c Itel Co^ I /A Jonathan. Baldwin Turner. A Plan for ail ' Industrial University for the State of Illinois. (1851) .-crsity of fllindi at Urbaiu-Ctuunpaign t This book has been digitized through the generosity of Robert O. Blissard Class of 1957 University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign A PLAN FOR Atf INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS^ SUBMITTED TO THE FARMERS' CONVENTION AT GRANVILLE, Held November 18, 1851, PY PROF. J. B. TURNER. PUBLISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE CONVENTION. Under the supervision of the Committee of Publication. 1851. PROCEEDINGS or TUB FAEMEES' COIVENTION AT GEANVILLE Held November 18, 1851. In accordance with previous notice/ a conven- tion of farmers was held at Granville, Putnam county, on Tuesday the 18th day of November, 1851. j The attendance was quite large and from Tarious parts of the state. The convention! organized by appointing Hon. Oaks Turner, of Hennepin, Chairman pro tern., and Mr. M. Osman, of Ottawa, Secretary pro tern. Mr. Ralph Ware moved that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to nominate per- manent officers for the convention , which was agreed to ; whereupon the chair appointed Messrs. Ralph Ware, John Hise, and Sidney Pulsifer said committee. The committee, after a few minutes absence, ; _^ retarned and reported the following persons as permanent officers of the convention; Hon. Oaks Turner, President. Hon. Wm. Reddick, of Ottawa, and Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, Vice Presidents. Mr. M. Osman, Recording Secretary. Mr. Ralph Ware, of Granville, Cor. Secretary. On motion the report was adopted and the committee discharged.\ The president then stated that he was not fully advised as to the real objects of the convention) and suggested that some one better qualified should make them known. Mr. Ware then stated that, according to the call, they had met to take into consideration such measures as might be deemed most expedient to further the interests of the agricultural communi- ty, and particularly to take steps towards the es- tablishment of an Agricultural University.! On motion of Mr. Greble, a committee of three was appointed to report business upon which the convention should act. The committee consisted of Mr. John Greble, Prof. J. B. Tarner, and Mr. Lewis Weston. During the absence of this committee, short ad- dresses were delivered by Messrs. Hise, Greble, Ware, and others. The committee returned and stated that they would not be fully prepared to report before eve- ning ; aad suggested that the afternoon be devo- ted to a general discussion of such subjects, per- taining to agriculture, as might present themselves. A lively discussion was then commenced on various subjects, in which Powell, of Mt. Palatine, Butler, of Spoon River, Greble, Putnam co., Wes- ton, of La Salle co., Gilmer, of Granville, Reddick, of Ottawa, and others participated. After which the convention adjourned until half past six o'clock in the evening. (EVENING SESSION] The convention was called to order by the Chairman. \ Prof. Turner, as Chairman of the Committee on Business, reported the following resolutions for the future action of the convention : Resolved, That we greatly rejoice in the degree of perfection to which our various institutions, for the education of our brethren engaged in profes- sional, scientific, and literary pursuits, have al- ready attained, and in the mental and moral ele- tation which those institutions have given them, and their consequent preparation and capacity for the great duties in the spheres of life in which they are engaged ; and that we will aid in all ways consistent, for the still greater perfection of such institutions. Resolved, That as the representatives of the in- dustrial classes, including all cultivators of the coil, artisans, mechanics, and merchants, we de- 6 eiire the same niwileges and advantages for our- fle^f&; J. B. TURNER. PLAN fO* A* INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY STATE OF ILLINOIS. {All civilized society is, necessarily, divided in- to two distinct co- operative, not antagonistic, clas- ses: a small class, whose proper business it is to teach the true principles of religion, law, med- icine, science, art, and literature ; and a much lar- ger class who are engaged in some form of labor in agriculture, commerce, and the arts. For the sake of convenience, we will designate the for- mer the PROFESSIONAL and the latter the INDUSTRI- AL class; not implying that each may not be equally industrious : the one in their intellectual, the other in their industrial pursuits. Probably in no case would society ever need more than five men out of one hundred in the professional class, leaving ninety -five in every hundred in the indus- trial ; and, so long as so many of our ordinary teachers and public men are taken from the indus- trial class, as there are at present, and probably will be for generations to come, we do not really need over one professional man for every hundred, leaving ninety -nine in the industrial class. The vast difference, in the practical means, of an APPROPRIATE LIBERAL EDUCATION, Suited to their wants and their destiny, which these two classes enjoy, and ever have enjoyed the world