r. .V COPYRIGHTED MATTE.R. All readers of thle architectural catalocae are respectfully cautioned not to build or use portions of plans as contained herein, except by special written permission of the author. Eiitered according to act of Congress In the year Nineteen Hundred and Ten. HERBERT C. CHIVERS ARCHITECT : ST. LOUIS -1- Sig. 1. FORE.WOR.D "Knowledge is power." It has been said that there are two kinds of knowledge, the one to know facts and the other to know where to find facts. The object of this publication is to enable the prospective home builder to find facts which are equiv- alent in this case to knowing facts; to put in the hands of the intending builder the power of knowledge - knowledge cf what constitutes good plans, design and con- struction, and a sati^actcry whole in a modern home. ^' The knowledge contained between the two covers of this book represents an out- lay of thousands upon thousands of dol- lars in time and money and embodies the best thoughts and ideas obtainable in the matter of modern home building. Books and pamphlets along this general line have been published from time to time by theorists, publishers and cheap - plan concerns but it has been the pleasure of the compiler of this work to place in the hands of the public for the first time a practical and understandable work con- taining the finished ideas of a practicing architect of high rank in his profession. -2- \ THE BKST METHOD OF PROCEDIRE. From this valuable compact pocket-size plan-book of nearly fifteen liiuulred plans, the averajre home-builder can certainly select a satisfactory anrl ine.\|tensive stock plan, which with perhai)s slight chanj^es. will meet every require- ment. If you do not find such a plan, you can from some of the plans in this book, at least explain your desires t»y simply referriufi^ to portions of one plan and portions of another, or perhaps better, take the onion-skin paper wrap- I)er of this book and simply trace the plan wanted, with such chaiij;es desired and from this we can j;et your ideas and draw a preliminary plan, for a nominal charjfe of $.j.(Ri, and thus jj:et a complete and satisfactory arrangement. Preliminary j)lans enable you to secure reasonably close bids from local builders. With such sugj^estions as are con- tained in these preliminary plans and such further pencil notations as you may make, we are enabled to make final or cumi)lete working plans, which give full information and superintending guidance to your builder. The average home-builder of to-day is aware of the im- portance of regularly-drawn e<'onomically-detailed archi- tect's plans, and it is impossible to dissuade them. The owner knows that two heads are better than one, especially the architect, who in fact is the owner's only unbiased counsellor in the matter and whom it is reasonable to sup- pose is best calculated to understand the building in its entirety. What does 1% or $10 on every $1000 expended, amount to. for revised stock plans or Sy2% at most for spe- cially-drawn plans compared to a 20% to 30% lf>ss in in- effectiveness in design, cumbersome plan arrangement or over-costly construct it)n. Or what is $0 or $10 or .$15 for one of our already tried-out stock jtians to some experimental plan which may be offered you at nominal cost? There is econojuy in botii time and money in selecting an architect of national reputation, or what we might term a long-distance architect. You thus avoid that oft-repeated everlasting sameness in design which naturally comes from [)urely local talent although every locality has some good ideas'unknown to another locality. I have never planned a building for any one where some new idea did not come to me. That is where my services are of special value to you. Having done work in practically every city and town in the I'nited States and Canada I have naturally accumulated a vast store of plan-information which is at finger-ends and the l»esl of whi<-h is embodied in every plan, where it is left up to me to produce results. IT IS KKSFLTS Y( H' WANT. Therefore, if vou are gointr to build and are willing to send me a retainer of $0 for PRKLIMI NARY PLANS and will order special plans if tney meet with your approval and yon decide t«» l)uild from the ideas contained in same, you will in this way get tlva best possible architectural service and your home will c/>rtainly be a .ioy forever. Another quick vi^jiy to get results is t«> simply order a stock plan, explain ciianges desired to l>uilder. then before signing i-ontract, return them, with pencil notations to be redrawn, which we can generally do for $L'.7r> ft>r the rt(H)r plans and .$2..'»0 for each exterior or $12. To alt
o possesses invention, originality, and ambition, builds a home which fits his ideaa, fita his sur- roundings and fita bis purse and which expreaacs bis prograsaive individuality. BB UP-TO-DATE.— It baa no doubt occurred to you in viewing the reaidence streeta of various citiea and towna aa a remarkable fact that the ma- jority of houses have a sameness, are utterly devoid ol artiatic beauty and external fitness. In those homes where you have been behind the scenes yoa have fotind the aame condition exiating in interior daaign and finiah. This proves otM of two things, either the lack of an architect or the lack ol skill of the architect employed. When you do see a well designed bouse, interior and exterior, how it docs delight your eye and pleaaa your fancy. When yon build, make sure that you arc putting your money into aomething ol which you will alwaya be proud and on which you will receive the coogratulatiaoa ol yonr Wcnda and neighbors. A MODERN HOME. - In planning a home ooa ahould take advantage o< all the modem ideaa, im- provementa and conveniences which this age ol io- vantion provides. We have outlived the styles ot a quarter or a ball century ago in bouaea aa we hava in clothea and tba other naceaaitiaa ol phyaical sa- PICTURE YOUR HOMB.-It is sometimes dil- Hcult for the layman or ordinary individual to get an adequate idea />i the general appearance ol a house from a plate prmt like those in the following pages. One of theae platea being selected I will furnish a reproduction of it in water color, to large size with platu on aeparate sheet and handaomely mounted foe framing at a coat of one dollar. HOME-LOVERS.— The most pleaaant duty de- votving upon the skilled architect ia the deaignlng of a home for the true Home-Lover, for a person who is building a home for home's sake, who wanta it modem for convenience' sake and who wants it beautihil for beauty'a sake. May good fortune grant that the person into whose hands this volume falls be a "Home-Lover." THE NECESSITY OF PRELIMINARY PLANS. —It ia aeldom that one gels a suiuble arrangement the very firat time, therefore it is necessary to first send the plans in sketch form so as to make them handy for approval, or disapproval of ceruin parts aa you aee fiL The arcbitcct'a greatest difficulty is in getting his client's first ideaa- If you have any printed deaigns from which you wish to adopt cer- tain ornamental featurea, I can embody them in your deaigns and endeavor to improve on any sug- gestiona offered. PRELIMINARY PLANS.— Tba home builder aa a rule can only give hia architect general sugges- tions and ideas aa to what he deairea embodied In bis bouse. For thia rcaaon it ia necessary that pre- liminary aketchea b« made and submitted to bim before work on the actual plans are begun. A lea of SI la chaiged for such preliminary Ideas and aketches 00 work ol SSOOO or under but it bccomaa a part ol the total lee ao that when the completed plana have been accepted, the original sketches have added nothing to the total coal. Preliminary aketcb- es and Ideaa are aubmitted without charge, to re- sponaible partiea alter receiving a bona lids order lor a aet ol working plana and no additional charge Is made lor altering or changiitg these skatcbaa in any way desired. -5- "landing bimndtrt art mon tw»9tul»* Ufa arthitmtt't pl»mt."—Amam. "^rchluctnr* (j tht art IvAfr* to tUpotti end adormt |A# tdlflcn rmUtd br man,- thmt Ihe sight of thtm map contribmlo to his mom' tal htettht poyor and ploajnro."~HusXln. WATER COLORS.— A wster color picture ol your protpcctive home ■ccoropanying the prelimin ary plans or even preceding the plans Is often de- sirable as it gi^s yea a good idea of the eztemal r/\fUie-up ol the house enabling you to make criti- cisms and changes before the actual plans aie drawn. An extra charge of $5 is made for such a water color complete and fruned. "Makt roar dvoWag lastt/al and allrae- till*, both hlllhln and Kllheat; tfit ajsecla- tlons of tht homo of our tarlg daps hatt a Strang inftatneo on ths fatart lift." -rhlllliu. WORKING DRAWINGS. — My drawings are complete to tha smallest detail: comprehensive end clear, and consist of basement, attic, roof, and two floor plans wi:b dimensions figured and marked ac- curately, together with four elevations drawn to a quarter-inch scale and details for everything inside and out where necessary; also includes typewritten specifications and contract blanks so that on re- ceipt of plans and specifications you are ready to place your contract. The question of economy is not overlooked in the preparation of plans and it is usually safe to figure a ten or twenty per cent sav- ing when building from my plans. "Sifit In areMttclare Is Ihat orlglnclbsaa- tp which ottobllshos a standard of tw€oU itnco In tach indlbtdaal balldlng and gtpes a stnss of Indsflnabtt complttmnsss." -Anon. SUPER1NTENDENCE.-Tbe plans should be so drawn that any competent builder can follow them to the smallest detail and my plans are so cotrprehensive snd clear that any builder who is reasonably competent will be able to follow them without difficulty. It is very necessary that you have comphKe working drawings and above all le- gally worded specifications. It excites competition among the builders, and then since you know that all builders are figuring on the same basis, you can very readily aee bow the price of plans and specili- csliona may be ssved many limes over. "Tho mors fwa practice what poa %noV, ths mora shall poa know What to practice." -M'.Jtn^in. CONSULTATION— In large mercantile and finan- cial institutions it has become the custom for those who have charge of various departments to consult with their superiors wholly on psper so that a rec- ord will be had of all nilings and opinions. For this same reason the architect who Is not a resident architect will in many cases give you better service as you will consult with him wholly oa paper and you will have for all time the records of such con- suitation. This office is Just ■■ close to you as your nearest nail boa. "Accarale knowlodgs Is ths basis of correct opinions; the Want of It makes the opinions of most people of tittle t>atae. "Simmons. UNPREJUDICED ADVICE. — In preparing to build, the main object is to have a suitable arrange- ment ol floor plan and this is where you will need the assistance of some one who is totally unprejc- diced, regardless of any selfish interests which he may have in finally figuring oa the contract to erect the house. "Gealas Is bat a mind of large general powers accldentip determined In a parttea* lar direction." —Johnson. PLAN SATISFACTION.— My interests lie alto- gether in having you well pleased and in putting up a house which will be a comfort to you as well sx a credit to this office. We could not afford to give you anything but the most conscientious advice on all points. If given your work we shall feel fully responsible for its ultimate success as to practica- bility and design. • "If cities were ballt bp the sound of malic, then some edifices Woald appear to be coe- stracled bp grave, solemn tones, and others to have danced forth tolightfanlatlic airs." — Hawthorne. SUGGESTIONS TO YOUR NEIGHBORS.-lf communities, as a whole, could readily understand and appreciate art in architecture, each house wc-nld enhance the value of adjoining property. My cli- ents often make special efforts to secure for me the planning of bouses for their adjoining neighbcrs, so that the surrounding houses may be in true harmony. A great many architects have not the least concep- tion cf how a building will appear in perspccti\-c when erected, or its relative value to other buildings, landscape, etc. I make a close study of these con- ditions. ".Ve man was eter so completelp skilled the conduct of life, as not to receive new i' formation from age and experience," — Terenc CHANGES IN STOCK PLANS.— In case I have a stock plan which «-ill suit you exactly my fees would usually be $5.00 to $10.00. necessary chang- es would be made In these plans tor $2.7S addilioa- al ptoviditig the outside of ths building is not -6- ctaanfcd^ eUvationi can be altered at 13. SO cacli raakinf a total coat (or all changes, inaide and out, ol $12. 7S. This does not include original study and special designs but covers only minor changes which can readily be made without preliminary sketches or reconstructing the entire plans or chang- ing outside dimensions of plans. These charges tor minor changes are olten mistaken as prices at which original study and special plans can be had which is altogether a different class ol work. "So mentc h tttfer sptnt than vhal Is laid out for domestic solisfactlon. A man is pieasod thai his vife is drtssed as eh'#/f or othor people, and the Wife is pleased that she Use dressed."— Johnson, SPECIAL DRAWINGS.— Special plans will be ivirniahed at the rate ol three and one-haif per crnt ol the actual ccsLci the building or lor a fee of not less than $25 including full details and carefully- worded specifications all ol v/hich will receive my personal attention. Persons not rated must send-one- third of total fee with order or not le»s than ten dol- lars as a deposit, the remainder to be paid on the com- pletion and delivery of the plans and specifications. If individual checks are sent, add IS cents for ex- change. When the full price of plans is sent with order, express charges will be prepaid, otherwise plans will be sent C. O. D. with express and return charges payable by purchaser. See order blanks, sketching blanks and money order application blanks in back of book. "It is better to create than to be learned; creating is the true essence of life," -NIebmhr. CAUTIOK. — All ideas, suggestions, drawings and aketches submitted remain my properly until the amount cl my lee is fully paid and persons to whom they are sent as well as those by whom they are seen are cautioned not to use them or any par I thereof under penalty. All plans and specifications are sold to be used ONCE and 11 they are again used without permission, the legal lee ol three and one-hali per cent of the cost of such buildings will be collected. This office carries an Illinois License and is privileged to practice In all sutes which re- quire arcbilecta to regisur as to ability. "If to* mould create something, torn mmsl be something. "—Goethe, POOR COPIES.— Builders sometimes try to im- press upon prospective clienu that they can draw- up something a little different and y«t evade the architect's righu at law. No copy la as good as the origitul, in the first place, and beaides subject- ing their customers to a cost lor plana which is ma:\y-times higher than what we might originally charge if ordered direct, the result Is a ' very com- mon-place design. Vou nave noticed that "same- ness" in houses built in certain localities? Why is iO Have you not seen a certain house which looked like a gentleman among a lot of beggars? It all ds- pends on the architect you employ. "The highest problem of anv art is to catsag bg appearance the illusion of a higher re»'i alltg."— Goethe, WHEN ADVICE IS OP VALUE.-When ont contemplates building, it is in the early stages of the enterprise that the architect should be selected. The advice and experience of a truatworlhv archi- tect should be secured by all means. Do not ex- pect an architect to put his best ideas on paper for you, unless you have a positive understanding with him that he is to do the work. Parties who strug- gle along themselves with all the preliminary work and later on, employ an architect do not secure full services. The most valuable portion of a plan, and often its most vital points are rendered during its embryotic period, therelore do not then begrudge an architect payment for original ideas. "Experience Is a Jewel, und II had need be so, for It is often purchased at an Infinite rate."—ShaXespeare. THE BUILDER-ARCHITECT.— Any builder who IS skilled in his line should have some good ideas in planning and some ability as a draftaman but no builder who Is skilled in bis line will attempt to prepare a set of architectural plans or to design a building. The builder-architect is always a poor architect and usiully a common-place builder. The good apothecary does not prescribe, and the pre- scriptions of the poor apothecary are dangerous dope. You would not go to a veterinary surgeon for a case of the measels would you? "Knotnledge Is the treasure, but Judgment is the :reasurer of a wise man,"—Penn, THE CHEAP BUILDER.-:- A cheap tailor or dressmaker often ruins good material aod a cheap builder often ruins a good set ol plans. He is nat- urally antagonistic to the architect whose plans de- mand the best in materials and construction. The good architect always saves many times bis fes by the use ol material-saving and time-saving ideas. The securing ol complete plans prepared by a skilled architect and the making ol a written conuact ol which the architect's specifications are necesaarily a part of the contract, is the only protection sgainst the cheap builder. Building blunders have cost th« world ma .y thousand times more than has ever been spent for architect's plans and spscilicationa. "// is ridiculous fsrang man to criticise the Works of another if he has not distinguished himself bp his own performances, " -Addison. -7- "Tk*p thai VW mat a* counJtlUd. emmmot k* htlp€4. l/rom 4» »•> titar n»»»m th* trill tmt g*n •• th* k»meUt:"—rrmm1illM. THE FREE ARCHITECT.— Oi all the pe«ta that ^▼cr iniested ■ community including the bnaj-bodjr, the ksow-it-«lI, the butter-in, no one ol them haa ever equalled, anch leaa excelled, the expenaive annoyance cauaM the home-builder by the "Iree" (?) architect He ii the man who will fumiah the plana "^ee" (?) U you will g^ive him the bnildinc contract or U you will buy faora him the materiala uaed In order that he may arranf^ everythinc to hia own adrantacc. "What coaaor art and tndastrp ptrform, bkhtn scitnct plans xht prograss of thtlf teiW—ttattit. INQUIRIES KEPT PRIVATE. — Partiea who answer our advertisementa can write ua ireely with- out the annoyance oi having their namea handed around aa i>atrons oi ours, or aold to building -ma- tcnal concema for circulation. You will not be annoyed with circulars from tfaia aource, as we give out no information whatever, and our employes, are specially cautioned not to discuss office matters outside, tinder penalty of diamiaaaL 13th. Builders estimating o« der over prob- lems of construction. The plans are all neatly and accurately drawn, and above all, carefully figured, giving dimensions of glaaa, location and aise of doors, windows, etc., and all information necessary for the successful guidance ol the builder. ARTISTIC M O M E S Osceola design 51014, stoiv heights 10 ft 6. Large spacious rooms, width over all 55 Ft. Plans $55. 'PREPAREDNESS-HAS BEEN MY SUCCESS HCRBCRT C. CHIVERS -9- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ORDER BLANK. I'leas*?" fin out the enclosed order nnd question blank in back of book as Hear as you c:ui. and I will iinincdlately [>roceed with the prellDQinary plans. These plan's may probably require chauglog several times, in order to salt you exactly, and 1 ehall expect pronipt replies, so that I can give the matter atten- tion while it Is fresh In mind. You possibly have a view of a house which comes near suiting you, or a partly c.vecuied plan, which you can send rough tracing of Quannah Design 5 1 story heights 1 fl. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES STVIE III AMHITECTURE.- gTYLE in architecture is that original beauty which estab- li&bes a standard of excellence in each individual building and gives a sense uf indefinable com- pleteness. Style in architectuie is a i>ro- ducl uf the fancy uf the aicliitect which can be simple and eca- nomical and still beautiful, or common-place and yet quite ex- pensive. Style in architecture is some- thing about a building in the way of improvement of outline or de- tail which makes it attractive and desirable tu the casual observer. Style in architecture is an in- novation of the architect who has dared to be original and in- dividual and who can produce a building which will, at the same time, appeal to popular favor. HOME, MAKING I OME is the word ol broadest, deepest and tenderest signifi- cance in the English lan- guage. The home is the cul- mination of domestic love and the training school for future generations. The young married couple has no more sacred duty than the building a home which shall reflect their thought and embody their life together. There are four important factors to be considered in the making of a home, the bank account, the wife, the husband and the architect These must har- moni2e or there will be a failure wheie so much depends upon success. If there is only a few thousand dol- lars to be invested there must be nu reaching out after the unattainable. The fact must be squarely faced. It is by the preparation of designs and the making ol accurate estimates on the sum named as the limit that I make friends of my clients. An alliance of this kind becomes something more than a mere business proposition, hence I enter sympathetic- ally into the plans of the home-makers and when they take possession of the house it is with the happy conscious- ness of having what they wanted, fre- quently at less outlay than they at first inlicipated. The whims, (ancies and idiosyncra- sies of home-makers are innumerable. Where it is impossible or ill-advised to gratify them I rarely fail, by the em- ployment of reason and the exercise ol tact, to direct the thoughts of my clients into more rational channels. I have never assumed the office ol dictator preferring to be looked upon as > help- er, an expert assistant, whose judgment carries the weight of practical exper- ience. I do not take the easiest means to please a client until 1 have first sub- mitted my ideas and it is therefore sometimes necessary to antagonize frankly and fairly the wishes of a client, and not infrequently I have been amused at the trick of memory by which the home maker assu:nes responsibility for the feature to which he strenously objected in the very formation of the plans. Home-makers, as a rule are earnest, honest men and women who, if their confidence is gained will trust implicit- ly to the wisdom of the architect they employ. I have never given a client cause to consider his trust in my abi!ty as misplaced. HtHBFfIT C CHIVtRS HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^Bauson corrACE.- -Design 58M; cost. $3,590 to $3,998; plans. $30. Special features; Cement fl(X)r to ver- aiida, attractive library with panelled ceiling and nook and very attractive exterior appearance. See paee 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES Yakima design 5 1 01 3, story heights 9 ft 6, width 26 h. width over all 40 ft. Plans $15. Parlor l^ibrary 11 X 11 13 X 12 ■ 1 : HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ARTISTIC MOMCS ^^r^' BlXMONT RESIDENCE.—Design 2ois-0;costin frame. $1,280 to $1,395; in brick, $2,290 to $2,380; plans, $20. -15- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Double House design 501 7, width 34-ft 6, vyridth over all 5 1 -h. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ff 4. Plans $15. Commodious dining room. b;B(|]B^ hamber fc-'R R_l Chamber 13x12 *"""""* 13x12 ARTISTIC HOMES DeFore^ design 5018, width over all 25 ft, story heights 9-fl 6. Very compad. Plans $ I 5 DiningR Jhaabej 12x14 ^arlor 14x12-6 H ■ -18- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A R T I S T I C HOMES ?ELDON RESIDENCE— Hacker Design 100.060-M; size "C^ 32x47; cost $1,998 to $2,149; plans, $15. FELDON RESIDENCE No. 2 Woodington Design, same as above; with 11.6x12 ft. parlor; 13.6x12 ft. dining room and 1 2x9 kitchen. See page 65. U II u ^- -19- HERBERT C. CHI VERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 30ft Feldon Residence No. 2 design 5 020- A. See page 1 9 for exterior. Story heights 9-ft. 3 and 9. Plans $ 1 5. I Parlor D Parlor 13.4x13.* 13.4x13. 4in T 4in -20- I 13.4x13. Hl3.4il3. 4inT 4in Feldon Residence No. 3 design 5020-B. See page 1 9 for exterior. Story heights 9-ft 3 and 9. Plans $ 1 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C O. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES San Andreas design 502 1 , width 29-ft, extreme width 36-ft, story heights 1 and 9-ft 6. Plans $ I 5. ■f i H'ERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Veranda D 'ou e House design 5022, width 39-ft, story heights 9-ft 6. Plans $25.^22- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES $TABLE DESIGN No. lo.— Cost in frame. $250; plans $5. -23- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Koof Roof Double House design 5024. ^ory heights 9 and 8-ft 6. Plans $20. -24- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Double House design 5025, story heights 9-h 6 and 9 ft cut to 5 ft at side walls. Plans $15. A WOlin OK CAUTION ImAm of ihU nUloKUi' ol nnhliortunil <1»»ien« «r» r«»i>rrtfully wamM »n4 rrq(M»«t^l not !«» bollil frtim «1«-«lcni« iw u*r prtrfioim of pfaoa •howo thorrtn Any dupllrll; of Ibli kind whi-n found .ml ind rrporird hjr our ronT«poiid<"«t» ar trmT«lllnK rT(>n><''nl]itlTp< wJII \>r rliarc'd for ni-i-onHo; lo Uir I'fal fe«« •( m per r^nt on the nml of said Iraprorrmc^ta. -25- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Brick Flat. See plans page 26 and 28. Double House design 5026. width 30 ft. sto 9 ft. Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Double Brick House design 5028-A, story heights 9 ft 6. Plans $10 -28- Brick Flat design 5028-B. See page 26. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ■ p >- ^ewj Chamber Double House design 5029, story heights 10 and 9 ft. Plans $20. Brick Office No. 5029-B. Plans $5. -29- HERBERT C. CHIVEBS CO. ARCHITECTS Santa Clara design 5030. width over all 28 ft. story heights 9 ft, cut down at side walls on the second. Plans $15 TO THE CONTRACTOR The contractor who works to my pl«ns Und« tlMt they redouixl to lii* credit as well as mine. Wise connactors know what it meani to h«»« attributed to them a structure attractive in design, complete in every de- tail and perlectly adapted to the uses lot which it is intended. This is possible only when the services ol a thoroughly competent architect are secured. It is as much to my interest as to the contractors, that I should wrk in periecl harmony with him. I receive credit lor the design ar>d be lor the eaecution. II either is laulty then both ol us are blamed, and we lall together. II both arc good then we divide honors, and when the ques- tions are asked, "who planned ihal building'" and "who conilrucled that building'" we may well be proud to be named together -30- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Store and flat see opposite page. HERBERT C. CHIVE RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES JTORE AND FLAT— Design I ySfrO; cost in brick, $$.• 5$o; pUns, $35. See opposite page. -32- ^ERBERT CCHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Boulder Creek design 5033, story heights 8-h. Plans $5. KITCHEN I5ft6 X lifts CHAMBER lift X II-3 L LIVING flOOM 15-3 X II-3 -33- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 2 ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S Story 9 ft. 6. ^!lilirijf-,/( El Capilan design 5034, width Plans $5.00 23 ft 6. When no pUns are used, the con- tractor is often obliged to do some work which he did not figure on, and the home builder often doa not get as much for his money as he expected, simply because there was no baw on which to work and upon which to base the contract. No misunderstandings can anse when a set of our plans and specifications are before the contractor and the home builder, showing the interior andexierior construction of the house ts agreed upon in the contract. BANK OF NEW LISBON ■, I'"-Ju4i, 7L OCT la m. /JT/' .u^ pi «./ Viwt ^^ ,^^ -34- O ^^ ^If «oai^4 I ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Elmhurst design 5042, slory heights 9-ft 6 and 8 Plans $12. Kitchen 19x10 » , pining R '^ ^ lxl4-8jsitting Room -42 PBOMPT ANSWERS To Insure prompt answers to questions always give dMign number, pa^ Dumber and name of book and put questions on a separate ahe«t containing your fuU address, date. etc.. and leaving ample space below each question to plainly write anawera. Always um our return envelopea when s^ni. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES 30SLIN RESIDENCE.— Design 909M: in frame; $1,199 «> $1,308; plans $15; width Z2 ft. 6 in.; story heights; 9 ft. and 8 ft., cut down by roof to 6 ft, At walls. Special features. Rustic chimney; bay window and seat in hall; combination iuirs. See page 65. IMaVERLY residence.— Design is5o-0; id frame, $1,198 to $1,389; plans, $1$; width, 34 tt 8 m. by 32 ft., story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. Special Features; Plain neat exterior. See page 65 -43- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES Woodville design 5044. story heights 1 0-h, width 32-ft. Plans $10. m xiz yfc->^-^ \/3^&x/s:^ I WooDvrLLE Residence.- z:^ The plans received from you are perfect in every way. In fact I do not aee bow you can sell them so cheap Shall call on yoo for others soon. Charles Wurt. South Norwalk. Conn. -44- HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BWcWILLtAMS RESIDENCE— Design 9982-O; in frame, $1,290 to $1,488; plans. $10; width, 31 ft. 4 in. by 34 ft.; story heights, 9 ft.; special features: Semi-circular porch; attractive dormer windows; unique reception hall. Modifica- tions: See index Baraboo plan. We have $10 plan with larger rooms and pier foundation. Modification No. 2, Whit- more design, with porch like this but stairs like Baraboo Cot- tage and central hall. Modification No. 3, Clark design with fire-place in hall; vestibule; bay in dining-room and exterior and front porch like Baraboo design. (See index). KXTGH wi if. '-H.ij 13X12 ^^^l^ DIN R 16X13-41 RECEPT H PARLOR 20X12 13X13 -45- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES L6ftil4ft||8xl*jj Veranda IFJ. McWilliams Residence No. 4 design 5046, story heights. 9-ft 6, cut down slightly on second floor. De- sign similar to page 45 and 49. Plans $ 1 0. :xllftlOin |U9.6xl3ft6 J Veranda 6" H I^LjTl L=J McWilliams Residence No. 5 design 5046, story heights 9-ft and 9-ft cut to 6 at side walls. Exterior similar to page 45. Plans $10. ., ' -46 — HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC i-IOMES BaRABOO design no. 3-0— Southern construction — Design 192,840-0; in frame, $1,290 to $1,499! (l^'p^ found- ation); plans, $10; width, 38 ft. 6 in. by 31 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 1 1 ft., cut down to 8 ft. by roof, forming cove around room. Special features: Large rooms; simple roof treatment. Modifications: See inde;c for other Baraboo cottages. See page 65. 1 m ED RDOwiJ BED R 19X9 r^ 15X13 BED ROOM 22X10ft -47- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iHLBERTA COTTAGE.— Design 62-O; Baraboo design 5048, extenor similar to page 47. Plans $10. n 48- Baraboo No. lo — in frame $1,192 to $1,289; pUns$to. Q ERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ARABOO COTTAGE. -Design 1639-N; cost in frame, $1,494 to $1,688; plans, $10; width, 34 ft. by 31 ft. 4 in., story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. Side walls cut down by roof to 8 ft.; cellar, 7 ft. Special features: Economical second story construction. Mod- ifications: Dining-room could be used for sitting-room, with pantry where bath is. Can furnish these plans in stock as shown, or re- versed, with the following changes at $10. Baraboo Residence No. 3, Edwards design, full 10 and 8 ft. 4 in. stories; dining-room, 12x15 ft. 4 in.; sitting-room, 15 ft. 4 in. by 17 ft. A very fine plan. -49- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .is^Ht: ' HPan.l . . , \ l.b / /%)ining R. [j Kit 13x11 V 13ftxl7ft f i o . . „ Parlor Reception H. 119.6x12 r^1|12.6xl5ft Veranda -t— ? Baraboo design 5050-A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Exterior similar to McWilliams design page 45. r-TT ptH"'- 14ftxl5 Ir 20ft9x9ft Ch. 15.9xl2ft Bal. Baraboo design 5050-B, story hts 9-ft and 9-ft cut to 4-ft 6 at side walls. Exterior similar to page 49. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IMaCO cottage — Design 2169-O; in frame. $390 to $497; plans, $5; wigth, 29 ft. 10 in. by 24 ft. 2 in.; width over all, 31 ft. 10 in.; story heights, 10 ft. Can furnish this plan in stock with kitchen addition in rear of living room. Waco No. 2. Spangler design, same as Waco, with 15x13 parlor, 13x14 living room, "With rear stairs going up from living room, with space for two rooms above. Waco No. 3. Lohr design; same as Waco, with 10 ft. 6x10 one-story kitchen addition. See page 65. he c Living Room 16-6x15-3 DO US A FAVOR By showing this catalogue to your neighbors contemplating building and when they order of us, we will send you a suitable and appropriate remembrance of your friendly efforts in our behalf. _ ^ I — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS .1 OF ILL Uck ARTISTIC HOMES Waco design 5052-A, lO-ft story. See opposite page. Plans $5. " Kit. Waco design 505 2-B and 505 2-C, story heights I 0-ft, cut to 8-ft 6 in story. Plans $5. -57- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Strang Design 9030-O; cost $1090; full Hartborn Design 9082M; coat in frame, ■torv heigbto. 9 and 8 ft. ; plans $5. $692 to $840; plans $16. — Insurance — Immediately upon receipt of information from you that your house has been destroyed by fire, either totally or par- tially, we will forward you, free of cost, a duplicate scf of plans and specifications, 28ft6 - it -53- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ROOF HORNSBORO COTTAGE.— Design 2421M; cost ia frame $1,492 to $1,560; plans $15. See page 65. I consider I have the best arranged house In this county, and It Is so prtv nounced by every one that visits me. I am more than pleased with the con- struction of same, and your courteons and prompt method of doing business has met with my general approval Youra with respect J. KBSSLBR. General Merchandise. -54- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES JeRBY residence.— Design 1536M; in frame, $1252 to $1480: plans, $10; width, 24.6 x 41 ft.; story heights, 9 ft, 6 in. (lull story). Special features: Pleasing side-gable effect; parlor well ventilated; reception hall. 19 x15 ft.. with fire- place. See page 65. KeNNARD cottage. — Design 73M; cost in frame. Si, 092 to $1,180; plans, $10- -^22^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Albemarle cottage- Design 9067-O; in frame. $1 .200 fo $1,499; p'ans, $5; story heights, lo ft. See index for Ken- nard and Garber plans. See page 65 POBCH jr KITCHEN 8X9 fl 16X13 link XITCHENJ 15-6X1J DINING R t6X15 BED R 14-6X14 -mk^c^ H AT !S LIVING R r 16X15 RBDDP' BED R 14X12 DINI 12-5X14 HALL .BATH r* NG Ffd .^ C3Q up LIVING R 18X16 HALL BED P 15X11 CLO I C LO BED R 11X15 Porct -56 PARLOR 17X17 HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES If^EW LONDON COTTAGE— Design 1408-O; in frame. $1,200 to $1,498; plans. $10; width, 34 ft. 10 in. by 41 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 10 and 9 ft., cut down at walls to 8 ft. Special features: Broad attractive front. See page 65. JaRRYTOWN COTTAGE—Design 2,45-0; in frame. $850 to $950; plans, $10; width over all, 36 ft.; story heights. 10 ft. and 8 ft. attic. Special features: Large central space 34 ft- long. See page 65. —57 — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES JlBANY cottage.— Design 21 77-0; in frame. $950 to $1,050; plans, $8; width, 25 ft. 8 in.; width over all, 29 ft; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft.,' (cut down by roof to 5 fl.), Special features: Convenient vestibule entrance, with doort to three rooms. Seepage 65 -58- c^AMBEBjL Kitchen II < '0' '^.^ Baltimore cottage.— Rumble design 2»34-0: in frame, $750 to $850; plans. $5; width, 25 ft. 8 in. by 36 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES 9fmy btiiltfjn|!ii Ibc; aic iu>l di: flppoiiitiii| wbc bolll. M ptcjkii in lencril appear ■ncc This istftf t» Marline H|h »ilhibciaip*niR preliminar) plan If tniere<<(cd in ihc erection uf « buildinf.fof dlher privale or prtbUc uu.youcaa srcurr as food or beiier services of iliin office than et^^e- • here, and nt no mure Cost for plain Hanover cottage.— Design 7M; in frame, $400 to $498; plans, $7; story heights, 9 ft. C in. and 8 ft. Special features: Neat roof arrangement. Seepage 65 ,-a I M IS rt i« II •» 3'' ck. cL 1.. -R^'j »»':- ^ HaRTVILLE cottage.— Design 6029-O, in frame, $500 to $696; plans, $5; width overall, 24 ft.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Plain, neat exterior and large veranda. See page 65. -39- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES «•■) kxc litll* •r IM cuMceptlon of IlK value vf < vonpcltfil archt- Itcl's Mfvlccs and ^rc contenl wilb ■nerelj lh» scsle plans, wilhouc Iht vitally* imporlaiil dtllil drawlnis b«iaie Ihal ever- U>|tnK sainenrss in$t>lc. Coniult ■ n.ircliitKlofakil- ily.larKc practice, modern methods aid ideas. II it muney aell-speal ^iJ-' Cadmus cottage— Design 2391M. cost in frame. $i. 9a to $1,348; plans. $15. See page 65. -60- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $10. Eldee cottage Deiign 49 Plans .1)15 -61- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES BA ijCO.iy ,soo $3,000', ID brick, $3,500: plans, $1 1; plans. $15 in brick. -62- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHI T ECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Spokane cottage.— Design 1058-0; in frame, $898 to $994; plans, $7; width overall, 29ft .; story heights, 10 ft. See page 65. DOES II ARCNITEer PAY? /JiN architect's plans are the greatest economy in a building operation, and the cheaper the building the great- er is the importance of plans. For instance take it on a $1,000 basis, for cheap but convenient illus- tration, what is $35 or 3)^ per cent for accurately-drawn plans, and details of construction and carefully-worded specifications, when in the first place the style and dignity which an archi- tect-planned house gives is 500 per cent greater than that of the common- place amateur-planned house. -63- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES MOaLCOTT RESIDENCE— Design ioo,oi2M; cost $1935 to $2128'. plans^ $20; size 24.6x36; special features: nook in hall, large front room, side entrance. yrje>9yyz>^ \% it H \ %\ :eoor- -64- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC tiOMES MODERATE COST HOUSES. rLANS which refer- back to this page have 1 8-inch stone or 13-iDch brick foundation walls, as desired, with cellar under the main portion of house where cellar stairs ^u-e .shown, and flue for furnace where practical, with general, good finish throughout. Plumbing is included where shown. Story heights average i o feet. All rooms are plastered and finished with yellow pine, or native wood, in natural finish. All mouldings are detailed in stock patterns, and details of porches, cornices, etc., are very simple in construction. It is important to have the entire construction of a building clearly shown by large scale or full- size drawings. . It assists the workmen on the building, for they do not then have to ponder over problems of cor^struc- tion. The plans are all neatly and accurately drawn, and above all, carefully figured,givingdiraensionSof glass, location and size of doors, windows, etc., and all information neces- sary for the successful guidance of the builder. It costs no more to put style into a house than it does to have it commonplace and as long as discretion is used in the conomical and practical selection of mouldings, ornaments, etc., there is no danger of running-up the cost of construction. Carefully-drawn plans, details and specifications sliould be prepared for structures of all kinds. Where you have com- plete plans, you then know that all contractors are figuring on the same basis, and when you do get a reasonably low bid you are assured it is not for inferior work. The difference in estimates here given are supposed td cover the total costs in different localities, giving the lowest and highest probable costs, and we therefore give no absolute guarantees as to the actual cost, for prices are regulated more or less by the amount of competition there is among builders. All estimates are based on the schedule of prices in front'pages If you have plans you can always get reasonably fait bids. At the prices given for stock-plans, no changes or modifications are includ- ed, but we will furnish plans reversed, if desired, or will change any floor plan for $2.75 extra and any elevation or exterior view for $2.50, or will make special plans for 2 per- cent, on cost of building, or $2^.00 for houses of less than $1,250 in cost. -65- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 3 ARTISTIC HOMES CURNEE RESIDENCE—Design 2269M; Plans $25. THE COMPtTITIVE IDE.A. Many presume that an architect should be expected to enter lino *ork in competition. This is wrong. An architect should no more be expected to "give samples of his work as you might say. than a lawyer, a physician, or any other professional man. This i:> unjust for the reason that important ideas are given in the pre- liminary plans, and no architect will care lo give his best ideas or spend the lime and study in competitive work as he will when he knows he will be paid for his ser\ ices, if satisfactory. Further- more the competitive architect usually lakes the* easiest means to please, which does not always rrean the best thing for the client. I would r.:uch rather lake work at half price and have a posi- tive order, than take any chanci of losing an order; as an architeci does when he enters into work conipeiitixely. I take all work on condition, that I give entire satisfaction in the preliminary or pencil plans, before nvaking ihe completed woik. or no pay. Where architectural work is done on this arrangement, it facilitates mai- lers all around. The client saves lime by concentrating his lime with one architect, and the architect, docs likewise in return. 66- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Richmond cottage.— Design 1766-O; in frame, $798 to $892; plans, $s; width, 24 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 9 ft 6 in. (cut down by roof to 4 ft. at. walls.) Special features: Eco- nomical flue connections, and 11 ft. verandas. Se» page 65. The plans received of you tbis summer, gave entire satisfaction. 1 have no photo of house yet, but wlU mall you one later. H. STAKMBR, Owatt«Daa, Minn. 67- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO.. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Laurel C0TT;\GE.— Design i942M;in frame. $569 to $650; plans, $10; width over all, 24 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Compact plan, good flue connec- tions. See page 65. 1 mast sajr; jrou put convenience and style Into a plan CHARLES R. ROBB. Powbattan Point. Mo HERBERT C. 'CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fl^NNETH RESIDENCE.— Design loo.eijM; plans. $15; cost, $1556 to $1698; size, 24,6 X 36.6: special features; con- yervatory back of dining-rooip, semi-circular balcony in front. See page 6.<;. " My house, my house, tho thou art iRull, Thou art to me the Escurial." -69 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES In dealing, wkh this office, distance is no barrier to conscientious deal- ings. I can not afford to advise you unrelibaly. My office is just as close to you as your nearest mail-box. 3uNEAU COTTAGE — Design 1964M; in frame, $1299 to $1480; plans, $10; width, 30 ft. 8 in. by 48 ft. 9 in.; story heights, 9 ft.; with second story walls cut down by roof to S ft. See page 65 -70- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Chagrin falls cottage.— Design 17 76-O: in fiame, $■580 to $450; plans, $5. See page 65. Chagrin Falls No. 2 design 5071, story heights lO-h. Plans $5. Neat attractive exterior. -71 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ANKATO COTTAGE. — D e s i g n 1063-O; in frame, $390 -to $450; plans, $5; wjdtb, 25 ft. 8 in. by 31 ft; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Special featuresr Lfirge living room; four closets; large veranda; economical roof construction. Modifications: Stairs could go up to a two room attic by reducing width of liv- ing room to 1 1 ft'. Plans of design -No. I and No. '2, shown below, are $10 each. Seepage 65. f==l -72 HERBERT C. •CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iKaTMER cottage.