57 319 > NAVPERS 15877 (Rev. 4-57) Oak Street JNCLASSIFIED SEPARATION and REENLISTMENT GUIDE \ THE LIBRARY OF THE JUN 2 0 t?S? UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Bureau of Naval Personnel Navy Department Washington, D.C. April 1957 ZoJt’sy FORWARD Two of the principle administrative steps involving enlisted personnel are reenlistment and separation. Both of these are, at the very least, rather detailed processes and each year thousands of enlisted men and women are so processed. Collectively, this entails thousands of man hours, not only on the part of those being processed, but upon the processors themselves: personnel officers, yeomen, personnelmen, disbursing and medical personnel. Accordingly, any aid that will add to the efficiency of these processes will, in turn, contribute to the efficiency of the Navy. This guide, then, is primarily an aid. It is written as much for the yeoman or personnelman in a ship or at a station as well as for the personnel officer of a major separation activity. This guide does not purport to contain "all the answers," nor does it present in full detail all the variations you may encounter in processing enlisted personnel for separation or reenlistment. It will serve its purpose if it aids you in effecting an efficient separation and reenlistment process¬ ing procedure. i INTRODUCTION As its title states, this publication is a guide - a guide for those engaged in processing enlisted personnel for separation and/or for immediate reenlistment. References to pertinent directives are listed for ready reference. The main terms, as used in this guide, are defined as follows: 1. Separation . This is a broad term and takes in all the means by which an individual may cease to hold the status of a member of the naval service on active duty, except by death or desertion. 2. Discharge . This is one form of separation and it is used to denote a complete separation from the service. The types of discharge are: (l) those with character honorable or under honorable conditions - the Honorable and General Discharges, respectively, which are given by administrative action for one of the following reasons: Expira¬ tion of enlistment, fulfillment of service obligation, convenience of the government, dependency, minority, disability, unsuitability or inaptitude; (2; those of a character other than honorable - the Undesirable, which is issued administratively for reasons of unfit¬ ness or misconduct, and the Bad Conduct Discharge issued as a result of a General or Special Court Martial; and (3) the Dishonorable Discharge which is given only as a result of a General Court Martial. 3. Immediate Reenlistment . Whereby an individual commences a new enlistment the day following the normal expiration of his previous enlistment or the day following discharge within one year prior to normal expiration of enlistment date, for the purpose of immediate reenlistment. This reenlistment will occur at the command to which the individual is attached. 4. Continuous Service Reenlistment . Whereby an individual commences a new enlistment at any time within 3 months from date of last separa¬ tion. While reenlistment under continuous service conditions estab¬ lishes eligibility for certain monetary, rate, and leave benefits, the time between the date of discharge and the date of reenlistment does not count as time served for longevity purposes. Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact that to be eligible for the reenlistment bonus under Section 208 of the Career Compensation Act of 1949, as amended, reenlistment must be effected within 90 days after date of separation. Except in the case of immediate reen¬ listment covered in paragraph 3 above, reenlistments under the fore¬ going conditions are performed at main recruiting stations and certain receiving stations. 5. Broken Service Reenlistment . Whereby an individual commences a new enlistment more than 3 months after separation date. These reen¬ listments are performed at main recruiting stations and at certain receiving stations. 6. Extension of Enlistment . Whereby an individual extends his current enlistment for a certain period of time. The extension becomes operative on the date next following the normal date of expiration of enlistment, or the date of expiration of enlistment as voluntar¬ ily extended or as extended for the purpose of making up time not served, as appropriate. The need for careful and complete processing of enlisted personnel for separation cannot be over-emphasized, particularly in regard to encouraging personnel to reenlist, extend tour of active duty, or to maintain their service connection in the Naval Reserve Program. Also of great importance is the need for thorough civil readjustment counseling in regard to veteran's rights and benefits, the preparation and distribution of records, reports and forms; and the expression of appreciation for services rendered. The major elements constituting the processing of enlisted personnel for separation and/or reenlistment are: 1. Encouragement of personnel to reenlist or, as an alternative, to maintain their service connection in the Naval Reserve Program. 2. Explanation of the monetary compensations and other benefits afforded to personnel who reenlist in the Regular Navy or Naval Reserve. 3. Verification of records and classification processing of each individual. 4. Preparation of service records, orders and certain forms to be provided separatees and reenlistees. 5. Physical examinations. 6. Payment of personnel, closing out pay records, processing claims and arranging shipment of household effects. 7. Explanation of Veteran's Rights and Benefits and Civil Readjustment counseling. 8. Explanation of military obligations under the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, and methods of discharging it under the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended by the Reserve Forces Act of 1955 • ► iii CONTENTS PAGE SECTION I GUIDE FOR SEPARATION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL. 1 Chapter 1 Enlisted Separation Instructions.. 1 2 Service Records and Sample Entries. 7 3 Forms and Orders. 16 4 Disbursing and Household Effects.21 5 Medical Department.23 6 Civil Readjustment. 25 7 Processing Procedures for Separation.27 8 Disposition of Service Records..........29 9 Separation Check-Off List.30 SECTION II GUIDE FOR DISCHARGE AND REENLISTMENT.32 Chapter 1 General Information for Prospective Reenlistees.32 2 Procedures for Immediate Reenlistment. 40 3 Reenlistment Check-Off List. 45 4 Sample Service Record Pages and Entries.47 SECTION III FORMS AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR SEPARATION AND FOR DISCHARGE AND REENLISTMENT.70 SECTION IV INDEX. 72 iv SECTION I GUIDE FOR SEPARATION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL CHAPTER 1 ENLISTED SEPARATION INSTRUCTIONS VERIFICATION OF RECORDS AND INTERVIEW References B-2306 C-10102 C-10401 BPU Review the service record with the individual being separated for completeness of service record entries. Determine that duplicate pages required for mailing to the Bureau of Naval Personnel, or other activities, are not improperly retained in the record; that misfiled pages are discovered and remdVed; and that duplicate papers are removed from the record. If subject of a request for security clearance investigation notify appropriate Naval Intel¬ ligence Office (See OPNAV Form 5520-1 Section C). Return personal documents filed for safekeeping to separatees. CROUP INSTRUCTION During the early stages of separation process covering matters on Reserve obligation, civil-readjustment, affiliation with a Reserve Unit and reenlistment benefits, personnel shall be given indoctri¬ nation as a group through lecture, movie, slides or a combination of all three. Groups should be limited to 20-25 men. PREDISCHARGE INTERVIEW B-2323 C-10103 0-101315(5) BPM BUPERSINST 1001.21 & 1133.3 Series Interview personnel to determine their intentions regarding reen¬ listment. Make every effort to encourage reenlistment of those persons qualified and recommended therefor. Personnel recommended for reenlistment shall be fully informed of matters which are of interest to potential reenlistees, including the advantages of Navy training, promotion, service schools, reenlistment bonus, retirement, dependents medical care, etc. Personnel not recom¬ mended for reenlistment shall be so informed and reasons therefore explained and entered in the service record. Individuals not recommended for reenlistraent are to be warned against fraudulent enlistment. All enlisted personnel being processed for separation will be orally addressed by an officer or competent petty officer with a view toward recruitment of the maximum number of eligible personnel. Personnel separated will be informed of the location of the Navy Recruiting Station nearest their home and of the dead¬ line date for reenlisting under continuous service. DISPOSITION OF CLASSIFIED MATTER BY PERSONS SEPARATED Art 0619, When military personnel are to be separated from active duty, all USN Security classified matter held by them shall be turned in to the source Manual from which received, to their commanding officer, or to the nearest Art 1517, naval command, as appropriate, prior to the delivery of separation Navy Regs orders. Military personnel to be separated from active duty shall submit to their commanding officer a signed statement which contains the following: 1 1. Certification of compliance with above. 2. Certification that they understand that they are not to reveal classified information of which they may have know¬ ledge unless officially directed in writing to do so by competent authority. 3. Certification that they have read and understand appendices B, D, E, F, and H of the United States Navy Security Manual for Classified Matter. These statements shall be made a part of the official records of the individual concerned and shall be executed prior to the delivery of final papers. Security Termination Statement (OPNAV Form 5511-14) must be completed by all individuals prior to delivery of orders for separation. UMT&S ACT OBLIGATIONS C-1402 C-10319 C-30320 HPM BUPERSINST 1001.8 1001.17 & 1910.5 Series BUPERSINST 1430.7 & 1806.3 Series BUPERSINST 1001.6 Series Individuals who acquired a service obligation under the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, shall be instructed orally and in writing with regard to their obligation under this Act, and advised that failure to fulfill their obligations may subject them to trial by court-martial or by Federal court, or to such penalties as may be prescribed by law. When practicable, films on reserve obligations should be shown to separatees. NAVAL RESERVE AFFILIATION Encourage eligible personnel who are being separated and who do not enlist or reenlist in the Regular Navy to enlist or reenlist in the Naval Reserve at the time of their separation. Encourage separatees to join an organized reserve unit and furnish him the address of Naval Reserve Training Center, Electronics Facility, Naval Reserve Air Station, or Naval Air Reserve Training Unit nearest his home. Advise such personnel of the provisions regarding possible advancement in the Naval Reserve of enlisted personnel on inactive duty who have passed service-wide competitive examinations while on active duty. READY AND STANDBY NAVAL RESERVE Notify Naval Reservists of the provisions of the Armed Forces Reserve Act with respect to the Ready and the Standby Reserve. SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION NavFers 15855C BUPERSINST 1910.5 Series Advise all male personnel in writing that if they have not registered with a selective service board and if they were between the ages of IS and 26 on 30 August 1948, or attained the age of 18 since that date they are required to register with a local selective service board within 30 days from the date of separation. In the event that personnel concerned have already registered they must report to their local selective 2 service board within 10 days and inform the board of the fact that they were transferred from the Regular Navy to the Naval Reserve and concurrently released to inactive duty. In addition, all male personnel shall be advised at the time of their separa¬ tion that they must always keep their local selective service board advised of their current address. WEARING OF UNIFORM AFTER SEPARATION C-10303 C-10315 (3 ) BPM Chap 1# Uniform Regs C-10108 (2) BPM 0-5301(6) C-9203 BPM BUPERSINST 1626.8 Series Chap 7 & 8 JTR Inform individuals who are entitled to retain their uniforms after separation that they may, within 3 months after date of separation, wear them from place of separation to their homes. Ihe 3-month period relates to the period between the date of separation and the date of the person's arrival home, and does not permit the wearing of the uniform after arrival home, even though the 3-month period has not expired. Personnel separated under other than honorable conditions will be issued civilian clothing at time of separation and will be informed that they may not at any time wear the Naval uniform. All persons who served honorably in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and/or Coast Guard of the United States during war may, when not in the active military and/or naval service of the United States, upon occasions of ceremony, wear the uniform of the highest grade held by them during their war service. "Occasions of ceremony" are interpreted to mean occasions essentially of a military character at which the uniform is more appropriate than civilian clothing, e.g., memorial service, military funerals, military balls, military parades, and meetings or functions of associations formed for military purposes, the membership of which is composed largely or entirely of honor¬ ably discharged veterans of the services or of Reserve person¬ nel. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HONORABLE SERVICE Insure that the Navy's appreciation for the honorable and faithful service which the separatee has devoted to his country is amply expressed to the separatee by an appropriate and qualified officer. DEPENDENTS TRAVEL AND SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chapters 7 and 8, Joint Travel Regulations, contain instructions and regulations covering entitlement to transportation for dependents and shipment of household goods. Household goods or personal effects must be turned over to a transportation officer or to a carrier for shipment at government expense, within one year from date of discharge, separation from the service, release from active duty, temporary disability retirement or transfer to the Fleet Reserve. Only one shipment of the same lot of house¬ hold goods under identical orders is authorized. The U.S. Navy Travel Instructions and Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual contain implementing instructions covering the procedures to be followed in procuring transportation for dependents and shipment of household goods, or reimbursement therefor. Personnel being separated shall be individually instructed with regard to the submission of claims for transportation of dependents. Each individual shall be informed that separation from the Naval service does not terminate his personal responsibility in con¬ nection with the submission of claims against the Government. 3 Instructions shall be given with special emphasis on the follow¬ ing: 1. Claims for reimbursement for transportation of dependents may not be submitted until the travel has been completed. However, transportation in kind may be furnished depen¬ dents in accordance with paragraph 7002, Joint Travel Regulations. 2. Payment is dependent upon actual performance of travel for the purpose of establishing a residence. Reimbursement is not authorized for pleasure trips, business trips, visits, etc. 3. The claim should correctly reflect the points and dates of the travel performed for which reimbursement is claimed. 4. Reimbursement may be claimed only for bona fide dependents as defined in Chapter 7, Joint Travel Regulations. Each individual shall be advised of the following: 1. That he is fully responsible for completeness and accuracy of all statements of facts contained in the claim. 2. That, notwithstanding advice or assistance he may have received in connection with preparation and submission of the claim, he alone is responsible for information furnish¬ ed therein. 3. That misrepresentations or concealment in any particular material may constitute a serious Federal offense and may be subject to trial by either court-martial or by Federal district court. 4. That the money fraudulently received will be recovered by the Government. 