V INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATION, CARE, AND REPAIR > OF MAIN PROPELLING MACHINERY SECTION IV DIESEL ENGINES ( Reprint of Section IV, Chapter 7, of the Manual of Engineering Instructions ) NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF ENGINEERING ftif Hi : OCT 3 0 N-'VEfis.ry ot tLLmm WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1924 “Sc PART 1.—GENERAL. 7-800. Due to the high speeds of rotating apd reciprocating ^^etVi^' ^ y parts, high pressures, high temperatures, and complicated fuel, lubricating, and cooling systems inherent in engines working on the Diesel principle, it is absolutely necessary, in order to insure successful operation, that all commissioned and enlisted per¬ sonnel assigned duties in connection with operation and repairs to Diesel engines he thoroughly familiar with the details of the principle of construction, operation, adjustments, and repairs in¬ volved. Due to the limited use of Diesel engines in the naval service at present and to the rapid development now being made in this method of power development, both in the naval service and commercially, the courses at the Naval Academy and at the trade schools for enlisted men must be followed up by careful and constant training and educating of the personnel afloat. 7-801. (1) All commanding and engineer officers of submarines, Instructions to and other commissioned and enlisted personnel having duties in be stud,,>d * connection with operation and maintenance of Diesel engines, be¬ fore being considered qualified for this duty, should first be thoroughly familiar with the following bureau instructions: (a) Descriptive pamphlets and instructions for the care and operation of Diesel engines, prepared by the builders of the en¬ gines and issued to the commanding officers by the Bureau of Engineering. The instructions contained in these pamphlets are to be followed. In case of discrepancy between the general 'instructions and safety precautions given in the Manual of Engi¬ neering Instructions and the descriptive pamphlets mentioned above, the bureau shall be informed, and instructions requested as to which procedure is to be followed. (ft) Bureau orders and circular letters. 70182°—24 7-401 7-402 CHAPTER 7, SECTION IV. Textbooks and (2) In addition to the above, the following subjects should be studied™ 1 * t0 mastered from study of such reference and text books and current periodicals as the department may furnish to libraries of sub¬ marines, tenders, and bases from time to time: (a) Theory of the Diesel cycle. (5) Difference between two and four cycle Diesel engines. (c) Advantages and disadvantages of two and four cycle en¬ gines. ( d) What takes place during each portion of the Diesel cycle, two and four cycle, and reasons therefor. (e) Thorough understanding of how to take and analyze in¬ dicator diagrams on Diesel engines and to locate faults therefrom. (f) Practical calculations for mechanical efficiency, B. H. P., I. H. P., mean effective pressure (indicated and brake), piston speeds, and electric H. P. delivered by a Diesel eugine generator. ( or four cycle —Continued. 6. Overhaul scavenger pump on two-cycle engines. (a) Remove scavenging receiver. ( b ) Remove slide valve and piston or shutter valve. (c) Remove cylinder head. ( d ) Remove pistons and connecting rod. 7. Record condition of all cylinder walls, scores, and abrased surfaces_ (a) Measure and record cylinder diameters. Done. Not Done. Top. Middle. Bottom. Fore and aft-. Athwartship. Any other diameter. 8. Inspect for condition of liner joints, top and bottom 9. Examine, clean, and grind the following valves: (a) Spray. (5) Exhaust. (c) Inlet... ( d ) Air starting. (e) Relief (test relief). if) Indicator cock. ig) Fuel oil by-pass and check. ( h ) Spray air check. (0 First-stage air compressor suction. ( j) First-stage air compressor discharge. (7c) Second-stage air compressor suction. ( l ) Second-stage air compressor discharge. (77i) Third-stage air compressor suction. (n) Third-stage air compressor discharge. (o) Fourth-stage air compressor suction. (p) Fourth-stage air compressor discharge. 