0-773 ORDINANCES ■■ : [8 ™Bwm1 HI I H ■ | 111 aWSB Iag PHillllip ISSilbf2Kisi!fe: 4 ? 5^r^r v &*1r \>t' l ^ *wk 8 mI 1 vii i ■4{^ jN?] ? ? T»i;i4 d? |H l&A Mr-, %jshpd .$7 4.$ m$|pi! 01 tM”Pr * 1907t V hHI ORDINANCES 1 OF THE ^VILLAGE, OF MEREDO$lfl> MORGAN COUNTY. ILLINOIS. Published, hy Authority oi the President and Trustees of said Village. •kJTiie Budget Print, t** Meredosia, Illinois. 1907 . VILLAGE OFFICERS. Elegted April 17, 1906. JOSEPH SGHM1TT, President. E. F. PR1GE, Glerk. trustees: J. R. BOWLING, J. G. KRATZ, A. M. WALDO, G. D. KAPPAL, J. F. YEGK, H. SGHAEFER. ORDINANCES OF THE - *|VILLAGE OF MEREDOSIA,|* MORGAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Whereas, the Town of Meredosia, was heretofore organized under a Special Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, approv¬ ed on the 25th day of February, A. D. 1867, under the corporate name of “The President and Trustees of the Town of Meredosia;” and. Whereas, it was deemed necessary and expedient by the citizens and corporate authorities of said Town that it become organized as a Village under the general law of this State applicable to Villages; and, Whereas, at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the said Town of Meredosia, held on the 15th day of January, 1906, a peti¬ tion was presented to said Board of Trustees signed by more than thirty legal voters of said town, asking said Board to submit to the legal voters of said Town, at a special election, the question whether x said Town should become organized as a Village under the general x : law; and, - Whereas, said Board of Trustees of the Town of Meredosia at its j said meeting held on said 15th day of January, A. D. 1906, by appro- x priate resolutions, ordered that a special election be held in said * Town on Saturday the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1906, for the pur- ^ pose of determining whether said Town should become organized as a Village under the general law, and appointed J. E. Beauchamp, George Naylor and David McLain, as Judges of said election; and, S; \ Whereas, due notice was given of the time, place and purpose of -C such election by causing at least five notices thereof to be posted in "" public places in such Town for at least fifteen days prior to holding \ such election; and, Whereas, such election was held at the time and place stated in said notices, and there were cast one hundred and six votes in favor of said proposition and thirty-four votes against it; and 4 ORDINANCES. Whereas, the result of said election was certified by said Judges to the President and Trustees of said Town on the 3rd day of Febru¬ ary, 1906, who on said date canvassed the same and caused a state¬ ment of the result of said election to be entered upon the record of the town, whereby it appeared, and was declared by the President and Trustees of said Town, that a majority of the votes cast at said election were in tavor of Village organization under the general law, and that said town was duly incorporated as a Village under the gen¬ eral law relating to Villages; and, Whereas, on and since 3rd day of February, A. D. 1906, the in¬ habitants of said Town of Meredosia have been organized as a Village under the corporate name of “The Village of Meredosia;” Therefore, in order to provide suitable ordinances for the govern¬ ment of said Village, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trus¬ tees of the Village of Meredosia: GHAPTER I. BOUNDRIES. 1. Section 1. The boundaries of the Village of Meredosia shall be the same as those heretofore provided for the Town of Meredosia, as set forth in the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illi¬ nois, granting a charter to said Town, approved February 25th, 1867, that is to say, The incorporation shall extend one-half mile east, one-half mile south and one-half mile north of the center of the public square, and west as far as the center of the Illinois River; that is as follows: begin¬ ning at a point one-half mile south of the center of the public square thence east one-half mile, thence north one mile, thence west to the center of the Illinois River, thence down the center of said river to a point directly west of the place of beginning, thence east to place of beginning. GHAPTER II. ♦VILLAGE BOARD. ARTICLE I. TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING. 2. Section 1. The regular meetings of the Village Board shall be held in the Village Board chamber on the fourth (4th) Thursday of each and every month, at the hour of 7:30 o’clock P. M., and ad- ORDINANCES. 5 jurned meetings may be held at such time as may be appointed by the Board before adjourning. 3. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called and held by notifica¬ tion to each member of the Village Board, signedby the President of the Board of Trustees or by three Trustees, served personally, by reading, or by copy left at the member’s usual place of abode, before the time specified for meeting. The call or notice shall specify the object of the meeting, and no business shall be transacted at any special meeting which was not mentioned in the call for such meet¬ ing. Adjourned sessions of special meetings may be held at such time as may be appointed by the Board before adjourning. ARTICLE II. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 4. Section 1. The order of business at all regular meetings shall be as follows: 1. The reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting (unless dispensed with), and their approval or correction. 2. The presentation of petitions (which shall always be in writing.) 3. Communications to the Board. 4 Claims and actions thereon. 5. Reports of officers. 6. Reports of standing committees. 7. Reports of special committees. 8. Unfinished business of the preceding meeting. 9. New business. Said order of business shall at no time be suspended, except by vote of two-thirds of all the Trustees elected. ARTICLE III COMMITTEES. 5. Section 1. Six standing committees of the Village Board are hereby established, to-wit: A committee on finance. A committee on police and highways. A committee on fire and lights. A committee on public improvements. A committee on public health. A committee on ordinances. 6. Sec 2. The said committee shall be appointed by the Presi¬ dent of the Board of Trustees, yearly. ORDINANCES. 0 7 . Sec. 3. The President of the Board of Trustees shall be ex- officio chairman of each and every standing committee. 8. Sec. 4. Each standing committee shall consist of three mem¬ bers besides the President of the Board of Trustees. 9 . Sec. 5. The first named Trustee of each committee shall be the acting chairman, and in case of his absence or disability the one next named shall act as chairman. 10. Sec. 6. Special committees may be appointed by the Presi¬ dent of the Board of Trustees, from time to time, as may be neces¬ sary, either upon his own motion, or upon order of the Village Board, and such committees may consist of as many members as may at the time be determined. 11 . Sec. 7. So far as practicable, reports of committees shall be in writing. 12 . Sec. 8. In the interval between regular meetings of the Vil¬ lage Board, committees have power to act upon matters referred to them, but shall, so far as practicable, act only by and with the ad¬ vice and consent of the majority of the committee. 13 . Sec. 9. As provided by law, any report of a committee of the Village Board shall be deferred, for final action thereon, to the next regular meeting of the same after the report is made, upon the re¬ quest of any two Trustees present. 14 . Sec. 10. Each standing committee of the Village Board shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the department of municipal government with which it is connected, shall ascertain the condition and needs of said department, shall, from time to time, re¬ port the same to the President of the Board of Trustees and Village Board so that a full understanding thereof may be had, and, general¬ ly, shall do all acts necessary to promote the efficiency of the depart¬ ment. ARTICLE IV. RULES. 15 . Section 1 . The President of the Board of Trustees shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the Village Board to meet, and shall immediately call the members to order; he shall then order the roll to be called by the Village Clerk in alphabetical order: and on a vote of a majority of the members present he shall issue warrants and take all necessary steps to compel the attendance of absent mem¬ bers. 16 . Sec. 2. As provided by law, a majority of the Trustees elect¬ ed shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ORDINANCES. 1 7. Sec. 3. The President of the Board of Trustees shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to the appeal of the members to the Village Board. 18. Sec. 4. While the question is being put, or while the roll is being called, no member shall walk across or out of the council cham¬ ber. 19 . Sec. 5. No member shall speak more than once upon the same question, without leave of the Board, until every member choos¬ ing to speak shall have spoken. 20. Sec. 6. Any member indulging in personalities shall be im¬ mediately called to order by the President of the Board of Trustees, and any member called to order shall immediately take his seat, un¬ less permitted by the Board to explain. If he appeals, the Board shall decide the point without debate; if no appeal is taken, the de¬ cision of the President of the Board of Trustees shall be conclusive. 21. Sec. 7. When any question is stated, every member present shall vote (unless excused by the Board), and every member not voting (unless so excused) shall be deemed to be voting against the proposi¬ tion pending, and the Village Clerk shall so record his vote. 22. Sec. 8. No motion shall be entertained unless seconded; when seconded it shall be stated by the President of the Village Board; and if any member requires it, the motion shall be reduced to writing. 23. Sec. 9. When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be entertained unless for the previous question, to postpone indefinitely, to refer, to adjourn to a certain day, to lay on the table, to amend, or to adjourn the Village Board. 24. Sec. 10. A motion for the previous question, or to lay on the table or to refer, shall, until decided preclude ail amendment or de¬ bate of the question; and a motion to postpone a question indefinite¬ ly, or to adjourn to a certain day, shall until decided, preclude all amendment to the main question. 25. Sec. 11. The previous question shall beput as follow's: “Shall the main question be now put?” 26. Sec. 12. Upon appeal from the decision of the chair the question shall be put as follows: “Shall the chair be sustained?” 27. Sec. 13 A motion to adjourn shall be decided without de¬ bate. No motion whatever shall be in order during the calling of the roll or of the yeas and nays. 28. Sec. 14. The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances and on all propositions to create any liability 8 ORDINANCES. against the Village, or for the expenditure or appropriation of its money, and in all other cases at the request of any member, which shall be entered upon the journal of its proceedings; and the concur¬ rence of a majority of all of the members elected in the Village Board shall be necessary to the passage of any such ordinances or proposi¬ tion; provided, it shall require two-thirds of all the Trustees elect to sell any Village property. 2$). Sec. 15. As provided by law, no vote of the Village Board shall be reconsidered or rescinded at a special meeting, unless at such special meeting there be present as large a number of Trustees as were present when such vote was taken. 30. Sec. 16. The Village Marshal, or some police officer detailed for the purpose, shall attend all meetings of the Village Board, ex¬ ecuted all their orders, serve warrants to compel attendance of absent members, keep the Board chamber in order, and, when required by the President of the Board of Trustees or any three Trustees, serve notice of any special meeting. 31. Sec. 17. All questions of parlimentary law arising before the Village Board shall be decided according to Roberts’ Rules of Order, except where a different rule is prescribed by statute, by Ordinance, or the foregoing rules of order. 