4 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS HARDSHIP OR DEPENDENCY DISCHARGES References C-10308 BPM BUPERSINST 1910.8 Series Administrative details to be accomplished when processing certain male enlisted personnel for separation for reason of hardship or dependency are contained in the above ref¬ erences. SEENAVINST 7220.2 Series C-10105 BPM BUPERSINST 1910.5 Series C-10201 BPM C-10202 C-10203 BPM C-10104 BPM TERMINATION OF ASSIGNMENT OF PUBLIC QUARTERS In cases where members are being separated from the Navy and occupy public quarters at the time of reporting to the separa¬ tion activity, it will be the responsibility of the commanding officer of the separation activity or other activity performing the separation processing to advise the command having cognizance over the public quarters occupied by the member and/or his depen¬ dents that the member is being separated as of a specified date in order that DD Form 114 may be prepared and processed. SEPARATION OF ALIENS In the case of aliens being separated within the United States or its territories or possessions, notify the nearest District Immigration and Naturalization Service Office in sufficient time to permit immigration authorities to take appropriate action prior to the date of separation. SEPARATION OF ENLISTEE PERSONNEL OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES Personnel who are U.S. citizens and who become eligible for separation under honorable conditions while serving outside the United States or its territories or possessions, in other than belligerent countries may, at their own request, be separated at their duty stations. The provisions of Articles C-10201 and C-10204, BuPers Manual shall be complied with prior to effecting separation outside the United States. SEPARATION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS In any case where enlisted personnel are to be separated under other than honorable conditions within the continental United States, local civil police authorities shall be notified in advance of the name, race, sex, and place and date of birth of the persons to be so separated and of the time and the place such separation is to be effected. With certain exceptions listed in the above references, no person will be separated outside the continental limits of the United States under other than honorable conditions without specific approval of the Chief of Naval Personnel. PRE-SEPARATION CEREMONY FOR TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE CR RETIRED LIST Transfer of individuals to the Fleet Reserve or to the retired list shall in all cases where personnel are concurrently released 5 C-10510 3FM BUPERSINST 1850.1 Series BUPERSINST 1910.11 Series BUPERSINST 1910.12 Series BUPERSNOTE 1910 of 9 April 1957 to inactive duty, be preceded by a ceremony designed to express the Navy's appreciation for the many years of faithful and honorable service they have devoted to their country. In the case of personnel who are transferred to another activity for further transfer to the Fleet Reserve or retired list, the pre¬ separation ceremony shall be conducted by the last duty station and not by the activity to which transferred. CLAIMS FOR COMPENSATION, PENSION, OR HOSPITALIZATION FILED WITH VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION Insure that no person shall be separated by reason of physical disability until he has had explained to him his right to file a claim for compensation, pension, or hospitalizatiion (VA Form 8526e). Supply of this form may be obtained from Naval Supply Depot, Scotia, N.Y., or Spokane, Wash. It should also be ex¬ plained to each individual that any hospitalization or benefits which may be required or desired from the Veteran's Administra¬ tion at a later date are generally contingent upon the filing of such a claim. A delay in filing a claim may result in the eventual loss of monetary benefits or deprivation of hospital¬ ization at a critical time. EARLY SEPARATION OF CERTAIN ENLISTED PERSONNEL Certain enlisted personnel may be released in advance of expira¬ tion of active obligated service datesJ Persons with GCT of less than 36 who are not petty officer potential. Persons commencing or resuming college education. Persons entering the Navy through the Selective Service System during November or December 1955. / o CHAPTER 2 SERVICE RECORDS AND SAMPLE ENTRIES References B-2313 B-2314 bpm B -2317 bpm B-2318 C-6402 BPM BUSANDAINST 7220.4 & SECNAVINST 1626.4 Series B-2319 C-7821 c-10407 BPM BUPERSINST 1616.4 Series ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION RECORD (PAGE 3) AND NAVY OCCUPATION AND TRAINING HISTORY (PAGE U) The original Enlisted Classification Record and the Navy Occu¬ pation and Training History pages will be removed from the service record of the individual discharged and securely stapled to the discharge certificate. Advise individual that these documents must be retained by him and presented with his dis¬ charge certificate should he desire to reenlist. These pages will be retained in the service records in the cases of Regular Navy personnel transferred to the Naval Reserve and concurrently released to inactive duty. Naval Reservists released to inactive duty and members transferred to the Fleet Reserve or retired lists, including Temporary Disability Retired List. INDIVIDUAL ORDER TO ADJUST PAY ACCOUNT (PAGE 7) Prepare order as necessary, to adjust pay record of the individ¬ ual. Common errors found in records include periods of leave charged upon the leave record for which no page 7 had been executed, changes in rate, and changes in service for pay purposes. LEAVE RECORD (PAGE 8) Check leave record to insure all leave entries and time not served have been made and close out the leave record. Check standard transfer orders and leave papers filed in record against page 8 entries to determine if all leave and periods of delay enroute to count as leave have been properly entered. The leave record should have been verified approximately six months prior to the individual's scheduled separation date and checked with the leave ration data available in the disbursing office. If it is ascer¬ tained that such leave verification had not been made the command¬ ing officer should insure that appropriate leave verification is accomplished prior to individual's separation. If it is discovered that an entry had not been made for a period of leave taken during the current period of active service, such corrective action as is necessary shall be made in the leave record. Where such action results in excess leave, and where the member did not subsequently drop leave over 60 days on any succeeding 30 June, appropriate checkage of pay and allowances at the rates applicable when such excess leave occurred shall be made. ENLISTED PERFORMANCE RECORD (PAGE 9) Check to insure that all required performance evaluations have been entered and close out page 9 by entering date of separation and periodic evaluations assigned as of that date and compute final trait averages in each category and overall trait average to determine character of separation, eligibility for recommenda¬ tion for reenlistment, and good conduct medal. To receive an Honorable Discharge, the individual must have a minimum final average of 3.0 and an average in any trait of not 7 B-2321 BPM B-2323 C-10103 BPM BUPERSINST 10150.1 Series less than 2.6; plus no conviction by general court-martial or more than one conviction by special court-martial. For the first enlistment only, provided an average of 3.0 in military behavior is maintained for the last 24 months of active duty, disregard the provision relative to court-martial convictions. In the event an individual does not meet these requirements and the commanding officer considers that the person should receive an honorable discharge, a recommendation in the premises may be submitted to the Chief of Naval Personnel. To be eligible for reenlistment, the following minimum standards must be met: First Reenlistment . A minimum final average of 2.6 and a minimum average of 3.0 in military behavior for the last 12 months of active duty. Second and Subsequent Reenlistments . The individual must be eligible for an Honorable Discharge. If an individual does not meet the requirements for reenlistment and the commanding officer considers that the person should be permitted to reenlist, a recommendation in the premises may be submitted to the Chief of Naval Personnel. Likewise, if an individual meets these requirements and the commanding officer does not recommend reenlistment, the reasons must be set forth on page 13 of the service record. In computing the average of an individual's marks who has received marks under the Quarterly Marks System and the Perform¬ ance Evaluation System, the computation shown in Article C-7S2l(ll) will be followed. Enter final overall trait average on pages 9 and 14. Forward page 9 with the service record when it is closed out. RECORD OF NAVAL RESERVE SERVICE (PAGE 11) Complete as necessary for reservists being released from contin¬ uous active duty. ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS (PAGE 13) Make appropriate entries: 1. Statement as to intentions regarding reenlistment on board, and commanding officer's recommendation for reenlistment. Reasons individuals not recommended for reenlistment shall be entered in the service record and individuals shall sign statement indicating that they have been so informed. 2 . In the case of reservists being released to inactive duty an entry shall be made that the individual has been interviewed and expressed desire not to extend period of active duty. 3. For transfer to the Fleet Reserve or the retired list and release to inactive duty. 4. Repossession of Government owned blankets and pillows. Personnel who were enlisted or who were called into active 8 BUPERSINST 1001.8 & 1001.17 Series BUPERSINST 1140.1 Series B-2324 C-10407( 2 ) C-13408 BPM BUPERSINST 1910.5 Series service on or after 1 July 1952 were issued two (2) blankets and one (l) pillow, property of the U.S. Government. 5. Record of transfer of Naval Reserve service record and health record to district commandant. Enter in the appropriate blocks on page 13 the date of transfer, activity to which trans¬ ferred, the individual’s rate, primary enlisted classification code number, secondary or special program classification code number (if assigned), and the name, rank and official title of the officer signing. When the service record is transferred without the physical presence of the individual, the entry shall indicate that the record only was transferred. 6 . Home address of Naval Reserves released to inactive duty. 7. In the event the contractual enlistment of a reservist who incurred an 8 -year obligation upon initial enlistment in the U.S. Naval Reserve expires at the same time as his tour of active duty make entry regarding retention in the Naval Reserve beyond the period for which enlisted to complete the service obligation acquired under the Uhiversal Military Training and Service Act, as amended. Obtain signature of reservist under the entry that he understands the foregoing obligation. The service record of these personnel will not be closed out for discharge. 8 . Make an entry to the effect that the Notification of Home Address at Time of Latest &itry Into Active Service (DD 53 N) has been submitted. RECORD OF DISCHARGE. RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY OR DEATH (PAGE 14) This page is designed to include on one page all the information required by the Navy for record purposes in separating an indi¬ vidual for any reason. It is also used as an order to the disbursing officer to make all necessary credits and payments and to close out the pay record. In addition to entries required by Article B-2324, BuPers Manual, make entry under remarks in cases of Regular Navy personnel who have a UMTfeS Act obligation remaining at time of separation, to indicate transfer to Naval Reserve, change of rate, and obligated service, in accordance with current BUPERSINST 1910.5 Series. Particular attention is invited to entries under Disposition and Miscellaneous Data in cases of personnel transferred to Fleet Reserve. Common errors are failure to enter date and place of transfer, date of release, class to which transferred and home address. In cases of personnel transferred to Temporary Dis¬ ability Retired List enter date immediately preceding date of retirement under "Disposition Data". Check block "Released From Active Duty"; under "Remarks" enter: 1. Transferred to retired list for temporary physical dis¬ ability (Chapter 61, Title 10, U.S. Code). 2. Date and place of transfer. 3. Date of release from duty. 4. Percentage of disability. 9 B-2325 C-10507 BUPSRSINST 1900.2 Series BUPERSINST 1850.1 Series 5 . Number of years active service completed for percentage multiple. 6 . Method elected for retirement pay. 7. Home address. In those cases of reservists being released from active duty and those 6 - and 8 -year obligors being transferred to the Naval Reserve and concurrently being released to inactive duty, check block "Released From Active Duty" under the section headed "Disposition Data". ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES REPORT OF TRANSFER OR DISCHARGE (DP 214) This form is completed on the basis of information obtained through interview with the individual, on personal items, and from information contained in the service record, health record and pay account. This form is designed to provide the individual with documentary evidence of active military service, and to furnish a vital record of interested Government agencies which assist the individual in obtaining the rights and benefits which may accrue to him as the result of such active service. The following items will be entered in Item 32: 1. Mustering-Out Payment . Enter the amount of MOP to which the individual is entitled and the amount of MOP paid at the time of release, transfer or discharge. If for any reason the initial payment of MOP is not made, enter such fact and the reason for non-payment; e.g., "Naval Reservist discharged, immediately reenlisted in the Naval Reserve, and retained on active duty. Not entitled to MOP." The term "mentally incompetent" will NOT be used in this respect. 2 . Discharge for Physical Disability . Ehter the appropriate one of the following statements: a. "Paid ^(amount) disability severance pay," or b. "Severance pay NOT authorized." The appropriate one of the following statements: a. " (Name) has executed a claim for compensation, pension, or hospitalization to be filed with the Veterans Administration," or b. "The right to file a claim with the Veterans Admin¬ istration for compensation, pension, or hospitalization has been explained to (Name) and he/she has signed a statement that he/she does not desire to submit such a claim at this time," or c. "Disability severance pay authorized in amount of $(amount) but not paid." 10 Members of Reserve components entitled to a lump-sum readjust¬ ment payment may also be eligible for disability compensation from the Veterans' Administration. In these cases, only one of the following entries will be made: a. "Elected lump-sum readjustment pay." b. "Deferred election of lump-sum readjustment pay." c. "Elected disability compensation." When the member being released has completed 6 months active duty training under section 262 of the Reserve Forces Act of 1955* a rubber stamp 3/4" high and not over 7" long will be used with red ink to make the following entry: "RFA '55 6 MO A/D TNG" 3. Reenlistment Information . The following remarks will be entered as appropriate: a. "Reenlisted in the U.S, Navy/Naval Reserve (date) (place) b. "Is undecided about reenlistment." c. "RECOMMENDED FOR REENLISTMENT." This entry in capital letters will be made in the case of enlisted personnel who are recommended for reenlistment but who do not reenlist on board the date immediately following the date of discharge or transfer. No entry will be made in the case of personnel who are not recommended for reenlistment. The absence of the entry will be regarded as evidence that the individual was not recommended for reenlistment. 4. Miscellaneous Information . The following entries will be made when appropriate: a. "Extended enlistment for (term) on (date)." This form of entry will be used when it is necessary to explain item 19b because of an extension of enlistment. b. "Accepted regular commission/warrant (date)." c. "Effective date of temporary/permanent retirement: (date)." d. "Good Conduct Medal period commences (date)." e. "NOT AVAILABLE FOR SIGNATURE" Detailed instructions on how to fill in each item and the distribution of DD Form 214 are contained in BUPERSINST 1900.2 Series. 11 SAMPLE ENTRIES TOR ADMINISTRATIVE R E MARKS (Page 15) Interview and Recommendat i on as to Reenllstment 1 Mar 57: DOE was interviewed this date In accordance with Article C-10103, BuPers Manual and the advantages of immediate reenllstment were explained to him. DOE states that he does not intend to reenlist on hoard. IS RECQMIUJNDED FOR REENLISTMENT. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer Not Recommended for Reenlistment 1 Mar 57: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR REENLISTMENT due to low average of evaluation marks in professional performance. DOE has been informed that he is not recommended for reenlistment for this reason. REENLISTMENT 2-JAY NOT BE EFFECTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer Certificate by Informed 1 Mar 57: I understand that I have not been recommended for reenlistment by my commanding officer and the reasons therefor. JOHN JAMES DOE WITNESSED: W.T. HATCH, ODR, USN, Executive Officer Extension of Tour of Active Duty 1 Mar 57: DOE was interviewed this date regarding extension of tour of active duty and expressed his desires not to extend hie period of active obligated service. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer Involuntary Extension to Make Up Time Lost 1 Mar 57: Enlistment, active obligated service, service obligation (as appropriate) extended for a period of two (2) days this date to make up for time lost due to (sickness misconduct, unauthorized absence, confinement, NPDI) on 25 and 26 February 1957. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer 12 NOTE: An enlisted member of the Navy or of a Reserve component thereof who is absent from duty, or or after 24 July 1956, due to: (l) Unauthorized absence, including desertion; (2) Confinement by military or civil authority while awaiting trial and disposition of his case and whose con¬ viction has become final; ( 3 ) Confinement under a sentence by court-martial or civil court which has become final; or (4) Sickness misconduct, is liable after his return to full duty to serve for a period which when added to the period served before his absence from duty amounts to the term for which enlisted or inducted. The "term for which enlisted or inducted" includes the additional service obligations acquired under section 4(d), Universal Military Training and Service Act, upon enlistment or induction. Enlisted members of the Navy and Reserve components thereof who due to sickness misconduct lost time from their enlist¬ ment, period of induction, or service obligation, or who on or after 24 July 1956 lost such time due to any of the causes listed above shall be required to make up lost time before being separated. The requirement to make up lost time is not applicable to Fleet reservists, retired personnel, to those about to be transferred to such status, or to members who are to be separated for reasons other than expiration of enlistment or completion of period of induction, of service obligations under section 4(d), or of obligated active service. Voluntary Extension to Make Up Unauthorized Absence 1 Mar 57s Retained on active service for a period of six (6) days beyond normal date of expiration of enlistment in accordance with own request to make up time lost due to unauthorized absence and NPDI. Approved request filed in correspondence section of service record. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer NOTE: Only applicable to time lost by reason of unauthorized absence or confinement prior to 24 July 1956. After the expiration of enlistment date has been adjusted to include lost time the member may be discharged when within three ( 3 ) months without loss of benefits. Not Physically Qualified/Retained for Treatment 1 Mar 57! Failed to meet the physical qualifications for separaration, transferred to USNH, Anywhere, USA for further examination and disposition. AUTH: Article C-10412, BuPers Manual. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer, By direction of the Commanding Officer 427669 0 -57 -2 13 1 Mar 57: Held beyond normal date of expiration of enlistment in order to receive medical treatment for injury received in line of duty. AUTH: Article C-10304(3), BuFers Manual. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer 3y direction of the Commanding Officer 1 Mar 57: I consent to be retained in the Naval Service beyond normal date of expiration of enlistment in order to receive medical treatment. JOHN JAMES DOE WITNESSED: W.T. HATCH, CDR, USN, Executive Officer Release from Active Duty 1 Mar 57: Released from active duty this date. Reserve service record forwarded to Commandant, FIRST Naval District. Permanent address for mailing purposes after release: 29 Mason Drive, Boston, Mass. Reserve Obligation 1 Mar 57: Transferred to U.S. Naval Reserve in accordance with Section 4(d)(3), Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, and concurrently released to inactive duty. Branch and Class of Service changed to _. Rating changed from _ to _. Obligated to serve in the U.S. Naval Reserve until _, unless sooner discharged by competent authority. