HJtfi aim mBRS&A yi fj frljflE M M ■ BlHl ffiinMnuBii: LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 I^6r no. 782-787 cop. 2 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN I v RECTI L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/dcsinformationst783lars f'/aTK UIUCDCS-R-76-783 to. si ■■7X3 January 1976 THE DCS INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM FOR GRADUATE APPLICANTS AND STUDENTS by J. B. Larson W. J. Kubitz UIUCDCS-R-76-783 THE DCS INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM FOR GRADUATE APPLICANTS AND STUDENTS J. B. Larson W. J. Kubitz January 1976 This work was supported by the Department of Computer Science. Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Editor (ED) and Browse (BR) Users' Guide 3 2.1 Special Function Keys 3 2.2 ED Step by Step Instructions 5 2.3 Browse (BR) Introduction 12 2.4 BR Step by Step Instructions 13 3. Program Structure 17 3.1 File Structures 18 3.2 Program Structures 21 4. Software Maintenance 23 5. Problems & Possibilities 25 Appendices Page Appendix A 31 A.l FAA Field Table with Values and Ranges 32 A. 2 FAA Translation Table 34 A. 3 GSR Field Table with Values and Ranges 35 A. 4 GSR Translation Table 37 A. 5 GSR Format Table . . 38 Appendix B 39 B.l Sample Output Generated by HASP Command 40 B.2 Sample Output Generated by PRINT Command 41 Appendix C Quick Summary of ED and BR Commands 42 Appendix D Quick Summary of console commands 43 1. Introduction This document describes the use, structure, and maintenance of the Fellowship, Assistantship and Admissions - Graduate Student Records (FAA-GSR) information system. This system was developed beginning in the summer of 1973 to the present. It began as an off-line, batch job operation and evolved into its present form, a fully interactive, remote terminal system. Only the system in its present form is documented here. The FAA-GSR system is a file editing - information retrieval system involving two basic programs. The editing program (ED) allows the user to access and change any element of the entire file. The retrieval program (BR) supplies a means by which sets of records may be selected and printed. In addition, a level of security is maintained by requiring the user to have knowledge of certain passwords. Each program is written in DEC-10 FORTRAN and is structured to facilitate easy transfer to another machine. Each program consists of approximately 600 - 800 FORTRAN statements and occupies 20K DEC-10 36 bit words. Note that although the two programs, BR and ED, are basically the same for both the FAA and GSR systems, the data bases are quite different as described later. In addition, the usage is different in that the frequency of updating and complexity of the desired sorting/searching operations differ. The motivation for the development of the system was the increasing number of applicants to the graduate program in the late sixties and early seventies. Along with the increased number of applicants was an increasing number of requests from both inside and outside the Department for information of a statistical nature about both applicants and students. These requests often entailed tedious manual searching/sorting operations on a dynamically changing data base. The existing manual records were not organized in a way which allowed easy searching by any parameter other than name. Searches involving multiple parameters were particularly time consuming and frustrating. This situation is extreme in the case of admissions information (FAA) because the data base is constantly being updated. For the student record (GSR) information, the difficulty lies in the varying requirements of the different degree programs and the multiplicity of parameters over which simultaneous searching must be performed. It was and is hoped that the present interactive system can greatly alleviate many of these problems. The transition to this interactive system is not without its problems, however. At this time, duplication of effort is involved on the part of the clerical personnel in that a hard, hand-written copy is created first and used as a source of input to the computer system. This is partly a result of lack of faith in the non-volatility of the computer data base (unfortunately well documented in practice) and also due to the fact that some of the input data comes from the subjective deliberations of a committee (FAA). The situation is not as complicated in the GSR case since the data is primarily objective (from our point of view) and stable in time. The major concerns in this case are loss of data and security. The intent here is to document the current state of the systems, provide user knowledge, and suggest possible means of maintaining the system. There is also a discussion of possible future additions and changes. Section 2 contains a user guide to using the FAA-GSR system. Section 3 describes the program implementation and data structures from a layman's point of view. Section 4 gives suggestions on maintenance of the programs and data files. Section 5 discusses current problems and future improvements The Appendices provide current operational procedures from a personnel point of view and summarize system commands and definition for quick reference. 2. Editor (ED) and Browse (BR) Users' Guide Section 2.2 gives a list of steps describing how to edit an FAA or GSR file. Section 2.3 gives a similar description for the browsing pror- gram. At each step, the computer message which appears on the terminal is given and the proper response is described. An explanation of what actually happens at each step is also given along with a description of what can be done in the event that the wrong information is entered. First, the special function of some keys on the terminal and general instructions for operating a DEC-10 terminal will be given. 