— Design 100189O; in frame, $450 Ito $550; plans, $7; width, 21 ft. 2 « by 42 ft. 8 inl; story ibeights, 10 ft. Style: Plain exterior; ordinary plaining-mill 'design. We have this with parlor 16x16 ft 6 in.; sitting-room 13x15 ft.; chamber JOX15 ft.; dining-room 13x16 ft 2 in.; kitch- en 11x13 ft.; story heights, ;o ft See page 65. Tbe plans and epeciflcations furnished specially for my residence were said to be very complete. Tbe bnildin'g is now complete. REV. W. D. STEVENS, Solo. Iowa. -73- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IULIFFORD COTTAGE. — Design loczojM; in frame, $675 to $790; plans, $7; width over all, 39 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 10 ft. St)'le: Ordinary plaining-mill design and ornamentation. Will make stylish exterior fbr $10 additional. See page 65. KITCHEN 7^ C DINING R 16-7X13-4 13-4X \EAN-^ :i PORC / RECEPT H PORCf 16-7X8 /J lED ROOM 11 BED ROOM 16X16 PARLOR 16X15 ^74^^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS PENNVILLE COTTAGE. Design 2-N; cost, $570; plans. $5; width, 24 It. 2 in. by 29 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. SAN FRANCISCO COTTAGE. Design 2240- N; in frame, $550 to $780; plans, $5; width over all, 39 ft.; story heights, 10 ft. Have $5 stock plans with the following changes, named San Francisco No. 2: Built on brick piers, parlor, IS ft. 2, in. by IS ft. 2 in.; dining-room, 15 ft. 2 in. by IS it. 2 in. San Francisco No. 3: With parlor, chamber and dining-room enlarged to IS It. 2 in. sqo^e, with 17 ft. 5x12 kitchen and 5x6 ft.'closets, with 12 It. stdry heights. San Francisco No. 4: Snudstrom design, same as No. 1, with three rooms above, 15x13, 11x12, 8x12, and rear st.::irs and bath-room in kitchen. PA Rl_ R IS' A 13' -V -75- HERftERT e. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^ KITCHEN (J 4X I4-' LIVING- "R CHAMBER PORCH IS 4- \ la i «J USKEGON COTTAGE.— Design 2056N; in frame, $450 to $550. plans, $5; width, 24 ft. 2 in. by 29 It. 6 in.; story, heights. 10 ft. Special features: Neat exterior, the details of this cottage are very complete and insure an attractive building. ROSSDALE COTTAGE.— Design 1982-N; in frame, $480 to $690; plans. $10. I found much pleasure in looking over your "Artistic Homes." MRS. C R. TIDINGS, Ocala, Fla. -76- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Jamestown Cottage No. 2, design 5077. See de- sign page 78, width 28, story heights 9 and 9-ft. Plans $10. bLMlRA COTTAGE.— Design 1558-O; in frame, $1276 to $1479; width 29ft. 4 in.; story heighu, 9 ft. 6 in. (full second story). Special features: den or conservatory to dining-rocok Porte-cochere; side enuancc; in expensive tower. See page 05; House came out all right as per plans furnlsbed by yon. Am pleasantly surprised, with generrfl appearance.— D. M. Splcer, Tiffany, Wis. -77- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT C CHIVERS AKCHITECr-ST LOD19 AMESTOWN COTTAGE.- Design 9076-N; cost in frame, $1,124 to $1,298; plans, $10; width, 26 (L 2 in.; story heights, 9 ft. in. Special features: Attractive stained shingle effect; plain simple and easy to construct. A good corner-lot design. CHivERS • »«CMITECT HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOIV1ES II CMit 80 mure )• catMd)' style. coa> Vfflleoceantfecen- 'iin> fa ^Ua ar- raateneitt (bun whcH it fi com- moapli(.e. Makes wise scleclion of your trchilect tud depend on resulls Pino COTTAGE.— Design 2402M; cost in frame $1,292 to $1,380; plans $10. See page 65. -79- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC nOMES My Men ft Mt ctuf Mtit an^ tbcrrfore I caaavt ■Miilly ester lata wark compclhWe- Ijr, as Maajr d«, M iM**IMeloi>,kat will laaraatet ea< lire aalitlactlon la fU» arrasfCBcat BWaRCO cottage.— Design 1349X1; cost. $998 to $1,098; plans, $10; special features: Convenient bath-room aruuigement; pleasant out-iook froi.i main rooms. See page 65. -80- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES • * Kershaw cottage.— Design 1407-0; eoit in frame $1 ,49* to $1 ,560; plans $io. See page 65. I am In posseasion of one of yonr booka to-wit: "Artlatle Hornet," and am well pleased with the book.— P. M. Beam, Potean, Ark. -81 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOM E S ENFIELD COTTAGE— Design 100,035-N; cost, $1,592 to $1,642; width, 42 ft.; story heights, 1st. 10 ft.; cellar, 7 ft. under rear of house. Special features: Large rooms and bath; pleasant out- look to front chamber; plenty of closets; large attractive porch. ARTISTIC HOMES Corapolis Cottage No. 2 design 5083-A, story I 2 ft. See design page 84. Plans $15. =H O u »-« o X 1 < ' a « (^ »-l Corapolis Cottage No. 3 1 h. see design page 84. design 5083-B, story Plans $1 5. -ft-i- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CORAPOLIS COTTAGK— Dwign 2 248M;cost in frame. $1,392 to $i.s8o; plans, $15. See page 65. My residence Is conaldercd the handsomest 1b the city, and the local papers have commented on II favorably. The boose shows vp eren Wtter thaa the original perspectlre view which ycu sent A. r. BAUBB. rt Madison. Iowa. We are very mnch pleased with the house and wish to thank you for th« Interest taken by yon while we were building same. Tour plans and specifi- cations were perfectly satisfactory. FRANK A. LBAVBNS, (Paper Makers' Supplies), Neenah, Wis. -84- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Clinton cottage— Design 1767-O; in frame. $99810 $1,098; plans, $10; width over all, 31 ft. 4 in.; storf heights, lift. Special features: Convenient bath-room. See page 65. DINING R 13X11-4 XI 1-4 y 9/11 \ 1 C 1 o] ICl o After having plans furuUhed by you for mj booae I feel it dae 70a and jroar work to make some statement relative to same. I found plana aad speettoi- tlons absolutely correct In every re8i)ect. I could have paid twice what I did for plans and then found them a great saving of time, material and money. U Isn't worth while, though, for me to atate that I am well pleased with your work, for you will find enclosed check and order for a second plan which wtll demonstrate th« fact. REV. F. H. QUINN. Payette, Mo. -85 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES KlYVILLE cottage.— Design 100,034-0; size 34x51; cost, $1,000 to $1,200; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Pleasant outlook to chambers, and spacious porch; space for one large room above. See page 65. -86- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iu«ainiuu|n|ii(|Uiuam«iiiiiti«Mniiiiii'trnitiiMi'iiHtl«iiiuniftuiiimtiuilM(ni<«MlKiaii(i«>• (tit Inntt U h retMuMt u rrt- snow tkMt Jom CM scturt bOltr lad quicker urTlces el iklfsfdnlkjaun tc kW elMvkere RAYWOOD COTTAGE,— Design 2404-N; cost in Irsme, $1,080 to SU40; plans, $10; neat, clean-cut exterior. -92- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Saratoga cottage.— Design 1998-O; in frame, $990 to $1,000; plans, $8; width, 33 ft. 8 in. by aSft.; itory heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. Special features: Bay io parlor. See index for Saratoga plan revised. See page 65. FORETHOUGHT IN BUILDING ^jwT a/j 15 )(in( of all out'doors, • ^itlds and faatoriM, and ftoret' '^omail ^<'* ^•^ nalrri inside ^ ^^here she reigns willj dainttf pride. fiuild 0/ marhle, hricif or wood, ^ui build vorr^an's ^iq^donj food. ^/jtt her T^oyal ^ifhqess ehoost "^Fhich of Shioers' plans to ate. ^aoe ifjem cljan^ed to sait her taste, ^oerythinf necessary, yet notliinf waste Tr»ai your wife as if you uer* ffinfly consort unto her. I hare completed taj hooM from the plans purcbaaed from too lart «|irlng. They worked out Tery nicely. Erery one who aeea my honae *^j^ " tte BO«t conrenlent one they were eTer Id. I thank you for your Una ai- teaOoo ft» tne paat and •wtan yon future snoceaa Par* F. TengUns. SalMEL O. (Second onMllclted testimonial.) —93 ~~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ROGERVILLE COTTAGE — Design 7441-O; in frame, $1,098 to $1,189; plans, $5; width, 41 ft. by 57 ft.; story heighis, 1 1 ft.; brick pier foundation. Special features: Wide central hall, large rear porch. Seepage 65. II >M ialenl 10 bwild this sanner pltct your order now. It U none too early. Take lime to lormulale yoar ideas in a practical wi). with Ibc aid ol an architecl of kroad cipericace DINING R PARLOR 15X18 BED R 15X14 Jl^ BED R 5X12 9ft VF:RAND, 1 I am saUefled with my booae. I had it built accordlnc to plans and I b* lleTe that I have the nicest beat arranged and most conTenl«nt bonss tn otr city. W. M. STIOALL, StewartsTlIlM. Uo. -94- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CORWIN COTTAGE— Design roo,o32-0; size 29x56; cost $1,099 to $1,296; story heights, ist 10 ft., cellar 6 ft. 6 in. Special features: Well-ventilatee parlor, pleasant outlook, convenient bath-room, large closets. See page 65. Plans $10 -95 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES A r> ^ DELVEY COTTAGE.— Design 1789-N; cost in frame, $M92 to $1,440; plans, $10. 96- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S BrICEVILLE cottage— Deiign »39sM, cott to «r«» _Q'7_ $1,191 lo $i.»8o. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 3lg.4 ARTISTIC HOMES Q" o ELLSBORO COTTAGE.— Design 1785-N; cost in iraine, $1,090 to $1,240; plans, $10; story heights, 10 it. 6 in. Special features: Large bay-shaped parlor; chambers convenient to sitting-room. Bath-room could be shortened and linen closet placed in end. '-98- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I must say: you put cooTenlenc^ and style Into a plan. CHARLES R. ROBB. Powhatan Point Ohio. ?UTbu«n ef 1034-p«ft book vlU re^tr* do eth^r. m It U th« UjKtit pvblubod. ladUptaiAbU U ftsy oiM latendl&g to build. Canton cottage— Design 1768-O; in frame, $498 to $697; plans; $/o width, 30 ft. 6 in. by 39 ft. 4 in.; story heights. 10 ft. Special features: Compact combination of rooms; large parlor. The working plans are very neat and attractive in design. See page 65. -99 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ! ml 'UNBAR COTTAGE.— Design 100191-O; in &ame, $550 to $680; plans, $iowidth, 28 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 10 ft. See page 65. HERBERT C CHIV3RS ▲BOHITBCT- ST. 1.0UIS 7 BED ROOi I PARLOP 13-4X13-41 13-4X15-4 -100- Plans were all right and am well pleased. HARRT A BBOOKS. Oto. la. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES E SOTO COTTAGE— Design 72- N; cost, $798 to $899; siie, 35 fL by 52 it. Very attractive design; plans, $5. Special features: Attractive, octagonal porch; bay-shaped parlor and chamber. Plans $5 -101- HERB ERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES '' DeSoto Cottage No. 2 design 5 I 02-A. See page 101. Story heights 10 ft. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I APINSVILLE COTTAGE— Design 7142-N; in frame, $1,492 to $1735; plans, $15; width, 27 (f. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 (t. 6 in. Special features: Attractive design. Plan No. 2, same as above, but reversed, with sitting-room 13.4x13 ft.; parlor 13 ft. 6x15 ft. 6 in.; bath-room connects also with kitchen, with 4x6 ft. kitchen closet back of bath-room and stairs to attic from dining- room{and stairs to basement -103- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Roof Roof >n Paplnsville Cottage No. 2 design 5 1 04. story heights 1 and 8 ft cut to 5 ft 6 side walls above. Plans $15. -104- RlCHVILLE RESIDENCE— Design 9149 M; in frame, $1490 to $1596; plans, $15; width, 28 ft. 2 in. x 29 ft. width HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :HESTER COTTAGE— Design 1742-O; in frame, $879 J; plans $10; width, 34 ft. 6 in. by 39 ft.; width over all, 46 ft.; two rooms, 15 ft. 8 in. by 18 ft. and 15 ft. 8 in. by 12 ft., above.; story heights, 9 ft. 4 in.; 9 ft. in the clear. Special features; Stone work in front comes up to window sill, all is corbelled-out for oriel window, giving a substantial effect. See page 65. Plans $20 VRHANDA 15X8 -105- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ^ •^v:v>-;;v UNFIELD COTTAGE. — Design 1780-N; cost in frame, $1,392 to $1,480; plans, $10. Special features: Large attractive sitting- room, with book-case on the side. Attractive, yet inexpensive exterior. Good clean cut architectural design. Plans $10 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES /HRKVILLE cottage.— Design 9490-O; in frame, to $1,099; plans, $10; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Side entrance makes it serviceable as a physician's residence. See page 65. Plans $ I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $10 CASSVILLE COTTAGE.— Design 9742-N; in frame, $650 to $799; plans, $10. Special features: Compact plan; attractive and novel exterior. Plans $3 ;• B« CARR COTTAGE.— Design 420I-N; in frame, $750 to $789; plans, $5; story height, 10 It. H08- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Fairfax design 5 I 09, width over all 39 ft 6. Story heights II and I Oft 6. Plans $15. Ik filliog book or plui erden, it It my eamntdetire that all ihould reel that they are getting their trwney't wonh, although I endcavoi to give more. Bit ihouM you Dot feel fully jatitfied. let me hear from you at once. Thii is — | Qg _ important to me. It will be appreciated, for in doing buaioeii by mail, t am alwayi open to fair criticiiin. My lucceti doei not depend on one-lime orders, I wabt the work of your (r'cndi and neithbort. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Pinole design 5110, width over all 30 ft, story heights 9 and 8 ft. Plans $15. Very compact plan THKNE<;E8S1TV ok PRKI.IMI.SARY PL.V.N;f. It la M-Idoni tbst on<- gtlt t nulMblc arraugrnipot Ibv vor/ llrsi Uin*. tbrr*- tsirn U U ^t^'**a«.1r7 to flrst aeod th« plaui In sket>-'b form ao a* to mak« tb«m baody for approral. or dIaappruTal of certain ptrta aj jou am- at Our fnatrvt Oifflrulry la io getting a cllt>nt*« flrat Ideas. Antt tbis la aometimoa ooon- tedloua tbnn making the plan*. We bare aaTer ret (ailed to pleaa* aaj uoe vbare tbey bav«. treatixl ua with due conalderatloo. ir )roa liave anjr printed dealgna (ram wblrb 70U wlab to adopt cert&tn onia- oienul featurea. wa can eiuliodr tbem In yoor dealgna and eotleaTor to atlU Im- proTe on aiiv ausifcailoaa offefed. -I 10- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ning Jstcre ■ - I " - "^° °n^ , V Chamber" ' ^^ „ FTV- anber 18-6x15-9 it'ing P. Ptrlor Avisadero design 5111, width over all 5 1 ft, story heights 9 and 8 ft. Suitable for southern climate. Plans $15. A. WOHI) OK CAUTION. IlendnTi of ihl« riiliiloKa<- of anbllecturHl (Imlgnu nro rotprctfully inmiKl nmt r«|Oo«tKl not to hnlld from rtMlBnii or a^v portlonn of pinna "howD tiiHreio. An.T (iupllriijr of this kind when found out nnd rp|K>rird ty our utiiUTe> will ht charcrd for aoording to the legal fcca or 3nl on tin coat of aald ifoprovvmruta. -111- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Lumber Bill We do not furnish a lumber bill. We state this here par- ticularly, as some people have an idea that a lumber bill should accompany each set ofiilans and specifications. Redding design 5112, width over all 48 ft, story heights 9 ft, cut down slightly above by roof. Plans $ 1 5. W* «n aboolutely mpooalble and do all (lu| w* adTcrtlM and ctltl CB-. d*»ror to do mor*. and tbmfsre canoot aSord to aniwrr Irttrr* or deToU tbac witli Irrapooiible or Idle InquLrrr*. We Iut« hnadrrda of IMten of approT*! IroiB partita wbom we hare !utJ X I S ^ CHAMBER 114 Xia'B V. Colorado Springs design 5115, story Plans $10. ^, ,3_ f,^,g}^,^ IQ fj [ PARLDR \5^ X IB HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS I HERBETtT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Contra G)sta c!esign_ 5117 width heights 9 27 ft 6 story I believe that with Ihif -publication, most anyoae can Kcure an idea or two, at leaat, auflficieot to ex- plain their needa ia plan arrangement, am] form a nucletu or batii on which we can luccetafully de- »elope and work-out a satislactorf plan. _ I I 7 _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Maxwell design 5118, story heights 1 and » ■-II8- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tamarack design 5119, width over all 45 h, story heights" 10 and 8-ft 6. Plans $10. -119- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H01V1ES Riovista design 5 1 20, story heights 1 and 8 ft 6. Plans $10. My bonw It coa«ld«r«d a medti o( eooTtotecicc «ad I am wen pluMd with tbe prampttDUiBer Uuit 70a aUcd aty onlar. I Mod 70a ptioto •( boiue ondcr wpanu coTcr. W. a DUOKHAM. Aabkam. lU. -120- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Dunsmuir design 5121, story heights 9 ft 6 and 8, width 31 ft. Plans $10. PROSPECTIVK CLI^TS. Projpectire client* at a distance thould be terj emphatic if they mean buMne«5. I get 10 many idle inquiries, to which! can pay no alleniioo and It will pay you to be frank in your dealings with thi« office, as I lake great interest in appreciative clients, who ha»e ambition enough to have niy plana earned out nght when they get them, as it meant satisfaction all aromd, «nd leads to other work. 10 1 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE>CTS Bonita design 5122, story heights 1 ft, full story height. Plans $ 1 0. tower bed rooni 480 Cumberland St.. PoriUnd.Maint. Mr Utrbcrt C Chivfrs. Si Louis. Mo Dear Sir — The coitaite. built from the Baraboo Cottage pIaT>. which we purchased from you is completed, .tnd we arc now* occupying it It is most con- venient and in every way a charming cottage We felt that an expression of our appreciation of the correctness ol the working plans and specifi- cations wa.s due you. aUo. everything was all right and we are perfectly satisfied and much pleased with it in every respect If we are e\er in need of plans, you may bi sure lh.nl we will send to you Very truly yours. JOHN C PRESTON. There it «ocomp»ri*on between tne encllent work turned out »t ihii office and the work of the catpenter-»rehitec«, or the "iketch-tm and c»tiji-«in architect, who offers free sketchei. of publiihing and pl»ining-iniU comp*niei. Architecture is » distinct profession, and is above aP of this. It is my distinct occupation to prepare plans, in the best possible manner. xdA at the least pos- sible cost, and in doing a largpr business than any four concerns combtD|^ in the country, it is c)uite reasonable to presume that -practKe makes peilect, or pitarly so. ^ 1 7 1 _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Donna Anna design 5 1 23. width 29 over all 39 ft. story heights 8 ft 6. Large living room. Plans $ I 0. - 123- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Mt. Ellsworth design 5 1 24,- heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans $10. story heights 9 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVl E S Fairlawn design 3125, story 1 I ft, width 42. Plans $10. It it impotsible for injr one to estimate the cott of a build- ing and have the figures hold good in all sections of the country. We do liot claim to be able to do it. Baraboo No. 12 design 5i25-B. See page 45 -125- for exterior. Story heights 9 and 9. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Beechmont design 5126, story height 10 ft. Neat tower effect. Plans $ 1 0. We received your letter and will SRy we are rcry much pleased with four plans. Will send picture of house as lOon as finished. The» are ikiw plaiter- ing and the carpenter* are working on porch. Our bulkier is also pleased with plans.— HENRY M. CHRISLER, Schenectady. N. Y. -126- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. AR C H 1 T EC TS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S Mantelle design 51 27- A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans $15. Rio Blanco design 51 27-B, story heights 9-lt 6. Plans tlS ♦ , , r- 24ft--—, J : Torch I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Mt. Vemon design 5 1 28, story heights 1 2 ft. Plans $ 1 0. Parlor |l5ft4xl4ft6 H- Porch Nemo G)tfage No. design 5 I 28, story heights I I ft. Plans $15 -.-); -128- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S f>t^ 7^ Port Angeles design 5 1 29, story heights lO-ft, width 37 ft. Plans $5. _|2g_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 5 ARTISTIC HOMES d-' ''^' - Fayman design 5 1 30, story heights 1 ft, ' Very compact plan. Plans $ 1 0. width 33-ft 8. I Emporia, Kansas, May 34, 19^' Mr. Ilcrben C. Chivers, Dear Sir — Permit m faction wii ' otir ch,..v ^ ...ethods of doing bii Sincerely voiirs, "VV A PARKER. Minister of llie First Clirisli.in Church Dear Sir — Permit mc to ^ay a word concerning our sat- isfaction with thf plans which you have prepared of otir church :ind the appreciation of your BWeMPHIS COrrAGF— Design Aofij-O; in fume, $4-'5 10 $490; plans. $5; width, >5 ft. 4 in. by 14 h.\ width over all, 18 ft., >tor> heights, 9 ft. 6 id. Specuil features: Unique and inexpensive porch and general grouping of gables. Mod- Scalions: Chamber could be lued for dining-room; kitchen for sitting-room; and a kitchen addition built on back of chamber. See page 65. . , _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Leslie design 5131, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans $10. Porch '^^'^'^ °oeni XSr. _j irpfPT- Kitchen ■ Chamber 13-6x10-4 i l''^12 / Youn ot recent date to hand. Would say that we hive a rtrj good home in process of construction, built fr(*m your plans, and have just got it plastered. If I was to buUd another house should gel my plans the sam* way. Will send you a photopaph as soon as we have one taken. DANIEL COLT, Winsted, Conn. -131- HERBERT C. CHIVEKS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hot waster is the most expensive system to insull and the cheapest to operate. It is expensive to constnict because it re- quires more piping and greater radiating surface. \ Los Banos design 5133, story heights 9 and 9 ft. Very compact. Plans $ 1 0. ►- - - 25ft.. -133- 'The house you entftrire (or is aeu the %t.^\ne, a long distance olT, and a photo would cost quite a luoa. The building is »erv satisfictorf.' , THOMAS WILMARTH. *mmdenvilte Mais. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES jUEENSDALE COTTAGE.- Design 70-N; cost. Sl^9Z to $1^98; 1 pUns. $10; size. 41 It 8 in. by 63 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 it 3 in.; attractive brick mantle on second door; very attractive ! and simple porch and roof arrangement Queensdale design, 5 1 34-B, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9 ' ft.' Plans $10, Chamber " Parlor 14-8x14-10 16-2x14-10 Queensdale No. 2 design 51 34-B. stoty heights 9- ft6and8-h6. Plans $10. Where to Beg in- \^1ien you g« ready to build go to* compcteot architect, give bim time to study and work up your plans. ■ " ■ Pay him bl. regular per cent, and Helen to his advice and not others until you have unqueatlonable rcasoas to believe in and trust to his experience and you will be glad you did bo when your house Is .completed. ^^^_^^__^_^__^^_^_ HERBERT C, CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Berendo design 5135, story heights I 1 -ft 6. Plans $ 1 0: 35- City RESIDENCE.— D«ign 8js6Mf HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Berkshire design 5137, in brick, storyji'heights 10 ft. Plans $10. n)mGO RESIDENCE.— Dengs SssU; in frme. $>,soo to$2,68o: plans, $25; width, 44 ft by 32 ft.; vidtb over tS, 48 ft; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Semi-circuk^ bay windows in front; coniervatory at rear of hall; siie, 14x15 ,_ -136- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Berthera stone design 3137, story heights 1 and 8-ft 6. Plans $15. -35ft5 A Ft PorelfX Porel^\Kitchen H Den Uftxl2ft3/cPxl2.8 Olivia cottage.— Design 100,10601 in fruae, $)S^ to $49S: plant, $5. Special features: Wide overhanging — |37~ eaves, beautiful home-like erterior. S the cheapest in the end. LIVING R PARLOR 12x11 litis »VheD it ii con«id«red lh»t neirly eveiy page of tliit book conuins very expensive pUle-nutter. for which drawings and cult must first be made. Mnik idea of its cost of produclioB can be imagined, therefore, it is hoped, in the interest of better house plans, tliat purchasers will loan this work freely as an incentive to ones neighbors to improve attractively, and ilius enhance the value of large residential disiricis. -143- urpRFRT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CHAMBER I HALL [' 10X9-6 I 5-6X1 1|. PORCH 16-6 X 6-6 1 LIVING ROOM 25 X 14' [I SEAT-) I I — V *o'- - Kalama design 5 1 44, 9-h story. Large attractive living rooms. Plans $ 1 0. Mri. House and mytelf tre highly pleaKd with onr home and do Dot bet- itate to rccommCDd youi work Co any one intending to traitd a itoise. Da. J. C. HOUSE. Port Towntesa, Wash. -144- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Pckin, III. Stpt. 4, 191 - Mr Htrbcrl C Cliivcri. St Loiiii, Mo. De»r Sir — I Ukc grtit pk-aiiirt in in;iiling yoii under Sep- " arate co\er a recent photo of my house. Al- though the Icii^n was thoroughly admirCd from the \ery t'irst, 1 sni ple:iscd to say the hotise is even more Siiisiactory now than when it w.is Iir4t occupied, ouing Urgely to the gener.1l ex- cellence of the de>igfi which is more fully ap- preciited as tlie years p'is> by. Vours very truly, (Hardwire) JOHN RUST. I- iYSICI.^N'S RESIDENCE .\ND OFFICE. — Design I ;52M; in frame, $1,298 to $1.5901 plans. $15: width over all. 42 ft. 8 in., story hei^ett, 10 It. Special features: Large central sitting-room wtiicb is available for office or residence. Compact fire-place arrangement, neat simple exterior. (See index for other physir'T.:* *^rtit^ci.^ See page 65. P. I I clo I Hall I Dining Room • Chamber Il5ftxl3ft4in /2ftxl3fU r«r ■Ba:.:v.|> / ^- Parlor 13ft8il4ftl0 p. ^ Kalona design 5145 Plans $5. -145- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES W^''W Denvers design 3 1 46, sldry 9-ft. Plans $ 1 0. Plans $10 -146- TlL3ERT COTTAGE.— DetigB 141 5M; coal in frame $«98 plan* $10. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $10. ^'^iV::; mNinHH^ '^ f 1 ■v9'% REDONIA COTTAGE.— Design 9946-N; cost in frame, $1,144 to $1,349; plans, $10'; width, 25 ft. by 56 ft.; story height, 10 ft. Special features: Unique circular-top porch; attractive design; convenient bath-room; large vestibule HOW TO ORDER PLANS. -147- ludlvidual chwks cannot lie reoclved, unless 15 cents exchange Is allowed. Send Bank draft, registered letter, express or P. O. money order, made payable to Herbert O. Chlvers. See order lilajiks. sketch blanks and money order applica- tion blanks in back of book. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $20 DaWKINS cottage Design 2410M; cost in fnunft $1,- •90 to $1,340; plans $20. See pkge 65. Plans and specifications and details for residence came to ^and promptly and I am well pleased with tbem.Ttaey are much more tull and complete In most respects than I bad expected.— Wm. Stove Devol, Redlanda, CaL -148 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOIVIES Viking cottage— Design 9142M; in frame, $599 to $690; plans, $10; width over all, 30 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Compact plan, pleasing roof lines. / See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Carlisle cottage.— Design 100192-O; b frame, us° to $598; plans, $10; width, 27 ft. 10 in.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Plain, neat exterior. See page 65. -150- tn HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^^■'^ yuiyzSift^f-iiM' ^^T: '^■-^j^tt h^ Dulzura design 5151, story heights 1 ft, width 34-ft. Plans $5. .Dining R n Chamber i3-6Tiit trl " " — WJ F •l3-6xl£ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -^- - '•"■"^ East Gaines design 5152. story 10 ft, width 34 ft. Plans $5. luNGSTON COTTAGE Dtsijn itjoM; in frame. $750 *o $1100; fUxa,^te;norf hcighu. 9 aod 8 ft. ($ ft. tide walls) HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS > ARTISTIC HOMES UVyOBILE COTTAGE— Design i7430;in frame. $89010 $1,098; plans, $5; width, 31 ft. 2 in. by 39 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: Neat, compact plan, convenient bath-room, good fire-place arrangement. See page 65. -153- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I built Dr. Green's house for which yon prepared plans, and know the raloe of working plans and have worked after some good architects. Yon certjilnly have novel Ideas. JOHN DOYLE. Builder, wnmlngton. O. PI ans MaRRISBURG- cottage.— Design 1941-O; in frame. $940 to $1,029; plans, $ width, 30 ft. by 50 ft.; width over all, 35 ft.; story heights, 10 ft. The working plans show bay window to bed room as indicated on plan. We have $8 plan with dining-room and bed-room connected, leaving out cen- tral hail, and fire-place in parlor. See page 65. BCD R.. ^f Kn-CMtN RVKn; f=Fr !»<«>» HARRISBURG COTTAGE No. 2.— Washburn design i3-0; plans, $10; cost. $1,198 to $1,298. 54- HERBERT C. CH1VERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VINTON COTTAGE — Design 4528 M; in frame, $1399 to $1369; plans, $5; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in, See page 65- Plans $5. Plans $25. A SUBURBAN HOUSE. BPU PUE COrrAGE.— Design ic , 029M-, cost $1390 to $1492; size, 46 X 29; extreme width, 56 ft.; special feat- ures; plain, practical roof, home-like ex- terior. Plans, '15. Seepage 65 Plans $15 \ ,^-n-. / " 'jciiiipin / 1 -~«.,.J \ -155 ^ HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $10 Pandora COrrAGE —Design 1207M; size, ^9x44 ft. 6 in.; story height, lo ft. Special features: Bath-room close to bed rooms; compact plan. Cost, $1,045 ^° $i.'99; plans $10. Seepage 65. We moved iato our new home in Oct. We are well pleated. A great raanjr people admire our home and think it artistic and beautiful. JOHN S. MORRIS. Westport, Ind. '156- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Adirondack cottage.— Design noS-O; in frame. $898 10 $990; width, ?9 ft. 6 in. by 45 ft. 4 in.; width over all, 39 ft.; story heights, 10 and 8 ft. attic. Special features: Plain, simple roof treatment; large rooms; side No. I. porch to dining-room. Have $8 stock plans with the follow- ing changes, named (Edmonds plan^, with bay 13x13 ft. 4 in. to bed room, making this rdom 1 7 ft. long; rear chamber, 1 1' ft. 6 in. by 12 ft., with bath-room between the two;- with (ire- place in large bed room and parlor. See page 6$. -157 No. Hartford COTTAGE— Design 21 36-O; in frame, $1.- 099 to $1,198; plans, $ width, 2*9 ft. 8 in. by 47 ft. a in.; story heights, 10 and 8 ft. attic. 'Special features: I>arge sitting-room; space for one 1 5)535 ft. room on second floor. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES tiatxB mnitt or srnt out of our oflBlrp arr rom- plptp ani arruralp in rorry way j6 > .s* Elder cottage.— Design 36M;' — I 58"" HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^^ ,^ GaFFNEY RESIDENCE—Design 241 7M; T'ARLDR I ?ORCH I cost $2,386 to $s,94o; pUns $30. Seepage 65. THE HOUSE YOU PLANNED FOR ^ US WAS SATISFACTORY IN EVERY WAY MRS. W.F.LLOYD, MARSHAL, MO. TrEDONIA COTTAGE— Design 2416M; cost in fnuae $1,080 to $1,190; plans $15. See page 6i;. ARTISTIC HOMES- T N many cases our plans will produce houses of better con- * ttruction, more convenient arrangement, more complete as to details, more artistic in appearance, and yet, owing to our superior designs, at actually lower cost than a house less skillfully planned. -159- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Elklawn design 5 1 60, width over all 38 ft. Large dining room, commodious veranda. Story heights 9-ft6. Plans $15. Tto house plans came to hand prompUy and appear to be all rtjEht »t lewt my buUder pronounced them so. PABK F. YENGLING. Salem. O. -160- HER BERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS j ARTISTIC MOMES Plans $ I 0. §T. CHARLES COTTAGE— Design 1769 M; in ,frame, $988 to $1092; plans, $ioi width, 34 ft. 8 in. by 31 ft.: stpry heights, 9 ft. (second story walls cut down to 5 ft. by roof). See page 65. 7 rmn?^ „./"» t \o?<'\- LO In behalf of the Board of Education of tbe City of BloomOeld. I will say Ibnt we are more than well pleased witb your work on plans and speciflcattona for our new high school. Tliey are a credit to any architect. RALPH WAMMOCK, (Pres.' Board of Education), Bloomfield, Mo. -161- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHIT'ECTS Sig.6 ARTISTIC HOMES Port union residence— Design 232 7-0; cost, $1490 to $1,567; plans, $10; space for four good-size rooms above; special features: Large, -wide verandas. See page 65. Oxonia, Ind., Jan. 29, 19 '. Mr. H. C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir; — In regard to plans for my house, would say wc are well pleased in every respect. A ren)ark made by one of my friends covers all I could say: "Could not add or take anything away to add to its beauty." Yours truly. (Merchant) _|A2- CLARENCE DENNMS HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $20. Champaign residence.— Design ooi-O; in frame, $1,292 to $1,414; plans, $10; width, 28 ft.-, story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Modifications: Can furnish this with octagon porch. Seeoagedi;. Plans $ I 5. BUSHFIELD RESIDENCE.— Design 1S27-O; in frame, $1,298 to $1,498, plans $15; width over all, 23 ft. 6 in. story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Seepage 65. -163- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES •Ph\. Plans $20. PerRYVILLE residence.— Design 7101-O; in frame, $2,280 to $2,399; cost of plans, No. i or No. a, $20, width of plan. No. i, 41 ft. 10 in. by 50 ft. 2 in.; of plan No. 2, 42 ft. by 50 ft. 2 in.; story heights, plan No. i, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in.; plan No. 2, 10 ft. and 9 ft.; special featurei: Balcony first floor; bath; isolated kitchen. See page 65. RESIDENCES My success in Fint Houses is in readily seel nf my clients' desires, Dro fications: An extra room could be placed where porch now is. See page 33. -181- Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ROOKSVILLE COTTAGE.-^Design 8200-N; in frame, $1,192 to $1,390; plans, $10; story heigms, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in.; floored attic with space for two good sized rooms. Special features: Prac- tical and attractive design; well-ventilated rooms. -182- Plans$IO. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LOVERDALE COTTAGE.— Design 7040-N; in frame, $1,098 to $1,298; plans, $10; story height. 10 ft.; a large stove in living- room would heat the other rooms; attractive and simple gable design; inexpensive construction. " l I KITCHEN PORCH [/ ® /V--A DINING -"R ll-Q XI3-B i CHAM HEIR l4-.a XIE LIVING-R II-6- X II Ir "^'^ ll-B-Xll PARLOR - IQ-B XIB H 183 'I ' ■* Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS C Q . ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BalJ StoragJ ch. Jstoragel B Parlor Hall 1^"-'" 1211 See page 1 85. Cloverdale No. 2 design 5 1 84, ^ory heights 1 ft. /2rK/3"a Radnor residence. _ JMCJt- DesJgn 2^7 2M; __ 1 Q ^ -IT, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES CyNTHIANA cottage.— Design 8i-0; cost $692 to $749; plans, $10. Also modified plan No 2, Banker design, with 9x9 ft kitchen back of rear chamber, with pantry, with fire-place to front chamber only, with present back ch,ambef used as 13x14 ft dining-room, with present parlor and dining- room used as chambers, with extr* yxio ft. chamber back of this, with large closets in t\^o back chambers; plans, $10. Also modified plan No. 3, Boucher design, same as No. 2, iexcept it has rear stairs and bath in place of rear chamher, with 9x12 ft. kitchen; also (Raben) Cynthiana No. 4, with 7x1 2 bath in place of pantry, #ith fire-place omitted in rear chamber and dining-room, with door and stoop to dining- room. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Cynthiana No. 2 design 5lo6-A. See page 185. Story heights 1 ft. Plans $ 1 0. ) Cynthiana No. 3 design 5186-B. Seepage 185. Story heights 1 ft. Plans $ 1 0. -1 86- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Albany. Mo. Mr. Herbert C. Chlvem, 81. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: I have neglected to write Until now. but will say that my bouse gives me entire satisfaction. It Is JUst what I Wanted. It Is roomy, well lighted and ventilated. It is admired by evi-rybody for Its Inside comfort Vour plans were a success and were followed 111 every particular. Yours truly.' G. F. PERRY. /Albert lea cottage.— Design 2213-0; in frame. $380 to $450; plans, $s; width, 21 ft. 6 in. by 44 ft.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Large living room, pantry and closets; convenient stairs; very economicalto* build- [\ ^'""'S^fM D R lomo' itui> n't\i, X2 /EKAHbA Cheap cottages.— Plans $5 each. -187- Plans $5. "i ERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (BlAREMONT cottage.— Design, 1 971; in irame, $575 to $680; plans, $5.; width, 31 ft. x 22 ft. 6 in.; storjr heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in., Special features; Marge living room. See page 65. Plans $5. n \C. iti'xio Dim T^. -u _1_1V ^M I- iZ-ojC 15-10 I*- 0)Ci5-i« LT The plans which yon drew for*tny hoaae have not yet been used, owing t» latAOew of season, but builders state that plans are finely executed. L. GALLAGHER. Allegheny, Pm. My smnmer bouse win cost a little more than I expected to put Into It. but I am so well pleased with the arrangement, that I have decided to make no "»*°««8. A. LOBB. Philadelphfti. Pa. -188- lHj HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITEC ARTISTIC HOMES NAPLES COTTAGE.— Design 1782-N; cost in (Tame, $1,592 to $1,780; plans, $10. Plain, neat exterior; large parlor; compact arrangement. -189- Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LaVADA cottage.— Design 82M; cost, $590 to $698; ■toty heights, 9 ft and 8 ft. Plans, $10. See page 65. -190- Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KaCINE cottage Design 1764-O; in frame, $78910 $998; plans, $10; width over all, 26 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Compact plan, attractive "tower- like bay, bath-room ventilated through slat window to attic stairs and lighted by Ceiling panel of ground glass. See page 65. The plnns .tou sent were correct ia every respect and the work on them some- Ing to be admired. IRA LADT. Wenona, 111. -191- Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ADKIN COTTAGE.— Design 2399-N; cost in brick with 9- inch wall, $2,580 to $3,000; plarts, $ 15 . Special features: Attractive porch; large sitting-room; well-ventilated kitchen; large bath- room; very suitable as a corner- lot design; circular portion of porch works-up attractively in design. Plans $15. -192- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Itasca residence.— Design 2255-0; cost in frame $1,492 to $1, 580; plans $to. See page 65. fVJ^M -193- ItASCA residence No. ^. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 7 ARTISTIC MOMES /AlGONA residence — Design 100,040-0; width, 47 ft.; cost, in brick, $2,340 to $2,498; plans, .'$15; story heights, ist 10 tt. 6 in., 2d 9 ft. cut down to 5 ft. See page 65. ^W^^J^T£^,l\fa. OCT 21 J J HERBERT C. CHIVERS, ESQ.. ST. LOUIS. MO. fiEAR SIR:. «» «T,. ^J^^^ "'^^ ^^ ^°" f^VE PROVED SATISFACTORY. THE DESIOJ OF IHE HOUSE IS MEAT IN APPEARANCE ATfD COST. 1 AM W51L PLEASm YOU.RS TRULY, "-w«/. •"194" <::^JcC/'i^/u,uyS^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OnVIGHT residence — Design 9742-O; j^^j .q $53'/; plans, $7.50; width over all, 16 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. cut down to 5 ft. walls. Special features: Stained fhinglf H. C. Chlvcrs, St. Louis. Uo. Dear Sir:- The plans "vnd specif icatlo.TS rurnished nt.by you abfjjt • year ago were satijfuctory In evfry resp*3t vid 1 lake pleasure In stating to you that I ao wall plea.ied pith the house in every .letall. Yours rospejtfully. -195 c ^ d. o^^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Chattanooga residence.— Design 1869 M; in frame, $960 to $1090; plans, $10; width, 36 ft. 2 in. by 29 ft. 6 in.; width over all. 40 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. J -'■' j-T-y „ ^'=^L H iix)fe :::: '' L I'^'^S h ^ = P H P 1 r liunt 27th 1» 010. W. SARKKN. •O* MONAONOCK BLA CHICAGO. ILU Berbcrt C. Chlvars, Stq.. St. Louis, no. Dear Sir:- a; house built froa jour plant la tha cbtj and adalratle of the «hole Ttllace aad redounAed-ereatly to tha eretlt of the arahlteet. Htapestfullj, -196- .^^^..Mr/J. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS J-^^ Mar. 24,19 Mr. Herbert C. Chivers, St, Louis, Uo. Dear Sir:- The house lur which you prepared plans, suits me exactly, I could not he better pleased, I consider distance no barrier whei dealing with an architect of your ability, as you seem to taioiy intuitively Tihat pleases one. yours, very truly. -197- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARC^ilTECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES 1 found muc& pleasure in lookiog over your "Artistic Homes." MRS. C. R. TIDINGS, Ocala. Fla. Jamaica RESIDENCE — Design 1599-0; in frame, $i, 285 10^1490; plans, $10; width, 27 x 39 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; special features; bath room on first floor. See page 65. dcALLATIN RESIDENCE.— Design 1S30-O; in frame, $1, 190 to $12605 in 9 in- brick, $1399 to $1480; plans, $io in frame or brick; width over all, 20 ft. 6 in,; story heights, 9.6 and 9 ft.; special features; large living-room, with fire-place; chamber cpnvenient to living-room; a ver>- picturesque house when built; modifications; Can furnish plans, with cellar en- trance at grade, connecting with the regular cellar stairs by a swinging door See page 65. -198- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S Plans.$23. 1 CHAMBER 1 II EX 9'E' la A 15- koW7 l^-TT-T IlK CHA^BEP lEE X IS ID 5ECDHD Ftoaw §??yRA COTTAGE— Design 46J0M; - 199- C^^TOl.\ RKSIUKNCK— Design 8080M: HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES . PaINESVILLE cottage. — De- sign 906O; in frame, $300 to $400; Howell cottage.— Design 1650-0; in ftame, $s8» to plans, $5; width }i ft. 4 in by j 9 ft. 4 $692; po»t foundation; plans, $5; width 30 ft. by 3$ ft. 10 in.; in.;width over all, 23 (t; stoiy heighu, stoo' heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft 5 in.; (cut down to 5 ft. 6 io. at 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft (with 6 ft. side corners of roof) Special features: Plam, neat exterior, walls). Special features: A very neat Modifications: exterior. Have $5 stock plans with the following changes (Hannibal Gardener plan): With closet to living- room, with bay to kitchen, making it 11 fl. by 13 ft. 4 VD., with two rooms above and stairs going up from kilcheo. See page 65. 9 EJ I 6r« mn\ Lowell No. 2 design 5200. story heights lO-ft and 9 ft 6-in cut to 5 ft. Plans $5. Plans $5. FIRiT OTOR-C Lowell No. I design 5200. _ tqq HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f HELLMOUND RESIDENCE. — Hutton design ig-O; cost, $940 to $1,090; story heights, 9 fl Plans, $10. See page 65 Shellmound No. 2, Shervell design, same as above; with 12x1 2 ft. kitchen; with three rooms above and large attractive bath-room and with light attractive gables and porch. Shellmound No. 3, W'elen design, same as ShelTmound, with bay and kitchen porch on opposite side of house; with bath omitted and door out onto porch in its place; with stairs to basement on opposite side and extra kitchen closet. Lindsborg. Kniis.is. June 28; 19 Herbert C Chivers, Architect. St. Louis, Mo. My Dear Sir: — The plans for my house are all in the con- tractor's hands Were very much pleased with them, and will send you snap shot picture of the structure as soon as completed. \Vc are trying to follow your suggestions as closely as pos- sible, and will certainly be glad to speak a good word for you to othe.s who are contemplating to build houses in the near future. Truly yours, SAMUEL THORSTEN'BURG. -201- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MANISTEE COTTAGE, No. 8. — Cost, $1,401., plans, $10; story heights, 9 It. and 8 ft. 6 in.; full story to large chamber. -202 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Manistee No. 13 design 5203-A, story heights 9 and. 9 ft cut to 6 ft. See pages 201-2-4-5-6 and 208. Plans $10. |u — ^— Kit. I Porch 5x11. 2/ J A Pan. Sitting Dining R Room . 13.9x15 12x15 \ Parlor H. 14ftil2ft Veranda Manistee No. 14 design 5203-B, story heights 9 ft 6. See pages 201-2-4-5-6 and 206. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O M E S CHAMBER / HnCHAi 10X13 \ y^XlO CHAMBER 9-eX13 ^--^ ]^Yj "'"'^ 1 YORKVILLE RESIDENCR— Tulpin Design lov^, .o»i, $950 to $1 .090; size, j; ft. 4 in. by 19 ft. 8 In.; story heights 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in.; plans. $8. See Manistee Cotuge on page 20 a Yorkville No. i, Southard design, in bncK •-iih 9 in. walls-, irith no bay to jittiiig-room; with fire-place to dining-room; with bath connecting with kitchen, where marked pantry; with pantry in place of porch, and light gable ends. See P»ge65- KlNGSLOW RESIDKNCE.— Hundhanson design i7-0;,il cost, $840 to $990; plans, $S, size, J5 ft. 8 in. by j6 ft. 4|il in.; story hsights, 9 ft. See design on page joo • 208 ARTISTIC HOMES -50ft Shellmound No. 3 design 5205-A. See Manistee Cottages. Story heights 9 and 9 ft. Plans $ 1 0. -205- ellmound No. Z design 5205-B. See Manistee S. Cottages. Story heights 9 ft and 8-ft 6. Plans v» HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES S t «■ IWaNISTEE COTTAGE No. 9.