CATALOGUE OF THE >* Warren ppee Public Library f , WARREN, ILL. ♦ 1897 . CATALOGUE OK THE free Public liibrary I Li lilflOIS. Established in 1897 By the Township of Warren , under Act of the General Assembly of Illinois, Approved March 7, 1872, to authorize Cities, Incorporated Totcns and Townships to establish and maintain Free Public Libraries and Reading-Rooms. Section Six ot the Act says: “Every library and reading-room established under this Act shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the city where located, always subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the library board may adopt in order to render the use of said library and read¬ ing-room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of said library and reading-room any and all persons who shall willfully violate such rules.” Opened dune 1, 1886. First Board of Directors. JOHN BIRD, President. t OHN A. FRANCISCO, Secretary. WALTER STICKNEY. J. A. BADE. GEO. W. PEPOON. S. A. CLARK. Directors for 1897. Term expires 1898. Term expires 1899. Term expires 1900. G. W. PEPOON. J. BIRD. W. F. CONYNE. S. A. CLARK. W. STICKNEY. L. H. BUSEK, W. F. CONYNE, President. S. A. CLARK, Secretary. L1ACIR 8TB A M PRINT WARRBN. ILL. 1897 Rules and Regulations. [. The Library shall be open on Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week (except legal holidays) from 1 o’clock p. m. to 9 p. m. II. Every inhabitant of the iown of Warren over sixteen years of age shall be entitled to the use of the library, in accordance with the Regulations. Persons under that age may be admitted upon guar¬ anty, after subscribing a promise to obey the Ruies. or in any other way that may be satisfactory to the Librarian. III. Non-residents of the Township of Warren residing within five miles of the village of Warren may be entitled to the use of the library upon application in writing, properly recommended, and upon payment of one dollar per annum, by vote of the Directors. IV. No periodical or book of reference shall be taken from the library. V. No person shall be allowed more than one volume at the same time. VI. No book taken from the library shall be retained more than seven days, nor loaned to any one not a member of the same house¬ hold, provided always, that the same book may be renewed once to the same person, except books designated by the President of the Board. VII. All books shall be returned within seven days from the date of delivery, under penalty of a fine of two cents per day for all delay. ' VIII. All injuries to books beyond reasonable wear, and all losses of books, shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Librarian. IX. No person shall be allowed to take a book from the library, who is owing anything by reason of injuries to, or for losses of books, or fine for delay in returning a book; nor will any book be acknowl¬ edged returned unless delivered to the Librarian. X. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to collect all fines arising from delay in the return of books. « XI. All persons visiting the library shall be required to demean themselves quietly, and any person abusing the privileges of the library by loud talking, or other offensive conduct, shall be denied admission to the library room. XII. The Librarian shall admit no one to the privileges of the library unless fully satisfied of his right thereto, and may require any person to bring a voucher from the Committee on Administra¬ tion. XIII. No person except the Librarian shall take books from the shelves. XIV. The Public School and Academy shall be permitted to take out such books as may be needed for their work, but to be returned within two weeks. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 3 Fiction and Juvenile. EXPLANATORY. In this Catalogue the works of Fiction have been arranged in alphabetical order, and also under the authors’ names, which appear in alphabetical order; hence each book appears twice. The works other than Fiction appear under their classification. Each book bears a number, letter and number, the last two indi¬ cating the shelf where the book may be found. In asking for books, patrons should give number and shelf. 179 B 2 Air. 186 B 2 At Play. 183 B 2 At School. 185 B 2 At Work. 189 B 2 Experiments. 178 B 2 Fire. 188 B 2 His Correspondence. 187 B 2 His Travels. 181 B 2 Learning to Talk. 190 P> 2 Museum. 182 B 2 Read. 180 B 2 Sky. 184 B 2 V a,cation. 177 B 2 Water. 59 E 1 Abbottsford—Irving. 95 B 5 Abbot, The—Scott. 966 D 2 About Old Story Tellers—Mitchell. 123 A 4 Adam Bede—Eliot. 202 B 2 Adventures Among the Indians—Kingston. 1064 D 5 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Twain. 41 A 5 Adventures of Philip—Thackeray. 2443 A 8 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes—Dovle. V 1205 D 5 Adventures of Tom Sawyer—Twain. 229 A 2 Aesop's Fables—Townsend. 2501 A 8 Against Heavy Odds—Boyesen. 1109 C 3 A gatha ‘s H usba nd- Mu 1 ock. 1281 A 3 Agnes of Sorrento—Stowe. 588 C 4 Agnes Snrriage — Bynner. Aguilar, Grace— 1729 B 3 The Days of Bruce. 1730 B 3 The Vale of Cedars. O -S * ? A ^ 4 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library Ainsworth, Wm. H.— 1881 A 4 The Spanish Match. 1882 A 4 The Tower of London. Alcott, L. M— 2311 B 7 .Tack and Jill. 2312 B 7 Under the Lilacs. 2313 B 7 Eight Cousins. 2314 B 7 Little Men. 2308 B 7 Old Fashioned Girl. 2309 B 7 Jo’s Boys. 2310 B 7 Rose in Bloom. 2340 B 7 Spinning Wheel Stories. 2341 B 7 Silver Pitchers. 2342 B 7 A Garland for Girls. 2343 B 7 Proverb Stories. 2315 B 7 Little Women. 611 A 3 Cupid and Chow-Chow. 612 A3 My Boys. 613 A 3 Shawl Straps. 614 A 3 My Girls. 615 A 3 Jimmie’s Cruise in the Pinafore. 616 A3 An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving. 1247 A 3 Eight Cousins. 1249 A 3 Old Fashioned Girl. 1248 A 3 Jack and Jill. 1250 A 3 Rose in Bloom. 1251 A 3 Under the Lilacs. 1425 A 3 Jo’s Boys. Aldrich, T. B — 313 C 4 Majorie Daw and Other Stories. 312 C 4 Prudence Palfrey. 310 C 4 Story of a Bad Boy. Al£er, Horatio — 1209 D 4 Ben’s Nugget. 1226 D 4 Ben the Luggage Boy. 1212 D 4 Bound to Rise. 1231 D 4 Brave and Bold. 1230 D 4 Charlie Codman’s Cruise. 1223 D 4 Fame and Fortune. 1228 D 4 Frank’s Campaign. 1234 D 4 Jack’s Ward. 1218 D 4 Julius. 1022 D 4 1224 D 4 1215 D 4 1229 D 4 1216 D 4 1222 D 4 1023 D 4 1225 D 4 1227 D 4 1220 D 4 1210 D 4 1217 D 4 1211 D 4 1021 D 4 1214 D 4 1221 D 4 1020 D 4 1232 D 4 1206 D 4 1208 D 4 1207 D 4 1219 D 4 50 E 1 1974 B 6 2613 C 1 1433 A 2 1397 C 3 140 A 5 2125 A 6 1374 0 2 2456 B 6 2481 B 6 1070 C 5 2435 A 7 2436 A 7 2437 A 7 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 5 AI£er, Horatio—Continued. Luck and Pluck. Mark the Match Boy. Paul the Peddler. Paul Prescott’s Charge. Phil the Fiddler. Ragged Dick. Risen From the Ranks. Rough and Ready. Rufus and Rose. Sam’s Chance. Sink or Swim. Slow and Sure. Strive and Succeed. Strong and Steady. Tattered Tom. The Telegraph Boy. Try and Trust. Wait and Hope. The Young Adventurer. The Young Explorers. The Young Miners. The Young Outlaw. Alhambra—Irving. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland—Carroll. All Among the Lighthouses—Crowninshield. All He Knew—Habberton. An American Girl in London—Duncan. American Notes—Dickens. An American Peeress—Taylor. » T Andersen, H. C.— Improvisatore. Stories and Tales. Wonder Stories. Andreas Hofer—Muhlbach. Andrews, Jane— The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. Seven Little Sisters. Ten Children. e Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 756 C 3 905 A 4 581 B 2 110 B 5 96 B 5 1293 B 4 582 B 2 1396 D 2 1086 D 3 74 D 3 1087 D 3 1510 C 5 1431 C 5 1432 C 5 2412 B 8 2329 A 7 2331 A 7 2332 A 7 2330 A 7 611 A 3 616 A 3 613 A 3 612 A 3 614 A 3 615 A 3 1696 A 2 1358 A 2 1427 A 2 1300 A 2 2355 A 7 142 E 2 1768 A 4 1977 A 6 208 D 5 1390 B 4 Andromeda—Fleming. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood—Macdonald. Annals of the Roqnd Table—Bingham. Anne of Geierstein—Scott. Antiquary, The—Scott. An Appeal to Caesar—Tourgee. Archie Digby—G. E. W. Arthur Bonnicastle—Holland. Arthur, T. S.— Bar-Rooms at Brantley. Danger. Orange Blossoms. Auerbach, Berthold— Edelweiss. On the Heights—I. On the Heights—II. Aunt Diana—Carey. Auntie May’s Children—Christie. Auntie May’s Children—Ernest. Auntie May’s Children—Faith. Auntie May’s Children—Rachel. Aunt Jo’s Scrap Bag—Cupid and Chow-Chow. An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving. Shawl Straps. My Boys. My Girls. Jimmie’s Cruise in the Pinafore. Austin, Jane— Betty Alden. Dr. Le Baron and His Daughter. A Nameless Nobleman. Standish of Standish. Authors—Johnson. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table—Holmes. Back of the North Wind—Macdonald. Bailiff of Tewkesbury—Phelps & North. Baker, S. W.— Cast Up by the Sea. Balch, F. H — The Bridge of the Gods. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 7 315 A 2 2124 A 6 979 B 5 2504 B 8 2489 B 8 2482 B 8 195 D 5 39 A 5 755 A 2 1303 D 3 128 A 5 1373 B 4 2531 A 6 2471 A 8 2470 A 8 1253 C 5 1086 D 3 46 A 5 2554 B 8 914 C 4 783 C 2 2468 B 8 2377 A 7 1162 B 4 1960 B 6 1961 B 6 2117 B 6 35 A 2 Balch, W. S.— A Peculiar People. Balcony Stories—King. Baldwin, Jas.— Story of the Golden Age. Story of Siegfried. Horse Fair. Story of Roland. Baled Hay—Nye. Ballads—Thackeray. Ballantine, R. M.— Gorilla Hunters. Balzac— Sons of the Soil. Barnaby Rudge—Dickens. Barr, Amelia Remember the Alamo. Friend Olivia. Barrie, J. M.— A Little Minister. A Window in Thrums. Barriers Burned Away—Roe. Bar-Rooms at Bartly—Arthur. Barry Lyndon—Thackeray. Beautiful Joe—Saunders. Beecher, H .W.— Norwood. Bee Man of Orn—Stockton. Being a Boy—Warner. Bell, Lillian— The Love Affairs of an Old Maid. Bellamy, Edward— Looking Backward. Belamy, B. W.— Open Sesame—I. II. “ 44 111 . Ben Hur—Wallace. 