90 (1880), 1195; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 433; Chem. News, 41 (1880), 295; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 706; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 368; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 12, it (1880), 377. 1880: 29. A. D. van Le phenomene de Peelair dans les essais d’or et Tinfluence exercee sur ce phenomene par les metaux du groupe du platine. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru. Archiv. neerland. 15 (1880), 185, Ann. chim. phys. [5], 20 (1880), 66; Chem. News, 41 (1880), 126, 266; Ber. 13 (1880), 936; Berg- und Hilt- ten. Ztg. 39 (1880), 247, 275. 1880: 30. E. Wiedemann. Ueber das durch electrische Entlad- ungen erzeugte Phosphorescenzlicht. (Electrischer Dichrois- mus des Platincyanbariums.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 9 (1880), 157; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 186. 1880: 31. E. Lommel. Ueber die Erscheinungen, welche eine senk- recht zur optischen Axe geschnittene Platte von Magnesium- platincyantir im polarisirten Licht zeigt. Pt. Sitzber. Phys. med. Soc. Erlangen, 12 (1880), 33; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 9 (1880), 108; Repert. Exp. Phys. 17 (1881), 254. 1880: 32. E. Lommel. Ueber Fluorescenz. (Platinum cyanides). Pt, Sitzber. Phys. med. Soc. Erlangen, 12 (1880), 53; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), 10 (1880), 449, 631; Repert. Exp. Phys. 16 (1880), 733. 1880: 33. P. Groth (L. Calderon, J. H. van’t Hoff, A. Howe, A. Fock). (Crystallography of the platinum iodonitrites.) Pt. Ztsch. Kryst. 4 (1880), 492; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 363. 1880: 34. F. Beilstein. (Loss of weight of platinum crucibles by heating.) Pt. Pharm. Ztsch. Russ. 19 (1880), 630; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 12, i (1880), 298; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 614; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1145; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 20 (1881), 407. 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1880: 35. A. Scheurer-Kestxer. Sur la dissolution du platine dans l’acide sulfurique ; (During concentration.) Pt. C. R. 91 (1880), 59; Ber. 13 (1880), 1975; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 564; Chem. News, 42 (1880), 61; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 706; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 361; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, ii (1881), 46. 1880: 36. F. Kuhlmann (fils). Explosion d’un alambic de platine servant h la concentration de l’acide sulfurique. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 33 (1880), 50, 97; Dingl. pol. J. 237 (1880), 253; J. Chem. Soc. 38 (1880), 517; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1249; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2 (1880), 130; Analyst, 5 (1880), 10; Chem. Ztg. 4 (1880), 8. 1880: 37. C. Fabre. (Platinotypie.) Pt. Bui. de l’Assoc. beige de- phot. 6, 302; Photog. Corresp. 17 (1880), 38; Chem. Centrbl. 1880, 383; Dingl. pol. J. 237 (1880), 416; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 1393; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 30 (1880-81), 273. 1880: 38. M. Berthelot. Sur quelques relations generates entre la masse chimique des elements et la chaleur de formation de leurs combinaisons. (Platinum and palladium compounds.) Pt, Pd. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 21 (1880), 386; C. R. 90 (1880), 1511; 91 (1880), 17; Rev. scient. 19 (1880), 26; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 134. 1880:39. P. Desains and P. Curie. Recherches sur la determina- tion des longeurs d’onde des rayons calorifiques a basse tem- perature. (Of glowing platinum.) Pt. C. R. 90 (1880), 1506; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 196. 1880: 40. E. Bouty. Mesure des forces electromotrices thermo- £lectriques au contact d’un metal et d’unliquide. (Platinum and liquids.) Pt. C. R. 90 (1880), 917; Seanc. Soc. phys. Paris, 1880, 96; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 160. 1880: 41. G. Gore. On the thermo-electric behaviour of aqueous solutions with platinum electrodes. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 31 (1881), 244. 1880: 42. C. A. Young. On the thermo-electric power of iron and platinum in vacuo. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 20 (1880), 358; Phil. Mag. [5], 10 (1880), 450. 1880: 43. It. Blondlot. Sur une nouvelle propri6te electrique du selenium et sur Texistence des courants tribo-61ectriques pro- prement dits. (Selenium and platinum in contact.) Pt. C. R. 91 (1880), 882; Seanc. Soc. phys. Paris, 1880, 196; Repert. Exp. Phys. 17 (1881), 259; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 175. 1880:44. E. H. Hall. On a new action of magnetism on a perma- nent electric current. (Platinum, Phil. Mag., p. 321.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 20 (1880), 161; Phil. Mag. [5], 10 (1880), 301; Jsb. Chem. 1880, 172, 173. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 131 1880: 45. H. Helmholtz. Ueber Bewegungsstrome am polarisirten Pktina. Pt. Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1880, 285; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 11 £1880), 737. 1881 : 1 . W. E. Hidden. Notes on mineral localities of North Caro- lina. (No platinum in five localities.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 22 (1881), 25; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 1347. 1881: 2. P. Collier. A remarkable nugget of platinum. (From Plattsburg, N. Y.; with analysis.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 21 (1881), 123; Ztsch. Kryst. 5 (1881), 515; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 1347; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 426; Jahrb. f. Min. 1883, 1, Ref. 27. 1881:3. Gold and platinum in Russia. Pt. Engineering, 31 (1881), 163; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 152; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 769. 1881: 4. Increased importance of iridium. Ir. Scient. Amer. 44 (1881), 369; Berg- und Htitten. Ztg. 40 (1881), 327; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 47. 1S81 : 5. T. Wilm. (Beitrage zur Chemie der Platinmetalle.) (Pu- rification of palladium; precipitation of rhodium and palla- dium; solution of platinum metals in hydrochloric acid; rhodium and hydrogen.) Rh, Pd, Pt, Ir, Os, Ru. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, i (1881), 360, 517, 560; Ber. 14 (1881), 629; 15 (1882), 241 (abst.); Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 36 (1881), 436; 37 (1882), 344, 545; 38 (1882), 139, 167; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 321; 1882, 23, 153; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 325; 244 (1882), 87; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 514; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 306; 1882, 359, 1389; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 252; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 30 (1880-81), 219. 1881 : 6. T, Wilm. (Ueber das Verhalten von Palladium, Rhodium und Platin zu Leuchtgas.) Pd, Rh, Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, i (1881), 490; Ber. 14 (1881), 874; Amer. Chem. J. 3 (1881), 154; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 36 (1881), 438; Dingl. pol. J. 241 (1881), 150; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 706; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 307; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 323. 1881: 7. W. Gibbs. On osmyl-ditetramin. Os. Amer. Chem. J. 3 (1881), 233; Ber. 14 (1881), 2820; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 144; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 308; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, ii (1882), 207. 1881 : 8. O. Hesse. Neue Platinsalze. (Chlorplatinates of quinine derivatives.) Pt. Ann. der Chem. (Liebig), 207 (1881), 309; Chem. News, 44 (1881), 83; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 922; Monit. scient. 23 (1881), 1122; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 400. 182 1881: 1S81 : 1881: 1881: 1881: 1881: 1881: 1881: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 9. K. Seubert. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Platins (194.177). Pt. Ann. der Chem. (Liebig), 297 (1881), 1; Ber. 14 (1881), 865; Pharm. Ztsch. Russ. 20 (1881), 256; Amer. Chem. J. 3 (1881), 157; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 21 (1881), 398; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 36 (1881), 437; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 321; Chem. News, 43 (1881), 252; 44 (1881), 82; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), ol4; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 6; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, ii (1882), 64; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 217; Repert. anal. Chem. 1 (1881), 151. 10. A. Orlowsky. (Affinity between platinum and sulphur.) Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, i (1881), 547; Ber. 14 (1881), 2823; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 24. 11. E. Pomey. Sur les combinaisons phosphoplatiniques. Pt. C. R. 92 (1881), 794; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 35 (1881), 420; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 322; Chem. News, 43 (1881), 222; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 305. 12. P. Schutzenberger. Carbure de platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 35 (1881), 355; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, ii (1882), 149. 13. F. W. Clarke and Mary E. Owens. Some new com- pounds of platinum. (Action of potassium cyanate on plati- num tetrachloride and on Magnus’s salt; potassium thiocyanate on platinum tetrachloride; and hydrogen sulphide on strych- nine chloroplatinate.) Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 3 (1881), 351; Ber. 15 (1882), 352; Chem. News, 45 (1882), 62; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 37 (1882), 400; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 153; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 299; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 305; Scient. Proc. Ohio Mech. Inst. 1 (1882), 45; Chem. Ztg. 6 (1882), 69. 14. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Kobaltani- moniakverbindungen. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 23 (1881), 227; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 36 (1881), 311; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 251. 14a. A. Colson. Sur la diffusion des solides dans les solides. (Platinum does not react with carbon.) Pt. C. R. 93 (1881), 1074; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 79. 15. J. Holland. Process of fusing and moulding iridium. (By fusion with phosphorus.) (U. S. patent 241216; German patent 15979, May 10, 1881.) Ir. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 3 (1881), 158; Dingl. pol. J. 244 (1882), 219; Oester. Ztsch. Berg- und Hiitten-Wesen, 29 (1881), 678; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 334; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1388; Chem. tech. Mitth. (Eisner), 31 (1881-82), 105. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 183 1881: 16. F. W. Clarke. An abstract of the results obtained in a recalculation of the atomic weights. (Platinum metals, Phil. Mag., p. 108; Am. C. J., p. 271.) Pt, Pd ; Ir, Rli, Os, Ru. Phil. Mag. [5], 12 (1881), 101; Amer. Chem. J. 3 (1881), 263; Jab. Chem. 1881, 7. 1881: 17. J. Dewar and A. Scott. On some vapor density deter- minations. (Platinum bichloride.) Pt Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1881, 597; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 7 (1883), 149; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 48. 1881 : 18. G. Campari. Ricerca dell’ oro e platino in presenza dell' arsenico, dello stagno e dell’ antimonio. (Quantitative sepa- ration of platinum from arsenic, tin, and antimony.) Pt. Annali di chim. 74 (1882), 1; Ber. 15 (1882), 958; Chem. Ztg. 6 (1882), 161. 1881: 19. F. Field. Laboratory observations : On the detection of small quantities of platinum; action of organic substances in reaction with platinum iodide and potassium iodide in water analysis. Pt (Pd, Rh). Chem. News, 43 (1881), 75, 180; Ber. 14 (1881), 693, 1296; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 251; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 649; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 21 (1882), 421; 22 (1883), 252; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1260; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 13, ii (1881), 340. 1881 : 20. D. Lindo. Estimation of potassium as platinum salt. Pt. Chem. News, 44 (1881), 77, 86, 97, 129; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 21 (1882), 406. 1881: 21. G. Ulex. Ueber Kalibestimmung als Kaliumplatin- chlorid. PL Repert. anal. Chem. 1 (1881), 306; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 22 (1883), 560. 1881: 22. R. R. Tatlock. On the determination of potassium as potassium platino-chloride. Pt. Chem. News, 43 (1881), 273. 1881: 23. S. Zuckschwerdt and B. West. Ueber die Bestim- mung des Kaliums als Kaliumplatinchlorid. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 20 (1881), 185; Dingl. pol. J. 241 (1881), 140; Chem. News, 43 (1881), 251. 1881: 24. O. Wallach. Zur Analyse von organischen Platinsalzen. (Note.) Pt. Ber. 14 (1881), 753; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 36 (1881), 575; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 389; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 715; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 1194; Chem. News, 47 (1883), 249; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 289. 184 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : 1881 : BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 25. L. Maggi. Siill analisa protistologica delle aeque potabili. (Use of palladium chloride in place of osmium tetroxide in water analysis.) Pd, Os. Le stazioni sperimentali agrarie ital. 11 (1882), 28; Rendic. 1st. lomb. Milano, 14 (1881), 621; Gazz. chim. ital. 13 (1883), 323; Rev. scient. 3 (1882), 661; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 1526. 26. A. Tsciiirikoff (Schirikow). (Use of jialladium in esti- mation of hydrogen.) Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, i (1882), 47; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 38 (1882), 171; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 821; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 59, 1263; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 22 (1883), 240; Ber. 15 (1882), 958; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) Beibl. 8 (1884), 629; Chem. Ztg. 8 (1884), 1289; Repert. anal. Chem. 2 (1882), 120. 27. [R. '?] Schneider. Ueber das Palladiumehlorur als Rea- gens auf Kohlenoxvd. Pd. Repert. anal. Chem. 1 (1881), 54; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 201. 28. A. Remont. De l'attaque du platine sous l’influence de la flamme. (Crucibles.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 35 (1S81), 353 (note), 486; Ber. 14 (1881), 1394; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 440; Chem. News, 44 (1881), 169; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 882; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 304; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 3 (1882), 301; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, ii (1882), 236; Repert. anal. Chem. 1 (1881), 189. 29. C. A. M. Balling. Beitrag zur Volumetrie einiger Metalle. (Influence of platinum in quart ation of gold by cadmium.) Pt. Oester. Ztsch. Berg- und H iitten-Wesen, 29 (1881), 51; Chem. Ztg. 5 (1881), 113; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 1156. 30. E. Lommel. Ein Polarisationsapparat aus Magnesium- platincyanur. Pt. Sitzber. Phys. med. Soc. Erlangen, 13 (1881), 31; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), [2], 13 (1881), 347. 31. H. Bush. Metallurgie des Platins. (Use of platinum al- loys.) Pt. Centralztg. Optik. Mech. 2 (1881), 30; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 216; Polyt. Notizbl. 36 (1881), 54; Repert. anal. Chem. 1 (1881), 94. 32. — Zur Herstellung und Verwendung des Platins. (Editorial review.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 213; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 792. 33. P. Casamajor. (New filtering apparatus.) Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 3 (1881), 125; Chem. News, 45 (1882), 148; Monit. scient. 24 (1882), 884. 34. O. J. Broch, E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville, and J. S. Stas. De la regie en forme d’X et en platine iridi6 pur a 10 pour 100 d’iridium. Pt, Ir, Pd, Rh, Os, Ru. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 22 (1881), 120; J. Chem. Soc. 40 (1881), 680. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 185 1881: 35. — (Platindruck.) Pt. Photog. Archiv, 27 (1881), 2; Chem. Centrbl. 1881, 175; Dingl. pol. J. 240 (1881), 405; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 115; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 1342. 1881: 36. E. Baumann. Zur Kenntniss des aktiven Sauerstoffs. (Palladiumwasserstoff.) Pd. Ztsch. physiol. Chem. 5 (1881), 244. 1881: 37. J. Violle. Sur la loi de rayonnement. (Intensites lumi- neuses des radiations emises par le platine incandescent.) Pt. C. R. 92.(1881), 833, 1204; J. Chem. Soe. 40 (1881), 669; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 116; Phil. Mag. [5], 13 (1882), 147. 1881: 38. E. L. Nichols. Note on the electrical resistance and the coefficient of expansion of incandescent platinum. Pt. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 1881, 24; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 22 (1881), 363; Phil. Mag. [5], 13 (1882), 38; Ber. 15 (1882), 524; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 354; Jsb. Chem. 1881, 94; 1882, 149. 1881: 39. F. Streintz. Ueber die durch Entladung von Leydener Flaschen hervorgerufene Zersetzung des Wassers an Platin- elektroden. Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 83, ii (1881), 618; Anzeiger Akad. Wien, 18 (1881), 67; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), [2], 13 (1881), 644. 1881: 40. G. H. Johnson. On the synthetical production of am- monia by the combination of hydrogen and nitrogen in presence of heated spongy platinum. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 39 (1881), 128, 130; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, ii (1882), 146. 1882: 1 . A. von Lasaulx. Ueber einen ausgezeichneten Krystall von dunklem Osmiridium aus dem Ural. (Crystallographic.) Os, Ir. Sitzber. Niederrliein. Gesell. Bonn, 39 (1882), 99; Ztsch. Kryst. 8 (1884), 303; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 1902. 1882: 2. W. H. Seamon. Examination of gold, silver, etc., alloys found in grains along with the native platinum of Colombia, S. America. Pt. Chem. News, 46 (1882), 215; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 160; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1522. 1882: 3. W. H. Seamon. Analysis of native palladium-gold from Taguaril, near Subara, province of Minas Geraes, Brazil. Pd. Chem. News, 46 (1882), 216; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 160; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 819; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1522. 1882: 4. J. W. Mallet. Comment on W. H. Seamon’s analysis of palladium-gold from Brazil. Pd. Chem. News, 46 (1882), 216; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1522. 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1S82: 5. J. H. Debray. Note sur la reproduction des osmiures d’ iridium. Ir, Os. C. R. 95 (1882), 878; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 39 (1883), 520; Chem. Centrbl. 1883, 4; Chem. News, 46 (1882), 280; J. C’hem. Soc. 44 (1883), 298; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, ii (1883), 424; C’hem. Ztg. 6 (1882), 1318. 1SS2: 6. E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville and J. II. Debray. Note sur quelques alliages explosifs du zinc et des metaux du platine. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. C. R. 94 (1882), 1557; ( ’hem. Centrbl. 1882. 468; Chem. News, 46 (1882), 10; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1386; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, ii (1883), 15; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) Beibl. 6 (1882), 655. 1882: 7. A. Ditte. Recherches relatives au protoxyde d’etain et a quelques unes de ses composes. (Palladium- tin and platinum- tin salts.) Pt, Pd. Ann. chim. phys. [5], 27 (1882;, 145; C. R. 94 (1882), 1114; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 808: Phil. Mag. [5], 14 (1882), 152. 1882: 8. B. Gerdes. Ueber die bei Elektrolyse des carbamin- sauren und kohlensauren Ammons mit Wechselstromen und Platinelektroden entstehenden Platinbasen. Inaug. Diss. Leipzig, 1882. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 26 (1882), 257; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 39 (1883), 34; Chem. Centrbl. 1883, 132; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 27; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 160: J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, ii (1883), 455. 1882: 9 . E. Drechsel. Leber die Ammonplatindiammoniumver- bindungen. (Criticism of B. Gerdes.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 26 (1882), 277; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 28. 1882: 10. S. M. Jorgensen. Bei tr age zur Chemie der Chromam- moniakverbindungen. (Ckloroplatinate3 of chromium bases.) J. prakt. Chem. [2], 25 (1882), 83, 321, 398; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 309. Pt. 1882: 11. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Rhodium am- moniakverbindungen. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Rh, Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 25 (1882), 346; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 459; Chem. News, 46 (1882), 67; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 1173; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 360. 1882: 12. F. W. Clarke. A recalculation of the atomic weights. Constants of nature, Part V. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, Washington, 1882. (Platinum metals, p. 249; atomic weight, Pt = 194.867; Pd= 105.981; Ir=193; Rh= 104.285; Os =199.648; Ru= 104.457; 0=16.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 22 (1883), 302. 1882: 13. C. W. Siemens and A. K. Huntington. On the electric furnace. (Fusion of platinum by electricity.) Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1882, 496; Chem. News, 46 (1882), 163; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1354. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 187 1882: 14. W. L. Dudley. Holland’s process for melting iridium. (By use of phosphorus.) Scient. Proc. Ohio Mech. Inst. 1 (1882), 35; Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. 12 (1SS3), 557; ('hem. News, 45 (1882), 168; Ber. 15 (1882), 1190; J. ('hem. Soc. 42 (1882), 703; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1388; 1884, 1719; Monit. scient. [3], 14 (1884), 1170; Repert. anal. Chem. 2 (1882), 190. 1882: 15. R. B. Warder. Note on W. L. Dudley’s paper on Hol- land’s process for melting iridium. Ir. Scient. Proc. Ohio Mech. Inst. 1 (1882), 39. 1882: 16. T. Wilm. (Oxidation of platinum metals.) Pd, Rh, Ir, Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 14, i (1882), 240; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 38 (1882), 611; Ber. 15 (1882), 2225; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 706; Jsb. ( hem. 1882, 359. 1882: 17. L’Abbe Mailfert. Recherches sur 1’ozone. (Action on palladium compounds.) Pd, Pt. C. R. 94 (1882), 860, 1186; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 224. 1882: 18. E. Mulder and H. G. L. van der Meulen. Ozon tegen- over platinazwart. (Action of platinum black on ozone.) Pt. Mededeel. Akad. Amsterdam, 18 (1883), 170; Rec. trav. chim. des Pays Bas, 1 (1882), 167; Ber. 16 (1883), 386; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 42 (1884), 242; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 223. 1882: 19. A. Gavazzi. Studio sopra alcune reazioni dell’ idrogeno fosforato gassoso. (Action of phosphin on platinum chloride.) Pt. Accad. Bologna, June 14, 1882; Gazz. chim. ital. 13 (1883), 324; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 437. 1882: 20. F. PIofmeister, Jr. Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der Platinbasen. Pt. Arch, exper. Path. 16 (1882), 393; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1225; Ber. 16 (1883), 1508. 1882: 21. H. Topsoe. Krystallografisk-kemiske Undersogelser over homologe Forbindelser. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Sels. Kjobenhavn, 1882, 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) Beibl. 7 (1883), 826. 1882: 22. P. E. Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Separation du gallium. (From platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 95 (1882), 1332; Chem. News, 45 (1882), 207, 228; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 294; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1296. 1882: 23. C. R. Fresenius. Zur Bestimmung des Kalis als Kali- umplatinchlorid. (Nach der neuen Bestimmung des Platin- aquivalents durch Seubert.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 21 (1882), 234; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1282. 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1882: 24. J. Post. (Recovery of platinum chloride residues.) Pt. Deutsch-Amer. Apothek. Ztg. 3 (1882), Aug. 15; Chem. News, 46 (1882), 243. 1882: 25. T. P. Blunt. Note on the use of platinic chloride as an indicator in the determination of free iodine. Pt. Analyst, 7 (1882), 135. 1882: 26. A. D. van Riemsdijk. (Cupellation of gold in presence of platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Mededeel. Labor. Rijks. Munt. 1882, No. 5; Rec. trav. chim. des Pays Bas, 1 (1882), 188; Ber. 16 (1883), 387. 1882: 27. Ucber Platinirung zinnerner, messingerner, weissblechener und kupferner Gerathschaften. Pt. Pharm. Centrh. 23 (1882), 88; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 384; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 1145; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 1 (1882), 323. 1882: 28. W. Spring. Bildung von Legirungen durch Druck. (Platinum-silver alloy.) Pt. Ber. 15 (1882), 595; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 1357. 1882: 29. B. J. Grosjean. Filtration under pressure. (Use of platinum disks.) Pt. Chem. News, 45 (1882), 167. 1882: 30. P. Casamajor. Note on filtering discs (of platinum). Chem. News, 46 (1882), 8. Pt. 1882: 31. J. C. Hoadley. The specific heat of platinum, and the use of this metal in the pyrometer. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 84 (1882), 91; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 6 (1882), 864; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 99. 1882: 32. J. C. Hoadley. Observations with the platinum-water pyrometer, with heat-carriers of platinum, and of iron encased with platinum. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 84 (1882), 169. 1882: 33. J. C. Hoadley. The platinum- water pyrometer. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. [3], 84 (1882), 252; Chem. News, 47 (1883), 171; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 7 (1883), 25; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 769; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 114; Chem. Ztg. 7 (1883), 585. 1882:34. S. Kalischer. Ueber die Molekularstructur der Metalle. (Platinum.) Pt. Ber. 15 (1882), 702; Repert. Exp. Phys. 18 (1882), 292; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 262. 1882: 35. A. Colson. Sur la diffusion des solides. (Silicides of platinum.) Pt. C. R. 94 (1882), 26; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 87. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 189 1882: 36. P. Schutzenberger and A. Colson. Sur le silicium. (Platinum silicides in the flame.) Pt. C. R. 94 (1882), 1710; Ber. 15 (1882), 2231; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 260. 1882: 37. W. N. Hartley. Note on certain photographs of the ultra-violet spectra of elementary bodies. (Of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 41 (1882), 84; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 180. 1882:38. A. Joannis. Chaleurs de formation des principaux com- poses palladeux. Pd. C. R. 95 (1882), 295; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 582; Chem. News, 46 (1882), 113; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 1258; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 133, 360; j! Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, ii (1883), 14. 1882: 39. M. Bertiielot. Recherches sur l’absorption des gaz par le platine. Pt. C. R. 94 (1882), 1377; Ann. chim. phys. [5], 30 (1883), 519; Bui. Soc. chim. 39 (1883), 109; Chem. Centrbl. 1882, 457; Chem. News, 45 (1882), 262; J. Chem. Soc. 42 (1882), 1022; 46 (1884), 702; J. de pharm. 6 (1882), 5; J. de phys. 1 (1882), 341; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 60; 1883, 74; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, ii (1883), 2; Chem. Ztg. 8 (1884), 264. 1882:40. M. Traube. Ueber Aktivirung des Sauerstoffs. (Action of pa-lladium-hydrogen.) Pd. Ber. 15 (1882), 659, 2421, 2434; Jsb. Schles. Gesell. Breslau, 1882, 125, 128; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 218. 1882: 41. M. Traube. Ueber die Oxydation des Kohlenoxyds durch Palladiumwasserstoff und SauerstofT. (Vorlaufige Mit- theilung.) Pt, Pd. Ber. 15 (1882), 2325; Bui. Soc. chim [2], 39 (1883), 210; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 250; Repert. anal. Chem. 2 (1882), 381; Chem. Ztg. 6 (1882), 1251. 1882: 42. M. Traube. Ueber das Verhalten von Platin oder Palla- dium gegen Kohlenoxyd oder Wasserstoff bei Gegenwart von Sauerstoff und Wasser. (Vorlaufige Mittheilung.) Pt, Pd. Ber. 15 (1882), 2854; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 39 (1883), 447; Dingl. pol. J. 247 (1883), 95; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 250; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 5 (1883), 62. 1882: 43. G. Poloni. Nuovo metodo per determinare l’interna conducibilita relativa dei metalli pel calore. (Heat conduc- tivity of platiifum.) Pt. Rendic. 1st. lomb. Milano [2], 15 (1882), 386; Ann. der Phys. (Fogg.), Beibl. 7 (1883), 34; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 115. 1882: 44. F. Braun. Ueber galvanisclie Elemente, welche angeb- lich nur aus Grundstoffen bestehen, und electromotorischen Nutzeffect chemischer Processe. (Between platinum and chlorine.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 17 <1882), 593; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 146. 190 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1S82: 45. B. J. Goossexs. Ueber die nietaliiscke galvanische Kette von Perry und Ayrton. (Platinum-magnesium.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 16 (1382), 551; Jab. Chem. 1832, 141. 1SS2: 46. F. Streixtz. Experiment alimtersuchiingen uber die galvanische Polarisation. Pt, Pd. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 86, ii (1882), 216; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 17 (1882), 841; Jsb. Chem. 1882, 162. 1SS3: a. J. A. Poxd. On the occurrence of platinum in quartz lodes at Thames goldfields. Pt. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 15 (1883), 419. 1SS3: 1. C. Claus. Fragment einer Monographic des Platins und der Platmmetalle. 1865-1883. St. Petersburg, 1883. (Post- humous work containing bibliography of the platinum metals to 1861.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1883: la. T. Wilm. Ueber die magnetische Eigenschaft von Platinerz. Pt. Ber. 16 (1883), 664; Chem. News, 48 (1883), 249; Dingl. pol. J. 248(1883), 345; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 859; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 231. 1883: 2. T. Wilm. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. (New metal in plat- inum ore.) — , Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, i (1883), 361; Ber. 16 (1883), 1298; Bui. Soc. chim; [2], 41 (1884), 179; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 954; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 456. Chem. Ztg. 7 (1883), 803. 1883: 3. T. Wilm. Zur Cliemie der Platmmetalle. (Verarbei- tung der Platinerze.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ber. 16 (1883), 1524; Dingl. pol. J. 249 (1883), 280; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1S83), 1057: Jsb. Chem. 1883, 457; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 41 (1884), 255. 1883: 4. W. De la Rue and A. W. Muller. On the electric dis- charge with the chloride of silver battery. (Formation of a volatile hydrogen palladium compound, p. 482.) Pd. Phil. Trans. London, 174 (1883), 477. 18S3: 5. *T. Wilm. Ueber ein neues Rhodiumsalz. (Rh„Cl 4 , 8XH 4 C1, 7Aq.) Rh. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 15, i (1883^ 613; Ber. 16 (1883), 3033: J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 661; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 453; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 41 (1884), 392. 1883: 6. J. H. Debray. Note sur un nouveau compose du rhodium. (Oxysulphide.) Rh. C. R. 97 (1883), 1333; Ber. 17, ii (1884), 6; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 42 (1884), 246; Chem. Centrbl. 1884 , 56; Chem. News, 49 (1884), 21; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 16, ii (1884), 130; J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 400; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 439. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 191 1883: 7. P. E. Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Reactions tres sensible# des sels d’iridium. lr. C. R. 96 (1883), 1336; Ber. 16 (1883), 1394; Chem. Centrbl. 1883, 459; Chem. News, 47 (1883), 240; .T. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 905; Ztsch. anal Chem. 26 (1887), 80; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 437, 1583. 1883: 8. P. E. Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Examen d un sulfate double d ? iridium et de potasse. Ir. C. R. 96 (1883), 1406; Ber. 16 (1883), 1494; Chem. News, 47 (1883), 257; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 905; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 437, 1583. 1883: 9. P. E. Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Remarques sur le sulfate violet d’iridium. Ir. C. R. 96 (1883), 1551; Ber. 16 (1883), 1678; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 40 (1883), 299; Chem. Centrbl. 1883, 458; Chem. News, 47 (1883), 293; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 1057; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 437, 1583; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 16, ii (1884), 43. 1883: 10. F. W. Clarke and O. T. Joslin. On some phosphides of iridium and platinum. Ir, Pt (Pd, Rh, Ru, Os). Amer. Chem. J. 5 (1883), 231; Chem. News, 48 (1883), 285; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 41 (1884), 636; Chem. Centrbl. 1884, 56; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1884), 400; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 439; Chem. Ztg. 7 (1883), 1529; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 17, ii (1885), 101. 1883: 11. J. M. Lovin. Ueber einige Schwefelsubstitutionspro- ducte der Propionsaure. (Thiomilchsaures Platin.) Inaug, Diss. Lund, 1883. Pt. Ber. 16 (1883), 789; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 1048. 1883: 12. P. T. Cleve. Om samarium. (Chloroplatinate and pla- tinocyanid of samarium, p. 22.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 40 (1883), No. 7, 17; J. Chem. Soc. 43 (1883), 362; C. R. 97 (1883), 94; Chem. News, 48 (1883), *9, 74; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 362. 1883: 13. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Rhodiumam- moniakverbindungen. (Audi vorlaufige Versuche iiber this Atomgewicht des Rhodiums, p. 486.) (Rh = 103.) Rh. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 27 (1883), 433; Ber. 16 (1883), 1862; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 41 (1884), 24; Chem. Centrbl. 1883, 502; Chem. News, 48 (1883), 58; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 1058; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 440. 1883: 14. L. Meyer and K. Seubert. Die Atomgewichte der Elemente aus den Origin alzahlen neu berechnet. Leipzig, 1883. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Chem. News, 48 (1883), 211; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 22 (1883), 639. 1883: 15. L. Opificius. Darstellung von Platinchloridlosung. Pt. Polyt. Notizbl. 38 (1883), 166; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 23 (1884), 207; Chem. News, 50 (1884), 34. 192 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1883: 16. W. Oechsner de Coninck. Action de beau bouillant sur les chlorplatinatcs p}nidiques et quinoleiques. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 39 (1883), 263, 498; 42 (1884), 610. 1883: 17. A. Levallois. Reactions du sulfure de plomb sur les chlorines metalliques. (On platinum chloride.) Pt. 0. R. 96 (1883), 1666; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 395. 1883: 18. G. Gore. Reduction of metallic solutions by means of gases, etc. (Chlorides of platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Proc. Phil. Soc. Birmingham, 4 (1883-85), 61; Chem. News, 48 (1883), 295; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 336. 1883: 19. W. Konig. Ueber die optischen Eigenschaften der Platin- cyaniire. Pt. Ann. der Pliys. (Pogg.) [2], 19 (1883), 491; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 254; Chem. Ztg. 7 (1883), 767. 1883: 20. C. W. Blomstraxd. Zur Frage liber die Sattigungsca- pacitat der Grundstoffe, insbesondere des Schwefels. (Corre- spondence between the sulphur and nitrogen bases of platinum, p. 189.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 27 (1883), 161; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 31. 1883: 21. E. Donath and J. Mayrhofer. Bemerkungen liber Affinitat und deren Beziehungen zu Atomvolum, Atomgewicht und specifischem Gcwicht. (Platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ber. 16 (1883), 1588; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 26. 1883:22. (Specific gravity of platinum.) Pt. Engineer, 1883, Nov. 23; Repert. anal. Chem. 4 (1884), 16. 1883: 23. F. Stolba. Zur Analyse des Kalium- und Ammonium- Platinchlorids. Pt. Sitzber. Bohm. Gesell. Prag, 1883, ii, 481. 1883: 24. A. R. Leeds. Platinic iodide as a test-reagent for dele- terious organic substances in potable water. Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 5 (1883), 74. 1883: 25. A. Orlowski. Ersetzung des Schwefelwassers toft’s in qualitativer Analyse durch unterschwefligsaures Ammon. (Action on platinum solutions.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 22 (1883), 357. 1883: 26. M. Ballo. Platinirtes Magnesium als Reductionsmittel. Pt. Ber. 16 (1883), 694; Dingl. pol. J. 249 (1883), 96; Chem. News, 48 (1883), 247; 50 (1884), 55; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 2 (1883), 232. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 193 1883: 27. P. E. Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Separation du gallium. (D’avec le rhodium; des remarques sur quelques reactions des sels de rhodium, p. 152; d’avec l’iridium, 1696; d’avec le ruthenium et Y osmium, 1838.) Rh, Ir, Os, Ru. C. R. 96 (1883), 152, 1696, 1838; Chem. News, 47 (1883), 100, 299; 48 (1883), 15; Ber. 16 (1883), 579; Bill. Soc. chim. [2], 40, (1883), 350; Chem. Centrbl. 1883, 130; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 715; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 1571, 1572. 1883: 28. A. B. Clemence. Apparatus (platinum tube) for esti- mating carbon in steels. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. 86 (1883), 370; Chem. News, 48 (1883), 206; Dingl. pol. J. 254 (1884), 77; Engineer, 56 (1883), -387; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 23 (1884), 203; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 1554; 1884, 1691. 1883:29. W. L. Dudley. The iridium industry. Ir. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. 12 (1883), 577. 1883: 30. M. Traube. Ueber Activirung des Sauers toffs. (By palladium hydrogen.) Pd. Ber. 16 (1883), 123, 1201; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 40 (1883), 438; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 265, 270. 8 83: 31. F. Hoppe-Seyler. Ueber Erregung des Sauerstoffs durch nascirenden Wasserstoff. (From palladium, iridium, and rhodium.) Pd, Ir, Rh. Ber. 16 (1883), 117, 1917; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 40 (1883), 437; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 848; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 268, 270. 1883: 32. P. Chappuis. Ueber die Warmeerzeugung bei der Ab- sorption der Gase durch feste Korper und Fliissigkeiten. (Sulphur dioxide by platinum.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 19 (1883), 21; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 141. 1883: 33. A. Bartoli and G. Papasogli. Elettrolisi della glicerina con elettrodi di carbone e di platino. Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 13 (1883), 287. 1883:34. C. Fromme. Electrische Untersuchungen. I. Ueber das Yerhalten von Platin, Palladium, etc., in Chromsaurelosung. II. Do. in Salpetersaurelosung. III. Versuche zur Kenntniss der Wasserstoff-Condensation und -Absorption durch Platin und Palladium. Zusammenfassung und Erklarung. Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 18 (1883), 552; 19 (1883), 86, 300; J. Chem. Soc. 44 (1883), 698, 699, 766; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 208. 1883: 35. W. Hankel. Ueber die bei einigen Gasentwickelungen auftretenden Electricitaten. (Electrical action of water drops falling into platinum dish.) Pt. Abhand. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. 20 (1883), 599; Ber. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. 35 (1883), 123; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 22 (1884), 387; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 235. 109723°— 19— Bull. 694 13 194 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1883: 36. Krquchkoll. Sur les courants d' emersion et de mouve- ment d’un metal dans un liquide et les courants d’ emersion. (Platinum in acid water.) Pt. C. R. 97 (1883), 161; J. de phys. 2 (1883), 505; Telegr. J. 13 (1883), 338; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 209; J. Them. Soc. 46 (1884), 2. 1883: 37. E. Becquerel. Remarque sur la papier de Krouchkoli. (Platinum in acid water.) Pt. C. R. 97 (1883), 164; Jsb. Chem. 1883, 209. 1883: 38. E. Pirani. Ueber galvanische Polarisation. (Hydro- gen on platinum and palladium.) Berlin, 1883. Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 21 (1884), 64; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 259. 1883: 39. E. Baumann. Zur Kenntniss des activen Sauerstoffs. (Palladium-hydrogen.) Pd. Ber. 16 (1883), 2146. 1883: 40. A. Guebhard. Sur la force elec tromo trice des depots electrolvtiques de peroxyde de plombe. (Polarization of lead dioxide vs. platinum.) Pt. C. R. Assoc, franc. 12 (1883), 311; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) Beibl. 8 (1884), 771; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 259. 1884: 1. (Platinum mines in Russia.) Pt. Engineer. 1884, Sept. 26; Repert. anal. Chem. 4 (1884), 383. 1884: la. V. Restrepo. Estudio sobre las minas de oro y plata de Colombia. Bogota, 1884. 2d edition, Bogota, 1888. (For English translation, see 1886: la.) Pt. 1884: 2. T. Wilm. (New salt of rhodium.) (Further details of 1883: 3 and 5.) Rh. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 16, i (1884), 247; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 42 (1884), 327; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 355. 1884: 3. P. Schutzenberger. Sur un radical metallique. (Platino- stannates.) Pt. C. R. 98 (1884), 985; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 29 (1884), 304; Ber. 17 (1884), 24); Chem. Centrbl. 1884, 452; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 459. 1884: 4. D. Tivoli. Composti di platino e di arsenico. Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 14 (1884), 487; Ber. 18 (1885), 137; Bill. Soc. chim. [2], 45 (1886), 444; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 728; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 837; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 459; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 17, ii (1885), 100. 1884: 5. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie derChromammo- niakverbindungen. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 30 (1884), 1; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 403. 1884: 6. S. M. Jorgensen. Ueber das Verhaltniss zwischen Luteo- und Roseosalzen. (Rliodamins and platinum haloids.) Pt, 1th. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 29 (1884), 409; J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 1095. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP* 195 1884: 7. W. Halberstadt. Bestimmung des Atomgewichts des Platins. (194.57592.) Pt. Ber. 17 (1884), 2962; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 29 (1885), 253; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 355; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 25 (1886), 296; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 54; Repert. anal. Chem. 5 (1885), 96; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 357; Ghent Industrie, 8 (1885), 59. 1884: 8. F. W. Clarke. A recalculation of the atomic weights. (Pt= 194.867; 0=16, p. 50; Os= 199.648, p. 62; Ir=193, p. 62; Pd = 111.879, p. 62; Rh= 104.285, p. 74; Ru= 104.457, p. 74. From 1882: 12.) Pt, Os, Ir, Pd, Rh, Ru. Chem. News, 50 (1884), 50, 62, 74; Chem. Ztg. 8 (1884), 1288, 1358. 1884: 9. R. Romanis. Note on the molecular volume of some double chlorides (of platinum). Pt. Chem. News, 49 (1884), 273; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 78. 1884: 10. F. M. Raoult. Action de i’eau sur les sels doubles. (Sodium chloroplatinate.) Pt. C. R. 99 (1884), 914; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 122. 1884: 11. Krouchkoll. (Amalgamation of platinum.) Pt. J. de phys. [2], 3 (1884), 139; Ann. der Phys. (PoggP, Beibl. 8 (1884), 655; Ber. 17 (1884), 162; Jsb. Chem. 1884 , 443; Chem. Ztg. 8 (1884), 1290. 1884: 12. A. Valentini. Sopra alcuni experience di corso. I. Apparecchio per la combustione dei corpi nelT ossigeno. (By platinum sponge.) Pt. Gazz. chirn. ital. 14 (1884), 214; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 312. 1884: 13. C. Zulkowsky and C. Lepez. Zur Bestimmung der Halogen© organischer Korper. (Use of platinized quartz.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 90, ii (1884), 365; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 591; Monatsh. Chem. 5 (1884), 537; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 24 (1885), 607. 1884: 14. A. Classen. Quantitative Analyse durch Elektrolyse. (Platinum, p. 2477.) Pt. Ber. 17 (1884), 2467; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 44 (1885), 268; Dingl. pot. J. 259 (1886), 92; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 191; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 24 (1885), 250; Analyst, 9 (1884), 228; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 217. 1884: 15. E. Drechsel. Elektrolysen und Elektrosynthesen. (Alternating current between platinum and palladium elec- trodes.) Pt, Pd. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 29 (1884), 229; J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 1136. 1884: 16. A. Bartoli and G. Papasogli. Sulla elettrolisi delle solu- zione di fonelo con elettrodi di carbone e di plafcino. Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 14 (1884), 90; Ber. 17 (1884), 572; J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 170. 196 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1884: 17. E. Harnack. Ueber die quantitative Iodbestimmung im Harn. (Use of palladium solution.) Pd. Ztscli. physiol. Chem. 8 (1884), 391; J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 1423. 1884: 18. G. Vulpius. Ueber Ozonwasser. (Use of palladium chloride to detect ozone, p. 276.) Pd. Arch, de pharm. 222 (1884), 268; Repert. anal. Chem. 4 (1889), 175. 1884: 19. W. Dittmar. On alkali-proof metals. (Action of lith- ium carbonate and alkalies on platinum vessels.) Pt. Chem. News, 50 (1884), 3; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 3 (1884), 303; J. Chem. Soc. 46 (1884), 1071; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 24 (1885), 75; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 1557, 1729. 1884: 20. H. J. Seaman. Note on patching platinum crucibles. Pt. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. 13 (1884), 140; Eng. and Min. J. 37 (1884), 421; Chem. Ztg. 8 (1884), 933; Chem. News, 49 (1884), 274; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 1687. 1884: 21. A. Gawalovski. Platinfilter. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 23 (1884), 372; Chem. Ztg. 8 (1884), 1509. 1884: 22. G. L. Anders. Telephone transmitters. (Osmium in microphone.) Os. Sci. Amer. Suppl. 18 (1884), 7201; Dingl. pol. J. 254 (1884), 442. 1884: 23. Tremeschini. (Pyrometer of platinum.) Pt. Portefeuille econom. mach. 9 (1884), 64; Dingl. pol. J. 254 (1884), 158. 1884: 24. J. Lewis. Brennerkopf zur Verbrennung eines Ge- misches Leuchtgas und Luft in Platindrahtgewebe. (German patent 30174, May 16, 1884.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 259 (1886), 413. 1884: 25. W. Siemens. Lichteinheit der Pariser Conferenz. (Plati- num light unit.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Berlin. 1884, 601; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 22 (1884), 304; Elektrotech. Ztsch. 1884, 244; Dingl. pol. J. 252 (1884), 529; 254 (1884), 122; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 281. 1884: 26. J. Violle. Sur l’etalon absolu de lumiere. (Platinum unit.) Pt. C. R. 98 (1884), 1032; Ann. ehim. phys. [6], 3 (1884), 373; Dingl. pol. J. 254 (1884), 499; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 281; J. fur Gasbeleucht. 1884, 763; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 249. 1884: 27. — Electrische Einheiten und Lichteinheiten. (Plati- num unit.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 22 (1884), 616; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 281. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 197 1884: 28. S. Bidwell. On a relation between the coefficient of the Thomson effect and certain other physical properties of metals. (Specific heat and resistance and coefficient of expansion.) - Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 37 (1884), 25. Pt, Pd. 1884: 29. C. G. Knott. The electrical resistance of hydrogenized palladium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 12 (1884), 181; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 8 (1884), 394; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 250. 1884: 30. L. Weiller. (Electrical resistance of platinum.) Pt. Rev. indust. 1884, 242; Dingl. pol. J. 253 (1884), 134; Jsb. Chem. 1884, 249. 1884: 31. A. Macfarlane. Arrangement of the metals in an elec- trofrictional series. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 12 (1884), 412; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 9 (1885), 432; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 225. 1884: 32. V. Strouhal and C. Barus. Das Wesen der Stahl- hartung vom elektrischen Standpunkte aus betrachtet, be- sonders im Anschluss an das entsprechende Verhalten einiger Silberlegirungen. (Electric properties of silver platinum.) Sitzber. Bohm. Gesell. Prag [6], 12 (1884), 14; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 9 (1885), 353; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 255. 1885: 1. A. Katterfeld. Ueber die Platinaproduction Russian ds. Pt. Russkie Wedomosti, ; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 44 (1885), 68; Dingl. pol. J. 255 (1885), 489; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 367; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 942; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 435. 1885: la. J. Id. Collins. On the geology of the Rio Tinto mines. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. No. 163 (1885), 245. Pt. 1885: 2. T. Wilm. Zur Analyse von Platinerz. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 17, i (1885), 451; 18, i (1886), 69; Ber. 18 (1885), 2536; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 181; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 1941; Bui. Soc. ehim. [2], 45 (1886), 254; Repert. anal. Chem. 6 (1886), 226; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 4 (1885), 759. 1885: 3. P. T. Cleve. Om samariums foreningar. (Chloroplati- nates and platinocyanides.) Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 42 (1885), No. 1, 15; Nova acta Soc. sci. Upsala [3], 13 (1885), 2; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 43 (1885), 162; Chem. News, 51 (1885), 145; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 486. 1885: 4. P. T. Cleve. Nya undersokningar ofver didyms fore- ningen. (Chloroplatinates.) Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 42 (1885), No. 1, 21; Nova acta Soc. eci. Upsala [3], 13 (1885), 5; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 43 (1885), 359; Chem. News, 52 (1885), 227, 291; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 481. 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1885: 5. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Kobaltammo- niakverbindungen. (Chloroplatinates.) J. prakt. Chem. [2], 31 (1885), 41, 262; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 726, 87-1; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 502, 512- 1885: 6. C. Vincent. Sur trois nouveaux composes de 1’iridium. (Chloriridates of methylamins.) C. R. 100 (1885), 112; Ber. 18 (1885), 48; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 43 (1885), 153; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 165: Chem. News, 51 (1885), 61; J. ('hem. Soc. 48 (1885), 356: Jsb. Chem. 18$$>, 1613; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 325. 1885: 7. C. Vincent. Sur trois nouveaux composes du rhodium. (Chlororhodates of methylamins.) Rh. C. R. 101 (1885), 322; Ber. 18 (1885), 532; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 44 (1885), 513; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 675; Chem. News, 52 (1885), 94: 53 (1886), 37; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 1116; 50 (1886), 310; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 33 (1886), 207; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 1614; 1886, 501; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 7 (1885), 283. 1885: 8. P. Jochum. Ueber die Einwirkung des unterschweflig- sauren Natrons auf Metallsalze. Inaug. Diss. Berlin, 1885. (Action on platinous chloride.) Pt. Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 642; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 395; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), . 17. 1885: 9. H. Moissan. Action du platine au rouge sur les fluorures de phosphore. C. R. 102 (1885), 763; Ber. 19 (1886), 286; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 5 (1891), 454; Chem. News, 53 (1886), 191: Jsb. Chem. 1886, 363; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 592; Chem. Ztg. 10 (1886), Rep. 90. 1885: 10. A. B. Griffiths. Carbides of platinum formed at com- paratively low temperatures. Pt. Chem. News, 51 (1885), 97: Ber. 18 (1885), 258; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 487; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 571; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 18, ii (1886), 190; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 470. 1885: 11. C. G. Memminger. On a platinum silicide. Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 7 (1885), 172; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 124; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 18, ii (1886), 190; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 1773. 1885: 12. C. Enebuske. Om platinas metylsulfinbaser. Inaug. Diss. Lund. (See C. W. Blomstrand, 1888: 15.) Pt. Ars-skrift Univ. Lund, 22, ii (1885-86), 2; Ber. 20 (1887), 107; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 38 (1888), 358; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 69; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2205. 1885: 13. C. Rudelius. Platinapropylsulfinforeningar. Inaug. Diss. Lund. (See C. W. Blomstrand, 1888: 15.) Pt. Ars-skrift Univ. Lund. 22, ii (1885-86), 4; Ber. 20 (1887), 108; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 38 (1888), 497; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 189; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2207. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 199 1885: 14. • S. G. Hedin. Om pyridinens platinabaser. Inaug. Diss. Lund. Pt. Ars-skrift Univ. Lund, 22, ii (1885-86), 3; Ber. 20 (1887), 108. 1885: 15. H. G. Soderbaum. Om dubbeloxalater af Platina. Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 42 (1885), No. 10, 25; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 532; Bui. Soc. ohim. [2], 45 (1886), 188; Ber. 19 (1886>, 203; Chem. News, 53 (1886), 14; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 1604. 1885: 16. P. Kulisch. Ueber die Einwirkung des Phosphorwasser- stoffs auf Met alls alzlosungen. (No definite results with plat- inum salts, p. 355.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 231 (1885), 327. 1S85: 17. H. Schiff. Palladium-' Wasserstoff als Vorlesungsver- such. Pd. Ber. 18 (1885), 1727; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 1035; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 354. 1885: 18. E. Demarc ay. Sur une reaction coloree du rhodium. (With sodium hypochlorite.) Rh. C. R. 101 (1885), 951; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 45 (1886), 260; Chem. News^ 52 (1885), 263; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 125; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 1943; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 8 (1886), 56. 1885: 19. J. A. Groshans. Sur les poids sp^cifiques des cristaux hydrates, ayant des formules analogues et des nombres egaux de molecules d’eau. (Platinum and palladium double salts.) Pt, Pd. Rec. trav. chim. des Pays-Bas, 4 (1885), 236; Phil. Mag. [5], 20 (1885), 19, 191; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 194; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 52. 1885: 20. F. Rottger and H. Precht. Die Bestimmung geringer Mengen Chlornatrium neben Chlorkalium. (Durch Chlor- platin.) Pt. Ber. 18 (1885), 2076; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 25 (1886), 213; 26 (1887), 728. 1885: 21. A. D. van Riemsdijk. Sur le procede de d’Arcet pour le dosage du platine dans son alliage avec F argent ou avec For et F argent. Sur Fessais par voie humide de F argent tenant platine. Pt. Mededeel. Lab. Rijks. Munt. 6 (1885); Rec. trav. chim. Pays Bas, 1 (1885), 263; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 952; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 1942; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 1854. 1885: 22. L. Kritschewsky (and Sch warzenbach) . Ueber die Anwendung des metallischen (d. h. von Palladium absorbirten) Wasserstoffs in der analytischen Chemie. Inaug. Diss. Bern, 1885. ’ Pd, Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 25 (1886), 374; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 1071. 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM' GROUP. 1S85: 23. N. W. Perry. Iridium: its occurrence, fusion, electro- plating, and applications in the arts. (Bibliography of iridium, Sch. of M. Quart. 6: 114; Chem. News, 51: 32.) Ir, Os. School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 6 (1885), 97; Chem. News, 51 (1885), 1, 19, 31, 214, 298; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 814; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 462; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 2044; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 7 (1885), 66; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 435. 1885: 24. Johnson, Matthey & Co. The fusion and working of iridium. (With phosphorus.) Ir. Chem. News, 51 (1885), 71; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 2045. 1885: 25. — Iridium. (Note on its use, etc.) Ir. Scient. Amer. 52 (1885), 115; from Chemist and Drug.; Repert. anal. Chem. 5 (1885), 254. 1885: 26. (A copper-zinc-platinum alloy resembling gold.) Pt, Techniker, 8 (1885), 199; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 813; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 2048. 1885: 27. H. Roessler. Tiegelschmelzofen mit Luftvorwarmung. (For melting platinum-gold alloys.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 257 (1885), 153. 1885: 28. J. W. Pratt. Soldering and repairing platinum vessels in the laboratory. Pt. Chem. News, 51 (1885), 181, 248; Ber. 18 (1885), 320; Dingl. pol. J. 258 (1885), 74; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 1999; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 715; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 7 (1885), 150. 1885: 29. G. T. H. Repairing platinum vessels. (Claim of priority over J. W. Pratt.) Pt. Chem. News, 51 (1885), 239. 1885: 30. J. Bosscha (and A. C. Oudemans). Relation des expe- riences qui ont servi a la construction de deux metres etalons en platine iridie, compares directement avec le metre des Archives. Note II. A. C. Oudemans: Analyse du metal des. regies, 2, 112. Pt, Ir (Ru). Ann. l'Ecole polyt. Delft, 1 (1885), 65; 2 (1886), 1. 1885: 31. J. S. Stas. Comite international des poids et mesures. (Use of platinum iridium for standards of weights and meas- ures.) Pt, Ir. J. pharm. chim. [5], 12 (.1885), 45; Chem. News, 52 (1885), 71. 1885: 32. C. de la Harpe. Triangle en platine pouvant servir a des creusets de dimensions different s. Pt. Bui. Soc. Mulhouse, 55 (1885), 249; Chem. Ztg. 9 (1885), 1209. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 201 1S85: 33. L. Scharnweber. Kohlenhalterspitze fur elektrische Bogcnlampen, aus Osmiridium, Platin oder Platiniridium. (German patent 35395, July 12, 1885.) Pt, Ir, Os. Dingl. pol. j; 261 (1886), 314. 1885: 34. Crut.o’s Gluhlampe. (Of platinum.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 256 (1885), 353. 1885: 35. H. Roessler. (Verwendung von Metalllosungen zum Farben von Thonwaaren.) Pd, Ir, Pt. Sprechsaal, 1885, 385; Dingl. pol. J. 258 (1885), 275; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 2112. 1885: 36. H. F. Read. (Use of fine platinum wire for cross in tele- scopes.) Pt. Polyt. Notizbl. 40 (1885), 223; from Mining and Sci. Press; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 832; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 2044; Repert. anal. Chem. 5 (1885), 414. 1885: 37. F. Larroque. (Use of palladium-hydrogen in photo- phone.) Pd. Lumiere electrique, 18 (1885), 532; Dingl. pol. J. 261 (1885), 475. 1885: 38. C. A. Needham. Platindruck. (Very full description of this method in photography.) Pt. Photog. Arch. 26 (1885), 17; Chem. Centrbl. 1885, 156; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 2261. 1885: 39. M. Traube. Ueber die Mitwirkung des Wassers bei der langsamen Verbrennung des Zinks, Bleis, Eisens, und Palla- diumwasserstoffs. Pd. Ber. 18 (1885), 1877; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 1105; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 365; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 4 (1885), 675. 1885 : 40. II. Knoblauch. Ueber zwei neue Verfahren, den Polarisa- tionswinkel der Metalle zu finden. Pd, Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 24 (1885), 258; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 336. 1885: 41. A. Schleiermacher. Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Warmestrahlung von der Temperatur und das Stefan’sche Gesetz. (Warmestrahlung des Platins.) Pt. Ann der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 26 (1885), 287; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 125. 1885: 42. D. Konowalow. Ueber die Rolle der Contactwirkung bei den Erscheinungen der Dissociation. (Action of platinum.) Pt. Ber. 18 (1885), 2808; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 9; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 224. 1885: 43. J. Trowbridge. A standard of light. (Platinum unit.) Amer. J. Sci. [3], 30 (1885), 128; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 301. Pt. 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1S85: 44. F. Bellamy. Action de quelques m6taux [platine] sur la melange d’ acetylene et d’air. Pt. C. R. 100 (1885), 1460; J. Chem. Soc. 48 1885), 951; Jsb. (‘hem. 1885, 665; Chem. News, 52 (1885), 82; .J. de pharm. [5], 12 (1885), 55. 1885: 45. H. Tomlinson. The influence of stress and strain on the physical properties of matter. The alteration of the electrical conductivity of . . . platinum-iridium by longitudinal traction. Pt, Ir. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 39 (1885), 503: Jsb. Chem. 1886, 249. 1885: 46. L. Cailletet and E. Bouty. Sur la conductibilite elec- trique du mercure solide et des metaux purs aux basses tem- peratures. (Platinum.) Pt. C. R. 100 (1885), 1188; J. Chem. Soc. 48 (1885), 855; Jsb. Chem. 1885, 257. 1886: 1. G. C. Hoffman. Native platinum from Canada (British Columbia). (With analysis.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 5 (1887), 3, 17; Rept. Geol. Surv. Canada, 2 (1886), 5; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 35 (1888), 257; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 679; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 109; Neues Jahrb. f. Min. 26, ii (1888), Ret. 386; Ztsch. Kryst. 15 (1888), 128; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 659; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 11. 1886: la. V. Restrepo. A study of the gold and silver mines of Colombia. English translation by C. W. Fisher. Colombian Consulate, New York, 1886. (Translation of 1884: la.) Pt. 1886: 2. J. Noad. Improvements relating to the extraction or sepa- ration of gold, silver, and platinum from ores and other sub- stances, or products containing such metals. (English patent 6810, May 20, 1886. Coat with iron and remove with a magnet.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 6 (1887), 516. 1886:3. E. Prost. Sels du platine, simples et doubles. (Nitrates, oxides, chlorates, sulphates.) Bnl. Acad. Belg. [3], 11 (1886), 414; Ber. 19 (1886), 666; Bill. Soc. chim. [2], 46 (1886), 156; Chem. News, 54 (1886), 213; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 987; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 489; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 8 (1886), 176; Chem. Ztg. 10 (1886), Rep. 195; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 11 (1886), 414. 1886: 4. F. P. Miles. On the formation of platinum silicide. Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 8 (1886), 428; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 450; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 494. 1886: 5. W. Gibbs. Further researches on complex inorganic acids. (Platinoarsenates, tungstates, and molybdates.) Pt. Amer. ( hem. J. 8 (1886), 289; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 113; Jab. Chem. 1886, 493. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 203 1886: 6. T. Wilm. (Ueber Alkali platincyanure.) • Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 18, i (1886), 376; Ber. 19 (188G), 950; Bui. S> . chim. [2], 50 (1888), 281; .J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 604; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 490; Chem. Industrie, 10 (1887), 59. 1886: 7. T. Wilm. (Ueber Haloid additionproducte von Kalin m- platincyaniire.) Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 18, i (1886), 181, 402; Ber. 19 (1886), 959; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 46 (1886), 826; 50 (1888), 281; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886 > , 605; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 492. 1886: 8. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Constitution der Platinbasen. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 33 (1886), 489; Ber. 19 (1886), 529; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 857; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 1601. 1886: 9. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Rhodium- ammoniakverbindungem. Rh. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 34 (1886), 394; Ber. 20 (1887), 7; Chem. News, 54 (1886), 298; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 113, 114; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 494. 1886: 10. J. D. van der Plants. Essai de calc-ul des poids atomi- ques de M. Stas. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ann. chim. phys. [6], 7 (1886), 499; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 26 (1887), 276. 1886: 11. H. Le Chatelier. Platine iridie. Modification allotro- pique. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 45 (1886), 482. 1886: 12. G. Foussereau. Sur la decomposition lente des chlo- rures dans leurs dissolutions etendues. (Platinum and sodium- rhodium chloride.) Pt, Rh. C. R. 103 (1886), 243; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 975; Jsb. them. 1886, 271. 1886: 13. O. Lehmann. (Dissociation of magnesium platmocyanide in water.) Pt. Ztsch. Kryst. 12 (1886), 377; Jab. Chem. 1886, 504. 1886: 14. C. R. Fresenius. Trennimg des . . . Platins von Zinn, Antiman und Arsen. (Qualitative.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 25 (1886), 200; Ber. 19 (1886), 629; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 651; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 1951; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 18, ii (1886), 254; Analyst, 11 (1886), 93; Chem. Industrie, 9 (1886), 155; Chem. Ztg. 10 (1886), Rep. 100. 1886: 15. P. J. Dirvell. Mode rapide de separer de platine d’avec Tantimome, V arsenique, et retain. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 46 (1886), 806; Ber. 20 (1887), 341; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 97; Dingl. pol. J. 263 (1887), 538; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 28 (1889), 701; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 1951; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 1 (1887), 208, Repert. anal. Chem. 7 (1887), 248; Analyst, 12 (1887), 142; J. Soc. Chem. Tad. 6 (1887), 384; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 4. 204 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 1886 : 16. T. Bailey. On the analysis of allo}^s and minerals con-i taining heav 3 r metals, selenium, tellurium, etc. (Separation of metals of the second group.) Pt. J. Cliem. Soc. 49 (1886), 735; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 1950. 17. K. Ulscii. Notizen zur Kjeldahrschen Stickstoffbestim- mungsmethode. (Use of platinum chloride in the Kjeldahl process.) Pt. Ztsch. gesammt. Brauwesen, 1886, 81; Chem. Centrbl. 1886, 375; 1887, 284; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 863; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 1954. 18. F. Hoppe-Seyler. Ueber die Gahrung der Cellulose mit Bildung von Methan und Kohlensaure. (Separation of methane and Irydrogen by palladium, p. 429.) Pd (Pt). Ztsch. physiol. Chem. 10 (1886), 401; 11 (1887), 257; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 618. 19. A. Sudakopf. (Use of palladium asbestos to detect hydrogen.) Pd. Arch, fiir Hygiene, 5 (1886), 166. 20. P. Casamajor. A platinum filtering bulb for Dr. Carmi- chael’s system of filtration. Pt. Chem. News, 53 (1886), 194; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 8 (1886), 17. 21. C. A. Paillard. PaUadiumkupferlegirung. (A non- magnetizable alloy for watches. German patent 38445, May 11, 1886.) Pd (Pt, Rh). Ber. 20 (1887), R. 179; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 471; Dingl. pol. J. 264 (1887), 634; 268 (1888), 189; 270 (1888), 143; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 573; Rev. indust. 1888, 127; Ztsch. chem. Indust. 1 (1887), 118; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2659; Repert. anal. Chem. 7 (1887), 466. 22. W. A. Thoms. Improvements in the deposition of plat- inum by electricity. (U. S. patent 367731; English patent s 10477, Aug. 16, 1886.) Pt. j Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), 1026; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 6 (1887), 518. 23. H. II. Lake. Improvements relating to the uniting of platinum or silver or nickel or alloys of these metals. (English I patent 1473, Feb. 1, 1886.) " Pt. | J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 6 (1887), 293. 24. W. Banks and S. Brierley. Platindraht, gliihend durch j elektrischen Strom, zum Sengen von Geweben. (German patent 38266, July 19, 1886.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 263 (1887), 508. 25. E. Vogel. (Platin in Photograpliie.) Pt. Photog. Mittheil. 23 (1886), 251, 325; Dingl. pol. J. 264 (1887), 447; 267 (1888), 221; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2905. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 205 1886: 26. Pionchon. Sur 1’ etude calorimetrique des metaux aux hautes temperatures. (Specific heat of platinum-iridium and platinum-palladium alloys.) Pt, Ir, Pd. C. R. 102 (1886), 675; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 184. 1886: 27. E. Grimaux. Action ox 3 ^dante du noir de platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 45 (1886), 481. 1886: 28. T. Ihmori. Ueber die Aufnahme des Quecksilberdampfes durch Platinmohr. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 28 (1886), 81; Ber. 19 (1886), 382; J. Chem. Soc. 50 (1886), 766; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 468. 1886: 29. B. Dessau. Ueber Metallschichten, welche durch Zer- stauben einer Kathode entstehen. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 29 (1886), 353. 1886: 30. E. van Aubel. Note sur la transparence du platine. Pt. Bui. Acad. Belg. [3], 11 (1886), 408; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 288; 1888, 2728; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 21; Repert. f. Phys. 23 (1887), 537; Dingl. pol. J. 267 (1888), 239. 1886: 31. E. tax Aubel. Quelques mots sur la transparence du platine et des miroirs de fer, nickel, cobalt, obtenus par electrolyse. Pt. Bui. Acad. Belg. [3], 12 (1886), 665; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 288; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7 (1888), 215; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), 71. 1886: 32. E. Warburg and T. Ihmori. Ueber das Gewicht und die Ursache der Wasserhaute bei Glas und anderen Korper. (Platinum.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 27 (1886), 481; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 158. 1886: 33. F. von Hefner-Alteneck. (Violle’s Platineinheit des Lichtes.) Pt. J. f. Gasb el euchtung , 16 (1886), 3; Dingl. pol. J. 262 (1886), 25. 1886: 34. 0. G. Knott. On the electrical properties of hydrogen- ized palladium. Pd. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 33 (1886), 171; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 12 (1888), 114; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 373. 1886: 35. W. Peddie. On the increase of electrolytic polarization with zinc. (Resistance of platinum electrodes.) Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 14 (1886), 87, 221; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 12 (1888), 381; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 394. 1886: 36. E. Drechsel. (Platinmohr als Electrode.) Pt. Sep. Abdruck, Beiirag f. Physiol. Ludwig Festschrift, Leipzig; Jsb. Chem. 1886, 279. 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1886: 1886: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 87. Gautier. Couple zinc-platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 45 (1886), 418. 38. W. Case. Transformation of heat energy into electric energy. (Carbon, platinum, chloric acid element. Patents 334345, 334346, 334347, June 29, 1886.) Pt, N. Y. Elect. Rev. 8 (1886), 3; Electrotech. Ztsch. 8 (1887), 506; Aim. indust. 1887, 490; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 12 (1888), 120; Bingl. pol . J. 267 (1888), 95; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 348. 1. G. M. Dawson. Mineral wealth of British Columbia: platinum and osmiridium. Pt, Ir, Os. Ann. Rept, Geo!. Surv. Canada, 3 (1887), R. 104, 156. 2. C. C. Hutchins and E. L. Holden. On the existence of certain elements, together with the discovery of platinum in the sun. Pt. Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 23 (1887), 14; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 34 (1887), 451; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 1065; Phil. Mag. [5], 24 (1887), 325; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 343. 3. B. T. Martin. (Iridium in bullion at the New York mint; from Report Director Mint, 1885.) Ir, Os, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru. Berg- und Htitten. Ztg. 46 (1887), 255; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 1100; Repert. anal. Chem. 7 (1887), 454; Chem. Industrie, 10 (1887), 350. 4. H. Malbot. Sur le chlorhydrate et le chlorplatinate de diisobutylamine et le chlorplatinate de triisobutylamine. Pt. C. R. 104 (1887), 366; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 461. 5. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Kobaltammo- niakverbindungen. (Chlorplatinates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 35 (1887), 417; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 775; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 451. 6. E. Pomey. Stir le chlorure phosphoplatineux. (Phos- phoplatinous propyl ester.) Pt. C. R. 104 (1887), 364; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 330; Chem. News, 55 (1887), 117; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 458; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 612. 7. H. Londahl. Platinasulfinforeningar af normalbutyl, iso- butyl och benzyl. (See C. W. Blomstrand, 1888: 15.) Pt. Ars-skrift Univ. Lund, 24, ii (1887-88), 4; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 38 (1888), 512; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 189; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2212. 8. F. W. Semmler. Ueber das fttherische Oel von Allium ursinum L. (3. Platinverbindungen des Yinylsulfids, p. 132.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 241 (1887), 90; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 1089. 9. T. Wilm. (Kalium platinocyanid.) (Addition products with nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 19, i (1887), 243; Ber. 20 (1887), R. 313; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 689; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 635; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), 874. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 207 1SS7: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 1887: 10. A. Cossa. Ricerche sopra le propriety di alcuni com- post! ammoniacali del platino. Pt. Atti Accad. sci. Torino, 22 (1887), 323; Gazz. chim. ital. 17 (3887), 3; Ber. 20 (1887), 462; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 330; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 642; jsb. Chem. 1887, 611; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 19, ii (1887), 361; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 138. 11. L. Reese. Ueber die Einwirkung von Phtalsaureanhy- drid auf Amidosauren. (a-Leucinphtaloylsaures Platodiam monium, p. 19.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 242 (1887), 1; J. Chem. So c. 54 (1888), 148. 12. PI. Alexander. Ueber hydroxylaminhaltige Platin- basen. Inaug. Diss. Konigsberg, 1887. Pi. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 246 (1888), 239; Ber. 21 (1888), 594; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 2 (1889), 22; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 1254; 1888, 1027; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 425; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 661; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 190. 13. W. Dittmar and J. McArthur. Critical experiments on the cbloroplatinate method for the determination of potas- sium, rubidium and ammonium; and a redetermination of the atomic weight of platinum. (Atomic weight of platinum = 195.5.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 6 (1887), 799; Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 23 (1887), 561; Ber. 21 (1888), 412; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 425; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 302; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 28 (1889), 761; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 79; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 2 (1888), 553; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 2 (1888), 429; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 142. 14. J. H. Debray. Sur quelcpies alliages cristallises des metaux du platine et de retain. Pt, Rli, Ir, Ru, Os. C. R. 104 (1887), 1470; Ber. 20 (1887), 454; Bill. Soc. chim. [2], 48 (1887), 648; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 780; Chem. News, 56 (1887), 308; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 779; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 612; Ztsch. chem. Indust. 1 (1887), 331, Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 138. 15. J. H. Debray. Note sur les produits d’alteration de quelques alliages par les acides. (Alloys of platinum metals with tin, etc.) Pt, Rh, Ru, Ir. C. R. 104 (1887), 1577; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 48 (1887), 649; Chem. Centrbl. 1887 , 840; J. Chem. Soc, 52 (1887), 779; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 613. 16. J. H. Debray. Note sur les residues qui resultent de Paction des acides sur les alliages des metaux du platine. Pt, Os, Ir, Ru, Rh. C. R. 104 (1887), 1667; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 48 (1887), 650; Chem. News, 56 (1887), 23; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 900; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 615. 16a. E. Maumene. Alliages de platine, fer, et cuivre. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 47 (1887), 39; Ber. 20 R. (1887), 342; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 139; Chem. News, 55 (1887), 81; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 778; Chem. Industrie, 10 (1887), 103. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1887: 17. C. M. Guldberg. Metallernes kritiske Temperaturer. (Critical temperature of platinum and palladium, theoretical.) Pt, Pd. Forli. Yid. Selsk. Christiania, 1887, 4; Ztsch. physik. Chcm. 1 (1887), 231. 1887: 18. E. Duclaux. Sur les actions comparees de la chaleur et de la lumiere solaire. (On platinum chloride.) Pt. C. R. 104 (1887), 294; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 411. 1887: 19. V. Meyer. Zur Kenntniss einiger Metalle, (Action of germanium on platinum.) Pt. Ber. 20 (1887), 497; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 378. 1887: 20. S. Cooke. On the reducing action of hydrogen in the presence of platinum. Pt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 18 (1887), 285; Chem. News, 58 (1888), 103; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1245; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 28 (1889), 329; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 3 (1889), 239. 1887: 21. E. H. Keiser. On the combustion of weighed quanti- ties of hydrogen and the atomic weight of oxygen. (Use of palladium-hydrogen for weighing hydrogen.) Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 10 (1888), 249; Ber. 20 (1887), 2323; 22 (1889), 474; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 262; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 29 (1890), 247; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 386; 1888, 98. 1887: 22. F. Osmond and Werth. Sur les residues que Ton ex- trait des aciers et des zincs par Faction des acides. (Graphi- toidal plates from steel are explosive even when no platinum is in the steel.) (Observations of Faraday.) Pt. C. R. 104 (1887), 1800; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 894; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 616. 1887: 23. H. N. Warren. Detection and estimation of thallium in platinum. Pt. Chem. News, 55 (1887), 241; Ber. 20 (1887), 483; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 875; Dingl. pol. J. 264 (1887), 635; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 702; Ztsch. Chem. Indust. 2 (1887), 38; Repert. anal. Chem. 7 (1887), 414; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 144. 1887: 24. T. Rosenbladt. Ueber Scheidung des Quecksilber und Palladiums von einander und von Blei, Kupfer und Wismuth. Pd. Ztsch. anal Chem. 26 (1887), 15; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 152; Chem. News, 55 (1887), 72; Ber. 20 (1887), 396; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 302; Repert, anal. Chem. 7 (1887), 79; Chem. Industrie, 10 (1887), 191; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 51. 1887: 25. G. Kruss and L. Hoffman. Untersuchung fiber das Gold. (IV. Quantitative Bestimmung des Goldes und seine Trennung in Besonderen von den Platinmet alien, p. 66.) Pt, Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 238 (1887), 30; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 554; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 27 (1888), 66. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 209 1887: 26. W. Bettel. Separation of gold from platinum metals. Pt, Pd. Chem. News, 56 (1887), 133; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 1084; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 1362. 1887 : 27. H. Pirngruber. Separation of platinum from gold and other rare metals. (Fusion with zinc.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Eng. and Mining J. 44 (1887), 256, 326; Ber. 21 (1888), 312; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 47 (1888), 29; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 84; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 656; Ztsch. chem. Indust. 2 (1887), 306; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2560. 1887 : 28. F. Wyatt. Separation of metals from platinum ores. (Reply to Id. Pirngruber.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Eng. and Mining J. 44 (1887), 273; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 235. 1887: 29. C. Reinhardt. Ueber die Aufschliessung in Sauren un- loslicher Platinlegirungen. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), 52; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 230; Chem. Industrie, 10 (1887), 192; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 6 (1887), 389. 1887:30. E. J. Houston. On palladium alloys in watches. (Pail- lard’s nonmagnetizable alloy.) Pd. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 24 (1887), 419; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 95 (1888), . 161, 238; Chem. News, 58 (1888), 100; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1329; Dingl. pol. J. 270 (1888), 143; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2659. 1887: 31. H. Ostermann and A. Prip. Platinlegirung. (German patent 44473, Dec. 18, 1887.) Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 865; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2659; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), 1426. 1887: 32. Cheap method of platinizing metals. Pt. Scient. Amer. 56 (1887), 169; from Le Genie civil; Indust. Blat. 24 (1887), 207; Chem. Centrbl. 1887, 971. 1887: 33. ' W. L. Dudley. Electro-deposition of iridium. (De- scription of patent.) Ir. Electrical Rev. 20 (1887), 604; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 199. 1887: 34. (Description of platinum mirror on glass made by Dode in 1865, which is still intact.) Pt. Scient. Amer. 57 (1887), 56; from La Nature; Repert. anal. Chem. 7 (1887), 720. 1887:35. Bright Platinum Plating Co. (Ltd.), London. Neuerung in dem Platinirverfahrcn durch Elektricitat. (German patent 42418, Feb. 3, 1887.) Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 200; Chem. Industrie, 11 (1888), 229; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), 321. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 14 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1887: 36. Erlich and Storck. Verfahren zur Herstellung von druckfahig Glanzplatin. (German patent 44044, June 30, 1887.) Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 878. 1887: 37. Erlich and Storck. Neuerungen im Verfahren zur Herstellung von . . . Glanzplatin. (German patent 46542, Nov. 20, 1887.) Pt. Ber. 22 (1889), 281. 1887: 38. H. Schwarz. Herstellung venetianischer Mosaiken und Glasstudien. (Use of platinum foil on “Deckglaser.”) Pt. Verh. Ver. Beford. Gewerbfieiss, 1887, 204; Dingl. pol. J. 267 (1888), 326. 1887: 39. Himly, Leiser, and Bardtholdt. Verfahren zur Her- stellung eines farbenwechselnden Ueberzuges. (Magnesium platinocyanide as sympathetic ink. German patent 42312, May 6, 1887.) Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 205. 1887: 40. K. Kraut. Platinum oder Palladium in ammoniakhal- tigem Sauerstoff. (Oxidation.) Pt, Pd. Ber^20 (1887), 1113; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 34 (1887), 64; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 48 (1887), 127; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 635. 1887: 41. T. Ihmori. Ueber die Aufnahme des Wasserdampfes durch feste Korper. (Platinum.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), [2], 31 (1887), 1006; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 24; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 101. 1887: 42. R. H. M. Bosanquet. On the production of sudden changes in the torsion of a wire by change in temperature. (Platinum wire.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [5], 24 (1887), 160; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 226. 1887: 43. J. Violle. Comparaison des energies rayonnees par le platine et Y argent fondants. Pt. C. It. 105 (1887), 163; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 34 (1887), 227; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 1010; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 342. 1887 : 44. J. T. Bottomley. On (heat) radiations from dull and bright surfaces (of platinum). Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 42 (1887), 433; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 336. 1887: 45. H. Haga. Etude experimentale sur I’effet thermo-61ec- trique, decouvert par Thompson. (La mesure de la convection electrique de la chaleur dans le platine.) Pt. Ann. l’Ecole polyt. Delft, 3 (1887), 43; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 11 (1887), 593; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 295. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 211 1887:46. (Platinum in photography.) Brit. J. Photog. 28 (1887), 30; Dingl. pol. J. 267 (1888), 221; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2905. 1887:47. G. Pizzighelli. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Photog. Corresp. 24 (1887), 409; Jahrbuch f. Phot. 1888, 335; Chem. Cen- trbl. 1889, i, 87; Dingl. pol. J. 267 (1888), 222; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 296; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 95 (1888), 77; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2905. 1887: 48. A. Pringle. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Brit. J. Phot. 28 (1887), 2; Photog. Wochenbl. 1887, 91; Dingl. pol. J. 267 (1888), 221; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2905. 1887: 49. W. Willis. Improvements relating to photochemical printing. (Platinum prints. English patent 16003, Nov. 13, 1887.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7 (1888), 132. 1887: 50. Bory. (Platinpapier zum Restauriren.) Pt. Phot. Rundschau; Phot. Wochenbl. 13 (1887), 298; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 236. 1887: 51. (Sepiabraun Platindruck.) Pt. Phot. Rundschau, 1 (1887), 224; Chem. Ztg. 11 (1887), Rep. 219. 1887: 52. J. Miesler. Ueber elektromotorische Verdiinnungscon- stanten. (Platinum chloride, p. 369.) Pt. Monatsh. Chem. 8 (1887), 365; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 287. 1887: 53. H. Le Chatelier. Thermoelement aus Palladium-Eisen, Platinum, etc. Pd, Pt, Ir, Rh, J. de phys. [2], 6 (1887), 23; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 11 (1887), 351; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 204. 1887: 54. C. R. A. Wright and C. Thompson. Note on the devel- opment of voltaic electricity by atmospheric oxidation. (On platinum sponge.) Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 42 (1887), 212; Chem. News, 55 (1887), 167; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 289. 1887 : 55. J. T. Bottomly. On thermal radiation in absolute meas- ure. (From platinum wire.) Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 42 (1887), 357; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 209. 1887: 56. W. II. Preece. On the heating effects of electric cur- rents. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 43 (1887), 280; 44 (1888), 109; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 370. 1887:57. F. Streintz. Experiment alun tersuchungen iiber die gal- vanische Polarisation. (Palladium, p. 843; platinum, 846.) Pd, Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 96, ii (1887), 838; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 33 (1888), 465; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 394; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 544. 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1887: 58. C. Fromme. Ueber die durch kleine electromotorische Krafte erzeugte galvanische Polarisation. (In palladium and platinum electrodes.) Pd, Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 30 (1887), 320, 503; J. Chem. Soc. 52 (1887), 541. 1887 : 59. J. H. Koosen. Ueber die Eigenschaften der Alkalien, die electromotorische Kraft des Zinks zu erhohen. (Zinc-bromine - platinum element.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 32 (1887), 508; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 210; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 281. 1887: 60. A. Oberbeck. Ueber die electromotorischen Krafte d tinner Schichten und ihre Beziehung zur Molecularphysik. (Platinum plates.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 31 (1887), 337; Jsb. Chem. 1887, 283. 1888: 1. S. Kulibin. Ausbeute an Edelmetallen in Kussland in 1885. Pt. Dingl . pol. J. 267 (1888), 188; Chem. Indust. 11 (1888), 383. 1888: la. A. M. Saytzeff. (On mineral localities in the Urals.) Pt. Bui. Russ. Geol. Commission, vol. 7, 265. 1888: lb. Krotow. (Geologic researches on the western slope of the Ural, in the vicinity of Tscherdyn and Solikamsk). Pt. Trans. Russ. Geol. Commission, vol. 6. 1888:2. K. Seubert. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Platins (194.3). Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 2179; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 680; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1043; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 110; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 2 (1888), 429. 1888: 3. K. Seubert. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Osmiums (190.8). Os. Ber. 21 (1888), 1839; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 363; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 37 (1889), 75; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 964; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 179; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 921; Ztsch. anal, Chem. 28 (1889), 139; Ztsch. angew. Chem. (1888), 422; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 110; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 2 (1888), 427; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 181. 1888: 4. R. Engel. Platine chlorure neutre. (Normal platinic chloride.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 100; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1153; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 20; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 661; Chem. Indust. 11 (1888), 541; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 229. 1888: 5. F. Stolba. (Chlorplatinic acid from ammonium chloro- platinate.) Pt. Listy chemike (Prag), 12, 270; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1024. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 213 1888:6. G. J. Laird. (Crystallization of methyl- and ethylsulphin- chloroplatinates.) Pt. Ztsch. Kryst. 14, 1; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 12 (1888), 449, Chem. Centrbl . 1888, 539; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 1418. 1888: 7. H. Klinger and A. Maassen. Ueber einige Sulfinverbin- dungen und die Valenz des Schwefels. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 243 (1888), 193; J. Chem. Soe. 54 (1888), 357. 1888: 9. M. Weibull. Combinaisons platiniques des sulfures alco- holiques. (Crystallography.) Pt. Ztsch. Kryst. 14, 116; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 369; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 10; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 1419. 1888: 10. E. Leidie. Sur le sesquichlorure de rhodium. Rh. C. R. 106 (1888), 1076; Ber. 21 (1888), 347; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 658, 664; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 825; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 37; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 790; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 665. 1888: 11. E. Leidie. Sur le sesquisulfure de rhodium. Rh. C. R. 106 (1888), 1533; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 664; Ber. 21 (1888), 509; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 962; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 919; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 665; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 37. 1888: 12. E. Leidie. Recherches sur quelques sels de rhodium. (Chlorides, sulphates, oxalates.) Rh. Ann. chim. phys. [6], 17 (1889), 257; C. R. 107 (1888), 234; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 664; Ber. 22 (1889), 225; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1167; Chem. News, 58 (1888), 71; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1256; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 225; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), 18, Rep. 216. 1888: 13. J. H. Debray and A. Joly. Recherches sur le ruthe- nium. (Oxidation du ruthenium et dissociation de son bioxyde, p. 100; acide hyperruth enique, 328; rutheniates et heptarutheniates, 1494.) Ru. C. R. 106 (1888), 100, 328, 1494; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 49 (1888), 241; Ber. 21 (1888), 193, 508; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 220, 462, 963; Chem. News, 57 (1888), 51, 80, 241; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 426, 559, 920; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 669, 672, 674; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 20, ii (1888), 96; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), 286. 1888: 14. A. Joly. Sur les combinaisons que forme le bioxyde d’ azote avec les chlororuthenites et sur le poids atomique du ruthenium. (Nitrosochlorides. Atomic weight, 101.5.) Ru. C. R. 107 (1888), 994; Ber. 22 (1889), 92; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 127; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 11; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 352; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 364; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 677; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 21, ii (1889), 116; J. anal. Chem. 3 (1889), 352; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), 5. 214 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1888: 15. C. W. Blomstrand. Ueber Schwefelplatinbasen mil versehiedenen Alkoholradikalen. (With work of Enebuske, Rudelius, and Londahl, 1885: 12; 1885: 13; 1887: 7.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 38 (1888), 345, 352, 497, 523; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 2 (1889), 820; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 68, 69, 189, 214; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 230, 367, 368; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2202, 2205, 2207, 2212, 2215. 1888: 16. T. Wilm. (Zum chemischen Verhalten des Kaliumpla- tincyaniirs.) Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 20, i (1888), 444, 447; Ber. 21 (1888), 1434; Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 50 (1888), 282; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 825, 1167; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 931; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 717. 1888: 17. M. Freund. Zur Kenntniss des Platincyanathyls. Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 937; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 575; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 571; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 717. 1888: 18. II. G. Soderbaum. Bidrag till kannedomen om plato- oxalatens reaktions forhallanden. Pt. Oefvers. Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 45 (1888), 123; Ber. 21 (1888), 567. 1888: 19. E. Koefoed. Studier i Platosoforbindelserne. (Plati- num. bases.) Pt. Skriften Danske Yid. Selsk. Kjobenhavn [6], 4 (1888), 391. 1888: 20. W. Haberland and G. Hanekop. Schwefligsaures Platosammoniumoxydnatron. Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 245 (1888), 235; Ber. 21 (1888), 468; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 2 (1889), 21; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 824; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 790; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 665. 1888: 21. J. F. Heyes. On valency, validity, and residual affinity. (Valence of platinum metals.) Pt, Os, Pd, Ir, Rh, Ru. Phil. Mag. [5], 25 (1888), 297; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 80. 1888: 22. E. Schurmann. Ueber die Verwandschaft der Schwe- felmetalle zum Schwefel. (Palladium.) Inaug. Diss. Tu- bingen, 1888. Pd. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 249 (1888), 326; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 468; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 10. 1888: 23. T. Gerlach. Specifische Gewichte wasseriger Losungen. (Platinum chloride solution, p. 279.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 27 (1888), 271. 1888: 24. W. Hampe. Ueber die electrolytische Leitungsfahigkeit der Haloid verbindungen. (Of platinum compounds.) Pt, Os, Pd, Ir, Ru. Chem. Ztg. 12,(1888), 171; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 890. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 215 1888: 25. P. Walden. Ueber die Bestimmung der Molecular- grossen von Salzen aus der elektrischen Leitfahigkeit ihrer wasserigen Losungen. (Chloroplatinic and platinocyanic acids, p. 73.) Pt. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 2 (1888), 49; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 440; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1008; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 385. 1888: 26. F. Rudorff. Zur Constitution der Losungen. (Chlorpla- tinates and platinocyanides.) Pt.\ Ber. 21 (1888), 4, 1882, 3044; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 342; 56 (1889), 98; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 244. 1888: 27. J. M. Crafts. Sur la purification du mercure. (Action of mercury on platinum.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [2], 49 (1888), 856; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 17; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 93 (1888), 419; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 648. 1888: 28. C. Barfoed. Ueber das Verhalten der Quecksilberoxy- dulsalze gegen Natron und Ammoniak. (Reduction of plati- num chloride by mercury vapor and hence a reagent for mer- cury vapor, p. 465.) J. prakt. Chem. [2] 38 (1888), 441; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 650. 1888: 29. W. R. Hodgkinson and F. K. S. Lowndes. On the action of incandescent platinum wire on gases and vapours. Pt. Chem. News, 58 (1888), 223.; Ber. 22 (1889), 64; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1525; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 20 208; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 660. 1888: 30. A. Berliner. Ueber die katalytische Wirkung der Metalle auf Knallgas und die Occlusion des Wasserstoffs. Inaug. Diss. Pt, Pd. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 35 (1888), 791; Ber. 22 (1889), 125; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 6; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 206; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 28 (1889), 329; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 42. 1888: 31. A. Berliner. Ueber das Zerstauben gliihender Metalle. (Palladium, platinum.) Pd, Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 33 (1888), 289; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 174. 1888: 32. H. Kayser. Zur Zerstauben gluhenden Platins. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 34 (1888), 607; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1014; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 175; Phil. Mag. [5], 26 (1888), 393. 1888:33. L. L. de Koninck and A. Lecremier. Qualitative Tren- nung des . . . Platins von Arsen, Antimon und Zinn. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 27 (1888), 462; Ber. 21 (1888), 672; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 688, 1106; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1344; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2560; Rev. univ. des mines, 1888, 238; Chem. News, 58 (1888), 172; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 21, ii (1889), 59; Analyst, 13 (1888), 118; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 99; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7 (1888), 693; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 10 (1888), 156. 216 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 18S8: 34. L. L. de Koninck. Mittel um geschmolzene Massen aus den Platintiegeln herauszubringen. Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 569; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1521; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 29 (1890), 165; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2609; Rev. univ. des mines, 1888, Oct.; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 121; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7 (1888), 869; Chem. Industrie, 11 (1888), 560; Analyst, 13 (1888), 216. 1888: 35. G. Kassner. Ueber Aschenanalysen. (Wetting with platinum chloride.) Pt. “P. Ztg.” 33 (1888), 781; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 144; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 2308. 1888: 36. W. L. Dudley. Einige Modificationen in den Methoden der organischen Verbrennungsanalyse. (Use of platinum tubes.) Pt. Ber. 21 (1888), 3172; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 190; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2561. 1888:37. L. L. de Koninck. (Weighing of platinichlorides.) Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 427; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7 (1888), 693. 1888: 38. P. Vieth. On the wear and tear of platinum dishes. Pt. Analyst, 13 (1888), 122; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 453; Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 1147. 1888: 39. H. N. Morse and W. M. Burton. On the supposed disso- ciation of zinc oxide and the condition of the atmosphere within a platinum vessel heated by a gas flame. Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 10 (1888), 148; Chem. News, 57 (1888), 175; J. Cheir. Soc. 54 (1888), 652; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 331. 1888: 40. W. Lenz. Note fiber ein Platinfilter. Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 27 (1888), 573. 1888: 41. I. Klemencic. Untersuchungen fiber die Eignung des Platiniridiundrahtes und andere Legirungen zur Aniertigung von Normalwiderstandeseinheiten. Pt, Ir. Sitzber. Akad. Ber. 97, ii (1888), 838; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 369; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), 1080. 1888: 42. S. P. Thompson. Galvanischer Platinfiberzug. Pt. Centrbl. f. Electrotech. 10 (1888), 802; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 13 (1889), 237; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 2625. 1888: 43. F. Braun. Elektrisches Pyrometer. Pt. Elektrotech. Ztsch. 9 (1888), 421; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 570; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 371. 1888:44. W. von Uljanin. Ueber die bei Beleuchtung entstehende electromotorische Kraft im Selen. (Use and preparation of platinized glass, p. 244.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 34 (1888), 241; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 883; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 365. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 217 1888 : 45. L. Vidal and E. Vogel. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Jahrb. f. Photog. 1888, 385; Dingl. pol. J. 267 (1888), 220; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 2905. 1888: 46. Reynolds. (Toning with platinum chloride.) Photog. Corresp. 25 (1888), 260; from Bui. Soc. fran£. ; Chem. Ztg. 12 (1888), Rep. 172; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 7 (1888), 588. 1888 : 47. E. Rehkuh. Die elastische Nachwirkung bei Silber, Glas, Kupfer, Gold und Platin, insbesondere die Abhangigkeit derselben von der Temperatur. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 35 (1888), 476; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 73. 1888: 48. W. C. Roberts-Austen. On certain mechanical proper- ties of metals, considered in relation to the periodic law. (Tensile strength and elongation.) Pd, Rh. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 43 (1888), 425; Chem. News, 57 (1888), 133; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 105; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 7; Iron, 1888, 462; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 8 (1889), 52. 1888: 49. C. Barus. Maxwell’s theory of the viscosity of solids and certain features of its physical verification. (Viscosity of platinum.) Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 36 (1888), 178; Phil. Mag. [5], 26 (1888), 183; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 258. 1888: 50. J. Trowbridge and W. C. Sabine. Selective absorption of metals (platinum and palladium) for ultra-violet light. Pt, Pd. Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 23 (1888), 299; Phil. Mag. [5], 26 (1888), 316; Chem. News, 58 (1888), 216; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 443; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 1. 1888: 51. H. F. Weber. Beginn des Gliihens fester Korper. Pt. Chem. Centrbl. 1888, 772; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 332. 1888: 52. E. Liebenthal. (Siemen’s Platinnormallampe.) Pt. Elec trot. 1888, 445; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1888, 609. 1888: 53. A. Kundt. Ueber die Brechungsexponenten der Metalle. (Platinum.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Berlin, 1888, 255; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 34 (1888), 469; Phil. Mag. [5], 26 (1888), 1; Arch. sci. phys. nat. [3], 20 (1889), 37; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 997; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 424. LS88: 54. A. Kundt. Ueber die Aenderung der Lichtgeschwindig- keit in den Metallen mit der Temperatur. (Platinum.) Pt. Sitzber. Akad. Berlin, 1888, 1387; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 36 (1889), 824; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 749. 1888: 55. C. Barus. Certain generic electrical relations of the alloys of platinum. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 36 (1888), 427; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 201. 218 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1888: 58. C. H. Draper. On the polarization of platinum plates. (In sulphuric acid.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [5], 25 (1888), 487; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 392. 1888: 57. C. Fromme. Ueber das Maximum der galvanischen Polarisation von Platinelectroden in Schwefelsaure. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 33 (1888), 80; 38 (1889), 362; 39 (1890), 187; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 390; 58 (1890), 316, 675; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 292; Phil. Mag. [5], 28 (1889), 495. 1888: 58. F. Exner and J. Tuma. Studien zur chemischen Theorie des galvanischen Elementes. (Potential difference with differ- ent solutions and platinum electrodes.) Pt. Monatsh. der Chem. 9 (1888), 903; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 456;Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 97, ii (1888), 917; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 350. 1888: 59. G. Gore. Effect of chlorine on the electromotive force of a voltaic couple (of platinum-magnesium). Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 44 (1888), 151; Chem. News, 57 (1888), 184; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 90; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 353. 1888: 60. E. Wiedemann and H. Ebert. Ueber electrische Entla- dung in Gasen und Flammen. (With platinum electrodes.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 35 (1888), 209; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 40. 1888: 61. R. Nahrwold. Ueber die Electricitatsentwicklung an einem gliihenden Platindraht. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 35 (1888), 107; J. Chem. Soc. 54 (1888), 1231; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 343. 1888: 62. H. Jahn. Experiment aluntersuchungen liber die an der Grenzflache heterogener Leiter auftretenden localen Warmeer- scheinungen. (Peltier’s effect.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 34 (1888), 755; Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 97, ii (1888), 546; Jsb. Chem. 1888, 357. 1889: 1. H. L. Wells. Sperrylite, a new mineral. (Arsenide of platinum.) Pt, Rh, Pd. S. L. Penfield. On the crystalline form of sperrylite. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 37 (1889), 67; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 471; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 303; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 588. 1889: 2. F. W. Clarke and C. Catlett. A platiniferous nickel ore from Canada. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 37 (1889), 372; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 835; Chem. Centrbl. ; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 294; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 8 (1889), 314. 1889 : 3. G. C. Hoffmann. Annotated list of the minerals occurring in Canada. (Iridosmine, p. 87; native platinum, 95; sperry- lite, 100.) Ir, Os, Pt. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 7 (1889), 3, 65; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 48 (1889), 62; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 450. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 219 1SS9: 4. — Statistique de Findustrie minerale de Russie en 1886. Pt. Ann. des mines [8], 16 (1889), 593. 1889: 5. E. H. Keiser. Redetermination of the atomic weight of palladium (106.351, 11=1). Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 11 (1889), 398; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 245; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 262; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 17; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 4 (1890), 106; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 97 (1889), 298; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 3 (1889), 611; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 120. 1889: 6. L. Pigeon. Sur le chlorure platinique. (Action of sele- nium and chlorine on platinum, palladium, iridium, and ruthe- nium.) Pt (Pd, Ir, Ru). C. R. 108 (1889), 1009; Ber. 22 (1889), 387; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 3 (1890), 365; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 69; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 834; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 162; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 592. 1889: 7. G. Rousseau. Sur la formation, aux temperatures elevees, des platinates alcalins et aicalins-terreux cristallises. Pt. C. R. 109 (1889), 144; Ber. 22 (1889), 651; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 3 (1890), 363; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 400; Chem. News, 60 (1889), 72; J., Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 1125; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 225; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 590. 1889: 8. H. Moissan. Preparation et proprietes du fluorure de platine anhydre. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [6], 24 (1891), 282; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 22, ii (1890), 43; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 186; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 593; C. R. 109 (1889), 807; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 5 (1891), 454; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 39 (1890), 315; Ber. 23 R. (1890), 11; 24 R. (1891), 386; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 86; Chem. News. 60 (1889), 291; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 217; 60 (1891), 1433; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 354. 1889: 9. A. Joly. Sur les combinaisons nitrosees du ruthenium. Ru. C. R. 108 (1889), 854; Ber. 22 (1889), 385; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 743; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 236; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 678; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 139; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 597. 1889: 10. A. Joly. Sur le poids atomique du ruthenium (101.4, 0 = 16). Ru. C. R. 108 (1889), 946; Ber. 22 (1889), 386; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 3 (1890), 345; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 69; Chem. News, 59 (1889), 265; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 835; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 364; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 3 (1889), 352; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 161; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 121. 1889: 11. A. Joly. Sur les combinaisons ammoniacales du ruthe- nium. (And chloroplatinate.) Ru, Pt. C. R. 108 (1889), 1300; Ber. 22 (1889), 545; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 2455 Chem. News, 60 (1889), 25; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 948; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 194; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 599. 220 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 1889: 12. A. Joly and M. Vezes. Sur quelques azotites doubles dc ruthenium et de potassium. Ru. C. R. 109 (1889), 667; Ber. 23 (1890), 11; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 968; Chem. News, 60 (1889), 257; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 17; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 601. 1839: 13. T.Wilm. (Ueber das Chloradditionsproduct von Kalium- platincyanur.) (And ammonium derivatives.) Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 21, i (1889), 346, 436; Ber. 22 (1889), 1542; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 2 (1889), 615; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 314; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 951; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 594. 1889: 14. W. Palmaer. Ueber die Iridiumammoniakverbindungen. Ir. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 46 (1889), 355; 48 (1891), 417; Ber. 22 (1889), 15; 23 (1890), 3810; 24 (1891), 2090; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 1 (1889), 366; 5 (1891), 590; 6 (1891), 730; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 277; 1891, i, 309, 372; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 352; 60 (1891), 402, 1165; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 23, ii (1891), 61, 160; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 596. 1889: 15. S. M. Jorgensen. Ueber Metalldiaminverbindungen (des Platins und des Rhodiums). Pt, Rh. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 39 (1889), 1; Ber. 22 (1889), 245; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 2 (1889), 826; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 214; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 1949. 1889: 16. J. Violle. Sur l’alliage du kilogramme. (Platinum- iridium.) Pt, Ir. C. R. 108 (1889), 894; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 807. 1889: 17. P. Silow. Ueber die Legirungen. (Theoretical con- cerning gold-platinum.) Pt. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 3 (1889), 605; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 70. 1889: 18. H. N. Warren. The action of silicon on the metals gold, silver, plat’nim, anl mercury. Pt. Chem. News, 60 (1889), 5; Ber. 22 (1889), 654; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 284; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 1125; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 215; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 589. 1889: 19. W. Ostwald. Zur Dissociationstheorie der Elektrolyte. (Sodium chloroplatinate, p. 596.) Pt. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 3 (1889), 588. 1889: 20. C. Winkler. Beitrage zur technischen Gasanalyse. (Use of palladium chloride for detection of carbon monoxide.) Ztsch. anal. Chem. 28 (1889), 269; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 924. Pd. 1889: 21. K. Jahn. Ueber synthetische Bildung von Formalde- hyde. (By action of palladium-hydrogen on carbon mon- oxide.) Pd. Ber. 22 (1889), 989; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 1468. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 221 1889: 22. H. yon Juptner. (Veraschen in Platintiegel.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), 1303; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 1011. 1889: 23. — (Glas zu platiniren.) Pt. Sprechsaal, 22 (1889), No. 3; Dingl. pol. J. 271 (1889), 528; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 2691. 1889 : 24. M. Traube. Zur Lehre von der Autoxydation. (Action of palladium hydrogen.) Pd, Pt. Ber. 22 (1889), 1496, 3057; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 937; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 384. 1889: 25. F. Hoppe-Seyler. Ueber die Activirung des Sauer- stoffs durch Wasserstoff. (Reply to M. Traube.) Pd. Ber. 22 (1889), 2215. 1889: 26. M. Thoma. Ueber die Absorption von Wasserstoff durch Metalle. Pd. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 3 (1889), 69; Ber. 22 (1889), 184; J. Chem. Soc. 56 (1889), 568; Chem. News, 60 (1889), 25; Phil. Mag. [5], 28 (1889), 351; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.), Beibl. 13 (1889), 529; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 342. 1889: 27. L. Ilosvay de N. Ilosya. Union d’azote et oxygene par le platine. Pt. Soc. hongroise sci. nat. Oct. 12, 1889; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 2 (1889), 738; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 447. 1889: 28. (Platinuranotypie.) Pt. Brit. J. Phot.; Phot. Mittheilung, 25 (1889), 303; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 68. 1889: 29. K. Fuchs. (Ueber Liebreich’s toten Raum und das Gluhen des Platins in Alkoholdampf.) Pt. Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 176; from Repert. d. Physik. 1889: 30. F. von Bruhl. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Phot. Archiv, 1889, 154; Dingl/ pol. J. 274 (1889), 34. 1889. 31. J. Schnauss. Pizzighelli’s neues Platinpapier. (For photography.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), 390. 1889: 32. (Kalte Platinentwicklung.) Pt. Brit. J. Phot.; Phot. Wochenbl. 15 (1889), 25; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), . Rep. 52. 1889: 33. J. M. Eder. Ueber die Fortschritte der Photographie und der photomechanischen Druckverfahren. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 274 (1889), 34; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 2876. 1889: 34. Neues Platintcn /erfahren. Pt. Bui. Soc. phot, fran?.; Phot. Nachr. 1 (1889), 166; Chem. Ztg. 13 (1889), Rep. 360. 222 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1889: 35. C. R. Crawford. An improved method of deciding the correct exposure of platinotype printing an 1 • n apparatus therefor. (English patent 10504, June 28, 1889.) Pt J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 651. 1889: 36. P. Mercier. Sur une methode generate de virage des epreuves photographiques aux sels d’ argent, au platine et aux metaux du groupe du platine. Pt, Ir, Os. C. R. 109 (1889), 949; J. Frank. Inst. [3], 99 (1890), 149; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 2882; Bui. Soc. fran?. photog. 1890, 195; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 19. 1889: 37. A. Willis. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Phot. Nachr. 1889, 35; Phot. Rundsch. Steiglitz, 1889, 111; Dingl. pol. J. 274 (1889), 34; 283 (1892), 18. 1889: 38. R. Emden. Ueber den Beginn der Lichtermission gluhender Metalle. (Palladium and platinum.) Pd, Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 36 (1889), 214; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 310. 1889: 39. F. Richarz. Ueber das elektromotorische Verhalten von Platin in Ueberschwefelsaure und iiber die galvanische Polar- isation bei der Bildung derselben. Pt. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 4 (1889), 18; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, ii, 433; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 298. 1889:40. Pratt. (Soldering platinum crucibles.) Pt. Revue scientif. ; J. pharm. chim. [5], 20 (1889), 276; Pharm. Post (Wien), 22 (1889), 814; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 10. 1889: 41. H. Le Chatelier. Sur la dilation des metaux aus tem- peratures eleves. (Expansion of platinum and platinum- iridium.) Pt, Ir. C. R. 108 (1889), 1096; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 151. 1889:42. Pizzighelli. Der Platindruck. Pt. Phot. Arch. 29, 301; Dingl. pol. J. 274 (1889), 34; Chem. Centrbl. 1889, i, 87; Jsb. Chem. 1889, 2876, 2882. 1890: 1 . C. Blomeke. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Production von Zinn, Nickel, Platin und Quecksilber auf der Erde. (Platinum ore.) Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 49 (1890), 237. 1890: 2. Laurent. L’industrie de Tor et du platine dans POural. Pt. Ann. des mines [8], 18 (1890), 537; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 50 (1891), 435; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 532; Eng. and Min. J. 53 (1892), 430. 1890: 2a. M. E. Krassnapolsky. (Geologic investigations along the eastern side of the Ural.) Pt. Trans. Russ. Geol. Commission, 11 (1890), 177. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 223 1890: 2b. Losch. Two specimens of native platinum of Bissersk. Ft. Trans. Min. Soc. Russia, 27 (1890), 44. 1890: 2c. C. S. Wilkinson. Platinum at Broken Hill, N. S. W. Pc. Rept. Dept, of Mines, New South Wales, 1889 (1890), 208. 1890: 3. F. W. Clarke and C. Catlett. A platiniferous nickel ore from Canada. Pt. Bui. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 64 (1890), 20; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 53; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 44; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 286. 1890: 4. Platinausbeute in Russland, 1888-90. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os. Chem. Indust. 13 (1890), 432; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 1077. 1890: 5. G. Trottarelli. Analisi chimica dell’ aerolite caduto a Collescipoli presso Terni il 3 Febbraio 1890. (Palladium in a meteorite.) Pd. Gazz. chim. ital. 20 (1890), 611; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 533. 1890: 6. Production of platinum. Pt. Board of Trade J. 1890, 558; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 1040. 1890: 7. Robbery of platinum at Messrs. Dunn & Co., Stirling Chemical Works. Pt. Chem. News, 62 (1890), 214. 1890: 8. M. Vezes. Sur un chloroplatinate nitrose. (Platinum nitrosochloride.) Pt. C. R. 110 (1890), 757; Ber. 23 R. (1890), 377; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 848; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 932; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 709. 1890: 9. K. Seubert and K. Kobbe. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Rhodiums (102.7, 0=15.96). Rh. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 260 (1890), 314; Ber. 24 (1891), R. 107; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 5 (1891), 954; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 646; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 21; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 237. 1890: 10. K. Seubert and K. Kobbe. Ueber die Zusammenset- zung einiger Doppelsalze des Rhodiums. (Double chlorides, sulphates, and sulphites, and platinum and iridium sul- phites.) Rh, Pt, Ir. Ber. 23 (1890), 2556; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 833; Chem. Centrbl. (1890), ii, 736; J. Chem. Soc. 58, (1890), 1383. 1890: 11. G. Geisenheimer. Sur la preparation du binoxyde dhridium. Ir. C. R. 110 (1890), 855; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 379; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 390; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 960; Chem. News, 61 (1890), 228; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 948; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), Rep. 148. 224 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1890: 12. G. Geisenheimer. Sur les chlorures doubles d’iridium et de phosphore. Ir. C. R. 110 (1890), 1004; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 380; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 391; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 1019; Chem. News, 61 (1890), 265; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1068. 1890: 13. G. Geisenheimer. Combinaisons des chlorures doubles de phosphore et d’iridium avec le chlorure d’arsenic. Ir. C. R. 110 (1890), 1336; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 550; Bui. Soc. -chim. [3], 6 (1891), 1006; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 204; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1069. 1890: 14. G. Geisenheimer. Sur les bromures doubles de phos- phore et d’ iridium. Ir. C. R. Ill (1890), 40; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 552; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 1006; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 331; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1383; Ann. chim. phys. [6], 23 (1891), 231; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, ii, (1892), 32. 1890: 15. P. Schutzenberger. Sur un sulfocarbure de platine. Pt. C. R. Ill (1890), 391; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 680; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 5 (1891), 672; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 688; Chem. News, 62 (1890), 178; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 19; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), Rep. 256. 1890: 16. H. Londahl. Bidreg till kannedomen cm platinasulfn basernas konstitution. Pt. Ars-skrift Univ. Lund, 27, ii (1890-91), 3. 1890: 17. E. Leidie. Recherches sur les nitrites doubles du rhodium. Rh. C. R. Ill (1890), 106; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 809; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 630; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 332; Chem. News, 62 (1890), 62; 63 (1891), 142; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1382; 60 (1891), 808. 1890: 18. T. Wilm. (Nitrites of rhodium.) Rh. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 22, i (1890), 361; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), 1036. 1890: 19. A. Joly. Sur une nouvelle serie de combinaisons ammo- niacales du ruthenium, derivees du chlorure nitrose. Ru. C. R. Ill (1890), 969; Ber. 24 (1891), R. 68; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 5 (1891), 673; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, i, 255; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 401. 1890: 20. A. Joly. Sur les chlorosels de l’iridium et sur le poids atomique de cet Element (192.75, H=l). Ir. C. R. 110 (1890), 1131; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 548; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 85; Chem. News, 61 (1890), 301; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1067; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 89 (1890.), 747; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 6 (1890), 375. 1890: 21. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Constitution der Cobaltbasen. I. (Reference to platinum bases.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 41 (1890), 429. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 22'5 1890: 22. S. M. Jorgensen. Ueber Metalldiaminverbindungen. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 41 (1890), 440. 1890: 23. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Constitution der Kobalt-, Chrom- und Rhodiumbasen. II. (Reference also to platinum bases, and chloroplatinates.) Rh, Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 42 (1890), 206; Ber. 23 (1890), It. 682; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 1005; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 543; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1213. 1890: 24. A. Cossa. Sopra un nuovo isomero del sale verde del Magnus. (Platosemiaminchloride.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 20 (1890), 725; Ber. 23 (1890), 2503; 24 (1891), R. 388; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 645; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1218; Mem. Accad. Torino [2], 41 (1890), 1; Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma [4], 7, i (1891), 3. 1890: 25. O. Carlgren. Om nagra ammoniakaliska platina- foreningar. (Sulphites of platinum base.) ' Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 47 (1890), 305; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), 1460. 1890: 26. O. Carlgren and P. T. Cleve. Ueber einige ammonia- kalische Platinverbindungen. Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 47 (1890), 305; Ztsch. anorg. Chem, 1 (1892), 65; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 544; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 555; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 127. 1890: 27. L. Pigeon. Chaleur de formation du chlorure platinique. Pt. C. R. 110 (1890), 77; Chem. Centrbl.1890, i, 517; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 439; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 5 (1890), 274. 1890: 28. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. Molecular weights of metals when in solution. (Platinum in tin.) Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 57 (1890), 376; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1890, 158; Ber. 24 (1891). R. 693; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 6 (1890), 190. 1890: 29. J. Uhl. Ueber Einwirkung von Schwefeldioxyd auf Metalle. (Palladium and platinum.) Pd,Pt. Ber. 23 (1890), 2151; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1371. 1890: 30. A. Classen. Bestimmung des Atomgewichtes des Wis- muths. (Note on presence of iron in platinum, p. 951.) Pt. Ber. 23 (1890), 938. 1890: 31. R. Engel. Sur l’oxydation de Tackle hypophospho- reux par un palladium hydrogene on T absence d’oxygene. Pd. C. R. 110 (1890), 786; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 378; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 690. 109733 0 — 19 — Bull . 694 15 226 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1890: 32. O. Loew. Darstellung eines sehr wirksamen Platin- mohrs. Pt. Ber. 23 (1890), 289; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 351; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 577; Dingl. pol. J. 277 (1890), 383; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 453; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), Rep. 56; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 242; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 690; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 550. 1890: 33. O. Loew. Bildung von Salpetrigsaure und Ammonia k aus f reiem Stickstoff . (Under the influence of platinum black . ) Ber. 23 (1890), 1443; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1051. Pt. 1890: 34. O. Loew. Katalytische Reduction der Sulfogruppe. (By platinum black.) Pt. Ber. 23 (1890), 3125; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 237. 1890: 35. H. Dufet. (Crystallography of potassium ruthenate and perrutbenate.) Ru. Bui. Soc. frang. min. 11, 215; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 374. 1890:36. H. Dufet. (Crystallography of nitrosoruthenium deriva- tives and rhodium oxalates.) Ru, Rh. Bui. Soc. frang. min. 12, 466; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 247. 1890: 37. H. Dufet. (Crystallography of double iridium chlorides.) Bui. Soc. fran£. min. ; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 542. lr. 1890: 38. J. Thiele. Zum Nachweis des Arsens. Inaug. Diss. Halle a. S., 1890. (3. Ueber die Anwendung des platinirten Zinks im Marsh’ chen Apparat.) Pt. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 265 (1891), 63. 1890: 39. E. F. Smith and H. F. Keller. The action of hydrogen sulphide gas upon metallic amines. (On palladium bases.) Pd. Chem. News, 62 (1890), 290; Ber. 23 (1890), 3373; 24 (1891), R. 109; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, i, 135; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 272. 1890:40. E. F. Smith and H. F. Keller. The electrolytic method as applied to palladium. Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 12 (1890), 212; J. Frank. Inst. 130 (1890), 233; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 414; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 946; 1891, ii, 85; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 253; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 831; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1891, 650; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 11 (1890), 374. 1890: 41. E. F. Smith and L. K. Frankel. Electrolytic separa- tions. (Mercury from palladium.) , Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 12 (1890), 428; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 267; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 1029; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 1067. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 227 1890: 42. E. Matthey. The liquation of gold and platinum alloys. Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 183 A (1892), 629; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 4? (1890), 180; Ber. 23 (1890), R. 361; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 4 (1890), 824; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 669; Chem. News, 61 (1890), 111; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 947; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 9 (1890), 624. 1890:43. W. H. Wahl. On the electro deposition of platinum. Pt. J. Frank. Inst. 130 (1890), 62; Chem. News, 62 (1890), 33, 40; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, ii, 360; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1890, 455; J. Soc. Chem Ind. 9 (1890), 867. 1890:44. L. N. P. Poland. Iridiumfaden f tir Glulilampen. Ir. Electro tech. Ztsch. 1890, Aug. 29; Dingl. pol. J. 278 (1890), 46. 1890: 45. E. H. Griffiths. On the determination of some boiling and freezing points by means of the platinum thermometer. Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 182 A (1891), 43; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 48 (1890), 220; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 251. 1890: 46. H. L. Callendar and E. H. Griffiths. On the deter- mination of the boiling point of sulphur and on a method of standardising platinum resistance thermometers by reference to it. Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 182 A (1891), 119; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 252; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 1; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1146; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 7 (1891), 332; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 549. 1890: 47. R. E. Liesegang. (Platinum metals in photography.) Pt, Ir, Pd, Os. Photog. Archiv, 31 (1890), 170; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 19; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), Rep. 270. 1890: 48. F. P. Perkins. Note on the displacement of silver by platinum and palladium (in toning photographs). Pt, Pd. Chem. News, 61 (1890), 87; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 577. 1890: 49. L. Clark. Platinum toning. London, 1890. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 18. 1890: 50. Gastein. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Bui. Soc. fran$. photog. 1890, 21; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 19. 1890: 51. Ein neues Platintonsalz. Pt. Photog. Archiv, 31 (1890), 33; Chem. Centrbl. 1890, i, 552. 1890: 52. Lenhard. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Photog. Corresp. 1890, 107; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 19. 1890: 53. Masse. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Photog. Nachr. 1890, 165; from La Nature; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 18. 228 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1890:54. Blanchard. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Photog. Rundsch. 1890, 22; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 18. 1890: 55. Harrison. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Bui. Assoc, beige photog. 1890, 523; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 19. 1890: 56. Neues Platintonverfahren. Pt. Phot. Mittheil . 26 (1890), 323; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), Rep. 122. 1890: 57. C. Berthiot. (Iridium in photography.) Ir. Photog. Notizen, 1890, No. 309; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 18. 1890: 58. (Iridium chloride paper in photography.) Ir. Phot. Mittheil. 27 (1890), 139; Chem. Ztg. 14 (1890), Rep. 270. 1890: 59. J. Elster and H. Geitel. Ueber Ozonbildung an gliihenden Platinflachen. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 39 (1890), 321; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 676; Phil. Mag. [5], 29 (1890), 376. 1890: 60. L. Arons. Beobaehtungen an elektrischpolarisirten Pla- tinspiegeln. Sitzber. Akad. Berlin, 1890, 969; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 41 (1890), 473; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 6 (1890), 287. 1890: 61. T. Argyropoulos. Oscillationen eines weissgliihenden Platindrahtes durch wiederholte Stromunterbrechungen. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 41 (1890), 503. 1S90: 62. H. Le Chatelier. Sur la resistance electrique des metaux. (Platinum and platinum-rhodium.) Pt, Rh. C. R. Ill (1890), 454; Dingl. pol. J. 280 (1891), 23; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 5 . 1890: 63. F. Richarz. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation von Platinelectroden in verdunnter Schwefelsaure. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 39 (1890), 67, 201; J. Chem. Soc. 58 (1890), 551, 676; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 5 (1890), 284. 1891: 1. R. Helmhacker. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Produc- tion des Platins am Ural. Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 50 (1891), 157; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1891, 301. 1891: la. Beloavsoy. Platinum of the Ural. Pt. Mining J. 61 (1891), 323. 1891: 2. Production des Platins in Russland, 1881-1886. Chem. Indust. 14 (1891), 15. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1891: 3. K. Seubert. Die Atomgewichte der Platinmetalle. (Ru, 101.4; Rh, 102.7; Pd. 106.35; Os, 190.3; Ir, 192.5; Pt. 194.3; 0= 15.96.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 261 (1891), 272; Ber. 24 (1891), R. 260; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 50; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, i, 492; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 885; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1891, 148; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 65; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 30 (1891), 756. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 229 1891 : 4. K. Seubert. Ueber das Atomgewicht desOsmiums (190.3, 0= 15.96). Os. Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 2G1 (1891), 257; Ber. 24 (1891), R. 259; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 50; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, i, 492; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 884; J. anal. Chem. (Hart), 5 (1891), 221; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 65. 1891: 5. L. Pigeon. Sur deux nouvelles combinaisons cristallisees du chlorure platinique avec Tackle clilorhydrique. Pt. C. R. 112 (1891), 1218; Ber. 24 (1891), R. 592; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 548; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 284; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1325; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 23, ii (1891), 159; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 161. 1891: 6 . M. Vezes. Sur les sels bromoazotes et iodoazotes du platine. (Bromo- and iodo-nitrates.) Pt. C. R. 112 (1891), 616; 113 (1891), 696; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 175; 7 (1892), 148; Ber. 24 (1891), R. 348; 25 (1892), R. 3; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, i, 782; 1892, i, 152; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 177; 64 (1891), 284; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 807; 62 (1892), 280. 1891: 7. I. Guareschi. (Platinum thiocyanates.) Pt. Giorn. Accad. med. 1891; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 620; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 286. 1891 : 8. A. Rosenheim. Ueber die Einwirkung von Platinoxyd- hydrat auf wolframsaure Salze. Pt. Ber. 24 (1891), 2397; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 67; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 454; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1323. 1891: 9. R. Schneider. Ueber zwei neue Selenosalze. (Seleno- platinostannates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 44 (1891), 507; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 8 (1892), 682; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 151; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 281. 1891: 10. F. Mylius and F. Foerster. Ueber die Verbindungen des Kohlenoxydplatins. Pt. Ber. 24 (1891), 2424; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 8 (1892), 194; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 454; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1162; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 23, ii (1891), 160; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 10 (1891), 955. 1891: 11. F. Foerster. Einige weitere Beobachtungen uber kohlenoxydhaltige Platin verbindungen. Pt. Ber. 24 (1891), 3751; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 276; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 352; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 8 (1892), 422. 1891: 12. W. Pullinger. Volatile platinum compounds. (Plati- num carbonyl compounds and preparation of platinum bro- mide.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 59 (1891), 598; Ber. 24 (1891), 2291; 24 (1891), R. 853; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 852; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii. 453; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 307; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 23, ii (1891), 224; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), 919; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1891, 111. 230 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 1891: 13. O. T. Christensen. Rhodanchromammoniakforbindel- ser. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. Skriften Danske Yid. Selsk. Kjobenhavn [6], 7 (1891), 181; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 798. 14. Le Bel. Sels doubles formes par les chloroplatinates des bases ammoniaques. Pt. Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 5 (1891), 723. 15. A. Joly. Recherches sur Posmium; aoide osmiamique et osmiamates. Os. C. R. 112 (1891), 1442; Ber. 24 R. (1891), 693; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 146; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 252; Chem. News, 64 (1891), 26; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1433. 16. A. Joly. Sur quelques combinaisons salines des com- poses oxygenes du ruthenium inferieurs aux acides ruthe- nique et heptaruthenique. Ru. C. R. 113 (1891), 694; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 3; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 148; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 152; Chem. News, 64 (1891), 284; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 282; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, ii (1892), 78. 17. A. Joly. Action de la lumiere sur le peroxyde de ru- thenium. Ru. C. R. 113 (1891), 693; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 2; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 147; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 152; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 282; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 328. 18. L. Balbiano. Sopra una nuova serie di composti del platino derivanti dai pirazoli. (Platinum pyrazole chlorides and bases.) Pt. Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma [4], 7, ii (1891), 26; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 885. 19. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Rhodium- ammoniakverbindungen. Rh. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 44 (1891), 48; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 371; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1325; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 734. 20. S. M. Jorgensen. Ueber saure Luteo- und Roseo- nitrate (des Rhodiums). Rh. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 44 (1891), 63; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 372; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1327. 21. J. J. Sudborough. Action of nitrosyl chloride on metals. (Platinum, p. 663.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 59 (1891), 655. 22. W. Kwasnik. Ueber die Einwirkung von Baryumsu- peroxyd auf Metallsalze. (On platinum chloride.) Pt. Arch, der Pharm. 229 (1891), 573; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 408; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 417. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 231 1891: 23. K. Seubert and A. Schmidt. Ueber die Einwirkung von Magnesium auf Chloride. A. Schmidt, Inaug. Diss. Tu- bingen, 1891. (Platinum, p. 240.) Pt. Ann. derChem. (Liebig), 267 (1892), 218. 1891:24. G. Neumann and F. Streintz. Das Yerhalten des Was- serstoffes zu Blei und anderen Metallen. (Occlusion of hydro- gen by palladium, p. 652; by platinum, 653.) Pd, Pt. Monatsh. Chem. 12 (1891), 642; Sitzber. Akad. Wien, 100, ii (1891), 618; Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 46 (1892), 431; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 567; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 428; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 32 (1893), 73, 74. 1891: 25. L. Pigeon. Etude calorimetrique du chlorure platinique et de ses combinaisons. Pt. C. R. 112 (1891), 791; Ber. 24 R. (1891), 513; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 6 (1891), 548; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, i, 954; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 966; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 23, ii (1891), 136; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 8 (1891), 431. 1891 : 26. L. Pigeon. Chaleur de formation du bromure platinique et de ses principales combinaisons. Pt. C. R. 113 (1891), 476; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 912; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 3; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, ii (1892), 32; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 118; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 9 (1892), 517. 1891: 27. J. H. Gladstone. The molecular refraction and dis- persion of various substances in solution. (Iridium tetra- chloride.) Ir. J. Chem. Soc. 59 (1891), 595. 1891: 28. E. F. Smith. The electrolysis of metallic phosphates in acid solution. (Platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 13 (1891), 206; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1140; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 12 (1891), 340. 1891: 29. E. F. Smith and F. Muhr. Electrolytic separations. (Silver, cadmium, and mercury from platinum.) Pt, Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 13 (1891), 417; Ber. 24 (1891), 2175; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 497; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1296, 1396. 1891: 30. A. Joly and E. Leidie. Sur le dosage du rhodrum par voie electrolytique. Rh. C. R. 112 (1891), 793; Ber. 24 R. (1891), 549; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 225; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1141; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 143. 1891: 31. A. Joly and E. Leidie. Recherches et separation des metaux du piatine et en particulier du palladium et du rho- dium en presence des m6taux communs. Pd, Rh, Pt, Ir, Os, Ru. C. R. 112 (1891), 1259; Chem. News, 63 (1891), 292; Ber. 24 R. (1891), 801; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 225; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1554; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 174; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 13 (1892), 179; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 25, ii (1893), 130. 232 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1891: 32. E. F. Smith. The electrolytic method applied to rho- dium. Rh. J. Frank. Inst. 131 (1891), 296: Chem. Oentrbl. 1891, i, 811; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 7 (1891), 518; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 12 (1891), 340; J. anal. Chem. 5 (1891), 201; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 10 (1891), 798: Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 143. 1891 : 33. W. C. Heraeus. (Ueber das reine Platin und einige seiner Legirungen.) (Platinumiridium.) Pt, Ir. Ztsch. Instrum. Kunde, 11, 262; Chem. Centrbl. 1891, ii, 371; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 170; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 310; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 10 (1891), 773. 1891: 34. H. Behrens. Beitrage zur mikrochemischen Analyse. (Platinum, p. 152; palladium, 153; iridium, rhodium, ruthen- ium, osmium, 154.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Ru, Os. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 30 (1891), 125; Chem. News, 64 (1891), 123; Bui. Soc. chim. 8 (1892), 1032; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 140. 1891: 35. H. L. Callendar. On the construction of platinum thermometers. Pt. Phil. Mag. [5], 32 (1891), 104; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 428; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 8 (1891), 572. 1891: 36. H. N. Warren. Production of platinum crucibles (by folding platinum foil like filter paper). Pt. Chem. News, 64 (1891), 146; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 31 (1892), 310. 1891: 37. — Platinid. (An alloy of platinum and nickel with arsenic and iron for crucibles, etc.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 282 (1891), 72; from Metallarbeiter. 1891: 38. H. N. Warren. A novel method for the production of sodium and potassium nitrite. (Using platinum sponge.) Pt. Chem. News, 63 (1891), 290; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 1321. 1891 : 39. F. Walter. Die Antiplatingliihlampe. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 282 (1891), 188. 1891 : 40. W. Crookes. On electrical evaporation (of platinum and palladium). Pt, Pd. Chem. News, 63 (1891), 287. 1891: 41. J. Mooser. Ueber die durch Zerstauben der Kathode erhaltenen Metallschichten (des Platins). Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pog g.) [2], 42 (1891), 639. 1891: 42. Brunel. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Rev. de photog. 1891, 185; Dingl. pol. J. 286 (1892), 119. 1891: 43. A. Stieglitz. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Amer. Annual of Fhotog. 1891, 249; Dingl. pol. J. 286 (1892), 136. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 233 1891:44. Hezekiel. (Platinum in photography.) Ft. Photog. Nadir. 1891, 708; Dingl. pol. J. 286 (1892), 136. 1891: 45. J. M. Eder. (Platinum in photography.) Ft. Jahrb. f. Photog. (Eder), 1891, 74; Dingl. pol. J. 283 (1892), 18. 1891: 46. A. Huszar. (Washing platinum prints.) Pt. Der amat. Phot. 5, 74; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 10 (1891), 571. 1891: 47. W. K. Burton. (Sodium hypobromite to prevent fog- ging in platinum printing.) Ft. Brit. J. Phot. 38 (1891), 421; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 294. 1891 : 48. Fourtier. (Palladium toning bath.) Pd. Phot. Gaz.; Phot. Wochenbl. 17 (1891), 61; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 64. 172. 1891: 49. Pilet. (Plating with palladium.) Pd. Electrician, 26 (1891), 563; Chem. Ztg. 15 (1891), Rep. 222. 1891 : 50. T. Seliwanow. (Expansion of platinum.) Pt. ,T. Russ. Chem. Soc. 23, ii (1891), 152; J. physik. Chem. 9 (1892), 91, 519. 1891: 51. G. Markovsky. Ueber die electromotorische Kraft der Gasketten. (Polarisation of platinum by oxygen and hydro- gen.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 44 (1891), 457; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 43 (1892), 531; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 393. 1891: 52. G. H. Burch and V. H. Veley. The variations of elec- tromotive force of cells, consisting of certain metals, platinum and nitric acid. Pt. Phil. Trans. London, 182 A. (1891), 319; J. Chem. Soc. 60 (1891), 514. 1892: 1 . F. P. Venable. On the supposed occurrence of platinum in North Carolina. (Its occurrence is not authentic.) Pt. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 8, ii (1891), 123; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 43 (1892), 540; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 670. 1892: 2. Die Platinausbeute Russlands im Jahre 1891. Pt, Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), 932; J. Soc. Arts, 40, 807; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 752. 1892:2a. G. F. Kunz. Report on mineral industries. Pt. Eleventh Census U. S. 341. 1892: 2b. A. M. Saytzeff. Geological researches in the district of Nicolai-Pavdinsk. Pt. Trans. Russ. Geol. Commission, 13, 97. 234 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1892: 2c. J. C. H. Mingaye. Platinum and associated metals in lode material at Broken Hill, N. S. W. Pt, Pd. J. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, 26 (1892), 371; of. also Records Geol. Surv. New South Wales, 1891 (1892). 1892: 3. Query regarding fluctuation of price of plati- num. Pt. Chem. News, 65 (1892), 86. 1892: 4. Platinum in Canada. Pt. Eng. and Min. J. 53 (1892), 327; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 469. 1892: 5. Price of platinum. (Review.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 382; from Chemist and Druggist. 1892: 6. M. Frenkel. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Palladiumver- bindungen. (Determination; action of potassium chromate on all the platinum metals.) Pd, Pt, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 217; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 917; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 880; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 195. 1892: 7. W. Pullinger. Platinum tetrachloride. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 61 (1892), 422; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1892, 54; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 661; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 10 (1893), 13; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 696; Chem. News, 65 (1892), 165; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), 440; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 469. 1892: 8. W. A. Shenstone and C. R. Beck. Platinous chloride and its use as a source of chlorine. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 61 (1892), 445; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1892, 70; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 662; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 10 (1893), 13; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 180; Chem. News, 65 (1892), 213; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), 596; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 469. 1892: 9. T. Wilm. Ueber Palladiumoxydul. Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, i (1892), 235; Ber. 25 (1892), 220; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 680; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 427; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 69; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 572; Ztsch. anorg Chem. 1 (1892), 256; 3 (1893), 389. 1892: 10. T. Wilm. Ein Vorlesungsversuch. (Occlusion of hydro- gen by palladium.) Pd. S. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, i (1892), 241; Ber. 25 (1892), 217; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 680; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 427; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 563; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 257; 3 (1893), 389; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 465. 1892: 11. T. Wilm. Ueber einige Rhodiumsalze. (Double chlorides with ammonium.) Rh. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, i (1892), 335, 526; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 143; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 10 (1893), 181; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 569; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 213; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 51; 3 (1893), 389. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 235 1892: 12. M. Vezes. Surles sels azotes du platine. (Nitrites.) Pt C. R. 115 (1892), 44; Ann. chim. phys. [6], 29 (1893), 145; Ber. 25 P. (1892), 714; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 664; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 315; Chem. News, 66 (1892), 61; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 1283; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 272. 1892: 13. M. Vezes. Sur un sel chloro-azote du palladium (Chloronitrite.) Pd C. R. 115 (1892), 111; Ann. chim. phys. [6], 29 (1893), 215; Ber. 2 R. (1892), 715; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 665; Chem. Centrbl 1892, ii, 394; Chem. News, 66 (1892), 84; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 1284; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 272. 1892: 14. R. Schneider. Ueber die Reduction des Kaliumplatin- sulfostannates und iiber ein neues Sulfosalz des Einfack- schwefelplatins, das Kaliumsulfoplatosat. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 45 (1892), 401; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 548; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 10 (1893), 96; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 851; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 167. 1892: 15. E. Fink. Sur les combinaisons phosphopalladiques. Pd. C. R. 115 (1892), 176; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 716; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 395; Chem. News, 66 (1892), 98; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 1285; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 272. 1892: 16. J. Petersen. Einige Versuche die physischen Verhalt- nisse der Metallammoniakverbindungen betreffend. Pt. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 10 (1892), 580; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 148. 1892: 17. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Chemie der Chromam- moniakverbindungen. (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 45 (1892), 260; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 694. 1892: 18. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Constitution der Kobalt-, Chrom- und Rhodiumbasen, III. Rh. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 45 (1892), 274; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 550; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 694; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 783; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 269. 1892: 19. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Constitution der Kobalt-, Chrom- und Rhodiumbasen, IV. Rh. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 279; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 147; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 340. 1892. 20. A. Joly. Composes ammoniacaux derives du sesqui- chlorure de ruthenium. Ru. C. R. 115 (1892), 1299; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 9 (1893), 183; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 252; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 24; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 172; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 187; J. des mines, 1893, Jan. 26. 236 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1892: 21. A. Cossa. Sopra una nuova serie di combinazioni basiche del platino. (Pyridin and etbylamin bases.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 22, ii (1892), 620; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 182; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 144; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 894; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 63; J. Chem. Soc. 64, i (1893), 365. 1892:22. L. Balbiaxo. Sopra i compost i plato-pirrazolici. Pt. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma [5], 1, ii (1892), 366; Gazz. chim. ital. 23, i (1893), 524; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 935; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 193; J. Chem. Soc. 64, i (1893), 674. 