THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. K2.5 ,, Puncture, . 200 Intussusception, 151 Jaundice 9 • . • • 284 Jeafferson, .... 344 Jejunum, 144 Keith, . 48, 52, 345, 435 Kidneys, Anatomy, 255 3 3 Calculi, 266 3 3 Enlargements, . 279 3 3 Displaced, . 259 3 3 Floating, . 259 53 Hydatids, . 291 3 3 Hydronephrosis, 282 5 3 Malformations, . 265 3 3 Malignant Disease, 296 3 3 Management of, 71 Movable, . 258 3 5 Pyelitis, . 299 3 J Pyelonephritis, . 300 3 3 Pyonephrosis, 288 3 3 Rupture, . 300 3 3 Sim2)le Cysts, 280 Solid Tumours, . 293 3 3 Tubercular Disease, 293 3 3 Wounds, . 300 Kimball, . 395 Koeberlee, .... 347 Lai^aro-Electrotomy, 481 Compared with Symphysio- tomy. 484 L’Aummonier, 342 Lembert, 121 Ligatures, 43 Lipoma behind Peritoneum, 96 List, .... 347 Littre’s Operation, . 187, 194 Liver Abscess, 232 ,, Anatomy, 230 ,, Cancer, . „ Hydatids, 241 238 ,, Situation of, . 6 Lizars, .... 344 Loreta’s Operation, 140 5o6 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Lumbar Region, . . . 10, 1-3 Magnesia for Flatulence, . . 61 Malignant Cells, ... 29 ,, Disease of Abdominal Wall, 94 ,, ,, Intestine, . 183 ,, ,, Kidney, . 296 ,, ,, Liver, . 241 ,, j} Ovary, . 335 ,, ,, Pancreas, . 313 ,. ,, Pylorus, . 135 Retro-peritoneal, 95 ,, ,, Stomach, . 134 ,, ,, Uterus, . 467 Maydl’s Operation for Colotomy, 196 McBurney’s Point . . . 15, 214 M ‘Dowell, .... 341 Menstruation, .... 422 Mesentery, Tumours of, . . 100 Mikulicz, Gauze Drain, . . 89, 91 Mineral Springs, . . . 244 Morphia, . . . .62, 150 Needle-Holder, . . . 263 Nelaton’s Forceps, . . . 352 Nephrectomy, for Cystic Growths, 284 „ • Solid Growths, 297. Nephro-Lithotomy, . . . 273 Nephrorraphy, . . . 262 Nurse, 36 Obstruction, Intestinal, Acute, 147 ,, „ Concretions, 173 ,, ,, Diverticula, 168 ,, ,, Due to Bauds, etc. 165 ,, ,, Heruiae, . 147 ,, ,, Nervous Exhaus- tion, . 148 ,, ,, Volvulus, . 171 ., Chronic, . . 181 ,,» Differential Diagnosis, 175 ,, Intussusception, . 151 CEsophagus, Absence of, . . Ill ,, Auscultation, . 112 ,, Foreign Body in, . 128 ,, Length of, . . 112 ,, Malignant Stricture, 111 ,, Simple Stricture, . Ill Omentum, . . . . 97, 98 Opium, ..... 62 Ovary, Anatomy, . . . 317 ,, Fibroid Tumours, . . 378 ,, Inflammatory Diseases, . 381 ,, Removal of, . . 394 Ovarian Tumours, . . . 319 ,, „ Aspiration, . 348 ,, „ Dermoid, . 331 ,, „ Diagnosis, . 322 ,, ,, Intra-Ligamentous 330 ,, „ Malignant, . 335 PAGE Ovarian Tumours, Rotation of, , 331 5 ? ,, Rupture of, . 333 3 3 ,, Signs and Symptoms, . 319 5 , ,, Suppuration, . 334 3 3 , , Treatment, . 347 3 3 ,, With Preg- nancy, 338 Ovariotomy, Adhesions, . 363 33 Cautery in, . 359 33 Examination of Second Ovary, . 362 ,5 History of, . 341 3 3 Incomplete Operations, 375 33 Intra-Ligamentous Tumours, . 367 33 Ligature of Pedicle, 357 3 3 Operation for, Preparations before. 355 3 3 351 ,, Prognosis, Pancreas, Anatomy, ,,. Cysts, ,, Malignant Disease, , , Situation, Parietal Incision, ,, ,, Closure of, ,, ,, Dressing of, Parietes, Abscess ,, Hernia, , , Tumours, . Parovarian Cysts, Patient, Examination of, . ,, Clothing, ,, Position during Examina- tion, ... 2 ,, Preparation before Opera- tion, . . . 37 Pean, ..... 463 Peaslee, ..... 344 Pedicle in Hysterectomy, . . 434 ,, Nephrectomy, . . 285 ,, Ovariotomy, . . 318 ,, Splenectomy, . . 309 Pelvic Abscess .... 495 Perinephric Hsematocele, . . 