— Cosl $1,400; pUnsJio See iadcx for other Manistee cotuges See page 65. ■27ft Brick Manistee design 3206. Plans $10. Sec Manistee 208. '3-^1* = III- i •£ ? - if ^ e = x 5- -206- PLANNo. lo PLANNo.ii. mAMSTEK DESIGN REVISED.— coit in frame $Ji,$to pUms $io uaoh. S«e page 65 - o HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OnOER BLANK FOR STOCK PLANS Mr Herb' It C. ChlTcre. ir< I;i • cl SI i^u'8. Ml. Kocloscd plvu£C Iln«i $ K,I w^icb 8?ud slock plans of Design No. pa^o No Name of n K.i I I . . . . n SUBURBAN HOME— Design 1031-O, in frame. $2,500 , ^_„„p_, to $>,8oo; in brick, $j,ooo 10 $4,000; plans. $35 brick or ^ ■^"RKET frame; wilh changes. $35; special features: Attractive com- DATE... binatioo stairs Residences, Schools, Churches. Business Blocks. Elmonte design 5207. width over ail 40 ft. story ^^rr- heights 9 and 8-f t 6 m. Plans $12. -r^AN^.^-rE. >^ia| Bath Room. I „ I I Dining R '^ H J 17-6X13-1 oom 0" Si Ming F . 14X14' Parlor 14X13' "ht: Continued from page ■»-«»* ;hamber 14-6X14' V^ Porch -207- a. Is Orel 1 R. 1 Chamber '"" "^ 10x1? Cha.r.rer Kail lCxl2 D—U- rL ^^^^ Chamber 10x9 f— 1 ^ 1 Chambe 6x5 f1 n- =r oof HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Manistee design 3208, story heights 9 ft. Plans $8. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES PDRCH ►Mr CHETr. 17) ^ XID + 'Xl B^KMO REbt I )RNCE. — Design 49-U; cost, $1,089 to $1,198; size,. 33 ft. 8 in. by 46 ft.; story heights, 11 ft. Suitable for the so'uth, design similar to Lowell Cottage on |uge 399 . feec Winchester, des. on page ^35. See page 65. Nemo Res. No. 2, Smith design, (reversed) with 13 in. brick walls to first story, with kitchen, porch oh dining-room siiiKttiicti<4fi is a creat tf.iclitr. -215- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KeD oak cottage.— Design 899M; in frame, $695 to $789; plans, $10; width, 26 ft. 10 in. by 25 ft. 3 in.; story heights, 9 ft. cut down by roof to s ft. 6 in. inside Vails. See page 65. ti CHAMBER l5 4*Xia" ^v lax E' CHAMBER I3'4'XI5" H^I]^ CHAMBER I5XI3' -216- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES tNGLISH COTTAGE.— Design 1620-O; in frame, $411 to $528; plans, $7; width over all, 23 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. an4 8 ft., (cut down by roof to 5 ft.). Special features: Quaint English gable; large dining-room. Modifications: Stain- could go up from living-room; bath-room could be placed in second-story hall, ^^e lage 65. Edirerton O.. October 10, 1809. I like yoor plans better than any others I bsTe seen.- MISS O. SATB GARDINBR, Amsterdam. N. T -217- HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES -Books- Small books of plans have been published hereto- fore by so-called plan associations, and publishing- companies, but nothing has yet been produced by a regular practicing architect on this stupendious scale, and devoted entirely to moderate-cost houses. KUCKINGHAM COTTAGE.— Design 19S4M; in frame. $690 to $799; plans, $10; width, 37 ft. by 24 ft; story heights, 9 ft. and 9 (t. cut down by roof 10*7 ft. Special features: Attractive window at stairs. See page 65. -Fq FT g HI-. X '!*»/_ T - L^ 5 1 ij < The plans and spcclficatl.^ter Groves were very satisfactory. I feei well assured tbqt I have the best planned house Jn St. Louis County. W. A. WILSON. (Pacific Express Co.), St. Louis. -218- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OSTON COTTAGE— Design le-ie-N; in frame, $1,288 lo Jl,410; plans, $iO; width over all, 37 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Open terrace in front; unique stained shingie exterior; good skylines; simple to construct. pr<»pecll?« builder.— I want to congTfltulate you on your plans, as they certataly conuin muiT dcsirnble features which commend tbemeelves lo the vrotnttcUvti hmiAarl. J. N. P. Colwell, Stapleton, S. I. -219- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LENDALE COTTAGE.— Design ie26-N; in frame, $764 to $890; plans, $5; width, 27 Jt. 4 in. by 20 ft 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Plain, simple, stained shingle exterior; large sitting-room; compact arrangement -220- I ha^ thought frequently that I would write and let 70U know bow well pleased i^'e were with our home, which was built from yoncyplana. The b9UM Is as pretty, conreulcnt and comfortable as I could wish, vl am Indeed, well pleased with your services, and would not think of building again without first seeing you. MRS. DAVID HAY. Fulton. Ky. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LD ORCHARD COTTAGE.— Design 1635 N; in frame, $665 to $800; plans, $5; width, 25 ft. by 28 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; suitable lor a sloping lot. Modifications: Furnace can be put in storeroom. A good hill-side design, ^ee rA(,E e.^2. -221- OECOND OTOBY I have just completed a house from one of yours plans. The house in question is neat and tasty and ol very satisiaclory design. FRANK C. PATTEN, (Manufacturer), Sycunorc, III. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Old Orchard Cottage No. 2 design 5222-A. See design page 221. Story heights 9 and 8 ft Plans $5. Old Orchard Cottage No. 3 design 5222-B, stonr heights 9 and 8 ft. See design page 221. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES lAUKESHAW COTTAGE. -Disign 1624-N; cost in frame, $650 to $750 plans, $5. See modified $5 plana in Conkey's Home Journal (Chicago, 10c.,) for December, Special features: I Very compact plan; combination inside and outside cellar stairs. 1 -223- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MO MES lENEVA LAKE COTTAGE.— Design 1634-N; in frame, $775 to $966; plans, $3; width, 18 it. by 26 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 8 ft 6 in. and 8 ft Special features: Ornamental gable and porch de- sign. Modifications: Dining-room can be enlarged by building one-story kitchen behind. Geneva Lake No. 2, Smith design, with 14.6x10 ft. dining-room; 14.6x9 ft. 6 in. kitchen; with three rooms above, sizes, 14x16 it., 10.6x9 ft., and 14.6x9 ft. 4 in., with closets to each room; story heights, 9 it. cut down to 6 it. at iour corners oi building. -224- I HER BERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IMAHA COTTAGE.— Design 1626-N; in frame, $815 to $900; \ plans, $8; width, 2* ft. 6 in. by 28 ft. 10 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft Special features: Front rooms unobstructed by I suirs. Have $10 stock plans with the following changes named: Worthen plan, with comer fire place to parlor, with sitting-room 13.4x11 ft., with sliding doors between main rooms, with HxH ft. 6 in. kitchen, with bathroom above and 11.4x14 ft. roam over kitchen, with closet, also closet in halt. KrrcHEn S>I4. 3:3 1 re Dwitnca iit'ii« 04TTIIieo-c y / \ We not only have • handsome house, but a very convenient and practical lloor plan. You saved me the price of plans many times over in the novel arrangement of lloor plans alone. LUTHER ARMSTRONG, Champaign, Ul. -228- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES INCINNATI COTt AGE.— Design 1620-N; in frame, $644 to $790; plans, $5; width, 25 ft. 8 in. by 28 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. Special features: Unique porch and gable ends; economi- cal flue connections. Modifications: go down below rear stairs. Inside stairs to cellar can Tf>» secret of the Realty and the Pou/er of jlrl lUs In the fact that it U the culmination and summing up of the processes of observation, experience, and feeling: it is the deposit of vhateeer is richest and most enduring in the life of a Man or a Race. — Mabie -229- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dining Roon 15ftxl2ft |^11.6xl2ft i 1^11.6x9.41 \ Chamber 15ftxl8ft2 Ch. 15ftx8ft4in ' Porch Cincinnati No. 2 design 5230-A. See design page 229. Story heights 9 and 8 ft. Plans $5. Chamber Ivitchen Ilft4xl3ftfc.[] 13ftlOxlO_ lOin i^o.p- Sitting R. II I5i"i^ ^oom Ilft4xl4ft 13ft4x9ftl0 V^ Porch Chamber |llft4x 23ft6in -230- Cincinnati No. 3 design 5230. Sec design page 229, story heights 9 and 8 ft. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kankakee cottage.— Design 2361-M; olans $10; cost $650. See page 65. "feP HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Pore : See design on page 23 I 'tfi Dining ILji :.w.> 3370..,*'^ np"^ •v£) 5^^ ■/ ''1/(14 *^; HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AUPACA COTTAGE— For Waupaca design No. 2 see page 241 3772. J C tmompson p.es.aen "M6. v,ce Pre L ►•.niBBY, Ca resKieni. C t1 tAST. ASil C»Sh.»' :^y/ia/ (c June 30th 1 9. Herbert C. Chivers, Esq., St. Loui.?. iv{o» Dear Sir: Your postal to hand some days since. The plans I received from you were all right and satisfactory and makes a very neat and pretty house. The house was built on my farm some ways in the country. When I think of it, will take Kodak with me and take sonie pictures. of the house. It presents a very pretty exterior. Yours etc . , -242- ^ - ' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BuRTVILLE COITAGE— Design 9292 M; in frame; $798 to $8,049; plans, $10; width over all, 20 ft, 10 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. full story. Special features; Compact roof arrangement, covering front and rear porch. See page 65 Parlor 12X14 / REC. H 10x1? VERAMDA ^^^ The plana wbk-b you prepared for my bouse arc In every way satisfactory. Indeed, It gives uic great pleasure to recommend you to any one who desires a flrst-class arcbitoct as well as boiiest and prompt treatment. MRS. S. W. 8PITLKR. Wtllington, Kan. -243 HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iMPA COTTAGE.— Design 1746M; in frame, $350 to i; plans, $7.50; width, 16 ft. 6 in. by 28 ft. 3 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. in the clear. Special features: Simple "tained shingle gables on side. Clean, neat detail work, practical out-of-the-way stairs. F^" page 33. -244- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHI T ECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^'[Q^-m-r: ENERO.— Design 23S1-N: cost in irame, $550 to $650; plans, $10. Special features: Combination inside and outside cellar entrance; lull second story; attractive gable end and dormer window at side; neat, plain construction. erzo^j'r W^i^ Uy/N«« I wrot» yon for the cottaxe deslgni. poMlbly yoa mliitook me for •om* oB» np«cdn( to build. I am • builder, not one of tbo«« ir«h.|t»ct bnllden dtber. that joo speak of, but Just a ptain eiery-day builder. I do lota of bulldlne tbrongb tiie country where I have to draw plana, but not l>y rbolce, by any m^ana. I bare tried to explain 10 my patrona the Imporuneo of an experienced architect many timet, bat many of them cannot nee ttie difference tietween an architect and builder. IB thia country a builder l» generally expected to make plana and de- islta and look after the work In ireneral. and loU of patrona do not trrm to ttilnk that II It much of a Job and do not want to pay much for It. If eTery hntlder wai like mytelf. they would pnt more ttreaa 00 the Importante of an irchltect and take lolt of work off tbelr own handt which la not In tbelr line and to whlcb they are not lilted. I have ttudled over yoor deilpit and innat aay that they ar« ae Kood eotuite plant at I e»er ttw.-Ilanr Kramer. (Bollderl Rathnylraola. O -249- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Walla Walla Cottage No. 4 design 5250-A. See Hull design and description page 249. Story heights 9 ft 8 and 8. Plans $5. Walla Walla Cottage No. 2 design 5250-B. See lones description and exterior page 249. Story heights 10 ft. Plans $5. -250- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES u z KITCHEN EVANSTON CO'I PAGE. t)esign 2242-C) H. A. COREY Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Lohi^h, lovra. Jwne 7>0, 19 Ur. Herbert C, Chlvara, St, Lcniia, ilo. Dear Slrr- The plr.nfl we c^^t from yon proved about as (jood roi inventmant ap we fivar nado and the huilding far excfteda njr «xp«otations. Hi;ndreda have told ne that wa have the best arranged residenoe in Fort Podge. It In a grand looking building and 1ooV:b to coat oonalderably nore noney than it roally did, and in different fron anything ever built there, We have never had one peraon find faixlt with it, simply, because there is no chance to do so. Get plana fron a gf'Od architect , save none y, and get s onething to a uit you , is nj' advise to an^'one bulldin^T Thanking you "or your prompt and pleasing v/aya of doing business, I a- 2'on." Ve ^'i^/Tf a f>o ct f\; 1 1 y , 251- riA'^^^y^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Evanston Cottage No. 3 design 5252-A, story heights 10 and 9 ft, width 45 ft. Plans $10. Evanston Cottage design 5252-B, story heights 1 1 ft and 8 ft cut down to 5 ft side walls. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHI T E C T S ARTISTJC MOMES Alleghany Cottage No. 3 design 5253-A, story heights 1 See page 254. Plans $ I 0. 1 1 «d 1™^^ o ^ s ^ . >4 1 * ^ 1 o / « •-< v" > * ff ' « >. >J ■'i^ m Alleghany Cottage design 5253-B. story heights 10 heights I ft and 8 ft 6 cut to 4 ft 6. Plans $ I -253- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES |LLEGHANY COTTAGE.— Design 1975-N; in frame, $1,989 to $2,200; plans, $10; width over all, 44 ft. 10 in.; story lieight, 10 ft. and 8 ft. attic. Special features: Well-ventilated rooms; large pantry; unique reception-room; wide porch. Modified plan No. 2; plans, $10; same exterior with rear stairs and bath located where pantry now is, size 13x15 ft.; also modified plan No. 3; price, $10; Mclntyre plan No. 3, with fire-place in reception-room and living-room only, with rear chamber enlarge to 13x14 ft. extending to kitchen, with large closet, with 15x12 ft. kitchen extending into present pantiy space with an extra chamber where bath-room now is, with bath and rear stairs between chamber and kitchen, estimated to cost $3,500. For modified piin No. 4. see Thurman design. 4ft HALL ITCHEN r '^-^ ^ 14X13 A PAN A LIVI NG 13X18 -2!>4- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Eltoro design 5255, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8. Plans $15/ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES UGGVILLE COTTAGE.- Design 1781N; cost. $1,292 to $1,342; plans. $10. Special features: Large dining-room; bay-shaped rooms give good ventilation; servants' room convenient; large 8-iooi veranda; auractive gambril rool gable. -256- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO, ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ittf Orcbar» Citf Bank, URU. fUlMM. s. oo J^ ^ I- c <^ erg ^ So u S. Oct. aoui Herbert C. Chi vers, Arohlteot, St. Louli. Mo. Dear Sir:- Replying to >Dur latttr oT ncmt aai«. would say thai the plans which you made for the two buslniss blocks and one residence, were entirely satisfactory. 1 an especially pleased with the exteriors, and comsider them the aost attractive buildings In this part of the State. Should 1 do any building In the future. I will cerUinly consult with you in regairl to the Hatter. Yours truly. -25 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig.9 ARTISTBC HOMES I like your plans very mnch. L. L. MORSE. DIgby. N. J I LIFTON SPRINGS COTTAGE.— Design 89-N; cost, $1,592 to $1,652; very complete plans, $lp. Suitable for a Southern bouse; story height. 11 ft. Also Clifton Springs No. 2, Wanenton de- sign, in stone, plans, $10; with porch on reversed side, with rear hall, with bath opening onto rear hall. Also Clifton Springs No. 3, Atkinson design, plans, $10; same as above, reversed, with larger rooms; parlor where front chamber is, size, 14.6x16 It.; with chambers 15x16 ft. and 15x15 ft. in size, with doors frpm each opening onto a side porch, with rear stairs going up from attic. Pier founaation; general dimensions, 40x55 ft. -258- H E R B E R- T C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iyARRENTOWN COTTAGE.— Design 2394M; cost in stone $2,500 to $3,290; plans $25. See Clifton Springs cot- Ou^ ^ iXUU CcJUw*, c...... -259- r ' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES I ROVE LAKE COTTAGE. -Design 9789-N; in Irame, $1,198 to $1,298; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 (t. 6 in. attic. Special features: Wide porch; convenient bath-room; attractive shingle design. Grove Lake No. 2, Brainard design, parlor, 16 ft. 6 in. by 14 ft. 10 in.; dining-room, 17 ft. 2 in. by 13 ft. 4 in.; sit- ling-room, 18 It 2 in. by 13 ft. 4 in.; kitchen, 14 ft. 6 in. by 11 It.; chamber, 16 ft. by 11 ft. 6 in.; with rear porch. -26 h HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES u. 57ft6in- -262- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LeWISBURG cottage Design 2396M; cost in frame $1,892 to $2,290; plans $20. See page 65. -263- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HANNON COTTAGE.— Design 2407-N; cost in Jrame, $1,792 to $1,800; plans, $10. Special features: Large veranda; large rooms; convenient bath-room; attractive exterior; economical porch roof. A good Southern cottage. -264- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES $AGOLA COTTAGE — Design 22 56M; cost in frame $i,- 293 to $1,398; plans $10. See page 65. -263- IWaRINETTE residence.— Design 2257O; cost in frame $1,692 to $1,780; plant $10. See Allegheny CotUge. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hesperus design 5266, slory heights 9-fl 6. A southern cottage. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ia- -267- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES ERNERSVILLE COTTAGE.— Design 9298-N; in fiame, $1,098 to $1,280; plans, $15; story height, 10 (t. Special features: Large central hall; attractive cut-shingle exterior. Kernersville No. 2. Violet design, parlor and library 13.6x14 ft.; kitchen and tbamber 13.6x12 ft.; sliding door between reception hall, sitting-room and dining-room; fire-place for rear chamber; porch across rear; pier foundation. Kernersville Plan No. 3, Waerner design, stone house, 13x28 ft central hall; library and parlor, 12.6x15 ft; dining-room and chamber, 15x14 ft.; three rear rooms, 12x12 ft.; no fire-places in parlor and library; 11 ft. 6 in. story heights. The Cottage Have you figured, out the bUuingt Of a home that'g all your own. Of a eozy little cottaye That belong* to you alone T Don't you feel a trifle shiftleis At the rent day$ go and come, That your little onee—your loved ones Have no really, truly h«mef -'Saiton JjVy^^| CHAMBER I Salens. Kan.. Sept. 22, 1 9. I have just camplet«d my re.sidence. conslructeil under your plans No. 1810. We are proud to own the hand some."? t ana mo.'^t complete home of its size in Kansas and cheerfully attest to your genlous as n Architect. It pays to have r competftnt amhitect. Yours truly. .269.c?1r(/CVaJ:^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (EeRESCO residence.— Design 1848M; stone and trame $2,980 to $3,240; plans $27. C H. OLKASON. City Clertc. fi/30/99. City of Kalamazoo, rvlicl-ilgan. H. C. Chlvers. Esq., St. i,ouis. Mo. Dear Sir:- Your letter 13 just at f.vid. Hftve not built from th« plans secured of you yet. I know of no reason why they should not work all right. 1 would noi think of building without having plans to woric frrw, 1 have no fault to find with your plans, or methods of doing business: which are honest, prompt ana business-like. Respectfully, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ejrlanger design, 5271, width 27 ft 6, story heights 10 and 9-ft 6. Large commodious living room. Plans $10. -271- USKI,B88 OKN.^MKNTATION. We do not llttpf uik the oxUriors of our buiUlliiKfl by uiHens oranmeoutkMi. Ueat o( our cats arc pur« hlturtc ouiline okctchra. whirb can Im' Haborated on. more or \en. as (U^lred. Wlien *v« havr a illent who fanciefl elieap IM^bt Kiillf- work omam<-ntatlon w vuprily It. Inn nut l>j pretcrcort. W* ptf morr for draugbt^uian's time who ttin biiKi- ilitf lM>nuty of a (JcRlffn on almpl* aod airlklaf rcatnrea rather IbMi on KO-calU'd "gliiK<-r bread" ornaweatatloa HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Erata design bill, width overall 31 ft, story heights 9 and8-ft6. Plans $10. dnprejOdickd advice. In preparlOK to build, thr main objmt Is to h.irr a fniltxbU' arramcrmviit «( floor plan nnd thiK is wbrre jow will nrcd Ihi' awicUnt-r of miidc one wbo h totnlly unpifjudli.'fd. reeardlta* of miy srllish inltrc.its wimh hr majr lure In flnnllr (iRurlAE on the lonlrmt lo rivet tho honso. Our lntor»iil« lie altogeih.r in bnvinj; you will pleasrd and in pultlnx up a house wlilrh will lie a «ni(ort to yon as w.ll as « rredii tu us. W» coold not afford to bIvc you niiylliinB liut the ini)»t runM-ientiuus advice on all polnu. If given your work we sbnil fori fully n'^poiisible for Ita ulltmiilo suecess as to practicability and dealgo. -272- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES IDlLLBRlDGE RESIDENCE ■ Design J017-O; Plans $10 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $15 Sparta cottage — dmSkd 905SM ^"""^^^.^ Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC i-IOMES Plans $3 J_,v --^ .4 K-* — [ ! '--^\ r- '-T, 1 13 + XID y vT ■ a "F"AR 1- p_ F i 'Alt SO combined gijcr, beauty and comlort^l a minimum cost. Baffin design 5280, width over all 49 ft. Suitable for a comer lot cottage. Very roomy. Story heights 1 ft. Plans $10. -^80- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .'WkcRlkcvwtlt •fMrttlckollB^Mt l*Mnritb«4,a^r- (•Ml irltii will kc m»tt, and • tuil- ■k4< ■rr«ii(eni' heights, i o ft. ■^ Planter and Mercha, Planter and Merchant /^^Si.»*^ •/Cjui^'C ^len« ISxlS-loi'^^^P*^""*! Sitting Lakeview Cottage No. 2, desigti 5288, wide. clean0>ZIN( lUILOIN'. HERBERT O. CHIVEITb -ARCHITECT - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 10 ARTISTIC HOMES ._>jw . .Ma- $TONY POINT COTTAGE.— See page m. -290- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES -OKAH C0TTAGE.-De5ign 2401-O: cosi in (rame, $692 to $740; pl»n». S5. Special ieatures: Neat, c'.eai-cut altraclive cxlerioi; large pantry. Notice the simplicity o( the design and yet at ; skvlines. M I41C X nn 10 Zorah Cottage No. I design 5291 -A. story heigJit 9-ft 6. Plans $5. J\- k_Z Zorah Cottage No. 2 design 529I-B, S'.ory height 9-ft 6, width 29 ft. Large, well-lighted bay chaped parlor. Plans $5. - 291 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Austin design 5294, story 9-ft 6, width over all 42 h. Neat, attractive stained shingle effedl. Plans $ 1 0. — PUBLIC BUILDINGS— I ka«c 4algmtt cawko. KkMU. lArarto. -292- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Livinp R l6-Zr?A piVU '^ Dining P.oon 18-5x14 Union. Mo. July 20. 19 Herbcri C. Chivcrs, Architect. St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir:— Replying to your favor of the lath inst. ask- ing how I am satisfied with plans, etc., will state Id not be induced to build without pccial plans prepared by you. Your advice during the preparation of the preliminary plans has been invaluable to me; and since the erection of my residence. I now am assured (hat you have directed mc in a most thorough manner, in all m.iiters pertaining lo the economi- cal arrangement of plan, improved methods of consiructioii, modern design, etc. My building is said to show up in size, work- manship and design better than some which have cost almost double the amount, and it is generally admired and favorably commented up- on by all. I would not build again without spe- cially prepared plans for five limes their cost. Yours sincerely, (Circuit Clerk) JOHN C. WEIMER, Prescott design 5293, width over porte-cochere and all 64 ft. story heights 11 -ft 6 and 9-ft 6. Plans $12. HERBERT C. CHFVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART8STIC HOMES - NO FREE SKETCHES. - ESPECIALLY ilo wc cscliLW the inciliods nf ccr:..in archi- tects who protend to furni-ih sketches free, perfect your ov;n ideas without charge, etc. One of two thiiij:? in- variably happens — either you pay in the end far too high for what you receive, or else the architect C'*'f« services for nouijht. and must ovcrcharpe other customers to become comprn-:aie.! therefor U I P.....V 1^1 :ii^ -w-n Chan-.r»r 14x?-P 1 1 in Tulon design 5294, width 43 fl. story heights 9 and. 8 ft. Large commodious hvmg room, with wide fire- place. Large front chamber. Combination front and rear stairs. Large porch. Plans $ 1 0. — 294 — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS For artistic, pleasinR effocls wc depend on simple treatment, harmoMiou! onllincs and correct prnporiiotis railicr ih.nn much ornamcnlation scroll work, (estcom. etc., .is the lack o( the former and ihc use of these latter have spoiled the appearance of many houses. k — Kit. LlI PS H Ch. Dinme Room v 9,-3^^ 20ftlOinxl3ft. I 1 i6ftTi3ft ': 1 Chemuckia design 5295, story 10 ft. Large dining room. Two chambers and bath on first floor, neat, attractive front. Plans $10. -295- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES p^^=jlz KITCHEN 6 X 12' PANTRY 10 X 5-6 DINING BOOM 'i LIVING ROOi: 12 X 14' ^'I 12 X 19- pTT VERANDA 24 X 7' ="■ ' Hj :hauber 4X7' I 12 X 13-6' Ji Art Bungalow design 5296. story height 10 ft. At- tractive sleeping balcony. Plans $10. -296- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^ Porch 1 C lllltfyo" '^'' J 14 1 tl5 tchen " 3ie who sees only the first outlay "Will live to have more bills to pay. ' SufiunerUod design 5297, width over all 48 ft. Two chambers and bath on first floor, story heights 1 and 9-ft 6. Plans $10. -297- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Okeechobee design 5298. story 1 ft. Plans $ 1 0. -208- Carbon plan. See exterior page HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lona Res. No. 3 design 5299-A, story heights 9 ft 6, cut - 29<)- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Buffalo RKSIDENCE Plans $25 BU FFALO R ESI DENCE.— DMign 8 » s i M HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LeMPSDALE residence.— Design 8o6j 0, cost in frame. SSoo to $1,098', site 26 x J5 ft. A very good house for jp-cul»tion. Plans Jio; «ilh water closet on each floor and !arger pantry. See page 65. GO 'v o o .1 V do 00 « U aso tlb T -^<> HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Um&l^ [123! I EWPORT COTTAGE. Design lft42N; in frame, S976 to $1.0$9. ' plans. SS; width, 29 h. 1 in. by 2S fL 4 in.; story beighta. S (i. Special leaiures: Well-veniilatcd bay-shaped rooms- laige cen* { tral rociDs; unique design; anractive. arched porch; very uni^juc- Newport No. 2 design 5302, story 8-ft 6 and 8 ft. Plans $3 -^0 7- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A R T I S T I C l-l Q M E S Beixeville residence- Plan* $15 -303- Campbell rk^idenck.— Design 6oiom HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES The plans made by yoa were all right In design, etc.— W. 8. Harmni, Jop- im. Mo. -^r77 Country home. Design ,oos-0; in frame. $3,390 to $3,760; plans, $25; story heights, 19 ft. Special features- Large reception hall, semi-circulail parlor. 13 ft 4 in by 16 ft.; hall. 13 ft. by 20 it.; library, 13 ft. 4 in. by 16 ft.; dinine- room 15 ft 4 in. by ,4 ft.; kitchen. ^3 ft. 4 in. by .6 ft chatnbersaU, ,3 ft. 4,n. by ,6 ft., with the exception of small chamber. 9 ft. by 10 ft. See page 65. Plans $23. -304- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^yiNDFALL RESIDENCE Design 100.014M; cost $2090 to $^499, plans, $20; size 29x37; Special features large bay on side, combination stairs, attractive exterior, good comer lot design. See page 65. \P;rt/fiC Jsoo/^ POJXH QrX^S^ -305- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ElKHORN cottage.— Design 100.023M; plans. $20; cost $2151 to $2366; size 28.6x37. width over all 34 ft; spec- ial features: attactrve exterior, large reception hall, side en- trance. rjK^a 3 -306- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HE employi:d an architect HE made a fortune buying lota. Converting them to pretty spots, And building pleasant homes to sell— For koycroft always builded well, Substantial , healthy, handy homes; With arches, gables, peaks and domes, Piazzas, oriels and handsome towers, Half hidden in the trees and flowers. Each house was varied from the rest- Like pretty women, nicely dressed. He scarce coiild hold a house till done. For at least two buyers sougliteach one. HOW Roycroft did it, none could learn; He was so very taciturn. When dying, Roycroft told his spousr The secret- "When you want a house. Secure ao architect at once." (He w:bo hires himself, a dunce employes.) The architect may make dne door Serve where you might put in four or more. He, knowing laws of heat and light, Devises rooms so all are bright. Cijts windows just the size and where. They yield the utmost light and air. PROVIDES for all things ample space. Keeping everything in proper place; Learns what you want before he starts, Saves adding costly little parts. Remember, it is not the size— Arrangement makes the home we prize. Outside he moulds the charm of "style" From basement to the topmost tils. He requires material enough, Describes the proper sort of stutT, Everything is clearly speciGed, So it ie fair to either side. WHAT is experiment with you. He knows precisely how to do. What can be done, with what effect; What not to do, how to select. Haves steps for Iiousewives' weary feet, Supplies control of cold and heat. No house designed with reckless haste But with distinctiveness and taste. No tearing-down and building twice, With ''changes" at a fancy price. Your house will rarely cost you more Than you have calculated on before. THE first house I built, I recollect. I had an amatucr architect. And many often asked roe what Had happened to that vacant lot. Was it an air-ship that had lit Or simply an architectural mis-fit? 1 patched that house and there it stood Reflecting on the neighborhood. Till Providence, in righteous Ire, Redeemed its ugliness with fire. My buildings, subsequent, were wrought On paper first, with thorough thought. HE aichitect is a prophet who fuHills bis own pre- dictions. He foretells the exact formation oi a palace or a cottage, a church or a sky-scrap- er where there is only vacant ground. He conceives to the nninutest detail a structure while yet the stone is in the quarry, the bricks are but clay and the lumber is in the tree. Be- • lore a dollar has been expended in segregating these materials he has counted the cost and announced the day on which the building will b« ready for occupancy. His client, beholding that the ar- chitects former predictions have come to pass, trust him implicitly and provides the means by which the conception of the design shall come into being. James Russell Lowell says in the Bigelow Papers: "Don't ever prophesy unless you know," and here is where it is important to select an architect who knows. Guess work in building does not pay. Guessing at cost, guessing at time, guessing at appearance and solidity are expensive weaknesses in tin architect, that is for the man who pays the bills. My success is due to my ability (o submit a design which embodies the ideas c( my client wrought into a plan beyond his conception. My accumulated information, corrected to date, may be relied upon by every client when a positive order is given in advance, ihcreby justifying my personal at- tention on matters of exact cost, design, plan arrangement, etc. Il is to this accuroulated informa- tion and my staff of thoroughly- trained assistants that I owe the position which I occupy in the pro- fession. Each man assistant in my employ being a specialist, thoro- ughly competent and reliable in the performance of the task assigned to him. -307- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Troy residence— Uesign ,^n 1003M: fcsr^:Sf^- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $20. Plans $ I 5 SECDND-STDRY CtNA residence.— IJesign 876N: in ..'^■\ EkFNER cottage —Ocjign ij^lM Orange grove rbsidence— Design 104s »». pu*M5 ••■ovE- -309' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "= / iio«ioi j|i Plans $10 lEMENSDALE COTTAGE — Design 9070M Susoy RuTCHiKSuH. rrnljcnt A. SlKI, Vk«-Presid«t. Jdckson County HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES The plans 70U Bent were correct in every respect and the work ob tbem lome- tbing to be admired. IRA LAUT, Wenona, IlL IRUNSWICK RESIDENCE. - Design I90J-N; cost. JI.180 (o I J'.390; plans, $10. Special ieatures: Convenient bath-room; I ^9 ■ •"'■ge dining-room; neal exterior; attractive chimneys and dormer -^ windows; large bath- room. -311- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Oakley cottage — Design 1213M; size, 23 ft. 6 in. by 31 ft. 6 in.; story heights, lo ft. and 9 ft.; special features: Nook, side entrance, large reception hall, attractive exterior, cost, $1,269 '° $1,398; plans $10. See p^ge 65. The special plans, speclflcations and tnll slae details were wel worth the to- refctment and I would not build without plans for ten times their (^o•t O. B. BUCKBR. Ohecotah t T. r Plans $10. See plan page 298 ' ^ ' ^" PaSDELOUP cottage.— Deiiga I973-0- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES wLYRlA — Design 8JS5M; HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES REMONT COTTAGE. -Defcipn 1959-N; in Irame, $998 to $1,240; plans, $5; width, 23 (t. 10 in. by 28 fi. 2 in.; story heights, 9 It. 6 n, and 9 ft. cut down by roof at walls to 5 ft. 6 in. Special fea- tures: Large spacious living-room; neat simple exlerior. -315- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES We moved intv our new home in 0(^t. We are well pleMed. A great many people admire our home and think it artistic and beautiful. JOHN S. MORRIS. Westport, Ind. t DON RESIDENCE— Design 1927-N; cost in frame, $1,492 to $1,590; plans, $10. Special features: Attractive landing at- stairs; wide veranda; bay to parlor; good closet space; combina- tion stairs. -316- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES THERE is one way, and one way only, to determine exactly what a house will cost .it a particul.ir time in a given lo- cality, and that is to get the actual bids from responsible builders based on complete plans and specifications. -317- ILSDON COTTAGE.- Design I784N; coit in frame. S 1,0^0 to $1,289; plans, $10; story heights, 9 It. 6 in. and 9 It.; lull story; no cut-o(i o» ceiling by rool. Special leatures: Bathroom close I to kiichen; large lull- story rooms on second tlooi HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ONA RESIDENCE— Design 1532-N; cost in frame, $1,459 to $1,789; plans, $15; width, 30 ft. 4 in.; width over all, 36 ft; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in., cut down at roof to 7 ft. 6 in. Special features: Large reception ball. -318- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Moscow No. 2 design 5319, slory heignts 9-fl 6 and 9. See design page 320. Plans $10. I • cnahIC • llE.*,/^-: iccano 'i.n» §?l0SC0W.— Plan No. 3; cost, $1,300 to $1,600; plans, $15. See pages 596 and 6$. -319- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fl?)0SC0W COTTAGE.— Design 1553 O; in frame,~pUn~ No. I, $1,298 to $1,499; plans, $10; width ever all, 45 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; full «tory in tower. Sped*! features: Plain, well-proportioned exterior; easy to build; free from "gingerbread" and excessive ornamentation. Moscow No. 4, Gage design, same as above, with rear stair where marked ' 'C" next to pantry; with closet to rear chamber, with rear stairs landing in store room. See pages tffs^r^ Plans $10 R,, .H \ 1 IS X17 10 1 gTOSE KOOM MALL IIIIIIH» TbED woOm 1 IS « »3 -320- MOSCOW. — Plan No. 5; cost, $i,aooto$i,5oo;plaai$io. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S ^ ii£ <::b JoLIF.T RESIDENCE. Design i87^N(: in frame. $i,7<)0 to $i, ^ . 890; plins. $15; ;.^ / width. 45 ft 6 in. by * "} 24 ft.; story heights. 6 in. and '8 ft. 6 in. (front chamber is lull-tlory, others cut down at front and rear walls to 5 ft.) Special fe.nlures Large reception room, with bay and wide fire place and broad seat opposite; angular -windows onto porch from parloi and dining-roon; combination stairs. See page <>; Coi.ON'I.\L RESIOENCE.— Design 85oM, RtCK. FLATS Design 4080O. F" PiNELAWN RBSIDENCE.- (Fot Pmelawn No. 2 s« page 699.) -""■«" '°»'"«-- 3EJ. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS Sig. 11 ARTISTIC HOMES ONTGOMERY RESIDENCE.— Design 4898-N; cost in frame, $1,200 to $1,400; plans, $7.50; story heights, 9 Jt. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; full story. Special features: The building looks well in stained shingles; well-lighted and ventilated parlor. - BUILDER AND ARCHITECT - YOU don't go to a blacksmith for watch repairs; to a tailor for dentistry, or to a lawyer when you wish plumbing done. The proper place to get a set of reliable plans and specifications is from a competent architect ' CHAMBER, ^o•3• X IS a- CHAMBER -322- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $5. Tr. SNELLINC COTTAGE^Uesign 493M CrEOLA cottage —Deiign ijjoM, 11 ft. '. in. b» 11 ft. 6 in. story heighti 9 -323- HERBERTT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KiMBALTEN COTTAGE Design ajjSM; coit, $1,098 to $1,199; plans, $8; special features: Large dining-room. See page 65. -324- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES --^^ JORDpNVILLE COTTAGE.— Design i422M; cost in frame $1,390 to $1,480 plans $10. S^e page 65. -325- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ^t=^^^==^^aP^^ ARRIS.— DesigTi 2333-N; cost in frame, H,*»0 to $1,590; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft Special features: Wide verandas; large parlor; front rooms full story; front of house is not cut up by the customary reception halt. ARTISTIC HOMES Hew castle cottage. — Design 890-O; m frame, $1,195; Pla"s> $'5- ^^* ^^^''^ ^°- '' C^*""" design, same as shown with stairs from kitchen to attic, with 13 ft. 6x10 ft. 6 in. kitchen, with 8 ft. 6x8 servants room, with fire-place m dining-room, opposite bay and not in parlor. See index for Wagoner desien. See page 65. '327- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES - 41f t6 S -S = i. . OCX c- >■= ■^ o U-J -] Si U c I 2 " c OCtJ-- O tn ^ u -go.. ..= E X u C ^- > = 5 UI^^S •r s " •- II i|tK - X Q I- Veranda Newcastle No. 2 design 5328-B, page 327. Plans $l5. !0-ftsloiy. Newcastle No. 3 design Story heights 1 ft. 5328-A. See page 327. -328' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES v:|--%^.4 $EDAR COTTAGE — DesigB 2344M; cost. $1:098 ti.iQO. Plans, $10. See pa){e 6$. CUERO — Design ai-O, cost, $1,798 to $1,499; 'i**! 3»»5o ft. 6 in., width over all, 35 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 R.; plans, ''■ fa ^ ^ *- — -^329- I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES SPOTTSVILLE COTTAGE.— Design 1788N; cost in frame, $1,192 to^ $1,240; plans, $10: 10 ft. and 9 ft. stories. Space for five rooms above. Style in architecture is that indescribable something which oOBn| adds to the artistic appearance of a building. J -330- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Silver Lake Cottage No. 2 design 5331 -A, 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6, cut down to 4-ft 6 side See opposite page 332. Plans $ 1 0. story wall. (N -33 1- & en lA i) u ~n C30 (d m Q. V o 7-. o a 0) (>0 a o rt 4) ^ h Qcn U a> vO -:^ rt ■ •^"1 -J o J . fl) .jC > 00 cn-c l2 to c<^CU HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MO M E S /Ifc-. U^.^^ llUiflli, -] E V_ ILVERLAKE COTTAGE.-Design 7048-N; in frame, $1,292 to $1,496; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. Spec- ial features: Large porch and vestibule. Silvcrlake No. 2, Liv- ingston design, with no fire-place in parlor; with an additional 14 ft. 4x13 ft. 4 in. chamber at rear, with bath connection. House 36x54 ft. in size. Luzon design No. 3, same as above, but reversed, with porch across front, with 7x14 ft. alcove at side of parlor and no fire-place, bath-room or rear stairs. Silver Lake design 5332. Plans $10. -332- ;|c»t*i. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Style in architecture is the ac- ;epted opinion of a select few as to appropriate shape, color and construction of a building. Norman Cottage No, 2 design 5333-B, story heights IO-ft8and9ft. Plans $J0. ^^- " Dining Room 15ftxl5 _ 21ft8xl5ft n Parlor I 15ftxl5f U R. Parlor ^^^ 15ftxl5f.. Porch Ejion residence No. 2 design 5333-A, story height; \ and 9 ft. See reversed design on page 584 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ORMAN COTTAGE.- -Design 2092N; cost, $1,329 to $1,698; plans, $10; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. Special features: At- tractive exterior; economical fire-place arrangements; four cham- bers above. The plan can be had with less ornamental exterior. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "333- Norman Cottage No. 3 design 5335, story height? I ft and 8 ft 6, cut to 5 ft side-walls. Plans $ I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITEC1S Besson design 5336, story heights lO-ft 4, width over all 35 ft. Plans $5. -335- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^^ . 1 PORCM JClTCMtKlJ i Ba,th{I|c. ZEARING. — Fouts SPRINGDALE COriAGE— Design $i.48oO; in frame. $1,699 ^° $1,889; plans, $ioi width, 41 ft. 10 in. by 36 ft. 4 in; width over all, 44 ft. 9 in.; story heights. 10 ft. and 9 ft. ^ in. We have this plan for $10 with bathroom on first floor, located back of chamber and with pantry between kitchen and rear porch. Also a plan with bay in dining-room, a laundry and fuel room back of bath-room, with porch on two sides of kitchen and four chambers above. See index for Springd<(le cottage (revised). See Woodfield, Roland and Zearing plan on opposite page. 7*.v,//; 'i^ ^iv; p e b . . 1 4 . 1 9 '^r. Herbert C. (Jhivr-rf., St. Louis, Uo, De.ir Sir:- Your plans and specifications are very r,ood an'-l met v/i + h my ao-roval. Yj'ir:- truly. -337- (r^ cZ. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Veranda fiL Plans $ 1 0. Springdale Cottage No. 6 heights 1 and 9 ft cut to 5 ft _ \y ^ JlUllTK' 1 I CMOAfOrJB J ••' I— j \ /s'%-n4': ICO".' to I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 52ft Springdale Cottage No. 5 heights 1 and 9-ft 6 cut down to 5 fr. Springdale Cottage No. 6 design 5339-B, story -339- heights 1 and 9 ft cut to 5 ft side walls. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC t-IOMES ROLAND.— Design 7-O; 5340-'A. Hall 15.4x14. \ li 4in Veranda t a ^ Springdale Cottage No. I heights 1 ft and 9-fl 6 cut to 5 ft. fch. I Il6.6xl3 I ;xl5rt|"axxU^ M 18ftxl3ft|Hall Springdale Cottage No. 3 design 5340-B, story heights 1 and 9-ft 6 cut to 5 ft. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES J ^<^v. -^ IGHTWOOD COTTAGE. — Design 2366N; cost, $1,290 to $1,392; plans, $15. Special features: A neat clean-cut design; front chamber full story height; living-room large and well-ventilated; very suitable plan for a narrow lot. r(ITCMtN\ O i'XIS \ll f.10 My 12 .x/a POe£-M m CMAMSti: 9 njri OMAfSZJP Bl__' /y A/4 -341- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ; NIONVILLE COTTAGE— Design 9066-N; cost in frame, $1,255 to $1,340; plans, $10; width, 22 it 4 in. by 39 ft 2 in.; story heights, 9 it 6 in. and 9 it. in the clear. Special ieatures: At- tractive tower-like bay. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KeNO cottage Design 4230M: in frame, $45 to $598; plans, $7; width, ji ft. 6 in. by 27 ft. 2 in-; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft Modifications — See page 65. House came out all right as per plans furnished by you. Am pleasantly Burprlsed, with general appearance.— D. M. Splcer, Tiffany, Wis. /BlTOONA residence.— Design 1570 M; lin frame, $i2^<4 to $1599; plans, $15; width over all. 31 ft.; story .'ieii((hti, 9 ft. 6 in. See page 65. I am very much pleased with the plans sent and will send you a photo of house at an early date. HARRY SAYLER, Monte Vista. Colo. -343 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES TOWLER RESIDENCE — Design 1 538-O; in frame, $1264 to $1500; plans, $10; width. 24 ft. 19 in. x 40 ft.; width over all, 29 ft.: story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. Modifications; Set index for Fowler plan revised. Can furnish $10 plans with brick first story and frame second story. (Erkermeyer Desi($n). See page 65. We are more than pleased with our home. It 1b complete tn every detail In fact we wonld wish for no Improvement We feel tbat we have the most convenient and modern home In Northern MiBsoarl. S. L. BROCK, (Drj Goods), Macon. Mo. ?LEMING. — Deiign 25-0; cost same as Fowler in brick and frame, $1692 to $2149; size 39 ft. 7 in. X 5 1 ft. 9 in.; width over all, 36 ft., heights. 9 ft. and 8 i\. 6 in. Plans, $15. See page 65. -344- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES YPSUM RESIDENCE.— Design 1834-N; cost in frame, $2,390 to $2,478; plans, $20; story heights, 9 ft. and 9 ft., side walls cut down to 5 ft. Special features: Large bay-shaped rooms; at- tractive stairs; large rooms to second story. STYLE IN ARCHITECTURE Style in architecture is .he distinguishing characteristic that makes a well-designed and sym- metrical building acceptable to the well-informed artistic taste. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES §CIO RESIDENCE — Design 6009-O; in frame, $119810 $1390; plans, $10; width over all, 29 ft. 6 in.; See Toledo residence on page 250. See page 65. ART BUNGALOWS A Booklet of 1 00 designs sent postpaid, 50 cents. The hou;e which you planned for U8 Is a neat looking: affair. THOMPSON & SIBBGN. (Real E8Ut«). Manistee. Mich. -346- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES wfi5ffiT* t i> J ARLAN COTTAGE.— Design 9393-N; coat in frame, $992 to $1,045; plans, $10; story heights, 9 (t. and 8 ft. Special features: Plain, neat exterior; nique octagonal vestibule and room above; large, well-ventilated rooms. -347- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "BrEWERSVILLE cottage.— See opposite Design 2366 M; cost $1,480 toli.sgS. Plans, $20. Yours at hand and much pleased to hear from you. My house is not com- pleted. The carpenters will finish sometime this week. The contractor was very slow in getting everything ready, but will say your plans were carried out to the letter, and it is pronounced by everyone a showy house. I thought at first you were exhorbitant in your charges, but now would pay you twice that sum than build without your plans, and to say that I am pleased, is putting it mildly, and as soon as it is completed will send you a photo of it, and hope that I may be able to send you more work. Dr. W. S. BRANDON, Daleville. Ind -348- HERBCRT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES THE designs here shown are intended for use principally in the North and West. Many of them can be tnodified to meet the requirements of a Southern chmate by increas- ing the heights of ceilings, width of porches, size of halls, changing the kitchen arrangements, omitting vestibules, etc. [Lancaster residence.— Design iSSiM; in frame, $1698 to $1790; plans, $20; width 28 ft. 8 iu. x ;;o; width over all, 36 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. See page 65. \ ^ BED P BED P I 13x13 14x1'! ^^ DCiU -349- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES KeLMONT residence.— Design 6590-0; in frame, $1590 to $1998; plans^ $10; width over all, 34 ft.; story heights 9 ft. 6 in.; Special features; Bath, on first floor; plain but well balanced design. See page 65. UTTiNa Roan Ky^ a ChAMBEB U IS X 10 9 1 2 6 X i£ -350 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ROOKLYN RESIDENCE.— Design 1872-N; in frame, $1,699 to $1,779; plans, $15; width over all, 45 it.; story heights, 9 ft. t^'in.; full story. Special features: Wide, imposing frontage; cleaTT" cut, unique design; attractive reception hall, with bay at rear. [""" si ■1 ♦ Jt 3 ♦ i 3 XII lb 1- A 3 % 'fH li V X 3 6 r ^"v r^ 4.-1 '^^ ^=J^ [70 3 5 — V-^ THE WOMAN'S NATIONAL DAILY HERBERT C. CHIVERS, ARCHITECT -*3ai- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -'■''■ ■''■^- ^.^.^l^!mi[m^JI^;:\i,i. ■,:.::■ - «|),f,i,^SJ^|l|u»!!S»it../.-.nlUllll«d'Jllll«"ll5a«^N''l"'^'^^ ANATAH COTTAGE. -Design 2375-N; cost in frame, $1,298 to to $1,390; plans, $10. Special features: Built-in rangir and sepa- 4 rate vent-flue in kitchen; attractive reception hall; neat clean-cut exterior; full story heights; attractive bay in front. A/gC»^ -352 HERBERT C. CHIVER^ CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ARNARD COTTAGE.— Design 9072-N; cost ii> Jrame, $1,232 to $1,499; plans, $10; width, 32 ft. 4 in. by 29 ft. 6 in.; story heights, ?V^^ 9 ft. and 9 ft., full story. Special feaiuces: Bay in front; large bath-room; uAique design. A very compact plan. -353- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Slg. 12 ARTISTIC HOMES KiRDSVIEW COTTAGE Design 87 7M; in frame, $1399 to $1598; plans, $10; width over all, 27 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. (full story). Special features. Gable, as designed, will look well in stained shingles, with white trimmingB. Can furnish a very fine color scheme with this cot- tage. See page 65. See index for Clinton Cottage. -354- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ILUXORIA COrrXOE DeJgn 1557-O; in frame, -$998 to $1198; plans, $10; width over all 29 ft. 10 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; Special features: Compact plan; a good chance to build a fireplace in haD at little expense. See page 65, ILUXORIA plan. Mo. t. Allen design, plans, $10: with rear stairs; 10x14 kitchen; with extra closet and bath room over same and large linen and storage closet over rear porch. -355- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Luxoria Cottage No. 2 design 5356-A, story heights 10 and 10 ft. See design opposite page 355. Plans $10, Luxona Cottage No. 2 design 5356-B, story heights 10 and 10 ft. Sec design on opposite page 355. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERRYVILLE COTTAGE.- Design 1958-N; in frame, $1,396 \o $1,498; plans, $10; width over all, 34 it.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; full story in front chamber. Special features: Simple and practical porch; neat detail work; clean-cut exterior. -357- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^fe^ OV/ORO RESIDENCE— Design aoi8-0; cost in fraine,< $1,492 to $1,580; cost in brick, $2,190 to $2,390; plans $20. T like the 'plans very mnch and tbey bars bMn aamired by an to wbom I have sbowD them.— H. S. ScaddJng, Kelowana, B. C, Canada. 'The plans -were satisfactory. No trouble whatever In putting boose to- KethttT.— Mrs. T. S. Osborne, Youngstown, OWo. -358- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 1 Barada design 5359, ^ory heights 9 ft and 9. Full - i two-story house. See Amity design opposite page 360. ^i Plans $10. Amity design 5359-B. cut to 3-fl 6 side walls. Plans $ 1 0. • i t'<^ 4 r \S»xH-4 i—i Lj Moiy heights 9 and 9 ft 2, *-i >'t i 15 Vir p^ See opposite page 360. | 'S*"*! J | -359- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Amity design 5360, story heights 10 and 9 ft cut to 6 ft side-walls. Plans $ 1 0. See opposite page. -360- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Piera design 5361 .story heights 9-fl 6 and 9 ft. Extreme width 52 ft. Large attractive living room, with fire- place, ingle-nook and conservatory. Plans $ 1 0. I trnd jou hcnwitb imall "Kodnk" pirturr of taooK. I had do faolt to tDd »llh your plaait. wbnti>rrr. Your buc(tm prlijpntlj comrc to (boroofhly ooder- (UodlDc your biiilnpiii. CHAS. B. tBATON. Boatoo. Man. 361- HERBERT C. CHIVE RS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S PARLOR' 12X17 t ^jXl % §PEKCF.R -Design qobb-ffT _3<9- LoWELLTOWN RESIDENCE—Design joi6-0, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS i ARTISTIC HOMES TULTON RESIDENCE— Design 6005-0; in frame, $1,790 to $1,898; plans, $15; width overall, 27 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Modified plan No. 2, Benninger design, with large rear porch; with 4x7 pantry back of icitchen; with first story chamber and room above lengthened 2 feet; with 63ti 3 ft. bath-room. See pages ^4. and 65. Porch 13X KITCHEN 14X10 l^EJ LIVING ff1 ROOM 12X17' DINING ROOM 13-4 X 14*^ r^ -363- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Rushsylvania No. 2 design 5364. See Fulton Res. 363. story heights 1 2 and 9 ft. Plans $20. (Use mirror as on page 1023.) Rushsylvania residence. — Design 7s-0; cest, $2,200 to $2,398; size, 30 ft. 6 in. by . 48 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; extreme width, 37 ft.; plans, $20. Design similar to Fulton residence on page yij See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Rupaki design 5365, story heights 10 and 9 ft, width 48-ft 6. Cdmbination stone and shingie design. Plans Chamber KJ B „, _. Chamber l7-3xli j. « j7 v\ ^A^'^. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Sambar design 5366. width 40-ft 4. extreme width 44 ft. Story heights 9-fi 6 and 8-ft 6. Plans $ 1 0. Porch The plans o( the houM. I had made \>r you, came rtrj promptly, aod I w«a Terr macb pleased. A. L. NAII., (Merrtaaat). Obtckaaba. I. T. -366- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ■ 'fe ' i *' a "i ''''' "^'^ r 'j rri' ' 1*> V Club house. — Design No. 2370-M; cost $3,oob;plans, $45. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES II- -I \..^d tS( I'l ...i -i .^...;.. ^^=»_V ~f.- ::.,;vl EWPORT RESIDENCE.— Design 9640-N; in frame. $1,499 to $1,580; plans, $15; story height, 9 it. Special features: Very at- trative exterior; nook is suitably arranged for a library with book- cases and bench seats; very large and attractive living-room. -368- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Jingo residence.— Design io2oM; in frame, $1,098 to $1,198; plans, $10; width over all, 50 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Wide imposing frontage; plain simple outlines. See page. 65. 0^^ Cm 1 / 7 CM 1 llllillli- ( •^ BAL I am Just nbout to move into tlio house built nftor your plans. The house suits us In every wny and we have no trouble In building after your plans. We wish vou success In your cftorts to |ilac«» lieforc the p<'ople "natty" and attractive houses L. U. PEACOCK. Dixon. III. Our St. Louis building whlrh you designed pleases us very much. THE ST. JOE LEAD COMPANY. New York CUy. '-^6'^' HFRBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES m^ l6;lT««?«tt HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O M E S J OeNORA RhSIDENCR jf^ -Design 1033M: BOONVILLE RESIDENCE.— Design 6015M; in frame, $1795 to $2100; plans. $15; width. 44 ft 3 in. x 29 ft.; ttocy heights, 9 ft. 6 io. and 9 ft. 6 in. Special features; Colonial eff^ct-„ quaint stained shingle gable. See page 65, |3)^IS& Plans $10. Tt. fisher cottage.— Design 907 5M; in stone. -374 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES lEvANSTON RESIDENCE— Design 1864 M; in frame, $1496 to $1580: plans, $12; width over all, 28 ft.: story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. (front chamber full story). Special features; Semi-circular porch; See page 65. -375- HERBERT C. CHIVER5 CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HYIUNCIE RESIDENCE— Design i860 M; in frame. $^090 to $1180; plans, $10; width over all, 32 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; (front chamber full story). Special features; Attractive exterior, plans show a grade en- trance to cellar in combination with inside cellar stairs. See p»ge 65. I am jfiTj mnch pleased witn special plans. I think 70a have some fine Ideas. Tour designs are certainly very artistic. MISS AMELIA HAPPELB, Cblcaffo. -376- I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES YLVANIA COTTAGE. -Design 1216-N. plans. $10; size, 26 ft. 6 in. by 28 ft. Cost, $899 to $959. Special ieatures: Good coroer- lot design; full-story rooms above; economical construction; at- tractive comer porch. -377- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES GLOVER COTTAGE— Design 9082-N; in frame, $1,192 to $1,289; pUms; $10; width, 18 IL by 47 ft. 10 i(i.; width over all, 18 ft.; story height, 9 ft. b^BATHC CHAMBER\ HALL a 11X15-^ nnp ^ m CHAMBER 16X10 CHAMBER lOXlO-6 T KITCHEN / niNING r\ LIVING R / 9x9 11X13 a 15-4X12 jL 14X13-6 378 PORCH 9X9 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $10. EW ROCHEALE RESIDENCE- -Design 1880M; 13. -^Al?; ^o~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .OVINGTON RESIDENCE Design 1862M; -380- Plans $ I 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .- -^j;. Fa' TLANTIC CITY RESIDENCE.— Design 9842M; in Irame, $2,170 to $2,290; plans, $15; width, 31 ft by 40 ft. 6 in.; story height, 9 ft. Special features: An all shingle design; very attractive when appropriately colored; and simple to erect. tlHtCDTC, CMIVtHS • AflCMITECT -381- Atlantic City Residence No. 2 design 5385. See plan page 534. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES JrOCTON residence.— Design I oo;o03M; cost $1488 to $1636; plans, $20; size 28 ft. 6 in, x 33 ft; special features: nook in parlor, large dining room; one chimney stack for en- tire house, furnace in basemement. 38z- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^ "o Dvkesville Cottage No. 65-0, design 3383. 1 I heights 9 ft and 8 It. Plans $10. Similar 1 3 Parkdale pages 383 rind 384. ■> o — c ■i i Bowling Green G)tl;iL;f No. 66-0, design 5383. Story heights" 10 and 9 ft. Plans $10. See Parkvillc. page 385. (Use mirror a> shown above on page 1023 to get reversed effect.) -383- HERBERT C. CHIVtRS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Favan design 5384. slory heighls 10 and 9. similar to Parkdale design 385-6. Plans $1 3. Nearly tvety man and mioIv r>eiy womin wants « home, and iSe prellier il i»— ihc more honir-liLc ii i,. ju5l so much more iv.ll she ivhole family lo-r ,1. -384- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PaRKDALE cottage.— Design 1634-O; cost in frame, $840 to $1,080; plans, $8; with changes, $15; width, 23 ft. 8 in. by 42 ft. 5 in.; story heights, 9 ft^6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; side walk cut down by roof to 6 ft.; cellar, 7 ft.; special fea- tures: Adapted for a comer lot; large veranda. Modifica- tions: Porch treatment could be simplified. Can furnish these plans in stock as shown, or reverse, with the following chaBges, at $5. Continued -383- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Parkdale Cottage No.iz, design i6;j4-0; plans, $8; extreme width. 34 ft.; sambas ''Parkdale" with octagon bay-ihape; 13.4x26 ft. parlor, bay-shaped; 23.4x16 ft. sitting-room; I ^.4x16 ft. 6 in. dining-room. See page 65. Parkdale No. 10 design 5386-B Porch sjory heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6 17ft X 10ft I I ■ Plans $8. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES iMAPPING COTTAGE.— Design 68-0 ; cost, $1,499 to $1,599; sue, 28 ft. by 42 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in. in thedear, pl&ns, $10. Similar in design to Parkdale cot- tage on page 58 5. Wapping plan No. 2, Difani design, with parlor 14x16 ft.; chamber 16x14; 17x14 living room; serving pantry back ot this 9x6; kitchen 17x10; 4x10 closet to chamber; and ex^a closet to kitchen, and six rooms above; and 10 and 9 ft. story heights, cut down to 5 ft. side walls above. JAPPING RESIDENCE NO. 3.— ."japp design 2329-U; in frame, $2,100; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 4 in. in the clear. WAPPING Plan No. 4, Stafford design, same as plan No. I, with the following changes: Parlor 14x16; living ^pom r 4x1 8, with square window seat bay and fire-place; kitdhen 14x12, connected with living room; With kitchen porch ex- tending to chamber; with door into chamber; with chamber enlarged to 16x14; with window-seat bay; with four room* above 14x12, 14x18, 14x12, 12x14. See page 65. Wapping Cottage, No. 5; Scott design, same as Wapping No. I, with 14x15 ft. 9 in. parlor; with 14x17 ft. dining-room with 16x14 't sitting-room; with 14x12 ft. kitchen; with 14x12 ony ft. bed room over kitchen. JO/ HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Parkdale No. I I design 5388-A. See design page 385. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6 cut down to 5 ft, width 3 1 ft. Plans $8. 34ft Parkdale No. I 2 design 5388-B. See design page 385. Story heights 9-ft 2 and 8-ft 6. Stone house. Plans $8. (Use mirror as on page 1023 for re- versed effect.) -388- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ANISTEE RESIDENCE.— Deit^ 2002-N; cost, $1^98 to $1^90; plans, SlO. Full story heigbts. Special leatures: Good corner* lot design; large porcb and convenient batta-roora oo first lloor; large rooms; inexpen«ive exterior; attractive front windows. PaikdaleNo. 1 3 design 5389. Story heights 9-h 2 and 8-ft 6-in. Plans $8. nra>er I dowr Ch 12x13 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Cape may cottage.— Design i774-0;m frame, $688 to $898; plans, $s; width, 30.4 x 30; story heights, 9 ft. cut down by roof to 6 ft, 6 in.; Special features: Designed for comer lot; well-lighted stairs; grade entrance to cellar. Modi- fiTcations-KitcheQ could be as dining-room, with a i-stor>- kitchen addition. See page 65. A WORD OF CAUTION Readers of this catalogue of architectural designs are re«>p«>ctfully warned nnd requested not to build from designs or use portions of plans shown tbereln. Any dupltcity of this kind when found out and reported by our correspondeata or travelling representatives will be charged for according to the legal fees of ^M per cent on the co«t of said Improvements. I -390- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iiir I i PORCH /nSTh \ DlUlVt} ROOM ioCl 6 X loft lo I v KITCHEU 13ft X lifts 9 Ink y^ I ' ,STORAOE I ^ I /Bft »ld» I ["— "" ' t-rH v. >v \ ■ SERVAMT'S n ^>- _ _ ^ I / Roo" U cloJLsi^J / I CHAMBER 13ftlozllft4 CHAUBCR 12ft2xloft OwASCO RESIDENCE— Design 2035M; cost in frame $1.- 392 to $1,480; plans $10. See page 65. Plans came to hand. We are entirely satisfied, and wish to extend our hearty thanks— FRANK CANTLON. Everett, Wash. 39^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CaRROW residence.— Design 2390M; cost in brick and frame, $3,500; plans, $30. -392- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS I ARTISTIC HOMES LENCOE RESIDENCE.-Design 1039-N; in frame. $1,798 to $1,890; plans, $15; width over all, 33 (L; story heights, 9 (t. 6 in.; front chamber full story. Special features: Back chamber and ventilated alcove for kitchen range. -393- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PALASKALA RESIDENCK— Design 2005M; cost in frame $1,592 to $1,689. plans $15. See ptge 65. -394- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCH I T E C TS ARTISTIC HOMES olovKlTCBEH on I i:rt pobcb lOJra^ T^ \ T DKIIO ROOM IZrx. X lift SITTIIO ROOM 13ft 4tD » 15ft Ul ^ $TURGIS RESIDENCE,— Design 1903M; cost in frame $1 ,922 to $2,098; plans $20. See page 65. -395- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EdINBERG residence.— Design 100,01 50;.cost $1665 to $2798; plans, $10; size 28.6x37.6'. Special features: com- bination side and cellar entrance, conservatory, ltory height 8-ft 6, width 78 ft. Plans $23. Very suitable for a country home or sea- side cottage. -405- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES jP. J-:-s:f^'-:... iJn^^ -406- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES /-' Texan cottage.— Detign 100,036-0: cost in brick, $1,885 to $2,000; plans, $15. See page 65 jpoor m \ 9-Oxlo-o- 1 1 m>ef \ JO CHAMOtD \ \ g . JfOC V. ■ N "' ■" • BraMHALL cottage.— Design 2335!^; cost, $698 to $799; plans, $5; special features: Large veranda. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lORUNNA COTTAGE.— Design 1932-N; cost in frame, $1,892 to I $1,940; plans, $15; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: I Full story to tower roof; good exterior; large rooms; neat design; I imposing frontage. ^ ^ 408- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES Plans arrived all right and the cottage Is being built according to the details. Everything- Is very satisfactory and no changes are necessary from the original Five Dollar plan, which we purchased from you.— Mrs. J. C. Preston, Portland, Maine. ^ 1^ KITCKI 1 CHOOCR I Dims ROOM CflAMBtR J9fi Hn I 14rt _»»f' ««" » "'» PMLOX •isru X isftt CORONOCA COTTAGE— Design I4I0-0; cost in frame $1,492 to $i,s6o; plans $10. See page 65. -409- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OWASSA COTTAGE.— Design 193 1 M; cost in frame ?i, 89a to $1,920; plai\s $15. See page 65. I Axn more than pleased wltb my realdence Juat completed. Tbe coatract price did not exceed the original eedmate, and there haa not been a single extra. L. L. DREiSSBB. (Bank of OommerQe). St LoolK Ua 410- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES « " *i E c jc - " i a.f: Thornton No. 2 design 541 I, high stories suitable for Southern climate. See design page 412. Plans $20. Story heights 1 and 9 ft. -411 HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES I HORNTON COTTAGg— Design 2358-N; cost, $2,690 to $2,896; plans, $20. Plan No. 2, same as above, with porch around both sides; with bath-room where dining-room now is and 18 ft by 24 ft; bay-shape dining-room where bath-room now is, leaving the same number of rooms but making this side ol house one room deeper. -412- HERBERT C. C i1 I V E R S CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC i-IOMES W'^f^'fWff'rff!^ww/)/[////r/sfm/fw/wi'//'w////'m/m/aifw\ 1 1 m ^'ffi/'Miz/wminn/////// PiNDOR COTTAGE — Design 8242-0; cost in frame $1,- 392 to $1,590; plans $10. See page 65. II \\ I J CHAWBEP I CHAMBER LjCH A' in.-. , jPorch 12 X 14 : / 13 X QBXj 13 XI 1 y9X25 ^T^ PECEPTION H/ 20 >:..10f+. -J«/ -TTaTIf- 20JC "" ■ ' l?X12 J> Y 1? X 19^ Parlor ROOM 20 X 15' ALCOVE I I "; ...,r~ !4k--*s9aiarfi -413- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ify/ANETTA COTTAGE.—Anderson design 2341-O; cost, $1,895 to $1,980; plans, $15; 12 ft. story. A good South- ern cottage. See page 65. -414- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Lambsville Residence No. 3 design 5415, story heights 1 2 and 1 1 ft. Suitable for Southern home. See Lambsville design on page 4 1 6-4 1 7-4 1 8. Plans $20. - 4 I 5 - HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES Lambsville Residence No. 2 design 54I6-A, sloiy ^ghu 1 1 ft each. See design opposite page, also pages 4 I 7 and 4 1 8. Plans $20. Roof Lambsville Residence No. 4 design 5416-B, story heights 1 and 8 ft. Plans $20. -415- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Parlor 15xl8ft6 16.4xl4ft5 Verarxia. Lambsville Residence No. 5 design 5417-A, story leights I I and 9-ft 6. See design page 4 1 5 55ft --- -• ^ Lambsville Residence No. 6 design 5417-B. story heights lO-ft 6 and 10 ft. Plans $20. Plans $20. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS I ARTISTIC M O M E S Lambsville design 5418, story heights II and 10 ft. See modified plans on pages 415, 416, 417. Plans $20. Hessville design. 34 1 8, ^ story heights 1 ft. Plans $10. -418- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -^ LKTON RESIDENCE.— Design 2246-N; cost in irame, $2,692 to $2,784; plans, $25. Special features: Wide veranda; large pan- try; library appears attractively from front ball; attractive wide frontage and balcony. -419- HERBERT C. CHIVE R'i CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PITTSBURG RESIDENCE. — Design 1022-N; in frame and stone. $2,800 to $3,000; plans, $35 ' I' o ' l ' ' ' ^ 134XI0B' -420 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S A8 A BPK0IALI8T. . on offer •aegestlon* which come onlj from «ztap of pl«s« piu»«i«d by an architectnral expert compared with those mad< hT a tnillder. tfc e»«« Wf Ravello design 5421, width 44 ft, width over all 47 ft story heights 1 I and 8-ft 6. Suitable for a southern home. Plans $10. "421- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES krT,4P Torino design 5422, general width 2 7 -ft 3, width over all 46 ft. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Attractive den at stairs. Large hbrary. Plans $13. -422- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES SUMME.R COTTAGES As a number of our cheaper cottages are planned suitable for summer cot- tages, we have them classified as shown on the succeeding thirty-two pages. These houses are figured for regular construction, except where described as summer construction, and basements are included where cellar stairs are shown. We have a special cheap method of summer-house construction, using beaded partition lumber to inside partitions, running perpindicular around the entire room, and having the room free from the customary exposed posts to outer walls. This method will save 1 5 to 20 per-cent in cost, and we can prepare special plans of any cheap house for $25. See index for other summer cottages. Long island cottage.— Design 1763M; in frame, $789 to $1,098; plans, $10; width, 35 ft. 6 in. by 25 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. (cut down at walls by 'Oof to s ft. 6 in.). -423- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHIT E C T S A R T I STIC HOMES Manresa desigh 5424. width over all 41-h 6 story heights 9-ft 6 and 9, second story side- walls slightly cut down. Plans $ 1 0. t — 1 • 1 Dining R 13-6x15 Jllxl5 1 Kitchen W^V"^ H • fl Living Room • 1 25xir '^ V«r »da It _1 % f « CONBCLTATION AT A DISTAmm w .. w Tbiak of what TOO cu •»»» by coomttla* • l«rtr "t a """""^ *»° "Ar Mtataly dl*BUr«t«l ta th. contact or I. Um party that /"j'^" '»' *;~~ OM who to H>OT» all potty f«T»rlU«ii to wrtaln bolldM» and "bo. If »«T c— en>i win pUa .od a«lr> • bonam* wUlch wlU b« ni-w imd orl«ln.l and «< • «W Mrwt Thl. U wh«« local talent r-o»r«lly falU b) prodoce artteOc r««ai». T»a g,M to loo uiattid. TbtT kan aotbliK for tnab Inailimtla*. -424- HERBERT C. CHiV£RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Porch Roof Ch. jj" Ch. 11.8x14 Pi2f^^l3.4 :i Oakland Res. No. 2 design 5 Alb. See original plans opposite page 426. Story heights 9 and 9 ft. Plans $15. ERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES A 12 ox 12- V I. ,^ „•, if. AKLAND COTTAGE. — Design 1744-N; in frame, $1,050 to $1,280, plans, $5; width, 27 ft 6 in. by 28 H. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 9 ft (full story). Special features: Ornamental gable effect; suitable for a summer cottage. )N* COTTAGE. — Design 1014 M; in frame, $1099 to $1289; plans, $10; width, 42 ft. 8 in.; story heights, o ft. (second story walls c^t down to 5 ft. 6 in.) T^j~.' -426- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $1 a QuiNCy RESIDEN(X-De«Kii ,8,jM; ,, . _ ^, Michael, III., Jan. ii. ig Herbert C Chiver.. Archiiect, St. Loiii». Mo« Dear Sir- The plan for our parsonage w«t received in due t.me It is nicely •rrinfed (or • (Mroctiial houae and la in truth an elegant and altactive piece of work. Youra truly. D c w .^ ."^^ ■'' ^ CONNOLLY. Rector St. Michacli Cliurch. -427- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES GGERSON COTTAGE.-Design 2353-N; cost in frame, $1,3« to $1,562; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. with second story walls cut down to 5 ft. 6 in. except in tower. Special features: A very attractive front. A good farm tjouse plan. . HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Th« desl^s given herein witl probably serre as a basis on wblcta to ex- press your desires In regard to plans. By referring to a portion of one. and a portion of Another, yon can glvo us a clear enough outline from which to work. In this manner w^ can generally arrive very promptly at about what is wonted. ISHEVILLE COTTAGE.— Design 9826-N; in frame, $1,662 to 3^^M $1,283, plans, $10; width over all, 38 ft 10 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: Simple but attractive roof treatment, stained shingle columns, attractive tower. WLrJ^" i feMI -429- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I LVA COTTAGE.— Design lOll-N; in frame, $1,480 to $1,598; I plans, $15; front chamber full story, others cut down at walls to 5 I ft. 6 in.; half of pantry could be used as bath-room, with direct I entrance between dining-room and kitchen. -430- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HaJILEM COTTAGE— Design 1751-O; in frame, $589 to $699; plans, $7; width, 24 ft.; story heights, 10 ft. Special ■features: Large porch; suitable for a corner lot. Seepage 65. Union City, te8lgn 6028R: page 267: iu frame, $1,198 to $1,309: plans. $5; width. 24 ft 4 In. by 48 ft: 6tory helgbtg. 10 ft and 8 fl. e In.; aitle. 8 ft. Spet-Lil features: Wide flre-place In front room: large ve- randa: suitable for aeasbbre. PVans show poet foundation. See page 113. MilwaiiKce, Wis., June ii, 1904. Mr Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: — We to-day received the photograph of the co- lonial residence and we cannot begin to express our admiration of it. It is truly a thing of beauty, and should be a continuous joy to you, i(s creator. Yours truly, PATTON PAINT CO. -430- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES c^^ Mirecourt design 545l,slory heights 9 and 8-ft 6. Suitable for country home. Log posts. Log walls, width over all 52 ft. Plans $12. mAYNAftD COTTAGE.— Design i4>5M: cott in mm* $i,}6> to $1, 450; plant $io. Sec page 45a. 451 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES STALL 10 X8 CARP.IA{J^ ROOK ^ 19-6 «'! 21 ^■■■ 3 'HAY LOFT 50 xZl HAY 3HUTE Dov;?: m FEED DIi: = Stable design 5452. width over all 31 ft. \ Plans$5 8-ft 6 story. 1^t==- Authon Residence 5452-B. story heights 10 ft. Suitable for country club or country home. Plans $ 1 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES COLLURN COTTAGE. — Design 1 223M; size, 37x28 ft.; cost, $1,199 to $2,294. See page 65. OiailO ROOM lurta I la isrt aiB I lafi HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^^^^^^ TOLSOM RESIDENCE.— De«iro-664M;* HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Texas cottage. — Design 1013M; in frame, $1,100 to $1,498; plans, $10; width, 26 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in. (cut down to 5 ft. at ft-ont and rear walls). Special features: Wide front, atuacUve hall, with wide fire-place for logi. See page 65. -^Illlll I _ I fIRST FLODR -455- SECOND STOR' THH TRULY APPRBCIATIVB. Tbn Ham of clients w« dMire are tJie "truly appredatlTe.'' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Vermont cottage.— Design 1211-O; size, 25 ft. 8 in. by 50 ft, 6 in.; story heights, 8 ft. in the clear. Summer con- struction, $1,200 to $1,400. Special features; Attractive fire-place, two-story efTect to living room, stained shingle exterior; very eronomical construction. Plans$io. Seepage 33. c=B=J=^ \. ri CHAMBER i^r HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Munich design 5457 Plans $15. MY STYLE OF DESIGN BflTt 4ui|uc4 cbucfcu* KfeMlft, llbfintti Ikcatnt, ttum, kateti, kMki, etc, all artr (kt U. S., aJkncitpKialfcyartacal forth* will rty )rM lo •■ ktii wore ny Met* U ' 1. My bnlMlip see* to m nfi4K«y« tat irt pnctkal. rrcllBlaa>7 ttaiu. My bolMlip see* to fH A unique log house. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMifS PODGESON COTf AGE.— Design 3000-O; summmer co.. struction in frame, $982 to $1,192; suitable for. a sea-shore Columbus, Ohio, June 8, 1904 Herbert C Chivers, Esq , St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: — I take great pleasure- in saying that the plans worked out perfectly, and we have an exceed- ingly attractive and convenient home. The plans cost me less than one-fifth of what a local ar- chitect would have charged for them, besides giving us a place with more style and character. Thanking you for the interest which you took in same while we were building, I beg to re- main, Yours very truly, CHARLES F. BUTTERWORTH., -458- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Granile City G)ltage No. 2 design 5459-A. slory heights 8 and 8 ft. Plans $5 Granite City Cottage No. I design 5459, story height ^59- 9-ft 6. Summer House construction. Plans $5. HERBERT C, CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES — -._ ^_— - p. cS y y^ II 4- X II lltXIO \ ? "1 "♦mi rz 1 lit XI2 III ■! 1 p 1 ♦ X le Eureka cottage.— Design 1745-0. «" •«*«»<. W99 » $798; plaiu, $10; vidth, 34 ft. > in. by 30 ft; itory hogfati, 9 ft. and 8 ft. (cut down at wall to 5 ft). Modi6catioiu: Closet can be put in between Iront and" lack bed-tT>oon oo second floor. See page 6?. CIrnsidc, Pa , Aug 1. 19 Mr Herbert C Chivers, St Louis, Mo. Dear Sir:- I beg to acknowledge receipt of plans and spccincations to-day, and wish to CKpre •!■ I4rt • ufi •■< IWaltby REsm: ncp-465- '9»sM; MY TEBM8. I kgrv* to make your plans for a atated sum, and therafoiv would not be In- terested Id making yoar bnlldins unnecesaartly expenalve la order to Increaae my commission, as Is often done. HERBERT C. CHIVE RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES fiENECA COTTAGE.— Design 867-0; ifi frame, $1290 $1398: plans, $10; in brick or frame; width 29 ft. by 26 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in. Special features — Clean- cut, substantial looking Colonial design. See page 65. I ISVXI4" I^TO" ISVXiV I >5Tg< "•" Seneca No. 2 design 5466 Plans $ I 0. ! B Ki^, til ! ^Roo^ '12.IOX Par. 12.10X jfr Ch. /Hall *^V3.4x 1 Porch I I I -466- «==* 9. slorv heiehts 9-ft 6 and HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BlOOFIELD residence Design 6022-O; m frame, $iaoo to $1387; plans, $10; width, 27 ft. 8 in. by 31 ft. 4 in.; stoiy heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. See index for Danville residence: See page 65. -MY KF8PONSIBIL1TY.— My profcBftlonnl n^txx^sibllity and prepflredness has been my socceae and l8 evldfenced by the fact tluit cllentt> who build year after year Invariably cOmC' back, to me (or plans. Ll u t 111**'* HMWRooa c...~ J Omiii w V\[r Qmka The plans which yon prepared for me irere In every respect satisfactory as to desl^. convenience, etc. B W. WITT. Mossy Orcek. Teniv -467- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (second story side walls cut down to 5 ft. 6 in.) PiXON RESIDENCE.— Design 1^40 M; Plans $ I 5 kill f''^^\/ /Bd their work to iiif to Ix* put into practical shape. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IMalmore residence. $1,790 to $1,89;; plans $10. -Design 2045M; See page 65. nmneo k NuesoN ewrin* Mr. R«i1>*rt C. ChWers. Wftirwrleht Bldg.. St. Louis. Ont Sir:- Replying to vAir favor will saj plans oaae satisfactorily. Tho eolor offsets specified produced a fine effect. lours respectfully. -474- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES "practice makes perfect" tbls alone should be to iacenUre for yoa to arall youneff of my serTices. COLOMA RESIDENCE.— Design 191 7M; cost in frame (1,493 to $1,580; plans $iO. See page 6s. We are nore than pleased with the plans prepared by you. JOHN P. KEISER, Osceola. Ark. -475- HERBCRT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES i DORSEY RESIDENCE— Design 19J4M; coft ia frmc, $1,69] to $1,892; plans $>o. See page 6 s- -4/6- i i HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Thames design 5477 heights \Vei Special fpalutes: inexpensive round platform porch, with square^ top- roof and circular seal. Side entrance. Full-story ceilirlgs. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $10 Cutting Residence No. 2 design 5478, story heights 9 and 9 ft. See design above. Plans $15. It f\ro» me piMture to tlate: plans wblcb yoo mair for our bouw .itrc (Itco «Dtlr« saUftfactton. We ODnoC think of auT b^tterraoDt of Intnlor ■rran(eiDcnt or mterlor dcslen. Tb« roonit nrc all ircll TcntllntHj, well llchted and arrtng- - 47S — ^ conreoleat for furulturc, etc. It certainly paya to consult an arcbltectvral expert and not trust to coiumou-place talent. ANTON OCH& New Ulm. MIcb. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOIViES Winchester kESiDENCK. See description on page 507 " Also 3. o<^ ^ -479- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVIES //^jfjifu yyj'//^ TUSTIN COTTAGE— Design 2380-O; cost in frame, $i.- 392 to $1,480. plans, $10. Full story heights. See page 35. \lVJi//iC -POOA) J1/TCMEN ^ B CMA/^SIJ^ I HER 480_ BERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ORSET RESIDENCE.— Design IQOO-N; cost In frain«, $2,H0 to $2,392; plans, $20. See Chesterton residence. Special features: Attractive parlor and sitting-room; with pleasant outlook and large veranda; front room is well ventilated. -481-- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 16 ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Reception H. ^^"^'^ ^"^^ 15.4xl3ftC 16ftxl8ft Tilden Residence No. 2 design 5482-A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6. See design opposite page 484. Plans $15. Eitchen I 3 Ch. 15ft 5x13 ft LX]jll.4x] -HP- Dining R. Ch. 16ftTT^ft6 -15ft6xl3ft6 Ch. yj Ch. f~ 14xl3ft6 2^i4xi3ftc n -483- TWen Residence No. 3 design 5482-B, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft 6. Round Colonial columns. See similar design with shingle column on opposite page 484 Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES r-Tit ILDEN RESIDENCE.— Design 361-N; in frame, $1,698 lo $1,780; plans. $15; width over all, 31 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in.; full story. Special features: Octagon parlor and shingle porch: well- ventilated second- story front rooms. 3- P, \ Porch DiningR " LivingR 1S-6X16 13-6X16 ■484- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^^^^ !!'■■ n ' W ; Si ST fir K '''^■^^' INGOLA RESirENCE.- Design 100-05S-Mi cost, $U90 (o Jl,492; ] t lilh, 31 it. 6 in.; ilor> beights. 9 !t. < iiv; aecond, 8 IL 6 in.; cellM. 7 (1. undtr rear o! roune. Plinj, SIO. Specul features: I Atuuiive bay in iroiil. pla.ii. r.eal, clean cut eil«rior. Angola No. 2 design 5485, stoty heights \ ft. dcfign above. Plans $ ! 0. \ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hayes design 5486, ilory heights Plan, $5. I— IN, 9^ 6 .^ 9 tXTCmoK .2 Lg j Ch. ■ ^"^ pxieft R^f rAK.K»«LE 61- 11 AKDALE COTTAGE.— Detign 9074-N; In lr«lM,»W»9 to»I4« plan*. 110; width, 24 (t. « in. by « h. 8 liv; widtji ovef all. 31 It. i in.; ttory beio; width, 33 ft- X j6 ft. 4 in.; width over' .11, 37 ft 6 in ; iloiy heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. Spec- Plans $20 ill features; Octagon ptrlor, and wide stair arrangemenL Modifications; Kitchen could be used for dining room with small porch back of i>re»ent dining-room. See page 65. Windsor Cottage No. 2 .30ft6 ■■■:,,^ Heights 9-ft 6 and 8-fl 6. design 5487. LL Plans $15. Roof 487- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ift^a H IILMORE COTTAGE.-Dcsign 9642-N; in Irune, $962 to SI.OM; plans, $10; width over all, 22 II. 4 in.; slory hcigbu, 9 It. and 9 It. cut down by rool to S It. 6 in. walls. Special lesturea: Compact j plan and neat extericr. Also plan No. 2, Salesbury design, s above with 12 It. by M It. parlor; with IlxH It. ball; with Hail It. dining-room where kitchen now is; with 10x12 h. one. story kitchen; wtth SxlO ft. wood-shed; with 6x8 It. bath above; and 4a6 ft. closet to room over present kitchen; with Iront chamber 20x9 It;, next cbamber 8.6x12 *t with 4x8 It. hall; closet back ot this. 1 Chamber I :iz: 16-3x12 LinenCll Filmore G)ttage No. 2 design 5488, (See opposite page.) Plains $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Femville Cottage No. 2 design 5 490- A, story heights 8-ft 6 and 8 ft. See opposite page 489. ' " ■ Plans $15. Femville Cottage No. 3 design 5 4 90- A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8 ft. See opposite page. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iWlASHINGTON RESIDENCE—Design 6014-O; in frame. $1,190 to $1,398; plans, $10; width, 17 ft. 8 in. by 29 ft. 6 in.; width over all, 33 ft.; story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; fide walls 10 second story cut down to 8 ft.; special featuics:. Bay to library. Modification^: See St. Louis Cottage on page Modification 3, Galbreth design, same as Was- ington ResideiKe, except bay is on side of parlor instead of at library, with combinatibn side entrance and no pantry; full 9 ft story heights. Modification No. 3, Smith design; same as Washington Res., except kitchen flue is at outer comer and stair* to basement go do>^ direct from kitchen. See page 65. Plans $10. ARTISTIC HOMES ^s- 33ft6 ^ Kitchen 13.3xllft2 P Dining H. I ^ lO^ \P 13. 3x [. t2 b ^^ Hall / 15Ct6in N 10.6 ■ \ B /^ Washington Residence No. 2 design 5492. Full story heights. See opposite page 491. Plans $10. Unionville Residence No. design 5492-B. Similar exterior to a page 342 for plan reversed. Stoi7 heights 9-ft 6 and 9 -492- Plans $10. H E R B K R'^ C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Edmore residence Design 1915M, Plans $2 5 1 yairfiel^ Xunibcr Company, LumbtT. La'J>, Shinglo, 5»h, Doort, Lime, Ccnxnt tni BuiUin; F.7attru! Generally. <^^iY'^/c'. (i§p//.. JQI3LIK i__./*<7 Ktrb«rt C. Clivers, Esq.. St. LouU, No. Psir Ji'r:- ■P-.* plf.'is ff ray residtr.ce prepared by you, aljo tho.ji :f our Vmk bv.iidlng w«re vary sall;*'actory in a:i r«.«pc'.,t.i. I "htiv y«i for the lnt«r*at Ukm In isy »ork, and the iwny wslul sunijeniloa.'! offerel. ** Yours very trjly, HERQcRT C. CHIVERS CO. ARC11ITEC1.S ARTISTIC M OMES KaLIVA residence.— Design i9aoM; cost in frame $i,oos to $i,iHo plans $io. See page 6$. ■ z«rt ain f ' i \ 1 -494-/ HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES /DVON RESIDENCE Design 1868M Plans $20. Jackson residence. 188J.M, •495- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Savannah residence —Design iSs'.M; 4Q6- ESTIMATinS. We do Dot guarantee estlmatee. Thie would be absolutely ivd U^lustloe to our dlcDU. reputable boilders aiH) fellow arcbttecu. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 1 < ARTISTIC MOMES Plans $20. •Hasting cottage.— Design 1950-O; in frame, $1250 to $1398; plans, $10; width, 25 ft, 8 in. and 27 ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. 6 in. in the clear. Special features- Shingle tower and porch, giving massive effect. See page 65. =^^ I Ilk* joar plans better tban any others I'lisTe sc«d. MISB R. KATB GARDINER. Amsterdam, N. T. 497 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ■mu « ffartncat baild- iip u is I ttoniigit nii^t rf U< nuf TtqumaMU a( iu pa b I i e, oMjiag • t;U cocTMinM^ «l«{>nc« with Tit« te pnluble oall>7 moou ■ r «on« la fllu ■• M Ufuoal ta4 rmbcal iniiiif rf ■auW ktiilnf. liybln4t»iml«lM« HctawinJnfitiil ARTISTIC UOMUS. This book l8 a work of baildlng Information, not a highij polished fancy plctDre book. It contaJoB many plans and all possible InforpaUon that wo can jJvf ItB readers f or the pr ice of aame. IfM^AMAJ //'-C'jt/J' ' ^ CiLTON COTTAGE.— Design 1206M; size 24 x a6 ft. Cost $1298 to $1499; plans. $10. Special features: den with fire- place, side entrance, unique reception hall, large living-robta. -498- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC liOMES Oxbow residence— Design 10 20-0; cost in frame. $3,980 to $4,540; plans, $40. Cost in brick, $6,700 to $7,890; plans, 3 i-» per cent, on cost. 499- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES heights, 10 ft. Special f eatures: Combination side entnace HjRAND folks RESIDENCE— Design lO-O; in frame. n^^VI*. $1.^99 to $1486; plans, $10; width over all. iS ft. 2 in.; p*voe ri ^ §TAMFORD RESIDEN'CE Design 3042Mi - )()0 - HERBERT C. CHIVEKS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES JWaRLEBORO cottage no. a Hawke design 55O: cost, $1,490 to $1,582; size, 26 ft. by 35 ft See Marleboro design on page Plans $10. Marleboro Residence, No. 6, Halzback design, the Mme as No. I , on page Fo z. with barge-board eables; -^^^ -45ft _ - -501- HERBtRT C. CHI VERS CO. ARCHITECTS -JaRLEBORO RESIDENCE— Design 907 i-O; in frame, $1,198 to $1,356; plans, $10; width, 25 ft. 10 in. by 28 ft. 6 » in.; width over all, 38 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 2 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Large veranda; pleasing outline; well-venti- lated dining-room; kitchen could be used as dining-room with one-story kitchen addition. Modifications: See Marleboro No. 2, etc. Marleboro No. 5, Francis design, with dining-rooro 17 ft. 10 in. by 14 ft., with rear porch to dining-room, with door to same; with parlor fire-place; sliding door at parlor pocket. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES 38ft Marleboro Cottage No. 3 design 5503-A, ftory heights 9-ft 6 and 9 ft. See design page 502. See pages 501 and 504. Plans $10. Sitting Roora^ll.4xl4f^ 17.10xl4ft I Parlor 13ftxl4ft Marleboro G)ttage No. 8 design 5503-B, story heights 9-ft 3 and 9 ft. See design page 502. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS Leicester design 5504, story heights 1 U and 9 H. Plans $10. Similar plan to Marlboro, pages 501-502-503 H ...prs™. .4Cft61n Ttt dniKU |rlT*n herein will probably mttf la > haais un wmeb to et- prpaa you'* deairca lo ircard to plaos. By rcferrlafr to & portion of oo». aud • portion of hnotber, 700 can fire ua ■ cl««r (Donsb outJinv from wblcb lo work In tblB manner we can ecnerally arrive Terr promptly at about wbat U w&ntad. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Monaco design 3505, stjjry heights 9-fl 3 and 9.' ^^Very attractive, clean-cut front. Unique reception hall, com^ binatibn stairs and sleeping balcony at side. Plans $15. 46ft Par. 13xl5ft"„ uiT" 13x15. 3ir. "« = •" lOin -505- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES V' --41ft7; Kit. 17-10x19 Din.R. |l4xl4fi /, Porch 1 y^yPan. I c. 1 1 °'- vH Il7-10x ^J J^16xl4ft. J QieftSin ^# 7c|^ L Tb!iiT 5a l=x-.<2llli^ ^ iQnA n I'SS-S .?iK 5 Sit.R. :: »«ii [Parlor 1 3.3x19-6 14x14-6'; lOfte Veranda 8 ft wide Ch. UxlSftZ Balconj ■Pin ; - . — "5 .1 s Q "j: Sardinia design 5506, story heights 10 ft and 9-ft PJain, clean-cut exterior. Can be used as residence flat. Plans $10. -506- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Reggio design 5507, story heights- 9-ft 6 and 9, width over all 36 ft. Large dining room and front chamber. Plans $10. C I Porch V antrj Kitchen! Icj Dining Room 11-6x13 R ll'j 14-6x13-6 elo iUlNCHKSTER RESIDENCE— Ucfign I099-U; in fnmc. $i,4f9 10 $i.j98; plant, $10: width, 54 (t. by 46 ft.; itorjr height*; 1 1 ft. in the clear. See page ^T^ Nemo design on page ILO^ Wincheitei plan No. f. Brand det., parlor, 15.4KI4 A. 6in.; dining-rooni. ■$ 4114 H. 6 in. with sliding doora into parlor, with tre-pUce to •ittiog-room only. Sec page 65. Sec design on page '. 