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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN OCT 16 JAN 3 1 1976 L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/historyofclassofOOyale A HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF '82 YALE COLLEGE 1& umw Of im A HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF '82 YALE COLLEGE 1878-1910 M «o.tv OF U-UN<* S PUBLISHED FOR THE CLASS M CM XI Copyright, 191 1, by Edwin Lynde Dillingham THE DEVINNE PRESS /*&AT$ PREFACE It has been said by a wise and witty member of '82 that it would be appropriate for those responsible for this book to apologize not only for its short- comings but also for its longcoming, and the Com- mittee, recognizing the appositeness of the remark, throws itself upon the mercy of the class. While the labor involved in the preparation of the book has been arduous it has been most interesting and greatly facilitated by the cooperation of the mem- bers of the class who, with three exceptions, have complied, in general very promptly, with requests for information and statistics. The Committee desires to extend its thanks to Abbott and Brewster to whose joint efforts is due the article entitled, "Our Instructors." Edwin L. Dillingham J. Culbert Palmer William H. Parsons (ex-officio) 726718 CONTENTS PAGE Officers and Committees i Undergraduate Days 3 Retrospective 11 Honors and Prizes 12 University Honors 16 Class Officers and Committees 19 Societies 22 Our Instructors 25 Reunions 41 The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary 55 Financial Statement 149 The Spirit of Old Yale 152 Lux et Veritas 154 Biographies Graduates 157 Former Members 433 Statistical Tables 491 Roll of the Class Graduates 509 Former Members 512 on LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 'Neath the Elms Frontispiece i'.\<;i In Sophomore Year 2 Campus from Chapel, looking South 5 Rear Campus, looking North 5 Durfee 9 Farnam 9 President Porter 24 Professors Phelps, J. D. Dana, Wheeler, Sumner, A. W. Wright, Ladd 29 Professors Barbour, Dexter, Newton, Carter, Beers, E. S. Dana 31 Professors Northrop, H. P. Wright ; Tutors Hadley, Zacher, Farnam, Thacher 35 Instructor Bailey, Tutors Phillips, Robbins, Beebe, Tarbell, Peters 37 Battell Chapel 39 Graduation Group 40 Quindecennial 49 Vicennial 51 The "Old Brick Row" from the North 53 The Twenty- fifth Anniversary 54 The Club House 56 The Tent 57 The Aquilo 60 In the Stern of the Aquilo 61 The New Haven Country Club 62 At the Country Club 63 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE The Tent at Night 65 The "March" 70 The Class Dinner 72 Howard Knapp 82 EHhuYale 83 The First Yale Building 84 Temple Street 84 Hillhouse Avenue 85 College Street 86 Chapel Street and "Beers' Crossing" 87 The "Old Brick Row" 89 Alumni Hall 90 Old Treasury Building 91 Old Library 92 Old Gymnasium 92 Hamilton Park 93 Three-legged Race 94 Freshman Baseball Nine of '82 94 'Varsity Football Team of '78 95 Murray and Hale 96 Professors Wright and Phillips 97 'Varsity Football Team of '79 98 Cabinet Building 99 Old Laboratory 99 Penikeese . 100 Professors Phelps and Dana 100 President Porter 101 Glee Club 102 'Varsity Crew of '82 102 Football Team of '81 103 'Varsity Ball Nine of '82 103 '82 Trophies 105 on LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Graduation Group 107 Johnson and Whitney 108 Tutor Hadley, President Hadley no Ted Holland no Senator Kittredge in The Class Boy— At Triennial, At Present 112 The Class Grandchild 113 Welles Kennon Rice 114 "Bill" Taft 115 "Ting" as an Undergraduate 116 "Ting" Liang 117 Cragin 119 At the Race 148 C xIII 3 i 907-1 9 1 2 OFFICERS President HOWARD H. KNAPP Vice-President Treasurer WILLIAM H. PARSONS ARCHIBALD A. WELCH Secretary EDWIN L. DILLINGHAM COMMITTEES Annual Dinners and 30th Reunion SEYMOUR C. LOOMIS ARCHIBALD A. WELCH CHESTER W. LYMAN. Chairman Finance STEPHEN M. CLEMENT CHARLES STILLMAN HENRY B. PLATT, Chairman Records HENRY C. JEFFERDS CALEB W. SHIPLEY J. CULBERT PALMER, Chairman 3 v. h^h M £ K C/3 > C/2 Oh «co-^4J^CbC O "8 c E £so >bo full! bo c J2 ca c 3 PhKcoCJ UNDERGRADUATE DAYS (CONDENSED FROM SENIOR CLASS statistics) We were all boys, and three of us were friends; And we were more than friends, it seemed to me; — Yes, we were more than brothers then, we three, . . . Brothers? . . . but we were boys, and there it ends. The Children of the Night. THE number of applicants for admission to '82 who crowded Alumni Hall in June, 1878, was the largest then on record, and the faculty was compelled to pursue a vigorous course of pruning in order that the class might be kept within what seemed to be proper bounds. We first met as a body in Battell Chapel on Thursday afternoon, Septem- ber 11, 1878, at five o'clock, where we were divided into six alphabetical divisions and assigned to our respective division officers. Our first recitation came the next afternoon, and the first man to recite was D. B. Porter, who was called upon by the "Rev. John," who subsequently succeeded in reducing our class from the largest on record to one of the smallest of then recent years, for, as Professor Northrop laconically expressed it: " '82 Petered out." On Wednesday evening we met '81 in a rush in the yard of the Hopkins Grammar School, where, by our superior weight and vigor, we won our first laurels, not only in the rush but in numerous individual wrestling matches, and thereafter maintained our form and our position on the sidewalk during the return march to the campus. The Record of September 14 gave us one hundred and [3 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 twenty men, with one hundred more out on conditions, which was a very large total membership; but in the same issue, while speaking of our great numbers, it quoted that little proverb which was very applicable to us, "The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small." Our numbers were steadily reduced until at the time the first catalogue was issued we had only one hundred and seventy- four members. In the rush at the class boat races at Lake Saltonstall we repeated our victory and won. This was the battle which the New York Sun immortalized by a vivid account in which it magnified one injured arm into "five bruised and almost senseless bodies." We took the fresh- man fence two weeks earlier than any preceding class ever held it and were awarded the sophomore fence at the usual time. Our class supper was held at the old Pequot House at New London, but a detailed description of that event is unnecessary. Those who were there will never forget it, and no pen could represent the festivities to those who were not. In sophomore year we were victorious in the first rush, but hazing was largely eliminated because of a notification from the faculty that twelve men were held as hostages for proper behavior by the class in this particular. In junior year our appointment list was very large, as we had eight philosophical besides a much larger number than usual of the lower honors. Our Promenade was a great success and our Junior Exhibition of superior excellence. This year saw the death, by order of the faculty, of Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa, in whose halls we had so many good times in our freshman and sophomore years. Our senior year was marked in the latter part by the decease of our classmate Wentworth, when for the first time our ranks were broken by death. During our four years the course was enlarged and im- proved in several ways and a number of new professors Campus from Chapel, looking South Rear Campus, looking North HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 added. A new library for the Theological Seminary was erected and preparations made for the construction of a new Laboratory, the gift of the Messrs. Sloane of Xew York. Hamilton Park was supplanted by the Yale Field, which was purchased, developed, and almost entirely paid for during our time. The last recitation of the class was to Professor Phelps in Constitutional Law on Thursday, June i, at twelve o'clock, Hand being the last man called up and completing the record of the class with a "cold rush." Thirty-one members of '82 were born in Connecticut, 21 in Xew York, 16 in Pennsylvania, 1 1 in Massachusetts, 6 in Maine, 4 in Illinois, 4 in New Hampshire, 3 in Xew Jersey, 2 in Wisconsin, 2 in Louisiana, 2 in Minnesota, 2 in Ohio, and 2 in Kentucky, and i in each of the following States: Indiana, Vermont, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Maryland, and Michigan, while i was born in X^ew Brunswick and i in Syria. Forty-eight schools and eleven private tutors participated in preparing '82 for its college course. The Hopkins Gram- mar School prepared 15, Williston Seminary 12, Andover 10, Hartford High School 5, Rockville High School 3, St. Paul's, Adelphi, Polytechnic of Brooklyn, and the high schools at Montclair, Bath, Bangor, Birmingham, New London, Buffalo, and Philadelphia 2 each. The average age of the class at graduation was 22 years, 8 months, and 4 days, being the oldest average of any class to that date, with the exception of '8i, whose average was 22 years, 9 months, and 26 days. '69 at the time of our graduation was the youngest class on record, her average age being 22 years and 8 days. The age of our youngest man was 20 years, 1 month, and 10 days, and of our oldest, 32 years, 5 months, and 8 days. Our tallest man measured 6 feet 2*4 inches and our shortest 5 feet 2 1 ? inches, while our average height was 5 feet 8% inches. Our average UNDERGRADUATE DAYS weight was 146 pounds 5.38 ounces; our heaviest man weighed 200 pounds and our lightest man weighed 115 pounds. The average chest measurement was 36/2 inches, the largest measurement being 42 inches. During our sophomore year the Athletic Association of the college was reorganized and placed on a firm basis and became a member of the Intercollegiate Association. We won many events in the class games, while at the Mott Haven games one of our members won the mile run for two succes- sive years. Our class baseball nine was very strong, and in the spring of freshman year we won every game we played with a single exception, beating the Harvard freshmen not only in New Haven but at Cambridge, which was the first time that a Yale freshman nine had ever succeeded in vanquishing the Harvard freshmen on their own grounds. In our first year the college won the intercollegiate cham- pionship in baseball, and while in our sophomore year Princeton won the Intercollegiate Association championship, from which we had withdrawn, as we defeated her and won every college game played excepting one, the press of the country awarded us the college championship. This we again held the following year, having rejoined the Intercol- legiate Association. The Intercollegiate Football Associa- tion was formed in our freshman year, with Yale, Harvard, and Princeton as members, and the game was played with fifteen men; we beat Harvard, but were defeated by Prince- ton. In sophomore year our games with Harvard and Princeton w T ere both draws, and in the following year we defeated Harvard and again played a draw game with Princeton. In boating, although we originally had an ex- tremely strong crew, we were unfortunate, for one reason or another, in the class races. The history of the university crew during our course is more agreeable, though not ex- hilarating, we having won from Harvard in our sophomore and junior years and lost in freshman and senior years. C'7 1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 The average expense for each of the four years was as follows: freshman year, $867; sophomore year, $923; junior year, $1048; senior year, $1063, making a total average expense of $3901. The price for table board paid by each member of the class throughout the course varied from $3.50 to $14.00 per week, the average price being about $5.25. Thirty-seven of the class helped support them- selves in various ways during their college course, of whom eighteen earned money by tutoring and six by writing and contributing to papers; three each by playing poker and teaching, two by singing, and one each by drawing, acting as a clerk, farming, collecting, working in the Library, acting as an organist, and taking prizes. The sums earned varied from ten dollars to one thousand dollars, one man having earned the latter amount during his course. Of the class, 85 were Republicans, 14 were Democrats, 9 were independent, and there was one civil service re- former, while 8 had no definite political views. Thirty-four of the class had voted before graduation, and 23 expressed an intention of taking an active part in politics subsequent to graduation. In spite of Professor Sumner's teaching the class graduated 23 protectionists, while 9 were undecided on that point and the remaining 84 men were free-traders. Seventy-two of the class had no objection to alcoholic beverages, and 67 used tobacco in some form, all of whom except 15 formed the habit before entering college. Twenty- seven neither smoked nor drank. Four were arrested; two for a fight on the steps of Delta Kappa Hall, one for dis- turbing the peace, and one for swearing at a policeman. One of the first two was fined, but the other cases were dis- missed. Four men were called at various times before the faculty; 9 were suspended and 21 warned. Fifty-five members of the class were church-members, divided denominationally in the following manner: Con- gregationalists 22, Episcopalians 12, Presbyterians n, C§ 1 Durfee Farnam HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Baptists 6, Methodists 4. The sympathy of the whole class with the several denominations was as follows : Congrega- tional 35, Episcopalian 31, Presbyterian 19, Methodist 7, Baptist 6, agnostic 5, Jews and non-sectarian 2 each, Lutheran, Quaker, Unitarian, Deist, Utilitarian, Ingersollite 1 each; 4 had no religious belief and 1 was undecided. Thirty of the class at some time engaged in work in the several missions of the city, and 25 of these regularly so. At the time of graduation it was the intention of 70 men to enter a profession, 29 contemplated entering business, and the remainder were undecided as to their future occu- pation. Of the professional men 38 intended to study law, 17 medicine, 8 teaching, 4 theology, 1 civil engineering, 1 mechanical engineering, and 1 chemistry. Presentation day was Monday, June 26, when Whitney read the class poem and Storrs delivered the oration. Com- mencement exercises were held in Center Church on Wed- nesday, June 28, with the ceremonies then customary, John- son being our valedictorian and Abbott our salutatorian. And so, having "made good friends and studied— some," we left our Mother's sheltering arms and hopefully started on our journey of life. [>3 RETROSPECTIVE MORE than a quarter of a century has elapsed since '82 passed from the campus, and during that long inter- val many matters of individual and general consequence have occurred. A few of our number have become famous and a few wealthy. Most of the class have made honorable rec- ords and maintained a good position in society and in their respective callings. Some of our strongest and our best have crossed the great divide, their careers, so full of prom- ise, cut short, their hopes, so vivid and enthusiastic, withered and dead. The College has become only a part, though still a large part, of the University; the old brick row has disap- peared, together with the fence as we knew it; many of the elms have been sacrificed, and the places which knew them are now the sites of imposing buildings. Instead of one campus there are three, while Sachem's Wood is taking form as a university field which in the not distant future promises to surpass all others. But the little oak still thrives, the old spirit survives, and the Yale of to-day is in all essen- tials the Yale of '82. "Though much is taken much abides," and though to the long absent one returning the surround- ings are strange and unfamiliar, the old college is still the Alma Mater and the tie of kinship remains unweakened. DO HONORS AND PRIZES Deceased members are indicated by *, non-graduates by italic. Freshman Year Woolsey Scholarship — Brewster. Hurlbut Scholarship — Wells. Freshman Mathematical Prizes: First — *Johnson. Second — *Bruce. Third— Abbott and Kinley. Berkeley Premiums: First — Abbott, Beach, Brewster, Foote, Graves (C. B.), *Littlehales. Second — *Bruce, *Johnson, Scranton, Seymour, Titche, Wells. K. S. E. Composition Prizes: First — Storrs. Second — Titche. Sophomore Year First Term Composition Prizes: First — Barrow, Brewster, Kinley, Storrs, *Whitney, *Worcester. Second — Blumley, *Bruce, Burpee, Snyder, Titche. Third— Abbott, Beach, French, *Fries, Holland. Second Term : First — Bentley, Blumley, Brewster, Snyder, Storrs. Second — *Bruce, *Johnson, Kinley, *Murphy, ^Worcester. Third — Bishop, Churchill, Foster, Sanford, *Whitney. Declamation Prizes: First — French. Second — Holland. Third — Foster. Mathematical Prizes: First — *Curtis. Second — *Johnson. Third — Wells. Junior Year junior appointments Philosophical Orations — Abbott, Beach, Brewster, *Bruce, Graves (C. B.), *Johnson, Pratt, Wells. High Orations — Bishop, Blumley, Cragin, Sanford, Seymour, *Worcester. Orations — Brinton, Churchill, Cumming, *Curtis, Kellogg (J. P.). C"3 HONORS AND PRIZES Dissertations — Bentley, *Brockway, *Campbell, Footc, Ford, French, *Fries, Griggs, Jefferds, Kingman, Kittredge, Lyman, Parke, Titche, *Weaver, *Whitney. First Disputes — Atterbury, Fitzgerald, Kellogg (F. A.), McBride, McKnight, *Page, Piatt, Smith. Second Disputes — Bates, Beede, Boltwood, Loomis, Welch, Welles. First Colloquies — Baltz, Graves (G. H.), *Hand, Lowe, Morris, *Murphy, Palmer, Rolfe, Scudder, Silver (E. V.), *Snell, Snyder, Storrs, Sweetser, *Went\vorth. Second Colloquies — Badger, Bate, Bronson, Clement, Farwell, Knapp, Lovering, Moodev, Parsons, Rossiter, Scranton, *Sholes, Silver (L. M.), Waller, Weed. Speakers at the Junior Exhibition, April II, 1881 Cyrus Bentley, Jr., "John Ruskin." J. R. Bishop, "Roman Catholicism in America." Benjamin Brewster, "The Lasting Influence of Alexander Hamilton," *W. I. Bruce, "Cervantes.'' *H. C. Fries, "Waterloo and Sedan." *W. Murphy, "The Value of Symbols." J. H. Pratt, "The Modern Renaissance." H. S. Snyder, "Henry Martyn, the Influence of Self-Sacrifice." C. B. Storrs, "Edmund Burke and the French Revolution." *F. E. Worcester, "Cromwell and his Irish Policy." The first prize of $30 was divided between Bruce and Storrs. Scott French Prize — Bryan Cumming. Winthrop Prizes: First — John L. Wells. Second — George W. Lay. Senior Year Larned Scholarship — Barclay Johnson. Clark Scholarship — Frank F. Abbott. Cobden Club Medal— Albert H. Atterbury. Scott German Prize — Charles B. Storrs. With honorable mention of Burnside Foster. Mathematical Prize — George E. Curtis. Premium for Solution of Astronomical Problems — George E. Curtis. De Forest Prize Medal — Benjamin Brewster. Townsend Premiums — Bentley, Brewster, *Bruce, *Fries, *Murphy, * Whitney. C133 /2rr*-* (H^jLc^*^^**^ f^r^Ol-C^U^^ ryi-r^yti^v-^^ s YctJU^ C'4] Z^^At>i^U^r / <^ C&ctv-rr>^. *A_ C« Long (C. J.), Miller (G. B.), *M orris on, Page, Parke, Piatt, Rice, Richards, ^Richardson, Sanderson, Sanford, Schuyler, Scudder, Sewall, Seymour, Shipley, ^Shoemaker, Smith, Stone, Storrs, Titche, Trumbull, Weed, Welles, *Wentworth, Williams (H. L.), Wright (A. B.), Wright {Paul). Delta Kappa: Allen (M. S.), Bailey, *Barnes, Barrows, Bate, Bliss, Brewster, Brinton, Brooks, *Campbell, Carter, Catlin, Clark (F. L.), Collins, Corey, Dickinson, Dillingham, Dilworth, Eaton, Eno, FitzGerald, Fol- som, Foote, Fosdick, Foster, *Gallaher, Gardes, Gardner, Graves (G. H.), Griggs (C. AT.), Griggs (H. S.), Harkness, Haskell, Hawkes, Hebard, Holland, Hopkins, Hower, Hubbard, Jefferds, Kel- logg (F. A.), Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Loomis, Lowe, Lvman, McBride, McGuffey, McMillan, Miller (J. C), Moodey, North, Os- borne, Palmer, Pardee, Parker, Parsons, Pollock, Porter, Pratt (E. P.), Rylance, Saltus, Sargent, Scranton, Silver (E. V.), Silver (L. M.), *Snell, Stillman, Sweetser, Trowbridge, *Van Kirk, Vought, Weber, Welch, Wells, Williams (E. S.), * Worcester. Gamma Nu : Adams, Baltz, Bates, Barrow, Blumley, *Bruce, Burpee, *Curtis, De Witt, *Fries, Giltner, Graves (C. B.j, Kinley , McKnight, Pember, Pierce, Pratt (J. H.), Pryne, Smith, Tanner, Waller, ^Weaver, *Whitney, Wight. Sophomore Year He Boule: Badger, Bailey, *Barnes, Bentley, Camp, *Cuyler, Darling, Douw, Eaton, Eno, Farwell, Foster, Holland, Hopkins, *Johnson, Knapp, Lyman, McBride, McMillan, Piatt, Pollock, ^Richardson, *Williams (E. S.), Williams (H. L.). SOCIETIES Eta Phi: Abbott, Baltz, Beach, Brewster, *Bruce, *Campbell, Clement, Fitz- Gerald, French, *Hand, Hebard, Kellogg (J. P.), Lewis, Osborne, Richards, Storrs, Wells. Junior Year Psi Upsilon: Baltz, Barbour, Bate, Beach, Beede, Bentley, Billings, Bishop, Brew- ster, Brinton, *Campbell, *Chenault, Churchill, *Cuyler, Darling, Dillingham, Elv, Farwell, FitzGerald, French, Fries, Graves (C. B.), Graves (G. H.), Griggs (C. M.), Griggs (H. S.), Haskell, Jefferds, *Johnson, Kittredge, Knapp, Lay, McBride, Morris, *Murphy, Os- borne, Pardee, Parsons, Pollock, Pratt, Sanford, *Snell, Sweetser, "Van Kirk, Vought, *Whitney, ^Worcester. Delta Kappa Epsilon: Abbott, Allen (J. F.), Allen (M. S.), Badger, Bailey, "Barnes, Bart- lett, Bates, *Bruce, Clement, Eaton, Eno, Foster, *Gallaher, *Hand, Hanlon, Hebard, Holland, Hopkins, Kellogg (F. A.), Kellogg (J. P), Lewis, Liang, Lyman, McMillan, Moodey, "Morrison, *Page, Parke, "Phelps, Piatt, Rice, Richards, *Richardson, Scudder, Shipley, *Shoe- maker, Stillman, Storrs, Waller, Weed, Welch, Wells, *Wentworth, Wight, * Williams (E. S.), Williams (H. L.), Wright. Senior Year Skull and Bones: Badger, Brewster, *Campbell, Eno, French, *Johnson, Knapp, Lyman, McBride, Osborne, Piatt, Pollock, Wells, *Whitney, ^Worcester. Scroll and Key : Bailey, "Barnes, Beach, Bentley, *Bruce, Clement, *Cuyler, Eaton, Farwell, *Hand, Hopkins, Kellogg (J. P.), Richards, Wight, Williams (H. L.). Wolf's Head: Abbott, Baltz, Brinton, Darling, Dillingham, *Gallaher, Hebard, Lewis, *Murphv, Palmer, Parsons, Pratt, *Richardson, *Shoemaker, Welch. Z^l President Porter OUR INSTRUCTORS THE intellectual atmosphere of the western slope of the Rockies is more hospitable to irrigation plans and railway projects than to educational matters. And if it is a relief to me to turn away for a while from such material preoccupations, and in obedience to our class secretary's request try to catch some memories of the Yale life of thirty years ago, nevertheless the limitations to my sketch of our instructors must be obvious. Look, then, for no complete account of the after lives of the men who awed us even if they sometimes won our admiration in our college recitation-rooms — for such they were in those days rather than lecture-halls. Do not expect from me any adequate judgment upon the educational value of their methods or their ideals. Dillingham has sent me the ad- mirable article by Professor Williams of '79 on the subject, and good reading it is. For a comprehensive survey of the Yale professors and tutors of our time and a well-poised appreciation of their work, go to that '79 Class Book, for, with few exceptions, our instructors were the same. It was the tutors to whom the duty fell of molding our minds by the rigorous curriculum of Greek and Latin and mathematics, as we freshmen, confident or timid as the case might be, stepped out from the narrow confines of our pre- paratory schools into the ampler spaces of the college. Beebe, Perrin, Phillips, Robbins, Peters, and Tarbell— I think that was the list of our regular freshman tutors. Who does not remember the enthusiasm of Tutor Phil- lips? If spherical trigonometry and analytical geometry never took deep root in my un-mathematical mind, it was not HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 his fault. A true teacher, in love with his subject, winning us by suggestions of undreamed-of mysteries like the fourth dimension, illustrating his teaching by strange models, al- ways kindly tolerant of our crude mistakes, shaming us out of our laziness by his assumption of interest on our part- it is a pleasure to recall his personality. I think we learned more from him than we could then realize, and every member of '82 must rejoice at his well-earned promotion to a foremost place in the Yale mathematical faculty and a leading position in the educational world. May the uni- versity long enjoy the fruits of his splendid abilities ! Our other mathematical teacher, Mr. Beebe, of a differ- ent temperament, no doubt, accomplished his work with un- swerving fidelity to the highest standards. There was no romance about his classroom; there mental discipline reigned. Frank Abbott (who ought to have written this entire article) has set down some reminiscences, and what he says about Tutor Beebe will find a response in many minds : "One member of the class, at least, looks back with much gratitude to the training in precision and accuracy which he set up as his ideal. With him no slovenliness in thinking or in expression was tolerated. The line of demarcation between what a man knew and what he didn't know was clearly drawn, and was made apparent to himself, as well as to the rest of the class. In Mr. Beebe's classroom every man stood at attention, for he didn't know when the dread sentence would come out, 'Jones, you may take it up there,' and no light upon the location of 'there' or the sequence to 'there' was to be had from the instructor. What an anxious moment that was when you stepped to the blackboard, pointer in hand, with dry lips and quaking knees, to follow the arcs, tangents, chords, and segments which your lucky predecessor had turned over to you ! Haec jam meminisse juvat." OUR INSTRUCTORS It is not so much the things they tried to teach us as the personalities of our teachers that left the most lasting im- pression on our youthful minds. I enjoyed Tutor Tarbell's courses, and I then thought I knew some Greek. But his austere, almost ascetic appearance is what clings in my memory. One evening he was a visitor at some society meet- ing, when a debate was on about free trade and protection (we had not then had the luminous lectures of Professor Sumner), and I well remember how I gained an added respect for our Greek tutor's versatility and logical intellect as he quietly punctured the hazy generalizations of our argu- ments with a few concrete facts, deftly indicating their appli- cation to either side of the question. Tutors Robbins and Henry Farnam both, as I remem- ber, guided us in our Latin study (the latter in our sopho- more year), but they were not destined to remain in this sphere of work. The former was about to enter upon his honorable career at the Connecticut bar. The latter has devoted himself to economic studies, and in that department has achieved a notable reputation, adding luster to the uni- versity. He won our respect by his unfailing courtesy; and, as partakers of his genial hospitality, many of us callow youth were initiated into a larger world of social amenities. Tutor John P. Peters was a Nemesis to many of the class, but I am thankful that some fate led me to listen to certain evening readings he gave in the Odyssey, open to all who chose to come. It is a commentary upon our old methods of instruction that I, at least, owe to these free readings, rather than to any prescribed course, some insight into the glory of the old Greek world, and the beauty of the Homeric poems. For this enlargement of the intellectual horizon I am glad to record my gratitude to one who, probably owing to the ill-judged methods of discipline then in vogue, won a reputation among Yale undergraduates aptly characterized by Professor Will- HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 iams, who says that Peters "will ever be remembered by the class of '79 as the Thing it came up against." Dr. Peters has earned his laurels since then in several widely dif- ferent spheres; and some of us who have known him in his later career honor him as a friend no less than as a scholar, a preacher, and a leader in practical social re- form. An additional commentary upon those educational methods which Yale has outgrown is afforded by Profes- sor Abbott, from whose notes I again quote in regard to another of our tutors: "Professor Bernadotte Perrin be- gan his long and honorable career as instructor and pro- fessor of Greek with our class in its freshman year. The subject was the Odyssey, in which even the fourth division would have felt a chastened pleasure under Professor Perrin's instructions, had it not been for the fact that, by an unkind decree of the faculty, we were doomed to read a book abounding in myths, and the sys- tem of instruction adopted made it necessary for us to familiarize ourselves with all the relatives of each god, demigod, and hero to the most remote generation. It proved to be an excellent system of mnemonics for those of us whose brains were equal to the strain, and Profes- sor Perrin softened the rigor of the system as much as possible, but we failed to catch a glimpse of the poet through the genealogies." Upon the work of another of our sophomore teachers, Alfred Thacher, I shall also borrow Abbott's words, for it is good for us to catch the point of view of one who is at home in that Augustan world which to most of us, perhaps, is but a world of shadowy figures: "With Mr. Thacher as guide we accompanied Horace from Rome to Brundisium, we strolled with him in Rome along the Sacred Way, and we shared the poet's simple fare while we listened to Cervius' story of the city mouse r* jrr\ Professor E. J. Phelps Professor J. D. Dana Professor A. M. Wheeler Professor W. G. Sumner Professor A. W. Wright Professor G. T. Ladd HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 and the country mouse. To Mr. Thacher we owed an introduction to all these delightful experiences, although far be it from me to suggest that we appreciated our good fortune at the time. But a wider acquaintance with life and a better knowledge of the Roman poet have shown us the debt of gratitude which we owe to our former instruc- tor." Professors Wright and Northrop were, I suppose we must all feel, the prominent personalities of our sopho- more classrooms. Honored names both! Professor Henry Wright is too well known to need any extended re- hearsal of his sterling work. He was my division of- ficer (we had no deans then). Unerringly just, yet kind, I knew him. And I do not wonder at the supreme suc- cess of his later work as dean. As head of the department of English literature Cyrus Northrop never sat stiffly in his professor's chair. A certain expansive good nature was temperamental with him, even when we must have bored him with our crude literary efforts. In the administrative work of upbuilding the University of Minnesota until it has be- come one of the great institutions of the West, he found his true career. His bonhomie has never deserted him; and I suppose many an old Yale man has been delighted, as I have been, to meet in later years the kindly encourage- ment he has always been forward to give. In junior year we had chemistry under Professor Arthur Wright, and physics and mechanics under Tutor (as he then was) Edward Dana. Had the Yale traditions of those days admitted such laboratory work as now uni- versally prevails, scientific studies under these men would have been more worth while for all of us. But their great abilities were not obscured in our eyes, even under the bookish methods which cramped their work. And though some of us may have failed to appreciate the OH * J> fS Professor W. M. Barboui Professor H. A. Newton Professor Franklin Carter Professor H. A. Beers Professor E. S. Dana HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 sciences they taught, they both had the respect and lik- ing of us all. I well remember one day, when, being asked by Mr. Dana to describe "convection," I endea- vored by much talking to cloud over the fact that I had not obtained the faintest idea from the book-definition, but I could not withstand the gentle astonishment in Dana's clear-eyed gaze, and I sat down confused, yet acknowledging him to be a gentleman even when he flunked me. It was the privilege of our class in junior year to have for our instructor in logic Arthur Twining Hadley, who, in the same year when '82 entered Yale, had become a member of the faculty, showing his versatility by teach- ing successively German, Greek, and logic. Abbott re- calls some interesting experiences: "After some training in logic, we acquired a certain facility in dealing with fal- lacies. With the aid of clues which our predecessors had set down in the second-hand copies of Jevons, secured at Gulliver's, we almost always scored a fall out of 'the undivided middle' and 'the false major premise.' It was an interesting game. In addition to the fallacies which Jevons furnished, Mr. Hadley gave us, from time to time, others of his own invention. These ranged all the way from topics in theology and political economy to the odds in betting. One Friday, late in November, in dis- cussing some fallacy, he was remarking upon the doc- trine of chances to the class, which was listening with a successful simulation of absorbed interest, when, with that impetuosity of manner which was not unusual with him, he said: 'Now, if I were betting on the Harvard foot- ball game to-morrow — ' It was a master-stroke. No man dared spend his time in the classroom day-dream- ing after that, when there was always a chance of pick- ing up a bit of expert information which might be valu- able in a field really important." We could not know in OUR INSTRUCTORS those days that the presidency of Yale awaited Mr. Hadley, and that the Yale of our day, with its halting educational methods, would under his administration be developed into a great modern university. But it re- quired no prophet to foresee that great things awaited him. We studied German under Tutor Zacher and Profes- sor Carter, another man destined for a college presidency. Professor Newton may not have been known to many of us, but as the conditions of a scholarship which I hap- pened to get in freshman year demanded that I should take calculus, it was my lot to come under his instruction. It was delightful to see the pleasure which he seemed to take in the abstruse mysteries of a study of which I never got more than a most remote view. Professor Tracy Peck, the Latinist, and Professor Seymour, the Atticist, were new instructors in our time. Latin and Greek being optional in junior year, the major- ity of our class did not come in contact with these scholars in the classrooms. They were both imbued with the ideals of modern education, and I believe could have taught us much, had we given them the opportunity. I am sorry that I did not take English literature under Professor Beers. Appreciation of his profound scholar- ship and his refined literary taste was lacking among us college youth, for the most part — owing partly, no doubt, to what seemed great reserve of character— a fact which leads not a few of us to vain regrets in after years. Xor was I of the discerning group who elected the course in American history with Professor Dexter. But it was open to all of us to know him in the Library, where we found him indeed a gracious host. Xo one who went there for things which the curriculum did not give us will fail to remember with gratitude his sympathy and readi- ness to help. I suppose many of us, returning in later D3n HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 years, have been surprised to find how accurately he re- membered us. His heart has ever been in Yale, and with Yale men in their work in life; and a figure like his, so closely associated with her academic shades, is one of the memories we can least afford to spare. While some figures undoubtedly have passed from my mind, of men who in those days loomed large, I cannot omit a reference to the good work of Professor Mark Bailey, who as professor of elocution directed our work in preparing for the junior ex. and for the commence- ment speeches. I now wish I had attended more to his valuable suggestions. Probably, also, there is good reason for me to regret that, being an Episcopalian, I had very little opportunity of hearing the preaching of Dr. Barbour, the college pastor. The impression, however, which I obtained from the daily chapel exercises and from his demeanor as we met him on the campus, inspires the belief that he was hardly what in the West is called "a mixer." Of the instructors of our senior year, Sumner and Wheeler stand out conspicuous, I suppose, in the memory of every member of the class. Strong personalities, yet of very diverse temperament, they taught us more than any others of our staff the necessity of clear thought grounded upon careful induction. It is true that they taught subjects for which our minds were then probably better fitted than they were for the abstract subjects with which our President dealt. The scintillating brilliancy of Professor Sumner's lectures on economics will never be forgotten. That you cannot "get something out of noth- ing" is a truth which he illustrated with infinite variety. And for this we must ever be grateful, even if some of us have moved (whether it is advance or retrogression this is not the place to say) away from the standpoint of enlightened individualism, of which Professor Sumner D4] Professor Cyrus Northrop Professor H. P. Wright Arthur T. Hadley Edmund Zacher f A Henry W. Farnam Alfred B. Thacher HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 was so distinguished a representative. Professor Wheeler might not soar like his colleague, but he left us no excuse for failing to get some understanding of the mighty sweep of historical forces. Of Professor E. J. Phelps, Professor Abbott writes an appreciation, which all will be glad to read: "It was a difficult task to teach to undergraduates a subject so far removed from common experience as international law. It was a difficult thing for an instructor accustomed to the more serious-minded professional students of a law school to adapt himself to academic students. Both of these things Professor E. J. Phelps accomplished with great skill. Such lectures as he gave us on his subject are rarely heard on this side the ocean. In their lucidity and charm of expression they suggested the Sorbonne, and reminded one of the finished discourses of a Boissier or a Martha. Professor Phelps had already won distinc- tion as a jurist when he came to Yale. A still greater honor came to him later when President Cleveland ap- pointed him Ambassador to the Court of St. James. We who had listened to his lectures in the Old Chapel were not astonished to hear of the delight which his public addresses in England gave, and those of us who came to know him personally after graduation were not surprised to learn that our cousins across the water found his con- versation and manner equally charming." W T ho does not honor the memory of the elder Dana, whose long life of devotion to science shed a glory over old Yale? In the classroom, I think, we did not feel his worth, but if a single-hearted enthusiasm for his subject did not meet with the response from us that it deserved, there were few of us who were not ready to yield him the respect due to his simple dignity of character no less than his hoary head. Professor Ladd assumed the chair of philosophy at D6] Andrew W. Phillips Edward D. Robbins William Beebe Frank B. Tarbell John P. Peters HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Yale in our senior year. The metaphysical habit of mind was not largely developed in any of us, and I fear that most of us were not attracted by this prescribed course. Professor Ladd was a leader, however, even if we did not all know it then, in that experimental psychology through which such great results have been accomplished. I think a few of our more mature men, having the good judgment to take an optional in this subject with him, found reason to be thankful for the choice. In regard to President Porter also, I think our recol- lections do not rest very affectionately on the studies of the classroom. But of his lovable personality there can be among us but one verdict. If we did not care for "The Law of Love and Love as a Law" as a text-book, we nevertheless were conscious that "Prexy" really guided his honorable life by the law of love. It is no doubt true that the advance of Yale in educational methods was re- tarded by the policy for which President Porter allowed himself to stand. Yet, if gentleness of spirit and tolerance and fair-mindedness count for anything, we Yale men who came under his influence may have received benefits which we could not then measure. In fact, this may be said of most of those men whose work I have so imperfectly reviewed, that, if wiser me- thods might have enriched our intellectual inheritance and given us a better hold upon the problems of life, yet in the sphere of character, in those elements of personal life which lie so much deeper than the intellect, they probably helped us more than we can ever know. Benjamin Brewster. 1:333 3 , s s 5 oo 5 o < O' P cf< cP -o feQ^d "O "CO t3 ;o°o e c c « Uc/ac/iW ~2 "O CX) b «5~ * «J - M - >• _ o r •■/■. C'Z-*~— "•"-;—■ < .« ^ >s g — -^ c; r E c 6 & *j--^ ~ = i- ~ *~ t^y. dioh n n^ "-.'o kx o «J > — ^ ( >-^ — »>. V J o - 1 n **; ■*■ % P6 o* 5 J. n C^ M N (N CI Cl 0) M M 01 m ~". V© ^> ^—^ ro c, (O I") « o s Tfmvo i^x o c - V )/■ — -^ ~\ J v> REUNIONS (CONDENSED FROM CLASS records) OX June 28, 1882, the ties which had bound '82 to New Haven were broken, and the band of men who as boys had corne together four years before at the Grammar School rush, and had worked and played together, whose numbers had now been reduced by cruel fate to one hundred and nineteen, was scattered to the four quarters of the country. Some immediately entered upon the work for which the four years had been a training and an inspiration; some were privileged to prolong, for a little while, the col- lege associations before they, too, essayed to take the places in the world for which our Fostering Mother had done her best to prepare us. Our TRIENNIAL in June, 1885, seemed a long way off, but it came at last and brought seventy-three of us together at New Haven. By the Saturday evening before commence- ment we had gathered together a goodly crowd, and the event was duly celebrated. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday brought many more, and in all the following members of the class reported: Abbott, Allen (J. F.), Allen (M. S.), Atterbury, Badger, Bailey, Baltz, Barbour, Bartlett, Beach, Beede, Billings, Boltwood, Brewster, Brinton, Brockway, Bronson, Campbell, Clement, Cragin, Curtis, Dillingham, Eaton, Farwell, Foote. Ford, Foster, French, Fries, Graves (C. B.), Graves (G. H.), Hand, Hanlon, Hopkins, Jef- ferds, Kellogg (F. A.), Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Kitt- redge, Knapp, Lewis, Long, Loomis, McKnight, Morris, C40 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Osborne, Page, Palmer, Pardee, Parke, Parsons, Pember, Piatt, Pollock, Pratt, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Scranton, Shoemaker, Smith, Stillman, Storrs, Sweetser, Vought, Waller, Weed, Welch, Welles, Whitney, Williams (E. S.), Williams (H. L.), Worcester, Wright. At the business meeting Abbott was chosen chairman, and Brewster was elected to respond for the class at the alumni dinner on commencement day. In the evening at seven o'clock we gathered about our flag at the fence, and, headed by a band of music, marched around the college buildings and then proceeded to the resi- dence of President Porter, on Hillhouse Avenue. The Presi- dent was not at home, but a hearty three times three was given for him, and the line of march to the Athenaeum was resumed, a halt being made for cheers at the house of ex- President Woolsey. At eight o'clock the class filed into the Athenaeum, on Church Street, and found the galleries crowded with ladies and their escorts, who were there to witness the presentation of the class cup. Sixty-nine members of the class and four former mem- bers—Dickinson, F. W. Clark, Folsom, and Seymour — mak- ing seventy-three in all, seated themselves about the tables, and after singing "Here 's to '82" were called to order by Piatt, who, as chairman of the cup committee, acted as pre- siding officer and toast-master. He opened the ceremonies with a few words of welcome and introduced Whitney, the poet of the occasion. The reading of the poem was con- tinually interrupted by laughter and applause. Then followed the event of the evening, the presentation of the cup to Russell Yale Hanlon, the Class Boy. The boy was there, looking his prettiest, and so were his proud parents. The presentation speech, which was made by Beach, kept the class and the audience in the galleries in an uproar of £42] REUNIONS merriment, and even the baby expressed so much enthusiasm as to be heard above all the rest. Hanlon accepted the cup in behalf of his infant son and thanked the class in appropriate words, and in conclusion presented each member with a photograph of the boy. The cup was then filled with champagne, and after the baby had taken a pull at it, and while he was crying for more, it was passed around the table, and everybody drank his health. During the dinner the class was entertained by listening to responses to the following TOASTS The Class, Asa P. French "Death cannot sever The ties that bind our souls through mortal years — They last forever."— Barnes. The Faculty, Frank F. Abbott "By education some have been misled." — Dry den. Our Clergymen, Benjamin Brewster "Priests are patterns for the rest." — Dryden. Our Lawyers, Theodore Holland "Whoso loves law dies either mad or poor." — Middleton. Our Physicians, Burnside Foster "Those lives they failed to rescue by their skill, Their muse would make immortal with her quill." — Garth. Our Business Men, Frank R. Gallaher "Through life's dark road his sordid way he wends, An incarnation of fat dividends."— Sprague. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Our Married Men, Wayland I. Bruce " Happy the man whom thus his stars advance ! The curse is general, but the blessing chance." —Parnell. Dear Old Yale, Charles B. Storrs "But to see her was to love her, Love but her, and love forever." — Burns. Owing to the absence of Holland, Gallaher, and Bruce, the toasts to which they had been assigned w r ere omitted: but impromptu speeches on various subjects by Bill Pollock, Jonas Long, and others served to fill the gaps in the pro- gram. Later in the evening the class of '75, which was celebrat- ing its decennial in an adjoining room, paid us the honor of a visit and received a cordial welcome. At last the festivities of the dinner were ended, and the class made its way to the campus, where a bonfire was lighted, and before the morning of commencement day had dawned the good people of the neighborhood had reason to know that the "glorious class of '82" was again in town. Our SEXENNIAL convened on June 26, 1888. About thirty-five members of the class attended the business meet- ing, which was held at Room B, Cabinet Building, at eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning. J. Howard Pratt, Jr., was chosen chairman. Messrs. Knapp, Pember, and Osborne were appointed a committee on obituary resolutions. The thanks of the class were unanimously tendered to the secretary for his past services, and he was thereupon instructed to prepare and publish a sexennial record, and to include in it, besides those who graduated, all who were with the class more than one year. C44 3 REUNIONS J. Howard Pratt, Jr., was elected to respond for the class at the alumni dinner on commencement day. After the adjournment of the business meeting, a class prayer-meeting was held at Dwight Hall, and at the alumni meeting, which was held at the same time, Badger was spokesman for the class. In the afternoon Yale beat Harvard at the Yale Field in a baseball game, on the result of which the championship depended. Immediately after the return from the ball game the members of the class assembled at the fence, and, headed by the American Band and preceded by the class of '78, marched to the corner of Church and Chapel Streets, where horse-cars were waiting to convey them to Hill's Home- stead, at Savin Rock, for the sexennial dinner. The classes of '53 and '78 dined in separate apartments at the same place and time. The liquid department was under the able management of J. P. Kellogg, and the liberality of those who attended the dinner enabled him to conduct it on a generous scale. There were no regular toasts to be responded to, but everybody was given an opportunity to display his eloquence if he had any. The dinner, while it was orderly, was informal, and for that reason seemed to be the more enjoyed. During its progress a committee from the class of '78 entered the room, bearing the compliments of that class and also a bottle of wine, both of which were presented with appropriate words. At the same time Lyman, in behalf of '82, visited both '53 and '78 and presented each with a similar token of esteem. At the conclusion of the dinner it was learned that Ab- bott, who had recently been married, was spending his honeymoon at a cottage near by. It was decided to rout C45II HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 him out and demand an explanation of his absence from the festivities. The class, headed by the band, proceeded to the cottage, where, after a protracted serenade and loud calls for Abbott, the information was obtained that he was at the Sea View House. Thither the class immediately be- took itself, and shortly after it had made its presence known Abbott appeared on the upper piazza, showing evidences of a decidedly hasty toilet, and in eloquent words endeavored to calm his excited classmates. Nothing would satisfy them, however, but that he should accompany them back to Hill's, and, rather than argue the question, he yielded to their wishes. It was a late hour when the classes of '78 and '82 marched up Chapel Street to the campus amid a blaze of red fire and Roman candles, but plenty of graduates and undergraduates were on hand to join them in the powwow around the bon- fire and in songs upon the fence. The sexennial committee consisted of F. A. Kellogg, J. P. Kellogg, Knapp, Osborne, and Pardee, and received many well-deserved assurances that the meeting had been a suc- cessful and much enjoyed one. The following members of the class attended the dinner: Allen (M. S.), Badger, Barbour, Bate, Bates, Billings, Bolt- wood, Brinton, Brockway, Cragin, Curtis, Dickinson, Dil- lingham, Eno, Foote, Gallaher, Graves (C. B.), Graves (G. H.), Haskell, Kellogg (F. A.), Kellogg (J. P.), Knapp, Loomis, Lyman, Osborne, Page, Palmer, Pardee, Parsons, Pember, Pollock, Pratt, Sanford, Shoemaker, Smith, Welch, Whitney, Williams (H. L.). In addition to the above the following were in New Haven at some time during commencement week, but were unable to attend the dinner: Bruce, Campbell, Hopkins, Lewis, Rossiter, Silver (L. M.). We celebrated our DECENNIAL anniversary on Tuesday, June 28, 1892. A business meeting was held at No. 176 C463 REUNIONS Lyceum in the morning, followed by a luncheon at the resi- dence of Billings. In the afternoon we went to the ball game, and in the evening had our dinner at the old Church Street Opera House. About fifty members of the class attended. Habenstein of Hartford catered, and Pope's Military Band, also of Hartford, furnished the music for the afternoon and evening. Those attending the reunion were: Allen (J. F.), Allen (M. S.), Badger, Baltz, Bate, Beach, Beede, Billings, Boltwood, Brewster, Brinton, Brock- way, Bronson, Bruce, Clement, Curtis, Eaton, Eno, Farwell, Foote, Graves (C. B.), Graves (G. H.), Haskell, Hebard, Hopkins, Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Knapp, Lay, Lewis, Loomis, Lovering, Lyman, McBride, McKnight, Osborne, Page, Palmer, Pardee, Parsons, Pember, Piatt, Rice, Scud- der, Silver (L. M.), Storrs, Welch, Welles, Wells. The first of our NEW YORK CLASS DINNERS was held at the Arena, in West Thirty-first Street, on April 18, 1896. There were present the following men: Baltz, Bate, Billings, Brockway, Colgate, Dillingham, Ely, Hopkins, Kellogg (J. P.), Knapp, Lewis, Moodey, Osborne, Palmer, Parsons, Piatt, Stillman, Storrs, Welles, Wells, Williams (H.L.). These New York dinners have now become annual af- fairs. The first Friday in March has been adopted as the date, and the dinner is generally held at the Yale Club. There are usually thirty or forty men attending. Dillingham has presented a loving-cup to be awarded each year to the "long-distance" member of the company, on condition that if it be won by the same man for three years it shall become his own. At almost every dinner some member of the class is pres- ent who, for some reason or other, has not been with us for a long time previously, and the annual dinners have come to be regarded as oases where for one evening we live over again the happy days of the past. May they long continue to bring many of us together each year. C47] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Our QUINDECENNIAL meeting was held on Tuesday, June 29, 1897, and was attended by about fifty members. Osborne, the class secretary, called the meeting to order. The Parting Ode, written by Whitney for the class, was then sung. A vote of thanks was extended to the committee in charge of the reunion. Billings again kindly invited us to take luncheon at his residence, and the invitation was heart- ily accepted by all present. After luncheon the class attended the Yale-Harvard baseball game, and Hatch's Military Band of Hartford furnished the music. The dinner was held at the Anderson Gymnasium, on York Street, at seven o'clock, and was served by Sherry of New York. After din- ner French was appointed toast-master, and the following men responded to informal toasts: Foster, Beach, Lyman, and Sanford. A flash-light photograph was taken while the class was at dinner. There were present the following: Allen, Badger, Baltz, Beach, Beede, Billings, Brinton, Brockway, Bronson, Bruce, Clement, Colgate, Cragin, Dickinson, Dillingham, Eno, Farwell, Foote, Foster, French, Graves, Harkness, Haskell, Hebard, Hopkins, Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Knapp, Lewis, Loomis, Lyman, McBride, McKnight, Osborne, Pardee, Parsons, Pember, Piatt, Sanford, Shoemaker, Silver (L. M.), Snell, Stillman, Sweetser, Waller, Welch, Welles, Wells, Williams (H. L.) . The BICENTENNIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY, on October 20, 1901, brought together at New Haven the fol- lowing forty-four members of '82; Allen (J. F.), Allen (M. S.), Badger, Baltz, Barbour, Bartlett, Bate, Billings, Brinton, Bronson, Bruce, Clement, Dillingham, Eno, Foote, French, Graves (C. B.), Graves (G. H.), Hopkins, King- man, Knapp, Lay, Lewis, Loomis, Lowe, Lyman, McKnight, Moodey, Morris, Osborne, Palmer, Pardee, Parsons, Pem- ber, Piatt, Sanford, Shoemaker, Silver (L. M.), Snell, Welch, Welles, Wells, Wight, Williams (H. L.). Barbour was a delegate from the University of Nebraska. C48] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Our class lunched at the Quinnipiack Club on Tuesday, Oc- tober 22. Every one who attended the Bicentennial will always be glad to have been there, for it was an occasion never to be forgotten. Our VICENNIAL meeting was held on June 24, 1902. Thirty-one members of the class attended the business meet- ing, which was held at F 1 Osborn at 1 1 130 A.M. Parsons called the meeting to order, and it was moved, seconded, and carried that Badger act as chairman. He thereupon took the chair. In the absence of the secretary, Palmer was elected secretary pro tern. It was moved by Parsons that there be elected at this and each succeeding meeting one to serve as president of the class, who shall preside at all meetings of the class, appoint committees, and act with the secretary in furthering the interests of the class. The motion being duly seconded and carried, Knapp was put in nomination and unanimously elected. He then took the chair, and, on motion of Badger, the thanks of the class were unanimously extended to Osborne, the class secretary, for his many services to the class. Parsons then moved that the president appoint the following committees : Class Dinners in New Haven and elsewhere. Class Book. Class Finance. The motion was seconded and carried. In the afternoon the class attended the Yale-Harvard baseball game, accompanied by the Waterbury Military Band, and upon their return the class picture was taken from the steps of the Library. The class dinner was held at the Anderson Gymnasium, on York Street, at 7 p.m., forty-one members and three non- graduates being present. It was served bv Maresi of New York. Piatt acted as toast-master; there were no regular toasts C503 ,t)6 • c ' o. o go "O ■o o tCP * o o y O "Qb o &£& oo b ^ ^ o rt .S co C C 8 -Sff-s SSJ-S §1 Mffi C CJ +J «u )Tf li-ivo t^OO ■pSjtsjS *0 *"" fcl/) (- Ih C r*- 1 _V • Jh h M ro-t iri^O t^OO Ov ..a C t9 c ( ) N«^ o cr o o HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 responded to, but impromptu speeches were made by many of the men present, all resounding with praise of Yale and '82. The Waterbury Military Band was in attendance, and the speeches were interspersed with songs and music. Dur- ing the dinner Knapp announced the committees which he had appointed in accordance with Parsons' resolution— the following (with the president ex-officio a member of each committee) to serve from 1902 to 1907: Dinners and Twenty-fifth Reunion: Parsons, Lyman, J. P. Kellogg, Pardee. Class Book: Dillingham, Rice, Palmer. Finance: Welch, Eno, Farwell. There were present at the dinner the following: Allen (J. F. ) , Allen ( M. S. ) , Atterbury, Badger, Bate, Bates, Bentley, Billings, Brinton, Bronson, Dillingham, Eno, Farwell, Foote, Graves (G. H.), Griggs (C. M.), Haskell, Hawkes, Hop- kins, Jefferds, Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Knapp, Loomis, Lyman, McBride, Moodey, Osborne, Palmer, Pardee, Par- sons, Pember, Pierce, Piatt, Rice, Richardson, Schuyler, Shoemaker, Snell, Stillman, Sweetser, Welch, Wells, Wil- liams. During the following five years the annual dinners were held in New York, and preparations were made for what was to be our greatest and best gathering, when friends, some unseen for twenty-five years, were to come back and drink again from the fountain of youth, which exists for those who know what friendship is, and who have tasted the joys of companionship under the elms of "dear old Yale." [52] L h Ej mU 1 1 ; ^•pJ^T,,^ ^%f|l > t§7 ^£K Kl . •:.* *^ PI i 53 >tt^*ii .i fcl _,<4B >^ /#"> t ? =•**** .> ■^«K^w* f |: *■ &» «% r> *V1 » j*m .*4<4K3& •A If 1 o • o .■■ m % <2 o rt rt hfqu lis Nt ui 10 m 10 m in m 10 m itjno c5 fc s b 34 ShoemaI< 35 Abbott 36 Dillingh; 37 38 Bartlett 39 Titche 40 Wells 41 Eno 42 Bentley ; en ! > >S aj^^n: 3odpa r=; -co: i^< xai paixi xari -pax^c tz'xoco-j, ! Tovz Tt tojs -oivroUZc jr.-rivcc xai rd; ztxxzia: dxifj «>ac. am ti xai orparrvj: ztpi tocz tc-i- : - - :,- jeoan • l •-; ii m to-jtocz ua^lflqmuvlu, eiz ro> zrib> friizzo* r t u*z re; ; kooote rdc audio:. Give the present of Sodpac, the comparison of &urm. Ex- plain the euphonic changes in dizrn. Point out the predicate adjective in this sentence. 2. Xen. An. II.. 5. 14 OjS iojuaz us:, ti kieauyL, azujun, tjtx/ cpo^pvj: idroj: ' Tavra rap rrp-taoxat: u zt ipoi xaxo: poo/^-Jtxz, &ua d> pot ooxztz xai o r jzt jiaou£Z (rsz ipoi azcarotr^^ di-rdnx^rov. ti ;-c ibpzda aroiiaai, zortod not fan .:. --.- - ■ ; dzoptn j -t'a: r t irziiait*z ; What use of the participle is seen in axoim ? To what does .Jter ipa) belong ? Construction of pot, of xaxmou;, and of x«J0V.ic. 3. Xen. An. III.. 2. a tvjzo it isrovzoz auztrj zzzdpvjzai r<" dzc*ra:Ttz to: iHt.. xai Snocw: thzt, Joxtt pot, w dx5<.£c, ere: rrew otvzroia; $fm\ izzo-.zan., oimmdz too Jtoc Torj ffa.nr.-i-c ;'C«i7. EXuff'^ [ -:-. OtvTT^Ka ozoo d> zpdrzv, ti: tztiiaz. yutya: dtztxwptda. o^jirtzt^aadat At xai zot; djjot: &toz; d-jotr. xara tHmmfw¥. xat ozw odxtt zabz\ Icr., d>c7£.-xirw -- THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Toast-master: That was the office of the old presidents, and that is where that famous old society He Boule got a new lease of life. Barclay Johnson and I went in there to Old Treasury Building see Prexy Porter. Barclay was the spokesman, and I stood In the doorway to cut oil retreat, and Barclay said: "Mr. President, we want to continue this excellent debating society which the class of '81 has conducted so admirably." And Prexy asked us if it was a debating society, and we said yes — through our spokesman. And that was really why the fate of He Boule was stayed for several years. It hung upon that answer. C9i] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Old Library This picture signifies something to old Yale men. It has the old ivies on it, and when we come back here, certainly by our next anniversary, it won't be here. We will never see that building again, boys, and I hope you will take a good look at it. They are going to remove that, too. Old Gymnasium OH THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY I will say, for the enlightenment of those men who took so much interest in that Greek examination paper, that that is the old gym. If you have seen the new gym, it affords by contrast a pretty good gauge or measure, certainly, of physical development, or I might say of the opportunities for physical development. A Voice: They turned out some pretty good teams there. Toast-master : It all looks small now, but that seemed like an awfully long track after you had been around it twenty or twenty-live times. Hamilton Park There is old Hamilton Park, and I have a notion that that is an '82 crowd out there. Perhaps some of you can recognize it. A Voice: Sam Hopkins is on first base. C93] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Toast-master: That was the scene of some of our great- est achievements; that is, I am speaking now from the standpoint of the athlete. [Laughter.] There you see one of the greatest events that ever took place at Ham- ilton Park; that is a three-legged foot race in which you see "Tufa" Dar- ling hitched up with Three-legged Race -i ■, somebody. Badger: That is Darling and myself, and "But" Wood- ward and Folsom. Freshman Baseball Nine of '82 Toast-master: You don't need to have me tell you whose picture that is. That was the old freshman ball nine. Badger: We got the fence two weeks earlier than any C94H THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY class ever got it. We got the fence the twenty-sixth day of April, 1879 — two weeks earlier than any class ever had the fence before. Toast-master: That nine beat the Harvard freshmen 19 to 11 and 6 to 5, and judging from to-day's result I think they could have beaten this year's Harvard 'varsity. Hut that 's nothing. [Applause.] Badger: Up in Cambridge we beat them two games, the first time the Harvard freshmen were ever licked on their own grounds, and Harry Piatt was the man that did the trick with a left-hand stop. t • I f k k * ,. WPP, £ 'Varsity Football Team of '78 There is what is known as the first Walter Camp team, and it is historic to-day, and it must be interesting to any- body who was on it, and to the class, to know that it really goes back to the beginning of modern football. That is the fifteen team, and we had but one fifteen after that. That team was interesting to us in our day because it had five freshmen on it, four from our class and one from Sheft. Five freshmen played in the game up at Boston with Har- vard. It was won by Yale with one goal, due to an extraor- dinary kick by Thompson from the middle of the field. He IT 95 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 hit the ball with the side of his foot. He was not a drop- kicker; he was a rush. Badger: May I say a word about that? Six men from Adams Academy played in the game that he tells you about; live were on the Harvard team, and myself on Yale. [Badger names the players: Camp, Watson, Peters, Nixon, Moorhouse, Eaton, Lyman, Harding, Fuller, Bad- ger, and others.] Bailey: Let *s have one drink to Chummie Eaton, as loval a Yale bov as ever lived, and he would be here now if he could. [Sophomore fence.] [For reproduction see page 2.] Toast-master: That is the sophomore fence, which, as Walter said, we got prematurely through the efforts of him- self, others ably assisting. That is the fence that I think Asa French, if he were here, would say that he had some part in getting by his oratory. That was the beginning of Asa's oratorical career, as I remember it, which we ex- pected would culminate to-night in his response to a toast, but he has been called away, greatly to our regret. I don't know whether you can recognize the men in that group. Murray Hale Now we have two old familiar characters, Murray the hackman and Hale the postman. I can't unde -stand this C96] THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY controversy about having a statue of Hale on the campus. [Applause and laughter.] I certainly think Hale ought to have one, and Murray, too. Professor Wright Professor Phillips There are Andy and Baldie as they were, two fine charac- ters, the students' friends, conscientious instructors; and the warmth of feeling that was displayed when they came around to see us the other night I think is sufficient apology for my selecting those two men to represent the old faculty. [Applause.] I must pause a minute to tell you a story that is going around New Haven that hinges on Professor Wright. There is a famous English lawyer, Sir John Pollock, who came over to this country a short time ago. He came to New Haven, and a dinner was given to him by one of the prominent men here. The leaders of the faculty and other prominent citi- zens were invited to meet him. Shortly after the dinner began, Sir John Pollock's head began to nod, and in a short time his chin was on his chest, his eyelids were drooping; he was snoring and fast asleep. The other guests were aghast, but, with true New England politeness, they went right on C97] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 with their conversation and paid no heed to him whatever. In a short time Sir John woke up and resumed his conversa- tion with his neighbors. In due course the party went out and had their cigars, etc. (it was a stag party), and Sir John took his leave rather early, and his host accompanied him to the door. On his return he was plied immediately with questions as to whether Sir John apologized, because there was a general feeling that his deportment was, to say the least, quite an innovation, if not a breach of international comity. "Well," the host said, "he did n't exactly apolo- gize, but, just as he was going out of the door, he said: 'I am stopping, you know, with Dean Wright, and they rise very early at the dean's.' " [Laughter.] 'Varsity Football Team of '79 Now we are passing on chronologically, you realize. There is the football team of the next year. That is the last "fifteen." That team had an honorable record, but they were not champions, as I recollect it. [98: THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY There is the old Cabinet Building, where the read- ing-room was. I reproducethatbe- cause it has gone out of existence; you can see it no more. A Voice Cabinet Building That is where we had Newton. Old Laboratory Toast-master: Here is the old building at the left where Professor Arthur Wright held forth. As he said the other night, the incandescent lamp which he exhibited to us he believed to be the first incandescent lamp that was ever exhibited or lighted in Connecticut. I remembered that fact; but I want to say (which I did not say to him) that I re- membered also the fact that Professor Wright said that the electric light would, no doubt, play a very important part in outdoor illumination, but it would probably never be used for interior illumination [laughter], showing the short- sightedness of even the most enlightened. C99] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 "Penikeese" Now that is a group of the "Penikeese" opera caste. I should like to have Billie Williams or somebody tell who some of those disreputable-looking characters are. Williams: There is Frank Snell, Miss Gaffney, who sang in Trinity Church at that time, Woodward, etc. [Naming them.] ** 1R* IS-* Professor Phelps Professor Dana Toast-master: We have had the men who are particu- larly dear to our class, and these are two of the men who C IO °3 THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY typify the old Yale. "There were giants in those days." Those were two of the grand old men. You know the after career of Professor Phelps as Minister to England, and Professor Dana, of course, is also gone. President Porter [Long-continued applause and cheers.] President Porter's characteristics have been splendidly portrayed in some verses by Rogers of '83, and I will read you just a verse or two of his tribute : Alike all loved him: careful student, drone, Scapegrace or steady man ; all knew His mild reproof was for their help alone, And his reproofs were few. No man remembers him to have his heart Tingle with some keen, unforgotten smart. No gift of comeliness had he, scant grace Of bearing, little pride of mien — He had the rugged old-time Roundhead face, Severe and yet serene ; But, through those keen and steadfast eyes of blue The soul shone fearless, modest, strong, and true. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Glee Club This is the Glee Club, senior year. I want to say that of course it was impossible to get a complete collection of the athletic teams or other views, so I just picked out these that are shown as typical. You will look upon this view with variable degrees of pleasure, probably. 'Varsity Crew of '82 There is the university crew, senior year: Hull, Storrs, Rogers, Parrott, and others. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Football Team of '81 One more football team. They were the champions that year, and, as I remember it, that year we had the tri-cham- pionship, the triple crown. [Applause.] Varsitv Ball Nine of '82 There is the ball nine, the 'varsity of senior year. They were the champions. That is one of the nines that used to beat the professionals. That was a great team, boys. If HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 I am not mistaken, that was the year that Harry Piatt led the batting list of all the intercollegiate nines; is that so, Harry? Piatt: No, it is not so. [He led the fielding in '81.] Badger: I want to tell you one thing. We saw the ball game played to-day. When Harry Piatt played on that ball team, he said: "Badger, I can't do the trick." I said: u Yes, you must, Harry." He said: "Then I will try." He showed me his arm. From the shoulder down to his wrist it was absolutely black and blue. Harry Piatt played the game out for old Yale and '82, and we won out. [Ap- plause.] May I say one thing more? You remember to-day that the first baseman jumped up in the air and caught the ball, and the man running was not out. I said to Harry: "I tell you, Harry, if that had been Sam Hopkins, he would have lengthened out." [Laughter.] Parsons: Boys, three times three for Harry Piatt. Toast-master: Badger's allusion to Sam Hopkins re- minds me of some quotation, I don't know whom it is from, but it runs to the effect that "Their endowments make these base men great." [Loud laughter.] ['82 trophies.] [Reproduction on opposite page.] In lieu of showing all the teams in whose honors '82 shared, I will just show in this picture a few of our trophies. These are the trophies of senior year. It is impossible to show all on a screen only about five, by six feet. Badger (pointing) : That is the one "Tufa" Darling and I won in the three-legged race. I have it in my room now. Toast-master: Fellows, we do not look upon athletics as the chief thing in college life, but we think they have a good deal to do with the development of the Yale spirit. I think that is about the last of the athletic pictures, and now sup- pose we give three times three cheers for the athletes of Yale of our time. C I0 4] '82 Trophies HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Parsons: Three times three for the athletes of our time and of our own class. Pardee: I want to give three times three for Chester Lyman for thinking of all these pictures and pulling them out here, for he is the only man that w T ould think of it. Toast-master : You wait, please, until I get through. [Graduation group.] [Reproduction on opposite page.] Here is the graduation group of our class, taken at the old State House. That shows how T nice a thing it is to select a good background, because the old State House is no more, and that view is of historic interest to us all. I should like to have the lights turned up, and if you will turn to the songs of '82, you will find the Parting Ode there. Let us sing the Parting Ode, because that was the breaking up, that was the end of the first era of '82. PARTING ODE BY J. E. WHITNEY Swift our college days have passed, Like a vision fleeting, Filled with joys too bright to last, Down the years retreating ; And the ever earnest call Of the years advancing, Speaking to us one and all, Breaks the dream entrancing. While we swell the parting strain, Be it softly spoken, We shall never meet again In a band unbroken. But though severed far and wide, With new scenes delighted, Time nor tide can e'er divide Hearts at Yale united. Ov c> o> o> £"5 V - O C rt l- J= O u rt * OX c~^CD o ^ — ^ K in txOO 00 00 CO 00 00 00 < <0 *o .