■ U N I V E R.S ITY Of I LLI N O I 5 Received by bequest from Albert H. Lybyer Professor of History University of Illinois 1916-1949 1 C33 19 i4a v* to Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/centurydictionar06whit_1 THE CENTURY (YCLOPEDIAOF NAMES THE CENTURY CYCLOPEDIA OF NAMES A PRONOUNCING AND ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF NAMES IN GEOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY MYTHOLOGY, HISTORY, ETHNOLOGY, ART ARCH/EOLOGY, FICTION, ETC., ETC., ETC. t EDITED BY BENJAMIN E. SMITH, A.M., L.H.D. MANAGING EDITOR OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THE CENTURY DICTIONARY, AND EDITOR OF THE CENTURY ATLAS AND THE CENTURY DICTIONARY SUPPLEMENT ASSISTED BY A NUMBER OF SPECIALISTS *7 Revised and Enlarged PUBLISHED BY CIjc Century Co. NEW YORK Copyright, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, The Century Co. All Righis Reserved. 1904, 1906, 1911, 1913, 1914; by PREFACE. HI Cyclopedia of Names is an outgrowth of The Century Dictionary. It was part of the j»n of that work to include in its final volume a somewhat fuller appendix of names o >ersons and places than had before been given in general dictionaries ; but as the size c he book increased, it became obvious that this could not be done in the available space, e it was decided to place the appendix in a separate volume. The result, with many modifications of e original scheme, is the present work. It is entirely independent in subject and use, yet serves as a oplement to the dictionary by extending the name-list into regions which the dictionary could not occup and by enlarging its encyclopedic field. In character it is primarily a dictionary of proper names, ging their orthography and pronunciation and such explanation of them as is necessary for their identifition; and, secondarily, a condensed encyclopedia in its somewhat fuller treatment of several thousand of the more important articles. The range cpames to be included was practically unrestricted, since the object sought was not the presentation of ay special class, as in a gazetteer or biographical dictionary, but a general account of all the names excluded, y their nature, from the larger work, so far as this was possible within the prescribed lim- its. The entrie: hus comprise not only names in biography and geography, but also names of races and tribes, mythofig al and legendary persons and places, characters and objects in fiction, stars and constella- tions, notable 1 ldings and archaeological monuments, works of art, institutions (academies, universities, societies, legish ve bodies, orders, clubs, etc.), historical events (wars, battles, treaties, conventions, etc.), sects, parties, n ed streets and squares, books, plays, operas, and even celebrated gems, vessels (war-ships, yachts, etc.), an horses. Pseudonyms, also, which have literary importance are included. The only condi- tion of insertioi las been that the name should be one about which information would be likely to be sought. All these irious groups could not, of course, be presented with equal fullness. The space given to persons and phis is relatively much greater than that devoted to any other class, and the others follow in what appeared be the order of their usefulness to the general reader, whose needs have everywhere been considered in tb selection of the names to be defined. Thus, both ancient geography and modern are repre- sented, and thejnformation given in the brief space allowed to the separate articles is historical rather than statistical. Th list of geographical names, also, includes, besides towns which are notable from their size, smaller places ad localities which are important historically, or as visited by tourists, or for other reasons ; the various pl^sical and political divisions of the earth; rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; natural curiosities; and various imagery places of legend and fiction. The list of personal names, for the same reason, is selected from all timesand not only from actual biography, but also from mythology, legend, and fiction (the last chiefly Englisfy. In the matter of dates the usual difficulties, due to different styles of reckoning and to the actual diff fences (which are very numerous) among the best authorities, have been met and, it is hoped, to a considers )le degree overcome. In English biography the dates given in the “Dictionary of National Biography” h ve, as a rule, been adopted so far as its volumes were available (A to N); and full acknow- ledgment is lure given of the aid received in this and in other ways from that great work. In the brief bibliographies with few exceptions, only the most important works are given, and these often, for economy of space, wit 1 abbreviated titles. VI PREFACE. The orthography has, in general, been determined by the established usage in tlanguage from which the name is taken. The correct and, as a rule, the only current spelling of a placame is the local one, and, within certain limits, of a personal name that which its bearer gives it. Th are, however, large groups to which these considerations do not apply. English usage, in many cases coreign names which were introduced before the present period of greater exactness, has established formvhich differ more or less from the present or original native form. Familiar instances of this, in place-nan, are Munich for the German Munchen , Flushing for the Dutch VI issingen, Hanover for the German Hannover, in personal names Horace , Livy , Pliny, Augustine , for the Latin Horatius, Livius, Plinius , Augustinus , and t commonly accepted Latinized forms of Greek names, as Hercules for Heracles , Plato for Platon, etc. In ±se cases the desire has been to return to the native form when its difference from the Anglicized spelling comparatively slight (as in Hannover) ; but in other cases the conventional English spelling has, as a rule, hi accepted. In the case of Greek names, in particular, both geographical and personal, it has seemed beso retain the famil- iar forms which have come to us through the Latin, and to transliterate other Greek ames, not recorded in classical Latin, according to the same system. No transliteration of the Greek cane acceptable which is not complete and consistent : such consistency, however, would produce many fornwhich are not only without support in English usage, but are also open to the charge of pedantry. There e also many names in regard to which usage differs (there being in fact, as a rule, no proper local usage), ovhere accepted use may properly be corrected in accordance with a general rule : as, for example, Hudsc Bay for Hudson's Bay. Here choice has been made of the simpler or the corrected spelling. Lastly, the; is the large group of names taken from languages which do not employ the Roman alphabet, or are witlut any, and whose sounds have to be represented by some method of transliteration. Here established ai familiar translit- erations have, as a rule, been adopted ; and in other cases the simplest available torn, according to the system, for the languages concerned, used in The Century Dictionary. So far as was rssible the use of “accented” letters in transliteration has been avoided, the employment of such markstn the absence of a generally accepted scientific system, appearing to be distinctly undesirable, especiall from a practical point of view. In the pronunciation the system of notation employed by Professor Whitney in The kntury Dictionary has, with slight modifications, been adopted. The marking of the sounds of foreign naies might in some cases have been simplified by the use of a notation based upon a different principle; bt, since this work was designed to be a companion to the dictionary, it was desirable to avoid, especially in iris particular, dif- ference of method. Moreover, the “English” notation is that to which most are accustomd, and which best enables the English consul ter of a dictionary to reproduce with a fair degree of accurac the sounds indi- cated. In any case, only by the ear can one know the exact sounds of a foreign speech, ail only the trained tongue can utter them with precision. This is particularly true of personal and place nmes, which often have a special character that can not exactly be inferred from the general rules or usage of the languages concerned. The values of the signs used are given in the key: it is necessary only to remar that the natural tendency of an English-speaker to shorten or slur the long vowels of many foreign names las led to the use of the long- vowel signs, to insure the right vowel quality, even in cases where the actual sound is shorter than that indicated by the notation. No attempt has been made systematically to etymologize all the names in the list: rut etymological notes have been inserted under many of the historical names of prime interest, especially those of ancient English origin, and in many other cases where they seemed to be useful. These have beer contributed by Dr. Charles P. G. Scott, with additions by some of the other specialists in their several departments Sanskrit, Semitic, American Indian, etc. Dr. Scott has also aided in the work on the pronuiciation, and has criticized the proofs. The geographical articles have been prepared by Professor Edmund K. Alden, whose work has been supplemented in Mexican and Central and South American geography by Mr. Herbert H. Smith, in African geography by Mr. Heli Chatelain, and in ancient Oriental geography by Dr. Cyrus Adler. Professor A\ . R. Martin has contributed the articles on Indian and Persian biography, mythology, and literature; Colonel Garrick Mallery, those on North American Indian tribes; Professor Charles A. Young, those on the stars; PREFACE. vii Professor William 1 Carpenter, thoson Teutonic mythology, ethnology, and legend ; and B. Wood, those on iglish literatures! characters in fiction. Professor Carpenter has also w tten bm- graphical articles oi he bestdmown lines in German and Scandinavian liteiatuie. le accouu of art, noted buildi, , (generally und place-names), and the articles on classical archaeology by the late Mr. Thcas W. Ludlow, liographical notices of the more important 1011 c 1 ™ contributed by Dr. D. Woodward. Dr. Adler has also written numerous articles on Seim le ■ 7 • antiquities ; Mr. H 1. Smith has hacharge of the Mexican and South American biography and eulogy and Mr. Chatelain ,s written on Alcan ethnology, and has read the proofs especially for the of the pronunciati . Many valuab notes on the ethnology and geography of the s0U ^ WeS ‘ e "' “A and northern Hex were received Pm Mr. Adolph Bandolier. General assist, nice u > the b og aphmal and historical worms been given 1: Dr. M. A. Mikkelsen, and valuab e ale m e cn 1C “““ ^ and proofs by Re George M‘Arthr. Whatever degree of typographical accuracy and cons . y been attained is fgely due to theproof-readers of The De Vinne Press. BENJAMIN E. SMITH. September Is 1894. THE REMSED AND ENLARGED EDITION. Since the fi:; edition of the Cyclopedia of Names was issued in 1894 many other editions and im- pressions have leared, in all of ihich changes, more or less numerous, have been made as the result of careful revision, id. some of whic have comprised considerable additions. Of the earlier editions le most notable wathe second, issud in 1895, in the preparation of which much assistance was receive from Mr. Louis eilprin, the late Irofessor Angelo Heilprin of the Academy of Sciences in Philadelphia, Dr. Samuel A. Ion, Mr. F. W. Bilge of the Bureau of American Ethnology, and many otheis le present edition, Thick has been elarged by the incorporation of a supplement containing about 3,000 names and addional items of inormation, also embodies the results of a new and extensive revision covering all pan-and in particuar the statistical part (populations, dates, etc.)-of the material. “Chronological able of the Princbal Events in the History of the World,” prepared by Charles Henry Smith, professoBmeritus of Amerlan history in Yale University, has been added, and also a Ghrono og- ical Outline of European Literatire” prepared by Harry Morgan Ayres, assistant professor ot English Literature in Clumbia University Especial mention should also he made of the assistance receded from Dr. A. FJandelier, Dr. Cyra Adler, and Mr. F„ S. Dellenbaugh. BENJAMIN E. SMITH. July 1, 19 K~Y TO PRONUNCIATION. a as In a as in a as in & as in a as in a as in e as in e as in t as in i as in i as in o as in 6 as in 6 as in A as in a as in u as in & as in fat, man, pang, fate, mane, dab far, father, gu fall, talk, ask, fast, ant. fare. met, pen, bless, mete, meet, her, fern, pin, it. pine, fight, fill not, on frog, note, poke, flo move, Bpoon, nor song, off. tub. mute, acute, pull. ii German ii, Frflich u. oi as in oil, joint boy. ou as in pound, proud. A single dot un(er a vowel in an un- accented syllable! indicates its abbre- viation and lightening, without abso- lute loss of its distinctive quality. Thus: ft as in prelate, courage. i; as in ablegate, episcopal. 9 as in abrogate, eulogy, democrat, u as in singular, education. A double dot under a vowel in an unaccented syllable indicates that, even in the mouths of the best speak- ers, its sound is variable to, and in or- dinary utterance actually becomes, This star wherever used refers the short resound (of but, pun, etc.). Thus : a as in errant, republican, g as in prudent, difference. as in chanty, density, o as in valor, actor, idiot, ft as in Persia, peninsula, ft as in the book, ft as in nature, feature. A mark (~) under the consonants t, d, s, z indicates that they in like manner are variable to ch , j, sh, zh. Thus : $ as in nature, adventure, ft as in arduous, education. § as in pressure. ■i as in seizure. y as in yet. B Spanish b (medial). 6h as in German ach, Scotch loch. G as in German Abensberg, Ham- burg. H Spanish g before e and i; Spanish j ; etc. (a guttural h). ft French nasalizing n, as in ton, en. 8 final s in Portuguese (soft), th as in thin. Tu as in then. D = TH. • denotes a primary, " a secondary accent. (A secondary accent is not marked if at its regular interval of two syllables from the primary, or from another secondary.) to material that will he found in the supplement. CONTENTS Names (pages 1-1085) Supplement A Chronological Table of the Chief Events of Histry Lists of Rulers G EN E ALOGICAL C HARTS A Chronological Outline of European jsh i> AmericanLiterature teaSBt&TlIll C.FNTl IRYHilgaa CYCLOPEDIA OF NAMES a (a)! [Lit. ‘(the) water,’ i. j ‘the river’; one of th< forms, surviving in rh ’-names, of a com- md Teut. word, Goth. all i, OHG. aha, AS. ed, et = L. aqua, water: se aqua and ewe 2 , C. D.] A river in northern Ftnce which flows into the North Sea between Calais and Dunkirk. Aa. A river in the provice of North Brabant, Netherlands, which unfes with the Dommel near Herzogenbusch. - Aa. A river in the ppvince of Groningen, Netherlands, which flop into the Dollart. Aa. A river in the cstons of Lucerne and Aargau, Switzerland, i tributary of the Aare. Aa. A river in the c iton of Unterwalden, Switzerland, which fo: is the outlet of Lake Sarnen into the Lake < Lucerne. Aa. A river in the cpton of Unterwalden, Switzerland, which flo s into the Lake of Lu- cerne near Buochs. Aa. A river in Courlnd, emptying by one mouth into the Gulf c Riga, and by another into the Diina. Aa. A river in Livoni) about 175 miles long, which flows into the Gif of Riga. Aa (a), Peter van df. A Dutch publisher and engraver who, wit. his brothers, formed a publishing-house at l)yden about 1682. They edited several collections o travels in Dutch and French. Aach (ach). A smalljowu in Baden, about 20 miles northwest of Costance, the scene of an engagement betweenihe French and the Aus- trians, March 25, 1791 Aachen (a'chen). Tfe German name of Aix- la-Chapelle. Aageson (a'ge-son), oiAagesen (-sen), Svend. A Scandinavian wriflr of the 12th century. His “Compendiosa his to; 1 regum L)ani:e,” from King Skjold to Knud VI., is th< irst connected history of Den- ‘ is life. [Egypt., ‘delight of ] An Egyptian queen, ing of the 17th dynasty, 33 , first king of the 18th mark. Little is known of Aah-hotep (a-ho'tep the moon’ (Brugsch wife of Karnes, last and mother of Aah dynasty. Her coffin us found at Thebes in 1860, in the ancient necropolis of |o, and was placed in the Bulak Museum (removed to Gizji, and in 1902 to Cairo). Aahmes (a'mes) I. L. Ainasis (a-ma'sis). [Egypt., ‘child of tl moon’ (Brugscli).] An Egyptian king, the f inder of the 18th dynasty and the conqueror of he Hyksos. He lived about 1700 B. C. An inscriptio on two rock- tablets at Tilran and Massaarah, commemrating the 22d year of his reign, has been deciphered. Aahmes II., L. Anksis. An Egyptian king (572-528 b. c. [Bruglh], 570-526 [Sayce]), the fifth of the 26th dyiisty. He maintained friendly relations with the Greeletates, sending gifts (548 B. c.) for the rebuilding of thamrnt temple at D Iphi, and es- tablishing at Naucratis (reek commerce and settlement. Mr. Petrie’s excavatids show them [Creeksl to have been in possession of tl city [Naucratisl from a much earlier period — earlier] perhaps, than the dynasty to which Amasis belonged] What Amasis actually did for the Greeks of Xaucratis hust, therefore, have been to con- firm them in their occroation of that site, and to grant them an exclusive charer whereby they should he en- titled to hold it in permuity. A. B. Edwans, Pharaohs, Fellahs, etc., p. 180. Aahmes. An Egwtian captain who fought against the Hyksosnbout 1700 B. c An impor- tant inscription iff his tomb at El-Kab, near ancient Thebes, h® been deciphered. Aahmes -N efertari. See Nefertari. Aalborg (al'borG). A seaport in the amt of Aalborg, Denmark, situated on the Lijmfjord about lat. 57° 3' N., long. 9° 55' E. It has an important foreign commerce and fisheries. Population, 31,509. Aalborg. A stift and amt of Jutland, Denmark. Aaleu (a'len). A town in the Jagst circle, Wiirtemberg, situated on the Kocher about 42 miles east of Stuttgart: an ancient free im- perial city. Population, 10,442. Aalesund (a'le-sond). A seaport in the amt of Romsdal, Norway, on islands of the western coast, about lat. 62° 28' N. Population, 13.848. Aali. See Ali. Aalst. See Alost. Aalten (al'ten). A small town in the province of Gelderland, Netherlands, about 30 miles east of Arnhem. Aar. See Aare. Aarau (ar'ou). The capital of the canton of Aargau, Switzerland, situated on the Aare 24 miles southeast of Basel. It has manufactures of silk, cotton, instruments, etc. Population, 7,831. Aarburg (ar'borG). A small manufacturing town in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland, situated on the Aare about 22 miles southeast of Basel. Aare (a're), or Aar (ar). A river in Switzer- land, rising in the Bernese Oberland near the Grimsel Pass. It traverses the Hash Thai and forms the Handeck Fall, traverses the lakes of Brienz and Thun, flows through Bern, Solothurn, and Aargau, and joins the Rhine opposite Waldshut. Upon it are Bern, Solothurn, Aarau, and Brugg. Its length is about 170 miles, and it is navigable from Unterseen for small craft. Aared (a'red). A group of mountains in Nejd, central Arabia. Also Ared, Arid, Aroudh. Aarestrup (a're -strop), Carl Ludwig Emil. Bom at Copenhagen, Dec. 4, 1800 : died 1856. A Danish lyric poet, author of “Digte” (1838) and “Efterladte Digte” (1863). Aargau (ar'gou), F. Argovie (ar-go-ve'). A canton of Switzerland, capital Aarau. bounded by Baden on the north (separated by the Rhine), Zurich and Zug on the east, Lucerne on the south, and Basel, Solothurn, and Bern on the west. The language is German, and about lialf the population is Roman Catholic. It is one of the most fer- tile of the cantons, has an important trade and large manufactures, especially of cotton, and sends ten mem- bers to the National Council. Its area is 642 square miles, and its population 229,890, (1910). In the 13th century it came under the influence of the Hapshurgs, was annexed in part by the Swiss confederates in 1415, became a canton in 1798, and assumed its present form in 1803. Aarhus, or Aarhuus (ar'hos). The capital of the amt of Aarhus, Jutland, Denmark, on the Cattegat. It is the largest town in Jutland, and has important commerce, manufactures, and a cathedral. The bishopric was founded by Otto I. in the 10th century. Population, 55,103. Aarhus. An amt and stift in Jutland, Den- mark. Aaro (ar'e). A small island of Schleswig, Prussia, in the Little Belt. Aaron (ar'on or ar'on). [Gr. ’A ap&v, Heb. ’Aharon.'] The first high priest of the Israel- ites, eldest son of Amram and Jochebed, of the tribe of Levi, and brother of Moses and Mir- iam. He died on Mount Hor at the age of 123 years. Aaron, Saint. A British martyr who was put to death at Newport, Wales, in the reign of Diocletian. Aaron. A character in Shakspere’s (?) “ Titus Andronicus,” a Moor of unnatural wickedness. Aaron’s confessions of his villanies (in “ Titus Androni- cus, ” v. 1) will recall to every reader the conversation be- tween Barabas and Ithamore in the third scene of the second act of the “Jew of Malta” [of Marlowe], The character of Aaron was either drawn by Marlowe or in close imitation of him ; and it seems to me more reasona- ble to suppose that “ Titus Andronicus ” is in the main a crude early work of Marlowe’s than that any imitator could have written with such marked power. Bullen, Introd. to Marlowe’s Works, p. lxxviL Aaron ben Asher (ar'on ben ash'er). Lived at Tiberias in the first quarter of the 10th cen- tury. A Jewish scholar, probably belonging to the Karaite sect. He completed the Massorah, i. e. the vowels and accents which make up the traditional text of the Hebrew Bible. His contemporary and oppo- nent was a certain Ben Naftali. When these authorities differ, both readings are given in the rabbinical Bibles. Aarssens (ar'sens), Frans van. Born 1572 : died 1641. A Dutch diplomatist, one of the foremost politicians of his age, guilty of pro- moting the condemnation of Barneveldt in 1619. His memoirs are important. Aasen ( a'sen ), Ivar Andreas. Born at Orsten, in Norway, Aug. 5, 1813 : died Sept. 23, 1896. A Norwegian philologist, botanist, and poet: au- thor of “Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik” (1848), “Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog” (1850), later enlarged and issued under the title “ Norsk Ordbog” (1873), and other works. Aasvasr (as'var). A group of small islands on the coast of Norway, nearly on the arctic cir- cle, the seat, of important herring-fisheries. Ab (ab). The fifth month of the Hebrew eccle- siastical and the eleventh of the civil year ; J uly- August. It was a Babylonian name, adopted by the Jews with the names of the rest of the months after the Babylonian exile. Its etymology is uncertain. Ababdeh, or Ababde (a-biib'de). An African tribe, of Hamitie (Beja) race, living in Upper Egypt and northern Nubia, east of the Nile, about lat. 20°-22° N. Their number is estimated to be about 100,000. Ababde (a-biib'de). A village in Egypt, on the Nile, about lat. 27° 50' N. It is near the site of the Roman city Antinoe. Abaco (a'bii-ko), Great, or Lucaya (lo-ka'ya). One of the principal islands of the Bahama group, West Indies, east of Great Bahama. It is about 80 miles long and 20 wide. Abaco, Little. An island of the Bahamas, northwest of Great Abaco. Abaddon (a-bad'on). [Heb., ‘destruction’: synonym of Sheol in the Old Testament (Job xxvi. 6 and xxviii. 22, Ps. lxxxviii. 12).] 1. The destroyer or angel of the bottomless pit ; Apol- lyon. Rev. ix. 11. — 2. The place of destruction; the depth of hell. Talmud; Milton, P. R., iv. 624. Abadites. See Ahhadides. Abad y Queypeo (a'biiTH e ka-pa'o), Manuel. Born in the Asturias about 1770 : died in 1824. A Spanish ecclesiastic. Most of his life was spent in Mexico, and in 1809 he was made bishop of Micloacan. Driven out soon after by the revolutionists, he returned in 1813. In 1820 he was deposed and sent a prisoner to Spain for opposition to the Inquisition. Released soon after, he became a member of the government junta and bishop of Tortosa. In 1823 he was again imprisoned by the Inquisition, and died in confinement. Abse (a'be), or Abai (a'bi). [Gr. ’IV/foo] In ancient geography, a city of I’hocis, Greece, noted for its temple and oracle of Apollo. Abafi (o'bo-fe), or Apafi, Michael. Bom Sept. 25, 1632: (lied April 15, 1690. A prince of Transylvania, under the protection of the Abaffy Abot, Robert Porte until 1686 when he made a treaty with the emperor. He was succeeded by his sou Michael (born Aug. 14, 1682: diedFeb.il, 1713). Abailard. See Abelard. Abakansk (ab-a-kansk'). A small town in the government of Yeniseisk, Siberia, near the Yenisei, north of Minusinsk, noted for the tumuli and hieroglyphic statues in its neigh- borhood. Abaliget (ob'o-le-get). A village near Fiinf- kirchen, county of Baranya, Hungary, noted for its large stalactite cave (about 3,000 feet in length). Abalus (ab'a-lus). An island abounding with amber, said (by Pytheas) to be in the Northern Ocean, and variously identified: probably a part of the Prussian Baltic coast. Abamonti (a-ba-mon'te), or Albamonte (al- ba-mon'te), Giuseppe. Born about 1759: died Aug. 8, 1818. A Neapolitan statesman, sec- retary-general under the Cisalpine Republic, 1798, and member of the executive committee at Naples. On the restoration of the monarchy in 1799 he was arrested and condemned to be hung, but was amnestied and returned to Milan, where he again acted as secretary-general until 1805 when he returned to Naples. Abana (ab'a-na). In ancient geography, a small river, the modern Barada, which flows through the plain and city of Damascus and is lost in the desert. Also Amana. Abancay (a-Ban-ki'). A town in the depart- ment of Apurimae, Peru, about 110 miles south- west of Cuzco, noted for its sugar-refineries. Population, 3,000. Abancay River. A small river of Peru, an affluent of the Apurimae, west of Cuzco, and crossed by the road to Lima, it was a military point of great importance in the civil wars of the 16th century. Here Alonso de Alvarado was defeated by the elder Almagro, and with his whole array captured, July 12, 1537. Near the same place Giron defeated Alonso de Alvarado, May 21, 1564. Abano (a'ba-no). A town in the province of Padua, Italy, about 6 miles southwest of Padua, noted for its hot springs (the ancient Aquee Patavinse or Aponus ( Aponi ) fons). It is the re- puted birthplace of the historian Livy. Popu- lation, about 3,000. Abano, Pietro d’ (Petrus Aponus or de Apo- no). Born at Abano, Italy, 1250 (1246?): died at Padua, 1316 (1320?). An Italian physician and philosopher, denounced by the Inquisition as a magician. He wrote “Conciliator differentiarum quee inter pliilosophos et medicos versantur” (printed 1472), “ De venenis eorumque remediis” (printed 1472), etc. Abarbanel. See Abrabanel. Abarim (ab'a-rim). A mountainous region or lofty table-land in Palestine, east of the Dead Sea, containing Pisgah and Nebo. Abaris (ab'a-ris). [Gr. "Afiapit;.'] A mythical Greek sage, surnamed “ The Hyperborean,” as- signed to the 6th or 7th century b. c. [Abaris] was said to have received from Apollo, whose priest he had been in his own country, a magic arrow, upon which he could cross streams, lakes, swamps, and mountains. This arrow he gave to Pythagoras, who in return taught him his philosophy. Oracles and charms under his name appear to have passed current among the Greeks. According to Pindar he came into Greece in the reign of Crmsus. Eusebius places him a little earlier. Probably he was, like Anacharsis, a Scythian who wished to make himself acquainted with Greek customs. [It has been conjectured that the arrow of Abaris is a mythical tradition of the magnet, but it is hardly possible that if the polarity of the needle had been known it should not have been more distinctly noticed. — II. C. K.l Rawlinsun, Herod., III. 29, note. Abasalo (a-ba-sa'lo), Mariano. Born in Do- lores, Mexico, 1783: died at Cadiz, Spain, 1819. A soldier in the Spanish army who joined the revolutionary movement of Hidalgo in 1810, and was named lieutenant-general of the in- surgents. He was captured and sent a pris- oner to Spain, where he died in confinement. Abascal y Sousa (a-Bas-kal' e so'sii), Jos6 Fernando. Born in Oviedo, Asturias, June 3, 1743: died in Madrid, June 30, 1821. A Span- ish general and statesman, viceroy of Peru 1806-16. He was created Marquis de la Concordia Espanola del Peru (decree of May 20, 1812), and on bis re- turn to Spain was made captain-general. Abasgi (a-bas'ji), or Abasci (a-bas'i), or Abasges (a-bas'jez). [Gr. ’Afiaayoi, 'AfiaaKoi.' ) A Scythian people anciently inhabiting a small region in the Caucasus, on the shore of the Black Sea, north of Colchis. Abasgia (a-bas'ji-ii). The region occupied by the Abasgi; the modern Abkhasia. Abassides. See Abbassidcs. Abate. See Abbate. Abauzit (a-bo-ze'), Firmin. Bom at Uz&s, Gard, France, Nov. 11, 1679: died at Geneva, March 20, 1767. A French philosopher and mathematician, a friend of Newton, Rousseau, and Voltaire. His name was used as a pseudo- nym by Voltaire. Abayi (a-ba-ye')- [Heb., ‘my father.’] Bom about 280 a. d. : died 339. A distinguished Hebrew scholar, surnamed “Nachmani.” He was director of a celebrated Jewish academy at Pumbeditha in Babylonia, 333-338, and was held in high esteem for his learning and upright character. Abb (ab). A town 80 miles east of Mocha. Abbadides(ab'a-didz),orAbadites(ab'a-dits). A Moorish dynasty of Seville. It was founded in 1023 by Abul-Kasim, cadi of Seville, and lasted till the capture of the city by the Alrno- ravides in 1091. Abbadie (a-ba-de'), Antoine Thomson d\ Born at Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 3, 1810: died at Paris, March 20, 1897. A French traveler (in company with his brother) in Abyssinia and the Galla country (1837^8). He published “Gto- dcsie d’une partie dela Haute-Ethiopie " (1860-73), “liic- tionnaire de la laugue amarinna ” (1881), etc. Abbadie, Arnaud Michel d’. Born at Dub- lin, July 24, 1815: died 1823. A French traveler in Abyssinia and the Galla country, brother and companion of A. T . Abbadie ; author of “ Douze ans dans la Haute-Ethiopie” (1868), etc. Abbadie, James (Jacques). Born at Nay, Basses-Pyrenees, probably in 1654 (1657 and 1658 are also given): died at London, Sept. 25, 1727. A noted French Protestant theologian. He went to Berlin about 1680 as minister of the French church there, and thence to England and Ireland ; was for a time minister of the French church in the Savoy ; and settled in Ireland as dean of Killaloe in 1699. His chief work is the “Traito de la vdritd de la religion chrdtienne " (1684), with its continuation, “ Traito de la di- vinity de notre Seigneur Jdsus-Christ ” (1689). Abba Jared (ab'bii ya'red). A mountain in northern Abyssinia, northeast of Gondar, 14,714 feet in height. Abbas (ab'bas). Bora about 566: died 652. Abul Fadl al Hasinii, uncle of Mohammed, and founder of the family of the Abbassides. Abbas I., “The Great.” Born 1557: died at Kaswin, Persia, Jan. 27, 1628. A famous shah of Persia, who reigned 1586-1628. He defeated the Turks at Basra in 1605, conquered Khorasan, Kan- dahar, etc., and consolidated the Persian monarchy. Abbas II. Hilmi. Born July 16, 1874. Khe- dive of Egypt, eldest son of Tewfik Pasha. He succeeded his father Jan. 8, 1892. Abbas Pasha. Born at Jiddah, Arabia, 1813: died July 13, 1854. A grandson of Mehemet Ali, viceroy of Egypt 1848-54. Abbas Mirza (ab'bas mer'za). Born about 1783: died at Mashhad, Persia, Dec., 1833. A prince of Persia, younger son of the shah Feth-Ali (Path-' Ali), noted as a commander in the wars against Russia, 1811-13 and 1826-28. By the first war Persia lost its remaining possessions in the Caucasus, and was compelled to acknowledge the flag of [Russia on the Caspian, and by the second it lost Armenia. The succession of Abbas to the throne was guaranteed in the treaty of 1828. Abbassides (a-bas'idz or ab'a-sidz). The califs of Bagdad, 750-1258. They claimed descent from Abbas, the uncle of Mohammed, and succeeded the Om- miad califs of Damascus upon the defeat of the calif Mar- wan by Abul Abbas near the Zab in 750. Almansur suc- ceeded Abul Abbas and made Bagdad the capital of the califate. The most famous calif of this family was Barun- al-Rashid, 786-809. From 1258 to 1517 the Abbassides were nominal califs of Egypt The last Abbasside, Muta- wakkal III., died in Cairo in 1538. Also Abbassids. Abbate, or Abate (a-bii'te), Niccolo dell’. Born at Modena, Italy, 1512: died in France, 1571. An Italian painter. He assisted in dec- orating the palace at Fontainebleau. His best works are at Modena and Bologna. Abbatucci (a-ba-tii'se ; It. a-ba-to'che), Charles. Born 1771: killed in battle, Dec. 2, 1796. A French general, son of J. P. Abbatucci, distinguished in the campaigns of the Army of the Rhine, 1794-96. Abbatucci, Jacques Pierre. Born 1726: died 1812. A Corsican partizan commander, an an- tagonist of Paoli and later a division general in the French service in Italy. Abbatucci, Jacques Pierre Charles. Born 1791 : died 1857. A French jurist and politi- cian, grandson of J. P. Abbatucci, and minis- ter of justice under Napoleon III. Abbaye (ii-ba'), 1’. A French military prison at St.-Germain-des-Pres, Paris, built in 1522 and destroyed in 1854. It was the scene of the mur- der of 164 prisoners by the revolutionists under MaiUard in September, 1792. See September massacre. Abbe (ab'i), Cleveland. Born at New York. Dec. 3, 1838. An American astronomer and meteorologist, apointed director of the Cincin- nati Observatorjn 1868, and meteorologist of the Weather Buau in 1871. Abbeokuta. S eAbeokuta. Abberville (ab'<-vil), Lord. The principal character in Cu berland’s play “ The Fash- ionable Lover.” Abbeville (ab-vf). A town in the depart- ment of Sommi France, situated on the Somme 25 milesnorthwest of Amiens: the ancient capital < Ponthieu, and a place of gathering in the 1st and second Cmsades. It has important manultures of cloth, etc., and a consid- erable trade. Its moi interesting building is the church of St. Wulfram, beguin 1488, one of the richest existing examples of the flamlyant style. The gravels of Abbe- ville have yielded foil remains of the mammoth and rhinoceros associated ith implements of prehistoric man dating from atime whi the Somme flowed 300 feet above its present level. Foliation, 20,704. Abbeville, Claudel*. See Claude d’ Abbeville. Abbeville, Treat; of. A treaty concluded in 1259 by whichSenry III. of England re- nounced his clain to Anjou, Poitou, Nor- mandy, Touraine,and Maine, in favor of Louis IX. of Fraie, and held Guienne as a +fief of France. Abbey (ab'i), Edwi Austin. Bom at Phila- delphia, April 1, 182. An American painter and illustrator. Hexecuted a series of mural paint- ings (the Holy Grail) for le Boston Public Library. Abbiategrasso (ab)e-a-te-gras[so). A town in the province ofdilan, 15 miles southwest of Milan. Populatm, 8,009. Abbitibbe (ab-i-tib'), Lake. A lake in Can- ada, south of Jam* Bay, about lat. 49° N. Also Abbitibbi. Abbitibbe River, he outlet of Lake Abbi- tibbe, flowing into Jmes Bay, in Hudson Bay. Abbon (a-boh'), L. Abbo (ab'o), surnamed Cernuus (‘The Crooed'). Died923. Arnonk of St.-Germain-des-’r6s, author of a Latin poem upon the siegeif Paris by the Normans. Abbon of Fleury, L. Abbo* Floriacensis. Born near Orleans, Fance, 945: died Nov. 13, 1004. A French thelogian and diplomatist, author of an “Epitcne de vitis Romanorum Pontificum, desinensin Gregorio I.” (printed 1602), and other work. Abbot (ab'ot), Chares. Bom at Abingdon, Berkshire, Oct. 14, 177 : died May 7, 1829. An English politician, spaker of the House of Commons 1802-16, CBated Baron Colchester in 1816. He was chie:secretary and privy seal for Ireland in the Adcngton ministry (1801). Abbot, Ezra. Born a Jackson, Maine, April 28, 1819: died at Camridge, Mass., March 21, 1884. An American iblical scholar. He was professor of New Testamen criticism and interpretation at Harvard University, 187984, one of the editors of the American edition of Smith “Bible Dictionary," and a member of the American emmittee for New Testament revision. He published “ Iterature of the Doctrine of a Future Life " (1864), “ Thi Authorship of the Fourth Gospel ’’ (1880), and other wcks. Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. Born at Boston, Mass., 1836: died 1903. An American writer, editor of “The Indei” (a journal of free thought) 1870-80, and author of “Scientific Theism” (1886), “ The Way out of Agnosti- cism” (1890), etc. Abbot, George. Bom at Guildford, Surrey, Oct. 29, 1562: died at >oydon, Aug. 4, 1633. An English prelate, appointed archbishop of Canterbury in Feb., 1(11. He was graduated at Oxford (Balliol College), whre he was tutor until 1593, and became master of Univesity College in 1597, dean of Winchester in 1600, vice-chaicellor of Oxford University in 1600 (and again in 1603 aid 1605), bishop of Coventry and Lichfield in May, 1609, aid bishop of London in Feb., 1610. He was a firm Protesant, and was influential in state affairs during the reignof James I. He was one of the translators of the New T stament in the King James version. , Abbot, George. Born at Easington, xork- shire, England, 1603 : dbd Feb. 2, 1648. An English religious write: and member of the Long Parliament, surnamed “The Puritan”: author of the “Whole Book of Job Para- phrased” (1640), and ‘ Vindiciffi Sabbathi ” (1641). Abbot, Sir Maurice o- Morris. Born at Guildford, Surrey, 1565: died at London, Jan. 10, 1642. A merchant and lord mayor of Lon- don, knighted on the ac:ession of Charles I., 1625. lie was one of the oripinnl directors of the East India Company and i's governcr (1624), rendering it most important services, lie was ele ted to Parliament in 1621, and in 1624 became a member d the council for establisti- ing the colony of Virginia. Abbot, Robert. Born a; Guildford, Surrey, about 1560: died March 2. 1618. An Eng- lish prelate, bishop of Salisbury (1615), elder Abbot, Rert brother of George Abbotprchbishop of Can- terbury: author of Mini of Popish Subtle- ties” (1594), and other wts. Abbot, Robert. Born ant 1588 : died about 1660. An English Puritj divine, author of “ Triall of our Church-Tpakers ” (1639), and other works. Abbot, Samuel. Borni Andover, Mass., Feb. 25, 1732: died Aprip, 1812. A Boston merchant and philanthropt ; one of the foun- ders of the Andover Thejgical Seminary. Abbot, The. A novel Sir Walter Scott, published in 1820, found upon incidents in the history of Mary Que of Scots, from her imprisonment in Lochle i to her flight into England after the battkf Langside : sequel to “ The Monastery.” Abbotsford (ab'ots-ford' The residence of Sir Walter Scott, on thefweed about 3 miles above Melrose. The pldwas acquired by him in 1811, and he removed there i812. It was originally a farm in front of which was aind from which the place had received the name of City (‘filthy') Hole. Scott renamed it from the adjoinioford. The land had be- longed to the Abbey of Melil. Upon it Scott built a small villa, to which in 1817 (began to add, producing in the end a large castellatj and gabled mansion of which the interior is finishedllate medieval style. Abbott (ab'ot), AustinjBorn at Boston, Dec. 18, 1831: died April l!1896. An American lawyer and legal writeion of Jacob Abbott. He was appointed dean of tl faculty of law of the Uni- versity of the City of New Y( in 1891, and is the author of “New Cases, Mainly Nev’ork Decisions” (1877-86), “Legal Remembrancer" (18S a series of digests of New York statutes and reports of aited States courts, etc. Abbott, Benjamin Vaghan. Born at Bos- ton, June 4, 1830: diecn Brooklyn, Feb. 17, 1890. An American la per and legal writer, eldest son of Jacob Abitt. He was the author of a digest of New York statu t«md reports (1863), a digest of United States court reporand acts of Congress (1867- 1875), “A Treatise on the Cdts of the United States and their Practice ” (1877), “ A Itionary of Terms in Amer- ican and English Jurisprudce ” (1879), etc. Abbott, Charles. Boi at Canterbury, Eng- land, Oct. 7, 1762: diecNov. 4, 1832. A noted English jurist, the son f a Canterbury barber, appointed chief justice iov. 4, 1818, and created Baron Tenterden of Endon, April, 1827. He was the author of a treatison the “ Law Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamai (1802(, still an authority on mercantile law. Abbott, Edwin Abb(t. Born at London, 1838. An English clejyman and educator, a graduate and fellow ofit. John’s College, Cam- bridge, head-master f the City of London School 1865—89. He i the author of “A Shake- spearean Grammar” (1869)/ Francis Bacon" (1885), and various educational and relious works. Abbott, Emma. Borfat Chicago about 1850: died at Salt Lake CityUtah, Jan. 5, 1891. An American soprano, stcessful both in Europe and America as an opiatic singer. She mar- ried Eugene Wetherel Abbott, Evelyn. Boa 1843: died 1901. An English scholar, a grguate and fellow of Bal- liol College, Oxford, md classical tutor and librarian, the author < various works on clas- sical philology and oft history of Greece. Abbott, Jacob. Bor at Hallowell, Maine, Nov. 14,1803: died ati’armington, Maine, Oct. 31, 1879. An America Congregational clergy- man, and a volumipus writer of juvenile works. He was graduatl at Bowdoin College in 1820, studied at Andover Theofeical Seminary, and was pro- fessor of mathematics and^tural philosophy at Amherst College 1825-29. His bestnown works are “The Rollo Books," “Young Christian series, “ Lucy Books,” “Sci- ence for the Young,” etc. Abbott, John Steven Cabot. Born at Bruns- wick, Maine, Sept. 1 8,805 : died at Fair Haven, Conn., June 17, 1877. An American Congrega- tional clergyman (pator successively at Wor- cester, Roxbury, an/ Nantucket, Mass.) and historical writer, broiler of Jacob Abbott, ne was the author of a “Hi»ry of Napoleon Bonaparte,” a “History of the Civil Wr in America,” a “History of Frederick the Second,” ‘The Mother at Home,” “The Child at nome,” etc. Abbott, Josiah Garder, Born at Chelmsford, Mass., Nov. 1, 1815 Idied at Wellesley Hills, Mass., June 2, 1891. A jurist and politician. He was judge of the Supdor Court of Massachusetts for Suffolk County 1855-59, emocratio member of Congress from that State 1876-77, an member of the Electoral Com- mission in 1877. ne waslvice (1875, 1877) the unsuccess- ful Democratic candidatsor U. S. senator, and once (l878) for governor. Abbott, Lyman. B< n at Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 18, 1835. A Congreg tional clergyman, author, and journalist, a so of Jacob Abbott. He has been the editor-in-chief c he “ Christian Union”(changed to “The Outlook’ in 18 ) since 1881, and was pastor of Plymouth Church, Broo: yn, from 1888 to 1899. He ori- 3 ginally studied law, hut abandoned that profession for the ministry in 1860. A. B. C., An. A poem by Chaucer, a prayer to the Virgin Mary. It is a loose translation from a work of Guillaume de Deguileville, a Cistercian monk who died about 1360. Each stanza begins with a different let- ter of the alphabet, arranged in order from A to Z. Abda (ab'da), or Abdas (ab-das'). Said by Theopkanes (Chronogr. sub an. 405) to have been bishop of Susa, and called by Socrates bishop of Persia. He is said to have aided Maruthas in driving a demon out of Yezdigerd, king of Persia. Theodoret relates that his zeal led him to destroy a fire- temple, which roused a persecution against the Chris- tians to which he fell a victim. Abdalla (ab-dal'a). The Mufti, a character in Dryden’s tragedy “Don Sebastian.” Abdallah (abd-fil'ah), or Abdullah (ab-dol'- lah). [Ar., ‘servant of God.’] Born at Mecca about 545: died at Medina, 570. The father of Mohammed. Abdallah hen (or ibn) Yasim (ab-dal'ah ben (or ’b’n) ya-sem'). Died 1058. Alearned Ara- bian Mussulman, appointed by a sheik of Lam- touna to instruct a tribe of Berbers in the Atlas mountains in the faith of Islam. His enthusiasm gave rise to the sect of Al-Morabethun (“dedicated to the service of God ”) or Almoravides, which under his leader- ship conquered the country lying between the Sahara and the ancient Gsetulia forthe new religion. He died in battle ; but his conquests were continued in Africa by his successors, and in 1086 Yussuf ibn Tashfyn extended his victories to Spain. Abdallatif (abd-al-la-tef'), or Abd-ul-Lateef (abd-61-la-tef'). Born at Bagdad, 1162 : died at Bagdad, Nov. 8, 1231. An Arabian physician, philosopher, and traveler. He was the author of a historical work on Egypt published in Latin by Professor Joseph White of Oxford as “AbdaUatiphi historic TEgypti compendium,” in 1800. A manuscript of it, brought from the East by Pococke, is in the Bodleian Library. Abdalmalek, or Abd-el-Malek, or -Malik (abd-al- (or -el-) ma'lek, -lik). The fifth calif of the Ommiads, 685-705. Abdalmalek. Born at Basra about 740. A Mohammedan doctor, instructor of Harun-al- Rashid, noted for his extraordinary memory. He is the reputed author of the romance of Antar. Abdalmalek. Born at Cordova, 801: died 853. A Mohammedan historian and theologian. Abd-al-Rahman, or Abdalrahman. See Aid- er- Rah man. Abdara. See Abdera. Abdelazar (ab-del-a'zar). A tragedy made by Mrs. Aphra Belm from the play “Lust’s Do- minion,” acted in 1676 and published the next year. It contains the song “ Love in fantastic triumph sat.” Abd-el-Kader, or -Kadir (abd-el-ka'der). Born near Mascara, Algeria, 1807 : died at Damas- cus, May 26, 1883. A celebrated Arab chief, the heroic leader of the Arabs in the wars in Algiers against the French 1832-47, and pris- oner of the French 1847-52. He lived in later years principally at Damascus as a pensioner of the French government. Abd-el-Malek, or -Malik. See Abdalmalek. Abd-el-Mottalib. See Abdul-Muttalib. Abdemon (ab'de-mon). See the extract. The “ wisdom ” of Solomon is said to have provoked the Tyrians to match them wits against his. Solomon had sent Hiram certain riddles to test his sagacity, and had asked for a return in kind, wagering a good round sum upon the result. The contest terminated in Solomon’s favour, and Hiram had to make a heavy payment in con- sequence. Hereupon, a Tyrian named Abdemon (Abdes- mun?) came to the rescue, and vindicated the honour of his country by correctly solving all King Solomon’s rid- dles, and proposing to him others, of which the Israelitish monarch, with all his intelligence, was quite unable to discover the solution. He was thus compelled to refund all the money that Hiram had paid him, and to forfeit a considerable amount in addition. Rawlinson, Phoenicia, p. 103. Abdera (ab-de'ra). [Gr. ra ’’Afich/pa, or ’AfAr/pov.] In ancient geography, a maritime city of Thrace, founded by the Teians, belonging to the Athe- nian Confederation. Its inhabitants were no- torious among the Greeks for dullness. The exact ancient site has not been identified. Abdera (ab-de'ra). [Gr. ra ’A/3 dr/pa, Audr/pa, A/3<5 apa, "Afidr/pov.] In ancient geography, a town, the modern Adra (or AJmeria ?), on the southern coast of Spain, about 45 miles south- east of Granada. Also Abdara. Abd-er-Rahman (abd-er-riih'man) I. [Ar., ‘servant of the merciful one,’i. e. God.] Born at Damascus, 731 : died 788. The founder (756) of the independent Ommiad power in Spain, with Cordova as capital. He survived the massacre of the Ommiads by the Abbassides, took refuge in Mauretania, and was invited by a party of tile Arabs in Spain to come to them as their sovereign. He quickly established his power, overcame his chief antagonist in battle (755), sup- A Becket, Gilbert Abbott pressed formidable rebellions (758-763), and repelled the invasion of Charlemagne (778). The famous mosque at Cor- dova was constructed by him. Also Abd-al-Rahman, Ab- durrahman, Abdurrahman. Abd-er-Rahman III. Born 891: died 961. Calif of Cordova from 912 to 961. During his reign the Saracen power in Spain rose to its greatest height. Abd-er-Rahman. Died 732. A Saracen chief- tain, governor of Narbonne. He invaded France with a large army, and was defeated by Charles Martel, and slain, near Tours in 732. Abd-er-Rahman. Born Nov. 28, 1778: died Aug., 1859. Sultan of Fez and Morocco 1823- 1859. The piratical habits of his subjects involved him in several conflicts with European powers, and in 1844 he supported Abd-el-Kader against France. Abdiel (ab'di-el). [Heb., ‘ servant of God.’] A seraph in Milton’s “Paradise Lost” (v. 896), the only seraph who remained loyal when Satan stirred up the angels to revolt. He is mentioned by the Jewish cabalists. Abdi-Milkut (ab'de-mil-kot'). A king of Sidon, a contemporary of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria (680-668 b. c.). He made an alliance with King Sanduarri, and revolted from his allegiance to As- syria ; was attacked, and, after a prolonged resistance, fled, probably to Cyprus ; and was caught and decapitated in C76. Abdol-Motalleb. See Abdul-Muttalib. Abdool-. See Abdul-. Abdul- Aziz (ab'dol-a-zez' ) . Born Feb. 9, 1830 : assassinated (?) June 4, 1876. Sultan of Turkey 1861-76, second son of Mahmud II. and brother of Abdul-Medjid whom he succeeded. Aided by his grand vizirs, Ali Pasha and Fuad Pasha, he attempted to introduce Western civilization into Turkey. In 1867 he visited the Paris Exhibition, and journeyed through Eng- land, Austria, and Germany. Dissatisfaction with his re- form polii y and the depletion of his treasury brought about his deposition, May 30, 1876. Abdul-Hamid (ab'dol-ha-med') I. Born May 30, 1725 : died April 7, 1789. Sultan of Turkey from Jan. 21, 1774. till April 7, 1789. He inherited a disastrous war with Russia, which was ended in July, 1774, by the treaty of Kainardji, and which resulted in the loss of Crimea and adjacent regions. He was also engaged in war with Russia and Austria from 1787. Abdul-Hamid II. Born Sept. 22, 1842. Sultan of Turkey Aug. 31, 1876, -(dethroned) April 27, 1909, second son of Abdul-Medjid and brother of the insane Murad V. whom ho suc- ceeded. He carried on a war with Russia from April 24, 1877, to 1878. By the treaty of San Stefano, which followed (March 3, 1878), modified by the Berlin Treaty of July 13, 1878, Turkey lost large possessions in Europe and Asia. Abdul-Kerim (ab'dol-ke-rem') Pasha. Born 1811: died 1885. A Turkish general, distin- guished by bis services in the Crimean war, and against the Servians in 1876, hut banished for failure in the Russian war of 1877. Abdul-Latif. See Abdallatif. Abdul-Medjid, or Mejid (ab'dol-me-jed'). Born April 23, 1823 : died June 25, 1861. The eldest son of Mahmud II. whom he succeeded, July 1, 1839. He was conquered by Mehemet Ali, the rebellious viceroy of Egypt, at Nisib, June 24, 1839, but was protected by the intervention of the Great Powers in 1840. November 3, 1839, he promulgated the Hatti-sherif of Giilhanfe (the imperial palace where it was first pro- claimed), an organic statute for the government of the empire, guaranteeing the security of life and property to subjects and introducing fiscal and military reforms. He was engaged in the Crimean war from 1853 to 1856. In 1856 was promulgated the Hatti-y-humayun, which pro- fessed to secure the rights of the Hatti-sherif of Gulhanh to all classes, without distinction of rank or religion. Abdul-Mumen (ab'dol-mo'inen). Bom in northwestern Africa, 1101: died 1163. The founder of the dynasty of the Almohados, calif from 1130 till 1163. Abdul-Muttalib (ab'dol-m8t-ta'lib). Died 578. The grandfather of Mohammed and his guar- dian for two years. Abdurrahman. See Abd-cr-Rahman. Abdurrahman Kban (ab-dor-rfth'man khan). Bom about 1830 : died Oct. 3, 1901. The ameer of Afghanistan, proclaimed such in 1880. Abecedarians (a/'be-se-da'ri-anz). A German Anabaptist sect of the 16th century, led by Nicholas Stork, a weaver of Zwickau, which rejected all learning (even the learning of “A-B-C”) as a hindrance to religion, professed a special inspiration superseding the Bible, and predicted (and was disposed to promote) the overthrow of existing governments. A Becket (a-bek'et), Gilbert Arthur. Born at London, 1837 : died at London, Oct. 15, 1891. An English journalist, dramatist, and miscellaneous writer, son of G. A. A Becket. A Becket, Gilbert Abbott. Born at London, Jan. 9, 1811: died at Boulogne, France, Aug. 30, 1856. An English lawyer, journalist, and writer, noted chiefly for his contributions to A Becket, Gilbert Abbott “Punch”: author of the “Comic History of England,” the “Comic History of Borne,” the “ Comic Blaekstone,” etc. A Becket, Thomas. See Thomas of London. Abed-nego (a-bed'ue-go). [Probably an error in the text for Abed Nebo, servant of the god Nebo.] One of the three Hebrews east by Nebuchadnezzar into the fiery furnace. His Hebrew name was Azariah, Abed-nego being substituted for it by the prince of the eunuchs of the king of Baby- lon. Dan. i. 7. Abegg (a/ beg), Julius Friedrich Heinrich. Born at Erlaugen, Bavaria, March 27, 1796 : died at Breslau, Prussia, May 29, 1868. A Ger- man jurist, author of “ Versuch einer Geschiehte der preussischen Civilprozessgesetzgebung ” (1848), etc. Abel (a'bel). [Hob. Hebei, formerly derived from Heb. hebel, transitoriness; more prob- ably to be connected with Assyro-Babylonian ablu, son.] The second son of Adam, slain by liis brother Cain, according to the account in Genesis. Abel (a'bel), Carl. Born at Berlin, Nov. 25, 1837. A German comparative philologist, au- thor of “Linguistic Essays” (1880), etc. He has acted as Ilchester lecturer "on comparative lexicog- raphy at Oxford, and as Berlin correspondent of the “ rimes" and “Standard." Abel (a'bel), Sir Frederick Augustus. Born at London, July 17, 1827 : died there. Sept. 6, 1902. An English chemist, president of the Institute of Chemistry and other learned societies, and author of “Guncotton,” “Modern History of Gunpowder,” “On Explosive Agents,” etc., and with Bloxarn of a “Handbook of Chemistry.” Abel (a'bel), Heinrich Friedrich Otto. Born at Reichenbach, Wurtemberg, Jan. 22, 1824: died at Leonberg, Wurtemberg, Oct. 28, 1854. A German historian, collaborator on the “ Monu- menta Germanise historica,” and author of “Konig Philipp der Hohenstaufe” (1852), etc. Abel (a'bel), Joseph. Born at Aschach, in Austria, 1768: died at Vienna, Oct. 4, 1818. An Austrian historical and portrait painter. Abel (a'bel), Karl Friedrich. Born at Kothen, Germany, 1725: died at London, June 20, 1787. A German composer, and noted performer on the viol da gamba. Abel (a'bel), Niels Henrik. Born at Findoe, Norway, August 5, 1802: died near Arendal, Norway, April 6, 1829. A distinguished Nor- wegian mathematician, noted especially for his researches on elliptic functions. His com- plete works were published in 1839. Abelard (ab'e-liird), Peter, F. Abelard (a-ba-lar '), ML. Abelardus (ab-e-lar'dus). Born at Pallet (Palais), near Nantes, France, in 1079 : died April 21, 1142. A French scholar, one of the most .notable of the founders of scholastic theology, a pupil of Boscellin of Compiegne and of William of Champeaux. He taught with great success at Melun, at Corbeil, and at Paris. In 1121 he was cited before the Synod of Soissons, on the charge of disseminating Sabellianism, and was compelled to burn his “Introductio ad Theologiam.” He Boon after retired to a solitary place near Nogent-sur- Seine, but was sought out by students, who built for him the Oratory of the Paraclete. From 1125 till about 1134 he was abbot of St. Gildas in Bretagne. In 1140, at the Council of Sens, he was accused of heresy by Bernard of Clairvaux and was condemned by the council and the Pope, but was afterward reconciled to Bernard. He repre- sent id the spirit of free inquiry in theology, and contrib- uted largely to fix the scholastic manner of philosophizing. For his relation to Hcloise, see Ucloise. Abel de Pujol (ii-bel' depii-zliol' ), Alexandre Denis. Born at Valenciennes, France, Jan. 30, 1785 : died at Paris, Sept. 28, 1861. A French historical painter. Abelin (a' be-len ), Johann Philipp : pseudonym Johann Ludwig Gottfried (Gothofredus). Died about 1635. A German historian, founder of the “Theatrum Europroum,” a serial work on contemporaneous history, carried forward by Schieder, Oraus, and others into the 18th cen- tury, and author of a history of tho West Indies, “Historia Antipodum,” and other works. Abelites (a'bel-its), or Abelonites (ab'e-lon- Its), or Abelonians (a-bel-6'ni-anz). An Afri- can sect, mentioned by Augustine (“ Do Hsere- sibus”) as coming to an end in his day, which observed the custom of marrying without pro- creating, in order not to perpetuate inherited sin and in imitation of the traditional examplo of Abel, tho son of Adam. They adopted the children of others. Abell (a'bel), Thomas. Executed at Smith- field. London, July 30, 1540. A Roman Catho- lic clergyman, rector of Bradwcll in Essex, and chaplain to Queen Catherine, wife of Henry 4 VHI. of England, unjustly condemned on the charge of concealing the treasonable practices of Elizabeth Barton, the “Nun of Kent.” He was an active supporter of the queen in her endeavor to prevent the divorce sought by Henry. Abencerrages(a-ben'se-raj-ez; Sp.pron.a-Ben- tha-ra'Hes). A Moorish family in Granada, fa- mous in Spanish romance. Their struggle with the family of the Zegris and tragical destruction in the Al- hambra by King Abu Hassan, near the end of the Moorish dominion in Granada, are told in Perez de Hita’s (unhis- torical) “ Historia de las guerras civiles de Granada ” (1595), the groundwork of a romance by Chateaubriand (1826), and of an opera by Cherubini (1813). Abenezra (a-ben-ez'ra), or Ibn Ezra (’b’n-ez'- ra). See Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra. Abensberg (ii'bens-bero). A small town in Lower Bavaria, on the Abens 18 miles south- west of Ratisbon, the scene of a victory by Na- poleon over the Austrian army of Archduke Louis, April 20, 1809. The attack was on the center of the Austrian line, which was cut in halves: the left was driven across the Isar at Landshut, which was captured, and the right was overcome at Eckmiihl on April 22. In this series of operations the Austrians lost 60,000 men. Abeokuta (ab-e-o-ko'ta). The principal town of Yoruba or Yariba, in Southern Nigeria, western Africa. It was founded in 1830 by fugitive slaves, who were subsequently joined by numerous free- men, mostly of the Egba tribe. Excepting a few native Christian churches, the mass of the people isstill heathen. Population (estimated), 60,000. Also Abiieolcata. Aber (ab'er). [Gael, abar = W. aber, a con- fluence of waters, the mouth of a river. Cf. Gael, inbhir, with same senses, = W. ynfer, in- flux, = Sc. inver-.] An element appearing in many place-names in Great Britain, and sig- nifying ‘a confluence of waters,’ either of two rivers or of a river with the sea : as, Aber- deen, Aberdour, Abergavenny, Aberystwith. Aberavon (ab-er-a'von). A seaport in Glamor- ganshire, South Wales, situated on Bristol Channel 7 miles east of Swansea. It has large manufacturing works, and there are mines of coal and iron in its vicinity. Population, 7,553. Aberbrothock. See Arbroath. Aberconway. See Conway. Abercorn (ab'er-korn). A hamlet in Linlith- gowshire, Scotland, about 10 miles west of Edinburgh. It was the seat of a bishopric from 681 to 685. Abercrombie (ab'er-krum-bi), James. Born at Glasshaugh, in Scotland, 1706: died at Stirling, Scotland, April 28, 1781. A British general, commander of an expedition against Canada in 1758. He was defeated by Montcalm at Ticonderoga, July 8, 1758. Abercrombie, John. Born at Aberdeen, Scot- land, Oct. 10, 1780: died at Edinburgh, Nov. 14, 1844. A Scottish physician and philo- sophical writer. He wrote “Pathological and Prac- tical Researches on Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord "(1828), “Pathological and Practical P.esearches on Diseases of the Stomach, the Intestinal Canal, etc." (1828), “ Enquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth ” (1830), “ Philosophy of the Moral Feelings ” (1833), etc. Abercrombie, John Joseph. Bom in Tennes- see in 1802: died at Roslyn, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1877. An American soldier. He was graduated at West Point in 1822, and served in the Florida war (hre- vetted major), in the Mexican war (hrevetted lieutenant- colonel), and in the Union army in the Civil War (hrevetted brigadier-general). Abercromby (ab'er-krum-bi), David. Died about 1702. A Scottish physician and philo- sophical writer. His chief work is entitled “A Discourse of Wit” (London, 1685). “It antedates the (so-called) ‘Scottish School of Philosophy’ a century nearly: for in it Dr. Thomas Reid’s philosophy of common sense . . . is distinctly taught.” A. B. Grosart, in Diet. Nat. Biog. Abercromby, James. Born Nov. 7, 1776: died at Colinton House, Midlothian, April 17, 1858. An English politician, third son of Sir Ralph Abercromby, created Baron Dunfermline in 1839. He became a member of Parliament in 1807, judge-advocate-general in 1827, chief baron of the ex- chequer of Scotland in 1830, master of the mint in 1834, and speaker in 1835. Abercromby, Sir John. Born 1772: died at Marseilles, Feb. 14, 1817. An English soldier, second son of Sir Ralph Abercromby. He served in Flanders 1793-94, was arrested by Napoleon and imprisoned at Verdun in 1S03, was exchanged in 1S08, and was appointed commander-in-chief at Bombay in 1809. He captured Mauritius in 1S10. Abercromby, Patrick. Bom at Forfar, Scot- land. 1656: died 1716 (various dates are as- signed). A Scottish physician, antiquary, and historian, author of “Martial Achievements of the Scots Nation” (1711-16). Abercromby, Sir Ralph. Born at Mens try, Clackmannan. Scotland, Oct., 1734: died near Alexandria, Egypt, March 28, 1801. A distin- ibersychan guished British neral. commander-in-chief in the West Indies'95-97 (where he took Grena- da, Demerara, d Trinidad, and relieved St. Vincent), in Irerdin 1798, and in the Nether- lands in 1799. was mortally wounded near Alex- andria, Egypt, Marcil, 1801. He “ shar es with Sir John Moore the credit ofnewing the ancient discipline and military reputation the British soldier" (H. M. Ste- phens, in Diet. Nat. og.). Abercromby, Siuobert. Born at Tullibody, Clackmannan, btland, 1740: died at Air- threy, near Stirlg, Scotland, Nov., 1827. A British general, linger brother of Sir Ralph Abercromby. Hervedin the French and Indian and Pievolutionary wars ( the battles of Brooklyn. Brandy- wine, and German tow and at Charleston and Yorktown), and later commandeer India. Aberdare (ab-er-e'). A mining and manufac- turing town in Gmorganshire, South Wales, about 5 miles schwest of Merthyr-Tydvil. There are coal- ai iron-mines in its vicinity. Population, 43,36 Aberdare, Baron See Bruce Pryce, Henry Austin. Aberdeen (ab-er-d/), or New Aberdeen. A seaport, capital otlie county of Aberdeen, Scotland, on the Nth Sea between the mouths of the Don and Deen lat. 57° 8' 33" N., long. 2° 4' 6" W. (lighthou). It is the principal city of northern Scotland, anlias an important foreign and coasting commerce ana variety of manufactures. It received a charter frora'illiam the Lion in 1178. Popu- lation, 181,918. Aberdeen, Old. Aown at the mouth of the Don, one mile non of Aberdeen, Scotland. It contains the Cathedi of St. Macliar, and King's Col- lege in the University ovberdeen. The old cathedral is now a parish church, coistingof the spacious nave only of the original building It was begun in 1366. There are two castle-like toweat the west end, surmounted by heavy pyramidal spires, id a fine projecting porch on the south side. The materi is granite throughout. Aberdeen. A cityn Brown County, South Dakota, about 120 cles northeast of Pierre: a railroad and tradig center. Population, 10,753, (1910). Aberdeen. A city, ipital of Monroe County. Mississippi, on the ombigbee, in lat. 33° 51' N., long. 88° 35' W. Population, 3,708, (1910). Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon. Aberdeen, Universe of. An institution of learning at Aberdet, incorporated 1860, by the union of King’ College and university (founded by Bishop Iphinstone. 1494) at Old Aberdeen and the Mrischal College and uni- versity (founded by ie Earl Marischal, 1593) at New Aberdeen. , has about 80 teachers and 1,300 students. It sendsvith Glasgow University one member to Parliament. Aberdeenshire (ab-eden'shir). A county of Scotland, capital Abrdeen, bounded by the North Sea on the noli and east, by Kincar- dine, Forfar, and Peih on the south, and by Inverness and Banff q the west. Its ancient di- visions were Mar, Formarti Buchan, Garioch, and Strath- bogie. Its leading industrs are agriculture, stock-rais- ing, granite-cutting, fcnd fiang. Area, 1,972 square miles. Population, 304 a* " . Aberdour (ab-er-dor') A small place in Fife- shire, Scotland, on th Firth of Forth about 8 miles north of Edinbvgh, resorted to for sea- bathing. Aberfoyle (ab-er-foil'. A small village in Perthshire, Scotland, tear Loch Katrine. It figures in Scott’s nove“ Rob Roy.” Abergavenny (ab-fer-a'ni or ab"er-ga-ven'i . A town in Monmoutshire, England, at th< junction of the Gavany and Usk, built on the site of the Roma Gobannio. There are coal-mines and iron-wcks in its vicinity. Pop- ulation, 7,795. Abernethy (ab'6r-ne-ii). A small town in Perthshire, Scotland, bout 7 miles southeast of Perth. It was ancintly a seat of Culdee worship and a Pictish oyal residence. Abernethy, John. Bon at Coleraine, Ireland. Oct. 19, 1680: died Dec 1740. A clergyman of the Irish Presbyterian (lurch, appointed by the synod to tho church iiDublin, 1717. His re- fusal to obey caused i schism in the Irish Church. Abernethy, John. Ben at London April 3, 1764: died at Enfield, lear London, April 28, 1831. An English surpon, lecturer on anat- omy and physiology in tie College of Surgeons 1814-17, and surgeon to It. Bartholomew’s Hos- pital 1815-27. His medial works were collected in five volumes in 1S30. He pofessed great influence in his profession, due less to his lerning than to his powerful, attractive, and somewhat eccntric personality. Abersycban (ab-6r-suk'in). A mining town in Monmouthshire, Enjand, about 16 miles Abersychm southwest of the town of lonmouth. Popu- lation, 17,768. Abert (a'bert), John Jar ;S. Born at Shep- herdstown, Va., Sept. 17, ’88: died at Wash- ington, D. C., Jan. 27, 1)3. An American military (topographical) ngineer, brevetted major in 1814, and made cJonel of engineers in 1838. He was given thetharge of the topo- graphical bureau in 1829. Abert (a'bert), Johann oseph. Born Sept. 21, 1832, at Kochowitz in )hemia. A German musician, author of tht operas “Anna von Landskron” (1859), “Enig Enzio” (1862), “Astorga” (1866), “Ekliard” (1878), etc. Aberystwith (ab-er-ist“ th). A seaport and watering-place in Cardig ishiro, Wales, at the junction of tho Ystwith ; d Rlieidol, in lat. 52° 25' N., long. 4° 5' W. It < [tains the University Col- lege of Wales, which wa3 op ed in 1872. Population, 8,014. Abeshr (a-besh'r). Th capital of Wadai, in Sudan, about lat. 14° 5' ., long. 21° 5' E. Abessa (a-bes'a). A fenle character in Spen- ser’s “Faerie Queene,” epresenting the cor- ruption of the abbeys a: convents. Abgar (ab'gar), L. Abgrus (ab'ga-rus). An appellation of the kin of Edessa, used as tv as ‘Ctesar’ among tl Romans, ‘Pharaoh’ and ‘Ptolemy’ in Egy] and ‘ Antiochus’ in Syria. The dynasty laste from 99 B. c. to 217 A. D. According to Eusebius, Abg XV. (Ucomo, ‘the black,' 18 to 50) wrote to Christ ask; ; him to take up his abode with him and relievo him off incurable disease. Christ promised to send him one olis disciples after his ascen- siod, and accordingly Thomasent Tliaddeus. In Cedre- nus is the following story. Jianias, who carried Ahgar's letter to Christ, was also a sinter and tried to take his portrait, but was dazzled bthe splendor of his counte- nance. Washing his face, Cist dried it on a linen cloth, on which his features were lraculously impressed. This cloth was taken to Edessa bjAnanias. Abhidhanachintamai (a -bhi- dha ' na - c-hin- ta'ma-ni). [Skt., ‘ thi jewel that gives every word wished.’] A synoymic lexicon in Sanskrit by Hemachandra who ye d in the 12th century. AbhidhanaratnamaL: (a-bhi-dha'na-rat-n'a- ma'la). [Skt., ‘the pkrl necklace of words.’] A Sanskrit vocabularjby Halayudha, belong- ing to. about the end (the 11th century. Abhidharmapitaka l-bhi-dhar'ma-pit'a-ka). [Skt., ‘basket of mtaphysics.’] That sec- tion of the Buddhist sriptures which treats of Abhidharma or the sureme truth, philosophy or metaphysics. It iniides the Dhammasanganl, on conditions of life in differs worlds ; the Vibhanga, eigh- teen treatises of various intents ; the Kathavatthu, on one thousand controvertepoints ; the Puggalapannatti, explanations of common ersonal qualities ; the Dhatu- katha, on the elements ; thYamaka, on pairs, or apparent contradictions or contrast and the Patthana, or “Book of Origins,” on the causes oixistence. Abhimanyu (a-bhi-ran'yu). In Hindu legend, the son of Arjuna. He killed Lakshmana, son of Duryodhana, on the secol day of the great battle of the Mahal .harata, but on tluhirteenth himself fell fighting heroically. Abhiramamani (a-tu-ra'ma-man'i). [Skt., ‘the jewel (book or earn a) relating to Rama.’] A Sanskrit drama (which the hero is Rama, written by Sundaralishra in 1599 a. d. Abhiras (ab-he'raz), A people inhabiting the coast east of the mflth of the Indus (Lassen), the region identifieihy Lassen and Ritter with the Ophir (ophir) olhe Old Testament. Abhorson (ab-hor'm). An executioner in Shakspere’s “ Mease for Measure.” Abia (a-bi'a). Seejb/jah. Abiad (a'be-ad). 'Je Whito Nilo. See Bahr- ein Abiad. Abiah (a-bi'a). Sc Abijah . Abiathar (a-bl'a-tlr). [Heb., ‘father of ex- cellence’ or ‘abunance’ (Gesenius), or ‘my father excels’ (Olsiusen).] A high priest of Israel in the 11th entury B. C., a partizau and companion of Davimiring his exile, appointed for his services Igh priest conjointly with Zadok, tho appointo of Saul. Abich (ii'bich), Whelm Hermann. Born at Berlin, Dec. 11, J)6: died at Gratz, July 1, 1886. A German aineralogist and geologist, and traveler in Rujia and elsewhere, appointed professor of minejlogy in Dorpat in 1842. Abidharma. Beclbhidharmapitaka. Abiezer (a-bi-e'ze. [Heb., ‘ father of help.’] 1. A grandson qMar.asscli and nephew of Gilead, founder f an important family to which also, collecvely, the name was applied. Also Abiesar. A family of ManaSh, consequently of Joseph, that of Abieznr, which resiij at Ophra, to the west of Sichem, near the lower slop' of Ephraim, assumed in this sad state of affairs a greimportance, and nearly gave Israel that dynasty which would have realised its unity. These Abiezrites were very fine men, heroes, like unto the sons of a king. Renan, Hist, of the People of Israel (trails.), I. 260. 2. One of David’s chief warriors, an inhabitant of Anathoth, in the tribe of Benjamin. Abigail (ab'i-gal). [Heb., ‘father (source) of joy,’ or ‘my father is joy.’] 1. The mother of Amasa and sister of David. — 2. The wife of Nabal and, after his death, of David. By has- tening to meet David with a supply of provisions when he was marching to take vengeance upon Nabal she suc- ceeded in arresting his anger. 3. A character in Marlowe’s tragedy “The Jew of Malta,” the daughter of Barabas the Jew. The passages between her and her father strongly resemble those between Shylock and Jessica in the “Mer- chant of Venice.” 4. A lady’s-maid or waiting gentlewoman in Beaumont and Fletcher’s “Scornful Lady,” and in other plays : presumably from Abigail who called herself the handmaid of David in 1 Sam. xxv. 3. The name is now a popular synonym for a lady’s-maid. Abigor (ab'i-gor). In medieval demonology, a demon of high degree, grand duke in the infernal realms. He has sixty legions at his com- mand, and is an authority on all subjects pertaining to war. He is represented as a knight carrying a lance, standard, or scepter. Abihu (a-bl'hu). [Heb., ‘ father (worshiper) of Him’ (God).] The second of the sons of Aaron by Elisheba. For neglecting to burn incense with fire taken from the great altar and using strange or common fire, he was slain with his elder brother Nadab by fire from heaven. Abijah (a-bi'ja). [Heb., ‘father (worshiper) of Jehovah,’ or ‘my father is Jehovah.’] 1. The name of various persons mentioned in the Old Testament: a son of Becher, one of the sons of Benjamin (1 Chron. vii. 8) ; the wife of Hezron and mother of Ashur (1 Chron. ii. 24); the second son of Samuel, one of the judges whose injustice led to the establishment of the kingdom (1 Sam. viii. 2, 1 Chron. vi. 28); a priest, a descendant of Eleazar, the chief of the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which the priesthood was divided by David (1 Chron. xxiv. 10) ; a son of Jeroboam the son of Nebat (1 Ki. xiv. 1); the mother of Hezekiah (2 Chron. xxix. 1) ; a priest mentioned in Ne- hemiah (x. 7). — 2. The second king of Judah, son of Rehoboam and grandson of Solomon. He reigned 932-929 B. C. (Duncker). A victory over Jero- boam in which 400,000 men are said to have fought for Abijah and 800,000 for Jeroboam, leaving 500,000 dead (obviously erroneous numbers), was the notable event of his reign. Also Abijam, Abiah, Abia. Abika. See Creek. Abila (ab'i-la). In ancient geography, a city of Syria, capital of the tetrarehy of Abilene, northwest of Damascus. Abildgaard (a-bil'gard), Nikolai Abraham. Born at Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 4, 1744 : died at Fredericksdal, June 4, 1809. A Danish painter of Norwegian parentage, professor (1786) at the academy of Copenhagen, and later its director. Abilene (ab-i-le'ne). In ancient geography, a district and tetrarehy of Syria, lying east of Antilibanus. Abilene (ab'i-len). The capital of Dickinson County, Kansas, situated on Smoky Hill River about 85 miles west of Topeka. Population, 4,118, (1910). Abilene. The capital of Taylor County, Texas, about 200 miles northwest of Austin. Popula- tion, 9,204, ,(1910). Abimelech (a-bim'e-lek). [Heb.; Assyrian Abi-milki, father of counsel.] 1. A name used in the Old Testament apparently as a general title (like the Egyptian ‘Pharaoh’) of the Philistine kings. Specifically— (a) A king of Gerar in the time of Abraham (Gen. xx.). Supposing Sarah to be Abraham's sister, as Abraham asserted, he took her into his harem, but dismissed her when lie found she was Abraham’s wife. (5) A second king of Gerar, in the time of Isaac (Gen. xxvi.), with whom Isaac found refuge during afamine, and to whom he made the same statement about Kebekah that Abraham had made about Sarah. 2. A son of Gideon by a concubine, a native of Shechem, made king of Israel by the She- chemites (Judges ix.). His reign, which lasted three years, is assigned by Duncker to the sec- ond half of the 12th century B. C. Abingdon (ab'ing-don). A town in Berkshire, England, 7 miles south of Oxford. It contains the ruins of a noted abbey. Population, 6,480. Abingdon, Earl of. See Bertie, Willoughby. Abinger, Baron. See Scarlett, James. Abington (ab'ing-ton). A town in Plymouth Abomey County, Massachusetts, about 20 miles south of Boston. Population, 5,455, (1910). Abington, Mrs. (Frances or Fanny Barton). Born at London, 1737: died at London, March 4, 1815. An English actress, daughter of a private soldier in the King’s Guards. From the position of a flower-girl, known by the name of “Nosegay Fan,’ in St. James’s Park, and street-singer, she rose to eminence on the stage, and enjoyed a successful career of forty-three years. “ She was the original representa- lotte Rusport, in the ‘West Indian;’ Boxalana, in the ‘Sultan;’ Miss Hoyden, in the ‘Trip to Scarborough;’ and her crowning triumph, Lady Teazle.” (Doran, Annals of the Eng. Stage, II. 211.) She married her music-mas- ter, one of the royal trumpeters, from whom she soon separated. Abipones (ab-i-po'nez). A tribe of Indians who in the 16th century occupied both sides of the river Paraguay about 600 miles above the Parana. Later they removed to the Chaco region, and were driven southward by the Spaniards. They were savage and intractable, wandering in their habits, and lived by hunting and fishing. After tire in- troduction of horses by the Spaniards, this tribe acquired large numbers of them by theft or by taming those which had run wild, and became skilful equestrians. Abisbal, Count. See O’Donnell, Henry. Abishag (a-bish'ag). [Heb., ‘father (author) of error.’] A Shunammite woman taken by David to comfort him in his old age. 1 Ki. i. 1-4. A’okhasia (ab-kha'si-a). A region, not an ad- ministrative division, on the southern slope of the Caucasus, having an area of about 3,000 square miles. It was permanently subjugated by Russia in 1864. Population, about 80,000. Abnaki (ab-nak'e). [‘The whitening sky at daybreak,’ i. e. eastern people.] A confed- eracy of North American Indians, formerly oc- cupying all Maine and the valley of the St. John’s River, and ranging northwest to the St. Lawrence. They were called Tarrateens by the New England tribes and colonial writers. The component tribes were the Penobscot, the Passamaouoddy, and the Amalicite (Malecite) — all allies of the French. After the fall of the French in North America, many of the Abnaki withdrew to Canada. They number now over 2,000. Also Abenaki. See Algonquian. Abner (ab'ner). [Heb., ‘father of light.’] The uncle of Saul, and the commander-in-chief of his army. After Saul’s death he maintained the in- terests of the royal house, supporting Ishbosheth against David. In his flight, after the defeat at Gibeon, he slew Joab s brother, Asahe], who was pursuing him. Later, when lie was about to effect a compromise with David prejudicial to Joab’s interest, Joab treacherously slew him. Abney (ab'ni), Sir Thomas. Born at Willes- ley, Derbyshire, Jan., 1640: died at Theobalds, H ertf ordshire, Feb. 6, 1722. A London merchant (originally a fishmonger), sheriff of London and Middlesex 1693-94, one of the original directors of the Bank of England, and Lord Mayor of London, 1700-01. He was a friend and patron of Dr. Watts, who for the last 36 years of his life made his home with the Abneys. Abnoba (ab'no-ba). In ancient geography, a mountainous region in Germany, containing the sources of the Danube : the modern Black Forest. Also called Silva Marciana and Montes Rauraci. Abo ( a'bo; Sw. a'bo). A seaport, capital of Abo-Bjorneborg, Finland, in lat. 60° 26' 57" N., long. 22° 17' 3" E. : the capital of Finland be- fore 1819. It was founded by Eric the Saint in the 12th century, is the see of an archbishop, and was the seat of a university which was removed to Helsingfors in 1827. Population, 43,680. Abo, Peace (Treaty) of. A treaty between Russia and Sweden, signed Aug. 18, 1743, by which Russia acquired the southern part of Finland as far as the river Kyrnen and secured the election of an ally as Prince Roj’al of Sweden. Aboab (a-bo'ab), Isaac. A Hebrew scholar who flourished at Toledo about 1300. He was the author of “Shulchan hapanim ” (table of showbread), which is lost, and of “ Menorath hamaor ” (the light), a collection of legends made from an ethical and religious point of view, composed in seven parts to correspond witli the seven branches of the temple candlestick (menorah). This work became very popular among the Jews every- where, and was translated into Spanisli and German. Aboan (a-bo'an). A slave in Southern’s play “Oronooko”: a fine though secondary char- acter. Abo-Bjorneborg (ft'bo-byer'ne-borg). A gov- ernment of Finland, Russia, O bordering on the Gulf of Bothnia. Capital, Abo. Area, 9,335 square miles. Population, 475,068. Abomey (ab-6'mi; native a-bo-ma'). The capital of Dahomey, in lat. 7° 5' N., long. 2° 4' E. It was captured by the French in November, 1892. Population, about 10,700. Abominations Abominations, Tariff of. See Tariff. Abongo. See Obongo. Abony (ob'ony). A town in the county of Pest, Hungary, 50 miles southeast of Budapest. Population, 13,529. Also Nagy- Abony. Aboo. See Abu. Aboo-Bekr. See Abu-Bekr. Abookeer. See Abukir. Abou. See Abu. Abou-Bekr. See Abu-Bekr. Abou ben Adhem (a'bo ben a/dem). The title of a short poem by Leigh Hunt. Abou-Hassan. See Abu-Hassan. Abou-Klea. See Abu-Klca. About (a-bo'), Edmond Francois Valentin. Born at Dieuze, France, Feb. 14, 1828 : died at Paris, Jan. 17, 1885. A French novelist, journalist, and dramatist. He studied archaeology at the French school in Athens, and after returning to France in 1853 wrote for the “Moniteur,” “Soir,” etc. Napoleon III. made use of his pen in political work for many years. In 1872 he was arrested by the Germans for shooting a German sentry, but was released. With Sarcey he founded the “ XlXme Siecle." In 1884 he was elected an academician. Among his works are “La Grece con- temporaine,” a satire on the manners and morals of the Greeks (1855), “La question romaine/’an attack on the papacy (I860), “Alsace ” (1872), “Les manages de Paris” (1856), “Le roi des montagnes’’(1856), “ Germaine ”(1857), “Trente et quarante ”(1858),“ L'homme a l'oreille cassCe ” (“The Man with the broken Ear”: 1861), “Le nez dun notaire ” (“ The Nose of a Notary " : 1862), “ Le cas de M. Gudrin ” (1863), “Madelon ” (1863), “ Le roman d’un brave homme " ( 18801 , etc. Abra (ab'ra). 1. A character in the romance of “ Amadis of Greece,” the sister of Zario, the sultan of Babylon. She succeeds to the throne of Babylon, after her brother has been killed by Lisuarte whom she loves and finally marries. 2. The favorite concubine of Solomon, a char- acter (of remarkable docility) in Prior’s poem “Solomon on the Vanity of the World.” Abra was ready ere I called her name ; And, though I called another, Abra came. ii. 364. Abrabanel (a-bra-ba-nel'), Isaac. Born at Lisbon, 1437 : died at Venice, 1508. A Jewish scholar and statesman. His family claimed descent from the royal house of David. He was treasurer of Al- fonso V., king of Portugal. On the death of this king he was deprived of his fortune, and being obliged to quit Portugal (1481), went to Madrid, where he remained eight years in the service of Queen Isabella. Forced to quit Spain after the expulsion of the Jews (1492), he proceeded to Naples and entered the service of King Ferdinand, and thence to Sicily and Corfu. He was a writer of distinction in the fields of philosophy and biblical exegesis. Also Abarbanel, Abravenel, Barbanella. Abradatas (ab-ra-da'tas). A king of Susa, first an enemy, then an ally, of the Persians under Cyrus. In the “ Cyropaedia ” of Xenophon is told as an episode (our earliest sentimental romance) the story of the loves of Abradatas and his wife Pantheia, which ends with the death of Abradatas in battle and the suicide of Pantheia and her eunuchs. Abraham (a'bra-ham). [Biblical etymology ‘father of multitudes’ (Gen. xvii. 5): also called Abram, exalted father; possibly abu-rdm, my father is the Exalted One. According to some Abraham is an ancient Aramaic dialectic form for Abram.] Flourished 2000 (If) B. c. The first of the patriarchs and the founderof theHebrew race. Many critical scholars do not consider Abraham a historical figure. The narrative in the 14th chapter of Genesis is especially considered historical and ancient. The date of the events there narrated is fixed by Hommel at 2150 B. c.; according to the usual chronology, 1918 B. c. Abraham is equally revered by Jews, Christians, and Mo- hammedans. He was buried in the cave of Machpelah (the double cave) at Hebron, now said to be inclosed by the Great Mosque (Haram) of that place. Abu-ramu or Abram , Abraham’s original name, occurs on early Babylonian contract-tablets. Sayce, Anc. Monuments, p. 53. Abraham, Plains of, or Heights of. An ele- vated plain just beyond Quebec to the south- west, along the river, the scene of the battle of Quebec. See under Quebec. Abraham a Sancta-Clara (a'bra-ham ii sank'- ta kla'rii). Born at Kriihenheimstetten, near Messkirch, Baden, July 2, 1044: died at Vienna, Dec. 1, 1709. Ulrich Megerle (or Megerlm), an Augustinian monk, court preacher at Vienna and satirical writer, lie wrote “Judas the Arch-rascal ’* (“Judas der Erzschelm "), a eatirico-reli- gious romance (1686-95) ; “ (Jack, (Jack, Gack a (Ja of a mar- vellous hen in the duchy of Bavaria, or a detailed account of the famous pilgrimage of Maria Stern in Taxa” (1687), etc. His collected works fill 21 volumes. Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra (a'bra-ham ben ma-er' ’b’n ez'rii). Born at Toledo, 1092: died 1167. A celebrated scholar of the Jewish- Arabic period in Spain, a philologist, poet, mathematician, astronomer, and Bible com- mentator. He had a good knowledge of Hebrew and Arabic grammar, and wrote a treatise on Hebrew gram- mar, “Sefer moznaim ” (book of weights) ; also 150 poems, 6 which are largely used in the Jewish liturgy. He com- mented on the entire Bible except the earlier prophets ; drew the distinction between faith and reason, tradition and criticism ; was the first biblical critic ; wrote a work on Jewish philosophy and a metrical treatise on the game of chess ; and traveled extensively in France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Africa, and England. He was known to medieval scholars as Avenare, said to be a corruption of Abraham Judaeus. Abraham Cupid. See Adam Cupid. Abrahamites (a'bra-ham-its). 1. A branch of the Paulicians, named from Abraham (Ibra- him) of Antioch, its founder. — 2. A small sect of Bohemian deists living in the neighbor- hood of Pardubitz. They rejected nearly all the doctrines of the church, and professed to adopt the reli- gion of Abraham before his circumcision. Abraham-man (a'bra-ham-man). Originally, a mendicant lunatic from Bethlehem Hospital, London . The wards in the ancient Bedlam (Bethlehem) bore distinctive names, as of some saint or patriarch. That named after Abraham was devoted to a class of lunatics who on certain days were permitted to go out begging. They bore a badge, and were known as Abra- ham-men. Many, however, assumed the badge with- out right, and begged, feigning lunacy. Hence the more common meaning came to be an impostor who wandered about the country seeking alms, under pretense of lunacy. From this came the phrase to sham Abraham, to feign sickness. Abraham Newland. See Newland. Abraham’s Oak. An ancient oak or terebinth which long stood on the plain of Mamre, near Hebron in Syria, and was believed to be that under which the patriarch pitched his tent. Wheeler, Familiar Allusions. Abraham the Jew and the Merchant Theo- dore. A medieval story, invented in support of the worship of images. “Theodore, ruined by a shipwreck and repulsed by his friends, borrows money from Abraham, invoking, as his only security, the great Christ set up by Constantine in the copper-market before the palace at Byzantium. Again Theodore loses all, and again the Jew trusts him. Theodore sails westward, and this time prospers. Wishing to repay Abraham, but find- ing no messenger, he puts the money in a box, and com- mits it, in the name of Christ, to the waves. It is washed to the feet of the Jew on the shore of the Sea of Marmora. But, when Theodore returns, Abraham, to try him, feigns that he has not received it. Theodore requires him to make oath before the Christ. And as Theodore, standing before the image, passionately prays, the heart of his benefactor is turned to faith in the surety of the friend- less.” Jebb, Greek Lit., p. 155. Abrahen (ab'ra-hen). A character in Chap- man’s tragedy “Revenge for Honour”: the second son of the calif. Abram (a'bram). 1. See Abraham. — 2. In Shakspere’s “Romeo and Juliet,” a servant to Montague. Abrantes (a-bran'tes). A town in the district of Santarem, province of Estremadura, Portu- gal, situated on the Tagus at the head of navi- gation, about 75 miles northeast of Lisbon. It was the starting-point of Junot in his march on Lisbon. Population, 7,245. Abrantes (a-bron-tas'), Due d’. See Junot, Andoche. Abrantfcs, Duchesse d’. See Junot, Madame. Abrantes, Viscount and Marquis of. See Calrnon du Pin e Almeida, Miguel. Abravanel. See Abrabanel. Abreu (a-bra'o), Joao Capistrano de. Born in Gear:!, Brazil, 1852. A Brazilian historian. For many years he has resided at Rio de Janeiro, where he has been assistant in the National Library, and professor in the Pedro Segundo College, and has been connected with various journals. Abreu, Jose de. Born at Porto Novo, Rio Grande do Sul, about 1775: killed at the battle of Ituzaingd, Feb. 20, 1827. A Brazilian general. He was of obscure parentage and enlisted as a common soldier, but rapidly rose in rank and was one of the most distinguished Brazilian leaders in the campaigns against Artigas, 1816 to 1820. In the latter year he became field- marshal, and in 1826 was created Baron of Serro Largo, taking part in the Uruguayan campaign under the Mar- quis of Barbacena. Abrocomas, or Habrocomas, and Antbia (a- (or ha-) brok'o-mas and an'thi-a). An old Greek romance by Xenophon of Ephesus, it recounts the adventures of the two lovers so named before and subsequent to their marriage. Abrolhos (a-brol'yos). A group of islets off the coast of West Australia, about lat. 28°-29° S. Abrolhos Rocks. A group of islets and reefs off the coast of Brazil, about lat. 18° S. Abrudbdnya (ob'rud-Mnflyo). A town in the county of Unterweissonburg, Transylva- nia, Austria-Hungary, about 28 miles north- west of Karlsburg: the chief point in the Transylvanian gold region. Population, 3,341. Abrutum. Abricium in Moesia. See Decius. Abruzzi and Molise (ii-brot'se and mo-le'ze). A compartimento in the modern kingdom of Italy, containing the provinces Chieti, Teramo, Abt Aquila, and Camobasso. Area, 6,380 square miles. Populatiu, 1,487,865. Abruzzo (a-brot's). A former division of Italy, comprising the pmnees of Chieti, Teramo, and Aquila : a pa; of the former kingdom of Naples. Within iare the highest and wildest portions of the Apnuines. Abruzzo Citerioi (a-brot'so che-ta-ri-6're). The old name of te province of Chieti, Italy. Abruzzo Ulterior (a-brot'so 61-ta-ri-d're) I. An old name of th province of Teramo, Italy. Abruzzo Ulterior! II. An old name of the province of Aquilaltaly. Absalom (ab'sa-un). [Heb., ‘father of peace.’] 1. The tird son of David, king of Israel. He rebelled ajinst his father, and was defeated and slain in the forest cEphraim. 2. A character inlryden’s satire “Absalom and Achitophel” : a undutiful son, intended to represent the- Due of Monmouth. Absalom, Tomb of. A tomb so named, in Je- rusalem. It consists! a rock-cut basement 19 feet square and 20 high, surnunted by a Phenician concave cornice of Egyptian typiabove which is an attic of ma- sonry supporting a cylimr capped by a tall concave cone. At the corners of the basnent are cut pilasters with Ionic columns as antu\ and the are two Ionic semi-columns on every face. Above theuchitrave is a Doric triglyph- frieze of late type. Absalom and Achiophel (ab'sa-lom and a- kit'o-fel). A poeticl satire by John Dryden (published 1681), diicted against the political faction led by the Ed of Shaftesbury. The sec- ond part was written by ’te and revised by Dryden, and was intended to show up le minor characters of the con- tending factions. The suess of this attack upon Shaftes- bury was unprecedented, nd the satire has been said to be “the first in the langua; for masculine insight and for vigour of expression.” Absalon (ab'sa-lon). Born 1128: died at So- roe, Zealand, Denmar, 1201. A Danish prelate, statesman, and warnr, archbishop of Lund and primate. Also Ael. Absaroka (ab-sa'ro-k). [Named from a spe- cies of hawk, but com;only styled ‘the Crow.’] A tribe of the Hidatsalivision of North Ameri- can Indians. They umber about 1,800, and are on the Crow resention in Montana. Abschatz (ap'shats), [ans Assmann, Baron von. Born at Wiirbil, Silesia, Feb. 4, 1646 : died April 22, 1699. . German poet, transla- tor of “ Pastor Fido” 'om the Italian of Gua- rini, and author of saejd hymns still in use in Protestant churches, selection of his poems was given by W. Muller in “ Bitothek deutscher Dichter des 17. Jahih." (1824). Absecon (ab-se'kon). ’he name of a bay and an inlet on the coast olNew Jersey, northeast of Atlantic City. Alscwritten Absecum. Absentee (ab-sen-te'), he. One of the tales in the series “ Tales fim Fashionable Life,” by Miss Edgeworth, pulislied in 1812. Absolon (ab'so-lon). i Chaucer’s “ Miller’s Tale,” an amorous parti clerk who comes to grief in his wooing of tb carpenter’s wife. Absolon, John. Born aLondon, May 6, 1815: died there, June 26, 1891 An English painter, best known from his wser-colors. Absolute (ab'so-lut), SiAnthony. A famous character in Sheridan’s uftedy “The Rivals,” an obstinate, passional self-willed, but gen- erous old man. The follving passage exhibits his temper: “SirAnth. So you wi fly out! Can’t you be cool like me? What thedevil goocan passiondo"! ' Passion is of no service, you impudent, feolent, over bearing repro- bate ! There you sneer again ! on’t provoke me ! but you rely upon the mildness of myemper — you do, you dog! you play upon the meekness ony disposition ! Vet take care, the patience of a saint nr be overcome at last ! but mark ! I give you six hours ai a half to consider of this ; if you then agree, without anymdition, to do everything on earth that I choose, why, etfound you ! I may in time forgive you." Sheridan, Rival ii. 1. Absolute, Captain. In heridan’s “Rivals,” the son of Sir Anthony, spirited soldier and persistent lover who appirs as the impecuni- ous Ensign Beverley (ands thus his own rival) to win the affections of he romantic Lydia Languish who scorns a nxeli with one so suit- able as the son of Sir Amonv Absolute. Absyrtus (ab-ser'tus). [G A^prof.] In Greek legend, the brother of Mfea, who cut him in pieces and threw the fragrntq one by one into the sea to delay her fatherwho stopped to pick them up) in his pursuit of er and Jason. Ac- cording to another legei he was slain by Jason. See Jason. Abt (apt). Franz. Born aEilenbtirg, Prussian Saxony, Dec. 22, 1819: died Wiesbaden. March 31, 1885. A German compeer, noted chiefly for his popular songs (“ Whenhe Swallows home- ward fly,” etc.). Abu Abu (a'bo). A mountain, 5,650 feet high, in Rajputana, India, about lat. 24° 36' N., long. 72° 43' E., the chief seat of the Jain worship. There are several villages on the mountain and five Delwara temples. Abu-Arish (a'bo-a'rish or -a'resh). A town in southwestern Arabia, 24 miles from the Red Sea, about lat. 16° 55' N., long. 42° 40' E. Popu- lation, about 8,000. Abu-Bekr (a'bo-bek'r). [Ar. ; said to mean ‘father of the virgin,’ i. e. Ayesha, Moham- med’s wife.] Born at Mecca, 573: died at Me- dina, Arabia, Aug. 22 (?), 634. . The father-in- law and one of the first followers and chief supporters of Mohammed, and the first calif or successor of the prophet (632-634). His original name was Abd-el-Kaaba. Also Aboo-Bekr, Abou- Bekr, Abu-Bakr. Abu-Habba (a'bo-hab'a). An Arab village about 16 miles southeast of Bagdad. Excavations were made there in 1881, and the site of an ancient Baby- lonian city discovered, probably Sippar, the biblical Se- pharvaim (which see). Abudah (a-bo'da). A character in the Rev. James Ridley’s u Tales of the Genii”: a rich merchant who in seeking, in a dream, the talis- man of Oromanes, which insures perfect hap- piness, finds it in love of God and submission to his will. Abu-Hanifah (a'bo-ha-ne'fa). Born at Al- Kufah, 700: died at Bagdad, 770. A noted Mo- hammedan imam and jurisconsult, the founder of the Hanifi sect. Abu-fiassan (a'bo-has'an). In the story of “The Sleeper Awakened” In “The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments,” a- citizen of Bagdad who while entertaining the disguised calif ex- presses a wish to “be calif for one day.” The wish is granted in such a way that Abu-Hassan is entirely deceived, to the great amusement of the calif, who in the end makes him his companion and favorite. Shakspere has adopted this idea, from an older play, in the decep- tion practised on Sly the tinker, in the induction to the “ Taming of the Shrew." Abukir (a-bo-ker'). A small village in north- ern Egypt, on the bay of Abukir 13 miles north- east of Alexandria. It is near the site of the ancient Canopus, probably a little to the west. Here, July 25, 1799, Napoleon with 5,000 French defeated 15,000 Turks. March 8, 1801, the English under Sir Ralph Ahercromby captured the town from the French. Also Abookeer, Aboukir. Abukir, Bay of. A bay north of Egypt, be- tween Abukir and the Rosetta mouth of the Nile, the scene of the battle of the Nile, Aug. 1 and 2, 1798, in which Nelson defeated the French fleet under Brueys, who lost 13 out of 17 vessels and 9,000 men. Abu-Klea (a'bo-kla'a). Wells in the Nubian desert in the bend of the Nile on the route be- tween Korti and Shendy, where, Jan. 17, 1885, the Mahdists attacked the British under Stew- art, and were repulsed with severe loss on both sides. Also Abou-Klea. Abul Casim. See A bid Kasim. Abulfaraj (a'bol-fa-raj'), or Abulfaragius (ab'ul-fa-ra/ ji-us), surnamed Bar-Hebraeus (‘Son of the Hebrew’). Born at Malatia (Ma- latiya), Armenia, 1226: died at Maragha, Persia, 1286. Gregory Abulfivrayitm al Harun, a Syriac and Arabic author, the son of a baptized Jew. At twenty he was made bishop of Gula and afterward of Aleppo, and became maphrian, the dignity among the Jacobite Christians next to that of patriarch. Of his many Syriac and Arabic writings the best-known are an auto- biography and a chronicle in Syriac, a universal history from Adam down to his own time. Abulfazl (a'bol-fa' zl). Assassinated 1602. Vizir and historiographer of the Mogul em- peror Akbar, author of the “Akbar Nameh,” or “Book of Akbar,” comprising a history of Akbar’s reign, and an account of the religious and political constitution and the administra- tion of the empire. Abulfeda (a-bol-fa'da, or a-bol'fa-da), Ismael ben-Ali Emad-eddin. Born at Damascus, 1273 : died in Syria, Oct. 26, 1331. A noted Ara- bian geographer and historian, prince of Hamah in Syria : author of a geography and an ‘ ‘Abridg- ment of the History of the Human Race.” Abulghazi Bahadur (a-bol-ghii/ze ba-ha-dor'). Born 1605: died about 1665. A khan of Khiva, author (after his -abdication) of a history of the Mongols and Tatars, translated into various European languages. Abul-Hassan Ali ebn Bekar (a'bol-has'an a'le eb'n be'kar). A character in “ The Ara- bian Nights’ Entertainments,” the lover of the calif’s favorite, Schemselnihar. Fleeing from Bagdad for fear of the califs anger, he dies at the same hour aa Schemaelnihar. 7 Abul Kasim Mansur (a'bol ka-sem' mjin-sor'). Born at Shadab, uear Tus, in Khorasan, about 940 : died 1020 at Tus. The great epic poet of Persia, called Firdusi (more correctly Fir- dausi the Paradisiac, from Firdaus, Paradise). He was the author of the “Shahnamah," an epic of about 60,000 distichs, that sings the deeds of Iranian and Per- sian sovereigns and heroes from the oldest time to the fall of the Sassanidse (641 A. ».), and contains many of the ancient epic traditions of the Iranians. He lived long at the court of Mahmud of Ghazni. Abu-Nuvas (a'bo-no'vas). Died 810. An Arabic lyric poet who lived at the court of the califs of Bagdad. His songs of love and wine are among the most notable in Arabian poetry. Aburi (a-bo're). A town 15 miles back of Akri, West Africa. Owing to its altitude, it is used as a sanatorium by British officials and residents, as also by the Basel Mission, which has there an excellent industrial school. Population, 10,393. Abu Shahrein. See Eridu. Abushehr. See Bushire. Abu-Simbel (a'bo-sim'bel), or Ipsambul (ip- sam'bol). The ancient Abuncis or Aboccis, a place in Upper Egypt situated on the Nile about lat. 22° 25' N., famous for its two rock- temples, one large and the other smaller, built in the steep face of a cliff by Rameses II. For the great temple the rock has been cut away to form a smooth facade about 100 feet wide and high, with a cornice of seated cynocephali. Before the facade are four enthroned colossi of Rameses, about 66 feet high, and comparatively perfect except for the split ting away of the head and arms of one. Over the central portal, in a rectangular niche, is a figure of Ra the sun-god. The first chamber of the interior is a large hall with 8 Osiride piers, and mural sculptures portraying the military deeds of Rameses. Beyond is a smaller pillared hall, then a vestibule before the sanctuary, which contains seated figures of Amen, Ptah, Horus, and Rameses himself. From the outer hall 8 lateral chambers, irregularly placed, are reached. The total depth in the rock of this temple is over 200 feet. The facade of the smaller temple displays six rectangular niches containing colossal figures in high relief. Between the two central niches is the portal, which leads to a hall supported by 6 square piers with Hathor capitals. From the hall extends a corridor with two small chambers and a sanctuary. The whole interior is sculptured. On the left leg of the injured colossus of the great temple is a Greek inscription, one of the most ancient 'specimens of Greek writing, recording that when Psammetichus came to Elephantine, the writers, whose names are given, came to the spot by way of Kerkis. It dates from 592 B. 0. Abusir (a-bo-ser'). A small town in the Delta of Egypt, south-southwest of Cairo, the ancient Busiris, containing pyramids erected by kings of the 5th dynasty. Abu-Teman (a'bo-te-man'). Born in Syria about 807 : died about 845. An Arabian court poet at Bagdad, and collector of Oriental poetry. Abydos (a-bl'dos). [Gr. // ’A/fiJor.] In ancient geography, a town in Upper Egypt on the west bank of the Nile, near the modern Arabat-el- Madfuneh, about lat. 26° 13' N., long. 31° 52' E., famous for a temple of Osiris built by Seti I. , and also for a temple built by Rameses II. The former is described by Strabo as the - “Memnonion.” The plan is a square facing the northeast, with a large rectangular projection from the back of the southeast side. From the outer court is entered the long first hall, with two ranges of columns, and from it the second hall, with three ranges. Both these great halls are ornamented with reliefs. From the second hall there is access to an extensive series of chambers, corridors, and smaller halls, all decorated with colored reliefs. In one of the corridors is the chronologically important Tablet of Abydos. (See below.) A number of the chambers are covered with false vaults, cut to shape from flat lintels. The temple of Rameses is also dedicated to Osiris. It was a rectangle, preceded by a great inclosed court surrounded by Osiride figures. From the court two spacious central hypostyle halls are entered in succession, and from these open a number of chambers. The gateways were of red and black granite, and one chamber was wholly lined with alabaster. This temple, which was considerably smaller than that of Seti, is in a very ruinous state. See Abydos, Tablet of. Abydos, or Abydus. In ancient geography, a town in Mysia, Asia Minor, on the Hellespont about lat. 40° 11/ N., long. 26° 25' E., noted in the legend of Hero and Leander, and as the location of the Bridge of Xerxes. Abydos, Bride of. A poem by Lord Byron, published in 1813. Abydos, Tablet of. An inscription in a corri- dor of the temple of Seti I. at Abydos, giving a succession of 65 kings beginning with Menes, covering a period of about 2,200 years. A simi- lar tablet containing 18 names, found in the temple of Rameses in 1818, was removed by the French consul-gen- eral, sent to Paris, and finally purchased for the British Museum. Abyla (ab'i-la). [Gr. AjlvTiy or ’A P'tfo].] In an- cient geography, a promontory in Africa, the modern Jobel Musa or Apes’ Hill, opposite Calpe (Gibraltar): the two constitute the fa- mous “Pillars of Hercules.” Also Abyla Mons (‘mountain’) and Abyla Columna (‘pillar’). Abyssinia (ab-i-sin'i-il). [Arabic Ilabash, Academy of France at Rome ‘mixed ’: referring to the character of the popu- lation.] A country of Africa, part of the an- cient Ethiopia, bounded by Eritrea on the north, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan on the west, British East Africa on the south, the Italian Somaliland on the east, and the British Somali Coast Protectorate on the north- east: area, over 200,000 square miles; popu- lation, 9-11 millions. Its inhabitants are Ethio- pians, Falasha (the Abyssinian Jews), Gallas, etc. ; the prevailing language is Amharic ; the prevailing religion that of the Ethiopian (Coptic) Church (founded in the 4th century by Frumentius, bishop of Axum) ; and the gov- ernment a feudal monarchy under .a Negus or emperor (Negus Negust, ‘king of kings’). The present sovereign Is Lidj Jeassu (born 1896), who succeeded to the throne in 1911, his grandfather Menelek II. having resigned through ill health. The surface of the country consists mainly of table-lands with mountain-ranges reaching an elevation of about 15,0JOfeet. The climate is temperate and salubrious. The principal exports (through Massowah) are skins, ivory, butter, gums, and mules. The empire is divided into the kingdoms of Tigrd in the north, Amhara, with Gujam, in the west and center, and Shoa in the south ; and there are many outlying territories and dependencies. The chief cities are Ankober, Gondar, Adowa, and the capital, Adis Abeba. Abyssinia was visited by the Portuguese in the 15th and 16th centuries in the search for the kingdom of Prester John. It was broken up into small monarchies down to the time of the adventurer Theodore who consoli- dated the kingdom, but was overthrown by the British expedition under Napier in 1868. Difficulties with Italy in 1887 and 1888 were followed by a treaty of “mutual pro- tection ” in 1889. This protectorate was abrogated by Menelek in 1893. Italy renewed hostilities, but after her defeat in the battle of Adowa (March 1, 1896) recognized the independence of Abyssinia in the treaty of Adis Abeba, Oct. 26, 1896. Among the explorers of Abyssinia are Bruce, Gobatj Beke, Parkyns, Stern, and Markham. Acacians. A branch of the Arians, named from Acacius, bishop of Ctesarea (died 363). Academic Legion. An armed corps of students, especially in the revolutionary troubles of 1848 ; specifically, an insurrectionary corps of the kind which was conspicuous at Vienna in 1848. Academy (a-kad'e-mi), The. [Gr. ’AmdS/yeta.] A public pleasure-ground on the Cephissus, about one mile northwest of ancient Athens, on land said to have belonged, in the time of the Trojan war, to the hero Academus. it was sur- rounded with a wall by Hipparchus and further adorned by Cimon, the son of Miltiades, who bequeathed it to the citizens of Athens. It was the resort of Plato, who taught in its groves for nearly fifty years, till his death in 348 B. 0. Academy, The. The Platonic school of philos- ophy down to the time of Cicero : so called from the pleasure-ground above described, it is com- monly divided into the Old, the Middle, and the New Academy. The chief representatives of the first were Speusippus, Xenocrates of Chalcedon, Polemo, Crates, and Crantor. The Middle Academy was founded by Ar- cesilaus about 244 B. c., and the New Academy by Car- neades about 160 B. C. Sometimes the academies of Philo and Antioclius are spoken of as the fourth Academy and the fifth Academy, respectively. Academy, French. [F. Academie franyaise .] An association originating about 1629 m the informal weekly meetings of a few (8) men of letters in Paris, and formally established Jan. 2, 1635, by Cardinal Richelieu, for the purpose of controlling the French language and regu- lating literary taste. It consisted of forty mem- bers, the “forty immortals,” the officers being a director and a chancellor, both chosen by lot, and a permanent secretary, chosen by votes. Among the objects provided for in the constitution was the preparation of a diction- ary, a grammar, a treatise on rhetoric and one on poetry. In 1694 the first edition of the celebrated “ Dictionnaire de 1’Academie ” appeared, while the seventh appeared in 1S78. The Academy was suppressed by the Convention in 1793, hut was reconstructed in 1795, under the name of the “Class of French Language and Literature,” as part of the National Institute. Its original organization was restored by Louis XVIII. in 1816. Academy, Royal Spanish. [Sp. Real Aca- demia Espailola .] An academy founded at Madrid in 1713 by the Duke of Escalona , and established by royal confirmation in 1714. Its object is to cultivate and improve the national language. Academy of Arts and Sciences, American. A society for the encouragement of art and science, founded in Boston in 1780. It has pub- lished “Memoirs” from 1785, and “Proceed- ings” from 1846. Academy of Fine Arts, The. [F. V Academic des beaux arts .] An institution originating in a private association of painters in the 14th cen- tury, recognized by royal authority in 1648 under the name of Academy of Paintingand Sculpture, and definitively constructed in 1655 by Cardinal Mazarin. At the creation of the National Institute in 1795 it was united with the Academy of Architecture, founded by Colbert in 1671, to form the fourth class of the institute; and since 1819 this class has borne the name of Academy of Fine Arts. It consists of 40 members and a secretary, 10 honorary academicians, 10 foreign associates, and 60 correspondents. It publishes its memoirs and transactions and the“ Dictionnaire general deB beaux-arts.” Academy of France at Rome. [F. Academie Academy of France at Rome de France d Borne.] A school of fine arts founded at Rome by Louis XIV., where those artists are sent, at the public expense, who ob- tain the great annual prizes of the Academy of Fine Arts at Paris. See Villa Medici. Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres. [F. V Academic dcs inscriptions et belles- lettres.'] An association composed originally of four members, chosen by Colbert from among the members of the French Academy to draw up inscriptions for the monuments erected by Louis XIV. and the medals struck in his honor. It received a separate organization in 1701, which was con- firmed by the letters patent of Louis XIV. iu 1712, and was suppressed by the Convention in 1793; but at the creation of the National Inst itute in 1795 its members were incorpo- rated in that body. In 1816 the title was restored by Louis XVIII. for the second class of the Institute. The pres- ent Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres consists of 40 members, 10 honorary academicians, and 8 foreign as- sociates, with 70 corresponding members at home and abroad. Academy of Medicine. [F. V Academe de medecine.] A French academy founded in 1820 to preserve vaccine matter and act as a bureau of information to the government on sanitation and the public health. It is divided into three sec- tions: medicine, surgery, and pharmacy. It publishes memoirs, and carries on an extensive correspondence. Academy of Moral and Political Science, The. [F. V Academie dcs sciences morales ct po- litiqucs.] The fifth class of the French Na- tional Institute, founded iu 1795, suppressed by Napoleon in 1803, and reestablished by Louis Philippe in 1832. It has 40 members, 10 honorary academicians, 8 foreign associates, and GO corresponding members. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia, The. A scientific institution organized in 1812, and incorporated in 1817, possessing a valuable library relating chiefly to natural history, and an extensive collection of speci- mens in natural history. Its publications consist of a series of “Journals ” from 1817 to date, and of “ Pro- ceedings "from 1841, besides “The American Journal of Conchology ” and “ Entomological News.” Academy of Sciences, The. [F. V Academic des sciences.] An institution founded at Paris iu 16G6 by Colbert, approved by Louis XIV. in 1699, suppressed by the Convention in 1793, and reconstituted in 1795 as a class of the National Institute. It numbers 68 members, 10 honor- ary academicians, 8 foreigu associates, and 100 corresponding members. Academy of Sciences at Berlin, The Royal. [G. Die konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten.] An institution founded in 1700 by Fred- eric I. after plans submitted by Leibnitz, and opeued in 1711. Its present constitution dates from 1812. It is divided into four sections : physical, mathe- matical, philosophical, and historical. The regular mem- bers are paid, and hold general meetings every Thursday and sectional meetings every Monday. Besides, there are foreign members, not to exceed 24, and honorary members and correspondents. It publishes “ Abhandlungen ” (till 1803 "M^moires” and “is'ouveaux Mcmoires ”) and “ Mo- natsberichte. ” Academy of Sciences at Copenhagen, The Royal. [Dan. Det kongelige danske Videnska- .bernes Selskab.] An academy established as a private society in 1742, and received under the royal protection in 1743. since 1742 it has published a series of transactions under the name of “Skrifter,” and since 1823 i each of its two classes has also published independent memoirs under the name of “Afhandlinger." Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, The Imperial. An academy projected by Peter the Great with the assistance of Wolf and Leib- nitz, and established by Catherine I., Dec. 21, 1725. It is composed of 15 professors, a president, and a director, with four adjuncts, who attend the meetings of the society, and succeed to vacancies. It has published “Commentarii Academia? Scientiarum Imperialis Petro- politana?” (14 volumes from 1728 to 1747); “Novi Com- mentarii Academia*, “ etc. (30 volumes down to 1777); “Acta Academia?,” etc., of which two volumes appear an- nually. Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, The, or The Royal Swedish Academy. A society, originally private, founded June 2, 1739, and incorporated March 31, 1741, as the Royal Swe- dish Academy. Its quarterly publications are issued in annual volumes, of which the first 40 (to 1779) form a series known as the “Old Transactions.” Academy, or Society, of Arcadians. A society founded in 1690 in Italy by Giovan Mario Cres- cimbeni and Gian Vincenzo Gravina. Its chief aim was to establish in literature the simplicity of the shepherds of the fabled golden age of Arcadia. Acadia (a-ka'di-a), Acadie (a-kii-de'). [Ori- ginally Larcadia : Acadie is said to have been first used in 1603.] A former French colony in America, bounded by the Atlantic, 8 the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence, and west- ward by a line running north from the mouth of the Penobscot. It was colonized by France in 1604, on the Bay of Fundy, and ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of Utrecht, 1713 (except Cape Breton). The French settlers in Nova Scotia were deported by the Brit- ish in 1755. Acadian Mountains (a-ka'di-an moun'tanz). An occasional name of the elevated region in- cluded between the Hudson, the lower St. Law- rence, and the Atlantic, and comprising the mountains of Canada, Maine, and the White and Green Mountains. Acajutla (ii-kii-Hot'la). A small seaport in Salvador, Central America, about 40 miles west of San Salvador. Acampichtli, or Acampistli (a-kam-pesh'tle). [Aztec, ‘handful of reeds.’] A chief, or so- called king, of the Aztecs of Mexico, who, ac- cording to the most probable chronology, was elected in 1375 and died in 1403. He led the In- dians of Tenochtitlan in their wars with Tecpan, and ca- nals and stone houses were first made in his time. His power was very limited. Acapulco (a-kii-pol'ko). A seaport in Guer- rero, Mexico, on the Pacific in lat. 16° 50' 56 // N., long. 99° 55' 28 # W. It has one of the best har- bors in the country, and had a large commerce during the 17th and 18th centuries. Population, 4,932. Acarnania, or Akarnania (ak-ar-na'ni-a). [Gr. ’A mpvavia.] In ancient geography, a divi- sion of Greece, bounded by the Ambracian Gulf on the north, by Amphilochia on the northeast, by iEtolia on the east (partly separated by the Achelous), and by the Ionian sea on the west. Its ancient inhabitants were the Leleges and Curetes. They were rude mountaineers, but were regarded as Greeks, and as such were allowed to participate in the Pan-Hellenic games. Acarnania and iStoiia (e-toTi-a). Anomarchy of modern Greece, havingan areaof 2,036 square miles. Its capital is Missolonghi. Population, 141,405. Acaste (a-kast'). A character in Moliere’s play “Le Misanthrope,” a gay and brilliant marquis, a lover of Celimene. Acasto (a-kas'to). A character in Otway’s play “ The Orphan,” a nobleman, the father of Poly- dore ami Castalio, retired from the court and living on his estates. Acastus (a-kas'tus), or Akastos (-tos). [Gr. ’Axacrroc.] In Greek legend, a son of King Pelias of Iolcos, an Argonaut, and one of the hunters of the Calydonian hoar. He was the father of Laodamia. Acawais. See Accawais. Acaxees (a-kaks'ez). A native tribe (now ex- tinct as such) in the state of Durango in north- ern Mexico. Traces of their language may yet be detected. They were described, in the last years of the 10th century and in the 17th, when first met with, as rather peaceably inclined, of sedentary habits, and as sorely pressed by their ferocious neighbors the Tepehuanes. Acca. See Acre. Accad. See Akkad. Aceademia della Crusca(ak-ka-da'me-adelTa kros'lia). [It., ‘academy of the bran,’ a fanci- ful name alluding to its professed object of sift- ing or purifying the Italian language.] An academy founded at Florence in 1582 by the poet Grazzini, with the object of purifying the Italian language and literature. It published in 1013 the first edition of the “Vocabolario degli Accade- miei della Crusca,’’ long the standard dictionary of the Italian language. Accadians. See under Akkad. Acca Larentia (ak'a la-ren'shi-a). A mythical female personage in the early history of Rome, sometimes represented as a public woman who bequeathed her wealth to the citizens of Rome, sometimes as the wife of Faustulus and the nurse of Romulus and Remus. She seems to be of Etruscan origin and connected with the worship of the Lares. Also, improperly, Acca Laurcntia. Accawais (a-ka-wii-ez'). An Indian tribe of British Guiana, the small remnants of which in- habit the river-banks near the coast. They are allied in language to the Carihs, but are more savage and wandering in their habits, and are very treacherous. They often attack villages of the more civilized Indians. Also written Accaways, Accowaios, Alcavais. Accho (ak'o). An old name of Acre. Acciajuoli (a-cha-yo-o'le), or Acciajoli (a-chii- yo'le), Nerio. A member of the Florentine family of that name, created Duke of Athens in 1394. The title was retained by his successors till 1456, when the Turks put an end to the domination of the Latins in Attica. Acciajuoli, or Acciajoli, Niccolo. Died 1365. A wealthy Florentine banker and statesman, lie served for many years ns the chief adviser of Joanna, Queen of Naples, and was invested in 1358 with the harony and hereditary governorship of the fortress of Corinth. Aecorso, Francesco Acciajuoli, or Acciajoli, Donato. Bom at Flor- ence, 1428: died at Milan, Aug. 28, 1478. An Italian scholar and statesman, gonfalonier of Florence in 14/ 3. He was the author of lives of Han- nibal, Scipio, and Charlemagne, of a translation of some of Plutarch’s “ Lives,” and of commentaries on Aristotle’s “Ethics” and “Politics." Accioli de Cerqueirae Silva (Sk-se-oTe da ser- ka'ra e sel'va), Ignacio. Born in Coimbra, Portugal, in 1808: died at Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 1, 1865. A Brazilian geographer. When very young he emigrated with his father to Brazil. In 1833 he began the publication of a series of geographical works on the empire, of which he was made official chronicler. Accius (ak'shi-us), Lucius. Born about 170 B. c. : died at an advanced age. A Roman tragic poet and prose writer, especially notable for his imitations from the Greek, though he dealt also with Roman subjects. Fragments of his tragedies have been preserved. Also Attius. [“The forms Accius and Attius probably differ dialectically. In the MSS. that with cc greatly preponderates ; on the other hand, in inscriptions the spelling of this name with tt is far the more frequent." Teuffel and Schwabe, Hist, of Rom. Lit. /trans.), I. 191.] Acco. See Acre. Accolon (ak'o-lon). A character in the “ Morte d’Arthur,” a knight of Gaul, celebrated for his combat with King Arthur, in which the latter sought to regain his enchanted sword and scab- bard of which Accolon had gained possession through the aid of Morgan le Fay. Accolti (ak-kol'te), Benedetto. Born at Arez- zo, Italy, 1415: died at Florence, 1466. An Italian jurist and winter, chancellor of the re- public of Florence 1459—66. He was the author of a history of the first crusade, “ De Bello a Christiania contra Barbaros,” etc. (1532), which served as the foun- dation of Tasso’s “Gerusalemme liberata.” Accolti, Benedetto. Born at Florence, 1497 : died 1549. An Italian cardinal (and legate in Ravenna) and poet, author of Latin poems col- lected in “Carmina illustrium Poetarum Ital- orum.” Accolti, Bernardo. Born about 1465: died about 1535. An Italian poet, son of Benedetto Accolti the elder. See the extract. The same age gave the name of Ilnico to Bernardo Ac- colti, of Arezzo, born before 1466, and who died after the year 1534. Whenever this celebrated poet announced his intention of reciting his verses, the shops were shut up, and the people flocked in crowds to hear him. He was surrounded by prelates of the first eminence ; a body of Swiss, troops accompanied him ; and the court was lighted by torches. But, as 51 r. Roscoe has justly remarked, there wanted one circumstance to crown his glory — that his works had perished with himself. Their style is hard and poor ; his images are forced, and his taste is perverted by affectation. He has left us a comedy, La Virginia ; some octaves and terza rima ; some lyric poetry ; and some strambotti, or epigrams. Sismondi, Lit. of the South of Europe, I. 428. Accolti, Francesco. Born at Arezzo, 1418 died at Siena, 1483. An Italian jurist, profes sor of law at Bologna and Ferrara, and secretary to the Duke of Milan : brother of Benedetto Accolti the elder. He was one of the most notable jurists of his age. Accolti, Pietro. Born at Florence, 1455: died at Florence, 1532 (1549?). An Italian cardinal and legate in Ancona (commonly called “ Car- dinal of Ancona”), brother of Bernardo Ac- colti. As abbreviator under Leo X. he drew up the bull against Luther, 1520. He was made archbishop of Ravenna in 1524 by Clement VII. Accomplished Fools, The. See The Tender Husband. Accoramboni (ak-ko-ram-bo'ne), Virginia or Vittoria. Died at Padua, Dee. 22, 1585. The Duchess of Bracciano, an Italian lady of great beauty and wit. Her first husband, Francesco Peretti, whom she married in 1573 , was murdered in 1581 at the instigation, it was said, of Paolo Giordano Orsini, Duke of Bracciano, whom she married. On his death, Nov. 13, 1585, she became involved In litigation with Lodovie Orsini concerning the inheritance, ami was murdered by him. These events were altered and adapted by Webster in his tragedy “The White Devil, or Vittoria Corombona" (1612). Her history has been written by Gnoli (1870), ami she was made the subject of a novel by L. Tieck, “ Vit- toria Accoramboni" (1840). Accorso (ak-kor'so), Latinized Accursius (a-kOr'si-us), Buono. Born at Pisa about the middle of the 15th century. A classical scholar and rhetorician, commentator on Cffisar and other Latin authors. Also Buon accorso. Accorso, Latinized Accursius, Francesco. Born at Florence about 1180: died about 1260. An Italian jurist, for a time teacher of law at Bologna, nis most celebrated work was a body of ex- planatory glosses on the Roman law, called “The Great Gloss." Accorso, Latinized Accursius, Francesco. Born at Bologna, 1225: died at Bologna, 1293. An Italian jurist, son of the preceding, profes- Accorso, Francesco sor of law at Bologna. He entered the service of Edward I. of England and lectured on law at Oxford about 1275. Accorso, Latinized Accursius, Mariangelo. Lived in the first half of the 16th century. An Italian literary critic, author of “Diatrib® in Ausonium, Jul. Solin Polyhistora, et in Ovidii Metamorphoses'’ (1524), etc. Accra, or Acra (ak-ra'). See Alcra , the better spelling of the name. Accrington (ak'ring-ton). A town in Lanca- shire, England, about 34 miles northeast of Liverpool. Its industries include calico-print- ing, dyeing, iron-founding, coal-mining, etc. Population, 43,122. Accum (a'koin), Friedrich Christian. Bom at Biickeburg, Germany, 1769 : died at Berlin, June 28, 1838. A German chemist, long resi- dent in London, known chiefly by his “Prac- tical Treatise on Gas-light” (1815), and his efforts to promote the use of gas for purposes of illumination. Accursius. See Accorso. Aceldama (a-sel'da-ma). [Aramaic, ‘field of blood.’] A field said to have been situated south of Jerusalem, the potter’s field, purchased with the bribe which Judas took for betraying his Master (whence the name). It was appro- priated to the interment of strangers. Acephali (a-sef 'a-11). [Gr. d/cr^a/iof, without a head.] A name given to various parties of Christians, in the 5th and 6th centuries, who rebelled against their bishops or other heads of the church. The most notable among them were cer- tain Monophysites who rejected (on doctrinal grounds) the authority of Peter Mongus, bishop of Alexandria (482). Acerbas (a-ser'bas), or Akerbas (a-ker'bas), or Sicharbas (si-kar'bas). [Said to be a cor- ruption of Sichar-Baal .] In classical legend, the uncle and husband of Elissa, a wealthy and powerful Tyrian noble, high priest of the Tyrian god Melkarth: the “Sick® us” of Ver- gil. See Elissa. Acerbi (a-eher'be), Giuseppe. Born at Castel- Goffredo, near Mantua, Italy, May 3, 1773: died Aug. 26, 1846. An Italian traveler and naturalist, author of “Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland” (1802). Acernus, Sebastian. See Klonowicz. Acerra (a-cber'ra). A town in the province of Caserta, Italy, the Roman Acerrse (Gr. ’Axeppai), 10 miles northeast ofNanles Population. 15, 829. Acestes (a-ses'tez). [Gr. ’Aiceorric.'] In Greek legend, a son of the Sicilian river-god Crimisus and Egesta (Segesta), a Trojan woman. He figured in the Trojan war, and was introduced by Vergil in the “iEneid.” Ach (ach). See Aa. Acha (a-eha/), Jose Maria. Born about 1805: died at Cochabamba, 1868. A Bolivian revolu- tionist. He served under Santa Cruz, 1829-39, and under Ballivian in the war against Peru, 1841. In 1858 he was made by President Linares minister of war, but revolted, and in May, 1861, was proclaimed president of Bolivia. He held his post during a period of great disorder until 1865, when he was deposed by another revolution. Acbsea. See Achaia. Achaean League (a-ke' an leg). 1. A religious confederation in Achaia, consisting at the time of Herodotus of twelve cities : Pellene, iEgeira, zEgie, Bura, Helike, iEgion, Rhypes, Patr®, Phar®, Olenos, Dyme, and Tritsea. Later Khypes and M g® fell into decay, and their placesin the confederacy were taken by Leontion and Keryneia. In 373 B. c. the number of cities was reduced to ten by the destruction of Helike and Bura by an earthquake. A common sacrifice to Poseidon was held at Helike until that town was de- stroyed, when 2Egion became the center of the confedera- tion, and the common sacrifices were held in honor of Zeus Homagyrios and Demeter Panach®a, the chief divini- ties of .®gion. The confederacy was dissolved by An- tigonus Gbnatus about 288 B. c. 2. A political confederation of Achaean and other Greek cities extending over the period from 281 B. C. to 146 B. C. After the death of Ly- simachus in 280 is. c. , the Achaean cities Dyme, Patrae, Tri- taea, and Phar® formed a confederation to resist the Macedonian domination, and were afterward joined by the other Achaean cities, except Olenos and Helike. In 251 B. c. the confederation acquired new strength by the accession of Sikyon, under the leadership of Aratus. In 245 B. c. Aratus was elected strategus of the league, which under his guidance rapidly rose to national im- portance. In a short time it embraced Athens, iEgina, Salamis, and the whole of Peloponnesus, with the excep- tion of Sparta, Tegea, Orchomenos, Mantineia, and Elis. It was destroyed by the ltomans in 146 B. C., and with it fell the last stronghold of freedom in Greece. The Achaean League is remarkable as the most perfect type of fed- eral government which has been handed down from an- tiquity. The confederation was inseparable, every city having equal rights with the others ; in foreign affairs the federal government was supreme Common affairs were regulated at general meetings held twice a year by the VI. 2 9 citizens of all the towns. The principal officers were : two strategi (after 255 B. c. only one), who, in conjunction with the hipparchus or commander of the cavalry, and an under-strategus, commanded the federal army, and were intrusted with the conduct of war; a state secretary; and an apparently permanent council of ten demiurgi, who appear to have presided at the great assemblies. Acb.sei (a-ke'i). [Gr. AxaioL.~\ The Achaaans, one of the four principal races of the Greeks. Their chief places of abode were southern Thessaly and eastern Peloponnesus. The name is sometimes extended poetically to all the Greeks. In Homeric times they had a certain preponderance of influence over the other Hel- lenes. Achasmenes (a-kem'e-nez). [Gr. ’Axaipevijc, OPers. Hakliamani, the friendly (Sayce).] The eponymous founder of the ancient Persian royal family of the Ach®meuid® : the name was later used as a family name, as by one of the sons of Darius Hystaspis. See Aclisemenidse. AchsemenidaB (ak-e-men'i-de). An ancient royal family of Persia, founded about 600 b. o. The following are the names of its leading members : Achsemenes, Cyrus the Great, Cambyses (Gomates, the Magian usurper), Darius Hystaspis, Xerxes I., Artaxerxes I., Xerxes II., Sogdianos, Darius Ochus, Artaxerxes Mne- mon, Ochus, Arses, Darius Codomannus. Also Achsemen- ides, Achemenides, Achemenids. Achseus (a-ke'us), or Achaios (a-kl'os). [Gr. , Axa-idg.~\ A Greek poet of Eretria in Eubcea, who flourished from about 484 b. c. to 448. He was the author of forty-four dramas, only fragments of which remain. The titles of seventeen are known. He contended with Sophocles and Euripides. Achaia (a-ka'ya). [Gr. ’Ax a ' a -] 1. In ancient geography: (aj A small region in southern Thessaly, containing Phthia, hence called Achaia Phthiotis. It was probably the original home of the Achrean race, and it retained its name as late as the time of Herodotus. See the extract. Ach®a Phthiotis was the tract about Mount Othrys. Its sea-board reached from the middle of the Pagas®an gulf to the mouth of the Spercheius. Inland it one e extended beyond Pharsalus, called anciently Phthia (Leake, iv. pp. 484, 485) ; but at this lime its northern boundary seems to have been the line of hills stretching from Lake Xyn- ias ( Taukli ) across to the gulf of Pagasee, and terminating in the promontory of Pyrrha (Cape Anglcistri). Westward it was bounded by the Dolopians and Enianians. liawlinson, Herod., IV. 108, note. (&) A mountainous district in tho Peloponne- sus, bordering on the Corinthian Gulf, north of Elis and Arcadia : originally named iEgialus or ACgialeia, that is, “The Coast.” (c) The states forming the restored Achaean League, about 280-146 b. c. See Achaean, 2. (d) A Roman prov- ince, of uncertain limits, but nearly correspond- ing to modern Greece, formed probably in the 1st century B. C. Its northern boundary was proba- bly drawn south of Thessaly and Epirus. The province was abolished by Nero, but was reestablished by Vespasian. 2. A medieval Prankislj principality in Greece, corresponding generally to the Peloponnesus. Achaia. A nomarehy of modern Greece. Area, 1,252 square miles. Population, 150,918. Achalm (ack'alm). A summit of the Ra.uhe Alb, near Reutlingen, in Wurtemberg, 2,300 feet high. Achamoth (ak'a-moth). The name given by the Gnostic Valentine to a lower or imperfect Wisdom, the weakest ®on, the form under which spirit surrenders itself completely to matter and becomes the foundation of the real world. Achan (a'kan). An Israelite of the tribe of Judah, stoned to death, with his family, for plundering during the sack of Jericho. Josh, vii. Also called Acliar. 1 Chron. ii. 7. Achard (ach'iirt), Frans Karl. Born at Ber- lin, April 28, 1753 : died at Cunern, Silesia, April 20, 1821. A German chemist, the founder of the beet-root sugar manufacture. Achard (ask -fir'), Louis Amedee Eug&ne. Born at Marseilles, April 23, 1814 : died at Paris, March 25, 1875. A French novelist and dram- atist, author of “La Belle Rose” (1847), “La Chasse Royale ” (1849-50), etc. Acharius (a-ka'ri-'os), Erik. Born at Gefle, Sweden, Oct. 10, 1757 : died at Wadstena, Swe- den, Aug. 14, 1819. A Swedish physician and botanist, a pupil of Linnaeus: author of “Lich- enographia universalis,” etc. Acharnians (a-kar'ni-anz), The. [Gr. : 'Axapval , Acharn®, the principal deme of Attica, 60 sta- dia north of Athens, near the foot of Mount Pames.] A comedy of Aristophanes, brought out, under tho name of Callistratus, at llio Le- n®a, or country Dionysia, 425 B. C. It was an attempt to support the aristocratic peace party against the intrigues and intimidations of the democratic war party represented by the chorus of Acharnians. In form it ia an extravagant farce rather than a comedy. Achasta. See Rumscn. Achastlian. See Rumsen. Achillini Achates (a-ka'tez). The faithful companion, “ fidus Achates,” of iEneas. Acheezi. See Achin. Achelous (ak-e-16'us), or Acheloos (-os). [Gr. ’•t^tViuor.] In ancient geography, a river in Greece (the modern Aspropotamo), which rises in Epirus, forms part of the boundary between ancient iEtolia and Acarnania, and flows into the Ionian sea. Its length is about 130 miles. Achenbach (aeh'en-bach), Andreas. Bora Sept. 29, 1815: died March 31, 1910. A noted German landscape and marine painter. Achenbach, Oswald. Born at Dusseldorf, Feb. 2, 1827 : died there, Feb. 1, 1905. A Ger- man landscape-painter, brother of Andi’eas. The subjects of his works are chiefly Italian. Achenwall (ach'en-val), Gottfried. Bom at Elbing, Prussia, Oct. 20, 1719: died at Gottin- gen, May], 1772. A German scholar, professor of philosophy (1748) and of law (1761) at the University of Gottingen. He is regarded as the founder of the science of statistics. Achern (ach'ern). A town in Baden, situated on the Acher about 31 miles southwest of Carlsruhe. Population, 3,000. Achernar (a-kcr'nar). [Ar. Ahher-nalir, the latter part.] The first-magnitude star a Eri- dani, situated in the southern hemisphere at the southern extremity of the constellation, about 32-£ degrees from the south pole. Acheron (ak'e-ron). [Gr. ’Axepuv: probably derived from Heb. ah’rdn, the west, i. e. the direction of the setting sun, darkness ; hence its connection with Hades.] 1. In an- cient geography, the name of several small rivers, of which the chief, the modern Gurla, was in Thesprotia in Epirus. It flowed through the lake Acherusia, received the waters of the Coeytus (the modern Vuvosj, and emptied into the Ionian sea. 2. In classical mythology, a river in Hades, and later the Lower World in general. Acherusia Pains (ak-e-ro'gi-a pa'lus). [L., ‘Aeherusian bog,’ Gr. ’Axe povoia Xi/xvi/.'} In an- cient geography, the name of several small lakes supposed to be connected with the lower world. The most important were the lake through which the Acheron flowed, and one 11 miles west of Na- ples, the modern Lago del Fusaro. Like Aciteron, the name was transferred to the lower world. Achill, or Achil (ak'il), or Eagle Island. An island in the county of Mayo, Ireland, off the western coast in lat. 54° N., long. 10° W. Area, 80 square miles. Achilleis (ak-i-le'is), or Achilleid (ak-i-le'id). 1. An unfinished epic poem by P. Papinius Statius. — 2. A part of the Iliad, comprising Books I, VIII, XI -XXII, regarded by some crit- ics as constituting a poem of which the theme is the “wrath of Achilles,” and which is dis- tinct from, and older than, the rest of the Iliad. See Iliad. The name “Achilleis” was first ap- plied to these books by Grote. — 3. A poem by Goethe. Achilles (a-kil'ez). [Gr. ’AqyiUHf.] A Greek legendary warrior, son of Peleus and Thetis and grandson of Abacus, and chief of the Myr- midons, a Thessalian tribe. He is the central hero of the Iliad, which is largely occupied with hi3 quarrel with Agamemnon, leader of the Greek host, and his martial exploits. He was the slayer of Hector, and was himself slain by Paris. In Achilles, Homer summed up and fixed forever the ideal of the Greek character. He presented an imperish- able picture of their national youthfulness, and of their ardent genius, to the Greeks. The “ beautiful human hero- ism "of Achilles, his strong personality, his fierce passions controlled and tempered by divine wisdom, his intense friendship and love that passed the love of women, above all, the splendor of his youthful life in death made per- fect, hovered like a dream above the imagination of the Greeks, and insensibly determined their subsequent de- velopment. At a later age, this ideal was destined to be realized in Alexander. Symonds, Studies of the Greek Poets, I. 20. Achilles. An opera by Gay produced at Covent Garden in 1733. Colman the elder brought out “Achilles in Petticoats,” altered from Gay, in the same year. Achilles of Germany. A surname of Albert, Elector of Brandenburg. Achilles Tatius (a-kil'ez ta'shi-us). Lived probably about 500 A. D. An Alexandrine rhet- orician, author of a Greek romance, “Leucippe and Cleitophon.” Achilleum (ak-i-le'um). A place on the promon- tory of Sigeum, in the Troad, containing, ac- cording to tradition, the tomb of Achilles. Achillini (ii-kil-le'ne), Alessandro. Born at Bologna, Italy, Oct. 29, 1463: died Aug., 1512(?). An Italian physician and philosopher, surnamed “the second Aristotle.” AckLn Achin, or Aclieen, or Atcheen (a-ehen'), or Atjeh. A former Malay sultanate, now a Dutch dependency, in northern Sumatra. A war with the Dutch, which began in 1873, resulted in the virtual subjugation of the country. Population, about 583,000. Achin. Tho capital of Aehin, on the river Achin about lat. 5° 40' N., long. 95° 20' E. Achines, Ricardo. The name commonly given by old Spanish-American historians to Richard Hawkins. Achish (a'kish). 1. A Philistine king of Gath with whom David sought refuge when fleeing from Saul. 1 Sam. xxi. 10-15; xxix. — 2. An- other king of Gath who reigned in the time of Solomon. 1 Ki. ii. 39-40. Achitophel. See Ahitliophel. Achmed. See Achmet. Achmet (ach'met) I., or Ahmed (ah'med). Born 1589: died Nov. 22, 1617. A sultan of Turkey, son of Mohammed III. whom he suc- ceeded in 1603. He concluded, Hov. 11, 1606, the peace of Sitvatorok with Austria, when for the first time the Turks observed the principles of an international law in their diplomatic relations with Christian nations. In 1612 he concluded an unsuccessful war with Persia. Achmet II., or Ahmed. Bom 1642: died Feb. 6, 1695. A sultan of Turkey, brother of Soly- man II. whom he succeeded July 13, 1691. His forces were expelled from Hungary by the battle of Salan- keman, Aug. 19, 1091, in which the grand vizir Kiuprili the Virtuous was defeated and slain by the Austrians under Louis of Baden. Achmet III., or Ahmed. Born 1673: assassi- nated 1736. A sultan of Turkey 1703-30, brother of Mustapha II. whom he succeeded. He was in- volved by Charles XII. (who, after the battle of Pultowa in 1709, took refuge first in Otchakoff , then in Bender) in a war with Russia, which was ended by the Peace of the Pruth, 1711 (see Pruth ) ; took Morea and the Ionian Islands from Venice, 1715 ; was defeated at Peterwardein in 1716 and at Belgrad in 1717 by the Austrians under Prince Eugene; and signed the treaty of Passarowitz in 1718 (see Passarowitz). He was compelled by the janizaries to re- sign, and died of poison in prison. Achmet, or Ahmed, Bey. Died July 16, 1822. A Turkish commander in the Greek war of in- dependence. He was repulsed by the Greeks, May 27, 1821, in an attack on the fortified post at Valtetzi. Achmet, or Ahmed, Kiuprili. Born 1635 : died 1676. Grand vizir of the Ottoman empire from 1661 to 1676. He added Candia, Neuhausel in Hungary, and Kamieniec in Poland to the empire. Achmetha. See Ecbatana. Achomawi (li-cho-ma'wi). An almost extinct tribe of North American Indiaus. See Pa- laihnihan. Achray (ak'ra), Loch. A lake about 2 miles long, in western Perthshire, Scotland, 17 miles northwest of Stirling. Acidalius (at-si-da'li-os), Valens. Born at Wittstock, Prussia, May 25, 1567 : died at Neisse, Prussia, May 25, 1595. A German phi- lologist and man of letters, author of commen- taries on Latin classics. Acilia gens (a-sil'i-a jenz). In ancient Rome, a clan or house whose family names were Avi- ola, Balhus, and Glabrio. Members of the last two families were frequently tribunes of the debs. cireale, or Aci Reale (a'che-re-a'le). A city in the province of Catania, Sicily, situated on the eastern coast 9 miles north-northeast of Catania. Near it are the grotto of Galatea, the cave of Polyphemus, and the Rocks of the Cyclops. Population, commune, 35,418. Acis (a'sis). [Gr. ”Atac.~] In classical mythology, a beautiful Sicilian, son of Faunus and Symae- this, beloved by Galatea, and slain by Polyphe- mus the Cyclops, his unsuccessful rival. He was crushed under a rock, and his blood as it flowed forth was changed into the river Acis. Acis and Galatea. A pastoral opera by Han- del composed in 1720 or 1721. The words are by Gay, with additions from Pope, Hughes, and Dryden. “Aci, Galatea e Polifemo" is another work by Handel composed in Italy in 1708-09. Grove. Acis et Galatee (ii-sez' a ga-lii-ta,'). An opera by Lulli (words by Campistron) produced in 1686. Ackermann (ak'er-man), Johann Christian Gottlieb. Born Feb. 17, 1756: died at Altorf, Bavaria, March 9, 1801. A German medical writer, author of “ Institutiones historiro medi- cinal” (1792), and live3 of Hippocrates, Theo- phrastus, Dioscorides, Aretseus, Rufus Ephe- sius, and Galen. Ackermann, Konrad Ernst. Born in Schwe- rin, Germany, Feb. 1, 1712 : died at Hamburg, Nov. 13, 1771. A noted German actor. He ap- peared on the stage first in Liineburg (Jan., 1740), trav- eled with various companies for several years, and erected and conducted a theater in Hamburg (1764-67). He is re- garded as the founder of the German school of acting. 10 Ackermann, Rudolph. Bom at Schneeberg, Saxony, April 20, 1764 : died March 30, 1834. A German art-publisher and bookseller in Lon- don, son of a coach-builder and harness-ma- ker, whose trade he, for a time, followed. The establishment of lithography as a fine art in England is credited to him. Acklin Island (ak'lin i'land). A long island in the group of the southern Bahamas. Acla (a'kla). A town on the Caribbean side of the Isthmus of Panama, probably near the bay of San Bias. It was founded by Pedrarias in 1515, and was the place where Balboa built his ships to be transported across the isthmus in 1517, and where he was executed. The settlement, for a time important, was abandoned before 1580. Acland (ak'land), Lady Christian Henrietta Caroline (commonly known as Lady Har- riet). Born Jan. 3, 1750 : died at Tetton, near Taunton, England, July 21, 1815. A daughter of the first earl of Ilchester, and wife of Major John Dyke Acland whom she accompanied through Burgoyne’s campaign in 1777. Her ad- ventures formed a noteworthy incident of the Revolutionary War. Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth. Bom Aug. 23, 1815: died Oct. 16, 1900. An English physi- cian, regius professor of medicine in Oxford 1857-94. He accompanied the Prince of Wales to America in 1860. Acland, John Dyke. Died at Pixton Park, near Dulverton, England, Oct. 31, 1778. An English soldier and politician. As member of Par- liament he was a vigorous opponent of the demands of the American colonies, and, as major of the 20th Foot, joined Burgoyne’s expedition during the Revolutionary War. He was wounded in the second battle of Saratoga and taken prisoner. During the campaign he was accom- panied by his wife. See Acland, Lady. Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke. Born at Killerton, Devonshire, May 25, 1809: died there, May 29, 1898. An English politician and educational reformer. He entered Parliament in 1837. He was in- fiuential in the establishment of the Oxford local examina- tions system (1857-58), in the improvement of English agriculture, and in the volunteer movement. Acoemetae (as-e-me'te). [L. ; Gr. aaot/iTjTcu , ‘the sleepless ones’ or watchers.] A monastic or- der founded by Alexander, a Syrian monk, about 430. The day was divided into three parts during each of which one third of the monks carried on their devo- tions so that the worship in the monastery was unceasing. Acolastus (ak-o-las'tus). A Latin comedy com- posed by Gulielmus Fullonius (Willem de Voi- der), a schoolmaster of The Hague, and trans- lated into English prose and published in 1540 by John Palsgrave with the Latin version: first acted in 1529. It was designed for use in schools, and there were forty different issues of it during the lifetime of the author. Acolhuas (a-ko-16'az). A branch of the Na- huatl tribe of central Mexico, reported by tra- dition to have preceded the Aztecas in the oc- cupation of the valley of Mexico, and to have been the founders of the Indian settlement at Tezcuco. Also Acolhuans. Acoma (a'ko-ma). [Properly Ako, hut, with the affix -ma, indicative of tribe or people, cor- rupted into Acoma or Akorna.'] An Indian vil- lage of western New Mexico, situated ou a rock about 14 miles south of the station of Cubero on the Santa F6 Railroad in Valencia Coun- ty. Acoma was first visited by the Spaniards under Al- varado in Sept., 1540, and appears in the chronicles of that time as Acuco (a corruption of Ha-ku-kia). Acoma. A tribe of North American Indians, about 550 in number, inhabiting the pueblo of the same name in western New Mexico. This and, possibly, Isleta are the only pueblos occupying the same site since the Spanish invasion in the 16th century. It includes the summer villages of Acomita and Pue- blito. See Keresan. Acomat(a-k6-ma/). In Racine’s tragedy “Baja- zet,” an ambitious vizir. Aconcagua (a-kon-ka'gwii). A province in central Chile, hounded by Coquimbo on the north, and by Santiago and Valparaiso on the south. Capita], San Felipe. Area, 5,485 square miles. Population, 128,486. Aconcagua. Mount. One of the highest peaks of the Andes, situated in the provinces of San Juan and Mendoza, Argentina, about lat. 32° 31' S., long. 69° 50' W. Height, 23,091 feet. Aconcio (a-kon'cho), Giacomo. Bom at Trent, Tyrol, about 1500 : died at London, about 1566. An Italian theologian and engineer, a refugee in England in the time of Queen Eliza- beth, to whom he dedicated his “ Stratagemata Satana? ” (1565), Also Aconzio, Concio, and Latinized Acontius (Jacobus). Acontius (a-kon'shi-us). The principal char- Acre acter in the tale of Acontius and Cydippe, told by Aristsenetus and by Ovid. “Acontius gathered an orange in the garden of Venus, and having written on the rind the words, ‘ By Artemis, I will marry Acontius,’ threw it in Cydippe’s way. She took it in her hand, read out the inscription, and threw it from her. But Artemis heard the vow, and brought about the marriage.” Wil- liam Morris lias taken the legend for the subject of one of his poems in “The Earthly Paradise.” Acontius, Jacobus. See Aconcio. Acordad (a-kor-THaTH'). A court established at Queretaro, New Spain (Mexico), for the sum- mary trial of brigands and other criminals. It originated in an old Spanish institution, the Santa Hermandad, which was originally a kind of vigilance committee, was subsequently converted into a regular police force and tribunal, and after 1631 had courts in Spanish America. In 1719 the Querdtaro court, or acor- dad, was given independent powers, and it was ordered that there should be no appeal from it; its officers had jurisdiction throughout New Spain. The court was sup- pressed in 1813, but its methods are still in vogue in Mexico. Azores. Same as Azores. Acosta (a-kos'ta), Christovao de. Died 1580. A Portuguese traveler and naturalist, author of “Tratado de las drogas y medecinas de las Indias orientales” (1578). Acosta, Gabriel (later Uriel) de. Born at Oporto, Portugal, about 1591: committed sui- cide, 1647 (1640?). A Portuguese philosopher and Jewish proselyte from Catholicism. He was excommunicated by the synagogue at Amsterdam on ac- count of rationalism. His autobiography was published under the title “Exemplar vitae human® ” (1687). Acosta, Joaquin. Born in Guaduas, Colombia, about 1795: died at Bogota, 1852. A Colom- bian soldier and historian. He entered Bolivar’s army in 1819, and before his death had attained the rank of general. He was also a member of congress and held Important diplomatic posts. Besides traveling and con- ducting extensive investigations in Colombia, he visited Spain in 1845 to search the archives there, and spent several years in Paris where he published his “ Compendio histdrico del descubrimiento y colonizacion de la Nueva Granada ” (1848). Acosta, Jose de. Bom at Medina del Campo, Old Castile, 1540 : died at Salamanca, Feb. 15, 1600. A Spanish Jesuit historian and archaeolo- gist. He went to Peru in 1571, was historiographer of the council of bishops at Lima 1582-83, in 1586 resided for some time in Mexico, returned to Spain in 1587, vis- ited Rome in 1590, was subsequently at the head of the Jesuits’ College at Valladolid, was visitor in Aragon and Andalusia, and finally had charge of the College at Sala- manca. The first two books of his “Natural and Moral History of the Indies," in Latin, appeared at Salamanca in 1588 and 1589 ; the entire work in Spanish at Seville in 1590. There are many editions in Spanish, Latin, Italian, French, Dutch, German, and English. He also published the “Concilium Limense ” (Rome, 1589), “Depromulga- tione evangelii apud harbaros ” (1589), and various theo- logical treatises in Latin. Acqua (a'kwa), Cesare dell’. Born at Pirano, July 22, 1821: died at Brussels, Feb., 1905. A painter of portraits and historical subjects. Acquapendente (a'kwa-pen-den'te). A small town in the province of Rome, Italy, 67 miles northwest of Rome. Acquaviva (a-kwa-ve' va). A town in the prov- ince of Bari, Italy, 18 miles south by west of Bari. Population, 10,994. Acqui (a'kwe). A town in the province of Ales- sandria, Italy, the ancient Aquee Statiellm, sit- uated on the Bormida 29 miles northwest of Genoa, noted for hot sulphur baths. It has a cathedral and a silkworm industry. Popula- tion, 9,309. Acrse (a'kre) [Gr. "Aspai.’] In ancient geog- raphy, a city of Sicily, a colony of Syracuse, on the site of tho modern Palazzolo Aereide (which see). Acragas, or Akragas (ak'ra-gas). [Gr. ’.Wpu- yaf.] The Greek name of Agrigentum. Acrasia (a-kra'zi-a). [Gr. aspaala, intemper- ance, immoderateness.] In Spenser’s “Faerie Queene,”a beautiful woman, the personification of intemperance in all things, living in the “Bower of Bliss,” in which is everything to de- light the senses. She was suggested by Circe and, more directly, by the Alcina of Ariosto. Aerates (ak-ra'tez). [Gr. dxparyf, intemperate..] A male character in the “ Faerie Queene,” by Spenser, personifying the intemperate love of pleasure. Acre (a'kir or ii'ker), or Saint-Jean d’Acre. A seaport in Palestine, Asiatic Turkey', on the bay of Acre about lat. 32° 56' N., long. 35° 4' E.: the ancient Aeca, Acco ("Do?, ’Akxu), tho scriptural Accho, and the later Ptolemais. It is on3 of the chief ports for the Palestine coast It was in the territory assigned to the tribe of Asher (Judges i. 31), but was never conquered by the Israelites. Its kings were reckoned next to those of Tyre and Sidon. It was conquered by the Assyrian king Sennacherib and captured and ruined by his grandson Assurhanipal. It was captured by the Arabs in 638, by the Crusaders in 1104, by Saladin Acre in 1187, and by the Crusaders in 1191; and was held by the Knights of St. John until 1291, being the last strong- hold in Palestine to hold out for the Christians. Sir Sidney Smith defended it successfully against Napoleon in 1799. In 1832 it was taken by Ibrahim Pasha, and in 1840 by the Anglo-Austrian-Turkish forces. It was named Saint- Jean d'Acre by the Knights of St. John. Population, about 10,000. As Ptolemais, Akko played a most important part in the Graeco-Roman age ; as Acre, it has been famous in his- tory from the period of the Crusades to times within our own memory. It occupied the north-western extremity of the great bay which indents the Syrian coast north of Carmel, a bay eight miles across and about four miles deep. Its own haven was small and exposed ; but on the opposite side of the bay, under Carmel, was the sheltered roadstead of Haifa ; and either at Akko or at Haifa vessels could ride securely in almost all sorts of weather. The great importance of Akko was that it commanded the en- trance to the broad plain of Esdraelon, conducting to the rich valley of the Jordan, and so was, in a certain sense, as it was often called, “the key of Palestine.’’ Its kings were reckoned next in rank to those of Tyre and Sidon during the Assyrian period ; and we find them taking part in the wars which were carried on by Shalmaneser IV. and Sennacherib. Rawlinson , Phoenicia, p. 53. Acre, Bay of. An indentation on tlie western coast of Palestine, north of Mount Carmel. Acrelius (a-kra'li-os), Israel. Born at Oster- aker, Sweden, Dec. 25, 1714 : died at Fellings- bro, Sweden, April 25, 1800. A Swedish clergy- man, author of a history of the Swedish colonies in America (1759, Eng. trans. 1874). Acres (a'kerz), Bob. A character in Sheridan’s comedy “ The Rivals,” an awkward and simple country gentleman changed into a boasting coward by the sudden excitement of the gaie- ties of Bath society. His brag and his ludicrous van- ity and assurance are combined with a comic trepidation and an uneasy gaiety. The part has been modified by the actors. Acri (a'kre). A small town in the province of Cosenza, southern Italy, situated on the Mu- cone about 13 miles north-northeast of Co- senza. AcrisiUS (a-kris'i-us). [Gr. ’Anpiaiog.] In Greek mythology, a king of Argos, father of Danae. Acroceraunia ( ak "rd-se-ra 'ni-a), or Akroke- raunia (ak-ro-ke-ra'ni-a). [Gr. ra an pa nepavvia, the thunder-smitten peaks.] In ancient geog- raphy, a promontory which projects from the northwestern part of Epirus into the Ionian sea, about lat. 40° 27' N., long. 19° 20' E. : the modem Greek Glossa and Italian Linguetta. The name is sometimes incorrectly extended to the whole range of Ceraunian Mountains (which see). Acro-Corinthus (ak // ro-ko-rin'thus). A height (over 1,800 feet) cohered with ruins, under the northern slope of which lies the city of Corinth, Greece : celebrated for its extensive view. The medieval fortifications form a triple line, II miles in cir- cuit, below the summit. Of the ancient fortifications, the celebrated temple of Aphrodite, and other religious foundations, the remains are very scanty. The most inter- esting relic of antiquity is the vaulted subterranean well- house of the famed fountain Pirene. The view from the summit is of remarkable grandeur, and embraces many of the storied sites and mountains of Greece. Acropolis (a-krop'o-lis). [Gr. anpdnoAiC, the up- per city, from an pot;, highest, upper, and ndXig, city.] A general name for the citadel of an ancient Greek city, but especially appropriated to that of Athens, famous for the placing on its summit in the 5th century b. c. of the high- est achievements of Greek art, the Parthe- non and the Ereehtheum, with the sculptures which adorned them without and within, and the Propylsea, or monumental gate, inside of the walls at the west end. The Acropolis is a pre- cipitous rock which rises about 260 feet above the city, and extends 1,000 feet from east to west, and 400 in its greatest width. It was the site of the earliest Athens known to history, was strongly fortified, and contained the palace of the king until the expulsion of the Pisistra- tids. Prom this time it ceased to be inhabited, and was reserved as sacred ground and as a last reiuge in time of danger. It was taken and sacked by the Persians in 480 B. c. ; shortly afterward its fortifications were strength- ened and completed and its area increased by retaining- walls and filling, especially by Cimon, who had much to do with devising the plans for monumental embellish- ment which were carr ied out under Pericles. The ancient entrance to the Acropolis was on the southwest, by a narrow, winding path commanded by the battlements above. Among the other monuments of the Acropolis are the pre-Persian temple of Athena, correctly identified and studied by Dorpfeld in 1885, the colossal bronze statue by Phidias of Athena Promachos, and the temple of Wingless Victory. The slopes of the Acropolis were occu- pied by important foundations, particularly on the south, where lie the Odeum of Herodes, the sanctuary of iEscu- lapius, and the Dionysiac theater. Under the medieval Pranks and Turks the Acropolis was the citadel and abode of the dukes and pashas. The Parthenon was in turn cathedral and mosque; the Propyl a: a became the palace and government offices; and the Ereehtheum, after being a church, was fitted as the pasha’s harem. These great monuments remained comparatively unharmed until a late date in the Turkish domination. The Propylata were shattered by an explosion of gunpowder induced by 11 lightning, the Ereehtheum was destroyed by the over- weighting of the roofs in the effort to make them bomb- proof, and the Parthenon was cut in two in 1687, during the Venetian siege of Athens under Konigsmark, by a bomb purposely shot into the powder stored in it. Acropolita (ak^ro-po-lEta), George. Born at Constantinople in 1220: died Dec., 1282. A By- zantine historian and diplomat, employed by the emperor Michael Palseologus in the nego- tiations with Popes Clement IV., Gregory X., John XXI., Nicholas III., and Martin IV., to re- unite the Greek and Latin churches. He wrote a history of the Byzantine empire from 1204 A to 1261. Acs (ach). A village in the county of Komorn, Hungary, situated on the Danube west of Komorn : the scene of several contests between the Austrians and Hungarians in 1849. Acta Apostolorum (ak'ta a-pQS-to-lo'rum). See Acts of the Apostles. Acta Diurna (ak'tadl-er'na). [L.,‘ events of the day.’] A Roman “ official daily chronicle, which, in addition to official reports of events in the imperial family, and state and city affairs, con- tained regulations by the magistrates, transac- tions and decrees of the senate, accidents, and family news communicated to the editors. The Acta were publicly exhibited on a whitened board (album), which any one might read and copy ; and there were men who made a business of multiplying and transmitting such news to the provinces. After a time the originals were placed among the state archives for the benefit of those who wished to consult them ” ( Seyffert , Diet, of Class. Antiq. Ed. by Nettleship and Sandys). The publi- cation of such news was made official by Csesar : it ceased, apparently, on the transfer of the capital to Constanti- nople. The eleven fragments of “Acta (diurna) populi’’ first published in 1615 (called “fragmenta Dodwelliana,” from Dodwell the chief defender of their genuineness) are now regarded as spurious. Actajon (ak-te'on). [Gr. ’Anraiuv.] In Greek mythology, a hunter, son of Aristseus and Au- tonoe, daughter of Cadmus, who, having seen Artemis (Diana) bathing, was changed by her into a stag and torn in pieces by his own dogs. Other accounts of his death are given. Acta Eruditorum (ak'ta e-ro-di-to'rum). [L., ‘acts of the learned’: with reference to the Roman ‘acta,’ or official records. See Acta Diurna.'] The first German literary periodical, founded by Otto Mencke at Leipsic, 1682, and discontinued 1782. After his death his son J. B. Mencke became editor. In 1732 the title was changed to “Nova Acta Eruditorum a new series edited by another son, F. O. Mencke. Acta Martyrum (ak'ta mar'ti-rum). See Acta Sanctorum. Acta Pilati (ak'ta pi-la'tl). A spurious report said to have been sent by Pilate to Tiberius on the trial and death of Christ. Acta Sanctorum (ak'ta sangk-to'rum). [L., ‘the deeds of the saints’: with reference to the Roman ‘ acta,’ or official records.] A name applied generally to all collections of accounts of saints and martyrs, both of the Roman and Greek churches ; specifically, the name of a work begun by the Bollandists, a society of Jesuits, in 1643. It now consists of over sixty folio volumes, including an index published in 1875. Actium (ak'shi-um). [Gr. ’A/mor.] In ancient geography, a promontory on the northwestern coast of Acarnania, Greece, about lat. 38° 56' N., long. 20° 46' E. The ancient peribolos or sacred inclosure, rectangular in plan and built in opus reticula- tum, the seat of the famous Actian games of Augustus, still remains. Recent excavations have laid bare extensive ruins of several successive temples, the latest of which is that dedicated by Augustus after the victory of B. o. 31. A famous naval battle was fought near Actium between Octavius and Mark Antony and Cleopatra Sept. 2, 31 B. c. It was decided by the flight of Cleopatra. Antony’s land forces surrendered to Octavius. The victory secured for the latter supreme rule over the Roman dominion. Actius Syncerus. The academical name of Sanazzaro. Acton, (ak'ton). A suburb of London in the county of Middlesex, 8 miles west of St. Paul’s. Population, 37,744. Acton, Charles Januarius Edward. Born at Naples, March 6, 1803: died there, June 23, 1847. The second son of Sir John Francis Edward Acton. He entered the service of the Pope, was made cardinal in 1842, and played an important part in papal politics, especially in matters relating to England. Acton, Eliza. Bom at Battle, England, April 17, 1799: died at Hampstead, Feb. 13, 1859. An English poet and prose writer, best known as the author of “Modern Cookery” (1845). Acton, Sir John Francis Edward. Born at Besan^on, France, 1736: died at Palermo, Aug. 12, 1811. An officer in the naval service of France and afterward (1799) of Tuscany, gen- eralissimo and prime minister at Naples during Adalbert the French revolutionary epoch- In December, 1798, after the successes of the French in northern Italy, Acton fled (with the king and queen) to Palermo, but was soon restored to Naples where he established a reign of terror, committing to prison and executing many citi- zens on the authority of the Junta. In 1806 he again fled to Sicily. Acton, Thomas C. Born 1823: died May 1, 1898. An American banker and public official, president of the board of New York police during the draft riots in 1863. Actors’ Vindication, The. See Apology for Actors. Acts of the Apostles. A book of the New Testament, a continuation of the third gospel (Luke), and, according to a uniform tradition, by the same author. It is a history of the early progress of Christianity after (and including) the ascen- sion of Christ. Acuco. See Acoma. Acuna (a-kon'ya), Cristoval de. Born at Bur- gos, Spain, 1597 : died at Lima, Peru, probably about 1676. A Jesuit missionary and author. He was rector of the College of Cuenca, near Quito. In 1639 he accompanied Pedro Teixeira on his voyage down the Amazon, and in 1641 published at Madrid his “Nuevo descubrimiento del gran rio de las Amazonas,” which is the first clear account of that river. The original edition of this work is very rare, but there are later ones in various languages. Acuna visited Rome before returning to Quito, and in 1659 returned to Peru. Acuna y Bejarano (a-kon'ya e ba-Ha-ra'no), Juan de, Marquis of Casa Fuerte. Born at Lima, Peru, 1657 : died at Mexico, 1734. A Spanish-American soldier and administrator. He was governor of Messina, viceroy of Aragon and Mal- lorca, member of the supreme council of war, and vice- roy of New Spain from 1722 until his death. Acuna, Hernando de. Died 1580. A Spanish poet and soldier. He served in the expedition of Charles V. against Tunis. At the request of the emperor he translated Olivier de la Marche’s “ I.e chevalier deli- bdrd.,” His poems were published after his death, under the title “ Varias Poesias” (1591). Acusilaus (a-ku-si-la'us). [Gr. Anovnilaor.] An ancient Greek commentator on, or prose para- phrast of, the Theogony of Hesiod. He was bom at Argos probably about the middle of the 6th centm-y B. C., and was by some regarded as one of the seven wise men. Ada (a'da). [The Greek form of the Hebrew name.] See Adah. Adad. See Hadad. Adafudia, or Adafoodia (a-da-fo'di-a). A town in the western part of Sudan, Africa, in lat. 13° 6' N., long. 1° 3' E. Population, about 25,000 (?). Adah (a'da). [Heb., ‘ornament,’ ‘beauty’; Gr. ’Ada, Ada.] 1. In the Old Testament: (a) The first of the two wives of Lamech. Gen. iv. 19-23. (b) One of the wives of Esau and the mother of Eliphaz. Gen. xxxvi. — 2. The wife of Cain, a character in “Cain,” by Lord Byron. Adair (a-dar'), James. An English trader resi- dent among the North American (Chickasaw and Cherokee) Indians from 1735 to 1775, He wrote a “History of the American Indians ” (1775), in which he maintains that the Indians are descendants of the Jews. Adair, John. Born in Chester County, S. C., 1759: died in Harrodsburg, Ky., May 19, 1840. An American politician and soldier. He served in the Revolutionary War, was an officer in the Kentucky State militia (ultimately brigadier-general), served in the Indian wars, and commanded the Kentucky troops at the battle of New Orleans. He was United States senator from Kentucky 1805-06, governor of Kentucky 1820-24, and member of Congress 1831-33. Adair, Sir Robert. Born at London, May 24, 1763: died there, Oct. 3, 1855. An English dip- lomat and writer of historical memoirs. He was sent on diplomatic missions to Vienna 1806-07, to Constan- tinople 1808-09, where he concluded the treaty of the Dar- danelles, and to the Low Countries 1831-35. He published “Historical Memoirs of a Mission to the Court of Vienna in 1806” (1844), and “The Negotiations for the Peace of the Dardanelles in 1808-1809 ’’ (1845). Adair, Robin. See Robin Adair. Adaize. See Hadai. Adal (a-dal'), or Adel (a-dal'). A region in eastern Africa, bordering on the Red Sea and mainly included in the Italian colony of Eri- trea. Its southern end lies in French Somali- land. Its inhabitants are the Danakil. Also Adaiel, Adajcl. Adalberon (a-dal'be-ron), or Adalbero (a-dal'- be-ro). Died 988. Bishop of Rheims and chan- cellor of France under Lothaire and Louis V. In 963 he was made archbishop, and in 987 he officiated at the coronation of Hugh Capet, by whom ho was elevated to the position of lord high chancellor. Adalbert (ad'al-b&rt), Saint. Flourished about 700. An early English saint, perhaps a grand- son of Oswald, king of Deira. He devoted him- self to missionary work among the Friesians, and is said to have been the first archdeacon of Utrecht. Adalbert Adalbert, Saint ( originally CzechVojtecli (voi'- teeh). Born near Prague, Bohemia, about 955: martyred in West Prussia, April 23, 997. A Bohemian prelate, bishop of Prague, called the “Apostle of the Prussians.” In 988 he abandoned his diocese and retired to the monastery of Sant’ Alessio in Home, but was constrained in 993 to return. Be then devoted himself to missionary work among the Prussians. Adalbert. Died 981. A German missionary, archbishop of Magdeburg, ealled the “Apostle of the Slavs.” Adalbert. Died at Goslar, Prussia, March 16, 1072. A German prelate, archbishop of Bre- men and Hamburg. He attempted the forma- tion of a northern patriarchate. Adalbert (a'dal-bert), Heinrich Wilhelm. Born at Berlin, Oct. 29, 1811: died at Karlsbad, June 6, 1873. A prince of Prussia, son of Prince Wilhelm, the youngest brother of King Frederick Will iam III. He entered the army as an artillery officer in 1832. In 1842 he visited southern Brazil and the Amazon and Xingii. A description of this voyage was published for private circulation, and republished in English (2 vols., London, 1849). After the revolution of 184S he was employed in the organization of the German marine. Adalia (a-dii'le-a), or Antaiiyeh (an-ta'_le-ye), or Satali (sa-ta'le), or Sataliah (sa-ta'le-a). A town in the vilayet of Konieh, Asiatic Turkey, situated on the Gulf of Adalia about lat. 36° 52' N., long. 30° 45' E., built by Attalus II. of Pergamum, and a leading city of ancient Pam- phylia: the ancient Attalcia. Population (es- timated), 13,000. Adalia, Golf of, or Pamphylian Gulf. An arm of the Mediterranean on the southern coast of Asia Minor: the ancient Pamphylicus Sinus. Adam (ad'am). [Heb. ’Adhtim.] 1. The first man; the father of the human race, according to the account of the creation in Genesis. Like cherub, Adam also was a Babylonian word. It has the general sense of “man,” and is used in this sense both in Hebrew and in Assyrian. But as in Hebrew it has come to be the proper name of the first man, so, too, in the old Babylonian legends, the “Adamites” were “the white race ” of Semitic descent, who stood in marked contrast to “the black heads ” or Accadians of primitive Babylonia. Sayce, Anc. Monuments, p. 31. 2. A character in Shakspere’s “As you Like it,” an old and faithful servant of Oliver, but following the fortunes of Orlando. There is a tradition that Shakspere himself acted this part. Adam, Master or Maitre. See Billaut, Adam. Adam.' A city of Palestine mentioned in the 3d chapter of Joshua. Adam of Bremen. Died at Bremen about 1076. A German ecclesiastical historian, au- thor of a history of the diocese of Hamburg and Bremen for the period 788-1072 (Copen- hagen, 1579) : the chief authority for Scandi- navian church history during this period. Adam of Murimutb. Born about 1286: died 1370. An English chronicler, ambassador to Rome 1323, canon of Hereford, and vice-gen- eral to the archbishop of Canterbury 1325. “ His chronicle extends as an original record over the forty years from 1306 to 1346. The continuation extends to the year 1380.” Morley, Eng. Writers, IV. 251. Adam of Orlton. Born at Hereford, England: died at Farnham, England, July 18, 1345. An English prelate, made bishop of Hereford in 1317, of Worcester in 1327, and of Winchester in 1333. He took the part of the barons against Edward II. , was tried by Parliament for treason as an adherent of Mortimer (the first English bishop, it is said, ever tried before a lay court), and was iniluential in political affairs during the reign of Edward III. Adam (a-doh'), Adolphe Charles. Born at Paris, July 24, 1803 : died at Paris, May 3, 1856. A French composer of comic opera. His best- known work is “Le Postilion de Longjumeau” (1831). Adam (a'dam), Albrecht. Born at Nordlingen, April 16, 1786: died at Munich, Aug. 28, 1862. A German painter noted especially for his bat- tle-pieces and paintings of horses. Adam (ad'am), Alexander. Born near Forres, Scotland, June 24, 1741: died at Edinburgh, Dec. 18, 1809. A Scottish educator, rector of the High School of Edinburgh 1768-1809. Ho published “Roman Antiquities” (1791), and ★other works. Adam (a-don'), Mmo, Edmond (Juliette Lamber). Born at Verberie, Oise, Oct. 4, 1836. A French writer, founder (in 1879) and editor of the “Nouvelle Revue” (-1899). Among her works are “ Garibaldi ” (1859), “Recits d’une paysanne" (1862), “ Voyage autour d un grand pin ” (1863), “ bans lea Alpes” (1867), “Laide” (1878), "La Patrie Hongroise : Souvenirs personnels ” (1884), etc. She has been twice mar- ried, first to M. La Measure. M. Adam, prefect of police in 12 the Franco-German war, and later life senator, died in 1877. She has written under the names of J. La Messine, Juliette Lamber, and Comte Paul Vasili. A.dam (ii'dam), Franz. Born May 4, 1815: died Sept. 30, 1886. A German painter, chiefly of military scenes, son of Jlbreeht Adam. Adam (a-doh'), Louis. Born at Miettershelz, Alsace, 1758: died at Paris, 1848. A noted French pianist, father of Adolphe Charles Adam. Adam (a'dam), Melchior. Born at Grottkau, Silesia, 1551 : died 1622. A German Protestant divine and biographer, author of “Vitse Ger- manorum Philosophorum,” etc. Adam (a-doh'), Quinn Francois Lucien. Born at Nancy, May 31, 1833. A French magis- trate and philologist, noted for researches on American and other languages. Adam (ad'am), Robert. Born at Kirkcaldy, Scotland, 1728: died at London, March 3, 1792. A noted Scottish architect and landscape-pain- ter. See Adelphi. Adam, William. Born at Maryburgh, Kinross, Scotland, Aug. 2, 1751: died at Edinburgh, Feb. 17, 1839. A British lawyer and politician, one of the managers of the impeachment of Warren Hastings, 1788, and chancellor of the Dueliy of Cornwall, 1806. Adam, William Patrick. Born Sept. 14, 1823 : died at Ootacamund, India, May 24, 1881. A British politician, whip of the Liberal party from 1874 to 1880, and governor of Madras from 1880 till his death. Adam Bede (ad'am bed). A novel by George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) published in 1859. See Bede, Adam. Adam Bell, Clym of the Cloughe, and Wyl- lyam of Cloudeslee. An old ballad printed by William Copland about 1550, and in the collec- tions of Percy and Ritson. Child repeats it from Ritson with some variations from an edition older than Copland’s recovered by Payne Collier. See Bell, Adam. Adam Cupid. A nickname of Cupid in Shak- spere’s “Romeo and Juliet” (ii. 1). Some com- mentators contend that the name should be “Abram ” (the quartos (2-5) and folios have “Abraham ”). a corruption of “auburn,” as Cupid is frequently represented with au- burn or yellowish hair. Others agree with Upton in the following extract. Shakespere wrote "Young Adam Cupid,” &c. The printer or transcriber gave us this “Abram,” mistaking the d for br, and thus made a passage direct nonsense which was understood in Sh.’s time by all his audience ; for this Adam was a most notable archer, named Adam Bell, who for his skill became a proverb. In Much Ado, I, i: “And he that hits me, let him be clapped on the shoulder, and called Adam.” Upton, quoted in Furness, Var. Adam da la Halle. See La Halle. Adana Kadnion (ad'am kad'mon). [Heb., ‘the first man.’] In cabalistic doctrine, the first man, emanating from the infinite and repre- senting the ten Sephiroth (which see). Adamastor (ad-am-as'tor). The phantom of the Cape of Good Hope in the “Lusiad”: a terrible spirit described by Camoens as appear- ing to Vasco da Gama and prophesying the mis- fortunes which should fall upon other expedi- tions to India. Adana wa (a-da-ma' wii). A region in Northern Nigeria and German Kameruu, Africa, inter- sected by lat. 8° N., long. 13° E., having an area of about 70,000 square miles: the ancient kingdom of Fumbina. The ruling class is Fulnh ; but the population consists of several negro tribes with Bantu admixtures. Such are the Batt.a, Hama, Mbnna, Mbuma, Kotofo, Zani, and Kali. To denote the respective tribal dialects, the suffix nr hi is appended, e. g. , Batta- nchi, Dama-nchi, Mbana-nchi. All these dialects seem to form one linguistic cluster. Adamello Alps (a-dii-mel'o alps). A group of the Alps on the border between Italy and Tyrol, south of the Ortler group. The highest point is about 11,500 feet. Adamites (ad'am-Its). A sect which originated in the north of Africa in the 2d century, and pretended to have attained to the primitive in- nocence of Adam, rejecting marriage and (in their assemblies or “paradises”) clothing. This heresy reappeared in the 14th century, in Savoy, and again in the 16th century among the Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit, in Germany, Bohemia, and Moravia It was suppressed in 1421 on account of the crimes and im- moralities of its votaries. When toleration was proclaimed by Joseph II., in 1781, the sect revived, but was promptly proscribed. Its latest appearance was during the insur- rection of 1S48-49. Adamnan (ad'am-nan), or Adomnan, Saint. Born in Ulster, Ireland, about 625: died at Iona, Scotland, 704. A Celtic ecclesiastic, ab- bot of Iona; author of “ Vita Columbse ” and “De Locis Sanctis,” an account of Palestine and other countries. Adams, Henry Adampi (a-dam'pe). See Ahrd. Adams (ad'amz). A town in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 47 miles northwest of Spring- field. Population, 13,026, (1910). Adams. A town in Jefferson County, New York, 40 miles northeast of Oswego. Popula- tion, 3, 128, (1910). Adams, Abraham (“Parson”). In Fielding’s novel “Joseph Andrews,” a poor curate whose adventures (chiefly ludicrous) in the company of Joseph Andrews and his betrothed, Fanny, constitute .a large part of the book. He is a por- trait of Fielding’s friend Young. His characteristics are given in the following passage." Mr. Abraham Adams was an excellent scholar. He was a perfect master of the Greek and Latin languages : to which he added a great share of knowledge in the Oriental tongues and could read and translate French, Italian, and Spanish. He had applied many years to the most severe study, and had treasured up a fund of learning rarely to be met with in a university : he was, besides, a man of good sense, good parts, and good nature ; but was, at the same time, as entirely ignorant of the ways of this world as an infant just entered into it could possibly be. As he had never any intention to deceive, so he never suspected such a design in others. He was generous, friendly, and brave, to an excess ; but simplicity was his characteristic : he did, no more than Mr. Colley Cibber, apprehend any such passions as malice and envy to exist in mankind ; which was indeed less remarkable in a country parson, than in a gentleman who has passed his life behind the scenes ; — a place which has been seldom thought the school of in- nocence ; and where a very little observation would have convinced the great apologist that those passions have a real existence in the human mind. Fielding, Joseph Andrews, p. 4. Adams, Charles Baker. Born at Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 11, 1814: died at St. Thomas, West Indies, Jan. 19, 1853. An American naturalist and geologist. He became professor of chemistry and natural history at Middlebury College, Vermont, in 1838; was State geologist of Vermont from 1845 to 1848; and became professor of astronomy and zoology in Amherst College, 1847. He was associated with Professor Edward Hitchcock in a geological survey of New York. Between 1844 and 1851 he made scientific journeys to Panama and the West Indies. Adams, Charles Pollen. Born at Dorchester, Mass., April 21, 1842. An American writer of German dialect poems, etc. He served in the 13th Massachusetts regiment of infantry in the Civil War, and was wounded and taken prisoner at Gettysburg. In 1877 he published “Leedle Yawcoob Strauss and other Poems.” Adams, Charles Francis. Born at Boston, Aug. 18, 1807: died at Boston, Nov. 21, 1886. An American statesman and diplomatist, son of J. Q. Adams. He was graduated at Harvard in 1825, was admitted to the bar in 1829, became a Whig member of the Massachusetts le§jslatur<> in 1840. srad was made candidate of the Free-soil party for Vice-President in 1848. He was member of Congress from Massachusetts 1859-61, United States minister to England 1861-68, and United States arbitrator at the Geneva tribunal 1S71-72. He published “Life and Works of John Adams ” (10 vols., 1850-56), and edited “ Diary of John Quincy Adams " (12 vols., 1874-77). Adams, Charles Francis. Born at Boston, May 27, 1835. An American lawyer and writer, second son of C. F. Adams (1807-86). lie served in the Civil War (mustered out as brevet brigadier-general of volunteers), was a member of the board of Massachu- setts railroad commissioners 1869-79, and was president of the Union Pacific Railroad from 1884 to 1890. He pub- lished “Studies Military and Diplomatic” (1911), etc. Adams, Charles Kendall. Bom at Derby, Yt., Jan. 24, 1835: died July 26, 1902. An Ameri- can educator and historical writer. He was pro- fessor of history at the University of Michigan 1863-35, president of Cornell University 1885-92, ami president of the University of Wisconsin 1892-1901. ile \\ as the author of “Democracy and Monarchy in France ” (1374), “Man- ual of Historical Literature” (1882), etc. Adams, Clement. Born at Buekington, War- wickshire, about 1519: died Jan. 9, 1587. An English teacher and author, schoolmaster to the royal “henchmen” (pages) at Greenwich. He wrote down Chancellor’s oral narrative of his journey to Moscow in 1553, the first written account of the earliest English intercourse with Russia (published by Hakluyt in his “ Collections ” of 1589). Adams, Edwin. Born at Medford, Mass., Feb. 3, 1834: died at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 25, 1877. An American actor, particularly successful in the romantic drama, though much admired m pure comedy and tragedy. He made his ddbut in 1853 at Boston. Adams, Hannah. Born at Medfield, Mass., 1755: died at Brookline, Mass., Nov. 15, 1832. An American writer, author of “View of Re- ligious Opinions” (1784: later entitled “Dic- tionary' of Religions”), a “History of New Eng- land” (1799), a “History of the Jews” (1812), etc. Adams, Henry. Born at Boston, Mass., Feb. 16, 1838. An American historian, third son of C. F. Adams (1807-86); author of “Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law” (1876), a life of Gallatin (1S79), a life of John Randolph (1882), etc. Adams, Henry His chief work is a “History of the United States " under the administrations of Jefferson and Madison (9 vols.). Adams, John. Born at Braintree (in present Quincy), Mass., Oct. 30, 1735: died at Quincy, Mass., July 4, 1826. The second President of the United States, 1797-1801. He was graduated at Harvard in 1755, studied law, look a leading part in opposing the Stamp Act, was counsel for the soldiers charged with murder in connection with the “Boston massacre” of 1770, and became a leader of the patriot party. In 1774 he was chosen a member of the revolu- tionary congress of Massachusetts. He was a delegate to the first and second Continental Congresses, proposed Washington as commander-in-chief, signed the Declara- tion of Independence, was appointed commissioner to France in 1777 (arriving at Paris in 1778), negotiated a treaty with the Netherlands in 1782. was one of the nego- tiators of the treaties wi. h Great Britain, 1782-83, nego- tiated a treaty with Prussia, was appointed minister to London in 1785, and was recalled in 17S8. He was Fed- eral Vice-President 1789-97, and was elected as Federal candidate for President in 1796. In 1800 he was the un- successful Federal candidate for President, and retired to Quincy in 1801. “ Life and Works,” edited by C. F. Adams (10 vols., 1850-56); life by J. Q. and C. F. Adams (1871), by J. T. Morse (1885). Adams, John. Born in England about 1760 (?) : died at Pitcairn Island, 1829. A leading mu- tineer of the Bounty (under the name of Alex- ander Smith) and governor of Pitcairn Island. See Bounty. Adams, John. Born in Tennessee in 1825: died Nov. 30, 1864. A Confederate general in the Civil War. He was graduated at W est Point in 1846, brevefted first lieutenant for gallantry at Santa Cruz de Rosales, and promoted captain of dragoons Nov. 3J, 1866 : he resigned May 31, 1861, to become a Confederate major- general. He was killed at the battle of Franklin, Team Adams, John Couch. Born at Lidcot, Corn- wall, England, June 5, 1819 : died at Cambridge, England, Jan. 21, 1892. An English astrono- mer, professor of astronomy at Cambridge and director of the observatory. He shares with Leverrier the honor of the discovery of the planet Neptune (1846). See Neptune. Adams, John Quincy. Born at Braintree, Mass., July 11, 1767: died at Washington, D. C., Feb. 23, 1848. The sixth President of the United States, 1825-29, son of President John Adams. He was graduated at Harvard in 1787, and was admitted to the bar in 1791. He was United States minister to the Netherlands 1794-1797, and to Prussia 1797-1801 ; United States senator from Massachusetts 1803-08 ; professor of rhetoric and belles-lettres at. Harvard 1806-09; United States minister to Russia 1809-14 ; one of the negotiators of the treaty of Ghent, 1814; United States minister to England 1815-17 ; secretary of state 1817-25 ; candidate for President, 1824, and, there being no choice by electors, chosen by the House of Representatives. In 1828 Jackson defeated him for the Presidency. He was member of Con- gress from Massachusetts (Anti-Masonic and Whig) 1831- 1848, and unsuccessful candidate for governorof Massachu- setts 1834. His diary was edited by C. F. Adams (1874-77). Adams, John Quincy. Born Sept. 22, 1833 : died Aug. 14, 1894. An American politician, eldest son of C. F. Adams (1807-86). He was the un- successful Democratic candidate for governor of Massa- chusetts in 1867 and 1871. Adams, Mount. 1. The second highest (5,805 feet) summit of the White Mountains, near Mount Washington. — 2. Apeak of the Cascade Mountains in Washington, 12,307 feet high. Adams, Nehemiah. Born at Salem, Mass., Feb. 19, 1806: died at Boston, Mass., Oct. 6, 1878. An American Congregational clergy- man, pastor in Boston, and author of devotional and other works. Adams, Parson. See Adams ^ Abraham. Adams, Point. The northwestemmost head- land of Oregon, at the mouth of the Columbia river. Adams, Samuel. Born at Boston, Mass., Sept. 27, 1722: died at Boston, Oct. 2, 1803. An American patriot and statesman, one of the leaders of the Revolution. He was a delegate to the first Continental Congress, an influential member of the second Continental Congress, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a member of the Massachusetts ratifying convention 1788, lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts 1789-94, and governor of Massachusetts 1794-97. Adams, Mrs. Sarah Flower, Born at Great Harlow, Essex, Feb. 22, 1805: died Aug., 1848. An English poet, wife of William Bridges Ad- ams, inventor and pamphleteer, and the daugh- ter of Benjamin Flower. She was the author of “ Vivia Perpetua" (1841), a dramatic poem, and of other poems and hymns, of which the best-known is “Nearer, my God, to Thee.” Adams, Thomas. Flourished in the first half of the 17th century. An English Puritan divine and writer, one of the greatest of English preachers. He was preacher at Willington in Bedford- shire, 1612; vicar of Wingrave, Bucks, 1614-15: preacher of St. Gregory’s under St. Paul’s Cathedral, 1618-23; and chaplain to Sir Henry Montague, lord chief justice of England. He published “ The Happiness of the Church ” (1018: a collection of sermons), a collection of occasional sermons (1629), and a commentary on the second epistle of St. Peter (1633). 13 Adams, William. Born at Gillingham, near Chatham, England: died in Japan, 1620. An English navigator. He joined, as pilot major, in 1598, a Dutch fleet of five ships fitted out by Rotterdam mer- chants for the India trade, and after an unfortunate voy- age, in which all the ships except the Charity, in which he sailed, returned to Holland or were lost, he arrived at the island of Kiushiu, Japan, April 19, 1600. There he remained, under compulsion, rose into favor at court, and received from the shogun Iybyasu a considerable estate at Hemi near Yokosuka. In 1613 he obtained for the English the privilege of establishing a trading-station at Firando, and was employed in the service of the factory at Firando from Nov. 24, 1613, to Dec. 24, 1616. Adams, William. Born at Colchester, Conn., Jan. 25, 1807 : died at Orange Mountain, N. J., Aug. 31, 1880. An American Presbyterian clergyman, pastor in New York city, and presi- dent of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1873-80. Adams, William. Born 1814: died 1848. An English clergyman and writer, vicar of St. Peter’s, Oxford (1840) : author of “ The Shadow of the Cross” (1842), “Distant Hills” (1844), and other sacred allegories. Adams, William Taylor: pseudonym “ Oliver Optic.” Born at Medway, Mass., July 30, 1822 : died at Boston, March 27, 1897. An Amer- ican teacher (in the public schools of Boston) and writer of fiction, chiefly juvenile, including the series entitled the “Boat Club,” “Young America Abroad,” “Starry Flag,” “Riverdale Series,” “Onward and Upward,” etc. He also founded and edited “Oliver Optic’s Magazine.” Adam’s Bridge, or Kama’s Bridge. A dan- gerous shoal, about 17 miles long, northwest of Ceylon, about lat. 9° 5' N., long. 79° 34' E. Adams Island. A name of Roa-Poua, one of the Marquesas Islands. Adam’s Peak. A conical mountain, 7,379 feet high, in Ceylon, about lat. 6° 50' N., long. 80° 30' E., the seat of Singhalese worship. There is a Buddhist temple on the summit. Adam’s Run. A township in Colleton County, South Carolina, about 25 miles west-southwest of Charleston. Population (1900), 4,966. Adamson, J olm. Born at Gateshead, England, Sept. 13, 1787 : died at Newcastle, Sept. 27, 1855. An English archaeologist and Portu- guese scholar. Adamson (ad 'am- son), Patrick (originally Conston, Constant, "Oonsteane, or Constan- tine). Born at Perth, Scotland, March 15, 1537 : died at St. Andrew’s, Scotland, Feb. 19, 1592. A Scottish prelate, made archbishop of St. Andrew’s, 1576, and excommunicated on vari- ous charges in 1588. Adamson, Robert. Born 1852 : died 1902. A Scottish philosophical writer, professor of phi- losophy at Owens College, Manchester, and of logic and rhetoric at Glasgow University 1895- 1902. He was the author of “Roger Bacon : the Philosophy of Science in the Middle Ages ” (187G), “ On the Philosophy of Kant ”(1879), “Urhte” (1881), etc. Adamsthal (a'dams-tal). A village 9 miles north of Briinn, Moravia. There are noted caves in the vicinity. Ad ana (a-da'na). A vilayet in Asia Minor, Turkey, corresponding nearly to the ancient Cilicia Campestris. It was ceded by the sultan to Ibrahim Pasha in 1833 (Peace of Kutaya, May of that year). Population, about 422,400. Adana. The capital of the vilayet of Adana, situated on the Sihun about lat. 37° 1' N., long. 35° 18' E. It was colonized by Pompey with pirates about 63 B. c., and was refounded in the time of Harun- al-Rashid. It formed the northwestern outpost of Ibra- him Pasha. Population (estimated), 45,000. Adangbe (a-dang'be). A town of German To- go-laud, western Africa. It has about 7,000 inhabi- tants, whose ancestors were driven from Elmina by the Ashanti, in the latter part of the last century. Adans le Roi. See Adenet. Adanson (a-doh-son'), Michel. Born at Aix, France, April 7, 1727 : died at Paris, Aug. 3, 1806. A French naturalist and traveler in Sene- gambia: author of ' ‘ Histone naturelle du Se- negal” (1757), “Families des plantes” (1763), etc. Adar (a'dar). [Assyro-Baby Ionian addaru, 1 the dark.’] The name of the 12th month (Febru- ary-March) of the Babylonian calendar from which it was adopted by the Jews, along with the rest of the names of the months, after the Exile. The intercalated month necessary in a lunar calendar was added both by the Babylonians and Jews after Adar, and was called by the latter the second Adar. In the Jewish calendar it occurs 7 times in a cycle of 19 years. Adar (a'dar). The probable reading of the name of an Assyrian deity, the warrior god, Adela usually called the warrior of Bel. His consort was Gula. See Adrammelech. Adara (a-da'ra). [Ar., ‘the virgins,’ a name for four stars, of which Adara is the brightest, in the southern part of Canis Major.] The bright second-magnitude star e Canis Majoris, in the animal’s thigh. Adbeel (ad'be-el). The name of the third son of Ishmael. Gen. xxv. 13, 1 Chron. i. 29. An Arabian tribe, Idiba’ it , is mentioned in the cuneiform in- scriptions. It was probably located on the Egyptian bor- der. The name has also been found in a Minsean in- scription. Adda (a'da). A river in Italy, the ancient Addua. It rises in the Alps west of the Ortler Ppitze, traverses the Valtelline and the Lake of Como, and joins the Po 8 miles west of Cremona. Its length is about 150 miles, and it is navigable about 75 miles. Addington (ad'ing-ton), Henry. Born at Reading, England, May 30, 1757 : died Feb. 15, 1844. An English politician, created first Vis- count Sidmouth in 1805. He entered Parliament in 1783; became speaker 1789-1801, and premier and chan- cellor of the exchequer 1801-04 ; negotiated the treaty of Amiens in 1802 ; and was president of the council 1 805, lord privy seal 1806, and again president of the council 1806-07 and 1S12. As home secretary, 1812-22, he was noted for his repressive measures. He left the cabinet in 1824. Addiscombe (ad'is-kum). A place about 10 miles south of London, formerly the seat of a college for the cadets of the East India Com- pany. Addison, (ad'i-son). A town and village in Steuben County, New York, on the Canisteo river 22 miles west of Elmira. Population, town, 2,509; village; 2,004, (1910). Addison, Joseph. Born at Milston, Wilts, May 1, 1672: died at Holland House, London, June 17, 1719. A famous English essayist, poet, and statesman, son of Lancelot Addison, ne was educated at the Charterhouse and at Queen’s College, Ox- ford, where he took his M. A. degree in 1693, and in 1698 obtained a fellowship which he held until 1711. A Latin poem which he published in 1697 011 the “Peace of Bys- wick” brought him a pension of £300, and he proceeded to qualify himself for the diplomatic service of the govern- ment by travel and study on the Continent 1699-1703, visit- ing France, Italy, Austria, Germany, and Holland. He was under-secretary of state 1706-08; secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland (Wharton) 1709-10 ; secretary to the lords justices on the death of Queen Anne in 1714 ; secre- tary for Ireland under the Earl of Sunderland in 1715 ; a commissioner for trade and ihe colonies 1716 ; and secre- taiy of state, April, 1717, to March, 1718. On Aug. 3, 1716, he married the Countess of Warwick. His principal works are his “Letter from Italy,” a poem written as lie was cross- ing the Alps in 1701, printed in 1703; “ The Campaign,” a poem published in 1704 ; “Remarks on Several Tarts of Italy, "published in 1705 ; “Fair Rosamond,” an opera, pub- lished anonymously in 1707 ; “ Cato,” a tragedy, produced at Drury Lane April 14, 1713 ; “The Drummer," a play, pub- lished anonymously in 1716 (acted in 1715) ; contributions to the “Whig Examiner” in 1710 (five papers) ; contribu- tions to the “ Tatler ” from 17C9 till 1711 (41 papers were by Addison alone, 34 by Addison and Steele together) : and 274 “Spectators” 1711-12: these last were all signed by one of the letters of the word C. L. I. O. (Clio). His most fa- mous character is that of Sir Roger de Coverley, originally sketched by Steele. He contributed to the “Guardian ” 51 papers in 1713, and also others to a new “ Spectator ” in 1714. From Dec., 1715, to June, 1716, he contributed 55 pa- pers to “The Freeholder.” The principal editions of Ms works are Tickell’s edition (1721), the Baskerville (1761), an edition by Bishop Hurd (1811), and one by G. W. Greene, New York (1856). Addison, Lancelot. Born in the parish of Crosby Ravensworth, Westmoreland, 1632 : died at Lichfield, April 20, 1703. An English clergy- man and writer, father of Joseph Addison. He was educated at Queen’s College, Oxford, where he was graduated (A. B.) in 1655. He was a zealous royalist and Episcopalian, and at the Restoration was appointed Eng- lish chaplain at Dunkirk. On the sale of Dunkirk to the French in 1662 he was transferred to Tangier. About 1670 he became a royal chaplain, in 1683 dean of Lichfield, and in 1684 archdeacon of Coventry. His principal works are “West Barbary, or a Short Narrative of the Revolu- tions of the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco" (1671), and “The Present State of the Jews (moreparticularlyreiating to those of Barbary),” 1675. Addison of the North. An epithet applied to Henry Mackenzie. Addison’s Walk. A walk in the grounds of Magdalen College, Oxford, said to have been a favorite promenade of the essayist, who in 1689 held a demyship in that college. Addled Parliament. A nickname of the sec- ond Parliament of James I. (April-June, 1614), which was dissolved without having passed any acts, on its refusal to grant supplies until the king’s imposition of customs and the res- toration of the nonconforming clergy ejected in 1604 had been considered. Addna (ad'u-a). The ancient name of the Adda. Adel. See Actal. Adela (ad'e-lii,). Born about 1062 (?) . died 1137. The fourth daughter of William the Conqueror, wife of Stephen, earl of Blois and Chartres, and mother of Stephen, king of England. Adelaer Adelaer (a'de-lar) (Curt Sivertsen). Born at Brevig, Norway, Dec. 16, 1622: died at Copen- hagen, Nov. 5, 1675. A naval commander, in the service of the Netherlands (1637), of Venice (1642), and of Denmark (1663). He defeated the Turks at the Dardanelles, May 13, 1654. Adelaide (ad'e-lad). The capital of South Australia, founded in 1836 on the Torrens 7 miles southeast of Port Adelaide. The University of Adelaide was founded in 1874. Population, including suburbs, 178,300. Adelaide (Amelia Adelaide Louise Theresa Caroline). Born Aug. 13, 1792: died Dec. 2, 1849. A princess of Saxe-Coburg-Meiningen, and queen of England, wife of the Duke of Clar- ence (later William IV.), whom she married July 18, 1818. Adelaide (a-da-la-ed'), Eugene Louisa. Born at Paris, Aug. 25, 1777 : died Dec. 31, 1847. A princess of Orleans, sister of Louis Philippe, king of the French. Returning in 1792 from a jour- ney to England, she found herself inscribed among the Cmigrds, but succeeded in making her escape, and re- mained in exile till 1814. She is said to have persuaded her brother to accept the crown in 1830. Adelaide (ad'e-lad), or Adelheid, Saint. Born about 931: died at Selz in Alsace, Dec. 16, 999. A daughter of Rudolf II. of Burgundy, and wife of Lothar of Italy and afterward of Otho I. She founded a Benedictine cloister in Selz, Alsace. Adelaide, Port. See Port Adelaide. Adelard (ad'e-lard), or AStbelhard (ath'el- hard), of Bath. An English philosophical writer who flourished in the early part of the 12th cen- tury. He studied at Tours and Laon, also teaching at the latter place, and traveled in Greece, Asia Minor, and Africa, returning to England in the reign of Henry I. He wrote “ lie eodern et diverso ” (before 1116), an allegory, in which philosophy and love of worldly enjoyment (Philo- cosmia) are represented as contending for the soul of man ; “ PerdifficilesQufestiones Naturales ” (printed toward the end of the 15th century); a translation of Euclid (printed 1482) which long remained a text-book ; etc. Adelheid (a'del-hid). 1. See Adelaide, Saint . — 2. A character in Goethe’s “Goetz von Ber- lichingen ” (which see). Adeliza (ad-e-li'za), Queen. Died March 23, 1151 (?). The second queen of Henry I. of England, daughter of Godfrey (Barbatus) of Louvain, duke of Brabant or Lower Lotharin- gia, and a descendant in the male line from Charlemagne. She was married to Henry I., .Tan. 24, 1120-21, and after his death married William de Albini. Adeinau (a'del-nou). A small town in the province of Posen, Prussia, about 44 miles northeast of Breslau : the scene of a battle be- tween the Prussians and Polish insurgents, April 22, 1848. Adelon (ad-lon'), Nicolas Philibert. Born at Dijon, Aug. 20, 1782 : died July 19, 1862. A French medical writer. Adelphi. See Adelphce. Adelphi (a-del'fl), The. A region of London comprising several streets on the south side of the Strand and the Adelphi Terrace, facing the river. The name was given from the Greek aSe\t/>oi (‘brothers’) from the fact that the terrace was built about 1768 by four brothers named Adam, whose names were given to the streets John street, Robert street, James street, and William street. Dickens's Dictionary. Adelphi Theater. A theater on the Strand, London, first built in 1806, and rebuilt and en- larged in 1858. “The old Adelphi was the home of melodrama and screaming farce, and these traditions are to a degree kept up in the plays at the modern house." Dickens’s Dictionary. Adelphians (a-del'fi-anz). A branch of the Euchites, named from a certain Adelphius, a Galatian. See Euchites. Adelphce (a-del'fe), or Adelphi (a-del'fi). [Gr. adeXfioi, brothers.] A comedy by Ter- ence, adapted from Menander’s Greek ’kSr/poi, with the addition of a scene from a play of Diphilos. It suggested Molihre’s “Boole des Maris” and Baron’s “L’Bcole des P6res.” Adelsberg (a'dels-berG). A town in Carniola, Austria-Hungary, about 22 miles east-north- east of Trieste. TheAdelsberg grotto, over five miles long, is one of the most noted stalactite caverns in the world. Population, 3,863, (1910). Adelung (ii'de-long), Friedrich von. Born at Stettin, Prussia, Feb. 25, 1768 : died at St. Peters- burg, Jan. 30, 1843. A German philologist, nephew of J. C. Adelung. He wrote “Rapport entre la langue sanscrite et la langue russe" (1811), “Versuche einer I.iteratur der Sanskritsprache " (1830), “Ubersicht der Reisenden in Russland bis 1700,” etc. Adelung, Johann Christoph. Born at Spauto- kow, Prussia, Aug. 8, 1732: died at Dresden, Sept. 10, 1806. A German philologist, librarian at Dresden (1787-1806). He wrote “ Grammatisch- 14 kritisches Worterbuch der hochdeutschen Mundart " (1774-86), “ Umstandliches Lehrgebaude der deutschen Sprache” (1781-82), “ tiber den deutschen Stil,” “Mith- ridates," and other works, especially on German language and literature. Aden (a'den or a'den). A seaport in Arabia, the ancient Adana, Attante, or Arabia Felix, on the Gulf of Aden, lat. 12° 46' N., long. 44° 58' E., situated on a rocky peninsula connected with the mainland by a narrow isthmus, it is an important coaling-station, and a port of call of the Peninsular and Oriental steamships. It was captured by the British in 1839 and annexed. Aden and the settle- ments adjoining, with the island of Perim, in all 80 square miles, are administered by a political resident, subject to the Bombay government. Population, 43,974. See Arabia. Aden, Gulf of. An arm of the Arabian sea, lying between Arabia on the north and the Somali Land on the south, and connected with the Red Sea by the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb. Adenfes. See Adenet. Adenet (ad-na'). A French trouvero of the 13th century, surnamed “ le Roi.” Also Adenez, Adenes, Adans. See the extract. Adenfes or Adans le Roi derived his imposing surname from the function of king of the minstrels, which he per- formed at the court of Henry III., duke of Brabant. He must have been born about the middle of the thirteenth century, and the last probable allusion to him which we have occurs in the year 1297. The events of his life are only known from his own poems, and consist chiefly of travels in company with different princesses and princes of Flan- ders and Brabant. His literary work is however of great importance. It consists partly of refashionings of three Chansons deGestes, “LesenfancesOgier," “Berteaus grans Ties," and “BuevesdeCommarchis.” In these three poems Adenes works up the old epics into the form fashionable in his time, and as we possess the older versions of the first and last, the comparison of the two forms affords a literary study of the highest interest. His last, longest, and most important work is the roman d’aventures of Cldomadbs, a poem extending to 20,000 verses, and not less valuable for its intrinsic merit than as a type of its class. Saintsbury, Er. Lit., p. 93. Adenez. See Adenet. Aderbaijan. See Azerbaijan. Aderer (a-de-rar'), or Aderar (-rar'), or Adrar (a-drar'). A mountainous region in the Sahara, within the Spanish protectorate and new French “ sphere of influence,” about lat. 20° N. The chief place in it is Wadan. Aderno (a-dar-no'). A town in the province of Catania, Sicily, the ancient Hadranum, about 17 miles northwest of Catania. It contains Sikelian antiquities and a Norman castle. Population, commune, 25,859. . Adersbach (a'derz-bach). A village in east- ern Bohemia, near the Riesengebirge and the Silesian frontier, about 12 miles northwest of Braunau. Adersbach Rocks. A labyrinth of fantastic rocks, about 5 miles long, near the village of Adersbach. Adherbal (ad-her'bal). Died 112 B. c. A son of Micipsa and king of Numidia, in conjunction with his brothers Hiempsal and Jugurtha, in 118 B. C. Hiempsal was slain by Jugurtha and Adher- bal fled to the protection of the Romans who restored him in 117. He was again ousted by Jugurtha and slain by him in Cirta. Adiabene (adri-a-be'ne). [Gr. ’A<5 A small Assyrian district on the Tigris not far from Nisibis. It was a vassal of Parthia, and suc- cumbed to Rome under Trajan. Its queen, Helen, and her sons Izates and Monabaz, embraced Judaism about the year 18 A. D. Adi-Buddha (a'de-bud'hii). [Skt., ‘ the primor- dial Buddha.’] A creation of Buddhism as- cribed to the 10th century A. D. He is represented as a being infinite, self-existent, and omniscient, who evolved out of himself by the exercise of the five medita- tions the five Dhyanibuddhas, while each of these evolved out of himself by wisdom and contemplation the corre- sponding Bodhisattvas, and each of them again evolved out of his immaterial essence a material world, 't hese ema- nations bear a resemblance to the Eons or Emanations of the Gnostics. It is hence believed possible that they owe their existence to the influence of Persian Christianity. See Dhyani-Buddha, Bodhisattva. Adicia (a-dis'i-a). [Gr. aSuda, wrong, injustice.] In Spenser’s “Faerie Queene,” the wife of the soldan, an unrighteous woman, transformed into a raging tiger. Adige (a'de-je), G. Etsch (ech). A river of Tyrol and northern Italy, the Roman Athesis. It rises in the Col de Resca in western Tyrol near the fron- tier of Orisons, traverses the Yintschgau, flows south through Tyrol into Italy, Bends arms to the Po. and flows into the Adriatic nortli of the mouths of the latter. Its length is about 220 miles, and it is navigable for about 180 miles. On it are Trent and Verona It has formed an important strategic line in the Italian campaigns. Near the Adige and Lago di Garda victories were gained by the Austrians over the French under Scherer in the spring of 1799. The most notable battle was that of Ma- gtiano, April 5. Adigetto (a-de-jet'to). A canal or arm of the Adige, which separates from it near Badia, and Admetus flows past Rovigo into the Adriatic north of the Po. Adighe (a-de'ghe). A collective name for various disconnected and hostile tribes in the Caucasus. Some are Christian and some Mo- hammedan. Adi-Granth (a'de-granth). [‘ The fundamental book.’] The Bible of the Sikhs, compiled by the fifth successor of Nanak, Guru Arjun (1584- 1606). He collected in it the poetical pieces of the founder and the three following gurus, and added his own compositions as well as sentences and fragments by Ra- manauda, Kabir, Namdev, and others. Additions were made by Govind (1675-1708), the tenth and last guru, who composed, besides a second Granth, “The Granth of the Tenth Reign." These books are written in an antiquated Panjabi, called Gurmukhi, ‘that which comes from the mouth of the guru.’ These, with biographies of the gu- rus and the saints, and a number of directions as to ritual and discipline, make up the sacred literature of the sect. Adin (a'din). [Heb., ‘delicate.’] The head of a Hebrew family which returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. Ezra ii. 15, Neh. vii. 20. Adirondack Mountains (ad-i-ron'dak moun'- tanz). A range of mountains in northeastern New York, the highest in the State. The main group is in Hamilton, Essex, Franklin, and Clinton counties, but the name is extended to the whole north- eastern region of New York. The highest peak is Mount Marcy (5,344 feet). Other prominent summits are Mount Dix, Mount McIntyre, Mount Seward, Mount Whiteface, Haystack, etc. Adirondack Park. A park established by act of the New York legislature in 1892 within the counties of Hamilton, Essex, Franklin, War- ren, St. Lawrence, and Herkimer, for the use of the public. Further provision for the park was made by act of 1893. Adites (ad'its). Early Arabian (Cushite) rulers. Aditi (ad'i-ti). [Skt., appar. from a- priv. and *diti, bond (y/ da, bind).] Used in the Vedas as an adjective to mean ‘unbound,’ ‘free,’ ‘lim- itless,’ ‘infinite,’ ‘exhaustless,’ and, as a noun, to mean ‘ freedom,’ ‘ security,’ and then ‘ infin- ity,’ in particular that of the heaven in contrast with the finitude of the earth and its spaces. The last conception personified is the goddess Aditi, the mother of the Adityas. In the post-Yedic literature Aditi is the mother of the gods, daughter of Daksha and wife of Kasyapa, mother of the thirty-three gods, mother of the Tushitas or of the twelve Adityas and the sun, and sister of Agastya. In Aditi the confused and imposing notion of a substratum of all existence seems to have found one of its earliest expressions. Adityas (a'dit-yaz). [‘ Sons of Aditi.’] In the Vedic literature, seven gods of the heavenly light, at whose head stands Varuna, who is the Aditya par excellence. They are Yaruna, Mitra, ‘the friend,’ Aryaman, ‘the bosom friend,’ Bhaga, ‘the lib- eral,’ Daksha, ‘the capable,’ Ansa, ‘the apportioner,’ and an uncertain seventh. M itra and the rest are only a split- ting up and reflection of Varuna, the god of the vast luminous heavens, viewed as embracing all things and as the primary source of all life and every blessing. In the Brahmanas and later the Adityas are twelve in number, with manifest reference to the number of the months. The term Aditya is also used from the earliest times as a designation for the sun. See Amesha Spcntas. Adler (ad'ler), Nathan Marcus. Born at Han- over, Germany, 1803: died at Brighton, Eng- land, Jan. 21, 1890. Chief rabbi of the United Congregations of Jews of the British Empire, and author of various theological works. Adlerberg (ad'ler-bero), Count Vladimir (Woldemar). Born at St. Petersburg, Nov. 10, 1790 : died there, March 20, 1884. A Russian general and minister in the service of Nicholas and Alexander II. Adlerbeth (ad'ler-bet), Gudmund Goran. Born 1751 : died 1818. A Swedish poet, dram- atist, translator (of old Norse poetry, Vergil, Horace, Ovid, etc.), and historical writer. Adlercreutz (ad'ler-kroits), Count Karl Jo- ban. Born near Borgd, Finland, April 27, 1757 : died Aug. 21, 1815. A Swedish general, defeated in Finland by the Russians in 1808. He took part iu deposing Giistavus IV. in March, 1809, and served in Germany iu 1813, and iu Norway in 1814. Adlersparre (ad'16rs-pa're), Count_ Georg. Born in Jemtland, Sweden, March 28, 1760 : died in Wermland, Sweden, Sept. 23, 1835. A Swe- dish author, editor, statesman, and general. He contributed to the overthrow of Gustavus IV. in 1809. Later he was appointed major- general and was ennobled. Adlersparre, Karl August. Born June 7, 1810: died May 5, 1862. A Swedish poet and histo- rian, son of Count Georg Adlersparre. Admah (ad'ma). One of the cities destroyed with Sodom. Gen. xiv. 2. Admetus (ad-me'tus), or Admetos (-tos). [Gr. IVi/u/rof.] In Greek mythology, a Thessalian king, son of Plieres, king of Plierse, delivered Admetus from death by the voluntary sacrifice of his wife Alcestis. See Alcestis. He took part in the expedition of the Argonauts and in the chase of the Caly- donian hoar. Admirable Crichton. See Crichton. Admirable Doctor, L. Doctor Mirabilis. A surname given to Eoger Bacon. Admiralty Inlet (ad'mi-ral-ti in'let). An arm of the sea, on the western coast of the State of Washington, connecting Puget Sound with the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Admiralty Island. An island west of Alaska, belonging to the United States, lat. 57° 30' N., long. 134° 30' W. Admiralty Islands. An archipelago in the Pacific, northeast of Papua, about lat. 2° S., long. 147° E., discovered by the Dutch in 1616, and annexed by Germany in 1885. Admiralty Sound. An arm of the Strait of Magellan, on the western coast of King Charles’s South Land,, Tierra del Fuego. Admonitionists (ad-mo-nish'on-ists). A name given to the followers of Thomas Cartwright, two of whom in 1572 published “An Admoni- tion to Parliament,” followed by a second one by himself, strongly advocating church govern- ment by presbyters as opposed to bishops, and the supremacy of the church over the state. Admont (ad'mont). A small town in Styria, Austria-Hungary, situated on the Enns about 50 miles south of Linz : noted for its scenery and Benedictine abbey. Ado (a'do), Saint. Born about 800: died 874. An archbishop of Vienne (appointed 859), noted for his zeal in reforming the morals of the peo- ple and in enforcing church discipline. His memory is celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church on Dec. 16. Adod. See Hadad. Adolph. See Atawidf. Adolphe (a-dolf'). A romance (“Adolphe: anec- dote trouvee dans les papiers d’un inconnu”) by Benjamin Constant (first published 1816), which ranks as a masterpiece of French literature. Adolphus (a-dol'fus), William Augustus, G. Wilhelm August Karl Friedrich Adolf. Born at Weilburg, July 24, 1817: died at Ho- henberg, Nov. 17, 1905. The last duke of Nassau. He succeeded to the duchy in 1839. In 1866 he sided with Austria, and Nassau was annexed to Prussia in the same year. He became grand duke of Luxemburg in Nov., 1890. Adolphus, John. Born at London, Aug. 7, 1768: died there, July 16, 1845. An English barrister and historian, author of a “History of England from the Accession of George in. to the Conclusion of Peace in 1783” (1802), etc. Adolphus, John Leycester. Bom May 11, 1795 : died Dec. 24, 1862. An English barrister and man of letters, a son of John Adolphus: author of “ Letters to Richard Heber, Esq.,” on the authorship of the Waverley novels (1821). Adolphus, Frederick, G. Friedrich Adolf. Bom May 14, 1710: died Feb. 12, 1771. Duke of Holstein-Eutin, chosen as crown-follower of Sweden 1743. He reigned 1751-71. Adolphus of Nassau. Born about 1252: killed at Gollheim, Rhine Palatinate, July 2, 1298. A king of Germany, elected 1292 and deposed 1298. He was defeated by his successor Al- bert I. at Gollheim, 1298. Adonai (ad-o-na'i or a-do-ni'). [Heb. ’Adonai, plural of ’adon, lord.] The name used by the Hebrews in place of the ineffable name Yah- veh (Jehovah) wherever it occurs in the Scrip- tures. See the extract. It is in accordance with this Masoretic mode of pronun- ciation that Hebrew is now taught. But there was one word which the Masoretes of Tiberias either could not or would not pronounce. This was the national name of the God of Israel. Though used so freely in the Old Testa- ment, it had come to be regarded with superstitious rev- erence before the time when the Greek translation of the Septuagint was made, and in this translation, accordingly, the word Kyrios, “Lord,” is substituted for it wherever it occurs. The New Testament writers naturally followed the custom of the Septuagint and of their age, and so also did the Masoretes of Tiberias. Wherever the holy name was met with, they read in place of it AdOnai, “Lord,” and hence, when supplying vowel-symbols to the text of the Old Testament, they wrote the vowels of Adftnai under the four consonants, YHVH, which composed it. This simply meant that Adbnai was to be read wherever the Bacred name was found. In ignorance of this fact, how- ever, the scholars who first revived the study of Hebrew in modem Europe imagined that the vowels of Ad/mai (il or 6, o, and a) were intended to he read along with the consonants below which they stood. The result was the hybrid monster Yfihovkh [Jehovah]. In passing into Eng- land the word became even more deformed. In German the sound of y is denoted by the symbol j, and the German symbol, but with the utterly different English pronuncia- 15 tion attached to it, found its way into the English trans- lations of the Old Testament Scriptures. Sayce, Anc. Monuments, p. 74. Adonais (ad-o-na'is). An elegiac poem by Shelley, commemorating the death of Keats, published in 1821. Adonbec. See Saladin. Adonijah (ad-o-ni'ja). [Heb., ‘my Lord is Je- hovah’; Gr. ’Aduu/aV.] 1 . The fourth son of David. He plotted to obtain the throne in place of Solo- mon near the close of David's reign. 