'Xti.w.v^U p^.^,^^i..„„ of ^xn^dscs in (llninm maratian at tijc llmtt^rsitg 0f JIUin0i5 June 15 anb 16 1^14 THEL!2 .rOFTHr OCT ^l 1955 UNIVERSITY OF lUIN^ (')vciuuMi l^cunion #inra|rsts af ^r^gram Monday, June 15 I :30 p. M. — Band concert^ North Campus 1:30-3:30 p. M. — Lawn festival, North Campus Akmini reunion of classes of 1874, ^^79, 1884, 1889, 1894, 1899, 1904 1909, 1911, 1913. 8:00 p. M. — Reception, and Reunion of Gregory matriculants, Woman's Building Tuesday, June 16 9:00 A. M. — Forty-second Annual Alumni Reunion, Woman's Building 9:40 A. M. — Alumni procession to Auditorium, led by the Band; class banners ; arm bands ; other decorations and insignia 10 :oo A. M. — Annual Alumni Convocation, University Auditorium 10:30 A. M. — Convocation of University in memory of Regent Gregory, University Auditorium I :oo p. M. — Annual Alumni dinner, Woman's Building 3 :oo p. M. — Unveiling of the Gregory Memorial Tablet 4:00 p. M. — Reception by the Colleges to Alumni, seniors, and others: Engineering, Agriculture, and Law in the Dean's offices ; OF THE College of Liberal Arts in the Woman's building 6 :oo p. M. — Class dinners 8:00 p. M. — President's reception. Woman's Building; Band Concert, South Campus. The parlors of the Woman's Building, the Y. M. C. A., and the Y. W. C. A. will be open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for the use of the visiting alumni and alumnae. lluiltcrsitji (Hu mm cation ^Inilun-iiitij AuMtiuimn lOrilO o'clock ^ucs^iu^ 3lunc Hi Song — Illinois Scriptuiv Reading;' and Prayer — Rmv. ('itakles 1*>. Taylor, 79. Address — Dr. John Milton Gregory, His Student Days and Life in New York — President Charles A. Richmond, D.l)., LL.l)., Chancellor of Union University. Address — John Milton Gregory, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion of Michigan — Martin L. D'Ooge, Ph.D., D. Litt., Professor Emeritus in the University of Michigan. Address — John Milton Gregory as President of Kalamazoo Col- lege— Willlvm E. Praecjer, B.S., '00, M.S., Professor in Kalamazoo College. Song — America. Address — John Milton Gregory as President of the University of Illinois — His Personal Relations to the Students and Fac- ulty — Hon. Henry M. Beardsley, '79, Kansas City. Address — John Milton Gregory as an Educational Leader in Illinois — President Edmund J. James, Ph.D., LL.D. LTniversity Anthem — Written by John Milton Gregory. Annual ^lumni JP inner U0man's |iuilbin0, unc o'dock After dinner assemble in front of the Auditorium for procession in this order: President James and Mrs. J. M. Gregory, Itustees, Faculty, Alumni in order of classes, class of 1914. Hnireiltn^ nf Jientnrkl 'iHMtt %\}i:tc O^'dack Under the auspices of the Board of Trustees Procession from the Auditorium to the grave of Dr. Gregory. Prayer — Rev. Charles Ryan Adams. Unveiling the Tablet by the youngest child of. Dr. Gregory — Miss Allene Gregory. Address — Honorable William L. Abbott, '84, President of the Board of Trustees. (Srciiorw J^cunioit Written by John Milton Gregory and first sung at the formal opening of the University on March ii, 1868. We hail thee! Great Fountain of learning and light; There's life in thy radiance, there's hope in thy might We greet now thy dawning, but what singer's ryme. Shall follow thy course down the ages of time? O'er homes of the millions, o'er rich fields of toil. Thy science shall shine as the sun shines on soil. And Learning and Labor — fit head for fit hand — Shall crown with twin glories our broad prairie land. And as generations, in the grand march of time, Shall fill the long ages with numbers sublime. Thy portals shall throng with the lowly and great Thy Science-crowned children shall bless all the State. Then hail thee ! blest fountain of labor and light. Shine on in thy glory, rise ever in might; We greet now thy dawning; but ages to come Must tell of thy grandeur, and shout Harvest Home. (i')ii'(\oni lUMiiiioii 3|olrn Jliltan (^xt^ot^ 1822-1898 1867-1880 3(Uinots By thy rivers gently flowing, Illinois, Illinois, O'er thy prairies verdant growing, Illinois, Illinois, Comes an echo on the breeze, Rustling thro' the leafy trees, And its mellow tones are these, Illinois, Illinois. When you heard your country calling, Illinois, Illinois, Where the shot and shell were falling, Illinois, Illinois, When the Southern host withdrew, Pitting Gray against the Blue, There were none more brave than you, Illinois, Illinois. Not without thy wondrous story, Illinois, Illinois, Can be writ the nation's glory, Illinois, Illinois. On the record of thy years Abram Lincoln's name appears. Grant and Logan and our tears, Illinois, Illinois. We're loyal to you, Illinois, We're "Orange and Blue," Illinois, We '11 back you to stand 'gainst the best in the land, For we know you have sand, Illinois, Rah ! Rah ! j smash that blockade, | yn,- . { crack out that ball, j ' Go crashing ahead, ) r^^• WT ^ , 1 . '. I Ilhnois, We re backing you all, ) Our team is our fame protector, On ! boys, for we expect a victory from you, Illinois. [ Che-he ! Che-ha-ha-ha ! Yell^ Che-he ! Che-ha ! Che-ha-ha-ha ! [ Illinois ! Illinois ! Illinois ! Fling out that dear old flag of Orange and Blue, Lead on your sons and daughters, fighting for you ; Like men of old, on giants placing reliance. Shouting defiance — Os-key-wow-wow ! A-mid the broad green plains that nourish our land. For honest Labor and for Learning we stand, And unto thee we pledge our heart and hand. Dear Alma Mater Illinois. llnitu-raitii •Jponnfl ^Ima plater Rising midst the golden cornfield, Grandly to the view, Reaches our dear Alma Mater Proudly to the blue. Chorus — Swell the chorus ever louder, Full of cheer and joy ; Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, Dear old Illinois. Where the boundless rolling prairie Joins the earth and sky. There our love will center ever. Love that cannot die. For our love, Alma Mater, Time can ne'er destroy. We will ever sing thy praises, Dear old Illinois. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA A UntiJCX-sitvr ^ongs 3 0112 105726530 (Bs^'^^tc-MmMm Old Princeton yells her tiger, Wisconsin her varsity, And they give the same old Eah ! Rah ! Rah ! At each University, But the yell that always thrills me, And fills my heart with joy, Is the good old Os-kee-wow-wow That they yell at Illinois. Chorus — Os-kee-wow-wow, Illinois, Our eyes are all on you, Os-kee-wow-wow, Illinois, Wave your Orange and your Blue. Rah ! Rah ! When the team trots out before you. Ev'ry man stand up and yell, Wisconsin Back the team and give J ^ t ^ ^ Indiana Minnesota Os-kee-wow-wow, Illinois. Teddy Roosevelt may be famous. And his name you often hear. But it's heroes on the foot-ball field, Each college man holds dear. We think with pride of Roberts, Artie Hall and Heavy, too, Os-kee-wow-wow for the wearers. Of the Orange and the Blue.