8 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 2297 B 8 Ben Philbrick—Robbins. 1209 D 4 Ben’s Nugget—Alger. 1226 D 4 Ben the Luggage Boy—Alger. 1069 C 5 Berlin and San Souci—Muhlbach. Besant, Walter— 1958 A 6 The Rebel Queen. 2621 A 8 Beside the Bonny Brier Bush—Maclaren. 99 B 5 Betrothed, The—Scott. 1695 A 2 Betty Alden—Austin. 1313 B 3 Betty Leicester—Jewett. 1383 B 3 Beyond the Gates—Phelps. 194 D 5 Bill Nye and Boomerang—Nye. Bingham, J. M.— 581 B 2 Annals of the Round Table. Bjornsen, Bjornstjerne— 2500 A 8 The Bridal March and One Day. Black, Wm.— 242 B 4 Adventures of a Phaeton. 235 B 4 A Daughter of Heth. 238 B 4 Green Pastures. 241 B 4 Kilmeny. 243 B 4 Madcap Violet. 234 B 4 McLeod of Dare. 236 B 4 The Monarch of Mincing Lane. 232 B 4 Princess of Thule. 237 B 4 Shandon Bells. 244 B 4 Sunrise. 245 B 4 That Beautiful Wretch. 240 B 4 White Wings. 233 B 4 Yolande. 1359 B 2 Black Beauty—Sewell. 115 B 5 Black Dwarf—Scott. Blackall, E. L.— 1283 A 3 Superior to Circumstances. Blackmore, R. D.— 2169 A 6 Cripps the Carrier. 1824 B 4 Christo well. 1823 B 4 Craddock Nowell. 2170 A 6 Erema. 1822 B 4 Erema. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 9 1826 B 4 539 B 4 2171 A 6 2172 A 6 1825 B 4 2128 A 6 1827 B 4 2558 A 7 127 A 5 314 C 3 835 D 2 2323 A 7 2511 A 7 1987 B 6 1983 B 6 1988 B 6 1986 B 6 1985 B 6 1989 B 6 1984 B 6 2511 A 7 2491 A 7 1393 C 2 585 C 4 794 C 2 58 E 1 1694 C 3 276 B 3 2527 A 7 39 A 5 82 B 4 2491 A 7 2537 A 7 2542 B 6 Blackmore, R. D.— Continued. Kit and Kitty. Lorn a Doone. The Maid of Sker. Mary Anerly. Springhaven. Tommy Upmore. Tommy Upmore. Blanchard, A. E.— Girls Together. Bleak House—Dickens. Blessin^ton— Country Quarters. Blithedale Romance—Hawthorne. Blue Fairy Book—Lang. Bobbin Boy—Bogart. Bodley’s Afoot—Scudder. Bodley Grandchildren—Scudder. Bodley’s Telling Stories—Scudder. Bodley's on Wheels—Scudder. Bodley Family in Town and Country—Scudder. Bodley Abroad—Scudder. Bodley’s in Norway and Denmark—Scudder. Bogart, W. H.— Bobbin Boy. Border Boy. Bols^ilbert, E.— Caesar’s Column. Bolton, Sarah— Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous. Bonaventure—Cable. Bonaville—Irving. ( Bonnybel Vane—J. E. Cooke. Bonny boro—Wh i tnev. Book of Cats and Dogs—Johonnot. Book of Snobbs—Thackeray. Boots and Saddles—Custer. Border Boy—Bogart. Boston Town—Scudder. Bound in Honor—Trowbridge. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library . 10 960 D 2 1212 D 4 2518 A 7 2517 A 7 2516 A 7 607 A 2 2347 A 7 617 A 3 172 A 2 2165 B 6 2614 C 1 610 A 2 1235 B 2 2424 B 7 2501 A 8 1981 B 6 855 A 2 856 A 2 1981 B 6 50 E 1 227 C 5 2127 B 6 970 D 3 2116 B 6 1231 D 4 818 C 3 2694 C 1 1294 B 4 2500 A 8 113 B 5 1390 B 4 70 D 5 911 D 5 909 D 5 910 D 5 Bmnd Together—Mitchell. Bound to Rise—Alger. Bouvet, M.— Sweet William. A Child of Tuscany. Little Marjorie’s Love Story. Boy Heroes—Hale. Boys’ Book of Sports—Thompson. Boys of Carey Farm—Smith. Boys of '76—Coffin. Boys of Greenaway Court—Butterworth. Boy Soldiers of 1812—Tomlinson. Boys’ Workshop—Wise. Boy Traders—Castlemon. Boy Trapper—Castlemon. Boyesen, H. H.— / Against Heavy Odds. Boyhood in Norway. Falconberg. ilka on the Housetops. Boyhood in Norway—Boyesen. Bracebridge Hall—Irving. Bradden, M. E.— Lady Audley’s Secret. Bramhall, M. St. John- Wee Ones of Japan. Brant and Red Jacket—Eggleston. Brave Lads and Bonny Lasses—Colby. Brave and Bold—Alger. Brave Lady—Muloch. Brentford Parsonage—Robbins. Bricks Without Straw—Tourgee. Bridal March and One Day—Bjornsen. Bride of Lammermoor—Scott. Bridge of the Gods—Balch. Bronte, Charlotte- Jane Eyre. The Professor. Shirley. Villette. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 11 Brooks, B. A.— G05 B 2 Phil Vernon and His Schoolmates. % Brooks, E. S.— 1201 A 2 Historic Girls. 1200 A 2 Historic Boys. 2552 B 8 Chivalric Days. 2887 A 7 Century’s Famous Americans. 2514 A 7 Story of an American Sailor. Brown, Amelia- 1085 D 8 Diary of a Minister’s Wife. Brown, H. D.— 2498 A 7 Little Miss Phoebe Gay. 2507 A 8 Two College Girls. 2828 A 8 Brownies, The: Their Book—Cox. Bulwer, Edward— 1744 D 5 Harold. 1 D 5 Kenelm Chillingly. 2 D 8 My Novel—1. 8 D 8 II. 5 D 5 Last Days of Pompeii. 1748 D 5 Last of the Barons. 1 D 5 Rienzi. , 271 D 5 What Will He Do with It? 272 D 5 What Will He Do with It? 4 1)5 Zanoni. 2488 A 7 Bunny Stories, The—Jewett. Bunyan, J.— 78 D 5 Pilgrim’s Progress. 40 A 5 Burlesques—Thackeray. 2428 B 8 Buried Treasure—Castlemon. Burnett, F. H.— 2457 A 7 Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress. 2509 A 7 Editha's Burglar. 1091 A 8 A Fair Barbarian. 1202 A 8 Little Lord Fauutleroy. 1208 A 8 Little St. Elizabeth. 913 A 3 Surly Tim. 1090 A 3 Lass O'Lowries. 2699 A 7 Sarah Crewe. 12 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 2316 A 6 2378 A 6 2375 A 6 2373 A 6 2374 A 6 2372 A 6 2165 B 6 2122 B 6 1401 D 3 588 C 4 1410 A 5 589 B 2 794 C 2 790 C 2 791 C 2 789 C 2 1393 C 2 1302 C 4 587 B 2 2557 A 7 2606 C 1 2126 B 6 200 A 2 2413 B 8 2414 B 8 2412 B 8 231 D 5 2533 A 8 1974 B 6 2473 A 7 2348 A 6 2349 A 6 2418 C 2 Burnham, C. L.— The Wise Woman. The Mistress of Beech Knoll. No Gentlemen. Sweet Clover. A Sane Lunatic. Dr. Latimer. Butterworth, Hezekiah— Boys of Greenaway Court. In the Boyhood of Lincoln. The Log House on the Columbia. Bynner, E. L.— Agnes Surriage. By Order of the King—Hugo. Cabin on the Beach—Winchester. Cable, G. B.— Bonaventure. The Grandissimes. Old Creole Days. Dr. Sevier. Caesar’s Column—Boisgilbert. Called Back—Conway. Camp at Surf Bluff—Rand. Captain January—Richards. Captain John Crane—Knox. Captain Polly—Swett. Carey, R. N.— For Lilias. Merle’s Crusades. Cousin Mona. Aunt Diana. Carleton, Will- Willy Reilly. Carlotta’s Intended—Stuart. Carrol, Lewis— Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Carved Lions, The—Moles worth. Casa Braccio, I.—Crawford. Casa Braccio, II.—Crawford. Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine—Stockton. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 13 99 B 5 2536 A 6 2424 B 7 2423 B 7 2422 B 7 2307 B 2 2306 B 2 2304 B 2 2305 B 2 2303 B 2 2302 B 2 1235 B 2 1243 B 2 1240 B 2 1241 B 2 1242 B 2 1239 B 2 1236 B 2 1238 B 2 1237 B 2 208 D 5 43 A 5 1962 A 6 2131 A 6 1258 D 3 2698 A 7 2556 A 8 2534 A 6 2337 A 7 538 A 2 2336 A 7 2396 B 7 2395 B 7 2394 B 7 2393 B 7 2392 B 7 2391 B 7 1751 B 3 Castle Dangerous—Scott. Castle Nowhere—Woolson. Castlemon, Harry— Boy Trappers. Buried Treasure. Mail Carrier. Frank in the Woods. Frank the Young Naturalist. Frank on a Gunboat- Frank on the Prairie. Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Frank Before Vicksburg. The Boy Traders. Frank Before Vicksburg. Frank in the Woods. Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Frank on the Prairie. Frank the Young Naturalist. The Sportsman Club Afloat. The Sportsman Club Among the Trappers. The Sportsman Club in the Saddle. Cast Up by the Sea—Baker. Catherine—Thackeray. Cathedral Courtship—Wiggins. Catherwood, M. H.— Old Kaskaskia. The Story of Tonty. Lady of Fort St. John. Romance of Dollard. The White Islander. Century Book of Famous Americans—Brooks. Century of Dishonor—Jackson. Century’s World’s Fair Book—Jenks. Champney, E. W.— Witch Winnie’s Mastery. Witch Winnie. Witch Winnie in Versailes. Witch Winnie in Paris. Witch Winnie in Holland. Witch Winnie’s Studio. Chaplet of Pearls, A—Yonge. 14 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 2477 A 6 570 A 3 1769 A 3 578 A 3 1770 A 3 569 A 3 1969 A 6 1970 A 6 1230 D 4 1273 C 4 2125 A 6 1885 A 2 1093 D 3 2353 A 7 69 B 5 2617 C 1 2452 B 8 2333 B 8 1334 B 8 126 A 5 996 A3 2552 B 8 2479 B 8 2464 A 8 814 C 3 923 B 5 1274 C 4 39 A 5 130 A 5 785 C 2 1824 B 4 1276 C 4 116 B 5 2484 B 8 2454 B 8 2453 B 8 2512 B 8 779 D 3 Characteristics—Mitehel 1. Charles, Mrs.— Conquering and to Conquer. The Draytons and the Davenants. The Early Dawn. On Both Sides of the Sea. On Both Sides of the Sea. Charles Auchester, I.—Sheppard. Charles Auchester, II.—Sheppard. Charlie Codman’s Cruise—Alger. Chautauqua Girls—Pansy. Chatfield-Taylor— An American Peeress. Chevalier’s Daughter—Guernsey. Chicot the Jester—Dumas. Childhood—Johnson. Children of the Abbey—Roach. Children of the Cold—Schwatka. Children’s Stories of American Progress—Wright. Children’s Stories in English Literature, I.—Wright. Children’s Stories in English Literature, II.—Wright. Child’s History of England—Dickens. Chimney Corner—Stowe. Chivalric Days —Brooks. China—Pratt. Chosen Valley—Foote. Christian’s Mistake—Mulock. Christie Johnstone—Reade. Christie’s Christmas—Pansy. Christmas Books—Thackeray. Christmas Stories—Dickens. Christmas Wreck—Stockton. Christowell—Blackmore. Chrissy’s Endeavor—Pansy. Chronicles of the Canongate—Scott. Church, A. J.— A Young Macedonian. Two Thousand Years Ago. Three Greek Children. With the King at Oxford. Circuit Rider—Eggleston. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 15 2460 A 8 2498 B 8 921 B 5 2844 B 4 2345 B 4 2462 A 8 172 A 2 1456 A 2 1503 A 2 1457 A 2 2440 A 8 2439 A 8 2438 A 8 2116 B 6 230 B 2 1385 B 3 2365 A 7 2693 C 1 2523 A 8 570 A 3 1302 C 4 1694 C 3 295 C 3 2430 A 6 2429 A 6 2428 A 6 65 A 4 66 A 4 67 A 4 1952 A 6 1953 A 6 916 D 3 103 B 5 Cl arence—Harte. Classic Stories—L. B. McMurray. Cloister and the Hearth—Reade. Cleopatra, I.—Ebers. Cleopatra, II.—Ebers. Coeur D’Alene—Foote. Coffin, G. C.— Boys of ’76. My Days and Nights on the Battlefield. Old Times in the Colonies. The Story of Liberty. Following the Flag. Winning His Way. Daughters of the Revolution. Colby, F. M — Brave Lads and Bonny Lasses. Coliins, W — Hearts and Science. Come Forth—Phelps. Comedy—J ohnson. Comfort Strong—Robbins. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court—Twain. Conquering and to Conquer—Charles. Conway, H.— Called Back. Cooke, J. E.— Bonnybel Yane. My Lady Pocahontas. Cooke, R. L.— Huckleberries. Happy Dodd. Somebody’s Neighbors. Cooper, J. F.