1892:23. G. Wallix. Glykokollens platinaforeningar. Pt. Oefvers. Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 49 (1892), 21. 1S92: 24. G. H. Bailey and T. Lamb. The atomic weight of palla- dium (105.459). Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 61 (1892), 745; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1892, 138; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 765; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 10 (1893), 8; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 350; Chem. News, 66 (1892), 35; 69 (1894), 141; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), 1056; J. anal. Chem. 6 (1892), 384; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, ii (1892), 208; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 32 (1893), 636; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 474; Ztsch. physik. C'hem. 10 (1892), 666. 1892: 25. H. F. Keller and E. F. Smith. The atomic weight of palladium (106.91, H = 1). Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 14 (1892), 423; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 38; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 1064; Chem. News, 69 (1894), 141; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 325; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 73; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 32 (1893), 636; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 389; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 11 (1893), 121 . 1S92: 26. F. Mylius and F. Foerster. L'eber die Herstellung von reinem Platin. Pt. Ztsch. Instrum. Kunde, 12, 93; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 15 (1894), 377; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 33 (1894), 353; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 272. 1892: 27. F. Mylius and F. Foerster. Luber die Herstellung und Beurtheilung von reinem Platin. Pt. Ber. 25 (1892), 665; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 8 (1892), 922; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 618; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 120; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 789, 920; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 521; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 332; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 690. 1892: 28. A. Sayxo. Di una relazione che esiste fra il modulo di rottura rispetto alia tensione, la temperatura di fusione, la densita ed il peso atomico di alcuni met alii omogenei. Pt. Rendic. 1st. lombardo [2], 25 (1892), 637. 1892:29. G. Neumann. Das Verhalten des Kupfers und der Edel- metalle zu einigen Gasen und Dampjfen. Pt, Pd. Monatsh. f. Chem. 13 (1892), 40; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 364; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 1050; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 942; Ztsch. anal. Chem. f2 (1893), 73, 74. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 09^7 i 1892: 30. F. Emich. Zum Verhalten des Stickoxydes in hohercr Temperatur. (Action on platinum metals at high tempera- ture.) Pt, Ir, Rh, Pd. Monatsh. f. Chem. 13 (1892), 78; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 364. 1892: 31. P. Sabatier and J. B. Senderens. Action de Foxyde azotique sur les metaux et sur les oxydes m6talliques. (Ac- tion of nitrogen dioxide.) Pt, Pd. C. R. 114 (1892), 1429; J. Chem. Soe. 62 (1892), 1151. 1892: 32. U. Antony. Azione del cloro e dell’ ossido di carbonio sull’ iridio. Ir. Gazz. chim. ital. 22, ii (1892), 547; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 184; Chem. Centrhl. 1893, i, 513. 1892: 33. A. Joly. Action du chlore sur le ruthenium: sesqui- chlorure, oxychlorure. Ru. C. R. 114 (1892), 291; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 308; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 270; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 474; Chem. News, 65 (1892), 107; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 70; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 688; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, ii (1892), 145; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 257. 1892:34. L. Pigeon. Chaleur de formation du bromure de plat ine. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 118. Pt. 1892: 35. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. On the lowering of the freezing points of cadmium, bismuth, and lead when alloyed with other metals. (Action of platinum and palladium with each.) Pt, Pd. J. Chem. Soc. 61 (1892), 888. 1892: 36. A. W. Pell. (Physiologic action of platinum chloride.) J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, i (1892), 334. Pt. 1892: 37. U. Antony. Separazione del platino dall’ iridio. Pt, Ir. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma [5], 1, i (1892), 121; Gazz. chim. ital. 22, i (1892), 275; Ber. 25 R. (1892), 441; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 1031; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 1004; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 1285; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 474. 1892: 38. U. Antony and L. Niccoli. Sul metodo analitico del precipitato prodotto in liquidi acidi, dall’ idrogeno solforato, nelle comuni analisi per esercizio. (Separation of metals of second group.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 22, ii (1892), 408; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 192. 1892: 39. E. F. Smith and D. L. Wallace. Electrolytic separa- tions. (Osmium from gold, cadmium, silver, and mercury.) Os. Ber. 25 (1892), 779; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 8 (1892), 667; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 920. 238 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1892: 40. E. F. Smith. The electrolytic separation of palladium and platinum from iridium. Pd, Pt, Ir. Amer. Chem. J. 14 (1892), 435; Ber. 26 It. (1893), 60; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 1049; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 346; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 97; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 391; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 606. 1892: 41. F. Rudorff. Quantitative Analyse durch Elektrolyse (of platinum). Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 695; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 305. 1892: 42. E. Matthey. On the liquation of metals of the plati- num group. Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Phil. Trans. London, 183 A (1892), 629; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 51 (1892), 447; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 474; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 448. 1892: 43. A. F. Holleman. Die Prufung von Platinchlorid auf Reinheit. (Sulphuric acid must be tested for.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 16,(1892), 35; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 13 (1892), 380; Analyst, 17 (1892), 80; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 412; J. Chem. Soc. 62 (1892), 1526; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 470. 1892: 44. M. Peligot. Solubilite comparative des chloroplatinates de potasse et de soude dans l’alcool a divers degres. (Solu- bility of alkaline chloroplatinates in alcohol.) Pt. Monit. scient. [4], 6 (1892), 872; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 104. 1892: 45. F. Jean and Trillat. Note sur le dosage de la potasse. (Use of chloroplatinate.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 7 (1892), 228; School of Mines (N. Y.) Quart. 13 (1892), 380. 1892: 46. A. Kolossow. Neue Methode zur Bearbeitung der Gewebe mit Osmiumsaure. Os. Ztsch. wiss. Mikroscop. 9 (1892), 38; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 267. 1892: 47. H. N. Warren. A quick method for refining gold, silver, and platinum in quantity. Pt. Chem. News, 66 (1892), 140; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 60; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 759; Chem. Ztg. 16 (1892), Rep. 322; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 17. 1892: 48. W C. Heraeus. Versuche fiber die Angreifbarkeit des Platins und einiger seiner Legirungen mit Iridium. (Cf. 1892:52.) Pt, Ir. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 34; Chem. News, 68 (1893), 77; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 32 (1893), 334. 1892:49. W. C. Heraeus. Erfahrungen an Schwefelsaure-Konzen- trations-Apparaten aus Platingoldkombination im Betrieb. Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 475; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 300. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 239 1892: 50. W. C. Heraeus. Vergoldung von Platinblech. (Ger- man patent 63591, Jan. 7, 1891.) Pt. Ber. 25 R. (1892), 923; Chem. Industrie, 15 (1892), 437; Ohem. Ztg. 18 (1892), 1726; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1893, 53. 1892: 51. Burgemeister. Schwefelsaureconcentration in mit Gold plattirten Platinkesseln. Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 384. 1892: 52. J. Weineck. Concentration von Schwefels&ure. (Use of platinum-iridium vessels.) (Cf. 1892: 48.) Pt, Ir. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1892, 34. 1892: 53. H. L. Callendar. On platinum pyrometers. Pt. Iron and Steel Inst. London, 1892, 164; Stahl und Eisen, 12 (1892), 606; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, ii, 385. 1892: 54. G. Lunge. Concentration of sulphuric acid. (In pla- tinum vessels.) Pt. Eng. and Min. J. 53 (1892), 374; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11 (1892), 522. 1892:55. E. H. Griffiths and G. M. Clark. Note on the determi- nation of low temperatures by platinum thermometers. Pt. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 8 (1892), 2; Phil. Mag. [5], 34 (1892), 515. 1892: 56. J. M. Eder and E. Valenta. Fortschritte und Neuer- ungen in der Herstellung und Verwendung photographischer Praparate. (Use of platinum in photography, p. 481.) Pt. Chem. Industrie, 15 (1892), 476 et seq.; Photog. Corresp. 1892, ; Dingl. pol. J. 291 (1894), 96. 1892: 57. Fourtier. (Palladium in photography.) Pd. Dingl. pol. J. 286 (1892), 119; from Phot. Mag. 1892: 58. Pizzighelli. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Eder’s Jahrb. f. Phot. 1892, 42; Dingl. pol. J. 286 (1892), 136. 1892: 59. M. Willis. (Platinum in photography.) Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 286 (1892), 136; from Engl. Phot. Soc. 1892: 60. Nichol. Similiplatinprocess. Pt. Photog. Corresp. 1892, ; Dingl. pol. J. 291 (1894), 95. 1892: 61. F. Parmentier. Sur la lampe sans flam me obtenue avec le gaz d'eclairage. (Glowing platinum in gas.) Pt. C. R. 114 (1892), 744; Chem. Centrbl. 1892, i, 735. 1892: 62. FI. Hertz. Ueber den Durchgang der Kathodenstrahlen durch dunne Metallschichten. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 45 (1892), 28. 1892: 63. W. Spring. Ueber die Moglichkeit des Gaszustandes far gewisse Metalle bei einer unter dern Schmelzpunkte liegcnden Temperatur. Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 1 (1892), 240; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 168. 240 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GKOUP. 1892: 64. C. Barus. Thermo elec tries of platinum-iridium and of platinum-rhodium. Pt, Ir, Rh. Phil. Mag. [5], 34 [1892), 376; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 2 (1892), 463. 1892: 65. E. F. Herroun. A note on the electro-motive forces of gold and platinum cells. Pt. Phil. Mag. [5], 33 (1892), 516; Chem. News, 65 (1892), 176. 1892: 66. V. Bjerknes. Die Resonanzerscheinung und das Ab- sorption s verm ogen der Metalle fur die Energie electrischer Wellen. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 47 (1892), 69. 1892: 67. K. R. Koch and A. Wullner. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation an kleinen Electroden. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 45 (1892), 475, 759. 1892: 68. A. A. Krakau. (Electric conductivity of palladium- hydrogen.) Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 24, ii (1892), 627; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 380. 1893: 1. Platinum ores in Oural. Pt. Eng. and Min. J. 56 (1893), 569; from J. des mines; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 556. 1893: 2. G. A. Daubree. Observation sur le piatina natif dans F Oural. Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 156; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 623. 1893: 3. A. Inostranzeff. Gisement primaire de platine dans r Oural. Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 155; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 81; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 623; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 7 (1894), 119; Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1893, 183; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 841. 1893: 3a. R. Helmhacker. Platin auf primarer Lagerstatten. Pt, Ztsch. prakt. Geol. 1 (1893), 87. 1893:3b. Platin-lagerstatten bei Broken Hill, N. S. W. Pt. Ztsch. prakt. Geol. 1 (1893), 322. 1893: 3c. J. B. Jacquet. Platinum deposits at Broken Hill, N. S. W. Pt. Rept. New South Wales Dept, of Mines for 1892 (1893), 142. 1893: 3d. J. A. Hooge. Topographische, geologische, mineralo- gische en mynbouwkundige beschryving van een gedeelte der afdeeling Martapoena (Borneo) . Pt. Jaarboek voor het mynwezen en Ned. Indien, 22 (1893), 408. 1893: 3e. C. Bullman. The platinum group of metals. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Mineral Industry, 1 (1893), 373. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 241 1893: 4. J. F. Donald. The occurrence of platinum in Canada. Pt. Eng. and Min. J. 55 (1893), 81; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 52 (1893), 209; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 387. 1893: 4a. D. H. Browne. Platinum in Canada. Pt. Eng. and Min. J. 56 (1893), 289. 1893: 5. T. Wilm. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von palladiumhal- tigem Gold in Kaukasus. Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 25, i (1893), 105, 505; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 741; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 874; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 416; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 475; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 4 (1893), 300, 476. 1893: 6 . [R. W. Raymond?] The future of platinum. (Full re- view.) Pt. Eng. and Min. J. 55 (1893), 194; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 298. 1893: 7. The production of platinum. Pt. Scient. Amer. Sup. 39 (1893), 14, 465. 1893.: 8. A.Joly. Proprietes physiques du ruthenium fondu. Ru. C. R. 116 (1893), 430; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 221; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 9 (1893), 477; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 634; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 187; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 285. 1893: 9. A. Joly and M. Vezes. Sur V osmium metallique. Os. C. R. 116 (1893), 577; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 265; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 717; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 173; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 74; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 324; J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 25, ii (1893), 144. 1893:10. H. Moraht and C. Wischin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Osmiums. (Ueber SauerstofF- und Schwefelverbindungen, p. 155; Halogen- und Oxyhalogenverbindungen, 165.) Os. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 153; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 224; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 14; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 380. 1893: 11. C. Montemartini. Studii sulla combinazioni inorganiche complesse. I. Cloroplatiniti. (Chloroplatinites.) Pt. Atti Accad. Torino, 28 (1893), 686; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 81. 1893: 12. W. A. Shenstone an 1 C. R. Beck. Note on the prepara- tion of platinous chloride, and on the interaction of chlorine and mercury. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 1893, 38; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 558; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 717; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 116; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), 317. 1893: 13. Le Bel. Sur le dimorphisme du chloroplatinate de dime- thylamine. Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 513; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 221. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 16 242 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1893 : 14. U. Antony. Preparazione del bisolfuro d’iridio e del cloro- iridato litico. Ir. Gazz. chim. ital. 23, i (1893), 190; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 310; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 718; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 86; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 380; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 4 (1893), 395. 1893: 15. U. Antony. Sulla composizione del precipitato prodotto dalT idrogeno solforato in una soluzione di cloro-iridato potassico. Ir. Gazz. chim. ital. 23, i (1893), 184; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 718; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 86; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 379; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 4 (1893), 395. 1893: 16. P. Petrenko-Kritschenko. Zur Kenntniss der Palla- diumsulfide. Pd. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 4 (1893), 247; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 579; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 475. 1893: 17. R. Schneider. Ueber das Verhalten des Dinatrmm- platosulfoplatinats gegen Wasser und uber zwei neue Sulfo- salze des Platins. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 48 (1893), 411; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 56, 517; Chem. Centrbl. 1893,. ii, 1080; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 98; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 81. 1893: 18. M. Vezes. Sur un platonitrite acide do potassium. Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 99; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 81; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 9 (1893), 334; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 464; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), 469, Rep. 27; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 213; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 477. 1893: 19. M. Vezes. Etudes electrometriques du triplatohexani- trite acide de potassium. Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 185; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 140; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 559; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 478. 1893: 20. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Konstitution der Cobalt-, Chro- mium- und Rhodiumbasen, V. Rh. Ztg. anorg. Chem. 5 (1894), 147; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 4; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 996; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 50. 1893: 21. A. Cossa. Sulla reazione di Anderson. (Action of pyrid- ine on platinum bases.) Pt. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma [5], 2 (1893), 332; Gazz. chim. ital. 24, i (1894), 393; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 338. 1893: 22. A. Werner. Beitrag zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbindungen, I. (Treatise on theory of double chlorides, cyanides, and bases of the platinum metals.) Pt, Ir, Rh, Ru, Os, Pd. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 267; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 351; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 379. 1893: 1893: 1893: 1893: 1893: 1893: 1893: 1893: 1893: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 243 23. A. Werner and A. Miolati. Contribute) alio studio della constituzione dei composti inorganici. (Function of NH 3 in metallic bases.) Gazz. chim. ital. 23, ii (1893), 140; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 14 (1894), 506; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 864; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 407. 24. N. Kurnakow. Ueber complexe Metallbasen. (Action of thiocarbamid on potassium chlo ro platini te.) Pt, Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 25, i (1893), 565; J. prakt. Chem. [2], 50 (1894), 481; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 339; J. Chem. Soc. 66, i (1894), 273. 25. W. J. Sell and T. H. Easterfield. Salts of a new plati- num sulphurea base. Pt. Chem. News, 68 (1893), 223; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 83. 26. T. Wilm. Notiz fiber das Natriumplatincyanur. Pt. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 25, i (1893), 507; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 4 (1893), 298; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 740; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 874; Chem. Cen- trbl. 1893, ii, 417. 27. W. Prinz. Sur les formes crist allines du chrome et de Tiridium. Ir. C. R. 116 (1893), 392; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 221; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 599; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 61; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 281. 28. A. Joly and E. Leidie. Sur le poids atomique du palla- dium (105.4). Pd. C. R. 116 (1893), 146; Ber. 26 R : (1893), 81; Bui. Soc. cliim. [3], 9 (1893), 159; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 513; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 73; 69 (1894), 141; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 25; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 284; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 32 (1893), 636; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 3 (1893), 477; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 11 (1893), 847. 29. W. L. Dudley. The action of gaseous hydrochloric acid and oxygen on the platinum metals. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. 1893, 105; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 15 (1893), 272; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 53; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 749; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 257; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 5 (1894), 316; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 13 (1894), 255. 30. H. N. Warren. The action of silicon on the metals gold, silver, platinum, and mercury. Pt. Chem. News, 67 (1893), 303; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 754; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 256; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 474; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 5 (1894), 316. 31. H. Moissan. Etude de quelques phenomenes nouveaux de fusion et de volatilisation produits au moyen de la chaleur de Fare electrique. (Volatilization of platinum in the electric arc.) Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 1429; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 11 (1894), 825; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 507. 244 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1893: 32. R. W. Mahon. The effect of platinum in iron solu- tions. Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 15 (1893), 578; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 92; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 106; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 318: Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 204; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 13 (1894), 546. 1893: 33. M.C.Lea. Ueber endothermischeReaktionen, verursacht dureh mechanische Kraft . . . und durch gleitenden Druck. Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 2; Amer. J. Sci. [3], 46 (1893), 241, 413. 1893: 34. L. Mangin. Sur Temploi du rouge de ruthenium en anatomie vegetale. Ru. C. R. 116 (1893), 653; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 181; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 102. 1893: 35. Nicolle and J. Cantacuzene. (Dyeing properties of ruthenium red — ammonium base — in histology.) Ru. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 7 (1893), 331; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 170; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 12 (1893), 872. 1893: 36. W. Gulewitsch. Ueber die Verarbeitung von Osmium- rucks tanden. Os. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 5 (1894), 126; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 3; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 934; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 270; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 53. 1893: 37. H. Borntrager. Rasche Reduction des Kaliumplatin- chlorids. (By potassium soap.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 32 (1893), 188; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, i, 772; Chem. News, 67 (1893), 205; J. Chem. Soc. 64, ii (1893), 284. 1893: 38. A. Villiers and F. Borg. De Taction du zinc et du mag- nesium sur les solutions metalliques et du dosage deda potasse. Pt. C. R. 116 (1893), 1524; Ber. 26 R. (1893), 728; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 9 (1893), 602; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 203. 1893: 39. W. L. Dudley. The electro-deposition of iridium; a method of maintaining the uniform composition of an electro- plating bath without the use of an anode. Ir. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1893, 106; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 15 (1893), 274; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 54; Chem. Centrbl. 1893, ii, 846; Chem. Ztg. 17 (1893), Rep. 270; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 5 (1894), 406. 1893: 40. G. Siebert. Cascaden-Apparat aus Platin zur Concen- tration der Schwefelsaure. Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1893, 346. 1893: 41. J. W. Richards. The specific heats of the metals. (Irid- ium, p. 129; osmium, palladium, platinum, 184; rhodium, ruthenium, 186.) Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru. J. Frank. Inst. 136 (1893), 116, 178. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 245 1893: 42. J. Paschen. Ueber die Gesammtemission gliihendes Platins. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 49 (1893), 50. 1893: 43. G. B. Rizzo. Intorno all’ assorbimento della luce nel platino a diverse temperature. (Absorption of light by platinum.) Pt. Atti Accad. Torino, 28 (1893), 823; II nuovo Cim., Jan. (1894); Chem. News. 69 (1894), 205; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 5 (1894), 398. 1893: 44. J. B. PIenderson. Polarisation of platinum electrodes in sulphuric acid. Pt. Proc. Poy. Soc. London, 54 (1893), 77; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 83. 1893 : 45. J. Dewar and J. A. Fleming. The electrical resistance of metals and alloys at temperatures approaching the absolute zero. (Platinum, p. 281; palladium, 285.) Pt, Pd. Phil. Mag. [5], 35 (1893), 271 ([5], 34 (1892), 326). 1803: 46. J. Daniel. Ueber galvanische Polarisationserschein- ungen an eine dunne metallische Scheidewand in einem Voltameter. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 49 (1893), 281. 1893: 47. K. R. Koch. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation kleiner Electro den. Eine Erwiderung. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 48 (1893), 734. 1894: 1. A. Inostranzeff. Sur les formes du platine dans sa roche mere de F Oural. Pt. C. R. 118 (1894), 264; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 563. 1894: 2. S. Meunier. Observations sur la constitution de la roche m&re du platine. Pt. C. R. 118 (1894), 368; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 564; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 13 (1894), 639. 3. Russian platinum deposits and their working. Pt. 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 : 4. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 13 (1894), 995; from Petersen’s Trade Rev. Gewinnung und Verbrauch von Platin. Pt. Dingl. pol. J. 292 (1894), 71; from Teknisk Tidskrift, nach Eisenzeitung. : 5. R. Helmhacker. Die Platinproduction Russlands. Pt. Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. 53 (1894), 157; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 1074. : 6. A. de Keppen. Aperpu g6n6ral sur Tindustrie mineral de la Russie. (Platinum, p. 213.) Pt. Ann. des mines [9], 5 (1894), 180. 6a. J. A. Edman. California. Notes on gold-bearing black sands of Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 1874, Nov. 10. 246 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1894: 7. H. Erdmann. Platinmetalle. (Theoretical comparison of chlorides, etc., of platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ztsch. f Hr Naturwiss. 55 (1894), 114; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, ii, 727. 1S94. 7a. A. Joly. Notice sur les travaux scientifiques. Paris, 1894. Pt, Pd, It, Rh, Os, Ru. 1894: 8. M. C. Lea. I. On some new methods of obtaining platino-chlorides. II. Probable existence of a platinum sub- chloride. Pt. Amer. J. Sci. [3], 48 (1894), 397; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 8 (1895), 121; Ber. 28, ii (1895), 219; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 14 (1895), 283; Chem. News, 70 (1894), 259; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 170; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, i, 147. 1894: 9. E. F. Smith and D. L. Wallace. Doppelbromure von Palladium. Pd. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 380; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 16 (1894), 465; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 553; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 1284; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, ii, 230; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 385. 1894: 10. L. Pigeon. Recherches chimiques et calorimetriques sur quelques combinaisons haloides du platine. Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [7], 2 (1894), 433; Ber. 28 R. (1895), 173; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 455; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 7 (1894), 437; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 15 (1894), 517. 1894: 11. J. L. Howe. Ruthenium and its nitrosochlorides. Ru. N. D. Clark. On the crystallization of 2CsCl.RuCl 3 NO. 2H z O and 2RbCl.RuCl 3 N0.2H 2 0 (p. 395). Ru. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 16 (1894), 388; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 1202; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, ii, 269; Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 386; Ztsch. anorg.. Chem. 7 (1894), 437. 1894: 12. C. Reichard. Ueber die Einwirkung des sauren arsenig- sauren Kaliums auf Metallsalze. (On platinum and palladium salts.) Pt, Pd. Ber. 27 (1894), 1019; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 1066; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 351. 1894: 13. A. Joly and E. Leidie. Action de la chaleur sur les azotites doubles alcalins des metaux du groupe du platine: composes du ruthenium. Ru. C. R. 118 (1894), 468; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 183; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 11 (1894), 380; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 671; Chem. News. 69 (1894), 133; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 239. 1894: 14. H. G. Soderbaum. Zur Konstitution der Platosooxalyl- verbindungen. Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 45; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 250; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 722; J. Chem. Soc. 66, i (1894), 275. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 247 1894: 15. A. Cossa. Sui compos ti di platosomonodiammina. Pt. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma [5], 3, ii (1894), 360; Ber.28 R. (1895), 108; Gazz. chim. ital. 25, ii (1895), 505; Bui. Soc. chim. [8], 16 (1896), 742; Chem. Oentrbl. 1895, i, 421; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 251. 1894: 16. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Konstitution der Kobalt-, Chrom- und Rhodiumbasen, VI. Rn. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 7 (1894), 289; Chem. Oentrbl. 1894, ii, 963; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 47. 1894: 17. A. Werner and A. Miolati. Contribute) alio studio della costituzione dei composti inorganici, II. (Chlorides and bases of platinum.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 24, ii (1894), 408; Ber. 28 R. (1895), 54. 1894: 18. E. H. Keiser and M. B. Breed. The atomic weight of palladium (106.245, H = 1). Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 16 (1894), 20; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 242; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 12 (1894), 404; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 579; Chem. News, 69 (1894), 197, 211; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 141; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 33 (1894), 619; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 435; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 14 (1894), 556. 1894: 19. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. Freezing points of alloys in which the solvent is thallium. (Platinum in thal- lium, p. 34.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 65 (1894), 31. 1894: 20. F. W. Clarke. Report of committee on atomic weights published in 1894. (Palladium [Keiser] = 106.51, 0=16.) (1894: 18.) Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 16 (1894), 20; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 17 (1895), 208. 1894: 21. F. C. Phillips. Phenomena of oxidation and chemical properties of gases. (Oxidation by palladium- asbestos.) Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 16 (1894), 163; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 462; J.Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 294; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 213. 1894: 22. F. C. Phillips. Phenomena of oxidation and chemical properties of gases. (Action of hydrogen on chlorides of palla- dium, platinum, and ruthenium, potassium ruthenate, and osmium tetroxide.) Pd, Pt, Ru, Os. Amer. Chem. J. 16 (1894), 255; Ber. 27 R. (1894), 728; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 294; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 229. 1894: 23. F. Mylius and O. Fromm. IJeber die Abscheidung der Metalle aus verdunnten Losungen. (By zinc, cadmium, and lead, forming alloys.) Pt, Ir, Pd. Ber. 27 (1894), 630; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 236. 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1894: 24. F. Mylius and O. Fromm. L eber die Bildung schwim- mender Metallblatter durch Electrolyse. (No result with platinum metals, p. 617.) Pt. Pd ; Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ann. der Phvs. (Pogg.) [2]. 51 (1894), 593. 1S94: 25. W. Spring. Ueber das Vorkommen gewisser fur den Flussigkeits- und Gaszustand characteristischen Eigenschaften bei festen Metallen. (Fluidity of platinum below its melting point.) Pt. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 15 (1894\ 65: J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895). 37. 1S94 : 26. N. Kurxakow. U eber die Beziehung zwischen F arbe und Konstitution der Halogendoppelsalze. (Platinum bases.) Pt. Tagebl. Cong. Russ. Naturf. und Aerzte, 1894, No. 10; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 341. 1894: 27. G. Michaud. Influence of certain metals (platinum) on the stability of ammonium amalgam. Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 16 (1894), 488; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 109. 1894: 28. W. Gulewitsch. Ueber die Bestimmung von Platin und Chlor in einer Portion mit Erhaltung der organischen Substanz. Pt. Tagebl. Cong. Russ. Naturf. und Aertze, 1894, No. 10; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 342. 1894: 29. R. Sctttff and N. Tarugi. Ausschluss des Schwefel- wasserstoffstroms aus der qualitativen Analyse. Dessen Ersatz durch Thioessigsaure. (Platinum, p. 3439.) Pt. Ber. 27 (1894), 3437: Ztsch. anal. Chem. 34 (1895), 456. 1S94 : 30. H. Petrzilka. Schutzkapseln fur Platinsckalen und Platinschmelztiegeln. Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem, 1894, 255; Chem. Centrbl. 1894, i, 986; Chem. News, 72 (1895), 85; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 33 (1894), 724. 1894: 31. G. Lunge. Die Columbische Weltausstellung in Chicago. (Gold-lined platinum concentration apparatus for sulphuric acid.) Pt, Pd. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1894, 7, 38. 1S94: 32. G. Lunge. Notizen uber Schwefelsaurefabricafion in America. (Concentration in platinum-gold.) Pt. Ztsch. angew. Chem. 1894, 134. 1S94: 33. Baker & Co., Newark, N. J. Data concerning plat- inum. etc. 3d ed. [1894]. (1st ed. [1892].) Pt. Chem. News, 70 (1894), 234. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 249 1894: 34. W. Ramsay. The passage of hydrogen through a palla- dium septum, and the pressure which it produces. Pd. Phil. Mag. [5], 38 (1894), 206; Ber. 28 R. (1895), 4; Chem. News, 69 (1894), 273; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 39; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 15 (1894), 518. 1894: 35. L. Cailletet and E. Collardeau. Recherches sur la condensation des gaz de Y electrolyse par les corps poreux et en particulier par les metaux de la famille du platine. Pt, Pd. C. R. 119 (1894), 830; Ber. 28 R. (1895), 266; J. Chem. Soe. 68, ii (1895), 150. 1894: 36. M. Berthelot. (Criticism of paper of Cailletet and Col- lardeau.) Pd. C. R. 119 (1894), 834; Ber. 28 R. (1895), 267. 1894: 37. J. H. Gray. Method of determining the thermal conduc- tivity of metals with applications to copper, silver, gold, and platinum. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 56 (1894), 199; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 69. 1894: 38. K. Noll. Thermoelectricitat chemisch reiner Metalle. (Platinum, p. 889.) Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 53 (1894), 874; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 99. 1894: 39. F. Paschen. Notiz fiber die Gultigkeit des KirchhofP- schen Gesetzes von der Emission. Pt. Ann. der Phys. (Pogg.) [2], 51 (1894), 40. 1894: 40. B. Neumann. Ueber das Potential des Wasserstoffs und einiger Metalle. (Platinum, p. 213; palladium, 219.) Pt, Pd. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 14 (1895), 193; J. Chem. Soc. 66, ii (1894), 373. 1894: 41. A. Krakau. (Ueber die Dissoziationsspannung des Pal- ladwassers toffs.) Pd. J. Russ. Chem. Soc. 1894, 398; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 8 (1895), 395. 1895: 1. A. Inostranzeff. Gisement primaire de platine dans FOural. Pt. Trav. Soc. nat. St.-Petersb. 22, ii (1895), 17; Ztsch. f. Kryst. 24 (1895), 514; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 976. 1895: 2. J. W. Muschkjetoff. Ueber die primare Platinlager- statte im westlichen Ural. Pt. Verh. Russ. min. Gesell. [2], 29 (1895), 229; Ztsch. f. Kryst. 24 (1895), 505; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 976. 1895: 2a. G. W. Card. Mineralogical notes, No. 3, Platinum from Fifield. Pt New South Wales Geol. Surv. Rec. 4 (1895), 130. 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1895: 3. E. Andreoli. (Platinum at the Antwerp Exposition.) Pt. Rev. univ. Feb. 2, 1895; Dingl. pol. J. 295 (1895), 208; Ohem. Centrbl. 1895, i, 681. 1895: 4. C. Hoitsema. Palladium-Wasserstoff. Pd. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 17 (1895), 1; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 154; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 388. 1895: 5. A. Krakau. Ueber die elektrische Leitungsfahigkeit des Pall adiumwassers toffs in Zusammenhang mit seiner Dissocia- tionsspannung. Pd. Ztsch. physik. Chem. 17 (1895), 689; Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 5; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 334. 1895: 6 . L. Pigeon. Sur un nouveau mode de preparation de Facide chloroplatineux et de ses sels. Pt. C. R. 120 (1895), 681; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 357; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, i, 871. 1895: -7. L. Brizard. Sur quelques sels d’argent du ruthenium nitrosA Ru. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 13 (1895), 1092; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 566. P895: 8. F. Roessler. Synthese einiger Erzmineralien und analo- ger Met all verb indungen durch Auflosen und Krystallisirenlas- sen derselben in geschmolzenen Met alien. (Se and S com- pounds, p. 53; As, Sb, and Bi compounds, p. 60.) Pd, Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 9 (1895), 31; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 390. 1895: 9. R. E. Barnett. Note on the formation of platinic pyro- phosphate. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 67 (1895), 513; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1895, 89; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 16. 1895: 10. A. Stavenhagen. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Arsenite. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 51 (1895), 1; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 8 (1895), 404; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 217. 1895: 11. W. Gibbs. Platinotungstates and platinomolybdates. Amer. Chem. J. 17 (1895), 73; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 229. Pt. 1895: 12. A. Joly and E. Leidie. Action de la chaleur sur les azo- tites doubles alcalins des metauxdu groupe du platin ; composes de Firidium. Ir. C. R. 120 (1895), 1341; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 503; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 211. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 251 1895: 13. A. Werner. Beitr&ge zur Konstitution anorganisclier Verbindungen. II, III, IV. (Salts and bases of platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 8 (1895), 153, 189; 9 (1895), 382. 1895: 14. N. Kurnakow. Ueber die zusammengesetzten Metall- basen. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. 52, i (1895), 177, 490; J, Chem. Soc. 68, i (1896), 499 70, ii (1896), 170; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 217. 1895: 15. O. N. Witt and A. Buntrock. (Joly’s ruthenium red.) Dingl. pol. J. 295 (1895), 235. Ru. 1895: 16. W. Palmaer. Ueber die Iridiumammoniumverbind- ungen. Ir. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 10 (1895), 320; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 179; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 128. 1895: 16a. W. Palmaer. Krystallform einiger Iridium verbind- ungen. (Ammonium bases.) Inaug. Diss. Upsala, 1895. Ir. Ztsch. Kryst. 28 (1897), 514; Chem. Oentrbl. 1897, ii, 609. 1895: 17. P. Klason. Ueber die Constitution der Platin verbind- ungen. Pt. Ber. 28 (1895), 1477; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 400; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 436. 1895: 18. P. Klason. Ueber Platindiammoniakdipyridin verbind- ungen. Pt. Ber. 28 (1895), 1489; J. Chem. Soc. 68,' i (1895), 557; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 451. 1895: 19. P. Klason. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Platinathylsul- fid verbindungen. Pt. Ber. 28 (1895), 1493; J. Chem. Soc. 68, i (1895), 488; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 440. 1895: 19a. Hamberg. Krystallform des Platoathylsulfinjodids. Pt. Oefvers. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1895: 312; Ztsch. Kryst. 28 (1897), 514; Chem. Centrbl. 1897, ii, 609. 1895: 20. E. F. Smith and H. B. Harris. Electrolytic determina- tion of ruthenium. Ru. J. Ainer. Chem. Soc. 17 (1895), 652; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 16 (1896), 228; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 223; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 240; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 617. 1895: 21. E. Priwoznik. Ueber den Einfluss einiger Platinmetalle auf die Richtigkeit der bei den Gold-Inquartations-Proben erzielbaren Resultate. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh. Oesterr. Ztsch. Berg- u. Hiitten-Wesen, 43 (1895), 272; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 35 (1896), 73. 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1895:21a. E. H. Miller. Assay of platinum. Pt. School of Mines (Columbia University) Quart. 17 (1895), 26. 1895: 22. L. L. de Koninck. Volumetrische Bestimmung der. Platinchloride. Pt Chem. Ztg. 19 (1895), 901; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 77; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 186. 1895: 23. A. L. Winton. On some conditions affecting the ac- curacy of the determination of potash as potassium platini- chloride. Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 17 (1895), 453; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 126. 1895: 24. W. van Dam. (KjeldahFs method and the chloro- platinates.) Pt. Rec. trav. chim. Pays-Bas, 14 (1895), 217; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 218; Ztsch. anal. Chem. 35 (1896), 594. 1895: 25. M. Delepine. Insufhsance de la methode de Kjeldahl pour doser F azote dans les chloroplatinates. Pt. C. R. 120 (1895), 152; J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 290. 1895: 27. E. Sonstadt. Note on the reduction of potassium platinochloride. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 67 (1895), 984; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1895, 162; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 16 (1896), 417. 1895: 28. D. Vitali. (Action of magnesium on platinum and palladium solutions.) Pt, Pd. L’Orosi, 18 (1895), 289; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 419. 1895: 29. A. Stiebel. Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Zinkstaubes zum Ausfallen von Edelmetallen aus photographisclien Abfall-losungen. Pt. Jbuch f. phot. Reproductiontechnik, 1895, 17; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 196. 1895: 30. F. C. Phillips. On the possibility of the occurrence of hydrogen and methane in the atmosphere. (Detection of hydrogen by palladium chloride, p. 806.) Pd. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 17 (1895), 801; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 162. 1895: 31. H. Dufet. Sur les ferrocyanure, ruthenocyanure et osmiocyanure de potassium. Ru, Os. C. R. 120 (1895), 377; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, i, 629. 1895:31a. H. Dufet. (Crystallographic notes) . Pd, Os. Bui. Soc. fran?. mineral. 18(1895), 414; Ztsch. Kryst. 27 (1897), 632; Chem. Centrbl. 1897, i, 1103. 1895: 32. A. Sella. Cloruro di platososemiammina e di platosodi- pyridina. (Crystal form.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 22, ii (1892), 622; Ztsch. Kryst. 24 (1895), 319; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 756. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 253 1895: 33. J. H. Gladstone and W. Hibbert. Molecular refraction of dissolved salts and acids. (Platinum chloride, pp. 836, 844.) J. Chem. Soc. 67 (1895), 831. Pt. 1895: 34. E. D. Campbell. On the oxidation of some gases with palladinized copper oxide. Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 17 (1895), 681; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 171. 1895: 35. L. Mond, W. Ramsay, and J. Shields. Occlusion by platinum black. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. 58 (1895), 242; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 10 (1895), 178 (in full); J. Chem. Soc. 68, ii (1895), 492; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 123, 756; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 354; Ztsch. physik. Chem. 19 (1896), 25. 1895: 36. R. Engel. Sur Taction de Tacide chlorhydrique sur le cuivre. Pt. C. R. 121 (1895), 528; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 171 1895: 37. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. Platinum resistance thermometers. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 67 (1895), 160; Chem. News, 71 (1895), 33; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, i, 465, 726. 1895: 38. Appelyard. A direct-reading platinum thermometer. Chem. News, 72 (1895), 267. Pt. 1895: 39. H. Crompton. Latent heat of fusion of platinum. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 67 (1895), 315. 1895: 40. A. Bartoli and E. Stracciati. (Specific heat of plati- num.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 25, i (1895), 389; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 145; Chem. Centrbl. 1895, ii, 274. 1895: 41. J. Macintyre. (Potassium platinocyanide for Rontgen rays.) Pt. Nature, 53 (1895), 523. 1895: 42. C. Kellner. Absorption of acid and alkali from solu- tions by platinum black Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann), [2], 57 (1895), 79; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 232; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 577. 1895: 43. L. Holborn and W. Wien. (Measurement of high tem- perature; fusing point of platinum and palladium; platinum- rhodium thermo-couple.) Pt, Pd, Rh. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann) [2], 56 (1895), 360; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 87. 1895: 44. J. Dewar and J. A. Fleming. Thermoelectric powers of metals and alloys. Pt, Pd. Phil. Mag. [5], 40 (1895), 95; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 4. 254 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1896: a. V. Bourdakov and Hendrikov. (Description of the platinum deposits belonging to Bourdakov & Sons.) Pt. Trans. Soc. naturalists of the Ural at Ekaterinburg, 14 (1896), 197; Jahrb. f. Min. 1897, i, 447; Chem. Centrbl. 1897, ii, 374. 1896: b. J. E. Carne. (Platinum and platinoid metals from auriferous sands of Richmond River districts, N. S. W.) Rept. New South Wales Dept. Mines for 1895 (1896), 154. Pt, Ir, Os. 1896: 1. Australian platinum. Pt. Sci. American, 74 (1896), 182; from Colliery Guardian. 1896: 2. T. L. Walker. Notes on sperrylite. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os. Amer. J. Sci. [4], 1 (1896), 110; Tech. Quart. 9 (1896), 29; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 366; Ztsch. Kryst. Min. 25 (1896), 561. 1896: 3. F. W. Clarke. Third annual report of Committee on Atomic Weights. (Pt= 194.89, Pd = 106.36, Ir = 193.12, Rh = 103.01, Os= 190.99, Ru = 101.68, 0 = 16, p. 213.) J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 18 (1896), 197. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1896 : 4. C. H. Herty. Mixed double halides of platinum and potas- sium. Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 18 (1896), 130; Ber. 29 (1896), 441; Tech. Quart. 9 (1896), 5; J Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 306; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 16 (1896), 626. 1896: 5. A. Miolati. (Ueber gemischte Halogenplatinate.) Pt. Atti Accad. Lincei, 1896, ii, 143; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 1051; Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 237 (in full). 1896: 6. H. W. Hake. Preliminary note on the absorption of moisture by deliquescent salts. (Chlorplatinic acid.) Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 1896, 33. 1896: 7. A. Smits. (Ueber Magnesiumnitrid.) (Action on plati- num chloride.) Pt. Rec. trav. chim. Pays-Bas, 15 (1896), 185; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 770. 1896: 8. L. Brizard. Action des r6ducteurs sur les composes nitrosSs du ruthenium. Ru. C. R. 122 (1896), 730; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 478. 1896: 9. L. Brizard. Action des r6ducteurs sur les composes nitroses de Vosmium. Os. C. R. 123 (1896), 182; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 653. 1896: 10. U. Antony and A. Lucchesi. (Precipitation of platinum sulphide; colloidal sulphides.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 26, i (1896), 211; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 528; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 519. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 255 1896: 11. H. Moissan. Sur la solubilite du carbone dans le rhodium, riridium et le palladium. Rh, Ir, Pd. C. R. 123 (1896), 16; J. Ohem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 609; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 613, 617. 1896: 12. E. Vigouroux. Action du silicium sur . . . le plating Pt. 0. R. 123 (1896), 116; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 600; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 618. 1896: 13. A. Granger. Sur l’action du phosphore sur le platine. C. R. 123 (1896), 1284, Pt. 1896: 14. A. J. Ferreira da Silva. Sur la constitution des car- bonyles metalliques. (Platinum carbonyl.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 15 (1896), 836. 1896: 15. F. W. Durkee. Oxidation of sodium sulphide and hydro- sulphide to the sulphate by electrolysis. (Solution of platinum electrodes and formation of sodium thioplatinate, p. 536.) Pt. Amer. Chem. J. 18 (1896), 525. 1896: 16. M. Finck. Ethers phosphop all adiques. Derives ammo- niacaux des Others phosphopalladeux et phosphopalladique3. C. R. 123 (1896), 603. Pd. 1896: 17. D. Schou. Ueber ein neues Doppelsalz des Platosemi- diammins. Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 13 (1896), 36; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 1074. 1896: 18. W. Palmaer. Ueber Iridiumammoniumverbindungen. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 13 (1896), 211; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 1079. Ir. 1896: 19. S. M. Jorgensen. Beitrage zur Constitution der Kobalt- Chromium-, und Rhodiumbasen. VII, VIII. Rh. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 11 (1896), 416; 13 (1896), 172; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 424; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 488, 1077. 1896: 20. A. Werner. Ueber eine eigentumliche Klasse von Platinverbindungen und die sogenannten isomeren Platos- oxalsauren. (Pyridin bases.) Pt. Ztsch. anorg. Chem. 12 (1896), 46; J. Chem. Soc. 70, i (1896), 465; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 629. 1896: 21. A. Schertel. Darstellung der Salze der Platincyan- wasserstoffsaure. Pt. Ber. 29 (1896), 204; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 16 (1896), 669; J. Chem. Soc. 70, i (1896), 197. 256 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1896: 22. J. L. Howe. Contribution to the knowledge of the ruthenocyanides. Ru. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 18 (1896), 981. 1896 : 23. S. Friedlander. (Combination of argon with platinum.) Pt. Ztsch. phvsik. Chem. 19 (1896), 657; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 457; Ber. 29 It. (1896), 764. 1896: 24. A. Tilden. An attempt to determine the condition in which helium and associated gases exist in minerals. (Non- absorption of helium by palladium.) Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. 59 (1896), 218; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 655. 1896: 25. W. C. Roberts-Austen. Diffusion of metals. (Bakerian lecture.) Pt, Rh. Trans. Roy. Soc. 187 (1916), 383; Science, n. s. 3 (1896), 827; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 590. 1896: 26. P. Cohn and F. Fleissner. Ueber die Trennung des Palladiums von Platin. Pd, Pt. Monatsh. Chem. 17 (1896), 361; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 876. 1896: 27. N. Tarugi. SulF amalgama di platino e sua applica- zione nella chimica analitica. Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 26, i (1896), 425; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 691. 1896: 28. E. Hintz. Volumetrische Bestimmung von Chlorplati- naten, Bestimmung von Kalium, Ammoniak, Stickstoff, und Platin. (Review.) Pt. Ztsch. anal. Chem. 35 (1896), 72. 1896 : 29. C. Fabre. Sur le dosage de la potasse. Pt. C. R. 122 (1896), 1331. 1896: 30. E. D. Campbell and E. B. Hart. On the quantitative determination of hydrogen by means of palladium chloride. Pd. Amer. Chem. J. 18 (1896), 294; Tech. Quart. 9 (1896), 18; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 16 (1896), 215; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 496; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 1165. 1896: 31. R. Ruer. Bemerkungen zur Kalibestimmungsmethode der Kaliwerke zu Leopoldshall-Stassfurt. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 20 (1896), 270; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 877. 1896: 32. E. Bauer. Zur Bestimmung des Kalis als Kaliumplatin- chlorid. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 20 (1896), 270; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 878. 1896: 33. H. Precht. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bestimmung des Kalis als Kaliumplatinchlorid. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 20 (1896), 209; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 564. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 257 1896: 34. A. Hazen. The measurement of the colors of natural waters. (Use of platinum-cobalt solution standard.) Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 18 (1896), 264; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 548. 1896: 35. M. E. Mulder. (Storender Einfluss der schwefligen Saure der Gas-flamme auf die Bestimmung einiger Verbind- ungen und uber das Mittel denselben zu beseitigen.) (Action of S0 2 on platinum crucible.) Pt. Rec. trav. chim. Pays-Bas, 14 (1896), 307; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 433. 1896: 36. A. A. Kelly and H. Humley. Palladium toning. Pd. Sci. American, 75 (1896), 150; from Phot. Times. 1896: 37. V. Meyer. Ueber die Schmelzbarkeit des Platins in Kohlen-Geblase-Ofen. Pt. Ber. 29 (1896), 850; J. Chem. Soc. 70, ii (1896), 429. 1896: 37a. T. J. Fairley. Note on durability of platinum- iridium vessels in laboratory use. Pt, Ir. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 15 (1896), 886. 1896: 38. S. W. Holman, R. R. Lawrence, and L. Barr. Melting points of aluminum, silver, gold, and platinum. Pt. Tech. Quart. 9 (1896), 24; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 1091; Phil. Mag. 42 (1896), 37. 1896: 39. W. N. Hartley. On the temperature of certain flames (Fusing point of platinum not reduced by carbon in the flame.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 69 (1896), 846; Proc. Chem. Soc. 1896, 98. 1896: 40. H. Moissan. (Ueber Verfliichtigung einiger schwer schmelzbarer Korper.) Pt. Ann. chim. phys. [7], 9 (1896), 133; Ber. 29 R. (1896), 1097. 1896: 41. H. Jackson. Note on the use of certain phosphorescent substances in rendering X-rays visible. (Phosphorescence of the salts of platinum.) Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 1896, 57; Nature, 53 (1896), 499. 1896: 42. S. Egbert. Action of X-rays through plates of plati- num. Pt. Nature, 53 (1896), 502; read at Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1897: 1. A. F. Stahl. Gold und Platin in Nikolaje-Pawdinsk (Ural). Pt. Chem. Ztg. 21 (1897), 394; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 58. 1897: 2. H. Louis. The occurrence and treatment of platinum in Russia. Pt. Mineral Industry, 6 (1897), 539. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 17 258 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1897 : 3. Gewinnung des Platins in Russland. Pt. Polyt. J. (Dingier), 303 (1897), 240 (from Eisenztg.); Jahresb. Min. 1897, ii, 7; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 630. 1897: 3a. T. L. Walker. Geological and petrographic al studies of Sudbury nickel district, Canada. Pt. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London, 53 (1897), 40. 1897 : 4. G. Merer. Procede nouveau pour l’attaque du platine et preparation des bromoplatinates d’ammonium et de potassium. Pt. Compt. rend. 125 (1897), 1029; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 19 (1898), 195; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii, (1898), 231; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 438. 1897 : 5. H. W. Wiley. Recovery of waste platinum chloride. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 19 (1897), 258; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 799. 1897: 6. J. R. Rydberg. Studien liber die Atomgewichtszahlen. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Z. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 66; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 399; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 676. 1897: 7. R. Lorenz. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung von J. R. Rydberg, “Studien uber die Atomgewichtszahlen” (Zwillings- elemente) (1897: 6). Ru, Rh, Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 103; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 399; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 677. 1897: 8. P. Rohland. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Salze der Platinchlorwasserstoffsaure. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 15 (1897), 412; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1897), 189; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 313. 1897: 9. M. Groger. Ueber die Darstellung von Kaliumplatin- chloriir. Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 10 (1897), 152; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 685. 1897: 10. A. Miolati. Ueber gemischte Halogenplatinate. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 237; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 323; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 1046. 1897: 11. A. Werner. Beitrag zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbindungen. VIII. Ueber die Anderson’sche Reaktion. (Heating organic chloroplatinates.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 15 (1897), 123; J. Chem. Soc. 72, i (1897), 631; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 791. 1897: 12. A. J. Ferreira da Silva. (Constitution of the metal- . carbonyls.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 15 (1897), 835; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 406. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 259 1897: 13. M. Vezes. Ueber Plato-plati-additionsverbindungen. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 15 (1897), 278; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 74; Cliem, Zentr. 1897, ii, 1138. 1897: 14. H. B. Buxhoeyden and G. Tammanm. Die Hydrate des Magnesiumplatincyanurs und deren Loslichkeit. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 15 (1897), 319; J. Chem. Soc. 74, i (1898), 59; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 1139. 1897: 15. M. Jorgensen. Zur Konstitution der Kobalt-, Chrom- und Rhodiumbasen. IX, X. Pt, Rh. Z. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 404; 16 (1897), 184; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 453; 74, ii (1898), 226; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 329; 1898, i, 226. 1897: 16. A. Cossa. (The constitution of platosemiammin com- pounds.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 27, ii (1897), 11; Z. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 366; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 457; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 256. 1897: 17. D. Schou. Ueber ein neues Doppelsalz des Platosemi- ammins. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 13 (1897), 36; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 18 (1897), 694; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 44. 1897 : 18. K. A. Hofmann. Eine neue Klasse von Metallammoniak- verbindungen. (Thio-carbonate bases.) Pt, Ir, Rh. Z. anorg. Chem. 11 (1896), 379; 14 (1897), 263; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 18 (1897), 829; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 320; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 1064. 1897: 19. M. Vezes. Sur un nouveau sel platineux mixte. (Oxa- late.) Pt. Compt. rend. 125 (1897), 525; Bui. Soc. chim. (3), 17 (1897), 955; J. Chem. Soc. 74, i (1898), 64; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 999. 1897: 20. K. A. Hofman and W. O. Rabe. Reaktionen von Mer- kaptiden mit Alkyljodiden. (Merkaptids of platinum, palla- dium, and iridium.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Z. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 293; J. Chem. Soc. 72, i (1897), 310; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 1013. 1897: 21. J. Dewar. The absorption of hydrogen by palladium at high temperatures and pressures. Pd. Proc. Chem. Soc. 13 (1897), 192; Chem. News, 76 (1897), 274; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 20 (1898), 428; Jahresb. Chem. 1897, 429; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 90. 1897: 22. F. Bullniieimer. Das Verhalten des Glycerins gegcn Metalloxyde, ein Bcitrag zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Glycerins. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Forschungs-Ber. Lebensmittel, 4 (1897), 12, 31; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 262; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 522, 733. 260 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1897: 23. B. Sjollema. Kalibestimmung durch Reduzieren des Kaliumplatinchlorids mittels Natriumformiat. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 21 (1897), 739; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 309; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 875. 1897: 24. P. Sabatier and J. B. Senderens. (Action of nickel on ethylene.) (No action by palladium and platinum.) Pd, Pt. Compt. rend. 124 (1897), 616; J. Chem. Soc. 72, i (1897), 305; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 257. 1897 : 25. E. Harbeck and G. Lunge. Quantitative Scheidung des Aethylens und Benzoldampfes. Ueber die Einwirkung von Kohlenoxyd auf Platin und Palladium. Dissertation, Bern, 1897. ^ Pt, Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 16 (1898), 26, 50; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 166; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 437. 1897: 26. A. Liversidge. The crystalline structure of gold and platinum nuggets and gold ingots. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 13 (1897), 22; J. Chem. Soc. 71 (1897), 1125; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 617. 1897: 27. H. Backstrom. Krystallform des Iridiumtetramin- trichlorids. Ir. Z. Kryst. Min. 28 (1897), 212; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 256. 1897: 28. L. Mond, W. Ramsay, and J. Shields. On the occlu- sion of oxygen and hydrogen by platinum black. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 62 (1897), 50; Z. physik. Chem. 25 (1898), 657; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 599; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 1159. 1897: 29. L. Mond, W. Ramsay, and J. Shields. On the occlu- sion of hydrogen and oxygen by palladium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 62 (1897), 290; Chem. News, 76 (1897), 317; Z. anorg. Chem. 16 (1898), 325; Z. physik. Chem. 26 (1898), 109; Bui. Soc. chim. [3] 20 (1898), 427; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 600; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 553. 1897: 30. W. W. Randall. On the permeation of hot platinum by gases. Pt. Am. Chem. J. 19 (1897), 682; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 482; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 611. 1897: 31. H. Kayser. Die Spektren der Elemente der Platin- gruppe. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Abh. K. preuss. Akad. 1897; Astro phys. J. 7 (1899). 1897: 32. C. M. Gordon. (Measurement of the capacity of polar- ization.) (Use of platinized electrodes.) Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann), [2], 61 (1897), 1; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 357. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 261 1897: 33. K. R. Klein. (Depolarization of mercury and plati- num electrodes.)' Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann), 62 (1897), 259; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 7. 1897: 34. W. C. Roberts-Austen. The alloys: fourth report of the committee on alloys. Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers, 1897, 31; Engineering, 63 (1897), 220. 1897: 35. J. Spiller. The platinum-silver alloys; their solubility in nitric acid. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 13 (1897), 118; Jahresb. Chem. 1897, 1013; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 102. 1897: 36. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. Complete freezing- point curves of binary alloys containing silver or copper, together with another metal. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 60 (1896), 160; Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 189 A (1897), 25; J. Chem. Soc. 72, ii (1897), 245. 1897: 37. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. The freezing points of alloys containing zinc and another metal. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 13 (1897), 60; J. Chem. Soc. 71 (1897), 383 (platinum- zinc alloy, p. 421); Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 786. 1897: 38. C. Roessler. Ueber die Telluriumverbindungen des Platins. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 15 (1897), 405; Bui. Soc. chim. [3] 20 (1898), 309; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 166; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 313. 1897: 39. C. T. Heycock and F. H. Neville. Roentgen ray photography applied to alloys. (Brief reference to platinum- aluminum alloys.) Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 13 (1897), 105; J. Chem. SSc. 73 (1898), 714; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 247. 1897: 40. Soltsien. Ueber einige Apparate fur die analytische Praxis. Platinveraschungsrohrchen. Pt. Pharm. Ztg. 42 (1897), 293; Chem. Zentr. 1897, i, 1081. 1897:41. W. Skey. Laboratory notes from New Zealand. (Plati- num couples.) Pt. Chem. News, 76 (1897), 109; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 61; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 785. 1897: 42. W. L. Hardin. The atomic mass of tungsten. (Absorp- tion of tungsten by platinum, p. 673.) Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 19 (1897), 657; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 336; Chem. Zentr. 1897, ii, 612. 1897: 43. J. L. Howe. Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group, 1748-1896. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 1084, 1897. 262 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1898: 1. J. W. Mallet. Claims of davyum to recognition as an element. Da. Am. Chem. J. 20 (1898), 776; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 107; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 17. 1898: 2. A. Saytzeff. Die Platinlagerstatten am Ural. Tomsk, Burdakoff und Sohne, 1899. Pt. Memoires de 1’Univ. de Tomsk, 16 (1898); Neues Jahr.Min. Geol. 1899, i, 400; Z. prakt. Geol. 1898, 395; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 220. 1898: 3. R. Helmacker. The platinum deposits of the Ural Mountains. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, Sept. 17, 1898. 1898: 4. R. Beck. (Les excursions du 7ieme Congr£s geologique dans TOural.) Pt. Z. prakt. Geol. 1898, 24. 1898: 4a. G. F. Kunz. A trip to Russia and the Ural Mountains. J. Franklin Inst. 146 (1898), 193, 264. Pt. 1898: 5. S. Meunier. Etude sur la roche mere du platine de VOural. Pt. Compt. rend, du 8ieme Congrfes geol. intern. 1898, 157. 1898: 6. W. E. Hidden. The existence of sperrylite in North Caro- lina. Pt. Am. J. Sc. [4], 6 (1898), 294, 381, 467; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 58. 1898: 7. Platinum and iridium. Pt, Ir. Mineral Industry, 7 (1898), 569. 1898: 7a. J. A. Edman. Platinum metals of Plumas County, Calif. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 1898, 401. 1898: 8. J. C. H. Mingaye. (Analysis of platinum from the allu- vium of Fifield.) Pt. Records Geol. Surv. New South Wales 1896, 5 (1898), 35. 1898: 8a. J. B. Jacquet. The occurrence of platinum in New South Wales. Pt. Records Geol. Surv. New South Wales, 1896, 5 (1898), 133. 1898: 9. N. P. Steinfeldt. (The platinum industry in Russia in 1898.) Pt. Torgovo Promishlennaia Gazeta, Aug. 23, 1898; Mineral Industry, 7 (1898), 570. 1898: 10. F. Mylius and R. Dietz. Reine Platinmetalle im Handel. (Purification of the platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ber. 31 (1898), 3187; Bui. Soc. chim. (3), 22 (1899), 489; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 160; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 409. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 263 1898: 11. F. Zurn. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Platin aus seinen Erzen auf electrolytischem Wege. (German patent 107525.) Ft. Patentbl. 21 (1898), 282; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 932. 1898: 12. J. L. Howe. Ruthenium tetroxide: an explosion. Ru. Chem. News, 78 (1898), 269; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 18. 1898: 13. P. Rohland. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Salze der Pla tinchlorw assers toffs aure. P t . Z. anorg. Chem. 16 (1898), 305; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 162; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 341; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 984. 1898: 14. E. Sonstadt. Note on the action of light on platinum, gold, and silver chlorides. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 14 (1898), 179; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 102. 1898: 15. E. Sonstadt. On the dissociation of potassium platini- chloride in dilute solution; and the production of platinum monochloride. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 14 (1898), 25; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 709. 1898: 16. C. von Scheele. Ueber Praseodidym und dessen wich- tigste Yerbindungen. (Chloroplatinate.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 18 (1898), 352; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii, (1899), 99; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 168. 1898: 17. F. Kohlrausch. Erscheinungen bei der Elektrolyse des Platinchlorids. Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann), [2], 63 (1898), 423; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 203; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 237. 1898: 18. N. S. Kursanoff. Ueber die Aethylenverbindungen des Nickels. (Chloroplatinite and chloroplatinate.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 30 (1898), 872; Z. anorg. Chem. 22 (1900), 466; Chem. Ztg. 1899, 41; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 209. 1898: 19. A. Werner (and P. Pfeiffer). Beitrag zur Konstitu- tion anorganischer Verbindungen. XIV. Ueber Moleciilver- bindungen der Zinntetrahalogenide und der Zinnalkyle. (Theoretical.) Pt . Z. anorg. Chem. 17 (1898), 82; J. Chem. Soc. 74, i (1898), 464; Chem Zentr. 1898, ii, 281. 1898: 20. N. S. Kurnakow. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der Farbe und der Konstitution der Haloiddoppelsalze. Pd, Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 17 (1898), 207; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 475; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 247. 1898: 21. E. Fink. Action de Foxyde de carbone sur le chlorure palladeux. Pd. Compt. rend. 126 (1898), 646; Bui. Soc. chim. (3), 19 (1898), 315; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 382; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 775. 264 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1898: 22. U. Antony and A. Lucchesi. Azione dell’ anidride sol- forosa sul solfato di rutenio. (S0 2 on Eu(S0 4 ) 2 .) Eu. Gazz. chim. ital. 28, ii (1898), 139; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 299; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 962. 1898: 23. J. L. Howe and E. A. O’Neal. Formation of alums by electrolysis. (No alum formed by ruthenium by this method.) Eu. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 20 (1898), 759; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 103; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 962. 1898: 24. A. Joly and E. Leidie. Action de la chaleur sur les nitrites doubles alcalins des metaux du gruppe du platine; composes du rhodium. Eh. Compt. rend. 127 (1898), 103; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 19 (1898), 1031; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 34; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 410. 1898: 25. J. L. Howe and H. D. Campbell. Some new rutheno- cyanides and the double ferrocyanide of barium and po- tassium. Eu. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 20 (1898), 29; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 20 (1898), 383; J. Chem. Soc. 74, i (1898), 615; Chem. Zentr. 1898, i, 554. 1898:26. F. Eeitzenstein. Ueber die verschiedenen Theorien zur Erklarung der Konstitution der Metallammoniaksalze. Habili- tationsschrift, Wurzburg, 1898. Pt, Pd, Ir, Eh, Os, Eu. Z. anorg. Chem. 18 (1898), 152; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 95; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 1196. 1898:27. F. Eeitzenstein. Ammoniak-pyridinsalze und Hydrate bivalenter Metalle. Pd, Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 18 (1898), 253; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 160; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 290. 1898: 28. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Konstitution der Kobalt-, Chrom- und Ehodiumbasen, XI. Pt, Ir, Eh. Z. anorg. Chem. 19 (1898), 109; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 293; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 472. 1898: 29. A. Eosenheim and J. A. Maass. Einige Pyridinbasen des vierwertigen Palladiums. Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 18 (1898), 331; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 163; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 429. 1898: 30. M. Vezes. Sur les sets complexes du platine; oxalates et chlorures. (Includes preparation of K 2 PtCl 4 .) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 19 (1898), 875; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 572; 76, ii (1899), 492; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 18. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 265 1898: 31. K. A. Hofmann and W. O. Rabe. Einwirkung von Halogenalkyl auf Merkaptide. (Continuation of 1897 : 20.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 17 (1898), 26; J. Chem. Soc. 74, i (1898), 458; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 266. 1898: 32. J. Shields. Nature of palladium-hydrogen. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 22 (1898), 169; Beiblatter Ann. Phys. Chem. 23 (1900), 168; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 215. 1898: 33. N. D. Zelinsky. Reduktionsvorgange in Gegenwart von Palladium. Pd. Ber. 31 (1898), 3203; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 30 (1898), 340; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 22 (1899), 4, 359; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 181; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 410. 1898: 34. T. Curtius and J. Rissom. Neue Untersuchungen fiber den Sticks toffwassers toff N 3 PI. (Reaction with H 2 PtCl 6 .) Pt. J.prakt. Chem. [2], 58 (1898), 281; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 90; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 1238. 1898: 35. E. A. Klobbie. (Volumetric determination of osmic acid, Os0 4 .) Os. Kon. Akad. v. Wetensch. 4/5, 1898; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 184; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 65. 1898: 36. P. Jannasch. Ueber quantitative Metalltrennungen in ammoniakalischer und saurer Losung durch Hydroxylamin und durch Hydrazin. (Separation of tellurium and pal- ladium.) Pd. Ber. 31 (1898), 2377; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 59; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 1033. 1898: 37. A. Atterberg. Die Kalibestimmungsmethode und die besten Fallungsmittel des Platins. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 22 (1898), 522, 538; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 125; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 316, 604. 1898: 38. M. Margules. Auflosung von Platin und Gold in Elektrolyten. Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann) [2], 65 (1898), 629; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 497; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 411. 1898: 39. M. Margules. Nachtrag zur Mitteilung fiber die Auflo- sung von Platin und Gold in Elektrolyten. Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann) [2], 66 (1898), 540; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 200; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 17. 1898: 40. G. Bredig. Einige Anwendungen des elektrischen Lichtbogens. (Preparation of colloidal platinum.) Pt. Z. Elektrochem. 4 (1898), 514; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 325. 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1898 : 41 . G. Bredig. Darstellung kolloidaler Metalllosungen durch elektrische Zerstaubung. Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 1898, 951; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 213; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 326. 1898: 42. A. de Hemptinne. Sur Faction catalytique de la mousse de platine et de palladium. Pt, Pd. Bui. Acad. roy. Belgique [3], 36 (1898), 155; Z. pliysik. Chem. 27 (1898), 429; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 146, 228; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 884. 1898: 43. F. Haber. Ueber Elektrolyse der Salzsaure nebst Mitteilungen iiber kathodische Formation von Blei. (Elec- trodes of platinum and platinum-iridium.) Pt, Ir. Z. anorg. Chem. 16 (1898), 438; J. Chem. Soc. 74, ii (1898), 364; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 1234. 1898: 44. F. Friedrichs. Praktische Fassung fur Platinspatel. Chem. Ztg. 22 (1898), 917; Chem. Zentr. 1898, ii, 1001. Pt. 1899: 1. C. W. Purington. The platiniferous deposits of the Toura. Pt. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 29 (1899), 3; Eng. Mining J. 12 (1904), 720. 1899: 2. J. M. Davison. Platinum and iridium in meteoric iron. Pt, Ir. Am. J. Sc. [4], 7 (1899), 4; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 308; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 569. 1899: 3. U. S. Consular Reports, 59 (1899), 567. Pt. 1899:4. E. Leidie. Sur la purification de F iridium. Ir. J. pharm. chim. [6], 10 (1899), 163; Compt. rend. 129 (1899), 214; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 664; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 471. 1899 : 5. W. L. Hardin. Derivatives and atomic mass of palladium. (Organic palladammins; atomic weight = 107.014.) Pd. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 21 (1899), 943; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 85; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 1096. 1899: 6. M. Vezes. Sur les combinaisons salines de Fosmium. Os. Proc. verb, des seances de la Soc. sci. phys. nat. de Bordeaux, juin 1899. 1899: 7. A. Rosenheim and E. A. Sasserath. Zur Kenntniss des Osmiums. (General treatise; many salts described.) Os. Z. anorg. Chem. 21 (1899), 122; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 664; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 522. 1899: 8. O. Sulc. Die Verfluchtigung des Osmiums als Os0 4 im Luft- oder Sauers toffstrome. Os. Listy Chemieke, 22, 233; Z. anorg. Chem. 19 (1899), 332; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 299; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 520. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 2G7 1899:9. M. Vezes. Die Verfluchtigung des Osmiums im Luft- oder Sauerstoffstrome. (Reply to 1899: 8.) Os. Z. anorg. Chem. 20 (1899), 230; J. Ghem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 492; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 1181. 1899 : 10. W. Hittorf and H. Salkowski. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Klasse unorganiscber Sauren und ihrelektrolytiscbes Verhalten. (H 2 PtCl 4 0, etc,) Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 28 (1899), 546; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 398. 1899: 11. W. Dittenberger and R. Dietz. Ueber das elektro- lytische Verhalten des Platin- und Zinnchlorids. (Further study of 1899: 10.) Pt. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedmann) [2], 68 (1899), 853; J. Chem.Sdc. 76, ii (1899), 629; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 521. 1899: 12. E. Leidie. Sur les sesquichlorures de rhodium et iridium. Rh, Xr. Compt. rend. 129 (1899), 1249; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 146; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 279. 1899: 13. U. Antony and A. Lucchesi. Contributo alio studio del rutenio e dei suoi composti; Nota preliminare; I ; Sul cloro- rutenati; II, SuLsolfato di rutenio; III, Azione d’idrogeno solforato e di anidride solforosa. Ru. Gazz. chim. ital. 29, i (1899), 312; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 558; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 472. 1899: 14. U. Antony and A. Lucchesi. Contributo alio studio del rutenio e dei suoi composti; sul cloro-rutenato potassico. Ru. Gazz. chim. ital. 29, ii (1899), 82; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 756; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 643. 1899: 15. U. Antony and E. Manasse. Azione dell’ anidride solforosa sui solfati metallici, e specialmente sopra il solfato ferrico. (Action similar to that on ruthenium sulphate.) Ru. Gazz. chim. ital. 29, i (1899), 483; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 753; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 516. 1899: 16. L. Brizard. Sur un nitrite double de ruthenium potassium. R u# Compt. rend. 129 (1899), 216; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 998; Ann. chim. phys. [7], 21 (1900), 311; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 664; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 472. 1899: 17. L. Brizard. Sur la composition des osmiamates. Os. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 170; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 559; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 824. 268 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1899: 18. P. Beegsoe. Baryumplatincyaniir und iridiumfreies Platin. Pt, Ir Z. anorg. Chem. 19 (1899), 318; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 320; 76, ii (1899), 299, Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 519. 1899: 19. C. Matignon. (Change of entropy by dissociation in similar heterogeneous systems.) (PdCl 2 and NH 3 .) Pd Compt. rend. 128 (1899), 103; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 273; Chem Zentr. 1899, ii (1899), 467. 1S99: 20. A. Werner, W. Megerle, J. Pastor, and W. Spruck. Beitrag zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbindungen. XVIII. Ueber Aethylendiamin- und Propylendiaminverbindungen von Salzen zweiwertiger Metalle. Pt Z. anorg. Chem. 21 (1899), 201; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 856; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 603. 1899: 21. N. S. Kurnakow and N. J. Gwosdarew. Ueber die Aethylendiamin verbindungen des Palladiums. Pd. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 31 (1899), 688; Z. anorg. Chem. 22 (1900), 384; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 209; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 9. 1899: 22. A. Werner and E. Grebe. Beitrag zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbindungen. XIX. Ueber Platinoxalato- verbindungen. Pt, Z. anorg. Chem. 21 (1899), 377; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 865; Chem Zentr. 1899, ii, 698. 1899: 23. M. Vezes. Sur les sels complexes du platine: oxalates et nitrites. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 143; J.Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 671; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 726. 1899: 24. M. Vezes. Sur les sels complexes du palladium: pallado- oxalates. Pd. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 172; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 672; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 824. 1899: 25. M. Vezes. Sur les sels complexes du platine: platooxalo- nitrite de potassium. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 481; J. Chem. Soc. 76, i (1899), 741; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 17. 1899: 26. M. C. Harding. Die Verhaltnis einiger Salzlosungen gegen eine alkalische Losung des Antimontrio xyds. (Solu- tion of H 9 PtCl 6 .) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 20 (1899), 235; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 490; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 1179. 1899: 27. N. Tarugi. (Le CaC 2 reducteur dans les analyses par voie seche.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 29, i (1899), 509; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 24 (1900), 450; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 749. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 269 1899: 28. H. Peterson. Volumetrische Bestimmung des Goldes und Platins. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 19 (1899), 59; Z. anal. Chem. 30 (1899), 633; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 253; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 380. 1899: 29. L. Vanino and L. Seemann. Untersuchung uber das Gold. I. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Goldes und fiber seine Trennung yon Platin und Iridium. Ir, Pt. Ber. 32 (1899), 1968; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 578; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 320. 1899: 30. L. G. Kollock. Electrolytic determinations and sepa- rations. (Determination of palladium and platinum.) Pd, Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 21 (1899), 911; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 811; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 885. 1899: 31. S. Cowper-Coles. Notes on the electro-deposition of palladium. Pd. Chem. News, 79 (1899), 280; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 22 (1899), 811; J.Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 755; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 176. 1899: 32. E. Priwoznik. Ueber die Scheidung yon platinhaltigem Gold. Pt. Oesterr. Z. Berg- u. Hiittenw. 47 (1899), 356; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 111; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 539. 1899: 33. C. Winkler. Die elektrolytische * Metallfallung unter Anwendung yon Elektroden aus Platindrahtgewebe. Pt. Ber. 32 (1899), 2192; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 723; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 682. 1899: 34. D. Tommasi. Action du magnesium sur les solutions salines. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 885; J.Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 16; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 1094. 1899: 35. R. C. Engel. Sur la decomposition de Thyposulfite de cuivre par le palladium precipite. Pd. Compt. rend. 129 (1899), 518; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 750; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 819. 1899: 36. A. P. Sabaneef. Oxydation de Thydrazine par le noir de platine. Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 31 (1899), 163, 375; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 22 (1899), 721; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 13; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 32. 1899: 37. G. Bredig and R. M. v. Berneck. Ueber anorganische Fermente. I. Ueber Platinkatalyse und die chemische Dyn- amik des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 31 (1899), 258; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1001), 662; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 213; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 323. 270 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1899: 38. J. Wagner. Die Reaktion zwischen Kaliumperman- ganat und Salzsaure unter den Einfluss von Katalysatoren. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 28 (1899), 33; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 275; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 584. 1899: 39. J. Walden. Ueber die gegenseitige Umwandlung optischer Antipoden. Einfluss von Pafladiumoxydulhydrat. Pd. Ber. 32 (1899), 1833; Bui. Soc. chim.[3], 22 (1899), 855; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 538. 1899: 40. A. Hebert and G. Reynaud. (An X-ray photometer.) (Use of K 2 Pt(CN) 4 .) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 392; J.Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 586; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 1265. 1899: 41. A. Hebert and G. Reynaud. (Specific absorption of X-rays by metallic salts.) (Platinum salts.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 394; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 586; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 1265. - 1899: 42. L. Holborn and A. Day. Ueber die Thermoelektrizitat einiger Metalle. Pt, Rh, Pd. Sitzb. Kgl. preuss. Akad. 1899, 691; Ann. Physik [4], 2 (1900), 519; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 466. 1899: 43. W. R. E. Hodgkinson, R. Waring, and A. P. H. Des- borough. Alloys of platinum and palladium with cadmium, zinc, and magnesium. Pt, Pd. Report Brit. Assoc. 1899, 714; Chem. News, 80 (1899), 185; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 282; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 1046. 1899: 44. H. von Juptner. Beitrage zur Anwendung des Losungs- theorie auf Metalllegierungen. Pt. Stahl u. Eisen, 19 (1899), 23; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 403. 1899: 45. P. W. Shimer. Carbon combustions in a platinum crucible. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 21 (1899), .557; J. Chem. Soc. 76, ii (1899), 694; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 458. 1899: 46. W. Palmaer. Einfacher Schutz fur eingeschmolzcno Platindraht. Pt. Ber. 32 (1899), 2570; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 8; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii. 898. 1899: 47. E. Merck. Pniparate. Osmiummetall. (In electric • incandescent lights.) Os. Merck’s Jahresb. 1898, 25 (about p. 140); Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 706. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 271 1899: 48. R. H. Adie. Note on the reactions between sulphuric acid and the elements (platinum and palladium). Pt, Pd. Proc. Chem. Soc. 15 (1899), 132; Chem. Zentr. 1899, ii, 8. 1899: 49. W. C. Heraus. Verfahren zur Herstellung einer innigen Verbindung zwischen Platin oder Platinmetallen und nicht metallischen Korpern. (German patent 111012, Mar. 8, 1899.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Patentblatt, 21 (1899), 763; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 152. 1899: 50. E. Valenta. Verwendung von Phenylendiamin boi Herstellung von Platintonbadern. Pt. Photo. Corr.; Chem. Zentr. 1899, i, 761. 1899: 51. Liste chronologique des travaux de Joly. (Travaux sur le ruthenium.) Ru. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 21 (1899), 12. 1900: 1. D. T. Day. Note on the occurrence of platinum in North America. Pt. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 30 (1900), 702. 1900: la. F. Loewinson-Lessing. Geologische Skizze der Be- sitzung Jushno-Saossersk und des Berges Deneskin-Kamen. Trav. Soc. nat. St.-Petersbourg, 30, v. Pt. 1900: 2. W. J. Waterman. Economic geology in the Similkameen district. Pt. Brit. Columbia Min. Record, Nov. (1900), 411. 1900: 3. J. L. Howe. The eighth group of the periodic system and some of its problems. (Vice-presidential address.) Ru, Os, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sc. 49 (1900), 83; Chem. News, 82 (1900), 15, 30, 37, 52; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 553. 1900: 4. E. Leidie. Separation des metaux du platine. (Com- munication provisoire.) Ru, Os, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 23 (1900), 898. 1900: 5. E. Leidie. Nouvelle methode de separation des metaux rares qui accompagnent le platine. Ru, Os, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt. Compt. rend. 131 (1900), 888; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 25 (1900), 9; J. pharm. chim. [6], 13 (1901), 18; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 62; Chem. Zentr. 1901, i, 64. 1900: 6 . U. Antony and A. Lucchesi. Contributo alio studio del rutenio e de’ suoi composti: IV. Sopra alcune combinazioni solf orate del rutenio. (RuS 3 , RuS 2 .) Ru. Gazz. chim. ital.30, ii (1900), 539; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 247; Chem. Zentr. 1901, i, 501. 272 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1900: 7. A. Miolati. Zur Kenntniss des Platintetrachlorids. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 22 (1900), 445; J. Chem. Soc. 87, ii (1900), 214; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 400. 1900: 8. A. Miolati and I. Bellucci. Ueber die Pentachlorplatin- saure. Pt. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 9, ii( 1900), 51,97; Gazz. chim. ital. 30, ii (1900), 565; Z. anorg. Chem. 26 (1901), 209; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 732; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 623, 717. 1900: 9. A. Miolati and I. Bellucci. Ueber das Platintetra- bromid. Pt. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 9, ii (1900), 140; Gazz. chim. ital. 30, ii (1900), 580; Z. anorg. Chem. 26 (1901), 222; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 361; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 732; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 810. 1900: 10. L. Brizard. Recherches sur les combinaisons nitrosees du ruthenium et de Fosmium. (Includes osmiamates.) Ru, Os. Ann. chim. phys. [7], 21 (1900), 311; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1900), 107; Chem. Zentr, 1900, ii, 1149. 1900: 11. C. Benedicks. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Gadoliniums. (Chloro- and cyanoplatinates.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 22 (1900), 393; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 209; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 396. 1900: 12. F. Kohlrausch. Ueber die durch die Zeit oder durch das Licht bewirkte Hydrolyse einiger Chlorverbindungeii von Platin, Gold und Zinn. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 33 (1900), 257; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 834; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 408; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 1190. 1900: 13. W. Oechsner de Coninck. Sur un mode de decom- position des perchlorures metalliques. (Decomposition of platinum chloride by animal charcoal.) Pt. Compt. rend. 130 (1900), 1551; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 23 (1900), 669; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 485; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 91. 1900: 14. E. Biilmann. Ueber die Einwirkung von Allylalkohol auf Kaliumplatochlorid. Pt. Ber. 33 (1900), 2196; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26(1901), 196; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 543; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 424. 1900: 15. A. Miolati and C. C. Tagiuri. Sopra alcuni composti del rutenio. (Chlorides and sulphites.) Ru. Gazz. chim. ital. 30, ii (1900), 511; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 246; Chem. Zentr. 1901, i, 501. 1900: 16. W. Prandtl and K. A. Hofmann. Ueber Platin- Kohlenstoff-Verbindungen. (With mesityl oxide and with chloroform.) Pt. Ber. 33 (1900), 2981; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 70; J. Chem. Soc. 80, i (1901), 13; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 1196. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 273 1900: 17. A. Rosenheim. Zur Kenntnis des Osmiums. (Sul- phites and bromides.) Os. Z. anorg. Chem. 24 (1900), 420; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 660; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 527. 1900: 18. U. Antony and A. Lucchesi. Contributo alio studio del rutenio e de’ suoi composti. III. Sulk ottenimento del ditionato rutenoso per azione di anidride solforosa sul sollato di rutenio Ru(S0 4 ) 2 . II solfito rutenico Ru 2 (S0 3 ) 3 azzuro. Ru. Gazz. chim. ital. 30, ii (1900), 71; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 659; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 663. 1900: 19. A. Rosenheim and H. Itzig. Ueber komplexe Palla- diumsalze. (Iodo-nitrites, etc.) Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 23 (1900), 28; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 282; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 504. 1900: 20. E. Leidie. Sur les rhodicyanures. Rh. Compt. rend. 130 (1900), 87; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 212; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 401. 1900: 21. A. Miolati and I. Bellucci. Sopra alcuni composti del platino. (Chlorocyanides, thiocyanates and bromonitrites.) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 30, ii (1900), 588; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 28 (1902), 774; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 246; Chem. Zentr. 1901, i, 500. 1900: 22. P. Walden. Ueber einige zusammengesetzte Rhodan- und Cyanverbindungen. (Ionization of K 2 Pt(SCN) 6 .) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 23 (1900), 373; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 430; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 1218. 1900: 23. S. M. Jorgensen. Zur Konstitution der Platinbasen, II III. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 24 (1900), 153; 25 (1900), 353; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 542; 80, i (1901), 163; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 166; 1901, i, 90. 1900: 24. R. Uhlenhuth. Ueber Platinverbindungen mit Ily- droxylamin. Pt. Ann. 311 (1900), 120; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 24 (1900), 626; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 485; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 12. 19C0: 25. R. Uhlenhuth. Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung liber Platinverbindungen mit Hydroxylamin. Pt. Ann. 312 (1900), 235; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 24 (1900), 626; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 659; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 556. 1900: 26. II. Loiseleur. Sur un nouvel acide complexe et ses sels. (Pallado-oxalic acid and pallado-oxalates.) Pd. Compt. rend. 131 (1900), 262; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 542; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 466. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 18 274 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1900: 27. L. Wintrebert. Sur quelques osmyloxalates. Os. Compt. rend. 131 (1900), 264; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 543; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 466. 1900: 28. M. E. Pozzi-Escot and H. C. Couquet. Nouvelle reaction microchimique du palladium. Pd. Compt. rend. 130 (1900), 1073; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 23 (1900), 633; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 371; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 1092. 1900: 29. W. Mietzschke. Ueber die Bestimmung des Iridiums in Edelmetalllegierungen. Ir. Berg, hiittenm. Ztg. 59 (1900), 61; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 371; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 572. 1900: 30. A. Ditte. Sur la cristallisation de Tor. (Action of NaCl and Na 2 S 2 0 7 on platinum.) Pt. Compt. rend. 131 (1900), 143; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 23 (1900), 707; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 549; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 423. 1900: 31. H. Euler. (Catalysis. III. Theory of contact ac- tion.) Pt. Oefversigt Akad. Forh. Stockholm, 57 (1900), 267; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 495. 1900: 32. W. French. Influence of finely divided platinum on the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Pt. Chem. News, 81 (1900), 292; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 718; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 162. 1900: 33. R. Hober. Ueber Platinkatalyse. Beobachtungen an Gasket ten. Pt. Arch. ges. Physiol. 82 (1900), 631; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 151; Chem. Zentr. 1901, i, 7. 1900: 34. G. Lunge and J. Akunoff. Ueber das Verlialten eines Gemenges von Benzoldampf und Wasserstoff zu Platin- und Palladiumschwarz. Pd, Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 24 (1900), 191; J. Chem. Soc. 78, i (1900), 543; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 158. 1900: 35. O. Sulc. Hydrolyse der Polysaccharide und Esterzer- setzung unter der katalytischen Wirkung einiger Metalle. Pd, Os, Ir, Rh. Z. physik. Chem. 33 (1900), 47; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 736; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 395; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 942. 1900: 36. W. A. Tii.den. Specific heats of metals and the relation of specific heat to atomic weight. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A 66 (1900), 244; Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A 194 (1901), 233; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 524; Chem. Zentr. 1900, i, 1059. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 275 1900: 37. F. Streintz. Ueber die elektrische Leitfahigkeit von gepressten Pulvern. I. Die Leitfahigkeit von Platinmohr, amorphem Kohlenstoff und Graphit. Pt. Monatsh. 21 (1900), 461; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 641; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 553. 1900: 38. E. Steinmann. Sur les proprietes thermoelectriques de divers alliages. (Platinum-iridium.) Pt, Ir. Compt. rend. 130 (1900), 1300; Beiblatter Ann. Phys. Chem. 24 (1901), 819; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 523. 1900: 39. H. Rossler. Ueber das Verbalten des Rhodiums in Edelmetalllegierungen. Rh, Pt, Ir Chem. Ztg. 24 (1900), 733; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 732; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 717. 1900: 40. R. W. Hall. Cause of the loss in weight of commercial platinum when heated under some conditions. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 22 (1900), 494; J. Chem. Soc. 78, ii (1900), 659; Chem. Zentr. 1900, ii, 717. 1901 : 1 . M. P. E. Berthelot. (Presence of platinum among the characters of a hieroglyphic inscription.) Pt, Ir. Compt. rend. 132 (1901), 729; Ann. chim. phys. [7], 23 (1901), 5; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 318, 515. 1901: 2. W. C. Knight. The discovery of platinum in Wyoming. Eng. Mining J. 72 (1901), 845. Pt. 1901: 3. W. Majert. Verfahren zur Darstellung platinierter Kontaktsubstanzen. (German patent 134928, Mar. 29, 1901.) Chem. Zentr. 1902, ii, 1022. Pt. 1901: 4. H. Erdmann. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Atomgewichtsfrage. (Atomic weight of palladium.) Pd. Z. angew. Chem. 14 (1901), 841; Chem. Zentr. 1901, ii, 721. 1901: 5. M. Blondel. Sur un nouveau compose du platine. (Platinate?) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 25 (1901), 739. 1901 : 6. J. W. Mallet. On the formation of platinum tetrachlo- ride from aqueous hydrochloric acid by atmospheric oxidation in contact with platinum black. Pt. Am. Chem. J. 25 (1901), 430; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 1053; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 454; Chem. Zentr. 1901, ii, 19. 1901: 7. A. Miolati and E. Mascetti. (Contribution to the knowledge of some inorganic acids.) (Neutralization and . .m h. conductivity of H 2 PtCl 6 .) Pt. Gazz. chim. ital. 31, i (1901), 93; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 381; Chem. Zentr. 1901. i. 1137. 276 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1901: 8. A. Baeyer and Y. Villiger. Ueber die basiscben Eigen- scbaften des Sauerstoffs. (Chloroplatinates of oxygen bases.) Pt. Ber. 34 (1901), 2679; J. Chem. Soc. 80, i (1901), 659; Chem. Zentr. 1901, ii, 973. 1901 : 9. A. Werner and E. Humphrey. Ueber stereoisomere Dinitritodiathylendiaminkobaltsalze. (Chloroplatinites and -platinates.) Pt. Ber. 34 (1901), 1719; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 886; J. Chem. Soc. 80, i (1901), 511. 1901: 10. J. L. Howe. Contributions to the study of ruthenium. IV. The chlorides. Hu. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 23 (1901), 775; J. Chem. Soc. 82, il (1902), 86; Chem. Zentr. 1902, i, 18. 1901: 11. A. Piccini and L. Marino. Ueber die Alaune des Rho- diums. Anhang: Trennung des Rhodiums vom Iridium. Rh, Ir. Z. anorg. Chem. 27 (1901), 62; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 26 (1901), 362; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 392; Chem. Zentr. 1901, i, 1037. 1901: 12. C. Renz. Ueber Indium. (Platocyanide.) Pt. Ber. 34 (1901), 2763; J. Chem. Soc. 80, ii (1901), 657; Chem. Zentr. 1901, ii, 971. 1901: 13. A. Werner and C. H. Herty. Beitrage zur Konstitu- tion anorg anischer Verbindungen. IV. Platindiammins. Pt, Z. physik. Chem. 38 (1901), 331; Bui. Soc. chim. [3], 28f physik. Ges. 13 (1911), 1003; J. Chem. Soc. 102,. ii (1912), 169; J. Inst. Metals, 7 (1912), 274; C. A. 6 (1912), 825. 1911: 48. A. Sieyerts and E. Bergner. Tantal, Wolfram und Wasserstoff. (Absorption of hydrogen by palladium.) Pd. Ber. 44 (1911), 2394; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 990; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1108; C. A. 6 (1912), 176. 1911: 49. P. Sabatier. Hydrogenations et deshy drogenations par catalyse. (Vortrag, Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft, Mai 13, 1911.) Pd, Pt. Ber. 44 (1911), 1984; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 702; C. A. 5 (1911), 3269. 1911: 50. P. Breteau. Hydrogenation au moyen du palladium precipite et de l'hypophosphite de sodium (pp. 176, 515). Methodes d'hydrogenation en presence du palladium divise (pp. 729, 764). Pd. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 9 (1911), 176, 515, 729, 764; Chem. News, 104 (1911), 119,209; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i, (1911), 533, 776; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 184, 1142; C. A. 5 (1911), 3231, 3397, 3547, 3683. 1911: 51. N. D. Zelinsky and N. Glinka. Ueber gleichzeitige Reduktions- und Oxidationskatalyse. (With palladium.) Pd. Ber. 44 (1911), 23G5; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 43 (1911), 1084; Bui. Soc. chim [4], 12 (19121, 172, 804; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 870; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1339; C. A. 5 (1911), 3809. 1911: 52. N. D. Zelinsky. Ueber Dehydrogenization durch Katalyse. Pd. Ber. 44 (19111, 3121: J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 43 (1911), 1220, 1222; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 871; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 958; C. A. 6 (1912), 598. 1911: 53. A. Skita and PI. H. Frank. L T eber Alkaloid-Hy- drierungen. (Reduktionskatalysen.) Pd. Ber. 44 (1911), 2862; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 1017; C. A. 6 (1912), 231. 1911: 54. R. Willstatter and E. Waser. Ueber Cyclooctate- traen. (Hydrogenation by the platinum metals.) Pd, Pt. Ber. 44 (1911), 3423; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 17; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 217; C. A. 6 (1912), 748. 1911: 55. L. Oldenberg. Ueber Dihydromorphin. (Reduction by palladium.) Pd. Ber. 44 (1911), 1829; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 668; C. A. 5 (1911), 3261. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 361 1911: 56. A. Kotz and R. Rosenbusch. Die Konstitution des Tropilens. (Reduction to suberone by colloidal platinum.) Pt. Ber. 44 (1911), 464; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 338; C. A. 5 (1911), 1762. 1911: 57. J. Ville. (Reducing action of hydrogen liberated by hydrogenated palladium upon bile pigments.) Pd. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 9 (1911), 480; C. A. 6 (1912), 2637. 1911: 58. L. J. Curtman and P. Rothberg. Application of the “glow reaction” to the qualitative detection of the platinum metals. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 33 (1911), 718; Analyst, 36 (1911), 434; Eng. Mining J. 92 (1911), 7, 8; Mining Sci. Press, 102 (1911), 748; J. Inst. Metals, 6 (1911), 349; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 253; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 661; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 489; C. A. 5 (1911), 2046. 1911: 59. M. E. Pozzi-Escot. Recherche qualitative rapide des elements done les sulfures sont precipites par Thydrogene sul- fure en solution acide. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 9 (.1911), 812; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 940; C. A. 5 (1911), 3774. 1911: 60. M. E. Pozzi-Escot. Emploi en microchimie de quelques reactions de precipitation de l’acide dimethylaminobenzene- azobenzene-sulfonique. Pd. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 9 (1911), 22; C. A. 5 (1911), 1380. 1911: 61. F. Freise. Betriebs- und Laboratoriumsverfahrungen bei der Aufbereitung von Golderzen, u. s. w. (Influence of Palladium.) Pd. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 59 (1911), 243; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 494; C. A. 5 (1911), 2480. 1911: 62. A. Steinmann. Kritische Studie liber das Probiren von Platin. Pt. Schweiz. Wochsch. 49 (1911), 441, 453; J. suisse chim. pharm. No. 32, 33; Analyst, 36 (1911), 605; Eng. Mining J. 92 (1911), 1030; 93 (1912), 228; J. Inst. Metals, 7 (1912), 295; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 1035; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1061; C. A. 6 (1912), 201. 1911 : 63. A. S. Dart. Assay of ores containing the platinum group of metals. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Met. Chem. Eng. 9 (1911), 75. 1911: 64. — Parting platinum-gold-silver bullion. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 92 (1911), 259; J. Inst. Metals, 6 (1911), 349; C. A. 5 (1911), 3210. 1911: 64a. C. B. Durham. Electrolytic refining at the U. S. mint, San Francisco, Calif. Pt, Pd, Ir. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 42 (1911), 874. 362 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1911: 65, W. C. Arsem. Separating gold, silver, and platinum. (U. S. patent 998665, July 25, 1911.) Pt. C. A. 5 (1911), 3038. 1911: 66. F. Mylius and C. Huttner. Anwendung von Aether in der Metallanalvse. (Separation of gold from platinum.) Pt, Pd, Ir. Ber. 44 (1911), 1315; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 540; C. A. 5 (1911), 2473. 1911: 67. F. Mylius. Quantitative Goldanalyse mit Aether. (Sep- aration from platinum metals.) Pt, Ir, Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 70 (1911), 203; Z. anal. Chem. 51 (1912), 380; Bill. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 251; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 444; C. A. 5 (1911), 2048. 1911: 68. L. Wohler and A. Spengel. Ueber die Trennung von Plat in und Zinn. Pt. Z. anal. Chem. 50 (1911), 165; Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 738; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 10 (1911), 1468; Analyst, 36 (1911), 177; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 338; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1250; C. A. 5 (1911), 2047, 2474. 1911: 69. A. Fiechter. Ueber eine praktische Methode zur Re- duktion des Kaliumplatinchlorids bei der Bestimmung des Kalis als Kaliumplatinchlorid. Pt. Z. anal. Chem. 50 (1911), 629; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 702; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 933; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1061; C. A. 5 (1911), 3391. 1911: 70. O. Schultze. Ueber die Anwendung der Osmiumsaure und eine neue Osmiumhamatoxylinmethode. Os. Z. wiss. Mikroscop. 27 (1911), 455; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1376; C. A. 5 (1911), 2793. 1911: 71. B. Busson. Bindungsversuche mit osmiertem Eiweiss. Os. Z. Immunit. 11, i (1911), 515; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1822; C. A. 6 (1912), 114. 1911: 72. F. J. G. Beltzer. (Differentiation of natural and arti- ficial silk by ruthenium red.) Ru. Mon. sci. [5], 1, ii (1911), 633; Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 47; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1492; C. A. 6 (1912), 297. 1911 : 73. E. Bauer. Ueber das periodische System der Elemente. Z. physik. Chem. 76 (1911), 569. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1911: 74. C. A. Peters. Die Reaktionen in einem System von Nickel oder Platin, Quccksilber und Natriumchlorid. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 74 (1911), 170; Am. J. Sc. [4], 32 (1911), 386; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 973; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 1095; C. A. 6 (1912), 182. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 363 1911: 75. H. B. North. L’action du chlorure de sulfuryle sur cer- tains metaux. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 9 (1911), 646; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 79S; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 665; 0. A. 5 (1911), 3020. 1911: 76. A. Ries. Chemisch-krystallographische Untersuchung der Ghloro- und Bromoplatinate und -stannate der quater- naren Ammoniuml) as en. Pt. Z. Kryst. Min. 49 (1911), 513; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 953; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1636; C. A. 6 (1912), 726. 1911: 77. H. Baumhauer. KrystaUographisch-optische Unter- suchungen. (Platocyanides.) Pt. Z. Kryst. Min. 49 (1911), 113; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 431; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1546; C. A. 6 (1912), 467. 1911: 78. O. Ruff and O. Goecke. Ueber das Schmelzen und Verdampfen unserer sogenannten hoch feu erf es ten Stoffe. (Melting point of platinum.) Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 24 (1911), 1459; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1412; C. A. 6 (1912), 1509. 1911: 79. W. C. Heraeus. Hardening platinum. Pt. Brass World, 6 (1911), 230; j. Inst. Metals, 6 (1911), 330. 1911: 80. A. J. Berry. The occlusion of hydrogen by the palla- dium-gold alloys. Pd. Proc. Chem. Soc. 27 (1911), 56; J. Chem. Soc. 99 (1911), 463; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 10 (1911), 1583; Chem. News, 103 (1911), 141; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1406; C. A. 5 (1911), 2019. 1911: 81. Kalle & Co. Verfahren zur Darstellung von die Hy- droxyde der Platinmetalle in kolloidaler Form enthaltenden Praparaten. (German patent 248525, May 2, 1911.) Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru. Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 1967; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 297; C. A. 6 (1912), 2827. 1911: 82. Kalle & Co. Verfahren zur Darstellung anorganisclie Kolloide enthaltender Salbenpraparate. (German patent 268311, May 2, 1911. Zusatzpatent zu 229306.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 319; C. A. 6 (1912), 2827. 1911: 83. F. Mylius and C. Huttner. (Platinum and illumina- ting gas.) Pt, Ir. Z. Elektrochem. 17 (1911), 38; C. A. 5 (1911), 2375. 1911: 84. C. D. Harries and K. O. Gottlob. Ueber die Zersetz- ung einiger Terpenkorper durch gliihende Metalldrahte. Pt. Ann. 383 (1911), 228; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12(1912), 288; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 798; C. A. 5 (1911), 3583. 364 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OP PLATINUM GROUP. 1911: 85. O. Aschan. (Action of atmospheric oxygen on cam- phene in the presence of platinum black.) Pt. Oefv. Finska Vet. Soc. Forh. 53 A 12 (1911), 1; C. A. 6 (1912), 3414. 1911: 86. R. F. Brunel. Ueber das Gleichgewicht zwischen Isobutyl- und Tertiarbutylbromid bei hoheren Temperaturen. (Influence of platinized asbestos.) Pt. Ber. 44 (1911), 1000; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 413; C. A. 5(1911), 2826. 1911 : 87. J. Milbauer. Beitrag zur Theorie der Platinkatalyse bei der Oxydation von Wasserstoff mit Schwefelsaure. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 77 (1911), 380; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 10 (1911), 1714; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 872; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1203; C. A. 5 (1911), 3769. 1911: 88. N. Pappada. Kolloides Gold und Platin. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 9 (1911), 270;Gazz. chim ital. 42, i (1912), 305; Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 1297; Bull. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1542; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 169; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 984, 1978; C. A. 6 (1912), 1245. 1911: 89. C. Tiiomae. Mitteilungen aus der Praxis der Ultrami- kroskopie. (Colloidal platinum.) Pt. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 9 (1911), 19; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 866; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1402; C. A. 6 (1912), 18. 1911: 90. T. Svedberg and K. Inouye. Ultramikroskopische Beobachtungen einer Temperaturkoagulation. (Platinum athylatherosol.) Pt. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 9 (1911), 153; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 1077; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 1763; C. A. 6 (1912), 706. 1911: 91. N. D. Zelinsky. Ueber die katalytisclie Isomerisation des a-Pinens. (Influence of palladium.) Pd. Ber. 44 (1911), 2782; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 540; J. Chem. Soc. 100, i (1911), 997; C. A. 6 (1912), 93. 1911: 92. C. Paal and A. Karl. Ueber den Einfluss fremder Stoffe auf die Aktivitat der Katalysatoren. Pd. Ber. 44 (1911), 1013; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 10 (1911), 1641; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 479; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1786; C. A. 5 (1911), 3649. 1911: 93. T. Blackadder and G. Bredig. Anorganische Fer- mente. VI. Katalytische Zersetzung der Ameisensaure durch Rhodium. (Paper before 83d meeting, Deutsch. Naturf. Aerzt., Karlsruhe, Sept., 1911.) Rh. Z. angew. Chem. 24 (1911), 1910; Chem. Ztg. 35 (1911), 1095; Z. physik. Chem. 81 (1912), 385; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 537; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 36; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 682; C. A. 6 (1912), 2912; 7 (1913), 2334. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 365 1911: 94. A. Lancien. Du rhodium colloidal electrique. Rh. Compt. rend. 153 (1911), 1088; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 73; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 362; C. A. 6 (1912), 1316. 1911: 95. T. Royds. The reflective power of lamp- and platinum black. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 21 (1911), 167; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 789; C. A. 5 (1911), 1018. 1911: 96. M. v. Pirani. Ueber optische Temperaturmessungen. (Light absorption of platinum.) Pt. Ber. physik. Ges. 13 (1911), 19; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 865; C. A. 5 (1911), 1553. 1911: 97. O. Stuhlmann, Jr. The difference in the photoelectric effect caused by incident and emergent light. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 22 (1911), 854; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 467; C. A. 6(1912), 451. 1911: 98. A. Miethe and B. Seegert. Ueber Wellenlangemes- sungen an einigen Platinmet alien im kurzwelligen ultravioletten Spektrum. Pt, Ir, Rh. Z. wiss. Phot. 10 (1911), 245; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 2; Chem. Zentr. 1912 i, 403. 191 1 : 99. A. Dufour. (Zeeman effect on the spectrum of rhodium.) Rh. Radium, 8 (1911), 97; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1783; C. A. 5 (1911), 3003. 1911: 100. R. Whiddington. The production and properties of soft Rontgen radiation. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 85 A (1911), 99; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 568; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1781; C. A. 5 (1911), 3006. 1911: 101. F. A. Schulze. Die Warmeleitfahigkeit einiger Reihen von Edelmetalllegierungen. (Pd-Ag, Pd-Au, Pd-Pt, Pt-Au, Pt-Ag.) Pd, Pt. Physik. Z. 12 (1911), 1028; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 209; C. A. 6 (1912), 569. 1911: 102. G. Reboul and E. G. de Bollemont. Transport de particules de certains metaux sous Paction de la chaleur. Pt. Compt. rend. 152 (1911), 758; Radium, 8 (1911), 406; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 115; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1577; C. A. 6 (1912), 455. 1911: 103. J. A. LeBel. Sur l’echauffement singulier des fils minces de platine. (Self-warming of thin platinum wire.) Compt. rend. 152 (1911), 129; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 864. Pt 1911: 104. E. Feytis. Magnetisme de quelques sels complexes. (Platinum chlorides, cyanides, and oxalates.) Pt. Compt. rend. 152 (1911), 708; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 367; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1276; C. A. 5 (1911), 2028. 366 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1911: 105. H. K. Onnes. Verdere proeven met vloeibaar helium. De weerstand van Platina bij helium temperaturen. (Re- sistance of platinum at temperature of liquid helium.) Pt. Afh. Kgl. Akad. Wetensch. 19 (1911), 1187; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1492: C. A. 6 (1912), 6. 1911: 106. W. Broniewski and L. Hackspill. Sur les proprietes electriques des metaux alcalins, du rhodium et de Piridium. Rh, Ir. Compt. rend. 153 (1911), 814; Ann. chim. phys. [8], 29 (1913), 455; Bill. Soc.chim. [4]. 11 (1912), 556; J. Chem. Soc.l00,ii (1911), 1055; Chem. News, 104 (1911), 293; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 70; C. A. 6 (1912), 960. 1911: 107. W. Wilson. The discharge of positive electricity from hot bodies. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 21 (1911), 634; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 181; C. A. 5 (1911), 2364. 1911: 108. H. A. Wilson. The relation between the current of hot platinum in air at atmospheric pressure and the electric force. Pt. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada [3], 5, iii (1911), 53. 1911: 109. O. W. Richardson and H. L. Cooke. The heat lib- erated during the absorption of electrons by different metals. Pd. Phil. Mag. [6], 21 (1911), 404; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 358; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1482; C. A. 5 (1911), 2028. 1911: 110. L. W. Austin. Thermoelemente fur Versuche mit Hochfrequenzstromen. (Te-Pt.) Pt. Physik. Z. 12 (1911), 1226; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 466. 1911: 111. G. R. White. Electrolytic corrosion of some metals. Pd. J. Phys. Chem. 15 (1911), 723; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 901; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 15; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 314; C. A. 6 (1912), 337. 1911: 112. H. Dember. Ueber die Einfluss von Radiums trahlen auf die lichtelektrische Empfindlichkeit der Metalle. Pt. Ber. physik. Ges. 13 (1911), 313; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 567; Chem. Zentr. 1911, i, 1783; C'. A. 5 (1911), 2463. 1911: 113. C. H. Mathewson. Sodium-gold alloys. (Pt-Na, Pt-Au-Na, Pt-Cu-Au-Na.) ' Pt. Intern. Z. Metali. 1 (1911), 81; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 732; C. A. 5 (1911), 2786. 1911: 114. W. F. Hillebrand, P. H. Walker, and E. T. Allen. Preliminary report of the committee on quality of platinum laboratory utensils. Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 3 (1911), 6S6; Met. Chem. Eng. 9 (1911), 649; J. Inst. Metals, 7 (1912), 274; C. A. 6 (1912), 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 367 1911: 115. W. M. Thornton, Jr. A radiator for platinum cruci- bles. Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 3 (1911), 419; Mining Sci. Press, 102 (1911), 852; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 413; C. A. 5 (1911), 2349. 1911: 116. F. Fischer and E. Tiede. Ein fur chemische Zwecke geeigneter electrischer Wolfram-Widerstandsofen (also plat- inum and iridium resistances). Pt, Ir. Ber. 44 (1911), 1717; C. A. 5 (1911), 3641. 1911: 117. L. y. Liebermann. Die Platinelectroden zur Bestim- mung der H- und OH-Ionenkonzentrationen. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 35 (1911), 972; Z. anal. Chem. 51 (1912), 486; C. A. 5 (1911), 3641. 1911: 118. L. IIolborn and F. Henning. Vergleichung von Platinthermometern mit Stickstoff-, Wasserstoff- und Plelium- thermometern und die Bestimmung einiger Fixpunkte zwis- chen 200° und 500°. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 35 (1911), 761; J. Inst. Metals, 6 (1911), 350; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 852; Chem. Zentr. 1911, ii, 653; C. A. 5 (1911), 3642. 1911: 119. J. Escard. Procedes actuels de preparation des fila- ments metalliques pour lampes a incandescence. (Osmium filaments.) Os. Technique moderne, 3 (1911), 539; C. A. 6 (1911), 1100. 1911: 120. U. A. von Welsbach. Eliminating occluded gases from a filament containing osmium (ruthenium, iridium, rhodium). (U. S. patent 1001105, Aug. 22, 1911.) Os, Ru, Ir, Rh. C. A. 5 (1911), 2763. 1911: 121. Fusion in platinum crucibles. (Care of cruci- bles.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 92 (1911), 128. 1911: 121a. Platinum in jewelry. (Editorial.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 102 (1911), 516. 1911: 122. R. C. Benner. A good substitute for the platinum triangle. (Use of nichrome.) Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 33 (1911), 189; Eng. Mining J. 91 (1911), 360; J. Chem. Soc. 100, ii (1911), 269; C. A. 5 (1911), 1693. 1911: 123. C. Arragon. (Quartz as a substitute for platinum in direct determination of extract and mineral matters in wines.) Schweiz. Wochsch. 49 (1911), 633; C. A. 6 (1912), 527. Pt. 1911: 124. Platinum substitute. (Editorial note.) Pt. Sci. Amer. 105 (1911), 42. 368 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 1. H. C. Holtz. Sur quelques anomalies observees dans T analyse des minerals de platine de l’Oural. (Possible new metal.) Pt, X (?). Ann. chim. phys. [8], 27 (1912), 559; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 376: J. Inst. Metals, 9 (1913), 211; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 143; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 561; C. A. 7 (1913), 3729. 1912: 2. T. A. Eastick. Canadium. (Letter, showing the resem- blance of canadium to the amarillium described by W. M. Courtis, Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng. 33 (1903), 347.) Can. Chem. News, 105 (1912), 36. 1912: 3. W. H. Patterson. Canadium. (Letter noting similar anomalies.) Can. Chem. News, 105 (1912), 84. 1912: 4. T. Estreicher. Canadium. (Letter criticising prema- ture publication.) Can. Chem. News, 105 (1912), 119. 1912: 5. J. P. Hutchins. The Russian Empire in 1911. (Plat- inum mining, p. 91.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 90. 1912:6. E. de Haatsick. Russian platinum placers. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 353 (from Mining J. July 17, 1912). 1912: 6a. Mining in the Urals. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 105 (1912), 621. 1912: 7. Platinum and gold in the Urals. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 1179 (from Mining J. May 25, 1912). 1912: 8. Exploration for platinum-bearing gravel east of Lake Baikal, Siberia. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 158. 1912: 8a. L. Perret. Prospecting frozen ground. (Abstract of paper on gold and platinum alluvial deposits in Russia, read before Inst. Min. Met. London, May 16, 1912.) Pt. Trans. Inst. Min. Met. 21 (1912), 647; Mining Sci. Press, 104 (1912), 856. 1912: 8b. Platinum deposits in Mongolia. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 105 (1912), 597. 1912: 8c. Kimball. Platinum in Colombia. Pt. Bui. Min. Met. Soc. 65 (1912), 276. 1912: 9. Platinum in America. Pt. Met. Chem Eng. 9 (1912), 659; J. Inst. Metals, 8 (1912), 360. 1912: 10. Notes on New Rambler mine, Wyoming. Pt, Pd. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 1107; 94 (1912), 137, 570. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 369 1912: 11. Exploration for platinum near Sudbury, Ontario. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 138. Pt. 1912: 12. — Discovery of platinum in Mexico. (South of city of San Luis Potosi.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 476. 1912: 12a. G. P. Tschernik. Zur Mineralogie der Insel Borneo. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Trav. Mus. Acad. sc. Petrograd, 6 (1912), 49; Z. Kryst. Min. 55 (1915), 184; C. A. 10 (1916), 440; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 484. 1912: 12b. A. V. Nikolaeev. (Mineralogy of the Kyshtym Moun- tains.) Ir, Os. Trav. Mus. Acad. sc. Petrograd, 6 (1912), 171; Z. Kryst. Min. 55 (1915), 182; C. A. 10 (1916), 441. 1912: 13. F. W. Horton. Iridium in American placer platinum. (Full discussion; possibility of American supply; Trinity River, Calif.) ‘ Ir, Os, Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 873; C. A. 7 (1913), 462. 1912: 14. — Osmiridium in the Urals. Ir, Os. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 886 (from Mining J. Mar. 9, 1912). 1912: 15. Reported discovery of osmiridium in Tasmania. Ir, Os. Chem. Druggist, July 20, 1912; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 31 (1912), 728; Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 1270; C. A. 7 (1913), 1471. 1912: 16. H. Molinie and H. Dietz. L’ argent et les metaux de la mine de platine. Doin et Fils, Paris, 1912. (339 pp.) C. A. 6 (1912), 1735. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1912: 17. Production of platinum in 1910 (note). Pt. Am. J. Sc. [4], 33 (1912), 67. 1912: 18. — Production of platinum in 1911. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 4. 1912: 19. F. Hobart. Gold, silver, and platinum in 1911. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 3. 1912: 20. United States production (of platinum). Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 401, 585. 1912: 21. Mineral production of Russia. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 1074. 1912:21a. Russian mining in 1911. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 104 (1912), 110. 1912:21b. Russian platinum production in 1911. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 104 (1912), 411. 109733°— 19— Bull. G94 24 370 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912 1912; 1912: 1912: 1912: 1912: 1912 1912 1912 21c. Russian platinum market. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 104 (1912), 419. 2 Id. A. J. Heindl. Prussian platinum prices. (Equivalent weights and prices.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 104 (1912), 668. 22. — Platinum production in Colombia. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 83. 23. Incorporation of the Platinum & Gold Extrac- tion Co., Newport, Oreg. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 1155. 24. — - — — - United States exports and imports of platinum. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 340. Pt. 25. — Kurze Nachricht fiber Handel und Industrie, Paris. (Note on the platinum market in Paris.) Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 2530. 26. — Metal markets. (Weekly reports of prices.) Eng. Mining J. 93, 94 (1912). Pt, Ir. 27. Price of osmiridium. (From report of Tas- manian secretary for mines, 1911.) Ir, Os. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1022. 28. PI. F. Keller. Platinum: the most precious of the metals. (Lecture before the Franklin Institute.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. J. Frank. Inst. 174 (1912), 525; Met. Chem. Eng. 10 (1912), 788; Mining Eng. World, Apr. 26, 1913, J. Inst, Metals, 9 (1913), 241; Chem. Zeutr. 1913, i, 599; C. A. 7 (1912), 459. 1912: 29. E. Priwoznik. Ueber Platin. (History, preparation, and uses.) Pt. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 60 (1912), 143, 155; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1433; C. A. 6 (1912), 1732. 1912: 30. E. Carthaus. Das Platin irn Bergbau, Handel, und in 1912 1912 1912 der Industrie. Ilimmel und Erde, 24 (1912), 445. 31. Recovery of metallic iridium. Pt. Ir. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 808 (from Brass World, Sept. 1912). 32. A. Gutbier. (New investigations of osmium.) Os. Chem. Ztg. 36 (1912), 60; C. A. 7 (1913), 1683. 33. C. Fery and M. Drecq. Sur le pouvoir diffusif du noir de platine et le coefficient de la loi de Stefan. Pt. Compt, rend. 155 (1912), 1239; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 497; C. A. 7 (1913), 1657. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 371 1912: 34. H. C. P. Weber. The atomic weight of bromine. (Use of potassium bromoplatinate to purify bromine.) Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 34 (1912), 1294; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 233; C. A. 7 (1913), 433. 1912: 35. F. Schulz. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Platins. Dis- sertation, Erlangen, 1912. Pt. 1912: 36. O. L. Shinn. The atomic weight of palladium. (Pd = 106.709 ± 0.016.) Pd. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 34 (1912), 1448; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 350; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 1178; Chem.Zentr. 1913, i, 227; C.A. 7 (1913), 433. 1912: 37. F. Holzmann. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Iridiums. Dissertation, Erlangen, 1912. (Ir = 193.41.) Ir. Sitzb. Phys. med. Soz. Erlangen, 44 (1912), 84. 1912: 38. F. Seybold. Ueber das Atomgewicht des Osmiums. Dissertation, Erlangen, 1912. Os. 1912: 39. K. A. Hofmann. Sauers toff iibertragung durch Osmium- tetroxyd und Aktivierung von Chloratlosungen. Os. Ber. 45 (1912), 3329; Analyst, 38 (1913), 78; Chem. News, 107 (1913), 96; Am. J. Sc. [4], 35 (1914), 189; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 62; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 227; C. A. 7 (1913), 999. 1912: 40. K. A. Hofmann. Verfahren zur Aktivierung von Chloratlosungen durch Osmium. (German patent 267906, Nov. 20, 1912; British patent 20593, Sept. 11, 1913.) Os. Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 199; C. A. 8 (1914), 999; 9 (1915), 697. 1912: 41. F. Rosenthal. Ueber den Einfluss der Osmiumsaure auf den Receptorenapparat der Erythrocyten. Os. Biochem. Z. 46 (1912), 225; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1396; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 180; C. A. 7 (1913), 380. 1912: 42. M. Boll and P. Job. Cinetique photochimique des acides chloroplatiniques en solution tres etendue. Pt. Compt. rend. 154 (1912), 881; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 2038; C.A. 7(1913), 1133. 1912: 43. P. Job and M Boll. HydrolysB photochimique des solutions tres eteiuL d’acides cliloroplatiniques. Pt. Compt. rend. 155 (1912), 826; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 252; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 2038; C. A. 7 (1913), 1134. 1912: 44. P. S. Pistschimuka. (Transformation of thio- and selenophosphoric esters.) (Chloroplatinates.) (Cf. 1911: 31.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 44 (1912), 1406; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 405. 372 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912:45. A. Gutbier and M. Blumer. Ueber Platinebromid. Pt. Sitzb. Phys. med. Soz. Erlangen, 44 (1912), 108; C. A. 7 (1913), 2913. 1912: 46. L. yon Muller. Zur Kenntnis der Platinmetalle. (Bromoplatinates.) Dissertation, Erlangen, 1912. Pt. 1912: 47. E. H. Archibald and W. A. Patrick. Electrical con- ductivity of solutions of platinum tetraiodide and of iodine in alcohol. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 34 (1912), 369; ' ul. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1317: J. Chem. Soc. 102 ; ii (1912), 423; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 98; C. A. 6 (1912), 1563. 1912: 48. A. Duffour. Isomorphisme des chlorosels alcalins de riridium et du rhodium. Ir, Rh. Compt. rend. 155 (1912), 222; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 135; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 849; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1264; C. A. 7 (1913), 739. 1912: 49. I. Bellucci. (Some considerations on Werner’s theory.) (Examples of the two chlororuthenites.) Ru. Gazz. chim. ital. 42, ii (1912), 532; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14(1913), 299; C. A. 7 (1913), 1456. 1912: 50. L. A. Levy. Studies on platinocyanides. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 28 (1912), 91; J. Chem. Soc. 101(1912), 1081; Chem. News, 105 (1912), 223; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1479; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1107; C. A. 6 (1912), 2719. 1912: 51. N. Orlow. Ueber die Darstellung und einige Eigen- schaften des Scandiumplatincyanurs. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 36 (1912) 1407; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 686; C. A. 7 (1913), 743. 1912: 52. A. Werner. Ueber Spiegelbildisomerie bei Rhodium- verbindungen. (Rhodium bases.) Rh. Ber. 45 (1912), 1228; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1264; Chem. News, 105 (1912), 312; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 418; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1885; C. A. 6 (1912), 2369. 1912: 53. H. Ley and K. Ficken. Ueber innere Komplexsalze des Platins und Chroms. (Mit a-Aminosauren.) Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 377; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1124; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 243; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 895; C. A. 6 (1912), 2071. 1912: 54. L. Ramberg and S. Kallenberg. Ueber einige Salze der Tetrasulfaminoplatosaure. Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 1512; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1326; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 651; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 232; C. A. 6 (1912), 2723. 1912: 55. J. Tschugaeff and B. Orelkine. Sur quelques com- poses complexes du chlorure platineux avec l’amino-acetal. Pt. Compt. rend. 155 (1912), 1021; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 252; Chem. News, 107 (1913), 11: J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 23; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 95; C. A. 7 (1913), 768. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 373 1912: 56. L. A. Tschugaeff and D. Fraenkel. Sur quelques composes complexes du bromure platineux et des sulfures organiques. Pt. Compt. rend. 154 (1912), 33; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], IT (1912), 819; Chem. News, 105 (1912), 96; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 70; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 643; C. A. 6 (1912), 860. 1912: 57. H. O. Jones and C. S. Robinson. Nickelo- and palladio- dithio-oxalic acids. Pd. Proc. Chem. Soc. 28 (1912), 129: J. Chem. Soc. 101 (1912), 932; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 493; C. A. 6 (1912), 2598. 1912: 58. H. O. Jones and C. S. Robinson. Dithiomalonates. Pd. Proc. Chem. Soc. 28 (1912), 129; J. Chem. Soc. 101 (1912), 935; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1445; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 493; C. A. 6 (1912), 2598. 1912: 59. A. Sieverts and E. Jurisch. Platin, Rhodium und Wasserstoff. Pt, Rh. Ber. 45 (1912), 221; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1212), 1097; Chem. News, 105 (1912), 180; J. Inst, Metals, 7 (1912), 284; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 263; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 710; C. A. 6 (1912), 1262. 1912: 60. R. Willstatter and D. Hatt. Hydrierung aromati- scher Yerbindungen mit Platin und Wasserstoff. Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 1471; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1335; C. A. 6 (1912), 2613. 1912: 61. A. Schwarz. Ueber die katalytische Hydrogenisation ungesattigter Verbindungen durch kolloidales Platin und uber den Einfluss antikatalytischer Stoffe auf den Hydro- genisationsprozess. Dissertation, Erlangen, 1912. Pt. 1912: 62. A. Skita. Hydricrungen mit Platinmetallen als Kataly- sator. Pd, Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 3312; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 375; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 396; C. A. 7 (1913), 1187. 1912 : 63 . A. Skita and W. A. Meyer. Ueber die Herstellung und Anwendung kolloider Platinmetalle. Katalytische Hydrier- ung ungesattigter Stoffe. Pd, Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 3579; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 53; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 397; C. A. 7 (1913), 2557. 1912: 64. A. Skita and W. A. Meyer. Ueber die Hydrierung von Aldehyden und Ketonen sowie von aromatischen und hetero- cyclischen Stoffen in kolloiden Losungen. Pd, Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 3589; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 503; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 54; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 398; C. A. 7 (1913), 2558. 374 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 65. Vereinigte Chinixfabriken Zimmer & Co. Verfahren zur Hydrierung organischer Verbindungen (durch Platin- metalle). (German patent 267306, May 10, 1912; British patent 10204, Apr. 30, 1913; French patent 458963, May 7, 1913.) Pd, Pt, Ir, Eh, Os, Ku. Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 88; C. A. 8 (1914), 2220. 1912: 66. N. D. Zelinsky. (Hvdrogenization and dehydrogeniza- tion.) Pt, Pd. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 44 (1912), 274; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1067. 1912: 67. N. D. Zelinsky and A. M. Herzenstein. Ueber die selektive Dehydrogenisations-katalyse. Pt, Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 3678; J. Russ. Pliys. Chem. Soc. 44 (1912), 275; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1067; C. A. 7 (1913), 2224. 1912: 68. W. A. Meyer. Ueber katalytische Hydrierungen organ- ischer Verbindungen mit kolloidem Palladium und Plat in. Dissertation, Karlsruhe, 1912. Pd, Pt. 1912: 69. G. Bruxjes. Katalytische Reduktionen von Metallhy- droxyden mittels Palladiumwasserstoffhydrosols. Disserta- tion, Erlangen, 1911. Pd. 1912: 70. H. Wielaxd. Ueber Hydrierung und Dehydrierung. (Includes preparation of oxygen-free palladium black.) Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 484; Bui. Soc. chim. (4) 12 (1912), 928; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 993; C. A. 6 (1912), 1296. 1912: 71. Naamlooze Yenxootschap “Ant. Jurgens’ Yereex- igde Fabriekex.” Verfahren zur Reduktion organischer Verbindungen mit Wasserstoff in Gegenwart von Palladium. (German patent 272340, Mar. 26, 1912.) Pd. Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 278; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1385; C. A. 8 (1914), 2604. 1912: 72. V. N. Ipatief. Katalyisclie Reduktionen bei hohen Temperaturen und Drucken. Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 3218; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 44 (1912), 1002; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1569; 14 (1913), 253. 1912: 73. W. Borsche. Ueber die Reduktion mehrfach ungesattig- ter Ketone mit gekreuzten Doppelbindungen nach der Methode von Paal. Ueber die Reduktion einiger mehrfach ungesattig- ter Sauren nach der Methode von Paal. (Reduction by palla- dium.) Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 46, 620; Bui. Soc. chim. [4]. 12 (1912), 939; C. A. 6(1912), 870. 1912: 74. C. Paal. Ueber die stufenweise katalytische Hydrogeni- sation mehrfach ungesattigter Verbindungen. Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 2221; C. A. 6 (1912), 2929. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM G^OUP. 375 1912: 75. A. Kotz and E. Schaeffer. Reduktion von Oxymeth- ylen-Verbindungen (durch Palladium). Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 1952; C. A. 6 (1912), 2757. 1912: 76. L. C. Kelber and A. Schwarz. Ueber kolloidales Palla- dium. Partielle und totale Hydrogenisation von Phenyl- acetylen, Tolan und Diphenyl-diacetylen. Ueber Hydrogeni- zation mit kolloidalem Palladium. Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 1946; Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 1442; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1487; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 617; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 598; C. A. 6 (1912), 2757. 1912: 77. N. D. Zelinsky and N. Uklonskaja. Ueber die Dehy- drogenisations-katalyse der Hexahydro-benzoesaure. Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 3677; C. A. 7 (1913), 2224. 1912: 78. A. Wohl and B. Mylo. Ueber den Weinsauredialdehyd. (Reduction by colloidal palladium.) Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 322; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 793; C. A. 6 (1912), 1007. 1912: 79. F. P. Dewey. The direct determination of small amounts of platinum in ores and bullion. Pt. Bui. Am. Inst. Mining Eng. 1912, 439; Mining Sci. 65 (1912), 274; Min- ing Sc i. Press, 105 (1912), 87; 109 (1914), 20; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 4 (1912), 257; Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 2325; Chem. News, 106 (1912), 8; Analyst, 37 (1912), 281; J. Inst. Metals, 8 (1912), 323; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 810; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 384; C. A. 6 (1912), 1580. 1912: 80. The determination of platinum. (Criticism of 1912: 79.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 515. 1912: 81. R. Gaze. Bemerkungen zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Platins durch Abscheidung als Sulfid. (Addition of HgCl 2 ; also method of analysis of barium platocyanide.) Pt. Apoth. Ztg. Berlin, 27 (1912), 959; Analyst, 38 (1913), 173; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 440; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 464; C. A. 7 (1913), 577. 1912: 82 . Trenkner. Die quantitative Bestimmung der Edcl- metalle, Gold, Silber, Platin. Pt. Metallurgie, 9 (1912), 103; Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 1449; Eng. Minin J. 93 (1912), 1280; Met. Chem. Eng. 11 (1913), 567; J. Inst. Metals, (1912), 292; Analyst, 37 (1912), 281; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 392; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1251; C. A. 6 (1912), 1115. 1912: 83. A. S. Dart. Assay of ores containing the platinum group of metals. Pt, Pd. Met. Chem. Eng. 10 (1912), 219; J. Inst. Metals, 8 (1912), 323; C. A. 6 (1912), 1723. be t>- 376 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 84. E. V. Koukline. (Some notes on the analysis of plati- num minerals.) (Full scheme of analysis.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rli, Os, Ru. Rev. metal. 9 (1912), 817; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 31 (1912), 1036; Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1234; 0. A. 7 (1913), 1154. 1912 : 85. H. Arnold. Ueber eine Methode zur Analyse von Platin- legierungen. Pt. Z. anal. Chem. 51 (1912), 550; Z. angew. Chem. 26 ii (1913), 276; Bui. Soc. ehim. [4], 14(1913), 158; Analyst, 37 (1912), 420; 7. Inst. Metals, 8 (1912), 323; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 870; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 754; C. A. 6 (1912), 2901. 1912: 86. K. A. Hofmann and D. Sturm. Tetraformal-trisazin aus Formaldehyd und Hydrazinhydrat, ein neues Reduktions- mittel fur die analytische Chemie. (Precipitation of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 1725; C. A. 6 (1912), 2620. 1912: 87. L. Duparc. Sui* la separation du palladium d’avec le cuivre et le fer. (First note on work of Wunder and Thuringer on dimethylglyoxim.) Pd. Compt. rend. Soc. phys. hist. nat. Geneve, 29 (1912), 20. 1912: 88. M. Wunder and V. Thuringer. (Action of dimethyl- glyoxim on platinum salts.) Pt. Ann. chim. anal. 17 (1912), 328; Analyst, 37 (1912), 524; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 31 (1912), 920; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 1102; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1751; C. A. 7 (1913), 39, 1461. 1912: 89. M. Wunder and V. Thuringer. (Separation of nickel and palladium by means of dimethylglyoxim.) Pd. Ann. chim. anal. 17 (1912), 201; Z. angew.- Chem. 26, ii (1913), 276; Analyst, 37 (1912), 379; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 31 (1912), 663; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 691; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 550; C. A. 6 (1912), 2585. 1912: 90. A. Atterberg. Die Reduktion des Kaliumplatinchlorids durch Magnesium. Pt. Z. anal. Chem. 51 (1912), 483; Z. angew. Chem. 26, ii (1913), 276; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1628; C. A. 6 (1912), 2725. 1912: 91. A. Guasco. Sur la construction d’un toximetre a gas oxyde de carbone. (Absorption of CO with disengagement of heat.) Pt. Compt. rend. 155 (1912), 282; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 256; C. A. 6 (1912), 3209. 1912: 92. F. A. Goocii and W. L. Burdick. Electrolytic analysis with platinum electrodes of light weight. Pt. Am. J. Sc. [4], 34 (1912), 107; Z. anorg. Chem. 78 (1912), 213; Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 461; Analyst, 38 (1913), 43; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 952; C. A. 7 (1913), 312. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 377 1912: 93. O. Brunck. Die Bestimmung kleiner Mengen von Koh- lenoxyd. (By reduction of PdCl 2 .) Pd. Z. angew. Chem. 25 (1912), 2479; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 128; C. A. 7 (1913), 747. 1912: 94. A. W. Knapp. Decomposition of water at ordinary tem- perature by magnesium. (Accelerated by palladium chloride.) Pd. Chem. News, 105 (1912), 253; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1418; C. A. 6 (1912), 2370. 1912: 95. W. N. Iwanow. Eine neue Methode der qualitativen Bestimmung der Salpetersaure bei Gegenwart von salpetriger Saure. (Blue with iridium.) Ir. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 44 (1912), 1772; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14(1913), 588; Chem. Ztg. 37 (1913), 157; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 844; C. A. 7 (1913), 951, 2024. 1912: 96. W. Peters. Die Gultigkeit der Wernerschen Theorien der Nebenvalenz fur das Gebiet der Ammoniakate. Pt, Rh, Ru, Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 77 (1912), 137; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 175; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 2022; C. A. 6 (1912), 3376. 1912: 97. L. Bitter. Ueber das Absterben von Bakterien auf den wichtigeren Metallen und Baumaterialien. Pt. Z. Hyg. 69 (1912), 483; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1391; C. A. 6 (1912), 239. 1912: 98. E. Billows. (Crystallography of platinum thiocyanate.) Pt. Rivista min. crist. ital. 36, 49; Z. Kryst. Min. 50 (1912), 509; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 422; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 810. 1912: 99. E. Billows. (Crystallography of platinum selenocyan- ate.) Pt. Rivista min. crist. ital. 39, 21; Z. Kryst. Min. 50 (1912), 494; J. Chem. Soc. 102, i (1912), 422; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 810. 1912: 100. J. Beuel. Ueber die Fluorescenz der Platindoppel- salze. (Platocyanides.) Pt. Z. wiss. Phot. 11 (1912), 150; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 615; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 417; C. A. 7 (1913), 2878; 8 (1914), 613. 1912: 101. F. A. and C. L. Lindemann. Bemerkung liber die Zugfestigkeit von Stoffen bei tiefen Temperaturen. Pt. Nernst-Festschrift, 264; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 984; C. A. 7 (1913), 585. 1912: 102. A small “ Hellberger ” electric furnace for melting platinum. Pt. Brass World, 8 (1912), 273; C. A. 7 (1913), 574. 378 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 103. Sir W. Crookes. The volatility of metals of the plati- num group. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 86 A (1912), 461; Chem. News, 105 (1912), 229, 241; Sci. Amer. Suppl. 74 (1912), 92; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 232; C. A. 6 (1912), 2895; 7 (1913), 565. 1912: 104. F. Rother. Ueber die Kathodenzerstaubung und die Wasserstoffabsorption des Iridiums. Ir. Ber. Kgl. sachs. Ges. Wlss. 64 (1912), 5; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 1179; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1694; C. A. 7 (1913), 2009. 1912: 105. C. Gladitz. Die for production of bars from finely divided metallic tungsten, platinum, etc. (British patent 12244, May 23, 1912.) Pt. C. A. 7 (1913), 3719. 1912: 106. J. Johnston. Fine Beziehung der elastischen Eigen- schaften der Metalle zu einigen ihrer physikalischen Kon- stanten. Pd, Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 76 (1912), 361; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 34 (1912), 78S; J, Wash. Acad. Sc. 1 (1912), 260; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 153S; C. A. 6 (1912), 560, 1873. 1912: 107. I. S. Joukof. (Absorption of hydrogen by palladium.) Pd. J. Russ. Pliys. Chem. Soc. 44 (1912), 1004; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1540. 1912: 108. A. Sieverts and E. Bergner. Versuche fiber die Loslichkeit von Argon und Helium in festen und flfissigen Metallen. Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 2576; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1424; C. A. 7 (1913), 2142. 1912. 109. O. Loew. Ueber die Assimilation von Nitraten in Pflanzenzellen. (Influence of platinum sponge.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 1912, Nr. 7; Biochem. Z. 41 (1912), 224; C. A. 6 (1912), 2449. 1912: 110. O. Baudisch. Ueber Nitrat- und Nitrit-Assimilation. Eine Erwiderung an Herrn Oskar Loew (1912: 109). Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 2879; C. A. 6 (1912), 2448. 1912: 111. A. V. Kroll. Ueber Ultraphosphate. (Platinum ul- traphosphate, p. 394.) Ft. Z. anorg. Chem. 76 (1912), 387; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 685; C. A. 7 (1913), 311. 1912: 112. H. Wieland. Zur Verbrennung des Kohlenoxyds. (Influence of palladium.) Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 679; Bui. Soc. chim. [4J, 12 (1912), 1125; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1177; C. A. 6 (1912), 1409. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 379 1912: 113. H. Wieland. Ueber die katalytische Umwandlung von Schwefeldioxyd in Schwefelsaure. (Influence of palladium.) Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 685; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1114; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1177; C. A. 6 (1912), 1410. 1912: 114. H. Wieland. Studien fiber den Mechanismus der Oxydationsvorgange. Einige Bemerkungen fiber die Hydrier- ung aromatischer Verbindungen. (Mechanism of oxidation by palladium.) Pd. Ber. 45 (1912), 2606, 2615; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 179; C. A. 7 (1913), 346. 1912: 115. A. Sieyerts and F. Loessner. Die katalytische Oxydation wasseriger Hypophosphitlosungen. (Influence of palladium.) Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 76 (1912) 1; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12(1912), 1420; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 580; C. A. 6 (1912), 2718. 1912: 116. J. Thiroloix and A. Langden. (Colloidal rhodium solution.) Rh. L’ Union pharm. 53 (1912), 69; Pharm. J. 89 (1912), 74; C. A. 6 (1912), 2672. 1912: 117. Zentr alstelle fur wissenschaftlich-technisciie Untersuchungen. Verfahren zur Darstellung von Ammo- niak aus den Elementen unter Bcnutzung eines Katalysa- tors. (Ruthenium as catalyst.) (German patent 252997, May 1, 1912; British patent 14585, June 21, 1912.) Ru. Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1755; C. A. 7 (1913), 541, 4050. 1912: 117a. Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik. (Employment of osmium and ruthenium or their compounds for catalytic purposes.) (German patent 292242, Dec. 22, 1912.) Os, Ru. C. A. 11 (1917), 1022. 1912: 118. A. Partzsch and W. IIallwachs. Ueber das Reflex- ionsvermogen dfinner Metallschichten, sowie longitudinale Wirkung und Eindringungstiefe bei der Lichtelektrizitat. (Platinum films.) Pt. Ber. Kgl. sachs. Ges. Wiss. 64 (1912), 147; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 877; C. A. 7 (1913), 3448. 1912: 119. W. W. Coblentz. The diffusive reflecting power of various substances. (Platinum black.) Pt. Bui. Bur. Standards, 9 (1912), 283; J. Frank. Inst. 174 (1912), 549; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 372; C. A. 7 (1913), 3072. 1912: 120. W. A. Harwood and J. E. Petavel. Experimental work on a new standard of light. (Light from a platinum strip.) Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 86 A (1912), 409; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 85; C. A. 6 (1912), 3038. 380 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 121. W. N. Hartley and H. W. Moss. On the ultimate lines, and the quantities of the elements producing these lines, in spectra of the oxyhydrogen flame and spark. Pt, Ir. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 87 A (1912), 38; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1080; C. A. 7 (1913), 303. 1912: 122. P. E. Dhein. Messungen am Funkenspektrum dos Palladiums. Pd. Z. wiss. Phot. 11 (1912), 317; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 1114; Cliem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1897; C. A. 7 (1913), 2510. 1912: 123. O. Luttig. Das Zeemanphanomen von . . . Palladium . . . im sichtbaren Spektrum. Pd. Ann. Physik [4], 38 (1912), 43; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 94; C. A. 6 (1912), 2352. 1912: 124. R. Ruer and E. Scharff. Ueber die Lichtempfind- lichkeit einer anodisch beladenen Platinelektrode. Pt. Nernst-Festschrift, 1912, 395; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1087; C. A. 7 (1913), 2717. 1912: 125. O. W. Richardson and K. T. Compton. The photo- electric effect. (On platinum.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 24 (1912), 575; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 137; C. A. 6 (1912), 2029. 1912: 126. S. Werner. (The photoelectric effect with platinum films deposited by cathode rays.) Pt. Arkiv.Math. Astron. Fysik, 8 (1912), Nr. 27; C. A. 7 (1913), 2153. 1912: 127. J. C. Chapman. Fluorescent Rontgen radiation from elements of high atomic weight. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 86 A (1912), 439; C, A. 7 (1913), 301. 1912: 128. K. Honda. Die thermomagnetischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. (Cf. 1910: 81.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. 1 (1912), 1. 1912: 129. M. Owen. Magnetochemische Untersuchungen. Die thermomagnetischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. II. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ann. Physik [4], 37 (1912), 657; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1956; C. A. 6 (1912), 1398. 1912: 130. II. Alterthum. Ueber den Plall-effekt in Metallen bei tiefen Temperaturen. (Effect of magnetic field on conduc- tivity.) Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 39 (1912), 933; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 370; C. A. 7 (1913), 3913. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 381 1912: 131. L. Weissman. Ueber die Abgabe von elektrischgela- denen Teilchen durch einen gliihenden Platindraht wahrend der Katalyse von Knallgas. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 79 (1912), 257; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 12 (1912), 1105; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 412; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1683; C. A. 6 (1912), 1568. 1912: 132. C. Grieb. Ueber die Abgabe von elektrischgeladenen Teilchen durch einen gliihenden Platindraht wahrend der Katalyse des Wasserstoff- und Kohlenoxydknallgas. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 79 (1912), 377; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 413; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1684; C. A. 6 (1912), 1568. 1912: 133. J. C. Pomeroy. The charges on thermions produced in air and hydrogen at atmospheric pressure. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 23 (1912), 173; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 971; C. A. 6 (1912), 709. 1912: 134. J. Clay. (The influence of electric waves upon plati- num mirrors.) (Coherer action.) Pt. Proc. Acad. Wetenschappen, 14 (1912), 126; C. A. 7 (1913), 2343. 1912: 135. F. W. Aston. On the influence of the nature of the cathode on the length of the Crookes dark space. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 87 A (1912), 437; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 2012; C. A. 7 (1913), 3900. 1912: 136. H. T. Barnes. The so-called thermoid effect and the question of superheating of a platinum-silver resistance used in continuous-flow calorimetry. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 86 A (1912), 330; C. A. 7 (1913), 298. 1912: 137. B. Kremann and F. Noss. Zur Theorie des Skinner- Caseschen elektrolytischen Thermoelements Sn/CrCl 3 /Pt, und uber andere Elemente von analogen Typus. Pt. Nernst-Festschrift, 1912, 234; Sitzb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 121, Abt. II b (1912), 1041; Monatsh. 34 (1913), 7; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 605; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 796; C. A. 7 (1913), 1320. 1912: 138. H. A. Bumstead and A. G. McGougan. On the emis- sion of electrons by metals under the influence of alpha rays. Pt. Am. J. Sc. [4], 34 (1912), 309; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 1802; C. A. 7 (1913), 21. 1912: 139. W. Friedrich. (Space distribution of intensity of X-rays proceeding from a platinum anticathode.) Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 39 (1912), 377; C. A. 7 (1913), 447. 1912: 140. L. P. Sieg. Notes on the elastic peculiarities of plati- num iridium wires. Pt, Ir. Physic. Rev. 35 (1912), 347; C. A. 7 (191 3) , 1864. 382 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 141. Chouriguixe (Schubigin). Sur les alliages du platine avec T aluminium. Pt. Compt. rend. 155 (1912), 156; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 127; Rev. metal. 9 (1912), 874; Chem. News, 106 (1912), 108; J. Inst. Metals, 8 (1912), 323; 9 (1913), 213; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 849; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii 702; C. A. 6 (1912), 3081. 1912: 142. W. Sander. Ueber die Legierungen des Palladiums mit Antimon. Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 75 (1912), 97; Bui. Soc. chim. [4] 12 (1912), 1433; J. Chem. Soc. 102, ii (1912), 651; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 233; C. A. 6 (1912), 2056. 