10. Remove wrist pin. (а) Examine and take clearances. (б) Examine bushing.: renew. (e) Examine locking device. 11. Examine piston. (a) Measure and record piston diameters Top. Middle. Bottom. Fore and aft. Athwartship. Anv other diameter. 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 . Clean. (c) Remove splash plate and clean out piston head. (d) Examine and clean piston cooling lines and valves.... ( e) Clean and examine piston rings.;renew r . Examine gaskets (cylinder heads).;renew. Examine gears.(idler and camshaft); vertical shaft. Remove fuel measuring pump. (a) Disassemble ana clean. (6) Renew parts asnecessary. (c) Repack. Remove and overhaul governor if necessary. Remove exhaust elbows and renew studs. Remove cylinders.;remove scale and mud from water jackets. (a) Test water jackets to designed pressure. Take out plugs in crankshaft and flush out oil passages with kerosene.. fj JP % DIESEL ENGINES, 7-419 Diesel engines—Two or four cycle —Continued. 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Done. Not Done. Overhaul bearings.. (а) Take loads; adjust if necessary. (б) Tako bridge gauge readings, compare with original for check on alignment of shafting... Bearing. Condition. Clear¬ ance after fitting. Thick¬ ness of shims. Thick¬ ness • of leads. Bridge gauge. Bear¬ ing. Jour¬ nal. _ _ (c) Remove oil pipes. ( d ) Note marks on bearing nuts. (e ) Remove bearing nuts and cap brasses.. Test gauges. Examine and test air cooler.; renew tubes.; retin Examine and test oil cooler.; renew tubes. Examine clutch.; renew necessary parts. (a) Check adjustment of shoes. (&) Measure tooth clearance of jaw type clutches. Examine holding down bolts and coupling bolts. Replace bearing caps and shims. Replace cylinders. Reassemble and replace pistons and connecting rods. Replace gaskets and cylinder heads. Replace valves and cages. Replace rocker arms. Replace piping... Replace scavenger pump. Test all nut keepers, split pins, keys, etc., for tightness. Set valves and take clearances between cams and rollers. (a) Take cylinder compressions (hot). Valve. Opens. Closes. Opens. Closes. Clear¬ ance. 35. Take air compressor axial clearance. (a) First stage. ( b ) Second stage. (c) Third stage. ( d ) Fourth stage. (e) See that top ring overrides top of cylinder. 36. Examine thrust bearing. 37. Examine motor bearings. 38. Examine steady bearings... 39. Examine stern tube bearing. Take clearance in dry dock. 40. Examine brake... 41. Cleanlubrication system and test on assembly to designed pressure_ 42. Overhaulcirculating water pumps. 43. Overhaullubricating oilpumps. 44. Overhaulfuel oilsupply system and sump tanks and test on assembly to designed pressure. 45. Blow out all oil, air, and water piping w r ith steam or air. 46. Clean exhaust pipes, mufflers and connections. 47. Examine and regrind, if necessary, inside and outside exhaust valves. (a) Overhaul pneumatic gear if fitted. , „\l i - . ‘ r>« ’ \ .' .v V.... ; ♦ . . . . : > : ns ' Of •" ■ ,'i . • • it .. . -lit - 1 u u ■ ■ . f > .f®) r ■»]> .... .. ... • ....•••iMiiTWlqiMW . ...i m q • T9' • . n ■•If'";!' ■>£ «» ■•! »j ’ / fe«|«4l'rr!a?i|. i i iJoffitoot iTquio'»■wi*aiK; o«T (• .. •iO'KlO .■ n r// .. . It ■ > if* ucn .ritf ?»> 7 .'.. ...■ . ■ v.*>J • '■ .. _ - viiv 1 «> Wn >«7.1 .!(.<' -&.r ft : i . ► vfdm-i i ft.. ' fit t! ill] qitii'" f> -u;>ju* t•<> •->ij r . y ~ •' .‘ I* : . . ... ... -t . . .ill<:in .i"x|k}4«i‘i ' . J i ■ ' ■ ■ INDEX A. Article. Adjustment of indicators...7-875 Air compressors and coolers, overhaul... 7-863 Air coolers and separators.... 7-866 Air intake and exhaust valves, overhaul.7-859 Air intake ducts....7-869 Air lines, test of..7-810 (l) Air starting valve leaks.....7-864 Atomizers, dirty.. 