LESSONS IN “PLAY” EXERCISES and MARCHING for SCHOOL CHILDREN BYr HARTVIG NISSEN Press of The F. A. Bassette Company Springfield, Massachusetts 1912 LESSONS IN “PLAY” EXERCISES and MARCHING for SCHOOL CHILDREN HARTVIG NISSEN Press of The F* A. Bassette Company Springfield^ Massachusetts 1912 LESSONS In “ Play ” Exercises and Marching for School Children BY HARTVIG NISSEN PLAY EXERCISES WITH BEAN BAGS 1. Pass Bean Bags from left to right and return, children sitting; later, standing. 2. Pass Bean Bags backward at the left side and return; the same at the right side. 3. Pass Bean Bags backward over the heads and return. 4. Pass six or more Bean Bags from one side to the other; the last one must place each bag nicely on the desk. 5. Tossing Bean Bags: Children standing opposite each other toss the bag with both hands and catch with both. 6. Tossing with the right hand and catching with right; the same with left hand. 7. Tossing Bean Bags into Rings: Three rings are made with chalk on the floor, one inside the other — eight, sixteen, and twenty-four inches in diameter. At a certain distance each child tosses the bag into the rings; if it comes into the smallest one it counts 20, within the second ring 10, and within the largest 5. Rings should be made in front of each aisle. 8. Bean Bag Races: Place some bags at even distance in front of each aisle and let the first line of children run and pick them up and carry them back to the desk. 4 9. Throw Bean Bags into a basket. 10. Throw through a hole in a board. IMAGINARY PLAYS 11. Snowing: Raise the arms over head and shake them quickly as they are lowered down to the floor. 12. Warm the Hands: i. Rub the hands quickly against each other. 2. Clap the hands in rhythm with music. 13. Warm the Feet: i. Stamp in rhythm with music. 2. Lift the feet quickly backward as if running. 14. Warm the Body: The children throw their arms quickly around their chest in rapid succession. 15. Shovelling Snow: Place left foot forward, hold the shovel with left hand in front and imitate shovelling snow; then reverse position. 16. Throw Snow Ball: i. Stoop down and gather snow. 2. Squeeze it hard with both hands and make a good ball. 3, Throw it with the right and left hand al- ternately. 17. Pick Apples: Raise high on tiptoes; stretch right arm high and bend head backward; pick the apple; lower the heels and bring the right hand down to the left across the chest. Repeat it several times; then re- verse it. 18. Climb Rope: Raise right hand high up with the head well back; pull the right hand down and raise the left, and continue imaginary climbing up rope. 19. Shoot with Bow and Arrow: Stand with the left foot forward, and both hands in front of face, the left hand grasping the bow and the right the string; pull right arm backward and push the left forward with a good steady motion; then let suddenly go. Repeat several times, and reverse it. 20. Throw the Lasso and pull in: Stand with the right foot in front, hold the Lasso with both hands, swing them back and forth a few times, then quickly throw with the right hand, and pull in with both hands. Repeat and reverse. 5 21. Pitch a Ball: With right and left hand. 22. Bat a Ball: With right and left hand. 23. Saw Wood: Children facing their chairs put one foot in it, imitate holding on to the saw with both hands and saw. Reverse. 24. Splitting Wood: Feet apart and both hands joined together over the head; bend the body forward and bring the hands quickly and firmly down in front. Repeat in quick succession. 25. Hoist Wood: Feet apart, right hand stretched over head, the head bent backward; bend the knees — well out — and pull right arm down, now stretch the knees and the left arm over the head, etc. 26. Splash Water on One's Self: Feet apart, bend forward and take up water with both hands; bend backward and throw the water over the shoulders. 27. Swimming: Bend the arms in front of the chest with the fingers pointed forward; stretch the arms forward and bend the trunk forward with the head well back; raise the trunk and bring the arms out sideways. 28. Rowing: Sit on the desk with the feet in the chair and the upper arms and elbows close to the body, hands by the chest; bend the trunk forward with the chest well forward and the head well back, and stretch the arms forward; raise the trunk and bend the arms to the sides. 29. Play Golf: With the foot forward and the arms over the right shoulder imitate hitting the ball; then reverse. 