over, must have arrested the attention of every think- ing man. True, the same general abstract science exists in the world for both classes alike, but the means of bringing this abstract truth into effectu- al contact with the daily business and pursuits of the one class does exist, while in the other case it does not exist, and never can till it is new-created. The one class liaveBchools,seminaries, colleges, universities, apparatus, professors, and multitu- dinous appliances for educating and training them for months and years, for the peculiar profession which is to be the business of their life; and they have already created, each class for its own use, a vast and voluminous literature, that would well nigh sink a whole navy of ships. But where arc the universities, the apparatus, the professors, and the literature, specifically adapted to any one of the industrial classes? Echo answers where ? In other words, society has become, long since, wise enough to know that its TEACHERS need to be educated, but it has not yet become wise enough to know that its WORK- ERS need education just as much. In these re- marks I have not forgotten that our common schools are equally adapted and applied to all classes ; but reading, writing, d towns. The object of these institutes should be to ap- ply existing knowledge directly and efficiently to all practical pursuits and professions in life, and to extend the boundaries of our present know- ledge in all possible praciical directions,^ PLAN FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY. There should be connected with such an insti- tution, in this state, a sufficient quantity of land of variable soil and aspect, for all its needful an- nual experiments and processes in the great in" terests of Agriculture and Horticulture. Buildings of appropriate size and construction for all its ordinary and special uses; a complete philosophical, chemical, anatomical, and industri- al apparatus; a general cabinet, embracing eve- rything that relates to, illustrates, or facilitates any one of the industrial arts ; especially all sorts of animals, birds, reptiles, insects, trees, shrubs, and plants found iu this state and the ad- jacent states. Instruction should be constantly given in the anatomy and physiology, the nature, instincts and habits of all animals, insects, trees, and plants ; theirl was of propagation, primogeniture, growth, and decay, disease and health, life and death ; on the nature, composition, adaptation, and regenera- tion of soils ; on the nature, strength, durability, preservation, perfection, composition, cost, use, and manufacture of all materials of art and trade ; on political, financial, domestic, and manual economy, (or the saving of labor, of the hand,) in all industrial processes ; on the true principles of national, constitutional, and civil law; and the true theory and art of governing and controlling ti directing the labor of men in the state, tLc fa- mily, shop, and farm ; on the laws of vicinage, or the laws of courtesy and comity between neigh- bors as such, and on the principles of health and disease in the human subject, so far at least as ia needful for household safety ; on the laws of trade and commerce, ethical, conventional, and i practical; on bookkeeping and accounts; and. in short, in all those studies and sciences, of what- ever sort, which tend to throw ligM upon any art or employment, which any student may desire to master; or upon any duty he may be called to perform ; or which may tend to secure his moral civil, social, and industrial perfection, as a man. No species of knowledge should be excluded, practical or theoretieal ; unless, indeed, those specimens of "organized ignorance" found in the creeds of party politicians, and sectarian ecclesi- astics should be mistaken by some for a species of knowledge. Whether a distinct classical department should be added or not, would depend on expediency. It might be deemed best to leave that department to existing colleges as their more appropriate work, and to form some practical and economical connection with them for that purpose : or it might be best to attach a classical department iu due time to the institution itself. To facilitate the increase and practical appli- cation and diffusion of knowledge, the professors should conduct, each in his own department, a continued series of annual experiments,^ For example let twenty or more acres of each variety of grain (each acre accurately measured) be annually sown, with some practical variation on each acre, as regards the quality and prepera- tion of the soil, the kind and quantity of seed, the time and mode of sowing or planting, the time and modes and processes of cultivation and harvesting, and an accurate account kept of all costs.labor, ttc., and of the final results. Let ana- logous experiments be iried on all the varied pro- ducts of tue farm, the fruit yard, the nursery, and the garden ; on all modes of crossing, rearing, and fattening domestic animals, under various degrees of warmth and of light, with and with- out shelter; on green, dry, raw, ground, and cooked food, cold and warm; on the nature, caus- es, and cure of their various diseases, both of those on the premises and of those brought in from abroad, and advice