°b^ ° "■ ** 3 O ?e>0 3,BD *0 o HI'S* V '. V J *> °0 "V >v 2^ ^ f >. -. PJ n*^ r^rfs r^o > JJ C«u[fi ^ /S ^-^ v — ' J^^ s - 5*5 2^-3^ *b, *TD fc>» o 13. C boo 3 ^ -^ l- rt O u C ■* 3 o tD •M O' o )PHfam«p;cAt,H^-^^ 2 O K O III, ° P iitjiii. o c 3 . i/5 vo r^-oo a o m n rut «ovo txoo 5 ° e 5 O O' O' — > o' o s cr„ o o o o d HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 And whatever may ensue, Fortune less or greater. We will live for Eighty-two, And for Alma Mater. Then before the last farewell Let us pledge to cherish In our hearts their happy spell Till remembrance perish. Barclay Johnson Ernest Whitney Toast-master : Boys, "lest we forget,'' here are two of the men who were very prominent in our college life, and would have been prominent in after life, had their lives been pre- served. I reproduce this because Barclay, as you know, was our valedictorian, a lovable fellow, and Whitney was our class poet, a lovable fellow. They stand for that large number who have gone already. Wentworth was the first. Barnes, though not in our class at the time, followed quickly. OS] THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Shortly after we were graduated, Cuyler went over to the beyond, and then, one after another, some of our best men went. Now let us not forget that all these men were an important element in our class, and simply because they have gone ahead, let us not fail to cherish their memories. Let us stand and drink a toast to the dead, a silent toast. Now, while we are standing, I want you to sing the Ivy Ode, which Whitney composed. The air is "Lorelei." IVY ODE O Ivy newly starting In tenderness and grace, Our final clasp at parting Above thy resting place Shall hallow thee forever, While memory is true To ties that now we sever Around dear 'Eighty-two. May Spring give thee the vigor To flourish in thy seat, Despite the Winter's rigor, And Summer's scorching heat; May rains and sunbeams gentle Like blessings on thee fall, Until thy beauties mantle The cold and naked wall. O lend us inspiration To live as thou wilt live, Whatever be our station, To ever nobly strive With fairest deeds of duty, Though fond ambition fail, To deck with fadeless beauty The name of dear old Yale. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 [Twentieth reunion group.] [Reproduction on page 51.] Now we come down almost to the present. We have reached the end of our college reminiscences. This is the '82 group, with which most of you are familiar, and I think I need not delay with it, the twentieth anniversary group. Tutor Hadlev President Hadlev Those show Hadley as he was in our time, and as he was a short time ago. Let 's have three times three for the tutor and for the President. [Three times three for President Hadlev.] I am introducing Holland now a little out of place, be- cause he is unable to be here to respond to the toast as billed. I am sure he is most regretful himself. That is Ted Holland in his most re- cent photograph. He sent on Ted Holland THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY some very interesting lines which will be read later. Ted is out in Denver, and only the call of duty prevented his being here. I have had correspondence with him, and Billie has, and he was keen to get here, and it was only a sense of duty that kept him away. That is Senator Kittredge of South Dakota as he is. He was unable to be here because, as I understand it, his continuing to be Senator hinged upon his remaining out West and conducting a vigorous campaign. I want to say, as you perhaps know, he is known as the silent Sen- ator, and he certainly is a wonderfully modest man. I had great difficulty in even getting a picture of him. I had men searching the pho- tograph galleries of Wash- ington, and all they could find was a negative. I don't know whether that indicates that he is so modest as not to have his picture taken, or whether they are in such demand that the supply is exhausted. Kit, as you know, has been a conspicuous figure in Washington, and his reputation rests largely upon his vigorous fight, first, for the Panama Canal, and, secondarily, for having the canal built on a level. It seems that they were not willing to have the canal built "on the level," so that I think that scores a point for our mem- ber. We little thought that Kit would become the biggest dig of the class. [Applause and three times three for the Senator.] Senator Kittredge CiiO HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 At Triennial At Present The Class Bov That is Russell Yale O'Hanlon, although I think at the time the picture was taken it was Russell Yale Hanlon, which reminds me of the story of a fellow by the name of Hooley who came over from Ireland. He said: "When I first went to work, I was called Pat, and pretty soon they began to call me Patrick Hooley. I became foreman of our job, and they called me Mr. Hooley. When I became alder- man they called me the Honorable Mr. Hooley, and one day I was walking up Fifth Avenue with my wife, and I went into one of the churches, and started to walk up the aisle, when all the people got up and began to sing 'Hooley, Hooley, Hooley!' ' [Laughter.] There is the boy, and there is the man. That picture was taken in the Sierras, where he was an engineer. He was a self-educated engi- neer. I gather from his history that O'Hanlon was unable to afford himself a college education, so he took a course in the Scranton Correspondence School and made himself C"2] THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY an engineer, and has gone on very successfully, up step by step, and at the present time he is in Korea in connection with the Oriental Randolph Exploration Company, or some- thing of the sort. I have a notion that it is one that I Iarry Piatt may know something about, but I am not sure. Piatt: Mr. Toast-master, I propose three times three for the Class Boy. Toast-master: When the questions were sent out by Dill- ingham in preparation for our record, I was astonished at the thoroughness of them. It seemed to me that he had pro- vided for everything excepting for what an X-ray picture would show, for he had asked all kinds of questions con- ceivable. He had even asked you to fill in statistics in regard to your grandchildren! I did n't know whether that was in anticipation of the fact that the records might be some time in coming out [derisive laughter], judging from past ex- perience (due, of course, not to any remissness on the part of the publication committee, but to the great difficulty of getting replies quickly). In looking over the twentieth reunion record, I noticed that Dil- lingham, in his preface, spoke of the short-Qommgs of the record. It seemed to me that a more proper term would have been the long- comings of the record. [Laugh- ter.] Now, by a sagacity which is very remarkable, they have pro- vided for things just as they are, and others of the class have not been idle either. I don't know whether to commend most those who prepared the questions as to who your grandchildren were, or those who were at work producing grandchildren, because, boys of '82, that is your first grandchild! [Applause.] I C»33 The Class Grandchild HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 don't know his, her, or its exact name, but I know that it is the grandchild of Chummie Eaton. [Loud applause and three times three for our grandchild.] It is a fact, and the baby is only a few days old, less than two weeks, I think, and it is the child of Chummie EJaton's daughter, and but for that event Chummie would be with us to-night. Allen: I did n't know it affected the grandfathers that way, Chester. [Laughter.] Toast-master : This is an opportune time, before proceeding to expatiate on this present picture before us, to allude to a message that I have here, two mes- sages in fact, if I can find them. You know that we expected Brewster here, and you know what an earnest, enthusiastic fel- low he is, and he set his heart on coming, but there was an event anticipated in his family which made it very uncertain as to whether he would come or not. I learned this from a doc- tor who has recently arrived from Salt Lake City, and we also have a telegram from him. You know Brewster was a good deal of a wit, but I think the best joke that he ever perpetrated is comprised in this despatch from him, which reads: "I must abandon trip; little William will not hurry." [Laughter.] Shortly before I came over here this evening, I received this despatch: "William came to-night, and yells for '82." [Applause and three times three for little William Brewster.] You remember, those of you who were here two years [114] Welles Kennon Rice THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY ago at the ball game, how the result hung in the balance, and the class boy of '80, the class that was holding its twen- ty-fifth anniversary, stepped up to the bat, hit the ball, and made a home run, and that was accounted the most delight- ful event of the anniversary of the class of '8o. Now this is anticipating a little, but I want to introduce to you now the son of Rice, Welles Kennon Rice, who is a member of the university crew, and will surely do creditable work next Thursday, and it would certainly be a great satisfaction to us if we could see him, and the other seven men who will probably help him some, carry the boat over the line ahead of Harvard. [Loud applause and three times three for young Rice.] Rice: Billie kindly gave me a badge for the boy, which I have sent down to him, and if they win, the '82 badge will go over the line first. [Ap- plause.] The boy sent his thanks to the class for it. Toast-master : I want to bring in the man on whom more eyes in this country are fixed than perhaps on anybody else, excepting the President. And we hope some day (I think a great many of us do, but I don't want to make any political issue at all) that he will be the successor of Presi- dent Roosevelt, and those of us who can do so conscien- tiously will support him and • Biir Taft will welcome seeing such a sterling, typical, representative Yale man as Bill I aft suc- ceed to the Presidency. [Applause.] It reminds me of a C"5n HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 little story that I heard about him. He was having his shoes shined on a public stand, and he was being very much annoyed by newspaper boys trying to sell him papers. A friend waiting for him finally said to the boys: ''There is no use asking that man to buy, or talking to that man; he is deaf, he can't hear what you say." "Gee whiz!" said the bow "is that so? He 's a fat son-of-a-gun, ain't he?" [Laughter.] That is "Ting." I sup- pose you are more or less familiar with his career, and with the fact that he has risen to high rank in China, and has had a very honora- ble career since he left col- lege. For twenty years, I think, he was confidential secretary and adviser of Li Hung Chang, who is looked upon by all Chinese and the world at large as being the greatest Chinese statesman of our day, and Sir Chen- tung Liang Cheng, the pres- ent Chinese Minister, said that very much of the credit that had been given to Chang for broad views was due, no doubt, to the counsel and advice of his confidential ad- viser and secretary, our old friend "Ting." "Ting," as you probably know, is to succeed the present Chinese Min- ister, Sir Chentung, and we hoped to have him here to- night, but he will not come to this country for a month or two. After being secretary of Chang, he was made taotai of Tientsin, and that is a very high position and office, and a very remunerative one. I am told that his salary was ^ing" as an Undergraduate THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY three hundred thousand dollars a year, but that, in a spirit of retrenchment, they had cut the salary down to one hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars; still, as Sam I [opkins very aptly said, "every day counts when you are getting a salarv of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year." [Laugh- ter and applause.] Welch: I want to say here is a telegram that came from "Ting" by which some of that salary goes into the '82 fund. [Three times three for "Ting."] "Ting" Liang Toast-master: In the center you see "Ting" as he is now or w r as quite recently; the center dignitary is "Ting," and is n't it quite interesting to see the changes in the man? "Ting" was w r ith us about three years, but during a revolu- tion in the government he w r as recalled. It was not within the range of possibilities for him to complete his course and take his degree. But I am authorized to state to the mem- HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 bers of the class only that the faculty have recommended that he receive the degree of A.B., with enrolment in the class as of '82, and the corporation will confirm it to-mor- row, and the announcement will be duly made. [Applause.] "TING" LIANG (Dedicated to the new Chinese Minister) 1 We revel in song, Oo-long and ping-pong, Far o'er the ocean and with deep emotion Make love to "our best" At the chop-suey fest As with chop-sticks we beat on a gong. Chorus: "Ting" Liang, "Ting" Liang, Oo-long, ping-pong, Those are the principal words of our song, "Ting" Liang, "Ting" Liang, Oo-long, ping-pong, As with chop-sticks we beat on a gong. Toast-master: The class has achieved honor in almost every sphere of activity that I can think of, but it seems as though in the medical profession we had been quite pre- eminent. In various cities East and West we have men w T ho stand high in the medical profession. Here is the man who, as you know, was one of the quiet workers in college, who 1 Although generally understood to be the appointee at this time, "Ting" was subsequently appointed President of the Board of Foreign Affairs, and did not come to this country. £"*1 THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY has gone steadily forward, who has advanced not only by reason of his accomplishments, but by reason of his per- sonal character— such an important element in a suc- cessful professional man, particularly in medicine. That preeminence which he enjoys in Xew York and in the country has received the recognition of all his confreres in the profes- sion. They have united, some of the most eminent physicians have united, in seeking for him some rec- ognition from his Alma Mater, and I have the pleasure of announcing (I think this is news to almost all of you), and this is . Cragin anticipating another an- nouncement of to-morrow T , that Cragin will receive the de- gree of M.A. [Applause.] I wish I could quote to you some of the high testimonials which it was my privilege to read from some of the most eminent men in the country in regard to his attainments. To be slightly "levitious" —to use the word he coined in classroom — I saw a list of the works that he has contributed to the science of medi- cine and surgery, and he has written whole volumes on sub- jects which it makes me blush to even think about. [Laugh- ter.] I am sure that even the titles must be excluded from our class record, or the records will be excluded from the mails. Let 's give three times three cheers for Cragin, one of the most eminent men of the class. C»93 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 I have been really anticipating, and I must go back a bit to bring me down to the immediate present, and the next view will conclude the series. [Class picture taken 2 P.M., June 25, 1907.] [Repro- duction on page 54.] This is the view taken of us this afternoon at the Library, and it is an extraordinarily good view, I think. I don't think it is necessary for any one to point out who they are. [Laughter and applause.] Now I think a song would be in order. That is the end of the pictures. I hope I am not protracting the program too much. We now are down to the toasts, and we are going to ask one man to work overtime to-night, as he has already made one speech to-day. This is a man who, through accident of birth, occupied the first position in the class at the beginning of our course. His name began with A, and was first on the list when the class was divided alphabetically; but, overcom- ing or rather supplementing the advantages of birth, he very nearly held the position of supremacy, only being sur- passed by our dear valedictorian Barclay. The man whom I have in mind has devoted himself to the teaching of young men, and another accident has placed him where his influence is not in the direction of producing men for Yale, but he is doing great work in connection with a sister university. He, with President Harper, went to Chi- cago in 1890, I think, or 1892, and organized Chicago University, which has become so great an institution. This man stands as one of the representatives of a large element of our class who have devoted themselves to pedagogic work; no less than fourteen of them are so occupied, exem- plifying the saying, which is very common in regard to Yale, that she is the "teacher of teachers." It is in recognition of that fact that we are serving to-night that beverage which must be to the pedagogues as ambrosia was to the gods and THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY demigods of the past— Teachers' Scotch. Had we known that Scotch whisky was the beverage of the teachers, I am sure more of us might have followed that line. [Laughter and applause.] I will now ask Professor Frank Frost Ab- bott to respond to the toast "Lessons." Abbott, you may recite. Abbott: Mr. Toast-master and Fellows: You have heard enough from me already. I am not really responsible for this second appearance to-day, and I want you to charge it up to the committee, to which we are charging up every- thing, of course, to-night. I have no speech to make, but now that I am on my feet, there are two things that I want to say. One is that I shall always remember that noble army of martyrs that I looked down on from the platform in Alumni Hall this morning during those two sweltering hours of oratory. When there were easy chairs and cooling drinks in the class tent, it was one of the most touching illus- trations of class loyalty that I have ever had the good for- tune to witness, to see those heroic souls sit and wait for the class of '82 to be called upon, and it will be a very pleasant thing to remember in the future. [Applause.] The other thing that I want to say (because I am not going to take the time of the others who are to follow, and whom you want to hear more than you want to hear me) — the other thing that I want to say is suggested by the flatter- ing remarks, unnecessarily flattering remarks, which the toast-master made in introducing me. After hearing them, I feel that perhaps I ought to say a word in excuse of my apparent falling from grace in the choice of a profession. Many of us did not have the pleasantest impressions in all cases of the man behind the desk twenty-five years ago. [Laughter.] But Fate has put me there for the last twenty years or more ; yet there are extenuating circumstances which I think even such a rigid jurist as our learned classmate from Waterbury, for example, or my distinguished legal 00 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 friend here at the right would regard as lessening the hein- ousness of the offense. For instance (this is personal, be- cause this is a family party to-night), I have tried to take our soft-spoken clergyman friend of freshman year, whose memory is still green with some of us, as a warning, not as an example. [Applause.] I have also tried to put myself in the place of the man on the bench. I have remembered that list of fine fellows, which runs from J. Allen, M. Allen, Atterbury, Badger, Bailey, to Wells, Wight, Williams, and Wright. I try to remember that what happens in the classroom does n't count. It was our life together outside the classroom that did count, and I think we have all felt here this week, more perhaps than we even felt in college, that the coming to know one hundred and fifty or more fine fellows, in fair weather and in foul, is the thing that is really worth while. When you and I have happened to meet during the last five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years, and during this last week, when we have talked over things together, we have not talked about geometry or political economy, or even about that most fascinating subject of Latin, but we have talked of the little things that happened to us together. Not that these small happenings were in themselves important; they were not tragic; they were not so very funny, either, but they were significant to us because they brought up the old days, because they were a part of our life here together. So the first thing we think of in these reunions is not, it seems to me, what men in the class have done in the last twenty-five years, for we knew they would do things worth doing in the world, but it is what they were as men twenty- five years ago, what they are as men to-day. [Applause.] Of course we are proud of their achievements. When peo- ple talk, for instance, about the relations between the far East and America, we think of one of the members of our class who has had and still has so distinguished a part in C I22 3 THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY directing them, as the toast-master said a few minutes ago. When any one speaks of the Panama Canal, we call to mind another member of our class who has laid broad and deep the legal foundations of that enterprise. Still other '82 men are at the top of their professions in the law, in medi- cine, in education; yet it is not thai that we think of. We knew they could do these things. It is what they were and what they are as men which appeals to us. [Applause.] There is only one other thing I want to say before giving way to the eloquence which is to follow, a thing which has come on me very strongly during this past week, to which Chester has already referred — the fact that our class has had no clique, no factions, that it has been a unit; that, from the night before entering, when we locked arms on the old Grammar School lot in the face of a common enemy, up to the day when we marched together onto the platform at Center Church, we have faced the same music, we have been one; and that spirit of solidarity, which I believe we may claim is a peculiar characteristic of the class of '82, is one of the pleasantest memories and one of the finest recollections that I, at least (and I think the same is true of all of us) , will carry away from this week of reunion here. [Prolonged applause.] Toast-master : Scanning — we were wont to look with aversion, I think, upon the task of scanning when we were in college; but it is one thing to have to scan, and another thing to have the scanning done for you. Holland has sent on some poetical lines which I am going to ask another member of the class to read. There is a saying that next praiseworthy to the man who creates a great expression is he who first quotes it. I think that may be slightly changed so as to apply to the work of the one who will now act as the voice of Holland. I will ask Palmer to read Holland's message to the class. Palmer: When Lyman asked me to read these lines, he c i2 3n HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE *82 asked me to read them as my own. I thought I was going to grasp a halo of glory, but he has not only put Holland's name on the program, but shown you his picture, so there is nothing in it for me at all. But I will proceed: When the fun is at its height In the middle of the night, Pause, and think Of the classmates far away, And let some good fellow say, "Take a drink!" BEING A FEW INCONSEQUENTIAL LINES INSCRIBED BY THEODORE HOLLAND TO HIS CLASSMATES OF YALE '82 IN BEHALF OF ANY UNFORTUNATE WHO, LIKE HIMSELF, MIGHT BE CALLED "THE MAN WHO COULD N'T COME" There 's a rumor borne by the evening breeze Which has reached 'way out to me. It started, they say, in the old elm-trees In a city by the sea — In a city celebrated for Its university. It has found its way over hill and dale, Over mountain and river and plain, To the ramparts high that cut the sky Where the Rockies rise amain And peaks glow bright in the sunset light Like domes of a gilded fane. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY The seismographs, the world around, Are recording the earthquake shocks, And a tidal wave has swept the land From Bridgeport to Windsor Locks, While here — two thousand miles away — I feel the trembler's knocks. Then tell me, ye elements convulsed ! Tell me, thou waning moon ! What mean these fearsome portents? Say ! Does the end of the world come soon ? And the earth and air and sky reply : " 'T is the twenty-fifth of June!" Ah ! Now I see why these things be ; And I know r , full well, 't is true That the ivied walls where the sparrow- calls Are held by a motley crew ; For to-night 's the night that is owned outright By the class of eighty-two. Gathered around the festive board, They come from over the land To feel the joy of the college boy And the grasp of a comrade's hand, Ere the hour-glass of the good old class Has emptied its load of sand. No doubt the place has greatly changed — More than some of us can know r — Since we sat in the shade the elm-trees made Five and twenty years ago ; And modern halls now rear their walls Where stood the old brick row. The college fence, where we loved to sit And see the girls trip by, HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Where jest and song, when days grew long, Made the happy hours fly, Has passed away like a vanished day, To live but in memory. Doubtless the songs we used to sing Are old-fashioned and out of date And would be "2, 3," if they reached the ears Of the undergraduate. For is n't it strange how all things change? Well, cheer up! Such is Fate! But I fancy the years have left their mark On other than fence and wall, And some will come with whitened locks, And some with no locks at all ; And many who seem in the summer of life, But more in the early fall. Time will have left his seal on all In some conspicuous way. The trousers that most of us used to wear Will never meet to-day; There will be a general look, I fear, Of October instead of May. The telltale lines about the mouth, The touch of gray in the hair, Will indicate we are headed "south," While a crow's-foot, here and there, Will show necessity, alas ! For general repair. But here we are for what we are In several degree : The doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief, The Reverend D.D. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY From here, from there, from everywhere— A noble sight to see ! The man who entered politics And glories in the strife; The man who does not care to "mix," But leads "the simple life" ; The banker and the poet, The surgeon with his knife. You 've had your dinners table d'hote, You 've heard that stirring call, The baccalaureate address By Prex in Woolsey Hall, Had luncheon at the Country Club, And, then, that is n't all. You 've eaten clams and chicken Where the clams and chicks abound, To wit, at the Momauguin, Which is by Long Island Sound ; You 've seen the great Yale-Harvard game. In fact, you 've looked around. But when I read the "program" (With one m, sir, s'il vous plait!) I seem to miss the good old names That marked a former day. 'T is all quite right, but here, to me, Two thousand miles away, There comes a sense of longing For the things that are no more, When, arm in arm, we pushed the baize Of Moriarty's door. Those scrambled eggs were better Than a dinner by the shore ! HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1 seem to see the foaming mugs, To see the buxom dame Who often stopped her knitting And from her parlor came To chide some ribald youth whose song Was lost to sense of shame. The cellar where Gus Traeger drew The beer so highly prized (When "Ein, noch einmal, zwei, noch einmal, Hyrusasized"), It tasted mighty good to us Although not sterilized. I see the homeward sailing crews — Beneath the arching elms Which, with their canopies of green, Shut out the starry realms — Making short tacks with schooner loads That will not mind their helms. Ah ! Those were happy days and nights When, with digestion placid, We sipped our beer or strolled at dark The streets we knew were lass-ied, And recked not of the wrath to come, Nor dreamed of uric acid. But stop ! There 's one name that I know, One that I can recall : The Wheeler & Wilson Band — the Pequot House — I see it all ! And leading the "Blue Danube Waltz" That seemed to start the ball ; Guests taking hotfoot to their rooms; Proprietor in funk. Then things grow hazy, indistinct — Yours truly in his bunk, C»81 THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY While bands of Indians rip and roar — 'Most everybody drunk! And so you will forgive me If, like Riley's man, I say 1 'd give 'most anything I have "To hear the Old Band play." Just turn 'em loose, boys, once, For all the fellows far away ! I don't know who will win the race Or who will win the game; I hope when '82 lines up You '11 cheer the Blue to fame. But win or lose, what matters it? We 're Yale men just the same. Thrice happy those whose lots were cast To be here at this meeting ; To give old Yale and former friends One hearty, rousing greeting ; To snatch a day from Father Time — From hours so sw T iftly fleeting. And when the room is wreathed in smoke, And w T ine and wit are flowing; When toasts are drunk, and songs are sung, And things get really going — The time the morning star appears, And early cocks are crowing — When you have pledged each other's health And pledged the dear old class, And drunk to Yale, the "Girl in Blue" (Imperishable lass), When sentiment asserts itself, Let each man fill his glass, C I2 9] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 And, if he feels that he can stand One bumper more of Mumm, Or, if he does not like that brand, Choose any kind of rum That long experience has shown Is suited to his "turn" — That will not hurt his inner man Or put him on the bum — And think of those unfortunates (I know, alas! of some), And pledge that most unhappy chap, " The man who could n't come." [Three times three for Ted Holland.] Toast-master : Ted wanted to know all that went on here, and I am very glad to be able to report to him that his message was so cordially received. The next toast is "Rushes." Unless you stop to think of the meaning of a simple word like that, you don't realize how many significations it has. You go back into ancient history and you find that, if it were not for the rushes of the Nile, little Moses would not have found shelter in the pool, and the children of Israel might never have been led out of bondage in Egypt. Coming along down the avenue of time by leaps and bounds or rushes, we know that the first thing that threw us together as a class, and threw us against the class of '8 1, was the rush at the Grammar School lot. Then, coming into college, we remember some of the rushes which we used to hear the other fellow make, and wished we could make ourselves. The man who is going to respond to this toast is well qualified to talk about that kind of rushes. But the par- ticular kind of rushes that we had in mind when we selected the toast was the rush of life which leads to success, and the man who is going to respond exemplifies that kind, I know. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY because, only a few years after he got out of college, the people in Chicago, where he lived and where I lived for a while, were talking about the promising young lawyer, and all that was said about him has been amply fulfilled. And Chicago, as you know, is the place of rush. They even have a street named Rush Street [laughter], and, without more ado, I call upon the man who knows how to "get-there- quick"— Cyrus Bentley. [Loud applause and three times three for Cyrus Bentley.] Bentley: My dear Toast-master and Fellow Class- mates : The chill at this end of the room has so affected my voice that I am not sure that I can occupy the whole of the hour and a half which has been assigned to me; but if you will all pay attention and shut the windows, I will do the best I can, and if Jim Rice is on my side, who can be against me? I got a little agreeable information out of this program to-night. I was surprised when, on taking up the card, I saw that I was to respond to "Rushes," because I did not believe you would remember how I invariably took the brunt of the physical contests that we had with '81 and '83. It is pleasant, indeed, to me to know that you have not forgotten my physical prowess. I must say, though, that I am inclined to criticize the sentiment which goes with the toast: "He was bound to follow the suit." As I remember those occasions, I never tried to follow the suit, but was quite content to save the z//7^rclothes. The rushes which we fought out years ago, so far as I recall them now, consisted of a delirium of noise and pro- fanity, and a good many hard knocks. You played your part well, holding your breath and butting in with lowered head. As the years have passed, the elements, the distinc- tive characteristics, which took us into the rushes and kept us hard at work in them have remained for us, though the obstacles in our way are no longer human. The days of HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 physical strife for grown men are past, but obstacles there have been and are, many and serious. It is fine to think that so many of us, after twenty-live years of struggle against difficulties of one kind and another, are here to- night to recall the pleasant, if strenuous, days of the past, and to speak of the pleasant days of the present. [Ap- plause.] I don't know any better work that has been done, for which our college rushes were an education, than the work which has its climax in our feast to-night. I am sure there were innumerable obstacles, harder to overcome than the freshmen of '83, or the sophomores of '81, which our committee have fought their way through, and we all must recognize their services to the class, the indomitable charac- teristics they have displayed, and the memorable experience we owe to them. [Applause.] What is it that gives the peculiar charm and interest to such an occasion as this? Of course, foremost in all our minds is the thought that it is enough to meet together and exchange reminiscences, to look at the pictures which our thoughtful toast-master has provided for us, and to consider the ways of life which the members of our class have fol- lowed. But there is something less tangible than that, not better than that, nor more than that, but different. The years which we spent together here at Xew Haven were the preliminary years of youth. Life presented to us then no problems which we feared to face. Our ideals were un- tarnished, nor had they been proven impracticable. The struggles before us we were willing and perhaps even anx- ious to encounter; and so the associations of this occasion revive in us that spirit of youth which is the most precious possession of life, to which we should hold fast until the end. Such a tie, sentimental and subtle — perhaps indefinable — a real tie, nevertheless, binds us together. May these occa- sions be repeated for many years, for many years to come. In truth, I do believe that we shall keep our youth just in pro- THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY portion as we look forward to, and as we participate in, them. I remember I heard, when we came back for our twentieth reunion, that the twenty-fifth was the end, that men did not return very much after the twenty-fifth anniversary. I trust that will not be true of us, and that from this night we shall be planning for the next reunion, though they must not be too frequent, for the edge of them would be dulled if they were repeated very year. Through the five-year in- tervals to look forward to them and to look backward to them, and to think of all that they mean, and of the expe- riences that they revive, will surely make more efficient our work in the world, and strengthen our hope for that which is to come. [Applause.] We have lived out of college twenty-five years. That is more than half of the average life of the college graduate, but I will not think that much of sunlight does not remain. Let us sing processionals as long as Chester and Archie will write us the words, leaving the inevitable recessional to take care of itself. [Applause.] One bright afternoon not many weeks ago I went to the church at St. Denis, the sepulcher of French royalty, where marble tombs guard the anointed dust of Louis the Saint and his successors of the house of France, tenants of the kingly office. Apart from the rest, deeply hidden in the shadows of the vault beneath the altar, lie Louis the Martyr and his most unhappy queen. As I stood beside their white stone coffins, rather inclined to moralize upon the crumbling vanity of human grandeur and ambition, near-by chimes struck out upon the hour that cheerful tune to which we have, in days gone by, beneath the elms, so often sung: "Brothers, the day is ended, Lost in the surge of time." It seemed a message from the sunlit world without to those cold ashes locked in their funereal cells. 1 waited and t'33] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 listened, held bv the associations of the familiar melody, carried in imagination to our approaching class reunion; and my thoughts were gloomy as I reflected that soon enough that message of the bells would sound for each of us. But when, turning away from the sanctuary of the dead, I re- visited the outer air, instinct with life and redolent of spring, I saw what we all may see for ourselves even on this twenty- fifth anniversary; I saw that the sun was still shining; the shadows indeed were beginning to lengthen, but hours of davlight yet remained. [Long-continued applause.] Toast-master : The next toast is "Skins and Cribs," familiar to you all. The man who is to respond is peculiarly fitted bv reason of the fact that he is a dermatologist and a gyne- cologist at times. [Laughter.] He has attained a position out West that reflects honor upon him. He is not only a practitioner, but a teacher and editor, and if you knew all about the experience he had when he laid low several ''thugs'' who attacked him one night, you might say that he Avas an adventurer. He certainly had an adventure which was most remarkable. I won't dilate upon that fact, but he is qualified to talk about this toast, though not in the signi- ficance which in part it had to most of us when we were undergraduates. He can put any interpretation upon it that he wishes. I ask Foster to speak to you upon Skins and Cribs. [Applause.] Foster: Mr. Toast-master and Classmates and dear Friends : In the first place, I want to say, God bless you all ! The toast-master has assigned me to a toast which he knew I very well knew I did n't know anything about. I saw it for the first time this evening when I read the pro- gram, and consequently I am going to ignore it entirely. Before I say a word — and I shall make mv message to you very brief— I want to express again, for the second time to-day, my own appreciation and gratitude to those who have prepared for us this beautiful hospitality which we THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY have all enjoyed for these several days. I have been back to very few of these meetings, and I had no idea of what was going to greet me when I reached Xew Haven. I had read something about a club-house and a dormitory, but I looked forward to a sort of crowded, uncomfortable time, the discomfort of which I was quite willing to undergo for the pleasure it would give me, but I had no idea I was going to be surrounded by all the comforts and luxuries I could find at home. All these things have been prepared for us by our committee, who have striven so hard for our plea- sure and comfort. Again I want to thank them, and I think I speak for all of you when I say that they deserve the thanks and credit of every one of us. [Applause and motion seconded.] Gentlemen, I have lived for twenty-five years a long ways from all of you. It has not been my privilege to come to many of our meetings. This is the third meeting I think I have attended of the class. I came to the triennial, and I was here ten years ago. I have been with you, however, in spirit at every meeting. I have received the invitations, and I have, I think, almost always responded to them, but, unfor- tunately, it has not been my fortune to attend the meetings. I have regretted it, and I know what I have missed. I hare, however, kept in touch, so far as I could, with the members of the class of '82. I have read every line that I have seen printed in our class records, and I have read and been inter- ested in everything that every man of '82 has done, and while, from certain points of view, perhaps we have not produced any men who have done great work such as would entitle them to a niche in the Hall of Fame, we have, I be- lieve, been successful in life. As I look around me to-night and see our classmates after twenty-five years (seventy-five per cent., I think, of the living class of '82 are here to- night), the class of '82 has taken as high a rank as any class that has ever graduated from Yale College and has met HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 with as much success in life. What is success in life? It is measured, of course, by different standards, but, according to my code of ethics, which is a very simple one, a man is suc- cessful who has a happy family life, who keeps himself in good health, keeps his bills paid, and who keeps his reputation clean. [Applause.] There are men who acquire wealth, some of them honestly, and some of them by other means, but I don't look upon wealth as a measure of success. I look around me at a prosperous, healthy, fine set of fellows who were my classmates, and whom I am proud to have been the classmate of, and every one of whom I believe is my friend to-dav. I assure you, gentlemen, that if any one of you ever comes into the Northwest where I live — and I am the only '82 man in the State of Minnesota (Kittredge is a few miles from the State of Minnesota) — I assure you, gentle- men, that if any of you ever come to the State of Minne- sota, I will throw the gates wide open and give you a royal hospitality. [Applause.] You have been, gentlemen, I think, rather surfeited with verses to-night, but in a sentimental moment (and I some- times still have them) I wrote a few lines which I wanted to dedicate to the class of '82. They are very brief, and, with your permission, I will read them. [Applause and three times three for Burnside Foster.] AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dear Mother Yale, who made us what we are. To whom as boys we came, with whom to manhood grew, Again we come with greetings from afar To offer thee that reverence which is thy due. The years have flown since on that day in June We stepped from thy gates, regretfully but proud ; The day of parting had come all too soon. But each was eager for life's busy crowd. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Armed with thy strength, thy courage, and thy love, We started forth, each on our several ways. Bright was the day, and clear the skies above, The path looked easy to our youthful gaze. Within our veins there beat the pulse of Yale, Within each heart was something that Yale had given, Something which said to each, "You cannot fail," And, with that something, toward our goals we 'vc striven. What is that gift which every son of Yale Bears with him when he leaves her halls? What is that talisman which tempers every gale Alike to him who conquers or who falls? My classmates, friends, and fellow sons of Yale, Answer yourselves, what is the best of gifts? In your life's battle what does most avail To help you win? What most your burdens lifts? It is a feeling words cannot define, It is a spirit common to us all, Which Yale has breathed into your lives and mine, W T hich never sleeps, which hears Yale's every call. That spirit makes us sure to do our part, To do our best, not for ourselves alone, For where there beats the true Yale heart There stands a man to be depended on. The sons of Yale, a mighty, loyal band, Loyal to selves, to country, and to Yale, Are found wherever in this mighty land Are needed strength and courage to prevail. So we come back year after year To meet and greet each other, To sing Yale's songs and cheer Yale's cheer, And to honor our common Mother. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Few years at best remain to us Ere we go, when or whither No man can tell, no man can guess, But Yale shall live forever ! So let us make the best of life, As long as life shall last, And when we cease our toil and strife, When the tide is ebbing fast — Then lift the cup, let no man fail, Good friends of Eighty-two; Let 's drink one final toast to Yale — God bless the dear old Blue ! [Long-continued applause.] Toast-master: I should have added to my characteriza- tion of the last speaker the words poet and all-round spell- binder. [Laughter.] The next toast will be responded to by another one of the representatives of the pedagogic profession, who has been charged with a great responsibility in the rearing of boys during those ages when they are most susceptible to influences, good or bad, and I know that the men who have boys appreciate that it is a great thing to have schools at the head of which are men of sterling character, of such true principles that you are willing to take your boys from your families and your homes and intrust them to them. [Ap- plause.] The next speaker has been at the head of a very important preparatory educational institution since 1890; seventeen years he has occupied that position and fulfilled its responsibility, and in that time has sent to Yale many boys who have reflected credit upon his institution and upon those principles which he instilled into them. I will ask Pratt to speak upon "Marks and Remarks." [Applause.] Pratt: Mr. Toast-master and Fellow Classmates, THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY whom I have met with joy and pleasure to which it is im- possible to give expression: I want to reiterate the thanks, the personal thanks which I feel to the committee for the royal good time and the excellence of their preparation. When I received an imitation from the committee to be on the program to-night, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the letter again to see if there had been some mistake in the name : "For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech." In fact, when I scanned the list of my classmates endowed with wit and humor, and ability to make an after-dinner speech, I felt that the committee, having tried elsewhere, must have been in the predicament of Charlie Huggins, and I in the situation of Mayme, who said: "Charlie Huggins made desperate love to me last night." "Ah," replied Edyth, "I am not at all surprised. He has been desperate ever since I refused him." [Laughter.] The honor, however, was too tempting to admit a re- fusal, and I gladly embrace the opportunity to say some- thing to those I have seen, most not at all, some only once or twice in a quarter of a century. Doubtless some word of the growth and development of old Yale, now new Yale, and a discussion of her problems and needs, and how we are to help her, would be in order. This I will leave to others better versed in the subject, though I might remark, in passing, that, when I read of the attitude of the university in regard to the gift of the Stan- dard Oil magnate, I was reminded of the story of the darky preacher's discourse on tainted money, which concluded somewhat as follows : "Brethren and sisterens, w'en yo' stops ter kinsider de mil- lions and millions and millions dis yhere man owns, and in- spect dese yhere millions 'longside his gifts, de inspection C1393 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 am powerful queer. Now hit ain't fo' me to enquire whar de money comes from dat each member of my flock draps in de plate, en I don't 'zackly see why fo' my colleagues up North ask questions— de onliest taint I bin able ter diskiver 'bout dis yhere tainted money is 'tain't 'nuff." [Loud laugh- ter and applause.] Leaving the consideration of larger questions, my thought turned to a more personal side of our gathering, and I re- called some of the stories extant concerning a few of our number, for the authenticity of which, however, I will not vouch. When I remember the ability of all the men in '82, not only to express themselves, but to discriminate in the choice of a wife, adhering to the doctrine of evolution, and the development and improvement of the race, I cannot be- lieve that one of them, when asked about his daughter: "What did you think of your daughter's graduation essay?" replied: "I did n't permit myself to think about it. I simply did my duty and admired it." Kittredge has been our most successful standard-bearer in politics, and it is said that, not being entirely on the side of the administration, he loves to repeat a conversation he overheard between two Irishmen who met after a period of absence. After the first greeting one asked: u Hov yez heard the news?" "Naw," the other said. "What news?" "The Pope is dead." "Which wan? Toledo Pope?" "Naw. The real Pope; the Pope of Rome." "Well, now, that 's too bad, too bad! I hope Misther Roosevelt won't app'int a Protesthant in his place." We teachers, though set down as dictatorial members of the community, sometimes get our deserts. It is said that one of our number, who teaches in a famous school in New England, on seeing one of the small boys in the study hall with very dirty hands, said to him: "Jamie, I wish you would not come to the hall with your hands soiled that way. What would you say if I came here with soiled hands?" [HO] THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY "I would n't say anything, 1 ' was the prompt reply. k 'l \1 be too polite." [Laughter.] I am going to tell you something on Wight, who lived for a while in Wisconsin, and possibly you know that in Wiscon- sin we have a rather large foreign element. It was said that when he was visited by some friends on one occasion he was rather long coming into the reception-room. "I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting," he remarked, as he entered, "but I have just had to perform a wooden wedding in the church." "What !" said one of his visitors. "I never heard of such a thing. What kind of ceremony was it?" "Oh," answered the clergyman, with a twinkle in his eye, "it was the marriage of a couple of Poles." [Laughter.] The lawyers must not be neglected in this recital of anec- dotes. Yet I wonder if it was any of the class of '82 that was badgering an unfortunate witness in cross-examination. In reply to one of the questions the victim began: "I think—" "We don't want you to think," interrupted the lawyer. "We want your testimony." "Unfortunately, then," he retorted, "I am unable to answer; for in giving testimony, not being a lawyer, I am obliged to think." Another, though I have it from good authority, I am in- clined to doubt. Soon after our graduation, when the pres- ent distinguished array of legal talent had yet its reputation to make, and was still ready to accept some humble em- ployment at the bar, a prisoner was brought before the bar in the criminal court, but was not represented by a lawyer. "Where is your lawyer?" inquired the judge who presided. "I have none," responded the prisoner. "Why have n't you?" "Have n't any money to pay a lawyer," he replied. "Do you want a lawyer?" asked the judge. "Yes, your honor." "There are Walter Badger and Hercules Bates and Albert Atterbury," said the judge, pointing to a group of young attorneys who were about the court, waiting for something to turn up, "and Cy Bentley is out in the corridor." HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 The prisoner eyed the budding attorneys in the court- room, and after a critical survey stroked his chin and said: "Well, I guess I will take Mr. Bentley." [Loud bursts of laughter.] A Voice: As long as he did n't take John Kellogg, he was all right. [Laughter.] A Voice: He would have got six months if he had. [Renewed laughter and cries of "That 's right."] Prat l: Cragin was one of us grinds in college. You all remember that as long as Harry Piatt haunted the Elysian Fields of the first division, having an eye to Cragin's inter- ests, he always assisted, with an imaginary crank, the halt- ing efforts of Cragin, weighed down with information, to unburden his knowledge upon the professor. In spite of Cragin's high-stand proclivities, and in defiance of all well- established rules in regard to the etiquette of high-stand men after college days, he has amounted to something, is a professional and social success, and has a dry humor of his own. It is related of him that a charming New York hostess — one of the four hundred, for aught I know — remarked one evening to him : "I am sorry, doctor, you were not able to attend my supper last night ; it would have done you good to be there." "It has already done me good, madam," he replied; "I have just prescribed for three of the guests." [Laughter.] On another occasion he was in the hospital operating upon a man for appendicitis. When the man came to (as they sometimes do), he said: "Why, it seems to me, doctor, I have seen you before." The doctor said: "Well, I don't know but you have." Said the patient: "You remember a man who was hurt in an accident a while ago and you ampu- tated my right forefinger?" The doctor said: "Why, yes, I do remember that." Said he: "You ought to be satisfied now; you took my index then, and now you have got my ap- pendix." [Laughter.] THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY As I look about on your faces to-night, it seems scarcely possible that twenty-five years have elapsed since we armed ourselves with sheepskins and proudly marched forth to battle with the world. Many of you seem to have drunk of the fountain of perpetual youth. There is Billie Parsons, the proud father of five promising children. He does n't look a day older than he did when he stood by my side on the platform at Center Church, while President Porter bombarded us with a volley of Latin, and Professor (now President) Northrop kindly instructed us sot to -core, in English, when to make our bow and disappear in the crowd. I can readily believe what Mel Clement told about Billie, not only because Mel was superintendent at Bethany Sun- day School, and, having been a teacher there myself, I am bound to believe him, but because Billie's whole appearance bears it out. It seems that in 1904 Billie took his w T ife and boys to Eu- rope, where he left them, returning unattended. On the w r ay back he found on the steamer a charming young lady, to whom, true to the traditions of his class, he proceeded to make himself agreeable. As the liner was entering New York Harbor, the young lady was heard to inquire of an- other Yale man: "Did Mr. Parsons graduate in 1900 or 1 901?" So it is with many another. Time has dealt gently with us. The struggle with the world has developed character and strength in our countenances, but the youthful spirit shines there triumphant over care and responsibility and life's work. We greet each other with friendly handshake and recognize the fruition of the promise of our college days. Each has made for himself a place in his community, and is giving of himself to those about him. Various de- grees of worldly success have attended us, but our aim is still faithfully and earnestly to do the work our hands find to do. And here we meet, while ours is yet the fighting line, HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 to gain the cheer that comes from mutual greeting, to hear of one another's welfare, and to renew the friendship of college days. And yet, were we to satisfy ourselves with mutual well- wishing, the reminiscences of bygone days, and the story of our careers, the occasion would be incomplete to me. There is a deeper chord to strike. College days may have left us careless boys, but a quarter-century has not passed with- out many an experience to make us think. I, for one, have been brought face to face with fundamental questions : Whence came our life and whither does it tend? Is there a God? What is all this life for? Does death end all? And as they have rung in my ears, there have come before me the faces of the strong and gentle Campbell; the bright and promising Curtis; of Whitney with his sweet and lovable disposition; of Hand, transparent in his goodness and sin- cerity, and the others whose faces we miss here and whom we shall no more see on earth. And I have asked myself: "Can it be that their thought was the vibration of matter? that their noble intellectual and spiritual qualities had no foundation but in atoms and molecules, or, as we must say •to-day, in electrons? Is there no life apart from this mortal body, and must we look to have thought and hope and faith and love extinguished when we cease to breathe?" No, classmates, I cannot believe it, and I am not voicing now merely the teachings of my youth. Such vital questions one must settle for himself, and had my twenty-five years brought me nothing but the conviction that the unseen and spiritual is the real and everlasting world, they would be well-spent years. The knowledge of the reality of goodness and truth and justice, and of their eternal and omnipotent quality, makes the difficulties of life easier to surmount, gives hope for de- spair, supplants grief with joy, death with life, and bathes the heart and thought in the true fountain of perpetual youth. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY And so, as I look into your faces to-night, I think I read there the message that to one and another has come the answer somewhat as it has come to me. With you I rejoice that you have found the inspiration to hopeful effort. What wonder that over you, who, consciously or unconsciously, cherish such convictions, the years pass lightly, and that upon you time fails to set his seal? [Prolonged applause.] Foster: Mr. Toast-master, may I say one word? Pratt has called a name to-night which has not been spoken before at this meeting. I think we all remember old Jim Camp- bell, one of the most lovable, noble, generous men that the class of '82 ever knew. I don't see very much to drink around here, but I should like to propose that we all rise, and those of us who can find anything to drink, drink a silent toast to dear old Jim Campbell. Toast-master: Now, boys, the next toast, if you have examined the list, being "Examinations," although you must regret the absence of Asa French, you may not be averse to having this dispensed with. I am conscious of the fact that I have occupied the lime-light for an undue portion of the evening. [Cries of "No!"] That was inevitable from the character of the entertainment. I am reminded of the man who said to the little boy: "Willie, I hear your father is dead; what were his last words?" "He did n't have no last words; mother was with him to the last." [Laugh- ter.] I am afraid I have placed myself in the position of mother. Now, boys, I want to say to you that this has been the most pleasant thing that I ever had to do in connection with '82, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the attention that you have given, and your appreciation of the entertainment which has been prepared by the committee, of which I am only one. I hope that this occasion will be an inspiration to you to come back to our next anniversary in even larger numbers. C 145;] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 The program is now ended. I think there is nothing further for us to do. The vice-president has appointed some committees, and I believe he has decided to announce those at the dinner to-morrow night. I thank you very much. John Kellogg then made the following announcement : In regard to the boat race and the tickets, those of you who have n't your tickets can get them from me to-morrow morning. Those who have their tickets will know that the train leaves Union Station at n :io on Thursday morning, I presume in front. The train is made up of parlor-cars and day-coaches. Our parlor-car will be the last parlor-car of the parlor-cars on the train, and the day-coach will be immediately next to it. The coach is the first of the day-coaches, and the parlor-car the last of the parlor-cars. They will also have big labels on each for those of you who can read: "Class of '82." Those who cannot read will know that it is the last parlor-car. The parlor-car will be a buffet-car and will carry her coterie of servants with it, and also a hired man, and also a porter furnished by the company, together with a guard selected to look after Harry Piatt and those fellows who need free Scotches and beer all the time. That car will hold thirty-six, and we will put in a number of camp-chairs to make it hold as many as can get into it. I presume the thing we ought to do will be to have the ladies take that car, so far as it will accommodate them, and the rest of us will take the day-coach. [Applause.] Badger: Mr. Toast-master, may I say one word only? You showed a picture of the ball nine of '82 to-night. The man who was the life of that nine did not show in the photo- graph, the man who played in every game but one did not show; and in every game we played, the luck of that man, our classmate, was proverbial, and when he tossed the coin, he won, and we took our choice, except when we went to Brown and played there, the captain of the nine said: "No. THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Richardson can't toss the coin." At every meeting of '82 which we have had George Richardson has been the life of the class. He comes from my end of the line. One of the best men that ever lived was George Richardson, and I don't want this meeting to adjourn to-night without drinking a silent toast to that prince of good fellows, one of the best men, one of the smartest, one of the noblest men that ever lived, and really and truly, and not to the detriment of any- body else, the life of '82. May I ask you all to drink a silent toast to George Richardson? The crowd dispersed, singing "Auld Tang Svne. ,, Wednesday morning was a period devoted to rest and recuperation by such as were wearied by the festivities of the previous day, and many of the men attended the com- mencement exercises and the alumni dinner in University Hall. In the afternoon a heavy rainfall cooled the atmo- sphere, but did not dampen the ardor of the ladies of the class, who in full numbers attended the reception given in their honor at the club-house. The members of the class were present in force, and the gathering was most enjoy- able, the guests of the occasion especially appearing to ap- preciate their novel surroundings. The benign influence of the ladies abashed and hushed the demon chorus, and the angel choir, now in the ascendant, tunefully rendered the beautiful verses composed by Tyman and Welch. In the evening the entire delegation of the class whiled away the hours until early morning with song and story in the tent. Thursday was given over to the university race. Through the foresight of Kellogg a buffet-car with a coach as trailer had been chartered for the class, luncheon was provided, and an otherwise tiresome trip thus made the occasion of another social gathering. Owing to adverse winds, the race was postponed until evening, but compensation for the delay HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 was found in the magnificent contest of the rival crews. It is stated by old habitues that no race has ever equaled in breathless excitement that of the current year, and to the members of '82 a greatly increased and personal interest was lent to the occasion by reason of the fact that the son of Jim Rice pulled number three in the Yale boat, wearing the '82 pin presented to him by his father's class. Victory un- der such circumstances had a double zest. At the Race While many of the class left for home immediately after the race, enough remained to make good company back to New Haven. To fill, not unacceptably, the vacancies caused by the deserters, the ladies present were invited to the table d'hote dinner in the club-house, at which thirty-five were present. Though tinged with the sadness of approaching separation, the evening passed agreeably, and so, gently and pleasantly, the present blended with the past, and the re- union was but a memory. At the annual New York dinner at the Yale Club on March 6, 1908, Welch, chairman of the finance committee, read the following letter and financial report of the twenty-fifth reunion: THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY YALE UNIVERSITY New Haven, Conn., July 20, 1907. My dear Mr. Welch : I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters of July 17 and 18. The check for $18,000, representing the twenty- fifth anniversary subscription of the class of 1882, has been duly received and handed over to the Treasurer's office. The principal will be preserved intact in accordance with your request, the income alone being used, at the discretion of the Corporation. I assure you that the authorities of the University will feel that your class has made a very handsome contribution, especially in view of the financial situation in the country in the last few months. I am glad to take this opportunity to express to you my appreciation of the exceedingly high character of your anni- versary exercises. Your class has set an example which will have a marked effect in acting as a helpful tonic to the qual- ity of commencement reunions in New Haven. With high regard, I am, Sincerely yours, Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr. Subscriptions to date, $24,965.00 FITTING UP CLUB-HOUSE Furniture $74-29 Hanging pictures and express on same 22.25 Tent, flags, and decorating .... 121.30 Electric lights and installing same . . 48.64 Carpentry and plumbing 29.78 Piano 6.00 Miscellaneous 13-48 $315-74 C 1 ^ HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 CLUB-HOUSE, FOOD, SUPPLIES, ETC. Brought forward $315.74 Rent of house, meals, etc $864.30 Fireworks 13-5° Ice 5-15 Salary of clerk 67.50 "Service"— waiters, watchman, etc. . 73.25 Music 12.00 $1,035.70 Less amount collected on acct $28.80 Less supplies sold .... 10.50 39.30 996.40 "Hutchinson," Rooms, etc 527.50 BALL GAME, BOAT RACE, AND TRANSPORTATION Ball game tickets .... 223.75 Less tickets sold and re- deemed 126.75 97.OO Boat race tickets .... 350.00 Less tickets sold . . . . 153.00 197.00 Railroad tickets .... 193.75 Less tickets sold and re- deemed 102.90 90.85 Wheeler & Wilson Band . . . . 175.00 Parlor-car 52.00 Flags, canes, and miscellaneous . . 56.42 668.47 Less amount collected for extras . 61.89 606.58 Carried forward $2,446.22 1:1503 THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CLASS DINNERS, ETC. Brought forward $2,446.22 Dinner at Heublein's: Caterer Menu Slides and stereopticon . Stenographer . . . . Steinert Hall (not used) Country Club lunch . . . Shore dinner at Momauguin Jackson Trio (music) . Car to Momauguin and tips $620.15 24.00 44.25 25.10 50.00 122.50 30.00 30.00 763-50 145.00 182.50 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS Telephone, printing, stationery, postage, etc. . . 116.02 Badges, class pins 50.00 Sundry expenses 13.22 Clerk 10.00 Wharfage, advertising, miscellaneous 6.38 79.60 Less expenses partially paid . . . 