2. A Levite mentioned in 2 Chron. xvii. 8. Adonis (a-do'nis). In ancient geography, a small river in Syria, the modern Nahr-Ibranim, rising in the Lebanon, and flowing into the Mediterranean about 13 miles north of Beirut. Adonis (a-do'nis). [Gr. ’'Aduvig ; Heb. and Phen. ’adon, lord.] In Greek mythology, a youth, a model of beauty, beloved of Aphrodite. He died from the wound of a boar’s tusk, received while hunting. Acceding to the entreaties of Aphrodite, Zeus decreed that he should pass half the year in the upper and half in the lower world. Adonis is an oriental deity of nature, typi- fying the withering of nature in winter, and its resuscita- tion in summer. By way of Asia Minor his cult came to Greece, then under the Ptolemies to Egypt, and, at the time of the Empire, to Rome. The yearly festival of Adonis in the spring was a special favorite with women. In the Old Testament reference is made to the weeping of the women over Tammuz, the Babylonian equivalent of Adonis (Ezek. viii. 14). In the Babylonian Nimrod epic he is mentioned as the beloved of Ishtar (Astarte, the Se- mitic goddess, corresponding to Aphrodite), being repre- sented there as slain by the goddess herself. See Tammuz. Adony (od'ony). A small town in the county of Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary, on the Danube about 28 miles south of Budapest. Adoptive Emperors, The. The Roman em- perors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius : so called because after Nerva, who was elected by the senate on the death of Domitian, each was the adopted son of his predecessor. They constitute the greatest and noblest group of Roman emperors, and the period of their reigns is the happiest in Roman history — according to Gibbon the happiest in the history of the world. Adoration of the Lamb. A painting by Jan and Hubert van Eyck, in the cathedral of Ghent, Belgium. It is the capital work of the Flemish school. Adoration of the Magi. Of the paintings with this subject the following are among the most notable : (1) An altarpiece (1528) by Sodoma (Bazzi), in San Agostino at Siena, Italy. It is the painter's master- piece, admirable in drawing and color. (2) A painting in tempera by Sandro Botticelli, in the Uffizi, Florence. The three kings are portraits of Cosimo, Giuliano, and Gio- vanni dei Medici. The Virgin occupies a hut among rocks and old ruins. (3) A painting by Tintoret, in the Scuola di San Rocco at Venice. The entire scene is lighted by the radiance emanating from the body of the Child. (4) A noted painting by Rembrandt, in Buckingham Palace, London. The Virgin and Child are seated at the right ; before them kneel the Magi. Behind are kings and old men, and in the distance a caravan of camels. (5) A pic- ture by Albert Diirer, in the Uffizi, Florence. There is a very delicate landscape background. (6) A painting by Rubens, in the Musde de Peinture at Brussels, Belgium. The Virgin stands in the middle holding the Child erect, with St. Joseph behind her ; before them the kings stand and kneel, while their guards and attendants observe the scene from a staircase behind. (7) A painting by Rubens (1624), in the Museum at Antwerp, Belgium. The Virgin appears at the left, holding the Child on a pillow ; behind her stands St. Joseph, and in front the kings and their train. The figures are over life-size. (8) A splendid painting by Paolo Veronese, a companion piece to the Marriage at Cana, in the Museum at Dresden. The Vir- gin is seated, with the Child on her knee; the kings, at- tended by a numerous train with camels and horses, offer their gifts. (9) The noted “Dombild” of the Cathedral of Cologne, a large triptych by Meister Stephan (died 1451), considered the finest work of the early German school intermediate between purely medieval and Renais- sance painting. The side panels bear St. Gereon and St. Ursula, and on the outside is painted an Annunciation. Adorf (a'dorf). A small town in the district of Zwickau, Saxony, on the Elster about 30 miles southwest of Zwickau. Adour (ad-or'). A river in southwestern France, the ancient Aturus, which rises in the Pyrenees and flows into the Bay of Biscay about 5 miles west of Bayonne. Its length is about 180 miles, and it is navigable for about 70 miles. Adowa (a'do-wa), or Adua (a'do-a). The capi- tal of Tigrd, Abyssinia, about lat. 14° 8' N., long. 38° 54' E. Population, 3,000. Ad Pirum (ad pi'rum). [L., ‘ at the pear-tree.’] An ancient Roman station in the Birnbaumer Wald (northeast of Trieste), on the road across the Alps into Italy, celebrated in connection with Theodosius’s victory of the Frigidus, 394. Adra (a'drii). A seaport, the ancient Abdera, in the province of Almeria, Spain, on the Medi- terranean about 50 miles southeast of Granada. There are numerous lead-mines in its vicinity. Population, 11,188. Adrain (ad'ran), Robert. Born at Carriekfer- Adrian VI. gus, Ireland, Sept. 30, 1775: died at New Bruns- wick, New Jersey, Aug. 10, 1843. An Irish- American mathematician, a participant in the Irish rebellion of 1798. He escaped to America, taught school in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and was professor of mathematics at Rutgers College from 1810 to 1813, at Columbia College from 1813 to 1825, and at the University of Pennsylvania from 1827 to 1834. He edited Hutton’s “Mathematics,” and was editor of the “Mathe- matical Diary ” from 1825 to 1829. Adrammelech, or Adramelecli (a-dram'e-lek). [Babylonian Adar-maKk, Adar is councilor (ruler, prince).] 1. An idol worshiped, with the sacrifice of children, by the inhabitants of Sepharvaim with whom Sargon, king of As- syria, colonized Samaria. (2 Ki. xvii. 31.) See Adar . — 2. A son of Sennacherib, king of As- syria. With the help of his brother Sharezer he slew his father in the so-called temple of Nisroch, on his return from his expedition against Hezekiah. (2 Ki. xix. 37, Isa. xxxvii. 38.) This event is mentioned in the Babylonian chronicle (cuneiform). 3. In angelology, one of the fallen angels. Adramyttium (ad-ra-mit'i-um). [Gr. ’Adpa/ibr- ruov, ’ASpa/LtvTTiov.'] In ancient geography, a town in Mysia, Asia Minor, on the Gulf of Adra- myttium about lat. 39° 35' N., long. 26° 55' E. The modern town Adramyti or Edremid lies about 3 miles inland (population, 8,000). Adramyttium, Gulf of. An arm of the Aegean Sea, on the western coast of Asia Minor, north of Mytilene. Adrar. See Aderer. Adraste (a-drast'). The principal character of Moliere’s play “Le Sicilien,” a young French gentleman who succeeds in carrying off Isidore, the beautiful Greek slave of Don Pedre, by disguising himself as a portrait-painter : hence the second title of the play, ‘ ‘ L’Amour peintre.” Adrasteia (ad-ras-ti'a). [Gr. ’ASpaareia.'] 1. A name of Nemesis and of Rhea-Cybele. — 2. A Cretan nymph, daughter of Melisseus, to whom Rhea intrusted the infant Zeus to be reared in the Dicttean grotto. Smith, Diet. Gr. and Rom. Biog. Adrastus (a-dras'tus), or Adrastos (a-dras'- tos). [Gr. ’'ASpaoTOQ.'] In Greek legend, a king of Argos, leader in the expedition of the “Seven against Thebes.” He was worshiped as a hero in several places, among themMegara. Adria (a'dri-a). In ancient geography (about the 1st century a. d.), that part of the Medi- terranean which lies between Crete and Sicily. Adria (in ancient Picenum). See Atri. Adria (a'dre-a), or Adria Veneta (a'dre-a va- na'ta). A town in the province of Rovigo, Italy, the ancient Adria, Atria, Hadria, or Hatria, situated near the sea about 16 miles southwest of Venice. It has a cathedral and many antiquities, and has been successively an Etruscan, a Greek, and a Roman town. Population, commune, 15,678. Adrian (a'dri-an), or Hadrian (ha'dri-an), I. Pope from 772 to 795. He summoned Charles the Great to resist the encroachments of the Lombard king Desiderius, who had occupied Pentapolis and was threat- ening Rome ; and Charles, after the destruction of the Lombard kingdom, granted anew to him the territories originally bestowed by Pepin, with the addition of Ancona and Benevento. Adrian adopted the view of the Eastern Church with regard to the veneration of images, anathe- matizing all who refused to venerate the images of Christ, the Virgin, or the saints. He was the son of a Roman noble. Adrian, or Hadrian, II. Pope from 867 to 872. He passed a sentence of deposition on Photius, patriarch of Constantinople, which was confirmed at a council of the Eastern Church in 869-870. Adrian, or Hadrian, III. Pope from 884 to 885. Adrian, or Hadrian, IV. (Nicholas Break- spear). Born before 1100 at Langley, near St. Albans, in Hertfordshire : died at Anagni, Italy, 1159. Pope from Dec. 4, 1154, to Sept. 1, 1159: the only Englishman who has occupied the papal chair. He was successively a clerk and abbot of the monastery of St. Rufus, in Provence, and in 1146 was created cardinal-bishop of Albano by Pope Eugenius III. From 1152 to 1154 he was legate to .Denmark and Nor- way. As Pope he bestowed the sovereignty of Ireland on Henry II. of England. He quelled the democratic rising of the Roman people under Arnold of Brescia, and procured the execution of the latter in 1155. He com- pelled William, king of the Two Sicilies, to acknowledge the feudal suzerainty of the Pope. With Adrian IV. be- gan the great conflict between the papal power and the house of Hohenstaufen. He died while preparing to place himself at the head of the forces of the Italian party against the emperor Frederick I. Adrian, or Hadrian, V. (Ottoboni Fiesco). Pope in 1276. He lived only five weeks after his accession to the chair. Adrian, or Hadrian, VI. Born at Utrecht in 1459: died Sept. 14, 1523. Pope from 1522 to 1 523. He studied at the University of Louvain, of which he became vice-chancellor, and was chosen by the em- peror Maximilian to be the tutor of his grandson, Arch- Adrian VI. duke Charles, the later emperor Charles V. In 1516 he became bishop of Tortosaand grand inquisitor of Aragon ; in 1517 he was created a cardinal by Leo X.; and after the death of Ferdinand he acted for a time as regent of Spain. On his accession to the papal chair Jan. 9, 1522, he corrected various external abuses in the church, but failed in his efforts to check the Reformation. Adrian. A lord ill Shakspere’s ‘ ‘ Tempest.” Adrian de Gastello, or de Corneto. Born at Corneto, Tuscany, Italy, 1460 (?) : died 1521 (?). An Italian ecclesiastic and scholar, nuncio of Innocent VIII. in Scotland in 1488, agent at Rome of Henry VII. of England, collector of Peter’s pence in England, and papal prothon- otary. He obtained in 11-92 the prebend of Ealdland in St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the rectory of St. Dunstan-in-the- East, but returned to Rome on the death of Innocent VIII. He was made bishop of Hereford in 1502, bishop of Bath and Weils in 1501, and cardinal in 1503. In 1517 he was implicated in the conspiracy of Cardinals Petrucci, De Sauli, and Riario to poison Leo X., and was deprived of his cardinalate (1518) and of his dignities in England. He was probably assassinated. He wrote “ Venatio,” a poem (1505), “De Vera Philosophia” (1507), “DeSermone Latino et modo Latine Loquendi’’ (1513), etc. Adrian (a'dri-an). The capital of Lenawee County, Michigan, a manufacturing city situ- ated on the river Raisin about 55 miles south- west of Detroit : sometimes called the “ Maple City” Population, 10,763, (1910). Adriana (S-dri-a'nii). A character in Shak- spere’s “Comedy of Errors”: the wife of An- tipholus of Ephesus. Adriana, Villa. See Hadrian’s Villa. Adrianople (ad // ri-an-o , pl). [Turk. Edirneh, or Edreneh .] The capital of the vilayet of Adri- anople, on the Maritza in lat. *41° 41' N., long. 26° 35' E., a place of great strategic and commercial importance, founded by the em- peror Hadrian about 125 A. D., on the site of the ancient Uscudama: the residence of the sultans 1361-1453. it was besieged by the Avars in 586, stormed by the Bulgarians in 922, entered by the Crusaders in 1189, taken by the Turks in 1361, taken by the Russians under Diebitsch in 1829, occupied by the Rus- sians Jan., 1878, and besieged by the Bulgars in 1912. The emperor Baldwin I. was taken prisoner in Adrianople by the Bulgars in 1205. Its most notable building is the 16th- century mosque of Sultan Selim II. It is preceded by a tine portico of monolithic columns, and flanked by four slender fluted minarets about 200 feet high. The span of the dome (106 feet) is greater than that of Santa Sophia : it rests on four' colossal porphyry columns. Adrianople. A vilayet in European Turkey. Population, 1,028,200. Adrianople, Battle of. 1. A victory of the Goths over the emperor Valons, 378 a. d. — 2. A victory of the Slavs over the Byzantines, 551. Adrianople, Peace or Treaty of. A treaty between Russia and Turkey, signed at Adrian- ople, Sept. 14, 1829. Turkey ceded to Russia im- portant fortresses and districts on the northeastern coast of the Black Sea ; granted to Russian subjects freedom of trade in Turkey, and freedom of navigation in- the Black Sea, Danube, and Dardanelles ; confirmed and extended the protectorate exercised by the czar over the Danubian principalities ; gave Russia control of a part of the left, hank of the lower Danube, and of the Sulina mouth of that river; and recognized the independence of Greece. Adrian! (a-dre-a'no), Giovanni Battista. Born at Florence 1513 : died 1579. A Florentine statesman and historian, author of a history of his time, for the period 1536-74. Adrianns, Publius iElius. See Hadrian. Adriatic Sea (a-dri-at'ik, or ad-ri-at'ik,se). [Gr. 6 Adpiag, L. Mare Adriaticum, or Mare Super um, It. Marc Adriatico, F. Mer Adriatiqae, G. Adria- tisches Mecr .] That part of the Mediterranean which lies between Italy on the west and north- west, and Austria, Montenegro, and Albania on the east, and is connected with the Ionian Sea by the Strait of Otranl O. Its chief arms are the Gulfs of Manfredonia, Venice, Trieste, and Quamero, and its lar- gest tributaries are the Po and Adige. Its length is about 450 miles, and its average width about 100 miles. Adrienne Lecouvreur (a-dri-en' le-ko-vrer'). A prose drama in 5 acts, by Scribe and Le- gouvb, first presented April 14, 1849. See Lc- couvreur, Adrienne. Adaatici (ad-u-at'i-si), or Aduatuci (ad-u- at'u-sl). A German tribe of Belgie Gaul, de- scendants of the Cimbri and Teutones, living west of the Meuse, dispersed by Caesar 57 b. c. Adula (a-do'la), or Rheinwaldgebirge (rin- viild-ge-ber'ge). A group of tho Alps in the western part of the canton of Orisons, Switzer- land, the source of the Hinter-Rhein. The highest point is the Rheinwaldhom, 11, 150 feet. Adule, Adulis. See Zulla. Adulis Bay. See Annesley Bay. Adullam ( a-dul'am ) . [Heb., possibly ‘retreat.’] A city and “cave” (error for “ stronghold”) in the territory of Judah in the low country : origi- nally a Canaanite city. it was used by David 16 as a hiding-place. It has been identified with the modern Aid-el-m5, 10 miles northeast of Hebron ; falsely identi- fied by tradition with Khareitun near Bethlehem. Adullam, Gave of. The stronghold to which David withdrew from Gath. 1 Sam. xxii. See above. Adullamites. In English history, the group of Liberals who seceded from the Whig party and voted with the Conservatives when Earl Russell and Mr. Gladstone introduced a measure for the extension of tho elective franchise in 1866. They received the name of Adullamites from their being likened by Mr. Bright to the discontented persons who took refuge with David in the Cave of Adullam. The party was also known collectively as “The Cave” and “ The Cave of Adullam.” Advance (ad-vans' ), Tile. The vessel in which Elisha Kane explored the arctic regions in search of Sir John Franklin. See Kane. Adventure (ad-ven'tur), The. 1. The ship of the pirate Captain Kidd. — 2. The ship in which Captain Kin g ( associated wi th Fitzroy ) explored the coasts of South America, 1826-30. Adventures of Five Hours, The. A play by Sir Samuel Tuke, an adaptation of Calderon’s “Los Empeiios de Seis Horas,” made by the advice of Charles II., and printed in 1662. Adventures of an Atom, The. A political satire by Smollett, published in 1769. Adversity Hume. A nickname of Joseph Hume (1777-1855), given to him about 1825 on account of bis predictions of national disaster. See Prosperity Robinson. Adventures of Philip. A novel by Thackeray, published in 1862. Adye (a/di), Sir John Miller. Born Nov. 1, 1819: died Aug. 26, 1900. An English general and military writer: author of “Defence of Cawnpore,” etc. iEacides (e-as'i-dez). A descendant, of Alacus, especially Achilles. •(Sadis (e'a-kus). [Gr. Ala/cof.] In Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Aigina, re- nowned for his justice, and made a judge in the lower world. Ho was the grandfather of Achilles. JEdhan. See Aidan. Aedon (a-e'don). [Gr. Ayduv.'] In Greek my- thology, a daughter of Pandareus of Ephesus. According to Homer she was the wife of Zethus. king of Thebes, ami the mother of Itylus. Inspired by envy of -Niobe, the wife of her brother Amphion, who had six sons and six daughters, she formed the design of killing Niobe’s eldest son, but by mistake destroyed her own son Itylus. To relieve her grief sue was changed by Zeus into a nightingale. iSdui (ed'ii-i). A Celtic people living in cen- tral Gaul, west of the Sequani between the Sadne and the Loire. Their capital was Bibracte (Augustodunum, Autun). They were allies of the Romans, but joined in the revolt of 52 B. C. Also lledui. The iEdui, friends and brothers, as they delighted to he called, of the Roman people, held Ihe highest place among the nations of central Gaul. Their friendship and brother- hood was acknowledged by ihe P-omans themselves. It was a special badge of distinction. Rome had many al- lies; the 2Edui were her only brothers. The brothers of Rome were naturally the first among the nations of Gaul to find their way into ihe Roman Senate. Freeman , Hist. Essays, 4th ser., p. 98. iEgadian Islands (5-ga'di-an i'landz). See JEgates. JEgseon (e-je'on). [Gr. Aiyaiuv.'] Seo Briareus. iEgaieos (e-ga'lo-os). [Gr. AxyaXeugQ In an- cient geography, a mountain-range in Attica separating the Athenian and Eleusinian plains. It ended in a promontory (Amphiale) opposite Saiami3. From it Xerxes witnessed the buttle of Salamis. iEgates (e-ga'tez). [L.] In ancient geography, a group of small islands west of Sicily: the modern iEgadian Islands. They comprise Favi- gnana, Maritimo, Levanzo, and Formica, and belong to the province of Trapani, Sicily. Near them was gained the Roman naval victoiy over the Carthaginians, 241 B. c. iSgean Sea (c-jo'an so). [L. Mare JEgaeum, Gr. 6 A lyaioc tt6vtoi ~, or to A'tyaiovTrclayo f, so called, according to Strabo, from Alyci, Algro, a town in Euboea; according toothers (erroneously) from A iyd'C, Algeus.j That part of tho Medi- terranean which lies between Greece on tho west, European Turkey on tho north, and Asia Minor on the east, and communicates with the Sea of Marmora and thence with tho Black Sea by the Strait of Dardanelles, it con- tains many islands, as Euboea, the Cyclades, tho Sporades, Samos, Chios, Mytilene, Samothrace, Thasos, etc. Its chief arms are the Gulf of Nauplia, the Saronic Gulf, the Channels of Egripo and Talanta, and the Gulfs of Lamia, Volo, Salonild, Cassandra, Monte Santo, Contessa, Saros, Adramyti, Smyrna, Scala Nova, Mendelia, and Kos. Its chief tributaries are the Salembria, Vardar, Struma, Ma- ritza, Sarabat, and Mendere. Its length is about 400 miles, and its greatest width over 200 miles. See .Bp cue. iEgeon (o-je'on). A character in Shakspere’s “ Comedy of Errors”: a merchant of Syracuse. iEglamour Algeus (e'jus). [Gr. Alyebc.]] In Greek legend, the father of Theseus, and king of Athens. He threw himself into the iEgean Sea (whence, according to tradition, the name) through grief at the supposed loss of his son. iSgidi (a-ge'de), Ludwig Karl. Born at Tilsit, April 10, 1825 : died at Berlin, Nov. 19, 1901. A German jurist, publicist, and politician, pro- fessor of jurisprudence in the University of Bonn (1838), and professor of jurisprudence in the University of Berlin (1877 ). iEgidiuS (e-jid'i-us). 1. A Roman commander in Gaul under Majorianus (457-461). After the death of the emperor he maintained an independent sov- ereignty, possibly with the title of king, at Soissons. He was voluntarily chosen king of the 1 ranks during the temporary exile of the unpopular Childeric. 2. See Giles, Saint. iEgidius a Colunmis (e-jid'i-us a ko-lum'nis). Born at Rome about 1247 : died 1316. A scho- lastic philosopher, general of the Augustine order, sumamed “Doctor Fundatissimus.” iEgina (e-jl'na), or Aigina (I'gi-na). [Gr. A iyiva.'] In Greek mythology, the daughter of Asopus, the river-god, beloved by Zeus, and carried by him to the island of Aigina (whence, according to tradition, its name). iEgina, or Aigina. An island of Greece, in the Saronic Gulf of the iEgean, lat. 37° 45' N., long. 23° 26' E. It was colonized by Dorians, and was an im- portant commercial state and center of art in the 6th and 5tli centuries B. c. In 156 b. c. it was subjugated byAthens, and now belongs to the nomarchy of Attica and Bceotia. Its length is 9 miles. Population, 8,600. iEgina, or Aigina. The capital of the island of Aigina, situated on the western coast: popula- tion, 5,412. The temple of Athena at A5gina was a monument famous for boih architecture and sculpture. It was a Doric p ripteros of 6 by 12 columns, the cella having pronaos and opisthodomos with 2 columns in antis. Twenty-two columns, with their entablature, are standing. Each pediment was filled with a group of sculpture rep- resenting a combat between Greeks and Trojans under the presidency of Athena, who is the central figure. The major part of these sculptures has been recovered, and is included in the collection of the JEginetan Marbles (which see) at Munich. Though appearing older, the temple is ascribed to the early part of the 5th century B. c. Of the temple of Aphrodite but one of the great Doric columns, very similar to those of the temple of Athena, but larger, is standing, hut the plan has been in part re- covered. The temple was liexastyle. iEgina, Gulf of. See Saronic Gulf. ifigineta, Paulus. See Fauhis JEgineta. /Eginetan Marbles (cj-i-ne'tan mar'blz). An important collection of sculpture from tbe tem- ple of Athena in Aigina, now in the Glyptothek at Munich. These sculptures were discovered in 1811, and consist for themost part of the remains of the series of statues from both pediments of the temple. Five figures survive from the eastern pediment, and 10 from the west- ern, which is probably complete. Both groups represent the exploits of Greek heroes in the Trojan war, with Athena as the central figure. They belong to an artistic period immediately before (he time of full mastery, and thus, while in many particulars admirable, preserve some archaic features, as the rigid smile on the expressionless faces, and the stiffness of attitude of some of the figures. The date generally accepted is about 475 B. C.; but this is not definitely established. These sculptures were re- stored by Thorwaldsen. iEgipan (e'ji-pan). [Gr. A lyhav, the goat Pan.] In Greek mythology, the goat Pan, in some forms of the myth identical with Pan, and in others different from him. He is called the son of Zeus and Alga, Pan’s wife, and also the father of Pan. •Sgir (i'gir). [ON. segir, AS. edaor, the sea.] In Old Norse mythology, the god of the ocean, lie was tho principal water-demon and by race a giant, but personifies tho more propitious characteristics of the sea. He is also called liter (ON. HUr) and Gymir. His wife is Ran. iEgis (e'jis). [L. aegis, < Gr. aiytc, the egis, also a rushing storm, hurricane.] In Greek mythol- ogy, originally the storm-cloud enveloping the thunderbolt, the especial weapon of Zeus. It afterward came to be regarded as: (a) The skin of the goat Amalthea, the foster-mother of Zeus, which the latter took for defensive armor in his war with the Titans. (6) A terrible weapon wrought by Hephaestus after the fash- ion of a thunder-cloud fringed with lightning, intrusted by Zens to Apollo and to Athena, and a characteristic at- tribute of the latter. In ait tho iEgis is represented as a sort of mantle fringed with serpents, generally worn over (he breast, but sometimes held extended over the left arm, or thrown over (he arm to serve as a shield. The .Egis of Athena, except in tho most primitive representa- tions, bears in the midst (ho head of the Gorgon Medusa, and is usually covered with scales like those of a serpent. iEgistliUS(c-jis'thus). [Gr. AiyioCoc.] Iu Greek legend, a son of Thyestes and cousin of Aga- memnon: be seduced CTytemnestra, and pro- cured tbe murder of Agamemnon. In the “Aga- memnon” of -Eschylus CTytemnestra, incited to the act by .Egisthus, commits the murder. iEglamour (e'gla-mor). The Sad Shepherd in Jonson’s play of that name. He grieves at the reported drowning of the shepherdess Earine. iEgle iEgle (eg'le). [Gr. Aiyib?.] In Greek mythol- ogy! (a) A naiad, mother of the Graces, (b) One of the Hesperides. iEgOSpotami (e-gos-pot'a-mi). [Gr. A'rydg no- ra/io!, “goat’s rivers.’] In ancient geography, a small river and a town of the Thracian Cher- sonesus, about lat. 40° 20' N., long. 26° 33' E., noted as the place of a naval victory of the Spartans under Lysander over the Athenians, 405 b. c., which led to the close of the Pelopon- nesian war. JEgyptus (e-jip'tus). [Gr. Aijw-oc.] In Greek mythology, a son of Belus and twin brother of Danaus. Hereceivedfrom Belus the sovereignty of Arabia and conquered Egypt. See Egypt.. iElfheah (alf'hean), or Saint Alphege (al'fej). Born 954 : died April 19, 1012. An Anglo-Saxon prelate, made bishop of Winchester in 984 and archbishop of Canterbury in 1006. He was captured by the Danes in 1011, and held for ransom. This he at first agreed to pay, but afterward refused, and iu conse- quence was slain. Alfred. See Alfred. .Slfric (alf'rik). Born about 955: died about 1020 A. D. An English (Anglo-Saxon) abbot, surnamed “Grammaticus,” author of homilies (edited by Thorpe 1844-46), a Latin grammar and glossary, a treatise on the Old and New Testaments, “ Heptateuchus,” etc. There has been much discussion with regard to his identity, and it is still in dispute. jffilfthryth (alf'thrith), L. Elfrida (el-fn'd8). Born about 945: died about 1000. An Anglo- Saxon queen, daughter of Ordgar, ealdorman of Devon, wife first of iEthelwald, ealdorman of the East Anglians, and, after his death, of King Eadgar by whom she was the mother of HCthel- red II. She is said to have caused the murder of her stepson Eadward at Corfe, in order to secure the election of dithelred. .#;iia Capitolina (e'li-a kapH-to-lTna). In au- cient geography, a Roman colony established by Hadrian, 131 A. d., on the site of Jerusalem. Ailia was the family name of Hadrian : a temple was dedicated to Jupiter Capitolinus in the place (hence the name). iElia gens (e'li-a jenz). In ancient Rome, a plebeian clan or house whose family names and surnames were Bala, Catus, Gallus, Gracilis, Lamia, Ligur, Psetus, Sejanus, Staienus, Stilo, and Tubero. To this gens belonged the em- peror Hadrian and the Antonines, whom he adopted. iElian (e'li-an). See JElianus , Claudius. .£Ilianus (e-li-a'nus), Claudius. A Roman rhetorician of the 2d century a. d., said to have been boru at Prieneste, Italy. His extant works are noociAij’Io-Topia, commonly called “ Varia Historia,” “a collection of ‘ana' containing anecdotes of every kind, historical, biographical, antiquarian, put together without any method or connection, and, perhaps, not in- tended f or publication” (K. 0. Muller); and ilepl Zuu ov ISiotijto?’ (De Animalium Natura), “On the Peculiarities of Animals,” a worksim lar in form to the preceding. JElianus Tacticus (e-li-a'nus tak'ti-kus). Lived about 100 A. D. A writer, probably a Greek residing at Rome, author of a work in Greek on the military tactics of the Greeks and the constitution of a Roman army. iElia (al'a), or Ella (el'a). Died 588. King of the Deirans from 559 to 588, the son of Iffa, ealdorman of the Deirans. He cast off the su- premacy of the Bernicians at the death of Ida. Aello (a-el'o). [Gr. Ar/Uw.] In Greek mythol- ogy, one of the Harpies. Aeisfc. See A lost. Aelst (alst), Willem van. Born at Delft, Neth- erlands, 1020: died at Amsterdam, 1G79. A Dutch painter of flowers and fruit. iEmilia (e-mil'i-a). [Fem. of JEmilius.'] 1. In the fourth book of Spenser’s “Faerie Queene,” a lovely lady “rapt by greedie lust” into the power of a cannibal giant who held Amoret also captive. She was saved by Belpkoebe. — 2. In Shakspere’s “Comedy of Errors,” the wife of Adgeon, acting as the abbess of Ephesus. Emilia gens (e-mil'i-a jenz). One of the most ancient patrician houses at Rome, probably of Sabine origin, which regarded as its ancestor Mamercus, called /Emilius on account of Lis persuasive language, who was variously repre- sented as the son of Pythagoras, or of Numa, or as the descendant of Ascanius. The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was L. ACmilius Mamercus (in 484 B. 0 .). Its family names are Barbula, Buca, Lepidus, Mamercus or Mamercinus, 1‘apus, Paulus, Regillus, and Scaurus. iEmilius (e-mil'i-us). [A Roman name said to be from Gr. aipvfao f, flattering. See /Emilia gem. ] In Shakspere’s (?) “ Titus Andronicus,” a noble Roman, c.— » 17 xEmilius, Paulus (Paolo Emilio). Bom at Verona, Italy: died at Paris, May 5, 1529. An Italian historian, summoned to France in the reign of Charles VIII. to write a French history, “De rebus gestis Francorum.” iEmiiius Paulus. See Paulus. iEneas (e-ne'as). [Gr. Aim'af.] In classical legend, a Trojan prince, son of Anckises, king otDardanus, and Aphrodite. The traditions about him vary. According to Homer, being robbed of his cat- tle by Achilles, he took sides, with his Dardanians, against the Greeks, played an important part in the war, and after the sack of Troy, and the extinction of the house of Priam, reigned (as did also his descendants) in the Troad. In post-Homeric traditions he is sometimes r presented as absent from the sack of Troy, sometimes as seeking refuge, on the admonition of Aphrodite, in Mount Ida, and carry- ing his father thither on his shoulders (with other varia- tions), and as settling in the peninsula of Pallene, or in the Arcadian Orchomenos. Most of the traditions, how- ever, represent him as landing in Italy, and becomingthe ancestral hero of the Romans. See /Eneid. iSneas Sylvius. See Pius II. iEneid (e-ne'id), or.ZBneis (-is). An epic poem, in twelve books, by Vergil, recounting the ad- ventures of iEneas after the fall of Troy, founded on the Roman tradition that Alneas settled in Latium and became the ancestral hero of the Roman people. The hero, driven by a storm on the coast of Africa, is hospitably received by Dido, queen of Carthage, to whom lie relates the fall of Troy and his wan- derings. An attachment between them is broken by the departure of Aineas, in obedience to the will of the gods, and the suicide of Dido follows. After a visit to Sicily, ASneas lands at Cumse in Italy. In a descent to (he in- fernal regions he sees his father, Anchises, and has a pro- phetic vision of the glorious destiny of his race as well as of the future heroes of Pvome. He marries Lavinia, daugh- ter of Latinus, king of the Latini, and a contest with Tur- nus, king of the Rutuli, the rejected suitor, follows, in which Turnus is slain. The poem is a glorific ation of Rome and of the emperor Augustus, who, as a member of the Julian gens, traced his descent from Julus (sometimes identified with Ascanius), the grandson of A5neas. The poem was completed, but not finally corrected, at the death of the author in 19 B. o. iEnesidemus (en-e-si-de'mus). [Gr. Alvyaid?]- goc.'] A celebrated Greek skeptical philoso- pher of Cnossus (or AUgse) in Crete, a younger contemporary of Cicero. JEolia (e-o'li-ii). See /Eolis. iEolian Islands (e-5'li-an i'landz). The an- cient name of the Lipari Islands. .Sicilians (e-o'li-anz). The Azoles or ASolii, one of the four great divisions of the Greek race. They occupied from an early period a large part of north- ern Greece and the western part of Peloponnesus, and also migrated to Asia Minor, settling in the region named for them ASolis, and in Lesbos. ^lolis (e'o-lis), or iEolia (e-o'li-a). [Gr. Alo/iic, Aio/h'a.] In ancient geography, originally the western coast of Asia Minor between the river Hermus and Lectum. Later it extended along Troas. ■^Bolus (e'o-lus). [Gr. AloZof.] 1. In Greek my- thology, the god of the winds, which he con- fined in a cavern. — 2. The son of Hellen, and the eponymic founder of the iEolian race. iEpinus (a-pe'nos) (Franz Maria Ulrich Theo- dor Hoch). [G. Hock, high ; Gr. aim g, high, steep, whence IEpinus.'] Born at Rostock. Ger- many, 1724: died at Dorpat, 1802. A German- Russian physicist, author of “ Tentamen theo- rite eleetricitatis et magnetismi” (1759), etc. iEpinus, Johann (originally Hoch). Born at Ziesar, Prussia, 1499 : died at Hamburg, May 13, 1553. A German Protestant theologian, an opponent of Melanchthon, and author of a work “De Purgatorio.” iEqui (e'kwi). In ancient geography, a tribe living in Latium, east of Romo and north of the Hernici, often allied with the Volseians and at war with the Romans. They were finally sub- dued about 300 B. c. Aerians (a-e'ri-anz). A reforming, Arian, sect of the 4th century: so called from their leader Aerius. They maintained that a presbyter or elder does not differ from a bishop in authority, repudiated prayers for the dead, and rejected church tasts. This sect was the forerunner of modern Presbyterianism. Aerius (a-e'ri-us). A presbyter of Sebastia, in Pontus, Asia Minor, who lived in the middle of the 4t.h century a. d., and was the founder of the Aerians. .. 27 appeared against Varus Quintilius, her son. Affenthal (af'fen-tal). A village near Baden, in Baden, noted for its red wine. Affre (af'r), Denis Auguste. Born at St. Rome, Tarn, France, Sept. 27, 1793: died at Paris, June 27, 1848. A French ecclesiastic, appointed archbishop of Paris in 1840. He was mortally wounded in the insurrection of 184S, at the barri- cades, June 26, while attempting to admonish the in- surgents. Afghanistan (af-gan-is-tiin'). A country of Asia, bounded by Asiatic Russia and Bokhara north, India east, Baluchistan south, and Persia west, and extending from about lat. 29° to 38° 31' N., and long. 60° to 72° E. The chief divisions are Kabul, nerat, Kandahar, Afghan Turkestan, Badakshan, and Farrah. The government is a monarchy under a hereditary sovereign. The prevailing religion is Mohammedanism. Afghanistan became independent of Persia under the Durani dynasty in 1747. Under its ruler, Dost Mohammed, war broke out with the British in 1838. The latter captured Kandahar, Ghazni, and Kabul (1839), establishing a new ameer; but in 1841 the British agent was massacred, and the British army was annihilated in 1842 in retreating in the Kurd-Kabul Pass. Gen- eral Pollock ended the war in 1842. In 1878, under the ameer Shere Ali, war again broke out with the British, who captured Jelalabad and Kandahar. Shere Ali fled, and Yakub Khan was proclaimed in 1879. A massacre of the British resident at Kabul was followed by an invasion under General Roberts, and Yakub Khan abdicated. The latter's brother Ayub Khan in 1880 defeated the British forces, but under General Roberts they relieved Kandahar in 1880, defeated Ayub Khan, and recognized Abdurrah- man Khan as ameer. Various disputes arose regarding the boundary between Afghanistan and the Russian pos- sessions. The Russians seized Penjdeh in 1885; and war was narrowly averted. An Anglo-Russian commission arranged the delimitation of the northern frontier in 1886-87, and the Pamir Commission of 1895 defined the northeastern border. Area (estimated), 250,000 square miles. Population, 4i-5 millions, including the Afghans proper, Pathans, Hindkis, Hazaras, Kataghans, etc. Afghan Turkestan. The territories in the basin of the Oxus, subject to the Ameer of Afghanistan. Afghan wars. Wars between Great Britain and Afghanistan during the years 1838-42 and 1878-80. See Afghanistan. Afghan (af'gan). 1. One of an Iranian race forming a large part (about 3,000,000) of the inhabitants of Afghanistan. The native name is Pushtanah (pi.). — 2. One of the languages of the Aryan family, spoken by the Afghans or Africa (af'ri-ka). [F. Afrique, G. Afrika, Sp. It. Pg. Africa, L. Africa (whence Gr. ’AQpudj, the prop. Gr. term being Aq3w/, Libya), prop. adj. (sc. terra), from Afer (pi. Afri), an inhabitant of Africa, orig. with reference to the country of the Carthaginians, from whom the term was received.] 1. A continent of the eastern hemisphere, next to Asia the largest grand division of the world, bounded by the Medi- terranean on the north (which separates it from Europe), the Isthmus of Suez (which con- nects it with Asia), the Red Sea (which sepa- rates it from Asia), and the Indian Ocean on the east, the Southern Ocean on the south, and the Atlantic on the west. It extends from lat. 37” 20' N. to lat. 34° 50' S., and from long. 17° 31' W. to long. 51° 22' E Its principal political divisions are Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, Barca (Bengazi), Fezzan, Egypt, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Abyssinia, the Italian pos- sessions (Eritrea and Somaliland), British Somaliland, British East Africa, British protectorates in the interior, Portuguese East and West Africa (Angola), Portuguese Guinea, Madagascar (a French protectorate), British South Africa (Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Orange Free State, the Transvaal, Rhodesia, etc.), the German possessions (Kamerun, Togo-land, German Southwest and German East Africa), Belgian Kongo, the French Kongo, the Brit- ish possessions in west Africa (Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, etc.), the French sphere of influence in western Africa (including the western Sahara and Senegal), Li- beria, the Spanish coast, etc. The more distinctive physiographic features of the continent are to be found in the Atlas Mountains, the Sahara, the great equa- torial forests, the lake region (Albert Nyanza, Victoria Nyanza, Tanganyika, etc.), and in the south-central pla- teau. Principal rivers: Nile, Kongo, Niger, and Zambesi (with the Victoria Falls, the “African Niagara”). Africa lias few high mountains ; the highest are the glacier-cov- ered Kilimanjaro (19,780) in German East Africa and Ke- nia (18,620) in British East Africa. Its inhabitants are chiefly of the negro race, with Kafirs, Hottentots, Copts, Arabs, Moors, Berbers, and some Europeans. The prevail- ing religions are Mohammedanism, various forms of pa- ganism, the Coptic Church, and the Abyssinian Church. The name “Dark Continent ” has been given to it as the least-known of the earth’s grand divisions. Its northern portions were early seats of civilization, and partof the Ro- man Empire ; but much of its interior is still unexplored. It was circumnavigated by the Phenicians as early as the 7 th century B. c. Coast-line exploration was undertaken by the Portuguese in the middle of the 15th century, and the Cape of Good Hope was doubled by Da Gama (1497). Explo- rations (interior) have been made since the last part of the 18th century by Bruce, Mungo Park, Hornemann, Burck- liardt, Denham, Clapperton, Lander, Oudney, Rebmann, Barth, Richardson, Overweg, Vogel, Livingstone, Burton, Speke, Grant, Baker, Stanley, Schweinfurth, Mauch, Nach- tigal, De Brazza, Holub, Wissmann, Serpa Pinto, Cameron, Rohlfs, Lenz, Du Chaillu, Emin Pasha, and others. Recent events are the founding of the Union of South Africa (see supplement), and the partitioning among various powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, etc.) of immense districts especially in the interior and along the eastern and western coasts : this so-called “ scramble for Africa” began about 1884. (See Spheres of Influence.) The length of Africa is 4,970miles, its breadth about4,700 miles, its area (estimated, Petermann), 11,608, 793 square miles, and its population about 127,000,000. [African names. In most purely African languages the names of tribes, languages, and countries, as first heard and written by travelers, colonists, authors, and cartographers, appear not in their naked form, but adorned with prefixes or suflixes, which distinguish the name of one member of the tribe from many, the tribe from the language, and the country from both tribe and language. Strictly speaking, the only correct way would be to use the prefixes and suffixes as the natives do. This, however, is impossible, because the languages are not yet suffi- Africa ciently known, and because a specialist alone could mas- ter the great variety of prefixes and suffixes. Therefore Dr. Lepsius and Dr. B. N. Oust, and many after them, prefer to use the stem of the word, as it may be ascer- tained, and add to irrespectively, “man,’’ “men,’’ “tribe,” “language," "country.” Thus, Ganda man (instead of U ganda), Ganda tribe or people (instead of Ba-ganda), Ganda language (instead of Lu-ganda), and Ganda-land (instead of Bu-ganda). Uganda, as generally written, is the Suahili form of Bu-ganda. In this dictionary the tribe and the dialect will generally be found under one name, the word-stem. In the case of suffixes, which are used in a few Nigritic and in the Hottentot and Hamitic languages, there is no difficulty ; for the initial syllables are not affected, and can be readily found in the diction- ary. Thus in Mandi-ngo, of the Nigritic branch, the stem is Mandi or Mande, and -ngo is a suffix. In the Hottentot name Nama-qua, the suffix -qua signifies people or tribe ; and it is better to say Nama tribe or people. The great- est difficulty is met with in the Bantu languages, where every noun has a prefix for the singular and another 'for the plural. The following rules will be found useful : In a general way, and in cases of doubt, the prefix Mu- may be considered to signify ‘person ’ (man, woman, or child), Ba- or Wa- to signify people, U - to signify country, and Ki- to signify language. Thus, Mu-gogo, a Gogo man ; Wa-gogo, Gogo people ; U-gogo, Gogo-land ; Ki-gogo, Gogo language. Generally speaking, too, the plural prefix Ama- (for tribe) is used among the Kafirs in South Africa, Ova- in West Africa, between Benguella and Walfisch Bay, A- or Alma- from Loanda to the lunda country, Eshi- ( Exi -), Bashi -, and Bena- from the Kongo district of An- gola due east to Nyangwe, Ba- in the Kongo basin and central Africa generally, Wa- in East Africa. The pre- fixes of most frequent occurrence, in proper names, are : Man : Mu-, Um-, Mo-, M- ; seldom Ki-, Tshi-, Ka-, Mushi-, Mukua-. People : Ba-, Wa-, Ova-, A-, Ma-, Ama- ; seldom Tu-, Eshi- or Bashi-, Akua-. Language : Ki-, Tshi-, Shi-, Si-, Se- ; seldom U -, Vo-, Di-. Land : Bu-, IT - ; sel- dom Le-. Examples : Man. People. Language. Land. Ganda: M-ganda, Ba-ganda, Lu-ganda, Bu-ganda. Lnba: Mu-luba, Ra-Iuba, Ki-lnba, U-luba. Gogo: Mu-gogo, Wa-gogo, Ki-gogo, U-gogo. Gwamba: Mo-gwamba, Ma-gwamba, Shi-gwamba. Suto: Mo-suto, Ba-suto, Se-suto, Le-suto. Mbangala: Ki-mbangala, I-mbangala, U-mbangala. Mbimdu: O-tshi-mbundu, Ovi-mbundu, TJ-mbundu. Lange: Mushi-lange, Bashi-lange, Kishi-lange. Ngola : Mukua-ngola, Akua-ngola, Di-ngola. African languages. Our knowledge of African lan- guages is not yet sufficient to warrant a final, or even a generaUy acceptable, classification. Specialists contra- dict each other as soon as they begin to classify. The English-speaking public still holds to the temporary clas- sification of Dr. B. N. Oust in his “Modern Languages of Africa,” which is simply that of Fr. MtiUerin his “Grund- ri8s der Sprachwissenschaft." German Africanists show, of late, a preference for that of Dr. Lepsius in the intro- duction to his “Grammar of Nuba.” Somewhat modi- fied, this will probably be that of the future. Our classi- fication tries to combine the nomenclature of Dr. Oust, generally followed in English books, with the facts, which give more support to the system of Lepsius. The main question is about the relation of Bantu and Negro. I. Purely African languages. (1) Negro languages : (a) Bantu languages (pure). (b) Nigritic or Sudan-negro languages (mixed). (c) Nuba-Fulah or Pul languages (mixed). (2) Hottentot, Bushmen, or Batua languages : (а) Hottentot languages, 1 . „ ,. ... (б) Bushmen languages, j 0 nCa ' (c) Pygmy languages, in central Africa. (3) Hamitic languages : (a) Egyptian. ( b ) Libyan or Berber languages. (c) Ethiopian or Kushitic languages. II. Extra-African languages. (1) Semitic languages : (a) Pure Arabic (Egyptian, Maghreb, Sudani, and Mus- cat dialects). ( b ) Mixed (Amharic, Tigre, etc.). (2) Malay languages (Madagascar). (3) Aryan languages. (a) English, in South Africa and Liberia. \ p French, in Algeria. j rure. (4) Creole dialects. Mediterranean Lingua Franca. English Creole (in West Africa, Kru-English). Portuguese Creole (Cape Verde Islands ; S. Thomd and Principe Islands). Dutch Creole (Boers and Hottentots). In the English, Portuguese, and Dutch Creoles, the word- store is European ; much of the phonology, morphology, and syntax is African. For the Semitic and Malay lan- guages, see Arabic, Malay-Polynesian. For the purely African languages, see Bantu, Nigritic, Hamitic, Nuba- Fulah, Hottentot .— African ethnography. Owing to the scantiness of ethnographic data, the linguistic division of Africa is also generally applied to the ethnographic classi- fication. It should, however, he remembered that the two do not cover each other exactly either within a family or group, or from class to clas3. Thus the Hottentots of Cape Colony have lost their original dialect, and adopted Dutch. The Ba-Botse, on the Zambesi, have lost their language and adopted the Se-chuana dialect of the Ma-Kololo. The Nuba of Egypt, while retaining many characteristics of their language, have lost nearly all their racial traits, while, on the contrary, the Hausa have given up almost every trace of their first mother-tongue, but arc still, ra- cially, pure negroes. As a rule, the names of African tribes and languages or dialects, if stripped of prefixes and suffixes, coincide, and will be found under one title in this dictionary. See Bantu, Nigritic, Hottentot, Hamitic, Nuba-Fulah ; also African names and A frican languages .] 2. In ancient geography, a part of northern Af- rica which corresponded nearly to the modern Tunis. It comprised the immediate dominions of Carthage. Later it was a Roman province. 19 North Africa— the only Africa known to the ancients — had seen many rulers come and go since the Arabs under Okba first overran its plains and valleys. Dynasty had succeeded dynasty ; the Arab governors under the K lia- lifs of Damascus and Baghdad had made room for the Houses of Idris (A. D. 788) and Aghlab (800); these in turn had given way to the Fatimi Khalifs (909); and when these schismatics removed their seat of power from their newly founded capital of Mahdiya to their final metropo- lis of Cairo (968), their western empire speedily split up into the several princedoms of the Zeyris of Tunis, the Beni Hammad of Tilimsan, and other minor governments. At the close of the eleventh century, the Murabits or Al- moravides, a Berber dynasty, imposed their authority over the greater part of North Africa and Spain, but gave place in the middle of the twelfth to the Muwahhids or Alrno- hades, whose rule extended from the Atlantic to Tunis, and endured for over a hundred years. On the ruins of their vast empire three separate and long-lived dynasties sprang up : the Beni-Hafs in Tunis (1228-1531), the Beni Ziyan in Central Maghrib (1235-1400), and the Beni Merin in Morocco (1200-1550). To complete the chronology it may be added that these were succeeded in the sixteenth century by the Corsair Pashas (afterwards Deys) of Algiers, the Turkish Pashas or Beys of Tunis, and the Sherifs or Emperors of Morocco. The last still continue to reign ; but the Deys of Algiers have given place to the French, and the Bey of Tunis is under French tutelage. Poole, Story of the Barbary Corsairs, p. 21. 3. A diocese of the later Roman prefecture of Italy. It comprised the Boman provinces of Africa, Nu- midia, and a part of Mauritania, and corresponded to modern Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli. 4. See the extract. Africa meant to the Arabs the province of Carthage or Tunis and its capital, which was not at first Tunis but successively Kayrawan and Mahdiya. Throughout the later middle ages the name Africa is applied by Chris- tian writers to the latter city. Here it was that in 1390 a “ grand and noble enterprise ” came to an untimely end. “The Genoese,” says Froissart, “ bore great enmity to this town ; for its Corsairs frequently watched them at sea, and when strongest fell on and plundered their ships, carrying their spoils to this town of Africa.” Poole, Story of the Barbary Corsairs, p. 13L Africaine (af-ri-kan'), L’. Ad opera by Mey- erbeer, produced at the Acadfimie in Paris, April 28, 1865, after his death. African International Association. See Kongo Free State. African War, The. The war between Julius Caesar and the followers of Pompey, who had collected in the province of Africa after the defeat of Pharsalia 48 B. C., and were over- thrown at Thapsus 46 b. c. Africans, The. A pastoral by Colman the younger, produced in 1808. Africanus (af-ri-ka'nus), Sextus Julius. A Christian historian of the first half of the 3d century a. d., author of a treatise on chro- nology, fragments of which are extant (chiefly in Eusebius). Afridis (a-fre'diz). A warlike tribe of Afghans dwelling south of Peshawar. Afrikander (af-re-kan'der). The Dutch word for “African a name given to whites born in South Africa, particularly to those of Dutch descent. Afrikander Bund (af-re-kan'der bont), or Bond (bond). A South African association founded in 1879 (and under the present name in 1880), which aims not only at the furtherance of Afrikanderinfluenc.e,but at the ultimate com- plete independence of South Africa in the form of a United States of South Africa. Afzelius (af-ze'li-us ; Sw. pron. af-tsa'li-os), Adam. Born at Larf, Sweden, Oct. 7, 1750 : died J an. 30, 1837. A Swedish naturalist, demon- strator of botany at Upsala (1785), scientific explorer in Sierra Leone (1792), secretary of legation in London (1796), and professor of materia medica at Upsala (1812). Afzelius, Arvid August. Born Oct. 8, 1785 : died at Enkoping, Sept. 25, 1871. A Swedish writer and scholar, noted as a collector of Swedish folk-songs. He was pastor at Enko- ping after 1828. Agabus (ag'a-bus). [Gr. ’Ayaiioq. J A prophet and martyr - of the early Christian church, sup- posed to have been one of the seventy disciples of Christ. In 43 A. D., while Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, he came from Judea to Antioch, where he predicted the approach of a famine. (Acts xi. 27, 2S.) He is said to have suffered martyrdom at Antioch, and is commemorated as a saint in the Byzantine Church on March 8. Agada (ag'a-da). [Aramean form of Hebrew liagada, narrative.] The name given to one of the two great divisions of post-biblical Hebrew literature it denotes that portion of the Talmudic literature not devoted to religious law : thus the exegetical and homiletical portions, fables, proverbs, the ethics, as well as everything relating to natural science and history, are included under the term Agada, which is opposed to Halacha, the legal portions. Agade (a-ga'de). See Akkad. Agassiz, J. L. R. Agades (a'ga-dez). The capital of the sultan- ate of Asben (or Air), in Africa, about lat. 17° N., long. 7° 45' E. Population, about 7,000. Agag (a'gag). [Heb. ; of uncertain meaning.] 1. An Amalekiteking, spared by Saul, contrary to his vow, and slain by order of Samuel. 1 Sam. xv. — 2. A character in Dryden’s “Absa- lom and Achitophel,” a satire of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, a magistrate who received the declaration of Titus Oates. He was afterward found in a ditch dead and mutilated, hence the allusion (see def. 1). Agamemnon (ag-a-mem'non). [Gr. ’Ayape/ivuv.'] 1. In Greek legendary history, the son of Atreus, king of Mycenae, and the most power- ful ruler in Greece. He led the Greek expedition against Troy, and on his return was slain, according to Homer, by ASgisthus, according to ,'Eschylus, by his wife Clytemnestra, who was incited to the deed partly by jealousy of Cassandra, and partly through fear on account of her adultery with iEgisthus. 2. The greatest of the tragedies of Aeschylus. The scene is laid in Argos, in the palace of Agamemnon, at the time of the king’s return from the capture of Troy ; the catastrophe is the murder (behind the scenes) of Agamemnon and Cassandra (whom he has brought captive with him) by the queen Clytemnestra urged on by her paramour .'Egisthu s. Tragedies with this subject have been written also by Seneca, Alfieri, and Lemercier. Agamenticus (ag-a-men'ti-kus), Mount. A hill, 673 feet high, in York County, near the southwestern extremity of the State of Maine. The locality was the site of one of the earliest English colonies in Maine, led by Gorges and others, in 1631. Agana (a-ga'nya). The principal place in the Ladrones, Pacific Ocean, situated on the island of Guahan. Aganippe (ag-a-nip'e). [Gr. ’AyaviTnrtj.'] In an- cient geography, a fountain near Mount Heli- con, in Boeotia, Greece, sacred to the Muses. It was believed to inspire those who drank of it, and it gave the name “ Aganippides ’’ to the Muses. See Helicon. Agape (ag'a-pe). [Gr. aydny, love.] In Spen- ser’s “Faerie Queene,” a fay, the mother of three knights born at a birth, for whom she obtained the gift that if one were killed his strength should pass into the remaining bro- thers or brother. Agapetus (ag-a-pe'tus) I. [Gr. ’Ayan^rdc, be- loved.] Pope from June, 535, to April, 536, son of Gordianus, a Roman priest. He went to Constantinople in 536, and there deposed Anthimus the Eutychian, patriarch of Constantinople. The Boman Church celebrates his festival Sept. 20. Agapetus II. Pope from 946 to 955, a Roman by birth. Agapida (a-ga-pe'THa), Fray Antonio. The fictitious writer to whom Washington Irving originally attributed the authorship of the “Conquest of Granada.” Agard, or Agarde (a-gard'), Arthur. Bom at Foston, Derbyshire, 1540: died at London, Aug. 22, 1615. An English antiquary, clerk in the Exchequer, and (1603) deputy chamberlain. He prepared catalogues of state papers, compiled a list of all the leagues, treaties of peace, “ intercourses,” and mar- riages arranged between England and other countries down to the end of the 16th century, and wrote a Latin treatise on the Doomsday Book. He bequeathed his nu- merous MSS. partly to the Exchequer and partly to his friend Bobert Cotton. Most of them are now in the British Museum. Agardh (a'gard), Jakob Georg. Born at Lund, Sweden, 1813: died there 1901. A Swedish naturalist, son of K. A. Agardh, professor of botany at Lund : author of ‘ 1 Species, Genera, et Ordines Algarum,” “ Theoria Systematis Naturalis Plantarum” (1858), etc. Agardh, Karl Adolf. Born at Bastad, Sweden, Jan. 23, 1785: died at Carlstad, Sweden, Jan. 28, 1859. A noted Swedish naturalist and political economist, professor of botany and economics at the University of Lund 1812, and bishop of Carlstad 1834. His most important scientific works are “ Systema Algarum ’* (1824), “leones Algarum Europsearum ’’ (1828-35), “Larobok i Botanik” (1830-32). Agasias (a-gas'i-as). [Gr. ’Ayaoiac. ] Asculptor of Ephesus. According to the inscription on the statue he was the sculptor of the so-called Borghese Gladiator (which see) in the Louvre. This inscription is in late Greek characters which place the work at about the last century of the Boman republic. Agassiz (ag'a-si ; F. pron. a-ga-se'), Alexander. Born at Neucliatel, Switzerland, Dee. 17, 1835 : died at sea, March 27, 1910. An American zoologist and geologist, son of J. L. R. Agassiz. He was curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard University 1874-85, and director from 1902. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. Born at Mo- tier, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, May 28, 1807 : died at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 14, 1873. A celebrated Swiss- American naturalist, especially noted as a geologist (researches on Agassiz, J. L. R. glaciers) and ichthyologist. He was made pro- fessor of natural history at Neuchatel in 1832; studied glaciers 1830-40; came to the United States in 1846; became professor of zoology and geology at Harvard in 1847 ; traveled in the United States, in Brazil (1865-66), and around Cape Horn (1871-72), and became curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cam- bridge in 1859. He published “Recherches sur les pois- Bons fossiles” (1833-43), “Natural History of the Fresh- water Fishes of Europe" (1839-42), “Etudes sur les glaciers" (1840), “Systeme glaciaire" (1847), “Contribu- tions to the Natural History of the United States” (1857-62), etc. Agasti (a-gas'ti), or Agastya (a-gast'ya). A Rishi, reputed author of a number of Vedic hymns. He is said to have been the son of both Mitra and Varuna by Urvasi, to have been born in a water-jar, to have been of short stature, to have swallowed the ocean and compelled the Vindhya mountains to prostrate themselves before him (whence they lost their primeval height), to have conquered and civilized the south, and to have been made regent of the star Canopus. He is most prominent in the Ramayana, where he dwells in a her- mitage on Mount Kunjara and is chief of the hermits of the south. In Tamil literature he is venerated as the first teacher of science and literature to the primitive Dravidian tribes. AgathaxcMdes (ag-a-thar'ki-dez). [Gr. 'AyaOap- ,£«%■.] Born at Guidos, Asia Minor : flourished during the latter half of the 2d century B. c. A Greek grammarian, author of several geo- graphical works. Of a part of one, “On the Erythraean Sea,” an extract is given by Pho- tius. Also Agatharcus. Agatharchus (ag-a-thar'kus). [Gr. ’AyaOapxoc.] See Agalharchides. Agatharchus. An Athenian painter of the 5th century b. c., said by Vitruvius to have painted a scene for a tragedy of ZEschylus, and thus to have been the inventor of scene-painting. Agatha (ag'a-thii), Saint. A Sicilian virgin martyr (born at Palermo) put to death by Quin- tianus, the governor of Sicily, Feb. 5, 251, be- cause she rejected his illicit advances. The Roman and Anglican churches celebrate her festival on that day. She is sai 1 to have been scourged, burnt with hot irons, torn with hooks, and then placed on a bed of live coals and glass. Agathias (a-ga'thi-as). [Gr. ’Aya6iaq.\ Born at Myrina, Asia Minor, about 536 : died about 582. A Byzantine poet and historian, author of a history of the period 552-558 (ed. by Nie- buhr, 1828). Agatho (ag'a-tho), Saint, surnamed Thauma- turgUS. Pope from June 27, 678, to Jan. 10, 682; a native of Palermo, Sicily. He brought about the sixth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 6rf0, in which the Monothelite heresy was condemned. Agathocles (a-gath'o-klez), or Agatliokles. [Gr. AyadoK.) l?/?.] Born at Thermte, Sicily, 361 (?) B. C. : died 289 B. C. A Sicilian despot, tyrant of Syracuse 317-289 B. c. He invaded Africa in 310. Agathon (ag'a-thon). [Gr. ’Ayafltw.] Born about 477 b. c. A Greek (Athenian) tragic poet. He figures in the “Symposium” of Plato, the scene of which is laid in his house. Agathon. A philosophical romance by Wie- land, published in 1766 : so named from its chief character in which the author depicted himself. Agathon. An unknown author referred to by Chaucer in the prologue to the “Legend of Good Women.” Agave (a-ga've). [Gr. Ayavg.'] In Greek legend, the daughter of Cadmus, wife of the Spartan Echion, and mother of Pentheus, king of Thebes, whom she destroyed in a frenzy. Agawam (ag'a-wom). A town in Hampden County, Massachusetts, situated on the Con- necticut nearly opposite Springfield. Popula- tion, 3,501, (1910). Agawam. See Pennacook. Agbatana. Same as Ecbatana. Agde (agd). A town in the department of Herault, France, the ancient Agatha, on the Herault near the Mediterranean , 29 miles south- west of Montpellier. It was a colony of Massilia. A council was called here by Alaric II. in 606, and it has often been sacked in the religious wars. It was held for some years by the Huguenots. Population, 8,435. Aged P. See Wemmick. Ageladas (a-jel'a-das). [Gr. ’AytZadaf.] Flour- ished 520-460 b. c. A Greek sculptor, a native of Argos, known chiefly as the instructor of the three great sculptors of the 5th century B. c. , Myron, Phidias, and Polycleitus. He probably represented more especially the severe formulae of the Doric. Peloponnesian, or Argive school which devoted itself to the structure and proportions of the perfected athlete, in distinction from the more graceful and sympathetic Ionic school already far advanced in Asia Minor and north- ern Greece. Nothing now remains which can be traced to his hand An inscription with his name has been dis- covered at Olympia. Agelaus (aj-e-la'us). [Gr. Ay/Zaor.] In Greek 20 mythology: 1. A son of Heracles, and ances- tor of Croesus. — 2. A servant of Priam, who exposed Paris on Mount Ida. — 3. The bravest of the suitors of Penelope. He was one of the last to he slain by Ulysses. Agen (a-zhon'). The capital of the department of Lot-et-Garonne, France, the ancient Agin- num, on the Garonne about lat. 44- 13' N., long. 0° 39' E. It has a cathedral. It was the capi- tal of the Nitiobriges, and later of the Agenois, and was the scene of executions in the Albieensian and Hueruenot wars. It is also notable as the birthplace of Scaliger and Lacepede. Population, commune, 23,141. Agendicum (a-jen'di-kum). The ancient name of Sens, France. Agenois (a-zha-nwa/), or Agenais (a-zha-na'). A former district of France, comprised in the modern department of Lot-et-Garonne. Agenor (a-je'nor). [Gr. A yr/vap.'] 1. In Greek legend: (a) A king of Phoenicia, son of Posei- don and Libya, and father of Cadmus and Eu- ropa. ( b ) A son of Phegeus, king of Psophis in Arcadia, one of the slayers of Alemteon, slain, in turn, by Alcmteon’s son. (c) A brave Trojan warrior, son of Antenor, who appears in the Il- iad as a leader in the attack on the fortifications of the Greeks. He fought with and wounded Achilles, and Apollo assumed his form in order to lead Achilles away from his pursuit of the retreating Trojans. 2. The Greek name for Baal-Samen. Age of Innocence. A noted painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the National Gallery, Lon- don. It represents a little girl seated on the ground in a wooded landscape. Ager (a'ger), Captain. A character in Middle- ton and Rowley’s play “A Fair Quarrel,” a soldier of delicate and noble nature who makes, in his consideration of a point of family honor, a fine distinction between moral and physical ..courage. Ageri (a'ger-i), or Egeri (a'ger-i). A small valley in the eastern part of the canton of .Zug, Switzerland. Ageri, or Egeri, Lake of. A lake, about miles long, in the canton of Zug, Switzerland. Its outlet is by the Lorze into the Lake of Zug. Agesander (aj-e_-san'der), or Agesandros (-dros). [Gr.' , A;'/;eranJpof.] Flourished 42-21 B. c. A Greek sculptor, a native of Rhodes. With Athenodorus and Polydorus of Rhodes he carved the Laocoon (which see). Agesilail of Colchos. The principal character in the romance of that name in the eleventh and twelfth hooks of “Amadis of Gaul.” Agesilas (a-zha-se-las'). A tragedy by Cor- neille, produced in 1666. Agesilaus ( a-je-si-la'us) II., or Agesilaos (-os). [Gr. ’Ayr/auao f.] Died in Egypt in the winter of 361-360 B. C. King of Sparta from 399 to 361 B. c., a son of Archidamus II. of the Eu- rypontid line, by his second wife Eupolia, and half-brother of Agis II. whom he succeeded. In 396 he came to the relief of the Asiatic Greeks against Persia, and in the following year defeated the satraps Tissaphernes and Pharnabazus. In 394, as he was prepar- ing to enter the heart of the empire, he was called home by the ephors to take part in the Corinthian war, stirred up against Sparta by Pers an gold. In 394 he defeated the troops of the allies at the battle of Coronea in Boeotia. In 393 he ravaged Argolis, in 392 the Corinthian territory, and in 391 reduced (he Acarnanians. In 369 he main- tained the unwalled Sparta against the attacks of four armies. He was present at the battle of Mantineia in 362, and in 361 he crossed with a Lacedaemonian army of mercenaries into Egypt. Agger of Servius Tullius. [L. agger, mound, rampart.] An especially important stretch of the Servian Wall of Rome, extending from the Colline Gate, on the site of the present Ministry of Finance, across the low ground to the Es- quilme Gate, adjoining the existing Arch of Gallienus, at the foot of the Esquiline. in the middle of the Agger there was a third gate, the Porta Viminalis. The Agger consisted of a great mound of earth, hi front of which there was a ditch 30 feet deep and 100 wide. The mound had a very massive retaining- wall in front, rising 30 feet above the top of the ditch, and a lighter wall at the back. An impressive length of the front wall is standing, close to tile railway-station. Aggershus (ag'gers-hos), or Akershus ( a'kers- hos). An amt or province of southeastern Norway. Area, 2,01/ square miles. Popula- tion, 116,896. Aggtelek. See Agtclck. Aghasura (a-gha'so-ra). [‘The Asura or de- mon Agha.’] In Hindu mythology, an asura who was general of Kansa, king of Mathura, and second cousin of Krishna. He took the form of a huge serpent, and Krishna's companions the cowherds entered into its mouth, mistaking it for a cavern, Krishna rescuing them. Aghlabides. See Aglabites. Aghrerath (agh're-rath). In the Shahnamah, Agnes the third son of the Turanian king Pesheng. He fruitlessly tried to dissuade Pesheng from attacking Iran, and Afrasiab from executing Naudar. He freed Naudar’s captive nobles, who had been spared on his entreaty and were imprisoned at Sari. For this he was killed by Afrasiab. Aghrim, or Aughrim (ag'rim). A village in County Galway, Ireland, about 31 miles east of Galway. Here, July 12, 1691, the English under Ginkel defeated the Irish and French under Saint-Ruth. Agias (a'ji-as). [Gr. Ayeaf.] An ancient Greek “cyclic” poet of Trcezen (about 740 b. c.), author of the “Nostoi,” or “Homeward Voy- ages” of the Ac h to a II heroes from the siege of Troy. Agib (a/ gib). 1. The third Calendar in the story of “The Three Calendars” in the “Ara- bian Nights’ Entertainments.” — 2. In the story of Noureddin Ali and Bedredden Hassan in “The Arabian Nights,” a son of Bedredden Hassan and the Queen of Beauty. Agilolfinger (a-gi-lol'fing-er). The family of the earliest dukes of Bavaria. The line began about 590 (530 ?) and ended in 788. Agilulf (a'gi-lulf). Died 616. A duke of Turin and king of Lombardy. Agincourt (aj'in-kort; F. pron. azh-an-kor'). A village in the department of Pas-de-Calais, Prance, about 29 miles southeast of Boulogne, noted for the victory gained there Oct. 25, 1415, by the English (about 15,000) under Henry V. over the French (50,000-60,000) under the Con- stable d’Albret. The loss of the English was about 1,600 ; that of the French over 10,000. Agincourt. See Seroux d’ Agincourt. Agincourt, Ballad of. A poem by Drayton which appeared in “Poems Lyrick and Pasto- ral” about 1605. (Not to be confused with “The Battle of Agincourt," also by Drayton, which he pub- lished in 1627.) Aginnum. See Agen. Agira (a-je'ra), or San Filippo d’Argiro. A town, the ancient Agyrium, in the province of Catania, Sicily, about 31 miles northwest of Catania. Population, 10,836; commune, 17,738. Agis (a'jis) I. [Gr. ’Aytf.] King of Sparta about 1032 (?) b. c. Agis II. King of Sparta from about 426 to 399 B. c. He was victorious at Mantineia 418. Agis III. King of Sparta 338-330 B. c. He was allied with Persia against Macedon, and was defeated and killed in 330. Agis IV. Died b. c. 240. King of Sparta from B. c. 244: son of Eudamidas II. of theEurypontid line. He proposed to recruit the ranks of the Spartans from among the Fericeci, and advocated a redistribution of tlie landed property. In these measures of reform he was opposed by his colleague, Leonidas II.. of the Agid line, and was, after seme transient successes, captured and sentenced to death by the ephors. Alfieri produced a remarkable tragedy on this subject. Aglabites (ag'la-blts), or Aghlabites, or Agla- bides (ag'la-bidz). An Arab dynasty which reigned in northern Africa (capital at Kairwan) from the beginning of the 9th century to 909. It was succeeded by the Fatimites. Aglaia (ag-la'ya). [Gr. AyXaia.'] 1. In Greek mythology, one of the three Graces. — 2. An asteroid (No. 47) discovered by Luther at Bilk, Sept. 15, 1857. Aglaura (ag-la'ra). A tragedy by Sir John Suckling, acted in 1637-38 and printed in 1646. Aglaura enjoys the eccentric possession of two fifth acts, so that it c n be made a tragedy or a tragi-comedy at pleasure. Saintsbury. Aglauros (ag-la'ros), or Agraulos (ag-ra'los), or Agraule (-le). [Gr. ’’Ay'/avpoc, "AypavAoc, Ay- pav?7/.] In Greek mythology, the wife of Ce- c-rops; also, the daughter of Cecrops, noted in legends of Attica. Aglemut (ag'le-mot). [Singular Aglemu.] A tribe of Alaskan Eskimo inhabiting the shores of Bristol Bay and the northern shore of the Alas- kan peninsula. Also Jglemvit, Aglegmut. Agnadello (a-nya-dc l'lo). A village in the prov- ince of Cremona, northern Italy, near Lodi. Here, May 14, 15C9, the French, under Louis XII., de- feated the Venetians. For the battle of 1705, see Lassano. Agnano, Lago d’ (13/ go u’ a-nya'nd). Formerly a small lake, now an open crater, 5 miles west of Naples, noted for the Grotta del Cane (which see). It was drained in 1870. Agnes (ag'nes or ag'nez), Saint. [Formerly Annes, Annis, Annire, etc., F. Agnes, L. Agnes; from Gr. ayv of, lamb.] A Roman virgin and martyr, 12 or 13 years of age, beheaded during the reign of Diocletian. She is said to have been slain after having been exposed to the vilest outrage in a brothel. Her festival is celebrated on Jan. 21 by the Greek, Roman, and Anglican churches. Agnes Agnes. 1. A character in Moliere’s “ L’Ecolo des Femmes,” an ingenue. She contrives to make extremely suggestive allusions while speaking with the utmost simplicity of mind. Wycherley took his “Coun- try Wife ’’ from this character. The name has become proverbial for a person of this kind. 2. In “Fatal Curiosity,” a tragedy by George Lillo, the wife of Wilmot and mother of Young Wilmot. She kills her son. — 3. See Wickfield. Agnes’s Eve, Saint. Celebrated on the night of Jan. 20. It was especially a holiday for women. It was supposed possible by various forms of divination for a girl on this night to see the form of her future husband. Agnes’ Eve, Saint. A poem by Tennyson, pub- lished in 1842. Agnes, The Eve of Saint. A poem by Keats, written in 1818. Agnes Grey. A novel by Anne Bronte, pub- lished under the signature of ‘ ‘ Acton Bell ” in 1847. Agnes of Austria. Born 1281: died 1364. Daughter of the German king Albert I., and wife of Andrew III. of Hungary, notorious for her vengeance on all connected with the mur- derers of her father. Agnes of Meran. Died at Poissy, 1201. Wife of Philip II. of France, and daughter of Duke Berthold of Meran. Philip’s divorce of his previous >. fe, Ingeborg of Denmark, \va3 held to lie invalid by the I ope, and he was forced by an interdict to reinstate her. Agnes of Poitou. Died Dec. 14, 1077. Second consort of the emperor Henry IH., and daughter of William V., duke of Aquitaine. At the death of Henry III., Oct. 5, 1056, she became guardian of her son, Henry IV. A con- spiracy of the nobility deprived her of the regency in May, 1062, when the young king was abducted from Kaiserswerth to Cologne by Anno, archbishop of Cologne. Agnes Sorel. See Sorel, Agnes. Agnesi (a-nya'ze), Maria, Gaetana. Born at Milan, May 16, 1718: died at Milan, Aug. 4, 1799. An Italian lady, appointed professor of mathematics at Bologna in 1750, noted for her acquirements in languages and science : author of “Iustituzioni Analitiche” (1745), etc. Agnesi, Maria Theresa. Born at Milan, 1724: died about 1780. An Italian composer and pianist, sister of M. G. Agnesi : author of the operas “Sofonisbe,” “Ciro in Armenia,” “Ni- tocri,” and “ Insubria Consolato.” Agnethlen (ag'net-len). A town in Transyl- vania, about 25 miles northeast of Hermann- stadt. Population, about 3,000. Agnew (ag'nu), Cornelius Rea. Bom at New York, Aug. 8, 1830: died there, April 18, 1888. A noted American physician and surgeon, clinical professor of diseases of the ear and eye in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York city (1869). Agliew, David Hayes. Born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Nov. 24, 1818: died at Philadelphia, March 22, 1892. An eminent Am- erican surgeon, appointed in 1870 professor of operative surgery, and in 1871 of the principles and practice of surgery, iu the University of Pennsylvania. Agnew, Patrick. Bom 1822: died at Multan, India, April 21, 1848. An English Indian civil servant, murdered witli his companion, Lieu- tenant W. A. Anderson, by the retainers of Mulraj, dewan or governor of Multhn. This incident led to the second Sikh war. Agni(ag'ni), [Skt.,=:L. ignis, fire.] In Hindu mythology, the god of fire.'' in the Veda he is the conveyer of the sacrifice, messenger and priest of men, their protector against the horrors of the darkness, the defender of the home. As one of the chief divinities of the Vedas great numbers of hymns are addressed to him, more than to any other god. He is one of the three great deities Agni, Vayu (or Indra), and Surya, who preside re- spectively over earth, air, and sky. Agni Purana (ag'ni po-ra'nii). APuraua (so named as supposed to have been communicated by Agni to Vasishtha) devoted to the glorifica- tion of Siva, hut of very various contents, ritual, cosmical, ethical, military, legal, medical, rhe- torical, grammatical, taken largely from earlier works. It is quite modern, and has no legiti- mate claim to be regarded as a Purana. Agnie. See Mohawk. Agniehronnon. See Mohawk. Agnoetae (ag-no-e'te). [Gr. ’Ayvor/ra'i, the igno- rant ones.] 1. A Christian sect of the 4th cen- tury, which denied the omniscience of the Su- premo Being, maintaining that God knows the past only by memory, and the future only by inference from the present. — 2. A sect of the 6th century, followers of Themistius, deacon of Alexandria, who, on the authority of Mark xiii. 32 (“But of that day and that hour know- eth no man, . . . neither the Son, but the 21 Father”), held that Christ, as man, was igno- rant of many things, and specifically of the time of the day of judgment. Also Agnoitce, Agnoites. Agnolo (a'nyo-lo), Baccio d’. Born at Florence about 1461 : died 1543. A Florentine architect. Agobard (F. pron. ag-6-biir'). Boru 779: died J une 6, 840. A Frankish theologian, archbishop of Lyons 816. Agora (ag'o-ra), The. [Gr. ayopa, assembly, market-place.] Alarge irregular area in Athens, entered beneath the northeast angle of the Colo- nus Ago rams hill, on which stands the so-called * Theseum, by the broad portico-bordered Dromos street running to the Dipylon Gate, thence pass- ing along the base of the “ Theseum” hill, and extending one branch north of the Areopagus, and another around the western endof the Areo- pagus, and between the Pnyx and the Acropolis. Tliis last portion was especially the political agora, while the portion north of the Areopagus was more particularly the original commercial agora or market-place, embra- cingaswell anumberof religious foundations, thefamous porticos, the Basil , ios, Hleutherios, and l'oikile, and the Bonleuterion or senate-house. The position of the new agora or oil-market is i xed by its existing Gate of Athena Archegetis : much of its inclosure also remains, south of the Stoa of Hadrian, and further east than the old agora. The great Stoa of Attalus If. undoubtedly faced on part of the commercial agora, and the so-called Stoa of the giants is within the area of the agora. Agoracritus (ag-o-rak'ri-tus), or Agorakritos (-tos). [Gr. ’Ayopanoirot;.'] A Greek sculptor, a native of Paros, the favorite pupil of Phi- dias and the rival of Alcameues. His most famous statue was a Nemesis, probably repre- sented by a little statue in the Lateran. Agordo (a-gor'do). A small town in tbo prov- ince of Belluno, northern Italy, situated on the Cordevole 14 miles northwest of Belluno. There are important mines of copper and other minerals in the vicinity. Agosta (a-gos'tii), L. Augusta (a-gus'ta). A seaport in the province of Syracuse, Sicily, about 13 miles north of Syracuse, it was over- thrown by an earthquake in 1693. Near here, April 22, 1676, the French fleet defeated the Spanish and Dutch. Population, 15,317 • commune, 16,102. Agostini (ii-gos-te'ne), Leonardo. Born at Siena, Italy : lived in the 17th century. An Italian antiquary, appointed inspector of an- tiquities by Pope Alexander VII. : editor of a new edition of Paruta’s “ Sicilian Medals,” etc. Agostini, Paolo. Born at Vallerano, Campagna Eomana, Italy, 1593 : died at Borne, 1629. A noted Italian composer, chiefly of sacred music, maestro at the Vatican Chapel (1629). Agostino de Duccio (a-gos-te'no de do'ehid). Born at Florence, .1418: died at Perugia, 1498. An Italian sculptor, noted for his reliefs in glazed terra-cotta. In 1442 he made the reliefs on the facade of the Duomo at Modena. From 1446 to 1454 he lived In Bimini. From Bimini he went to Perugia, where his beautiful facade of the church of San Bernar- dino, with its terra-cottas and party-colored marbles, forms one of the most charming examples of polychromatic architecture in Italy. Agoult (fi-go' ), Comtessed’ (Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny): pseudonym Daniel Stern. Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Dec. 31, 1805 : died at Paris, March 5, 1876. A French writer. Her works include “Esquisses morales et poli- tiques" (184 J), “Histoire de la revolution de 1848” (1851), “ Neiida,” etc. She lived for atime with T.iszt, and of her two daughters by him one married Von Billow and after- ward Wagner. AgOVJ(a-gou'). Abranchof theEthiopian family constituting a large part of the population of Abyssinia. They inhabit parts of Amhara and Tigr6. Agra (a'gra). 1. A division of the United Provinces of British India. Area, 10,078 square miles. Population, 5,249,542. — 2. A district of the division of Agra, intersected by lat. 27° N., long. 78° E. Area, 1,845 square miles. Population, 1,060,528. — 3. The capital of the division and district of Agra, situated on the Jumna about lat. 27° 10' N., long. 78° E. It is a military, railway, and commercial center, and exports cotton, BUgar, and worked marble. It was the capital of the Mogul empire during the last part of the 10th and the first part of the 17th century, and was captured by the British in 1893. The English in Agra were besieged in the fort by the mutineers, July-Oct., 1857. Popu- lation, including cantonment, 188,022. Among the noted buildings of Agra are : (1) The palace of Akbar, massively built of red sandstone, richly sculptured, and exhibiting in its lintel-construction the marks of Hindu influence on the Indian-Saracenic style. (2) Adjoining lies the palace of Shah Jehan, half a century later in date, and forming a strong contrast, in its white marble archi- tecture, its dentellated arcades, and its inlaid work of arabesques and flowers in colored stone. (3) The Pearl Mosque, another notable foundation of Shah Jehan. The Agricola, Johann Friedrich entire size, including the cloistered court, is only 187 by 234 feet, but the building is a gem of Mogul artistic de- sign and execution. (4) The tomb of ltimad ud-Daulah, built under Jahangir, in the early 17th century. By its inlaid work in stone, possibly of Italian derivation, it marks an epoch in the Indian-Saracenic style. The ex- terior forms a single story with octagonal towers at the angles, and is surmounted by a square central pavilion with three arcades to a side, widely projecting bracketed cornice, and a domical roof. All the openings of the monument except the central portal are closed by marble slabs pierced in geometrical patterns of marvelous deli- cacy. (5) The Taj-Mahal (which see). AgYcS (a'gre). [Gr. al ’Aypa.i.\ A suburb of an- cient Athens extending eastward from opposite the temple of Olympian Zeus over the hills on the south bank of the Ilissus. In it lies the Panathenaic Stadium. Agram (a/gram), Slav. Zagrab (zag'rab). 1. A county in the northwestern part of Croa- tia and Slavonia. Population, 541,242. — 2. A royal free city, capital of the crownland of Croatia and Slavonia, Austria-Hungary, situ- ated near the Save about lat. 45° 49' N., long. 15° 58' E. It has a trade in wine and grain, and some, manufactures, and is the seat of aBornan Catholic arch- bishopric and cathedral, and of a university. The latter was opened in 1874, and has about 70 instructors and 1,300 students. It was devastated by earthquakes in 1880-81. Population, 79,000, (1910). Agramant (ii'gra-mant). In Boiardo’s “Or- lando Innamorato” and Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso,” the young king of Africa. Agramonte y Lomaz (a-gra-mon'te e lo-e- naz'), Ignacio. Born at Puerto Principe, 1841 : killed at the encounter of Jimaguayu, July 1, 1873. A Cuban revolutionist, one of the leaders of the revolts cf 18C7 and 1868, commissioned major-general by Cespedes. He commanded the insurgents in Camagiiey, and subsequently their entire force. Agraulos. See Aglauros. Agravaine (ag'ra-van), Sir. In the romances of chivalry, a knight of the Bound Table, sur- named L’Orgueilleux (‘ The Proud’). Agraviados (a-gra-ve-a'THds). [Sp., ‘the dis- contented.’] In Spanish history, the adherents of the Hapsburgs in Spain in the 18th century, who opposed recognition of the Bourbons; also, the partizans of an unsuccessful absolutist out- break in 1826-28. Agreda (a-gra'THa). A small town in the prov- ince of Soria, Spain, about 60 miles northwest of Saragossa. Agreda, Maria de. Bom at Agreda, Spain, 1602: died at Agreda, May 24, 1665. A Spanish mystic, abbess of the convent of the Immacu- late Conception at Agreda. She wrote a life of the Virgin Mary, the contents of which she asserted had been revealed to her. It was characterized by Bossuet as indecent, and was censured by the Sorbonne. Agreeable Surprise, The. A farce by O’Keefe, produced in 1781. It contains some peculiarly felicitous blunders in situation and character. A-Green. See George-a-Green. Agrib (a'greb), or Jebel Ghareb (jeb'el gha'- reb). A mountain in middle Egypt, lat. 28° 12' N., long. 32° 42' E., about 5,300 feet high. Also Agreeb, Agarrib, Jebel Khareeb, etc. Agricane (a-gre-ka'ne). In Boiardo’s “Orlando Innamorato,” a king of Tatary who is in com- mand of an enormous army, but is killed by Orlando in single combat. Agricola (a-grik'o-lji), Christoph Ludwig. Born at Batisbon, Nov. 5, 1667: died there, 1719. A German landscape- and portrait-painter. Agricola, Cnasus Julius. Born at Forum Julii (Fr6jus), June 13, a. D. 37 : died at Borne, Aug. 23, a. d. 93. A Boman soldier and statesman, son of the senator Julius Grascinas, and the father- in-law of Tacitus. He served'first under Suetonius Paulinus in Britain ; in C3 was appointed qusestor in Asia under the proconsul Salvius Titianus; in 70 was raised by Vespasian to the command of the 20th legion in Britain ; and from 74 to 73 was governor of the province of A qui- tania. On his recall he was elected consul and assigned the province of Southern Britain. In seven campaigns from 78 to 84 he pacified the rest of Britain as far as the northern boundary of berth and Argyll. He was recalled to Borne in 84. Agricola (originally Bauer), Georg. Born at Glauchau, Saxony , March 24, 1490 : died at Chem- nitz, Saxony, Nov. 21, 1555. A German min- eralogist, an tii or of a treatise on metallurgy, “De re metallica” (1530), etc. Agricola (originally Schnitter), Johann. Born at Eislehen, Germany, Aoril 20, 1492 : died at Berlin, Sept. 22, 1566. A German Protestant theologian and reformer, preacher in Eislehen, professor in Wittenberg, and later court preach- er in Berlin. He was a leader of the Antinomians. He published various theological works, and a collection of German proverbs (1529-48). Agricola, Johann Friedrich. Born at Dobit- Agricola, Johann Friedrich echen, Saxe-Altenburg, Jan. 4, 1720: died at Berlin, Nov. 12, 1774. A German organist and composer, director of the Royal Chapel at Ber- lin 1759-74. Agricola (originally Sohr or Sore), Martin. Born at Sorau, Brandenburg, about 1486: died at Magdeburg, June 10, 1556. A German musician and writer on music, musical director at Magdeburg, notable for his attempt to im- prove musical notation : author of “Ein Kurtz deutsche Musica” (1528), “Musiea instrumen- talis deudsch ” (1529), etc. Agricola, Rodolphus (Roelof Huysmann). Born at Baflo, near Groningen, in 1443: died at Heidelberg in 1485. A Dutch scholar, painter, and musician, lecturer on Greek and Roman literature at Worms and Heidelberg after 1482. He was an influential promotor of classi- cal studies. His principal work is a treatise “ De Inven- tione Dialectica." Agri Decumates. See Decumates Agri. Agrigentum (ag-ri-jen'tum). The ancient name of Girgenti : the Greek Akragas CAnpayag). It was founded by colonists from Gela about 582 B. C.. In the middle of the 6th century B. c. it was ruled by the tyrant Phalaris: afterward its government was in turn oligarchic and republican. It was most flourishing in the 5th cen- tury B. c., when it was a great commercial center, with nearly 1,000,000 (?) inhabitants. In 406 B. c. it was plun- dered by Carthage, and was rebuilt and received a Syra- cusan colony. In the Punic wars it sided with Carthage, and was eventually annexed by Rome, and became of little importance. For its later history and ruins, see Girgenti. Agrippa (a-grip'a), Cornelius Heinrich (called Agrippa of Nettesheira). Born at Cologne, Prussia, Sept. 14, 1486: died at Grenoble, France, Feb. 18, 1535. A German philosopher and student of alchemy and magic, author of “ De incertitudine et vanitate scientiarum” (1527), “De occulta philosophia” (1510), etc. Agrippa I., Herod. Bom about 11 b. c.: died at Catsarea, Palestine, 44 A. D. A grandson of Herod the Great, appointed king over the tetrarchies of northeastern Palestine, 37 A. d., and in 41 A. D. over Judea also. He persecuted the Christians, 44 A. I>. (Acts xii.), and is said to have died in a horrible manner. Acts xii. 23. Agrippa II., Herod. Born about 27 a. d.: died at Rome, 100. Son of Herod Agrippa I., made prince of Chalcis 48 A. D., and king over northern Palestine in 52. He sided with the Romans in the conquest of Jerusalem. It was before him that Paul was brought. Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius. Born at Rome, 63 B. c. : died in Campania, 12 B. C. A Roman commander, of obscure origin, the leading statesman of the reign of Augustus. He served under Octavius in the Perusinian war, and in Gaul and Germany ; defeated Sextus Pompey atMylfeandNaulochus 36 b. C.; was consul 37, and sedile 33 ; served at Actium 31 ; dedicated the Pantheon 27 ; was governor of Syria 17 ; and was tribune with Augustus 18-13 B. c. He was tho father of Vipsania, first wife of Tiberius and mother of lirusus. His third wife was Julia, the daughter of Au- gustus and widow of Marcellus. Agrippa, Menenius. A character in Shak- spere’s “ Coriolanus.” Agrippa Postumus. Born 12 b. c. : died 14 A. D. A posthumous son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa by Julia, the daughter of Augustus, adopted by Augustus in 4 B. c., and murdered in prison on the accession of Tiberius, probably by the order of Livia. Agrippina (ag-ri-pi'na). Born about 13 b. c. : died at Pandataria, near Naples, 33 a. d. The youngest daughter of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia, the daughter of Augustus: wife of Germanicus and mother of Caligula, she in- curred the hatred of Tiberius and Sejanus, and by them was banished to Pandataria, where she died of voluntary starvation. She was a woman of lofty character. Agrippina, Julia. Born at Oppidum Ubiorum (named for her Colonia Agrippina, the modern Cologne), about 15 a. d. : put to death at the Lucrine Lake, near Baiae, 60 or 59. A daughter of Germanicus and Agrippina, and wife of Domitius Ahenobarbus by whom she was mother of Nero. Later she married CrispusPassienus, and, 49 a. D., Claudius whom she poisoned 54 a.d. She was a woman of scandalous life (according to ancient authori- ties) and unbounded ambition and had great influence in the early part of Nero’s reign : but she was murdered by his order. There is a portrait-statue of her in Naples. Agtelek (og'te-lek). A village in the county of Gomor, Hungary, noted for its cavern (or Baradla), which is, after the Adelsberg, the largest stalactite grotto in Europe. Agu (a-go'), or Aku (a-ko'). An old Chaldean name of the moon-god ; in later Babylonian and Assyrian, Sin (which see). Agua (a'gwa), or Volcan de Agua. [Sp., ‘ vol- cano of water.’] A conical mountain 25 miles southwest of Guatemala, 12,197 feet high. It 22 discharges water, and destroyed old Guatemala ★ by floods, Sept. 8, 1541. Aguadilla (a-gwa-THel'ya). A seaport at the northwestern extremity of Porto Rico. Popu- lation, 6,135, (1910). Aguado (a-gwa'THo), Juan de. A Spaniard who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage to America (1493), returned to Spain next year and was made royal commissioner to investi- gate the affairs of Hispaniola, He arrived there in Oct., 1495, and returned to Spain 1496. Nothing is known of his previous or subsequent history. Agua Fria (a'gwa fre'a) Creek. A tributary of the Gila River in Arizona. Aguas Calientes (a'gwas ka-le-an'tes). [Sp., ‘ hot springs.’] A state of Mexico, bounded by Zacatecas on the west, north, and east, and by Jalisco on the south and southeast. Area, 2,951 square miles. Population, 118,978, (1910). Aguas Calientes. The capital of the state of the same name, about lat. 21° 53' N., long. 102° 17' W. There are hot springs in the vicinity (whence the name). Population, about 40,000. Ague-Cheek (a'gu-chek), Sir Andrew. A character in Shakspere’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” a timid, silly but amusing country squire. Agiiero (a-go-a'ro), Cristobal. Born in San Luis de la Paz, Michoacan, 1600 : date of death not recorded. A Mexican Dominican mission- ary, who spent the greater part of his life labor- ing among the Zapotec-an Indians. He left several works on their language. Agiiero, Joaquin de. Born at Puerto Principe, Nov. 15, 1816: died there, Aug. 12, 1851. A Cuban revolutionist. He was a planter of moderate fortune and exalted ideas. In 1843 he freed his slaves and took measures to have them educated. Later he endea- vored to bring white immigrants to Cuba. After engaging in the insurrection of 1851, he was captured and shot. Agiiero, Jose Riva. See Riva Agiiero , Jos6. Aguesseau (a-ge-so'), Henri Francois d’, or Daguesseau. Born at Limoges, France, Nov. 27, 1668: died at Paris, Feb. 9, 1751. A French jurist, chancellor of France 1717-22 and 1737-50. His complete works were published 1759-89. Aguilar (a-ge-lar'), Grace. Born at London, June, 1816: died at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Sept. 16, 1847. An English novelist and writer on Jewish history. She was the daughter of Jewish parents. Aguilar, Manuel. Born in Costa Rica about 1800 : died at Guatemala, June 6, 1846. A Cen- tral American statesman. He occupied various public posts in Costa Rica, represented that state in the Assembly of 1828, and was elected president April 7, 1837. He was deposed by Carrillo, May, 1838. Aguilar de la. Frontera (a-ge-lar' da la fron- ta'ra). A town in the province of Cordova, Spain. 26 miles southeast of Cordova. Popu- lation, 13,236. Aguilas (ii'ge-las), or San Juan de las Agui- las (san Hwan da las a'ge-las). A seaport in the province of Murcia, Spain, 48 miles south- west of Murcia. It exports lead, esparto-grass, and soda. Population, 15,868. Aguilera (a-ge-la'ra), Francisco Xavier. Born at Santa Cruz de la Sierra about 1775 : died at Valle Grande, Nov. 23, 1828. A royalist guer- rilla chief of Chareas (Bolivia), notorious for his cruelty. He received a commission as brigadier- general, and for a time was military commandant of Santa Cruz. In 1828, with a small force* he captured a Spanish post, and proclaimed Ferdinand VII. as king. He was soon captured and shot. Aguinaldo (a-ge-nal'do), Emilio. Born about 1868. A Filipino leader of mixed European and native descent. He took a leading part in the rebellion against Spain 1896-98. In January of the latter year he left the Philippines, agreeing not to return. After the battle of Manila, May I, 1898, he returned with the consent of the American authorities and established a native government, of which he became the head, and collected an army. On Feb. 4, 1899, he began hostilities against the American forces occupying Manila. He was captured in March, 1901. Aguirre (a-ger'ra), Josef Saenz de. Born at Logrono, Spain, March 24, 1630: died at Rome, Aug. 19, 1699. A Spanish cardinal and theo- logian, author of “Defensio cathedra; S. Pe- tri,” etc. (1682), “Collectio maxima Concilio- rum” (1693), “ Theologia S. Anselmi,” etc. Aguirre, Lope de. Born at Onate, Asturias, about 1508: shot Oct. 27, 1561. A Spanish ad- venturer who early in life drifted to America, and for twenty years led such a scandalous life in Peru that he was known as “Aguirre the madman.” He was engaged in several rebellions, was outlawed, and joined the expedition of Pedro de Ursua in search of El Dorado and the kingdom of the Omaguas on the upper Amazon (1559). Ursua and his lieutenant Var- Ahava gas were murdered by Aguirre and others at Machiparo, near the present site of Tabatinga on the upper Amazon, Jan. 1, 1561, and Fernando de Guzman (whom Aguirre afterward murdered) was made general with Aguirre as his lieutenant. From this time the expedition became a piratical cruise so wild that it bordered on insanity. The band declared themselves rebels, or maranones, and pro- ceeded down the Amazon, plundering Indian villages, fighting with one another, and committing every horrible crime, reaching the island of Margarita July 20, 1561. There Aguirre murdered the governor and others, robbed the royal treasury, and then made a descent on the main- land of Venezuela. He was captured at Barquisimeto, and shot by his own maranones. Agulhas (a-go'lyas), Cape. The southern- most point of Africa, in lat. 34° 50' S., long. 20° 1' E., 100 miles southeast of the Cape of Good Hope. Agustfn (a-gos-ten') I. The title of Iturbide, emperor of Mexico. See Iturbide. Agustina (a-gos-te'na). Died at Cueta, Spain, June, 1857. The “ Maid of Saragossa,” noted for her bravery in the defense of that citv, 1808-09. Agyia (a-ji'yii). A town in Thessaly, Greece, at the foot of Mount Ossa. Population, 2,806. Ahab (a'hab). [Heb. Achab (Gr. Aj-ad/3), fa- ther’s brother.] King of Israel, according to the traditional reckoning, 918-896 b. c., but according to some scholars 876-854 B. c. : the son and successor of Omri. He married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre, and permitted the wor- ship of Baal and Astarte in Samaria, alongside of that of Yahveh. By this, as well as by his luxury and wicked- ness in the matter of Naboth’s vineyard, he provoked the anger of the prophets, more especially of Elijah. He engaged in a war with Benhadad of Damascus, whom he defeated in liis second campaign, hut whose life he spared. No reason for this is given in the Old Testament, and the act was denounced by the prophets. The reason of this act is found in the cuneiform inscriptions where we find that Shalmanezer II. in 854 B. c. fought with the kings of Damascus, Hamath, and with Ahabbu Sirlaa who i3 identified by most scholars with Ahab of Israel. The presence of the common enemy Assyria no doubt induced Ahab to make peace with Benhadad of Damascus. After the disappearance of danger from Assyria he made an alliance with Jehosaphat, king of Judah, and carried on another campaign against Damascus, but was killed in a battle at Ramoth Gilead. The Old Testament contains considerable information concerning this period, which is supplemented by the cuneiform inscriptions and the Moabite stone. Ahab continued Samaria as the capital of Israel, but dwelt in Jezreel, which he greatly beautified. Ahaggar (a -hag 'gar). A large plateau and mountainous region in Sahara, intersected by lat. 23°-24° N., long. 5°-6° E. The chief place in it is Ideles. Ahala (a-ha'la), Cneius Servilius Structus. A Roman patrician, master of the horse 439 B. C. (according to the common chronology), and slayer of the popular leader Spurius Maslius. Ahalya (a-hal'ya). In Hindu legend, the wife of the Rishi Gautama, and very beautiful : ac- cording to the Ramayana the first woman made by Brahma and given by him to Gautama. She was seduced by India. Gautama expelled Ahalya from his hermitage and deprived her of her preeminent beauty or, as others state, made her invisible. Rama re- stored her to her natural state and reconciled her to her husband. Kumarila Bhatta explains this seduction as In- dra’s (the sun’s) carrying away the shade of night. Ahanta (a-han'ta). A district on the Gold Coast of Africa, about long. 2°-3° W. Ahantchuyuk (a-hant'cho-yok). A division of the Kalapooian stock of North American In- dians, on and about Pudding River, Ore- gon. The name was applied to them by the Calapooya. See Kalapooian. Also called Fra.ch Prairie Indians, and Pudding Paver Indians. Ahasuerus (a-liaz-u-e'rus). [Heb. Aliashve- rosb, Pers. Khschjdrsha (‘mighty’ and ‘eye’?).] Xerxes, who ruled 486-465 B. C., mentioned in Ezra iv. 6 and throughout the book of Esther. The Ahasuerus of the book of Daniel (ix. 1), who is called the father of Darius the Mede, cannot have been Xerxes; he has been variously identified with Astyages and Cy- axeres. See Xerxes. Ahasuerus. 1 . A name given to the legendary “Wandering Jew” (which see). — 2. A prose drama by Edgar Quinet, published in 1833, founded on the legend of the Wandering Jew. Ahaus (a'hous). A small town in the province of Westphalia, Prussia, about 28 miles north- west of Munster. Ahausen (ii'hou-zen), or Auhausen (ou'hou- zen). A village in Bavaria, 12 miles northeast of Nordlingen. Here the Protestant Union was formed under the lead of the elector Frederick IV. of the Palatinate in 1608. Ahausaht (a'hou-siit), or Ahowsaht. A tribe of North American Indians, on Clayoquaht Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, numberiner 273. See Alit. Ahava (aTia-va). The name of a place and river or canal in Babylon at which the Jews Ahava who formed the second expedition which re- turned to Jerusalem with Ezra assembled. Its exact location is unknown. Ezra viii. 15. Ahaz (a'haz). [Iieb., “possessor.’] King of Judah, according to some 735-715 b. c., accord- ing to others 734-728 or 742-727 B. C. The last date seems most probable. He was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. On his accession to the throne, which took place in his youth, Rezin, king of Syria, and Pekali, king of Israel, formed a conspiracy against him. Contrary to the advice of Isaiah he sought the assistance of the Assyrian king, to whom he paid homage and tribute. This latter fact is mentioned both in the Bible and the cuneiform inscriptions. In the latter he is called lauhazi , which would indicate that his name is shortened from Joahaz. His tribute to Assyria had the desired result, Tiglath Pileser attacking Rezin and Pekah. This policy culminated in the entire destruction of the kingdom of Israel. Ahaz was succeeded by his son Hezekiah. Ahaziah (a-ha-zi'a). [Heb., ‘sustained by Yahveh.’] Son of "Ahab and king of Israel 853-851 B. C. (896-894?). Ahaziah. Son of Jehoram and Athaliah, and king of Judah 844-843 b. c. (885-884?). Ahenobarbus (a-he-no-bar'bus). A plebeian family of Rome, gens Domitia, to which the emperor Nero belonged. Ahijah (a-hi'ja), or Ahiah (a-hi'a). [Heb., ‘brother of Yahveh.’] In Old Testament his- tory, the name of several persons, of whom the most notable was a son of Ahitub and high priest in the reign of Saul (1 Sam. xiv. 3, 18) : probably the same as Ahimelech, who was high priest at Nob, and was killed by Saul for assisting David. Ahimaaz (a-him'a-az). [Heb., ‘brother of anger.’] 1. The father of Ahinoam, wife of Saul. 1 Sam. xiv. 50. — 2. A high pi-iest, the son and successor of Zadok. He distinguished himself by his services to King David during the revolt of Ab- salom. 2 Sam. xv. xviii. Ahimelech (a-him'e-lek). [Heb., ‘brother of the king.’ Compare Assyrian Ahi-milki, ‘bro- ther of counsel.’] 1. Priest of Nob, father of Abiathar, the friend of David. He gave to David, who was fleeing from Saul, the sacred bread and the sword of Goliath from the tabernacle. For this Saul slew him. 2. Son of Abiathar, a priest in David’s time: grandson of the priest of Nob. Called Abim- elech, 1 Chr. xviii. 16. Ahithophel (a-hith'o-fel). [Heb. ‘brother of folly,’ that is, ‘foolish.’] 1. A Hebrew poli- tician, counselor of King David and, later, of Absalom in his revolt against his father. He was famous for his political wisdom, and his defection caused David great apprehension. His advice, however, was rejected by Absalom, and he thereupon retired to his home, set his affairs in order, and hanged himself. Thought to be the grandfather of Bathsheba. 2. A character in Dryden’s poem “Absalom and Achitophel,” intended to represent the Earl of Shaftesbury who was called by this name by his contemporaries: a treacherous friend and adviser. Also Acliitopliel. Ahlden (al'den). A small town 27 miles north of Hanover. Princess Sophia Dorothea, wife of George I. of England, was kept here as prisoner, 1694-1726. Ahlefeld (a'le-felt), Frau von (Charlotte Sophie Luise Wilhelmine von Seebach): pseudonym Elisa Selbig. Born at Stedten, near Erfurt, Germany, Dec. 6, 1781 : died at Teplitz, Bohemia, July 27, 1849. A German writer of sentimental novels. Ahlefeldt (a'le-felt), Countess Eliza Davidia Margaretha von. Born in Langeland, Den- mark, Nov. 17, 1790: died at Berlin, March 20, 1855. A German woman, wife of Major von Liit- zow (1810), from whom she was separated (1824), living then, for a time, with the author Immer- mann. She was noted for her patriotism (she accom- panied her husband to the field and cared for the wounded, 1813-14) and her love of literature. Ahlheide (al'hi-de). A sterile plain in the central part of Jutland, Denmark. Ahlquist (al'kvist), August Engelbert. Born at Kuopio, Finland, Aug. 7, 1826 : died Nov. 20, 1889. A Finnish philologist, poet, and traveler in Russia and Siberia, appointed in 1862 pro- fessor of the Finnish language and literature at Helsingfors. Ahlwardt (al'vart), Christian Wilhelm. Bom at Greifswald, Prussia, Nov. 23, 1760: died there, April 12, 1830. A German philologist, rector successively of several public schools, and later professor of ancient literature at the University of Greifswald. His work was chiefly upon the Greek poets (edited Pindar, 1820). Ahlwardt, Theodor Wilhelm. Born July 4, 1828 : died Nov. 1, 1909. A German orien- talist, son of Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt, pro- 23 fessor of oriental languages at the University of Greifswald. His chief work is the “Verzeichnis der arabischen Handschriften der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin " (1887-99 : 10 vols./. Ahmed. See Achmet. Ahmedabad (a-med-ii-bad'), or Ahmadabad (a-mad-a-bad'). A district in Bombay, British India, intersected by lat. 23° N., long. 72° E. Its area is 3,816 square miles. Population, 795,967. Ahmedabad. The capital of the district of Ahmedabad, situated on the Sabarmati in lat. 23° N., long. 72° 35' E., formerly one of the largest and most important cities of India, it was captured by the British in 1780, and was ceded to them in 1818. The Jumma Musjid of Ahmedabad, built by Ahmed Shah in the early 15th century, is one of the most beautiful of mosques. The gross dimensions are 382 by 258 feet, three sides of the court being surrounded by a colon- naded gallery, and the sanctuary, 95 feet deep, occupying one end. The sanctuary contains 200 columns, which support three rows each of five domes, the central one of which is the largest and highest, and is flanked by two which are higher than the other twelve. The front toward the court is formed by a fine screen, with three noble pointed arches, flanked on each side by a lower arcade. Population, including cantonment, 185,889. Ahmednagar, or Ahmednuggur (ii-med-nug'- er). A district in Bombay, British India, about lat. 18° 20'-19° 59' N., long. 73°37'-75° 41' E. Ahmednagar, or Ahmednuggur. The capital of the district of Ahmednagar, about lat. 19° 5' N., long. 74° 55' E., formerly an important city of Aurangabad. It surrendered to the British under Wellington in 1803. Population, 42,032. Ahmedpur (a-med-por'), East. A town in the state of Bahawalpur, India. Population, 9,928. Ahmes. See Aahmes. Ahn (an), Johann Franz. Born at Aix-la- Chapelle, Prussia, Dec. 15, 1796: died at Neuss, Prussia, Aug. 21, 1865. A German teacher (at Aix-la-Chapelle and later (1843-63) at Neuss) and grammarian, noted for his methods of teaching the modern languages. He published “The Poetry of Germany" (1859), and English, French, German, Dutch, and Italian grammars. Ahnen (a'nen), Die. [G.,‘the ancestors.’] A series of historical romances by Gustav Frey- tag, illustrating German history (published 1870-80). it comprises “Ingo und Ingraban,” “Das Nest der Zaunkonige,” “Die Briider voni deutschen Hause,” “Markus Konig,” “Die Geschwister,” and “Aus einer kleinen Stadt.” Ahnfeld (an'felt), Arvid Wolfgang Nathan- ael. Born Aug. 16, 1845 : died Feb. 17, 1890. A Swedish journalist, author of a “History of the Literature of the World” (1874-76), and other encyclopedic works. Aholibamah (a-liol-i-ba'ma). [Heb., ‘tent of the high place.’] 