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer I understand the foregoing obligation: JOHN JAMES DOE WITNESSED: W.T. HATCH, CDR, USN, Executive Officer Transfer to Fleet Reserve 1 Mar 57: Transferred this date to Fleet Reserve, Class F-6 and released to inactive duty/retained on active duty. Fleet Reserve service record forwarded to Commandant, FIFTH Naval District/ retained on board. Permanent address for mailing purposes after release: 107 Shipley Avenue, Norfolk 99, Virginia. 14 Placed on Retired List 1 Mar 57: Placed on the retired list of the U.S. Navy from the Fleet Reserve this date. AUTH: BuPers ltr Pers-BOOO-abc-1 of 28 February 1957. Home address on retirement: 69 Queen Street, Baltimore 13, Maryland. A.B. SEE, CDR, USN Enlisted Records Officer By direction of CoraFIVE Separation Outside U.S./Waiver of Transportation to U.S. 1 Mar 57/ In consideration of being separated at my own request outside the continental limits of the U.S., I hereby voluntarily waive all claim to transportation to the U.S., and to all consular aid with respect thereto. WITNESSED: W.T. HATCH, JOHN JAMES DOE CDR, USN, Executive Officer Delivery of ID Card. Liberty Card & Other Passes 1 Mar 57: ID Card, No. 000000, liberty card, mess pass, and Geneva Convention Card and any other cards or passes that may be used to gain benefits or privileges to which member is not entitled after separation obtained from DOE or his service record and destroyed this date. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer Government Property 1 Mar 57: ( number ) blankets, ( number ) pillow(s). Government Property, issued to DOE upon entry into active service, returned this date. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer Submission of DP 53(N) 1 Mar 57: Notification of Home Address at Time of Latest Entry Into Active Service (DD 53(H)) submitted this date. AUTH: BUPERSINST 1140.1A. CHARLEY FOX, LCDR, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer 15 CHAPTER 3 References C-9205 C-10506 BPM C-10503 BPM C-10508 BPM C-10509 BPM FORMS AND ORDERS MUSTERING-OUT PAYMENT Form NavSandA 550 shall be prepared at the time of separation and delivered together with the discharge certificate or the original copy of separation orders to the disbursing officer carrying the pay record for the purpose of authorizing mustering-out payment in the cases of personnel entitled thereto. Instructions regarding personnel eligible to receive benefits of Mustering-Out Payment Act of 1944, as amended, and Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 and amounts payable under each act are provided for in Article C-9205, BuPers Manual. Detailed instructions governing payment of mustering-out pay are given in Volume 4, Navy Comptroller Manual. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. FORM DP 217N Ihis certificate shall be prepared and issued to all personnel separated under honorable conditions on and after 1 January 1950. Ihis form shall not be issued, however, in the cases of any such personnel who are found to be physically disqualified for active duty upon first reporting therefor. This form shall also be issued to enlisted personnel discharged while on active duty for the purpose of immediately enlisting, reenlisting, or accepting appointments to warrant or commissioned status for continued active duty. The primary purpose of this form is to provide personnel, who have served honorably on active duty in the Armed Forces, with a wallet-size certificate as evidence of such service. The secondary purpose is for identification. NOTICE TO PREVIOUS EMPLOYER. FORM NAVPER5 143 This form shall be prepared and forwarded at the time of separation in the cases of all personnel separated under honorable conditions, provided the person concerned desires to give notice of his separa¬ tion to the employer for whom he was working at the time of his entry into active service. Ihe purpose of this form is to alert employers of the separation of former employees, who, by law, may be entitled to reemployment rights. Not required for personnel who immediately reenlist. NOTIFICATION OF DISCHARGE. FORM NAVPERS 599 This form shall be prepared at time of separation in case of Regular Navy enlisted personnel, including those transferred to U.S. Naval Reserve and released to inactive duty, who are recommended for reen¬ listment and shall be forwarded to the Main Navy Recruiting Station nearest the address given by the person as his permanent address for mailing purposes. Ihis form shall not be filled out in the case of enlisted personnel who have indicated their intention to reenlist on board the day following the date of discharge. Particular emphasis shall be placed on preparation of the card to insure completeness and accuracy of information contained thereon. 16 DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE C-10301 C-10302 C-10303 c -10504 bpm C-13408 BPM B-2103 H-2205 BPM BUPERSINST 1085.5 Series B-2106 BPM Complete discharge certificate as appropriate. The type and character of discharge issued shall be in accordance with those given in Article C-10303, RiPers Manual, Table of Matters Relating to Discharges. On the reverse side of the discharge certificate forms, abreast the entry "authority for discharge" the applicable Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual article including manual change number, if any, and the ftireau letter or other authority for effecting the discharge, shall be entered. Descriptive words such as "physical or mental disability," "inaptitude," "unsuitability," "unfitness," "desertion without trial," etc., shall not be entered on a discharge certificate. No entry referencing classified correspondence as authority for discharge shall be made on the dis¬ charge certificate. Instructions governing entries regarding recommendation for reenlistment, acting and permanent appointments, commendations, etc., are contained in Article C-10504, BuPers Manual. No discharge certificate will be issued to Regular Navy personnel transferred to the U.S. Naval Reserve and released to inactive duty. FLEET RESERVE CERTIFICATE The Fleet Reserve Certificate, Form NavPers 632, shall be completed and presented to the individual. Appropriate entries as to the ratings held, special duties for which qualified, etc., may be obtained by interview or from the service record. IDENTIFICATION CARD Complete Armed Forces Identification Card (DD Form 2N (inactive)) without photograph for individuals being released to inactive duty. In lieu of photograph, additional descriptive data, such as sex, scars, etc., shall be included in the space provided for the photo¬ graph. Lamination of the DD Form 2N (inactive) is not required. Retired personnel of the Regular components (including members on Regular Temporary Disability Retired List) will be provided with the active-duty identification card, suitably marked with the word "RETIRED" typed in the space carrying the grade on the front and across the warning on the back of the card. Fleet Reserve person¬ nel will be provided with the active-duty identification card, marked with the official abbreviation "USNFR" on the grade and warning spaces. Upon retirement, these personnel will be provided with the active-duty identification card marked "RETIRED". Retired personnel of the Reserve components (including members on Reserve Temporary Disability Retired List) will be provided with inactive- duty identification cards with retired status similarly indicated as stated above. Make appropriate entry on page 14 regarding destruction of Armed Forces Identification Card (DD Form 2N (Active)) and the serial number of card so destroyed. NAVAL RESERVE BUTTON Issue buttons indicating membership in Naval Reserve to persons who have not previously been issued a button. These buttons may be worn by inactive Naval Reservists on civilian clothes only. 17 B-2107 BPM B-2108 BPM C-10107 C-10403 C-5403A BPM BUPERSINST 1910.5 Series HONORABLE SERVICE LAPEL BUTTONS AND PINS Honorable Service Lapel Buttons (pins for women) shall be issued to personnel who honorably served on active duty for any con¬ tinuous period between 9 September 1939 and 31 December 1946, inclusive. Personnel now serving on active duty who have been issued the World War II Victory Medal or the American Defense Service Medal are automatically eligible to receive the button. Personnel who initially entered on active duty on or after 1 January 1947 are not eligible to receive the button. Ascertain by interview and service record to determine whether lapel button or pin, as appropriate, was previously issued. If not previously issued, the separatee will be eligible to receive lapel button or pin. Make appropriate entry on page 14 in all cases where this button or pin is issued. HONORABLE DISCHARGE BUTTON Issue Honorable Discharge Button, Regular Navy Design or Naval Reserve Design, as appropriate, to those entitled to honorable discharge certificate, DD Form 256 N. Make appropriate entry on page 14 in all cases where this button is issued. CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARD Complete "Notice of Change of Address Card," NavPers 693* STANDARD TRANSFER ORDERS AND ORDERS FOR RELEASE TO INACTIVE DUTY Regular Navy personnel and Naval Reservists who are to be dis¬ charged (as distinguished from release to inactive duty) who would not normally be provided with release to inactive duty orders, shall be furnished Standard Transfer Orders completed in accordance with current instructions modified as follows: 1. Blocks 7, 3, 9, 10 and 11 (in spaces provided for name, service number, rate and Navy job code, class and records, following separatees' name) - across these blocks on line 2 type the following entry: "Your home of record upon entry on active duty was ( enter home of record at time of entry into current period of active service as indicated in service record )'" (See Art. B-2304). "You were accepted for enlistment at (or ordered to active duty from) (city and state)." 2. Ultimate destination: Enter the words "Home of Record" only. 3. Nature of duty: Enter the word "Separation." The information contained in 1 , 2 and 3 above shall be included in the orders of Naval Reservists released to inactive duty including Regular Navy personnel transferred to the Naval Reserve and released to inactive duty. Personnel entitled to transportation of dependents and/or household goods at Government expense shall be provided with individual orders in each case and with a sufficient number of certified copies of orders. 18 MORTGAGE INSURANCE. CERTIFICATE OF TERMINATION (DP FORM 803) SBCNAVINST 17a. 4 Series Issuance of a ’’Certificate of Termination," (DD Form 803) shall be accomplished when necessary to preclude the possibility of the Department of the Navy continuing to pay the Mortgage Insurance premiums on an FHA insured loan after personnel are separated. Termination will be effected by completing an original and six copies of DD Form 803 for distribution as directed in SBCNAVINST 1741.4 Series. INDIVIDUAL STATEMENT OF INFORMATION A form for use in preparing an individual statement of informa¬ tion is appended to Chapter 3- This form shall be completed and delivered to members who are separated under honorable conditions. 19 INDIVIDUAL STATEMENT OF INFORMATION Name_ The below information is furnished for your convenience. 1. Address of Naval Activities nearest your home address: a. Commandant, _Naval District, _, _. city state b. Officer in Charge, U.S. Navy Recruiting Station, _, _. city state c. Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Reserve Training Center, _, _. city state 2. Under the provisions of Section 4(d)( ), Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, you are obligated to serve in the U.S. Naval Reserve until _, unless sooner discharged by competent authority. (X out the above paragraph if the individual has no UMT&S obligation.) 3. If you were between the ages of IS and 26 on 30 August 1948, or attained the age of 18 since that date, you are required to register with your local selective service board within 30 days from date of separation. In the event you have registered you must report to your local selective service board within 10 days. 4. If you are being discharged instead of transferred to the U.S. Naval Reserve or unless you are already a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve, you are encouraged to enlist in the Naval Reserve, provided you have been recommended for reenlist¬ ment and are otherwise eligible. 5. You are encouraged to enroll and accept assignment to serve in a Naval Reserve unit. Information on enrollment in a Naval Reserve unit may be obtained from Commanding Officer of the Reserve Training Unit in your area or the Com¬ mandant of your Naval District. 6. You are entitled to retain your uniforms after separation and you may, within three (3) months after date of separation, wear the uniform from place of separation to your home. The three (3) months period relates to the period between the date of separation and the date of your arrival home, and does not permit the wearing of the uniform after arrival home, even though the three (3) months period has not expired. 7. Claims for dependents travel, if any, should be forwarded to the Chief of Naval Personnel, attn: Enlisted Service and Records Division, Navy Department, Washington 25, D.C. 8. Detailed information concerning your rights and benefits are contained in the pamphlet "Going Back to Civilian Life." This pamphlet should be read carefully and retained in your possession as a valuable source of information. 9. Your deadline date for reenlisting under continuous service is _. The last date that you may reenlist in order to receive reenlistment bonus under Section 208, Career Compensation Act, as amended, is _. 10. Reenlistment leave may be granted regardless of date of separation. Signature of Commanding Officer 20 CHAPTER 4 DISBURSING References NAVCOMPMAN 044443-3 044181 044165 044167 044170 044173-2 044371-2 044070-4 Item 3 of CD Form 113 (pay record) - enter notation "Discharged", type of discharge, and the date of discharge. In item 4 enter mileage allowance (date) place of discharge to home of record at time of current enlistment or place of acceptance of enlistment whichever member elects stated on the Record of Discharge, Release from Active Duty, or Death (page 14). Page 14 will be endorsed showing amount of mileage allowance paid, amount due upon discharge and amount of discharge gratuity paid when appli¬ cable and for entitlement to MOP. Receive SandA Form 550 (Mustering-Out Payment) from Personnel Officer stating entitlement to MOP. Check service record for service outside continental limits of the United States. Ihe SandA Form 550 will be endorsed showing PV number, check numbers, date payment was made and name and symbol number of the disbursing officer making payment. Mien a member is entitled to a mustering out payment of more than $100, the additional increment checks will be prepared at the same time as the initial increment check and will be expended on the same Standard Forms 1034 and 1035 with the initial payment. When prepared, the second and third incre¬ ment checks will be filed with the original SandA Form 550 in the suspense file for mailing one and two months, respectively, after payment of the initial increment. Information placed on the SandA Form 550 should be placed also on the original DD214. A notation of the total amount of the MOP to which a member is entitled and the number and the date of the public voucher covering the payment should be entered in item 40 of the pay record. Check leave record (page 8) with Individual Order to Adjust Pay Account (page 7) and all leave papers and original orders in service record to agree with entitlement to the elected lump sum leave figure on page 14. Amount of leave taken by member during current enlistment will be compared with leave entry of member's pay record (item 17). Prepare SandA Form 545 to stop all existing allotments. Stop the member's allotments with the last payment the MONTH IN WHICH THE SEPARATION PROCESSING IS COMPLETED; however, if a sufficient amount is not available to cover allotment deductions for the month in which separation processing is completed, allotments will be stopped with last payment the preceding month. Bond-a-quarter allotments will be stopped with the last month of the quarter in which separa¬ tion processing is completed if, after all other allotments have been charged, a sufficient amount is available to cover bond allot¬ ment charges. If sufficient funds are not available, bond-a-quarter allotments will be stopped with the last month of the preceding quarter. Adjust withholding tax in accordance with the provisions of the Comptroller Manual. Any previous bonus paid to member will be recouped on a pro-rata basis for the portion of unexpired enlistment or time lost during 21 044167 044167 such enlistment as described in NavCompt Manual, Para 044070-4(b). DD 114 will be endorsed showing amount of reenlistment bonus that was recouped and copy will be presented to member with original endorsement signed by the Disbursing Officer to file with income tax returns. Refund not required on enlistments entered into prior to 26 October 1951. CLOSE PAY RECORD Figure all taxable pay items and make up a Form W-2. DD Form 214 will be endorsed showing activity, insurance data, amount of mileage allowance paid, amount paid upon discharge, entitled (amount of MOP) paid $100.00 on PV_(date), and Disbursing Officer's signature and symbol number. Endorse back of Pay Record MOP Payment, PV No.__ and date. Home address and allotment stoppage data. Make up Standard Form No. 1034 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal) for the MOP Payment. DD Form 141 (Pay record index card) will show member's permanent mailing address after discharge and date of discharge. DD Form 766 (Voucher for Reimbursement for Travel) Dependents of military personnel, and instructions for submitting claim for the transportation of dependents will be furnished to the member. Make up pay receipt or check for the amount due at discharge. SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Application for Transportation of Household Goods (Standard Form 116) should be completed in accordance with instructions thereon, signed by the owner and forwarded to the designated shipping activity, nearest the location of the goods. (See BuSandA Manual, Para 29003-llb(l) for list of designated shipping activities.) Members shall be issued sufficient certified copies of orders to substantiate shipment prior to actual separation date. Members shall be instructed as to maximum weight allowances and informed of the possibility of charges which may be assessed if these totals are exceeded. Household goods or personal effects must be turned over to a transportation officer or to a carrier for shipment at government expense, within one year from date of discharge, separation from the service, release from active duty, temporary disability retirement or transfer to the Fleet Reserve. Only one shipment of the same lot of household goods under identical orders is authorized. Furnish member copy of NavSandA Publication 260, entitled "House¬ hold Goods Shipment Information". 