32. Sec. 18. These rules of order shall not be amended except by Ordinance, and they shall at no time be suspended except by vote of two-third of all the Trustees elected. ARTICLE V. FEES AND SALARIES. 33. Section 1. The members of the Board of Trustees and the President of the Board shall each receive the sum of one and one- half dollars for each regular and special meeting of the Board which they shall respectively attend. GHAPTER III. PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ARTICLE I. HIS BOND. 34. Section 1 . The President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Meredosia shall be elected for two years, as provided by ORDINANCES. 9 law, and before entering upon the performance or the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath of affirmation required by law, which oath or affirmation so subscribed, shall be filed in the of¬ fice of the Village Clerk, and he shall also execute a bond, with secu¬ rity to be approved by the Village Board, payable to the Village of Meredosia, in the penal sum of Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office, and the pay¬ ment of all moneys received by him, according to law and the ordi¬ nances of said Village; which bond shall be filed with the Village Clerk. ARTICLE II. 35. Section 1. The President of the Board of Trustees shall keep his office at the Village hall, or at such place in said Village as may be provided by the Village Board, and he shall attend there for the transaction of the business pertaining to said office. 30. Sec. 2. lie shall sign all commissions, licenses and permits' granted by authority of the Village or Village Board, except as other¬ wise in this ordinance provided, and all such other documents as, by law or ordinance, may require his official signature. 37. Sec. 3. He shall grant licenses for the purposes authorized by this ordinance, to such persons, duly qualified, according to ordi¬ nances, as he may deem proper, unless the Village Board shall other¬ wise designate and provide. 38. Sec. 4. The President of the Board of Trustees shall, annual¬ ly, as soon as practicable after the election of the Village officers, ap¬ point the standing committees of the Village Board, to serve during the ensuing year. 39. Sec. 5. He shall supervise the conduct of all officers of the corporation, inquire into all reasonable complaints made against them, or any of them, cause all their neglects or violation of official duty to be promptly corrected or punished, or reported to the proper tribunal for punishment. 40. Sec. 6. He shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Village Board, all officers of said Village whose appointment is not otherwise provided for by law; and whenever a vacancy shall oc¬ cur in any office which by law or otherwise he is empowered to fill, he shall, within thirty days after the happenings of such vacancy, com¬ municate to the Village Board the name of his appointee to such office, and, pending the concurrence of the Village Board in such appointment, he may designate some suitable person to discharge the functions and perform the duties of such office. 41. Sec. 7. In addition to the foregoing duties, and to all the duties imposed upon him by law, the President of the Board of Trus- 10 ORDINANCES. bees shall perform all such other duties pertaining to his office as are or may be required of him by the ordinances of the Village of Mere, dosia. CHAPTER IV. THE VILLAGE CLERK. ARTICLE I. HTS BOND. 42. Section 1. The Village Clerk shall be elected biennially, as provided by law, and before entering upon the performance of the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath of affirmation required by law, which oath or affirmation, so subscribed, shall be filed in his office, and he shall also execute a bond with security bo be ap¬ proved by the Village Board, payable bo the Village of Meredosia, in the penal sum of Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office, and the payment of all monies received by him, according bo law and the ordinances of said Village which bond shall be filed with the Village Treasurer. ARTICLE II. HIS DUTIES. 43. Section 1. The Village Clerk shall occupy his office at the Village Hall, or such other place as the Village Board may direct. 44. Sec. 2. He shall attend all meetings of the Village Board and keep, in a suitable book, to be styled the: “Journal of the Village Board,” a full and faithful record of all its proceedings. 45. Sec. 3. He shall issue and cause to be delivered or served, notices to various Village Officers and bo members of the various committees of the Village Board, whenever necessary, and bo all other persons whose attendance maybe required before any such com¬ mittee, when so directed by the chairman thereof. 46. Sec. 4. He shall be the custodian of the corporate seal of the Village and shall prepare all commissions, licenses, permits and other official documents required to be issued by him, under the laws of the state or the ordinances of the Village, and shall attest the same with the said corporate seal; and he shall, in like manner, attest all deeds for the ssle of real estate owned and conveyed by the Village. ORDINANCES. 11 47. Sec. 5. The Village Clerk shall, on the first day of each and every month, report in writing the name of each Trustee, and the number of regular and special meetings of the Village Board attend¬ ed by each Trustee during the preceding month. 48. Sec. 6. He may when necessary, and upon being authorized by the Village Board, appoint a deputy, who, during the temporary absence or disability of the Village Clerk shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Village Clerk. Heshall be held res¬ ponsible for the fidelity of every person so appointed by him. 49. Sec. 7. He shall carefully preserve in his office all books, records, papers, maps and effects of every description belonging to the Village, and appertaining to his office; and upon the expiration in any way of his official term, he shall deliver all such books, records, papers, maps and effects to his successor in office, and take his receipt therefor. 50. Sec. 8. He shall exercise a general supervision over all the officers of the corporation charged in any manner with the receipt, collection or disbursement or corporate revenues, and the collection and return of all such revenues into the Village treasury. 51. Sec. 9. He shall have the charge, custody and control of all deeds, bonds, leases, contracts, warrants, vouchers, books and papers of any kind, the custody and control of which is not by law or ordi¬ nance given to any other officers. 52. Sec. 10. He shall, on or before the 1st day of June in each year, and before the annual appropriations to be made by the Village Board, submit to the Village Board a report of his estimates as near¬ ly as may be, of moneys necessary to defray the expenses of the cor¬ poration during the current fiscal year. He shall, in said report, classify the different objects and branches of expenditures, giving, as nearly as may be, the amount required for each; and, foj;the purpose of making such a report he is hereby authorized to require of all officers their statement of the condition and expenses of their respec¬ tive offices or departments, with any proposed improvements, and the probable expense thereof, all contracts made and unfinished and the amount of any and all unexpended appropriations of the preceding year. He shall, in such report, show the aggregate income of the preceding fiscal year, from all sources, the amount of liabilities out¬ standing upon which interest is to be paid, the bonds and debts pay¬ able during the year, when due and when payable; and in such re¬ port he shall give such other information to the Village Board as he may deem necessary, to the end that the Village Board may fully understand the money exigencies and demands upon the corporation for the current year. 12 ORDINANCES. 53. Sec. 11. He shall keep in his office, in a book or books kept expressly for that purpose, a correct list of all the outstanding 1 bonds of the Village, showing the number and amount of each, for and to whom the said bonds are issued; and when any Village bonds are is¬ sued or purchased or paid or cancelled, said book or books shall show the fact; and in his annual report the Village Clerk shall describe, particularly, the bonds sold during the year, and terms of sale, with each and every item of expense thereof. 54. Sec. 12. He shall keep, in a suitable book, an accurate list of all warrants drawn upon the Village Treasurer showing the date, number and amount of each, and the name of the person in whose favor drawn; and he shall take the receipt of every person for the warrant upon delivery thereof. 55. Sec. 13. He shall countersign all warrants drawn upon the Village Treasurer. Said warrants shall be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees, and shall specify upon their face the particu¬ lar fund or appropriation to which they are chargeable, and the per¬ son to whom payable; and no money shall be paid otherwise than up¬ on such warrant so drawn. 56. Sec. 14 He shall, without delay, notify the Village Board whenever any appropriation or fund is exhausted, and he shall not, thereafter, draw any warrant against such fund or appropriation, until the same shall be renewed. 57. Sec. 15. He shall require all officers charged in any manner with the receipt, collection or disbursement of the Village revenues, to submit quarterly reports in writing", showing in detail, all such receipts, collections and disbursements, and to file the same in his office. 58. Sec. 16. He shall, at the regular meeting in each month, make out and submit to the Village Board a statement or report in writing of all the moneys received and warrants drawn by him dur¬ ing the preceding month, showing therein from what sources and on what account said moneys were received, and for what purposes and on what account said warrants were drawn or paid. 59. Sec. 17. He shall record, in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the Village Board (except this ordinance), and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so record¬ ed he shall make a memorandum of the date of the passage and of the publication if any, of such ordinance. 60. Sec. 18. He shall countersign and issue all licenses, when granted, and shall collect the fees therefor at the time of issue, and shall enter in a suitable book, to be provided by the Village for the purpose, the name of each person licensed, the date and number of ORDINANCES. 13 the license, the purpose for which issued, and the period of the license, the amount paid for the same, and the time of the expira¬ tion thereof; and, when paying over such license fees to the Village Treasurer, the Village Clerk shall accompany the same with an item¬ ized report and statement of such license fees. 61. Sec. 19. He shall, under the direction of the committee on finance, open and keep a complete set of books, in which, among other things, shall be set forth the appropriations of the fiscal year for each distinct object and branch of expenditure, and also the re¬ ceipts from each and every source of revenue, so far as he can ascer¬ tain the same. 62. Sec. 20. In addition to the foregoing duties the Village Clerk shall peform all such other and further duties pertaining to his office, as are elsewhere in this ordinance, or by law, imposed upon him. 03. Sec. 21. The Village Clerk shall be paid the sum of thirty- five dollars per annum for his services. GHAPTER V. THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT. ARTICLE I. THE DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED. 04-. Section 1. There is hereby established a department of the municipal government of the Village of Meredosia, which shall be known as the Finance Department. It shall embrace the committee on finance of the Village Board, the Village Treasurer, and all such employes as may, from time to time, be employed by the President of the Board of Trustees, on behalf of the Village, to aid in the work of the department 05. Sec. 2. The said department shall have an office in the Vil¬ lage hall, or at such other place as the Village Board may provide, and at said office or headquarters shall be kept all the books, articles and belongings of the said department, not by this ordinance express¬ ly required to be kept elsewhere. 