301 Perinephritic Abscess, . . 296 Peritoneum, Encysted Dropsy, . 83 ,, Hydatids, . . 98 ,, Relations of, . . 107 ,, Toilet, ... 48 ,, Washing out, . 51 Peritonitis, Acute, . . . 77 ,, Chronic, . . 82 ,, Temperature in, . 81 ,, Tubercular, . . 86 Perityphlitis, .... 205 Phantom Tumours, . . . 19, 328 Pilocarpine, . . . . 71 Polypi of Intestine, . . . 184 Porro’s Operation, . . . 480 336 312 313 313 8 45. 53 54 93 91 93 378 1 37 GENERAL INDEX. 507 Porro’s Compared with Caesarean Section, . PAGE 485 Pregnancy, Diagnosis, 323 ,, Extra- Uterine, 487 , , Ovarian, 487 Pyelitis, 299 Pyelo-Nephritis, 300 Pylorectomy, 138 Pylorojdasty, . 141 Pylorus, Malignant Stricture, 135 , , Position, . 106 ,, Simple Stricture, 133 Pyonephrosis, . 288 Quinine, .... 61, 63 Rectal Feeding, 58 Recto-Vesical Fistula, 189 Rectum, Malignant Disease, 189 ,, Treatment of Ulceration, 188 Renal Calculi, 266 ,, Colic, . 269 Rupture of Gall-Bladder, . 254 , , Intestine, 201 , , Kidney, 300 ,, Ovarian Tumour, 333 ,, Spleen, . 310 Salpingitis, Senn’s Bone Plates, 382 136 ,, Distension of Intestine, Septicaemia, 157 65 Serre-Noeud, . 443 Silk, Preparation of. 43 Sims, Cholecystotomy, 248 ,, Needle Holder, 263 Skin, Management of. 71 Smith, Alban, . 343 ,, Nathan, 343 Spleen, Anatomy, 302 ,, Cysts, . 304 , , Displacements, 305 ,, Hydatids, . 305 , , Inflammation and Supp lura tion. 303 ,, Malignant Disease, 310 ,, Situation, 9 ,, Solid Enlargements, 306 ,, Wounds, 310 Splenectomy, . 308 Sponges, 39 Stimulants after Operation, 58 Stitch Abscess, 54, 91 Stitches, Removal, . 70 Stomach, Anatomy, 105 ,, Distension, 142 ,, ,, Method of. 126 ,, Foreign Bodies in. 125 ,, Malignant Disease, 134 ,, Operations on, . 110 PAGE Stomach, Perforating Ulcer, . 123 ,, Stitching, , , 121 SuiDpurating Ovarian Cyst, . 334 Suture of Abdominal Wound, . 53 Symphysiotomy, , ’ . . 483 ,, Compared with Laparo- Electrotomy, 485 Table, Operating, . . , 38 Tait, ,381 Talamon, on Appendicitis, 209, 212 Tapping, .... 20 Temperature, ... 74 Thirst, . . . . 57 Thornton, .... 278 Toilet of the Peritoneum, . . 48 Treatment after Operations, . 56 Trendelenburg, . . . 395 Trenholme, .... 430 Treves, . . . . 168 Trocars, . . . . 22 Tubercular, Peritonitis, . . 86 Tumours in Abdominal Wall, . 93 ,, Behind Peritoneum, 95 ,, of Broad Ligament, . 378 ,, Intestines, *. . 183 ,, Kidney, . . 279 ,, Liver, . . . 241 ,, Ovary, ... 319 ,, Pancreas, . . 313 ,, Phantom, . . 19, 328 ,, Spleen, . . . 304 ,, Stomach, . . 134 ,, Uterus, . . . 397 Twisting of Ovarian Pedicle, . 331 Tympanites, .... 60 Typhlitis, .... 205 Typhoid Ulceration of Intestine, 198 Ulcerations, the Result of Burns, 197 ,, Gastric, . . 123 ,, Syphilitic, . . 198 ,, Tubercular, . . 197 „ Typhoid, . . 198 Umbilical Hernia, ... 93 ,, Region, . . . 12 Urachus, Cysts of, . . , 97 Urine, Suppression from Calculus, 270 Uterine Appendages, . . 381 Uterus, Displacements, . . 473 ,, Fibrocysts, . . . 401 ,, Fibroid Tumours, . 397 ,, Malignant Disease, . 467 ,, Rupture, . . . 486 ,, Treatment by Operation, 469 Volvulus, . . . . 171 Vomiting, .... 64 5o8 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Wells, 345 Wounds of Gall-bladder Winslow, Foramen of, 109 „ Intestines, ,, „ Hernia into, 168 ,, Kidneys, Witzer’s Modification of Gas- „ Mesentery, trostomy, 119 ,, Spleen, . Wounds of Abdominal Wall, 200 PAGE 254 198 300 200 310 THE END.