given, and annual re- forts inude oa those and all similar topics. Let 10 (he professors of physiology and entomology be ever abroad at the proper seasons, with the need- ful apparatus for seeing all things visible and in- visible, and scrutinizing the latent causes of all those blights, blasts, rots, rusts and mildews which so often destroy the choicest products of industry, and thereby impair the health, wealth, and comfort of millions of our fellow men. Let the professor of chemistry carefully analyze the various soils and products of the state, retain spe- cimens, give instruction, and report on their vari- ons qualities, adaptations, and deficiencies. Let similar experiments be made in all other interests of agriculture and mechanic or chemical art, mining, merchandize and transportation by water and by land, and daily practical and expe- rimental instruction given to each student in at- tendance in his own chosen sphere of research or labor in life. Especially let the comparative merits of all labor saving tools, instruments, ma- chines, engines, and processes, be thoroughly and practically tested and explained, so that their be- nefits might be at once enjoyed, or the expense of their cost avoided by the unskilful and unwary. It, is believed by many intelligent men, that from one-third to one-half the annual products of this state are annually lost from ignorance on the above topics. And it can scarcely be doubted that in a few years the entire cost of the whole Institution would be annually saved to the state in the above interests alone, aside from all its other benefits, intellectual, moral, social, and pe- cuniary. The APPARATUS required for such a work is ob- vious. There should be grounds devoted to a bo- tanical and common garden, to orchards and fruit yards, to appropriate lawns and promenades, in which the beautiful art of landscape gardening could be appropriately applied and illustrated, to all varieties of pasture, meadow, and tillage needful for the successful prosecution of the need- ful annual experiments. And on these grounds should be collected and exhibited a sample of ev- ery variety of domestic animal, and of every tree, plant, and vegetable that can minister to the health, wealth, or taste and comfort of the people of the state ; their nature, habits, merits, production, improvement, culture, diseases, and accidents thoroughly scrutinized, tested, and made known to the students and to the people of the etate. There should, aUo, be erected a sufficient num ber of buildings and out-buildings for all the pur- poses above indicated, and a REPOSITORY, in which all the ordinary tools and implements of the institution should be kept, and models of all other useful implements and machines from time to time collected, and tested as-they are proffer- ed to public use. At first it would be for the in- terest of inventors and venders to make such de- posits. But, should similar institutions be adopt- ed in other states, the general government ought to create in each state a general patent office, at- tached to the Universities, similar to the existing deposits at Washington, thus rendering this de- partment of mechanical art and skill more 'acces- sible to the great mass of the people of the Union. I should have said, also, that a suitable indus- trial library should be at onee procured, did net all the world know such a thing to be impossible, and that one of the first and most important du- ties of the professors of such institutions will be to begin to create, at this late hour, a proper j practical literature, and series of text books for the industrial classes. As regards the PROFESSORS, they should, of course, not only be men of the most eminent, practical ability in their several departments, but their connexion with the institution shoud be rendered so fixed and stable! as to enable them to carry through such designs as they may form or all the peculiar benefits of the system would bejpst. Instruction, by lectures and otherwise, should be given mostly in the colder months of the year; leaving the professors to prosecute their investigations, and the students their necessary labor, either at home or on the premises, du- ring the warmer months. The institution should be open to all classes of students above a fixed age, and for any length of time, whether three months or seven years, and each taught in those particular branches of art which he wishes to pursue, and to any extent, more or less. And all should pay their tuition and board bills, in whole or in part, either in mo-~ ney or necessary work on the premises regard being had to the ability of each. Among those who labor, medals and testimo- nials of merit should be given to those who per- form their tasks with mo*t promptitude, energy, 11 care, and skill; and all who prove indolent or un- gavernable, excluded at first from all part in la- bor, and speedily, if not thoroughly reformed, from the institution itself, and here again let the law of nature instead of the law of rakea and dandies be regarded, and the true impression ev- er made on the mind of all around, that WORK ALONE is HONORABLE, and indolence certain dis- grace if not ruin. ^At some convenient season of the year, the Commencement, or ANNUAL FAIK. of the Universi- ty, should