LIVERPOOL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. HAND-LIST OF BOOKS ON THE BUILDING TRADES IN THE REFERENCE DEPARTMENT, WILLIAM BROWN STREET: BEING A CONTINUATION OF THE “HAND-LIST OF BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE.” LIVERPOOL: Published at the Free Public Library, William Brown Street. 1896. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates $ c. appliances. Bardwell, William. Healthy homes and how to make them. pp. 71 + 15, illus roy. 8°. [1854] D 392 — What a house should be, &c., illustrated with sanitary dwellings and sanitary appliances, pp. viii, 96 + 4, illus.. .roy. 8°. [1873] D 1210 Beardmore, W. Lee. The drainage of habitable buildings. {Specialists' ser.) pp. 10, 89, illus. . .sm. 8°. 1892 D 3329 HYGIENE OF BUILDINGS. 65 Boulnois, H. Percy. The municipal and sanitary engineer’s handbook. 2nd. ed., enlarged, pp. xvi, 445, illus. ..8°. 1892 D 2003 Contains chapters on Defects in dwelling-houses, artizans’ and labourers’ dwellings, house drainage, &c. — Practical hints on taking a house, pp. xii, 71, illus.. .sm. 8°. 1885 D 3369 Buchan, William P. Plumbing ; . . . with chapters upon house drainage and ventilation. (Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 5th ed., enlarged, pp. x, 362, illus 12 0 . 1889 D 1422 Burn, R. Scott. Hints on the internal arrangements and the sanitary contrivances of cottages and villas. (In Bogue. Domestic architecture.) obi. sm. 4 0 . Edin., 1865 D 412 Clarke, J. Wright. Lectures to plumbers, pp. xiii, 3-223 + 48, illus 4°. 1893 D 1230 — Plumbing practice, pp. 356, illus 8°. 1888 D 2732 Corbett, Joseph. On the re-housing of the poorer classes of central London. Plans. (W estgarth prize essay, 1885.) . .8°. 1886 K 752 Corfield, William H. Dwelling houses: their sanitary con- struction and arrangements. 3rd ed. pp. xiv, 125, illus. . . sm. 8°. 1894 D 3421 — House sanitation. (In Architects’ register, v. 2) 8°. 1887 D 2254 Davies, P. J. Standard practical plumbing : guide for archi- tects, builders, &c. v. 1, illus. (no more published)roy. 8°. 1885 D 3123 Dempsey, G. Drysdale. The drainage of lands, towns, and buildings ; revised by D. Kinnear Clark. ( Weale's Rudi- mentary ser.) 2nd ed. pp. x, 351, illus 12 0 . 1890 D 282 Denton, J. Bailey. Handbook of house sanitation ; enlarged by E. F. Bailey-Denton. pp. vii, 218, illus 8°. 1882 D 1853 — Sanitary engineering : lectures [on] air, water, the dwelling, & c. pp. xvi, 429, illus roy. 8°. 1877 D 1488 Dye, Frederick. Hot water supply : a practical treatise upon the fitting of hot water apparatus for domestic and general purposes, pp. ix, 82, illus sm. 8°. 1887 D 1688 Eassie, William. Sanitary arrangements for dwellings: in- tended for the use of . . . architects, builders, &c. pp. ix, 188, illus sm. 8°. 1874 D 1245 Galton, Sir Douglas. Observations on the construction of healthy dwellings : houses, hospitals, barracks, asylums, &c. pp. xi, 296, illus 8°. Oxford , 1880 K 574 Health lectures for the people, delivered in Manchester sm. 8°. Manchester, 1878-85 B 1293 Contains. — In ser. 1 : The dwelling house in relation to health, by Henry Simpson .— In ser. 3 : The ventilation of houses, by H. Ashby. — In ser. 4: The house, by Henry Simpson . — In ser. 6: Warming and lighting the dwelling, by John Angell . — In ser. 8: House construction, viz. — Soils and sites, by Arthur Ransome; Draining and sewering, by Joseph Corbett; Plans and sections, by Francis Vacher; Foundations and materials used in buildings, by John Holden; Plumbing, by W. R. Maguire; Decoration and furnishing, by G. F. Armitage ; Heating, lighting, and ventilation, by John Newton; The legal position of land- lords, tenants, and sanitary authorities, by J. E. Crawford Munro. Hellyer, S. Stevens. Lectures on the science and art of sani- tary plumbing, pp. xi, 332, illus sm. 8°. 1882 D 1879 — The plumber and sanitary houses. 5th ed. pp. xxviii, 480, illus roy. 8°. 1893 D 1501 — Principles and practice of plumbing. (Technological hdbks.) pp. xv, 294, illus sm. 8°. 1891 D 2489 Hygiene and demography, International congress : Transactions. v. 6 : Architecture in relation to hygiene. Illus. . .roy. 8°. 1892 B 1978 International health exhibition, London, 1884 : Literature. Illus. 8°. 1884 B 1425 Contains. — v. x : Health in the dwelling: Handbooks. Healthy and unhealthy houses, by W. Eassie; Healthy furniture and decoration, by Robert W. Edis; Healthy schools, by C. E. Paget; Ventilation, warming, 66 HYGIENE OF BUILDINGS. International health exhibition, London : Literature 1884 B 1425 Contents continued . — and lighting for domestic use, by [Sir] D. Galton. — v. 2 : Health in the dwelling: Conferences. Sanitary construction of houses: Introductory paper, by T. R. Smith ; Sanitary arrangement of houses in London during the last 120 years, by F. W. Hunt ; Drainage under dwellings, by S. F. Clarkson ; Impermeable construction of roofs, walls, and basement floors, with a reference to ventilation and warming incidental thereto, by E. C. Robins; Construction of chimneys, by J. P. Seddon ; Doors and fire-resisting construction, by H. Jones; Sanitary aspect of internal fittings, &c., by G. Aitchison; Hygienic value of colour in the dwelling, by W. White; Water supply, by T. H. Watson. Promotion of social science : What conditions are essential for a healthy dwelling, by H. H. Collins; &c. — v. 3: Health in the dwelling: Lectures. Anglo-Saxon dwellings, by J. F. Hodgetts ; Healthy houses, by T. P. Teale ; Healthy town and country houses, by W. Eassie ; Ventilation in connection with warmth and lighting, by [Sir] Douglas Galton; Healthy furniture, by R. W. Edis. — v. 7 : Legal obligations in relation to the dwellings of the poor, by Harry Duff; &c. — v. 8 : Health in relation to civic life : Confer- ences. Domestic sanitation : Domestic sanitary arrangements of the metropolitan poor, by J. W. Tripe; Improvement of the sanitary arrange- ments of metropolitan houses, by E. Turner; Domestic sanitation in rural districts, by G. Wilson ; Sanitary houses for the working classes in urban districts, by H. P. Boulnois. Journal of gas lighting, water supply, and sanitary improvement. 1870-1895, illus. (in progress.) 