22 CHAPTER 5 References Art 15-48 MUD Art 15-90 MUD Sec III, Chap 16, MMD & BUMEDINST 6150.7 Series Art 23-6 MMD Art 23-134 MMD BUMEDINST 6120.6 Series BUMEDINST 6120.9 Series MEDICAL DEPARTMENT GENERAL Except for members discharged or retired for physical disability it is mandatory that every individual otherwise separated from active service be given a thorough physical examination by a medical officer prior to separation. It is mandatory that all members be given a dental examination by a dental officer prior to separation. Aside from the fact that such examinations are to insure that an individual is not released from service with an infectious disease or otherwise in need of medical care, the discharge examination is required for future protection of the member's interests as well as the interests of the government. In this connection there are certain benefits provided by the government for ex-service personnel and their beneficiaries. For example, under laws administered by the Veterans' Admin¬ istration a veteran may be eligible for disability compensation on the basis of disability incurred while on active duty. Eligibility for such compensation usually depends upon entries contained in the individual's naval medical records. Dental treatment furnished by the Veterans' Administration is often based on the verification and accuracy of service dental records, particularly the dental examination just prior to separation. Thus it is important that the report of physical examination for discharge be carefully and accurately prepared. Contains the basic provisions pertaining to the discharge physical examination, type, procedure and disposition of records. Contains the requirement that chest x-rays shall be made at the time of discharge or release from active duty. Concerns the preparation and disposition of the health record upon discharge. Requires submission of Receipt, Transfer and Status Card in case of Hospital Corps personnel being discharged or released from active duty. Requires submission of a Separation Epidemiological Report in cases of personnel separated with a history of syphilis vdthin one year of separation. Elaborates upon certain provisions of Article 15-48 MMD with respect to disabilities discovered or alleged upon examination for discharge and requires that the member being examined for discharge be advised regarding benefits provided by title IV, Career Compensation Act of 1949. Requires the chest x-ray and other laboratory tests be completed and interpreted prior to discharge. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Arrangements shall be made to have the individual being discharged examined by a medical officer in time to insure that all tests can be made and interpreted prior to actual discharge. REPORTING Standard Form 88 shall be prepared and submitted on every person examined for discharge. In addition, all defects noted at the time of discharge shall be recorded in the health record (SF-bOO). DISPOSITION OF HEALTH RECORD 1. Upon discharge: The health record shall be terminated and forwarded with the Standard Form 88 to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. 2. Upon release to inactive duty: The health record shall be reviewed at the time of examination for release to inactive duty and all records pertaining to treatment received while on active duty except abstracts of treatment (i.e. SF-bOl, SF-b02, DD Form 735 and NavMed-1346) shall be removed from the health record and forwarded to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery with the original of the SF-88 prepared at the time of discharge. The health record contain¬ ing the various abstracts to be retained in the record shall be forwarded to the Commandant of the Naval District in which the member will reside after release from active service. In addition to the above, records of dental treatment received (SF-603) while on active duty will be forwarded to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. The NavMed H-10 (Sick Call Treat¬ ment Record) shall be forwarded to the Bureau whether the member concerned is discharged or released to inactive duty. 24 CHAPTER 6 SEPARATION AND CIVIL-READJUSTMENT INFORMATION References C-10414 C-10415 BPM NAVPERS 15855C In accordance with existing policy of the Department of the Navy and the Department of Defense, commands concerned with the sepa¬ ration of naval personnel will continue to make available to personnel awaiting separation from the naval service information concerning their rights and benefits as veterans of the military service. Subsequent to their return to civilian life, veterans may continue to obtain information concerning any problems stem¬ ming from their naval service by contacting the civil-readjustment officer of the naval district in which they reside. All activi¬ ties separating personnel are therefore required to implement this policy by: 1. Providing group lectures or individual counseling, whenever practicable, delineating these various veterans' rights and bene¬ fits. Particular emphasis should be placed on deadlines to be met and explicit instructions as to the proper use of Navy documents (principally the DD-214, "Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge") in making application to the appropriate agency for veterans' benefits. Background material for lectures and individual counseling can be obtained from NAVPERS 15855C, "Going Back to Civilian Life." 2. Supplementing these group lectures or individual counseling with publications specifically designed for the personal use of the separatee. The following civil-readjustment publication must be given to the individual separatee prior to his actual separa¬ tion from the naval service: a. "Going Back to Civilian Life", (NAVPERS 15855C) publica¬ tion prepared in conjunction with the Department of Defense and containing a comprehensive summary of all veterans' rights and benefits. (Copies of this publication are available through District Printing and Publications Offices.) 3. Provide pre-separation counseling of naval personnel in respect to civilian employment in accordance with existing policy: a. "Recruiting for post-service civilian employment during separation processing is prohibited. Elnployers who contact com¬ manders at Navy or Marine Corps installations, either in person, through representation, or by correspondence, will be informed that no facilities are available at the separation activity for industrial recruiting and that the United States Employment Service, through its affiliated local public employment offices, has been designated to coordinate all activities pertinent to post-service employment of personnel released from active duty in the Navy or Marine Corps. Employers will be advised to contact the State public employment office(s) serving the employer's establishment(s). The one exception to this policy is that officials of the Boy Scouts of America may be permitted to distribute literature and interview qualified personnel at the separation activities. b. Since separation processing procedure does not include an educational or vocational guidance service, the contacting of indi¬ viduals being separated from service by representatives of educa¬ tional associations or institutions, in person or by means of literature pertaining to civilian educational opportunities, is prohibited. Representatives of educational associations or insti¬ tutions who contact commanders at Navy or Marine Corps installa¬ tions, either in person or by correspondence, will be informed that personnel being separated are encouraged to contact appropri¬ ate agencies in their home communities for information of this nature after they have been released from active service. c. In view of the policy requirements indicated in the preceding paragraphs, all commands concerned with the separation of personnel from active service will therefore: (1) During separation processing emphasize to personnel being separated from active service the desirability of utilizing the facilities of the United States Employment Service for the purpose of obtaining employment. (2) Continue to cooperate with the Veterans’ Administra¬ tion and the Federal-State Public Employment Offices in establish¬ ing satisfactory arrangements for the provision of information to be furnished and services to be rendered at separation points. (3) Advise personnel being separated in respect to the availability of the services of the Bureau of Veterans Reemploy¬ ment Rights, United States Department of Labor, Washington 25, D.C. in respect to information, advice or assistance regarding reemployment rights. Personnel who left employment to enter the Armed Forces may obtain information concerning reemployment rights by completing the "reemployment rights" self-addressed referral post card. A supply of these referral cards are available from the Bureau of Veterans Reemployment Rights, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington 25, D.C. 26 I CHAPTER 7 PROCESSING PROCEDURE 1. Direct separatee to report for medical examination, including dental, to insure that he is physically qualified for separation. 2. Complete instructions for separation of personnel contained in chapters 1 through 6. 3. Arrange for pay of separatee. 4. % order to close pay record (page 14) notify Disbursing Officer to close out pay record. 5. Effect relief of separatee as member of any courts, boards or committees. 6. Sign off for custody of equipage and other government material. 7. Pick up and destroy Armed Forces Identification Card (DD Form 2N) (Active), Geneva Convention Card (DD Form 528), liberty card, mess pass, Dependents Identification Cards, Commissary Cards, and Exchange Cards, (if any issued), and any other cards or passes which might be used to gain benefits or privi¬ leges to which man is not entitled after separation. 8. Reflect loss of member on daily ration memorandum. 9. Make appropriate personnel accounting entries on the personnel diary, NavPers 501, and on the permanent record card, NavFers 500 (Muster Card). 10. Immediately prior to actual separation check all papers, buttons, etc., and complete check-off list. At time of departure the separatee shall be furnished an Official Records Envelope (DD 473) for use as a container for separation papers, certificates, buttons, etc. Prior to delivery, the name and address of separatee should be typed on the envelope in the space pro¬ vided. The title and address of activity effecting separation should be typed in the upper left-hand corner. 11. At time of departure the separatee should have the following in his possession: a. Official Records Envelope (DD 473). b. Separation orders and discharge certificate or Fleet Reserve certi¬ ficate as appropriate. c. Appended to discharge certificate, if issued: Ehlisted Classification Record (Page 3) Navy Occupational and Training History (Page 4) d. Certificate of Service (DD Form 217N). e. Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge (DD Form 214). f. Armed Forces Identification Card (DD Form 2N)(Inactive) for personnel released to inactive duty. g. Discharge buttons. k 27 h. Copy of pamphlet, "Going Back to Civilian Life" (NAVPEKS 15855C). { i. Claim forms for transportation of dependents. j. Application forms for shipment of household goods. k. Sufficient number of certified copies of orders for shipment of household goods and for transportation of dependents. l. Any personal papers from left side of service record. m. VA Form 8-526e (Claims for compensation, pension, or hospital¬ ization) . n. Individual Statement of Information. ♦ ♦ 28 CHAPTER 8 References B-2308 BPM C-13408(3) BPM BUPERSIN5T 1857.1 Ser. (NOTAL) C-10329 BPM C-10409 BPM DISPOSITION OF SERVICE RECORDS Close out service record of personnel discharged and forward to the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Records for Naval Reservists released to inactive duty, including those Regular Navy personnel transferred to the Naval Reserve and concurrently released to inactive duty to fulfill their additional service obligation, shall be mailed to the Commandant of the Naval District in which the individual will reside . A copy of orders for release to inactive duty, page 2. of the Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge (DP 214). in the cases of Naval Reservists released to inactive duty, and the dupli¬ cate copy of page 14 of the enlisted service record "Record of Discharge. Release from Active Duty, or Death”, in all instances shall be forwarded immediately to the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Delay in the receipt of these items in the Bureau of Naval Person¬ nel seriously affects personnel accounting and maintenance of records. Close out Regular Navy service record of individual being trans¬ ferred to the Fleet Reserve and released from active duty. Forward the closed-out Regular Navy service record to the Bureau of Naval Personnel . Prepare a Fleet Reserve service record and insert therein pages 1, 3 and 4 (from Regular Navy service record), newly prepared page 2 (Record of Emergency Data) and page 13. Forward Fleet Reserve service record to the Commandant of the Naval District in which the individual elects to reside. Close out current service record when a man is transferred to the Temporary Disability Retired List. Mark at top of front cover of service record "Temporary Disability Retired List - USN or USNR". Forward record to Commandant of the Naval District in which the individual is to reside . Duplicate copy of page 14 will be forwarded to the Bureau of Naval Personnel . Close out current service record of personnel retired. Forward the closed-out service record to the Bureau of Naval Personnel . Prepare a retired service record and insert therein pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 from previous service record and page 13. Forward the retired record to the Commandant of the Naval District in which the individual elects to reside . Closed-out service records for discharged personnel and duplicate pages 14 (for personnel released to inactive duty) must be for¬ warded to the Chief of Naval Personnel (Attn: Tabulated Records Branch) within five days from date of discharge or release. 427669 0 -57 -3 29 CHAPTER 9 CHECK-OFF LIST The below check-off list is intended as a guide of important items to be checked in processing enlisted personnel for separation: □ i. □ 2 . □ 3. □ 4. *□ 5. 6 . *a *□ *□ *□ «□ *□ *□ *□ *□ *□ □ 7. □ □ a □ □ □ □ Arrange for physical examination. Verification of records Predischarge interview. Pay record - arrange for pay. Return of classified matter to CO or other competent authority. Interview and inform personnel on following : a. UMT&S obligations. b. Selective Service Registration. c. Naval Reserve affiliation. d. Provisions of Ready and Standby Naval Reserve. e. Wearing of uniform after separation. f. Dependents travel. g. Shipment of household goods. h. Acknowledgement of honorable service. i. Ceremony for transfer to Fleet Reserve or Retired List. j. Civil Readjustment. k. Veterans' Rights and Benefits. Service Record a. Bring Navy job classification and service type code up to date (page 4). b. Bring Gunnery Record (page 5) up to date. c. Prepare, as necessary. Individual Order to Adjust Pay Account (page 7 ) to adjust pay record. d. Close out Leave Record (page 3). e. Close out Performance Record (page 9). f. Make appropriate entries on page 13. g. Complete Record of Discharge, Release from Active Duty or Death (page 14). 30 □ h. Complete Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge DD Form 214 (page 15). 8. Forms and Orders Prepare the following separation forms: □ a. □ b. *□ c. □ d. *□ e. *□ f. *□ g. *□ h. *□ i. *□ J. *□ k. *□ 1 . Mustering-out payment (NavSandA 550) and deliver to Disbursing Officer. Discharge Certificate as appropriate. Standard Transfer Orders or Orders for Release to Inactive duty. Certificate of Service Armed Forces of the U.S. (DD 217N). Notice to previous employer (NavPers 143). Notification of Discharge (NavPers 599). Identification Card (inactive) (DD Form 2N (inactive)) for personnel released to inactive duty. Individual Statement of Information. Notice of Change of Address Card (NavPers 693). Security Termination Statement (OpNav Form 5511-14). Complete Certificate of Termination (DD Form 803), when appropriate, and distribute copies accordance SBCNAVINST 1741.4. Fleet Reserve Certificate (NavPers 632) (Transfer to USN Fleet Reserve) (Furnished with authority for transfer to Fleet Reserve). 9. *□ *□ *□ *□ □ □ 10. □ Miscellaneous a. Effect relief as member of courts, boards or committees. b. Custody of equipage and other government property. c. Destroy Armed Forces Identification Card. Geneva Conventions Card, liberty card, mess pass (if issued), and any other cards or passes which might be used to gain benefits or privileges to which man is not entitled after separation. d. Reflect loss of member on daily ration memorandum. e. Make appropriate personnel accounting entries on the personnel diary, (NavPers 501), and permanent record card, (NavPers 500 (muster card)). f. Check and deliver separation documents to separatee after final payment by disbursing officer. Disposition of Record a. Record closed out and mailed to ___. * Not needed for personnel immediately reenlisting on board. 31 SECTION II GUIDE FOR DISCHARGE AND REENLISTMENT CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE REENLISTEES U.S. NAVY to U.S. NAVY TERMS OF ENLISTMENT References C-1403 C-1407 BPM BUPERSINST 1133.1 & 1133.4 Series Personnel reenlisting for the first time within three ( 3 ) months prior to normal expiration of enlistment date may reenlist for periods of 2, 3, 4 or 6 years. Succeeding reenlistments shall be for periods of 4 or 6 years. Personnel reenlisting within one (l) year of normal expiration of enlistment date but more than three ( 3 ) months prior thereto will reenlist for periods of 4 or 6 years only, including first re enlistees. Personnel who have executed agreements to extend their enlist¬ ments may be discharged up to 1 year prior to the date the extension would become operative and reenlisted in accordance with BUPERSINST 1133.4 Series provided the term for which they reenlist is not less than the remaining period of the enlistment as otherwise extended. When an agreement to extend enlistment is cancelled for purposes of immediate reenlistment, notation of the cancellation shall be made on parts 1 and 3 of the page 1A and part 1 shall be forwarded to BuPers together with a duplicate page 13 bearing an entry as to the date of and reason for cancellation. Part 3 shall be filed in the individual's service record and parts 2 and 4 destroyed. Individuals who do not desire early reenlistment shall continue to be discharged and reenlisted at the times specified in BUPERSINST 1133.1 Series and Article C-1403, BuPers Manual. MONETARY BENEFITS Chap 4, Vol 4, NAVCOMPT- MAN & Chap 4 JTR Regular Navy personnel discharged within 3 months of their normal expiration of enlistment or expiration of enlistment as extended are entitled to receive payment for mileage, unused leave and mustering-out payment, if applicable, upon discharge and reen¬ listment bonus upon reenlistment. Personnel discharged more than 3 months early are entitled to mustering-out payment, if eligible therefor, upon discharge and reenlistment bonus upon reenlistment. They are not entitled to receive payment for unused leave or mileage. 