1. One of the wives of Esau ; also, the name of an Edomite tribe. — 2. A character in Byron’s “ Heaven and Earth,” the proud, ambitious granddaughter of Cain. Ahome (ii-ho'ma). An Indian tribe of the Piman stock in Sinaloa. They have been almost completely Mexicanized, but the language still is occasionally heard. Ahowsaht. See Ahausaht. Ahr (ar). A river in the Rhine Province, Prus- sia, about 55 miles long, which joins the Rhine at Sinzig (above Bonn). On its banks are pro- duced the noted Ahr wines. Ahrens (a'rens), Heinrich. Born at Knie- stedt, near Salzgitter, Prussia, 1808: died at Salzgitter, Aug. 2, 1874. A German philosoph- ical writer and jurist, professor at Brussels 1834-50, at Gratz 1850-59, and at Leipsic 1859. He wrote “Cours de psychologie ” (1837-38), “Cours de droit naturel” (1838), “Die Rechtsphilosophie ” (1851), “Die organische Staatslehre ’’ (1850), “Naturrecht” (1870— 1871), “ Juristische Encyklopadie ” (1855-57), etc. Ahrens, Heinrich Ludolph. Born at Helm- stedt, June 6, 1809 : died at Hanover, Sept. 24, 1881. A German philologist, noted as a student of the Greek dialects. Ahriman (a'ri-man). See Angra Mainyu. Ahrweiler (ar'vi-ler). A small town in the Rhine Province, Prussia, situated on the Ahr 20 miles south by east of Cologne. Its chief industry is the making of wine. Aht (at). A division of the Wakashan stock of North American Indians, comprising 22 tribes, dwelling chiefly on the west coast of Vancou- ver Island, British Columbia, one tribe being near Cape Flattery, Washington. The principal tribes of this division are Nitinaht, Tlaasaht or Makah, Tlaokwiaht or Olahoquaht, Ahausaht, Moatcaht or Nootka proper, and Ehatishaht. They number about 3,000. See W alcashan. Ahtena (a'te-nii), or Atna (iit'nii). A tribe of the northern division of the Athapascan stock of North American Indians, sometimes called Copper Indians, from their habitat on the Atna or Copper River, Alaska. See Athapascan. Aidin Ahuizotl, or Ahuitzotl (a-ho'i-tsotl). The chief or ‘king’ of Tenochtitlan (Mexico) from 1486 until his death in 1502. He made war on the Zapotecas, subdued rebels in Tlacopan, and sacrificed an immense number of captives to celebrate his completion of the great Aztec temple. He also built an aqueduct from Chapultepec to the lake of Tezcuco, with the object of raising the waters, but the result was a disastrous Hood. He was succeeded by Montezuma II. Ahumada (a-o-ma'THa), Duke of (Pedro Gi- ron, Marques de las Amarillas). Born at San Sebastian, 1788: died at Madrid, May 17, 1842. A Spanish politician and general, chief of the general staff of the Spanish army in the war of independence, minister of war for a short time in 1820, member of the regency during the minority of Isabella, and again minister of war in 1835. Ahumada y Villalon (a-o-ma'THa e vel-ya- lon'), Agustin de, Marques de las Amarillas. Bom about 1700: died in Mdxico City, Feb. 6, 1760. A Spanish general and administrator. He distinguished himself in the Italian and Peninsular wars, and from Nov. 10, 1755, was viceroy of Mexico. Ahura Mazda (a-ho'ra maz'da). [‘The Wise Lord’: the modern Persian Ormazd .] The Good Spirit in the dual system of Zoroaster. Angra Mainyu, ‘the Spiritual Enemy’ (Persian Ahriman), also called Druj, ‘deceit,’ is in eternal conflict with him. Both have existed from the beginning of the world. Ahura Mazda will, however, ultimately triumph and the good kingdom, vohukhshathra, be established. Ahwaste (a-was'te). A tribe of North Ameri- can Indians formerly dwelling on San Fran- cisco bay, California. See Costanoan. Akwaz (ah-waz'). A village in the province of Khuzistan, Persia, situated on the Karim about lat. 31° 12' N., long. 48° 45' E., an ancient resi- dence of the Persian kings, and a flourishing town under the Arabs in the early middle ages. Ai (a'i). [Heb., ‘ruin.’] In biblical geogra- phy, a city of the Canaanites, in the territory of Benjamin, about 10 miles north of Jerusalem, conquered by Joshua. Aias (i'as). The Greek name of Ajax. Aiblinger (ib'ling-er), Joseph Kaspar. Born at Wasserburg, Bavaria, Feb. 23, 1779 : died at Munich, May 6, 1867. A German composer, the founder, with Gregorio Trentino, of a musical conservatory (Odeon) in Venice, and kapell- meister (1826) to the king of Bavaria. His works comprise masses, requiems, etc., and an opera “Rodrigo e Ximene.” Aicard (a-kar'), Jean. Born at Toulon, Feb. 4, 1848. A French poet and prose-writer. He was made a member of the French Acad- emy in 1909, succeeding Francois Copp6e. Among his works are “ Lea jeunes croyances ” (1867), “ Les rebellions et lea apaisements " (1871), “ Poemes de Pro- vence ’’ (1874), “Lachanson de l’enfant’’(1876), “Mietteet Nore” (1880), “Eloge de Lamartine” (1883), “Emilio," a prose drama (1884), “Le Pere Lebonnard," a drama in verse (1889), “Le manteau du roi ” (1907), etc. Aichach (ich'ach). A small town in Upper BaVaria, on the Paar about 13 miles northeast of Augsburg. A French victory was gained here over the Austrians, 1805. Alda (a-e'da). An opera by Verdi, first given at Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 27, 1871. Aidan (i'dan), or iEdhan. Died 606. A king of Scottish Dalriada, son of Gabran, a former king of Dalriada, and successor, according to the law of tanistry. to his relative Conall. He was crowned by St. Columba in the island of Iona in 674. In 575, at the council at Drumceat, he declared the inde- pendence of his kingdom, which had been formed in the 5th century by emigrants from Irish Dalriada, and which had hitherto been treated as an Irish dependency. In 603 he led a force of Britons and Scots against .Kthelfritti, king of Bernicia, but was defeated. Aidan, Saint. Died Aug. 31, 651. First bishop of Lindisfarne, and founder of the Northum- brian Church . He was sent by the monks of Hii or Iona, in answer to the request of King Oswald, to convert his heathen subjects. On the defeat of Oswald by Penda642, Aidau joined Oswiu, king of the Deirans. Aide (a-e-da'), Hamilton. Bom in Paris, France, in 1829: died Dee. 13, 1906. A novelist and poet, son of an Armenian and an English lady, and for a time an officer in the British army. Among Ilia works are “Eleanore and Other Poems ” (185(3), “Rita: an Autobiography” (1859), “Carr of Carlyon ” (1862), “The Romance of the Scarlet Leaf, and Other Poems” (1865), “Songs Without Music” (1882), “ Passages in the Life of a Lady ” (1887), etc. Aidenn (a 'den). [Ar. Adn, Eden.] Para- dise : an “Anglicized” form of the Arabic for Eden, used, for the rime’s sake, by Edgar Allan Poe in “The Raven.” Aidin (i-den'). A city in Asiatic Turkey, situ- ated near the Mendere, about 55 miles south- east of Smyrna, near the ruins of ancient Tralles. It has trade in figs, cotton, etc. Popu- lation, about 36,250. Aienai Aienai (l-a-ni'), or Ioni (i-6-ni'). A tribe of the Caddo Confederacy of North American In- dians. See Caddo. Aigai (Tgi). [Gr. Ai yah] A town in -Folia, Asia Minor, the modern Nimrud-Kalessi. On its site are the ruins of various ancient struc- tures. Aigina. See JEgina. Aigle (a'gl), G. Aelen (a'len). A small town in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, on the Grande Eau, near the Rhone, about 22 miles southeast of Lausanne. Aigle. A town in the department of Orne. See Laigle. Aignadel. See Agnadello. Aignan. See Saint-Aignan. Aiguebelle (ag-bel'). A small town in the de- partment of Savoy, France, about 17 miles east of Chambery. hi ere, in 1742, the French and Spaniards defeated the Sardinians. Aiguebelle, Paul Alexandre Neveue d’. Born Jan. 7, 1831: died at Paris, Feb. 21, 1875. A French naval officer, in the Chinese service during the Taiping rebellion, 1862-64. Aigueperse (ag-pers'). A town in the depart- ment of Puy-de-Dome, France, 19 miles northeast of Clermont-Ferrand. Population, 2,115. Aigues-Mortes, or Aiguesmortes (ag-raort'). A town in the department of Card, France, near the Mediterranean, 22 miles southwest of Nimes, founded by St. Louis 1246. From here he embarked on the Crusades, 1248 and 1270. It lias salt-works and fisheries. Its fortifications (constructed by Philip III. 1270-85; are from an archaeological point of view among the most remarkable in France. Population, 3,890. Aiguille d’Argentiere (a-giiey' dar-zhoh'te- ar'). [F. aiguille , needle: in this special use, ‘needle-like peak.’] An Alpine peak, 12,832 feet high, northeast of Mont Blanc. Aiguille de la Grande-Sassiere (a-giiey' dels grohd'sas-se-ar'). One of the chief peaks of the Tarentaise Alps, France, on the Italian border. Height, 12,325 feet. Aiguille du Midi ( a-giiey ' dii me-de'). 1. An Alpine peak, 12,605 feet high, northeast of Mont Blanc. — 2. A peak in the Alps of Oisans, Isere, France, about 11,025 feet high. ■ Aiguille Verte (a-giiey' vert). An Alpine peak, 13,540 feet high, northeast of Mont Blanc. Aiguillon (a-giie-yoh'). A town in the depart- ment of Lot-et-Garonne, France, oh the Lot near its junction with the Garonne, 16 miles northwest of Agen : tno Roman Acilio. Pop- ulation, 2,886. Aiguillon, Due d’ (Armand Vignerot Du- plessis Richelieu). Born 1720: died 1782. A French politician, minister of foreign affairs under Louis XV. 1771-74. Aiguillon, Due d’ (Armand de Vignerot Bu- piessis Richelieu). Born 1750: died at Ham- burg, May 4, 1800. A son of the preceding, noted during the early days of the French Revolution for his republican tendencies. He was one of the first to renounce the privileges of his rank. In 1792, however, lie fell under suspicion and es- *-caped to England. Aigun (l'gon). A town in Manchuria, Chinese Empire, on the Amur about lat. 50° 5' N., long. 127° 28' E. It is a naval station. Pop- ulation, about 15,000. Aiken (a'ken). The capital of Aiken County, South Carolina, about lat. 33° 34' N., long. 81° 40' W., noted as a winter health-resort. Pop- ulation, 3,911, (19K 1 ). Aiken, William. Born at Charleston, South Carolina, 1806: died at Flat Rock, North Caro- lina, Sept. 7, 1887. An American politician, member of the South Carolina legislature 1838-43, governor 1844, and representative in Congress 1851-57. He opposed nullification and se- cession. In 1866 he was reelected to Congress, but was not admitted to a seat. Aikin (a' kin), Arthur. Born at Warrington, Lancashire, Eugland, May 19, 1773: died at London, April 15, 1854. An English chemist and mineralogist, son of John Aikin. lie pub- lished a “Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy” (1807-11), a “ Manual of Mineralogy ” (1811), etc. Aikin, John. Born at Kibwortk, England, Jan. 15, 1747 : died at Stoke Newington, England, Dec. 7, 1822. An English physician, iiewasthe author of a translation of the “ Germania ’’and “Agricola” of Tacitus, “Biographical Memoirs of Medicine in Great Britain,” “Biographical Dictionary ” (1799-1815), “Even- ings at Home ” (1792-95, written in conjunction with his sister Mrs. Barbauld), etc. Aikin, Lucy. Born at Warrington, Lancashire, England, Nov. 6, 1781: died at Hampstead, 24 Eugland, Jan. 29, 1864. An English writer, daughter of John Aikin. She wrote “Lorimer, a Tale ” (1814), “ Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth ” (1818), “ Memoirs of the Court of James I.” (1822), “Me- moirs of the Court of Charles I.” (1833), ‘‘Life of Addison " (1813), etc. Aikman (ak'man), William. Born at Caerney, Forfarshire, Oct. 24, 1682 : died at London, June 7, 1731. A Scottish portrait-painter. Aillon, Lucas Vasques de. See Ay lion. Ailly (I-e'), or Ailli, Pierre d’. Born 1350 : died at Avignon, France, 1420 (?). A French cardinal and theologian, surnamed the “ Ham- mer of Heretics” and the “Eagle of the Doc- tors.” Ailred of Rievaulx. See Ethelred. Ailsa Craig (al'sa krag). A rocky island of Ayrshire, Scotland, near the mouth of the Firth of Clyde. It is conical in shape, and rises to a height of 1,114 feet. Aimard (a-miir'), Gustave. Bom at Paris, Sept. 13, 1818: died there, June 20, 1883. A French novelist and traveler in the United States, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, and the Cauca- sus: author of “Les Trappeurs de l’Arkansas” (1858) and numerous other works in the style of Cooper. He died insane. Aimbn. See Aymon. Aimon, Jacques. A pseudonym of Voltaire. Aimores (i-mo-res'), or Aymores, or Aimures. An Indian tribe of eastern Brazil, now known as Botoeudos. Aimores, Serra dos. See Sierra dos Aimores. Aimweil (am'wel). 1. In Farquhar’s comedy “The Beaux’ Stratagem,” a young gentleman of a romantic temperament, who has dissipated his fortune and who, with his cooler-headed friend Archer disguised as his servant, person- ates a rich lord, with a view to retrieving their losses by a rich marriage for either or both, making a journey from one town to another, and taking turns in being master and man — a stratagem which is successful. — 2. In Shirley’s play “The Witty Fair One,” a gentleman, the lover of Violetta. Ain (an). A river of eastern France, about 100 miles long, which joins the Rhone 17 miles east of Lyons. It is narrow in its lower course. Aill. A department of France, bounded by Saone-et-Loire and Jura on the north, Haute- Savoie and Savoie (froln both of which it is separated by the Rhone), with Switzerland, on the east, Isere (separated by the Rhone) on the south, and Rhone and Saone-et-Loire (from both of which it is separated by the Saone) on the west. It 19 mountainous (Jura) in the east and a table-land in the west, and is rich in iron, asphalt, and building and lithographic stones. Its caDital is liourg, its area 2.248 square miles, and its population 345,856. It was formed from the ancient Bresse, Bugey, Dombes, Valromey, and the “Pays de Gex.” Ainad (l-nad' ). A trading town in Hadramaut, Arabia, about lat. 16° N., long. 48° E. Ain Hersha (In her'sha). A village in Syria. It contains a Roman temple in antis, practically complete except the roof. The cella is surrounded on the interior by a cornice, and has four engaged Ionic columns at the west end. The exterior west wall bears in relief a female bust with small horns, and I he door is richly sculptured. The plan measures 26 by 39 feet. Ainmiller (In'mil-er), Max Emanuel. Born at Munich, Feb. 14, 1807 : died at Munich, Dec. 8, 1870. A German painter of architectural subjects and on glass. Ainos (I'noz), or Aino (i'no), or Ainu (I'no). A small tribe (about 50,000 in number) of non- Japanese (perhaps Mongolian) race and lan- guage, representing the primitive population of Japan, living in Yesso ; parts of Saghalin, the Kuriles, and on the adjacent coast. The type is somewhat European as compared with other Asiatics. The abundance of hair on the head and body is especially notable, and gave the Ainos the early name of “hairy Kuriles.” Ainslie (anz'li), Hew. Born in the parish of Dailly, Ayrshire, Scotland, April 5, 1792: died at Louisville, Kv., March 11, 1878. A Scottish- American poet, author of a “Pilgrimage to the Land of Burns” (1820), etc. He emigrated to America in 1822, and resided for a short time in Robert Owen’s community at New Harmony, Indiana. The rest of his life was devoted to the business of brewing. Ainsworth (ans'werth), Henry. Born at Pleas- ington, Lancashire, England, 1571 : died at Amsterdam about 1622. An English separa- tist clergyman, controversialist, and rabbinical scholar. He was driven from England by the persecu- tion of the Brownists (Independents), with whom he was connected, became porter to a bookseller in Amsterdam about 1693, teacher of Francis Johnson’s church there, 1596, and 1610-22 pastor of a new congregation. Ainsworth, Robert. Born at Woodyale, near Aisne Manchester, England, Sept., 1660: died at Lon- don, April 4, 1743. An English teacher and lexicographer, author of a Latin-English dic- tionary (1736). Ainsworth, William Francis. Born at Exe- ter, England, Nov. 9, 1807 : died at Hammer- smith, London, Nov. 27, 1896. An English geol- ogist and traveler. He has published “Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, etc.” (183b), “Travels and Re- searches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, etc." (1842), “Trav- els ill (he Track of the 10,060 Greeks" (1844), “A Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition” (1888), etc. Ainsworth, William Harrison. Born at Man- chester, England, Feb. 4, 1805 : died at Reigate, England, Jan. 3. 1882. An English novelist. His works include “ Rookvvood” (1834), “Crichton ” (1837), “Jack Sheppard" (1839). “ Tower of London ” (1840), “The Flitch of Bacon, or the Custom of Dunmow"(1854), “Tower Hill” (1871), “Beau Nash” (1880), etc. Aintah (In-tab'). A town in the vilayet of Aleppo, Asiatic Turkey, on the Sajur about lat. 37° 4' N., long. 37° 25' E. It has some trade and manufactures, and is a missionary center. Popula- tion (estimated), 43,150. Air (a-er'), or Asben (as-ben'). A mountain- ous oasis in the Sahara, Africa, lat. 16°-20° N., long. 6°-10° E., having an area of about 20,000 square miles, and a population estimated at 60,000. Its capital is Agades, and chief town Tintellust. Also Ahir. Airavata (i-ra'va-ta). In Hindu mythology, the prototype of the elephant, produced at the churning of the ocean: the world-elephant of the East, and Indra’s beast of burden. Airay (ar'a), Henry. Born at Kentmere, Westmoreland, about 1560: died Oct. 6, 1616. An English Puritan divine, vice-chancellor of Oxford, 1606, and author of a “ Commentary on Philippians” (1618). Aircastle (ar'kas'T). A character in Foote’s comedy “The Cozeners,” played in an amus- ingly prolix and digressive manner by Foote himself, burlesquing Gahagan, a highly edu- cated young Irish gentleman who was bung in 1749 for “filing or diminishing the current coin of the realm.” Aird (ard), Thomas. Born at Bowden, Rox- burghshire, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1802: died at Dumfries, April 25, 1876. A Scottish poet and journalist. He was editor of the “ Edinburgh Weekly Journal" (1833), and (he “Dumfriesshire and Galloway Herald” (1835-63), and author of “The Old Bachelor in the Scottish Village” (1846), “Poetical Works” (1848), etc. Airdrie (ar'dre). A town in Lanarkshire, Scot- land, 10 miles east of Glasgow. Population of municipal burgh, 22,288. Aire (ar). A river in Yorkshire, England, which joins the Ouse 18 miles southeast of York. Its length is about 75 miles, and it is navigable from Leeds. Aire. A small river in eastern France, which joins the Aisne in the department of Ardennes. Aire-sur-l’Adour (ar' stir 'la-dor'). A town in the department of Landes, France, on the Adour about lat. 43° 14' N., long. 0° 14' W. It is an old town, the seat of a bishopric. Population, 4,303. Aire-sur-la-Lys (ar'siir'la-les'). A fortified town in the department of Pas-de-Calais, France, situated on the Lys 30 miles southeast of Calais. Population, 7,999. Airlie Castle (ar'li kas'l). A residence of the Earl of Aii-lie, near Meigle, Scotland, it was plundered and destroyed by the eighth Earl of Argyle 1639-40 as a result of Airlie’s attachment to the cause of Charles I. This raid forms the subject of the old ballad of “The Bonnie House of Airlie.” Allan Cunningham has transferred it to the 18th century. Airola (I-ro'la). A small town in the province of Beneveuto, Italy, 23 miles northeast of Naples. Airolo (i-ro'lo), G. Eriels (er'i-elz). A small town in the canton of Ticino, Switzerland, at the southern entrance of the St. Gotthard rail- way tunnel, on the Ticino about 38 miles south- east of Lucerne. Airy (ar'i), Sir George. The successful lover of Miranda in Mrs. Centlivre’s comedy “The Busybody.” Airy, Sir George Biddell. Born at Alnwick, Northumberland, July 27, 1801: died at Green- wich. Jan. 2, 1892. A noted English astronomer. He was appointed Lucasian professor at Cambridge in 1826, Plumian professor and director of tile Cambridge Observatory in 1828, director of the Greenwich Observa- tory and astronomer royal in 1835, and president of the Royal Society 1871-73. He resigned his position as astron- omer royal in 1881. Aisne (an). A department of France, capital Laon, boimded by Nord and Belgium on the north, by Ardennes and Marne on the east, by Seine-et-Marne on the south, and by Oise and Aisne Somme on the west : formed from parts of an- cient Picardy, Brie, and Ile-de-France. Its area is 2,866 square miles, and its population 534,495. Aisne. A river in northern France, about 150 miles long and navigable for 75 miles, it rises in the department of Meuse, flows through the departments of Maine, Ardennes, Aisne, and Oise, and joins the Oise near Compifcgne. On it are Rethel and Soissons. Its chief affluents are the Aire and Vesle, and it communicates by canals with the Meuse and Marne. Al3Se (a-e-sa'), Mile. Born 1694: died at Paris, 1733. A daughter of a Circassian chief, carried off when a child by Turkish rovers and sold at Constantinople to the French ambassador, M. de Ferriol, who took her to Paris and educated her. She gained celebrity at court for her beauty and accomplishments. Her letters to her lover Chevalier d’Aydie have been published. Aistulf (is'tulf), or Astolf (as'tolf). King of the Lombards, 749-756. His conquest of the exarchate of Ravenna (752) was wrested from him by Pepin the Short in 755. Aitareya (I-ta-ra'ya). [Skt., ‘descendant of Itara.’J To him a Brahmana, an Aranyaka, and an Upanishad, which bear his name, were supposed to have been revealed. Aitken (at'ken), Robert. Born at Crailing, near Jedburgh, Jan. 22, 1800: died suddenly in the railway-station at Paddington, July 11, 1873. A clergyman of the Church of England (from which he temporarily withdrew 1824- 1840), leader of the Aitkenites. Aitkenites (at'ken-Its). A party in the Church of England, led by Robert Aitken, a Wesleyan minister who became a High-churchman (vicar of Pendeen 1849-73). Its object was to in- graft certain Methodist practices and views upon the Anglican Church. Aitolia. See JEtolia. Aiton (a'ton), William. Born near Hamilton, Scotland, 1731 : died at Kew, near London, Feb. 2, 1793. A Scottish botanist and gardener, ap- pointed director of the Royal Botanical Garden at Kew 1759. He published “Hortus Ke wen- sis” (1789). Aitutaki (I-to-ta'ke),or Aitutake (i-to-ta'ke). One of the chief islands of the group called “ Cook’s Islands,” in the Pacific Ocean. Aivalik (i'va-lek), or Aivali (I'va-le). A seaport in the vilayet of Khodovendikyar, Asi- atic Turkey, situated on the Gulf of Adramyt- tium 66 miles northwest of Smyrna. Aivazovski (I-va-zof'ske), Gabriel. Born at Feodosia, Crimea, Russia, May 22, 1812. An Armenian historian. Aivazovski, Ivan. Born at Feodosia in the Crimea, July 7, 1817 : died there, May 2, 1900. An Armenian painter, brother of the preceding, professor in the Imperial Academy of the Fine Arts at St. Petersburg. Aix (a). A small island off the western coast of France, 11 miles south of La Rochelle, the scene of several encounters between the French and British. Aix (as). [L. Aquas Sextise, Springs of Sextius (C. Sextius Cal vi nus, a Roman proconsul, its founder).] A city in the department of Bou- ches-du-Rhone, France, about lat. 43 3 33' N., long. 5° 25' E. It is the seat of an archbishopric, and has a cathedral, a museum, an academy, and baths. It was colonized by the proconsul C. Sextius Calvinus 123 B. c., and became renowned for i’ s baths. In its vicinity Marius defeated the Teutones and their allies wi h great slaughter 1J2 B. c. It became the capital of Provence, and a famous literary center, and was the temporary resi- dence of the emperor Charles V. in 1.130. Prior to the Revolution it had oae of thechief provincial parliaments. It has an extensive trade in olive-oil and fruits, and manu- factures of silks, etc. Ait contains a cathedral, of very early foundation, with Romanesque nave and later aisles and choir. The curious porch has antique columns, and cedar-wood doors of 1504, very delicately sculptured. A baptis* ery of the 6th century opens on the south aislo : it has eight Roman columns. Population, 21'. 829. Aix, or Aix-les-Bains (as-la-ban'). A town in the department of Savoie, France, the an- cient Aquas Gratian® or Aquas Allobrogum, situated near Lake Bourget, 8 miles north of Chambdry, renowned since Roman times for its hot sulphur springs. It has an arch of Campanus. Population, 8,079. Aix-la-Chapelle (as- (aks-) la-sha-pel'), G. Aachen (ii/chen). [From its mineral springs (L. aquae), known from the time of Charle- magne, and the chapel (F. chapelle) of the palace.] A city in the Rhine Province, Prussia, about lat. 50° 46' N., long. 6° 5' E., an important commercial and railway center. It has large manufactures of cloth, needles, cigars, ma- chinery, etc., and a noted cathedral, a Rathhaus. famous hot sulphur springs, and a museum (the Suermondt). 25 It was founded by the Romans as a watering-place, was a favorite residence and the northern capital of Charles the Great (who died here), and became a tree imperial city. From Louis the Pious to Ferdinand I. it was the crowning-place of the German emperors (hence called the “seat of royalty,” etc.), and it was also the seat of numerous diets and councils. It was captured by the French in the revolutionary period, and was granted to Prussia in 1815. The Cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle con- sists of the famous polygonal monument founded by Charlemagne in 796, and a beautiful Pointed choir of the 14th century. Charlemagne's structure was inspired by San Vitale at Jtavenna and similar Italian buildings. It is 16-sided, about 105 feet in exterior diameter, with a dome 104 feet high and 48 in diameter over the central portion. The eight gables around the dome are 13th- century additions. The dome is supported by eight mas- sive piers, and the surrounding ambulatory is two-storied. The marble throne of Charlemagne, in which his body sat for over 350 years, is now in the upper gallery. The mosaic on gold ground in the dome ismodern. The choir is of light and elegant proportions ; it is ornamented with medieval statues of Charlemagne, the Virgin, and the apostles, and with good modern glass. The chapels are interesting, and there is a fine late-Pointed cloister. The bronze doors of the west portal, which opens between two low cylindrical towers, date from 804. The Rathhaus, or town hall, is a structure of the 14th century, interesting as incorporating what remains of the palace of Charle- magne, including the lower part of the west tower. The Kaisersaal, a great vaulted hall extending the entire length of the upper story, contains eight historical fres- cos designed by Rethel, which rank among the finest examples of their cF-s. The council-chamber is adorned with imperial portraits. Population, commune, 156,008, (1910). AiX-la-Chapel!e. A governmental district of the Rhine Province, Prussia. Population, G30,504. Aix-la-CIiapelle, Congress of. A congress of the sovereigns of Russia, Austria, and Prussia, assisted by the ministers Castlereagh and Wel- lington from Great Britain, Richelieu from France, Metternich from Austria, Nesselrode and Kapodistrias from Russia, and Harden- berg and Bernstorff from Prussia. The conven- tion signed Oet. 9, 1818, provided for the immediate with- drawal of the army of occupation from France. The con- gress expressed the reactionary purposes of the Holy Alliance, and received France into the European concert. Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of. 1 . A treaty (May 2, 1668), between the Triple Alliance (England, the Netherlands, and Sweden) on one side, and France on the other, acceded to by Spain, by which France returned Franche-Comte to Spain and received twelve fortified towns on the bor- der of the Spanish Netherlands, among them Lille, Tournay, and Oudenarde. — 2. A treaty (Oct. , 1748) which ended the war of the Austrian succession. The basis of peace was the mutual restitu- tion of conquests, except in ihe case of Austria, which ceded Parmn, Piacenza, and Guastalla to the Spanish in- fant Don Philip and confirmed Prussia in the possession of Silesia. The pragmatic sanction was confirmed in Austria. Aizani. See Azaui. Aja (aj'a). In Hindu mythology, a prince of the solar race, the son of Raglru or of Dilipa, son of Raghu. Ajaccio (a-ya'eho). A seaport, the capital of the department of Corsica, France, situated on the western coast of Corsica on the Gulf of Ajaccio, lat. 41° 55' N., long. 8° 44' E., cele- brated as the birthplace of Napoleon Bona- parte. It has a considerable trade, and a ca- thedral. Population, 22,2u4. Ajalon (aj'a-lon), or Aijalon (aj'a-lon). In biblical geography, a town of Palestine, the modern Yalo, 14 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Ajan (a'jan), or Ajam (a/jam). A district in Somali Land, eastern Africa, on the coast south of Cape Guardafui. Ajatasatru (a-ja-ta-sat'ro). A king of Kasi (Benares), mentioned in the Upanishads, who was very learned and, though a Kshatriya, taught the Brahman Gargyabalaki. Ajax (a'jaks). [Gr. Ai’raf.] In Greek legend: (a) The son of Telamon and half-brother of Teucer, and one of the leading Greek heroes in the Trojan war, famous for his size and physi- cal strength and beauty. According to Homer he was, next to Achilles, the bravest of the Grecian host. He several times engaged in single combat with Hector and gained the advantage over him, and was always a ter- ror to the Trojans. There are various accounts of his ex- ploits after the war and of his dea’h. According to the common poetical tradition, lie died by his own hand. The decision of Agamemnon (on the advice of Athena) to award the arms of Achilles to Odysseus drove Ajax mad, and in his insanity he furiously attacked and slew the sheep of the Greeks, imagining them to be his enemies. Shame for this conduct drove him to suicide. According to other accounts he was murdered. From his Wood was said to have sprung up a purple flower bearing on its leaves the letters at, the first letters of liis name and also an exclamation of woe. His story was dramatized by Sophocles, (b) A Locrian legendary king, son of O'ileus, and one of the heroes in the Trojan war: often called the Lesser Ajax. Ajax, Sir. See the extract. Akbar Sir Ajax seems to have been a title imposed on Sir John Harrington, for a very meritorious attempt to introduce cleanliness into our dwellings. ... In 1596, he pub- lished, under the name of Misacmos, a little treatise called, “A new discourse of a stale subject, or the Meta- morphosis of Ajax," of which the object v/as to point out the propriety of adopting something like the water-closets of the present day. As the nature of his subject led him to lay open the interior of our palaces and great houses, offence was taken at his freedom : he lost, at least for a time, the favour of Elizabeth (his godmother), and was banished from court. His gains, from his well-timed la- bours, were apparently confined to the honour of contrib- uting to the merriment of the wits, Shakspeare, Jonson, Nabbes, and many others, who took advantage of his own pun (a-jakes), and dubbed him a knight of the stool; under which title he frequently appears in their pages. Gifford, Note to Jonson’s “The Silent Woman,” I. 447. Ajigarta (a-je-gar'ta). Tbe poor Brahman Riski who sold his son Sunahsepa to Robita to be a substitute for Robita, King Harischan- dra having vowed that if he obtained a son he would /sacrifice him to Varuna, and Rohita having been the son given. Ajmir- or Ajmere- (aj-mer') Merwara. A chief-commission ership in Rajputaua, British India, intersected by lat. 26° N. it consists of two districts, Ajmir and Merwara, united in 1871. Ajmir district was ceded to the British in 1818. Area, 2,711 square miles. Population, 501,395. Also Ajmeer. Ajmir, or Ajmere. The capital of Ajmir- Merwara, about lat. 26° 27' N., long. 74° 37' E. The Mosque of A j mir was foun ded in the early 13th century, and is one of the first established in India. It occupies the spacious square court of a Jain temple, whose old colon- nades of graceful and well-carved columns remain in place around the walls and support a series of low domes, 't he great beauty of the monument lies in the screen of seven keel-shaped Mohammedan arches carried across the west side of (he court in front of the colonnade. This screen is covered with bands of Cuficand Togra inscriptions sepa- rated by diaper-work, admirable in decorative motive, and cut with great delicacy. Population, 73,839. Also A jmeer. Ajodhya (a-jodh'ya). A town in Faizabad district, United Provinces, British India, on the site of an important ancient city. Popu- lation, 21,584. Ajunta (a-jun'ta), or Adjunta. A small place in Hyderabad, India, celebrated for its cave- temples. The Buddhist vihara, or monastery, is known as Cave No. 16. It is rock-cut, in plan a rectan- gular hall about 65 feet square, with a hexastyle por- tico preceding the poital. At the back is a rectangu- lar pillared shrine, in which is an enthroned figure of Buddha. The sides are bordered by 16 small cells for the recluses. The hall has an interior peristyle of 20 fine col- umns, with cubical corbeled c pitals. The columns and flat ceiling are carved with rich arabesques, and (he walls are covered with interesting paintings of Buduhist scenes. The monument dates from the 6th century A. D., and is typical of a large class of similar viharas. Sometimes, as in the Great Vihara at Bagh, a shala or school, in form a pillared hail separate from the main foundation, is at- tached to the vihara. Akabah (a-ka-ba'). A haven in Arabia Petr®a, at tbe bead of the Gulf of Akabah, about lat. 29° 33' N., long. 35° 24' E. Near it were the ancient Elath (JElano,) and Ezion Geber. Akabah, Gulf of. The northeastern arm of tho Red Sea, the ancient Sinus iElaniticus, about 100 miles long. Akakia (a-ka-ke-a') (Martin Sans-Malice). [Alcakia ( ana/cia ) is a Greek translation of tbe French name sans-maMce .] Bornat Ckalons-sur- Marne: died 1551. A French physician, lec- turer at the College de France, founded by Francis I. He published several medical works. Akakia, Le dccteur. A pseudonym of Vol- taire, borrowed from the preceding, it was used by Voltaire in his “Diatribe du Docteur Akakia,” a lam- poon on Slaupertuis, published about 1752. A supple- ment appeared later. The book was burned by the pub- lic executioner on ihe Place Gendarmes, Dec. 24, 1762, but a copy was saved by Voltaire, who republished it. Akansa. See Kwapa. Akarnania. See Acarnania. Akassa (a-kas'sii). Tbe seaport of the Niger, West Africa. See Iclzo. Akbar, or Akber (ak'bor; Hindu pron. uk'- ber), or Abhbar, originally Jel-al-eddin Mo- hammed (je-lal'ed-den' mo-bam'ed). [Ar., ‘ very great.’] Born at Amarkote, Sind, India, Oct. 14, 1542: died at Agra, India, Oct. 15, 1605. A great Mogul emperor in India, 1556-1605. He was born during the .exile of his father Humayun. After twelve years Humayun recovered the throne of Delhi, but died within a year, when in 1556 Akbar succeeded him, ruling at first under the regency of Eairam Khan. In his eighteenth year he threw off this yoke. By war and policy he consolidated his power over the greater part of India. He put an end to the conflict between Afghan and Mogul, and sought to reconcile Hindu and Mohammedan. He interested himself in various religions, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Mazdaism, and Christianity, and even sought to establish a religion of his own. He sought to better his subjects by measures of tolera- tion and improved social laws. lie permitted the use of wine, but punished intoxication; tried to stop widow- burning ; permitted the marriage of Hindu widows ; for- bade the marriage of boys before sixteen and of girls Akbar before fourteen ; to gratify his Hindu subjects prohibited the slaughter of cows ; had his lands accurately surveyed and statistics taken ; constructed roads ; established a uni- form system of weights and measures ; and introduced a vigorous police. He was sometimes harsh and cruel, and is charged with poisoning his enemies. The rebellion of his son Selim, later known as Jahangir, was a Mohamme- dan uprising against Akbar's apostasy. The rebellion was suppressed, and Akbar returned to the faith. He was probably poisoned at the instigation of Jahangir. Akbar, Tomb of. See Secundra. Ake (a'ke). 1. See Acre. — 2. One of the princi- pal ruined cities of Yucatan, situated about 30 miles east of Merida, noted for its pyramid. Akeman street (ak'man stret). [So called from AS. Acemannes burh, sick man’s town, a name of Bath: AS. sece, ece, ake (now spelled ache), pain.] An ancient Roman road in England connecting Bath, through Speen and-Walling- ford. with London. Aken, or Acken (a'ken). A town iu Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe 25 miles southeast of Magdeburg. Population, 8,224. Akenside (a'ken-sid), Mark. Born at New- castle-on-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721: died at London, June 23, 1770. An English poet and physician, author of ‘ ‘ Pleasures of the Imagination” ( 1744). He was the son of a butcher. He studied theology and then medicine at Edinburgh; went to London in 1743 and to Leyden in 1744, where he completed his medical studies; and returned to England in 1744, beginning the practice of his profession in Northampton, and removing in 1745 to London. In 1701 he became physician to the queen. The best edition of his poetical works (with a biography) is that published by Dyce in 1834. Akerbas. See Acerbas. Akerblad (a'ker-blad), Johan David. Born in Sweden, 1760 : died at Rome, Feb. 8, 1819. A Swedish Orientalist and diplomatist, author of works on oriental inscriptions. Akerman (a'ker-man), or Akyerman, or Ak- kerman. A seaport in the government of Bes- sarabia, Russia, situated on the estuary of the Dniester about lat. 46° 15' N., long. 30° 15' E. It is probably on the site of the ancient Milesian colony Tyras, and was occupied by the Venetians and Genoese in the later middle ages. Population, 32,470. Akerman, Convention of. A treaty concluded between Russia and Turkey, Oct. 6, 1826, by which Russia secured the navigation of the Black Sea, and various agreements were en- tered into concerning Moldavia, Waliaehia, and Servia. The non-fulfilment of the treaty by Turkey led to the war of 1828-29. Akerman (ak'er-man), Amos Tappan. Born in New Hampshire, 1823: died at Cartersville, Ga., Dec. 21, 1880. An American lawyer, a graduate of Dartmouth College, 1842. He settled in Elberton, Georgia, 1850, followed his adopted State in secession, 1861, became a Eepublican and reconstructionist after the war, and was attorney-general under Grant, 1870-72. Akerman, John Yonge. Born at London, June 12, 1806: died at Abingdon, England, Nov. 18, 1873. An English numismatist. Akers (a'kerz), Benjamin Paul. Born at Sac- carappa, Maine, July 10, 1825: died at Phila- delphia, May 21, 1861. An American sculptor. Among his best works are “Una and the Lion,” “St. Elizabeth of Hungary,” “The Dead Pearl-Diver,” etc. See Allen, Elizabeth Chase. Akershem, Miss Sophronia. See Lammle, Mrs. Alfred. Akershus. See Aggershus. Akhal Tekke (a' khal tek'ke). An oasis in central Asia, north of Persia, inhabited by Turkomans, annexed by Russia in 1881. It is traversed by the Transcaspian railway. Akhalzikh (a-khal-tzekh'). A town in the gov- ernment of Tiflis, Caucasus, Russia, about lat. 41° 40' N., long. 43° 1' E. It, is the ancient capital of Turkish Georgia, and was captured by the Russians under Paskevitch, Aug. 27, 1828. A Turkish attack upon it was repulsed in March, 1829, and near it a Russian victory was gained Nov. 26, 1853. Population, 15,357. Akhi ssar (a-khis-sar'). A town in Asiatic Tur- key, the ancient Thyatira, about 58 miles north- east of Smyrna. Population (estimated), 10, 000. Akhissar (in Albania). See Kroia. Akhlat (akh-lat'). A town in the vilayet of Erzrum, Asiatic Turkey, on Lake Yan about lat. 38° 45' N., long. 42° 13' E. Near it are the ruins of the ancient Khelat. Akhmim (akh-mem'),or Ekhmim (ekh-mem'). A town in Egypt, the ancient Khemmis or Pan- opolis, on the east bank of the Nile between Assiut and Tbebes. It was the seat of the cult of Ammon Khem, and its ancient necropolis was discovered by Maspero in 1884. Population, 23,795. Akhtub a (akh'to-ba). An arm of the Volga, which branches from the main stream near Tsaritsyn, and flows parallel with it to the Caspian Sea. Akhtyrka (akh-ter'ka). A town in the gov- ernment of Kharkoff, Russia, about lat. 50° 18' 26 N., long. 34° 59' E. It has a cathedral. Popu- lation, 28,100. Akib, Le rabbin. A pseudonym used by Vol- taire in 1761. Akiba (a-ke'ba) ben Joseph (‘Akiba son of Joseph’), or simply Rabbi Akiba. Executed 132(f) a. d. The most distinguished Jewish personage in the 2d century. There are many tegeuds about him. He introduced a new method of in- terpreting the oral law (Halacha) and reduced it to a system (Mishna). He took an active part in the rebellion which broke out against Hadrian under the leadership of Bar-Cochba (132 A. D.) and suffered death by torture for his share in this unsuccessful uprising. Akita Ken (a-ke'ta ken). A ken in the north- western part of the main island (Hondo) of Japan. Its chief town is Akita. The population of the town is 36,294. Akka (ak'ka). A tribe of pygmies discovered by Miani and Schweinfurth in central Africa, between the Nepoko and Aruwimi rivers. Their average height is 1.33 meters, complexion light brown, hair scanty and woolly, head large, nose flat, arms long, legs short, and hands well formed, but not the feet. They are expert hunters, live in temporary grass huts of beehive shape, and keep no domestic animals, save chickens. Also caUed Tikke-Tikke, or, in Bantu speech, Wambuti. It seems possible, therefore, that at an epoch when the Sahara was stiil a fertile land, and the Delta of Egypt air arm of the sea, a race of men allied to the Bushmen ranged along the southern slopes of the Atlas mountains, and extended from the shores of the Atlantic on the one side to the banks of the Nile on the other. Of this race the brachycephalic Akkas and other dwarf tribes of Cen- tral Africa would be surviving relics. They were driven from their primitive haunts by the negro invasion, and finally forced into the extreme south of the continent by the pressure of the Ban-tu or Kaffir tribes. Sayce, Races of the O. T., p. 148. Akkad, or Accad (ak'kad or ak'ad). One of the four cities of Nimrod’s empire (Gen. x. 10) in Shinar or Babylonia: in the cuneiform in- scriptions it is usually the name of a region. The kings of Babylonia and those of Assyria who conquered Babylonia call themselves “king of Sumer and Akkad," whence it is usually assumed that Sumer denominated southern Babylonia and Akkad northern Babylonia. The boundaries of this district are not certain, but it seems to have lain between the Tigris and the Elamitic and Me- dian mountains, its northern limit being the upper Zab. The name of a city, Agade, was discovered in an inscrip- tion of Nebuchadnezzar, which is held by some to be identical with the city of Akkad. Agade was the resi- dence of the earliest-known Babylonian king, Sargon I. (about 3800 B. c.). Cyrus mentions this city as still exist- ing in his time. Friedrich Delitzsch considers it part of the city of Sepharvaim ; other scholars, however, doubt the identification. Akkadian is the name given to the people and dialect of Akkad. The people were supposed to be a non-Semitic tribe and their language agglutina- tive ; the literature in this dialect consisted chiefly of magical incantations. This theory has been strongly de- fended by Oppert and Haupt. Joseph Hr, levy and others hold that this non-Semitic people and language never ex- isted and that the writing is simply a cryptography or secret writing invented by the priests to lend a greater mystery to their sacred writings. The most recent theory is that the so-called Akkadian dialect is simply an older form of Sumerian and should be called Old Sumerian. (See Surneria.) Alckadist is the name given to a person who believes in the real existence of the Akkadian dialect and people : the opponents of this school are called anti- Akkadists. Akko. See Acre. Akmolinsk, or Akmollinsk (afe-mo-linsk'). A Russian province in the government of the Steppes, Russian central Asia, organized in 1868. It is level in the north, hilly in the center, and a desert steppe in the south. Area, 225,074 square miles. Bopulatiou, 809,700. Akmolinsk. The capital of the government of Akmolinsk, situated on the Ishim about lat. 51° 30' N., long. 71° 30' E. It is a caravan center. Population, 9,557. Akoklak. See Kitunahan. Akola (a-ko'la). A district in the province of Berar, British India, intersected by lat. 21° N., long. 77° E. Area, 2,678 square miles. Population, 582,540. Akola. The capital of the district of Akola, British India, about lat. 20° 42' N., long. 77° E. Population, 29,289. Akpotto (ak-pot'to). See Igbira. Akra (ak-ra/ ), formerly Accra. A Nigritic tribe of the Gold Coast, West Africa, subject to Eng- land. It occupies the triangular area between the sea- coast, the Volta River, and the Ashanti Mountains. The Akra language has monosyllabic roots and makes a great use of musical tones. Ga, (Gau) and Adampi are its two principal dialects. Akra, formerly Accra. A town on the Gold Coast, West Africa, about 80 miles west of the Volta river. It has about 18,000 inhabitants, a few only being white. It became English in 1850, and, after Cape Coast Castle, is the largest town of the Gold Coast. Akrabbim (a-krab'im). [Heb., ‘ scorpions.’] In biblical geography, a group of hills south of the Dead Sea, variously identified. Alabama, The Akragas. See Agrigentum. Akr on ( ak 'ron ) . T he capital of Summit County, Ohio, 36 miles south of Cleveland, it has consid- erable manufactures of flour, woolen goods, matches, agri- cultural implements, etc. Population, 69,067, (1910). Akrura (a-kro'ra). In Hindu mythology, a Yadava and uncle of Krishna, chiefly noted as the holder of the Syamantaka gem. " See Sya- mantaka. Aksakoff (iik-sa'kof), or Aksakov (ak-sa'kof), Constantine. Born at Moscow, April 10, 1817 : died in the island of Zante, Greece, Dec., 1860. A Russian poet and prose-writer, son of Sergei Aksakoff. Aksakoff, or Aksakov, Ivan. Bom Oct. 8, 1823: died Feb. 8, 1886. A Russian Panslavist, son of Sergei Aksakoff. Aksakoff, or Aksakov, Sergei. Bom at Ufa, Russia, Oct. 1, 1791: died at Moscow, May 12, 1859. A Russian writer, author of “Family Chronicles” (1856), etc. Akserai (ak-se-ri'). A town in the vilayet of Konieh, Asiatic Turkey: the ancient Archelais. Population (estimated), 10,000. Aksha (ak'sha). In Hindu mythology, the eldest son of Ravana, slain by Hanuman. Akshehr (ak'shenr). A smalltown in the vila- yet of Konieh, Asiatic Turkey, about lat. 38° 22' N., long. 31° 17' E., on the site of the ancient Thymbrium or, more probably, of Philomelion, the scene of the victory of Frederick Barba- rossa over the Seljuks, May 18, 1190. Bajazet I. died here 1403. Also Ak- Shell er. Aksu (ak-so'), or Ak-sai (ak-sU). A northern tributary of the Tarim in eastern Turkestan, about 300 miles long. It rises in the Tian-Shan. Aksil (ak-so'). A city in eastern Turkestan, about lat. 41° 7' N., long. 80° 30' E., important as a commercial center and strategical point. It has manufactures of cotton goods. Popula- tion (estimated!, 40,000. Akupara (ak-o-pa/ra). In Hindu mythology, the tortoise which upholds the world. Akurakura (a-ko-ra'ko-ra). A small African tribe, settled on the bend of Cross River, West Africa, in the region where the Bantu and Ni- gritic languages meet and blend. Akureyri (a-ko-ra'ri). A small seaport on the northern coast of Iceland, the second largest place on the island. Akwapim (ak-wa-pem'). See Ashanti. Akyab (ak-yab'). A district in the division of Arakan, Lower Burma, intersected by lat. 21° N. and long. 93° E. Area, 5,136 square miles. Population, 481,666. Akyab. A seaport, capital of the district of Akyab, and chief port of the Arakan division of Lower Burma, lat. 20° 8' N., long. 92° 55' E. Population, 35,680. Ala (a'la). A town in Tyrol, Austria-Hun- gary, on the Adige 23 miles southwest of Trent. Population, 5,300, (1910). Ala. See Igara. Alabama (al-a-ba'ma). [See Alibamu."] A river in the State of Alabama, which is formed by the Coosa and Tallapoosa, above Montgomery, and unites with the Tombigbee to form the Mobile, about 32 miles north of Mobile. Its chief tributary is the Cahawba. Its total length is 312 miles, and it is navigable to Mont- gomery. Alabama. One of the Southern States of the United States, capital Montgomery, bounded by Tennessee on the north, Georgia (partly separated by the Chattahoochee) and Florida (separated by the Perdido) on the east, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and Missis- sippi on the west, and extending from lat. 30° 13' to lat. 35° N., and from long. 84° 53' to long. 88° 35' W. : one of the Gulf States, it is moun- tainous in the north, hilly and rolling in the center, and low in the south ; and is traversed by the Tennessee river in the north, and by the Alabama and Tombigbee systems from north to south. It is rich in coal and iron in the mountainous region, and was the fourth State in the quantity of pig-iron produced in 1911. It has 66 coun- ties, 10 representatives in Congress, and 12 electoral votes. It was settled by the French in 1702. The territory north of lat. 31° N. was ceded to Great Britain in 1763, and to the United States in 1783; and the remaining territory was ceded by Spain to the United States in 1819. It was admitted to the Union in 1819, seceded Jan. 11, 1861, and was readmitted July, 1868. Area, 52,250 square miles. Population, 2,138,093, (1910). Alabama, The. A wooden steam-sloop of 1,040 tons built for the Confederate States at Birken- head, England. Her commander was Captain Semmes of the Confederate navy. (See Semmes.) Her crew and equipments were English. She cruised 1862-64, destroy- ing American shipping, and was sunk by the Kearsarga off Cherbourg, June 19, 1864. Alabama claims Alabama claims. Claims for damages pre- ferred by the United States against Great Britain for losses caused during the Civil War by the depredations on American commerce of vessels — the chief of which was the Ala- bama — fitted out or supplied in British ports under the direction of the Confederate gov- ernment. The adjustment of these claims was provided for by the treaty of Washington, concluded May 8, 1871, which referred them to a tribunal of arbitration to be composed of five members, named respectively by the governments of the United States, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, and Brazil. The tribunal assembled in Ge- neva, Switzerland, Dec. 15, 1871, and was composed of the following arbitrators : Count 1'edcrigo Sclopis, of Italy ; Baron Itajuba, of Brazil ; Jacques Staemptii, of Switzer- land; Charles Francis Adams, of the United States; and Lord Chief Justice Sir Alexander Cockburn, of Great Britain. The agent for Great Britain was Lord Tenter- den, the counsel Sir Roundell Palmer ; the agent for the United States, J. C. Bancroft Davis, the counsel William M. Evarts, Caleb Cushing, and Morrison B. Waite. Count Sclopis was elected president, and Alexandre Favrot, of Switzerland, secretary. After having received the cases of the contending parties, the tribunal adjourned till June 15, 1872. The United States claimed, in addition to direct damages, consequential or indirect damages ; while Great Britain contended against any liability whatever, and especially against any liability for indirect damages. Sept. 14, 1872, the decision of the tribunal was announced, a gross sum of $15,500,000 in gold being awarded the United States in satisfaction for all claims. The Geneva tribunal is of importance in the history of international law on account of the rules relating to neutrals which it adopted to guide its action. Alabama Claims Commission. A commission of representatives of Great Britain and the United States, for the settlement of the Ala- bama claims. Its members were Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sir Stafford Northcote, Sir Edward Thornton, Sir John Macdonald, and Professor Montague Bernard, for Great Britain ; and Hamilton Fish, Robert C. Schenck, Samuel Nelson, Ebenezer R. Hoar, and George H. Wil- liams, for the United States. They concluded the treaty of Washington, May 8, 1871. See treaty of Washington, and Alabama claims (above). Alabanda (al-a-ban'da). An ancient city of Caria, Asia Minor, on the site of the modern Hissar. Alabaster (al'a-bas-ter), William. Born at Hadleigh, Suffolk, England, 1567 : died in April, 1640. An English poet and divine, a gradu- ate and fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, author of a Latin tragedy, “Roxana” (acted at Cambridge University about 1592, printed 1632), and of various learned works. He began an epic poem, in Latin, in praise of Elizabeth, the first book of which remains in manuscript in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In 1596 he went to Cadiz as chaplain to the Earl of Essex. Alacoque (a-la-kok'), Marguerite Marie. Born at Lauthecour, Saone-et-Loire, France, July 22, 1647 : died at Paray-le-Monial, France, Oct. 17, 1690. A French nun, founder of the wor- ship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Alaeranes (a-la-kra'nes). A group of coral islets in the Gulf of Mexico, in lat. 22° 30' N., long. 89° 40' W. AlaHJagh (a'la-daG'). A range of the Taurus in the southeastern part of Asia Minor, north of Adana, a continuation of the Bulgar-Dagh. Ala-Dagh, or Allah Dagh. A mountain-range in the northern part of Asia Minor, intersected by long. 32° E. Ala-Dagh. A mountain-range in Turkish Ar- menia, north of Lake Van, about 11,000 feet high, the source of the eastern Euphrates. Aladdin (a-lad'in). In the story of “Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp,” in the “Arabian Nights’ Entertainments,” the son of a poor wid- ow in China, who becomes possessed of a magic lamp and ring which command the services of two terrific jinns. Learning the magic power of the lamp, by accidentally rubbing it, Aladdin becomes rich and marries the Princess of Cathay through the agency of the “slave of the lamp" who also builds in a night a palace for her reception. One window of this palace was left unfinished, and no one could complete it to match the others. Aladdin therefore directs the jinns to finish it, which is done in the twinkling of an eye (hence the phrase “to finish Aladdin’s window”; that is, to at- tempt to finish something begun by a greater man). After many years the original owner of the lamp, a magician, in order to recover it, goes through the city offering new lamps for old. The wife of Aladdin, tempted by this idea, exchanges the old rusty magic lamp for a brand-new useless one (hence the phrase “ to exchange old lamps for new ’’), and the magician transports both palace and prin- cess to Africa, but the ring helps Aladdin to find them. He kills the magician, and, possessing himself of the lamp, transports the palace to Cathay, and at the sultan’s death succeeds to the throne. Aladfar (al-ad-far'). [Ar.] A name, not much used, for the star ?/ Lyrse. Aladja-Dagh (a-la'ja-daa'). A mountain near Kars, Russian Armenia, the scene of a vic- tory of the Russians under Grand Duke Michael over the Turks under Mukhtar Pasha, Oct. 13- 15, 1877. ' 27 Ala-ed-Din (a-la'ed-den'), or Ala-eddin, or Aladdin. An Ottoman statesman, son of Othman the founder of the Ottoman empire. On the death of Othman, Orchan, Ala-ed-Din’s elder brother, offered to share the empire with him, but he would accept only the revenues from a single village and the post of vizir. He organized the corps of janizaries, at the head of which he gained a victory over the em- peror Andronicus in 1330, and took Nicasa, the chief de- fense of the Greek empire in Asia. Alaghez (a-la-gez'). An extinct volcano 30 miles northwest of Erivan, Transcaucasia, Russia, 13,436 feet high. Also Ali-Ghez. Alagoas (a-la-go ' as). A state of eastern Brazil, capital Maceio, bounded by Pernam- buco on the north and northwest, the Atlantic on the southeast, and Sergipe on the southwest. Its chief products are cotton, sugar, and to- bacco. Area, 22,583 square miles. Population, 649,273. Alagoas. A town in the state of Alagdas, situated near the coast in lat. 9° 45' S., long. 35° 50' W. : formerly the capital of the province. Population, about 15,300. Alai, or Alay, Mountains. See Trans-Alai. Alain de Lille (a-lan' de lei). Latinized Ala- nus ab Insulis (a-la'nus ab in'su-lis). Born 1114: died at Citeaux, France, i203 (?). A monk and celebrated scholar, surnamed “Doc- tor Universalis,” author of an encyclopedic poem, treating of morals, the sciences, and the arts, entitled “ Amtielaudianus” (published in 1536), etc. Alais (a-la'). A town in the department of Gard, France, situated on the Gardon 25 miles northwest of Nimes. It has a fort built by Louis XIV. to intimidate the Huguenots. Population, 27,435. Alais, Peace of. A peace (1629) which termi- nated the last of the religious wars in France, in which (1628) La Rochelle, the stronghold of the Huguenots, was taken by Richelieu, and the Huguenots were compelled to disband as a political party. Alajuela (a-la-Hwa'la). A town of Costa Rica, about lat. 9° 55' N., long. 84° 20' W. Popula- tion, 5,861. Alaka (a'la-ka). In Hindu mythology, the capital of Kuvera and the abode of the gan- dharvas on Mount Meru. Ala-kul (a-la-koF). A lake in Asiatic Russia, about lat. 46° N., near the Chinese frontier, without outlet. Alaman (a-la-man'), Lucas. Born at Guana- juato, Oct. 18, 1792: died in Mexico, June 2, 1853. A Mexican historian and statesman. He traveled extensively in Europe, 1814-22, and was dep- uty in the Spanish Cortes for his native province. Re- turning to Mexico, he held various important offices, being secretary of the interior for the provisional government 1823-25, foreign minister under Bustamente, and again under Santa Anna until his death. Many important public works are due to him, including the Mexican museum. He is best known for his “ Historia de Mdjico ” and “ Dis- ertaciones sobre la historia de la Repfibliea Mejicana,’’ works published during the ten years before his death. Alamanni (al-a-man'I), less correctly Ale- manni (al-e-man'i). [‘All men,’ that is, ‘ men of all nations.’] A German race of Sue- vic origin, which occupied the region from the Main to the Danube in the first part of the 3d century A. D. Their territory extended later across the Rhine, including Alsace and part of eastern Switzer- land. They were defeated by Clovis 496. (See Swabia.) The Alamannic is the German dialect in old Alamannic territory in the region of the upper Rhine, approximately coincident with modem Alsace, the southern half of Baden and of Wiirtemberg, Swabia, and Switzerland. With Bavarian itforms the group specifically called High German. It is the typical form of Old High German, which exists in literature from the 8th to the end of the 11th century. Alamanni (a-la-man'ne), or Alemanni (fi-le- man'ne), Luigi. Born at Florence, 1495: died at Amboise, France, 1556. Am Italian poet, au- thor of eclogues, hymns, satires, elegies, a di- dactic poem “La Coltivazione ” (1546), an epic poem “ Girone il cortese” (1548), etc. He con- spired against Giulio de’ Medici and escaped to Venice: thence he went to Genoa, and in 1523 to the court of Francis I. where, after returning to Florence for a short time (1527-30), he spent most of his after life. Through Wyatt, who imitated him, he exerted considerable in- fluence upon English poetry. Alamannia (al-a-man'i-a), or Alemannia (al-e-man'i-a). A. division of ancient Ger- many, which first appears about the end of the 3d century. It lay in the southwestern part of Ger- many and adjoining parts of Switzerland and Tyrol, the region settled largely by the Alamanni (ancestors of the Swabians, German Swiss, etc.). For the duchy of Ala- mannia, see Swabia. Alamannic (al-a-man'ik), or Alemannic (al-e- man'ik), Federation. A federation of several A1 Araf German tribes, chiefly Suevi ( Alamanni — all men, i. e., men of all nations), which appeared on the Main the 3d century after Christ. Caracalla engaged in war with them in 214. Under Aurelian they invaded the empire, but were defeated in three battles in 271. In 356 and 357 they were defeated by Julian ; in 366 by Jovinus; and in 496 they were completely subjugated by Clovis. Alamans. See Alamanni. Alambagh (a-lam'baa), or Alumbagh (a-lum'- bao). An inclosure near Lucknow, India. It was held by Outram against the Sepoys from Nov., 1857, until March, 1858. Alameda (a-la-ma'da). [Sp., ‘a grove or row of poplar-trees.’ The name is now applied very generally in Spanish America to any large pleasure-ground or park.} A town in Spain, about 50 miles northwest of Malaga. Popu- lation, 4,235. Alameda. A city in Alameda County, Califor- nia, situated on San Francisco bay 9 miles east of San Francisco. Population, 23,383, (1910). Alameda. Up to 1681, a pueblo of the Tigua Indians, 9 miles north of Albuquerque on the Rio Grande in central New Mexico. In 1681 the Indian pueblo was burnt by Governor Oter- min on bis expedition into New Mexico. Alamillo (a-la-mel'yo). [Sp.] A small settle- ment on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa F6 Railroad, in New Mexico, south of Albuquer- que and on the Rio Grande. Up to 1680 it was the site of a considerable village of the Biros Indians. The ruins of the village are still visible. Alaminos (a-la-me'nos), Anton or Antonio. A Spanish navigator whose name is associated with many early expeditions in the Gulf of Mexico. It appears that he was with Columbus in 1499 and 1502, and he was chief pilot of the successive ex- peditions of Cordova, Grijalva, and Cortds to Mexico, 1517 to 1520. He discovered the Bahama channel in 1520. Alamo (a'la-mo). A mission building at San Antonio, Texas, begun in 1744. it was used as a parish church until 1793, when the mission was secu- larized. In Feb., 1836, it was occupied by Colonel W. B. Travis with about 150 men in revolt against the government of Mexico. After withstanding a terrible siege, it was taken by assault on March 6, and the garri- son (including David Crockett and Colonel Bowie) killed. .One man had previously made his escape. Alamos (a'la-mos), Los. A town in the state of Sonora, Mexico, about lat. 27° 25' N., long. 109° W. Population, 6,180. Alamos de Barrientos (a/la-mos de bar-re-en'- tos), Balthazar. Born at Medina del Campo, Spain, 1550 : died about 1635. A Spanish phi- lologist. Alan, William. See Allen. Aland Islands (a'land i'landz). An archi- pelago at the entrance of the Gulf of Bothnia, in the government of Abo-Bjorneborg, Finland, conquered by Russia from Sweden in 1809. The chief island is Aland (population, 9,000). It was occupied by the Allies in 1854. Alani (a-la'nl). A people of Scythian origin, dwelling originally in the Caucasus. With the Huns they defeated the East Goths about 375 A. D. , and they invaded Gaul with the Suevi and Vandals in 406, and Spain in 409. They were defeated by the W est Goths about 418, and disappeared as a nation in the 5th century. The Alani are a puzzling race, our accounts of whom are somewhat contradictory, but who may perhaps be most safely set down as a non-Aryan, or, at any rate, a non-Teutonic people, who had been largely brought under Gothic influences. But early in the fifth century they possessed a dominion in central Spain which stretched from sea to sea. Freeman, Hist. Geog., p. 89. Alans. See Alani. Alantika (a-lan'ti-ka). A mountain-range of Adamawa, central Africa, from 7,000 to 9,000 feet bigb. Alanus ab Insulis. See Alain de Lille. Alaotra (a-la-d'tra), Lake. The largest lake of Madagascar, north of Tamatave, 30 miles long and 5 wide. Alapalli, or Allajialli (a-la-pal'le), or Alleppi (a-lep'i). A seaport in Travancore, India, in lat. 9° 30' N„ long. 76° 20' E. Population, 24,918. Alapayevsk (a-la-pa-yevsk'). A town in the government of Perm, Russia, situated on the Neiva about 70 miles northeast of Yekaterin- burg. It has largo iron-foundries. Population, 8,384. A1 Araf (al a'raf). [Ar., from 'araf a (?), to dis- tinguish.] In Mohammedan theology, a par- tition between heaven and hell (described in the Koran, Surah vii. 44) on which are those who have not yet entered into heaven but desire to do SO. It is regarded by some as a limbo for the patriarchs and prophets, or other holy persons, and by others as a place of abode for those whose good and evil works are about equally balanced. Hughes, Diet, of Islam. Alarbus 28 Albanian Alarbus (a-lar'bus). In Shakspere’s (?) “Titus Andronicus,” a sou of Tamora, queen of the Goths. Alarcon (a-lar-kon'), A small town in the province of Cuenca, Spain, situated on a rock in the Jucar, 43 miles south of Cuenca, it was an important medieval fortress, and was the scene of a Moorish victory over the Castilians in 1195. Alarcon (a-lar'kon). In Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered,” the King of Barca who fought against the Crusaders with the Egyptians. Alarcon (a-lar-kon'), Hernando de. Lived about 1540. A Spanish navigator, sent by the viceroy of New Spain to support by sea the expedition of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado to the mythical Seven Cities in the interior of (what was then) Mexico. He set sail May 9, 1540, and by penetrating the Gulf of California proved that California was not an island. lie made two attempts to ascend the Colorado in boats, and planted a cross at the highest point he reached, burying a writing at its foot, subsequently found by Melchor Diaz. His report is printed in Hakluyt's “Voyages.” See Century Atlas, Map 4. Alarcon, Pedro Antonio de. Born at Guadix, Spain, March 10, 1833: died at Madrid, July 20, 1891. A Spanish poet, novelist, journalist, and politician. He accompanied the Spanish army to Morocco as a newspaper correspondent in 1859, and in 1864 was elected a member of the Cortes f ora Cadiz. In 1868 he fought on the side of the revolutionists in the battle of Alcolea. He published “ Diario de un testigo de la guerra de Africa" (1869), “ Poeslas serias y humoristicas" (18,01, “LI sombrero de tres picos” (L574), “El Hijo Prddigo” (18' 7), etc. Alarcon y Mendoza (a-lar-kon' e raan-do'tha), Juan Ruiz de. Bora in Tasco, Mexico, about 1588 : died in Cordova, Spain, Aug. 4, 1G39. A Spanish dramatic poet. lie was graduated doctor of laws in Mexico in 1606. Afterward he went to Spain, had a subordinate position under the Council of the Indies, and began to publish his comedies iu 1628. They are re- garded by some judges as the finest in the Spanish lan- guage. Perhaps the best-known is “La Verdad sospe- chosa,” which was imitated by Corneille in “ Le Menteur.” Alarcos. Soe Alarcon. Alardo (a-liir'do). The younger brother of Bradamant in Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso.” Alaric (al'a-rik). [Goth. *Alareiks , from al, all, and reiks , ruler. Cf. Gensertc, Theodo?-tc, etc.] Born on the island of Peuce, in the Danube, 376 (?) a. d. : died at Cosentia, Italy, 410. A celebrated king of the West Goths, 395(?)-410, a member of the princely family of Baltha. He served under Theodosius as commander of the Gothic auxiliaries in the war agai.ist Lugenius and Arbogastes in 194 ; left the Roman service on the death of Theodosius, being elected king of the West Goths about the same time ; invaded Greece in 3)6, and was compelled by Stilicho to reti e to Epirus in 397; was appointed prefect of eastern Illyri ;um by Arcadius ; invaded Italy in 400, and fought a drawn battle at Pol- lentia in 401 or 4u3 with Stilicho, who allowed him to escape to Illyricum ; was made prefect of western Illyri- cum by Honorius; invaded Italy a second time in 408; and after twice besieging Rome captured and sacked it Aug. 24, 410. He died while preparing to invade L icily and Africa, and was buried, with a vast treasure, in the bed of the river Busento. Alaric II. Died near Poitiers, France, 507 a. d. A king of the West Goths, 435-507, defeated and slain by Clovis. He ordered the compilation of the code “Breviarum Alaricianum’ or “Corpus Theodo- sii ” (so named from the six books of the Theodosian code which it contains). Alaric Cottin. See Cottin. Alarodians (al-a-ro'di-anz). See the extract. In Tubal and Meshech we must see representatives of the so-called Alarodiau race, to which the modern Geor- gians belong. This race was once in exclusive possession of the highlands of Armenia, and the cuneiform inscrip- tions found there were the work of Alarodian princes who established a kingdom on the shores of Lake Van. /.bout B. c. 600 Aryans from Phrygia entered Armenia, overthrew the old monarchy, and imposed (heir rule upon the in- digenous population. The bulk of the Armenians, how- ever, still belong to the older race, though the language they have adopted was that of their invaders. The Ala- rodian is a family of inflectional languages, of which the Georgian in the Caucasus is the chief 1 iving representative. Sayce, Races of the O. T., p. 50. Alarum for London, or The Siege of Ant- werp. An anonymous play acted about 1599 (published in 1600), attributed to Lodge. Alascans (a-las'kanz). A name given to the foreign Protestants in London during the reign of Edward VI., from the superintendent of the foreign (German, French, etc.) churches in London, John Laski, a Polish refugee and fol- lower of Zwingli. See Laski. Alasco (a-las'ko). An old astrologer in Scott’s novel “Kenilworth,” secretly in the employ of Richard Varney. Also called Dr. Demetrius Doboobic. Alasco, John. See Laski. Alashehr (a-la-shcHr'). A town in Asiatic Tur- key, the Philadelphia of Scripture, situated on the slope of Tmolus about 80 miles east of Smyrna, on the railway from Smyrna. It has considerable trade, and is the seat of a Greek archbishopric. Population (estimated), 8 , 000 . Alaska (a-las'ka), formerly Prussian America. A territory of the United States, capital Juneau, bounded by the Arctic Ocean on the north, British America on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the south, and the Pacific and Arctic oceans, Bering Strait, and Bering; Sea on the west, it includes many islands. The nighest point is Mount McKinley (20,300 feet : U. S. Gcal, tsurv.). Chief river, the Yukon. It has valuable fisheries, fur-trade, and ex- tensive forests, and large mineral deposits. By act of Congress, 1884, it constituted a civil and judicial district, with a governor, judge, attorney, and marshal. An act of Congress, approved August 24, 1912, created a legisla- tive assembly consisting of a Senate of 8 members and a House of Representatives of 16 members. It was discov- ered by the Russians in 1741. It was purchased by the United States from Russia for $7,200,000, by treaty of March 30, 1867. Ar ea, 590,884 square miles. Population, 64,366, (1910). Alaska Peninsula. A peninsula in the terri- tory of Alaska, partly inclosing Bering Sea. Alaska Strait. A sea passage between the mainland of Alaska and Kodiak Island. Alasnam (a-las'nam). In the “Arabian Nights’ Entertainments,” a man who became possessed of eight magnificent golden statues, and on searching for the ninth, which was more singular and precious still, discovered it in the person of a beautiful woman, whom he married. Alassio (a-liis'se-o). A small seaport in the province of Genoa, Italy, situated on the Gulf of Genoa about 48 miles southwest of Genoa. It is a bathing-place and winter health-resort. Alastor (a-las'tor). 1. In Greek mythology, a surname of Zeus as the avenger: also applied to any avenging deity or demon. — 2. In medi- eval demonology, a spirit of evil, the executor of the sentences of the king of hell. — 3. A poem by Shelley, published in 1816, named from its chief character, “Alastor or the Spirit of Solitude.” The poet’s self-centred seclusion was avenged by the Furies of au irresistible passion pursuing him to speedy ruin. Preface to the Poem, Dec. 14, 1815. Alatau (ii-lii-tou'), or Sungariaa (sung-gar'- i-an) Alatau. A mountain-range in Semi- ryetchensk, Asiatic Russia, on the Boundary be- tween that government and the Chinese prov- ince of Hi, about lat. 44° 46' N. It reaches a height of about 13,000 feet. Alatau, or Kusnetzky (koz-net'ske) Alatau. A range of mountains in the governments of Tomsk and Yeniseisk, Siberia, extending about northeast and southwest. Alatau, or Trans-Hi (tranz-e'le) Alatau. A mountain system in Semiryetchensk, Asiatic Russia, south of the river Ili. It reaches a height of over 15,000 feet. Alatheus (a-la'the-us), or Odotlieus (o-do'the- us). Died 386 a. d. An Ostrogothic general. On the death of Vithimir, 376, he became with Saphrax the guardian of Vithericus. king of the Greuthungi, the chief tribe of the Ostrogoths. Alatheus and Saphrax fought under the Visigoth Fridigern at (he battle of Adrianople in 378. Alatri (a-la'tre). A town in the province of Rome, Italy, about 45 miles east by south of Rome : the ancient Alatrium. There is an ancient temple beyond the Porta San Tietro, prostyle, with two Tuscan columns before the ants;, in plan 26 by 47 feet. At some time subsequent to its construction, aposticum was added, of similar disposition to the pronaos. Population, 6,523; commune, 15,322. America and the East Indies, and added largely to geo- graphical knowledge. He commanded a squadron at 'Tra- falgar, and in 1816 was made grand admiral and chief of marine. Alazan (a-la'zan). A river in Transcaucasia, about 150 miles long, a northern tributary of the Kur. Alb, or Alp. See Swabian Jura. Alba (al'ba). Ancient Scotland north of the Forth and Clyde. Alba (al'ba). A town in the province of Cuneo, Italy, on the Tanaro about 31 miles southeast of Turin: the ancient Alba Pompeja. It has a cathedral. Population, 6,858 ; commune, 13,900. Alba, Duke of. See Alva. Alba de Liste, Count of. See JLenriquez de Guzman, Luis. Albacete (al-bii-tha'ta). A province in the tit- ular kingdom of Murcia, Spain, bounded by Cuenca on the north, Valencia and Alicante on the east, Murcia and Granada on the south, and Jaen and Ciudad Real on the west, it is mountainous in the west, and elsewhere a table-land. Area, 5,737 square miles. Population, est., 250,282. Albacete. The capital of the province of Al- bacete, about lat. 38° 58' N., long. 1° 55' W. It manufactures and exports cutlery. Popu- lation, 22,484. Alba de Torraes (al'ba da tor'mas). A small town in the province of Salamanca, Spain, sit- uated on the Tormes 17 miles south of Sala- manca. Here, 1809, the French defeated the Spaniards. Alba Longa (al'ba long'ga). In ancient geog- raphy, a town in Latium, Italy, 15 miles south- east of Rome, the ancient center of the Latin League. Its foundation is traditionally ascribed to Ascanius and its destruction to Tullus Hostilius. Alban (al'ban, or al'ban) Saint. Protomartyr of Britain, 303. He is said to have been a native of Verulamium where he was put to death with the sword. The famous monastery of St. Alban was founded in his honor by King Ofla. about 795. His festival is celebrated in the Roman Church June 22, and in the Anglican Church on June 17. Alban Lake. See Albano. Alban Mountains (al'ban moun'tanz), It. Monti Laziali. A mountain group southeast of Rome, near Albano. Its highest point is Monte Cavo. Albanenses (al-ba-nen'sez). A small medieval sect, named from the city of Alba in Piedmont, which professed Manichtean doctrines. They were closely allied to the Albigenses. Albani (al-ba'ne), or Albano (-no), Francesco. Born at Bologna, Italy, March 17, 1578 : died there, Oct. 4, 1660. A noted Italian painter. Albani (al-ba'ne), Mme. (Marie Louise Ge- ci:e Emma Lajeunesse). Born at Chambly, (Quebec, 1850 (Grove). A distinguished soprano singer, of French-Canadian parentage. Her fam- ily removed to Albany, New York (from which she took her assumed name), in 1864. She studied in Paris under Duprez, and in Milan under Lnmperti, and made her d£- but as an opera-singer in Messina in 1870. She married Ernest Gye in 1878. Albani, Villa. A palace in the northern part of Rome, celebrated for its art collections. Albania (al-ba'ni-ji). [Gr. kZ/lawa.] In an- cient geography, a country of Asia, lying west of the Caspian, north of Armenia, and east of Iberia, and corresponding nearly to the modern Baku and southern Daghestan in Russia. It was part of the Assyrian empire, and the theater of some of the wars of Saigon and Sennacherib. Alatyr (a-liUter'). A town in tho government of Simbirsk, Russia, on the Sura about lnt. 54° 53' N., long. 46° SO' E. Population, 14,100. Also Alatecr. Ala^a (a'la-vii). One of the Basque provinces in Spain, capital Vitoria, bounded by Biscay and Guipiizcoa on the north, Navarre on tho east, Logroho on the south, and Burgos on the west. Area, 1,175 squaro miles. Population, 101,183. Alava, Miguel Ricardo de. Born at Vitoria, Spain, 1771: died at Bareges, France, 1843. A Spanish politician and general. He fought under Wellington in the Peninsular campaign, at the close of which he had obtained the rank of brigadier general ; was president of the Cortes May, 1822 ; lought in tile same year under Ballast e-os and Murillo in support of the Cortes against the rebels ; went into exile 1823, on the restoration of Ferdinand by French intervention ; espoused the cause of Maria Christina against Don Carlos on the deal h of F erdi- nand ; was ambassador to London 1S34, and to Paris 1835 ; nnd retired to France after the insurrection of La Granja. Alava y Navarete(a'la-va e na-va-ra'ta), Ig- nacio Maria de. Born at Vitoria, Spain, about 1750 : died at Chiclana, near Cadiz, May 26, 1817. A Spanish admiral and explorer. He is best known for his voyage of circumnavigation of the globe, com- menced in 1794, in which he explored the coasts of South Albania. [NL. Albania , Alb. Slikyperi, Turk. Arnautlik, F. Albanie, G. Albanien.\ A region in the western part of European Turkey, bounded by Montenegro and Novi-Bazar on the north, Macedonia (with a vague frontier) and Thessaly on the east, Greece and the Gulf of Arta on the south, and the Ionian Sea, the Strait of Otranto, and the Adriatic on the west, corresponding in general to the vilayets Skutari, Janina, and part of Monastir, and largely to the ancient Illyria and Epirus. It was occupied by the Turks in the' first part of the 15th century, levelled under Scan- derheg 1443-67, and was subdued by the Turks in 1478. Several rebellions against the Turks occurred about the beginning of the 19th century. Albania resisted the treaty of Berlin (1878) and t lie cession of territory to Montenegro in 1L8D. Population, about 1,000,000, prin- cipally Arnauts. Albania, or Albany. An ancient name of the Scottish Highlands, fancifully derived from the mythical Albanaet, son of Brute. Albanian (al-ba'ni-an). The language of the Albanians. It is now commonly regarded as a member of the Aryan family. It exists only in modern dialects, but is supposed to be the descendant of the ancient Illy- rian of which no records are extant. Also called Sldpetar , from the native name of the people ( Shkypetdr , 'high- landers ’X Albanian Gates Albanian Gates. The defile of Derbend be- tween the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. Albano (al-ba'no). A town in the province of Rome, Italy, situated on the slope of the Alban Mountains, 14 miles southeast of Rome, on the site of Pompey’s Villa: the Roman Albanum. It passed to the Papal States in 1697. It contains the ruins of a pretorian camp built by Domitian, a large fortified inclosure, auadrilateral in plan. The walls are built of huge but rather thin blocks of stone. One of the gates remains. Population, 8,461. Albano, Lake of, or Lago di Gastello, or Al- ban Lake. A small lake near Albano, Italy, noted for its picturesque scenery, occupying the crater of an extinct volcano. Albano, Mount. See Monte Cavo. Albany (al'ba-ni). Same as Breadalbane. Albany. The capital of the State of New York and of Albany County, situated on the west bank of the Hudson in lat. 42° 39' 50 7/ N., long. 73° 44' 56 7/ W. (Dudley Observatory), near the head of navigation. It is an important commercial city, the terminus of lines of steamers to New York and other river-ports, and of the Erie and Champlain canals, and a center of extensive systems of railroads. Besides the State Capitol, it contains the law and medical depart- ments and the (Dudley) Observatory of Union University. It was settled by the Dutch in 1614, fortified (Fort Orange) in 1624, obtained a city charter in 1686, was the seat of a convention (under the lead of Franklin) to form a colonial union in 1754, and became the permanent capital in 1797. On March 29, 1911, the capitol was injured by a fire which destroyed the State library. Population, 100,253, (1910). Albany. The capital of Dougherty County, Georgia, situated on Flint River, at the head of navigation, 90 miles southwest of Macon. Population, 8,190, (1910). Albany. The capital of Linn County, Oregon, situated on the Willamette 63 miles southwest of Portland. Population, 4,275, (1910). Albany. A small seaport in western Australia, situated on King George Sound about lat. 35° S. Albany, Countess of (Louise Marie Karo- line von Stolberg-Gedern). Born 1753 : died at Florence, Jan. 29, 1824. A German princess, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus, prince of Stol- berg-Gedern, and wife (married March 28, 1772) of the “Young Pretender” (Duke of Albany), and later the mistress of Alfieri. Albany, Duke of. See Leopold George Dun- can Albert. Albany, Duke of. A character in Shakspere’s “King Lear,” the husband of Goneril, Lear’s eldest daughter. Albany Regency. A name given to a clique of New York politicians who controlled the machinery of the Democratic party in the State of New York from about 1820 to about 1854. Among its members were Van Buren, Marcy, Wright, and Dix. Albany River. A river in Canada, about 500 miles m length, flowing into James Bay. Alb a sin (al'ba-sen), or Yaksa (yak'sa). A former fortified town in the Amur Territory, Siberia, on the northern bend of the Amur : a center of Russian colonization in the 17th cen- tury. Albategnius (al-ba-teg'ni-us), Mohammed ben Jabir. Bom in Mesopotamia about 850: died 929. A noted Arabian astronomer. He discovered the motion of the sun, and introduced into mathematical calculation the use of the sine, in place of the entire chord of the arc which had previously been em- ployed. Among his works are commentaries on Ptolemy’s “Almagest,” a treatise on astronomy and geography, etc. One of his astronomical works was translated into Latin, under the title “De Scientia Stellarum " (Nuremberg, 1537). Albay (al-bi'). A town of Luzon, one of the Philippine Islands. Population, 14,049. Albe (al'be). The ancient Alba Fucentia, now a small village near Avezzano, in central Italy. It contains an ancient amphitheater of the usual Homan elliptical plan, 114 by 305 feet, estimated to have stated 20,000 people. The arena measures 63 by 159 feet. Al-Beladori (al-bel' / a-do'ri), Abul Hassan Ah- med. Died at Bagdad about 895. An Arabian historian, author of a history of the conquest of Syria, the island of Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Egvpt, Africa, Spain, Nubia, and the islands of the Mediterranean by the Arabs. He describes the condition of the conquered countries and various towns founded by the Moslems, among them Bagdad. Also Albeladory. Albemarle (al-be-marl'). See Aurnale. Albemarle. See Albemarle Inland. Albemarle, Duke of. See Monk. Albemarle, Earl of. See Keppel. Albemarle Club. A London club, established in 1874, composed of ladies and gentlemen. Headquarters, 37 Dover Street, W. Member- ship, 1,100. 29 Albemarle Island. The largest of the Gala- pagos Islands, in the Pacific. Area, 1,650 square miles. Albemarle Point. The early name of Charles- ton, South Carolina. Albemarle Sound. A shallow body of water, about 55 mijes long, in the northeastern part of North Carolina, separated from the Atlantic by sand beaches, and communicating with Pam- lico Sound on the south through Croatan and Roanoke Sounds. It receives the Roanoke River, and is connected with Chesapeake Bay by the Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal and the Dismal Swamp Canal. Albemarle, The. A Confederate iron-clad ram, built on the Roanoke River about 30 miles below Weldon, North Carolina, during 1863. She did much damage to Union steamers during the spring of 1864, but was destroyed by Lieutenant VV. B. Cushing during the night of Oct. 27 of that year. He attacked her in a small launch carrying a torpedo. For- cing his way within the chain of logs which formed part of her defense, he exploded the torpedo under the ram’s overhang. She was afterward raised, towed to Norfolk, and in 1867 stripped and sold. Albendorf (al'ben-dorf). A village and fre- quented place of pilgrimage (to the sanctuary of the New Jerusalem), in the province of Silesia, Prussia, on the Glatzer Neisse, north- west of Glatz. Albenga (al-beng'ga). A seaport in the prov- ince of Genoa, Italy, the Roman Albingauuum, situated on the Gulf of Genoa 44 miles south- west of Genoa. It contains a cathedral, an early Pointed church with sculpture of Runic type about the doorways. The baptistery is octangular, of the 10th cen- tury, with Corinthian columns, some early mosaics, and a curious tomb. The bridge over the Centa, the Ponte Lungo, between the railway-station and the town, is Ro- man. All the piers of its ten arches, and much of theupper work, are antique. There are also medieval walls. The town contains a gymnasium and an episcopal seminary. Alberes (al-bar'). The eastern ramification of the Pyrenees, between Spain and the depart- ment of Pyren^es-Orientales, France. Alberic (al'ber-ik) I. Slain by the Romans about 925 at Orta, Italy. A Lombard noble- man, patrician (also called senator, consul, and prince) of the Romans and duke of Spoleto, expelled from Rome by Pope John X. He married Marozia, daughter of Theodora. Alberic II. Died 954. A patrician and senator of the Romans, son of Alberic I. and Marozia. Alberoni (al-ba-ro'ne), Giulio. Born near Piacenza, Italy, May 31, 1664: died June 16, 1752. A statesman and cardinal, resident of the Duke of Parma at the Spanish court, nego- tiator of the marriage of Philip V. and Eliza- beth Farnese, and prime minister of Spain, 1714 (or 1715) to 1719. His foreign policy led to the Quadruple Alliance and a war disastrous to Spain. Albers (al'berz), Johann Friedrich Hermann. Born at Dorsten, Westphalia, Nov. 14, 1805: died at Bonn, May 12, 1867. A German physi- cian and professor at Bonn, author of “Atlas der pathologischen Anatomie” (1832-62), etc. Albert (al'bert), G. Albrecht (al'breeht), sur- named “The Bear,” from his heraldic emblem. Born at Ballenstadt, Germany, about 1100 (1106?): died at Ballenstadt, Nov. 18, 1170. Mar- grave of Brandenburg, son of Otto the Rich, count of Ballenstadt. He received a grant of Lusatia 1125 (retaining it, however, but a few years), and of the Nordmark 1134 ; obtained the duchy of Saxony 1138, which he soon lost; attacked the Wends 1136-37 and later, and conquered a large part of their territory ; and assumed the title of margrave of Brandenburg 1150. Albert, G. Albrecht, sumamed “The Proud.” Born 1158: died June 25, 1195. Margrave of Meissen from 1190 to 1195. In attempting to oppress his younger brother Dietrich, who had inherited Weissen- fels, he incurred the enmity of the emperor Henry VI., and died by poison, administered, it is said, by an agent of the emperor. Albert, G. Albrecht, surnamed “The Tall.” Born 1236: died Aug. 15, 1279. DukeofBruns- wick-Luneburg, son of the first duke, Otto the Child . He wascaptured by the sonsof the margravenenry, Oct. 27, 1263, in the war of the ! huringian succession, and was released in 1264, on the payment of 8.060 marks in silver and the cession of the Guelph cities and castles on the Werra. Albert, G. Albrecht, surnamed “Tho Bad.” Died 1314. Landgrave of Thuringia after 1265, and margrave of Meissen from 1288 to 1293. By his second wife, Cunegonde of Eisenberg, he was per- suaded to exclude his sons by his first marriage from the succession in Thuringia in favor of Apitz, liisson by Cune- gonde. A war followed, in which he was taken captive hy his son Frederick, and forced to sign a disadvantageous treaty at Rochlitz, Jan. 1, 1289. Albert I., G. Albrecht. Born about 1250: slain by a conspiracy at Windisch on the Reuss, Switzerland, May 1, 1308. The eldest sou of Albert Rudolf I. of Hapsburg, duke of Austria 1282, and German king 1298-1308. He overthrew and killed his rival, Adolf of Nassau, at the battle of Goll- heim, July 2, 1298. Albert II., G. Albrecht. Born 1298: died 1358. Duke of Austria and son of Albert I. of Ger- many. He ruled the Austrian lands in common with his brother Otto from 1330, and after 1339 alone. Albert III., G. Albrecht. Died 1395. Son of Albert II. of Austria. He ruled alone as duke of Austria from 1379. Albert I., G. Albrecht. Bom about 1317: died Feb. 18, 1379. The founder of the reign- ing bouse of Mecklenburg, created duke of Mecklenburg by the emperor Charles IV. in 1348. h e came into possession of the duchy of Schwe- rin in 1358 by the extinction of the ducal house, and se- cured the election of his second son Albert, by his first wife Euphemia of Sweden, as king of Sweden in 1363. Albert II., G. Albrecht. Died 1412. Son of Albert I. of Mecklenburg, elected king of Sweden in 1363. He was defeated by Queen Margaret of Denmark and Norway (widow of Hakon) at the battle of Falkoping, Sept, 21, 1„89, and taken piisoner. In 13D5 he was released and renounced the throne of Sweden. Albert, G. Albrecht, sumamed Achilles, and also Ulysses, from bis valor and sagacity. Bom at Tange rmiinde, Prussia, Nov. 9, 1414: died at Frankfort-on-the-Main, March 11, 1486. An elector of Brandenburg, third son of Frederick I. on whose death (1440) he succeeded to the principality of Ansbach. He inherited the princi- pality of Baireuth in 1464 from his brother John, and re- ceived the electorate of Brandenburg in 14. 0 fiom his bro- ther Frederick II., whose hearing had been destroyed by the discharge of a cannon. He carried on successful wars with Mecklenburg and romerania, and resisted the at- tempt of the Teutonic Knights to repossess themselves of Neumaik. He was the aulhor of the “Dispositio Achil- lea,” a family ordinance providing for the separation of Brandenburg and Ansbach- Baireuth, and establishing primogeniture in each, according to Hallam the first in- stance of the legal establishment of the custom of primo- geniture. Albert, G. Albrecht. Bom at Ansbach, May 16, 1490 : died March 20, 1568. Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, last grand master of the Teutonic Knights, and first duke of Prussia : younger son of Frederick of Ansbach, who was the second son of Albert Achilles, elector of Brandenburg. He was elected grand master Feb. 13, 1511; made his entry into Konigsberg Nov. 22. 1512; carried on war with his suzerain, the king of Poland, 1519- 1525, in a futile att empt to regain theindependence of Prus- sia, the Ordensland of the Teutonic Knights ; secured by the treaty of Cracow, A pril S, 1825, the conversion of Prussia into a secular duchy, hereditary in his family ; and for- mally introduced the Reformation July 6, 1515. He was aided in his political and ecclesiastical reforms by the ad- vice of Luther. He was the founder of the University of Konigsberg (1544), the third Protestant university. Albert, G. Albrecht, surnamed “The Bold.” Bom July 17, 1443 : died at Emden, Prussia, Sept. 12, 1500. Duke of Saxony, younger son of Frederick the Gentle, and founder of the Albertine Saxon line. In the division of the Saxon dominions in 1485 he received Meissen. Albert IV., G. Albrecht, surnamed “The Wise.” Born Dec. 15, 1447 : died March 18, 1508. Duke of Bavaria, third son of Albert III. After the death of his oldest brother John he became (1465) co- regent with the second brother Sigismund, and later (1467) sole ruler. Albert, G. Albrecht. Born June 28, 1490 : died at Aschaffenburg, Sept. 24, 1545. The youngest son of the elector Johannes Cicero of Bran- denburg, archbishop of Magdeburg 1513, arch- bishop and elector of Mainz 1514, and cardinal 1518. To him was intrusted the sale of indulgences in one district of Germany, and Tetzel acted as his commis- sioner. See Tetzel , Luther. Albert, G. Albrecht, surnamed Alcibiades. Born at Ansbach, March 28, 1522 : died at Pforz- heim, Jan. 8, 1577. A margrave of Branden- burg, partizan and later opponent of the em- peror Charles V. He was defeated by Maurice of Saxony at Sievershausen, in Lime burg, July 9, 1553. Albert, G. Albrecht or Albert. Born Nov. 13, 1559 : died July, 1621. An archduke of Austria, sixth son of the emperor Maximilian II. He was educated for the church, and became a cardinal 1677, and archbishop of Toledo 1584. From 15; 4 to 1596 he was viceroy of Portugal, and was appointed governor ot the Spanish Netherlands in 1596. In 1600 he was defeated by Maurice of Nassau at Nieupoort, and concluded an ar- mistice of 12 years with the Netherlands in 1609. Albert, Count of Geierstein. A character in Sir Walter Scott’s novel “Anne of Geierstein, ”a restless intriguer and head of the Vehmgericht. Pursued by Charles of Burgundy, he takes refuge in a monastery and is known as the “Black Priest of St. Paul’s.” By order of the Vehmgericht ho kills Charles of Burgundy in battle. Albert. In Goethe’s “Sorrows of Werther,” a young farmer who marries Charlotte, with Albert whom Werther is in love. He represents Kest- ner, one of Goethe’s friends. See Werther. Albert (al-bar') (original name, Alexandre Martin). Born April 27, 1815: died May, 1895. A French mechanic, noted as a revolutionist and follower of Louis Blanc. He was a member of the provisional government Feb., 1848, and of the Con- stituent Assembly (convened May 4); was sentenced to deportation for complicity in the riot of May 15, 1848 ; and recovered his liberty by the amnesty of 1859. In 1870 he took a prominent part in the defense of n-uis. Albert (al'bert). In Sheridan Knowles’s play “ The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green,” the real Lord Wilfrid, appearing as the Blind Beggar. Albert (al-bar'), formerly Ancre (ankr). A town in the department of Somme, France, on the Ancre 28 miles northeast of Amiens. Pop- ulation, 7,046. Albert (al'bert), G. Albrecht (al'breeht), Friedrich Heinrich. Born Oct. 4, 1809: died Oct. 14, 1872. Prince of Prussia, fourth son of Frederick William in. He commanded in the fourth cavalry division in the Franco- Prussian war, and partici- pated in the battles of Sedan, Artenay, and Orleans. Albert, G. Albrecht, Friedrich Rudolf. Born at Vienna, Aug. 3, 1817 : died at Arco, Tyrol, Feb. 18, 1895. Archduke of Austria, eldest sou of Archduke Charles, noted as a soldier and mili- tary writer. He served in Italy 1848-49, and as com- mander of the army of the south gained the victory of Cus- tozza June 24, 1866. (See Custozza.) The same year he was made commander-in-chief of the Austrian army. Albert Francis Augustus Charles Emman- uel. Born at the Rosenau, near Coburg, Ger- many, Aug. 26, 1819 : died at Windsor Castle, England, Dec. 14, 1861. Prince Consort of Eng- land, second son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha. He married Queen Victoria Feb. 10, 1840, and was made prince consort June 25, 1857. Albert, G. Albrecht, Kasimir. Born at Mor- itzburg, near Dresden, July 11, 1738: died at Vienna, Feb. 11, 1822. Duke of Saxe-Teschen, an Austrian general, son of Augustus III. of Poland. He was defeated by Dumouriez 1792. Albert, G. Albrecht, Friedrich August. Born at Dresden, April 23, 1828: died at the Castle of Sibyllenort, Silesia, June 19, 1902. King of Saxony, son of King John of Saxony, whom he succeeded Oct. 29, 1873. As crown prince he commanded in the Franco-German war an army corps, and later the Army of the Meuse. Albert Edward (al'bert ed'ward). Born at London, Nov. 9, 1841: died there, May 6, 1910. King of Great Britain and Ireland and of the dominions beyond the sea, and emperor of India, eldest son of Queen Victoria. He married PrincesB Alexandra of Denmark March 10, 1863. In 1860 he made a tour of the United States and Canada, in 1862 of Egypt and Palestine, and in 1875-76 of British India. He as- cended the throne as Edward VII. Jan. 22, 1901. Albert Victor Christian Edward. Born Jan. 8, 1864: died Jan. 14, 1892. Eldest son of Edward VII. He was created Duke of Clarence and Avondale in 1890. Albert the Great. See Albertus Magnus. Albert Savarus (al-bar' sa-va-riis'). A tale by Balzac, published 1844, one of the “ Scenes from Private Life.” Savarus is said to be a portrait of the author. The book contains many details of bis life and work. Albert (al'bert), Joseph. Born at Munich, March 5, 1825: died there, May 5, 1886. A Ger- man photographer, inventor of the Albertype. Albert (al-bar'), Paul. Born at Thionville, Dec. 14, 1827: died at Paris, June 21,1880. A French literary historian, professor at Poitiers, and later (1878) at the College de France. Albert Edward Nyanza (nyan'za). A lake in central Africa, south of Lake Albert Nyanza, and connected with the latter by the Semliki, virtually discovered by Stanley in 1875 and revisited by him 1888-89. Its native name is MutaNzige. Renamed as Lake Edward in 1909. Albert Chapel. See Windsor. Albert Embankment. See Thames Embank- ments. Albert Hall. A covered amphitheater in Lon- don, finished in 1871. its axes are 270 and 240 feet, those of the arena 100 and 70, and it can seat 8,000 persons. The exterior is of brick, with ornament of colored tiles and terra-cotta including a frieze representing the various peoples of the earth. Albert Lea (al'bert le). The capital of Free- born County, Minnesota, 92 miles south of St. Paul. Population, 6,192, (1910). Albert Memorial. A monument, in London, erected to the memory of the Prince Consort, Albert of Saxe-Gotha, on the south side of Kensington Gardens, built from the designs of Sir Gilbert Scott. It consists of a colossal bronze statue of the prince, seated, beneath an ornate spired canopy in the Pointed style, which rises to a height of 175 30 feet. Statue and canopy rest on a basement bearing re- liefs of artists of all countries and times. At the angles four pedestals project with groups of statuary represent- ing Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, and Manufac- ture. Steps descend on all sides in pyramidal form, and at the lower angles are placed sculptures personifying Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. Albert Nyanza (al'bert nyan'za). A lake in central Africa, intersected by lat. 2° N., long. 31° E., one of the main sources of the Nile, dis- covered by Sir Samuel Baker, March 14, 1864. Length, 97 miles. Area, 1,700 square miles. Alberta (al-ber'ta). Formerly a provisional district formed in 1882 in the Northwest Ter- ritories, Canada, bounded by Athabasca, Sas- katchewan and Assiniboia, the United States, and British Columbia. A province of Alberta, capital Edmonton, was proclaimed Sept. 1, 1905. It includes the former district of Alberta, the western half of Athabasca, and a strip of Assiniboia and Saskatchewan. It is repre- sented in the Dominion Parliament by 4 senators and 7 representatives, and has a legislative assembly of 41 mem- bers. Area, land, 255,285 sq. m. Pop., 374,663, (1911). Alberti (al-bar'te), Leone Battista. Bom at Florence, Feb. 18, 1404: died at Rome, 1472. A noted Italian poet, musician, painter, sculp- tor, and architect, author of “ De re zEdifi- catoria” (1485), etc. Albertine Line (al'ber-tin lin). The younger and royal branch of the Saxon house which de- scended from Albert (G. Albrecht), duke of Saxony (1443-1500) . He ruled jointly with his bro- ther Ernst (see Ernestine) from 1464 to 1485, when they came into possession of Thuringia by inheritance, and agreed upon a division, Albrecht taking an eastern and a western portion, with the Ernestine lands intervening between them. Albertinelli (al-bar-ti-nel'le), Mariotto. Born at Florence, Oct. 13, 1474: died at Florence, Nov. 5, 1515. A Florentine painter, an asso- ciate and imitator of Fra Bartolommeo. Albertrandy(al-ber-tran'di), John (Jan) Bap- tist. Born at Warsaw, Dec. 7, 1731: died at Warsaw, Aug. 10, 1808. A Polish Jesuit and historian, of Italian parentage, librarian to Bishop Zaluski in Warsaw, and later to Stanis- laus Augustus, and a notable collector of manu- scripts relating to Polish history. He was appointed by Stanislaus bishop of Zenopolis. Albertus Magnus (al-ber'tus mag'nus). [L., ‘Albert the Great.’] Born at Lauingen, Swabia. 1193 (according to some authorities 1205) : died at Cologne, Nov. 15, 1280. A famous scholastic philosopher and member of the Dominican order. He studied in Padua and Bologna, taught philoso- phy and theology at Cologne (1229), taught at Paris (1245), and finally returned to Cologne. He was made bishop of Ratisbon in 1260, but soon resigned and retired to a con- vent where he died. Among his numerous pupils was Thomas Aquinas. He was famous for his extensive learn- ing which gained for him his surnames “The Great” and “Doctor Universalis,” and was even reputed to be a magi- cian ; but his modern critics differ greatly in their- esti- mates of his attainments and ability. “He was the first scholastic who reproduced the philosophy of Aristotle systematically, with thoroughgoing consideration of the Arabian commentators, and transformed it in accordance with the dogmas of the church ” — to the practical exclu- sion of Platonic influences. His works fill twenty-one volumes, and relate chiefly to physical science : they in- clude a sort of encyclopedia of the learning of his times. Albertville (al-bar- vel'). A town in the de- partment of Savoie, France, near the Arly, 23 miles northeast of Chamb^ry. Population. 6,364. Albi, or Alby (al-be'). The capital of the de- partment of Tarn, France, situated on the Tarn: the ancient Albiga. It has a cathedral (of St. Cecilia) and an archiepiscopal palace, and is the seat of a bishopric. It was a stronghold of the Albigenses, to whom it gave their name. The cathedral is a unique monument, massively built of brick, with the base of its walls sloped outward, the openings all high above the ground, and otherwise fitted to serve not only as a church but as a citadel. It was built 1277-1512. It has a massive and lofty western tower, and a beautiful florid triple porch on the south side, lavishly carved in stone. The interior, without aisles or transepts, is 262 feet long, 62 wide, and 98 high, surrounded between the buttresses by 2 tiers of chapels. The celebrated 15th-century rood-loft and choir-screen are rich with delicate tracery and ex- cellent figure and foliage sculpture. The roof and walls are covered with Italian frescos dating from about 1505. Population, commune, 23,303. Albigenses (al-bi-jen'sez). A collective name for the members of several anti-sacerdotal sects in the south of France in the 12th and 13th centuries: so called from Albi, in Languedoc, where they were dominant. They revolted from the Church of Rome, were charged with Manichman errors, and were so vigorously persecuted that, as sects, they had in great part disappeared by the end of the 13th century. A crusade against them was preached by Pope Innocent III. in 1208, and was led by Arnold of Citeaux and Simon de Montfort. The war of extermination, which lasted for several years, was one of the bloodiest in history. Their doctrines are known chiefly from the writings of their orthodox enemies. Also called Cathari, and by many other names. Albitte, Antoine Louis Albigeois (al-be-zhwa/). A former district of Languedoc, France, comprised in the modern department of Tam. Albin, or Albyn (al'bin). Another form of Albion. Albina (al-bl'nii). A former city in Multno- mah County, Oregon, on the Willamette, now a part of Portland. Albingians (al-bin'ji-anz). [Properly North Albingians ; LL. Nordalbingi (cf. L. Albis, the Elbe), G. Nordalbingisch .] A Saxon tribe liv- ing north of the Elbe (whence the name) in the present Holstein. They were first made known to Europe by the campaigns of Charlemagne in the 8th century. Their language was the Low German dialect of Holstein. With the other closely related dialects, West- phalian, Middle Saxon, and East Saxon, it forms the group specifically called Saxon. Albini (al-be'ne), Franz Joseph, Baron von. Born at St. Goar, May 14, 1748: died at Die- burg, Jan. 8, 1816. A German statesman, head of the government of the electorate of Mainz during the French revolutionary period. Albinovanus Pedo. See Pedo. Albinus (al-bi'nus; G. pron. al-be 'nos), or Weiss (vis), Bernhard Siegfried. Born at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, Feb. 24, 1697 : died at Leyden, Sept. 9, 1770. A German anatomist, professor of medicine and anatomy in the Uni- versity of Leyden : author of “ Tabulae Seeleti et Musculorum Corporis Humani” (1747), etc. Albinus ( al-bi 'n us ), Clodius ( Decimus Clodius Ceionius Septimius A.). Died after the battle of Lyons, 197 A. D. A Roman commander, pro- claimed emperor by the armies in Gaul and Brit- ain in 193 A. D., and probably recognized as Caesar by Severus in 194 : said to have been called “Albinus” from the fairness of his body. He was defeated by Severus in 197. Albinus, Spurius Postumius. Roman consul 334 and 321 B. c., and commander at the defeat of the Caudine Forks. Albion (al'bi-on), or Alebion (a-le'bi-on). [Gr. A/./3 z 6.