7-858 ( b ) B. Bearings and pins, clearances_ 7-884 Bilges, inspection of..._ 7-838 Building up load after cold starting.... 7-821 C. Cams and spray valves.7-871 Carbon.. 7-881 Care in cleaning. 7-837 Care of pistons... 7-882 Causes of excessive M. E. P.. 7-825 Circulating water.. 7-827 to 7-829 Cleaning, care in.. 7-837 Cleaning fuel-oil system. 7-870 Clearance of bearings and pins__7-884 Compliance with specifications_ 7-876 to 7-878 Compressions. 7-883 Compressors, draining of. 7-830 relief valves. 7-865 Cooling water.7-810 (i) Critical speeds.. 7-820 Cylinder relief valves... 7-860 D. Danger of cold water in a hot engine..7-828 Descriptive pamphlets.. 7-801 Determination of maximum M. E. P.7-823 Deviation from specifications to be reported to bureau. 7-878 Draining of flasks and compressors.7-830 Ducts, air intake. 7-869 E. Electric motor, starting by... 7-813 Engine exhaust.7-836 Excessive M. E. P., causes.. 7-825 Exhaust from engine.7-836 Exhaust lines, test of...7-868 Exhaust, outboard, inspection of.7-838 F. Failure of circulating water.. 7-829 Familiarity with details_ 7-800 Flasks, draining of__ 7-830 test of. 7-867 Freezing weather, precautions during....7-856 Fuel-oil pump___ 7-810 ( k ) Fuel-oil system, cleaning. 7-870 inspection__7-810 (/) ( g) Fuel pumps and valve timing.7-S61 a. Article. Governors.. 7-862 Guide list, repair.....7-910 I. Indications of overload....... 7-826 Indicator cards in determining M. E. P_7-824 diagrams... 7—874; 7-875 Inspection and lubrication of moving parts.. 7-831 of bilges and outboard exhaust... 7-838 of cams and spray valves...7-871 of intake and,exhaust valves_7-872 of oiling system.... 7-832 of pressure after starting. 7-812 of zincs.7-873 Inspections and tests.. 7-895 before starting.7-810 Instructions regarding care and repair, gen¬ eral. 7-854 to be studied.7-801 Intake and exhaust valves.7-872 J. Jacking of engine... 7-855 (c) L. Laying up of engines temporarily.7-855 Leaks in air starting valves..7-864 Limiting M. E. P. and piston speed.7-822 Lubricating and cooling oil.7-810 (A) Lubrication...7-831 to 7-833 M. Maximum M. E. P., determination of...7-823 Mean effective pressure. 7-823 to 7-826 O. Observations while submerging...7-846 Overhaul of air compressors and coolers_7-863 Overhaul of air intake and exhaust valves_7-859 cylinder relief valves.7-860 spray valves.. 7-858 Overhaul periods.... 7-857 precautions before...7-880 Overload, indications of..7-826 P. Pamphlets, descriptive..7-801 Periods of overhaul.. 7-857 Pistons, care of.. 7-822 Precautions before overhaul.7-880 Precautions in freezing weather. 7-856 Precautions, safety..7-900 Pressure, excessive, prohibited...7-822 inspection of after starting_7-812 Priming fuel lines___7-810 (m) Procedure immediately before starting.7-811 7-421 7-422 INDEX 3 0112 062295586 R. Article. Relief valves, compressor.7-865 cylinder...___7-860 Repair guide list. 7-910 Repairs, compliance with specifications. 7-876, to 7-878 not to accumulate. 7-879 Rocker arm rollers.. 7-835 Routine tests and inspections. 7-895 S. Safety precautions.7-900 Separators.7-866 Specifications, compliance with. 7-876 to 7-878 Speed, excessive, prohibited.7-822 Speeds, critical. _■. 7-820 Spray air...7-810 (j) Spray valves and cams.7-871 overhaul.7-858 Starting and spray air....7-810 (j) Starting by electric motor.7-813 cold, building up load.7-821 Article Starting inspections before.7-811 procedure immediately before.7-81 Stopping the engine.....7-84. Submerging, observations while.7-84i T. I Temperature of air from air cooler.7-83j of circulating water..7-8: of lubricating oil..7-: Test of air lines....7-810 exhaust lines.7-1 flasks.7-86' Tests and inspections.....7-89. : Textbooks and periodicals__7-801 (2 Valves, air intake and exhaust, overhaul.7-85! in cylinder head.7-810 ( b ) (c) (d) (e timing.7-86 Z. Zincs, inspection of. r 7-875 t t i UBR3RT nr On u j 3 0 192 >A ; t UNIVERSITY- OF ILLINOIS ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V