32 OTHER BENEFITS BUPERSINST 1133.5 Series Personnel reenlisting for the first time upon normal expiration of enlistment or within 3 months prior thereto are guaranteed attendance at certain Class B and Class C schools providing they are eligible under the conditions set forth in the reference. INDUCTEE TO U.S. NAVY Refer to BUPERSINST 1133.8 Series for information for inducted personnel who desire to enlist in the Regular Navy. 33 U.S. NAVAL RESERVE to U.S. NAVY References BUPERSINST 1130.4 Series TERMS OF ENLISTMENT 6-Year Enlistment . Personnel who first enlisted in the Naval Reserve on or after 10 August 1955, and who acquired an obliga¬ tion to serve on active duty for a period of 2 years, may enlist in the U.S. Navy only for a period of 6 years if enlistment occurs after recruit training but prior to completion of 21 months active duty. Personnel who first enlisted as stated above but were ordered to active duty at any ship or station directly without having basic recruit training may enlist in the U.S. Navy only for a period of 6 years if enlistment occurs prior to completion of 21 months active duty. 4- or 6-Year Enlistment . Naval Reservists on active duty, other than those described above, are authorized to enlist or reenlist in the Regular Navy for periods of 4 or 6 years. MONETARY BENEFITS Naval Reservists enlisting in the Regular Navy are entitled to receive payment for mileage, lump-sum payment for unused leave and mustering-out payment, if eligible therefor, upon discharge. Upon enlisting they are entitled to receive reenlistment bonus provided they are eligible. (See page 37 to determine eligi¬ bility to receive reenlistraent bonus.) SERVICE OBLIGATIONS UNDER UMT&S ACT, AS AMENDED Consonant with BUPERSINST 1001.8 Series, male enlisted reservists in categories 1 and 2 thereof (i.e. those who acquired a 5- or 6-year Reserve obligation upon being transferred from the Regular Navy to the Naval Reserve) who are discharged for the purpose of enlisting in the Regular Navy in accordance with BUPERSINST 1130.4 Series will be informed that such discharge will terminate their Reserve obligation. Male enlisted reservists in category 3 (8-year obligors) of BUPERSINST 1001.8 Series and male enlisted reservists who enlisted subsequent to 10 August 1955 and acquired a 6-year obligation shall be advised that such discharge does not constitute a fulfillment of their 8-year obligation or 6-year obligation, but that additional service performed subsequent to discharge will be counted towards fulfillment of such obligation. DISPOSITION UPON ENLISTMENT Reservists who enlist in the Regular Navy under BUPERSINST 1130.4 Series shall be retained on board, and may be provided with a guarantee of assignment to school provided he is otherwise eligi¬ ble in accordance with BUPERSINST 1133.5 Series. Personnel serving in TAR billets who enlist in the Regular Navy shall be retained on board and reported immediately to the Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers-B21l) for assignment. If an individual elects a school and is eligible under BUPERSINST 1133*5 Series, the availability report to BuPers (Pers-B21l) shall state his school preference. 34 DEFINITIONS Note that if the individual has not served an enlistment in the Regular Navy, his enlistment therein will be a first enlistment; if he has previously served an enlistment in the Regular Navy (includes USN and USNEV, but not USN-I) his enlistment therein will be a reenlistment. AGE LIMITS The individual must have attained 17th but not 31st birthday at time of enlistment. In order to qualify under the upper age limit, all active duty performed during and subsequent to World War II in the USNR, USN-I, USCGR, and all U3* or USCG service, may be deducted from the age of an applicant who has not reached his 40th birthday. RATE DETERMINATION Reservists who are eligible for enlistment in the Regular Navy will be enlisted in the rate indicated by the tables shown in enclosures (l) and (2) to BUPERSINST 1130.4 Series. 35 U.S. NAVAL RESERVE to U.S. NAVAL RESERVE c REENLISTMEUT AND TERMS OF ENLISTMENT IN THE NAVAL RESERVE References BUPERSINST 1133.10 Series Eligible Naval Reservists serving on active duty who desire to reenlist may be discharged and reenlisted in the Naval Reserve on normal expiration of enlistment or at any time within 3 months prior to normal expiration of enlistment as provided in Article C-10317, BuPers Manual. Reenlistment of eligible personnel shall be for a period of 4 years. NOT ELIGIBLE TO REENLIST Certain personnel entered into initial enlistments in the Naval Reserve for lesser periods than the 8-year obligation incurred under section 4 (d)( 3 ), Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended. Others were transferred from the Regular Navy to the Naval Reserve, without enlisting therein, for the purpose of fulfilling their 6- or 8-year service obligation under that section. Except upon approval of specific cases by the Chief of Naval Personnel, personnel in either category shall not be reen¬ listed prior to fulfillment of the service obligation as defined in BUPERSINST 1001.8 Series. ACTIVE DUTY REQUIREMENTS ON REENLISMENT Naval Reservists who reenlist in the U.S. Naval Reserve while serving on active duty are required to continue on active duty for a minimum period of 1 year from the date of reenlistment. This requirement shall be carefully explained to the individual concerned at the time of his reenlistment in the Naval Reserve and he shall be informed that such requirement does not affect any other agreement to remain on active duty for a longer period which may have already been executed. Entry to the effect that this has been done shall be made on page 13 of the service record, signed by the individual concerned and witnessed by an officer. AGE LIMITS There are no age limitations for personnel reenlisting while serving on active duty who reenlist in the same status. MONETARY BENEFITS Reservists reenlisting in the Naval Reserve are entitled to receive payment for mileage and lump-sum payment for unused leave. They are not eligible to receive reenlistment bonus. 36 INFORMATION ON REENLISTMENT BONUS References Chap 4, Vol 4, NAVCOMPTMAN USN personnel who reenlist in the Regular Navy within three months from their separation date and USNR personnel who enlist in the Regular Navy while serving on active duty or within three months from date of separation from active duty are entitled to receive a reenlistment bonus in the following amounts: Years Reenlisted Amount 2 $40.00 3 90.00 4 160.00 5 250.00 6 360.00 USNR personnel must have served on active duty for a period of one year or more prior to enlisting in the Regular Navy to be eligible to receive the reenlistment bonus under Section 207. No reenlistment bonus will be paid for more than four reenlist¬ ments entered into after 1 October 1949 or after acquiring thirty (30) years active federal service. An extension of an enlistment (excluding an extension of 1 year for which no bonus is payable) will be considered a reenlistment for purposes of this limitation. SECTION 208 Information on the reenlistment bonus set forth in Section 207 and Section 208 of the Career Compensation Act of 1949, as amended, is given below: SECTION 207 A reenlistment bonus will be paid to enlisted personnel who reenlist in the Regular Navy on or after 16 July 1954 within 90 days after date of last discharge or release from compulsory or voluntary active duty in either the Regular Navy or Naval Reserve. Naval Reservists serving on active duty may be enlist¬ ed at any time, except during the period they are undergoing recruit training or after completion of 20 years service, in order to qualify for the reenlistment bonus. The reenlistment bonus is paid in a lump sum and is computed by multiplying the number of years for which the member reenlists by: 1st Reenlistment - One month’s basic pay. 2nd Reenlistment - 2/3 of 1 month's basic pay. 3rd Reenlistment - 1/3 of 1 month's basic pay. 4th & Subsequent Reenlistment - 1/6 of 1 month's basic pay. Note that personnel must reenlist within 3 months to be eligible to receive reenlistment bonus under Section 207; within 90 days to be eligible to receive reenlistment bonus under Section 208. Enlisted personnel may elect reenlistment bonus under Section 207 or Section 208, whichever will give them the most monetary compen¬ sation. Section 207 allows reenlistment bonus to be paid for four reenlistments up to completion of thirty years active federal service. Section 208 allows reenlistment bonus not to exceed total of $2000 (no limitation on number of reenlistments) to be paid up to completion of twenty years active federal service. 37 INFORMATION ON MUSTERING*-OUT PAYMENT References Chap 4, Vol 4, NAVCOMPTMAN If eligible, members of the Regular Navy and Naval Reserve are entitled to receive mustering-out payment as follows: 1. Upon separation from active duty. 2. USN and USNR personnel upon discharge and reenlistment in the Regular Navy. Reservists on active duty reenlisting in the Naval Reserve and who remain on active duty are not entitled to receive mustering- out payment until released to inactive duty. Amounts payable and eligibility requirements to determine entitlement to receive mustering-out payment are as follows: $100.00 - Members with less than 60 days active service per¬ formed on and after 27 June 1950, including that performed on an subsequent to 1 February 1955, provided such service commenced prior to 1 February 1955. $200.00 - Members with 60 days or more active service performed on an after 27 June 1950, including that performed on and subsequent to 1 February 1955, provided such service commenced prior to 1 February 1955, no part of which was outside continental United States or in Alaska. $300.00 - Members with 60 days or more active service performed on and after 27 June 1950, including that performed on and subsequent to 1 February 1955, provided such service commenced prior to 1 February 1955, any part of which was outside continental United States or in Alaska. 38 TABLE OF MONETARY BENEFITS Reenlistments Term Reenlist¬ ment Bonus or Allow¬ ance Mileage Lump-sum Payment for Leave MOP USN to USN *2-3- 4-6 Yes Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 2 USNR to USN either at expiration of enlistment or within 3 months prior thereto. 4-6 Yes 3 Yes Yes Yes 2 USNR to USN prior to expiration of enlistment at times other than those indicated above. 4-6 Yes 3 No No Yes 2 USNR to USNR 4 No Yes 1 Yes 1 No Extensions USN 2-3-4 Yes^ Yes^ No No USNR 2-3-4 No Yes^ No No NOTES : 1. Payable only if discharged for expiration of enlistment or within 3 months prior thereto. 2. See page 38 to determine eligibility to receive MOP. 3. Reservists electing bonus under Section 207 must have served on active duty for a period of at least 1 year prior to reenlisting in USN. Personnel electing bonus under Section 208 cannot receive bonus while undergoing recruit training or after completion of 20 years active federal service. A. Payable only on first extension. 5. If payment is elected under the provisions of Section 207 and an enlist¬ ment or reenlistment is voluntarily extended more than once, such exten¬ sions may be considered as constituting one reenlistment, for a like period in determining entitlement to reenlistment bonus. Any reenlistment bonus paid for the first extension will be checked from the member's pay account at the time of reextension. If payment is elected under Section 208, see Chapter 4, Navy Comptroller Manual, Volume 4 and ALNAV 32-54. *2- and 3-year terms authorized on first reenlistments only. 39 CHAPTER 2 References C-10103 BPM BUPERSINST 1133.1 Series B-2309 BPk B-2310 BPM B-2312 BPM PROCEDURES FOR IMMEDIATE REENLISTMENT PRE-DISCHARGE INTERVIEW In the event an enlisted man is eligible to reenlist and states his desire to do so during the pre-discharge interview, accom¬ plish the following approximately one week prior to actual date of discharge: 1* Obtain evaluation marks to be assigned upon discharge from appropriate officer or petty officer. 2. Arrange for physical examination with available medical facility. Enlistment Contract (page 1 of service record) must accompany man for completion and signature of examin¬ ing medical officer. 3. Have individual fill out the Reenlistment Data Sheet, using form similar to the sample shown in Chapter 3, Section II. 4. Obtain any other information necessary to complete the reenlistment check-off list. APPLICATION FOR ENLISTMENT FORM (NAVPERS 708)(REV 3-56) Application for Ehlistment Form shall be completed, attached to the Ehlistment Contract, and forwarded to the Chief of Naval Personnel. Only items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 thru 16, 21, 22, 28, 31, 46, 48 and 52 of the form need to be completed in the case of immediate reenlistment. All other items may be omitted. Items 7 and 46 should be completed for the period covered during prior enlistment. The Application for Ehlistment may be completed by typing, printing, or script (ball point pen recommended). ENLISTED SERVICE RECORD (NAVPERS 601) Prepare a new Enlisted Service Record cover. Make up new service record. Detailed instructions are contained in Articles B-2309 thru B-2323, BuPers Manual. ENLISTMENT CONTRACT (NAVPERS 601) (Page l) Prepare a new Ehlistment Contract. Original and part 2 are to be attached to the outside of the closed-out service record for transmittal to BuPers. Signed carbon copy is retained as page 1 of the new service record. Special care shall be taken to insure there are no erasures or typographical errors and that all items are correct and the original and copies are legible. RECORD OF EMERGENCY DATA (DP 93-1) (Page 2) Transfer Record of Emergency Data (DD 93-1) to new record; if not up to date prepare original and one copy of DD 93-1. Forward original to ftiPers, duplicate becomes page 2 of new service record. 40 B-2313 BPM NAVPERS 15780 B-2314 BPM B-2315 BPM B-2318 BPM B-2319 BPM B-2320 BPM ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION RECORD (Page 3) Remove the Ehlisted Classification Record from closed-out service record and insert in new record. If Enlisted Class¬ ification Record is entered on old style page 4 A- 4 B transcribe information recorded thereon to page 3 in accordance with Guide to Ehlisted Classification (NavPers 15780). NAVY OCCUPATION AND TRAINING HISTORY (Page 4) Prepare Navy Occupation and Training History in duplicate and place in new service record together with original page 4 removed from old service record. Forward duplicate of page 4 of the closed-out service record to BuPers with old service record. GUNNERY RECORD (Page 5) Remove Gunnery Record from the old service record and insert as page 5 of the new service record. LEAVE RECORD (Page 8) Prepare new Leave Record, original only. ENLISTED PERFORMANCE RECORD (Page 9) Prepare new Ehlisted Performance Record, original only. ASSIGNMENT TO AND EXTENSION OF ACTIVE DUTY (Page 10) (USNR) Page 10 is to be used for assignment to and extension of active duty for all Fleet Reserve, Naval Reserve and retired personnel when reporting for active duty. Sections 1 and 2 will be prepared in duplicate and executed when the individual reports for active duty. Section 2 will be executed by the command to which the individual first reports for active duty excluding temporary active duty in connection with determining physical qualifications unless the individual waives the right to return home and requests assignment to active duty and is immediately placed on active duty. Ihe original will be filed in numerical sequence in the service record, and the duplicate will be forwarded immediately to BuPers. Section 3 will be completed in duplicate when an individual agrees to remain on active duty for an additional specified time. This agreement will not be prepared for a period of more than 48 months. When the agreement is for less than 12 months, it is to be prepared for a period of not less than 30 days and for multi¬ ples of 30 days. Section 3 of page 10 will be executed each time an agreement is entered into for additional active duty. The reason for which the individual executed the agreement will be entered. File original in numerical sequence in service record and forward duplicate to BuPers. 41 RECORD OF NAVAL RESERVE SERVICE (Page 11) ( B-2321 BPM Page 11 shall be maintained for every enlisted member of the Naval Reserve and shall be prepared when an individual (l) enlists in the Naval Reserve; (2) reenlists in the Naval Reserve, and (3) enters a Reserve status under the provisions of the UMT&S Act, as amended. The page 11 shall be maintained by the command having custodial responsibility of the service record of reservists on both active and inactive duty. Page 11 shall be prepared in duplicate. Points earned shall be posted: 1. Upon completion of each Quarterly Naval Reserve Drill Report (NavPers 1259) by Naval Reserve activities. 2. Upon receipt of other source documents by Regular Navy and Naval Reserve activities. 3. Upon transfer or separation of the individual concerned by Regular Navy and Naval Reserve activities. 4. In the case of reservists on continuous active duty, entries need be made only upon separation. The page 11 shall be maintained within the service record at all times and will be disposed of as follows upon separation of the reservist concerned: 1. Retain both the original and duplicate of all pages 11 pertaining to the current enlistment in the service record until the individual is separated or the service record is closed out for other reasons. 2. Upon discharge or when the service record is closed out for other reasons, forward completed original and duplicate pages 11 to BuPers with the closed-out service record unless the individual immediately reenlists, in which case send the originals of page 11 with the closed-out service record and retain duplicate pages 11 in the new record. 3. If the individual reenlists at a later date and after the closed-out service record containing both original and duplicate page 11 has been forwarded to BuPers, upon request, the duplicate page 11 will be forwarded by BuPers to the command holding his current records for inclusion in the new service record. ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS (Page 13) B-2323 BPM Prepare in duplicate the new page 13. A summation of all informa¬ tion contained in the old service record which might be useful during the current enlistment should be entered on page 13. Evaluation marks necessary for determination of eligibility for advancement in rating should be included. Ehter commencement date of Good Conduct Medal. Make entry that Article 137, Uniform Code of Military Justice has been explained to reenlistee. In cases of reservists reenlisting in the Naval Reserve make appro¬ priate entry relating to retention on active duty in accordance with BUPERSINST 1133.10 Series. 