s 14. GS: CIR 2$ GqtoJ -SuruJtx^ STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director Hydraulic Fracture Theory Part III. -Elastic Properties of Sandstone James M. Cleary DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C.FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 281 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY DtU 16 . 1959 ILLINOIS STATE GEOU 3 3051 00003 8^ HYDRAULIC FRACTURE THEORY Part III. -Elastic Properties of Sandstone James M. Geary ABSTRACT This study, the last of a three-part series, was undertaken primarily to evaluate certain elastic properties of the porous sand- stones. Such properties may be used in calculating the changes in underground stresses that take place as pore pressure changes. As the underground stresses control hydraulic fracture propagation, knowledge of these stresses is important in recovery of oil. Samples of sandstone were subjected to changes in pore pressure and external stresses. The resulting strains were meas- ured by resistance wire gages and the elastic properties computed. In Parts I and II of the project, the hydraulic fracturing proc- ess was examined as a problem in applied mechanics, with partic- ular emphasis on elasticity. It was concluded that hydraulic frac- ture propagation was controlled mainly by the horizontal stress in the rock and that this stress would change with the pore pressure. The laboratory data of Part III confirm experimentally the predicted horizontal stress changes. Elastic properties of the sand- stone were found to vary with mean effective stress. The regular variation of elastic properties with porosity shouldallow rough pre- diction of elastic behavior of a given type of rock on the basis of porosity. INTRODUCTION The induction of hydraulic fractures in buried sediments is governed in large part by the stress condition of these sediments. The stress condition is in turn influenced by the pore pressure. The changes in stress and strain resulting from changes in pore pressure are governed by the elastic properties of the mate- rial insofar as these changes are reversible. This report describes the elastic behavior of sandstone, or, in other words, the reversible relationships between stress, strain, and pore pressure. Parts I and II of this study of hydraulic fracture theory were prepared as part of a project set up by the Illinois State Geological Survey, in consultation with the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the University of Illinois, to investigate the process and its various elements. Part I dealt mainly with the adaptation of theories on the mechanics of mate- rials to the problems of hydraulic fracture mechanics and to a description of stress conditions in porous sediments. Part II was concerned with hydraulic fracture me- chanics, the orientation, distribution, and possible control of fractures, and the importance of pore pressure. This final part of the study deals with laboratory experiments suggested by the theoretical studies of the first two sections. Parts I and II concluded that use- [ll 2 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ful calculations bearing on the mechanical aspects of the hydraulic fracturing proc- ess can be made if the elastic properties of the porous strata are known. Such cal- culations would consider the influence of changes in pore pressure on the stress condition of the rock around an oil well. The elastic properties of porous granular materials are known to change as the state of stress changes. The published literature gives such a diversity of values for elastic properties of rocks that it did not seem practical to use published values for the application considered here. For this reason an experimental inves- tigation was made of the elastic properties of some sandstone samples taken from drill cores. The answers to the following questions were sought in these experi- ments: 1) What reasonable values of the elastic properties of sand- stone, within the range of stress conditions existing in the oil res- ervoir, can be established? 