14 ORDINANCES. ARTICLE II. THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE 66. Section 1. The Village Board standing committee on finance shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the finance department. It shall ascertain the condition and needs thereof, shall, from time to time, report the same to the President of the Board of Trustees and Village Board, so that a full understanding thereof shall be had, and generally, shall do all the acts necessary to promote the efficiency of the department. ARTICLE III THE VILLAGE TREASURER. 67. Section 1. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Village Treasurer shall take and subscribe the oath of affirmation required by law, which oath or affirmation, so subscribed, shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk, and shall execute a bond, with security to be approved by the Village Board, payable to the Village of Meredosia in the penal sum of not less than the amount of the estimated Village tax and special assessments and special tax¬ es for the current year, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and the payment of all moneys received by him, according to law and the ordinances of said Village—which bond shall be filed with the Village Clerk. 68. Sec. 2. He shall receive all moneys belonging to the cor¬ poration, and shall keep a separate fund account of each fund or ap¬ propriation, and the debits and credits belonging thereto. 69. Sec. 3. He shall give to every person paying money into the Village treasury a receipt therefor, specifying the date of payment and upon what account paid; and he shall file copies of such receipts with the Village Clerk, at the time of his monthly reports. 70. Sec. 4. He shall keep an accurate register of all warrants re¬ deemed and paid by him, showing the number, date and amount of each, the fund from which paid, and the name of the person to whom paid and the date when paid, and he shall cancel all warrants as soon as redeemed by him. 71. Sec. 5. He shall hold all moneys received on account of any special assessment or special tax, as a special fund, to be applied to the payment of the improvements for which such special assessment or special tax was made, and said money shall be used for no other purpose whatever, except to reimburse the Village for money ex¬ pended for such improvement. ORDINANCES. 15 72. Sec. 6. He shall keep all moneys in his hands, belonging to the corporation, separate and distinct from money belonging to him¬ self, or any other person, and he is hereby expressly prohibited from using, either directly or indirectly, the corporation moneys or war¬ rants in his custody or keeping, for his own use and benefit, or for that of any other person or persons whomsoever; and any violation of this section shall subject him to removal from office 73 . Sec. 7. He shall report to the Village Clerk any officer, authorized to receive money on behalf of the Village who shall fail to make return of all the moneys received by him, at the time re¬ quired by law or the ordinances of said Village. 74 . Sec. 8. He shall keep in his office, books and accounts in such manner as to show, with entire accuracy, all moneys received and disbursed* by him on behalf of the Village, stating to whom and on what account moneys have been paid out, and from whom and on what account moneys have been received, and containing itemized statements corresponding to those made to him by the Village Clerk, and in such manner that said books and accounts may be investigat¬ ed and understood; and the same, together with all other files and papers kept by him in his office, appertaining to the office of the Vil¬ lage Treasurer, shall, at all times, be open to inspection by the Village Clerk, or committee on finance. 75 . Sec. 9. He shall at the end of each and every quarter, and oftener, if required, render an account, under oath, to the Village Board, showing the state of the Village treasury at the date of such account, and the balance of money in the treasury; he shall accom¬ pany such report with a statement of all moneys received into the Village treasury, and on what account received, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him during the preceding month, and at the time of filing such report he shall deliver to the Village Clerk all such warrants and all other vouchers held by him, relating to such report; and such warrants so returned he shall stamp or mark “paid.” 76. Sec 10. He shall, annually, at the close of the fiscal year, make out and file with the Village Clerk a full and detailed report of all the receipts and expenditures of the corporation, as shown by his books, and of his transactions as such treasurer, during the preceding fiscal year, and he shall, in such report, show the state of the Village treasury at the close of said year, which report the Village Clerk shall pubiish as required by law. 77 . Sec. 11. The Village Treasurer shall be paid the sum of Five Dollars per annum for his services. ORDINANCES. 16 ARTICLE IV. THE FISCAL. YEAR. 78. Section 1. The fiscal year of the Village of Meredosia shall begin on the first day of April, in each calandar year, at twelve (12) o’clock, noon, and shall expire at twelve (12) o’clock, noon, of the next ensuing first day of April. ARTICLE V. APPROPRIATIONS. 71). Section 1. The Village Board shall, as soon as practicable after the commencement of each fiscal year, and within the first quarter thereof, pass an ordinance to be termed the annual appro¬ priation bill, in which they shall appropriate such sums of money as may be deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabil¬ ities of the Village government during that fiscal year, and in such ordinance shall specify the different objects and purposes for which appropriations are made, and the amount appropriated for each ob¬ ject or purpose; and no further appropriations shall be made at any time during such fiscal year, except as otherwise provided by law. 80. Sec. 2. When any appropriation for any specific object or fund shall have been exhausted, the Village Clerk shall, without delay, notify the Village Board of the fact, and thereafter no war¬ rant shall be drawn against the same, until the further order of the Village Board; and no additional appropropriation to any such fund shall be made by the Village Board during the fiscal year, and no ex¬ penditure for any improvement, to be paid for out of the general fund of the corporation, shall exceed, in any one year, the amount provided for such improvement in the annual appropriation bill, ex¬ cept as otherwise expressly provided by law. ARTICLE VI. LEVY OF TAXES. 81 . Section 1. The Village Board shall annually, on or before the third Tuesday in September in each year, ascertain the total amount of appropriations for all corporate purposes legally made, and to be collected from the tax levy of that fiscal year, and by ordinance, specifying in detail the purposes for which such appropriations are made, and the sum or amount appropriated for each purpose, respec¬ tively, levy the amount so ascertained upon all the property subject to taxation within the Village, as the same is assessed and equalized ORDINANCES. 17 for State and County purposes for the current year. The Village Clerk shall file a certified copy of such ordinance in the office of the County Clerk. ARTICLE VII. ANTICIPATION OF TAXES. 82. Section 1 . At any and all times when there shall be no money in the Village treasury of the Village of Meredosia, to meet and defray the ordinary and necessary expenses of said Village, and to pay off and take up the properly allowed bills and claims for such expenses, the President of the Village Board of said Village is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and draw and issue, and the Vil¬ lage Clerk of said Village is hereby authorized and instructed to countersign Village warrants of said Village, directed to the Village Treasurer of said Village, against and in anticipation of the collec¬ tion of any taxes already levied by ordinance of said Village, for the payment of the ordinary and necessary expenses of said Village. 83. Sec. 2. The warrants drawn and issued under and pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, shali, as provided by law, show upon their face that they are payable solely from said taxes when col¬ lected, and not otherwise; said warrants shall show to what particu¬ lar fund they are chargeable. The aggregate amount of warrants drawn and issued under and pursuant to this ordinance against any particular fund shall not, in any fiscal year, exceed seventy-five per centum of the amount levied for such fund for said fiscal year. The taxes against which said warrants are drawn shall be set apart and held for their payment, as provided by law; warrants drawn under and pursuant to this article shall not be charged or marked “paid” upon the books of either of the Village Treasurer or Village Clerk, until they shall be actually paid and cancelled. When they are so actually paid and cancelled they shall then be charged against the respective funds upon which they are drawn. 84. Sec. 3. The Village Clerk shall keep an accurate and exact account in connection with his other accounts, of the amount of money drawn against each appropriation, and tax levy therefor, by the issue of anticipation warrants, and shall report to the Village Board, at its first regular meeting in each month,the aggregate amount drawn against each appropriation and the tax levy therefor, by anti¬ cipation warrants, during the preceding month. Nothing herein con¬ tained shall be construed to authorize the President of the Board of Trustees and Village Clerk to draw anticipation warrants and ordi¬ nary warrants, in any fiscal year, to an amount exceeding, together, the amount appropriated for any fund or purpose in the annual ap¬ propriation bill for such fiscal year; but the aggregate amount of 18 ORDINANCES. warrants (inclnding both anticipation warrants and ordinary war¬ rants), against any particular fund, or appropriation, in any fiscal year, shall not exceed the amount appropriated for such fund in the annual appropriation bill for such fiscal year. GHAPTER VI. THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. ARTICLE I. THE DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED. 85. Section 1. There is hereby established a department of the municipal government of the Village of Meredosia which shall be known as the Health Department. It shall embrace the Village Board standing committee on public health, the health warden, and all such employes as may, from time to time, be employed by the President of the Board of Trustees on behalf of the Village, to aid in the work of the department. 86. Sec. 2. The said Department shall have an office in the Village hall, or at such other place as the Village Board may pro¬ vide, and at said office or headquarters shall be kept all the books, articles and belongings of the said department, not by this ordinance expressly required to be kept elsewhere. ARTICLE II. THE CONMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH. 87. Section 1. The Village Board standing committee on public health shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the health department. It shall ascertain the condition and needs there¬ of, from time to time, report the same to the President of the Board of Trustees and Village Board, so that a full understanding thereof shall be had, and, generally, shall do all acts necessary to promote the efficiency of the department. ORDINANCES. 19 ARTICLE III. THE HEALTH WARDEN. 88. Section 1 . There is hereby created the office of health war¬ den of the Village of Meredosia. He shall be at the head of the health department, subject to the orders of the President of the Board of Trustees, Village Board and committee on public health. He shall be a registered physician in good standing. 89. Sec. 2. The said health warden shall be appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees, by and with the advice and con¬ sent of the Villa'ge Board, on the first day of May, or as soon there¬ after as may be, and annually after said first day of May. 90. Sec. 3. He shall hold office for the term of one year, or until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. He shall receive such salary as may be provided by the ordinances of the Village. 