2.1 Special Function Keys Entering a Line into the Computer . One special function key is the return key. To enter a line of information into the computer, press the RETURN key. Correcting a Line . If an error in a line is discovered before RETURN is pressed, you can back up one character at a time to that place at which the error occured on the line by pressing the RUBOUT key or by pressing CTL H (i.e. press the CTL key and the H key simultaneously) and then retyping the remainder of the line with the correction. Each time the RUBOUT key is pressed, the character which is being deleted is printed between \ marks. Each time CTL H is typed, the cursor (the flashing line at the bottom of the line) is backed up over the deleted character. After pressing RUBOUT, the line which appears on the screen is not the line which is actually used by the computer because of the deleted characters which are displayed at the terminal but not used by the computer . To see the line of information which is actually utilized by the computer, type CTL R. Deleting an Entire Line . CTL U will delete an entire line. Stopping Output Temporarily . If the machine is listing a rather large amount of information (e.g. a complete listing of a record) and you wish to stop the output temporarily in order to read some of the information before it disappears off the top of the screen, press CTL S. To restart the listing, press CTL Q. Suppressing Output . CTL suppresses output to terminal but the computer continues to calculate and generate output. This provides a way of speeding up the output process in order to get to the end of output execution. For example, this can be used to skip rapidly over remaining output after an item of interest has been obtained. No Response from Computer . Normally, the computer should respond to a command within 1 or 2 seconds. If for some reason, the computer does not respond within a few minutes, there is probably something wrong with the DEC-10. If the terminal does not seem to respond, type CTL C several times. If a period appears on the screen, type CONTINUE and press RETURN twice. A message should appear indicating what the program is looking for. If no period appears on the terminal, hang up the phone and try again later. Use this procedure only if the machine does not respond properly. 2.2 ED Step by Step Instructions (Refer to Figure 1) Organization of Work by Task . Step 1 Organize the work according to task. That is, collect all the ADDs, CHANGES, SEQUENTIAL CHANGES, NAME CHANGES and DELETES together into separate groups. This is necessary because the system operates in one command mode at a time. Thus, all the ADDs are done while in the ADD mode, all the CHANGES while in the CHANGE mode, etc. Login and Initialization . Step 2 Turn on the terminal and dial the computer (3-4000) . When a continuous tone is heard, place the phone in the cradle (cord towards you) and press CTL C (press the keys CTL and C simultaneously) several times. A message requesting LOGIN should appear on the screen. If you get a busy signal from the phone, then hang up and try later; there is no line available at this time. If no message appears on the screen, then the computer is not operating; hang up and try again later. Step 3 Computer: A message requesting you to LOGIN Response: LOGIN 4535,1122 (FAA) LOGIN 4535,1120 (GSR) Step 4 Computer: PASSWORD Response: enter password Step 5 Computer: operator messages about changes in normal schedule terminated with a period Response: RUN ED Step 6 Computer: ENTER DATE Response: enter date as YY/MM/DD Example: If today's date is June 13, 1975, then enter: 75/06/13 Step 7 Computer: CHECK DATE Response: If the date is correct, type Y and proceed to Step 8, otherwise, type N and repeat Step 6. Step 8 Computer: ENTER CODE WORD Response: type in the code word Step 9 Computer: IS 375 THE CURRENT SEM-YR? ENTER CR OR NEW SEM-YR DATE CODEWORD m SEMESTER CHECK COMMAND ADD S^ I FIELDS I ©I ^ I ©J * 1| i -^ m SSN P 42 * FIELD VALUE — ' *| f #1 T LZ_ NAMEC CHANGE JL A DELETE ' SCHANGE ■ CRSADO >3 ILLEGAL COMMAND LOOP ON ALL ®, _&. LIST RECORD FIELD NAME uT OLD NAME M NEW NAME FIRST OR INITIAL NEW SSN NAME A FIELO NAME I FIELD VALUE LIST RECORD ii / NAME • ® LOOP ON DESIGNATED BEGINNING FIELD ENDING FIELD NAME I m FIELD VALUE T7 M. n # LIST RECORD FIELD NAME 3" COURSE J UNITS TOTAL » PROF NAME E~I M GRADE RANK ILLEGAL RESPONSE STOP EXIT ® V SCHANGE ONLT NO STORE RECORD K- YES PERMANENT ENTRY? T NOTE, THIS PATH RETURNS TO THE COMMANO FROM WHICH IT CAME EXCEPT FOR SCHANGE FIELD NAME LIST RECORD T FIELD VALUE Figure 1. Control Flow for ED Response: normally type CR unless this is a new semester, then type the SEM-YR. Explanation: When a large amount of course information is being entered for one semester, the program automati- cally inserts the above semester and year into the appropriate field. If you wish to enter course information for a new semester (the one following that printed, presumably), then type Y, otherwise, enter a carriage return (CR) . Step 10 Computer: ENTER COMMAND Response: Enter one of the following commands: ADD - if you are adding a new record to the file CHANGE - if you are modifying random fields of current records (e.g. general exam results) SCHANGE - if you are modifying or adding information to a sequence of the same fields for all existing records (e.g. entering course information by_ student for the previous semester for GSR or attend information for the FAA file). NAMEC - if you wish to change the name corresponding to a certain SSN or the SSN corresponding to a certain name. DELETE - if you wish to delete a record from the file entirely. STOP - to terminate this session. CRSADD - if you wish to enter course information by course at the end of a semester. Any other command will return you to Step 10. Explanation of the ED Command Modes . Note that the sets of steps given below for each possible command (Steps 11 - 31) are mutually exclusive even though numbered sequentially. Figure 1 shows the control flow for the ED program. Add Command . Step 11 Computer: ENTER SSN Response: Enter the SSN (Social Security Number) for the new record as 9 digits (do not include separators such as / or -) . Enter a / to return to the command level (Step 10) . Example: 438702607 Errors: If a record with that SSN is already in the file, the message SSN ERROR is printed; return to Step 11. If you type in the wrong SSN, it may be changed later by using the NAMEC command or by typing / and then NO to abort this entry. Then proceed with Step 11 again. Step 12 Computer: prints a field name Response: Enter the value for this field. (Be careful to dis- tinguish between (zero) and the letter 0, and the number 1 and the letter L) . Return to Step 12 unless this is the last field in which case go to Step 17. Explanation: Each element of a record is accessed via its field name. A list of all valid fields for each set of records (FAA or GSR) is given in Appendix A. For GSR File Only: To enter a date of any kind, enter SYY, as three digits where S has the value of 1 for Spring semester, 2 for Summer and 3 for Fall and the year is the calendar year (YY) . For example, Fall semester 1975 would be 375. In response to the CRS.PROF field, enter the name of the professor only if he is in the CS Department. Otherwise, enter blank for professor. If a professor is new to the Department (i.e. not in the list of professors which the program stores) , a message to this effect is printed. If YES is the response to the message, the professor is added to the internal list, otherwise, he is ignored. Since there is only space for the names of 80 different professors, be sure that the name is spelled properly. If you get this message and this is indeed a new name, then a YES response will auto- matically add the name to the list. The GSR file automatically computes accumu- lated statistics such as CUMGPA and these