30. Shot Put: Left foot forward, left knee straight; right knee well bent; left arm stretched forward; right arm sharply bent at the side with the hand at the side of the right shoulder. Push the right hand vigorously forward; bring the left arm down and backward; stretch the right knee and bend the left, and carry the body forward. Reverse it. MARCHING Lesson i. Place left foot in front of the right, with toes turned out (both feet forming an angle of 600 towards each other). Raise right heel and carry the weight of the body forward on the front foot, with the chest well out — not the hips or stomach. Sink the right heel and carry the weight of the body back, evenly on both feet. Repeat this exercise six to eight times. Then change feet, and with the right foot in front, raise the left heel as above. March around the room singing or to music. Lesson 2. Place left foot forward, extending the instep so as to let the sole of the foot touch the floor before the heel. Raise right heel. Place right foot with a light bending of the knee to the left foot. Place right foot in front, raise left heel, place left foot to the right. Repeat, beginning alternately with left and right foot — in three counts. March around the room singing. Lesson 3. Place left foot forward; raise right heel; place right foot in front of left; raise left heel; place left foot to the right. Turn about and begin with right foot the same exercise in five counts. March around the room. Lesson 4. Place left foot forward and at the same time raise right heel and carry the weight of the body for- ward on the front foot; place right foot to the left. Place right foot forward, raising the left heel; place left foot to the right. Continue around the room, be- ginning alternately with left and right foot — in two counts. Lesson 5. Place left foot forward, raising the right heel. Place right foot in front of left, raising the left heel, and carry the body well forward with chest out. Continue around the room in two counts. Lesson 6. March around the room on tiptoes, with the toes turned out. Lesson 7. Place the left foot forward, then immediately bring the toes of the right foot up behind the left heel. Repeat around the room in slow galop time. 7 Lesson 8. As Lesson 7, but with right foot in front. Lesson 9. Pupils, turned sideways, step out sideways with the left foot and bring the right foot up to it; con- tinue four steps to the left. Then begin with the right foot, four steps to the right. After some practice in moderate galop time. Lesson 10. Combine Lessons 7 and 8 — four steps with left foot in front, and four steps with right foot in front — in galop time. If possible, use music. Lesson ii. March around the room with chest out and arms swinging lightly. Lesson 12. Raise left foot slightly sideways; change with a light hop. Lesson 13. Raise left foot slightly sideways; hop twice on right foot and change feet. Lesson 14. Skip, hop around the room. Lesson 15. i. March forward and halt: Forward, March! Step firmly forward with the left foot. Class, halt! Take one more step and then place both heels together. 2 counts. 2. March backward and halt: Backward, March! Step backward with the left foot, but maintain the body pitched forward over the front foot. Class, halt! One more step backward, and place heels together. Lesson 16. March forward and backward: Forward, March! While the children are marching forward, command. Backward, March! The last word when the right foot is placed down, and count one (left foot is placed forward); two (right foot is slightly raised and placed down again in the same place); three (the left foot begins marching backward). Forward, March! The last word on the right foot, then one (left foot back- ward); two (raise the right foot and place it down again); three (left foot begins marching forward). Lesson 17. i. Slow march: Forward, Slow, March! From 40 to 50 steps in a minute; the body must be carried well forward with the chest high and good balance. 8 2. Change from Normal to Slow march: Forward, March! Slow, March! The last word when the left foot is placed down; take one more step with the right foot in regular time, and then place the left foot forward with accentua- tion, and keep slow time. Normal, March! The com- mand on the left foot, take one more step in slow time, then begin with the left foot in regular time. 2 counts. Lesson i8. i. To the rear, March: While the pupils are marching forward give this command, March, on the right foot; advance the left, one; raise on tiptoes and turn about to the right side, two; step forward with the left foot, three; and continue marching in the new direction. Begin this drill in fairly slow time. 2. To the rear^ Halt: The same as above, but on three place left foot to the right and