't- T ^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AlFepo design 5508, width 36-ft 6, width over aU 39 ft. Compact, square, economical plan. Story heights 9-fr 6 Plans 7a and 9. Parlor Recept Kail 15x15 ^p -508- ORIOINAI.DESIONS. When you bnlM. It U suprwsM tbm you want vomrttilni: ortfrlnAl ukI differ- ent to the common pUce hnlldln|rii you wo ere.y day.- My ntudy It do* conftood to one lorsllty. I do work to every State lo the Union and mnoy forelrtt cooo- trle« and a great deal of It therefore my Idea* arc not limited. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTIST I C HOMES QHAMBER I0.9-XI3 H A MBEH /CHAMBER X 19-7 .yP^SX 13 +. J -509- Lhu I Jt- Br6nSON residence.— De«ljn 1974-N; co« S2,28S; plans, $20; ttory beigbti, 9 it fi in. $3,190 to HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BeAUFORD .residence.— Design 100,046-0-. plans, $20; sire, 36x48; cost in frame, $1,800 to $1,980. Special feataresc Large vestibule; combination wood-shed; porch and water-closet; comb, cellar stairs; kitchen ei)trance. STAiii L,EGISI,ATION A(;aIN.ST "BIIILPEK - ARCHITECTS " The State of Illinois has nTcnlly [inKSt'a a law conipcHiuK architects to «n- dergo a rigid exatnlnalion before thoy can practice. Tlu-y define what an achl- tcct l8, and self-styled nrchlteds. without a license are subject to protecution and a fine of $500 for each luid evfii-y offense. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Black hills RESIDENCE.—Design 960M; in frame. $1,190 to $1,480; in brick, $1,600 to $2,000; plans, $25; special features: Nook and fire-place in connection with stairs. See page 65. ZULA COTTAGE. Design 100,030 O cost, $980 to $1,087, width. 31 ft. Special features: Large rooms, con- venient bath-room, flue connections for all rooms. See jiage 65. Q •511- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ISzlSftt, /i3.3xllft IeNI^N ^residence — Design 190S-O; cost in frame $1,892 to $1,920; plans $15. Ste page 525. See pagft ( j. ■"512" DELNY RESIDENCE.— Design 1909-0'; cost in frame $2, 290 to $2,385; pixns $15. See page 6^. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS artistic; homes -513- ROOP l23'^«^VS?a!''^^-^"'»" ""•''= ^' «•«« •" «■'«»' P'--. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS -514- ANASTOTA RESIDENCE.— Detign 1M7-N; cost in Irame. $2,190 to $2,239; plant, $20; atory heicbts, 10 h. aod 10 ft. Spec- ial leatuTca: AttractiTe. large bajr-ahape parlor and chamber above; neat, attractive modeni eaterior daaiga. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 HIO RESIDENCE.- Design 8192-N; in iraiBC, 31,798 to 11,998; pUuM, $13: width over all, 37 ft. 6 io.; story heifhu, 9 it. 6 in. and 8 h. 6 in., full story at tower. Special features: A food comer lot design; targe dining-room. -515- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES JaMESVILLE RE8IDENCE.Derign 1883M; liiOMRtlK.' (>••«••>•> • c»5ucA>in»itsoee«* IkWGKVnjUBj\'t». Hov. }. 19 \ Ifr. Hert«rt C. Chlvarii, St. Louts. Uo. hva Skr:> The plMva. speoifloAtlont vA datalls rurnlshad to b oaitc by jott war* mtlrdj satlsfKotory. Teurs vtrj truly, -516- HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES OIeXTER plan,— Design i96o-0;in frame, $1290 to$i386; plans, $10; width over all, 27 ft. 10 in.: story heights, 9ft. 6 in. Special Feature; A very compact plan; tasy to cohitruct; bay in front. See page 65. jKitch. IQ D-ining h.3-4X Room 1-J^iX 13 X14- 8"J Parlor H. "-« ' 13- Tgy ^ Plan No. I. — See plan No. 2. opposite page. -517- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dexter Plan No. 2 design 5518-A, story heights 10 and 9-ft 6; See design opposite page 5^1 7. Large living room. Plans $ 1 0. Roof Dexter Plan No. 3 design 5518-B. story heights 10 and 9 ft. See design opposite p>age 517. HEABCRT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOIVfES $COTDALE RESIDENCE.— Design 191 2M; coit in frame. $^,8ja to $1,940; plans, $1). GRAND FOLKS Plans No. j, Morgan Design reversed, flue holes in place of fire-place and large closets between two main chambers, with 10 ft 6 in. and 9 ft. 6 in. story heights. Seepage 50* -t»uah Wo J. -519- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES KOUTS RESIDENCE— Design 2379M; cost in frame, $2,350 to $2,498; plans, $ao. See page 65. or "9 '9:^-' TT^ :^ cKAMete fBze I— A :^ CM^noie / — til HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A SUBURBAN HOME.— Design 86j-0: in rnme and stone $3,000 to $3,500, plans, $>o; story heights, 10 ft.; special features: Combination of stone and stained shingle*. Beau- tiful simple «olor effects can be obtained; combinatioo stairs. POCA COTTAGE. Oesign 88 iM: MOBOKEN RESIDENCE. — Design 4114^, in frame, $1,890 to $3,000: plkns' $15; story heights, 10 ft. Special features; Attractive second landing to stairs. See page 6$. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LONI COTTAGE.— Design 1793-0-, -IT- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Ealing design 5523, story heights 10 and 9 ft, width 32 ft, width over all 55 ft. Good, plain, practical design. Plans $10. -523- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Preliminary design. The Edwin Swift Residence, Lake Geneva, Wis. Beckenham design 5524-B, in brick, width 42 ft, story heights 10 and 9 ft. Plain, neat exterior. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVf E S Aroma Residence No. 2. ilROMA RESIDENCE— Dt»igii 100.041 O, ir> heighli. i M lo ft.. »d 9 ft. 6 iri.; cell* 7 ft; tpeciil Jeiturei: biy-ih»pe roomi, Utractivc tuirf, novel porch. See page 65. -523- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Barking design 5526, width 29-ft 6, width overall 45 ft, story heights 1 and 9-ft 6. Plans $ 1 0. I ^g3P°r=h N^^kT] Pan I— I 9-6x7 t* 8x7. Ki Dining Room 19x13 Living Room Recep't 17-6x14 Hall 11x18-6 JL Veranda Manistee. Mich., Oct. w, I9< Htrbtrt C Chiver«. Architect, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir — The plans and apecifications purchased of you have given prfecl satisfaction, and they have iaved many times their cost. For the IMest up- to-date designs, embracing all that •> modern and desirable, with minimum cost a oart ol Ihe consideration, you certainly excel With an assurance of my most grateful ap- preciation, 1 am. Very truly your*. (Real Estate) a C. THOMPSON -526- *^5E.a Tws-F*Mrv.-f ^OTTA^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES £ii^sgps5i«iRi;^j^ AKEMAN RESIDENCE. -DesigB 1835-N; cost in lr«nie. $2,390 to $2,498; plans, $20. Special features: Pleasant out-look from living-room; lavatot-y convenient to living-room. A good h*u*e for a physician. House appears well on wide lot KlT CMEN / \ V ; K( 1 I. HL M II p-orricc^—i^uvific ■ r Via ex b o- | ra XI3 -527- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES .21f1> Two Family Cottage design 5528-A, story heights 9 and 9 ft. See design 526. Plans $5. Two Faniily Cottage design 5528-B, stoiy heights 5E8- 9 and 8-ft 6. See design 523. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHIT E CTS ARTISTIC HOMES La FON'IAIN RESIDENCE Design 2364-M; design JD page y2d one la lor immoflality." There waa charact* arcbitectur* la charartcr and individuality. These ar thorouch study ol ha past and has ideas ol his own « fof your building and the amounts you are prepared i n his lilc as a cavc-dwelter comei in course of >l thatched aiKl wattled huts and weary of life in with wood, with stone and with brick. The struc- comlorlablc to occupy but roan does not know it. I lar In the hiatory ol the world. Presently some and so convenient in arranf emeiH that hia naigh- them. The archiiect has arrived. He appears al d cval Europe. Emerson orKC said: "The EfXP' ■, ihc Grecian by adaiiuate support and the Gothic waa present, added: "One is lor death, one is lor r, you tee, in each and what you want in modern E only poaaible Irom a man who haa'made a hicb he can adapt to the plana you have lormad 9 capertd.— Herbert C Olivers. 537- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Shillings design 5538, story heights 1 2 and 1 1 ft, width over all 50 ft. Neat, clean-cut exterior. Large rooms. Good southern house. Plans $1 5. -338- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS / ARTISTIC HOMES OODBINE RESIDENCE.— Deaign 10S9-N; in (rame, $2^98 to 92^00; plana. 920; width, 29 ft. 8 in. by 49 ft 4 in.; atory heigbta, 9 ft 6 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special featurea: Compact floor arrangement Thia plan can be bad with aeveral modificationa. K \.fc -539- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES r=3 Oil to- 31ft8 > Woodbine No. 5 design 5 5 40- A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See design opposite page 539. Plans $20. -540- Qj^ "Liv.R. *, A*ifi 14.10x15 |L3.4xl6jj^ 4 in H. Roof CD. Ch. 13.4x16 3J Ch. 15.4x15. 4 in ans $20. Woodbine No. 6 design 5540-B. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. See design opposite page 539. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES THRHS SQQM l-XATS KOMULUS COTTAGE.— Design t2ooiM;Size 29 by 45. Cost $i64oto$2i99; plans, $20; Special features: economical roof construction, attractive reception hall. See page 65. For Romulus design No. 2 545. see page HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DeNTONVILLE residence— Design jyO; qost. $i,- 992 "> $2,42^; plans, $2o; size, 30 ft; by 53 ft. 4 in.; Story heights, 9 ft; 6 in. and 9 ft. Woodbine Residence No. 2, Miller design, arranged for a physician, with bath-room' back of dining-room; with present bath-room space used as 5 ft. rear hall, extending to a dining- room door, with side enuance, and 8x11 office where rear porch now is, with closet, kitchen, pantry and porch in rear and 11x17 ft. chamber in place of 9x12 ft. chamber in rear. -542- ART |KT and Architecture go hand-m-hand. The leading architects do not care lor moderate-cost residence work, but to meet this demand I have established a special department for the planning of Cozy Homes, and as 1 do more work in this one department alone, than any three architects, this great practice, ex- tending as it does, to all parts of the United Stales and Foreign Countries, naturally gives me a knowledge of the best ideas from all parts of the country, and these ideas, lor a nominal price, can be incorporated in your plans; and where your neighbor has a cheap carpenter-planned or cheap stock-plan house, that you fmd duplicated and staring you in the lace wherever you go, you, for a lew dollars more, can have a house that is stylish, economical, home-like and out of the ordinary.— Herbert C. Chivers. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dining HI Chiaber PcrchfP 1 J-Cx9ft| VUTAN— Deagn jj-0; co«t. $1,900 to $2,459; story heighu 9 ft. 6 in. >nd 9 ft. in the clear, plam. $«o. Woodbioe Retideoce. See page 65. Yutan (See design page 539). (See design page 539) ntENOSHA RESIDENCE.— Cod in fnax $i.]9o to f, - 4*o;pUBt$ij. S«« Woodbioe Rnidenc*. See page 6s. -543- KickapOO KiCKAPOO residence —Oetign 6<>0; com. $1,998 to ■^ $1,195: pUnf, $jo. See design Woodbine Re«ideDce (hold f^ J . c.1C\ \ *"* *'''^°' 'o reverie). Publiihed in the Nov., 1 899, Woman'» (oee design J J 7.) Home companion, Spruiglield, O, See mrc 65. H'ERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DWaCKINAW CQTTAGE Design 29O; cost. $1,798 to $1,859; size, 30 ft. 2 in. by 43 ft. 8 in.; plans, $15. See page 65 MACKINAW plan No. 2, Hamilton No. 2, has bath opening direct into sftling-room; with 11x14 ft- kitchen; with 5x12 serving pantry and 6x8 porch in place of bath; withuot "owei", but dormer in its place. MACKINAW plan No. 3, Hamilton No. 3, same as Mack- inaw No. 2, but with pantry omitted. MACKINAW No. 4, Scherymger design, same as Mack- inaw No. 2. cellar stairs on opposite side of kitchen and serv- ing pantry in place of closet, using sitting room as dining- room. Same exterior as Woodbine residence. Mackinaw Cottage No. 5, Adams design same as Mack inaw, with dining-room where sitting-room is, with -5x1 1 pan- try; 14x11 kitchen, and cellar stairs under porch. The cx- tterior has root window in place of tower. Mackinaw Cottage No. 6, McMahon design, Hamilton plan No. 6, same as Mackinaw Cottage, with rear porch on sitting-room side, with door onto same; with 14x17 kitchen; with bath and large pantry in place of present kitchen porch; with one extra 14x17 chamber above kitchen; with exterior same as Woodbine residence, ,with dormer window in place of tower. See page 65. i^-'jor ■S ro^£ ^^ S TOAS'^ /fJ" .^ /S-o- •t./s--4- /a-i^-A/3 s- V=/L -544 J HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS A R T I S TIC l-l O M E S Romulus design No. 2 (reversed) ' """ 6 and 9-ft story heights. ,. I / , I (Use mirror. See page 1023.) I 2 I Kitchen | I c j _^_— ^_ r a • page 541. design 5545, Plans $20. Philadelphia Residence No. 2 design 5545, width :29-ft 6, over all 31 ft. See reversed design page 723 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Br/ONKTON — Des. 100,052-0; cost, $^,498 to $2,892; plans, $20; story heights, 1st 9 ft. 6 in., 2d 9 ft.; cellar, 7 ft. See Woodbine residence. Suitable for a physician's office. See page 65. I ^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES iMAWAKA RESIDENCE— Design i9o»M;cost in frame $2,292 to $2,394; plant $20. See pnge 65. -547- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES laft - \6ti. iTcait v llftSxlSf 16 I PARVcn isne X isfi ^.-.^ -^ -546- IdLEWILD residence.— Design 2032-0; cost in frame $1 ,8So to $1 .942; pla-ns $1 5. See p*ge 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART ISTIC riOMCS Grantham design 5349, story heights 10 ft and 9-ft 6. Suitable for Physician's office, width over porte-cochere and all 36 ft. Plans $10. -549- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES RONDONT RESIDENCE — Design j267-0; co«t in frame, $1,932 to $>,i9S; plans, $15. See Burea Res. for exterior. BUREA RESIDENCE.— Design 1 00,03 8-0;'cost. $1,662 to $1,993; plans. $15; story heights. 9 ft.; cellar, 7 ft.; width. 34 ft; special features: Down suirs chamber. Burea plan No. 2. Doncastle design, same as "Burea". with 12x18 ft. dining-room extending o'ut to present side porch space; with 14x14 ft. kitchen; with 4x6 ft. closet where marked "porch" on side; with extra 14x14 ft. chamber orer kitchen; with 4x6 ft. closet; with 4x9 ft. lavatory where marked "deck"; with 9 ft. story heighu. Burea plan No. 3, Park design, same plan with 14x16 ft. parlor and dining-room; with chamber 14x14 ft.; with fire-place and bay; with chamber of game size above; rear vestibule at foot of rear suirs; with door into bath-room. Burea plan No. 4. Sprigg design, same as Burea plab No. 2, with four chambers above; with 14x23 (t. dining-room; with 6x11 ft. serving pantry. See page 65. -551- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BUREA RESIDENCE.— Design 100,058-N; cost, $1,662 to $1992; plans, $15; story height, 9 ft; cellar, 7 It.; width, 34 (t Special features: Down- stairs chamber. This plan can be had with 12x18 ft. dining-room. o 3 W Jl 1 /o"6rxo"9 O \ a /4"-X/5"-f" 552 HERBERT C H I V £ R S CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES Burea Residence No. 2 design 5 5 53- A -Z9tt~- 3^jjjg design as page 552. see page 55 1 ^ Ch JDining Rooiil 3 10-6x -6xl0ft heights 9 ft and 8-ft 4. Burea Residence No. 5 design 5553-B, Porch { as on page 552. Also see page 55 heights 10ancr9 h. Plans $15. -553- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CaTASAUQUA RESIDENCE.—Design 1864M; cost ii frame $1,692 to $1,898; plans $10. S«ep»ge 65. -354- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES D OPKIN8VILLE RESIDENCE.— Deiipi 1042-N: cost in irame. $2^298 to $2,669, plans, $20; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: Fire-place in reception hall; well-ventilated dininf- room; vestibule; attractive V-shape window in front. -555 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ESGARDEN RESIDENCE. — Design 2244Ni cost in irame, $2,180 to $2,390: plans, $15. Special features: A neat exterior; large library; attractive tower; well-ventilated rooms; attractive angular window in dining-room. -556- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES IwiNGLEV RESIDENCE.— Design 4090-O; in frame, $1, 459 to $1580; plans, $10; size 35 ft. 4 in. square; story heights, 9 ft. 4 in. and 9 ft.; Special features; combination cel- lar and side entrance at one step above grade. See page 65. SWINGLEY Plan No. 2, Orr Design: size 35 ft. square; lo and 9 ft story heights, side entrance omitted, and bath be- tween corner chambers. See page 65. SWINGLEY Plan No. 3, Hiles Design, same as above, but in brick, with bath on second floor. See page 65. -557- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS A R T I S T I C HOMES n Chesterton : RESIDENCE.— Deaigai904M; cost ID frame |., 892 Se« page 65; -558- HERBERT C CHIV ERS CO. ARCHI T E C T S ARTISTIC HOMES ClARENDONIA RESir3ENCE.— Design 1862M; cost ir. frame $2,250 to $2,390; plans $20. See jage 65. T CH,\M1)L,. n •• CHAMBER ISfl X lift Cirij I Ul3ft4 X 16f»3 /ARLOR 13ft4 X Utl HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I HEN you are 'building a home it will cost you no more, but will be a thousand times more satisfactory, if you will build on the past exper- ience and most modem ideas of an architect of national reputation, and build for the future. It is a fact and a lamentable one, that a hundred times more money has been wasted in mistakes and blunders in building than has ever been paid to architects. You undoubtedly liave some pretty well- defined ideas of the sort of a house you want and there are some things which you have always wanted in your house and ^ now you intended having them. That's right, but don't build a bam, in your baste, and then stick on a lot of warts here and there and expect to get artistic and tasty design. It will be better for your family, pocket- book, peace-of-mind and temper if you will simply slap all these ideas into a roughly drawn pencil sketch, of the sort of a house you want, and send the same to me with in- structions to prepare sketches for you and later to complete the plans. My large ex- perience and information acquired in the sat- isfaction of thousaqds of clients is yojjrs for a nominal sum. It's your bouse that you are going to build and it's your money that is going to pay for it, but a thing that is worth doing, is worth doing right, and it will not take ver^r much in wasted material to absorb the $45.00 or so you would be trying to save in being your owti architect, laying aside the important matter of convenient plan, style and design that an architect of experience can give. WE ARE FROM MISSOURI AND MUST BE SHOWN I can show you bow to make thr money you have appropriated for your new bouse go fartbet toward meeting your every re- quirement than you can do for youTselt I have studied these matters in so many phases, and overcome so many obstacles that I am certain I can be of service to you. li you attempt to go it alone you are bound to go it blind. Do not struggle with perplexing preliminary troubles which are the business of your architect The operation of planning, designing and build- ing a house are too complicated to be successfully undertaken without an architect, even with the co-operation of the best of builders. The professional or expert is needed not only to se- cure the successful completion of the project but to save tBoney for the client. Do not hesitate about writing to me for fear of the extra cost. You will find it the truest ecoo- omy to have my assistance, furthermore, it facilitates my work to start you right in the first place. It Is my business and my pleasure to make every dollar of my client's money count for his benefit, to prevent extravagazKe and waste and en- able him to enter at the appoint- ed time a building with which be will be pleaaed to the end oi bis days and which will have cost him even less than be ex- pected. Do not (ail to write to me, my office is just as close to you at your nearest maiUbox. Besides you have the satisfaction oi get- ting my advice In black and white. -B60- OF FAC.-5TMILB TESTIMONIALS HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Htrbto C. ChivcTS, Archilcci, Sl Louii, Mo. Please prepare preliminary plant lor my reitdence, lor which lind enclosed %S in payment ol aanc, il being un^ertlood that il I build bom the Ideaa contained therein that J will order apecial pla ol you and that thit turn ol 15 it to be allowed by you af a credit on tbc coat ol linal plant, unlcta an entirely dillerent plan ia adopted. Prelimiiury plana contain the very eaacnca ol an aichilecl'a ideaf lor any particular buildinf and ar« ordiiurily worth I pet c«fM ol com ol bulMinK. • Euclid RESIDENCE._ne»ign 100.049 O Name Cty-_ 561- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ONEYHILL COTTAGE.— Design 2420-O; cost in bam*. tl,190 to $1^89; plani, $10, atory heights, 9 ft. and • ft.; full story to main room. Special features: Large veranda; attractive stair landing; large dining-room; well proportioned exterior. ItMlCIIT C. CMIVEII - «riCHIT(C1 HCRBEJtT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IV1 E S Chicigo, III.. |in. 26, 19 Mr. Herlxrt C Chivtrs, Wainwright Duilding, St. Louis. Mo. Dcir Sin- Both Mrs Hobbs and mytclf had som« brit- liartt ideas which we wished to embody in a home. The trouble with our brilliant ideas was that no architect would acknowledge that they were even brilliant or usable. Each architect I visited first threw cold water on my ideas and then tried 'to sell me something I did not want. Having heard a great deal of you and your work during the year 1 spent in St. Louis. 1 sent you my sketches, expecting to receive a letter stat- ing thai they were worthless. The letter never came, but the plans did. and the plans, well; I think you are a diplomat, but I know you are an architect. If all my ideas are not embodied in these plans, the plans are so complete and well developed, that 1 do not miss them. While wishing you success, it occurs to me to mention that there may be many more in Chi- cago in my predicament, and will certainly refer any prospective builder to St. Louis for his «*lan$. Sincerely yours. FRA.NKLYN HODBS Donington design 5563, heights 9-ft 4 and 8 Auburn. Neb. April 17. 1905. Mr H C. Chivers. St. Loais. Mo Dear Sir: — Please pardon my delay le not writing sooner expressing my appreciation of the plans you made for the remodeling of my residance The query is, "How did you accomplish sucH a lran»- lormalion?" The exterior is far ahead of uur expectation, and the interior arrangement his our needs just about right and makes us a vtty ccmilorlable home The money I paid you for plans was well in- vested, for they worked out perfectly, saved us money, and a whole lot of worry. Yours truly, (Driigumi E II DORT -563- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES COWELLVILLE RESIDENCE.— Deiign 838-O; in frame. $1499 to $1898; plans, $151 width, s7-8 x 32 ft. 6 in.; stpry heights, 9.6 and 9 ft. in the dear, room sizes, parlor, 13.4 X 14 ft; dining room, IJ.4 x 17 ft.; kitchen, 13.4 x 1 j ft.; chamber, 13.4 x 14 tt. 3 in.; front chamber, 19.2 x 13 ft. 8 in. small chamber, 7 x 8 fl. Front and back chambers connect, with fire-place and bath room over kitchen. Hare $10 stock plans, witfi a 1 1 x 1 3 ft kitchen behind, with rear stairs to servant's looni. See page 6$. G)wellville No. 2 design 5564. Similar design to the above, but more ornate. Plans $13. HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES :SDA.Y, DEC. 307H*02. A. MODERN HOUSE. K '. »tta Mr*. H. P^Tjrler's norac Ww PUaSMl for C*av«iilcQce. < lltv Ul III.- Iliu:>l blllklll^iy I'ICUv I'Miies in tile cily is that of Mr. and .Mrs. H. F. Tyler, just completed from tl\c |i1ans of Herbert C. Chivers, the renowned St. Louis arcMtect. A modtl r>( architectural be.iuty and conven- ience; — a joy to its owners and a nioiuimcnl of the skill of its a'ch- it^'it. Such a building should be .in incentive for lot owners to procure expert talent ohen preparing to ijuilil. \ neat well-]>lanned, attractive l.ouse such as the Tyler's, reflects favorably on the good taste of its owners. The »~*tuest5 at the house-warming were dc- (jhtfully enterl ' "^~ ~~ '"'"*" Birkdale design 5565, story heights 10 and 9 ft, width 3 1 ft. Large parlor, suitable for a parsonage. Plans $10. -565 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OUGLAS RESIDENCE.— Design 1040-N; in frame, 92^00 to $2,850; plans, $3S; width, 54 ft. 8 in. by 33 tt. to hall; width ovei all, 62 ft; alory beighu, 10 ft and 9 ft. in the clear. Special fea- tures: Wide, impoiiog frontage; the rough- stane cbinuiey and arch lends an appearance of solidity; the balcony above works in The combination of stone and stained shingles is very attractive. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS lONNEAUT RESIDENCE.— Design lOSO-N; in kame, $2,280 to I $2,460; plans, $20; width over all, 46 it; story heigbu, 10 ft. and I 9 ft. 6 in.; attic, 8 ft. Special features: Good-size rooms; at- I tractive outlines to porch and towen (Sec G)nneaut No. 2 page 733) -567- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KiCHARDSON RESIDENCE— Desi^ 409M. $2,340 to $2,569; plans, $15. ■— I— 1 OWaGNOLIA RESIDENCE.— Design 904 M; in fnune, $3180 to $2290; plans, $15: story heights, 10 ft. Special features, plain neat exterior; parlor, 13 x 18; library, 13 x 15; dining room, 16 ft. x is ft 6 in.; kitchen i JX13. See page 65. SECOND ri.001^ OlIVERVILLE residence.— Design 427 2M; in frame, $3199 to $2386; plaiu, $15; width, 25 ft. 10 in.; width over all, 32 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft 6 in. (full story). Special features, Tower and circuUr porch. See page 65. -568- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 4. m ^ * ' •q 4» CIlAUBEh I I CHAWPER VCJ m-in HALL clolclo'! ^^•^^v£ AL-/y clolclo Port JERVIS RESIDENCF.—Dcsign 300IM; cost in frame $2,092 to $2,190; plans $20. See page 65. -569- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PlALSCHIE RESIDENCE.— Design 8s6M; $1,398 to $1,590; plans, $15; width over all, 38 story heights. 9 ft. 6 in. in the clear. MS "PC CHAMBER IS t X le ■370 fAERENGO RESIDENCE. — Design 1069-O; $1,800 to $2,298; plans, $1$; width, 28 ft Sin.: 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. (full story). HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES NOTE: By the use *; of a Hand-Mirror as Above Shown you can See How any House will Appear on your Lol when Reversed. FAUE |023 JINSON RESIDENCE— DICKINSON Design 2960M; in frame, $1998 to $2345; plans, $20; width, 47 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; Special features: Wide imposing frontage. Modifications; The modified plan, with porch on side would cost. See page 65. Robinson Res. No. 3, La Plaute Design same as Robinson res- idence with 14 X 17 ft. parlor; rear stairs, dumb-vaiter, cor- ner china case in dining-room, with space above dining-room used as 12 X 15 ft. screned-in balcony, or summer sleeping compartment, si2e of building 41 x 3a ft; story heights, 10 ft. TTiSr IVOX ISO ■ ^►^rai*t «' IsiTTlMC ROM dECCPTlW '"'^'"-0'' 'ltOX.il „ox.iO '*1*'S0 |Cfe taken in their natural courae. Should 1 be given the contract for the work, it will be completed at the specified lime without increase or excess, provided the original outlines remain unchanged. The results will be, according to the magnitude oi the scheme. The tranalormation oi your city, which, becoming "A llang of beauty," will be, in the often quoted words ol Keats. "A Joy Forever." HCRBERT C. CHIVCRS. ARTISTIC HOMES StEUBENVILLE residence —Design 1976M; cost ii frame $2,192 to $2,140; plant $ao. See page 65. -574- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES /\ IV Jl "Such is tbe stiencth of art rougfta (hinca to ithape And ol rude cornmons, rich en- closures make."- Jamea Howell. IaBINA residence. — Design 1227-O, size 3; ft. 6 in. by 35 ft 6 in. Cost, $1,680 to $2,000; plans, $15. Special features: Well-ventilated par- lor and chamber above, attractive vestibule entrance. See page 65. M A RLOW— Design 2-O; cost. $1, 700 to $i,989;-size, 29 ft 6 in. by 43 ft. 8 in.; width over all, 32 ft.; story heights, ioft.and9 ft. 6 in. See CofTeyville residence above. See P*ge 65 -57s- iA-^ HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES SnODON residence.— Design 204 iM; cost in fnin« $3,390 to $3,480; plans $15. See pa^e 65. -570- HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC tiOMES MILLBERRY RESIDENCE. -Design 1832-N; cost in frame, $2,490 to $2,982; plans, $25; story heights, 11 ft and 10 ft. Spec- ial features: Large rooms and wide central ball with fire-place; balcony and door to second-atory front ball. Good Southern house. -577- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 19 ARTISTIC HOMES SHAWVILLE RESIDENCE.— Desig^n 1831N; cost in trame, $2,462 to $2,680; plans, $20; story heights, 9 it. and 8 it. 8 in. SpeciaJ features: Im- posing corner- lot desfg^; 9 ft. 6 in. veranda. -578- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC liOMES LEXIS RESIDENCE.— Design 1979N; cost, $2,190 to $2,298; ^^1 plans, $20. Special features: Large rooms; central hall; wide fronuge; main suirs located in such a way that rear stairs is hardly necesMry; wath-baain in rear ball; large front iw>rch. -579- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ICOFFEYYILLE RESIDENCE.— Design bosg-O; in frame, $1,698 to $1,790; plans, $10; width, 37 ft. 6 in. by 40 ft 6 in.; width over all, 41 ft. i in.; story heights, 10 and 8 ft.; special features: A very compact plan. See index for Cof- feyville residence revised. We have it "with octagon tower. Parlor, 11.4x15 ft. 6 in.; reception room, iixjo ft-. Hbraiy, 13x9 ft. 6 in.; living room. 16.^10 ft.; kitchen^ iixiz ft Coffeyville Res. No. 3, White design, with parlor 13x15 ft. 8 in., with stairs to cellar and second floor between parlor and kitchen; with MX13 Idtcheff; with laxiz (t. 6 in., libraiy; with 16x11 dining-room, with bay; with 7x10 pantfy "b?ick of kitchen and rear porch to kitchen. The tqwer chambft, 12^6x16 ft.; story heighu. 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. BeEBE. — Design i-O; cost, $1,290 10 $1,900; size, 31 ft. by 31, ft.; width over all. 39 ft-; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART I S T I C HOME S Coffeyville No. 2 design 5 581 -A, exterior similar to 584, but reversed. (Use mirror on page 1 023.) Plans $10. ROOM r\ KiTcnm ■ -581- TaMAROA residence Design 2 2 S4M, cost in frame $1,292 to $1,399; plans $10. See index for CoflTeyvillr Residence. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Coffeyville Res. No. 4, Frank design, cost, $1,492 to $1, 598; plans, .10; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; same design as No. I plan Coffeyville Residence No. 7 design 5582-B, stor)' heights 10-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. See pages 580-581- 582-564. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Coffeyville No. 8 design 5 583- A, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Seepages 580-1-2-4. 39ft-- Din.R. *L6ftxllft 12.4x10 jp Ttillllll 'l Wi \&_ Coffeyville No. 9 design 5583-B, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See pages 580-1-2-4 and 9. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS o •,^^'/-. NON RESIDENCE— Desien 2242-N; cost in frame, $2,140 to $2 292- plans, $20. Speciai»ieature8: A neat, attractive exterior; inexpensive tower; well-lighted library; two good-aize rooms in front. The house has a large, open appearance upon entering.5„ 3*5. IrORCH f / HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lORWOOD RESIDENCE.— Design 1217N; size, 28x38; coit, 92,490 to $2,684. Special features: Batb-room on (irst-floor; large dining-room and veranda; tower and balconies. Plans. $20. Attractive comer tower; large reception hall. Ml y^yMMoa 585- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dodman residence design 5586, width 44-ft, over all 52 ft, story heights 9 and 8-ft 6. Q)mbination hall, dining room and kitchen stairs. Neat, clean-cut exterior. Plans $15. CThmmber Hoof / 7h%piber 1 iitH 1 Chamber Hi 35^3 7 16x18 \ fl 15x16 '^ fMU \ lUv ^ 1 "»n Chamber 16x16 Chamber 16x16 Balcony I aB TtTT Bocb plMMd with pUnt whicb ye* fvraMwd ovr and «Mlk I Mlcctfd frtm oa* o( jcor wrica o( contrlbatloiM to.tbe WonuiB't HAbc Cms- ptalra. HERBERT BUTLER, N«ir LexlDgtoa. O -586- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KOKIMO RESIDENCE-r-Hesign lOo.ooaM; cost $2965 to $3261; Plans, $30; size 35x45. extreme width 50 ft. Special features: Attractive bay; side entrance; vestibule in front; large chamber in front; general outlines of design very good; would make an attractive stained shingle gable. See page 65. ntittTC caiTiu. AtcwTtcT. -587- HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Vance residence.— Design 1007M; in frame, $2190 to $2540; plans, $25; width over all, 41 ft,: story heights 10 ft. •Special features: Open porch at sides, fiiC-place arrangement, semi-circular bays at side. See page 65. -588- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Telchville cottage^ DeuKD loo.ioi M Torrington design 5589, width 33-ft 6, width over all 36 ft. Storv heiehts 10 and 9 if Plans $15. Jerseyvilie, III., Aug. lo, 19 Herbtrt C. Chivers, Architect, St Louis, Mo Dear Sir:- In the August number of "Woman's Home Companion" of Sprinefield, Ohio, I notice a full- page iltuftrated article of your authorship des- cribing our new home. I assure yoo we think we are pardonable in again expressing the satis- faction that our new home gives us. The fact that we are owner and possessor of (he building may have something to. do with our feeling, but prejudiced or not, we think it the handsomest structure of its cost In the city. Sincerely yours, „ , L M. CUTTING. Agt, Hartford Fire Insurance Co -589- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS rk ARTISTIC HOMES Guernsey design 5590, width 38-h 6, story heights lU and9h. Plans $15. -^^ Chunber 15-6x15 ^^Te?^^ Chamber 18t1?-3 Balcony Kitchen 14x15 » Jl Living Room 19x14 Dining Room 18x22-6 "I -1-1- % ■•«»«&• Parloi Reception Hall 15x15 M 18x22 1 -590- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCH! T EC TS ARTISTIC HOMES HENANGO RESIDENCE. -Design 2243-N; cost in (ranse, $2,390 to $2,462; plans, $20; story heights, 9 (t. 6 in. and 9 ft Special features: Neat, colonial exterior; large library; large pantry. Hall Pa'l<^^ 20x20 1 18x15 \Porch lift 18x14 ^|T]'^'" ambe 3 Roof Bal 123111 -591- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $20. Shenango No. 2 design 5592. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See similar design on opposite page, 591 J. T.COO00S, M.O.Smp*rflm4lil. ilerbtrt C. Chi vera, Esq.. Dtar Sir:- la III ion. Mo — July in Replying to your recent letter will 9t«te. I an, and mf vi.f* alw, exceedingly pleased vith plans furnished. Very mspectfully. -592- ^^^y HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Camo design 5593, story heights 10 and 9 ft, width over steps and all 50 ft. Well-lighted scenic parlor and chamber above. Plans $ 1 5. '^4^iIm^h. J?" y, April ath.l* . I h«vt ccnfltttd t** haui«i /na th* ««v«r«l s*t« %t ■)•• •hloh I hM jwi prn>«r(. ard ulth t* aiproi vf ntUfictlw «IUi irtar tiotUfnt itrvlctt. -593- Tturi tiMl/, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES TeSAGE residence.— Design 2242M; cost in«'frame. $2,399 to i^ti^Si plans, $30. See pa^c 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H O IVI E S Duias design 5595, story heights 9 ft 6 and 9. Large library, with attractive combination fire-place and book cases on one side. Plans $ I 5. -595- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Cheriton design 5596, story heights 10 ft and-9 h 6. ^ This exterior can be had with a plain, neat dormer win dow in roof in place of a gambril roof. Plar^ $15. •^ -596- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Compton design 5597, story heights 9 and 9 ft, wnidth 30-ft 6. A particularly clean-cut, well-balanced exterior and a roomy plan. Back chamber on first floor, with sef>arate toilet, very convenient for the aged. Plans $20 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Chartley. Design 1 5-O: cost $1392 to $1560: size 29 X 48 ft. 2 in.: extreme width, 34 ft: story heights' 9.6 and 6 ft., plans, $10: Sec Cowell plan for design. Seepage J^Z. Caywood Res. Design 1226-O; Size 3v^ X 44 ft. Cost $2640 to $2999: plans, $25: special features: lavatory on first floor, sep- arate water closet tor ser- vants at side entrance •combination cellar « en- trance. See page 63. a c.'^je^ j^C^»-«.»«^ ft.^^ ^.^^^^^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC i-IOMES /JrI residence— Detign 2010M; cott $2,600; plafit $20. Seepage 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Avington design 5600, story heists ■ 1 h and 9. width 43 ft, lotal width 63 ft. The bay-like con- servatory is a specially attractive feature. Plans $25. Stalllr, Wash., Jin. J. 19 Hcrbtri C Chivers. Archit»c> Si Louis. Mo Dr.ir Sir — A few days jgo I sent yoo several views of the house designed by you It i$ one of the representative residences in one of the tnost de- sirable loc.ntions of the city, and is greatly ad- mired by all who see it Will send you some in. teriors if you desire 'them Yours very truly. (Real Estate) ALBERT M ROBIN'SON - 6UU - el esctle ""' Chamhor I chamber I '■'^''"i'f'" ^ 1'xl3 I 13x7 I 14x13 ^uU HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT C- CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Leafield design 5603, story heights 10 ft and 9 ft 6. Attractive balcony in front. Batn on both floors. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Underwood design 5604, story heights 9 ft 6 and 9fl. First story brick and frame above. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Famboro design 5605, width 48 ft, story heights 10 and 8 ft 6. Wide, pretentious front- Art glass window between hall and dining room, with glass-door closets at side. Plans $25. 605- Villitca, Iowa, Dec. lo, lo Mr. H C Chivcr.. St Lonif, Mo. Dear Sir - > I am v»r)r much picaxd with the plant and ( can lay that ihry arc the b«tt and moit com- plete that ever came to ihi> part of the country. Youri truly. BEN BAKER. -ens- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES We like our house very much and would not alter it in any detail. MRS. GEO. G. BAILEY ^swich, Mast. ^ i4ri I lofi n CHAiaiR 14ft I ISfl 8- 'QHAMBBl 14ft6 yt lift • TaPPAN residence.— Design i043M; cost in frame $2,190 to $3,280; plans $10. See page 65. 606 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -•'^'•?-*^ryC!y^ W^ ^'J ^ tf>*«-^--^--»- — 8?)aSSILI0N residence.— Design 1049-0; in frame, $2,200 to $2,500; plans, $20; width, 47 ft. 4 in. by 26 ft. 6 in.; width over all, 47 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Wide imposing frontage. We have y ^ns with projecting Colonial porch, with 4 ft. open porch around to side porch, called (Hill plan). See page 65. -^7- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES friAftt EHTT Balcony Massillion Residence No. 2 design 5608, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See similar design opposite page, 607 but higher cornice, different porch and colonial columns at covered portion of porch. Plans $20. -608- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CbENEZER cottage — Design a25iM; cost in frame $1,691 to $1,840; plans $10. See page 65. — |BAr y^^^^^^W"^ T Chamber lllllll I ...• — 0.^ -609- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 20 ARTISTIC M O IVI E S - Loxwood design 5610, width 25-ft 6, width over ail 31 ft, story heights 9 and 8-ft 6. Plans $1 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS. ARTISTIC HOMES Peterson residence.— Design 1836M; cost in frame $2,094 to $2,340; plans $15. See page 65. THE HARMONIZER. I O know something oi everything and everything of something connected with the construction of a building is the business of the architect. The man who pays for the work seldom knows anything about any part of it. What he wants is a harmonized combination. If he is wise he pays a man who is ca- pable of securing this. When a client accepts a design of mine with orders to superintend the work from start to finish he may be assured that from foundation to roof everything will be well done. The stone-mason, the brick-layer, the tiler, the car- penter, the glazier, the plumber and the decorator will have fulfilled to the letter the con- tracts under which they work. I am the harmonizer. I see the whole where others see but the parts. What to my clients is a posibilily is to me a certainty. — i-lerbert C. Cbivers. -611- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Coconut design 5612, width over all, 85 ft. Width 60 ft: (^/i:^aal(7/iA/ ■aalcyi fi. — u-/i? -^. 8/25/ 19< H. C. Chivers, St. Louis Dear Slr:- Te like our new brick residance very much. It is considered the most artistic house in this part of the country. The art glass window which you per- sonally designed for us, is indeed a work of art. Yours truly. 612- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE C TS ARTISTIC MOMES rUT MO. 1 ^ ^ Novon design 56 1 3, width 39 ft, story heights 9 ft 6 ana 9. A good roomy, square, compact residence ap- pearing flat, with first floor chamber and bath. Plans $23. -613- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ozone residence.— Design I0S4M; in frame, $2,340 to $2,450, (with stone first story, $950 extra); plans, $20; width, 40 ft. 8 in. by 36 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Attractive stone (Dutch) gable and chimney effect. Modifications: A front porch could be erected across entrance and front of library, with the main roof extending down over same to good effect. See page 65. -614- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S CITY HOUSE Secilcicriarira on p*ce ^'^ Plans $40. Parkville residence.— rH Burrows residence.— De«gn 1043O; in frame, $1,498 to $1,580: plans, ^if: width over all, 33 ft.: story heighu, 9 ft. 6 in.^walls cut down at earea to 5 ft. 6 in.). Special features: Bath-room. Modifications: Porch cin br deeper and gables more ornamental. c- AM i HALL Chaxic^ i:b 4-xis CHAMsca 11 ♦Xl* - 615- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ilJNIONDALK RESIDENCE. Design ioo,oo8M; $3332 to $3565; size. 43.6 X 31; special features; wide, imposing (roniage: bay window in front, wide central hall. 13.6 Plans, $40. See page 65. DWanhattan residence. Desigh 100,01 7M; $3982 to $4280; size. 46 X 47.6; special features; wide front, large reception hall, attractive design. A good Southern house. Plans, $60. See page 65 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IPrYDEN RESIDENCE.—Design 1036M; in frame, $2.19* to $2,340';, plans. $20; width, 40 ft. by 33 ft. 4 in.; width ov« *11; 43 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Side entrance, with direct way to cellar, stairs serve as front and rear stairs, a good feature in cold climates, giving a warm reception hall. See page 65. -617- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Rans $20 TrUITPORT residence— Design usjM; coft is frame $1,792 to $1,890; pIxQS $15. ,u- . »•»■ \ « Cedar bluff cottage.— Design 100194M, in frame. "Br* \s-*% 10 LUELL. A RESIDENCE. Plans $20. ■DesigD8s:M; ia HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVf E S Torota design 56 1 9, story heights 1 and 9 ft 6, width over all 45 ft. Large veranda. Well-balanced exterior. Large rooms. Plans $15. -619- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Chilton residence.— Design loo.osgM-, size, 37x50; cost in frame, $2,775 to $3,000; story heights, ist 11 ft., 2d 10 ft.; special features: Bed-room on first floor. See page 65. — —J / ^ <-> '~' t ^°°' '^ u HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Joel Residence No. 2 design 5621 10 ftand9-ft 6. Plans $15. •ton I 1S4X1S srCPT CIB>»'J»>' MALt-i IS+XIO' Joel residence.— Design 1005O; in ftame. $2,790 to $3,000; plans, $25; width over all, 36 ft. 8 in.-, story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. Berictor design, same as above, with 3x6 octo^on bay to dinine-roora. -621- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Latimer Residence No. 2 design 5622, see exterfor on page 9 5 3,. story heights 10 and 9-ft 6, width 43 ft. Plans $20. See Tula Residence No. 2 page 625 and 624. PiTTSFIELD RESIDENCE.