LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 l^6T no. 188-199 cop.3U Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ,v Report No. I9U If GENERALIZED DECOMPOSITION OF INCOMPLETE FINITE AUTOMATA by Arthur Ta-shiang Pu UMUBfll B> ILUWIK December 30, 19&5 Aug i'y w>° LIBRARY Report No. I9U GENERALIZED DECOMPOSITION OF INCOMPLETE FINITE AUTOMATA by Arthur Ta-shiang Pu December 30, 1965 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61803 This work was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, December, 1965 . Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his deepest apprecia- tion to his advisor Prof. David E. Muller of the Department of Mathematics for his inspiring guidance, patience, and en- couragement during the preparation of this thesis. He is grateful to the Office of Naval Research for their support under the contract No. NONR-1&34 (27), during the early period of this investigation, and to the Department of Computer Science for their continuing interest and support. Finally, the author wishes to thank his wife, Lena Chang Pu, for her unconditional support, encouragement, and understanding. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter I. PAIR DECOMPOSITION 5 §0. Preliminaries 5 §1. Generalized Pair Decomposition 6 §2. ^-covers and Generalized Pair Decomposition Triplet 11 Chapter II. PROPERTIES OF GENERALIZED PAIR DECOMPO- SITION . ' 27 §1. Algebraic Properties of Congruence Relations of Degree k 28 §2. Congruence Relations of Degree k as Applied to Decomposition Theory 35 Chapter III. SET SYSTEMS AND *-C0VERS 46 §1. ^-covers with Substitution Property ... 46 §2. ^-covers vs. Set Systems 50 Chapter IV. MULTIPLE DECOMPOSITION 56 SUMMARY 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY 68 VITA 70 GENERALIZED DECOMPOSITION OF INCOMPLETE FINITE AUTOMATA Arthur Ta-shiang Pu, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics University of Illinois, 1966 The problem of decomposing a finite automaton has been investigated by many authors. However, their results were based on the question of decomposing an automaton into series and parallel connections of automata. The present work is an extension to the problem of generalized decomposi- tion where two-way interconnections between automata are per- mitted. We are mainly concerned with decompositions for deter- ministic incomplete finite automata. Our decomposition does not presuppose the logical design of the circuit of an automaton. With the new technology, the problem of economical realization no longer lies in the actual complexity of the logical design in each building block. Aside from a given upper limit, the complexity is not reflected in the cost. Sub- ject to the restraint of the given limit on each block, our main object is to minimize the number of interconnections between blocks of a generalized decomposition of an automaton. We first consider decomposing a given automaton M = into a pair of automata M 1 = , M 2 = ^ S 2 ,T 2 ,f 2^' We sive the definition of a generalized pair decomposition (GPD) [M,:!^] of M. We define a --cover 0C = (A-., ...,kd) of S as an /-tuple such that for each / i€ 1 1, ...,/>, A i c S and U A j _ = S. We show that each GPD of M gives rise to two ^-covers Ct, p of S. We then establish a necessary and sufficient condition for a pair of ^-covers (#,/8) of S to be obtainable in this manner from a GPD of M. In discussing the properties of a GPD (M-^Mg) of M, we show that all properties are represented by (K«:Kj as a partition pair decomposition of an automaton M r =, where M is a homomorphic image of M T . We introduce the notion of input configurations between component automata of a GPD and define the notion of connecting lines in terms of these input configurations. We deduce that to find the number of input configurations between component automata is actually a covering problem. In each GPD [M, :1VL] of M, we obtain a lower bound k for the number of input configurations from one component to the other. This lower bound k, obtained from certain properties of an equivalence relation, is much easier to compute than the solution of the covering problem. We then show that for certain GPDs of M, the number of input configura- tions from one component to the other actually achieves its lower bound k. We then prove that the known results for series and parallel decomposition of an automaton are included in our re- sults as special cases. We also raise the question of whether it is sufficient to consider just set systems in the general theory of decomposition for automata. Finally, we extend our theory of generalized pair decomposition to generalized N-tuple decomposition (GND). We show that any GND of M can be obtained from successive pair- wise decomposition. INTRODUCTION The theory of decomposition for finite automata has been investigated by many authors. Hartmanis f7>8,9), Stearns and Hartmanis [10J have published a series of articles using parti- tions with substitution property. Probing through the properties of semigroups, Krohn and Rhodes (15) obtain some very interesting results. Then Kohavi (14J and Hartmanis and Stearns (12 J intro- duce the notion of set systems to take advantage of the state splitting. However, their results and the results of others (4»22,23j were based on the question of how to decompose an automaton into series or parallel connection of smaller automata. The information is not allowed to interflow between the component automata. The question then arises as how does one consider de- compositions for automata when information is allowed to inter- flow between the component automata? This is a very important question. With the new technology, the problem of economical realization no longer lies in the complexity of logical design in each building block. Rather, they tend to depend on the num- ber of connections between basic building blocks. The problem arising from future practical design thus will clearly emphasize the importance of having smaller numbers of connections. With this in mind, the present work begins as an attempt to study the generalized decompositions of an automaton We consider decomposing an automaton before it is actually constructed. This has the fundamental advantage that one may make adjustments accordingly in the actual designo allowing interconnections. We will be mainly concerned with decompositions for a deterministic incomplete finite automaton. Our problem is to find, for a given incomplete automaton M, a generalized N-tuple decomposition C M j_J l^i^N such that ^ or eacn i, M. has a complexity equal to or less than a given bound, and furthermore, the total number of interconnecting lines is a minimum over all such decompositions. Our results will include the known results for series and parallel decompositions as special cases. In Chapter I, we first give the definition of gen- eralized pair decomposition (GPD) (M-, rNL) of a given automaton M = , and the definition of generalized pair decomposi- tion triplet (GPDT) < S^ S 2 >f>of M. We show that each GPD(M-, :M 2 ] of M naturally induces an automaton G(M-,,M 2 ) re- alizing M. We then introduce the notion of,*-cover of a set S. A *-cover of a set S is an /-tuple OH = (A 1 , • • «,A^), / - ({CC) such that (Vi)(l*i*/) ( A. £ Sj and UA. = S. We show that 1 i=l x each GPDT is a GPDT of S. E /i> E are tne index sets of 6t,"& respectively. This work uses the added deleted distributive property. In Chapter II, we introduce the definition of an incomplete monadic algebra fl = , where M-l = , M 2 = , must be