1912: 143. Note on iridium steel. (Criticism of advertise- ment of Becker Steel Works in Kolnische Zeitung, advocating iridium for high-speed steels.) Ir. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1157. 1912: 144. W. Burton. Note on the earliest industrial use of platinum. (Used as early as 1790 for producing thin films on pottery.) Pt. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 56 (1912), 27; Eng. Mining J. 93 (1912), 790. 1912: 145. Standard for commercial platinum. (Editorial criticism of report of committee of National Jewelers’ Board of Trade, advocating 0.950 fine, of which 65 per cent platinum and less than 30 per cent other metals of platinum group; from Keystone, Oct., 1912.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1038. 1912: 146. Platinum and its uses. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 599. 1912: 147. A. Jabs. Ueber das Reinigen von mit Kohlenasche angesetzten Platinschalen. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 36 (1912), 422; Z. anal. Chem. 51 (1912), 663; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 1649; C. A. 6 (1912), 2048. 1912: 148. G. K. Burgess and H. LeChatelier. The measure- ment of temperatures, 3d ed. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1912. (Platinum thermometers.) Die Messung hoher Temperaturen, uebersetzt von G. Leithauser, von 3 ter Ausg. J. Springer, Berlin. Pt, Rli. 1912: 149. G. Moeller, F. Hoffmann, and W. Meissner. Yer- gleichungen von Quecksilberthermometern mit dem Pla tin- thermometer. Pt. Z. Instrumentenk. 32 (1912), 217. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 383 1912 : 150. F. E. Smith. On bridge methods for resistance measure- ments of high precision in platinum thermometry. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 24 (1912), 541; C. A. 7 (1913), 13. i912: 151. G. Berlemont. Sur un procede de soudure du platine au quartz. Pt, Ir. Compt. rend. 154 (1912), 1217; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 11 (1912), 71G; Chem. Zentr. 1912, ii, 19; C. A. 6 (1912), 2702. 1912: 152. I. Langmuir. A chemically active modification of hydro- gen. (Use of platinum and palladium filaments.) Pt, Pd. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 34 (1912), 1310; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 232; 0. A. 7 (1913), 723. 1912: 153. Le R. W. McCay. The action of boiling sulphuric acid on platinum. Pt. 8th Int. Cong. Appl. Chem. 1 (1912), 351; Z. anal. Chem. 52 (1913), 576; Analyst, 37(1912), 590; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 713; C. A. 6 (1912), 3242. 1912: 154. — Solubility of platinum in boiling sulphuric acid. Brass World, Nov. 1912; Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1185. Pt. 1912: 155. Siemens & Halske. Tantalum-platinum ware. (Tan- talum plated with platinum.) (British patent 23050.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 96 (1913), 696. 1912. 156 B. E. Eldred. Uniting platinum and nickel by auto- genous soldering. (U. S. patent 1043576, Nov. 5* 1912.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1083; C. A. 7 (1913), 61. 1912: 157. B. E. Eldred. Making composite welded ingots of platinum and a ferrous metal. (U. S. patent 1043577, Nov. 5, 1912.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1083; C. A. 7 (1913), 62. 1912: 158. B. E. Eldred. Welding platinum to other metals. (U. S. patent 1043578, Nov. 5, 1912.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1083; C. A. 7 (1913), 62. 1912: 159. B. E. Eldred. Chemical crucible having a core layer of ferrous metal and surface layers of platinum. (L T . S. patent 1043579, Nov. 5, 1912.) Pt, Eng. Mining J. 94 (1912), 1083; C. A. 7 (1913), 4. 1912: 159a. B. E. Eldred. Pan for evaporating corrosive liquids. (U. S. patent 1043581, Nov. 5, 1913.) C. A. 7 (1913), 4. 1912: 160. A. and L. Lumiere and A. Seyewetz. Comparison of the acids used in the platinum toning bath. Pt. Brit. J. Phot. 59 (1912), 992; Rev. gen. chim. 16 (1913), 302; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 477; C. A. 7 (1913), 942. 384 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1912: 161. E. Wedekind. Ueber die Verwendung von Magnesia- stabchen an Stelle von Platindrahten bei analytischen Xrbei- ten. Pt. Ber. 45 (1912), 382: Chem. News, 105 (1912), 204; Analyst, 37 (1912); 222; Chem. Zentr. 1912, i, 944: C. A. 6 (1912), 1413. 1912: 162. H. S. Shrewsbury. Note on a counterfeit gold coin. (20-shilling piece of 1861, platinum plated with gold. Ut- tered in Trinidad.) Pt. Analyst, 37 (1912), 7: Chem. Zentr. 1912. i, 711. 1913: a. Platinum. (Occurrence and production.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 106 (1913), 13. 1913: 1. W. Wunder and V. Thuringer. Reponse a Particle de M. le Dr. C. Holtz: <; sur quelques anomalies observees dans 1’ analyse des minerals de platine de POural.” (Probably impure rhodium. Cf. 1912: 1.) Pt, X (?). Ann. chim. phys. [8], 30 (1913), 164: J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 883; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1251; C. A. 7 (1913), 3729. 1913: 2. A. del Campo and S. Pina de Rubies. (Sur un nouvel element du groupe du platine.) (Spectroscopic work on Holtz’s supposed new element; no new lines found, but Fe, Cu, and all the platinum metals except Ru are present.) Pt, X (?). Anales fls. quirn. 11 (1913), 562; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 274; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 209; C. A. 9 (1915), 1266. (Cf. also Ann. chim. phys. [9], 2 (1914), 59.) 1913: 3. Russian platinum i .dustry. Pt. Metal Ind. 5 (1913), 211; J. Inst. Metals, 10 (1913), 453. 1913: 4. S. Pina de Rubies and P. Coma. (Platiniferous dunites.) Pt. Anales fis. quirn. 11 (1913), 334; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1118; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 714. 1913: 5. L. Duparc. Sur l’origine du platine contenu dans les alluvions de certains affluents lateraux de la Koswa (Oural du Nord). Pt. Compt. rend. 156 (1913), 411: Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1457; C. A. 7(1913), 2737. 1913: 5a. E. de Hautpick. Occurrence of platinum in the Urals. Mining J. 1913, Sept. 20. Pt. 1913: ob. New .features in Ural gold and platinum indus- try. (New business methods.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 106 (1913), 705. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 385 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913 1913: 5c. Russian platinum. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 107 (1913), 581. 5d. J. P. Hutchins. Dredging by hand in Siberia. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 1913, Nov. 22. 5e. E. de Hautpick. Gold and platinum on Mongolia. Pt. Mining J. 1913, Feb. 1. 6. Account of trip to platinum country in Colombia. (Quotation from letter.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 96 (1913), 273. 6a. B. Sonntag. Kolombia als Platinproduktionsland. Pt. Z. Ver. Bohrung und Bohrtech. 1913, Mar. 15. 6b. C. Camsell. Platinum in British Columbia. Geology and mineral deposits of the Tulameen district. Geol. Survey of Canada, Mem. 26, 1913; Mining J. 1914, 523. \ Platinum in British Columbia. 7. 7a. 7b. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 135. F. Bailey. Platinum in British Columbia. Mining J. 1913, Mar. 1. — Platinum in British Columbia. Pt. Pt. Pt. (Editorial; Can. criticism of A. G. French, 1911: 1.) Mining Sci. Press, 106 (1913), 436. 8. Platinum in British Columbia. (Editorial; dis- covery of new element (canadium: cf. 1911: 1) not sub- stantiated.) Pt, Can. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 675. 1913: 9. Reported discovery of platinum from Crawford 1913 Bay, British Columbia. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 926. 10. Platinum and allied metals in the Pt. United Pt. States. Mines and Minerals, 33 (1913), 389; J. Inst. Metals, 9 (1913), 233. 1913: 11. P. R. Heyl. Platinum in North Carolina (Rockingham County) . Pt. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 52 (1913), 21; C. A. 7 (1913), 2532. 1913: 12. Reported discovery of platinum in Delaware. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 590. Pt. 1913: 13. Australien als Platinproduktionsland. Pt. Z. angew. Ohem. 26, iii (1913), 417. (Cf. J. W. Clark and C. Cutbcll, Australian J. Sc. 3, 372, 374.) 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 25 386 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 14. R. A. Farquh arson. The platinum placers of Orepuki, New Zealand. Pt, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 43 (1913), 448; Z. Krvst. Min. 52 (1913), 419; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913;, 714; C'hem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 899; C. A. 8 (1914), 888. 1913: 14a. C. B. Horwood. Iridosmine from the New Rietfontein mines. I r? Os. Chem. News, 107 (1913), 230, 244, 253; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 807; C. A. 7 (1913), 2917. 1913: 15. W. H. Twelyetrees. Osmiridium in Tasmania. Ir, Os. Eng-. Mining J. 96 (1913), 1168. 1913: 16. L. Quenxessex. Ruthenium in Osmiridium. (Letter.) Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 192. Ru, Il\ Os. 1913: 17. L. Duparc and S. Pina de Rubies. (Separation de chromite platinifere dans les sables de l’Oural.) Pt. Anales fls. quim. 11 (1913), 367; Bui. Soc. chim. [4]. 16 (1914), 316; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 867. 1913: IS. — — - — Note on prohibition of export of platinum from Russia owing to export duty of 30 per cent on the crude metal. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 96 (1913), 229. 1913: 19. — Notes on platinum accumulation and new laws in Russia affixing export duty of 30 per cent. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 96 (1913), 240. 1913: 20. Platinum in 1912. (Editorial.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 79. 1913: 20a. D. T. Day. Production of platinum in 1912, Pt. Min. Resources of U. S., 1912. 1913: 21. — — — Platinum in Russia in 1912. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 151. 1913: 22. — New platinum operations in Colombia. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 976. 1913: 22a. Imports of platinum from Colombia, 1907- 1912. Pt. Mineral Industry, 1913. 1913: 23. Production of platinum and palladium at Sud- bury, Ontario. Pt. Pd. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 135. 1913: 24. United States foreign met id trade in 1912. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 598. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 387 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 25. E. de Hautpick. Commercial aspect of iridium pro- duction. Ir. Mining Sci. 67 (1913), 150; 0. A. 7 (1913), 1404. 26. — Platinum prices in 1911-1912. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 53. 27. Increased use and price of iridium. Ir, Pd. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 292. 28 . — Metal market. (Weekly reports of prices.) Eng. Mining J. 95, 96 (1913). Pt, Ir. 28 a. C. C. Schatterbeck. Condition of the platinum mar- ket. Pt. Min. Sci. 1913, May. 29. — Occurrence, value of production, extraction, and uses of platinum. Pt. Chem. Eng. 16 (1913), 93; C. A. 7 (1913), 54. 29a. L. K. Hirshberg. Mining platinum. Pt. Mex. Mining J. 1913, June. 29b. A. Eilers. Occurrence of some of the rarer metals in blister copper. Pt. Min. Eng. World, 1913, Nov. 15; Bui. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. 78 (1913), 999. 29c. D. H. Stovall. Method of saving placer platinum on burlap tables. Pt. Min. Eng. World, 1913, June 14. 30 . D. J. de Joug. Die Verarbeitung von Platinresten. Pt. Chem. Weekblad, 10 (1913), 833; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 969; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1952; C. A. 8 (1914), 635. 31. O. A. Hillman. Separating gold and platinum filings. Metal Ind. 11 (1913), 123; C. A. 7 (1913), 2029. Pt. 32. C. Gaus. Recovering full value from platinum scraps and filings. Pt. Metal Ind. 11 (1913), 211; 0. A. 7 (1913), 3100. 33. E. Bauer and O. Nagel. A process of extracting gold, silver, and platinum. (Absorption by carbon, etc.) (British patent 16898, July 23, 1913.) Pt. C. A. 9 (1915), 289. 34. Verein Chemischer Fabriken in Mannheim. Ver- fahren zur Trennung des Platins von Iridium und anderen Metallen. (Volatilization in stream of chlorine at 585°.) (Ger- man patent 273178, Mar. 8, 1913.) Pt, Ir. Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914;, 62, Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1716; G. A. 8 (1914), 2670. 388 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 35. G. Nikolaus. (Notes on the working of platinum.) Pt. Elektrochem. Z. 20 (1913), 87; C. A. 7 (1913), 3296. 1913: 36. A. Gutbier. Zur Kenntnis des Osmiums. (Preparation of pure metal when contaminated with carbon.) Os. Chem. Ztg. 37 (1913), 857; Z. angew. Chem. 26, ii (1913), 632; J. Inst. Metals, 10 (1913), 400; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 780; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 752; C. A. 7 (1913), 3937. 1913: 37. F. W. Clarke, T. E. Thorpe, W. Ostwald, and G. Urbain. Report of the International Committee on Atomic Weights, 1913. (Reference to work of Hoyermami, 1910: 9.) Ir. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35 (1913), 227; Ber. 46 (1913), 1; Z. anorg. Chem. 79 (1913), 277; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 313; C. A. 7 (1913), 7. 1913: 38. F. W. Clarke, T. E. Thorpe, W. Ostwald, and G. Urbain. Report of the International Committee on Atomic Weights, 1914. (Reference to Vogt on ruthenium (1911: 29) and to Shinn on palladium (1912: 36).) Ru, Pd. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35 (1913), 1807; Z. anorg. Chem. 84 (1913), 275; Ber. 47 (1914), 8; Proc. Chem. Soc. 30 (1914), 216; J. Chem. Soc. 105 (1914), 2577; C. A. 8 (1914), 1362. 1913: 39. A. Gutbier and F. Heinrich. Ueber die wasserfreien Platinhalogenide, PtCl 4 und PtBr 4 . Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 81 (1913), 378; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1072; J. Chem. Soc. 104. ii (1913), 607; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 129; C. A. 7 (1913), 2913. 1913: 40. A. Gutbier and A. Rausch. Ueber Hexabromoplatine- ate. Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 88 (1913), 409; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 19; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1157; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1952; C. A. 8 (1914), 876. 1913: 41. N. Dhar. Untersuchungen iiber Doppelsalze und Kom- plexsalze. (Conductivity; Magnus’s salt.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 80 (19131, 43; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 319; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1749; C. A. 7 (1913), 2168. 1913: 42. N. Dhar and D. N. Bhattacharyya. Leitvermogen verdiinnter Losungen einiger Natriumsalze in Aethylalkohol. (Na 2 PtCl 6 .) Pt, Z. anorg. Chem. 82 (1913), 357; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1326; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 913; C. A. 7 (1913), 3886. 1913: 43. M. Boll. Relation entre la vitesse d’une reaction photochimique et l’energie rayonnante incidente. (Reaction on H 2 PtCl 6 .) ^ Pt. Compt. rend. 156 (1913), 138; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 503; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 171; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 770; C. A. 7 (1913), 1324. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 389 1913: 44. R. L. Datta. Double platinum and cupric iodides of substituted ammonium bases. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 29 (1913), 79; J. Chem. Soc. 103 (1913), 426; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 810; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 2021; C. A. 7 (1913), 2362. 1913: 45. R. L. Datta. Xodoplatinates of substituted ammonium and sulphonium bases. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35 (1913), 1185; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14(1913), 1497; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1047; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1377; C. A. 7 ■ (1913), 3510. 1913: 46. L. Wohler and S. Streicher. Ueber die wasserfreien Chloride von vier Valenzstufen des Iridiums. Ir. Ber. 46 (1913), 1577; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1009; Chem. News, 108 (1913), 24; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 608; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 129; C. A. 7 (1913), 2727. 1913: 47. L. Wohler and M. Grunzweig. Zur Tensionsbestim- mung von Chlor und Schwefeltrioxyd bei Chloriden und Sul- faten. (Iridium chlorides.) Ir. Ber. 46 (1913), 1587; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 562; C. A. 7 (1913), 2727. 1913: 48. L. Wohler and S. Streicher. Ueber das Bestandig- keitsgebiet von vier wasserfreien Platinchloriden, iiber die Fliichtigkeit des Met alls im Chlorgas und die Darstellung sauerstofffreien Chlors. Pt, Ir. Ber. 46 (1913), 1591; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1008; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 607; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 131; C. A. 7 (1913), 2727. 1913: 49. L. Wohler and S. Streicher. Ueber reine Valenzen des Iridiums und Platins. (Read before Verein deutschcr Chemiker.) Ir, Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 26, iii (1913), 152. 1913: 50. L. Wohler and S. Streicher. Ueber Messung relativer Oberflachenenergie am Iridiumtrichlorid. Ir. Ber. 46 (1913), 1720; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1409; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 609; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 230; C. A. 7 (1913), 3056. 1913: 51. O. Y. Fraenkel. Ueber einige neue Verbindungen des Iridiums und Rhodiums. (Hexachlorosalts of aliphatic bases.) Ir, Rh. Sitzb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 122 II b (1913), 1377; Monatsh. 35 (1914), 119; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 532; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1549: C. A. 8 (1914), 1712. 1913: 52. A. Gutbier. Ueber die Alkali-hexabromo-osmeate. Os. Ber. 46 (1913), 2098; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1253; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913),, 713; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1127; C. A. 7 (1913), 3280. 1913: 53. O. Ruff. Ueber die Fluoride der Edelmctalle. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ber. 46 (1913), 920; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1008; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 416; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1860; C. A. 7 (1913), 2358. 390 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1013: 54. O. Ruff and F. W. Tschirch. Ueber die Fluoride des Osmiums. Os. Ber. 46 (1913), 929; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1010; J. Ciiom. Sj:-. 104, ii (1913), 416; Ckem. News, 107 (1913;, 303; Ckem. Zontr. 1913, i. 1861; C. A. 7 (1913), 2358. 1913: 55. G. Scagliarixi and G. B. Rossi. Su aleuni palladonit riti di metalli bivalenti fissati per mezzo di basi organiche. (Double palladium nitrites with Mg. Ni, Mn, Co, and organic bases.) Pd. Atti Accaci. Lincei {5], 22, ii (1913), 506; Gazz. ckim. ifcal. 44, i 19141. 479; Bui. Soc. ckim. [4], 16 (1914), 275; Ckem. News, 109 ,1911, 108; J. Ckem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 255; Ckem. 1914, i, 860; ii, 362; C. A. 8 (1914), 1719. 1913: 56. L. Tschugajew and W. Chlqpix. Ueber Verbindungen des Platonitrits mit organiseken Dithioathern. Pt. Z. anorg. Ckem. 82 (1913), 401; J. Russ. Pkys. Ckem. Soc. 45 (1913;, 1862; Bui. Soc. ckim. [4], 14 (1913), 1347; J. Ckem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1148; Ckem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1276; C. A. 7 (1913 , 3935. 1913: 57. L. Tschugajew and P. Teeabu. Ueber Piatinverbind- ungen der Isonitrile . Pt . J. Russ. Pkys. Ckem. Soc. 45 (1913), 2072; Ber. 47 (1914), 568; Bui. Soc. ckim. [4], 16 (1914), 545; 18 (1915), 52; J. Ckem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 392; Ckem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1176; C. A. 8 (1914 , 2704. 1913: 58. L. Ramberg. Einige Notizen fiber Plato-ammoniakver- bindungen. Pt. Z. anorg. Ckem. 83 (1913), 33; Bui. Soc. ckim. [4]. 16 (1911 , 78; J. Chen*. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 969; Ckem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 16-55; C. A. 8 <1914 , 31. 1913. 59. L. Ramberg. Ueber die Einwirkung von komplex- bildenden Sauren oder ikren Salzen auf Piato-ammomak- verbindungen. I. Reaktionen mit Kalium-xantkogenat. II. Reaktionen mit Aethyl-thioglykolsaure. Pt, Ber. 46 (1913), 1696, 2353; Bui. Soc. ckim. [4], 14 (1913 , 1072, 1258; 16 (1914), 687; J. Ckem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 952; ii (1913, , 607 ; Ckem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 343, 849; C. A. 7 (1913), 2526, 3283. 1913: 59a. L. Ramberg. Ueber die Konfiguration der be den isomeren Platoathylthioglykolate. Pt. Ber. 46 (1913), 3S86; J.Ckem. Soc. 106, i <1914;, 13; Ckem. Zentr. 1914, i, 228; C. A. 8 (1914), 707. 1913: 60. L. Tschugajew and J. Bexewolexsky. Ueber K>ta- Dlex verbindungen organischer Sulfide mit vierwertigem Platin. Pt. Z. anorg. Ckem. 82 (1913), 420; Bui. S;»c. chim. [4], 14 (1913;, 1348; J. ('hem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1149; Ckem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1279; C. A. 7 (1913), 2936. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 391 1913: 61. L. Tschugajew and A. Kobljanski. Ueber die elek- trische Leitfahigkeit einiger Platinverbindungen organisclier Disulfide. . Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 83 (1913), 8; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1327; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1148; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1372; C. A. 7 (1913), 3935. 1913: 62. L. Tschugajew and W. Lebedinski. Zur Kenntnis der Komplexverbindungen des Rhodiums (mit Dimethyl- glyoxim u. s. w.). Rli. Z. anorg. Chem. 83 (1913), 1; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 45 (1913), 669, Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1167, 1353; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913); 1161; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1374; C. A. 7 (1913), 3937. 1913: 63. A. Duffour. Contribution a F etude des derives oxaliques complexes de F iridium. Ir. Ann. chim. phys. [8], 30(1913) 169, 433; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1154; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2101; C. A. 8 (1914), 2348. 1913: 64. A. Gutbier, H. Gebhardt, and B. Ottenstein. Ueber das Yerhalten von Wassers toff gegen Palladium. Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 1453; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1009; Chem. News, 108 (1913), 24; J. Inst. Metals, 10 (1913). 400; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 608; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 26; C. A. 7 (1913), 3441. 1913: 65. A. Thiel and E. Breuning. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ueberspannungserscheinungen. I. Die Ueberspannung des Wasserstoffs an reinen Met alien. Pt, Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 83 (1913), 329; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 15; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 732; C. A. 8 (1914), 628. 1913: 66. A. Madina veitia. (Sur F hydrogenation catalytique par les metaux divises.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Anales fls. quim. 11 (1913), 328; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1076; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 688; C. A. 8 (1914), 1106. 1913: 67. F. W. Semmler and I. Rosenberg. Zur Kenntnis der Bestandteile atherischer Oele. (Reduktion von Limen mit Platinum.) Pt. Ber. 46 (1913), 768; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 377; C. A. 7 (1913), 1720. 1913: 68. G. Vavon. Preparation des alcools par hydrogenation catalytique des aldehydes et des cetones en presence du noir de platine. .Vitesse de reaction dans les hydrogenations catalytiques en presence de noir de platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 698; 15 (1914), 287; 19 (1916), 133; Ann. chim. phys. [9], 1 (1914), 144; Compt. rend. 158 (1914), 409; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 189; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1504; C. A. 8 (1914), L564, 2349. 392 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 69. R. Willstatter and Y. L. King. Ueber Dihvdro- naphthalin. II. Ueber Hydrierung aromatischer Verbind- ungen mit Platin und Wasserstoff. Pt. Ber. 46 (1913), 527; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 353; C. A. 7 (1913), 1508. 1913: 70. C. Paal and E. Wixdisch. Ueber den Einfluss von Fremdstoffen auf die Aktivitat der Katalysatoren. III. Yersuebe mit Platin als Wasserstoff -Uebertrager. Pt. Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 4010; Bui. Soe. chim. [4]. 16 (1914), 277; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 116; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 329; C. A. 8 (1914), 1902. 1913: 71. G. Bargellixi. Idrogenazione della santonina in pre- senza di nero di palladio. Pd. AttiAccad. Lincei[5],22,i (1913), 443; Rend. Soc. chim. ital. [2], 5(1913\ 34; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 628; C. A. 7 (1913), 2936. 1913: 72. G. Dupoxt. Hydrogenation catalytique des 7-glycols acetyleniques en presence de noir de palladium. Pd. Compt. rend. 156 (1913), 1623; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 964; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 696; C. A. 7 (1913), 3112. 1913: 73. M. I. Kousxetsof. (Decomposition catalytique des aldehydes.) Pd. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 45 (1913), 557; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913 », 1166; C. A. 7 (1913), 3126. 1913: 74. M. Wunder and V. Thuringer. Zur Analyse der Platinerze. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Z. anal. Chem. 52 (1913), 740; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 148; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 447; Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 229; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 1080; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2058; C. A. 8 (1914), 644. 1913: 75. G. Malatesta and E. Di Xola. (Detection of gold and platinum by benzidin.) . Pt. Boll. chim. farm. 52 (1913), 461; Analyst, 38 (1913), 476; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 883; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 716; C. A. 8 (1912), 1397. 1913: 76. Y. Yamauchi. Reactions of ozone with certain inor- ganic salts. (No apparent reaction with H 2 PdCl 4 .) Pd. Am. Chem. J. 49 (1913), 55; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 608; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 131; C. A. 7 (1913), 1333. 1913: 77. W. Schmidt. Alpha-nitroso-beta-naphthol als Fallungs- mittel yon Palladium. Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 80 (1913), 335; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1054; Analyst, 33 (1913), 289; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 440; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1841; C. A. 7 (1913), 2171. 1913: 78. C. Auer v. Welsbach. Die Zerlcgung des Ytterbiums in seine Elemente. (Coloration by ruthenium from the platinum crucible.) Ru, Pt. Monatsh. 34 (1913), 1713; Z. anorg. Chem. 86 (1914), 58; Chem. Zeuu. 1914, i, 949. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 393 1913: 79. G. H. Clevenger and H. W. Young. Estimation of gold, silver, and platinum by fire assa}L Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 108 (1914), 614; C. A. 8 (1914), 1941. 1913: 80. A. F. Crosse. A method of assaying concentrates and battery chips for gold and platinum metals. Pt. J. Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa, 14 (1913), 373, 422, 483; Mining Sci. Press, 108 (1914), 814; C. A. 8 (1914), 1941, 2662, 3404. 1913: 81. L. St. Ranier. Die Fehlerquellen der Platinprobe (by* assay). Pt. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 61 (1913), 141, 155; Z. angew. Chem. 26, ii, (1913), 377; Analyst, 38 (1913), 294; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1542; C. A. 7 (1913), 2170. 1913: 82. H. D. Greenwood. Assay method for palladium and platinum. Pd, Pt. Eng. Mining J. 96 (1913), 1175; Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 62 (1914), 578; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 586; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 220; C. A. 8 (1914), 884. 1913: 83. A. M. Smoot. Suggestions on the platinum-palladium assay. . Pd, Pt. Eng. Mining J. 96 (1913), 1175. 1913: 84. J. Gray and C. Toombs. The determination of gold in the presence of iridium and allied metals in materials such as black sand. Ir, Pt. J. Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa, 13 (1913), 292; C. A. 8 (1914), 1941. 1913: 85. J. Grail Determination of gold in the presence of iridium and allied metals in materials such as black sand. Ir,Pt. J. Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa, 14 (1913), 2; C. A. 7 (1913), 3943. 1913: 86. C. Toombs. Assay for gold and iridium in black sand. Ir. J. .Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa, 14 (1913), 4; Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 229; C. A. 7 (1913), 3942. 1913: 87. Prize for method of estimating iridium in gold. Ir. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 189. 1913: 88. M. Wunder and V. Thuringer. Sur la separation du t palladium d’avec les metaux du groupe du platine, et sur 1 J analyse des minerals du platine. (Preliminary note oil use of dimethylglyoxim.) Pd, Pt, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Compt. rend. Soc. phys. hist. nat. Geneve, 30 (1913), 12. 394 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 1913: 89. M. Wi nder and V. Thuringer. Eine neue Method© zur Bestimmung von Palladium, sowie zur Trennung dessel- ben von Kupfer und Eisen. (Use of dimethylglyoxim.) Pd. Z. anal. Chem. 52 (1913), 33, 101; Z. angew. Chem. 26, ii (1913;, 356; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 927; Analyst, 38 (1913), 79; J. Iron Steel Inst. 88, ii (1913), 702; J. Inst. Metals, 11 (1914), 325; J. Chem.. Soc. 104, ii(1913), 252; Chem. Zentr. 1913. i, 657; C. A. 7 (1913), 1143. 1913: 90. M. Wuxder and V. Thuringer. Trennung des Palla- diums von den Edelme fallen, Gold, Platin, Rhodium und Iridium. (By dimethylglyoxim.) Pd, Pt, Rh, Ir. Z. anal. Chem. 52 (1913), 660; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 316; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 15; Analyst, 38 (1913), 524; J. Chem. Soc. 104. ii (1913), 884; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1705; C. A. 7 (1913), 3941. 1913: 91. M. Wunder and V. Thuringer. Bestimmung des Palladiums mit alpha-Nitroso-beta-naphthol und Trennung desselben von Kupfer und Eisen. Pd. Z. anal. Chem. 52 (1913), 737; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 148; Bill. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 447; Analyst, 39 (1914), 55; J. Chem. Soc. 104, it (1913), 1080; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2059; C. A. 8 (1914), 476. 1913: 92. W. P. Hicks. A rapid modified chloroplatinate method for the estimation of potassium. . Pt. J. Inch Eng. Chem. 5 (1913), 650; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 114; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 877; C. A. 7 (1913), 3581. 1013: 93. G. Meillere. Sur le dosage de la potasse a l’etat dc chloroplatinate. Pt. J. pharm. chim. [7], 7 (1913), 281; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913 . 736 J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 434; C. A. 7 (1913), 3093. 1913: 94. F. Paxeth and G. v. Hevesy. Ueber die Gewimumc von Polonium. (Precipitation on platinum or palladium and recovery.) Pt, Pd Monatsh. 34(1913), 1605; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 1011; Chem. Zentr 1914, i, 118; C. A. 8 (1914), 13. Also in book form, A. Holder, Wien 1914; C. A. 8 (1914), 1389. 1913: 95. G. S. Forbes and E. P. Bartlett. The increase in tin potential of dichromate ion on platinum caused by cert ait reducing agents. An improved method for the electrometri< titration of ferrous salts. Pt J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35 (1913), 1527; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914 ), 460 J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 984; C. A. 7 (1913), 3938. 1913: 96. M. Heidenhaix. Ueber die Bearbeitung der Selina zu Kurszwecken, insbesondere iiber die Verwendung de; Rutheniumrots, u. s. w. Ru Z. wiss. Mikroskop. 30 (1913), 161; Analyst, 39 (1914;, 89; Chem. Zenti 1913, ii, 2163; C. A. 8 (1914), 2174. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 395 1913: 97. P. N. Tschirwinski. Kiystallographische^nte^siichimg von zwei Scandium-Platinum-Cyaniiren. Ft. Z. Rryst. Min. 52 (1913), 44; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 348; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1400; C. A. 7 (1913), 2169. 1913: 98. A. Fersmann. Ueber die Kiyst allform der Plat i rise mi- pyridiiiaminehlorsulfonsaure. Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. St.-Petersbourg, 1913, 263; Chem. Zentr. 19.13. i, 1661; C. A. 7 (1913), 2224. 1913: 99. K. Tangl. (Surface tension between platinum and water.) Pt. Aim. Physik [4], 42 (1913), 1221; C. A. 8 (1914), 1531. 1913: 100. E. Tiede. Em Kathodenstrahl-vakuum-ofen. (Fusion of platinum.) Pt. Ber. 46 (1913), 2229; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 655; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 637; C. A. 7 (1913), 3454. 1913: 101. G. W. C. Kaye and D. Ewen. The sublimation of metals at low pressures. Ir, Pt, Rli, Pd, llu. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 89 A (1913), 58; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 830; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1126; C. A. 8 (1914), 2100. 1913: 102. J. H. T. Roberts. The disintegration of metals at high temperatures. Condensation nuclei from hot wires. Pt, Pd, Ir. Phil.. Mag. [6], 25 (1913), 270; J. Inst. Metals, 9 (1913), 222; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 228; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1098; C. A. 7 (1913), 1136. 1913: 103. J. A. Harker and G. W. C. Kaye. On the electrical emissivity and disintegration of hot metals. Pt, Ir. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 88 A (1913), 522; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 661; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 925; C. A. 7 (1913), 3895. 1913: 104. H. E. Weightman. Spot (electric) welding of platinum points. , Pt. Elec. Rev. West, Elec. 63 (1913), 686; C. A. 7 (1913), 3924. 1913: 105. A. E. Freeman. The absorption of active hydrogen by platinum. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35 (1913), 927; Bui. Soc. chiin. [4], 14(1913), 1332; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 866; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1276; C. A. 7 (1913), 3562. 1913. 106. A. Sieverts and E. Bergner. Die Loslichkeit von Scliwefeldioxyd in flussigen Kiipferlegieruiigen (mil Gold, Silber, und Platinum). Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 82 (1913), 257; Bui. Soc. chirn. [4], 14 (1913), 660, J Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 321; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1266; C. A. 7 (1913), 1659. 396 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 107. A. Holt, E. C. Edgar, and J. B. Firth. Die Sorption von Wasserstoff durch Palladiumblech. Beriehtigung. Pd. Z. physik. Chem. 82 (1913), 513; 83 (1913), 507; Z. anal. Chem. 52 (1913), 473; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 330; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1400; ii, 662; C. A. 7 (1913), 2878. 1913: 108. J. H. Andrew and A. Holt. The thermal effects pro- duced by heating and cooling palladium in hydrogen. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 89 A (1913), 170; J. Inst. Metals, 10 (1913), 424; j J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 839; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1202; C. A. 8 i (1914), 457. 1913: 109. C. Paal and C. Hohexegger. Ueber die Adsorption des Acetylens durch Palladiumschwarz. Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 128; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 596; Chem. News, 107 (1913), 180; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 241; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 600; C. A. 7 (1913), 1312. 1913: 110. A. Skita. Platin und Palladiumkatalysen. (Read at 85th Versamml. DeutscherNat. Aertze, Wien, 1913.) Pt, Pd. Z. angew. Chem. 26, i (1913), 601; Oesterr. Chem. Ztg. 16 (1913), 277; C. A. 8 (1914), 2293. 1913: 111. O. Stark. Eine bequeme Versuchsanordnung bei Re- duktion mit kolloidalem Platin oder Palladium. Pt, Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 2335; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1408; J. Chem. Soc. j 104, ii (1913), 780; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 921; C. A. 7 (1913), 35:5. 19i3: 112. S. Fokixe. (Catalytic oxidation at high tempera- tures. Efficiency of catalysers.) Pt, Pd. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 45 (1913), 286; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 945; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 399; C. A. 7 (1913), 2227. 1913: 113. J. R. Thompson. Ueber die Vereinigung von Wasser- stoff und Sauerstoff in Gegenwart erhitzten Platins und erhitzer Kohle. ' Pt. Physik. Z. 14 (1913), 11; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 95; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 594; C. A. 7 (1913), 1682. 1913: 114. A. Gutbier (and K. Neundlixger). Katalyse des Hydrazins durch Platinmohr. Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 84 (1913), 203; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1244; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (193), 939; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 746; C. A. 7 (1913), 3262. 1913: 115. E. Baur. Ueber Bildung, Zerlegung und Umwandlung der Glykolsaure. (Reduction from oxalic acid.) Rh, Pt. Ber. 46 (1913), 852; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 443; Chem. Zentr. 1913,- i, 1665; C. A. 7 (1913), 2395. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 397 1913: 116. E. Rosenthal and W. Bamberger. Exp erimen telle Untersuchung uber die Beeinflussung der Platinkatalyse durch Bakterienfiltrate. Pt. Z. Immunit. [1], 19 (1913), 9; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2000; C. A. 8 (1914), 1306. 1913: 117. C. J. Farmer and F. Parker, Jr. The effect of ultra- violet light upon the catalytic activity of colloidal platinum. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35 (1913), 1524; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 12; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 942; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1846; C. A. 7 (1913), 3906. 1913: 118. E. Ott. Ueber symmetrische und asymmetrische Dicar- bonsaurechloride. (Poisonous action on platinum black.) Pt. Ber. 46 (1913), 2172; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 825; C. A. 7 (1913), 3328. 1913: 119. Gesellsciiaft fur Elektro-osmose. (Palladium ad- sorbent.) (Swiss patent 64275, Jan. 6, 1913.) Pd. C. A. 8 (1914), 2460. 1913: 120. A. Sieverts. Die Einwirkung wassriger Hypophos- phitlosungen auf Platinsalze. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des kolloiden Platins. Pt. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 12 (1913), 263; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 606; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 488; C. A. 7 (1913), 3935. 1913: 121. C. Amberger. Organosole von Metallen der Platin- gruppe. I. Darstellung von Palladiumorganosolen unter Ver- wendung von Wollfett als Schutzkolloid. II. Organosole der Hydroxyde des zwerwertigen Platins und Palladiums. Pd, Pt. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 13 (1913), 310, 313; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 60; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 859, 860; C. A. 8 (1914), 1367, 1368. 1913 : 122. C. Paal and II. Oehme. Ueber katalytische Wirkungen kolloidaler Metalle der Platingruppe. IX. Die Hydrogenisa- tion des Ei-Lecithins. Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 1297; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 880; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 584; C. A. 7 (1913), 2569. 1913: 123. O. Wallach. (Behavior of carvoxim and eucar- voxim toward free h} T drogen in the presence of colloidal pal- ladium.) Pd. Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 1913, 236; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1144; C. A. 8 (1914), 916. 1913: 124. II. Wieland. Ueber den Mechanismus der Oxyda- tionsvorgange (mit Palladiumschwarz). Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 3327; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1304; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2085; C. A. 8 (1914), 715. 308 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 125. C. Paal and A. Karl. Ueber den Einfluss von Fremd- stoffen auf die Aktivitat der K a t alys a to ren . II. Versuehe mit Palladium als Wasserstoff-ubertrager. Pd. Ber. 46 (1913), 3069; Bull Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 94; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 1043; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2087; C. A. 8 (.1914), 1902. 1913: 126. K. A. Hofmann, O. Ehrhart, and O. Schneider. Ak- tivierung von Chlo r a tins ungen durcli Osmium. II. Os. Ber. 46 (1913), 1657; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1152; Chem. News, 108 (1913), 96; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913 \ 609; Chem. Zeutr. 1913, ii, 231; C. A. 7 (1913;, 3088. 1913: 127. K. A. Hofmann, K. Schumpelt, and ^a. Ritter. Ueber die Oxydierbarkeit der Kokle bei mittleren Tempera- turen. (By potassium chlorate in the presence of osmium tetroxide.) Os. Ber. 46 (1913), 2854; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1486; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 954; C. A. 8 (1914), 30. 1913: 128. F. Lehmann. Ueber Wasserstoffubertragung durcli Osmiumdioxyd, (Used for hardening fats.) Os. Arch. Pharm. 251 (1913), 152; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 806; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 331; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1267; C. A. 7 (1913), 2690; 8 (1914), 586. 1913: 129. R. Willstatter and E. Sonnenfeld. Ueber Oxyda- tion durch Sauerstoffgas bei Gegenwart von metailischem Osmium. II. Os. Ber. 46 (1913), 2952; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 39; J. Chem. Soc. 104, i (1913), 1200; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1670; C. A. 8 (1914), 117. 1913: 130. Kalle & Co. Verfahren nach Patent 248525 zur Dar- stellung der kolloidalen Tetrahydroxyde des Osmiums und Rutheniums und dieser kolloidalen Metalle selbst. Zusatz- Patent. (German patent 280365, July 30, 1913.) Os, Ru. Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1369; C. A. 9 (1915), 1378. 1913: 130a. Kalle & Co. (Salve preparations containing inor- ganic colloids.) (Zusatzpatent zu 229306.) (German patent 289620, July 13, 1913.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. C. A. 10 (1913), 2618. 1913: 131. Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik. Verfahren zur Ausfiihrung von Oxydationsreaktionen (durch Ruthenium). (German patent 275518.) Ru. Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 279. 1913: 131a. Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik. (Contact sub- stance for production of sulphuric acid anhydride. (Vanadic acid as substitute for platinum.) (German patent 291792, Oct. 10, 1913.) Sub. C. A. 11 (1917), 1024. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 399 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 1913: 132. — (Use of ruthenium.) (As a catalyzer in prepa- ration of NH 3 from N and H. Description of a German pat- ent (1912: 117).) Ru. Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 990. 133. C. Bergholm. Ueber Doppelbrechung in katlioden- zerstaubten Metallschichten. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 43 (1913), 1; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 730; C. A. 8 (1914), 2516. 134. K. Forsterling and V. Freedericksz. Die optischen Ko ns tan ten einiger Metalle im Ultrarot. Pt, Ir. Ann. Physik [4], 40 (1913), 201; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 165; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1172; C. A. 7 (1913), 2898. 135. M. Boll. Mesure de 1’energie d’une radiation ultra- violette emise par un arc au mercure sous differents regimes. Energie absorbee et masse formee dans une reaction photo- chimique. Influence de la longeur d’onde sur la vitesse dhine reaction photochimique. (Action on cliloroplatinic acid.) Pt. Compt. rend. 156 (1913), 138, 313, 691; 157 (1913), 115; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 13 (1913), 611, 1043; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 171, 182, 265, 745; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 990, 1654; C. A. 7 (1913), 1324, 2152, 3706. 136. J. Robinson. The photoelectric properties of thin films of platinum. I. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 25 (1913), 115; J. Inst. Metals, 9 (1913), 233; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 681; C. A. 7 (1913), 931. 137. K. T. Compton and O. W. Richardson. The photo- electric effect. II. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 26 (1913), 549: J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 918; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1644; C. A. 8 (1914), 9. 138. C. Stuhlmann and K. T. Compton. The photoelectric properties and contact resistances of thin cathode films. (Platinum films.) Pt. Phys. Rev. 2 (1913), 327; C. A. 8 (1914), 454. 139. J. Donau. Uol>er eine neuartige, durch die Wasser- stoffllamme hervorgerufene Lumineszenz an Erdalkali-, beson- ders Calciumpraparaten, welche Wismuth oder Mangan ent- halten, sowie liber den Nachweis von Spuren der letzeren. (Influence of PtCl 4 and PdCl 2 .) Pt, Pd. Sitzb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 122, Abt. lib (1913), 335; Monatsh. 34 (1913), 949; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 1231; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 743; C. A. 7 (1913), 3445. 140. E. Symons. Messimgen nach I. -A. am Bogcnspek- trum von Platin. Pt. Z. wiss. Phot. 12 (1913), 277; .1. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 648; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 574; C. A. 8 (1914), 618. 400 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 141. J. Herweg. (The spectrum of Rontgen rays. II. The spectrograph of Rontgen rays; the lines of platinum and tungsten.) Pt. Ber. physik. Ges. 16, 73; C. A. 8 (1914), 1539. 1913: 142. E. Hupka. Ueber den Durchgang von Rontgen- strahlen durch Metalle. Pt. Physik. Z. 14 (1913), 623; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1019; C. A. 7 (1913), 3569. 1913: 143. J. G. v. Jungenfeld. Ueber den Durchgang der j8-Strahlen durch Materie. Ir, Rh. Physik. Z. 14 (1913), 507; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 654; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 409; C. A. 7 (1913), 3270. 1913: 144. R. T. Beatty. The energy of Rontgen rays. Pt, Rh. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 89 A (1913), 314; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2022; C. A. 8 (1914), 464. 1913: 145. O. M. Corbino. Ricerche termo-calorimetriche sul platino a temperatura elevata. Pt. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 22, i (1913), 684; Nuovo cimento, 5 (1913), 313; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 342; C. A. 7 (1913), 3901. 1913: 146. O. M. Corbino. Thermo-kalorimetrische Untersueh- ungen an Platin bei hohen Temperaturen. Pt. Physik. Z. 14 (1913), 915; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1655. 1913: 147. J. Dewar. Atomic specific heats between the boiling points of liquid nitrogen and hydrogen. I. Mean atomic specific heats of elements as periodic functions of atomic weights. Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 89 A (1913), 158; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 827; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1359; C. A. 8 (1914), 457. 1913: 148. G. Moreau. Sur les couples a flammes. Sur les couples a deux flammes. (Pt x — flame — flame F 2 — Pt 2 .) Pt. Compt. rend. 157 (1913), 922, 1070; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 22; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 104, 329; C. A. 8 (1914), 2300. 1913: 149. K. Honda and T. Sone. Die thermomagnetischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. Os. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. [1], 2 (1913), 25; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1947; C. A. 8 (1914), 618. 1913: 150. F. Horton. The positive ionization produced by platinum and by certain salts when heated. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 88 A (1913), 117; Chem. New^, 107 (1913), 5S; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 272; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 1399; C. A. 7 (1913), 3266. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 401 1913: 151. C. Sheard and D. A. Woodbury. Temperature and surface conditions which affect the positive ionization from heated platinum. Pt. Physik. Rev. 2 (1913), 288; C. A. 8 (1914), 454. 1913: 152. K. Fredenhagen. Ueber die Elektrononemission des Platins und fiber die Ursache der Wirksamkeit der Oxyd- electroden. Pt. Ber. Kgl. sacks. Ges. Wiss. 65 (1913), 42; J. Chem, Soc. 104, ii (1913), 903; Chem. Zentr. 19i3, ii, 229; C. A. 7 (1913), 3702. 1913: 153. G. Owen and R. Halsall. On the carriers of the negative thermionic current in a vacuum. (Free electrons and not heavy ions.) Pd, Pt, Ir. Phil. Mag. [6], 25 (1913), 735; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 463; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 211; C. A. 7 (1913), 3068. 1913: 154. S. Tanatar and E. Bourkser. (Separation of cor- puscles in chemical reactions.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 45 (1913), 1; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 14 (1913), 801; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 273; C. A. 7 (1913), 1830. 1913: 155. H. L. Cooke and O. W. Richardson. The absorption of heat produced by the emission of ions from hot bodies. (Osmium wire and platinum.) Os, Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 257(1913), 624; 26 (1913), 472; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 121, 1543; C. A. 7 (1913), 2350. 1913: 156. L. Hackspill and W. Broniewski. Sur les proprietes electriques des metaux alcalins, du rhodium et de Tiridium. Rh, Ir. Ann. chim. phys. [8], 29 (1913), 455; J. Inst. Metals, 10 (1913), 420; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 749; C. A. 7 (1913), 3442. 1913: 157. F. Rother. Der Elektrizitatsubergang bei sehr kleinen Kontaktabstanden und die Elektronenatmospharen der Metalle. Ir. Berg. Kgl. sachs. Ges. Wiss. 65 (1913), 214; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 602; C. A. 8 (1914), 2523. 1913: 158. R. Seeliger. Ueber elektrische Doppelschichten auf Metalloberflachen im Vakuum. Pt. Physik. Z. 14 (1913), 1237; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 98. 1913: 159. E. Taege. Der Einfluss von Gas und Elektroden- material bei Imrzen Metallfunkenstrecken. Pt. Physik. Z. 14 (1913), 1041; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 1013; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 2021; C. A. 8 (1914), 612. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 26 402 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: 160. M. Werner. Ueber die E igensch af ts ii nde r it ngen bei den polymorphen Umwandkmgen des Thalliums, Zinns, Zinks und Nickels. (Die thermo elektrischen Kurven des Zink- Platin. . . . Thermoelements.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 83 (1913), 275; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 1057; C. A. 8 (1914), 1082. 1913: 161. E. Marsdex and H. Richardson. The retardation of a particles by metals. * Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 25 (1913;, 184; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 91; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 878; C. A. 7 (1913), 934. 1913: 162. Costanzo. Sur rocclusion des produits du radium. (Action on palladium.) Pd. Compt. rend. 156 (1913), 126; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 174; Chem. Zentr. 1913, i, 999; €. A. 7 (1913), 1440. 1913: 163. F. Zimmermann. Alloy of platinum with osmium. (U. S. patent 1055199, Mar. 4, 1913: reissue 13961, Aug. 10, 1915.) Pt, Os Met. Chem. Eng. 11 (1913), 388; Z. angew. Chem. 27, Ii (1914), 93; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 51; Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 24 (1914), 391; Chem. Eng. 18 (1913), 99; Eng. Mining J. 95 (1913), 759; Mining Sci. Press, 107 (1913), 533; Chem. News, 110 (1914), 62; J. Inst. Metals, 10 (1913), 407; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 526; C. A. 7 (1913), 1347, 3954; 8 (1914), 2332; 9 (1915), 2637. 1913: 164. F. Heinrich. Ueber die Legierimgen des Palladiums mit Nickel. Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 83. (1913), 322; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 186; J. Inst. Metals, 11 (1914), 307; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 1063; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 618; C. A. 8 (1914), 1083. 1913: 165. R. J. Wysor. Life of platinum crucibles lengthened by substitution of Meker burner for blast lamp in carbon deter- minations. Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 5 (1913), 705; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1353; C. A. 7 (1913), 3286. 1913: 166. — Schmelzgefassm aterialien, Schutzdecken und Schutzatmospharen fur die metallographische Laboratoriums- praxis. Pt. Intern. Z. Metall. 4 (1913), 327. 1913: 167. G. K. Burgess. A micropyrometer. Pt. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 3 (1913), 7; Z. Instrumentenk. 33 (1913), 101. 1913: 168. A. R. Meyer. Die moderiie Metalldrahtlampe und ihre Vorgeschichte. (History of incandescent lamp fila- ments.) „ Pt, lr ; Os. Dingl. polyt. J. 328 (1913), 305; C. A. 7 (1913), 3924. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 403 1913: 168a. M. J. Anderson. A new method of sealing electrical conductors through glass. (Essentially annealing.) Pt. Brit. Assoc. Rept. 1913, 405; J. Soc. Glass Tech, (abstr.), 2 (1918), 17. 1913: 169. J. Canello. Ductile tungsten, molybdenum, and os- mium. (British patent 5150, Feb. 28, 1913.) Os. C. A. 8 (1914), 2654. 1913: 170. — Hilfsapparat fur Platingluhlampen. (German patent 274132, Oct. 17, 1913.) Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 378 1913: 171. M. Kauffmann. (A new obesity drug: colloidal palla- dium hydroxydul.) (“ Leptynol.”) Pd. Miinch. med. Wochsch. 60 (1913), 525; C. A. 7 (1913), 2064 1913: 172. M. Kauffmann. (Further experiments with colloidal palladous hydroxide.) (“ Leptynol.”) Pd. Miinch. med. Wochsch. 60 (1913), 1260; C. A. 7 (1913), 2795. 1913: 173. W. Gorn. (Experiments with colloidal palladous hy- droxide, “Leptynol.”) Pd. Miinch. med. Wochsch. 60 (1913), 1935; C. A. 7 (1913), 4013. 1913: 174. C. Paal and C. Amberger. Preparing medicinal mix- tures containing colloidal compounds of metals of the platinum group. (U. S. patent 1077854, Nov. 4, 1913.) C. A. 8 (1914), 208. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Gs, Ru. 1913: 175. C. Paal and C. Amberger. Making medicinal prepa- ration containing a colloidal soap of a metal of the platinum group. (U. S. patent 1077891, Nov. 4, 1913.) C. A. 8 (1914), 209. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1913: 176. C. D. Manzoff. (Removal of spots from platinum, in analysis of leather.) (Fusion with sodium carbonate, bicar- bonate, and borax.) Pt. Ann. chim. anal. 18 (1913), 316: Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 81; J. Chem. Soc. 104, ii (1913), 866; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1340; C. A. 7 (1913), 2854. 1913: 177. Electrodeposition of platinum. Pt. Brass World, 9 (1913), 55; C. A. 7 (1913), 1675. 1913: 178. R. FI. Stevens. Platinum-plated tungsten electrode. (U. S. patent 1077894, Nov. 4, 1913.) Pt. C. A. 8 (1914), 22. 1913: 179. R. H. Stevens. Iridium-plated tungsten electrode. (U. S. patent 1077920, Nov. 4, 1913.) Ir. C. A. 8 (1914), 22. 404 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1913: ISO. C. H. Kerk. Method of forming metal pins entirely coated with platinum. (U. S. patent 1081451, Dec. 16, 1913.) C. A. 8 (1914), 447. Pt, Sub. 1913: 181. W. Willis. Platinotype printing. (British patent 20022, Sept. 4, 1913.) ~ Pt. C. A. 9 (1915), 565. 1913: 182. A. and L. Lumieee and A. Seyewetz. U action com- parative des diverses acides mineraux et organiques dans les virages au platine. Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [4j. 13 (1913), 640; Z. angew. Chem. 26, ii (1913), 507; Brit. J. Phot. 60 (1913), 159; C. A. 7 (1913), 1447. . 1913: 183. Arnold. Ueber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Metallanalyse im Jahre 1912. (Analysis of alloys used to replace platinum wire; criticism of Doring (1913: 184).) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 37 (1913), 1225; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 1773. 1913: 184. T. Doring. (Review in field of metal analysis in 1912.) (Analysis of alloys mentioned in 1913: 183.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 37 (1913), 961, 1018, 1046. 1913: 185. L. Kopa. Flammenreaktionen auf Alkali- und Erdal- kalimetalle. (Use of fine graphite rods to replace platinum wire.) Pt, Sub. Chem. Ztg. 37 (1913), 1506; Z. angevr. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 458; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 188; C. A. 8 (1914), 446. 1913: 186. L. Kopa. Ersatzmaterial fur Platin. (Fine quartz rods.) Pt, Sub. Chem. Ztg. 37 (1913), 754; Z. angew. Chem. 26, ii (1913), 662; J. Chem. Soe. 104, ii (1913), 722; Chem. Zentr. 1913, ii, 558; C. A. 7 (1913), 3556. 1914: 1. J. L. Howe. Chabaneau: an early worker on platinum. Pt. Popular Science Monthly, 84 (1914), 64; Chem. News, 109 (1914), 229. 1914: la. L. De Launay. Traite de metallogenie. (Contains re- view of the distribution of platinum over the world, III, 744, 759.) Pt. 1914: lb. Large platinum nuggets. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 109 (1914), 246; from The Jewelers’ Circular. 1914: 2. H. C. Holtz. Encore les anomalies dans 1’ analyse des minerais de-platine. Pt, X (?) Ann. chim. [9], 2 (1914), 56; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 748; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 934; C. A. 8 (1914), 3280. 1914: 3. D. T. Day. Platinum and allied metals. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Mineral Pwesources U. S. for 1913 (1914), 445; C. A. 9 (1915), 1024. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 405 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 3a. E. B. Kimball. Primitive methods of working the platinum areas of Colombia. Pt. Min. Eng. World, Jan. 17, 1914. 4. L. Duparc. (The black sands of Madagascar and their pretended richness in platinum. Platinum-carrying West- phalian quartzite. Platinum in litharge.) Pt. Arch. sci. phys. nat. 37 (1914), 37; 38 (1914), 401; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 501; C. A. 8 (1914), 1725; 9 (1915), 2497. 5. L. Duparc, R. Sabot, and M. Wunder. (Minerals of the pegmatites of Amb a tof o tsikely , Madagascar.) (No plati- num found.) Pt. Bull. Soc. frang. min. 37 (1914), 19; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 664; C. A. 8 (1914), 1724. 5a. W. Hommel. Platinum in Germany. Pt. Metal und Erz, 1914, June 22; Mining J. 1914, 486. 5b. (Platinum in Westphalia.) (Editorial note on 1914: 5a.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press. 108 (1914), 1001. 6. Platinum deposits. (Westphalia.) Pt. Sci. Amer. 110 (1914), 152. 7. — Platinum in Germany. (Reported discovery in Westphalia.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 34, 186, 1252; from Mining J. 8. Westphalian platinum. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 10, 61, 180, 190, 337; in part from Mining J. 9. P. Kruscii. (Possibilities of platinum in German Paleo- zoic.) Pt. Metall und Erz, 11 (1914), 545; C. A. 9 (1915), 580; Mining Sci. Press, 109 (1914), 879. 10. J. P. Hutchixs. Dredging in the Russian Empire. (Full.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 857. 11. J. P. Hutchins. Russian mining. (Review for 1913.) Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 147. Pt. 11a. A. Knopf. A platinum-gold lode deposit in southern Nevada. (Paper before Geol. Soc. of America, Dec. 29, 1914.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 109 (1914), 990. 12. F. A. Hale, Jr. Platinum ore in southern Novada. Boss mine. I v t. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 641. 406 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 13. Discovery of platinum on Rock Creek, Greg. (Note.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 457. 1914: 13a. The platinum ores of the Boss. Pt. Salt Lake Mining Rev. 1914, Oct. 30. 1914: 13b. Palladium: its characteristics, uses and dis- covery in the Boss mine. Pd. Mining Sci. Press, 109 (1914 ), 990; from Press Bui. 4, Mackay School of Mines, Nev. 1914: 14. H. A. Megraw. Placer gold and its recovery. (Brief reference to platinum, p. 369.) Pt. Eng. Mag. 47 (1914), 359. 1914: 14a. B. Streit. (Recovering platinum and associated metals from ores poor in platinum (by heating with NaN0 3 and MgCl 2 or FeCl 3 to 330°, the vapors acting on platinum and being cheaper than aqua regia).) (German patent 293104, Mar. 26, 1914.) Pt. C. A. 11 (1917), 1821. 1914: 15. R. H. Richards. Placer recovery of platinum. (Solu- tion of platinum and platinum-iridium in sodium amalgam and deposition on oxidation of the sodium.) Pt, Ir. Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 678. 1914: 15a. W. H. Twelvetrees. The Bald Hill (Tasmania) osmiridium field. Os. Ir. Bui. Tasmanian Dept. Mines, Geol. Surv. 17, 1914; Mining J. 1914, Nov. 14. 1914: 15b. E. J. Dunn. Tasmanian osmiridium fields. Os, Tr. Austral. Min. Standard, 1914, 539. 1914: 15c. A. McLeod. Practical instructions in search for and determination of useful minerals, including rare ores. New York, 1914. (Includes platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. 1914: 16. The production of platinum. (Including dis- covery in Nevada.) Pt. Am. J. Sc. [4], 38 (1914), 56S (partly from D. T. Day, 1914: 3). 1914: 17. Platinum production in Russia. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914;, 626; J. Inst. Metals, 11 (1914), 344. 1914: 17a. E. de Hautpick. Russian platinum industry. Pt. Mining J. 1914, Mar. 14. 1914: 18. Export of platinum from Colombia in 1912. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914;, 358. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 407 1914: 18a. Informe sobre la explotacion del platino en el Pt. 1914 1914 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: Choco. Bol. 7, Ministerio de relaciones exteriores, Bogota, 1914. 19. Platinum excitement in Colombia. (Note.) Pt. Ehg. Mining J. 98 (1914), 321. 20. — Platinum output of the United States. (Brief note.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 824. 21. — Metal prices for 1912 and 1918. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 53. 22. Metal market. (Weekly reports of prices.) Eng. Mining J. 97, 98 (1914). Pt, Ir. 23. G. Siebert. Ueber das Platin. (Vortrag, Verein deut- scher Chemiker, Jan. 30, 1914.) Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 27, iii (1914), 152; Chcm. Ztg. Rep. 1914, 184. 24. Platinum. (Editorial review; market and uses.) Eng. Mining % 97 (1914), 73. Pt. Pd, Ir. 25 . R. E. Lyons. Recovering “rusty” gold and platinum, from ores, etc. (LJ. S. patent 1118944, Dec. 1, 1914.) Pt. C. A. 9 (1915), 194. 26. — Working up platinum residues. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 530; from Mining Eng. Rev. Pt. 27. F. W. Clarke, T. E. Thorpe, W. Ostwald, and G. Ur- bain. Report of the International Committee on Atomic Weights, 1915. (Reference to work of Hoizmann on iridium, 1912: 37.) Ir. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36 (1914), 1585; Ber. 48 (1915), 8; J. Chem. Soc. 105 (1914), 2577; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 2; C. A. 8 (1914), 3138. 1914: 28. W. Peters. Ueber Additionen von aliphatischen Ami- nen an Metallsalzen. (To palladium and platinum chlorides, cyanides, and thiocyanates.) Pd, Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 191; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 504; Chem. Zentr, 1915, i, 304; C. A. 9 (1915), 569. 1914: 29. R. L. Datta and T. Ghosh. Indirect formation of double salts. V. Double platinic, cupric, and silver iodides of substituted ammonium bases. (Platinum pyridin salts.) Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36 (1914), 1017; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 917; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 729; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii 144; C. A. 8 (1914), 2131. 408 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 30. A. Gutbier, F. Krauss, and L. yon Muller. Studien liber Platin. (Preparation of hexabromoplatinic acid and salts.) Pt. Sitzb. Phys. med. Soz. Erlangen, 45, 25; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 663; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1162; C. A. 8 (1914), 2856. 1914:31. M. Delepine. Sur les chlorures d' iridium. Ir. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 15 (1914), 231, 267, 438; Compt. rend. 158 (1914), 264; Chem. News, 109 (1914), 143; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 209; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 954; C. A. 8 (1914), 3399. 1914: 32. M. Delepine. Sur le chloro-iridate et le chloro-iridite de lithium. Ir. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 15(1914), 505; Compt. rend. 158 (1914), 1276; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914). 461; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 2149; C. A. (1914), 2538. 1914: 33. A. Gutbier. Ueber Verbindungen von Iridechlorid mit organischen Basen. (Cf. D. Hoyermann, Dissertation, Er- langen, 1911.) Ir. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 340; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 585; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 298; C. A. 9 (1915), 1438. 1914: 34. A. Gutbier and B. Ottenstein. Zur Kenntnis der Hexachloroirideate. (Cf. B. Ottenstein, Dissertation, Er- langen, 1914.) Ir. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 344; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 505; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 299; C. A. 9 (1915), 1438. 1914: 35. A. Gutbier and L. Mehler. Studien liber Hexabromo- osmeate. (Cf. N. Pfanner, Dissertation, Erlangen, 1912; O. Edelhauser, Dissertation, Erlangen, 1914; L. Mehler, Dissertation, Erlangen, 1914.) Os. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 313; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 505; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 295; C. A. 9 (1915), 1439. 1914: 36. A. Gutbier and L. Mehler. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Hexachloroosmeate. Os. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 333; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 505; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 297; C. A. 9 (1915), 1440. 1914: 37. L. Tschugaeff and M. Grigorjew. Ueber Komplex- verbindungen, welche zugleich Platin und Hydrazin enthalten. Pt. Ber. 47 (1914), 2446; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 46 (1914), 632; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 20 (1916), 152; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 354; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1032; C. A. 9 (1914), 274. 1914: 38. M. Delepine. Dedoublement optique des iridotrioxa- lates. (Optical splitting of iridium oxalates.) Ir. Compt. rend. 159 (1914), 239; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 772; Chem. News, 110(1914), 186; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 1048; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 821; C. A. 8 (1914), 3763. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 409 1914: 39. A. Werner. Ueber Spiegelbildisomerie bei Rliodium- verbindungen. (Rhodium oxalates.) Rli. Ber. 47 (1914), 1954; Bill. Soc. cliim. [4], 16 (1914), 966; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 921; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 525; C. A. 8 (1914), 3159. 1914: 40. G. A. Barbieri. Ricerche di chimica sistematica: rute- nio, rodio, palladio. (Compounds with acetylaceton and double molybdates.) Rh, Ru, Pd. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 23, i (1914), 334; Bui. Soe. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 683; Chem. News, 109 (1914), 264; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 375; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1738; C. A. 8 (1914), 2988. 1914: 41. G. A. Barbieri. Palladosalieilati. Pd. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 23, i (1914), 880; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 1070; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1102, C. A. 9 (1915), 298. 1914: 42. A. Rosenheim and II. Schwer. Ueber neunbasische Heteropolysauren. (Constitution of Barbieri’s rhodium mo- lybdates, 1914: 40.) Rh. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 224; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 468; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 353; C. A. 9 (1915), 570. 1914: 43. L. A. Tschugaeff. Sur une methode de preparation des composes complexes du platine bivalent. (With acetoni- tril and ethyl disulphide.) Pt. Compt. rend. 159 (1914), 188; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 46 (1914), 174; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 763; 17 (1915), 326; Chem. News, 110 (1914), 174; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 1054; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 694; C. A. 8 (1914), 3278. 1914: 44. L. A. Tschugaeff and P. Teearu. Ueber Platinvor- bindungen der Isonitrile, welche ein Cvanradikal enthalten. Pt. Ber. 47 (1914), 568, 2643; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 46 (1914), 186; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 763; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 392; 108, i (1915), 388; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1223; C. A. 8 (1914), 2704; 9 (1915), 87. 1914: 45. L. A. Tschugaeff and W. Ciilopin. Ueber die Platin- verbindungen der organischen Sulfide, welche den Salzen der ersten Base von Reiset analog sind. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 86 (1914), 241; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 892; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 479; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1880; C. A. 8(1914), 1934. 1914 : 46 . P. C. Ray. The action of mercuric, cupric, and platinic chlorides on organic sulphur compounds. (Merc apt ans.) Pt. Prcc. Chem. Soc. 30 (1914), 304; Chem. News, 111 (1915), 32; C. A. 9 (1915), 2890. 410 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 47. G. Wolf. Ueber die spezifische elektrische Leitfahigkeib und Dicbte von Palladium Wasserstoff Legierungen. Pd. Z. physik. Chem. 87 (1914), 575; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 809; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 517; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 610; C. A. 8 (1914), 2518. 1914: 48. A. Sieverts. Palladium, Palladiumlegierungen und W asserstoff . (Paper before Versamml. Deutscher N at . Aerzte, Bonn, 1914.) Pd. Z. angew. Chem. 27 (1914), 337. 1914: 49. A. Sieverts. Palladium und Wasserstoff. (Influence of temperature.) Pd. Z. physik. Chem. 88 (1914), 103; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 33; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii(1914), 626; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 756; C. A. 8 (1914), 2971. 1914: 50: A. Sieverts. Palladium und Wasserstoff. II. Die Ab- hangigkeit der Wasserstoffaufnahme durch Palladiumdraht vom Gasdruck bei konst an ter Temperatur. pd. Z. physik. Chem. 88 (1914), 451; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 268; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1385; C. A. 9 (1915), 12. 1914: 51. A. Holt. The rate of solution of hydrogen by palla- dium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 90 A (1914), 226; Chem. News. 109 (1914), 149; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 452; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 755; C. A. S (1914), 2291. 1914: 52. F. Mylius and A. Mazzucchelli. Ueber die Platin- analyse. I. Praparative Reinigimg des Platins. II. Die analytische Erkennung der Platinmetalle. III. Quantitative Analyse unreinen Platin. IV. Beleganalysen und Beispiele. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. , Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 1; Analyst, 40 (1915), 474, J. Inst. Metals, ] 13 (1915), 356; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 491; Mining Sci. Press,’ 110 (1915) 481; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1471; C. A. 9 (1915), 419. 1914: 53. E. Langstein and P. H. Prausnitz. Ueber den Nach- weis des Platins mit Zinnchlorur. (Not distinguishable from humus substances.) Pt 1 Chem. Ztg. 38 (1914), 802; Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 697; J. Chem.) Soc. 106. ii (1914), 680; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 547; C-. A. 8 (1914), 3401. 1 1914: 54. C. O. Bannister and G. Patchin. Detection of plati- num metals in cupellation beads. (Paper before Inst. Min- ing and Metallurgy.) Pt. 1 Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 1007; J. Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa, 14 (1914), 478; Mining Sci. Press, 108 (19141, 146; C. A. 8 (1914), 1257, 3404. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 411 ! 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 55. A. M. Smoot. Vorschlage zur Platin-Palladiumbestim- mung. > Ft, Pd. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 62(1914), 578; J. Inst. Metals, 14 (1915), 258; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 586; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 220. 56. C. O. Bannister and E. A. Dl t Yergier. The- deter- mination of iridium in platinum-iridium alk> 3 r s. Ft, Ir. Analyst, 39 (1914), 340; Z. angew. Ohem. 27, iii (1914), 597; Chem. News, 109 (1914), 298; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 748; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 506; C. A. 8 (1914), 3403. 57. M. Schwitter. The assay of crude platinum. (Wid- mann medal in Pratt Institute chemical alumni competition.) Ft, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 1249; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 33 (1914), 751; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 25; C. A. 8 (1914), 2859. 58. F. P. Dewey. Platinum assay. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 109 (1914), 20; C. A. 8 (1914), 2859. 59. A. Hanig. (Platinum.) (Solution with silver in assay head.) Pt. Oesterr. Z. Berg. Hiittenw. 62 (1914), 203; C. A. 8 (1914), 2989. 60. II. A. Jolly. Method of determining gold in by-products containing platinum and iridium. Pt, Ir. J. Chem. Met. Soc. S. Africa, -15 (1914), 51; C. A. 9 (1915), 186. 61. G. A. Burrell and G. G. Oberfell. Determination of hydrogen in gas mixtures by means of colloidal palladium. Pd. ,T. Ind. Eng. Chem. 6 (1914), 992; Analyst, 40 (1915), 68; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 62; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 913; C. A. 9 (1915), 38. 62. L. Brandt. Ueber die Amvendung von Diphenylkarbo- hydrazid als Indikator bei der Eisentitration nach der Bichro- matmethode. (Influence of platinum chloride.) Pt. Z. anal. Chem. 53(1914 , 1; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 71; C. A. 8 (1914), 1071. 63. W. Biltz. Beitrage zur systematischen Yerwandt- schaftslehre. (Valence of platinum and iridium.) Pt, Ir. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 141; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 440; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 248; C. A. 9 (1915), 541. 64. M. Segre. (The effect of osmic acid on bone production.) Os. Policlinico, 21 (1914), Jan. 25; J. Am. Med. Assoc. 62 (1914), 819; C. A. 8 (1914), 2196. 65. M. Thorscm. Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkohol und Osmium auf die bindenden Gruppen der Bakterien. (And on blood corpuscles.) Os. Biochem. Z. 64 (1914), 230; 66 (1914), 486; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 354; C. A. 8 (1914), 3592, 3809. 412 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 66. F. G. Wick. A spectrophotometric study of the absorp- tion, fluorescence, and surface color of magnesium-platinum cyanide. Pt. Physic. Rev. 3 (1914), 382; C. A. 8 (1914), 2302. 1914: 67. F. v. Hauer and J. v. Kowalski. Zur Photometrie der Luminescenzerscheinungen. (Fluorescence of double ruthen- ium and platinum cyanide.) Ku, Pt. Physik. Z. 15 (1914), 322; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 320; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1540; C. A. 8 (1914), 3751. 1914: 68. A. Classen. Verfahren zur Ueberfulirung von Metatlen und Metalllegierungen in feinverteilter Form. (German patent 281305, Mar. 30, 1913.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 230; C. A. 9 (1915), 1980. 1914: 69. 1. Langmuir and G. M. J. Mackay. Vapor pressure of the metals platinum and molybdenum. Pt. Physic. Rev. 4 (1914), 377; C. A. 9 (1915), 263. 1914: 70. A. M. Tyndall and H. G. Hughes. Cathode disinte- gration in a vacuum tube. (With platinum cathode.) Phil. Mag. [6], 27 (1914), 415; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1395; C. A. 8 (1914), 1695. 1914: 71. W. Schlett. Ueber die Aenderung der Dichte und spezifischen Warme bei Met alien. Pt. Ferrum, 11 (1914), 151; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1812; C. A. 8 (1914), 1730. 1914: 72. F. Halla. Bemerkungen zur Sorption von Whisserstoff durch Palladium. (Discussion of work of Andrew and Holt, 1913: 108.) Pd. Z. physik. Chem. 86 (1914), 496; J. Inst. Metals, 11 (1914), 307; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 178; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 954; C. A. 8 (1914), 1369. 1914: 73. D. A. MacInnes. The mechanism of the catalysis of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by colloidal platinum. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36 (1914), 878; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 875; J. Chem.Soc. 106, ii (1914), 555; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 917; C. A. 8 (1914), 2516. 1914: 74. G. Dyer and A. B. Dole. Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. (By B redig’s colloidal platinum.) Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 29 (1914), 55; C. A. 8 (1914), 2127. 1914: 75. H. L. Bassett. The decomposition of lrjnlrogen per- oxide by colloidal platinum. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 29 (1914), 56; C. A. 8 (1914), 2127. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 413 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 76. J. Groh. (Measurement of the protective action of protective colloids). (On colloidal platinum.) Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 88 (1914), 414; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 239; C. A. 9 (1915), 7. 77. C. Paal. Technische Verfahren zur Hartung der Fette mittels Platin und Palladium. (Paper before Ver. deutscher Chemiker, Dec. 14, 1913.) Pt, Pd. Z. angew. Chem. 27, iii (1914), 24. 78. C. Paal. Ueber katalytisclie Wirkungen kolloidaler Metalle der Platingruppe. X. Die Reduktion von Schwer- metalloxyden. Pd. Ber. 47 (1914), 2202; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 50; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 642; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 754; C. A. 8 (1914), 3275. 79. J. S. Salkind. Ueber die Anlagerung von Wasserstoff an 7 -Glycole der Acetylenreihe in Gegenwart von Palladium oder Platin. Pd, Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 45 (1914), 1875, 1896; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1915), 536; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1813; C. A. 8 (1914), 1419. 80. J. S. Salkind- and P. V. Pisciitschikoff. (Velocity of hydrogenation of tetramethylbutindiol in presence of colloidal palladium under different conditions.) Pd. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 46 (1914), 1527; C. A. 9 (1915), 2067. 81. G. Yavon. Transformation du limonene en carvo- menthene. (By platinum black.) Pt. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 15 (1914), 282; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 557. 82. G. Vavon. (Catalytic hydrogenations in the presence of platinum black; conversion of aldehydes and ketones into alcohols.) Pt. Ann. chim. [9], 1 (1914), 144; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 694; C. A. 8 (1914), 2349. 83. G. Vavon. (Velocity of reaction in catalytic hydro- genations in the presence of platinum black; fatigue of catalyst.) Pt. Compt. rend. 158 (1914), 409; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 15 (1914), 287; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 189; C. A. 8 (1914), 1564, 2148. 84. O. Wallach. Zur Kenntnis der Terpene und der ather- ischen Oele. CXVI. Ueber die Reduktion von Carvoxim und von Eucarvoxim mit Palladium wasserstoff. (From R. Klein, Thesis, Gottingen, 1914.) Pd. Ann. 403 (1914), 73; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 485; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 65; C. A. 8 (1914), 1572. 414 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 85. H. Fisher and A. Hahn. (Bromomesoporphyrin and the reduction of blood and bile pigments in the presence of colloidal palladium.) Pd. Z. physiol. Chem. 91 (1914), 174; 0. A. 8 (1914), 3658. 1914: 86. W. Normann and F. Schick. Wirkt Osmiumdioxyd ais Fetthartungskatalysator? (Metal, and not Os0 2 .) Os. Arch. Pharm. 252 (1914), 208; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 10; J. Chem. Soc. 106, i (1914), 926; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 442; C. A. 8 (1914), 3129. 1914: 87. R. Willstatter and E. Sonnenfeld. Ueber das Ver- halten ungesattigter Verbindungen gegen Phosphor und Sauerstoff. II. Mitteilung iiber Oxydationskatalyse. (Influ- ence of colloidal osmium.) Os. Ber. 47 (1914), 2801; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 326; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1386; C. A. 9 (1915), 308. 1914: 88. G. Kail. Messungen im Funkenspektrum der Platin- metalle: Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir und Pt, im aussersten Ultra violett. Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt. Sitzb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 123 Ila (1914), June; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 497; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 302; C. A. 9 (1915), 2481. 1914: 89. I. Malmer. The high-frequency spectra of the elements. Ru, Pd. Phil. Mag. [6], 28 (1914), 787; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 2; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 127; C. A. 9 (1915), 1144. 1914: 90. E. Paulson. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Linienspektrum. Dissertation, Lund, 1914. (Palladium (and other metals?).) Pd. 1914: 91. H. Smith. The spectroscopy of the electric brush dis- charge in weak acids and solutions. (Spectrum of the platinum electrode.