need not be entered. Alternate Response: If desired, instead of entering a field value at some point, you may enter a special character which will not change the current value of the field. Instead one of the following actions is taken: i) // causes the entire record to be listed (see Step 16) after which control is returned to Step 12. ii) * allows one to change fields so that one can begin entering information from a different field in the record (Step 13) . iii) / is used to indicate that all the information has been entered for this record and that the record is ready to be stored (proceed to Step 17) . Step 13 Computer: ENTER FIELD [Computer response to * entry] Response: Enter a valid field name. If the field name is one describing course information, proceed to Step 14, otherwise, return to Step 12. (Only enough letters of the field name to distinguish it from the others need be entered) . One of the special characters of Step 12 can also be entered at this point. Step 14 Computer: WHICH COURSE? Response: Enter the course name corresponding to the actual value (grade, credit, professor or semester) which is to be changed . Step 15 Computer: CHANGE THIS COURSE NAME (Y/N) Response: Normally enter N (NO). Enter Y (YES), key RETURN and enter new course name if the name of the course is to be changed. Otherwise, press RETURN. Go back to Step 12. Step 16 Computer: COURSE OR HISTORY (C/H) [Computer response to # entry] Response: Enter C or H to obtain either a course or history list of the current record. Return to the previously entered state (Step 12, 13, or 17). Explanation: C causes a listing of the complete course records for that student. H causes a complete listing of all non-course information for that student. Step 17 Computer: PERMANENT ENTRY? ("Computer response to / entryj Response: Normally, enter YES, If this record is to be abandoned, enter NO. Enter # or * as described in Step 12 above. Continue to Step 11. SCHANGE Command . Step 18 Computer: ENTER BEGINNING FIELD Response: Enter the name of the first field which is to be altered Step 19 Computer: ENTER ENDING FIELD Response: Enter the name of the last field to be altered. CHANGE Command . Step 18 Computer: ENTER LAST NAME Response: Enter the last name for the record or a / to return to Step 10. The computer may request first name and/or SSN if there are two or more records with the same last name. Step 19 Computer: ENTER FIELD Response: Enter the name of the field whose value is to be changed or the characters # or / as described previously. Step 20 Computer: Prints a field name Response: Enter the value of the field or the special character # or /. Normally (unless / is pressed) return to Step 19. Step 21 Computer: PERMANENT ENTRY? Response: Type YES, NO, //, or *. This is similar to Step 17 of the ADD command, however, a NO response leaves the record in the file unchanged. (i.e. the latest editing is not recorded). Continue with Step 18. SCHANGE Command . Step 22 Computer: ENTER BEGINNING FIELD Response: Enter the name of the first field which is to be altered. Step 23 Computer: ENTER ENDING FIELD Response: Enter the name of the last field to be altered. Step 24 Computer: ENTER LAST NAME Response: Enter the last name for the required record or / to return to the command level (Step 10) . The computer may request further information if there are two records with the same last name. Step 25 Computer: Prints a field name Response: Enter the value of the field or a special character as described in Step 12. Step 26 Computer: PERMANENT ENTRY? Response: Same as Step 21. Continue with Step 24. 10 NAMEC Command . Step 27 Computer: ENTER OLD NAME Response: Enter the last name of the record to be changed or /. Step 28 Computer: ENTER NEW NAME Response: Enter the new last name for this record. The program will then request the first name and SSN, enter the proper values for the new record. A blank entry to any of these queries will result in blanks being recorded . Step 29 Computer: PERMANENT ENTRY? Response: YES, NO, *, or //. Same as Step 21. Continue with Step 27. DELETE Command . Step 30 Computer: ENTER LAST NAME Response: Enter the last name of the record to be deleted or /. Step 31 Computer: PERMANENT ENTRY? Response: Type YES to permanently delete this record, continue with Step 30. CRSADD Command . (GSR Only) Step 32 Computer: ENTER COURSE Response: Enter the course name. CS 321, for example. The computer will then ask for the credit for the course, UNITS the total final enrollment, TOTAL and the name of the professor, PROF. The date is entered automatically. A / will return to the command mode. Step 33 Computer: ENTER LAST NAME Response: Enter the last name of the student for whom the grade is to be recorded or a /. The / returns you to Step 23. The computer will ask for the GRADE and RANK for each student. Note that exit is to the command mode rather than PERMANENT ENTRY?. Errors can be corrected using CHANGE. STOP Command . Step 34 Computer: The program execution is halted. Logout of the computer by typing K/F. Hang up the phone and turn the terminal off. 11 2.3 Browse (BR) Introduction. The Browse program (BR) allows a user to list any record or logically described subset of records on the terminal or on the printer. Logical sets of records are defined by the user as follows: The program maintains several levels or sets of records numbered by level as 1, 2, 3, etc. At level 1, all records are included. A logical subset of these records can be transferred ot the next level (i.e. level 2) by entering the command RETAIN and an EXPRESSION consisting of a boolean expression involving relations between field names and constants which describe the new set. Further refinement can be obtained by executing the command RETAIN once again and forming a set of records at level 3. Previous levels may be accessed by backing (BACKUP) up one level at a time to the desired set. Using this process, any set of records which can be described by a logical expression can be selected and a formatted list (COMPLETE) or a list restricted to only a few fields can be generated on the terminal (LIST) or on hard copy (HC) . In addition, the browse program can be used to generate some statistics. 