studied through the structure of (M 1 :M 2 ) as GPD of an automaton M ff = where M is a homomorphic image of M», and S-,, S ? induces con- gruence relations of degree k-,, k 2 respectively. We introduce the notion of input configurations between M-, and M ? and show that k-,, k 2 are lower bounds on the number of input configura- tions from M 2 to M-, and from M-, to M 2 , respectively. We show that to find the number of input configurations is a covering problem. Suppose ^ is a *-cover of S and there exists an automaton M« = such that M» realizes M under "f . Suppose there also exists a non-trivial congruence relation 9-q of degree k, on M* such that 9-,-, induces Gt on S under ^ . We show that for any 22 on M» such that 0,,/^ 9 22 = 0, 9,,, 9 22 gives rise to a GPD (M, :M 2 ) of M. Finally., we show that there exists a non-trivial equivalence relation 9 22 on S 9 such that if Cm i :M 2 ) is the induced GPD of M under 9-^ and 9 22 , then the number of input configurations from M 2 to M-, is exactly k-^. In section 1 of Chapter III, we show that the known results for series and parallel decompositions of an automaton are included in our results as special cases. A set system ^£ = (A-,, ..o,A ) of S is a special *-cover of S in which (Vi,j)f(A. £ A.) £z> (i = j)J. In section 2, we exhibit examples to show that in a series or parallel decomposition it is not always possible to replace the pair of ^-covers by its induced set systems such that the resultant is still a series or parallel decomposition. We then raise the question whether it is suffi- cient just to consider set systems for decompositions of an automaton. Finally, Chapter IV is the extension of the theory of GPD to the multiple case. We make modifications on the definitions and show that the results of pair decomposition do carry over to the multiple decomposition. We then show that any generalized multiple decomposition of an automaton can be obtained by successive usage of GPD. Thus, any dis- cussion of multiple decomposition actually can be made through the discussion of pair decomposition. Chapter I PAIR DECOMPOSITION We first introduce the following notations « Let E be a set, then ^(E) = (EjE^f9 E). Let (A^l^n} be a col- li lection of arbitrary finite sets of symbols. Let TJ k< denote i=l 1 the cartesian product of A.. For each i, 1-i-n, define o n 7 ^_(a 1 , o o »*a n ) = a ± € A i . For each J £ J[ k ±s ^±(J ) =(^ i (a 1 ,.- J a n )|(a 1 ,...,a n )y }. If T is" a finite set s then denote by T* the free semigroup of all finite strings formed under concatenation The empty string e is the identity element in T*. §0. Preliminaries Definition 0»1 . An automaton M (non-deterministic, incom- pletes finite) is a triplet , where S is a finite set of "states", T is a finite set of "input letters", and f is a "transition function" mapping SXT into trlS). Let D(f ) = { (s,t)|f (s,t)^0). Let s€ S and s ^ f^i(D(f)) U f(D(f))}. Then (i) (£ t€ T)(f (s,t) / 0), (ii) (^(s',t)€SxT)(f(s f ,t) = s). Therefore, we may choose the set S to consist of just the states in f*^(D(f}) U f(D(f))}, and the set T to consist of just the input letters in ^(D(f))o In fact, D(f ) is the normal notion for the domain of the func- tion f o The transition function f of an automaton can be extended to the domain SxT* by the following recursive rules. If we denote this extended function again by f, then f(s, e) = s and (Vt e T*)(Vt,€ T)ff(s,tt 1 ) = ^ f(s',t n )}. 1 l - 1 s'ef(s,t) x J Definition 0.2 . A deterministic automaton M = is an automaton such that V(s,t)eD(f), f(s,t) is a singleton. Definition 0.3 » A complete automaton M = is a subautomaton of M-l = if and only if T 2 Q T ±t S 2 Q Sp and (V(s,t)€ s 2 x T 2 )(f 2 (s,t)£ f^s^t)). Throughout the context of this dissertation by an automaton we shall always mean a deterministic incomplete finite automaton, unless otherwise stated. Definition 0. 5 ° An automaton 1VL = ^S 2 ,T 2 ,f 2 > "*" s a nomotnor Phi c image of an automaton M-, = < S-, , T-, ,f, > if and only if there exist an onto function /'iS-, — > S 2 , and an onto function h:T-, — > T 2 such that (V(s 1 ,t 1 )6(S 1 xT 1 ))C/ 7 (f 1 (s 1 ,t 1 )) = f 2 (^(s 1 ),h(t 1 ))J. Definition 0. 6 . An automaton M, realizes another automaton M 2 if and only if M 2 is a homomorphic image of a subauto- maton of M-j. In the case when f and h are both one to one onto mappings, M, and NL are isomorphic. SI. Generalized Pair Decomposition Definition 1.1 . Let M = < S, T, f> be a deterministic, incomplete automaton. Let M- L = , M 2 = T 2 ,f 2 > be two incomplete automata. Then (IYLtmJ is a generalized pair 7 decomposition (GPD) of M if and only if (i) There exists a function f defined on a subset J 's S ± x S 2 onto S such that ^ ± ( [J ) = Sp, (ii) There exist two one to one functions hp h ?5 where h l :T l — "* T * S 2' h 2 :T 2 ~~ ~* T * S l° (iii) D(f 1 ) 5 {(s 1 ,t 1 )|(3t€T)fh 1 (t 1 ) = (t,s 2 )J (C^s 1 ,s 2 ),tj€ D(f)J} D(f 2 ) 3 {(s 2 ,t 2 )| (3t6T)fh 2 (t 2 ) = (t,s)] (C/ > (s 1 ,s 2 ),tj€ D(f)]} (iv) (V(s 1$ s 2 )eJ)m){(f(s v s 2 ) $ t))€ D(f)J = ~> f(f 1 (s 1 ,h~ 1 (t,s 2 )),f 2 (s 2 ,,h 2 1 {t 5 s))J 6 T ^" 1 (f(^(s 1 ,s 2 ),t)Jj (v) Suppose (spSpl^Dip and ^Sp s 2 ) = f(s, t) for some s € S 5 t € T. Then (3(4,s^f 1 (s))( (s 1 ,s 2 ) = (f 1 (s{,h- 1 (t,sj)), f 2 (sJ,h 2 1 (t,s]_)J). Let (M 1 :M 2 ) be a GPD of M. Define cQc S-^ s 2 such that (s-,, s 2 )€c© if and only if either (i) JP(s lf B 2 )€ f(D(f)), or (ii) (3t€T) (Cs 15 hJ 1 (t,s 2 )j€ Di^)] f[s 2? h 2 1 (t,s 1 )j€ D(f 2 )J . Define a function F on a subset D(F) of o&xT to o© such that ((s p s 2 ),t]6 D(F) if and only if ({ s 1 ,h^ 1 (t, s 2 ) ) 6 D(f 1 )J ((s 2 ,h 2 1 (t J s 1 ))€D(f 2 )j((f 1 (s 1 ,h~ 1 (t s s 2 ),f 2 (s 2 ,h 2 1 (t,s 1 )]€ 9j . For each ((s 1$ s 2 ),t] 6 D(F), define F((s- L ,s 2 ) s tJ = (f 1 (s 1 ,h^ 1 (t 5 s 2 )), f 2 (s 2 ,h 2 1 (t,s 1 ))]. Certainly ^(D(F))UF(D(F))S,T,F> = G(M-,,M 2 ) called the generalized composition of (M,:M 2 ) . Since <^(D(f)) U f(D(f)) = S, for each (spSg^-WJ and then either jPis^ s 2 ) € f(D(f) ) or ( fj teT) Cifis,, s 2 ),t)f D(f )J , i.e., (3 t€T) f(s 1 ,h^ 1 (t,s 2 ))eD(f 1 )][(s 2 ,h 2 1 (t,s 1 ))€ D(f 2 )) . In either case, (sp s 2 )€oQ . Hence ^J c o© . Proposition 1.2 . Let (M-^M^ be a GPD of M. Then the induced generalized composition of (M^M^; G(M-,,M 2 ) =, T,F> realizes M. Proof. We shall show that M is a homomorphic image of a sub- automaton of G(M 1 ,M 2 ). Since (M 1 :M 2 ) is a GPD of M, there exists a function f from J c s x s 2 onto . S such that "^( yi ) S^, ^(Ji ) ^2* Let us cons i der the subautomaton T>F\j) of G(M 1 ,M 2 ) =. There exist an onto function f : J — > 3, and an identity function h:T — *• T such that (V((s 1 ,s 2 ;t)6ixT)j/ ) (F(s 1 ,s 2 ,t))= / P(f 1 (s 1 ,h- 1 (t,s 2 )), f 2 (s 2 ,h~ (t,s 1 ))jy. 9 Since f 1 (s 1 ,h^ 1 (t s s 2 ))€^ 1 Cy" 1 (f(jO( SljS2 ),t)jJ and f 2 (s 2 ,h2 1 (t,s 1 ))6^ 2 (^" 1 Cf() (s ls s 2 ),t)J3 , thus y?(f 1 (s ls h~ 1 (t,s 2 ),f 2 (s 2 ,h 2 1 (t,s 1 ))J * f(/ ? (s 1 ,s 2 ) s t) There- forQ{^{(s r 8 2 lt)^JxT)(f(?