25.00 54.60 Total expenses of reunion $3,707.84 Gift to university 18,000.00 Cash on hand 3,257.16 $24,965.00 Vsil The Spirit of Old Yale Chester W. Lyman, '82 Jloderato. William E. Haesche Instructor in Yale Music School -m =t -* 1 1. For - ev - er may her elms re - main To 2. A field that's fair and fav - ors none, A 3. Tho' di - vers ways life's paths may trend, Be- quick - en in Yale's sons a - gain The pre - cious mem-'ries bat - tie bet - ter lost then won If aught but mer - it neath the elms oft may they blend, "Where mem' ries rife can fc 4 =i==t -fc — I- —i — i- ■ 1 . fr — I- A- *^=*—M: cres. m l^im -Z5>- =q==h=q: :~- =1=1 at ex- hale The daunt- less Spir the scale, Pro - claims the Spir er fail To stir the Spir -4 it of Old Yale, And it of Old Yale. Let it of Old Yale. Then J- -°:i BIOGRAPHIES view, and an address entitled "Impressions of Mormonism," which appeared in the Colorado Springs Gazette, December 7, 1906. He was a member of the standing committee of the diocese of Colorado from 1897 to 1906, and president of the Council of Advice in the district of Salt Lake from 1906 to 1909. From 1899 to 1906 he was chaplain of the Colorado Springs lodge of Elks, and from 1895 to 1906 he was chaplain of the Colorado Springs council of the Royal Arcanum. In 1897 and 1898 he was a director of the Colorado Springs Young Men's Christian Association. His wife, Stella Yates, born on November 23, 1866, is the daughter of Charles Yates (brigadier-general in the Civil War) and Josephine Bosworth. She had the follow- ing kinsfolk who were college graduates: father, Charles Yates, Union; grandfather, Judge Joseph Sollace Bosworth of the New York Supreme Court, Hamilton; uncle, Joseph Bosworth, College of the City of New York; cousin, Bishop H. Y. Satterlee, Columbia. Brewster has had the following children: Katrina Myn- derse, born on May 16, 1894, in South Orange, New Jer- sey; Benjamin Yates, born on December 28, 1896, in Colorado Springs; Josephine Stella, born on June 8, 1900, in Colorado Springs (died on December 18, 1900) ; Wil- liam, born on June 24, 1907, in Salt Lake City; and Stella Frances, born on November 5, 1908, in Salt Lake City. His address is Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Ferree Brinton is the son of John Ferree Brinton and Anna (Binney) Brinton. His parents both came of English stock. Our classmate's father was born on July 29, 1827, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, a graduate of Yale in 1848, and an attorney-at-law in Philadelphia and in Lan- caster County. He died in Philadelphia on November 20, [201] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1878. His parents were Ferree Brinton and Elizabeth Sharpless of Lancaster County. The Ferree ancestors were French Huguenots, and came to this country in 1708 from Ferree Brinton France via Bavaria, the Black Forest, and England, to settle in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, after a short so- journ at Esopus, New York. The Brinton ancestors came from Staffordshire, England, in 1624, and settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Our classmate's mother was born on December 24, 1834, in Boston, where she lived until her marriage. She died on July 17, 1870, at Newport, Rhode Island. Her parents were Amos Binney and Mary Anna Binney, first cousins, both of Boston. The Binney ancestors came from Nottinghamshire, England, in 1678, and settled at Hull, Massachusetts. Other ancestors include the Raines, the Shaws, the Lorings, and Stephen Hopkins, [ 202 ] BIOGRAPHIES who came over in the Mayflower in 1620. The Binney men of his mother's generation were all Harvard graduates. Brinton's brother Sharswood was in the Yale class of 1886. Brinton was born on July 8, 1861, in Philadelphia, lived in that city for about two years, then in Lancaster County till 1866, then in France till 1870, and then principally in Philadelphia until he entered college in 1878. For several years he was at Rugby Academy in Philadelphia, and for the last year before college had a private tutor. In freshman year he roomed alone at Mrs. Hotchkiss', on York Street, in sophomore year with Beach in 49 South Middle, in junior and senior years with Beach in Durfee. He was the chair- man of the senior supper committee and received an oration appointment. He was a member of Delta Kappa, of Psi Upsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. He spent six months in Europe after graduation, visiting Ireland, England, Scotland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, and Hungary. On his return he entered the law school of the University of Penn- sylvania, and received the LL.B. degree, with the prize for the best final examination, in June, 1885. Thereupon he was admitted to practice in Philadelphia, and has been an attorney-at-law there since. He writes : "About nine years ago I bought two acres of land in Radnor Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, about eight minutes' w r alk from St. David's station, and built thereon a comfortable two-story house, with large rooms and wide porches. Since that time I have added, from time to time, three acres more of ground, and have improved the land, which was originally a corn-field, and also the house, so that I now have a very comfortable place of five acres, upon which, in addition to a rather large and attractive house, I have a chicken-house, an automobile-house, a small summer cabin, a vegetable-garden, tennis court, and plenty of lawn, with slowly growing trees and shrubbery. Here I [>3:i HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 have been living all the year around for the past eight years, coming in to my law office in Philadelphia every day, either by train or by automobile. "I am sorry that I have nothing more entertaining to relate. I am, however, reasonably well, surrounded by a loving and attractive family, living in a comfortable home, having plenty of good friends, and provided with sufficient worldly wealth, including the products of my own labor, to make life for myself and family pleasant and happy. "I have had, by reason of my hardness of hearing, to restrict my own legal business to office work, and to assist other lawyers engaged in court work in the really legal end of their business. From a financial standpoint the arrange- ment is fairly good." In the course of his work he has found time to visit Eu- rope six times in addition to his 1882 trip. In 1889 he trav- eled in England and France. In 1890 it was Germany, Switzerland, and France. The following year he visited England and Wales. In 1906 the trip included Germany, France, and England. In 1907 it was restricted to Holland, while in 1908 it was an automobile trip in France. He is a member of the Graduates' Club of New Haven, the Uni- versity Club of New York, and the Rittenhouse Club of Philadelphia. At various times in the past he has belonged to the Racquet Club, the Country Club, the University Club, the Philadelphia Cricket Club, the Merton Cricket Club, and the Germantown Cricket Club, all of or near Phila- delphia. On April 25, 1893, in New Haven, Connecticut, he mar- ried Lina Ives, daughter of Dr. Robert S. Ives (Yale '64) and Maria Stille. They have three children: Caroline Ives, born on March 25, 1894; Anna Binney, born on January 22, 1896; and Ferree Brinton, born on August 9, 1900, all in Philadelphia. Mrs. Brinton comes of a Yale family. In addition to her father, her grandfather, Levi Ives, was C 2 °4 3 BIOGRAPHIES Yale Medical 1838, her great-grandfather, Eli Ives, was Yale 1799, and various brothers and uncles were likewise Yale men. The Ives family settled in Connecticut about 1630. Mrs. Brinton's maternal grandfather, Alfred Stille, whose family came from Sweden and settled near Philadel- phia in 1642, was graduated from Yale in the class of 1832. His business address is 804 Land Title Building, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and his residence is St. David's, Pennsylvania. * Fred John BROCKWAY was the son of John G. Brockway and Amanda (Carroll) Brockway. He was born in South Fred John Brockway Sutton, New Hampshire, on February 24, i860, and pre- pared for college at the Tilton (New Hampshire) Semi- C 2 °5] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 nary. He entered '82 at the beginning of sophomore year and roomed with Beede on York Street in sophomore and in North during junior year. In senior year he roomed with Rolfe in North. After graduation he taught two years in Stamford, Con- necticut, and then entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, from which he received the de- gree of M.D. in 1887. For the two years following he was in the surgical department of Roosevelt Hospital, and then became first resident surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hos- pital in Baltimore, Maryland. In the fall of 1890 he re- turned to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York as lecturer and demonstrator of anatomy, and was later secretary of the faculty. He was a member of the American Museum of Natural History, the American Asso- ciation of Anatomists, the New York Academy of Sciences, the New York Academy of Medicine, the Alumni Associa- tion of Roosevelt Hospital, the Johns Hopkins Residents' Association, the Omega Society of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the New England Society, and the New York Athletic Club. He was the author of "Chemistry and Phy- sics" and a "Compendium of Anatomy," and of several valuable monographs on anatomical subjects. His death occurred at Brattleboro, Vermont, on April 21, 1901, after an illness of several months which was largely the result of ceaseless devotion to his profession. He was a member of the Methodist Church. On November 25, 1891, he married Marian L. Turner, daughter of A. M. Turner, cashier of the Union Mining Company of Mount Savage, Maryland. Two daughters were born to him: Marian, on May 13, 1896, and Dorothy, on February 27, 1898. He was quiet in manner, thoughtful and conscientious in all his conduct. Enthusiastically devoted to his professional work, he found little time for recreation, yet his sense of O63 BIOGRAPHIES humor was such that he made a most congenial companion and was greatly beloved and respected by all who knew him. Nathaniel Richardson Bronson is the son of Lu Stone Bronson and Elizabeth Xancv (Baldwin) Bronson. Nathaniel Richardson Bronson Bronson the elder was a Connecticut merchant. He born on April 20. 1S21, at Middlebury, and lived sac sively at Watertown ( 1S40) and Waterbury : ' in the latter town on October 30. 1892. His father Garry Bronson, and his mother Comfort Richardson, both of Middlebury. The Bronsons can be gen- erations in New England and the Richardsons eight, "pure- blooded New England Yankee- :es our classmate [2073 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 whence — it is doubtful. I am of the belief that both can be traced to England, but I cannot prove it. My ancestor John Bronson was one of the original eight settlers of Waterbury, coming from Farmington." Bronson's mother was born on September 27, 1823, in Norfolk, Connecticut. She lived in Norfolk until her marriage, and died in Upper Montclair, New Jersey, on December 28, 1906. Her father was Amos Baldwin of Watertown and Norfolk, Connecti- cut, and her mother was Elizabeth Bryan of Prospect and Waterbury. Bronson was born on July 3, i860, in Waterbury, Con- necticut, and spent his early days there, attending the public grade and high schools till 1875, and then the English and Classical for three more years. He entered our class at the beginning of freshman year, and for the first year roomed alone on Chapel Street. In sophomore year he had a room in Farnam with Lowe, in junior year in North College with W. Anderson, '84, now dead, and in senior year in Farnam with Anderson again. He indulged in athletic sports, such as walking, running, baseball, and football. Bronson received an LL.B. from the Yale Law School in 1884, and he has confined himself closely to the practice of law in his native city of Waterbury. He writes : "In January, 1885, Mr. George E. Terry, one of the old lawyers, a man of high standing, who had been for years associated with Kellogg's father, as Kellogg & Terry, but who had been alone then for four years, asked me to come with him, which I did with great suddenness and despatch. Mr. Terry behaved himself very well, and I took him into partnership on the 1st of July, 1888, under the firm name of Terry & Bronson. That partnership continued until the middle of January, 1901. Mr. Terry meantime, with in- creasing age, had become subject to certain physical infirmi- ties, and under his doctor's orders he stopped short. "I carried on the business, and in 1906, July 1, took into BIOGRAPHIES partnership with myself Mr. Lawrence L. Lewis, who had been in my office for several years practising law. The rela- tion then assumed still continues, and I hope will. "My practice has been of a corporation and commercial nature, and I have been also largely interested in real estate practice. Perhaps I do more corporation work than any- thing else. "I have been moderately successful, with no serious set- backs. The office has all the practice that it can well attend to, but beyond that I don't know that it is necessary or worth while to say further. My health has been fairly good, by virtue of the fact that I have taken pretty good care of it, notwithstanding the fact that I am worked about to the limit, and have been for many years. "Beyond golf, of recent years I have had no regular exer- cise except in the saddle. "I have been interested for two years back in the promo- tion and construction of a street railway, fifteen miles across country. It will be finished in the course of the next year, but from that I have resigned all connection. "I have two boys. They both say they are going to Yale, of course. The younger one, aged ten, can with difficulty abide the sight of a red scarf." Bronson belongs to the Waterbury Club, the Waterbury Golf Club (of which he has been president), the Yale Club of New York, the Waterbury Republican Club (he is a Re- publican), and the Waterbury Bar Association (of which he is treasurer) . Helen Adams Norton became Mrs. Nathaniel Richard- son Bronson in Brooklyn on March 26, 1889. She is a daughter of Henry Lott Norton and Julia Adams. On the father's side her ancestors were New Englanders, on the mother's side New York Dutch, living on the Hudson River. She had one uncle who was graduated at Yale, Wilfred Ernest Norton. The two boys who have been mentioned [>9] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 above are Norton Bronson, born on February 28, 1894, and Richardson Bronson, born on October 12, 1896, both in YYaterbury. His business address is 136 Grand Street, and his resi- dence is 59 Pine Street, Waterbury, Connecticut. * Wayland Irving Bruce was the son of Alfred Bruce and Mary Emily (McAlpine) Bruce. He was born at Hillside, Columbia County, New York, on May 12, 1858. His Wayland Irving Bruce father died in 1876, and the same year he entered Williston Seminary at Easthampton, Massachusetts, where he studied for two years, and was graduated with the class of 1 878. He entered college while under the guardianship of his elder C 2I °3 BIOGRAPHIES brother, the Hon. Wallace Bruce, Yale 1867, and roomed throughout the course with Lewis in North Middle and Durfee. He won a freshman mathematical prize, composi- tion prizes in both terms of sophomore year, and at the Junior Exhibition he divided the first prize with Storrs. He was an editor of the Lit and one of the Townsend speakers. His societies were Gamma Xu, Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, Scroll and Key, and Phi Beta Kappa. The year after graduation he was connected with the Bryant Literary Union of New York City, and then spent a year in study in Germany and in European travel. On his return from abroad he taught in the Albany Academy at Albany, New York, and thereafter was for twenty-one years instructor in modern languages in Williston Seminary. He visited Europe repeatedly during that time, spending sum- mers in France, Holland, England, Germany, Switzerland, and the Austrian Tyrol. He was beloved by a great number who were students in his classes in successive years, and was much esteemed by the townspeople. He was for a number of years warden of St. Philip's Protestant Episcopal Church. He received the degree of M.A. from Yale in 1888. Bruce had not been in good health for several years, and died of appendicitis at his home in Easthampton on June 2, 1906, at the age of forty-eight. On April 3, 1883, at New Haven, Connecticut, he mar- ried Mary Emily Skinner, daughter of Franklin Skinner and Eliza Perry. He had one son, Donald, born on July 23, 1884, at Newtonville, Massachusetts, who was graduated from Yale in the class of 1906. * James Alexander Campbell was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on March 16, i860. He was named after a [2.1.1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 favorite brother of his father, a young man of very bright intellectual powers, who died in early manhood at the family home, Aughalane House in the county of Tyrone, James Alexander Campbel Ireland, to which place the family had removed from Scot- land. Campbell's early education was at Washington Uni- versity, St. Louis, where he held a high place in his class and was very highly regarded by his instructors; but most of his education was under the personal attention of his mother, who took a very great pride in all his work, and with whom he was on the closest terms of intimacy. He roomed with French; during sophomore year in South Middle and during junior and senior years in Durfee. As an undergraduate he was a member of Delta Kappa, Eta Phi, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. He remained at Yale for a year after graduation, study- BIOGRAPHIES ing in the Graduate Department; and in July, 1883, he went abroad on an extended tour, from which he returned in the spring of 1885. In the succeeding autumn he entered the Law School of Harvard University, from which he was grad- uated in 1888. After this he went abroad again, and while living in Paris with his brothers had a very severe attack of the grippe in January, 1890. This was followed by conges- tion of the lungs and pneumonia, and he lingered on the verge of death for several months. He then rallied a little from the extreme prostration, but only to experience a fatal relapse, attended with great suffering. He died in Paris on July I3> 189°- His life was remarkable for its modesty, its tenderness and gentleness, for its chivalry and integrity; indeed, for all that makes the true gentleman. Princely generosity, a sym- pathetic heart, painstaking consideration for the feelings of others, loyalty to truth, and self-sacrificing fidelity to hard duties — these were some of his characteristics that won for him our love and respect. * David Anderson Chenault entered '82 at the begin- ning of sophomore year and roomed with Bennett, the first year on George Street, junior year in Farnam, and senior year in Durfee. He was a member of Psi Upsilon. After graduation he was for two years a member of the firm of Isaac Brinker & Company, commission merchants and wholesale fruit and produce dealers, at Denver, Colorado. He w r as afterward at his home at White Hall, Kentucky, for a year, engaged in farming, and for three years was in the live-stock business, together with farming, at De Graff, Kansas. He returned to Kentucky in 1891 and established the University School of Kentucky at Louisville, of which institution he was president. He died January 21, 1903. C 2I 3] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 On July 17, 1883, at Richmond, Kentucky, he married Bettie Baker Bronston. Thev had two children: Nettie **fc ^ David Anderson Chenault Bronston, born December 12, 1884, and Walter Scott, born July 22, 1888. William Churchill is the son of William Churchill and Sarah Jane (Starkweather) Churchill. He is of English descent on both sides. The paternal ancestors came from Devonshire, England, in 1632, and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Those on his mother's side were a part of the New Haven Colony. William Churchill of Boston and Mary Myrick Hayden of Nantucket were his grandparents, and his father w r as a merchant importer of porcelains. The father was born on February 4, 1825, in Boston, was edu- C214] BIOGRAPHIES cated in English public schools, spent most of his life in New York City and abroad, and died In Montclair, New Jersey, on June 7, 1873. His wife was the daughter of the Rev. William Churchill John Starkweather and Mercy Hubbard of Middletown, Connecticut, born on January 1, 1835, in Bristol, Rhode Island. Churchill was born on October 5, 1859, in Brooklyn, and divided his youthful days between that city and Montclair, New Jersey. He was graduated from the Montclair High School in 1877. He entered Yale with the class of '8i and went as far as Christmas of sophomore year, but had to leave college on account of grave illness. After a long sea voyage he resumed work with our class at the beginning of sophomore year. Guernsey was his roommate while he was with '81, but for the rest of his course he roomed by HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 himself in North Middle. He contributed to the Lit, the Record, and the Courant, was a member of the ivy com- mittee at graduation, and belonged to the Yale Society of Natural History. Churchill has made a reputation for himself as a news- paper writer, an explorer, and a linguist. For a year after graduation he taught school in Indianapolis. Then he went to Australia and the South Sea Islands. Upon his return to America he entered journalism in San Francisco. For two years he was librarian in the Academy of Sciences in that city, and while holding that position he delivered a course of lectures on the people of the South Pacific, their languages, customs, etc. He then came East and contrib- uted to various magazines. For a time he was in the Signal Service Bureau in Washington. In 1891 he became an edi- tor of the Brooklyn Times, occupying that position until June, 1896, when President Cleveland appointed him con- sul-general to Samoa. When President McKinley appointed his successor in 1898, he returned to this country. He is the author of "A Princess of Fiji" (Dodd, Mead & Co., 1892), many scientific documents for the government, magazine articles and reviews, as well as a great quantity of edi- torials. At present he is engaged on the New York Sun. Philology had always attracted Churchill. His pursuit of it led to a wild life among wild men in remote savagery, but in the end he worked out a comprehension of the method of isolating speech that is being received with interest. Without going into the intimate details, his discovery amounts to "the dissection of the hitherto irreducible root, the segregation of the elemental sense of the few simple vowel sounds which have come to us from the animal cry, and the analysis of the discriminative selection of the co- efficient value of the consonantal modulants whereby the earliest type of man acquired a language." In prosecuting this research Churchill mastered about a hundred languages BIOGRAPHIES of the Pacific Ocean and Malay seas, collected a large mass of cosmopoietic myth from old savages, and prepared on the lines of comparative philology a dictionary of the Samoan language. His results are appearing at short in- tervals in philological journals and transactions of learned societies. The grammar of the Samoan language on which he is now engaged is to present proofs as to the beginning of human speech, and competent authorities here and abroad have said that he is about to contribute to philology a dis- covery as epochal as was the discovery of Sanskrit and the work of Whitney and Max Miiller. He is active in the Polynesian Society of New Zealand. His travels extended to every continent, but in the South Seas and Malaysia he has been an explorer and has been able to add to the maps. On August 14, 1899, m New York City, he married Llew- ella Pierce, daughter of Llewellyn Pierce and Catherine Spillane, and a relative of Franklin Pierce, a graduate of Bowdoin. His business address is the Sioi, 170 Nassau Street, New York City, and his residence is Fale'ula, 1874 East Twelfth Street, Brooklyn, New York. Stephen Merrell Clement is the son of Stephen Mal- lory Clement and Sarah Elizabeth (Leonard) Clement. Stephen Mallory Clement was born on February 26, 1825, in Manlius, Onondaga County, New York. He was the son of Frederick Clement and Olive Mallory. The Clement family is of English origin, coming from Coventry in the early days and settling in New England. On the maternal side Clement's ancestors w T ere also English, settling in Massachusetts. Two of the descendants, David H. Leonard and Anna Merrell, lived in Dewitt, New York, in the early part of the last century, and on September 12, 1824, had a C 2I 7] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 daughter whom they named Sarah Elizabeth, who was the mother of our classmate. She died on August 10, 1891, in Buffalo, and her husband followed her in the next year, Sep- Stephen Merrell Clement tember 29, 1892. During most of his life the latter was a banker. Clement's great-grandfather, Captain Caleb Mer- rell of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, took part in the battles of Bennington, Saratoga, and Stillwater. His great- great-grandfather, Colonel Giles Jackson of Tyringham, Massachusetts, was the chief of General Gates' staff, and drew up the so-called "Convention of Saratoga," under which Burgoyne surrendered. Born on November 4, 1859, at Fredonia, Chautauqua County, New York, Clement moved with his parents to Buffalo in 1870, and entered the Buffalo public schools. Seven years in the State Normal School there fitted him for [>i8] BIOGRAPHIES Yale, and he entered with the class. In freshman year he roomed with Albert W. Shaw, '79, in 101 North, in sopho- more year with Colgate, and in the last two years with Ly- man in Farnam. He was a member of the class crew of 1 88 1 and 1882 and of the Dunham four-oared crew in the fall of 1880. His societies were Kappa Sigma Epsilon, Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Scroll and Key. He be- longed to the Freshman and University Glee Clubs. He was superintendent of Bethany Sunday School, and, since gradu- ation, has been a member of the Bicentennial committee on funds, of the committee on restoration of South Middle, and of the Yale Alumni Advisory Board. The son of a banker and himself one of the most promi- nent financiers in Buffalo, Clement has made a shining mark for himself and '82 in the business world. The first thing he did after commencement was to go abroad with several other members of our class, and travel for nine months through Europe and the Orient. On his return, in April, 1883, he entered the Marine Bank of Buffalo, was appointed assistant cashier in December, 1883, was elected cashier in December, 1884, and held that position until March, 1895, when he was elected president of the bank, which position he now holds. Since his election as president the institution has been reorganized as a national bank and has grown to be the largest bank of discount in the State outside of New York City. He was a member of the committee of three that organized the Buffalo clearing-house in 1889, and has been chairman of the clearing-house committee since 1892. He was one of the organizers of the Power City Bank at Niagara Falls, and has been a director since its incorpora- tion in 1893. He was president of the Merchants' Na- tional Bank of Dunkirk, New York, from 1892 to 1893, is a director in the Ontario Power Company, the Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Transmission Company, the Interna- tional Railway Company, and the Buffalo Abstract Title C 2I 9] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Company; is president of the Buffalo & Susquehanna Steam- ship Company, and first vice-president of the Rogers-Brown Iron Company. He has been president of the University Club of Buffalo, vice-president of the State Normal School, president of the Fine Arts Academy, and president of the Buffalo General Hospital. He is president of the board of trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association, trea- surer of the Christian Homestead Association and of the Buffalo Orphan Asylum, and trustee of the Auburn Theo- logical Seminary. He is a member of the New York Cham- ber of Commerce, the University Club of New York, the Graduates' Club of New Haven, the Buffalo Club, the Elli- cott Club of Buffalo, and the Buffalo Country Club. He is an elder in the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Buf- falo, and president of its board of trustees. Politically he is a Republican. On March 27, 1884, he married in Buffalo Caroline Jewett Tripp, daughter of Augustus F. Tripp and Mary Steele, whose great-great-grandfather, the Rev. Stephen Steele, was graduated at Yale in the class of 171 8. Clem- ent has had six children, five of whom are living. As four of them are boys, they are proving fine material for Yale. The oldest, Norman P., was graduated in the academic class of 1907, and married on June 1, 1908, Margaret Hale of Keene, New Hampshire. The second son, Stephen M., Jr., was graduated in 19 10. Both these boys prepared at the Thacher School in southern California and at the Hill School at Pottstown, Pennsylvania. The next son, Harold T., was graduated from the Hill School in 1908, and is a member of the Yale class of 191 2. The fourth son, Stuart H., will come along in time for Yale 191 7. To make the record complete: Norman P. was born April 12, 1885, in Buffalo; Edith C. was born April 22, 1886, in Buffalo, and died January 25, 1891 ; Stephen M., Jr., was born Novem- ber 10, 1887, in Buffalo; Harold T. was born August 19, ["OH BIOGRAPHIES 1890, in Buffalo; Marion was born March 26, 1892, in Buffalo; and Stuart H. was born April 3, 1895, also in Buffalo. He has one grandchild, David Hale Clement, born July 22, 1909. His business address is Marine National Bank, and his residence is 737 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, Xew York. Edwin Bradford Cragin is the son of Edwin Timothy Cragin and Ardelia Ellis (Sparrow) Cragin. He is a de- scendant of Governor William Bradford, one of the leaders Edwin Bradford Cragin of the band of Puritans who came in the Mayflower to Plymouth Rock and laid the foundations of an empire. Cragin was born at Colchester, Connecticut, October 23, [ 221 ] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1859, where his parents were then residing, having removed from New York City. His early education was received at Bacon Academy in Colchester, where he prepared for col- lege. He entered Yale in 1878, taking his degree in 1882. Deciding to study the profession in which he has since gained fame, he entered the College of Physicians and Sur- geons in the city of New York in 1883, and was graduated in 1886, taking at graduation the first Harsen prize for proficiency in examination. He served on the house staff of the Roosevelt Hospital from June 1, 1886, till December 1, 1887. He has filled various important professional posi- tions in New York City, among them that of assistant gyne- cologist to the out-patient department of the Roosevelt Hos- pital, to which he was appointed in July, 1888, attending gynecologist to the out-patient department of the hospital, November 27, 1888, and assistant gynecologist to the hos- pital proper, June 25, 1889. On June 27, 1889, he was appointed assistant surgeon to the New York Cancer Hos- pital. He held this position until November 21, 1893, when pressure of work forced him to resign it. On the 14th of November, 1895, he was appointed consulting gynecologist to the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, and on January 22, 1896, consulting obstetric surgeon to the City Maternity Hospital on Blackwell's Island. Cragin has been officially connected with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Medical Department of Columbia University, since December 18, 1893, when he was appointed assistant secretary of the faculty. He became secretary July 1, 1895. In April, 1898, he was elected to the chair of obstetrics in the college, with the title of lecturer in obstetrics, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. McLane. At about the same time he was appointed attending physician to the Sloane Maternity Hospital. In May, 1899, he was elected professor of obstetrics in the college, at which time he resigned his positions at the Roosevelt Hospital and as C 222 3 BIOGRAPHIES secretary of the faculty. On May 19, 1903, he was ap- pointed consulting obstetrician to the New York Infant Asylum in the place of the late Dr. T. Gaillard Thomas. He was assigned the chair of gynecology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons for one year from July 1, 1903. He was made professor of gynecology from July 1, 1904, since which time he has held both the chairs of obstetrics and gynecology. June 12, 1905, he was appointed consult- ing obstetrician to the Sydenham Hospital. December 2, 1908, he was appointed consulting gynecologist and obstet- rician to the Lincoln Hospital. April 1, 1909, he was ap- pointed consulting obstetrician to the Italian Hospital. April 13, 1909, he was appointed consulting gynecologist to the Presbyterian Hospital, and December 12, 1909, con- sulting gynecologist to St. Luke's Hospital, Newburgh, New York. At present Cragin is president of the board of man- agers of the Sloane Maternity Hospital as well as its at- tending obstetrician. Cragin is a member of the American Gynecological So- ciety, the American Medical Association, the New York County and State Medical Society, the New York Obstetri- cal Society, the New York Medical and Surgical Society, the Medical Association of Greater New York, and the New York Academy of Medicine. At commencement, 1907, Yale conferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the University Club. He writes : "I have to plead guilty to what you have found out con- cerning my actions, viz., giving a library to Colchester, Con- necticut; being a Presbyterian elder; being a supporter of foreign missions; and being chairman of the advisory board of the Students' Club (College of Physicians and Surgeons) . It seems to me immodest to speak of it, however, and I guess the least said the better." He married Mary R. Willard of Colchester, Connecticut, HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 on May 23, 1889. They have three children: Miriam W., Alice G., and Edwin B. Cragin, Jr. His address is 10 West Fiftieth Street, New York City. Bryan Cumming is the son of Joseph Bryan Cumming and Katharine J. (Hubbell) Cumming. Joseph Bryan Cum- ming was born on February 2, 1836, at Augusta, Georgia, Bryan Cumming where he has spent most of his life, and is still living as a practising lawyer. He was graduated from the University of Georgia in 1854 and from the Harvard Law School in 1859. His family was of Scotch origin, his ancestors com- ing to this country in 1747 and settling in Maryland. Cum- ming's mother was born on July 19, 1838, at Bridgeport, C 22 4] BIOGRAPHIES Connecticut, and spent her early life in New York City. Her family was of English origin, her ancestors coming to this country in 1645 an< ^ settling at Fairfield, Connecticut. Many of Cumming's ancestors and near kinsmen have held important public positions as city mayors, territorial gov- ernors, etc. One of his ancestors was graduated from Yale, another from the University ol Georgia, and a third from West Point. Cumming was born on January 4, 1862, at Summerville, Richmond County, Georgia, and resided there before enter- ing college. He was prepared at private schools, and en- tered '82 at the beginning of freshman year. He roomed at first alone, but afterward with Cragin, during sophomore year in Old Chapel, and thereafter in Farnam. While an undergraduate he took a prize in French. After graduation he spent the summer holidays at Xarra- gansett Pier, and then returned to Augusta and entered upon the study of law in his father's office. He was admitted to practice in January, 1884, and since that time he has been actively engaged in professional work. He writes: "I took a small excursion into politics during a period covering five or six years, serving respectively as one of the governing body of the suburban village in which I reside, known as Summerville, and for a while as its executive officer. For two years I was a member of the lower house of the Georgia Assembly, and for two years was a member of the Georgia Senate. While this political experience was most interesting and useful, it had no great allurements for me, and I have made no further effort to fill any public offices. There have been no special incidents connected with my life. There has been simply the usual routine of an active practising attorney, interspersed with a fair amount of quiet pleasure-taking." From other sources it is learned that Cumming's profes- sional standing is very high, both from the standpoint of C 22 5] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 character and ability. He has been in partnership with his father for a long time, and has represented the Georgia Railroad for years. In politics Cumming is a Democrat, and is a member of the Richmond Hussars. He is one of the governing board of the Country Club of Augusta, and a member of the Commercial Club of Augusta and of vari- ous social organizations. He married on November 27, 1889, at Summerville, Georgia, Mary G. Smith, the daughter of Charles Shaler Smith and Mary G. Gardner. Mrs. Cumming's family is of English origin. They have two children, one boy and one girl. His address is 204 Montgomery Building, Augusta, Georgia. * George Edward Curtis was the son of George S. Curtis and Catherine Lewis (Curtis) Curtis. His father was born on August 26, 1833, at Nichols, Connecticut, and spent most of his life at Derby, Connecticut, in the hardware business. He died on September 27, 1862, at Derby. He was the son of Alvin Curtis of Nichols, Connecticut, and Dolly Blake- man of Orinoque, Stratford, Connecticut. His ancestors were of English origin, and came to this country from Eng- land in 1637 and settled at Stratford. Curtis' mother was born on July 27, 1834, at Stratford, and spent her early life there. She was the daughter of Cornelius Agur Curtis and Phoebe Lewis, both of that city. Her family, too, was of English origin and came from England to settle in Stratford. Curtis was born on July 8, 1861, at Derby, Connecticut, and spent his life there until he entered college. He at- tended the Birmingham Public School and High School, and was graduated in 1877. He spent one year as a clerk before entering college. Curtis was an only child. His father died when he was but fifteen months old, but his mother sympa- C"6] BIOGRAPHIES thized with his ambitions and encouraged him In their at- tainment. Early in life he cherished the desire and hope of a career at Yale, and from his twelfth year steadily bent his George Edward Curtis energies to accomplish that ambition. His own efforts and his mother's self-denial enabled him to enter our class in 1878 well prepared. He roomed the first year on Howe Street, the second in South Middle, and the last two with Titche in Farnam. At college he was a faithful student, and ranked well in all his work, but especially excelled in mathe- matics, in which he took a prize in senior year. He was a member of Gamma Nu. For a few months after receiving his degree he remained at his home in Birmingham, Connecticut, prosecuting his studies in his chosen work of mathematics. In 1883 he re- ceived an appointment under the chief signal officer in the C 22 73 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Weather Bureau at Washington. He continued his work in meteorology and atmospheric physics until 1887, when he accepted the professorship of mathematics in Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas. Subsequently he was connected with the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. His health forced him to move to Arizona, which he had already visited in the employ of the government, preparing a geological survey, and again as meteorologist of the Dyrenforth rain- making expedition. His health continued to fail, and in 1895 he returned to Washington, where he died in January of that year. He received the degree of M.A. from Yale in June, 1887. He was an active member of the Philosophical Society of Washington, District of Columbia, and wrote a number of articles on scientific subjects. Numerous articles by him re- lating to meteorology have been published by the Signal Office, the American Journal of Science, the American Meteorological Journal, and other scientific periodicals. In 1893 he edited a book entitled "Smithsonian Meteorological Tables," and the Century Company paid a high tribute to his attainments by engaging him to write the definitions of the meteorological terms in all but the first volume of the Century Dictionary. Short as was his career (he was but thirty-three years of age when he died), his achievements were considerable and gave great promise of distinction. * Theodore De Witt Cuyler was the son of Theodore Cuyler and Mary (DeWitt) Cuyler. He was born at Philadelphia on the 18th of May, 1862, and was the young- est man in the class. He was prepared for college at a pri- vate school in Philadelphia and at St. Paul's, Concord, New Hampshire. He rowed on his class crew and was a member of the freshman class supper committee. At the intercol- [228] BIOGRAPHIES legiate games at Mott Haven in sophomore year he won the mile run in 4 minutes 37^ seconds, which was 7 Is seconds better than the best college record and within ^ of a second Theodore De Witt Cuvler of the best amateur record. In junior year he again won the mile run at Mott Haven, and in senior year he was presi- dent of the University Athletic Association. He roomed in freshman year on York Street and during the last three years with Farwell in Durfee. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Scroll and Key. After graduation he traveled abroad for six months, and returned late in the fall of 1882. He began the study of law under his brother (Yale 1874), and was earnestly pur- suing his studies at the time of his death, which occurred at his residence in Philadelphia on January 1, 1883, from an attack of scarlet fever, after an illness of three days. C 22 9] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Stricken down so suddenly while in the enjoyment of perfect health and strength, his death came as a great shock to all his friends. He was one of the most conspicuous figures in our class both in athletics and socially, and he was the first, after graduation, to be taken from us. A tablet in his memory has been placed by some of his classmates in the vestibule of Battell Chapel, and bears the inscription, "Brave and Beloved." Frederick Orren Darling is the son of Charles Wesley Darling and Emily Frances (Squire) Darling. His father Frederick Orren Darling was born on October 20, 1832, at Rowe, Franklin County, Massachusetts. He was educated at the district school in Leyden, Massachusetts, and at Power's Institute in Ber- BIOGRAPHIES nardston, Massachusetts. He was actively engaged in busi- ness in the city of New York, and died on April 23, 1904, at Center Moriches, Long Island. His parents were Uriah Thayer Darling and Caroline Williams of Rowe. Darling's mother was born on November 24, 1834, at Wolcott, Connecticut, and spent her early life at Blandford, Massa- chusetts, and Bristol, Connecticut. She was the daughter of Samuel Weld Squire of Bristol, Connecticut, and Caroline Coe of Wolcott, Connecticut. On July 24, 1881, she died at Leyden, Massachusetts. Darling is English on both the paternal and maternal sides. His father's ancestors came from England in 1640-50 and settled in the Plymouth Col- ony, and his mother's forebears came from England and settled at New Haven. Darling was born on September 25, 1856, at Bethlehem, New York, and scattered his boyhood days in twenty-one different towns and six different States. He attended the grammar school at Hudson, Michigan, the high school at Westfield, Massachusetts, the Columbia Grammar School in New York City, and was graduated from the Williston Seminary at Easthampton, Massachusetts, in 1877. He en- tered Yale with '81, but joined our class in the spring of 1879. As a freshman with '8 1 he roomed with R. W. Hine, in sophomore year he roomed with Gallaher, and in junior and senior years with Bentley. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. After graduation he established the "T D" cattle ranch on O'Fallon Creek— now the town of Teedee, Custer County, Montana— where he remained till July, 1884. He then became a commission agent for hydraulic elevators and brick at Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. For several years he lived in New York, being connected with the firm of Belding Brothers, and in 1889 he moved to Center Moriches, Long Island, where he became a member of the HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Moriches Fuel Company. Ten years later he moved to the Hilthorpe Farm in Leyden, Massachusetts. From 1906 to 1909 he was in Detroit, Michigan, and he has recently re- turned to Leyden. He is a member of the Protestant Epis- copal Church. On December 23, 1902, at Brattleboro, Vermont, he married Ada Brann, daughter of Alba Augustus Brann and Sophie Prince Field. She is of Scotch descent on her mother's side, and of German descent on her father's. The family name was originally Brandt. His address is Leyden, Massachusetts. Edwin Lynde Dillingham is the son of Edwin F. Dilling- ham and Julia (Snell) Dillingham. His father was born at Warren, Maine, on June 6, 1832, and for more than half a century he has been the most prominent bookseller in Bangor. Both his mother's and his father's family are of English origin, the Dillingham family having settled in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1630, and his mother coming of a family that settled in New England in 1640, where they were people of historical prominence. Dillingham's ma- ternal grandfather, Martin Snell, was graduated from Brown in 18 18, and after taking a post-graduate course at Yale received the degree of A.M. in 1821. His great- grandmother, Abigail Alden, was a lineal descendant in the fifth generation from John Alden and Priscilla Mullens, who came over in the Mayflower in 1620. F. H. Dilling- ham, his brother, was graduated from Bowdoin in 1877, and a cousin was graduated from Yale in 1891. Dillingham was born in Bangor, Maine, on May 3, 1861, attended school in that city, and entered '82 at the beginning of freshman year, although, on account of a serious illness, he did not join the class until October. While in college he C 2 32] BIOGRAPHIES roomed with Jefferds, in freshman and sophomore years in West Divinity, and in junior and senior years in Durfee. He was an editor of the Yale News in senior year, secretary Edwin Lynde Dillingham of the University Baseball Association, and secretary and treasurer of the University Athletic Association. During senior year he was president of the University Baseball Association, and a member of the senior promenade com- mittee. He was a member of Delta Kappa, Psi Upsilon, the University Club, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. After graduation Dillingham was engaged in brokerage for several years as a partner in the firm of Currie & Dil- lingham, and thereafter in 1885 became connected with the publishing house of his uncle, Charles T. Dillingham. He has since been continuously engaged in the publishing busi- ness, being for a time connected with the firm of Ticknor & HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Company, and later with Lee & Shepard in Boston. Sub- sequently he returned to New York and became a partner in the firm of Charles T. Dillingham & Company. In 1896 that firm sold out to the Baker & Taylor Company, and Dil- lingham became connected with Charles Scribner's Sons, publishers, with which concern he now occupies an impor- tant position. He is a member of the New York University Club, the Yale Club, the Aldine Association, and the Engle- wood Golf Club. He is unmarried. His business address is 153 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and his residence is 148 West Eighty-fifth Street, New York Citv. Franklin Maynard Eaton is the son of Henry Franklin Eaton and Anna Louisa (Boardman) Eaton. The Eatons came to this country in 1836 and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, and the Boardmans came from Yorkshire, England, in 1637, and settled at Xewburyport, Massachu- setts. Henry Franklin Eaton was a lumber-manufacturer in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais, Maine. He was born on November 22, 18 12, at Groton, Massachusetts, and died in 1905 at Calais. His parents were Jonas Eaton and Mary Corey of Charlestown, Massachusetts. Our class- mate's mother was the daughter of William Boardman and Esther Wigglesworth Tappan of Xewburyport. She was born in Portland, Maine, on December 12, 1822, and spent much of her life in Calais, where she died in 1895. George H. Eaton, our classmate's eldest brother, was an Amherst '70 man. Fred Boardman and Albert Boardman, two cousins on his mother's side, are Bowdoin graduates. Eaton was born on February 23, i860, in St. Stephen, Xew Brunswick, and attended the public schools there until he was old enough for high school, when he began spending [234] BIOGRAPHIES part of the year at Calais. He entered Phillips Andover in September, 1875, and was graduated in 1878. He roomed with Bailey at Xew Haven. They were in a private house Franklin Mavnard Eaton on Chapel Street in freshman year, the following year they moved to South Middle, and in junior and senior years they were in Durfee. Eaton was No. 3 on the class crew, cap- tain of the freshman football team, a member of the 'varsity football team through his course, and captain of it in 1881. He was on our class supper committee in freshman year, and belonged to Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, Scroll and Key, and the University Club. For the three years after graduation he studied medicine at Harvard, taking his degree of M.D. in 1885, and serving as house officer at the City Hospital of Worcester, Massa- chusetts, from April to November. In November he went C 2 35 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 abroad for a ten months' stay, during which he studied in Vienna and visited England, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and France. In November, 1886, he set- tled in Providence, Rhode Island, and for a number of years practised at 336 Benefit Street. He was surgeon to the out-patient department, Rhode Island Hospital, from 1887 to 1896, physician of the Providence Dispensary from 1886 to 1889, physician of the Home for Aged Women from 1890 to 1896, and physician to the Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children from 1889 to 1896. He was also a member of the Rhode Island Medical Society exam- ining board from 1890 to 1895, anniversary chairman in 1894, and president of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni Association of Rhode Island from 1888 to 1890. He was a member of the Providence Medical Society, the Clinical Club, the Hope Club, the Agawam Hunt Club, the Xarra- gansett Boat Club, and the Providence Art Club. In 1896 he moved from Providence to Calais, where he has since re- sided. Translations of several lectures from the German were by his pen. In politics he is a Republican. On November 25, 1885, at Medford, Massachusetts, he married Emily Tirzah Parks, daughter of John A. Parks and Helen M. Groton. A daughter, Irene Helen, was born on August 10, 1887, in Providence. She was married on February 7, 1906, to Fred David Jordan and on June 9, 1907, a son, Robert Maynard Jordan, who is the class grandson, was born at Calais. He writes that bad health has interfered somewhat with his resuming his practice, which he gave up for a time on account of his daughter's health, but that he hopes to get back into it before many years. His address is Calais, Maine. D36] BIOGRAPHIES James Richard Ely is the son of David Jay Ely and Caro- line (Duncan) Ely. His father was born on May 4, 18 18, at Lyme, Connecticut, and spent his life in three parts of James Richard Ely the United States. For five years he was in the South at Port Gibson, Mississippi, for fifteen years in Chicago, and for another fifteen in New York City. He was a wholesale importer of coffee, and died on February 24, 1877. His parents were Richard Ely and Mary Peck of Lyme, Con- necticut. His family was of English origin, and his ances- tors came to this country from England in 1628 and settled at Lyme, where they owned and lived on the same premises from 1628 to 1850. Ely's mother was born in Massillon, Ohio, and died in New York City. She was the daughter of James Duncan of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Emily Villette of Virginia. Her family was of Scotch and 037:1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 French origin, and her ancestors came from those countries and settled in Portsmouth and Virginia. Ely was born on August 12, 1859, in Chicago, Illinois. He lived in Chicago until 1866, and then in New York City. He attended the following schools: Charlier School from 1866 to 1 87 1, Auction's School till 1873, Williston Semi- nary in 1874 and part of 1875, was in Europe till the latter part of 1875, and attended the Signers' School till 1877. He entered Yale in that year with the class of '8 1, but joined '82 at the beginning of junior year. He rowed on the Dun- ham crew, and was a member of Sigma Epsilon, Alpha Kappa, and Psi Upsilon. After graduation he entered the Columbia Law School in the class of 1884. During that time he studied in the office of the firm of Dunning, Edsall, Hart & Fowler, 67 Wall Street, New York City. From May, 1884, until August 12, 1885, he served a clerkship in the office of Roger Foster, Yale '78. In December, 1885, he was admitted to the New York bar, and on January 1, 1886, he opened an office for the general practice of the law, and he has since been actively engaged in his profession. He has taken some interest in politics, having belonged to the old County De- mocracy and subsequently to its successor, the State Democ- racy. Later he was a member of the National Democratic party, in which he was on the executive committee of the County Organization. In April, 1895, he was appointed assistant United States attorney and served until February, 1898, when his resignation, tendered in December, 1897, was accepted. He was a delegate to the Syracuse Conven- tion of the National Democratic party in 1905, and he was a delegate to the National Convention of the party in In- dianapolis when Palmer and Buckner were nominated. In the fall of 1898 he was made a member of the Committee of One Hundred in the movement in behalf of an inde- pendent judiciary. In January, 1902, he was appointed BIOGRAPHIES assistant district attorney under William Travers Jerome. In 1905 he took an active interest in Jerome's election for the office of district attorney in the latter's independent cam- paign. Since his admission to the bar he has been a member of the law firms of Ely & Walker, and Ely & McBride. The Walker of his first firm was Eugene W. Walker of Yale '80, and the McBride of his second firm was Wilber McBride of the class of '82. At present he is alone. He is a member of the Union League, University, Manhattan, Reform, New York Athletic, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, and Graduates' clubs. He is an Episcopalian and belongs to the Church of the Incarnation. June 8, 1886, he married Emma Stotsenburg of New Albany, Indiana, daughter of John H. Stotsenburg and Jane Miller. They have two children: a son, David Jay, born on June 30, 1888, and a graduate of Yale in 19 10, and a daughter, Alice Anne, born on May 4, 1892. His business address is 15 Wall Street, and his residence is 56 East Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. William Phelps Eno is the son of Amos Richards Eno and Lucy Jane (Phelps) Eno. Amos Richards Eno's an- cestors went from Valenciennes, France, to London in 1569, thence to Windsor, Connecticut, in 1648, and soon after- ward to Simsbury, Connecticut, where he was born on No- vember 1, 1 8 10. Early in life he moved to New York and was known as a successful dry-goods merchant and real estate owner. He died in New York on February 21, 1898. His father was Solomon Eno. His grandfather, Jonathan Eno, served in the Revolutionary War, as also did his great- uncle, Major-General Roger Eno. The name in France was spelled in various ways, namely, Henne, Hennet, Hai- nau, and Hainault. In England and America it has been HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 spelled at different times Enno, Enos, and Eno. The ances- tors of Eno's mother came from Tewkesbury, England, in 1630, settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts, thence went to William Phelps Eno Windsor, Connecticut, and finally to Simsbury, Connecticut, where she was born on March 1, 1818. She died in New York on November 14, 1882. Her father was Elisha Phelps, of Yale 1800, and her grandfather was Major- General Noah Phelps, whose reconnaissance of Fort Ticon- deroga was followed by its capture. Her fifth great-grand- father was the Rev. Garsham Bulkley, of Harvard 1655, and her sixth great-grandfather was Charles Chauncey, sec- ond president of Harvard College. Eno was born in New York on June 3, 1858. He went to school in Paris and St. Germain in 1868-69. He at- tended a number of schools in New York City, one in New- BIOGRAPHIES burgh, New York, Williston Seminary in Easthampton, Massachusetts, and the Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven. He entered the class of 1 88 i at Yale with seven conditions which he passed oft, but voluntarily withdrew his papers and joined the class of 1882 the following Septem- ber. He was a member of the class crew, of the freshman class supper committee, floor manager of the junior prome- nade, leader and manager of the junior and senior germans, and gave considerable time to the reorganization of the Yale University Club. He was taken ill with scarlet fever just after the junior promenade and was out of college until May, when he returned and finished the year with his class, but did not return to college in senior year. He was a member of Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Skull and Bones. In 1 88 1 he entered a New York bank to learn the busi- ness. From 1884 to 1898 he spent much of his time in his father's office, where he had unusual opportunities to gain a thorough knowledge of real estate in all its branches. About ten years after leaving college in 1881 the faculty sent Eno his degree of A.B., with enrolment in the class of 1882, in response to a petition signed by most of his classmates. About 1900 he received permission to erect an exact repro- duction of the old fence within the campus, to make up, as far as possible, for the irreparable loss of the original fence, which had been removed to permit the erection of Osborn Hall, and at the same time he provided a fund for new walks and other improvements on the campus. On the founding of the Yale Club in New York, Eno was elected to the council and intrusted with the adaptation of the first club-house. He was on the council for several years, was engaged on the financial plan that led to the new club-house on Forty-fourth Street, and was chairman of the building committee. The club-house was completed for the amount of the appropriation and within the promised time. He has [>40 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 been present at the Yale-Harvard boat races at New Lon- don for the past ten years, where his yacht Aquilo has acted as judges' boat. On the death of his father, in 1898, he be- came one of the executors of his estate, which took three years to settle. He is largely interested in real estate, but for the past few years has not been active in business mat- ters, having devoted practically all his time to introducing and perfecting street traffic regulation in New York and other cities. He took the London practice of regulating traffic on the streets as a basis to start with, and introduced such extra or new things as seemed necessary to perfect the system. The rules now officially adopted in New York and partially or wholly in almost every city in the United States were compiled by him. In the autumn of 1909 he went to London and to Paris to study street traffic in both places. As one result, the authorities in London have signified their intention of adopting some of the New York regulations in the near future, and as another, the prefet of police of Paris, on December 1 last, put the New York regulations in opera- tion on the Rue de la Paix and has since extended them to many other streets, and the New York regulations have become the standing ones of the city of Paris. He has written many articles and pamphlets on street traffic regula- tion, civic transportation, and kindred subjects. In Sep- tember, 1909, he published a book entitled "Street Traffic Regulations." It has been given large circulation here and in Europe and is the only book on the subject. Eno belongs to the following clubs: Metropolitan, Cosmos, University, and Chevy Chase of Washington; University, Yale, City, New York Yacht, and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht of New York; Boston of New Orleans, and Quinnipiack and Graduates' of New Haven. On April 4, 1883, in New Orleans, he married Alice Rathbone, daughter of Henry Alenson Rathbone, born in Hartford, Connecticut, of English descent, and Marie Ce- C 2 42 3 BIOGRAPHIES leste Forstall, a native of New Orleans, of French, Spanish, and Irish descent. His residence is Washington, District of Columbia, where he built a house four years ago. His summer home is Sau- gatuck, Fairfield County, Connecticut, and his office address is 13 South William Street, New York City. Francis Cooley Farwell is the son of John Villars Far- well and Emerett (Cooley) Farwell. His ancestors were English. On the paternal side they came over about 1635 Francis Cooley Farwel and settled at Concord, Massachusetts. Those on the ma- ternal side settled at Springfield. His father was the founder of the great Chicago wholesale firm, the John V. Farwell Company, which deals mainly in dry-goods. He c 243:1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 was born on July 29, 1825, in Campbelltown, New York, and his parents were Henry Farwell of Fitchburg, Massa- chusetts, and Nancy Jackson of Westminster, Massachu- setts. His wife w T as the daughter of Noah Cooley and Sophronia Parson of Granville, Massachusetts. She was born in that town on January 25, 1826. Farwell has had two brothers in Yale, John V., in '79, and Arthur L., in '84. Fanvell was born on December 28, i860, in Chicago, and lived there for ten years. He then moved to Lake Forest, Illinois, where he stayed until he entered Yale in 1878. He was graduated from Lake Forest Academy in 1877. He roomed during freshman year w r ith Stone on Chapel Street, and the other three years with Cuyler in Durfee. He was a member of the Freshman Glee Club, and in athletics he rowed on the class crew for three years and was on the class tug-of-w r ar team. His societies were Kappa Sigma Epsilon, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Scroll and Key. For some months after graduation he traveled in Europe. On his return he went into his father's firm, and has been with it ever since, being now secretary of the John V. Far- well Company. He belongs to the First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest, and is a member of the Chicago Club, the University Club of Chicago, the Commercial Club of Chi- cago, the Onwentsia Club of Lake Forest, the Graduates' Club of New Haven, and the Huron Mountain Club of Marquette, Michigan. On May 19, 1887, he married Fanny N. Day. Her par- ents w T ere Albert M. Day and Fanny Pynchon. There are three children: Albert Day, born on May 28, 1888, in Chi- cago; Marian, born on January 15, 1892, in Chicago; and Elizabeth Cooley, born on June 12, 1895, in Lake Forest. Farwell lived in Chicago until 1895, but has made his home in Lake Forest since that time. The son was graduated from Yale in the class of 1909, having prepared for college at the Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania. BIOGRAPHIES His business address is 148 Market Street, Chicago, and his residence is Lake Forest, Illinois. Augustine FitzGerald has lived abroad most of the time since leaving college, and has devoted himself to the study of art. He was for some time in London, but is now in Augustine FitzGerald Paris, and has a studio at 1 1 Avenue Hoche. His masters in painting have been MM. Boulanger and Lefebvre, and he has also worked at the Cours d'Yvon at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. He spends his time between Paris, London, and vari- ous points in Italy. Recently he took an extended painting tour in Egypt, and he has devoted some years to landscape work at Barbizon, in the forest of Fontainebleau. In March, 1894, he married at Florence— the ceremony being per- [245] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 formed at the British Consulate, the English Church, and the Italian Municipality— Sybil Mary Winifred Wyndham, daughter of Major Charles Wyndham, formerly of the Ninth Bengal Cavalry. He has two children: Alida Cecilia Winifred, seven years of age, and Edward Galbraith, two years younger. (From the Vicennial Record.) His address is 79 Avenue Henri Martin, Paris, France. Carlton Alexander Foote is the son of Alexander Foote and Sarah Amelia (Kelsey) Foote. His father was born at Carlton Alexander Foote Northford, Connecticut, on February 9, 1824, but spent most of his life in New Haven, where he was engaged in business until his death in 1894. The family is of English BIOGRAPHIES origin, and located at Wethersfield, of which Foote's ances- tor was one of the first settlers and where he died in 1664. His mother's family was also of English ancestry, coming to this country in 1660 and settling at Madison, Connecticut. One of Foote's ancestors was a tutor and fellow of Yale in the middle of the eighteenth century, and was secretary of the corporation from 1770 to 1776. Foote was born on January 10, 1859, at New Haven, Connecticut, where he attended the New Haven High School, entering '82 in September, 1878. While in college he took the Berkeley prize for Latin composition, a subject in which he early- displayed ability, and the teaching of which he has made his life-work. After graduation he taught school for a number of years in Portland, Oregon, and from 1884 to 1886 he held the Larned scholarship, taking a post-graduate course at Yale, from which he received the degree of M.A. in 1902. For eight years he was in charge of the Latin School at Atchi- son, Kansas, but in 1901 came to New York and took the examination for teachers of Latin in the high schools of that city. The result of the examination was evidence of his exceptional fitness for his work, as he was third in rank on the list of those passing. In 1902 he was appointed in- structor in Latin at the De Witt Clinton High School, a position which he still retains, having also taught French and Greek at intervals. He is unmarried. His business address is De Witt Clinton High School, Tenth Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street, and his residence is 157 West One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Street, New York City. Wilbur Harvey Nash Ford is the son of Nathan Rogers Ford and Mary Bryan (Smith) Ford. Our classmate's £W1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 father was born at Milford, Connecticut, on October 31, 1829, and died there on January 23, 1894. The grandpa- rents on this side of the family were Harvey Ford and Mary Wilbur Harvey Nash Ford Jane Clark of the same town, and the Ford ancestors were English, having come over in 1639 and settled in Milford, Connecticut. Ford's mother was also of a Milford family, and was born there on June 9, 1 836, the daughter of Nathan Smith and Mary Bryan Somers, the latter of Orange, Con- necticut. Her ancestors also came from England. She died on June 26, 1893, at Milford. Ford was born in Milford on September 30, 1859, and passed his early life there, coming to New Haven daily to attend the Hopkins Grammar School, from which he was graduated in 1878. He roomed alone during his college course at 25 Park Street. [2433 BIOGRAPHIES For the past twenty-five years Ford has been engaged in teaching in preparatory schools. In 1885 he was in Pough- keepsie. He taught for a year in the Park Institute at Rye, New York, and in 1886 became connected with Porter Acad- emy at Charleston, South Carolina, where for several years he was head master. He had a school of his own for a time at Pekin, Illinois. In 1891 he moved to Chicago, and since then he has been connected with the Harvard School, 4651 Drexel Boulevard, an affiliated school of the University of Chicago. He has been a vestryman of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Chicago for many years. His wife is Hattie Winslow Downs of Milford, and the marriage took place in that town on September 18, 1889. Mrs. Ford's parents were Henry Samuel Downs and Harriet Belden Munson. His business address is 4651 Drexel Boulevard, and his residence is 49 11 Champlain Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Burnside Foster is the son of Dwight Foster and Henri- etta Perkins (Baldwin) Foster. Through the Fosters on his father's side and the Baldwins on his mother's, Foster is a representative of two of the best-known New England fam- ilies. Both families acquired the college-going habit early, as the following partial list will show: Jedidiah Foster, Harvard 1744, judge; Dwight Foster, Brown 1744, Sena- tor from Massachusetts; Alfred Dwight Foster, Harvard 1 8 19, grandfather; Dwight Foster, Yale 1848, father; Al- fred Dwight Foster, Harvard 1873, brother; Roger Foster, Yale 1878, brother; Reginald Foster, Yale 1884, brother; Ebenezer Baldwin, Yale 1763, great-uncle; Simeon Bald- win, Yale 1 78 1, judge; Roger Sherman Baldwin, Yale 181 1, Senator from Connecticut, and governor, grandfather; Ed- ward L. Baldwin, Yale 1842, uncle; Roger Sherman Bald- ly:] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 win, Yale 1847, uncle; George William Baldwin, Yale 1853, uncle; Simeon E. Baldwin, Yale 1861, uncle. The Fosters and Baldwins are both of English origin. Burnside Foster The Fosters came to this country in 1638 and settled at Ips- wich, Massachusetts. Alfred Dwight Foster, the grand- father of our classmate, lived in Worcester and married Lydia Styles. Dwight Foster, the father of Burnside, was a judge of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, and spent most of his life in Worcester and Boston. He was born in Worcester on December 13, 1828, and died in Boston in 1884. He was valedictorian of his class at Yale (1848) and held the degree of LL.D. His wife was the daughter of Roger Sherman Baldwin of New Haven, one time governor of Connecticut, and Emily Perkins of Hartford, Connecticut. She was born on April 2, 1830, in New Haven. BIOGRAPHIES Foster was born on May 7, 1861, in Worcester, Massa- chusetts, and passed his boyhood in that city and Boston, attending the Boston Latin School, Hopkinson's Private School in Boston, and Phillips Academy, Andover, Massa- chusetts. He entered Yale with the class, roomed with Vought in sophomore year, and with Osborne in junior and senior years, was champion high kicker of the class, contrib- uted occasionally to the Lit, and belonged to Delta Kappa, He Boule, and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation he studied for three years in the Har- vard Medical School, became an M.D. in June, 1885, with the highest hospital appointment in the class, and began on August 1, 1885, an eighteen months' service in the Massa- chusetts General Hospital, Boston. On leaving the hospital in February, 1887, he went to Europe and spent the re- mainder of the year studying in Vienna and Dublin. For the twenty and more years which have intervened since that time, he has been practising in St. Paul, varying the routine of his work by professional and editorial duties. He is professor of dermatology and lecturer on the history of medicine at the University of Minnesota, and editor of the St. Paul Medical Journal. He has published his lectures ("A Course of Lectures on the History of Medicine and of the Medical Profession"), and is the author of nu- merous articles for medical journals. He has been presi- dent of the Ramsey County Medical Society, and is likewise a member of the Minnesota State Medical Society, the American Medical Association, the American Dermatologi- cal Association, the Minnesota Club of St. Paul, and the Town and Country Club of the same city. For two years he was a member of the St. Paul Library Board. In the sum- mer of 1896 Foster had a desperate encounter with some highwaymen at Wyoming, Minnesota, when he was hasten- ing from St. Paul to join his wife near that place in response to a telegram. Two men were killed in the fracas, and 050 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Foster himself was beaten into insensibility. Bob Wilson, the assassin, was killed by a posse of citizens and officers, and his two accomplices were captured. In April, 1909, Foster delivered, by invitation, an address before the Asso- ciation of Life-Insurance Presidents, of New York City, entitled "A Suggestion Concerning the Increased Longevity of Life-Insurance Policy-Holders." In this address, which attracted wide attention not only among life-insurance men but in the newspaper press all over the country, he made a strong plea for enlisting the powerful organizations of life- insurance companies in the cause of preventive medicine, urging that anything which contributed to human longevity would be of financial advantage to the business of life- insurance. Several of the suggestions made in this ad- dress have already been adopted by some of the life-insur- ance companies. On January 1, 1894, Foster married Sophie Vernon Hammond, daughter of John Henry Hammond, a general in the Union army, and Sophie Wolfe, of English and Hu- guenot ancestry. There are three children: Harriet Burn- side, born on February 3, 1895 ; Elizabeth Hammond, born on March 5, 1899; and Roger Sherman, born on December 13, 1901, all in St. Paul. "My life has been comfortable and happy," writes their father, "and I have been fairly successful in my profession." His business address is Lowry Arcade, and his residence is 117 Farrington Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Asa Palmer French is the son of Asa French and Sophia Briggs (Palmer) French. Asa French, Sr., a graduate of Yale in the class of 185 1, was born in Braintree, Massachu- setts, on October 21, 1829, attended the Albany and Har- vard law schools, practised law, was judge of the court of Alabama claims in Washington, and died in Braintree on BIOGRAPHIES June 23, 1903. His parents were Jonathan French and Sarah Braekett Hayward. The French ancestors came from England to settle in BraJntree in 1638-39. Our classmate's Asa Palmer French mother was born in Boston in 1827, the daughter of Simeon Palmer of Boston and Mary Caldwell of Ipswich, Massa- chusetts. She died in Braintree on December 25, 1891. Her ancestors came from England in the Fortune in 1621 and settled at Duxbury, then a part of Plymouth, Massa- chusetts. Her brothers, Simeon and Horatio Palmer, were Yale men. Her cousin, Ezra Palmer, Yale 1828, was a Harvard M.D. of 1831. Another cousin, Edward D. G. Palmer, was Brown '39 and Harvard M.D. '42. French was born in Braintree on January 29, i860. He went to the local public schools until 1 8 7 1 , then to the Boston public schools, and was graduated from the English High C 2 53] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 School in 1876. After that he had a year at Adams Acad- emy, Quincy, Massachusetts, and another year at Thayer Academy, Braintree. In freshman year French roomed alone on York Street, in sophomore year in South Middle with Campbell, and in junior and senior years with Camp- bell in Durfee. He was a contributor to the Record in sophomore year, and in junior and senior years one of the editors. He was on the freshman class supper committee, fence orator in sophomore year, chairman of the junior promenade committee, and one of the class historians. He won the sophomore prize declamation. He belonged to Kappa Sigma Epsilon, Eta Phi, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones, and to the University Club. For the first five years after graduation he taught Latin and French at the Thayer Academy, Braintree, Massachu- setts. He then studied law at the Boston University Law School, was admitted to the bar, went to Washington as clerk to the judges of the court of Alabama claims for one year, and then returned to Boston to practise law. He was nominated by both Republicans and Democrats in 1901, and was elected district attorney for the Southeastern Dis- trict of Massachusetts. Reelected as the candidate of both parties in 1904, he served until January, 1906, when he re- signed to accept the appointment, tendered him by President Roosevelt, of United States attorney for the District of Massachusetts, which office he now holds. He has gained for himself an enviable reputation as an advocate on account of his remarkable management, in asso- ciation with the Hon. James E. Cotter, his senior, of the defense of Thomas M. Bram, mate of the barkentine Her- bert Fuller, tried for murder on the high seas in October, 1896, and argued on error before the Supreme Court of the United States, where the judgment of the Circuit Court against Bram was reversed. This was his first celebrated case and brought him into national prominence. The 054:1 BIOGRAPHIES strength of his power to convince jurors was later illus- trated when he secured the acquittal of Joseph E. Seery, indicted for murder in December, 1899, in Norfolk County, Massachusetts. He has also figured in many im- portant civil cases, and, several years ago, won additional prominence by his able presentation of the cause of the anti- vivisectionists before the Committee on Probate Chancery of the Massachusetts Legislature. This service was rendered for practically no remuneration, and as a contribution to the cause of humanity. He is president of the Randolph Savings Bank, of the Norfolk Bar Association, a member of the executive com- mittee of the Massachusetts State Bar Association, a trustee of the Thayer Academy, and governor of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. He has been president of the Yale Alumni Association of Boston and Vicinity. He is a member of the University Club of Boston, the Boston City Club, the University Club of New York, the Gradu- ates' Club of New Haven, the Old Colony Club of Plym- outh, the Republican Club of Massachusetts, the Massa- chusetts Club, and the Norfolk Club. He married on December 13, 1887, in Randolph, Massa- chusetts, Elisabeth Ambrose Wales, daughter of George W. Wales and Clara Ambrose. Mrs. French's great-grand- father, Jonathan Wales, and her grandfather, Bradford L. Wales, were physicians and surgeons of eminence in southeastern Massachusetts. French has two children: Jonathan Wales, born on April 26, 1891, and Constance, born on April 13, 1896, both in Randolph, Massachusetts. Jonathan was graduated from Thayer Academy in the class of 1907, prepared for college at the Taft School, and en- tered Yale in September, 1909. His business address is 87 Milk Street, Boston (or Fed- eral Building, Boston) ; and his residence is Randolph, Massachusetts. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Joseph Emanuel Friend is the son of Henry Friend and Frances (Samuels) Friend. His father was born in Bavaria on December 23, 1822, but lived most of his life in Mil- Joseph Emanuel Friend waukee, Wisconsin. The grandfather was Samuel Friend of Bavaria. Friend's mother was born in England on Au- gust 9, 1833, and spent her early life in New York City. Her parents were David Samuels and Sophie King, who came from Germany in 1836. Both of our classmate's parents were drowned at sea on May 7, 1875. Friend was born on August 4, i860, in Milwaukee, where he received a public-school education and was graduated from Markham Academy with the class of 1878, entering Yale in September of that year. He roomed alone, on Chapel Street for two years and in West Divinity Hall for two years, and was a member of Sigma Epsilon. BIOGRAPHIES For two years after graduation he was engaged in mer- cantile pursuits in New York City. From 1884 to 1890 he conducted the Chicago office of a Xew York firm which dealt in cotton goods. In 1890 he moved to Xew Orleans, which has since been his home and where he has been engaged in the cotton factor and commission business as a member of the firm of Julius Weis & Company. In 1896 and 1897 he traveled abroad, visiting England, France, Germany, and Switzerland. On March 19, 1890, he married Ida Weis of Xew Or- leans, whose father was Julius Weis and whose mother was Caroline Mayer. They have four children: Lillian Frances, born on January 15, 1891 ; Julius Weis, born on August 20, 1894; Caroline Henrietta, born on January 31, 1900; and Henry Joseph, born on April 13, 1905, all in New Orleans. The eldest girl prepared for college at the X^ewcomb High School with the class of 1907. The eldest son is now at Exeter, preparing for Yale, which college he hopes to enter in 1912. His business address is Julius Weis & Company, 817 Gravier Street, and his residence is 1 139 Jackson Avenue, X'ew Orleans, Louisiana. *Harry Chambers Fries, son of Aaron Fries, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 17, i860. He roomed during the four years with Baltz, in freshman year on York Street, sophomore year in West Divinity, and the last two years in Durfee. He was a member of Gamma XTi campaign committee and of the ivy committee. He won a sophomore composition prize, was a speaker at the Junior Exhibition, won a Townsend prize, and was one of the com- mencement speakers. His societies were Gamma Nu and Psi Upsilon. C257] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 After graduation he studied law in the office of George W. Biddle, at Philadelphia, and was admitted to the bar in December, 1884. On January 1, 1885, he became a mem- Harrv Chambers Fries ber of the firm of Prevost & Fries, attorneys-at-law, 629 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. He practised as a member of that firm until his death, which occurred July 14, 1886. For some three months he had been in uncertain health, and five weeks before his death he suffered— without premonition— from a hemorrhage of the lungs. He was of a quiet, earnest disposition, commanding the respect of all and the love of those who knew him best. His strength of character and his natural abilities were such that, had they been coupled with a strong physique, he would surely have attained a position in the world that would have been an honor to the class. [2583 BIOGRAPHIES * Frank Runyon Gallaher was the son of the Rev. Henry M. Gallaher, LL.D., Shurtletf College 1861, and Harriet (Runyon) Gallaher. He was born on August 26, Frank Runvon Gallaher 1856, at Upper Alton, Illinois, and entered college from New Haven, Connecticut, his father being then the noted pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. He was on the Delta Kappa campaign committee, captain of Company B, Yale Hancock and English Battalion, in the fall of junior year, an editor of the News in senior year, and a member of the senior class supper committee. In sophomore year he roomed with Darling in South Middle, and in junior and senior years with Parsons in Durfee. He was a member of Delta Kappa, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and a graduate member of Wolf's Head. For a large part of ten years after graduation he was with 05911 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Otis Brothers & Company, manufacturers of elevators, in New York City, but during this time twice left the company, once to assume charge of a copper mine in Arizona, and later to become partner in a coal company. In 1892 he re- turned to his father's home in Essex, Connecticut, to reside. He served on the town Board of Assessors for several years, was chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and for a number of years was secretary of the Board of School Visit- ors. He was a delegate to State and other political conven- tions, and in 1899 was a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives, where he won repute as a leader of the Democratic minority. As a member of the Connecticut State Sewerage Commission he made an extended tour of Europe (his third trip since graduation) in 1900. He se- cured the charter of the Essex Light & Power Company, and was president of the company. In 1904 he was consular agent at Port St. Mary, Spain. During 1906 he was en- gaged in the automobile business in New York City, where he died of heart disease on October 12, 1906, at the age of fifty years. His mother and two sisters, one of them a graduate of Vassar College in 1897, survive him. Henry Washburn Gardes is the son of Henry Gardes and Geraldine (Washburn) Gardes. The Gardes family came from Germany. The grandparents were Henry Gardes and Mina Ballus of Bremen. The father was born on Novem- ber 6, 1829, in Bremen, came to New York when fourteen, and spent his life in New Orleans as a merchant and banker. He is still living. The mother, Geraldine Washburn of Jef- ferson County, New York, was the daughter of Collins Washburn and Olivia Walsworth. The Washburns were Scotch-Irish in origin, came to this country from Scotland, and settled in Massachusetts. BIOGRAPHIES Gardes was born on July 5, i860, in Washington, Hemp- stead County, Arkansas, and spent his early life in Arkan- sas, New Orleans, and Jefferson County, Xew York. The Henry Washburn Garde* move from New Orleans took place when Gardes was six years old. His mother had died suddenly of yellow fever on November 14, 1866, and her parents in Jefferson County, New York, wanted the boy. He attended the Hungerford Institute at Adams, New York, the Alexander Military Institute at White Plains, and the Hopkins Gram- mar School. For a short time he roomed with McGuffy in North College; the rest of the time he lived alone in town. He belonged to Delta Kappa. After graduation, until 1890, he was in the hardware business in New Orleans, and from 1890 to 1896 he was in the insurance business in New Orleans, New York, and San HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Francisco. From 1896 to 1900 he was in the United States navy, and participated in the battle of Manila under Dewey, and since 1900 he has been in the government employ in the Census Bureau. His work involves considerable travel. He writes: "I had the honor to belong to the fleet under Admiral Dewey and was with him on May 1 , 1898, when we whipped the Spaniards in Manila Bay, and remained in the Philip- pines throughout the war and afterward until September 2, 1899. So far as I know, I am the only Yale man of any class who took part in those stirring events. With the ex- ception of the above, my life has been absolutely uneventful." He was married on November 7, 1888, in New Orleans, and the bride was Lucy Wiltz, daughter of Louis Alfred Wiltz and Michail Bienvenu. Mrs. Gardes is of a pure Creole family. The four children are: Alfred Wiltz, born on August 22, 1 890, in New Orleans ; Arthur Hutchins, born on November 2, 1 891, in the same city; George Washburn, born on December 31, 1900, in Norfolk, Virginia; and Marie Louise Geraldine, born on February 24, 1906, in Washington, District of Columbia. The two older boys have been studying at the Jesuits' College in New Orleans. His address is care of the United States Census Bureau, Washington, District of Columbia. Charles Burr Graves is the son of Addison Graves and Helen M. (Eaton) Graves. Addison Graves was born on September 25, 1833, at Ashfield, Massachusetts, but in early manhood removed to Boston, thence to Chicago, and after- ward to New York City. He was a graduate of Sanderson Academy, Ashfield, Massachusetts, and was a merchant. He died at Orange, New Jersey, on January 15, 1867. His family was of English origin, having come to this country BIOGRAPHIES in 1630, and settled at Lynn, Massachusetts. Graves' mother was born on January 14, 1836, at Kennebunk, Maine, and spent her early life at Wells, Maine, and Bos- Charles Burr Graves ton, Massachusetts. She is still living. Her family was of Scotch origin, her ancestors coming to this country at an early date and settling near Exeter, New Hampshire. Our classmate was born on June 10, i860, at Chicago, Illinois, where he spent his early childhood. Later he lived in New York, and then until 1867 in Orange, New Jersey, after which time he resided in New London, Connecticut. He attended the public schools of New London, and pre- pared for college in the Bulkeley School of that city, enter- ing '82 at the beginning of freshman year. During fresh- man year he roomed with Waller at 41 High Street, and in sophomore year also with Waller in Old Chapel. During O33 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 junior and senior years he roomed with Barbour, first in North, and afterward in Farnam Hall. He was a member of Gamma Nu, Psi Upsilon, Hare and Hounds Club, and Natural History Society. After leaving Yale he entered the Harvard Medical School, and was graduated from there with the degree of M.D. in 1886, a member of the last class which received instruction from Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. He then spent eighteen months at the Boston City Hospital, and in January, 1887, went home to New London, Connecticut, and settled down to the practice of medicine. He has re- mained in New London ever since. He writes: "The round of professional duties in a small city, how- ever important and absorbing to those immediately con- cerned, affords little of interest for a narrative. Routine professional duties, though generally arduous and exacting, have yet left some time which could be devoted to outside interests." Graves has been for many years one of the trustees of the Bulkeley School, and is also one of the trustees of the New London Public Library. He is also an officer in the Manwaring Memorial Hospital. His travels have been limited to various trips in different parts of this country, but the larger part of his leisure has been given to the study of the various natural sciences. He is the author of many arti- cles on medical and scientific topics published in various magazines, and is a member of the American Medical Asso- ciation, the New London County Medical Association, the New London Medical Society, the Connecticut Medical Society, the New England Botanical Club, the Connecticut Botanical Society, and the New London County Historical Society. He is an independent in politics, and, although not a member, is a regular attendant of the Congregational Church. He married on September 10, 1891, at New London, BIOGRAPHIES Connecticut, Frances M. Miner, the daughter of Charles H. Miner and Lucretia H. Comstock. Mrs. Graves is a de- scendant of Thomas Miner, one of the founders of New London, and of Elder William Brewster, who came over in the Mayflower. Graves has had two children, a boy who died on April 12, 1902, and a girl, Elizabeth Waterman Graves, who was born November 16, 1898. His address is 66 Franklin Street, New London, Con- necticut. GEORGE Heber Graves is the son of Charles Emmett Graves and Sarah Lawrence (Buttrick) Graves. He is de- George Heber Graves scended from New England English on both sides. His grandparents were George Graves of Ira, Vermont, and HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Lucretia Adelaide Collins. Charles Graves was a graduate of Trinity College in the class of 1850. He was born at Ira on December 10, 1830, but lived successively in Rutland, Vermont, Washington, District of Columbia, and New Haven. Trinity gave him an M.A., and later, in recogni- tion of his ability as a lawyer and his services as trea- surer of the college, an LL.D. His death occurred at Dansville, New York, on April 12, 1906. The Graves ancestors settled in Hartford, Connecticut, sometime pre- vious to 1645. Graves' mother was the daughter of Ephraim Buttrick of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Mary King of Halifax, Nova Scotia. She was born on June 20, 1829, in Cambridge, and spent her early life there. Her ancestors settled in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1635. Among them was Major Simon Willard, one of the founders of Concord, Massachusetts, and one of the most distin- guished men in the military and civil life of colonial days. Another ancestor, Samuel Buttrick, participated in the bat- tle of Concord Bridge, where his brother, Major John But- trick, gave the command that opened the Revolutionary War. Ephraim Buttrick was graduated from Harvard in 1 8 19. Other relatives of our classmate who were college graduates were : Uncles : the Rev. Gemont Graves, Trinity 1849, and Edward King Buttrick, Harvard 1852; brothers: Edward Buttrick Graves, Yale 1881, Yale Law 1884; Wal- ter Greenwood Graves, Yale 1886; Arthur Collins Graves, Trinity 1891, Yale Law 1893; and Richard Stayner Graves, Trinity 1894, Yale Medical 1897. Graves was born on March 25, 1861, in Rutland, Ver- mont, and lived in Washington, District of Columbia, from 1862 to 1865. From 1866 he lived in New Haven, where, in course of time, he prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School. During freshman year he lived at home, but for the remaining three years roomed with Brewster in Farnam. His societies were Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon. BIOGRAPHIES For a year after graduation he was in the lumber busi- ness at Stetsonville, Wisconsin, and then from 1883 to 1889 a student in Sheffield Scientific School. His life-occupation has been that of a chemist. From 1885 to 1886 he was an assistant with the Fairfield Chemical Company of Bridge- port. For the next two years he was superintendent for the same company in New Haven; and in 1888 he returned to Bridgeport as chief chemist and director of the works, which at the present day belong to the General Chemical Company. He declares that his life has been an uneventful one, although he admits that he has been shipwrecked and struck by lightning, "but never bankrupt." He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Society of Chemical Industry (English), and the Seaside, Algonquin, Brook- lawn Country, Yacht, and Contemporary clubs of Bridge- port. In politics he is a Republican, and in religion a Protestant Episcopalian. In 1901 he visited Italy, France, and England. On January 17, 1901, in Bridgeport, he was married to Mary Caroline Goodsell, daughter of Zalmon Goodsell and Caroline E. Fox. They have one child, Caroline, born on October 11, 1901, in Bridgeport. Mrs. Graves' great- great-grandfather was the Rev. John Goodsell, of Yale 1724. The Rev. John Goodsell's brother Thomas was graduated in the same class, and in the Yale Library there is now a chair given by the descendants of John Goodsell, which once belonged to James Pierpont, a founder of Yale. The father of these two was Thomas Goodsell of Somerset County, England, a graduate of Trinity College, Oxford. He came to America in 1678 and married Sarah Heming- way of East Haven, a sister of Jacob Hemingway, the first student of Yale College. On her mother's side Mrs. Graves is descended from John Howland and John and Elizabeth Tilley of the Mayflower. His business address is General Chemical Company, Fair- HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 field Works, and his residence is 1809 North Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Herbert Stanton Griggs is the son of Chauncey Wright Griggs and Martha Ann (Gallup) Griggs. Chauncey Wright Griggs was a manufacturer and capitalist who lived Herbert Stanton Griggs in St. Paul, Minnesota, and in Tacoma, Washington. The elder Griggs was born on December 31, 1832, in Tolland, Connecticut; attended Monson Academy in Connecticut and business college in Detroit, Michigan; and is still living. His parents were Chauncey Griggs of Tolland and Hearty Dimock of Coventry, Connecticut; and his ancestors came over from England in 1639 and settled in Roxbury, Massa- chusetts. Griggs' mother was born and brought up in Led- [>68] BIOGRAPHIES yard, Connecticut. Her parents were Christopher Milton Gallup and Anna Stanton Billings of Ledyard; and her an- cestors came over from Dorsetshire, England, in 1630 to settle at Boston and at Monumental Island, Massachusetts. The Rev. Leverett G. Griggs of Bristol, Connecticut, a great-uncle of our classmate, was a graduate of Yale in the class of 1829, as were several cousins and uncles of the Gallup, Williams, and Dimock families. Henry F. Dimock, of Yale 1863, now of New York, is a cousin of Griggs' father. Both his parents are living with him in Tacoma, Washington. Griggs was born on February 27, 1861, in St. Paul, Minnesota. The following year he went with his parents to Chaska, where he was in the Moravian School for a brief time. In 1866 he moved back to St. Paul, and there at- tended grammar school and high school, with private in- struction in the classics, until he was ready to enter Yale with us in September, 1878. His brother, C. M. Griggs, was his roommate during the first three years of the course, and as a senior he roomed with Hine of '85. The hare- and-hounds chase was one of his athletic recreations. He was light-weight wrestler one year in the gym-class compe- titions, competed in the class running races, and played on the Law School football and baseball teams in 1883-84. He was a member of Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon. After commencement he returned for a two years' course in the Yale Law School, being graduated in 1884. He read law for six months in the office of Cushman K. Davis (de- ceased), former governor of and later United States Sen- ator from the State of Minnesota, and was assistant city attorney in St. Paul during 1885. Having contracted very serious malarial and stomach troubles, he was obliged to give up practice for about three years, the last year of which enforced vacation was spent in foreign travel. In 1888 he located in Tacoma, Washington, where he has practised r>93 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 since that date. For the last three years he has acted locally for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway in the matter of buying land, examining titles, securing fran- chises, and trying condemnation suits; and he has also made something of a specialty of corporation law, being attorney for a large number of manufacturing, mercantile, and bank- ing corporations. Since 1888 he has been trustee and at- torney of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, which is in the lumber-manufacturing and coal-mining business. An address before the State Bar Association of Washing- ton, entitled "Admiralty Law," and one before the State Bankers' Association on "Negotiable Instruments" were published in the respective proceedings of those bodies. He has also been a contributor to local papers on his notes of travel, etc. He is a member of the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce, the Tacoma Country Club, the Union and Uni- versity clubs of Tacoma, the Historical Society of the State of Washington, the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, the Sons of the American Revolu- tion, the Loyal Legion, the Washington State Bar Associa- tion, and other local organizations. He is also trustee of the First Congregational Church of Tacoma. In golf he has attained considerable local celebrity, having held the club championship for several years. Griggs was married on June 15, 1904. The wedding took place in Tacoma, and the bride was Elvira Caroline Ingersoll, daughter of Avery Melvin Ingersoll and Harriet Leavenworth. Colonel Jesse Henry Leavenworth, her grandfather, and General Henry Leavenworth, her great- grandfather, were graduates of West Point. Griggs has two children, Herbert Stanton, born in Tacoma in January, 1906, and Chauncey Leavenworth, born in Tacoma in July, 1909. His business address is Fidelity Building, and his resi- dence is 923 North Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, Washington. 0703 BIOGRAPHIES * Alfred Chapman Hand, the son of Horace C. Hand, was born in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, on June 19, 1859, and prepared for college at Williston Seminary, Easthamp- Alfred Chapman Hand ton, Massachusetts. He was a member of the Kappa Sigma Epsilon campaign committee, played on the class baseball nine, and rowed in several Dunham crews. In junior year he was assistant treasurer of the Navy and in senior year busi- ness manager of the Record. He roomed throughout the course with Richards — freshman year in North Middle, sophomore year in Old Chapel, and the last two years in Farnam. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Scroll and Key. He spent the first year after graduation at Chicago and Marquette, Michigan, as a private tutor, and in the fall of 1883 he became an instructor in Williston Seminary. His C 2 7'3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 life there for two years was marked especially by his earnest- ness in Christian work, and while thus engaged he decided upon the ministry as his vocation. The summer of 1885 was spent in Europe, tramping Wales and Switzerland. That fall he entered Union Theological Seminary, New York, and was graduated in 1888. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Lackawanna, at Honesdale, Pennsylvania, and although urged to accept a pastorate in New York City, he chose a less conspicuous position, and accepted a call to the Church of the Covenant in Buffalo. A ministry full of promise was hardly begun when it was suddenly ended. Diabetes manifested itself, and on November 12 he preached his farewell sermon. He went abroad at once, to Carlsbad, and then to Cannes, and returned somewhat en- couraged in April, 1890. After alternations of compara- tive strength and feebleness he was attacked with the grippe in January, 1892, and died at Mansfield, Ohio, on March 13 of that year. On June 17, 1888, he married Sarah Lord Avery of Mansfield, Ohio. They had one son, Avery Chapman Hand, born on April 27, 1889, at Cannes. Years have passed — we have not forgotten him, and we will not, for quite unconsciously his influence for good was stamped on our lives, and in so far he lives in us. John Russell Hanlon is the son of Thomas O'Hanlon and Hannah Maria (Maps) O'Hanlon. The O'Hanlons were Irish, and came from the other side in the early part of the last century to live in New York. Our classmate's father was born in New York City on March 24, 1832, was gradu- ated from Princeton in 1863, held the degrees of D.D. and LL.D., and spent most of his life (thirty-three years) as president of Pennington Seminary, at Pennington, New Jer- BIOGRAPHIES sey. His parents were John O'Hanlon and Catherine Lan- ders of Ireland. Hanlon's mother was the daughter of Wil- liam Russell Maps and Mary A. Tucker of Long Branch, John Russell Hanlon New Jersey. She was born in Long Branch on September 14, 1834, and her ancestors were from England. Hanlon had the following college graduates in his family: a brother, Thomas Hanlon, Jr., Yale 1889 ; another brother, J. Thorn- ley Hanlon, Princeton 1899; a cousin, John Hanlon, Prince- ton 1897; another cousin, J. Norris Atkinson, New York University 1899; an uncle, John Hanlon, Wesleyan College 1864; and another cousin, Thomas H. Atkinson, Wesleyan 1892. Hanlon was born on September 3, 1858, in Berlin, New Jersey, and spent his early life in Trenton and Pennington, being graduated from Pennington Seminary in 1878. For C 2 73] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 one year he attended Dickinson College and for one year he was at Wesleyan University; but when his sophomore year was over, he left Wesleyan and entered Yale with '82 in the beginning of junior year. He roomed with Blumley in North Middle, and belonged to Delta Kappa Epsilon. Immediately after graduation he became teacher in Pen- nington Seminary, having charge of the department of Latin and Greek and the sciences. At the end of two years he became vice-principal of the institution, taking charge of the department of mathematics. He remained there in this capacity until the spring of 1900, when he went to Cali- fornia. He has been engaged for the past nine years in high-school work, three years as principal of the Dinuba High School, Dinuba, California, later as principal of the Glenn County High School, Willows, California, and is now principal of the Santa Ynez High School. His oldest child, Russell Yale, born in 1883, is Class Boy. He is now a mining engineer of a London mining company, and is located in Korea. His second child, John Nelson, is a student in the University of California. He also ex- pects to become a mining engineer, and eventually to take up his work in Korea with his brother. Hanlon visited Europe in the summer of 1888, traveling through England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, and Switzerland. He is a Methodist and a Mason. On December 27, 1882, at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, he married Lida Davis Lillagore, daughter of Theodore Washington Lillagore and Margaret Hickman. Mrs. Han- lon is of Danish ancestry. Her grandfather, Theodore Lillagaard, was a man of wealth and a graduate of a Dan- ish university. Her brother, Theodore Nelson Lillagore, was graduated from Yale in 1891. The Hanlon children are: Russell Yale (class boy), born on October 24, 1883; John Nelson, born on March 3, 1887; Marguerite Hick- man, born on August 9, 1890; Marie Maps, born on De- C 2 74] BIOGRAPHIES cember 6, 1894; and Laura May, born on March 26, 1898; all in Pennington, New Jersey. John prepared for college in the Glenn County High School at Willows, and is in the class of 1 9 10 at the University of California. Marguerite graduated from the Glenn County High School in the class of 1909, and also has entered the University of California. His address is Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara County, Cali- fornia. Charles Burnell Hawkes is the son of Charles M. Hawkes and Susan A. (Whitney) Hawkes. Charles M. Charles Burnell Hawkes Hawkes was born in 1831 at Windham, Maine, but spent most of his life as a business man in Portland, and thereafter in New Haven, and died at Denver, Colorado, on June 21, 1904. His family was of English origin, his ancestors com- ing to this country in 1630 and settling in Massachusetts. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Mrs. Hawkes was born in Vermont in 1826, and died in New York City on May 28, 1906. Her family was also of English origin, having come to this country and settled at Three Rivers, Canada, early in the last century. Hawkes was born on April 24, 1859, at Portland, Maine, and lived there until 1875, when he moved to New Haven with his family, and prepared for Yale at the Hopkins Grammar School, entering college first with the class of '81, and joining '82 in junior year. He was a member of Delta Kappa. After graduation he entered the Yale Law School, and took the degree of LL.B. in 1883. He then settled in To- peka, Kansas, where he practised law until the fall of 1886, when he returned to New Haven and took the graduate course at the Yale Law School, receiving the degree of M.L. in 1887. He was admitted to the bar in Connecticut and also in Kansas in 1883, and in New York in 1890, about which time he settled in New York City, where he has since remained practising his profession. He is a Republican, and writes that he "has been working hard and occasionally having a little fun." On January 21, 1890, in New York City, he married Julia A. Burrell. They have no children. His business address is 256 Broadway, New York City, and his residence is 540 West One Hundred and Twelfth Street, New York City. Charles Samuel Hebard is the son of Charles Hebard and Mary Cornelia (Case) Hebard. Charles Hebard was born on January 9, 1831, at Lebanon, Connecticut, and, like his son, was a lumberman. He died at Chestnut Hill, Phil- adelphia, on June 11, 1902. The grandparents on this side of the family were Learned Hebard and Persis Elizabeth Strong, both of Lebanon, Connecticut. Their ancestors BIOGRAPHIES came from England in 1636 and settled in Massachusetts. Hebard's mother was the daughter of Samuel Case and Euphemia Case of Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania. In the Charles Samuel Hebard Hebard connection, Alfred Hebard, a great-uncle, Albert Hebard and Daniel Hebard, uncles, and Daniel Hebard, a brother, were Yale graduates. Hebard was born in Tobyhanna on December 6, i860, and, after spending the first eight years of his life there, went with his parents to Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and finally, in 1878, to Pequaming, Michigan. He meantime was prepared for college at Williston Seminary. He en- tered Yale with the class in freshman year, and roomed with Storrs the first tw r o years, and with Hower the last two. He was on the class baseball nine, consolidated ball nine, the class tug-of-war, and was a substitute on the 'varsity base- [>77] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ball nine and football team. He held the middle-weight wrestling championship for two years. His societies were Delta Kappa, Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and he is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. Since graduation he has been in the lumber-manufactur- mg business at Pequaming, although he spends much of each year in the East, for he has homes at Chestnut Hill, Phila- delphia, and Thomasville, Georgia. He is a Republican in politics, and a junior warden in the Church of St. Thomas at Thomasville. He married Hannah Jeanette Morgan, daughter of David Morgan and Jeanette Evans, on September 30, 1885, in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Hebard's ancestors were Welsh. A son, Morgan Hebard, was born in Cleveland on Febru- ary 23, 1887. He prepared at the Asheville School, Ashe- ville, North Carolina, and was graduated at Yale in the class of 1 9 10. His address is Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. Theodore Holland is the son of Josiah Gilbert Holland and Elizabeth Luna (Chapin) Holland. Holland's father was of English origin. His mother belonged to the Spring- field Chapins, who were of English and Huguenot ancestry. The Holland ancestors are believed to have come over from London in 1630. They settled in the Plymouth Colony, and afterward at Watertown, Massachusetts. Holland's grand- parents were Harrison Holland of Belchertown, Massachu- setts, and Anna Gilbert of Hebron, Connecticut. Their son, our classmate's father, was born on July 24, 18 19, at Belchertown. He was a graduate of the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and wrote several books and many poems. He was one of the editors of the Spring- field Republican, helped found Scribner's Magazine (which became the Century), and was its editor up to the time of BIOGRAPHIES his death, which occurred on October 12, 1881, in New York City. Holland's mother was born on July 3, 1825, in Springfield, Massachusetts, a daughter of Whitfield Chapin. Theodore Holland She died on April 26, 1896, in South Orange, New Jersey. The Chapin ancestors came to this country in 1630 and set- tled at Roxbury, Massachusetts. They were among the early settlers of Springfield. "Deacon Samuel" Chapin was honored by a statue in that city. Holland was born on December 7, 1859, at Springfield. He made his home in that city until 1871, when his father moved to New York City. Two years of his boyhood he spent in Europe (1868-69), visiting England, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. He was edu- cated at Monsieur Paulmier's school in Lausanne, Switzer- land (1869), at " tne Gunnery" in Washington, Connecti- C 2 79] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 cut, and at Williston Seminary, from the last of which he was graduated in 1878. For the first three years in college he roomed at Mrs. Lockwood's on Elm Street, and in senior year in Durfee with Hopkins. He belonged to no athletic teams, but was one of the first to organize a lawn-tennis club. He was a class historian, and a member of the Uni- versity Club, Delta Kappa, and Delta Kappa Epsilon. Of his later career he writes: "After graduation I enrolled myself as a law student in the Columbia Law School, New York, and entered the office of Messrs. Richards & Heald to combine practical with theoretical work, as was the requirement for a two years' course. In June, 1884, I passed my final examination and was admitted to the bar in New York. "During the following year I became interested in some patents for the manufacture of 'water-gas,' and became the secretary of a company that started out with great promise. Our career was cut short by losing a patent suit, and we were forced to retire gracefully from the business. "This occupied most of my time up to 1888. In that year I was seized with a sudden longing to follow the advice of Horace Greeley, and selected Denver as the objective point. I was delighted with the climate and people and decided to settle there. "The law never appealed to me. I lacked the elements that go to make a successful lawyer. Soon after reaching Denver I investigated a land scheme that some of my new- made friends were embarking on and went into it. The lands that we bought were located at Buena Vista, a very pretty mountain town, lying in the Arkansas valley at the foot of the 'College Peaks' — Mounts Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. I resided for some time in Buena Vista. Na- ture has always appealed to me, but after studying the situ- ation I decided that man cannot live on scenery, and sold out my holdings to advantage and returned to Denver. C280] BIOGRAPHIES "In 1 89 1 I married Florence Olmsted Ward, daughter of the Hon. Jasper D. Ward, and I never did a better thing. I thought so then, and after sixteen years I think so still. Judge Ward and I mined together for some time, but with- out success. We were among the early ones to exploit Crip- ple Creek in a small way. That was in 1893. You couldn't go into camp in a Pullman car then, but had a long pull over the mountains in an old 'Concord' or a mud wagon behind six. It was an interesting trip with Keno on the box, but it was cold in winter. I once had the pleasure of a trip down the side of a mountain, six horses and all, when we slipped off the road in turning out for an ore-wagon in a snow- storm. I have been knocked unconscious by a windlass handle. I have been bucked off into the dry bed of a moun- tain creek, and I think there are some rocks still embedded in my back. These are trivial matters, but go to show some of the incidents of a life not wholly free from variety. "There were born to me twin daughters on April 15, 1892. November 16, 1900, the boy arrived. We named him Jo- siah Gilbert Holland after his grandfather. I hope to see him a Yale man. "A good many trials beset me at this time. My daughter Elizabeth succumbed to pneumonia on April 25, 1901, and in 1902 I suffered a severe breakdown with nervous pros- tration, from which I did not recover for nearly two years. Finding that the confinement of a law office would not do, I took up real estate. I have been in that business since, and was, for a time, connected with the Eden Irrigation & Land Company, a corporation operating under the Carey Act in western Wyoming. I am now doing a general real estate and investment business. I find Denver a delightful place to live in, but regret that it is so far away from old friends and associations." Holland was originally a Presbyterian, but joined the Episcopal Church in 1896 and has been a vestryman in St. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Barnabas' Church in Denver for the past nine years. He is a member of the Denver Country Club. He was married on June 3, 1891, at Denver, to Florence Olmsted Ward, daughter of Jasper D. Ward and Emma J. Raworth. The Wards and the Raworths were both of English origin, the parents of Emma Raworth coming from England direct. The Hollands have had three children: Elizabeth and Barbara, twins, born on April 15, 1892, in Denver, and Josiah Gilbert, born on November 16, 1900, in the same city. Elizabeth died on April 25, 1901. His business address is 325 Cooper Building, and his residence is 1337 East Fourteenth Avenue, Denver, Colo- rado. Samuel Cornell Hopkins is the son of Henry H. Hop- kins and Mary E. (Cornell) Hopkins. On both his father's and mother's side he is of English descent. The Hopkins family settled in Saybrook, Connecticut, at an early day, and the Cornell family settled in Westchester County, New York, in 1646. Hopkins was born in New York City on February 9, 1859. He attended school in New York City and Catskill, New York, was at St. Paul's from 1874 to 1876, and went from there to Williston Seminary, whence he was graduated in 1877. He entered '81, but joined '82 in freshman year. Throughout his college course he roomed with Holland, first at 155 Elm Street and afterward in Durfee. For the entire course of four years Hopkins played first base on the university nine, and filled that position probably with greater expertness than any man who has ever stood on that bag for Yale before or since. He was a member of the Univer- sity Club, Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Scroll and Key. After graduation Hopkins was engaged for a while in C2823 BIOGRAPHIES banking, and traveled extensively through Europe and South America, as well as Egypt and the West India Islands. He is a member of the University Club, Vale Samuel Cornell Hopkins Club, Graduates' Club of New Haven, and the American Yacht Club. In 1897 he married Mary Howland Pell of New York, and has two children, both boys: Samuel C, Jr., born Oc- tober 11, 1899, and Howland Pell, born October 21, 1906. His address is Catskill, New York. Henry Clarke Jefferds is the son of George Payson Jefferds and Caroline Elizabeth (Gay) Jefferds. His father was a Maine physician who practised most of his days in HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Kennebunkport and Bangor. Born on May 7, 18 16, the father was graduated from Bowdoin College with the de- gree of A.B. in 1838, and received his degree of M.D. in Henry Clarke Jefferds 1844. He died in Bangor on May 9, 1904. The grand- parents were William Jefferds and Sarah Walker. Jef- ferds' mother was born on May 6, 1825, in Nashua, New Hampshire, the daughter of Ira Gay and Mary White of Nashua. Jefferds was born on November 28, i860, at Kennebunk- port, but moved to Bangor while a boy. There he attended the public schools, and was graduated from the high school in 1878. He entered college with the rest of us in freshman year, and roomed with Dillingham, the first year on College Street and in West Divinity, the second in West Divinity, and the last two in Durfee. He was a member of the senior O843 BIOGRAPHIES class supper committee, of Delta Kappa, Psi Upsilon, and the University Club. He studied medicine after graduation at the Hahnemann Medical College, being graduated with honors in 1885 as an M.D. He then served for eighteen months in the Homeopathic Hospital on Ward's Island, New York City, at the same time taking a graduate course in the Polyclinic. From August, 1886, to November, 1889, he practised medi- cine in Bangor, Maine, and then moved to Portland, Ore- gon, where he has lived ever since, making a specialty of surgery and achieving a noteworthy success in it. He is a member of the Portland University Club, the Waverly Golf Club, the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, City and State Medical Societies, the American Medical Association, and the American Institute of Homeopathy. He is surgeon to the Portland Homeopathic Hospital, to the Oregon Iron & Steel Company, to the Eastern & Western Lumber Company, and to the Children's Home; assistant surgeon in the Oregon Na- tional Guard; and assistant medical director of the Colum- bia Life & Trust Company of Oregon. He has contributed to medical journals. He is unmarried. His business address is Corbett Building, and his resi- dence is the Hobart-Curtis, Portland, Oregon. * Barclay Johnson was the son of J. Augustus Johnson and Sarah B. Johnson. He was born on August 8, 1 861, in Beirut, Syria, where his father was then United States Con- sul. He was prepared for college at Mr. Siglar's School in Newburgh, New York, and was graduated at Yale with the highest honors and with the warm affection of all who had known him well. He was a member of the Kappa Sigma Epsilon campaign committee and w r as in junior year on the HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 board of governors of the University Club. He won the first mathematical prize in freshman year, also a Berkeley premium. In sophomore year he won a composition prize Barclay Johnson and the second mathematical prize. At commencement he delivered the valedictory oration. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. After graduation he held the Larned scholarship for a year, and pursued a course of non-professional studies in the Graduate Department of the college. He was also, during this period, connected for a short time with the Yale Law School. The following year he entered the Columbia Law School and the law office of Alexander & Green, New York. For nearly two years he devoted himself with the closest application to his studies, allowing himself but very little BIOGRAPHIES recreation. He died suddenly, in Greenwich, Connecticut, on April 21, 1885, in his twenty-fourth year. Our foremost scholar, a true gentleman, with so many noble and endearing characteristics, beloved by us all, so full of great promise — his early death was a shock and sorrow to the entire class. Frank Albert Kellogg is the son of Henry Kellogg and Harriet Helen (Caldwell) Kellogg. Henry Kellogg was an inventor, a California "forty-niner," and a man of Frank Albert Kellogg interesting Civil War experiences. He lived in New Hart- ford, Connecticut, until, at the time gold was discovered, he was sent to California as president of a trading company. There he lived until about 1856. A contract to supply the HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 government with brick for fortifications took him to Wash- ington just before the Civil War. Some of the first patents on machines for roller shafting were in his name. He died at New Haven, Connecticut, on December 20, 1894. Kel- logg's grandfather was Isaac Kellogg of New Hartford, Connecticut, and his grandmother was Aurilla Barney of Tyringham, Massachusetts. The family came from Eng- land and settled in Massachusetts, and the "Kellogg Book" indicates descent from Governor Bradford of that colony. Kellogg' s mother was born on May 18, 1823, and was the daughter of Joseph Caldwell and Sarah Stone Howe of Barre, Massachusetts. She died on August 16, 1886, at New Haven. Her ancestors also were of English descent and were among the early Massachusetts settlers. Two uncles were graduates of Wesleyan, and his brother, H. J. Kellogg, was a graduate of the Sheffield Scientific School in the class of ' 74 . Kellogg was born on March 26, 1859, at Hartford, Con- necticut, where he lived two years. He then moved to New Haven, where he lived till 1869; then to Milford, Connec- ticut, where he remained till 1877; and finally to New Haven, where he stayed till 1888. He prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School, and passed the entrance examinations for the Yale class of '80, but did not enter college till the autumn of 1878 with our class. He roomed at home throughout the four years, and was a member of Delta Kappa and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After one term as a "special" in Shelf., he entered the Yale Law School, from which he was graduated in 1885 and was then admitted to the Connecticut bar. He was employed in the State attorney's office in New Haven in 1887, assisting at some of the criminal terms. In March, 1888, however, he went to New York and entered the employ of D. W. Granbery & Company, and later went to A. G. Spalding & Brother, also writing on lawn-tennis topics for the New C2883 BIOGRAPHIES York Herald and for Outing. He was on the regular Out- ing staff from 1892 to 1895, edited a weekly tennis paper during the summer, and was a contributor to Harper's Young People. After a year on the Bachelor of Arts he secured a position with the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com- pany as an assistant to its chief engineer. In [903 he was appointed inspector in the Bureau of Highways, Brooklyn, which position he now holds. He is a member of the Epis- copal Church, and from 1903 to 1905 he was clerk and vestryman at St. Timothy's Church in Brooklyn. Now he is a member of St. Paul's Church, Brooklyn. In politics, once a Mugwump, then a Gold Democrat, he is now a Re- publican. He married Caroline Foote Kilbourne on June 4, 1900, in New York City. Mrs. Kellogg's parents were Edward Kilbourne of Keokuk, Iowa, and Caroline Amelia Foote of Middle Haddam, Connecticut. One child, Helen Kilbourne Kellogg, who was born on March 1, 1902, in Darien, Con- necticut, died on August 5, 1902, in Brooklyn, New York. His business address is Bureau of Highways, Brooklyn, and his residence is 654 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, New York. John Prescott Kellogg is the son of Stephen Wright Kellogg and Lucia Hosmer (Andrews) Kellogg. His father was a graduate of Yale in 1846 and a distinguished member of the Connecticut bar. Stephen Wright Kellogg was born on April 5, 1822, in Shelburne, Massachusetts, but spent most of his life in Waterbury, Connecticut, where he died on January 27, 1904. He received the degree of M.A. from Yale in 1849. His parents were Jacob Pool Kellogg and Lucy Prescott Wright of Shelburne, and his ancestors came from Yorkshire, England, in 1640, and set- tled in Boston. Our classmate's mother was born on March HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1 1, 1829, in Buffalo, the daughter of Major Andre Andrews and Sarah M. Hosmer of Middletown, Connecticut, and was brought up in Meriden, Connecticut. Her ancestors John Prescott Kellogg were also English, having come from Somersetshire, Eng- land, in 1630, to settle at Dorchester, Massachusetts, and later, in 1636, at Windsor, Connecticut. The following ancestors or kinsmen have been college graduates : Stephen Wright Kellogg, father, Yale 1846; Charles P. Kellogg, brother, Yale 1890; Frank W. Kellogg, brother, United States Naval Academy 1879; John Kellogg, uncle, United States Military Academy 1849; Stephen Titus Hosmer, great-grandfather, Yale 1782, M.A. Yale 1790, LL.D. Yale 1823; Titus Hosmer, great-great-grandfather, Yale 1757, M.A. Yale; Samuel Holden Parsons, great-great- grandfather, Harvard 1756, M.A. Yale 1781; Stephen [>9o] BIOGRAPHIES Hosmer, great-great-great-grandfather, Yale 1732, M.A. Yale; Jonathan Parsons, great-great-great-grandfather, Yale 1729, M.A. Princeton 1762. Kellogg was born in Waterbury, Connecticut, on March 31, i860. He prepared for college at the Hopkins Gram- mar School and the Waterbury English and Classical School. In college he played on the class nine, and was financial editor of the Courant. He was on the Delta Kappa campaign committee, and also belonged to Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Scroll and Key, and the University Club. In freshman year he roomed with Scranton in West Divinity, and during sophomore year in the same dormitory with FitzGerald. In junior and senior years FitzGerald and he roomed in Durfee. He studied at the Yale Law School and was graduated in 1884, and began the practice of law with Kellogg, Burpee & Kellogg in Waterbury. From 1893 to I 9°4 trie firm was Kellogg & Kellogg, and since the death of his father, in 1904, he has practised alone. He was town attor- ney from 1 891 to 1895, prosecuting attorney from 1891 to 1893, prosecuting attorney of the District Court of Waterbury from 1893 t0 1 896, city attorney from 1896 to 1907, and was reelected on May 6, 1907, for a further term of two years. He has been assistant State's attorney at Waterbury since 1897, appointed by the judges of the Superior Court, and was reappointed on June 7, 1909, for a further term of two years. He is a Republican, and has been chairman of the Republican Town Committee ( 1 896— 1906) and president of the Board of Councilmen (1891- 93). He was captain and aide-de-camp, Brigade Staff, Connecticut National Guard, from 1890 to 1892, and cap- tain commanding Company A, Second Regiment, Connecti- cut National Guard, from 1892 to 1893. He belongs to the University Club of New York, the Graduates' Club of New Haven, the Waterbury Club, the Sons of the American C 2 90 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Revolution, the Society of Colonial Wars, the Free and Accepted Masons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is trustee of the Bronson Library and St. Margaret's School of Waterbury. On June I, 1892, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, he mar- ried Clara Mason, daughter of Frederick A. Mason and Clara Davol Sanders. A brother of Mrs. Kellogg, Fred- erick G. Mason, is a graduate of Yale '01. The Kellogg children are: Fredrika Mason, born on January 23, 1894; Elizabeth Hosmer, born on February 23, 1899; and Rose- mary, born on February 16, 1902, all in Waterbury. His business address is Waterbury Savings Bank Build- ing, and his residence is 144 Buckingham Street, Waterbury, Connecticut. James Henry Kingman is the son of George Frederick Kingman and Betsey Whiting (Metcalf) Kingman. King- man is of English ancestry. His grandfather was a soldier in the War of 1812, and his great-grandfather was killed in the Revolutionary War. His father was born on Febru- ary 17, 1822, in Mansfield, Massachusetts. His parents were Henry Kingman and Nancy Carpenter. He attended the academy in Franklin, Massachusetts, spent his life as a merchant in New Bedford, and died in the latter place in April, 1898. The ancestors on this side of the family came from Weymouth, England, and settled in Weymouth, Massachusetts, in May, 1635. Our classmate's mother was born in Franklin, Massachusetts, on July 23, 1825, the daughter of Whiting Metcalf and Betsey Dean of Frank- lin. The Metcalf ancestors came from Tottenham, Norfolk County, England, about 1638, and settled in Dedham, Massachusetts. Betsey Metcalf's great-grandfather, James BIOGRAPHIES Metcalf, was a minute-man at Lexington, and fought through the Revolutionary War. His son, James Metcalf, Jr., fought for four years in the same war. The father was James Henry Kingman a lieutenant-colonel, the son a sergeant, in the same regi- ment, the Fourth Massachusetts Militia of Suffolk County. Kingman's brother was in Amherst '78. He himself was born on May 13, i860, in New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he received his education at the high school. In freshman year he roomed on Crown Street, in sophomore year in North Middle, and in junior year in Far- nam, all the time with Haskell. In senior year he roomed with Beede in Farnam. He was a member of Delta Kappa and the class debating society. "After leaving college," writes Kingman, "I studied medi- cine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia), C 2 93 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 receiving my degree of M.D. there in 1885. I then served on the house staff of Bellevue Hospital, and was house phy- sician there for six months. "After leaving the hospital I was city physician in New Bedford for two years. I settled in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, for general practice in 1889, and remained there for fourteen years. Was one of the board of incorporators of the proposed Pawtucket Hospital. Was secretary for two years of the Providence Medical Association. "Removed to Middletown, Connecticut, in 1903. Am now visiting surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital, and vice- president of the Medical Board. Last year was secretary of the University Club here. Have written various medical papers, but have done no extensive writing. Was formerly member of Rhode Island Society of Sons of the American Revolution. Am an honorary member of the Pawtucket Medical Association and the Medical Science Club of Paw- tucket, Rhode Island." He is also a member of the American Medical Associa- tion, the Connecticut Medical Society, the Central Medical Association of Middletown, and the University Club of Middletown. When he lived in Massachusetts and Rhode Island he was a member of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, the Rhode Island Medical Society, the Providence and Pawtucket Medical Associations, the Medical Science Club, and the Providence Athletic Club. He is a member of Trinity Church (Episcopal) in Middletown, and a Re- publican. He married Fanny A. Terry, in New Bedford, on No- vember 19, 1889. She died on December 29 of the same year, of typhoid fever. On July 6, 1899, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, he married Mary Tarleton Cheever, daughter of John H. Cheever, who was a lineal descendant of Ezekiel Cheever, a noted pedagogue in colonial times and instrumental in the early development of Harvard 094:1 BIOGRAPHIES University. He has one child, Carolyn, born on June 13, 1904, in Middletown, Connecticut. His address is 159 Broad Street, Middletown, Con- necticut. Alfred Beard Kittredge is the son of Russell Herbert Kittredge and Frances (Holmes) Kittredge. His father was born on October 25, 1835, at Nelson, New Hampshire, Alfred Beard Kittredge and spent most of his life as a farmer in that town and East Jaffrey, New Hampshire. He is still living. His parents were Herbert Kittredge of Nelson, New Hampshire, and Nancy Livermore of Alston, New Hampshire. His family was of English origin and came from England to settle in New Hampshire. Kittredge's mother was born on March [295:3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 30, 1836, at Nashua, New Hampshire, and spent her early life at Nashua and Nelson. She is also still living. Kittredge was born on March 28, 1861, at Nelson, where he spent his time until November, 1877, when he moved to East Jaffrey, New Hampshire. He prepared for college at the public schools, and entered with the class in 1878. He roomed with J. S. Havens on High Street and in Old Chapel until Christmas vacation sophomore year, when the latter left college on account of illness, and with Billings in junior and senior years in Durfee. After graduation he studied law for a year in an office in Keene, New Hampshire, and then entered the senior class of the Yale Law School in September, 1884, being gradu- ated in June, 1885. Soon after that he moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Always taking an active interest in politics, he was for a number of years the Republican leader in his State and a member of the Republican National Committee. He was chairman of the county committee in 1888, and State Senator for two terms beginning 1889. He was United States Senator from 1901 to 1909, and is an authority on the Panama Canal. One of Kittredge's chief characteristics is his taciturnity. "Gee!" a man who knows him well is quoted as saying, "I had a great conversation with Kittredge last night. I was with him for two hours, and he actually said seventy-five words." 1 Howard Hoyt Knapp is the son of James Henry Knapp and Mariette (Hoyt) Knapp. His father was born on May 9, 1832, at New York City, and spent most of his life in Danbury and South Norwalk, Connecticut, where he was a 1 While the book was in press Kittredge died in Hot Springs, Arkansas, on May 4, 191 1, after a month's illness. BIOGRAPHIES manufacturer of hats. His parents were James Knapp of New York City and Martha Bailey. Knapp's mother was born on February 9, 1836, at Danbury, Connecticut, where 3* 4 F£' fl Howard Hoyt Knapp she spent her early life. She was the daughter of Starr Hoyt of Bethel, Connecticut, and Sally Maria Nichols of Danbury. She died at South Norwalk on October 1 1, 1894. Jonathan Knapp, a great-grandfather of our classmate, served as captain in the Revolutionary War. His brother, James Hoyt Knapp, is a graduate of Yale in the class of •96. Knapp was born April 18, 1861, at South Norwalk, Con- necticut, where he lived before entering college. He at- tended Dr. Fitch's School in that town in the seventies, and was graduated from the Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven, Connecticut, in 1878. He entered Yale with the C 2 97 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 class in that year, and roomed during his course with Hull and Badger. He was end rush on the Varsity football team, and a substitute on the 'varsity crew. He was a member of the Glee Club, and his societies were Kappa Sigma Epsi- lon, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. After graduation he studied law at the Yale Law School. He was admitted to the bar in June, 1884, and in September went into the office of Seymour & Seymour, attorneys, Bridgeport, Connecticut. The firm consisted of Edward W. Seymour, Yale '53, and Morris W. Seymour, Yale '66. On January 1, 1887, he became a partner of Morris W. Seymour, under the name of Seymour & Knapp, but later the partnership was dissolved and he practised alone. From the time of his admission to the bar until he was married he lived at his old home in South Norwalk, and during the win- ter of 1884-85 had some thrilling experiences in connection with labor troubles. For several months both by day and night he assisted in guarding property and men, and had many exciting adventures, having, among other experiences, the sensation of a dynamite explosion which blew out the end of the building where he slept. He was corporation counsel for the city of Bridgeport in 1893-94 and was coun- sel to the commissioner of Fairfield County. He was trea- surer of the Fairfield County Library Association from 1894 to 1900. He is on the board of directors of the Boys' Club, Bridgeport, member of the grievance committee of the Fair- field County Bar, and instructor in Connecticut practice at the Yale Law School. He was also a member of the execu- tive committee of the Connecticut Civil Service Reform Association. He was for three years a member of the Board of Apportionment and Taxation of Bridgeport, and in December, 1899, was unanimously elected president of the board. He is a member of the Yale Club of New York, the Graduates' Club of New Haven, the University Club of Bridgeport, of which he was elected president in 1905, BIOGRAPHIES and belongs to the Hockammer Golf Club of Westport, Connecticut. He was elected president of the class at our twentieth, and reelected at our twenty-fifth reunion. On February 9, 1888, at Hartford, Connecticut, he mar- ried Emily Hale Perkins, daughter of Charles E. Perkins and Lucy Adams Perkins. They have had two children: Howard Knapp, born on April 17, 1891 (died in infancy), and Farwell Knapp, born on November 18, 1893, both at Bridgeport. The latter is a member of the class of 191 1 in the Taft School. He left Bridgeport in 1907, and at present his address is Hartford, Connecticut. George WILLIAM Lay is the son of Henry Champlin Lay and Elizabeth Withers (Atkinson) Lay. Henry Champlin Lay was born on December 6, 1823, at Richmond, Virginia. He spent his life in Virginia, at Huntsville, Alabama, Little Rock, Arkansas, and Easton, Maryland. He received an M.A. from the University of Virginia in 1842, and was graduated from the Episcopal Theological Seminary of Alexandria, Virginia, in 1846. He also received a D.D. from Hobart College in 1857, a D.D. from William and Mary College, and an LL.D. from Cambridge, England, in 1869. On October 23, 1859, ne was consecrated as bishop. He died in Baltimore, Maryland, on September 17, 1885. His parents were John Olmstead Lay of Richmond, Vir- ginia, and Anna Lucy Fitzhugh May of Powhatan Seat, near Richmond. The family was of English origin, and his ancestors came to this country from Lyme, England, about 1648, and settled at Lyme, Connecticut, which was formerly known as Laysville. Lay's mother was born on January 8, 1827, at Poplar Hill, Dinwiddie County, Vir- ginia, and spent her early life at Petersburg, Virginia, and in Lunenburg County. She was the daughter of Roger Ben- C 2 99] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 son Atkinson of Sherwood, Lunenburg County, Virginia, and Mary Timberlake Withers of Poplar Hill, Dinwiddie County, Virginia. Her family was also of English origin. George William Lay Her ancestor, Roger Atkinson, came from Whitehaven, England, between 1725 and 1753, and settled at Mansfield, Dinwiddie County, Virginia. Beirne Lay, a brother, is a graduate of Yale in the class of '84. Lay was born on February 26, i860, at Huntsville, Ala- bama. He lived in that town, and Fort Smith and Little Rock, Arkansas, until 1869, and from 1869 to 1885 he was in Easton, Maryland, except while he was away at school and college. He studied at home and attended the local school until 1876, when he went to St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, and entered our class in junior year. He roomed with Pratt in North Middle junior year and in C300] BIOGRAPHIES North senior year. He rowed on the Dunham four in the fall of 1880, stroked the class six in the spring and fall of 1 88 1, and won the class half-mile run that fall. I Ie was on the class graduation supper committee, won the second prize in the Winthrop Greek and Latin examination, and was a commencement speaker, his subject being "Socrates." He was a member of Psi Upsilon and Berkeley. He avers that, "considering I entered two years late, I was the best-treated man in '82." After commencement he attended the General Theologi- cal Seminary, from which he was graduated in 1885, and re- ceived his B.D. in 1886. He was ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church on June 5, 1885, and priest on April 27, 1886. His work as clergyman was carried on in Erie, Pennsylvania, from 1885 to 1887, in Newburgh, New York, from 1887 to 1888; and from that year until 1907 he was teacher in St. Paul's School at Concord, New Hamp- shire. From 1 90 1 to 1907 he was in charge of "The School," one of the three large buildings at St. Paul's. At one time he was advocated by some as the best man to be head master of the school. He was first alternate deputy from New Hampshire to the General Convention that met in Richmond, Virginia, in the fall of 1907, and served throughout its session. In June, 1907, he was appointed rector of St. Mary's School for girls at Raleigh, North Carolina, the diocesan school of the two Carolinas, where he is now living. He was correspondent of the hiving Church from 1883 to 1885, first in collaboration with Pres- cott Evarts and then alone. He was a member and secre- tary of the board of managers of the diocesan missions in the diocese of New Hampshire. In 1884 he visited Eng- land, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany, and in 1894 he traveled in England, Belgium, and France. On June 26, 1894, at Baltimore, Maryland, he married Anna Booth Balch, daughter of Rear-Admiral George D°0 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Beall Balch, United States Navy, and Mary Ellen Booth. Admiral Balch is descended from Stephen Bloomer Balch of Georgetown, District of Columbia, and also from Nin- ian Beall, who fought in the battle of Dunbar, Scotland, and later came to this country. The family is written up in the "Brook Book" of Edwin Willing Balch of Philadelphia. Mrs. Balch's father and grandfather were chief justices of Delaware. They have seven children, all born in Concord, New Hampshire, "all born Yankees!" he writes, with an ex- clamation-point. They are George Balch, born on May 4, 1895; Elizabeth Atkinson, born on April 6, 1897; Ellen Booth, born on March 17, 1899; Anna Rogers, born on June 3, 1901; Lucy Fitzhugh, born on April 24, 1903; Henry Champlin, born on September 1, 1905; and Virginia Harrison, born on May 16, 1907. The first is in the class of 1 9 13 at St. Paul's. The next four are in St. Mary's School. His address is Raleigh, North Carolina. Charles Henry Lewis is the son of William B. Lewis and Catherine E. (Spencer) Lewis. William Beecher Lewis was born August 9, 18 19, at Naugatuck, Connecticut, where he spent most of his life as a manufacturer, and died on Feb- ruary 25, 1885, in New York City. The family was of French Huguenot origin, his ancestors having come to this country from France, via Sandwich, England, in 1635, and settled at New London, Connecticut. Lewis' mother was born on September 2, 18 17, at Naugatuck, Connecticut, where she lived until her death on November 20, 1888. Her family was of English origin. The following ancestors and near kinsmen of Lewis were Yale graduates: Thomas Lewis, 1798; Edwin A. Lewis, 1870; Tracy S. Lewis, 1894 (Sheff.) ; Edwin T. Lewis, 1899. D° 2 3 BIOGRAPHIES Lewis was born April 8, 1857, at Naugatuck, Connecti- cut, and resided there before entering college, preparing at the Naugatuck High School, the South Berkshire Institute, Charles Henry Lewis and at Williston Seminary, entering '82 in the fall of 1878. He roomed with Bruce in North Middle and Durfee, and with Adams in Old Chapel during Bruce's absence from col- lege on account of illness. He was a member of the class- day committee and of the Yale Glee Club, also of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. After leaving Yale Lewis entered the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, whence he was graduated in 1884. He then served on the staff of St. Vincent's Hospital for eigh- teen months, the last six months as house physician and sur- geon. The following year was spent in Europe in study and D°3] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 travel, after which he returned to New York and did special work in the Carnegie Laboratory, and about one year later began active practice in New York City. For five years he was assistant physician in the out-patient department of Roosevelt Hospital, from which he resigned to organize a dispensary at St. Vincent's Hospital and to take charge of the medical division. Subsequently he became assistant attending physician at St. Vincent's Hospital, and for the past eight years he has been attending physician, and is at present a member of the executive committee of the medical board of that hospital. In 1892 he acted as one of the or- ganizers of the Columbus Hospital, and is now one of its attending physicians and vice-president of its medical board. Lewis is the author of numerous medical treatises published in different journals, and is a member of the University Club of New York, the New York Athletic Club, the American State and County Medical Associations, and various other professional organizations, and in 1904-05 he was the pres- ident of the Hospital Graduates' Club. He also served two terms as chairman of the medical section of the New York Academy of Medicine. He is not married. 