12 2.4 BR Step by Step Instructions (Refer to Figure 2) First follow the login Steps 1 through 4 of the edit program. instructions. Step 5 Computer: . (period) Response: RUN BR Step 6 Computer: DO YOU WISH TO KEEP A LOG? Response: Normally, enter blank. However, if you wish a hard copy log of what you have done, respond Y and a hard copy log of your dialog will be printed on the DEC-10 output printer. Step 7 Computer: ENTER COMMAND Response: Enter one of the following commands. (Only the first two characters are necessary) . RETAIN — to retain only a subset of the current set of records BACKUP — to backup to a set of records at the previous level CLEAR — to begin again with the set of all records AVERAGE — to find the average value of some field LIST — to list a selected set of fields of the current set of records HC (hard copy) — to obtain a hard copy listing of the output generated by LIST from the DEC-10 line printer COMPLETE — to obtain a complete list of a set records on the terminal PRINT (GSR) —rto obtain a complete hard copy listing of a set of HASP (FAA) V records from the printer. HELP — to obtain a list of all valid field names STOP — to terminate program execution Explanation of the BR Commands . Here again, the commands are mutually exclusive as shown in Figure 2. Retain Command . Step 8 Computer: ENTER EXPRESSION Response: Enter an expression describing the set of records to be retained or enter a / to return to the command mode. 13 <£ LOG ? J. Q£ COMMAND CLEAR I — >=^-»h LEVELU j- RETAIN i — ^-» BACKUP HELP ■"* AyERAGE __ FIELDS J ©J i — -=^» FIELD ? LIST i. HC > COMPLETE ■ HASP f IFAA) STOpI® exitV- ILLEGAL COMMAND EXPRESSION LEVEL = LEVEL + 1 0.{"livk; 16 r- ^l COMPUTE AND i ^_LIST AVERAGE _] FIELD i Li;L*.'J blonk T generate"! — 1 list r ® LABEL FIELD i i l»l + l ! blonkl I GENERATE J_ \ HARD COPY ! ,GSR ONLY (5) COURSE/ HISTORY IT ONI ECORD 'CI I 1 NO MORE C OR H i LIST ONE ' CR j GO TO NEXT j RECORDS i RECORD ! i RECORD J POINT .J BUIL0 MLt ° ;,.., T^ SEND TO PRINTER f COPIES ? BUILD FILE a SENO TO PRINTER Figure 2 Control Flow for BR 14 Explanation: An expression is any boolean expression of binary relations between a field name and a proper value for that field. Valid relational operators are: =, <=, >=, <, and >. Boolean operators are + (or), I (andX and\ (not). A sequence of fields may be accessed by specifying only enough of the field name to represent all fields to be accessed. Course information may be accessed with the GSR program by specifying the associated course name and then the desired item (grade, professor, credit, rank, semester). Field value constants are matched with field values to as many characters as specified. Fields which are coded may be specified by either the coded value or the descriptive value. All records can be retained by using the ? for the field value and asking for all values = 0003 BACKUP Command Step 9 Explanation: retains all records with less than two 400 level units and more than 2 regular semesters registered. The program responds to this expression with the number of records in the new set, the percentage of old set which this new set comprises, and the level number assigned to this set. The program responds with the previous level and it now accesses the set of records corresponding to this level. CLEAR Command Step 10 Explanation: The program returns to accessing the set of all records and resets the level to 1. AVERAGE Command. Step 11 Computer: ENTER FIELD Response: Enter the field name of the field which is to be averaged. Explanation: The program prints the average value for all records of the current set which are non-blank for the field entered. (Course information cannot be averaged) . LIST Command. Step 12 Computer: ENTER FIELD (i) Response: Enter the name of each field which is to be listed for up to 20 fields. Enter a blank field at the end to initiate listing. Enter / to return to the command mode without a list. The computer advances i by 1 after each valid entry. Explanation: The set of fields is listed on the terminal. All available space is used (hence the limitation of 20 fields) HC Command . Step 13 Computer : Response: ENTER LABEL Type in the label which is to appear on the hard copy listing. Continue as with the LIST command above. 16 COMPLETE Command . Step 14 Computer: Course or History (C/H) (GSR only) Response: Enter C to obtain a list of the course information. H to obtain a listing of the rest of the fields for each retained record. After each record, the listing stops, press RETURN to continue with the next record or / to return to the COMMAND mode. PRINT (GSR) or HASP (FAA) Command . Step 15 Explanation: This command forms a hard copy complete listing of the saved records. This process may take some time as they involve a great deal of processing. The HASP command will ask how many copies are desired. HELP Command . Step 16 Explanation: HELP gives a list of all valid field names which can be used in boolean expressions describing sets of records. STOP Command . Step 17 Explanation: Terminate execution. Enter K/F to logout. 3. Program Structure The basic file structures, program structures, and the internal data structures are described in this section. The FAA-GSR system is composed of two programs, EDIT and BROWSE, and two major files, a data file and a table. The program ED performs maintenance of the records stored in the data file, GRAD.O or GRAD.l. Through this program, any field within any record can be modified. The program BR allows the user to list any logically de- scribed subset of these records. The data file contains the active records in a random access-binary format. The structure of these records is given in the table file, TABLE.DAT. 17 3.1 File Structures Data file (or record Hl^ , r.p A n n rr rr L *- inis ri le contains all of the records for the eve*-**™ t? i. r cne system. Each record in the faa f-ti j-n cne hAA file contains 240 characters; each record in the GSR file contains 600 h « contains 600 characters and 800 digits. The character information is packed s ^ packed 5 characters to a word (36 bits/word, 7 bits/char) of memory while the m^ « * y wnile the digit information is encoded (-• eac h Kord contalns ^ ^ representation ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « c haraccers and dlglts are accessed through one ^ ^ cim to facilitate transfer to another machine. The ED program accesses each record by the last n am e « y cne last name, first name, and SSN. It is assumed that each record will at l M .f k W1J " L at leas t have a unique SSN. Records are stored in order of last n amo « last name, first name, and SSN. New records are added to the file by fi rst storing them in a transactions file XKAN. DAT , until 20 recordg ^ been accumuiated> ^^ ^^^^ J^ ^ , -* the current file i nd i cated by either . x _ . fl ^ ^ ^ ^ - -e transactions file. ReC ords are changed by selecting the record Edifying it, and replacing the old record with the record with the new version. Records are DEEETEd by bl a„ klng out the la „ ' lhe NAME Change operation adds the record with the new name and deletes the „ih aeietes the old copy. The ADD operation simply adds the new record. ISSiS-LiiSiJEABLEJJAT The structure of the entlre ^ ^ ^ I contained in this f-fio T " TU ° "" eS "" '""^ «or.d ^ thl. fUe; . fleld -Me con t a lnlng all ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 18 each record, and a decode table which contains decode information for fields which are coded. Included in the field table is the name of each