((s r s^t)) - f(/ ? (s 1 ,s 2 ),t)] Hence M is a homomorphic image of the submachine of G(M,,M«), and 6(M V %) realizes M. X Q.E D. We note that if (M-^M^ is a GPD where M l = ^ s i» T i» jf i^ and M 2 * ^ S 2 ,T 2 ,f 2^' then there is an asso- ciated triplet . Conversely, we have the following theorem. Theorem 1.1 . Let M = . Let be a triplet where ^ is a function from J £ s x s 2 onto S such that ^Aj) = S,, ^ 2 (>/) ■ S 2 » Then there exists a non-empty col- lection of GPDs of M whose associated triplet is the given (Si * S 2 , rv. Proof . Define two automata, M x -, M 2 = as follows: (i) T 1 = TXS 2 T 2 = TXS 1 (ii) (¥s 1 ^S 1 )(Vs 2 tS 2 )(¥t€T)|(f 1 (s r (t, s 2 ) ),f 2 (s 2 , (t, s ± ) )j€ ^- 1 (f(^(s 1 ,s 2 ) 5 t)j}. Since f ()*(s, , s 2 ),t) makes sense and is non-empty if and only if (s-^s^e./ s certainly D(f 1 ) = {(s 1 ,(t,s 2 ))|(s 1 ,s 2 )^} D(f 2 ) = {(s 2 , (t,s 1 ))|(s 1 ,s 2 )^/}. Therefore* (M-,:M 2 ) is a GPD of M and its associated triplet is . Furthermore, the set (f 1 ^ (J^(s r s 2 ), t)jj may contain more than one elements For each choice of f 1 (s 1 , (t, s 2 ) ) and f 2 (s 2 (t, S]L )) in f 1 ^ (f(s v s 2 )t)J , there exists a GPD of M. 10 Thus there may be more than one GPD defined this way. However, clearly each such GPD has its associated triplet being < S 1' S 2'P>- QoE . D . We call such a triplet ^>, a generalized pair decomposition triplet (GPDT) of M. Definition 1.2 . Let M = . Let M ] _ - and M 2 = such that (M 1 :M 2 J is a GPD of M. Define a pair of non-deterministic machines M-^ =<'S 1 ,T,F 1 ) and M 2 = as follows: (i) (¥s 1 €S 1 )(¥t€T)(F 1 (s 1 ,t)=|s^S 1 |(3s 2 €S 2 ) s^^ 1 Cf(^(s 1 ,s 2 ),t)j}}J (ii) (¥s 2 S 2 )(¥t)[F 2 (s 2 ,t) = (s 2 6S 2 |(3s 1 €S 1 ) 3^\(fHn ( Sl ,s 2 ),t)J]}] . The pair (M, ,IVL) so defined is called the pair of compo- nents of this GPD (M 1 :M 2 ). Proposition 1.3 . Let be a GPDT of M. Let (M^NL,) and (jVLiM,) be two GPD of M with the same GPDT (S-^S^^X Then the components of (M-,:M 2 ] are the same as those of (M 3 :M 4 ). Proof . For each i, l-i~4, let M. = be the compo- nents of (M-j^rMgJ and (M~ :M, ) . Since these two GPD have the same associated triplet, S-, = S os S - S. and T = T-, = T = T L } . Q. E. D. As the result of the above proposition, there exists a unique pair of non-deterministic automata associated with each GPDT of M. 11 Definition 1.3 . The unique pair of non-deterministic automata associated with each GPDT is called the pair of components of the GPDT. Proposition 1.4 . Let (M-^M^ be a GPD of Mo If (M,,M 2 ) is the pair of components of CM-,:M 2 J, then for each i, l-i-2, M^ is a subautomaton of M. . Proof . Consider deterministic automata being a special case of non-deterministic automata in the usual way. The proof is obvious from the definition. Q. E. D. §2. ^-covers and Generalized Pair Decomposition Triplet For any given set A, a cover £ of A is a collection of non-empty subsets A, of A such that their union is Ao We introduce the definition of a #-cover of a given set. Definition 2.1 . Let S be a finite set of arbitrary symbols. Then OC is called a fr-cover of S if there exists a posi- tive integer / = ({Ct ) such that (i) OC is an /-tuple (A-,,...,A*) where each A. is a non-empty subset of S, / (ii) Ua. = S. i=l x Definition 2.2 . Let fc = (A-,,..., Ay) be a *-cover of a finite set of symbols S. Let f be a many to one function from S onto S where S is another seto Let OL - {f[k^) 9 . . . >P{kd) ) where (Vi) (l«i*/)f/>(A i ) ={f( . Two *-covers OC ,(& of S are said to be equivalent if 01 can be obtained from 1p by permuting the coordinates of (D . 12 Our next theorem immediately reveals the importance of ^-covers. Theorem 2d , For each GPDT of M = , and each ordering of states in S^ = ( a i» a 2» ' * • ,a /j' and ^2 = v- a ]_> • • • » a m J we have that there exists a pair of *-covers CC^ = (A-^, . . . t kA and CL 2 = (Ap...,A^) of S. Furthermore, for each i, 1-i-/, A^ ={ s€S|(3k)f)^(aJ,a^) = sj} , and for each j, l*j*m, k 2 . ={ s6S|Gk)(^(a^,a]) - sj } . Proof . Since <(S-, , S 2 ^f) is a GPDT, we can represent the function "f by a / x m table as follows: The rows are labelled by a-, 1-i-/, the columns are labelled by a., l-j'-m. In the entry 2 1 (i^j), we put the state s s if (a. s a . )€ D^) and J^(a.,a.) = s. For each i, 1-i-/, let A. be the set containing the elements in the i— row. For each j, 1-j-m, let A . be the set containing th 1 a & the elements in the j— column. Certainly A., A. have the de- 11 2 2 sired property. Let 6L-^ = (Ap...,A*) s 0t 2 = (Af, . «... ,A^). To show &L*, Gt 2 are ^-covers of S, we need only show that / -i m p O A . = S and UA. = S. But this is readily so, since )P is 1-1 J-l J ' an onto function. Q. EcD. We note that any reordering of S-, and S 2 will give rise to * -covers 0t^» OC 2 which are equivalent to CC-xt ^ 2 respectively. Hence we can consider S-,, S- as two ordered sets. We shall now try to establish a theorem (Theorem 2.4) in the other direction, namely a necessary and sufficient con- dition for a pair of ^-covers {0C 9 lB) of s t0 insure the exist- ence of a function ^ such that iS^S^f) is a GPDT of M, where S l' Z 2 glve rise t0 ^»"fi respectively. To do this, we first obtain a weaker statement (Theorem 2.2). Using that as a step- 13 ping stone* we arrive at our desired results Definition 2.4 ° Let OL = (Apo..,A^), 1& = (B,,...,B ) be ^-covers of the finite set So Then [dt, 1Q) is said to be mutually distributive (MD) if and only if (i) For each coordinate A. of CC » where A. ={s-,,...,s ], there exists at least one subset |i-, s o .*i jof |l*2*.o 0> mj such that s . € B. for each j* 1-j-p. 3 J (ii) A symmetric condition is satisfied for each coordi- nate B i of S. To serve as an example* let S = { s-,, s 2 * ° ° ° * s ^} <> Let GL= (A 1 =fs 1 , s 2 ,s^} 5 A 2 = (s^*s^J, ky £s 2 , s, * s^J ) , tS = (B 1 =(s 1J s^} J) B 2 ={s 2 ,s^, s, ], B^=(s 2 »s^sJ). Then the pair (&,"26) is MD. Definition 2. 5 , Let ^ be a #-cover of S. For each s € S* the multiplicity of s in ^ , denoted by m^(s), is the number of coordinates in $£ containing s° Definition 2o6 . Let OC = (Apo.ojA^) be a *-cover of S. Let s€ S* then for any i, 1-i-/ ^ seA^ ^ 3 ^ is defined as the /-tuple (A, 9 o . .A^_^,A i -(s),A^ + -^, . . oA^). In the following definitions* $S = (Ap « <, „,A*), = (Bp 9* B ) • Definition 2,7 * Let (^,fi) be a MD pair of *-covers of S such that (?s6S)(m^(s) = m^(s) = m(s)J° For each s€S } m(s)> 1* {Ob,t>) is said to have the 1 st s-deleted distributive property if (i) For each i, l^i*/, 3 s£A t * 3j* 1-j-m 9 sfB, and (ii) For each j, l^j^m3seB jS 3 i, 1-i-/ * si k ± and «*l.,l)'^(a,3) ) isMD ' 14 Definition 2. 8. Let \OC»fa ) be a MD pair of --covers of S such that (VseSjfm^s) = m^fs) = m(s)J. For each s€S, m(s) > l s ( fa^fi} is said to have the n -s-deleted dis - tributiv e property if (i) For each i, 1-i-/ 5 s e A ;i , 3 j, 1-j-m 9 s e B . and ($1 '\slPi .s) has the (n-1) -s-deleted distributive property. (ii) For each j, 1-j-m 9 s€ B., 3 i* 1-i-/ 5 s € A i and ( fef -\s^i -\) has the (n-1) -s-deleted distributive v Sg 1 ) { Sj> J ) property. Definition 2.9 ° Let (^fc,g6) be a MD pair of --covers of S such that (¥s)fmjs) = m^(s) = m(s)J. Then (^^3) is said to have the deleted distributive property (DDP) if for each s€S 9 m(s) > 1, {0C S 1&) has the (m( s)-l) th -s- deleted distributive property. The pair of ^-covers in the example following Defi- nition 2. k has the DDP. The following example will show that not all MD pairs of *- covers of S in which (¥s) (m c (s)=m^(s)=m(s)J will have the DDP. Let S =(s ]S ...,Sc). Let © = lB i"( s i* s 2» s /. }» B 2 = ^ s 2 9 s 3* ^l* B 3 = ( s 3» s 5p 8 It is easil y checked that they are MD and (Vs)(m^{s) = rn^(s)]. Yet ( fiLffo ) does not have DDP. Definition 2.10 . Let ( #£, jfi ) be a MD pair of *-covers of S. Let A^ : {s 1( ,». v s J be a coordinate of OL . Let s. 6 A. . Then A i is said to require s^ in a c o ordina t e B , o f ft£> to dist ribute if whenever / i ... , . . . , i } ^ (l, 2, . . . ,m} satis- fies the condition (i) in Definition 2.4, then i. - k Q . Definitio n 2.11. Let ^= (A^ . ..,Aj be a *-cover