be holden through a succession of days. On this occasion the doors of the institu- tion, with all its treasures of art and resources of knowledge, should be thrown open to all classes, and as many other objects of agricultural or mecha- nical skill, gathered from the whole state, as pos- sible, and presented by the people for inspection and premium on the best of each kind; judgment being rendered, in all cases, by a committee wholly disconnected \vith the institution. On this occasion, all the professors, and aa many of the pupils aa are sufficiently advanced, should be constantly engaged in lecturing and explain- ing the divres objects and interests of their de- partments. In short, this occasion should bemade the great annual GALA-DAY of the Institution, and of all the industrial classes, and all other classes in the state, for the exhibition of their products and their skill, and for the vigorous and power- ful diffusion of practical knowledge in their ranks, and a more intense enthusiasm in its extension and pursuit. Aa matters now are, tho world has never adopted any efficient means for the application and diffusion of even the practical knowledge which does exist. True, we have fairly got the pri- mer, the spelling book, and the newspaper abroad in the world, and we think that we have done wonders; and so, comparatively, we have. But if this is a wonder, there are still not only wonders, but, to most minds, inconceivable mira- cles, from new and unknown worlds of light, soon to break forth upon the industrial mind of the world. Here, then, is a general, though very incom- plete, outline of what such an institution should endeavor to become. Let the reader contem- plate it as it will appear when generations have perfected it, in all its magnificence and glory ; in its means of good to man, to all man of all daises : in Us power to evolve and diffuse prn' - - tical knowledge and skill, true taste, love of in- dustry, and sound morality not only through its apparatus, experiments, instructions, and annual lectures and reports, but through its thousands of graduates, in every pursuit in life, teaching and lecturing in all our towns and villages, and then let him seriously ask himself, is not such an object worthy of at least an effort, and worthy of a slate which God himself, in the very act of creation, designed to be the first agricultural and commercial state on the face of the globe I Who should set the world so glorious an exam- ple of educating their sons worthily of their herit- age, their duty, and their destiny, if not the peo- ple of such a state ? In our country we have no aristocracy, with the inalienable wealth of ages, and constant leisure and means to perform all manner of useful experiments for their own amusement; but we must create our nobility for this purpose, as we elect our rulers, from our own ranks, to aid and serve, not to domineer over and control us. And this done, we will not only beat England, and beat the world in yachta and locks and reapers, but in all else that con- tributes to the well being and true glory of man. I maintain that, if every farmer's and mechan- ic's son it this state could now visit such an in- stitution but for a single day in the year, it would do him more good in arousing and directing tho dormant energies of mind, than all the cost incur- red, and far more good than many a six months of professed study of things he never need and never wants tokqow. As things now art), our best farmers and me- chanics, by their own native force of mind, by tho slow process of individual experience, come to know, at forty, what they might have been taught in six months at twenty; while a still greater number of the less fortunate or less gifted, stum- bio on through life, almost as ignorant of every true principle of thuir art as when they begun. A man of real skill is amazed at the slovenly ig- norance and waste he everywhere discovers, on all parts^of theirj premises ; and still more to hear them boast of their ignorance of all "book farm- ing," and maintain that "their children can do as well as they have done ;" aud j^certaiuly would be a great pity if they could no,L The patrons of our University would be found iu the former, not in the latter -dafs. The man 12 whose highest conception of earthly bliss is a log- hut, in nn uninclosed yard, where pigs of two spe- cies are allowed equal rights, unless the four-leg- ged tribe chance to get the upper hand, will be found no patron of Industrial Universities. Why should he be ? He knows it all already. There is another class of untaught farmers who devote all their capital and hired labor to the culture, on a large scale, of some single product, which always pays well when so produced on a fresh soil, even in the most unskillful bands. Now, such men often increase rapidly in wealth, but it is not by their skill in agriculture, for they have none ; tleir skill consists in the management of ca- pital and labor, and, deprive them of these, and confine them to the varied culture of a small farm, nnd they would starve in five years, where a true farmer would amass a small fortune. This class are, however, generally, the fast friends of educa- tion, though many a looker-on will cite them as instances of the uselessnecs of