field within the record, the starting character within the record and the field's length (see Appendix A). Since some fields are coded to conserve storage, this table contains information about where to look in the decode table for the codes for each field. A type column is included to invoke special routines within the programs according to special requirements of each field. Also the fields are logically grouped in the field table and a special column indicates this grouping. Finally, a formatted printout is available in the program BR and the table contains the row and column in which each field value is to be printed. The decode table contains the coded values and the printed values for coded fields. More precisely, the table structure is as follows: The first line of the file contains special information as follows: Column Name Description 1-3 NFIELD # of fields in the table 4-6 INST field number of INT 1 7-9 EXST field number of EXP 1 10-12 GS the field number of the field COURSE 13-15 NS // of characters in each record The field table format is as follows: Column Name Description 1-10 FIELD field name 11-14 BEG beginning location of the field value 15-17 LEN length of each value of the field 18-20 DB beginning location of the decode table entries for this field 19 Column 21-23 24-26 27-29 Name DE IADV TYPE 30-32 33-35 ROW COL Description ending location of the decode table entries for this field a pointer to the next logical set of fields type of the field 1 - this field must be decoded 2 - this field is a number 3 - the field is a number represented in hundredths of units 5 - COURSE 6 - CRS.PROF 7 - CRS. GRADE 8 - CRS. DATE 9 - CRS. UNITS 10 - CRS. RANK 11 - CRS. TOTAL row in which to print this value column in which to start printing this value The decode table format is Column Name Description coded value in the record decoded value which is printed 1-2 CODE 6-30 VAL The actual tables are given in appendix A. Format file, FORMAT This file contains the format for listing of indivudual records. The format is as follows: The first line con- tains a number indicating the number of vertical lines to draw. The next lines specify first the column in which to draw the vertical line and then the rows which bound the line. Next, the horizontal lines are specified in a similar manner (i.e. // of lines, row and column where the line is to appear). Following this is a list of names (or labels) 20 which are to appear on the output. The column, row and actual name are given. The current format files are given in Appendix A. 3.2. Program Structures ED Program Structure . This program is composed of several subroutines which perform various tasks. Each routine is described below along with the pertinent data structures. MAIN — This is the driving program which decodes each command into several calls to various routines. Also, the data structures are initialized at the beginning of each execution and whenever necessary elsewhere. The actual structures are described below. NAME, SSN — are arrays which store the first 5 letters of the last name and the SSN for quick location of records. REC — contains the current record. NP — contains the number of entries in the decode table. NFIELD — contains the number of fields in record. GS — points to the beginning of the grade information. NS — points to the beginning location of the digit information within each record. CFILE — points to the active data file. The remaining subroutines are described below: UPDATE — sorts the transaction file and merges the sorted list of records with the old data files. A bubble sort is used since most transactions are in order anyway. FNAME — locates the required record and reads the current record into REC. LFIELD — accepts a field name and locates its position in the table by calling FFIELD. FFFIELD — actually locates the field name which was input and stores its location in the variable FPTR . 21 ACCPT — accepts a field value and stores this value in the record . PRT — lists an entire record on the terminal. STOW — generates accumulated statistics and stores the record in the data file, STORE — stores a field value into the record, CHAR — retrieves a character (or digit) from the record. BR Program Structure . MAIN — The main procedure of BR initializes the arrays, accepts commands and executes the proper sequence of calls to sub- routines as indicated by the command. Data structures which do not appear in the editing program are the following: SAVE — stores the level to which each record is assigned. LEVEL — contains the current level. The remaining subroutines are: RETAIN — accepts a boolean expression, forms a polish postfix string by calling POLISH and then checks each saved record against this expression by calling CHECK. POLISH — forms a polish postfix string and builds a symbol table STAB with the following structure. Each row of STAB corresponds to one operand. The first column contains the type, the second contains a length value, and the third column contains the starting location. A type of indicates a constant value which is stored in the original expression string. The begin field of STAB points to the value position in the string and the length element of STAB is the constant length in the expression string. A type of -1 indicates the field which is to be compared with a vilue. In this case, the begin field points to the field location in the field table, the length indicates the number of adjacent elements of the field which are to be accessed. The polish string contains operators (indicated by positive numbers) and operands (indicated by negative numberswhich point to some row of the symbol table). Each token which is inserted into the polish string is obtained by a call to the routine TOKEN. TOKEN — selects the next token from the input string and inserts operands into the symbol table STAB described above. 22 CHECK — matches a record to the polish string and returns a 1 if the record matches the string. If a course number is given, then this course is looked up in the course list of the record and the corresponding field of the table is interrogated. A coded field value is first encoded if the given value is found in the table, otherwise, the coded value it assumed. COMPL — prints a complete record on the terminal when invoked by PRINT command. The virtual page is generated within the program from the constant values of the file FORMAT and then the record values are inserted for each record. HASP — (FAA only) A temporary file is formed which is readible by the followup PL/1 program on the IBM 360/75. The proper JCL is queued up with this file for printing. The JCL and output format is stored in a file JCL under 4535,1116 in a format similar to that of the file FORMAT. The PL/1 program is stored in the file NEWLST under 4535,1116 and its load module is stored on disk. AVERAG — computes the average of all saved records. LIST — accepts field names for field values to be printed. Each line of print is generated within this procedure and proper spacing is determined to fill the available space. Also invoked by HC command. HELP — lists all field names. 