of S. By 15 E^, we shall mean the set of indices of 0C , i.e., E^jr = ( 1, 2, . » . , / J. In the following, let fit = (A-,, . ..,A^), O = (B-^, • • • , B ) o Lemma 2.1 . Let (^£,#3) be a MD pair of '--covers of S } (Vs€ S)Cm^(s) = m fi (s) = m(s)]. Let E^ E fi be defined as above. Then there exists a function \P defined on a subset Ej c e^* Eg onto S such that (i) (VDil^/llA^s^jgE^f^i^-) = sj}) (ii) (¥j)(l^j%)(B j =(s|(3i6 E^)fP(i,j) = sjj) (iii) For each s € S, define D g ()P) = ((i,j)€ E^* E^fli, j)=sj; ohen the cardinality of D ^]P) is m(s). if and only if thexe exists a i eccangular table witn columns labeled by j, 1-j-m, and rows labeled by i ; 1-i-/, such that (i) Each s€S appears in the table exactly m(s) times and in exactly m(s) columns and m(s) rows, (ii) Each column j, 1-j-m, gives an exact list of the elements in the j coordinates B. of tj . Each «J i row, 1-i-/ gives an exact list of the element s +■ v> in the i coordinates A. of OL • Proof . The "if" part is trivial. Simply define ^(i,j) = s, if s occupies the entry (i,j). Conversely, suppose there exists a *f satisfying (i), (ii), (iii). Assign to each (i,j) of EjC E^x Ejg the element j^(i,j). Since )^is a function, the assignment is unambiguous for each entry. Further, it is clear that the table obtained satisfies the desired properties. Q.E.D. Lemma 2.2 . Let (#,j6) be a MD pair of ^-covers of S. Let s, s»6 S , s / s' and m^(s) = m^(s) =1, m^(s') = m^s') = 1- 16 Then there does not exist (i,j) where i€ [l,2, . . .,/}, je [i 9 ...,m\ such that fs,s ? } 9 k^^\ b.. Proof . Suppose there exists (i,jh i^fl, ...,//, jg{l,...,m} such that (s,s'} c A. n B.. Since m^( s) = m fi ( s ? ) - ra^(s) = ra-(s ? ) = 1, B . is the only coordinate of 16 containing s and s f . Further, since A. 2 fs,s ? } 5 A. can not be distributive over ^8 • This contradicts the MD property of ( ££, jG)« Q. E. D. Lemma 2.3 . Let ( <&, 6 ) be a MD pair of *-covers of S. Let A. be a coordinate of 0C» Let s€ A, and A. requires s in a coordinate B, of tO to distribute. Suppose s v e A. n B, and s f ^ s. Let A, = { s-. , . ..,s | where s-, = s 5 s~ = s*. For each subset {i,,...,i } of (l, 2,} such that (Vj ) (1-j-p) (s •€ B. ), we have that i-, = k and s = s-, ^ B. . Proof . Suppose there exists a subset {i-,,.. ,i \ of {l, . ..,mj such that (Vj) (1-j-p) (s .€ B. ) and that seB. . Then certainly 3 lj i 2 the subset (i!,...,i' J of {l, 2, ...,m}, where ±1 = i 2 ? i? = ^i# and i. = i. for 3~j-p> will have the same property* Further- more* i! / k, since il = i, = k and i« = in / i| = ip° This contradicts the assumption that A. requires s in B, to distribute. Q.E.D. Lemma 2.U * Let (#,fi) be a MD pair of ^-covers of S. Let A i be a coordinate of ^3s€A. and A. requires s in a coordinate B, of l£) to distribute, Suppose s*6 k^n B . , s 1 ^ s, then A i can not also require s' in B. to distribute. Furthermore, if j f ^, 6) has DDP, then B. can not require s* in k. to distribute. Proof. Let A i ={s,»...,s } and s = s,, s' = s,, h / k. Since A i requires s in B i to distribute, £J{i,,.o.,i } - l 1 * 2 > ' * * > m j such that (Vj) (1-j-p) (s .£ B, ). Suppose A. also requires s» 17 in Bj to distribute. Then i h = i k = j which is a contradiction. Suppose (^,6) has DDP and B. requires s 1 in A. to distribute. Then B. does not use s in A. to distribute. Let Bj ■{8 1 ,...,a q } and let s = s h , s» = s k , k / h. Let {jp---, jq} be the subset of (l, ...,/} such that (¥*<)( l^^q )( s e A. ). Then j fc = i and j h / i. Since (^, j6) has DDP, for the set Aj , there exists j Q € {l, ...,m} 3 ( fo*, jg« ) = (^ Sj • ),6( s . )) also has DDP. Yet A. requires s in B. to distribute and j, f i, thus Jq ^ j. Therefore, B. does not require s in any coordinate A , r / i, of fit to distribute. Now, consider the new pair (^£ ? s j6> ? )° The conditions of this lemma still apply. The multiplicity of s in GO or ^ ? , denoted by m'(s) is (m(s) - 1). As long as m»(s)>2, b. does ■J not require s in any A , r f i, of OV to distribute for the same reason. We may similarly arrive at a new pair [tfC"»@")* Suppose m w (s)> 2 S we proceed to obtain [crL" % > $"* ) and s0 forth until m**(s) = 2. Then, since (A^B.) still contains s, there is only one other A* of OC 'b s6A». By a similar argument, B. does not require s in any A , r f i of @L to 3 ~ distribute. However, B. can not use s in A. to distribute and J i there is only one other A* containing s, B. must require s in A 9 to distribute. This contradicts the fact that B. does not require any A , r / i, to distributee Therefore* B. does not r j require s ? in A. to distribute. 1 Q. Eo D. Lemma 2.5 » Let { M, jS) be a pair of *-covers of S with DDP. Let i€ {1,2,...,/} such that s € A^_ and k ± requires s in a coordinate B, of -j6 to distribute. Then for any j / i, j€fl, ...,/}, A. can not require s in B k to distribute. Fur- thermore, for any r / k, r€{* 1, . . .,m},B can not require s in IS A. to distribute. Proof . Suppose 3 j / i, j6 (l, . . . ,/j , A. also requires s in B, to distributee Then for s € B, , there does not exist any- coordinate A^ of 6L such that s€A , and ( 01, %, $8, ^J ) again has DDP. This is a contradiction. Suppose there exists r / k such that B requires s in A. to distribute. Then ( &* . \, S/ . \) can not have DDP. However, since A. requires s in B, to distribute, for s in B. , B, is the only coordinate of o from which s can be deleted together with s in A. to give a new pair of ^-covers with DDP. Thus, if B requires s in A. to distribute, then [CL 9 ~&) can not have DDP. Since for s in B. , there does not exist any coordinate A of 0l3s€A, and { OL ^\»*G( k \) has the (m(s)-l) -s-deleted distributive property. Q E. D. Remark 2.1 . Let s € S. Let (^£>q) be a MD pair of ^-covers of S ^ m fA 5 ^ = ni^(s) = 1. Let A, B be the only coordinate in OL, $ respectively containing s. Then A requires s in B to distribute and B requires s in A to distribute. Lemma 2.6 . Let [0C,fB) be a pair of ^-covers of S with DDP. Let A^ be a coordinate of OC . Suppose seA. such that (i) A. does not require s in any coordinate B . of (fi to distribute, (ii) For any B. of tfB & sf B ., B. does not require s in A. to j j j - 1 - distribute. Then there exists j n , l-j n -m 3 seB. (1) B. u ^0 J does not require s in any coordinate A of ^ to distribute, 2) Suppose s»€ S, s» / s and s'eA.AB. , then A. does not require s T in B. to distribute and B. does not require s T J ^0 19 in A. to distributee Proof . Let (Gt 9 fQ) be given and that s6A. of &C satisfying the conditions (i), (ii). Suppose for every coordinate B. of )S 3 s 6 B ., B. requires s in some coordinate A of 0C to dis- tribute. Then, by (ii), r / i. There are only m(s) - 1 co- ordinates A in which s£ A and r / i. Yet there are m(s) coordinates of GL containing s° By Lemma 2.5, there should be m(s) distinct coordinates A such that s€A and r ^ i. This leads to a contradiction. Therefore the set J =/ j | jsfl, • • «,m}, s £ B ., Bo does not require s in any coordinate A of ftt> to dis- tribute} / 0. We note that for any j € J s j satisfies the con- clusion (1). To show the existence of j Q satisfying (1), (2), we need only show the existence of j Q e J such that j Q satis- fies (2)o Suppose there does not exist any j Q € J = { j-j.* • • • » J p } satisfying (2). Then there exists fs. , .««,s. } where s. f s for any k, 1-k-p, with the property that either B. requires J k So in A. to distribute or A. requires s. in B. to distrib- ^k x J k J k ute. Suppose s = s 1 in A., then j° / 1 for each k, thus^ by Lemma 2.3, Lemma 2.4^ for any j k € J, and any subset {i 1 ,...i } of {l,2,...,/j satisfying Definition 2.4, i 1 / j k * We shall say that A. must require s = s. to be not in B. to distribute. 