91. Sec. 4. Before entering upon the performance of the duties of his office, he shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation re¬ quired by law, which oath or affirmation, so subscribed, shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk, and he shall also execute a bond, with security, to be approved by the Village Board, payable to the Village of Meredosia, in the penal sum of One Hundred Dollars, con¬ ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and the payment of all moneys received by him, according to the law and i/he ordinances of said Village—which bond shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk. 92. Sec. 5. He shall, subject to the orders of the President of the Board of Trustees, Village Board and committee on public health, have the full management and control of all matters and things per¬ taining to the health department, and all regulations and orders thereof (not herein contained) for the government of the employes thereof, shall be issued through him. All subordinates and employes in said department shall be subject to such regulations, not incon¬ sistent with the provisions of this ordinance, as he shall, from time to time, with the approval of the committee on public health, pre¬ scribe 93. Sec 6. He shall devote as much time as necessary to the performance of the duties of his office, and is hereby charged with the duty of protecting and promoting the public health and direct¬ ing the enforcement of all ordinances relating thereto. 20 ORDINANCES. 94. Sec. 7. Said health warden shall examine into the condition of the Village and make thorough inquiry with respect to all cases which may be obnoxious or prejudicial to the health of the inhabit¬ ants, and all such causes are hereby declared nuisances, and the health warden shall order the removal or abatement or the same by giving reasonable notice, and any person or corporation causing such nuisance, or upon whose premises, whether as owner or occupant, such nuisance shall exist, who shall refuse or neglect to remove or abate the same within a reasonable time after being notified to do so by the health warden, shall forfeit and pay to the Village of Mere- dosia not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for every such refusal or neglect. 95. Sec. 8. Said health warden is hereby given the power and authority to visit and inspect any premises, building, cellar, lot or ground, pool, vault, sink or privy, manufactory, packing house for beef or pork, shops, slaughter-houses, out-houses, or any other des¬ cription of property whatever, and if anything obnoxious or prejudi¬ cial to the health of the inhabitants of said Village, or any portion thereof, shall exist therein, he shall direct the cleansing, altering or amending the same, and the removal and abatement of all such nuisances; and if any person, being the owner or occupant of any premises wherein such nuisance may exist, shall neglect or refuse to abate the same, or to cleanse, alter or amend said premises, after be¬ ing directed so to do as aforesaid, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay to the said Village of Meredosia not less than live nor more than one hundred dollars for every such refusal or neglect. ARTICLE IV. INSPECTION OF MARKETS. 96. Section 1. The health warden is hereby given power and authority to visit daily or weekly, in his discretion, all public and private markets, and places within the corporate limits of said Vil¬ lage of Meredosia, whereat any kind of meats, fish, fowls, fruits or vegetables are, or shall be, offered for sale or barter, and he shall ex¬ amine and inspect thereat and then, the meats, fish, fowls, fruits-and vegetables there offered for sale or barter, and every such article as he shall there find to be stale or uusouud, or in a decaying condition, or unfit to be eaten with safety to health, he shall condemn, and the same shall be at once removed from such market or place and nob again offered for sale. And if the owner or keeper of such market or place shall fail to at once remove and withdraw from sale such con¬ demned article or articles, upon personal verbal notice of such con¬ demnation, said health warden shall have the power to take such article or articles and remove them therefrom. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this section, and still offering for ORDINANCES. 21 sale any such condemned meats, fish, fowls, vegetables or fruits, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum of not less than three nor than more twenty dollars for each and every offense. ARTICLE V. TREATMENT OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 97. Section 1. Any and every physician, practicing' in said Village, who shall be called to any sick person laboring under cholera, yellow fever, small pox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever or diptheria, shall forthwith report the same to the health warden, in writing, giving the name, age, sex, color, nationality, and describing the street, number, house, or place where such sick person may be located, so that it may be easily found; together with such other facts as may be deemed necessary to a complete statistical record; and for neglect¬ ing so to do shall be liable to a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for such offense. 98 . Sec. 2. No person shall put out, or remove, or allow to be put out or removed, from the premises owned or occupied by him or her, into any street, alley or other public place in said Village, any person having cholera, yellow fever, small pox, scarlet fever or dipth¬ eria, or allow such sick person to go out into any street, alley or other public place in said Village until such time after recovery as shall be prescribed by the health warden or attending physician, ex¬ cept as prescribed in section six of this article. But such owner or occupant shall, incase no physician be called, immediately report such case to the health warden, and any person who shall violate any clause of, or neglect to perform any duty required in this section, shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. 99 . Sec. 3. The health warden shall keep a book in which he shall record a complete account of all cases of cholera, yellow fever, small pox, scarlet fever and diptheria, including the name, age, sex, nationality and such other facts attainable as he shall deem neces¬ sary to a complete statistical record of such cases occuring in said Village. 100 . Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the health warden to visit and examine—or cause the same to be done by a competent physician, who may be attending physician—all persons who may be reported to him, or whom he may have reason to suppose to be, laboring under cholera, yellow fever, small pox, scarlet fever or diptheria—except that when such report shall be made by a legally practicing physician he shall record it as conclusive — and upon finding satisfactory evi- ORDINANCES. dence of the existence of such disease lie shall at once report the same to the Village Marshal. 101. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Village Marshal, when notified by the health warden of the existence of cholera, yellow fever, small pox, scarlet fever or diptheria to cause a sign of warning to the public to be so placed on said building or premises that it may be seen and read by persons approaching said house or places and if any person shall tear down, mutilate, destroy or remove any such warning without the permission of the health warden, such person shall be liable for such offense to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. The occupant of the house or premises upon which such notice or warning shall be placed shall be responsible for the removal of the same, and if it shall be removed without the permission of the health warden such occupant shall be subject to a line of not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars. 102 . Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the health warden, Presi¬ dent of the Board of Trustees, and Village Marshal of Meredosia, in case of the occurance of cholera, yellow fever, small-pox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever or diptheria in a person or persons destitute of a home or occupying a hotel or other public place of resort, or in a private family under circumstances which in the judgement of said officers shall work especial hardship, to secure a place as secluded as practi¬ cable to which such sick person or persons shall be removed. The above named officers shall supply the needed subsistence, nursing, medicines and supplies the necessary length of time, and they shall have the power to make the necessary provisions in advance for the care of persons affected with either of the above named diseases, when, in their judgement, public safety or economy mav require it. 103 . Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the attending physician to report the recovery of any person who has been sick with small pox, cholera, yellow fever, scarlet fever or diptheria. Such report shall be made on blanks furnished for that purpose, and no sign of warning shall be removed except upon the order of the health warden. 104 Sec. 8. No person or persons shall hold or conduct any funeral service in a church or other place of public assembly in case of death by small pox, cholera, yellow fever, diptheria or scarlet fever, within the Village limits of said. Village.- And in case of death from any of the above named diseases the coffin shall be closed before the funeral by the person or persons having charge of such funeral, and shall not again be opened. And no person or persons under the age of eighteen years shall act as pall bearer or in any other capacity at such funeral. 105 . Sec. ft. Any person or persons violating or failing to com- ORDINANCES 21 ply with any of the provisions of the seventh or eighth sections of this article shall be fined in a sum of not less than three nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. • 106. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the Village Marshal to see to it that no sign of warning of cholera, yellow fever, small pox, scar¬ let fever, or diptheria is torn down, defaced or otherwise destroyed or removed until such time as its removal shall be ordered by the health warden; to replace such sign of warning and to trace, find out and prosecute any person or persons who shall illegally deface, destroy or remove such sign of warning, or shall violate or neglect any of the provisions of this article. (See Nuisances). ARTICLE VI. THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD 107 . Section 1 . It shall be unlawful for any undertaker, sexton, or any other person, to remove, or cause to be removed, for the pur¬ pose of burial, the body of any person without a burial permit having first been obtained, as hereinafter provided. 108 . Sec. 2. Every undertaker, sexton, or other person, before removing any corpse for interment, shall present to the health war¬ den a certificate from the attending physician, setting forth the name, age, nationality, occupation and cause of death. 106 . Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the health warden to ex¬ amine all certificates of death presented to him, and it shall appear that such certificate was duly issued and obtained according to the provisions and the tenor of this article, he shall issue a burial permit and give the person obtainingthe same full power and authority to remove or bury the body of the deceased named in said permit. The health warden shall keep a complete record of the mortality statistics of the Village and shall, at least once a month, make a report to the Village Board 110. Sec. 4. In case of death occuring without medical atten¬ dance on the deceased, the health warden shall, upon application be¬ ing made, issue a burial permit for such deceased; provided , that should he, upon examination of the case, discover circumstances of a criminal nature, he shall refer the matter to the proper officers of the law for further investigation. 