REPORT * Kau (Cnglanii itlutual Cifc insurance (Uompann, . ^ 1 TO THE * MEETING OF THE MEMBERS, DECEMBER 0, 1817. BOSTON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CHADWICK, No. 18, Exchange Street 1847. The Directors present the following statement of the business and condition of the Company. It has been usual to accompany this statement in the Annual Report, with some general views of the business transacted, and remarks upon whatever topics presented themselves for consideration. In preparing these remarks, the Directors have always had the aid of the President, whose general supervision of the affairs of the Company, and familiarity with the principles which govern its trans¬ actions, render this aid very important. The Directors hoped for his assistance at this time; but he has not so far recovered from an attack of illness as to render it; and they think it proper to confine themselves to a gen¬ eral declaration, that the business, the condition, and the prospects of the Company, are entirely satisfactory. Ro\o«.vt Sovi 3 r-i vms r STATEMENT J \ B ^ Of the Business of the Company for the year ending jfatipniler 30,' 1847. . 3 1 3 * ^ 1096 Policies outstanding Nov. 30, 1846, . . . $2,735,229 < 12 461 Do. issued since “ << 897,840 00 1557 3,633,069 12 180 Do. terminated since “ ti 398,975 00 1377 Do. outstanding Nov. 30, 1847, . $3,234,094 12 Of the 180 terminated, 174 have been by expiration, surrender and for¬ feiture, and 6 by death. 2 of the latter, amounting to 1,000 dollars, were for security to creditors; and the 4 remaining, amounting to 8,000 dollars, were for the benefit of the surviving families of the deceased. Of the policies issued during the past year, 201 were for life, and 260 for a term of years. The ages of applicants for whom policies have been issued, have been Under 20 years . 10 20 to 25 “ 37 25 to 30 “ . 94 30 to 35 . . 118 35 to 40 “ 83 The classes of applicants for whom follows: u tZ Merchants, traders, and brokers, 135 Mechanics, . . . .38 Students, .... 30 Master mariners, . . .12 Mariners, .... 3 Females, .... 8 Teachers, literary professors, and authors, . . . .16 Lawyers, . . . .16 40 to 45 years . . 54 45 to 50 “ . . 40 50 to 55 “ . . 10 55 to 60 “ . . 11 Over 60 “ . . 4 policies have been issued, have been as Editors, publishers, and book¬ sellers, . . . .11 Engineers, architects, and ma¬ chinists, . . . .18 Gentlemen, .... 4 Officers, army and navy, . 5 Agents and superintendents, . 5 Keepers of hotels, inns, and stables, .... 7 paS2"l 2. 4 Manufacturers, 29 Government officers, . . 2 Clergymen, .... 21 Express men and rail-road con¬ Clerks, bank officers’, «anc\ treas- ductors, .... 3 ureas,/\ *; *. .\V. •V ' . ..• 35 Butchers, bakers, etc. . . 18 Farmers uftd FSrticultuffstsf • ; 22 Artists, .... 3 Physicians, \* / .* 20 \ , •* * * • * * # • Th& regidei^e^’©f^pfliealfts during the past year have been as follows, viz. » . ♦ * New* England States, .393 British Provinces, 1 New York, . .57 Pennsylvania, .1 Western States, .25 Virginia and Kentucky, .2 Southern States, .23 502 There have been 502 policies made out the past year, and 49 were on hand Nov. 30, 1846. There have been 461 policies issued the past year, and 45 cancelled — leaving 45 policies on hand, in the office, or in the hands of agents. EXHIBIT Of the Business and Property of the Company , Nov. 30, 1847, as reported to the Directors by their Committee , Messrs. Kuhn and Tappan. Premium and deposit received on 461 policies, Do. do. do. previous policies, Additional premiums, ..... Deduct returned premium and deposit, Deceived for interest, dividends, and charge for policies, . Paid as follows: Losses, including one of $2,000 prior to Nov. 1846, paid in Jan. 1847, Bent and salaries, . Commissions on premiums allowed agents, expense of advertising, printing, station¬ ery, postage, physicians’ fees, and other incidental expenses, . Seven per cent, on guaranty capital, Two do. do. do. for short payment'in 1845, . $11,000 00 4,327 45 2,793 52 3,500 00 1,000 00 22,620 97 Bad debts,. 