1 i l J k But, by definition of J, for all k £ J* = fk |(l*k*m) (s6B k ) (k^J)} , B, requires s in some coordinate A^ to distribute, where K r k r k / i. Let (^» } g?) be the *-covers of S obtained from de- leting s in B, and A for each k£J«. Then (<£»,$') must r k still have DDP, and we have ( s € k ± ) ( ( s€ B^ ) £=£ (j 6 J)) where k ± , Bo are the i th and j th entry of 0C , 6 * respectively. 20 Furthermore, for each j £ J, A. still requires s to be not in any B. to distribute. But by the construction of )6 T , there exists no coordinate B, of -Q 1 , k 4 J which contains s. Thus, A. is not distributive over -fe T , a contradiction to the fact that {&*,-&') has DDP. Therefore, there must exist a j Q 6 J } B. does not require s ? in A. to distribute and A. does not J x 1 require s* in B. to distribute for any s* / s. This proves the lemma.. Definition 2.12 , Let ^a(ln ) ^ anc * on ^y ^ whenever {k,,...,k } is a subset of (l, 2,...,mj 3 (Vj ) (1-j-p) ( s . € B, ), and for each q, 1-q-r, k =^(riq), then k. = h. Remark 2.2 . The statement "A, (or B, ) requires s. in B h (or A^) to distribute" and the statement "A, (or B, ) requires s. in B h (or A,) to distribute after fixing B^/ )> ,,, * B <( n ) (° r ^U(n )' ' * " *^©<(n P" are t ^ le same wnen ni(s. ) = 1. Remark 2.3 . The results of Lemma 2.2. to Lemma 2.6 are still true when one replaces the statement "A, (or B,) requires s^ in B h (or A k ) to distribute" by the statement "A k (or B h ) requires s. in B, (or A, ) to distribute after fixing B ^(n 1 )--'» B ^(n r )C or ( V(n 1 )^'" A o<(n r ) ) - Su PP°se m ( s i) = X > then the result follows naturally. Thus we may assume m(sj)>l« Then first, whenever m(s ) > 1, 1-j-r , simply delete s from n j J 21 A k and {s n , s.J from B^^ * and s ± in their corresponding <*(n ) sucn that after the deletion, the new ^-covers of S have DDPo Since A, can be distributed without using the s. in B o B v can not require s in A. to distribute. Thus, after the assignments are done in this step, no state s repeats in any row or any column. (II) (a) For any row i, assign s € A . to the entry (i,j) if A. requires s in B. to distribute after fixing B *(n ) ,,,,,B *<(n ) where {(i*^(n.) ) 1 1-j-r} are the entries occupied by states assigned in the previous step, (b) For any column j, assign s€B. to the entry (i,j) if B. requires s in A. to distribute after fixing j « k <*{m )''"' k o({m )' where {(°^( m i)#j) 1-i-k) are entries occupied by the previous step. 23 By the rsult of Remark 2.3, this process can be com- pleted as for step I. (Ill) Repeat step (II) until no new assignment is reached by- such repetition. (IV) Suppose for some row i, 3 s 6 A. which has not been assigned by previous steps. Then, by Lemma 2.6 and Remark 2.3, there exists a column j 3 s£B. which also j has not been assigned. Assign s to this entry (i,j). Then perform steps II, III again, until no new assign- ment is reached in III. (V) Repeat step (IV) until every s in every coordinate A. of has been assigned. It is not hard to see that the result of these steps will give a rectangular table having no state s appearing re- peatedly in any row or any column. Certainly, each s appears once in some row. But, it also appears once in some column. This completes the proof in one direction. To prove the if part, we need only show that if such a table as described in the beginning of this proof exists, then (&>,$ ) has DDP. Let E^, Eg be defined as in Definition 2.11. For each s, if s appears more than once in the table, we can delete the state s in the i row and j column if s is in (i,j). Then the resulting new pair of ^-covers is still MD. Since each state s appears exactly m(s) times, we can per- form this deletion for all s € S up to (m(s)-l) times. Hence for each s£S , m(s)>l, ( 6t, ft ) has the (m(s)-l) th -s-deleted distributive property. Therefore ( ^£,S ) has DDP. This com- pletes the proof. Q. E.D. 24 Using Theorem 2.2 as a stepping stone, we shall now establish a necessary and sufficient condition on a pair of ^-covers (^£,#3) of S to insure the existence of a function ^ satisfying just (i), (ii) of Theorem 2.2 such that is a GPDT of M. First, we introduce the following definition. Definition 2.13 . Let <£, 6 be --covers of S. Then {fiC y ^>) has the added deleted distributive property (ADDP) if and only if (i) There exist a finite set of symbols S and two --covers fit, j& of S. (ii) There exists a function P from S onto S such that frC is a --cover of S induced by the --cover fit of S under P, and $ is a *-cover of S induced by the *-cover 6 of S under/ 5 , (iii) (#L,S ) has DDP. We shall show an example of ^-covers with ADDP. Let S - ( s i' s ?' ' ' '* ^M ' Let UL - ((s-i, S2>s^j,[s-,,s^|, [ s, , s r ) J , VD = (fs-j,s,j, {s-ijSpfS, }, (s,|Sr] ). Then there exists a finite set of symbols S = (s-, *, s 2 S • • • > S/-* }. Let 5t= ({s 1 «,s 2 »,s 3 *j, fs 1 ',s 7 »}, (s 4 ',s 5 *,s 6 ']), t5 = ( ( s i tjS 4 ? }' K^V'^'J' (V'V'Vf ■ Let ^ : s — * s such that((Vi)(l^i^5)(/ ? (s i M - s i )J(y^(s 6 ») = sj(/>(s 7 ») = s 3 ] . Then ^C,$ are --covers of S with ADDP. Theorem 2.3 . Let dC= ( A-,, . . . , A//) , ?S =(B-., . . . ,B ) be --covers of 3. Let E^, E^ be defined as in Definition 2.11. Then (££,$) has the ADDP if and only if there exists a function y> on a subset E/ of E^x Eg onto S such that (i) For each coordinate A. of fiC , 25 A i = ( s|3j€E^(i,j) = s } (ii) For each coordinate B. of to , Bj -{ s | 3i€E^a)C(i,j) = S K Proof * Since (^,{S) has the ADDP, there exist (a) a finite set of symbols S = { s. J, (b) two ^-covers dl,Q of S, (c) a function P f rom S onto s such that <#-,$ are ^-covers of S induced by ^,j& respectively under P. Furthermore, ( $S,^o ) has DDP. Let E=, E:g Be defined as in Definition 2.11. By the result of Theorem 2.2, ( from a subset Ej of E- * E^ onto S such that (i) For each coordinate A. = | s | 3 j e Er B J^i, j )=s~j. (ii) For each coordinate B. = ( s | 3i£ E^ * J^i, j ) = sj. (iii) For each s € S, #{(i, j ) | f{±, j ) = s) = m(s), where m(¥) is the multiplicity of s in fiCor-fc . Since ^fc j6 are ^-covers induced by ^£, jQ respectively under f>, (Vi)(W/)(A i =/°(A i )),, and (¥j ) (l*j*m) (Bj =/ ? (B J .)). Therefore Er = E^, Er= E* and E T = E,* Define a function f=Pf from E^ onto S such that jP(i,j) = s if /°(^(i,j)) = s. Thus, for each i, A^^ ={ s |( 3i € EJ {f[±, j ) = s) * , and for each j, B. ={ s |(3i€E )()°(i,j) = s)}. This proves the only if part. To show the if part, we note that the function JP gives rise to a /* m rectangular table in which there may be columns or rows containing repeated appearances of certain states. In this table, the rows are labeled by i, 1-i-jf, and the columns are labeled by j, 1-j-m. We shall construct a new table where rows are again labeled by i, 1-1-/ ; columns are labeled by j, 1-j-m. For each occupied entry (i,j), we associate a new 26 symbol* s(i,j). Let S ={ s(i,j)|(i,j) is occupiedj. For each (i,j), let s(i,j) occupy the entry (i,j) in the new table. Then we obtain a /x m table not necessarily all filled. For each i, let A. = f s(i, j ) I s(i, j ) occupies (i,j)j. Similarly, B. = { s(i„ j )| s(i, j) occupies (i,j)j. Let CLr (A 1 ,...,A^) and 58 = (B-|,.