acquired skill in farming, whereas they should cite them only an a sample of the resistless power of capital ejen in comparatively unskilful hands. \ Such institutions are the only possible remedy for a caste education, legislation, and literature. If any one class provide for their own liberal ed- ucation, in the state, ns they should do, while another class neglect this, it is as inevitable as the law of gravitation, that they should form a ruling caste or class by themselves, and wield their power more or less for their own exclusive interosts and the interests of their friends. If the industrial were tha only educated class in the state, the caste pover in their hands would be as much stronger than it now is, as their numbers are greater. But now industrial education has been wholly neglected, and the va- rioui industrial classes left still ignorant of mat- ters of the greatest moment pertaining to their vital interests, while the professions have been tndied till trifles and fooleries have been mag- nified into matters of immense importnnre, and tornadoes of windy words and barrels of in- nocent ink shed over them in vain. This, too, \9 the inevitable result of trying to j crowd all liberal, practical education into one nar- j row sphere of human life. It crowds their ranks I with men totally unfit by nature for professional ' service. Many of these, under a more congenial culture, might have become, instead of the starv- ing scavengers of a learned profession, the honor- ed members of an industrial one. Their love of knowledge was indeed amiable and highly com- mendable; but the necessity which drove them from their natural sphere in life, in order to ob- tain it, is truly deplorable. But such a system of general education as we now propose, would (in wars too numerous now to mention) tend to increase the respectability, power, numbers, and resourses of the true profes- sional class. Nor are the advantages of the mental and moral discipline of the student to be overlooked : indeed, I should have set them down as most im- portant of all, had I not been distinctly aware that such an opinion is a most deadly heresy ; and I tremble at the thought of being arraigned be- fore the tribunal of all the monks and eclesins- tics of the old world, and no small number of their progeny in the new. It is deemed highly important that all in the professional classes should become writers and talkers; hence they are so incessantly drilled in all the forms of language, dead and living, though it has become quite doubtful whether, even in their case such u course is most beneficial, except in the single case, of the professors of literature and theology, with whom these languages form the foundation of their professions and the indis- pensable instruments of their future art in life. No inconsiderable share, however, of the men- tal discipline that is attributed to this] peculiar course of study, arises from daily intercourse, for years, with minds of the first order in their teach- ers and comrades, and would be produced under any other course, if the parties had remained har- moniously together. On the other hand, a clas- sical teacher, who has no original, spontaneous power of thought, and knows nothing but Latin and Greek, however perfectly, is enough to stul- tify a whole generation of boys and make them all pedantic fools like himself. The idea of infusing mind, or creating, or even materially increasing it by the daily inculcation of unintelligible word* all this awful wringing to get blood out of a turnip will, at any rate, never succeed except in the hands of the eminently wise and prudent, 13 who have had long experience in the process ; the plain, blunt sense of the unsophisticated will never realize cost in the operation. There are, moreover, probably, few men who do not already talk more, in proportion to what they really know, than they ought to. This chronic diarrhoea of exhortation, which the social atmosphere of the age tends to engender, tends far less to public health than many suppose. The history of the Quakers shows, that more sound sense, a purer morality, and a more elevated practical piety can exist, and does exist, entirely without it, than is commonly found with it. Still, some should, doubtless, be so educated as readily to discharge all the uncomfortable popular wind they may chance, at any time, to have on their stomachs ; but the industrial classes, for most part, had bet- ter work theirs off in some other way and, if they cannot find words to express their idea?, let them teach others, in the most effective of all ways, by action and example. At all events, we find, as society becomes less conservative and pedantic, and more truly and practically enlightened, a growing tendency, of all other classes, except the literary and clerical, to omit this supposed linguistic discipline, and apply themselves directly to the more immediate duties of their calling ; and, aside from some little inconvenience at first in being outside of caste, that they do not succeed quite as well in advancing their own interests in life, and the true interests of society, there is no sufficient proof. Indeed I think the exclusive and extravagant claims set up for ancient lore, as a means of discip- lining the reasoning