— Design 15J8-O; in frame. $1^198 to $1,389; plans, $10; width, 28 ft. 10 in; by 34 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft; special features: Inexpen- sive tower, compact plan; plain, simple design. Modifications: House would look well with tower eliminated. See page 65. -622- HERBERT C. CHI VERS CO. ARCHITECTS .FORE.THOUCHT IN BUILDING |UILD on the past cspcT" ience and new ideas oi an architect ol national repu- tation. You are not building ior the present alone but for the future. Secure the best de- signs and plan you can for your money. More money has been wasted in mistakes and blunders in building than was ever paid to architects. You probably have well-defined ideas of the sort of house you want. There are features you now intend to insist upon and which you have heretofore missed in the houses you have occupied. Have your own way; but do ix>t, in your haste, t)uild a home in which you will re- pent at leisure that it is not different This need not occtir if you let me work your ideas into a practical plan and produce a design which will meet your approval and your purse. Many who are about to build, being inexperienced, do not realize the importance of securing from a thoroughly qualified architect regu- larly drawn plans. They content themselves with crude outlines pre- pared by one to whom architectxire is not a fine art, but merely a trade. The restilts are coarse, common- place and unaatisfactory. The money paid to him would command the services oi an architectural ex- pert possessed of a thorough knowl- edge of what has been done and with originality enough to produce something new. It is a mistake to suppose that practical and artistic plana drawn by a competent architect are neces- sarily more expensive than are fool- ish plans, amatuerish plans, incor- rect plans, inartistic plans drawn Dy some incompetent architect. The one would be certain in architectur- al effect, the other common-place, experimental and dubious. The essence of good design is as much in the details of construction, as the actual plans, and this is where the inexperienced are disappointed. The plain floor plans, exterior views and specifications do not constitute complete plans. They are simply preliminary to the important detail- ed information which I give as the work progresses. By all means employ an architect who works for art's sake and who is tmder obliga- tion to no local interests except your interests. The special instructions in the specifications is a feature the value of which is too often overlooked. Only an expert architect is capable of preparing these and the detailed drawings. I cannot give to your plans the study and considerations they should have without reasonable as- surance of payment when I please you. To send well-studied designs and exterior views without this as- surance is a speculative chance which I am unwilling to assume. My time is given to clients who place their orders subject to the above understanding. I then pre- pare sketches until they are satisfied. You place your order with me and I will prepare drawings which shall enable you to determine what kind of a house you can build for a given sum. I am an expert at this work and my services will cost you no more than those ol a novice or a blunderer. ^23 ARTISTIC MOMES Gaeta design 5624, width over steps and all 45 h, story heights 9 ft and 8 ft. Sec Tula residence 625. Plans $15. -624- .HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ula Residence No. 2, design 562 3- A, See similar design on page 626. PUns$l5. Wauson No. 2 design 3623, story heights 10 ft and 9 ft 6. Plans $30. -oZj — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ULA RESIDENCE. -Design 2044N; cost in frame, $1,692 to $1,780; plans, $10. Special features: Large, circular porch; parlor in front; combination stairs; large rooms; plain, neat design; large toilet-room on first floor convenient to library. -626- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES LORANGER COTTAGE.— Design 1796M: co«t in frame. |a,390 to $1,489; pUn*, $1$. THE. PUBLIC VERDICT |OU build for yourself a sky scraper, a theatre, a hotel, a bank, a factory, a store or a home the passer-by takes possession of it with his eye and claims it as his to behold. It is to him the city as he sees it. You become known as the owner of the building and it is to your credit or the reverse. I have never erected a building for a client which did not redound to his honor as a beau- tifier of his city. The public verdict on my work is every time: "This building looks goo4 to ua." — Herbert C. Chi vers. -627- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES '^MmS^ CrOBRIDGE residence.— Srt ■OJjposite page. 318. Design 1907 M; cost in frame $1,892 to $1,920; plans $15 -628^ Be as speclflc when you build as you would in a written contract for a "building muddle" la deplorably. Tbe plaus. specification and details of coB«tr«c> tlon are necessarily a part of your contract. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Georgia residence Design 1999-O; in frame, $2,040 to $2,380; plans, $20; width, 37 ft. 6 in. by 29 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. See page 65. I I 15x11 pining R i Ha n/ 15x15 Li/ nH §-"<^—M 14x17 15x15 HaU JLi^O. Porch :S ^ Chamber iB.PJ Ich mber ^ 15x15 k IILjIBx THD "ARCHITEOT-BUILDBR." It la right and proper that all builders eboald be at>le to draw more or leaa. but It la absolutely Impooeible tor a mac to t>e an up-to-date builder and at tba tame time Btudy architectural plans and design as thcj shoald be stndlcd. Tbr fact that "a little tnowledge Is a dan(?erous thlnff" could hardly be more dearijr exemplified than with he, who with a smatterioK of architectural knowledge aelf-stylas himself "Architect and Builder." He may l>e able to make a poor copy of some good dealgn heretofore bollt, but do copy la as good as an original In the first place, end aside from this, wklle the copyest Is copying, the orlglDai man Is surging oa ahead 00 somethlnc maw and iMtter. Did you ever realise this? -629- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tulare design 5630. width 27 ft 6. Widthj over all 5 ft 6. Story heights 1 ft 6 and 9. Neat shingle effect. Plans $10. -630- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S a. ""B^sJ: '. . Bremen design 5631, width in bnck, 33 ft 6, story heights 9 ft 8 and 8 ft 8. Plain, neat exterior. Plans $10. ■631- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Boof m^ Stettin design 5632 in brick, width 34 ft. story heights 10 and 9 ft. Plans $15. -632- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Annotla design 5633, story heights 9 ft 6 and 9. PI, $11 lans -633- Hxannis, M»t« . Jan. 21, 190s Herlxrt C. Cbivcrt. Esq , St. Louit. Mo. Dur Sir- In rtplx 10 your Iclttr o( the 17th in>l., would uy that plant prepared by you (or Catholic Church were complelr and very artiitically drawn. Sincerely your*. REV D E. DORAN. PaMor. Si Francis Xavier Rectory. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ',"fj,!p' - „ ^_... w//,.. .Mo. D«>r Sir — The building you planned i> all "O. K ~ I completed same and moved into it the early pan of December Ufl and And the plan ex- ceed. ngly convenient and comfortable. Every one who has been through the house adm>rci it. Yx)ur$ very truly. H L SMITH HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS A R T I S TIC M O M E S "Navidad design 5635, story heights I I and 9 ft, width over all 50 h. Plans $15. For $28 we will change to suit. ^^^ — ' ^ -635- I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE cTT ARTISTIC HOMES 1 ^^ ^ LPINA RESIDENCE.-Design 1936-N; cost in frame. $1,892 to 7^^ J1.998; plans, $15; story heights, 10 ^^y^/ar^'-fr7r^-^-'^llC'^'--^.r.'^'>^''^^^^^^ -. Forsythe design 5639. story heights 10 and 9-ft 6. width 57 ft. Plans $15. ^,„ -639- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC nOMES MaLLTOWN residence. — De- sign 91 1 2-0; in frame, $1,798 to $»,' 290; plans, $10; width, 33 ft. 6 in. by 44 ft.; width over all, 37 ft. 6 m.; story heighu, 10 ft 6 b. and 10 ft. in the clear. See page 65. 21 ciJ., Halltown No. 2 design 5640, See design above, C Plans $10. -640- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HeCLA residence.— Design 8298M; ih frame, $2,390 to $3,549; plans, $25; itory heights, '10 ft; with atone arch and tower$20o extra; plans, $25; width, 57 ft. 4 in. by 29 ft. Width over all, 67 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and o ft. in the clear. Special features: Toilet room on first floor; . large, convenient roopis, a striking design for a country estate. See page 65. -641-^ §UNNYSIDE RESIDENCE.— WheJden Design 74-O; (»ee HaUtown design for exterior.); cost, $2,090 to $2,340; size, 42 ft. by 57 ft.; story heights, 10 ft.; plans, $30; special feab ures: Lu-ge reception hall, with main stairs so located as to b« available for rear stairs, with portiers at arch. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS Sig. 21 ARTISTIC HOMES Elberla No. 2 design 5642-A. Width 37 ft. / i bath room on first floor. Plans $13 Elberta design 5642, story heights 10 ft and 8-ft 6 Basement 7-ft. Large sitting room and chamber HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Faroe design 5643, in brick. stor>' heights 10 and 9 ft. Plans $15. -643- Bclfirld, Va . t)rc 9. ti) Mr H C Chivffj. ArchiKcl, Si Louis. Mo Dt.nr Sir — I am allocflhrr pleaded with your work, and will %ay thai your 4pcci6cation« and detailed drawings have proven very practical, a thing which cannot br naid of rvrry architect I realize that every ttylith house improves things generally, and I have done considerable tallcing 10 thitl effect, trying 10 get modern and stylish houses put up Y.Mirs ir ly, ROBEKT SEAY. Mlir Inlnpri^c M{»r Co HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kitrh p 12X1 Boy ALTON RESIDENCE— Design i9ioM;cost infratatf $1,893 to $1,940; plans $15. See page 6<;. -644 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^vr--- ^^iff^^''''^^^^['^n'*!^^~°"'<^ "32.N: cost in frame, $1,692 to $1,898; plans, $10; lull story heights. Special features: A very compact house. This plan can be had in many modiJi- ca ions Stairs can go up direct from reception hall without rear hall, and plans can be had with less expensive roof. -645- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -^^^^-^ Hampton design No. 1 4. design 5646-B, story heights 1 and 9 ft, width 32-ft 6. over all 35 ft. Plans $ 1 0. (Other Hampton ' Residences pages 645 and nme fol- lowing pages.) - ORDE.F. BLANK.- -646- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMCS Hampton-Earlsboro No. 13 design 5647-A, story heights I and 9-ft 6, in the clear. See Hampton ' design page 646. Roof Plans $ I 0. Hampton No. 2 design 564 7-B, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See Hampton design page 646. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hampton (reversed) design 5 648- A, width over all 31 ft, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $10. (Use mirror to get reversed effect, See page 1 023.) Hampton (Brick) design 5648-B, story heights 1 and 9-ft 6. See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $10. -648- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC nOMES 43ft6in Hampton No. 12 design 5649-A, story heights 1 I and 10 ft. Plans $10. Plans $10. -649_\/ Hampton No. 4 design 5649-B, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See design page 646 and following pages. HERBERT C.CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES \ Hainpton No. 1 design 565 0-A, story heights 9 ft and 9-ft 6. See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $ I 0. b^ Hampton No. 19 design 5650-B, story heights 9 ft and 8 ft. See design page 664 and following HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES - 56ft ■ Hampton No. 9 design 565 1 -A, story heigTits 9-ft 6 and 9 ft. First story, sto ne, cement blocks or brick and frame above. { { Pfans $ 1 J 1^=9L Plans $10. Hampton No. 8 design 565 1-B, story heights 10 and 9 ft. Suitable for a Physician's office. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I Hampton No. 7 design 565 2- A, story heights 9 ft each. See page 646 and following pages. Plans$IO "--Hampton No. 6 design 565 2-B, stoty heights 9-ft 6 and 9 ft* See Hampton reversed page 646. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hampton No. 5 design 565 3-A, story heights 10 and 9-ft 6. Large parlor. See design page 646 Plans $10. . Hampton No. 15 design 565 3-B, story heights 9-ft 4^3. 6 and 9. See design page 646* and following HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS 1 EaRLSBORO cottage.— Design si-O; cost. $i,6oo to $1,700; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. in the clear; plans $10. See Hampton design on page 218. Earlsboro No. 2, Dexheimer design, with arch at recep- tion hall in place of doorto parlor; with dining-room used as library, connecting by sliding door with 15.6x12 ft. dining- room in place of kitchen; with 14x10 kitchen in rear; with pantr y and rear stairs; plans $10. Continued uznz -654- IPhYSICFAN-S home.— Design 48-O; cost $1,800 to $a, 200; plans, $20; size 38x33 ft. 10 in.: story heights. 9 apd8 ft. 6 in. Same design as Pekin residence. See index for other physician's houses. HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Feslina design 5655, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See design page 646 and following pages. Plans $ 1 0. M 'n't Maga design 565 5-B, story heights 9 and 9. See page 646. Plans $15. _655_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Linda Vista design 5656, width over all 44 h. storv heights 1 and 9-ft 6. Large southern-like rooms. Conservatory at rear. First story brick, stone or concrete blocks. Frame above. Plans $15. 656- I conilder your dnlfni prettier thtn most othefm.— Albert a Pukw, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVf E S Lindley design 5657, width over all 40 ft. Clean-cut, plain exterior. Story heights 1 and 9 ft. Two splen- did chambers in front. Plans $ 1 0. -657- I h*d n* (ttftto Cad wttk yow plmaa. mrwrjiUag atXai tegitbv ««L MBd photo today.— A. B. WeWk. Bnflald. fUm. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS U R T I S T I C M O IVI E S Lintha design 3658, story 9 ft each. Suitable for brick or concrete Wocks. Plans $10. , ,„ -030- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Ritchen J^orch ^^^ Ritchen I FPUxie-er Dining R Reception Slt'.inf, R "an . 15x13 15x13 E ?i Veranda ■ • ■ Brewster design 5639, extreme width 47 h, lO-ft ver- anda, story heights 9 and 8 ft 6. Wide, imposing frontage, Plans $15. •659- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H O IVI E S Lenoxdale design 5660. width over all 48-ft. stoO' heights 1 and 9-ft 6. Pine clean cut exterior. Plans $ 1 0. -660- HERBERT C. CHIVERS C O. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Lemoyne design 566 1 , width 28-ft 6, story heights 1 and 8-h 6. Combination hont and rear stairs. Plain practical plan and design. Plans $ 1 2. -661- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES EULA RESIDENCE.— Design 100,042-a, cost $1392 to $1498; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; size. 30x31; special features. Urge bay to dining-room. See page 225. Plans, $10. a very compact house, suitable for a parsonage. [O i HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES -663- nAPOLEON RESIDENCE._0„.gn .ooo-O; cos, $,.690 w»2. 770; plant $25. See page 65. ^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PiQUA RESIDENCE— DejigTi 8080M; in fr»nie.$i 898 to $1996, plans. $15; •1017 heights, 9 ft 6 in. Special featurer Neat combination stain with leat and bay, weU-Tealilated dining-room. See page 65. Piqua No. 2 design 5664, story heights 9-h 6. Sec design above. Plans $ 1 0. Harritburg. Ark., Majr 1 1, 17 Mr. Herbert C Chirtn. St Louis, Mo. Dear Sir - The school house has been completed and t« satisfactory m every respect. The cost of the building was just $s»oo below your estimate The members of the school board send you their hearty thanks for furnishing us witk such a good building for the money -664 Yours respectfully. L D FREEMAN HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S ORSEY RESIDENCE.— DMicn t(4«-N: CMt in Inmc, IZ,4«e M t2,S62; plmnt. 126; ttory bei{:bts, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 (t. Sptcial l«a- turc«: Larf c parlor, combination alairm; two food cbainb«r« ia front; nook or ipacc for conaanratory back ol dininf .rooos. Sulphur Sprin(t, Colo, May 19. i^t Mr Herbert C. Chircra. St. Louif, Mo Dear Sir — The plana have arrived and I am very much pleated with them So i» everyone elte that hat teen them. 1 am now fifurinK with conlractora and expect to have the houie ouilt by Auguat. Youri very truly. ). N PETTINGELL. (County Oerk and Recorder) -665- Doney No. 2 design 5665-B, Plans $23. , story heights 9-h 6 and 8. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ^ STIC HOMES HeNNON residence — Design 193SM; cost in frame $1,092 to $1,280: plans $10. See page 65. q ROWELL RESIDENCE. — Brock design 12-O; cost, $2,100 to $2,450' story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; plans, $20. See design on page 50J. -666- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Pine grove residence.— Design 6oiiM; $1,999 to $2,298; plans, $20. See page 65. r Orada -667- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 7orcb 34fte: AA"'>iT:i:.::p. Fin Kltcheif i:..ft4xI0-? T3'l"-6 r REC.F'-.ll Parle r [3-2rl£.-C I33:l2-£ Chanter , t I3-6XI3 J Pine Grove No. 2 design 5668-A, story heights 10 and 9 ft. See reversed design opposite page 667. Plans $20. 33ft- - Pine Grove No. 3 design 5668-B, story heights 9 ft and 9. See design page 667. Plans $20, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES TeNNVILLE residence — Dejigti igig.O.costinfreme $1,192 to $i,aSs, plans $io. We have this without front gable; with neat dormer window in front. See page 65. We are now contemplating building again at no distant date and when we do will build a two-story house, and at that time I shall write you. as I think "Chiven" is there with the goods when U comes to artistic and practical homes. Mrs. McC. thinks likem-ise. GEORGE T. McCANDLESS, Ponca City, Okla. 669 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES lAUPIN RESIDENCE.— Design 834-N; in frame and stone, $2^00; to $2,899; plans, $20; width over all, 27 ft.; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: Neat, anractive exterior; byilt I of a combination of rough stone and shingles. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITE C T S ARTISTIC HOMES BAKDALE RESIDENCE.— Design 1344-N; in frame, $2,198 to $2,498; plans, SIS; width, 33 ft. 6 in. by 39 it; width over all, 38 ft. i in.; story height, 10 ft. Special features: Corner bay; cen- tral reception hall; large pantry, 6x13 ft Modifications: Nook space could be used as an additional chamber; linen closet would be large enough for girl's room. -671- HEKBEBT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S Rathburn design 5672, story heights 10 and 9-ft.6. G>lonial design. Pretentious reception hall and stairs, side entrance and conservatory. Plans $25. -672- PUni, ipKiacatloa* and d«ought of you, :iii(l Irubt same will reach you safely Am well pleased with my bouse, and it is greatly admired by others. Yours truly, (Artist) F C SALISBURY ■674- Rangeley design 5674, widtd 28-ft, width over steps and all 40-ft.. story heights 9 and S-ft. 6. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O Ml E S Kenosha, Wis, March 17, ■«( Mr Herbtrt C Chivers. St. Louis, Mo Dear Sir:— Myself and wife ^rc much pleased with plans and wish to express oilr thanks 10 you for get- ling out such very satisfactory work. Hoping to hear from you soon, and a^ain thanking you in appreciation of your efficient work, I am. Yours truly, (Jeweler) 1 ) DALE RChambe 2-2x12 d t lij [ I il3 Hall|, ■-JjdJcl Tl n amber L3-6 Chamber 13-6x18 -675 Ranurena design 5675, width 35-h.. width over all 42-ft, story heights 1 ft. and 9-ft. 6. Plans $ I 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Quintana design 5676, width 28-ft. 6, width over porch and all 36-ft, story heights 9-ft. and 8-ft. 6. Plans $ 1 0. OKDBK BI^AKK. DMrSir: PluM Bi«k« prallminiry dnwiDf* (for ipproT*!) c»vpl«* vorkiBg dr4«lB(« , dttailf tsd l*t*llT worded •cfrillottent lor wbicUK tgnt to p*7 700 I opoD doUTCrj 01 u* eonpiotod work. BaopocUBlly, Nob*. rii-m-i - -676- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOIVIES OMASTON RESIDENCE.— Design 1830 N; cost in frame, $2,290 to $2,498: plans, $20. Special features: Large parlor; combi- nation front and rear stairs; attractive corner window; large pan- try; balcony in rear. -677 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Meadville, Pa., March 24, 19 Mr. Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: — The house for which you prepared plans suits me exactly. 1 could not be better pleased I consider distance no barrier when dealing with an architect of your ability, as you se«-ni to know intuitively what pleases one. m Very truly yours, I N VV. S. McGUN'N'EGLE. Porch CashieTj Merchants .\'at. Bank of Meadville Thomaston No. 2 design 65 78- A, story heights I I and 9-ft 6. See opposite page 677. Also Cutting Residence page 478. Plans $20. 678- Thomaston No. 3 design 5678-B, story heights I 2 and 9-ft. Similar to Thomaston reversed but much vsrider. Plans $20. See pages 677 and 478. HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Quita design 5679, width 36-ft. 6, story heighu 9-fl. 6 and 9. Plans $10. Conneaui, Ohio, Jan u. lu Mr Htrbcri C Chiver.. St Louis, Mo Dc»r Sir - Vour> II hind. I built the houkc ind wai cry much picatrd with plant I wiU have photo- (raph laktn and lent at once The house was photographed and published by the "ScienliAc American" ol New York City, and showed up (,79 - »«r> nicely "' ' Voura truly, (Real Eatate) E M COMSTOCK MFRBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O M E S Quitaque desien 5680, width 30-ft. 6, width over all 33-ft. 6, slorv heights 9-fl. 6 and 9. Suitable for brick or conaete blocks. Plans $ 1 0. -680- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC H Q M E S ' , Plans $10. Poynor design 5681, in brick, width 24-ft, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Combination stairs, well- lighted dining room and chamber above. HERBERT €.', CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Princess design 5682, story heights 10 and 9-ft. -682- Attractive well-lighted reception hall. Tower-like kay window design. Plans $ I 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES HERBERT C. CHI VERS ARCHITECT St Lot Is, Mo. Please prepare preliminary plans for my rcsidcDCtt, for which lind encloied 95 tn payment ol same, it being uDderatood thai If I build from the ideas contained therein that I wilt order special plans ol you and that this sum ol $5 is to be allowed by you aa a credit on the cost of final plans, unless an entirely different plan is adopted. Name- -683- Plano design 5683. width 30-fl., width over all 33-h.. story heights 9 and 8-ft. 6. Neat bay-like effect at Re- ception Hall, Plans $ I 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES iJLtON RESIDENCE No. 2.— Design 4229M: in frame. I2398 to $2498; plans, $20; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in.; width. 31 ft. 6 in. Special features; Large central hall, with den ad- joining. See page 65. -684- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KaRTWOOD RESIDENCE—Design 2030-O; cost in frame. $2,090 to $2,280; plans $jo. See page 65. -685 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iig5giiiij:gvw»/,fl»»i»-v-.»t»:-''-»- OLON RESIDENCE. — Design 2242-N; cost in frame, $1,392 to $1,456; plans, $10; full story heights. Special features: Inex- pensive yet attractive tower-like corner; neat, clean-cut exterior. The best portion of this house is not cut up with stairs. ARTISTIC HOMES OY RESIDENCE.— Design 1560-N; in Jrame, $1,500 to $1,800; plans. $10; width, 27 ft. 10 in. by 45 ft; width over alI,2V ft. 10 in.; story heights, 9 (t 6 in. and 9 ft.; no attic. Special features: A neat, clean-cut colonial exterior; easy to erect; attractive tower. / ccK 13 •»*! + / mwwi-^ ] Liiipiiiii / cU 15-^,^16 } lt-l+ h 1 •687- UERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES heights 9-ft 6 and^ tt-ft 6. A good comer-lot house, Plans $25. Thomburg No. 2 design 5688-B. ^ Recessed stairs J gives wide spacious hall. Story heights 9-ft 6 and HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I BATH^ |Ui2t5 JroopI t^S=* Thomburg No. 3 design 4689-A, story heights 1 and 9-ft. 6. See design page 688. Wicfth 3 1 -ft. 6. width over all 44. Plans $25. 68Q- Thornburg No. 4 design 4689-B. story heights 1 and 9-fl.-6. See de.sign page 688. Plans $23. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES nion No. 2 design 5 690- A, story heights 10 and 9-ft 6. See design page 69 ^Storage , also see plans on page Roof 692. (Is IChanber 16-6x16 M, Hall -690- Plans $15. 1 Story heights 1 and 9-h 6 ilo- Union No. 3 design 5690-B, see design page 691, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES iiNION RESIDENCE.— Design 6013-O; in frame, $2309 to $2480; plans, $25; width over all, 32 ft. 2 in. x 52 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft.; Attic 8 ft. See Mineola Resi- dence — See Frogmore Residence page *. S E HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ?RAGMORE RESIDENCE. — Boyd Design 38M; cost $2480 to $2970: story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft; plans, $25 see Union Residence paee -611- OWlNEODA RESIDENCE— Design 24O; cost, $2399 to $2499; 36 ft. 6 in. X 5a ft. 2 in.;story heights, 10 and 9 ft. 6 in. Design similar to Union Residence on yiage (>i J but more attractive. Plans, $25. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES GaLVA cottage.— Design 2393M; cost in frame, $3,- 5ooto$4,£oo; plans, $45. Special features: >Vell lighted, cheerful chamber next to dining-room and library; this could be used as an office. See page 65. 693 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Poindexter design 5694, width over all 33-ft. Neat clean-cut extenor. 694- story heights 9-h 6 and 9. Shingled porcn posts. Plans $13. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O M E S Perdue design 5695. width 38 ft. story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-f t 6. Plam clean-cut extenor. Plans $ 1 0. ■6^5- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECT ARTISTIC M O IV1 E S Parlor Reception Hall • 10x15 < 15x19-4 Veranda 3hamber lO«10-6 Chamber 15x17 ■696- Tancitaro design 5696, width 26-ft 6, extreme width 39 ft. Story heights 10 and -9 it. Large rooms, suit- able for southern climate. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IV1 E S Pescadero design 5697-A, bnck, heights 9-ft 6 each. Plans $3. Living Roon Ibxlb -697- M —width 23 ft.- Gun-barrel design 5697-B, sfory 9 ft. Plans $3. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 1 ElMTON RESIDENCE— Design 1787M; in frame. $1.- 892 to $1,925; plans, $10. In brick, $2,980 to $3,590; plans, $45. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Pinelawn No. 2 design 5699, wide dignified front. See page 32 I . Plans $25 The house I built last year from your plans is much admired. B. F. SHEETS. Oregon. III. ~699— We believe our house is exactly right in plan »nd design.. We have no fault to find whatever. It looks pretty and cory. MRS. WILLIAM PETERS. Wcnewoc, Wis. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ART I STIC HOMES Pekin No. 2 design 5700-A. 700- PeKIN residence.— Design-ioos-O; in frame, $1450 to $1598: plans; $10; width, 27.10 x 28 ft. 2 in.; width over all, 32 {tti story heights, 9 and 8 ft. 6 in.; Special features: com- pact plan; attractive e.xterion can furnish floor pllns for either design. See page 65. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS mOBERLY RESIDENCE— Design 4369M; in frame, $1,500 to $1,800; plans, $15; story heights, 10 ft.; special features: Large, well-ventilated dining-room. Moberly Res. No. 2, RusseH design, same plan is above, with porch extending around across front of sitting-room; with 13-in. brick walls on first story and frame above; a very at- tractive design; with front rooms enlarged to 13x15 ft.; with w.c.' separate from bath-room; with extra closet to front chamber; with two chambers in attic. See pgae 65. ^♦■'"iiil "•»««•• ^ r™^^ --701- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Philema design 5702. Exceedingly compwct, ston heights 10 and 9-ft 6. See Moberly design opposite page 701. =--!!?§ Plans $15. . -702 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Roof 11. 6x 14ft9 ft J HI ch. IAi6ftaxi3 J ^ c / 8ft4 y J/ Wabash No. 2 design 5703. page, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9-fl 6 nack chambers. Plans $ I !> — See design opposite — • 2 7ft6..yi r, d ^"^''^'^ Strang design 5703-B, story heights 9-ft and 8-h cut to 6-ft side walls Plans $5 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lABASH RESIDENCE.— Design 187 6-0; in frame, $1,660 to $1,976; plans, $15; with octagon bay, which is more prac- tical to construct; width, 29 ft. 9 in. by, 27 ft.; width over all, 38 ft.; story heights, 8 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft; special featmes: Pleasing outlines; designed for a stained shingle effect; fire proof closet in kitchen; quaint window effect in reception room. Wabash No. 2, Tyler des., with central fire-places left out; with rear stairs up from kitchen; with built-in china closet in dining-room; with front porch extending around to stair side of house; with fire-place in bay to parlor and room abgve. See page 65. i>^ -704- (See Wabash No. 2 page 703). HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Dafner Residence design 3705. Plans $10. DaFTEK residence.— Detipi 100.048-0^ lue 34 6x31 . coil $1030 to Si 190: itoiy hcigbu, iit 9 ft. 6 in.> uid -9 (t. special feature* pleuant outlook in (root, large pantry, neat ■lesign; plast.^io. See page 365. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 23 ARTISTIC MOMES I ERGUSON RESIDENCE.— Design 4229-N; in frame, $U98 to $1,399; plans, $10; width over all, 40 ft. Special features: G*od outlines to rool. Modifications: Small chamber below, can be a part of reception hall, with arch in line with front door. Fer- guson Residence No. 2; in frame, $2,390 to $2,480; plans, $20; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Striking de- sign; well-ventilated parlor. Have $10 stock plans with the following changes: Kitchen back of parlor as dining-room; also with kitchen wing eliminated. Ferguson No. 3, Gladson design, similar to this with den back of a circular-shai>ed parlor, and bath back of this. 706 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Ferguson No. 4 design 5707-A.9-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. width over all 40 ft. Seepages 707-708. Plans $10. See reversed design below. Ferguson No. 5 design 5707-B, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9-ft 6. Extreme width 40 ft. See design above. See pages 706-708. Plans $10. .^q^. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Portland No. 2 design 5708, see exterior page 709. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans $15. Ferguson No. 2 design 5708, story heights 10-ft and 9-ft in the clear. See pages 706-707. Plans $20 708- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES [ORTLAND RESIDENCE- Design 6012-N; in Irame, $1,598 to $1,879; plans, $15; width, 23.6x35 ft. 7 in.; story heights. 9.6 and 9 (t.; attic, 8 ft. Portland Residence No. 2, Stephenson design, side porcb left off, covered porch across front; porch in place of den; kitchen, 15x11 ft. 2 in. projecting on side; st.iirs to attic in place of hall closet. It xit J L. -t709- (See Portland No. 2 page 708). HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MO M ES JLMWOOD RESIDENCE— Design 9060-N; in frame, $1,500 to $1,989; plans, $15; story heights, 9 ft 6 in. and 9 (t; full story ex- cept 18 inches cut off to outer comer of front chamber. Eim- wood reversed; width, 28 ft. 8 in. by 33 ft. 9 in.; width over alt, 36 ft. Special features: Front rooms are not cut off by stairs as customary. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ElMWOOD COTTACE no. 1— i:)esign 77-O; cost, $1,350 to $1,450; plans, $10; story heighu, 9 fc 6 in. and 9 ft., full r '^ ElmWOOD RESIDEMCF, No 6._Co«t in frame $1,69 to $1,786, plans, Jio. See Dmwood Retideoce. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC li O iVf E S Ki tchen Dining RoonJ 13-10x12 Elmwood No. 5 design 57 I 2- A, Elinwood No. 7 design 5712-B. Plans $10. story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. -712- H^RBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BUCKFIELD RESIDENCE 1008-O; in frame, $1499 plans, $10; width, 26 ft. 4 in. by 24 ft. 8 in width over all, 30 ft to in.; story heights 9 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in. in the clear. See page 65- See index for Buckfield plan No. 2. J^ PORCH VaRDVILLE cottage.— Design sa-O; cost $1780 to ^^^$3500; plans, $35; Design similar to Mansion Residence HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BeLVIDEN residence.— Design 1793M; cost in frame. $(,893 to $1,990; plans, $10. See page 65. -715- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Warrensburg, Mo., Feb. lo, I9< Mr. Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Sir:— The houser; for which you furnished plans, has surpassed our expectations in almost every re- spect, and stands a notable demonstration of the value of an arrhitect's services. Yours truly, F. M. WALTERS STEMO RESIDENCE.- Design 1847-N; co«t In frame, $2,290 to $2,480; plans, $25 Special features: Attractive chimney and tower; neat, clean-cut exterior; well-lighted reception room. -716- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES I take pjeasure in saying the plans you made faf me were ertirely satisfaotory m every respect. CHARLES SHINKLE (Southern Ice 4 Coal Co) NASHVILLE (2nd testimonial) ONSTANTINE RESIDENCE.- Design 1981N; cost in Irame. $1,492 to $1,598; plans, $10. Special features: L.arge living- room; good sensible and home-like arrangenient on Rrst lloor; large bed-room; wide spacious veranda. -717- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PUiB$20- IWODENA RESIDENCE — Design lojjM; Plans $20 UIeST end RSSIDENCE—Dcsign 849M; -718- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Palo residence.— Design 903M, in fr»me, $3,550 to $3,990; plans, $30; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Semi-circular colonial porch; the sizes of rooms are: Parlor, 1 7»»3 ft.; library. 1 7»i4 ft; dining-room, 17x13 ft.; kiuhen, ,5,13 ft.: hall. .5x30 ft. See page 65. PKCBTJPTIIVKg W ttPim. N doing businesi by mail I feel «bat I pfompily than lo- cal talent, as I make it a point lo be very prompt in replies, c«pecially after poaiiive hnal inwiructions are obtained. The economy in conairuciion which I practice ii ol derable iniportance, besidei yo that everlasting "lameneBs" in my dciigns Cragmont design 5719, story heights 1 and 9-ft. Large rooms. Plans $ 1 0. Neat clean-cut exterior. -715- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ILLINOIS STATE-LICENSED ARCHITECT "*«~«2!f*^!^»i;u.^ City residence.— Design 1025-O; plans, $75 with juiy changes; cost $7,500 to $8,500. -720-^ " SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BUILDINGS II OF SPECIAL REQU 1 REMENTS •»»»■ •X*- fW B U 1 L D 1 N C S OF A M N U M E N T A L A N D ORNAM ENTAL CHARACTER FINELY EXECUTED || 1 N DESIGN AND DETAIL ■W ■"t*- ■»»«■ ■M- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES City HOUSK.— Deiign 502 iM I -.»..« — Plan 5 $15 — Cl-h sun "Ulllll [Hj% -^1 -721- CuCXID RESIDENCE— neiign 845O; HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MO M E S InllLLSBORO RESIDENCE —Design 422 iM; in frame. $2,690 to $3,500; plans, $30, with changes; width over all, 49 ft.; story heights, 10 ft; special features; Attractive and striking outlines, yet modest in detail. Sec page 65. -722- H E R B E R T C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES |HILADELPHIA RESIDENCE.- Desigrn 866-0; in frame. $1,998 to $2,498; in brick veneer, $2,200 to $3,500; plans, $20. Philadel- phia Residence No. 2, Westling design, with 14 It. 8 in. by 13 it. dining-room; with 8x9 It. den where pantry is; wiith 5x8 It. serv- ing pantry where kitchen closet is; with additional 10x12 ft cham- ber over dining-room; with 4 fi. stairs; with entire plan reversed. For Philadelphia Residence No. 2 see page 723. FIRST FLOOR HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOME'S JGNEW RESIDENCE— Design 1792N; cost in frame, $1,692 to i^wfl $1,780; plans, $10. Special features: Large rootns; simple, neat tower effect; large veranda. A good comer-lot house. 724 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO' ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Tea can rery readlif realize Uuit an architect at a dlatanee wonld be likely to dealsn something norel and different to the common-place, he would be dla- Interested as to who was contractor, and would probably save you the cost of plaMs many times oTer. EnCORCES RESIPENCE—Design rgySM; coit in frame Si, 8()o to $1,998; plans $15. See page 65. -725- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^ niTCMlM JS"X/2 [ n mw n ett£r. Tb^ hotzse ta admlml by every one that sees it, and myaelf F. W. DAMP. WalDot OrsTc. Mlna. CHAltBGR 16x13-6 CHAUBER I D01 16x14 CHAMBER 16x16 Parina design 5728, slory heights 10 and 9 ft. Ejc- treme width 46 ft. Plans $ 1 0. -728- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Pamlico design 5729, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Stately dignified stone house. Adaptable to many plans. This design could be built to good effect in concrete blocks, brick or even shingles. Plans $35. 729 DkW PARIS COITAGE — See plant on p»«e 738. D« lign t]6tM: pUDi %iy. co«t in fraree, $1 199 to Ji >9o: ttory height*. 9 It. and 8 ft. 6 in. in the dear; well ventilated dio- ing-foom. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HARTLEY. — Design 3-O; cost. $1,290 $1,460; size, 33x38 ft.; width over all, 40 ft. See Cairo cottage on PQR.CH 7 K ITC HEN I la-t-xiq-iQ-A- i OLEON COTTAGE.-r)esign 90O cost, $1,490 to $1,680; size, 28 ft. 6 1^—3,^^ story heights. 10 ft.; N^ see Cairo cottage CHAMBER It-B- X iQ-5- ^C .B V DININI T 17- B- G HQDM X la 9- CHAMBER B-B-x a-5 • Olathe design 5730. See following pages. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES !»- 43ft Porch Pan\ ^tu Giiro No. 2 design 573 I -A, story heights 9-ft and 8-ft 6. See design page 730. Plans $10. -- 46ft j -'■XS^ Dining i Ch. 17.3x12.7 Il7ftxl3ft |L^g_ ■ ^ Parlor Ch. 21ftxl2ft 13x15.5 k.:^ Porch Cairo No. 3 design 573 1-B, story heights 9-ft. See design page 730. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ilOAKATOTAOMILA COTTAGE— Barnett desigu cost $i,ioo to $i.2q8. Plan*. $15. Cairo No. 4 design 5732-B HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES See page 567 (reversed. Plans $10. Conneaul No. 2 design 5 7 33- A. story 10 and 9-ft 6. Ca4ro No. 6 design 5733-B in stone. Fairbanks de- sign. $10 plans. _70 7_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AIRO COTTAGE.— Design 1557N; in frame, $1,300 to $1,590; plans, $10; story heights, 9 it. 6 in. and 8 it. 6 in. attic. Special features: Semi-octagon porch; novel design; easy to construct. We have plan No. 1, called O'Brien design, with 20-incb stone walls; with stairs in front hall and fire-place in dining-room and sitting-room; with rear porch 6x36 ft. Cairo G)ttage No. 7 design 5734. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS^ ARTISTIC HOMES design 5 7 36- A, heights 10-ft. Plans $10. 736- Cairo No. 1 1 design 5736-B, story heights 10-ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Cairo Cottage No. I 2 design 5737, full story heights ft 6 and 10. See pages 730 to 738. Plans $15. Roof 16xlS.6jlGxl4ft| Ch. A 16x10.6 Jim Ch. 16x12.6 -737- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Big 24 ARTISTIC l-l O IVi E S Cairo Cottage No. 13 design 5 7 38 A, story Keighb 10 and 8 ft. In stone. See pages 730 to 738. Plans $10. Cairo No. 1 5 design 46ft - 5738^. 1 Plans $10. Cairo Cottage No. 14 design 5738-B. Plans $ 1 0. in stone. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES You always get especially harmonious results when the architect, owner and builder work together Any builder who knows me will tell you "There's a vast difference between plans of Chivers office and those so-called plans turned out by publishing eoiMrerns." iMIlLLOW PAMT RESIDENCE,- -Design 2324M; Cost in stone and shingles. $2947 to $2499; P'ans. $45. Seepage »»f+ V fore; 739- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ERVIA RESIDENCE. — Design 224S-N; cost in Irame, $2,390 to $2,495; plans, $35. Special teature^ Large rooms; attractive veranda; good Hue connections to all rooms. ..J INFKRIOIt DRSIGN8 AKB MONUMENTAL hSYU-SORBS. A modern and progressive up-to-date Individual would not think of wearing ■ garment iinle»s taken from some autboritlve plate of fasbJon. and at that, a new garment is usually In use less than a year's duration. Yet many will allow a novice to draft plans of their building, wbicb will be an eye-sore for genera tlons, when for less money, at the outset they can secure ideas and drawings of an architectural expert whose aim, for reputation's sake alone, will be to produce the best possible effects for the least sum of money. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PiTTSFIELD RESIDENCE.— Design S28-O; in frame. $1,268 to $1,489; plans, $10; widtli, 28 ft. 10 in. by 34 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Inex- pensive tower, compact plan, plain, simple design. Modifi- cations-. Huose would look well with tower eliminated. See page 65. -741- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Oregon residence Design 839M; in frame, $1,400 to $1,598; plans, $15; width; 35 ft. 10 in. by 30 ft. 10 in.; width oyer all, 39 ft. Story heighte, 9 ft. Special features: Plain, simple roof treatment and a well-balanced, easy to construct design. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES wIeLLS RESIDENCK— Design 437 iM; in frame, $1,498 to $1,600; plans, $15; width over all, 31 ft. 8 in,; story heights, 9 ft. Special features: Large reception hall; a door can be put in direet to dining-room. Modifications: The plans show a morejittractive exterior. See page 65. -743- ThESTONIA residence — Design 1914-O; cost in trame, $i,49J to $1,580; plans, $10. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOIVIES HWaRSELLES residence.— Design 1 00,0 2 7 M; cost $2203 to $2406; plans, $25; size 34x36. Special features: wide reception hall, with fire place, attractive combination front and rear stairs. WU^ -744- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ESTON RESIDENCE.— Design 4898-N; in frame, $1,900 to $2,200; plans, $20; width over all, 47 it.; story height, 10 it. in the clear. Special ieatures: Large veranda; attractive colonial design; good outlines: bay in iront; conbination stairs. A good Southern bouse. iT^^iJ^ -745- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AMSEY RESIDENCE.— Design 1929-N; cost in frame, 1,492 to $1,580; plans, $10. Special features: Large chambers; attractive reception room; a good comer- lot design; a square, compact house: economical to build. -746- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Pacheco design 5747, story heights 10 and 9-ft., width 30-ft., 6. Square compact economical house. Plans $ 1 2 =4= Fort Bragg. Cil . June i. 1906. H«rbert C. Chiveri. Arrhiiecl, Si LouU, Mo Vttt Sir — I lake cilrtmt picalure in ccrlifying ihll Ibc phoiograph acnl you hrrcwiih i> thai o( my coiuge built from your plant. Thii picture waa taken tubtrqucnt lo the great California earth- quake Moat all ttrurturei in thii town which were hit irrrifically were either demoliihed oe damaged I am at proud ai a peacock of your work and have received many congratulationa on poitetking an earthquake-proof hou»e. Sincerely yourt. _ ROBERT GARDNER. D D S "/4/ " HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS DeLPHOS residence. — Design 6008-O, .in frame, $1,900 to $2,500; plans. $20; width. 21 ft. b]f 47 ft. 8 in. (full story at tower); itory heights, 10 ft. and 8 ft-; special features: Convenient bathroom, linen closet and pantry ar- rangement Modifications: Bath-room and linen closet space can be used as fjxij ft. room, with bath-room io waste hall auMe ab9Te. See page 65. I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARTISTIC M O IVf E S A=^ I Mnd j»a bcrawllh pboto of lk« hoow which yon pUaiMd for oc. I (ous4 th« apeclal •drlct f)T»o of gr««t bea«at lod 700 nhall nrulnlT bwr from m* when I band «(«Id MR8 MARCUS B. ALLBN. Tonii HItct. N. J. Pahranagha design 5749. width 34-ft., width over all 36-ft.. story 9-h. 6 and 9-fl. Plans $15. Not until too Uit, doc* the averaf v owner rsAJiic bow taty • butldifif cmi b« uis«rlr ruined, and po«»ibly ibcn bt will not noiic* ll until tt i* pointed out. Yet. if Tom, Dick uid Harry't •ucccuiont are lollowed, in prtlcfcnce lo tboae of ibe Ofifinal deslfn«r, who undcrit*nda and icet the buildinf tn ita complcienea^ there will alwaya be MMne Ibinf lo 11 thai will appear common-place. -749- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O M E S Otero design 5750, story heigdts 9-ft. 6 and 9. Clean- cut exterior, large rooms, den off dining room. Plans $ 1 If- , , -39ft- ■ ->■ -750- Many clients cannot make a proper dil between ihe «rord "Architect" and -Builder". Both are separate occupMiona. A frcai many believe thai any crude outlioc of ■ door plan and exterior view conatitute* plans. This is a mis- take, plans of ihis kind arc m Uci only ihc pre- Mminary siep. That's why you see sm many place houses. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -75I-- Osso design 5751, story heights 9 and 8-ft. 6, suitable for pastors home. Chamber on first floor. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI C S Physicians Office design! 5732, slory heights lO-ft. 6. Plans $25. ARTISTIC HOMES m. m.^\ fi7\. V^. . DuVALL RESIDENCE.