— The Deers layer. The Spy. The Last of the Mohicans. Counterparts, I.—Sheppard. Counterparts II.—Sheppard. Count of Monte Christo—Dumas. Count Robert of Paris—Scott. 16 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1107 C 5 2450 B 2 2449 B 2 314 C 3 811 B 2 2414 B 8 2328 A 3 765 D 2 764 D 2 766 D 2 767 D 2 2529 D 2 1823 B 4 811 B 2 810 B 2 809 B 2 807 B 2 808 B 2 2530 B 6 1483 C 4 2515 A 6 2348 A 6 2840 A 6- 2350 A 6 2351 A 6 2169 A 6 192 A 2 2487 B 8 1400 A 3 2613 C 1 1361 C 2 Counterfeit Presentiment—Howells. Country By-Ways—Jewett. Country Doctor—Jewett. Country Quarters—Blessington. Cousin from India—Craik. Cousin Mona—Carey. Cox, Palmer— The Brownies: Their Book. Craddock, C. E.— Down the Ravine. In the Clouds. In the Tennessee Mountains. The Prophet of the Great Smoky. Story of Keedon Bluffs. Craddock Nowell—Blackmore. Craik, G. M.— Cousin from India. Is It True? Little Sunshine’s Holiday. Miss Moore. Twenty Years. Crane, Lucy— Grihim’s Household Stories. Crawford, Marion— Zoroaster. Katherine Lauderdale. Casa Braccio, I. Casa Braccio, II. The Ralstons, I. The Ralstons, II. Cripps the Carrier—Blackmore. Criswell, R. W.— Grandfather Lickshingle. Crocket, S. R.— Sweetheart Travelers. Crowded Out o’ Crofield—Stoddard. Crowninshield— All Among the Lighthouses. Crystal Button—Thomas. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 17 269 D 2 270 D 2 611 A3 485 C 4 82 B 4 2132 B 3 621 A3 74 D 3 118 A 4 1377 B 4 1074 C 5 235 B 4 757 B 4 2438 A 8 2299 B 8 134 A 5 596 C 3 541 D 3 2623 A 8- 1729 B 3 65 A 4 76 A 2 1369 B 5 1382 B 5 43 A 5 571 C 2 572 C 2 806 B 2 754 A 2 Cummins, M. S.— The Lamplighter. Mabel Vaughn. . Cupid and Chow-Chow—Alcott. Curtiss, G. W.— Prue and I. Custer, Elizabeth— Boots and Saddles. Daddy Jake the Runaway—Harris. Dal^hren, M. V.— Lights and Shadows of Life. Danger—Arthur. Daniel Deronda—Eliot. Daughter of an Egyptian King—Ebers. Daughter of an Empress—Muhlbach. Daughter of Heth—Black. Daughter of the Philistines—Anon. Daughters of the Revolution—Coffin. Dave Philbrick—Robbins. David Copperfield—Dickens. Davidson, W. L.— Over the Sea. Davis, W. M.— Nimrod of the Sea. I Days of Auld Lang Syne—Maclaren. Days of Bruce—Aguiler. Deerslayer—Cooper. Defoe, Daniel — Robinson Crusoe. Deland, Margaret— John Ward, Preacher. Sidney. Denis Duval—Thackeray. Denny, A. K.— How to Do It. How Not to Do It. Dewitt, Madame G.— An only Sister. Diamond Coterie—Lynch. f • i. i' 18 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1720 A 4 1085 D 3 140 A 5 128 A 5 127 A 5 126 A 5 130 A 5 134 A 5 332 A 5 328 A 5 129 A 5 138 A 5 133 A 5 137 A 5 126 A 5 136 A 5 138 A 5 140 A 5 131 A 5 135 A 5 140 A 5 130 A 5 139 A 5 139 A 5 129 A 5 472 C 2 2522 B6 15 C 5 1027 C 5 2672 B 6 2335 B 8 1716 B 2 1956 A 6 595 B 5 844 D 2 132 A 5 Diana of the Crossways—Meredith. Diary of a Minister’s Wife—Brown. Dickens, Charles— American Notes. Barnaby Rudge. Bleak House. Child’s History of England. Christmas Stories. David Copperfield. Dombey and Son. Edwin Drood. Great Expectations. Hard Times. Little Dorrit. Martin Ghuzzlewit. Miscellaneous Pieces. Nicholas Nickleby. Old Curiosity Shop. Oliver Twist. Our Mutual Friend. Pickwick Papers. Pictures from Italy. Reprinted Pieces. Sketches by Boz. Tale of Two Cities. Uncommercial Traveler. Dickinson, Anne— A Ragged Register; Dimitry, J.— Three Good Giants. Disraeli— Endymion. Lothair. Doctor Lati mer —Burnham. Dodge, M. M.— Land of Pluck. Hans Rrinker or Silver Skates. Donald and Dorothy. Doing and Dreaming—Garrett. Dolliver Romance—Hawthorne. Dombey and Son—Dickens. 19 1956 A 6 2446 B 5 1500 A 2 2690 C 1 1267 C 5 2298 B 8 1750 B 2 765 D 2 2444 A 8 2443 A 8 2442 A 8 2441 A 8 1769 A 3 965 D 2 812 D 2 1272 C 4 1282 A 3 796 C 2 964 D 2 1358 A 2 789 C 2 1404 B 3 597 C 3 1093 D 3 916 D 3 915 D 3 1092 D3 917 D 3 1397 C 3 784 C 2 800 C 2 578 A 3 1377 B 4 1484 B 4 1354 B 4 1355 B 4 1356 B 4 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. Donald and Dorothy—Dodge. Donald Marcy—Phelps. Donovan—Lyall. Doors Outward—Robbins. Dora Dean—Holmes. Dorothy Ottley—Robbins. Dove in the Eagle’s Nest—Yonge. Down the Ravine—Craddock. Doyle, A. Conan— The Refugees. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. The White Company. Draytons and Davenants, The—Charles. Dream Life—Mitchell. Dream and a Forgetting, A. Dr. Deane’s Way—Pansy. Dred—Stowe. Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde—Stevenson. Dr. Johns—Mitchell. Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters—Austen. Dr. Sevier—Cable. Dr. Zay—Phelps. Drifting and Anchored—Richmond. Dumas, Alexander— Chicot the Jester. Count of Monte Cristo. Memoirs of a Physician. The Regent’s Daughter. Taking of the Bastile. Duncan, S. J.— An American Girl in London. Dusantes, The—Stockton. Dynamiter, The—Stevenson. Early Dawn, The—Charles. Ebers, George- Daughter of An Egyptian King. Homo Sum. The Sisters. Uarda, I. Uarda, II. 20 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 2344 B 4 Ebers, George— Continued. Cleopatra, I. 2345 B 4 Cleopatra, II. 2346 B 4 Joshua. 1510 C 5 Edel weiss r—Auerbach. 2509 A 7 Editha’s Burglar—Burnett. 128 A 5 Edwin Drood—Dickens. 2480 A 8 Eggleston, E.— The Faith Doctor. 2478 A 8 The Graysons. 970 D 3 Brant and Red Jacket. 779 D 3 The Circuit Rider. 780 D 3 The Hoosier School Boy. 781 D 3 The Hoosier School Master. 778 D 3 The Mystery of Metropolisville. 909 D 3 Eggleston, G. C.— Montezuma. 967 D 3 Pocahontas. 971 D 3 Red Eagle. 968 D 3 _ Tecum sell. 2550 B 8 Strange Stories-from History. 2313 B 7 Eight Cousins—Alcott. 1247 A 3 Eight Cousins—Alcott. Eliot, George— 123 A 4 Adam Bede. 118 A 4 Daniel Deronda. 120 A 4 Essays. 122 A 4 Felix Holt. 121 A 4 Middlemarch. 119 A 4 Mill on the Floss. 122 A 4 Poems. 120 A 4 Romola. 119 A 4 Scenes from Clerical Life. 123 A 4 Silas Marner. 316 C 3 Elsa—Hogbdn. 1403 D 3 Elsie Yenner—Holmes. 1074 C 5 Empress Josephine—Muhlbach. 1990 B 6 English Bodley Family. 1439 C 4 Endless Chain, An—Pansy. 15 C 5 Endymion—Disraeli. 2170 A 6 Erema—B1 ackmore. 21 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. L 1822 B 4 Erema—B1 ackmore. 1968 B 6 Eric or Little by Little. 1269 C 4 Esther Reid—Pansy. 1271 C 4 Esther Reid Yet Speaking—Pansy. Ewin£, J. H.— 2410 B 7 Jackanapes. 2409 B 7 Last Words. 2408 B 7 Jan of the Windmill. 2407 B 7 A Great Emergency. 2406 B 7 We and the World. 2405 B 7 Six to Sixteen. 2404 B 7 A Flat-Iron for a Farthing. 2403 B 7 Mrs. Over-the-Way’s Remembrances. 2402 B 7 Melchoir’s Dreams. 2401 B 7 Lob Lie-by-the-Fire. 2369 A 7 Exile—Johnson. 2442 A 8 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard—Doyle. 2490 A 7 Fagots for the Fireside—Hale. 1091 A 3 Fair Barbarian—Burnett. 297 A 2 Fair God, The—Wallace. 98 B 5 Fair Maid of Perth—Scott. 2451 A 7 Fairy Frisket—Tucker. 2480 A 8 Faith Doctor, The—Eggleston. 275 B 3 Faith Gartney’s Girlhood—Whitney. 855 A 2 Falconberg—Boyesen. 1223 D 4 Fame and Fortune—Alger. 2510 A 7 Family Flight Around Home, A—Hale. 574 B 5 Family Fortunes—Garrett. 841 D 2 Fanshawe—Hawthorne. Farnham, E. W.— 2168 A 6 Life in Prairie Land. Farrar, F. W.— 1968 B 6 Eric. 1967 B 6 Julian Home. 1966 B 6 St. Winnifred’s. 577 B 2 Fathoms Deep—Shaw. Fawcett, E.— 85 C 4 Social Silhouettes. 122 A 4 Felix Holt—Eliot. Fern, Fanny- 198 C 3 Shadows and Sunbeams. 22 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 561 D 3 2549 A 8 1959 A 6 2532 C 5 201 B 2 2404 B 7 756 C 3 802 C 2 2440 A 8 2464 A 8 2463 A 8 2462 A 8 2461 A 8 200 A 2 2357 A 7 106 B 5 2532 C 2 922 B 5 44 A5 1243 B 2 2302 B 2 1228 D 4 1241 B 2 2303 B 2 1240 B 2 2307 B 2 1242 B 2 2305 B 2 1239 B 2 2306 B 2 2304 B 2 1069 C 5 1069 C 5 866 A 2 Fernon, B. L.— Love’s Harvest. Field, Eugene— Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac. Filon, A — Garrick’s Pupil. First Violin, The—Fothergill. Five Years Before the Mast. Flat-Iron for a Farthing, A—Ewing. Fleming, George— Andromeda. Fleming Jenkin—Stevenson. Following the Flag—Coffin. Foote, M. H.— The Chosen Valley. John Bodewin’s Testimony. Coeur D’Alene. The Led Horse Claim For Lilias—Carey. Fortune—Johnson. Fortunes of Nigel—Scott. Fothergill, Jessie— The First Violin. Foul Play—Reade. Four Georges, The—Thackerary. Frank Before Vicksburg—Castlemon. Frank Before Vicksburg—Castlemon. Frank’s Campaign—Alger. Frank on the Lower Mississippi—Castlemon. Frank on the Lower Mississippi—Castlemon. Frank in the Woods—Castlemon. Frank in the Woods—Castlemon. Frank on the Prairie—Castlemon. Frank on the Prairie—Castlemon. Frank the Young Naturalist—Castlemon. Frank the Young Naturalist—Castlemon. Frank on a Gunboat—Castlemon. Frederick the Great and His Court—Muhlbach. Frederick the Great and His Family—Muhlbach. Free Joe—Harris. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 23 2531 A 6 576 C 3 2559 B 7 606 B 2 2342 B 7 595 B 5 574 B 5 593 B 5 1959 A 6 1384 B 3 282 B 3 2466 A 6 602 B 2 2598 C 1 2599 C 1 2600 C 1 2601 C 1 2602 C 1 2603 C 1 2547 B 8 2558 A 7 2503 A 7 2296 B 7 593 B 5 73 D 5 1960 B 6 1661 B 6 2117 B 6 755 A 2 2538 D 2 563 D 2 192 A 2 790 0 2 Friend Olivia—Barr. Fur-Clad Adventurers—Mudge. Garden Behind the Moon—Pyle. Gardiner, C. A.— Light Ahead. Garland for the Girls—Alcott. Garret, Edward— Doing and Dreaming. Family Fortunes. Gold and Dross. Garrick’s Pupil—Filon. Gates Ajar—Phelps. Gay worthy s—Whitney. Gentleman Vagabond, A—Smith. Gibben, A.— Kathleen. Gillettes, The Gillettes, The Gillettes, The Gillettes, The Gillettes, The Gillettes, The Girls New and Girls Together I. —Robbins. II. —Robbins. III. —Robbins. IV. —Robbins. V. —Robbins. VI. —Robbins. Old—Meade. —Blanchard. Gladden, Washington— Santa Claus on a Lark. Gladys—Robbins. Gold and Dross—Garrett. Goldsmith, Oliver— Vicar of Wakefield. Goodman, M. W.— Open Sesame I. Open Sesame II. Open Sesame III. Gorilla Hunters—Ballantyne. Grandfather’s Chair—Hawthorne. Grandfather’s Chair—Hawthorne. Grandfather Lickshingle—Criswell. Grandissimies, The—Cable. 