«o,B )« Define a function P from S onto S as follows. For each s(i,j) £ S, P(s(i,j)) = s if s occupies (i,j) in the original table. Certainly £C»Jo are ^-covers of S. And for each i, 1*1*/, ^(A ± ) = {/°(s(i,j))|l(i,j)6 A ± } = {s|s is in the i rowj = A.. l Similarly, for each j, 1-j-m, ^(B.) = B.. Therefore, 01,^ are ^-covers of S induced by the ^-covers OC,^ of S respec- tively under P . It is obvious that (fit,jo) has DDP. There- fore, (^-,Jd) has ADDPo This completes the proof. QcE. D. We have now reached the following main theorem. Theorem 2.4 ° All GPDT of M =are of the type , where tit, fa are ^-covers of S,and ( 4C,]& ) has ADDP. 27 Chapter II PROPERTIES OF GENERALIZED PAIR DECOMPOSITION At the beginning of this chapter, we shall intro- duce the notion of a monadic algebra and its relation to an automaton. Our definition for an algebra (3 ) will be a rather general one. This allows us to state many theorems with appropriate degree of generality. By an algebra -T2, we shall mean a triplet (S,T, 0= {fo S and n = n(«<)}. If nM = 1 for all ^6T, then 12 is called a monadic algebra. Let M = is clearly a monadic algebra. Conversely, any abstract monadic algebra be an incomplete automaton. Let (M 1 :M 2 ] be a given GPD of M, where M. ± = < s 1 * T 1 * f 1 > and M 2 = < (S 2 ,T 2 ,f 2 ) are incomplete automata. By the result of Chapter I, M is thus a homomorphic image of a sub-automaton ^/»T,FL> of the generalized composition of M-,, IYL. (See definition on page g. ) We will call the induced automaton of the GPD (M-^M^. In fact, Cm 1 :M 2 ) is also a GPD of , and the automaton M as related to the GPD C]VL:M 2 ) is completely represented by <>/, T,F /> e Thus, in order to find properties of a GPD (M 1 :M 2 J of M, we must study (1^:1^) as a GPD of the induced automaton <>/,T,fL> or any isomorphic image of <^/,T,fL> . If M' = is isomorphic to (J,T,fL> where (T is the isomorphism, then (M-,:M 2 J is also a GPD of . Furthermore, if is the associated GPDT of (N^iMg) for M», then ft is the isomorphism onto . Thus, we need only study the sort of GPD CM 1 :M 2 ) of an automaton M where in its associated GPDT C'-'l»^2 , Y ) ^ the homomorphism )P is an isomorphism. Let (M 1 :M 2 ) be a GPD of M = . Let the asso- ciated GPDT be <3 r S 2 ,^> where f is one to one from J onto S. 29 Define a relation 9-^ on S such that (¥s,s f £ S) ((s9,,s t ) < — ^ [ ^ 1 ()^ 1 (s)) = ^ 1 ( ^ 1 (s')))j. Similarly, we define a relation 922. It can be easily shown that 9-^ and 9 22 are equivalence relations. Further, in the lattice of all equivalence relations on S, the g./.b. of 9-^ and 9 22 = 9 n n 9 22 = 0. Since if s / s' and s(9 i;L ^ 9 22 )s», then ^ i f^" 1 (s)J = ^J^s' )] for 1^2, -1 -1 therefore y> {s) = (sM. Yet f is one to one onto, there- fore it leads to a contradiction. Hence, automata M-. , M ? give rise to two equivalence relations 9-,-,, 9 22 on S (thus two par- titions on S) such that 9-,-,/^ 9 ?? = 0. We shall now study properties of certain equivalence relations on a monadic algebra which are pertinent to the theory of decomposition of automata. Let JT2 = {S,T,0) be an incomplete monadic algebra. Let T = {©<.. , . . . f o(A. Let 9 be an equivalence relation on S. For every s € S, f(s,T) denotes the /-tuple (s,,...,s^) where (¥i)fs. =f, (s)l. On the set of all /-tuples of states of S, 9 induces an equivalence relation 9 such that [ ( s lf . . . , s*)Q{ s ± i , . . . , s f )£=M Vi ) Cs i 9s i 'j). Definition 1.1 . Given an incomplete monadic algebra 0- = <^S,T, (f^}>, 9 is a congruence relation of degree k if and only if (i) 9 is an equivalence relation on S. (ii) Let N(s,9) be the number of distinct equivalence classes under 9 having a non-empty intersection with {f(s»,T)|s»0s}. Then k = k(9) = max N(s,9). L ; seS We note that a congruence relation of degree 1 is the ordinary congruence relation (i.e., an equivalence relation 30 satisfying the substitution property (3))« Proposition 1.1 . Let © 1$ © 2 be congruence relations on of degree k , k 2 respectively. Then (©^ © 2 ) is a congruence relation of degree ^ min(k 1 k 2 ,#(R) ) where #(R) is the number of distinct equivalence classes under 0^ in the range space R =«[ f (s,T)| s € SJ where © 3 = (© x ^ © 2 ). Proof. It is obvious that (©j^ ^ 1S an ec l uivalence relation on S. It also can be easily shown that the number of equivalence classes of (0^ 9 2 ) in the set {f ( s' ? 5 T j | sM© 1 H © 2 )s} for any s 6 S is ^ k-,k 2 » However*, the number of equivalence classes of (9 r\ © 2 ) is also restricted by the number of equivalence classes in the range space. Therefore, (0-|_^ © 2 ) is a con- gruence relation of degree $ minl.#(R) 9 k 1 k 2 ) . Q.E. D. The following example will show that if ©p 2 are congruence relations of degree k, s k 2 respectively, then the l.u.b. of 1 and © 2 = (0 :i U © 2 ) may be of degree higher than k 1 k 2 . Let M = . Let S ={ 1, 2 S . . . , lg}, T = {<*} . The transition table is : f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 d 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 o( 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Let 1 = ({l23},{456l/7d9},{l0t{llUl2j / ..{ld», then Q ± is of degree 3- Let 2 = f (12}X34U5},{67};[89},{10}, . . {l8}) , then ? is of degree 2. Then (G^U 0) = ( (123456789},{10},{11 , . . . ,18}) is of degree 9 > k-,k ? = ^" Definition 1.2 . Let 12 = ^S^T.ff^}) be an incomplete monadic ;ebra. Let be an equivalence relation on S. Then 31 f" (9) is a relation defined as follows: (¥s,s'€ S)[(sf 1 (9)s0^=^(¥ O <)(;f >< (s)9f,(s»)j) . In general, f (9) may not be an equivalence relation. However, if 12. = < S, T, {f^} > is complete, then f _1 (9) is also an equivalence relation. Definition 1.3 * Let Op © 2 be two relations on S, then (O-^©^ if and only if (Vs,s»6 S) ((s0 2 s» ) =» (sOjjs* )) . Definition 1.4 . Let 9p © 2 be equivalence relations on S such that 9-^2 ©2» Then (0j/0 2 ) is an equivalence relation on the set j£ , where Js is the family of equivalence classes of S under ©«• For each s€ S, let s € 2 • Then we define: (sjLfOj/O^Ig J <£=£ (Vs 1 » ) ( Vs 2 » ) I [(s^s-^ ) (s 2 =i 2 » )J => (s 1 »9 1 s 2 0j . For any equivalence relation 9 on S, let m(9) denote the maximum number of elements in any class of 9 and n(9) the number of equivalence classes of 9. Proposition 1.2 . Given a complete monadic algebra 12 =(S, T, I f. j), then 9 is a congruence relation of degree k if and only if (i) 9 is an equivalence relation on S (ii) ■'(— T - 9 ) == k. f" ± (9)ne Proof . We need only show that condition (ii) here is the same as condition (ii) in Definition 1.1 when SI is a monadic alge- bra. This is easily done. Since SI is complete, f~ (0) is also an equivalence relation on S. Therefore, m( — * ) f" 1 (0)A0 is the maximum number of distinct equivalence classes under on the set {f (s», T) | s»©s}, for any s € S. Q. E. D. 32 Proposition 1.3 . Let 9,, 9 2 be congruence relations of degree k-,, k 2 respectively such that 9-^2 Q 2 * Tnen k ]_ ^ k 2 ^ for each fixed s 6 S, for every s»€ S, (s'O-j^s), Bt€ S, t9 2 s, 9 Proof . If for each s», (s»9 1 s), 3 t € S, t9 2 s, ^ (V°()(f (s»)9X(t)], then, in particular, this is true for state s*, s'9-iS, yet s f 2 s. Thus, all such elements s f are not mapped by f to any addition equivalence classes of 9 2 « Hence k-, ^ k~. 1 * Q. E. D. We shall show by an example that the restriction 9 2 £ 0-, in the above proposition can not be lessened. Let -^ = (SfjT^f^} be given as follows: f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c< 7 7 5 6 7 5 7 7 Let 9 1 ={{0,1},{2,3,4},[5,6K(7}}, 9 2 ={{o}, il,2,3,b} 9 ft}. (6), {7}}. Although all other conditions are satisfied except 9 ? £ 9-,, we have that the degree of 9 2 is 3 and the degree of 9-, is 2. Definition 1. 