stand still. Lesson 19. I. To the left flanks Halt: While the pupils are marching forward, give this command, and Halt on the left foot; advance the right foot and turn it a quarter circle to the left, one; then place the left foot to the right and stand still, two. 2. To' he right flanks Halt: Give Halt on the right foot, advance the left and turn it a quarter circle to the right, one; then place the right foot to the left, two. Lesson 20. Change from Forward to Backward, and from Forward to the Rear, March. Lesson 21. Class, About, March: The pupils turn Right About Face in two quick counts and then begin march- ing with the left foot accentuating the first step. To the Rear, Halt! Lesson 22. i. Right Face, March: The pupils standing sideways in the aisles turn Right Face in two quick counts and then step forward with the left foot. To the Right Flank, Halt! As Lesson 19-2. 2. Left Face, March: Turn Left Face in two counts and step forward with the left foot. To the Rear, March! To the Rear, Halt! About, March! To the Left Flank, Halt! etc. 9 Lesson 23. Column to the Left by One^ March: The first line of children turn Left Flank, and march around the room, then the second line turn left and follow, etc. Column to the Left by 5-7 (as many as there are aisles), March! The first 5-7 children turn Left Flank in the back of the room and march up the aisles (one child in each), all in line with each other. Column to the Right by one, March! The first line turn Right Flank and march around the room. Column to the Right by 5-7, March! The first turn Right Flank in the back of the room and march up the aisles to their places. Lesson 24. Balance, March! Bend the left knee upward, one; stretch it forward, two; place it forward and carry the body well forward on the left foot, raising the right heel, three. Bend the right knee up, one; stretch it forward, two; place it forward, three; etc. Lesson 25. Knees bend, march forward with alternate knee bend and stretch. Lesson 26. Lesson 27. Lesson 28. Lesson 29. Lesson 30. Lesson 31. Lesson 32. Deep knee bend, forward, March! Shoulder and ankle grasp, hop forward. Knees bend, shoulders grasp, hop forward. Fours left (or right), March! Right forward, fours right, March! Change flanks by fours, or facings. Guide right into line, March! Lesson 33. Fours right into line, March! Lesson 34. i. Follow step: Place left foot forward, with instep well stretched — ball of the foot touching the floor first— ^diXTy the weight of the body forward, and raise the right heel at first count (chest well expanded). On second count place right foot to the left. Continue, with left foot in advance. 2. The same: beginning with right foot. 3. The same: beginning alternately with left and right. lO 4. The same: with upward bend of the knee — At one^ bend left knee upward; at two, place left foot forward as in No. i ; at three, place right foot to the left. 5. The same: with forward raising of leg. 3 counts. 6. The same: with bending knee backward. 3 counts. 7. The same: with bending knee in front of the other. 3 counts. Lesson 35. i. The same as Lesson 34, but step outward (diagonally) instead of forward. 2. The same, but sideways. 3. Galop step forward: beginning with left foot forward, and place the toes of the right foot against the heel of the left. 4. The same: beginning with right foot. 5. The same: alternately — 4 steps left foot, 4 steps right. 6. The same: sideways to the left. 7. The same: sideways to the right. 8. The same: alternately — 4 steps to the left, 4 steps to the right. Lesson 36. i. Change Step: Step forward with left foot, as in Lesson 34; then place right foot up behind the left heel, and step forward with left foot again. Now step forward with right foot, place left foot up behind the right heel, and step forward with right foot. Con- tinue in 3 counts, alternately left and right foot in front. 2. The same: with upward bending of knee. 4 counts. 3. The same: with forward raising of leg. 4 counts. 4. The same: with bending knee backward. 4 counts. 5. The same: with bending knee in front of the other. 4 counts. 6. The same sideways: left foot sideways, the right foot up to the left heel, and left foot sideways again (at the same time raise right foot slightly from the floor, with foot and toes well extended). Now place right foot down sideways, then left foot up to right heel, and right foot sideways, raising the left foot slightly. Continue in 3 counts, alternately to the left and right side. II Lesson 37. l. Change step sideways with turning about forward: step out to the left side and after the third count turn around to the left on the ball of the left foot and then step out to the right side, turning to the right on the ball of the right foot after the next third count. 