24 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 2324 A 7 2325 A 7 2478 A 8 1351 D 2 2407 B 7 129 A 5 46 A 5 2469 B 8 2573 B 7 12 B 2 238 B 4 924 B 5 2115 B 6 2530 B 6 1885 A 2 111 B 5 1433 A 2 25 C 4 23 C 4 607 A 2 191 C 4 1718 C 4 24 C 4 2510 A 7 2490 A 7 2432 A 7 2611 C 1 2686 C 1 1716 B 2 2429 A 6 926 B 5 138 A 5 1693 C 3 1965 A 6 Grant, Robert— Jack Hall. Jack in the Bush. Graysons, The—Eggleston. Graziella—Lamertine. Great Emergency, A—Ewing. Great Expectations—Dickens. Great Hoggarty Diamond—Thackeray. Great Scientists—Wright. Green Mountain Boys—Thompson. Green Mountain Boys—Thompson. Green Pastures and Picadilly—Black. Griffith Gaunt—Reade. Grimm’s Fairy Tales—Pauli and Wheatley. Grimm’s Household Stories—Crane. Guernsey, L. E.— The Chevelier’s Daughter. Guy Mannering—Scott. Habberton, J — All He Knew. Hale, E. E.— Stories of Invention. Adventure Stories. Boy Heroes. His Level Best. In His Name. The Man Without a Country. A Family Flight Around the World. Hale, L. P.— Faggots for the Fireside. The Peterkin Papers. Half a Dozen Boys—Ray. Half Blood—Reid. Hans Brinker—Dodge. Happy Dodd—Cooke. Hard Cash—Reade. Hard Times—Dickens. Hardy, A. S.— Passe Rose. Hardy, Thomas— Life’s Little Ironies. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 25 2398 A 8 Hardy, Thomas— Continued. The Trumpet Major. 2399 A 8 The Woodlanders. 2397 A 8 Jude the Obscure. 1398 A 2 Hardy Norseman, A—Lyall. 1744 D 5 Harold—Bulwer. 2132 B 3 Harris, J. Chandler- Daddy Jake. 866 A 2 Free Joe. 2384 B 7 Uncle Remus. 1024 B 4 Harte, Bret— The Luck of Roaring Camp. 1386 0 % A Ward of the Golden Gate. 2460 A 8 Clarence. 2434 A 8 In the Hollow of the Hills. 2521 A 8 Hatton, J.— When Greek Meets Greek. 580 B 3 Havilah—Spottswood. 530 B 4 Haweis, H.— Pet and Penalties. 812 D 2 Hawthorne, Julian— A Dream and a Forgetting. 835 D 2 Hawthorne, Nathaniel— Blithedale Romance. 844 D 2 Dolliver Romance. 84 l s D 2 Fanshawe. 563 D 2 Grandfather’s Chair. 2538 I 7 Grandfather’s Chair. 840 D 2 The House of Seven Gables. 842 D 2 Marble Fawn I. 843 D 2 Marble Fawn II. 838 D 2 Mosses From an Old Manse I. 839 D 2 Mosses From an Old Manse. II 1301 D 2 Scarlet Letter. 845 D 2 Septimus Fulton. 836 D 2 Tangle wood Tales. 212 D 2 Twice Told Tales. 837 D 2 Wonder Book. 2674 D 2 Little Daify-Down-Dilly. 199 C 5 Hay, M. C.— Old Middleton’s Money. 26 1284 C 5 1285 C 5 201 B 2 230 B 2 117 B 5 290 B 3 43 A5 1754 D 3 2356 A 8 2695 C 1 2474 A 7 2475 A 7 2619 A 7 594 C 3 191 C 4 1200 A 2 1201 A 2 1772 B 5 281 B 3 316 C 3 1378 B 2 1396 D 2 1438 D 2 1063 C 2 1062 C 2 1267 C 5 1265 C 5 1268 C 5 142 E 2 1403 D 3 1411 D 3 1484 B 4 780 D 3 781 D 3 604 A 2 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. Hazard of New Fortunes, I.—Howells. Hazard of New Fortunes, II.—Howells. Hazen, J. A.— Five Years Before the Mast. Heart and Science—Collins. Heart of Midlothian, The—Scott. Hedged In—Phelps. Henry Esmond—Thackeray. Hereward—Kingsley. Heroism—John son. Hester True worthy’s Royalty—Robbins. Hildegarde’s Home—Richards. Hildegard’s Neighbors—Richards. Hildegarde’s Holiday—Richards. His Keeper—Winslow. His Level Best—Hale. Historic Boys—Brooks. Historic Girls—Brooks. History of David Grieve—Ward. Hitherto—Whitney. Ho£bin, A. C- Elsa. Hold Up Your Heads, Girls—Ryder. Holland, J. G.— Arthur Bonnicastle. Seven Oaks. Holly, Marietta- Sweet Cicely. Josiah Allen’s Wife. Holmes, M. J.— Dora Deane. Rose Mather. Lena Rivers. Holmes, Oliver Wendel— Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Elsie Yenner. A Mortal Antipathy. Homo Sum—Ebers. Hoosier School Boy, The—Eggleston. Hoosier School Master, The—Eggleston. Hope Raymond—Richmond. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 27 1980 A 6 Horace Chase—Woolson. 2489 A 7 Horse Fair, The—Baldwin. 2421 B 7 House of Martha—Stockton. 840 D 2 House of Seven Gables—Hawthorne. Howard, B. W.— 1771 A 2 One Summer. 1368 A 2 The Open Door. 1893 A 2 Tony the Maid. 2467 B 8 No Heroes. Howe, E. W.— 2544 A 8 Story of a Country Town. Howells, W. D.— 1107 C 5 A Counterfeit Pesentiment. 1284 C 5 A Hazard of New Fortunes I. 1285 C 5 A Hazard of New Fortunes II. 918 C 5 Indian Summer. 1287 C 5 A Modern Instance. 919 C 5 The Rise of Silas Lapham. 1286 C 5 A Woman’s Reason. 572 C 2 How Not to Do It—Denny. 571 C 2 How to Do It—Denny. Hushes, Thomas- 11 A3 Torn Brown at Oxford. 10 A3 Tom Brown’s School Days. 2430 A 6 Huck leberries—Coo ke. Hugo, Victor— 1410 A 5 By Order of the King 1 . 449 A 5 Les Miserables. 1409 A 5 Ninety-Three. 1408 A 5 Notre Dame. 325 C 2 Toilers of the Sea. 788 C 2 Hundredth Man, The—Stockton. 2681 C 1 Hunter’s Feast—Reid. 2354 A 7 Humanity—Johnson. 2543 A 8 Humble Romance, A—Wilkins. Humphrey, F. A.— 2495 B 8 Little Pilgrim’s Progress. 143 D 3 Hypatia—Kingsley. 441 D 2 Hyperion—Longfellow. 1305 C 3 Iceland Fisherman, An—Loti. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 28 856 A 2 1374 C 2 918 C 5 1979 B 6 2166 B 6 2167 B 6 1777 B 4 1718 C 4 584 D 5 625 B 4 2368 A 7 2122 B 6 1366 C 3 764 D 2 1501 A 2 2434 A 8 590 C 4 766 D 2 1964 A 6 1256 B 3 50 E 1 52 E 1 53 E 1 51 E 1 54 E 1 55 E 1 57 E 1 58 E 1 59 E 1 810 B 2 1957 A 6 114 B 5 2410 B 7 2311 B 7 1248 A 3 Ilka on the Hilltop—Boyesen. Improvisatore—Andersen. Indian Summer—Howells. Ingelow, Jean— Mopsa the Fairy. Stories Told to a Child I. Stories Told to a Child II. Ingraham, J. H.— The Prince of the House of David. In His Name—Hale. Innocents Abroad—Twain. In Old Virginia—Page. Intelligence—Johnson. In the Boyhood of Lincoln—Butterworth. In the Cheering-Up Business—Lee. In the Clouds—Craddock. In the Golden Days—Lyall. In the Hollow of the Hills—Harte. In the Mist—Porter. In the Tennessee Mountains—Craddock. In War Time—Mitchell. Irving, F. B.— Six Girls. Irving, Washington— Bracebridge Hail and the Alhambra. Salmagundi and Tales of a Traveler. Knickerbocker and Spanish Voyages. Mahomet and His Successors. Granada and Crayon Papers. Conquest of Spain and Astoria. Wolfort.’s Roost and Tour of Prairies. Bonneville and Goldsmith. Sketch Book. Moorish Chronicles and Abootsford. Is It True—Craik. Isaacs, A. S.— Stories from the Rabbis. Ivanhoe—Scott. Jackanapes—Ewing. Jack and Jill—Alcott. Jack and Jill—Alcott. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 29 2555 B 7 2324 A 7 2325 A 7 734 B 3 733 B 3 538 A 2 30 A 2 912 A 2 2546 A 2 2496 A 2 70 D 5 2408 B 7 863 A 2 2336 A 7 2301 A 8 2488 A 7 1313 B 3 831 B 3 833 B 3 832 B 3 1426 B 3 2458 B 3 2450 B 3 2449 B 3 2609 B 3 115 A 3 2463 A 8 2502 B 8 79 C 3 1814 B 4 1413 A 2 1389 A 2 73 D 5 Jack Ballister’s Fortune—Pyle. Jack Hall—Grant. Jack in the Bush—Grant. Jack the Fisherman—Phelps. Jack the Fisherman—Phelps. Jackson, Helen Hunt— A Century of Dishonor. Nelly’s Silver Mine. Ramona. Mercy Philbrick’s Choice. Letters from a Cat. Jane Eyre—Bronte. Jan of the Windmill—Ewing. Janson, C.— The Spell-bound Fiddler. Jenks, Tudor— The Century’s World’s Fair Book. Jerry Downer—Robbins. Jewett, J. H.— Bunny Stories. Jewett, Sarah Orne Betty Leicester. A Marsh Island. The Mate of the Daylight. Old Friends and New. Strangers and Wayfarers. The Life of Nancy. Country By-Ways. Country Doctor. Play Days. Jimmie’s Cruise in the Pinafore—Alcott. John Bodewin’s Testimony—Fooie. John Boyd’s Adventures—Knox. John Halifax Gentleman—Muloch. John Inglesant—Shorthouse. Johnston, R. M.— The Primes and Their Neighbors. Widow Guthrie. Johnson, Dr. Samuel— Rasselas. 30 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 2369 A 7 Johnson, Rossiter— Exile. 2368 A 7 Intellect. 2366 A 7 Tragedy. 2367 A 7 Life. 2362 A 7 Laughter. 2363 A 7 Love. 2364 A 7 Romance. 2360 A 7 Mystery. 2365 A 7 Comedy. 2353 A 7 Childhood. 2356 A 7 Heroism. 2357 A 7 Fortune. 2358 A 7 Narrative Poems. 2359 A 7 Lyrical Poems. 2361 A 7 Minor Poems. 2352 A 7 Nature. 2354 A 7 Humanity. 2355 A 7 Authors. 1369 B 5 John Ward Preacher—Deland. 900 B 2 Johonnot, J.— Stories of Heroic Deeds. 899 B 2 Stories of Other Lands. 898 B 2 Stories of Our Own Country. 2526 A 7 Stories of Olden Times. 2527 A 7 Book of Cats and Dogs. 2309 B *7 Jo’s Boys—Alcott. 1425 A 3 Jo’s Boys—Alcott. 1062 C 2 Josiah Allen’s Wife—Holly. 2346 B 4 Joshua—Ebers. 2397 A 8 Jude the Obscure—Hardy. 1967 B 6 Julian Home—Farrar. 1278 C 4 Julia Ried—Pansy. 1218 D 4 Julius—Alger. 2622 A 8 Kate Carnegie—Maclaren. 602 B 2 Kathleen—Gibben. 2515 A 6 Katherne Lauderdale—Crawford. 1 D 5- Kenelm Chillingly—Bulwer. 107 B 5 Ken il w orth—Scott. 801 C 2 Kidnapped—Stevenson. 241 B 4 Kilmeny—Black. 1262 C 3 King Arthur—Muloch. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 31 2548 B 8 King, A. E — Kitwick Stories. 2124 A 6 Kin£, Grace- Balcony Stories. 2528 B 6 King- of the Golden River—Ruskin. 2505 B 6 Kingsley, Charles— Water Babies. 1754 D 3 Here ward. 143 D 3 Hypatia. 1752 D 3 Westward Ho! 1753 D 3 Yeast. 202 B 2 Kingston, W.— Adventures Among the Indians. 1864 C 3 Twice Lost. 1402 D 3 King Tom and the Runaways—Pendletoy. 2520 B 8 Kirby, M. & E — The World by the Fireside. 1420 A 4 Kirk, O. E— Story of Margaret Kent. 620 C 2 Kirkland, J. Zury. 293 C 3 Kismet. 1826 B 4 Kit and Kitty—Black. 2548 B 8 Kitwick Stories—King. 1498 A 2 Knight Errant—Lyall. 2519 B 8 Knightly Legends of Wales—Lanier. Knox, T. W.— - 2502 B 8 John Boyd’s Adventures. • 2606 C 1 Captain John Crane. 2697 A 8 The Lost Army. 227 C 2 Lady Audley’s Secret—Braddon. 2698 A 7 Lady of Fourt St. John—Catherwood. 782 C 2 Lady or the Tiger, The—Stockton. 1351 D 2 Lamartine, A. D.— Grazilla. 2080 B 6 Lamb, Charles and Mary— Tales from Shakespeare. 269 D 2 Lamplighter, The—Cummins. 1747 B 3 Lances of Lynwood — Yonge. 