5 » Let 9-,-,, 9 22 be equivalence relations on S such that 9-^° 9 22 = 0. Then 9 21 is a symmetric, re- flexive relation on S defined as follows. For s-,, s ? € S, (s i®2i s 2^ ^ anc * on ^y ^-^ (V<*) (Vs 1 » ) (Vs 2 * ) [O s i , © 22 s 1 ) ( s 2 ?9 22 s 2 ) ( V 9 llV ^ > Cf(s 1 S^)9- L1 f(s 2 S^<)j] . Proposition 1.4 . (i) 9 12 2 9 n and 9 21 2 9, 2 (ii) 9 12 9 f _1 (9 22 ) and 9 21 £ f" 1 (9- L1 ). Proof. Part (i) is easily shown by noting that {q*A are equivalence relations such that f\ 9 i = l 11 0< To prove part (ii), 33 let s^ 12 s 2 » Then for each s-^ and for each s 2 T such that (s 1 »9 11 s 1 ) and ( s 2 fe n s 2^ and ^ s l t9 22 s 2^ we have that (^r f ^ s i ?)9 22 f <=< (s 2 t ^ • In Particular, (¥cO[f,( Sl )0 22 f,(s 2 )]. y. h. d. With the result of the above proposition and the discussion on pages 2#, 29 of this chapter, we have the fol- lowing theorem. Theorem 1.1 . Let (M-^M^ be a GPD of M = . Let the associated GPDT be such that P is one to one from J c s^ S 2 onto S and 1£{Ji) = Sp ^ 2 {J) = S 2 . Then (M-,:M 2 ) gives rise to a set of relations { 9. . |l-i, j-2 J on S such that (i) Q -. -. , 9 22 are equivalence relations on S and 9 11 A 9 22 = °* (ii) 9 12 3 9 n y 21 - y 22 (iii) 9 12 ^ f" 1 (e 2 2 ) 9 21 c f -l( Qll ) For the result in the other direction, we have the following theorem. Theorem 1.2 . Let M = . Let { 9 ± . |l-i, j*2 } be a set of relations on S such that (i) 9-.-,, 9 22 are equivalence relations on S and 9 li n 9 22 = 0# (ii) 9 12 3 n 9 21 - 9 22 (iii) 9 12 £ f _1 (9 22 ) 21 ^f" 1 (9 11 ). 34 Then there exist two incomplete automata M-, = <^S-, ,T-, ,f , ) , M 2 = ^ S 2 ,T 2 ,f 2^ such that (i) [M 1 :M 2 J is a GPD of M (ii) y> is 1 -* 1 where S^j^is its associated GPDT. (iii) (M 1 :M 2 ) gives rise to the set ^9. . |l-i, j-2}. Proof . Let M- L =, M 2 = is its associated GPDT, f is 1 — > 1. By the construction of M-. , M 2 , it is obvious that M-^, M 2 induces two equivalence relations 9-,-,, 9 2 2 res P ect i ve ly and 9-^n © 22 = 0. Let Sp s 2 € S. Let (s-jO-j^s^. Let s^jS^e S such that ^ S 1 T9 11 S 1^ s 2 f9 ll s 2^ s l te 22 s 2 ? ^ ° Then since 12 C f" 1 (9 22 ), (Vo< € T) (f (s^JO^f (s 2 ,*)] . Also, G ll- 9 12- f " 1(9 22 ) * thus (^)(f(s 1 »,o<)9 22 f(s 1 , <)] and ^V^)(f (s 2 », G <)9 22 f (s 2 ,o<)J . Since 9 22 is transitive, v 0ff (s 1 «,«<)0 22 f (s 2 »,o<)] . Hence, if (sjO-^Sg) then 35 (V o 0(¥s 1 O(¥s 2 M((;(s 1 »9 11 s 1 )(s 2 '9 11 s 2 )(s 1 »9 22 s 2 )3 ==>P(s 1 f ,-00 22 f(s 2 So0j) • We can construct a similar proof for 9 2 -, . Thus, [M-, :M ? ] gives rise to the set { 0. . 1 1-i, j-2 }. 3 Q.E.D. We define a cover ^ of a given set A as a col- lection of non-empty subsets A, of A such that their union is A. Any subcollection of elements in Ot, whose union is A is a subcover of OC* A minimum subcover 0t*. is a subcover of a given cover OC such that it has the least cardinality. The classical covering problem is to find a minimum subcover 0C*. of a given cover OC. For any reflexive, symmetric relation relation & on the set S, we can represent the relation A by a cover C- of S. Each subset of S in this cover C# is a collection of elements which mutaually bear the 6 relation. Thus, if we consider 9. ., i / j in particular, we can also represent this relation by a cover of S. In the case when the relation A is an equiv- alence relation, the cover is represented by the collection of its equivalence classes. In this particular case, the cover is itself the minimum subcover. We shall let n{£) denote the number of elements in a minimum subcover of the cover Cg, where A is a symmetric and reflexive relation on S. This number n(^) is unique. §2. Congruence Relations of Degree k as Applied to Decomposition Theory In §1, we have developed properties of congruence relations of degree k. In this section, we consider its appli- cation to the theory of decomposition. Again, we shall study 36 GPD (M- | :MJof M = of G(M-,,Mp). Automata M-,, M 2 induce two equivalence relations 6 11' 9 22 on S > 9 11 A 9 22 = °- Let S, = { a-, , . . . , a } , S 2 = f b i» * • * » b n } * For each a.€ S n , define f :S XT into S~ such that 1 1 a- <. £ f?(b^)6S 2 XT)(f ai (b.^) =^ 2 r^ rl (f(/ :, (a i ,b j ),-<)j]J . Simi- larly, (Vla^Jes^Tj^U^) =^ 1 /'^Yf(^a i ,b j ),^])J . «j We note that for each a., D(f ) = / (b .,o<) I c<6 T, (a. ,b .) 6 V{f) i i ^ ± J and {f{a ± ,b .),*()€ D(f ) J, and for each b., D(f b ) ={ (a^cK) |o<6T,(a i ,b j )€D()p) and ( ^ ) (a i ,b j ),<*) 6 D(f ) }. j Definition 2.1 a For any a-,, a 2 e S-,., f is compatible with f ; f **** f if and only if they are the same mapping a 2 a-L a 2 over their common domain (i.e., D(f ) A D(f )). a l a 2 Similarly, we define for b-,, b 2 , f , *>** f . . We note that compatibility is not an equivalence relation. It is an equivalence relation when n-,n 2 = #(S). In that case, the common domain for all f is S 9 X T, and for a <~ all f b is S 1 X T. Suppose we consider a set of mutually compatible functions f as one function. As a. ranges over S-,, we ob- a^ i e 1* tain a collection of such distinct non-compatible functions. Let p be the number of elements in this collection. Since compatibility is not transitive, as a. ranges over S-. we may obtain several collections of such distinct functions. We denote the minimum p by F q as we range over all possible b l 37 collections. Similarly we use F q • In view of the nature of b 2 these functions we shall call F s the number of input configur- ations from M-^ to M 2 , and Fg the number of input configurations from M 2 to M-, . For each such collection of non-compatible functions from M-, to M 2 and from M 2 to M-, , we must encode it into alpha- betical information from M-, to M 2 and from M 2 to M-, respectively. These, in turn, must be coded into binary signals. If we denote by fxl the least non-negative integer £ x for any real number x, then we need flog 2 F s "1 and |log 2 Fo | numbers of binary signals. We shall call flog 2 Fo ^ , flog 2 Fol the number of connecting lines from M-, to M 2 and M 2 to M-, respectively. We have so far introduced the notions of input con- figurations and connecting lines between machines. The next natural question is how does one find these numbers? First, we show the following proposition. Proposition 2.1 . Let s-, , s 2 6 S 3 *%( & (s-,)) = a-^, / ^_(^ 1 (s 2 )) = a 2 . Then f ^ f a if and only if s-jO-^s^ Proof . The statement really says that Definition 1.5 and Definition 2.1 are equivalent. This is quite straightforward. Since 9-^ is defined such that (s^sj if and only if ^(^ 1 (s i )) ="^ 1 ( ^ 1 (s.)), and 9 22 is defined such that (s.Q^s^^^s.)) =V 2 (f(s.))], f ai ~ s *. 2 ^Uy means s n 0-, o s o , and vice versa. 1 ^ z Q.E.D. Similarly, we have a proposition for f fe . Let Sl ,s 2 6S 3^ 2 (^ 1 (s 1 )) = b^ ^ 2 (f 1 (s 2 )) ■ V Then t.~> f. if and only if Si©oi s 2* As a result of the above proposition and the discussion 3S at the end of §1, the problem of finding the numbers of input configurations becomes a covering problem (l9)« This covering problem is the same problem as, for example, the state minimi- ation of incomplete machines. Thus a detailed study of this type of problem can be found in several articles (2,13,16,18). Using the notation in §1, we denote by nlO^) and n(9 2 -,) the numbers of input configurations from M-, to M 2 and M 2 to M-, respectively. Let M 1 = , M 2 = such that CM 1 :M 2 ^ is a GPD of M. Let > be the associated GPDT, and let y? be one to one. For each a € S-, , each b € S 2 , there exists an /-tuple (a-,, •••«a/) such that (i) For each i, Up©^) 6D(f b ), then a ± ={^(3,^)] (ii) For each i, (a,°C.) ^ D(f, ), then a. - 0. For each a€ S-,, let the collec- tion of all such /-tuples as b ranges over S 2 be the successor set of a. Define two /-tuples (a-,>»«°>a^) and (an',...