111. Sec. 5. Any undertaker, sexton, or other person who shall violate the provisions of section one of this article shall be subject to a fine of not less than three nor more than twenty dollars. Any physician refusing or neglecting to make such certificate of death, as provided in section two, shall forfeit and pay to the Village not 24 ORDINANCES. less than live nor more than ten dollars for each and every offense, to be collected as in other cases of violation of a Village ordinance. 112. Sec.» 6. In case of any death beyond the Village limits, ap¬ plications for a burial permit must be made to the health warden, provided such deceased person is to be buried in any cemetery under the control of the Village of Meredosia, and in case such application is made as aforesaid, unaccompanied by a physician’s certificate of death, the health warden may, in his discretion, issue a burial per¬ mit after due investigation of the case. 113 . Sec. T. The sexton of Oakland cemetery shall see that no grave is dug in said respective cemetery unless they first have a per¬ mit from the health warden. 114 . Sec. 8. The sexton of Oakland cemetery shall return all burial permits received by him, to the health warden at the first of every month, with a complete list of all the interments made since last report, and every burial shall be attested by a permit. 115 . Sec. 9. Any person violating Section Seven or Eight of this article, or failing to comply with any of the requirements of said sections Seven or Eight, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. 116 . Sec. 10. Neither the attending physician nor the health warden shall be entitled to any remuneration by reason of issuing a certificate of death or burial permit. 117 . Sec. 11. The Village Clerk shall furnish the health war¬ den blank permits of proper form, and shall also furnish a blank book suitably arranged for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this article. ARTICLE VII. PIG PENS. IIS. Section 1. Any pigpen or place where swine are kept, which is offensive or nauseous to any person residing in the vicinity of the same, or to persons passing by the same, is hereby declared to be a nuisance; and every owner or occupant of the premises, who shall fail or refuse to abate such nuisance after notice to do so by the health warden, or any police officer, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. ORDINANCES. 25 GHAPTER VII. LIQUORS, BILLIARDS AND POOL ROOMS. ARTICLE I. LIQUOR LICENSES. 1 19. Section 1. That any person or persons who (unless he or they shall have paid the tax hereinafter provided) shall sell, barter, exchange give away or in any manner dispose of any spirituous, vinous, fermented, mixed, intoxicating, alcoholic or malt liquors, or any wine, beer, ale, porter or bitters, in less quantity than one gallon or in any quantity to be drank upon the premises, within the limits of the Village of Meredosia; or who shall, unless taxed as aforesaid, upon, or in connection with, the sale, exchange, barter or disposal of any goods, chattels or merchandise, or upon any promise, contract or agreement, expressed or implied, or upon any consideration whatever, or without any consideration, deliver or furnish, or knowingly suffer to be taken or received, any of the aforesaid liquors; or who shall, unless taxed as aforesaid, keep, have deposited or stored away for the purpose hereinbefore specified, within the limits of the Village of Meredosia, any of the said liquors, shall be deemed, considered and adjudged guilty of a nuisance, and shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay to said Village of Meredosia not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. 1 20. Sec. 2. A majority vote of the Village Board shall be nec- cessary to determine whether a license or licenses or certificate of tax shall be granted, and the annual amount to be paid for said cer¬ tificate of tax or license by each applicant or applicants, which shall in each case, until otherwise ordained, be six hundred and fifty dol¬ lars, the same to be paid quarterly in advance; and upon the filing of the application and the bond duly approved by the President of the Board of Trustees, by the applicant or applicants, with the Village Clerk, as provided herein, and the payment of the quarterly install¬ ment as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to issue the certificate or tax or license to the applicant or applicants, the same to be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees and countersigned, under the corporate seal of the Village by the Clerk; and the Village Clerk shall keep a record of all certificates of tax or license granted, the price paid for the same, and the time and ex¬ piration thereof, in a book provided for that purpose. 121 . Sec. 3. No such certificate of tax shall be granted to any ORDINANCES. . 26 minor, nor shall such certificates be granted to any person except upon a written application, filed with the Village Clerk, setting forth distinctly and fully the name of the applicant and the descrip¬ tion of the locality of the room he proposes to use for such business; and in no case shall any such certificates as aforesaid be issued until the applicant, or applicants, and each of them, shall have executed to the Village of Meredosia a good and sufficient bond, with good and sufficient security, for the faithful and careful observance of all the requirements oi this ordinance in the sum of Three Thous¬ and dollars, said bond to be approved by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village. ARTICLE II. 122. Section 1. No person or persons, taxed as aforesaid, shall keep open his or their place of business, or give away, sell or in any way dispose of any of the liquors aforesaid upon Sunday, or upon any day upon which an election for either Village, County, or State pur¬ poses if being held in said Village, nor between the time of half-past ten o’clock p. m. and five o’clock a. m. Any person or persons who shall violate any provision of this section, upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay to said Village of Meredosia not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. ARTICLE III SELLING TO MINORS AND DRUNKARDS. 12B. Section 1. No person or persons, taxed as aforesaid, shall give away, sell or dispose of any liquors to any habitual drunkard, or to any person under the influence of liquor, or to any minor without the written consent of the parents or guardian of such minor, or to any person against the request of the wife, child, parent or guardian of that person; and any wife, child parent, or guardian of such person may make such request as follows, to-wit: By giving to the Village Marshal two written copies of such request, each signed by the person requesting, and such signature attested by the signature of one witness, and the Village Marshal shall serve, or cause to be served, such requests upon the liquor dealer to whom it is directed, and then file the duplicate copy in the Clerk’s office, with the service endorsed thereupon; and for every violation of this sec¬ tion, the said party or parties offending shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each offense or forfeit his or their certificate. ORDINANCES. ARTICLE IV. SELLING ADULTERATED LIQUORS. 124, Section 1. No person or persons, who shall be taxed as aforesaid shall sell, give away, dispose of or deal in any grossly ad¬ ulterated liquors, and any person or persons so dealing may be pro¬ ceeded against under this ordinance, or under the State Statutes in such cases made and provided; and the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village may, at his discretion, from time to time, appoint a suitable and competent person as inspector, who shall care¬ fully examine the liquors kept by persons aforesaid, and shall pro¬ nounce upon and report their quality; and, moreover, if such report of such inspection shall charge any person or persons, who shall be taxed as aforesaid, with a violation of this section of this ordinance, and if such charge so preferred, shall, in the opinion of the Village Board, set forth a good and sufficient cause, then said Village Board shall, by a majority vote, revoke the certificate of tax of such per¬ son so violating, and such revocation shall be based upon an ex parte hearing. ARTICLE V. disturbance of the peace in saloons. 125. Section 1. No person or persons, who shall be taxed as aforesaid shall, in any room, saloon or place used by him or them for the business aforesaid, suffer, allow or permit any shouting, halloo¬ ing, bawling, screaming, hooting, singing, quarreling, whooping, dancing, fighting, or the use of profane or obscene language, or any other loud or unusual noises or sounds, so as to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood, or of persons passing through the streets; and every person or persons so offending shall be deemed and ad¬ judged guilty of a nuisance, and shall, upon conviction thereof, for¬ feit and pay to the Village of Meredosia, not less than three nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense; and in case good order shall be disturbed as aforesaid, in any taxed saloon aforesaid, the person or persons keeping the same shall be deemed guilty of a vio¬ lation of this section of this ordinance any their conviction under this section of this ordinance, shall work a forfeiture of the certi¬ ficate of the person or persons so offending. ARTICLE VI. 0 GAMING IN SALOONS. 126. Section 1. No person or persons, who shall be taxed as aforesaid shall suffer, allow or permit to be played any game of 28 ORDINANCES. chance or skill, for any purpose whatever, at any time in anv room on his or their premises, or under his or their control; nor shall he or they keep or allow to remain in his or their room as aforesaid, any billiard table, cards, dice, or any other tool, implement or machine with which any game of skill or chance is played, nor shall he or they leave his or their saloon at any hour of night or day until he or« they shall have extinguished all lights burning therein: provided, that billiard tables may be kept in any place licensed as aforesaid, if, the regular license be paid as provided in the ordinance provision licens¬ ing the keening of billiard tables. ARTICLE VII. SCREENED WINDOWS AND DOORS. 127 . Section 1 . Itshall be unlawful to keep for sale intoxicat¬ ing liquors in any building with painted or screened windows or screened doors, or any screen or anything before the door or inside the building or any partitions inside the building, behind which liquors shall be sold or drank, or any object obstructing the view of the bar from the street wholly or in part, and every person violating this section shall be lined not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for every offense; and it shall be a condition of the license that these requirements be observed, and any violation there¬ of shall work the immediate forfeiture of the license; and it shall be the duty of the Village authorities to at once close up the establish¬ ment. No license shall be granted to be used in connection with any eating house or restaurant, and any party having obtained license who shall afterwards used it in connection with any eating house or restaurant shall forfeit the same by that act, aud his license shall be null and void. ARTICLE VIII. SALOONS SUBJECT TO VISITATION BY VILLAGE OFFICERS. 128 . Section 1 . The saloon of any person or persons, who shall be taxed as aforesaid, shall be subject at all times to visitation by the President of the Board of Trustees or any member of the Village Board, or Village Marshal, and they or either of them, shall have power, upon reasonable grounds of suspicion that any provision of this ordinance is being violated therein, to enter peaceably, or, if refused or resisted after demand made, and competent process had, forcibly , any such saloon aforesaid, and may arrest without process, any persons found therein guilty, or reasonably supposed to be guilty, of a violatoin of any provision of this ordinance. ORDINANCES. ARTICLE IX. 29 SALE OF LIQUORS BY DRUGGISTS. 