«’ or ’A'Aefllov.] In classical mythology, a son of Poseidon and brother of Dercynus or Bergion. He and his brother lost their lives in an attack on Heracles as the latter passed through their country (Liguria) with the oxen of Geryon. Albion (al'bi-on). [L. Albion, Gr. ’AX/h'uv, A/ovtuv. from Old Celtic * Albion, Ir. Alba, Alpa, Elba (gen. Alban, dat. ace. Albain), W. Alban (see Albin), lit. ‘white land,’ with reference to the chalk cliffs of the southern coast. Cf. Alps."] The ancient name of Britain : restricted in later poetic use to England. Alban and Albin were ancient names for the Highlands of Scotland. Albion. The capital of Orleans County, New York, 43 miles northeast of Buffalo. Popula- tion, village, 5,016, (1910). Albion. A city in Calhoun County, southern Michigan, 38 miles south-southwest of Lan- sing. Population, 5,833, (1910). Albion and Albanius (al-ba'ni-us). An op- eratic entertainment by Dryden, produced in 1685, allegorically representing the chief events of King Charles II. ’s reign. Albion was Charles himself and Albanius was James, duke of York. It was not printed till 1691. Albion’s England. A rimed chronicle of Eng- lish history, by William Warner, published in 1586. It was seized as contraband by the order of the archbishop of Canterbury, for no reason that is now as- signable. Albion Knight. A comedy morality published in 1565. It turns on the want of concord be- tween the lords temporal and the lords spiritual. Albireo (al-bir'e-o). [Origin doubtful, but con- jectured to be a corruption of ab ireo in the Latin version of the “Almagest.”] The usual name for the yellow third-magnitude star /3 Cygni, in the beak of the swan. It is coarsely double with a fine contrast of color between the two components. Albis (al'bis). The Latin name of the Elbe. Albis (al'bes). A low mountain-range in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland, west of Lake Zurich. Its best-known summit is the Utliberg. A.lbistan (al-bi-stan ' ) , or E lbistan ( el-bi-stan ' ) . A town in the vilayet of Aleppo, Asiatic Tur- key, on the Jikun 40 miles northeast of Marash. The sultan Bibars defeated here the Turks and Mongols in 1277. Population, 8,000 (?). Albitte (iil-bet'), Antoine Louis. Died 1812. A French radical revolutionist, member of the Legislative Assembly, 1791. He was con- demned to death for participation in the revolt of May 20, 1795, against the Convention, hut succeeded in avoiding capture. Under the Directory he was appointed mayor of Dieppe, after the 18th Brumaire was engaged in military affairs, and finally perished in the retreat from Moscow. Albizzi Albizzi (al-bet'se). A noted Italian family, originally of Arezzo, which played a conspic- uous part in Florentine affairs during the 14th and 15th centuries. They belonged to the democratic Guelph party. Albizzi, Bartolommeo, L. Bartholomaeus Albicius Pisanus ( ‘ of Pisa ’) . Born at Rivano in Tuscany: died at Pisa, Dec. 10, 1401. A noted Franciscan monk and religious writer : au- thor of “Liber conformitatum sancti Francisci cum Christo ” (first ed. folio, Venice, undated). Albo, Joseph (al'bd). Born at Soria in Spain: died there, 1444. A Jewish physician, theolo- gian, and philosopher. He wrote a work entitled “ Ikkarim ” (“ fundaments”) which comprises a complete system of the Jewish religion. Alboin (al'boin). Died at Verona in 573. King of the Lombards from about 561 to 572, son of Alduin, whom he succeeded. He destroyed the kingdom of the Gepidse (566), and married Rosa- munda, daughter of the slain king Cunimuud. In 668 he conquered Italy as far south as the Tiber, and established the kingdom of the Lombards with Pavia as its capital. He was murdered at the instigation of Rosamunda, whom, at a carousal, he had ordered to drink from her father's skull. She is said to have employed for this purpose a common soldier (Helmichis, Alboin’s shield-bearer) whom she first allowed to become her paramour, and to whom she then offered the choice of perishing through the jeal- ousy of Alboin or of becoming his murderer. This story is probably unhistorical. Albona (al-bo'nii). A town in Istria, Austria- Hungary, 42 miles southeast of Trieste. Popu- lation, commune, 11,991, (1910). Alboni (al-bo'ne), Marietta. Born at Cesena, Italy, March 10, 1823: died at Ville d’Avray, June 23, 1894. A celebrated contralto singer. She studied under Madame Bertoletti and later under Ros- sini (Grove), and made her df-but at the Communal Thea- ter in Bologna with great success, appearing immediately afterward at La Scala in Milan. She sang in all the Con- tinental and English cities and in America until 1866, when her husband, Count Pepoli, a Bolognese, died. In 1872 she reappeared in “ II Matrimonio Segreto ” at the Italiens. In 1877 she married again an officer of the Garde R6publicaine, M. Zieger. A1 Borak (al bo'rak). [Ar., ‘lightning.’] A legendary animal, white in color, in size be- tween a mule and an ass, with two wings, and of great swiftness, on which Mohammed is said to have made a nocturnal journey to the seventh heaven, conducted by the angel Gabriel. Albornoz (al-bor 'noth), Gil Alvarez de. Born at Cuenca, Spain, about 1300: died at Viterbo, Italy, Aug. 24, 1367. A Spanish prel- ate (archbishop of Toledo) and soldier, a supporter of the papal authority in Italy. Albovine (al'bo-vin), King of the Lombards. A tragedy by Davenant, printed in 1629. The scene and the names of characters are the same as in his later poem “ Gondibert.” Albracca (al-brak'ka). InBoiardo’s “Orlando Innamorato,” a castle of Cathay in which An- gelica was besieged by Agricane. Albrecht. See Albert. Albrecht (al'brecht). Lived about 1270. A German poet, author of the later “ Titurel,” a continuation of the “ Titurel” of Wolfram von Eschenbach : generally, but probably wrongly, named Albrecht von Scharfenberg. Albrecht, Wilhelm Eduard. Born at Elbing, Prussia, March 4, 1800 : died at Leipsic, May 22, 1876. A German jurist, one of the seven Got tingen professors removed on account of liber- alism in 1837. Albrechtsberger (iil-brechts-ber'ger), Johann Georg. Born at Kloster-Neuburg, near Vien- na, Feb. 3, 1736: died at Vienna, March 7, 1809. An Austrian musician, distinguished especially as a contrapuntist : author of “ Grundliche An- weisung zur Komposition” (1790), etc. Albrechtsburg (al'brechts-boro). Anextensive castle at Meissen, Saxony, founded in 1471 by the princes Ernst and Albert. It is a picturesque pile, dominated by towers and lofty roofs, and by the open- work spire of its Johanniskapelle. The large banqueting- hall is an imposing room, with wooden figures of Saxon princes. There is much excellent vaulting. Since 1863 the whole has been restored and decorated with historical frescos. Tor 150 years from 1710 the famous royal porce- lain manufactory was conducted here. Albreda (al-bra'da). A seaport in Senegambia, situated bn the Gambia River 20 miles above Bathurst. Population, 7,000 (?). Albret (al-bra/), House of. A Gascon family which arose in the 11th century, and derived its name from the Chateau d’ Albret. its best- known members are Charles d'Albret, count of Dreux, who was killed in the battle of Agincourt in 1416; Louis d’Albret (died 1465), cardinal bishop of Cahors ; Jean d'Albret, who became king of Navarre by his marriage with Catherine of Foix in 1484 ; Jeanne d'Albret (see be- low); and Cdsar-Bh^bus d'Albret, marshal of France and the last descendant of the house in the male line. 31 Albret, Jeanne d’. Born at Pau, France, Jan. 7, 1528 : died at Paris, June 9, 1572. A queen of Navarre, daughter of Henry, king of Na- varre, and Margaret of Valois, wife of Antony of Bourbon, and mother of Henry IV. of France, noted as a supporter of the Huguenots. Albright (al'brit), Jacob. Bom near Potts- town, Pa., May 1, 1759: died 1808. An Ameri- can Methodist clergyman, founder of the de- nomination named the “Evangelical Associa- tion.” Albrizzi (al-bret'se), Isabella Teotochi, Coun- tess d’. Born in Corfu, 1763: died at Venice, Sept. 27, 1836. A Venetian patroness of liter- ature and art, called by Byron “the Madame de Stael of Venice”: author of “Descrizione delle opere di Canova” (1809-25), etc. Albucasis (al-bu-ka' sis), or Abul-Casim ( a-bol- ka-sem'), or Abul-Kasim el Zahrawi. Born at Zahra al Tasrif, near Cordova, Spain: died at Cordova about 1106. An Arabian physician, author of “Al-Tasrif,” a famous resume of Arabian medical science. According to some he lived a century earlier. His work was partially translated into Latin and twice into Hebrew. Albuera (al-bo-a'ra). A village in the prov- ince of Badajoz, Spain, 12 miles southeast of Badajoz. Here, May 16, 1811, the Anglo-Spanish- Portu- guese army (30,000) under Beresford defeated the French (20,000) under Soult. The losses were nearly even. Albufeira (al-bo-fa/e-ra). A small fishing port in the province of Algarve, Portugal, 21 miles west of Faro. Albufera de Valencia (al-bo-fa'rfi, da va-lan'- the-a). A lagoon, about 10 miles long, 7 miles south of Valencia, in Spain. Its revenues belonged to Godoy, later to Suehet (Duke of Albufera), and after him to the Duke of Wellington. Albula (al'bo-la). A pass in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland, about 25 miles southeast of Coire, connecting the valleys of the Albula and Hinter-Rhein with that of the Inn. Its height is 7,595 feet. Albumazar (al-bo-ma'zar). Born at Balkh, Turkestan, 805 (?): died at Wasid, central Asia, 885. A celebrated Arabian astronomer, author of numerous works, including an intro- duction to astronomy, a “Book of Conjunction,” and a treatise on astrology, a Latin translation of the first (“ Introductorium in Astronomiam ”) appeared at Venice in 1506, and of the second (“ De Magnis Con- junctionibus") at Augsburg in 1489. The work on astrol- ogy was printed at Augsburg under the title “ Flores As- trologici ” in 1488. His name is given to the leading character, a knavish astrologer, in a university play (in English), named for him, by John Tomkis (or Tomkins), acted by the gentlemen of Trinity College, Cambridge, be- fore King James I. in 1614. It is founded on “ L’Astrologo ” of Gian Battista del Porta, 1606. Dryden revived it in 1748. In 1734 a comedy called “The Astrologer” (pro- duced in 1744) was founded on it by Ralph. Albuquerque (al-bo-kar'ke). A town in the province of Badajoz, Spain, 24 miles north of Badajoz. Population, 9,030. Albuquerque. The capital of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, situated on the Rio Grande 58 miles southwest of Santa Fe: an important railroad center, it consists of two set- tlements, the old town and the new town. The latter was founded in 1880. The old town was founded in 1706. Population, new city, 11,020, (1910). Albuquerque, Affonso de, surnamed “The Great” and “The Portuguese Mars.” Born at Alhandra, near Lisbon, 1452 (1453 ?) : died at sea near Goa, India, Dec. 16, 1515. A cele- brated Portuguese navigator and conqueror, the founder of the Portuguese empire in the East. He set out on his first expedition to India in 1503 ; returned home in 1504 ; went to India again in 1506 ; conquered Goa and afterward the whole of Malabar, Ceylon, the Sunda Islands, the peninsula of Malacca, and the island of Ormuz. King Emmanuel appointed a per- sonal enemy of Albuquerque to supersede him. On his return, he died at sea. He made the Portuguese name profoundly respected in the East. Albuquerque, Duarte Coeiho de. See Coelho de Albuquerque, Duarte. Albuquerque, Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva, Duke of. See Fernandes de la Cueva. Albuquerque, Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva Henriquez, Duke of. See Fernandes de la Cueva Henriques. Albuquerque, Jeronymo de. Born about 1514 : died at Olinda, near Pernambuco, about Feb. 25, 1594. A Portuguese soldier, leader in various wars against the Indians in Brazil, whither he went in 1535. In 1548 he was captured by the Oahetes tribe, hut gained their good will and married the daughter of a chief. Albuquerque Maranhao, Jeronymo de. Born at Pernambuco, 1548: died at Maranhao, Feb. 11, 1618. A Brazilian soldier, son of Jeronymo de Albuquerque and an Indian mother. He con- Alcantara quered Rio Grande do Norte from the Indians 1598-99 and Ceari in 1613. In Nov., 1615, he took Maranhao from the French, and was made captain-general of that colony. Albuquerque, Mathias de. Said to have been born in Brazil: died at Lisbon, June 9, 1647. A Portuguese general, governor of Pernambuco in 1624, and, after the Dutch had taken Bahia (May, 1624), acting governor-general of north- ern Brazil. He recovered Bahia in 1625. After vis- iting Madrid he returned to Pernambuco, in Oct., 1629, as governor, and in Feb., 1630, abandoned Olinda and Recife (Pernambuco) to the Dutch. In Dec., 1635, he was ordered back to Madrid, whence he was sent to Portugal in dis- grace. In 1640 Portugal threw of! the Spanish yoke, aud Albuquerque took a principal part in the war which fol- lowed. His decisive victory of Montijo or Campo Mayor (May, 1644) won for him the titles of Count of Allegrete and grandee of Portugal Albuquerque, Pedro d’. Bom at Pernambuco about 1575 : died at Para, Feb. 6, 1644. A son of Jeronymo de Albuquerque Maranhao, ap- pointed governor of Maranhao and Para in 1642. Albuquerque Coelho, Jorge d’. See Coelho , Jorge d’ Albuquerque. Alby. See Albi. Albyn. See Albion. Alcacer-do-Sal (al-ka'ser-do-sal'). A trading town in the province of Estremadura, Portugal, situated on the Sado 50 miles southeast of Lis- bon : the Roman Salacia. It has been the scene of various battles, particularly between Moors and Chris- tians. Population, about 2,000. Alcseus (al-se'us). [Gr. A/wziof.] 1. A famous poet of Mytilene in Lesbos (about 611-580 B. C.), by some regarded as the first in rank of the lyric poets of Greece. He supported the nobles in their struggles with the tyrants of his native town, was banished, and led an eventful and wandering life. He was ■“the perfect picture of an unprincipled, violent, lawless Greek aristocrat, who sacrificed all and everything to the demands of pleasure and power" (Mahaffy). Frag- ments pi his works remain. 2. In Greek legend, a son of Perseus and An- dromeda. He was an ancestor of Hercules. Alcaforado (al-ka-fo-ra/do), Francisco. A Portuguese navigator who took part in the ex- pedition (of which he wrote an account) of Joao Gonzales Zareo to the island of Madeira in 1420. Alcala de Chisbert (al-ka-la' da ches-bart'). [Alcala : Ar. ‘ castle.’] A town in the province of Castellon, Spain, situated near the Mediter- ranean 65 miles northeast of Valencia. Popu- lation, 6,293. Alcala de Guadaira (al-ka-la/ dagwa-THl'ra). A town in the province of Seville, Spain, situ- ated near the Guadaira 7 miles east of Seville. It contains a Moorish castle, an unusually fine example, older than 1246, when the town was taken by the Chris- tians. Population, 8,198. Alcala de Henares (al-ka-la/ da a-na'ras). A town in the province of Madrid, Spain, near the site of the Roman Complutum, situated on the Henares 17 miles east by north of Madrid: the birthplace of Cervantes, it was formerly famous for its university, founded by Cardinal Ximenes, which was removed to Madrid in 1836. Population, 11,206. Alcald deles Gazules (al-ka-la' da los ga-tho'- las). A town in the province of Cadiz, Spain, 30 miles east of Cadiz. Population, 8,877. Alcala la Real (al-ka-la' la, ra-al'). A town in the province of Jaen, Spain, 27 miles north- west of Granada. Population, 15,973. Alcald y Herrera, Alonso de. A Portuguese writer of Spanish origin, who published in 1641 five Spanish tales in each of which one of the five vowels is omitted. Ticknor. Alcamenes, or Alkamenes (al-kam'e-nez). [Gr. ’k/.Kafitvrjc.] Born at Lemnos, of Attic de- scent, or at Athens : flourished about 448-404 b.c. A Greek sculptor, according to Pausanias the most skilful pupil of Phidias. The same au- thor ascribes to him the centaur conflict on the western pediment of the temple of Zeus recently recovered at Olympia. This must have been a very early work of the master. His recorded works were statues of gods and heroes mainly. His Aphrodite “of the gardens" was one of the great statues of antiquity. His statue of ivory and gold of .Fsculapiiis may be represented in the beautiful head in the British Museum, found at Melos. Alcamo (al'ka-mo). A town in the province of Trapani, Sicily, 24 miles west-southwest of Pa- lermo. Near it are the ruins of the ancient Segesta. Population, commune, 51,809. Alcandre (al-kon'dr). A character in Made- moiselle de Scuddry’s romance “C161ie”: a flattering portrait of Louis XIV., then only about eighteen years of age. Alcaniz (al-kan-yeth'). A town in the province of Teruel, Spain, on the Guadalope 64 miles southeast of Saragossa. Population, 7,806. Alcantara (al-kan'ta-rii). A western quarter, formerly a suburb, of Lisbon, noted for the victory gained there in 1580 by the Duke of Alva over tho Portuguese. Alcantara Alcantara. [Ar., ‘the bridge.’] A small town in the province of Caceres, Spain, the ancient Norba Csesarea, situated on the Tagus 31 miles northwest of Caceres. The famous bridge of Trajan, over the Tagus, built in 105 A. D., exists to-day practically as the Romans left it. It is built without cement, and is one of the most imposing of masonry bridges. It is about 616 feet long, and about 190 feet high from the river-bed, with six arches. The two central arches each have a spanof 110 feet. A plain triumphal arch rises over the middle pier. Another notable structure is the monasteiy of the Knights of Alcantara, begun in 1506, and now in ruins. The florid Pointed church is divided by slender piers into lofty, gracefully vaulted aisLs. The cloisters are fine, and the buildings, both for residence and for defense, of great extent and massiveness. Population, 3,248. Alcantara. A seaport in the province of Ma- rankao, Brazil, in lat. 2° 25' S., long. 44° 25' V/. Alcantara, Francisco Martin. Born in the province of Estremadura, probably about 1480: killed at Lima, Peru, June 26, 1541. A Span- ish soldier, half-brother of Francisco Pizarro on the mother’s side. lie left Spain with Pizarro i:i 1529, and was with him during part of the conquest of Peru. He received a large inheritance which was un ustly taken from the younger Almagro. Alcantara was killed with Pizarro. Alcantara, Doctor of. An operetta by Julius Eickberg produced in Boston in 1862. Alcantara, Knights of. A religious and mili- tary order in Spain, created about 1156 by the brothers Don Suarez and Don Gomez de Bar- rientos to combat the Moors. In 1177 it was con- firmed by Pope Alexander III. a3 a religious order of knighthood under Benedictine rule. It took its name from the fortified town of Alcantara, with whose defense it was intrusted about 1213, having hitherto been known as the order of the Knights of San Julian del Pereyro. In 1494-95 the grand mastership was vested in the crown, and in 1540 the knights received permission to marry. In 1835 the order ceased to exist as a spiritual body, though it still remains in its civil capacity. Alcantara, Pedro ole. See Pedro I. and II. of Brazil. Alcatraz (al-ka-traz'), or Pelican Island. A small island north of San Francisco, the seat of a military prison, a torpedo station, and a lighthouse. Alcaudete (al-kou-da'ta). A town in the prov- ince of Jaen, Spain, situated on a tributary of the Guadalquivir 23 miles southwest of Ja6n. Population, 9,907. Alcazar (al-ka'thar). [Ar. al qaer, the castle.] 1. The palace of the Moorish kings and later of Spanish royalty at Seville. A large part is cf the original Alhambresque architecture, and extremely beautiful, though restored and too highly colored. Other portions have been added by successive t punish sover- eigns, from Pedro the Cruel. The gardens were laid out by the emperor Charles V. 2. A palace in Segovia, Spain, originally Moor- ish, occupied by the sovereigns of Castile from the 14th century. It was a large and strong medieval castle, with picturesque towers and turrets, and con- tained rooms of much his'orical interest. It was burned in 1802 , and has been restored. Alcazar, Battle of. See Batfe of Alcazar. Alcazar de San Juan (al-ka'thar da san kwan). A town in the province of Ciudad Real, Spain, a railway and manufacturing center. Popula- tion, 11,499. Alcazar-Quivir. See Kassr-cl-Kebtr. Alcazava Sotomaycr, Simao de. Born about 1490 : died on the east coast of Patagonia early in 1536. A Portuguese explorer, from 1522 in the service of Spain as a naval officer, in 1534 he fitted out, at his own expense, two vessels and 240 men, with the object of reaching Peru by the Straits of Magel- lan. Leaving san Luear Sept. 21, lie touched atlheAbrol- hos Islands, .Brazil, and arrived at the Straits in Jan., 1C.35 ; attempting to pass, he was driven back by a storm, and wintered at Puerto de los Lobos (probably St. Joseph’s or St. Matthew’s Bay). Thence he led a land expedition which crossed the country to the Andes and was the first to explore the Patagonian plateau. Alcazava hims If was obliged by sickness to return to the ship, where he was shortly after murdered in a mutiny. Also Alcazaba, Al- cazo'ci, Alca;oba. Alcedo(al-tka'THo), Antoniode. Born at Quito, 1735: date of death not recorded. A Spanish brigadier-general (1792) and geographer, son of Don Dionisio de Alcedo y Herrera, best known for his “Diccionario geogrdfico-histdrico de las Indias occidentales 6 America” (Madrid, 1786-89, 5 vols.). There is an English translation by Thomson, London, 1812-15. He served during part of his life in America. Alcedo y Herrera (al-tha'THd e er-ra'ra), Dio- nisio de. Born at Madrid, 1690: died there, 1777. A Spanish administrator. From 1706 to 1752 he was almost constantly in Spanish America in va- rious civil capacities. As president and captain-general of Quito (1728-37) he received the French commission sent to measure an arc of the meridian. From 1743 to 1749 he was captain-general of Tierra Firme and president of Panama. Hepublished some works of considerable im- portance on the geography and history of South America. Alceste. See Alcentis. 32 Alceste (al-sest'). The principal character in Moliere’s comedy “The Misanthrope”: a dis- agreeable but upright man who scorns the civilities of life and the shams of society. Wycherley has taken him as the model of his rude and brutal Manly in “The Plain Dealer.” Alceste. A pseudonym of several modern French writers, among them Alfred Assolant, Hippolyte de Castille, Louis Belmontet, and Edouard Laboulaye. Alceste. A tragic opera by Gluck, first pre- sented at Vienna. Dec. 16. 1767. Alcester (al'ster or as'ter). A town in War- wickshire, England, 19 miles south of Bir- mingham: the site of an ancient Roman en- campment. Population, 2,303. Alcester, Baron. See Seymour , Sir Frederick. Aicestis (al-ses'tis), or Alceste (al-ses'te). [Gr. ’ 'AAKr/anc , or AX/ceot^.] In Greek legend, the daughter of Pelias and wife of Admetus, king of Pherte in Thessaly. When her husband was stricken with a mortal sickness she sacrificed her li.e for him, iu accordance with the promise of Apollo that by this means he should be saved. According to one form of the legend she was allowed to return to the upper world by Persephone : according to another she was rescued by Hercules. She is the subject of a play by Euripides. The Aicestis is a curious and almost unique example of a great novelty attempted by Euripides — a novelty which Shakspeare h s sanctioned by his genius — I mean the mixture of comic and vulgar elements with real tragic pathos, by way of contrast. The play is not strictly a tragedy, but a melodrama, with a happy conclusion, and was noted as such by the old critics, who called the play rather comic, that is to say, like the new comedies in this respect. The intention of the poet seems to have been to calm the minds of the audience agitated by great sorrows, and to tone them by an afterpiece of a higher and more refined character than the satyric dramas, which were coarse and generally obscene. Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Lit., 1. 325. Aldiemb (al-kemb'). [Ar.] A rarely used name for the second-magnitude star a Pcrsei, usually called Mirfalc, and sometimes Algenib. Alchemist, The. A comedy by Ben Jonson acted by the King’s Servants in 1010 : a satire on the reigning folly of the time, the search for the philosopher’s stone, it observes strictly the unities of time and place, and, i.i point of inteUec- tual power, is regarded as the first of Jonson’s plays. “The Empiric," a droll, was founded on it in 1676, and “The Tobacconist," a farce, in 1771. It was entered in the Stationers’ Register in 1610, but was not published till 1012. Alchfrith (alck'frith), or Alchfrid (-frid). A son of Oswiu, king of the Northumbrians, aud Eanfked, daughter of Eadwino. ne was cre- ated under-king of the Deirans by his father; married Cyneburh, daughter of Penda, king of the Mercians ; and joined his father in the defeat of Penda, 655, near the river Wiawaed. lie made unsuccessful war against his fa- ther, and probably fled to Mercia. A’.chiba, or Alkhiba (al-ke-ba'). [Ar., ‘the tent,’ a name given by some of the Arabians to the constellation Corvus.] The seldom used name of the fourth-magnitude star a Corvi, which, kowover, is not the brightest in the constellation. Alchymist (al-che-mest'), Der. An opera by Spohr, composed about the end of 1829, and first performed at Cassel July 28, 1830. The libretto by Pfeiffer is based ou a story by Washington Irviug. Alcibiades (al-si-bi'a-dez). [Gr. AXki/3«zi%.] Bora at Athens, about 450 b. c. : killed at Me- lissa, Phrygia, 404 B. C. A celebrated Athenian politician and general, the son of Cleiuias and Deinomache, and a pupil and friend of Socrates. After his father’s death at the battle of Coronea lie was brought up in the house of Pericles, who was his kinsman, lie became leader of the radical party about 421 ; com- manded the Athenian League 420-418 ; was appointed a commander of the e pedi.ion against Sicily in 415 ; and was accused of profanation in Athens, and Led to Sparta, in the same year, becoming an open enemy of Athens. In 42, having becomean object of suspicion at Sparta (his death hod been resolved upon), he went over to the Per- sians. He was soon recalled by the Athenian army, audeom- manded the Athenians in the victory over the Pelopon- nesians and Persians at Cyzicus 410, and iu other success- ful battles. His failure at Andros and the defeat of his general at Notion in 407 cause ! him to be deposed from iiis command. After the battle of /Egospotami he sought refuge with Pharnabazus in Phrygia where he was treach- erously put to death. He was celebrated for his great beauty and talents, and also for his self-will and unbri- dled insolence and capriciousness. Alcibiades. A tragedy by Thomas Otway pro- duced in 1675. Alcibiades. A pseudonym used by Alfred Tennyson in “ Punch.” Alcida: Greene’s Metamorphoses. A pam- phlet by Robert Greene, licensed in 1588, prob- ably published in 1589. It consists of stories exposing the evils of women’s pride and vanity. Alcidamas (al-sid'a-mas). [Gr. ’A'AmAduar .] A Alcock Greek rhetorician, a native of Elaaa in Asia Minor. He was a pupil of Gorgias, and between 432 and 411 B. c. resided at Athens where he gave instruc- tion in eloquence, being the last of the purely sophistical school of rhetoricians. Two extant declamations and fragments of other works are ascribed to him. Alcide (al-sed'), Baron de M . . . A pseudo- nym used 1833-35 and in 1864 by Alfred de Musset. Alcides (al'si-dez). A patronymic of Heracles, who was a descendant of Alcseus. Alcilia (al-olie'na). A fairy, the embodiment of carnal delights, in Boiardo’s “Orlando In- namorato” and Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso”: the sister of Logistilla (reason) and Morgana (lasciviousness). When tired of her lovers she changed them into trees, beasts, etc., and was finally, by means of a magic ring, displayed in her real senility and ugliness. Compare Acrasia, Armida, and Circe. Alcinous (al-sin'o-us). [Gr. AXtaVoof.] In Greek legend, a king of the Phteacians, in the island of Scheria, mentioned in the Odyssey. A considerable part of the poem (Books VI. -XIII.) is de- voted to the events of Odysseus’s stay in his dominions. Alciphron (al'si-fron). [Gr. AX/d^por.] Lived probably in the last part of the 2d century a. d. A Greek epistolographer whose identity is un- certain, Alciphron being, perhaps, an assumed name. The letters atti ibuted to him “are about 100 in number, and are divided into three books. They repre- sent classes of the older Greek community, and are val- uable from the glimpses which they give of social life, the materials being mostly derived from the remains of the middle and new comedy, ’the most lively are those supposed to be written by celebrated het®r®, especially those from Glvcera to Menanaer. The style is a careful imitation of the best Attic” (K. 0. Muller, List, of the Lit. of Anc. Greece, III.). (Donaldmi.) Alciphron. A character in Thomas Moore’s romance “The Epicurean,” published in 1827. Moore also wrote a poem with this title, pub- lished in 1839. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. A philosophical dialogue by Bishop Berkeley, written to expose the weakness of infidelity. It was composed while Berkeley was at New- port, R. I., and was published in 1732. Alcira (iil-the'ra). A town in the province of Valencia, Spain, on an island of the Jucar 20 miles south of Valencia. Population, 20,572. Alcmajon (alk-me'on). [Gr. AX/c/ra/wr.] In Greek legend, the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle and the leader of the Epigoni in the expedition against Thebes. In accordance with the command of his father, given when he joined the first expedition against Thebes, and the advice of the oracle, he slew his mother, and was driven mad aud pursued by the Furi s in consequence. Having, under f.,lse pretenses, obtained from Ihegeus the Aicadian the necklace and robe of Harmonia (see Uarmonia) for his wife Callirrhoe, lie was waylaid and slain by lliegeus’s order. Alcmaeon. A Greek natural philosopher, horn at Crotona, Italy, in the 6th century B. c., es- pecially noted for his discoveries in anatomy. Alcma 20 nid.se (alk-me-on'i-de). A noble family of Athens, a branch of the family of the Neleidse which came from Pylos in Messenia to Athens about 1100 B. C. Among the more notable members of the family are Alcmajon, an Athenian general in the Cirrhaean war; Megacles, a son of Alcmseon, and a rival of Fisistratus; Clistheues, the legislator, son of Megacles; Pericles, t,.e celebrated Athenian statesman, great-grand- son of Menat les ; and the scarcely less famous Alcibiades, cousin of Pericles. The family was banished for sacri- lege about 596 B. c., on account of the ac ion of the Alc- ma-onid archon Megacles v. ho 612 b. C. put to death the participants in the insurrection of Cylon while they clung for protection to the altars. They returned through an alliance with T y< u-gus, carried on with varying fortunes a struggle with Pisistrutus and the Pisistratid®, and were finally restored in 510 B. c. Aleman, or Aikman (alk'man), or Alcmason. [Gr. AX/c/zdr, or AX/t^aiW.] The greatest lyric poet of Sparta. Heflouri hed about the middle of the 7th century B. c., and was probably brought to Greece as a slave, in youth, from Sardis. “Lis six books contained all kinds of melos, hymns, paeans, prosodia, partlienia, and erotic songs. His metres are easy and various, and not like the complicated systems of later lyrists. Cn the other hand, his proverbial wisdom, and the form of his personal allusions, sometimes remind one of Pindar. But the general character of the poet is that of an easy, simple, pleasure-loving man. He boasts to have imitated the song of birds (fr. 17, 67) — iu other words, to have been a self-taught and original poet.” ( Mahaffy , Hist. Greek Lit., 1. 170.) Fragments of his writings are extant. Alcmene (alk-me'ne), or Alkmene. [Gr. A Xx- [ir/vTi.~] In Greek mythology, the wife of Am- phitryon and mother, by Zeus, of Heracles. Alcobapa (al-ko-ba'sii). A small town in the province of Estremadura, Portugal, 50 miles north of Lisbon. It contains a Cistercian monastery, founded in 114S, and believed to have been the largest of the order. The buildings now serve as barracks. Alcock, or Alcocke (al'kok), John. Born at Beverley, Yorkshire, England, 1430; died at Wisbeach, England, Oct. 1, 1500. An English Alcock prelate and scholar, successively bishop of Ro- chester, Worcester, and Ely, and founder of Jesus College, Cambridge, 1496. Alcofribas Nasier (al-ko-fre-ba'na-sya'). An anagrammatic pseudonym of Francois Rabelais, once or twice shortened to the first word only. Alcolea (al-ko-la'a). A locality in the province of Cordova, Spain, on the Guadalquivir 8 miles northeast of Cordova, where, Sept. 28, 1868, the Spanish revolutionists, under Serrano, defeated the royalists. The battle resulted in the over- throw of Queen Isabella. Alcor (al'kor). [Ar. , but uncertain ; said to sig- nify ‘ the rider.’] A small' fifth-magnitude star very near to Mizar (f Ursse Majoris). It is easily seen with the naked eye if the eye is normal, but not otherwise: hence sometimes used as a test of vision. _It is called Aliore in the Latin version of the “ Almagest. Alcoran. See Koran. Alcorn (al'korn), James Lusk. Born Nov. 4, 1816: died Dec. 20, 1894. An American poli- tician, founder of the levee system of the State of Mississippi, Republican governor of Missis- sippi 1870-71, United States senator 1871-77, and unsuccessful candidate for governor in 1873. Alcott (al'kot), Amos Bronson. Born at Wol- cott, Conn., Nov. 29, 1799 : died at Boston, March 4, 1888. An American philosophical writer and educator, one of the founders of the school of transcendentalistsinNewEngland. Hewasson of Joseph Chatfield Alcox, a small farmer and mechanic, and Anna Bronson : the family name was originally spelled Alcoclce. His youth was spent in peddling books and other wares, interrupted by school-teaching, chiefly in Vir- ginia and North and South Carolina. He returned to New England in 1823, and soon after opened an infant-school in Boston where he later (1831-37) conducted a well-known school in which the instruction was based upon the prin- ciples of self-analysis and self-education, the efforts of the teacher being directed to the development of the indi- viduality of the pupil. He retired to Concord 1810, where he was intimately associated with Emerson, Hawthorne, Xhoieau, and Channing, and became dean of the Concord School of Philosophy! His chief works are “Orphic Sayings” contributed to the “l)ial” (1810), “Tablets” (1868), “Concord Days”(1872), “Table-Talk” (1877), “Son- nets and Canzonets ” (1832). Alcott, Louisa May. Born at Germantown, Pa., Nov. 29, 1832 : died at Boston, Mass. , March 6, 1888. An American author, daughter of A. B. Alcott. She was a tea: her in early life and an army nurse in the Civil War. Among her works are “Little Women” (1868), “Old-Fashioned Girl” (1869), “Little Men” (IS71), “Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag” (1872-82), “Rose in Bloom,” etc. Alcoy (al-koi'). A city in the province of Ali- cante, Spain, lat. 38° 42' N., long. 0° 27' W. : an important manufacturing center (paper, etc.). It was the scene of a bloody insurrection of the Internationale in July, 1873. Population, 32,063. Alcudia (al-ko'THe-ii). A seaport on the north- ern coast of Majorca, Balearic Islands, for- merly the chief fortress of the island. Popula- tion, 2,703. Alcudia, Duke of. See Godoy, Manuel de. Alcuin (al'kwin), AS. Ealkwine (ealch'wi-ne). Born at York, England, 735: died at Tours, May 19, 804. An English prelate and scholar, abbot of Tours : also known as Albinus, Flaceus, and Albinus Flaccus. He was educated at York, and settled on the Continent in 782, on the invitation and under the protection of Charlemagne. He was mas- ter of the school of the palace and served as general su- perintendent of Charlemagne’s schemes of ecclesiastical and educational reform. At the council of Frankfort in 794 he led the opposition to adoptionism, which the coun- cil condemned ; and at the synod of Aachen (Aix-la- Chapelle) in 799 he persuaded Felix, the leader of (he adoptionists, to recant (his second recantation). Alcuin wrote on a great variety of subjects, including theology, history, grammar, rhetoric, orthography, dialectics, etc. About 802 he revised the Vulgate. He was also a poet. Alcyone (al-si'o-ne). [Gr. ’A'limovy.'] 1. In classical mythology: (a) The daughter of Aldus and wife of Ceyx. After the loss of her husband she cast herself into the sea and was changed into a kingfisher. (6) A Pleiad, daughter of Atlas and Pleione. — 2. A greenish star of magnitude 3.0, the brightest of the Pleiades. Alcyonius (al-si-6'ni-us), or Alcionius, Pe- trus. Born at Venice, 1487: died at Rome, 1527. An Italian scholar, corrector of the press of Aldus Manutius, and professor of Greek at Florence : author of “Medicis legatus, sive do Exilio” (1522), etc. Aldabella (al-dii-bel'lii). 1. The wife of Or- lando in Ariosto’s poems, the sister of Oliviero and Brandimarte and daughter of Monodantes : in the oldFrench and Spanish poems called Alda and Auda. — 2. A character in Milman’s play “Fazio”: a handsome shameless woman who beguiles Fazio when he becomes rich, and after his execution is condemned to imprisonment in a nunnery for life through the interposition of Bianca, the wife of Fazio, o.— 3 33 AMabra (ai-da'bra) Islands. Small islands in the Indian Ocean , belonging to Great Britain, in lat. 9° 23' S., long. 46° 15' E. Aldan (til-dan'). A river in the government of Yakutsk, Siberia, which rises near the Yablo- noi Mountains, and joins the Lena about lat. 63° N., long. 130° E. Its length is about 1,300 miles. Aldan Mountains. A spur, of the Stanovoi Mountains, in eastern Siberia, near the river Aldan. Aldana (al-da'na), Lorenzo de. Born in Es- tremadura about 1500: died at Arequipa, Peru, probably in 1556. A Spanish soldier who served with Alvarado in Guatemala and Peru, and in 1536 went with Juan de Rada to reinforce Al- magro in Chile. In 1554 he was with Alonzo de Alva- rado in the campaign against Giron, and shared in the defeat at the Abaneay (May 21, 1554). Authorities are not in accord as to the date of his death, Calaucha placing it iu 1571. Aldborough (ald'bur // 6, locally a/bro). A small town in Yorkshire, England, the ancient Isu- rium, 16 miles northwest of York, noted for its Roman antiquities (the pavements, founda- tions, etc., of the ancient city). Aldborough, or Aldetourgh." A watering-place in Suffolk, England, 21 miles northeast of Ipswich. Population, 2,405. Aldea Gallega do Ribatejo (al-da'a gal-la'ga do re-ba-ta'zho). A town in the district of Lisbon, Portugal, near the Tagus 8 miles east of Lisbon. Aldebaran (al-de-ba-ran' or al-deb'a-ran). [Ar. al-dabardn, the follower or the hindmost, because in rising it follows the Pleiades.] The standard first-magnitude red star a Tauri. It is in the eye of the animal, and is the most conspicuous member of the group known as the Hyades. Also often called Palilidum (which see). Aldegonde. See Sainte-Aldegonde. Aldegrever (al'de-gra-fer), or Aldegraf (al'de- graf), Heinrich. Born at Paderborn, Prussia, 1502 : died at Soest, Prussia, 1562. A German engraver and painter. Aiden (al'den), James. Born at Portland, Maine, March 31, 1810 : died at San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 6, 1877. An American naval officer, appointed captain Jan. 2, 1863, commodore July 25, 1866, and rear-admiral June 19, 1871, and re- tired March 31, 1872. He served in the Mexican war, and commanded the Richmond in the New Orleans cam- paign of 1862, and the Brooklyn in Mobile Bay, 1864, and in the attacks on Fort 1 isher. Aiden, John. Born in England, 1599: died at Duxbury, Mass., Sept. 12, 1G87. One of the “Pil- grim Fathers,” a cooper of Southampton, who was engaged in repairing the Mayflower and became one of the party which sailed in her. He is said to have been the first tostep on Plymouth Rock, though this honor is also assigned to Mary Chilton. Be settled at Duxbury and in 1623 married Priscilla Mullens. •The incidents of their courtship form the theme of Long- fellow’s “Courtship of Miles Standish.” He was a magis- trate in the colony for more than 5(1 years, and outlived all the other signers of the Mayflower compact. Aiden, Joseph. Born at Cairo, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1807 : died at New York, Ang. 30, 1885. An American educator. He was professor of Latin (later of rhetoric and political economy) in Williams College 1835-53, professor of mental and moral philosophy at La- fayette College 1853-57, president of Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, 1857-62, and principal of the Albany, New York, Normal School 1867-72. He was also for a time editor of “The New York Observer,” and was a prolific writer, chiefly of juvenile literature. Aldenhoven (til'den-ho-fen). A town in the Rhine Province, Prussia, 12 miles northeast of Aix-la-Chapelle. Here, March 1, 1793, the Austrians under the Prince of Coburg and Archduke Charles de- feated the French, and Oct, 2, 1794, the French (about 85,000) under Jourdan defeated the Austrians (about 70,000) under Clairfayt. Population, about 2,000. Alderamin (al-der-am'in). [Ar. al-dord' l-ya- min, the right arm.] The usual name of the 214 -magnitude star a Cephei. Alderney (al'der-ni), F. Aurigny (o-ren-ye'). One of the Channel Islands, the ancient Au- rinia or Riduna, situated northeast of Guern- sey, and 7 miles west of Cape La Hague, in lat. 49° 43' N., long. 2° 12' W. (Braye Harbor): length, 3l4 miles; area, 4 square miles: noted for its breed of cattle, it contains the town of St. Anne. The government is vested' in a judge, 6 jurats, and 12 representatives. Population, 2,062. Alderney, Race of, F. Ras d’Aurigny. A channel between Alderney and the French coast, dangerous from its currents. Aldersgate (al'ders-gat). A gate in old Lon- don wall which stood in the reentering angle of the old city between Newgate and Cripple- gate and at the junction of Aldersgate street Aldred and St. Martin’s lane. It is called Ealdred’s gate ( Ealdredesgate ) in the (Latin) laws of Ethelred. Aldershot (al'der-shot). A town on the border of Surrey and Hampshire, England, 34 miles southwest of London, noted for its military camn (established 1855). Population, 30,974. Aldfrith (ald'frith), Ealdfrith (eald'frith), or Eallfrith (eah'frith). Died 705. KiDg of the Northumbrians, an illegitimate son of Oswiu, and brother of Ecgfrith, whom he succeeded in 685. Aldgate (ald'gat). [Originally Alegate : mean- ing probably ‘a gate open to all,’ or ‘free gate.’] The eastern gate of old London wall, situated near the junction of Leadenhall street, Hounds- diteh, Whitehall, and the Minories. it must have been one of the 7 double gates mentioned by Fitz Stephens (who died 1191), not one of the Roman gates. The great road to Essex by which provisions were brought to the R,oman ciiy crossed the Lea at Old-ford and entered the city with the Eormine (Ermine) street, not at Aldgate but at Bishopsgate. Aldgate may have been opened in the reign of King Eadgar, or that of Edward the Confessor, but probably dates from the first years of Henry I., at which time Bow Bridge across the Lea at Stratford is supposed to have been built by his queen Matilda. Aldhelrn (iild'helm), Saint. Born 640 (?) : died at Doulting, near Wells, England, May, 709. An English scholar and prelate, made bishop of Sherborne in 705. His best-known works are “De laude virginitatis,” in prose, and a poem “De laudibus virginum.” Aldiboronteplioscopliormo (al // di-bo-ron // te- fos // ko-f6r 'ni-o). A character in Henry Carey’s burlesque “ Chrononbotonthologos.” it was given as a nickname to James Ballantyne the printer, on account of the solemn pomposity of his manner, by Sir Walter Scott. See Rigdumfunrddos. Aldiger (al'di-ger). In Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso,” a Christian knight and the brother of the enchanter Malagigi. Aldine (al'din) Press. The press established at Venice by Alius Manutius. See Manutius. Aldingar (al'ding-giir), Sir. A ballad concern- ing a false steward who sought to take away the honor of his queen, in the ballad with this title from the Percy MS. the queen’s name is Llinore, the wife of Henry II., but the story occurs repeatedly in connec- tion with historical personages of nearly ail the European nations. Our conclusion would therefore be, with Crundtvig, that the ballads of Sir Aldingar, Ravengaard, arid Mem- ering, and the rest, are of common derivation with the legends of St. Cunigtind, G undeberg, &c., and that all these are offshoots of a story which, “beginning far back in the infancy of the Gothic race and their poetry, is continually turning up, now here and now there, without having a proper home in any definite time or assignable place.” Child , Eng. and Scottish Ballads, III. 241. Aldingar. The prior of St. Cuthbert’s Abbey in Sir Walter Scott’s poem “Harold the Dauntless.” Aldini (al-de'ne), Count Antonio. Born at, Bologna, Italy, 1756 : died at Pavia, Italy, Oct. 5, 1826. An Italian statesman, minister of the Italian republic and kingdom under the Na- poleonic r4gime. Aldini, Giovanni. Born at Bologna, Italy, April 10, 1762 : died at Milan, Jan. 17, 1834. An Italian physicist, professor of physics at Bo- logna, brother of Antonio Aldini and nephew of Galvani. Aldo Manuzio. See Manutius. Aldo (al'do), Father. In Dryden’s play “Lim- berham, or the Kind Keeper,” an abandoned but kind-hearted old debauchee. Aldobrandini (al-do-bran-de'ne). A celebrated Florentine family, originally from the village of Laseiano, near Pistoja, established in Florence since the 12th century. Among its more important members are Giovanni A. (1525 : died at Rome, 1573), an Italian cardinal, son of Silvestro A. ; Giovanni Francesco A. (1546-1601), a papal general, n eph e w of Pope Clement V II I. ; Pietro A. (1571-1621), an Italian cardinal, grandson of Sil- vestro A.; Silvestro A. (born at Florence, Nov. 23, 1499: died at Rome, Jan. 6, 1558), an Italian jurist; and Tommaso A. (15407-72), an Italian man of letters, son of Silvestro A., author of a Latin translation of Diogenes Laertius. Aldobrandini, Ippolito. See Clement VII I, rope. Aldred (al'dred), or Ealdred (e-al'dred), or Ai- red (al'red). Died at York, England, Sept. 11, 1069. An English ecclesiastic, made bishop of Worcester in 1044 and archbishop of York in 1060. About 1050 he was sent on a mission to Rome by Edward the Confessor, and in 1054 to the court of the emperor Henry III. to negotiate for the return of Edward the TEtheliiig from Hungary. He was the first English bishop to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem (1058). According to one account (Florence of Worcester) he crowned Harold in 1066, hut the ceremony was probably performed by Stigand. He submitted to William I., whom he crowned 1066 and over whom he is said to have exer cised considerable influence. Aldrich, Henry Aldrich (al'drich or al'drij), Henry. Born at Westminster, England, 1647 : died at Oxford, England, Dec. 14, 1710. An English divine, writer, musician, and architect, dean of Christ Church, Oxford, from 1689: author of a logical compendium (1691) which long remained a pop- ular text-book (ed. bv Mansel). Aldrich, Nelson WilmartL. Born at Foster, R.I.,Nov. 6,1841. An American politician, mem- ber of Congress from Rhode Island 1879-81, and Rep. senator from Rhode Island 1881-1911. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Born at Ports- mouth, N. H., Nov. 11, 1836: died at Boston, March 19, 1907. An American poet, nov- elist, and journalist, editor of the “Atlan- tic Monthly” 1881-90. Hia works Include “Bells" (1855), “Ballad of Bable Bell" (1856), “Pampinea, and other Poems” (1861), “Poems" (1863, 1865), “Cloth of Gold, and other Poems ” (1874), “Flower and Thom” (1876), “Story of a Bad Boy” (1870), “Marjorie Daw, and other People" (1873), “Prudence Palfrey” (1874), “Flower and Thorn : Later Poems " (1876), “ The Queen of Sheba ” (1877), “ Rivermouth Romance ” (1877), “The Still water Tragedy ” (1880), “ From Ponkapog to Pesth ” (1883), “ Mercedes, and Later Lyrics" (1883), “Wyndham Towers” (1889), “The Sisters’ Tragedy (1891), “Two Bites at a Cherry ” (1894), “Judith and Holofernes” (1896), “A Sea Turn” (1902), “Ponkapog Papers” (1903), “Judith of Bethulia” (1904), "Pauline Paulovna” (1907), "Songs and Sonnets” (1907). Aldridge (hl'drij), Ira. Born at Bellair, near Baltimore, about 1810(?): died at Lodz, Po- land, Aug. 7, 1866. A negro tragedian, sur- named the “African Roscius,” in early life valet of Edmund Kean. Aldringer (alt'ring-er), or Aldringen (filt'- ring-en), or Altringer (alt'ring-er). Count Johann. Born at Tliionville (Diedenhofen), Lorraine, Dec. 10, 1588: killed at Landshut, Bavaria, July, 1634. An Imperialist general in the Thirty Years’ War. He succeeded Tilly as com- mander of the army of the League in 1632, and distin- guished himself under Wallenstein at Nuremberg. Aldrovand (al'dro-vand), Father. A Domini- can, the warlike chaplain of Lady Eveline Be- renger in Scott’s novel “The Betrothed.” Aldrovandi (al-dro-van'de), L. Aldrovandus (al-dro-van'dus), Ulisse. Born at Bologna, Italy, Sept. 11, 1522: died at Bologna, May 10, 1605. A celebrated Italian naturalist, appointed professor of natural history at Bologna in 1560. At his instance the senate of Bologna established in 1568 a botanical garden, of which he was appointed director. He also served as inspector of drugs, in which capacity he published “ Antidotarii Bononiensis Epitome ” (1574). His chief work is a “Natural History” in 13 volumes, espe- cially notable on account of the profusion and excellence of its illustrations. The last 7 volumes were published after his death. Aldstone (ald'stun), or Aldstone Moor, or Alston Moor. A town in Cumberland, Eng- land, 20 miles southeast of Carlisle. Popula- tion, 3,134. Aldus Manutius. See Manutius. Aleandro (iil-a-an'dro), Girolamo, L. Alean- der, Hieronymus. Born at Motta, near Ven- ice, Feb. 13, 1480 : died at Rome, Jan. 31, 1542. An Italian ecclesiastic (cardinal) and scholar, author of a “Lexicon grasco-latinum” (1512), etc. He was several times papal legate or nuncio to Germany, and was an ardent opponent of the Reforma- tion. Aleardi (a-la-ar'de), Aleardo (originally Gae- tano). Born at Verona, Italy, Nov. 4, 1812: died there, July 17, 1878. An Italian poet and patriot, an active partizan of the insurrection in Venetia 1848-49, imprisoned by the Austri- ans in 1852 and 1859. Best edition of his poems, Florence, 1862 (5th ed. 1878). Alecsandri (al-ek-san 'dre), or Alexandri, Basil, or Vassile. Born in Moldavia, July, 1821: died atMircesti, Moldavia, Aug. 26, 1890. A Rumanian poet, politician, and journalist, active in politics after 1848, and for a short time (1859) foreign minister: author of lyric and dramatic poems in Rumanian, and of translations of Rumanian songs into French. Alecto (a-lek'to). [Gr. ’AAt/ktu, she who rests not.] In Greek mythology, one of the three Erinyes. See Erinyes. Aleksin, or Alexin (a-lek'sen). A town in the government of Tula, Russia, situated on the Oka 85 miles south by west of Moscow. Population, 3,600. Alem&n (a-la-man'), Mateo. Born near Se- ville in the middle of the 16th century : died in Mexico about 1610 (?). A Spanish novelist, for many years controller of the finances to Philip II. : author of the famous “ La vida y hechos del picaro Guzman de Alfarache” (1599), etc. See Gusman de Alfarache. Alemanni, Alemannic. See Alamanni, Ala- mannie. 34 Alemanni, Luigi. See Alamanni, Luigi. Alemannia. See Alamannia. Alembert (a-loh-bar'), Jean le Rond d’. Born at Paris i n November, 1717 : died at Paris, Oct. 29, 1783. A noted French mathematician, philosopher, and author. He was an editor of the “Encyclop^die,” for which he wrote the introduction, the mathematical articles, and part of the biographies. In 1772 he became perpetual secretary of the French Acad- emy, and in that capacity was the spokesman of the parti des philosophes of which Voltaire was the head. His prin- cipal works are “Traitd de dynamique” (1743), “Traitd de l’6quilibre et du mouvement des fluides ” (1744), “Re- cherches sur la precession des equinoxes et sur la nuta- tion del’axe dela terre” (1749),“ Recherches sur diffdrents points importants du system e du monde” (1754), “Me- langes de philosophie et de litterature," “Elements de philosophie,” “Opuscules mathdmatiques ” (1761-80), etc. Alemquer, or Alenquer (a-lan-kar'). A small town in the province of Estremadura, Portugal, 29 miles northeast of Lisbon. Pop., 6,541. Alemquer, or Alenquer. A town in Brazil, on the Amazon opposite the mouth of the Tapajds. Population, 9,445. Alemtejo (a-lan-ta'zho). A province of Portu- gal, bounded by Beira on the north, by Spain on the east, by Algarve on the south, and by Estremadura and the Atlantic on the west, it comprises 3 districts, Evora, Portalegre, and Beja. Area, 9,219 square miles. Population, 416,105. Alencar (a-lan-kar'), Jose Martiniano de. Bom in Ceard, May 1, 1829: died at Rio de Ja- neiro, Dec. 12, 1877. A Brazilian jurist and novelist, best known from his stories of Indian and colonial life, among which are “O Guar- any,” “Iracema,” and “O Sertanejo.” Alengon (a-lon-son'). A former countship and duchy of France, whose counts and dukes were prominent in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The duchy was an appanage of the house of Va- lois. See below. Alengon. The capital of the department of Orne, France, situated at the junction of the Briante and Sarthe in lat. 48° 25' N., long. 0° 5' E. It has an important trade and manufactures of lace (the celebrated “point d’Alenton”), linen, and woolen goods. The town was often taken and retaken in the Eng- lish and League wars. Captured by the Germans Jan. 16, 1871. Population, 17,843. Alengon, Due d’ (Charles de Valois). Died 1346. A brother of Philip VI. of France, killed in the battle of Crecy. Alengon, Due d’ (Charles IV.). Born 1489: died April 11, 1525. A prince of the blood and constable of France, husband of Margaret of Valois, sister of Francis I. His cowardice caused the loss of the battle of Pavia in 1525 and the capture of Francis I. Alengon, Due d’ (Jean II.). Died 1476. He sup- ported the Dauphin against his father Charles VII., and was condemned to death in 1456, the sentence being, how- ever, commuted to life imprisonment, followed by a par- don. Alenio (a-la'ne-o), Giulio. Born at Brescia, Italy, about 1582: died 1649. An Italian Jes- uit, a missionary in China. Aleppo (a-lep'o). [Ar. Haleb or Haleb-es-Shah- ba.\ The capital of the vilayet of Aleppo, sit- uated on the Kuweik in lat. 36° 11' 32 # N., long. 37° 9' E.: the ancient Beroea. it, has an ex- tensive commerce, and manufactures of silk, etc. In 638 it was conquered by the Saracens ; was the seat of a Seljuk sultanate 11th and 12th centuries ; was captured by the Crusaders under Baldwin in 1170 ; was plundered by the Mongols and by Timur ; was conquered and annexed by the Turks in 1517 ; suffered severely from plagues, and in 1170 and 1822 from earthquakes ; and was the scene of an outbreak againBt the Christians in 1850. Popula- tion, about 200,000. Aleppo. A vilayet in Asiatic Turkey. Popu- lation, 1,500,000. Aleppy. See Alapalli. Aler (a'ler), Paul. Born at Saint-Guy in Lux- emburg, Nov. 9, 1656: died at Dfiren, Germany, May 2, 1727. A German Jesuit, author of the school treatise “Gradus ad Parnassum” (1702), etc. Aleshki (a-lesh'ke). A town in the govern- ment of Taurida, Russia, near the Dnieper, opposite Kherson. Population, 12,300. Alesia (a-le'shi-a). [Gr. ’Afecta . J In ancient geography, the capital of the Mandubii in cen- tral Gaul, usually identified with Alise, famous for its defense by Vercingetorix (of whom Na- poleon III. erected a colossal statue here) and capture by Julius Caesar 52 b. C. See Alise. Alesius (a-le'shi-us) (properly Aless), Alex- ander. Born at Edinburgh, April 23, 1500: died at Leipsic, March 17, 1565. A Scottish Lutheran controversialist and exegete, early made a canon of St. Andrew’s where he was educated. He was imprisoned several times as a result of his reforming tendencies, and finally escaped to Ger- many in 1632, where he became the friend of Luther and Alexander Melanchthon and declared his adherence to the Augs- burg Confession. In August, 1535, he returned to England, and was intimately associated with Cranmer and other English reformers. He returned to Germany in 1539, was appointed in the same year professor of theology at Frank- fort-on-the-Oder, and played an important part in the German Reformation. Also Alesse. Alessandri (a-les-san'dre), Alessandro. Born at Naples, about 1461 : died 1523. An Italian jurist and antiquarian, author of “Dies geni- ales” (1522), etc. Alessandri, Basil. See Alecsandri. Alessandria (al-es-san'dre-a). [Named for Pope Alexander III.] The capital of the prov- ince of Alessandria, situated at the junction of the Bormida with the Tanaro, lat. 44° 55' N., long. 8° 38' E. It is an important railway center and a strong fortress, and has flourishing trade and manufac- tures of woolen goods, linen, silk, etc. The town was built by the Lombard League against Frederick Barharossa in 1168 ; was conquered by Sforza in 1522 ; was unsuccessfully be- sieged by the French in 1657 ; was taken by the Imperial- ists in 1707 ; was ceded to Savoy in 1713 ; was the capital of the French department of Marengo in the revolutionary period ; was taken by Suvaroff in 1799 ; was occupied by the Austrians in 1821 ; became a Piedmontese military center 1848-49 ; and was occupied by the Austrians in 1849. Population, commune, 71,298. Alessandria. A province in Piedmont, Italy. Area, 1,964 square miles. Population, 849,037. Alessandria. A small town in the province of Girgenti, Sicily, 20 miles northwest of Gir- genti. Alessandria, Armistice of. An armistice agreed upon between Napoleon and the Aus- trian general Melas, June 16, 1800, after the battle of Marengo. The Austrians retired behind the Mincio, abandoning to the French every fortress in northern Italy west of that river. “It was an armistice more fatal [to the Austrians] than an unconditional sur- render.” Fyffe, Hist, of Mod. Europe. Alessi (a-les'se), Galeazzo. Born at Perugia, Italy, 1500(1512?): died 1572. An Italian archi- tect, builder of the church of Sta. Maria di Carignano (in Genoa), and of palaces and churches in Genoa, Milan, etc. Alessio (a-les'se-o). A town in the vilayet of Skutari, European Turkey, situated on the Drin 20 miles southeast of Skutari : the ancient Lis- sus, founded by Dionysius. Scanderbeg died here. Population, about 3,000. Alet (a-la/). A town in the department of Aude, France, on the Aude 15 miles southwest of Carcassonne. It contains a ruined cathe- dral. Aletsch (a'lech) Glacier. The largest glacier in Switzerland, 13 miles in length, situated in the canton of Valais, north of Brieg and south of the Jungfrau. Aletschhorn (a'lech-horn), A peak of the Ber- nese Alps, 13,773 feet high, near the Aletsch Glacier. Aleut (al'e-ot). See Unungun. Aleutian Islands (al-e-6'shi-an i'landz), or Catharine Archipelago (kath'a-rin ar-ki- pel'a-go). A chain of about 150 islands belong- ing principally to Alaska. It extends westward from the peninsula of Alaska, and separates Bering Sea from the Pacific Ocean. The islands were discovered by the Russians in the middle of the 18th century. Popu- lation (Aleuts), about 2,000. Alexander (al-eg-zan'der). [Gr. A/f^avSpor.] See Paris. Alexander III., surnamed “The Great.” Born at Pella, Macedonia, in the summer or autumn of 356 B. c. : died at Babylon, May or June, 323 B. C. A famous king of Macedon and con- queror, son of Philip and a pupil of Aristotle. He fought at the battle of Chaeronea in 338 ; succeeded to the throne in 336 ; subjugated Thrace and Illyr ia in 335 ; and conquered and destroyed Thebes and subdued oppo- sition in Greece in 335. In 334 he started on his eastern expedition ; gained the victory of Granicus in 334 and of Issus in 333 ; captured Tyre and Gaza, occupied Egypt, and founded Alexandria in 332 ; overthrew the Persian Empire at Arbela in 331 ; conquered the eastern provinces of Persia 330-327 ; and invaded India in 326. He returned from India to Persia 325-324. He became a hero of various cycles of romance, especially in the middle ages. See Alexander, Romance of. See Century Atlas, Map IX. Alexander. A Greek, or native of Lyncestis in Macedonia (whence his surname “Lynces- tes”), implicated with his brothers in the mur- der of Philip, 336 B. C. Because he was the first to do homage to Alexander the Great, the latter pardoned him and raised him to a high position in the army, but afterward put him to death for a treasonable correspon- dence with Darius. Alexander. A celebrated commentator on Aris“- totle of the end of the 2d and beginning of the 3d century a. d., a native of Aphrodisias in Caria, whence his surname “ Aphrodisiensis.” He was also called “the Exegete." More than half of his numerous works are extant. The most notable is a treatise on Aristotle’s views concerning fate and freewiU. Alexander Alexander, surnamed Balas (the Semitic ba'al perhaps signifies ‘ lord ’). Killed in Arabia, 146 b. c. A person of low origin who usurped the Syrian throne in 150 B. c. He was overthrown in battle by Ptolemy Philometor and was murdered by an Arabian emir with whom he had taken refuge. Alexander I. Died 326 b. c. King of Epirus, son of Neoptolemus and brother of Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great. His youth was spent at the court of Philip of Macedonia, who made ' him king of Epirus. On her repudiation by Philip, Olym- pias sought refuge with Alexander, and it was at his marriage with Philip’s daughter Cleopatra in 336 B. c. that Philip was assassinated by Pausanias. In 332 B. o. Alexander crossed over into Italy to aid the Tarentines against the Lucanians and Bruttii. He was treacherously killed by some Lucanian exiles at the battle of Pandosia. Alexander II. King of Epirus, son of Pyrrhus and Lanassa, the daughter of Agathocles, ty- rant of Syracuse. He succeeded his father in 272 B. c. He was dispossessed of Epirus and Macedonia by Demetrius, whose father, Antigonus Gonatas, he had de- prived of Macedonia : but Epirus was recovered by the aid chiefly of the Acarnanians. Alexander, surnamed Jannsus (Heb. Yannai, an abbreviation of Jonathan). Born 128 or 129 b. c. : died 78 B. c. King of the Jews from 104 till 78 b. c., a younger son of John Hyrcanus. Alexander, surnamed “The Paphlagonian.” An impostor, a native of Abonoteiehos (Ionop- olis in Paphlagonia), who flourished about the beginning of the 2d century. He posed as an oracle and wonder-worker, and attained great influence. His tricks were exposed by Lucian. Alexander, Saint. Died at Alexandria, April 17, 326. The patriarch, of Alexandria from 312. He condemned the heresy of Arius in his dispute with Alexander Baucalis, and attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 with his deacon St. Athauasius. Alexander. A Greek medical writer born at Tralles in Lydia, in the 6th century. Alexander I. Bishop of Rome, successor of Evaristus. Eusebius in his history gives as the date of his accession the year 109 A. D.; in his chronicle, the year 111 A. D. In both works he is assigned a reign of ten years. Alexander II. (Anselmo Baggio, ML. Ansel- mus Badajus). Born at Milan : died April 20, 1073. Pope from 1061 to 1073, successor of Nich- olas II. He strove to enforce the celibacy of the clergy and the extravagant pretensions of the papacy. His elec- tion did not receive the imperial sanction, and an antipope, Honorius II. (Cadolaus, bishop of Parma), was chosen by a council at Basel, but was later deposed by a council held at Mantua. Alexander was succeeded by Hilde- brand under the name of Gregory VII. Alexander III. (Rolando Ranuci of the house of Bandinelli). Born at Siena, Italy: died Aug. 30, 1181. Pope from 1159 to 1181. He carried out successfully the policy of Hildebrand in oppo- sition to Frederick Barbarossa and Henry II. of England. Three antipopes, Victor IV., Pascal III., and Calixtus III , elected in 1159, 1164, and 1168, respectively, were confirmed by the emperor and disputed the authority of Alexander, who was compelled to seek refuge in France from 1162 to 1165. The contest between the pope and the emperor ended in the decisive defeat of the latter at the battle of Legnano, May 29, 1176. In 1177 a reconciliation took place at Venice, and in 1178 the antipope Calixtus III. abdicated. The contest with Henry II. of England ended in the humiliation of the king and the canonization of Thomas a Becket, who represented the papal claims of supremacy. Alexander IV. (Count Rinaldo di Segni). Died at Viterbo, Italy, May 25, 1261. Pope from 1254 to 1261. He attempted to unite the Greek and Latin churches, established the Inquisition in France in 1255, and encouraged the orders of mendicant friars. The last years of his pontificate were spent at Viterbo, whither he had been driven by the factional struggles in Borne. Alexander V. (Pietro Philarghi). Born at Candia: died at Bologna, May 3, 1410. Pope from June 26, 1409, to May 3, 1410. He was elected by the Council of Pisa, after the deposition of Benedict XIII. and Gregory XII., with the understanding that he should reform the abuses of the church. He was, according to the general belief, poisoned by Balthasar Cossa, his successor under the name of John XXIII. Alexander VI. (Rodrigo Borgia). Born at Xativa in Valencia, Jan. 1, 1431: died Aug. 18, 1503. Pope from Aug. 11, 1492, to Aug. 18, 1503. He was made cardinal and vice-chancellor in 1456 by his uncle Calixtus III., whom healso succeeded as archbishop of Valencia. His election to the pontificate is ascribed to bribery. His efforts were directed toward the aggran- dizement of the temporal power of the papacy at the ex- pense of the feudal vassals of the church, and toward the foundation for his family of a great hereditary dominion in Italy. In the furtherance of these plans two of his five illegitimate children by Rosa Vanozza(Ctesar and Lucretia Borgia) played important parts. May 4, 1493, Alexander issued hi3 bull dividing the New World between Spain and Portugal. In 1494 he unsuccessfully opposed the entrance of Charles VIII. into Naples, but in 1495 he joined the league between the emperor, Milan, Venice, ami Spain, which drove Charles from Italy. May 23, 1498, the exe- cution of Savonarola took place by his order, and in 1501 he instituted the censorship of books. He was poisoned, it is said, by a cup of wine intended for Cardinal Corneto. Alexander VII. (Fabio Chigi). Born at Si- 35 ena, Feb. 13, 1599 : died May 22, 1667. Pope from April 7, 1655, to May 22, 1667. He was a patron of learning and art, and a poet. He promulgated a bull against the Jansenists, and, in 1662, in a conflict with Louis XIV., was deprived of Avignon. During his pontificate occurred .the conversion to the Catholic faith of Christina, queen of Sweden, after her abdication (1654) of the Swedish crown. Alexander VIII. (Pietro Ottoboni). Bom at Venice, 1610: died Feb., 1691. Pope from 1689 till 1691. He condemned the doctrine of “philosophi- cal sin,” as taught by theJesuit Bongotof Dijon ; assisted Venice against the Turks; and enriched the Vatican li- brary by the purchase of Queen Christina’s coUection of books and manuscripts. Alexander of Hales. Born at Hales, Glouces- tershire, England : died 1245. A noted Eng- lish theologian and philosopher, surnamed “Doctor Irrefragabilis.” He lectured at Paris and was a member of the order of Franciscans. His chief work is “Summa Theologue " (printed 1475). Alexander has acquired a place in the roll of mediaeval writers mainly by the accidents of his historic position. He was among the first to approach the labour of ex- pounding the Christian system with the knowledge not only of the whole Aristotelian corpus, but also of the Arab commentators. He thus initiated the long and thorny de- bates which grew out of the attempt to amalgamate the Christian faith with a radically divergent metaphysical view. Leslie Stephen, Diet. Nat. Biog. Alexander I. Born 1078 (?) : died at Stirling, Scotland, April 27, 1124. A king of Scotland, the fourth son of Malcolm Canmore and Margaret, sister of Eadgar the /Et holing, and brother of Edgar whom he succeeded in 1107. He mar- ried Sibylla, a natural daughter of Henry I. of England. Alexander II. Bom at Haddington, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1198 : died in Kerrera, Scotland, July 8, 1249. A king of Scotland, son of William the Lion whom he succeeded in 1214: sur- named “The Peaceful.” He joined the Eng- lish barons against John. Alexander III. Born at Roxburgh, Scotland, Sept. 4, 1241: died near Kinghorn, Fife, Scot- land, March 16, 1285. A king of Scotland, son of Alexander II. whom he succeeded in 1249. His army defeated the Norwegians in 1263, and aided Henry III. of England in 1264. Alexander I. Born at St. Petersburg, Dec. 23, 1777 : died at Taganrog, Russia, Dec. 1, 1825. Emperor of Russia, son of Paul whom he suc- ceeded in 1801. He encouraged education and science, and the introduction of Western civilization ; carried out many reforms, including the abolition of serfdom in the Baltic provinces ; and promoted trade and manufactures. In 1805 he joined the coalition against Napoleon ; was present at the battle of Austerlitz ; joined Prussia against Napoleon in 1806 ; signed the Peace of Tilsit in 1807 ; and conquered Finland in 1808. A successful war was waged with Turkey 1806-12. In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia (see Napoleon). Alexander was a leader in the coalition against France 1813-14 ; was present at the battles of Dres- den and Leipsic in 1813 ; entered Paris in 1814 ; took part in the Congress of Vienna; became king of Poland in 1815; again entered Paris in 1815; formed the Holy Alliance in 1815, and took partin the conferences of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1818, Troppau in 1820, Laibach in 1821, and Verona in 1822. He married a princess of Baden. Alexander II. Born April 29, 1818 : died at St. Petersburg, March 13, 1881. Emperor of Rus- sia, son of Nicholas I. whom he succeeded in 1855. He concluded the treaty of Paris 1856 ; proclaimed the emancipation of the serfs 1861 ; reorganized the army and the departments of administration and justice; and developed commerce and manufactures. He suppressed the Polish insurrection 1863-64, and carried on war with Turkey 1877-78. During the latter part of his reign he was closely allied with G ermany and Austria. The attacks of the Nihilists led him to enter upon a reactionary pol- icy in 1879, and he was finally assassinated by them. He married a princess of Hesse. Alexander III. Born March 10, 1845: died at Livadia, Crimea, Nov. 1, 1894. Emperor of Rus- sia, son of Alexander II. whom he succeeded March 13, 1881. He continued the reactionary policy of his father’s reign. A meeting of the emperors of Rus- sia, Germany, and Austria, at Skierniewice in Poland, Sept., 1884, cemented the personal union of these rulers for the time, but since the formation of the Triple Alliance (which see) in 1883, Russia has become a virtual ally of France. Alexander opposed Prince Alexander of Bulgaria at the time of his overthrow in 1886, and refused to rec- ognize his successor Prince Ferdinand. (For the chief events in his reign, see Russia.) He married Princess Dagmar of Denmark in 1866. Alexander I. Bom April 5, 1857 : died Nov. 17, 1893. Titular prince of Battenberg, the second son of Prince Alexander of Hesse. He served in the Hessian army, and in the Russo-Turkish warof 1877-78 in the Russian army. He was elected prince of Bulgaria April 29, 1879 ; suspended constitutional gov- ernment there 1881-83 ; became by the revolution at Philip- popolis, Sept., 1885, prince of Eastern Rumelia also ; com- manded in the repulse of the Servian invasion, Nov., 1885, at the battles of Slivnitza, Dragoman Pass, Tsaribrod, and Pirot ; became governor-general of Eastern Rumelia April, 1886; and was overthrown by a conspiracy at Sofia Aug. 21, 1886, and abducted to Reni on the Danube. He was restored at the end of August by a counter-revolution, but abdicated in the beginning of Sept., 1886. Alexander, Romance of Alexander Bey. See Scanderbeg. Alexander, Archibald. Born in Virginia, April 17, 1772: died at Princeton, N. J., Oct. 22, 1851. An American Presbyterian divine, president of Hampden Sydney College (Va.) 1796-1806, and professor at Princeton Theolog- ical Seminary 1812-51. He wrote “Evidences of Christianity” (1823), “Treatise on the Canon of the Old and New Testament” (1826), “Outlines of Moral Science” (1852), etc. Alexander, Barton Stone. Bom in Kentucky, 1819: died at San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 15, 1878. An American military engineer and offi- cer in the Civil War, brevetted colonel and brigadier-general March 13, 1865. Alexander, Edmund B. Bom at Haymarket, Va., Oct. 6, 1802: died at Washington, D. C., Jan. 3, 1888. An American officer. He served in the Mexican war, commanded the Utah expedition 1857-58, and was brevetted brigadier-general Oct. 18, 1865. Alexander, Sir James Edward. Born in Scotland, 1803: died April 2, 1885. A British soldier (general) and explorer, author of “Travels through Russia and the Crimea” (1830), “Expedition of Discovery into the In- terior of Africa” (1838), etc. He served in India and at the Cape of Good Hope, and in the Burmese, Kafir, Crimean, and other wars. In 1836-37 he conducted an expedition into Namaqualand and Damaraland. Alexander, James Waddel. Bom in Louisa County, Va., March 13, 1804: died at Red Sweet Springs, Va., July 31, 1859. An American Presbyterian clergyman, son of Archibald Alex- ander. He was professor of rhetoric and belles-lettres at Princeton College 1833—44, and of ecclesiastical history and church government in Princeton Theological Semi- nary 1844-51, and pastor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyte- rian Church, New York, 1851-59. Alexander, John. A pseudonym of Jeremy Taylor, used in 1642. Alexander John (Alexander John Cuza or Cusa). Born at Hush, Moldavia, March 20, 1820: died at Heidelberg, Baden, May 15, 1873. Prince of Moldavia and Wallachia 1859, and of ★Rumania 1861: dethroned 1866. Alexander, John W. Born at Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 7, 1856. An American portrait-painter. He studied at Munich, at Paris, and in Italy, and is societaire of the Beaux Arts at Paris. Alexander, Joseph Addison. Born at Phila- delphia, April 24, 1809: died at Princeton, N. J., Jan. 28, 1860. An American biblical scholar, son of Archibald Alexander, and pro- fessor in Princeton Theological Seminary. He wrote commentaries on Isaiah (1846-47), on the Psalms (1850), and on several books of the New Testament. Alexander (a - lek - san ' der), Ludwig Georg Friedrich Emil. Born July 15, 1823 : died Dec. 15, 1888. Prince of Hesse, younger son of the grand duke Ludwig II. of Hesse-Darmstadt. He distinguished himself in the Russian military service, and later in the Austrian, commanding a South-German contingent against Prussia in 1866. Alexander (al-eg-zan'der), Sir William. Bom 1567 (?) : died at London, Sept. 12, 1640. A Scottish poet and statesman, created earl of Stirling in 1633. Author of “Monarchicke Tragedies" (1603-07); “Paraenesis to the Prince” (1604); “Doomes- day, etc.” (first part 1614), etc. He received Sept. 21, 1621, the grant of New Scotland (i. e., Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), which he transferred to De la Tour in 1630. In 1626 he was appointed secretaiy of state for Scotland. Alexander, William. Born at New York, 1726: died at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1783. An American major-general in the Revolutionary War, known as Lord Stirling, though his claim to the Stirling title and estate was pronounced invalid by the lords’ committee on privileges in March, 1762. He entered the service as colonel of a militia regiment in 1775, commanded a brigade at the battle of Long Island in 1776, where he was taken pris- oner, and also served at Trenton, Brandywine, German- _town, and Monmouth. Alexander, William Lindsay. Born at Leith, Aug. 24, 1808: died at Pinkieburn, near Edinburgh, Dec. 21, 1884. A Scottish Congre- gational clergyman and religious writer, a member of the Old Testament revision com- mittee in 1870. Alexander, Mrs. See Hector, Annie. Alexander, Campaspe, and Diogenes. A comedy by John Lyly, printed in 1584, and re- printed as “Campaspe” in that year and in 1591. It is usually known by the latter title. Alexander, Romance of. One of the most fa- mous romances of the middle ages. Callisthfenes, a companion of Alexander, wrote an account of the Asi- atic expedition of Alexander, but it is lost. Ilis name, however, is attached to a fabulous account which is sup- posed to have been written in Alexandria in the early part of the 3d century. There are three Latin translations of this pseudo-Oallisthcnes : one by Julius Valerius, be- fore 340; the “Itinerarium Alexandri”; and the "flis- toria do preliis,” by Archpresbyter Leo; and on these Alexander, Romance of the later ones are based. It was translated into Syriac and Armenian in the 5th century. The Persians and Arabs made use of the myth, and in the nth century Simeon Seth, keeper of the imperial wardrobe at the By- zantine court, translated it back from the Persian into the Greek. [This] was translated into Latin, and from Latin even into Hebrew, by one who wrote under the adopted name of Jos. Gorionides, had very wide popularity, and became the groundwork of many French, and English poems. Ger- ald de Barri mentions the Latin version which professed to be by an JEsopus or a Julius Valerius, and had a ficti- tious dedication to Constantine the Great. In the year 1200 Gaultier de Chatillon turned it into an Alexandreis, which was one of the best Latin poems of the Middle Ages ; and, again, in 1236 Aretinus Qualichiuus turned it into Latin elegiac verse. ... A score of French poets worked upon the subject, and by translation and expan- sion produced that, romance of Alexander of which the great French exemplar was composed in or near the year 1184 by the trouv. re Lambert ii Oort, or le Court, of Cha- teaudun, and Alexandre de Paris, named usually from Paris where he dwelt, and sometimes from Bernay where lie was born. There are only fragments of the earliest French poem upon this subject, written in the eleventh century in octosyllabic verse by Alberic [Aubry] of Besan- gon. The larger and later romance orChanson d’Alixandre is of 22,606 lines in nine books, and the twelve-syllabled lines are of the sort now called, as is generally supposed from their use in this poem, Alexandrines. . . . There is a German Alexandreis, written in six books, by Rudolph of liohenems, a Suabian, between the years 1220 and 1254. Ulricli von iischenbach translated the Alexandreis of Gaul- tier de Chatillon. The Alexander romance was adopted in Spain, Italy, and even in Scandinavia. An admirable free translation into English metre was made in the thirteenth century by an unknown author, who has been called Adam Davie. . . . But few mistakes can be more obvious. Morley, English Writers, III. 286. [Lamprecht, a priest, translated the French of Aubry, or Alberic, of Besan .on. into German, and called it the Alex- anderlied, in the 12th century (about 1130). The Alexan- dreis of the Austrian Siegfried was written about 1350. In the luth century he again appeared as the hero of prose romances in Germany. Alexander myths are to be found in many other of the old French poems, and he becomes a knightly conqueror surrounded by twelve paladins. The poems do not properly form a cycle, as they are quite in- dependent of one another.] Alexander Column. A column erected at St. Petersburg in 1832 in honor of Alexander I. The polished shaft of red granite, 84 feet high and 14 in diameter, is remarkable as the greatest modern monolith. It supports a Roman-Doric capital of bronze, on which is a die bearing a figure of an angel with the cross. The pededal is adorned with reliefs in bronze. The total height is 154) feet. Alexander Cornelius (kor-ne'lius). A Greek writer of the 1st century B. C., a native either of Ephesus or of Cotiteum in Lesser Phrygia : surnamed ‘ ‘ Polyhistor ” from his great learning. During the war of Sulla in Greece lie was made prisoner and sold as a slave to Cornelius Lentul us, who brought him to Rome to become pedagogue of his children. He received the Roman franchise and his gentile name either from Cornelius Lentulus or from L. < ornelius Sulla. He died at Laurentum in a fire which destroyed his house, lie wrote a geographico-historical account in 42 books of nearly all the countries of the ancient world, and many other works, of which only the titles and fragments have been preserved. Alexander Jagellon (ja-gel'lon). Born in 1461 : died in 1506. King of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania, second son of Casimir IV. of Poland. He succeeded to the grand duchy at (he death oi his father in 1492, and was elected king of Boland at the death of his brother John Albert in 1501. He mar- ried Helena, daughter of Ivan III. of Russia, but was al- most incessantly at war with his father-in-law. In his reign the laws of Boland were codified by John Laski. Alexander Karageorgeviich (ka-ra-ga-or'ge- vieh). \Karageorgevitch, son of Black George. See Czerny.'] Born at Topola, Servia, Oct. 11, 1806: died at Temesvar, Hungary, May 2, 1885. A son of Czerny George, elected prince of Servia in 1842 and deposed in 1858. He was succeeded by Prince Milosch Obrenovitch, who was in turn succeeded by his son Michael in 18i.0. Alexander made repeated attempts to regain the throne, and was accused of complicity in the murder of Prince Michael in 1868 and imprisoned, but was soon pardoned. Alexander Nevski (nef'ski), Saint. Born at Vladimir, Russia, 1219: died Nov. 14, 1263. A Russian national hero and patron of St. Peters- burg, prince of Novgorod and grand duke of Vladimir. He defeated the Swedes in 1240 on the Izhora, a southern affluent of the Neva (whence his surname Nevski), and the Livonian Knights on the ice of Lake Peipus, 1242. lie is commemorated in the Russian Church Nov. 23. Alexander Nevski, Cloister or Monastery of. A famous foundation of Peter the Great at St. Petersburg. The larce church, though by a Russian architect, Is basilican in plan, with transepts and an Italian dome at the crossing. The exterior is sober in design and ornament ; the interior is of lavish richness in marbles, jewels, and paintings. The shrine of the saint, in massive silver, is 15 feet high without the angel- supported canopy. Alexander of the North. An epithet of Charles XII. of Sweden. Alexander Severus (se-ve'rus), Marcus Aure- lius. Born at Area Caisarea in Phcenicia, Oct. 1, 208 A. D. : died in 235 A. D. Roman emperor 36 from 222 to 235, son of Gessius Marcianus and Julia Mamaea, and a cousin of Elagabalus by whom he was adopted in 221. He was killed by his mutinous soldiers in a campaign against the Germans on the Rhine. See Mamsea. Alexander the Corrector. A pseudonym of Alexander Cruden. Alexander and the Family of Darius. An important painting by Paolo Veronese, in the National Gallery, London. Alexander’s Feast. An ode by Dryden writ- ten in 1697, in honor of St. Ceeilia’s day. Alexanderbad (al-ek-san'der-bad), or Alex- andersbad (al-ek-san'ders-bad). A watering- place in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, in the Fichtelgebirge 21 miles northeast of Baireuth. Alexander Archipelago. A group of islands on the coast of Alaska which includes Sitka and Prince of Wales islands. Alexander I. Land. A region in the South Polar lands, about lat. 70° S., long. 75° W. Alexandra (al-eg-zan'dra). Died in 69 b. c. (jueen of Judea from 78 B. C. to 69 B. C., con- sort of Alexander Jan me us whom she suc- ceeded. Alexandra ( Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julie). Born at Copenhagen, Dec. 1, 1844. Daughter of Christian IX. of Denmark and wife of Edward VII., king of England, whom she married March 10, 1863. Alexandra. The queen of the Amazons in Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso.” Alexandra. The 54th asteroid, discovered by Goldschmidt at Paris, Sept. 10, 1858. Alexandra Land. A vast region of Australia under the administration of South Australia, regarded as the same as the Northern Territory, or as that part of it which is included between lat. 16°-26° S. and long. 129°-138° E. Alexandre (al-ek-soh'dr), Aaron. Born at Hohenfeld, Bavaria, about 1766: died at Lon- don, Nov. 16, 1850. A German chess-player, author of “Encyclopddie des 6checs” (1837). Alexandre le Grand (al-ek-soh'dr le groh). A tragedy by Racine, produced in 1665. it was the cause of a serious quarrel between Moliu reand Racine, who both loved the same woman, an actress who played the part of Axiane. Alezandretta (al-eg-zan-dret'a), Turk. Skan- derun, or Iskanderun (from Arab. Iskan- der, Alexander (the Great)). A seaport in the vilayet of Adana, Asiatic Turkey, on the Gulf of Iskandeinn in lat. 36° 35' N., long. 36° 10' E., founded by Alexander the Great in 333 b. c. Alexandria (al-eg-zan'dri-a), Arab. Iskan- deriyeh. A famous seaport of Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great in 332 B. C. (whence its name). It is situated at the northwestern extremity of the Delta on the strip of land which lies between the Mediterranean and Lake Mareotis. The modern city oc- cupies what was anciently the island of Pharos, together with the isthmus now connecting it with the mainland where the ancient city stood. Alexandria was the capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period, and became an im- portant seat of Greek culture and learning. In 30 B. c. it was annexed by Rome. It ranked as tile second city of the Roman Empire, and continued to be the chief com- mercial city under the Byzantine empire. It was an important center of Christianity, and the seat of a patri- archate. In 641 it was taken by the Saracens under Amru, and was entered by the French in 1798, who were defeated near here by the British in 1801. (See A bukir.y The pres- ent city was largely rebuilt under Mehemet Ali. It was bombarded by a British fleet of eight ironclads under Sir Frederick Seymour, July 11, 18S2, and defended by the in- surgents, and was taken by the British July 12. Popu- lation, 332,246. After the time of Alexander, Grecian literature flour- ished nowhere so conspicuously as at Alexandria in Egypt, under the auspices of the Ptolemies. Here all the sects of philosophy had established themselves ; numer- ous schools wei e opened ; and, for the advancement of learning, a library was collected, which w :s supposed, at one time, to have contained 700,000 volumes, in all lan- guages. Connected with the library there were extensive offices, in which the business of transcribing books was carried on very largely, and with every possible advan- tage which royal munificence on the one hand, and learned assiduity on the other, could insure. Kor did the literary fame of Alexandria decline under the Roman emperors. Domitian, as Suetonius reports, sent scribes to Alexandria to copy books for the restoration of those libraries that had been destroyed by fire. And it seems to have been for some centuries afterwards a common practice for those who wished to form a library, to main- tain copyists at Alexandria. The conquest of Egypt by the Saracens, A. D. 640, who burned the Alexandrian Library, banished learning for a time from that, as from other countries, which they occupied. Taylor , Hist. Anc. Books, p. 69. [This library (according to many writers who discredit its sacking by the Arabs) was entirely destroyed under Theophilus, A. D. 391.) Alexandria. A small town on the coast of Asia Minor, near the island of Tenedos. It con- tains important ruins of Roman therma;. The structure Alexis measured 270 by 404 feet in plan, and had on three sides long halls, with columns, inside of which were smaller sub- divisions. The walls of the interior were incrusted with ornamental marbles, and the vaults ornamented with glass mosaics. It is believed to date from the reign of Hadrian. Alexandria. A town in southern Rumania. 50 miles southwest of Bukliarest. Population, 14,669. Alexandria. A small manufacturing town in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, situated on the Leven 15 miles northwest of Glasgow. Alexandria. The capital of Rapides parish, Louisiana, situated on Red River 100 miles northwest of Baton Rouge, a Federal squadron in Banks’s expedition passed the rapids here. May, 1864, by means of a dam built by Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey. Pop- ulation, 11,213, (1910). Alexandria. A town in Jefferson County, New York, situated on the St. Lawrence 32 miles southwest of Ogdensburgh. Population, 4,259, (1910). Alexandria. The capital of Douglas County, Minnesota, 125 miles northwest of St. Paul. Population, 3,001, (1910). Alexandria. A city and port of entry in Vir- ginia, formerly in Alexandria County, now in- dependent, situated on the Potomac 7 miles south of Washington. It was entered by Federal troops May 24, 1861. Population, 15,329, (1910). Alexandrian Codex, L. Codex Alexandrians. An important manuscript of the Scriptures now in the British Museum, sent to Charles I. of England by the Patriarch of Constantinople. It is written in Greek uncials on parchment, and con- tains the Septuagint version of the Old Testament com- plete, except parts of the Psalms, and almost all the X ew Testament. It is assigned to the 5tli century. Alexandrian Saga. See A lexander, Romance of. Alexandrina (al-eg-zan-drl'na), Lake. See Victoria, Lake. Alexandrine War. A war (48-47 b. c.) be- tween Julius Ctesar and the guardians of Ptol- emy (elder brother of Cleopatra), in Egypt. It resulted in favor of Caesar, who placed Cleopatra" and her younger brother (the elder having died) on the Egyp- tian throne. Alexandroff. See Alexandrov. Alexandrcpol (al-ek-san-dro'pol), or Alexan- dra, pci (al-ek-siin-dra'pol), formerly Gumri. A town in the government of Erivau, Trans- caucasia, Russia, situated on the Arpa 35 miles northeast of Kars. It is an important military post. Here, 1853, the Russians defeated the Turks. Population, 30,616. Alexandrov, or Alexandroff (ii-lek-.«an'drof). A town in the government of Vladimir, Russia, 60 miles northeast of Moscow. Population, 7,600. Alexandrovsk (al-ek-san'drofsk). A town in the government of Yekaterinoslaff, Russia, sit- uated near the Dnieper in lat. 47° 47' N., long. 35° 20' E. Population, 25,400. Alexandrovsky (al-ek-san-drof'ske) Moun- tains. A mountain-range running east and west in the governments of Semiryetchensk and Syr-Daria,, Asiatic Russia. Its greatest height is about 12,000 to 13,000 feet. Alexas (a-lek'sas). A minor character in Shakspere’s “Antony and Cleopatra,” an at- tendant of Cleopatra. Alexei. See Alexis. Alexiad (a-lek'si-ad), The. See the extract. By the command of the Empress Irene, Nicephorus Byrennius, who had married her daughter the celebrated Anna Comnena, undertook a history of the house of Comneni, which has come down to us with the title “Materials of History.” Anna herself continued her husband’s work when she retired after his death to the leisure of a convent. The imperial authoress entitled her hook “The Alexiad.” As its epic name denotes, it is mainly a prolix biography of her father Alexis I. It is in fifteen hooks, and includes the period from 1069 to 1118. The work is interesting in itself to the student of history, but it is most generally known as having supplied Sir Walter Scott with the subject and some of the materials for tile last and feeblest of his romances. K. 0. Muller, Hist, of the Lit. of Anc. Greece, III. 399. [(Donaldson.) Alexin. See Aleksin. Alexinatz (a-lek'si-nats). A town in Servia. situated near the Morava in lat. 43° 31' N., long. 21° 41' E., the scene of several contests between the Turks and Servians in 1876. Population, 5,199. Alexios. See Alexius. Alexis (a-lek'sis). [Gr. AAejif.] Born at Thurii, Magna Grsecia, Italy, about 390 b. c. : diedabout 288 B. c. A Greek dramatist, a master of the “ middle comedy.” He was a prolific writer, the author of 245 plays. Fragments of these, amounting to 1,600 lines, are extant. He was brought as a youth to Athens, and was a citizen of that city. Alexis, or Alexei. Born in 1629: died in 1676. Czar of Russia, son of Michael F6odorovitch, Alexis the son of Czar Michael Romanoff, whom he succeeded in 1645. He waged a war with Poland from 1654 to 1667, acquiring possession of Smolensk and eastern Ukraine. In a war with Sweden from 1655 to 1658 he con- quered a part of Livoniaand Ingermanland, but was forced by domestic troubles to relinquish this territory at the treaty of Cardis, June 21,1661. He extended bis conquests to eastern Siberia, codified the laws of the various prov- inces of Russia, and, by beginning to introduce European civilization, prepared the way for his son Peter the Great. Alexis, or Alexei. Born at Moscow, Feb. 18, 1690: died in prison at St. Petersburg, July 7, 1718. The eldest son of Peter the Great and father of Peter II. He was condemned for high treason and imprisoned. Alexis. An amorous shepherd in Fletcher’s pastoral “The Faithful Shepherdess.” Alexis I.-V. See Alexius. Alexisbad (a-lek'ses-bad). A health-resort in the Harz, Anhalt, Germany, 18 miles south of Halberstadt, noted for mineral springs. Alexius (a-lek'si-us), Saint. A saint (probably mythical) said to have been born at Rome about 350 A. D. According to the legend, he fled from his bride, a lady of high rank, on the wedding evening to the porch of the Church of Our Lady of Edessa, where he lived in chastity for seventeen years. He afterward returned to Rome and lived unrecognized in his father's house. He is commemorated in the Roman Church on July 17, and in the Greek on March 17. Alexius, Saint. A Roman saint of the 5th century, said to have been a senator. He was the founder of the Alexians or Cellites. Alexius I. Comnenus (kom-ne'nus), Gr. Alex- ios Komnenos. Born at Constantinople in 1048: died in 1118. Byzantine emperor from 1081 to 1118, nephew of Isaac Comnenus. He supplanted, by the aid of the soldiery, the emperor Ni- cephorus, who retired to a monastery, and defended the empire against the Petchenegs, the Turks, and the Nor- mans. In his reign occurred the first Crus .de. Hislifehas been written by his daughter Anna! 'omnena. See A lexiad. Alexius II. Comnenus, Gr. Alexios Kom- nenos. Born in 1168 (f) : di,ed in 1183. By- zantine emperor from 1180 to 1183, son of Manuel whom he succeeded. He was deposed and strangled by Andronicus. Alexius III. Angelus (an'je-lus), Gr. Alexios Angelos. Died in 1210. Byzantine emperor from 1195 to 1203. He usurped the throne of his brother Isaac II., but was deposed by an army of Crusaders who besieged Constantinople and reinstated Isaac II. with his son Alexius IV. as colleague. Alexius III. died in exile. Alexius IV. Angelus, Gr. Alexios Angelos. Died in 1204. Byzantine emperor in 1203 and 1204, son of Isaac II. Angelus. He was put to death after a reign of six months by Alexius V. Alexius V., or Alexios, surnamed Dukas Murt- zuphlos. Died in 1204. A Byzantine emperor. He usurped the throne of Alexius IV. in 1204, but was driven from Constantinople by the Crusaders who had re- solved on toe partition of the empire. He was arrested in Morea, tried for the muiderof AlexiusI V., and executed. Alexius I. Comnenus, Gr. Alexios Komnenos. Died in 1222. Emperor of Trebizond from 1204 to 1222, grandson of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus I. At. the capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204 he made himself master of Trebizond, which he raised from the position of a province of the Byzantine empire to that of an independent empire. Alexius II. Comnenus, Gr. Alexios Kom- nenos. Died in 1330. Emperor of Trebizond from 1297 to 1330, son of Joannes II. whom he succeeded. Alexius III. Comnenus, Gr. Alexios Kom- nenos. Died in 1390. Emperor of Trebizond from 1349 to 1390, son of Basilius by Dene of Trebizond. Alexius IV. Comnenus, Gr. Alexios Kom- nenos. Died in 1446. Emperor of Trebizond from 1417 to 1446, son of Manuel IH. and Eu- docia of Georgia. Aleyn, or Alain. [ME. : the mod. Allen.'] See the extract. The good-livers go to service and are fed by the Holy Graal. The sinners, on the contrary, not being thus fed, beg Josephes, Joseph's son, to pray for them ; and he or- ders Bron’s twelfth son, Aleyn or Alain le Gros, to take the net from the Graal table, and fish with it. He catches one fish, which the sinners say will not suffice. But Aleyn having prayed satisfies them all with it, and is thence- forward called the Rich Fisher. Joseph dies and his body is buried at “Olay," while his son transmits the Graal to Aleyn. By Aleyn’s instrumentality the leper king Galafres, of the land of Foreygne, is converted and chris- tened Alphasan. He is healed by looking upon the Graal, and builds Castle Corbenic, which is to be the repository and shrine of the Holy Cup, as Vespasian was healed by looking on the Veronica Dunlop, Hist, of Prose Fiction, I. 167. Aleyn. One of the Cambridge students or clerks of Cantebregge in Chaucer’s “ Reeve’s Tale.” Alfadir (al-fa/dir). [Icel. Alfadhir, All-father.] In Old Norse mythology, one of the many appellations of Odin as the supreme god of all mankind. 37 Alfana (al-fa/na). The horse of Gradasso in “Orlando Furipso.” Al-Farabi (al-fa-ra'bi), Abu Nasr Mohammed Ibn Tarkhan. Born at Farab, Turkestan, about 870: died, at Damascus about 950. An Arabian philosopher of the school of Bagdad, famous for his great learning. He wrote an encyclo- pedia of the sciences and numerous treatises on the work3 of Plato and Aristotle. Alfarache, Guzman de. See Guzman. Alfaro (al-fa'ro). A town in the province of Logrono, Spain, situated near the Ebro 60 miles northwest of Saragossa. Population, 5,938. Alfaro, Francisco de. Born at Seville about 1565 : died at Madrid about 1650. A Spanish lawyer. He was successively fiscal of the Audience of Panama (1594), member of the Audience of Lima (about 1601), president of the Audience of Charcas (1632), and member of the Council of the Indies for some years before his death. The viceroy Montesclaros commissioned him to inquire into the condition of the Indians of Peru, and the re- sult was a set of laws called the Ordinances of Alfaro, pro- mulgated in 1612 and intended to prevent Indian slavery. Alfasi (al-fa/si), Isaac ben Jacob. [Ar. Al- fasi, Fez.] Born in Kala Hamad, near Fez, 1013 : died at Tucena, 1103. A celebrated Jewish scholar and authority on the Talmud. He composed a sort of abbreviated Talmud which was much used by the Spanish Jews in pla} fityurr^ avv to£ i? (“the greatest construction”) or simply the /veyicrTi), from which the Arabs, by prefixing their article, framed the title Tabrir al Magisthi, under wiiich the book was published in A. ». 