1 Liang Tun Yen entered with the class in the autumn of 1878, was recalled by the Chinese government in the middle of junior year, but became so distinguished a diplomat in after life that his degree was voted him in 1907. At Yale he pitched on the freshman baseball team, and was a mem- ber of Kappa Sigma Epsilon. After his return to China he was sent to the Government School of Telegraphy at Tientsin. For a number of years he was private secretary of his Excellency Chang Chi-tung, 1 While the book was in press Lewis died suddenly of apoplexy on March 31, 1911. [304] BIOGRAPHIES Viceroy of Hukwang, at Wuchang. In 1903 he entered the customs service at Hankow, and two years later was transferred to Tientsin in the same service. He was then Liang Tun Yen deputed as the chief commissioner to inquire into the cause of the Niu-chuang massacre, which was causing trouble with France, and he managed to avert the danger of a serious breach and bring the affair to a peaceful conclusion. His creditable handling of that case brought him the promotion to the directorship of the Tientsin-Chinkiang Railway, with the power to raise funds for the construction of the proposed line. Before he was fairly launched on this work he was nominated to be Minister to the United States, but declined the appointment, and was made controller-general of the Imperial Maritime Customs, with a view to reinstating the control of the Chinese customs in the hands of the natives. D05] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 In conjunction with that office he accepted the position of junior vice-president of the Board of Foreign Affairs at Peking, which he held until he was recently elected president of the board. His diplomatic career has been most brilliant, and he is now one of the foremost figures in China. In 1908 he was sent to Amoy as one of the commission to welcome the visiting American fleet. He is said by an admiring friend to be the biggest man in China, and in charge of all her foreign relations, occupying a position corresponding to that of Secretary of State in the United States. His address is Board of Foreign Affairs, Peking, China. Charles Jonas Long is the son of Jonas Long, who came to this country about the year 1846, and, after living some years in Philadelphia, finally settled in Wilkes-Barre in i860, and died there in 1884. The family is of German origin. Long was born in Philadelphia on May 3, 1859, but was taken to Wilkes-Barre soon after, and went to the Wilkes- Barre public schools, the Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pennsylvania, and the Central High School of Philadelphia. Afterward, under Professor George Stuart, he was tutored for college, entering Yale in 1878. It was Long's idea to take up a professional career, but the death of his father soon after graduation drew him, along with his brothers, into the care of his father's busi- ness. He is now actively engaged in the management of Jonas Long's Sons' chain of department stores, and is a director of the Luzerne County Trust Company. Long has taken a deep interest in the public affairs of Wilkes-Barre. He is a member of the Wyoming Historical Society and a trustee of the Wilkes-Barre Board of Trade. He was chosen by the latter to represent it at the Commonwealth Do6n BIOGRAPHIES Congress and Export Exposition at Philadelphia, and was one of the deputation which welcomed President Roosevelt when he visited Wilkes-Barre in 1905. He has been a life- Charles Jonas Long long Republican, and was at one time treasurer of the Re- publican Eeague of Northeastern Pennsylvania. He has de- clined political preferment, although he has represented his State at national gatherings. He was three times selected as a representative to the National Prison Congress of the United States, twice appointed by Governor Stone, and again by Governor Pennypacker. At the Kansas City Congress he delivered an interesting address on "Prison Reform." He is unmarried. His business address is care of Jonas Long's Sons, and his residence is North River Street, Wilkes-Barre, Penn- sylvania. D°7] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Seymour Crane Loomis is the son of George Wells Loomis and Mary Ellen (Norton) Loomis. He is English on both sides of the family. The paternal ancestors were de- :-- Seymour Crane Loomis scended from Joseph Loomis, who came from Braintree, England, in 1638, and after a year in Boston settled in Windsor, Connecticut. Our classmate's grandparents in this line were John Wells Loomis of Suffield, Connecticut, and Eliza Whitney of Huntington, Massachusetts. His father was born on June 24, 1832, in Southwick, Massachu- setts, and lived most of his life in Suffield, attending Mr. Bird's School in Hartford in his youth. He was a merchant and manufacturer, and died on February 10, 1903. Loom- is' mother was born on June 6, 1836, in Suffield, the daugh- ter of Daniel W. Norton and Mindwell Pease. Her family C3083 BIOGRAPHIES came from Bedfordshire, England, in 1633, and settled at Ipswich, Massachusetts. Loomis was horn on November 12, 1861, in Suffield. At the age of twelve he entered the Connecticut Literary Insti- tution, from which he was graduated as valedictorian in 1878. During his college course he roomed at home with his parents. He was a member of Delta Kappa. The theory and practice of law had been a hobby with him in college to the extent of actually impelling his going to the law courts in his spare moments and following the cases. Consequently it was no surprise to his friends when, after being graduated from Yale, he entered the Law School and was graduated in 1884 an LL.B. cum laude. Meantime, from 1883 he worked in the office of a New Haven lawyer, John \Y. Ailing, Yale '62. For three years after graduation he w r as with Mr. Ailing, and from 1887 to 1893 practised with Judge William B. Stoddard. In the fall of 1893 he opened an office of his own, and this he still maintains. He has been engaged in general civil practice, largely in cases involving insurance and employers' and common carriers' liability, and the law of trusts and estates. Always inter- ested in politics, he was elected assistant city clerk of New Haven in 1885 and 1886; and in the latter part of 1886, during the illness and after the death of his superior, he was acting city clerk. In 1903 he was appointed executive secre- tary to Governor Morris and held that office for two years. As such he did for the State Executive Department the work now done by the attorney-general, an office since created by the Legislature. Loomis was the compiler and editor of the New Haven City Year-Books in 1885 and 1886, and has published many legal papers and addresses. He is a member of the United Church (Congregational), a Democrat, and a member of the Graduates' Club, the New Haven Country Club, the Yale Club of New York, the General Staff Association of [309] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Connecticut, the Democratic Club, the Connecticut Bar As- sociation, the American Bar Association, the local advisory committee of the American Health League, the Association for the Advancement of Science, Hiram Lodge No. i, Free and Accepted Masons, and the New Haven Chamber of Commerce. He is also president of the New Haven branch of the Sons of the American Revolution, president of the Congregational Club, president of a committee of citizens for the aid of New Haven charities, a director of the Organ- ized Charities, and secretary of the Citizens' Trust Com- pany. He visited Europe in 1887, the West Indies in 1906, and has traveled extensively in this country and Canada. On April 22, 1892, in New Haven, he married Catharine Canfield Northrop, daughter of Samuel Canfield Northrop and Caroline Tomlinson Bassett. Mrs. Loomis is descended from John Taylor, who came from England in the Rev. Ephraim Huit's company in 1639, and settled in Windsor, Connecticut. Among her ancestors were Dr. Amos Bassett, Yale 1784, a tutor and fellow of Yale; Dr. Nathaniel W. Taylor, Yale 1807, professor of theology in the Divinity School; and Dr. Martin Bull Bassett, Yale 1823, a Derby physician. His business address is 69 Church Street, and his resi- dence 294 Lawrence Street, New Haven, Connecticut. Martin Lovering is the son of Jonas Lovering and Re- becca H. (Lovejoy) Lovering. Jonas Lovering was born on October 1, 1807, at Sudbury, but spent most of his life at Harvard, Massachusetts, where he was a wheelwright and farmer, and where he died on April 30, 1893. His family was of English origin and came over and settled at West- minster. Lovering' s mother was born on October 24, 18 14, at Andover, being the daughter of James B. Lovejoy and D io 3 BIOGRAPHIES Hannah Bailey, and died on January 26, 1S96. Her family also was of English origin. Lovering was born on August 15, 1853, at Harvard, Martin Lovering Massachusetts, and spent his early life at Harvard and Andover. He was educated at the public schools of those towns, entering Appleton Academy at New Ipswich, New Hampshire, in December, 1875, and being graduated from that institution in 1877. Thereafter he entered Phillips Academy, Andover, and from there went to Yale, entering the class of '82 in the fall of 1878. During freshman and sophomore years he roomed with Kinley in North College and in the Treasury Building, in junior year with E. E. Smith in North Middle, and in senior year at 273 Whaley Avenue. After leaving college Lovering became a teacher, and car- C31O HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ried on his work uninterruptedly until June, 1904. About that time his health failed to some extent, and since then he has, as he expresses it, been rusticating on a farm. He writes as follows : "I come of a long-lived ancestry. Both grandmothers lived to be over ninety years old. My maternal grand- mother lived to be over ninety-nine years of age. I hope I may live as long and as worthily." Lovering is independent in politics, has been president of the Board of Education, is a member of the School Commit- tee of Carlisle, and, though a member of the Congrega- tional Church, has held the office of vestryman, church clerk, and church treasurer in an Episcopal church. He married on August 5, 1885, at New Rochelle, New York, Eva A. Archer, the daughter of Andrew Dean Archer and Charlotte St. John. They have three children, two boys and a girl, the oldest of whom, a boy, is now preparing for college in the Lowell High School. His address is Nashoba, Massachusetts. Fred Messenger Lowe is the son of Joseph G. and Sarah Elizabeth (Gerry) Lowe. Lowe's father was a building contractor of Fitchburg, Massachusetts. He was born in that city on June 11, 1824, and lost his life in Lawrence, Kansas, on the morning of Quantrell's Raid, August 21, 1863, in attempting to save the life of a friend. Joseph Lowe's parents were Daniel Lowe and Betsey Phelps. His wife, our classmate's mother, was born on November 29, 1829, in Sterling, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Joseph Gerry of Fitchburg and Eliza Holmes of Sterling. The Gerrys were Scotch. Mrs. Lowe died on April 25, 1887, in Arlington, Massachusetts. Lowe himself was born on March 22, 1859, in Lawrence, D I2 3 BIOGRAPHIES Kansas. He lived In Boston till 1874, and then in Fitchburg for two years. One year he spent at Westford Academy, and then went to the Fitchburg public schools till he entered Fred Messenger Lowe Phillips Exeter in 1877. He was there one year, and left the middle class to enter Yale. In freshman year he be- longed to Delta Kappa, and roomed with Marty, '79. In sophomore year Bronson and he were roommates, and in the last two years he roomed with Murphy. At the fall athletic meet in junior year he won the high kick with a record of 8 feet 4 inches. He was graduated from the Harvard Medical School in 1885, and entered upon his professional career in the West End of Boston. The chief examinership of a big insurance company came his way, and "proved a life-saver for five years." Having lived two years in the West End, he moved D T 3] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 to Beacon Hill, and from there to Boylston Street and Cop- ley Square. He spent considerable time in the Massachu- setts General Hospital and three years in one of the Boston hospitals devoted to surgical cases only. In 1897 he built his present home in Newton and has since lived there, giving his entire time to the practice of medicine and service on the staff of the Newton Hospital. He says that he has kept out of politics mostly, but that in 1901 and 1902, when he was nominated by both Republicans and Democrats, he simply had to serve on the Board of Aldermen of Newton for two terms. He was appointed city physician in 1909, which position he still retains. He is a member of the Massachu- setts Medical Association and secretary of the Newton Medical Club, a Republican in politics, and a member of the Unitarian Church. England, Germany, Holland, Switzer- land, France, and Belgium were visited by him in 1902, and he again visited England and Ireland the succeeding year. On December 14, 1887, in Arlington, Massachusetts, he married Amelia Frances Robbins, daughter of Alvin Rob- bins and Emma Frances De Blois. Mrs. Lowe's paternal ancestors took part in the battle of Lexington, one of them being Captain John Parker, who had charge of the minute- men. Another was Theodore Parker, the great American preacher, born in Lexington and buried in Florence, Italy. Lowe has one child: Gwendolen Robbins, born on July 1, 1890, in Arlington. She prepared for college in the class of 1908 at Newton High School, and is now a member of the sophomore class at Smith. His address is 1354 Washington Street, Newton, Massa- chusetts. Chester Wolcott Lyman is the son of Chester Smith Lyman and Delia Williams (Wood) Lyman. The father of our classmate was born on January 13, 18 14, in Man- BIOGRAPHIES Chester, Connecticut; was graduated from Yale in 1837; be- came successively teacher, minister, surveyor, and professor, the last-named in the Sheffield Scientific School for thirty- Chester Wolcott Lyman one years; was for twenty years president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; and died on January 30, 1890, in New Haven. His parents were Chester Lyman of Manchester and Mary Smith of East Hartford. The orig- inal Lyman American ancestor came to this country from Essex, England, in August, 1631, and settled at Charles- town, Massachusetts, later becoming one of the first settlers of Hartford, Connecticut. Lyman's mother was born on September 13, 18 19, in Stamford, Connecticut. She was the daughter of Joseph Wood of Stamford and later of New Haven, and Frances Ellsworth of Windsor, Connecti- cut, and she died on October 3, 1883, at Lake Mohonk, HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Ulster County, New York. Her ancestors came from York- shire, England, in 1630, and settled in Stamford. Among Lyman's Yale kinsmen are the following: grandfather, Hon. Joseph Wood, 1801; father, Chester S. Lyman, 1837; uncle, Rev. George I. Wood, 1833; brother, Oliver Ells- worth Lyman, 1876, Law School 1878 ; cousin, Henry Ells- worth Wood, 1876 Sheff. ; Governor William Wolcott Ellsworth, 1810, LL.D. 1838; Henry Leavitt Ellsworth, 1 8 10, United States Court of Patents, giver of $90,000 Ellsworth fund to Yale for students intending to enter the ministry; Oliver Ellsworth, Jr., 1799; Major Martin Ells- worth, 1 801; Oliver Ellsworth, third chief justice of the United States, class of 1766 (did not graduate), LL.D. 1790. Other ancestors, not Yale men, were: Thomas Welles, governor of Connecticut, 1655-58; Richard Treat, corporator of Connecticut, 1683-87; Henry Wolcott, foun- der of Windsor, Connecticut, 1 578—1 655. Lyman was born on May 25, 1861, in New Haven, Con- necticut, and attended boarding-school for one year in Hart- ford, and the Hopkins Grammar School from 1873 to 1878. He was on the Varsity football teams of 1878 and 1879, an d belonged to Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Skull and Bones; in addition to which he was chairman of the Delta Kappa campaign committee, a member of the junior promenade committee, chairman of the undergradu- ate Yale Field committee, and on the Delta Kappa Epsilon campaign committee. In freshman and sophomore years he roomed at home, and in junior and senior years in Farnam with Clement. From August to October, 1882, Lyman was on the United States Coast Survey at Machiasport, Maine. In November he went to Europe as a private tutor, and returned in Au- gust, 1883. From September to June of the following year he studied at Yale under the Clark scholarship, taking spe- cial courses at Sheff. in connection with naval architecture. 1:3163 BIOGRAPHIES Part of 1885 he spent at Asheville, North Carolina. In the fall of that year he entered the employ of W. IT. Par- sons & Company of New York City, paper-manufacturers and merchants. Toward the end of 1888 he went to Chi- cago as their Western representative, and in the spring of 1889 went to their mill at West Newton, Pennsylvania. Leaving the employ of W. H. Parsons & Company in 1890, Lyman went to Herkimer, New York, and later became a director and manager of the Herkimer Paper Company. This was absorbed by the International Paper Company in 1898, and Lyman became assistant to the president in the larger concern. He now holds that office, and is manager of a department and an officer and director in several sub- sidiary companies. He was secretary and treasurer of the American Paper and Pulp Association from 1898 to 1900, and is now secretary of the Forestry, Water Storage, and Manufacturing Association. He has contributed to the trade and technical literature of his profession, and his pa- per on "What Ought the Tariff Rates to be on Paper and Pulp?" reprinted from the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1908), was distributed in pamphlet form by the American Paper and Pulp Associa- tion. He has also written the article on "Paper" for the Encyclopedia Americana (1904) ; a "History of the Ameri- can Paper and Pulp Association"; an article entitled "The Paper Industry and Forests" for the Forester; and many newspaper articles relating to the paper industry. He re- ceived an M.A. from Yale in 1895 for special studies in electricity. He is a member of the American Forestry Asso- ciation, the Canadian Forestry Association, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Sons of the American Revolution, the Yale Club of New York, the University Club of New York, the City Midday Club, and the Ardsley Club at Ardsley-on-Hudson. Lyman originated and car- C3I7H HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ried out the idea of the graduates' commencement dinner, which occurs Tuesday evening of commencement week and provides a rendezvous for members of classes which are not holding reunions. It has now, apparently, become a per- manent feature of the commencement program. In March, 19 10, he gave a fund to Sheffield Scientific School to found a lectureship in memory of his father, on Water Storage Con- servation. Lyman is unmarried. His business address is 30 Broad Street, and his residence is 66 West Forty-sixth Street, New York City. Wilber McBride is the son of George Eager McBride and Phoebe (Wilber) McBride. George Eager McBride was born in Hamptonburgh, Orange County, New York, on February 2, 1822, attended the Montgomery State Acad- emy, near by, and spent his life in Hamptonburgh as a farmer, dying on February 2, 1865, his birthday, at the early age of forty-three. His parents were John McBride of Hamptonburgh and Sarah Eager of Montgomery. The family was of Scotch-Irish origin, and came from Ireland in 1728 to be the second settlers in Ulster County. Mc- Bride's mother was born on November 12, 1825, in Mont- gomery, the daughter of John Church Wilber of Mont- gomery and Parmelia Germond of Verbank, Dutchess County, New York. She was of French Huguenot origin, her ancestors having come from Holland in 1725 to settle in Dutchess County. The Wilbers came from Peterbor- ough, England, with a colony of English Quakers in 1640, joining the Plymouth Colony, but on account of religious differences followed Roger Williams to Rhode Island, and finally settled in Dutchess County, in a Quaker colony, on a tract of land known as the Nine Partners Tract. The orig- inal farm is still owned by a direct descendant, as is a part BIOGRAPHIES of the land under grant of George I to McBride's great- great-grandfather, upon which he settled in 1728. I lis mother was graduated at Packer Institute, Brooklyn. ^g^JJ v ~Zr**~ * 4 i ^^^d W- M Wilber McBride McBride himself was born on June 6, i860, at Hampton- burgh, New York. He attended the district school, but from 1873 to 1875 he was at Monticello Academy, Monti- cello, Sullivan County, New York. From 1875 to 1878 he was prepared for Yale at Williston Seminary. He roomed with Piatt, and was a baseball player, belonging to the fresh- man and the consolidated nines, and to the 'varsity in his senior year. He was on the Delta Kappa campaign com- mittee and the junior promenade committee. He also be- longed to Delta Kappa, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. The summer of 1882 he spent with Worcester in an en- D T 9] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 gineer corps in Pennsylvania. He returned with him in the fall, and entered Sheffield Scientific School, remaining there until April, 1883. From that time until 1888 he was inter- ested in cattle-ranching in Montana at Miles City. From 1888 to 1889 he was with the International Oil Company as engineer at Sarnia, Ontario, and other places. In 1890 he came to New York and entered the law firm of Tracy, Boardman & Piatt (1890-92). He was afterward with Anderson, Howland & Murray (1892-94). In 1895 ne formed a law partnership with Ely, which continued until 1898, after which time he practised alone. Mrs. Anna Truax Thurber, whom he married on No- vember 25, 1896, in New York City, was Miss Anna Maria Truax before her first marriage. She was the daughter of Henry Truax and Sarah Anna Shaffer. His address is Campbell Hall, New York. Harry Chapman McKnight is the son of Henry Mc- Knight and Olivia Phebe (Chapman) McKnight. Mc- Knight came of Scotch ancestry on his father's side and English on his mother's. His father, a farmer of Ellington, Connecticut, was born there on October 20, 1823, was edu- cated at the Ellington High School, and died there, at the age of seventy-three, on December 5, 1896. The grand- parents were Horace McKnight and Asenath Kimball, both of Ellington. The ancestors of this side of the family came from Scotland in the early days of New England and set- tled in Hartford, Connecticut. McKnight's mother was born on October 26, 1831, at Ludlow, Massachusetts, and spent her early life at Ellington. Her parents were Austin Chap- man of Ellington and Phebe Niles of Willington, Connecti- cut. She died at the parsonage in Coventry, October 14, 1909. BIOGRAPHIES Mc Knight was born in Enfield, Connecticut, on March 13, 1859, but soon accompanied his parents back to the family home at Ellington, and spent all his early life there. Harry Chapman McKnight The Rockville (Connecticut) High School graduated him in 1878, and he was ready to enter Yale. He roomed with Rossiter two years in North Middle and Old Chapel, and was a member of Gamma Nu. He has been in the ministry ever since his graduation from the Yale Theological Seminary in 1885, the ordination taking place on October 7, 1885. His first charge was the First Congregational Church of Falmouth, Maine, in which he was installed on the day of his ordination. He resigned on September 13, 1888, to become pastor of the Congre- gational Church at North Guilford, Connecticut. After this he was pastor at Sherman, Connecticut; for several years D 2 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 he was located at East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, and his present field is at Coventry, Connecticut. McKnight has published several papers and historical sermons, and has been called upon frequently to occupy such offices as mode- rator, scribe, and registrar in religious bodies. He is a Republican, but has never held public office except to serve on school boards at various times. He is president of the board of trustees of the Hale Donation Fund. On May 19, 1886, at New Haven, he married Jennie Louise Weed, a daughter of Josiah Austin Weed and Jen- ette Treat, who traced their ancestry to Thomas Fairchild, who came from England and settled in Stratford, Connecti- cut, in 1638-39; and to Jonas Weed, who came to Wethers- field, Connecticut, in 1635, and later was one of the first settlers of Stamford, Connecticut. A sister of Abraham Pierson was one of Mrs. McKnight's grandmothers seven generations back. McKnight has had three children, of whom only one is living: Wallace, born on May 2, 1890, at Guilford, Connecticut; Ray Weed, born on May 11, 1892, at Guil- ford, died on August 20, 1892; and Theodore Weed, born on May 30, 1896, at Sherman, Connecticut, died on August 6, 1896. His address is Rural Free Delivery 2, Rockville, Con- necticut, and his residence is Coventry, Connecticut. Daniel Walton McMillan is the son of John McMillan and Elizabeth (Walton) McMillan. McMillan is of Scot- tish ancestry on his father's side and English on his mother's. The paternal forebears came to this country in 1700 and set- tled in Chester, South Carolina. Daniel McMillan, still of Chester, married Jeanette Chestnut, and they were our classmate's grandparents. Their son John was born on D 22 3 BIOGRAPHIES December 30, 1826, in Chester, and lived most of his life in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, having been graduated from Miami University in 1850 and the University of Edin- Daniel Walton McMillan burgh, Scotland, in 1851. Fie was a minister and bore the honorary degree of D.D. He died at Nantucket, Massa- chusetts, on August 28, 1882. McMillan's mother was born in Woodstock, Virginia, on February 24, 1832, but spent part of her early life in Laporte, Indiana. She is still living. Her parents were John Walton and Lydia Allen of Wood- stock, Virginia, whither her ancestors came from England in 1710. McMillan was born in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, on October 9, 1858, and lived there till 1870, when he moved to Mount Pleasant, in the same State. Several years were spent in Mount Pleasant Academy, one at Canonsburg Acad- [323] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 emy (old Jefferson College), and two at Andover. He en- tered our class in 1880, "having been suspended from '81 for one year on account of deviltry and Tutor Zacher." He roomed with Collins while in '81 and with Wells in '82. The Yale News counted him on its editorial staff, and he was a member of the '81 junior promenade committee and the '82 senior promenade committee; also of Delta Kappa, He Boule, and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation he was for several years connected with the Dixon Fire Clay Company, St. Louis, Missouri. In 1888 he was admitted to the firm and made secretary and treasurer. Later he was manager of the Cincinnati branch of the Hammond Typewriter Company. After being at the Michigan University Medical School in 1894 and 1895, ne g a ve up study on account of ill health, and has been in farming and the poultry business since that time. He is a Presbyterian and a Republican. He is presi- dent of the Board of Education in Whiting, New Jersey, and junior warden of the McKinley Lodge of Free and Ac- cepted Masons, and is also actively interested in the re- formatory work of the Jerry McAuley Mission. On September 16, 1899, in Brooklyn, he married Alice Robinson, daughter of Thomas G. Robinson and Mary Esther Lovejoy. Mrs. McMillan came of English and Dutch ancestry. Whittier and Morse were among her kins- men, and she is also related to Queen Wilhelmina of Hol- land, through her mother. She was graduated from Smith College in 1888. There are no children. His address is Whiting, New Jersey. Herbert Lyman Moodey is the son of Moses K. Moodey and Hannah M. (Chapin) Moodey. Moses K. Moodey was born on September 2, 1820, at Painesville, Ohio, but spent C3243 BIOGRAPHIES most of his life in New York City, and died in Brooklyn, New York, in May, 1883. His family was of Scotch-Irish origin, having come to this country from the north of Ire- Herbert Lyman Moodey land and settled in western Pennsylvania. Mrs. Moodey was born on September 7, 1831, at Albany, New York, where she spent her early life. After her marriage she lived in Brooklyn, New York, but upon the death of her husband removed to Northampton, Massachusetts, where she died. Her family was of English origin, her ancestors having come from Yorkshire in 1650, and founded the city of Springfield, Massachusetts. Many of Moodey's kinsmen were college graduates. Our classmate was born at Brooklyn, New York, on March 30, i860, prepared for college in the Polytechnic Institute and Adelphi Academy, and entered the class in HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 freshman year. He roomed alone during that year, and subsequently with M. S. Bate during sophomore year in South Middle, and in junior and senior years in Durfee. He was a member during freshman year of Delta Kappa, and during junior year of Delta Kappa Epsilon. After leaving college he traveled through Missouri and South Dakota on a tour of investigation, and finally located at Minneapolis, Minnesota. There he organized the firm of Moodey Brothers, wholesale fruit and fancy grocers. Real estate and banking likewise engaged his attention. Leaving Minneapolis, he went to Oregon, and then removed to Painesville, Ohio, where the firm of Moodey & Company were the proprietors of the City Mills, manufacturing flour. At the same time he was head of the firm of H. L. Moodey & Company, druggists and grocers. Thereafter he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and established a wholesale crockery busi- ness. In 1892 he returned to New York, and is now en- gaged in manufacturing, being a director and manager of the Simmons Pipe Bending Works at Newark, New Jersey. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a Republi- can in politics, and is also a member of the Yale Club of New York City. During the summer of 1896 he traveled extensively in England and on the Continent. He married on July 12, 1883, Helen Antoinette Paine, daughter of George E. Paine and Helen A. Tracey. The Paine family is of English origin, having migrated from Hartford, Connecticut, to the "Western Reserve" (later Ohio), and there founded the city of Painesville. Mrs. Moodey's father is a graduate of Western Reserve College, and she also has numerous relatives who are graduates of Yale. Moodey has five daughters. The fifth, Hannah Chatham Moodey, the child and consolation of his old age, has recently been born as an answer to his prayers that he might have a son who would hand down his name at Yale. His business address is 44 Mechanic Street, Newark, BIOGRAPHIES New Jersey, and his residence is 603 Watchung Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey. Charles Newton Morris is the son of Myron Newton Morris and Emmeline (Whitman) Morris. I lis father was born on November 19, 18 10, at Warren, Connecticut, Charles Newton Morris and died in West Hartford on July 10, 1885. He was a Vale graduate in the class of 1837 and a clergyman of the Congregational Church at West Hartford. Yale gave him the degree of M.A. His parents were Newton John Mor- ris and Eunice Newton of Warren, and his ancestors came from the west of England in 1630 or thereabouts and settled at Milford, Connecticut, as part of the New Haven Colony. Morris's mother was born on September 12, D 2 7] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1826, at West Hartford, the daughter of Samuel Whit- man of West Hartford and Elizabeth Howard of Coventry, Connecticut. Her ancestors came from Hertfordshire, England, in 1626, and settled at Weymouth, Massachu- setts. Morris sends the following additional genealogical data: "My father was a member of the Yale Corporation for about twenty years before his death in 1885. He was a descendant in a double line from the Rev. Thomas Hooker, founder of the Connecticut Colony at Hartford in 1637. "Of my mother's ancestors, Zechariah Whitman was graduated from Harvard in the class of 1668, and Samuel Whitman in the class of 1696. The latter was the third minister at Farmington, Connecticut, and a fellow of Yale College from 1724 to 1746. Another ancestor, the Rev. Solomon Stoddard of Northampton, Massachusetts, was first librarian of Harvard College, 1667-74, and a Harvard graduate in the class of 1662." Morris was born in West Hartford on August 19, i860, and lived his early years in that town, attending the public schools till the spring of 1874, when he entered the Hart- ford High School. There he was graduated in 1878. En- tering Yale with the class in freshman year, he roomed with Welch in North for a year, then as a sophomore with Parsons in South Middle, and junior and senior years with Scudder in Farnam. He rowed stroke in the Dunham crew when it won the four-oared race on Saltonstall in October, 1881, and he won the mile run in the spring of 1882. He was on the ivy committee at graduation, and belonged to Psi Upsilon. After graduation Morris was a clerk in the pay depart- ment of the United States army till 1884, when he went to Johns Hopkins University and put in a year of graduate work in political science and history. In the spring of 1885 he taught in the Washington High School, and in the BIOGRAPHIES spring of i 886 in the Montclair (New Jersey) High School. Again he was at Yale in 1886-87, and received the degree of M.A. at commencement for a thesis on "Internal Im- provements In Ohio, 1825-50," which was read before the American Historical Association's meeting in Washington in 1888, and published in the association's records for that year. Trinity College, Toronto, Canada, duplicated the M.A. in 1893. From 1887 to 1889 Morris was at the Berkeley Divinity School, at Middletown, Connecticut, be- coming a deacon in 1889 and a priest of the Episcopal Church in 1890. The summer of 1889 he spent traveling in England and Scotland. He is an independent in politics. Of his pastorate since entering the ministry he writes: "My life in the Church for eighteen years has been a roving one. I have served as curate, rector, and missionary in many parishes, in various parts of the country, in city, vil- lage, and town, and among all classes of people. "Like every rover, I have had the benefits of that sort of life, and have also had to pay the penalties. The penal- ties are obvious and sometimes poignant. But I have kept out of the ruts and escaped bondage. I enjoy life and I enjoy my work. Life appears to me as fresh and full of interest as it did twenty-five years ago." On October 24, 1904, at Amesbury, Massachusetts, he married Mary Josephine Burlingame, daughter of Charles Austin Burlingame and Katharine Maon. Mrs. Morris belongs to the Vermont branch of the Burlingame family. His address is 15 Dale Street, Newtonville, Massachu- setts. * Walter Murphy, son of James Murphy, was born in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 26, 1861. He entered Yale from the sophomore class of Princeton College in December, 1879, and in junior and senior years roomed [329] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 with Lowe in Farnam. He won a second prize in sopho- more composition, was a speaker at the Junior Exhibition, won a Townsend prize, and was one of the commencement Walter Murphy speakers. He was a member of Psi Upsilon, and a graduate member of Wolf's Head. He was graduated from the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania in June, 1884. He published in that year an essay entitled "Remainders to Children as a Class," for which he was awarded the Sharswood prize at the Univer- sity Law School. He practised law in Philadelphia for four years, and in the meantime published also "A Digest of the Partnership Law of Pennsylvania" and "A Digest of the Corporation Law of Pennsylvania." In the fall of 1888 he removed to Salt Lake City, Utah, w T here he was for many years the associate and later the partner of the Hon. J. G. [330] BIOGRAPHIES Sutherland, the well-known author of legal text-books. He died there on February 5, 1897, of an attack of typhoid pneumonia, after a week's illness. For two terms he was county attorney of Salt Lake City and was one of the found- ers of the University Club, being at the time of his death its president. On September 20, 1889, at Philadelphia, he married Emma Benson Purves, and they had three children: Harold Purves, born on July 9, 1890; Helen Benson, born on April 9, 1 893 ; and Emma Maxwell, born on January 12, 189;. ARTHUR Sherwood Osborne is the son of Arthur Dimon Osborne and Frances Louisa (Blake) Osborne. The Os- bornes came from London in 1634 and settled five years later in Xew Haven. Our classmate's paternal grand- parents were Thomas Burr Osborne and Elizabeth Hunt- ington Dimon of Fairfield, Connecticut. Arthur Dimon Osborne was born in Fairfield on April 17, 1828, was grad- uated from Yale in the class of 1848, practised law, and was a banker in Xew Haven for many years. His wife was the daughter of Eli \Yhitney Blake and Eliza Maria O'Brien of Xew Haven. She was born in that city on Jan- uary 15, 183;, and was descended from English ancestors who came from Essex, England, in 1630, and settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Her great-great-great-grand- father, the Rev. James Pierpont, M.A., was a founder of Yale Lmiversity and afterward a fellow. Osborne gives the following list of ancestors and relatives who have been Yale graduates: paternal great-great-great-grandfather, Ebenezer Dimon, 1728; paternal great-grandfather, Ebenezer Dimon, 1783: grandfather, Thomas Burr Os- borne, LL.D. 1 8 17; grandfather, Eli Whitney Blake, LL.D. 18 16; father, Arthur Dimon Osborne, 1848; uncle, [331] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Charles Thompson Blake, 1847; uncle, Henry Taylor Blake, 1848; uncle, Eli Whitney Blake, 1857; uncle, Ed- ward Foster Blake, 1858; uncle, James Pierpont Blake, • .-.■ ■ - Arthur Sherwood Osborne 1862; brother, Thomas Burr Osborne, 1881, Ph.D. 1885; nephew, Arthur Dimon Osborne 2d, 1908. Osborne was born on January 11, 1861, in New Haven, and was prepared at Miss Churchill's Private School, French's Private School, and the Hopkins Grammar School (1872-78). He lived at home until senior year, when he roomed with Foster in Durfee. Osborne contributed to the Record, and belonged to Delta Kappa, Eta Phi, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones, as well as the University Club in his junior year, and was on the Psi Upsilon cam- paign committee. He entered the Yale Law School in the fall of 1882, and D32] BIOGRAPHIES was graduated in 1884, at which time he received the Town- send premium for writing and pronouncing the best oration. In January, 1885, soon after his admission to the bar, he was appointed executive secretary of the State of Connec- ticut, and served for two years as secretary to Governor Henry B. Harrison, Yale 1846. In 1887 he opened an office, but never engaged actively in the practice of his pro- fession. Most of his time u has been devoted to a quiet and uneventful life in New Haven." His trips abroad included one in 1880 to England, Scotland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, and Switzerland; and one in 1890 to the same countries, with Austria and Italy added. To him we owe the Triennial and Sexennial Class Records. He is unmarried. His address is 52 Trumbull Street, New Haven, Con- necticut. * Frank Edward Page was the son of Albert G. Page and Maria L. (Drummond) Page. His father was born June 10, 1817, at Bath, Maine, where he passed most of his life as a business man, and where he died January 15, 1889. The family was of English origin, its ancestors having come to this country in the eighteenth century and settled at Haverhill, Massachusetts. Page's mother was born at Phippsburg, Maine, in 1821, and there spent her early life, dying at Bath, Maine, November, 1893. Her family was of Scotch-Irish origin, her ancestors having come to this country in 1728 and settled at Georgetown, Maine. One of Page's uncles was graduated from Bowdoin in 1852, and a brother was graduated from Yale in 1875. Our classmate was born at Bath, Maine, February 20, i860, and was educated in private and public schools, receiv- ing his final preparation at the high school of his native city. Entering Yale at the beginning of freshman year, he roomed D33] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 for the four full years with Bates, in North College during freshman year, and in Farnam during sophomore, junior, and senior years. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsi- lon and of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Frank Edward Page After leaving college Page went to Chicago and studied law in the office of Cornelius Van Schaack and others until he was admitted to practice in 1884. After his admission to the bar he was engaged in general practice continuously until his death. He wrote concerning his career : "It is deplorably lacking in interest, but such is the fate of man who lives out of the public eye. I have not inscribed my name high in the temple of fame, on the other hand it has not been engrossed in bankruptcy or criminal court pro- ceedings, except occasionally in a professional capacity. I arrived in Chicago with five dollars capital and could prob- C334] BIOGRAPHIES ably schedule that amount now, though there have been times in the past twenty-five years when I could not have made this proud boast." Early in 1908 he made a legal connection with one of the old-line life-insurance companies, which took a good deal of his time, and paid him well. The work was not all of a legal nature, but was in connection with the investment and reinvestment of real estate in Chicago and the immediate vicinity. Page died at his home in Chicago, May 25, 1909, of pneumonia, after a short illness. The Warren Avenue Con- gregational Church paper, in a notice of his death, said: "No one has ever been identified with the church who was so intimately connected with all the departments of its work and so helpful in all of them as was Mr. Page. He was con- nected with the church before its organization as an indepen- dent church twenty years ago, and when it was so organized he was elected church treasurer, a position which he held, with the exception of a short time, until his death. This position identified him with the board of trustees during all the life of the church, and his wise judgment and kindly counsel has had no little to do with guiding the affairs of the church in times of crisis." Page married, July 2, 1895, at Chicago, Illinois, Gertrude M. Swenson, the daughter of Bernard Swenson and An- toinette Swenson. Two of Mrs. Page's brothers and two of her sisters are graduates of colleges. They had no children. Josiah Culbert Palmer is the son of Lucius Noyes Palmer and Anna (Culbert) Palmer. His father was born on July 2, 1 82 1, in North Stonington, Connecticut, the son of Luther Palmer of North Stonington and Sarah Wells of Hopkinton, Rhode Island. He was graduated from New [335] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 York University in 1848, and became a prominent physi- cian in Brooklyn, dying there on June 18, 1885. The Palmer forebears came from England in 1629 and settled Josiah Culbert Palmer in Stonington, Connecticut. Among his ancestors were two colonial governors and numerous officers in the colonial and Revolutionary wars. Palmer's mother was born on Jan- uary 25, 1835, in New York City, and is the daughter of John Culbert and Jean Crothers. She is of Scotch-Irish origin, her ancestors having come to New York City in 1802 from Ireland. Many kinsmen have been college graduates. A brother was in Yale '88; sisters in Vassar '79 and '93; a brother-in-law in Yale '96; and a cousin in Yale '85. Among Palmer's ancestors was the Rev. James Noyes, one of the founders of Yale. Palmer was born on December 9, 1859, in Brooklyn, C3363 BIOGRAPHIES New York, and was graduated from Adelphi Academy, in that city, in 1878. In freshman year he roomed alone on York Street. He then roomed with Bartlett in sophomore year in South Middle, and in the last two years in Durfee. He belonged to Delta Kappa and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. He was graduated from the Columbia Law School in 1884 and was then admitted to the New York bar, passing the best examination of between fifty and sixty applicants. He is a member of the firm of Lindsay, Kalish & Palmer, 27 William Street, New York City. A Republican in poli- tics, he has been a delegate to various conventions. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, the University Club, the Yale Club, the Sons of the Revolution, and the Associa- tion of the Bar of the City of New York. In 1888 he made a general tour of Europe. On December 4, 1889, in Brooklyn, he married Mary Eagle, daughter of William Eagle and Mary Horner. Mrs. Palmer's ancestry was Irish. J. Frederick Eagle, a brother, is a graduate of Yale '96. There are two children: Wil- liam Eagle, born on December 6, 1890, in Brooklyn; and J. Culbert, Jr., born in Westhampton, Long Island, on August 11, 1896. Both are preparing for college, the elder at Andover, and the younger at the Syms School. His business address is 27 William Street, and his resi- dence is 25 Madison Avenue, New York City. William Scranton Pardee is the son of William Bradley Pardee and Nancy Maria (English) Pardee. Of May- flower stock on his mother's side and old New Haven stock on his father's, Pardee is of English ancestry with respect to both his parents. The Pardees have lived in New Haven since 1640, when they came over from England. The first of them was the original pedagogue at the Hopkins Gram- 1:337] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 mar School, and the descendants were farmers, until it came to our classmate's grandfather, who was a manufacturer. His father, also a manufacturer, was born in New Haven :..■ William Scranton Pardee on September 25, 1821. His parents were Laban Pardee of New Haven and Loey Bradley of East Haven, Con- necticut. He had the choice of going to Yale or learning a trade, and he learned the trade of saddler. For fifteen years (1842-57) he lived in Wetumpka, Alabama, and he died in New Haven on September 28, 1893. Pardee's mother was born on February 14, 1823, in New Haven, the daughter of James English and Nancy Griswold of that city. The English ancestors settled in Salem, Massachu- setts, in 1620, and came to New Haven in 1700. On his father's side Pardee is a descendant of the Rev. John Woodward, B.A., Harvard 1693. [3383 BIOGRAPHIES Born in New Haven on September 16, i860, Pardee attended the Thomas Private School till 1871, the French School in 1872, and the Hopkins Grammar School till 1878, when he was prepared to enter Yale with our class. During the four years he roomed at home. He was a member of Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon. The Yale Taw School gave him his TL.B. cum laude in 1884, and he entered upon the practice of his profession. He immediately formed a partnership with James Protus Pigott, Yale '78. Mr. Pigott went to Congress in 1892, and Pardee set up for himself and as counsel for the town of New Haven. "The panic of 1893 put the Democratic party out of business, and I soon after resigned as town counsel." In 1896 he bolted the silver issue and became town chairman of the Gold Democrats, and later ran (un- successfully) as a gold candidate for mayor. During the next few years his business became entirely corporate. In 1905 he ran for mayor of New Haven as a Democrat, and although he received very many Republican votes, he was badly beaten, partly as a punishment for his gold record, the only so-called Democratic paper in town bolting him. He was the author of the agitation which resulted in the last Constitutional Convention in Connecticut, and contrib- uted very much to bring about the reform representation in both the Republican and Democratic conventions. He was the author of the first Corrupt Practices Act and the first direct primary law in Connecticut, and the author of the Fourteen Town Bill. Pardee has been a partner in the firm of Marvin & Pardee, manufacturers of sewing-silks, since 1893 ; treasurer and director of the Jewett City Water Company since 1899; secretary and director of the New Canaan Water Company since 1897; treasurer and director of the Suffolk Gas & Electric Light Company, 1903-07 ; and treasurer and director of the Guilford-Chester Water Com- pany. He has published several political pamphlets and [339] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 addresses. For a time he was vestryman of Trinity Church in New Haven, and an alternate to the diocesan conventions. He belongs to the Quinnipiack Club of New Haven, and for fourteen years he was its secretary and is now its pres- ident, and he is also a charter member of the New Haven Country Club. He is vice-commodore of the New Haven Yacht Club, a member of the Waltonian Fishing Club, and the Lotos Club of New York City, and is also a member of the executive committee of the Connecticut Civil Service Reform Association, and of the Council of One Hundred of New Haven. He gave up the practice of the law July i, 1909. In 1900 he traveled in England; in 1902 in Italy; in 1904 in France and Switzerland; and in 1906 in Holland and Germany. Pardee is not married. His address is 581 George Street, New Haven, Con- necticut. Samuel Maxwell Parke is the son of Nathan G. Parke and Ann E. (Gildersleeve) Parke. Nathan G. Parke was born on December 16, 1820, at Slateridge, York County, Pennsylvania, but spent most of his life as a clergyman at Pittston, Pennsylvania, where he was pastor of the Pres- byterian Church. He was a graduate of the Washington and Jefferson College in the class of 1840, and received the degree of D.D. from that institution in 1884. He died on June 28, 1903. His family was of Scotch-Irish ori- gin, having come to this country from the north of Ireland in 1724, and settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Parke was born on September 28, 1822, at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, where she spent her early life, and died at Pittston on May 9, 1900. Her family was of Dutch origin. Our classmate was born on May 4, 1859, at Pittston, [34o:] BIOGRAPHIES Pennsylvania, and there spent his boyhood. He attended the Wilkes-Barre Academy, the Newton Collegiate Insti- tute, and completed his preparation at the Hill School, Samuel Maxwell Parke Pottstown, Pennsylvania, entering '82 at the beginning of freshman year. In freshman year he roomed with Shoe- maker, in sophomore and junior years with Case in North Middle, and in senior year in Farnam. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon and of Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation Parke returned to Pittston, and has resided there ever since. In the fall of 1882 he entered the law office of George R. Bedford at Wilkes-Barre, and was admitted in 1885 to the bar of Luzerne County, since which time he has continued in the practice of the law. He has always resided in the old family homestead, which he occupied with his parents during their lifetime. He is a C340 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 director of the First National Bank of Pittston, and was for a number of years a member of the Town Council and of the School Board of his town, while at present he is a member of the Board of Health. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has acted as elder and trustee thereof. He is a Republican in politics, a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of New York, of the Westmore- land Club of Wilkes-Barre, and of the Scranton Club of Scranton. He spent the summer of 1906 abroad, traveling extensively through England, France, Germany, and Italy. On October 6, 1908, he married Bertha Louise Sander- cock of Ariel, Pennsylvania. His business address is 1 1 Miners Bank Building, and his residence is 101 River Street, Pittston, Pennsylvania. William Henry Parsons is the son of William Henry Parsons and Laura C. (Palmer) Parsons. Parsons' father was born on July 7, 1 831, in Staten Island, New York, was a manufacturer and merchant in New York during his life, and died in Palm Beach, Florida, in February, 1905. His parents were Edward Lamb Parsons and Matilda Clark. His wife was the daughter of John Palmer of Rye and Harriet (Barker) Palmer, and was born on March 6, 1832, and died in February, 1893, at Rye. Parsons' paternal grandfather came from England and settled at Rye, New York, and his mother's family was of New England origin. Our classmate was born on January 31, 1859, in New York City, but lived his early life in Rye, where he prepared for college. In college Parsons was fond of sailing and was the second commodore of the Yale Yacht Club. He was chairman of the senior promenade committee, a member of Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. He roomed with Morris in South Middle C342H BIOGRAPHIES in sophomore year, and in junior and senior years with Gallaher in Durfee. Since graduation Parsons has been in the paper business William Henry Parsons as manufacturer and exporter. On leaving college he first traveled over Europe with a number of the class, going as far as Constantinople and returning via Greece and Italy. He reached home in December, 1882, and in January, 1883, went into business with his father's firm, W. H. Parsons & Company of New York City. At present he is of the firm of Parsons & Whittemore, at 174 Fulton Street, New York City. Other trips to Europe were taken in 1875, 1884, 1898, 1900, and 1904. Parsons is a Presbyterian and has been an officer of the church since 1887. He was superintendent of a mission Sunday-school in New York from 1888 to 1906. He has taken considerable interest D43] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 in politics at various times, although he has never held any public office. He is a member of the University, Yale, Graduates', New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, and Nas- sau County clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, and of a number of religious and charitable societies. Among his relatives who were Yale men were his brother, John P. Parsons, '85, and his cousins, Edward L. Parsons and Herbert Parsons. On June 26, 1884, in Rye, New York, Parsons married Laura Wolcott Collins, daughter of the Rev. Charles Jewett Collins and Annie (Rankin) Collins. Mrs. Parsons is of New England ancestry; her father was a graduate of Wil- liams, her grandfather of Yale. They have had six children: Annie Rankin, born on August 8, 1885, died October 5, 1886; William Henry 3d, born on May 29, 1888, in New York City; John Palmer, born on April 16, 1890, in New York City; Oliver Wolcott, born on September 12, 1892, in Rye; Laura Cecilia, born on November 6, 1893, in Rye; and Mary Marselis, born on October 8, 1894, in Rye. Wil- liam H. 3d was graduated at Yale 19 10, John is in Yale 191 2, and Oliver is at the Sanford School. The daughters are at school in New York. They have lived in New York City, except for two or three winters spent in the country. Their summer home is at Glen Cove, on Long Island Sound. Our New York dinners have been due to the initiative taken by Parsons, and as chairman of the reunion committee he deserves the praise and thanks that were accorded him by every member present at the twenty-fifth reunion. His business address is 174 Fulton Street, and his resi- dence is 324 West End Avenue, New York City. Chauncey Howard Pember is the son of Milo Warner Pember and Julia Lucretia (Ripley) Pember. Milo Warner [344H BIOGRAPHIES Pember was a wholesale merchant of Rockville, Connec- ticut, who was born on January 16, 1833, in Ellington, Connecticut, and died on September 4, 1905, in Hartford, Chauncey Howard Pember Connecticut. The parents of the elder Pember were David Sprague Pember and Martha Warner of Ellington, and he married the daughter of Chauncey Ripley of South Coventry, Connecticut, and Lucretia Fitch of Rockville, Connecticut. Mrs. Pember was born on November 27, 1833, in South Coventry. The Pembers were of English origin. So also were the Ripleys, who came from Hing- ham, England, in 1638, and settled in Hingham, Massa- chusetts. Our classmate was born on July 16, 1859, in Rockville, Connecticut, and fitted for college in the Rockville High School, from which he was graduated in 1878. He roomed D45] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 with Pierce in North College, South Middle, and Durfee. He was a member of Gamma Nu. For two years after graduation Pember was engaged in merchant tailoring and the ready-made clothing business. During the next twelve years he was junior partner in the firm of E. Tolles & Company, wholesale woolen dealers at Hartford. Since 1896 he has been associated with his brother in the same business under the firm name of M. W. Pember's Sons. He says that he has been pretty well occu- pied with business, but what little time has been spared him has been devoted to botany and horticulture. He was secre- tary of the Hartford County Horticultural Society, and is a member of the Yale Club of New York. He is unmarried. His business address is 292 Asylum Street, and his resi- dence is 187 Sisson Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Richard Henry Pierce is the son of Henry Reuben Pierce and Ann Frances (Tillinghast) Pierce. Henry Reuben Pierce was an Amherst graduate in the class of '53. He was born in Coventry, Vermont, on January 2, 1828, taught in high schools in Massachusetts and Rhode Island during most of his life, and was principal of the high school at Woonsocket, Rhode Island, when he died. He was killed leading a company in the battle of Newbern, on March 14, 1862, as first lieutenant. His parents were Warren Pierce of Coventry, Vermont, and Sally McManus of the same town. The Pierce ancestors, represented by Thomas Pierce and his wife Elizabeth, came from England in 1633 or 1634 and settled at Watertown, Massachusetts. Lieuten- ant Pierce's wife was born on May 10, 1838, in Wrentham, Massachusetts, and died at Hopkinton, Massachusetts, on January 9, 1879. The Tillinghasts were from England originally, and settled in Rhode Island. Mrs. Pierce's C346H BIOGRAPHIES great-grandfather, James Mellen, was a minute-man in 1775, from South Framingham. Pierce himself was born on November 20, i860, in Richard Henry Pierce Woonsocket, Rhode Island. He was less than a year and a half old, therefore, when his father was killed. The rest of his youth was spent in Hopkinton, and in 1878 he was graduated from the Hopkinton High School, in which at one time his father and mother had been principal and pupil respectively. He roomed with Pember, first in North, then in South Middle, and for the last two years in Durfee. At one of the gym contests he won a medal for swinging Indian clubs, and he was a member of Gamma Nu. Pierce taught for a year in the high school at Columbia City, Indiana. Then he spent two years as a student of electrical engineering in the Massachusetts Institute of [347] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Technology, and received the degree of Bachelor of Science. In the summer of 1885 he was assistant county engineer of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and, in the fall, a wireman for the Brockton Edison Company. The following March found him an inspector of the Western Edison Company in Chicago, and he stayed there until 1890, when he became agent for the United Edison Com- pany for Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan, with offices in Milwaukee. In 1891 he was made assistant electrical engineer of the World's Columbian Exposition, and in 1893-94 chief electrical engineer. In 1894 he formed the firm of Pierce & Richardson, consulting engineers, which in 1897 was changed to a corporation styled Pierce, Rich- ardson & Neiler. The company is engaged in electrical, mechanical, sanitary, heating, and ventilating engineering in a purely professional way. Pierce is president thereof. For several years and until he left Chicago he was the local honorary secretary of the American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers. In 1904 he was chief engineer of the Exhibits Power Plant at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; was also associate member and expert of all the group juries and the department jury in the Department of Ma- chinery, and was awarded a gold medal for services as chief engineer and also as member of the International Steam-Engine Jury of Awards. He is the author of a book entitled "The National Electrical Code," also of numerous articles on electrical subjects for magazines. He is a mem- ber of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Institu- tion of Electrical Engineers (of Great Britain) ; and also of the Boston Athletic Association, the Boston Yale Club, the Brae Burn Country Club, and the New York Yale Club. Before his college days he joined the Congregational Church, and he is a Republican. On April 15, 1891, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, he married [3483 ' BIOGRAPHIES Carrie de Zeng Morrow, daughter of Elisha Morrow and Josephine Sayre. His wife's mother was descended from Frederick de Zeng, a Saxon baron, eighth in his line and captain of a British company in the War of the Revolution. They had one child: Richard de Zeng, born on April 20, 1892, in Chicago. On April 7, 1906, Mrs. Pierce died. The son went to the Fessenden School at West Newton, Massachusetts, for a time, is now at the Berkshire School, Sheffield, Massachusetts, and is headed for Yale. His business address is 110 State Street, Boston, and his residence is 462 Walnut Street, Newtonville, Massachusetts. Henry Barstow Platt is the son of Senator Thomas Collier Platt and Ellen (Barstow) Platt. Senator Platt was born in Owego, New York, on July 15, 1833, was in Yale for three years with the class of '53, received an M.A. from Yale in 1876, and divided his life between Owego and New York City until his death, March 6, 19 10. His parents were William H. Platt and Lesbia Hinchman of Owego; and his ancestors came to this country from Hertfordshire, England, in 1638, and settled in New Haven, afterward moving to Milford, Connecticut. Richard Platt owned eighty-five acres of land in New Haven, part of it on the south side of Chapel Street, near College Street. He also helped settle Milford. Descendants settled in Huntington, Long Island, and Northcastle, New York. Colonel Jonathan Platt, with his son Jonathan, settled in Tioga County, New York. Both had served in Sullivan's army, which crossed from Trenton, New Jersey, to the Susquehanna River and drove the Indians out of Wyoming valley. Colonel Jonathan was a member of the Provisional Congress of 1775, from New York. He is referred to in Lossing's "Field Book of the [349] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Revolution" as "one of the distinguished patriots who con- stituted the Committee of Safety at White Plains, New York, in 1778." He was our classmate's great-great-grand- Henry Barstow Piatt father. Piatt's mother was born in Owego on February 25, 1835, the daughter of Charles Rollin Barstow and Charlotte Coburn. She was of English ancestry, and died on February 13, 1901, in New York City. In addition to his father, whose connection with Yale has been mentioned above, Piatt had an uncle, William H. Piatt, who was a graduate of Yale in '35; a brother, Frank H. Piatt, who was graduated in '77; a nephew, Livingston Piatt, who was graduated in '07; and an uncle, Samuel Barstow, of Union College '61, who raised a company and as captain left for the war before graduation, the college conferring his B.A. on him before he left. [35o3 BIOGRAPHIES Piatt himself was born on February 2, i860, in Owego, New York, and lived in that city until 1873, when he went to Andalusia, Pennsylvania, and attended a private school for three years. He spent two years more at Williston Seminary, and was graduated in 1878. He roomed with McBride throughout the four years of the Yale course. He was on the freshman football and baseball teams and the Varsity baseball team. He was also on the campaign com- mittee of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, and belonged to He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Skull and Bones. Piatt went into the coal and railroading business in 1883 with the Gaines Coal & Coke Company, of which he was superintendent, with headquarters at Addison, New York. From 1883 to 1887 he was also connected with the Cham- pion Wagon Company of Owego. Since 1887 ne nas been general superintendent of the United States Express Com- pany, and since 1895 vice-president of the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. He has also been a di- rector and officer in several corporations. Among the clubs to which he belongs are the University, Yale, Lawyers', and Barnard clubs of New York City, and the Ardsley Club at Ardsley-on-Hudson. In 1882, 1901, and 1905 he made trips to Europe. On November 9, 1887, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, he married Grace Lee Phelps, daughter of John Case Phelps and Martha Wheeler Bennett. Mrs. Piatt was a descendant in the tenth generation from William Phelps, who came to Dorchester, Massachusetts, from Tewkesbury, England, in 1630. Her ancestors were prominent in the colonies and in the Revolutionary War. Her brother, Ziba Bennett Phelps, was graduated from Yale in '95, and her nephew, John Case Phelps, in '07. There are three children: Sherman Phelps, born on June 2, 1890; Char- lotte, born on December 6, 1896; and Collier, born on May 3, 1898, all in New York City. The elder boy was C350 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 graduated from the Taft School in 1908, and entered Yale 1912. Mrs. Piatt was with the class at its twenty-fifth reunion at New Haven, and entered enthusiastically into all the events. Three weeks later we were all inexpressibly shocked to hear of her death by typhoid fever. She died on July 14, 1907, at their summer home in Laurel Run, Pennsylvania. Piatt's business address is 2 Rector Street, and his resi- dence is 535 Park Avenue, New York City. William Pollock in the fall of 1882 became a member of the New York Stock Exchange, and engaged in the banking William Pollock and brokerage business at 25 Nassau Street, New York City, the firm name being Pollock & Bixby. The firm was dis- 1:3523 BIOGRAPHIES solved in the spring of i 883, and Pollock continued the busi- ness for about a year. I le then retired from the Stock Ex- change, and was without active business until 1887, w hen he removed to Bridgeport, Connecticut, where he was for some time connected with the Housatonic Railroad Company. During the past few years he has been living in Xew York City. He married Mrs. Fannie Dawson Greenough of Wil- mington, North Carolina, August 9, 1882. He has a daugh- ter, Margaret, born June 27, 1883. (From the Sexennial and Vicennial Records.) His address is 182 Madison Avenue, New York City. Julius Howard Pratt is the son of Julius Howard Pratt and Adaline F. (Barnes) Pratt. Julius Howard Pratt, Sr., was born on August 1, 1 821, at Meriden, Connecticut, where he spent the early part of his life, although he also resided at times in Alabama, in California, and in Brazil. In 1857 he moved to Montclair, New Jersey, which was his home until his death, October 14, 1909. He was a graduate of Yale in the class of 1842. The family is of Emglish origin, and came to this country from Hertfordshire in 1633, set ~ tling first in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and removing thence to Hartford and later to Saybrook. Mrs. Pratt was born December 15, 1821, at New Haven, Connecticut, w r here she spent her early life, and died March 31, 1886, at Montclair, New Jersey. Her family was of Welsh origin, her ancestors having come to Connecticut in 1637, an d set- tled at Morris Point, near New Haven, where their descen- dants have lived ever since. Pratt's great-grandfather, Deacon Phineas Pratt, was a soldier in the Revolution, being a member of the Seventh Connecticut Regiment, and later assisted in the construction of perhaps the first submarine boat, the Turtle, in which he, with Colonel Lee, made a de- scent upon the British fleet lying in the Hudson River. [353] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Pratt was born in Montclair, New Jersey, on August 20, i860, and resided there until he entered college. He was prepared in the public and high schools of that town, enter- Julius Howard Pratt ing '82 in the fall of 1878. He roomed in freshman year with Carswell in South Middle, in sophomore year with Burr of '83 in North Middle, and in junior and senior years with Lay in North Middle and North. He contributed to the Record, was a member of the class-day and class-picture committees, was a speaker at the junior exhibition and also at commencement, and took the Silliman fellowship, 1884- 87. He was a member of Gamma Nu and Psi Upsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. Pratt took a post-graduate course at Yale from 1884 to 1887, receiving the degree of Ph.D. Since then he has been actively engaged in teaching, first at Montclair, New Jersey, C354] BIOGRAPHIES then at Cornell University, then at Illinois College, Jack- sonville, Illinois. In 1890 he became the principal of Mil- waukee Academy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This institution was in existence for more than forty years, and was man- aged by Pratt with ability and success, both as to its financial condition, and as to its ability properly to equip students for college. Many of the best people in Milwaukee sent their sons to the academy, and it has been stated that most of the boys who have gone to Eastern colleges from that city were prepared by Pratt, w T ho is well liked both by the boys and by their parents. In July, 1909, Milwaukee Academy was merged into the German-English Academy, on the faculty of which institution Pratt accepted a leading position. Pratt is an independent in politics, and, while originally a Congre- gationalism he became a member of the Episcopal Church, and has been actively connected therewith, both as superin- tendent of a Sunday-school and as choir-master. He was for a number of years one of the board of visitors of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, and is a member of the Yale Club of Wisconsin, the University Club of Milwaukee, the School- masters' Club of Milwaukee, and the North Central Aca- demic Association. He married at Washington, District of Columbia, on De- cember 27, 1892, Annie Barclay, daughter of D. Robert Barclay and Mary M. Shepard. Mrs. Pratt's maternal grandfather, Elihu H. Shepard, rendered distinguished service in the War of 1812, and again in the Mexican War. He was prominent in the early history of St. Louis, giving special attention to educational work. They have no chil- dren. His address is German-English Academy, and 469 Van Buren Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. £3S5l HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 James Quackenbush Rice is the son of James Quacken- bush and Harriet E. (Cook) Rice. His father's family is of Welsh descent, but his ancestors came to this country James Quackenbush Rice from England about the middle of the seventeenth century, and settled in Rhode Island. James Quackenbush Rice, Sr., was a graduate of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Con- necticut, and was later given the degree of M.A. by that university. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was con- ducting a large school in Goshen, Litchfield County, Con- necticut. He responded to Lincoln's call for volunteers, raised a company, and went out as captain with the Nine- teenth Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, which regiment afterward became the Second Connecticut Heavy Artillery. He was killed at the battle of Opequon Creek, on the 19th of September, 1864, this action being sometimes known as C3-S63 BIOGRAPHIES the second battle of Winchester. The family of Harriet E. Cook came to this country about the middle of the seven- teenth century from England, and settled in Wallingford, Connecticut, from which place they moved about 1735 to Goshen, Connecticut, when the so-called ''Western Lands" of the State of Connecticut were settled, and became the original settlers of that town. Rice was born at Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, on the ioth of October, 18^9, and spent the early part of his life in that town. In 1 874 his mother removed to Hart- ford, Connecticut, and he prepared for college at the Hart- ford Public High School. During his freshman year he roomed with Morrison, and during the remainder of his college course with Martin Welles. He was a member of the senior promenade committee and prepared the class sta- tistics. His societies were Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation he entered the United States Patent Office, Washington, District of Columbia, as assistant ex- aminer early in 1883. He was promoted through the various grades of assistant examiner and was appointed principal examiner of the Patent Office in 1889, all of his promotions having been obtained by competitive examina- tions. At the same time he studied law, taking the degree of LL.B. at the Columbian University Law School, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in 1884. He remained in the Patent Office until 1898, and during most of his term as principal examiner was in charge of the class of inventions relating more par- ticularly to printing machinery and machinery for producing paper products. It is in connection with this class of ma- chinery, therefore, that he is best known to the patent pro- fession. He was also at various times, however, in charge of classes of invention relating to tobacco machinery, sew- ing-machines, and applied electricity. He resigned from [357] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 the Patent Office in February, 1898, to become a member of the firm of Philipp, Phelps & Sawyer, 220 Broadway, New York. In 1900 the firm name was changed to Philipp, Sawyer, Rice & Kennedy. The firm makes a specialty of patent and trade-mark law. Rice is a member of the Uni- versity, Yale, and New York Athletic clubs of New York City, the Graduates' Club of New Haven, and of the Loyal Legion. He married Helen Eggleston Howd, at Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, September 18, 1883, and has two children: a son, Welles Kennon, born January 1, 1887, and a daughter, Dorothy Lee, born August 16, 1888. Welles Kennon was graduated from Yale in the class of 1909, having rowed in three university races, and his daughter, Dorothy Lee, is in Vassar College and a member of the class of 191 1. His business address is 220 Broadway, New York City. He has a summer residence at Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, and his city address is Hotel St. James, 109 West Forty- fifth Street, New York City. Charles Edward Richards is the son of George Hale Richards and Hepsie (Wilder) Richards. His father was a jeweler and farmer of Keene, New Hampshire. He was born in Rowley, Massachusetts, on August 27, 18 18, and died in Keene in March, 1905. His parents were Moses Richards of Rowley, Massachusetts, and Hannah Hale of Providence, Rhode Island. The paternal ancestors came from England about 1680 and settled in Boston. Richards' mother was born in Keene in 1823, the daughter of Azel Wilder of Keene, and died in August, 1864. Her ancestors also were of English origin, having come to this country about 1680. Richards was born on August 6, 1859, in Keene, New D58] BIOGRAPHIES Hampshire, was graduated from the Keene High School, and prepared for college at the Williston Seminary. All four years in college he roomed with Hand. He was fond Charles Edward Richards of rowing, but did not go in for any organized athletics. He was chairman of the News board, was a class deacon, and belonged to the Glee Club and Orchestra. Of his life since graduation he writes: "Immediately after graduation I determined to study elec- trical engineering. Professor Arthur Wright laid out my work, there being in 1882 no institution in the United States or abroad offering a course for giving a degree in electrical engineering. I began my studies in the summer, but before the college year began I received a flattering business offer, which I accepted. "I remained in the wholesale watch and jewelry business [359] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE ? 