2. The same — turning about backward: step out to the left side and after the third count turn around backward to the right on the ball of left foot, then step out to the right side, turning around backward to the left on the ball of right foot after the third count. 3. Double change step: the left foot forward, the right foot behind, the left foot forward again and right foot behind and left foot forward. Now right foot forward, left behind, right forward, left behind, right forward. Continue in 5 counts, alternately left and right. 4. The same sideways: 5 counts to the left, 5 counts to the right. 5. The same: with turning as in No. i, in S counts. 6. The same: with turning as in No. 2, in 5 counts. Lesson 38. i. Galop step: forward as in Lesson 35, but with a slight hop on each foot, beginning with left foot. 2. The same: beginning with right foot. 3. The same: four steps forward, with left foot in front, and four steps with right — alternately. 4. Galop step sideways, with turning — four steps left, then turn about forward to the left, then four to the right and turn about forward to the right. 5. The same: turning about backward to the right on left foot, and backward to the left on the right foot — 4 counts. 6. The same: facing each other and turning away from each other. Lesson 39. i. Polka step: change step with three light hops. 2. The same: with upward bending of knee as in Lesson 3, but in 3 counts. 3. The same: with forward raising of leg, in 3 counts. 4. The same: with bending knee in front, in 3 counts. 5. The same: sideways as in Lesson 3. 6. The same: with turning as in Lesson 4. About for- ward and about backward. 12 Lesson 40. i. Change hop; raise left foot slightly sideways with instep and toes well extended; bend right knee a little and change feet with a hop. Continue first on the place, afterwards advancing forward. 2. The same: with hopping twice on each foot. 3. The same as No. i, raising foot forward. 4. The same as No. 2, raising foot forward. 5. Change hop with arms circling; raise arms sideways and left foot slightly backward; change feet with a hop and circle the arms at the same time. Continue advanc- ing forward. Lesson 41. i. Touch step; raise left foot slightly forward and touch the floor with the toes; then place left foot forward, raising the right heel and carrying the body forward with chest leading; now raise right foot; con- tinue in 2 counts. 2. The same: bending the opposite knee (when the left foot touches, the right knee bends). 3. The same: crossing the feet in front (when the left foot touches, it crosses the right foot). 4. The same: crossing the feet in front, and bending the opposite knee. 5. The same: sideways. 6. The same: bending the opposite knee. 7. Double touch step: the toes touch twice before the foot is placed forward. Lesson 42. i. Double touch step: bending the opposite knee during the second touch. 2. The same: crossing the feet at the second touch. 3. The same: and bending the opposite knee during the second touch. 4. The same: sideways, bending the opposite knee during the second touch. 5. The same: front and rear (first touch in front, then backward, then step forward). 6. The same: bending the opposite knee during the touch in front. 13 7. The same: front and rear, bending the opposite knee during the touch in rear. Lesson 43. i. Double touch and change step. 2. The same: with variations, as in Exercises I to 7, in Lesson 42. Lesson 44. i. Double touch and polka step: (The same variations as in former lessons). 2. Heel and toe polka with a hop on each step: the heel is touched on the floor obliquely forward, in the first count, and the toe in the second, while the feet are crossed in front. Then polka step. 3. The same: touching the heel in front and toe in the rear. 4. Double polka: similar to No. 2, but instead of touching the heel, the leg is swung obliquely forward in the first hop, and instead of touching the toe, the leg is crossed in front of the other with bending the knee, as No. 7, in Lesson 34. Lesson 45. i. Follow step: rising on the toes. 2. Cross balance step: the left foot is placed obliquely forward to the left, then the right foot is crossed in front of the left, at the same time rising on the toes; in the third count the heels sink. Then the right foot is placed obliquely forward to the right, and left foot is crossed in front, etc. 3. The same: swinging the left arm gracefully over the head when stepping to the left, and the right arm when stepping to the right. 