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 27 (1914), 801; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1914), 397; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 193; C. A. 8 (1914), 2522. 1914: 92. L. A. Tschugaeff and A. Glebko. Ueber die Absorp- tionsspektrum der Dioximine. (Of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 241; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 391; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 358; C. A. 9 (1915), 1270. 1914: 93. G. Reboul. Sur 1’ action selective des metaux dans l’effet photo- electrique. Pt. Compt. rend. 158 (1914), 477; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1143; C. A. 8 (19J.4), 2303. 1914: 94. F. Stumpf. (The influence of palladium charged with hydrogen on the photoelectric effect.) Pd. Ber. physik. Ges. 16 (1914), 989; C. A. 9 (1915), 1145. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, 415 1914: 95. A. Stuhlmann, Jr. Asymmetric emission of photo- electrons from thin films of platinum. Pt. Physic. Rev. 4 (1914), 195; C. A. 8 (1914), 3748. 1914: 96. G. Jaffe. Zur Theorie der Lichtabsorption in Metallen und Nichtleitern. Pd. Ann. Physik [4], 45 (1914), 1217; Them. Zentr. 1915, i, 188. 1914: 97. H. Rohmann. Die Rontgenspektren einiger Metalle. (Platinum.) Pt. Physik. Z. 15 (1914), 715; 0. A. 8 (1914), 3758. 1914: 98. PI. G. J. Moseley. The high-frequency spectra of the elements. II. (X-ray spectra of platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Phil. Mag. [6], 27 (1914), 703; J. t hem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 32G; them. Zentr. 1914, i, 1869; C. A. 8 (1914), 2307. 1914: 99. H. Seemann. Das Rontgenspektrum des Platins. Pt. Physik. Z. 15 (1914), 794; Am. J. Sc. [4], 38 (1914), 561; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 203; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1144; C. A. 9 (1915), 175. 1914: 100. M. de Broglie. Sul* la speetroscopie des rayons de Rontgen. Pt. Compt. rend. 158 (1914), 177; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 942; C. A. 8 (1914), 1235. 1914: 101. L. G. Davey. The mean depth of formation of X-rays in a platinum target. Pt. Physic. Rev. 4 (1914), 217; C. A. 8 (1914), 3758. 1914: 102. H. Kirschbaum. Intensitat und Absorptionsindex der Rontgenstrahlen yoii Platin und Kohle. Dissertation, Aachen, 1914(f). Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 46 (1914), 85; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 354; C. A. 9 (1915), 1715. 1914: 103. C. G. Barkla. Charakteristische Rontgenstrahlungen. (Wave length of rhodium rays.) Rh. Physik. Z. 15 (1914), 160; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 942; C. A. 8 (1914), 1700. 1914: 104. W. H. Bragg. The intensity of reflection of X-rays by crystals. (Use of rhodium bulb; wave length of rhodium rays.) Rh. Phil. Mag. [6], 27 (1914), 881; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 292; C. A. 8 (1914), 2308. 1914: 105. L. V. King. On the convection of heat from small cyl- inders in a stream of fluid: determination of the convection currents of small platinum wires, with applications to hot-wire anemometry. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 90 A (1914), 563; Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 214 A (1914), 373; C. A. 9 (1915), 1004. 416 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 106. E. P. Adams and A. K. Chapman. The Corbino effect. (Current in plate in magnetic fluid.) Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 28 (1914), 692; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 187; C. A. 9 (1915), 1576. 1914: 107. B. Pogany. Ueber einige Widerstandsmessungen und optische Messungen an dimnen Platinschichten. Pt. Physik. Z. 15 (1914), 688; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 563; C. A. 9 (1915), 2621. 1914: 108. A. Riede. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die galvanische Leitfahigkeit diinner Metallschichten. Disserta- tion, Gottingen, 1914. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 45 (1914), 881 ; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 113; C. A. 9 (1915), 997. 1914: 109. H. E. Reilley. Contact resistances of metals and alloys. (Pressure needed for good contacts.) Pt. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada [3], 8, iii (1914), 125. 1914: 110. A. L. Hughes. The contact difference of potential of distilled metals. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 28 (1914), 337; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1424; C. A. 8 (1914), 3744. 1014: 111. E. Newbery. Overvoltage. Pt. Proc. Chem. Soc. 30 (1914), 235; J. Chem. Soc. 105 (1914), 2419; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 111; C. A. 9 (1915), 176. 1914: 112. O. W. Richardson. The positive ions from hot metals. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 89 A (1914), 507; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 161; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1053; C. A. 8 (1914), 1535. 1914: 113. C. Sheard. The positive ionization from heated platinum. Pt. Phil. Mag. [61,28 (1914), 170; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 702; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1261; C. A. 8 (1914), 3756. 1914: 114. N. Campbell. The ionization of platinum by cathode rays. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 28 (1914), 286; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 701; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 1385; C. A. 8 (1914), 3757. 1914: 115. G. Wietzel. Das thermoelektrische Verhalten der Metalle bei tiefen Temperaturen. Dissertation, Berlin. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 43 (1914), 605; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1242; C. A. 8 (1914), 1694. 1914: 116. R. W h iddin gton . The transmission of cathode rays through matter. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 89 A (1914), 554; Chem. Zentr. 1914, i, 1398; C. A. 8 (1914), 1699. 1914: 1914 : 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914: 1914 : 1914 : 1914 : 1914 1914 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 417 117. E. Weinteaub. Alloy of platinum with 20%-60% of tungsten. (U. S. patent 1096655, May 12, 1914.) Pt. C. A. 8 (1914), 2144. 118. W. C. Heraeus, G. m. b. H. Platin-Osmiumlegierun- gen. (U. S. patent 1055199 of Zimmermann (1913: 163) is preceded by German patent 239704; British patent 29723, 1910; French patent 424030 (1910: 96).) Pt, Os. Z. angew. Chem. 27, ii (1914), 160. 119. W. Guertler. Zur Einheitlichkeit Internation alen Nomenklatur der Legierungen. (Osmiridium und Iridos- mium.) Ir, Os. Intern. Z. Metall. 6 (1914), 23. 120. Arrest for stealing platinum. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 42. 121. Rapid evaporation in platinum crucibles. (Note.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 24. 122. L. H. Adams. Calibration tables for copper-const ant an and platinum-platinrhodium thermoelements. Pt, Rh. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36 (1914), 65; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 94; C. A. 8 (1914), 1377. 123. G. K. Burgess and P. D. Sale. A thermoelectric method for the determination of the purity of platinum ware. Pt. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 4 (1914), 282; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 6 (1914), 452; Analyst, 39 (1914), 381 ; J. Chem. Soc. 106. ii (1914), 585; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 353; C. A. 8 (1914), 2539. 124. Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co. and H. J. Round. Vacuum tubes. (Platinum tube for wireless telegraphy.) (British patent 6476, May 29, 1914.) Pt. C. A. 10 (1916), 2558. 125. Marking inferior jewelry ‘platinum, etc. Pt. Pt, (Bill before the New York legislature.) Eng. Mining J. 97 (1914), 31. 126. “Policeman” for platinum crucibles. Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 216. 127. G. P. Baxter and F. L. Grover. The resistance of platinum vessels to hot nitric acid. Pt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36 (1914), 1089; Z. anorg. Chem. 87 (1914), 353; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 16 (1914), 942; Eng. Mining J. 98 (1914), 789; Analyst, 39 (1914), 382; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 570; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 373, 678; C. A. 8 (1914), 2856. 109733°— 19 — Bull. 694 27 418 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1914: 128. J. C. J. Cunningham. Das System Bleioxyd-Kupfer- oxyd. (Platinum crucibles not attacked by litharge.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 89 (1914), 48; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 458; Chem. Zentr! 1914, ii, 1324; C. A. 9 (1915), 567. 1914: 129. K. A. Hofmann and K. Ritter. Bestiindigkeit und Oxydationspotential der Hypochlorite, Beitrage zur Katalvse- und uber ein Hypochlorit-Kohle-Element. (Stability toward platinum metals as catalyzers.) Pt, Ru, Rh, Ir, Pd, Os. Ber. 47 (1914), 2233; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 612; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 750; C. A. 8 (1914), 3275. 1914: 130. G. Nikolaus. (Platinum plating.) Pt. Elektrochem. Z. 21 (1914), 193; J. Inst. Metals, 14 (1915), 252; C. A. 9 (1915), 890, 2037. 1914: 131. W. Strzoda. Verwendungsfahigkeit von Ersatzmate- rial fiir Platin bei Konzentrationsapparaten fur reine 98-99er Schwefelsaure nach D. R. P. 272158. Pt, Sub. Z. angew. Chem. 27, i (1914), 455; C. A. 8 (1914), 3706. 1914: 132. S. Barth. Bemerkung zu den Ausfuhrungen des Herrn W. Strzoda (1914: 131) iiber “ Verwendungsfahig- keit von Ersatzmaterial fiir Platin bei Konzentrationsappa- raten. ” Pt, Sub. Z. angew. Chem 27, i (1914), 536; C. A. 9 (1915), 514. 1914: 133. D. F. Calhane and T. C. Wheaton. . Fine-meshed brass gauze as a substitute for platinum in electro analysis. Pt, Sub. Met. Chem. Eng. 12 (1914), 87; J. Inst. Metals, 11 (1914), 324; C. A. 8 (1914), 1397. 1914: 134. O. L. Barnebey. A silver-plated copper gauze elec- trode in the zinc determination. (In the place of platinum. Note.) Pt, Sub. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36 (1914), 1144; J. Chem. Soc. 106, ii (1914), 579; Chem. Zentr. 1914, ii, 373; C. A. 8 (1914), 2640. 1914: 135. A substitute for platinum. (Alloy of platinum 45 per cent, gold 15 per cent, silver 25 per cent, copper 15 per cent.) Pt, Sub. Sci. Amer. Suppl. 78 (1914), 125. 1914: 136. E. Skriwan. (Composite wires from metals of different melting points, such as platinum and copper.) (Especially for leading-in wires for incandescent lamps.) (German patent 292376, Mar. 1 , 1914.) Pt,Sub. C. A. 11 (1917), 1795. 1915: 1. The search for platinum. (Editorial.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 110 (1915), 751. 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 419 la. G. S. Scott. The search for platinum. Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 111 (1915), 270. lb. R. S. Botsford. Dredging for platinum in the Kytlim Valley, Russia. (Illustrated paper.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 110 (1915), 327. 2. A. Duparc, A. del Campo y Cerdan, and S. Pina de Rubies. (New investigations on the black sand of Madagascar and the platiniferous minerals of Westphalia.) Pt. Anales ffs. qmm. 13 (1915), 82; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 268. 3. — — — Platinf unde in- Deutschland. Pt. Z. Elektrochem. 21 (1915), 160, 295. 3a. S. Pina de Rubies. (Presence of platinum in Spain.) (Summary.) Pt. Anales fis. quim. 13 (1915), 420; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 106; C. A. 10 (1916), 324, 2568. 3b. P. P. Filipenko. (Spcrrylite from eastern Siberia.) Pt. Bui. Acad. sci. Petrograd, 1915, 1229; C. A. 10 (1916), 2566. 4. Discovery of platinum in black sand in Lincoln County and Jefferson County (Deschutes River), Oregon. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915) 261, 428. 5. A. KnGpf. A gold-platinum-palladium lode in southern Nevada. ■ Pt, Pd. Bui. U. S. Geol. Surv. 620-A (1915), 1; 0. A. 9 (1915), 1591; Mining Sci. Press, 110 (1915), 876. 6. Mining in Nevada in 1914. (Discovery of plati- num in Yellow Pine district; Boss Gold Mining Co.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 111. 6a. S. W. Mudd. The Boss mine, Good Springs, Nevada. Mining Sci. Press, 110 (1915), 297. Pt, Pd. 7. L. O. Kellogg. The war and our metals. (Reference to platinum and its discovery in Nevada, p. 26.) Pt. Eng. Mag. 49 (1915), 18. 8. Platinum in Oro Mingo mine (Platina), Clark County, Nevada, and Boss mine. (Picture of Boss mine, p. 784.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 388, 796. 9. J. C. Kennedy. Occurrence of platinum at Boss mine, Nevada. Pt. Mining Eng. World, 42 (1915), 939; C. A. 9 (1915), 1889. 10. Platinum in California. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 1045. 420 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1915: 11. Platinum in black sand in Del Norte County, California. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 1137. 1915: 12. F. Michel. Platin in Bleiglatte. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 39 (1915), 6; J. Inst. Metals, 13 (1915), 354; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 337; C. A. 9 (1915), 1286. 1915: 13. J. Loevy. Edelmetalle in Bleiglatte. (Colloidal plati- num not in rocks.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 39 (1915), 287; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1252; C. A. 9 (1915), 1881. 1915: 14. A. del Campo y Cerdan and S. Pina de Rubies. (Le platine dans la chromite platinifere de l’Oural.) Pt. Anales ffs. qufm. 13 (1915), 155; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 495; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 353; C. A. 9 (1915), 2750. 1915: 15. O. Nagel. (Geochemical metal adsorption.) Pt. Z. Chem. Inch Kolloide, 16 (1915), 19; C. A. 9 (1915), 1591. 1915: 15a. G. A. Roush. Production, etc., of platinum. Pt. Mineral Industry, 24 (1915), 572; C. A. 11 (1917), 136. 1915: 16. Exports of platinum from Colombia in 1913. Pt. Eng. Mining J. ‘99 (1915), 126; from Bui. Pan Amer. Union. 1915: 17. J. M. IIill. The production of platinum and allied metals in 1914. Pt. Min, Resources of U. S. 1914, I (1915), 333; C. A. 10 (1916), 1156. 1915: 18. Metal prices in 1913 and 1914. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 49. 1915: 18a. Metal prices. Pt, Ir. Mining Sci. Press, weekly reports. 1915: 19. Markets of the minor metals in 1914. Pt, Ir. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 77. 1915: 20. The platinum market. (Editorial.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 670. 1915: 21. Metal market. (Weekly reports of prices.) Eng. Mining J. 99, 100 (1915). Pt, Ir. 1915: 22. I. Langmuir. Chemical reactions at low pressures. (Oxidation of platinum in evacuated bulb, and catalytic influence of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 37 (1915), 1139; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 518; C. A. 9 (1915), 1562. 1915: 22a. E. F. Smith. University of Pennsylvania atomic weights. Monograph, 1915. (Palladium, p. 12.) Pd. C. A. 10 (1916), 2422. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 421 1-915: 23. R. E. Lyons. Recovering platinum from black sand. (U. S. patent 1126646, Jan. 26, 1915.) Pt. C. A. 9 (1915), 592. 1915: 24. L. A. Tschugaeff and E. Fritzman. (Complex com- pounds of platinum with telluric ethers.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1914), 588; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 644; C. A. 9 (1915), 2491. 1915: 24a. L. Mond. Ruthenium dicarbonyl. Ru. Report Brit. Assoc. 1915, 393; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 443. 1935: 25. E. V. Zappi. (Preparation of chloroplatinic acid and of the chlorides of gold and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Anales Soc. qulm. Argentina, 3 (1915), 68; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 835; C. A. 10 (1916), 1307. 1915: 26. E. V. Zappi. (Preparation of potassium chloroplat- inate.) Pt. Anales Soc. qiiim. Argentina, 3 (1915), 186; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915) 836; C. A. 10 (1916), 1307. 1915: 27. A. Gutbier and F. Krauss. Chlorosalze des Ruthe- niums. Ru. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 91 (1915), 103; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 120; Chem, Zentr. 1915, i, 474; C. A. 9 (1915), 2196. 1915: 28. L. A. Tschugaeff. (A new method of preparing chloro- and bromo-triammino-platinous haloids.) (Cleve’s salts.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 201; J. Chem. Soc. 107 (1915), 1247; 108, ii (1915), 784; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1176; C. A. 9 (1915), 3181; 10 (1916), 3039. 1915: 29. L. A. Tschugaeff. (New reaction for Peyrone’s salt.) J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 213; C. A. 10 (1916), 3039. Pt. 1915: 30. L. A. Tschugaeff and W. Chlopin. (Complex plati- num compounds.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 777. 1915: 31. L. A. Tschugaeff and W. Chlopin. Sur la serie des sels hydro xo-pentamino-platiniques. Pt. Compt. rend. 161 (1915), 699; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 106; Chem. Zentr. 1916, i, 408; C. A. 10 (1916), 726. 1915: 32. L. A. Tschugaeff and S. S. Kiltuinovicii. (Elec- trical conductivity of the ammoniacal compounds of plati- nonitrites.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 757; C. A. 10 (1916), 3040. 1915: 33. L. A. Tschugaeff and N. Wladlmiroff. (Ammoniacal compounds of platinonitrites.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 757. 422 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1915: 34. L. A. Tschugaeff and W. Lebedinski. Sur deux series de complexes derives du platine bivalent et corre- spondant a l’indice de coordination 6. (With acetonitril and ammonia.) Pt. Compt. rend. 161 (1915), 563; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (191 5 , 776; Bui. Soc. chim. [4]. 19 (1916), 126; J. Chem. Soc. 110, i (1916 , 21; Chem. Zentr. 1916. i, 360; C. A. 10 (1916), 432. 1915: 35. L. A. Tschugaeff and M. Skaxaeff-Gregorieff. (New series of complex platinum compounds.) Ft. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 776. 1915: 36. L. A. Tschugaeff and I. Tscherxaeff. Sur les com- plexes hydro xyl-ammonies du platine bivalent. Pt. Compt. rend. 161 (1915), 637; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 47 (1915), 201; Chem. Zentr. 1916. i, 407. 1915: 37. L. A. Tschugaeff and I. Tscherxaeff. Sur la serie de triamino-aquo-sels du platine bivalent. Pt. Compt. rend. 161 (1915), 792; J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 27 (1915), 1806; J. Chem. Soc. 110. ii (1916), 106; C. A. 10 (1916), 571. 1915: 38. L. A. Tschugaeff and X. Wladimiroff. Une serie nouvelle de composes du platine tetravalent. (Pentamino- chloroplatinique.) Pt. Compt. rend. 160 (1915), 840; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 19 (1916), 40; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 569; Chem. Zentr. 1915. ii, 781; C. A. 9 (1915), 3181. 1915: 39. B. Beckmax. L>ber den Einfluss von Druck und Tem- peratur auf die elektrische Leitfiihigkeit des Palladiums bei Wasserstoffokklusion. Pd. Ann. Physik [4], 46 (1915), 4S1; J. Inst. Metals, 14 (1915), 224; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 780; C. A. 9 (1915), 2026. 1915: 40. A. Sieverts, E. Jurisch, and A. Metz. Die Loslichkeit des Wasserstoffs in den festen Legierungen des Palladiums mit Gold, Silber und Platin. Pd. Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 92 (1915), 329; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 244; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 583; C. A. 9 (1915), 3006. 1915: 41. (Work of the Physikalisch-Technisch Reichs- anstalt in 1913.) Includes the following: Hexxixg on resistance of some grades of platinum wires at low temperatures. Hoffmann and A. Schulze on electrical and optical tem- perature measurements. Mylius and Mazzuchelli on the analytical separation of the platinum metals. Groschl^ff on platinum substitutes. (For laboratory utensils, Ta, W, nichrome, Au, Ag.) Huttxer and Mylius on colorimetric determination of metals. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru, Sub. Z. Elektrochem. 21 (1915), 2S6; C. A. 9 (1915), 3148. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 423 1915: 41a. (Work of the Physikalisch-Technisch Reichs- anstalt in 1914.) Gehrcke and Janicki. Measurement of ejfi. (Dusting of platinum.) Pt. Henning. Comparison of platinum and helium thermome- ters below — 190°. Pt. H. Schultze. Measurements with platinum thermome- ters at Leiden and Teddington. Pt. Holburn and Scheel. Comparison of mercury with platinum thermometers between 0° and 100°. Pt. Hoffmann and Meisner. Comparison of mercury with platinum thermometers between 100° and 300°. Pt. Hoffmann and A. Schulze. Electrical and optical tem- perature measurements. Pt, Rh. Mylius. Preparation of pure metals. Pt, Ir, Rh, Ru, Os. Groschuff and Lenz. Platinum substitutes. Pt (25%) Ag alloy for melting in glass for lamps, p. 511. Pt, Sub. Z. Elektrochem. 21 (1915), 501; C. A. 10 (1916), 546. 1915: 42. P. E. Browning. A note on the qualitative detection and separation of platinum, arsenic, gold, selenium, tellurium, and molybdenum. Pt. Am. J. Sc. [4], 40 (1915), 349; Chem. News, 112 (1915), 325; Analyst, 41 (1916), 84; ,T. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 801; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1263; C. A. 9 (1915), 3041. 1915: 43. L. Brandt. Die Abscheidung des Platins aus Erzauf- schliissen fur die massanalytische Eisenbestimmung. Pt. Chem. Ztg. 39 (1915), 553; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 702; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 491; C. A. 9 (1915), 2854. 1915: 44. K. Hradecky. Notiz liber die Loslichkeit des Palla- diums in Selensaure und liber Palladoselenate. Pd. Monatsh. 36 (1915), 289; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 472; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 69; C. A. 9 (1915), 3183. 1915: 45. R. B. Sosman and J. C. Hostetter. The reduction of iron oxides by platinum, with a note on the magnetic suscepti- bility of iron-bearing platinum. Pt. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 5 (1915), 293; J. Iron Steel Inst, 91, i (1915), 623; Chem. News, 111 (1915), 293; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 471; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 67; C. A. 9 (1915), 1580. 1915: 46. A. M. Smoot. Determination of platinum, palladium, and gold. Pt, Pd. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 700; C. A. 9 (1915), 1441. 1915: 47. A. M. Smoot. Determination of silver in ores and con- centrates containing platinum and palladium. Pt, Pd. Eng. Mining J. 99 (1915), 701; C. A. 9 (1915), 1442. 424 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1915: 48. I. Koifman. Ueber die Analyse einiger Platine des Urals und iiber die analytische Methode zur Trennung der Metalle des Minerals der Platingruben. Pt, Pd, Ir, Eh, Os, Ru . Arch. sci. phys. nat. [4], 40 (1915), 22; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 693; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 980; C. A. 9 (1915), 2629. 1915: 49. I. Koifman. (Silver-platinum alloys and their analysis.) ~ Pt. Arch. sci. phys. nat. [4], 40 (1915), 509; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1910), 144; Chem. Zentr. 1916, i, 408; C. A. 10 (1916), 1026. 1915: 50. F. A. Crampton. Platinum assaying at the Boss mine. Mining Sci. Press, 111 (1915), 231; C. A. 9 (1915), 3042. Pt. 1915: 50a. T. T. Read. Platinum assaying at the Boss mine. (Favorable criticism of Crampton, 1915: 50). Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 111 (1915), 269. 1915: 51. A. C. Christensen. Ueber Trennung von Gold und Platin von anderen Met alien. (By hydrazin.) Pt. Z. anal. Chem. 54 (1915), 158; Archiv Pharm. Chem. 22 (1915), 869; Analyst, 40 (1915), 293; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 287; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 856; C. A. 9 (1915), 1441; 10 (1916), 869. 1915: 52. A. Gutbier and C. Fellner. Ueber die Trennung von Palladium und Zinn mittels Dimethylglyoxims. Pd. Z. anal. Chem. 54 (1915), 205; Analyst, 40 (1915), 334; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 493; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1228; C. A. 9 (1915), 1727. 1915: 53. A. Gutbier, C. Fellner und R. Emslander. Zur Trennung von Palladium und Zinn durch elektrolytische Abscheidung des Palladiums. Pd. Z. anal. Chem. 54 (1915), 208; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1229; Analyst, 40 (1915), 334; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 492; C. A. 9 (1915), 1726. 1915: 54. G. Bruhat. The rotatory dispersion of potassium irido-oxalate. Ir. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 17 (1915), 223; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 658; C. A. 9 (1915), 3220. 1915: 55. S. Valentiner and J. Wallot. Ueber die A#rhangig- keit des Ausdehnungskoeffizienten fester Korper von der Temperatur. Pt, Ir, Rh. Ann. Physik [4], 46 (1915), 837; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1049; C. A. 9 (1915), 2024. 1915: 56. K. R. Koch and C. Dannecker. Die Elastizi tat einiger Metalle und Legierungen bis zu Temperaturen, die ihrcm Schmelzpunkt nahe liegen. Pd, Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 47 (1915), 197. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 425 1915: 57. Sainte-Claire Deyille, H. Le Chatelier, and others. Fusion du platine et dissociation. Paris, A. Colin. Pt. C. A. 9 (1915), 1874, 2836. 1915: 58. A. Holt. The diffusion of hydrogen through palladium. Pd. Proc. Roy. Soc. 91 A (1915), 148; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 321; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 88; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 875; 0. A. 9 (1915), 877. 1915: 59. C. Paal and A. Schwarz. Ueber die Adsorption des Acetylens durch kolloidales Plat in, Iridium, und Osmium und durch Platinschwarz. Pt, Ir, Os. Ber. 48 (1915), 1195; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 20 (1916), 230; J. Chem. Soc. 108, i (1915), 765; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 389; C. A. 9 (1915), 2615. 1915: 60. J. Eggert. Zur Aktivierung von H 2 und 0 2 durch Platin. Pt. Z. Elektrochem. 21 (1915), 349; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 686; C. A. 9 (1915), 3014. 1915: 61. C. Beindl. Manufacture of cyanogen. (Passing am- monia and acetylene over metals.) (U. S. patent 1144457, June 29, 1915.) Ir, Pd, Rh. C. A. 9 (1915), 2296. 1915: 61a. Badisciie Anilin und Soda Fabrik. Catalytic agents for production of nitrogen oxides. (British patents 13297, 13298, May 21, 1915.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. C. A. 11 (1917), 528. (Cf. also British patents 1914, 13848, and 1915, 7651; C. A. 9 (1915), 3338; 10 (1916), 2971). 1915: 62. C. Amberger. Organosole von Metallen und Metall- hydroxyden der Platingruppe. III. Os. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 17 (1915), 47; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 41; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1177; C. A. 9 (1915), 3159. 1915: 62a. J. C. Ghosh. A new method of preparing colloids. (Electrolysis of solution by platinum electrodes.) Pt. Rept. Indian Assoc. Sci. 1915, 87; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 563. 1915: 63. J. Donau. Ueber die Bildung kolloider Losungen mittels Flammen oder elektrischer Entladungsfunken. Pt. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 16 (1915), 81; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 19; C. A. 9 (1915), 2170. 1915: 64. A. Skita. Ueber die katalytisehe Reduktion von Alde- hyden und Ketonen. Herrn W. Ipatieff zur Antwort (Ber. 45 (1912), 3218). Pt, Pd. Ber. 48 (1915), 1486; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 879; C. A. 9 (1915), 3249. 426 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1915: 65. A. Skita. Ueber die Reduktion yon aromatischen Al- koholen, Aldehyden und Ketonen. Katalytische Hydrier- ungen ungesattigter Stoffe. X. Pt, Pd. Ber. 48 (1915), 1685; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1101. 1915: 66. C. Paal and H. Buttner. Ueber katalytische Wirk- ungen kolloidaler Metalle der Platingruppe. XI. Die Re- duktion der Motybdansaure. Pd. Ber. 48 (1915), 220; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 728; C. A. 9 (1915), 1883. 1915: 67. C. Paal and C. Hohenegger. Ueber katalytische Wirkungen kolloidaler Metalle der Platingruppe. XII. Die stufenweise Reduktion des Acetylens. Pd. Ber. 48 (1915), 275; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 728; C. A. 9 (1915), 1184. 1915: 68. C. Paal and A. Schwarz. Ueber katalytische Wirk- ungen kolloidaler Metalle der Platingruppe. XIII. Die Hydrogenisation des Aethylens mit kolloidalem Platin. XIV. Die stufenweise Hydrogenisation des Acetylens mit kolloidalem Platin. Pt. Ber. 48 (1915), 994, 1202; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 20 (1916), 231; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 638; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 263, 390; C. A. 9 (1915), 2380, 2650. 1915 : 69. F. Kruger and E. Taege. Ueber den Einfluss von Kata- lysatorgiften auf die lichtelektrische Empfindlichkeit des Platins. Pt. Z. Elektrochem. 21 (1915), 562; Chem. Zentr. 1916, i, 406; C. A. 10 (1916), 720. 1915: 70. K. A. Hofmann and O. Schneider. Aktivierung von Chloratlosungen durch Osmium. III. Trennung von Was- serstoff und Methan, Katalyse von Knallgasgemischen. Os, Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Ru. Ber. 48 (1915), 1585; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1088; C. A. 10 (1916), 303. 1915: 71. E. Paulson. Gesetzmassigkeiten im Platinspektrum. Pt. Ann. Physik[4], 46 (1915), 698; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 197; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1054; C. A. 9 (1915), 2030. 1915: 72. E. Paulson. On the spectrum of palladium. Pd. Phil. Mag. [6], 29 (1915), 154;- J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 34; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 355; C. A. 9 (1915), 881. 1915: 73. E. Paulson. Die Wcllenzahlensysteme des Ruthe- niums. Ru. Physik. Z. 16 (1915), 81; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 197; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 827; C. A. 9 (1915), 2029. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 427 1915: 74. E. Paulson. Zur Kenntnis der Spektren von Ruthe- nium, Niobium, und Thulium. Ru. Physik. Z. 16 (1915), 352; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 811; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1177; C. A. 10 (1916), 850. 1915: 75. O. W. Richardson and F. J. Rogers. The photoelec- tric effect. III. Ft. Phil. Mag. [6], 29 (1915), 618; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1295; C. A. 9 (1915), 1576. 1915: 76. A. Benratii. Photochemischc Reaktionen von Ver- bindungen seltener Elemente. (Action of light on chloro- iridites.) Ir. Z. wiss. Phot. 14 (1915), 217; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 725; C. A. 9 (1915), 1723. 1915: 77. W. Hallwachs. Arbeit von K. G. Kober liber das lichtelektrische Verhalten von in bestem Vakuum gegllihtem Platin. Pt. Physik. Z . 16 (1915), 95. 1915: 78. E. Wagner. Spektraluntersuchungen an Rontgen- strahlen. Pd, Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 46 (1915), 868; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1048; C. A. 9 (1915), 2033. 1915: 79. E. Wagner. Bas Rontgenspektrum des Platins. Be- merkungen zu der gleichnamigen Arbeit von H. Seemann. (1914: 99.) Pt. Physik. Z. 16 (1915), 30; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 600; C. A. 9 (1915), 1718. 1915: 80. H. Seemann. Zur Rontgenspektrographie. Bemer- kung zur vorstehenden Arbeit von E. Wagner. (1915: 79.) Pt. Physik. Z. 16 (1915), 32; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 600; C. A. 9 (1915), 1718. 1915: 81. J. Laub. Ueber die durch Rontgenstrahlen erzeugtcn Strahlen. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 46 (1915), 785; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1048; C. A. 9 (1915), 2033. 1915: 82. J. Laub. (An emission law for homogeneous Rontgen rays.) Pt. Ber. physik. Ges. 17 (1915), 104; C. A. 9 (1915), 2033. 1915: 83. N. Campbell. The ionization of metals by cathode rays. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 29 (1915), 369; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 874; C. A. 9 (1915), 1429. 428 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1915; 84. W. H. Bragg. The relation between certain X-ray wave lengths and their absorption coefficients. Pd, Rh. Phil. Mag. [6], 29 (1915), 407; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 871; C. A. 9 (1915), 1429. 1915: 85. W. Meissner. Thermische und elektrische Leitfahig- keit einiger Metalle zwischen 20° und 373° absolut. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 47 (1915), 1001; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1128. 1915: 86. L. Fabaro. (Specific heat of platinum at high tem- perature.) Pt. N novo cimento [6], 9, i (1915), 123; J. Inst. Metals, 14 (1915), 226; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 672; C. A. 9 (1915), 2346. 1935: 87. A. Magnus. Die spezifische Warme des Platins. C Pt = 0.03159 +0.0000058468t). Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 48 (1915), 983; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 79; Chem. Zentr. 1916, i, 459; C. A. 10 (1916), 1954. 1915: 87a. C. Benedicks. (Electric conductivity of metals and alloys). Ru. Svensk. Kern. Tick 27 (1915), 136, 168; 28 (1916), 26; C. A. 11 (1917), 748. 1915: 88. H. Pelabon. Proprietes des piles thermo- electriques. (Platine-seleniures d’etain.) Pt. Ann. phys. [9], 3 (1915), 97. 3 915: 89. W. Frey. Die Abhangigkeit des Halleffekts in Metallen von der Temperatur. Pt. Ann. Physik [4], 46 (1915), 1057, 1094; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 1356. 1915: 90. F. Streintz and A. Wesely. Schwingungen von elek- trisch gliihenden Platinfaden. Pt. Physik. Z. 16 (1915), 85. 1915: 91. W. M. Jones. Frictional electricity on insulators and metals. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 29 (1915), 261; Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 821; C. A. 9 (1915), 2482. 3915: 92. G. K. Burgess and R. G. Waltenberg. The emis- sivity of metals and oxides. II. Measurements with the micropyrometer. Pt. Bui. Bur. Standards, 11 (1915), 591. 1915: 93. P. D. Foote. The emissivity of metals and oxides. III. The total emissivity of platinum and the relation between total emissivity and resistivity. Pt. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 5 (1915), 1; Bui. Bur. Standards, 11 (1915), 607; Sci. Paper Bur. Standards, 243 (1915); Chem. Zentr. 1915, i, 354; C. A. 9 (1915), 40 4, 2348. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 429 1915: 94. • F. Horton. The effects of different gases on the elec- tron emission from glowing solids. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 91 A (1915), 322; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 61; C. A. 9 (1915), 2028. 1915: 95. O. W. Richardson. The influence of gases on the emission of electrons and ions from hot metals. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 91 A (1915), 524; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 1094. 1915: 95a. P. R. Heyl. Alloy for electric contact points. (Silver with 40 to 80 per cent palladium.) (U. S. patent 1166129, Dec. 28, 1915.) Pd, Sub. C. A. 10 (1916), 588. 1915: 96. G. K. Burgess and P. D. Sale. A study of the quality of platinum ware. Pt. Sci. Paper Bur. Standards, 254 (1915), J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 5 (1915), 378; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 7 (1915), 561; J. Chem. Soc. 108, ii (1915), 586; Chem. Zentr. 1915, ii, 314, 633; C. A. 9 (1915), 2609. 1915: 97. A test for platinum ware. (Note. Cf. 1914: 123.) Pt. Sci. Amer. 113 (1915), 267. 1915: 98. F. Hoffmann and W. Meissner. (Comparison of mer- cury thermometers with platinum thermometers.) Pt. Z. Instrumentenk. 35 (1915), 41; C. A. 9 (1915), 2331, 1915: 99. W. G. Grant. Platinum baskets for use in combustion furnaces. Pt. Chem. Analyst, 14 (1915), 24: C. A. 9 (1915), 2611. 1915: 100. C. J. Van Ledden Hulsebosch. (Das Justieren von alten Platinmilligrammgewichten. (Mit AuC1 3 .) Pt. Pharm. Weekblad, 52 (1915), 1679; Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 468; Chem. Zentr. 1916, i, 450; C. A. 10 (1916), 1803. 1915: 101. C. H. Weber. Die elektrischen Metallfadengluhlampen insbesondere aus Osmium, Tantal, Zirkon und Wolfram. Ihre Plerstellung, Berechnung und Priifung. Leipzig, M. Janecke. Os. C. A. 9 (1915), 1009. 1915: 102. B. E. Eldred. Making platinum- tipped nickel contact points. (U. S. patent 1130196, Mar. 2, 1915.) Pt. C. A. 9 (1915), 1027. 1915: 102a. W. D. Coolidge. Gold and platinum coated tung- sten dental pins. (U. S. patent 1162342, Nov. 30, 1915.) C. A. 10 (1916), 169. Pt, Sub. 1915: 102b. General Electric Co. Leading-in wires. (Cobalt- nickel alloy.) (British patent 13207, Sept. 15, 1945.) Sub. C. A. 11 (1917), 424. 430 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1915: 1916: 1916: 1916: 1916: 1916: 1916: 1916: 103. M. Kateridge. Gold and platinum plating. Pt. Metal Ind. 13 (1915), 108; C. A. 9 (1915), 2738. 104. J. Guzman and L. Ulzurrum. (Electroanalyse du cuivre sans les electrodes du platine.) Pt, Sul). Anales fis. quim. 13 (1915), 289; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 18 (1915), 684; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 114. 105. J. Guzman and J. Aleman y. (Electroanalyse de F argent sans electrodes de platine.) Pt, Sub. Anales fis. quim. 13 (1915), 343; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 20 (1915), 282. 106. S. W. Parr. An acid-resisting alloy to replace platinum in the construction of a bomb calorimeter. Pt, Sub. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 37 (1915), 2515; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 20 (1916), 2S3; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 38; Chem. Zentr. 1916, i, 360; C. A. 9 (1915), 3205. 106a. G. €. Trabacchi. (Electrolytic interrupter for alter- nating current.) (Replacement of platinum point by alu- minum.) Sub. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 24, ii (1915), 126; C. A. 11 (1917), 3179. 107. Ersatz des Platins. (Work of Physikalisch- Technisch Reichsanstalt. Cf. 1915: 41.) Pt, Sub. Z. Elektrochem. 21 (1915), 160, 293. 1. D. de Qrueta and S. Pina de Rubies. Sur la presence du platine en Espagne. Pt. Compt. rend. 162 (1916), 45; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 144; C. A. 10 (1916), 2084. 2. L. Duparc and A. Grossett. Etude comparee des gites platiniferes de la Sierra de Ronda (Espagne) et de l’Oural. Mem. Soc. phys. et hist. nat. Geneve, 38, fasc. 5 (1916), 253. Pt. 3. L. Duparc. Le platine et les gites platiniferes de 1’Oural. Mem. Soc. ing. civils franf. Bui. Jan.-Mar. 1916. Pt. 4. Platinum in Spain. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 141; from Madrid cientifico, Nov. 15, 1915. 5. Discovery of platinum in Monroe Township, in northern Ontario. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 161. 6. Porcupine and Kirkland Lake news. (Platinum in Canada.) Pt. Min. Sci. Press, 112 (1916), 139. 7. Platinum from Tulameen River, British Columbia. Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 1040. Pt. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 431 1916: 8, T. W. Gruetter. Platinum on the Pacific coast. Pt. Min. Sci. Press, 113 (1916), 20. 1916: 9. Platinum in Compton mines, Grant County, Oregon. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 1135. 1916: 10. S. Pina de Rubies. (The presence of nickel in native platinum.) Pt. Arch. sci. phys. nat. 41 (1916), 475; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 442; C. A. 10 (1916), 2566. 1916: 11. G. F. Kunz. Platinum. (A review.) Pt. Mineral Industry, 25 (1916), 586; C. A. 11 (1917), 2874. 1916: 12. — Platinum production in 1915. Pt, Pd, Ir-Os, Ir. Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 780. 1916: 13. Platinum production. Pt. Min. Sci. Press, 113 (1916), 174. 1916: 14. — Platinum in Russia. (Report from British Government Board of Trade J. Oct. 26, 1916.) Pt Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916) 1113. 1916: 15. J. P. Hutchins. Mining in the Russian Empire, 1 9 i 5. (Includes platinum production and prospects.) Pt, Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 125. 1916: 16. Increased platinum production (in the United States). (Includes also world production.) Pt. Eng.' Mining J. 102 (1916), 144. 1916: 17. Platinum production of the United States in 1914. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 6. 1916: 18. F. A. Crampton. Platinum at the Boss mine, Good Springs, Nevada. Pt. Min. Sci. Press, 112 (1916) 479. 1916: 19. A. Knopf. Platinum at the Boss mine. Pt. Min. j3ci. Press, 112 (1916), 623. 1916: 20. A. Knopf. Economic geology in 1915. (Boss mine.) Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 103. Pt, Pd. 1916: 21. — California mineral production. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 971. 1916: 22. Platinum Mining & Milling Co. (Rambler mine, Wyoming.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 281. 432 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1916: 23. Mineral production of Canada. (From the preliminary report b}^ J. McLeish, Division of Mineral Re- sources, Department of Mines.) (Platinum from British Columbia.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 484. 1916: 24. Platinum production of Colombia. (1915.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 668. 1916: 25. Commercial movement of the precious metals (with chart of platinum fluctuations in 1914 and 1915). Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 45. 1916: 26. Platinum. (Fluctuation of prices.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 46. 1916: 27. Platinum market. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 756, 839, 925; 102 (1916), 570. 1916: 28. — — - — Metal prices. Pt, Ir. Min. Sci. Press, weekly reports. 1916: 29. L. Quennessen. (The platinum industry during the war.) Pt. Bull. Soc. d’encourage. indust. nat. 125 (1916), 327; C. A. 10 (1916), 195. 1916: 30. War importance of platinum. Pt. Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 385. 1916: 31. Guarding the precious metals. (British em- bargo on platinum, from Daily Consular and Trade Repts., Mar. 28, 1916.) Pt, Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 1000. 1916: 31a. G. M. Butler and G. J. Mitchell. Metals of the platinum group. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Oregon Bur. Mines. Geol. Min. Res. 2 (1916), 67. 1916: 32. — Platinum. (General review of the metal and its uses.) Pt. Engineering, 102 (1916), 163; C. A. 10 (1916), 2684. 1916: 33. — Detection of colloidal platinum in ores. (Can be detected. Cf. 1915: 13.) Pt, Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 308. 1916: 34. H. Haedicke. (Separation of platinum by a dry proc- ess.) (Powdered ore passed between poles on which the platinum fuses.) (German patent 297211, July 28, 1916.) Pt. 1916: 35. V. N. Ivanov. (New method of precipitating platinum sulphide, and analysis of platinized asbestos.) (Use of MgCl 2 with H 2 S.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 48 (1916), 527; C. A. 11 (1917), 766. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 433 1916: 36. J. B. and A. Tingle. A rapid method of converting scrap platinum into chloroplatinic acid. Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 35 (1916), 77; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 190; C. A. 10 (1916), 1016. 1916: 37. N. Domanicki. (Reaction of sulphur chloride with met- als. Catalytic action of ether.) (No action on platinum.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 48 (1916), 724; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 369; C. A. 11 (1917), 3184. 1916: 38. A. Gutbier and A. PIuttlinger. Rhodium. Rh. Z. anorg. Chem. 95 (1916), 247; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 482; Chem. Zentr. 1916, ii, 306; C. A. 11 (1917), 2307. 1916: 39. A. Gutbier, A. Huttlinger, and O. Maisch. (The action of oxygen on rhodium.) Rh. Z. anorg. Chem. 95 (1916), 225; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 483; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1181; Chem. Zentr. 1916, ii, 306; C. A. 11 (1917), 2307. 1916: 40. A. Gutbier, G. A. Leuchs, and PI. Wiessmann. (The oxides of ruthenium.) (No Ru 2 0 5 .2H 2 0.) Ru. Z. anorg. Chem. 95 (1916), 177; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 483; Chem. Zentr. 1916, ii, 465; C. A. 11 (1917), 1379. 1916: 41. A. Gutbier, G. A. Leuchs, H. Wiessmann, and O. Maisch. (The action of oxygen on ruthenium.) (Ru0 2 and Ru0 4 .) Ru. Z. anorg. Chem. 96 (1916), 182; Chem. Zentr. 1916, ii, 466; C. A. 11 (1917), 1379. 1916: 42. A. Gutbier and C. Fellner. (Researches on palladium.) (Organic chloropalladites.) Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 95 (1916), 129; J. Chem. Soc. 112, i (1917), 541; Chem. Zentr. 1916, ii, 460; C. A. 11 (1917), 1375. 1916: 43. A. Gutbier and C. Fellner. (A new class of palladium compounds.) (Trichloropalladites and tribromopalladites. X'PdCl 3 .) Pd. Z. anorg. Chem. 95 (1916), 169; J. Chem. Soc. 112, i (1917), 542; Chem. Zentr. 1916, ii, 465; C. A. 11 (1917), 1378. 1916: 44. H. J. Mandel. (Ethylaminochromium compounds. II. Chloropentaethylaminochromic salts.) (Chloro- and bromo- platinates.) Pt. Ber. 49 (1916), 1703; C. A. 11 (1917), 759. 1916: 45. F. Kehrmann, A. Robert, and M. Sandoz. (Dyes of the methylene blue group. III. Moderated action of ali- phatic amins on phenazthionium salts.) (Chloroplatinates.) Pt. Ber. 49 (1916), 2831; J. Chem. Soc. 112, i (1917), 226; C. A. 11 (1917), 2783. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 28 434 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1916: 46. K. Lederer. (m-Tolyl tellurium compounds.) (Ckioro- platinates.) Pt. Ber. 49 (1916)., 1071; C. A. 11 (1917), §03. 1916: 47. A. Minozzi. (The preparation of certain selenocyano- platinates.) Pt. Atti 1st. veneto, 69, ii, 453; 70, ii, 693; C. A. 10 (1916), 1477. 1916: 48. L. A. Tschugaeff and S. S. Kiltuinovi:ch, Ammonia-, cal derivatives of platinous nitrite. Pt. J. Chem. Soc. 109 (1916), 12S6; C. A. 11 (1917), 561. 1916: 49. L . A. Tschugaeff and W. Lebedinski. Sur une serie nouvelle de composes platiniques analogues aux sels de Cossa. (With acetonitril.) Pt. Compl, rend. 162 (1916), 43; J. Chem. Soc. 110, i (1916), 204; C. A. 10 (1916), 1144. 1916: 50. E. Biilmann and A. Hoff. (Complex combinations of platinum and mercury.) Pt. Rec. trav. cliim. 36 (1916;, 306; C. A. 11 (1917), 3036. 1916: 51. G. A. Barbieei. (Internal salts of sexavalent osmium and of cobalt and nickel, with salicylic acid.) Os. Atti Accad. Lincei [5], 25, ii (1916;, 74; J. Chem. Sec. 110. i (1916),, 727; C. A. 11 (1917), 796. 1916: 52. A. Tiberg, (Some complex compounds of ethylene t-liio- gljcolhc acid.) (Platinum compound.) Pt. Ber. 49 (1916), 2029; C. A. 11 (1917), 950. 1916: 53. D. P. Smith and F. H. Martin. The occlusion of hydro- gen by a palladium cathode. Pd. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 33 (1916;, 2577; C. A. 11 (1917), 8. 1916: 54. C. M. Hoke and R. J. Moore. The solution of platinum in aqua regia. Pt. Metal Ind. 14 (1916), 296; C. A. 10 (1916), 2333. 1916: 55. E. Salkowski. (Behavior of metals toward acids con- taining hydrogen peroxide.) Pt. Chem. Ztg. 40 (1916), 448; C. A. 10 (1916), 2559. 1916: 56. C. M. Hoke. The melting of platinum. Pt Metal Ind. 14 (1916), 375, 470; C. A. 10 (1916), 2634; 11 (1917), 327. 1916: 57. G. Holst and E. Gosterhuis. (Note on the melting point of palladium and Wien’s constant, c*.) Pd. Proc. Acad. Sc. Amsterdam, 19 (1916), 549; C. A. 11 (1917), 734. 1916: 58. G. K. Burgess and R. G. Waltenberg. Further experi- ments on the volatilization of platinum. Pt. Sci. Papers, Bur. Standards, 280 (1916), 365; J. Wauah. Acad. Sc. G (1916), 365; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 8 (1916), 487; 0. A. 10 (1916), 1803. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 435 1916: 59. P. P. von Veimarn. (Dispersoid chlorides of potassium, sodium, etc., in aromatic hydrocarbons as dispersing media.) (Undertaking similar experiments on platinum metals.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 48 (1916) 1048; C. A. 11 (1917), 3143. 1916: 60. Kalle & Co. Art. Ges. (Salves containing colloidal compounds of bivalent palladium and bivalent platinum.) (Austrian patent 71554. Apr. 25, 1916. Of. 191 1 : 82.) Pd, Pt. C. A. 10 (1916), 2510. 1916: 61. Kalle & Co. Akt. Ges. (Salve products containing colloidal rhodium, iridium, osmium, and ruthenium in lowest oxide forms.) (Austrian patent 72138, July 10, 1916.) C. A. 10 (1916)* 3137. ' Rh, Ir, Os, Ru. 1916: 62. L. S. Gurvich. (Theory of heterogeneous catalysis.) (Includes action of “poisons.”) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 48 (1916) 837; C. A. 11 (1917), 1780. 1916: 63. G. Lemoine. (Catalysis of hydrogen peroxide in hetero- geneous medium. I. Experiments with mercury and plati- num. II. Experiments with platinum.) Pt. Compt. rend. 162 (1916), 657; Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 19 (1916), 313; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 309; C. A. 10 (1916), 1959, 3017. 1916: 64. C. Paal and A, Schwarz. (Catalytic action of colloidal platinum on the union of hydrogen and oxygen.) Pt. J. prakt. Chem. [2], 93 (1916), 106; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 307; C. A. 10 (1916), 2548. 1916: 65. C. Paal. (Catalytic action of colloidal metals of the platinum group. XV. Oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of colloidal platinum, iridium, and osmium.) Pt, Ir, Os. Ber. 49 (1916), 548; J. Chem. Soc. 110. ii (1916.!, 307; C. A. 10 (1916), 1462. 1916: 66. K. A. Hofmann and R. Ebert. (Catalysis of hydrogen- oxygen mixtures at ordinary temperature on water-covered contacts.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Ber. 49 (1916), 2369; C. A. 11 (1917), 738. 1916: 67. A. Sieverts and E. Peters. (Catalytic oxidation of aqueous hypophosphite solution by platinum.) Ft. Z physik. Chem. 91 (1916), 199; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1910), 237; C. A. 10 (1916), 1457. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 436 1916: 68. G. Scagliarini and G. B. Berti-Ceroni. (Catalytic action of palladium in oxidation reactions.) Pd. Gazz. chim. ital. 46, ii (1916), 51; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 478. 1916: 69. D. L. Hammick. A note on tlie oxy-ammonia tiame. (Nitrites and nitrates are formed, even in the absence of platinum.) Pt. Chem. News, 114 (1916), 285; C. A. 11 (1917), 420. 1916: 69a. Schuphaus. (Oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid.) Pt. Metall u. Erz. [2], 13 (1916), 22. 1916: 69b. — (Oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid.) (Dif- ferent views.) Pt. Cliem. Ztg. 1916, 14. 1916: 70. J. Boeseken (and O. B. van der Weide and C. P. Mom). (Catalytic reduction in the presence of platinum and palladium.) Pt, Pd. Rec. trav. chim. 35 (1916), 260; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 239. 1916: 71. L. Bercelles. (Reaction between iodic and sulphurous acids under the influence of catalysts of biologic importance.) (Denies influence of colloidal platinum on the reaction.) Pt. Intern. Ztsch. phys. chem. Biol. 2 (1916), 444; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 478. 1916: 72. F. Mylius and C. Huttner. (Platinum and illuminating gas.) Pt. Z. anorg. Chem. 95 (1916), 257; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 482; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 35 (1917), 1064; C. A. 11 (1917), 2176. 1916: 73. C. W. Haas. (The catalytic decomposition of formic acid by rhodium.) Rh. Z. Elektrochem. 22 (1916), 443; C. A. 11 (1917), 739. 1916: 74. Id. Dreyfus. (Acetic acid and acetaldehyde from acety- lene. (Use of platinum and palladium sponge as catalyzers.) (French patent 479656, Apr. 27, 1916.) Pt, Pd. C. A. 11 (1917), 870. 1916: 75. A. Korevaar. (Theoretical considerations on hydrogen- ation as the basis of velocity measurements made on the hydrogenation of fumaric acid with palladium sol as a cata- lyzer.)^ • Pd. Chem. Weekblad, 13 (1916), 98; C. A. 10 (1916), 1002. 1916: 76. U. Grassi. (Catalytic reaction of Sabatier.) Pt. Nuovo cimento, 11 (1916), 147; C. A. 11 (1917), 1779. 1916: 77. J. IIouben and A. Pfau. (Catalytic reduction of hy- droxy- and amino-benzoic acids.) (With platinum black.) Pt. Ber. 49 (1916), 2294; C. A. 11 (1917), 963. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 437 1916: 78. S. V. Lebedev and A. A. Ivanov. (Polymerization of 1-phenol-l, 3-butadiene.) (Use of platinum as a catalyst.) Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Cliem. Soc. 48 (1916), 997; C. A. 11 (1917), 787. 1916: 79. J. S. Salkind and V. Markaryan. (Addition of hydro- gen to acetylene compounds. Hydrogenation of 3, 6-dimcthyl- 4-octin-3, 6-diol.) (Use of palladium and platinum black as catalyzers.) Pd, Pt. J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. 48 (1916), 538; C. A. 11 (1917), 584. 1916: 80. J. W. Terwen. (Allotrophv of cyanogen.) (Effect of platinum asbestos as catalyst.) Pt. Z. physik. Chem. 91 (1916), 469; C. A. 11 (1917), 553. 1916: 80a. F. Muller. Manufacture of active catalytic substan- ces. (“ Werner ’ ’ salts of platinum metals included.) (German patent 307380, Mar. 26, 1916.) Pt, Pd, Kb. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 37 (1918), 767A. 1916:81. N. Sulzberger. Regenerating catalysts. (A nickel sili- cate with palladium.) (British patent 105057, Sept. 13, 1916.) C. A. 11 (1917), 2144. Pd. 1916: 82. A. Gutbier, J. Huber, and J. Krauter. ( Cetraria islandica as a protective colloid. III. Colloidal palladium.) Pd. Z. Chem. Ind. Kolloide, 18 (1916), 65; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 303; C. A. 10 (1916), 2429. 1916: 83. A. Gutbier and A. Wagner. (Protective colloids. 7th series. Semen cydoniae as protective colloid. V. Colloidal platinum.) Pt. Kolloid. Z. 19 (1916), 280; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 168; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (19] 7), 569; C. A. 11 (1917), 905. 1916: 84. S. Pagliani. (The relations existing between thermic properties, the molecular coefficient, and the constitution of some organic compounds.) Os, Ir, Rh. Gazz. chim. ital. 46, ii (1916), 310; C. A. 11 (1917), 2981. 1916: 85. W. Gerlach. (The application of lampblack and plati- num black as blackening agents for the receiver in absolute measurements of radiation.) Pt. Ann. Physik, 50 (1916), 245; C. A. 11 (1917), 911. 1916: 86. M. La Rosa. (Thermoelectric effect in a carbon plati- num couple.) Ir, Pt. Nuovo cimento, 12 (1916), 284; C. A. 11 (1917), 2556. 1916: 87. K. E. F. Schmidt. (Refraction of Rontgen rays in metals. Pt. Physik. Z. 17 (1916), 554; C. A. 11 (1917), 1360. 438 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP 1916: 88. P. Cermak. (Rontgen ray spectra produced on curved crystal faces.) (Reference to “many lined'’ spectrum of platinum.) Pt. Physik. Z. 17 (1916), 405, 556; C. A. 11 (1917), 2857. 1916: 89. M. Siegbahn and E. F&iman. (High-frequency spectra (L series) of the elements tantalum to bismuth; arsenic to rhodium.) Pt, Rh. Ann. Physik, 49 (1916), 611, 616; J. Chein. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 3G2: C. A. 10 (1916), 2664. 1916: 90. H. Seeman. (Rontgen spectroscopic methods without a slit.) (Spectrum of platinum.) Pt. Ann. Physik, 49 (1916), 470; C. A. 10 (1916), 2437. 1916: 91. Y. Takasaki. (Substances in expired air inhibiting ca- talysis of blood and of platinum.) Pt. Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo, 15 (1916), Nr. 1; J. Am. Med. Assoc. 66 (1916), 1666; C. A. 10 (1916), 1996. 1916: 92. H. F. Biggs. Decrease in the paramagnetism of palla- dium caused by absorbed hydrogen. Pd. Phil. Mag. [6], 32 (1916), 131; J. Chem. Soc. 110, ii (1916), 412; C. A. 10. (1916), 3025. 1916: 93. P. G. Nutting. Some quantitative data on cathode deposited metals. Pt. J. Franklin Inst. 182 (1916), 115; C. A. 10 (1916), 3035. 1916: 94. E. W. Hobbs. Change in resistance of a sputtered film after deposition. Pt, Pd. Phil. Mag. [6], 32 (1916), 141; C. A. 11 (1917), 1787. 1916: 95. S. Weber and E. Oosterhuis. (The resistance (electric) of thin films of metals.) Pt. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 19 (1916), 597; C. A. 11 (1917), 1355. 1916: 96. E. Newbery. Overvoltage tables. I. Cathodic over- voltages. II. Anodic overvoltages. (Platinum, pp. 1055, 1071; iridium, p. 1077.) Pt, Ir. J. Chem. Soc. 109 (1916), 1051, 1066; 110, ii (1916), 598; C. A. 11>(1917), 12, 316. 1916: 97. O. W. Richardson and C. Sheard. Variation of the positive emission currents from hot platinum with the applied potential difference. Pt. Phil. Mag. [6], 31 (1916), 497; C. A. 10 (1916), 2836. 1916: 98. G. K. Burgess. Some problems in physical metallurgy at the Bureau of Standards. (Quality of platinum ware.) Pt. J. Franklin Inst. 182 (1916), 19; C. A. 10 (1916), 1975. 1916: 99. Platinum-rhodium wire subject to (U. S.) duty. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 1096. Pt, Rh. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 439 1916 : 100 . R. J. Peschko. Alloy for jewelry, scientific instru- ments, etc. (U. S. patent 1169753. Jan. 25, 1916.) Pd. C. A. 10 (1910), 881. 1916: 101. G. H. Whiteley. Alloys (particularly for pins for arti- ficial teeth). (Alloy of platinum (15-20), palladium (30-35), gold (45-55), iridium less than 2%, and osmium, ruthenium, and rhodium may be added.) (British patent 104025, Feb. 18, 1916.) Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru, Rh, Sub. G. A. 11 (1917), 1823. 1916: 101a. PI. S. Cooper. An alloy for dental uses. (Palladium- gold.) (Canadian patent 174204, Dec. 26, 1916.) Pd, Sub. C. A. 12 (1918), 134. 1916: 101b. W. D. Coolidge. Composite metal bodies. (Tungsten or molybdenum, core red with an alloy of gold and platinum, for dental uses.) (Canadian patent 171441, Aug. 22, 1916.) C. A. 12 (1918), 472. Pt, Sub. 1916: 102. Electrometals Products Company, assignees of H. S. Cooper, Cleveland, Ohio. (Palladium-gold) alloy. (Palla- dium 60%, gold 40%; for laboratory ware and dental pur- poses.) (English patent 109176, Dec. 8, 1916 (application 17669 of 1916).) Pd, Sub. 1916: 103. A silver-palladium alloy to replace platinum (for spark contacts). (Silver 98-40, palladium 2-60.) Pd, Pt,Suh. Chem. Trade J. Apr. 8, 1916, from Electrical World; J. Soe. Chem. Ind. 35 (1916), 474; Eng. Mining J. 102 (1916), 542. 1916: 104. D. Kremer. Tungsten. (Tungsten alloys with plati- num.) Pt. Engineering, 102 (1916), 023; 0. A. 11 (1917), 1105. 1916 : 105 . C. M. Hoke. Fluxes in the jewelry factory. (For melting platinum.) Pt. Metal Ind. 14 (1916), 191; C. A. 10 (1916), 2345. 1916: 106. H. D. Greenwood. Platinum vs. gold dishes. (Use with hydrofluoric acid.) Pt. Eng. Mining J. 101 (1916), 780. 1916: 107. M. Bodenstein. (The dissociation of bromine vapor.) (Use of platinum vessel and platinum-rhodium couple.) Z. Elektrochem. 22 (1916), 327; 0. A. 11 (1917), 2421. Pt, Rh. 1916: 108. F. W. Horton. Molybdenum: its ores and their con- centration. (Better than platinum for resistance furnaces.) Chem. News, 116 (1917), 257 (from Government publication). Pt, Sub. 1916 : 109 . T. Swenson. (Potential changes by the illumination of oxidizing agents.) (Platinum electrodes.) Pt. Z. phyaik. Chem. 91 (1916), 624; C. A. 11 (1917), 746. 440 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1916: 110. Method of using the vacuum tube for plating on glass. (Use of platinum-iridium cathode.) Pt, Ir. Electrical World, 68 (1916), 1205; C. A. 11 (1917), 917. 1916: 111. O. L. Kowalke. Cobalt as an element for thermo- couples. (Use of platinum-rhodium couples as standards.) Pt, Rh. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 29 (1916), 561; C. A. 11 (1917), 918. 1916: 112. H. E. Ivez. Platinum and the standard of light. Pt. Lighting J. 4 (1916), 150; C. A. 10 (1916), 2170. 1916: 113. E. F. Barker. Selective radiation from osmium fila- ments. Os. Physic. Rev. 7 (1916), 451; 0. A. 10 (1916), 1809. 1916: 114. B. E. Eldred. Coating iron or steel with platinum. (U. S. patent 1189194, June 27, 1916.) Pt. C. A. 10 (1916), 2091. 1916: 115. B. E. Eldred. Platinum-coated wire. (U. S. patent 1197615, Sept. 12, 1916.) Pt. C. A. 10 (1916), 2869. 1916: 116. F. A. Fahrenwald. A development of practical sub- stitutes for platinum and its alloys, with special reference to alloys of tungsten and molybdenum. (From Thesis, Univer- sity of Michigan, 1915.) Pt, Sub. Bill. Am. Inst. Mining Eng. 109 (1916), 103, 1000; Mining Sci. Press, 112 (1916), 136; C. A. 10 (1916), 1156, 1744. 1916: 117. T. Yanai. Leading-in wires. (Copper wire, first oxi- dized superficial!} 7 , then set in glass and heated till a portion of the copper oxide is dissolved in the glass.) (Japanese patent 29845, Aug. 2, 1916.) Sub. C. A. 11 (1917), 425. 1916: 118. F. J. Guzman Carrancio and T. Batuecas. (Electro- analysis of copper without platinum electrodes.) Sub. Anales fis. quim. 14 (1916), 38; C. A. 11 (1917), 16. 1916: 118a. T. Batuecas. (Electro-analysis of tin without plati- num electrodes.) Sub. Anales fls. qulm. 14 (1916), 495; C. A. 12 (1918), 457. 1916: 119. F. J. Guzman Carrancio and E. Jimeno. (Electro- analysis of cobalt without platinum electrodes.) Sub. Anales ffs. quim. 14 (1916), 250; C. A. 11 (1917), 2310. 1916: 119a. Kraft end Steudel Fabrik Phot. Papiere. (Process for (palladium) toning of silver chloride emulsion papers.) (German patent 302817, Oct. 3, 1916.) Pd. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 37 (1916), 351A. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 441 1916: 1917: 1917: ' 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: '1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 120. Exportation of the metals of the platinum group from Russia. Pt. Board of Trade J. Mar. 30, 1916; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 35 (1916), 474. 1. G. F. Kunz. Platinum; with especial reference to Latin America. (Historical and practical review; finely illus- trated.) Pt. Bui. Pan American Union, Nov. 1917. 2. E. T. Wherry. The occurrence of the native elements Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Am. Mineral. 2 (1917), 105; C. A. 11 (1917), 2570. 3. L. Quennessen. Le platine. (Contains list of all occur- rences of platinum.) Pt. L’ Industrie chimique, 4 (1917), 752, 774; C. A. 12 (1918), 798. 4. J. M. Hill. Platinum deposits of the world. Pt. Commerce Repts. Apr. 23, 1917; Eng. Mining J. 103 (1917), 1145; C. A. 11 (1917), 2440. 5. A new source of platinum. (Extraction from dunite in Nizhni-Tagilsk mining circuit.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 714; from Bui. Siberian Engineers’ Soc. 6. Investigation of the platinum deposits of Spain. Commerce Repts. May, 1917, 476; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 726. Pt. 7. Placer deposits in Ronda Mountains (Spain). Pt. Commerce Repts. Oct. 1917, 311; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 10 (1918), 86. 8. J. W. Neill. Platinum: recovery of platinum in gold dredging. (Merced River.) Pt. Mining Sci. Press, 115 (1917), 825; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 10 (1918), 169; C. A. 12 (1918), 261. 9. — - Recovery of platinum metals from Canadian nickel. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. Report of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission, 1917, 481; Chem. News, 11 (1917), 210; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 10 (1918), 76. 10. L. Addicks. By-products in electrolytic copper refin- ing. Pt, Pd. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 169. 11. O. Nagel. Winning metals (etc.) from sea water or other natural solutions. (Precipitation on adsorbents, as fuller’s earth.) (British patent 103310, Jan. 12, 1917.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 653. 12. Adirondack gold and platinum sands. (No platinum.) Pt. - U. S. Geol. Surv. Press Bui. 345, Dec. 1917; from Press Bui. N. Y. Geol. Surv. 442 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 13. A platinum “fake” in Oregon. 14. Pt Pt 15. U. S. Geol. Surv. Press Bui. 347, Dec. 1917. — Platinum: fail in the world’s output. Canadian Chem. J. 1 (1917), 129. Supply of platinum. (Statistics and review.) Met. Chem. Eng. 16 (1917), 708. Pt 16. J. M. Hill. Platinum and allied metals in 1916. Pt, Pd. Ir, Rh, Os, Riq Sub Min. Resources of U. S., 1916, I, 1; J. lad. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 995 C. A. 11 (1917), 2571. 17. J. P. Dunlop. Secondary metals in 1910. (Recovery from old jewelry, dental waste, etc.) Pt, Ir, Pd Min. Resources of U. S., 1916. I (Oct. 1917); J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 1154. 18. Production of platinum in Russia in 1916. Pt Commerce Repts. May, 1917, 647; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 726. 19. Production of platinum (in Russia.) Pt 20 . J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 906. Mineral production of Canada for 1916. Pt J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917 . 441; from Prelim. Rept. by J. McLeish Can. Dept. Mines, Div. of Min. Resources and Statistics. 21 . Mineral output of British Columbia in 1916. Pt Commerce Repts. May, 1917, Suppl. 23b; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917) 726. 22. R. F. Bacon. Reducing sulphides of metals. (Dropping liquid hydrocarbons on hot sulphides.) (U. S. patent 1243681 Oct. 23, 1917.) J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 127S; C. A. 12 (1918;, 131 Pt 23. Estimates by Geological Survey of platinun in United States, and annual requirements. Commerce Repts. June. 1917, 866. Pt 24. The regulation of export^. (Platinum on pro hibited list.) Pt Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 373; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1250. 25. Additions to prohibited import list. (Include! platinum and iridium.) Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 714. Prohibited exports (from Great Britain)) 26 (Order of Council, Nov. 27. 1917.) J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1201. pt, iJ •itaiJ Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Rd BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 443 1917: 27. British control of platinum. (Latter from G. Sliaw Scott to Chas. L. Parsons.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 731. 1917: 28. Prohibited exports. (Sweden.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1250. 1917: 29. — Smuggler sentenced. (Smuggling of platinum into Germany from U. S. by way of Holland and Belgium.) Pt . Jewelers’ Circular, 75 (1917), 77. 1917: 30. C. L. Parsons. Preliminary report to the Ordnance Department on the nitrogen industry, with recommendations regarding the methods to he used by the IT. S, Government in procuring the necessary nitric acid required for munitions by the War and Navy Departments. (Need of reservation of platinum.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng’. Chem. 9 (1917), <333. 1917 : 31 . C. M. Hoke. Platinum shortage and what it means. (Includes description of substitutes.) Pt, Sub. Metal Ind. 15 (1917), 204; C. A. 11 (1917), 2059. 1917: 32. S. J. Johnstone. The rarer key minerals. Lecture before London School of Economics, Nov. 16, 1917. (Plati- num in war.) Pt. Chem. News, 116 (1917), 269. 1917: 33. Platinum situation in the United States. Pt, Pd, Ir, Eh, Os, Ru. Commerce Repts. 130 (1917) ; J. Soc. Chem . Ind. 5 ►6 (1917), ' 719; C. A. 11 (1917), 3131. 1917: 34. The platinum l situation. (Edik >rial.) PL J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917 ), 544. 1917: 35. The platinum situation. (Edik, trial.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 1085. 1917: 36. P. Wooton. Washington letter. (The platinum situ a- tion.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 1149. > 1917: 37. Action of Ai merican Che mical Society regard- ing platinum. Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917 , 444. 1917: 38. Platinum in jewelry. (( km t air is re sole tie ns of the Platinum Committee of the Jewelers’ Vigilance Com- mittee.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 622. 444 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 39. M. Toch. The influence of pigments on rubber. (State- ment of shipment of platinum to Germany by submarine.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 694. 1917:40. R. Vondracek. Numerical relations between atomic weights. Rh, Pd, Ru. Chemicke Listy, 11 (1917), 33; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 460; Chem. Zentr. 1917, i, 840. 1917: 41. Ruff and H. Rathsburg. Osmium dioxide. Os. Ber. 50 (1917), 484; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 323; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 645; C. A. 11 (1917), 2644. 1917: 42. J. Milbauer. The reduction of osmium tetroxide by hydrogen chloride. Os. J. prakt. Chem. 96, ii (1917), 187; J. Chem. Soc. 114, ii (1918), 202; C. A. 12 (1918), 2172. 1917: 43. J. S. Thomas and A. Rule. The polysulphides of the alkali metals. (Action of fused alkali sulphides on Pt-Ptlr thermocouple.) Pt, Ir. J. Chem. Soc. Ill (1917), 1063. 1917:44. B. Neumann. (Black sulphur.) (Black sulphur of Mag- nus and Knapp is merely colored by carbon or metallic sul- phides of iron or platinum.) Pt. Z. angew. Chem. 30, i (1917), 165; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 464; C. A. 12 (1918), 569. 1917: 45. P. Rudnick and R. D. Cooke. Preparation of chloro- platinic acid by means of hydrogen peroxide. Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 39 (1917), 633; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 264; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 545; Chem. News, 115 (1917), 259; C. A. 11 (1917), 1101. 46. E. H. Archibald and J. W. Kern. The solubilities of chloroplatinate, bromoplatinate, and chloriridate of am- monium, and the separation of platinum and iridium. Pt, Ir. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 11, iii (1917), 7; J. Chem. Soc. 116, i (1919), 70; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 38 (1919), 40 A; C. A. 12 (1918), 1365. 46a. P. Gaubert. (The optical properties of magnesium chloroplatinate.) Rt- Bui. Soc. franc, min. 40 (1917), 177; C. A. 13 (1919), 926. 46b. Deniges. (Microchemical identification of stovain andj cocain.) (By character of precipitate with H 2 PtCl 6 .) Pt. Bui. Soc. pharm. Bordeaux, 1917, No. 4; Ann. chim. analyt. 1 (1919), 65; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 38 (1919), 198A. 1917: 47. A. Eberhard. Zinc platinichlorid. Pt. 191' 1917 191 Arch. Pharm. 255 (1917), 65; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 313; C. A. lljl (1917), 3004. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 445 1917: 48. M. Delepine. The chlorides and chloro-salts of iridium. (Review of previous work.) Ir. Ann chim. 7 (1917), 277; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 537; C. A. 11 (1917), 2758. 1917: 49. G. M. Bennett. The crystal form and isomerism of some ferroeyanides. (Note to effect that Levy’s yellow and green platocyanides are crystaHographically and therefore chemically identical.) (Cf. 1908: 28.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. Ill (1917), 490. 1917: 50. M. Delepine. (Complex salts. XIII. Preparation of potassium irido-trioxalate and optical isomerism of the iri do-trioxalates.) (Same essentially as 1914: 38.) Ir. Bui. Soc. chim. [4], 21 ( 1917), 157 ; C. A. 12 (1918), 27. 1917: 51. F. M. Jaeger. (Investigations into Pasteur’s prin- ciple of the connection between molecular and crystallo- nomical dissymetry. III. Racemic and optically active salts of trivalent rhodium.) Rh. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 20 (1917), 244; C. A. 12 (1917), 887; J. Chem. Soc. 114, i (1918), 7. 1917: 52. F. M. Jaeger, (Pasteur’s principle of the relation be- tween molecular and physical asymmetry. IV. Racemic and optically active complex salts of rhodium.) Rh. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 20 (1917), 263; J. Chem. Soc. 114, i (1918), 3. 1917: 53. G. A. Barbieri. (Internal salts of hexavalent osmium, of cobalt, and of nickel, with salicylic acid.) Os. Gazz. chim. ital. 47, i (1917), 252; C. A. 12 (1918), 1026. (Cf. also C. A. 11 (1917), 796.) 1917: 54. F. Ephraim and S. Millmann. (Nature of subsidiary valences. XIV. Compounds of PtCl 2 and Ptl 2 with NH 3 .) Pt. Ber. 50 (1917), 529; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 319; C. A. 11 (1917), 2979. 1917: 55. K. G. Falk and J. M. Nelson. Some comments on the theories of the structure of matter. (Pt bases as electromers.) Science, n. s. 46 (1917), 551. Pt. 1917: 56. H. E. A(rmstrong). Obituary notice of Hugo Muller. (Reference to his work on palladium and to his dissertation on the palladamins (1853: 1).) Pd. J. Chem. Soc. Ill (1917), 580. 1917: 57. O. P. Watts and N. D. Whipple. Corrosion of metals by acids. Pt. Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc. 32 (1917) (preprint); C. A. 11 (1917), 3178. 446 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 58. F. C. G. Muller. (Electrolysis of hydrochloric acid in Hofmann's apparatus.) (Platinum electrodes hardly attacked by chlorine.) Pt. Z. physik. chem. Unterr. 30 (1917), 34; J. Chein. Soc. 112. ii (1917 1 . 403; Chem. Zentr. 1917, i, 991. 1917: 59. V. Maori. (Hydrogen peroxide.) (Action on platinum dish.) Pt. Bol. chim. farm. 50 (1917 >, 417; J. Soc. Chem Ind. 36 (1917), 1271. 1917: 60. W. Foster. Action of potassium permanganate on the metals. (Acid solution reduced by finely divided platinum.) Chem. News, 115 (1917), 73; C. A. 11 (1917), 2074. Pt. •1917: 61. J. H. Smith. On a new acid sodium phosphate and its action upon glass, porcelain, silica, platinum, and nickel vessels. (Strong action of fused Xa 4 P 6 0 17 on platinum.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. lad. 36 (1917), 419; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 309; C. A. 11 (1917), 2174. 1917: 62. K. Hradecky. (Action of selenic acid on osmium.)' (Reduced at 120° to SeO,, with formation of Os0 4 .) Os. Oesterr. Chem. Ztg. [2], 20 (1917), 43; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 483; Chem. Zentr. 1917, i, 949; C. A. 12 (1918 y 657. 1917. 63. M. Van Brenkeleveen. (Microchemical determina- tion of small amounts of platinum in the presence of gold and silver.) Pt. Rec. tray. chim. 36 (1917), 285; C. A. 11 (1917), 3006. 1917: 64. R. Vivario and M. Wagexaar. (Uro tropin as a micro- chemical reagent.) (Characteristic crystals.) Pt. Pd. Ir, Os. Pharm Weekblad, 54 (1917 ., 157; C. A. 11 (1917), 1385. 1917: 65. L. J. Curtmax and B. R. Harris. The interference of thiocyanates, ferroeyanides. and ferricyanides in the detection of iodides with palladium. Pd. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 39 (1917:, 266; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917 1 , 267; C. A. 11 (1917), 431. 1917: 66. T. D. Jarrell. Report on determination of potash. (Use of chloroplntinic acid. ) Pt. J. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem. 3 (1917), 107; C*. A. 11 (1917 , 2869. 1917: 67. V. C. Shippee. Note on pure sodium chloride. (Chloro- platinic acid method of determining potash.) Pt. Chem. News, 116 (1917), 213; C. A. 12 (1918), 255. 1917: 68. H. Pellet. (Determination of potassium and sodium in the ash of vegetable substances.) Pt. Ann. chim. analyt. 22 (1917), 14G, 179; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1109. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 447 1917: G9. B. Turkus. (Determination of potassium and sodium in sulphates by chloroplatinic acid.) Pt. Ann. chim. anal. 22 (1917), 101; J. Ohem. So o. 112, ii (1917), 385; C. A. 11 (1917), 2312. 1917: 70. E. C. Walker, 3d. On the substitution of perchloric acid for chloroplatinic acid in the determination of potassium. (Cf. also C. Sholl, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 30 (1914), 2085. ) J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 810. Pt, Sub. 1917: 71. P. L. Hibbard. Estimation of potassium. The Lindo- Gladding method. Pt, Sub. ,T. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 504; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 384. 1917: 72. P. L. Blumexthal, A. M. Peter, D. J. Healy, and E. L Gott. Method of ashing organic materials for the estimation of potassium. Pt, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 753; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 507 1917: 73. L. Schneider. The application of palladium as an indi- cator for silver titrations. Abstract of paper read at Boston meeting of American Chemical Society. Pd. Science, n. s. 46 (1917), 622. 1917: 74. W. D. Bancroft. Contact catalysis. II. (Oxidation of gases.) Pt. J. Phys. Chem. 21 (1917), 644; C. A. 12 (1918), 13. 1917: 75. W. I). Bancroft. Contact catalysis. I II. (Poisons: CO on Pt; grease on Pd.) Pt, Pd. J. Phys. Chem. 21 (1917), 734; C. A. 12 (1918), 328. 1917: 7G. N. Sulzberger. Catalyzers. (Reduction of nickel sili- cate by hydrogen; substitution of platinum and palladium for nickel.) (Canadian patent 181287. Dec. 25, 1917.) Pt, Pd. C. A. 12 (1918), 605. 1917: 77. J. T. Groll. (Periodic phenomena shown by enzymes.) (Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by colloidal platinum.) Pt. Arch, neerland. physiol. 1 (1917), 403; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 425; C. A. 11 (1917), 3280. 19 i 7: 78. C. K. Reiman. (Absolute density of gaseous hydrogen bromide.) (Preparation of IIBr by passing hydrogen and bromine over platinum at 25G°-300°.) Pt. Compt. rend. 164 (1917), 44; C. A. II (1917), 734. 1917: 79. W. S. Ourpiiey. Alkali inspector’s report for 1916. (Platinum contact mass for sulphuric acid.) Pt. Chem. Trade J. 61 (1917), 117, 141, 159; Engineering, 104 (1917), 204, C. A. 11 (1917), 3386. 448 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS _OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 80. C. Bosch, A. Mittasch, and C. Beck. Catalyst for oxidizing ammonia. (Bi 2 0 3 and oxides of iron, etc., or metal of platinum group.) (U. S. patent 1211394, Jan. 9, 1917.) C. A. 11 (1917), 691. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1917: 80a. H. R. Hosmer. Literature of the nitrogen industries. (Bibliography.) Pt, Pd, Ir. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 424. 1917: 80b. J. C. Boyce. Bibliography of the production of syn- thetic nitric acid and synthetic ammonia. Pt, Pd, Ir. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 228. 1917: 81. G. Bredig. Formic acid. (Hydrogen on carbon dioxide, with platinum or palladium as catalyst.) (U. S. patent 1235426, July 31, 1917.) Pt, Pd. C. A. 11 (1917), 2580. (Cf. C. A. 11 (1917), 86.) 1917: 82. C. Paal, F. Biehler, and H. Steyer. (Colloidal metals of the platinum group. IV. Colloidal iridium.) Ir. Ber. 50 (1917), 722; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 375; C. A. 11 (1917), 3142. 1917: 83. E. N. Harvey. Studies on bioluminescence. VIII. The mechanism of the production of light during the oxida- tion of pyrogallol. (Action of colloidal platinum.) Pt. J. Biol. Chem. 31 (1917), 311; C. A. 11 (1917), 2906. 1917: 84. B. C. Goss. Production of light at low temperatures by catalysis with metal and metallic oxide hydrosols. Pt. J. Biol. Chem. 31 (1917), 271; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 436. 1917: 85. A. Mittasch, C. Schneider, and H. Morawitz. Cata- lyst for hydrogenation and for other purposes. (Artificial zeolite (“permutite”) impregnated with palladium or other platinum metal.) (U. S. patent 1215396, Feb. 13, 1917.) C. A. 11 (1917), 1280. Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Os, Ru. 1917: 86. K.Kimura. Hydrogenating oils. (British patent 113232, Aug. 31, 1917.) ~ Pt. C. A. 12 (1918), 1423. 1917: 87. H. Nomura. Pungent principles of ginger. A new ketone, zingiberone, occurring in ginger. (Reduction by hydrogen in presence of platinum.) Pt. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. 6 (1917), 41; C. A. 11 (1917), 2662. 1917: 88. Y. Araiiina. Reduction of co-nitrostyrene derivatives (by platinum black). Pt. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 427 (1917), 785; C. A. 12 (1918), 40. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 449 1917: 89. A. Sonn and A. Schellenberg. The catalytic reduc- tion of co-nitrostyrenes (by platinum black and colloidal palladium). Pt. Ber. 50 (1917), 1513; J. Chem. Soc. 114, i (1918), 9. 1917: 90. C. Paal. Hydrogenating terpene compounds. (U. S. patent 1210681, Jan. 2, 1917.) Pt, Pd. C. A. 11 (1917), 1019. 1917: 91. J. D. Edwards. Effusion method for the determination of gas density. (Orifice in Ptlr plate.) Pt, Ir. Tech. Paper Bur. Standards, 94 (1917); Met. Chem. Eng. 16 (1917), 518; C. A. 11 (1917), 2554. (Cf. also C. A. 11 (1917), 1771.) 1917: 92. F. Kruger. Gas analysis by conductivity measure- ments. (Preparation of resistances by cathodic volatiliza- tion of platinum.) Pt. Physik. Z. 18 (1917), 112; Sci. Abstracts (A) 20 (1917), 251; C. A. 11 (1917), 3008. 1917: 93. G. N. Lewis, T. B. Brighton, and R. L. Sebastian. A study of hydrogen and calomel electrodes. (Iridium elec- trodes.) Pt, Ir. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 39 (1917), 2247. 1917: 94. C. van Dam. (Absorption of odoriferous substances (by platinum, etc.).) Pt. Arch, neerland. physiol. 1 (1917), 666; J. Chem. Soc. 112, i (1917), 607. 1917: 94a. Z. Jeffries. The amorphous metal hypothesis and equi-cohesive temperatures. Pt. J. Amer. Inst. Metals, 11 (1917), 300; C. A. 12 (1918), 1630. 1917: 95. E. W. Washburn. Two laws governing the ionization of strong electrolytes in dilute solutions. (Platinum elec- trodes.) Pt. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 (1917), 569; C. A. 11 (1917), 3152. 1917: 95a. E. Newbery. Recent work on overvoltage. Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 61, ii, iii (1917), 9, 20; C. A. 12 (1918), 2496. 1917: 96. R. W. King. Electrical conductivity of sputtered films. Phys. Rev. 10 (1917), 291; C. A. 11 (1917), 2748. Pt. 1917: 97. W. L. Cheney. The emission of electrons by a metal when bombarded by positive ions in a vacuum. (Platinum cathode.) Pt. Phys. Rev. 10 (1917), 335; C. A. 11 (1917), 3163. i 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 29 450 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 98. W. W. Coblentz and W. B. Emerson. The photo- electric sensitivity of various substances. (Platinum and gold.) Pt. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 7 (1917), 525. 1917: 99. O. Stuhlmann, Jr. The coefficients of emission and absorption of photo-electrons from platinum and silver. (Bead before American Physical Society Dec. 27, 1917.) Pt. Science, n. s. 47 (1918), 569 (title only). 1917: 100. W. Wilson. The complete photo-electric emission from the alloy of sodium and potassium (exposed to radiation from platinum wire of known temperature). Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 93 A (1917), 359; C. A. 11 (1917), 3159. 1917: 10P. A. G. Worthing. Attempt to detect a change in the emissive properties of platinum and of tungsten at incan- descence with a change in the method of heating. Pt. Phys. Rev. 9 (1917), 226; C. A. 11 (1917), 1788. 1917: 102. L. K. Oppitz. Optical constants of the binary alloys of silver with copper and platinum. Pt. Phys. Rev. 10 (1917), 156; C. A. 11 (1917), 2851. 1917: 103. T. Takamine and S. Nitta. The spark and vacuum arc spectra of some metals. Pt. Mem. Col. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 2 (1917), 117; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 402; C. A. 11 (1917), 2559. 1917: 104. B. A. Wooten. An experimental investigation of the characteristic X-ray emission from molybdenum and palladium. (Read before American Physical Society Dec. 27, 1917.) Pd. Science, n. s. 47 (1918), 570 (title only). 1917: 105. R. Ledoux-Lebard and A. Daxvillier. (The L-serie3 of the elements of high atomic weight.) (Spectral.) Pt, Ir. Compt. rend. 164 (1917), 687; C. A. 11 (1917), 2297. 1917: 106. G. W. C. Kaye. The composition of X-rays from vari- ous metals. Pt. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 93 A (1917), 427; C. A. 11 (1917), 3175. 1917: 107. S. Kyropoulos. (Differentiation of the internal struc- ture of the different species of silica by their Rontgen-ray interference of patterns.) (Use of Pt radiations.) Pt. Z. anorg. allgem. Chem. 99 (1917), 197; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 468; C. A. 12 (1918), 1147. 1917: 107a. E. Wagner. X-ray spectroscopy. (L-series of plat- inum.) Pt- Physik. Ztg. 18 (1917), 405, 432, 461, 488; Sci. Abstracts 21 A (1918), 64; C. A. 12 (1918), 2065. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 451 1917: 108. V. Lehner and H. B. Merrill. Solubility of silica. (Use of platinum apparatus.) Pt. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 39 (1917), 2630; C. A. 12 (1918), 5. 1917: 109. J. L. Jones. A new electro-analysis apparatus. (Use of platinum gauze electrodes.) Pt. Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc. 32 (1917), 79; C. A. 11 (1917), 3132. 1917: 110. S. Pagltani. (The application of electrical heating to the concentration of sulphuric acid.) (Platinum elec- trodes.) Pt. Ind. chim. min. met. 4 (1917), 241; C. A. 11 (1917), 3386. 1917: 110a. Y.Kawakita and Imowo. Platinum plate electrodes. (Japanese patent 31695, Oct. 30, 1917.) Pt. C. A. 12 (1918), 2147. 1917:110b. H. Nishida. Sulphuric acid anhydride by the contact process. (Japanese patent 31972, Dec. 22, 1917.) Pt. C. A. 12 (1918), 2238. 1917: 111. J. F. Sanders. Electrodes for generating pure oxygen from water. (Palladium combined with rhodium.) (U. S. patent 1218584, Mar. 6, 1917.) Pd, Rh. C. A. 11 (1917), 1367. 1917: 112. E. B. Maxted. Disodium nitrate, an addition com- pound of sodium nitrite and sodium. (Use of platinum elec- trodes.) Pt. J. Chem. Soc. Ill (1917), 1016; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1271. 1917: 113. Pyrometers and pyrometry. Symposium of Faraday Society. Papers by E. F. Northrup, E. Griffiths and F. H. Scho- field, R. S. Whipple, R. P. Brown, W. JI. Hatfield, C. R. Darl- ing, etc. (Includes discussion of Pt-PtRh pyrometers.) Pt, Rli. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1161; Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 685. 1917: 114. R. W. Woodward and T. R. Harrison. Note on the thermo-couple nichrome-constantan. (Comparison with Pt- Ptlr couple.) Pt, Ir. Met. Chem. Eng. 16 (1917), 647; C. A. 11 (1917), 3132. 1917: 115. E. F. Northrup. Production of high temperature and its measurement. (PtRli couple. From Trans. Faraday Society.) Pt, Rh. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 685; Engineering, 104 (1917), 498; C. A. 12 (1918), 242. 1917: 116. PIilliger. A useful compound thermo-element. (Pt- PtRh.) Pt, Rh. Elect. Rev. (London), 80 (1917), 259; C. A. 11 (1917), 1340; from Z. Ver. deutscher Ing. 452 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 1917: 117. J. L. Haughton and D. Hanson. Further notes on a high- temperature thermostat. (Platinum contacts.) Pt. J. Inst. Metals, 1917; Engineering, 104 (1917), 412; Electrician, 80 (1917), 89; C. A. 12 (1918), 243. 118. American made pyrometer protection tubes. (No action on platinum wire at high temperatures.) Pt. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 611. 119. P. Gunther. (Electromotive behavior of lead.) (Use of lead electrolytic ally deposited on platinum.) Pt. Physik. Z. 18 (1917), 115; Sci. Abstracts [A], 20 (1917), 256; C. A. 11 (1917), 2990. 120. J. Oblata. Further studies on the silver voltameter. v Gse of platinum cup.) Pt. Proc. Tokyo Math. Phys. Soc. [2], 9 (1917), 129; C. A. 11 (1917), 2295. 121. E. P. Hyde, F. E. Cady, and W. E. Forsythe. Color temperature scales for tungsten and carbon. (Comparison with platinum and osmium filaments.) Pt, Os. Phvs. Rev. 10 (1917), 395; C. A. 11 (1917), 3158. 122. A. Philip and L. J. Steele. Catalytic detector of com- bustible gases. (U. S. patent 1224321, May 1, 1917.) Pt, Pd. C. A. 11 (1917), 1919. 123. E. T. Gregg. An improved compensator for gas analysis. (With platinum contact wire.) Pt. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 528; C. A. 11 (1917), 2287. 124. P. Wooton. Washington letter. (Regarding plati- num substitutes.) Sub. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 814. 125. Substitutes for platinum. Sub. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 454. 126. F. A. Fahrenwald. New alloys to replace platinum (Critical study of palladium-gold alloys.) Pd, Sub. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 590; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 882; C. A. 11 (1917), 2442. 127. R. F. Heath. Some substitutes for platinum ware. (Comparison of suggested substitutes, including “cana- dium.”) Pt, Pd, Sub. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 666; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 37 (1918), 40A; C. A. 12 (1918), 244. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 453 1917: 128. Palladium-gold crucibles as platinum substi- tutes. (Report of Bureau of Standards on “palau.”) Pd, Sul). Met. Chem. Eng. 16 (1917), 533; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 070; Analyst, 42 (1917), No. 497; Chem. News, 116 (1917), 246; C. A. 11 (1917), 2627. 1917: 129. Investigations on palau at the Bureau of Standards. Pd, Sub. Commerce Repts. May, 1917, 427; J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 726. 1917: 130. A substitute alloy for platinum crucibles. (Palau.) Pd, Sub. Iron Age, 99 (1917), 1262; C. A. 11 (1917), 2163. 1917: 131. E. Haynes. “Stellite” as a substitute for platinum. Sub. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 974; Met. Chem. Eng. 19 (1917), 387; C. A. 11 (1917), 3229. 1917: 132. Ferro-silicon analysis. (Note on use of iron crucibles with sodium peroxide; from Herwig: Stahl und Eisen.) Sub. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 9 (1917), 1065. 1917: 133. F. A. Gooch and M. Kobayashi. Electrolytic analysis with small platinum electrodes. (Continuation of 1912: 92.) Pt, Sub. Am. J. Sc. [41, 43 (1917), 391; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 334; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 945; C. A. 11 (1917), 1936. 1917: 134. F. A. Gooch and M. Kobayashi. The use of the plati- nized anode of glass in the electrolytic determination of man- ganese. Pt, Sub. Am. J. Sc. [4], 44 (1917), 53; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 425; C. A. 11 (1917), 2310. 1917: 135. J. Gewecke. (Electro-analysis using silvered glass basins in place of platinum cathodes.) Sub. Chem. Ztg. 41 (1917), 297; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (1917), 334; C. A. 11 (1917), 2758. 1917: 136. G. G. Grower. Electrolytic determination of tin on tinned copper wire. (Platinum cathode and tinned plati- num wire circuit.) Pt, Sub. Proc. Amer. Soc. Testing Materials, 17, ii (1917), 129; C. A. 12 (1918), 256. 1917: 137. J. Guzman Carrancio and P. Poch. (Electro-analysis of zinc and cadmium without platinum electrodes.) Sub. Anal. ffs. qui'm. 15 (1917), 235; J. Chem. Soc. 112, ii (191.7), 509; C. A. 11 (1917), 3287. 454 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 1917: 138. H. V. S. Taylor. Electrical contact points of tungsten, i and other metals (as molybdenum, silver, iridium, etc.). (U. S. patent 1232624, July 10, 1917.) Pt, Ir, Sub. 1917: 139. C. F. W. Bates. Anode for vacuum discharge tubes. J (Copper base around platinum shell.) (U. S. patent 1214500, Feb. 6, 1917.) Pt. C. A. 11 (1917), 920. 1917: 140. H. S. Cooper. Silver-palladium-cobalt alloy. (Fori contact points, etc. Assigned Electro-Metals Products Co.) (U. S. patent 1229037, June 5, 1917.) Pd, Sub. Met. Chem. Eng. 17 (1917), 140; C. A. 11 (1917), 2172. 1917: 141. H. S. Cooper. Alloy of gold, silver, and osmium. (For j contact points.) (U. S. patent 1248621, Dec. 4, 1917.) C. A. 12 (1918), 361. Os, Sub. 1917: 142. F. A. Fahrenwald. Gold-coated tungsten or molyb- denum articles. (For dental pins; patent dedicated to U. S. public.) (U. S. patent 1228194, May 29, 1917.) Pd, Sub. C. A. 11 (1917), 2188. 1917: 143. P. F. Guardiola. Drawn filaments for electric incan- descent lamps. (Chromium, copper, zinc, platinum alloy.) (British patent 108817, Mar. 1, 1917.) Pt. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 1041. 1917: 144. C. R. Darling. Base metal thermo-electric pyrom- | eters. (To replace platinum.) Sub. Trans. Faraday Soc. preprint; C. A. 12 (1918), 241. 1917: 145. M. Neumann. (High-temperature measurements with- i out platinum instruments.) Sub. Chem. Ztg. 41 (1917), 288; J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 (1917), 521; C. A. 11 (1917), 2527. 1917: 146. C. H. Humphries. Molybdenum. (Substitute for jew- ; elry; paper before New York section American Chemical Society.) Sub. Met. Chem. Eng. 16 (1917), 678. Note — The following reference was found too late for insertion in full in J its proper place on page 145: 1873: 27a. J. R. Benoit. Etudes experimcntales surla resistance] electrique sous l’influence de la temperature. Pd, Pt. Compt. rend., 76 (1873), 342; Repert. phys. Techn. (Carl), 9 (1873), 55; Phil. Mag. [4], 45 (1873), 314. AUTHOR INDEX. A. A., J., 1845: 3. Abegg, R., 1907: 77. Abich, H., 1831: 27. Accum, F., 1818: 4. Achard, 1779: 2. Ackermann, E., 1900: 1. Adams, E. P., 1914: 106. Adams, L. H., 1914: 122. Addicks, L., 1917: 10. Adeney, W. E., 1904 : 56. Adie, A., 1824: 3. Adie, R., 1855: 24. Adie, R. H., 1899: 48. Aime, G., 1838: 1. Akunoff, J., 1900: 34. Alemany, J., 1915: 105. Alexander, H., 1887: 12. Allen, A. H., 1877: 4. Allen, E. T., 1910: 48; 1911: 114. Alterthum, H., 1912: 130. Altmann, R., 1879: 33. Alvarez, E. P., 1905: 24, 31. Amand. See St. Amand. Amberg, R., 1904: 28; 1905: 3. Amberger, C., 1904: 53; 1905: 58; 1907: 32, 54, 55; 1913: 121, 174, 175; 1915: 62. Ambronn, H., 1905: 43. Amicus, 1804: 19. Anders, G. L., 1884: 22. Anderson, A. C., 1903: 14. Anderson, M. J., 1913: 168a. Anderson, T., 1855: 8. Andreoli, E., 1895: 3. Andrew, J. H., 1913: 108. Andrews, T., 1838: 21; 1852: 9. Antipoff, 1863: la. Antony, U., 1892: 32, 37, 38; 1893: 14, 15; 1896: 10; 1898: 22; 1899: 13, 14, 15; 1900: 6, 18. Appleyard, 1895: 38. Aquilina, G. G., 1845: 10. Arahina, Y., 1917: 88. Archibald, E. H., 1908: 16; 1909: 6, 7, 20; 1912:47; 1917:46. Arena, F., 1909: 69, 71. Argyropoulos, T., 1890: 61. Arkhipoff, 1827: 6. Armstrong, H. E., 1917: 56. Arndtsen, A., 1858: 19. Arnold, H., 1912: 85; 1913: 183. Arons, L., 1890: 60. Arragon, C. , 1911: 123. Arsem, W. C., 1911: 65. Artus, W., 1835: 22; 1867: 20. Aschan, O., 1911: 85. Ascoli, M., 1907: 63. Aso, K., 1906: 43. Aston, F. W., 1912: 135. Atterberg, A., 1875: 19; 1898: 37; 1912 90. Aubel, €., 1862: 20; 1863: 12. Aubel, van, E., 1886: 30, 31. Auer von Welsbach, C., 1902: 60; 1911 120; 1913: 78. Austin, L., 1903: 37. Austin, L. W., 1911:110. Awerkieff, N., 1902: 24. B. B., J., 1839: 11. Bach, A., 1909: 61. Backstrom, H., 1897: 27. Bacon, R. F., 1917: 22. Biideker, K., 1907: 74. Badische Anilin u. Soda Fabrik, 1903 4; 1904: 3; 1910: 56; 1912: 117a; 1913 131, 131a; 1915: 61a. Baerwald, H., 1907: 51. Baeyer, A., 1901: 8; 1902: 19. Bailey, F., 1913: 7a. Bailey, G. H., 1892: 24. Bailey, T., 1886: 16. Baker & Co., 1894:33. Balard, A. J., 1826: 7. Balbiano, L., 1891: 18; 1892: 22. Ball, L. C., 1905: 2b. Balling, C. A. M., 1881: 29. Ballo, M., 1883: 26. Bamberger, W., 1913: 116. Bancroft, H., 1910: 3c. 455 456 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Bancroft, W. D.. 1917: 74, 75. Banks, W., 1886: 24. Bannister, C. O.. 1914 : 54, 56. Baraduc -Muller, L. H., 1910: 22. Baragwanath, W., jr., 1907: 2. Barbieri, G. A., 1914: 40, 41; 1916: 51; 1917: 53. Barbot de Marni, E.-N., 1903: lb. Bardtholdt, 1887: 39. Barfoed, C., 1888: 28. Bargellini, G., 1913: 71 Barker, E. F., 1916: 113. Barker, H. C., 1907: 73. Barkla, C. G., 1914: 103. Barnebey, O. L., 1914: 134. Barnett, R. E., 1895: 9. Barnes, H. T.. 1903: 52; 1912: 136. Barr, L., 1896:38. Barruel, E., 1822: 1. Barth, S., 1914: 132. Bartlett, E. P., 1913: 95. Bartlett, J., 1909: 108. Bartoli, A., 1883: 33: 1884: 16: 1895: 40. Bams, C., 1884: 32; 1888: 49, 55 j 1892 : 64. Barvir, H. L., 1906: 35a. Basset, H., jr., 1905: 46. Bassett, H. L., 1914: 75. Bates, C. F. W., 1917: 139. Batuecas, T., 1916: 118, 118a. Baubigny, H.. 1865: 5. Baudisch, O., 1912: 110. Baudrimont, A., 1850: 13: 1851: 12; 1855: 23. Baudrimont, E., 1861: 11; 1862: 11; 1864: 2; 1871: 26. Bauer, A., 1870: 24: 1871: 24: 1875: 29. Bauer, E., 1896: 32; 1910: 68; 1911: 73; 1913: 33. Baum, M., 1908: 88. Baum£, 1758:2. Baumann. E.. 1881: 36; 1883: 39. Baumert, F. M., 1848: 9. Baumert, R., 1907: 34. Baumhauer, H.. 1907: 41, 42; 1911: 77. Baur, E., 1913: 115. Bauriedel, F., 1909: 16: 1910: 12. Baxter, G. P., 1908: 87; 1914: 127. Beatty, R. T., 1913: 144. Bechamp, A., 1853: 2; 1861: 16. Bechold, H., 1907: 61. Beck, C., 1917: 80. Beck, C. R., 1892: 8; 1893: 12. Beck, R., 1898: 4; 1908: 3. Becker, F., 1876: 22. Becker, G. F., 1880: 2a. ! Beckman, B., 1915: 39. j Becquerel, A. C., 1823: 22, 23; 1829: 26; 1831: 7; 1834: 1: 1851: 13; 1862: 16. | Becquerel, E., 1846:21; 1859: 18; 1862: 16, 17; 1883: 37. ! Beetz, W., 1878: 57. ! Behrens, H.. 1891: 34. ; Beilby, G. T., 1901: 22; 1903: 36; 1904: 34, 39. i Beilstein, F., 1874: 4; 1880: 34. I Beindl, C., 1915: 61. | Beketoff, N., 1878 : 54. I Bellamy, F., 1885: 44. I Bellucci, I., 1900: 8, 9, 21; 1902: 9, 14; I 1903: 6, 10: 1904: 5, 14; 1905: 5, 6, 7, 9, ;! 11, 15; 1907: 6; 1908: 18; 1912:49. • Belowsov, 1891: la. ! Beltzer. F. J. G., 1911: 72. j Bender, C.. 1905: 76. | Benecke, 1829: 5. Benedicks, C., 1900: 11; 1915: 87a. , Benewolensky, J., 1913: 60. ' Benner, R. C., 1911: 122. Bennett, G. M., 1917: 49. Bennewitz. K., 1910: 89. ! Benoit. J. R.. 1873:27a. | Benrath, A., 1915: 76. Bercelles. L., 1916: 71. Berezowsky, W., 1909: 60. ; Berg, O., 1*910: 79. ! Bergdolt, B., 1903: 26. | Bergell, P., 1905: 60. ! Berger. H. W., 1904 : 38. | Bergholm, C., 1913: 133. | Bergman, T., 1775: 2; 1777: 2; 1780: 1, 1792: 1. ; Bergmann, A., 1910: 28. j Bergmann, L., 1909: 42. | Bergner. E., 1911: 48; 1912: 108; 1913: 106. ; Bergsoc, P., 1899: 18. > Berlemont, G., 1912: 151. Berliner, A., 1888: 30,31. Berneck. von, R. M., 1899: 37. Berninger. A., 1907: 87. j Berry. A. J., 1911: 80. Berthelot, M.,1878: 22, 42; 1880: 38; 1882: 39: 1894:36: 1901: 1; 1904 : 8. Berthier, P., 1834: 1, 17; 1843: 9. Berthiot, C., 1890: 57. Berthold, A., 1901: 21. Berthollet, C. L., 1792: 3; 1804: 18; 1805: 5; 1808: 2. Berti-Ceroni, G. B., 1916:68. Bertiaux, L., 1904 : 23. Bertin, A., 1857:21; 1878: 17. AUTHOR INDEX. 457 Bertrand, A., 1876: 49; 1880: 12. Berzelius, J. J., 1812: 4; 1818: 5, 6, 7; 1819: 1; 1821: 2, 3; 1823: 4; 1825: 6: 1826: 15; 1828: 9; 1829: 9, 12; 1830: 6; 1831: 25; 1832: 17; 1833: 9, 13; 1834: 14; 1835: 3, 5, 18; 1841: 10: 1843: 7; 1847: 10. Bet tel, W., 1887: 26. Bettelli, C., 1875: 21. Bettendorff, A., 1872: 1. Bettges, W., 1902: 63; 1904: 25. Ben el, J., 1912: 100. Bhattacharyya, D. N., 1913: 42. Bidwell, S., 1884: 28. Bieler, F., 1917: 82. Biewend, E., 1838:4; 1841: 16. Biggs, H. F., 1916: 92. Biilmann, E., 1900: 14; 1903: 14; 1916: 50. Billings, G. H., 1876: 20. Billitzer, J., 1902: 44; 1907: 56. Billows, E., 1912: 98, 99. Biltz, W., 1904: 55; 1905: 29; 1914: 63. Bird, G., 1838: 24. Birnbaum, C., 1865: 6, 7; 1866: 7; 1867: 4, 5; 1869: 12; 1879: 11. Bischoff, G., 1825: 9, 12; 1832: 18. Bitter, L., 1912: 97. Bjerknes, V., 1892: 66. Bjorksten, R., 1910: 40. Blackadder, T., 1911: 93. Blair, A. W., 1910: 6. Blake, W. P., 1854: 1. Blanchard, 1890: 54. Blau, F., 1901: 39; 1905: 81. Bleekrode, L., 1876: 60. Bleekrode, S., 1858: 1; 1859: 1. Bley, L. F., 1834: 18. Bliss, F. W., 1909: 29. Blomeke, C., 1890: 1. Blomstrand, C. W., 1869: 16a, 17, 18; 1870: 14; 1871: 16,17; 1883: 20; 1888: 15. Blond eau, 1774: 2. Blond el, M., 1901: 5; 1905: 8. Blondlot, R., 1880: 43. Blumenthal, P. L., 1917: 72. Blumer, M., 1912: 45. Blunt, T. P., 1882: 25. Blyth, J., 1844: 13; 1848: 8. Bobertag, O., 1908: 61. Bock, J., 1904: 35. Bocking, M., 1855: 1. Bode, F., 1876: 40, 41,42,46; 1877: 33, 34; 1878: 39. Bodenstein, M., 1907: 53; 1916: 107. Boedeker, 1860: 7. Boeseken, J., 1916: 70. Boisbaudran, Lecoq de, P. E., 1882: 22, 1883: 7,8,9,27. Bokorny, T., 1908: 65. Boll, M., 1912: 42, 43; 1913: 43, 135. Bollemont. de, E. G., 1911: 102. Bolley, P. A., 1853: 6. Bolton, H. 0.. 1872: 7. | Bone, \V. A., 1906: 45. Bonsdorff, von, P. A., 1827: 10; 1828: 10; 1832: 4. Booth. J. 0., 1834: 12a. Borg. F., 1893: 38. Borissow, P., 1906: 56. Born, von. 1791: 2. Bornemann, F., 1910: 12a. Bornemann. K., 1909: 63. Borntriiger, H.. 1893: 37. Borsche, W., 1912: 73. | Bory, 1887: 50. j Bosanquet, R. H. M., 1887: 42. I Bosch, C., 1917: 80. | Bose, E.. 1901: 31. Bosscha, J., 1885: 30. Botsford, R. S., 1915: lb. Bottger, R, C., 1831: 18; 1833: 23; 1834: 10, 24; 1837: 11; 1838: 14, 15; 1840: 9; 1841: 14, 17; 1843: 10, 15; 1853: 7; 1855: 13, 19; 1857: 10, 17; 1863: 4; 1864: 5; 1866: 14, 24; 1867: 18; 1869: 7,22,30; 1871: 2; 1872: 18; 1873: 25, 26; 1874: 38; 1876: 48, 56; 1877: 37; 1878: 20, 21: 1879: 53. Bottomley, J. T., 1887: 44, 55. Bottone, S., 1873: 15. Bouchonnet, A., 1903: 21. Boudon de St. Amand. See St. Amand. Bourdakov, von, 1896: a. Bourkser, E., 1913: 154. Boussingault, J. B., 1821: 4; 1826: 1; 1833: 22; 1856: 1; 1876: 15; 1878: 41. Bouty, E., 1880: 40; 1885: 46. Boyce, J. C., 1917: 80b. Boy 6, M. H., 1840: 4. Brachelli, 1876: 6. Bragg. W. H., 1914: 104; 1915: 84. Bran, F., 1902: 49. Brand es, R,. 1823: 5; 1834: 15. Brandt, L., 1914: 62; 1915: 43. Brauell, F., 1849: 8. Braun, 0. D., 1862: 13. Braun, F., 1882: 44; 1888: 43. Bray, W., 1906: 44. Breant, J. R., 1823: 20, 21; 1827; 20. Bredig, G., 1898: 40,41; 1899: 37; 1901: 24a. 25, 27; 1904: 46; 1910: 59; 1911: 93; 1917: 81. 458 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLAT IX UAL GROUP, Breed. M. B.. 1894: 18. Breithaupt. A.. 1826: 4; 1828: 6,7; 1833: 10, 11; 1840: 1. Brenkeleveen, van. M., 1917: 63. Bretean. P., 1910: 34; 1911: 50. Breuning. E., 1913: 65. Brewster. D.. 1850: 16. Brierley, S., 1886: 24. Briggs, S. H. C., 1908: 24; 1911: 42. Bright Platinum Plating Co., 1887: 35. Brighton, T. B., 1917: 93. Bringhenti, A.. 1906: 48. Brislee, F. J.. 1903: 48. Brizard. L., 1895: 7; 1896: 8, 9; 1899: 16, 17; 1900: 10. Broca, A., 1905: 67. Broch. O. J., 1881: 34. Brochet, A., 1904: 13; 1905: 71, 73. Broesike. G.. 1878: 25. Broglie, de. M.. 1914: 100. Bromeis, C., 1850: 14. Broniewski. IV. . 1910: 93; 1911: 106 i 1913: 156. Brossa. G. A.. 1909 : 64. Brown, F. 0.. 1909: 85. Brown. J.. 1905 : 40. Brown. O. H.. 1904: 45. Brown. R. P.. 1917: 113. Browne. D. H.. 1893: 4a. Browning. P. E.. 1915: 42. Brownrigg. W.. 1751: 1. Brugnatelli. E., 1799: 4. Bruhat, G., 1915: 54. Briihl. von. F.. 1889: 30. Brunck, O., 1901: 35; 1903 : 34; 1904: 21; 1912: 93. Brunei, 1891: 42. Brunei, R. F., 1911: 86. Briinjes, G., 1912: 69. Brunner, C., 1858: 14; 1804: 7. Brunner, E., 1908: 77. Brunton. T. L., 1878: 27. Bryant. E. G.. 1908: 40. Buchanan. J. Y.. 1904: 37. Buchner, J. A., 1831: 24. Buchner, K., 1909 : 33. Buchner, L. A., jr., 1836 : 6. Bucholz, C. F., 1806: 2. Buckley, B. G., 1908: 16. Buckmaster, G. A., 1909: 76. Buckton, G. B.. 1851: 8; 1852: 8; 1854 : 9. Buff. H., 1872: 20. Buffon, de, G. L. L., 1774: 1; 1784: 3. Bugge. G., 1907: 19; 1908: 33. Bullman. C., 1893: 3e. Bullnheimer, F., 1897: 22. Bumstead, H. A., 1912: 138. Bunsen, R. W., 1837: 5; 1842: 12; 1861: 7; 1866: 19; 1868: 1; 1870: 33. Buntrock. A., 1895: 15. Burch. G. H., 1891: 52. Burdakow, W. A., 1909: 36; 1910: 43. i Burdick, W. L., 1912: 92. Burg, van der. E. A., 1865: 9. Burgemeister, 1892 : 51. Burgess, G. K.. 1907: 4S; 1908: 76; 1909: 53. 102. 103; 1912: 148; 1913: 167; 1914: 123; 1915: 92, 96; 1916: 58, 98. Burkhart, H. J., 1874: 1. Burrell, G. A., 1914: 61. Burton, E. F., 1906: 52. Burton. W., 1912: 144. Burton, W. K.. 1891: 47. I Burton, W. M., 1888: 39. , Bush, H., 1881; 31. Busson, B., 1911: 71. Butler, G. M., 1916: 31a. Butlerow, A., 1851: 10. Biittner. H., 1915: 66. Buttgenbach, H.. 1908 : 4b. Buxhoevden. H. B., 1897: 14. Buxton, B. H., 1908 : 62. C. C., 1841: 15. C. C., 1823: 1. Cady, F. E., 1917: 121. ! Cahours, A., 1856: 4; 1870: 5, 6, 7; 1877: 14. Cailletet, L., 1857: 23; 1885: 46; 1S94 : 35. Calderon, L., 1880 : 33. C'alhane, D. F., 1914: 133. Callendar. H. L., 1890 : 46; 1891: 35; 1892 : 53. Campari, G., 1881: 18. Campbell, A., 1905: 78. Campbell, E. D.. 1895: 34; 1S96 : 30. Campbell, H. D.. 1898: 25. Campbell, X.. 1914: 114; 1915: 83. Campbell. X. R., 1906: 61. Campbell, W.. 1902 : 53, 54. Campo, del, A., 1913: 2; 1915: 14. Camsell, C., 1910: 3; 1913: 6b. Canello, J., 1913: 169. Cantacuz^ne. J., 1893: 35. Cantoni, C., 1905: 18. Caranza, 1S56: 14. Card, G. W., 1895: 2a. AUTHOR INDEX, 459 Carlgren, 0., 1890 : 25, 2G. Carlson, T., 1906: 26. Carmichael, H., 1874: 34; 1903: 31. Carne, J. E., 1896: b. Carstanjen, E., 1867: 8. Carthaus, E., 1912: 30. Casamajor, P., 1876:19; 1881:33; 1882: 30; 1886: 20. Case, W., 1886: 38. Castillo, J. C., 1909: lc. Castoro, N., 1904: 47; 1910: 58. Catlett, C., 1889: 2; 1890: 3. Celis, de, M. R., 1788: 1. Cermak, P., 1916: 88. Certes, A., 1880: 21. Cesaris, de, P., 1908: 18. Chabrie, C., 1903: 21. Chalmers, J., 1868: 11. Champion, P., 1875: 33. Chandler, C. F., 1862: 2. Chapman, A. C., 1904: 31. Chapman, A. K., 1914: 106. Chapman, E. J., 1871: 23. Chapman, J. C., 1912: 127. Chappuis, P., 1883: 32. Charitschkoff, K. W., 1902: 31. Charlton, J. P., 1821: 11, 12. Chatelier, Le, H., 1886: 11, 1887: 53; 1889: 41; 1890: 62; 1912: 148. Chatin, A., 1876: 21. Chaudet, 1816: 2. Cheney eau, C., 1909: 52. Cheney, W. L., 1917: 97. Chenivix, R., 1802: 6; 1803: 1, 2, 3; 1804: 1, 2; 1805: 1. Chevreul, M. E., 1811: 6. Children, J. G., 1809: 5; 1815: 2. Chladni, 1823: 13. Chlopin, W., 1913: 56; 1914: 45; 1915: 30, 31. Chojnacki, C., 1870: 22. Chouriguine, 1912: 141. Christensen, A. C., 1915: 51. Christensen, O. T., 1880: 8; 1891: 13. Christiansen, C., 1871: 19. Church, A. H., 1860: 15. Church, 1867: 16, 17. Ciamtcian, G. L., 1877: 44. Claesson, P., 1877: 13. Clark, G. M., 1892: 55. Clark, L., 1890: 49. Clark, N. D., 1894: 11. Clarke, E. D., 1817: 8, 9; 1819: 3, 4, 5; 1821: 13. Clarke, F. W., 1877: 8, 42; 1878: 18, 30; 1881: 13, 16; 1882: 12; 1883: 10; 1884: 8; 1889: 2; 1890: 3,1894: 20; 1896:3; 1903: 5; 1906: 8; 1909: 4, 5; 1910: 8; 1913: 37, 38; 1914: 27. Classen, A., 1884: 14; 1890: 30; 1914:68. Claubry, de, H. F. G., 1833: 3. Claudet, F., 1851: 5. Claus, C., 1844: 4, 5, 6; 1845: 5, 8; 1846: 7, 8; 1847: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12; 1854: 6, 7; 1856: 5, 6; 1858: 7; 1859: 8; 1862: 9, 10; 1883: 1. Clavari, E., 1905: 15. Clay, J., 1908: 50, 84; 1912: 134. Cleaverley, L., 1907: 10. Clemence, A. 13., 1883: 28. dementi, G., 1855: 6. Clerk, D., 1879: 36. Clermont, de, P., 1878: 24; 1879: 28,29. Cleve, A., 1902: 11. Cleve, P. T., 1861: 15; 1865: 3, 4; 1866: 12; 1867: 9; 1870: 11,12; 1871: 12,13, 14, 15; 1872: 6; 1874: 18; 1878: 8; 1880: 13; 1883: 12; 1885: 3,4; 1890:26. Clevenger, G. H., 1913: 79. Cloez, S., 1866: 3. Cloud, J., 1809: 2; 1818: 3, 9. Coblentz, W. W., 1910: 73, 74; 1912: 119; 1917: 98. Coca, A. F., 1908: 46. Cochin, D., 1878: 9. Cock, W. J., 1843: 6. Coehn, A., 1901: 19; 1903: 45. Cohen, 1901: 40. Cohen, E., 1908: 6. Cohn, P., 1896: 26. Collard eau, E., 1894: 35. Collet-Descotils, H. V., 1803: 10; 1804: 11; 1805: 6; 1807: 1; 1808: 1. Collier, P., 1881: 2. Collins, J. H., 1885: la. Colson, A., 1881: 14a; 1882: 35,36. Coma, P., 1913: 4. Commaille, A., 1863: 5; 1866: 16. Compton, K. T., 1912: 125; 1913: 137, 138. Coninck, Oechsner de, W., 1883: 16; 1900: 13; 1902: 10; 1903,12. Connell, A., 1831: 6. Conroy, J. T., 1903: 55. Cooke, E.F., 1834: 5. Cooke, H. L., 1910: 84; 1911: 109; 1913: 155. Cooke, R. D., 1917: 45. 460 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Cooke, S., 1887: 20. Coolidge, W. D., 1910: 99; 1915: 102a; 1916: 101b. Cooper. H. S., 1916: 101a; 1917: 140,141. Cooper, J.T., 1817: 14. Cooper, T., 1827: 18. Coquillion, J. J.,1873: 27; 1875: 32; 1876: 53, 54; 1877: 40, 41; 1878: 46. Corbino, O. M., 1913: 145, 146. Cornet, J., 1908: 4b. Correa, 1806: 6. Cortinovis, A. M., 1790: 1. Cossa, A., 1887: 10; 1890: 24; 1892: 21; 1893: 21; 1894: 15; 1897: 16. Costanzo, 1913: 162. Cotta, v., 1860: 1. Cottereau, E., fils, 1845: 11. Couquet, H. C., 1900: 28. Courtis, W. M., 1912: 2. Cowap, M. D., 1910: 21. Cowper-Coles, S., 1899: 31. Crace-Calvert, F., 1858: 11, 18: 1861: 20. Crafts, J.M., 1888: 27. Crampton, F. A., 1915: 50; 1916: 18. Crawford, C. R., 1889: 35. Crell, L., 1784: 1. Croft, H. H., 1867: 7. Crompton, H., 1895: 39. Cronstedt, A. F., 1764: 1. Crookes, Sir W., 1864: 9, 10; 1891: 40; 1908: 82; 1910: 25; 1912: 103. Crosnier, L., 1846: 14. Crosse, A. F., 1913: 80. Crossley, W., 1860: 17. Crova, A., 1878: 47. Crowther, J. A., 1910: 76. Cunningham, J. C. J., 1914: 128. Curie, P., 1880: 39. Curphey, W. S., 1917: 79. Curtius, T., 1898: 34. Curtman, L. J., 1911: 58; 1917: 65. Cuthbertson, J., 1802: 2. Czudnowicz, C. , 1860: 13. D. Dam, van, C., 1917: 94. Dam, van, W., 1895: 24. Damaret, F. J., 1902: lb. Damour, A. A., 1857: 1; 1861: 4. Dana, S.F., 1824: 4. Dangaz,1833: 4. Daniel, J., 1893: 46. Daniell, J. F., 1821: 8; 1823: 13; 1830: 15; 1831: 28. Dannecker, C., 1915: 56. Danvillier, A., 1917: 105. D’Arcet, J. P. J., 1814: 7; 1828: 23. D’Argy, 1833 : 5. Darling, C. R., 1917: 113, 144. Dart, A. S., 1911: 63; 1912: 83. Datta, R. L., 1913: 44, 45; 1914: 29. Daubree, G. A., 1875: 2, 27; 1876: 2; 1893: 2. | Daumesnil, A. P. G., 1879: 38. Davey, L. G., 1914: 101. Davidson, J. G., 1907: 69. Davis, R. O. E., 1908: 30. Davison, J. M., 1899: 2. Davy, E., 1812: 2, 3; 1817: 5; 1820: 1; 1829: 11. Davy, H., 1810: 4; 1811: 3, 4; 1817: 10; 1818: 16, 17; 1825: 13. Dawson, G. M., 1887: 1. Day, A., 1899: 42. Day, A. L., 1910: 48. Day, D. T., 1900: 1; 1906: 3, 3a; 1907 : 2a; 1910: 3b; 1913: 20a; 1914: 3. Debray, J. H., 1857: 3; 1859: 9; 1860: 4, 5; 1862: 7, 18; 1873: 14; 1874: 6, 27; 1875: 18, 26; 1876: 10, 11, 26; 1877: 21; 1878: 4, 16; 1879: 6; 1880: 28; 1882: 5, 6; 1883: 6; 1887: 14, 15, 16; 1888: 13. Debus, 1863: 6. Degen, A. F. E., 1833: 24; 1836: 12, 13. Deininger, F., 1907: 67. Delachanel, B., 1875: 15; 1909: 56. Delanoue, 1860: 18. De la Rive, A., 1838: 2; 1841: 8. De la Rue, W., 1883: 4. DeLaunay, L., 1909: Id; 1914: la. Delepine! M . , 1895 : 25; 1905: 38, 41; 1906: 16, 17; 1908: 19, 21; 1909: 26, 32, 35; 1910: 23, 24; 1911: 33, 34, 40; 1914: 31, 32, 38; 1917: 48, 50. Delffs, W., 1863: 7. De ITsle, R., 1783: 1. Del Rio. See Rio. Demarfay, E., 1885: 18. Dember/H., 1906: 66; 1911: 112. Denham, H. G., 1910: 54. Denig5s, 1917: 46b. Dennstedt, M., 1907: 36; 1908: 4L Denso, P., 1902: 50. Depuis, 1828: 21. Desains, P., 1872: 19; 1880: 39. Desborough, P. H., 1899: 43. Descloizeaux, A., 1857: 1, 14; 1870: 25; 1875: 1. Descotils. See Collet-Descotils. Despretz, C., 1827: 21; 1829: 27; 1849: 13. AUTHOR INDEX, 4G1 Dessaignes, J. P., 1816: 3. Dessau, B., 1886: 29. Deutsche GasgliihlichtGesellschaft, 1905: 80; 1906: 76. Deville, H. St. C., 1852: 12; 1856: 12, 15; 1857: 3, 15, 16; 1859: 9; 1860: 4, 5; 1862: 7, 18; 1863: 9; 1867: 14; 1870: 21; 1873: 14; 1874: 6, 27, 28; 1875: 3, 18, 26; 1876: 10, 11, 26, 66; 1878: 4, 4a, 16; 1879: 6, 34, 34a; 1880: 2b; 1881: 34; 1882: 6; 1915: 57. Dewar, J., 1869: 9; 1873: 3; 1879: 46; 1881: 17; 1893: 45; 1895: 44; 1897: 21; 1913: 147. Dewey, F. P., 1912: 79; 1914: 58. Dliar, N., 1913: 41, 42. Dhein, P. E., 1912: 122. Diakonow, C., 1868: 3. Dickson, C. W., 1903: 2; 1905: 2c. Dietz, H., 1912: 16. Dietz, R., 1898: 10; 1899: 11. Dilthey, W., 1903: 13. Dinklage, K., 1901: 18; 1906: 14. Di Nola,*E., 1913: 75. Dirvell, P. J., 1886: 15. Ditscheiner, L., 1864: 11. Ditte, A., 1880: 15; 1882: 7; 1900: 30. Dittenberger, W., 1899: 11. Dittmar, H., 1910: 11. Dittmar, W., 1884: 19; 1887: 13. Dbbereiner, F., 1835: 9; 1838: 3. Dobereiner, J. W., 1814: 9; 1822: 6; 1823: 6, 7, 8; 1824: 5, 6, 16; 1826: 10, 13; 1828: 12; 1829: 24; 1831: 8,9,12,13,14, 15, 16, 17; 1832: 3, 9, 10, 11; 1833: 15; 1834: 20, 21, 22, 23; 1835: 11, 12; 1836: 4, 8, 9, 14; 1838: 5, 23; 1839: 5; 1841: 1 ; 1843: 11, 12; 1844: 17; 1845: 16. Dode, J. B. A., 1865: 13; 1868: 14; 1873: 19; 1879: 37. Doerinckel, F., 1907: 80. Dole, A. B., 1914: 74. Domanicki, N., 1916: 37. Donald, J. F., 1893: 4. Donath, E., 1883: 21. Donau, J., 1904: 19, 20; 1905: 39; 1906: 32, 51; 1907: 29; 1908: 37; 1913: 139; 1915: 63. During, T., 1913: 184. Dragendorff, G., 1866: 18. Draper, C. H., 1888: 56. Drechsel, E., 1879: 8, 15; 1882: 9; 1884: 15; 1886: 36. Drecq, M., 19.12: 33. Dreyfus, H., 1916: 74. I Dublanc, 1828: 28. Dubois, H., 1854: 2. Duclaux, E., 1887: 18. Dudley, W. L., 1882: 14; 1883: 29; 1887: 33; 1888: 36; 1893: 29, 39; 1902: 8. Dufet, H., 1890: 35, 36, 37; 1895: 31, 31a; 1902: 32. Duff our, A., 1909: 39, 40; 1910: 32, 33; 1911: 35; 1912: 48; 1913: 63. Dufour, A., 1911: 99. Dulk, F. P., 1824: 17; 1825: 16. Dullo, IF, 1859: 10, 22. Dulong, P. L., 1818: 18; 1819: 9; 1823: 9, 10. Dumas, J. B., 1872: 11; 1876: 59. Dunlop, J. P., 1917: 17. Dunn, E. J.. 1914: 15b. Dunnington,. F. P., 1879: 21. Dunstan, A. E., 1907: 10, 11. Duparc, L,, 1902: la; 1903: 1; 1905: 2a; 1908: 2; 1910: 2, 4; 1911: 2, 3, 4, 14; 1912: 87; 1913: 5,17; 1914: 4,5; 1915: 2; 1916: 2, 3. Dupont, G., 1913: 72. Durande, 1777: 1. Durham, C. B.. 1911: 64a. Durkee, F. W., 1896: 15. Durre, E. F., 1876: 34. DuVergier, E. A., 1914: 56. Duvillier, E., 1877: 24. Dyer, G., 1914: 74. E. Easterfield, T. H., 1893: 25. Eastick, T. A., 1912: 2. Ebelmen, J. J., 1849: 1; 1851: 4. Eberhard, A., 1917: 47. Ebert, H., 1888: 60. Ebert, R., 1916: 66. Ebler, E., 1902: 29. Eder, J. M., 1880: 17; 1889: 33; 1891: 45; 1892: 56; 1910: 62. Edgar, E. C., 1913: 107. Edison, T. A., 1879: 14, 45. Edlund, E., 1865: 19; 1870: 39. Edman, J. A., 1894: 6a; 1898: 9a. Edwards, J. D., 1917: 91. Egbert, S., 1896: 42. Eggert, J., 1915: 60. Ehrhart, O., 1913: 126. Eichfeld, M. J., 1827: 16. Eichler, W., 1859: 11. Eilers, A., 1913: 29b. Eldred, B. E., 1910: 111; 1912: 156, 157, 158,' 159 j 159a; 1915: 102; 1916: 114, 115. Electrometals Products Co., 1916: 102. 462 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Elkington, H., 1841: 19. Ellel . W. H.. 1838: 9. Eisner. I... 1845: 13; 1^6: 16; 165S: 12; 1859: 23. Elster, J., 1890: 59. Emden, R., 18S9: 38. Emerson. W. B.. 1917: 98. Emieh. F.. 1892: 30; 1905: 47; 1907: 29; 1908 : 52. Emslander, R., 1915: 53. End ell. K.. 1910: 104. Enebuske, e, Ostwald, and Urbain Ir. 1913: 38 Clarke, Thorpe, Ostwald, and Urbain Pd, Ru. 1914: 27 Clarke, Thorpe, Ostwald, and Urbain Ir. B. Bacteria, influence of Pt on. 1907: 39 Pfuhl. 1912: 97 Bitter. 1912: 109 Loew. 1912: 110 Baudisch. 496 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Bacteria — Continued, influence of bases on. 1904 : 35 Bock Rh. influence of csmic acid on. 1914: 65 Thorsch. influence on catalysis. 1913: 116 Rosenthal and Bam- berger. Barium in Pt. 1865: 1 Kraut, cyanoplatinate. 1899: 18 Bergsoe. 1904: 13 Brochet and Petit. 1906: 56 Borissow. sulphate, does not retain Pt. 1904 : 30 Silberberger. Bars of metal, manufacture. 1912: 105 Gladnitz. Bases. See also Constitution; Theory, acetonamin. 1876: 17 Heintz. aliphatic amins. 1914 : 28 Peters, ammonia, general. 1856: 6 Claus. 1856: 8 Weltzien. 1862: 12 Schiff. 1893 : 22 Werner. 1895: 13 Werner, iridium. 1852: 7 Skoblikoff. 1879: 11 Birnbaum. 1889: 14 Palmaer. 1895: 16 Palmaer. 1895: 16a Palmaer. 1896: 18 Palmaer. 1908 : 22 Werner and De Vries. 1908: 22a De Vries, osmium. 1858: 5 Gibbs and Genth. 1860: 6 Gibbs. 1881: 7 Gibbs, palladium. 1841 : 12 Fehling. 1853: 1 Muller. 1860: 6 Gibbs. 1865: 5 Baubigny. 1878: 16 Deville and Debray. 1880: 7 Ieambert. 1890: 39 Smith and Keller. 1898: 27 Reizenstein. 1899: 5 Hardin. Bases — Continued, ammonia — continued . palladium — continued. 1905: 19 Gutbier. 1905: 23 Gutbier, Krell, and Janssen. 1906: 24 Gutbier and Krell. 1907: 21 Tschugaeff. 1907 : 24 Zeisel and Nowack. 1917: 56 Armstrong, platinum. 1828: 11 Magnus. 1837 : 6 Simon. 1838: 6 Gros. 1838: 7 Kane. 1840: 5 Reiset. 1841: 10 Berzelius. 1841: 11 Kane. 1844: 11 Peyrone. 1844: 12 Reiset. 1844: 13 Blyth. 1846: 5 Knop and Schnedermann. 1846 : 6 Haidinger. 1846: 11 Raewsky. 1847 : 12 Claus. 1847: 13 Peyrone. 1849: 6 Laurent and Gerhardt. 1850: 8 Gerhardt. 1851: 7 Hofmann. 1851: 8 Buckton. 1852: 8 Buckton. 1854: 7 Claus. 1855: 10 Peyrone. 1855: 11 Peyrone. 1856: 9 Grimm. 1856: 10 Grimm. 1857: 11 Sella. 1860: 15 Church and Owens. 1864: 3 Gentele. 1865: 4 Cleve. 1866: 12 Cleve. 1866: 13 Hadow. 1867: 9 Cleve. 1867: 10 Thomsen. 1869: 16 Thomsen. 1869: 17 Blomstrand. 1870: 11 Cleve. 1870: 12 Cleve. 1870: 13 Gordon. 1870: 14 Blomstrand. 1870: 15 Phillips. 1870: 16 Odling. SUBJECT INDEX, 497 Bases — Continued . ammonia — continued . platinum — continued. 1871: 12 Cleve. 1871: 13 Cleve. 1871: 14 Cleve. 1871: 15 Cleve. 1871: 16 Blomstrand. 1871: 17 Blomstrand. 1872: 9 Topsoe. 1873: 10 Sharpies. 1876 : 30 Thomsen. 1878: 15 Phillips. 1879: 15 Drechsel. 1882: 8 Gerdes. 1882: 9 Drechsel. 1882: 20 Hofmeister. 1883: 20 Blomstrand. 1884: 15 Drechsel. 1886: 8 Jorgensen. 1887 : 10 Cossa. 1887 : 11 Reese. 1888: 19 Koefoed. 1888 : 20 Haberland and Hanekop. 1889: 15 Jorgensen. 1890: 21 Jorgensen. 1890: 22 Jorgensen. 1890: 23 Jorgensen. 1890: 24 Cossa. 1890: 25 Carlgren. 1890: 26 Carlgren and Cleve. 1892: 16 Petersen. 1893: 23 Werner and Miolati. 1894: 15 Cossa. 1894: 17 Werner and Miolati. 1894: 26 Kurnakow. 1895: 13 Werner. 1895: 14 Kurnakow. 1895: 17 Klason. 1895: 18 Klason. 1896: 17 Schou. • 1896: 20 Werner. 1898: 27 Reizenstein. 1902: 22 Klason. 1903: 14 Biilmann and Andersen. 1904: 15 Klason. 1904: 16 Euler. 1906: 18 Jorgensen. 1906: 19 Jorgensen and Sorensen. 1906: 20 Tarugi. 1907: 21 Tschugaeff. 1907: 22 Tschugaeff. 1907: 25 Werner. Bases — Continued . ammonia — continued, platinum — continued. 1909: 36 Burdakow. 1909: 50 Peters. 1913: 58 Ramberg. 1913: 59 Ramberg. 1915: 28 Tschugaeff. 1915: 29 Tschugaeff. 1915: 30 Tschugaeff and Chlopin. 1915: 31 Tschugaeff and Chlopiu. 1915: 32 Tschugaeff and Kiltuino- vich. ‘1915: 33 Tschugaeff and Wladimi- roff. 1915: 34 Tschugaeff and Lebedin- ski. 1915: 35 Tschugaeff and Skanaeff- Grigorieff. .1915: 37 Tschugaeff and Tscher- naeff. 1915: 38 Tschugaeff and Wladimi- roff. 1916: 48 Tschugaeff and Kiltuino- vich. 1916: 50 Biilmann and Hoff. 1917: 54 Ephrain and Millman. 1917: 55 Falk and Nelson, rhodium. 1882: 11 Jorgensen. 1883: 13 Jorgensen. 1884: 6 Jorgensen. 1886: 9 Jorgensen. 1889: 15 Jorgensen. 1890: 23 Jorgensen. 1891: 19 Jorgensen. 1891: 20 Jorgensen. 1892: 18 Jorgensen. 1892: 19 Jorgensen. 1893: 20 Jorgensen. 1894: 16 Jorgensen. 1896: 19 Jorgensen. 1904: 35 Bock. 1909: 25 Gutbier and Riess. ruthenium. 1889: HJoly. 1890: 19 Joly. 1892: 20 Joly. 1893: 34 Mangin. 1893: 35 Nicolle and Cantacuz^ne. 1895: 15 Witt and Buntrock. 1907: 25 Werner. 1907: 26 Werner. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 32 498 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Bases — Continued, aniline. 1848: 7 Raewsky. 1870: 12 Cl eve. * cobalt, chloroplatinates of. 1901 : 9 Werner and Humphrey, coniin. 1848: 8 Blyth. diamins. 1899: 20 Werner. 1899: 21 Kurnakow and Gwosda- rew Pd. 1901: 13 Werner and Herty. 1906: 21 Grossmann and* Schiick. 1906: 25 Gutbier and Woemle. .Pd. 1907: 23 Tschugaeff and Sokoloff. 1909: 37 Tschugaeff and Sokoloff. 1912: 52 Werner Rh. d icy and iarnid in . 1910: 27 Grossmann and Schiick, Pd, Pt. ethylamin . ~ 1892: 21 Cossa, hydrazin. 1914: 37 Tschugaeff and Grigorjew. hydroxylamin. 1871: 11 Lossen. 1887: 12 Alexander. 1900: 24 Uhlenhuth. 1900: 25 Uhlenhuth. 1910: 26 Ohermaier. 1915: 36 Tschugaeff and Tscher- naeff. nicotine. 1848: 6 Raewsky. organic bases of Ir. 1914: 33 Gutbier. See also Chloroplatinates. oxims. 1906: 23 Tschugaeff Pd, Pt. 1910: 29 Tschugaeff Pd, Pt. oxygen bases, chloroplatinates of. 1901: 8 Baeyer and Villiger. phosphinamin. 1902: 15 Klason and Wanselin. pyrazol . 1891 : 18 Balbiano. 1892: 22 Balbiano. pyridin. 1885: 14 Hedin. 1892: 21 Cossa. 1893: 21 Cossa. Bases — Continued . pyridin — continued . 1895: 18 Klason. 1896: 20 Werner. 1898: 27 Reizenstein Pd, Pt. 1898: 29 Rosenheim and Maass. Pd. 1910: 28 Ostromisslensky and Berg- mann. 1911: 33 Delepine Ir. 1913: 98 Fersmann. 1914: 29 Datta and Ghosh, sulphur bases. 1834: 12 Zeise. 1844: 10 Wertheim. 1876: 16 Kruger. 1877: 13 Claesson Ir, Pt, Rh. 1885: 12 Enebuske. 1887: 7 Lohndahl. 1888: 15 Blomstrand. 1890: 16 Lohndahl. 1895: 19 Klason. 1895: 19a Hamberg. thiocarbonate bases. 1897: 18 Hofmann. See also Thio-acids. Baskets for combustion furnace. 1915: 99 Grant. Benzene, action with Pt black. 1900 : 34 Lunge and Akunoff , Pd, PL Benzhydrol, action of Pd sponge. 1903: 26 Knoevenagel. Benzidin, reagent for Pt. 1913: 75 Malatesta and Di Nola. Beta-rays. See also X-rays. 1910: 91 Schmidt, Bibliography, bromo-salts. 1902: 13 Pfeiffer, iridium. 1885: 23 Perry, magnesium cyanoplatinito. 1872: 7 Bolton, nitrogen industries. 1917: 80a Hosmer. 1917 : 80b Boyce, platinum metals. 1883: 1 Claus. 1897 : 43 Howe, works of Joly. 1899: 51. B iol u minescence . 1917: 83 Harvey. SUBJECT INDEX, 499 Black, Pd. 1910: 61 Paal and Hohenegger. 1912: 70 Wieland. 1913: 71 Bargellini. 1913: 72 Dupont. 1913: 124 Wieland. 1916: 79 Salkind and Markaryan. Black, Pt. 1800: 6 Henry. 1804: 17 Proust. 1829: 22 Liebig. 1832: 3 Dobereiner. 1832: 11 Dobereiner. 1832: 14. 1834: 18 Bley. 1835: 9 Dobereiner. 1835: 12 Dobereiner. 1.836: 8 Dobereiner. 1836: 9 Dobereiner. 1858: 8 Hempel. 1872: 15 Smith. 1876: 55 Zdrawkowitch. 1877: 37 Bottger. 1882: 18 Mulder and Van der Meulen. 1886: 36 Drechsel. 1899: 36 Sabaneef. 1903: 39 Neilson. 1904: 42 Vondracek. 1904: 45 Neilson and Brown. 1906: 43 Loew and Aso. 1908: 5$ Grove and Loevenhaut. 1908: 67 Martini. 1909: 94 Laborde. 1910: 7 MacDermott. 1911: 95 Royds. 1912 : 33 Fery and Drecq. 1912: 119 Coblentz. 1913: 68 Yavon. 1913: 118 Ott. 1914: 81 Vavon. 1914: 82 Vavon. 1914: 83 Vavon. 1915: 59 Paai and Schwarz, Ir, Os, Pt. 1916: 77 Houben and Pfau. 1916: 79 Salkind and Markaryan. 1916: 85 Gerlach. Bone production. See Osmic acid. Borax bead, coloration by colloidal metals. 1904: 19 Donau. Borax, Pt in. 1908: 40 Bryant. Borneo. See Occurrence. Boron. See Alloys. Boss mine. See Occurrence, Nevada. Brittle, Pt. 1874: 35 Reichardt. See also Disintegration. Bromates. 1841: 9 Rammelsberg Pd, Pt. Bromides. 1880: 5 Meyer and Z iiblin. 1891: 12 Pullinger. 1892: 34 Pigeon. 1900: 17 Rosenheim Oa. 1904: 10 Howe Ru. 1911: 32 Wohler. 1912: 56 Tschugaeff and Fraenkel. tetrabromide. 1900: 9 Miolati and Bellucci. 1913: 39 Gutbier and Heinrich. See also Halides. Bromo-iridates and iridites. 1865: 6 Birnbaum. 1890: 14 Geisenheimer. 1909: 23 Gutbier and Riess. 1910: 37 Riess. Bromonitrites. 1900: 21 Miolati and Bellucci. Bromo-osmates. 1901: 23 Sachs. 1909: 27 Gutbier and Maisch. 1911: 36 Walbiuger. 1914: 35 Gutbier and Mehler. 1914: 36 Gutbier and Mehler. Bromo-palladates and palladites. 1828: 10 Bonsdorff. 1894: 9 Smith and Wallace. 1905: 19 Gutbier. 1905: 20 Gutbier and Krell. 1905: 21 Gutbier and Krell. 1905: 22 Gutbier, Krell, and Jans- sen. 1906: 11 Gutbier and Woernle. 1906: 12 Gutbier and Krell. 1916: 42 Gutbier and Fellner. 1916: 43 Gutbier and Fellner. Bromo-platinates and platinites. 1826: 7 Balard . 1828: 10 Bonsdorff. 1832: 4 Bonsdorff. 1868: 8 Topsoe. 1871: 19 Topsoe and Christiansen 1874: 41 Topsoe. 1897: 4 Meker. 1902: 11 Cleve. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 500 Bromo-platinates and platinites — Contd. 1903: 14 Biilmann and Andersen. 1909: 16 Gutbier and Banned el. 1909: 17 Ray and Ghosh. 1910: 12 Bauriedel. 1910: 13 Gutbier. 1911: 76 Ries. 1912: 34 Weber. 1912: 45 Gutbier and Blumer. 1912: 46 Yon Muller. 1913: 40 Gutbier and Rausch. 1914: 30 Gutbier, Krauss, and Yon Muller. 1916: 44 Mandell. 1917: 46 Archibald and Kem. Bromo-rhodates. 1908: 23 Gutbier and Hiittlinger. Bromo-mthenates. 1905: 23 Gutbier and Trenkner. 1907: 14 Gutbier and Zwicker. Bromo-salts, list of. 1902: 13 Pfeiffer. Bronzing, with PtCl 4 . 1862: 24 Hunt, Bumping, prevention of. 1818: 12 Gay-Lussac. Burner. 1884: 24 Lewis. C. Cacodyl compounds. 1842: 12 Bunsen. Cadmium. See Alloys; Analysis. Calcium carbide, action as reducing agent. 1899: 27 Tarugi. Calorimeter bomb. 1915: 106 Parr. Calorimetry at high temperatures. 1913: 145 Corbino. 1913: 146 Corbino. Camphene, catalytic oxidation. 1911: 85 Aschan. Camphoric acid. 1823: 5 Braudes. Canadium. 1911: 1 French. 1912: 2 Eastick. 1912: 3 Patterson. 1912: 4 Estreicher. Canadium, Pt substitute. 1917: 127 Heath. Capillarity. 1868: 16 Quincke Pd, Pt. Carbon. analysis in presence of Os. 1902: 27 Von Knorre. bisulphide, compound with. 1890: 15 Schutzenberger. combustion crucible. 1899: 45 Shimer. 1903: 51 Stehman. compounds with, 1881: 12 Schutzenberger. 1881: lla Colson. 1885: 10 Griffiths. 1890: 15 Schutzenberger. 1896: 11 Moissan Ir, Pd, Rh. 1900: 16 Prandtl and Hofmann, holder. 1885: 33 Scharn weber. monoxide, action on Pt, etc. 1897: 25 Harbeck and Lunge. 1898: 21 Fink Pd. 1902: 30 Jean Pd. 1902: 31 Charitschkoff. Pd. 1903: 22 Muller. 1905: 39 Donau Pd. 1912: 91 Guasco. 1912: 93 Brunck Pd. 1912: 112 Wieland Pd. 1916: 65 Paal . toximeter. 1912: 91 Guasco. Carbonyl compounds. 1825: 4 Zeise. 1868: 6 Schutzenberger. 1870: 9 Schutzenberger. 1891: 10 Mylius and Foerster. 1891: 11 Foerster. 1891: 12 Pullinger. 1896: 14 Ferreira da Silva. I 1897: 12 Ferreira da Silva. 1910: 21 Mond, Hirtz, and Cowap, Pd, Rh, Ru. 1915: 24a Mond Ru. Care of crucibles. 1912: 121. Caro's acid, action of Pt on. 1904: 51 Price and Friend. Catalog of apparatus. 1894: 33 Baker & Co. Catalyst. 1916: 80a Muller Gen. 1917: 85 Mittasch, Schneider, and Morawitz Gen. SUBJECT INDEX, 501 Catalytic action. 1898: 42 De Hemptinne. . .Pd, Pt. 1899: 37 Bredig and Bemeck. 1899: 38 Wagner. 1900: 31 Euler. 1900: 32 French. 1900: 33 Hober. 1900: 34 LungeandSkanoff.Pd.Pt. 1900: 35 Sulc Ir, Os, Pd, Rh. 1901: 25 Bredig and Ikeda. 1901: 26 Raudnitz. 1901: 27 Bredig. 1901: 28 Ernst. 1901: 29 Wohler. 1902: 36 Tanatar. 1902: 37 Tanatar. 1902: 39 Fredenhagen. 1902: 40 Mellor and Russell Pd. 1902: 41 Engler and Wohler. 1902: 42 Schaer. 1903: 38 Trillat. 1904: 42 Vondracek. 1904: 44 Purgotti and Zaniehelli. 1904: 46 Bredig and Fortner. . .Pd. 1904: 48 Liebermann. 1904: 49 Liebermann and Von Gen- j ersich. 1905: 52 Senter. 1905: 53 Senter. 1905: 54 Senter. 1905: 55 Sand Pd, Pt. 1905: 56 Sirk. 1906: 43 Loew and Aso. 1906: 44 Bray. 1906: 45 Bone and Wheeler. 1906: 48 Bringhenti Pd, Pt. 1906: 49 Neilson. 1906: 50 Neilson. 1907: 52 Liebig. 1907 : 53 Bodenstein and Fink. 1907: 55 Paal, Amberger and Ge- rum Ir, Os, Pd, Pt. 1908: 35 Paal, Gerum, and Roth, Pd, Pt. 1908: 55 Jablczynski. 1908: 57 Kaestner (pat.). 1908: 58 Vanzetti Pd, Pt. 1908: 64 Teletow. 1908: 65 Bokorny. 1909: 41 Paal, Roth, Gerum, and Hartmann Pd, Pt. 1909: 60 Just and Berezowsky. 1909: 61 Bach Pd. 1909: 62 Harkins. 1 Catalytic action— Continued. 1909: 63 Bornemann Pd, Pt. 1909: 64 Brossa Ir. 1909: 70 Kernot Ir. 1910: 54 Denham. 1910: 55 Haber Os. 1910: 56 Badische Anilin u. Soda Fabrik (pat.) Os. 1910: 57 Golodetz Os. 1910: 59 Bredig and Sommer, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1911: 85 Aschan. 1911: 86 Brunei. 1911: 87 Milbauer. 1911: 91 Zelinsky Pd. 1911: 92 Paal and Karl Pd. 1911: 93 Blaekadder and Bredig, Rh. 1912: 61 Schwarz. 1912: 62 Skita Pd, Pt. 1912: 67 Zelinsky and Herzenstein, Pd, Pt, 1912: 68 Meyer Pd, Pt. 1912: 69 Brunjes Pd. 1912: 72 Ipatief Pd. 1912: 77 Zelinsky and Uklonskaja, Pd. 1912: 94 Knapp Pd. 1912: 112 Wieland Pd. 1912: 113 Wieland Pd. 1912: 114 Wieland Pd. 1912: 117 Zentralstelle fiir wissen- schaftlicli - technische Unter- suchungen (pat.) Ru. 1913: 66 Madina veitia Gen. 1913: 68 Vavon. 1913: 70 Paal and WindischPd, Pt. 1913: 72 Dupont Pd. 1913: 73 Kousnetsof Pd. ’ 1913: 110 Skita Pd, Pt, 1913: 112 Fokine Pd, Pt. 1913: 114 Gutbier and Neundling- er. 1913: 116 Rosenthal and Bamber- ger. 1913: 117 Farmer and Parker. 1913: 118 Ott. 1913: 122 Paal and Oehme Pd. 1913: 125 Paal and Karl Pd. 1913: 131 Ru. 1914: 73 Maclnnes. 1914: 74 Dyer and Dole. 1914: 75 Bassett. 1914: 77 Paal Pd, Pt. 502 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Catalytic action — Continued. 1914: 78 Paal Pd. 1914: 81 Vavon. 1914: 82 Vavon. 1914: 83 Vavon. 1914: 86 Normann and Schick. Os. 1914: 87 Willstatter and Sonnen- feld Os. 1914: 129 Hofmann and Ritter, Gen. 1915: 22 Langmuir Pd, Pt. 1915: 64 Skita Pd, Pt. 1915: 65 Skita Pd, Pt. 1915: 66 Paal and Biittner Pd. 1915: 67 PaalandHohenegger.Pd. 1915: 68 Paal and Schwarz. 1915: 69 Kruger and Taege. 1915: 70 Hofmann and Schnieder, Gen. 1916: 62 Gurvich. 1916: 63 Lemoine. 1916: 64 Paal and Schwarz. 1916: 65 Paal Ir, Os, Pt. 1916: 66 Hofmann and Ebert. .Gen. 1916: 67 Sieverts and Peters. 1916: 68 Scagliarini and Berti- Ceroni Pd. 1916: 70 Boeseken Pd, Pt. 1916: 71 Bercelles. 1916: 73 Haas Rh. 1916: 74 Dreyfus Pd, Pt. 1916: 75 Korevaar Pd. 1916: 76 Grassi. 1916: 77 Houben and Pfau. 1916: 78 Lebedev and Ivanov. 1916: 79 Salkind and Markaryan, Pd, Pt. 1916: 80 Terwen. 1916: 81 Sulzberger Pd. 1916: 91 Takasaki. 1917: 74 Bancroft. 1917: 75 Bancroft Pd, Pt. 1917: 76 Sulzberger Pd, Pt. 1917: 77 Groll. 1917: 78 Reiman. 1917: 79 Curphey. 1917: 80 Bosch, Mittasch, and Beck (pat.) Gen. 1917: 81 Bredig (pat.) Pd, Pt. 1917: 82 Paal, Biehler, and Steyer Ir. 1917: 122 Philip and Steel (pat.), Pd, Pt. See also Colloids; Ferments; Reduc- tion; Sugar. Cathode-ray vacuum heater. 1913: lOOTiede. Cathodes. See Electrodes; Polarisation Caustic soda, action on Pt. 1909: 42 Le Blanc and Bergmann Centrifuge of Pt. 1908: 87 Baxter. Charcoal, decomposition of chlorides by 1900: 13 De Coninck. Chlorate. 1886: 3 Prost. Chlorides, general . 1889: 6 Pigeon. 1894: 7 Erdmann. 1916: 59 Von Veimam. iridium. 1847: 7 Claus. 1847: 8 Claus. 1847: 10 Claus. 1858: 7 Claus. 1860: 6 Gibbs. 1860: 7 Boedeker. 1890: 20 Joly. 1911: 32 Wohler. 1911: 34 Delepine. 1913: 46 Wohler and Streicher. 1913: 47 Wohler and Griinzweig. 1913: 48 Wohler and Streicher. 1913: 50 Wohler and Streicher. 1914: 31 Delepine. 1917: 48 Delepine. osmium. 1910: 12a Ruff and Bornemann. palladium. 1846: 12 Rose. 1867: 7 Croft. 1901: 14 Phillips. 1901: 40 Cohen. 1902: 30 Jean. 1906: 13 Mohlau. 1915: 25 Zappi. platinum. 1812: 3 Davy. 18'60: 7 Boedeker. 1874: 18 Cleve. 1879: 18 Seelheim. 1879: 19 Meyer. 1879: 20 Smith. 1879: 21 Dunnington. 1894: 17 Werner and Miolati. 1905: 14 Wyrouboff and Verneuil. 1908: 32 Hofmann and Narbutt. 1911: 32 Wohler. 1913: 48 Wohler and Streicher. SUBJECT INDEX. 503 Chlorides — Continued, ruthenium. 1859: 8 Claus. 1892: 33 Joly. 1909: 15 Miolati and Tagiuri. 1901: 10 Howe. 1904: 9 Howe. 1915: 27 Gutbier and Krauss. bichloride, platinum. 1834: 11 Kane. 1835: 16 Kane. 1854: 18 Graham. 1862: 11 Baudrimont. 1881: 17 Dewar and Scott. 1888: 4 Engel. 1800: 27 Pigeon. 18S2: 8 Shenstone and Beck. 1893: 12 Shenstone and Beck. 1894: 8 Lea. monochloride, platinum. 1894: 8 Lea. 1898: 15 Sonstadt. tetrachloride, iridium. 1890: 13 Geisenheimer. 1891: 27 Gladstone, tetrachloride, platinum. 1829 : 10 Zeise. 1835: 14 Mather. 1846: 12 Rose. 1854: 11 Gladstone. 1870: 3 Norton. 1871: 6 Lawrow. 1872: 3 Norton. 1875: 24 Meyer and Locher. 1830: 15 Ditte. 1881: 13 Clarke and Owens. 1882: 19 Gavazzi. 1887: 18 Duclaux. 1888: 28 Barfoed. 1891: 23 Seubert and Schmidt. 1891: 25 Pigeon. 1892: 7 Pullinger. 1900: 7 Miolati. 1901 : 6 Mallet. 1903: 12 De Coninck. 1903 : 24 Rosenheim, Loewen- stamm, and Singer. 1913: 39 Gutbier and Heinrich, decomposition by carbon. 1900: 13 De Coninck. hydrolysis. 1900: 12 Kohlrausch. trichloride, iridium. 1866: 18 Dragendorff. 1899: 12 Leidie. Chlorides — Continued, trichloride, rhodium. 1888: 10 Leidie. 1888: 11 Leidie. 1899: 12 Leidie. trichloride, ruthenium. 1866: 18 Dragendorff. action of ammonia on chloride. 1899 : 19 Matignon Pd . action of carbon monoxide. 1898: 21 Fink Pt. See also Analysis; Chloro-salts; Elec- trolytic behavior; Halides; Nitroso- chlorides; Recovery of waste. Chloro-cyanides. 1900: 21 Miolati and Bellucci. Chloroform, compound with. 1900: 16 Prandtl and Hofmann. Chloro-iridates and -iridites. 1811: 6. 1814: 4 Yauquelin. 1834: 16 Kastner. 1836: 3 Hermann. 1849: 4 Jewreinow. 1852: 6 Karmrodt and Uhrlaub, 1856: 13 Keferstein. 1866: 18 Dragendorff. 1875: 14 Lasaulx. 1885: 6 Vincent. 1890: 12 Geisenheimer. 1890: 13 Geisenheimer. 1890: 37 Dufet. 1891: 27 Gladstone. 1893: 14 Antony. 1895: 13 Werner. 1903: 15 Renz. 1908: 19 Delepine. 1908: 20 V5zes. 1908: 21 Delepine. 1908: 22 Werner and DeVries. 1908: 22a DeVries. 1909: 21 Lindner. 1909: 22 Gutbier and Lindner. 1909: 23 Gutbier and Riess. 1909: 24 Gutbier and Ries3. 1909: 26 Delepine. 1911: 35 Duffour. 1913: 51 Von Fraenkel. 1914: 32 Delepine. 1914: 34 Gutbier and Ottenstein. 1915: 76 Benrath. 1917: 46 Archibald and Kern. 1917: 48 Delepine. 504 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Chloro-nitrites (Ir) . 1905: 30 Quennessen. See also Nitrites. Chloro-osmates and -osmites. 1836: 3 Hermann. 1893: 10 Moraht and Wischin. 1901: 18 Werner and Dinklager. 1909: 27 Gutbier and Maisch. 1910: 14 Gutbier. 1911: 36 Walbinger. 1911: 37 Gutbier. 1913: 52 Gutbier. Chloro-oxalates. See Oxalates. Cliloro-palladates and -palladites. 1827: 11. 1828: 10 Bonsdorff. 1869: 11 Topsoe. 1874: 14 Welkow. 1874: 15 Welkow. 1874: 17 Welkow. 1878: 5 Godeffroy. 1879: 8 Drechsel. 1895: 13 Werner. 1905: 19 Gutbier. 1905: 20 Gutbier and Krell. 1905: 21 Gutbier and Krell. 1905: 22 Gutbier, Krell, and Jens- sen. 1906: 11 Gutbier and Woernle. 1906: 12 Gutbier and Krell. 1908: 18 Bellucci and De Cesaris. 1916: 42 Gutbier and Fellner. 1916: 43 Gutbier and Fellner. Chloro-platinates. 1782: 2 Wenzel. 1783: 1 De l’Isle. 1797: 1 Mussin-Pusehkin. 1800: 1 Mussin-Pusehkin. 1803: 10 Collet-Descotils. 1804: 16 Mussin-Pusehkin. 1817: 3 Yauquelin. 1827: 10 Bonsdorff. 1827: 11. 1828: 10 Bonsdorff. 1828: 25 Fischer. 1830: 8 Hiinefeld. 1834: 16 Kastner. 1836: 3 Hermann. 1838: 3 Dobereiner. 1843: 8 Gerhardt. 1850: 6 Fr&ny. 1850: 7 Wurtz. 1851: 5 Claudet. 1851: 6 Landolt. Chloro-platinates — Continued. 1854: 15 Schabus. 1855: 7 Lowig. 1855: 8 Anderson. 1855: 9 Wurtz. 1855: 16 Weltzien. 1855: 17 Marignac. 1856: 2 Scheibler. 1856: 3 Salm-Horstmar. 1856: 4 Hofmann and Cahours. 1856: 11 Gibbs and Genth. 1857: 9 Hofmann. 1858: 4 Williams. 1859: 15 Knop. 1860: 9 Klippel. 1860: 11 Hofmann. 1861: 2 Sella. 1861: 7 Kirchhoff and Bunsen. 1861: 8 Holzmann. 1861: 10 Lang. 1861: 15 Cleve. 1862: 13 Braun. 1863: 4 Bottger. 1863: 5 Millon and Commaille. 1864: 8 Schrotter. 1864: 9 Crookes. 1864: 10 Crookes. 1864: 13 Kopp. 1865: 2 Zepharovitch. 1865: 3 Cleve. 1866: 16 Commaille. 1867: 4 Birnbaum. 1868: 8 Topsoe. 1870: 4 Thomsen. 1871: 19 Topsoe and Christiansen. 1873: 5 Marignac. 1873: 6 Welkow. 1873: 7 Gibbs. 1873: 30 Schroder. 1874: 13 Thomsen. 1874: 16 W'elkow. 1874: 24 Jolin. 1874: 31 Topsoe. 1874: 41 Topsoe. 1875: 13 Godeffroy. 1876: 12 Nilson. 1876: 13 Nilson. 1877: 14 Cahours. 1878: 6 Jorgensen. 1878: 7 Frerichs and Smith. 1878: 8 Cleve. 1878: 13 Nilson and Pettefsson. 1878: 20 Bottger. 1878: 43 Thomsen. SUBJECT INDEX, 505 Chloro-platinates — Continued. 1879: 9 Heintz. 1879: 23 Gintl. 1880: 8 Christensen. 1880: 13 Cleve. 1881: 8 Hesse. 1881: 14 Jorgensen. 1882: 10 Jorgensen. 1882: 21 Topsoe. 1883: 12 Cleve. 1883: 16 He Coninck. 1884: 5 Jorgensen. 1884: 6 Jorgensen. 1884: 9 Romanis. 1884: 10 Raoult. 1885: 3 Cleve. 1885: 4 Cleve. 1885: 5 Jorgensen. 1886: 12 Foussereau. 1887: 4 Malbot. 1887: 5 Jorgensen. 1887: 8 Semmler. 1888: 6 Laird. 1888: 7 Klinger and Maaseen. 1888: 9 Weibull. 1888: 26 Rudorff. 1889: 19 Ostwald. 1891 : 13 Christensen. 1891: 14 Le Bel, 1892: 17 Jorgensen. 1892: 44 Peligot. 1893: 13 Le Bel. 1895: 13 Werner. 1896: 4 Herty. 1896: 5 Miolati. 1897: 8 Rohland. 1897: 10 Miolati. 1897: 11 Werner. 1898: 13 Rohland. 1898: 15 Sonstadt. 1898: 16 Yon Scheele. 1898: 18 Kursanoff. 1898: 34 Curtius and Rissom. 1899: 26 Harding. 1900: 11 Benedicks. 1901: 8 Baeyer and Villiger. 1901: 9 Werner and Humphrey. 1902: 10 De Coninck. 1902: 11 Cleve. 1902: 12 Hesse. 1103: 13 Dilthey. 1904: 5 Bellucci and Parravano. 1905: 18 Pellizzari and Cantoni. 1907: 10 Dunstan and Cleaverley. Chloro-platinates — Continued. 1907: 11 Dunstan. 1907: 12 Pickard and Kenyon. 1909: 19 Fosse. 1910: 40 Nyman and Bjorksten. 1911: 31 Pistschimuka. 1911: 76 Ries. 1911: 104 Feytis. 1912: 44 Pistschimuka. 1913: 42 Dhar and Bhattacharyya. 1915: 26 Zappi. 1916: 44 Mandel. 1916: 45 Kehrmann, Robert, and Sandoz. 1916: 46 Lederer. 1917 : 46 Archibald and Kern. 1917: 47 Eberhard. magnesium, optical properties. 1917: 46a Gaubert. monoehloroplatinates. 1902: 9 Bellucci. pentachloroplatinates. 1900: 8 Miolati and Bellucci. tric-hloroplatinates. 1903: 11 Miolati and Pendini. color of chloroplatinates. 1908: 17 Hantzsch. 1910: 92 Hantzsch. decomposition of chloroplatinates. 1909: 17 Ray and Ghosh, solubility of potassium chloroplatinate. 1908: 16 Archibald, Wilcox, and Buckley. See also Phospho-halogen compounds. Chloroplatinic acid. 1804: 15 Mussin-Puschkin. 1821: 7 Murray. 1827: 9 Van Mons. 1835: 12 Dobereiner. 1854: 10 Williams. 1867 : 6 Weber. 1869: 26 Reimann. 1870: 32 Thomsen. 1871: 21 Thomsen. 1879: 17 Reinitzer. 1880: 17 Eder. 1883: 15 Opificius. 1883: 17 Levallois. 1883: 18 Gore. 1887: 52 Miesler. 1888: 5 Stolba. 1888: 23 Gerlach. 1888: 25 Walden. 1891: 5 Pigeon. 506 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Chloroplatimc acid — Continued. 1892: 43 Holleman. 1895: 6 Pigeon. 1896: 6 Hake. 1896: 7 Smitsr. 1901 : 7 Miolati and Mascetti. 1803: 10 Miolati. compounds with phosphine oxides. 1906 : 15 Pickard and Kenyon, influence of light on, 1912: 42 Boll and Job. 1912: 43 Job and Boll. 1913: 43 Boll, influence on titration. 1914: 62 Brandt, preparation. 1908: 15 Weber. 1915: 25 Zappi. 1916: 36 Tingle. 1917: 45 Rudnick and Cooke. See also Analysis. Chloroplatinites. 1850: 7 Wurtz. 1857: 14 Descloizeaux. 18-77: 42 Clarke. 1878: -30 Clarke. 1893: 11 Montemartini. 1895: 13 Werner. 1895: 27 Sonstadt. 1898: 18 Kursanoff. 1898 : 30 Vezes. 1900: 14 Biilmann. 1901: 9 Werner and Humphrey, preparation of. 1897: 9 Groger. 1898: 30 Vezes. 1904: 7 Klason. C'hlororhodates. 1815: 1 Yauquelin. 1838: 4 Biewend. 1856: 13 Kefersteiru 1875: 14 Lasaulx. 1883: 5 Wilm. 1884: 2 Wilm. 1885: 7 Vincent. 1886: 12 Foussereau. 1888: 12 Leidie. 1890: 10 Seubert and Kobb6. 1892: 11 Wilm. 1895: 13 Werner. 1908: 23 Gutbier and Hiittlinger. 1909: 25 Gutbier and Riess. 1910: 15 Golubkin. 1913: 51 Von Fraenkel. Chloro-ruthenates and -ruthenites. 1847: 10 Claus. 1857: 12 Senarmont. 1899: 13 Antony and Luccbesi. 1899: 14 Antony and Lucchesi. 1901: 10 Howe. 1903: 15 Renz. 1905: 23 Gutbier and Trenkner. 1907: 14 Gutbier and Zwicker. 1909: 28 Leuchs. 1909 : 29 Lind and Bliss. 1911: 38 Wiessmann. 1911: 39 Gutbier. 1912: 49 Bellucei. Chloro-sulphites (Os, Pd). 1901: 23 Sachs. Chromates. 1892: 6 Frenkel. Chromous chloride, decomposition by Pt. 1908 : 55 Jablczynski. Cleaning Pt dishes. 1912: 147 Jabs. See also Crucibles. Cleaning Pt wire. See'Wire. Coal gas, action on Pt. 1910: 103. 1911: 83MyliusandHuttner. Ir,Pt. 1916: 72 Myliusand Huttner. Cobalt oxide. 1799: 4 Brugnatelli. 1896: 34 Hazen. Cocaine, analysis of chloroplatinate. 1910: 40 Nyman and Bjorksten. 1917: 46b D enigma. Coherer action. 1912: 134 Clay. Coinage. 1828: 8. 1860: 2 Jacobi. 1872: 16 Jouglet. 1877: 5 Karmarsch. Colloids of Pt metals. 1901: 28 Ernst. 1901: 30 Schaer. 1902: 42 Schaer. 1902: 43 Gutbier. 1902: 45 Price. 1904: 19 Donau Gen. 1904: 47 Castoro. -Ir, Os, Pt, Ru. 1904: 48 Liebermann. 1904: 49 Liebermann. 1994: 50 Liebermann. 1904: 51 Price and Friend. 1904: 52 Plzak and Husek, Ir, Pd, Pt. SUBJECT INDEX, 507 Colloids of Pt metals — Continued. 1904 : 53 Paal and Amberger, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1904: 54 Liebermann. 1904: 55 Biltz. 1905: 52 Senter. 1905: 53 Senter. 1905: 54 Senter. 1905: 55 Sand Pd, Pt. 1905: 58 Paal and Amberger, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1905: 59 Gutbier and Hofmeier, Gen. 1906: 52 Burton. 1906: 53 Schneider and Just, Os, Pt, Ru. 1906: 54 Svedberg. 1906: 55 Svedberg. 1907: 54 Paal and Amberger. .Os. 1907 : 56 Billitzer. 1907: 57 Svedberg. 1907: 58 Svedberg. 1907 : 59 Svedberg. 1907: 60 Svedberg. 1907: 61 Bechold. 1907: 62 Muller. 1908: 35 Paal, Gerum, and Roth, Pd, Pt. 1908: 60 Freundlich. Gen. 1908: 61 Bobertag, Feist, and Fischer. 1908: 62 Teague and Buxton. 1908: 63 Lebedew. 1908: 64 Teletow. 1909: 41 Paal, Roth, Gerum, and Hartmann Pd, Pt. 1909: 65 Gutbier Gen. 1909 : 71 Kernot and Arena Rh. 1909 : 72 Spence. 1909: 73 Spence. 1909: 74 Rolla. 1909: 75 Paal and Hartmann .. Pd . 1909: 76 Buckmaster Pd, Pt. 1910: 60 Wohler and Spengel. 1910: 61 Paal and Hohenegger.Pd. 1911: 88 PappadiL 1911: 89 Thomae. 1911: 90 Svedberg and Inouye. 1911: 94 Lancien Rh. 1912: 64 Skita and Meyer.. Pd, Pt. 1912: 68 Meyer Pd, Pt. 1912: 69 Briinjes Pd. 1912: 76 Kelber and Schwarz. . Pd. 1912: 78 Wohl and Mylo Pd. Colloids of Pt metals — Continued. 1912: 116 Thiroloix and Langden, Pd. 1913: 111 Stark Pd, Pt. 1913: 117 Farmer and Parker. 1913: 120 Sieverts. 1913: 121 Amberger Pd, Pt. 1913: 122 Paal and Oehme Pd. 1913: 123 Wallach Pd. 1913: 171 Kauffmann Pd. 1913: 172 Kauffmann Pd. 1913: 173 Gorn Pd. 1914: 61 Burrell and Oberfell. .Pd. 1914: 73 Maclnnes. 1914: 74 Dyer and Dole. 1914: 75 Bassett. 1914: 76 Groh. 1914: 78 Paal Pd. 1914: 80 Salkind and Pischt- schikoff Pd. 1914: 85 Fischer and Hahn Pd . 1914: 87 Willstatter and Sonnen- feld Os. 1915: 59 Paal and Schwarz, Ir, Os, Pt. 1915: 62 Amberger Os. 1915: 66 Paal and Biittner Pd. 1915: 67 Paal and Hohenegger.Pd. 1915: 68 Paal and Schwarz. 1916: 33. 1916: 59 Von Veimarn Gen. 1916: 64 Paal and Schwarz. 1916: 65 Paal Ir, Os, Pt. 1916: 71 Bercelies. 1916: 75 Korevaar Pd. 1916: 82 Gutbier, Huber, and Kriiuter Pd. 1916: 83 Gutbier and Wagner. 1917: 77 Groil. 1917 : 82 Paal, Biehler, and Steyer, Ir. 1917: 83 Harvey, physiologic action of colloids. 1907: 38 Field. 1907: 63 Ascoli and Izar Pd. 1907 : 64 Micheels and De Heen. preparation of. 1898 : 40 Bredig. 1898: 41 Bredig. 1902: 44 Billitzer. 1903: 40 Garbowski. 1903: 41 Henrich. 1905: 61 Kalle & Co. (pat.). . .Gen. 1906: 51 Donau Pd. 508 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Colloids of Pt metals — Continued, preparation of — continued. 1907 : 60 Svedberg. 1909: 66 Traube-Mengarini and Scala. 1909: 67 Traube-Mengarini and Scala. 1909: 68 Kernot and De Simone, Pd. Pt. 1909: 69 Kernot and Arena Ir. 1909: 70 Kernot Ir. 1910: 58 Castoro Gen. 1911: 81 Kalle & Co. (pat.). . .Gen. 1911: 82 Kalle & Co. (pat.).. Gen. 1912: 63 Skita and Meyer.. Pd, Pt. 1913: 121 Amberger Pd, Pt, 1913: 130 Kalle & Co. (pat.). Os. Ru. 1913: 130a Kalle & Co. (pat,). Gen. 1913: 174 Paal and Amberger (pat.) Gen. 1913: 175 Paal and Amberger (pat.) Gen. 1915: 63 Donau. 1916: 60 Kalle & Co. (pat.). Pd. Pt. 1916: 61 Kalle & Co. (pat.), Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. Colombia. See Occurrence; Production. Color printing with platinum chloride. 1834: 16 Kastner. theories. 1905: 29 Biltz Ru. See also Halides. Columbite, Pd in. 1905: 1 Headden. Combustion, fractional, with Pd. 1904: 43 Richardt. tubes for. 1876: 35 C. J. H. W. 1876: 36 Herman. 1883: 28 Clemence. 1888: 36 Dudley. Combustions. See Carbon. Commercial metal. 1900: 40 Hall. 1910: 98 Walker and Smith er. 1911: 114 Hillebrand, Walked, and Allen. 1912: 145. 1914: 123 Burgess and Sale. 1915: 96 Burgess and Sale. 1915: 97. 1916: 98 Burgess. Compass points of iridosmium. 1841: 20 Johnson. Compensator for gas analysis. 1917: 123 Gregg. Complex salts. See Dioxims; Nitrites; Oxalates; etc. Composite metal. 1912: 156 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 157 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 158 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 159 Eldred (pat.). Compounds of iridium. 1902: 5 Miolati and Gialdini. Compounds with nonmetals. 1899: 49 Heraeus (pat.) Gen. Compressibility. 1904: 37 Buchanan. 1907: 47 Richards Pd, Pt. 1908: 47 Griineisen Ir, Pd, Pt. 1910: 45 Griineisen. Concentration apparatus for sulphuric acid. 1866: 22 Scheurer-Kestner. 1872: 12 Hasenclever. 1875: 28 Scheurer-Kestner. 1876: 40 Bode. 1876: 41 Bode. 1876: 44 Kessler. 1876: 45 Zeman and Fischer. 1876: 46 Bode. 1876: 47 Lamy. 1877: 33 Bode. 1877: 34 Bode. 1878:. 36 Kalbfleisch. 1878: 39 Bode. 1878: 40 Scheurer-Kestner. 1880: 35 Scheurer-Kestner. 1880: 36 Kuhlmann. 1892: 49 Heraeus. 1892: 51 Burgemeister. 1892: 52 Weineck Ir, Pt. 1892: 54 Lunge. 1893: 40 Siebert. 1894: 32 Lunge. Concentration of ores. 1911: 28. 1913: 17 Duparc and Pina de Rubies. Condensation (surface) of gases and at- tendant phenomena. See also Hydrogen, absorption of; etc. For entries after 1896, see-Qatalytic action. SUBJECT INDEX, 509 Condensation (surface) of gases, etc. — Con. general. 1834: 19 Faraday. 1858: 15 Phipson. 1874: 27 Deville and Debray. 1894: 35 Oailletet and Collardeau. 1894: 36 Berthelot. iridium. 1823: 9 Dulong and Thenard. 1823: 11 Garden. 1831: 11 Dobereiner. 1831: 15 Dobereiner. 1831: 16 Dobereiner. 1883: 31 Hoppe-Seyler. palladium. 1817: 10 Davy. 1817: 11 Schiibler. 1823: 9 Dulong and Thenard. 1823: 18 Pleischl. 1825: 19 Wohler. 1826: 9 Miller. 1868: 10 Graham. 1869: 4 Graham. 1869: 5 Graham. 1869: 6 Wurtz. 1869: 7 Bottger. 1869: 8 Roberts. 1869: 9 Dewar. 1869: 10 Hofmann. 1869: 30 Bottger. 1873: 25 Bottger. 1873: 26 Bottger. 1873: 27 Coquillion. 1875: 10 Smith. 1875: 12 Troost and Hautefeuille. 1875: 32 Coquillion. 1876: 53 Coquillion. 1876: 54 Coquillion. 1877: 39 Tommasi. 1877 : 40 Coquillion. 1877: 41 Coquillion. 1878: 46 Coquillion. 1878: 52 Hoppe-Seyler. 1878: 53 Gladstone and Tribe. 1879: 27 Hempel. 1879: 49 Gladstone and Tribe. 1879: 50 Hoppe-Seyler. 1879: 51 Koch. 1881: 26 Tschirikoff. 1881: 36 Baumann. 1881: 40 Traube. 1882: 41 Traube. 1882: 42 Traube. 1883: 30 Traube. Condensation (surface) of gases, etc. — Con. palladium — continued. 1883: 31 Hoppe-Seyler. 1883: 34 Fromme. 1883: 39 Baumann. 1887: 40 Kraut. 1888: 30 Berliner. 1889: 24 Traube. 1889: 25 Hoppe-Seyler. 1889: 26 Thoma. 1891: 24 Neumann and Streintz. 1894: 21 Phillips. 1895: 35 Mond, Ramsay, and Shields, platinum. 1817: 10 Davy. 1817: 13 Murray. 1818: 13 Sommerring. 1818: 14 Erman. 1818: 15 Gill. 1818: 16 Davy. 1818: 17. 1819: 8 Gilbert. 1822: 6 Dobereiner. 1822: 7. 1823: 6 Dobereiner. 1823: 9 Dulong and Thenard. 1823: 10 Dulong and Thenard. 1823: 11 Garden. 1823: 12 Gmelin. 1823: 13 Gilbert, Chladni, and Daniell. 1823: 14 Herapath. 1823: 15 Karmarsch. 1823: 16 Pfaff. 1823: 17 Pleischl. 1823: 19 Schweigger. 1824: 3 Adie. 1824: 4 Dana. 1824: 5 Dobereiner. 1824: 6 Dobereiner. 1824: 8 Fyfe. 1824: 9 Gilbert. 1824: 10 Henry. 1824: 11 Kastner. 1824: 12 Osann. 1824: 13 Schmidt. 1824: 14 Turner. 1824: 15. 1825: 11 Gill. 1825: 12 Bischof. 1825: 13 Davy. 1825: 14 Vogel. 1825: 15 John. 510 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Condensation (surface) of gases, etc. — Con. platinum — continued . 1825: 16 Dulk. 1825: 17. 1825: 18 Stratingh. 1826: 10 Dobereiner. 1826: 13 Dobereiner. 1826: 14 Miller. 1828: 18 Erdmann. 1829: 22 Liebig. 1829: 24 Dobereiner. 1829: 25 Graham. 1831: 7 Becquerel. 1831: 9 Dobereiner. 1831: 10 Scliweigger-Seidel. 1831: 11 Schweigger-Seidel. 1831: 12 Dobereiner. 1831: 13 Dobereiner. 1831: 16 Dobereiner. 1831: 18 Bottger. 1831: 19 Schweigger. 1831: 20 Hess. 1831: 22 Merryweather. 1831: 23 Hermbstiidt. 1832: 9 Dobereiner. 1832: 10 Dobereiner. 1832: 12. 1832: 13 Phillips. 1832: 14. 1833: 23 Bottger. 1833: 24 Degen. 1834: 20 Dobereiner. 1834: 21 Dobereiner. 1834: 22 Dobereiner. 1834: 23 Dobereiner. 1835: 21 Liebig. 1835: 22 Artus. 1835: 23 Hiinle. 1835: 24 Henry. 1836: 10 Henry. 1836: 11 Mohr. 1836: 12 Degen. 1836: 13 Degen. 1838: 17 Kuhlmann. 1838: 18 Musler. 1839: 7 Kuhlmann. 1839: 8 Martens. 1839: 9 Grove. 1839: 10 Grove. 1839: 12 Schonbein. 1843: 10 Bottger. 1843: 11 Dobereiner. 1843: 12 Dobereiner. 1843: 13 Reiset and Millon. Condensation (surface) of gases, etc. — Con. platinum — continued. 1843: 14 Schonbein. 1844: 17 Dobereiner. 1844: 20 Schonbein. 1845: 16 Dobereiner. 1845: 17 Schonbein. 1845: 18 Schrotter. 1849: 12 Field. 1850: 15 Wagner. 1853: 11 Magnus. 1855: 23 Baudrimont. 1857: 20 Schonbein. 1858: 16 Schonbein. 1859: 26 Schonbein. 1859: 27 Schonbein. 1861: 19 St.-Edme. 1861: 21 Gorup-Besanez. 1862: 25 Wiederholt. 1865: 17 Kraut. 1865: 18 Sell. 1866: 14 Bottger. 1866: 26 Wilde. 1867: 19 Merz. 1867: 20 Artus. 1868: 10 Graham. 1870: 35 Skey. 1871: 25 Klinkerfues. 1871 : 26 Baudrimont. 1873: 24 Gruel. 1873: 27 Coquillion. 1873: 29 Favre. 1874: 11 Smith. 1874: 37 Wilde. 1874: 39 Traube. 1875: 10 Smith. 1875: 25 Fairley. 1875: 32 Coquillion. 1876: 27 Wohler. 1876: 57 Meyer. 1876: 58 Meyer. 1876: 59 Dumas. 1878: 46 Coquillion. 1878: 52 Hoppe-Seyler. 1878: 53 Gladstone and Tribe. 1879: 49 Gladstone and Tribe. 1879: 51 Koch. 1882: 39 Berthelot. 1882: 42 Traube. 1883: 32 Chappuis. 1883: 34 Fromme. 1884: 12 Yalentini. 1884: 13 Zulkowsky and Lepez. 1885: 44 Bellamy. SUBJECT INDEX, 511 i Condensation (surface) of gases, etc. — Con. platinu m — continued . 1886: 27 Grimaux. 1886: 28 Ihmori. 1886: 32 Warburg and Ihmoii. 1887: 20 Cooke. 1887: 40 Kraut. 1887: 41 Ihmori. 1887: 54 Wright and Thompson. 1888: 29 Hodgkinson and Lowndes 1888: 30 Berliner. 1889: 21 Jahn. 1889: 24 Traube. 1889: 27 Ilosvay de N. Ilosva. 1889: 29 Fuchs. 1890: 31 Engel. 1890: 33 Loew. 1890: 34 Loew. 1890: 59 Elster and Geitel. 1891: 24 Neumann and Streintz. 1891: 38 Warren. 1892: lOWilm. 1892: 61 Parmentier. 1895: 35 Mond, Ramsay, and Shields, rhodium. 1881: 5 Wilm. 1883: 31 Hoppe-Seyler. Conductivity, electric (pressed powders). 1900: 37 Streintz. See also Resistance, electrolytic. 1901: 7 Miolati and Mascetti. 1909: 20 Archibald and Patrick. 1912: 47 Archibald and Patrick. 1913: 41 Dhar. 1913: 42 Dhar and Bhattacharyya. •heat. 1828: 25 Fischer. 1830: 19 Fischer. 1841 : 18 Fischer. 1853: 12'Wiedermann and Franz. 1858 : 18 Crace-Cal vert and Johnson . 1882: 43 Poloni. 1894: 37. 1915: 85 Meissner. Conductor of Pt wire. 1875: 33 Champion, Pellet, and Grenier. Conductors, sealing in glass. 1913: 168a Anderson. Coniin. See Bases. Constitution of inorganic compounds. 1869: 16a Blomstrand. 1897: 11 Werner. Constitution of inorganic compounds — Continued. 1897: 15 Jorgensen Pt, Rh. 1897: 16 Cossa. 1897: 17 Schou. 1898: 19 Werner. 1898: 20 Kurnakow Pd, Pt 1898: 26 Reizenstein Gen 1898: 28 Jorgensen Ir, Pt, Rh. 1899: 20 Werner. 1899: 22 Werner and Grebe. 1900: 23 Jorgensen. 1901: 13 Werner and Herty. 1901: 18 Werner and Dinklage.Os. 1902: 21 Werner. 1902: 22 Klason. 1904: 15 Klason. 1906: 18 Jorgensen. 1907: 21 Tschugaeff Pd, Pt. 1908: 24 Briggs. 1908: 25 Friend. 1908: 43 Wyrouboff. 1908: 44 Peters. 1913: 41 Dhar. Consular notes. 1899: 3. Contact mass. 1901: 3 Majert. 1902: 4 FarbwerkeM. Lucius (pat.). 1902: 38 Trillat. 1903: 4 Badische Anilin u. Soda Fabrik (pat.). 1904: 3 Badische Anilin u. Soda Fabrik (pat.). 1906: 42 Wohler, Foss, and Pliid- demann Ir, Pd, Pt. 1910: 52 Schick (pat.). 1910: 106 Neumann (pat.). 1912: 113 Wieland Pd. 1916: 81 Sulzberger (pat.). 1917: 79 Curphey. 1917: 110b Nishida (pat.). See also Analysis. Contact points. 1915: 95a Heyl Pd. 1915: 102 Eldred (pat.). 1916: 103. 1917: 117 Haughton and Hanson. Copper, platinized in Marsh’s apparatus. 1906: 41 De Vamossy. refining, Pt recovery. 1917: 10 Addicks Pd, Pt. salts, oxidation by Pt. 1901: 30 Schaer. silicide of copper and Pt. 1907: 1G Yigouroux. 512 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Copper — Continued . thiosulphate, decomposition by Pt. 1899: 35 Engel. See also Alloys. Corbino effect. 1914: 106 Adams and Chapman. Corpuscles, separation of, in chemical reactions. 1913: 154 Tanatar and Bourkser. Corrosion. electrolytic, by acids. 1911: 111 White Pd. 1917: 57 Watts and Whipple. Counterfeit Pt coin. 1912: 162 Shrewsbury. Couples. 1897: 41 Skey. Crawford Bay, B. C. See Occurrence. Critical temperature. 1887: 17 Guldberg Pd. Pt. Crooke’s dark space. 1912: 135 Aston. Crucibles. 1786: 1 DeMorveau. 1787 : 1 De Morveau. 1787 : 2 De Morveau. 1802: 6 C'henivix. 1832: 17 Berzelius. 1839: 5 Dobereiner. 1855: 21 Vogel and Reischauer. 1863: 16 Hager. 1865: 10 Stahlschmidt, Sy, and Wagner. 1866: 21 Wittstein. 1868: 12 Vogel. 1873: 16 Stolba. 1873: 17 Mohr. 1874: 33 Smith. 1878: 33 Gooch. 1888 : 39 Morse and Burton. 1889: 22 VonJiiptner. 1891: 36 Warren. 1892: 50 Heraeus. 1894: 30 Petrzilka. 1896: 37a Fairley. 1899: 45 Shimer. 1903: 51 Stehman. 1904: 64 Siebert. 1908: 82 Crookes Ir. 1909: 48 DeVries. 1909: 99 Snelling. 1909: 100 Swett. 1910: 98 Walker and Smither. Crucibles — Continued. 1910: 104 Rieke and Endell. 1911: 114 Hillebrand, "Walker, and Allen. 1911: 115 Thornton. 1911: 121. 1913: 165 Wysor. 1913: 166. 1913: 176 Manzoff. 1914: 121. 1917: 132. cleaning of. 1846: 18 Tonnelier. 1860: 19 Erdmann. 1860: 20 F. G. 1866: 4 Sonstadt. 1870: 23 Stolba. 1876: 39 Stolba. coloration of melt by Ru. 1913: 78 Auer von Welsbach. loss of weight. 1880: 34 Beilstein. 1888: 38 Vieth. mending crucibles. 1878: 34 Garside. 1884: 20 Seaman. 1885: 28 Pratt. •1885: 29 G. T. H. 1889: 40 Pratt, removing melt from crucibles. 1876: 38 Stockmann. 1888 : 34 De Koninck. 1905: 76 Bender. See also Disintegration. Crystallized Pt, 1 907 : 40 Limmer. Crystallography. 1843: 7 Berzelius, iridium. 1841: 5 Rose. 1849: 10 Rose. 1853: 4 Nickles. 1866: 3 Cloez. 1893: 27 Prinz. osmiridium and iridosmium. 1828: 6 Breithaupt, 1830: 3 Marx. 1833: 10 Breithaupt. 1833: 11 Breithaupt. 1840: 1 Breithaupt. 1882: 1 Von Lasaulx. osmium. 1849: 10 Rose. SUBJECT INDEX, 513 Crystallography — Continued, palladium. 1842: 7 Rose. 1849: 10 Rose. 1853: 4 Nickles. 1856: 13 Keferstein. platinum. 1775: 1 De Morveau. 1820: 5 Sowerby. 1830: 3 Marx. 1840: 2 Jacquelain. 1851: 4 Ebelmen. 1855: 2 Mallet. 1857: 5 Kottig. 1858: 10 Nogues. 1859: 5 Soreze. 1860: 1 Cotta. 1862: 5 Phipson. 1862: 6 Noble. 1879 : 6 Deville and Debray. 1897 : 26 Liversidge. 1902: 53 Campbell, ruthenium (synthetic laurite). 1879: 6 Deville and Debray. bases. 1857: 11 Sella. 1895: 16 Palmaer Ir. 1895: 16a Palmaer Ir. 1895: 19a Hamberg Ir. 1895: 32 Sella. 1897: 27 Backstrom Ir. 1913: 98 Fersmann. cyanides. 1856: 13 Keferstein Pd. 1857 : 13 Grailich and Lang. 1857: 14 Descloizeaux. 1864: 11 Ditscheiner. 1866: 28 Lang. 1872: 6 Cleve and Hoeglund. 1874: 31 Topsoe. 1879: 31 Lommel. 1880: 11 Scholtz. 1895: 31 Dufet Os, Ru. 1898: 25 Ilowe and Campbell. Ru. 1911: 77 Baumhauer. 1913: 97 Tschirwinski. halogen salts. iridium and rhodium. 1856: 13 Keferstein. 1875: 14 Von Lasaulx. 1890: 37 Dufet. 1912: 48 Duffour. palladium. 1869: 11 Topsoe. 109733.° — 19 — Bull. G94 33 Crystallography — Continued . halogen salts — continued, palladium — continued. 1895: 31a Dufet. 1901: 23 Sachs. 1910: 43 Burdakoff. platinum. 1854: 15 Schabus. 1855: 16 Weltzien. 1855: 17 Marignac. 1857 : 14 Descloizeaux. 1861: 2 Sella. | 1868: 8 Topsoe. 1871: 19 Topsoe and Christiansen. 1873: 5 Marignac. 1874: 31 Topsoe. 1874: 41 Topsoe. 1877: 27 Schimper. 1882: 21 Topsoe. 1888: 9 Weibull. 1911: 76 Ries. ruthenium. 1857 : 12 Senarmont. 1890: 36 Dufet. 1894: 11 Clark. 1901: 23 Sachs Os. nitrites. 1879: 12 Groth and Nilson. 1879: 30 Topsoe. 1880: 33 Groth. 1902: 32 Dufet. osmates. 1895: 31a Dufet. 1902: 32 Dufet. oxalates. 1890: 36 Dufet. 1902: 32 Dufet. ruthenates. 1890: 35 Dufet. selenocyanates. 1912: 99 Billows, thiocyanates. 1856: 13 Keferstein. 1877: 19 Wyrouboff. 1912: 98 Billows. Cup for voltameter. 1917: 120 Oblata. Cupellation. See Analysis. Current in Pt-Pt black cell. 1908: 67 Martini. Cyanides. general. 1860: 14 Martius. 1893: 22 Werner. 514 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Cyanides — Continued, iridium. 1834: 12a Booth. 1837: 7 Rammelsberg. 1852: 10 Haidinger. 3907: 13 Rimbach and Korten. osmium. 1895: 31 Dufet. 1901 : 18 Werner and Dinklage. palladium. 1822: 2 Gmelin and Wohler. 1837: 7 Rammelsberg. 1852: 10 Haidinger. 1853: 2 Bechamp. 1856: 13 Keferstein. 1866: 11 Rossler. 1869: 15 Weselsky. platinum. 1822: 2 Gmelin and W’ohler. 1836: 4 Dobereiner. 1 837 : 7 Rammelsberg. 1842: 8 Kane. 1842: 10 Knop. 1842: 16 Haidlen and Fresenius. 1847: 14 Quadrat. 1847 : . 15 Rammelsberg. 1847: 16 Laurent. 1847: 17 Haidinger. 1847: 18 Haidinger. 1848: 9 Baumert. 1849: 7 Haidinger. 1850: 9 Schabus. 1850: 16 Brewster. 1852: 10 Haidinger. 1853: 9 Stokes. 1853: 10 Stokes. 1855: 12 SchafaKk. 1855: 13 Bottger. 1855: 14 Stokes. 1855: 20 Haidinger. 1856: 7 Weselsky. 1857: 8 Schwarzenbach. 1857: 13 Grailich and Lang. 1857: 14 Descloizeaux. 1858: 17 Grailich. 1859: 12 Knop. 1859: 13 Werther. 1859: 14 Schwarzenbach. 1859: 18 Beequerel. 1859: 19 Greiss. I860: 12 Hadow. 1860: 13 Czudnowicz. 1860: 16 Yon Rath. 1861: 12 Lange. Cyanides — Continued . platinum — continued. 1863: 6 Debus, f 1863: 7 Delffs. 1863: 18 Quincke. 1864: 11 Ditscheiner. 1865: 9 Yan der Burg. 1866: 11 Rossler. 1866: 28 Lang. 1867: 8 Carstanjen. 1868: 3 Diakonow. 1869: 15 Weselsky. 1869: 17 Blomstrand. 1869: 18 Blomstrand. 1870: 19 Preiss. 1870: 29 Schoras. 1871: 9 Friswell. 1871: 10 Toczynski. 1872: 6 Cleve and Hoeglund. 1872: 7 Bolton. 1873: li Holst, 1874: 18 Cleve. 1874: 24 Jolin. 1874: 31 Topsoe. 1874: 40 Hagenbach-Bischoff. 1875: 19 Atterberg. 1875: 20 Vidau. 1877 : 18 Friswell and Greenaway. 1878: 17 Bertin. 1879: 31 Lommel. 1880: 11 Scholtz. 1880: 12 Richard and Bertrand. 1880: 30 Wiedemann. 1880: 31 Lommel. 1880: 32 Lommel. 1881: 30 Lommel. 1883: 12 Cleve. 1S83: 19 Ivonig. 1885: 3 Cleve. 1886: 6 Wilm. 1886: 7 Wilm. 1886: 13 Lehmann. 1887: 9 Wilm. 1887: 39 Himly, Leiser, and Bard- tholdt. 1888: 16 Wilm. 1888: 17 Freund. 1888: 25 Walden. 1888: 26 Rudorff. 1889: 13 W r ilm. 1S93: 26 Wilm. 1895: 13 Warner. 1895: 41 Macintyre. 1896: 21 Schertel. SUBJECT INDEX, 515 Cyanides — Continued, platinum — continued . 1896: 41 Jackson. 1897: 14 Buxhoevden and Tam- mann. 1899: 18 Bergsoe. 1899: 40 Hebert and Beynaud. 1899: 41 Hebert and Reynaud. 1900: 11 Benedicks. 1900: 21 Miolati and Bellucci. 1901: 12 Renz. 1902: 11 Cleve. 1902: 19 Baeyer and Villiger. 1903: 22 Muller. 1904: 13 Brocket and Petit. 1905: 27 Levy. 1905: 42 Pochettino. 1906: 56 Borissow. 1907: 17 Levy. 1907: 18 Milbauer. 1907: 19 Hofmann and Bugge. 1907 : 41 Baumhauer. 1907: 42 Baumhauer. 1908: 28 Levy. 1908: 29 Levy. 1909: 34 Reynolds. 1910: 25 Crookes. 1911: 42 Briggs. 1911: 43 Jantsch and Ohl. 1911: 78 Ruff and Goecke. 1911: 104 Feytis. 1912: 50 Levy. 1912: 51 Orloff. 1912: 81 Gaze. 1912: 100 Beuel. 1913: 97 Tschirwinski. 1914: 66 Wick. 1914: 67 Von Hauer and Von Kowalski . 1917: 49 Bennett, rhodium. 1900: 20 Leidie. ruthenium. 1895: 31 Dufet. 1896: 22 Howe. 1898: 25 Howe and Campbell. 1914: 67 Von Hauer and Von Kowalski. Cyanogen, synthesis of. 1915: 61 Beindl lr, Pd, Rh. D. Davyum. 1877: 3 Kern. 1877: 4 Allen. 1898: 1 Mallet. Decomposition of Pt by electricity. 1907: 4 Gross. Density. See Specific gravity. Density determination of gases. 1917: 91 Edwards. Dental pins, substitute for Pt. 1916: 102 Electrometals Products Co. (pat.). Deposition, electrolytic. 1899: 31 Cowper-Coles Pd. See also Analysis; Electroplating, on glass. 1828: 18 Erdmann,. 1828: 22 Schweigger. 1829: 24 Dobereiner. 1853: 7 Bottger. 1859: 22 Dullo. 1859: 23 Eisner. 1859: 24 Vasserot Pd, Pt. 1865: 12 Salvetat. 1865: 13 Dode. 1865: 14. 1865: 15 Schwarz. 1865: 16 Weiskopf. 1867 : 18 Bottger. 1869: 22 Bottger. 1869: 25 Hoffman. 1870: 27 Jouglet. 1873: 19 Dode. 1873: 20 Rontgen. 1877: 32 Wright. 1887: 34. 1888: 44 Von Uljanin. 1889: 23. Detection. See Analysis. Detector for gases. 1917: 122 Philip and Steele (pat.). Pd, Pt. Diamin bases. See Bases. Dicyandiamidin compounds, action on. 1910: 27 Grossmann and Schuck. Pd, Pt. Dicyclopentad iene. 1908: 32 Hofmann and Narbutt, 516 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Diffusion of hydrogen through Pt. 1863 : 8 Matteucci. 1863: 9 Deville and Debray. 1866: 25 Graham. 1876: 61 Helmholtz and Root. 1894: 34 Ramsay Pd. 1895: 34 Campbell Pd. 1901 : 24 Winkelmann Pd . 1902: 35 Winkelmann. 1904: 17 St. Schmidt Pd. 1904: 40 Richardson. 1904: 41 Richardson, Nichol, and Parnell. 1905: 48 Richardson Pd. 1905: 49 Winkelmann Pd. 1906: 39 Winkelmann. 1906: 40 Lessing Pd. 1907: 50 Sieverts. 1908: 53 Tsakalotos Pd. 1915: 58 Holt Pd. of ions in metals. 1909: 57 Moreau, of light. 1912: 33 Drecq. Digestor. 1874: 34 Carmichael. Dimethylglyoxim compounds. 1912: 87 Duparc Pd. 1912: 88 Wunder and Thuringer, Pd, Pt. 1912: 89 Wunder and Thuringer, Pd, Pt. 1913: 62 Tschugaeff and Lebe- dinski Rh. 1913: 88 Wunder and Thuringer, Gen. 1913: 89 Wunder and Thuringer, Pd. 1913: 90 Wunder and Thuringer, Gen. 1915: 52 Gutbier and Fellner. .Pd. Dioxim compounds. 1905: 28 Tschugaeff Pd,Pt. 1906: 23 Tschugaeff Pd. Pt. Diphenylcarbohydrazid. 1914: 62 Brandt. Discovery. iridium. 1803: 9 Fourcroy and Yauquelin. 1803: 10 Collet-Descotils. 1804: 8 Fourcroy and Yauquelin. 1804: 12 Tennant. 1805: 9 Gilbert. 1805: 10 Gilbert. 1805: 11 Gehlen. ! Discovery — Continued, osmium. 1804: 12 Tennant. 1805: 9 Gilbert, 1805: 10 Gilbert, 1805: 11 Gehlen. palladium. 1803: 1 Chenivix. 1803: 2 Chenivix. 1803: 3 Chenivix. 1803: 4. 1803: 5. 1803: 6 Richter. 1803: 7 Rose and Gehlen. 1803: 8 Yauquelin. 1804: 1 Chenivix. 1804: 2 Chenivix. 1804: 3. 1804: 4 Hume. 1804: 5 Trommsdorff. 1804: 6 Mussin-Puschkin. 1804: 7 Mussin-Puschkin. 1805: 2 Wollaston. 1805: 3 Wollaston. 1805: 4. 1S05: 5 Berthollet. 1805: 9 Gilbert, 1805: 11 Gehlen. 1805: 12 Gehlen. 1806: 5 Gilbert, platinum. 1751: 1 Watson. 1755: 1 Lewis. 1758: 1 M 1805: 6 Collet-Descotils. 1805: 7 Tilloch. 1880: 1 Koppen. rhodium. 1804: 9 Fourcroy. 1804: 10 Fourcroy. 1804: 11 Collet-Descotils. 1804: 13 Wollaston. 1805: 6 Collet-Descotils. 1805: 7 Tilloch. 1805: 9 Gilbert, 1805: 11 Gehlen. ruthenium. 1844: 4 Claus. 1844: 5 Claus. 1845: 5 Claus. 1845: 6 Osann. 1845: 7 Osann. 1845: 8 Claus. 1845: 9 Fremy. SUBJECT INDEX, 517 Dishes. 1902: 55 Hebebrand. 1916: 106 Greenwood Sub. 1916: 107 Bodenstein. 1917: 108 Lehner and Merrill. Disintegration, crucibles. 1902: 56 Heraeus. 1902: 61 Hartley. 1907: 89 Heraeus and Geibel. electrodes. 1902: 51 Haber and Sack. 1914: 70 Tyndall and Hughes. high temperature. 1905: 47 Emich Ir. 1908: 52 Einich Ir. 1913: 102 Roberts Ir, Pd, Pt. 1913: 103 Harker and Kaye.Ir, Pt. See also Dusting. Dispersion, in cyanoplatinites. 1907: 42 Baumhauer. 1915: 54 Bruhat Ir. See also Optical constants; Spectrum. Dispersoids. See Colloids. Dissociation, chloroplatinates. 1898: 15 Sonstadt. oxides. 1908 : 12 Wohler and Witzmann . Ir. 1908: 69 Haber. 1909: 10 Wohler and Frey. Distribution in nature. 1902: 1 Kemp. of ruthenium. 1900: 18 Antony and Lucchesi. 1902: 16 Meyer. Double refraction of cyanoplatinites. 1907: 42 Baumhauer. Dredging for Pt. 1917: 8 Neill. Dunite. 1910: 4 Duparc and Pamfil. 1911: 13 De Rubies. 1911: 14 Duparc and Holtz. Durability of Ptlr vessels. 1896: 37a Fairley. Dusting of metals. 1902: 33 Holborn and Henning, Ir, Pt, Rh. 1903: 37 Holborn and Austin, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1905: 47 Emich Ir. 1908: 52 Emich Ir. 1908: 68 Kohlsoh utter and Gold- schmidt. Dusting of metals — Continued. 1912: 104 Rother Ir. 1913: 133 Bergholm. 1915: 41a Gehrcke and Janicki. E. Egypt. See Occurrence. Eighth group. See Periodic system. Elastic double layer on metals. 1913: 158 Seeliger. Elasticity. 1844: 21 Wertheim.. Pd, Pt. 1852: 13 Kupffer. 1854: 17 Kupffer. 1865: 19 Edlund. 1876: 64 Pisati. 1877: 48 Gesechus. 1887: 42 Bosanquet. 1888: 47 Rehkuh. 1907: 46 Griineisen.Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1912: 106 Johnston Pd, Pt. 1912: 140 Sieg Ir, Pt. 1915: 56 Koch and Dannecker, Pd, Pt. Electric conductivity. See Resistance, furnace. See Resistance furnace, light. See Filament; Lamp, oscillation. 1890: 61 Argyropoulos. properties. 1804: 18 Berthollet. 1816: 3 Dessaignes. 1911: 106 Broniewski and Hack- spill Ir, Rh. 1913: 156 Hackspill and Broniew- ski Ir, Rh. 1915: 41 Hoffman and Schulze, resonance. 1892: 66 Bjerknes, wire for light. 1899: 47 Merck Os. Electricity, frictional. 1915: 91 Jones. Electrodes, for analysis. 1899: 33 Winkler. 1902: 59 Krause. 1903: 33 Foerster Ir, Pt. 1914: 134 Barnebey Sub. 1915: 104 Guzman and Ulzurrum, Sub. 1915: 105 Guzman and Alemany, Sub. 1917: 109 Jones. 518 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Electrodes — Continued, for analysis — continued. 1917: 133 Gooch and Kobayashi. 1917 : 134 Gooch and Kobayashi. 1917: 135 Gewecke Sub. 1917: 136 Grower. 1917: 137 Guzman and Poch. capacity for polarization. 1897: 32 Gordon. See also Polarization, depolarization. 1897: 33 Klein, general. 1879: 15 Drechsel. 1881: 39 Streintz. 1883: 33 Bartoli and Papasogli. 1884: 15 Drechsel... Pd, Pt. 1884: 16 Bartoli and Papasogli. 1886: 36 Drechsel. 1888: 60 Wiedmann and Ebert. 1902: 58 Foerster Ir, Pt. 1902: 59 Krause. 1903: 33 Foerster. Ir, Pt. 1904: 65 Rothmund and Lessing. 1905: 79 Luther and Stuer. .Ir, Pt. 1906: 66 Dember. 1907: 72 Guye and Zabrikow, Pd, Pt. 1907: 77 Abegg (pat.) Ir, Pt. 1908 : 74 Milner. 1908: 77 Brunner. 1909: 89 Foerster .Ir, Pt. 1909: 90 Lorenz and Lauber. 1909: 91 Lorenz and Spielmann. 1909: 92 Pfleiderer. 1911: 117 Yon Liebermann. 1912: 92 Gooch and Burdick. 1917 : 95 Washburn. 1917: 110 Pagliani. 1917: 110a Kawakita and Imowo (pat.). 1917: 111 Sanders Pd, Rh. 1917: 112 Maxted. hydrogen electrode. 1907: 78 Lorenz and Mohn. influence of material on sparks. 1913: 159 Taege. manufacture. 1001: 37 Heraeus (pat.). 1909: 105 Heraeus (pat.), oxygen electrode. 1909: 90 Lorenz and Lauber. 1909: 91 Lorenz and Spielmann. 1910: 82 Grube. Electrodes — Continued, platiniridium, resistance of. 1902: 49 Bran. 1902: 50 Denso, platinized electrodes. 1902: 47 Foerster and Friessner. 1902: 48 Foerster and Muller. 1906: 73 Geibel. 1913: 178 Stevens (pat.). 1913: 179 Stevens (pat.) Ir. platinum sulphide electrodes. 1908: 75 Wigand. solubility. 1903: 48 Luther and, Pt. 1909: 93 Schulte. 1917.: 58 Muller. use. 1898: 43 Haber Ir. Pt. 1899: 33 Winkler. Electrolysis. 1878: 31 Hittorf. 1878: 32 Morges. 1884: 10 Raoult. 1886: 12 Foussereau Pt, Rh. 1886: 13 Lehmann. 1887 : 52 Miesler. 1888: 24 Hampe Gen. 1888: 25 Walden. 1888: 26 Rudorff. 1889: 19 Ostwald. 1894: 24 Mylius and Fromm.. Gen. 1898: 17 Kohlrausch. 1898: 23 Howe and O’Neal. 1899: 10 Hittorf and Salkowski. 1899: 11 Dittenberger and Dietz. See also Deposition; Oxidation; Re- duction. osmium tetroxide. 1876: 60 Bleekrode. 1878: 31 Hittorf. Electrolytes. See Solubility in. Electromers. 1917: 55 Falk and Nelson. Electromotive force. 1823: 23 Becquerel. 1826: 16 Marianini. 1838.: 19 Schonbein. 1838: 20 Schonbein. 1840: 13 Jacobi. 1840: 14 Smee. 1841: 21 Jacobi. 1841: 22 Poggendorff. 1845: 21 Poggendorff Pd, Pt. SUBJECT INDEX, 519 Electromotive force — Continued. 1851: 13 Becquerel. 1864: 15 Raoult. 1869: 32 Gaugain. 1869: 33 Villari Pd. 1869: 34 Poggendorff Pd. 1870: 36 Skey. 1870: 38 Skey. 1870: 39 Edlund Pd, Pt. 1871: 27 Skey. 1872: 22 Gaugain. 1873: 28 Yoller. 1879: 52 Gore Gen. 1882: 44 Braun. 1882: 45 Goossens. 1883: 34 Fromme Pd, Pt. 1883: 35 Hankel. 1883: 36 Krouchkoll. 1883: 37 Becquerel. 18.84: 31 Macfarlane. 1885: 42 Konowalow. 1886: 37 Gautier. 1886: 38 Case. 1887: 52 Miesler. 1888: 55 Barus. 1888: 58 Exner and Turner. 1888: 59 Gore. 1893: 42 Paschen. 1894: 40 Neumann Pd, Pt. 1895: 36 Engel. 1906: 48 Bringhenti Pd, Pt. 1910: 82 Grube. 1917: 119 Gunther. Electron atmosphere of metals. 1913: 157 Rother Ir. Electroplating. 1862: 16 Becquerel and Becquerel. 1886: 22 Thoms. 1887: 33 Dudley Ir. 1887: 35 Bright Plating Co. (pat.). 1888: 42 Thompson. 1890: 43 Wahl. 1893: 39 Dudley Ir. Electrum. 1790: 1 Cortinovis. Emanations from Pt. 1903: 36 Beilby. Embargo, British, on Pt. 1916: 32. Emission, by alpha-rays. 1912: 138 Bumstead and McGou- gan. 1917: 97 Cheney. Emission — Continued, electric, from hot Pt. 1888: 61 Nahrwold. 1905: 64 Richardson. 1905: 65 Richardson. 1906: 59 Richardson. 1906: 60 Richardson. 1907: 67 Deininger. 1907: 68 Martyn. 1908: 70 Richardson. 1908: 71 Richardson. 1908: 72 Wilson. 1908: 73 Rubens and Hagen. 1909: 80 Gill Pd. 1909: 84 Wilson. 1909: 85 Brown. 1909: 86 Thomson. 1909: 87 Hagens and Rubens. 1910: 84 Richardson and Cooke. 1910: 85 Richardson and Hulbirt. 1911: 107 Wilson. 1911: 109 Richardson and Cooke, Pd. 1912: 131Weissman. 1912: 132 Grieb. 1312: 133 Pomeroy. 1913: 102 Roberts Ir, Pd, Pt. 1913: 103 Harker and Kaye. Ir, Pt. 1913: 150 Horton. 1913: 151 Sheard and Woodbury. 1913: 152 Fredenhagen. 1913: 153 Owen and Halsall, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1913: 155 Cooke and Richardson, Os, Pt. 1914: 112 Richardson. 1914: 113 Sheard. 1914: 114 Campbell. 1915 : 92 Burgess and Waltenberg. 1915: 93 Foote. 1915: 94 Horton. 1915: 95 Richardson. 1916: 97 Richardson and Sheard. 1917: 101 Worthing. See also Photo-electric effect, light. 1912: 120 Harwood and Petavel. Entropy, change of, 1899: 19 Matignon Pd. Enzyme action, similarity to catalysis. 