48 V. f°. 1870-95 H 36 Judge, Mark H. Sanitary arrangements of dwelling houses. pp. iii, 31 8°. 1884 D 2089 Latham, Baldwin. Sanitary engineering : the construction of works of sewerage and house drainage, pp. iii, 352, illus. . . 8°. 1873 D 1201 Maguire, William R. Domestic sanitary drainage and plumbing. pp. i, 437, illus 8°. 1890 D 2772 — Plumbing. Illus. (Health lects, M’chester, ser. 8) . .sm. 8°. 1885 B 1293 Murphy, Shirley F. (Ed.) Our homes, and how to make them healthy, pp. xii, 947, illus 8°. 1883 D 2017 Contains. — Health in the home, by [Sir] B. Ward Richardson; Archi- tecture and building, by Percival G. Smith; Internal decoration, by Robert W. Edis ; Lighting, by Robert B. Carter ; Ventilation and warming, by [Sir] Douglas Galton; House-drainage, by William Eassie; Defective sanitary appliances and arrangements, by W. H. Corfield ; &c. Parry, Joseph. Water appliances for domestic supplies. (In his Water supply.) Illus sm. 8°. [1890] D 2362 Reade, T. Mellard. How to drain a house, pp. 11, pi. 3 .... 8°. L'pool, 1877 D 2628 Reid, George. Practical sanitation ; with an appendix on sanitary law by Herbert Manley. 3rd ed. pp. xii, 331, illus.. .8°. 1895 D 3384 Reynolds, Osborne. Sewer gas and how to keep it out of houses : a handbook on house drainage, pp. 34, illus sm. 8°. 1872 D 1114 Sanitary architect, The, by various practical writers ; &c. pp. viii, 263, illus 8°. 1891 D 2858 Slagg, Charles. Sanitary work in the smaller towns and in villages. (Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 3rd ed. pp. x, 270, illus 12 0 . 1893 D 2389 Smeaton, John. Plumbing, drainage, water supply, and hot water fitting, pp. i, 236, illus 8°. 1893 D 2939 Smith, Percival G., and Keith D. Young. The dwelling. Illus. (In Stevenson, &c. : Treatise on hygiene and public health, v. 1.) roy. 8°. 1892 B 1971 Taylor, Albert. The sanitary inspector’s handbook : [house drainage, ventilation, &c.] pp. xi, 243, illus sm. 8°. 1893 B 1637 Teale, T. Pridgin. Dangers to health: pictorial guide to domestic sanitary defects. 4th ed. pp. xix, 172, illus. .8°. 1883 D 2703 Th waite, Benjamin H. Our factories, workshops, and ware- houses : their sanitary and fire-resisting arrangements, pp. xii, 270, illus sm. 8°. 1882 D 2134 HYGIENE OF BUILDINGS. 6 7 Vacher, Francis. Defects in plumbing and drainage work. pp. 83, illus .8°. Manchester, 1889 D 2753 — A healthy home : [construction, warming, lighting, sanitary requisites, &c.] pp. ix, 204 + 12, illus sm. 8°. [1894] B 1682 (b) Ventilation and warming. Angell, John. Warming and lighting the dwelling. (Health lects., M’chester, ser 6.) sm. 8°. 1883 B 1293 Arnott, Neil. The smokeless fire-place, chimney-valves, and other means ... of obtaining healthful warmth and ventila- tion. pp xii, 232, illus 8°. 1855 D 509 Ashby, Henry. The ventilation of houses. Illus. (Health lects., M’chester, ser. 3.) sm. 8°. 1881 B 1293 Baldwin, William J. Steam heating for buildings ; or, hints to steam fitters. 12th ed. pp. xvi, 260, illus.. sm. 8°. New York, 1891 D 2372 Billings, John S. The principles of ventilation and heating, and their practical application, pp. 216, illus 8°. 1884 D 2076 Box, Thomas. Practical treatise on heat . . . for the use of . . . architects, &c. 5th ed. pp. viii, 300, pi. 14 . . . .sm. 8°. 1885 D 2214 Buchan, William P. Ventilation : a text-book to the practice of the art of ventilating buildings, &c. ( We ale's Rudimentary ser.) pp. viii, 226, illus 12 0 . 1891 D 2346 Constantine, Joseph. Practical ventilation and warming; and suggestions on the construction and heating, &c., of disin- fecting rooms and Turkish baths, pp. xv, 160, illus. .8°. 1881 D 1881 Drysdale, John J., and John W. Hayward. Health and com- fort in house building ; or, ventilation with warm air by self- acting suction power. 3rd ed. pp. xiii, 154, illus 8°. 1890 D 2768 Edwards, Frederick, Jr. Our domestic fire-places : the economi- cal use of fuel and the prevention of smoke. 2nd ed. pp. viii, no, pi. 16 roy. 8°. 1865 D 836 — Ventilation of dwelling houses, and the utilization of waste heat from open fire-places. 2nd ed. pp. xii, 178, pi. 17 . . . roy. 8°. 1881 D 1788 Galton, Sir Douglas. On ventilation, warming, and lighting for domestic use. Illus. (International health exhibition literature, v. 1 and 3) 8°. 1884 B 1425 Hood, Charles. Practical treatise upon warming buildings by hot water, &c. [New ed.] re-written by Frederick Dye. pp. xii, 512, illus 8°. 1891 D 2656 Lawler, James J. Practical hot water heating, steam and gas fitting, pp. 284, illus sm. 8°. New York, [1895] D 3021 Maclagan, Douglas. Ventilation. (In Health lects., Edin- burgh, ser. 3.) sm. 8°. 1883 B 1341 Meikleham, Robert (Walter Bernan, pseud.) History and art of warming and ventilating rooms and buildings. Illus. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8°. 1845 D 351 Morin, Arthur J. Etudes sur la ventilation. Illus 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1863 D 1540 Newton, John. Heating, lighting, and ventilation. Illus. (Health lects., M’chester, ser. 8) sm. 8°. 1885 B 1293 Reid, David B. Diagrams of the ventilation of St. George’s Hall and the new Assize courts, Liverpool, pp. 12, pi. 5 . . obi. f°. 1855 D 984 — Illustrations of the theory and practice of ventilation ; with remarks on warming, exclusive lighting, &c. pp. xx, 451, illus 8°. 1844 D 37 Richardson, Charles J. Popular treatise on the warming and ventilation of buildings : showing the advantage of the improved system of heated water circulation. 3rd ed. pp. viii, 115, pl- 17 8°. 185G D 79 68 HOUSE PAINTING, ETC. Ritchie, Robert. Ventilation, natural and artificial, pp. xvi, 232, illus 8°. 1862 D 664 Saeltzer, Alexander. Treatise on acoustics in connection with ventilation ; and an account of the modern and ancient methods of heating and ventilation, pp. 103 sm. 8°. New York, 1872 B 925 Shaw, W. N. Warming and ventilation. Illus. (In Steven- son, &c. : Treatise on hygiene and public health, v. 1) roy. 8°. 1892 B 1971 Tomlinson, Charles. Warming and ventilation . . . of . . . domestic and public buildings, &c. (Weale’s Rudimentary ser.) pp. i, 260, illus 12 0 . 