2) How do these properties change with stress condition? Acknowledgments I express appreciation to the Department of Mining and Metallurgical En- gineering of the University of Illinois for financing the construction of the appara- tus used in the tests; to Professor Walter D. Rose for guidance in performing these experiments; to the Illinois State Geological Survey for providing samples and aid- ing in the preparation of the manuscript; and to Alfred H. Bell, head of the Oil and Gas Section of the Illinois State Geological Survey, Lester L. Whiting of the same section, Kenneth R. Larson of the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois, Pro- fessor H. R. Wetenkamp of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the University of Illinois, and William J. McGuire of the Atlantic Refining Com- pany, all of whom assisted in various ways. This report is adapted from a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science from the University of Illinois, 1959. NOTATION Symbols a - Linear coefficient of thermal expansion, l/Temp P = Grain compressibility, in 2 /lb e = Strain E = Young's modulus, lb/in e = Volume dilatation J = Linear coefficient of pore pressure expansion, invlb \i - Poisson's ratio n = Fractional pore area in a plane through a porous material; the porosity a = Total stress with direction unspecified, surface pressure, or mean stress, lb/in 2 . When the mean stress, i P (8) where J is the coefficient of pore pressure expansion. If we apply this definition, (7) becomes e x =^-£ (<^y+^z) -JP (cyclic) (9) For zero porosity, J equals zero and the pore pressure term in (9) vanishes. The total stress becomes identical to the solid stress and (9) becomes Hooke's law for isotropic nonporous materials. Effective Stress The effective stress is a component of the total stress that tends to compact a porous structure, change its resistance to shear, and change its elastic prop- erties by altering its microscopic pore structure. The effective stress is exten- sively used in the field of soil mechanics (Terzaghi and Peck, 1948, p. 52). It is stated in terms of the total stress and the pore pressure a x = cr x - P (cyclic) (10) It is useful to separate the effective stress from the hydrostatic component of the total stress because changes in elastic properties as stress condition changes can be attributed to changes in the effective component. The hydrostatic component, numerically equal to the pore pressure, has negligible effect on the pore geometry and elastic properties. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Apparatus The pressure cell used in the experiments consisted of a thick, steel cyl- inder with end closures held in the cylinder by the ram or a large hydraulic press. 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The core was cemented to the lower closure of the cylinder and a float- ing piston was mounted on the upper end of the core (fig. 3)„ Figure 4, an ex- ploded view of the apparatus, shows the steel cushion plate, 1, that distributes the load from the ram of a hydraulic press to 2, a large brass plunger. A short piston, 3, separates the axial and radial fluid pressures. The test cylin- der, 4, shows connections, 5 and 6, through which the axial and radial fluid pressures were controlled and measured. The core, 7, is mounted on the bottom closure, 8, of the cylinder together with the tubing connected to the closure and communicating with the pores of the specimen. Figure 5 shows the apparatus as- sembled in the hydraulic press. Tubing connections from top to bottom control the axial stress, the radial stress, and the pore pressure. The wires connecting to the strain-indicating instrument are also visible. r 1 1 Fig. 3. - Core mounted on the lower closure of the test cylinder, with floating piston mounted on upper end . ill Fig. 4. - Exploded view of apparatus, Strain Measurement Strains in the rock samples were measured by means of SR-4, A-12-2, bonded wire resistance strain gages. A Baldwin type L portable strain indicator was used to read strain in the gage wire. SR-4 gages consist of a thin strand of fine cupro-nickel gage wire soldered to larger leads. The gage wire and leads are cemented with nitrocellu- lose cement to a paper backing. The gage wire normally has a protective coating of red felt lightly cemented over the top, but this felt covering was strip- ped from the gages for the experiments so that the gage could be smoothly paint- ed over with plastic after it was mounted. Most SR-4 gages contain a grid of gage wire. At the bends a small frac- tion of the wire is perpendicular to the gage axis. This