1906: 50 Neilson. Enzymes, action of salts on. 1910: 16 Gerber. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. 520 Enzymes, action of salts on — Continued . 1910: 17 Gerber. 1910: 18 Gerber Pd. 1910: 19 Gerber Ir. 1910: 20 Gerber Os, Rh, Ru. Errors in Pt assay. 1913: 81 St. Ranier. Estimation. See Analysis. Ether, use in separations. 1911: 66 Mylius and Hiittner. Ir, Pd, Pt. 1911: 67 Mylius Ir, Pd, Pt. Ethyl compound. 1852: 11 Knop. cyanoplatinite. 1858: 2 Henke. 1858: 3 Yon Thann. 1902 : 19 Baeyer and Viliiger. Ethylene. action on Pd and Pt (nil). 1897 : 24 Sabatier and Senderens. compounds with halides. 1861 : 14 Griess and Martius. 1867: 5 Birnbaum. 1870: 22 Chojnacki. 1871:- 7 Sadtler Ir,Pt. nickel compound. 1898: 18 Kursanoff. Evaporating pans, composite. 1912: 159a Eldred (pat.). Evaporation, rapid, in crucible. 1914: 121. Excess potential. 1909 : 62 Harkins Pd , Pt . 1910: 53 Harkins Pd,Pt, Exhibits at expositions. 1862: 23. 1863: 1 Marsh. 1863: 4 Tunner. 1867: 2 Wagner. 1873: 4 Raymond. 1874: 4 Beilstein. 1878: 2. 1894: 31 Lunge. 1895: 3 Andreoli. Expansibility. 1851: 11 Paucker. 1858 : 11 Crace-Cal vert and Johnson 1861: 20 Craee-Calvert, Johnson, and Lowe. 1866: 27 Matthiessen Pd, Pt. 1869: 27 Fizeau Gen. 1881: 38 Nichols. 1889: 41 Le Chatelier Ir, Pt. 1891 : 50 Seliwanow. Expansibility — Continued. 1907: 43 Henning Ir, Pd, Pt. 1907 : 44 Scheel Pd,Pt. 1907: 45 Scheel and Heuse. 1908: 47 Griineisen Ir, Pd,Pt. 1908: 48 Thiesen. 1908: 50 Onnes and Clay. 1910: 44 Griineisen. 1915: 55 A'alentiner and Wallot, Rh, Ir, Pt. Explosion of ruthenium tetroxide. 1898: 12 Howe. Explosive metals. 1908 : 6 Cohen and Strengera. 1909: 18 Jacobsen. Exports and imports. 1911: 19. 1912: 24. 1913: 24. 1916: 120. ! Extraction from ores, etc. 1841: 2 F. D. H. 1898: 11 Ziirn. 1906: 6 Horton. 1906:7 Farbenfabriken F. Bayer (pat.) 1908: 1 Geibel. 1908: 5 Seigle. 1910: 5 Neumann. 1912: 23. 1913: 29. 1914 : 10 Hutchins. 1914: 11 Hutchins. 1914: 14 Megraw. 1914: 15 Richards. 1914: 25 Lyons (pat.). 1915: 23 Lyons (pat.). 1916: 34 Haedicke. F. Fats, hydrolysis, reduction, etc. 1903: 39 Neilson. 1910: 36 Yereinigte chemische Werke (pat.) Pd. 1913: 128 Lehmann Os. 1914: 77 Paal Pd, Pt. 1914: 86 Normann and Schick. Os. See also Catalytic action. Ferments, inorganic. 1899: 37 Bredig and Yon Berneck. 1901: 25 Bredig and Ikeda. 1904: 54 Liebermann. 1905: 60 Bergell. 1909: 64 Brossa Ir. 1910: 59 Bredig and Sommer, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. SUBJECT INDEX, 521 Ferments, inorganic — Continued. 1911: 93 Blackadder and Bredig, Rh. See also Catalytic action. Ferric chloride, action on Pt. 1878: 51 Tommasi. Filaments for incandescent light. 1901: 38 Scholz Os. 1901: 39 Blau et al. (pat.). Os, Ru. 1902: 60 Auer von Welsbach. ..Os. 1903: 53 Giilcher Ir. 1903: 54 Oesterreichische Gasgltih- licht- und Elektricitatsgesell- schaft (pat.) Os. 1916: 113 Barker Os. See also Lamp. in preparing active hydrogen. 1912: 152 Langmuir Pd, Pt. Films, preparation by volatilization. 1909: 55 Houllevigue. 1917: 92 Kruger. 1917: 96 King. See also Dusting. Filters. 1857 : 18 Mosander. 1876: 37 Jago. 1881: 33 Casamajor. 1882: 29 Grosjean. 1882: 30 Casamajor. 1884: 21 Gawalovski. 1886: 20 Casamajor. 1888: 40 Lenz. tiltration of colloids. 1907: 61 Bechold . Flame, acetylene, action on Pt. 1906: 78 Vogel, action on Pt. 1881: 28 Remont. cells. 1913: 148 Moreau. Fluorescence of cyanoplatinites. 1908: 28 Levy. 1908: 29 Levy. 1912: lOOBeuel. 1914: 66 Wick. Fluorides. 1823: 4 Berzelius. 1877: 8 Clarke. 1885: 9 Moissan. 1889: 8 Moissan. 1913: 53 Ruff Gen. 1913: 54 Ruff Os. Forceps. 1868: 13 Forbes. Formaldehyde as precipitant. 1902: 24 Awerkieff. Formic acid, action of Pt on. 1874: 27 Deville and Debray, catalytic destruction. 1908: 59 Pikos Rh. 1916: 73 Haas Rh. Fractional combustion. See Gases. Freezing-point curves. See Alloys. Fulminates. 1812: 3 Davy. 1820: 1 Davy. 1829: 11 Davy. 1878: 12 Von Meyer. Fulminating metals. See Explosive met- als. Furnace. See Resistance furnace; Hel- berger furnace. Fusibility and fusion, general. 1847: 21 Hare. 1847: 22 Hare. 1847: 23 Hess, iridium. 1810: 5. 1837: 5 Bunsen. 1842: 17 Hare. 1846: 15 Hare. 1879: 43 Violle. 1881: 15 Holland. 1882: 14 Dudley. 1882: 15 Warder. 1885: 24 Johnson, Matthey & Co. iridosmium. 1870: 20 Farmer, palladium. 1818: 9 Cloud. 1849: 13 Despretz. 1862: 17 Becquerel. 1879: 43 Violle. 1892: 35 Heycock and Neville. 1895: 43 Holborn and Wien, platinum. 1775: .1 De Morveau. 1775: 2 Bergman. 1777: 1 De Morveau et al. 1779 : 2 Achard. 1784: 1 Crell . 1784: 2 Von Sickingen. 1789: 1 Willis. 1790: 6 Ruprecht. 1790: 7 Ruprecht. 1791: 2 Born. 1800: 3. 522 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Fusibility and fusion — Continued, platinum— continued. 1802: 4 Van Marum. 1802: 5 Hare. 1803: 15 Tilloeh. 1804: 19 Amicus. 1806: 6 Correa. 1809: 5 Children. 1810: 5. 1813: 7 Marcet. 1815: 2 Children. 1817: 8 Clarke. 1817: 9 Clarke, 1817 : 12 Faraday. 1818: 9 Cloud. 1818: 10 Prechtl. 1819: 2 Gilbert. 1819: 3 Clarke. 1820: 6 Hare. 1826: 12 Nasse. 1827: 16 Eichfeld. 1835: 19 Maugham. 1838: 12 Hare. 1839: 6 Geiseler. 1840: 8 Hare. 1842: 17 Hare. 1844: 15 Reich. 1845: 19 Riess. 1849: 13 Despretz. 1852: 12 Deville. 1856: 15 Deville. 1857: 16 Deville. 1859: 7 Jacobi. 1860: 4 Deville and Debray. 1862: 17 Becquerel. 1862: 18 Deville and Debray. 1862: 20 Aubel. 1862: 21 Heraeus. 1863: 11 Richter. 1863: 12 Aubel. 1869: 21 Skey. 1870: 21 Deville. 1871 : 23 Chapman. 1872: 10 Yiolette. 1872: 11 Dumas. 1875: 7. 1876: 34 Diirre. 1879: 43 Yiolle. 1882: 13 Siemens and Huntington. 1892: 35 Hey cock and Neville. 1894: 19 Heycock and Neville. 1894: 25 Spring. 1895: 43 Holborn and Wien. 1896: 37 Meyer. Fusibility and fusion— Continued, platinum — continued . 1896: 38 Holman, Lawrence, and Barr. 1896: 39 Hartley. 1915: 57 Deville, LeChatelier etai. rhodium. 1818: 9 Cloud. 1846: 15 Hare. G. Gadolinium, Pt salts of. 1900: 11 Benedicks. Gallium. See Alloys; Analysis. Gas element. 1900: 33 Hober. Gases, fractional combustion. 1903: 34 Brunck Pd. reaction with Pt metals, iridium. 1892: 32 Antony, osmiridium. 1846: 22 Grove, palladium. 1838: 15 Bottger. 1842: 15 Marchand. 1879: 16 Volta. 1881: 6 Wilm. 1882: 17 Mailfert. 1890: 29 Uhl. 1892: 29 Neumann. 1892: 31 Sabatier and Senderens. platinum. 1829: 27 Despretz. 1836: 7 Regnault. 1838: 15 Bottger. 1842: 15 Marchand. 1846: 22 Grove. 1847: 26 Wilson. 1861: 11 Baudrimont. 1864: 2 Baudrimont. 1864: 6 Geitner. 1866: 14 Bottger. 1870: 34 Skey. 1876: 26 Deville and Debray. 1877: 20 Troost and Hautefeuille. 1879: 16 Volta. 1880: 20 Goldschmidt. 1881: 6 Wilm. 1885: 9 Moissan. 1890: 29 Uhl. 1891 : 21 Sudborough. 1892: 29 Neumann. SUBJECT INDEX. 523 Gases— Continued . reaction with Pt metals — continued, platinum — continued. 1892: 31 Sabatier and Senderens. 1896: 35 Mulder, rhodium. 1881: 6 Wilm. See also Condensation; Diffusion; also under specific gases. Gauze. See under Substitutes. General treatises. 1805: 3 Wollaston. 1806: 4 Trommsdorff. 1828: 9 Berzelius. 1829: 9 Berzelius. 1854: 6 Claus. 1855: 3 Fremy. 1859: 8 Claus. 1859: 9 Deville and Debray. 1861: 5 Faraday. 1861: 6 Gibbs. 1866: 5 Forster. 1878: 1 Phillipp. 1878: 2. 1883: 1 Claus. 1892: 2a Kunz. 1893: 3e Bullman. 1904: 69 Howe. 1911: 27 Waser and Kiihnel. 1912: 16 Molinie and Dietz. 1912: 28 Keller. 1917: 16 Hill, iridium. 1814: 1 Vauquelin. 1854: 8 Uricoechea. 1877: 21 Debray. 1885: 23 Perry, osmium. 1814: 1 Vauquelin. 1833: 9 Berzelius. 1833: 11 Breithaupt. 1844: 8 Fremy. 1859: 11 Eichler. 1863: 3 Jacobi. 1866: 9 Wohler. 1876: 10 Deville and Debray. 1899: 7 Rosenheim and Sasserath. palladium. 1813: 1 Vauquelin. 1814: 2 Vauquelin. 1827: 13 Fischer. 1842: 8 Kane. 1843: 6 Cock. 1847: 11 Fischer. General treatises — Continued, platinum . 1758: 1 M. 1758: 2 Macquer. 1780: 1 Bergman. 1782 : 1 Von Sickingen. 1799: 1 Proust. 1801: 1 Proust. 1803: 9 Fourcroy and Vauquelin. 1842: 8 Kane. 1881: 5 Wilm. 1912: 29 Priwoznik. 1912: 30. 1914: 23 Siebert. 1916: 11 Kunz. 1916: 32. rhodium. 1813: 1 Vauquelin. 1814: 2 Vauquelin. 1868: 1 Bunsen, ruthenium. 1846: 7 Claus. 1876: 11 Deville and Debray. 1899: 13 Antony and Lucchesi. Geologic relations of occurrence. 1885: la Collins. 1893: 3a Helmhaeker. 1902: 1 Kemp. 1903: 1 Duparc. 1907: 1 Katterfeld. 1908: 2 Duparc. 1908: 3 Beck. 1909: 2 Mingaye. 1910: 4 Duparc and Pamfil. 1911: 2 Duparc. 1911: 3 Duparc. 1911: 4 Duparc. 1911: 5 Hobson. 1911: 13 Pina de Rubies. 1911: 14 Duparc and Holtz. 1913: 4 Pina de Rubies and Coma. 1913: 5 Duparc. 1915: 14 Del Campo and Pina de Rubies. 1915: 15 Nagel. 1916: 2 Duparc and Grossett. 1916: 3 Duparc. Glass. See Deposition. Glow reaction for Pt metals. 1911: 58 Curtman and Rothberg. Glycerol compound. 1892: 23 Wallin, effect of metallic oxides on. 1897: 22 Bullnheimer. 524 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Glycollic acid, reduction from oxalic acid. 1913: 115 Baur. Gold. See Alloys; Analysis; Dishes, ore treatment, influence of Pd. 1911: 61 Freise. Government control. 1917: 27 Scott. Government estimates. 1917: 23. Government reservation. 1917: 30 Parsons. Guaiac reaction, action of colloidal Pt. 1904: 50 Liebermann. 1909: 76 Buekmaster Pd, Pt. H. Halides. 1888: 24 Hampe. 1893: 22 Werner. 1893: 33 Lea, 1894: 10 Pigeon, mixed. 1868: 2 Kammerer. 1879: 7 Pitkin. 1896: 4 Herty. 1896: 5 Miolati. relation of color and constitution. 1898: 20 Kurnakow Pd, Pt, 1902: 13 Pfeiffer Gen. 1905: 43 Ambronn Pd, Pt, 1907 : 13 Rimbach and Korten . Ir. See also Bromo-salts; Chloro-salts. Hall effect, 1912: 130 Alterthum. 1915: 89 Frey. Halo on glass around heated Pt. 1904: 34 Beilby. See also Dusting. Hardening Pt. 1911: 79 Heraeus. Hardness. 1904: 39 Beilby. Heat, action on chlorides. 1887: 18 Duclaux. conductivity. 1911: 101 Schulze Pd, Pt. 1915: 85 Meissner. See also Conductivity, convection. 1914: 105 King, measurement. 1828: 26 Schwartz. Heat — Continued . measurement — continued. 1878: 60 Rossetti. 1880: 39 Desains and Curie. 1885: 41 Schleiermacher. 1887 : 55 Bottomley. of expansion. 1872: 20 Buff, of fusion. 1877: 45 Yiolle Pd, Pt, 1895: 39 Crompton, of reaction. 1824: 16 Dobereiner. 1870: 32 Thomsen. 1871: 21 Thomsen. 1876: 30 Thomsen. 1878: 43 Thomsen. 1880: 38 Berthelot Pd, Pt. 1882: 38 Joannis Pd. 1890: 27 Pigeon. 1891: 25 Pigeon. 1891: 26 Pigeon. 1892: 34 Pigeon. 1894: 10 Pigeon, reflection of. 1872: 19 Desains. See also Specific heat. Helium, solubility in Pd. 1896: 24 Tilden. 1912: 108 Sieverts and Bergner. Hellberger furnace for melting Pt. 1912: 102. Heteropoly-acids. See Molybdates. Hieroglyphic inscription, Pt in. 1901: 1 Berthelot. History. 1751: 1 Watson. 1806: 3 Fourcroy and Vauquelin. 1814: 1 Vauquelin. 1845: 2 Schweigger. 1850: 5 Thomson. I860: 18 Delanoue. 1907: 3. 1912: 29 Priwosnik. 1912: 144 Burton. 1914: 1 Howe. 1917: 1 Kunz. in Russia. 1827 : 1 Mamyscheff. 1880: 1 Koppen. Holder, for spatula. 1898: 44 Friedrichs, for wire. 1899: 46 Palmaer. SUBJECT INDEX, 525 Hydrazin, catalysis of. 1902: 3J5 Tanatar. 1902: 37 Tanatar. 1904: 44 Purgotti and Zanichelli. 1905: 58 Paal and Amberger. . .Pd. 1913: 114Gutbierand Neundlinger. use in analysis. See also Analysis. 1904: 24 Jannasch and Stephan. 1904: 25 Jannasch and Bettges. Pd. 1905: 36 Jannasch and Von Mayer, Gen. 1909: 16 Gutbier and M tiller... Rh. 1915: 51 Christensen. Hydrazoic acid, reaction with chloride. 1898: 34 Curtius and Rissom. Hydrochloric acid, action on Pt. - 1893: 29 Dudley .....Gen. 1901: 6 Mallet. 1903: 35 Mat.ignon Gen. 1904: 8 Berthelot. electrolytic action. 1902: 49 Bran Ir, Pt. 1909: 92 Pfleiderer. Hydrogen, absorption of. 1823: 7 Dobereiner. 1823: 8 Dobereiner. 1824: 5 Dobereiner Pd. 1833: 22 Boussingault. 1836: 4 Dobereiner. 1868: 10 Graham Pd, Pt. 1869: 4 Graham Pd. 1869: 5 G raham Pd . 1869: 6 Wurtz Pd. 1869: 7 Bottger Pd. 1869: 8 Roberts Pd. 1869: 9 Dewar Pd. 1869: 10 Hofmann Pd. ' 1870: 2 Favre Pd. 1871: 2 Bottger Pd. 1871: 3 Lisenko Pd. 1871: 4 Mohr Pd. 1871: 5 Kolbe Pd. 1872: 2 Roberts and AVright. . .Pd. 1872: 17 Saytzeff t Pd. 1873: 3 Dewar. 1873: 21 Merget, 1873: 22 Pellet, 1874: 7 Troost and Hautefeuille, Pd. 1874: 8 Moutier Pd. 1874: 9 Favre Pd, Pt, 1874: 10 Favre Pd, Pt. 1874: 12 Smith Pd. Hydrogen — Continued, absorption of — continued. 1874: 38 Bottger. Pd. 1875: 10 Smith Pd, Pt. 1875: 11 Laudy Pd. 1876: 56 Bottger Pd. 1880: 18 Phipson. 1880: 19 Tommasi. 1883: 4 De la Rue and Muller. P.3. 1884: 29 Knott Pd. 1885: 17 Schiff Pd. 1885: 22 Kritschewsky. 1885: 37 Larroque Pd. 1885: 39 Traube. Pd. 1886: 34 Knott Pd. 1887: 21 Keiser Pd. 1892: 68 Krakau. 1895: 4 Hoitsema Pd. 1895: 5 Krakau Pd. 1895: 35 Mond, Ramsay, and Shields .^....Pd. 1897: 21 Dewar Pd. 1904: 17 St. Schmidt Pd. 1904: 18 Quennessen Pd, Rh. 1905: 49 \\ T inkelmann Pd. 1905: 58 Paal and Amberger, Ir, Pd, Pt, 1907: 49 Heald. 1907 : 50 Sieverts. 1907: 51 Baerwald Pd, Pt. 1909: 68 Kernot and De Simone, Pd, Pt. 1910: 42 Paal and Hartmann. .Pd. 1910: 49 Pirani and Meyer. 1910: 50 Sieverts Rh. 1910: 51 Sieverts and Krumbhaar, Pd. 1911: 47 Valentiner Pd. 1911: 48 Sieverts and Bergner.Pd. 1911: 80 Berry Pd. 1912: 59 Sieverts and Jurisch, Pt, Rh. 1912: 104 Rother Ir. 1912: 107 Joukof Pd. 1913: 64 Gutbier, Gebhardt, and Ottenstein Pd. 1913: 65 Thiel and Breuning.Pd, Pt. 1913: 66 Madinaveitia Gen. 1913: 105 Freeman. 1913: 107 Holt, Edgar, and Firth, Pd. 1913: 108 Andrew and Holt. . .Pd. 1913: 119 Gesellschal’t fur Elektro- osmose (pat.). Pd. 526 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Hydrogen — Continued . absorption of — continued. 1914: 47 Wolf Pd. 1914: 48 Sieverts Pd. 1914: 49 Sieverts Pd. 1914: 50 Sieverts Pd. 1914: 51 Holt Pd. 1914: 61 Burrell and Oberfeld.Pd. 1914: 72 Halla Pd. 1915: 39 Beckman Pd. 1915: 40 Sieverts, Jurisch, and Metz Pd, Pt. 1916: 53 Smith and Martin Pd. 1916: 92 Biggs Pd. See also Diffusion; Occlusion, action on benzene. 1900: 34 Lunge and Akunoff, Pd, Pt. hydrogen-oxygen cell. 1906: 46 Haber and Fleisclimann. 1906: 47 Haber. 1909: 75 Paal and Hartmann... Pd. 1909: 88 Spielmann. oxidation of hydrogen. 1899: 36 Sabaneef. 1900: 32 French. 1905: 51 Kirkby. 1906: 45 Bone and Wheeler. 1913: 113 Thompson Pd, Pt. 1916: 64 Paal and Schwarz. 1916: 66 Hofmann and Ebert. Gen. palladium-hydrogen. 1901: 19 Coehn Pd, Pt. 1904: 31 Chapman. 1906: 27 Fischer. 1908: 35 Paal, Gerum, and Roth. 1914: 94 Stumpf. union with chlorine. 1902: 40 Mellor and Russell Pd. See also Fats; Reduction. Hydrogenation. See Reduction. Hydrogen peroxide. 1904: 45 Neilson and Brown. 1904: 46 Bredig and Fortner.. .Pd. 1904: 48 Liebermann. 1904: 49 Liebermann and Yon Genersich. 1905: 52 Senter. 1905: 53 Senter. 1905: 54 Senter. 1906: 33 Orloff Os. 1908: 63 Lebedew. 1908: 64 Teletow. 1909: 63 Bornemann. Hydrogen peroxide — -Continued. 1909: 64 Brossa Tr. 1909: 69 Kernot and Arena Ir. 1909: 70 Kernot Ir. 1909: 71 Kernot and Arena. . .Rh. 1914: 73 Maclnnes. 1914: 74 Dyer and Dole. 1914: 75 Bassett. 1916: 63 Lemoine. action on Pt. 1916: 55 Salkowski. 1917: 59 Macri. Hydrolysis of chlorides. 1900: 12 Kohlrausch. 1909: 29 Lind and Bliss, osmates. 1908: 14 Rosenstiehl. Hydrolytic action of Pt. 1908 : 56 Grove and Loevenhaut. Hydrosulphites, action on Pd salts. 1904: 21 Brunck. Hydroxide, colloidal. See Obesity. Hydroxylamin, catalysis of. 1902: 37 Tanatar. use in analysis. 1903: 27 Tarugi. 1905: 36 Jannasch and Von Mayer. 1910: 26 Obermaier. See also Analysis; Bases. Hypochlorites, reaction of Rh with. 1905: 31 Alvarez. H y pophosphi tes . 1880: 6 Engel. 1909: 61 Bach Pd. 1912: 115 Sieverts and Loessner, Pd. 1913: 120 Sieverts Pd. 1916: 67 Sieverts and Peters. Hypophosphorous acid, reduction by. 1909: 43 Sieverts Pd, Pt. I. Imports. See Exports and imports. Impurities. 1877 : 26 Gawalovski. 1879: 23 Cxintl. 1890: 30 Classen. Incandescence in gas. 1909 : 58 Meunier. 1909: 59 Meunier. Incandescent lamp. See Lamp. Incineration tubes. 1897 : 40 Soltsien. SUBJECT INDEX, 527 Indium See Cyanides. Industry, Pt. 1898: 9 Steinfeldt. 1909: 1. 1916: 29 Quennessen. Inhibition of catalysis by expired air. 1916: 91 Takasaki. Ink, indelible. 1869: 26 Riemann. sympathetic. 1887: 39 Himly, Leiser, and Bard- tholdt. Inoculation with colloidal Pt. 1907: 38 Field. International committee. See Atomic weights. Iodates. 1831: 6 Connell. 1845: 10 Aquilina. Iodic acid, reaction with sulphurous acid. 1916: 71 Bercelles. Iodides. 1814: 5 Ruhland. 1823: 3 Silliman. 1825: 7 Pleischl. 1825: 8 Pleischl ....Pd, Pt. 1829: 13 Lassaigne. 1832: 5 Lassaigne. 1832: 6 Lassaigne. 1832: 7 Orfila. 1832: 8 Kane. 1833: 16 Lassaigne Pd. 1833: 17 Kane. 1833: 18 Kane. 1833: 19 Lassaigne. 1833: 20 Phillips. 1835: 17 Lassaigne Ir, Pd. 1855: 6 dementi. 1856: 12 Deville Pd. 1857: 7 Oppler Ir. 1875: 22 Zenger Pd. 1905: 24 Alvarez Os. 1909: 44 Mingaye. 1911:, 32 Wohler. action on osmic acid. 1907: 8 Orloff. See also Analysis, double iodides. 1832: 5 Lassaigne. 1835: 15 Mather. i i ‘ 1836: 6 Buchner. 1856: 12 Deville. 1868 : 8 Topsoe. Iodi des — Continued, double iodides — continued. 1875: 21 Selmi. 1913: 44 Datta. 1913: 45 Datta. tetraiodides. 1860: 7 Boedeker. 1902: 14 Bellucci. 1909: 20 Archibald and Patrick. 1912: 47 Archibald and Patrick. Iodimetry of Pt. 1902: 27a Spiess. Iodonitrites of Pd . 1900: 19 Rosenheim and Itzig. Iodo-salts, list of, 1902: 13 Pfeiffer. Ionization, produced by hot Pt. 1903: 42 Richardson. 1903: 43 Wilson. 1904: 57 Richardson. 1904: 58 Wehnelt. 1905: 64 Richardson. 1905: 65 Richardson. 1906: 59 Richardson. 1906: 60 Richardson. 1907: 67 Deininger. 1907 : 68 Marty n. See also Emission, of thiocyanates. 1900: 22 Walden. Iridosmium. 1903: 28 Leidie and Quennessen. See also Analysis; Occurrence. Irite. See Occurrence. Iron compounds, action of Pt on. 1893: 32 Mahon, plated with Pt. 1912: 156 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 157 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 158 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 159 Eldred (pat.). Isomerism. 1910: 28 Ostromisslensky and Bergmann. 1910: 30 Tschugaeff and Subbotin. 1911 : 44 Kirmreuther. 1911: 91 Zelinsky Pd. 1912: 52 Werner Rh. 1914: 38 Delepine Ir. 1914: 39 Werner Rh. Isomorphism, chloro-salts. 1912: 48 Duffour Ir, Rh. Isonitrils. See Nitrils. 528 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. J. Jewelers’ Vigilance Committee. 1917: 38. Jewelry. 1914: 125. 1916: 100 Peseliko Os. 1904: 66 Lang 1904: 67 Heil Os. 1905: 80 Deutsche Gasgluhlicht Aktien Gesellschaft (pat.). . .Os. 1905: 81 Blau 1906: 76 Deutsche Gasgluhlicht Aktien Gesellschaft (pat.). . .Os. 1907: 87 Berninger and Schuster, Os. 1907: 88 Leder Os. 1910: 71 Hyde 1910: 72 Hyde 1910: 74 Coblentz. 1910: 75 Nutting Os. 1910: 99 Coolidge. 1910: 100 Howell Os. 1910: 101 Merrill Os, Pt. 1910: 102 Von Koch.. Os. 1911: 119 Escard Os. 1911: 120 Auer von W elsbach (pat.) Ir, Os, Rh, Ru. j Lamps, incandescent — Continued. 1913: 168 Meyer Ir, Os, Pt. 1913: 169 Canello Os. 1913: 170. 1915: 101 Weber Os. 1916: 113 Barker Os. 1917: 143 Guardiola Pt. mercury arc, with Pt anode. 1906: 74 Guye and Romilly. See also Filaments. ; Laurite. See Occurrence. ; Lead, separation from Pt and Ir. 1905: 37 Senn. See also Alloys; Analysis. Leading-in wires. See Substitutes. I Leptynol. See Obesity. Light, absorption of. 1888: 50 Trobridge and Sabine. 1893: 43 Rizzio. 1909: 81 Fery. 1911: 96 Pirani. 1914: 66 Wick. 1914: 96 Jaffe. action on chlorides. 1887 : 18 Duclaux. 1898: 14 Sonstadt. See also Photochemical action, emission. 1905: 62 Holborn and Henning. Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1910: 68 Bauer and Moulin. 1910: 69 Rubens and Hagen, Pt, Rh. 1910: 70 Rubens and Hagen, Pt, Rh. polarization. 1876: 63 Lallemand. 1885: 40 Knoblauch Pd, Pt. production. 1910: 71 Hyde Os, Pt. 1910: 72 Hyde Os, Pt. refraction. 1888: 53 Kundt. 1888: 54 Kundt. 1891: 27 Gladstone Ir. 1895: 33 Gladstone and Hibbert. standard unit. 1870: 31 Schinz. 1879: 55 Schwendler. 1884: 25 Siemens. 1884: 26 Violle. 1884: 27. 1885: 43 Trowbridge. 1886: 33 Von Hefner- Alteneck. SUBJECT INDEX, 529 Light — Continued, standard unit — continued. 1888: 52 Liebenthal. 1912: 120 Harwood and Petavel. 1916: 112 Ives. 1917: 121 Hyde, Cady, and For- sythe .Os, Pt. Lightning-rod points. 1876: 51 Luca. Lime, action on Pt. 1902: 62 Moissan. Litharge, (no) action on Pt. 1914: 128 Cunningham. Lithia, action on Pt. 1817: 7 Vogel. 1818: 11 Vauquelin. 1828: 14 Kralovanszky. 1884: 19 Dittmar. 1910: 104 Ricke and Endell. Loss of weight on heating. 1900: 40 Hall. Low-temperature resistance. 1911: 105 Onnes. L-rays. See Spectrum. Luminescence, catalytic. 1917: 84 Goss, low temperature. 1906: 56 Borissow. metallic vapors. 1904: 62 Lewis. Luminosity. 1910: 75 Nutting... Os. M. Magnesia rod, substitute for Pt wire. 1912: 161 Wedekind. Magnesium. See Alloys; Cyanides, action on saline solutions. 1899: 34 Tommasi. 1905: 32 Faktor. 1905: 33 Faktor. optical properties of chloroplatinate. 1917: 46aGaubert. Magnetic field, influence on spectrum. 1905: 63 Purvis Pd, Rh, Ru. 1906: 57 Purvis Ir, Pt. 1906: 58 Purvis Pd, Rh, Ru. measurements. 1909: 83 Finke Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. ores. See Occurrence, susceptibility. 1915: 45 Sosman and Hostetter. 1916: 92 Biggs Pd. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 34 Magnetism. 1775: 1 De Morveau. 1775: la Murray. 1776: 1 Ingenhousz. 1784: 2 Von Sickingen. 1830: 16 Gob el. 1846: 19 Faraday. 1847: 27 Lamont. 1866: 1 Kokscharow. 1880: 44 Hall. 1883: la Wilm. of complex salts. 1911: 104 Feytis. Magnus’s salt, conductivity of. 1913: 41 Dhar. Malleability, including working of Pt. 1792: 3 Berthollet and Pelletier. 1800: 4 Knight. 1800: 5 Mussin-Puschkin. 1804: 6 Mussin-Puschkin. 1804: 15 Mussin-Puschkin. 1804: 16 Mussin-Puschkin. 1805: 8 Tilloch. 1813: 2 Leithner. 1813: 3 Gehlen. 1813: 4 Schweigger. 1813: 5 Wollaston. 1814: 11 Scholz. 1829: 20 Wollaston. 1831: 27 Abich. 1832: 15 Marshall. 1832: 16 Marx. 1836: 17 Liebig. 1836: 18 Liebig. 1841: 15 £. 1841: 16 Biewend Pd. 1860: 4 Deville and Debray. 1860: 18 Delanoue. 1862: 22 Storer. 1875: 7. 1885: 24 Johnson, Matthey & Co. Ir. Manufacture of Pt. 1871: 22. 1913: 35 Nikolaus. See also Malleability. Margules, sulphate of. 1904: 11 Stuchlik. Marsh’s apparatus, use of Pt-copper. 1906: 41 De Vamossy. 1909: 62 Harkins Pd, Pt. 1910: 53 Harkins Pd, Pt. 530 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Matrix of Pt. 1830: 2 Engelhardt. 1834: 4 Rose. 1839: 1 Rose. 1857: 1 Damour and Descloizeaux. 1861: 3 Gueymard. 1875: 1 Descloizeaux. 1875: 2 Daubree. 1893: 2 Daubree. 1S93: 3 Inostranzeff. 1894: 1 Inostranzeff. 1894: 2 Meunier. Melting of Pt. 1916: 56 Hoke. 1916: 105 Hoke, with arsenic. 1779: 2 Achard. See also Fusibility. Melting point. 1905: 45 Harker. 1905: 62 Iiolborn and Henning, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1906: 35 Nernst and Von Warten- berg Pd, Pt. 1907: 48 Waidener and Burgess, Pd, Pt. 1909: 52 Fery and Cheneveau. 1909: 53 Waidener and Burgess. 1910: 47 Ruff Ir, Pt. 1910: 48 Day, Sosman, and Allen, Pd, Pt. 1913: lOOTiede. 1916: 57 Holst and Oosterhuis. .Pd. Mercury, reaction with Pt and salt. 1911: 74 Peters. Mercury iodide, reaction with Pd. 1906: 30 Orloff. Merkaptid compounds. 1897 : 20 Hofmann and Rabe, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1898: 31 Hofmann and R,abe. 1910: 30 Tschugaeft and Subbotin. Mesityl oxide, compound with. 1900: 16 Prandtl and Hofmann. Metals, influence of gases. 1905: 50 Guggenheimer Pd. 1908: 45 Henderson and Galletly. Methyl sulphide, compounds with Pd. 190!: 14 Phillips. Microchemical reactions. See Analysis. Microcosmic bead for detection of Ptl metals. 1903: 37 Donau. Micropyrometer. 1913: 167 Burgess. 1915: 92 Burgess and Waltenberg. Microscopy, osmic acid in. 1911: 70 Schultze. ruthenium red in. 1913: 96 Heidenhain. Milk, action of salts on enzymes. 1910: 16 Gerber. 1910: 17 Gerber. 1910: 18 Gerber Pd. 1910: 19 Gerber Ir. 1910: 20 Gerber Os, Rh, Ru. Mining of Pt. 1863 : la Antipov. 1897: 3. 1898: 9 Steinfeldt. 1912: 5 Hutchins. 1912: 6 De Haatsick. 1913: 3. 1916: 15 Hutchins. See also Occurrence. Mining laws, Colombia. 1911: 10. Russia. 1897: 3. 1913: 19. Mixed halides. See Halides. Molecular weight of osmium teiroxide. 1910: 13a Walden. Molybdates, double. 1790: 2 Hielm. 1877: 15 Gibbs. 1886: 5 Gibbs. 1895: 11 Gibbs. 1914: 40 Barbieri. . . .Pd, Rh, Ru. 1914: 42 Rosenheim and Schwer, RU. Molybdenum. See Alloys; Resistance furnace. as Pt substitute. 1917: 142 Fahrenwald (patA 1917 : 146 Humphries. Monochloroplatinic acid. See Chlorides. Monroe crucible. 1909: 99 Snelling. 1909: lOOSwett. SUBJECT INDEX, 531 N. Neutralization of chloroplatinic acid. 1901 : 7 Miolati and Maseetti. New elements. 1852: 3 Genth. 1862: 2 Chandler. 1883: 2Wilm. 1879: 3 Guyard. 1907: 4 Gross, canadium. 1911: 1 French. 1912: 2 Easticlc. 1912: 3 Patterson. 1912: 4 Estreicher. 1913: 8. davyum. 1877: 3 Kern. 1877: 4 Allen. 1898: 1 Mallet, new element of Holtz. 1912: 1 Holtz. 1913 : 1 Wunder and Thuringer. 1913: 2 Del Campo and Pina de Rubies. 1914: 2 Holtz. ruthenium (I), polinium, and plura- nium. 1826: 5 Osann. 1829: 6 Osann. 1845: 5 Claus. 1845: 6 Osann. 1845: 7 Osann. 1845: 8 Claus. 1845: 9 Fremy. Nichrome as Pt substitute. 1911: 122 Benner. Nickel, ethylene compounds. See Chlo- roplatinates. in native Pt. 1876: 2 Daubree. 1916: 10 Pina de Rubies. See also Occurrence, plated with Pt. 1912: 156 Eldred (pat.) 1912: 157 Eldred (pat.) 1912: 158 Eldred (pat.) 1912: 159 Eldred (pat.) silicate as catalyst. 1916: 81 Sulzberger Pd, Pt. Nikolaja Pawdinsk. See Occurrence in Russia. Niter, action on Pt. 1797 : 4 Tennant. Niter, action on Pt — Continued. 1798: 2 De Morveau. 1800: 2 Tennant. Nitrates. 1886: 3 Prost. 1911: 41 Lancien Rh. Nitric acid, action on Pt. 1914: 127 Baxter and Grover, action on Pt amalgam. 1903: 50 Tarugi. contact mass for making. 1910: 52 Schick (pat.) detection. 1912: 95 Iwanow Ir. Nitric oxide, action of Pt metals on. 1892: 30 Emich. Nitrils, double salts with. 1906: 13 Mohlau Pd. 1906: 14 Werner and Dinklage.Os. 1907: 19 Hofmann and Bugge. 1907 : 20 Ramberg. 1913: 57 Tschugaeff and Teearu. 1914: 43 Tschugaeff. 1914: 44 Tschugaeff and Teearu. 1915: 34 Tschugaeff and Lebedin- ski. 1916: 49 Tschugaeff and Lebidin- ski. Nitrites. 1848: 5 Fischer. 1861: 9 Lang. 1869: 18 Blomstrand. 1871 : 8 Gibbs Ir. 1876: 13 Nilson. 1877: 7 Thomsen. 1877: 16 Nilson. 1877: 17 Nilson. 1878: 13 Nilson and Pettersson. 1878: 14 Nilson. 1879: 12 Groth and Nilson. 1879: 30 Topsoe. 1889: 12 Joly and Vezes Ru. 1890: 17 Leidie Rh. 1890: 18 Wilm Rh. 1891: 6 Vezes. 1892: 12 Vezes. 1892: 13 Vezes Pd. 1893: 18 Vhzes. 1893: 19 Vkzes. 1894: 13 Joly and Vbzes Ru. 1895: 12 Joly and Leidie Ir. 1898: 24 Joly and Leidie Rh. 1899: 16 Brizard Ru. 532 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, N itrites — Continued . 1899: 24 Vezes. 1899: 25 Vezes. 1900 : 19 Rosenheim and Itzig. . Pd. 1900: 21 Miolati and Bellucci. 1901: 16 Vezes. 1902: 17 Leidi£ Ir. 1902: 18 Vezes. 1902: 32 Dufet Ir, Pd, Pt. 1903: 25 Vezes. 1905: 26Wintrebert Os. 1905 : 30 Quennessen Ir. 1908: 22 Werner and De Vries.. Ir. 1908: 22a De Vries. 1909: 33 Hofmann and Buchner. 1910: 32 Vezes and Duff our Ir. 1910: 33 Duff our Ir. 1913: 55 Scagliarini and Rossi. Pd. 1913: 56 Tschugaeff and Chlopin. 1915: 32 Tschugaeff and Kiltuino- vich. 1915: 33 Tschugaeff and Wladimi- roff. 1916: 48 Tschugaeff and Kiltuino- vich. See also Crystallography. Nitrogen and hydrogen, action of Pt on. 1881: 40 Johnston. Nitrogen industries, bibliography. 1917: 80a Hosmer. 1917: 80b Boyce. Nitroso-chlorides. 1840: 4 Rogers and Boy£. 1867: 6 Weber. 1888: 14 Joly Ru. 1889: 9 Joly Ru. 1890: 8 Vezes. 1890: 36 Dufet Ru. 1894: 11 Howe Ru. 1894: 11 Clark Ru. 1895: 7 Brizard Ru. 1896: 8 Brizard Ru. 1896: 9 Brizard Os. 1900: 10 Brizard Os, Ru. 1903: 16 Lind Ru. a Nitroso-/3 naphthol. reagent for Pd. 1913: 77 Schmidt. 1913: 91 Wunder and Thuringer. Nitrostyrene, catalytic reduction of. 1917: 88 Arahina. 1917: 89 Sonn and Schellenberg, Pd, Pt. Noble-metal alloys. See Alloys; Analy- Nomenclature of iridosmium. 1914: 119 Guertler. North America. See Occurrence. Norway. See Occurrence in nickel ores. | Notes on. 1896: 7 Ir, Pt. Nuggets, crystalline structure. 1897 : 26 Liversidge. Obesity, colloidal Pd as remedy. 1913: 171 Kauffmann. 1913: 172 Kauffmann. 1913: 173 Gorn. Occlusion of gases. See Condensation. 1897: 28 Mond, Ramsay, and Shields. 1897: 29 Mond, Ramsay, and Shields Pd. 1898: 32 Shields Pd. 1909: 56 Delachanel. Occurrence. associations. barium. 1865: 1 Kraut, chemicals for assaying. 1908: 39 Rose. 1908: 40 Bryant, 1914: 4 Duparc. 1915: 12 Michel. 1915: 13 Loevy. copper. 1847: 1 Leuchtenberg. gold. 1839: 3 Wohler Ir, Os. 1843: 3 Weinlig Ir, Os. 1849: 9 Pettenkofer. 1887: 3 Martin Ir, Os, Pt. irite. 1836: 1 Hermann. 1841 : 3 Hermann. 1851: 3 Kenngott. laurite. 1866: 2 Wohler Os, Ru. 1869: 2 Wohler Os, Ru. magnetic ores. 1866: 1 Kokscharow. 1875: 27 Daubree. 1876: 1 Terreil. 1883: laWilm. matrix of Pt. See Matrix, meteorites. 1835: 7 Osann. 1890: 5 Trottarelli 1899: 2 Davison... ...Pd. Ir, Pt. SUBJECT INDEX, 533 Occurrence — Continued, associations — continued . nickel. 1876: 2 Daubr6e. 1902: 3 Vogt. 1903: 2 Dickson, osmiridium. 1913: 16 Quennessen Ru. osmite. 1836: 1 Hermann, silver. 1836: 2 Herberger. 1837: 1 Pettenkofer. 1848: 3 Pettenkofer. 1848: 4 Plattner. 1852: 4 Palmstedt. 1875: 6 Pd, Pt. 1876: 4 Rossler Pd, Pt. sperrylite. 1889: 1 Wells and Penfield. 1889: 3 Hoffman. 1896: 2 Walker, sun. 1878: 49 Lockyer. 1887: 2 Hutchins and Holden, wollastonite. 1904: 2 Hundeshagen. See also Geologic relations, general. 1792: 1 Bergman. 1793: 1 Haiiy. 1802: 1 Thomson. 1806: 2 Bucholz. 1823: 1 C. C. 1826: 3 Menge. 1827: 5 Humboldt. 1828: 5. 1835: 6 Rose Ir. 1835: 11 Dobereiner Ir, Os. 1842: 5. 1847 : 5 Pettenkofer. 1854: 3. 1870: 37 Skey. 1877: 1. 1879: 2 Jeremejew. 1880: 2 Newberry. 1890: 1 Blomeke. 1908: 1 Geibel. 1913: 20a Day. 1914: 3 Day. 1917: 2 Wherry. 1917 : 3 Quennessen. 1917: 4 Hill. Occurrence — Continued, geographic occurrence. Adirondacks. 1917: 12. Africa. 1913: 14a Horwood Ir, Os. Algiers. 1838: 1 Aime. Alps. 1848: 1 Gueymard. Australia. 1896: 1. 1913: 13. Ava. 1833: 6 Prinsep. Borneo. 1839: 2 Homer. 1855: 1 Booking. 1858: 1 Bleekrode. 1859: 1 Bleekrode. 1866: 2 Wohler Os, Ru. 1893: 3d Hooze. 1912: 12a Tschernik Gen. 1912: 12b Nikolaeev Ir, Os. Brazil. 1809: 1 Wollaston Pd, Pt. 1811: 1 Gehlen Pd, Pt. 1818: 2 Mawe. 1825: 1 Humboldt Pd, Pt. 1833: 7 Lampadius and Plattner. 1837: 2 Johnson and Lampadius, Pd. 1837: 4 Fellenberg Pd. 1870: la Hartt Pd, Pt. 1882: 3 Seamon Pd. 1882: 4 Mallet Pd. 1904: 1 Hussak.... Ir, Pd, Pt. 1906: 2 Hussak Pd, Pt. British Columbia. 1900 : 2 Waterman. 1910: 3 Camsell. 1911: 9. 1913: 7. 1913: 8. 1916: 7. 1916: 23. Burma. 1848: 2 Faber. California. 1849: 2. 1850: 4 Teschemacher. 1852: 2 Genth Ir, Pt. 1854: 2 Dubois Ir. 534 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Occurrence — Continued, geographic occurrence — continued. California — Continued. 1859: 3 Weil. 1861: 1 Torrey Ir, Os. 1862: 1 Ludwig. 1873: la Silliman Ir, Os, Pt. 1879: 1 Luthy. 1894: 6a Edman. 1912: 13 Horton Ir, Pt. 1915: 10. 1915: 11. 1916: 21. 1917: 8 Neill. Canada. 1851: 1 Hunt. Ir, Os, Pt. 1867: 1 Ir. 1886: 1 Hoffman. 1887: 1 Dawson Ir, Os, Pt. 1889: 2 Clarke and Catlett. 1889: 3 Hoffman Ir, Os, Pt. 1890: 3. 1892: 4. 1893: 4 Donald. 1893: 4a Browne. 1916: 6. 1917: 9 Gen. Caucasus. 1893: 5 Wilm Pd. Colombia. 1824: a Mollien. 1826: 1 Humboldt. 1882: 2 Seamon. 1884: la Restrepo. 1886: la Restrepo. 1906: 3 Day. 1908: 4. 1911: 10. 1913: 6. 1915: 16. 1916: 24. Colorado. 1911: 6. Delaware. 1913: 12. Egypt. 1901: 1 Berthelot. France. 1833: 3 Claubry. 1833: 4 Dangaz. 1833: 5 D’Argy. 1834: 1 Berthier and Becquerel. 1834: 2 Villain. 1834: 3. 1849: 1 Ebelmen. Occurrence— Continued, geographic occurrence — continued. Germany. 1829: 4 Zincken Pd. 1829: 5 Benecke and Rienecker, Pd ; Guiana. 1861: 4 Damour. Harz Mountains. 1829 : 5 Benecke and Rienecker, Pd. 1835: 3 Berzelius. Hungary. 1847: 2 Molnar. 1847: 3 Kopetzky and Patera. Ireland. 1850: 2 Mallet. Lapland. 1870: 1 Nordenskjold. Madagascar. 1914: 4 Duparc. 1914: 5 Duparc, Sabot, and Wun- der. 1915: 2 Duparc, Del Campo, and Pina de Rubies. Mexico. 1811: 2 Humboldt. 1874: 1 Burkart. 1875: 4 Sandbergef. 1876: 3 Uslar. 1912: 12. Missouri. 1859: 2. N evada. 1914: 12 Hale. 1914: 16. 1915: 5 Knopf Pd, Pt. 1915: 6. 1915: 7. 1915: 8. 1915: 9 Kennedy. 1916: 18 Crampton. 1916: 19 Knopf. 1916: 20 Knopf Pd, Pt. New South Wales. 1890: 2c Wilkinson. 1892: 2c Mingaye. 1893: 3b. 1893: 3c Jacquet. 1895: 2a Card. 1896: b Carne. 1898 : 8 Mingaye. 1909: 2 Mingaye Gen. SUBJECT INDEX, 535 Occurrence — Continued, geographic occurrence — continued. New York. 1881 : 2 Collier. New Zealand. 1883: a Pond. 1913: 14 Farquharson. North America. 1900: 1 Day. 1912: 9. North Carolina. 1847 : 4 Shepard. 1881: 1 Hidden. 1892: 1 Venable. 1898: 6 Hidden. 1913: 11 Heyl. Ontario. 1903: 2 Dickson. 1912: 11. 1916: 5. Oregon. 1854: 1 Blake. 1860: la Thenevet. 1869: 2 Wohler Os, Ru. 1906: 5 Pratt. 1911: 8. 1914: 13. 1915: 4. 1916: 9. 1917: 13. Pennsylvania. 1851 : 2 Genth. Peru. 1821: 1. Rhine. 1835: 4 Hopff. 1841 : 1 Dobereiner. 1841: 2 F. D. H. Russia. 1826: 1 Humboldt. 1826: la Erdman. 1826: 2. 1827: 2 Kupffer. 1827: 3. 1827: 4. 1828: 1 Engelhardt. 1828: 2 F. H. 1828: 3. 1828: 4 Marx. 1828: 7a Lubarsky. 1828: 7b Lubarsky. 1829: 1 Kupfier. 1829: 2. 1829: 3. Occurrence — Continued, geographic occurrence — continued. Russia — Continued. 1830: 1 Engelhardt. 1831: 1. 1831 : 2 Fuchs. 1833: 1 Rose Ir, Oa 1833: 2. 1835: 1. 1835: 2 Teploff. 1840: a Koltovsky. 1841 : a Helmersen. 1842: 2 Menge. 1842: 3. 1842: 3a Lubarsky. 1842: 3b Sivkov. 1842: 3c Koltovsky. 1843: 1 Humboldt. 1843: 2. 1844: 1 Leplay. 1845: 4a Lubarsky. 1846: 1 Murchison. 1846: la GolochoA r sky. 1846: lb Koltovsky. 1849: a Murchison. 1859 : 4 Haidinger. 1863: lb. 1866: la Von Kokscharow. 1873: a Tschupin. 1874: 2 Frenzel. 1877: 2 Kern. 1881: 3. 1882: 1 Lasaulx Ir, Os. 1884: 1. 1888: la Saytzeff. 1888: lb Krotow. 1890: 2 Laurent. 1890: 2a Krassnapolsky. 1890: 2b Losch. 1891: 1 Helmhacker. 1891: la Belowsov. 1892: 2b Saytzeff. 1893: 1. 1894: 3. 1894: 4. 1895: 1 Inostranzeff. 1895: 2 Muschkjetoff. 1896: a Bourdakov and Hendrikov. 1897: 1 Stahl. 1897: 2 Louis. 1898: 2 Saytzeff. 1898: 3 Llelmhacker. 1898: 4 Beck. 1898: 5 Meunier. 536 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Occurrence — Continued . geographic occurrence — continued. Russia — Continued . 1899: 1 Purington. 1905: 2 Spring. 1906: 6 Horton. 1907: 1 Katterfeld. 1908: 3 Beck. 1910: 1. 1910: 2 Duparc. 1911: 2 Duparc. 1911: 3 Duparc. 1911: 4 Duparc. 1911 : 13 Pina de Rubies. 1911: 14 Duparc and Holtz. 1911: 14a Holtz. 1912: 5 Hutchins. 1912: 6 De Haatsick. 1912: 7. 1912: 8. 1912: 14 Ir, Os. 1913: 1 Wunder and Thuringer. 1913: 3. 1913: 5 Duparc. 1913: 17 Duparc and Pina de Ru- bies. 1914: 10 Hutchins. 1914: 11 Hutchins. 1915: 14 Del Campo and Pina de Rubies. 1916: 2 Duparc and Grossett. 1916: 3 Duparc. 1916: 14. 1916: 15 Hutchins. 1917: 5. Santo Domingo. 1751: 1 Watson. 1755: 1 Lewis. 1810: 1 De Morveau. 1810: 2 Percy. 1811: lGehlen. 1870: lb Genth Rh. 1873: 1 Vogel. Scotland. 1869: 1. Siberia. 1912: 8. 1915: 3b Pilipenko. Siebengebirgen. 1854: 4. South America. 1748: 1 Ulloa. 1788: 1 Celis. 1792: 1 Bergman. I i i \ l i I i Occurrence — Continued, geographic occurrence — continued. South America — Continued. 1793: 1 Haiiy. 1802: 1 Thomson. 1809: 1 Wollaston. 1817 : 1 Humboldt. 1917: 1 Kunz. Spain. 1806: 1 Vauquelin. 1818: 1 Heuland. 1885: la Collins. 1915: 3a Pina de Rubies. 1916: 1 De Orueta and Pina de Rubies. 1916: 2 Duparc and Grossett. 1916: 4. 1917: 6. 1917: 7. Sudan and Senegal. 1906: 1 Ackermann. Sumatra. 1904: 2 Hundeshagen. Tasmania. 1912: 15 Ir, Os. 1913: 15 Twelvetrees Ir, Os. United States. 1850: 3 Patterson Ir, Os, Pt. 1913: 10. 1916: 8 Gruetter. Victoria. 1907 : 2 Baragwanath. Westphalia. 1914: 4 Duparc. 1914: 6. 1914: 7. 1914: 8. 1914: 9 Krusch. 1915: 2 Duparc, Del Campo, aDd Pina de Rubies. 1915: 3. Wyoming. 1901: 2 Knight. 1902: 2 Wells and Penfield. 1905: 1 Headden. 1911: 7. 1911: 28. 1912: 10. 1916: 22. Oenanthic acid. 1837: 9 Mulder. Optical activity of complex 6alts. 1917: 50 Delepine Ir. 1917: 51 Jaeger Rh. 1917: 52 Jaeger Rh. SUBJECT INDEX, 537 Optical activity of- complex salts — Con. constants. 1910: 63 Von Wartenberg, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1910: 64 Von Wartenberg, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1910: 65 Meier. 1910: 66 Zakrzewski. 1913: 134 Forsterling and Fr^eder- icksz Ir, Pt. 1914: 107 Pog&ny. 1915: 41 Hoffmann and Schulze. 1917: 102 Oppitz. isomers, action of Pd hydroxide on. 1899: 39 Walden. See also Isomers, properties of crystals, bases. 1846: 6 Haidinger. colloids. 1907: 62 Muller, cyanides. 1847: 17 Haidinger. 1847: 18 Haidinger. 1849: 7 Haidinger. 1850: 16 Brewster. 1852 : 10 Haidinger. 1853: 9 Stokes. 1853: 10 Stokes. 1855: 13 Bottger. 1855: 14 Stokes. 1855 : 20 Haidinger. 1858: 17 Grailich. 1859: 18 Becquerel. 1859: 19 Greiss. 1860: 16 Von Rath. 1863: 18 Quincke. 1870: 29 Schoras. 1874: 40 Hagenbach-Bischoff. 1880: 30 Wiedemann. 1880: 31 Lommel. 1880: 32 Lommel. 1881: 30 Lommel. 1883: 19 Konig. halides. 1852: 10 Haidinger ....... Pd, Rh. 1854: 11 Gladstone. 1871: 19 Topsoe and Christiansen. 1895: 33 Gladstone and Hibbert. 1917: 46a Gaubert. oxalates. 1847: 17 Haidinger. 1847: 18 Haidinger. sulphides. 1864: 14 Pisko. Ores, analysis of. 1912: 83 Dart Pd, Pt. 1912: 84 Koukline ...Gen. See also Analysis, composition of. general. 1826: 6 Thomson Ir 1829: 6 Osann. 1835: 9 Dobereiner. 1842: 6 Svanberg. 1842: 6a Minchin. 1844: 4 Claus. 1844: 5 Claus. 1845: 7 Osann. 1885: 2 Wilm. Alps. 1852: 1 Gueymard. Canada. 1886: 1 Hoffman. France. 1833: 4 Dangaz. Russia. 1825: 2 Laugier. 1825: 3 Laugier. 1826: 4 Breithaupt. 1826: 5 Osann. 1844: 2 Kositzky. 1876: 1 Terreil. 1911: 14a Holtz. Santo Domingo. 1910: 3 Vauquelin. South America. 1834: 6 Svanberg. 1835: 5 Berzelius, concentration of. 1911: 8a. 1911: 28. decomposition of. 1804: 8 Vauquelin and Fourcroy. 1804: 9 Fourcroy. 1804: 14 Tennant and Wollaston. 1807: 1 Collet-Descotils. 1827: 6 Arkhipoff. 1834: 8 Wohler. 1835: 10 Joss. 1846: 2 Fritzsche. 1847: 6 Hess. 1854: 5 Fremy. 1860: 5 Deville and Debray. 1873: 2 Knosel. 1883: 3 Wilm. 1885: 2 Wilm. electrolytic extraction of. 1898: 11 Ziirn. 538 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Organometallic compounds. 1907 : 28 Pope and Peachy. 1909 : 38 Pope and Peachy. Origin of ores. 1908: 2 Duparc. See also Geologic relations. Osmates. 1908: 14 Rosenstiehl. Osmiamates. 1846: 10 Fritzsche and Struve. 1869: 20 Owsjannikow. 1891: 15 Joly. 1899: 17 Brizard. 1900: 10 Brizard. 1901: 18 Werner and Dinklage. 1902: 32 Dufet. Osmic acid. 1849: 8 Brauell. 1851: 10 Butlerow. 1874: 28 Deville. 1878: 25 Broesike. 1878: 26 Pelletan. 1879: 32 Parker. 1879: 33 Altmann. 1880: 21 Certes. 1898: 35 Klobbie. 1899: 8 Sulc. 1899: 9 Vezes. 1907: 8 Orloff. 1908: 46 Coca. 1909: 51 Yon Szily. 1910: 13a Walden. 1911: 70 Schultze. 1911: 71 Busson. 1912: 39 Hofmann. 1912: 40 Hofmann (pat.). 1912: 41 Rosenthal. 1914: 64 Segre. 1914: 65 Thorsch. 1917: 42 Milbauer. Osmite. See Occurrence. Osmium, dioxide. 1917: 41 Ruff and Rathsburg. hexa valent. 1903: 17 Wintrebert. Osmonates, nitrilo-bromo. 1906: 14 Werner and Dinklage. Overvoltage. 1914: 111 Newbery. 1916: 96 Newbery. 1917: 95a Newbery. .Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. Oxalates. 1833: 15 Dobereiner. 1847: 17 Haidinger. Oxalates— Continued. 1847: 18 Haidinger. 1858: 6 Souchay and Lennsen. 1859: 16 Schlossberger. 1885: 15 Soderbaum. 1888: 18 Soderbaum. 1890: 36 Dufet. 1894: 14 Soderbaum. 1896: 20 Werner. 1897: 19 Vezes. 1898: 30 V5zes. 1899: 22 Werner and Grebe. 1899: 23 Vezes. 1899: 24 Vezes Pd. 1899: 25 Vezes. 1900: 26 Loiseleur Pd. 1900: 27 Wintrebert Os. 1901: 16 Vezes. 1901: 17 Wintrebert Os: 1902: 18 Vezes. 1902: 23 Vezes and Wintrebert. Os. 1902: 32 Dufet Ir, Pd, Pt. 1903: 25 Vezes. 1907: 21 Tschugaeff Pd, Pt. 1907: 27 Gialdini Ir. 1908: 31 Gialdini Ir. 1909: 39 Vezes and Duffour Ir. 1909: 40 Duffour Ir. 1910: 32 Vezes and Duffour Ir. 1910: 33 Duffour Ir. 1911: 35 Duffour Ir. 1911: 104 Feytis. 1913: 63 Duffour Ir. 1914: 38 Delepine Ir. 1914: 39 Werner Rh. 1917: 50 Delepine Ir. 1917: 51 Jaeger Rh. 1917: 52 Jaeger Rh. Oxalic acid, reduction of chloroiridate. by. 1908: 19 Delepine. 1908: 20 Y&zes. 1908: 21 Delepine. Oxidation, general. 1802: 2 Cuthbertson. 1908: 9 Marie Ir, Pt, 1915: 22 Langmuir Pd, Pt, anodic. 1903: 45 Coehn and Osaka. Pd, Pt. 1904: 61 Thatcher. 1907 : 75 Marie. 1908: 10 Ruer. catalytic. 1903: 7 Wohler. SUBJECT INDEX, 539 Oxidation — Continued . catalytic — continued, 1903: 35 Matignon Gen. 1905: 16 Magnus Ir, Pd, Pt. 1905: 17 Lucas Ir, Pt. 1912: 114 Wi eland Pd. 1912: 115 Sieverts and Loessner, Pd. 1913: 112 Fokine Pd, Pt. 1913: 124 Wieland Pd. 1913: 126 Hofmann, Ehrhart, and Schneider Os. 1913: 127 Hofmann, Schumpelt, and Ritter Os. 1913: 129 Willstatter and Sonnen- feld Os. 1913: 131Badische Anilin u. Soda- fabrik (pat.) Ru. 1914: 87 Willstatter and Sonnen- feld Os. 1918: 67 Sieverts and Peters. . .Pd. 1916: 68 Scagliarini and Berti- Ceroni Pd. 1916: 74 Dreyfus Pd, Pt. 1917: 74 Bancroft. Oxides. See also Catalytic action, action of glycerol. See Glycerol, general. 1868: 7 Wohler. 1878: 4 Deville and Debray. 1905: 15 Bellueci and Clavari. iridium. 1847: 9 Claus. 1890: 11 Geisenheimer. 1907: 7 Witzmann. 1908: 11 Wohler and Witzmann. 1908: 12 Wohler and Witzmann. osmium. 1844: 7 Fremy. 1846: 9 Svanberg. 1860: 10 Mallet. 1892: 46 Kolossow. 1893: 10 Moraht and Wischin. 1910: 12a Ruff and Bornemann. 1912: 32 Gutbier. See also Osmic acid, palladium. 1813: 8 Vogel. 1826: 9 Miller. 1829: 18 Fischer. 1833: 21 Gobel. 1869: 14 Schneider. 1874: 19 Wohler. 1892: 9 Wilm. Oxides — Continued, palladium — continued. 1905: 10 Wohler and Konig. 1905: 11 Bellueci. 1905: 12 Wohler. 1906: 9 Wohler and Konig. 1906: 10 Wohler. 1907: 6 Bellueci and Clavari. 1908: 13 Wohler and Martin, platinum. 1802: 2 Cuthbertson. 1812: 3 Davy. 1812: 4 Berzelius. 1813: 8 Vogel. 1817: 2 Vauquelin. 1817: 14 Cooper. 1820: 1 Davy. 1820: 4 Rose. 1821: 2 Berzelius. 1821: 5 Thomson. 1826: 10 Dobereiner. 1830 : 6 Berzelius. 1830: 7 Liebig. 1832: 2 Herschel. 1832: 3 Dobereiner. 1833: 15 Dobereiner. 1833: 21 Gobel. 1835: 11 Dobereiner. 1838: 2 De la Rive. 1841: 7 Wittstein. 1841: 8 De la Rive. 1842: 13 Schonbein. 1844: 9 Schaffner. 1846: 4 Osann. 1847: 19 Hittorf. 1868: 9 Topsoe. 1870: 10 Fremy. 1870: 18 Joliannsen. 1875: 15 Delachanel and Mermet. 1876: 28 Skey. 1876: 29 Skey. 1877: 9 Jorgensen. 1882: 16 Wilm. 1886: 3 Prost. 1887 : 29 Reinhardt. 1889: 7 Rousseau. 1891: 22 Kwasnik. 1902: 6 Wohler. 1903: 6 Bellueci. 1904: 4 Wohler. 1905: 5 Bellueci. 1905: 6 Bellueci. 1905: 7 Bellueci. 1905: 14 Wyrouboff and Verneufl. 540 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Oxides — Continued, platinum — continued. 1908: 69 Haber. 1909: 10 Wohler and Frey. 1909: 11 Wohler and Martin. 1909: 12 Wohler and Martin. 1909: 13 Wohler and Martin. 1910: 82 Grube. rhodium. 1818: 6 Berzelius. 1916: 38 Gutbier and Huttlinger. 1916: 39 Gutbier, Huttlinger, and Maisch. ruthenium. 1875: 18 Deville and Debray. 1888: 13 Debray and Joly. 1890: 35 Dufet. 1891: 16 Joly. 1891: 17 Joly. 1898: 12 Howe. 1905: 13 Gutbier and Ransohoff. 1916: 40 Gutbier, Leuchs, and Wiessmann. 1916: 41 Gutbier, Leuchs, Wiess- mann, and Maisch. Oxim compounds. See Bases. Oxychloroplatinates. 1899: 10 Hittorf and Salkowski. Oxygen. See Occlusion. Oxygen removal. 1904: 33 Goldstein. Ozone, no reaction with Pd chloride. 1913: 76 Yamauchi. P. Palau. 1917: 128. 1917: 129. 1917: 130. Palladium black. See Black. Parting. See Analysis. Parting apparatus. 1909: 104 Stanley. Passivity. 1863: 10 Heldt. 1904: 32 Muthmann and Frauen- berger Ru, 1908: 10 Ruer Ir, Pt. 1910: 89 Bennewitz. Pentachloroplatinates. See Chloro-plat- i nates. Periodic system, problems of eighth group. 1900: 3 Howe. 1911: 73 Bauer. Permanganate, action of Pt on. 1917 : 60 Foster. Permeation by gases. 1897: 30 Randall. See also Condensation. Persulphuric acid and salts. 1902: 45 Price. 1903: 8 Segewetz and Trawitz. 1904: 63 Petrenko Ir, Pt. See also Caro’s acid. Pflug’s Platinanstrichmasse. 1876: 52. Phenanthrene. See Reduction. Phenylenediamin in toning bath. 1899: 50 Valenta. Phosphate analysis, crucible disinte- gration. 1902: 56 Heraeus. Phosphates. 1830: 9 Fischer. 1895: 9 Barnett. Phosphinamin bases. See also Bases. 1902: 15 Klason and Wanselin. Phosphin oxides. 1906: 15 Pickard and Kenyon. Phospho-halogen compounds. 1870: 5 Cahours and Gal. 1870: 6 Cahours and Gal. 1870: 7 Cahours and Gal. 1870: 8 Kolbe. 1870: 9 Schiitzenberger. • 1870: 25 Descloizeaux. 1872: 4 Schiitzenberger and Fon- taine. 1872: 5 Saillard. 1876: 18 Quesneville. 1878: 9 Cochin. 1881: 11 Pomey. 1885: 16 Kulisch. 1887: 6 Pomey. 1890: 14 Geisenheimer Ir. 1892: 15 Fink Pd. 1903: 19 Rosenheim and Loewen- stamm. 1905: 25 Rosenheim and Levy. 1908 : 30 Herty and Davis. Phosphopalladic ethers. 1896: 16 Finck. Phosphorous acid, reduction by. 1909: 43 Sieverts Pd, Pt. Phosphorus, compounds. See Alloys, halides, action on Pt. 1909 : 31 Strecker and Schurigin. luminosity, influence of Pt on. 1846: 20 Schonbein. SUBJECT INDEX, 541 Phosphorus — Continued, potential fall of wire in. 1905: 64 Richardson. Photochemical action. 1904: 8 Berth elot. 1908: 58: Vanzetti Pd, Pt. 1912: 42 Boll and Job. 1912: 43 Job and Boll. 1913: 43 Boll. 1913: 135 Boll. 1915: 76 Benrath Ir. See also Light. Photoelectric effect. 1909: 79 Pohl. 1910: 67 Stuhlmann. 1911: 97 Stuhlmann. 1911: 112 Dember. 1912: 124 Ruer and Scharff. 1912: 125 Richardson and Comp- - ton. 1912: 126 Werner. 1913: 136 Robinson. 1913: 137 Compton and Richard- son. 1913: 138 Stuhlmann and Comp- ton. 1914: 93 Reboul. 1914: 94 Stumpf Pd. 1914: 95 Stuhlmann. 1915: 69 Kruger and Taege. 1915: 75 Richardson and Rogers. 1915: 77 Hallwachs. 1917: 98 Coblentz and Emerson. 1917: 99 Stuhlmann. 1917: 100 Wilson. See also Emission. Photography, use in. 1856: 14 Caranza. 1872: 21 Merget. 1874: 42 Willis 1879: 41 Koninck. 1879: 42. 1880: 17 Eder. 1880: 37 Fabre. 1881: 35, 1885: 38 Needham. 1886: 25 Vogel . 1887: 46, 1887: 47 Pizzighelli. 1887: 48 Pringle. 1887: 49 Willis. 1887: 50 Bory. 1887: 51, 1888: 45 Vidal and Vogel, Photography, use in— Continued. 1888: 46 Reynolds. 1889: 28. 1889: 30 Von Briihl. 1889: 31 Schnauss. 1889: 32. 1889: 33 Eder. 1889: 34. 1889: 35 Crawford. 1889: 36 Mercier Ir, Os, Pt. 1889: 42 Pizzighelli. 1890: 47 Liesegang. .Ir, Os, Pd, Pt. 1890: 48 Perkins Pd, Pt. 1890: 49 Clark. 1890: 50 Gastein. 1890: 51. 1890: 52 Lenhard. 1890: 53 Masse. 1890: 54 Blanchard. 1890: 55 Harjison. 1890: 56. 1890: 57 Berthiot Ir. 1890: 58 Ir. 1891: 42 Brunei. 1891: 43 Stieglitz. 1891: 44 Hezekiel. 1891: 45 Eder. 1891: 46 Huszar. 1891: 47 Burton. 1891: 48 Four tier Pd.. 1891: 49 Pilet Pd. 1892: 56 Eder and Valenta. 1892: 57 Fourtier Pd. 1892: 58 Pizzighelli. 1892: 59 Willis. 1892: 60 Nichol. 1896: 36 Kelly and Haumley. .Pd. 1899: 50 Valenta. 1906: 80 Jacoby. 1906: 81 Neue photographische Aktiengeseilschaft (pat.). 1909: 108 Bartlett. 1910: 107 Namias. 1912: 160 Lumi&re and Seyewetz. 1913: 181 Willis (pat.). 1913: 182 Lumiere and Seyewetz. Photometer. See X-rays. Photophone. 1885: 37 Larroque. Physiologic action. 1825: 10 Gmelin. 1833: 25 Prevost. 1840: 7 Hofer. 1849: 8 Brauell Os. 542 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Physiologic action — Continued. 1851: 10 Butlerow Os. 1869: 20 Owsjannikow Os. 1871: 18 Rabuteau Pd. 1874: 28 Deville Os. 1878 : 27 Brunton and Fayrer. 1878: 28 Pedler. 1882: 20 Hofmeister. 1892: 36 Pell. 1904: 35 Bock Pth. 1908: 46 Coca Os. 1909: 51 Yon Szily Os. 1912: 41 Rosenthal Os. Pigment for porcelain painting. 1802: 7 Klaproth. 1821: 11 Charlton. 1821: 12 Charlton Ir, Pt. 1822: 5. 1828: 24 Kastner. 1831: 29 St. Amand. 1833: 26 Frick Ir. 1847: 24 Liidersdorff. 1849: 11 Salvetat. 1857: 22 Muller. 1868: 15 Frick Ir. 1870: 28 Schwarz. 1875: 31 Heyl. 1876: 52. 1877: 36 Kummel. 1885: 35 Roessler Ir, Pd, Pt. 1887: 36 Erlich and Storck. . 1887 : 37 Erlich and Storck. 1887: 38 Schwarz. Pinene, catalytic isomerism. 1911: 91 Zelinsky Pd. Pins. See Dental pins; Substitutes. Plated apparatus. 1866: 20. Platinates. 1901: 5 Blond el. 1904: 5 Bellucci and Parravano. 1905: 8 Blond el. 1905: 9 Bellucci. See also Oxides. Plating with platinum. 1803: 14 Strauss. 1805: 13 Stodart. 1811 : 5 De Morveau. 1819: 7 Howse. 1828: 20 Zuber. 1828 : 21 Labonte and Depuis. 1830: 14 Lampadius. 1840: 9 Bottger. 1840: 14 Smee. Plating with platinum - Continued. 1841: 17 Bottger. 1841: 19 Elkington. 1843: 15 Bottger. 1843: 16. 1850: 14 Bromeis. 1853: 8 Jewreinoff. 1854: 16 Savard. 1855: 18 Roseleur and Lanaux. 1855: 19 Bottger. 1856: 16 Landois. 1856: 17 Smee. 1859: 25 Wild. 1863: 15. 1864: IS. 1865: 11 Magnus. 1866: 20. 1866: 23 Thomson. 1866: 24 Bottger. 1867: 16 Church. 1867: 17 Church. 1868: 14 Dode. 1869: 23. 1869: 24. 1872: 14 Thompson. 1874: 36 Polain. 1875: 30 Weiskopf. 1876: 48 Bottger. 1876: 49 Bertrand Pd. 1876: 50 Frantz Pd. 1877: 31. 1878: 61 Winkler. 1879: 36 Clerk and Fawsitt. 1879: 37 Dode. 1879: 38 Daumesnil. 1879: 39 Stoffel. 1887: 32. 1904: 68 Namias. 1906: 79 Hyde and Swan (pat.). 1908: 88 Baum (pat.). 1909: 106 McCaughey. .1909: 107 Ressel. 1910: 105 McCaughey and Patten. 1913: 177. 1913: 178 Stevens (pat.). 1913: 179 Stevens (pat.) Ir. 1913: 180 Kerk (pat.) Sub. 1914: 130 Nikolaus. 1915: 102a Coolidge (pat.) Sub. 1915: 103 Kateridge. 1916: 93 Nutting. 1916: 114 Eld red (pat.) Sub. 1916: 115 Eldred (pat.) Sub. See also Composite metal; Electroplat- ing; Glass; Tubes. SUBJECT INDEX, 543 Platinid, a nickel alloy. 1891: 37. Platinized electrodes. 1902: 47 Foerster and Friessner. 1902: 48 Foerster and Muller. Platinum blue. 1908: 33 Hofmann and Bugge. Platinum red. See Purple of Cassius. Platinum-silver resistance, superheating of. 1912: 136 Barnes. Plato-cyanides. See Cyanides. Pluranium. See New metals. Poisons. See Catalytic action; Ferments. Polarization phenomena. 1838: 24 Bird. 1838 : 25 Matteucci. 1839: 11 J. B. 1844: 19 Poggendorff. 1845: 20 Fischer. 1857: 21 Bertin. 1859: 28 Schonbein. 1872: 23 Helmholtz. 1874: 43 Macaluso. 1877: 30 Parodi and Mascazzini. 1878: 55 Morley. 1878: 57 Beetz Pd, Pt. 1878: 58 Exner Pd. 1878: 59 Herwig Pd. 1879: 53 Bottger Pd, Pt. 1879: 54 Gladstone and Tribe, Pd, Pt. 1880: 45 Helmholtz. 1882: 46 Streintz. 1883: 38 Pirani. 1883: 40 Guebhard. 1887: 57 Streintz Pd, Pt. 1887: 58 Fromme Pd, Pt. 1888: 56 Draper. 1888: 57 Fromme. 1889: 39 Richarz. 1890: 60 Arons. 1890: 63 Richarz. 1891: 51 Markovsky. 1891: 52 Burch and Veley. 1892: 67 Koch and Wiillner. 1893: 44 Henderson. 1893: 46 Daniel. 1893: 47 Koch. 1897: 33 Klein. 1901: 19 Coehn Pd, Pt. 1901: 31 Bose. 1901: 32 Schonherr. 1901 : 33 Warburg. Polarization phenomena — Contin ued . 1901 : 34 Muller. 1902: 46 Nernst and Lessing, Pd, Pt. 1903: 44 Sack. 1904 : 59 Rothe .Pd, Pt. 1905: 68 Tafel. 1905: 69 Tholdte. 1906: 64 Muller and Scheller. 1906: 65 Muller and Spitzer. 1910: 90 Reichinstein Pd, Pt. Policeman for Pt crucibles. 1914: 126. Polinium. See New metals. Polonium, precipitation on Pd and Pt. 1913: 94. Polymerism, influence of catalysts. 1916: 78 Lebedev and Ivanov. 1916: 80 Terwin. Polysaccharides, hydrolysis of. 1900: 3b Sulc Ir, Os, Pd, Rh. Polysulphides. See Sulphides. Porcelain painting. See Pigments. Potassium, analysis of. See Analysis, chloroplatinie acid, chlorate, action on Pt. 1857 : 17 Bottger. action on Pt with hydrochloric acid. 1905: 56 Sirk. activation by osmic acid. 1913: 126 Hofmann, Ehrhart, and Schneider. 1913: 127 Hofmann, Schumpelt, and Ritter. chloride, action on Pt. 1798: 1 De Morveau. chloroplatinate. See Chloroplatinates. cyanide, solubility of Pt in. 1903: 47 Glaser. ferricyanide, reduction by iodine in presence of Pt. 1909: 60 Just and Berezowsky. nitrate, action on Pt. 1797 : 4 Tennant. 1798: 2 Morveau. 1800: 2 Tennant. permanganate, catalytic effect on. 1899 : 38 Wagner. 1905: 40 Brown, persulphate, catalytic effect on. 1909: 70 Kernot Ir. See also Bromo-; Chloro-; Cyanides. 544 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Potential, variations. 1906: 62 Fawsitt. 1913: 95 Forbes and Bartlett. 1914: 110 Hughes. See also Emission. Praseodymium. See Chloroplatinates. Precipitation by formaldehyde. 1902: 24 Awerkieff. Preparation of metal. 1905: 4 Parke Ir. 1913: 36 Gutbier Os. 1914: 52 Mvlius and Mazzucehelli, Gen. 1915 : 41a Mylius Gen . Price. 1823: 2 Puymaurin Pd. 1831: 3 Ir, Os. 1834: 5 Cooke. 1857: 2. 1857: 19 Heraeus. 1876: 7. 1892: 3. 1892: 5. 1911: 23. 1911: 24 1911: 25. Ir, Pt. 1911: 26 1912: 25. Ir, Pt, 1912: 26 Ir. Pt. 1912: 27 1913: 26. Ir, Os. 1913: 27 Ir. 1913: 28 . Ir. Pt. 1914: 21 Ir, Pt. 1814: 22 Ir. Pt, 1914 : 24 ..Ir. Pd. Pt. 1915: 18 Ir, Pt. 1915: 19 Ir. Pt. 1815: 20 Ir. Pt. 1915: 21 Ir, Pt. 1916: 12 1916: 13. 1916: 25. 1916: 26. 1916: 27. Gen. 1916: 28 Production. 1828: 7 Breithaupt. 1830: 4 Humboldt. Ir, Pt. 1832: 1. 1835: 8. 1841: 4. 1842: 1 Rose. 1842: 4. j Production — Continued. 1843: 4. 1845: 3 J. A. 1845: 4. 1849: 3. 1852: 5. 1860: 3. 1862: 3 Jossa. 1862: 4 Jossa. 1871: 1. 1873: 4 Raymond. 1874: 5. 1876: 5 Frantz. 1876: 6 Brachelli. 1885: 1 Katterfeld. 1888: 1 Kulibin. 1889: 4. 1890: 2 Laurent. 1890: 4. 1890: 6. 1891: 1 Helmhaeker. 1891: 2. 1892: 2. 1893: 6 Raymond. 1893: 7. 1894: 3. 1894: 4. 1894: 5 Helmhaeker. 1894: 6 Keppen. 1906: 4 Horton. 1906: 5 Pratt. 1909: 3. 1911: 15. 1911: 16 Hobart. 1911: 17. 1911: 18 1911: 20. 1911: 21 Ir, Os 1911: 22 Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh 1912: 17. 1912: 18. 1912: 19 Hobart. 1912: 20. 1912: 22. 1913: 20. 1913: 21. 1913: 22. 1913: 23 Pd, Pt 1913: 25 De Hautpick Ir 1914: 16. 1914: 17. 1914: 18. 1914: 19. 1914 : 20. SUBJECT INDEX, 545 Production — Continued. 1915: 15a - Roush. 1915: 17 Hill. 1916: 12 Gen. 1916: 13. 1916: 14. 1916: 15 Hutchins. 1916: 16. 1916: 17. 1917: 14. 1917: 18. 1917: 19. 1917: 20. 1917: 21. Prohibition of exportation. 191.3: 18. 1917: 24. 1917: 25 Ir, Pt. 1917: 26 Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1917: 28. Properties, general. 1751: 1 Watson. 1751: 2 Scheffer. 1755: 1 Lewis. 1758: 2 Macquer and Baum6. 1761: 1 Marggraf. 1764: 1 Cronstedt. 1777: 2 Bergman. 1798: 1 De Morveau. 1801: 1 Proust. 1804: 15 Mussin-Puschkin. 1809: 2 Cloud Pd. 1811: 3 Davy Pd, Pt. 1827: 14 Fischer Pd, Pt. 1828: 12 Dobereiner. 1836: 14 Dobereiner. 1905: 3 Amberg Pd. physical. 1751: 2 Scheffer. 1755: 1 Lewis. 1761: 1 Marggraf. 1775: 1 De Morveau. 1776: 1 Ingenhousz. 1798: 1 De Morveau. 1800: 7 Rochon. 1809: 2 Cloud Pd. 1811: 3 Davy Pd, Pt. 1836: 14 Dobereiner. 1851: 12 Baudrimont. 1891: 33 Heraeus. 1893: 8 Joly Ru. 1893: 9 Joly and V^zes Os. 109733°— 19— Bull. 694 35 Protection from silica and iron. 1845: 14 Kastner. Protective colloids. See Colloids. Pulverization of metals and alloys. 1914: 68 Classen Gen. Purification of metal, general. 1872: 1 Bettendorff. 1876: 9 Phillipp . 1878: 3 Matthey. 1879: 4 Matthey. 1898: 10 Mylius and Dietz. 1911: 64a Durham, iridium. 1855: 5 Hennin. 1867: 3 Schneider. 1879: 5 Jungfleisch. 1883: 29 Dudley. 1899: 4 Leidie. osmium. 1829: 8 Wollaston. 1913: 36 Gutbier. palladium. 1829: 7 Wollaston. 1835: 9 Dobereiner. 1880: 3 Wilm. 1881: 5 Wilm. platinum. 1798: 4 Mussin-Puschkin. 1816: 1 Ridolfi. 1836: 17 Liebig. 1838: 3 Dobereiner. 1867: 3 Schneider. 1876: 8. 1879: 49 Gladstone and Tribe. 1881: 32. 1892: 26 Mylius and Foerster. 1892: 27 Mylius and Foerster. 1892: 47 Warren. 1899: 18 Bergsoe. rhodium. 1903 : 3 Jorgensen. Purity, determination of. 1914: 123 Burgess and Sale. Purple of Cassius, Pt analog. 1907: 9 Wohler. 1910: 60 Wohler and Spengel. Pyridin, action on Ir sulphate. 1910: 24 Delepine. 1911: 40 Delepine. See also Bases. 546 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Pyrometers. 1803: 11 De Morveau. 1825: 20. 1825: 21. 1831: 28 Daniell. 18G2: 17 Becquerel. 1878: 47 Crova. 1882: 31 Hoadley. 1882: 32 Hoadley. 1882: 33 Hoadley. 1884: 23 Tremeschini. 1888: 43 Braun. 1890: 45 Griffiths. 1890: 46 Callendar and Griffiths. 1891: 35 Callendar. 1892: 53 Callendar. 1892: 55 Griffiths and Clark. 1895: 37 Heycock and Neville. 1895: 38 Appelyard. 1895: 43 Holborn and Wien. For later entries see Resistance thermometers, protection tubes. 1917: 118. substitutes for Pt. 1917: 144 Darling. 1917: 145 Neumann. Pyrostencil. 1906: 75 Grunebaum and Scheuer. Pyrosulphates and salt, action on Pt. 1900: 30 Ditte. Q. Quartz, joining Pt to. 1912: 151 Berlemont. platinized. 1884: 13 Zulkowskyand Lepez. vessels and wire as Pt substitutes. 1910: 108 Yorbuchner. 1911: 123 Arragon. 1913: 186 Kopa. R. Radiation from Pt. 1879: 44 Violle. 1879: 48 Nichols. 1881: 37 Violle. 1887: 43 Violle. 1887 : 44 Bottomley. 1888: 51 Weber. 1889: 38 Emden Pd, Pt. 1894: 39 Paschen. Radiation from Pt — Continued. 1906: 61 Campbell. 1907 : 48 Waidner and Burgess, Pd, Pt. 1907: 88 Leder Os. 1910: 72 Hyde Os, Pd. measurements of. See Black, plati- num. selective radiation. See Filaments. Radiator for crucibles. 1911: 115 Thornton. Radioactivity, transmission to metals. 1903: 49 Hofmann and Wolfe, Pd, Pt. 1905: 75 McClelland. 1913: 162 Costanzo Pd. Radium, action on cyano-platinites. 1905: 42 Pochettino. influence on photoelectric effect. 1911: 112 Dember. Radium emanation, condensation on Pt. 1909: 94 Laborde. Rambler mine. See Occurrence, Wyo- ming. Rare earths, complex Pt compounds. 1905: 14 Wyrouboff and Verneuil. Reactivating. See Contact mass. Recovery of waste Pt. 1912: 31 Ir. 1913: 31 Hillman. 1913: 32 Gaus. 1913: 33 Baur and Nagel. 1917: 17 Dunlop Ir, Pd, Pt. of waste Pt chloride residues. 1897: 5 Wiley. 1901: 21 Berthold. 1910: 6 Blair. 1913: 30 De Joug. 1914: 26. Recrystallization of metals. 1902: 33 Holborn and Henning, Ir, Pt, Rh. Reduction, electrolytic. 1902: 52 Tafel Pd, Pt. in presence of metal, catalytic. 1898: 33 Zelinsky Pd. 1904: 31 Chapman Pd. 1908: 35 Paal. Gerum, and Roth, Pd. Pt. 1908: 36 Willstatter and Mayer, Pd, Pt. 1908 : 54 Willstatter and Mayer. 1909: 41 Paal, Roth, Gerum, and Hartmann Pd, Pt. SUBJECT INDEX, 547 Reduction — Continued . in presence of metal, catalytic— contd. 1910: 34 Breteau. Pd. 1910: 54 Denham. 1911: 49 Sabatier Pd, Pt. 1911: 50 Breteau Pd. 1911: 51 Zelinsky and Glinka. .Pd. 1911: 52 Zelinsky Pd. 1911: 53 Skita and Frank Pd. 1911: 54 Willstatter and Waser, Pd, Pt. 1911: 55 Oldenberg Pd. 1911: 56 Kotz and Rosenbusch. 1911: 57 Ville Pd. 1911: 87 Milbauer. 1912: 60 Willstatter and Hatt. 1912: 61 Schwarz. 1912: 62 Skita ...Pd, Pt 1912: 63 Skita and Meyer. Pd, Pt.* 1912: 64 Skita and Meyer.. Pd, Pt. 1912: 65 Vereinigte Chininfabriken Zimmer & Co. (pat.) Gen. 1912: 66 Zelinsky Pd, Pt. 1912: 67 Zelinsky and Herzenst.ein, Pd, Pt. 1912: 68 Meyer. 1912: 69 Briinjes Pd. 1912: 70 Wieland Pd. 1912: 71 Naamlooze Venootschap “Ant. Jurgens” (pat.) Pd. 1912: 72 Ipatief Pd. 1912: 73 Borsche Pd. 1912: 74 Paal Pd. 1912: 75 Kotz and Schaeffer. . .Pd. 1912: 76 Kelber and Schwarz. .Pd. 1912: 77 Zelinsky and Uklonskaja, Pd. 1912: 78 Wohl and Mylo Pd. 1912: 114 Wieland Pd. 1913: 67 Semmler and Rosenberg. 1913: 68 Vavon. 1913: 69 Willstatter and King. 1913: 70 Paal and Windisch.Pd,Pt. 1913: 71 Bargellini Pd. 1913: 72 Dupont Pd. 1913: 73 Kousnetsof Pd. 1913: 111 Stark Pd, Pt. 1913: 122 Paal and Oehme. ...Pd. 1913: 123 Wallach Pd. 1913: 125 Paal and Karl Pd. 1913: 128 Lehmann Os. 1914: 78 Paal Pd. 1914: 79 Saikind Pd, Pt. Reduction — Continued . in presence of metal, catalytic^ — contd. 1914: 80 Saikind and Pischtschi- koff ....Pd, 1914: 81 Vavon. 1914: 82 Vavon. 1914: 83 Vavon. 1914: 84 Wallach Pd. 1914: 85 Fischer and Hahn Pd. 1914: 86 Normann and Schick.. Os. 1915: 64 Skita Pd. Pt. 1915: 65 Skita Pd, Pt. 1915: 66 Paal and Biittner Pd. 1915: 67 Paal and Hohenegger.Pd. 1915: 68 Paal and Schwarz. 1916: 70 Boeseken Pd, Pt. 1916: 71 Bereelles. 1916: 75 Korevaar Pd. 1916: 77 Houben and Pfau. 1916: 79 Saikind and Markaryan, Pd* Pt. 1917: 86 Kimura (pat.). 1917: 87 Nomura. 1917: 88 Arahina. 1917: 89 Sonn and Sehellenberg, Pd, Pt. 1917: 90 Paal Pd, Pt. iron oxide by Pt. 1915: 45 Sosman and Hostetter. to metal. 1821: 13 Clarke. 1827 : 15 Fischer. 1829: 14 Kastner. 1829: 19 Fischer. 1830: lOWach. 1831: 8 Dobereiner. 1833: 14 Phillips. 1835: 12 Dobereiner. 1835: 13 Joss. 1840: 6 Parisot. 1841: 14 Bottger. 1847: 20 Kessler. 1850: 10 Reynoso Pd. 1858: 8 Hempel. 1861: 16 Bechamp and St. Pierre. 1861: 17 Faget. 1861: 18 St. Pierre. 1862: 14 St. Pierre Pd, Pt. 1862: 15 Personne Pd, Pt. 1864: 5 Bottger. 1864: 7 Brunner Ir, Pd, Pt. 1872: 18 Bottger Pd, Pt. 1873: 12 Russell Pd, Pt. 548 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Re duction — Conti nued. to metal — continued. 1875: 23 Lossen. 1877: 24. 1882: 24 Post. 1893: 36 Gulewitsch Os. 1893: 37 Borntrager. 1895: 28 Vi tali Pd, Pt. 1895: 29 Stiebel. 1897: 23 Sjollema. 1909: 43 Sie verts Pd, Pt. 1910: 35 Ville Pd. 1911: 50 Breteau Pd. Refining, electrolytic. 1911: 64a Durham. Reflection of light. 1910: 73 Coblentz Ir, Rh. 1911: 95 Royd. 1912: 118 Partsch and Hallwachs. 1912: 119 Coblentz. Refraction of light. 1906: 35a Barvir. 1909: 72 Spence. 1913: 133 Bergholm. Relation between properties. 1818 : 8 Montizon. 1826: 15 Berzelius 1827: 8 Osann. 1845: 12 Kopp Gen. 1846: 17 Playfair and Joule. 1860: 17 Crossley. 1867 : 11 Jorgensen. 1873: 13 Pettersson. 1873: 15 Bottone. 1882: 34 Kalischer. 1883: 21 Donath and Mayrhofer, Gen. 1884: 28 Bid well. 1888: 48 Roberts-Austen. .Pd, Rh. 1892: 28 Sayno. 1898: 20 Kurnahow... Pd, Pt. 1900: 36 Tilden. 1916: 84 Pagliani ..Ir, Os, Rh. Resistance, effect of magnetism on. 1912: 130 Alterthum. electric. 1824: 17 Bulk. 1827: 21 Despretz. 1827: 22 Harris. 1828: 19 Erdmann. 1828: 27 Pfaff. 1833: 27 Lenz. 1846: 21 Becquerel Pd, Pt. 1858: 19 Arndtsen. 1858: 20 Matthiessen Pd, Pt. Resistance — Continued, electric — continued. 1859: 29 Jacobi. 1869: 31 Obermayer. 1873: 27a Benoit Pd, Pt. 1881: 38 Nichols. 1884: 29 Knott Pd. 1884: 30 Weiller. 1885: 45 Tomlinson. 1885: 46 Cailletet and Bouty. 1886: 34 Knott Pd. 1886: 35 Peddie. 1887: 56 Preece. 1887: 59 Koosen. 1887: 60 Oberbeck. 1890: 62 Le Chatelier. 1892: 65 Herroun. 1893: 45 Dewar and Fleming, Pd, Pt. 1902: 49 Bran Ir, Pt. 1902: 50 Denso Ir, Pt. 1905: 66 Streintz. 1905: 67 Broca and Turchini. 1906: 27 Fischer Pd. 1906: 67 Guertler. 1906 : 68 Willows Ir, Pt. 1907: 70 Niccolai. 1907: 71 Szivessy. 1907: 74 Badeker Pt, Rh. 1910: 83 Lafay. 1911: 105 Onnes Pd. 1914: 47 Wolf Pd. 1914: 107 Pogany. 1914: 108 Riede. 1914: 109 Reilley. 1915: 39 Beckman Pd. 1915: 41 Henning. 1915: 85 Meissner. 1916: 94 Hobbs Pd, Pt. 1916: 95 Weber and Oosterhuis. 1917: 96 King, furnaces. 1902 : 57 Haagn. 1907: 86 Tucker. 1911: 116 Fischer and Tiede.Ir, Pt. 1912: 102. 1916: 108 Horton Sub. thermometers. 1903: 52 Barnes and McIntosh. 1905: 78 Campbell. 1908: 83 Holborn and Henning. 1908: 84 Onnes and Clay. 1908: 85 Pt, Rh. 1909: 101 Stern. 1909: 102 Waidner and Burgess. SUBJECT INDEX, 549 Resistance — Continued, thermometers — continued. 1909: 103 Waidner and Burgess. 1910: 97 Wrede. 1911: 118 Holbern and Henning. 1912: 148 Burgess and Le Chatelier. 1912: 149 Moeller, Hoffmann, and Meissner. 1912: 150 Smith. 1913: 167 Burgess. 1914: 122 Adams Pt, Rh. 1915: 41a Henning, Schultze, and others Pt, Rh. 1915: 98 Hoffmann and Meissner. 1917: 113 Northrup and others, Pt, Rh. 1917: 114 Woodward and Harri- son Ir, Pt. 1917: 115 Northrup Pt, Rh. 1917: 116 Hilliger Pt, Rh. 1917: 117. See also Pyrometer; Thermo-element; Temperature scale. Resistance to chemicals. 1811: 4 Davy. Resistances for gas analysis. 1917: 92 Kruger. Rietfontein mines. See Occurrence. Rio Tinto. See Occurrence, Spain. Ronda Mountains. See Occurrence, Spain. Rotating anode, use of. 1907: 31 Langness. Russia. See Mining; Occurrence; Pro- duction. Ruthenium, I. See New elements, red. 1905: 29 Biltz. 1911: 72 Beltzer. 1913: 96 Heidenhain. tetroxide. 1898: 12 Howe. 1909: 14 Gutbier, Zwicker, and Falco. S. Salicylates. 1914: 41 Barbieri Pd. 1916: 51 Barbieri Os. 1917: 53 Barbieri Os. Salts of osmium. 1899: 6 V&zes. 1899: 7 Rosenheim and Sasserath. 1902: 5a Wintrebert. 1903: 17 Wintrebert. Scandium cyanoplatinate. 1910: 25 Crookes. 1912: 51 Orloff. 1913: 97 Tschirwinski. *Scharding’s reaction Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1910: 59 Bredig and Sommer. Selenates. 1827: 12a Mitscherlich. 1915: 44 Hradecky. Selenic acid, action on Os. 1915: 44 Hradecky. solubility of Pd in. 1917: 62 Hradecky. Selenides. 1818: 5 Berzelius. 1830: 9a Pd. 1895: 8 Roessler. 1903: 21 Chabrie and Bouchon- net Ir. 1909: 15 Minozzi. 1915: 88 Pelabon. organic. 1911: 30 Fritzmann. Selenium, influence of Pt on properties. 1906: 63 Marc. Selenocyanates. 1878: 18 Clarke. 1912: 99 Billows. 1916: 47 Minozzi. Selenostannates. 1891: 9 Schneider. Senegal. See Occurrence. Separations. See Analysis. Sheet metal, Ir. 1909: 105 Heraeus (pat.). Shipment of Pt to Germany. 1917: 39 Toch. Shortage of Pt in 1917. 1917: 31 Hoke. 1917: 33 Gen. 1917: 34. 1917: 35. 1917: 36. 1917: 37. 1917: 38. Silica, action on Pt. 1845: 14 Kastner. 1874: 35 Reichardt. Silicides. See Alloys. Silicon, action on Pt. 1889: 18 Warren, organic base, cliloroplatinate of. 1903: 13 Dilthey. 550 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Silver. See Alloys, chloride, action of Pt on. 1878: 51 Tommasi. chloroplatinate, hydrolysis of. 1909: 18 Jacobsen, iodide, reaction with Pd chloride. 1906: 33 Orloff. Similkameen. See Occurrence. Siphon. 1827: 20 Breant. Skinner-Case element. 1912: 137 Kremann and Noss. Smuggling Pt into Germany. ^ 1917: 29. Soap, precipitate with. 1790: 3 Leonhardi. Sodium chloride, action on Pt. 1900: 30 Ditte. electrolysis of. 1902: 50 Denso Ir, Pt. peroxide, action of. 1902: 7 Leidie and Quennes- sen Gen. 1902: 8 Dudley Pd, Pt. phosphate, action on Pt. 1917: 61 Smith. pyrosulphate, action on Pt. 1900: 30 Ditte. thiosulphate, electrolytic oxidation. 1904: 61 Thatcher. Solubility, anodic. 1846: 16 Eisner. 1904: 60 Fischer Ir, Pt. 1905: 70 Westhaver Ir, Pt, Rh. 1907: 76 Senter. general. 1755: 1 ^ewis. 1779: 1 Tillet. 1782: 2 Wenzel. 1799: 2 Priestley. 1810: 4 Davy. 1842: 14 Mi lion. 1854: 13 How. 1854: 14 Lasch. 1859: 10 Dullo. 1866: 6 Schonbein. 1875: 25 Fairley. 1878: 22 Berthelot Pd, Pt. 1879: 14 Edison, in electrolytes. 1898: 38 Margules. 1898: 39 Margules. 1903: 46 Ruer. 1903: 47 Glaser. 1904: 13 Brochet and Petit. Solubility — Continued, promotion of, by Pt metals. 1829: 15 Zenneck. 1838: 23 Dobereiner Ir, Os. 1854: 12 Ir, Os. 1870: 30 Schonn. 1873: 23 Gourdon. See also Chloroplati nates; Cyanides; Sulphuric acid. Soot on Pt vessels. 1908: 85. Spain. See Occurrence. Spatula, holder for. 1898: 44 Friedrichs. Specific gravity. 1775: 1 De Morveau. 1791: 1 Willir and Norvel. 1830: 11 Osann. 1841: 5 Rose Ir. 1842: 7 Rose Pd. 1844: 14 Marchand. 1845: 12 Kopp Gen. 1848: 11 Osann. 1848: 12 Rose. 1849: 10 Rose Ir, Pd. 1853: 4 Nickles Ir, Pd. 1856: 13 Keferstein Pd. 1858: 10 Nogues. 1859: 5 Soreze. 1860: 1 Cotta. 1862: 5 Phipson. 1862: 6 Noble. 1866: 3 Cloez Ir. 1879: 6 Deville and Debray. 1893: 27 Prinz Ir. 1904: 36 Kahlbaum and Sturm. 1905: 44 Kahlbaum and Sturm, Ir, Pt. 1908: 49 Schlett. 1914: 47 Wolf Pd. 1914: 71 Schlett. Specific heat. 1818: 18 Dulong and Petit. 1819: 9 Dulong and Petit. 1830: 18 Weber. 1836: 19 Pouillet. 1840: 12 Regnault Ir, Pd, Pt. 1856: 18 Regnault Ir, Os, Rh. 1859: 20 Regnault Ir. 1861: 22 Regnault Gen. 1864: 13 Kopp Ir, Pt. 1870: 33 Bunsen Ru. 1877: 45 Violle. 1878: 44 Violle Pd. SUBJECT INDEX, 551 Specific heat — Continued. 1878: 54 Beketoff Pd. 1879: 43 Violle...^ Ir. 1882: 31 Hoadley. 1886: 26 Pionchon Ir, Pd, Pt. 1893: 41 Richards Gen. 1895: 40 Bartoli and Stracciati. 1900: 36 Tilden. 1908: 48 Thiesen. 1908: 49 Schlett. 1909: 82 White. 1910: 80 Richards and Jackson, Pd, Pt. 1913: 147 Dewar Gen. 1914: 71 Schlett. 1915: 86 Fabaro. 1915: 87 Magnus. See also Atomic heat. Specific volume. 1901; 36 Maey Ir, Pt. Spectrum. 1850: 11 Masson. 1861: 23 Kirchoff Gen. 1862: 26 Miller. 1863: 17 Frazer Os. 1868: 17 Thalen Gen. 1869: 28 Gibbs. 1877: 44 Ciamician. Pd, Pt. 1879: 46Liveing and Dewar. Pd, Pt. 1879: 47 Gouy. 1882: 37 Hartley Pd, Pt. 1897: 31 Kayser 1904: 56 Adeney. 1905: 63 Purvis ..Pd, Rh, Ru. 1906: 57 Purvis Ir, Pt. 1906 : 58 Purvis 1908: 66 Moore Os. 1909: 77 Finger. 1909 : 78 Konen and Finger . 1910: 62 Eder and Valenta. Os, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1910: 66 Zakrzewski. 1911: 98 Miethe and Seegert, Ir, Pt, Rb. 1911: 99 Dufour Rh. 1912: 121 Hartley and Moss.Ir, Pt. 1912: 122 Dhein Pd. 1912: 123 Ltittig Pd. 1913: 140 Symons. 1914: 66 Wick. 1914: 88 Kail Gen. 1914: 89 Maimer Pd, Ru. 1914: 90 Paulson Pd. 1914: 91 Smith. Spectrum — Continued. 1914: 92 Tschugaeff and Glebko, Pd, Pt. 1915: 71 Paulson. 1915: 72 Paulson Pd. 1915: 73 Paulson Ru. 1915: 74 Paulson Ru. 1917: 103 Takamine and Nitta. X-ray spectrum. 1913: 141 Herweg. 1914: 89 Maimer Pd, Ru. 1914: 97 Rohmann. 1914: 98 Moseley Gen. 1914: 99 Seemann. 1914: 100 De Broglie. 1915: 78 Wagner... Pd, Pt. 1915: 79 Wagner. 1915: 80 Seemann. 1915: 81 Laub. 1915: 82 Laub. 1915: 84 Bragg Pt, Rh. 1916: 87 Schmidt. 1916: 88 Cermak. 1916: 89 Siegbahn and Friman, Pt, Rh. 1916: 90 Seemann. 1917 : 105 Ledoux-Lebard and Dan- villier Ir, Pt. 1917: 107 Kyropoulos. 1917: 107a Wagner Pt. Sperrylite. 1889: 1 Wells and Penfield. 1889: 3 Hoffman. 1896: 2 Walker. 1898: 6 Hidden. 1902: 2 Wells and Penfield. See also Occurrence, Sudbury, Siberia. Sponge, Pt. 1826: 10 Dobereiner. 1826: 13 Dobereiner. 1829: 21 Planiava. 1830: 12 Kastner. 1830: 13 Faraday. 1833: 23 Bottger. 1844: 18 Hirschberg. 1858: 14 Brunner. 1874: 29 Vulpius. 1890: 32 Loew. 1903: 26 Knoevenagel and others, Pd. for Gooch crucible. 1909: 48 De Vries. Sputter films. See Dusting; Films. 552 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Stability of colloidal solutions. 1907: 56 Billitzer. 1907: 57 Svedberg. 1907: 58 Svedberg. Standard kilo. 1862: 8. Stannate. 1884: 3 Schiitzenberger. Starch, inversion by Pt. 1906: 49 Neilson. Steel, armor-plate ore (Os). 1911: 12. iridium steel. 1812: 143. Stefan’s law. 1910: 68 Bauer and Moulin. 1912: 33 Fery and Drecq. Stellite. See Substitutes. Stovain, analysis of. 1917: 46b Deniges. Sublimation. 1905: 46 Guntz and Basset. See also Films-, Volatility. Substitutes. alloys. 1830: 17. 1836: 20. 1914: 135. 1916: 100 Peschko (pat.) Pd. 1916: 116 Fahrenwald. 1917: 126 Fahrenwald. 1917: 127 Heath. 1917: 128. 1917: 129. 1917: 130. 1917: 140 Cooper (pat.). 1917: 141 Cooper (pat.). 1917: 143 Guardiola(pat.). brass gauze. 1914: 133 Calhane and Wheaton, calorimeter bomb. 1915: 106 Parr. concentration of sulphuric acid. 1914: 131 Strzoda (pat.). 1914: 132 Barth, contact points. 1915: 95a Heyl (pat.). 1915: 102 Eldred (pat.). 1916: 103. 1917: 138 Taylor (pat.). 1917: 140 Cooper (pat.). 1917: 141 Cooper (pat.), electrodes. 1912: 92 Gooch and Burdick. 1915: 104 Guzman and Ulzurrum. 1915: 105 Guzman and Alemany. Substitutes — Continued, electrodes — continued. 1916: 118 Guzman and Batuecas. 1916: 119 Guzman and Jimeno. evaporating pans. 1912: 159a Eldred (pat.), general. 1830: 17. 1911: 124. 1917: 124 Wooton. 1917: 125. 1917: 126 Fahrenwald. 1917: 127 Heath, gold dishes. 1916: 106 Greenwood, jewelry. 1916: 100 Peschko (pat.). 1917: 146 Humphries, laboratory ware. 1916: 102 Electrometals Products Co. (pat.), lamp filaments. 1917: 143 Guardiola. leading-in wires. 1915: 41a Groschuff and Lenz. 1916: 117 Yanai. See also Wire, lightning-rod points. 1836: 20. molybdenum. *1916: 108 Horton. 1917: 138 Taylor. 1917; 142 Fahrenwald (pat.). 1917: 146 Humphries, palau. 1917: 128 Bureau of Standards. 1917: 130. 1917: 181. pins, dental. 1913: 180 Kerk (pat.). 1915: 102a Coolidge (pat.). 1916: 101 Whiteley. 1916: 102 Electrometals Products Co. (pat.). 1917: 142 Fahrenwald. pyrometer. 1917: 144 Darling. 1917: 145 Neumann, quartz dishes. 1910: 108 Vorbucliner. 1911: 123 Arragon. silver gauze. 1914: 134 Barnebey. stellite. 1917: 131 Haynes. SUBJECT INDEX, 553 Substitutes — Continued, triangle of nichrome. 1911: 122 Benner, utensils for laboratory. 1915: 41 Groschuff. 1915: 107. i wire. 1910: 109 Kopa and Konig. 1910: 110 Kirby. 1910: 111 Eldred. 1912: 161 Wedekind. 1913: 185 Kopa. 1913: 186 Kopa. 1916: 114 Eldred (pat.). 1916: 115 Eldred (pat.). I Sudan. See Occurrence. Sudbury, Ontario. See Occurrence. Sugar inversion. 1904: 52 Plz&k and Husek, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1905: 57 Vondracek. Sulphaminic acid, compounds with. 1911: 44 Kirmreuter. 1912: 54 Ramberg and Kaltenberg. [Sulphates of Ir (and of Pt). 1812: 3 Davy Pt- 1883: 8 De Boisbaudran. 1883: 9 De Boisbaudran. 1886: 3 Prost Pt- 1904: 11 Stuchlik. 1904: 12 Marino. 1906: 17 Delepine. 1907: 13 Rimbach and Korten. 1909: 32 Delepine. 1909: 35 Delepine. 1910: 24 Delepine. 1911: 40 Delepine. 1913: 47 Wohler and Streicher. | Sulphides. 1812: 2 Davy. 1812: 3 Davy. 1812: 4 Berzelius. 1813: 8 Vogel Pd, Pt. 1817: 2 Vauquelin. 1821: 3 Berzelius Pt, Rh. 1825: 6 Berzelius. 1834: 10 Bottger Ir, Pt. 1838: 10 Reinsch. 1840: 3 Fellenberg Gen. 1846: 14 Crosnier. 1860: 8 Schiff. 1864: 14 Pisko. 1869: 13 Schneider. 1869: 14 Schneider Pd, Pt. Sulphides— Continued. 1872: 8 Guerout. 1873: 8 Schneider. 1873: 9 Schneider Pd. 1874: 23 Schneider Pd, Pt. 1877T 10 Ribau. 1877: 11 Von Meyer. 1877: 12 VonMeyer Os. 1879: 28 De Clermont. 1879: 29 De Clermont and From- mel. 1883: 6 Debray Rh. 1888: 12 Leidie Rh. 1892: 14 Schneider. 1893: 10 Moraht and Wischin. .Os. 1893: 14 Antony Ir. 1893: 15 Antony Ir. 1893: 16 Petrenko- Kritschenko. Pd. 1893: 17 Schneider. 1894: 29 Schiff and Tarugi. 1895: 8 Roessler Pd, Pt. 1896: 10 Antony and Lucchesi. 1896: 15 Durkee. 1900: 6 Antony and Lucchesi. . Ru. 1903: 9 Hofmann and Hochtlen, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1904: 6 Hofmann and Hochtlen, Ir, Pd, Pt. 1912: 81 Gaze. 1916: 35 Ivanov, organic. 1912: 56 Tschugaeff and Fraenkel. 1913: 60 Tschugaeff and Benewo- lensky. 1913: 61 Tschugaeff and Kobljan- ski. 1914: 43 Tschugaeff. 1914: 45 Tschugaeff and Chlopin. 1914: 46 Ray. See also Bases, reduction by hydrocarbons. 1917: 22 Bacon (pat.). Sulphites. 1838: 5 Dobereiner. 1842: 9 Litton and Schnedermann. 1843: 9 Berthier. 1847: 7 Claus Ir, Os, Pt, Ru. 1861: 9 Lang. 1865: 7 Bimbaum Ir. 1866: 7 Birnbaum. 1869: 12 Birnbaum. 1874: 20 Wohler Pd. 1878: 10 Seubert Ir. 1890: 10 Seubert and Kobb6, Ir, Pt, Rh. 554 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, Sulphites — Continued. 1900: 15 Miolati and Tagiuri. .Ru. 1900: 17 Rosenheim Os. 1900: 18 Antony and Lucchesi. Ru. 1901: 23 Sachs Os, Pd. Sulphocyanides. See Thiocyanates. Sulphur, black, colored by Pt. 1917: 44 Neumann, chloride, no action on Pt. 1916: 37 Domanicki. dioxide, absorption. 1913: 106 Sie verts and Bergner. action on Ru sulphate. 1898: 22 Antony and Lucchesi. 1899: 13 Antony and Lucchesi. 1899: 15 Antony and Manasse. 1900: 18 Antony and Lucchesi. Sulphuric acid, action on Pt. 1878: 40 Scheurer-Kestner. 1880: 35 Scheurer-Kestner. 1892: 48 Heraeus. 1899: 48 Adie Pd, Pt. 1903: 55 Conroy. 1905: 41 Delepine. 1905: 71 Brochet and Petit. 1905: 72 Ruer. 1905: 73 Brochet and Petit. 1905: 74 Ruer. 1906: 16 D.elepine Ir, Pt. 1906: 77 Quennessen. 1912: 153 McCay. 1912: 154. anhydride. See Contact mass, barium sulphate, Pt not retained. 1904: 30 Silberberger. concentration. 1914: 131 Strzoda (pat.) Sub. 1914: 132 Barth '....Sub. See also Concentration apparatus. Sulphury 1 chloride, reaction with. 1911: 75 North. Supply and demand. 1911: 18. 1917: 15. Surface tension of Ir chloride. 1913: 50 Wohler and Streicher. T. Tantalum, plated with Pt. 1912: 155 Siemens & Halske (pat.). Tariff, U. S., on Pt-Rh wire. 1916: 99. Telephone, Os. 1884: 22 Anders. Telescope, mirror of Pt. 1800: 7 Rochon. Tellurium, compounds with. 1897 : 38 Roessler. ethers. 1915 : 24 Tschugaeff and F ritzmann Temperature measurement and scale. 1905: 77 Travers and Gwyer. 1906: 36 Holbom and Valentiner Pd 1910: 78 Yon Pirani. Tenacity. 1809: 4 Be Morveau. 1834: 25 Karmarsch. 1850: 13 Baudrimont Pd, Pt. 1912: 101 Lindemann. Terpenes, decomposition by hot Pt. 1911: 84 Harries and Gottlob, reduction. 1917: 90 Paa! Pd, Pt. Testing quality of utensils. 1910: 98 Walker and Smither. Tetrabromides. See Bromides. Tetrachlorides. See Chlorides. T etraf ormal-trisazin , precipitant for Pd and Pt. 1912: 86 Hofmann and Sturm. Tetroxide, ruthenium, explosion of. 1898: 12 Howe. Theft of Pt. 1890: 7. 1914: 120. Theory of Pt bases. 1869: 16a Blomstrand. 1902: 20 Spiegel. Therapeutic action. 1840: 7 Hofer. P(1 compounds. 1901: 40 Cohen. 1913: 171 Kauffmann. 1913: 172 Kauffmann. 1913: 173 Gom. Thermoelectric phenomena. 1829: 26 Becquerel. 1855: 24 Adie. 1876: 62 Knott, MacGregor, and Smith ...Pdl 1877: 46 Thomsen Pd, Pt. 1878: 56 Gore Pd, Pt. 1880: 40 Bouty. 1 1880: 41 Gore. 1880: 42 Young. 1880: 43 Blondlot. 1887: 45 Haga. SUBJECT INDEX, 555 Thermoelectric phenomena — Continued. 1887: 53 Le Chatelier Gen. 1888: 62 Jahn. 1892: 64 Barus Ir, Pt, Rh. 1894: 38 Noll. 1895 : 44 Dewar and Fleming. 1899 : 42 Holborn and Day, Pd, Pt, Rh. 1900: 38 Steinmann Ir, Pt. 1907: 73 Barker. 1907: 74 Badeker Pt, Rh. 1908: 76 Burgess Ir, Pt, Rh. 1910: 81 Honda Gen. 1910: 86 Sosman Pt, Rh. 1910: 87 Rudolfi Pd, Pt. 1910: 88 Lees .....Pd. 1910: 93 Broniewski -Pd, Pt. 1913: 160 Werner. 1914: 115 Wietzel. 1914: 122 Adams Pt, Rh. 1914: 123 Burgess and Sale. 1916: 86 La Rosa Ir, Pt. Thermoelement. 1911: 110 Austin. 1912: 137 Kremann and Noss. 1915: 88 Pelabon Pt, Rh. 1916: 107 Bodenstein Pt, Rh. 1916: 111 Kowalke Pt, Rh. Thermomagnetic properties. 1910: 81 Honda Gen. 1912: 128 Honda Gen. 1912: 129 Owen Gen. 1913: 149 Honda & Son6 Os. Thermometer, nitrogen. 1910: 48 Day, Sosman, and Allen, Pd, Pt. See also Resistance thermometer. Thio-acid compounds. 1906: 22 Ramberg. 1906: 26 Klason and Carlson. 1910: 31 Ramberg. 1911: 45 Robinson & Jones. 1911: 46 Tyd4n. 1912: 57 Jones and Robinson . .Pd. 1912: 58 Jones and Robinson. .Pd. 1913: 59 Ramberg. 1913: 59a Ramberg. 1916: 52 Tiberg. Thio-carbonate bases. See Bases. Thiocyanates. 1854: 9 Buckton. 1856: 5 Claus. 1856: 13 Keferstein. 1867: 7 Croft Pd. Thioc yanates — Continued. 1868: 4 Skey. 1868: 5 Marcano. 1869: 14 Schneider. 1869: 18 Blomstrand. 1874: 21 Skey. 1874: 22 Skey. 1875: 16 Kern ...Pd. 1877: 19 Wyrouboff. 1877: 42 Clarke. 1880: 9 Wyrouboff. 1880: 10 Marcano. 1881 : 13 Clarke and Owens. 1891: 7 Guareschi. 1900: 21 Miolati and Bellucci. 1900: 22 Walden. 1903: 23 Grossmann Gen. 1904: 14 Bellucci. 1907 : 13 Rimbach and Korten. . Ir. 1912: 98 Billows. Thio-ethers. 1913: 56 Tschugaeff and Chlopin. Thio-glycollic acid. See Thio-acids. Thio-lactic acid. 1883: 11 Lovin. Thio-oxalic acid. See Thio-acids. Thio-stannate. 1892: 14 Schneider. Thiosulphates. 1842: 11 Himly. 1866: 8 Schottlander. 1885: 8 Jochum. Thio-ureas. 1893: 24 Kurnakow. 1893: 25 Sell and Easterfield. Thomson effect. 1910: 79 Berg. Thorianite, Rh in. 1911: 11 Jakob and Tolloczko. Toning bath. See Photography. Toura. See Occurrence. Toxicity of Pt to bacteria. 1912: 97 Bitter. Transmutation of Rh into iron. 1841 : 6 Tilley. Transparency. 1786: 2 Landriani. 1827: 17 Kastner. 1877: 43 Govi. 1886: 30 Van Aubel. 1886: 31 Van Aubel. Treatment of ores. 1897 : 2 Louis. 1897 : 4 M6ker. 556 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP. Triangles. 1859: 21 Jenzsch. 1885: 32 De la Harpe. See also Substitutes. Tuberculosis, Pd chloride as remedy. 1901: 40 Cohen. Tungstates. 1877: 15 Gibbs. 1886: 5 Gibbs. 1891: 8 Rosenheim. 1895: 11 Gibbs. Tungsten, absorption by Pt. 1897: 42 Hardin, contact points. >1917: 138 Taylor (pat.) Sub. dental pins. 1917: 142 Fahrenwald (pat.).. Sub. wire. 1910: 99 Coolidge. 1910: 101 Merrill Os, Pt. U. Ultramicroscopy of colloids. 1906: 53 Schneider and Just, Os, Pt, Ru. 1911: 89Thomae. 1911: 90 Svedberg and Inouye. Ultraphosphate . 1912: 111 Kroll. Ultraviolet light, discharge of wire. 1907: 69 Davidson, influence in catalysis. 1913: 11-7 Farmer and Parker. Uralium. See New elements. Urals. See Occurrence. Uranium Rh nitrate. 1911: 41 Lancien. sulphate, action on Pt chloride. 1903: 12 De Coninck. Urea compound. 1881 : 13 Clarke and Owens. Urotropin, reagent for Pt metals. 1917: 64 Vivario and Wagenaar. Uses, general. 1798: 5 Rochon. 1800: 7 Rochon. 1828: 17 Erdmann. 1836: 14 Dobereiner. 1836: 15 Trommsdorff. 1836: 16 Pelouze. 1840: 11 Pd... 1846: 3 Schmidt and Johnston. Pd. Uses, general — Continued. 1872: 13. 1881: 4 Ir 1881: 32. 1883: 29 Dudley Ir. 1885: 25. 1907: 3. 1908: 1 Geibel. 1912: 144 Burton. 1912: 146. 1913: 27 Ir, Pd. 1913: 29. 1914: 24 ...Ir, Pd, Pt. 1916: 32. See also Concentration apparatus; Com- bustion tubes; Crucibles; Filters; Laboratory utensils; Pigments; Pyrometers; Telescopes; Vessels; Wire. V. Vacuum tubes. 1914: 124 Marconi Wireless Tele- graph Co. (pat.). 1916: 110 Ir, Pt. 1917: 139 Bates Sub. Valence. 1913: 49 Wohler and Streicher, Ir, Pt. 1914: 63 Biltz Ir, Pt. 1917: 54 Ephraim and Miliman. Vanadium sulphate, action on salts. 1902: 25 Piccini and Marino. Vapor pressure. 1914: 69 Langmuir and Mackay. Vessels of Pt. 1785: 1 De Morveau. 1787 : 1 De Morveau. 1787 : 2 De Morveau. 1790: 4 Lavoisier. 1790: 5 R. 1792: 3 Berthollet and Pelletier. 1813: 6 Neumann. 1814: 9 Dobereiner. 1814: 10 Joris. 1821: 10 Seebeck. 1828: 23 D’Arcet. 1830: 13 Faraday. 1831: 26 Stieren. 1832: 18 Bischof. 1844: 16 Pleischl. 1870: 26. 1877 : 35 Prentice. 1878: 35. Vibration. See Wire. SUBJECT INDEX. 557 Viscosity. 1888: 49 Bams. 1908: 51 Guye and Mintz. 1910: 46 Guye and Schapper, Pd, Pt. Volatility. 1802: 5 Hare. 1858: 12 Eisner Ir, Pd, Pt. 1877: 20 Troost and Hautefeuille. 1879: 18 Seelheim. 1879: 19 Meyer. 1879: 20 Smith. 1879: 21 Dunnington. 1879: 45 Edison Ir, Pt. 1886: 29 Dessau. 1888: 31 Berliner Pd, Pt. 1888: 32 Kayser. 1891: 40 Crookes Pd, Pt. 1891: 41 Mooser. • 1892: 63 Spring. 1893: 31 Moissan. 1896: 40 Moissan. 1899: 8 &ulc Os. 1899: 9 Vezes Os. 1904: 38 Hulett and Berger. 1906: 37 Moissan Gen. 1906: 38 Langmuir Pt, Rh. 1909: 54 Knocke. 1909: 55 Houlevigue. 1911: 102ReboulandDeBollemont. 1912: 103 Crookes Gen. 1913: 34 Verein chemischer Fabri- ken in Mannheim (pat.)..Ir, Pt. 1913: 48 Wohler and Streicher. .Ir. 1913: 101 Kaye and Ewen Gen. 1916: 58 Burgess and Waltenberg. Volatilization, cathodic. 1917: 92 Kruger Os, Volumetric. See Analysis. W. War and Pt. 1916: 29 Quennessen. 1916: 30. 1917: 32 Johnstone. See also Embargo. Watch springs. 1809: 3 Scott. Water, decomposition by Pt. 1907: 37 Holt. by magnesium and Pd chloride. 1912: 94 Knapp. Wave detector. 1904: 65 Rothmund and Lessing. Weights, correcting. 1915: 100 Von Ledden Hulsebosch. Welding Pt. 1863: 13 Griiel. 1878: 35. 1880: 14 Spring. 1884: 20 Seaman. 1886: 23 Lake. 1913: 104 Weightman. to other metals. 1912: 156 Eldred (pat.), 1912: 157 Eldred (pat.), 1912: 158 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 159 Eldred (pat.). 1912: 159a Eldred (pat.). Werner’s theory. 1908: 25 Friend. 1912: 49 Bellucci Ru. 1912: 96 Peters. . .Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru. Wire. 1823: 22 Becquerel. 1877: 28 Gaiffe. 1899: 47 Merck Os. cleaning of. 1910: 41 De Koninck. for singeing. 1886: 24 Banks and Brierley. for telescopes. 1885: 36 Read, holder for. 1899: 46 Palmaer. sealing in glass. 1913: 168a Anderson, self-heating of. 1911: 103 Le Bel. strings for musical instruments. 1825: 22. 1840: 10 Fischer, substitutes for. 1910: 109 Kopa and Konig. 1910: 110 Kirby. 1910: 111 Eldred. 1913: 185 Kopa. 1913: 186 Kopa. vibration when electrically heated. 1915: 90 Streintz and Weseley. See also Tariff. Working of Pt. See Malleability. Wyoming. See Occurrence. 558 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF METALS OF PLATINUM GROUP, X. X-rays, absorption of. 1907: 66 Kaye. 1910: 77 Whiddington. 1913: 142 Hupka. 1913: 143 Jungenfeld Ir, Rh. 1914: 102 Kirschbaum. specific, by metallic salts. 1899: 41 Hebert and Reynaud. composition of. 1917: 106 Kaye, cyano-platinites, use of. 1895: 41 Macintyre. 1896: 41 Jackson. 1899: 40 Hebert and Reynaud. 1905: 42 Pochettino. depth of formation . 1914: 101 Davey. emission of. 1912: 127 Chapman. 1912: 139 Friedrich. 1915: 82 Laub. 1917: 104 Wooten Pd. energy of. 1913: 144 Beatty Pt, Rh. X-rays — Continued, ionization by. 1915: 83 Campbell, photography of aluminum alloys. 1897: 39 Heycock and Neville. See also Spectrum, properties of. 1911: 100 Whiddington. transmission. 1892: 62 Hertz. 1896: 42 Egbert. 1910: 76 Crowther. 1914: 116 Whiddington. wave length. 1914: 103 Barkla Rh. 1914: 104 Bragg Rh. Z. Zeeman effect. 1911: 99 Dufour Rh. 1912: 123 Ltittig Pd. Zinc. See also Alloys, chloroplatinates. 1917: 47 Eberhard. o DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR I Franklin K. Lane, Secretary United States Geological Survey George Otis Smith, Director *■ — * — BULLETIN 694 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE METALS OF THE PLATINUM GROUP PLATINUM, PALLADIUM, IRIDIUM, RHODIUM, OSMIUM, RUTHENIUM 1748-1917 BY JAS. LEWIS HOWE AND H. C. HOLTZ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919