— Design 4999-0; in frame, $1225 to $1398; plans, $15; width, 20 x 31; story heights, 9ft. 6in. and 8 ft. 6 in. Special features; Compact plan, attractive and well ventilated dining-room, convenient servant's room. Duvall Residence No.- 2. Moore Shower design, same de- sign as above, but gable is rtot out off, with 12x13 parlor, ' 13x15 sitting-room with bay; 13x15 dining-room with bay, 10 X 10 pantry, 12x12 kitchen, rear stairs to basement, large rooms to second story, with bay over dining-room, and water- closet seperate from bath-room. See page 65. HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Duval No. 3 design 5 7 54- A, story 9-ft 6 and 9. See design opposite page 753. Plans $15. Duval No. 2 design 5754-B. See design page 734. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Oseuma design 5755, slory heights 10 and 9-ft. 6. Large pretentious looking home. Plans $ I 5. lup 1 Library Dining R. 15xl3f 14116. 5x15ft, -755- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Orosi design 5756, story heights 9-h. 6 and 8 ft.-6. Plain neat exterior. Plans $ 1 0. 34ft6 -736- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tb* pUM reralTcd of 70a ware •atUfartorr. No troable wtaitcTer to put- Hog boiuc tofctbcr. BuUdfr compUoMaU 70a hl(bl/.— Mr*. P. 8. Oiboroe, Tinint«toirii, Oblo. (8«coDd onMadtad tMUoooM.) Plans $15. 757- Oronfino design 5757, story heights 9 and 9-ft. Suitablt for Pastor's home. The oen and bay-shaped hall above are particularly unique features for such a compact plan HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Oneta design 3738. story heights 9-ft. 6 and 9 Square compact plan. Plans $ 1 0. .-. 33ft - - ^=y^ h! -758- PUu» tot ntiOfon drawo by yog (■'• tultr* uiufacUoa m to .til.. tI"*"'T "M"* •«»hed by you and with the r»- 'emplalinf buildins, I beg to remain • ult attained and could not be better aatiafied Vouri truly, than we ar* will nitr ■<*». knM^ !■ ;. ........^ U/ c t r^cun ew home It it fiiuated W E LOEHR. -759- Art S E. and S F. R R HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Anchiota design 5760, story heights 9-ft, 6, width 28-ft. 6. Well-lighted Reception Hall. Plans $ I 5. Chamber or""* Chamber 13-6X15 "^^^ Lanark, 111., Feb ■$, ■> Mr Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir — Having completed my house after the plan bought from you desire to say we are more than pleased with il in every way, and receive many congrattilattons as to the appearance of same. Can conscientiously recommend any who wish to build to call on you for design!, and plans. Respectfully, J M GLOTFELTY -760- -3v:«+-^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .9x13 Cliffwood No. 2 design 576 1 -A, story heights 9-h 6 and 8. See design page 764. Plans $ 1 0. Story heights 9-ft and ~ 8-h cut to 6-ft Plans $10. I Ichanber fl -V 13-4X10-4 Ch. tlXl^l? HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ClifFwood Cottage No. 5 heights 9-ft 6 and 8. Plans $10. design 5762-A, cl See pages 761-763-764 design 5762-B, Cliffwood Cottage N^. 6 ^^^ heights 9-ft 6 and 8-ft. Plans $\(^/ ■-- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Cliffwood No. 7 design 5 763- A, story heights 10 and 1 0-ft. See pages 76 1 -762-764. Plans $ 1 TT IF Kitchen] tO-6xl6 Chambe r 5x16 P»ntry ['I I _^ 9x6 felcl" flo Dining Room " Sitting Room 18x15 T^ Chamber 12-3x16 MVni Hall Cliffwood No. 8 design 5763-B, story heights 10 and 9-ft. 6. See pages 761-763-764. Plans $10 KITCHEN 114x13-6 Tcn — I ■{ BATH r VJ. t CH 0-6x13 CH to-e X a :h. DINING- R SITTING RM 15-6 xl5 xe-6 xl5 PARIX)R 14 xl4 Tl^^^ T CHAMBER CHAMBER 14 Xl5 16 xl2 CHAMBER 14 xl6 -763 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ClIFFVVOOD cottage — Design 7058-G; in frame, 10 ft. story, $1,099 'o $1,198; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. Modification No. 2: Garfield design; parlor 12x13 ft.; sitting-room 13x15-/1.; dining-room 12x13 ft; chamber I ox 1 2 ft.; kitchen 1 2x1 1 ft., and three rooms above; plans $10. Modification No. 3: Johnson design; parlor 133^12, with fire- place; sitting-room 12x13 ft.; dining-room 19x16; kitchen 13X 12, with open stairs; bath-room and two 12x10 chambers above with no rear stairs; plans $10. Sec page 65. ARTISTIC HOMES flSL tChamtfer 12x11 Chamber 11-6x16 Veranda Elnglish Cottage No. 2 design 5765-A, I0and8-ft6. Plans $10. Plans $10. p Ikitch I 11x11 Ch 9-6x13 Salem Cottage No. 2 design 5765-B. 362.) Plans $10. -765- " Akonoto G>ttage design 6765-C, 9 and 8-h.6. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES AN DIEGO COTTAGE.— Desipn 1648-N; in frame, $850 to $U40; plans, SS; width, 27 ft. 8 in. by 29 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft., side walls cut down to S ft. Have $10 stock plans with side hall entrance, with door from ball to dining-room, stairs going up out oi hall instead of front room. FiBJT CToa-r OeCtSMD OTOBV Georgetown, S. C, Aug 17, 19 Mr Herbert C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: — The building you planned is all "O. K." I completed same and moved into it the early part of . December last and find the plan ex- ceedingly convenient and comfortable. Every one who has been through the house admires it. 7AA— Yours very truly, '"" H. L. SMITH HERBERT C CHiVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Eacloted please find photo of church, the first one I took of th* building. As ftr as your work is concerned I am well pleased. REV. FR- Th. a. WOLTERS, Annawan, lU. San Diego No. 4, Hackman design, same as above, with 1 2x1 J ft. kitchen addition, with large pantry, and large 8x8 ft. rear porch back of present kitchen; with first arrangement of plan as in San Diego No. 2 except parlor is 15x15; dining- room 14x13; bed-room i.^xij. Seepage 65. San Diego No. 5, Swavely design, same as San Diego, with the folidwing changes: Porch across front only; parlor, 15x12; side hall at stairs, extending to front porch; kitchen 11x14 back of hall; dining-room in place of present kitcheif 12x12; with 5x12 pantry back of this; three chambers above sizes, 13x12, 12x14, 10.6x14 ft. $AN DIEGO COTTAGE NO. 2.— Design 100,190-0; in frame, $750 to $850; plaas; $5; width, 27 ft. 10 in. by 39 ft. 4 in.; story heighu, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. (cut down at sides to 5 ft.). See view on opposite page. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES V*--29ft I Porch San Diego No. 3 -" with parlor 12x16 ft Mapledom «lesign, same as San Dtigo, , with stairs starling up direct from hall, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES English house— Design 878 M; in frame, $1298 to $1498; plans, $25; width, 32 ft. 10 in. by 32 ft 8 in.; width over lU, 40 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. 6 in. (full itory). Special features; Plain neat exterior. See page 65. KITCHEN -, yp^ PARLOR IS riRST-FLDDR -769- SECDND-STQRY About three years ago I erected a dwelling all copiplete from plans prepared by you. It has proved very satisfactory and has received more compli.Tientary notices than any structure of the kind in the city as to style and inside arrangement and finish. We are highly pleased v/ith your work; MR. AND MRS. R. M. ROBERTS, RED OAK, IOWA. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. -25 ARTISTIC HOMES Oakland residence.— Design 1877 M; in frame. $1608 to $1799; pls-ns, $15; story heights, 9 ft. cut down to 5 ft. 6 in. walls to second stor)'. Special features — Stone front, ornamental English gables; other walls covered with shingles. See page 65. Your plans as shown In "Artistic Homes" nnd "The Cottage Builder" are tJ»c best we have seen. MRS. T. W. GIBSON MOSS. (Monterey Co.), Cal. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S - Woodman Cotwge -JENEVA Design. - JenevB Cottars, LXiign I1I8M; plans, JIO; tet de- •i^OQ ODDoaitc pa^ (383); aiia, 27 i 30 (t. tin. story beiehta, 9 It. 8 io.; front chaabcr full torji St $1190 to $U99; bpecinJ leaturu; combinalloo liar «ntranc«. ^M page 226 vVoodman Cotuge; Deiign ijjiM; plans, $io; »ee design oo opposite page (383); size 24 ft. 6 in. x 38; story heiihu. 9 fa- Luge paltry, convenient stairs, good si/e bath room, well ventilated, pailor and front chamber, cost, $1091 1 1 $1 ig8 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES mm T^J3; ^ 11 ORAMBtl HAUBER A I Hit ein z lift t I en / ciol DWaRENCE residence — Design 1980M; cost in frame $1,492 to $1,590; plans $10. See page 65. -772- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KiCH RESIDENCE.— Design 1871M; in irame, $1. 298 to $1496; plans, $15; width, 28.2 x 36.19; story heights, 9.6 and 8.6 in nearly full story. Spedai features; Plain,-neat exterior, suitable for stained shingles; corobination inside and outside cellar entrance. See page 65. -773- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Am pleased -with resultg.— Fred Enfield, Lyons, Neb. WUSCATINE COTTAGE— Design 1951 M; in frame: $1195 to $1385; plans, $15; width over all, 33 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in., and 8 ft. 6 in. Special features; Large dining room, compact plan, combination stairs. See page 65 I am thoroughly pleased and regard your plans a work of art Your speci- fications are also full and completely protect the owner from a legal standpoint. H. W. POGUE, Attorney at Law. Jeraeyville. HI. -774- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DeADWOOD cottage.— HiU Design iSio-O; in frame. $950 to $1,150; pUns, $8; (see index for De&dwood plan Na a); width, 31 ft.; width overall, 39 ft; story heights, 10 ft.; (space for two rooms above). Special features: Simple roof treatment; a very practical plan. See page 65. "Who sees only the first outlay will live to have more bills to pay." — Anorx, 775- ==t HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. 'ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-l O IVI E S Deadwood^ No. 4 design 3 7 76- A. Plans $8. Vtranda Story heights 1 and 9ft. _ 77^! | 1 Plans $8. Deadwood No. 5 design 5776-B, story heights lO-ft. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES mm!!ij0^ — — DyERSBURG cottage NO.2— Design 6030. 0; in frame $1260 to $1398; plans, $5; width over all, 30 ft. 7 in.', story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. Special features; well ventilated rooms. See Oyersbure No. j on page^^J See page 65. Cardington, Ohio. June 14, rp Mr Herbert C. Chivers. St. Louis. Mo. Dear Sir: — I am sending you this d.iy under separate cover a photo of house taken soon after it was completed. Ve think a great deal of our home, and should from Porch ■.Pan Hi tchcn "or^hlSxlS OrphlDXlo VVe think a great deal of our home, and shoul -p|- I —,^^^^^^ I 'ver build again it would certainly be froi r_TT^riTT— plans prepared by Herbert C. Chivers. D PdrrClClo Yours respectfully, ill I U •|i I I I FRANK S. JONES. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ^"^^Dyersburg No. 4 design 5778-A. Plans $5. See 777. story heights I I and 9-ft. >----33£t4iri ■ ■ " l l 1 u ^n Dyersburg No. 5 design 5778-B, Plans $5. See 777. story heights 9 and ^'^'' 8-ft 6. Ch. S Ch. 13ft2x Hl2.9x Uft6 iidyi^fte id/1' 778- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DyERSBURG COTTAGE— Design 1621 0; in frame, $699 to $799; plans $5; width 27 ft. by 39 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft. and 8 ft. cut down by roof at walls to 5 ft. Modifications See index for Dyersburg plan No. 2. See page 65. DyERSBURG Modification plan, No. 1. Pool Design, with 13 ft. 5 in. X 15 ft. parlor, 12 ft. x 14 ft. 6 in. bed room; 13 ft. by 14 ft. 6 in. dining room; 6 ft. by 8 ft. bath room in place of closet at rear hall, with fire place in parlor and in extra bed room direct above parlor. Pyersburg modified No. 2. HOUGH plan, Parlor 16 ft. X 13 ft. Vestabule entrance on opposite side of house to 1 8 ft. X 15ft. dining room with stairs, with 14 ft. X 15 ft. bed room in place of present dining room, with door to front porch, with triple triangulor fire place at in- tersection of parlor, dining room and bed room, with 5 ft. x 10 ft. bath room at rear hall, 13 ft. x 14 ft. and three rooms above, with balcony roof to porch. FIBJT -OTOIiV -779- .SeCOMO -viTOPY HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS HERBERT C. CHIVE RS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Clifton residence.— Design 6019-0; in frame. $1298 to $1499: plans, $5; width, 25 ft. 6 in. by 35 ft.; Modi- fications. See index Birdsville Cottage. See page 65. percl IF«. f0Si C iS'lOXia m Jlxl'f- i ^ \^K\\-9 lOlCiS s; J\gUW)i -781- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CaRONDELET COTTAGE— Design 6016O; in brick and frame, $1298 to $1464; plans, $10; width, 30 ft. 8 in: by 27 ft. 8 in.; full story heights, 9 ft. in the clear, Special features — Large living room; full story the upper rooms: 9 in. walls. See page 65. [ai i^ -782- 1- X ID- II 'II^JI SteciftflNrFtai HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMCS ^AIRFIELD COTTAGE— Design 1857 O in frame, $676 to $799; plans, $10; width, 28 ft. 2 in. x 2^ ft.; story heights, 9 ft. and 9 ft. (fiill story.) Special features — CottJ^e like gable effect in front; economical porch roofing. See page 65. 70X7» CMNR- 1 '' ' tS *<( 1* n notm i li ♦ < li ♦ 1 m P«rd) riRb ^ b'&xh-o >a« 7 ^ - ^i 1 HoBse l8 jnst coDtyleted. It la the talk of tbe tewn. Ak It is dlflterent to anxtfalng jet bnjlt here, we have received many fnTorable comments on tame. Tbe bouK ii vp-to-date In every respect. J. A. ADAMS. North Taklma, Wash. The plans which you prepare^ for our new banlc and r/4"V S^^Y R g Algu Cottage,' Design 1204M; size 26 X 26; cost $1090 to$i 299; plans, $20 Magu Cottage, Design, 1205M; size. -■ 40 x 29; cost, $1922 to $2249; plans, HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES §T. LOUIS COTTAGE.— Design t64:-0;'in frame, $780 to $899; plans, $^; width, 15 ft. 4 in. by 30 ft UBi, $10. See St. Louis Coiuge. Weisi, Design 9-O: in brick, 9 in. wall; cost $1790 to $1998; plana, (10 See St. Louis Cottage HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -,31ft -Sin — Roof Ch. 13-4xl2ft4 |/ Sc 1 RX^ Ch. 13-4xl4ft5 Ch. 7ftl0x / lift d Hall -1 Ch. 13-4xl4ft6 St. Louis Cottage No. 5 design 5788-A, story heights 9 and 8-ft 6. See opposite page 787 2lft ". l^clo\ Dining R. 13ft4xl5ft Ch. 13ftxl4ft Parlor .4x10.6 '"• .12ftlOxl3ftjUi3. 8x10ft 6 Porch ^ -788- Lc; Ch. tL3ft4xl4ft6 St, Louis No. 6 design 5788-B, story heights 9 and and 8-ft 6. See opposite page 787. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S St. Louis No. 10. Plans $5. - - J2ft- Chambsr 13ftxl3-4 vT!I£H l^^J -789 II any one tnows you ■ plan, thai you know, or they aay. you can erect a building Irom lor a certain aniouni. which nearly plea»c« you. aend mc the particulars, etc., and I will clearly Indicate lo you where you can save at least the coat ol my fee. and I will lurtbcrmore look alter the de- ■tfi) and important constructive details, which, il loMowed out. maures the beat reaulta, |ivin| your buildinv a distinctive clean-cut appearance. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IOIXRBY cottage.— Design S9-O; cost, $998 to $1, 19a; size, 28 ft. 2 in. by 30 ft,; story heights, 6 ft. an^ 8 ft., full story; plans, $8. See design of St. Louis cottage on pag« 7 8 r A special feature of this plan is attractive stairs and combination side entrance and cellar entrance. DARBY NO 2, Likins design, same as above, with 4 ft. pantry between dining-room and kitchen; with 6x7 bath-room on first floor; with general dimensions 32x30 ft.; with no bay to second story chamber; with full stories and dormer on roof; Similar to Washington Residence. A-".'. - A''?* 5<«^ 7&"^ Darby plan No. 3, reversed Finley design, same as above, with sliding doors to parlor; with arch and large brick fire- place to library; with 5 ft. central hall; with 1 1 .4 xi 7 ft library where reception hall now shows; with bay omitted to front chamber above; with pantry and pot-closet between kitchen and dining-room; with 3x8 bay to dining-room; with bath- room between two rear chambers; with porch across front; with open porch extending to dining-room bay. Norcatur, Design lo-O; cost, $1, 098 to $1192; size, 27.8 X 29.6 width over all, 31 ft.; plans, $8; See design on page -790- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC I-IOIV1ES See design and description below ' ^ ]\j \ Plans $12. Bnson design 5791 . Story heights 9-ft 3 and 9. n K.lTCHE:^ la'sVg'' fRONT MaRVARD cottage— Design 870-O; in frame. $1,198 to $1,289; plans, $5; width, 24 ft. 6 in. by 38 ft. 2 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 3 in. and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features: Compactness of plan; simplicity of exterior; a very practical plan; pleasing poof lines. Have modified $5 plan No. 2, Brison design, with back do9r entering out into 7 ft. by 13 ft. 6 in. rear porch, with 10x9 ft. kitchen addition and bath- room and closet space above (Brison design), cost $250 ad- ditional. See page 65. ~79 I HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES — If? "th 1 @3 \ East side cottage.— De«ign i29sM; see Carrytown design on page 72 for exterior, in frame, $430 to $590; plans, $15; width over all, 28 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 9 ft Special features: Square economical plan; ventilating hood for kitch- en stove (see arch); good flue arrangement. See page 65. Cheap cottages. Plans, $10. _7Q7_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Nowesta design 5794, story heights 10 and 8-ft. 6 Similar design to Romulus design 541. Plans $ 1 0. ; 1^^ 30ft- - ': ^ I p JKitchen jr^ j^ ( Roof / P / 15x10. 9 '1 Porch ||j( y/ Sitting R. / 14ftil6ft Parlor 13.6x14 Ch. "^ 1 \ Ch. 3.9i L3ft6 H 15.9xl7ft Ch. kr _ 13.6x14. k=J /> 9 in Roof \ m |Y experience in designing large estates throughout the coun- try has necessitated my doing the landscape work in con- nection with same. I therefore now keep regularly in my employ a competent engineer and surveyor and can furnish real estate agents, municipalities and owners of country estates com- plete landscape lay-outs. By reason of my architectural exper- ience I can lay-out such work to the very best advantage for the proper setting of buildings — HERBERT C. CHIVERS. Landscape Architect. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES HRISMAN RESIDENCE.— Design 1849-N; cost in frame, $2,890 to $3,282; plans, $25. A very compact bouse. Note large size of rooms, central location of stairs; door to dining-room can be placed in later. AN AOK OP INVENTION. Look around you, see what is being dune la mecbaolcal inventions, tben look at aome of tbe bnlldingn wblch go up now-a-days, many of them being copies of plans built thirty and forty years ago. Tbe reason of this is that many a per- son is content with ordinary rexults, and usually having no one to advise them otberwiKe. go ahead on the same old outlines. Nothing expresses your progres- sive Individuality more than a modem place of abode. It talks volumes for you to every passer-by HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARC H ITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (See Boston Residence No. 2 page 797. See pages 795-799-800.) Boston Residence No. 2 design 5796. Full semi circular porch. See extenor page 797. Also see pages 798-799-800. Stoiy heights 1 and. 9-ft 6. Plans $30. -796- -"" BvESVILLE.— Design No. 2339; cost. $560; plans, $«. HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES [Boston residence Design 1052-0; in frame. $2800 to $3250; plans, $30; width, 28 x 47 ft. 4 in.; story heights, , 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft.; attic, 8. Special features; Large porch. Boston Residence No. 2. Have $10 stock plan of this with rear porch to kitchen, with 9x8 laundry, where porch now is, with out-side door, with bay to front chamber, and separate water-closet in back hall. See Manston Resiuence page F^.. Nashawena design 5809, width over steps and all 50-ft. story heights 1 and 9-ft. Plans $ 1 5. Veranda tn'wide Jy _, „ -^ Om»k». July 21, t9o6 D«f Mr Chivcrj — 1 warn lo $ay that the houte plans you fur- nished me some years ago have stood the teat •f time. 1 like my house belter each year Yours truly. ALFRED MARSCHNER, Editor, Omaha Enceisior. -809- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Natrona design 58 10, story heights 9 and 8-fl 6. Plain, neat exterior. Plans $ i 0. -810 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES J NGOLA RESIDENCE.— Design 22S0-N; cost in Jrame, 32^92 to i^^l ^^■''^''> P'sns, $15. Special features: Frcr.t bay brakes into front gable attractively; octagon roof to porch is attractive; large fire- place in front hall shows up conspicuously; a clean-cut desigiL -811- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Bluepoint design 5812. See Angola Residence for ex- terior, pages 483-81 I -8 1 2-8 1 3, width 34fl,width over all 40 ft. (See Bluepoint plan, pages 8 1 2, also 813- 8 1 4 Plans $ I 5. Story heights 9 ft 9 and 9 ft 6. Cha.Tiber 17x11-10 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O M E S widlh over all 45 ft, Angola No. 2 design 5813-A, story heights 1 and 9 ft 6. Blue Ridge design 5813-B, 10 and 9 ft. Plans $10. IftlRBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Angola No. 3 design 381 4-A. width over all 60 fl, stoty heights 1 and 9-ft 6. Plans $ 1 5. Angola No. 4 design 58 i 4-B. width over all 40 ft. story heights I and 9 ft 6. See pages 812-81 3-8 I 4 Plans $13. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES We are well pleased with plans purchased of you.— John L. McLaugbUn, Cumberiacd, Md. Oaybrook residence. _ ioo,oo4M; cost $3424 th $2666; plans. $25; size 31x45; special leat- ures; semi-circular in front; novel dormer windows, sl)int;le porch, bay front. See page 65. -815- I H E R B E R T C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES kOft a lift «la PiFFARD RESIDENCE—Design J037M; cost in frame f 1,493 to $1,585; plans $10. See page 65. -816- HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 1 PO a CNIKG ROOM lexlC CHAMBER 20x16-6 L ARCH J 14x14-61 Scranton, Pa. Mr. Herbert C. Chiver*. Arcbilect. St Louis. Mo. D«ar Sir:— I wish to say that I am much pleased with the building in every respect. I do not believe that there It any method of treatment which gives as much room for the size of the foundation as this docs and the arrangement is most decidedly artistic as well as conveniently arranged with reference to ser- vice, entertaining, etc. There was not one cent of extra work. My contractors said is was the hrst plan they ever worked from in which they did not find a single mistake. The building has been admired by many and a local paper ^poke of it as the finest home on tbe Heights This is praise indeed. Sincerely yours, HARRIS B. STILES. Henry. III., Oct. ij. Mr. Herbert C. Chivers. St Louis. Mo. Dftar Sir:— Your request in reference to my house, for which you made plans, has been received, and I desire to thank you most sincerely for the bcnefii that your special plans and advice have been to me. 1 cannot say too much in com- mendation of your services The coniraciof found not the slightest fault with your plan*, and he commended you veiy highly, especially on details of construction, f can clearly see now. where you hsTc saved me the actual cost of plans, many times over, by the ingenuity with which you economize on space and materials. 1 dfd not have the least idea t^at I could do business so promptly and satikLactortly with a distaff architect, and you are at liberty to refer any of your prospective clients to me. as I shall always feci Ihit yon have been of gfeat service (o me professionally I am told that 1 hart the handsomest house o4 its size in the ciiy. Tours truly. f\\ 1 J J CRESSER "' ' Maohattan No. 2 design 581 7. story heights I 2 and 10. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ALETON CGTTAGE.-DesiEn 2556.N; $1,782; plans. $10. Special feai'jres: A tical root srrangement; large sitting-roon in stained shingles, and wilh white i ame. $1,692 to nple and prac- ool would • ^* >. - MY STYLE OF DESIGN <- Htve designed churthei. «cr 1 ^^^1*-^ 1 rhanvov L_ —1 3..U. cki 1 Halestown design 581 8-B, story heights 1 ft and and 9-ft 6. width over all 40 fl. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHI VERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES widlli over ail 40 Yalmer design No. 2 design 58 1 9- A story heights 9 ft 6 and 9 ft. Solon No. 2 design 5819-B. story heights 8 fl 6 and 8 " ^ 9 f M -819- Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Geneva Lake No. 2 design 5820-A. ,#:^-^^' stor>' lieights 9 ft ^ W0W^PZ Porch 820 Cement plast exterior HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Our new houte is completed and is said by all who have teen it, to b« one of the finest in this country We painted according to your suggestions and like it Tciy much S. A. OKESON, Fairview, Kansas. Side B^EOGA RESIDENCE— Design 1840M; cost in frame $2,- 980 to $3,240; plans $25. Good size rooms; large side porch. Seepage 65. -821- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES The plan of my residence prepared by you was satisfactory in all respects. We are much pleased with the design and convenience of arrangement. 1 . O. EDWARDS, BranchviUe. S. C. Balcoay OjlUNFEE RESIDENCE.— Design i8so-0; coit m stone and frame $3,440 to $4,260; plans $40. -822- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Bonner Springs design 5823, story heighls !0 and 9 fl. Good corner-lot house. Plans $ I 5. GainesvHfe. Ca . Aug ij, ig*2 Mr Hcrhtrl C Chivorj, St Louh. Mo. D«r Sir - ^ . ^. The plans whith you turnnhfd »re atfmirabM for small i«llag« and rvtrybody ir. lown wajiU -823 U) icnl onf Tlicjr liavc been occupied cvtr «incc ihcy weic biiill and I could rtnl srvcral others like iheni if I had rhrm Very (riily yours. _ A W VAN HORN HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVf E S Blakeman design 5824, story heights, ! and 9 ft 6. Attractive octagonal balcony. Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTIST rc HOMES You had better have no plans at all than de- pend on inaccurate ones, or on some one who - _^ -_ — - merely draws out the (ay ol the rooms and gen- eral exterior views. The successtul architect is who actually knows how the buildittg will appear when constructed and that is why I am so particular in tending drawings of the ezAct stock mouldings which are to be used and the artistic and proper grouping ol harmonious and economical result* McCloud design 3825, width 52, width over side porches and all 7 3 ft, story heights I I -ft 6 and 1 0-ft 6. Plans $35. -825- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES '^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^ Zoni design 5827, story heights 10 and 9-fl 6. At- tractive hall and den at side. Attractive chamber suite in front. Plans $35. -827- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hall 16-6x14 i H«I1 : ill. ■ I Chamber k^3^g^gljCha»,berC 14-6x15 -828- Linares design 5828, width over all 62 ft, story heights I0ftand9-ft 6. Plans $35. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $35. Juanito design 5829. width over porte-cochere and all 52 ft, story heights 10 and 9 ft. Good colonial effect. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Rossland desii;n 5830, story heights 10 and 9-ft 6. Good roof effect with greenish slate or shingles painted to match and galvanized iron dome painted, to represent light greenish antique copper. Plans $35. 1 *n T«iT ni»<* pl««»*iJ will' Pl"* »'«lc!> ro" fufolBhtd me. »nd whlth 1 MiM«eois. Mo. I am well pleased witb my residence just completed, and consider yoOr plans, general style of design and methods of superintending as strictly up-to-date. J. OTTO HUNigKE. St Louis. Jfo. -836- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES illLDRICH RESIDENCE.— Design ioo,ooi-0; Cost, $4; 043 to $4,447; plans, $40; Special features: large dining room and varanda. Suitable for a Southern home. High stones. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ""'■5S:r!^!!? KOYALTON RESIDENCE.— Design 1911M; co«t in fram* $2,390 to $2,492; plans $20. See page 65. a / — a Deck Pe ^ 4 14X16* P^dT 14X16 Hal] V ^^ ^ 7 .=^ 1-8^15^ llsevfi ^'"^^^ BeJ R ■ IX' Bal -838 My residence at Maywood has l)eHi erected and I am pleaaed wlUi It The ptabd worked out Well. QD8TAVU8 M. FITZBR, New lork City. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -SfPBCIAL NOTE- Whcrc the cooditioiii of any special coDlnct ii not fulljr car- ried out OD the put of the paitj ordering p((ot, Ihcy are piiri- leged to cancel order upon prompt ix>tice, or it will be as- suined as caocelled if sketches sent arc held over lo days, and the fees for work done will be determined by the universal schedule of architects charges. See sketching blank N'ashville. Tcnn.. Oct. 18. 191 Mr. Herberi C. Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dtar Sir — Replying to your (avor o( the 15th I ha»e no photograph of my house yet. but will mail you one later. The home is a model of convenience and comfort and is generally admired. Your plans and specifications were very .complete and perfectly satisfactory Yours truly. CHAS. SHINKLE, Cen. Mgr. Consumers' Ice & Coal Co. Pasadena design 5839 ifi brick, width 33 ft, width over all 45 ft. stor>- heights 9^ft 6 each. Plans $ I 5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES San Benito design 5840, width 43 ft. story heights 9-fl 6 each. Dignified colonial effect. Plans $35. ^ Chamber dltail^ l5-6xt5 Chamber 15-6x8-6 jj ^ Chamber ^" ^M| r^ :^;p^i^^^^^f^^^^i^^^^ Dining RooB Library^ 16x12 Pa'l°'' ^ Hall ^ 14x18 IP ^•aVcVi" 16x13-2 J^ 15x12 Redondo design 5842, width 34 ft (over all 43 ft) well-lighled front rooms, story heights 9 and 8-ft 6. Plans $20. -^Al- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Columbus residence. Design 4226-O, in frame, $3500 to $4500; with stone first story, $5,^00; plans, $60; width, 47 ft. 5 in.; width over all, 56 ft. 7 in.; story heights, 1 1 ft. and 10 ft. Special features: Large rooms, conservatory back of dining-room. Seepage 65- Columbus res page 628. -843- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ^...-. rr-rrrrrt KENTON RESIDENCE.— Detign 2382N; aott in frame, $2,492 to t2,589: plans, $25. //"A/S^M^ ^l o /yyo. 3j HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC tiOMES IPEW YOJIK, RI:SIDE^CE.— Design 103 iM; in frame. $4. 599 to $5598; plans, $68; width, 63 6 x.39.8.; width over all. !lo ft.; story heights; 10 and 8.6. Special features; Wide im- posing front, well ventilated, good size room, a good plan for a large country estate. See page 65. -845- HERBEBT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES iWltLLINGTON RESIDENCE.— Design 8oM. cost $,^,000 See page 65. Suitable for a Southern House. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARC H I t'e C T S I ARTISTIC MOjVIES Hohave design 5847, width 41 ft, width over porches and all 56 ft, story heighu 1 and 9-ft 6. Plans $25 ■847- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Oceanside design 5848, Plans $25. M story heights 10 and 9 ft. "3 46ft-- -848- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Devon residence Design 1064M; in frame, $2,690 »o $2,898; plans, $25; width, 38 ft, 11 in. by 32' ft. 6 in.; story heights, 9 ft. 6in. Special features: All rooms open into a large central hall; large fire-place in sitting-room. See page 6s. Cha.n 1^X14 Chamber ^ 16X14 H- dox-ij Hal- i^ia Cham 12Xli Cha.-n 12X14 lril£3 -849- t Chamber 15X10 tfgi n Cham 12X14 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES tWiREN RESIDENCE — Design 1047M; in frame, $1800 tc $2200; plans, $20; width, 30 ft. 8 in.; story heights, 9 ft. Special features; Attractive reception hall; vestibule coat and cloak closet; bay in front and side; See page 65. K iTCueN 15 9 XI* 10 GtrriNC naon "\ QC PARLOR ja * le.B MALL 13 8X15 C«AmBE R • 3 9 » '3» C-iAlBtB • * 6 MS* 1 IMF CHAMBE R • 2 6 A •& ^ -i -850- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ThORNHILL cottage —Design loo ao6M; cost $2379 to $2758; plans, $25; sue 28.6x48. Special features: attractive side tower, large pantry, coipbination rear stairs. fool Tl ^ ^ F V4 — ^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ■\;;»-iOl<.^ Virginia residence— Design 856M; in frame, $3,490 to $3,960; plans, $25; width, 56 ft. 4 in. by 35 ft; width oyer all, 70 ft.; story heights, 11 ft. Special features: Porte- cochere in rear, stiirs do not crowd back of hall, parlor, 20 ft. by 17 ft.; library, 20x17 ft-l dining-room, 20x14 ft.;kiitchen 14x13 ft. See page 65. O-pen Porch rr — r Library Hall ^S Kite 2 0x19 I .13 TE1.4 pa K:^ -852- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Plans $20. -853- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES '3^ Yi'i Lib, i5x ■f^nisx I 17-fi H 14 } . Porch tT q 5x1 rT £all jii Bed RTHlBedR 1.5x171 11 5x1 4 /ItLANTA RESIDENCE- Design 729aM^ ^^ H Salvia residence.- — Design 1223M: -854- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -855- RiMERTON RESIDENCE—Deiign 2004M cost $2,295 to $3,385; plans $20. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Calera. Ala., June 30, 1896. Mr. Herbert C. ChiveM, Architect, St. Lonis Mo.: Dear Sir:— In regard to plans and specifications drawn by yon for my dwell- ing now nearing completion, will say, that same hare fully come np to my ex- pectations, and 1 consider It a very good Investment for any one desiring to build, to have plans. The house is considered convenient and substantial, and I am very well satisfied. Yours truly, C. H. O'NEAL. HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES CeRESCO residence.— Design 1923M; cost in frame $2,022 to $2,180; plans $15. See page 65. 10-6X I'' 1-^ 14ft 5m Dining Room 16X14' I Sitti" ^! I Room !> ■'■ " 4X16 Parlor l4X16ft Roof 9'Bath ^ 17 X11 V*P|CH, 10, <1 -857- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^ ,^:inmm ^•-•iwmtro RUDYARD RESIDENCE Design 2384M; cost in frame, $2,782 to $2,9.10; plans, $25. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES .■.jBniwUKS!^""""" '" ■i;:-:*»«4«™*""" AUGHTON RESIDENCE.— De8ig:n 2374-N; cost in brick veneei and frame, $3,500; plans, $30. Special features: Conservatory adjoining kitchen; attractive bay to reception ball; separate water- closet in connection with bathroom. u CVA/^£>m -^.; C¥AA7&rJ2 fsoo^ -859- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IKaLKASKA cottage.— Design 1783M; ■^ $1,292 to $1,348; plans, $15. ^""^Hl -ARTISTIC HOMES- Parchascraof ibisbook wilt ir^hY oo o4ber as It'coniains rbe lalcst slvles. II you appreciate the ckan-cut oalqac* oe9S of my work, tbeo do i>o< be misled by cbeap uoder-priced publisbcrs'plaos HERBERT C. CHIVERS ARCHITECT rairficld.lll«. 10-24" 19( Mr. Herbert C. Chi vers, St, Louis, Mo. i)ear Sir:- Plans of our new bank are very finely executed. Ve arc pleased with the general design md arrsigenent. jours sincerely. -860- ^i,m. Cashier. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Elscondido design 586 1, width 44 ft, side porch 6 ft, story heights 10 and 9 ft. Plans $15. PBRISTYLK APARTMKNT8. ST. LOUIS, —i HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCH4TECTS ARTISTIC MOMES IT Porch tf yi4R1ll!HI/cr ol Pinckneyville No. 4 design 5862, story heights 10- ft each. Width 58-ft. See design page 863. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO-. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Pickneyville No. 3 lO-ft. Plans $25. lesign 5864-A, story heights THE USE OF PLANS. Plans are to be used but once, and parties purchasing plans of this office are prlvlledged to build only one building from them. This is a universal rustom among architects, and for plans used a second time we are entitled to 3V4 per cent on the total cost of each building erected from them. Some are of the opinion that these plans may be nscd, provided changes are made, but where It can be shown that a prospective client purchased books con- taining certain Ideas embodied in such plans as may be built from, without payment to the originator it. Is sufficient evidence on which to prosecute. This notice Is simply to protect those who might endeavor to use "Ignorance of the law" as an excuse for duplicating plans. It is admitted, even by many architects, that the facilities of this office to pr^fduce practical plans and artistic designs is superior to that of any other Id the United States. If any of our stock plans should exceed estimate I will exchange them with- in 10 days after shipping fd in good shape, for $2 additional. _Q t^ A — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lli\LEVA RESIDENCE — Design 100021M; cost $3026 to $3331; plans, $35; size 33x51 width over all, 36 ft. special features: bay in front and side, compact plans, large kitchen closet See page 65. -863- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 28 ARTISTIC HOMES r..-.i«,m*'//^//.m,«».„,,«^ „.,,„„„,.,. .„„„^„,y,,^.. .„^ ^^^^^ /./y^,..,» ......... LOMERA RESIDENCE.— DesigA 2382M; cost m frame, $3,690 to $2,782; plans, $25. See )iage 65- -866- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Shenango No. 4 design 5867-A. story heighu 9-r HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOIVIES Edgefield cottage — Design i9o,i99-0; in frame, $2,690 to $2,899; plans, $20; width, 30 ft. 4 in.; width over an, 45 ft.: story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 4 in.; special features: Wide veranda; combination inside-and-outside cellar stairs, 4arge bath-room and pantry; brick fire-place in reception hall. See index for Edgefield plans revised. See page 65. J Cha-nb B^ ( 14xlG Jch 887- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Tbe pUoa prepared for iim were aaUitactary. I eoold ha.rt h*d tfceca pre- pared In my own dr&ucfating room, bat I found It at adTantafe to coaanK wttb TOO. O. A. WlLSON. (Oblef Bnglnear 0. EL ft D. B. R. Oo.). DaytHi. O. OVANA RESIDENCE.— Design 1842-N; co8t in frame. $2,390 to $2,498; plans, $20; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 8 h. 6 in. Special features: Large rooms; neat, attractive design; good corner-lot design; attractive upper sash to second-story windows. -888- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMCS yV/ONTEREY RESIDENCE—Design loo.oogM; cost, $2,806 to $3,886; size, 43 X 36 ft. Special features: Large brick fire-place in hall; large pantry; well-ventilated front I cannot afford to have my clients in any way dissatisfied. 1 want your future busi- ness and that of your friends. I am interested in bettering your locality architecturally and when you hear oi anyone who has intentions to build, please do not fail to men- tion my n^me and at the same time drop me a line. _ HERBERT C. CHIVERS. , usr -889- HERBERT C CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES •- Order Blanb • UCIBUT C. CHIVEIS. Si. Uiiii, Ri. lacliiiH It • - Ur whtcb pnmftti tffil DANE- ASDIESS . -SKETCHING BLANK- If jreu intend to order pUai or with to send a rough outline of the plan wanted, tend for tpecial tketching blank. See page U3. Los Gatos design 5890, width 39 h, porch 8 h extra. Plain, neat southern home. Plans $1.3. Story heights 1 and 9 ft 6. -890- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Carlos RESIDP.NCE.— Design 100.050-0. cost. $1,789 JINSLOW PARK COTTAGE See op{)Osite pjije. De- sign 2469-M; cost in brick, $7,000 to $7,500, Plans, $3^. ~ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 42ft--- Carlos No. 2 design 5892-A. See page 89 1. Plans $15 Carlos design 5892-B, Plans $15. story I I and 9 ft. See page 891. -S^ttEM o HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Converse residence. I -Oeiign 1839M; con in frame . $1,290 to $»,$82> plant $io.| Balcony in front of den 6xi j See page 65. VcranHa pining R |^°" | XltcVirn lambcr I p CM '^hanib _.tting F Ichacher 13x13 I ' 13x10-3 lown n Reception Parlor -893 -_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ErDA RESIDENECE— Design 100,045-0; size, 34.6x33 ft. 6 in.; cost, $1,588 to $1,792; plans, $15; story heights, ist 9 ft. 6 in.. 2d 9 ft., cellar 7 ft. A plain, practical house. S-'t page 65. \ [^ y5"^"•x/(i'^/o■'' y^ ^m //"■fVt.lir'9' ^ CH/VfDtiZ J5"t'xii''/osing comer lot house, well lighted front rooms. Story heights 10 ft. Plans $25. -^00- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Fresno design 5902. Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC 1-1 O IVI E S Berendo design 5903. slory heights 9 fl 6 and 9. Suit- able for lot with double front, or overlooking body of water. Plans $50. -903- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ;* 34ft41n- E i 3k<^cS_ -904 COODLAND RESEIDENCE. — Design 9686-O; in frtme, $1,280 to $1,360; plans, $10; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and S ft. 6 in. (cut down by roof to 5 ft) See paae 6t Siig.ir Grove, Ohio, .Aug. 0, 191. • Herbert C. Chivers, Esq., St. LuMi's, Mo. Deair Sir: — Under separate cover I mail you photograph of my house and will say that 1 built same ac- cording to plans furnished by you and am highly pleased. I think I have the best arranged and most artistic-looking house in our town. Very respectfully, I X M.ATHEN'Y HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Honeyhill No. 2 design 5905, ; story heights 9 ft cut iown slightly at side walls. See also page 562. The design shows just the reverse of plan. \t^'*■ ' > _ (Use mirror as shown on page 1023.) D^NT RESIDENCE. — Design 889M;.io frjune, $1,950 to$2,4oo plar«, $15: witdth 35 ft; r'.ory heights, 9 ft. 6 in. Knd 8 ft. 6 in. (full story). Sped&l features. Plaia, niat exterior; combination stairs. Seepage 65. -905- HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECT ARTISTIC HOMES Salem residence.— Design 1878M; in frame, $1599 to $1898; plans, $20; width, 28 ft, 2 in. x 31 ft,; width over all, 36 ft.; story heights, 9 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. Special features: Simple tower effect; combination inside-and-outside cellar en- trance, with door at grade; compact plan; the working plans •how a more attractive design than the sketch given, yihh ornamental gable end. See page 65. ARTISTIC HOMES '^"/^/^ lyiLMOT RESIDENCE.— Design 1935M: cost in frame, $2,590 to $2,780; plans $25; cost in brick $4,580 to $5,690.: plans $65. -908- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES LENARVEE COTTAGE.— Design 23S1-N; cost in frame, $1,292 to $1,399; plans, $13. Economical stair arrangement. /.HALL \ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES « KeNSICO residence Design 2060M; cost in trame $1,680 to $1,792-, plans $15. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,,i;.fllL^.nh.Jl''i^M': ULIETTA RESIDENCE.- Design 2387 N; cost in Irame, $2,592 to $2,780; plans, $25. Special features: Down stairs chamber and ba'ch; large veranda, door from dining-room out onto side porch; combination cellar entrance. -911- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OLANDUS COTTAGE.— Design 2354 N; cost, $2,450 to $2,700; plans, $15; story heights, 10 It. and 9 ft. 6 in. Special features: Large veranda; pleasant outlook from front rooms; front of house IS not cut up by stairs. A wide, imposing front. Secore an Architect who can coobioe styk and ditnity in DESIGN with practicability and ecoDomr in construction. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Vft'|«W?[*7f^^''^'n A STATELY HOME. ©SGOOn RESIDKNCE —Design ioo,o25M; si/e, 45 x 48.6: special features; large rooms, Soutliern plan, wide varnnda, good ventilation Plans. .1!6o. See page O5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES IWlLLSDALE RES. —Design 2270M; cost in frame $1,69] to $i,- 789; plans, $25. See page 65. IWlNOOKA RESIDENCE— Design 2273M; cost in frame, $3,500 to $4,690; plans', $75. See page 6s'. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Los Bancs design 5915, slory heights 9 ft 6 and 9. Plain, neat exterior. Plans $15. South Si. Joicph, June 6, 1904. H C. Chiverj, Esq. St- Louii, Mo ^*." ^" T ■ . . . . f"'^ '°' '*" houiei ror me and will send you 1 am pleased with the plans which you pre- photofraphs of them at the earliest opportunity Yours truly. _9| 5_ V. W EMMERT HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Esmeralda 59 1 6, story heights I I and 1 0. Plans $ I 2. I dnire lo »tate th«t the house In quetllon. •> bnllt from jroor plaiu, la btgUr Mti»f»ctor7 to 111 concinied.— F-rvik C. Patten, Srcmmon, in. -916- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES POBCH ^BE PAVE V.O Plans $25. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O M E S Emporia. Kansas. May 24, 1904. .\Ir Herbert C Olivers. St. Louis. .Mo. Dear Sir — Permit me (o say a word concerning our sal- isfaclion with the plans which you hive prepared of our church and the appreciation of yo'" methods of doing business Sincerely yours, W A. PARKER. Minister of the Fir.'it Christian Church. Shasta design 5918, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. width overall 46 ft. Plans $10. -918- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Solano design 3919. width 29 ft. Story heights 9 ft 6 and 9. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Kitcher. P I" ' >* . o -^ t T «* ^ Mendocino design 5920, extreme width over p>orch and all 43 ft. story heights 1 i and 10. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES VUMA RESIDENXE — Design 2381-O; cost in frame, $,2- 299 to $2,498; plans, $20. See page 65 4=^ ^ C=I] HTfe^^ sijrn.sc e/ 11x14-3 Chamber 15x13-3 Hall !