introduces an error ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SANDSTONE 11 because the wire senses some of the strain perpendicular to the gage direction. Ordinarily, this error is unimportant and is ignored. For the present experiments, however, this error would be significant and difficult to correct, so the single strand A- 12-2 gage was adopted. Another advantage in using the A-12-2 gage is its relatively long gage length (1 5/8 inches), which permits the measuring of strain over an appreciable portion of the specimen and thus averages out microscopic strain fluctuations. To determine the effect of pressure on the readings, gages were mounted on high-purity aluminum and copper rods and subjected to hydrostatic pressure up to 8,000 pounds per square inch. Strain was recorded as a function of the pressure. Had the gages functioned ideally and given the actual strains in the alu- minum and copper as a function of pressure, the linear compressibilities of the two metals would have been measured. For copper this is 86 and for the aluminum 8 Q. *x n m CO 1—1 1-1 1-1 03 N N J-. N w b b|Q- i-i ai b W W ID d| 0-, ii b cu -p •H -P C < < 1 < < 1 =1 Cv) 1 pq < < ll II UJ "3. CM 1 < M •H •r-f ■H •H •rH 0) 03 X d) M M h M >H c c UJ a 03 03 03 cd 03 o 8 > > > > > u 4-1 O x o c CD a> 0) CD CD -p CD >- •H i — i . — i , — 1 , — i , — 1 c ,_( (H 1 X X X X X 03 X 03 N o 03 03 03 03 03 -p 03 P w M • H •H •H •H ■H 03 5 O (H ^ u (H u c (H 3 03 • H 03 03 03 03 03 8 CD CO c 6 > > > > > > o 1 •r-t 4-> CD CD CD • •H t—i , — 1 , — i 1-1 •a c X 03 X 03 X CD cd o CX o O o • r-f • H •H I—) o x o c •H b iH h M to >^ < CD 03 > 03 > 03 > H CD ll X -a -p -P CL 03 -P CD c CT c c < •H C ,-H 3 03 03 H 03 X o (H -P -p b II 03 -P 03 CQ b 0) a. o> to > 03 b • H C cS C o O < II 0) b^ < c o a < II 03 Q , ^ -° II 1 — 1 . h X CD 01 b 03 -p b cd -P X X < M b" c 03 < TJ C 03 N 03 03 II 03 < -P II 03 -P b •H •H > CO > 0) >H h N C N C 03 > 03 > b < o O b < 8 CD M --^ 0) O ^— >. O C D • H >• Q. O X) ■-I -P -p • H CD p 03 • H 4-1 03 >.s T3 fH „ -* -H O C , , O =1 CD t 6 a) £ a a) P m 6 03 CM D X -p a =L UJ 0) *• c UJ X -H 03 cojeo i-l c X CD CD UJ 1-3 1 N •- o M en • r-l en o> 03 CD O CD 1- CD a, -a c 10 • H O a (Line compr •H (H 4-f D 4h 03 CD 03 O CD U H -— a ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SANDSTONE 15 test cylinder. A short brass piston is cemented to the top of the core. By control- ling the fluid pressure above and below the short piston at the top of the core, the axial and radial stresses in the specimen were controlled. The strain-measuring gages were cemented to the core. The soldered wire leads were carried out through the base. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Application of Hooke's Law It must be emphasized that equation (9), Hooke's law for porous materials derived earlier, is dependent on linearity of the relation between stress and strain. In the succeeding discussion, equation (9) is used to relate one elastic property to another and to relate elastic properties to experimental conditions and measurements. Because the experiments show the elastic properties are themselves func- tions of the condition of stress, the stress-strain relation is clearly not linear. Therefore, some justification of the use of equation (9) is required. When sufficiently small changes in stress and strain are observed in a porous material the changes will appear to be linear and follow Hooke's law. Therefore, it is legitimate to apply (9) within a limited range of stress condition. We will therefore assume a set of elastic properties applies to each limited range of stress condition. To describe the stress condition completely it is necessary to specify the three principal stresses ( Z a2 where a z is the axial stress, p^ is the pressure of the fluid above the floating piston, P2 is the pressure in the annulus, a^ is the cross section of the cylinder and a2 is the cross section of the specimen. The values of cr r and & z were set at initial magnitudes and strain readings taken. cr Trial 1 Trial 2 1500 1500 1353 1434 1360 935 1500 2050 1375 1270 1375 782 1591 3.80 X 1500 1500 1355 1410 1358 915 2000 2000 1240 1362 1245 868 2000 2550 1262 1228 1265 738 2091 4.30 x 2000 2000 1241 1355 1242 860 2500 2500 1135 1325 1131 821 2500 3050 1154 1200 1150 715 2591 4.84 x 2500 2500 1135 1322 1130 820 3000 3000 1003 1415 1028 785 3000 3550 1023 1300 1040 680 3091 5.00 X 3000 3000 1005 1420 1028 782 3500 3500 930 1475 922 770 3500 4050 945 1382 941 660 3591 5.30 X 3500 3500 928 1490 927 765 4000 4000 831 1470 833 715 4000 4550 844 1375 850 620 4091 5.80 X 4000 4000 830 1470 833 716 4500 4500 747 684 4500 5050 765 580 4591 5.35 X 4500 4500 746 683 5000 5000 652 640 5000 5550 664 544 5091 5.74 X 5000 5000 651 640 10" i cr- ier 10" 10" 10 10" 10 131 .172 ,167 .141 .150 .160 .11 .13 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Tabic ! 