32 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1311 A 2 2335 B 8 2323 B 6 2519 B 8 2327 B 7 5 D 5 1743 D 5 67 A 4 2409 B 7 787 C 2 2362 A 7 1263 C 3 2381 G 6 2461 A 8 1366 C 2 575 B 2 109 B 5 1268 C 2 279 B 3 449 A 5 2496 A 2 2366 A 7 2458 B 3 819 C 3 2168 A 6 1965 A 6 606 B 2 621 A 3 193 C 3 2674 D 2 133 A 5 1749 B 3 995 C 3 1380 C 2 280 B 3 1202 A 3 2516 A 7 Larcom, Lucy— A New England Girlhood Land of Pluck—Dodge. Lan£, Andrew- Blue Fair^ Book. Lanier, Sidney— Knightly Legends of Wales. Last Century Maid—Wharton. Last Days of Pompeii—Bulwer. Last of the Barons—Bulwer. Last of the Mohicans—Cooper. Last Words—Ewing. Late Mrs. Null, The—Stockton. Laughter—Johnson. Laurel Bush, The—Muloch. Learning to Draw—Lukin. Led Horse Claim, The—Foote. Lee, M. Ch¬ in the Cheering-Up Business. Left in the Wilderness—Roe. Legend of Montrose—Scott. Lena Rivers—Holmes. Leslie Goldthwaite—Whitney. Les Miserables—Hugo. Letters from a Cat—Jackson. Life—Johnson. Life of Nancy—Jewett. Life for a Life, A—Muloch. Life in Prairie Land—Farnham. Life’s Little Ironies—Hardy. Light Ahead—Gardner. Lights and Shadows of a Life—Dalhgren. Lime Kiln Club—M. Quad. Little Daffy-Down-Dilly—Hawthorne. Dittle Dorrit—Dickens. Little Duke, The—Yonge. Little Foxes—Stowe. Little Jarvis—Sea well. Little Leaven, A—Whitney. Little Lord Fauntleroy—Burnett. Little Majorie’s Love Story—Bouvet. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 33 2314 B 7 2471 A 8 2493 A 7 2495 B 8 1203 A 3 809 B 2 2315 B 7 2604 C 1 2605 C 1 2401 B 7 2571 B 7 1401 D 3 441 I) 2 1162 B 4 539 B 4 2697 A 8 1963 A 6 1027 C 5 1305 C 3 2300 B 8 2363 A 7 2549 A 8 2377 A 7 43 A 5 926 B 5 561 D 3 1022 D 4 1024 B 4 2383 G 6 2382 G 6 2381 G 6 2880 G 6 2379 G 6 1502 A 2 1499 A 2 1498 A 2 1501 A 2 Little Men—Alcott. Little Minister—Barrie Little Miss Phoebe Gay—Brown. Little Pilgrims in Plymouth—Humphrey. Little St. Elizabeth—Burnett. Little Sunshine’s Holiday—Craik. Little Women—Alcott. Live Boys in Texas—Morecamp. Live Boys in the Black Hills—Morecamp. Lob Lie-by-the-Fire—Ewing. Lock Amsden—Thompson. Log House on the Columbia, The—Butterworth. Longfellow, Henry Wardsworbh— Hyperion. Looking Backward—Bellamy. Lorna Doone—Blackmore. Lost Army, The—Knox. Lost Canyon of the Toltecs—Seeley. Lothair—Disraeli. Loti, Pierre —) An Iceland Fisherman. Lou Downer—Robbins. Love—Johnson. Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac—Field. Love Affairs of an Old Maid—Bell. Lovel the Widower—Thackeray. Love Me Little, Love Me Long—Reade. Love’s Harvest—Fernon. Luck and Pluck—Alger. Luck of Roaring Camp—Harte. Lukin, Rev.— Boy Engineer. Young Mechanics. Learning to Draw. Boy Without an Idea. Amongst Machines. Lyall, Edna— We Two. Won by Waiting. Knight Errant. In the Golden Days. 34 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library . 1398 A 2 1500 A 2 7<54 A 2 2359 A 7 270 D 2 2688 C 1 2689 C 1 905 A 4 1768 A 4 903 A 4 907 A 4 902 A 4 1375 A 4 908 A 4 1089 A 4 1521 A 4 1440 A 4 904 A 4 1971 A 4 1376 A 4 906 A 4 14 A 4 2622 A 8 2623 A 8 2621 A 8 234 B 4 243 B 4 1352 D 2 1443 B 3 2171 A 6 2422 B 7 903 A 4 23 C 4 842 D 2 843 D 2 1950 A 6 1951 A 6 Lyall, Edna— Continued. Hardy Norseman. Donovan. - Lynch, Lawrence L.— » . The Diamond Coterie. Lyrical Poems—Johnson. Mabel Vaughn—Cummins. Mabel’s Stepmother—Robbins. Mabel Hazard’s Thoroughfare—Robbins. Macdonald, George— Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. Back of the North Wind. Malcolm. Marquis of Lossie. Paul Faber Surgeon. Ranald Bannarman’s Boyhood. Robert Falconer. The Seaboard Parish. Sir Gibbie. St. George and St. Michael. The Vicar’s Daughter. Warlock O’Glenwarlock. Weighed and Wanting. Wilfred Cumbermede. Wilfred Cumbermede. Maclaren, Ian Kate Carnegie. Days of Auld Lang Syne. Beside the Bonny Briar Bush. Macleod of Dare—Black. Madcap Violet—Black. Madeline—Sandeau. Madonna of the Tubs—Phelps. Maid of Sker, The—Blackmore. Mail Carrier—Castlemon. Malcolm—MacDonald. Man Without a Country—Hale. Marble Faun, I.—Hawthorne. Marble Faun, II.—Hawthorne. Marcella, I.—Ward. Marcella, II.—Ward. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 35 1353 D 2 313 C 4 1224 D 4 907 A 4 1299 C 3 1407 C 3 831 B 3 137 A 5 2172 A 6 1316 B 3 833 B 3 2118 H 6 1434 A 2 992 A 3 2572 B 7 1446 A 3 2498 B 8 2547 B 8 2402 B 7 915 D 3 1350 D 2 2612 C 1 1720 A 4 1721 A 4 829 A 4 830 A 4 2546 A 2 2413 B 8 2539 B 7 868 C 2 121 A 4 119 A 4 Marie—Pushkin. Marjorie Daw—Aldrich. Mark the Match Boy—Alger. Marquis of- Lossie—MacDonald. Marsh, Charles L.— Opening the Oyster. Opening the Oyster. Marsh Island, A—Jewett. Martin Chuzzlewit—Dickens. Mary Anerly—Blackmore. Master of the Magicians, The—Phelps and Ward. Mate of the Daylight, The—Jewett. Matthews, Brander— Tom Paulding. Maupassent, Guy de— The Odd Number. May Flower, The—Stowe. May Martin—Thompson. May, Sophie-- The Quinnebasset Girls. McMurray, L. B.— Classic Stories. Meade, L. T.— Girls New and Old. Melchior’s Dreams—Ewing. Memoirs of a Physician—Dumas. Memories—Muller. Men of Iron—Pyle. Meredith, George— Diana of the Crossways. Rhoda Femming. Richard Feverel. Sandra Bel Ion i. Mercy Philbrick’s Choice—Jackson. Merle’s Crusades—Carey. Merry Adventures of Robbin Hood—Pyle. Merry Men, The—Stevenson. Middlemarch—Eliot. Mill on the Foss—Eliot. 36 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library . 994 A 3 2361 A 7 1381 C 5 807 B 2 820 C 3 2378 B 6 Minister’s Woing, The—Stowe. Minor Poems—Johnson. Miss Lou—Roe. Miss Moore—Craik. Mistress and Maid—Mu loch. Mistress of Beech Knoll—Buynham, 966 D 2 960 D 2 964 D 2 965 D 2 962 D 2 963 D 2 1088 D 2 959 D 2 961 D 2 Mitchell, Donald G.— About Old Story Tellers. Bound Together. Dr. Johns. Dream Life. My Farm at Edge wood. Out of Town Places. Reveries of a Bachelor. Seven Stories. Wet Days at Edge wood. 1964 A 6 1972 A 6 2477 A 6 2476 A 6 Mitchell, S. Weir- In W ar Time. Roland Blake. Characteristics. When the Woods Were Green. 2130 A 6 2129 A 6 1287 C 5 Mitford, M. R — Our Village. Mixed Pickles—Raymond. Modern Instance, A — Howells. 2473 A 7 2472 A 7 236 B 4 116 B 5 2123 A 6 1379 C 3 969 D 3 Molesworh, Mrs.— The Carved Lions. Tell Me a Story. Monarch of Mincing Lane, The — Black. Monastery, The—Scott. Monica the Mesa Maiden — Raymond. Moneymakers, The — Anon. Montezuma — Eggleston. 75 A 2 Montolieu & Wyss— Swiss Family Robinson. 1979 B 6 Mopsa the Fairy—Ingelow. 2604 C 1 2605 C 1 1411 D 3 838 D 2 Morecamp— Live Boys in Texas. Live Boys in Black Hills. Mortol Antipathy, A — Holmes. Mosses from an Old Manse, I. — Hawthorne. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 37 839 D 2 283 B 3 2691 C 1 1270 C 4 2420 B 7 2403 B 7 576 C 3 1109 C 3 818 C 3 814 C 3 79 0 3 1262 C 3 1263 C 3 819 C 3 820 C 3 1264 C 3 817 C 3 1075 C 3 816 C 3 813 C 3 1260 C 3 2390 B 8 1456 A 2 962 D 2 614 A 3 295 C 3 1264 C 3 2 D 5 3 D 5 211 B 3 2360 A 7 778 I) 3 1435 E 2 1427 A 2 2358 A 7 2352 A 7 805 C 2 48 A 5 1311 A 2 Mosses from an Old Manse, II.—Hawthorne. Mother Goose for Old People—Whitney. Movie’s Forge—Robbins. Mrs. Deane’s Way—Pansy. Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht—Stockton. Mrs. Over-the-Way's Remembrances—Ewing. Mud^e, Z. A.— Fur-Clad Adventures. Mulock, D. M.— Agatha’s Husband. A Brave Lady. Christian’s Mistake. John Halifax Gentleman. King Arthur. The Laurel Bush. A Life for a Life. Mistress and Maid. My Mother and I. A Noble Life. The Ogilvies. Sermons Out of Church. The Woman’s Kingdom. Young Mrs. Jardine. Munroe, Kirk- Snow Shoes and Sledges. My Days and Nights on the Battlefield—Coffin. My Farm at Edgewood—Mitchell. My Girls—Alcott. My Lady Pocahontas—Cooke. My Mother and I—Mu loch. My Novel, 1.—Bulwer. My Novel, II.—Bulwer. Mysterious Island—Yerne. Mystery—Johnson. Mystery of Metropolisville—Eggleston. My Summer in a Garden—Warner. Nameless Nobleman, A—Austin. Narrative Poems—Johnson. N ature— J ohnson. New Arabian Nights—Stevenson. Newcomes, The—Thackeray. New England Girlhood, A—Larcom. 38 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 30 A 2 922 B 5 2508 A 7 136 A 5 541 D 3 603 A 4 1409 A 5 817 C 3 2375 B 6 2467 B 8 914 C 4 1408 A 5 195 D 5 194 D 5 957 B 4 1434 A 2 287 B 3 1075 C 3 791 C 2 1249 A 3 2308 B 7 616 A3 832 B 3 2131 A 6 101 B 5 199 C 5 1503 A 2 88 A3 140 A 5 569 A 3 1770 A 3 288 C 4 1771 A 2 806 B 3 608 C 2 1431 C 5 1432 C 5 1368 A 2 1254 C 5 1299 C 3 Nelly’s Silver Mine—Jackson. Never too Late to Mend—Reade. Nichols, L. D.— Overhead. Nicholas Nickleby—Dickens. Nimrod of the Sea—Davis. Nineteen Beautiful Years—Willard. N inety-Three—Hugo. Noble Life, A—Muloch. No Gentleman—Burnham. No Heroes—Howard. Norwood—Beecher. Nortre Dame—Hugo. Nye, Bill- Baled Hay. Bill Nye and Boomerang. Oddities of Southern Life—Waterson. Odd Number, The—Maupassent. Odd or Even—Whitney. Ogilvies, The—Muloch. Old Creole Days—Cable. Old Fashioned Girl—Alcott. Old Fashioned Girl—Alcott. Old Fashioned Thanksgiving—Alcott. Old Friends and New—Jewett. Old Kaskasia—Catherwood. Old Mortality—Scott. Old Middleton’s Money—Hay. Old Times in the Colonies—Coffin. Old Town Folks—Stowe. Oliver Twist—Dickens. On Both Sides of the Sea—Charles. On Both Sides of the Sea—Charles. One Common-place Day—Pansy. One Summer—Howard. Only Sister, An—De Witt. On the Cliff—Shaw. On the Heights, I.—Auerbach. On the Heights, II.—Auerbach. Open Door, The—Howard. Opening a Chestnut Burr—Roe. Opening the Oyster--Marsh. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 39 1407 C 3 1960 B 6 1961 B 6 2117 B 6 1087 D 3 274 B 3 1978 A 6 205 C 2 131 A 5 2130 A 6 601 B 2 963 D 2 596 C 8 2508 A 7 625 B 4 1273 C 4 1276 C 4 1274 C 4 1272 C 4 1439 C 4 1269 C 4 1271 C 4 1275 C 4 1278 C 4 1270 C 4 288 C 4 1279 C 4 1277 C 4 68 C 4 2553 A 8 42 A 5 1693 C 3 286 B 3 73 D 5 2494 B 8 902 A 4 2115 B 6 Opening the Oyster—Marsh. Open Sesame, I.—Bellamy. Open Sesame, II.—Bellamy. Open Sesame, III.