129. Section 1. This ordinance shall not apply bo the sale of any of the liquors aforesaid by any established apothecary or drug¬ gist for sacramental or medicinal purposes; provided, the same are sold in good faith for such purposes—when for sacramental purposes, un¬ der the certificate of an officer of the church; when for medicinal pur¬ poses, under the prescription of a practicing physician; and every person violating this section shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for every offense. ARTICLE X. ORDINANCE AFFIXED TO LICENSE. 130. Section 1 . To every certificate that shall be issued as aforesaid shall be affixed a copy of this chapter of this ordinance, printed in a clear and legible style, and every person licensed there¬ by shall have a printed copy of the same in his saloon, in such place as the Village Marshal shall approve, and shall carefully keep the same in such condition and so displayed that it may attract the at¬ tention of, and be easily read by, every person who enters said saloon. ARTICLE XI COMPLAINTS OF VIOLATION. 131. Section 1. Any resident of said Village who believes he or she has proof of the violation of any of the provisions of this ordi¬ nance may make complaint of such violation, and he or she shall give to the President of the Board of Trustees or Village Marshal the name or names of the witness or witnesses upon whose testimony he or she relies to substantiate his or her complaint. ARTICLE XII PENALTY. 132. Section 1. In all cases, not hereinbefore specified, any per¬ son or persons who shall violate, or permit upon his premises or about his place of business, any violation of any provision of this ordinance, shall be deemed, considered and adjudged guilty of a 30 ORDINANCES. nuisance, and, upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay to said Village of Meredosia, for the first violation thereof, the sum of twenty- five dollars and for a second and every subsequent violation, the sum of fifty dollars. ARTICLE XIII. FORFEITURE OF LICENSE. 133. Section 1. The said Village Board shall have power at any time, when in their discretion they may deem it best or advisable, to revoke the certificate of any person or persons whom they have licen¬ sed as aforesaid; provided, such revocation shall not be effected by less than a majority vote of said Village Board. And provided, also, that upon such revocation the person forfeiting such license shall be refunded a just proportion of the money paid by him therefor. If any seller of intoxicating liquors shall be twice convicted of a viola¬ tion of this ordinance the Village Board may declare his license for¬ feited in manner following: Said party holding such license shall have three days’ notice, in writing of the time and place where the Village Board will consider the question of the forfeiture of his license, and shall have an opportunity to be heard in defense. The production of evidence of two convictions of the provisions of this ordinance shall be sufficient grounds for the Village Board to declare the license of the party so convicted forfeited. ARTICLE XIV. BILLIARD OR POOL ROOM. 134. Section 1. The tax or license fee for keeping a billiard or pool room shall be fifteen dollars per annum per each table kept in such room. 135. Sec. 2. Upon a resolution adopted by the Village Board, the President and Clerk of the Board shall issue a license to the per¬ son or persons applying therefor, upon payment of the tax perscribed in section one of this article. 13(5. Sec. 3. No such billiard or pool room shall be kept and op¬ erated in or in connection with any saloon, or other place Where in¬ toxicating liquors are sold. 137. Sec. 4. Any person violating the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. ORDINANCES. 31 GHAPTER VIII. MISDEMEANORS. ARTICLE I. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS AND DECENCY. DRNUKENNESS. 138. Section 1. It shall nob be lawful for any person to be found in said Village in a state of intoxication in any highway, thoroughfare, or other public place; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. INDECENT BEHAVIOR. • 139. Sec. 2. No person shall be guilty of any indecent or lewd act or behavior, or shall exhibit, sell or offer bo sell any indecent, lewd or obscene or immoral book, picture, photograph or illustration or other thing, or shall exhibit or perform any lewd, indecent or im¬ moral play or representation, or shall appear in any public place in a state of nudity, or in any indecent or lewd dress, or shall make any indecent exposure of his or her person; and every one violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ben nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. GAMING HOUSE. 140 . Sec. 3. No person shall keep or maintain a common gam¬ ing house or room, or any place where betting is done, or procure or permit any person or persons to frequent any place occupied, owned or controlled by him or her, or to come together at such place, at any time, and play any game for money or other valuable thing, for any check or representative of value; and every person violating this sec¬ tion shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars. GAMING INSTRUMENTS IN BUILDINGS. 141 . Sec. 4. No person shall keep or permit bo be used in any building or place used, occupied, controlled or owned by such per¬ son, any keno table, faro bank, shuffle boards, cards, or any other in- 32 ORDINANCES. strument, devise or thing commonly used for the purpose of gaming, and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than twenty five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars; and any member of the police force of the Village may seize any such instrument, device or thing used for the purpose of gaming, or by which money or other articles of value may be lost or won, and all such instruments, devices or things may be demolished or des¬ troyed. OBTAINING MONEY BY DEVICE OR GAME. 142 . Sec. 5. No person shall obtain, or attempt to obtain, from any other person, any money or other property by any means, instru¬ ment, device or game, the operation or result of which is determined by chance or luck; nor shall any person attempt to obtain money or property from any other person by the use of any devices commonly called “confidence game.” And no person shall, in said Village, sell or give away to any person any number, ticket, picture or other thing, which shall call for, win or draw money or other property by chance, or which shall entitle, or purport to entitle the purchaser to any chance to win or secure a prize. And every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every offense. INMATE OF GAMING HOUSE. 14 : 5 . Sec. 6. No person shall be an inmate of any gaming house or room within the Village of Meredosia, or shall be in any way con¬ nected therewith, or shall frequent the same, or shall be found there¬ in, or shall play for money or other valuable thing at any game with cards, dice, checks, billiards, or any other article, instrument, device or thing whatsoever, or bet on any such game when played or to be played by others or be guilty of selling pools; and every person violat¬ ing this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty- five nor more than two hundred dollars. HOUSES OF ILL FAME. 144 . Sec. 7. No person shall keep or maintain any house of ill fame, bawdy house, house of assignation, or place for the practice of fornication, or knowingly, as owner, proprietor, landlord, or lessor, be interested in any such house, either within said Village or within three miles of the outer boundaries of said Village, and every person so offending shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars for every offense; and no person shall be an inmate of, visitor to, contributor to the support of, found in, or in any way, (not hereinbefore specified) connected with any such house, and every person so offending shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten nor more than two hundred dollars for every offense. Such houses ORDINANCES. 33 are hereby declared bo be public nuisances, and the Village Marshal may remove such nuisances in the most summary manner, and all ex¬ penses attending such removals shall be paid by occupants or keepers of such house or houses, and may be collected by an action of debt in the name of the Village. Whenever in any trial for the violation of any provision of this section it shall be material to prove the purpose for which any house in this Village is or may be used or kept, it shall be lawful, both for the Village and the accused, to introduce evidence touching the general character and reputation of such house. DISORDERLY HOUSE. 145 . Sec. 8. No person shall keep a common, ill-governed or disorderly house or be an inmate thereof; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten nor more than two hundred dollars. POSTING IMMORAL PICTURES. 14 <>. Sec. 9. No bill poster or other person shall exhibit or post, on any bill boafd, or shall circulate any obscene, indecent, or immoral picture, book, drawing, engraving, card, circular, photograph or lith¬ ograph, and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. ARTICLE II. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC PEACE AND QUIET. ASSAULT AND BATTERY, RIOT, ROUT OR AFFRAY. 147 . Section 1. No person or persons shall commit any assault, or assault and battery, upon any person or persons, or shall be en¬ gaged in any riot, rout or affray; and every person violating this sec¬ tion shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. permitting disturbance of the peace. 148 . Sec. 2. No person shall, in any house or place used or oc¬ cupied by him or her, suffer or permit hallooing, shouting, bawling, screaming, the use of profane or abusive language, fighting, dancing, singing, whooping, quarreling, or any other unusual noises or sounds to be made in such a manner as to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or those passing through the streets; and every person 34 ORDINANCES. violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty dollars for the first offense. DISTURBING THE PEACE. 140. Sec 3. No person shall halloo, shout, bawl, scream, use profane or obscene language, dance, sing, whoop, quarrel, -or make any unusual noise or sound in any house, or in any part of said Vil¬ lage in such manner as to disturb the peace and quiet of the neigh¬ borhood or those passing through the streets, or conduct himself in an indecent or disorderly manner in any hotel, railroad depot, saloon, auction room, or other public office or place in said Village; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty dollars for the first offense. DISTURBING ANY ASSEMBLAGE OR MEETING. 150. Sec. 4. No person shall disturb any lawful assemblage of people by whistling, shouting, screaming, or by any other loud or un¬ necessary noise or by rude or indecent behavior, either within the place of assemblage or so near the same as to disturb the peace or or¬ der of the meeting; and every person violating this section shall, up¬ on conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. GIVING FALSE ALARM OF FIRE. 151. Sec. 5. No person shall make or give a false alarm of fire; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. USING ABUSIVE OR INSULTING LANGUAGE. 152, Sec. 6. No person shall use any language personally abusive- and insulting, such as tends to produce disturbances and breach of the peace; and every person violating this section shall, upon con¬ viction be fined not less than three nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. • ARTICLE III. OFFENSES CONCERNING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. 153. Section 1 . No person shall in anywise deface or injure the fence around any public square in said Village, or turn any cow, horse or other animal into any public square, or cut, hack or injure any tree or trees standing in any public square, or in any street or ORDINANCES. 35 sidewalk in said Village; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for every such offense. BEASTS OF BURDEN ON SIDEWALK. 