827, and from this is derived the name Almagest by which Ptolemy’s great work is familiarly known. . . . The first book lays down the mathematical principles of his system. . . . The second book deals with the problems connected with the determination of the obliquity of the sphere. In the third book he fixes the length of the year at 365| days and explains his cele- brated theory of excentrics and epicycles. The fourth book treats of the moon, criticising the results obtained by Hipparchus. In the fifth he describes the astrolabe of Hipparchus with which that astronomer discovered the moon’s second inequality, called by Bullialdus the erec- tion. The sixth book treats of eclipses. The seventh treats of the stars, with reference to their movement from west to east, which Hipparchus had established ; but by redu- cing this motion from 48" to 36" in a year Ptolemy increases the error of his predecessor. In the eighth book he gives, with slight variations, the celebrated catalogue of tire stars drawn up, as we have seen, by Hipparchus, and introduces also a description of the Milky Way. The ninth book treats of the planets in general ; the tenth of Venus; the eleventh of Jupiter and Saturn. In the twelfth he gives us the pro- gressions and retrogradations of the planets, and in the thirteenth lie discusses their movements in latitude, and the inclinations of their orbits. E. O. Muller , Hist, of the Lit. of Anc. Greece, III. 264. [( Donaldson . ) Almagro (al-ma'gro). A town in the prov- ince of Ciudad Real, Spain, 14 miles southeast of Ciudad Real. It. has noted lace manufactures and is tlie center of a district producing the wine of Valde- penas. Population, 7,974. Almagro, Diego de. Born probably at Aldea del Rey, about 1475, but according to some ac- counts a foundling in Almagro, 1464: executed July 10 (12?), 1538. A Spanish soldier, one of the conquerors of Peru. He went to Panama with Pedrarias in 1514, and in 1525 joined Pizarro and Luque in an enter- prise for conquest toward the south. He went down the coast with Pizarro as early as 1526; and when, after his return from Spain, Pizarro sailed for Peru (Jan., 1531), Almagro followed, late in the same year, with three vessels and 150 men, and joined him at Cajamarca about tlie middle of February, 1533, before the death of Ata- liualpa. Here a violent quarrel (the second) between them took place; but areconciliation was effected and Almagro took an active part in the march on Cuzco. In 1535 he was sent to conquer Chile, of which he was made governor. He went as far south as Coquiinbo. hut finding nothing of the coveted riches, turned back, laid claim to Cuzco as the territory assigned to him, and seized the city by sur- prise (April 8, 1537), capturing Hernando and Gonzalo Pizarro. He was attacked by Alonzo Alvarado, who was captured with his whole army July 12, 1537. Almagro was finally defeated by Hernando Pizarro at Las Salinas, near Cuzco, April 26, 1538, and he was soon after captured, tried, and beheaded. Almagro, Diego de, surnamed “The Youth ” or “Lad.” Born at Panama, 1520: executed at Cuzco about Sept. 25, 1542. Son of Diego de Almagro and of an Indian mother. He accom- panied his father to Chile (1535-36) and after his death lived in poverty at Lima. The conspirators who killed Francisco Pizarro (June 26, 1541) had met at his house, but it does not appear that he was actively engaged with them. They, however, proclaimed him governor of Peru, and part of the country submitted to him ; but the royal- ists under Vaca de Castro defeated him at Chupas, Sept. 16, 1542. He was arrested next day and soon after be- headed. Almahide (al-ma-ed'). A romance by Made- leine de Seuderv, founded on the dissensions of the Zegris and Abencerrages. Almahyde (al'nia-kid). The Queen of Granada in Dryden’s “Almanzor and Almahyde, or The Conquest of Granada.” The name was taken from Madeleine de Scud^ry’s novel “ Almaliide." Almain (al-man'). [Early mod. E. also Al- maijn, Almaigne , etc., OF. Aleman, F. Alleniand, German, L. Alamanni, Alemanni: see Alaman- ni. ] An old name for Germany. Almali. See Elmalu. Al-Mamun (al-ma-mon'). Born 786 : died 833. The seventh Abbasside calif of Bagdad, 813-833, a younger son of Harun-al-Rashid : ‘ ‘ the father of letters and the Augustus of Bagdad” (Sis- mondi). Also Al-Mamoun, Al-Mamon, Mamun. Almansa (al-man'sa), or Almanza (al-miin'- tha.). A town in the province of Albacete, Spain, 59 miles southwest of Valencia. Popu- lation, 11,180. Almansa, or Almanza, Battle of. A victory gained by the French and Spanish under the Duke of Berwick over the allied British, Dutch, and Portuguese under Galway, April 25, 1707. It established Philip V. on the Spanish throne. Al-Mansur (al-man-sor'), or Almansor (al- man'sor) (Abu Jaffar Abdallah). [Ar. Al- Mansur, the Victorious.] Born about 712: died near Mecca, Oct. 18, 775. The second Abbasside calif, successor of his brother Abul-Abbas Al- Saffah in 754. His reign was marked by numerous revolts which were suppressed with great cruelty. He transferred the seat of government to Bagdad, which lie built with great splendor. He was a patron of learning, and under his inspiration many Greek and Latin works, including Plato, Herodotus, Homer, and Xenophon, were translated into Arabic and other Oriental tongues. Almansur, or Almansor. Born near Alge- ciras, Andalusia, 939: died 1002. The regent of Cordova under the sultan Hisham II. He reconquered from the Christians the territory south of the Douro and Ebro, extended his sway over a consider- able portion of western Africa, and restored the waning power of the califate of Cordova. He is said to have starved himself to death, broken-hearted over the defeat, after fifty actions, of Calatanazar by the kings of Leon and Navarre and the Count of Castile. Almanzor (al-man'zor). The calif of Arabia in Chapman’s “ Revenge for Honor.” Almanzor and Almahyde, or The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. A heroic tra- gedy in two parts, by Dryden, produced in 1670. It was partly taken from Mademoiselle de Scuddry’s “ Al- mahide.” It is usually known as “The Conquest of Gra- nada.” The character of Almanzor, a knight errant of ex- travagant egotism, is caricatured as Drawcansir in “The Rehearsal.” Almaraz (al-ma-rath'). A small town in west- ern Spain, on the Tagus 40 miles northeast of Caceres. The bridge over the Tagus was built in 1552. It is 580 feet long and 25 feet wide, and rises 134 feet above the water. It has only two arches, and resembles the great Roman works. Almarie. See Amalric of Bene. Alma-Tadema (al'ma-ta'de-mii,), Sir Lau- rence. Born at. Dronryp, Friesland, Jan. 8, 1836: died at Wiesbaden, June 25, 1912. A paint- er noted especially for his representations of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman life. Knighted in 1899. He settled in London in 1870 and was naturalized 1873. Among his works are “The Vintage,” “Catullus,” “The Siesta,” “Entrance to a Roman Theatre,' 1 “ Tarqui- nius Superbus,” “ Phidias,” “An Audience at Agrippas. Almaviva (al-ma-ve 7 va), Count. A brilliant and too attractive nobleman in Beaumarchais’s comedy “ Le Barbier de S4ville.” He is the lover of Rosine, and succeeds, with the aid of Figaro the barber, his former valet, in rescuing her from old Bartholo and marrying her himself. He appears in the “ Manage de Figaro,” already tired of Rosine his wife, and in “La Mere Coupable ” as an old and faded beau. He also appears in the operas by Paisiello and Rossini founded on “ Le Bar- bier.” Al-Megnum. See Bahalul. Almeida (al-ma'e-dii). A town in the province Almeida of Beira, Portugal, in lat. 40° 46' N., long. 6° 50' W. It was captured by the French in 1810, and retaken by Wellington in 1811. Almeida, Francisco d’. Born at Lisbon about the middle of the 15th century : killed at Sal- danha Bay, South Africa, March 1, 1510. A Portuguese commander, first viceroy of Portu- guese India 1505-09. He conquered Kilwa, Cannanore, Cochin, Kalikut, Malacca, etc., and defeated the Egyptian fleet in 1509. Almeida, Nicolao Tolentino. Born at Lisbon, 1745 : died at Lisbon, 1811. A Portuguese poet and satirist. He published a collection of poems in 1802. Almeida-Garrett (al-ma'da-gar-ret' or -gar'- ret), Joao Baptista d’. Born at Oporto, Por- tugal, Feb. 4, 1799: died at Lisbon, Dec. 10, 1854. A Portuguese poet, dramatist, and poli- tician. He was the author of the poetical works “Ca- moes ” (1825), “ Dona Branca ” (1826), “ Adozinda ” (1828), “Romanceiro" (1851-53), and of “Auto de Gil-Vicente” (1838), and other dramas. Almeisam (al-me-i-sam'). [Ar. al meisdn, the proud marcher.] A seldom used name for Geminorum. See Alliena. melo (al-ma-lo'). A town iu the province of Overyssel, Netherlands. Population, com- mune, 10,018. Alrnenara (al-ma-na'ra). A small town in the province of Lerida, Spain, 15 miles northeast of Lerida. Here, July 27, 1710, the Allies un- der Starhemberg and Stanhope defeated the Spanish. Almerla (al-ma-re'a). A mountainous prov- ince in Andalusia, Spain, bounded by Murcia on the northeast, the Mediterranean on the southeast, oast, and south, and Granada on the west and northwest. It contains important lead-mines. Area, 3,360 square miles. Popu- lation, 378,188. Almerla. A seaport and the capital of the province of Almeria, situated on the Gulf of Almeria iu lat. 36° 50' N., long. 2° 32' W.: the Goman Portus Magnus. It exports lead, esparto, etc., has a cathedral, and is well fortified It was an important emporium under the Moors. Population, 51,358. Almeria (al-me'ri-a). In Congreve’s play “ The Mourning Bride,” the (supposed) widowed bride of Alphonso, prince of Valentia. It is she who utters the familiar words : “ Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” Congreve, Mourning Bride, i. 1 (ed. 1710). Almodovar, or Almodovar del Campo (al- mo-do'var del kam'po). A town in the province of Ciudad Real, Spain, 21 miles southwest of Ciudad Real. Population, 12,525. Almodovar (al-md-do'var), Count of (Ilde- fonso Diaz de Ribera). Bom at Granada, 1777 : died at Valencia, 1846. A Spanish states- man. He was imprisoned and exiled in the reign of Ferdinand VII., was afterward minister of war and presi- dent of the Cortes, and was minister of foreign affairs 1842-43. ^ Almodovar del Rio (al-mo-do'var del re'o). A small town in the province of Cordova, Spain, situated on the Guadalquivir 13 miles south- west of Cordova. Population, 4,034. Almogia (al-mo-He'a). A town in the province of Malaga, Spain, 12miles northwest of Malaga. Population, 6,511. Almohades (al'mo-hadz). A Mohammedan dynasty in northern Africa and Spain, which superseded the Almoravides about the middle of the 12th century : so called from the sect of the Muwahhidun (worshipers of one god), founded by Mohammed ibn Tumart. The family established itself in the provinces of Fez, Morocco, Tlem- cen, Oran, and Tunis, and extended its conquests to Anda- lusia, Valencia, and a part of Aragon and Portugal. It sustained a decisive repulse at Las Navas de Tolosa, July 16, 1212, at the hands of Alfonso of Castile, aided by the kings of Aragon and Navarre, and became extinct in Spain in 1257 and in Africa in 1269. Almon (al'mon), John. Bom at Liverpool, Dec. 17, 1737 : died at Boxmoor, Dec. 12, 1805. An English publisher and political pamphleteer, a friend of John Wilkes. Almonacid (al-mo-na-theTH'). A small town situated on the Guazelate 13 miles southeast of Toledo, Spain. Here, Aug. 11, 1809, the French under Sebastiani defeated the Spanish under Venegas. Almoudbury(ii'mqnd-ber // i, locally am'bri). A town in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, on the Calder, adjoining Huddersfield. Popu- lation, 14,436. Almonde (al-mon'da), Philippus van. Bom at Briel, Netherlands, 1646: died near Leyden, 43 Jan. 6, 1711. A Dutch naval officer, made commander of the fleet on the death of De Ruyter in 1676. He accompanied William of Orange to England in 1688; commanded the Dutch fleet at La Hogue in 1692 : and commanded, with Sir George Rooke, the allies at the destruction of the Spanish fleet in the Bay of Vigo 1702. Almonte (al-mon'ta), Juan Nepomuceno. Born in Guerrero, 1812: died at Mexico, 1869. A Mexican general, of mixed Indian blood, said to have been an illegitimate son of the revolutionist Morelos. He served under Santa Anna in Texas, and was taken prisoner at the battle of San Jacinto. After his release he became secretary of state, and in 1841 was appointed minister to Washington. He entered a formal protest (1845) against the annexation of Texas, and demanded his passport. In 1845 he was a can- didate for the presidency, and claimed to have been elected ; he afterward contributed to the elevation of Paredes, and was his minister of war. In the war with the United States he fought at Buenavista, Cerro Gordo, and Churu- buseo. Under Santa Anna Almonte was a second time made minister to Washington, a position which he re- tained until 1860. Later he was minister to France, ac- companied the French expedition to Mexico in 1862, and was a member of the regency appointed after the city of Mexico was taken. Maximilian made him grand marshal. He was the author of an excellent treatise on the geog- raphy of Mexico. Almora (al-mo'ra). A district in Kumaun di- vision, United Provinces, British India, inter- sected by lat. 29° 35' N., long. 79° 40' E. Almora. The capital of Almora district and Kumaun division, British India, in lat. 29° 36' N., long. 79° 40' E. Population, 8,596. Almoravides (al-mo'ra-vidz). A Mohammedan dynasty in northwestern Africa and Spain, founded by Abdallah hen Yasirn (died 1058). His successor founded Morocco in 1062. The Almoravides under Yussuf defeated Alfonso VI. of Castile at Zalaca in 1086 and the dynasty was established in Spain. It was overthrown by the Almohades 1146-47. A new Berber revolution had taken place in North Africa, and a sect of fanatics, called the marabouts or saints (Almoravides, as the Spaniards named them), had conquered the whole country from Algiers to Senegal. Poole, Story of the Moors, p. 178. Almqvist (aim ' kvist), Karl Jonas Love. Born at Stockholm, Nov. 28, 1793: died at Bremen, Sept. 26, 1866. A Swedish novelist and general writer. He was the author of “ Tornro- eens Bok ” (“ Book of the Thom-Rose ”), “ Gabriele Mi- manso," “Amalie Hillner,’’ “Araminta May,” “Kolum- bine,” “Marjam,” etc. Almunecar (iil-mon-ya'kar). A seaport in the province of Granada, Spain, 38 miles east of Malaga. Population, 8,022. Almy (al'mi), John J. Born April 25, 1815: died May 16, 1895. An American naval officer. He was appointed commodore Dec. 21, 1869, and rear-ad- miral Aug. 24, 1873, retired April 24, 1877. He had charge successively of the Union gunboats South Carolina, Con- necticut, and Juniata during the Civil War. Alnaschar (al-nash'ar or -nas'kar). The “ Bar- ber’s Fifth Brother” in “The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments.” He invests his inheritance in glass- ware. While awaiting customers he fancies himself already a millionaire, and an incautious movement upsets his basket, breaking its contents and destroying all his pros- pects (hence the phrase “visions of Alnaschar,” i. e. , count- ing one’s chickens before they are hatched ; day-dreams). Alnilam (al-ni-lam'). [Ar. al-nizdm, the string of pearls.] The bright second-magnitude star e Orionis, in the middle of the giant’s belt. Alnitak (al-ni-tak'). [Ar. al-nitdlc , the girdle.] The fine triple second-magnitude star f Orionis, at the southeastern end of the belt. Alnwick (an'ik). A market town of Northum- berland, England, situated on the Alne. It is famous for its castle (held by the Percys since 1309), the seat of the Duke of Northumberland. Here, 1174, the Eng- glish under Glanville defeated the Scots. Near Alnwick are the ruins of Hulne Abbey (1240). Population, 6,716. A. L. O. E. A pseudonym (standing for ‘A Lady of England’) of Charlotte Maria Tucker. Alogians (a-16'ji-anz), or Alogi (al'o-ji). A heretical sect which existed in Asia Minor toward the end of the 2d century A. D. Lit- tle is known of them. They were called Alogi by Epipha- nius because they rejected the doctrine of the Logos and the Gospel of John (which they ascribed to the Gnostic Cerinthus). They also rejected the Apocalypse. Aloidse (a-lo-i'de), or Aloiadse (a-16-l'a-de), or Aloadse (a-16'a-de). [Gr. ’A?Mel6at, A'/oud- 6ai, ’A Xuadai, sons of Aloeus.] In Greek mythol- ogy, two' giants, Otus and Epbialtes, sons of Poseidon by Iphimedea, wife of Aloeus. Each of the brothers measured 9 cubits in breadth and 27 in height at the age of nine years, when, according to the Odys- sey, they threatened the Olympian gods with war, and at- tempted to pile Mount Ossa on Olympus and Pelionon Ossa, but were destroyed by the arrows of Apollo. According to Homer they kept Ares imprisoned for thirteen months, until he was secretly liberated by Hermes. By some writers they are represented as having survived the attempt on Olympus, and as having fallen victims to their presump- tion in suing Ephialtes for the hand of Hera, and Otus for that of Artemis. In the island of Naxos, Artemis, in the form of a stag, ran between the brothers, who, aiming Alpheratz simultaneously at the animal, slew each other. In Hades, as a further punishment, they were tied to a pillar with serpents, and perpetually tormented by the screeching of an owl. Alompra, or Aloung P’houra. Born 1711 : died 1760. The founder of the last dynasty of Burma (named from him). He reigned 1754-60. Alonzo (a-lon'zo). 1. The King of Naples in Shakspere’s “ Tempest.” He appears as Duke of Savoy and Usurper of the Kingdom of Mantua in the ver- sion of Dryden and Davenant. 2. In Beaumont and Fletcher’s “Custom of the Country,” a young Portuguese gentleman, the enemy of Duarte. — 3. In Sheridan’s transla- tion of Kotzebue’s “Pizarro,” the commander of the army of Ataliba, king of Quito. Alonzo. See Borax. Alonzo of Aguilar. A brave Spanish knight who lost his life in trying to plant King Ferdi- nand’s banner on the heights of Granada, in 1501. There are several Spanish ballads on the subject. Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogene. A ballad by “Monk” Lewis (M. G. Lewis). Alopeus (a-lo'pe-us), Maximilian. Bom at Viborg, Finland, Jan. 21, 1748: died at Frank - fort-on-the-Main, May 16, 1822. A Russian diplomatist, accredited minister plenipoten- tiary to the court of Prussia in 1790 by Cathe- rine II. Alora (a'lo-ra). A town in the province of Malaga, Spain, situated on the Guadalhorce 9 miles northwest of Malaga. Population, 10,326. Aloros (a-lo'ros). The first of the ten mythical kings who reigned over Babylonia before the deluge. Alost (a/lost), or Aelst, or Aalst (alst). A city in the province of East Flanders, Belgium, situated on the Dender 16 miles northwest of Brussels. It has a trade in grain and hops, and manu- factures lace, cotton, etc. It was taken by Turenne 1667. Population, 33,496. Aloysius (al-6-is'i-us), Saint (Louis Gonzaga). Died 1591. He is commemorated in the Roman Church June 21. Alp (alp). The principal character in Byron’s poem “The Siege of Corinth,” a renegade shot in the siege. Alp. The local name of the elevated and little inhabited meadow and pasture tracts of Swit- zerland and Tyrol. Also Aim. Alp, or Alb, Rauhe. See Bauhe Alp and Swa- bian Jura. Alp Arslan (alp ars-lan'). Born 1029: died 1072. A surname of Mohammed hen Daud, sultan of the Seljuk Turks, who reigned in Kho- rasan from 1059 to 1072. He succeeded his uncle Toghrul Beg as chief ruler of the empire in 1063, subdued Georgia and Armenia about 1064, and conquered Aleppo and defeated and took prisoner the Byzantine emperor Romanus Diogenes near the Araxes in 1071, a victory which led to the establishment of the Seljuk empire of Rhm. Alpena (al-pe'na). The capital of Alpena County, Michigan, situated on Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, in lat. 45° 4' N., long. 83° 26' W. It is a center of the lumber trade. Popula- tion, 12,706, (1910). Alpes, Basses. See Basses- A Ipes. Alpes, Hautes. See Hautes-Alpes. Alpes-Maritimes (alp mar-e-tem'). A depart- ment of France, capital Nice, bounded by Italy on the north and east, by the Mediterranean on the south, and by Var and Basses-Alpes on the west : noted for its mild climate and the health- resorts on its coast. It was formed from the terri- tory of Nice (ceded by Italy in 1860) and from part of Var. Area, 1,443 square miles. Population, 334,007. Alph ( alf). A sacred underground river in Xanadu, in Coleridge’s poem “Kubla Khan.” Alphard (al-fard'). [Ar. al-fard, the solitary, because there is no other conspicuous star very near it.] The second-magnitude star a Hydros, or Cor Hydras. Alphecca (al-fek'ka), or Alphacca (al-fak'ka). [Ar. alfekkah, the (broken) cup or platter of a dervish: in allusion to the shape of the constel- lation.] A usual name of the second-magnitude star a Coronas Borealis, more co mm only known as Gemma, hut also as Alfeta. Alphege, Saint. See JElfheali. Alphen (al'fen), Hieronymus van. Born at Gouda, Netherlands, Aug. 8, 1746: died at The Hague, April 2, 1803. A Dutch poet and jurist. Alpheratz (al-fe-rats'). [Ar. Surrat-al-fards, the navel of the horse : the star having been reckoned as belonging to Pegasus.] The usual name of the second-magnitude star a Andro- meda?, in the head of the constellation . It is also often called Sirrah. Alpheus Alpheus (al-fe'us), Alpheius (al-fi'us). [Gr. AA^etdf.] In Greek mythology, a river-god, son of Oceanus and Tethvs. He is represented as originally a hunter who tell in love with the nymph Are- thusa. She fled from him and transformed herself into a well, and upon this he became the river Alpheus. The details of the myth vary. Alpheus. The principal river of the Pelopon- nesus, Greece, the modern Rufia, Ruphia, or Rouphia, emptying into the Ionian Sea. it flows in part of its course underground, and was for this reason fabled to flow under the sea to Sicily. Olympia was on its banks. Its northern and southern head streams, both known as Ruphia (the northern also as Ladori), unite on the borders of the nomarchies of Messenia, Arcadia, Achaia, and Elis. Alphirk (al-ferk'). [Ar. kawdlcib-al-firq, stars of the flock.] The third-magnitude double star B Cephei. Alphonso. See Alfonso. Alphonsus a Sancta Maria (iil-fon'sds a sangk'ta ma-re'a), or Alfonso de Cartagena (al-fon'so da kar-ta-Ha'na). Born at Carta- gena, Spain, 1396: died July 12, 1456. A Spanish prelate and historian. He succeeded his father, Paulus, as bishop of Burgos ; was deputed in 1431 by John II. of Castile to attend the Council of Basel ; and succeeded in reconciling Albert V. of Austria with Ladislaus, king of Poland. Ilis principal work is a history of Spain from the earliest times down to 14'J6 (printed 1545). Alphonsus of Lincoln (al-fon'sus ov ling'kon). A story resembling that of Hugh of Lincoln and Chaucer’s “ Tale of the Prioress,” purporting to be composed in 1459, reprinted by the Chaucer Society in 1875. It is attributed by Hain and others to Alphonsus a Spina. Alphonsus (al-fon'sus), Emperor of Germany. A tragedy attributed to Chapman, printed in 1654, after his death. It was played at Black- friars in 1636, and was then a revival. Alphonsus, King of Arragon, The Comical History of. A play by Robert Greene, written as early as 1592, and printed in 1599. It was called ‘‘comical” only because its end is not tragical. Alpiew (al'pu). In Mrs. Centlivre’s comedy “ The Basset-Table,” Lady Reveller’s waiting- woman, a pert, adroit soubrette. The name is taken from alpieu, a term in the game of basset imply- ing the continuance of the bet on a card that has already won. Alpine Club. A club established in London in 1857 for those who are interested in the subject of mountains, as explorers, or artists, or for scientific purposes. Alpini ( al-pe'ne ) , L. Alpinus, Prospero. Born at Marostiea, Yenetia, Nov. 23, 1553: died at Padua, Italy, Feb. 6, 1617. An Italian bota- nist and physician, author of works on the natural history of Egypt, etc. Alpnach (alp'nach), or Alpnacht (alp'naoht). A commune in the canton of Unterwalden, Switzerland, 8 miles southwest of Lucerne. Alpnach, Lake. The southwestern arm of the Lake of Lucerne. Alps (alps). [F. Alpes, It. Alpi, G. Alpen, etc., L. Alpes, Gr. ’'AArreig, "A'Amia, "A'Afte/a, a Celtic name, ‘the white (mountains).’ Cf. Albion.'] The most extensive moimtain system in Eu- rope, comprising a part of southeastern France, most of Switzerland, a part of northern Italy, a part of southern Germany, and the western part of Austria-Hungary. It, was anciently di- vided into the Maritime, Cottian, Graian, Pennine, Rhse- tian, Noric, Carnic, Venetian, and Julian Alps. The modern division is into the Western, Central, and Eastern Alps. The Western Alps include the Ligurian Alps, Maritime Alps, Cottian Alps, Graian Alps, Montagues des Maures and Esterel Mountains, Mountains of Provence (or of Vaucluse, Ventoux group), Alps of Dauphind, Limestone Alps of Savoy, and the Mountains of Chablais and Faucigny. The Central Alps include the Pennine Alps, Lepontine Alps, Khsetian Alps, Otzthaler Alps, Bernese Alps, Fribourg Alps, Emmenthal Alps, Urner and Engelberg Alps, Todi range, Schwyzer Alps, St. Gall and Appenzell Alps, Vo- rarlberg and Allgau Alps, North Tyrolese and Bavarian Alps, Luganer Alps, Bergamasker Alps, Ortler Alps, Nons- berg Alps, Adamello Mountains, and Tridentine Alps. The Eastern Alps include the Zillerthal Alps, Hohe Tau- ern, Niedere Tauern, Carinthianand Styrian Alps, Styrian Nieder Alps, Kitzbuhler Alps, Salzburg Alps, Upper Aus- trian Alps, North Styrian Alps, Lower Austrian Alps, Lessinian Alps, Cadoric Alps (Dolomite Alps), Venetian Alps, Carnic Alps, Karawanken, Bacher, and Santhaler Alps, and Julian Alps. There are also various outliers of the system in Hungary and Croatia, etc. (Bakony Forest, Mountains of Cilli, etc.). The length of the range from the Pass of Giovi (north of Genoa) to Semmering Pass is over 600 miles ; and its width is from 90 to 180 miles. Its highest peak is Mont Blanc, 15,781 feet (on the borders of France and Italy; highest in Switzerland, the Monte Rosa); and its average height about 7,700 feet. Its largest glacier is the Aletsch, about 13 miles long. See, further, the special articles Pennine, Maritime, Lepontine Alps, etc. Alps, Eastern. A division of the Alps which 44 extends from the Brenner Pass eastward to the Semmering Pass. Oftentimes made to include all the Alps lying east of a line connecting Lake Constance with Lago Maggiore. See Alps. Alps, Western. A division of the Alps which is separated from the Apennines by the Pass of Giovi (north of Genoa) and extends to the Pass of Great St. Bernard. Oftentimes made to in- clude all the Alps lying west of a line connecting Lake Constance with Lago Maggiore. See Alps. Alpujarras(al-p6-Har'riis),or Alpuxaras, The. A mountainous region in the provinces of Gra- nada and Almerfa, Spain. It contains many romantic valleys. After the fall of the Moorish kingdom of Granada in 1492 it was the refuge of the Moriscos in Spaiu. A1 Rakim (al ra-kem'). A fabulous dog that accompanied and guarded the Seven Sleepers. The name occurs in the Koran (in reference to the Sleepers) and has been variously interpreted as a brass plate, a stone table, the name of the dog, and the name of the valley in which the Sleepers’ cave was situated. Alredus, or Aluredus. See A If red of Beverley. Alright Island (al-rit' I'land). One of the Magdalen Islands, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Alroy. See Wondrous Tale of Alroy. Alsace (al-zas'), L. Alsatia, G. Elsass. A for- mer government of eastern France, it formed' after the Revolutionthe departments of Iiaut-RhinandBas- Rhin, and is now par t (see Alsace-Lorraine) of the German Empire, comprising the districts (Bezirke) of Upper Alsace and Lower Alsace. It is bounded by the Rhine Palatinate on the north, by Baden (from which it is separated by the Rhine) on the east, by Switzerland on the south, and by France and German Lorraine on the west. The Vosge3 are on its western frontier. Its soil is fertile, and it has impor- tant iron- and coal-mines, and considerable manufactures. Its chief city is Strasburg. German is the language of the largest numberof the inhabitants. It was a part of ancient Gaul and afterward of the Frankish kingdom. In the 9th and 10th centuries it was a part of Lotharingia, and later of the duchy of Swabia, and gradually came to be divided be- tween imperial cities, bishops, and other spiritual rulers, etc. Part of it was conquered by France in the Thirty Years’ War, and ceded to her in 1648. Strasburg was seized by Louis XIV. in 1681, and the remainder of Alsace was annexed to France in 1791. It was ceded to Germany in 1871 as a result of the Franco-German war. Alsace, Lower, G. Unter-Elsass. A district of Alsace-Lorraine, occupying the northern portion of Alsace. The chief city is Stras- burg. Area, 1,848 square miles. Population, 683,551. Alsace, Upper, G. Ober-Elsass. A district of Alsace-Lorraine, occupying the southern por- tion of Alsaco. Its chief town is Miilhausen. Area, 1,354 square miles. Population, 511,459. Alsace-Lorraine (al-zas'lor-ran'), G. Elsass- Lotliringen. An imperial territory (Reichs- land) of the German Empire, capital Strasburg, bounded by Luxemburg, Prussia, and the Rhine Palatinate on the north, by Baden (from which it is separated by the Rhine) on the east, by Switzerland and France on the south, and by France on the west. It is traversed by the Vosges; soil generally fertile, producing grain, wine, tobacco, etc., and it has important iron- and coal-mines, and large manu- factures of iron, cotton, etc. It is divided into 3 districts. Upper Alsace, Lower Alsace, and Lorraine. By the con- stitution granted May, 1911, it is ruled by a governor and a Diet of two chambers, and sends 3 members to the Bun- desrath aud 15 deputies to the Reichstag. The prevailing religion (78 per cent, of the population) is Roman Catholic. The prevailing language is German, except in Lorraine, where French is chiefly spoken. It was ceded by France to Germany in 1871, as a result of the Franco-German war. Area, 5,604 square miles. Population, 1,871,702. Alsatia. The Latin name of Alsace. Alsatia (al-sa'skia). Formerly a cant name (Alsace being a debatable ground or scene of frequent contests) for Whitefriars, a district in London between the Thames and Fleet street, and adjoining the Temple, which possessed cer- tain privileges of sanctuary derived from the convent of the Carmelites, or White Friars, founded there in 1241. The locality became the resort of libertines and rascals of every description, whose abuses and outrages, and especially the riot in the reign of Charles II., led in 1097 to the abolition of the privilege and the dispersion of the Alsatians. The term Alsatia has in recent times been applied offensively to the English stock-exchange, because of the supposed questionable character of some of its proceedings. The name first oc- curs in Shad well’s plays “ The Woman Captain ” (1680) and “The Squire of Alsatia" (168S). See Whitefriars. Alsatia, The Squire of. See Squire. Alsea (al-se'). [From Alsi, their name for themselves.] A tribe of North American In- dians, which formerly occupied 20 villages on both sides of Alsea River, Oregon, and is now on the Siletz reservation, Oregon. One of these villages was Yahats. See TaJconan. Alsen (al'sen), Dan. Als. An island 20 miles long, in the Little Belt, lat. 55° N., long. 9° 50' E., belonging to the province of Schleswig- Holstein, Prussia. Its chief town is Sonderburg. The inhabitants are chiefly Danish. It was a strategic point for the Danes in 1848-49, and was conquered by the Prus- Altamura sians under Herwarth von Bittenfeld, June 29, 1864. Area, 106 square miles. Population, about 26,000. Alsfeld (als'felt). A small town in the prov- ince of Upper Hesse, grand duchy of Efesse, situated on the Schwalm 41 miles southwest of Cassel. Alshain (al-shan'). A seldom used name for the fourth-magnitude star /I Aquilie. Alshemali (al-she-ma'li). [Ar. al-semdli, the northern. See AhjenuU.] The fourth-magni- tude star p Leonis, in the head of the animal. Alsi. See Alsea. Al Sirat (al si-rat'). [Ar., ‘the road or way’; probably borrowed in Arabic from Latin strata via.] The bridge' over which all must pass who enter the Mohammedan paradise, it is of incou- ceivable narrowness, finer than the edge of a razor ; hence those burdened by sins are sure to fall off and are dashed into hell, which it crosses. The same idea appears in Zoroastrianism and among the Jews. Alsleben (als'la-ben). A small town in the province of Saxony, Prussia, situated on the Saale 30 miles south of Magdeburg. Alsop (al'sop), Rickard. Born at Middletown, Conn., Jan. 23, 1761: died at Flatbush, L. I., Aug. 20, 1815. An American author, one of the “Hartford Wits” and chief writer on the “Echo.” He published “ Monody on the Death of Washington,” and other poems. Alsop, Vincent. Died May 8, 1703. An Eng- lish nonconformist divine and controversialist. He wrote “Antisozzo” (1675), “Mischief of Impositions ” (1680), “Melius Inquirendum ” (1679), etc. Alsted (al'stet), Johann Heinrich. Bom at Ballersbach, near Iierborn, Prussia, 1588: died at Weissenburg, Transylvania, Nov. 8, 1638. A German Protestant theologian and voluminous writer, professorof philosophy (1615) and(1619) of theology at Herborn. Alster (al'ster). A small tributary of the Elbe which traverses Hamburg, forming two basins, one (the larger) outside the town (Aussen Alster), and one within it (Binnen Alster). The latter is surrounded with fine buildings and is a favorite pleasure-resort, Alston, or Alston Moor. See Aldstone. Alstroemer (al'stre-mer), Jonas. Born at Alingsses, West Gothland, Sweden, Jan. 7, 1685: died June 2, 1761. A Swedish merchant, distinguished as a promoter of industrial re- form in Sweden. Alt. See Aluta. Altahmo (al-ta'md). A tribe of North Ameri- can Indians which formerly lived on San Fran- cisco bay, California. See Costanoan. Altai (al-tl'). A mountain system which lies partly in the government of Tomsk, Siberia, and is continued eastward into Mongolia. The highest elevation, the Bjelueha (White Moun- tain), is about 14,800 feet. The main range is also known as the Ektag Altai. Altaic (al-ta'ik). A term applied to various “ Turanian” or unclassified languages in north- ern Asia : usually in the compound Ural-Altaic. See Turanian. Altai Mining District. A territory in the southern part of the government of Tomsk, Si- beria, noted for mineral wealth. Its capital is Barnaul. Altair (al-tar'), or Atair (a-tar'). [Ar. al-nasr al-tair, the flying eagle.] The standard first- magnitude star a Aquilse. Altamaha (aP'ta-ma-ha'). A river in Georgia which is formed by the junction of the Oconefe and Ocmulgee, and flows into the Atlantic 55 miles southwest of Savannah. Its length is about 130 miles. Altamirano (al-ta-me-ra'no), Ignacio Manuel. Born in Guerrero about 1835: died Feb. 14, 1893. A Mexican poet, orator, and journalist, of pure Indian blood, said to have been a de- scendant of the Aztec monarchs. He was a mem- ber of the Constituent Congress of 1861, and joined the army during the French invasion, attaining the rank of colonel. He published “ Clemencia,” “Julia," etc. He died in Italy. Altamont (al'ta-mont). 1. In Rowe’s play “The Fair Penitent,” the much-wronged but forgiving husband of Calista (the 1 air Peni- tent). He kills “that haughty gallant, gay Lothario” who has wronged him. — 2. In Thack- eray’s novel “Pendennis,” the name assumed by the returned convict Amory. He is the first husband of Lady Clavering and father of the emotional Blanche Amory. Altamont, Frederick. See Bunce, John. Altamura (al-ta-mo'ra). A city in the prov- ince of Bari, Italy, 28 miles southwest of Bari. It contains a cathedral, founded by the emperor Freder- Altamura Ick n. It ia a 3-aisled church of basilican plan, with cy- lindrical pillars and round arches in the nave and pointed vaulting in the aisles. The west front is Romanesque in character, with a great rose and imposing lion-porch and much sculpture, especially scenes from the life of Christ. Altar (ill-tar'), or Altar de Collanes (al-tar' dakol-ya'nes), or Capac-Urcu (kii'pak or'ko). A volcano in the eastern range of the Andes of Ecuador, east of Riobamba, 17,730 feet high (Reiss and Stiibel). Altar, The. See Ara. Altaroche (al-ta-rosh'), Marie Michel. Born at Issoire, Puy-de-Dome, France, April 18, 1811 : died at Vaux, May 14, 1884. A French journalist, poet, and dramatist : early editor of “Charivari.” Altas Torres (al'tas tor'res). [Sp., ‘high tow- ers.’] See Madrigal. Alt-Breisach. See Breisack. Altdorf (Switzerland). See Altorf. Altdorf (alt'dorf), or Altorf (al'torf). A small town in Middle Franconia, Bavaria, situated on the Schwarzach 13 miles southeast of Nu- remberg. It was the seat of a university from 1023 to 1809, which was united in the latter year with that of Erlangen. Altdorfer (alt'dor-fer), or Altorfer (al'tor-fer), Albrecht. Born at Altdorf, Bavaria, 1488: died at Ratisbon, Bavaria, 1538. A German painter and engraver. His chief work, “ The Battle of Arbela,” is at Munich. Altea (al-ta'a). A seaport in the province of Alicante, Spain, 25 miles northeast of Alicante. Population, 5,977. Altemira (al-te-ml'ra). A tragedy by Lord Orrery, produced in 1702, after his death. It is a roar of passion, love (or what passed for it), jeal- ousy, despair, and murder. In the concluding scene the slaughter is terrific. It all takes place iu presence of an unobtrusive individual, who carries the doctrine of non- intervention to its extreme limit. When the persons of the drama have made an end of one another, the quietly delighted gentleman steps forward, and blandly remarks, that there was so much virtue, love, and honor in it all, that he could not find it in his heart to interfere though his own son was one of the victims. Doran, Eng. Stage, I. 133. Alten (al'ten), Count Karl August von. Born at Burgwedel, near Hanover, Oct. 20, 1764: died at Bozen, Tyrol, April 20, 1840. A Hano- verian general, commander of the “German Legion ” in British service. He served in the Penin- sular and Waterloo campaigns, and was Hanoverian min- ister of war and foreign affairs. Alten Fiord (al'ten fyord). A fiord on the northern coast of Norway, in lat. 70° N. Altena (al'te-na). A town in the province of Westphalia, Prussia, situated on the Lenne 40 miles northeast of Cologne. It is noted for iron and steel manufactures, and for its castle. Population, 13,591. Altenahr (al'ten-ar). A village in the Rhine Province, Prussia, situated on the Ahr 30 miles south of Cologne. Near it is the ruined castle of Altenahr or Are, destroyed early in the 18th century. Altenberg (al'ten-bero). A town in the king- dom of Saxony, situated in the Erzgebirge 21 miles south of Dresden: noted for its tin-mines. Altenburg (duchy). See Saxe- Altenburg. Altenburg (al'ten-borG). The capital (since 1826) of Saxe-Altenburg, Germany, near the Pleisse 25 miles south of Leipsic. it contains a castle (founded in the 11th century), famous from the “Robbery of the Princes" in 1455. Ancient Saxon resi- dence. Population, 38,818. Altendorf (al'ten-dorf). A town near and now incorporated with Essen, Rhine Province, Prussia. Altenesch (al'ten-esh). A village in Olden- burg, Germany, near the mouth of the Ochtum 9 miles northwest of Bremen. Here in 1234 the Stedinger were nearly exterminated by the Crusaders. Altenessen (al-ten-es'sen). A coal-mining town near Essen, Rhine Province, Prussia. Population, 33,416. Altenkirchen (iil-ten-ker'chen). A small town in the Rhine Province, Prussia, situated on the Wied 34 miles southeast of Cologne. Altenkirchen. An ancient countship in the neighborhood of Altenkirchen. Alten-Otting. See Allotting. Altenstein (al'ten-stin), Karl (Baron von Stein zum Altenstein). Bom at Anspach, Ba- varia, Oct. 7, 1770: died at Berlin, May 14, 1840. A Prussian statesman, minister of finance 1808- 1810, and minister of public worship 1817-38. Altenstein. A summer castle of the dukes of Saxe-Meiningen, in the Thuringian forest 10 45 miles south of Eisenach, noted in the history of Boniface and of Luther (1521). Altenzelle (al-ten-tsel'le). A former Cistercian monastery near Nossen, in Saxony, secularized in 1544. Alterati (It. pron. al-te-ra'te), The. A private musical academy, founded in 1568 at Florence by seven Florentine noblemen, it devoted it- self to the cultivation of the musical drama, and under its auspices the first Italian opera was produced. See Daphne. Alterf (al-terf'). [Ar.] The seldom used name of the fourth-magnitude star /l Leonis, in the mouth of the animal. Alter Fritz (al'ter frits). [G., ‘Old Fritz.’] A nickname of Frederick the Great. Althsea (al-the'a), or Althea. [Gr. ’A/l data.'] In Greek legend, a daughter of Thestius, wife of CEneus, king of Calydon, and mother of Tydeus, Meleager, and Deianeira. Althea. The name under which RichardLove- lace poetically addressed a woman, supposed to be Lucy Sacheverell, who was also celebrated under the name of Lucasta. Althen (F.pron.al-ton'), Jehan or Jean. Born in Persia: died in France, 1774. A Persian, the son of a governor of a Persian province, who introduced the cultivation of madder into France. He was sold as a slave at Smyrna, but made his escape to France, bringing with him some seeds of madder, the exportation of which was forbidden under penalty of death. Althing. See Thing. Althorp, Viscount. See Spencer, third Earl. Altilia (al-te'li-a). A small place in central Italy about 20 miles north of Benevento. The Roman walls of the ancient town (the Samnite Ssepinum), about two miles from the modern site, remain practically perfect. The plan is a square with rounded angles and a gate strengthened by massive square towers in the middle of each side, oriented toward the cardinal points. The masonry is reticulated, except that of the gate-arclies. An inscription ascribes the construction to Nero. Altin (al-tin'), or Teletskoi (ta-let-skoi'). A lake, 75 miles long and about 20 broad, in west- ern Siberia, in lat. 51° 30' N., long. 87° 30' E., which empties into a tributary of the Obi. Alting (al'ting), Johann Heinrich. Born at Emden, Prussia, Feb. 17, 1583: died at Gron- ingen, Aug. 25, 1644. A German Protestant theologian, professor of dogmatics at Heidel- berg (1613), and later (1627) of theology at Groningen. He opposed the Remonstrants in the synod of Dordrecht. Alting, Jakob. Born at Heidelberg, Sept. 27, 1618: died at Groningen, Aug. 20, 1676. A son of J. H. Alting, professor of Oriental languages (1643) and of theology (1667) at Groningen. His works on Hebrew are notable. Altis (al'tis). [Gr. ’A Hnf.] The sacred pre- cinct and nucleus of the ancient Olympia, in Greece. Altisidora (al'tis-i-do'rii). A character in the “Curious Impertinent,” an episode in “Don Quixote ” : an attendant of the duchess. She torments Don Quixote by pretending to be in love with him. Altkirch (alt'kercli). A small town in Upper Alsace, Alsace-Lorraine, situated on the 111 18 miles northwest of Basel: capital of theSund- gau. Altmark (alt'miirk). The nucleus of Branden- burg and the Prussian monarchy: known first as the Nordmark, now in the province of Sax- ony, Prussia. See Nordmark and Brandenburg . Altmeyer (alt'mi-er), Jean Jacques. Born at Luxemburg, Jan. 24, 1804 : died at Brussels, Sept. 15, 1877. A Belgian historian. Among his works are “Histoiredes relations commerciales et poli- tiques des Pays-Bas,” etc., “Rdsumd de l’histoire mo- derne”(1842), and various works on Dutch and Belgian his- tory, etc. Altmiihl (alt'miil). A river in Bavaria, the ancient Alcimona or Alcmona, which joins the Danube at Kelhcim 14 miles southwest of Ra- tisbon. It crosses the Franconian .Tura. Its length is about 125 miles, and it is connected with the Main system by the Ludwigs-Canal at Dietfurt. Alto-Douro (al'to-do'ro). A region in the southern part of Traz-os-Montes and the north- ern part of Beira, Portugal, near the Douro, noted for its (port) wine. Altofronto, Giovanni. See Malevole. Alton (al'ton), Johann Samuel Eduard d’. Born at St. Goar, Prussia, July 17, 1803 : died at Halle, July 25, 1854. A German anatomist, son of J. W. E. d’Alton, author of “Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie” (1848-50), etc. Alton (al'ton), Johann Wilhelm Eduard d’. Born at Aquileia, Austria-Hungary, Aug. 11, 1772: died at Bonn, Prussia, May 11, 1840. A Alva German naturalist and engraver, author of “ Naturgeschichte des Pferdes” (1810), “Ver- gleichende Osteologie” (1821-31). Alton (al'ton). A town in Hampshire, Eng- land, 25 miles north by east of Portsmouth. Population, 5,479. Alton. A city in Madison County, Illinois, situ- ated on the Mississippi 21 miles north of St. Louis. It has important manufactures and trade, and is the seat of Shurtlett College. Population, 17,628, (1910). Altona (al'to-na). A seaport in the province of Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, situated on the right bank of the Elbe below Hamburg and ad- joining it, in lat. 53° 33' N., long. 9° 57' E. It is the largest city in the province, and has extensive foreign and domestic trade and important manufactures. It was formerly the seat of an observatory which was re- moved to Kiel in 1874. It received the privileges of a city in 1664, and was burned by the Swedes 1713. Popu- lation, 172,411, (1910). Alton Locke (al'ton lok), Tailor and Poet. A story by Charles Kingsley, published in 1850. Altoona (al-to'na). A city in Blair County, Pennsylvania, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the base of the Alleghany Mountains, in lat. 40° 31' N., long. 78° 25' W., noted for the manufacture of locomotives and railway-cars. Population, 52,127, (1910). Altorf (al'torf), or Altdorf (alt'dorf). The capital of the canton of Uri, Switzerland, situ- ated near the Reuss and near the southeastern extremity of the Lake of Lucerne, on the St. Gotthard route, 20 miles southeast of Lucerne. It is celebrated in the legends of William Tell, to whom a statue was erected here in 1861. Population (1S88), 2,551. See Tell, William. Altorf (in Bavaria). See Altdorf. Altorfer. See Altdorfer. Altotting (alt-et'ting), or Alten-Otting (al'- ten-et'ting). A small town in Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, on the Morn 51 miles northeast of Munich. It is a famous pilgrim resort, on account of a miraculous image of the Virgin, which, it is said, was brought from the East in the 7th century. Altranstadt (alt'ran-stat). A village of Prus- sian Saxony 9 miles southeast of Merseburg, where a treaty was concluded, 1706, between Charles XII. of Sweden and Augustus H. of Saxony, by which the latter lost Poland, a treaty was also made here in 1707, between Charles XII. of Sweden and the emperor Joseph I., by which re- ligious toleration was secured to the Protestants in Silesia. Altrincham, or Altringkam (al'tring-am). A town in Cheshire, England, 8 miles southwest, of Manchester. Population, 16,831. Altringer. See Aldringer. Altstadten (alt.'stad-ten), or Altstetten (alt'- stet-ten). A town in the canton of St. Gall, Switzerland, in lat. 47° 23' N., long. 9° 32' E. It has cotton manufactures. Population, 8,724. Altstrelitz (alt'stra-lits). The former capi- tal of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, situated south of Neustrelitz. Altvater Mountains (alt'fa-ter moun'tanz), or Moravian Snow Mountains. A group of mountains in the Sudetic system, situated in northern Moravia on the frontier of Austrian Silesia. The highest point, Gross Altvater, is about 4,850 feet high. Altwasser (iilt'vas-ser). A town in the prov- ince of Silesia, Prussia, on the Polsnitz 41 miles southwest of Breslau, it has mines of brown coal, and was formerly a watering-place. Population, 15,259. Aludra (al- 6 'dra). [Ar. al-adra, the singular of al-addra, the virgins, four stars near each other in Canis Major.] The third-magnitude star 77 Canis Majoris. Alula (al'u-la) Borealis and Australis. [L., ‘northern’ and ‘southern wing.’] The two fourth-magnitude stars v and f Ursa* Majoris, which mark the southern hind foot of the beast. Xi, which is a fine binary star with a period of only 6t years, is also known as El Acola. Alumbagh. See Alambagh. Aluredus. See Alfred of Beverley. Aluta (a-lo'ta), or Alt (alt), or Olt (olt). A river which rises in eastern Transylvania, flows south and west, and breaks through the Car- pathians at the Rotherthurm Pass, and then flows south through Wallachia, and joins, the Danube opposite Nicopolis. Its chief tributary is the Oltetz. The length of the Aluta is about 300 miles. Alva (al'vii; Sp. al'va),or Alba (al'bii), Duke of (Fernando Alvarez de Toledo). Born Oct. 29, 1507 : died at Lisbon, Dec. II, 1582. A fa- mous Spanish general. Ho fought in the various campaigns of the emperor Charles V. and of Philip II.; de- Alva cided the victory of Muhlberg, 1547 ; was commander against Metz in 1552 and later in Italy ; was sent as gov- ernor to the Netherlands in 1567, and there became noto- rious for his cruelty ; established the “Council of Blood” (which see); put to death Egmont, Hoorn, and many others; and was generally successful against William of Orange down to 1572. He returned to Spain in 1573 and conquered Portugal in 1580. Alva de Liste, or Alva de Aliste, Count of. Same as Alba de Liste. See Henriquez de Gas- man, Luis. Alvarado (al-va-ra'THo), Alonso de. Born at Burgos about 1490 : died in Peru, 1556. A Span- ish cavalier who in 1518 joined Cortes and served in the conquest of Mexico, of his early life nothing is known. In 1534 he went to Peru with Pedro de Alvarado (who was not related to him), remained with Pizarro, and was sent to conquer Chachapoyas, a region on the upper Maranon. Called back by the revolt of Inca Manco, he was detached with 400 men to relieve Cuzco. Almagro, meanwhile, had seized that city, and Alvarado’s refusal to acknowledge him led to a battle at the river Abancay, July 12, 1537, where Alvarado was defeated and captured with his whole force. He escaped from Cuzco at the end of the year, joined Pizarro, and commanded his cavalry at the battle of Las Salinas, April 26, 1538, captur- ing Almagro next day. He then returned to Chachapoyas and carried his conquests eastward to the Huallaga. He joined Vaca de Castro in 1541, took part in the campaign against the younger Almagro, and was at the battle of Chupas, Sept. 16, l >42. Soon after he went to Spain, re- ceived the title of marshal, and returned with Casca in 1546. He was a judge in the military court which con- demned Gonzalo Pizarro and Carbajal to death. Gasca made him governor of Cuzco, and in 1553 he was sent to govern Charcas, where he put down a rebellion. On the rebellion of Giron, Alvarado marched against him with 1,000 men (Nov., 1553), but was defeated at Chuquingua, near the river Abancay, May 21, 1554. It is said that the mortilieation of this defeat caused his death. Alvarado, Diego de. Died in Spain, 1540. A Spanish soldier, either brother or uncle of Pedro de Alvarado, who went with him to Peru in 1534. Alvarado, Pedro de. Born in Badajoz, 1485: died at Guadalajara, Mexico, June 4, 1541. A Spanish cavalier, famous as a companion of Cortes in the conquest of Mexico. He went to the West Indies in 1510, and in 1511 joined the expedition of Velasquez to Cuba, where he received a grant of land. In 1518 he commanded a vessel in the expedition of Gri- jalva to Yucatan, and in the following year followed Cortes in the Mexican conquest. He was present at the seizure of Montezuma, and when Cortes went to meet Narvaez, Alvarado was left in command of the force at Mexico. During Cortds’s absence the Mexicans rose and besieged the Spaniards. In the disastrous nocturnal re- treat (the noche triste , July 1, 1520), Alvarado commanded the rear-guard and escaped with difficulty, saving his life, according to the tradition, by leaping a great gap in the causeway, at a spot still called “Alvarado's Leap.” In the subsequent operations and the siege of Mexico he took a prominent part. In Dec., 1523, he was sent with 420 Spaniards and a large force of Indians to conquer Guate- mala ; after a desperate battle with the Quiche Indians near Quezaltenango, he marched to Utitlan, burned that town after conquering the inhabitants (April, 1524), de- feated another army near Lake Atitlan, and founded the old city of Guatemala, July 25, 1524. He returned to Spain to meet charges of defrauding the royal treasury and was acquitted, and returned to Guatemala in 1530 as governor, with a large number of colonists. In 1531 he headed an expedition of 400 men against Quito, claim- ing that that region was not included in the grant made to Pizarro, and was thus open to conquest. Landing on the coast, he led liis men over the mountains in a terrible march, during which large numbers perished. Near Riobamba lie met the forces of Almagro and Benal- cazar, and was induced to retire, receiving, it is said, a large sum of gold from Pizarro : most of his men re- mained. Returning to Guatemala, he took part in the conquest of Honduras, which was added to his govern- ment. In 1540 he went to Mexico, was engaged in sub- duing a revolt in Jalisco, and died there from a fall with his horse. See Century Atlas, Map 4. Alvarenga (iil-va-reng'ga), Manuel Ignacio da Silva. Born in Sao Joao, (Pel Rei, Minas Geraes, 1758: died at Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 1, 1812. A Brazilian poet. His songs and odes are among the finestin the Portuguese language. Alvarenga Peixoto, Ignacio Jose de. Born in Rio de Janeiro about the end of 1748: died in Angola early in 1793. A Brazilian poet and revolutionist. For taking part in the revolutionary conspiracy of 1789 he was condemned to death (1792), but the sentence was commuted to deportation to Angola. Alvares (al'va-res), or Alvares Correa (ko- ra'yii), Diogo. Died near Bahia, Oct. 5, 1557. A Portuguese (generally known by his Indian name Caramuru) who in 1510 was shipwrecked on the coast of Brazil near Bahia. He succeeded in gaining the friendship of the TupinamM Indians, and subsequently brought about friendly relations between them and the first Portuguese colonists. Alvarez (al'va-res), Francisco. Born at Coimbra, Portugal : died after 1540. A Portu- guese travelerin Abyssinia, author of “Verda- deira Informacam do Preste Joao das Indias” (1540, “True Information about Prester John of the Indies”). Alvarez (al'va-reth), Juan. Born at Concepcion de Atoyae (now Ciudad Alvarez), Jan. 27, 1780: 46 died Aug. 21, 1867. A Mexican general. He joined the revolt of Morelos in Nov., 1810, and was prom- inent in the civil wars and in the war with the United States. In Feb., 1854, he began the revolt at Acapulco which spread until Santa Anna fled from the country in Aug., 1865. Alvarez was made acting president at Cuer- navaca, Oct. 4, 1855 ; but unable to reconcile the conflict- ing cabals, he transferred the office to Comonfort, Dec. 8, 1855, and returned to his home at Acapulco. He aided Juarez against the French, and was commander of the 5th army division when he died. Alvarez, Don. In Dryden’s tragedy “Don Se- bastian,” a former counselor to Don Sebastian, at the period of the play a slave. Alvary (al-va'ri) (Achenbacli), Max. A tenor singer, son of the painter Andreas Achenbach, born at Diisseldorf in 1858: died 1898. He first appearedin Weimar, removing to New York in 1884. After several successful seasons, lie returned to Hamburgin 1889. Alvear (al-ve-iir'), Carlos Maria. Born in Buenos Ayres about 1785: died in Montevideo about 1850. He received a military education in Spain, and in 1812 became a member of the constitutional assembly of the Platine states. He joined the party of Posadas ; was sent to command the besieging army at Montevideo, which capitulated in June, 1814 ; was worsted in a struggle with Artigas, and in Jan., 1815, succeeded Posadas as supreme director, but was soon deposed by a mutiny of the troops. He commanded the Argentine forces against the Brazilians in Uruguay, 1826, and won the indecisive victory of Ituzaingd, Feb. 20, 1827. He was minister to the United States in 1823. During the dictatorship of Rosas he was banished. Alvensleben (Si' vens-la-ben), Albrecht, Count von. Born at Halberstadt, Prussian Saxony, March 23, 1794 : died at Berlin, May 2, 1858. A Prussian politician and diplomatist. As min- ister of finance, 1836-42, he developed the Zollverein (which see). Alvensleben, Gustav von. Born in Eicken- barleben, Prussian Saxony, Sept. 30, 1803 : died at Gernrode in the Harz, June 30, 1881. A Prussian general of infantry, chief of staff in the military department of the Rhine prov- inces and Westphalia. He served in the staff 1866, and commanded an army corps 1870-71, distinguishing himself at Sedan and elsewhere. Alvensleben, Gustav Hermann von. Born at Rathenow, Brandenburg, Jan. 17, 1827 : died at Mockmiihl, Feb. 1, 1905. A Prussian lieu- tenant-general. He participated in the wars against Denmark and Austria, and commanded an Uhlan regiment in the Franco-Prussian war. Alvensleben, Konstantin von. Bora at Eich- enbarleben, Prussian Saxony, Aug. 26, 1809 : died at Berlin, March 28, 1892. A Prussian general, brother of Gustav von Alvensleben, commander of the 3d army corps in the war of 1870-71, at Vionville, Mars-la-Tour, Gravelotte, the investment of Metz, on the Loire, and elsewhere. Alves Branco (al'ves brang'ko), Manoel. Bom at Bahia, Juno 7, 1797 : died at Nictheroy, Rio de Janeiro, July 13, 1855. A Brazilian law- yer and statesman. He entered political life as dep- uty in 1830, and soon became a leader of the liberal party. He was chosen senator in 1837, was five times minister (1835, 1837, 1840, 1844, and 1846), and was premier May, 1847, to Jan., 1849. In Dec., 1854, he wa3 created Visconde de Caravellas. Alvinczy (al'vin-tse), or Alvinzi, Joseph, Baron von Barberek. Bom at Alvincz, Tran- sylvania, Feb. 1, 1735: died at Budapest, Nov. 25, 1810. An Austrian field-marshal. He served in the Seven Years' War, attaining the rank of colonel; unsuccessfully attempted to storm Belgrad in 1789; dis- tinguished himself at Neerwinden in 1793 ; was defeated at Hondschooten 1793 ; commanded on the upper Rhine ; be- came commander in Italy in 1796; and was defeated by Bonaparte at Arcole 1796, and at Rivoli 1797. Alvord (al 7 vord), Benjamin. Born at Rutland, Vt., Aug. 18, 1813: died Oct. 16, 1884. An Amer- ican general and military writer. He served in the Mexican war, attaining the rank of brevet major (Aug. 15, 1847), and in the Civil War. He became brevet briga- dier-general April 9, 1865, and brigadier-general and pay- master-general Aug. 4, 1876. Alwaid (al-wid'). [Ar. al ’ awdid , the sucking camel-colts (this star, with three others near it, being so called by the Arabs).] The second- magnitude star /3 Draconis, in the monster’s eye. It is called Bastaban on some star-maps. Alwar (ul'wur), or Ulwar (ul'wur). A state of Rajputana, India, intersected by lat. 27° 30' N., long. 76° 30' E. It is under British control. Area, 3,141 square miles. Population, 828,487. Alwar. The capital of the state of Alwar, in lat. 27° 34' N., long. 76° 36' E. Population, 56,771. Alxinger (alk'sing-er), Jobann Baptist von. Born at Vienna, Jan. 24, 1755: died at Vienna, May 1. 1797. An Austrian poet, secretary of the imperial court theater (1794). He published “Gedichte"(1780, 1784), “Doolin von Mainz" (1787), “Bli- Amadis of Gaul omberis ” (1791). His writings were collected in ten vol- umes in 1812. Alyattes (a-li-at'ez). [Gr. AAt>drr?/r.] A king of Lydia who reigned about 617-560 B. C., the father of Croesus. He made various conquests in Asia Minor, and carried on war against Cyaxares of Media. His tomb north of Sardis, near Lake Gygsea, was one of the most notable monuments of antiquity. If the measurements of Herodotus are accurate, and modern travellers appear to think that they do not greatly overstep the truth, the tomb of Alyattes cannot have fallen far short of the grandest of the Egyptian monuments. Its deficiency as respects size must have been in height, for the area of the base, which alone our author’s statements determine, is above one-third greater than that of the Pyramid of Cheops. As, however, the construction was of earth and not of stone, a barrow and not a pyramid, it would undoubtedly have required a less amount of servile labour than the great works of Egypt, and would indicate a less degraded condition of the people wli -> raised it than that of the Egyptians in the time of the pyramid-builders. Iiawlinson, Herod., I. 363. Alypius (a-lip'i-us). The (unidentified) author of a Greek treatise on the elements of music. “ The woi’k consists wholly, with the exception of a short introduction, of lists of the symbols used (both for voice and instrument) to denote all the sounds in the forty-five scales produced by taking each of the fifteen modes in the three genera (diatonic, chromatic, enharmonic).” Smith, Diet. Gr. and Rom. Biog. Alz (tilts). A tributary of the Inn, in Upper Bavaria, the outlet of the Chiemsee. Alzei, or Alzey (alt'sl). A town in the prov- ince of Rhine Hesse, Hesse, situated on the Selz 19 miles southwest of Mainz, it is an old Roman town, and is noted in the Nibelungen cycle. It was sacked by Bpinola in 1620, and by the French 1688-89. Population, 7,488. Alzirdo (alt-ser'do). In “ Orlando Furioso,” the king of Tremizen, defeated by Orlando. Alzire (al-zer'). A tragedy by Voltaire, pro- duced Jan. 27, 1736, in which he contrasted the virtues of the noble natural man and those of Chri stianized and civilized man . The he roine, Alzire, is a noble Peruvian captive. Alzog (alt'soG), Johann Baptist. Born at Ohlau, Silesia, June 29, 1808 : died at Freiburg, Baden, Feb. 28, 1878. A German Roman Cath- olic historian, professor at Posen, Hildes- heim, and Freiburg. He was the author of “Lehr- buch der Universalkirchengeschichte" (1840, “Manual of General Church History ’’), “Grundriss derPatrologie,” etc. Alzubra (al'zu-bra). [Ar. ] The rarely used name of a little star of the fifth magnitude, 72 Leonis, in the animal’s hind quarters. Amadab (a-ma'da). A place in Nubia on the bend of the Nile near Derr, noted for the tem- ple of Thothmes III. Amadeo (a-ma-da'o), Giovanni Antonio. Born near Pavia about 1447 : died Aug. 27, 1522. The most rem arkable of the Lombard sculptors. He was associated early with the Mantegazze in the works of the facade of the Certosa. With his brother Protasius he also made the tomb of San Lanfranco in the church of that saint near Pavia. He made the monument to Medea Colleone (or Coleoni) at Basella near Bergamo, and the chapel and tomb of Colleone himself at Bergamo, 1509. In 1490 he was appointed chief architect of the Certosa at Pavia, and made a new design for the facade which was subsequently carried out by his successors. He constructed the cupola of the cathedral at Milan, and two important monuments of the chapel of the Borromei at Isola Bella. Amadeus (am-a-de'us), It. Amadeo (a-ma- da'o). Born May 30, 1845 : died at Turin, Jan. 18, 1890. Duke of Aosta, the second son of Victor Emmanuel II., elected king of Spain Nov., 1870. He entered Madrid Jan. 2, 1871, and abdicated Feb. 11, 1873. Amadeus V. Born at Bourget, Savoy, 1249: died 1323. A count of Savoy, surnamed “ The Great,” who reigned from 1285 to 1323, and was the ancestor of the house of Savoy (later Italian dynasty). He increased the possessions of Savoy by marriage and conquest, and was made prince of the empire 1313. Amadeus VI. Born 1334 : died 1383. A count of Savoy, surnamed “The Green Count,” a grandson of Amadeus V. He reigned 1343-83, and acquired various territories in Piedmont and elsewhere. Amadeus VII. A count of Savoy, surnamed “The Red.” a son of Amadeus VI. He reigned 1383-91, and acquired Nice. Amadeus VIII. Born at Chambdry, Savoy, Sept. 4, 1383 : died at Geneva, Jan. 7, 1451. A count (later duke) of Savoy, son of Amadeus VII. He succeeded as count in 1391, was created duke in 1416, and abdicated in 1434. He was elected pope in 1439, and reigned as Felix V. 1440-49. Amadeus, Lake. A salt lake, about 150 miles long, on the boundary of South Australia and western Australia, about lat. 24° S. Amadis of Gaul (am'a-dis ov gal). The legen- dary hero of a famous medieval romance of chiv- alry, the center of a cycle of romances : the Amadis of Gaul oldest of the heroes of chivalry. He is represen ted as the illegitimate son of Perion, king of Gaul, and Eli- eena, princess of Brittany. He was exposed soon after birth, by his mother, to the sea in a cradle ; was picked up by a Scottish knight; was educated at the court of the king of Scotland ; and fell in love with Oriana, daughter of Lisuarte, king of England, whom he eventually married. After being knighted he returned to Gaul, and during the rest of his life performed there and elsewhere a number of wonderful exploits. It is to Herberay that the famous romance of Amadis of Gaul owes most of its fame. According to the most probable story, the Amadis was originally translated by the Spaniard Montalvo from a lost Portuguese original of the fourteenth century. There is absolutely no trace of a French original, the existence of which has been assumed by French critics. In form the Amadis is a long prose roman d’aventures, distinguished only from its French companions and predecessors by a somewhat higher strain of romantic sentiment, and by a greater abundance of giants, dwarfs, witches, and other condiments, which, even in its most luxuriant day, the simpler and more aca- demic French taste had known how to do without. It had been continued in the Spanish by more than one au- thor, and was a very voluminous work when, in 1540, Her- beray undertook to give a French version of it. He, in his turn, had continuators, but none who equalled his popularity or power. . . . The book became immensely popular. It is said that it was the usual reading book for foreign students of F'rench for a considerable period, and it was highly thought of by the best critics (such as Pas- quier) of its own and the next generation. It had more- over a great influence on what came after it. To no single book can be so clearly traced the heroic romances of the early seventeenth century. Saintsbury, Fr. Lit., p. 236. Amadis of Greece. A continuation of the seveuth book of “ Amadis of Gaul,” though it is the ninth, not the eighth book of the series. It was in Spanish, and said to be by Feliciano de Silva. It relates the exploits of the son of Lisuarte of Greece who was the son of Esplandian, the son of Amadis (of Gaul). [Mr. Southey] has mentioned that in Amadis of Greece may be found the original of the Zelmane of Sidney’s “ Arcadia," the Florizel of Shakespeare’s “ Winter's Tale," and Masque of Cupid in the “Faery Queene.” Dunlop, Hist, of l’rose Fiction, I. 378. Amadis de Gr^ce. An opera by Lamotte, pro- duced in 1704. Amadu, Sultan. See Bambara. Amager (a/ma-ger), or Ainak (a'mak). An island of Denmark, in the sound, opposite Co- penhagen. Area, 29 square miles. Popula- tion, 57,989. Amaimon (a-mi'mon), or Amaymon (a-ml'- mon), or Amnymnn (a-inoi'mon). In medieval demonology, one of the four kings of hell, of which he governed the eastern portion. Asmo- deus is his lieutenant and first prince of hisrealm. Shak- spere alludes to him in the “Merry Wives of Windsor,” ii. 2, and “ 1 Hen. IV.,’’ ii. 4. Amalarius (am-a-la'ri-us). Died 837. A deacon and priest in Metz, who became abbot of Horn- bach, and was head of the church at Lyons during the deposition of Ago bard, 833-837. His work "De ecclesiasticis officiis” describes the order of service observed in the Roman Church in the 9th century. Amalasontha (am // a-la-son'tha), or Amala- suentha, or Amalasuntha, or Amalaswin- tha. Born 498: killed 535 (534?). Daughter of Theodoric, king of the East Goths, and regent of the East-Gothic kingdom 526-535 (534?). Amalecite (a-mal'e-sit). A tribe of North American Indians, chiefly of New Brunswick. See Abnaki. Amalek (am'a-lek). A grandson of Esau, eponymic of an Arab tribe mentioned in the early history of the Hebrews, in biblical history the Amalekites are represented as a nomadic tribe. In the time of Abraham they are mentioned as inhabiting the district southwest of the Dead Sea (Gen. xiv. 7) ; in the Mosaic period they are spread out over the entire desert of et-Tih as far as the Egyptian boundary and the Sinaitic peninsula (Ex. xvii. 8-16; Num. xiii. 29); later they extended their settlements into the territory of the tribe of Ephraim (Judges xii. 15). They attacked the Israelites when wandering through the desert, were driven oil by Joshua, and were doomed to extermination (Ex. xviL 8-16; Deut. xxv. 17-19). Saul and David defeated them but did not annihilate them (1 Sam. xxx.), and the last of them were killed by 600 Simeonites on the moun- tain of Seir (1 Chron. iv. 43). Amalekites (am'a-lek-its). See Amalelc. Amalfi (a-miil'fc). A seaport in tko province of Salerno, Italy, on the Gulf of Salerno 22 miles southeast of Naples, it has manufactures of paper, macaroni, ete., and contains a cathedral (see be- low) and a Capuchin monastery (now a hotel). It was founded, according to tradition, in the 4th century, had at first a republican constitution under elective princes, and became an important commercial center in the middle ages. It was said to have contained the oldest MS. of the Pandects (which see). The cathedral is a picturesque church in the Norman-Saracenic style, in masonry of al- ternate dark and light courses. It was built originally in the loth century and remodeled in the 13th. There is a three-aisled vestibule of two bays; the nave has mosaics, antique columns, and a richly carved and gilded roof. The crypt contains the relics of St. Andrew. The bronze doors of the chief portal were cast at Constanti- nople before 1066. Population, 6,165. Am alfi ta n Code or Tables. [ML. tabula Amal- 47 fitana.~\ The oldest existing code of maritime law, compiled about the time of the first Cru- sade by the authorities of Amalfi, which then possessed considerable commerce and maritime power. Amalia (a-ma'le-a), Anna. Born at Wolfen- biittel, Germany, Oct. 24, 1739: died at Wei- mar, April 10, 1807. Duchess of Saxe-Weimar- Eisenacli, wife of Duke Ernest, and mother of Duke Karl August. She was regent 1759-75, and is celebrated as a patroness of literature and art, especially as the friend of Wieland, Herder, and Goethe. Amalie (a-ma'le-e), or Amalia, Marie Fried- erike. Born Dec. 21, 1818 : died May 20, 1875. Princess of Oldenburg, eldest daughter of Grand Duke Augustus, and wife of Oth o, King of Greece (married Nov. 22, 1836). Amalie (a-ma'le-e), Marie Friederike Au- guste. Duchess in Saxony : pseudonym Ama- lie Heiter. Born Aug. 10, 1794 : died Sept. 18, 1870. A German dramatist, sister of King John of Saxony: author of “Der Oheim,” “Die Fiirstenbraut,” “ Vetter Heinrich,” etc. Amalings (am'a-lingz). A royal Gothic family said to have ruled over the Goths till the divi- sion of the nation into Ostrogoths and Visi- goths, when they ruled over the Ostrogoths till the extinction of the male line in Theodoric the Great, 526. Also Amals. The kings [of the Goths] were chosen by the voice of the assembled people from certain great families, two of which, the Amalings and the Balthings, are known to us by name. The Amalings were said to be descended from a hero [the fourth in descent from Gaut, the eponymous ancestor of the Goths] whose deeds had earned for him the title of Amala, “the mighty”; the name of the Balth- ings is derived from the same root as our English word “bold.” . . . The Amalings became the royal line of the Ostrogoths, while the Visigoths chose their kings from the Balthings. Bradley, Story of the Goths, p. 13. Amalric of Bene (a-mal-rek'ov ban), or Amau- ry of Chartres (a-mo-re'ov shart'r). Born at Bene, near Chartres, France : died about 1206. A French theologian and mystical philosopher, accused by the ecclesiastical authorities of pan- theism. See Amalricians. Amalricians (am-al-rish'ianz). The followers of Amalric (Amaury) of Bene (in the diocese of Chartres), a pantheist who was condemned by the University of Paris (in which he was a professor of logic and exegesis), by the Pope, and by a synod of Paris. Ten of them were burned as heretics. Amals. See Amalings. Amalthsea (am-al-the'a), or Amalthea. [Gr. A/iaAOeia.] In Greek mythology, the nurse of Zeus, probably a goat. In Roman legend, the Sibyl who sold to Tarquin the Sibylline books. Amambara (a-mam-ba'ra). A tributary of the Niger, south of the Binue. Amana (a-ma/na), or Abana (ab'a-na). [Heb., '‘faithful, steady.’] A river which rises in the Anti -Lebanon and flows through Damascus (2 Ki. v. 12): the modern NahrBarada. The name is also applied to the district of the Anti-Leb- anon (Cant. iv. 81). Amanda (a-man'da). In Cibber’s comedy “Love’s Last Shift,” and in its continuation by Vanbrugh “The Relapse,” a virtuous and charming woman, deserted by Loveless, to whom she was married very young, but whose love she regains. Amandola (a-man'do-la). A town in the prov- ince of Ascoli, Italy, 45 miles south of Ancona. Amants magnifiques (a-mon' man-ye-fek'), Les. A sort of dramatic potpourri by Moliere, written at the order of the king in 1670. Amanus (a-ma'nus). [Gr. ’A/tav6c.~] In ancient geography, a mountain group, the modern Alma Dagh, a branch of Mount Taurus, on the borders of Cilicia and Syria. Amanvillers (a-moit-ve-yar'). A village north- west of Metz of which the name is sometimes given to what is commonly called the battle of Gravelotte. Amapala (a-ma'pa-la). A seaport on the island of Tigre, in the Gulf of Fonseca, on the Pacific coast of Honduras. It exports Central American products. Amarakantaka (am , ' / a-ra-kan , ta-ka). [Skt., ‘ peak of the immortals.’] A place of pilgrimage in India in the table-land east of the Vindhyas. Amarakosha (am // a-ra-ko , sha). [Skt., ‘the immortal vocabulary, or the vocabulary of Amara.’] A celebrated vocabulary of the clas- sical Sanskrit, ascribed to Amarasinha. Amarant (am'a-rant). A giant killed in the Holy Land by Guy of Warwick. Amaranta (am-a-ran'tS). In Beaumont and Amathus Fletcher’s “ Spanish Curate,” the wife of Bar- tolus, “as cunning as she ’s sweet.” Amarante (a-ma-ran'ta). A small town in northern Portugal, north of Oporto. Amaranth (am'a-ranth), Lady. A character in O’Keefe’s farce “Wild Oats.” Amarapura (am'a-ra-po'ra). A decayed town of Burma, near the Irawadi 6 miles northeast of Ava. It contains the former royal palace. It was built in 1783, and was for many years capital of Burma. Amarasinha (am'a-ra-sin'ha). The author of the Amarakosha. His date is uncertain, but it is probable that he flourished about 400 a. d. Amara,vati (a-ma-ra'va-te). In Hindu mythol- ogy, the capital of Indra’s heaven, in the vicin- ity of Meru. Amargoza (a-mar-go'za) River. A small river in eastern California, which flows into Death Valley. Amari (a-ma're), Emerico. Born at Palermo, May 9, 1810: died there, Sept. 20, 1870. An Italian publicist. He was appointed professor of criminal law in the University of Palermo in 1841. Author of “Critica di una scienza delle legislazioni comparate" (1857). Amari, Michele. Born at Palermo, July 7, 1806 : died at Florence, July 16, 1889. An Italian historian, statesman, and Oriental] st, member of the Italian senate. His chief works are “ La guerra del Vespro Siciliano” (1841), "Storia dei Alusulmanui in Sicilia” (1853-73). Amarillas (a-ma-rel'yas). See Ahumada. Amarinna (a-ma-rin'na). See Amharic. Amar-Sin (a -mar'sin). [‘ Sin (i. e. the moon- god) sees.’] A Babylonian king of the old- Babylonian period, residing in Ur. His name is found on several archaic cuneiform inscriptions which, however, do not give much information concerning his person or reign. Amaru, Tupac. See Tupac Amaru. Amarushataka (a-ma-ro-sha'ta-ka). An erotic poem in Sanskrit, mystically interpreted, in a hundred stanzas, written by a king named Amaru, but by some attributed to the philoso- pher Sankara, who assumed the dead form of that king in order to converse with his widow. Amar yBorbon (a-mar' e bor-bon'), Antonio. A Spanish general who, from 1803 to 1810, was viceroy of New Granada. He was imprisoned at Bogotd, July 20, 1810, and in August was sent out of the country by the revolutionary junta. Amaryllis, Amarillis (am-a-ril'is). [L. Ama- ryllis, Gr. ’Ap.apvXMi;.'] 1. A shepherdess or country maiden in the “Idyls” of Theocritus and “Eclogues” of Vergil. — 2. In Spenser’s ‘ ‘ Colin Clout ’s Come H orne Again,” a personage described with adulation, intended for Alice Spenser, Countess of Derby, with whose family Spenser claimed an alliance. It was for her that Milton wrote his “Arcades.” — 3. In Fletcher’s pastoral “The Faithfu'l Shepherdess,” a shep- herdess who is in love with Perigot, and uses foul means to part him from Amoret. — 4. Iu Buckingham’s “Rehearsal,” a female character intended to cast ridicule on Dryden. The part was taken by Ann Reeve, whose intrigue with Dryden was noticed in the play. Amasa (am'a-sa). [Heb., ‘burden.’] A son of Abigail, sister of David, and Jether, an Ish- maelite. He joined Absalom in his rebellion, and was made commander of his forces. After his defeat he was pardoned by David and offered the command of the army in place of Joab. Later Joab treacherously slew him. Amasia (a-ma'se-a). A city in the vilayet of Sivas, Asiatic Turkey, in lat. 40° 40' N., long. 35° 50' E., on the Yeshil-Irmak : the later resi- dence of the kings of Pontus, and the birthplace of Strabo. Population, about 30,000. Amasis, Amosis. See Aahmes. Amat (ii-mat'), Felix. Born at Sabadell, near Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 10, 1750: died near Sa- leut, Sept. 28, 1824. A Spanish ecclesiastic and writer, archbishop of Palmyra in partibus infidelium. He became confessor to Charles IV. in 1S06, and is the author of an ecclesiastical history, “Tiatado de la Iglesia de Jesu Cristo” (1793-1803). Amat, Manuel de. Born in Catalonia about 1705 : died at Barcelona about 1780. A Spanish general and administrator. He served with dis- tinction in Africa, Italy, and the Peninsula ; was captain- general of Chile 1755-61, and viceroy of Peru 1761-76. In 1767 he carried out the decree for the expulsion of the Jesuits. Amateur Casual, The, or Amateur Lambeth Casual. The pseudonym of James Green- wood, an English reporter on the “Pall Mall Gazette,” who, under this name, recounted his adventures in the casual ward in a London workhouse. Amathus (am'a-thus). [Gr. ’'A/iaOor.'] In an- cient geography, a city of Phenician origin on Amathiis the southern coast of Cyprus, near the site of the modern Limasol. It contained a sanctuary of Aphrodite. Amati (a-ma'te). A celebrated Italian family of violin-makers which flourished at Cremona in the 16th and 17th centuries. Its most noted members were Andrea, his sons Antonio and Geronimo, and Nicolo, son of Geronimo. Amatitl&n (a-ma-te-tlan'). A town in Guate- mala, Central America, south of Guatemala. Population, 3,471. Amatitlan Lake. A lake. 9 miles long, in southern Guatemala, near Amatitlan. Amatongaland. See Tongaland. Amatus Lusitanus (a-ma'tus lu-si-ta'nus). Born 1511 : died 1568. A Portuguese physician, of Hebrew descent. He is said to have been the second author to describe the valves in the veins. He wrote an account of seven hundred remarkable cases in medicine and surgery (1551-66). Amaury of Chartres. See Amalric of Bene. Amaury (a-ma'ri or a-mo-re') I., or Amalric (am-al'rik). Born 1135: died 1173. King of Jerusalem (Count of Joppa), a younger son of Pule of Jerusalem, and the successor of his brother Baldwin III., 1162. He invaded Egypt in 1168, marching as far as Cairo, but was driven out by Sala- • din, by whom he was put upon the defensive in 1170. Amaury II., or Amalric (of Lusignan). Died 1205. King of Cyprus 1194, and titular king of Jerusalem 1197 (through his marriage with Isa- bella, widow of Henry, count of Champagne). He was unable to maintain himself against the Moslems, and died at Ptolemais. Amaury, Giles. The grand master of the Templars in Scott’s tale “The Talisman.” He conspired against King Richard and was killed by Saladin. Ainaxiki, Amaxicbi. See Levkas. Amaziah (am-a-zi'a). [Heb.] The son of Joash, king of Judah"797-792 B. c. (840? 811? b. c.). Amazirghs (a'ma-zergz). The Berbers of northei’n Morocco. Amazon (am'a-zon). [Pg. Bio Amazonas, Sp. Bio de las Amazonas, F. Fleuve des Amazones, G. Amazonenstrom / formerly Orellana; in its upper course Maranon or Tunguragua, in its middle course Solitudes.'] The principal river of South America, and the largest in the world. It has two chief head streams. One is the Marabou (Tunguragua) which rises in Peru about lat. 10° 30' S. ; the other is the Ucayale (which has for its southern- most head stream the Apurimac). The Ucayale rises in Peru about lat. 15° S. The MaraSon (Amazon) flows northwest between ranges of the Andes, turns east near lat. 5° S., enters Brazil about long. 70° W., and after dis- charging water through several narrow channels into the Lower Tocantins or ParA Paver, thus cutting off the island of Marajd, flows into the Atlantic near the equator. It is connected on the north with the Orinoco by the Cassi- quiare and Negro. The basin of the Amazon comprises about 2,500,000 square miles. Its leading tributaries are, on the north, the Napo, Iga, .Japura, and Negro; on the south the Huallaga, Javary, Jutahy, JuruA, Purus, Ma- deira, Tapajds, and Xingd. Its length, to the source of the Apurimac, is probably about 3,300 miles, though often given as 4,000. It is navigalde about 2,300, for steamships about 2,200 miles. The width of the main mouth is 50 miles; and at the Peruvian frontier the river is 1 mile wide. The mouth was discovered by Pinzon in 1500, and Orellana descended it in 1541. Steamers first plied on it in 1853. In 1867 it was made a free highway to all na- tions. Amazonas (a-ma-zo'niis). The largest state of Brazil, capital Manaos, occupying the north- western part of the country and bordering on Ve- nezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. It is largely occupied by forests. Area (claimed), 732,439 square miles. Population, 249,756. Amazonas. A department of northern Peru, west of Loreto. Area, 13,943 square miles. Population, about 70,676. Amazonas. Aterritoryin southern Venezuela, bordering on Brazil. Area (claimed, including a vast area of disputed territory), 90,928 square miles. Population, with Alto Orinoco, 45,197 (a mere estimate, as there are hardly any civ- ilized inhabitants). Amazonia (am-a-zo'ni-a). A name sometimes iven to the valley of the Amazon, mazons (am'a-zonz). [L. Amazon, Gr. Aga- Zuv, a foreign name of unknown meaning; ac- cording to Greek writers, from a- priv., without, and/m(of, abreast: apopularetymology, accom- panied by, and doubtless originating, the state- ment that the right breast was removed in order that it might not interfere with the use of the how and javelin.] 1. In Greek legend, a race of women supposed to have dwelt on the coast of the Black Sea and in the Caucasus Mountains. The Amazons and their contests were a favorite theme in Grecian art and story. They were represented as forming a state from which men were excluded, as devoting them- selves to war and hunting, and as being often in conflict with the Greeks in the heroic age. 48 But it is in the famous legend of the Amazons that we must look for the chief evidence preserved to us by classi- cal antiquity of the influence exercised by the Hittites in Asia Minor. The Amazons were imagined to be a nation of female warriors, whose primitive home lay in Kappa- dokia, on the banks of the Thermodon, not far from the ruins of Boghaz Keui. From hence they had issued forth to conquer the people of Asia Minor and to found an em- pire which reached to the zEgean Sea. The building of many of the most famous cities on the riSgean coast was ascribed to them, — Myrina and Kyme, Smyrna and Ephesos, where the worship of the great Asiatic goddess was carried on with barbaric ceremonies into the later age of civilised Greece. Now these Amazons are nothing more than the priestesses of the Asiatic goddess, whose cult spread from Carchemish along with the advance of the Hittite armies. She was served by a multitude of armed priestesses and eunuch priests ; under her name of Ma, for instance, no less than six thousand of them waited on her at Komana in Kappadokia. Certain cities, in fact, like Komana and Ephesos, were dedicated to her service, and a large part of the population accordingly became the armed ministers of the mighty goddess. Gen- erally these were women, as at Ephesos in early days, where they obeyed a liigh-priestess, who called herself the queen-bee. When Ephesos passed into Greek hands, the goddess worshipped there was identified with the Greek Artemis, and a high-priest took thp place of the high-priestess. Sayce, Hittites, p. 78. 2. A fabled tribe of female warriors said to have existed in South America. The report origi- nated in an Indian myth which was found from the West Indies to Paraguay, and still exists among tiie Caribs and others : it is interesting from its relation to the Old World myth. Amazons, The. An earlier English form of the Portuguese name of the Amazon River, still in occasional use. Amazons, Battle of. See Batt’c of Amazons. Ambala (um-ba'la), or Umballa (um-bal'a). The name of a former division of the Pan- jab, British India. Area, about 4,014 square miles. Ambala. A district in the division of Delhi, intersected by lat. 30° 30' N., long. 77° E. Area, 1,851 square miles. Population, 815,880. Ambala. The capital of the district of Am- bala, situated in lat. 30° 23' N., long. 76° 46' E., an important station on the North-Western Railway. Population, including cantonment, 78,638. Ambalerna (am-ba-la'ma). A town in Co- lombia, situated on the Magdalena 55 miles west of Bogota. It is the center of an exten- sive tobacco district. Population, about 9.000. Ambassadors, The. A painting by Holbein the younger, in the National Gallery, London. It is believed to represent Dinteville, French ambassador at St. James s in 1533, and Nicolas Bourbon, a poet. It was formerly thought to portray Sir Thomas Wyatt with Leland. Ambassi, or Ambasse. See Suo Salvador. Ambato (am-bii'to). A town of Ecuador, 65 miles south of Quito. Population, about 10 . 000 . Ambelakia (am-be-la'ke-a). A small town in the vale of Tempe, Thessaly, 18 miles north- east of Larissa. / Amber (am'ber). A decayed town near Jey- pore, India, the capital of the state of Jey- pore. Population, 4,956. Amberg (am'berG). A town in the Upper Pa- latinate, Bavaria, situated on the Vils 32 miles northwest of Ratisbon: the former capital of the Upper Palatinate. It has manufactures of iron, arms, beer, etc. A victory was gained here by the Aus- trians under the archduke Charles over the French under Jourdan, Aug. 24, 1796. Population, 24,303. Amber Islands, or Electrides (e-lek'tri-dez). [Gr. al ’IlXeKTpidet;.] A name given by the Greeks in later times to the islands in the North Sea off Denmark, Germany, and Holland. Elton, Origins of Eng. Hist., p. 41. Amber Witch, The. An opera by W. V. Wal- lace, words by Chorley, first produced in Lon- don Feb. 28, 1861. It was founded on a popular Ger- man romance of the same name by Meinhold, published in 1843. Ambert (on-bar'). A town in the department of Puy-de-Dome, France, situated near the Dore 37 miles southeast of Clermont-Ferrand. It has manufactures of cheese and paper. Population, 7,581. Ambiorix (am-bi'o-riks). A chief of the Ebu- rones in Gaul, famous iu the campaigns against the Romans 54-53 b. c. Ambitious Statesman, The, or The Loyal Favorite. A tragedy by Crowne, acted in 1679. Ambitious Stepmother, The. A tragedy by Nicholas Rowe, printed in 1700. Ambleside (am'bl-sid). A town in the Lake District, Westmoreland, England, 1 mile north of Lake Windermere, noted for its picturesque Ambrones Scenery. Near it are Rydal Mount, Fox How, Grasmere, etc. It contains Roman antiquities. Population, 2.536. Ambleteuse (oh-bl-tez'). A decayed seaport in the department of Pas-de-Calais, France, 7 miles north of Boulogne. Amhoella (am-bwa'la). A Bantu people living in the interior of Africa, near the head streams of the Zambesi, about lat. 15° S., long. 19° E. Amboim (am-bwing'). See Mbuiyi. Ambois (on-bwa'), Bussy d’. The principal character in Chapman’s play of that name : a self-confident and arrogant adventurer, with some real loftiness of character. Ambois, Clermont d’. The brother of Bussy d’ Ambois, a scholar and philosopher. He is the central figure in Chapman’s play “The Revenge of Bussy d’Ambois." He commits suicide after the death of his patron Guise. Amboise (on-bwaz'). A town in the depart- ment of Indre-et-Loire, France, situated on the Loire 14 miles east of Tours, it is famous for its castle, a favorite residence of the Valois kings, oc- cupying a high rock- platform from which rise its 3 cylin- drical, cone-roofed towers. Two towers built at the base of the rock, 42 feet in diameter and over 100 feet high, con- tain spiral passages by which horses and vehicles can mount to the platform above. In the gardens is the Chapel of St. Hubert, one of the richest existing examples of thfe florid Pointed. Here Leonardo da Vinci is buried. It was the scene of the Conspiracy of Amboise in 1560. Later it be- came a political m i on. Abd-el-Kader was confined in it 1848-52. It is now the property of the Orleans family. Population, commune, 4,731. Amboise, Conspiracy of. An unsuccessful conspiracy of Huguenots under La Renaudie to seize the king (Francis II.), first at Blois and afterward at Amboise in 1560, and remove him from the influence of the Guises. Cond6 was the real chief of the conspirators. Amboise, Edict of. An edict of pacification between the French Catholics and Huguenots, authorizing (1563) the Reformed worship in the houses of the nobility, throughout all the do- mains of the justiciary nobles, and in one city of each bailiwick. It ended the first war be- tween the two parties. Amboise, Georges d’. Born at Chaumont-sur- Loire, France, 1460: died at Lyons, 1510. A French statesman and cardinal, minister of Louis XH. 1498, and director of his foreign policy. Amboise, League of. See Amboise, Conspir- acy of. Amboyna (am-boi'na). [Malay Ambun.] One of the chief islands of the Moluccas, situated in lat. 3° 41' S., long. 128° 10' E., consisting of two parts connected by a narrow isthmus. Its chief product is cloves. It was settled by the Portuguese in the 16th century, and was taken by the Dutch, to whom it now belongs, in 1605. Length, 32 miles. Area, about 300 square miles. Population, about 40,000. Amboyna. A residency of the Dutch East In- dies, comprising Amboyna, Ceram, Banda Isl- ands, Timor-Laut, etc. Amboyna. A seaport, capital of the island and residency of Amboyna. Population, about 9,000. Amboyna, or The Cruelties of the Dutch to the English Merchants. A tragedy by Dry den, produced ill 1673. Part of the plot was taken from one of the Italian novels of Cinthio, the 10th of the iiftli decade, and part has reference to occurrences of the time. Ambracia (am-bra'shi-a). [Gr. Agfiparia, ear- lier Agirpatcta.] The ancient name of Arta (which see). Ambracian Gulf (am-bra'shi-an gulf). See Arta, Gulf of . Ambree (am'bre), Mary. A woman who is said to have fought at the siege of Ghent in 1584 to revenge her lover’s death, she is fre- quently mentioned in old ballads, and is the subject of one preserved by Percy. Ben Jonson refers to her in the “ Epicoene” and “ Tale of a Tub ” and in “The Fortunate Isles,’’ where he quotes the words of this ballad. Fletcher also mentions her in “The Scornful Lady.” The ballad in Percy’s “Reliques” is often quoted by the writers of Jon- son’s time, and, like him, they frequently gave the name of Mary Ambree to any remarkable virago who adopted man’s attire. Ambriz (am-brez'). A coast town of Portu- guese Angola, West Africa, and capital of the “coDCelho” (county) of the same name, its chief export is coffee, which is brought down from the Mutemu and Encoge mountains. It was occupied by the Portuguese in 1855. Population, about 2,500, of mixed African origin, mostly from Loanda. Ambrones (am-bro'nez). [L. Ambrones (Livy), Gr. "Agfipui’ie (Strabo).] A German tribe men- tioned by Livy and Strabo in connection with the Teutones, whose near neighbors they seem to have been on the North Sea, and with whom they were allied in the Cimbrian wars. They suffered a crushing defeat by Marius at Aquae Sextiae, 102 B. c. There is no certain record of their subsequent fate. Ambros 49 Ambros (am'bros), August Wilhelm. Bom at Mauth, Bohemia, Nov. 17, 1816: died at Vienna, June 28, 1876. An Austrian composer and writer on music. His chief literary work is a “ Geschichte der Musik” (1862-81), a very high authority in its department. Ambrose (am'broz), L. Ambrosius (am-bro'zi- us), of Alexandria. Died about 250. A Ro- man nobleman, a friend of Origen. Ambrose, L. Ambrosius, Saint. Bora at Treves, Gaul, probably 340: died at Milan, April, 397. One of the fathers of the Latin Church. He was educated at Rome, appointed consular prefect in Upper Italy about 369, and elected (while a ci- vilian and unbaptized) bishop of Milan in 374. He was the champion of the Catholics against the Allans and pagans. For his cruelty in the massacre of Thessalonica the emperor Theodosius was excommunicated by Am- brose and forced to do penance. Among his works are “De officiis ministrorum," “Hexaemeron," hymns, etc. He is the reputed author of the Ambrosian ritual. He was elected, while still an unbaptized catechumen and governor of the province, to the post of Bishop of Milan, having entered the church with his troops to quell the fury of the partisans of the two rival candidates. While he soothed the people with his wise words, a little child, so the story runs, suddenly called out “ Ambrose is Bishop ” ; the words were caught up and carried round the church by the rapturous acclamation of the whole multi- tude. Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders, I. 187. Ambrose, Isaac. Born at Ormskirk, Lanca- shire, England, 1604: died 1664. An English nonconformist divine and devotional writer, author of “Looking unto Jesus” (1658). Ambrose and the Emperor Theodosius. A painting by Rubens, in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna. The archbishop, in full canonicals, stands with his attendants before the door of the cathedral, and for- bids the emperor to enter. Ambrose’s Tavern. An old tavern in Edin- burgh, now destroyed, the scene of Wilson’s “ Noctes Ambrosian®.” Its location was the site of the new Register House, in the rear of the old Register House , and it is approached from West Register Street by the narrow alley running now between the new Register House and the new Cafb Royal. Hutton, Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh, p. 55. Ambrosian Library (am-bro'zian li'bra-ri). [Named for St. Ambrose.] A library at Mi- lan, founded by Cardinal Borromeo in 1609. It contains 230,000 printed volumes and 8,400 MSS. Ambrosiaster (am-bro'zi-as-ter), or Pseudo- Ambrosius (su // do-am-bro'zius). [‘The spu- rious Ambrosius.’] The name usually given to the unknown author of “Commentariain XIII. Epistolas B. Pauli,” which has found its way into the Benedictine edition of the works of Ambrose. The author is sometimes identified with the Roman deacon Hilary. Ambrosio, or the Monk. A romance by Mat- thew Gregory Lewis, published in 1795. a sec- ond edition was issued in which many objectionable pas- sages were omitted. He gained the sobriquet of “The Monk ” and “Monk Lewis ” from this book. Ambrosius. See Ambrose. Ambrosius (am-bro'zius), or Ambrose, Father. The last abbot of St. Mary’s, Edward Glen- dinning, in Scott’s novel “ The Abbot.” Ambrosius Aurelianus (am-bro'zius a-re- li-a'nus), Welsh Emrys. Lived about 440. A leader of the Romans and Romanized Brit- ons, said to have been a descendant of Con- stantine, elected emperor in Britain, Gaul, and Spain under Honorius. He drove back the Saxon invaders and confined Hengist for some years to the Isle of Thanet. Ambundu (am-bon'do). See Kimbundu. Ameland (a'me-lant). An island in the North Sea, north of the province of Friesland, Neth- erlands, to which it belongs. Length, 13 miles. Amelia (a-ma'le-a). A town in the province of Perugia, Italy, 45 miles north of Rome: the ancient Ameria. It has a cathedral. Amelia (a-me'lia). Bom Aug. 7, 1783: died Nov. 2, 1810. An English princess, the fifteenth and youngest child of George III. Amelia. The heroine of Fielding’s novel of that name (published 1751), a virtuous and de- voted wife, said to be the portrait of Fielding’s own wife. She is represented as having suffered an in- jury to her nose (like Mrs. Fielding), which impaired her popularity among Fielding’s readers. Thackeray consid- ered her “the most charming character in English fiction. ’’ Amelia. See Sedley, Amelia. Amelia Island (a-me'lia I' land). A small island off the northeastern coast of Florida. Am61ie-les-Bains (ii-ma-le 'la-ban'). [For- merly Arles-les- Bains: the name was changed in 1840 in honorof the wife of Louis Philippe.] A health-resort in the department of Pyr6n6es- Orientales, France, 20 miles southwest of Per- pignan. It has sulphur springs. Amelot de la Houssaye (am-io de la o-sa'), Abraham Nicolas. Born at Orleans, France, Feb., 1634: died at Paris, Dec. 8, 1706. A French publicist, author of “Histoire du gou- vernement de Venise” (1676), etc. Amelotte (am-lot'), Denis. Born at Saintes, France, March 15, 1606: died at Paris, Oct. 7, 1678. A French theologian, author of a trans- lation of the New Testament (1666-68). Amen. See Amun. Amends for Ladies. A play by Nathaniel Field, published in 1618. Amenemhat (a-men-em'hat) I., Se-hotep-ab- Ra. An Egyptian king, the founder of the 12th dynasty, who reigned about 2466 B.c. (Brugsch). He waa a successful ruler and general, and founded the temple of Amun in Thebes. There is considerable docu- mentary evidence concerning his reign. Also Amenemha. Amenemhat II., Nub-kau-Ra. An Egyptian king, the third of the 12th dynasty, who reigned about 2400 B. c., and of whom little is known. Also Amenemlia. Amenemhat III., Maa-en-Ra. An Egyptian king, the sixth of the 12th dynasty, who reigned about 2300 B. C. (Brugsch). He constructed Lake Mceris and the Labyrinth. (See Maoris, Labyrinth.) In- scriptions of his time have been found on the rocks in the peninsula of Sinai. There is also a mark (with an in- scription) on the rocks of Semneh showing the height of the inundation of the Nile in the 14tli year of his reign. (See Nile.) Also Amenemha. Amenemhat IV., Maat-kheru-Ra. An Egyp- tian king, the seventh of the 12th dynasty, who reigned about 2266 B. c. (Brugsch). Also Amenemha. Amenhotep (a-men-ho'tep) I., or Amenophis (am-e-no'fis), Ser-ka-Ra. An Egyptian king, the second of the 18th dynasty, who reigned about 1666 B. c. (Brugsch). He was successful in campaigns in Ethiopia (Kush) and Libya. Also Amenlietp. Amenhotep II., or Amenophis, Aa-kheperu- Ra. An Egyptian king, the seventh of the 18th dynasty, who reigned about 1566 B. c. (Brugsch). He made a successful campaign in Asia, which is commemorated in an inscription in a temple at Amadah in Nubia. There are also inscriptions bearing his name in the temple of Amun at Karnak. Also Amenhetp. Amenhotep III., or Amenophis, Maat-neb- Ra. An Egyptian king, the ninth of the 18th dynasty, who reigned about 1500 B. o. (Brugsch). He was a successful warrior and a great builder. The two colossal statues of Memnon near Thebes are portrait-statues of him. See Memnon. Amenophis III. was as great in peace as in war. In hi3 reign Egypt lost none of her military prestige, and from some large scarab*! — one of which is in the Gizeh Palace — we learn that under his rule Egypt stretched from Mesopotamia to the country of Karo in Abyssinia. At the same time that he consolidated the empire left him by preceding monarchs, Amenophis raised along the banks of the Nile monuments which for their grandeur and the perfection of their workmanship are unsurpassed. The temple at Gebel-Barkal, in the Stldan, was erected by this king; so also was that at Soleb, near the third cataract — and souvenirs of him may be found at Asshan, Elephan- tine, Uebel-Silsileh, El-Kab, Tftrah, the Serapeum at Mem- phis, and Serbut-el-Hadim. He added considerably to Karnak, and built that portion of the temple at Luxor that bears his name. He also erected on the left bank of the Nile — opposite to Luxor — a sacred edifice which once must have been one of the most important in Egypt. De- stroyed completely by causes unknown to us, all that is now left of it are the two enormous colossi — called by the Arabs SJnamat — which originally stood at the entrance. Mariette, Outlines, p. 39. Amenhotep IV., or Amenophis, Khu-n-Aten (‘splendor of the sun’s disk’). An Egyptian king, the tenth of the 18th dynasty, who reigned about 1466 B. C. (Brugsch). He was an innovator in religion, substituting the new worship of Aten (the sun’s disk) for that of Amun and the other Egyptian deities. He also moved the capital from Thebes to a place in middle Egypt, the modern Tel-el-Amarna. Ameni (a-ma'ne), or Amenemhat. An Egyp- tian official under Userteseu I. An inscription recording the events of his life has been found in a rock- tomb at Beni-Hassan. It contains a reference to a famine which has, by some, been supposed to be that which oc- curred during Joseph’s sojourn in Egypt. Amenities of Literature. A work by Isaac D’Israeli, completed in 1841. Amenophis. See Amenhotep. Amenthes. See Amenti. Amenti (a-men'te). In Egyptian mythology, the under world ; the world of the dead. Ameria (a-me'ri-ii). The ancient name of Amelia in Italy. America (a-mer'i-ka). [It. Sp. Pg. Amer- ica, F. Amdrique, G. Amerika; from NL. America (1507), after Americas Vesputius (It. Amerigo Vespucci), an Italian explorer. See Vespucci.] The western continent or grand division of the world, including North Amer- ica, South America, and adjacent islands. See Ames North America and South America, it was visited by the Northmen about 1000 (?) and was discovered by Columbus in 1492. The mainland was probably reached by Cabot in 1497. (See Columbus , Cabot.) The name Amer- ica was proposed by Waldseemiiller (a teacher of geog- raphy in the college of Saint- Dib among the Vosges) in a treatise called “Cosmographia,” publishedin 1507. Length, about 10,500 miles; greatest breadth, over 3,000 miles. Area (estimated), about 14,900,000 square miles. Popula- tion (estimated), 160,000,000. America. A wooden keel schooner-yacht de- signed and built by George Steers of New York, for Commodore J. C. Stevens of the New York Yacht Club, in 1851. Her original dimensions were: length over all, 100 feet 6 inches; length on water-line, 90 feet 4 inches ; beam, 22 feet 6 inches ; draught, 11 feet 6 inches. In 1851, at the time of the World’s Fair in London, Commodore Stevens, having crossed the Atlantic in the America, entered her in the race of Aug. 22 open to yachts of all nations for a £106 cup. The course was around the Isle of Wight, and the America beat the whole fleet of 18 yachts by about 7 miles. Aug. 28 she sailed a race with ihe English schooner Titania over a 40-mile course, beating her out of sight. The cup (£105) which she won in 1851 was given (1857) to the New York Yacht Club and made a prize open to challenge by yachts of all nations. There have been twelve unsuccessful at- tempts to recover it. America, British. See British America. America, Central. See Central America. America, North. See North America. America, Russian. An old name for Alaska. America, South. See South America. America, Spanish. See Spanish America. American Colonization Society, The. A so- ciety organized at Washington, District of Co- lumbia, Jan. 1, 1817, for the purpose of coloniz- ing free American negroes. It purchased in 1821 a tract of land near Cape Mesurado, Africa, where it founded the colony of Liberia, which became an independent re- public in 1847. American Cousin, Our. A drama by Tom Taylor, produced in 1858. In this play E. A. Sothern made a name by his clever development of the originally small part of Lord Dundreary. American Party, or Know-nothing Party. In United States politics, a party which advo- cated the control of the government by native citizens. As it was at the outset a secret fraternity and its members refused to give information concerning it, they received the name of “Know-nothings.” In 1855 it discarded its secret machinery. The party nominated Fi.lraore for President in 1856, and was powerful for sev- eral years. (See under A nlimasonic Party.) American Philosophical Society. A scientific society founded at Philadelphia by Franklin in 1743, and united in 1769 with his J unto of 1723, or Society for Promoting Useful Know- ledge. Franklin was the first president after the union of the two societies. American Volunteers, The (official title, The Volunteers of America). A religious organ- ization founded in March, 1896, by Sir. and Sirs. Ballington Booth, who separated from the Sal- vation Army. It was designed to be essentially American in constitution and method. Amerigo Vespucci. See Vespucci. Amersfoort (a/mers-fort). A town in the province of Utrecht, Netherlands, on the Eem 26 miles southeast of Amsterdam, it was an im- portant seat of the Jansenists, and has a noted Church of St. Mary. It has flourishing manufactures and trade. Population, commune, 19,089. Ames (amz), Adelbert. Born at Rockland, Maine, Oct. 31, 1835. An American general in the Civil War. Ho was graduated from West Point in 1861, and took part in the battles of Bull Run, Gaines’s Mill, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, An- tietam, Gettysburg, and others. He was brevetted major- general of volunteers March 13, 1865, and major-general of the regular army 1866, and promoted to the full rank of lieutenant-colonel .1 uly 28, 1866. He was provisional gov- ernor of Mississippi 1808-70, Republican United States sen- ator from that State 1870-74, and its governor 1874-76. lie was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, 1898. Ames, Fisher. Born at Dedham, Mass., April 9, 1758 : died at Dedham, July 4, 1808. A noted American orator, statesman, and political writer. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1774, began the practice of law at Dedham in 1781, was a member of the Massachusetts ratifying committee in 1788, and was a Federal member of Congress from Massa- chusetts 1789-97. He declined the presidency of Harvard College in 1804. He wrote the “Laocoon ’’ and other essays to rouse the opposition against France. Ames, Joseph. Born at Yarmouth, England, Jan. 23, 1689: died at London, Oct. 7, 1759. An English antiquary and bibliographer, pub- lisher of “Typographical Antiquities” (1749, ed. by Herbert 1785-90). This work is the “foundation of English bibliography.” Ames, Joseph. Born 1816: died 1872. An Amer- ican painter, chiefly noted for his portraits. Ames, Mrs. (Mary Clemmer, later Mrs. Hud- son). Bom at Utica, N. Y., 1839: died at Washington, D. C., Aug. 18, 1884. An Ameri- can writer, and the Washington correspondent 50 Arnes of the New York “Independent.” She pub- lished novels, poems, sketches, etc. Ames, Oakes. Born at Easton, Mass., Jan. 10, 1804: died May 8, 1873. An American manu- facturer, capitalist, and politician. He was inter- ested in the building of the Union Pacific Railroad, was Republican member of Congress from Massachusetts 1863- 1873, and was censured by the House for his connection with the Credit Mobilier (which see). Ames (Latinized Amesius), William. Bom at Ipswich, England, 1576: died at Rotterdam, Nov., 1633. An English Puritan theologian and casuist residing in the Netherlands. He wrote “Medulla Theologite,” “ De Conscientia” (1632), “Coronis,” etc. Amesbury (amz'ber // i). A town in Esses County, Massachusetts, situated on the Merri- mac 34 miles north of Boston. It was the residence of Whittier. Population, 9,894, (1910). Amesha Spentas, mod. Pers. Amsliaspands. [Pers., ‘Immortal Holy Ones.’] The seven su- preme spirits of Avestan theology. At their head, as their creator, stands Ahuramazda. The others are moral or physical abstractions. They are Vohu Manah, ‘good mind,’ Asha Vahishta, ‘ best righteousness,’ Khsha- thra Vairya, ‘the wished-for kingdom,’ Spenta Armaiti, ‘holy harmony,’ Haurvatat, ‘wholeness, saving health,’ Ameretat, ‘immortality.’ In the later religion they be- came guardian geniuses respectively of the flocks, fire, metals, the earth, waters, and trees. They are related to Ahuramazda as are the Adityas in Vedic theology to Varuna. See Adilyas. Amestris (a-mes'tris). See the extract. Amestris, the daughter of Otanes according to Herodo- tus, of Onophas according to Ctesias, was the favourite wife of Xerxes, and bore him at least five children. Her crimes and cruelties are related by Ctesias at some length, and are glanced at by Herodotus. She may be the Vashti of Esther, whose disgrace was perhaps only temporary. She lived to a great age, dying, as it would seem, only a little before her son Artaxerxes. Rawlinson, Herod., IV. 258. Ameto (a-ma'to). A prose idyl of Boccaccio, with poetical interludes. Seven nymphs over whom Ameto, a young hunter, presides recount the story of their loves, and each story concludes with eclogues, which were the first in the Italian language. Amga (a.m'ga). A river of eastern Siberia, about 500 miles in length, which joins the Al- dan in about lat. 63° N., long. 134° E. Amhara (ain-ha'ra). The central province of Abyssinia, including Dembea, Begemeder, Lasta, Medja, Gojani. The capital is Gondar. Amharic (am-hhr'ik), or Amarinna (a-ma- rin'a). The language of the Abyssinian prov- ince Amhara, and of Shoa: since the 14th century the court and official language of Abys- sinia. As long as the ancient Geez flourished, Amharic was only a provincial dialect of southern Abyssinia. Within the last three centuries it has been sometimes used in writing, with adapted Ethiopian characters. It 19 a Semitic language with an intermixture of African words. Amherst (am'erst). A district in Tenasserim division, Lower Burma, intersected by lat. 16° N.,long. 98° E. Area, 7,062 sq. m. Pop., 300,173. Amherst. A subdivision in the western part of Amherst district, containing the four sea- board townships of Chaungzon, Mudon, Kyaikkami, and Yelamaing. Amherst. A town in Hampshire County, Massa- chusetts, 20 miles north of Springfield, the seat of Amherst College and of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Population, 5,112, (1910). Amherst, Jeffrey (Baron Amherst). Born at Riverhead, Kent, Jan. 29, 1717: died at Montreal, in Kent, Aug. 4, 1797. An English field-marshal. As major-general he served in the attack on Louisburg in July, 1758, at Ticonderoga in July, 1759, and at Montreal in Sept., 1760. He was ap- pointed governor-general of British North America in 1761, governor of Virginia in 1763, governor of Guernsey in 1770, and lieutenant-general and acting commander-in- chief of the army in 1772 (commander-in-chief in 1793). He was created Baron Amherst in 1776 (recreated in 1787), general in 1778, and field-marshal in 1796. Amherst, William Pitt (Earl Amherst). Born Jan., 1773: died 1857. An English statesman and diplomatist, nephew of Jeffrey Amherst. He was ambassador to China 1816-17, governor-general of India 1823-28, and carried on the first Burmese war 1824-26. Amherst College. An institution of learning situated at Amherst, Massachusetts, it was opened in 1821 and incorporated in 1825, and is non-sec- tarian. It has over 600 students. Amherstburg (am'erst-berg). A town in Es- sex County, Ontario, Canada, situated at the entrance of the Detroit River into Lake Erie, 20 miles south of Detroit. Population, 2,560, (1911). Amhurst (am'6rst), Nicholas. Born at Mar- den, in Kent, Oct. 16, 1697: died at Twicken- ham, April 12, 1742. An English poet and pamphleteer, editor of the political journal “ The Craftsman.” He was expelled from St. John’s College, Oxford, for irregular conduct, or according to his own account for the liberality of his opinions, and re- venged himself by satirizing the university in “Terras Filius,” a prose work, and “Oculus Britannise,” a poem. Amias (am'i-as), or Amyas. In Book IY of Spenser’s “Faerie Queene,” the captive lover of ZEmilia, a squire of low degree. Amici (a-me'che), Giovanni Battista. Born at Modena, Italy, March 25, 1784 (1786?): died at Florence, April 10, 1863. An Italian optician and astronomer. He produced a dioptric or achromatic microscope which hears his name. Amicis, De. See De Amiris. Amida (a-ml'da). In ancient geography, a Roman city on the site of the modern Diarbekr. Amidas (am'i-das) and Bracidas (bras'i-das). Twin brothers whom Artegal reconciles in the fifth book of Spenser’s “ Faerie Queene.” Amidas, Philip. Born at Hull, England, 1550 : died about 1618. An English navigator. He explored, with Barlow, the North Carolina coast • in 1584. See Barloic. Amie (a'mi). In Ben Jonson’s “Sad Shep- herd,” a gentle shepherdess in whose mouth are put the words : I graut the linnet, lark, and bullfinch sing, But best the dear good angel of the Spring, The nightingale. ii. 2. Amiel (a'mi-el). In Dryden’s “Absalom and Achitopliel,” a character intended for Edward Seymour, speaker of the House of Commons, who was an adherent of the Prince of Orange and the head of the house of Seymour. Amiel (a-me-el'), Henri Frederic. Born at Geneva, 1821 : died 1881. A Swiss scholar and poet, appointed professor of esthetics and of French literature at the Academy of Geneva in 1849, and of moral philosophy in 1854. Parts of his “ J ournal intime ” were published after his death (2 vols. 1882-84). He studied at Berlin 1844-48. Amiens (ii-me-an'). The capital of the depart- ment of Somme, France, situated at the junc- tion of the Selle with the Somme in lat. 49° 55' N., long. 2° 18' E.: the ancient Samarobri- va. It was the capital of ancient Picardie and is now one of the leading manufacturing and commercial cen- ters of France. The cathedral of Amiens, begun in 1220, is in purity and majesty of design perhaps file finest ex- isting medieval structure. It is 469 feet long, 213 across the transepts, and about 150 in height of nave-vaulting. The incomparable facade has 3 huge porches covered with the richest sculpture, 2 galleries, the lower arcaded, the upper filled with statues of kings, and a great rose and gable between two low square towers. The transepts have superb roses 40 feet in diameter above traceried ar- cades filled with colored glass. The great portal of the south transept is famous for its sculpture. The interior is simple and most impressive. The 110 late-Pointed choir-stalls are probably unexcelled, and the radiating apsidal chapels are of exceptional beauty. The slender wooden central spire is 361 feet high. Population, 90,920. Amiens, Battle of. A victory gained Nov. 27, 1870, by the Germans under Manteuffel over the French. It was followed by the taking of Amiens Nov. 28, and the surrender of its cita- del Nov. 30. Amiens, Council at. See Amiens, Mise of. Amiens, Mise of. The award pronounced Jan. 23, 1264, by Louis IX. of France, to whom the question as to the obligation of Henry HI. to observe the Provisions of Oxford had been re- ferred at the Council of Amiens, Dec. 16, 1263. By this award the King of France entirely annulled the Provisions of Oxford, and all engagements which had been made respecting them. Not content with doing this in general terms, he forbade the making of new statutes, as proposed and carried out in the Provisions of West- minster, ordered the restoration of the royal castles to the king, restored to him the power of nominating the officers of state and the sheriffs, the nomination of whom had been withdrawn from him by the Provisions of Oxford ; he annulled the order that natives of England alone should govern the realm of England, and added that the king should have full and free power in this kingdom as he had had in time past. All this was in the king’s favor. The arbitrator, however, added that all charters issued before the time of the Provisions should hold good, and that all parties should condone enmities and injuries arising from the late troubles. Stubbs, Early Plantagenets, p. 202. Amiens, Treaty of. A peace concluded at Amiens, March 27, 1802, between Great Britain on one side, and France, Spain, and the Ba- tavian Republic on the other. England restored all conquests except Ceylon and Trinidad, the Ionian Re- public was acknowledged, the French were to abandon Rome and Naples, and Malta was to be restored to the Knights of St. John. Amiens (a'mi-enz). In Shakspere’s “As you Like it,” a gentleman in attendance on the duke. Amin (a-men'). The eldest son of Harun-al- Rashid in “The Three Ladies of Bagdad” in Amman, Jost “The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments.” He marries Amine. Amina (a-me'na). The principal character in Bellini’s opera “La Sonnambula.” Aminadah (a-min'a-dab). A name often used by the older dramatists to designate a Quaker. Aminadab Sleek. See Sleek, Aminadah. Amine (a-men'). 