0 2 . 1, 3 KS \ e. gCiaCT TO BFTICCTCY INh QPF3tN BUSTTOgS. Outline of tyro lectures - Illinois State Library School Hay 9-10 - 1912 tOa INTRODUCTION. 1. Definition of special libraries 2. Kinds of special libraries a. Legislative reference libraries b. Iiunicipal " " c« State utilities comr.iasions libraries d. Libraries of special organizations and societies e. Business libraries 1. newspaper and liagazine offices 2. Manufacturing industries 3 * Public utilities companies 4. Welfare work libraries TJIE, , C OrTIUBUT ION OP LIBRARY SCIENCE TO EBPICIETCY IN HODERN BUSIfESS^ 1. The function of a library’ ir. the work of a modern business organi- zation (illustrated by a Public utilities company. ) The character of librar- service required by an a. Operating -department 1. Publicity department 2. New business department b. Engineering department o. Lxai inations and reports department 2. Qualifications for successful librarian ship. a. Professional qualifications Library training vs. business knowledge. b. Personal qualifications 3. Some methods of work used in conducting business libraries. a. Selection of material b. Reference work over telephone o. Periodical indexing d. Special methods used with government documents e. Order department f. Technical file g. Photograph file h. Lantern slides 4-. The unentered fields of business librarianship - a door of opportunity. Pros and eons of business librarianship b. Correspondence filing c. Library work for commercial associations d. Indexing technical periodicals literature e. Idbrary school instruction in business librarian- Uhip. I /