4. Software Maintenance Modification of the programs to include new features may prove to be quite difficult since the programs currently occupy all the available space. Some modifications to the files are quite simple, however, and a suggested procedure is given for making these changes. A new field may be added by first finding some empty space in the record. Characters should be inserted only in the character area of the record (1-600 for GSR, and 1-240 for FAA); all digits may be placed anywhere but for the GSR file, it's more economical to place digits in elements 601-1300. To add a new field, assign the BEG and LEN fields 23 to a vacant space in the record. Next, assign a type field. Use (or blank) in most cases. If the field must be decoded use a value of 1. To suppress leading O's on output of a digit field, use the value 2. Decide where the new value is to appear on the output and assign the ROW and COL parameters accordingly (if it is not to be printed, leave the row and col fields blank) . To actually insert the field into the table, some renumbering of existing fields is necessary. Find the logical place in the field table for the new field. Adjust the various pointers as follows: Add one to the NFIELD, IVST, and EST (FAA only), and the GS parameters. Calculate the field number of this new field (i.e. the number of this new line in the field table) , and add 1 to each IADV field which has a value greater than this field number. Then insert this new field into the table. If this field is to be decoded, the decode information must be added to the decode table. For the GSR file, since the professor list must be the last set of decode values of the decode table, enter the new decode values just before the professor list. Determine the range of these new values (i.e. the locations of these new values in the decode table) . Enter the beginning and ending locations of these new values into the DB and DE columns for the new entry of the field table. Finally, the DB columns for each field which codes professors names must be updated. Add the number of new values entered into the decode table to each DB parameter associated with a professor name (there should be 3 of these). For the FAA file, simply add the new code values to the end of the table and enter the range into the DB and DE 24 elements of the new line of the field table. If the coding values are already in the decode table, they can be reused. Simply place their range into the DB and DE columns of the new entry. Finally, any labels which are to appear on the output must be entered into the FORMAT file (GSR) or the JCL file (FAA) by entering the row and column in which the label is to appear followed by the actual label on the same line. Some other simple changes are also possible. To change the decoded name for any field, change the associated value of the decode table. To change the name of any field, just change the name in the field table. No further modification can be made without program modification. Additional course information is only possible with program modification. 5.0 Problems & Possibilities Duplication of Effort The largest single disadvantage to the current operational procedure is duplication of effort since, at this time, the record custodian is maintaining both the old and the new systems. Decisions must be made in the near future which will allow us to at least reduce this duplication. In the case of the GSR system, this will not be too difficult since a hard copy can be generated immediately and the information is available from other sources as a last resort. We could also consider generating our own backup but, to date, we have been able to successfully recover by using standard system backups. Thus, it should be possible to rapidly shift almost all student records over to the automated system. Toward this end a trial run is being carried out during the current semester. 25 Of course, some information will continue to be recorded by hand since it is of a more archival nature. In addition, information such as address, phone number, current registration and so forth has never been a part of the permanent record and has not been included in the automated system. In the case of the FAA system, the problem is slightly more complicated due to the fact that certain objective information is needed by the FAA committee prior to a meeting in order to make subjective judgements about the applicant. These decisions are based on a non-linear, time varying, weighted subjective summation of objective and subjective information. [Objective information in this case is subjective information whose origins are obscure.] Then, after the meeting, the subjective judgements must be recorded. Thus, either two accesses to the records must be made or a duplicate hand record must be used. One possible direction in which to move is toward entering the information into the computer, using the computer output along with the other information to make judgements at the meeting and then entering the results into the computer. This involves two accesses with intermediate printed output generation. The other approach would hand record all data including results of the meeting and then enter all data. This appears to be the pre- ferable way to operate primarily because the objective data must be brought together from a variety of sources and this is not done easily or efficiently while sitting at a terminal. 26 There is reluctance to switch over to this new system. This reluctance is based on the realization that the information is of great importance and may not be lost under any circumstance. There is also concern about the availability, reliability and non-volitility of the (or any) computer-based system. Availability One problem is availability. That is, will the computer be available when needed? Our experience in this regard has been very good. Data that is needed rapidly can be obtained from the hard copy printout. Data that requires large amounts of terminal time such as sorts, statistical information and so forth is usually less urgent. Reliability Another concern is reliability. There are two aspects to this. Will the computer system preserve the data and is the data correct? Correctness of the data is achieved by checking the hard copy out- put from the system. The record custodian can do this for the FAA system. For the GSR system the best check is achieved by having each student check his or her own record at the time of pre- registration. The existence reliability of the data base has had its ups and downs and is not under our control. Under current policy, f lias are