82 in Boston for seven years, and then went to Moreno, Cali- fornia, into orange and fruit raising. "I came to Los Angeles in 1899, and began contracting. A short time ago, with others, I incorporated under the name of the Richards-Neustadt Construction Company, with place of business at 704 Wright and Callender Building, Hill and Fourth Streets, Los Angeles, California. We are also operating in various parts of the State. Our principal business is the erecting of reinforced concrete structures. U E. O. Weed, who lives in Los Angeles, and I are the only '82 men in this vicinity, but there are a large number of Yale graduates in the city and State. The Los Angeles contingent meet in reunion nearly every month. Our local Yale Club is maintaining a graduate scholarship at the uni- versity, the beneficiary being the brightest man we can select in the vicinity." Richards is a deacon in the First Congregational Church, and teacher of a large young men's class. In politics he is an independent Republican. The University Club, Repub- lican League, and various civic clubs of Los Angeles count him among their members. On June 5, 1889, in New Haven, he married Bertha W. Gray, daughter of Charles S. Gray and Harriet N. Gray. They have one child: Philip Hand, born on June 19, 1894, in Moreno, California. He is preparing for college in the Los Angeles public schools for the class of 191 6 Yale. His business address is 704 Wright and Callender Build- ing, and his residence is 121 1 Magnolia Avenue, Los Ange- les, California. *George Parker Richardson was the son of George Leland Richardson (Bowdoin 1849) an d Anna (McLel- lan) Richardson. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, July 14, 1859. In college he roomed, freshman year in D603 BIOGRAPHIES North Middle with Sewall, sophomore year in South Middle with H. L. Williams, and the last two years with Williams in Durfee. He was a member of the freshman class supper George Parker Richardson committee, the junior promenade committee, and the senior promenade committee, being floor manager of the latter. In junior year he was lieutenant of Company B, Garfield and Arthur battalion, and he was coxswain in several class races. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, He Boule, and Delta Kappa Epsilon, and a graduate member of Wolf's Head. After graduation he lived in Boston, where he was for eight years chief clerk of passenger accounts of the Boston and Maine Railroad, and subsequently was connected with the Atlas National Bank in which he rose to the position of paying teller. He was one of the leaders of all meetings of C36.3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Yale men in his city, and a member of the executive com- mittee of the Yale Club of Boston, and for several years pre- vious on the same committee of the Alumni Association. He died suddenly, it is supposed from heart disease, early in the morning of December 9, 1904, at the age of forty-five years. On September 16, 1896, he married Mrs. Elizabeth (Whittaker) Decker at Boston. She died June 29, 1899, leaving one child by her former marriage. Robert Mayo Rolfe is the son of William and Ann Law- rence (Small) Rolfe. William Rolfe was born March 1, 1 8 19, in Raymond, Maine, and his entire life has been spent Robert Mayo Rolfe in his native state as farmer, merchant, and wholesale jobber. Rolfe's mother was born May 18, 1821, in Auburn, Maine, where she died in November, 1889. C362H BIOGRAPHIES Our classmate was born July 16, 1853, in Casco, Maine, and his early life was spent in the vicinity of his birthplace. He entered Yale as a member of the class of '81, but joined '82 in the beginning of sophomore year. At first he roomed In town. In junior and senior years he roomed in 106 North, first with his brother, who was a member of '81, and in senior year with Brockway. With the exception of three years spent on a plantation, Rolfe has been engaged in teaching, eight years of the time being spent in Colorado and the rest in Memphis, Tennes- see. He is at present a teacher in the Memphis High School. On December 24, 1886, at Memphis, Tennessee, Rolfe married Martha J. Kerr. Their children are Robert L., born December 6, 1887; Gillham, born March 9, 1892 — these two in Memphis, Tennessee; Gladys J., born August 29, 1894; and Nina K., born January 27, 1897 — these two in Trinidad, Colorado. His address is 11 15 Monroe Avenue, Memphis, Ten- nessee. John Rossiter is the son of John R. Rossiter and Clara F. (Crittenden) Rossiter. John R. Rossiter was born on June 20, 1 8 17, at North Guilford, Connecticut, and there passed his life as a farmer and school-teacher, dying on April 5, 1902. His family was of English origin, his ances- tors having come to this country in 1630 and settled at Dor- chester, Massachusetts. Mrs. Rossiter was born on August 29, 1824, at Guilford, and spent her life there, dying on December 4, 1905. Her family was also of English origin, having come to this country in 1639 and settled at Guilford, Connecticut. Rossiter was born on January 20, 1850, at North Guil- ford, and there spent his early life. When twenty-one years D 6 3] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 of age he went to New Britain, Connecticut, and there spent two years at the State Normal School. Thereafter he taught school for four years as principal of the Center School of John Rossiter New Canaan, and then abandoned teaching to finish his preparation for college, and entered the class of '82 in the fall of 1878. In freshman year he roomed with Snyder, in sophomore year with Wentworth in North Middle, and during junior and senior years with McKnight, first in North Middle and afterward in Lyceum. On leaving college Rossiter took up his career of teaching at Williston Seminary, and taught there for one year. Then for a year or two he took charge of the high school at Wind- sor, Connecticut, and in the fall of 1884 he became the prin- cipal of the Broadway Grammar School at Norwich, Con- necticut. He remained in Norwich for twenty-two years, [364:1 BIOGRAPHIES but in the fall of 1906 his health gave way, and he felt obliged to drop his professional work, since which time he has been residing at his home in the town of Guilford, where he has spent his time in outdoor work and study, taking a course in psychology and pedagogy for the M.A. degree at Vale. This he received in June, 1909. He writes: u On the whole, life has run very smoothly and pleasantly with me, and I have no complaints to make. People have been fully as good to me as T deserve, and I hope I may be able to pay it back by still being a help to some one." He is a member of the Second Congregational Church at Norwich, and was for a number of years one of its dea- cons and superintendent of its Sunday-school. On August 22, 1883, he married at New Canaan, Con- necticut, Eleanor G. Brown, the daughter of Francis Brown and Sarah Seeley. Her family was of English origin. They have two children, a boy and a girl. The daughter, Ruth F. Rossiter, spent the year of 1905-06 at Mount Holyoke College, took a two years' course in the Willimantic State Normal School, and is now teaching. The boy, John H. Rossiter, is still in the grammar school, but Rossiter ex- presses the wish that he may some day receive his diploma from Yale. His address is Rural Free Delivery No. 2, Guilford, Con- necticut. Benjamin Huger Rutledge is the son of Benjamin H. Rutledge and Eleanor (Middleton) Rutledge. Benjamin H. Rutledge, Sr., was born on June 4, 1829, at Statesburg, South Carolina, and spent most of his life at Charleston, South Carolina, where, after being graduated from Yale in the class of 1848, he practised law, and died on April 30, 1S93. The Rutledge family was of Irish origin, having come to this country in 1730 and settled at Charleston. The first of Rutledge's ancestors in this country was attorney- r.3653 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 general of the colony, and in the next generation the family were all lawyers, educated in England and members of Lincoln's Inns of Court. John Rutledge was the second Benjamin Huger Rutledge Chief Justice of the United States, and Edward Rutledge one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and High Chancellor of South Carolina for many years, dying in office after the Revolutionary period. Rutledge's father was a member of the Secession Convention of i860, and commanded a brigade in the army of the Confederate States during the Civil War. On his mother's side the ancestry of Rutledge is equally distinguished, all his maternal fore- fathers having been educated in England, one of them hav- ing been a royal governor, one president of the Continental Congress, one a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and one a governor of South Carolina and Minister from D 66 n BIOGRAPHIES the United States to Russia. All of these were graduates of English universities. Rutledge was born on September 4, 1861, at Charleston, South Carolina, and there resided prior to entering college. He prepared for Yale at the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia, and entered '82 in junior year, during which he roomed alone on Elm Street. At that time the war period was not so distant that its sadly bitter experiences could be forgotten, and it would have taken more than a normal youth from the South to escape all feeling of rancor toward those of Northern blood. The Yale spirit, how- ever, works surely though subtly, and gradually the spirit of friendship supplanted that of hostility, and Rutledge became loved and loving. Rutledge came to Yale a type of the Old South, but was graduated with the spirit of the New South. Since that time he has been busily engaged in the practice of law in Charleston, his firm being Mordecai & Gadsden, Rutledge & Hagood. In 1885 he was elected captain of the Carolina Rifles, and in 1887 major commanding the Sec- ond Battalion, Fourth Brigade, South Carolina Volunteer Troops. In 1889 he was president of the City Democratic Convention, and was for a number of years a member of the State Legislature. He has for many years been vestryman of St. Michael's Episcopal Church, and is a member of the Charleston Club, the St. Cecilia Society, the State Bar Asso- ciation, and the Masonic Fraternity. Rutledge married on October 5, 1892, at Fletcher, North Carolina, Emma Craig Blake, daughter of Daniel Blake and Helen E. Craig. Mrs. Rutledge is a descendant of Benjamin Blake, a brother of Admiral Blake, and also of Sir Joseph Low, Proprietor of South Carolina, and the first governor thereof born in this country. They have six chil- dren, of whom one, the only boy, Benjamin H., Jr., born January 11, 1902, Rutledge designates as destined, D. V., for Yale 1924. C367H HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 His business address is 43 Broad Street, and his residence is 52 South Battery, Charleston, South Carolina. Daniel Sammis Sanford is the son of Daniel Sanford and Helen Eliza (Sammis) Sanford. Sanford is English on both sides of the family. The paternal ancestors came to this country from Stowe, Gloucester County, England, be- tween 1630 and 1634, and settled in Dorchester, Massachu- setts. Aaron Sanford and Fanny Hill of Redding, Connecti- Daniel Sammis Sanford cut, were Sanford's grandparents, and his father was the founder of Redding Institute. Sanford's father was edu- cated at White Plains Academy and Wesleyan University, where he received the degree of M.A. He was born in D683 BIOGRAPHIES Redding Ridge on March 5, 18 17, and died there on Janu- ary 12, 1902. His wife was the daughter of John S. and Nancy Sammis of Norwalk, Connecticut. She was born in Norwalk on May 22, 1829, and died in Stamford, Con- necticut, on April 4, 1 89 1 . San ford was horn in Redding Ridge on April 10, 1859, and studied in Redding Institute under his father's tutelage. He went to the public school at South Norwalk from 1875 to 1876, and to the Centenary Collegiate Institute at Hack- ettstown, New Jersey, from 1876 to 1878. He entered Yale with our class at the usual time, and roomed for the four years with Abbott. He was a member of the class-day com- mittee and of Psi Upsilon. For the first year after his graduation Sanford was the principal of the high school at Oil City, Pennsylvania. The year after he was mathematical master at St. John's Mili- tary Academy in Ossining, New York. From 1884 to 1891 he was principal of the high and center schools in Stamford, Connecticut. Yale gave him an M.A. in 1885, and he spent the summer in Germany. From 1891 to 1905 he was head master of the Brookline (Massachusetts) High School, and since 1905 he has been head master of the Sanford School in Redding Ridge. He studied one year in the Department of Education at Harvard, and he has spent four summers in Europe investigating educational methods, as well as a sabbatical year (1898-99), which he devoted to the school systems of England, Germany, and France. Sanford has written various magazine articles and educational mono- graphs, among them being "High School Extension," "The Curriculum of American Secondary Schools," and "Two Foreign Schools and their Suggestions." Fiske's "Civil Gov- ernment" (Houghton, Mifflin & Company, Boston, Decem- ber, 1903) was revised by him. He is an Episcopalian, an independent politically, and chairman of the Board of Edu- cation in his native town. He was a member of the Brook- D 6 9] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 line Thursday Club for twelve years and its president for two. He belonged to the Twentieth Century Club of Bos- ton for ten years, and was its secretary for one year. On July 7, 1898, in Derby, Connecticut, Sanford married Annie Bennett Tomlinson, daughter of Joseph Tomlinson and Annie Brewster, the latter a lineal descendant of Elder Brewster. Mrs. Sanford is a Wellesley graduate in the class of 1893 and was a graduate student at Yale 1893-94. They have two children: Joseph Hudson, born on June 28, 1900, and Daniel Sammis, Jr., born on April 4, 1902, both in Brookline. His address is Redding Ridge, Connecticut. Arthur Scranton Arthur Scranton was for a number of years assistant superintendent of the Bessemer Steel Works, Scranton, D7o] BIOGRAPHIES Pennsylvania. Resigning his position, he spent several years in Europe, and is now connected with the Lackawanna Steel Company, Buffalo, New York. He married Mary D. Mcllvaine, at St. Albans, Vermont, on October 15, 1884, and has two children: John Walworth, born July 27, 1885, and Marian, born July 4, 1889. (From the Vicennial Record.) His address is Scranton, Pennsylvania. Charles Locke Scudder is the son of Evarts Scudder and Sarah P. (Lamson) Scudder. Evarts Scudder was born in Charles Locke Scudder Boston on January 2, 1832, and was educated at the Rox- bury Latin School, Williams College, and Andover Theo- [370 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 logical Seminary. He became a Congregational clergyman, and was settled in Kent, Connecticut, and in Great Barring- ton, Massachusetts. His family was of English origin, hav- ing come to this country in 1635 and settled in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Sarah P. Lamson, Scudder's mother, was born November 24, 1840, at Derry, New Hampshire, and is still living. Scudder was born August 7, i860, at Kent, Connecticut, and passed his early life at Kent and at Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He entered Williston Seminary in 1877, being graduated in 1878, and then entered '82 in the autumn of that year. During the first year he roomed alone in Crown Street in the house of Dr. Leonard J. Sanford. In sophomore year he roomed with Smith in Old Chapel, and in junior and senior years with Morris in Farnam. Scudder trained for and participated in the quarter-mile race, receiving first prize in the college games. He was a class deacon and a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduating he took a course in chemistry and biol- ogy under Professor Chittenden in the Sheffield Scientific School, preparatory to the study of medicine. He received the degree of Ph.B. in 1883. Thereafter he attended the Harvard Medical School, from which he was graduated with the degree of M.D. in 1888. Immediately after leav- ing the Medical School he served as house surgeon at the Boston Children's Hospital, and then as surgical house officer at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Since graduating at the Medical School and the hospitals he has lived in Boston, where he has practised as a surgeon. Soon after beginning private practice, in 1891, he was ap- pointed surgeon to the out-patient department of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital, and in 1903 he received the appointment of attending surgeon to that institution, one of the most coveted positions in surgery in New England. He C370 BIOGRAPHIES has devoted a great deal of his time and interest to teaching in the Harvard Medical School, having held the following appointments: From 18(89 t() 1893, assistant in clinical sur- gery; from 1893 to 1895, assistant in clinical surgery and demonstrator of surgical apparatus; from 189; to 1903, assistant in operative surgery. In 1907 he was appointed lecturer on surgery in the Harvard Medical School, and still holds this position. From time to time Scudder has contributed important articles upon surgery to leading medical journals. In 1900 he published a book upon "The Treatment of Fractures," which received most favorable comments from medical crit- ics and is already in its sixth edition. He has a small camp at Little Cranberry Island, on the coast of Maine, near Northeast Harbor, where he spends with his family the warm months of the year. Scudder is a member of the Old South Church in Boston. In politics he is an independent Republican. He is a mem- ber of the University Club of Boston and the Union Boat Club. He is a member of the Society of Clinical Surgery, and a fellow r of the xAmerican Surgical Association and of cer- tain other societies. During the winter of 1904 he was abroad for three months, visiting various special surgical clinics. Scudder married, on September 5, 1895, at Northampton, Massachusetts, Abigail T. Seelye, the daughter of L. Clarke Seelye, president of Smith College. They have two chil- dren; one boy, Kvarts, born September 5, 1896, and one girl, Hilda Chapin, born February 7, 1899. Kvarts, the son, enters the Hill School at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 1 9 10, and hopes to enter Yale with the class of 1 9 1 8 . Scudder has recently built a new house in Boston, arrang- ing it for satisfactory surgical offices. His address is 209 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. D73] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Caleb Wright Shipley is the son of Murray Shipley and Hannah Davis (Taylor) Shipley. Both were of English origin, but Mrs. Shipley had an admixture of Welsh blood Caleb Wright Shipley in her veins. The Shipleys came from Uttoxeter, England, about 1780 and settled in New York. Shipley's grandpa- rents were Morris Shipley of Uttoxeter and Sarah Shotwell of Rahway, New Jersey. His father was born on March 1, 1830, in New York City, was educated at St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, was a wholesale merchant, a manufac- turer, and a minister of the Society of Friends, and died in Cincinnati on January 20, 1899. His mother was born on September 21, 1831, in Cincinnati, and died there on No- vember 19, 1 87 1. The grandparents on the mother's side were Caleb Wright Taylor and Mary Jordan Davis. The C3743 BIOGRAPHIES Taylor ancestors came from England in the early part of the seventeenth century to settle in Virginia. Shipley was born on August 31, 1 86 1 , in Cincinnati, Ohio, and spent his early days there and in Kendal, England. For one year he attended the Friends' School in Kendal, and was graduated from Chickering's Institute in June, 1878. He entered with the class at the customary time, and roomed with Sweetser during the last three years of the course, after rooming alone during freshman year. He was captain of Dunham for several years, and participated in other forms of athletics. In 1881 he was a substitute on the Varsity foot- ball team. Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon were his societies. From 1882 to 1885 he was in the dry-goods business with Shipley, Doisy & Company of Cincinnati. In May, 1887, he joined Sechler & Company, Incorporated, wholesale car- riage-builders, 544 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, and is now president as well as director in the company. He is an Epis- copalian, and a vestryman and treasurer of his church. He is a trustee of the Children's Home, a director of the Lodge & Shipley M. T. Company, of the Queen City Warehouse Company, and of the Highland Carriage Company; and is a member of the Queen City Club, the Cincinnati Golf Club, the University Club, the Country Club, and the Riding Club of Cincinnati. He has visited England and the Continent, Mexico, South America, and Cuba. On June 22, 1887, in Cincinnati, Shipley married Char- lotte Harries Goshorn, daughter of Seth Cutler Goshorn and Elizabeth Ann Cooper. The Goshorns were English and Dutch. Alfred T. Goshorn, an uncle of Mrs. Shipley, was a graduate of Marietta College (Ohio), and later di- rector of the Philadelphia ('76) Centennial Exposition. The Shipley children are two : Marguerita, born on June 13, 1888, and Alfreda, born on August 27, 1893, both in Cin- cinnati. Marguerita was graduated in 19 10 at Bryn Mawr. [375] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 She prepared at the Collins Doherty School in Cincinnati and the Misses Shipley's in Bryn Mawr. His business address is 538-544 East Fifth Street, and his residence is 356 Resor Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. * Levi Ives Shoemaker was the son of Lazarus Denison Shoemaker and Esther Wallace (Wadhams) Shoemaker. Shoemaker's father was a graduate of Yale in the class of Levi Ives Shoemaker 1840, and there have been a number of ancestors or kinsmen who have received baccalaureate degrees. Some of them are: uncle, Charles Denison Shoemaker, Yale 1876; cousin, Robert Charles Shoemaker, Yale 1885; great-grandfather, Noah Wadhams, Princeton 1754, Yale M.A.; uncle, Calvin D763 BIOGRAPHIES Wadhams, Princeton 1854; cousin, Dr. R. L. Wadhams, Princeton 1895; cousin, Samuel Wadhams, Dartmouth 1875; cousin, Moses Wadhams, Dartmouth 1880; cousin, Ralph Wadhams, Amherst 1889. The Shoemakers were Dutch, having come over from Holland in 1660. Shoemaker's grandfather, Elijah Shoe- maker, married Elizabeth Denison of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Lazarus Denison Shoemaker, their son, re- ceived the degree of M.A., studied law, and became an attorney in Wilkes-Barre. He was born on November 5, 1 8 19, at Forty Fort, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, and died on September 10, 1893, in Wilkes-Barre. Shoemaker's mother was the daughter of Samuel Wadhams and Clorinda Starr Catlin of Plymouth, Pennsylvania. She was born on December 13, 1826, in Plymouth, and died in Wilkes-Barre on August 4, 1889. Her ancestors came from England and settled in Wethersfield, Connecticut. Shoemaker was born on September 28, 1859, in Wilkes- Barre, where his early years were spent in private schools, and on January 1, 1877, he entered the Hopkins Grammar School, from which he was graduated in 1878. He roomed with Parke in freshman year, in sophomore year alone in West Divinity, and as a junior and senior in Farnam with J. F. Allen. In senior year he was president of the Hare and Hounds Club, and at graduation was on the senior promenade committee. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and a graduate member of Wolf's Head. Medicine attracted him, and he received an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1886, and he attained no little distinction in his profession. He was a surgeon on the staff of the Wilkes-Barre City Hospital, consulting surgeon of the Mercy Hospital, physician for the Home for Friend- less Children and the United Charities in Wilkes-Barre, trustee of the State Hospital for the Insane at Danville, [377] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Pennsylvania, surgeon for the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Central Railroad of New Jersey, examiner for the Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Security Mutual Life Insurance Company of Binghamton and the Bankers' Life Insurance Company, a director of the Second National Bank and of the Wilkes-Barre Lace Manufacturing Com- pany, and a member of the Westmoreland Club, the Wyo- ming Valley Country Club, the Wyoming Historical and Genealogical Society, the Luzerne County Medical Society, the Pennsylvania State Medical Society, the American Medi- cal Association, and the American Academy of Medicine. He was a Republican. His European travel included three trips, in 1876, 1902, and 1909. On November 27, 1889, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, he married the sister of his classmate, Cornelia W. Scranton, daughter of Joseph H. Scranton and Cornelia Walker. In the summer of 1909 Shoemaker traveled extensively in Europe with his wife and sister, and about the middle of September went to Bad Nauheim to try the baths. He died there September 27 from an acute attack of the heart trouble from which he had suffered for several years, a disease that he had known to be incurable from the beginning. Its progress had compelled his gradual retire- ment from the practice of his profession at a time when a more than local success and reputation were assured. He was enthusiastic in his work, intensely ambitious, and was making good in the largest sense. Few even of those who knew him well realized how bitter the disappointment was. To such as understood and watched the course of events, he gave a most wonderful exhibition of pluck and courage in a fight against overwhelming odds. He never complained or whimpered. Always a manly man, he was never more so than in these last years. He was a fellow of earnest con- victions, wide in his sympathies, lovable and loyal to his friends. One who knew him intimately from prep-school D78H BIOGRAPHIES days till the end can truthfully say he never heard him speak a cruel or even unkind word of any one. To him the loss of the success in his grasp seemed failure. Those who watched the way in which he played out as hard a game as can come to a man, how sweetly he accepted the inevitable and simply did the best he could as long as he could, felt it the most glorious success that could be achieved. He was a man who could ill be spared, and his going leaves a gap that for many can never be filled. * Charles Mather Sholes was the son of Charles H. Sholes and Emilie (Mather) Sholes. He was born in Bos- Charles Mather Sholes ton, Massachusetts, on March 6, 1859, and prepared for college at Andover, Massachusetts. He joined our class in L379] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 sophomore year, being then a resident of Newport, New Hampshire. He roomed his first year on Chapel Street and during junior and senior years with M. S. Allen in Durfee. He was a member of the junior promenade committee. After graduation he settled in business in Oswego, Kan- sas, where he was a loan broker and notary public, and also a director in the First National Bank. On December 25, 1884, he married Anna Electa Tucker, and they had two sons, Hiram 2d, born on October 3, 1885, and William Mather, born on June 1, 1888. He died on August 7, 1889, at Oswego, from heart disease. This was brought on just after he left college, when he, with a friend, tramped through the White Mountains. Although he did not join the class until the beginning of sophomore year, he at once took a prominent place, and was held in the very highest regard by all. Edward Vernon Silver and Lewis Mann Silver are the twin sons of Charles Alexander Silver and Helen Lydia ( Mann ) Silver. Charles Alexander Silver is a Brooklyn busi- ness man, the son of Alexander Simpson Silver and Jemima Peterson of Norwich, Vermont. The Silvers were originally Scotch, and came to this country to settle in Norwich. Our classmates' father was born there on August 21, 1821, was graduated from Norwich University with the degree of A.B. in 1 841, and has lived in Brooklyn since, as a merchant from 1 841 to 1865, and a real estate operator and builder from 1865 to the present time. His wife was born in Or- ford, New Hampshire, on October 28, 1823, the daughter of Nathaniel Mann and Mary Mason of Orford. The Mann ancestors came from Kent County, England, in 1634, and settled in Scituate, Massachusetts. Both the Silver and Mann family trees are full of ancestors with college edu- [3803 BIOGRAPHIES cations. A list of them would include the following: Rev. Samuel Mann, Harvard 1665; Rev. Cyrus Mann, Dart- mouth [806, great-uncle; Rev. Joel Mann, Dartmouth Edward Vernon Silver [810, great-uncle; lewis Mann, Dartmouth 1830, uncle; Charles A. Silver, Norwich University 1841, father; George Wilcox, Dartmouth i860, cousin; Leonard Wilcox, Dart- mouth 1863, cousin; Henry Mann Silver, Dartmouth 1872, brother; Herbert Wilcox, Yale 1898, cousin; Edward Hitchcock, Amherst 1899, cousin. Edward Silver was born on July 24, i860, in Brooklyn, New York. From 1869 to 1872 he attended the Juvenile High School, and from 1872 to 1875 the Polytechnic Insti- tute. For two years thereafter he was at St. Johnsbury Academy in Vermont, and for one year at Phillips Andover, and entered Yale with us in September, 1878. He roomed r.3813 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 with his brother, on Chapel Street during freshman year, on Library Street during sophomore year, and in Farnam in junior and senior years. After graduation he entered Sheffield Scientific School, where he studied chemistry and kindred subjects for one year. In the fall of 1883 he entered the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, New York City, and was graduated with the class of '85. After spending two years in Roose- velt Hospital, he went to Vienna, where he studied for one year. Returning to New York, he engaged in general prac- tice and in hospital work. In 1891 he removed to Salt Lake City, where he has since resided. He writes : "The beautiful location of this city, the broadstreets and the lofty mountains round about, appealed to me so strongly that I decided to remain and build up a practice in the Mormon capital. Murphy was then living here. During the eighteen years' residence here I have not once regretted my choice of this Western home. My professional duties have not been allowed to absorb all of my time. Church and Sunday- school work have been given all of the time I could spare. This has not been difficult, as I have no office hours on Sun- day. As an elder in the Third Presbyterian Church and superintendent of the Sunday-school, and, later, elder in the First Presbyterian Church and superintendent of the Sunday- school, I have had a diversion from professional duties and cares which has proven very helpful. As president of the Young Men's Christian Association for a number of years, I have been able to help a work which appeals to me very strongly." Silver was a member of the Salt Lake City Board of Health from 1894 to 1896 inclusive, and is a visiting physi- cian to St. Mark's Hospital. He is also an examiner for the following insurance companies: the New York Life, the Home Life, the Washington Life, the Equitable Life, the Mutual Life, and the Union Mutual Life. BIOGRAPHIES On April 3, 1901, in Salt Lake City, he married Bessie Larsen, daughter of O. and Martha Larsen. There are four children: Charles Alexander, born on January 29, 1902; Kathryn Vernon, born on March 12, 1903; Virginia, born on October 13, 1904; and Edward Vernon, Jr., born on May 31, 1906, all in Salt Lake City. His business address is 9 and 10 Mercantile Block, and his residence is 902 East Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lewis Mann Silver and Edward Vernon Silver are the twin sons of Charles Alexander Silver and Helen Lydia Lewis Mann Silver (Mann) Silver. For the antecedents of the former, see the biography of his brother Edward Silver, next preceding. C3833 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Lewis Silver was born in Brooklyn on July 24, i860, and, like his twin brother, attended the Juvenile High School till 1873, and the Polytechnic Institute from 1873 to 1875. He then, still with his brother, went to St. Johnsbury Academy in Vermont for two years, and afterward to Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. He entered Yale at the usual time, and roomed with his brother, as stated in our sketch of Edward. Having determined during his senior year to enter upon the study and practice of medicine, he matriculated at Belle- vue Medical College in New York City, and was graduated in March, 1885. After passing eighteen months in Bellevue Hospital he studied abroad in various cities and for six months was intern in the Frauenklinik, Munich, Germany, and then settled in New York, where he has since practised his profession. In 1889 he received an appointment as assistant demonstrator of anatomy in Bellevue Medical Col- lege. This he held until 1894. In 1891 he received ap- pointments as attending physician to the Demilt Dispensary, department of general medicine, and as attending physician to the Vanderbilt Clinic, department of children, which positions he still holds. "For the past five years," he writes, referring to the inter- val since the publication of our twenty-year book, "nothing very eventful has happened, and I have lived the even tenor of my way. Have enjoyed excellent health, which is something to be thankful for. In the summer of 1905 I took an extended trip through the West and along the Pa- cific coast and Alaska. Met Yale men all the way from the summits of White Pass, Alaska, to Los Angeles, California, and all glad to see some Yale friend from the East. At Seattle had a pleasant three days' visit with Clarence Smith at his summer home on Lake Washington. At Portland I called on Jefferds and found him but little changed, busy attending to the sick and afflicted. At Los Angeles I called 1:3843 BIOGRAPHIES on Richards, but did not find him at home. The trip ended with a pleasant visit with my brother at Salt Lake." Silver is a Republican politically, and an elder in the Rut- gers Presbyterian Church of New York City. He has written several professional articles for the Archives of Pediatrics. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the New York Academy of Medicine, the Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital, the County Medical Society of New York, the New York State Medical Association, the West End Medical Society, the New England Society of New York (life membership), and the New Hampshire Society of New York. On October 25, 1894, he married Roberta Shoemaker, at St. Stephen's Church in Philadelphia. Mrs. Silver is the daughter of Robert Shoemaker and Ann Summers. Her ancestors were Quakers, among them Benjamin Shoemaker, mayor of Philadelphia in 1743, 1 75 1 , and 1760, and his son, Samuel Shoemaker, who was also mayor in 1769 and 1 77 1. There are three children: Helen Mann, born on September 28, 1895; Margaret Bird, born on March 25, 1897; and Henry Mann, born on November 6. 1904, all in New York City. His address is 103 West Seventy-second Street, New York City. Clarence Austin Smith is the son of Eli Stone Smith and Eliza (Holbrook) Smith. The Smiths came from England early in the history of this country and settled in Milford, Connecticut. They were farmers mostly, and such was William Smith of Washington, Connecticut, who married Julia Stone of Middlebury, and became the grandfather of our classmate. His son, our classmate's father, was a manu- facturer, of Derby, Connecticut, who was born on June 24, 1827, at Washington, and died in Seattle on May 2, 1902. D8.0 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 His wife was born in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, on May i, 1822, the daughter of Erasmus Holbrook of Sturbridge and Betsey Smith of Palmer, Massachusetts. She died on Sep- Clarence Austin Smith tember 9, 1890, in Derby. The Holbrook ancestors were Irish and came to America in 1700 or thereabouts to settle in Palmer. Smith was born on January 24, 1861, in Derby, Connecti- cut, attended the Derby public schools, and was graduated from the high school in 1877 ; passed the Yale examinations in that year, and could have entered with '81, but remained out a year, during which he devoted himself chiefly to music. During freshman year he roomed with E. Smith of Hart- ford in North Middle, in sophomore year with Scudder in Old Chapel, and in junior and senior years he shared a room in Farnam with Weaver. He was president of the [386;] BIOGRAPHIES Freshman Glee Club, and during freshman and sophomore years he played the organ at the George Street Methodist Church, and during part of junior and senior years he was organist in the Congregational Church in Branford. After graduation Smith taught for two years, and then entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, where he took his degree in 1887. He then passed eighteen months in Bellevue Hospital, and thereafter went to Seattle, Wash- ington, where he has since resided and practised his pro- fession, with a short interval of life at Elizabeth, New Jer- sey, and Washington, District of Columbia. He writes: "After my return to Seattle in 1902 I was active in agi- tating the establishing of a medical library. As a feature of this work, with the aid of another physician, I began publish- ing a medical journal, Northwest Medicine, of which I have been editor-in-chief. In the summer of 1909 it was adopted as the official journal of the State Medical Associations of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. It was doubled in size and is now accepted by the medical profession as the estab- lished and recognized organ of the profession of the Pacific Northwest. I was elected editor-in-chief of the new journal." Besides articles for his own magazine, Smith has pub- lished "A Study of Uretero-Cystostomy" in the American Journal of Obstetrics (1901), and "Cancer in the District of Columbia for Twenty Years" in American Medicine (February, 1902). Ele was a member of the Washington State Medical Examining Board from 1896 to 1898, and health officer of Seattle from 1897 to 1899. He is Re- publican in politics, and Congregational in religion, in which church he has been a trustee and deacon. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Washington State Medical Association, the American Medical Editors' Asso- ciation, the Arcana Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Seattle, the University Club of Seattle, the Seattle Athletic Club, and the Kings County Medical Society. Of the last- D87] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 named he was president in 1898, and was president of his State Medical Association 1908-09. Smith married Susan Selden Chichester on July 2, 1890, in Geneseo, New York. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Darwin Chichester (Union College 1840) and Caroline Elizabeth Chapin. Her grandfather, Moses Chapin, was graduated from Yale in 181 1 ; her great-grandfather, Levi Ward, M.D., was graduated from Yale about 1789, and had been married and began practising medicine before he was twenty-one; her maternal uncle, Henry B. Chapin, was Yale 1847; an d her cousin, Professor Charles H. Smith, was Yale 1865. There are four children: Eunice Wakelee, born on April 13, 1891; Austin Chichester, born on April 22, 1893; Harriet Holbrook, born on May 17, 1897; and Dwight Chichester, born on October 31, 1900, the first three in Seattle, and the fourth in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Eunice graduated in the class of 1909 from the Seattle High School, and is now a member of the class of 1913 at Mount Holyoke. Austin is in the class of 191 1 at the Seattle High School, preparing for Yale. His business address is 407 Marion Building, and his residence is 1305 East Mercer Street, Seattle, Washington. * Frank Hiram Snell was the son of Dr. Hiram Morti- mer Snell and Amanda (Sibley) Snell. His father was a surgeon in the Civil War, and died in 1863. His mother afterward married Edward Clark Dean. Snell was born at Armada, about thirty-five miles north- east of Detroit, Michigan, on March 4, 1861. He spent his youth in Washington, District of Columbia, and entered college from the Emerson Institute of that city. He roomed in freshman year on Crown Street, sophomore year with Morrison in South Middle, and in junior and senior years Dssn BIOGRAPHIES with Weed in Durfee. He was a member of the senior class supper committee and took a prominent part in "Peni- keese" and other college theatricals. I le was a member of Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon. After graduation he was in the employ of and afterward Frank Hiram Snell partner in the firm of Albright & Company, Western and Southern sales agents of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company of Buffalo, New York. In 1894 he retired from the firm and resided for a time in Washington, where he completed his law studies (begun in the office of the Hon. William S. Bissell, Yale 1869, in Buffalo) in Colum- bian (now George Washington) University, being gradu- ated in 1900. He was admitted to the bar, but did not practise. Later he removed to New Haven, Connecticut, where he was general manager and, since 1 901, president of HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 the Hygienic Ice Company. Snell died of heart disease at the home of his mother at Washington, District of Colum- bia, on November 8, 1904, at the age of forty-three. On October 16, 1900, in New Haven, he married Isabelle Cromwell, daughter of Samuel Cromwell, a Maine farmer and soldier in the Civil War, and Hannah Colby. She sur- vives him without children. Henry Speke Snyder is the son of Jesse Snyder and Eliza- beth (Glenn) Snyder. He is German on his father's side Henry Speke Snyder and Scotch on his mother's. His father was a Philadelphia teamster and farm-hand. His mother died in Williamsburg, Massachusetts, in 1895. C39o] BIOGRAPHIES Snyder was born in Philadelphia on October 9, [852. He lived in Mechanicsville, Tacony, Holmesburg, Huntingdon Valley, Readingville, Somerton, Millersville, and several other towns in Pennsylvania. "Like gipsies, we moved about every two years," he writes. "From four years of age until eleven years I attended fourteen different public schools. At eleven years I was bound out to a farmer for my 'victuals and clothes' until I was sixteen years of age. On the farm I studied alone at nights." He was graduated from the Millersville State Normal School, and taught there for four years. Entering college with the class, he kept house with his aged mother and supported her during the four years of his course. He took a sophomore prize in English composition, and a junior prize in speaking. He was graduated from the Yale Theological School and ordained in the ministry in 1885, and has been a Congrega- tional clergyman since that time. He writes: ''After graduation I took a parish at Northford, Connec- ticut, and also took a post-graduate course of one year in the Theological Seminary. I was called from Northford, in 1888, to Williamsburg, Massachusetts. There I remained nine years. From there I went to Weymouth, Massachu- setts, and served for four years. Then I stopped a year for rest from labor, but I supplied several pulpits in this State during that time. I preached on the island of Nantucket for three months during the summer vacation. After about seven years' service at Gilbertville, Massachusetts, I am entering upon the second year of my ministry at Chicopee, Massachusetts. "I delight in the work I have chosen. I should select the same profession if I had the privilege of choosing a second time. The gospel is to me 'the power of God unto salva- tion.' I think I get more good from it than my hearers do. Nevertheless, I feel that my labors have not been entirely devoid of fruit. Even a humble minister's influence, or any HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 other man's, if he be a Christian, cannot be measured by dollars or books." Politically Snyder is a Republican, with a lively sympathy for the Prohibition movement. On July 9, 1883, he married Maria Louise Bradley of New Haven, Connecticut, daughter of Charles Leeman Bradley and Myra Elizabeth Pratt. Mrs. Snyder is of English ancestry. The children are : Elizabeth Glenn, born on April 24, 1884, in New Haven, Connecticut; Marian Louise, born on June 14, 1886, in Northford, Connecticut; Henry Rossiter, born on December 17, 1888, in Williams- burg, Massachusetts; and Justine Pratt, born on March 12, 1892, also in Williamsburg. The eldest girl, Elizabeth Glenn Snyder, prepared for college at the Weymouth (Massachusetts) High School and attended Boston Uni- versity. She married Gleason L. Archer, dean of Suffolk School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, on October 6, 1906. The son, Henry, was graduated from Ware High School in the class of 1907, and is now in his third year in the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. His address is 302 Chicopee Street, Chicopee, Massa- chusetts. Charles Stillman is the son of Charles Stillman and Elizabeth P. (Goodrich) Stillman. Charles Stillman, Sr., was born on November 4, 18 10, at W T ethersfield, Connecti- cut, but spent most of his life at Matamoras, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas, after being graduated from the Weth- ersfield Academy. He was a merchant, and died in New York City on November 16, 1875. His family was of English origin, his ancestors coming to this country in 1685 from Steeple Ashton, England, and settling at Hadley, Massachusetts. Mrs. Stillman was born on August 27, 1828, also at Wethersfield, Connecticut, where she spent her C392H BIOGRAPHIES early life, and died in New York in February, 1910. Her family was also of English origin. Two of Stillman's grand- uncles were college graduates, and one of his uncles was a graduate of Yale '53. Stillman was horn on May 22, 1857, at Port Richmond, Charles Stillman Staten Island, and has lived in New York City since early hoyhood. He was prepared for college at Greylock Insti- tute in South Williamstown, Massachusetts, where he spent two years, planning to enter the class of '80 at Williams Col- lege. His health failed, however, and he entered the class of \8 1 at Amherst, but in the fall of 1878 entered the class of '82 at Yale at the beginning of freshman year. During his college course he roomed alone on Crown Street in fresh- man year, in sophomore year also alone in West Divinity, and in junior and senior years with Tracy Waller, first in C393] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Farnam and later in Durfee. He was a member of the Dunham Boat Club, the Yale Yacht Club, the Yale Univer- sity Club, Delta Kappa, and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After leaving college he began his business career with Woodward & Stillman, general commission merchants in New York City, and was admitted to the firm in 1889. He is still a member thereof, and actively interested in the busi- ness. He became a member of the Seventh Regiment, Na- tional Guard of New York, with which he remained for the full term of his enlistment. Stillman is a member of many clubs, including the University, the Metropolitan, the Rid- ing and Driving, the Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Down Town Association, the Merchants' Association, and the Yale Club. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the New York Cotton Exchange, and is actively interested in many chari- table organizations, including the New York Kindergarten Association, the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Blind, and the Children's Aid Society. He has traveled extensively both abroad and in this country prior to and since entering college. He has never married. His business address is 16 William Street, and his resi- dence is 21 West Forty-eighth Street, New York City. Charles Bigelow Storrs is the son of Henry Martyn Storrs and Catherine (Hitchcock) Storrs. Henry Martyn Storrs, D.D., LL.D., was born at Ravenna, Ohio, on Jan- uary 20, 1827, graduated from Amherst College in 1846, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1851, and lived at various times in Braintree and Lawrence, Massachusetts; Cincinnati, Ohio; Brooklyn and New York City; and Orange, New Jersey. His service in the ministry extended [394;] BIOGRAPHIES over more than forty years, and was only terminated by his death, at Orange, on December i, 1894. Storrs' paternal grandparents were Charles Backus Storrs, horn at Long- Charles Bigelow Storrs meadow, Massachusetts, and afterward president of West- ern Reserve College, and Vashti Maria Pierson of Avon, New York. The Storrs ancestors came from England in 1663 to settle at Barnstable, Massachusetts. On his moth- er's side Storrs is also English, the ancestors having be- longed to the New Haven, Connecticut, group who came over in 1644. His maternal grandparents were Edward Hitchcock, president of Amherst College, and Orra White of Amherst, Massachusetts. Their daughter, born in Am- herst on March 16, 1826, was our classmate's mother. She died in Orange, New Jersey, April 10, 1895. Storrs was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 23, 1859. [395] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 When eight years of age he moved to Brooklyn, and at fif- teen went to Germany and Switzerland for two years. From 1 87 1 to 1873 he was in the Brooklyn Polytechnic, and in 1877-78 he attended Williston Seminary, and was gradu- ated in the latter year. For the first two years in college he roomed with Hebard, and for the second two with Whitney. Fie was on the freshman nine and crew; he rowed four years on the Varsity crew, and for three years was on the 'varsity football team. In both first and second terms in sophomore year he won one of the first prizes in English composition. At the Junior Exhibition he divided the first prize with Bruce. He was one of the senior editors of the Courant, was awarded the Scott German prize, and was class orator on presentation day. After graduation, in the fall of 1882, he entered upon the study of law at the Columbia Law School in New York City; he also taught Latin and Greek in a private school in New York City from September, 1882, to June, 1883. After that he was a clerk in the law firm of McFarland, Reynolds & Lowrie until he graduated from the Law School in May, 1 8 84. He was admitted to the New York bar in June, 1 8 84, and then became a clerk in the law firm of Chamberlin, Carter & Hornblower, where he remained until the late autumn of 1885, when he was appointed professor of Anglo- American law in the University of Tokio, Japan. In 1889 he returned to New York and resumed the general practice of law. In 1894 and 1895 he was a member of the New Jersey Legislature, being leader of the majority in the Assembly in 1895. He became a member of the New Jersey bar in 1894, was appointed judge of the District Court of Orange in 1896, and was reappointed in 1901, his term of office ending in 1906. In 1900 he was elected president of the Orange Savings Bank, and still holds that office. He is also engaged in the general practice of law in Orange. In religion he is a Presbyterian, in politics a Republican. In C396] BIOGRAPHIES addition to his Japanese experience he has seen Europe, hav- ing been abroad, as before stated, in 1874-76, and again in i9°3- On December 15, 1897, in Orange, New Jersey, he mar- ried Gertrude Cleveland, daughter of George Cleveland and Susan Cory. They have one child, Cleveland Hitch- cock, who was born on May 10, 1900. His business address is 230 Main Street, and his residence is 333 Lincoln Avenue, Orange, New Jersey. Howard Peck Sweetser is the son of J. Howard Sweetser and Lucy Cornelia (Peck) Sweetser. J. Howard Sweetser was an Amherst graduate in the class of 1857 and a whole- sale dry-goods merchant in New York City. He was born [397] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 in Amherst on March 2, 1835, and died in New York City in March, 1904. His parents were Luke Sweetser of Am- herst and Abby Munsell, and his ancestors came to this coun- try from England to settle in Massachusetts. His wife was the daughter of Wyllys Peck and Jeanette Ailing of New Haven. Her ancestors also came from England, but settled in Connecticut. She died in New York City on September 3, 1906. Sweetser was born on August 23, 1861, in New York City. At the end of four years he went to Elizabeth, New Jersey, where he lived from 1865 to 1876. Dr. Pingree's School in Elizabeth was charged with his education from 1 87 1 to 1876, and then he attended the Columbia Grammar School in New York City for a year, and Everson's School for another. During freshman year he roomed alone on High Street, in sophomore year in South Middle with Ship- ley, and in the last two years with the same roommate in Durfee. He rowed in the Dunham Club, ran in the hun- dred-yard race in the senior games, winning the first heat, and was a member of Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon. From 1882 to 1904 he was a wholesale dry-goods mer- chant with his father's firm, Sweetser, Pembrook & Com- pany. This firm was incorporated in 1902, and Sweetser was successively treasurer, first vice-president, and president thereof. His church-membership is in the Broadway Taber- nacle, and he belongs to the University, the Lotos, the Reform, the New York Athletic, the Atlantic Yacht, the American Yacht, the New Rochelle Yacht, the St. Andrew's Golf, the Storm King, and the Ardsley clubs. He has vis- ited Europe many times. He is unmarried. His business address is 25 Broad Street, and his residence is 171 West Seventy-first Street, New York City. D983 BIOGRAPHIES Bernard Turin; is the son of Lazarus Titche and Betty (Haas) Titche. Lazarus Titche was born January 30, 1829, at Venningen, Bavaria, but spent most of his life in Bernard Titche Louisiana, where he was a merchant, and died at Rayville, Louisiana, on July 27, 1894. Mrs. Titche was born at Ruelzheim, Bavaria, on June 26, 1829, where she spent her early life until her marriage, and is now living at Dallas, Texas, with one of her sons. A number of Titche's cousins are graduates of German universities and are practising law- yers or physicians, but he himself is the only college gradu- ate of his immediate family. Titche was born on December 31, 1858, at Winnsboro, Louisiana, and there resided until 1870. He lived in New Orleans until 1876, in Port Gibson, Missouri, for one year, and then again in New Orleans. He prepared for college [399] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 at the Boys' High School in New Orleans, being graduated in 1876, and then at Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven, where he was graduated in 1878, and entered the class in freshman year. During that year he roomed with Selden Bacon on York Street, and thereafter with Curtis in North Middle during sophomore year, and in Farnam dur- ing junior and senior years. He took the Berkeley premium Latin composition second prize, the Kappa Sigma Epsilon English composition second prize, and the second prize for English composition in sophomore year. He was likewise one of the commencement orators, his subject being "The Sympathy of Nature." He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon. After leaving college Titche studied law in the office of Gibson & Hall, New Orleans, Mr. Gibson being United States Senator from Louisiana and a graduate of Yale in the class of '53. He was admitted to the bar in 1884, and has since practised his profession continuously in New Orleans. He writes : "My personal and professional history is without inci- dent of any kind that would particularly interest my fellow members of '82, keenly interesting and exciting as have been to me many of the legal contests in which I have partici- pated. While I must regretfully confess that I have done nothing that will add luster to the name of Yale, my life as lawyer and citizen has not been without success— success proportionate to my merits and efforts." While a Democrat, Titche has never held nor sought office. He is a member of the Chess, Checkers and W T hist Club, the Young Men's Gymnastic Club, the Choctaw Club, the Louisiana Historical Society, the Louisiana Bar Association, the Commercial Law League, and the Louisiana Yale Alumni Association. Titche married on June 18, 1890, Fanny Kaufman of New Orleans, Louisiana, daughter of Leon Kaufman and 1:4003 BIOGRAPHIES Pauline Dalsheimer, and has one child, Bernard Titche, Jr., born on January 16, 1895. His business address is 401 Cora Building, and his resi- dence is 1929 Napoleon Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. William GRANDIN Vought is the son of John Henry Vought and Anna Maria (Webster) Vought. John Henry Vought was born on February 13, 1825, at Mendon, New William Grandin Vought York. He spent most of his life in Buffalo, where he was a grain and commission merchant, and died in that city on November 4, 1882. His father was Abraham Vought of Duanesburg, New York, and his mother Ruth Voorhees of Florida, New York. His father's family was of German origin, having come to this country from Germany in 1708 L>oi] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 and settled in New York City. Vought's mother was born on October 16, 1827, and spent her early life in Brooklyn. She was the daughter of Hosea Webster of Brooklyn and Maria Buell of Litchfield, Connecticut. Her family was of English origin. Vought was born on May 14, i860, at Buffalo, where he lived until he went to Yale. He prepared for college at the State Normal School under Professor H. B. Buckham and Professor William B. Wright. He entered Yale with the class in September, 1878. In freshman year he roomed alone, in sophomore year with Van Kirk in South Middle, in junior year with Barnes and Foster in Durfee, and in senior year with Foster in Durfee. He was a member of Psi Upsilon and of the Yale University Club. Vought was in the banking business for twenty years. Fie writes : "From graduation to 1884 I was not actively engaged in business. After the death of my father, in 1882, I was con- nected with the Anchor Line Transit Company of Philadel- phia and Buffalo for one year. Then I became connected with the Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank of Buffalo as corresponding clerk. I remained with them in various ca- pacities for twenty years, finally ending as manager of the safe-deposit department. I resigned from that position in March, 1906. From March, 1906, to November, 1906, I tried to be a gentleman farmer on my place in East Aurora, with some degree of success. November, 1906, I went to Spring Hope, North Carolina, for the Montgomery Lum- ber Company of Buffalo, and stayed there until January, 1907, when I went to Suffolk, Virginia, for the same com- pany. The F. F. V.'s and the climate proved my undoing, and I came back to East Aurora in March, 1907, with a few relics of the climate in the way of a cough, bronchitis, etc. March 25 I went with J. R. Heintz & Company, stock- brokers of Buffalo, and was with them until July 1, 1909. [402] BIOGRAPHIES Since then I have associated myself with my brother, J. H. Vought, Shell. 1893, in the manufacture and sale of the best shaking and dumping grate-bar on the market. It 's a dandy! My life for twenty-five years has been even and uneventful — no great successes; above all, no great sorrows, and not enough disappointments to hurt any one. I am scratching along, trying to be as good as I know how, with a good wife, three good boys, a contented spirit, and a hope that I shall be able to do my duty in that state of life to which it has pleased God to call me." He was major and commissary of the Eighth Brigade of the National Guard of the State of New York for about five years. He is a member of the Buffalo, Saturn, Univer- sity, and Kllicott clubs of Buffalo, and was for three years treasurer of the Buffalo Club. June 19, 1888, Vought married Natalie Blackmar Stern- berg, daughter of Charles Fordyce Sternberg and Mary Augusta Blackmar, in Buffalo, New York. They have three children: Grandin S., born on June 20, 1889; John Henry, born on July 3, 1892; and Schuyler Verplanck, born on March 16, 1894, all in Buffalo. His business address is 827 White Building, Buffalo, and his residence is East Aurora, Erie County, New York. Tracy Waller is the son of Thomas McDonald Waller and Charlotte (Bishop) Waller. His father was governor of the State of Connecticut in 1883-85, received the degree of M.A. from Yale, and is still living. His mother died on January 9, 19 10. Waller was born in New London, Connecticut, January 6, 1862, and passed his early life in that city, preparing for col- lege at Bulkeley School. He roomed the first two years with C. B. Graves, and during junior and senior years he roomed with Stillman, first in Farnam and afterward in Durfee. [403;] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Under head of athletics he writes : "Trained for a single scull race with three classmates on Lake Whitney, but we all trained down to too fine a point, so there was no race. Tracy Waller Also umpired a baseball game for one inning, to the general dissatisfaction of all concerned." He was a member of Gamma Nu and Delta Kappa Epsilon. i\.fter leaving college he studied law in his father's office in New London, was admitted to the bar, and became a member of the firm of T. M. & T. Waller. During the period when Governor Waller was United States Consul in London, England, Waller was in partnership with John A. Tibbits, and later became the senior member of the firm of Waller & Waller, his partner being his brother. He was for one term prosecuting attorney, and for one term corpo- ration counsel, of the city of New London, and was also L>04l| BIOGRAPHIES brigade judge-advocate, Connecticut National Guard, with the rank of major. Desiring a change, he associated himself with Patterson, a graduate of the Yale Law School and a former member of the Vale University Crew, and together they located in New Orleans, where they opened an office for the practice of law. Patterson felt the call of religious work, affiliated with the Salvation Army, and later became a minister of the gospel. Thus left alone, Waller wandered to Kansas, where he became associated with our classmate Sholes in the lumber business; but his eyes were fixed on the still farther West, and he moved to San Francisco. Wan- derlust claimed him, and feeling the call of the sea, he in- dulged in a whaling voyage of eight months up to and beyond Alaska. He returned to San Francisco and then to New London, and once more associated himself in the prac- tice of his profession with his father and brother. Together they inaugurated and were chiefly instrumental in the suc- cessful development of the New London seashore resort, Ocean Beach. At present he is practising law in New London. He has never married. His business address is 38 Main Street, and his residence is Mohican Hotel, New London. * DANIEL B. Weaver was born in Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, on August 25, 1859. In college he roomed in freshman year on High Street, in sophomore year with Blumley in Old Chapel, and the last two years with Smith in Farnam. He was a member of Gamma Nu. He was graduated from the Medical School of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and received his degree of M.D. in 1885. He practised at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, until the spring of 1890, when he removed to Salida, Colorado, for l>05 ] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 his health. He died there of pulmonary tuberculosis on September 17, 1891. He was visiting physician and micro- scopist to St. Joseph's Hospital, and lecturer on anatomy, Daniel B. Weaver physiology, and histology in Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. On October 20, 1885, he married Elizabeth A. White at Philadelphia. They had one daughter, Rebecca W., born on July 28, 1886. Those who knew him well appreciated his sterling quali- ties; they were such as make men valuable in whatever com- munity their life-work may be placed, and we cannot but regret that his was thus early ended when it had scarcely begun. C406] BIOGRAPHIES Edward Odell Weed is the son of the Rev. Dr. Levi Ste- vens Weed and Caroline A. (Stephenson) Weed. Dr. Weed was horn on May 29, 1 S24, at Darien, Connecticut, hut spent Edward Odell Weed most of his life in the city of New York, and died in Brook- lyn on June 14, 1882. His family was of Dutch origin, his ancestors coming to this country from Holland and settling in Connecticut in 1635. Weed's mother was born at Cox- sackie, New York, on October 27, 1827, and died in Jersey City on December 17, 1880. Her father's family was of English origin, having come from England in 1803 and set- tled at Kinderhook, New York; her mother's family was among the early settlers of New York State. Weed was born on September 27, i860, at Stamford, Connecticut, and prepared for college at St. Matthew's Academy, New York, and at the Hopkins Grammar School [>07] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 in New Haven, and entered the class at the beginning of freshman year. In sophomore year he roomed with Phelps in South Middle, and in junior and senior years with Snell in Durfee. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation Weed was made secretary of the Cres- cent Watch Case Company, which was located at first in Chicago, Illinois, and subsequently in Brooklyn, New York. In 1887, however, he resigned his office in that company and returned to Chicago, and became the treasurer of the Silver Creek & Morris Coal Company, thus again coming into in- timate relations with his old roommate Snell, who was one of the organizers of that concern. In 1894 the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company absorbed the Silver Creek & Morris Coal Company. Weed thereupon moved to Cali- fornia, where he purchased a ranch at Gardena, then eight miles south, but now included in the boundaries of Los Angeles City. His land has irrigation rights and is highly productive and of large present and larger prospective value, walnuts and alfalfa being his crop. While Weed and his family still reside on the ranch, he does not give its oper- ation his personal attention, as of recent years his time has been largely occupied with the duties connected with his official position, that of chief deputy county assessor of Los Angeles County. He married at Chicago, Illinois, on September 27, 1884, Emma Christie Ramsey, who was born in Knoxville, Ten- nessee, the daughter of Dr. Frank A. Ramsey and Ann M. Breck. Mrs. Weed's family is of Scotch and English de- scent, her ancestors having been early settlers in Abingdon, Virginia. They have one child, a daughter, Helen B. Weed, who was born at Brooklyn, New York, on October 26, 1886, and was married on November 17, 1909. His address is Gardena, California. [408] BIOGRAPHIES Archibald Ashley Welch is the son of Henry K. \V. Welch and Susan L. (Goodwin) Welch. His father was a Yale graduate in 1842, and later a lawyer in I [artford. I 1c Archibald Ashlev Welch was the son of Dr. Archibald Welch of Wethersfield, Con- necticut, and was born on January 1, 1821, at Mansfield, Connecticut, and died on November 25, 1870. Welch's mother was born on March 31, 1834, at Hartford, Connec- ticut, the daughter of Edward Goodwin and Elizabeth Amy Eewis, and died on August 16, 1904. James Welch of Swansea was the iirst Welch ancestor in this country. He married Mercy Sabin in 1683 and became the father of Thomas Welch in 1695. Thomas' son, Daniel Welch, born in 1 726 and a graduate of Yale in 1 749, was our classmate's great-great-grandfather. Other relatives at Yale, with their kinship, were: Moses Cook Welch, Yale 1772, great-grand- [409] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 father; Archibald Welch, born 1794, Yale honorary M.A. 1836, grandfather; Henry K. W. Welch, Yale 1842, father; Moses Cook Welch, Yale 1850, uncle; Lewis S. Welch, Yale 1889, brother; Edward Goodwin, Yale 1823, grandfather; Sheldon Goodwin, Yale 1858, uncle. With four generations in Yale behind him, it was inevi- table that Welch, after being born in Hartford on October 6, 1859, and educated in the Hartford schools, and gradu- ated from the Hartford High School in 1878, should enter the same college. During freshman year he roomed with Morris, and in sophomore and junior years with Emmet S. Williams. He was a member of the junior promenade com- mittee, of Delta Kappa, He Boule, and Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, the Freshman Glee Club, and the college chapel choir. He is also a graduate member of Wolf's Head. At the end of junior year he was obliged to leave college, and went immediately into the actuarial department of the Travelers' Insurance Company, expecting to take that sim- ply as a temporary makeshift until he should have the oppor- tunity to study law. He studied law, as well as the principles of actuarial science, during the first year. He remained with the Travelers' Insurance Company for nine years, and in July, 1900, he was appointed actuary of the Phoenix Mu- tual Life Insurance Company, which had just been made a purely mutual company by a special act of the Legislature. He became actuary and assistant secretary for the company in January, 1903, and second vice-president and actuary in December, 1904, which last offices he now holds. He was appointed chairman of a committee of actuaries from the various companies to appear at the public hearing in Albany on the so-called Armstrong Bill, which was the result of the investigations into life-insurance companies carried on by Mr. (now Justice) Hughes. As such chairman, he, with one other representative of life-insurance interests, was called in conference by the Armstrong Committee in its final BIOGRAPHIES remodeling of the bill. Since that time he has been called in conference, both in Washington and elsewhere, on new- legislation incorporating advanced ideals for life-insurance. In the winter of 1890-91, by special permission of the faculty, he took the senior course, studying at home, and passed the regular examinations for the degree in June. [891, when the faculty gave him his diploma with enrol- ment in his old class of '82. He writes : "No work that 1 have engaged in since I left Xew Haven has given me greater return than that winter's study which placed me on the rolls of Yale '82.'' I lis only political work has been in connection with the high school, which is under the control of a bi-partizan com- mittee of five, elected annually. For ten years he has served on this committee, and for eight years has acted as its chair- man. Welch became a member of the Actuarial Society of America in 1890, was its treasurer for many years, and is now vice-president. He was one of the organizers of the course of insurance at Yale, and still continues to lecture in that department. He has contributed various articles to the publications of the Actuarial Society. In politics he is a Republican. He is secretary of the American School for the Deaf, has served as president of the Yale Alumni Associa- tion of Hartford, is president of the Hartford Philhar- monic Society, and a member of the Hartford Club, the Hartford Golf Club, the Country Club of Farmington, the Yale Club of New York, the Graduates' Club of New Haven, the University Club of Hartford, and various chari- table associations. In 1904 he made a trip through Eng- land, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Holland. On October 24, 1899, in Hartford, he married Ellen Bunce, daughter of James M. Bunce and Elizabeth Chester. His business address is Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, and his residence is 21 Woodland Street, Hart- ford, Connecticut. C4«3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Martin Welles is the son of Roger Welles and Mercy Delano (Aikin) Welles. His father was a Yale graduate in the class of 1851. He was born in Newington, Connecti- ■.. ,,,j ., .;*:- Martin Welles cut, on March 7, 1829, and spent most of his life in that town in the practice of the law, and died there on May 15, 1904. His parents were Roger W T elles and Electa Stanley, both of Newington. His family was of English origin, and came here in 1636 to settle in Hartford, Connecticut. Welles' mother was born on August 31, 1832, the daughter of Lemuel Aikin of Fairhaven, Massachusetts. The Aikin ancestors were early settlers of Nantucket. Welles was born on April 15, 1859, in Henderson, Min- nesota, lived there for one year and in Newington many years, attending the Hartford High School from 1874 to 1878, and was graduated from that institution and entered BIOGRAPHIES Yale in 1S78 with '82. In freshman year he roomed in North Middle with Seymour, in sophomore year he roomed in North, and in junior and senior years in Farnam with Rice. He was on the class-picture committee, and a mem- ber of Sigma Epsilon. After graduation Welles received an appointment in Sep- tember, 1882, as examiner in the old war division of the Pension Office, Department of the Interior, at Washington. While there, he studied law at the Columbian University; received his LL.B. in 1884, and an M.L. in 1885; an d was admitted to the bar in 1886. In April of that year he re- signed and became connected with the Title Guarantee & Trust Company of New York City. About this time he began living in Westfield, New Jersey. He served as mem- ber and president of the Board of Education for a number of years, was a member of the Council or governing board of the town, and was treasurer of the town and presiding officer of the Council at one time. He was secretary and director of the Westfield Land & Improvement Company, a director of the Westfield Building and Loan Association and of the Westfield Trust Company, a member of various social, charitable, and philanthropic organizations, and an officer of the Congregational Church. Politically he is a Republican. His connection with the Title Guarantee & Trust Company continued until 1893, when he accepted an offer from the Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Company of New York to become its assistant secretary. Later he was elected treasurer and fourth vice-president. In April, 1906, on account of continued ill health, he resigned, and, taking his family with him, left for Europe. From Venice he wrote in 1907 : "We expect to return to the United States in August. I plan then to go to the Pacific slope, where the climate will be more beneficial than that of New York." On return- ing to this country, however, he changed his plans, and he is now living in Hartford, Connecticut, where he is vice-presi- HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 dent and director of the Connecticut River Banking Com- pany. He is also treasurer and director of the Dwight Slate Machine Company of Hartford. In a previous trip to Europe in 1900, Welles visited a half-dozen of the best- known countries of that continent, and in 1906-07 he re- visited them and others with his family. His wife is Mary Amelia Patton, daughter of William W. Patton, New York University '39, and Mary B. Smith. The marriage took place on June 12, 1888, in Washington, District of Columbia. There have been five children, all born in Westfield: Martin Rice, born on March 2, 1889, died on August 5, 1 895 ; Carolyn Aikin, born on January 2 1 , 1892; Margaret Stanley, born on June 9, 1894; Mary Pat- ton, born on November 29, 1897; and Roger Patton, born on June 1, 1901. His business address is care of the Connecticut River Banking Company, and his residence is 14 Marshall Street, Hartford, Connecticut. John Lewis Wells is the son of Samuel J. Wells and Anna (Collin) Wells. Samuel J. Wells was born in New Hart- ford, New York, on February 22, 1830, was educated at Homer Academy, Homer, New York, and was engaged in business till his death on November 18, 1906. His parents were James Wells and Amelia Lewis of New Hartford, and his ancestors came from England in 1650 and settled in Hartford, Connecticut. Wells' mother was born in Fay- etteville, New York, on October 14, 1829, the daughter of David Collin of Fayetteville and Anna Smith of Hillsdale, Dutchess County, New York. The mother's family was of French Huguenot extraction and came from France in 1680 to settle in New London, Connecticut. Wells had the fol- lowing kinsmen who were graduated from college : brothers : BIOGRAPHIES D. Collin Wells, Vale 1880; P. I. Wells, Yale [885; sister: Anna S. Wells, Smith 1893; cousins: Sylvester Gardner, I [amilton 1871 ; Collin Armstrong, Amherst [873; Roswell John Lewis Wells Collin, Williams 1872; William Gardner, Trinity 1885; second cousins (father's side) : John Williams, Amherst 1884; Talcott Williams, Amherst 1872; Frederick Wil- liams, Yale 1879; Fred Williams, Amherst 1893; second cousins (mother's side): Charles A. Collin, Yale 1866; W. W. Collin, Yale 1876; Frederick Collin, Yale 1872; Henry Collin, Yale 1870; Frank Collin, Yale Sheff. 