4. The same: bending the trunk slightly to the right when stepping to the left, and bending to the left when stepping to the right. 5. The same as Nos. 3 and 4 combined. 14 Lesson 46. i. Cross balance step: swinging both arms sideways to a circle overhead. 2. The same: and bending the trunk as in No. 4, Les- son 45. 3. The same: swinging both arms to the same side. (When stepping to the left, the left arm is over the head, and the right arm gracefully curved in front of chest.) 4. The same: and bending the trunk sideways. 5. The same as No. 2 in Lesson 45; but with a light hop on the first count. Lesson 47. i. Double touch and polka step: swinging the left arm gracefully over the head at the last count of the polka on the left foot, and vice versa. 2. The same; swinging both arms over the head. 3. The same: swinging the left arm over the head and the right arm in front of the body, and vice versa. 4. Galop and polka step: begin galop with the left foot in front. 4 counts. Then polka right, left, right — left, right, left, galop with the right foot in front, etc. Lesson 48. i. Change step: sideways with two extra hops and swinging the other leg forward and backward. Five counts: one^ step out sideways with the left foot; tzvOy right foot to the left; threey left foot sideways; /owr, hop on left foot and swing the right leg across and in front of the left; five^ hop again on the left and swing the right leg behind it. Then step to the right, and on the fourth count hop on the right foot, swinging the left leg in front of it, and on five hop again on the right, swinging the leg behind it. 2. The same: swinging the left arm over the head and the right arm in front of the body at the fourth count (hopping on the left foot), and both hands on hips at five, and vice versa. 3. The same: forward with two jumps and turning. Five counts: one^ twoy three y step forward — left, right, left; joury jump in place turning to the left; jivey jump again turning front; oney twOy threey right, left, right; fouTy jump and turn right; fivey jump and turn front. IS 4. The same: swinging both arms over head at the fourth count and on hips at the fifth. Lesson 49. i. Rocking step: at one^ step forward with left foot, and let the body incline forward while the right foot is slightly raised backward; at two^ place right foot down (in rear), incline the body backward and raise left foot slightly forward; at three place left foot down as in regular marching. Then begin with the right foot. 2. The same: but with a slight hop on first and second counts. 3. The same: but with two hops. 4. The same: with two hops on each foot, advancing with left foot in front. 5. The same: with right foot in front. Lesson 50. i. Rocking step: swinging the trunk forward and backward on the same foot, with the other leg in line with the body. (Step forward with the left foot, incline the body forward, and raise right foot backward; at two incline body backward, and swing right leg for- ward.) Then step forward with the right foot. 2 counts. 2. Hop twice on each foot with the other leg raised back- ward. 3. Hop twice on each foot with the other leg raised for- ward. 4. Hop twice on each foot; on the first count raise the other foot backward, on the second, swing it forward. 5. The same as Nos. i and 4 combined. .''‘Iv? ' 'N - SECOND GRADE. :o: By Hartvig Nissen. LESSON 1. (Daily, 1st week.) First Period. 1. Attention! In place — rest! Attention! (Fig. 1.) 2. Feet — close! Feet — open! (Fig. 2.) In place — rest ! 3. Attention! Head — backward — bend! (Fig. 23.) Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Bean Bags, lesson 1. 2. Attention! Hips — firm! Position! Hips — firm! (Page 13.) LESSON 2. (Daily, 2d week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Forward — dress! Position! 2. Left foot — forward — place! (Fig. 4.) Replace ! Right foot — forward — place ! Replace! 3. Arms — sideways — raise! (Fig. 366.) Arms — sink ! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 1. In place — rest! 2. Attention! Head — backward — bend! Head — raise ! 3. Arms — upward — bend! (Fig. 10.) Downward — stretch ! The F, A. Bassette Company^ Publishers^ Springfield^ Mass. SECOND GRADE. -:o:- LESSON 3. (Daily, 3d week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Feet — sideways — place! (Fig. 3.) Feet — together — place! (Children count one ! two !) 2. Arms — forward — raise! (Fig. 14.) Arms — sink ! 3. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! (Hereafter inhale during the backward bend and exhale during the raise of head.) Second Period. 