deleted if not accessed during a one month period. This is only occasionally a problem since normal routine causes accesses at a rate exceeding this. However, ficticious accessing can be done on a monthly basis and can be made a routine task for the record custodian. Maintanence A third area for concern is maintanence. Again these are two aspects - record maintanence and software system 27 maintanence. The former is easily done by the record custodian. The latter has been done by a senior graduate student and can probably be continued this way. As the system evolves, very little of this should be necessary unless a major change is required when the switch to a new computer system is made. In summary, the existing problems are well in hand and a move from the manual system to the computer system can and should be made if we are to avoid an expensive duplication of effort. Usefulness The current system, as simple as it is, is quite powerful and allows one to do what was either very time consuming or impossible previously. In the FAA case, we can achieve rapid dis- semination of summary information on applicants to our staff and to others. We can generate summary and statistical information in a multitude of ways to meet the varying needs of the department, the staff, the graduate college, the University, outside agencies and, of course, our -friend and benefactor, the federal government with it's surverys of ever increasing complexity and number. Without the current system some of this information would be extremely difficult to obtain. A great deal of clerical time is saved here. Similar remarks apply to the GSR system except that it is varying departmental needs which are served primarily. How many students in each program have GPAs below 4.00? How many are first year? Which students have been here more than 10 semesters? Who has passed this exam or that? Who is to take this exam or that? We now administer four degree programs with differing requirements to over 230 students. V,'tj need a system which allows us to keep track of who is doing what without repetitious file searching. 28 Of course, one can just as easily get infomration of little or no value. Deciding what is important is always more difficult when the choices are large. Cost-effectiveness It was never claimed that this sytem would save money. It hasn't yet, of course, and perhaps it won't. It does allow us do things which were previously almost impossible. As we use the computer more directly reducing the manual duplication, the economics will improve. The Future The FAA system is mature, having been used for a full year, and should require only routine maintanence and possible minor revisions. For example, the department has decided to add a fifth area to the possible entrance requirements and this will require an expansion of the prerequisite grade fields. The GSR system has not had even a one semester cycle yet and thus it is reasonable to expect that some changes may be needed. Hopefully they will be minor. The longer term direction in which to proceed is toward a self- contained terminal system using floppy disc or tape cassette. So- called word processing systems are now available. These are glorified typewritters with storage and minimal processing capability. Within the next ten years these should evolve into more sophisticated systems since the addition of greater processing capability to a system having storage and I/O should be a bargain that cannot be resisted. In the short term, the present system should be allowed a controlled evolution. The FAA procedure could go from data to computer with no intermediate copying. The GSR system should go to 29 the computer system approach but maintain the manual records system for another semester. However, the manual records should not be used but rather kept as a backup. The computer system should be used to see if it works. This is currently being attempted. 30 Appendix A Field and Translation Tables 31 A. 1 FAA Field Table with Values and Ranges c o 00 3 •H u 3 O •H *3 CD 01 •H 4J 0) 3 * g a 4-1 4-1 o> m rH 00 W O T3 5 g >■> o a ca g u x> c 4J iH o 3 H •H nj iH cti O O) x: rt -h a) 0) * Pi rH 4-1 u qj tfl 01 2; hJ iH 4-) H 3 .H M -H •K O M O 0) nl 00 3 u u 0) •H XI ,3 c nJ x> T3 00 [3-, s (JJ >H nl 4-J a 3 4-1 t-i Cfl o cd U (fl rH c (U T3 00 H 3 W >> CU 4-1 u QJ .3 Pi H H 0) •H 3 hJ O 0) •H X H 4J 3 cfl 6 a- >. ■H 3 -H a oq 0) O 0) 3 a >-( 3 rH c 3 fc C •H 01 Q o Om JZ O 4-1 3 .3 3 « 1 1 1 •H 60 ' a O u !3 < o QJ • a) o> P 4-1 O NAME 1 20 1 3 C _ INIT 31 1 . 1 19 C - SEX 32 1 1 2 1 25 A F,M YOB 33 9 1 .45 N 00-99 CULCAT 35 1 8 14 1 N 1-7 1 PROG 36 1 3 7 1 1 57 N 1-5 2 AID? 37 1 34 35 1 82 A Y,N COLL 1 38 16 26 3 3 C - HRS 1 54 2 1 3 27 N 00-99 GPA 1 56 3 1 3 35 N 000-500 DEG 1 59 4 3 47 C - FLU 1 63 8 3 55 C - YR 1 71 T> 3 64 N 00-99 COLL 2 73 16 26 4 3^ HRS 2 89 *? 1 4 27 GPA 2 91 3 1 4 35 DEG 2 94 4 4 47 FLD 2 98 8 4 55 YR 2 106 2 ' 1 4 64 > sames a deg 1, etc. COLL 3 ioe 16 26 5 3 HRS 3 124 2 5 27 GPA 3 lit > 3 5 35 DEG 3 12S ► 4 5 47 FLD 3 13: 5 e 5 55 YR 3 141 2 1 5 64> TOEFL? 14: 5 1 34 35 28 A Y,N T SCORE 14' \ 3 N 000-700 GRE YR 14: f 1 37 9 38 N 0-9 VERBAL 141 3 2 i 8 38 j N 00-99 QUANT 15( ) 2 > i 7 38 I N 00-99 AT1YR is: 2 1 37 L 9 48 N 0-9 ATI CD is; 3 2 > L 7 48 N 00-99 a r 1 X is: E" *" > L 8 48 N 00-99 AT2YR 15 7 ^ 37 L 9 53 ^ AT2CD 15 3 2 > L 7 53 same as ATI, AT 27. 16 o : > 1 8 53 J 32 A.l (continued) c o •H 00 a •H T3 0) u 01 a o •H QJ 4-> to iH 00 a * O T3 S I 4-1 o o 4-1 tO i u X> C 4J .H o 3 H •H tO iH to O , •H C tH O PQ OJ O 0) 3 P. u 3 t-l C C Pei 1-1 00 0) 01 Q T3 O O 01 PL! JZ O 4-1 O to X! C tO tO 1 1 1 IZ < O 01 4J « Q O :z PREF 162 15"' 18 1 1 105 N 1-4 3 SW 1 163 41 7 20 23 "^ A A-E,X,P,W SW 2 164 41 7 SW 3 165 41 7 26 HU 1 166 44 8 20 HU 2 167 44 8 23 HU 3 168 8 26 same < is NA 1 169 47 9 20 J SW 1 NA 2 170 47 9 23 NA 3 171 9 26 LD 1 172 50 10 . 20 LD 2 173 50 10 23 ' LD 3 " 174 10 26 J T/L EXF 175 34 35 3 94 A Y,N REF 1 176 19 23 56 1 7 59 N 0-4 4 REF 2 177 19 23 56 1 8 59 | REF 3 178 19 23 56 1 9 59 \ same as REF 4 179 19 23 56 1 10 59 j J Ref . 1 REF 5 180 19 23 1 CONS 181 24 30 1 5 94 N 0-9, b 5 FAA 182 19 23 1 4 94 N 0-4 4 ARC 183 2 C 1,2A ATTEND 185 34 35 64 7 92 A Y,N SEM EN1 " 186 31 33 1 8 90 N 1-3 6 YR ENT 187 r« i 1 8 98 N 00-99 AID CA1 r 189 1 78 88 1 9 92 N 0-9 ,b 7 EMPLOYE -R 190 1C i 1C 90 C - INT 1 200 2 ! 36 77 69 11 30 N 11-51 8 INT 2 202 r » 36 77 69 11 48* i INT 3 204 I » 36 77 69 11 66 INT 4 206 ► 36 .77 69 11 84 INT 5 20E 1 2 » 36 77 11 102 same as EXP 1 21C ► 2 » 36 77 74 12 > 30 / INT 1 EXP 2 212 > 2 • 36 77 74 12 48 EXP 3 21^ i 2 » 36 77 74 12 ^ EXP 4 21 36 77 74 12 84 EXP 5 21£ ) 2 ! 