1881. Wells was born on December 26, i860, in Fayetteville, New York, was graduated from the Fayetteville Academy in 1874, was a clerk for two years in a store, entered Phil- lips Andover Academy in 1876, and was graduated from the latter institution in 1878. He roomed with Gardner in HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 freshman year in West Divinity. In sophomore and junior years he was with Johnson in West Divinity and Farnam, and in senior year in Farnam with McMillan. He took sev- eral Greek and Latin prizes while he was an undergraduate, and was a member of Delta Kappa, Eta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and Skull and Bones. After graduation he entered the Yale Law School, but in 1883 he went to South Dakota and was president of a bank at Ipswich until 1887, when he moved to Kansas City. There, he says, he "answered the only question ever asked me in a bar examination," and was admitted. Later he returned to South Dakota, and practised in Ipswich from 1888 to 1895. "Law practice in South Dakota," he writes, "was active but not profitable. Years of drought wiped out land values, and a fire burned up the town. I had been elected county judge by the Pops and Democrats, but the Republican auditor held the keys of the ballot-boxes, and on a recount I was not elected. As he was a Republican, and therefore incapable of wrong, I suppose the ballots changed their own markings. The combination of apparent misfor- tunes hastened our return to New York. Here the law en- ables us to own a little farm of woods and hills on Long Island, where we enjoy the summer. My present firm is Collin, Wells & Hughes, a very congenial combination. We are neither rich nor poor, but we enjoy our friends and envy none." Wells' New York life dates from 1895. He is a mem- ber of the University, Brooklyn, Yale, and Lawyers' clubs, and is a Presbyterian. On November 12, 1884, in Freeport, Illinois, he married Eleanore B. Fitch, daughter of Edward C. Fitch and Mar- garet Bonner. Mrs. Wells' parents moved to Freeport from Columbia County, New York, in 1850, and her more remote ancestors came from Scotch and English families whose representatives came to this country two hundred BIOGRAPHIES years ago. They have one child, Marguerite F., horn on Septemher 30, 1885, in Ipswich, South Dakota. She was prepared for college in Adelphi, in Brooklyn, and was grad- uated in 1 9(36. His business address is 5 Nassau Street, New York City, and his residence is Xorthport, Long Island. ♦Thomas McDonnell Wentworth died at his home in Racine, Wisconsin, April 30, 1882. He had battled with ill health all through his college course, and had reached the Thomas McDonnell Wentworth middle of senior year before he was compelled to give up the struggle. The degree which he had made such a noble effort to obtain, but which he did not live to receive himself, was sent to his family after his death. C417J HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 * Joseph Ernest Whitney, son of Joseph L. Whitney, was born in Cornwall, Connecticut, on February 17, 1858. In college he roomed the first two years with Burpee in Joseph Ernest Whitney North and South Middle, and the last two years with Storrs in Farnam. He was president of the Gamma Nu campaign committee, won composition prizes both terms of sopho- more year, and was on the editorial board of the Record in sophomore and junior years. He was a Townsend speaker, chairman of the Lit, and class poet. His societies were Gamma Nu, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. After graduation he had charge of a small private school for boys in Elmira, New York, until January, 1884, when he went to the Albany Academy as instructor in English and rhetoric. He was called thence in the summer of 1884 to Yale College as instructor in English, and remained there [418:1 BIOGRAPHIES until December, 1888, when he went to Colorado on ac- count of his health, which had begun to fail the previous year. He lived in Colorado Springs in increasing feebleness for over four years, and died there from hemorrhage of the lungs on February 25, 1893, at the age of thirty-five. His literary tastes were prominent in undergraduate days, and in spite of years of weakness he was able to do much work of high order in poetry and criticism; while by his courage and sweetness of spirit he won the deepest regard. He was a contributor to the Century, the American Magazine, St. Nicholas > Harper's Young People, Wide Awake, the Critic, the New Enghnulcr, and many other periodicals. On November 15, 1883, he married Sadie Prince Turner of New Haven, at Syracuse, New York. They had one child, Margaret, born April 13, 1886. During the last four years of his life, under infirmities of body to which most men would have succumbed in absolute idleness, he kept on heroically at his literary work, and the poems he wrote then, as well as the unfailing brightness of his conversation and his letters, have been, for many, an inspiration to better living. His struggle with disease did not make him bitter, and his cheerfulness and wit never deserted him. He interested himself in social betterment, and a Boys' Club, named after him, still exists in Colorado Springs, as a memorial. But more enduring than any such institution is the memorial which lives in the hearts of the many, East and West, who came under the influence of his rich and ever ripening per- sonality. Charles Albert Wight is the son of Joseph Elmer Wight and Sarah (Rice) Wight. He is of English origin on both sides of the family. His father was born in 1834 at Ash- field, Massachusetts, and spent most of his life at Hatfield, [419;] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Massachusetts. He received his education at the Ashfield Academy. He was a merchant and owned a fine farm and beautiful country home at Hatfield, and died there in March, Charles Albert Wight 1883. His parents were Joseph Wight and Clarissa Elmer of Ashfield, Massachusetts. His paternal ancestors came from the Isle of Wight, and settled at Dedham, Massachu- setts, in 1636. Wight's mother was born at Conway, Massa- chusetts, in September, 1832, and spent her early life there. She was the daughter of Rodolphus Rice of that town, and was descended from the famous Leland family. Her an- cestors came from England in the seventeenth century and settled in eastern Massachusetts. Wight was born August 26, 1856, at Ashfield, Massa- chusetts. He moved to Hatfield, and then went to Williston Seminary at Easthampton, Massachusetts, for one year, and BIOGRAPHIES for three years to Smith Academy at Hatfield, Massachu- setts, from which he was graduated in 1876. He entered Yale in the class of '80, but joined our class in junior year after teaching in 1879 and 1880 in Conway, Massachusetts. In freshman year he roomed with Benedict, in sophomore year with Bassett, and in junior and senior years with Went- worth. He was captain of his freshman class crew, a mem- ber of the university crew in sophomore year, and of his class crew in junior year. He was an editor of the Lit. He won the Lit prize and a sophomore composition prize, and was a member of Gamma Nu, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Scroll and Key, and Chi Delta Theta. After graduation he attended the Yale Divinity School, and became a Congregational minister, being ordained May 19, 1885, at Detroit, Michigan. On January 27, 1886, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Anthony, Kansas, and on January 1, 1890, he be- came pastor of the Olive Branch Congregational Church in St. Louis, Missouri. On January 3, 1893, he received a unanimous call to the Congregational Church at Platte- ville, Wisconsin, where he spent nearly eight years. Sep- tember 6, 1900, found him installed as pastor over the Old South Congregational Church of Hallowell, Maine, where he remained until the end of 1907. In the summer of 1891 he visited England and France. Be- sides his published sermons, addresses, and pamphlets, he wrote soon after graduation a series of articles on chari- table organizations in New Haven County, published in the New Haven Register, and later a series of articles on the New Theology, and an illustrated sketch of James Gates Percival, published in the Connecticut Quarterly Mag- azine. He is the author of two books: "Doorways of Hal- lowell" and "The Hatfield Book." He was superinten- dent of schools for the city of Hallowell, Maine, for two years, 1905-06, and a member of the School Board there [42.11 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 for a year. He has been vice-president of the Wisconsin Home Missionary Society and a member of its executive committee, a trustee of the Maine Missionary Society, a trustee of the Hubbard Free Library of Hallowell, and president of the Hallowell Improvement Society. He is a Mason and a Knight Templar. Since January i, 1908, he has been pastor of the Congregational Church in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. He writes that he has been "always a Republican in politics." On June 1, 1886, at Detroit, Michigan, he married Char- lotte Matilda Burgis, daughter of Joseph Henry Burgis and Charlotte Bolter. Her family was of English origin. They have had three children: Winifred Burgis, born on July 8, 1894, died on June 4, 1898 ; Eliot Leland, born on March 8, 1897; and Charles Albert, born on March 8, 1899, all in Platteville, Wisconsin. His two boys are preparing for college and plan to go to Yale. His address is Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. *Emmet Smith Williams was the son of David Stocking Williams and Caroline Daniels (Smith) Williams. His father was born on October 18, 1835, at Portland, Con- necticut, was educated at the public schools of his native town, but spent most of his life at Meriden, Connecticut, where he was a dry-goods merchant. He died at Meriden on April 15, 1901. His parents were David Williams and Sally Clark Norton, both of Portland. Our classmate's mother was the daughter of William Russell Smith and Mary Ann Daniels, both of Chatham, Connecticut. She was born on March 31, 1834, at Portland, Connecticut, spent her early life in that town, and died at Meriden on March 9, 1886. Williams was born on December 15, 1859, at Portland, [422] BIOGRAPHIES Connecticut, but spent his youth in Meriden. He attended the grammar school at Meriden and the Hartford High School at Hartford, Connecticut, from which he was gradu- Emmet Smith Williams ated in 1878. In college he roomed during freshman year on George Street, in sophomore year with Welch in West Divinity, and the last two years in Durfee, with Welch in junior and with Harkness, '83, in senior year. In senior year he was president of the University Football Associa- tion. He was a member of Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and of the University Club. He was with the Travelers' Insurance Company, at Hart- ford, Connecticut, until shortly before his death, which oc- curred on January 13, 1886. His death was a great shock to his classmates, among whom he was a universal favorite. He had a happy faculty of making everybody his friend, and [423] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 his cheerful disposition and genial manner made him thor- oughly popular with all who knew him, both in college and afterward in business. Henry Lucien Williams is the son of Lucien Bennett Williams and Harriet (Copeland) Williams. Williams is Welsh on his father's side and English on his mother's. Henry Lucien Williams His father was born on February 3, 1825, in Becket, Mas- sachusetts, and began life in his father's store at Hunting- ton, Massachusetts. He founded a basket business there in 1850, and moved with it to Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1862, dying in the latter city on July 25, 1895. His parents were Jabin Bennett Williams of Worthington, Massachusetts, and Lydia Wilson of Woodstock, Connec- [424] BIOGRAPHIES ticut. The ancestors of the Williams family came to this country from Wales about 1634 and settled at Roxbury, Massachusetts. Williams' mother was the daughter of Melvin Copeland of Sturbridge, Massachusetts, and Lu- anda Blake of Hartford, Connecticut. She was born on April 17, 1827, in Hartford, and spent her early life there and in Huntington, and died at Northampton on December 22, 1896. Her ancestors came from England about 1630 and settled near Braintree, Massachusetts. Williams was born on January 2, 1859, in Huntington, Massachusetts, and lived there until November, 1862, when the family moved to Northampton. He fitted in the public schools of Northampton, with the exception of two years, when he studied with a private tutor. He roomed alone during freshman year, and with Richardson the other three. "Rowed some on class crew," he writes, "but never in a race. Wanted to play first base on class nine, but Sam Hop- kins entered our class, and so I had no show. Tried football once, but Badger briefly but firmly advised me to look up the rules, and I was discouraged in that direction." He was a member of Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, and Scroll and Key, and also of the Delta Kappa Epsi- lon campaign committee. For all four years he was a mem- ber of the University Glee Club; in junior year he was manager, and in senior year president thereof. He began work with the Williams Manufacturing Com- pany of Northampton in the fall of 1882, and has been con- nected with the business ever since. After his father's death in 1895 ne was elected president of the company, having been vice-president for some time. In 1892 he became a member of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. He was captain of Company I in 1898, at the outbreak of the Span- ish War. On May 14 he went to Lakeland, Florida, and on June 22 landed at Daiquiri, and took part with the Second Massachusetts in the campaign in Cuba. He participated HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 in the battles of El Caney and San Juan Hill, and the opera- tions about Santiago. He returned from Cuba in August and was mustered out of the United States volunteer ser- vice with the regiment on November 3, much broken in health, and for several years he was practically an invalid. He served on the staff of Governor Crane as assistant in- spector-general, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, during his term of office (1900-02), and served in the same capac- ity for two years on the staff of Governor Guild. In October, 1908, he went on the retired list of the Massachusetts Vol- unteer Militia, with rank of colonel, having served fifteen years, including the war service. Some five years ago he was elected president of the Nonotuck Savings Bank, and later was appointed a trustee of the State Insane Hospital in Northampton. He is a director of the Northampton National Bank, a member of the Northampton Club, the Republican Club of Massachusetts, the Home Market Club, the Monday Evening Club of Northampton, the Northamp- ton Country Club, the Military and Naval Order of the Spanish-American War, and the Northampton Camp of the Legion of Spanish War Veterans. Of the last-named he was commander for three years. He is chairman of the standing committee of the Unitarian Church, having held this office for some years, and was on the building commit- tee when a new edifice was erected in 1905. He and Mrs. Williams visited Europe in 1901 and again in 1903. Williams married on May 28, 1884, in Boston, Isabella Hall Dewey, daughter of Edward Dewey and Myra Hall. A brother of Mrs. Williams was graduated from Harvard in 1886. Her great-grandfather, Aaron Hall, entered Har- vard in 1775, joined the army in 1776, and fought through the Revolution. Two great-great-uncles, Enoch and Nathan Hale, were at Yale at the same time. A cousin, the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, was graduated from Harvard in 1845. BIOGRAPHIES His business address is Williams Manufacturing Com- pany, and his residence is 76 South Street, Northampton, Massachusetts. * Franklin Eldred WORCESTER was the son of Edwin D. Worcester (of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company) and Mary (Low) Worcester. He was Franklin Eldred Worcester born at Albany, New York, on September 12, i860. In college he roomed alone the first three years: on College Street, in South Middle, and in Farnam. During senior year he roomed with Hull, '83, in Durfee. He won compo- sition prizes both terms in sophomore year and was a speaker at the Junior Exhibition. In senior year he was on the board of governors of the University Club. He was a member of Delta Kappa, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. [427] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 After graduation he chose the profession of mechan- ical engineering, for which he had an inherited taste and aptitude. He passed the greater part of three years at the Sheffield Scientific School in the study of this profession. In 1884 he received the degree of Ph.B., and in 1886 the further degree of Dynamic Engineer. In the autumn of 1885, for the purpose of learning the practical details of his profession, he became a machinist apprentice in the car- shops of the Michigan Central Railroad Company at Jack- son, Michigan, where he remained nearly two years. In February, 1888, he was made superintendent of motive power of the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railroad Company, with his residence at Marquette, Michigan. He resigned his position in the summer of 1889, and became traveling agent for the Iron Bay Company of West Duluth, engaged in the manufacture of mining machinery. In July, 1890, he was appointed general agent for the Montana region of that company, and also of the Robinson & Cary Company of St. Paul. His new residence was at Helena, Montana, where he remained, actively engaged in business, until the day of his death. He died very suddenly in that city on March 3, 1891, of pneumonia. His remains were brought to the East, and were interred in the Albany Rural Cemetery. He was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and of the University Club of New York City, and also belonged to the Masonic Order. His career was full of promise, and his death was a shock to all who knew and loved him. There was a singular charm about him that will ever linger in the memory. The keenness of his intellect was matched by the directness of his purpose. When a decision was made he did not swerve from his aim. The depth of his inner life was hidden under an easy grace of manner. No one was more free from cant, more straightforward in speech, nor more ready with the tactful, kindly word in season. BIOGRAPHIES Arthur Bethuel Wright is the son of Dexter R. Wright and Maria H. (Phelps) Wright. Dexter R. Wright was born on June 27, 1821, at Windsor, Vermont. He resided at Arthur Bethuel Wright Meriden from 1848 to 1863, and removed from there to New Haven, dying in the latter place on July 23, 1886. Mr. Wright was a lawyer, and was graduated from Wesleyan with the degree of B.A. in 1845. He received the degree of A.M. from Trinity, and the degree of LL.B. from Yale in 1848. His ancestors came to this country from England in colonial days, and were among the first settlers of Ver- mont. They took part in the French and Indian War, the Revolution, and the War of 18 12. Wright's mother was born in 1826 at East Windsor, Connecticut, there spent her early life, and is still living. Her family was also of Eng- lish origin. Her ancestors came from England before the L>29:i HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Revolutionary War, and were among the early settlers in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Wright was born on February 23, 1862, at Meriden, Con- necticut, and removed to New Haven with his parents in 1863. He prepared for college in the Hopkins Grammar School, entering '82 at the beginning of freshman year. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. After graduation he took the degree of LL.B. at Yale, and then entered upon the practice of law in New Haven in partnership with his father. On the death of his father Wright's practice called him to New York, where he was admitted to the bar; but his health failed, and for a number of years was such that he was able to give little attention to his professional work. Afterward he moved to Chicago, whither his inclinations had always led him. He writes : "I have traveled North and South between the two great oceans, and I have crossed them. I have regained my health long since, and I have worked at my chosen profession with diligence and with such success as my friends shall judge. My travels have made me contented, my work has made me happy. This I have achieved, and, according to my philos- ophy, if I shall thus continue to the end of the book, broad- ening as I progress, I shall not regret that I have no more to say about the present chapter." Wright is a member and a vestryman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago, the Church Club of Chicago, and the Mili- tary Order of the Loyal Legion. He married on May 18, 1900, at Fargo, North Dakota, Florence B. Henderson, the daughter of Albert C. Hen- derson and Harriet F. Boyington. Mrs. Wright's family is of English origin. They have no children. His business address is 567 Rookery Building, Chicago, Illinois, and his residence is Hinsdale, Dupage County, Illinois. C430] FORMER MEMBERS Besides the 122 graduates, 72 others were enrolled in the class at one time or another. Blanks were sent asking for information, explaining that it was our wish that there be included in this record the biography of every man who at any time had been a member of '82. It is a source of re- gret that so many failed to respond. Eleven were gradu- ated in '83, three in '84, one in '85, and one in '81 Law School. There have been so far as known fifteen deaths, as follows: Henry Weldon Barnes December 4, 1882 Frank Corning Tanner May 10, 1884 Walter Gillespie Phelps .November 18, 1887 George Wells Morrison July 17, 1888 George Stuart Carter 1888 William Levi Littlehales February 9, 1896 Robert Camp Price December 22, 1896 Paul Wright. March 23, 1906 William Loujeay Van Kirk October 19, 1906 Charles Gleason Long April 15, 1908 Isaac Merritt June, 1908 Livingston Reade Catlin Date unknown William Manning Pryne Date unknown Joseph Hinesford Rylance Date unknown Henry Trumbull Date unknown [432:1 FORMER MEMBERS John Lanson Adams is the son of George Sherwood Adams and Polly Morehouse (Coley) Adams. Both his parents were of English origin, the Adams ancestors hav- John Lanson Adams ing come over from England in 1640 to settle in Fairfield, Connecticut, and the Coley ancestors in 1675 to settle in Northfield, Connecticut. Adams' father was born on Oc- tober 16, 1818, in Westport, and was a lumber and hard- ware merchant in that town for thirty years. He is still living. His parents were Jabez Adams and Annie Bennett of Westport. His wife was born in Newport on April 2, [433] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1826, and was the daughter of Lonson Coley and Sarah Downs. Adams was born on August 9, i860, in Westport, Con- necticut, attended Miss Jackson's School in Westport, the Shercrow School, and finally the Selleck School in Norwalk, Connecticut, where he prepared for college. He roomed with Pryne in freshman year in North College, and with Lewis in sophomore year. Leaving college in sophomore year, he later returned and was graduated with '83. He was a member of Gamma Nu. After graduation he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City, from which he was graduated in 1886, and he was immediately appointed an interne to the New York Hospital, where he served on the staff for eigh- teen months. Subsequently, for two years, he was an interne of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, acting in the capacity of assistant house surgeon for one year and of house surgeon the following year. The next year he spent in Europe, devoting his time to the special study of the eye, ear, nose, and throat, studying in Heidelberg, Berlin, Prague, Paris, and London. After returning to New York, he started in the active practice of his profession. Almost immediately he took a position as assistant surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and within a year was appointed full attending surgeon. In 1892 he founded the St. Bartholomew's Clinic for Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, of which he is surgeon-in-chief and a director in the board of managers. In 1895 he was ap- pointed consulting ophthalmologist and otologist to the New York Lying-in Asylum. In 1896 he established the eye and ear department of the Bloomingdale Clinic, of which he is surgeon-in-chief. In 1897 ne was appointed attending ophthalmologist and otologist to the Manhattan State Hos- pital, and in 1899 was made consulting instead of attending. In 1900 he was appointed attending ophthalmologist and [43411 FORMER MEMBERS otologist to the West Side German Dispensary, and was made professor of ophthalmology and otology in the New York School of Clinical Medicine and secretary to the fac- ulty. In i 90 1 he was appointed consulting ophthalmologist and otologist to the Xew York Hospital and the House of Relief, which is a branch institution under the same board of governors. In 1904 he was appointed president of the faculty of the Xew York School of Clinical Medicine. All of these positions he still holds. In 1905 he founded the eye and ear department of the New York Throat, Xose, and Lung Hospital, of which department he is surgeon-in-chief and also executive surgeon and director of the hospital itself. Adams has written countless articles for medical and surgical journals. In addition to his European study, he has vis- ited the Continent in 1895, 1900, and 1905. He is a member of the Lotos, Manhattan, Yale, University, Xew York Athletic, Democratic, New York Yacht, Indian Har- bor Yacht, and Larchmont Yacht clubs. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. On June 4, 1895, in New York City, he married Eliza- beth Ellershe Wallace, daughter of Francis Barton Wallace and Margaret Catherine Beehler. Mrs. Adams is of French, German, and Scotch ancestry. One child, Francis Lanson Adams, was born in New York City on April 26, 1896, and is preparing for college in the Columbia Gram- mar School, class of 1 9 1 5. His business and home address is 38 East Fifty-first Street, Xew York City. * Henry Weldon Barnes was the son of William Henry Barnes and Eva (Hampton) Barnes. His father, who is still living, a civil engineer and railroad officer of Phila- delphia, was born in that city on July 12, 1829. William Henry Barnes' parents were Henry Barnes of Marlbor- [435] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ough, Massachusetts, and Manila Weldon of New Britain, Connecticut. Barnes' mother was born in Somerset, Penn- sylvania, on April 6, 1832. Her parents were Moses Henry Weldon Barnes Hampton of Somerset, Pennsylvania, later of Pittsburgh, and Ann Miller of Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His ances- tors came from England in 1700 and settled at Mendham, New Jersey. Barnes was born on June 10, 1862, in Pittsburgh, and prepared for college in that city. In freshman year he roomed on York Street; sophomore year with Dilworth in South Middle, and the remainder of the course in Durfee; junior year with Douw; and the last year with Vought. He was an editor of the Record in senior year and was a mem- ber of Delta Kappa, He Boule, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Scroll and Key, and the University Club. He left college [4363 FORMER MEMBERS during senior year on account of ill health, hoping to rejoin the class and graduate with it, but the hope was destined never to be fulfilled. He failed rapidly for some months and, as a last resort, was taken to Colorado. Gaining noth- ing by the change, he returned to his home in Pittsburgh, where he died on December 4, 1882. JOHN REMSEN Bishop is the son of James Bishop and Mary Faugeres (Ellis) Bishop. James Bishop was an im- porter who lived in New Brunswick, New Jersey. He was John Remsen Bishop born in that city in 181 5, the son of James Bishop and Ellen Bennett, and died in Morristown, New Jersey, in 1 895. The family was of Connecticut-English origin. The mother was born in New Brunswick in 1835, tne daughter of John Ellis C4373 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 of New York City. She died in Morristown in 1896. The Ellis family was of Dutch and French origin and belonged to the early New York Colony. Bishop was born in New Brunswick on September 17, i860, but in early youth went abroad and attended several German schools and one French one. Later he returned to this country and was entered at St. Paul's at Concord, New Hampshire, to prepare for college. He was graduated in 1879 and entered '82 at the beginning of sophomore year. Bishop was interested in indoor gymnastics and took a prize for work on the horizontal bar in the winter meeting of 1 88 1. He was on the staff of the Courant and belonged to Psi Upsilon. At the end of junior year he left college, en- tered Harvard, and was graduated in the class of '82. Since graduation he has been engaged in school teaching and management. For the first year he was at St. Paul's School. In 1883 he accepted a position in the New Jersey State Bureau of Statistics at Trenton. This occupied him for a year, until Dr. McCosh persuaded him to take hold of the defunct Princeton Preparatory School, with a view to its resuscitation. The trustees deeded the school property to him, and he was very successful in reviving the institu- tion. Finally, when the management of it became too bur- densome, he sold his title and good-will and bought a half- share in an established day-school in Cincinnati. Thither he moved in 1888. From 1895 to 1904 he was principal of the Walnut Hills High School. The University of Cincin- nati conferred a Ph.D. on him in 1904. Since that time he has been at the head of the Eastern High School in Detroit. He has edited a book called "Ovid for Sight Reading" and has written numerous articles for the School Review and the National Education Association reports. He is chief editor of an edition of Cicero's Orations for schools, now in the press of the American Book Company. He is an Episcopalian and a member of the Sons of the American £438:1 FORMER MEMBERS Revolution, the American Sociological Association, and the Cincinnati Literary Club. On July 9, 1885, in Trenton, New Jersey, he married Anna Bartram Xewbold, daughter of Walter Xewhold and Rebecca Richards, and a descendant of John Bartram, the botanist. Their children are: Xewbold and Mildred Rem- sen (twins), born on April 14, 1887, in Princeton, Xew Jersey; Remsen and Anstiss B. (twins), born in 1889 in Cincinnati; Frances, born in 1891 in Cincinnati; and Isabel, born in the same city in 1902. Mildred prepared at the Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, and was graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1908. Newbold and Remsen were graduated from the Eastern High School in Detroit in 1907. Remsen is a junior in the University of Michigan. His business address is Eastern High School, and his resi- dence is 986 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Charles Winslow Burpee is the son of Thomas Francis Burpee and Adeline Minerva (Harwood) Burpee. He came of English ancestry on both his father's and his moth- er's side. The paternal ancestors came to this country from England in 1640 and settled in Salem, Massachusetts. Those on the maternal side came ten years later and also settled in Massachusetts. Thomas Burpee of Stafford, Con- necticut, the grandfather of our classmate, had a son named Thomas Francis Burpee, a woolen-manufacturer of Rock- ville, Connecticut, born on February 17, 1830, at Stafford. The younger Thomas was colonel of the Twenty-first Regi- ment of Connecticut Volunteers in the Civil War, and was mortally wounded at Cold Harbor on June 11, 1864. Bur- pee's mother was the daughter of Ebenezer Harwood and Minerva Dimmock of Stafford, where she was born on July 29, 1829. An only brother, Lucien F. Burpee, was gradu- [439] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ated from Yale in 1879. Two cousins, Edwin Burpee Goodell and Thomas Dwight Goodell, were graduated from Yale in 1877. Burpee was born on November 13, 1859, at Rockville, Charles Winslow Burpee Connecticut, lived in Rockville all his early days, and was graduated from the high school there in 1878. He entered Yale with our class, but was compelled by weakened physi- cal condition to leave college in sophomore year and stay out for a year. By permission of the faculty he entered '83 with the same stand which he had had in '82. He roomed with Whitney in freshman year in North, and in sophomore year with Whitney in South Middle and with Loughridge, '83, in Old Chapel, and with Southworth, '83, in junior and senior years in North. Burpee was '82 freshman editor of the Yale Conrant, '83 chairman of the Yale News board in FORMER MEMBERS 1882-83, a contributor to the Lit, and correspondent for the New York Evening Post and the New Haven Palladium. He was a class deacon of '82, second prize composition win- ner in '82 and first in '83, junior exhibition speaker in '83, a member of Gamma Nu, Psi Upsilon, Linonia, and Skull and Bones, and fleet captain of the Yale Yacht Club. D. H. Buel, S. D. Thacher, both '83, and Burpee wrote a bur- lesque of "Medea," which, when presented at the New Haven Opera House by a college cast, netted a handsome sum for the Yale Field movement, which was then in its in- cipiency. Burpee became a newspaper man and rapidly mounted to a high position in the profession. He was successively city editor of the Waterbury (Connecticut) American, 1883-91, associate editor of the Bridgeport (Connecticut) Standard, 1891-95, State editor of the Hartford Courant, 1 895-1900, and managing editor of the Hartford Courant, 1900-04. He left newspaper work in 1904 and became manager of the educational and publishing department of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. At the same time he is correspondent for various papers, and in 1907 was associated with H. D. Taft, '83, in the publication of Publicity. He is the author of "A Military History of Waterbury." He has written a number of magazine arti- cles and has conducted series of talks on current history in schools and clubs. He is secretary of the Hartford Board of School Visitors and president of the Yale Alumni Asso- ciation of Hartford, 1909-10. He is a member of the First Congregational Church of Waterbury, a Republican in poli- tics, a member of the University Club of Hartford, and an officer on the retired list in the Connecticut National Guard. Burpee married Bertha Stiles on November 5, 1885, in Bridgeport. She is the daughter of Ransom Stiles and Anna Stillman. The Stiles family was of English descent — the same which produced President Ezra Stiles of Yale. A [44i] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 great-uncle, Henry Stiles, of Southbury, Connecticut, was a Yale graduate. They have one son, Stiles, born in Hart- ford on April 12, 1903. His business address is 49 Pearl Street, and his residence is 19 Forest Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Robert Camp is the son of Hon. Hinman Camp and Caro- line Rebecca (Baylies) Camp. His father has had a long and honorable business career and is still one of the best- Robert Camp known and most respected citizens in Milwaukee. He is the sole survivor of the thirty-six Wisconsin citizens who organized the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany in 1857. He was born in Derby, Vermont, on January 27, 1822, and spent his early days in Derby, Montpelier, [442] FORMER MEMBERS Xorthfield, and Boston. His parents were David Manning Camp and Sarepta Savage of Derby, and his ancestors came over from England in 1630 to settle in Milford, Connecti- cut. Our classmate's mother was the daughter of I [oratio Nelson Baylies and Rebecca Bradley of Montpelier. She was born on October 5, 1825, and died on September 6, 1859, in Milwaukee. The Baylies ancestors came to Con- necticut from England in 1633. His paternal grandfather, David Manning Camp, was graduated at Burlington Uni- versity, Burlington, Vermont, in 18 10. He was prominent in the organization of the State government and presided over the Vermont Senate as lieutenant-governor for six years. Camp was born on June 1, 1859, in Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin, where he lived until 1872, attending the St. James Par- ish School from the time he was six years old till the time he was ten, and the Milwaukee Academy from that time until he was thirteen. From 1872 to 1876 he was at De Veaux College, Suspension Bridge, New York. The succeeding year was again spent at Milwaukee Academy, and in Sep- tember, 1877, he entered Yale with the class of '81. Ill- ness compelled him to leave college in February, 1878, and he entered our class in September. He remained only through a part of sophomore year. He roomed with Bad- ger on York Street the first year, and thereafter with Badger in South Middle. He belonged to Kappa Sigma Epsilon and He Boule. From 1880 to 1886 Camp was in the stock-raising busi- ness in Kansas. Part of the time, also, he was in the bank- ing business, and all the time the salubrious breezes and outdoor life of the alfalfa State were restoring his health. From 1 89 1 to 1894 he was with the First National Bank of Milwaukee; from 1894 to 1907 with the Milwaukee Trust Company, which was organized by his father, himself, and others in 1894; and in January, 1907, he was elected presi- C443 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 dent of the company. Politically he is a Republican. He belongs to the Milwaukee Club, the Town Club, the Coun- try Club, the Blue Mound Country Club, and numerous other social clubs in and near Milwaukee. On August 5, 1886, in Milwaukee, he married Mary Cobb Ball, daughter of Edward Hyde Ball and Sarah Eu- sebia Cobb. They have two daughters: Carolyn Mary, born on January 10, 1889, in Peabody, Kansas, and Marion Merrill, born on June 30, 1892, in Milwaukee. His business address is the Milwaukee Trust Company, corner of East Water and Wisconsin Streets, and his resi- dence is 277 Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Charles Blackwell Case is the son of Lewis Chamber- lin Case and Elizabeth (Blackwell) Case. His father was born near Reaville, New Jersey, on December 3, 1823, spent most of his life at Three Bridges, New Jersey, as a mer- chant, and died on March 18, 1907, at Flemington, New Jersey. His parents were Anthony Learch Case and Cla- rinda Chamberlin of Reaville, and he was descended from ancestors who came from Germany about 1730 and settled near Flemington. Case's mother was born on August 7, 1826, near Ringoes, New Jersey. Her parents were An- drew Blackwell and Anna Hunt of Ringoes. She died on March 14, 1877, near Three Bridges. The original spell- ing of Case was Kaes, and later Kase. Case was born near Three Bridges, New Jersey, on Sep- tember 12, i860. He attended public school near Three Bridges, was at several private schools, and later was grad- uated from the Centenary Collegiate Institute at Hacketts- town, New Jersey. During freshman year he roomed alone, and in sophomore and junior years with Parke in North Middle. He did not remain to complete the full college course, but left at the end of junior year. [44411 FORMER MEMBERS He spent the next three years in the study of law with ex-Judge James Buchanan in Trenton, New Jersey, and then formed a partnership with Samuel Walker, Jr., the firm Charles Blackwell Case being known as Case & Walker, Law and Real Estate Brokers. In 1886 the firm was dissolved and a new one created, Gardner H. Cain, Rutgers '81, becoming associated with him in business. The firm name is Case & Cain, Law and Real Estate. Case is a member of the State Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Trenton, is a Republican, and is a director in the First National Bank of Trenton, the Bucks County Contributionship (Fire Insurance Company), of which he is also State agent, the State Gazette Publishing Company, of which he is also secretary, and the Trenton Young Men's Christian Association, as well as trustee of the Pennington Seminary, Pennington, New Jersey. [>45] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 He married Florence Nightingale Case, daughter of Henry C. Case and Sarah Sands, at Trenton on April 9, 1 890. They have two sons : Charles Blackwell, Jr., born on March 26, 1892, and Arthur Ellicott, born on April 11, 1894, and one daughter, Marian Sands, born on November 7, 1899, all in Trenton. The two boys were graduated at the State Model School in the class of 1910. His business address is State and Warren Streets, and his residence is 48 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey. Gilbert Colgate is the son of Samuel Colgate and Eliza- beth Anne Breeze (Morse) Colgate. Samuel Colgate, the son of the founder of the well-known manufacturing house of that name, was born on March 22, 1822, at 47 John Street, New York City, a locality now given over entirely to busi- ness, but in 1822 a fashionable residence district. His home during most of his life was in Orange, New Jersey, and he died there on April 23, 1897. His parents were William Colgate, of Kent, England, and Mary Gilbert, also of Eng- land, who first came to this country in 1795 and settled in Hartford County, Maryland. Our classmate's mother was born on August 5, 1831, in Claverack, New York, the daughter of the Rev. Richard Cary Morse of New York City and Louisa Davis. She died at Narragansett Pier on October 8, 1891. The Morse ancestors were of English and Scotch origin, and came to this country from England in 1635 to settle in Newbury, Massachusetts. Jedidiah Morse, "the father of American geography," was a gradu- ate of Yale in the class of 1783. S. F. B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph, Sidney E. Morse, and Richard C. Morse were also Yale graduates, in 18 10, 1856, and 1862 re- spectively. His five brothers were included in the classes graduated in 1877, 1886, 1891, and 1896. [4463 FORMER MEMBERS Colgate was born in Orange, New Jersey, on December 15, 1858, and was prepared for college at Phillips Andover, St. John's School at Sing Sing, New York, and Williston Gilbert Colgate Seminary. He entered with our class, but left at the end of freshman year and finished the course with '83. He rowed on several class crews, and was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Scroll and Key, and the Uni- versity Club. Since graduation he has been engaged in business as a member of the firm of Colgate & Company. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and a member of the University Club of New York, the Yale Club of New York, the Down Town Association, the Ardsley Club, the Garden City Golf Club, and the Young Men's Christian Association. Of the last named he is a trustee. [447] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 On June 7, 1888, in Buffalo, he married Florance Buck- ingham Hall, daughter of Edward J. Hall and Mary Hoey. The Rev. Thomas Buckingham of Saybrook, Connecticut, one of Mrs. Colgate's ancestors, was a member of Yale's first board of trustees, and his name appears in its charter. The first commencement was held in his home on September 13, 1702. Mrs. Colgate had three brothers in Yale, in 1873, 1875, and 1905 Sheffield. There are five children, as follows: Elizabeth Morse, born on November 5, 1889, and Florance Hall, born on July 9, 1893, these two in Orange, New Jersey; Grace Hall, born on November 23, 1896, Gilbert, Jr., born on December 21, 1899, and Robert Bangs, born on June 18, 1902, these three in New York City. His business address is 199 Fulton Street, and his resi- dence is 306 West Seventy-sixth Street, New York City. Charles Farnam Collins is the son of George Collins and Anna M. (Taft) Collins. His father was a business man who divided his life between New York, Europe, and Newport, Rhode Island. George Collins was born on October 11, 1820, in Savannah, Georgia, the son of George Collins and Mary Farnham of Providence, Rhode Island, and died in Newport on July 31, 1890. The Collins ancestors came to this country from Southampton, England, about 1662, and settled at Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Collins' mother was born on August 29, 1827, at Utbridge, Massa- chusetts, the daughter of Orray Taft and Deborah Keith, of Providence, Rhode Island, and Grafton, Massachusetts, respectively. She spent her early life at Providence, and died in Newport on September 25, 1902. The Taft ances- tors came from Scotland in 1660 and settled in the Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. Collins was born on December 5, 1859, in New York C4483 FORMER MEMBERS City. He lived abroad from 1871 to 1877, and upon his return to this country he spent a year in the Hopkins Gram- mar School and a year in the Newport (Rhode Island) I [igh School. He entered our class November 1 of freshman year and left it about December 10. He entered '83 at the regular time the following fall and was graduated with that class. He roomed with Beach in Farnam and Durfee. He was president of the University Club in his senior year, and belonged to Delta Kappa, Psi Upsilon, and Scroll and Key. He studied in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, and was given his M.D. in 1886; served a full term as medical interne in St. Luke's Hospital, New York; and studied in the University and Hospital at Vienna and in the Dresden Maternity Hospital. He began practis- ing in New York City in 1890; served in the out-patient de- partment of Roosevelt Hospital for seven years; in the Yanderbilt Clinic for four years; for almost five years was attending physician to the tuberculosis department of St. Luke's Hospital, and for five years was attending physician to the Lying-in Hospital. He is now attending physician to the Nursery and Child Hospital, to the children's depart- ment of St. Luke's Hospital, and to the Presbyterian Home for Aged Women. He is a member of the following organ- izations: the Alumni of St. Luke's Hospital, the Academy of Medicine, the County Medical Society, the American Cli- matological Society, the Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, the Therapeutic Society, the Yonkers Practi- tioners' Society (honorary), the University Club, the Union Club, and the Sons of the Revolution. His travels have taken him to England, Ireland, Germany, France, Switzer- land, Italy, Austria, and Holland. He is not married. His address is 50 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. [449] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Robert Browning Corey is the son of William Frederick Corey and Ella Maria (Jackson) Corey. His father was born in Buffalo on November 8, 1836, and received an edu- Robert Browning Corey cation at Elmira Academy, after which he became a banker in that city. His parents were Augustus Frederick Corey of Madison, New York, and Margarette Colvill of Kirk- aldy, Scotland. The ancestors on this side of the family were of French and Scotch origin, and among the early set- tlers of Madison. Corey's mother was born in Medford, Massachusetts, on August 4, 1840, the daughter of Robert Ellms Jackson of Scituate, Massachusetts, and Adeline Beal of Cohasset, Massachusetts. Her family was among the English colonists who settled in Scituate in 1630. Our classmate was born on July 2, 1861, in Elmira, New York, and was a graduate of Elmira Free Academy in 1878. FORMER MEMBERS He was with the class only till December, 1879. I n fresh- man year he roomed with Holzheimer, '81, at 484 Chapel Street, and for the few months he was with us in sophomore year he roomed with M. S. Allen in West Divinity. He be- longed to Delta Kappa. Corey left college, expecting to go into the private bank- ing business with his father at Elmira, but the state of his father's health prevented. For a year and a half he was located in Cincinnati as city salesman for a large wholesale grocery house. Later his father recovered his health and located at Bradford, Pennsylvania, in the banking business, and Corey was with him as his cashier for several years. In July, 1885, he was connected with the New York State Reformatory at Elmira as school secretary, and he was also in charge of the trade schools. During the past twenty years he has been located in New York City in the electrical business. For several years he was manager of the Electric Construction & Supply Company. He developed and put on the market the first arc lamp that was a commercial suc- cess, running on constant potential circuit. In 1895 he started to build up a commission business representing elec- trical manufacturing concerns for this territory, and gradu- ally has added to his line until he now represents six manu- facturing concerns, most of them for the Eastern territory, which includes everything east of Ohio. His concern is the R. B. Corey Company, and Corey is president. He is a member of the Engineers' Club of New York, and the Trin- ity Commandery of Plainfield, New Jersey. Also he is "an old-fashioned Democrat," to quote him literally. Fie is unmarried. His business address is 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City, and his residence is 1 1 1 1 Park Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey. [451H HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Arthur Mortimer Dickinson is the son of Charles Dick- inson and Sarah Jane (Lynde) Dickinson. Charles Dickin- son was born at Old Saybrook, Connecticut, in 1825, and after spending most of his life in Waterbury, Connecticut, died at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, April 15, 1888. Dick- inson's mother was born in 1827 at Old Saybrook, Connec- ticut, and died at Waterbury, September 30, 1887. Dickinson was born December 23, 1859, at Waterbury, Connecticut, and prepared for college at the Waterbury High School, Episcopal Academy of Cheshire, and the Waterbury English and Classical School. Entering with the class, he was a member of Delta Kappa and was on the freshman ball nine. He did not complete freshman year, but left college to enter business. For more than thirty years he has been connected with the Benedict & Burnham Manufacturing Company, and is at present secretary of the company. For thirteen years he was a member of the Sec- ond Regiment Connecticut Infantry, retiring with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He is a member of the Waterbury Club, Country Club of Waterbury, Quinnipiack Club, New Haven, New Haven Country Club, and the Army and Navy Club of New York. He is unmarried. His address is 82 Cooke Street, Waterbury, Connecticut. Joseph Richardson Dilworth is the son of Joseph Dil- worth and Louise (Richardson) Dilworth. Joseph Dil- worth was born December 25, 1826, at Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania, and died in that city February 26, 1885. Dilworth's mother was born at New Lisbon, Ohio, May 24, 1826, and died January 29, 191 1. DHworth was born December 17, i860, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He entered with the class, but left at the [452] FORMER MEMBERS end of freshman year, joining '83. He roomed in freshman year on York Street, and during his two years with '83 he roomed in South Middle with Barnes and Harkness. He was a member of Delta Kappa and He Boule. After leaving college he was five years with Dilworth Brothers, wholesale grocers, of Pittsburgh, and then became secretary and treasurer of Dilworth, Porter & Company, steel manufacturers. In 1903 he retired from active busi- ness on account of ill health, and moved to New York City. He belongs to the Brook and the Turf and Field clubs of New York City, and to the Pittsburgh Club. He married November 3, 1887, at Pittsburgh, Annie Hunter Wood, and has two children, Dewees Wood, born March 29, 1889, and Richardson, born August 29, 1898, both at Pittsburgh. Dewees was in the Yale law school class of 191 1, but left in January, 1910, on account of illness. Richardson is at Browning School. He is to enter St. Mark's School in September, 191 1, and is headed for Yale 191 7. Mrs. Dilworth is the daughter of W. Dewees Wood and Rosalind Gilpin. His address is 22 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York City. Charles Gibbons Douw is the son of John de Peyster Douw and Marianna Chandler (Lanman) Douw. The Douws were one of the old Dutch families that had much to do with the early days of New York State. They came from Leuwarden, Friesland, about 1630, and settled at Bever- wyck (Albany) in 1638. Volckert Jansen Douw was one of the first patentees of Esopus (Kingston). Among his de- scendants was John de Peyster Douw (175 6-1 83 5) of Al- bany, New York, who married Catharine Douw Gansevoort ( 1 782-1 848). Their son (John de Peyster Douw, Jr.), the father of our classmate, was born in Albany on Decern- [453] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ber 1 6, 1812, spent his life in Albany, Columbia County, and Poughkeepsie, and died in the latter place on January 30, 1901. Douw's mother was born on November 13, 1826; Charles Gibbons Douw she was the daughter of Charles James Lanman (1795- 1870) and Marie Jeanne Guie (1801-79) and descended from the two Matthew Griswolds and Oliver Wolcott, gov- ernors of Connecticut, and died in Poughkeepsie on March 18, 1884. Douw's grandfather, John de Peyster Douw, was graduated at Yale in 1779; his great-grandfather, James Lanman, in 1778; his great-great-grandfather, Charles Church Chandler, 1763 at Harvard; and two cousins, Wil- liam P. Williams and John Q. A. Johnson, were graduated at Yale in 1877 and 1878 respectively. Douw was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, on April 24, i860, and lived there during youth, attending Pough- FORMER MEMBERS keepsie Military Academy and Bishop's Select School, spent a year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, and then under private tutor in the year 1877-78 prepared for Yale. In freshman year he roomed with C. W. Hark- ness in the town, and in sophomore year in West Divinity Hall. In junior year he roomed with Henry W. Barnes in Durfee. Douw was on the class crew in sophomore year, and on the victorious tug-of-war team. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Kpsilon and He Boule, but could not join a junior society because he had already entered Delta Phi at Troy. Leaving the class and New Haven in the spring of 188 1, he read law with Judge Henry M. Taylor (Poughkeepsie) and Taylor, Ferris & Thompson (New York City) until the spring of 1882, when he joined the engineering corps of the West Shore Railroad, then building. Later he was em- ployed on New York State canals and the new Croton Aqueduct, New York, where he remained until October, 1887, when, as assistant engineer, he was injured by a blow, causing paralysis, from which he has suffered ever since. In January, 1896, having regained his health somewhat, he was on State canal work, in charge of bridge-building at Buffalo, Rochester, and other places, and in 1898 was in charge of dredging on Long Island, when summoned home by the illness of his father. He thereupon resigned from State employ to look after family affairs. He is a Republi- can and a member of Christ Church, Poughkeepsie; also of the Yale Club of New York, St. Elmo Club (New York), Mohawk Club (Schenectady), St. Nicholas Society, Holland Society, and the Society of Colonial Wars. He is unmarried. His address is Scotia, Schenectady County, New York. C455] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Henry Titus Folsom is the son of Henry Folsom and Phoebe Brown Fenner (Titus) Folsom. He is of Eng- lish stock on both sides. His father was born at Chester, Henry Titus Folsom New Hampshire, on October 27, 1829, had a school educa- tion at Chester, and lived in New York City as a maker and importer of firearms, an occupation in which the son succeeded the father. Henry Folsom, Sr., died on Octo- ber 10, 1887. His father was John Folsom of Chester, and his mother Dorothy T. Underhill of the same town. Our classmate's mother was born in South Scituate, Rhode Island, and spent her early life in that town and in Provi- dence. Her father was Jonah Titus of South Scituate, and her mother Nancy W. Colwell of Brooklyn, Connecticut. Jonah Titus was a lawyer, and studied law at Millbury, Massachusetts. C456] FORMER MEMBERS Folsom was bom on November 4, 1859, at St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived for five years before accompany- ing his parents to a new home in Orange, Xew Jersey. He studied at private schools in Orange, fitted for Yale at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire, and traveled in Europe before entering college, visiting England, France, Switzerland, and other countries. He entered with our class, but left at the end of freshman year and finished the course with '83. During the first freshman year he roomed with Cuyler, and for the other four years with Stone. He rowed stroke on the 'varsity crew in 1880, 1881, 1882, and 1 883, and also on several of his class crews. He belonged to Delta Kappa, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. Since graduation he has been in the firearms, ammunition, and general sporting goods business which his father founded in i860. The company has been incorporated under the name of the H. & D. Folsom Arms Company, and Folsom is now the president. He writes: "My time has been devoted to business and home life, except for about six weeks each fall, which I have, as a rule, spent in various parts of this country and Canada on hunt- ing-trips for big game. My son for the past eight years has accompanied me on these hunting-trips, much to the strength- ening of his constitution as well as my own." In politics he is a Republican, and in church-membership an Episcopalian. Folsom was married on October 19, 1886, in Brooklyn, Xew York, to Carolyn Nevers Saltus, daughter of Nicholas Saltus and Minnie Sanford. On April 21, 1888, his son, Henry Lloyd Folsom, was born in Orange, New Jersey, and in 1899 Mrs. Folsom died. The son has been at the Taft School at Watertown, Connecticut, and entered Yale with the class of 1912. His business address is 314 Broadway, New York City, and his residence is Llew T ellyn Park, Orange, New r Jersey. C457H HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Chauncey Milton Griggs is a brother of Herbert Griggs, and left us at the end of junior year, finishing the course with '83. His antecedents were precisely the same as his * *vi Chauncey Milton Griggs brother's (which see), but he gives us some additional in- formation in regard to their father, Chauncey Wright Griggs, who was twice a State Senator in Minnesota, an alderman of the city of St. Paul, president of the Water Board, and colonel of the Third Minnesota in the Civil War. He was also "a railway contractor, a coal-dealer, a lumber-manufacturer, a wholesale grocer, and a David Harum in a hoss-trade." Griggs was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on February 19, i860, lived in Ledyard, Connecticut, his mother's old fam- ily home, during the war, then in Chaska, Minnesota, from C4S83 FORMER MEMBERS 1864 to 1S69, attending the Moravian School for the last three of those years, and then in St. Paul from 1 870 to 1 878, attending the public schools and the high school. He roomed with his brother for three years, one in North College, one in South Middle, and one in Farnam. After leaving college at the end of junior year he spent the year 1881-82 in Wis- consin tor his health. In senior year he roomed in West Divinity with his brother, who was then in the Law School. He was on the freshman ball nine, and in junior year was captain of the consolidated and coached the freshman team. In his senior year, with '83, he played on the Varsity ball team. He was a member of the junior promenade commit- tee, was in the University Glee Club, and belonged to Delta Kappa, Psi Upsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. Since graduation he has been in the wholesale grocery business in St. Paul, being a member of the firm of Griggs, Cooper & Company. He w r rites : "The first thing of note which happened to me after leav- ing '82 was to get well enough to go back and graduate with the next best class, '83. "Since then I have endeavored to put in as little time for as big pay as possible in the grocery business, and as much time for as little pay as possible in out-of-door pursuits. Fresh-water sailing, wild-fowl and upland shooting, a little golf and very poor, the American trotting horse and Eng- lish setter dog have each had their time in my enthusiasm, and the horse has not yet been superseded by the automo- bile, but I fancy it will, if the Good Roads Commission in this State accomplishes its object." Griggs has also been vice-president of the Minnesota State Agricultural Society for the last five years, and head of the amusement and speed departments — "positively the greatest outdoor show on earth," he writes. He is trustee [459] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 and chairman of the music committee of the Park Congre- gational Church of St. Paul, and u a Republicanized Demo- crat." He married Mary Chaffee Wells in Allegheny City, Penn- sylvania, on October 15, 1885. They have had eight chil- dren: Calvin Wells, born on November 13, 1886; Milton Wright, born on November 15, 1888; Katharine Glyde, born on June 22, 1891 (died at three years) ; Mary Glyde, born on April 13, 1893 ; Everett Gallup, born on December 17, 1895 ; Benjamin Glyde, born on January 1, 1899; Eliza- beth Taggart, born on March 3, 1901 ; and Chauncey Wright, born on November 3, 1903; all in St. Paul. The son Milton was graduated at Yale in 19 10. His preparation was at the St. Paul Academy of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Phillips Andover. Everett and Benjamin are at the St. Paul Academy. Mrs. Griggs was born in Pittsburgh, and her parents were Calvin Wells and Mary Chaffee Glyde of Pittsburgh. His business address is care of Griggs, Cooper & Com- pany, and his residence is 365 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Charles William Harkness is the son of Stephen Van- derburg Harkness and Anna Maria (Richardson) Hark- ness. Stephen V. Harkness was born November 18, 18 18, at Fayette, New York, spent most of his life at Cleveland, Ohio, and died March 6, 1888, at Punta Gorda, Florida. He was the son of David Harkness and Martha Cook, and was of Scotch-Irish origin. Harkness' mother was born October 25, 1837, at Dalton, Ohio, and is still living. She is of Dutch descent, the daughter of James Richardson and Anna Maria Raull. Harkness was born December 17, i860, at Monroeville, Ohio, and spent most of his early life in Cleveland. He [4603 FORMER MEMBERS entered with the class, but left at the end of freshman year and was graduated with '83. In freshman year he roomed with Douw, sophomore year with Dilworth in South Mid- Charles William Harkness die, and junior year with E. S. Williams in Durfee. He was a member of Delta Kappa, He Boule, and Psi Upsilon, and is a graduate member of Wolf's Head. After graduation he attended Columbia Law School, but he returned to Cleveland, where business interests called him, without completing the course. Of late years he has lived in Xew York City, where he is occupied with the man- agement of the Harkness estate, and is identified with Stan- dard Oil interests. He is a member of the following clubs: University, Yale, Downtown, Riding, New York Yacht, Morris County Golf, and Union of Cleveland. He married, May 27, 1896, at Germantown, Pennsyl- C46n HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 vania, Mary Warden, the daughter of William G. Warden and Sarah Bushnell. There are no children. His business address is 26 Broadway, and his residence is 685 Fifth Avenue, New York City. George Edward Haskell is the son of Edward Haskell and Sarah (Claflin) Haskell. Edward Haskell was a wholesale and retail dry-goods merchant of New Bedford, Massachusetts. He was born in Still River, Massachusetts, and died in New Bedford. His father was Calvin Haskell of Still River, whose ancestors came from England and set- tled in Gloucester. Our classmate's mother was the daugh- ter of Lyman Claflin and Rebecca Gay Starkweather, both of Pawtucket, Rhode Island. She was born on April 21, 1 83 1, at Pawtucket, and died on October 1, 1857, at New Bedford. Haskell was born on October 1, 1857, at New Bedford. He divided his early life between New Bedford and Paw- tucket, attending the New Bedford public schools, being graduated from high school as valedictorian in June, 1875, and fitting for college for three years at the Friends' Acad- emy in the same city. He entered Yale with our class, but left college at the end of junior year to go into business. He roomed with Kingman in North Middle the first year, and in Farnam the other two. He was a member of Psi Upsilon. Upon leaving college he went to Boston and engaged in the china importing and jobbing business. Later he was a member of the firm of Abram French & Company, but sold his interest and withdrew about January 1, 1895. For a short time he was connected with a trade journal in Boston, and then went abroad for a considerable stay. In 1898 he entered the employ of Haskell & Tripp, dry-goods and no- FORMER MEMBERS tions, in New Bedford, and remained with this house for nearly six years, when the firm went into liquidation and retired from business. About May 25, 1903, he entered the employ of the New England Telegraph & Telephone Company, with headquarters at Boston. He belongs to the Church of Our Saviour (Episcopal), Brookline, Massachu- setts, and politically he is a Republican. For four years he was an active member of the Independent Corps Cadets of Boston, after which he became a veteran, and is a member of the Union Boat Club of Boston. He married Blanche Lindamon Jones, in Chicago, on De- cember 31, 1885, and has three children : Margaret, born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on July 6, 1887; Helen Louisa, born in Brookline on July 9, 1891; and George Stark- weather, born in Dresden, Germany, on January 1, 1897. His address is New Bedford, Massachusetts. James Smith Havens is the son of Dexter R. Havens and Lucy B. (Smith) Havens. He was born May 28, 1859, at Weedsport, New York, and received his early education in the public schools of Weedsport, and at the Monroe Col- legiate Institute, at Elbridge, New York. He entered with the class, but left college on account of ill health in the mid- dle of sophomore year. He spent the following summer in Colorado, and was then for a year in business at Weeds- port, New York. In January, 1882, he entered the class of '84 at Yale, with which he was graduated. He afterward studied law in Rochester, New York, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1886. Eight years later he formed a partnership with Nathaniel Foote, now a justice of the Supreme Court. In 1901 the late James Breck Perkins joined the firm, which became Foote, Perkins & Havens until Foote was elevated to the bench. The firm then be- c 463:1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 came Perkins & Havens, and so continued until in 1907 Havens became a member of his present firm, Harris, Ha- vens, Beach & Harris. In the spring of 19 10, at a special election, he was elected to Congress from the Thirty-second New York District, after an exciting contest. He married Caroline Prindle Sammons at Rochester on January 16, 1894. They have four children: Lucy Prindle, born on October 21, 1894; Mary Eleanor, born on January 30, 1897; James Dexter, born on January 13, 1900; and Nathaniel, born on August 17, 1903. His address is 15 Rochester Savings Bank Building, Rochester, New York. Louis Kossuth Hull is the son of Charles Hull and Lucy Lincoln (Perry) Hull. Charles Hull, born September 2, 1 8 14, at South Kingston, Rhode Island, was a commodore in the navy, and died at Lebanon, Connecticut, March 3, 1863. His parents were Christopher Hull and Hannah Perry. The family is of English origin, the ancestors coming to this country from England and settling at South Kingston, Rhode Island. Hull's mother was born March 21, 1828, at Windham, Connecticut, and is the daughter of Benjamin Perry and Lucy Lincoln. Hull was born November 9, 1861, at Lebanon, Connec- ticut. He prepared for college at Dr. Fitch's School at South Norwalk, and at the Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. Entering with the class, he left at the end of fresh- man year, joining '83 and being graduated with that class. In freshman year he roomed with Knapp, and later with Worcester and E. B. Frost, '83. He was on the university football team for six years and rowed on the crew for four years, two of which he was captain. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon, He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Skull and Bones. [464:1 FORMER MEMBERS After graduation he studied at the Yale Law School, re- ceiving the degree of LL.B. in 1885. Going west in Octo- ber, 1885, he settled in Bismarck, North Dakota, but after a year and a half he removed to Minneapolis, where he is actively engaged in the practice of his profession. He is vice-president of the Minnesota and Southeastern Railroad, vice-president and secretary of the Diamond Boiler Works, president of the Southern Minnesota Lumber Company, president of the Union Lumber Company, vice-president of the Carl L. Stewart Lumber Company, manager of the Sleepy Eye mills and elevators, and counsel for the Security National Bank of Minneapolis. He was city councilman in New Haven, city attorney of Bismarck, United States at- torney for Dakota, and colonel of the Third Minnesota Vol- unteers in the Spanish-American War. He belongs to the Minneapolis, Town and Country, Minnekohda, Lafayette, Automobile, Elks, and Masonic clubs of Minneapolis. He married December 12, 1892, Agnes Oliphant McNair of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and has a daughter, Ruth, born February 17, 1901. His business address is Globe Building, and his residence is 21 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis, Minnesota. David KlNLEY is the son of David Kinley and Janet Preston (Shepherd) Kinley. He is Scotch on both sides. His pa- ternal grandparents were Richard and Agnes Kinley of Bel- fast, Ireland. His father was born in April, 1841, in Dun- dee, Scotland, and was a mill superintendent in Andover, Massachusetts, most of his life. Our classmate's mother was born in Dundee in October, 1838, the daughter of Mongo Shepherd and Isabella Fraser, and died at Andover, Massachusetts, in 1896. Kinley was born in Dundee on August 3, 1861, and lived [4653 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 there until 1872, when he moved with his parents to Andover, and entered the Punchard Free High School. From 1876 to 1878 he attended Phillips Andover Academy, preparing David Kinlev for Yale, which he entered with '82 at the regular time. As a freshman he roomed with Hubbard in North Middle, as a sophomore with Lovering in North and Old Treasury. He left college in junior year, and later reentered and was graduated with '84. He wrote for the Courant and the Lit, and won first and second English composition prizes in sophomore year, and the second mathematical prize in freshman year. From 1884 to 1890 he was principal of the high school at North Andover, Massachusetts. With the idea of taking up college work, he entered Johns Hopkins and stayed there two years, taking courses in political economy, history, and 1:4663 FORMER MEMBERS public law. The second year he was appointed assistant in history at the university, and was also instructor at the Wo- man's College of Baltimore. The following year he was at the University of Wisconsin, where he took his Ph.D. in 1893, and was assistant in economics. In the fall of 1893 he was appointed assistant professor of economics in the University of Illinois. The following year he was made full professor and dean of the College of Literature and Arts. He held both of these positions until 1906, when he resigned the latter and became dean of the Graduate School. He served ten years as secretary of the University Council of Administration, and seven years as editor of the Univer- sity Studies. For two years he was one of the vice-presi- dents of the American Economic Association, and he has been a member of its publication committee for the past five years. In 1901 a School of Economics was organized in the University of Illinois under his direction, and he has been in charge of it ever since. He has written two books: "The Independent Treasury of the United States" (Crow- ell, 1893), and "Money" (Macmillan, 1904). He has also written numerous articles for newspapers and maga- zines, and is now preparing two reports for the National Monetary Commission. Governor Duneen of Illinois ap- pointed him a member of the Industrial Insurance Commis- sion from 1905 to 1907. "Republican with Occasional backslidings," he writes of his politics. He has been a member of the Congregational Church since 1897. He is a director in the Urbana Commercial Building and Loan Association, a member of the Wisconsin Academy of Sci- ence, Arts, and Letters, and of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, the American Economic Associ- ation, the City Club of Chicago, the University Club of Chi- cago, the American Sociological Society, the American Society for the Promotion of Labor Legislation, and the American Statistical Association. He is an associate mem- HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 ber of the National Child Labor Committee, and was until a year ago correspondent of the Inst, fur soz. Bibliog. of Berlin. In 1900-01 he made a trip abroad, visiting Eng- land, Germany, Paris, Switzerland, Bohemia, Austria, Tur- key, and Scotland. In 1906 a second trip took him to Eng- land, Scotland, and Germany. Kinley married on June 22, 1897, in Mount Vernon, Ohio, Kate Ruth Neal, daughter of George D. Neal and Harriet True. They have two children: Harriet Louise, born on October 2, 1898, and Janet Fraser, born in August, 1903, both in Urbana, Illinois. His business address is University of Illinois, and his resi- dence is 1 1 01 West Oregon Street, Urbana, Illinois. *Charles Gleason Long was the son of John Long and Lodicy Gleason (Lathrop) Long. His father was identified all his life with Amesbury, Massachusetts, where he was born on January 9, 1822, and engaged in the shoe- cutting business till his death on January n, 1883. His parents were Captain John Long and Sally Martin. Long's mother was of Scotch origin, and was the daughter of Elias Lathrop of Vershire, Vermont, and Dorcas Bohonon of Salisbury, New Hampshire. She was born in Vershire on November 19, 1824, and spent her early life there, and died at Amesbury on November 17, 1887. Long was born on February 15, 1858, in Amesbury, Massachusetts, attended the public school there, was gradu- ated from high school in 1875, an d had three years at Phil- lips Exeter Academy, from which he was graduated in 1878. For some years previous to his departure for Exeter he owned and conducted a newspaper delivery system in Amesbury. He entered Yale with the class, but was com- pelled to drop out in November, 1878, when his health col- lapsed. [468] FORMER MEMBERS 1 lis life since that time was mostly a struggle with illness, but from time to time, when his strength permitted, he was engaged in business as a salesman and as a real estate agent. Charles Gleason Long Long belonged to the Union Congregational Church of Amesbury, and was elected a deacon on January 3, 1893. Politically he was a Republican. He died, after a lingering illness, on April 15, 1908, at Lynn, Massachusetts. George Brooke Miller is the son of Francis Miller and Caroline (Hallowell) Miller. Francis Miller was a gradu- ate of Yale in the class of 1852, and an attorney practising in Washington, District of Columbia, and Sandy Spring, Maryland. He was born on July 31, 1829, in Alexandria, Virginia, had the degree of M.A., and died at Sandy Spring [>69:i HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 on February 4, 1888. His parents were Robert H. Miller and Anna Janney of Alexandria. The Miller ancestors came from England early in 1700 and settled at or near George Brooke Miller Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Miller's mother was born on August 20, 1 83 1, in Alexandria, the daughter of Benjamin Hallowell and Margaret Elgar Farquhar of Sandy Spring, and died on September 6, 1905, in that town. The Hal- lowells were English and Scotch. They came from England early in 1700 and settled in Montgomery County, Penn- sylvania. Miller was born in Sandy Spring on January 12, 1861. He attended the Friends' Central School in Philadelphia in 1 87 1, and from 1874 to 1878 was a pupil at Professor John W. Hunt's preparatory school in Washington, District of Columbia. He entered Yale with the class, but in sopho- C47o] FORMER MEMBERS more year, the spring of 1880, he was compelled to drop out on account of ill health. In the fall games of 1878 he won the long-distance throw at one hundred and seven yards. He also played in some of the class ball games, was a mem- ber of the freshman crew, and took part in the spring races on Lake Saltonstall. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon. After leaving college Miller spent a year at home in Sandy Spring. From 1881 to 1882 he was in business in Baltimore with Percy M. Reese, and from 1882 to 1885 he was in St. Louis as manager of a branch of Hill, Clarke & Company of Boston, manufacturers of iron- and wood-working machinery and steam- and gas-engines. In July, 1885, he was stricken with paralysis after getting overheated at tennis. This meant two years more of en- forced retirement at Sandy Spring and at Clifton Springs, New York. By June, 1887, he was able to resume his place in St. Louis, but gave it up in March, 1888, when he ac- cepted the position of principal of the Sherwood Friends' School at Sandy Spring. He was secretary of the Tennent Shoe Company in St. Louis from 1891 to July, 1905, and is now purchasing agent and auditor of the American Vul- canized Fiber Company of Wilmington, Delaware. A member of the Society of Friends, he is a Republican in politics, and was postmaster at Sandy Spring from 1900 to 1 901. He held successively the office of secretary (two years), treasurer (three years), vice-president, and presi- dent of the St. Louis Shoe Jobbers' and Manufacturers' Association, and was for three years treasurer of the St. Louis Credit Men's Association. On July 24, 1890, he married Zaidee Tennent, daughter of John H. Tennent and Louisa Hall Tevis, in St. Louis. They have had the following children, all born in St. Louis: Francis, born on July 18, 1891 (died); Louisa Tennent, born on May 3, 1893 (died) ; Florence, born on June 10, HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1896; Margaret Elgar, born on January 3, 1898; Zaidee Tennent and Maria Tevis (twins), born on August 31, 1899; and Hallowell, born on December 12, 1905 (died). His business address is 505 Equitable Building, and his residence is 900 Park Place, Wilmington, Delaware. * George Wells Morrison while in college roomed, freshman year with Rice in North Middle and sophomore year with Snell in South Middle. He was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon, and was coxswain of the class crew in the Saltonstall regatta, sopho- more year. He left college at the end of sophomore year and was connected with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company in their office at Hartford for five years. Later he was for some time at his home in Thompsonville, Con- necticut, contemplating engaging in some other business. He was married on February 21, 1888, and shortly after- ward contracted a severe cold, from which he never re- covered, but rapidly declined, and died July 17, 1888. * Walter Gillespie Phelps was the son of Daniel B. Phelps and Phoebe L. (Ellsworth) Phelps. His father was born on December 25, 1807, at Windsor, Connecticut, where he spent most of his life as a brick manufacturer, and died in that town on November 9, 1864. Daniel Phelps' parents were Roger Phelps and Rhoda Barber of Windsor, Connecticut. His father's family was of English origin, and came to this country in 1630 to settle at Windsor. Phelps' mother was born on September 19, 1820, at East Granby, Connecticut, and spent her early life at Windsor. [472] FORMER MEMBERS She was the daughter of David Ellsworth and Alma Gilles- pie of the latter town. Her family was of English origin, coming from England in 1654 and settling at Windsor. Phelps was born on January 4, 1858, at Windsor, where he spent his early life and attended the district schools. In 1878 he was graduated from the Hartford Public High School and entered Yale with the class, rooming in fresh- man year on George Street; sophomore year he roomed in South Middle with Weed. He was a member of the Kappa Sigma Epsilon campaign committee, rowed on the class crew in freshman and sophomore years, and was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon. He left college at the end of sophomore year, and the follow- ing spring he entered the service of the Burlington and Mis- souri River Railroad Company, in Nebraska, as civil en- gineer. He continued in the employ of that company until a short time before his death, which occurred at Hartford, Connecticut, on November 18, 1887, and was caused by a severe cold contracted while at field-work, which terminated in consumption. He married Grace H. Goodell of Hart- ford, December 9, 1885, and had one son, Dwight G. Phelps, born on June 8, 1887. Edward Pascal Pratt is the son of Pascal Paoli Pratt and Phoebe (Lorenz) Pratt. The Pratts came from Steven- age, Hertfordshire, England, in 1634, and settled in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. Samuel Pratt and Sophia Fletcher were our classmate's grandparents, and his father was an iron-manufacturer and banker of Buffalo. Pratt's father was born in Buffalo on September 15, 18 19, attended Hamilton .Academy in Madison County, New York, and Amherst Col- lege with the class of 1833, was president of the Manufac- turers' and Traders' National Bank, which he organized in C473] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 1856, held many important public offices, was a Presiden- tial elector in 1872, and died in Buffalo on June 14, 1905. His wife was the daughter of Frederick Lorenz and Catha- rine Simpson of Pittsburgh. She was born on May 3, 1824, in Pittsburgh, and died in Buffalo on May 26, 1887. The Lorenzes were of German origin. Pratt was born on August 26, i860, in Buffalo, and was graduated from the Buffalo Classical School in 1878. He entered Yale with the class, but completed only two years, during the first of which he roomed with Snell, and the second with Hower. He was a member of the Delta Kappa campaign committee and had been elected to Psi Upsilon before he left. In 1885 he became secretary of the Des Moines Oil Tank Line of Des Moines, Iowa. In 1890 he entered the employ of the Standard Oil Company as manager, and a year later went to Kansas City in that capacity. In 1896 he left the Standard Oil Company to form the firm of Pratt & Thomp- son, real estate investments and insurance. He is a member of the University Club and Country Club of Kansas City; he has been president of the Des Moines Club and is a direc- tor in the Kansas City Club. He is a vestryman of Grace Episcopal Church of Kansas City, and a Democrat. On February 6, 1896, in Kansas City, he married Annette Ogden Perrin, daughter of Charles Gooch Perrin and Mary Ogden. Mrs. Pratt's father was a Kentuckian, the family being one of the oldest and most honored in the South. She is a direct descendant on her mother's side from the Mar- quis de St. Pie, who fled to this country for political reasons at the time of the French Revolution, and whose wife was a dame d'honneur to Marie Antoinette. The Pratts have two children: Annette Fletcher, born on November 22, 1896, and Pascal Paoli, born on January 1, 1901, both in Kansas City. His business address is 410-413 Postal Telegraph Build- [4741 FORMER MEMBERS ing, and his residence is northwest corner of Forty-sixth Street and Holmes Street, Kansas Citv, Missouri. Henry Byron Sanderson is the son of Edward Sanderson and Elizabeth (Byron) Sanderson. His father was a flour- manufacturer of Milwaukee. He was born on March 14, Henry Byron Sanderson 1829, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, was educated at Williams Academy, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and died on May 20, 1889, in Milwaukee. His parents were John Sanderson and Margaret Whitfield of Athens-on-the-Hud- son, New York, having come to that place from County Cavan, Ireland. Our classmate's mother was the daughter of William Henry Byron of Milwaukee. She was of Eng- HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 lish descent, was born in Milwaukee on February 14, 1838, and died there on September 2, 1901. Sanderson was born in Milwaukee on April 15, 1859; he attended Markham's Academy until he was twelve, and then Racine College, Racine, Wisconsin, till he entered Yale with us. He left college in the middle of sophomore year. While he was with us he roomed with Camp and Frederic Remington. After leaving college he engaged in the milling business in Milwaukee for some time. He afterward studied for orders and is now a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church, located at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and is the private secretary of Bishop Weller. In politics he is a Republican, and he was a member of the World's Fair Commission from Wisconsin. His clubs are the Mil- waukee Club and the Country and Fox Point Golf Clubs. He visited Europe in 1882, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1904, and 1906, traveling chiefly in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, and Holland. On January 5, 1881, in Milwaukee, he married Alice Kane, daughter of Alonzo and Elizabeth Kane, and grand- daughter of Judge Philander Kane of Syracuse, New York. On January 19, 1882, his wife died, leaving him with a daughter, Alice Kane, born on January 12, 1882, in Mil- waukee. On September 8, 1887, he married Clarice Follansbee. They have two children: Edward, born on January 11, 1889, and Katherine, born on January 14, 1 891, both in Milwaukee. Alice, the eldest child, was married in 1903 to Charles B. Holden, a graduate of Cornell, in Milwaukee. His address is 607 Illinois Avenue, North Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Charles Edward Schuyler is the son of Garret Lansing Schuyler and Mary (Miller) Schuyler. He is of Dutch FORMER MEMBERS origin on his father's side, and of French Huguenot on his mother's. The Schuyler ancestors came from I I oil and in 1630 and settled in Albany, New York. From them was Charles Edward Schuyler descended Samuel S. Schuyler of Fonda, New York, the grandfather of our classmate. His father was a lumber merchant, and was vice-president of the Dry Dock Savings Bank in New York City. He was born in Charlestown, near Fonda, had a public-school education, was alderman and councilman in New York City, and died there. Schuyler's mother was the daughter of Jacob Miller and Jane Oakley of New York City. She lived in New York City, and died there. Her ancestors came from France and Holland in 1650 and settled at Kinderhook, New York. The Schuyler genealogy shows that our classmate is descended directly from Philip Schuyler, first mayor of C4773 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Albany, and that the family intermarried with almost all the old Dutch families, Van Dorn, Van Dusen, Rutherfurd, Van Rensselaer, etc. Schuyler was born in 1859 in New York City, and has lived all his life there, save one year in Iowa and the year which he spent with us in college. He attended the Columbia Grammar School and took a year in the College of the City of New York. Then came a year at Iowa Col- lege, Grinnell, Iowa, before his entrance at Yale. He left New Haven at the end of freshman year in order to begin his professional studies, but not before he had exhibited some athletic ability by winning the hundred-yard dash and a three-legged race, the latter in collaboration with Cuyler, with whom he roomed on York Street. Schuyler also rowed on the freshman crew. Immediately after leaving college he entered the Columbia Law School, taking the entire course; but he did not apply for admission to the bar, as he had built up, while studying in the law school, an insurance business which he continued. Subsequently he went into the real estate busi- ness, in which he has been continuously engaged since 1885. For many years he has been and is now a member of the Real Estate Board of Brokers, which is the Real Estate Exchange of the city of New York, and is one of the gov- ernors, having been for several years secretary. He is a director in the Peroxine Electro-Chemical Company, a director in the Rosenstock Chemical Company, secretary of the Fairview Maude Mining Company of Nevada, and a director in the Saxo-American Embroidery Works of New Castle, Delaware. He is a veteran of the Seventh Regi- ment, and was one of the founders of Troop A, now Squadron A. An institution which he organized is the Century Bank, New York City, and he was a director in it. He also helped organize the Colonial Bank, New York City. He is secretary of the Riverside and Morningside FORMER MEMBERS Heights Association of New York City, a local association on the upper West Side, near Schuyler Square, which was named after him. He is an expert appraiser for the city of New York of property taken in condemnation proceed- ings. He is a member of the following clubs: the St. Nicholas, Lawyers', New York Athletic, and Barnard, and the Holland Society. On January 21, 1885, he married Sarah E. Roach in Chester, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of John B. Roach, the ship-builder, and died in December, 1893. A son, Lansing Roach Schuyler, was born, but died in 1888, at the age of two years and seven months. On June 1, 1895, in Philadelphia, he was married again, to Adele Sartori, daughter of John B. Sartori and Juliette de Courcy of the Maryland de Courcys. Of this union came three children: Katharine, born on March 16, 1896, died on July 4, 1896; Juliette de Courcy, born on August 5, 1897; and Rutherfurd, born on July 8, 1903, all in New York City. Juliette is preparing for college at Miss Masters' School in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and Rutherfurd is entered in the class of 1914 at St. Mark's School, Massa- chusetts. His business address is 165 Broadway, New York City, and his residence is Dobbs-Ferry-on-Hudson. Oscar Trufant Sewall is the son of Edward Sewall and Sarah Elizabeth (Swanton) Sewall. He belongs to the well- known ship-building family of Bath, Maine. His father was born on September 28, 1833, at Bath. He was a ship- builder, owner, and operator, and died on March 21, 1879, in New York. The parents of Edward Sewall were William Dunning Sewall and Rachel Allen Trufant of Bath. The Sewall ancestors were English and came from [4791] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Coventry. Our classmate's mother was also born at Bath. She was the daughter of Samuel Swanton of Bath and Ann Maria Robinson of Gilmanton, New Hampshire. The Swanton ancestors were also English. Oscar Trufant Sewall Sewall was born on June 26, i860, in Bath, attended the public schools, and was graduated from the Bath High School in 1878. He entered Yale in September, 1878, but left college in December. He roomed with Richardson in North Middle, and was a member of Kappa Sigma Epsilon. Upon leaving college he went to work in his father's office in Bath, remaining until the following summer, when he went to San Francisco, entering the employ of the ship- ping and commission house of Williams, Blanchard & Company. On January 1, 1880, the firm was changed to Williams, Dimond & Company, and he entered the up-town [480] FORMER MEMBERS office of the firm, where he continued as clerk, occupying desks in the different departments until January, 1890, when he was admitted as a general partner in the firm. He continued in San Francisco until 1897, when the firm's in- terests made it necessary to establish an office in New York. I [e established the office under the same firm name, and became resident partner in New York, where he still con- tinues. He writes that he was "originally a Democrat, but changed to a political faith which was for the Republican in national elections and for the best man, whoever he might be, in municipal contests." In 1900 he took a trip abroad, sailing in October and visiting England, France, Italy, and Spain. He returned in March of the following year. He is a director in the American Hawaiian Steamship Company of New York, and of Cook & Company, Limited, of Seattle, Washington, and is or has been a member of the Pacific Union Club of San Francisco, the Racquet and Ten- nis Club of New York, the Down Town Association and the Jolly Mariners' Club of New York, the Englewood (New Jersey) Club, the Englewood Golf Club, and the Englewood Field Club. In San Rafael, California, on September 5, 1900, Sewall married Josefa Neilson Crosby, daughter of Arthur Crosby, a graduate of Rutgers College, and Josephine La Tourette Burke. Mrs. Sewall is a direct descendant of William Lloyd, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. There are two Sewall children: Oscar Crosby, born on August 8, 1 901, and Louise, born on August 28, 1902, both in Rye, New York. Since that time the family has moved to Englewood. His business address is 82 Wall Street, New York City, and his residence is Englewood, New Jersey. C4813 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 William Seymour left college in the latter part of junior year. He was then for a time cashier in the office of Henry M. Cowles, banker and broker, Wall Street, New York City. In December, 1882, he accepted a position as traveling salesman for Hincks & Johnson, manufacturers of carriages, at Bridgeport, Connecticut. He remained with that firm until January 1, 1887, when he became general Western selling agent for Cruttenden & Company of New Haven, Connecticut, manufacturers of carriages, and as- sumed charge of their Western establishment at 341-345 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. He married Katherine W. Camp at Newington, Connecticut, on November 17, 1887. (From the Sexennial and Vicennial Records.) Horatio Odell Stone is the son of Horatio Odell Stone and Elizabeth Ann (Yager) Stone. His father was a Chicago merchant and capitalist. The father was born in Victor (now Phelps), New York, on January 21, 181 1, and died in Chicago on July 22, 1877. His parents were Ebenezer Stone of Stonington, Connecticut, and Clarissa Odell of Victor, New York, and the Stone ancestors were English, coming from the old country in 1635 and settling at Stonington. Our classmate's mother was the daughter of David Yager of Clifton Springs, New York, and Rhoda Eliza Auchempaugh of Phelps. Her family came from Holland to Phelps in 1730. She was born on October 28, 1839, at Clifton Springs. Stone was born on July 15, 1 8 60, in Chicago, and prepared for college in the Chicago public schools and Lake Forest Academy, from the latter of which he was graduated in 1878. At the end of freshman year he left our class and entered '83, and was graduated with that class. He roomed FORMER MEMBERS the first year with Farwell at 464 Chapel Street, and for the remaining four with Folsom, one in Old South and three in Durfee. Basehall and the class track work engaged Horatio Odell Stone his attention. He was financial editor of the Yale News in 1883, a member of the Kappa Sigma Epsilon campaign committee, and, in addition to Kappa Sigma Epsilon, be- longed to He Boule, Psi Upsilon, and Scroll and Key. The summer of 1883, after graduation, included a trip to Europe. Then came a year in Chicago, after which he and C. H. Burr of '83 went West to fulfil a contract to resurvey the boundary line between Arizona and Mexico. They were compelled to abandon this on account of the uprising led by the Indian chief Geronimo, and spent the following two years mining and civil engineering in Colo- rado. Then Stone returned to Chicago, became a member C483] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 of the Board of Trade, and operated on it for two years. Since then he has been engaged in the real estate and mort- gage loan business under the name of H. O. Stone & Company. He is a member of the Calumet Club, the Union League Club, the Illinois Athletic Club, the Washington Park Club, the South Shore Club, the Chicago Automobile Club, and the Chicago Commercial Club. In 1894 he made a trip to Central America, and the year 1897 was spent traveling in Europe. On June 29, 1893, in Chicago, he married Sara Latimer Clarke, daughter of James Calvin Clarke and Susan Shafer. Mrs. Stone's paternal ancestors were English, Irish, and German, including: Lord Cavan of County Cavan, Ireland; Thomas Jennings Johnson, colonial governor of Maryland; Tamitha Worthington of Virginia; and Eliza- beth McCubbin, who married Charles Baltimore Calvert, youngest son of Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore. His business address is 125 Monroe Street, and his resi- dence is 4924 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Charles Sumner is the son of George Frederick Sumner and Maria (Tucker) Sumner. His father was born in Canton, Massachusetts, on June 7, 1830, the son of Nathaniel Sumner and Nancy Turner. He was a man- ufacturer and is still living. The Sumner family came from Bicester, England, in 1636, and settled at Meeting House Hill, Dorchester, Massachusetts. Sumner's mother was also born in Canton on September 25, 1832, the daughter of Francis W. Tucker of Canton and Prudence Virgin Hoyt of Concord, New Hampshire. Born on August 26, 1857, in Canton, Massachusetts, Sumner received his education in the Canton public schools and was graduated from the Canton High School in 1875. 1:4843 FORMER MEMBERS Later he attended the Boston Latin School. He entered Vale with our class, but left in freshman year. During his stay he roomed alone at Mrs. Tyler's, 464 Chapel Street. Charles Sumner Since leaving college he has been engaged in finance, real estate, manufacturing, and farming. He is a Unitarian and a Republican. On December 31, 1884, in Llaverhill, Massachusetts, he married Elizabeth Rand Kelly, daughter of Amos Sawyer Kelly and Elizabeth C. Batcheller. There are two children: Amie May, born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, on October 2, 1885, and James Batcheller, born in Canton, Massachu- setts, on November 19, 1887. Amie May is a graduate of Smith College in the class of 1908. James was graduated at Harvard in the class of 1910. His address is Canton Junction, Massachusetts. [4853 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Joseph Parker Trowbridge is the son of Henry Trow- bridge and Lucy Elizabeth (Parker) Trowbridge. Henry Trowbridge was born August 14, 1836, at New Haven, Joseph Parker Trowbridge Connecticut. He was a West India merchant, divided his time between New Haven and New York, and died June 29, 1900, in Williamstown, Massachusetts. His parents were Thomas Rutherford Trowbridge and Caroline Hoad- ley of New Haven. The family was of English origin, the ancestors coming to this country from Taunton, England, in 1636, settling at Dorchester, Massachusetts. Trow- bridge's mother was born June 12, 1836, at New Haven, and died there March 28, 1881. She was the daughter of Joseph Parker and Caroline Mulford, of English origin, her ancestors coming to this country in 1636, settling in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Trowbridge was born June 8, 1861, at New Haven. He C486] FORMER MEMBERS attended private school and later spent six years in the Hop- kins Grammar School, being graduated in 1S7S, and enter- ing '82 with the class. He left in December, joining '83 the following year, and was graduated with that class. 1 [e roomed at home and was a member of Delta Kappa, He Boule, and Psi Upsilon, and was on the campaign com- mittee of Delta Kappa. After graduation he studied at the Yale Medical School for two years and was for six years in the West India busi- ness with H. Trowbridge's Sons. Since 1900 he has been with the freight department of the New York, Xew Haven and Hartford Railroad, being formerly located at its Har- lem terminal in New York City and now in New Haven as special freight agent. He was a member of the University Club of New York, the New Haven Lawn Club, the Quinni- piack Club, and the Republican League Club of New Haven, but resigned from all in 1900. He married December 15, 1893, at Branford, Connec- ticut, Katherine Veronica Shields, the daughter of David Shields and Catherine Cavanaugh. They have had three children: Kathryn Parker, born February 26, 1895, at Branford; Joseph Parker, born August 21, 1898, at North- port, Long Island; and Marion Elizabeth, born September 9, 1903, at New York City (died July 19, 1904). His business address is care New York, New Llaven and Hartford Railroad Company, New Haven, Connecticut, and his residence is 528 West One Hundred and Forty-fifth Street, New York City. *William Loujeay Van Kirk was the son of William and Wilhelmeinia (McKee) Van Kirk. He was Dutch on the paternal side, his ancestors coming from Holland in the seventeenth century to settle in New York. His mother was C487] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 of Irish descent. Van Kirk was born April 14, i860, at Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, and prepared for college at the Pitts- burgh High School and with private tutors. Entering with the class, he roomed the first year on York Street, and dur- ing sophomore year in South Middle with Vought. He was a member of Delta Kappa and Psi Upsilon, and was also a member of the Delta Kappa campaign committee. Leaving college in junior year, he engaged in business with Long & Company, Iron Manufacturers, Pittsburgh. At the expiration of two years he severed his connection with that firm, and established himself as a stock-broker. After two years he retired, devoting himself to his investments and the care of his property. Later he was with the Mu- tual Life Insurance Company, and remained with that com- pany until his death, on October 19, 1906. He belonged to the Pittsburgh Club, was a Republican and a member of the Oakland Methodist Episcopal Church. On June 16, 1887, at Pittsburgh, he married Elizabeth Verner Long, the daughter of David Long and Elizabeth Verner. There were two children — Dorothy McKee, born October 25, 1888, and William, born January n, 1891, both at Pittsburgh. Only the son is living, and he is at pres- ent a sophomore in Cornell University. *Paul Wright was the son of Dexter R. W T right and Maria H. (Phelps) Wright, and for his antecedents see the biography of his brother, Arthur B. Wright (page 429). He was born April 13, 1859, at Meriden, Connecticut, and removed to New Haven with his parents in 1863. Enter- ing with the class, he left at the end of freshman year, joining '83 and remaining with that class two years. He roomed at home, and was a member of Kappa Sigma Ep- silon. C488] FORMER MEMBERS After he left Yale he took a special course in mining and engineering at Columbia, and then devoted himself to coal mining and engineering in Indiana and Illinois. He died March 23, 1906, at Chicago, of pneumonia, leaving a widow and two daughters. During the last few years of his life he did not enjoy good health, and this greatly lim- ited his career, but he achieved greater success in a business way than is usual in a man of his age. He was well known to the coal trade in Chicago, and was greatly esteemed as a man of sterling qualities. C4893 The following memorial was drawn up by Abbott and Dillingham under a motion passed by the class at its business meeting, June 25, 1907: Whereas our friends and classmates, Wayland Irving Bruce, David Anderson Chenault, Frank Runyon Gallaher, George Parker Richardson, and Frank Hiram Snell, have been taken from us since our last reunion, Resolved that we, members of the class of 1882, gathered at the twenty-fifth anniversary of our graduation from Yale, do hereby personally, and jointly as a class, express our grief at the loss which we have suffered in their death. They were joined to us by the close ties which four years of college life together had woven about us, and in the intimacy of that life, and in the years which have passed since then, we found them to be true men and sincere, sympathetic, and steadfast friends. In the outside world their fine personal qualities, their upright lives, and the services which they rendered to their friends and to the public won them respect and esteem, and the communi- ties in which they lived mourn with us over their decease. C490] STATISTICS Graduated June, 1882 1 18 Post obit, degree 1 Degrees conferred later with enrolment in class 3 122 Deceased 21 Living January 1, 191 1 101 YEAR OF BIRTH 1850 — Rossiter. 1852— Snyder. 1853 — Lovering, Rolfe. 1856— Blumley, Darling, *Gallaher, Wight. 1857— Bartlett, Lewis, Stillman. 1858— Barbour, Bennett, *Bruce, Eno, Hanlon, McMillan, Titche, *Whitney. 1859 — Badger, Bate, Beede, Billings, *Chenault, Churchill, Clement, Cragin, Ely, Foote, Ford, *Hand, Hawkes, Holland, Hopkins, Kellogg (F. A.), Long, Lowe, McKnight, Palmer, Parke, Parsons, Pember, Pollock, Rice, Richards, *Richardson, Sanford, *Shoe- maker, *Sholes, Storrs, *Weaver, Welch, Welles, *Wentworth, ♦Williams (E. S.), Williams (H. L.). i860— Abbott, Allen (J. F.), Allen (M. S.), Atterbury, Bailey, Baltz, Brewster, *Brockway, Bronson, *Campbell, Eaton, Farwell, French, Friend, *Fries, Gardes, Graves (C. B.), Hebard, Jefferds, KelloggQ. P.), Kingman, Lay, McBride, Moodey, Morris, *Page, Pardee, Pierce, Piatt, Pratt, Scranton, Scudder, Silver (E. V.), Silver (L. M.), Vought, Weed, Wells, *Worcester. 1 861 — Bates, Beach, Bentley, Boltwood, Brinton, *Curtis, Dillingham, FitzGerald, Foster, Graves (G. H.), Griggs, * Johnson, Kittredge, Knapp, Loomis, Lyman, *Murphy, Osborne, Rutledge, Shipley, Smith, *Snell, Sweetser. 1862 — Cumming, *Cuyler, Waller, Wright. [491] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 PLACE OF BIRTH Arkansas — Gardes. Alabama — Lay. Connecticut — Abbott, Allen (J. F.), Blumley, Brewster, Bronson, Cragin, *Curtis, Foote, Ford, Kellogg (F. A.), Kellogg (J. P.), Knapp, Lewis, Loomis, Lyman, McKnight, Morris, Osborne, Pardee, Pember, Rice, Rossiter, Sanford, Scudder, Smith, Waller, Weed, Welch, *Whitney, * Williams (E. S.), Wright. Georgia — dimming. Illinois — Bentley, Ely, Farwell, *Gallaher, Graves (C. B.). Indiana — Barbour. Kansas — Lowe. Kentucky — Bennett, *Chenault. Louisiana — Titche. Maine — Dillingham, Hawkes, Jeffords, *Page, Rolfe. Maryland — Beach. Massachusetts — Badger, Boltwood, Foster, French, Holland, Kingman, Lovering, ^Richardson, *Sholes, Wight, Williams (H. L.). Michigan — *Snell. Minnesota — Griggs, Welles. Missouri — *Campbell. New Hampshire — Beede, *Brockway, Kittredge, Richards. New Jersey — Atterbury, Hanlon, Pratt. New York— Allen (M. S.), Bartlett, Bate, *Bruce, Churchill, Clement, Darling, Eno, Hopkins, McBride, Moodey, Palmer, Parsons, Piatt, Silver (E. V.), Silver (L. M.), Stillman, Sweetser, Vought, Wells, ^Worcester. Ohio — Shipley, Storrs. Pennsylvania — Bailey, Baltz, Billings, Brinton, *Cuyler, *Fries, *Hand, Hebard, Long, McMillan, *Murphy, Parke, Scranton, ^Shoemaker, Snyder, ^Weaver. Rhode Island — Pierce. South Carolina — Rutledge. Vermont — Bates, Graves (G. H.). Wisconsin — Friend, *Wentworth. Canada — Eaton. China — Liang. Syria — *Johnson. C492] STATISTICS PREPARATORY SCHOOLS Hopkins Grammar School — Allen (J. F.)j Brewster, Eno, Ford, Gardes, Graves (G. H.), Hawkes, Kellogg (F. A.), Knapp, Lyman, Osborne, Pardee, Shoemaker, Titche, Weed, Wright — 16. Williston Seminary, Easthampton — *Bruce, Darling, *Hand, Hebard, Holland, Hopkins, Ely, Lewis, McBride, Piatt, Richards, Scudder, Storrs — 13. Phillips Academv at Andover — Bailev, Eaton, Foster, Lovering, McMil- lan, Silver (E. V.), Silver (L. M.), Wells— 8. Hartford High School — Boltwood, Liang, Morris, Rice, Welch, Welles, ♦Williams (E. S.)— 7. Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. — Badger, French — 2. Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn — Moodey, Palmer — 2. Bangor (Maine) High School — Dillingham, Jefrerds— 2. Bath (Maine) High School — *Page, *Richardson— 2. Bulkeley School (New London, Conn.) — Graves (C. B.), Waller — 2. Montclair (N. J.) High School— Churchill, Pratt— 2. Phillips Exeter Academy — Lowe, Pollock — 2. Rockville (Conn.) High School — McKnight, Pember— 2. St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. — *Cuyler, Lay — 2. Tilton (N. H.) Seminary — Beede, *Brockway — 2. Waterbury English and Classical School — Bronson, Kellogg (J. P.) — 2. Of the remaining 56, 51 prepared at different academies, institutes, and high schools, while 5 prepared under private tutors. PREVIOUS COLLEGE CONNECTIONS Entered Yale Atterbury Princeton '81 January, 1879 Barbour Miami University September, 1878 Beede Boston University '82 September, 1879 Bennett Central University, Richmond, Ky. '82 September, 1879 Hanlon Dickinson College '82 Wesleyan University '82 September, 1880 *Murphy Princeton '82 September, 1879 Rutledge Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va September, 1880 Stillman Amherst '81 September, 1878 [493] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 SONS OF COLLEGE GRADUATES Beach — Samuel Ferguson Beach, Wesleyan 1846. Bentley — Cyrus Bentley, Brown 1844. Boltwood — Lucius Manlius Boltwood, Amherst 1843. Brewster — Joseph Brewster, Yale 1842. Brinton — John Ferree Brinton, Yale 1848. Cumming — Joseph Bryan Cummfng, University of Georgia 1854. Foster — Dwight Foster, Yale 1848. French — Asa French, Yale 1851. Graves (G. H.) — Charles Emmett Graves, Trinity 1850. Hanlon — Thomas O'Hanlon, Princeton 1863. Jefferds — George Payson JefFerds, Bowdoin 1838. Kellogg (J. P.)— Stephen Wright Kellogg, Yale 1846. Lay — Henry Champlin Lay, University of Virginia 1842. Lyman — Chester Smith Lyman, Yale 1837. McMillan— John McMillan, Miami University 1850. Morris — Myron Newton Morris, Yale 1837. Osborne — Arthur Dimon Osborne, Yale 1848. Palmer — Lucius Noyes Palmer, University of New York 1848. Parke — Nathan Grier Parke, Washington and Jefferson 1840. Pierce — Henry Reuben Pierce, Amherst 1853. Piatt— Thomas Collier Piatt, Yale 1853- Pratt— Julius Howard Pratt, Yale 1842. Rice — James Quackenbush Rice, Wesleyan. *Richardson — George Leland Richardson, Bowdoin 1849. Rutledge — Benjamin Huger Rutledge, Yale 1848. Scudder — Evarts Scudder, Williams. Shipley — Murray Shipley, St. Xavier, Cincinnati. *Shoemaker — Lazarus Denison Shoemaker, Yale 1840. Silver, E. V. — Charles Alexander Silver, Norwich University 1841. Silver, L. M. — Charles Alexander Silver, Norwich University 1841. Storrs — Henry Martyn Storrs, Amherst 1846. Sweetser — J. Howard Sweetser, Amherst 1857. Welch— Henry K. W. Welch, Yale 1842. Welles— Roger Welles, Yale 1851. Wright— Dexter R. Wright, Wesleyan 1845. C4943 STATISTICS OCCUPATIONS Ministry — Brewster, *Hand, Lay, Mcknight, Morris, Snyder, Wight — 7. Law — Atterbury, Badger, Bates, Beach, Bentley, Blumley, Boltwood, Brinton, Bronson, *Campbell, Cumming, Ely, French, *Fries, Griggs, Hawkes, Kellogg (J. P.), Kittredge, Knapp, Loomis, Mc Bride, ♦Murphy, Osborne, *Page, Palmer, Pardee, Parke, Rice, Rutledge, Storrs, Titche, Waller, Wells, Wright— 34. Medicine — *Brockway, Cragin, Eaton, Foster, Graves (C. B.), Jcfferds. Kingman, Lewis, Lowe, Scudder, *Shoemaker, Silver (E. V.), Silver (L. M.)> Smith, *Weaver— 15. Education— Abbott, Barbour, Bartlett, *Bruce, *Chenault, Foote, Ford, Hanlon, Pratt, Rolfe, Rossiter, Sanford, *Whitney— 13. Business (Manufacturing and Mercantile) — Allen (J. F.), Allen (M. S.), Baltz, Bate, Beede, Darling, Dillingham, Farwell, Friend, *Gallaher, Hebard, Long, Lyman, Moodey, Parsons, Pember, Richards, Scranton, Shipley, *Snell, Stillman, Sweetser, *Worcester, Williams (H. L.)-2 4 . Finance — Bailey, Clement, Hopkins, *Richardson, *Sholes, Vought, Welles— 7. Agriculture — Bennett, Lovering, McMillan, Weed — 4. Public Service — Gardes, Kellogg (F. A.), Liang — 3. Insurance — Welch, *Williams (E. S.)— 2. Real Estate— Eno, Holland — 2. Transportation — Piatt — 1. Art— FitzGerald— 1. Chemistry — Graves (G. H.) — 1. Electrical Engineering — Pierce — 1. Journalism — Churchill — 1. Meteorology — *Curtis — 1. None — Billings, *Cuyler, *Johnson, Pollock, *Wentworth — 5. C49S1 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 RESIDENCES New York City and Vicinity— Allen (M. S.), Atterbury, Bate, Churchill, Cragin, Dillingham, Ely, Foote, Hawkes, Kellogg (F. A.), Lewis, Lyman, Moodey, Palmer, Parsons, Piatt, Pollock, Rice, Silver (L. M.), Stillman, Storrs, Sweetser, Wells — 23. Chicago, 111. — Bates, Bentley, Farwell, Ford, Wright — 5. Boston, Mass. — Badger, French, Pierce, Scudder — 4. New Haven, Conn. — Billings, Loomis, Osborne, Pardee — 4. Hartford, Conn. — Pember, Welch, Welles — 3. Philadelphia, Pa. — Baltz, Brinton, Hebard — 3. Washington, D. C. — Beach, Eno, Gardes — 3. Buffalo, N. Y.— Clement, Vought— 2. New London, Conn. — Graves (C. B.), Waller — 2. New Orleans, La. — Friend, Titche — 2. Waterbury, Conn. — Bronson, Kellogg (J. P.) — 2. The above are the cities in which two or more members of the class reside. The others are distributed as follows: Connecticut— Allen (J. F.), Blumley, Graves (G. H.), Kingman, Knapp, McKnight, Morris, Rossiter, Sanford— 9. Massachusetts — Darling, Lovering, Lowe, Snyder, Wight, Williams (H. L.)-6. Pennsylvania — Bailey, Parke, Long, Scranton — 4. California — Hanlon, Richards, Weed — 3. New York— Bartlett, Hopkins, McBride— 3. New Jersey— Abbott, McMillan— 2. Colorado — Brewster, Holland— 2. Ohio — Shipley — 1. Washington— Griggs, Smith— 2. Oregon— Jeff erds—i. Georgia— Cumming— 1. South Carolina— Rutledge—i. Kentucky— Bennett— 1. South Dakota— Kittredge—i. Maine — Eaton— 1. Tennessee — Rolfe— 1. Michigan— Boltwood— 1. Utah— Silver (E. V.) — 1. Minnesota— Foster— 1 . Wisconsin— Pratt— 1 . Nebraska— Barbour— 1. Paris, France— FitzGerald—i. New Hampshire— Beede— 1. Peking, China— Liang— 1. North Carolina — Lay — 1. C496] STATISTICS POLITICS Republican— Allen (J. F.), Allen (M.S.), Badger, Bait/., Bennett, Bill- ings, Bronson, Clement, Cragin, Dillingham, Eaton, French, Graves (G. H.), Hawkes, Hebard, Hopkins, Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Kittredge, Long, Lowe, McMillan, McKnight, Moodey, Osborne, Palmer, Parke, Pierce, Piatt, Richards, Scudder, *Shoemaker, Silver (L. M.), Smith, Snvder, Storrs, Waller, Welch, Welles, Williams (H. L.), Wight— 41. Democrat — Bate, Churchill, Cumming, Ely, Gardes, Loomis, McBride, Pardee, Rutledge, Titche, Wells — II. Independent — Barbour, Beach, Graves (C. B.), Lovering, Morris, Par- sons, Pratt, Sanford — 8. Gold Democrat— Boltwood, Kellogg (F. A.) — 2. Cleveland Democrat — Atterbury — 1 . Not stated— 60. CHURCH AFFILIATION Episcopal — Baltz, Beach, Brewster, Darling, Dillingham, Ely, Ford, Graves (G. H.), Hebard, Holland, Hopkins, Kellogg (F. A.),' Kellogg (J. P.), Kingman, Lay, Morris, Pardee, Pratt, Rutledge, Sanford, Shipley, Stillman, Wright — 23. Congregational — Boltwood, Bronson, *Curtis, Graves (C. B.), Griggs, Jefferds, Loomis, Lovering, McKnight, *Page, Pierce, Richards, Rossiter, Scudder, Smith, Snyder, Sweetser, Welles, Wight — 19. Presbyterian — Bailey, Clement, Cragin, Farwell, *Hand, McBride, McMillan, Moodey, Palmer, Parke, Parsons, Silver (E. V.), Silver (L. M.), Storrs, Wells— 15. Unitarian — Lowe, Williams (H. L.) — 2. Methodist — Hanlon — I. Dutch Reformed— Bartlett— 1. Roman Catholic — Gardes — 1. Not stated— 60. C4973 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 DEATHS Thomas McDonnell Wentworth April 30, 1882 Theodore De Witt Cuyler January 1, 1883 Barclay Johnson April 21, 1885 Emmet Smith Williams January 13, 1886 Harry Chambers Fries July 14, 1886 Charles Mather Sholes August 7, 1889 James Alexander Campbell July 13, 1890 Franklin Eldred Worcester March 3, 1891 Daniel B. Weaver September 17, 1891 Alfred Chapman Hand March 13, 1892 Joseph Ernest Whitney February 25, 1893 George Edward Curtis February 3, 1895 Walter Murphy February 5, 1897 Fred John Brockway April 21, 1901 David Anderson Chenault January 21, 1903 Frank Hiram Snell November 8, 1904 George Parker Richardson December 9, 1904 Wayland Irving Bruce June 2, 1906 Frank Runyon Gallaher October 13, 1906 Frank Edward Page May 25, 1909 Levi Ives Shoemaker September 27, 1909 C498H STATISTICS MARRIAGES Abbott— Jane Harrison, New Haven, Conn June 21, 1888 Allen, J. F.— Cornelia Parker Breese, Meriden, Conn. November 3, 1893 Atterbury— Emma H. Baker, East Orange, N. J. ..November 17, 1892 Badger— Elizabeth Hand Wilcox, New Haven, Conn.. .October 6, 1887 Bailey — Kay H. Alger, Detroit, Mich September 15, 1892 Baltz— Mary I [art Welling, New York April 23, 1901 Barbour — Margaret Roxanna Lamson, New Haven, Conn., December 6, 1887 Bartlett— Mary Kate Hayward, Warsaw, N. Y.. . .December 25, 1883 Bate— Irene Sharp, Brooklyn, N. Y December 7, 1887 Bates— Minnie Lydia Couch, Derby, Conn September 21, 1886 Beach — Elizabeth Grayson Carter, Oatlands, Va.. ..December 25, 1893 Beede— Martha Bowker Melcher, Laconia, N. H April 15, 1901 Bennett — Mary Winston Warfield, Lexington, Ky. .. February 18, 1886 Bentley — Elizabeth King, Chicago, 111 January 8, 1889 Billings— Mary Elizabeth Alden, New Haven, Conn. ..March 27, 1884 (Died May 17, 1905-) Boltwood — Mary Gernon Rice, Grand Rapids, Mich. September 1, 1891 Brewster— Stella Yates, New York City June 10, 1891 Brinton — Lina Ives, New Haven, Conn April 25, 1893 *Brockway— Marian L. Turner, Mt. Savage, Md.. . .November 25, 1891 Bronson— Helen Adams Norton, Brooklyn, N. Y March 26, 1889 *Bruce — Mary Emily Skinner, New Haven, Conn April 3, 1883 *Chenault — Bettie Baker Bronston, Richmond, Ky July 17, 1883 Churchill — Llewella Pierce, New York August 14, 1889 Clement— Caroline Jewett Tripp, Buffalo, N. Y March 27, 1884 Cragin — Mary Randle Willard, Colchester, Conn May 23, 1889 Cumming — Mary Gairdner Smith, Summerville, Ga. November 27, 1889 Darling — Ada Brann, Brattleboro, Vt December 23, 1902 Eaton— Emily Tirzah Parks, Medford, Mass November 25, 1885 Ely — Emma Stotsenburg, New Albany, Ind June 8, 1886 Eno— Alice Rathbone, New Orleans, La April 4, 1883 Farwell— Fanny N. Day, Chicago, 111 May 19, 1887 FitzGerald— Sybil Mary Winifred Wyndham, Florence, Italy, March, 1894 Ford— Hattie Winslow Downs, Milford, Conn September 18, 1889 Foster — Sophie Vernon Hammond, St. Paul, Minn January 1, 1894 French — Elisabeth Ambrose Wales, Randolph, Mass. December 13, 1887 Friend— Ida Weis, New Orleans, La March 19, 1890 Gardes— Lucie Wiltz, New Orleans, La November 7, 1888 r.499;] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Graves, C. B. — Frances Manwaring Miner, New London, Conn., September 10, 1891 Graves, G. H. — Mary Caroline Goodsell, Bridgeport, Conn., January 17, Griggs — Elvira Caroline Ingersoll, Tacoma, Wash June 15, *Hand — Sara Lord Avery, Mansfield, Ohio June 27, Hanlon — Lida Davis Lillagore, Ocean Grove, N. J.. December 27, Hawkes — Julia A. Burrell, New York January 21, Hebard — Hannah J. Morgan, Cleveland, Ohio September 30, Holland — Florence Olmsted Ward, Denver, Colo June 3, Hopkins — Mary Howland Pell, New York April 21, Kellogg, F. A. — Caroline F. Kilbourne, New York June 4, Kellogg, J. P. — Clara Mason, Bridgeport, Conn .June 1, Kingman — Fanny A. Terry, New Bedford, Mass ..November 19, (Died December 29, 1889.) Mary T. Cheever, Portsmouth, N. H July 6, Knapp — Emily Hale Perkins, Hartford, Conn February 9, Lay — Anna Booth Balch, Baltimore, Md June 26, Loomis — Catharine Canfield Northrop, New Haven, Conn., April 22, Lovering — Eva Augusta Archer, New Rochelle, N. Y. . .August 5, Lowe — Amelia Frances Robbins, Arlington, Mass.. .December 14, McBride — Anna Truax Thurber, New York November 25, McKnight — Jennie Louise Weed, New Haven, Conn. .. .May 19, McMillan — Alice Robinson, Brooklyn, N. Y September 16, Moodey — Helen Antoinette Paine, Painesville, Ohio July 12, Morris — Mary Josephine Burlingame, Amesbury, Mass., October 24, *Murphy — Emma Benson Purves, Philadelphia, Pa.. .September 20, *Page — Gertrude M. Swenson, Chicago, 111 July 2, Palmer — Mary Eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y December 4, Parke — Bertha Sandercock, Ariel, Pa October 6, Parsons — Laura Wolcott Collins, Rye, N. Y June 26, Pierce — Carrie de Zeng Morrow, Green Bay, Wis April 15, (Died April 7, 1906.) Piatt — Grace Lee Phelps, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. ..... .November 9, (Died July 14, 1907.) Pollock — Fannie Dawson Greenough, Wilmington, N. C.August 9, Pratt — Annie Barclay, Washington, D. C December 27, Rice — Helen Eggleston Howd, Pleasant Valley, Conn., September 18, Richards — Bertha M. Gray, New Haven, Conn June 5, *Richardson — Elizabeth Whittaker Decker, Boston, Mass., (Died June 24, 1899.) September 16, Rolfe — Martha Kerr, Memphis, Tenn December 24, Doo] STATISTICS Rossiter — Eleanor Genevieve Brown, New Canaan, Conn., August 22, 1883 Rutledge— Emma Craig Blake, Fletcher, N. C October 5, 1892 Sanford— Annie Bennett Tomlinson, Derby, Conn July 7, 1898 Scranton — Mar)- Dumesnil Mcllvaine, St. Albans, Vt. .October 15, 1884 Scudder — Abigail Taylor Seelye, Northampton, Mass. September 5, 1895 Shipley— Charlotte H. Goshorn, Cincinnati, O June 22, 1887 ♦Shoemaker — Cornelia W. Scranton, Scranton, Pa.. . November 27, 1889 ♦Sholes— Anna Electa Tucker, Oswego, Kan December 25, 1884 Silver, E. V. — Bessie Larsen, Salt Lake City, Utah April 3, 1901 Silver, L. M. — Roberta Shoemaker, Philadelphia, Pa. .October 25, 1894 Smith — Susan Selden Chichester, Geneseo, N. Y July 2, 1890 ♦Snell — Isabel Cromwell, New Haven, Conn October 16, 1900 Snyder— Maria Louise Bradley, Maine July 9, 1883 Storrs — Gertrude Cleveland, Orange, N. J December 15, 1897 Titche — Fannj Kaufman, New Orleans, La June 18, 1890 Vought — Natalie Blackmarr Sternberg, Buffalo, N. Y....June 19, 1888 ♦Weaver— Elizabeth A. White, Philadelphia, Pa October 20, 1885 Weed — Emma Christie Ramsey, Chicago, 111 September 27, 1884 Welch — Ellen Bunce, Hartford, Conn October 24, 1889 Welles — Mary Amelia Patton, Washington, D. C June 12, 1888 Wells— Eleanore B. Fitch, Freeport, 111 November 12, 1884 ♦Whitney — Sadie Prince Turner, Syracuse, N. Y.. .. November 15, 1883 Wight— Charlotte Matilda Burgis, Detroit, Mich June 1, 1886 Williams, H. L.— Isabella Hall Dewey, Boston, Mass.. . .May 28, 1884 Wright — Florence Boyington Henderson, Fargo, N. D. . .May 18, 1900 Living, 85; deceased, 12. UNMARRIED Allen (M. S.), Blumley, ♦Campbell, ♦Curtis, ♦Cuyler, Dillingham, Foote, ♦Fries, ♦Gallaher, Jefferds, ♦Johnson, Kittredge, Lewis, Long, Lyman, Osborne, Pardee, Pember, Stillman, Sweetser, Waller, ♦Wentworth, ♦Williams (E. S.), ♦Worcester. Living, 15; deceased, 9. CHILDREN Allen, J. F.— Parker Breese October 31, 1895 Theodore Ferguson October 29, 1897 Gordon Ferguson October 2, 1906 Badger — Walter Irving, Jr September 16, 1891 Grace Ansley July 13, 1893 1:5013 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Bailey — Russell Alger April 3, 1898 Annette Alger September 4, 1903 Baltz — Mary Hart Welling June 20, 1902 Barbour — Eleanor February 22, 1889 Bartlett — Ruth Hayward October 4, 1884 *Mary Dudley December 14, 1887 Loyd Hayward September 27, 1889 *Donald Tanner 1892 Robert Milne March 26, 1893 Bate — Rutledge February 2, 1891 Bates — Alice Melissa September 9, 1887 Winifred Roberts July 14, 1889 Beach — Katharine Elizabeth April 7, 1895 Grace Carter September 2, 1896 Elizabeth Morgan May 11, 1898 Samuel Ferguson July 13, 1900 Beede — Frances Melcher October 20, 1903 John Woodbury March 9, 1906 Bennett — Benjamin Warfleld December 6, 1886 Waller December 13, 1888 Sallie McChesney March 6, 1890 Susan Anne May 15, 1892 Samuel, Jr March 10, 1895 (Died October 5, 1900.) William Dudley July 9, 1896 John Warfleld October 2, 1902 (Died July 24, 1904.) Bentley — Margaret August 28, 1892 Richard June 5, 1894 Billings — Charles Kingsbury, Jr November 21, 1885 Margaret Louise November 10, 1886 Mabel Frances May 3, 1888 Julia Holmes January 17, 1890 Mary Elizabeth February 7, 1892 John Alden October 11, 1898 Boltwood— Ruth Gernon April 15, 1894 Brewster — Katrina Mynderse May 10, 1894 Benjamin Yates December 28, 1896 Josephine Stella June 8, 1900 (Died December 18, 1900.) William June 24, 1907 Stella Frances November 5, 1908 Brinton— Caroline Ives March 25, 1894 Anna Binney January 22, 1896 Ferree, Jr August 9, 1900 1:5023 STATISTICS ♦Brockway — Marian May 13, Dorothy February 27, Bronson — Norton Februarj 28, Richardson October 12, ♦Bruce — Donald July 23, ♦Chenault — Nettie Bronston December 12, Walter Scott July 22, Clement— Norman P April 12, Edith C April 22, (Died January 25, 1891.) Stephen M., Jr November 10, Harold T August 19, A I arion March 26, Stuart H April 2, Cragin — Miriam Willard September 30, Alice Gregory November 18, Edwin Bradford, Jr April 23, dimming— Mary Shaler December 3, Joseph Bryan August 10, Eaton — Irene Helen August 10, Ely — David Jay June 30, Alice Anne May 4, Farwell— Albert Day May 29, Marian January 15, Elizabeth Cooley June 12, FitzGerald — Alida Cecilia Winifred Edward Galbraith Augustine Foster — Harriet Burnside February 3, Elizabeth Hammond March 5, Roger Sherman December 13, French — Jonathan Wales. . , April 26, Constance April 13, Friend — Lillian Frances January 15, Julius Weis August 20, Caroline Henrietta January 31, Henry Joseph April 13, Gardes Alfred Wiltz August 22, Arthur Hutchins November 2, George Washburn December 31, Marie Louise Geraldine February 24, Graves, C. B. — Addison Miner July 8, (Died April 12, 1902.) Elizabeth Waterman November 16, Cir.r es, ( r. If.— Caroline October II, Griggs — Herbert Stanton January. . . . Chauncey Leavenworth July. . . . 896 898 894 896 884 884 888 885 886 887 890 892 895 890 893 900 891 893 887 888 892 888 892 895 895 897 895 899 901 891 896 891 894 900 905 890 891 900 906 894 898 901 906 909 C503 3 HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 *Hand — Avery Chapman April 27, Hanlon — -j-Russell Yale October 24, John Nelson March 3, Marguerite Hickman August 9, Marie Maps December 6, Laura May March 26, Hebard — Morgan February 23, Holland — Barbara April 15, Elizabeth April 15, (Died April 25, 1901.) Josiah Gilbert November 16, Hopkins — Samuel Cornell, Jr October 11, Howland Pell October 21, Kellogg, F. A.— Helen Kilbourne March 1, (Died August 5, 1902.) Kellogg, J. P. — Fredrika Mason January 23, Elizabeth Hosmer February 23, Rosemary February 16, Kingman — Carolyn June 13, Knapp — A son April 17, (Died in infancy.) Farwell November 28, Lay — George Balch May 4, Elizabeth Atkinson April 6, Ellen Booth M arch 17, Anna Rogers June 3, Lucy Fitzhugh April 24, Henry Champlin September 1, Virginia Harrison May 16, Lovering — Charlotte Elizabeth January 14, James Howe September 12, Martin Archer October. . . . Lowe — Gwendolen Robbins July !> McKnight— Wallace May 2, Ray Weed May 11, (Died August 20, 1892.) Theodore Weed May 30, (Died August 6, 1896.) Moodey — Antoinette Paine May 15, Helen Chapin October 26, Gertrude September 28, Harriet October 13, Hannah Chapin August 6, f Class Boy. C504H STATISTICS ♦Murphy— Harold Purves July 9, 1890 Helen Benson April 9, 1893 Emma Maxwell January 12, 1895 Palmer William Eagle December 6, 1890 Josiah Culbert, Jr August 1 1, 1896 Parsons— Annie Rankin August 8, 1885 (Died October 5, 1886.) William Henry, 3d May 29, 1888 John Palmer April 16, 1890 ( Miver Wolcott September 12, 1892 Laura Cecilia November 6, 1893 Mary Marselis October 8, 1894 Pierce— Richard de Zeng April 20, 1892 Piatt — Sherman Phelps June 2, 1890 Charlotte December 6, 1896 Thomas Collier, 2d May 3, 1898 Pollock — Margaret June 27, 1883 Rice — Welles Kennon January 1, 1887 Dorothy Lee August 16, 1888 Richards — Philip Hand June 19, 1894 Rolfe — Robert Laurence December 6, 1887 Gillham March 9, 1892 Gladys J August 29, 1894 Nina K January 27, 1897 Rossiter— Ruth Frances March 28, 1886 John Harold October 30, 1896 Rutledge — Eleanor Middleton March 23, 1894 Emma Blake August 23, 1897 Alice Weston January 1, 1899 Benjamin Huger, Jr January 11, 1902 Amelia Van Cortlandt May 13, 1904 Susan Middleton July 27, 1906 Sanford — Joseph Hudson June 28, 1900 Daniel Sammis, Jr April 4, 1902 Scranton — John Walworth July 27, 1885 Marian July 4, 1889 Scudder — Evarts Seelye September 5, 1896 Hilda Chapin February 7, 1899 Shipley — Marguerita June 13, 1888 Alfreda August 27, 1893 ♦Sholes— Hiram, 2d October 3, 1885 William Mather June 1, 1888 Silver, E. V. — Charles Alexander January 29, 1902 Kathryn Vernon March 12, 1903 Virginia October 13, 1904 Edward Vernon, Jr May 31, 1906 C505] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 Silver, L. M. — Helen Mann September 28, 1895 Margaret Bird March 25, 1897 Henry Mann November 6, 1904 Smith — Eunice Wakelee April 13, 1891 Austin Chichester April 22, 1893 Harriet Holbrook .May 17, 1897 Dwight Chichester October 31, 1900 Snyder — Elizabeth Glenn April 24, 1884 Marian Louise June 14, 1886 Henry Rossiter December 17, 1888 Justine Pratt March 12, 1892 Storrs — Cleveland Hitchcock May 10, 1900 Titche — Bernard, Jr January 16, 1895 Vought — Grandin S June 20, 1889 John Henry July 3, 1892 Schuyler Verplank March 16, 1894 *Weaver— Rebecca W July 28, 1886 Weed — Helen Brooks October 26, 1886 Welles— Martin Rice March 2, 1889 (Died August 5, 1895.) Carolyn Aiken January 21, 1892 Margaret Stanley June 9, 1894 Mary Patton November 29, 1897 Roger Patton June 1, 1901 Wells — Marguerite F September 30, 1885 *Whitney— Margaret April 13, 1886 Wight— Winifred Burgis July 28, 1894 (Died June 4, 1898.) Eliot Leland March 8, 1897 Charles Albert March 8, 1899 Boys living, 89; deceased, 8. Girls living, 98; deceased, 7. GRANDCHILDREN Eaton — Robert Maynard Jordan, born June 9, 1907, at Calais, Maine. Son of Fred David Jordan and Irene Helen Eaton. Clement — David Hale Clement, born July 22, 1909, at Buffalo, New York. Son of Norman P. Clement and Margaret Hale. [506: STATISTICS FATHERS OF COLLEGIANS Badger- -Walter Irving Badger, Jr., Yale 1 9 1 3 . Harbour— Eleanor Harbour, University of Nebraska 1909. Bartlett— Loyd Eiayward Bartlett, Williams 1912. Bennett— Benjamin Warfield Bennett, Kentucky State College 1908. Billings — Charles Kingsbury Billings, Jr., Yale 1907 S. ice — Donald Bruce, Yale 1906. Clement Norman P. Clement, Yale 1907. Stephen Merrell Clement, Jr., Yale 1910. Harold Tripp Clement, Yale 19 12. Ely— David Jaj Ely, Yale 1911. Faru ell— Albert Day Farwell, Yale 1909. French — Jonathan Wales French, Yale 1913. H anion — John Nelson Hanlon, University of California 1910. Marguerite Hanlon, University of California 1913. Ilebard — Morgan Hebard, Yale 1910. Lowe —Gwendolen Robbins Lowe, Smith 1912. Moodey — Helen Chapin Moodey, Smith 1907. Parsons — William Henry Parsons, Jr., Yale 1910. John Palmer Parsons, Yale 1912. Piatt— Sherman Phelps Piatt, Yale 1913. Rice — Welles Kenyon Rice, Yale 1909. Dorothy Lee Rice, Yassar 191 1. Shipley- Marguerita Shipley, Bryn Mawr 1910. Smith— Eunice Wakelee Smith, Mount Holyoke 191 3. Snyder — Elizabeth Glenn Snyder, Boston University. Henry Rossiter Snyder, Mass. Institute of Technology 191 1, Wells— Marguerite F. Wells, Adelphi College 1906. [507:1 ROLL OF THE CLASS WITH ADDRESSES OF THOSE LIVING GRADUATES Prof. Frank F. Abbott, Ph.D., Princeton University, Princeton, \. J. ] wiks F. Allen, 501 E. Main Street, Meriden, Conn. M \rtin S. Allen, 52 S. Oxford Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert H. Atterbury, Plainfield, N. J. Walter I. Badger, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. William E. Bailey, 31 S. Front Street, Harrisburg, Pa. HBINRICH R. Baltz, Haverford, Pa. Prof. Erwin H. Barbour, Ph.D., University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb. FLOYD J. Bartlett, 9 Hamilton Avenue, Auburn, N. Y. Mortimer S. Bate, 91 Wall Street, New York City. Robert P. Bates, 134 E. Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. Morgan H. Beach, Columbian Building, Washington, D. C. John F. Beede, Meredith, N. H. Samuel Bennett, 173 Woodland Avenue, Lexington, Ky. Cyrus Bentley, 215 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. Ch \rles K. Billings, 382 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Charles E. Blumley, Norwich, Conn. George S. Boltwood, 605 Michigan Trust Co. Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Right Rev. Benjamin Brewster, Glenwood Springs, Colo. 1'frree Brinton, 804 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. *Fred John Brockway. Nathaniel R. Bronson, 136 Grand Street, Waterbury, Conn. *W\yland Irving Bruce. * J ames Alexander Campbell. ♦David Anderson Chenault. William Churchill, Sun Editorial rooms, 170 Nassau Street, New York City. Stephen M. Clement, Marine National Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. Prof. Edwin B. Cragin, M.D., 10 West 50th Street, New York City. Bryan Cumming, 204 Montgomery Bldg., Augusta, Ga. *George Edward Curtis. *Theodore De Witt Cuyler. Frederick (). Darling, Leyden, Mass. Edwin L. Dillingham, 153 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Franklin M. Eaton, M.D., Calais, Me. C509] HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 James R. Ely, 15 Wall Street, New York City. William P. Eno, 1771 N Street, Washington, D. C. Francis C. Farwell, J. V. Farwell & Co., Chicago, 111. Augustine FitzGerald, 79 Avenue Henri Martin, Paris, France. Carlton A. Foote, 157 West 124th Street, New York City. Wilbur H. Ford, 491 i Champlain Avenue, Chicago, 111. Burnside Foster, M.D., Lowry Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. Hon. Asa P. French, 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Joseph E. Friend, 817 Gravier Street, New Orleans, La. *Harry Chambers Fries. *Frank Runyon Gallaher. Henry W. Gardes, In care of U.-S. Census Bureau, Washington, D. C. Charles B. Graves, M.D., 66 Franklin Street, New London, Conn. George H. Graves, 1809 North Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Herbert S. Griggs, 903 N. Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. *Alfred Chapman Hand. John R. Hanlon, Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara Co., Cal. Charles B. Hawkes, 256 Broadway, New York City. Charles S. Hebard, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Theodore Holland, 612 18th Street, Denver, Colo. Samuel C. Hopkins, Catskill, N. Y. Henry C. Jefferds, M.D., Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. *Barclay Johnson. Frank A. Kellogg, 654 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. John P. Kellogg, 144 Buckingham Street, Waterbury, Conn. James H. Kingman, M.D., 159 Broad Street, Middletown, Conn. * Alfred Beard Kittredge. Howard H. Knapp, Hartford, Conn. Rev. George W. Lay, Raleigh, N. C. *Charles H. Lewis. His Excellency Liang Tun Yen, Ma Shen Hutung, Peking, China. Charles J. Long, Jonas Long's Sons, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Seymour C. Loomis, 69 Church Street, New Haven, Conn. Martin Lovering, Nashoba, Mass. Fred M. Lowe, M.D., 1354 Washington Street, West Newton, Mass. Chester W. Lyman, 30 Broad Street, New York City. Wilber McBride, Campbell Hall, N. Y. Rev. Harry C. McKnight, R. F. D. 2, Rockville, Conn. Daniel W. McMillan, Whiting, N. J. Herbert L. Moodey, 603 Watchung Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Rev. Charles N. Morris, 15 Dale Street, Newtonville, Mass. * Walter Murphy. Arthur S. Osborne, 52 Trumbull Street, New Haven, Conn. * Frank Edward Page. J. Culbert Palmer, 27 William Street, New York City. [510:1 ROLL OF THE CLASS \Vn liam S. Pardee, 581 George Street, New Haven, Conn. S wirii. M. Parke, Pittston, Pa. William H. Parsons, 174 Fulton Street, New York City. CHAUN( B1 II. I'l MBER, 63 As\lum Street, Hartford, Conn. Richard II. Pierce, mo State Street. Boston, Mass. IIlnrn B. Platt, 2 Rector Street, New- York City. William Pollock, i East 88th Street, New York City. Julius H. Pratt, Ph.D., 469 Van Buren Street, Milwaukee, Wis. James Q. Rice, .mo Broadway, New- York City. Charles I . Ri< h \ri>s, Wright & Callender HKIu r -> Los Angeles, Cal. ♦George Parker Richardson. ROBERT M. ROLFE, mis Monroe Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. John Rossiter, R. I*'. I). 2, Guilford, Conn. Ben J \min H. RUTLEDGE, 43 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Daniel S. Sanford, Redding Ridge, Conn. Artiiir Scranton, Scranton, Pa. Ch \rlls L. Scudder, M.D., 209 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. CALEB W. SHIPLEY, 356 Resor Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. ♦Levi Eves Shoemaker. hi i \ri.es m \tiilr s holes. Edward V. Silver, M.D., 902 East Second South Street, Salt Lake City Utah. Lewis M. Silver, M.D., 103 West 72nd Street, New York City. Clarence A. Smith, M.D., 719 Cobh Bldg., Seattle, Wash. ♦Frank Hiram Snell. Rev. Henrv S. Snyder, 302 Chicopee Street, Chicopee, Mass. Ch \rles Stillman, 16 William Street, New York City. Hon. Cliarlls B. Storrs, 333 Lincoln Avenue, Orange, N. J. Howard P. Sweetser, 25 Broad Street, New York City. Bernard Titche, Hennen Annex, New Orleans, La. William G. Vought, 827 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Tracy Waller, New London, Conn. *Daniel B. Weaver. Edward O. Weed, Gardena, Cal. Archibald A. Welch, 21 Woodland Street, Hartford, Conn. M \rtin Welles, Conn. River Banking Co., Hartford, Conn. John L. Wells, 5 Nassau Street, New York City. *Thomas McDonnell Wentworth. *Joseph Ernest Whitney. Rev. Charles A. Wight, Chicopee Falls, Mass. ♦Emmet Smith Williams. Henry L. Williams, Williams Mfg. Co., Northampton, Mass. ♦Franklin Eldred Worcester. Arthur B. Wright, The Rookery, Chicago, 111. HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF YALE '82 FORMER MEMBERS John L. Adams, M.D., 38 East 55th Street, New York City. Selden Bacon, 60 Wall Street, New York City. *Henry Weldon Barnes. William Woodward Barrow. Ira Barrows, 15 Maiden Lane, New York City. Lewis O. Billings, 84 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. John R. Bishop, 986 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Julius Washburn Bliss. Edward M. Brooks, Andover, Mass. Charles W. Burpee, 19 Forest Street, Hartford, Conn. Robert Camp, 277 Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. William Mearns Carswell. *George Stuart Carter. Charles B. Case, State & Warren Streets, Trenton, N. J. ^Livingston Reade Catlin. F. Lewis Clark, Spokane, Wash. Frederick W. Clark, 513 Plainfleld Street, Springfield, Mass. Gilbert Colgate, 199 Fulton Street, New York City. Charles F. Collins, M.D., 50 West 55th Street, New York City. Robert B. Corey, 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City. Willard Anthony Davis. Edgar Augustus DeWitt. Arthur M. Dickinson, 82 Cooke Street, Waterbury, Conn. Joseph R. Dilworth, 22 West 55th Street, New York City. Charles G. Douw, Scotia, Schenectady County, N. Y. Henry T. Folsom, 314 Broadway, New York City. William Fosdick, Stamford, Conn. Charles F. Gardner, 845 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Cal. Frank F. Giltner, 247 10th Street, Portland, Oregon. Chauncey M. Griggs, Griggs, Cooper & Co., St. Paul, Minn. Charles W. Harkness, 26 Broadway, New York City. George E. Haskell, New Bedford, Mass. Hon. James S. Havens, 15 Rochester Savings Bank Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Charles G. Hower, Mystic, Conn. Philip P. Hubbard, Litchfield, Conn. Louis K. Hull, Globe Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Prof. David Kinley, Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. *William Levi Littlehales. *Charles Gleason Long. William H. McGuffey, In care of Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ITS"] ROLL OF THE CLASS * Isaac Merritt. George B. Miller, 505 Equitable Building, Wilmington, Del. Joh n Cr \ig Miller. *Ge0RGE Wells Morrison. John II. North, 53 Livingston Street, New Haven, Conn. Pi 11 r P \rki:r, Jr. ♦Walter ( Jillespie Phelps. David P. Porter, ,U7 () E. John Street, Seattle, Wash. Edward P. Pratt, 410-413 Postal Telegraph Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ♦Robert Camp Prick. ♦William Manning Pryne. I'll tRLES E. Rand, 25 Walton Place, Chicago, 111. ♦Joseph Hinesford Rylance. REV. Am \s\ W. SALTUS, 80 North State Street, Concord, N. H. Rev. Henry B. Sanderson, 607 Illinois Avenue, North Fond du Lac, Wis. Lt.-C0L. James C. SANFORD, U. S. Engineers' Office, Newport, R. I. Edward B. Sargent, 401 Carlisle Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Charles E. Schuyler, 165 Broadway, New York City. Oscar T. Sewall, 82 Wall Street, New York City. William SEYMOUR, 51 17 Hibbard Avenue, Chicago, 111. DAVID E. SHELTON, County Court House, Bridgeport, Conn. Edward E. Smith, In care of F. M. Smith, 722 Asylum Avenue, Hart- ford, Conn. Horatio O. Stone, 125 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. Charles Sumner, Canton Junction, Mass. ♦Frank Corning Tanner. Frank B. Tracy, Apalachin, N. Y. Joseph P. Trowbridge, 528 West 145th Street, New York City. *Henry Trumbull. ♦William Loujeay Van Kirk. Carl Gustav Weber. Linard Campbell Webster. *Paul Wright. C513] , JUN1 sm UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 111512338 will I •m • Hi iiiiiiill '