1850 D 31 1 Walker, W. Useful hints on ventilation, pp. 131, illus 12 0 . Manchester , 1850 D 126 (c) Lighting and light fittings. Allsop, F. C. Practical electric-light fitting: a treatise on the wiring and fitting-up of buildings, &c. pp. xv, 275, illus sm. 8°. 1892 D 2595 Black, John. Gas fitting. ( Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 2nd ed. pp. x, 148, illus 12 0 . 1895 D 2236 Denniss, E. W. Practical gas-fitting ; ed. by F. Chilton-Young. (Practical aid ser .) Illus sm. 8°. 1893 D 3499 Eldridge, John. The gas fitter’s guide. 3rd ed. pp. 32, plan. sm. 8°. 1882 D 2507 Galton, Sir Douglas. On ventilation, warming, and lighting for domestic use. Illus. (International exhibition literature, v. 1 and 3.) 8°. 1884 B 1425 Gerhard, W. Paul. Gas lighting and gas-fitting : . . . for gas engineers and gas fitters, for manufacturers of gas fixtures and dealers in gas appliances, for architects and builders, &c. 2nd ed. pp. 190 16 0 . New York, 1894 D 3505 Gordon, Mrs. J. E. H. Decorative electricity ; with a chapter on fire risks, by J. E. H. Gordon, pp. viii, 178, illus. ..8°. 1891 D 2827 Journal of gas lighting, &c. 1870-1895, illus. (In progress.) .... 48 v. f°. 1870-95 FI 36 Lawler, James J. Practical hot water heating, steam and gas fitting, pp. 284, illus sm. 8°. New York, [1895] D 3021 Urquhart, John W. Electric light fitting. 2nd ed. pp. xiii, 288, illus sm. 8°. 1893 D 2323 House painting, graining, and marbling ; glazing ; paper-hanging ; sign-writing. Brannt, William T. The painter, gilder, and varnisher’s com- panion : the manufacture and test of pigments, the arts of painting, graining, . . . signwriting, &c. 27th ed. pp. xx, 395 sm. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894 D 3402 Callingham, James. The painters’ and grainers’ handbook. pp. 160, illus sm. 8°. [1873] D 1191 — Sign writing and glass embossing, pp. 208, illus.. sm. 8°. 1871 D 1043 Davidson, Ellis A. Practical manual of house-painting, grain- ing, marbling, and sign-writing. (Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 5th ed. pp. xxi, 394, illus 12 0 . 1888 D 1361 Decorator’s assistant, The : receipts, rules, and instructions for mixing, preparing, and using dyes, stains, oil and water colours, varnishes, polishes, &c. 4th ed. pp. 160. .sm. 8°. 1890 D 2510 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF BUILDERS. 69 Edwinson, George. House painting and papering; ed. by F. Chilton Young. {Practical aid serj Ulus sm. 8°. 1893 D 3498 Field, George. Grammar of colouring applied to decorative painting and the arts ; revised and enlarged by Ellis A. Davidson. 4th ed. pp. xvi, 224, illus sm. 8°. 1888 D 306 [Gidde, Walter.] Booke of sundry draughtes, principaly serving for glasiers, &c. ; [ed.] by Henry Shaw. pi. 117 . . 8°. 1848 D 317 Hall, John W. The crown glass cutter’s and glazier’s assistant : calculations of the various sizes of glass squares, pp. iv, 200 8°. L’pool, 1815 D 1396 Hay, D. R. The laws of harmonious colouring adapted to in- terior decorations ; with observations on the practice of house painting. 6th ed. pp. ix, 198 sm. 8°. Edin , 1847 B 572 Higgins, W. Mullingar. The house painter : . . . the laws of harmonious colouring, . . . the art of house painting, grain- ing, and marbling ; [with] a history of the art in all ages. pp. vi, 232, pi. 30 4 0 . 1841 D 397 Hurst, George H. Painters’ colours, oils, and varnishes: a practical manual, pp. xi, 461, illus sm. 8°. 1892 D 2903 .Morton, George H. History of paper-hangings, pp. 45 8°. L’pool, 1875 D 1326 Rossiter, E. K., and F. A. Wright. Modern house painting : exhibiting the use of colour in exterior and interior house painting. 2nd ed. pp. 16, pi. 20. . . .obi. 4 0 . New York, 1883 D 1208 Sutherland, William, and William G. Sutherland. The art of graining and imitating woods, pp. 34 pi. 20 roy. f°. Manchester , n.d. D 1177 Terry, George. Pigments, paints, and painting: a practical book for practical men. pp. xiii, 392, illus sm. 8°. 1893 D 3382 Tingry, P. F. The painter and varnisher’s guide. 2nded. pp. xxxii, 412, illus 8°. 1816 D 99 Van der Burg, A. R., and P. Van der Burg. School of paint- ing for the imitation of woods and marbles. 2nd ed. pp. 48, pi. 36 roy. f°. 1887 D 1092 Whittock, Nathaniel. The decorative painters’ and glaziers’ guide: methods of imitating . . . fancy wood and . . . marbles, &c. pp. 332 + 4, pi. 74 -4°. 1828 D 398 Wulliam. C., et L. Farge. Specimens de tons pour la decora- tion et la peinture en batiment. pp. 8, pi. 140 roy. 8°. Paris, [1893] D 3251 Professional Practice of Builders. (embracing prices, quantities, and measurement of materials ; specifications ; surveying ; valuation of work and repairs.) Atchley’s New builder’s price book, 1868 : . . . prices of builder’s materials and labour, &c., by P. Thompson ; to which is added the union of true construction with good taste, by Frederick Rogers, pp. xvi, 250 + 38 sm. 8°. 1868 D 930 Beaton, Alfred C. Quantities and measurements : how to calculate and take them in bricklayers’, masons’, plasterers’, plumbers’, painters’, paperhangers’, . . . carpenters’, and joiners’ work. ( Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 8th ed. pp. 107, illus 12°. 1889 D 2376 [Bemrose’s] Timber importers’, builders’, and slaters’ guide, pp. ii, 64 4 0 . 1878 D L 821 7 o PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF BUILDERS. Bevis’s (H. C.) Builders’ and contractors’ price book and guide for estimating sm. 8°. 1886 D 2211 Blenkarn, John. Practical specifications of works, pp. vii, 416, illus 8°. 1865 D 1006 Brown, Robert E. The book of the landed estate : containing directions for the management and development of the resources of landed property, pp. xiii, 505, illus roy. 8°. Edin., 1869 D 953 Building and machine draughtsman: a practical guide to the projection and delineation of subjects met with in the practice of the . . . building constructor, &c. p by various practical draughtsmen, pp. viii, 296, illus 8°. n.d. D 2466 Dobson, Edward. (Ed.) Student’s guide to the practice of measuring and valuing artificers’ work. 5th ed., with addi- tions on mensuration and construction, and a new chapter on dilapidations, repairs, and contracts, by E. Wyndham Tarn. pp. xxiv, 320, illus sm. 8°. 