1. In the story of “ Sidi Non- man” in “The Arabian Nights’ Entertain- ments,” the wife of Sidi Nouman. Her habit of eating only a few grains of rice, at table, arouses his sus- picions, and he discovers her feasting at night with a ghoul. 2. In the story of “ The Three Ladies of Bag- dad” in “Tlie Arabian Nights’ Entertain- ments,” Zobeide’s sister. Without knowing his rank, she marries Amin, eldest son of Ha- run-al -Rashid. Aminta (a-min'ta). A pastoral drama by Tasso, produced in 1573. But an epoch in the history of the pastoral drama is marked by the Aminta of Torquato Tasso, acted at Fer- rara in 1573. This celebrated poem is simple in plot ; but its design is allegorical, and the Arcadia presented is a reflexion of the Ferrara court, the poet himself appearing as one of the shepherds (Tirsi). Ward. Aminte (a-mant'). 1 See Cathos. — 2. The neighbor of Sganarelle in Moliere’s “L’Amour MOdecin.” Amintor (a -min 'tor). One of the principal male characters in Beaumont and Fletcher’s play “The Maid’s Tragedy.” His weakness and ir- resolution in love are explained, but not compensated for, by his fantastic loyalty to his king. Araiot, or Amyot (a-me-o'), Joseph. Bom at Toulon, France, 1718: died at Peking, 1794. A French Jesuit missionary (in China) and Ori- entalist. He wrote “ Memoires concernant i’histoire, les sciences, et les arts des Cliinois" (1776-91), “Diction- naire tatar-mantchou-fram;ais ” (1789), etc. Amirante Islands (am 'i- rant I'landz). A group of small islands in the Indian Ocean, be- longing to the British, situated southwest of the Seychelles about lat. 5°-7° S. Amirkot, Amerkote (am-er-kot'). A town in Sind, British India, 94 miles east of Haidarabad. Amis et Amiles (a-mes' at a-me'les). A chan- son de geste, in 3,500 lines, dating probably from the 12th century. Its theme is the adventures of two noble friends Amis and Amiles. They escape the treachery of the felon knight Hard re ; the niece of Charles, Lubias, is bestowed on Amis, and his daughter, Bellicent, falls in love with Amiles; the latter is accused of treason by Hardrd, and is saved by Amis who fights in his stead and slays his accuser ; and Amiles and Bellicent are married. Amis, having forsworn himself in aiding Amiles, is pun- ished by an attack of leprosy, of which he is cured by the blood of the children of Amiles who are slain by their father for this purpose : the children, how’ever, are mirac- ulously restored to life. Also known as Amys and Amy- loun. Amis et Amiles is the earliest vernacular form of a story which attained extraordinary popularity in the middle ages, being found in every language and in most literary forms, prose and verse, narrative and dramatic. This pop- ularity may partly be assigned to the religious and mar- vellous elements which it contains, but is due also to the intrinsic merits of the story. The chanson ... is writ- ten, like Roland, in decasyllabic verse, but, unlike Roland, has a shorter line of six syllables and not assonanced at the end of each stanza. Saintsbury, Fr. Lit., p. 16. Amis (a'mis) the Parson. A comic poem in Middle High German, composed by an Austrian (Der Strieker), probably about 1230. A m ist, a, d (a-mes-taTH') Case. The case of the United States against the Spanish vessel Ami- stad. This vessel, while coming from Africa in 1839 with a cargo of kidnapped negroes, was seized by the ne- groes near Cuba and taken to the coast of Connecticut, and there captured by a United States vessel. On a libel for salvage the United States Supreme Court held on ap- peal that the negroes were free and not pirates. Amisus (a-mi'sus). The ancient name of Sam- sun. Amlet (am'let), Dick or Richard. In Van- brugh’s comedy “ The Confederacy,” a game- ster, the son of a garrulous old woman who combines the trade of selling paint, powder, and toilet luxuries to ladies with a less re- spectable one. He attempts with her assistance to pass himself off as a fine gentleman, but only produces the impression of a footman raised from the ranks. Amlet, Amleth. Same as Hamlet. Amlet, Mrs. See Amlet, Dick. Amlwch (am'lok). A seaport in Anglesey, Wales. 56 miles west of Liverpool, noted for its (Parys) copper-mines. Population, 2,- 994. Amman (am'man), Jost. Born at Zurich, Switzerland, about 1539: died at Nuremberg, March, 1591. A Swiss wood-engraver and painter. He came to Nuremberg in 1560, where he prob- ably worked until his death. He is chiefly known for t)i ^en- gravings, especially his wood-engravings, and left no less than 550 prints, of which the most noted are a set of 115 wood-prints of arts and trades, printed at Frankfort in 1586. Amman, Johann Konrad Amman , Johann Konrad. Born at Schaff- hausen, Switzerland, 1669: died at Warmond, near Leyden, about 1725. A Swiss physician and writer on instruction for deaf-mutes. His chief works are “Surdus loquens” (1672), “Dissertatio de loquela” (1700), etc. Amman, or Ammann, Paul. Born at Breslau, Prussia, Aug. 30, 1634: died Feb. 4, 1691. A German physician and botanist. He was ap- pointed professor of botany at Leipsic in 1674, and of physiology in 1682, and was the author of “Praxis Vul- nerum lethalium ”(1690), “Character naturalis Plantarum ” (1676), etc. Amman (am-man'). A ruined town northeast of the Dead Sea, the ancient Rabboth Ammon or Philadelphia. It contains a Roman theater about 360 feet in diameter, in part excavated from a hillside. Ammanati (am-ma-na'te), Bartolommeo. Bom at Settignano, near Florence, June 18, 1511: died at Settignano, April 22, 1592. An Italian architect and sculptor. His most noted work is the “Ponte della Trinita ” at Florence. Ammen (am'en), Daniel. Born May 15, 1820: died July 11, 1898. An American admiral. He en- tered the navy as midshipman July 7, 1836, was made exec- utive officer of the North Atlantic blockading squadron at the outbreak of the Civil War, and commanded the Seneca in the attack on Port Royal Nov. 7, 1861, and the Patapsco in that on Fort McAllister March 3, 1863. He was pro- moted captain July 25, 1866, and was retired with the rank of rear-admiral June 4, 1878. He wrote “The Atlantic Coast" (“The Navy in the Civil War" series, 1883). Ammen, Jacob. Born Feb. 7, 1808: died Feb. 6, 1894. An American general in the Civil War. He was graduated from West Point in 1831, re- signed from the army in 1837, became captain of volun- teers April 18, 1861, took part in the West Virginia cam- paign under McClellan, was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers July 16, 1862, and was in command of the dis- trict of East Tennessee April 10, 1864,- Jan. 14, 1865, when he resigned. Arnmer (am'mer), or Amper (am'per). A river in Upper Bavaria, which rises in the Alps, traverses the Ammersee, and joins the Isar 30 miles northeast of Munich. It receives the outlet of the Starnbergersee. Length, about 125 miles. Ammergau. See Ober-Ammergau. Ammerland (am'mer-land). A small district in the western part of the grand duchy of Olden- burg, Germany. Ammersee (am'er-za). A lake in Upper Ba- varia, 10 miles long, traversed by the Arnmer. It lies west of the Starnbergersee. Ammianus(arn-i-a'nus) Marcellinus. Born at Antioch, Syria, about 330 a. d. : died about 395. A Greek historian, author of a history of Rome (in Latin), covering the period 96 A. D.-378. The part for 96-352 is lost. He wrote probably between 380-390. Ammon. See Amun. Ammon (am'on). The eponymic ancestor of a people, the children of Ammon, or Ammon- ites, frequently mentioned in the Old Testa- ment: according to the account in Genesis, the son of Lot by his younger daughter was Ben-Ami (Gen. six. 38). Ammon, or Amon, or Amun, Saint. Bom about 285, in lower Egypt: died 348. The founder of the settlement of hermits in Nitria. See Nitria. Ammon (am'mon), Christoph Friedrich von. Born at Bayreuth, Bavaria, Jan. 16, 1766: died at Dresden, May 21, 1850. A German Protes- tant preacher and rationalistic theologian. He was appointed professor (1789) at Erlangen, later (1794) at Gottingen, and again (1804) at Erlangen. Ammon, Friedrich August von. Born at Gottingen, Sept. 10, 1799: died May 18, 1861. A German ophthalmologist, son of C. F. von Ammon. He became professor in the surgical and medi- cal academy at Dresden in 1829, and royal privy medical counselor in 1844. Ammonias (a-mo'ni-as). [Gr. ’Afifioviag . ] An architect who, according to an epigram of the Anthology, restored the Pharos of Alex- andria in the time of the emperor Anastasius, about the end of the 5th century A. D. He is also credited with the construction of an aque- duct. Ammonius (a-mo'ni-us). Bora about 170 a. d.: died after 243. An Alexandrian philosopher, the founder of the Neoplatonic school, sur- named “ Saccas” or “Saceophorus” (‘the sack- bearer’), from his occupation, in early life, as a orter. Plotinus, Longinus, and Origen were his pupils, ccording to Porphyry he was born a Christian, but this is denied by Eusebius and Jerome. Ammonius. An Alexandrian philosopher, of the second half of the 5th century a. D., a com- mentator on Aristotle. Ammonoosuc (am-o-no'suk), Lower. A river 51 in New Hampshire, about 100 miles long, which rises near Mount Washington and joins the Connecticut 7 miles north of Haverhill. Amol (a-mol'), or Amul (a-mol'). A city in the province of Mazanderan, Persia, situated on the Heraz in lat. 36° 20' N., long. 52° 23' E. It was very important in the middle ages. Population, 10,000. Amometus (am-5-me'tus). A Greek writer of uncertain date, author of a poetical descrip- tion of a nation of “Attacori,” dwelling be- yond the Himalayan range, resembling the ancient account of the Hyperboreans. Amon (a'mon). In Old Testament history: (a) A governor of Samaria in the time of Ahab (Amosvii.). ( b ) The son of Manasseh and king of Judah 642-640 b. c. He was assassinated through a court conspiracy, and was succeeded by his son Josiah. Amon. See Amun. Amon, or Aimon, or Haymon. See Aymon. Amoneburg (a-men'e-bore). A small town in the province of Hesse-Nassau, Prussia, situated on the Ohm 7 miles east of Marburg. It was formerly a strong fortress. Amontons (a-moh-ton'), Guillaume. Born at Paris, Aug. 31, 1663 : died Oct. 11, 1705. A French physicist. He was the inventor of a system of telegraphy by means of signals from one station to an- other through a series. Amoo. See Amu-Daria. A moor See Amur. Amor (a'mor). [L., ‘love.’] Same as Eros. Amoraim (a-mo'ra-em). [Aram., ‘expounders.’] The rabbis who commented upon the Mishna, and thus evolved the Gemara, which with the Mishna constitutes the Talmud. The period of the Amoraim begins after the death of the patriarch rabbi Judah I. and extends to the close of the Talmud, i. e., about 200-500 A. D. Amoret (am'o-ret). 1. In Spenser’s “ Faerie Queene,” the twin sister of Belphcebe, the im- personation of the grace and charm of female beauty. Brought up by Venus in the Courts of Love, she becomes the wife of Sir Scudamore, hut is not in- sensible to the passion of Corflambo (sensual love). (See Busirane.) Also Amoretta. 2. In Fletcher’s “Faithful Shepherdess,” a shepherdess in love with and loved by Perigot, and enduring many trials with sweetness and constancy. Amoretta (am-o-ret'a). See Amoret , 1. AmorgOS (a-mor'gos). [Gr. ’A/wpydc.] An isl- and, 21 miles long, in the iEgean Sea, one of the Cyclades, 16 miles southeast of Naxos. It is mountainous and fruitful. Population. 3,314. Amorites (am'o-rits). [Probably from Heb. amir, mountain-top, the mountaineers (Num. xiii. 29).] A name used in the Old Testament in general for the Canaanites as well as for a sub- division of the Canaanites. Biblical critics assert that in the set of documents known as J (Jahvist) all the pre-Israelitish inhabitants of Palestine are called Canaan- ites, while in the documents known as E (Elohist) (by others R=Redactor) they are called Amorites. This gen- eral use of the term Amorite finds further confirmation in the recently suggested reading of a geographical term in the cuneiform inscriptions, mat Amurri, country of the Amorites, which denominates in the inscriptions Phcenicia and Syria in general, particularly Palestine : it was previ- ously read mat Aharri. Even in the restricted sense it is obvious that they were one of the chief races of Canaan. As early as the 13th century B. c. they seem to have been antagonists of the Hittites. They appear on the Egyptian monuments as Amaru; they lived east of the Jordan where Sihon and Og, their kings, were defeated by Moses. The land thus conquered became the property of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh. Those west of the Jordan were conquered by Joshua, and their territory was given to the tribe of Judah. Amorous Bigot, The. A comedy by T. Shad- well, produced in 1690. Amorous Complaint Made at Windsor, An. A poem attributed to Chaucer. Amorous La Foole. Sir. See La Foole. Amorous Prince, The. A play by Mrs. Aphra Behn, adapted from Davenport’s “City Night- Cap,” produced and printed in 1671. Amorphus (a-mor'fus). In Ben Jonson’s com- edy ‘‘Cynthia’s Revels,” a traveler and affected talker. He is a liar and braggart, and an arbi- trator of quarrels, but no fighter. Amory (a'mo-ri), Blanche. In Thackeray’s novel “Pendennis,” a worldly, frivolous, and selfish girl, whose real name is Betsy. She en- courages any man, even the French cook, and, while posing as a tender, delicate flower, makes every one about her as uncomfortable as possible. For this young lady [Blanche Amory] was not able to carry out any emotion to the full ; but had a sham enthu- siasm, a sham hatred, a Bliam love, a sham taste, a sham grief, each of which flared and shone very vehemently for Amphiaraus an instant, but subsided and gave place to the next sham emotion. Thackeray , Pendennis, II. xxxv. Amory, Thomas. Born 1691 (?): died Nov. 25, 1788. An English writer, author of “Memoirs containing the Lives of several Ladies of Great Britain, etc.” (1755), “Life of John Buncle, Esq.” (1756-66), etc. Hq has been called the “English Rabelais.” “John Buncle” is virtually a continuation of the me- moirs. The book is a literary curiosity, containing an ex- traordinary medley of religious and sentimental rhapso- dies, descriptions of scenery, and occasional fragments of apparently genuine autobiography. “ The soul of Rabe- lais,” says Hazlitt [who never gets names right], “passed into John (Thomas) Amory." Leslie Stephen, Diet. Nat. Biog. Amos (a'mos). [Heb.] 1. A Hebrew prophet, a contemporary of Isaiah and Hosea, and a native of Tekoab, near Bethlehem. — 2. One of the books of the Old Testament, the third of the minor prophets. The humble condition of a shepherd following his flock on the hare mountains of Tekoa has tempted many com- mentators, from Jerome downwards, to think of Amos a3 an unlettered clown, and to trace his “rusticity" in the language of his book. To the unprejudiced judgment, however, the prophecy of Amos appears one of the best examples of pure Hebrew style. The language, the im- ages, the grouping are alike admirable ; and the simplicity of the diction, obscured only in one or two passages by the fault of transcribers (iv. 3 ; ix. 1), is a token, not of rusticity, but of perfect mastery over a language which, though unfit for the expression of abstract ideas, is unsur- passed as a vehicle for impassioned speech. IF. it. Smith, Prophets of Israel, p. 125. Amos, Sheldon. Bom about 1835: died near Alexandria, Egypt, Jan. 3, 1886. An English jurist and publicist. He was professor of jurispru- dence at University College, London, 1869-79, and author of “Capital Punishment in England" (1864), “Codifica- tion in England and the State of New York" (1867), “ Dif- ference of Sex as a Topic of Jurisdiction and Legislation" (1870), “ Policy of the Contagious Diseases Acts Tested" (1870), “A Systematic View of the Science of Jurispru- dence" (1872), “Science of Politics" (1883), etc. Amosis. See Aalm.es. Amoskeag (am-os-keg'). See Pennacook. Amour Medecin (a-mor' mad-san'), L’. A comedy by Moliere, produced in 1665 at Ver- sailles. In this play he ridicules pedantry and charla- tanism in the medical profession, against which he had a spite. Amoy (a-moi'). A seaport in the province of Fuhkien, China, situated on the island of Amoy opposite Formosa, in lat. 24° 27' N., long. 118° 4' E. It is a free haven, and has one of the best harbors in the country. It exports sugar, opium, etc. It was cap- tured by the British in 1841, and became open to British commerce in 1842. Population, about 114,000. Amoymon. See Amaimon. Amper. See Arnmer. Ampere (oh-par'), Andre Marie. Born at Lyons, Jan. 22, 1775: died at Marseilles, June 10, 1836. A French physicist and mathemati- cian, famous for his investigations in electro- dynamics. He was professor at the Polytechnic School in Paris and later in the College de France, and a member of theAcademyof Sciences. His chief works are “Recueil d’observations Mectro-dynamiques ” (1822), and “Thborie des phbnomfenes ^lectro-dynamiques.” Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine. Born at Lyons, Aug. 12, 1800: died at Pau, France, March 27, 1864. A French literary historian, son of A. M. Ampfere, professor in the College de France, and a member of the French Acad- emy. He was the author of “Histoire iittbraire de la France avant le 12 me siccle ” (1839-40), “Histoire romaine a Rome ” (1861-64), “ Histoire de la formation de la langue fran<;aise," “L’empire romain A Rome,” “La Grece, Rome, et Dante." Ampersand (am'per-sand). A peak of the Adirondacks situated south of the Saranac Lakes. It is 3,365 feet in height. Ampezzaner (am-pet-sa'ner) Alps. A group of the Dolomite Alps on the borders of south- ern Tyrol and Italy. Ampezzo (am-pet'so). The upper valley of the Boita, situated in Tyrol and the Italian border 26 miles southeast of Brixen. Its chief town is Cortina di Ampezzo (or Ampezzo di Calore). Population, commune, 3,700, (1910). Ampezzo. A town in the province of Udine, Italy, 32 miles northwest of Udine. Popula- tion, 2,546. Ampfing (amp'fing). A village in Upper Ba- varia, 5 miles west of Miihldorf. Ampfing, Battle of. 1. See Miihldorf. — 2. A victory gained by the Austrians under Arch- duke John over the French, Dec. 1, 1800. AmpMalus (am-fi'a-lus). [From a Gr. name ’A/npialoc;.'] In Sidney’s “Arcadia,” the valiant and virtuous son of the wicked Cecropea, and the lover of his cousin Philoclea. Amphiaraus (am'fi-a-ra'us). [Gr. ’A/^mpoof.] Amphiaraus In Greek mythology, a seer and hero of Argos, who took part in the Argonautic expedition, the hunt of the Calydonian boar, and the ex- pedition of the Seven against Thebes. AmpMareion (am // fi-a-ri'on). A sanctuary and oracle of Amphiaraus, near Oropus, in Boeotia, Greece. Amphiaraus was one of the Seven who marched against Thebes, and was here swallowed up by the earth at the will of Zeus, to save him in his flight. The sanctuary occupies a narrow area on the bank of a torrent; it includes a temple and altar, a large portico, a long range of bases for votive statues, and a theater whose plan and stage- structure are interesting. All the existing ruins are of Hellenistic date. The oracle enjoyed great renown, and the deified seer had a high reputation for healing sickness. Excavations have been made here since 1884 by the Archaeological Society of Athens. Ampliictyony (am-fik'ti-on-i), or Amphiety- onic League (am-fik-ti-on'ik leg). [From Gr. a/MpucTvovei;, dwellers around, neighbors.] In Greek history, a league of peoples inhabiting neighboring territories or drawn together by community of origin or interests, for mutual protection and the guardianship in common of a central sanctuary and its rites. There were several such confederations, but the name is specially appropri- ated to the most famous of them, that of Delphi. This was composed of twelve tribes, and its deputies met twice each year, alternately at Delphi and at Thermopylie. Its origin dates back to the beginnings of Grecian history, and it survived the independence of Greece. It exercised paramount authority over the famous oracular sanctuary of the Pythian Apollo and over the surrounding region, and conducted the Pythian games; and it constituted, though in an imperfect way, a national congress of the many comparatively small and often opposed states into which Greece was divided. Amphilochus (am-fil'o-kus). [Gr. ’Aytpttoxog.'] In Greek legend, a seer, son of Amphiaraus and brother of Aletnaeon: one of the Epigoni. AmpMon (am-fi'on). [Gr. ’A/t^iwv.] In Greek mythology, a skilful musician, son of Zeus and Antiope, twin brother of Zethus, and husband of Niobe. The brothers slew Dirce, who had ill-treated their mother, by causing her to be dragged to death by a bull. They took possession of Thebes, and when the walls were building, the stones moved of their own accord to their places under the influence of Amphion’s lyre. Ampllipolis (am-fip'o-lis). [Gr. Afupiirohc;.] In ancient geography, a city in Macedonia, on the Strymon, 3 miles from the JEgean, in lat. 40° 48' N., long. 23° 51' E. Originally a Thracian town, it was colonized by Athens about 430 B. C., and was captured by Sparta in 424 B. 0. Near it the Spartans under Brasidas defeated the Athenians under Cleon 422 B. c. It later became a Macedonian and then a Roman possession. AmpMssa (am-fls'a). [Gr. ’Ay^crcra.] In an- cient geography, a town of the Ozolian Lo- crians, Greece, 10 miles northwest of Delphi. Amphitrite (am-fi-tri'te). [Gr. Apipirpir//.] 1. In Greek mythology, the goddess of the sea, daugh- ter of Nereus and Doris, and wife of Poseidon. — 2. An asteroid (No. 29) discovered by Marth, at London, March 1, 1854. Amphitruo. See Amphitryon. Amphitryon (am-fit'ri-on), or Amphitruo ( atn- fit'ru-o). [Gr. ’A/itpiTpvuv.'] In Greek legend, a son of Alcteus, king of Troezen, and husband of Alcmene. To secure Alcmene (who would not wed him until the death of her brothers, who were slain by the Taphian3, was avenged) he undertook, for his uncle Creon, to catch the Taumessian fox, which by a decree of fate could not he captured, by the help of an Athenian dog which fate had decreed should catch every animal it might pursue. Fate extricated itself from its perplex- ity by turning both animals into stone. He attacked the Taphians, but could not overcome them so long as the chief Pterelaus, who was rendered immortal by one golden hair, lived. ComEeiho, daughter o; Pterelaus, cut off this hairfor love of Amphitryon, and he perished. The appli- cation of the name Amphitryon to a host is from that part of the stoi-y where J upiter assumes the former’s shape in order to visit Alcmene. He gives a feast and is inter- rupted by the real Amphitryon. This gives rise (in Mo- li re’s comedy) to a dispute which is settled by the phrase “Le veritable Amphitryon est 1 Amphitryon oh l’on dine” (he who gives the feast is the host). Amphitryon, or Amphitruo. 1. A play of Plautus “with a mythological (comic-marvel- ous) plot, treated with complete mastery over the language and with sparkling humor. Its original and the time of its composition are unknown” ( Teuffel and Scliwabe). It is more of a burlesoue than a comedy, and is full of humour. It is founded on the well-worn fable of Jupiter and Alcmena, and has been imitated by Molifere and Dry- den. Its source is uncertain : but it is probably from Archippus, a writer of the old comedy (415 B. C.). Its form suggests rather a development of the Satyric drama. Cruttwell, Hist, of Koman Lit., p. 44. 2. A comedy by Moliere, produced in 1668: a version of Plautus’s play. — 3. An opera by Sedaine, produced in 1781. — 4. A comedy by Andrieux, produced in 1782. Amphitryon, or The Two Socias. A comedy by Dryden, performed in 1690 : an altered ver- sion of Moliere’s play. 52 Amplepuis (oii-ple-pwe'). A town in the de- partment of Rhone, France, 29 miles northwest of Lyons. It has manufactures of cotton and muslin. Population, 7,000. Ampsivarii (amp-si-va'ri-i), or Amsivarii. [L. Ampsivarii (Tacitus) ; ef. L. Amisia, the Ems.] A German tribe described by Tacitus as originally neighbors, in the region of the Ems, of the Chauei who had driven them out. In the year 58 A. D. they appeared on the Rhine whence they were dislodged by the Romans, and were thought to have been annihilated. They reappeared, however, in the 4th century in incursions into Roman territory. They were ultimately merged in the Franks. Ampthill (ampt'hil). A small town in Bed- fordshire, England, 40 miles northwest of Lon- don. Ampthill, Baron. See Bussell, Odo William. Ampudia (ain-po'de-a), Pedro de. A Mexican general, in command of the Mexican army on the Rio Grande at the beginning of the Mexi- can war, 1846. As commander at Monterey he surrendered to General Taylor Sept. 24, 1846. AmpurdcCn (am-por-diin'). A valley-plain in the province of Gerona, Spain, in the vicinity of Figueras. Araraoti (um-ra-6'te), or Amrawati (um-ra'- wa-te). A district in the province of Berar, India, intersected by lat. 21° N., long. 78° E. Area, 2,750 square miles. Population, 630,118. Amraoti. A town in Amraoti district, lat. 20° 56' N., long. 77° 47' E. Population, 34,216. Amraphel (am'ra-fel). A king of Shinar (southern Babylonia) who, allied with Chedor- laomer, king of Elam, and two other kings, marched, in the time of Abraham, against the five kings of the Vale of Siddim (Gen. xiv.). He is identified by some with Hammurabi who reigned about 2200 B. c., by others with his father Sin-muballit, whose name is sometimes read Amarpal : all this is, how- ever, very uncertain. Amri (am'ri). In the second part of Dryden and Tait’s “Absalom and Achitophel,” a char- acter intended to represent Heneage Finch. Amrit (am'ret) A ruined town on the coast of Phoenicia, 30 miles north of Tripolis: the an- cient Marathus. It contains important antiquities. The Burdj el-Bezzak is an ancient Phenician tomb built of huge blocks of stone. It is square, with a plain mas- sive cornice, and terminated in a pyramid, now ruined. The original height was 52 feet. It contains two chambers, one over the other, with niches for corpses. Another tomb at Amrit is one of the most elaborate of surviving Phenician works. The base is square and on it rest three superposed circular drums, each smaller than that below. The top drum terminates in domical form, and the two upper drums have a cornice of combined dentils and serrations. A molding of concave curve connects the lowest and middle drums. On the corners of the base stand four rude lions, issuing from the lowest drum. The height is about 32 feet. The so-called “monolithic” house is a structure with walls for the most part hewn from the solid rock. It is isolated by the cutting away of the rock behind. The chief front is about 97 feet long and 20 high. The interior shows holes for wooden ceiling- beams. The Maabed is an old Phenician temple consist- ing of a small cella, open on one side to exhibit the sacred image, and raised on a square base or die. The roof is a great slab hewn to the form of a flat arch on the under side, the whole forming a miniature and simplified Egyp- tian temple. The total height is 23 feet. The cella was originally surrounded by a colonnaded court. There are also ruins of a stadium with ten tiers of seats, on one side all rock-hewn, on the other partly built up of ma- sonry. It now measures 99 by 411 feet, but has probably lost some of its length. Amrita (am-re'ta). [Sometimes Amreeta ; Skt. amrita, prop, adj., immortal, = Gr. a/ifipoToc, whence ult. E. ambrosia .] In Hindu my- thology, a god (masc.); the water of life (neu- ter) ; ambrosia. In the latter sense the term is vari- ously applied in the Vedas, but especially to the soma juice. In later legend it was the water of life produced at the churning of the ocean by the gods and demons. The Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Pur anas give the story with variations. The gods, worsted by the de- mons, repaired to Vishnu, asking new strength and im- mortality. He bade them churn the ocean for the Amrita and other lost treasures. Collecting all plants and herbs, they cast them into the sea of milk, which they churned, using Mount Mandara as a churning-stick and the serpent Vasuki as a rope, while Vishnu himself was the pivot. From the sea came the sacred cow, Surabhi, Varuni, god- dess of wine, Parijata, the tree of paradise, the Apsarases, the moon, poison, Sri, the goddess of beauty, and Dhan- vantara, physician of the gods. Amritsar, or Umritsir (um-rit'ser). A district in the division of Lahore, Panjab, British In- dia, intersected by lat. 31° 30' N., long. 75° E. It is divided into the three subdistricts Amritsar, Ajnala, and Tarn Taran, and is administered by a deputy com- missioner. Area, 1,601 square miles. Population, 1,023,828. Amritsar, or Umritsir (um-rit's6r). The capi- tal of the Amritsar district, Panjab, in lat. 31° 38' N., long. 74° 53' E. : one of the most important commercial and manufacturing Amun cities in northern India. It is the religious center of the Sikhs, and contains a Sikh temple attended by 500 to 600 priests. Population, including cantoumeut, 162,429. Amru ben-el-Ass (am'ro ben-el-as'), or Amer. Died about 663 a. d. An Arab general and statesman. He conquered Syria during the reign of the calif Abu-Bekr, and Egypt 639-641, in that of Omar. By his statesmanlike reorganization of the conquered provinces, and by the excellence of his administration, he did much to reconcile the inhabitants to Islam. The story that, at the taking of Alexandria, he gave the order to destroy the celebrated Alexandrine library, is probably unhistorical. Amru-el-Kais (am'ro-el-lds'). Lived at the beginning of the 7th century. An Arabian poet, hostile to Mohammed. His “ Moallakat” was translated by Sir W. Jones, 1782. Amrum (am'rom), or Amrom (am'rom). One of the North Friesian Islands in the North Sea, west of Schleswig. Its length is 6 miles. Amsancti, or Ampsancti, Vallis (am-sank'te val'les). A valley in the province of Avellino, Italy, near Frigento, in lat. 41° N., long. 15° 7' E., noted for its sulphurous lake and cave. Amsdorf (ams'dorf), Nikolaus von. Born at Torgau, Germany, Dec. 3, 1483: died May 14, 1565. A German Protestant reformer. He was the intimate friend of Luther, whom he accompanied to Leipsic in 1519 and to Worms in 1521, and whom he aided in the translation of the Bible. He was instrumental m introducing the Reformation into Magdeburg in 1524, into Goslar in 1528, and elsewhere ; was consecrated bishop of Naumburg by Luther in 1542, but was driven from his see in 1546 in the Smalkaldic war, and was a prominent op- ponent of Melanchthon in the adiaphoristic controversy. Amsler (ams'ler), Samuel. Born at Schinz- nach, Aargau, Switzerland, Dec. 17, 1791: died at Munich, May 18, 1849. A German engraver. Among his noted works are the “Triumphal March of Alexander the Great ” (after Thorwaldsen), the “Triumph of Religion in the Arts ” (after Overbeck), etc. Amsteg, or Amstag (am'stag). A village in the canton of Uri, Switzerland, situated on the St. Gotthard route 27 miles southeast of Lucerne. Amstel (am'stel). A small river in the Neth- erlands, which flows through Amsterdam and empties into the Y. Amstelland (am'stel-lant). Formerly, the name given to the region which lies near the Amstel. Amsterdam (am'ster-dam). [Orig. Amstelle- damme, dam of the Amstel.] A city in the province of North Holland, Netherlands, built on marshy ground (traversed by canals con- nected by numerous bridges) at the junction of the Amstel and Y, in lat. 52° 22' N., long. 4° 5' E. : the chief commercial city and the capi- tal of the Netherlands, and one of the leading seaports of Europe. It, has communication by the North SeaCanal arid North Holland Canal with the North Sea. It i3 a market for colonial products, including sugar, coffee, spices, rice, tobacco, etc., has ship-building indus- tries and important manufactures of sugar, sails, tobacco, beer, etc., and is especially famous for diamond-cutting and -polishing. It was founded at the beginning of the 13th century, became of great importance on the decline of Antwerp about 1585-95, and was the fust commercial city of Europe in the 17th century. It was entered by the French in 1795, and belonged to the French Empire 1810-13. It contains various important buildings, museums, etc. Population, 565,589. Amsterdam. A city inMontgomery County, New York, situated on the Mohawk 30 miles north- west of Albany. Population, 31,267, (1910). Amsterdam. A small uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean, in lat. 37° 51' S., long. 77° 32' E. It belongs to France. Amsterdam, New. An old name for New York (city). Amstetten (am'stet-ten). A small town in Lower Austria, situated on the Ips 28 miles east by south of Linz. Amucu (a-mo-ko'), Lake. A small lake in British Guiana, about lat. 3° 40' N., connected with the Essequibo and, through the Branco, v i 1 h the Amazon. According to Schomburgk this was the so-called Lake Parima connected with the myth of El Dorado. Amu Daria (a-mo'diir'ya), Ar. Jihun (je'hon), orGihon. The principal river of Central Asia: the ancient Oxus. It rises as the Ak-Su in the east- ern Pamir near the frontier of eastern Turkestan ; flows generally west to near long. 66° E.. separating in part of its course Bokhara from Afghanistan ; flows then north- west, and empties by a delta into the southern part of the Sea of Aral. It is generally thought to have emptied into the Caspian Sea in ancient and even in medieval times. Among its tributaries are, among those on the right, the Wakash (or Surghab) and Kafirnagan ; and on the left, the Pandja, Koksha, and Kunduz. AtTchardjul it is crossed by the Transcaspian Railway. Its length is about 1,400 miles, and it is navigable by vessels about 300 miles. Amun (a'mon). [Egypt., ‘the hidden or veiled one.’] An Egyptian deity. He is variously repre- sented as a ram with large curving horns, as a being Amnn 53 Anakim with a ram's head and a human body, and as a man en- throned or standing erect. In art his figure is colored blue. On his head he wears the royal symbol and two long feathers, and in one hand he carries a scepter and in the other the sign of life. His chief temple and oracle were on an oasis in the -Libyan desert near Memphis. Also Amen, Amnion, Anion , and Hammon. See the extract. But after the rise of the Theban dynasty the supreme form under which Ra was worshipped was Amun, “the hidden one." In course of time he absorbed into himself almost all the other deities of Egypt, more especially Ra and Khnum. He reigns over this earth, as his represen- tatives, the Pharaohs, over Egypt, and inspires mankind with the sense of right. He is called Khem as the self- begetting deity, “ the living < isiris " as the animating prin- ciple of the universe. Ou his head he wears a lofty crown of feathers, sometimes replaced by the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt or the ram's head of Khnum, and Mut and Khunsu form with him the trinity of Thebes. Sayce, Anc. Empires, p. 63. Amunategui (a-mo-na'ta-gwe), Miguel Luis. Born Jan. il, 1828: died Jan. 22, 1888. ACltilean historian, associated, in the production of most of his works, with his brother, Gregorio Victor Amunategui. Among these are “Memoria sobre lare- conquista espafiola ” (1860), “ Compend o de la historia po- litics y eclesiastica de Chile” (1856), “Descubrimiento y conquista de Chile” (1862), “Los precursores de la inde- pendence de Chile ” (1872-73). Amur, or Amoor (a-mor'). A river in Siberia formed by the junction of the Shilka and Argun, about lat. 53° N., long. 121° E. It flows generally southeast, then northeast, and then east, and it enters the Gulf of Saghalin. In part of its course it forms the boundary between Siberia and Mantchuria. Its chief tributaries are, on the right, the Sungari and Usuri; on the left, the Zeya, Bureya, Kur, Gorin, and Im. Its length, including the Argun, is about 2,700 miles, and it is naviga- ble for about 2,400 miles. Amur. A province in eastern Siberia, situated north of the river Amur, ceded by China to Russia in 1858. Its capital is Khabarovka. Area, 172,826 square miles. Population, about 160,400. Amurath (a- mo-rat') I., or Murad. Born 1319: killed June 15, 1389. Sultan of Turkey 1359-89, son of Orkban. He completed the organi- zation of the janizaries, begun by his father, and was the first of the Ottoman sultans who made conquests in Eu- rope. In 1361 he occupied Adrianople, which he made the capital of his European dominions, took Sofia in 1382, and defeated tile princes of Servia and Bosnia in the battle of Kosovo 1389. He was killed after the engage- ment by a wounded Servian who, it is said, started from among the dead and plunged a dagger into his breast as he surveyed the field of battle. Amurath II., or Murad. Bom about 1403: died 1451. Sultan of Turkey 1421-51, son of Mohammed I. He unsuccessfully besieged Constan- tinople in 1423, carried on war against the Hungarians under Hunyady and the Albanians under Scanderbeg, de- feated the Hungarians at Varna in 1444 and Kossova in 1448, and subdued the Morea in 1446. Amurath III., or Murad. Born 1546: died 1595. Sultan of Turkey 1574-95, son of Selim II. He continued the war against Austria with varying success, and took Luristan, Georgia, Shirvan, Tabriz, and part of Azerbaijan from Persia in 11*90. Amurath IV., or Murad. Born about 1611: died 1640. Sultan of Turkey 1623-40. He cap- tured Bagdad from the Persians in 1638. Amurath V., or Murad. Born 1840 : died Aug. 29, 1904. Sultan of Turkey May to Aug., 1876 (dethroned Aug. 31), nephew of Abdul-Aziz. Amussat (a-mfi-sa'), Jean Zulema. Born at St. Maixent, Deux-S&vres, France, Nov. 21, 1796: died May 14, 1856. A French surgeon and surgical writer, author of “Torsion des arteres ” (1829), etc. He invented a probe used in lithotrity. Amyas Leigh, Sir. See Leigh. Amyclse (a-mi'kle). [Gr. A/A/ola/.] In ancient geography, a town in Laconia, Greece, 3 miles south of Sparta, the legendary seat of Tynda- reus. It longretained its Achaean population. Accord- ing to a tradition the inhabitants of Arayciae had been so often alarmed by false reports of the hostile approach of the Spartans that all mention of the subject was for- bidden: hence when they did come no one dared to an- nounce the fact, and the town was captured. “Amyclsean silence ” thus passed into a proverb. Amymone (am-i-mo'ne). [Gr. ’Auvacivrj.'] In Greek legend, a daughter of Danaus. Amynta (a-min'tS,). A character in IVUrfe’s romance “Astrea.” Amyntas (a-min'tas) I. [Gr. ’A/dvra?.] Died about 498 b. C. King of Macedonia, son of Al- cetas, and fifth in descent from Perdiccas, the founder of the dynasty. He presented earth and water in submission to Megabazus, whom Darius, on the return from his Scythian expedition, had left at the head of 80,000 men in Europe. Amyntas II. King of Macedonia 394-370 b. c., nephew of Perdiccas II. He succeeded his father in Upper Macedonia ; obtained the crown of Macedonia proper in 394 by the murder of Pausanias, son of the usurper Aeropus ; was driven from Macedonia by Argseus, the son of Pausanlaa, supported by Iiardylis, an Illyrian chief ; and was restored by the Thessalians, with whom he had taken refuge. Amyntas III. Died 336 b. c. King of Mace- donia 360-359, grandson of the preceding. He was an infant at the death of his father 360 B. C., and was excluded 359 B. 0. from the throne by the regent, his uncle Philip, at whose court he was brought up, and whose daughter he married. He was executed by Alexander the Great for a conspiracy against the king’s life. Amyntas, or The Impossible Dowry. A pas- toral drama of the Italian type by Thomas Randolph, first printed in 1638. It has no con- nection in plot with Tasso’s “ Aminta.” Amyntor, Gerhard von. A pseudonym of Dagobert von Gerhardt, a German novelist. Amyot (a-me-o'), Jacques. Born at Melun, France, Oct. 30, 1513: died at Auxerre, France, Feb. 6, 1593. A French writer. He was tutor to Charles IK. and Henri of Anjou, grand almoner, bishop of Auxerre, and commander in the Order of the Holy Ghost. He is known chiefly by his translations of “The- agenes and Chariclea ” (1547), of the works of Diodorus Siculus (1554), of “ Daphnis and Chloe ” and Plutarch's “Lives” (1559), and of Plutarch's “Morals" (1572). Amyot, Joseph. See Amiot. Amyraut (a-me-ro'), or Amyrault (L. Amy- raldns), Mo'ise. Born Sept., 1596: died 1664. A French Protestant theologian, professor at Saumur 1633—64. He was charged with Arminianism, and although he was acquitted at the synods of Alenqon (1637) and^Charenton (1644), the “Eormula Consensus Helvetica” (1657) was directed chiefly against him. An or On, See Heliopolis. Anabaptists (an-a-bap'tists). [From Gr. ava- 8a~TiC,eiv , rebaptize.] Those Christians who hold baptism in infancy to be invalid, and require adults who have received it to be bap- tized on joining their communion. The name is best known historically a3 applied to the followers of Thomas Miinzer, a leader of the peasants’ war in Germany, who was killed in battle in 1525, and to those of John Matthias and John Bockold, or John of Leyden, who com- mitted great excesses while attempting to establish a so- cialistic kingdom of Hew Zion or Mount Zion at Munster in Westphalia, and were defeated in 1535, their leaders being killed and hung up in iron cages, which are still preserved in that city. The name has also been applied to bodies of very different character in other respects, probably always in an opprobrious sense, since believers in the sole validity of adult baptism refuse to regard it as rebaptism in the case of persons who had received the rite in infancy. It is now most frequently used of the Mennonites. See Mennonites. Anabara(a-na-ba-ra'). Ariverin Siberia which flows into the Arctic Ocean west of the Lena. Anabasis (a-nab'a-sis). [Gr. avapaois, a going up, an expedition inland.] A celebrated account by Xenophon, in seven books, of the campaign of Cyrus the Younger against Artaxerxes II. of Persia, and the retreat of the 10,000 Greeks, 401-399 B. c., after the death of Cyrus atCunaxa. See Cyrus. The title means “ a march up ( from the coast)" into, the interior, and properly applies only to the first part, as far as the battle at Ounaxa. . . . Cyrus was killed (Sept., 401). The remaining and larger part of the work ought rather to be called catabasis, the march down to the sea. Soon after the death of Cyrus, the Persian satrap Tisnphernes treacherously seized five of the Greek generals. The Greeks were now in terrible danger. That night Xeno- phon — who had not hitherto been either an officer ora private soldier, but simply an “unattached ” volunteer, . . . awoke the surviving leaders, and in a midnight coun- cil of war gave them heart, by his plain earnest eloquence, to take measures for the common safety. Next day, formed in a hollow square with the baggage in the center, they began the retreat. Moving along the Tigris, past the site of the ancient Nineveh and the modern Mossul, they came into the country of the Carduchi, or Kurds, who, like modern Kurds, rolled down stones on them from the top of their mountain-passes ; then through Armenia and Georgia. At last one day — in thefifth month — Eeb., 400 B. c. — Xenophon, who was with the rear guard, heard a great shouting among the men who had reached the top of a hill in front. He thought they saw an enemy. He mounted his horse, and galloped forward with some cav- alry. As they came nearer, they could make out the shout : it was " The sea ! the sea ! ” There, far off, was the silver gleam of the Euxine. After the long, intense strain of toil and danger, the men burst into tears: like true Greek children of the sea they knew now that they were in sight of home. Two days’ march brought them to the coast at Trapezus, a Greek city, the modern Trebizond ; there they sacrificed to the gods, especially to Zeus the Pre- server and Heracles the Guide. Jebb, Greek Lit., p. 110. Anabasis of Alexander the Great. An im- portant historical work by Arrian, in seven books, all of which, with the exception of a few pages, has survived. It begins with the acces- sion of Alexander, and describes bis campaigns and victories. Anacaona (a-na-ka'o-na). [A Haitian name meaning ‘golden flower.’] An Indian woman, sister of Behechio and wife of Caonabo, ca- ciques of Haiti when it was discovered by Co- lumbus (1492). After the capture and death of Caonabo she counseled submission to the Spaniards, and herself received Bartholomew Columbus with great hospitality (1498). She succeeded her brother Behechio as ruler of his tribe, and friendly relations with the whites continued until 1503 : In that year she entertained Ovando and his forces, but in the midst of a festival in their honor they attacked her village, massacred a great number of Indians, and carried her to Santo Domingo, where she was hanged. Anacapri (a-na-ka'pre). 1. The western part of the island of Capri, Italy. — 2. A small town on the island of Capri. Anacharsis (an-a-kar'sis). [Gr. Avcixapon;.'] A Scythian prince, brother of Saulius, king of Thrace, a contemporary of Solon. He visited Athens where he obtained a great reputation for wisdom. On returning to Thrace he was slain by his brother. By some he was reckoned among the seven sages. Anacharsis Clootz. See Clootz. Anacletus(an-a-kle'tus),or Cletus(?),I., Saint. Died 91 (!) A. d. Bishop of Rome, said by some to have been elected 83 a. d. Anacletus II. Antipope in opposition to In- nocent II., 1130-38. Anaconda (an-a-kon'da). A city, the capital of Deerlodge County, Montana. Population, 10,134, (1910). Anacreon (a-nak 're-on). [Gr. Avanpeov .] Born in Teos about 563 b. c.: died about 478 B. c. A famous Greek lyric poet who sang chiefly the praises of love and wine. He was driven with hit townspeople, by Harpagus, from Teos to Abdera ; thence he went to the court of Polycrates in Samos, and later to Athens. “He was the courtier and laureate of tyrants. He won his first fame with Polycrates, at whose death Hipparchus fetched him to Athens in a trireme of fifty oars. Between Bacchus and Venus he spent his days in palaces ; and died at the ripe age of eighty-five at Teos, choked, it is reported, by a grape-stone — a hoary-headed roud." Symonds, Studies of the Greek Poets, I. 318. The great body of his fragments, and the numerous cop- ies of his poems, speak of love as an engrossing amuse- ment, of feasting as spoilt by earnest conversation, nay even of old age with a sort of jovial regret. . . . Hispoetry is no longer the outburst of pent-up passion, but the ex- ercise of a graceful talent, the ornament of a luxurious leisure. Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Lit., I. 197. Anacreon. An opera in two acts by Cheru- bini, words by Mendouze, produced in Paris Oct. 4, 1803. Anacreon of the Guillotine. A nickname of Barere de Vieuzae. Anacreon Moore. A nickname of Thomas Moore. Anacreon of Persia. A surname given to Hafiz. Anadarco, Anadarko. See Nadaaltu. Anadoli. See Anatolia. Anadyomene (an"a-di-om'e-ne). [Gr. AvaSvo - phy, rising (from the sea).] A surname of Aphrodite, in allusion toher originfrom the sea. Anadyr, or Anadir (an-a-der'). A river in eastern Siberia, which flows into the Gulf of Anadyr about lat. 65° N. Its length is about 450 miles. Anadyr, Gulf of. Au arm of Bering Sea, east of Siberia. Anagni (a-nan'ye). A town in the province of Rome, Italy, 36 miles southeast of Rome: the ancient Anagnia, capital of the Hernici. it has a cathedral and has often been the residence of the popes. Population, 10,059. Anahuac (a-na'wak). [Nahuatl, signifying ‘within the water.’] A name originally used to designate the low lands bordering on the Lake of Mexico, and now generally applied to the greater part of the central table-land, or to that portion of it, in the region of the City of Mexico, which bolds the valley lakes (Texcoco, Chaleo, etc.), and extends east- ward to the mountain wall of Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl. Anahuac has been stated to be the name for the supposed Indian “empire” of the Mexicans at the time of the Spanish conquest. This is, however, an error, as there was no empire, but only a confederacy of warlike tribes. Tbe name has, therefore, no political, hardly even a definite geographical, significance. Anaides (a-na'dez). [Gr. avcu&f)c, shameless.] In Ben Jonson’s “Cynthia’s Revels,” a fashion- able ruffler and impudent ruffian. Thomas Dekker imagined that in this character he was caricatured. Others, however, think Marston was intended. Anaitis (a-nl'tis), Anait (a-nlt'). A Syrian goddess whose worship was introduced into Greek mythology. She was variously identified with Artemis, Aphrodite, Cybele, etc. In Egyptian mythology she appeared under the name Anta, Antha. Anak (a'nak). [Heb., ‘long-necked,’ i. e. ‘ giant.’] In the Old Testament, tbe progenitor of a tribe or race of giants, the Anakim (which see), or a collective name for this tribe itself. Anakim (an'a-kim). In the Old Testament, the sons of Anak, a race of giants dwelling in southern Palestine. People saw survivors of the ancient indigenous popula- tions, anterior to the Canaanites (Emim, Zomzomniin, Anakim), in individuals of lofty stature whom they be- lieved were to be found in certain particular places. But popular imagination revels in giants; it willingly creates them. These Anakim were surrounded by legends ; they sometimes called them ref aim { the dead, the giants, the phantoms, the heroes); a plain to the southwest of .Tern- Anakim union bore their name, and they were confounded with the Titanic racoB buried under the flea. lleiiau, Hint, of the i'cople of Israel (tranB.), I. 191. Anam. See Annum. Anambas Islands (ii-nam'bas i'laudz). A group of small islands oast of tho Malay Penin- sula and west of Borneo. Anammelech ( a-nam'e-lek). [Babylonian Anu- malik, Anu the counselor.] A divinity of tho Babylonian Sepharvites, whoso worship they continued to practise in Samaria (2 Ki. xvii. 31 ). Anu was tho god of heaven, and stood at the head of the Babylonian pantheon. Anandagiri ( a-nan-da-ge're). A follower of San- kara. He lived about the loth century and wrote a Sankara vijayap triumph of Sankara’), in which are related at length the polemics of the master against forty-eight different sects. It is an apocryphal romance of no historic worth. Anandalahari (a-nan-da-la'ha-re). [Skt.,‘tho wave of joy.’] A poem ascribed to Sankara. It is a hymn of praiso to Parvati, wife of Siva, min- gled with mystical doctrine. Ananias (an-a-ni'as). [Gr. ’A vavtac, Ileb. Hana- nidh.\ A Jewish Christian of Jerusalem who with his wife Sapphira was struck dead for fram l and lying. Acts v. Ananias. A Jewish Christian of Damascus, a friend of Paul. Ananias. A Jewish high priest 48-59 a. d., before whom St. Paul was tried. Ananias. In Ben Jonson’s comedy “The Al- chemist,” a hypocritical puritan deacon of Amsterdam. Ananieff (a-niin'yef). A town in the govern- ment of Kherson, Russia, in lat. 47° 47' N., long. 29° 57' E. Population, 16,713. Ananus (an'a-nus). High priest of the Jews, the son of Seth. lie was appointed by Cyrenius and removed by Valeiian, and is apparently the Annas men- tioned in the gospels. Ananus. High priest of the Jews, son of the preceding. He held office for three months in 62 A. d., and was removed by King Agrippaat the demand of the Pharisees because of his attempt to revive Sadduceeism, and was put to death 67 A. D. by the Zealots. Anapa (a-na'pa). A seaport and naval station in the government of Kuban, Northern Cau- casus, on the Black Sea in lat. 44° 55' N., long. 37° 20' E. Population, 6,676. Anaphi (a-na'fe). An island of the Cyclades, Greece, lat. 36° 21' N., long. 25° 48' E., east of Santorin : the ancient Anaphe. Length, 7 miles. Anaquito (a-na-ke'to). A plain about a mile from Quito, Ecuador, where the army of Gon- zalo Pizarro defeated that of the viceroy Vas- co Nunez Vela aided by Benalcazar, Jan. 18, 1546. Vela was killed, and Benalcazar severely wounded. Anargha Raghava (a-nar'gha ra'glia-va). A drama of the 13th or 14th century by Murari Misra, of which Raghava or Rama is the hero. Anarkali (iin-ar'ka-li). An important suburb of Lahore, British India. Afiasco (an-yas'ko), Pedro de. Born at Lima, 1550 : died at Tucuman, April 12, 1605. A Pe- ruvian Jesuit. He left several works on the language of the Indians among whom he bad labored. Anasitch (a-na-sich'). A tribe of the Kusan stock of North American Indians, it formerly had a village on the south side of Coos Bay, Oregon. The survivors are on the Siletz reservation, Oregon. See Kusan. Anastasia (an-as-ta'shi-a), Saint. 1. A Chris- tian martyr slain during tbe reign of Nero (54— 68 A. D.). She is said to have been a pupil of St. Peter and St. Paul. Her martyrdom is commemorated on April 15. 2. A Christian martyr who perished in the persecution by Diocletian 303 (?) a. d. The date of her commemoration in the Latin Church is Dec. 25, in the Greek Dec. 22. — 3. Died 597. AGreek saint who lived in Alexandria disguised as a monk for 28 years. Anastasian Law. A law of the emperor Anas- tasius I. (506), directed against usurers. Anastasius (an-as-ta'shi-us) I., Saint. [Gr. ’Avaardaio^.] Bishop of Rome 399-401. He con- demned the writings of Origen, and excommunicated Ru- ff n us, the antagonist of Jerome and advocate of Origen, although he is said to have acknowledged that he did not understand the controversy. Anastasius II. Pope 496-498. He endeavored to put an end to the schism between the sees of Constanti- nople and Rome arising from the dispute concerning precedence, and wrote a letter of congratulation to Clovis, king of the Franks, on his conversion to Christianity. Anastasius III. Pope 911-913. Anastasius IV. (Conrad). Pope 1153-54. His 64 administration was disturbed by the movements of Arnold of Brescia and his followers. Anastasius I., sumamed Dicorus. Born at Dyrrachium about 430: died 518. Byzantine emperor 491-518. He was raised to the throne by an in- trigue with the empress Ariadne whom he married after the death of the emperor Zeno, her husband, without male issue. As a Eutychian he opposed the orthodox who rose in arms under Vitalianus but were bought off by the faithless promise of a general council. Anastasius II. (Artemius). Byzantine em- jeror 713-716. He was deposed by the fleet which he lad sent to the coast of Syria to destroy the naval stores of the Arabs, but which was repulsed, mutinied under its commander John, and proclaimed Theodosius III. em- peror. He was put to death in 721 (719 7) by Leo III. for conspiring against the throne. Anastasius. Died 753. Patriarch of Constan- tinople 703(728 ?)-753. He was elected by the in- fluence of the emperor Leo Isaurus, and favored the Iconoclasts, for which he was excommunicated by Pope Gregory Ili. Anastasius, surnamed Bibliothecarius (‘The Librarian’). Died 886. Librarian of the Vati- can and abbot of Sta. Maria Trans-Tiberim at Rome. He was sent to Constantinople to arrange a marriage between the daughter of Louis II. and a son of Basil of Macedonia in 8b9, and while there assisted the papal ambassador in attendance at the eighth ecumenical council by his knowledge of Greek. His fame rests upon his numerous translations from the Greek and his sup- posed connection with the “Liber Pontiflcalis" (which see). Anastasius Griin. See Auersperg. Anasuya (a-na-so'yii). [Skt., ‘charity.’] In Hindu mythology and drama : (a) The wife of the Rishi Atri, very pious and austere, and pos- sessed of miraculous powers. When Sita visited Atri and herself at their hermitage in the forest south of Chitrakuta, she gave Sita an ointment with which to keep herself beautiful forever, (b) A friend of Shakuntala. Anathoth (an'a-thoth). In biblical geography, a city of Benjamin in Palestine, the birthplace of Jeremiah. The traditional site is Kenyet el-’Enat, about 10 miles northwest of Jerusalem ; but the true site is probably ’Anata, about 3 miles northeast of that city. Anatolia (an-a-to'li-ii). [Turk. Anadoli, NGr. ’AvaToMj, eastern land.] A large region of Asi- atic Turkey, nearly identical with Asia Minor. There was a theme (province) of Anatolia in the Byzan- tine empire situated in the interior of Asia Minor. Anatomy of Abuses, The. A work by Philip Stubbes, published in 1583 in two parts. It is a curious account of the social customs of the time. Anatomy of Melancholy, The. A famous work by Robert Burton (1577-1640), published in 1621, under the pseudonym “Democritus Junior,” and frequently republished and abridged. The sixth edition is the last which contains changes by the author: it was published shortly after his death from an annotated copy. The work is the result of many years of humorous study of men and of books, and abounds in quotations from authors of all ages and countries. It is divided into three parts which treat (1) of the causes and symptoms of melancholy, (2) of its cure, and (3) of erotic and religious melancholy. Its literary history is rather curious. Eight editions of it appeared in half a century from the date of the first, and then, with other books of its time, it dropped out of notice except by the learned. Early in the present cen- tury it was revived and reprinted with certain modern- isations, and four or five editions succeeded each other at no long interval. The copies thus circulated seem to have satisfied the demand for many years, and have been followed without alteration in a finely-printed issue of re- cent date. Saintsbury, Hist, of Elizabethan Lit., p. 429. Anaxagoras (an-ak-sag'o-ras). [Gr. ’A vagayd- pa?.] Born at Clazomenas, Ionia, about 500 b. c. : died at Lampsacus, Mysia, about 428 B. c. A Greek philosopher, for a long time resi- dent in Athens where he became the friend and teacher of Pericles, Thucydides, and Euripides, and when;e he was banished on a charge of impiety. He is reckoned as a disciple of Anaximander and is famous as the flrstof the old Greek natural philoso- phers to introduce intelligence or reason (eoOs) as a met- aphysical principle in the explanation of the world. He regarded it not as creative but as regulat ive, as that which brought order out of the original chaos. Fragments of his writings have been preserved. Anaxarchus (an-aks-ar'kus). [Gr. ’Avdfapjof.] A Greek philosopher of Abdera, a disciple of Democritus, who flourished about 350 b. c. He attended Alexander in his Asiatic campaigns, and is said to have consoled the king after the murder of Cleitus by maintaining that a king can do no wrong. Anaxarete (an-aks-ar'e-te). [Gr. ’A va^aperr/.'] In Greek legend, a maiden of Cyprus whose lover Iphis iu despair hung himself at her door. For her indifference Venus changed her into a stone statue. The story is also told with changed names. Anaxilaus (an-aks-i-la'us). [Gr. AnafiXaof.] A Pythagorean philosopher and physician of the 1st century B. c., banished as a magician from Italy by Augustus 28 B. O. Anaxilaus, or Anaxilas (an-aks'i-las). Died 476 B. c. Tyrant of Rhegium about 494 B. c. Ancillon, David Anaximander (an-aks-i-man'der). [Gr. ’AvafL- pavdpog.] Born at Miletus about 611 b. c. : died about 547 b. c. AGreek physical philoso- pher (the second of the Ionian school) and mathematician, a friend and pupil of Thales. He taught that the principle (a pxv, a word which he first used in this sense) of things is a substance of indetermi- nate quality and limitless quantity (Jveipov), “immortal and imperishable,’’ out of which all things arise and to which all return. This substance, according to some ac- counts, he regarded as having a nature intermediate be- tween that of water and air. 11 e was probably the author of the first philosophical treatise in Greek prose. Anaximenes (an-aks-im'e-nez). [Gr. ’Avafipi- vi/c.] Born at Miletus : lived in the 6th century B. c. A Greek philosopher, the third of the Ionian school, a contemporary and friend of Thales and Anaximander, and usually reckoned as a disciple of the latter. He regarded air as the principle (apj^) of things. Anaximenes. Born at Lampsacus : lived in the 4th century B. C. A Greek rhetorician, histo- rian, and companion of Alexander the Great: the probable author of an extant treatise on rhetoric ('Vr/Topud/ irpo^ A?. egavdpov), the only ex- isting work on the subject prior to Aristotle. Anaya (a-na'ya), Pedro Maria. Born at Hui- (•hapan, 1795 : died at Mexico, March 21, 1854. A Mexican general. He jmned the Spanish army as a cadet in 1811, followed the defection of Iturbidein 1821, and was a captain under Filisolain Nicaragua, 1823. In 1833 he became brigadier-general. Adhering to the federal ist party, he was forced to leave the country. He invaded Tabasco in Nov., 1840, with federalist forces from Texas and Yucatan, but was defeated at Cometan, May 15, 1841, and fled to Yucatan. Under Herrera(1845) he was minister of war. He adhered to Santa Anna, and while the latter was resisting the advance of Scott, was acting president April 2 to May 20, 1847. He commanded the Mexican force of 800 men which defended the convent of Churubusco, and only sur- rendered after his ammunition was exhausted (Aug. 20, 1847). In 1852 he was secretary of war under Arista, served three days in the administration of Ceballos, and on Santa Anna’s restoration (1853) was made postmaster-general, a position which he held until his death. Ancachs (an-kachs'). A maritime department of Peru, north of Lima, corresponding to the colonial intendencia of Huaylas. Ancseus (an-se'us). [Gr. ftj/vaZof.] In Greek classical legend : (a) A son of Poseidon. He was told by a seer that he would not live to enjoy the wine from a vineyard which he had planted. He, however, lived to have wine of his own growth and, in scorn of the prophet, raised a cup of it to his mouth. The seer re- plied, “There is many a slip between the cup and the lip,” and at the same instant a tumult arose over a wild boar in the vineyard. Ancseus put down the cup, and was killed in an attempt to destroy the animal, (ft) A son of the Arcadian Lycurgus, and one of the Argo- nauts. He was killed in the Calydonian hunt. Ancelot (ons-lo'), Jacques Arsine Francois Polycarpe. Born at Havre, France, Feb. 9, 1794: died at Paris, Sept. 7, 1854. A French dramatist, elected a member of the Academy in 1841. He was the author of “Louis LX.” (1819), “ Le maire du palais " (1823), “ Fiesque ” (1824), “ Olga ” (1828), “Elizabeth d’Angleterre ” (1829), “Marie de Brabant” (1825), “Epltres familieres,” etc. Ancelot, Mme. (Marguerite Louise Virginie Chardon). Born at Dijon, France, March 15, 1792: died at Paris, March 21, 1875. A French dramatist and novelist, wife of J. A. Ancelot. Her “Theatre complet” (1848) contains twenty plays, of which “ Marie ou trois epoques ” is her chief work. Among her novels the most popular were “ Rende de Var- ville” (1853) and “ La niece du banquier ” (1853). Ancenis (oh-se-ne'). A town in the depart- ment of Loire-Inferieure, France, situated on the Loire 17 miles northeast of Nantes. Popu- lation, 4,998. Anchieta (an-shya'ta), or Anchietta, Josd de. Born in Teneriffe, Canary Islands, 1533: died at Beritigba, Espirito Santo, June 9, 1597. A Jes- uit missionary, called the “Apostle of Brazil.” He became a Jesuit in 1551, and in 1558 was sent as a mis- sionary to Brazil, where he spent the remainder of his life in arduous labors and travels, often among savage tribes of Indians. From 1578 to 1585 he was provincial of his order in Brazil. Anchieta wrote an Indian grammar, and various letters on Brazil which have been published in modern times. Anchises (an-ki'sez). [Gr. 'Ayx'oys.'] In Greek legend, a prince of the royal house of Troy, son of Capys and father (by Aphrodite) of /Eneas. Ancienne-Comedie, Rue de 1’. See line de VAnciennc-Comedie. Ancient Mariner, The. A poem by Coleridge, published in the “Lyrical Ballads” in 1798 as his principal contribution to the book, Words- worth writing most of the other poems. Ancillon (on-sel-yon'), Charles. Born at Metz, July 28, 1659: died at Berlin, July 5, 1715. A French historian and litterateur, a Protestant refugee in Berlin : son of David An- cillon. Ancillon, David. Bom at Metz, March 17, 1617 : Ancillon, David died at Borlin, Sept. 8, 1002. A French Prot- estant divine, a refugee in Germany after tlio revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Ancillon, Jean Pierre Fr6d6ric. Born at Berlin, April 30, 1707: died April 19, 1837. A Prussian statesman and historian, a descen- dant of Charles Ancillon, minister of foreign affairs 1832. Anckarstrom (iing'kar-str6m), Johan Jakob. Born May 1 1, 1762 : executed at Stockholm, April 27, 1792. A Swede who assassinated Gustavus III., March 10,1792. He was first a court page, and then a soldier, leaving the army in 1783 with the rank of captain. In 171)0 ho was arrested and imprisoned for seditious speech, but was finally set free. He moved to Stockholm in that year, and formed a conspiracy for the murder of the king, which was eifectod two year’s later. See Qua- tavus. Anckarsward (ang'k&r-svard), Karl Hen- rik, Count. Born at Sweaborg, April 22, 1782 : died at Stockholm, Jan. 25, 1805. A Swedish soldier and statesman. He joined the revolutionary arty in 1809, but, being opposed to the policy of Berna- otte, was retired from the army (ISIS), in which lie held the post of colonel. He became a member of the Kiksdag 1817, where as leader of the opposition ho distinguished himself by the bitterness of his attacks on the government. Anclam. See Anklam. Ancona (iin-ko'na). A province in the com- partimentoofthe Marches, eastern Italy. Area, 748 square miles. Population^ 312,135. Ancona. [L. Ancona, Gr. ’Aytcuv, from dynuv, a bend, angle : in allusion to its situation in a bend of the coast.] A seaport, capital of the province of Ancona, Italy, situated on the Adriatic Sea in lat. 43° 37' N., long. 13° SI 7 E. It is the chief sea- port between Venice and Brindisi, a railway center, a na- val station, and the terminus or port of call of several steamship lines, and exports grain, hemp, lamb- and goat- skins, silk, etc. It contains a cathedral and Roman an- tiuuities (mole and arch of Trajan). It was colonized by Syracusans about 390 B. O., became a Roman naval station, was destroyed by the Goths and restored by N arses, and was again destroyed by the Saracens. In the middle ages it was a republic. It was annexed to the Papal States in 1532 ; taken from the French by the Allies in 1799 ; taken by the French in 1805, but restored to the Papal States on the fall of Napoleon; held by the French 1832-38, and taken by the Austrians from the revolutionists in 1849. The Papal army under Lamoricifere surrendered at Ancona to the Sardinians in 1860. The cathedral is of the 12th century except the facade, which is of the 13th, and has a magnifi- cent Pointed recessed doorway covered by a porch whose columns rest on couched lions. The interior has 10 col- umns from the ancient temple of Venus, and several fine tombs. The ancient dome at the crossing is dodecagonal. Population, 56,835. Ancona. A medieval march (mark) of Italy, extending from Tronto on the Adriatic north- west to San Marino, and west to the Apennines. It was afterward part of the Papal States, and passed with them to the kingdom of Italy. Ancre (on'kr), Marquis d’, Baron de Lus- signy (Concino Concini). Assassinated at Paris, April 14, 1617. A Florentine adventurer, marshal and chief minister of France at the beginning of the reign of Louis XIII. Ancren Riwle (angk'ren rol ; ME. pron. angk 7 - renrii'le). The “Rule of Anchoresses,” a work on the rules and duties of monastic life, it was written, first in English and afterward in Latin, for a soci- ety of anchoresses (three in number) at Tarente, or Tar- rant-Kaines (Kaineston or Kingston), near Crayford Bridge in Dorsetshire ; and is ascribed to Simon of Ghent (died 1315), bishop of Salisbury in 1297. Five manuscripts are extant. It was edited for the Camden Society by the Rev. James Morton in 1853. Ancrum Moor (an'krum mor), Battle of. A victory gained 1545, about 5 miles northwest • of Jedburgh, Scotland, by the Scots under the Earl of Angus and Scott of Bqpcleugh over the English under Evers. Ancud (an-koTH'), or San Carlos (san kar'los). A seaport, capital of the province of Chilo6, Chile, situated on the island of Chilod in lat. 41° 51' S., long. 73° 49' W. It is the seat of a bishopric. Population, 3,424. Ancus Marcius (ang'kus mar'shius). The fourth king of Rome (040-616 B. c.), a grand- son of Numa and the reputed founder of Ostia, fortifier of the Janiculum, and builder of a bridge over the Tiber. Ancy-le-Franc (on-se'le-fron 7 ). A town in the department of Yonne, France, 29 miles east of Auxerre. It has a noted chateau. Ancyra (an-si'ra). [Gr. * 'Ayuvpa , associated by legend with ayuvpa, anchor.] An ancient town of Galatia (originally of Phrygia) in Asia Minor, founded, accordingto the legends, by Midas, son of Gordius : the modern Angora, orEngareh, or Engiiri. It became the chief town of the Tectosages, a Gallic tribe which settled in Galatia about 277 B. c., and passed into the possession of Rome 25 B. c., when it re- ceived the name of Sebaste Tectosagum. It had an im- portant trade. (See Angora.) The temple of Augustus in Ancyra contained a famous inscription in Latin and 55 Qrook(Monumcntum, or Manuor, Ancyranum : discovered in 1564), a transcript of the record of fils deeds which Au- gustus ordered In his will to be cut on bronze tablets for his mausoleum. An ecclesiastical council was held here about 314, which passed twenty-five canons relating chiefly to the treatment of those who hud betrayed their faith or delivered up the sacred hooks during the Diocletian per- secution. Ancyrean (an-si-re'an) inscription. Soo An- cyra. Andagoya (iiu-dti-go'yii), Pascual de. Born in the province of Alava about 1495 : died at Manta. Peru, Juno 18, 1548. A Spanish soldier. He went with Pedrarias to Darien (1614), and was engaged in many explorations. In 1622 lie was appointed inspec- tor-general of tho Indians, and about tho same time made an expedition southward into a province called Biru, be- tween tho river Atrato and the l'aciflc. Here ho had the first tidings of the Inca empire. In 1540 he went as gov- ernor to a province called New Castile, on (he Pacific side of New Grenada, but became involved in a boundary quar- rel with Sebastian de Benalcazar, was imprisoned, and lost Iris government. Andagoya wrote an account of his trav- els, which is one of the most Important historical authori- ties for that period. Andalucia, Nueva. So© Nueva Andalucla. Andalusia (an-da-lo 7 zi-a), Sp. Andalucia (iin- da-lo-the 7 a). [The name is derived from that of the Vandals (= Vandalusia).'] A captaincy- general in southern Spain, comprising the modern provinces Almeria, Ja6n, Granada, Cordova, jMalaga, Seville, Cadiz, and Huelva. It is traversed by the Sierra Nevada and other mountain- ranges, and belongs in large part to the basin of the Gua- dalquivir. From the fertility of its soil it has been called the “garden” and “granary” of Spain; it is also rich in minerals. It was a part of the Roman Bictica, was over- run by the Vandals in the 5th century, and became the nu- cleus of the Moorish power and their last stronghold against the Christians. Andaman Islands (an'da-man i'landz), or An- damans (an'da-manz). A group of islands belonging to Great Britain, and a penal colony since 1858, situated in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal in lat. 6° 45 7 -13° 34' N., long. 92° 15 7 — 93° 15 7 E. It comprises the Great Andaman group and the Little Andaman group. The chief islands are North, Middle, and South Andaman, and Rutland. The natives number about 1,900. Area, 2,508 square miles. Pop., about 24,650 ; of penal settlement, 16,256. Andaste. See Conestoga. Andechs (an'deks). A village in Upper Ba- varia, situated on the Ammersee southwest of Munich, noted for its castle, later a monastery and place of pilgrimage. Andeer (iin'dar). A village near the southern end of the Via Mala, canton of Grisons, Switzer- land. Andelys (on-dle 7 ), Les. A town in the de- partment of Eure, France, situated on the Seine 19 miles southeast of Rouen, consisting of Grand-Andelys and Petit-Andelys. It has manufactures of cloth, etc., and contains the Chateau Gaillard (which see), built by Richard the Lion-Hearted. Population, 5,514. Andenne (on-den 7 ). A manufacturing town in the province of Namur, Belgium, situated on the Meuse 10 miles east of Namur. Popula- tion, 8,025. Anderab(an-der-ab'), or Inderab (in-der-ab 7 ). A town in Afghan Turkestan, situated on the river Anderab on the northern slope of the Hindu-Kush, 85 miles northeast of Kabul. Population, about 6,000. Anderida (an-der'i-da). A Roman encampment in England, generally identified with Pevensey. In 491 it was destroyed by the South Saxons. Andermatt (an'der-mat), or Ursern (or'sern). [It. Orsera . ] A village in the canton of Uri, Switzerland, 32 miles southeast of Lucerne, situated near the junction of the St. Gotthard route with the Furka Pass route (by the Ur- sern valley) and the Oberalp route. It is an im- portant tourist center. Population, about 800. Andernach (an'der-nach). A town in the Rhine Province, Prussia, situated on the left bank of the Rhine 12 miles northwest of Co- blentz : the Roman Antunnacum, or Antoni- acum. It has a trade in millstones and tufa. Charles the Bald was defeated here in 876 by the son of Louis the German, and here Otto I. defeated the dukes of Franconia and Lorraine in 939. It passed to the archbishopric of Co- logne, and became an important commercial city. Popu- lation, 8,798. Andersen (an 7 der-sen), Hans Christian. Born at Odense, Denmark, April 2, 1805 : died at Co- penhagen, Aug. 4, 1875. A Danish novelist and poet, best known as a writer of fairy tales and of travels. He went to Copenhagen a poor boy, was first an actor, and then by the generosity of friends was enabled to attend tlie university. The same year (1828) appeared his first important work, “ Fodreise fra Holmens Kanal til Ostpynten af Amager ” ( V Foot Tour from the Holm Canal to the Eastern Point of Amager ”). In 1829 appeared a collec- tion of poems, and the same year his first dramatic work, “Kjaerlighed paa Nikolai Taarn ” (“Love on the Nikolai Tower"), a vaudeville, was performed. The novels “Im- Andersonville provlsatoren " (“The Improvisator") and “Kun an Spllio mand " (“Only a Fiddler") followed. In 1886 appeared the first of the “ Tales" (“ Eventyr ") which, with the “ HI] - lcdiiog uden Hllleder"(“ Picture-book without Pictures”), has principally established Ills fame abroad. Uls autre biography, “MltLivs Eventyr,” appeared after his death. His collected works, “ Samlcuo Hkrlftcr,” were published 1854-76. Anderson (an'dOr-Hon). Tho capital of Madi- son County. Indiana, situated on tho West Fork of Wnite Rivor 34 miles northeast of Indianapolis. Population, 22,476, (1910). Anderson. Tho capital of Anderson County, South Carolina, 97 miles northwest of Columbia. Population. 9,654, (1910). Anderson, Sir Edmund. Born at Flixborough or Broughton, Lincolnshire, 1530: died Aug. 1, 1605. An English jurist, lord chief justice of tho Common Picas 1582-1605. lie was a bitter opponent of the Puritans. Anderson, James. Born at Hermiston, near Edinburgh, 1739: died Oct. 15, 1808. A Scot- tish economist and agricultural writer. “He is specially noticeable as having published in 1777 a pam- phlet called ‘An Inquiry into the Nature of the Corn Laws, with a view to the Corn Bill proposed for Scotland,’ which contains a complete statement of the theory of rent generally called after Ricardo." Leslie Stephen, in Diet, of Nat. Biog. Anderson, John. Born at Roseneath, Dum- bartonshire, Scotland, 1726: died Jan. 13, 1796. A Scottish physicist. He was professor (1756) of Oriental languages and later (1760) of natural philosophy at Glasgow, and the founder of Anderson s University at Glasgow (now comprising also a medical school). Anderson, John. Born Oct. 4, 1833: died Aug. 16,1900. A Scottish zoologist. He was appointed superintendent of the Indian Museum at Calcutta in 1865, and scientific officer on expeditions to western China in 1868 and 1874. In 1881 he was sent by the trustees of the Indian Museum to investigate the marine zoology of the Mergui Archipelago, and retired from the service of the Indian government in 1887. His writings consist chiefly of scientific papers and reports to the government. Anderson, Joseph. Born near Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1757 : died at Washington, April 17, 1837. An American lawyer, politician, and officer in the Revolutionary War. He was United States sena- tor from Tennessee 1797-1815, and first comptroller of the treasury 1815-36. Anderson, Martin Brewer. Born at Bruns- wick, Maine, Feb. 12, 1815 : died at Lake Helen, Fla., Feb. 26, 1890. An American educator, a graduate of Waterville College, and president of the University of Rochester 1853-88. Anderson, Mary Antoinette (Mrs. Navarro). Born at Sacramento, Cal., July 28, 1859. An American actress. She made her first appearance on tlie American stage as Juliet, at Louisville, Kentucky, Nov. 25, 1875, and played with success in Great Britain and America until the early part of 1889, when she retired from the stage. Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn. Born at Albion, Wis., Jan. 12, 1846. A Scandinavian scholar, professor of Scandinavian languages in the University of Wisconsin, and (1885-89) United States minister to Denmark. He has written “America not Discovered by Columbus,” “Norse Mythology,” etc. Anderson, Richard. Henry. Bom in South Car- olina, Oct. 7, 1821: died at Beaufort, S. C., June 26, 1879. An American general in the Con- federate service. He was graduated from West Point in 1842, took part in the siege of Vera Cruz and the capture of the city of Mexico, was promoted captain in 1855, re- signed in 1861 to accept a brigadier’s commission in the Confederate service, and was promoted lieutenant-gen- eral in 1864. He took part in the battles of Antietam, Gettysburg, Spottsylvania, etc. Anderson, Robert. Born at Carnwath, in Lan- arkshire, July 7, 1750: died at Edinburgh, Feb. 20, 1830. A Scottish critic, editor of “A Com- plete Edition of the Poets of Great Eritain ” (14 vols. 1792-1807). Anderson, Robert. Born near Louisville, Ky. , June 14, 1805: died at Nice, Oct. 27, 1871. An American general famous for his defense of F ort Sumter, ne was graduated at West Point in 1825 ; served in the Black Hawk, Seminole, and Mexican wars ; was appointed major in 1857; became commander of the troops in Charleston Harbor in Nov., 1860 ; removed his force from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, Dec. 26 ; was in- vested there by the Confederates who bombarded the fort April 12-13,1861; and evacuated the fort April 14. He was appointed brigadier-general in 1861, and retired in 1863 with the rank of brevet major-general. He translated works on artillery from the French. Anderson, Rufus. Born at North Yarmouth, Maine, Aug. 17, 1796 : died at Boston, May 30, 1880. An American Congregational clergyman, secretary of the American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions 1832-66, and the author of several works on missions. Andersonville (an'der-son-vil). A village in Sumter County, Georgia, 62 miles southwest of Macon. During the Civil War it contained a Confederate Andersonville 56 Andrdossi military prison, opened in 1864. It was under the super- intendency of Wirz, who was tried by a United States com- mission in 1865, and executed for cruelty and mismanage- ment. Over 12,000 prisoners died (1804-65) in the prison. Anderssen (an'ders-sen), Adolf. Born at Breslau, July 6, 1818 : died at Breslau, March 13, 1879. A noted German chess-player. Andersson (an'ders-son), Karl Johan. Born in Wermland, Sweden, 1827: died in the Ova- kuatnhi region, southern Africa, July 5, 1867. A Swedish explorer in South Africa. He accompa- nied F. Galton in 1850 from Walfisch Bay through Damara- land to Ovam bo-land. In 1853 and 1854 he continued alone and reached Lake Ngami. On his return to Europe he published “Lake Ngami, or Four Years’ Wanderings in Southwest Africa" (1855). In 1856 he worked in the Swakop mines as inspector ; then went on a new explora- tion as far as the Okavango River in 1859. This is described in his “ Okavango River " (1861). For some time he settled in Otyimbingue as an ivory-trader. In 1866 he undertook his last iourney to the Kunene River, but was obliged by sickness to retrace his steps. Andersson, Lars. See Andrea , Laurentius. Andersson, Nils Johan. Born in Sm&land, Feb. 20, 1821: died at Stockholm, March 27, 1880. A Swedish botanist, author of works on the botany of Scandinavia and Lapland. Andes (an'dez), Sp. Los Andes, or Cordilleras de los Andes (kor-del-ya'ras da los an'das). [Sp., ‘the chains of the Andes’ : said to be so named from Peruv.awfi, copper.] The principal mountain system of South America. It extends from Cape Horn to the vicinity of the Isthmus of Panama, and comprises the Patagonian Andes, the Chilean Andes (which lie partly in the Argentine Republic), the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes ( each with two ranges nearly parallel), the Ecuadorian Andes, and the Colombian Andes (with three main ranges) branching eastward into the Vene- zuelan Andes. The range rises abruptly from the Pacific coast and contains many celebrated volcanoes. Among the chief summits are Aconcagua, Sorata, Illimani, Chim- borazo, Cotopaxi, Antisana, Tolima, etc. (see these names). Its length is about 4,500 miles, its average width about 100 miles, and its average height about 12,500 feet. On its eastern slope rise the head waters of the Amazon. It is rich in gold, silver, and other metals. Andes. In ancient geography, a village near Mantua, Italy,, famous as the birthplace of Vergil. Andesians (an-de'zi-anz), or Antesians (an- te'zi-anz). A general name for a number of na- tive tribes in the Andes region. Its significance is geographical rather than ethnographical. Andhaka (an'dha-kii). In Hindu mythology, a demon, son of Kasyapa and Diti, having a thousand arms and heads, two thousand eyes and feet, and called Andhaka because he walked like a blind man, though he saw wpIL Siva slew him when he tried to carry oft' the tree of paradise from heaven. Andijan (an-di-jan'). A town in Ferghana, Russian Central Asia, situated near the Syr- Daria 75 miles northeast of Khokand. Popu- lation, 17,627. Andkhui (and-ko'e), or Andklio (and-ko'). A town in Afghan Turkestan, 90 miles north- west of Balkh, the seat of a small khanate de- pendent on Afghanistan. Population (esti- mated), 15,000. Andlaw-Birseck (ant'lav-bers'ek), Franz Xaver von. Born at Freiburg, Baden, Oct. 6, 1799: died Sept. 4, 1876. A German diplo- matist. He was the author of “ Erinnerungsblatter aus den Papieren eiues lliplomateu ” (1857), “Melu Tagebuch 1811-61 " (1862), etc. Andd (an'de). The northernmost of the Lofoten Islands, 35 miles long, northwest of Norway. Andocides (an-dos'i-dez). [Gr. Ardo/dcfyf.] Born at Athens, 467 (?) B. C. : died about 391 B. C. An Athenian politician and orator. See the extract. Andocides . . . was banished from Athens in 415, on suspicion of having been concerned in a wholesale sacri- lege,— the mutilation, in one night, of the images of the god Hermes, which stood before the doors of houses and public buildings. He made unsuccessful application for a pardon, first in 411 B. c., during the reign of the Four Hundred, then, after their fall, in 410, when he addressed the Assembly in the extant speech On his Return. From 410 to 403 he lived a roving merchant’s life in Sicily, Italy, Greece, Ionia, and Cyprus. In 402 the general amnesty allowed him to return to Athens. But in 399 the old charges against him were revived. He defended himself in his extant speech On the Mysteries (so called, because it deals partly with a charge that he had violated the Mysteries of Eleusis) and was acquitted. During the Corinthian war he was one of an embassy sent to treat for peace at Sparta, and on his return made his extant speech On the Peace with Lacedaemon (390 B. C.), sensibly advis- ing Athens to accept the terms offered by Sparta. The speech Against Alcibiades which bears his name is spu- rious. Jebb, Greek Lit., p. 117. Andorra (iin-dor'ra), F. Andorre (on-dor'). A state in the Pyrenees surrounded by the de- partment of Ariege (France) and the province of L6rida (Spain). It is a semi-independent republic under the suzerainty of France and the Bishop of Urgel in Spain, governed by a council of 24 members and a syndic. The language is Catalan : the religion Roman Catholic. Area, 175 square miles. Population, 5,231. Andover (an'do-ver). A town in Hampshire, England, 13 miles northwest of Winchester. ^Population, 6,509. Andover. A town in Essex County, Massachu- setts, 22 miles northwest of Boston, the seat (formerly) of Andover Theological Seminary (a Congregational seminary founded in 1807), and of Phillips Academy and the Abbot Female Academy. Population, 7^301, (1910). Andrada (an-dra'da), Antonio de. Bom about 1580 : died at Goa, March 19, 1634. A Portu- guese missionary in the East Indies and Tibet, author of “Novo descobrimento do Grao Ca- tayo, ou dos Reynos de Tibet” (1626). Andrada, Diogo Payva de. Bom 1528 : died 1575. A'Portuguese theologian, sent as a dele- gate by Dom Sebastian to the Council of Trent. He wrote “ Orthodoxarum Quaestionum libri X, etc., con- tra Kemnitii petulantem audaciam ’’ (1564), etc. Andrada, Gomes Freire de. Bora in Portu- gal, 1684: died at Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 1, 1763. A Portuguese administrator. From 1733 until his death he was governor of Rio de Janeiro, then compris- ing most of southern Brazil, and the period of his admin- istration was the most prosperous in the colonial history of that country. In 1758 he was made count of Bobadella. Andrada e Silva (an-dra'da e sel'va), Jose Bonifacio de (generally known as Jose Boni- facio). Born in Santos, SaoPaulo, June 13, 1765 : died near Rio, April 6, 1838. A Brazilian states- man and a noted mineralogist. He took a leading part in the revolutionary movement in Brazil, and on Jan. 16, 1822, was made minister of the interior and of for- eign affairs. It was by his advice that Pedro I. decided to throw oii allegiance to Portugal. He was exiled to Europe Nov. 12, 1823, and returned in 1829. Andrada Machado e Silva, Antonio Carlos Eibeiro de. Born in Santos, Nov. 1, 1773 : died in Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 5, 1845. A Brazilian statesman, brother of Jose Bonifacio de An- drada 6 Silva. He was involved in the rebellion of 1817 at Pernambuco, and was imprisoned until 1821. In the Brazilian constituent assembly of 1823 he led the radicals, and in Nov., 1823, was banished (with his two brothers) to France. He returned in 1828, was elected deputy 1835 and during succeeding years, and was one of the liberal leaders. He was one of the first ministers of Pedro II., and in 1845 entered the senate. He was a brilliant orator, and has been called “the Mirabeau of Brazil.” Andrade Neves (an-dra'da na'ves), Jose Joa- quim de. Born at Rio Pardo, Rio Grande do Sul, Jan. 22, 1807 : died at Asuncion, Paraguay, Jan. 6, 1869. A Brazilian general, distinguished in the war in Rio Grande do Sul (1835-45), and especially as a cavalry commander in the Para- guayan war (1867-69). In Oct., 1867, he was created baron of Triumpho. Andrassy (on'dra-she), Gyula (Julius), Count. Born at Kaschau, Hungary, March 8, 1823 : died at Volosea, Istria, Feb. 18, 1890. A noted Hun- garian statesman. He entered the Hungarian diet in 1847, was appointed governor of the county of Zemplin in 1848, took part in the Hungarian insurrection of 1848-49, re- mained in exile till 1857, reentered the Hungarian diet in 1831, was premier of the Hungarian ministry 1867-71, and minister of foreign affairs of Austria-Hungary 1871-79, framed the Andrassy Note to the Porte in 1S76, was a lead- ing member of the Congress of Berlin in 1878, and nego- tiated with Bismarck the German-Austrian alliance in 1879. Andrassy Note, The. A declaration relating to the disturbed state of Bosnia and Herze- govina, drawn up by the governments of Austria, Russia, and Germany with the ap- proval of England and France, and presented to the Porte, Jan, 31, 1876. It demanded the es- tablishments religious liberty, the abolition of the farm- ing of taxes, the application of the revenue derived from direct taxation in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the needs of these provinces, the institution of a commission composed equally of Christians and Mohammedans to control the execution of these reforms, and the improvement of the agrarian population by the sale of waste lands belonging to the state. Andre (F.pron. on-dra'), or Andreas, Bernard, of Toulouse. A French poet aud historian, poet laureate in the reign of Henry VII. of England (the first laureate appointed by au English king), tutor of Arthur, prince of Wales, and royal historiographer. He was blind, but in spite of this misfortune attained a high degree of scholar- ship. He wrote a life of Henry VII. Andre, Johann. Born at Offenbach, Hesse, March 28, 1741: died June 18, 1799. A German composer, musical director, and publisher, au- thor of operas, instrumental pieces, etc. Andr6, Johann Anton. Born at Offenbach, Hesse, Oct. 6, 1775 : died April 8, 1842. A noted German composer, musical director, and pub- lisher, son of Johann Andrd. Andre (an'dra or an'dri), John. Born at Lon- don, 1751: executed at Tappan, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1780. A British officer (adjutant-general with rank of major) in the Revolutionary War. He made the arrangements near Stouy Point, as the represen- tative of Sir Henry Clinton, with Benedict Arnold for the surrender of West Point (Sept. 21, 1780), but was arrested on his return at Tarrytown, Sept. 23, aud condemned as a spy. Andre (on-dra'). A novel by George Sand, pub- lished in 1834, named from its chief character. Andrea (an-dra'ya), Francisco Jose Soares de. Born at Lisbon, Jan. 29, 1781: died at Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 2, 1858. A Portuguese-Brazilian general, a supporter of Brazilian independence. He went to Brazil in 1808 ; was adjutant-general in the Cis- platine campaign of 1827 ; commandant of Pard 1831 ; pres- ident and commandant of ParA 1835; and president of Santa Catharina 1839, of Rio Grande do Sul 1841, of Minas Geraes 1843, of Bahia 1845, and again of Rio Grande do Sul 1848. He attained the rank of marshal in the army, and was created baron of Cagapava. Andrea, Girolamo. Born at Naples, April 12, 1812 : died at Rome, May 14, 1868. An Italian cardinal and diplomatist. His liberalism in religion and politics (especially his leaning toward Italian unity) led to his suspension (1866) from his dignities by the papal Curia ; but he was reinstated after a humble submission in 1867. Andrea Doria. See Doria. Andrea Pisano. See Pisano. Andrea del Sarto. See Sarto. Andrea (an'dra), Jakob. Born at Wai- blingen, Wurtemberg, March 25, 1528: died at Tubingen, Jan. 7, 1590. One of the chief Protestant theologians of the 16th century, ap- pointed professor of theology and chancellor of the University of Tubingen in 1562. He was the principal author of the “Formula Concordise,” and wrote over one hundred and fifty works, chiefly polemical. Andrea, Johann Valentin. Born at Herren- berg, Wurtemberg, Aug. 17, 1586 : died at Stutt- gart, June 24, 1654. A German Protestant theologian and satirical writer, grandson of Jakob Andrea. He was the author of “Menippus,” a satire (1648), and works ou the so-called Rosicrucians. Andrea, Laurentius, or Andersson, Lars, Born 1480 : died 1552. A Swedish reformer, chancellor of Gustavus Vasa. Together with Olaus Petri he translated the Bible into Swedish (1526), and was the principal agent in introducing the Lutheran Reformation at the diet of Westerns, 1527. In 1540 he was charged with having failed to disclose a conspir acy against the king, aud was sentenced to death, but bought a pardon. Andreanof Islands (an-dra-a'nof i'landz). A group of the Aleutian Archipelago. Andreasberg (an-dra'as-berG), or Sankt An- dreasberg. A town and summer resort in the province of Hanover, Prussia, in the Harz 28 miles northeast of Gottingen. It has important silver-mines. Andred’s weald (an'dredz weld), or Andred’s wold (an'dredz wold), modernized forms of AS. Andredes weald (an'dra-des weald). A forest in England which formerly extended through a large part of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hampshire, and is now represented by tbe Weald. See tbe extract. The Andred’s-Wold comprised the Wealds of Kent, Sur- rey, and Sussex, taking in at least a fourth part of Kent, “the Seven Hundreds of the Weald,” and all the interior of Sussex as far as the edge of the South Downs, and a belt of about twelve miles in breadth between the hills and the sea. Lambarde describes the Weald of Kent as being “stuffed with heardes of deere and droves of hogges,” and adds that “it is manifest, by the Saxon Chronicles and others, that beginning at Winchelsea it reached at length an hundred and twenty miles towards the west, and stretched thirty miles in braidth towards the north.’’ Ellon, Origins of Eng. Hist, p. 104, note. Andree (an'dra), Karl Theodor. Born at Brunswick, Oct. 20, 1808: died at Wildungen, Aug. 10, 1875. A German geographer and journalist. He wjote “ Nord-America ” (1850-51), “ Bue- nos Ayres und die Crgentinische Republik’’ (1856), “Geographische Wanderungen ” (1859), “Geographie des Welthandels” (1867-72), etc. Andree. Richard. Born at Brunswick, Ger- many, Feb. 26, 1835 : died at Munich, Feb. 22, 1912. A German geographer and ethnographer, son of Karl Theodor Andree (1808-75). His writings embrace a wide range of subjects. Andreini (an-dra-e'ne), Francesco. Lived about 1616. An Italian comedian and author, the leader of a troupe of actors which for some years enjoyed considerable reputation in Italy and France. He wrote “Le Bravure del Capi- tano Spavento” (1607), etc. Andreini, Giovanni Battista. Born at Flor- ence, 1578: died at Paris about 1650. An Italian comedian and poet, son of Francesco Andreini. He was the author of “L’Adamo,” a sacred drama, from which Milton was said to have borrowed several scenes in his “ Paradise Lost.” Andreini, Isabella. Born at Padua, 1562: died at Lyons, 1604. An Italian actress and writer, wife of Francesco Andreini: author of “Mir- tilla,” a pastoral fable (1588). Andr6ossi, or Andrdossy (on-dra-6-se'), An- AndrSossi toine Francois, Comte d’. Born at Castel- naudary, France, March. 6, 1761: died at Mon- tauban, Sept. 10, 1828. A French general and diplomatist, author of various military and scientific works. He served in the wars of the Rev- olution and under Bonaparte, took part in the event of the 18th Brumaire, and was ambassador in London, Vi- enna, and Constantinople. Andres (an-dres'), Juan. Born at Planes, Spain, Feb. 15, 1740: died at Rome, Jan. 17, 1817. A Spanish Jesuit and scholar. He wrote “Hell’ Origine, dei Progressi e dello stato attuale d’ogni letteratura " (1782-99, “ On the Origin, Progress, and Pres- ent Condition of all Literature"), etc. Andrew (an'dro), Saint. [Formerly also A n- drow, Andro ; ME. Andrew, OF. Andreu, F. Andrieu, Andre, LL. Andreas, Gr. ’AvApeag, lit. ‘manly,’ from avfjp (avAp-), a man.] Lived in the first half of the 1st century A. D. One of the twelve disciples of Jesus, a brother of Simon Peter and an apostle to the Gentiles. He is honored by the Scotch as their patron saint, and by the Russians as the founder of their church. He suffered martyrdom by crucifixion. His symbol is the so-called St. Andrew’s cross (X). He is commemorated in the Ro- man, Greek, and Anglican churches on Nov. 30. Andrew I. King of Hungary 1046-60. He car- ried on wars with the Germans 1046-52, and with his brother Bfila. In the latter war he was killed. Andrew II. King of Hungary 1205-35 (1236 ?). He took part in the fifth Crusade in 1217, and “gave his people a constitution which organized a state of anarchy by decreeing in his Golden Bull (1222) that if the king should violate the privileges of the nobility they should be permitted to resist him by force, and such re- sistance should not be treated as rebellion ” ( Duruy , Middle Ages, p. 491). Andrew III. King of Hungary 1290-1301, grandson of Andrew II., and the last of the Arpad dynasty. On the murder of Ladislaus III. (IV.), the Pope claimed Hungary as a fief of the church, and invested Charles Martel, son of the King of Naples, with it, who was, however, defeated by Andrew at Agram, 1291. Andrew, James Osgood. Born in Wilkes County, Ga., May 3, 1794: died at Mobile, Ala., March 1, 1871. An American bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The fact that be was a slave-owner led to a dispute in the church which re- sulted in the formation of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, 1846. Andrew, John Albion. Born at Windham, Maine, May 31, 1818: died at Boston, Oct. 30, 1867. An American statesman, Republican gov- ernor of Massachusetts 1861-66, and one of the most active of the “ war governors.” He was grad- uated at Bowdoin College in 1837, practised law in Boston, was a prominent antislavery advocate, was elected a member of the Massachusetts legislature, and was ap- pointed delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1860. Andrew of Crete (Andreas Cretensis). Born at Damascus, 660 : died 732. An archbishop of Crete, and a writer of religious poetry. He took part in the Monothelite synod of 712, but afterward re- turned to orthodoxy. He is regarded as the inventor of the musical canon. Andrew of Wyntoun. Born about the middle of the 14th century: date of death unknown. A Scottish chronicler, canon regular of the pri- ory of St. Andrew’s and prior of St. Serf’s (1395). His “Oryginale Cronykil of Scotland," in rimed eight-syl- labled verse, was finished between 1420 and 1424. See Original Chronicle of Scotland. Andrewes (an'droz), Lancelot. Born at Bark- ing, England, 1555 : died at London, Sept. 25, 1626. An English prelate and author, dean of Westminster, bishop of Chichester, Ely, and Winchester, and one of the translators of the Bible (1607-11). He wrote “Tortura Torti” (1609), manuals of devotion, etc. Andrews (an'droz), Edward Gayer. Born Aug. 7, 1825: died Dec. 31, 1907. An Ameri- can bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was graduated from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, in 1847, entered the Methodist ministry. in 1848, and was elected bishop in 1872. Andrews, Ethan Allen. Born at New Britain, Conn., April 7, 1787 : died at New Britain, March 24, 1858. An American educator, editor of Latin text-books and of a “ Latin-English Lexicon” (1850). Andrews, James Pettit. Born near Newbury, Berkshire, England, about 1737 : died at Lon- don, Aug. 6, 1797. An English antiquary and historian. He wrote a “History of Great Brit- ain, etc.” (1794-95), “Henry’s History of Brit- ain, Continued” (1796), etc. Andrews, Joseph. Born at Hingham, Mass., Aug. 17, 1806 : died at Hingham, May 9, 1873. An American engraver. Andrews, Joseph. See Joseph Andrews. Andrews, Lancelot. See Andrewes. Andrews, Stephen Pearl. Born at Temple- ton, Mass., March 22, 1812: died at New York, 57 May 21, 1886. An American miscellaneous writer, author of works on language, law, pho- nography, and philosophy. Andria (an'dre-a). A city in the province of Bar, Italy, in lat. 41° 13' N., long. 16° 18' E.«It was a residence of the emperor Frederick II. Population, commune, 49,569. Andria (an'dri-a). A comedy by Terence (166 B. C.), an adaptation of a play of the same name by Menander. Andrieiix (on-dre-e'), Frangois Guillaume Jean Stanislas. Born at Strasburg, May 6, 1759: died at Paris, May 9, 1833. A noted French dramatist. He was the author of “ Les dtour- dis” (1787), “Moli&re avec ses amis” (1804), “La come- dienne” (1816), “Brutus” (I860), etc. Andriscus (an-dris'kus). A pretended son of Perseus, king of Macedon, and a claimant to the throne, defeated and sent captive to Rome 148 B. c. Androclus (an'dro-klus). Lived in the 1st cen- tury a. d. A Roman slave noted for his friend- ship with a lion. According to the story, Androclus was condemned to be slain by wild beasts, but the lion which was let out against him refused to touch him, and it was found that the animal was one which the slave, while escaping from his master in Africa, had found suf- fering from a thorn in his foot, and cured. Andromache ( an-drom ' a-ke ) . [G r . ’AvApopaxp.'] In Greek legend, the wife of Hector and, after his death, of Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, and later of Helenus, brother of Hector. She was the daughter of Eetion, king of Thebae in Cilicia, who, with his seven sons, was slain by Achilles when he captured Thebse. Andromache. A play of Euripides. See the extract. The Andromache ... is one of the worst constructed, and least interesting, plays of Euripides. The date is un- certain, as it was not brought out at Athens, perhaps not till after the poet’s death, and is only to be fixed doubt- fully by the bitter allusions to Sparta, with which it teems. It has indeed quite the air of a political pamphlet under the guise of a tragedy. It must, therefore, have been composed during the Peloponnesian war, possibly about 419 B. c. Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Lit., 1. 337. Andromachus (an-drom'a-kus). [Gr. ’AvApo- paxoc.] A physician of the emperor Nero (called “the elder,” to distinguish him from his son), the first to bear the title of “Archiater,” or chief physician. He was the inventor of a celebrated medicine and antidote (called from him “theriaca Andro- machi ”). Andromaque (on-dro-mak'). 