96 12 Accumulation the present year, Do. prior to Nov. 30, 1846, Total accumulation, $21,584 73 58,145 79 339 23 80,069 75 2,702 93 77,366 82 11,376 45 $88,743 27 r 22,717 09 66,026 18 104,313 67 170,339 85 6 Property. Bank stock, ..... . $33,021 25 Rail-road stock, .... 18,750 00 Manufacturing stock, 28,850 00 Hancock free bridge, 5,760 00 Albany city stock, 2,000 00 Loans on mortgage, 97,100 00 Do. personal security, 26,364 87 Premium notes, . 5,386 59 Cask in Merchants’ Bank, 3,021 74 Small balances on ledger, 115 40 220,369 85 The Company owe — Guaranty stock, .... 50,000 00 Dividends unpaid, 30 00 50,030 00 $170,339 85 Which is respectfully submitted by the Directors. Willard Phillips, William W. Stone, * Charles P. Curtis, Peter Wainwright, Theophilus Parsons, Thomas A. Dexter, Francis C. Lowell, Charles Brown, George H. Kuhn, William Perkins, William Raymond Lee, Sewell Tappan. 7 Applications for insurance may be made to the following persons. MAINE. William Willis. John Wilkins. Sawyer & Sewall. B. A. G. Fuller. Charles Loring ) Daniel T. Granger ( Benjamin M. Flint ) Charles Copeland $ NEW HAMPSHIRE. S. A. Badger.Portsmouth S. H. Parker.Dover Thomas Chadbourne.Concord A. Sartwell.Claremont William H. James.Great Falls John M. Berry.Somersworth Charles P. Danforth.Nashua Thomas B. Mann.Orford Walter Tufts.Alstead CONNECTICUT. Charles Robinson.New Haven James M. Goodwin.Hartford William P. Eaton.Norwich RHODE ISLAND. Charles H. Mason.Providence NEW YORK. John Hopper.New York city Nathan G. lung.Albany J. W. Bissell.Rochester C. R. Gold.Buffalo N. Seymour.Mt. Morris Charles B. Sedgwick.Syracuse A. F. Bartow.Le Roy PENNSYLVANIA. Robert Ralston.Philadelphia Portland • - Bangor • • -Bath •Augusta • Eastport • • • Calais VERMONT. S. E. Robbins.Windsor Salmon Wires.Burlington Hiram Orcutt.Thetford MASSACHUSETTS. F. H. Dewey.Worcester William H. Taylor.New Bedford Sidney Williams.Taunton S. W. Stickney.Lowell James Lyman.Northampton Larkin Thorndike \ _ Amory Holbrook j . 0alem Thomas A. Gold.Pittsfield H. H. Fish.Fall River Henry Sterns.Springfield Joseph B. Swain.Nantucket A. H. Wildes.Ipswich George Hood.Lynn R. A. Merriam.Topsfield John Nash.Abington A. Phelps.Greenfield Newton Fitch.Amherst Bucklin Fitts.Holliston William D. Northend.Danvers Samuel Phillips.Andover Dan Weed.Lawrence Henry B. Smith.Westfield Jeremiah Russell.Georgetown William B. Duggan.Quincy Nathan H. Hand.Winchendon Benjamin Selman .Marblehead Charles Mason.Fitchburg T. M. Hayes.Haverhill John Pierce. Edgartown DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Charles Fletcher.Washington OHIO. Charles Bradbum •. ILLINOIS. Calvin D’Wolf. Nathaniel Coffin. • Jacksonville Thomas J. Moore. George W. Woodward. WISCONSIN. Josiah Bond. J. J. Noonan \ Philetus Hale ) Robert W. Wright. KENTUCKY. James G. Breed. SOUTH CAROLINA. H. Sidney Hayden.Charleston H. E. Nichols.Columbia MISSOURI. Alonzo Cutler ) Charles L. Tucker J ALABAMA. Robert S. Bunker. MICHIGAN. Sylvester Earned. St. Louis - • Mobile • Detroit