1884 D 15 Donaldson, Thomas L. Handbook of specifications ; or, practical guide to the architect, . . . surveyor, and builder in drawing up specifications and contracts for works and constructions. Illus 2 v. 8°. [i860] D 677 Fletcher, Banister. Arbitrations: a text-book for surveyors. 2nd ed. pp. xii, 1 19 sm. 8°. 1893 I 880 — Dilapidations : a text-book for architects and surveyors in tabulated form. 4th ed., with the conveyancing and law of property act and the agricultural holdings (England) act. pp. xvi, 79 + 41 sm. 8°. 1886 D 1104 — Light and air: a text-book for architects and surveyors; . . . also methods of estimating injuries, . . . together with the full law reports of the most recent cases on the subject. 3rd ed. pp. x, 137, pi. 17 sm. 8°. 1886 D 2249 — Quantities : methods adopted in the measurement of builders’ work; &c. 6th ed. pp. xvi, 431, illus sm. 8°. 1895 D 1805 — Valuations and compensations : a text-book for surveyors. 2nd ed. pp. xv, 165 sm. 8°. 1893 I 1424 Grandy, Richard E. The timber importer’s, timber merchant’s, and builder’s guide. (Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 3rd ed. pp. viii, 158 12°. 1888 D 2514 Harrison, Isaac, and others. The carpenters’ and joiners’ price book (the Liverpool price book) : . . . containing the prices of wood and work ; . . . with appendix comprising prices of all the other trades connected with building, pp. x, [82] sm. 4 0 . L'pool , 1811 D 917 Horton, Richard. The complete measurer : setting forth the measurement of boards, glass, &c., . . . timber and stone, and standing timber ; . . . with other essential instruction to timber growers, surveyors, architects, stone-masons, and others. (Weale's Rudimentary ser.) 5th ed. pp. iv, 380, illus. 12 0 . 1885 D 2451 Hurst, John T. Handbook of formulae, tables, and memoranda for architectural surveyors and others engaged in building. 14th ed. pp. ii, 477, illus 32 0 . 1891 D 1432 Kelly’s (E. R.) Directory of the building trades, comprising every trade and profession in any way connected with archi- tecture and building, throughout England, Scotland, and Wales, and principal towns in Ireland and the Isle of Man. imp. 8°. v.d. P 441 Laxton’s (William) Builders’ price book. 1880-1896 17 v. sm. 8°. 1880-96 D 1732 Leaning, John. Quantity surveying, for the use of surveyors, architects, and builders. 2nd ed. pp. xvi, 403, illus.. sm. 8°. 1893 D 2248 BUILDING LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 71 Leaning, John. Specifications for the use of surveyors, archi- tects, . . . and builders, pp. viii, 140 sm. 8°. 1894 D 34 r 4 Lethaby, W. R. The builder’s art and the craftsman. {In Architecture a profession or an art.) 8°. 1892 D 2896 Lockwood’s (C.) Builder’s, architect’s, contractor’s, &c. price book ; ed. by Francis T. W. Miller sm. 8°. 1890 D 2784 McGovern, Joseph H. How to assess the value of land and property compulsorily taken by railway and canal companies and corporations. 2nd ed. pp. 59. . . .8°. Manchester, 1887- 8 I 979 — Liverpool compensations : a text book for architects and sur- veyors. pp. 80 8°. L'pool, 1882 K 1010 — Hints to brewers, licensed victuallers, property owners, &c. in making alterations to or enlarging or building new licensed premises or hotels, with the public and local acts affecting the same. pp. 22 16 0 . L'pool, 1884 D 2330 — Suggestions for artistically and practically laying out building estates, pp. 15 8°. L'pool , 1885 D 2626 Maitland, Fowler. Building estates: a treatise on the develop- ment, sale, purchase, and general management of building land . (Weale’s Rudimentary scr.) 2nded. pp. vi, ii4,illus..i2°. 1887 D 2332 Morris, Thomas. Dilapidations : their nature and the principles of assessment demonstrated, pp. vii, 122 sm. 8°. 1865 D 761 Newton, Ernest. Architects and surveyors. {In Architecture a profession or an art.) 8°. 1892 D 2896 Noble, James. The professional practice of architects, and that of measuring surveyors, and reference to builders, &c. pp. viii. 216 8°. 1836 D 2701 Reid, John. The young surveyor’s preceptor: analysis of the art of architectural mensuration : being a . . . system to ascertain correctly the dimensions, quantities, and value of every description of builder’s work ; to which is prefixed instructions for making out bills of quantities, specifica- tions, &c. 2nd ed. pp. iv, 5-193, pi. 16 4 0 . 1858 D 281 Rogers, Frederick. The architect’s guide : a text book of use- ful information for architects, . . . surveyors, contractors, &c. 3rd ed. pp. viii, 351, illus 8°. 1894 D 1499 Sky ring’s Builders’ prices, calculated from the prime cost of materials and labour ; [ed.] by Francis Fisk. 1887-1895 . . 9 v. sm. 8°. 1887-95 D 1686 Stephenson, George. Estimating : a method of pricing builders’ quantities for competitive work. 2nd ed. pp. vii, 168.... sm. 8°. 1890 D 3501 — Repairs : how to measure and value them : handbook for the use of builders, decorators, &c. pp. i, 99 sm. 8°. 1890 D 2540 Wheeler, John. The appraiser, auctioneer, broker, house and estate agent, and valuer’s pocket assistant, for the valuation for purchase, sale, or renewal of leases, &c. 5th ed., re- written and enlarged by C. Norris, pp. xi, 301 . . . .32°. 1884 D 2084 Building Laws and Regulations. Duff, Harry. Legal obligations in relation to the dwellings of the poor. (International health exhibition literature, v. 7.) 8°. 1884 B 1425 Fletcher, Banister. Light and air; also methods of estimating injuries, together with the full law reports of the most recent cases on the subject. 3rd ed. pp. x, 137, pi. 17... sm. 8°. 1886 D 2249 — The metropolitan building acts : a text-book for architects, surveyors, builders, &c. pp. xxix, 219, illus sm. 8° 1882 I 881 72 BUILDING LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Goldstraw, W. Manual of the building regulations in force in . . . Liverpool, pp. 116 sm. 8°. L'pool , 1882 I 743 Jenkins, Edward, and John Raymond. The architects’ legal handbook : [the law relating to building contracts ; with acts of parliament, by-laws, &c.] 3rd ed. pp. xx, 285. .sm. 8°. 1880 I 511 Latham, Francis L. Treatise on the law of window lights. pp. xvii, 253 8°. 