1. A tragedy by Racine, produced in 1667. — 2. An opera by Grotty, produced at Paris 1780. Andromeda (an-drom'e-da). [Gr. ’A vApopeAr/.'] lu Greek legend, the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. She was exposed to a sea-monster, was rescued by Perseus, and was changed, after her death, to a constellation. Another myth, seemingly so diverse — the story of the slaying of the dragon by Perseus and the rescue of An- dromeda — was localised by the Greeks on the Phoenician coast. It proves to be a lunar eclipse myth, ultimately Babylonian, a Greek translation of the Phoenician version of the combat of Bel Merodach with the dragon Tiamat, and the rescue of the moon goddess Istar from the black dragon who threatened to devour her. Taylor, Aryans, p. 303. Andromeda. A northern constellation sur- rounded by Pegasus, Cassiopeia, Perseus, Pis- ces, Aries, etc., supposed to represent the figure of a woman chained. The constellation contains three stars of the second magnitude, of which the brightest is Alpheratz. Andromede (on-dro-mad'). A play by Cor- neille, first acted in 1650. Andronica (an-dro-ne'ka). One of the hand- maids of Logistilla (Reason) in Ariosto’s “Or- lando Furioso.” She represents fortitude. Androniciis (an-dro-ni'kus) I. Comnenus. [MGr. A vApAvinoq Kouvyvocf] Born abottt 1110: (lied at Constantinople, Sept.. 12, 1185. Byzan- tine emperor 1183-85, grandson of Alexius I. Comnenus. Having contrived to get himself appointed regent during the minority of Alexius II., he put the prince and his mother, the empress Maria, to death, and ascended the throne ; but his cruelly and debauchery brought about a popular insurrection under Isaac Angelus, who put him to death after subjecting him to every spe- cies of indignity and torture. Andronicus II. Palseologus. Born about 1259 : died 1332. Byzantine emperor 1282-1328 (?), son of Michael Palseologus. During his reign the empire was ravaged (1306-08) by the revolt of the Cata- lan Grand Company, a body of .Spanish mercenaries em- ployed against the Ottoman Turks, and (1321-28) by a civil war with his grandson Andronicus III., by whom he was dethroned and compelled to retire to a cloister. Andronicus III. Palseologus. Bom about 1296 : died June 15, 1341. Byzantine emperor 1328-41 , grandson of Andronicus II. whoso throne he usurped. He carried on war with the Otto- man Turks, who (1326-38) detached nearly the whole of Asia Minor from the empire. Anelida and Arcite Andronicus, Livius. Born at Tarentum about 284 B. C.: died about 204. An early Roman dramatic poet (Greek by birth) and actor, the first writer who “clothed Greek poetry in a Latin dress.” He was brought as a prisoner of war to Rome 272 B. c., and sold as a slave to M. Livius Salinator. He was manumitted and earned his living as a teacher of Latin and Greek. For his pupils’ use he translated the Odyssey into Latin Saturnian verse. His plays, also, were translated from the Greek. Andronicus, Marcus. In Shakspere’s “ Titus Andronicus,” the brother of Titus and tribune of the people. Andronicus, Titus. See Titus Andronicus. Andronicus, surnamed Cyrrhestes (from his birthplace). A Greek astronomer, horn at Cyrrhus, Syria, in the 1st century B. c., the builder of the “Tower of the Winds” (which see) at Athens. Andronicus of Rhodes. A peripatetic philoso- pher and commentator on Aristotle, who flour- ished during the 1st century B. c. He was head of the peripatetic school at Rome about 58 b. c. Andros (an'dros). [Gr. ’lAvApor.] The north- ernmost island of the Cyclades, Greece, situ- ated in the Aegean Sea 6 miles southeast of Euboea, anciently a possession successively of Athens, Macedon, Pergamus, and Rome, its length is 25 miles, and its greatest width 10 miles, and its surface is mountainous. Its chief product is silk. Population, 18,035. Andros. A small seaport, capital of the island of Andros, on its eastern coast. Andros. A group of islands in the Bahamas, named from the chief island of the group, about lat. 24° 45' N., long. 78° W. Andros (an'dros), Sir Edmund. Bom at Lon- don, Dec. 6, 1637: died at London, Feb. 27, 1714. An English colonial governor of New York 1674-81, and of New England (including New York) 1686-89. When the charters of the colo- nies were revoked he was conspicuous in an attempt to seize the charter of Connecticut (1687), which probably succeeded. (S ee Charter Oak.) He offended the colonists of New England by his tyranny and was seized April 18, 16S9, in Boston and sent to England for trial ; but the col- onists’ complaints were dismissed. He was governor of Virginia (where he founded William and Mary College) 1692-98, and governor of the island of Jersey 1704-06. Androscoggin (an-dros-kog'in). A r iver whose head streams rise in northern New Hampshire and northern Maine, and which drains Lake Umbagog and the Rangeley Lakes, and joins the Kennebec 5 miles north of Bath. Its total length is about 175 miles. Androtion (an-dro'ti-on). [Gr AAvAportoiv.'] An Athenian orator, a contemporary of Demosthe- nes and a pupil of Isocrates. All of his work has perished with the exception of a fragment preserved by Aristotle. He was attacked by Demosthenes in one of his early orations. Andrugio (an-dro'jo). In Marston’s “Antonio and Mellida,” the noble hut turbulent Duke of Genoa. He utters the famous speech beginning, “Why, man, I never was a prince till now.” Andrussof (an'dros-sof), or Andrussovo. A village in the governmentof Smolensk, Russia, noted for the treaty of Andrussof in 1667 be- tween Russia and Poland, by which the latter ceded Kief, Smolensk, and eastern Ukraine. Andtijar (an-do'Har). A town in the province of Jaen, Spain, situated on the Guadalquivir 44 miles northeast of Cordova, it was the scene of an engagement between the French and Spanish, July 18-20, 1808. The Convention of Bailen was signed here in 1808, and here in 1823, by decree, the French assumed superi- ority over the Spanish authorities. Near it was the Celti- berian Illiturgis (?). Population, 16,302. Andvari (and'va-re). [Old Norse.] In Old Norse mythology, a dwarf who lived in the water in the form of a pike. He was caught by Loki and forced to give up his treasure, ultimately called from its possessors the Nibelung Hoard. On the last ring, the Andvaranaut, later the Ring of the Nibelungs, he laid the curse of destruction to all who should own it. Anegada (ii-ne-ga'da). The northernmost of the Virgin Islands, British West Indies, in lat. 18° 45' N., long. 64° 20' W. Its length is 10 miles. Anel (a-nel'), Dominique. Born 1679: died about 1730. A French surgeon. He introduced improvements in the operations for aneurism and fistula lacrymalis. Anelida and Arcite (a-nel'i-dii and ar'sit). An unfinished poem by Chaucer. It was among those printed by Caxtoti, and is mentioned in botli Lydgate’s and Thynne’s lists of Chaucer’s works, in the latter as “Of Queen Anelida and False Arcite." There are passages in it, from Boccaccio’s “Teseide," and the “ Thebaid ’’ of Statius was also drawn upon. Chaucer tells us that he took it from the Latin, and says at the close of the prologue : “ First follow I Stace and after him Corinne." To Corinne or Corineus, whoever he or she was, ho owed the inspiration of this poem. Miss Barrett (Mrs. Brown- Anelida and Arcite ing) modernized the poem about the middle of the 19th century. Anelida was the Queen of Armenia. In the poem is included “The Complaint of Fair Anelida upon False Arcite,” occasioned by the fact that the Theban knight (who is not the true Arcite of the “Knight’s Tale”) deserted her for another. The poem breaks off at the end of her complaint. Anerio (a-na/re-o), Felice. Born at Rome about 1560 : died about 1630. An Italian com- poser of sacred music who succeeded Pales- trina, on the latter’s death, as composer for the papal chapel. Anerio, Giovanni Francesco. Born at Rome about 1567 : died after 1613. An Italian com- poser, brother of Felice Anerio, maestro at the Lateran 1600-13. He wrote sacred music chiefly. Anethan (an-ton'), Julius (Jules) Joseph, Baron d\ Bom at Brussels, April 24, 1803: died there, Oct. 8, 1888. A Belgian Conserva- tive politician, premier 1870-71. Anethou, Pic d’. See Netliou. Aneurin (an'I-rin). Flourished about 600 a. p. (?). A Welsh bard, son of a chief of the Otadini or Gododin (a sea-coast tribe dwelling south of the Firth of Forth), and author of the epic “Gododin” (which see), the chief source of the very scanty information about him. He has been thought to be identical with Gildas the histo- rian, or to be the son of Gildas (who was sometimes called Euryn y Coed Aur). Aneurin’s great epic itself is wanting in all precision of detail. It is the history of a long war of races, compressed under the similitude of a battle into a few days of ruin, like the last fight in the Voluspa. Elton, Origins of Eng. Hist., p. 346. Anfossi (an-fos'se), Pasquale. Born at Naples, 1736: died at Rome, 1797 (1795 ?). An Italian operatic composer, author of “ L’Incognita per- seguitata” (1773), etc. Angami-Naga (an-ga'me-na'ga). A savage and warlike tribe in northern Assam. Angara (an-ga-ra'). (Upper Angara and Upper Tungusta.) The chief tributary of the Yenisei, in southern Siberia. It rises northeast of Lake Baikal, traverses Lake Baikal, flows northwest and west, and joins the Yenisei above Yeniseisk. Its length is about 1,300 miles. It is navigable throughout almost its entire course. Angel (an'jel), Benjamin Franklin. Born at Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1815: died at Geneseo, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1894. A lawyer and diplomatist, commissioner to China (1855) under President Pierce, and minister to Sweden and Norway under President Buchanan. Angelica (an-jel'i-ka). 1. In Boiardo’s “Or- lando Innamorato” and Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso,” a beautiful but coquettish and faith- less princess, daughter of Galaphron, king of Cathay. His unrequited love for her was the cause of Orlando’s madness. — 2. The principal female character in Congreve’s play “Love for Love,” a witty and piquant woman, and the author’s favorite character. — 3. A character in Farquhar’s comedy “ The Constant Couple,” and also in its sequel, “Sir Harry Wildair.” Angelic Brothers. A community of Dutch Pietists, in the 16th century, who believed that they had attained that state of angelic purity in which there is “ neither marrying nor giving in marriage”: founded by George Gichtel. Angelic Doctor, ML. Doctor Angelicus. A surname of Thomas Aquinas. Angelico (an-jel'e-ko), Fra. See Fiesole. Angelina (an-je-li'na). 1. In Dryden’s tragi- comedy “ The Rival Ladies,” a sister of Don Rhodorigo, in love with Gonsalvo. She dis- guises herself as a man and goes by the name of Amideo. — 2. The heroine of Goldsmith’s bal- lad “Edwin and Angelina,” sometimes called “The Hermit,” in “The Vicar of Wakefield.” Angelina. A pseudonym of Harriet Martineau. Angelique (oh-zha-lek'). 1. One of the prin- cipal characters in Moliere’s “ Le Malade Ima- ginaire.” She is the daughter of Argan, the imaginary invalid, who wishes to marry her to the son of his physi- cian, M. Diafoirus, but is finally induced to give her to CICante, the man she loves. 2. The wife of George Dandin, in Moliere’s comedy of that name. See George Dandin. Angell (an'jel), James Burrill. Bom at Scitm ate, R. I., Jan. 7, 1829. An American educator. He was a graduate of Brown University and was professor of modern languages there 1853-60, editor of the Providence “Journal" 1860-66, president of the University of Ver- mont 1866-71, and president of the University of Michigan 1871-1909. He was United States minister to China 1880- 1881, and commissioner in negotiating treaties with that country ; and was minister to Turkey 1897-98. Angell, Joseph Kinnicut. Born at Provi- dence, R. I.. April 30, 1794: died at Boston, May 1, 1857. An American legal writer. He 58 was a graduate of Brown University 1813, editor of the “Law Intelligencer and Review” 1829-31, and reporter of the Rhode Island Supreme Court; author of “Treatise of the Right of Property in Tide Waters" (1826), “In- quiry Relative to an Incorporeal Hereditament ” (1827), “A Practical Summary of the Law of Assignment” (1835), “On Adverse Enjoyment" (1837), “Treatise on the Com- mon Law in Relation to Water Courses” (1840), “Treatise on the Limitations of Actions at Law and Suits in Equity and Admiralty ” (2d ed. 1846), and with Samuel Ames of “Treatise on Corporations" (3d ed. 1846). Angeln (ang'eln). A small district in the prov- ince of Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, lying be- tween the Flensburg Fiord on the north, the Baltic on the east, and the Schlei on the south. It is noted for its fertility, and is supposed to have been the original home of the Angles. Angelo, Michel. See Michelangelo. Angelo (an'je-lo). 1. In Shakspere’s “Mea- sure for Measure,” the duke’s deputy. The actor is here required to represent a man who is too little for the great, bold, and dangerous projects of an ambitious selfishness; too noble for the weak errors of a vain self-love, who wavers negatively between the two, who aspires after honour, who would be a master in his political vocation, a saint in his moral life, but who, in the hour of temptation, is found as false and tyrannical in the one as he is hypocritical and base in the other. Gervinus, Shakespeare t ’ommentaries(tr. by F. E. Runnett, [ed. 1880), p. 500. 2. In Shakspere’s “ Comedy of Errors,” a gold- smith. Angelo. A prose drama by Victor Hugo, first represented at the Theatre Fran§ais, Paris, April 28, 1835. The scene is laid in Padua in the mid- dle of the 16th century. It was translated into English by G. H. Davidson, and produced iu London as “Angelo and the Actress of Padua. ” Angelo, Sant’, Oastle of. The remodeled mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome, it is a huge circular tower about 230 feet in diameter on a basement about 300 feet square, with medieval chambers and case- ments excavated in its solid concrete, and three Renais- sance stories added on its summit to serve the purposes of a citadel. Originally the mausoleum possessed a super- structure surrounded with columns and statues, and crowned with a cone of masonry. It is connected with the Vatican quarter by the Pont Sant’ Angelo, built by Hadrian in 136, which originally had seven arches : two are now built up. Also Hadrian's Mole. Angelus Silesius (an'je-lus si-le'shi-us) (Jo- hannes Schefiler). Born at Breslau, Prussia, 1624: died at Breslau, July 9, 1677. A German philosophical poet, author of “ Cherubinischer Wandersmann” (1657), etc. Angelus, The. A celebrated painting by J. F. Millet (1859). The time is evening ; two peasants, a man and a woman, at the sound of the Angelus bell from a distant church, stop their work and stand in the field praying with bowed heads. In 1889 it was bought at auction by the American Art Association for 680,650 francs, which included tax, auctioneer's fees, etc. It was sold in 1890 to the agents of M. Chauchard for $150,000. He has signified his intention of presenting it to the Lcuvre at his death. Angely (onzh-le'), Louis. Born at Berlin about 1780 (1788?): died at Berlin, Nov. hi, 1835. A German actor and dramatist. His works, mainly adaptations of French plays, have been collected in four volumes (Berlin, 1842). Angerapp (an'ge-rap). A head stream of the Pregel, in East Prussia, which drains the Mauersee. Angerburg (ang'er-borG). A small town in the province of East Prussia, situated on the An- gerapp 60 miles southeast of Konigsberg. Angermanelf (ang'er-man-elf). A river in Sweden which flows into the Gulf of Bothnia near Hernosand. It drains several lakes and forms many waterfalls. Its length is over 200 miles, and it is navigable in its lower course. Angermanland (ang'er-man-land). A district in northern Sweden, mainly included in the modern Hernosand lan. Angermann (ang'er-miin). See Angermanelf. Angermiinde (ang-er-mun'de). A town in the province of Brandenburg, Prussia, 42 miles northeast of Berlin, on the Miindesee. Angerona (an-je-ro'na), or Angeronia (-ni-a). In Roman mythology, a goddess whose attri- butes and powers are not definitely known. She was, perhaps, the goddess who releases from (or causes) anguish and secret grief. Her statue stood in the temple of Volupia (sensual pleasure), and she was rep- resented with her finger upon her bound and sealed lips. Angers (oh-zha'). The capital of the depart- ment of Maine-et-Loire, France, situated on the Maine 5 miles from the Loire, in lat. 47° 28' N., long. 0° 33' W. : the Roman Juliomagus or Andecavia (Andegavia or Andegavum), a town of the Andecavi or Andes, a Gallic tribe. It has an extensive trade ami varied manufactures. It was formerly the capital of Anjou, and the seat of a uni- versity and a military college. It suffered severely in the Huguenot and Vendean wars. The cathedral of Angers is an interesting monument of the Angevin Pointed style, Anglo-Saxon characterized particularly by the vaulting, which rises so much in every bay as to approach a domical form. There is a fine early sculptured west portal ; the nave is 54 feet wide and 80 feet high; and there are long transepts, but no aisles. It contains splendid 13th-century glass, a beautiful wall-arcade beneath the windows, and very extensive and notable 14th-century tapestries bequeathed by King Rend. The castle, completed by St. Louis, is a huge trapezoid about half a mile in circuit, with seven- teen massive cylindrical towers bossing its walls. Within the inclosure remain portions of the Renaissance palace of the counts of Anjou as well as the dungeons and many other interesting memorials of the medieval fortress. Population, 82,935. Angerstein (ang'er-stin), John Julius. Born at St. Petersburg, 1735 : died at Blackheath, Jan. 22, 1823. An English merchant, philan- thropist, and art amateur. The greater part of his very valuable collection of pictures was acquired by the British government in 1824, at an expense of £60,000. Angerviile, Richard. See Bury, Richard de. Angevin Line or Dynasty. The early Plan- tagenet kings of England, from Henry H. to John: so called from their origin in Anjou. Anghiera (an-ge-a'ra), Pietro Martire d’, or Peter Martyr. See Martyr, Peter. Angilbert (ang'gil-bert), Saint. Born about 740 A. D.: died Feb. 18, 814. A Frankish poet, historian, and diplomatist, a councilor of Charles the Great, and abbot of Centula, or Saint-Ri- quier in Picardie (794). He was surnamed “the Homer of his age.” Angiras (an'gi-ras). In Vedic mythology, the alleged ancestor of the Angirases, represented as the author of the ninth Mandala of Rigveda, of a law-book, and of an astronomical manual. Angirases, The. [Deriv. uncertain.] In Hindu mythology, a class of beings standing between gods and men. They are called the sons of heaven, sons of the gods. They appear in company with the gods, with the Asvins, Yama, the gods of the sun and the light. Agni is called the first and highest Angiras. At the same time the Angirases are called the fathers of men, and many families trace their descent from them. The hymns of the Atharvaveda are called Angirasas, and the Angi- rases were especially charged with the protection of sac- rifices performed in accordance with the Atharvaveda. Angkor (ang-kor'). Aruined city near the fron- tiers of Cambodia and Siam, near Lake Bienho. Anglante’s knight. The name given to Or- lando, lord of Anglante, in Ariosto’s “ Orlando Furioso.” Angles (ang'glz). [In mod. use only as a his- torical term; L. Anglus, usually in pi. Angli (first in Tacitus), repr. the OTeut. form found in AS. Angle, Ongle, /Engle, r eg. Engle, pi. (in comp. Angel-, Ongel-), the people of Angel, Angol, Angul, Ongul {— Icel. Ongull), a district of what is now Schleswig-Holstein, said to be so named from angel, angul, ongul, a hook, in ref. to its shape.] A Teutonic tribe which in the earliest period of its recorded history dwelt in the neighborhood of the district now called Angeln, in Schleswig-Holstein, and which in the 5th century and later, accom- panied by kindred tribes, the Saxons. Jutes, and Friesians, crossed over to Britain, and col- onized the greater part of it. The Angles were the most numerous of these settlers, and founded the three kingdoms of East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria, From them the entire country derived its name England, in Anglo-Saxon Engla land , ‘land of the Angles.’ Anglesey (ang'gl-se), or Anglesea (ang'gl-se). [AS. Angles eg, ‘Angle’s island.’] An island and county of North Wales, which lies north- west of the mainland from which it is separated by Menai Strait. Its surface is generally flat. It was an ancient seat of the Druids, was conquered by the Romans under Suetouius Paulinus in 61 A. 1 )., and by Agricola in 78, and later became a Welsh stronghold. Its length is 22 miles, and its area (ad. co.) 276 square miles. Population (ad. and pari, co’s.), 50,606. See Mona. Anglesea, Earl of. See Annesley. Anglesey, Marquis of. See Paget. Angleterre (on-gle-tar'). The French name of England. Anglia (ang'gli-a). A Latin name of England ; specifically, that part of England which was settled by the Angles. See East Anglia. Anglian (ang'gli-an). A name sometimes used for the old English (Englisc) or Anglo-Saxon of Anglia, the district of Britain first occupied by the Angles. Anglo-Latin (ang-glo-lat'in). Middle or medi- eval Latin as written in England in the middle ages: the ordinary language of the church and the courts until the modem period. It is char- acterized by the liberal inclusion and free Latin- izing of technical and vernacular English and Norman or Anglo-French terms. Anglo-Saxon (ang-glo-sak'son). [< ML. An- glo-Saxones, more correctly written Anglosax- Anglo-Saxon ones, pi., also Angli Saxones or Angli et Saxones, rarely Saxones Angli. The terra frequently oc- curs in the charters of Alfred and his successors (chiefly in the gen. pi. with rex) as the general name of their people, all the Teutonic tribes in England ; hut it is sometimes confined to the people south of the Humber. The same term is used by foreign chroniclers and writers in Latin from the 8th to the 12tli century, with the general meaning.] 1. (a) Literally, one of the Angle or ‘English’ Saxons. The name is sometimes restricted to the Saxons who dwelt chiefly in the southern districts (Wessex, Essex, Sussex, Middle- sex— names which contain the form of Saxon — and Kent) of the country which came to be known, from a kindred tribe, as the land of the Angles, Engla land, now England, hut usually extended to the whole people or nation formed by the aggregation of the Angles, Sax- ons, and other early Teutonic settlers in Britain, or the whole people of England before the Conquest. (J) pi. The English race ; all persons in Great Britain and Ireland, in the United States, and in their dependencies, who belong, actually or nomi- nally, nearly or remotely, to the Teutonic stock of England; in the widest use, all English- speaking or English-appearing people. — 2. The language of the Anglo-Saxons; Saxon; the earliest form of the English language, con- stituting, with Old Saxon, Old Friesic, and other dialects, the Old Low German group, belonging to the so-called West Germanic di- vision of the Teutonic speech. Angol (an-gol' ). The capital of Malleco, Chile, in lat. 37° 45' N., long. 73° W. It was the capi- tal of the former territory of Angol. Population, 7,391. Angola (an-go'la). [Pg. Angola, repr. the na- tive name Ngola.'] 1. The Ngola tribe. — 2. The native Angola nation, of which the Ngola tribe was the principal.— 3. The old Portu- guese colony of Angola, foimded in the boun- daries of the ancient native kingdom of Angola, and called “Reino e Conquistas de Angola.” — 4. The modern Portuguese province of An- gola, comprising the old kingdoms of Kongo, Angola, and Benguella, the new district of Mossamedes, and the latest accessions between the Kuangu and Kassai rivers. This province extends along the west coast of Africa from 6” to 17° south latitude, and inland as far as the Kuangu, Kassai, and Zambesi rivers. Its area is about 484,800 square miles ; its population from three to five millions. The adminis- tration is in the hands of a governor-general, residing at Loanda. There are six districts, Kongo, Loanda, Ben- guella, Mossamedes, Huilla, and Lunda. Every district is subdivided into “concelhos" (counties) under military “chefes ” ; and the concelhos are subdivided into divisions under commandants, who are either natives or white traders. Angola is ruled by the same laws as Portugal, and the natives have exactly the same legal standing and right to vote as the white Portuguese. Angola is the only central African possession which has a large white popu- lation (about 6,000) and in which agriculture is flourishing on alarge ecale. See Kimbundu, Umbundu, Ngola, Kongo. Angolalla (an-go-lal'la). One of the chief towns in Shoa, Abyssinia, about lat. 9° 36' N. Angora (an-go'ra). A vilayet in Asia Minor, Turkey. Population, about 932,800. Angora, Turk. Engnri. [Gr. ’'Aynvpa : see An- cyra.] The capital of the vilayet of Angora, situated bn a head stream of the Sakaria, about lat. 39° 50' N., long. 32° 50' E.: the ancient An- cyra (which see). It was an ancient Galatian town, the capital of the Koman province of Galatia, and an im- portant emporium on the route between Byzantium and Syria, and it is still one of the chief commercial places in Asia Minor. The district is especially celebrated for its breed of goats. A battle was fought at Angora, June 16, 1402, between Bajazet with 400,000 (?) Turks, and Timur (Tamerlane) with 800,000 (1) Mongols, in which Bajazet was defeated. As a result Asia Minor fell into the hands of Timur. Population, about 30,000. Bayezid himself, with one of his Bons, was taken pris- oner, and the unfortunate Sultan became a part of his vic- tor's pageant, and was condemned in fetters to follow his captor about in his pomps and campaigns. The fact that he was carried in a barred litter gave rise to the well- known legend that he was kept in an iron cage. Poole, Story of Turkey. Angornu (an-gor'no), or Angorno (an-gor' no), or Ngornu (n’gor'no). A town in Bornu, Sudan, situated near Lake Chad, about lat. 12° 45' N., long. 13° E., an important trading cen- ter. Population, about 20,000. Angostura (an-gos-to'ra), or Ciudad Bolivar (se-6-dad' bo-le'var). A town in Venezuela, situated on the Orinoco in lat. 8° 10' N., long. 63° 50' W., near the narrow pass of the river at the head of ocean navigation. It is an im- portant commercial town. Population, about 11 , 000 . Angouleme ( on-go-lam The capital of the department of Charente, France, situated on the Charente in lat. 45° 40' N., long. 0° 10' E. : the ancient Inculisma. It was the ancient capital of An- 59 goumois and frequently an appanage of the royal house. During the Huguenot wars it was several times sacked. The cathedral of Angouleme is a highly interesting struc- ture built in 1120, with wide nave and transepts domically vaulted, and no aisles. The crossing is surmounted by a beautiful ovoid dome on an octagonal drum. The west front has several tiers of arcades between low, conically capped towers, and bears much Romanesque figure-sculp- ture of great interest. The fine belfry, over the north transept, rises in six arcaded tiers, and resembles an Italian campanile. Population, 37,507. Angouleme, Due d’ (Charles de Valois). Born April 28, 1573: died Sept. 24, 1650. A French politician and general, an illegitimate son of Charles IX. and Marie Touchet, made Due d’ Angouleme in 1619. He was imprisoned in the Bastille, 1605-16, for his intrigues with the M arquise de Ver- neuil. As a soldier he served with distinction at Arques and Ivry, and he directed the sieges of Soissons and La Ro- chelle. He is the reputed author of “M^moires ” (1662). Angouleme, Due d’ (Louis Antoine de Bour- bon). Born at Versailles, Aug. 6, 1775: died at Goritz, June 3, 1844. The eldest son of Charles X. of France (Comte d’Artois) and Maria Theresa of Savoy, princess of Sardinia. He opposed Napoleon in the south of France on his return from Elba, was a commander in the French invasion of Spain in 1823, and was exiled in 1830. Angouleme, Duchesse d’ (Marie Therese Charlotte). Born at Versailles, Dec. 19, 1778: died Oct. 19, 1851. Daughter of Louis XVI. and wife of the Due d’ Angouleme, an active adherent of the ultra-royalists. Angoumois (on-go-mwa'). A former division of western France, which, with Saintonge, formed a government previous to the Revo- lution. (Compare Saintonge.) It corresponds nearly to the department of Charente. Angra (ang'gra). A seaport, capital of the Azores, situated on the southern coast of Ter- ceira, in lat. 38° 38' N., long. 27° 13' W. it is the seat of a bishopric. It was surnamed “do heroismo ” for its patriotic opposition to the pretender Dom Miguel, 1830-32. Population, about 11,000. Angra Mainyu (an'gra mln'yo). See Ahura Masda. Angra Pequena (ang'gra pa-ka'na). [Pg., ‘ Little Bay.’] A region in the protectorate of German southwestern Africa, extending from Orange River northward to the Portuguese An- gola north of Cape Frio (but excluding Walfisch Bay). It was acquired by the German Luderitz in 1883, and passed under German protection in 1884. Angra Pequena. A harbor on the coast of the protectorate of Angra Pequena, in lat. 26° 38' S., long. 14° 55' E. Angri (an'gre). A town iu the province of Salerno, Italy, 19 miles southeast of Naples. ^Population, 7,597 ; commune, 11,219. Angstrom (ang'strem), Anders Jonas. Born at Lodgo in Westernorrland, Sweden, Aug. 13, 1814 : died June 21, 1874. A noted Swedish physicist. He wa3 appointed in 1858 professor of phys- ics at Upsala (where he had been connected with the astro- nomical observatory from 1843). Author of “ Recherches sur le spectre solaire ’’ (1868), etc. Anguilla (ang-gwil 'la), or Snake Island. [Sp. Anguila.] An island of the Lesser Antilles, in the British West Indies, which lies north of St. Martin in lat. 18° 13' N., long. 63° 4' Yf. Area, 35 square miles. Population, about 3,900. Anguisciola (an-gwe'sho-la), or Angussola (an-gos-so'la), Sofonisba. Born at Cremona, Italy, about 1530: died at Genoa 1626 (?). An Italian portrait-painter, a pupil of Bernardino Campi. She painted several portraits of herself and also portraits (no longer extant) of the royal family of Spain. Angus (ang'gus). The ancient name of Forfar- shire. Angus, Earl of. See Douglas. Angus. In Shakspere’s “Macbeth,” a thane of Scotland. Anhalt (an'halt). A duchy of northern Ger- many and state of the German Empire, it is surrounded by Prussia and consists of two chief portions, an eastern (Dessau-Kothen-Bernburg), which is level, and a western (Ballenstedt), which is hilly and mountainous. It has also several enclaves. Its capital is Dessau, and its government a hereditary constitutional monarchy under a duke and landtag. It sends one member to the Bun- desrat and two members to the Reichstag. It became an independent principality in the first part of the 13th cen- tury and was often divided and reunited. The present duchy was formed in 1863 by the union of the duchies of Anhalt- Dessau-Kbthen and Anhalt- Bemburg. Area, 888 square miles. Population, 328,029. Anhalt-Dessau, Leopold, Prince of. See Leo- pold. Anholt (iin'holt). An island belonging to Den- mark, situated in the Cattegat 47 miles north of Zealand. It is seven miles long. Anholt. A small town in the provinco of West- phalia, Prussia, situated on the Yssel (on the Dutch frontier) 16 miles northwest of Wesel. Anjou Anhwei (an-hwa/e), or Ngan-hui (n’gan- hwe'). A province of China, bounded by Kiang-su on the northeast, by Kiang-su and Che-kiang on the east, by Kiang-si on the south, by Hu-peh and Ho-nan on the west, and by Ho-nan on the northwest. Its capital is Nganking. It contains part of the green-tea district. Area, 54,810 square miles. Population, 23,670,314. Anian (a-ni-an'), straits of. A name of un- certain origin applied first in the 16th century to the passage from Bering Sea to the Arctic Ocean, now called Bering Strait. Zaltieri, 1566, gives the name Streto de Anian. Mercator, 1569, Ortelius, 1570, Porcacchi, 1572, Fuiiani, 1574, Wytfliet, 1597, and others later give the strait under this name, which by some is supposed to have been derived from an Asiatic province of Ania. Ortelius, 1570, indicates this province in N E. Siberia. Later the position of the strait was shifted to various points along the western American coast designating entrance or passage east. The name was used as late as 1821 by Lapie on his map. Anicetus (an-i-se'tus). Lived about 60 a. d. A freedman and tutor of Nero. Anicetus. Bishop of Rome about 154-166 a. d. Aniches, or Aniene (a-neslF). A manufactur- ing and mining town in the department of Nord, France, 14 miles west of Valenciennes. Popu- lation, 8,321. Aniello, Tommaso. See Masaniello. Animuccia (a-ne-mo'eba), Giovanni. Born at Florence about 1490 (?): died 1571. An Ital- ian composer of sacred music. “He composed the famous ‘Laudi,’ which were sung at the Oratorio of S. Filippo after the conclusion of the regular office, and out of the dramatic tone and tendency of which the ‘ Ora- torio ’ is said to have been developed. Hence he has been called the ‘Father of the Oratorio.’” Grove, Diet, of Music. Anio (a'ne-o), or Aniene (a-ne-a'ne), or Teve- rone (ta-va-ro'ne). [L. Anio (Anien-) or Amen, Gr. Aviwv or Aviyg.] A river in central Italy, the ancient Anio, which joins the Tiber 3 miles north of Rome. It forms a waterfall 330 feet high near Tivoli, and its valley is noted for its beauty and an- tiquities. Aniruddha (an-i-rod'dha). [Skt., ‘uncon- trolled.’] In Hindu mythology, a son of Pra- dyumna and grandson of Krishna. Usha, a Daitya princess, daughter of Bana, falling in love with him, had him brought by magic to her apartments at Souitapura. Bana sent guards to seize them, but Aniruddha slew them with an iron club. Bana then secured him by magic. Krishna, Balarama, and Pradyumna went to rescue him and fought a great battle, in which Bana was aided by Siva and Skanda, the god of war. Bana was defeated, hut, spared at the intercession of Siva and Aniruddha, was taken home to Dvaraka with Usha as his wife. Anjala. In Swedish history, an unsuccess- ful league of noblemen against Gustavus IH., 1788. Anjar (an-jar'). A small town in Cutch, India, lat. 23° 6' N., long. 70°10'E. Population, 18,014. Anjeles. See Los Angeles (Chile). Anjengo (an-jeng'go), or Anjutenga (an-jo- teng'ga). A village in Travancore, India, situated on the western coast in lat. 8° 40' N., long. 76° 45' E., once an important seaport. Anjer (an'yer). A seaport in Java, in lat. 6° 4' S., long. 105° 53' E. It was overwhelmed by a tidal wave following the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Anjou (an'jo ; F. pron. on-zho'). [L. Andecavi, Andegavi, a Gallic tribe; urbs or civitas Ande- cava or Andecavorum, their city.] An ancient government of France, capital Angers, it was hounded by Maine on the north, by Touraine on the east, by Poitou on the south, and by Brittany on the west. It comprised the department of Maine-et-Loire and small portions of adjoining departments. Anjou was united with Touraine in 1044, and with Maine in 1110. By the marriage of Geoffrey Plantagenet with Matilda, heiress of Henry I.. Anjou, England, and Normandy were united in 1154 when Henry II. founded tfie Angevin house (Plan- tagenet). Anjou was conquered by Philip Augustus of France about 1204, and was united subsequently with Naples and Provence. It was annexed to the French crown in 1480 by Louis XI. Anjou, Counts and Dukes of. The origin of the countship is referred to Ingelger, seneschal of Gatinais, who in 870 received from Charles the Bald that portion of the subsequent prov- ince of Anjou which lies between the Maine and the Mayenne. Among his descendants are Fulke, count of Anjou, a Crusader, who became king of Jerusa- lem 1131, and Fulke’s son Geoffroy le Plantagenet, who married Matilda, the daughter and heiress of Henry I. of England, and founded the English royal house of Plan- tagenet. (See Henry II.) The second house of Anjou was a branch of the royal family of France. King John of - England forfeited his French fiefs to Philip Augustus about 1204, and Anjou passed into the hands of Charles, the brother of Louis IX. Charles established the house of Anjou on the throne of Naples in 1266. His son Charles II. of Naples gave Anjou and Maine to his son-in-law, Charles of Valois, and from 1290 the counts of Valois took the title of duke of Anjou and count, of Maine. The son of Charles oIYalois became king of France, as Philip VI., 1328, uniting Anjou to the crowu. King John bestowed Anjou it on his son Louis in 1356. The second house of Anjou became extinct in the direct line on the death of Charles, nephew of Rene, 1481. The title of duke of Anjou has also been borne without implying territorial sovereignty, by Charles VIII. of France, by the four sons of Henry II., by the second son of Henry IV., by the two sons of Louis XIV., by Louis XV., and by Philip V. of Spain. Ankarstrom. See Anckarstrom. Anklam, or Anclaxn (an'klam). A town in the province of Pomerania, Prussia, situated on the Peene 45 miles northwest of Stettin. It contains a military school. It was an ancient Hanseatic town, aud was several times besieged in th j 17th and 18th centuries. Population, 15,625. Ankober (an-ko'ber), or Ankobar (-bar). The former capital of Shoa, Abyssinia, in lat. 9° 34' N., long. 39° 53' E. Population, about 2,000. Ankogel (an'ko-gel). A peak of the Hohe Tauern, about 10,700 feet high, on the borders of Salzburg and Carinthia, southeast of Gastein. Ankori (an-ko'ri). An African highland, 6,000 to 7,000 feet high, between Albert, and Victoria lakes. The population is dense, and the chiefs belong to the Huma tribe of Galla stock. Ankt (iingkt). In Egyptian mythology, a god- dess analogous to the Greek Hestia (Vesta). Ann, Mother. See Lee, Ann. Anna (an'a), or Anne (an), Saint. [Of Heb. origin: same as Hannah. ] According to tradi- tion, the mother of the Virgin Mary. Her life and the birth of the Virgin are recorded in several of the apocryphal gospels. Her festival is kept in the Greek Church July 25, and in the Roman Church July 26. Anna. In New Testament history, a prophetess of Jerusalem, noted for her piety. Luke ii. 36, 37. Anna. One of the principal female characters in Home’s play “Douglas.” Anna Bolena. An opera by Donizetti, pro- duced at Milan in 1830. Anna Carlovna (an'na kar'lov-na). See Anna Leopoldovna. Anna Comnena (an'a kom-ne'na). Bom at Constantinople, Dec. 1, 1083 : died 1148. A Byzantine princess and historian, daughter of Alexius I. Comnenus. She wrote the “Alex- iad ” (which see). Anna, Donna. One of the principal characters in Mozart’s opera “Don Giovanni.” Anna Ivanovna (an'na e-va'nov-na). Born Jan. 25, 1693: died Oct. 28, 1740. Empress of Russia 1730^0, daughter of Ivan V., brother of Peter the Great. She was elected by the Secret High Council, consisting of eight of the chief nobles, in preference to other claimants, after having promised im- portant concessions to the nobility. She, however, foiled the attempt of the council to limit her power, exiled or executed its members, arid surrounded herself with Ger- man favorites, of whom Biren or Biron, a Courlander of low extraction, was the leader. Anna Karenina (an'na ka-ra'ne-na). A novel by Tolstoi, perhaps the most representative of his works. It first appeared serially, but with long intervals, in a Moscow review, and was published in 1878. Anna Leopoldovna (an'na la-o-pol'dov-na), or Carlovna (kar'lov-na), Elizabeth Catherine Christine. Born Dec. 18, 1718 : died March 18, 1746. Grand duchess, and regent of Russia 1740-41, daughter of Charles Leopold, duke of Mecklenburg, and wife of Anton Ulric, duke of Brunswick. On the death of the czarina Anna Iva- novna, Oct. 28, 1740, she became regent for her son Ivan, who had been appointed her successor by Anna, but was deprived of this post Dec. 6, 1741, by a conspiracy which deposed Ivan and placed Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, on the throne. Anna Matilda (an'a ma-til'da). The name adopted by Mrs. Hannah Cowley, dramatist and poet, in a poetical correspondence with Robert Merry (who called himself “ Della Crus- ca”) in the “World.” With two others of her school (the “ Della Cruscans") she was held up to scorn by Gif- ford in his “Baviad and Maeviad,” and the name “Anna Matilda” has passed into a synonym of namby-pamby verse and sentimental fiction. See Laura Matilda. Anna Petrovna (an'nape-trov'na). Born 1708: died 1728. Eldest daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine I., wife of Charles Frederick, duke of Holstein-Gottorp, and mother of Peter III. Annabel (an'a-bel). [Jntw hella, fair Anna.] A character in Dryden’s “ Absalom and Achito- phel” intended for the Duchess of Monmouth. Annabella, Queen. In Scott’s novel “The Fair Maid of Perth,” the wife of King Robert III. aud mother of Rothsay. Annaberg (an'na-berG). A town in the king- dom of Saxony, situated in the Erzgebirge 18 miles southeast of Chemnitz. It is one of the chief manufacturing places in the kingdom, noted for its laces, ribbons, etc., and is the center of a formerly Important mining district. Population, 16,837. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. A novel by George Macdonald, published in 1866. 60 Annals of the Parish. A novel by John Galt, published in 1821. Annam, or Anam (a-nam' or an-nam'). A French protectora te, capital Hue, in the eastern part of the Indo-Chinese peninsula. It lies be- tween Tongking on the north, the China Sea on the east, and French Cochin-China on the south. Its boundaries toward the west are undetlned. It is rich in agricultural resources. The government is a monarchy, with a French resident. The inhabitants are Annamites (in the towns and along the coasts) and Mois (in the hill districts), and the prevailing religions are Buddhism, Confucianism, spirit- worship, and Christianity. It was formerly a Chinese pos- session, and became independent in 1428. French Cochin- China was ceded to France 1802 and 1867. It became a French protectorate by a treaty signed in 1884. Tongking was ceded to France 1884. Area of protectorate, about 62,100 square miles. Population, over 6,000,000. Annamaboe, or Anamabo (a-na-ma-bo'). A seaport and British station on the Gold Coast, West Africa, 10 miles east of Cape Coast Castle. Population, about 5,000. Annamitic, or Anamitic (an-am-it'ik). One of the languages of Cochin-China, originating from a native dialect mixed with Chinese, the compound dialect being most nearly related to the dialect of Canton. Annan (an'an). A seaport and parliamentary and royal burgh in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, sit- uated at the entrance of the Annan into Sol- way Firth, in lat. 54° 59' N., long. 3° 15' W. It is the birthplace of Edward Irving. Popu- lation, 5,804. Annan. A river, about 40 miles long, in Dum- friesshire, Scotland, which flows into the Sol- way Firth at Annan. Annandale (an'an-dal). The valley of the Annan, in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Annapolis (a-nap ' o-lis). [‘City of Anna,’ Queen Anne.] A seaport, the capital of Maryland (and of Anne Arundel County), sit- uated on the Severn, 2 miles from Chesapeake Bay, in lat. 38° 59' N., long. 76° 29' W., the seat of the United States Naval Academy, and of the non-sectarian St. John’s College. The town was founded in 1049, and it became a city in 1696. It was at first called Providence and Anne Arundel Town, and it was one of the seats of the Continental Congress (Nov., 1783, to June, 1784). Washington here resigned his commission as commander-in-chief, Dec., 1.83. Popula- tion, 8,009, (1910). Annapolis. A seaport in Nova Scotia, near the Bay of Fundy, in lat. 44° 31' 34'' N., long. 65° 47' 20" W. It was founded by the French in 1604, and was ceded to the British in 1713. It was originally named Port Royal. Annapolis Convention. Aconvention of twelve delegates from the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia, which met at Annapolis, Sept. 11, 1786, to pro- mote commercial interests. It recommended the calling of another convention (the Consti- tutional Convention) in 1787. Ann Arbor (an ar'bor). A city, the capital of Washtenaw County, Michigan, situated on Huron River 38 miles west of Detroit: the seat of the University of Michigan. Popula- tion, 14,817, (1910). Annas (an'as). [Heb., ‘merciful.’] A high priest of the Jews, called Ananus (which see) by Josephus, according to whom he was ap- pointed high priest by Quirinus, proconsul of Syria, about 7 a. d., and deposed by Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea, in 14 A. d. He was followed by Ishmael, the son of Phabaeus ; Eleazar, the son of Annas ; and Simon, the son of Camithus, when Joseph, surnamed Caiaphas, the son-in-law of Annas, was elevated to the office about 27 A. D. In the New Testament (Luke iii. 2, John xviii. 13, Acts iv. 6) Annas is mentioned as high priest conjointly with Caiaphas. The first hearing of Jesus was before Annas, who sent him bound to Caiaphas. Anne (an). Born at London, Feb. 6, 1665 : died at Kensington, England, Aug. 1, 1714. Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 1702-14, daugh- ter of James II. of England and Anne Hyde, and wife of Prince George of Denmark (mar- ried 1683). She was largely under the influence of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, aud later of Mrs. Masham. She sided with the Prince of Orange at the Revo- lution. Among tlie events in her reign were the Warof the Spanish Succession and the union of England and Scotland. Anne of Austria. Born at Madrid, Sept. 22, 1601: died Jan. 20, 1666. A queen of France, daughter of Philip III. of Spain, and wife of Louis XIII. of France. She was regent 1643-61. Anne of Bohemia. Born at Prague, Bohemia, May 11, 1366: died June 7, 1394. A queen of England, daughter of the emperor Charles IV., and wife of Richard II. of England. Anne de Beaujeu (an de bo-zhe'). Born about 1462: died 1522. Daughter of Louis XI., and regent of France 1483-90. Anne of Brittany (Bretagne). Bom at Nantes, Annunciation, The 1476: died at Blois, 1514. The daughter and heiress of Francis II., duke of Brittany, wife of Charles VIII. of France (1491) and, after his death, of his successor, Louis XII. (1499). Through her the last of the great fiefs of France was permanently united to the crown. Anne of cieves. Born at Cleves, Germany, 1515: died in England, 1557. A queen of Eng- land, daughter of the Duke of Cleves, and fourth wife of Henry VIII. She was married in Jan- uary, 1540, and divorced in J uly of the same year. Anne of Denmark. Born at Skanderborg, Denmark, Dec. 12, 1574: died March 2, 1619. A queen of England and Scotland, daughter of Frederick II. of Denmark, and wife of James VI. of Scotland (James I. of England). Anne of Geierstein. A romance by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1829. The scene is laid mainly in Switzerland in the 15th century. Anne Boleyn. A tragedy by Dean Milman, produced in 1821. See also Anna Bolena. Anne Of Savoy. Born 1320 : died 1359. Em- press-regent of the Eastern Empire, daughter of Amadeus V., duke of Savoy. She was married to the emperor Andronicus III. in 1337, and, after hi3 death (1341), became regent during the minority of her son John V. Palseologus. Anne, Sister. The sister of Bluebeard’s last wife, Fatima, she watched for the cloud of dust which was to indicate the arrival of their brothers to res- cue them. See Bluebeard. Anne Ivanovna. See Anna Ivanovna. Anne Page. See Page. Anne Petrovna. See Anna Petrovna. Annecy (an-se'). The capital of the depart- ment of Haute-Savoie, France, situated on the Lake of Annecy in lat. 45° 53' N., long. 6° 8' E., the former seat of the coxtnts of Genevois. It has manufactures of cotton, wool, silk, ste^l, etc. It contains an old castle, a cathedral, and a bishop’s palace. Population, commune, 14,351. Annecy, Lake of. A lake, 9 miles long, in the department of Haute-Savoie, France, near An- necy. Its outlet is by the Fier to the Rhone. Annenkof (an'en-kof), Michael. Born April 30, 1835 : died 1899. A Russian general and en- gineer who projected andsuperintendedthecon- struction of the Russian Transcaspian Railway. Annenwullen (an'nen-vul-len). A manufactur- ing town, in the province of Westphalia, Prus- sia, near Dortmund. Population, 12,186. Annesley (anz'li), Arthur. Born at Dublin, July 10, 1614: died April 26, 1686. An English statesman, son of Sir Francis Annesley (Lord Mountnorris and Viscount Valentia in Ire- land), created Earl of Anglesea in 1661. He sat in Richard Cromwell’s parliament of 1658; was president of the council of state in 1660, aiding in the restoration of Charles II.; succeeded to his father’s titles in 1660; and was lord privy seal 1672-82. He supported the par- liamentary attack on James in a paper addressed to Charles II., entitled “The Account of Arthur, Earl of Anglesea, to your Most Excellent Majesty on the true state of your Majesty’s government and kingdom” (1682). Annesley (anz'li) Bay, or Adulis (a-do'lis) Bay, or Zulla (zol'la) Bay. An arm of the Red Sea on its western coast, southeast of Massowah, extending 30 miles inland, about lat. 15° N. Anni (Sn'ne), or Ani (a'ne). A ruined medie- val city in the government of Erivan, Caucasus, Russia, situated on the Arpachai about 28 miles southeast of Kars : the ancient capital of Armenia. Annie Laurie. A song written by William Douglas of Kirkcudbright. Anniston (an'is-ton). A manufacturing city in Calhoun Couuty, Alabama, 60 miles east of Birmingham: the center of a great iron-mining region. Population, 12,794, (1910). Annius of Viterbo (an'i-us ovve-ter'bo). Born at Viterbo, Italy, about 1432: died Nov. 13, 1502. An Italian Dominican monk and scholar. He published a spurious collection of lost classics. Anniviers (a-ne-ve-a'), Val d’, G. Einfisch- tbal (in'fish-tal). An Alpine valley 20 miles long, in the canton of Valais, Switzerland, which unites with the Rhone valley opposite Sierre. It is noted for its picturesque scenery. Anno, Saint. See Hanno. Annonay (iin-no-na'). A town in the depart- ment of Ardeche, France, 37 miles southwest of Lyons, noted for its manufactures of paper, silk goods, and glove-leather. Population, 17,300. Annunciation, The; 1. A very beautiful pic- ture by Andrea del Sarto, in the Galleria Pitti, Florence. — 2. A painting by Luca Signorelli (1491), in the San Carlo Chapel of the Duomo Annunciation, The at Volterra, Italy: one of the master’s best works. — 3. A picture by Titian, in the Scuola di San Rocco at Venice. — 4. A characteristic Preraphaelite painting by Dante Gabriel Ros- setti, in the National Gallery, London. The Virgin was painted from Christina Rossetti. — 5. A painting by Fra Angelico, in Madrid. Anmrnzio (an-non'tzi-o), Gabriele d’. Born at Francavilla al Mare, near Pescara, Italy, in 1864. An Italian poet and novelist. He has written “ Primo Vere" (1879), “Canto Nuovo” (1882), “ Terra Vergine" (1882), “ Intermezzo di rime ” (1883), “ 11 libro delli Vergini" (1884), “L’lsotteo: La Chimera” (1885-88), “ San Pantaleone ’’ (1886), “ Elegie romane " (1887- 91), “Giovanni Episcopo” (1891 : translated as “Episcopo and Company," 1896), “ Poema paradisiaco : Odi navali ’’ (1891-93), “II Piacere" (1889), “ L'Innocente " (1891), “Tri- onfo della Morte” (1894 : translated as “ The Triumph of Death,” 1896), “Levergini delle Rocce ” (1896), “La Citta Morta” (1898), “La Gioconda" (1899), “II fuoco ’’ (1900), “ La Canzone di Garibaldi ” (1900), “ Francesca da Rimini ” (1901), “Li Laudi" (1901), “La ftaccola sotto il moggio" (1905), “Pid cha l’amore” (1906), “L’Orazione e 1a. can- zone in morte d' Giosuk Carducci '' (1907), “La nave ” (1908). Annus Mirabilis (an'us mi-rab'i-lis). [L., ‘ The Year of Wonders’ (1666).] A poem by Dryden, descriptive of the Dutch war and the London fire of 1666 (published 1667). Annweiler or Anweiler (an'vi-ler). A small manufacturing town in the Rhine Palatinate, Bavaria, on the Queich 22 miles southwest of Speyer. Near it is the Annweiler Thai (Pala- tine Switzerland). Anomosans (an-o-me'anz). [Gr. avdyoiop, un- like, dissimilar.]’ A sect of extreme Arians in the 4th century. They held that the Son is of an essence not even similar to that of the Father (whence their name), while the more moderate Allans held that the essence of the Son is similar to that of the Father, though not identical with it. It was founded at Antioch, and was led by Aetius, and after him by Eunomius, whence its members were also called Aetians and Eunomians. Its tenets were finally condemned at the Council of Constan- tinople (381). See Eudoxians. Anonymus Cuspiniani (a-non'i-mus kus-pin-i- a'ni). [NL., ‘the anonymous (manuscript) of Cuspinian.’] See the extract. Anonymus Cuspiniani is the uncouth designation of the mysterious MS. (also edited by Roncalli) which is our most valuable authority for the last quarter-century of the Western Empire. The MS. of this chronic! e is in the Impe- rial Library at Vienna. It was first published by a certain Joseph Cuspinianus, a scholar of the Renaissance (who died in 1529), and hence the name by which it is techni- cally known. Hodykin, Italy and her Invaders, II. 211. Anoobis. See AnvMs. Anoukis, or Anouke, or Anaka. See Ankt. Anquetil (onk-tel'), Louis Pierre. Born at Paris, Jan. 21, 1723: died at Paris, Sept. 6, 1808. A French historian. He wrote “Histoire de France” (1805), “Esprit de la ligue” (1767), “Prdcis de l'histoire universelle ” (1797), etc. Anquetil - Duperron (ohk - tel 'dfi -per - ron' ), Abraham Hyacinthe. Born at Paris, Dec. 7, 1731: died at Paris, Jan. 17, 1805. A French Orientalist, brother of L. P. Anquetil. His chief work is “Zend-Avesta.” Ans (on or ans). A northwestern suburb of Liige, Belgium. Ansarii (an-sa'ri-i), or Nossarii (no-sa'ri-i). An Arabian people in Syria, dwelling in the mountains between the Orontes north and Tripolis south. Number (estimated), 75.000. Ansbach (ans'bach). An ancient principality of Germany, ruled by margraves of the Ho- henzollern house. It was united with Bayreuth in 1769, acquired by Prussia in 1791-92, ceded to Bavaria by Prussia in 1805, occupied by France in 1806, and ceded to Bavaria in 1810. Ansbach (ans'bach), or Anspach (ans'pach). The capital of Middle Franconia, Bavaria, situ- ated on the Franconian Rezat 25 miles south- west of Nuremberg: formerly the capital of the ancient principality of Ansbach. Popula- tion, 18,478. Anscharius. See Ansgar. Ansdell(anz'del), Richard. Born at Liverpool, 1815 : died April 20, 1885. An English artist, noted chiefly for paintings of animal life. Anse (ons). A small town in the department of Rhone, France, situated on the Azergue near the Saone, 14 miles north-northwest of Lyons. It was an important place in the middle ages. Ansedonia (an-sa-do'ne-ii). A small town in Tuscany, Italy, on the coast near Orbetello; the ancient Cosa. It contains Etruscan fortifications the most perfect in Italy, in plan approximately a square of about a mile in circuit. The lower part of the wails is of huge polygonal blocks so exactly fitted that a knife- blade cannot be inserted in the joints ; the upper part is of approximately squared blocks and horizontal courses. The height reaches 30 feet, the thickness is about 6 feet. There are a number of large towers and three double gates. 61 Anthology, The Anselm (an'selm), Saint. Born at or near Aosta, Italy, 1033: died at Canterbury, April 21, 1109. A celebrated divine, founder of scho- lastic theology. He studied under Lanfranc at Bee where he assumed the monastic habit in 1060 ; was prior of Bee 1063-78, and its abbot 1078-93 ; and was archbishop of Canterbury 1093-1109. He stubbornly supported, in a dispute with William II. and Henry I. concerning the right of investiture, the policy inaugurated by Gregory VII. Chief works: “Monologion," “ Broslogion,” “Cur Deus Homo?" His day is celebrated in the Roman Church April 21. Anselm of Laon. Born at Laon, France, about 1030 : died July 15, 1117. A French theologian, author of an interlinear gloss on the Vulgate. Anselme (on-selm'), Jacques Bernard Mo- deste d’. Born at Apt, July 22, 1740: died 1812. A French general, commander of the army of the Var in 1792. He was suspended from his command and imprisoned 1793, on the charge of having permitted the pillage of the conquered county of Nice ; but was set at liberty by the revolution of July, 1794, and lived in re- tirement till his death. Anselme (on-selm'). A character in the drama “L’Avare,” by Moliere. Ansgar (ans'gar), or Anscharius (ans-ka'ri- us). Born near Amiens, France, Sept. 9 (?), 801 a. D. : died at Bremen, Feb. 3, 865. A Frankish missionary to Denmark (827), Swe- den (828-831), and northern Germany: called “The Apostle of the North.” He was the first bishop of Hamburg (831). This bishopric was afterward (846) united with that of Bremen. Anshumant. In Hindu mythology, a son of Asamanjas and grandson of Sagara. He brought back the horse carried off from Sagara’s Asvamedha sacri- fice, and discovered the remains of Sagara’s sixty thousand sons who had been killed by the fire of Kapila’s wrath. Ansibarii. See Ampsivarii. A.nslo (ans'lo), Reinier. Born at Amsterdam, 1626: died at Perugia, May 10, 1669. A Dutch poet. He wrote “ The Martyr Crown of St. Stephen,” “ The Plague at Naples,” and “The Paris Wedding ” (i. e., the massacre of St. Bartholomew). Anson (an' son), George (Lord Anson). Born at Shugborough, Staffordshire, April 23, 1697 : died at MoorPark, Hertfordshire, June 6, 1762. A celebrated English admiral. He entered the navy in 1712, became a captain in 1724, and from 1/24 to 1735 was generally cruising on the coast of Carolina. In Anstrather (an'stfir), East and West. Two royal burghs in Fifeshire, Scotland, on the coast 17 miles northeast of Edinburgh. Anta, or Antha (an'ta). The Egyptian name of the goddess Anaitis. Antseus (an-te'us). [Gr. Avraloc.] In Greek mythology, a Libyan giant and wrestler, son of Poseidon and Ge. He was invincible so long as he remained in contact with his mother the earth. He compelled strangers in his country to wrestle with him, and built a house to Poseidon of their skulls. Heracles discovered the source of his strength, and lifting him into the air crushed him. Antalcidas (an-tal'si-das). A Spartan admiral and politician who flourished in the first half of the 4th century B. C. He concluded with Persia the Peace of Antalcidas, 387 B. c. Antananarivo. See Tananarivo. Antar ( an'tar) or Antara (an'ta-ra). An Arab warrior and poet who lived, probably, a little before the time of Mohammed. He is supposed to have been the author of one of the poems hungup in the Kaaba at Mecca, and the hero of a celebrated romance named from him, the author of which is unknown. (See * Asrnai.) Antarctic Ocean. That part of the ocean which is included between the south pole and the Ant- arctic Circle. Among the lands, or supposed lands, dis- covered in this region, are Victoria Land, Wilkes Land, King Oscar IX. Land, and Alexander I. Land. Graham Land has recently been shown to be archipelagic. Tracts of land and sea north of the Antarctic Circle, as the South Shetlands, are sometimes included. No trace of animal life belonging to the land surface has yet been discovered in the Antarctic tract. Mount Erebus, active volcano, 13,000 feet ; Mount Melbourne, about 15,000 feet. Visited by Cook 1772-73, Weddell (to 75°), D'Urville 1839, Wilkes 1839, Ross 1841-42 (to lat. 78° 10'), the Challenger ex- pedition 1874, Larsen 1893, the Belgica expedition 1897- 1899, Borchgreviuk 1898-1901, and the British Antarctic expedition 1902 (to lat. 82° 17’, the farthest point reached up to that date). See Century Atlas, Map 3i. Antares (an-ta'rez). [Gr. Avrapyc (Ptolemy), from am, against, corresponding to, similar, and "Apvc, Ares, Mars : so called because this star resembles in color the planet Mars.] A red star of the first magnitude, the middle one of three in the body of the Scorpion ; a Scorpii. Antelope Island, or Church Island. The lar- gest island in Great SaltLake, Utah. Length, about 18 miles. 1740 he commanded a squadron of six ships sent to the Pacific. Two ships were driven back by storms, one was lost at Cape Horn, and two others were destroyed as unsea- worthy. In the remaining vessel, the Centurion, of 60 guns, he nearly destroyed the commerce of the Spanish colonies on the Pacific coast, blockaded ports, and even sacked and burned towns. He then crossed the Pacific, captured the Spanish treasure-ship on its way from Manilla to Acapulco (June 20, 1/43), obtained booty to the value of £500,000, and reached England by the Cape of Good Hope in June, 1744. He was made rear-admiral, and in 1746 vice-admiral of the blue, with the command of the Chan- nel fleet. On May 3, 1747, he intercepted a French convoy off Cape Finisterre, and gained a brilliant victory. In re- ward he was created Baron Anson. Thereafter he was engaged in organizing the navy, and was first lord of the admiralty from June, 1751, until Nov., 1756, and again from June, 1757, until his death. In June, 1761, he at- tained the highest naval rank as admiral of the fleet. Ansonia (an-so'ni-a). A city of New Haven County, Connecticut, situated on the Nauga- tuck River 10 miles west by north of New Haven. It has manufactures of copper, brass, and electrical goods, clocks, etc. Population, 15,152, (1910). Anspach (ans'pach), Margravine of. See Berkeley, Elizabeth. Ansted (an'sted), David Thomas. Born at London, Feb. 5, 1814: died at Melton, May 20, 1880. An English geologist, professor of geol- ogy in King’s College, London, 1840-53. He was the author of “Geology” (1844), “Great Stone Book of Nature” (1863), etc. Anster (an'ster), John. Born at Charleville, County Cork, Ireland, 1793: died at Dublin, June 9, 1867. An Irish scholar and poet, regius professor of civil law in Trinity College, Dub- lin, 1837-67. He translated Goethe’s “Faust” (1835, 1864). Anstett (an'stet), Johann Protasius von. Born at Strasburg, 1766: died at Frankfort-on- the-Main, May 14, 1835. A Russian diplomatist. He concluded with Prussia the convention of Kalish, Feb. 28, 1813: assisted Nesselrode in arranging the sub- sidy treaty of England with Russia and Prussia at Reich- enbach, June 15, 1813; represented Russia with plenary powers at the congress of Prague, July 15-Aug. 10, 1813; and from 1815 to his death was ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the German Confedera- tion. Anstey (an'sti), Christopher. Born at Brink- ley, Cambridgeshire, England, Oct. 31, 1724: died at Chippenham, England, Aug. 3, 1805. An English satirical poet, author of “ New Bath Guide” (1766), etc. Anstey, F. A pseudonym of T. A. Guthrie. Antenor (an-te'nor). [Gr. Avri/vup.'] In Greek legend, a Trojan, according to Homer the wisest of the elders. He was the host of Menelaus and Odys- seus when they visited Troy, and strongly advised the Trojans to surrender Helen. His friendliness toward the Greeks in the end amounted to treason. Antenor. Lived about 509 b. c. An Athenian sculptor who “ made the first bronze statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton, which the Athe- nians set up in the Cerameicus. (B. C. 509.) These statues were carried off to Susa by Xerxes, and their place was supplied by others made either by C'allias or by Praxiteles. After the conquest of Persia, Alexander the Great sent the statues back to Athens, where they were again set up in the Cerameicus.” Smith, Diet, of Gr. and Rom. Biog. Antequera (an-ta-ka'ra). A city in the prov- ince of Malaga, Spain, situated on the Guadal- horce 25 miles north of Malaga : the Roman Antiquaria. It has manufactures of woolen goods and silk 3 , tanneries, etc. It was captured from the Moors in 111). Population, 31,609. Anteros (an'te-ros). [Gr. Avrepuc, from avrl, against, and epuc, love.] In Greek mythology, a son of Aphrodite and Ares and brother of Eros. He was the god of unhappy love, the avenger of unrequited affection : the opposite of Eros. Anteros. Bishop of Rome 235-236, successor of St. Pontianus. He was a Greek by birth. According to Eusebius, he was elected in 238, dying one month later, but most modern historians follow Baronius, as above. Antesians. See Anclesians. Anthemius (an-the'mi-us). [Gr. Avdeptoc.] Born at Tralles, Lydia : died about 534. A Greek mathematician and architect. He was one of the architects employed by the emperor Justinian in building the church of St. Sophia at Constantinople. Anthemius. Emperor of the West 467-473 (472 f ), son of Procopius and son-in-law of the eastern emperor Marcian. He was nominated em- peror of the West by the eastern emperor Leo, on the ap- plication of Ricimer for a successor to Majorian, and was confirmed at Rome. He became the father-in-law of Ricim< r in 467, and was killed in a civil war which broke out between them. Anthia (an-thi'ii). [Gr. v Avdua\ . The heroine in the romance “Ephesiaca,” by Xenophon of Ephesus. Anthology, The. [Gr. bvdoAoyta, LGr. also av- 6ol6yiov, a flower-gathering, hence a collec- tion of small poems, from avOoMyoc, gathering flowers, from av0o<;, a flower, and Weyetv = L. legere, gather, read.] A collection of several thousand short Greek poems by many authors. Anthology, The written for the most part in the elegiac meter. In it every period of Greek literature is represented, from the Persian war to the decadenoe of Byzantium. The first Anthology was compiled by Meleager of Gadara in the 1st century B. c. : to this additions were made by Philippas of Thessalonica about 100 a.d. In the collection by Agathias of Myrina (6th century) the poems are (for the first time) arranged by subjects. See the extract. The Greek Anthology brings together epigrams and short pieces ranging over about 1,000 years, — from Simon- ides of Ceos (490 b. c.) to the sixth century of our era. Maximus Planudes, a monk of Constantinople (1330 a. d.), put together a collection, founded on that of Agathias (550 A. D.), in seven books. This was the only one till, in 1606, the scholar Saumaise, better known as Salmasius, found a manuscript in the library of the Elector Palatine at Heidelberg, containing another Greek Anthology, put together by Constantinus Cephalas about 920 a.d. This is now known as the Palatine Anthology ; and it is now seen that Planudes had, in large measure, merely rearranged or abridged it. Love, art, mourning for the dead, the whole range oi human interests and sympathies, lend leaves to this garland of Greek song. Jebb, Greek Lit., p. 160. Antbon (an'thon), Charles. Born atNew York, Nov. 19, 1797 : died at New York, July 29, 1867. An American classical teacher, professor of Greek in Columbia College. He edited Lemprifere’s * Classical Dictionary ”(1841), and compiled a “ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities ”(1848), and various clas- sical text-books. Anthony (an'to-ni), or Antony (an'to-ni), Saint, “The Great”: L. Antonins. Born at Coma, Upper Egypt, about 251 a.d. : died about 356. An Egyptian abbot, called (by Athanasius) the founder of asceticism. He early adopted an as- cetic mode of life, and in 2S5 retired altogether from the so- ciety of men, living first in a sepulcher, then for twenty years in the ruins of a castle, and finally on Mount Colzim. His sanctity attracted numerous disciples, whom he gath- ered into a fraternity near Faytim, which at his death numbered 15,000 members. He was a friend and sup- porter of Athanasius. He was often (according to his own belief) sorely tempted in his solitude by the devil, who ap- peared in a great variety of forms, now as a friend, now as a fascinating woman, now as a dragon, and once broke through the wall of his cave, filling the room with roaring lions, howling wolves, growling bears, fierce hyenas, and crawling serpents and scorpions — scenes frequently de- picted in Christian art. (See Temptation of St. Anthony.) His bones, discovered in 561 and brought first to Alexan- dria, then to Constantinople, and finally to Vienne in southern France, are said to have performed great won- ders in the 11th century, during an epidemic of “St. An- thony's fire,” an erysipelatous distemper, also called the “sacred fire.” His day is Jan. 17 in the Roman Church. Anthony (an'to-ni), Henry Bowen. Born at Coventry, R. I., April 1, 1815: died at Provi- dence, R. I., Sept. 2, 1884. An American jour- nalist and statesman. He was a graduate of Brown University 1833, many years editor of the Providence “Journal,” Whig governor of Rhode Island 1849-51, Re- publican United States senator 1859-84, and several times president pro tempore of the Senate. Anthony, Susan Brownell. Born at South Adams, Mass., Feb. 15, 1820: died at Roch- ester, N. Y., March 13, 1906. A social reformer, and agitator in behalf of female suffrage, tern, perance, and the civil rights of women. Anthony of Padua, Saint. Born at Lisbon, Aug. 15, 1195 : died near Padua, June 13, 1231. A Franciscan monk, theologian, and preacher in France and Italy. He taught at MontpeUier, Tou- louse, and Padua. According to the legend, he one day preached to a school of fishes and was heard with atten- tion. In the Roman calendar liis day is June 13. There is a noted painting of him by Murillo in the cathedral of Seville. The figure of the saint was cut from the picture by a thief in 1874, but was recovered in New York, and replaced very skilfully. There is also a painting of An- thony by Murillo in the museum at Seville. The saint kneels, with one arm about the infant Saviour, who ia seated before him on an open hook. Anthony ’s Nose. A promontory near the south- ern entrance of the Highlands, New York, pro- jecting into the Hudson between West Point and Peekskill. Anti (iin'te). A province of the Inca empire of Peru, at the base of the eastern mountains, bordering the Ucayale valley: so called from the Indians who inhabited it. By some it has been supposed that the Andes took their name from this province. Antibes (on-teb'). A fortified seaport in the department of Alpes-Maritimes, France, situ- ated on the Mediterranean 13 miles southwest of Nice: the ancient Antipolis. it was a Greek colony from Marseilles. In 1746 it was bombarded by the Allies under Browne. Population, 11,753. Antibes Legion. A foreign battalion at Rome during the French occupation of the city, sup- ported by Pope Pius IX. It was formed at An- tibes and composed chiefly of Frenchmen. Antiburgbers (an'ti-ber-gerz). The members of one of two sections into which the Scotch Secession Church was split in 1747, by a con- troversy on the lawfulness of accepting a clause in the oath required to be taken by burgesses declaratory of “ their profession and allowance of the true religion professed within the realm 62 and authorized by the laws thereof.” The Anti- burghers denied that this oath could he taken consistently with the principles of the church, while the Burghers af- firmed its compatibility. The parties were reunited in 1820. Anticant, Dr. Pessimist. A pseudonym of Thomas Carlyle. Anti-Corn-Law League. An association formed inl839,withheadquartersat Manchester, to further the repeal of the British corn-laws. Among the leaders were Cobden, Bright, Vil- liers, Joseph Hume, and Roebuck. Anticosti (an-ti-kos'ti). A thinly Inhabited island of British America, situated in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in lat. 49°-50° N., long. 61° 40'-64° 30' W. It is swampy, rocky, and un- fruitful. Its length is 135 miles and its great- est width about 35 miles. Anticyra (an-tis'i-ra). [Gr. ’Avrluvpa, ’Avr'mvppa , earlier ’Avriiappa .] 1. In ancient geography, a city in Phoeis, Greece, situated on the Co- rinthian Gulf in lat. 38° 23' N., long. 22° 38' E. It is noted for the hellebore (the ancient remedy for madness) obtained in its neighbor- hood. — 2. A city in Thessaly, Greece, situated on the Speretius in lat. 38° 51' N., long. 22° 22' E. It, also, was noted for its hellebore. — 3. A city in Loeris, Greece, situated near Nau- pactus in lat. 38° 24' N., long. 22° E. Antietam (an-te'tam). A small river in south- ern Pennsylvania and western Maryland, which joins the Potomac 6 miles north of Harper’s Ferry. On its banks near Bharpsburg, Sept. 17, 1862, a battle (called by tiie Confederates the battle of Sharps- burg) was fought between the Federals (87,764, of whom about 60,000 bore the brunt of the battle) under McClellan, and the Confederates (40,000 according to Lee, 45,000 to 70,000 according to Pollard, 97,000 according to McClellan) under Lee. The total loss of the Union army was 12,410 (2,108 killed) ; of the Confederates, 11,172. Other esti- mates of the Confederate loss are 8,000 to 26,000. Lee re- treated across the Potomac on the 18th. The battle is va- riously desciibed as a Federal victory and as indecisive. Anti-Federal Party. In United States history, the party which opposed the adoption and rati- fication of the Constitution of the United States, and which, failing in this, strongly favored the strict construction of the Constitution, its fun- damental principle was opposition to the strengthening of the national government, at the expense of the States. Soon after the close of Washington’s first administration (1793) the name Anti-Federal went out of use, Republican, and afterward Democratic-Republican (row usually Demo- cratic alone), taking its place. Also called Anti-Federalist Party. Anti-Federalists. See Anti-Federal Party. Antigone (an-tig'o-ne). [Gr. ’Avnyovy .] In Greek legend, a daughter of (E dipus by his mother J ocaste. She accompanied CEdipus, as a faith- ful daughter, in his wanderings until his death at Colonus; she then returned to Thebes. According to Sophocles, Daemon, the son of Creon (who iu other accounts was then dead), fell in love with her. Contrary to the edict of Creon, she buried the body of her brother Polynices, who had been slain in single combat with his brother Eteocles, and (according to Sophocles) was shut up in a subterraneous cave where she perished by her own hand. Daemon also slew himself. Other accounts of her life and death are given. Antigone. 1. A celebrated tragedy by Sopho- cles, of uncertain date. — 2. A tragedy by Al- fieri, a sequel to “ Polynices,” published in 1783. Antigonidse (an-ti-gon'i-de). [Gr. ’Avrtyovifiat.] The descendants of Antigonus, king of Asia, one of the generals of Alexander the Great. The principal members of the family were Demetrius 1. (Poliorcetes), king of Macedonia (died 283 B. C. ) , son of Antigonus, king of Asia ; Antigonus Gonatas, king of Macedonia (died 239 B. c.), son of Demetrius I. ; Deme- trius of Cyrene (died 250 B. c.), son of Demetrius I. ; Demetrius II., king of Macedonia (died 229 B. c.), son of Antigonus Gonatas; Antigonus Doson, king of Macedonia (died 220 B. c.), son of Demetrius of Cyrene; Philip V., king of Macedonia (died 179 B. C.), son of Demetrius II. ; and Perseus, king of Macedonia, conquered by the Romans 168 B. C. Antigonish (an-tig-o-nesb'). A seaport, capital of Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, situated on George Bay 38 miles east of Pictou. Antigonus (an-tig'o-nus). [Gr. ’Avriyovog.’] Born about 80 B. C. : executed at Antioch 37 B.C. A king of Judea who reigned 40-37 B. C. : the last Maccabean king. He was defeated by Herod, the son of Antipater, and put to death by Antony as a common malefactor. Antigonus. Born about 382 B. C. : killed at the battle of ipsus, 301 b. c. One of the generals of Alexander the Great, surnamed “The One- Eyed.” After the death of Alexander he received the provinces of Greater Phrygia, Lycia, and Pamphylia. He carried on war against Perdiceas and Eumenes, made extensive conquests in Asia, assumed the title of king in 306, and was overthrown at Ipsus by a coalition. Antigonus. 1 . In Shakspere’s ‘ ‘ WintePs Tale,” a lord of Sicilia. — 2. In FletchePs “ Humorous Lieutenant,” an old and licentious king. Antin, Due d’ Antigonus Carystius (ka-ris'ti-us). Born in Carystos, Euboea (whence his surname) : lived about 250 B. C. A Greek writer, author of a work re- lating to natural history, portions of which are extant, valuable as containing quotations from lost writings. Antigonus Doson (do'son). [Gr. Atiavi 7 f.] A Greek comic poet who lived between 404 and 330 B. C. He was the most distinguished writer of the so-called middle comedy, a period in the development of Greek comedy extending from about 390 to 338 B. c. Antiphellos (an-ti-fel'os). [Gr. Arrive AAot;.] In ancient geography, a town on the southwest- ern coast of Lycia, Asia Minor, it contains a Lycian necropolis of rock-cut tombs, which are architec- turally important because the facades are in exact repro- duction of a framed construction of square wooden beams, with doors and windows of paneled work, and ceilings of round poles laid closely together. These tombs evidently represent ancient dwellings, and the imitation is carried out in some of the interiors. There is also an ancient theater, the cavea of which is well preserved, with 26 tiers of seats. Antiphilus (an-tif i-lus). [Gr. Avritfnlog. ] Lived in the second half of the 4th century B. c. A Greek painter. Antipholus of Ephesus (an-tif'o-lus ov ef'e- sus), and Antipholus of Syracuse (sir'a-kusj. In Shakspere’s “Comedy of Errors,” twin bro- thers, the first of a violent and the latter of a mild nature. Antiphon (an'ti-fon). [Gr. Avrupav.] Born at Rhamnus, Attica, about 480 b. C. : executed at Athens, 411 B. C. An Athenian orator and poli- tician, the oldest of the “ten Attic orators.” He was a member of the aristocratic party, and was con- demned for his share in establishing the government by the 400. Fifteen of his orations are extant. Antiphon was the ablest debater and pleader of his day, and in his person the new Rhetoric first appears as a po- litical power at Athens. He took a chief part in organis- ing the Revolution of the Four Hundred, and when they fell was put to death by the people (411 B. c.), after de- fending himself in a masterpiece of eloquence. Of his 15 extant speeches, all relating to trials for homicide, 12 are mere sketches or studies, forming three groups of four each, in which the case for the prosecution is argued al- ternately with the case for the defence. Jebb, Greek Lit., p. 111. Antipodes Islands (an-tip'o-dez I'landz). A cluster of small uninhabited islands in the South Pacific, in lat. 49° 48' S., long. 178° 20' E. : so called from their nearly antipodal position to Greenwich (near London). Antipodes (an-tip'o-dez), The. A comedy by Richard Brome, printed in 1640. Antipolis (an-tip'o-lis). [Gr. Avr'i~n'Air.\ The ancient name of Antibes, in Prance. Antipsara (an-tip'sa-ra). A small island near Ipsara. Antiquary (an'ti-kwa-ri), The. 1. A comedy by Shakerley Marmion, printed in 1641 . Part of O’Keefe’s play"“Modern Antiques" was taken from this, also D’Urfd’s “Madam Fickle," in which Sir Arthur Old. love is a copy of Veterano the Antiquary. 2. A novel by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1816: so named from its principal character, Jonathan Oldbuok the Antiquary. Anti-Rent Party (an-ti-rent' piir'ti). InUnited States politics, a party in the State of New York which had its origin in dissatisfaction among the tenants under the patroon system in the eastern part of the State. The tenants re- fused to pay rent in 1839, resisted force, and a few years later carried their opposition into politics. The mattoi was settled by compromise in 1850. Antis (iin'tez), or Campas (kiim'paz). The Antis ancient Indian inhabitants of Anti. They were conquered by the Inca Yahuar-huaccac in the 14th cen- tury. Their few descendants wander in the forests about the head waters of the Ucayale, and are closely related to the Chunchos (which see). They live in huts and wear a long cotton robe. Antisana (an-te-sa'na). A volcano of the Ecua- dorian Andes, 35 miles southeast of Quito. Ascended by Wh ymper in 1880. Height (Whym- per), 19,335 (Reiss and Stiibel, 18,885) feet. It [Antisana] was formerly supposed to be the only great mountain, anywhere in the world, immediately upon the Equator, and it has become improbable that a loftier one will ever be discovered exactly upon the Line. Whymper, Travels amongst the Great Andes of the [Equator, p. 228. Antisana. A village on the slope of Mount Antisana, one of the highest inhabited spots in the world. Height (Whymper), 13,306 (Reiss and Stiibel, 13,370) feet. Anti-Semitic Party. A political party whose chief aim is to hinder the spread of Hebrew (Semitic) influence in public affairs. Such par- ties have representatives in the Austrian Reichsrath and the German Reichstag. Antistates (an-tis'ta-tez). [Gr. ’AvTicTaTT/t;.] A Greek architect, associated with Calltesehrus, Antimachides, and Porinus in planning and be- ginning the great temple of Zeus at Athens in the time of Pisistrat.us (about 560 B. c.). This work was interrupted by the downfall of Pisistratus, resumed by the Roman architect Cossutius in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes (175-164 B. C.), and finished by the emperor Hadrian. The unfinished building was compared by Aristotle with the pyramids of Egypt. Antisthenes (an-tis'the-nez). [Gr. ’Avriadevt/g.] Born at Athens about 444 b. c. : died at Athens after 371 b. c. An Athenian philosopher, founder of the school of the Cynics. He was a pupil of Socrates and taught in a gymnasium at Athens. Anti-suyu (an'te-so'yo). [Quichua, ‘country of the Antis.’] A name given by the Incas to the region of the Andes and their eastern slope, inhabited by various tribes. The word “ Andes” seems to be derived from Anti. Antitactse (an -ti-tak 'te). [Gr. avrerdnrai, heretics.] A name given to the Antinomian Gnostics. Anti-Taurus (an // ti-ta'rus). [Gr. ’A vriravpoc.] A range of mountains in Asiatic Turkey, which lies northeast of and parallel to the Taurus, lat. 38-39° N., long. 36° E., regarded as a contin- uation of the Ala-Dagh. Antium (an'shi-um). In ancient geography, a city of Latium, Italy, situated on the Mediter- ranean 32 miles south of Rome: the modern Porto d’Anzio. It wa9a Volscian stronghold, and be- came a Roman colony in 338 B. c. Later it was a favorite Roman residence. Antivari (an-te'va-re), or Ear (bar). A town in Montenegro, situated near the Adriatic in lat. 42° 4' N., long. 19° 7' E. It was Venetian in the middle ages, and later Albanian. In 1878 it was con- quered by Montenegro, and was ceded by Turkey in the same year. Antofagasta (an-to-fa-gas'ta). A province of northern Chile, conquered from Bolivia in 1879. Area, 46,597 square miles. Population, 113,323. Antofagasta. A seaport situated on Morena Bay iu lat. 23° 41' S., long. 70° 25' W. in the vicinity are rich saltpeter deposits. In 1879 it was occu- pied by Chile, and was ceded by Bolivia in 1884. A rail- road crosses the Andes from this point to the plateau of Bolivia. Population, 32,496. AntOgast (an'to-gast). A small watering-place in Baden, on the slope of the Kniebis near Oberkirch. Antoine de Bourbon (on-twan' de bor-bon'). Born April 22, 1518: died Nov. 17, 1562. A son of Charles de Bourbon, duke of Vendome, husband of Jeanne d’Albret (1548), and king of Navarre 1555. Antommarchi (an-tom-mar'ke), Francesco. Born in Corsica about 1780 : died April 3, 1838. An Italian surgeon, physician to Napoleon at St. Helena. He wrote “Les derniers moments de NapoKon” (1823). Antongil Bay (an-ton-zhel' ba). A bay on the eastern coast of the northern part of Mada- gascar. Anton Ulrich (an'ton ol'rieh). Born at Hit- zacker in Liineburg, Oct. 4, 1633 : died March 27, 1714. Duke of Br uns wick- Wolf enbiittel, and a novelist and poet. He was the author of the ro- mances “Die durchlauchtige Syrerinn Aramena” (1669- 1673), and “Octavia” (1677). Antonelli (an-to-nel'le), Giacomo. Born at Sonnino, Latium, Italy, April 2, 1806: died at Rome, Nov. 6, 1876. A noted Roman prelate and statesman. He became cardinal in 1847, and was president of the ministry 1S47-48, and secretary of foreign affairs for the Papal States after 1850. 64 Antonello da Messina. Bom at Messina, Sicily, about 1430: died at Venice about 1493, An Italian painter, said to have introduced painting in oils from the Low Countries into Italy. Antonina (an-to-ni'na). [L.] The wife of Belisarius. Antonine. See Antoninus. Antonines (an'to-ninz), Age of the. In Roman history, the period of the reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. It was generally characterized by domestic tranquillity. See Adoptive Emperors. Antoninus (an-to-ni'nus), Itineraries of. Two accounts of routes in the Roman Empire, said to have been edited in the time of (Antoninus) Caracalla. One related to routes in Europe, Asia, and Africa ; the other to maritime routes. See Itineraries. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. See Marcus Aurelius. Antoninus, Pillar of. See Column of Marcus Aurelius. Antoninus, Wall of. See Wall of Antoni- nus. Antoninus Liheralis (an-to-ni'nus lib-e-ra'lis). Lived about 150 A. d. A Greek grammarian, au- thor of a collection of tales of metamorphoses (ed. by Koch 1832). Antoninus Pius (an-to-ni'nus pi'us) (Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius). Born near Lanuvium, Italy, Sept. 19, 86 a. d. : died at Lorium, Italy, March 7, 161 A. D. Emperor of Rome 138-161 A. D. He was consul and proconsul in Asia under Hadrian, and was adopted by Hadrian in 138. His reign was marked by general internal peace and pros- perity. (See Adoptive Emperors.) It “was one of those periods which have been pronounced happy because they are barren of events, and the placid temper of the prince gave him the full enjoyment of the felicity of his people ” (Smith, Hist, of the World). Antonio (an-to'ne-o), Sant’, Church of. A remarkable church in Padua, Italy, built by Niccola Pisano in the 13th century, and combin- ing Pointed forms with seven Byzantine domes modeled after those of St. Mark’s at Venice. The aisles and chapels have groined vaults, and Pointed and round arches are used together. The church con- tains fine paintings and tombs, and several magnificent chapels, among them the Cappella del Santo, whose mar- ble reliefs are among the most notable of the Renaissance, and the Cappella San Felice, in the Venetian Pointed style, with admirable 14th-century frescos. Antonio, Nicolao. [NL. Nicolaus Antonins.] Born at Seville 1617 : died 1684. A Spanish bib- liographer and critic. He was appointed by Philip IV. his general agent at Rome in 1659, and was made fiscal of the royal council at Madrid about 1677. He was the author of the “Bibliotheca Hispanica," an index of Spanish au- thors from the time of Augustus. It is in two parts, each of two folio volumes, lie also published “Bibliotheca Hispanica Nova 1 (1672), and “Bibliotheca Vetus" (1696). Antonio (an-to'ni-o). 1. In Shakspere’s “Mer- chant of Venice,” the princely merchant who gives to the play its name. He is of a sensitive, sus- ceptible, melancholy nature, with a presentiment of evil and danger. Being obliged to borrow money of Shylock to meet the needs of Bassanio, his friend, he is induced to sign a bond agreeing to forfeit a pound of flesh if he does not repay the money within a specified time. Not being able to pay, he nearly loses his life to satisfy the demands of the J ew. See Shylock. 2. In Shakspere’s “Tempest,” the usurping duke of Milan. — 3. In Shakspere’s “ Two Gen- tlemen of Verona,” the father of Proteus. — 4. The brother of Leonato, governor of Messina, in Shakspere’s “Much Ado about Nothing.” — 5. A sea-captain devoted to Sebastian, in Shak- spere’s “Twelfth Night.” — 6. In Middleton’s play “ The Changeling,” a secondary character who pretends for his own purposes to be an idiot ora changeling: from him the play takes its name. — -7. In Webster’s tragedy “The Duchess of Malfi,” the steward of the household of the Duchess of Malfi. Hois secretly married to her, an offense for which he is murdered by her brothers. — 8. In Otway’s play “Venice Pre- served,” a foolish speeehmaker and senator whose buffooneries were intended to ridicule the first Earl of Shaftesbury. The part is omit- ted from the acting play on account of its in- decency. — 9. One of the principal characters in Marston’s “Antonio and Mellida” and “ An- tonio’s Revenge,” the son of Andrugio, in love with Mellida. — 10. In Tomkis’s comedy “Al- bumazar,” an old gentleman, supposed to be drowned, who returns in time to frustrate the schemes of the thievish Albumazar. — 11. In Dryden’s tragedy “ Don Sebastian,” a young Portuguese nobleman, a slave at the time the play begins. Dorax calls him “The amorous airy spark, Antonio.” Antwerp Antonio and Mellida. A tragedy in two parts by Marston, printed in 1602. It had been played in 1601 and ridiculed by Ben Jonson in “The Poetaster" and “ Cynthia’s Revels.” The second part is also known as “ Antonio's Revenge." Antonius, Saint. See Anthony. Antonius’, Marcus. See Antony , Mark. Antonius (an-to'ni-us), Marcus. Bom 143 B. c. . killed at Rome, 87 B. c. A Roman orator, consul 99 B. c., and censor 97. He was put to death by the Marian party. Antony (an'to-ni). A tragedy by Alexandre Dumas, produced in 1831. Antony, Saint. See Anthony. Antony, Mark, L. Marcus Antonius. Born about 83 b. c. : died at Alexandria in Aug., 30 B. c. A Roman triumvir and general, grand- son of Marcus Antonius the orator. He served in Palestine and Egypt ; was qusestor in 52 and tribune iu 50 ; became a prominent adherent of Caesar ; and was ex- pelled from Rome and fled to Caesar, who thereupon com- menced the civil war. He commanded the left wing at the battle of Pharsalia ; was master of the horse in 47, and became consul in 44. He engaged in intrigues after Caesar's death, and was denounced by Cicero ; fled from Rome ; formed with Octavian and Lepidus the 2d trium- virate in 43 ; defeated Brutus and Cassius at Philippi in 42 ; summoned Cleopatra to Asia, and later followed her to Alexandria ; and renewed the triumvirate in 40 and 37. From about 40 he lived chiefly in Alexandria with Cleo- patra; conducted an unsuccessful expedition against Parthia; was defeated by Octavian at Actium 31; and fled to Egypt, where he committed suicide. Antony and Cleopatra. A tragedy by Shak- spere, written and produced in 1607, entered on the Stationers’ Register in 1608, and printed in 1623. It was founded on North's “riutarch,” and in it Shakspere lias followed history more minutely than in any other of his plays. The subject has been used by pryden in “All for Love,” and by Fletcher and Massinger in “The False One.” The character of Mark Antony is incomparably stronger in Shakspere’s play than in the others. Dryden makes him a weak voluptuary entirely given up to his passion for Cleopatra. Antony Love, Sir, or The Rambling Lady. A comedy by Southerne, printed in 1684. sir Antony is the Rambling J ady herself, who in male attire swaggers, fights duels, hobnobs with the men, and fol- lows one whom she loves to France. Antony of Padua. See Anthony. Antraigues (on-trag'). A small picturesque town in the department of Ardeehe, France, west of Privas. Antraigues (on-trag'), Comte d’ (Emmanuel Louis Henri de Launay). Born at Ville- Neuve, Ardfeche, France, about 1755: assas- sinated near London, July 22, 1812. A French politician, author of “Memoires sixr les Etats- G6n(5raux, etc.” (1788). He was a deputy 1789, emigrated in 1790, and was later employed in various diplomatic missions. Antrim (an'trim). A county in Ulster, Ireland, bounded by the Atlantic on the north, by the North Channel on the east, by Down on the south, and by Londonderry and Lough Neagh on the west. It is hilly on the coast. The chief city is Belfast. Antrim was largely colonized from Scotland. Area, 1,211 square miles. Population, 196,090. Antrim. A town in County Antrim, 13 miles northwest of Belfast. Near it are Antrim Castle, Shane’s Castle, and an ancient round tower, an unusual example of this characteristic type of medieval Irish struc- ture. It is 95 feet high and 18 in diameter at the base, and tapers to the top, which is covered with a conical block replacing the original one, which was destroyed by light- ning. The small, low door is raised about 10 feet above the ground, and has monolithic jambs and lintel. Antrim was the scene of a royalist victory over the Irish insur- gents, June 7, 1798. Population, 1,826. Antuco (an-to'ko). A small place in Bio Bio, Chile, about lat. 37° 30' S. From it one of the chief passes (6,890 feet high) over the Andes leads to the Argentine Republic. Antwerp (aut'werp). [Flem. Antwerpen , G. Antwerpen, F. Anvers, Sp. Amberes.] A prov- ince of Belgium, bounded by the Netherlands on the north, by Limburg on the east, by Brabant on the south, and by East Flanders on the west. The chief cities are Antwerp and Mechlin. Area, 1,093 square miles. Population, 973,455, principally Flemish. Antwerp. A seaport of Belgium, and the capital of the province of Antwerp, situated on the Schelde 60 miles from the North Sea, in lat. 51° 13' N., long. 4° 24' E. It is the chief commercial city of Belgium and one of the principal seaports of Europe, and also a strong fortress. It has extensive quays and docks, and is the terminus of the Red Star Steamship Line to New York, and of other steamship lines. The city was founded by the 7th century, and its most flourishing period was from the 11th to the 16th century. It suffered severely from the Inquisition, the “Spanish Fury” of 1576, and the “French Fury"of 1583. It was besieged by the Duke of Parma in 1784 and taken in 1585. The town was occu- pied by tlie French in 1794, and was recovered from France in 1814. The citadel was taken, after a siege, by the French under Gerard from the Dutch under Chassi in 1832. The cathedral of Antwerp is the most important church in the Antwerp Low Countries. It was begun in 1352, and finished early in the 16th century. The exterior is marked by the grace- ful north tower and spire of the west front, 402 feet high. The south tower is incomplete. Over the crossing is a curious pyramidal stepped erection with a pointed bulbous top ; to expose this to view the roofs of nave, choir, and transepts terminate at the quadrangle of the crossing, which produces a strange effect. The windows are very large and richly traceried, but the general impression is bare. The simple interior is highly impressive, with ad- mirable perspectives. It contains Rubens's famous paint- ings, the “Descent from the Cross," the “ Elevation of the Cross,” and the ‘'Assumption.” The dimensions are 384 by 471 feet, length of transepts 222, height of vaulting 130. The Musde Plantin-Moretus is a unique collection of everything pertaining to the early days of printing and to its later development in the house of the noted printer Plantin, who opened his office in 1555. The house itself is a highly interesting example of a Renaissance dwelling of the better burgher class, with its old furniture, tapestries, and ornaments, combined with business offices. It is built around a quaint court. The old printing-oflice, the pro- prietor’s office, and the salesroom are preserved complete. Among the ninety portraits in the house are fourteen by Rubens and two by Van Dyck. Population, 317,171. Anu (a'no). In Hindu mythology, a son of King Yayati and Sarmishtha. When the curse of old age and infirmity was pronounced upon Yayati by Su- kra, the father of his wife Devayani, Sukra consented to transfer it to any one of Yayati’s five sons who would con- sent to bear it. Anu was one of the four who refused, and in consequence was cursed by his father, the curse being that his posterity should not possess dominion— a curse apparently not fulfilled. Ann (a'no). The supreme god of the Assyro- Babylonian pantheon. He was especially the god of heaven, and his consort Antu the “mother of the gods.” His ancient seat of worship was in Uruk and later in Ur. In the time of the Assyrian ascendancy his cult fell into the background, though theoretically he maintained the first place in the hierarchy of the Assyro-Babylonian di- vinities. Anubis (a-nu'bis). [Gr. ”Avov3ic.] In Egyptian mythology, the son of Osiris : often identified by the Greeks with Hermes. He is represented with a jackal’s head, and was the ruler of graves and super- visor of the burial of the dead. Anukis (a-no'kis). In Egyptian mythology, a goddess personifying the lower hemisphere : the same as Ankt. Anunaki (a-no-na'ki). In Assyro-Babylonian mythology, the spirits of the earth, with the Igigi, spirits of heaven, they constitute the “host of hea- ven and earth,” subordinate to the higher gods, especially to Anu, the supreme god of heaven. Anupshuhar (a-nop-sho'har). A town in the United Provinces, British India, situated on the Ganges 70 miles southeast of Delhi. Anuradhpura (a - no - radh - po ' ra). A saered city of northern Ceylon, 60 miles west of Trin- eomalee. Anville (on-vel'), Jean Baptiste Bourgui- gnon d’. Bom at Paris, July 11, 1697 : died at Paris, Jan. 28, 1782. A French geographer and chartographer. He was the author of “Atlas general ” (1737-80), “fitats formes en Europe” (1771), etc. Anwar-i-Suhail ( an - war ' e - stt - hil ' ) . [Pers . , ‘Lights of Canopus.’] The Persian version of the so-called ‘ ‘ Fables of Bidpai or Pilpay,” made about 1494 a. d. by Husain Waiz al-Kashifi. It is a simplified recast of that by Nasr Allah of Ghazni, made about 1130 from the Arabic Kalilah and Dimnah of Abdallah ibn al-Mogaifa, which in turn was made from the Pahlavi version by Barzoi of thelndian original, from which the Sanskrit Panchatantra and Hitopadesha were derived. The star Canopus is taken as representing wisdom. Anything for a Quiet Life. A play by Thomas Middleton, printed in 1662. Anzasca (an-tsas'ka), Val d’. A picturesque Alpine valley in the province of Novara, Italy, east of Monte Rosa. Anzin (on-zan'). A town in the department of Nord, France, li miles west of Valenciennes, the center of a coal-mining region. Popula- tion, commune, 14,387. Anzio, Porto d’. See Antium. Aogemadaeca. A Parsi tract inculcating resig- nation to death: so called from its initial Avesta word aogcmaide, ‘ we come.’ It has the appearance of an Avesta text with Pahlavi translation and commentary. Aomori Bay (a-o'mo-ri ba'). A large bay at the northern extremity of the main island of Japan. Aoaia (a-6'ni-a). [Gr. ’Aoria.] In ancient geog- raphy, a district in Boeotia, Greece. The name is often used as synonymous with Boeotia. Aornus (a-dr'nus). [Gr. v Ao pvoc.] In ancient geography, a rock stronghold, situated near the Indus (near the river Kabul?), taken by Alex- ander the Great from native defenders 327 B. c. Aosta (a-os'ta). [F. Aoste.] A town in the province of Turin, Italy, situated on the Dora Baltea in lat. 45° 45' N., long. 7° 20' E., at the terminus of the Great St. Bernard and Little St. Bernard routes: the Roman Augusta Pnetoria. It was the ancient capital of the Salassi, C.— 5 65 and became a Roman colony under Augustus. It has a cathedral and important Roman antiquities. The cathe- dral is of the 11th century, with later medieval and modern restorations. There are two imposing towers at the sides of the apse, and several interesting tombs in the plain in- terior. The Pretorian Gate (porta della Trinith) of the ancient Roman walls survives in fair condition. There are three arched passages : that in the middle is 27 feet wide, those on the sides 7\. The space between the two faces is nearly 40 feet. The arches are surmounted by a frieze and a range of corbels. There is also a Roman tri- umphal arch, an interesting and well-preserved monu- ment. It is 84 feet wide and 65 High, with a single arch 38 feet high between coupled unfluted Corinthian columns. The arch has a Doric entablature, with triglyphs at the angles. The attic is destroyed. Pop., commune, 7,875. A.OSta, Duke of. A title of Amadeus, king of Spain. Aosta, Valley of. The upper valley of the Dora Baltea in northwestern Italy. Apaches (a-pa'chaz). [From the Cuchan and Maricopa e' patch, man, here applied in the sense of ‘enemy.’] A people of the southern division of the Athapascan stock of North American Indians. In 1598 they occupied northwest- ern New Mexico, and between that date and 1629 roamed over the upper Gila drainage-area in southwestern New Mexico. In 1799 their range was from central Texas nearly to Colorado River, Arizona, and they have subsequently ex- tended their raids as far south as Durango, Mexico. The names by which the principal Apache tribes and subtribes have been known to history are Arivaipa, Chiricahua, Co- yotero, Faraone, Gileno, Jicarillo, Lipan, Llanero, Mesca- lero, Mimbrefio, Mogollon, Naisha, Pinal Coyotero, Tchi- kun, and Tchishi. The Apaches are now on reservations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, and number about 6,200. See Athapascan. Apafi. See Ahafi. Apalacha. See Apalachi. Apalache. See Apalachi. Apalachi (ap-a-la'che), or Apalache (-che), or Apalacha (-cha). A tribe of North American Indians, known since 1526, formerly dwelling in and around St. Mark’s River, Florida, and northward to the Appalachian range, in 16S8 the towns of the tribe or division were mentioned in a pe- tition to Charles II. of Spain. About 1702 they were broken up and scattered, and are now extinct or absorbed. Also Appalachee. See Muslchogean. Apamea (ap-a-me'a). [Gr. ’Anageia.'] In ancient geography, a city in Phrygia, Asia Minor, in (about) lat. 38° 3' N., long. 29° 55' E. : the modern Dinair or Denair. Apamea. In ancient geography, a city in Syria, situated on the Orontes 50 miles southeast of Antioch : the medieval Famieh, and the mod- ern Qal'at el Mudiq, originally called Pharnake. Apappus (a-pap'pus). See the extract. At Assfian, at El-Kab, at Kasr-es-Syed, at Sheik Said, at Zauwit-el-Meitin, at Sakkarah, and at San the name of Apappus frequently appears: and it may also be seen sculptured on the rocks at Wady Magharah, and at Ham- mamat, a station on the road between Keneh and Kosseir. The name Apappus signifies, in Egyptian, a giant, and this may be the basis of a tradition which describes him as being nine cubits high, and also says that he reigned a hundred years. ilariette, Outlines, p. 11. Apastamba(a-pas-tam'bhii). The author of Su- tras connected with the Black Yajurveda and of a Dharmashastra. To him or his school are as- cribed two recensions of the Taittiriyasamhita. Apaturia (ap-a-tu'ri-a). [Gr. ’A'lrarovpia.'] In Greek antiquity, the solemn annual meeting of the phratries for the purpose of registering the children of the preceding year whose birth entitled them to citizenship, it took place in the month Pyanepsion (Oct.-Nov.), and lasted three days. The registration took place on the third day. Apava (ii'pa-ya). In the Brahmapurana and the Harivansa, Apava performed the office of the creator Brahma, and divided himself into two parts, male and female. These produced Vishnu, who created Viraj, who brought into the world the first man. Apeldoorn (a'pel-dorn). A town in the province of Gelderland , Netherlands, situated on i he Grift and Dieren Canal 17 miles north of Arnhem. Near it is the castle of Loo. Pop., 34,890. Apellas (a-pel'as). [Gr. A7rr/i/tdf.] Lived about 400 b. c. A Greek sculptor. Apelles (a-pel'ez). [Gr. ’Avrr/l/U/f.] A famous Greek painter of the time of Philip and Alex- ander. Three cities claimed to be his birthplace, Colo- phon, Ephesus, and Cos. He was a pupil first of an other- wise unknown Ephoros, and later of the famous Pamphilos of Sicyon. In him there was that blending of Doric and Ionic elements to which the best results of Greek civili- zation may generally be traced. His greatest work, and, perhaps, the most perfect picture of antiquity, was the Aphrodite Anadyomene, originally painted for the temple of ZEsculapius in Cos. It was afterward bought by Augus- tus for 100 talents and placed in the temple of Csesar in Rome. In Nero’s time the nearly ruined picture was copied by Dorotheus. Apelles’s model was supposed to have been Pancaste, the mistress of Alexander, or Phryne. From some expressions in an obscure text it has been sup- posed to have been a half-length figure, and the subject was painted by Titian in this way in the Bridgewater picture. Aphthartodocotse Apelt (a'pelt), Ernst Friedrich. Born at Eeichenau, Saxony, March 3,1812 : died at Jena, Oct. 27, 1859. A German philosophical writer, professor of philosophy at Jena. He was the author of “Epochen der Geschiclite der Menschheit” (1845, 2d ed, 1852), “ Theorie der Induktion ” (1854), “Re- ligionsphilosophie ” (1860), etc. Apemantus (ap-e-man'tus). In Shakspere’s “ Tim on of Athens,” a cynical and churlish philosopher. Diogenes, in Lily’s “Alexander and Campaspe,” sat to the poet for Timon’s contrast, the cynic Apemantus ; the quick striking epigrammatic answers to questions which seem to be inserted here and there too much for the sake of eliciting witty replies, are quite on this model. The description of this antique fool is so perfect in its way that it is supposed Shakespeare must have seen the short sketch of a cynic which in Lucian’s “Public Sale of Phi- losophers” is put into the mouth of Diogenes. Gervinus, Shakespeare Commentaries (tr. by F. E. Bun- (nett, ed. 1880), p. 781. Apennines (ap'e-ninz). [F. Apennins , It. Apen- nini, G. Apenninen, etc. ; L. Apenninus or Appen- ninus.1 The central mountain system of Italy. It forms the backbone of the peninsula and extends from the Ligurian Alps in the neighborhood of Savona south- eastward to the extremity of the peninsula. Its length is about 800 miles and its average height about 4,000 feet. The highest point is Monte Corno (9,585 feet), in the Gran Sasso d'ltalia. Apenrade (a/pen-ra-de). A seaport in the province of Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, on the Apenrade Fjord 35 miles north of Schleswig. Population, commune, 7,023. Apepa (a-pa'pa). A shepherd king of Egypt who ruled at Avaris (Zoan) about 1700 B. C. : probably the Aphobis of Manetho, and perhaps a contemporary of Joseph. Apepi (a-pa'pe). In Egyptian mythology, the great serpent, the embodiment of evil (Typhon). Aper (a/ per), Aperiu (a-per-e'o), Apuirai (a-po-e'ri). A name of an ancient people mentioned in the Egyptian records, and sup- posed by some to be the Hebrews, but probably an “Erythraean people in the east of the nome of Heliopolis, in what is known as the ‘red country’ or the ‘red mountain’” (Brugsch). Apfelstedt (ap'fel-stet). A small river in Thu- ringia which joins the Gera south of Erfurt. Aphobis. See Apepa. Aphraates (af-ra'tez), Jacob. Lived in the 4th century. One of the fathers of the Syrian Church, surnamed “ The Persian Sage.” After his conversion he lived in Edessa and later in Antioch. He was an opponent of Arianism, and is the author of a collection of homilies. Aphrodisias (af-ro-dis'i-as). [Gr. A^poAomf.] An ancient town of Caria, situated on the Menander: the modern Ghera. it contains the remains of an ancient hippodrome which coincide on one side with the city walls. Both ends are semicircular. The length is 919 feet, the breadth 270 ; the arena is 747 by 98 feet. There are 26 tiers of seats, divided into sec- tions by flights of steps and bordered above by an arcaded gallery. There is also a Roman temple of Venus, which is comparatively well preserved. It is Ionic, octastyle, pseudodipteral, with 15 columns on the flanks, in plan 60 by 119 feet. The peristyle columns are 35J feet high. Aphrodite (af-ro-di'te). [Gr. ’AippoAhy, asso- ciated by popular etym. with acf>p6(;, foam, as if ‘foam-born’ (ef. Anadyomene ).] In Greek mythology, the goddess of love and wedlock, accordingto one legend daughter of Zeus (Jupi- ter) and Dione, accordingto another risen from the foam of the sea at Cyprus, whence she is Called Kypris. Many scholars give her an Asiatic ori- gin and connect her with the Phenician Astarte (Assyro- Babylonian Ishtar) who corresponds to her. She was originally conceived as a power of nature, and later spe- cifically as the deity of reproduction and love. She some- times appears as the wife of Hephrestus (Vulcan), and in her train are her son Eros (Amor) and the Graces. The chief seats of her worship were Paphos, Amathus, and Ida- lion on the island of Cyprus, Cnidus in Asia Minor, Corinth, and Eryx in Sicily. Among plants the myrtle, rose, and apple were especially sacred to her ; among animals the ram, he-goat, dove, and swan. Of her representations in art the most famous are the replica of her statue of Cnidus by Praxiteles in the Glyptothek of Munich, the original statues of Melos in the Louvre, of Capua at Naples, the Medicean in Florence, and the Capitoline in Rome. The Romans identified Aphrodite with Venus, who was origi- nally a Latin goddess of spring. Aphrodite, Temple of. See JEgina (Greece). Aphroditopolis ( aFro-di-top'o-lis). [Gr. ’A