154. Sec. 2. No person shall in said Village lead, ride, drive or place any pig, hog, bull, steer, cow, heifer, calf, beast of burden, or any vehicle, on any paved sidewalk or footway or on any grass plat .between the curbing of the street and the sidewalk, or on any grass plat in proximity to any sidewalk, except in going into or out of premises owned or occupied by him or his employers, or shall hitch to any lamp post, or to any ornamental or shade tree growing in any street or sidewalk in said Village; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. SPREADING WATER OYER SIDEWALKS, ETC. 155. Sec. 3. Every person owning or occupying any building in said Village shall cause the pipes or troughs conducting water from the roof of the building to be so constructed or altered as not to spread the water over the sidewalk or public crossings: and every per¬ son violating this section shall upon conviction, be fined not less than three or more than ten dollars for every week he or she so neglects to cause the said pipes to be constructed or altered as not to spread the water over said sidewalk or crossing. TRAP DOORS, ETC., IN SIDEWALK OR THOROUGHFARE. 156. Sec. 4. No person shall construct, or cause to be construct¬ ed, any trap door in any sidewalk, or leave open any cellar door, grating or vault on any highway, thoroughfare or sidewalk, or suffer any such door or grating, belonging to premises occupied by him, to obstruct the sidewalk in any way, or be in an insecure condition, whereby persons may be in danger of falling into a cellar or vault; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. DRAYS, CARTS, WAGONS, ETC., IN STREETS, ETC. 157. Sec* 5. All drays, carts, wagons, or other carriages of any description, laden or unladen, unemployed, or when making tem¬ porary stop-pages in any of the streets, lanes, avenues or alleys in said Village, shall be placed by the drivers thereof, on either side of the street, lane, avenue or alley, lengthwise, close to the curbing of the pavements, or in such position that the center of the street, 30 ORDINANCES. lane, avenue or alley may be left open and free for all carriages, drays, carts, wagons, or other conveyances going to and fro, but no such dray, cart, wagon or other carriage shall be placed in any street, lane, avenue or alley of said Village, in such a manner as to cross the footway, or prevent a free passage to any such pathway, street, lane, avenue or alley; nor shall any dray, cart, wagon or other car¬ riage, when umemployed, be left or permitted to stand in any street, lane, avenue or alley of said Village without leaving at least ten feet of the center of such lane, street, avenue, or alley for travel to and fro; provided, that no person shall be permitted to place any wagon, cart, dray or other carriage lengthwise of the curbing as hereinbefore provided, unless he or she shall be the owner or occu¬ pant of the lot before which the same shall be placed and no per¬ son shall so place any vehicle longer than twenty-four hours under any circumstances; and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. INJURING PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY. 158 . Sec. 6. No person shall walk or run on the capping of any fence around the grounds used as public school grounds in said Vil¬ lage or in anywise deface or injure the same, or cut, hack, or injure any tree standing or growing in said grounds, or willfully injure or deface any schoolhouse or property therein, belonging either to the Village or any board of school trustees, or corporation or private person, or any woodshed, privy, pump, well, cistern, lock, or any other property whatever within the enclosure of said grounds, or either of them, or shall turn any cow, horse, mule, hog,-or other domestic animal, into either of said grounds; and every person viola¬ ting this section shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. DEFACING POSTERS. 159 . Sec. 7. No person shall destroy, tear, mutilate, cover over, or otherwise deface or injure any bill or poster (posted in such places as may be permitted) without the consent of the person oa whose be¬ half the same shall have been posted; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be lined not less than three nor more than twenty-live dollars for each and every offense. BICYCLES ON SIDEWALKS. 160 . Sec. 8. No person shall ride any bicycle on any sidewalk in said Village; and every person violating this section shall be fined not less than three nor more than ten dollars for every offense. ORDINANCES. 37 WHEEL TIRES. 161 . Sec. 9. No person shall draw or drive any vehicle with felloes and tires less than three inches in breadth on any street pave¬ ment now or hereafter consrtucted within the Village of Meredosia with a burden heavier than eight thousand pounds. No person shall draw or drive any street’car (except upon a railway track) or any traction engine or other machine with corrugated or toothed wheels, over or upon any pavement now or hereafter constructed in said Village; every person violating any provision of this section shall up¬ on conviction, be lined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. ARTICLE IV. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY. DISCHARGING FIRE ARMS. 162. Section 1. That no person shall, within the limits of said Village, lire or discharge any cannon, musket, rifle, pistol, fowling piece or other firearms, or air guns, except in case of necessity, or in the performance of a lawful act or duty, or discharge or set off any crackers, rocket, torpedo, squib, or other fireworks, within the limits of said Village, without permission, first obtained from the Presi¬ dent of the Board of Trustees or some police officer of said Village; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offense. FIRES IN STREETS AND ALLEYS. 163 . Sec. 2. No person shall, in any of the streets, lanes, or alleys of said Village, or upon the public square therein, make or kindle any fire so near to any fence, sidewalk, building or tree as to damage the same; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offense. FAST DRIVING—CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. 164 . Sec. 3. No person shall, in said Village, ride or drive any beast of burden in any highway, thoroughfare or other public place at a greater rate of speed than eight miles per hour, unless in case of urgent necessity) or ride or drive any such animal so as to cause any such animal or vehicle thereto attached to come into collision with or strike any other animal or vehicle, or any person; or leave any such animal standing in any public place without being fastened or so guarded as to prevent his running away; or inhumanly, unneces¬ sarily or cruelly whip, injure or otherwise abuse any animal; and 38 ORDINANCES. every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for every offense. VEHICLES MEETING TO TURN TO THE RIGHT. 165 . Sec. 4. In all cases of persons meeting each other in vehicles in any highway or thoroughfare in said Village, each person so meeting shall turn off and go to the right hand side of the thor¬ oughfare or highway, so as to enable each vehicle to pass without accident; and every person violating this section shall, upon convic¬ tion, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offense. CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS. 166 . Sec. 5. No person shall wear or have concealed about his person any pistol or revolver, billy, knuckles of brass, lead or other metal, slung shot, razor, dirk knife, bowe knife, or any other danger¬ ous or deadly weapon; and any person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than two hun¬ dred dollars for each offense. Whenever any person shall be convict¬ ed of a violation of this section, a part of the judgment of the court shall be the forfeiture of the weapon so carried. BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS. 167 . Sec. 6. No person shall sell, offer to sell, keep for sale, buy, carry or have in his possession, any blank cartridge, otherwise known as toy pistol; and every person violating this section shall, upon con¬ viction, be fined not less than three nor more than twenty-five dol¬ lars for each and every offense. GUNPOWDER. 168 . Sec. 7 . No store or shop-keeper, or other person, shall keep at the same time in any house, shop, store, cellar, or warehouse, or any other place within two blocks of the public square of said Vil¬ lage, more than seventy-five pounds of gunpowder; and every person violating this section shall, upon conviction, be fined the sum of ten dollars for every such offense. It shall be lawful for any police or other magistrate of said Village, whenever he shall be informed up¬ on oath that there is reasonable cause to suspect any person of con¬ cealing or keeping within said limits, as specified in this section any quantity of gunpowder over and above seventy-five pounds as afore¬ said, to issue a search warrant to examine into the truth of such al- ORDINANCES. 39 legation or suspicion, and bo search any place in such allegation or oath mentioned. TRAINING HORSES. 16D. Sec. 8. No person shall brain or break bo harness or vehicle any horse, colt or other animal, in or upon any public ground or highway of said Village; and every person violating this section shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. ARTICLE V. VAGABONDS. 170. Section 1. All persons who are idle and dissolute, and who go about begging; all persons who use any juggling or other unlawful games or plays; runaways; pilferers; confidence men;common drunk¬ ards; common night-walkers; lewd, wanton and lascivious persons, in speech or behavior, common railers and brawlers; persons who are habitually neglectful of their employment or calling, and do not law¬ fully provide for themselves, or for the support of their families; and all person who are idle or dissolute and who neglect all lawful busi¬ ness, and who habitually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame, gaming houses or tippling shops; all persons lodging in, or found in the night time in out houses, sheds, barns or unoccupied buildings or lodging in the open air, and not giving a good account of themselves; and all persons who are known bo be thieves, burglars or pickpockets, either by their own confession or otherwise, or by having been convicted of larceny, burglary, or other crimes against the laws of the State, punishable by imprisonment in the State prison, or in a house of correction of any city, and having no lawful means of support, and are habitually found prowling around any steamboat landing, railroad depot, banking institution, broker’s of¬ fice, place of public amusement, auction room, store, shop or crowd¬ ed thoroughfare, car or omnibus, or at any public gathering or as¬ sembly, or lounging about any court room, private dwelling houses or out-houses, or are found in any house of ill-fame, gambling house, or tippling shop, shall be deemed to be and they are declared to be vagabonds. 171. Sec. 2. Every such person as referred bo in section one of this article shall be arrested by the proper Village authorities on sight, or upon a warrant which shall be issued by any magistrate of this Village upon the sworn complaint of any citizen thereof, and directed to the proper officer, and such person shall forthwith be brought before any magistrate of this Village; and if arrested upon sight, and without warrant, the officer making the arrest shall there¬ upon make a sworn statement or complaint before the magistrate before whom such person is brought, setting forth the grounds upon 40 ORDINANCES. which the arrest was made. The magistrate shall thereupon pro¬ ceed to hear, try and determine such cause as in other cases of a violation of a Village ordinance; if convicted the defendent shall be fined for the first offense in the sum of five dollars and in default of payment of such fine, together with the costs of the suit, he shall be forced to labor, under the supervision of the Village Marshal, on the streets, alleys or other public works of this Village, with a ball and chain weighing not more than ten pounds securely attached to the right leg, for the period of six days, working ten hours each day, and shall, during this time, when not at work as aforesaid, be securely lodged in the Village prison, ARTICLE VI. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. 