1867 I 386 Manuel des lois [civiles] du batiment ; elabore par la Societe centrale des architectes ; suivi du recueil des lois, ordon- nances et arretes concernant la voire ayant trait aux con- structions. pp. viii, 136 + 384, illus 8°. Paris , 1863 I 630 Roscoe, Edward S. Digest of cases relating to the construction of buildings ; the liabitity and rights of architects, surveyors, and builders ; [alsoj forms of pleadings, building agreements and leases, and conditions of contracts, &c. 2nd ed. pp. xvi, 158 sm. 8°. 1883 I 883 Trower, Charles F. The law of the building of churches, parsonages, and schools, &c. pp. xvi, 231 8°. 1867 I 388 73 Index to Authors in Architecture and Building trades hand-lists. Abbott, Henry, 3. Adam, James, 31. Adam, Robert, 3, 31. Adams, Henry, 57. Adams, L. G., 9. Adeline, 49. Adler, F., 9. Aitchison, G., 66. Albert, Carl von, 49. Alberti, Leone 13 ., 32. Aldrich, Dean, 31. Allais, Louis J., 32. Allason, Thomas, 4. Allen, C. Bruce, 53. Allen, Edward E., 53. Allen, John P., 53. Allsop, F. C., 68 Allsop, Robert O., 30. Alphand, Jean C. A., 32, 35. Amico, Bernardino, 4. Amouroux, Jules, 47. Anderson, Charles, 9. Anderson, J. Corbet, 9. Anderson, John, 57. Anderson, R., 30. Anderson, Richard, 53 Andre, George G., 47. Androuet du Cerceau, J., 32. Angell, John, 65, 67. Anglin, Samuel, 57. Appleton, D., 47. Archer, John W., 32. Archer, William, 30. Armengaud, Charles, 47. Armengaud, Jacques E., 47. Armitage, G. F., 65. Arnott, Neil, 67. Ashby, Henry, 65, 67. Ashpitel, Arthur, 32, 53, 62, 63. Asselineau, Leon A., 32. Atchley, 69. Audsley, G. Ashdown, 24, 49. Audsley, William J., 24, 49. Austin, Hubert J., 38. Austin, James G., 60. Babelon, Ernest, 4. Babuty-Desgodets, A., 4. Baker, Arthur, 24. Baker, Benjamin, 57. Baker, Herbert, 24. ! Baker, Ira O., 53, 59. Baker, William L., 57. Baldwin, W. J., 67. Bale, M. Powis, 59. Ball, W., 40. j ' Baltard, Victor, 30. Bancroft, Robert M., 53. Barberd, E., 1. Bardwell, William, 64. Bare, H. B., 47. Barlow, Peter, 57, 62. Barnard, Henry, 29. Barozzi da Vignola, G., 32. Barr, Edward and James, 10. Barry, Charles, 45. Bartholomew, Alfred, 47. Batenham, George and W., 32. Batissier, Louis, 1. Baud, Benjamin, 23. Baudot, Anatole de, 10, 32. Bayer, Auguste de, 10. Beardmore, W. Lee, 64. Beaton, Alfred C., 69. Beck, Thomas A., 10. Becker, W. A., 36, 61. Beckett, Sir E., 54. Bedford, F., 18. Belidor, Bernard, 32. Bell, William, 49. Bell, William E., 62. Bentham, James, 10, 46. Bernan, Walter, 67. Bernardino, Fra, 4. Berty, Adolphe, 32. Bethke, Hermann, 24, 32, 61, 62. Bevis, H. C., 70. Bezold, G. von, 14. Billings, John S., 67. Billings, Robert W., 10, 32, 47. Billington, John, 47. Birch, John, 24. Birkmire, William H., 33, 54, 57. Bishop, Henry H., 10, 33. Black, Alexander, 54. Black, John, 68. Blackburne, E. L., 24. Blagrove, George H., 54, 57, 59. Blanc, C., 33. Blancheton, A. A., 24. Bland, William, 57. 74 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Blankenstein, H. 30. Blavignac, J. D., 10. Blenkarn, John, 47, 70. Blight, John T., 10. Blomfield, Reginald, 49. Blondel, Jacques F., 30, 33. Blouet, G. Abel, 4, 56. Blount, Bertram, 54. Bloxam, A. G., 54. Bloxam, Matthew H., 10, 23. Bodley, G. F., 17, 49. Bogue, James W., 24. Boisseree, J. Sulpiz M.D., 10. Boito, Camillo, 22. Booth, M. L., 60. Bordeaux, J. H. R., 64. Boromino, Francesco, 33. Bose Ernest, 49. Botta, Paul E., 4. Boulnois, H. Percy, 65, 66. Bourgerel, Gustave, 33. Bourasse, Jean J , 10, 24. Boutmy, Emile, 4. Bovey, Henry T., 57. Bow, Robert H., 57. Bowman, Henry, 10. Box, Thomas, 57, 67. Boys, Thomas S., 33. Branche, Dominique, 11. Brandon, J. A. and R., 11, 33,54, 57. Brannt, William T., 68 Brash, Robert R., 11. Brayley, Edward W., 18, 27, 33. Brettington, Matthew, 24. Bridgens, Richard, 11. Britton, John, n, 15, 23, 24, 30, 33 . 34 . 4 1 - 49 - Britton, John C., 24, 25. Britton, Thomas A., 62. Brooks. James, 17. Brooks, Samuel H., 54. Brown, G. Baldwin, 11. Brown, Richard, 11. Brown, Robert E., 70. Browne, John, 12. Bryan, C. W., 55, 58. Buchan, William P., 65, 67. Buck, Nathaniel, 12, 24. Buck, Samuel, 12, 24. Buckle, James, 61. Buckler, Charles A., 12. Buckler, Edward H., 12. Buckler, George, 12. Buckler, John, 12. Buckler, John C., 12, 29. Burges, William, 33. Burgess, James, 4, 5, 15. Burgoyne, Sir John F., 59. Burn, Robert, 4. Burn, R. Scott, 24, 25, 29, 44, 47, 54. 55. 56. 57. 62, 65. Burnell, George R., 60. Burnham, S. M., 59. Burrell, Edward J., 54. Bury, T. Talbot, 43, 62. Busby, C. A., 25. Butterfield, William, 12. Byrne. W., 37. Cadorin, Lodovico, 33. Cain, William, 58. Caine, T. H. Hall, 33. Calderari, Conte, 33. Callet, F., 30. Calliat, Victor, 12, 25, 30, 51. Callingham, James, 68. Cameron, Charles, 4. Cameron, K., 60. Campbell, Colen, 33. Campin, Francis, 54, 58. Caneto, F., Abbe , 12. Canina, Luigi, 4, 12, 16, 25. Capronnier, J. B., 12. Carlevarus, Luca, 34. Carlisle, Nicholas, 25. Carr, J. W. Comyns, 12. Carter, John, 1, 12, 34. Carter, Owen B., 12, 46. Carter, Robert B., 66. Cassina, Ferdinando, 34. Castellazzi, Guiseppe, 4. Castermans, Auguste, 25. Cattaneo, Raphael, 12. Cattois, Francois P., 45. Caumont, A. de, 13, 34. Cave, H., 34. Caveler, William, 13, 14. Celtibere, 18. Chambers, Francis, 62. Chambers, Sir William, 25, 34. Champneys, Basil, 49. Champollion-Figeac, J. J., 27. Chapuy, N. M. J., 13, 34. Chateau, Leon, 1. Chateauneuf, Alexis de, 25. Chipiez, Charles, 8. Christian, Ewan, 13. Christy, Wyvill J., 54. Chubb, George H., 54. Churton, Edward, 20. Cibrario, Conte G. A. L., 13. Cicognari, Conte L., 34. Cipriani, Giovanni B., 34. Clark, George T., 25. Clark, John W., 29. Clarke, Charles, 13. Clarke, J. Wright, 65. Clarke, Joseph, 29. Clarkson, Douglas A., 64. Clarkson, S. F., 66. Clayton, John, 13, 34. Clayton, John R., 49. Cleghorn, George, 1. INDEX TO AUTHORS. 