powers,simp!y ridiculous when examined in the light of those ancient worthies who produced that literature, or the modern ones who have been most devoted to its pursuit in this country and in Europe. If it produces infal- lible practical reasoners, we have a great many thousand infallible antagonistic truths, and ten thousand conflicting paths of righ^t, interest, duty, nnd salvation. If any man will just be at the trouble to open his eyes and his ears, he can per- ceive at a glance how much this evasive discipline really does and has done for the reasoning faculty of man, and how much for the power of sophisti- cal cant, and stereotyped nonsense ; so that if obvious facts, instead of verbose declamation, are to have any weight in the case, 1 am willing to join issue with the opposers of the scheme, even on the bare ground of its superior adaptation to develope the mental power of its pupils. The most natural and effectual mental discipline possible for any man, arises from setting him to earnest and constant thought about the things he daily docs, sees, and handles, and all their con- nected relations and interests. The final object to be attained, with the industrial class, is to make them THINKING LABORERS, while of the professional class we should desire to make LABORIOUS THINK- ERS : the production of goods to feed and adorn the body being the final end of one class of pur- suits, and the production of thought to do the samo for the mind the end of the other. But neither mind nor body can feed on the offals of preceding generations. And this constantly recurring ne- cessity of reproduction, leaves an equally honora- ble, though somewhat different, career of labor and duty open to both ; and, it is readily admit- ted, should and must vary their modes of educa- tion and preparation accordingly. It may do tor the man of books to plunge at once amid the catacombs of buried nations and lan- guages, to soar away to Greece, or Rome, or No- va-Zpmbla.Kamskatka, and the fixed stars, before ho knows how to plant his own beans, or harness his own horse, or can tell whether the functions of his own body are performed by a heart, stom- ach, and lungs, or with a gizzard and gill". But for the man of work thus to bolt away I at once from himself and all his pursuits in after life contravenes the plainest principles of nature and common sense. No wonder such educators have ever deemed the liberal culture of the indus- trial classes an impossibility ; for they have nev- er tried par even conceived of any other way of educating them except that by which they are rendered totally unfit for their several callings in after life. How absurd would it seem to set a clergyman to plowing and studying the depreda- tions of flights, insects, the growing of crops, wer schools of all sorts would be far more bene- fitted by it here than in any other place it could be put. Others may feel a little alarm when, for the first time in the history of the world, they see the mil- lions throwing themselves aloof from all political and ecclesiastical control, and attempting to de- vise a system of liberal education for themselves : but on mature reflection we trust thev will ap- prove the plan : or if they are too old to change, their children will. I shall enter upon no special pleas in favor of the appointed annual meeting, the governor of i this plan of disposing of our state fund. lam the state to fill the vacancy for one year, if re- quested by any member of the board so to do. Let nnr member of the board who shall be ab- situated in life that it cannot possibly do me anv personal good; save only in the just pride of see- ing the interests of my brethren of the industrial 16 class cared for and promoted, as in such nn age and such a state they ought to be. If thej want the benefit of such and institution they can have it If they do Dot want it, I have uot another word to say. In their own will, alone, lies tht own destiny, and that of their children. Respectfully submitted. J. B. TURNER. MEMORIAL. To the Honorable the Member* of the Senate and House of Representative* of the State of Illinois. The undersigned, citizens of this State, regarding with admiration the facilities which the civil- ized world at present affords for the liberal education of the members ol the several learned pro- fessions, and justly appreciating the benefits which they have derived therefrom in their several pursuits in life, desire the same blessing for ourselves and our children, and for'each and all the members of the several industrial classes of this State. "We. therefore, would humbly pray your honorable bodies so to dispose of the Fund given by the General Government to this State for the advancement of learning that a State University may be endowed with ample means for the ifbe- ral and practical education of all classes in society, each in their own several pursuits in life; and that these funds may be immediatefy committed to a Board of Trustees for this purpose, in accord- ance with a plan herewith _subinitted ) and already approved by large numbers of our meat intel- ligent and patriotic citizens. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA C IL6UE1851 C001 A PLAN FOR AN INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY FOR 30112025264091