42 B-2324 BPM B-2311 C-1407 BPM BUPSRSINST 1133.1 & 1133.10 Series RECORD OF DISCHARGE. RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY, OR DEATH (Page 14) Prepare page 14 as shown on page 9 of this Guide and Article B-2324, BuPers Manual. EXTENSION OF ENLISTMENT (Page 1A) The procedures for effecting voluntary extension of enlistment of Regular Navy personnel are outlined in BUPERSINST 1133.1 Series. The procedures for effecting voluntary extension of Naval Reservists serving on active duty are outlined in BUPERSINST 1133.10 Series. Prepare page 13 entry upon execution of agreement to extend enlistment and forward duplicate to BuPers. SUPPLEMENTARY FORMS AND ORDERS Ihe procedures for effecting the following forms and orders are contained in Chapters 2 and 3 of Section I and the Reenlistment Check-Off List, Chapter 3 of Section II: Armed Forces of the U.S. Report of Transferor Discharge (DD-214) Certificate of Service Armed Forces of the U.S. (DD-217N) Dependents Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form 1173) Discharge Certificate Geneva Conventions Identification Card (DD 528) Identification Card (DD 2N) Liberty Pass (DD(N) 345) Mu3tering-0ut Payment (NavSandA Form 550) NavPers 500 Card and Diary Entries Notification of Home Address at Time of Latest Entry Into Active Duty (DD 53N) Order to Enter Account (NavSandA Form 511) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Arrange through appropriate channels for the administering of the oath. Check to make sure that the required signatures and initials in both records and supplementary forms and orders are complete. FORMS AND VOUCHERS FOR DISBURSING OFFICER Prior notice of impending reenlistment should be given to the Disbursing Officer, if possible. The following forms and vouchers shall be transmitted to the Disbursing Officer: 1. Closed-out service record. 2. New service record. 3. Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge (DD 214). 4. Honorable Discharge Certificate (DD-256N). 5. Mustering-Out Payment (NavSandA Form 550). 6. Order to Enter Account (NavSandA Form 511). 43 When the Disbursing Officer returns records and vouchers, make proper distribution. All references cited in connection with the preparation of the form contain distribution instructions. However, special attention is again called to the fact that the Enlistment Contract (Original and part 2), Application for Enlistment (NavPers 708), and the duplicate of page 13 of the new service record are attached to the outside of the old service record, all of which are transmitted to BuPers. No letter of transmittal is required. ( 44 □ □ □□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□ CHAPTER 3 CHECK-OFF LIST FOR DISCHARGE AND IMMEDIATE REENLISTMENT 1. Pre-discharge interview. (C-10103 BPM) 2. Conduct physical examination. (C-1403(l)(c) BPM) 3. Have individual fill out Reenlistment Data Sheet. 4. Have individual fill out Application for Enlistment (NavPers 708) (Rev 3-56). (BUPERSINST 1133.1 Series) 5. Close out page 8 (Leave Record), leaving it in the old record. Start new page 8 for new service record. (B-2318 BPM) 6 . Close out page 9 (Enlisted Performance Record), leaving it in old record. Start new page 9 for new service record. (B-2319 BPM) 7. Prepare page 14 (Report of Discharge, Release from Active Duty or Death), and retain original in old service record. (B-2324 BPM) 8 . Prepare Mustering-Out Payment (NavSandA Form 550), when applicable. (A-4203, C-9205, C-10506 BPM) 9. Prepare DD 217N (Certificate of Service Armed Forces of the U.S.). (C-L0503 BPM) 10. Prepare DD 256 N (Discharge Certificate). (C-10302, C-10501 BPM) 11. Prepare DD 214 (Armed Forces of the U.S. Report of Transfer or Discharge). (B-2325, C-10507 3PM) 12. Close out old NavPers 500 card and make loss entry on daily diary (NavPers 501). (NavPers 15642 , Part I) 13. Make new NavPers 500 card and make gain entry on daily diary. 14. Open new service record. Transfer page 2 (DD 93-1)> if not up to date make out new page 2; transfer page 3 (Enlisted Classification Record) and originals of page 4 (Navy Occupation and Training History) and page 5 (Gunnery Record) to new service record. (B-2309, B- 2312 , B-2313, B-2314, B-2315 BPM) 15. Start new page 4 making original and one copy. (B-2314 BPM) 16. Prepare page 13's (Administrative Remarks). (B-2323 BPM) 17. Prepare page 1 (Enlistment Contract). Sign original and one copy in ink. (B-2310 BPM) 18. Prepare Order to Enter Account (NavSandA Form 511). (A4101 BPM) 19. Prepare DD 53 N (Notification of Home Address at Time of Latest Entry into Active Service). (BUPERSINST 1140.1 Series) 427669 0 -57 -4 45 □ □□□□ □ 20 . □ □ a □ 21 . 22 . 23. Issue new cards, passes and destroy old ones as appropriate. Make appropriate entries on page 13 of new service record and page 14 of old service record. a. Armed Forces Identification Card (DD 2N (Active)). (B-2103 BPM) b. Geneva Conventions Identification Card (ED 528). (B-2104 BPM) c. New Liberty Pass (DD(N) 345). (C-6209 BPM) d. Dependent? Identification and Privilege Card (ID 1173). e. Mess Pass, if applicable. Comply with Article 137, UCMJ, making appropriate page 13 entry. Insure that individual is advised of all reenlistment benefits. Administer oath. 24. Transmit necessary forms and vouchers to disbursing office. 25. Check and deliver separation documents to individual after payment by disbursing officer. 26. Forward closed-out service record and appropriate pages of new record to BuPers. 46 CHAPTER U SAMPLE SERVICE RECORD PAGES AND ENTRIES Sample service record pages and entries for use in preparing a new service record for members reenlisting are contained in this chapter. The entries used on these sample pages are for an individual who reenlists upon the date following the normal expiration of enlistment date. For personnel reenlisting under other conditions, sample entries and procedures for effecting reenlistment are contained in the BuPers Manual and current directives which are referenced with each step in the reenlistment procedure. 47 REENLISTMENT DATA SHEET NAME_ SERVICE NO._ ENLISTING IN: (US NAVY) (US NAVAL RESERVE) (CROSS OUT ONE). RATE_ DATE RATED:_ YEARS EDUCATION:_PLACE OF BIRTH_ _ DATE OF BIRTH:_RELIGION:_ CITIZENSHIP: MARITAL STATUS: PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS: SOCIAL SECURITY NO:_ SELECTIVE SERVICE LOCAL BOARD:_ _ SLECTIVE SERVICE NO:_ PRINTED NUMBER ON BACK OF I.D. CARD:_ CIRCLE AMOUNT OF BONUS RECEIVED UPON LAST REENLISTMENT: $160, $200, $300, $360, $_ CIRCUS AMOUNT OF KOREAN CONFLICT MUSTERING-OUT PAY RECEIVED: NONE, $100, $200, $300. LIST MEDALS, CITATIONS AND AWARDS RECEIVED DURING THIS ENLISTMENT:_ _ APPROXIMATELY HOW MUCH SEA DUTY OR OVERSEAS SHORE DUTY DURING YOUR LAST ENLISTMENT: YRS_MOS__DAS_. DO YOU HAVE ANY LOST TIME DUE TO AOL, NPDI OR SKMC:_ DO YOU HAVE ANY INACTIVE RESERVE TIME: _ CIRCLE MESSING STATUS: GENERAL MESS, COMMUTED RATIONS, SUBS AND QUARTERS. REENLISTING HOW MANY MONTHS EARLY:_ IF REENLISTING MORE THAN THREE MONTHS EARLY, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT OF MILEAGE OR LUMP SUM PAYMENT FOR UNUSED LEAVE:_ CIRCLE DUTY STATUS: NORMAL TOUR OF SHORE DUTY, DUTY UNDER INSTRUCTION, PATIENT IN USNH. DATE SHORE DUTY TERMINATES:_ CIRCLE ONE: I ELECT LUMP SUM PAYMENT OF UNUSED LEAVE, I ELECT TO CARRY LEAVE FORWARD TO NEW ENLISTMENT. INCLUDING FIRST ENLISTMENT AND EVERY ENLISTMENT SINCE, STATE NUMBER OF ENLISTMENTS IN THE SERVICE:_ I DESIRE TO BE PAID TRAVEL ALLOWANCE TO:_ _ (EITHER PLACE OF YOUR LAST ENLISTMENT OR YOUR HOME ADDRESS AT TIME OF LAST ENLISTMENT). IS YOUR DD 93-1 UP TO DATE:_ ARE YOU PAYING FOR YOUR GOVERNMENT INSURANCE:_ IF SO, STATE AMOUNT OF ALLOTMENT: $_ HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR ANY VA BENEFITS:_ IF SO, WHICH:_ SEX_ RACE_ COLOR HAIR COLOR EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT 48 APPLICATION FOR ENLISTMENT NAVPERS-70* (Rev. 1-M) Form approved. Budget Bureau No 45-R221.2 Approval expires Mar. 15, I960. This application will be completed by one of the following methods and shall be forwarded to BuPers together with the enlistment contract (Shipping Articles) and other enlistment or reenlistment papers: («) Typing, (ft) Printing In Ink, or (c) Applicants handwriting In Ink (script'. 20 February 1957 U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) (Date) (Heeruitiny Station or Entitling Activity) I have been cautioned to answer each question truthfully. If a question is “not applicable,” I will so indicate by inserting “NA.” I will complete this form with an entry in each space and any false statement, if detected prior to enlistment, will constitute a bar to my enlistment. I understand that any false statement detected subsequent to enlistment will be processed as a fraud against the government and may result in trial by court martial (Maximum penalty: Five years confinement and a dishonorable discharge) and/or discharge from the Naval Service under other than honorable conditions. I HEREBY APPLY FOR ENLISTMENT IN THE [3 REGULAR NAVY O NAVAL RESERVE FOR A TERM OF _ ^1* _ YEARS IN (Spell out) Yeoman First Class THE HATE OF_THE DUTIES OF THIS RATE HAVE BEEN EXPLAINED TO ME. (Spell out) APPLICANT SIGN FULL NAME HERE John James DOE PERSONAL DATA 2. FULL NAME ( Fint) John (Middle) James (Last) DOE 3. SERVICE NUMBER ASSIGNED 123 45 67 (To be filled in by the recruiting officer ) 4. HOME ADORESS ( Number) 105 ( Street ) Alfa Street 5. HOW LONG HAVE YOU RESIDED AT THIS ADDRESS? (City or town) Monroe ( County) Jurgis (State) Kentucky 6. HOME TELEPHONE NO. 7. PREVIOUS RESIDENCES SINCE 14TH BIRTHDAY (If you had previous military service, do not Include duty stations) MONTH AND YEAR STREET AND NUMBER CITY STATE OR COUNTRY FROM- TO- 2/51 3/52 127 Chambers Street Key West Fla. 4/52 6/SS 2511 Bank Street Norfolk Va. 7/55 2/57 364 Dolphin Avenue Newport R.I. DEPENDENTS 8. Are you married?_ _ lea_ ,9. Are you living with your spouse?. Yes _ 10. Are you a widower? _ No _11. Are you a widow?. _Nq _ _12. Are you divorced?_ No _13. Are you legally separated?_ ...Hq_ _14. How many children do you have?_ U _15. Is any court order or judgment directing support for minor children or alimony in effect or pending against you? _ No _If so, explain :_ 16. 17 . 18. Have you anyone solely or partially dependent upon you?_ Yes . If so, state number 5 _ Relationship WLDC_ Indicate approximate average monthly contribution preceding six months_ Are your parents divorced?_19. Are your parents separated?_20. Name of next of kin or legal guardian : Relationship Full home address of next of kin or legal guardian : 1 (Number and name of itreet) (City or town) (State) Telephone No. 49 21 FAMILY (If deceased, so state) NAME (And maiden name, when applicable) PLACE OF BIRTH (If In U. S„ state “USA,” otherwise state city and country) PRESENT ADDRESS. IF LIVING use YES ITIZEN NO FATHER „ , ___ Bryan Allan DOE USA 105 Alfa Street Monroe, Ky. Yes MOTHER Mary Ellen DOE USN 105 Alfa Street . Monroe, Ky. Yes STEPFATHER STEPMOTHER SP0USE Helen Myrtle DOE USA 364 Dolphin Avenue Newport, R.I. Yes If any of the above members of your family obtained citizenship through naturalization, give date and place in item 51 . 22. Indicate below brothers, sisters, or offspring living in a foreign country, and indicate reasons therefor in item 51 (If none living in foreign country, so state.) NAME RELATIONSHIP COUNTRY U S C YES ITIZEN NO Nope "living in foreign country. 23. Date of birth?_ 24. Place of birth?_1_ (Month, day, year) (City, County, State or Country) 25. Are you a U. S. citizen?_ 26 If so, how did you acquire citizenship? CH BIRTH O NATURALIZATION I I OTHER ( Specify )_27. If not a citizen, are you a national?_ 28 If U. S. citizenship was acquired through naturalization process, what is the certificate number?___ and to whom was it issued?.____ 29. Date issued?_ (Fint, Middle, Last) Place and Court Naturalization Certificate issued?- 30. Have you resided continuously in U. S. since initial entry? 31. FOREIGN RESIDENCE OR TRAVEL (Other than as a direct result of United States military duties) (If none, so state) DATES COUNTRY VISITED OR RESIDED IN PURPOSE OF TRAVEL OR RESIDENCY FROM— TO- 32. EDUCATION: Last school grade completed_(Indicate all civilian schools and military academies attended since 12th birthday. Db not Include service schools.) YEARS NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL GRADUATE DEGREE, IF ANY FROM- TO- YES NO 50 47. Have you ever been fingerprinted by a civil law enforcement agency?_ If "Yes,” list each and every instance below DATE PLACE REASON 48. Are you now awaiting action by civil or juvenile authorities for any reason(s)? No If so, explain __ 49. Are you at liberty on bail, bond, or personal recognizance?_ 50. Are you now serving in probationary or parole status imposed by civil authority?_ 51. REMARKS: 52. I certify that all information entered herein is correct. (.Applicant sign full name here) X _ (Signature of recruiter) X_ 53. (Place of enlistment) (Date of actual enlistment) 1. I have reviewed all Information given above and certify that there have been no changes, to date, except as follows:_ John James DOE (Applicant fign full name here) X 54. TO BE COMPLETED IN INK IN THE HANDWRITING OF THE RECRUITING OFFICER: Circumstances relative to juvenile and/or police record Indicated above have been Investigated and the following action taken: (1)_Being referred to BuPers for consideration of a waiver. (2)-Waived by Recruiting Officer and enlisted. Applicant attained score_ AQT No. - AFQT No.-AFWST No. (Signature of recruiting officer) (Rank) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1956-0382334 51 UMIVEftStTY * 33 EMPLOYMENT. Are you now employed?_Indicate all dates or periods of employment. MONTH A FROM- ND YEAR TO- NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER REASON FOR LEAVING I—| |—I HAVE YOU EVER BEEN EMPLOYED BY A 1_1 YES 1_1 NO FOREIGN GOVERNMENT OR AGENCY? I—| |—i HAVE YOU EVER BEEN REFUSED A 1_1 YES l_I NO BOND? If "Yes,” explain (Use item 51 for more space) SOCIAL SECURITY NO DRAFT STATUS AND MILITARY SERVICE Items 34-38, and 40, not applicable to women. You are reminded that answers to questions under DRAFT STATUS and MILITARY SERVICE will be investigated. 34 Are you registered with Selective Service 7 _ 35. Selective Service No.__ 36. Selective Service Classifi¬ cation_ 37. Local Board address_38. Local Board (City) (State) No_39. Are you a conscientious objector?_ 40. Have you received orders to report for induction?_ 41. Have you ever been an applicant for enlistment or processed for induction into the Armed Forces?- If so were you rejected?_ State reason :__ 42. Have you ever been or are you now commissioned, enlisted, or inducted in any of the following?_ If "Yes,” specify below Regular Navy Coast Guard Reserve Regular Army Air Force Reserve Naval Reserve Marine Corps Army of the United States National Guard Naval Militia Marine Corps Reserve Army Reserve Air National Ouard Coast Guard Air Force BRANCH OF SERVICE SERVICE. SERIAL. OR FILE NO INCLUSIVE DATES OF SERVICE REASON AND AUTHORITY FOR DISCHARGE RATE OR RANK AT DISCHARGE 43. Are you now receiving a veteran disability compensation or allowance, pension, or retired pay for any Federal Service 7 _ 44. Have you ever submitted a claim for veteran disability compensation or allowance 7 _ If so, give particulars 45. Other than above, are you now receiving an allowance or compensation from the Federal Government? If so, give particulars : JUVENILE AND CIVIL RECORD You are reminded that answers to questions under this section will be investigated through records and fingerprints available with local police, courts, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and It Is assumed that you understand the penalties for withholding any information of this nature. No • 46 Have you ever been in the custody of juvenile authorities or of any civil law enforcement agency? If "Yes,” list each and every instance below including minor traffic violations, charges of drunkenness, vagrancy, peace disturbance for which you were taken into custody. DATE PLACE CHARGE DISPOSITION 52 ENLISTMENT CONTRACT NAVPERS 601 (Rev 2-56) FORWARD TO BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL DO NOT DETACH PART II FROM ORIGINAL EXEMPT REPORT 1. SERVICE NUMBER 123 45 67 2. NAME (Last, first, middle) DOE John James 3. RATE ABBREV. YN1 4. YEARS EDUCATION 12 5. PLACE OF BIRTH (City and State) Monroe, Kentucky 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. RELIGION Prot 8. CITIZENSHIP * If Other, specify E US □ NUS O OTHER DA MO 8 Aug YR 20 9. MARITAL STATUS W/.DC 10. HOME ADDRESS (City, County, State) 105 Alfa Street, Monroe, Jurgis, Kentucky II. SOCIAL SEC. NO. 123 456 789 12. DATE OF EN LISTM’T 13. ENLISTED/REENLISTED IN U. S. NAVY CU ENLISTMENT B MENt"' 51 CH INDUCTION 14. BRANCH & CLASS USN 15. TERM OF ENLISTMENT Six YRS O MINORITY DA MO YR 20 Feb 57 16. ENLISTMENT CODE 3 17. DATE MIL. OBL. INCURRED 18. HIL. OBL. DESIGNATOR 19. NAME OF ACTIVITY EFFECTING ENLISTMENT USS OPERATE (DD-999) DA | MO | YR 20. ACCEPTED AT (City and Slate) Newport, Rhode Island 21. ENLISTED AT (City and State) Newport, Rhode Island 22. ENTITLED TO REEN. BONUS _ , £] YES □ NO 23. SELECTIVE SERVICE LOCAL BOARD NUMBER (City, County, State) Not Registered 24. SELECTIVE SERVICE NUMBER 25. AFQT SCORE 26. PRIOR MIL. SERVICE PH yes n NO 27. DATE LAST ENTRY 28. BRANCH OF SERVICE USN 29. DATE LAST DISCH. 30. TYPE OF DISCHARGE Honorable 2tf Fe"b° 5i" 1? Fefc° 5? 