75 Clerisseau, Charles L., 34. Clutton, Henry, 25. Cockburn, James P., 4. Cockerell Charles R., 4, 8, 16. Collie, James, 13, 25. Colling, James K., 13, 34. Collings, George, 58, 62. Collins, H. H , 66. Colyer, Frederick, 54. Combe, William, 13. Conder, E. Lauriston, 13. Coney, John, 13, 34. Constantine, Joseph, 67. Contant, Clement, 30. Conway, Moncure D., 34. Conway, Sir W. M., 1. Corbett, Joseph, 65. Corfield, William H., 65, 66. Corner, Sidney, 13 Corroyer. Edouard, 1. Coste, Pascal, 34. Cotman, John S., 34. Cotterill, James H., 58. Cottingham, Lewis N., 14, 35, 47, 64. Couchaud, Andre, 14. Cowper, Charles, 30. Cox, J. Charles, 14. Craddock, Thomas, 14 Crane, Lucy, 35. Cranstoun, J., 14. Creswell, Frank O., 63. Cresy, Edward, 9, 14, 21. Crowther, J. S., 10, 14. Cubitt, James, 14. Cuitt, George, 35. Cunningham, Allan, 1. Dallaway, James, 35. Daly, Cesar, 24, 35. Daniell, Thomas, 5. Daniell, William, 5. Davidson, Ellis A., 14, 54, 59, 61, 63, 68. Davidson, T. Raffles, 35. Davie, W. Galsworthy, 35. Davies, P. J., 65. Davioud, Gabriel J. A., 35. Davis, Charles T., 61. Davis, Edward, 14. Dean, George A., 54. Decloux, M., 14. Degen, Ludwig, 63. Dehio, Georg, 14. Delassaux, Victor, 30. Demmin, Auguste, 1. Dempsey, G. Drysdale, 47, 54, 55, 58, 65. Denison, Edmund B., 14. Denniss, E. W., 68. Denton, J. Bailey, 30, 65. Descamps, H. P. V., 12. Desjardins, Tony, 30. Detain, C., 38, 61. Detournelle, Athanasius, 32. Dewey, F. P., 59. Dickinson, William, 35. Didron, Adolphe N., 34. Diedo, Antonio, 34. Dietterlin, Wendel, 35. Dieulafoy, Marcel, 5. Dilke, Lady, 35. , Dion, N. H. de, 14. Dobson, Edward, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 70. Dohme, Robert, 2, 42. Dollman, Francis T , 14, 25. Donald, R., 2. Donaldson, Thomas L., 35, 47, 70. Douglas, John, 35. Doury, M ., 14. Downes, Charles, 30. I Downing, Samuel, 55, 58. Drummond, James, 35. Drysdale, John J., 67. Dubourg, M., 5. Duff, Harry, 66, 71. Du Mege, Alexandre, 13. Dunraven, 3 rd Earl of, 5. Dupasquier, Louis, 14. Durand, Jean N. L., 35. Du Sommerard, Alexandre, 35. Dye, Frederick, 65, 67. j Dyer, G., 29. Eassie, William, 65, 66. Eastlake, Charles L., 36. Edis, Robert W., 65, 66. Edwards, Edwin, 30. Edwards, Frederick, 67. Edwinson, George, 69. j Eitelberger, Rudolf von, 37. Eldridge, John, 68. Elliot, John, 30. Elmes, James, 2, 47. Emerson, William, 17. Emy, A. R., 63. | Englefield, Sir Henry C., 47. Escosura, Patricio de la, 45. Essenwein, August, 36. Esterbrook, William P., 63. Evelyn, John, 2, 36. Eyland, Edward S., 47, 55. i Eyries, Gustave, 25. Faija, Henry, 60. Fairbairn, Sir William, 55, 58, 64. Fairlie, John, 15. Falda, Giovanni B., 43. Famin, A., 37. Farge, L., 69. Farren, R., 15. Fawkes, Frank A., 55. Fenwick, Stephen, 58. Ferguson, F. O., 47. 76 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Fergusson, James, 2, 5, 15, 24, 36. Ferrey, Benjamin, 15, 36. Ferstel, Heinrich von, 46. Field, George, 69. Field, M., 30. Fisk, Francis, 71. Flandin, Eugene, 4. Fleischinger, A. F., 36, 61. Fletcher, Banister, 48, 55, 70, 71. Fontana, Carl, 15. Fontana, Giacomo, 15. Forster, Ernst, 36. Fossati, Gaspard, 15. Fox, William, 30. Franchetti, Gaetano, 15. Francis, James B., 58. Francisco de los Santos, 15. Freard de Chambray, R., 36. Freeman, Edward A., 2, 15, 16, 36 Fritsch, K. E. O., 36. Fullerton, William, 36. Gailhabaud, Jules, 2, 15. Galton, Sir Douglas, 65, 66, 67, 68 Gandon, James, 33. Gandy, Joseph, 25. Gandy, Michael, 25. Garbett, E. Lacy, 43. Gardner, J. Starkie, 64. Garner, T., 17. Gamier, Charles, 30. Gau, Francis C., 5, 6. Gauthier, Martin P., 36. Gavard, J. D. Charles, 25. George, Ernest, 36. Gerhard, W. Paul, 68. Gerini, Andrea, 36. Gibbs, James, 30, 36. Gibbs, John, 36. Gidde, Walter, 69. Gillmore, Quincy A., 60. Giraud, Byng, 31, 55. Gladbach, Ernst G., 36, 63. Glynn, Sir Stephen R., 15. Godwin, George, 2, 15, 36. Goldstraw, William, 48, 71. Gonze, Louis, 36. Goodwin, Francis, 25. Gordon, Mrs. J. E. H., 68. Goss, W. F. M., 63. Gotch, Alfred, 37. Gottgetreu, M., 28. Goury, Jules, 26. Graf, Hugo, 37. Gramm, J. Christian, 26. Grandjean de Montigny, A., 37. Grandy, Richard E., 55, 62, 70. Gravina, Domenico B., 15. Gray, Thomas, 37. Greg, Robert H., 15. Grey, Henry, 2. Griffin, Sir Lepel, 5. Griffith, William P., 15, 37, Griffiths, William, 58. Grimshaw, H. S., 40. Grose, Francis, 46. j Gruner, Ludwig, 39. Guhl, Ernst, 5. Guilhermy, Baron de, 12. Guillaume, George, 16. Gwilt, Joseph, 34, 37, 48. Habershon, Matthew, 26. Hadfield, James, 37. Haghe, Louis, 37. Hahnemann, C. A., 26. Hakewill, Arthur W.,/,26. Halfpenny, Joseph, irt, 37. Hall, Sir James, 37. Hall, John W., 69. Hall, S. C, 26. Hammond, Adam, 61. Hansen, Theophil von, 46. Harding, J. D., 26. Harford, John S., 16. Harris, Thomas, 37. Harrison, Isaac, 70. Hart, John, 58. Hartig, Robert, 62. Haskoll, W. Davis, 48. I lastings, T., 16. Hatfield, R. G., 63. Hauser, Alois, 37. Hawes, G. W., 59. Hay, Sir Andrew L., 26. Hay, D. R., 5, 69. Hay, James M., 17. Hay, John, 63. Hayward, John W., 67. | Heales, Alfred, 16. Hearne, Thomas, 37. Heath, A. H., 60. Heideloff, Carl A. von, 37. Heider, Gustav von, 37. Heiser, Joseph, 37. Hellyer, S. Stevens, 65. Helms, Jacob, 14. Hemming, Samuel, 26. Henman, Charles, Jr., 41. Herdman, William, 37. Herdman. William G., 37. Hesketh, P., 40. ; Hesse, L., 26. Higgins, Bryan, 60. Higgins, W. M., 69. Hill, Arthur, 16. Hittorff, Jacques I , 37. Hitzig, Fr., 37. Hobbs, A. C., 55. Hodges, Charles C., 16. Hodgetts, J. F., 66. Hodgkinson, Eaton, 59. Holden, John, 55, 58, 65. Hole, James, 26. INDEX TO AUTHORS. 77 Hood, Charles, 67. Hope, A. J. B. Beresford, 16. Hope, Thomas, 2. Horsfield, J. N., 40. Horsley, Gerald C., 49. Horton, Richard, 70. Hosking, William, 32. 38, 53. Hubsch, Heinrich, 16. Huggins, Samuel, 2, 16, 33, 37, 38. Hughes, John A., 38. Hughes, Thomas, 32. Hull, Edward, 60. Humber, William, 57. Hunt, A. V r ., 17. Hunt, F. W., 66. Hunt, Robert. 