2. - Continued Data r lbs a z per € r z r Z a E H- set micro -inch micrc i-inch lbs per sq inch per inch per inch sq inch 9 5500 5500 566 597 6 5500 6050 585 500 5591 5.56 x 10 .197 5500 5500 565 601 10 500 500 1640 1440 A 500 1050 1700 1135 591 1.85 x 10 .17 500 500 1660 1415 11 1000 1000 1495 1278 6 1000 1550 1520 1060 1091 2.82 x 10° .12 1000 1000 1498 e r 1230 e r Trial e z 3, tr x > € z 0> + + + CT, < 0". XXX Sample 4 trial I ooo trial 2 OOO Sample 3 AAA Sample I odd From Zisman (1933) zzz I 3 4 5 6 7 Modulus of elasticity, E — 10 lb /in Fig. 6. - Modulus of elasticity as a function of the mean ef- fective stress. 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY If there is any difference in the traces made by the two sets of points, the difference lies within the scatter of the data. In this case at least, the hypothesis has been verified. Within experimental error it is sufficient to consider changes in elastic properties as a function of the mean effective stress. The values of Young's modulus plotted in figure 6 correlate fairly well with porosity in spite of the fact that the samples vary widely in age and description. Two of the points are from the work of Zisman (19 33a). Zisman's data were obtained by testing at atmospheric conditions a dense quartzitic sandstone. Poisson's Ratio Poisson's ratio is the ratio of the radial strain over the axial strain Ae, * Ae : resulting from a change in the axial stress, Acr z . In figure 7 the experimental determinations of Poisson's ratio are plotted. Sample 6 Sample 5 Sample 4 Sample 3 Sample I Trial I & 2 ••• Trial 3 xxx Trial I ••• Trial 2 xxx 6 • • 5 • -O • o o g 4 1 ib CD 3 a> > 2 • 2000 lb/in Mean of all experimental values 1 .15 .218 .185 3 .071 .145 .108 4 .045 .109 .077 5 .147 .168 .157 6 .124 .112 .118 to change a great deal from one specimen to the next nor does it vary a great deal with the condition of stress in a single specimen. There is evidently a relation between Poisson's ratio and the mean effective stress. Table 3 shows the mean values obtained when the mean effective stress was less than two thousand pounds per square inch and the mean values under stress conditions greater than two thousand pounds per square inch. With one ex- ception the mean values are greater for conditions of greater mean effective stress. Obvious cor- relation between the value of Poisson's ratio and the porosity does not appear. Linear Bulk Compressibility Strains due to changes in the exter- nal stress, cr , meas- ured while the pore pressure, P, is held equal to zero, are re- corded in table 4. The strain gag- es are exposed to a change in fluid pres- sure from one reading to the next, making it necessary to apply the gage pressure co- efficient. As explained earlier in this report, the influence of fluid pressure on the gage produced an indicated strain in addition to the actual strain in the specimen. £ 1000 c 800 o 600 500 400 • /• Sample 1 / ,/ /" / i" y Trial 1 ••• / 7 Trial 2 *** *• / / / / / / / •x / / / / 2 4 6 Compressive strain, e - 10 in /in 2 4 6 8 10 Compressive strain, e — 10 in /in Fig. 8. - Compressive strain is plotted against the mean effective stress in figures 8 to 12. The data in table 3 show tensile strain as positive. The plotted strain readings have been converted so that compressive strain is positive and stress-versus- strain plots as a straight line on logarithmic paper. This was done by subtracting all the strain readings of a single trial from a constant greater than the largest reading. The constant was obtained by trial and error. In figure 8 strain versus mean effective stress is measured by the r and z gages on sample 1. 