—Bellamy. Orange Blossoms—Arthur. Other Girls—Whitney. Other Things Being Equal—Wolfe. Oulda— Under Two Flags. Our Mutual Friend—Dickens. Our Village—Mitford. Out of the Breakers—Rand. Out of Town Places—Mitchell. Over the Sea—Davidson. Overhead—N ichols. Pa£e, Thomas Nelson- In Ole Virginia. Pansy—. Chautauqua Girls. Chrissy’s Endeavor. Christie’s Christmas. Dr. Deane’s Way. An Endless Chain. Esther Ried. Esther Ried Yet Speaking. Household Puzzles. Julia Ried. Mrs. Deane's Way. One Commonplace Day. The Randolphs. . Ruth Erskine. Three People. Parker, George— Seats of the Mighty. Pari s—Thackeray. Passe Rose—Hardy. Patience Strong’s Outing—Whitney. Paul and Virginia—St. Pierre. Paul Jones—Seawell. Paul Faber Surgeon—Macdonald. Pauli, H. B — Grimm’s Fairy Tales. 40 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1229 D 4 Paul Prescott’s Charge—Alger. 1215 D 4 Paul the Peddler—Alger. 993 A 3 Pearl of Orr’s Island—Stowe. 315 A 2 Peculiar People, A—Balch. 923 B 5 Peg Woffington—Reade. 47 A 5 Pendennis—Thackeray. Pendleton, Louis— 1402 D 3 King Tom and the Runaways. 921 B 5 Perilous Secret—Reade. 540 B 4 Pet—Haweiss. 2434 A 8 Peterkin Papers—Hale. 100 B 5 Perevill of the Peak—Scott. Phelps and North — 1977 A 6 The Bailiff of Tewksbury. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart— 1383 B 3 Beyond the Gates. 1385 B 3 Come Forth. 1404 B 8 Dr. Zay. 1384 B 3 The Gates Ajar. 290 B 3 Hedged In. 734 B 3 Jack the Fisherman. 733 B 3 Jack the Fisherman. 1316 B 3 The Madonna of the Tubs. 1417 B 3 The Master of the Magicians. 289 B 3 The Story of Avis. 2447 B 7 The Trotty Book. 2446 B 7 Donald Marcy. 2445 A 8 A Singular Life. 736 D 4 Phil the Fiddler—Alger. 1216 D 4 Phil the Fiddler—Alger. 605 B 2 Phil Vernon and His Schoolmates — Brooks. 135 A 5 Pickwick Papers — Dickens. 140 A 5 Pictures from Italy — Dickens. 78 D 5 Pilgrim’s Progress—Bunyan. 102 B 5 Pirate, The — Scott. 2609 B 3 Play-Days—Jewett. 967 D 3 Pocahontas—Eggleston. 1975 B 6 Polly Oliver’s Problem—Wiggin. 585 C 4 Poor Boys Who Became Famous—Bolton. Porter, Jane - 72 B 3 Thaddeus of Warsaw. 77 B 3 Scottish Chiefs. I Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 41 590 C 4 2050 B 6 2479 B 8 2551 B 8 1413 A 2 1748.B 3 1787 D 5 2120 A 6 2121 A 6 1777 B 4 232 B 4 2610 C 1 2541 B 6 911 D 5 767 D 2 2343 A 7 312 C 4 485 C 4 1353 D 2 920 B 5 1982 B 6 2559 B 7 2555 B 7 2539 B 7 2612 C 1 193 C 3 2119 A 6 97 B 5 1446 A 3 1222 D 4 472 C 2 2350 A 6 2351 A 6 912 A 2 2570 B 7 Porter, kose— In the Mist. Pratt, M. L.— Story land of Stars. China. Stories of Colonial Children. Primes and Their Neighbors, The—Johnson. Prince and Page—Yonge. Prince and Pauper—Twain. Prince of India, I.—Wallace. Prince of India, II.—Wallace. Prince of the House of David, The—Ingraham. Princess of Thule, The—Black. Printer Boy. Prize Cup, The—Trowbridge. Professor, The—Bronte. Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, The—Craddock. Proverb Stories—Alcott. Prudence Palfrey—Aldrich. Prue and I—Curtiss. Pushkin, Alex- Marie. Put Yourself in His Place—Reade. Pyle, Howard— The Wonder Clock. The Garden Behind the Moon. Jack Ballister’s Fortunes. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Men of Iron Quad, M.— The Lime Kiln Club. Queechy—Wetherell. Quentin Durward—Scott. Quinnebasset Girls, The—May. Ragged Dick—Alger. Ragged Register, A—Dickinson. Ralstons, The I.—Crawford. Ralstons, The II.—Crawford. Ramona—J ackson. Rangers, The—Thompson. 42 1375 A 4 601 B 2 587 B 2 , 1279 C 4 73 D 5 2611 C 1 2123 A 6 2129 A 6 923 B 5 921 B 5 922 B 5 924 B 5 926 B 5 926 B 5 922 B 5 923 B 5 921 B 5 920 B 5 924 B 5 923 B 5 924 B 5 925. B 5 920 B 5 278 B 3 1958 A 6 971 D 3 104 B 5 2444 A 8 1092 C 4 2678 C 1 2679 C 1 2680 C 1 2681 C 1 2682 C 1 2683 C 1 2684 C 1 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. Ranald Bannarman’s Boyhood—Macdonald. Rand, E. A.— Out of the Breakers. The Camp at Surf Bluff. Randolphs, The—Pansy, Rasselas—J ohnson. Ray- Half a Dozen Boys. Raymond, Mrs. E.— Monica the Mesa Maiden. Mixed Pickles. Reade, Charles— Christie Johnston. Cloister and the Hearth. The. Foul Play. Griffith Gaunt. Hard Cash. Love Me Little, Love Me Long. Never Too Late to Mend. Peg Woffington. A Perilous Secret. Put Yourself in His Place. A Simpleton. A Terrible Temptation. The Wandering Heir. White Lies. The Woman Hater. Real Folks—Whitney. Rebel Queen, The—Besant. Red Eagle—Eggleston. Red Gauntler,—Scott.- Refugees, The—Doyle. Regent’s Daughter, The—Dumas. Reid, C. M.- Rifle Rangers. The Tiger Hunter. The War Trail. The Hunter’s Feast. The Scalp Hunters. The White Chief. The Wood Rangers. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 43 2685 C 1 Reid, C. M.— Continued. The Wild Huntress. 2686 C 1 The Half-Blood. 1373 B 4 Remember the Alamo—Barr. 1088 D 2 Reveries of a Bachelor—Mitchell. 1721 A 4 Rhoda Flemming—Meredith. 829 A 4 Richard Feverel—Meredith. 2475 A 7 Richards, Laura— Hildegarde’s Neighbors. 2474 A 7 Hildegarde’s Home. 2619 A 7 Hildegarde’s Half Holiday. 2557 A 7 Richards, C. L.— Captain January. 597 C 3 Richmond, E. J.— Drifting and Anchored. 604 A 2 Hope Raymond. 1 D 5 Rienzi—Bulwer. 2678 C 1 Rifle Rangers—Reid. 1023 D 4 Risen from the Ranks—Alger. 919 C 5 Rise of Silas Lapham, The—Howells. 69 B 5 Roach, R. W.— Children of the Abbey. 1367 C 2 Robber Count, The—Wolff. 2296 A 8 Robbins, Mrs.— Gladys. 2297 A 8 Ben Philbrick. 2300 A 8 Lou Downer. 2299 A 8 Dave Philbrick. 2298 A 8 Dorothy Ottley. 2301 A 8 Jerry Downer. 2598 C 1 The Gillettes—Dick. 2599 C 1 The Gillettes—Nan. 2600 C 1 The Gillettes—Jack. 2601 C 1 The Gillettes—Bert. 2602 C 1 The Gillettes—Babbette. 2603 C 1 The Gillettes—Will. 2687 C 1 Robert Graham’s Promise. 2688 C 1 Mabel’s Stepmother. 2689 C 1 Mabel Hazard’s Thoroughfare. 2690 C 1 Doors Outward. 44 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library . 2691 C 1 Robbins, Mrs.—Continued. Movie’s Forge. 2692 C 1 Who Won. 2693 Cl Comfort Strong. 2694 C 1 Brentford Parsonage. 2695 C 1 Hester Trueworthy’s Royalty. 940 B 5 Robert Elsmere—Ward. 908 A 4 Robert Falconer—Macdonald. 2687 C 1 Robert Graham’s Promise—Robbins. 76 A 2 Robinson Crusoe—Defoe. 115 D 5 Rob Roy—Scott. 2535 A 6 Rodman the Keeper—Woolson. 1253 C 5 Roe, E. P.— Barrier’s Burned Away. 1381 C 5 Miss Lou. 1254 C 5 Opening of the Chestnut Burr. 1252 C 5 Without a Home. 575 B 2 Roe, M. A.— Left in the Wilderness. 1972 A 6 Roland Blake—Mitchell. 179 B 2 Rollo Books, The—Abbott- Air. 186 B 2 At Play. 183 B 2 At School. 185 B 2 At Work. 189 B 2 Experiments. 178 B 2 Fire. 188 B 2 His Correspondence. 187 B 2 His Travels. 182 B 2 Learning to Read. 181 B 2 Learning to Talk. 190 B 2 Museum. 180 B 2 Sky. 184 B 2 Vacation. 177 B 2 Water. 2364 A 7 Romance—Johnson. 2556 A 8 Romance of Dollard—Catherwood. 120 A 4 Romola—Eliot. 1250 A 3 Rose in Bloom—Alcott. 2310 B 7 Rose in Bloom—Alcott. 1225 D 4 Rough and Ready—Alger. I Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 45 583 D 5 44 A5 786 C 2 1954 A 6 1955 A 6 1227 D 4 2528 B 6 1277 C 4 1378 B 2 1966 B 6 991 A 3 1220 D 4 1352 D 2 830 A 4 2374 B 6 2503 A 7 2699 A 7 2554 B 8 2682 C 1 1301 D 2 119 A 4 2618 C 1 95 B 5 110 B 5 96 B 5 99 B 5 115 B 5 113 B 5 99 B 5 116 B 5 103 B 5 98 B 5 106 B 5 111 B 5 Roughing 1 It—Twain. Roundabout Papers—Thackeray. Rudder Range—Stockton. Rumour, I.—Spofford. Rumour, II.—Spofford. Rufus and Rose—Alger. Ruskin, John— King of the Golden River. Ruth Erskine—Pansy. Ryder, A. H.— Hold Up Your Heads, Girls. Saint Winnifred's—Farrar. Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories—Stowe. Sam’s Chance—Alger. Sandeau, Jules— Madeline. Sandra Belloni—Meredith. Sane Lunatic, A—Burnham. Santa Claus on a Lark—Gladden. Sarah Crewe—Burnett. Saunders, M.— Beautiful Joe. Scalp Hunters, The—Reid. Scarlet Letter, The—Hawthorne. Scenes from Clerical Life—Eliot. Schawatka— The Children of the Cold. Scott, Walter— The Abbott. Anne of Geierstein. The Antiquary. The Betrothed. The Black Dwarf. The Bride of Lammermoor, Castle Dangerous. Chronicles of Cannongate. Count Robert of Paris. Fair Maid of Perth. The Fortunes of Nigel. Gtly Mannering. % 46 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 117 B 5 114 B 5 107 B 5 109 B 5 116 B 5 101 B 5 100 B 5 102 B 5 97 B 5 104 B 5 115 B 5 112 B 5 113 B 5 109 B 5 105 B 5 108 B 5 77 B 3 2537 A 7 1983 B 6 • 1985 B 6 1989 B 6 1987 B 6 1986 B 6 1988 B 6 1990 B 6 1984 B 6 1089 A 4 2553 A 8 1380 C 2 2494 B 8 1963 A 6 845 D 2 816 C 3 2436 A 8 29 D 2 959 D 2 1359 B 2 Scott, Walter— Continued. The Heart of Midlothian. Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. Legend of Montrose. The Monastery. Old Mortality. Peverill on the Peak. The Pirate. Quentin Durward. Red Gauntlet. - Rob Roy. St. Ronan’s Well. The Surgeon’s Daughter. The Talisman. Waverly. Woodstock. Scottish Chiefs—Porter. Scudder, H. E.— Boston Town. Bodley Grandchildren in Holland, Doings of the Bodley Family. Mr. Bodley Abroad. The Bodleys Afoot. The Bodleys on Wheels. The Bodleys Telling Stories. The English Bodley Family. The Viking Bodleys. Seaboard Parish, The—Macdonald. Seats of the Mighty, The—Parker, Seawell, M. E.— Little Jarvis. Paul Jones. Seeley, Charles Sumner— The Lost Canyon of the Toltecs. Septimus Fulton—Hawthorne. Sermons Out of Church—Mulock. Seven Little Sisters—Andrews. Seven Oaks—Holland. Seven Stories—Mitchell. Sewell, A.— Black Beauty. 198 C 3 237 B 4 577 B 2 608 C 2 613 A 3 1969 A 6 1970 A 7 1952 A 6 1953 A 6 1233 D 4 909 D 5 1814 B 4 1382 B 5 284 B 3 285 B 3 924 B 5 2445 A 8 1210 D 4 1521 A 4 11354 B 4 1256 B 3 2405 B 7 139 A 5 2607 B 7 896 A 4 1399 B 3 1217 D 4 617 A 3 2466 A 7 2524 A 7 2390 B 8 85 C 4 2540 A 8 1303 D 3 2428 A 6 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 47 Shadows and Sunbeams—Fern. Shandon Bells—Black. Shaw, Catherine— Fathoms Deep. On the Cliff. Shawlstraps—Alcott. Sheppard, E.— Charles Auchester I. Charles Auchester II. Counterparts I. Counterparts II. Shifting- for Himself—Alger. Shirley—Bronte. Shorthouse, J. H.— John Inglesant. Sidney—Deland. Sights and Insights, I.—Whitney. Sights and Insights, II.