57. Hunt, Thoi las F., 26. Hurst, George H., 69. Hurst, John T., 48, 63, 70. Husson, Francis, 64. Ilg, Albert, 64. Ingram, James, 29. Inkersley, Thomas, 16. Inwood, Henry W., 5. Isabelle, C. Edouard, 38. Jackson, T. G., 38, 49. Jacob, S. S., 6. Jacobi, C., 22. Jaffe, Franz, 38. Jarves, James J., 38. Jenkins, Edward, 48, 72. Jenkins, John, 38. Jewitt, O., 17. Jobbins, John R., 25. Johnson, J. B., 55, 58. Johnson, John, 16. Johnson, Robert J., 16. Johnson, William, 47. Joliment, F. T. de, 13, 38. Jolly, Baron A. E., 16. Jones, H. Longueville, 29. Jones, Horace, 31, 66. Jones, Inigo, 38. Jones, John. 63. Jones, Owen, 26. Jones, William B., 16. Jousse, Mathurin, 64. Judge, Mark H., 66. Julien, Alexis A., 59. Kabdebo, H., 64. Kallenbach, Georg G., 38. Keane, Marcus, 16. Keith, W., 17. Kelly, E. R., 70. Kemp, H. H., 40. Kemp, Wilfred, 60. Kendall, John, 17. Kent, William, 28. Kerr, Robert, 26, 48. Keyser, G. W., 42. King, Edward, 26, 38. King, Richard J., 17. King, Thomas H., 38. Kinnaird, W., 8. Klenze, Leo von, 17, 38. Knight, Henry G., 17, 38. Koch, V., 14. Kohl, J. G„ 35. Koner, Wilhelm, 5. Kreutz, Giovanni and Luigi, 22. Laborde, Comte A. L. J. de, 38. Labus, Giovanni, 6. Lachner, Carl, 2. Lacroux, J., 38, 61. La Escosura, Patricio de, 45. Lafenestre, Georges, 38. Laing, David, 38. Laloux, Victor, 6. Lance, Adolphe, 51. Lange, A., 38. Langles, Louis M., 6. Langley, Batty, 39, 48, 55, 60. Langley, Thomas, 39. Lansdale, J. G., 40. Laslett, Thomas, 62. Lassaulx, F. de, 22. Lassus, Jean B. A., 45. Lasvignes, L., 14. Latham, Baldwin, 66. Latham, Francis L., 72. Lavedan, B., 64. Lawler, James J., 67, 68. Laxton, Henry, 55. Laxton, William, 70. Lea, William, 58, 62. Leaning, John, 48, 70, 71. Le Bon, Gustave, 6. Le Conte, Emile, 18. Ledoux, Claude N., 39. Lee, Arthur, 60. Leeds, W. H., 42, 43, 45, 46. Lefevre, Andre, 2. Legh, Peter, 39. Le Keux, Henry, 41. Le Keux, John, 18, 29, 41.' Le Maistre d’Anstaing, J., 12. Lemonnier de la Croix, C. E., 27. Lenoir, Albert, 39. Lenoir, M. Alexandre, 2. Leoni, Giacomo, 39. Le Pautre, Pierre, 26. Le Preux, E. F., 39. Lepsius, C. Richard, 6. Le Roy, Julien D., 6. Letarouilly, Paul M., 17, 39. Lethaby, W. R., 39, 64, 71. Leveil, J. A., 32. Lewin, Stephen, 17. Lewin, Walter, 13. Lewis, George R., 17. Lewis, John F., 26. Lewis, T. Hay ter, 17, 39. M 78 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Ley land, John, 26. Licht, Hugo, 39. Lightbody, Francis, 47, 55. Lindemann, A., 30. Lloyd, William W., 4. Lockwood, C., 71. Lodge, Oliver J., 55. Loftie, William J., 17, 31, 39. Lohde, L., 6. Longman, William, 17. Lose, Federigo, 39. Loudon, John C., 26, 50. Luard, Charles E., 60. Lubke, Wilhelm, 2, 17. Lugar, Robert, 26. Liitzow, Carl von, 46. Lysons, Samuel, 39. Macartney, Mervyn, 49. Macgibbon, David, 26, 40. McGovern, Joseph H., 71. McKenzie, Frederick, 17. Mackmurdo, A. H., 17. Maclagan, Douglas, 67. Macquoid, T. R., 46. Maffei, Marchese , 6. Maguire, William R., 65, 66. Maitland, Fowler, 71. Major, Thomas, 6. Mallet, Robert, 55, 61. Manley, Herbert, 66. Marchaudon de la Faye, P., 7. Mariette-jBey, A. E., 6. Martha, Jules, 6. Marwick, Thomas P., 40. Masfen, John, 17. Mason, William I., 17. Maspero, G., 6. Matheson, Ewing, 55, 58. Manch, J. M. von, 6. Mazois, C. Francis, 6. Mee, Francis W., 40. Meikleham, Robert, 67. Meldahl, F., 40. Memes, John S., 2. Menzel, Carl A., 40. Merrill, G. P., 59. Meyer-Schwartau, W., 17. Micklethwaite, J. T., 17, 49. Middleton, G. A. T., 58. Middleton, J. Henry, 6. Mieusement, M., 18. Milizia, Francesco, 3. Miller, F. T. W„ 71. Millers, Canon, 18. Milner, Bp., 18, 46. Mitchell, Arnold B., 40. Mitchell, Charles F., 55. Mitchell, George A., 55. Mitchell, Thomas, 3, 48. Mockel, G. L., 40. Molini, Giuseppe, 18. I Molinier, Emile, 22. Moller, Georg, 18. Mollett, J. W., 49. Monceaux, Paul, 6. Monckton, James H., 63. Monkhouse, W., 18. Moore, Charles H., 40. Morin, Arthur J., 67. Morris, Thomas, 26, 48, 56, 58, 71 Morris, William, 33, 40. Morse, Edward S., 26. Morton, George H., 69. Morton, James, 18. Mouat, Frederic J., 31. Moule, Thomas, 6, 26. Moxon, Joseph, 63. Muir, Thomas S., 18. Muir, W. J. Cockburn, 40. Muller, Franz H,, 18. Munro, J. E. C., 65. Murphy, James, 18. Murphy, James C , 27. Murphy, Shirley F., 66. Musgrove, John, 32. Muttoni, Francesco, 40. Mylne, Robert W., 46. Narjoux, Felix, 28, 29, 31, 40. Nash, Frederick, 18. Nash, John, 27. Nash, Joseph, 27, 40, 41, 42. Neale, James, 18. Neale, John P., 18. Neckelmann, Fred. Skjold, 40. Nesfield, W. Eden, 40. Newlands, James, 63. Newman, Alfred, 40. Newton, Ernest, 49, 71. Newton, John, 65, 67. Nicholson, Petep, 40, 49, 56, 63. Niven, W., 27. Noack, A., 18. Noble, James, 48, 71. Normand, Charles, 40. Normand, Louis M., 27. Norris, Charles, 40, 71. Ogden, William, S., 31. Okely, W. Sebastian, 19. O’Neill, Hugh, 40. Ongania, Ferd., 22. Ormerod, George H., 40. Ottolini, V., 39. Overbeke, Bonaventura van, 6. Overbeke, Michael van, 6. Page, I., 48. Paget, C. E., 65. Pailloux, Xavier, 19. Pailly, Frederick A., 19. Paine, James, 31. Paley, Frederick A., 40. Palladio, Andrea, 40, 41. Palmer, Charles J., 27. INDEX TO AUTHORS. 79 Palmer, John, 19. Palustre, Leon, 41. Paoletti, Pietro, 41. Papworth, John W., 31. Papworth, Wyatt, 31, 37, 56. Parker, John H., 7, 14, 19, 27, 28, 4 1 , 49 - Parkinson, Richard M., 58. Parry, Joseph, 66. Parvillee, Leon, 41. Pasini, Antonio, 22. Patmore, Coventry, 41. Patte, Pierre, 31, 33. Pattisson, William, 27. Patton, W. M., 58. Patton, William, 19. Pearson, Karl, 59. Pearsori, William, 41. Pedley, James L., 27. Pennell, Joseph, 41. Pennethorne, John, 7. Penrose, Francis C., 7. Perret, Louis, 24. Perret, P., 25 Perring, J. S., 24 Perrot, Georges, 8. Perry, J. Tavenor, 3, 41 Petit, John L., 9, 19, 41. Petit, Victor, 27. Petrie, George, 19. Peyer im Hof, Fr., 41. Peyre, Antoine F., 41. Pfnor, Rodolphe, 27. Philips, N. G., 27. Philp, Robert K., 27. Picton, Sir James A., 3, 37, 50. Pietrasanta, Domenico Lo Faso, 8, 20. Piper, E., 41. Piranesi, Giovanni B., 7. Pistolesi, Erasmo, 19. Place, Victor, 7. Poole, G. Ayliffe, 19. Poole, William F., 31. Post, Pierre, 27. Potter, Joseph, 19. Pozzo, Andrea, 49. Prentice, Andrew N., 41. Price, Lake, 41. Prickett, Marmaduke, 19. Prior, Edward S., 49. Prioux, Stanislas, 19. Prisse d’Avennes, E., 7, 41. Prout, J. Skinner, 19, 27, 41. Prout, Samuel, 41. Pugin, Augustus, 30, 41, 42. Pugin, A. N. Welby, 19, 42. Pulgher, D., 19. Pullan, R. Popplewell, 9. Purchase, William R., 60. Puteus, Andrea, 48. Puttrich, L., 42. Quadri, Antonio, 42. Quaglio, Domenico, 42. Quatremere de Quincy, A. C., 3, 7 . 