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 4. - Determination of Bulk Linear Compressibility E SAMPLE 1 - porosity 1% Trial 1 Trial 2 a e r € z a € T € z lbs per micro-inch micro-incl n lbs per micro-inch micro-inch sq inch per inch per inch sq inch per inch per inch 1000 6012 6073 500 6090 6101 2000 5891 5900 2000 5879 5899 4000 5674 5698 4000 5692 5693 6000 5527 5519 6000 5520 5528 8000 5368 5356 8000 5361 5385 10000 5191 5240 7000 5440 5455 9000 5260 5302 5000 5593 5605 7000 5410 5448 3000 5760 5758 5000 5570 5591 1000 5975 6040 3000 5744 5751 1000 5980 6028 SAMPLE 2 - porosity 4% SAMPLE 4 - porosity c (0 10 f0 ■e"8 a) * c w n Q) O u Q. 10 E o u 10 X> 0) s - S S ■3 o 3 X! _q CD x: 2 i u !/ PIOOOI — ^ 'SS3J4S illp3||9 UD3^ ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SANDSTONE 29 therefore necessary to convert their data to the form giving linear bulk compress- ibility rather than what they called "pore compressibility" as a function of the mean effective stress. Their data were plotted on logarithmic paper and an empirical equation was obtained in a manner similar to that described above. This empirical equation took the form of (13) and is stated n = K^a + K2 where n is the cumulative change in porosity. The first derivative gives the rate of change of porosity with mean effective stress Sn = KnXa^" l) (15) -P = constant On the left sideSa has been replaced by 8 3 SAMPLE 4 - porosity 9% Trial 1, o~ > P Trial 2, a = P Trial 3, cr = P cr P € z o~=P e z cr=P e r lbs per lbs per micro-inch lbs per micro-inch lbs per micro-inch sq inch sq inch per inch sq inch 500 per inch 1642 sq inch per inch 1000 500 1272 6000 1349 2000 1500 1193 1000 1615 5000 1423 3000 2500 1125 2000 1562 4000 1493 4000 3500 1071 3000 1510 3000 1564 5000 4500 1041 4000 1452 2000 1633 6000 5500 990 5000 1397 1000 1703 5000 4500 1040 6000 1343 1000 1701 4000 3500 1080 2000 1628 3000 2500 1142 3000 1558 2000 1500 1182 4000 1489 1000 500 1237 5000 6000 1419 1350 SAMPLE 6 - porosity 22% cr P € r e z lbs per lbs per micro-inch micro-inch sq inch sq inch per inch per inch 500 1650 1769 1000 500 1603 1739 2000 1500 1540 1697 3000 2500 1466 1635 4000 3500 1381 1581 5000 4500 1305 1512 6000 5500 1230 1425 7000 6500 1163 1366 Sample 4 Sample 6 Table 7. - Experimental Values of the Linear Grain compressibility, |J, lb/in 3 z gage cr>P 5.3 x 10" z gage Q-= p 5.6 x 10" 6.1 x 10" r gage a - : P 7.2 x 10" ■8 7.4 x 10' ■8 32 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 8. - Determination of the Coefficient of Pore Pressure Expansion, J. SAMPLE 5 - porosity lb% 0" P € r € z a lbs per lbs per micro-inch micro-inch lbs per sq inch sq inch per inch per inch sq inch 7000 100 315 488 6900 7000 400 348 528 6600 7000 1750 483 632 5250 7000 2950 625 740 4050 7000 3880 740 830 3120 7000 4780 875 946 2220 7000 5500 980 1032 1500 7000 5750 1020 1060 1250 7000 310 520 7000 SAMPLE 6 - porosi ty 22% Trial 1 (J P € T € 2 a lbs per lbs per micro-inch micro-inch lbs per sq inch sq inch per inch per inch sq inch 6000 100 270 443 5900 6000 1000 380 531 5000 6000 2000 554 675 4000 6000 3000 720 805 3000 6000 4000 ' 904 955 2000 6000 5000 1102 1149 1000 6000 5500 1223 Trial 2 1295 500 a P € t e z a lbs per lbs per micro-inch micro-inch lbs per sq inch sq inch per inch per inch sq inch 7000 106 410 7000 7000 1200 189 483 5800 7000 2100 325 590 4900 7000 3000 473 708 4000 7000 4000 675 833 3000 7000 5000 822 985 2000 7000 6000 1043 1195 1000 7000 6600 1428 1230 400 ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SANDSTONE 33 \ a e ? 4 Sampled Sample 6 Sample 5 Sample 6 r r z I 10 in /lb Fig. 14. - The coefficient of pore pressure expansion, J, and the bulk l-2i are plotted against the mean ef- linear compressibilities, fective stress. Equation (8) predicts that corresponding curves should differ by a constant equal to the grain linear compressibil- ity. (3/3. The figure shows that corresponding curves (indicated by arrows) are spaced horizontally at nearly constant intervals. The intervals are a little greater than the mean linear compressi- bility of quartz, 6.2 x 10 8 in 2 /lb. The strains versus the mean effective stress were plotted on logarithmic paper. The strains given in table 8 were subtracted from a larger number selected so that compressive strain would read positive and the points would fall most nearly on a straight line. An empirical equation having the same form as (13) was then ob- tained from the plotted points. The first derivative of equation (13) is s 8