31. PRIOR NET SERVICE FOR PAY PURPOSES 12 Yrs. 00 Mos. 00 nays 32. ACTIVE DUTY BASE DATE 20 Feb 45 33. DATE TRANSFERRED 34. transferred to Retained on board USS OPERATE (DD-999) DA MO YR 35. ACTIVE/INACTIVE STATUS (USNR only) □ RETAINED I ACDUTY I I FOR IMMEDIATE AC¬ DUTY (within 24 hrs.) □ DUTY INACTIVE TERM OF ACDUTY _MONTHS 36. DESCRIPTION —RACE SEX COLOR HAIR COLOR EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT COMPLEXION Caucasian M Brown Brown 70 175 Ruddy 37. MARKS AND SCARS ANT: LS 2" RT KNEE: POST: VSLA: MOLE LEFT SHOULDER I CERTIFY that a physical examination has been conducted according to current regulations, and that the above named man is free from all bodily defects and mental infirmity which would, in any way, disqualify him from performing the duties of his rating, and that he has stated that he has no disease concealed o, likely to be inherited. B. C. DEE, LCDR, MC , USNR _ Examining Surgeon, For and in consideration of the pay or wages due to the ratings which may from time to time be assigned iTie during the continu¬ ance of my service, I agree to and with_ I*_J« _ KAY _of the United States Navy, as follows: (Name of Enlisting Officer) First: To enter the service of the Navy of the United States and to report to such station or vessel of the Navy as I may be ordered to join, and to the utmost of my power and ability discharge my several services or duties and be in everything comformable and obedient to the several requirements and lawful commands of the officers who may be placed over me. ( 6 _Years from. 2Q February_ 1957 ) Second: I oblige and subject myself to serve s during minority until_ _ _ f unless sooner discharged ( (Date) (Year) j by proper authority, and on the conditions provided by the act of Congress of 3 March 1875, as Printed on the reverse of this contract. In the event of war or National emergency declared by the Congress or by the President to exist during my term of service, I oblige and subject myself to serve until six months after the end of the war or National emergency if so required by the Secretary of the Navy unless I voluntarily reenlist or extend my enlistment. I understand that when so detained the addition of one-quarter pay as specified in Section 1422, Revised Statutes, is not applicable. I also oblige myself, during such service, to comply with and be subject to such laws as have been, or may hereafter be enacted by the Congress of the United States, and to regulations issued pursuant thereto, and to submit to treatment for the prevention of small¬ pox, typhoid (typhoid prophylaxis), and to such other preventive measures as may be considered necessary by naval authorities. Third: I am of the legal age to enlist; I have never deserted from and I am not a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, the U. S. Coast Guard or any reserve component thereof; I have never been discharged from the United States Service or other service on account of disability or through sentence of either civilian or military court; and I have never been discharged from any service, civil or military, except with good character and for the reasons given by me to the recruiting officer prior to enlistment. Fourth: I understand that upon enlistment in a Reserve component of the United States Navy, or upon transfer or assignment there¬ to, in time of war or national emergency declared by the Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law, I may be ordered to active duty for the duration of the war or National emergency and for six months thereafter. Fifth: I understand that if I become a candidate for the Naval Academy and fail to pass the entrance examination, I will be returned to general service. Sixth: I have had this contract fully explained to me, I understand it, and certify that no promise of any kind has been made to me concerning assignment to duty, or promotion during my enlistment. Oath of Allegiance: I,_ JofaTl — JqJTIGS — DOE-- do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And 1 do further swear (or affirm) that all statements made by me as now given in this record are correct. SIGNATURE IN OWN HANDWRITING SURNAME 2Qth Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ citizenship, as shown above, substantiated. SIGNATURE AND RANK _^ 1_iL*_KAY; CDR y _USN TO RIGHT. _ day of - /s/ John James Doe February A. D. 19-57. -and contract perfected. OFFICIAL TITLE Commanding Officer FORWARD TO BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL 53 FORM APPROVED BY COMPTROLLER. U. S. APRIL 26, 1950 REPORT PERS—82-28 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND ENLISTMENT *See Art. B-2305, BuPtrs Manual SHIP OR STATION TLS.S. OPERATE (DD-999) Newport, Rhode Island i,. John James DOE 123 45 67 INI (Name) in the Navy of the United States fnr Six (Service No.) (Rate) Norfolk .years, under a contract of enlistment for which accepted at— TJ _having enlisted Virginia .do hereby, for the considerations mentioned therein, and in the _and made nn 20 Feb 1951 (Date) Act of Congress approved 22 August 1912, solemnly swear (or affirm) that I voluntarily agree to extend my enlistment for a period of Two ( 2 ) _full years from the date of expiration thereof, subject to the provisions and obligations of my said contract of enlist¬ ment of which this, my voluntary agreement shall form a part, and in the event of war or national emergency declared by the President to exist during my term of service I further oblige and subject myself to serve until 6 months after the end of the war or national emer¬ gency if so required by the Secretary of the Navy unless I voluntarily re-enlist or extend my enlistment and I understand that when so detained, addition of one-fourth pay, as specified in Revised Statutes, 1422 is not applicable; and I do further solemnly swearlor affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whosoever; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. John James DOE. SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this _ Third _day of~ June _, A. D._ 19 56 _and this contract is hereby (Yr.) perfected and accepted for and in behalf of the UNITED STATES. Service thereunder to begin from the date following the date the original contract of enlistment would have expired had it not been extended. This is the _ _ FIRST _ _ extension of current enlistment. SIGNATURE* RANK AND TITLE W. T. HATCH CDR, USN, Commanding Officer EXAMINED AND FOUND PHYSICALLY QUALIFIED for extension of enlistment: 19 Feb 1957 ship OR stat.on USS OPERATE (DD-999) (Examination to be held just prior to expiration of current enlistment.) DATE, SIGNATURE OF MEDICAL OFFICER B. C. DEE RANK AND TITLE LTJG, MC, USN, Medical Officer ORDER TO CREDIT MILEAGE ALLOWANCE AND REENLISTMENT ALLOWANCE OR BONUS The. enlistment described above ; has thi< date ., 1^ F1^57 been completed and tomorrow the extension thereof far TWO (2 ) _ years will become effective. OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO (Type o( Discharge) HONORABLE NET TIME SERVED IN THIS ENLISTMENT 06 YRS. 00 MOS. 00 DAS. AT MIDNIGHT THIS OATE. ON DUTT AT (Place) Newport, Rhode Island xxxxxxj'suoooooooex / hereby elect mileage allowance to _ JpOnTOQ^ 11611 T/UCKy _ home address at time of last ^iffll^tment • Place of- (See Travel Instructions.) SIGNATURE: John J&IIi8S DOE Home address at time of enlistment verified. The disbursing officer is authorized and directed to credit mileage and enlistment allowance or bonus as provided by law and regulations. SIGNATURE * W. T. HATCH RANK AND TITLE CDR, USN, Commanding Officer C. 0. ORDER NO. 21-57 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE $_ ENLISTMENT ALLOWANCE OR BONUS $_ COMPUTATION OF DISBURSEMENTS D. 0. SYMBOL NO. TO BE ENTERED BY THE DISBURSING OFFICER MAKING PAYMENT NAME (Last) ( First) 'Middle) SERVICE NO. 1 RATE BRANCH a CLASS DOE John JameFi 123 45 67 INI USN AGREEMENT TO EXTEND ENLISTMENT NAVPERS4 *" forward to bupers upon extension 1 A 54 RECORD OF EMERGENCY DATA SII INSTRUCTIONS ON RIVIKSI BEFORE MAKINO ENTRIES 1 designator s last name —first name—middle name DOE John Jam ea 2. PRESENT SERVICE NO. 123 45 67 3. RANK/RATE YN1 4. DATE OF BIRTH 8/8/20 RELIGION Prot • 6 HOME ADDRESS AT TIME OF ENTRY INTO SERVICE 105 Alfa Street Monroe, Kentucky 7 PRIOR MIL SERVICE B □ No 20 Feb 1951 (DATE LAST ENTRY) 8 FORMER SERVICE NO. 9 SOCIAL SECURITY NO 99 999 999 FIRST NAME—MIDDLE NAME—LAST NAME (If deceased, so state) ADDRESS 10 WIFE OR HUSBAND (If none, so state) Helen Myrtle DOE 364 Dolphin Avenue, Newport, R.I. 1 1 . NAME OF CHILDREN (If none, so state If step or adopted, so state) ADDRESS Robert Daniel DOE Richard William DOE Dorothy Ann DOE Mary Kay DOE Same as Block #10 YES X X X SEX DATE Of BIRTH 3722749 2/18/51 4/10/53 6/26/55 12. FATHER Bryan Allen DOE ADDRESS 105 Alfa St., Monroe, Kentucky 13 MOTHER Mary Ellen DOE ADDRESS 105 Alfa St., Monroe, Kentucky 14. ADULT NEXT OF KIN NOT NAMED IN ANY OTHER ITEM Donald Robert DOE (Brother) ADDRESS 1015 Second Ave., Baltimore, Maryland 14o. ALL PERSONS RECEIVING MORE THAN 50 PERCENT OF THEIR SUPPORT FROM ME (OTHER THAN WIFE OR CHILDREN UNDER 21) ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP DATE OF BIRTH None PERSON(S) NAMED ABOVE WHO ARC NOT TO BE NOTIFIED DUE TO ILL HEALTH None ADORESS DESIGNATIONS 16. BENEFICIARY FOR GRATUITY PAY IN EVENT THERE IS NO SURVIVING SPOUSE OR ELI GIBLE CHILD(REN). NAME PARENTS OR BROTHERS OR SISTERS ONLY (F L. 881 84th Congress) FIRST NAME —MIDDLE NAME—LAST NAME ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP Bryan Allen DOE 105 Alfa Street Monroe, Kentucky Father Mary Hlen DOE 105 Alfa Street Monroe, Kentucky Mother Donald Robert DOE 1015 Second Ave. Baltimore, Maryland Brother 1 7. BENEFICIARY OR BENEFICIARIES FOR UNPAID PAY AND ALLOW- ANCES (P. L 147, 84th Con gress). PERCENT OF SHARES MUST TOTAL 100 PERCENT 100 * Helen Myrtle DOE 364 Dolphin Ave. Newport, R.I. Wife 7. 18 PERSON TO RECEIVE ALLOT MENT OF PAY IF MISSING OR UNABLE TO TRANSMIT FUNDS. PERCENT OF PAY EACH MO 100 Helen Ifyrtle DOE 364 Dolphin Ave. Newport, R.I. Wife 19 INSURANCE POLICIES IN FORCE INCLUDING USGLI AND NSLI (Agencies to be notified in cose of death in active service) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMPANY ADDRESS OF OFFICE RECEIVING PAYMENT OR HOME OFFICE POLICY NO National Service Life Insurance Veterans' Administration, Munitions Building, Wash. 25, D.C. V 00-000-00 20. SERVICE ORGANIZATION AND ADDRESS OF DESIGNATOR U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999), c/o Fleet Post Office, New York, N.Y. DATE SIGNED 20 Feb 1957 21 SIGNATURE OF WITNESS /s/ Harry J. SMITH 22. SIGNATURE OF DESIGNATOR /s/ John James DOE D D, FORM 1 Previous Editions ore obsolete. Dec 56 ■ For Naty, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard use: Will be used in lieu of DD Form 93. 55 REPORT PERS-52-75 ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION RECORD LAST NAME (First) (Middie) SERVICE NO. RATE CLASS CO. NO. D. 0. T. &CCUP. CODE DOE John James 123 45 67 SR U5N 0449 3-16.20 YR. BIRTH GCT ARI «T TEST SCORE PROFILE 20 71 67 60 68 GCT ARI MECH CLER SONAR SPECIAL TEST SCORES HIGH 1 X X X NAME FORM DATE SCORE 2 X MK MECH — — 64 AVER 3 MK ELECT — - 62 4 LOW 5 MOST SIGNIFICANT EDUCATION High School DATES 9/34-6/38 YEARS EDUCATION 12 DEGREE H.S. NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY MAJOR COURSES Academic SPECIAL STUDIES ALG.-GEOM. TRIG. PHYS. TYPING SHORTHAND HIGH SCH. ~4 - - 45 wpm 6o W pm SPECIALIZED TRAINING ( Vocational, trade, technical, btuineet) COLLEGE WPM WPM Completed six-month course in automobile repairing. Night schoo’ - 0/2g to 2/3 r~ LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES SPORTS IN WHICH QUALIFIED Photography (develops and prints) TALENT FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT Football 2L, H.S HIGHEST POSITION OF LEADERSHIP - - Counselor, Boy's Summer Camp MAIN CIVILIAN OCCUPATION (D. O. T. TITLE) EMPLOYER S NAME Statistical Clerk (clerical) U.S. Army - Civil Service LOCATION YRS. SERVICE WKLY. WAGE TRADE TEST NAME SCORE Fort Jackson, Ky. 6 j 65 - - - - - DUTIES, SKILLS. MACHINES Worked in the water division (U.S. Army) compiling weekly reports. Reports pertained To war bonds, personnel strength and requirement. Maintained tickler file on approximately 75 internal/external and intra-division reports. 9/38 - 9/44 SECOND BEST OCCUPATION (D. O. T. TITLE) EMPLOYER’S NAME None LOCATION YRS. SERVICE WKLY. WAGE TRADE TEST NAME SCORE - - - - - j - - - - - - - DUTIES. SKILLS. MACHINES OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE LEFT EYE RIGHT LEFT QUALIFIED SWIMMER QUALIFIED FOR UNC 20/ ORR. I CORR. '20 ! - HANDED X HANDED CLASS III — —. RIGHT EYE UNCORR. I CORR. 2Q/2Q NOT QUALIFIED FOR RECOMMENDATIONS AND REMARKS 3-38 7/6/55: Certified to be a correct transcription. RECOMMENDED TO STRIKE FOR Clerical/Administrative Ratings Yeoman (YN) ——- J -* T-——-— - v J —- W B.C. DEE, LT, USN Personnel Officer PREPARING ACTIVITY USNTC, Norfolk, Va. l VOLUNTEER FOR Submarine Duty INITIALS /a/ JJD INTERVIEWEE’S SIGNATURE / s/ John James DOE VERIFIED: /s/ William H. WHITE, PN1, USN DATE 2/20/45 ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION RECORD NAVPERS-601 REV ( 11 - 50 ) 10 - 61418-2 56 NAVY OCCUPATION AND TRAINING HISTORY See Art B 2305, BuPers Manual I. ADVANCEMENT. REDUCTION OR CHANGE IN RATING RATE TO WHICH PERSON WILL BE ADVANCED REDUCED OR CHANGED PRACTICAL FACTORS TRAINING COURSES COMPLETED DATE ADVANCED. REDUCED OR CHANGED RATING •OFFICERS INITIALS DATE COM¬ PLETED FOR ADVANCEMENT •OFFICERS INITIALS DESCRIPTION OF COURSE OR NAVPERS NUMBER DATE COMPLETED •OFFICERS INITIALS SA 20 Apr 45 A.B.C. Recruit Training 20Apr45 A.B.C. 20Apr45 A.B.C. YNSA 1 Aug 45 D.E.F. YN Class "A" School !Aug45 D.E.F. lAug45 D.E.F. YNSN 1 Nov 45 G.H.I. NTC for SN 1Nov45 G.H.I. l6Nov45 G.H.I. YN3 15 Apr 46 J.K.L. NTC for YN3 lUav46 J.K.L. l6Aug46 J.K.L. GTC for Pettv Officers 14Jun46 J.K.L. YN2 7 Jun 47 M.N.O. NTC for YN2 8Au*47 M.N.O. 16Nov47 M.N.O. YN1 8 Apr 49 P.Q.R. NTC for YN1 & YNC 3MarL9 P.Q.R. l6Au*49 P.Q.R. YNCA l6Jun53 S.T.U. YNC W.T.H. l6Jun55 2 NAVY JOB CLASSIFICATION RECORD 3 RECORD OF OTHER OFF-DUTY STUDY (USAFl Courses. Etc ) DATE PRIMARY CODE SECONDARY OR ' SPECIAL PROGRAM JOB CODES •OFFICERS II ?ATE INITIALS PLETED NUMBER AND TITLE OF COURSE OR TEST SCHOOL GRADE •OFFICER S INITIALS 20Feb45 0015-86 — A.B.C. 3Apr5 2 UCMJ Corr. 3.8 S.T.U. lMay45 YN-2509-85 D.E.F. lAug46 YN-2509-25 J.K.L. 1Ju149 YN-2502-25 2511 P.Q.R. 1Jun53 YN-2501-25 2511 S.T.U. 5 GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TESTING RECORD PASSFD < In-fervid equivalent) FAILED: ( Void if passed on retest) ■ - .1 1 1 Dale -Off. 1 nil his 4. DESIGNATOR RECORD HIGH S le k ”l l : E w ,13NovSar.STU Initial* DATE DESIGNATOR QUALIFICATION OR REVOCATION •OFFICER'S INITIALS COLLEGE LEVEL ONE YEAR COLLEGE E natel+F eb5 5 off WTH Initials I - ! Dale 'Off. Initials _ 6 RECORD OF NAVY SERVICE SCHOOLS ATTENDED NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL NavScol, YN "A”, Norfolk, Va. MANNER OF COMPLETION NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL School of Naval Justice, Newport, R.I. CLASS NO. COURSE LFNGTH - ATE ENROLLED CLASS NO. COURSE LENGTH DATE ENROLLED 7-45 12 wks 1 May 45 18-49 7 wks 1 Oct 49 DATE COMPLETED 1 Aug 45 „ FINAL MARK (0-/00) (62.5 passing) 96.14 CLASS STANDING iith a °f 19_ DATE COMPLETED 21 Nov 4« FINAL MARK ( 0 - 100 ) (62.5 passing) 89.11 CLASS STANDING in a class of 2Q MANNER OF COMPLETION A 1 GRADUATED 1_I DROPPED FOR 1 A 1 GRADUATED 1_I DROPPED FOR SIGNATURE* D.E. FIRST, LT., USN, Personnel Officer SIGNATURE" W.S. DALE, LTJG, USN, Personne 1 Officer name (Last) (First) ( Middle ) DOE John James SERVICE NUMBER 123 45 67 BRANCH AND CLASS USN Navy Occupation and Training History navpers-gm (Ret. tse) u.s. government printing office 1956-0-393197 4 ■fH 57 REPORT PERS- *2-77 GUNNERY RECORD See Art. B-2305,BuPera Manual ( 1. SHIF OR STATION U.S.S. LST 9999 2 DATE QUALIFIED 28 Feb 50 3. RATE SN 4 SCORE 3.3 5. QUALIFIED BY EXAM 6. QUALIFICATION QUALIFIED IN RECOGNITION 7. TYPE INSTRUMENT RENSHAW SYSTEM r-VATE STATION 6 May 50 9 DATE RELIEVED 12 Apr 51 10. INITIALS* A.B.C• 11. REMARKS Excellent knowledge in recognition of foreign crafts. 1. SHIP OR STATION U.S.S. GALLANT (DD-lll) 2. DATE QUALIFIED 11 Jun 51 3. RATE BM3 4 SCORE 3.6 5. QUALIFIED BY EXAM 6. QUALIFICATION GUN POINTER 7. TYPE INSTRUMENT 40 MM 8 DATE STATION 5 Jul 51 9. DATE RELIEVED 29 Aug 52 10. INITIALS' D .E .G. 11. REMARKS None 1. SHIP OR STATION U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION. MEMPHIS, TENN. 2. DATE QUALIFIED 9 Sep 52 3. RATE BM2 4. SCORE 318 5. QUALIFIED BY PRACTICE 6. QUALIFICATION EXPERT RIFLEMAN 7. TYPE INS7RUMFNT .30 Ml RIFLE 1. DATE STATION 9. DATE RELIEVED 10. INITIALS' H.I.J. 11. REMARKS Exceptionally well oriented in firing in all positions. 1. SHIP OR STATION U.S.S. GLORY (CVA-99) 2. DATE QUALIFIED 15 Jan 54 3. RATE HM2 4. SCORE 282 5. QUALIFIED BY PRACTICE 6. QUALIFICATION SHARPSHOOTER, PISTOL 7. TYPE INSTRUMENT .45 AUTOMATIC 8. DATE STATION 9. DATE RELIEVED 10. INITIALS' K.L.M. 11. REMARKS Very effective aiming procedure. 1. SHIP OR STATION U.S.S. VALIANT (CL-222) 2. DATE QUALIFIED 7 May 56 3. RATE BM1 4. SCORE 3.9 5. QUALIFIED BY EXAM 6. QUALIFICATION GUN TRAINER 7. TYPE INSTRUMENT 5 H /38 1. DATE STATION 11 Jun 56 9. DATE RELIEVED “ 1 Dec 56 10. INITIALS* N.O.P. 11. REMARKS None 1. SHIP OR STATION U.S.S. VALIANT (CI^222) 2. DATE QUALIFIED 12 Jan 57 3. RATE BM1 4 SCORE 3.9 5. QUALIFIED BY EXAM 6. QUALIFICATION MOUNT CAPTAIN 7. TYPE INSTRUMENT 5 H /38 8. DATE STATION 6 Feb 57 9. DATE RELIEVED 29 Sep 57 10. INITIALS' R.S.T. 11. REMARKS None 1. SHIP OR STATION 2. DATE QUALIFIED 3. RATE 4. SCORE 5. QUALIFIED BY 6. QUALIFICATION 7 TYPE INSTRUMENT 8. DATE STATION 9. DATE RELIEVED 10. INITIALS' 11. REMARKS 1. SHIP OR STATION 2. DATE QUALIFIED 3. RATE 4 SCORE 5. QUALIFIED BY 6. QUALIFICATION 7. TYPE INSTRUMENT 8. DATE STATION 9. DATE RELIEVED 10 INITIALS' 11. REMARKS NAME ( Last) DOE (Fir*) John t Middle ) James I SERVICE NO. ! 123 45 67 GUNNERY RECORD NAvm,s . rev. j-so) 16-61.184-1 5 58 REPORT PERS-I2-M LEAVE RECORD * See Art. B-2305, BuPera Manual t , 20 Feb 57 Credit brought forward from previous record —‘ Zero AUTHENTICATED BT LEAVE TAKEN ( Inclusive Date) NO. OAYS TYPE CREDITED BALANCE SHIP OR STATION SIGNATURE* FRON Day Mo. Year TO Day Mo. Year DATE Day Mo. Year DAYS DAYS 19 Feb 57: P DAYS UNUSED AID $ EARNED LEAVE CA ON SH SE DATE TTLEMENT OF DISCH FOR ARGE SIXTY . USS OPERATE (DD-999) A.B. SEE, LCDR, Executive Office • TIMC NOT MffVCD {Inclusive Dates) FROM TO NO. DAYS CAUSE (NPDI AOL AWOL SKNC) tHIP OR STATION SIGNATURE* NAME (Last) DOE (ftn>0 John James SERVICE NO. 123 45 67 LEAVE RECORD "»•«" !•— 61417-1 8 a 59 ENLISTED PERFORMANCE RECORD *See Art. B-2305, BuPers Manual ( 1. DATE 2 REASON 3 RATE 4 TRAITS 5 SHIP OR ACTIVITY 6 INITIALS* PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE MILITARY BEHAVIOR LEADERSHIP AND SUPERVISORY ABILITY MILITARY APPEARANCE ADAPT¬ ABILITY 20 Feb 57 M YN1 DATE 01 ' REENLL >TMENT. USS OPERATE (DD-999) A .6 . S name (Lott) ( Ftrst ) (Middle) service no DOE John James 123 L5 67 ENLISTED PERFORMANCE RECORD — nawers «oi {R«». j-m) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE IW-0-382335 9 [Tj (Emergency Printing) NAVY—DPPO 5ND NorVa 60 EXEMPT REPORT ASSIGNMENT TO AND EXTENSION OF ACTIVE DUTY See Part B, Chapter 2. BuPera Manual 1. REPORTING FOR ACTIVE DUTY DATE COMMENCED ACTIVE DUTY TERM OF ACTIVE DUTY STATUS OF ACTIVE DUTY □ INVOLUNTARY 20 February 1955 24 MONTHS B VOLUNTARY PROGRAM OR AUTHORITY □ TAR PROGRAM B GENERAL SERVICE □ □ TEMPORARY ACTIVE DUTY CONNECTION WITH OTHER ( Specify) ( Specifu) 2. RECORD OF RECEIPT REPORTED AT (Ultimate Destination) DATE REPORTED U.S. Naval Receiving Station 21 February 1955 Norfolk, Virginia SIGNATURE AND RANK A.B. SEE, LT, USN Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer. 3. EXTENSION OF ACTIVE DUTY SHIP CR ACTIVITY ( Date) I hereby volunteer and agree to remain on active duty for a period of . ( 12, 21,, 36, 1,8/30, 60, 90, etc.) months/days beyond my normal expiration of active obligated service date, thus changing my release from active duty date f rom_to REASON I understand that the above agreement is for general assignment afloat or ashore (or assignment afloat or ashore in case of TAR personnel) and that except in time of war or national emergency hereafter declared by the Congress or when otherwise prescribed by law, I shall be separated on date of expiration of term of active service as hereby extended unless I voluntarily request, and am accepted by the Commanding Officer for, further retention on active duty. I understand that my continuation on active duty during this extension of active duty is subject to appropriation limitations (and in case of TAR personnel, is also contingent upon authorized allowances) and that my retention on active duty thereafter is subject to the needs of the naval service. WITNESSED AND ACCEPTED: ( Signature) (By direction Commanding Officer) NAME (Last, first, middle) RATE SERVICE NO. BRANCH AND CLASS DOE John James YNT1 123 45 67 USNE-R rv-rrur ion or inTIW r miTV u. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1956-0-385785 , . fi I ASSIGNMENT TO AND EXTENSION OF ACTIVE DUTY navpers 601 (New4-56> 10 J_J 427669 0 -57 -5 61 ASSIGNMENT TO AND EXTENSION OF ACTIVE DUTY EXEMPT REPORT See Part B, Chapter 2. BuPers Manual 1. REPORTING FOR ACTIVE DUTY DATE COMMENCED ACTIVE DUTY TERM OF ACTIVE DUTY MONTHS STATUS OF ACTIVE DUTY LJ VOLUNTARY LZI INVOLUNTARY PROGRAM OR AUTHORITY □ TAR PROGRAM □ GENERAL SERVICE □ □ TEMPORARY ACTIVE DUTY CONNECTION WITH {Specify) OTHER ( Specify )_ 2. RECORD OF RECEIPT REPORTED AT (Ultimate Destination) DATE REPORTED SIGNATURE AND RANK 3. EXTENSION OF ACTIVE DUTY SHIP CR ACTIVITY U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) 1$ January 1957 I hereby volunteer and agree to remain on active duty for a period of. 24 (Date) (12, 24. 36, 48/30, 60, 90. etc.) months/ -(EMENT POINTS EARNED (1) PERIOD COVERED (2) ORGANIZATION (3) TOTAL DRILLS (4) GROUP ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAIN¬ ING (5) ACTIVE DUTY FOR TRAIN¬ ING (6) ACTIVE DUTY (7) CORRES. COUR¬ SES COM¬ PLETED (8) GRATU¬ ITOUS POINTS (9) OTHER (10) TOTAL POINTS EARNED 01) INITIALS FROM (Day, Mo, Yr) TO (Day, Mo, Yr) Date Anniversary Year Begins Date Anniversary Year Ends TOTAL POINTS EARNED THIS ANNIVERSARY YEAR Date Anniversary Year Begins Date Anniversary Year Ends TOTAL POINTS EARNED THIS ANNIVERSARY YEAR Date Anniversary Year Begins Date Anniversary Year Ends TOTAL POINTS EARNED THIS ANNIVERSARY YEAR Date Anniversary Year Begins Date Anniversary Year Ends TOTAL POINTS EARNED THIS ANNIVERSARY YEAR NAME (Last) (First) (Middle) SERVICE NO. RECORD OF NAVAL RESERVE SERVICE NAVPERS 601 (1-54) 16-61504-2 OPO «□ 63 £XEMF*T REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS See Part S, Chapter 2, BuPers Manual SHIP OF. STATION U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) SAMPLE OF EMILIES TO BE MADE ON PAGE 13 OF OLD RECORD 8 Aug 56 : Pre-Discharge Interview conducted this date in accordance with Article C-10103, BuPers Manual. Interviewee desires to reenlist on board. RECOMMENDED FOR REENLISTMENT CHARLEY FOX, LT, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer 15 Aug 56 : In accordance with BUPERSINST 1133.4A, I understand that I do not receive travel allowance or lump-sum payment for unused leave. I do desire to reenlist more than three months early. WITNESSED; D. E. John James DOE EFF, LCDR, USN, Executive Officer 16 Aug 56 : Discharged with HDCG. AUTH: Article C-10306(l)(d), BuPers Manual and BUPERSINST 1133.4A. Honorable Discharge Certificate, Certificate of Service Card, and Form DD 214 issued. D. E. EFF, LCDR, USN, Executive Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer RECORD OF TRANSFER ‘ . = 7.V N$ r ERRED j ACTIVITY TO WHICH TRANSFERRED 1 •'"OSE s v ; :r- 0 DUTY INSTRUCTION. ETC.) AUTHORITY •* JOB CO Or. I SECONDARY OR SPECIAL PROGRAM JOB CODE 1 SIGNATURE AND RANK .ill OF iNTEPV.EDI.A7l. REPORTING STATIONS (// necessary ) RECORD OF RECEIPT E p -??TEC A' ’ . ’jvstmation) DATE REPORTED SIGNATURE AND RANK same ( Lost, first, middle'- DOE, John James RATE YN1 SERVICE NO. 123 45 67 BRANCH AND CLASS USN 13 64 "IM'NISTRATIVE REMARKS NAVPERS-601 (REV 10-55) U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1955—0-364725 H3 EXEMPT REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS See Part B, Chapter 2, BuPers Manual SHIP OR STATION U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) 20 Feb 57: Reenlisted on board this vessel this date, in the U.S. Navy, to serve for a period of six (6) full years. Retained on board for duty. AUTH: BuPers Manual, Article C-1403(l)(a). Eligible for and paid $_reenlistment bonus. This reenlistment is the third reen¬ listment for the purpose of reenlistment bonus entitlement under the provisions of Public Law 506, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session. Eligible for and paid $_Mustering-Out Pay in accordance with Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952. Agreement to extend enlistment dated 20 September 1956 canceled this date in accordance with BuPers Manual, Article C-1407(8 )(b). Issued Armed Forces Identification Card Number 999999. Paid $_cash settlement for sixty (60) days earned leave at date of discharge /or/ Carried forward thirty (30) days earned leave at date of discharge. D. E. EFF, LCDR, USN, Executive Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer 20 Feb 57: Received instructions in the UCMJ, in accordance with Article 137, Uniform Code of Military Justice. John James DOE WITNESSED: D. E. EFF, LCDR, USN, Executive Officer RECORD OF TRANSFER ■ TS." NSFFRRED j ACTIVITY TO WHICH TRANSFERRED ”»8E V* ~s.vsrr? 'DITTY INSTRUCTION, etc.) AUTHORITY '■-*‘• 9 Y JOB COOr. SECONDARY OR SPECIAL PROGRAM JOB CODE | SIGNATURE AND RANK ■ ;« OF intsr»£ 0I.4T* R£P0«TtN<» stations (it necessary) RECORD OF RECEIPT EPCf’TEC- A' -j. destination) DATE REPORTED SIGNATURE AND RANK name (Lost, first, middle) DOE, John James RATE YN1 SERVICE NO. 123 45 67 BRANCH AND CLASS USN ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS NAVPERS-601 (REV 10-55) U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1955—0-364725 13 65 EXEMPT REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS See Part B , Chapter 2, BuPers Manual SHIP OF. STATION U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) (Date ) Paid $ reenlistment bonus upon reenlistraent. Advanced to rate of YN1. Current tour of sea/shore duty commenced. Received on board this vessel for duty. Recommended for advancement and nominated for examination. Eligible in all respects for participation in service-wide competitive examination for YNCA. Completed twelve (12) years service for pay purposes. Good Conduct Medal period commences. Medals and Awards Data: Entitled to Medal/Award Rec'd (date)/Not Rec'd Following marks transcribed from previous record to facilitate computation of eligibility for advancement in rating: Date Professional Performance Military Behavior Leadership & Supervisory Ability Military Appearance Adaptability 16 Iv$F 'OSJTY INSTRUCTION. ETC.) AUTHORITY ; - *.PV J09 COOr. : SECONDARY OR SPECIAL PROGRAM JOB CODE | SIGNATURE AND RANK • -•>£ OF iNTTLRVEDlATL REPORTING STATIONS (// necessary) RECORD OF RECEIPT ^ PORTED a* j' 7 -_ < jvstination) DATE REPORTED SIGNATURE AND RANK name [Lust, first, middle' DOE, John James MEl SERVICE NO. 123 45 67 BRANCH AND CUSS USN IDM'-NISTRATIVE REMARKS NAVPERS-601 (REV 10-55) U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1955- 0-364725 13 E 66 Form prescribed bv Comptroller, U. S. 26 April 1950 *See Art. B—230 5 BuPers Manual EXEMPT REPORT Record of Discharge, Release From Active Duty, or Death * GPO 1956 O f— 4036*3 z o £< U - .S- S . OP IATE (DP-999) N ew port, U ._ nn 19 February 195 7,. be low . named individua i (Ship or Station) (Location) (Date) rwi |—, RELEASED ,—, TRANSFERRED CLASS .—. .— ,—. TEMPORARILY —. OTH ._ 21 DISCHARGED □ «OM ACTIVE □ TO FLEET - □ RETIRED □ DECEASED □ J”™^ ALlY □ (Specify m remarks vet,on I RESERVE |—| RELEASED FROM ty] I his individual was: |_| ACTIVE DUTY LAJ ACTIVE DUTY CONTINUED ON reason Bxplration of Enlistment _ authority BuPers Manual, Article C-10304. RETIRED normal date of in Februarv 1957 EXPIRATION OF ENLISTMENT UCLi J x ?Z±_ ( Day ). (M o.) (tear) Honorable (EE) TYPE DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE ENLISTED Z H □ inducted 20 F ebruary 1951 - Nor folk, Vi rginia (Date and place ) E enlistment at [ZZ1 active-duty from 20 F ebruary 1951 ~ Norfolk, Virginia HOME ADDRESS AT TIME OF ENLISTMENT, INDUCTION, OR ORDER TO ACTIVE DUTY _ (Date and place) 105 Alfa Street, Monroe, Kentucky >2 << at O I hereby elect travel allowance to Monroe , K entucky Place of Home Address at time of enlistment. ( Location ) signature John J ames DCS (See travel instructions ) E □ REENLISTED ON BOARD NOT ENTITLED SETTLEMENT UNUSED LEAVE ELECTED m CASH SETTLEMENT □ ENTER CHECKAGE FOR ( Words) DAYS EXCESS LEAVE 60 ( Figures ) DAYS UNUSED LEAVE □ ELECTED TO CARRY OVER UNUSED LEAVE TO NEW ENLISTMENT FROM TO Completed 12 years service for pay purposes on 19 57 _PAYMENT OF DISCHARGE GRATUITY EH DIRECTED [?D IS NOT DIRECTED < o D O IM z < Issued Honorable Discharge Certificate and Bitton, Certificate of Service (DD 217N) and Lapel Button, and Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge (DD 214). Recommended for reenlistment. Recommended for Good Conduct Medal. Final Overall Trait Average: 3.28 Destroyed Armed Forces Identification Card No. 111111 Home Address: 105 Alfa Street, Monroe, Kentucky The disbursing officer is authorized and directed to credit travel allowances and other allowances as provided by law and regulations and to close account if required in accordance with current instructions. SIGNATURE * RANK AND TITLE C. O. ORDER NO. I. J. KAY CDR, Commanding Officer 19-57 D. O. SYMBOL NO. < ►- < a o z D o TRAVEL ALLOWANCE CREDITED $_ COMPUTATION TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DISBURSING OFFICER SHIP OB STATION DUE AT DISCHARGE $ PERSONAL FUNDS $ GRATUITY CREDITED $ U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) NAME ( hisl (First) ( Middle ) j SERVICE NO. RATE ] BRANCH AND CLASS DOE John James 123 45 67 YN1 USN RECORD OF DISCHARGE, RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY, OR DEATH nayf«s-60i/navco««512 ( , E v. s-56) 14 £] 67 *< H < O -J < z o 1. LAST NAME • FIRST NAME - MIDDLE NAME DOE John James 4 DEPARTMENT. COMPONENT AND BRANCH OR CLASS NAVY - USN 2. SERVICE NUMBER 123 45 67 3a. GRADE. RATE OR RANK YN1 5. PLACE OF BIRTH (City and Slala or Country) Monroe, Kentucky DATE OF BIRTH 7a. RACE b. SEX C. COLOR HAIR d. COLOR EYES a. HEIGHT /. WEIGHT 8 U.S. CITIZEN 9 MARITAL STATUS CAU MALE BROWN HRCWN 5 , 10" 175 BC] YE * [Jno Vfij.DC b. DATE OF RANK (Day.Month, Year) 16 Apr 54 8 Aug 20 10a. HIGHEST CIVILIAN EDUCATION LEVEL ATTAINED High School - 4 b. MAJOR COURSE OR FIELD Academic 11a. TYPE OF TRANSFER OR DISCHARGE < a h o < o Discharge b. STATION OR INSTALLATION AT WHICH EFFECTED U.S.Sc OPERATE (DD-999) d EFFEC- TIVE DATE DAY 19 MONTH Feb YEAR 57 b. TYPE OF CERTIFICATE DD256N, DD217N 16. DATE INDUCTED DAY Not € MONTH .pplicat YEAR le s“ |‘"“"0 M * MD * U ™0" ,TV Art, C-10304, BuPers Manual - 202 - Expiration of term of enlistment u. o v> rr ._ z 1 12. LAST DUTY ASSIGNMENT AND MAJOR COMMAND 5 I U.S.S. OPERATE (DP-999) 13a. CHARACTER OF SERVICE HONORABLE U. SELECTIVE SERVICE NUMBER U>< UJ^Q Notiavailable l 15- SELECTIVE SERVICE LOCAL BOARD NUMBER. CITY. COUNTY AND STATE Not registered 17. DISTRICT OR AREA COMMAND TO WHICH RESERVIST TRANSFERRED Not applicable 18. TERMINAL DATE OF RESERVE OBLIGATION Not applicabl YEAR le 20 PRIOR REGULAR ENLISTMENTS Two (2) 19. CURRENT ACTIVE SERVICE OTHER THAN BY INDUCTION a. SOURCE OF ENTRY □ ENLISTED (Flrat Enliatmant) [ [ ENLISTED (Prior Service) Q0« ENLIST ED [ ~~1 0 T H ER : b. TERM OF SERVICE (Years) 21. GRADE, RATE OR RANK AT TIME OF ENTRY INTO CURRENT ACTIVE SERVICE YN2 C. DATE OF ENTRY OA Y 20 MONTH Feb YEAR 51 22. PLACE OF ENTRY INTO CURRENT ACTIVE SERVICE (City and State) Norfolk, Virginia 24. STATEMENT OF SERVICE YEARS MONTHS DA YS a. CREDITABLE (1) NET SERVICE THIS PERIOD 06 00 00 FOR BASIC PAY (2) OTHER SERVICE 06 00 00 PURPOSES (SI TOTAL (Lin • + (2» 12 00 00 6. TOTAL ACTIVE SERVICE 12 00 00 C. FOREIGN AND/OR SEA SERVICE l_05 04 23 23. HOME OF RECORD AT TIME OF ENTRY INTO ACTIVE SERVICE (Street. RFD. City. County and State) 105 Alfa Street Monroe, Jurgis, Kentucky < o 25a. SPECIALTY NUMBER AND TITLE YN-2501-25 Shief Clerk (Any Ind.) 0-97.13 26. DECORATIONS. MEDALS, BADGES, COMMENDATIONS, CITATIONS AND CAMPAIGN RIBBONS AWARDED OR AUTHORIZED Good Conduct Medal, Victory Medal, United Nations Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal 27. WOUNDS RECEIVED AS A RESULT OF ACTION WITH ENEMY FORCES (Place and date, it known) None 28. SERVICE SCHOOLS OR COLLEGES. COLLEGE T R Al NING. COURSES AND/OR POST-GRADUATE COURSES SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED 29. OTHER SERVICE TRAINING COURSES SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED GTC for P0 N7C for YN3 & YN2 NTC for YN1 & YNC UCMJ SCHOOL OR COURSE a DATES (From - To) b MAJOR COURSES c Yeoman Class "A" School Naval Justice School X X Y 6/1/45 - 9/1/45 10/l/49 - 11/21/4$ Corr. & Filing Court Martial Procedures VA DATA 30a. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE [X|yes 1 Ino b. AMOUNT OF ALLOTMENT $6.40 C. MONTH ALLOTMENT DISCONT INUED 31a. VA BENEFITS PREVIOUSLY APPLIED FOR (Specify type) b. VA CLAIM NUMBER C-- < L> H 3 < 32. REMARKS Reenlisted in the U.S. Navy 20 Feb 1957 on board the U.S.S. OPERATE (DD-999) Mustering-Out Pay - Entitled $300.00 - Paid $300.00 X Good Conduct Medal period commences 20 Feb 1957 X XX X XX X XX X 33 PERMANENT ADDRESS FOR MAILING PURPOSES AFTER TRANSFER OR DISCHARGE ('Sfraaf, RFD. City, County and State) 105 Alfa St., Monroe, Kentucky 35a. TYPED N AME. G RADE AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER D. E. EFFj LT, USN, Personnel Officer By direction of Conmanding Officer FOR* 34. SIGNATURE OF PERSON BEING TRANSFERRED OR DISCHARGED /s/ John James DOE b. SIGNATURE OF OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO SIGN /s/ D. E. EFF DD n°v“ 6 214 REPLACES EDITION OF 1 JUL 52, WHICH IS OBSOLETE. ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES REPORT OF TRANSFER OR DISCHARGE 68 SAMPLE ENTRIES TO BE MADE ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF ORDER TO ENTER ACCOUNT NAVSANDA FORM 511 20 Feb 57 : I hereby elect to receive reenlistment bonus under Section 208, Career Compensation Act of 1949, as amended. John James DOE 20 Feb 57 • This is D0E f 3 third reenlistment under the Career Compensa¬ tion Act of 1949, as amended. Previously paid $_ reenlistment bonus on 20 Feb 51 • TOTAL ACTIVE FEDERAL SERVICE TO DATE OF REENLISTMOJT: 12 Yrs 00 Mos 00 Days D. E. EFF, LCDR, USN, Executive Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer 69 SECTION III FORMS AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR SEPARATION AND FOR DISCHARGE AND REENLISTMENT All forms and allied material listed below must be on board prior to the accomplishment of the separation or the discharge and reenlistment of any- enlisted personnel. Accordingly, the immediate requisitioning of required forms and publications is directed by all commands implementing this procedure. DD 2N (Active) DD 2N (Inactive) DD 53 N DD 93-1 DD 214 DD 217N DD 256 N DD 257N DD 258N DD 259N DD 260N DD(N) 345 DD 473 DD 528 DD 766 DD 803 Armed Forces Identification Card (Active) Armed Forces Identification Card (Inactive) Notification of Home Address at Time of Latest Entry Into Active Service Record of Emergency Data (Page 2 ) Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge Certificate of Service Armed Forces of the United States Honorable Discharge Certificate General Discharge Certificate Undesirable Discharge Certificate Bad Conduct Discharge Certificate Dishonorable Discharge Certificate Armed Forces Liberty Pass Official Records Envelope Geneva Conventions Identification Card Voucher for Reimbursement for Travel (dependents of military personnel) Mortgage Insurance, Certificate of Termination NAVPERS 143 NAVPSRS 599 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601/NAV3ANDA 515 NAVPSRS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPERS 601 NAVPSRS 601/NAVSANDA 512 NAVPERS 631 NAVPERS 693 NAVPERS 708 NAVPERS 15832 NAVPERS 15855C Notice to Previous Employer Notification of Discharge Enlisted Service Record Enlistment Contract (Page l) Enlisted Classification Record (Page 3) Navy Occupation and Training History (Page 4) Gunnery Record (Page 5) Individual Order to Adjust Pay Record (Page 7) Leave Record (Page 8 ) Enlisted Performance Record (Page 9) Assignment to and Extension of Active Duty (Page 10) Administrative Remarks (Page 13) Record of Discharge, Release From Active Duty or Death (Page 14) Authorization for Transfer to the Fleet Reserve Notice of Change of Address Application for Enlistment Referral Directory for Veterans’ Counselor Going Back to Civilian Life NAV3ANDA 260 Household Goods Shipment Information NAVSANDA 511 Order to Enter Account 70 NAVSANDA 550 NAVSANDA 915 OPNAV 5511-14 Standard Form Standard Form VA 8-526e Mustering-Out Payment Data Sheet to Accompany Request for Reimbursement for Dependents Travel Security Termination Statement 88 Report of Medical Examination 116 Shipment of Household Goods Claim for Compensation, Pension or Hospitalization Naval Reserve Button Honorable Service Lapel Button and Pin Honorable Discharge Button, Regular Navy Design Honorable Discharge Button, Naval Reserve Design Individual Statement of Information (prepared locally) Reenlistment Data Sheet (prepared locally) "Reemployment Rights" self-addressed referral post card 71 SECTION IV INDEX PAGE Acknowledgement of honorable service. 3 Active duty requirements on reenlistment (USNR to USNR). 36 Affiliation with Naval Reserve. 2 Age limits (USNR to USN)... 35 Age limits (USNR to USNR).... 36 Application for enlistment.4 0 Armed Forces Identification Card.... 17 Armed Forces of the U.S. Report of Transfer or Discharge. 10 Benefits, monetary (USN to USN). 32 Benefits, monetary USNR to USN).34 Benefits, monetary (USNR to USNR). 36 Ceremony for transfer to Fleet Reserve. 5 Certificate of Service Armed Forces of United States.16 Change of address card. IB Check-off list for reenlistment.45 Check-off list for separation. 30 Civil readjustment information.25 Claims for compensation, pension, hospitalization. 6 Definitions, whether enlistment or reenlistment.. 35 Dependents travel. 3 Disbursing information.21 Discharge button.18 Discharge certificate... 17 Discharges, hardship and dependency. 5 Disposition of classified matter. 1 Disposition upon enlistment (USNR to USN).34 Disposition of service records upon separation.29 72 Fleet Reserve certificate. 17 Forms and vouchers for disbursing.43 Group instruction. 1 Honorable Service lapel button. 18 Household effects. 3 Individual statement of information. 20 Inductee to U.S. Navy. 33 Interview, pre-discharge (reenlistment).40 Interview, pre-discharge (separation)... 1 Interview, verification of records. 1 List of forms and material required for separation, discharge and reenlistment. 70 Medical Department.23 Mortgage Insurance, certificate of termination.19 Mustering-Out Pay form.16 Mustering-Out Pay information. 38 Naval Reserve button.17 Not eligible to reenlist (USNR to USNR).36 Notice to previous employer.16 Notification of discharge.16 Orders for release to inactive duty.18 Processing procedure for separation.27 Public quarters, termination of assignment. 5 Rate determination (USNR to USN). 35 Ready Reserve. 2 Reenlistment bonus information. 37 Reenlistment in the Naval Reserve. 36 Sample entries for page 13 on separation.12 Sample service record pages.47 School guarantee on reenlistment (USN to USN). 33 School guarantee on enlistment (USNR to USN).34 73 2 Selective Service registration Separation of aliens. 5 Separation outside United States. 5 Separation under other than honorable conditions. 5 Service record pages, preparation for reenlistment.40 Service record pages, preparation for separation. 7 Shipment of household goods.22 Standard transfer orders.18 Standby Reserve. 2 Supplementary forms and orders for reenlistment.43 Table of monetary benefits.39 Terns of enlistment (USN to USN).32 Terms of enlistment (USNR to USN). 34 Terms of enlistment (USNR to USNR). 36 UMT&S obligations (Separation). 2 UMT&S obligations (USNR to USN).34 Uniform, wearing after separation. 3 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1957 O -427669 74 n