5 °- Quicherat, Jules, 45 Rademaker, Abraham, 42. Railton, Herbert, 17 Rait, James, 62. Rajendralala Mitra, 8. Ram Raz, 8. Ramee, Daniel, 3, 19, 27, 34. Ranken, Francis A., 58. Rankine, W. J. M., 59. Ransome, Arthur, 65. Raschdorf, J. C., 27. Raymond, John, 48, 72. Read, Samuel, 42. Reade, T. Mellard, 31, 66. Reed, F. H., 27. Reeve, J. Arthur, 19. Reichensperger, A., 44. Rdid, David B., 67. Reid, George, 66. Reid, Henry, 61. Reid, John, 48, 71. Reinhardt, Robert, 27. Relton, H. E., 20. Revett, Nicholas, 8. Revoil, Henry, 42, Rey, Etienne, 8. Rey, G., 8. Reynaud, F. Leonce, 42. Reynolds, Osborne, 66. Ricard de Montferrand, A., 20. Richardson, Sir B. W., 66. Richardson, Charles J., 42, 67. Richardson, George. 42. Richardson, T. A., 48. Richardson, William, 20, 62. Richmond, W. B., 49. Richter, Jean Paul, 3. Rickert, B., 3. Rickman, Thomas, 34, 42. Riddell, Robert, 63. Rimmer, Alfred, 27, 28. Ripley, Thomas, 28. Ritchie, Robert, 68. Ritter, August, 59. Ritter, Lorenz, 42. Roberts, David, 8. Robins, Edward C., 29, 56, 66. Robinson, John, 7. Robinson, Joseph B., 42, 43, 63. Robinson, P. F., 28. Robison, John, 32, 53. Robiou, Felix, 4. Robson, Edward R., 29. Robson, Robert, 60, 61. Rogers, Frederick, 28, 43, 48, 69, 7i- 8o INDEX TO AUTHORS. Rohault de Fleury, Georges, 43. Rondelet, Jean, 56. Roscoe, Edward S., 48, 72. Rose, Henry, 3. Rosenberg, A., 39. Rosengarten, A., 43. Ross, Thomas, 26. Rossi, Domenico de, 43. Rossi, Giovanni G., 43. Rossini, Luigi, 8. Rossiter, E. K., 69. Roux, H., 63. Runge, L., 43. Ruprich- Robert, V., 20. Ruskin, John, 43, 48, 49. Rutter, John, 28. Sabine, Henri, 50. Saeltzer, Alexander, 68. Salazaro, Demetrio, 43. Saleri, Giuseppe, 6. Salzenberg, W., 20. Sansonetti, Victor de, 20. Sauvageot, Claude, 28, 43. * Scamozzi, Vincenzo, 43. Schayes, Antoine G. B., 3, 46. Schinkel, Carl F., 43. Schirmer, H E., 20. Schreiber, Aloisius W., 42. Schultz, Alwin, 3, 20. Schulz, Heinrich W., 43. Schutz, Alexander, 44. Schweighaeuser, J. G., 13. Scott, Sir G. G., 3, 20, 44. Scott, John, 44, 56. Scott, William, 22. Seddon, Henry C., 56. Seddon, John P., 44. Seemann, E. A., 44. Selva, Gianantonio, 34. Seroux d’Agincourt, J. B. L. G., 3. Serradifalco, Duca di, 8, 20. Shaler, N. S., 59. Sharpe, Edmund, 9, 20. Shaw, Henry, 20, 44, 64, 69. Shaw, R. Norman, 28, 44, 49. Shaw, W. N., 68. Sicardsburg, A. von, 46. Silloway, Thomas W., 63. Simil, Alphonse, 17. Simonau, Gustave, 21. Simpson, Henry, 65. Skelton, Joseph, 29, 40. Skyring, 71. Slagg, Charles, 66. Slater, John, 8. Smeaton, John, 66. Smith, Bernard, 21, 44. Smith, C. H., 60. . Smith, John T., 44. Smith, Percival G., 28, 66. Smith, T. Roger, 8, 44, 61, 66. Snell, H. Saxon, 31. Soane, Sir John, 31, 44. Sopwith, T., 21. Sousa, Luis de, 18. Specchi, Alessandro, 43. I Sperr, F. W., 59. Spiers, R. Phene, 49. Starforth, John, 28. Statz, V., 44. Stephens, Frederick G., 44. Stephens, Henry, 44, 56. Stephenson, George, 71. Stevenson, J. J., 28. Stevenson, R. A. M., 41. Stevenson, William, 62. Stewart, D. J., 21. Stock, Cecil H., 59. Stokes, Margaret, 21. Storck, H , 14. Storer, Henry S., 21. Storer, James S., 21, 28, 44. Strack, J. Heinrich, 21, 28, 39, 44. Strauch, F. A. W., 44, 63. Street, G. Edmund, 21, 39, 44. Strickland, C. W., 28. Stroobant, Francis, 44. Stuart, James, 8. Stuart, Robert, 50. Stuler, August, 21, 31. Sutcliffe, George L., 61 Sutherland, William and W. G.,69. Sweeting, W. D., 21. Symons, G. J., 55. Tarbuck, Edward L., 63. Tarn, E. Wyndham, 56, 59, 63, 70. Tatham, Charles H., 8. Tattersall, George, 45. Taylor, Albert, 66. Taylor, Andrew T., 21. Taylor, G. L., 9, 14. Taylor, Henry, 28. Taylor, John, 41. Teale, T. Pridgin, 66. Terry, George, 69. Texier, Charles, 9. Thibaud, Emile, n. Thiollet, Francois, 63. Thomas, Felix, 7. Thomas, William, 45. Thompson, P., 28, 69. Thwaite, Benjamin H., 56, 66. Timmins, Thomas, 56, 59. Tingry, P. F., 69. Tischler, Ludwig, 46. Todhunter, Isaac, 59. Toilet, C., 31. Tomlinson, Charles, 55, 61, 68. Tredgold, Thomas, 32, 53, 56, 59, 62, 63. Trendall, E. W., 28. Tripe, J. W., 66. INDEX TO AUTHORS. 8l Tripon, J. B., 45. Trower, Charles F. ( 49, 72. Truefitt, George, 21, 45. Turneaure, F. E., 55, 58. Turner, Dawson, 34. Turner, E., 66. Turner, T. Hudson, 28. Twopenny, William, 45. Tyrwhitt, R. St. John, 45, Uhde, Constantin, 45. Uldall, J. F. C., 14. Underwood, Henry J., 21. Underwood, M., 23, 29. Ungewitter, G., 44. Unwin, W. Cawthorne, 59. Urquhart, John W., 68. Vacher, Francis, 65, 67. Valentini, Agostino, 21. Van der Burg, A. R. and P., 69. Van der Null, 46. Vantini, Rodolfo, 6. Varin, A. and E., 28. Vasari, Giorgio, 3. Vasi da Corleone, G., 45. Vaudoyer, Antoine, 32. Venables, Canon , 22. Verdier, Ay mar, 45. Verneilh, Felix de, 22. Vesly. Leon de, 45. Villa- Amil, Genaro P., 45. Villard de Honnecourt , 45. Vincent, John, 28. Vinci, Leonardo da, 45. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., 28, 45, 50, 56. Vitet, Louis, 19. Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus, 9. Vogue, Comte C. J. Melchior de, 9, 22. Vulliamy, Lewis, 9. Waddington, William A., 24 Walcott, Mackenzie E. C., 22. Walker, F., 61. Walker, Thomas L., 42. Walker, W., 68. Wallen, William, 22. Walmisley, Arthur T., 57, 59. Ward, H. Marshall, 62. Ware, Isaac, 28, 41. Ware, Samuel, 45. Waring, John B., 46. Warren, S. Edward, 60. Warton, Thomas, 34, 46. Watson, T. H., 66. Weale, John, 46, 50, 57. Weaver, Henry, 46 Wellbeloved, Charles 22. Westropp, Hodder M., 9. Wheeler, Gervase, 28, 29, 57. Wheeler, John, 71. Whewell, William, 22. Whichcord, John, 23, 46. White, S. W. Gleeson, 64. White, W., 66. Whittington, C. D., 23. Whittock, Nathaniel, 69. Wickes, Charles, 23, 29. Wiebeking, Chevalier F. de, 46. Wielemans, A. von, 46. Wightwick, George, 46, 49. Wilars de Honecort, 45. Wild, Charles, 23 46. Wilkins, William, 9. Wilkinson, George, 46. Wilkinson, William, 29. Williams, R. Lloyd, 23, 29. Willis, Browne, 10, 23. Willis, Robert, 9, 23, 24, 29, 45, 46. Willson, Edward J., 36, 42. Wilson, Sir Charles W., 46. Wilson, Frederick R , 23. Wilson, G., 66. Wilson, Robert, 57. Windham, Joseph, 47. Winkles, B , 23. Winkles, Henry, 23. Woillez, Eugene J., 23. Woltmann, Alfred, 3. Wood, John, 3. Wood, Robert, 9. Wood, W. H.. 64 Woods, Joseph, 46. Woolfe, John, 33. Woolnoth, William, 23. Worthington, T. Locke, 46. Wright, F. A., 69. Wright, Thomas, 29. Wulliam C., 69. Wyatt, Sir M. Digby, 29, 46. Young, Francis Chilton, 64. Young, Keith D., 28, 66. Young, Thomas, 32, 53. Yriarte, Charles, 47. Zanth, L.. 37. Zocchi, Joseph, 36. D. Marples & Co., Printers, Lorii Street, Liverpool.