1. Bean Bags, lesson 2 and Marching, lesson 2. In place — rest! 2. Hips — firm ! Shoulders — backward — move! (Inhale.) Forward — move! (Ex- hale.) LESSON 4. (Daily, 4th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Left foot — forward — place! Feet — change! (Children count one! two !) 2. Arms — forward — bend! (Fig. 11.) Po- sition ! 3. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! (Page 45.) Heels — sink ! Position ! Second Period. 1. Snow Play, lessons 11 to 14. 2. Arms — sideways — raise! (Inhale.) Sink ! (Exhale.) LESSONS 3 and 4 alternately during 5th week. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 5. (Daily, 6th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Arms — forward and upward — raise! (Fig. 37.) Forward and down- ward — sink ! 2. Arms — upward — bend ! Arms — side- ways — stretch ! Arms — bend ! Stretch ! Bend ! Downward — stretch ! 3. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 3. 2. Climb Rope, lesson 18. 3. Hips — firm! Shoulders — backward — move! (Always inhale with this exer- cise.) Forward — move! (Always ex- hale.) LESSON 6. (Daily, 7th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Feet — sideways — place! Together — place ! 2. Arms — forward — bend! Arms — sideways fling! (Fig. 20.) Arms — bend! Posi- tion! In place — rest! 3. Attention! Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Sink ! Position ! 4. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Bean Bags, lesson 3 and Marching, lesson 4. 2. Attention! Feet — close! Feet — open! Knees — bend! Knees — stretch! (Figs. 21 and 38.) 3. Arms — sideways — raise! (Inhale.) Sink! (Exhale.) LESSONS 5 and 6 alternately during 8th week. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 7. (Daily, 9th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Forward — dress! Position! 2. Left foot — forward — place! Feet — change ! Replace ! 3. Arms — upward — bend ! Downward — stretch ! 4. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 5. In place — rest! 2. Attention! Hips — firm! Shoulders — backward — move ! Forward — move ! Position ! LESSON 8. (Daily, 10th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Arms — sideways and upward raise! (Fig. 36.) Arms — sideways and downward — sink ! 2. Feet — sideways — place! Together — place ! 3. Hips — firm! Head — backward — bend! Head — raise ! 4. Heels — raise! Heels — sink! Position! Second Period. 1. Snow Play, lesson 15. 2. Attention! Hips — firm! Knees — bend! Knees — stretch ! Position ! 3. Arms — forward — bend! Sideways — fling! (Inhale.) Forward — bend! (Ex- hale.) Position! LESSONS 5, 6, 7 and 8 alternately during 11th and 12th weeks. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 9. (Daily, 13th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Arms — forward and upward — raise! Forward and downward — sink! 2. Hips firm! Trunk — forward — bend! (Fig. 25.) Trunk — raise! Position! 3. Feet — sideways — place! Together — place ! 4. Head — backward — bend ! Head — raise ! Second Period. 1. Bean Bags, lesson 4 and Marching, lesson 6. 2. Arms — sideways — raise! (Inhale.) Sink! (Exhale.) LESSON 10. (Daily, 14th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Arms — upward — bend! Side- ways — stretch! Bend! Stretch! Bend! Downward — stretch ! 2. Left foot — forward — place! Feet — change ! Replace ! 3. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Heels — sink! 4. Shoulders — backward — move! Forward move ! Position ! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 7. Pick Apples, lesson 17. 2. Attention! Arms — sideways — raise! (Inhale.) Downward — sink! (Exhale.) LESSONS 9 and 10 alternately during 15th week. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 11. (Daily, 16th week.) First Period. 1 . Attention ! Alternate — toes — raise ! (Children count one ! two !) Halt ! 2 Arms — forward — bend ^ Sideways — fling! Position! 3. Hips — firm! Trunk — forward — bend! Trunk — raise! Position! 4. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Bean Bags, lesson 5 and Marching, lesson 8 . 2. Attention! Arms — forward and upward — raise! (Inhale.) Arms — sideways and downward — sink! (Exhale.) LESSON 12. (Daily, 17th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Feet — sideways — place! To- gether — place ! 2. Arms — upward — bend! Arms — forward — stretch ! Arms — bend ! Stretch ! Posi- tion! 3. Hips — firm! Knees — bend! Knees — stretch ! 4. Shoulders — backward — move ! Forward — move ! Position ! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 9. 2. Bow and Arrow play, lesson 19. 