172 . Section 1 . Whoever disturbs the peace and good order of society by labor (works of necessity and charity excepted), or by any amusement or diversion on Sunday, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than two hundred dollars. This section shall not be con¬ strued to prevent water men and railroad companies from landing their passengers, or watermen from loading their cargoes, or ferry¬ men from carrying over the water travelers and persons moving their families, on the first day of the week nor to prevent the due exercise of the rights of conscience by whomever thinks proper to keep any day as a Sabbath. 173 . Sec. 2. Whoever keeps open anyplace of business for the purpose of vending goods, wares or merchandise, on Sunady (except in case of necessity or charity and except in case of drug stores, which may be kept open for the sole purpose of filling medical perscriptions and selling medicines), shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten nor more than two hundred dollars for every offense. 174 . Sec. 3. Whoever plays, on Sunday, at billiards, ten-pins, ball, or any other game, in any highway or other public place, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for every offense; and whoever engages on Sunday in any amusement or diversion which disturbs the peace and good order of society, shall be subject to a similar penalty. ARTICLE VII. OFFENSES AGAINST OFFICIAL AUTHORITY. 175 . Section 1 . No person shall falsely assume or represent himself to be an officer of said Village, or, without being duly authorized by the Village board or Village Marshal of said Village, ORDINANCES. 41 exercise or attempt to exercise any of the functions or powers of an officer of said Village or shall hinder, obstruct, resist, or otherwise interfere with any officer of said Village in the discharge of his offi¬ cial duties, or attempt to rescue from such officer any person in his custody; and every person so offending shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every such offense. It shall be the duty of all persons to aid and assist the Marshal, and all other officers of said Village whenever call¬ ed upon by them to do so, in arresting any person or persons for the violation of any ordinance of said Village of Meredosia; and any per¬ son failing so to do, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every such offense. GHAPTER IX. NUISANCES. ARTICLE I. OBSTRUCTIONS IN HIGHWAYS. 176 . Section 1 . Any and every obstruction in or upon any pub¬ lic ground or highway in the Village of Meredosia is hereby declared to be a nuisance; provided, that any person engaged in erecting or re¬ pairing any building or fence, or improving any lot on any such street, lane, avenue or alley, may receive a written permission from the Village Marshal to deposit materials therein and contiguous to such lot for such length of time as said officer may deem necessary for such erection and improvements; and, provided further, that such permission shall not extend to more than one-half the width of the sidewalk adjacent to such improvement or to more than fourteen feet of the street adjacent to said sidewalk, the gutter always being left free and unobstructed. ARTICLE II. OBSTRUCTING water courses. 177 . Section 1 . Anything and everything so placed as to ob- 42 ORDINANCES. struct in any manner any ditch, gutter, drain, sewer, or water course in said Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE III. RUBBISH IN HIGHWAYS. 178 . Section 1 . Any and every paper, pasteboard, dirt, chips, wood, brick, stone, glassware, crockery, or other rubbish, and any and every dead animal, manure, filth, noxious or offensive matter placed or deposited in or upon any public ground or highway in said Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE IV. OFFENSIVE THINGS AND PLACES. 17D. Section 1. Any and all filthy or unclean water conducted, in any manner, into or upon any public ground or highway in said Village, and anything endangering the health of any citizen, and any sink-hole or other place or thing offensive to the neighborhood in which the same may be, i§ hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE V. SLAUGHTER HOUSES AND UNWHOLESOME TRADES. 180 . Section 1 . Each and every slaughter house and every manufactory, establishment or place in which shall be carried on any art, trade or manufacture causing any unwholesome and offensive odor or smell, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE VI. DEAD ANIMALS. 181 . Section 1 . Any and every dead animal left to putrify in any part of said Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE VII. STAGNANT WATER. 182 . Section 1 . Any and all water left standing or stagnant upon any lot, part or parcel of land within said Village, because of insufficient or improper ditching or draining or grading is hereby de¬ clared to be a nuisance. ORDINANCES. 43 ARTICLE VIII. FILTHY HOUSES AND LOTS. 188 . Section 1 . Any and every lot, part or parcel of land, build¬ ing-, premises or appurtenances thereto, of whatever description, which shall contain any filth, material or thing offensive to the neighborhood in which the same may be, or any thing of an un¬ healthy character, or any thing of a character likely to contribute to disease contagion or infection of any kind, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE IX FEEDING STOCK IN HIGHWAYS. 184. Section 1. The feeding of any hogs, cattle or other live stock in any public ground or highway in said Village is hereby de¬ clared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE X. CROWDING SIDEWALKS. 185. Sectson 1. The crowding of persons upon any sidewalk or highway at any auction sale or elsewhere, in such manner as to obstruct the free and convenient passage of persons along and across any said sidewalk or highway, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE XI. AWNINGS. 180, Section 1. Any and every unsafe or decayed or unsteady awning in said Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE XII STALLIONS — KEEPING. 187, Section 1. The keeping or causing to be kept in an in¬ decent or disorderly manner, of any stallion or jackass, in said Vil¬ lage, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE XIII. STALLIONS—EXHIBITING. 188. Section 1 . The public exhibiting, in any indecent manner, 44 ORDINANCES. of any stallion or jackass, in said Village, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. ARTICLE XIV. PENALTY. 189. Section. 1. Whoever shall create or continue any of the nuisances in this chapter defined or suffer the same to exist, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than two hun¬ dred dollars for each and every offense. ARTICLE XV. ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES. 190. Section I. Whoever shall create, continue or suffer any of the nuisances in this chapter defined, shall be notified in writing by the Village Marshal to abandon and abate the same within forty- eight hours after service of said notice, and on failure of said person to comply with said notice, the Village Marshal shall forthwith cause said nuisance to be abated and the expense of such abate¬ ment of nuisance shall be collected by suit brought by the Village against the person notified. (See-Health Department.) GHAPTER X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. ARTICLE I. GENERAL PENALTY- 191. Section 1. Every person, Company orcorporation violating any of the foregoing provisions of these ordinances, where no other fine or penalty is provided, shall be fined not less than five nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. ARTICLE II. GENERAL REPEAL. 192, Sfction 1 All public or general ordinances or parts there¬ of, not included within these ordinances are hereby repealed; pro¬ vided, that no right, debt, obligation, or liability accrued or incurred, ORDINANCES. 45 and no tine, penalty or forfeiture, assessed, imposed or declared, and no suit, prosecution or action instituted and pending, under or by virtue of any such ordinance shall be released, discharged or anulled, ( or in any wise affected by such repeal; but the same may be prosecu¬ ted, recovered, completed and enjoyed in the same manner, and as fully, in all respects, as if such ordinances, or parts thereof, had re¬ mained in full force. 193 , Sec. 2. Special or private ordinances, orders and resolu¬ tions, passed by the Village Board, are not hereby repealed or mod¬ ified unless the same be repugnant to the provisions of this ordi¬ nance. ARTICLE III. THE TAKING EFFECT OF THIS ORDINANCE. 194 . Section 1 . THESE ORDINANCES SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER THEIR PASSAGE. 195 . Sec. 2. These ordinances shall be printed and published in pamphlet form, to be entitled “ORDINANCES OF THE VIL¬ LAGE OF MEREDOSIA.” We hereby certify that the foresgoing ordinances were passed and approved this 28th day of February, A. D. 1907. JOSEPH S. SCHMITT, President of Board of Trustees. E. F. PRICE, Village Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of Morgan, V SS. Village of Meredosia. \ 1, E. F. Price, Village Clerk-of the Village of Meredosia, do hereby certify that the above and foregoingis a true copy of the Ordinances of the Village of Meredosia, Morgan County, Illinois, adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village at their regular meeting held on the 28th day of February, A. D. 1907. I further certify that the original Ordinances, of which the forego¬ ing is a certified copy, is by law entrusted to my custody for safe¬ keeping, and is on file in my office. Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said Village this 28th day of February, A. D. 1907. j Corporate Seal of Village ( of Meredosia. E. F. PRICE, Village Clerk. 56 INDEX. Index. INDEX A. SECTION NO. Appropriations. 79 to 80 Anticipation of Taxes. . 82 to 85 Assault and Battery, Riot, Rout or Affray. 147 Awnings. 186 INDEX B. Boundries. 1 Burial of the Dead. . .107 to 118 Billiards or Pool Room.134 to 138 Beast of Burden on Sidewalk. 154 Bicycles on Sidewalks. 160 Blank Cartridge Pistols. 167 index c. Committees. 5 to 14 Village Clerk. 42 to 64 Committee on Public Health. 87 Complaint of Violation... 131 Carrying Concealed Weapons. 166 Crowding Sidewalks. 185 index d. Disturbance of Peace. 125 Drunkenness. 138 Disorderly House.. 154 Disturbing the Peace. 149 Disturbing any Assembly or Meeting,. 150 Drays, Carts, Wagons, Etc., in Streets, Etc. .. 157 Defacing Posters. 159 Discharging Fire Arms. 162 Dead Animals. 181 INDEX. 57 INDEX E. SECTION NO. Effect of this Ordinance.194 to 195 INDEX F. Fees and Salaries.!. 33 Finance Department. 64 to 67 Fiscal Year... 78 Forfeiture of License... 133 Fires in Streets and Aileys. 163 Fast Driving-—Cruelty to Animals. 164 Filthy Houses and Lots. 183 Feeding- Stock in Highway . 184 INDEX G. Gaming in Saloons. 126 Gaming House. 140 Gaming Instruments in Building. .. . 141 Giving False Alarm of Fire. 151 Gunpowder. 168 General Penalty.. 191 General Repeal.192 to 194 INDEX H. Health Department. 85 to 88 Health Warden. 88 to 96 Houses of Ill Fame. 144 INDEX i. Inspection of Markets.. 89 Indecent Behavior. 139 .Jnmates of Gaming House. 143 Injuring Public School Propety. 158 INDEX L. Levy of Taxes. 81 Liquor License.119 to 123 INDEX N. Nuisances, Abatement of. 190 INDEX O. Order of Business. 4 Ordinance Affixed to License. 130 Obtaining Money by Device or Game,. 142 Offenses Concerning Public and Private Property. 153 Offenses against Official Authority. 175 Obstruction in Highways. 176 Obstructing Water Courses. 177 Offensive Things and Places. 179 58 INDEX. INDEX P. SECTION NO. President Board of Trustees. 34 to 42 Pig Pens. 118 Penalties. 132 Posting Immoral Pictures. 146 Permitting Disturbance of Peace. 148 Penalty . 180 INDEX R. Rules. 15 to 32 Rubbish in Highway. 178 index s. Selling Liquors to Minors and Drunkards. 123 Selling Adulterated Liquors. 124 Screened Windows and Doors. 127 Saloons Subject to Visitation by Village Officers.128 to 130 Sale of Liquor by Druggists. 129 Spreading Water on Sidewalks, Etc. 155 Sunday Observance.172 to 175 Stagnant Water. 182 Stallion—Keeping. 187 Stallion Exhibiting. 188 Slaughter Houses and Unwholsome Trades. 180 INDEX T. Time and Place of Meeting. 2 Treatment of Contagious Diseases. 97 to 107 Trap Doors, Etc., in Sidewalks and Thoroughfare. 156 Training Horses. 169 INDEX U. Using Abusive or Insulting Language. 152 INDEX V. Village Treasurer. 67 to 78 Vehicles, Meeting to Turn to the Right.. 165 Vagabonds.I 70 to I 72 index w. Wheel Tires 161