_. Chamber ■ ^ I Chamber 1x13-3 »— |l5-6xl4-6 Veranda ManstOH No. 3 dcsign 5934-A 1 and 9 t ft 6, width 32 ft. See Mansion, 867 * design 796-7.) Plans $15. r.r.y,— -934- [*p^_/ Mansion No. 4 design 5934-B, story heights 10 and E 9-fl 6. See 867-796-797. Plans $ 1 5 Porch is full ^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES "^fi f^'K*.:'t v*vmi .imm^.-- v/^fininaC'V/^MiMtM \ ■ imiua*' URGIN RESIDENCE.— Design 2388N; cost in frame, $2,990 to $3,290; plans, $30; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in.; two rooms in attic, 14x17 It. and 19x13 It.; large storage room. Special leatures: Large veranda; combination inside and outside cellar stairs. A relinble ana well-to-do builder win always recommend tliat yon go to ui arohiteci and formulate your Idoaa In a practical way, and to then have r«i!;Tilar working plans made, including legally worded epeclficatioDS, and above all, (Re- tails nf construction, givinz box-framea. porches, cornices, etc. -935- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS Burgin No. 2 design 5936, story heights 10 and 9. See similar design on opposite page. Large rooms. Fire-place in hall. Plans $ I 8. 8-ft side porch. A t>&ll7lng dltncnlty U perhaps the worst and loog^t remembered dllTtcuIty that s person ever geta into. A. builder when he i« Inclined to Im dlshooeat can caose yon more worry and anxiety than moat any other entan^emeBt. and Ui defectlTe work Is always t>efor«> yon. HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Albuquerque design 5937, large rooms. Story heights I and 9-ft 8. Bath on first floor. Suitable for a southern home. A well-proportioned exterior effect. Plans $18. Too oan Jodffp tiie cost «f hoose tdr • (lT«n locaUty hj otker booMs %^*mt^ bsOt, aad the nomber of rooms they contAln. Of ooorvs a nearly BqTvare boiMa >• nor* eeoDomlcal to buUd and by 'ImproTed metboda of coovtmctloa tt !• aafe ta 4CSN 10 to ao per c«nt lew for balldlns from oar dUob. HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES 938 Silver City design 5938, story heights 10 ft each. 8-ft porch along left hand side full length of house. Large rooms. Plans $18. StrPBRINTSNDRNOB. Uj glKOK are so drawc that any rotoitete&t bcUd«T can foUow tli«ia. I an vei7 parUcnlar atx>ot the coostractloa and oroamcuttl A«r«ii« whKb aave ttoa builder so much tltae in agurln^ and laj-lng oat hla work, and these dculU are MBt la bhie print form. «-x a. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES I ALMER RESIDENCE. Design 1925 N; cost in frame, 92,280 to $2,340; plans, $15. Yalmer Design No. 2, same as above, with corner closet in place ol lire-place in hall; kitchen placed where porch is with direct entrance to dining-room, with window facing front and no serving- pantry. Yalmer Design No. 3, same as above, with octagon porch and lower. Yalmer No. 4, same as above with lavatory oft of rear hall; with fire-place in sitting-room only. -939- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Yalmer design No. 2 5940, in brick. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. See design page 939. Plans $15. THE FREE SKETCH IDEA. The profeesion of arcbltectnre has been cheapened somewhat by the practice aom« architects have made of sending out free sketches. When an architect has come to this in order to secnre work, it Is reftsonably certain that he will take the easiest way to please yon, inasmuch as he will not make any eflTort to im- prove upon your ideas. When yon go to an architect a lawyer, or a doctor, yoa do not always care for him to coincide exactly with your ideas: Tou want ad- ranced Ideas, suggestions and consctentlons advise. Now with the "free sketch architect." he Is after nn early adoption of plan, usually an anti-dated stock plan at that, or a- poor original made by cheap help. We wonid rather sell special plans as we like to Improve on ^very Job turned out and even on our past work. It stands to reason that no reputable architect can Improve his work when he copies one Job after another. -940- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES • 4f ft Yalmcr No. 3 design 594 1 -A. 11 Story heights 1 and 9 ft. Plans $15. Bath" see design page 939 Suitable for Southern climate Yalmer No. 4 design 594 1 -B, see design page 939. . Story heights I I and 9-ft 6. See page 940-942 -941- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS | ARTISTIC M O IVt E S Navajo design 5942, story heights 9-ft 6 and 9 ft Simlar to Yalmer design 939-940. Plans $ 1 0. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES HABBONA RESIDENCE— Design 2385-t^; cost In Itame, $2,690 to $2,782; plans, $35. Special features: A very attractive sum- mer house design. The exterior walls are made up cI a combin- ation of rough stone and shingles. KREE iniOAS AKE CHEAP IDEAS. It iB uareaaonable tX' eipect shetches of an urchitect of his Ideas nntll an or- dtrr ts placed. My tdeaa are what I cbargc for and if I offered tbese free, tht-y woiiid be of little value, I believe. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCfllTECTS ARTISTIC MOMES HUDSON RIVER RESIDENCE— Dfesign 4222-N; in frame, $3,000 to $3,500; plans, 25; story height, 10 ft. Special features: At- tractive stained shingle exterior; castelated design; wouM appear well on high ground or on an island, with the terraces. -944- HERBERT C- CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Jerseyville No. 2 design 5945. See design opposite ■ page 946. Story heights 9-ft 4 and 9. Plans $30. A Ch. isftxizftj^il' Ch. 12ftxl6 '/f Porct -945- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC! HOMES JERSEYVILLE residence.— Design 6017 0; in frame, $2500 to $3200; plans, $30. See page 65. r; -946- -^ — ^ HERBERT C. CrIIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PeNSYVANIA residence.— Design 874M;in frame atid stone, $4,509 to $5,500: plans, $65; story heights, 10 ft. Spec- ial features; Large vazanda: attractive entrance. See plge 65. -947- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Lakeside RESIDENCE.— Design 2998 M; in frame, $2,090 to $2,198; plans, $25; story heights, 9 ft, 6 in. and 8 ft 6 in. (full story). Special features: Wide imposing frontage; good for seashore. See page 65. \I^ -948- HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES NEW IDEAS. This is not all there Is to be cousldered. You want a bouM with all modem ImprovenieDts. Thei% are coD:stanUy coming out new methods of construction, new bulldinfc materials, new plumbing and other flxtores, aitd as a leader in my proTesslon thes*- new features are brought to my early attention.. AKELEE RESIDENCE. -Design 1928-N; cost in irame, $2,380 to $2,490; plans, $2S. Central sUir arrangement; bay-shaped par- lor and library; deep veranda; simple, clean-cut dignified de- sign. -949- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OgDEN residence.— Design 865M; in frame, $1290 to $2598; plans, $20; width, 30 ft. 4 in.; width over all, 2^ ft. Special features: Large reception hall, 15 ft. 6 in. x 13 ft.: nook in hall; bays in front; vestibule entrance, plain, simple roof treatment. See page 65. » SECOND-STDRY -950- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ?ROSTON RESIDENCE— Design 100,093-0; cost $1,998 to $2,190; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 ft. 6 in, cut down to ( ft. avails above; plans $15. See page 65. HERBERT C. CFilVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Mural Decoration I MONO savage nations, so the Ethnologists tell us, decoration precedes dress. Primitive peo- ple paint their bodies before they think of clothing them. There seems to be among all races an instinctive love oi color and form. In dress, among the most highly civilized human beings, this display is principally con- fined to the women. The con- ventional male costume being limited to dull shades and not being especially graceful in out- line. But the man who creates a home has an opportunity to exhibit his taste in decoration. No matter bow critical his judg- ment or how delicate his apprec- iation of values he is almost cer- tain to disappoint himself and all beholders imless he consults his architect and obtains profes- sional advice on this important subject. The painting oi the ex- terior of a wooden house from porch to roof, coloring is not a matter to be lightly considered. The color scheme must be har- monious and few indeed are they who, not having given the sub- ject serious and profound con- sideraticn, are capable of pro- ducing the proper effects. The interior requires still sub- tler thought. The shape of the room, tne size of the room, the lighting of the room, the purpos- es for which the room is to be used must all receive the most careful attention. In consulting with my clients on this subject I endeavor to em- body their ideas, when they are not too incongruous, and to con- vince them that certain modifi- cations will greatly improve the result. This I seldom have dif- ficulty in doing as my experience in interior and exterior house decoration in stone, brick, tiling, wood-carving and color has been so extensive and so effective that I am able to please the most fastidious and especially to grat- ify the ever increasing number of house and church builders who desire something original, something different from any- thing they have ever seen. li^miiigiyi^ n. C. ChlT«r*, laq., St. Loul*. Uo. ' /^4pMt^te/f/^/u'. xi/iM/ii D«ftr sir:- Th* plant or bank aM BAtonle hkll ««r* •atlsfAtftary i« ••. The building la pr«ctleal lo all r«tp««tt. «• •hall not build tho botvl, for vhloh you prcpartd plana until Spring. 1hanklti4 you. 1 raatin. Vary truly, -952— ' HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^^ ATIMER RESIDENCE.- Design 1869-N; cost, $2,190 to $2,298; plans, S20; story heights, 10 ft. and 9 it.; width over all, 33 It. Special features: Chamber on first floor, with convenient bath- room; bath-room can easily be reached from upper chambers. -953- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES J r. L \ ^ tjj _/l ■' I N*. 2 Dsmr 595AA Sifi. 9Jt 6a^ 6 ft 6 ^al 3'^6. :^:-^E Sfr^ las^ VfS "^'rdtr r. r'air 5 J. r £ I i I r I f r * f : ARTISTIC HOMES IWORGAN RESIDENCE.— Design 891-O; in frame, $5,500; in brick, $6,000; plans, $55; width orer all, 42 ft; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Dignified colonial design; large pantry and grocery closet; looks well in buff brick and light green slate. Morgan Plan No. 2, James design, same as above, with 12.6x11 ft. 2 in. office back of main stairs; with stoop at side; suitable for a physician. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S Buenos Ayres design 59 S 7, width 35ft, width over all 50 ft. Story heights 1 and 9 ft. Plans $ 1 8. 0^ Balcony K* far •» plia l< ceoc«ra*<1 I »m Tarj w*U pluMd with It u4 alas tb* •PM'lll'^Uooi iDd (hink tbrr will tw well wortb tb« moDcj.— W. B. Bajtach. Oonilac. Cat -957- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Peacove No. 2 design 5958 in brick, story heights 10 and 9 ft, width 41 ft, width over all 52 ft. See pages 959-960. Plans $40. (See Peacove design No. 2, page 958.) Th* dnirlBg* vblch jroa WBt wrrc Id CTi>r]r wi,t mUafactorx. WILSON * KKNNEOy CO.. (LuBtwr). Townaon. Md. -938- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES BaRDOLPH residence.— Design 2386M; cost in frame, $2,498 to $2,792; plans, $25. Special features: Large at- tractive reception hall 19x19 ft., suitable for a physician; with plate glass window at conservatory. See page 65. P-C -959- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^ PeACOVE residence Design 202 2-O; cost in frame, $2,780 to $2,990; plans, $40. Cost in brick, $4,500 to $5 ,000; plans, 3 1-2 per cent, on cost. k-- 4lft3ir>- Porch Tf^rf Roof -960- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES OSBORN RESIDENCE — Design 32-O; plans $20; cost $2,140 to $2,390; size 31 ft. by 53 ft.; story heights ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. See pace 6c. 55ft0ip. M'^E Ch. U ^ininp, .llx K2C.6XI3 13 ft 4 A^ iiec.il. 20. Gx Jj Par. 18ft6 I2zl8 up Veranda -961 — HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Sig. 31 ARTISTIC MOMES Osborn No. 2 design 5962-A. See page 964, also opposite page and page 963, stor)' heights 1 I -ft 6 and IO-ft6. Plans $20. Osborn No. 3 design 5962-B. See page 964. also op- posite page and page 963, story heights 9-ft 6 and 8-fl 6. Plans $20. HERBERT C. CHI VERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES I PORCH I Longview No. 3 design 5963-A. See opporile page, also general effect in design on page 96 1 . See plans on page 962-963. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans ^ $30. B«l rony Ch»inb<;r jJ | H Chamber 12x14-9 Pl> 4Hl2xl4-9 Chara^ 15x10-6 ' 11x15-6 or ^ Chambei ^^ 3 nRV HEiCHTS in 4 l-C Plans $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES ONGVIEW RESIDENCE.— Design e-N; cost, $3,000 to $3,890; size, 33 it. 6 in. by 54 it. 6 in.; story heights, 11 ft and 9 it. 6 in.; plans, $30. Special ieatures: Front oi house not cut up by stairs: large attractive balconv. A very attractive design. i-964- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES TIPPECANOE RESIDENCE.— Design 1829N; cost in irame, $2,980 to $3,590; plans, $25. Special ieatures: Large rooms. Chamber! [Icharaberl 16 X 14/ l\ 14-6X J -965- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES KOCKTOWN RESIDENCE. — Design 2263M; cost in frame, $1,892 to $1,990; plans, $10. See page 65. j: — n MALL "O ' o '£&r£PrjMLil J2"X/Z' -966- RlFTON RESIDENCE.— Design 2264M; cost in frame. $1,692 to $1,780; plans, $10. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Valley falls resi- dence.— Design 980M; in frame, $2,190 to $a,2- 60; plans, $20. See page 6s. Valley Falls No. 2, Turner design, same as above, with more attract- ive appearance, with 1 5x1 5 parlor; with 15x15 sitting- room; with 8x1 1 chamber; with closet in place of bath; with combination cellar entrance; with triple fire- place where flues are shown; with bath-room over present location and rear room omitted. See page 65. -M 9—* ^ ■ ' '^'(See Baraboo design page 49.) Howell residence — Design 22S2M: cost in frame $1,192 to $1,240; plans $10; story heights 10 «nd 9 ft. 6 in. _ See Brandon Residence for exterior. See page 65. '^yO/'^ HERBERT CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 4 5ft Gin Valley Falls No. 2 design 5968-A. See opposite page 967. Story heights 9-ft 6 and 9. Plans $20. Valley Falls No. 3 design 5968-B. page 967. Story heights 10 and 9. See opposite Plans $20. -968- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Many send plans to my office of a building and I often show tbem where 10 to 20 per cent can readily L>c saved, and at the same time secure a more at- tractive house than at first contemplated. Tbis is where competent advise is of practical value. HERBERT C. CHIVERS, ARCHITECT SU«I and Relnforctd __ w nttiti Concrete Contlrucllon ISA , .. \ FRANCISCO GuiON RESIDENCE.— Design 20I2M; cost in frame $2 890 to $2,990; plans $25. See page 65. HIGH-CLASS ARCHITECTURAL WORK -969- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f WpAD'p AIJ'P II >ou arc goint to build and wsal to |et food resoMs, save cime. worry aod MLmeXjmK 1 rti^ k annoytflct, send $5. logetbcr with rougb ouilioe of Ibc oosiliim (rf rM«i9, or timply stale number of rooms, and I will make a personal study of ibc plaa. MfOBEflT C. CMivfRS • AftCHlTECr CrEENTOWN RESIDENCE.—Deiign 1833M; cost in frame $2,780 to $3,940; plans $25. Good large rooms; plenty of closets. See page 65. TO BUILD SATISFACTORILY In all of my work, I have made it a policy to build as economically and with as Ihtle _hyjudi(?cd and impartial deci.sion. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Hutchinson No. 5 design 5974-A. See design 972 See pages 97 1-974-975-976. Story heights 10 h each. Plans $30. Hutchinson No. 6 design 5974-B, see design 972. Story heights 1 ft. Lavatory under main stairs. See design 97 1-964-975-976 Plans $30 HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES lONTPELIER RESIDENCE.— Bailey design 1827-N; cost, $2,890 to $3,500; plans, $25. Modification No. 2, Barnett design, with fire-place to sitting-room only; with flues to all rooms; with bath on first floor, back of main stairs, in place of rear stairs; with ball between main stairs and bath; with door out onto rear porch and to sitting-room and kitchen; with front porch extending to library; with rounded comer; story heights, 10 ft. and 10 ft. -975- HERBERT C. CHiVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES s \ ^ / ? ^ 1 D 3 o c :2? E= » "•S E 2 = i e1 , o o > = o niONTPELIpR RESIDENCE.— Doign No. s. i8j6^; plans $>Si co°^ ■» (nxoe- $3n, Byzantine and the various styles of Gothic architecture. Now all this is repreheasible nonsense confusing a clierK with such architectural lechnic. I have matie it a rule to be sure that my client Will understand the meaning ol the terms I employ m talking to them. I illusuate every example Cited and when they place the Drder for the design they know which to expect, except o* course, where the matter is left entirely in my hands and then ii is unnecessary to bother their heads about that which does not interest them. Ii is teeulis that they want not words. — Herbert C. Cbivcrs. Hutchinson No. 7 design 5976-A. See design page 972. Width over all 49 ft. Story heights 10 ft 4 and 1 0. See pages 97 1 to 975. Plans $30. -976- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Castorville design 59 7 8- A. Plans $23. THE NECESSI'fY OF PLANS. It Is very necessary that you have complete working drawings, and above all, legally worded .spi'ciflcatlons. It excites competition among tlie builders, and then since you know tliat all builders are figuring on the same basis, you can very readily see how the price of plans and speclflcatlona moy be saved many times over. Story heights I ft and 9-ft 6, -97/ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES (SaSTORVILLE RESIDENCE—DesigD 43-0; cost id 1 ^ ^ ^ S! c brick $s.oo« W $5,500; size 47 ft. 6 in. by 51 It; story heights " r c c c '• 10 ft. «nd 9 ft. 6 in.; plans $55. Very neat colonial design. ^SE T7t. Castorville No. 3 design 5978-B. See design page 977. Story heights I I ft and 9 ft, width .over steps and all 60 ft. Plans $25. -978- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES '■^' Kalamazoo residence.— Design O031M; in frame, $2390 to $2899; plans, $10; width, 33 ft. 4 in., width over all; 36 ft. 4 in.; story heights, 20 ft. and 9 ft. Special features: Large parlor, toilet room, on first floor, side entrance, large oantrv; Swiss design. See page 'is TeRRYSBURG cottage.— Design 1934M; cost in frame $1,892 to $1,920; plans $20. See page 6$. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ^mm^mm^ PeNFIELD cottage Design 105 i-O; in frame, $2,480' to $2,650; plans; $25; width over all, 38 ft. 10 in.; story heights, 10 ft. Special features: Stairs reversed, with at- tractive nook ' at second landing; grade entrance to cellar; working plans show a porte-cochere adjoining side porch. See page 65. -980- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -981- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC l-IOMES VaNLOON residence.— DesigB 1828M; cost in frame (2,980 to $3,240 ; plans $25. Special features: .Large cen- tral reception hall. See page 65. -982- HERBETRT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES Wickenburg design 5983, story heights 9-ft. 6. We have this m either frame or brick. Plans $15. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Pennington residence.— Design 1935-0; cost in frame $3,293 to $5,580; plans $40. See revised design page 394. See page 65. Office Hall 8ft Pore ^:ail -984- AFTEU PLANS ARE MAOE. After order is placed and pious arc luade and during construction you may asij R8 many quostions as you clioose, uDd so long as they are put In rotation ou separate sheet (with space to write answer) they will be promptly answered, and If you will send photos ot house during its consU'Uction, we can tell you at a glance if the general design and proportions are being cai-ried out properly. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES DWeLVIN residence.— Design 2010M; cost in frame $2,790 to $2,850; plans $25. See page 65. '7M^L I ^^/I4-| 17 >"7 ]['"='"' I bave not as>>'et decided to build. Howerer I ought to be satisfied with your wprk.— Dwigbt Nutter, Rtcbfleld, Utab. Am pleased with resulta.— Fred Bofield, Lyons, tiib. 985- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES PaLEROMA residence Design 100.047-O; width, 42ft.; cost. $3,598 to $3,989; fjUns, $40; story heights, ist 10 ft.; 2d 9 ft. 6 in.; cellar. See page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES EfFNER RF^IDENCE.— Desipn 3009M; cost in frame $2,892 to $2,940; plans $^5. See page 6^. Oliver Springs, Ttnn., July 16, I9(-,. \lr Herbert C Chivers, St. Louis, Mo. Dijr Sir — We are well plea.sed with our home, the ^lans of which were furnished by. you, and every one who calls has only the highest praise for it It is situated on the railroad and every one pass- ing remarks about is beauty. It JS a thing of beauty and wc think we have the prettiest cot- i.ige in our end of the state. Respectiully, D. C. RICFiARDS, Secretary. Ofiver Coal Co .>^. r- Ky-- A -987- HCRBER«r C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ClOUSTER residence.— Design 100,039-0; plans, $15; width 43 ft.; cost $2,499 to $2,987; story heights, ist 10 ft., id 10 ft. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 3, I9< Herbert C. Chivers, Architect, St. L,ouis, Mo. Dear Sir: — A few days ago I sent you several views of the house designed by you. It is one of the representative residences in one of the most de- sirable locations of the city, and is greatly ad- mired by all who see it. Will send you some in- teriors if you desire them. Yours very truly, (Real Estate) ALBERT M. ROBINSON ■^ MALL K Ui I ■ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -iiiiif " ^ i inU. , Porch 6'wide Kitcherir'„,r.:f^ T Pantry . ■)-< t7 i 1 I I Dining Room ''^''Smvj 17X21 Jolon design 5969, width 49 ft 6, width over all 75 ft, story heights I I and 1 ft. The building Edition of the Scientific American of October i 904 conta ins a full-page photograph and plan of this residence as planned by this office. Jolon residence on page 990 is similar, except this design has about twice the width, by reason of porch and porte-cochere at side. Plans 3 1-2 per cent on actual cost. -989- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS Paladora design SI0I7. story Kaf|hu 10 (l. width 46 ft. lolal width ovei steps and all 60 It. Plans $55 ARTISTIC HOMES EnDELL residence.— Design ioo,o44M; size, 35 x 45; cost, $3,315; story heights, ist. 10 ft., 2d 10 ft. Plans, $30. A good South'ern house of plain, neat exterior. See page 65. -992 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES II RA COTTAGE. — Design 1037M; cost in frame, $3,490 to $3'999/ (with stone arch and tower $200 extra). Plans, $40: width, 57.4 X 29. Width over all, 67 ft., story heights, 9.4 and 9 ft. in the clear. Special features Bath room on first floor, large convenient rooms; a striking design for a country estate. See page 65. -993- WHEN ADVICE IS OK VALUE. When one contemplntrs buildlnR, it is in the cMrly stages of the enterprise that the architect should lie solectod. Tlic .idvioc iind ex|)erlence of a trust- worthy architect should be scured hy all nx-.-ins. Do noi expect an architect to put his best ideas on paper for you. unless you have a positive dndcrstandlDg with him that he Is to do the work. I'nrtles who struggle along themselves with all the preliminary work and later on. employ the architect do not secure full services. The most valuable portion of a plan, nnd often its most vital points are rendered during its embryotic period. HERBERT CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS Slg. 32 ARTISTIC HOMES LJTY. Design soM; English country home; cost, $4,590 to $5,680. Plans; $100, with any changes. -994^ HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES f\ Detroit RESIDENCE Design 8258-O; in frame. $1, „,c. Illlllllil I -995- :■:•;% W".': '.:.': ■^ •■•«ii • y v~- IWlLTENBERGER— Design 9066O; in brick, cost $3,2 to $3,450. Plans $25. HERBERT C. CMIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES ,' Stone .REsnnENCE- [>«ign 887M: HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES -997- -6- Bricktown design 5998 in brick, width 1 6 ft. story 1 ft. Basement 8 ft. We can furnish either one of the six exteriors as shown, design No. I , design No. 2, design No. 3, design No. 4. design No. 5, design No. 6. Plans $5. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O M E S Manzano design "JQQS-A in brick, width 1 9 ft. ston heights 9 h 6. Gimposition or tin roof. Plans $ 1 0. -998- Elrito design 5998-B. Plain brick tower-like house. ' Stor>' heights I I and 9 ft. Plans $ 1 0. 'i«i&- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC MOMES *-P-' 45ft TaLLULAH residence — Design 47-O; cost in bnck $4.50010 $5,000; plans $40. TALLULAH RESIDENCE No. j.— Anthony desig^ with octagon t9wer with five windows; with fire-place in parlor; with entire plan reversed. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES A WORD OF CAUTION. Reade-rs of this catalogue of architectural desi^s are respectfully warned and requested not to bnild from designs or use portions of plans shows therein. .*n.v duplicity of this kind when found out and reported by our correspondent* or travelling representatives will h« charged for according to the legal fee* of 3% per cent on the cost of said improvements. §TORE AND FLAT NO. 15 — Cost in brick, $3,»5o 'o $4,000; plans, $50. 1002- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O lyi E S —rm-r;?:;; ■^om'S^ v?" Luis design 51003. story heights lO-ft. 6 each. Neat brick exterior, very practical plan. Good angular view from rear rooms. Plans $15. IN .mkndinV; uonby Tlif !>nr<«i niaonrr In wliliU tu rvniii l> by V. O. order, for la thlt cm* If Ui* oriKr Ui loal. tbijr wlU funitKh ii dlipllolo (!<«•■ I*. O raoaejr ordrr ippllottan tlank 111 back o^ Itook ) Tou con al«o ranill Uy OtnTt tbruUKli any bMnk or by exprv'M coropaoy. Wt will reiviT* ludlvlUuiil cli-'rkii fioiu ntponalblr purtlra wb^rf 15 cmU ifXclianicc In ollnwM]. -1003- HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES Business men figure largely on the. ]ier- centage basis, and it is easy to go 20 to 30 per cent wrong in plan and construction. Anderson No. 2 design 5 I 005 in frame, story heights 9-fl. 6 and 9. Plans $ I 0. Similar to Carbon. 298. -1005- ThOMAS RF:SIDENCE Design 5000M; cost in fram«. $2,600 to $3,000; widtri over all, 23 ft. 6 in., parlor, 12.6x13 ft.; dining room, 13x13 ft,j kitchen, 9x13 ft. Sec page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES 39ft Brick Stable design 5 1006. Lambsville No. 3 design 51006-B. story heights 10 ft. See 415. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES MiNTON RESIDKNCE.— Design 640-0. in haroe, $1490 to $1880; in brick, $1920 to $2440; pl»ns, 25; "•'l*' i" '*• ^ in. X 33 It. in brick; width over all, 38 ft. Special features; Compact plan, combination stairs, a good comer-lot design. Hinton design 5 1 007 in brick. Plans $ 1 ") 1007- Hinton No. 2, residence 51007-B in frame. 10 and 9 it story. Very compact. 29 ft 6 wide. 36 ft over all. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES BflOLCOMP RESIDENCE. Design 100,024-0; cost $4406 ID $4,846; plans, $10; size, 48x6 i; widlh over all. 61 ft.; special fca'ures: Convenient reception hall; \vell-ventilated parlor; suitable for a physi- cian's home. Sec page 65. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES My nccTM la ftia- ■•■iMjMililMaMS k ■ nttllf tMlai ■Tdkais' 4t9lrt«, fn4acl>| lar Ikca • heller m«ic ibai WM ctpccUd l«r a Cd elaborate your plans that for the sum to be ex- pended the results will far exceei! your highest expectations. HER5CRT C. CHIVER9. HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS HOW TO ORDER STOCK PUNS hr Sfccial Man Sec O i p«il l « Paft. Daii HERBERT C. CHIVERS, SAINT LOUIS. MO. Df AK Sir: — 16TW FLOOR CALL BLDQ.,' Please deliver to my address, as given below, the plans or (Gir* o»ai» ofCott»g»,) _ DESIGN NO. OW PAGE. . or your book entitled for which i send voo herewith $ , in payment of same Respectfully, NAME STREET „ TOWN STATE HOW TO ORDER WITH CHANGES Fw Sycdil nau Stc OmmHc Paf e. HERBERT C. CHIVERS, SAINT LOUIS, MO. Dear Sir: — Date rM FLOOR CALL SLOG. Please deliver to my address, as given below, the plans of (OIt* a»m» ofPUai.) DESIGN NO ON PAGE orvoini BOOK entitled „ ^.. for which i SEND YOU herewith $ , IN PAYMENT OF SAME. KOTB.—Scnttb out tbo ebMagtt Bot waattd nod foot up tbt tot»l left. For stock plans, $ For changing floors, ... $a.j$ For changing front, .... $1.30 For changing left side, . . $2.50 For changing right side, . . $«.so For changing rear, Ss-S^ Total Paid $ NAME_ STREET. TOWN STATE.. HIGH-CLASS ARCHITECTURAL WORK'-»«'«- HOW TO OHOER SPECIAL PLANS «"">" ftr suet »faw Sit < aii m >ufc , CALIFORNIA STATE LICENSED ARCHITECT Date 16TI-I FLOOR CALL BLOS., ©ana W\pmm(&M(5® HERBERT C CHIVERS. SAINT LOUIS. *rO, Dear Sir: — Please make preliminary plans for mv approval, for which i will PAY YOU $5 UPON delivery AND $5 MORE WHEN CORRECTED TO MV SATISFACT- ION, AND THEN MAKE COMPLETE WORKING PLANS FOR $ ADDITIONAL, TO BE PAID UPON DELIVERY OF THE COMPLETED PLAtlS, DETAILS AND SPEaFICATIONS. 'lllinais .• ,• .• State gxaminsd and Licensed .• ^rrliitErt.' .• .• Respectfully, NAME „. TOWK STATE.. lEurrn Christian Science Church iSrdiratpb to rauttful ifutnait l^anba ran makr it HIGH-CLASS ARCHITECTURAL WORK ARTISTIC MOMES COMPTON HEIGHTS RESIDENCE.— F^esign 2.V&M; Plans, $75; Cost $4242 to $4650. See page 6k. HERBERT C. CHIVERS. St. Uuis. Mo. ^*" ■Pleas* make preliminary drawings 'for opprovol) complete working drawings, details and legally worded specifications, for which I agree to pay you $25.00 upon delivery Respectfully. Name • . ORDE.R BLANK In the .iccoinpanylni! desiKn the front rn'ch Is o( rough stone, formlnK hal ustrade »nd posls. This Is somewhat rrlievrd .-is one l.e:irs the i«.cvh steps by handsome cut. stone columns, set on etllier side. Thelwuhay windows on porch roof litiild up ttracefully in connection with the colonial e»t"e "'■"■"■in arran«m,nt of plan the entrance is divided from the n«plion hall by an orn.mwtal arc^^ and hack of thU a lante fire place. The Kencral width of buildiri: Is 33 feet and the depth 61 feet, tht w idtli over all being 57 feet. The estimated cost is »i2*2 to WtWO. HERBERT -1018- CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC i-l O IVi E S _ TNDEX — Aden ColUgC . 234 AiliroiwUck Cot.. 157 AdirofiJack No. 2 158 Adora 277 Agiicw Rc» 724 .■\koooto 765 Albany CcH 58 AllxmarUr Cot... 56 Alberta Cot 48 Albcn Lea C... 187 Albiiqutr<|uc R.. 9i7 Alcoco 489 Aldrich Res 837 Alexis Res 579 Algoiia Res 194 Algu 786 Alhambra Res... 886 Alledonia SSI AlleM Alioon,-! Res 343 Alveda C. ...371-372 Alviso 872 AmUrly 532 Amiiurst C 444 Amity R 359 Amity . 360 AiKhioia 760 .Anderson No. 2.. 1005 Angola Res 1-2.. 485 .•Angola Res 811 .\ngola .No. 2. . . 813 .Xngola 3-4 814 Anhcuser Ft's. . . 812 .\njta Res 898 Anoka Res 1-2... 875 Annotia . . ...... 633 Applcgate R.... 801 An Res 599 Arkville Cot 107 Arm.inda Cot.... 300 -2-3. 525 An Bnngalow.. . 296 Ashevillc C 429 Atlanta Cot. . .441-442 Atlanta Res 854 Atlantic City 381 Atlantic C No. 2. 534 Austin Co< 292 Aplhon 452 Auil.-«> 638 Avena Res 513 Avilla Cot 211 Avinjfioii Re? 6U0 Avisadero Ill Avon Res 495 Baffin 280 Ballon 534 Baltimore C. .... 58 Bah-ia Res 854 Baraboo design.. 47 Barahoo .. .48-49- JO BaralKX) No. 12 . 125 Barada 359 Bard-.tph R .959 Barking 526 ftirra 406 Batnwr 73 Bealrire R 208 Beanford R 510 Beckcnham 524 Becbo 580 Itcechmont 126 Belleville R 303 Belmoal 350 Uelton 115 Belviden Res.... 715 Bclviderc 139 Benoiu 138 Benton Harbor.. 713 Benzoitia Res..- 170 Beraido 13.5 Bcrendo 903 Berkshire . ... 136 Btnhcra 137 Bess jn 336 Beswick Res 886 Birdsview 354 liirkdale 565 Black Hills R. . 511 Blakcntin 824 BI.X)field R. ... 467 Bloomington 210-214 BEooniincton . . . 213 Blos^nm Hill.. 199 Blue Lnke 927 lilm-point . 812 Blue Ridge ., . . 813 BIyvillo Cot. 86 B0.-1I House. . 661 Boniia 122 lk>nner Springs.. 823 Hoonville R .... 374 Bordeaux C. . . . 8i>2 Boston Cot 219 Bosimi Res 797 Boston R No. 2. 796 Boulinfi Green.. 383 Boulder Cot .... 33 Boyallwi Res.... 644 Br;imliall , ... 407 Br.nyd<.n ..... 602 Uraylon Cot.. . 399 Bremen 63r Brewersvillt . . 348 Brewster 659 Bricoville 2 97 Brick Fl.1l 26-28 Brick Hats 321 Brick Office 29 Brick Stable 1006 Bricktown 997 Bris..n 791 Briii-h Col 44S Brfille R.... 978 Castorville 2... 977 Casiorville 3 978 Cassville C. ... 108 Catas.->nqua 554 CataH:)la R 571 Cny.voo OarkOmrg R. ..748 aarks1on Cot 197 Deadwoo,! Ot.. 77.5 Dcadwood 4-5... 776 De Forcvl 18 Del None 926 Delphos Res 748 Dclmar Res.,.. 599 Delnv Res 512 Delvey Cot 96 Denionville 542 Denver Col 274 Denvers Col... 146 IXrbv Rr» 55 Design 82.54- M. 853 Desicn 8257. M. 14 D.N Moines R .'. 496 Dc Soto C ... lor De Soio 2& 3 .. 102 Detroit Col , 178 Detroit Res 90? Detroit No. 2 996 Devon Res 286 Deson R, , . . .849 Dexler Plan.SITSIJ -1019- HERB E RT C. CHIVERS CO. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOMES _ INDEX — Diablo 932 Dt^ondak R.. . 464 Dinkryvillv 472 Dixon Res 468 Dixmont Res IS Dodgfson Cot... 458 Dotlfnan 5*<6 Dolandiis 912 Doniiigton 563 Doniu Anna 123 Donncll Cot... . 40 Dorccy Res. . . 482 Dorsri Res 481 Dorsuhlc House. .-. 25 Double House... 26 Double House... 27 Double House.. 28 Double House... 29 Double House... 289 Douglas Res 566 Douly „.. 994 Dryden Res 617' Dubt Rci: 595 Dnizara 151 Dunhar Cot . . 100 Duufee Res 812 Dunsmnir ...... 121 Do Pue 155 Durlev Cot....:. 2lM Duvah Res.. .. 7.y Duval Z-3 754 Duximrv Res. . . 561 Dwi-lii Re<. . . 195 D>er-burg C. . . . 779 Dvcrshiirg .\o. 2. 777 DyerslMirg 4-5.. 778 Dvkesville .... 383 DvKm Cot 91 Eilinu . 523 Farlsboro 654 East Gaines ... 152 East Si 981 Edon Cottage 316 Effuer Cot J09 Effuer Res 987 Egjtcrsou C 428 Elberta Res 642 Elberta No. 2... 642 EI Capitan 34 Eldee Cot 61 Elder Col 158 Elklawn 160 Elkhom Cot 306 Elko 115 Elkion Res 419 Elkius Res 1.12 Eltnhurst Res... 42 Elmira 77 Elmonle 307 Elmton Res.... 698 Elmwod Res.,.. 710 Elmwood 2-6-3.. 711 Elmwood 5-7.... 712 Elrito 998 EWson Co« 317 Elsdon \o 3.. 299 Ehoro Cot 255 Elva C 430 Elyria 314 EmfTietsbur]( C. 169 Kmlell Res 992 Encorei Res 725 Englcwood Res.. 303 English Cot 217 English C So. 2. 765 English House-... 769 Fnon Res SM Eiion No. 2.,.-.. i33 Erjta 272 Etda 894 Erie Cot 44J Krianger 271 Eseondido 861 EsmeraUia . ... 916 Essen Res KJI Eslella 3-4-8 880 Estella 2-3.. 882 Etna Res 309 EueliJ Res 561 Euclid Res 721 Eula Res 662 Eureka Cot 460 Evai>sb)n Cot 251 EiauMou C No. 3 2?Z Rvansfuii Res 375 E^ell Cot 62 l-airfax 109 Fairfield Cot .123 Fairfield Cot 783 Fairhwn 125 F.iirvie»- C. ,16 Kar.x- 643 FarnUiro 605 Fausion Res.... 856 Fayman ... . 130 Felcbiille C 589 Fcido-. Kes 19 I>ld^n R 2-3. ... 20 Fenuville Rc4.... 6tj9 FerguKDii Kes ... 706 1'Vrinisoii No. 2. . 7118 Ferguson 4-5.... Al7 Ferudalc , 929 Fcrniille Res... 489 Femville 2-3.... 490 Fcrrysl.urg C... 979 Fesiiua Res C55 Filbert Cot 146 Fill Collage 4!12 Filni.>re 487 Filmore Cot 488 Finrastle Res.... 470 Fleming •. .• 344 Fond Du Lac.... 235 Folknille C 175 FoUom Res 454 Forsvihe 639 Fowier 344 Fowler Res 819 Fngmore 692 Frame Flats...,. 62 Fredonia C 147 Fredonia C 159 Fresno 902 Frosion 951 Fniilport R 618 Ft. Fisher C .'74 Ft Snelling 323 Fulton Res .163 ^^lsaro 405 Gaeia 624 Gaffner Res 159 Galina 173 Gallatin Res 19S Galva 693 Cfalveston C 2lS Gayhronk Res... 81 S Gaylord C W CftKiA R.^. ... 639 CK-ueia Lake C. 224 Geneva Lake No. 2 -83) Ccuora Res .'74 Ck-neoc Res .W Clemlale C 220 Glou-ler Res.... «S Clovir Col 378 GoodLvly 759 Coodland Res.... 911 Gourdin Cot 279 Cour.Hu Cot 280 Co».n Res 798 Granite Qiy 1-2. 459 Grand Folks R.. 500 Or.-iniham 549 Gr.inville R 372 Cr.iMlofl Res.... 876 Grayslwro C 785 Green Park C... 2,W Cneiilown Res. 970 Grove Lake C... 261 Cro»e Lake \c. 2 262 GncrnM-v . . . 590 Guion Res 960 Criui-barrel 097 Guritec Res 66 Gusion Res 174 Gns'onia R 871 Gusiouia 4-5 869 Cusi.->nia No. 6.. Itf> GustonLi 3-7. ..... 870 Gypsum Res 345 G\i>Mmi No. 2. . . 776 H.nddoiifieW R.» 246 H.ngersiown BL. 214 Hague Res 275 Hall»to»u 818 Halcton Col 818 Halllo.n Res 1-2 640 Hammond Res.. 454 Hamilton No. 14. (46 Hampton No. 2. . 647 Hampton rev'sd. 618 ll.amulon brick. 648 Hampton 12-4. .. 649 H.imptoii 10-12-19 650 Hampton 9-8.... 651 Hampton 74. . 652 Hampton 5-15... 6.^3 Hampton Karls.. 647 HanmlKil Res ... 427 H.wovir Cot... 59 H.-irl.in C 347 Harpswrll C 178 Harlem C 431 Harris 326 Harrishiirg C 1-2 154 Hanford C 157 Harihom 53 Hartley ...730 H.inville C. . .. 59 Hartwood R... 685 Harv.ird Cot.... 791 H.asiing C 497 HayW 486 Ha*'^s design 178 Hearst 5.'W HetU R 641 Helvregsdale C. . . 165 Henderson C... 923 Hespenis 266 Hessville R 418 Whcma Res... 853 Hiemensdale 310 HilUboroRes... 722 Hinion 1007 Hobokoi Res... S2I Hohave 847 Hotcinl. Rcs....I(u8 H<'lb« Res 8C8 Mcovyb.Il C 562 HwHihill No 2.. 905 H<.j,kmsville R. , 555 Hopkm-ville . .. 117 Hor.dd Re> 57 » Homlake Co<.... 4.W Hon.>l»ro 54 How to order Sioek Plans... 1016 Hou- to or.ler »iih rh.^uges..l0I6 How If. ord. r Special Plans.. 101 7 Howell Res 967 Hud^on River R. 944 Hiimboldl 923 Hunsrertnrd R. . . 96 Hulchin«m R... 972 Huicbinson No. 2 971 Hutchinson 3-4.. 973 Huicbin^i 5-6.. 974 Huiebinson 7... 976 Idlruild Res.. .. 548 lolanibe 140 loiia Res .»18 lona Res No. 3. . 2 !ra CoiMgc 993 Iroudale C X» llasc. R 193 Jackson R....... 495 Jacnicl 6.U Jamaica Res 198 JauK-'town C 78 Jamestown No. 2. 77 Jainesville R 516 J.niKro 245 Janero Na 2 246 Jeneva C 771 Jenison Res. ... 512 Jerico C 168 Jer-K-y Ciiv R 571 Jersemllc R... 946 Jers»« ilk- No. 2. 945 jingo Res .169 Joel Res 1-2 621 Jnliei Res .121 Jok.n Res... 989-990 Jorilonville ,v25 Jo..lin Res 4.1 Jov Res 687 Juauilo J»29 Julirita Res. .. .911 Juneau Cot 70 Kal.nma 144 K.iLinuroo R 979 Kaleva Res 865 KalVa^k.. R .. ttUi K.ibva Krr 494 Kakx.a Res 145 Kankakee C. .. 231 Kankakee 2-3.... 23& Keokuk R 274 Keniurd C 55 Kenn-ihC 69 Kensico Res... 910 Kent Res 905 Kenloti Res 844 Kemersville . . . 368 Kemersville 2-4. . 367 Kershaw Cot.... 81 Kickapoo Rei... 543 Kimbalten C 324 Kiugtug<... 68 Lavad.1 Cottage.. 190 LawmlaleCot... 172 Leadville C 226 Lraficld 603 Ubos Cot. ... 168 Lf icc!if r 504 Lcmovne 661 L«np'id.nle R... 301 LemiKilale \o 2. 301 Lenarvce Col... 909 LcniKHi Rc« 666 Ixiinxdalc 660 Leslie 131 Lewtshurg 263 Linares 828 Linda Vista 656 Linden Cot 371 Undley 657 Lintha 658 Loco N'o 2. ... 319 Lodi Cottage.... 210 Log Hut .... 448 Lomera Res 866 Long Mand C. 423 Long>icw Res.. 964 Longview \o 3.. 963 Loni Col 522 Loranger Cot 627 Uredo 132 Los .\ngele5C... 4.U Los Banos Res... 915 Los Banos .... 133 Los Catos Res . . . 890 Lor^a 463 Low Com Cot. .945 Lowell Cot 166 Lowvll Col 200 Lowelliown R.. 362 LoxH'ood 610 Luella 618 Lnxoria Cot . ... .'SS Liixnria C Np 2 355 Lvndhursi . .' 535 Marshall Res... R20 Mackinaw Cot... 544 Madison Cot... 175 Mad-vonCot .. .■- Res .^22' Monterey Res.. 839 Montpelier R .... 975 Morgai. Res. ... 956 Mor.^ Res ... .158 Morrison Res . 373 Moseon- Cm . . XD Moscow 2 3 .. 319 Mov.itMi Res . 888 Ml. Cirroll K... 877 Ml. F.llsworth... 124 Ml. lewell R .. 402 Ml. Morris C. . . . 435 Ml. Verron 128 Mntaio ... TV Muncie Res. . 375 Munich 457 Murray Col . . . 211 M«s;aiine Col.. . 774 Muskegon Col. 76 Mvershurg . . . 721 Myra Cottage. 19P Karon 807 KaViick . . 806 Naples C 1«9 Napoleon Res... 663 NarkeeU 808 Nasaweiu 809 Nashville Col 171 Natrona 810 Navajo !>42 Navidad 635 Neoga Res 821 Nemo Res 209 Nemo No. 3. . . . 128 Newark Cot . . . 228 Newberry Res... 6»5 Newcastle C 327 Newcastle 7-3. .. 328 New London C 57 New Orleans C. 281 New Orleans No. 6 282 New Orleans R. 273 New Paris C. . . 729 Newport C 1-2... 302 Newport Res 368 New York Res.. 845 NewZion I0O» New Roeheale.. 379 Nogales 805 Noko 102 Nonchanlla 804 Norcatur 790 Noresia ... 803 Norman Cot 334 Norman No 2. . . .^3 Norman No. 3.. . 3.15 Northbrea 16 Norwood Res 585 ■Newrsta 794 Novon 613 Oakbe.ich Res... 6.17 Oakdale Re« 671 Oakdale Res. .. 486 Oaklanil Col 426 OaklamI No. 2. . . 425 Oakland Res... 770 O.aklov Cot. ... 312 Oak « bod 227 Oce.anside 848 Ocononiowoc . . 181 O^.len R^-s 950 Ohara Res hSS Ohio Rrs 515 Okc«hobce 298 Ol.iihe 7J0 Clean 288 Olean ., 730 Old Engiish Cot. f«l Old Orchard C . 221 Old Orchard 2-3 222 Oliverville R . 5^« Olivia C 137138 Omaha C 225 Onela 758 Orange Grove... 309 Oregon 742 Oronfino 757 Orosi 756 Orrville C 1-2 39 Ortemo Res 276 Osbom Res.... 961 Oshofii 2-3 952 Osceola 9 Oviima 755 Osgood Res 913 0>ko«h Coltat'.- 237 Oshkosh C 240 Oshkosh Na 2 240 Osso 751 Osiemo Res 716 Otero :. 750 Owaseo Res 391 1021- Owassa Cot 410 Owcndale Res... 955 Oxbow Res 499 Ozone Res 614 Pacheco 747 Pacnlel Col 87 Pahranagha' ..-.. 749 Painesville C. . . . 200 Paladora 991 Pala^kaU 394 Palatine Res... 893 Paleroma Res . . . 986 Palo Res 719 Pamlico 729 P.inamA Res....lOC8 Pandora C 156 Papinsville C... 103 Papinsville \o. 2 104 Parkdale C 385 Parkdale 2-10... X<6 Parkdale 11-12. .V8 Parkdale 13 389 Parkville R.. .. 615 Parina 728 Pasadena 839 Pas2 Phy Home. 654 Phy. Home.. . 140 Pliv Office 752 Phv Res and O. 145 Pialschie Re« .570 Pickneyville R 86.' Pickm\x1e Vo 2 «M Picktieyv'lc No 3 864 PickneyvTc No 4 862 Pirra 361 Pinna Res 1-2 664 Piffard Rm .816 Pindor Col . 41.1 Pine Grose R . 667 Pme Grove 2-i . «« Pinelawn Res . 321 Pinelawn No 2. . 699 Pino Cottage.. .. 79 Pinole Res . ... 1 10 Piltsborg Res . . 420 Pillsfield R 622 Piltsfield . .741 PUin Brick R .. 871 Pbno .683 Poco Coitatre... 521 Poindexler 6W Port .\ngfles .. 129 HERBERT C. CHIVERS CO ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC M O IVI E S — INDEX- Von J«rvis k... 5W PoriUiiJ Res.... A» Ponund So. i. ■ 7\B ton L'ukni Ku. I6J Pojnir 6S1 PrcscMt ^.1 PniKti» e>is2 PriiKTlon 441 -*42 Proclor Col 1»0 Puiikiiict: Kcs. 7K7 Uuaini, Piciur- 'vs4|uc Oiurchcs.lOM Oiuniub 1^ QuecnMUlc C... 1J4 Quinty Kcs 4i7 Quiniaiu Wb UuHa 67V Qitiuquc 6** Kaciiic Cot 191 kailnur Rc> IM Kanurviu .' 675 Raiiiv.) R« 746 Randolph Rrs... 4(1 KanKvIvy 674 Rarilrii Kci.. .. 799 Xallibiirn Col 672 Rnliia 673 Rav.llo r 421 Riivcnna Res... 401 Bayvvoo5 RighiwooO Cot.. -341 Rimcnon Res . . . R55 Rio BLinco 127 Kiovisia .... 130 Riverside Col.. 447 Rol*rts Res f«95 Robinson Res.... 572 Robroy Col 239 Roehesier C ... 105 Rocklown Re'... 966 Rogerville Cot.. 94 Romulus Cot.... 541 Romulus \o. 2... 545 Ronda Col 172 Rondont Res . . .551 Rossina Res 575 Saginaw 473 Sagola Col 265 Saint George 397 Salamanca Res... 469 Silnfi Col 362 Salem No. 2... 765 Salem Res 906 Sambar 366 San Andreas R. 2t San Benito 840 San Francisco... 75 San Diego C 766 San Diego -No. 2. 767 San Diego 6-3... 768 Sanitarium 881 San Leandro C. . 97 San Luis 1003 Sanu Clara 30 Saratoga Col 93 Saratoga Res.. 836 Sardinia 506 Sausaliio 930 Savannah Res... 496 Scio Res 346 Seoidale Res... 519 Seaside House.. . 35 Selma 907 Si-neca Cot 1-2 466 Servia Res 740 Shabbona Res... 943 Shannon Cot . . . 264 Shannon Col 846 Shasta Res 918 Shawville Res... 578 S'lcllbunie 832 SheMmound R... 3)1 Shellmoiind 2-3. 205 Shenango Res... 591 Shenanco No. 2. 592 .<;hen.inQo 4-5... 867 Shillings 538 Sierra' Rot.. .. 873 Silver Cilv 988 Silvcrlakc Col.. .\12 Silvcr1ake2-3... 131 Silverlake 4 .. ZST Siskivou .... 925 Slandish Cot.. . 780 Snodon Res 576 Solano 919 Solon Res 686 Solon No. 2 .... 124 Some Tne.x Col.. 151 Sonoma . . . 924 Sonora 1-2 836 SoutScrn Home. 347 Southsidc R 233 Sparta Cot 274 Spencer '. 362 Spokane Col 63 Spokane Cot 446 Spottsvillc C... 330 SpringtLile .U7 Springdale No 4. 3.W Springd.Mr Nc 6. 338 Springd.nir 5-6. . . .139 Springilale 10-3. 340 Stable dcsisn . . . '■' Stable Ucsigii ... 452 Stanford Res... 500 Staielv Home. .. 913 St. Charles 161 Sieltin 632 Siciioenville 574 Si. Josci.h C. . . 461 St. Joseph 2-3... 462 Stockton C .807 Sione lies 996 Sioneimry R 785 St. Louis C 787 St. Louis 5-6 788 Si. Louis No 10. 789 Siony Point C. . . 290 Store and FUl.. .M Store ?nd IHat.. 32 Store and Flat.. 1002 Siri.^g dciign . 703 Str.iiig design... 53 bturgis Kcs 395 Sto-ell C «♦ Suburban Home. 2W Suburban Hoine. 521 Suburban House. 155 Summer Home.. 461 Sumraerlaml 297 SunlieU C H* Snnnyside C 370 Sunnvside Res... 641 Swift Res 524 Swingley 557 Sylvania R 377 Taeoma Res 1004 TalhiUh Res ...1000 Tamarack 119 Tamaroa Rm 581 Tami^n C. 244 Tancitaro ■. 696 Tappan Res t05 Tarrvtown C. . 57 Tasmania 278 T.ir.in 384 Tahama 113 Temescal R 41 Tesagc Res 594 Tescardcn 5% Tcxalinc 1001 Texan C 407 Texas Cot 455 Thames 477 Thestonia Res.. . 743 Thomas Res .. UW ThornbnrK R 1-2 6«< Thornburg 3-4. .. 689 Thomhill Res... 851 Thornton C 412 Thornton Xo. 2.. 411 Three Room Fis. 541 Tilden Res 484 Tikkn 2i . . 4¥.1 Tihlai Res .... 897 Tillon Col .. .. 4« Tipp^vanoe R . . . 965 Tomaslon Res. . 077 Tomasion 2-3 678 Torino 422 ■ Toroia 619 ■ Torrmst.n' .. .. .Vt9 Towsou R 533 Tremoni C... 315 rrinid.id 928 Trobridgc R... 628 Trm Res 3« Tnli Res 1-2 ... 526 TiiU No. 2 625 Tidarc 630 Tulon 294 ) Tnscalo<>sa R.... 834 Titstin 480 Tuxe