3. Arms — sideways and upward — raise! (Always inhale.) Sideways and down- ward — sink! (Always exhale.) LESSONS 11 and 12 alternately during 18th and 19th weeks. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 13. (Daily, 20th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Left foot — forward — place! Feet — change ! Position ! 2. Arms — upward — bend ! Arms — upward stretch! Arms — bend! Stretch! Bend! Position ! 3. Hips — firm! Trunk — forward — bend! Trunk — raise! Position! 4. Head — backward — bend ! Head — raise ! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 10. In place — rest! 2. Attention! Arms — forward — bend! Side- ways — fling! (Inhale.) Forward — bend! (Exhale.) Position! LESSON 14. (Daily, 21st week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Alternate — toes — raise! Halt! 2. Arms — sideways — raise! Fingers — bend and stretch! (Double the fists, then stretch all the fingers forcibly, repeat 4 to 12 times.) Arms — sink! 3. Hips — firm! Knees — bend! Knees — stretch ! 4. Head — backward — bend ! Head — raise ! Position ! Second Period. 1. Snow Play, lessons 11 to 16. 2. Arms — forward and upward — raise! Sideways and downward — sink! LESSONS 11, 12, 13 and 14 alternately dur- ing 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th weeks. SECOND GRADE. ;o : LESSON 15. (Daily, 26th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Left foot — backward — place! Replace! Right foot — backward — place! Replace ! 2. Feet — close! Feet — open! Heels — raise! Heels — sink ! 3. Arms — upward — bend! Arms — sideways — stretch ! Arms — bend ! Stretch ! Arms — sink ! 4. Hips — firm ! Shoulders — backward — move ! F orward — move ! Position ! Second Period, 1. Bean Bags, lesson 6 and Marching, lesson 11. 2. Arms — sideways and upward — raise! Sideways and downward — sink ! LESSON 16. (Daily, 27th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Feet — sideways — place, and Hips — firm! (The hands are placed on the hips at Two, Fig. 39.) Arms — down and F eet — together — place ! 2. Arms — upward — bend! Arms — forward — stretch ! Arms — bend ! Downward — stretch ! 3. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Wood Play, lessons 23 and 24. 2. Attention! Arms — forward — bend! Side- ways — fling ! LESSONS 15 and 16 alternately during 28th and 29th weeks. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 17. (Daily, 30th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Left foot — backward — place! F eet — change ! Position ! 2. Arms — forward — raise! Sink! Arms — sideways — raise ! Sink ! Arms — upward — bend ! Position ! 3. Hips — firm! Trunk — forward — bend! Trunk — raise ! 4. Shoulders — backward — move! Forward — ^move ! Position ! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 12, and Bean Bags, lesson 7. 2. Attention! Arms — sideways — stretch! (Page 29.) Arms — downward — stretch! (The teacher counts.) 3. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! LESSON 18. (Daily, 31st week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Alternate — toes — raise! Halt! 2. Hips — firm! Head— to left — twist! (Page 32.) Forward — twist! To right — twist! F orward — twist ! Position ! 3. Arms — sideways — raise! Fingers — bend and stretch ! Arms — sink ! 4. Arms — forward and upward — raise! Sideways and downward — sink! Second Period. 1. Water Play, lessons 26 and 27. 2. Hips — firm ! Shoulders — backward — move ! F orward — move ! Position ! LESSONS 17 and 18 alternately during 32d and 33d weeks. SECOND GRADE. :o: LESSON 19. (Daily, 34th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Left foot — forward — place, and Hips — firm! Position! Right foot — forward — place, and Hips — firm! Posi- tion! Feet — close! Feet — open! 2. Arms — forward — bend! Sideways — fling! Bend! Fling! Position! 3. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Heels — sink! Position ! 4. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 13 and Bean Bags, lesson 8. 2. Attention! Arms — upward — stretch! (Page 29.) Arms — downward — stretch! 3. Arms — sideways and upward — raise! Sideways and downward — sink! LESSON 20. (Daily, 35th week.) First Period. 1. Attention! Feet — sideways — place, and Hips — firm! Arms — down, and Feet — together — place ! 2. Arms — sideways — stretch! Downward — stretch ! 3. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Knees — bend! (Figs. 21 and 38.) Knees — stretch! Heels — sink ! Position ! 4. Head — backward — bend! Head — raise! Second Period. 1. Marching, lesson 14. 2. Wood Play, lessons 23 to 25. 3. Hips — firm! Shoulders — backward — move! Forward — move! Position! LESSONS 17, 18. 19 and 20 alternately during the remainder of the school year.