36 77 12 102^ OTHER 22C ) E \ o C — 6 SEM AP F 'L 228 J .1 31 32 ; 80 1 o N 1-3 DUMMY 22< > 1 80 o C - SSN 21 L S > o N 9 digits DATE 233 L £ i p o C 00-99, / 9 *Jump to this field in ED ADD mode if blank is entered ** 2 = numeric - must be decoded 3 = numeric - stored as 100 x value 5-11 course information 33 A. 2 FAA Translation Table © L G> ® © @ (L r u( V 1 2 3 Y N 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 B 9 b MALE FEMALE NON DEGREE MASTER' DOCTORATE MTCS MCS AMERICAN INDIAN BLACK AMERICAN ORIENTAL SURNAMED SP SURNAMED FOREIGN STUDENT CAUCASIAN AMER OTHER FELLOWSHIP ASSISTANTSHIP T & F WAIVER NONE BELOW AVG. AVERAGE ABOVE AVERAGE EXCELLENT SUPERIOR FELLOWSHIP TA OR RA RA ONLY ADM ONLY (BY FIAT) ADM ONLY (BY REQ.) DENY (BY FIAT.) DENY (FOR FIN. REASONS) JANUARY JUNE AUGUST YES NO UNIVERSITY FELLOW OTHER TYPE FELLOW GRAD COLLEGE FELLOW RESEARCH ASSISTANT - TEACHING ASSISTANT TUITION AND FEE WAIVER INDUSTRIAL FUNDING-US INDUSTRIAL FUNDING-FGN FOREIGN GOVERNMENT FUNDING FULL-TIME UNIV EMPL SELF OR UNKNOWN f ®( { 11 ALGO/DATA STRUCT ANAL 12 APPL. BEHAVE & SOC SCIENCE 13 APPL IN ENGINEERING 14 APPL IN PHYSICS 15 ART. INTELLIGENCE 16 BIOMEDICAL COMPUTING 17 COMBINATORICS 18 COMPILER DESIGN 19 COMPUTATION COMPLEXITY 20 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN 21 COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTION 22 COMPUTER ARITHMETIC 23 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 24 COMPUTER GRPHICS 25 COMPUTER NETS&DATA COMM 26 COMPUTERS & SOCIETY 27 ELECTRO-OPTICAL INFO PROCS 28 FORMAL LANG & AUTOM THE. 29 HARDWARE SYS DESIGN 30 IMAGE PROCESSING 31 INFER COMP CONSL SYS 32 INFORMATION DISP SYS 33 INFORMATION RET & SYS 34 INTERACTIVE PROG 35 LINEAR & NON-LIN PROG 36 LOGICAL DESIGN 37 MICRO COMPUTERS 38 NUMERICAL ANAL. 39 OPERATING SYSTEMS 40 PARALLEL COMP 41 PAT. REC.&MACH LEARN 42 PROBALISTIC COMPTRS 43 PROG LANG-THEOY 44 PROG LANG-PRACTICE 45 PSYCHOLOGY OF COMP PROG 46 SIMULATION 47 SPECIAL PURPOSE PROC 48 STATISTICS 49 STRUCTURED PROG 50 SWITCHING THEORY 51 THM PROV & PROG VERIF. ® Date format is: YY/MM/DD 34 U J GSR Field Table with Values and Ranges 60 c c 3 o •H M o •H T3 a) a) •H 4J 0) e -K g a- w 4J cu (0 ■-I oo w o -a S t ^ o u CO . 6 <0 o Xi c 4J .H o 3 H -h co <-t O 0) X CO -H cu cu ■K od iH 4J 1-1 a; Cfl cu z kJ i-H 4J H 3 iH >-i -H ■*: O u U CU cfl 00 3 r-4 •H oo c XI a) b u 4-1 C_> cu -h xi x 3 CO X 00 U-, c CU -H cO ■u a. 3 4-1 M cO O co U CO c 0) TJ 00 H C 4J >> a- 4J O CU X p£ H H ID ■H •h c ►J o % 3 'H a to 2 < U •H CU 4-1 O 25 NAME FIRST SEX YOB MAR STAT CUL CAT COLL 1 YR 1 DEG 1 FLD 1 COLL 2 YR 2 DEG 2 FLD 2 UNITS-T SEM ENT APT %TIME SPONSOR ACAD ADV DEG CURR DEG ULT THESIS ADy AREA GE LD HW NA SU TC ATT 1 16 31 , 32 34, 228 j 35 50! 15 5 1 1 1 15 2 3 4 GE GE GE GE #GE FOR LANG QUAL DATE QUAL AREA QUAL STAT ♦QUAL ATT PRELM DATE PRELM STAT MCS AREA 1 MCS AREA 2 COMMENTS AID? 59 74 76 79 83 85 88 90 93 107 110 111 115 290 148 146 147 145 149 150 176 177 180 112 151 182 185 186 201 230 109 3 4 2 3 2 3 14 2 1 1 2 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 15 14 60 1 1 2 3 4 33 151 11 15 11 15 33*51 16 16 18 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 19* 20 16 18 16 18 19 20 16 15 20 1 1 25 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 36 i 2 40 58 58 •* ! "? vJ 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 9 6 7 8 2 2 2 3 7 8 9 7 8 9 9 7 9 8 8 3 4 21 C C A N A N C N C C M,F 00-99 M,S 0-7 00-99 same as College 1 N N C N C N N N N C A 00-99 000-999 00-99 00-99 7 1-5 2 1-5 2 00-99 7 P,F same as GE LD N A N N A N N A C C C A 0-3 Y,N 000-999 5 00-99 P,F,R 3 0-2 000-999 5 P,F,R 3 Y,N 35 A. 3 (continued) — — - — — bO c o G ■H u c o •rH T3 QJ QJ •l-l 4-1 OJ c ■K c (X 4-1 4-J QJ B n) t-l bO UJ o -a £: t: >, O (J rO (J xi c 4J I— 1 O ■ 3 H -HO) .—4 O 0) 43 trl -h QJ OJ •): erf -—I 4-J 1-1 QJ t/) OJ z J iH i-i H C i— 1 U -H O i-4 a a) nJ 00 C >-i •H bO C X> QJ tu a> 4-1 u 0) -H X) X. c CJ J3 "3 bO tu d QJ -H Rl 4-J a. 3 4J V4 rO O nj Ij CT] ,— ( a OJ -O bO H C 4J >^ CX 4J U QJ J3 Crf H H QJ •H C ►J O 0) ■H K H 4-1 3 n) £ a. >y •rH C 'H (J 03 OJ O OJ 3 ex U 3 r-H c G pLi c •H bO a) CQ QJ Q T3 O U QJ a Cm Z O 4-1 3 O cfl C P3 m CJ z < o Note i CUM GPA 1320 4 ♦CS200 1324 4 ♦CS300 1328 4 ♦300 NCS 1332 4 ♦CS400 1336 4 ♦400 NCS 1340 4 ♦3/400 1344 4 ♦ 3/4 AF MS 1348 4 ♦CS490 1352 4 ♦CS499A 1356 4 ♦CS499B 1360 4 ♦EDPSY 1364 4 ♦SEM SUM 1368 4 ♦SEM REG 1372 4 ♦ GE PASSED 1376 4 GRD GPA 1380 4 c 0URSE 360 8 CRS. UNITS 600 4 CRS. GRADE 720 2 CRS.DATE 800 3 CRS. RANK 890 4 CRS. TOTAL 1010 4 CRS. PROF 1130 2 SSN 21 9 EDATE 220 8 57 2 21 33 2 33 151 65 64 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 7 8 5 9 10 11 6 vj 6 7 7 8 8 6 9 9 10 8 9 5 54 54 54 ^ 74 54 74, 74 74 54 54 34 34 74' N N 0000-9999 0000-9999 same as #CS 200 N C N A N N N N N N *Jump to this field in ED ADD mode if blank is entered **2 = numeric - must be decoded 3 = numeric - stored as 100 x value 5-11 = course information 0000-9999 6 0000-9999 6 A-E,U,S,P,DF# 4 000-999 5 0000-9999 0000-9999 11-96 7 9 digits 000-999 5 36 A. A GSR Translation Table (Numbers refer to notes in Field Table) © © © © © © © r M MALE F FEMALE M MARRIED S SINGLE 1 AMERICAN INDIAN 2 BLACK AMERICAN 3 ORIENTAL SURNAMED 4 SP SURNAMED 5 FOREIGN STUDENT 6 CAUCASIAN AMER 1 MS 2 PHD 3 MSTCS 4 MCS 5 OTHER P PASS R RETAKE F" FAIL Y YES N NO 05 A 04 B 03 C 02 D 01 E 10 DF 11 EX 12 AB 13 S 14 U 15 P 16 F 00 b Semester-Year format is SYY where S = 1 = Jan. S = 2 ■ Summer S = 3 = Fall and YY is last two digits of calendar year t — > 11 KUCK 12 KUBITZ 13 SAYLOR 14 WILCOX 15 FAIMAN 16 REINGOLD 17 MUROGA 18 SKEEL 19 HANSEN 20 LIU, J 21 LIU,C»L 22 YAO 23 GEAR 24 MICHALSKI 25 SAMEH 26 MONTANELLI 27 MURREL 28 FRIEDMAN 29 NIEVERGELT 30 RAY 31 WALTZ 32 MURRELL 33 GILLIES 34 POPPELBAUM 35 PLAISTED 36 MICKUNAS 37 CHEN 38 DANIELSON 39 KAMPEN 40 LAWRIE 41 LINDBERG 42 LUKASZEWICZ 43 OSIN 44 ROBERTSON 45 SCHREINER 46 SHERMAN 47 SLOTNICK 48 WATANABE 49 MULLER 50 METZE 51 WITZ 52 HOHN 53 HICKS 54 PREPARATA 55 LIU 56 LIUvC 57 LEVY 58 ALSBERG 59 BEAUCHAMPS 60 D1VILBISS 61 DAVIDSON 62 UNKNOWN 63 CHIEN 64 NORTHCOTE 37 Si* A. 5 GSR Format Table 41 15 20 20 15 20 55 15 20 1 1 20 80 1 20 41 3 11 6 80 80 40 80 I 1 3 1 7 1 II 1 15 1 80 20 1 80 O O 04 U 2 36 SEX : 2 48 YEAR OF BIRTH: 4 2 COLLEGE 4 20 YEAR- 4 25 DEGREE 4 32 FIELD 4 49 STATS (IN UNITS) 5 43 cum gpa: 5 61 grd gpa: 6 43 •tCS 200 7 43 #CS 300 8 43 *CS 400 9 43 4CS 499A 10 43 #CS 499B 6 61 #3/400 7 61 #N0N-CS 300 8 61 ♦NON-CS 400 AS OF 9 61 tCS 490 8 2 UNITS TRANSFERRED 8 23 #SUM SEMES, : 9 2 DATE ENTERED: 9 23 *REG SEMES, : 2 ACAD ADVISOR: 2 DEGREE CURRENT: 25 DEGREE ULTIMATE 50 THESIS ADVISOR: 10 12 12 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 21 4 4 ll ll .Ll 21 23 23 23 42 44 44 42 56 58 58 AREA i: AREA 2: GENERAL EXAM su: hw: na: ld: tc: *att: UAL EXAM date: STAT J AREA : PRELIM date: STAT J LANG J appointment: XT I ME J sponsor: comments: 68 AS OF 38 Appendix B Sample Printouts 39 I 1 ' z ! < i It- i I 2U2< IOU3U I ~Z;~Z 1 t-UJ ►- UJ 1 <- < 2 1 Jll Ji 1 JUJ -ICI I x >UJ 1 UJ UJ LUa 1 <-l < a 1 -. 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