—Whitney. Simpleton, A—Reade. Singular Life, A—Phelps. Sink or Swim—Alger. Sir Gibbie—Macdonald. Sisters, The—Ebers. Six Girls—Irving. Six to Sixteen — Ewing. Sketches by Boz—Dickens. Skyward and Back—Robinson. Slave’s Adventures on Land and Sea—Thomas* Slaves of Sabinus—Yonge. Slow and Sure—Alger. Smith, Minna Caroline— Boys of Carey Farm. Smith, F. H.— A Gentleman Vagabond. Tom Grogan. Snow-Shoes and Sledges—Munroe. Social Silhouettes —Fawcett. Sonny — Stuart. Sons of the Soil—Balzac. Somebody’s Neighbors—Cooke. 48 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1881 A 4 863 A 2 2340 B 7 1954 A 6 1955 A 6 1236 B 2 1238 B 2 1237 B 2 581 B 3 1825 B 4 66 A 4 586 D 5 2419 B 7 2465 A 8 1440 A 4 73 D 5 112 B 5 1300 A 2 796 0 2 800 C 2 802 C 2 801 C 2 868 C 2 805 C 2 783 C 2 785 C 2 784 C 2 788 C 2 782 C 2 787 C 2 786 C 2 2418 C 2 2419 B 6 2420 B 6 2421 B 6 Spanish Match, The—Ainsworth. Spell-Bound Fiddler, The—Janson. Spinning Wheel Stories—Alcott, Spofford, H. P — Ru m our 1. Rumour IT. Sportsman’s Club Afloat,—Castlemon. Sportsman’s Club Among the Trappers—Castlemon. Sportsman’s Club in the Saddle—Castlemon. Spottswood, L. A.— Havilah. Springhaven—Blackmore. Spy, The—Cooper. Squire of Walton Hall, The—Wise. Squirrel Inn, The—Stockton. Starland—Ball. St. George and St. Michael—Macdonald. St. Pieere, L.— Paul and Virginia. St. Ronan’s Well—Scott. Standish of Standish—Austen. Stevenson, Robert Louis— Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Dynamiter. Fleeming Jenkin. Kidnapped. The Merry Men. New Arabian Nights. Stockton, Frank— The Beeman of Orne. The Christmas Wreck. The Dusantes. The Hundredth Man. The Lady or the Tiger. The Late Mrs. Null. Rudder Gange. Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. The Squirrel Inn. Mrs. Cliff’s Yhcht. House of Martha. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 49 1400 A 3 1957 A 6 900 B 2 898 B 2 2166 B 6 2167 B 6 2551 B 8 2435 B 7 2456 B 6 2514 A 7 2544 A 8 2529 D 2 2482 B 8 2504 B 8 2050 B 6 289 B 3 1457 A 2 1429 A 4 310 0 4 979 B 5 1973 B 6 1258 D 3 1281 A 3 996 A 3 995 C 3 1282 A 3 992 A 3 994 A 3 88 A 3 993 A 3 991 A 3 87 A 3 1280 A 3 242 B 2 1426 B 3 2550 B 8 1211 D 4 1021 D 4 2533 A 8 2540 A 8 Stoddard, W. 0 — Crowded Out»0’Crofield. Stories from the Rabbis—Isaacs. Stories of Heroic Deeds — Johonnot. Stories of Our Own Country—Johonnot. Stories Told to a Child—Ingelow. Stories Tolct to a Child — Ingelow. Stories of Colonial Children—Pratt. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children—Andrews. Stories and Tales—Andersen. Story of an American Sailor—Brooks. Story of a Country Town—Howe. Story of Keedon Bluffs—Craddock. Story of Roland — Baldwin. Story of Siegfried—Baldwin. Story land of Stars—Pratt. Story of Avis. The—Phelps. Story of Liberty—Coffin. Story of Margaret Kent — Kirk. Story-of a Bad Boy—Aldrich. Story of the Golden Age—Baldwin. Story of Patsy—Wiggin. Story of Tonty— Catherwood. Stowe, Harriet Beecher— Agnes of Sorrenro. The Chimney Corner. Little Foxes. Dred. The May Flower. The Minister’s Wooing. Old Town Folks. Pearl of Orr’s Island. Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories. Uncle Tom's Cabin. We and Our Neighbors. v Strange Adventures of a Plueton—Black. Strangers and Way-farers — Jewett. Strange Stories from History for Y’ngP’ple—Eggleston. Strive and Succeed — Alger. Strong and Steady — Alger. Stuart, R. McEnnery — Carlotta’s Intended. Sonny. 50 Catalogue Warren Free Public Librai 592 C 4 Summer Days on the Hudson—Wise. 579 B 2 Summer in the Rockies—Woodbridge. 850 A 2 Summer Savory—Taylor. 244 B 4 Sunrise—Black. 1283 A 3 Superior to Circumstances—Blacked. 113 B 5 Surgeon’s Daughter, The—Scott. 913 A 3 Surly Tim—Burnett. 1063 C 2 Sweet Cicely—Holly. 2373 B 6 Sweet Clover—Burnham. 2487 A 8 Sweetheart Travelers—Crockett. 2518 A 7 Sweet William—Bouvet. Swett, Sophia— 2126 B 6 Captain Polly. 75 A 2 Swiss Family Robinson — Montolien. 917 D 3 Taking the Bastile — Dumas. 2080 B 6 Tales from Shakespeare—Lamb. 139 A 5 Tale of Two Cities — Dickens. 109 B 5 Talisman, The — Scott. 836 D 2 Tangle wood Tales—Hawthorne. 1214 D 4 Tattered Tom — Alger. Taylor, Benjamin F.— 850 A 2 Summer Savory. 968 D 3 Tecu mseh — Eggleston. 1221 D 4 Telegraph Boy, The—Alger. 2472 A 7 Tell Me a Story—Moles worth. 1505 D 5 Tempest-Tossed—Tilton. 2437 A 7 Ten Children—Andrews. 923 B 5 Terrible Temptation, A—Reade. Thackeray, Wm. M.— 41 A 5 Adventures of Philip. 39 A 5 Ballads. 46 A 5 Barry Lyndon. 39 A 5 Book of Snobs. 40 A 5 Burlesques. 43 A 5 Catherine. 39 A 5 Christmas Books. 43 A 5 Denis Duval. 44 A 5 The Four Georges. 46 A 5 Great Hoggarty Diamond. 43 A 3 Henry Esmond. 43 A 5 Lovel the Widower. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 51 48 A 5 42 A 5 47 A 5 44 A 5 49 A 5 45 A 5 40 A 5 72 B 3 245 B 4 1090 A 3 1361 C 2 896 A 4 ' 2347 A 7 12 B 2 2573 B 7 2570 B 7 2571 B 7 2572 B 7 2670 A 7 2522 B 6 2453 B 8 68 C 4 2679 C 1 1505 D 5 325 C 2 11 A 3 10 A3 2524 A 7 2614 C 1 2118 B 6 2499 A 8 2128 A 6 1827 B 4 1893 A 2 The Newcomes. Paris, Irish and Eastern Sketches. Pendennis. Roundabout Papers. Vanity Fair. The Virginians. Yellow Plush Papers. Thaddeus of Warsaw—Porter. That Beautiful Wretch—Black. That Lass O'Lowries—Burnett. Thomas, Chauncey— The Crystal Button. Thomas, W. H.— A Slaver’s Adventures on Land and Sea. Thompson, Maurice— Boys’ Book of Sports. Thompson, D. P.— * Green Mountain Boys. Green Mountain Boys. The Rangers. Locke Amsden. May Martin. Three Boys in an Electrical Boat—Trowbridge. Three Good Giants—Dimitry. Three Greek Children—Church. Three People—Pansy. Tiger Hunters, The—Reid. Tilton, Theodore— Tempest Tossed. Toilers of the Sea—Hugo. Tom Brown at Oxford—Hughes. Tom Brown’s School Days—Hughes. Tom Grogan—Smith. Tomilson — Boy Soldiers of 1812. Tom Paulding—Mathews. Tom Sawyer—Twain. Tommy Upmore—Blackmore. Tommy Upmore—Blackmore. Tony the Maid—Howard. 52 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1392 B 4 1293 B 4 1294 B 4 327 B 4 1882 A 4 229 A 2 2367 A 7 2447 B 7 2541 B 7 2542 B 7 2670 A 7 2398 A 8 1020 D 4 2451 A 7 1064 D 5 1205 D 5 584 D 5 1787 D 5 583 D 5 2523 A 8 2499 A 8 808 B 2 1864 C 3 212 D 2 2507 A 8 2457 A 7 2454 B 8 1355 B 4 1356 B 4 87 A3 2384 B 7 129 A 5 1251 A 3 2312 B 7 205 C 2 Tournee, Albion W.— An Appeal to Caesar. An Appeal to Caesar. Bricks Without Straw. A Fool’s Errand. Tower of London, The—Ainsworth. Townsend, G. T.— Aesop’s Fables. Tragedy—Johnson. Trotty Book. The—Phelps. Trowbridge, J. T.— The Prize Cup. Bound in Honor. Three Boys in an Electric Boat. Trumpet Major, The—Hardy. Try and Trust—Alger. T ucker— Fairy Frisket. Twain, Mark- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Innocents Abroad. Prince and the Pauper. Roughing It. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. Tom Sawyer. Twenty Years Ago—Craik. Twice Lost—Kingston. Twice Told Tales—Hawthorne. Two College Girls—Brown. Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress —Burnett. Two Thousand Years Ago—Church. Uarda, I.— Ebers. Uarda, IL—Ebers. Uncle Tom’s Cabin—Stowe. Uncle Remus—Harris. Uncommercial Traveler—Dickens. Under the Lilacs—Alcott. Under the Lilacs—Alcott. Under Two Flags—Ouida. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 53 1730 B 2 1497 C 4 49 A 5 211 B 3 904 A 4 73 D 5 910 D 5 45 A 5 1232 D 4 35 A 2 297 A 2 2120 A 6 2121 A 6 2468 B 8 924 B 5 1772 B 5 1950 A 6 1951 A 6 940 B 5 1386 C 2 1971 A 4 2680 C 1 957 B 4 2505 B 6 105 B 5 2406 B 7 2127 B 6 277 B 3 1376 A 4 1752 D 3 961 D 2 2119 A 6 1357 C 2 Vale of Cedars, The—Aguillar. Valentine, L.— We Three Boys. Vanity Fair—Thackeray. Verns, Jules— The Mysterious Island. Vicar's Daughter, The—Macdonald. Vicar of Wakefield, The—Goldsmith. Vi llette—Bronte. Virginians, The—Thackeray. Wait and Hope—Alger. Wallace, Lew- Ben Hur. The Fair God. Prince of India, 1. Prince of India, II. Warner, C. D.— Being a Boy. Wandering Heir, The—Reade. Ward, Mrs. H— History of David Grieve. Marcella I. Marcella II. Robert Elsmere. Ward of the Golden Gate, A—Harte. Warlock O’Glen warlock—Macdonald. War Trail. The-Reid. Watterson, H.— Oddities of Southern Life. Water Babies—Kingsley. We and Our Neighbors—Stowe. We and the World—Ewing. Wee Ones of Japan, The—Bramhall. We Girls—Whitney. Weighed and Wanting—Macdonald. Westward Ho—Kingsley. Wet Days at Edge wood—Mitchell. Wetherell, Elizabeth— Queechy. The Wide, Wide World. 54 1497 C 4 1502 A 2 2327 B 7 271 D 2 272 D 2 2115 B 6 2521 A 8 2513 A 7 2476 A 6 2683 C 1 2441 A 8 2513 A 7 2534 A 7 925 B 5 240 B 4 276 B 3 275 B 3 282 B 3 281 B 3 279 B 3 280 B 3 283 B 3 287 B 3 274 B 3 286 B 3 278 B 3 284 B 3 285 B 3 277 B 3 2692 C 1 1357 C 2 1389 A 2 1862 A 6 1975 B 6 1973 B 6 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. We Three Boys—Valentine. We Two—Lyall. Wharton, A. H,— A Last Century Maid. What Will He Do With It ?-Butwer. What Will He Do With It ?—Bulwer. Wheatley, L. A.— Grimm’s Fairy Tales. When Greek Meets Greek—Hatton. When Mol ley Was Six—White. When the Woods Are Green—Mitchell. White Chief, The—Reid. White Company, The—Doyle. White, E. 0.- When Molly Was Six. White Islander, The—Catherwood. White Lies—Reade. White Wings—Black. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T„— Bonny boro. Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. The Gay worthy.s. Hitherto. Leslie Goldthwaite. A Little Leaven. Mother Goose for Old Folks. Odd or Even. Other Girls. Patience Strong’s Outings. Real Folks. Sights and Insights I. Sights and Insights II. We Girls. Who Won—Robbins. Wide, Wide World, The—WetherelL Widow Guthrie—Johnson. Wi££ins, Kate Douglas- A Cathedral Courtship. Polly Oliver’s Problem. Story of Patsy. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 26&5 C 1 14 A 4 906 A 4 2543 A 8 603 A 4 231 D 5 589 B 2 2470 A 8 2439 A 8 1455 A 2 2392 A 7 2393 A 7 2391 A 7 2394 A 7 2395 A 7 2396 A 7 594 C 3 592 C 4 610 A 2 586 D 5 2316 B 7 1252 C 5 1978 A 6 1367 C 2 1285 C 5 813 C 3 920 B 5 1982 B 6 2481 B 6 1499 A 2 837 D 2 579 B 2 Wild Huntress, The—Reid. Wilfred Cumbermede—Macdonald. WiI fred Cumbermede — Macdonaid. Wilkins, M. E — An Humble Romance. Willard, Francis E.— Nineteen Beautiful Years. Willy Reilly — Carlton. Winchester, M. E.— Cabin on the Beach. Window in Thrums, A—Barrie. Winning His Way—Coffin. Winning His Way—Coffin. Winnie in Holland—Champney. Winnie in Paris—Champney. Winnie’s Studio—Champney. Winnie at Versailles—Champney. Witch Winnie — Champney. Witch Winnie’s Mastery—Champney. Winslow, M. E. - His Keeper. Wise, Daniel — Summer Days on the Hudson. A Boy’s Workshop. Squire of Walton Hall. Wise Woman, A—Burnham. Without a Home — Roe. Wolf, Emma- Other Things Being Equal. Wolff, Julius— The Robber Count. Woman’s Reason. A—Howells. Woman's Kingdom, The—Mulock. Woman Hater, The—Reade. Wonder Clock, The—Pyle. Wonder Stories — Andersen. Won by Waiting—Lyall. Wonder Book — Hawthorne. Woodbrid^e, A. E.— A Summer in the Rockies. 55 56 2685 C 1 108 B 5 2899 A 8 1980 A 6 2535 A 6 2536 A 6 2520 B 8 2336 A 7 2469 A 8 2452 A 8 2334 A 8 2333 A 8 75 A 2 1753 D 3 40 A 5 233 B 4 1751 B 3 1750 B 3 1747 B 3 1749 B 3 1748 B 3 1399 B 3 2484 A 8 2382 G 6 1208 D 4 1206 D 4 1219 D 4 1207 D 4 1260 C 3 4 D 5 1483 C 4 620 C 2 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. Wood Rangers, The- Reid. W ood stock—Scott. Woodlanders, The—Hardy. Woolson, Constance Fennimore— Horace Chase. Rodman the Keeper. Castle Nowhere. World by the Fireside—Kirby. World’s Fair Book—Jenks. Wright, H. C — Great Scientists. Children’s Stories of American Progress. Children’s Tales in English Literature I. Children's Tales in English Literature- II. Wyss, J. R.— Swiss Family Robinson. Yeast—Kingsley. Yellow Plush Papers—Thackeray. Yolande- Black. Yon£e, Charlotte M.— A Chaplet of Pearls. The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest, The Lances of Lynnwood. The Little Duke. The Prince and the Page. The Slaves of Sabinus. Young Macedonian—Church. Young Mechanics—Lukin. Young Explorers—Alger. Young Adventurers—Alger. Young Outlaw, The—Alger. Young Miners—Alger. Young Mrs. Jardine—Mulock. Zanoni—Bulwer. Zoroaster —Crawford. Zury—Kirkland. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 57 Geography, Description and Travel. 1094 F 4 207 F 2 929 F 3 206 F 2 1391 F 4 1765 F 4 942 F 2 941 F 5 1444 F 3 291 F 3 1774 F 4 618 F 3 2506 F 7 1879 F 2 1419 F 3 1520 F 2 1486 F 4 1421 F 4 1890 F 2 1891 F 2 487 F 2 486 F 4 488 F 3 1420 F 2 1370 F 4 1714 F 4 1099 F 3 36 F 2 37 F 2 1889 F 3 2266 F 7 2277 F 7 1713 F 4 1246 F 3 1706 F 4 1707 F 4 1244 F 3 1245 F 3 973 F 3 974 F 3 Anderson —The Viking's Tale of the North. Baker —Eight Years Wandering in Ceylon *• Ismalia. “ Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. Ballou —Alaska. “ Due South. “ Due West. “ Genius in Sunshine and Shadow. Bazan —Russia. Biancland! —At Home in Italy. Bolles— The Land of the Lingering Snow. Bon ton —Round About to Moscow. Brassey —Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam. Butler— The Land of Veda. Carnegie —American Four-in-Hand in G’t Britain. Coffin— Our New Way Round the World. “ The Seat of Empire. Cozzens— The Marvelous Country. Cummin^ —Two Happy Years in Ceylon. I. Two Happy Years in Ceylon. II. Curtiss —The Howadji in Syria. “ Lotus Eating. “ Nile Notes of a Howadji. Carnegie —Round the World. Carpenter —Round About Rio. Caton —A Summer in Norway. Dalton —The Tiger Prince. Darwin —The Voyage of a Young Naturalist. T. “ The Voyage of a Young Naturalist. II. Deane— European Breezes. Doolittle— Social Life of Chinese. I. “ Social Life of Chinese. II. Drake - Works and Comers of New England Coast. DuChaillu —In the Country of the Dwarfs. “ Land of the Midnight Sun. I. “ Land of the Midnight Sun. II. “ Lost in the Jungle. “ My Apingi Kingdom. “ Stories of the Gorilla Country. “ Wild Life Under the Equator. 58 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1789 A 8 1788 F 3 80 F 4 266 F 2 265 F 3 523 F 3 203 F 2 204 F 3 153 F 3 228 F 4 1485 F 2 482 F 4 2099 F 2 2098 F 2 2100 F 2 1448 F 3 1871 F 3 1204 F 3 2326 F 3 1865 F 3 292 F 4 2338 F 4 2339 F 4 1259 F 3 624 F 4 443 F 4 1040 E 1 600 F 4 1911 F 2 749 F 4 2101 F 2 209 F 4 2234 F 4 1315 F 2 1790 F 3 1708 F 3 1709 F 3 1461 F 3 452 F 2 848 F 4 83 F 2 Edwards— Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers. “ A Thousand Miles Up the Nile. Faithful —Three Visits to America. Field— Egypt and Japan. “ From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. Forbers— A Naturalist’s Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. Frost —Perilous Adventures by Land and Sea. “ Wild Adventures Among All Nations. Froude —Oceana. G i 11 m O re — Prairie and Forest. Griffith —The Mikado's Empire. Hayes— The Land of Desolation. Higginson —Java the Pearl of the East. 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Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 59 852 F 4 1466 F 2 1467 F 2 1468 F 2 834 F 4 1255 F 4 1065 F 4 210 F 2 945 F 2 944 F 3 598 F 2 599 G 5 2229 H 7 1775 H 5 2026 I 6 2023 I 6 2021 T 6 2022 I 6 2017 T 6 2019 I 6 2027 T 6 2024 1 6 2020 T 6 2016 1 6 2025 I 6 2018 I 6 2015 I 6 2014 I 6 1870 H 5 156 f 1 157 IJ 158 T 1 159 I 1 160 I 1 161 I 1 1114 I 2 Taylor, B. —The World on Wheels. Thompson —The Land and the Book. I. “ The Land and the Book. II. “ The Land and the Book. III. Thwaltes —Historic Waterways. Towle —Adventures and Conquests of Magellan. Twain —Life on the Mississippi. Verne— Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea. Warnei —In the Levant. “ Wy Winter on the Levant. Wise —Boy Travelers in Arabia. “ In the Polar Regions. HISTORY. Abbott —Kings and Queens. Allen—Anglo-Saxon Britain. American Commonwealth Series— Oregon. Connecticut. New York. I. New York. IT. Kentucky. Maryland. California. Missouri. Vermont. Ohio. Kansas. Virginia. Indiana. Michigan. Armita^e —Childhood of the English Nation. Bancroft —History of the United States. I. “ History of the United States. IT. “ History of the United States. ITT. “ History of the United States. TV. “ History of the United States. V. “ History of the United States. VI. Barry —History of Massachusetts. 60 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 1805 H 5 467 I 2 1424 H 4 1422 I 5 1423 I 5 1462 H 6 1463 H 6 2246 H 8 489 H 6 490 H 6 491 H 6 492 H 6 493 H 6 494 H 6 455 H 5 2011 H 4 2615 B 8 2002 H 4 1833 H 2 1163 I 5 1454 I 5 471 H 3 460 H 3 1869 H 5 1418 I 2 2003 I 6 2049 H 7 496 H 3 497 H 3 2182 H 3 2183 H 3 317 1 2 897 I 1 1464 H 6 469 I 2 1487 I 5 1488 T 5 1746 I 5 1745 1 5 1309 I 5 1710 H 3 1735 H 3 1736 H 3 Beesley—Queen Elizabeth. Biart—The Aztecs. Bryce—The Holy Roman Empire. “ American Commonwealth. I. “ American Commonwealth. II. Buckley —History of Civilization in England. I. “ History of Civilization in England. II. Buckhardt—Civilization of Renaissance in Italy. Carlyle—Frederick the Great. I. “ Frederick the Great. II. “ Frederick the Great. III. Frederick the Great. IV. “ Frederick the Great. Y, “ Frederick the Great. VI. “ The French Revolution. Church—Pictures from Greek Life and Story. “ Burning of Rome. “ Pictures from Roman Life and Story. ‘ ‘ Story of Early Britain. Clemmer—Ten Years in Washington. Coffin—Freedom Triumphant. Creasey—Fifteen Decisive Battles. “ Fifteen Decisive Battles. Creighton—England a Continental Power. Carnegie —Triumphant Democracy. Carver—Gur Fatherland. Davis—The Rulers of the Mediterranean. Draper—Intellectual Development of Europe. T. “ Intellectual Development of Europe. II. Earle—English Premiers. I. “ English Premiers. II. Eddy—Patriotism of Illinois in the Civil War. Eggleston—History of the United States. Fisher —The Reformation. Fiske—American Political Ideas. “ American Revolution. I. “ American Revolution. IT. “ The Beginning of New England. “ Critical Period of American History. “ War of Independence. Freeman—Chief Periods of European History. “ Historical Essays. I. “ Historical Essays. II. Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. 61 1737 H 3 1738 H 3 1739 H 4 1740 H 4 1491 I 5 1111 i 2 1043 E 3 1044 H 3 1045 H 3 1046 H 3 1809 H 5 2000 H 7 1495 H 5 1288 H 4 1289 H 4 1290 H 4 1291 H 4 1292 H 4 1808 H 5 2004 H 7 2005 H 7 2006 H 7 2007 H 7 2101 H 7 1997 H 7 507 H 4 508 H 4 509 H 4 510 H 4 511 H 4 512 H 4 513 H 4 514 H 4 515 H 4 516 H 4 517 H 4 518 H 4 560 H 8 144 H 5 145 H 5 146 H 5 147 H 5 148 H 5 Freeman—Historical Essays. III. “ Historical Essays. IV. “ Historical Geography of Europe. I. “ Historical Geography of Europe. IT. Femont—Souvenirs of My Time. French—The True Republican. Froude—Short Studies on Great Subjects. I. “ Short Studies on Great Subjects. II. “ Short Studies on Great Subjects. III. “ Short Studies on Great Subjects. IV. Gairdner—Henry VII. 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V. 62 149 H 5 150 H 5 151 H 5 22 F 3 1755 H 3 1756 H 3 2012 I 6 1992 I 6 169 H 6 170 H 6 171 H 6 172 H 6 173 H 6 174 H 6 2483 H 4 55 E 1 1692 H 5 901 I 2 2545 F 7 1363 I 5 1757 H 3 2228 H 7 1511 H 6 1512 H 6 1513 H 6 1514 H 6 1515 H 6 1516 H 6 1517 H 6 1518 H 6 1519 H 6 1995 H 6 1489 H 3 1490 H 3 1115 I 2 1993 H 6 1996 H 7 2109 I 6 17 H 5 18 H 5 19 H 5 20 H 5 21 H 5 Catalogue Warren Free Public Library. Guizot —History of France. VI. “ History of France. VII. “ History of France. VIII. Hale — Seven Spanish Cities. H a 11 e m —The Middle Ages. I. “ The Middle Ages. II. Hart— Formation of the Union. Hi^^inson—History of the United States. Hume —History of England. I. “ History of England. II. “ History of England. III. ^ “ History of England. IV. “ History of England. V. “ History of England. VI. I n^e— Society in Rome Under Csesar. IrvinConquest of Spain. Jervis — Student’s History of France. J oh on not —Ten Great Events. Judson— Growth of the American Nation. 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