^/) as equal if and only if for each i where a. f and a- ? / 0, then a. = a . ? . Let L q denote the maximum number of distinct ii b x /-tuples in any successor set of a as a ranges over S-,. Proposition 2.2 . The number L Q is a lower bound on the number b l of distinct non-compatible functions (input configurations) from M 2 to M-,. Proof . This is a direct result of the definition of L Q . b l There are at least L c distinct f, , since these f, map the s 1 bj bj same input-state pair to distinct next state. Therefore L Q b l is a lower bound. Q. E. D. Recall the definition of a congruence relation 9 of degree k. The number N(s,0 11 ) is thus defined as the number 39 /**/ of distinct equivalence classes of 9-,, in -ff (s',T) | s , 9 1 s } The maximum of N(s,9-,-,) for any 5 is < = ^(O.,-,) and is exactly the number L^ - Therefore, we have the following proposition. b l Proposition 2.3 » There exists a congruence relation 9-,-, on S of degree k if and only if there exits a GPD [M-,:M 2 ) f M such that (i) M-, induces 0-, -. . (ii) f is 1 — > 1 where (S.^ S 2 ,J*> is the associated GPDT. (iii) k is a lower bound on the number of input configura- tions from M 2 to M-, . Let 9-,-, be a congruence relation of degree k, k>l, on S. Suppose 9 22 is anv equivalence relation on S such that 9 r\ 9 22 = 0. Then n(9 2 -,) is not necessarily equal to k, i.e., k is only a lower bound on the number of input configura- tions from M 2 to M-,. This can be easily explained by an example. Let M = where S = f 1, 2, . . . , 6} and T = {^}. Let the transition function be: f 1 2 3 4 5 6 o< 3 4 5 6 2 4 Let Q 1± = f (1,2,3), (4, 5,6j), then 9 n is of degree 2. Let Sj^ = fa-^a^ where a ± denotes {l,2,3}, and a 2 denotes (4,5,6/. Suppose we choose 9 22 = { {l,4J, (2, 5J, (3, 6} j. Let S 2 = {b-^b^b^ where b ± denotes {l,4}, b 2 denotes {2,5}, b 3 denotes {3,6}. It can easily be shown that n(9 2 -^) = 3» Our next result will show that if k = 1, k is the number of input configurations from M 2 to M 1 « Proposition 2.4 . There exists an ordinary congruence relation 9-,-, on S if and only if there exist two incomplete automata 40 M 1 =^S 1 ,T 1 ,f 1 > s M 2 = f 2 ) such that Cm i :M 2 J is a GPD of M and (i) M-, induces 0-. -. • (ii) f is 1 — > 1 where is the associated GPDT. (iii) The number of input configurations from IYL to M-, is 1. Proof . (i), (ii) can be obtained directly from Proposition 2.3. Tow show (iii), we need only show that (Vs-,,s 2 € S) (s-,9 2 , s 2 ), i.e., n(9 2 -j) = 1« This is quite simple. Let s-,,s 2 6 S. Let ^ s l 9 ®22 s l^ s 2 ?e 22 s 2^ - s l ?e il s 2 ? ^* Since 9,, is an ordinary congruence relation., (s-, '©itSo' ) == ^ (¥<^) (f (s^W)©-. nf ( s 2 f ,<=*)J . Thus (¥s is s 9 6 S)[s-,9 9 i s 2 ). 1 * -l ^J- <: Q.E.D. Remark 2.1 o We shall show in Chapter III that the result of this special case includes the known results [l2] about series decomposition of an automaton. If we combine the results of Theorem 1,2 and Propo- sition 2o3 5 we reach the following. Proposition 2. 5 » There exist two congruence relations 9-, -,, 9 22 of degree k,, k 2 respectively £ 9^,0 9 22 = if and only if there exists a GPD (M.,:M 2 ) of M (i) M-., M 2 induce 9-,t> 9 22 respectively, (ii) ^ is 1 -> 1 where is the associated GPDT. (iii) kp k 2 are the lower bounds of the numbers of input configurations from ]VL to M-, and M, to M 2 respectively. Finally, with the aid of proposition 2.4* we have Proposition 2.6 . There exist two ordinary congruence relations ^ll 1 9 22 on 3 such that 9-^A 9 22 = if and only if there exists a GPD (1^:1^) of M such that 41 (i) Mp M 2 induce 9^, 9 22 respectively, (ii) f> is 1 — > 1 where ,y>is its associated GPDT. (iii) The numbers of input configurations from M 2 to M-, and from M-, to M 2 are 1. Remark 2.2 . We shall show in Chapter III that the result of this special case includes the known results [l2] about parallel decomposition of an automaton. We have shown that if 9-,-, is a congruence relation of degree k on S and if (M-^M^ is a GPD of M = and the states of M-, induce 9-,-, on S, then in general K is just a lower bound on the number of input configurations from JVL to M,. We shall now establish the result that this lower bound k can always be reached if we allow M 2 to vary. We shall obtain an upper bound on the number of states of such M 2 and show that it is always less than the number of states in the original automaton Finally, we show by an example that, in fact, this upper bound is sometimes the least upper bound. Let M = = n. Let Q^ be a given con- gruence relation of degree k. Denote by f P i | l-i-nO^)} the set of equivalence classes of 9^. Let Yl{? ± ) be the number of distinct f~ 1 (© 11 ) classes in P j _. Let f ± denote the number of elements in each equivalence class P. . We shall choose P^ to be a particular equivalence class of 11 such that ^(Pj) = k and if, for some j, >J(P.) = j> then /,• S /]_• Definition 2.2 . For each i, l-i-n(9 u ), define r /. - (k+1) if L> k+l g(i) -{ X v otherwise. Theorem 2.1 . Given a congruence relation 11 of degree k, there exists an equivalence relation 9 22 on S which, together with Q 1±t 42 gives rise to a reflexive, symmetric relation 9 21 as defined in Definition 1. 5s such that (i) 9 i;L n 9 22 = 0. r k if (Vi)(/ ± « k) (ii) n(0 2? ) = j n(9 n ) 1 (k+1) + J2 S^ otherwise i=l (iii) m(0 11 )^ n(9 22 ) ^ n and n(Q 22 ) = n only if n(9 11 ) = 1. (iv) 21 2 9 22 (v) n(9 21 ) = k. Proof . For each P., order the elements in P. such that the first ^(Pj) states give a complete set of representatives for the f~ (Qyi) equivalence classes in P.. For each i, let s. . denote the t state in P.. Case I . (¥i)(/^ k). Let Q,,...jQ, be k subsets of S defined as follows: For each i„ l-i^n(9-, 1 ) (1) For any t, 1-t-/., s. . € Q. for one and only one j> 1-j-k. (2) For any t, t» 3 t / t» and 1-t, t»^/. , and if ( s . .6 Q.) 1 1, X) j and (s ik). Let m be the minimum such i. Since fy(P )-k k, 3t ±J l*t 1 *n(P 1 ) k and i / m, let s ± k+1 e Q k+1 and let s i,t. e v i m (3) For each t, t f t ± , l^t^k, 3 a unique j / t ffl , l^j^k 9 s i>t €Q.. (4) No two states s. . , s . +.. with 1-t, t f -k belong to the same Q. for any j, 1-j-k. j Finally, each of the remaining states constitutes a set by n(9 u ) itself. Then there are exactly r = 2_ g(i) more sets, i=l denoted by R,,...,R . Together with Q. , they form a disjoint partition on S. This, in turn, induces an equivalence relation n(9 11 ) 9 22 on S. Certainly G^^ © 2 2 = ° and n ^ 9 22^ = ^ k+1 ^ 4- s(i)» Furthermore, define 9 21 from 9,^ 9 22 as in Definition 1»5« Thus we have (1) Every state in Q k+1 is Q 21 -related to every state in Q t by definition of Q k+1 and Q t . m m (2) For each j, l^j-r, 3 i, 1-i-k 3 the only state s <= R. is 9 21 related to states in Q^. 44 (3) If s€Q ±9 s ? 6Q i , and i / i\ 1-i, i'-k, then s0 21 s» Hence we have n(9 01 ) = k. £1 Q. E.Do The following example shows that the number r k if (Vi)(/.=k) n(0 22 ) - n(Q^) ^ (k+1) + }_ g(i) otherwise i=l may be the least upper bound. Let M = be given, where S = (l,2, ...,$}, T = [°i\ and the transition table is as follows: f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 <* 1 6 4 5 3 7 7 5 Let n ={{l,2,3,4},{5,6,7»3}} and 9 U is of degree 2. In order to find 9 22 ^ ®n^ ®22 = ^ s n ^®22^ must be at least 4° However a choice of 9 22 where n (©22^ = ^ ^H result in a ©oi ^ n(9 2 -, )> 2o In order to obtain n(9 2] ) = 2 a 9 22 may be n(9 n ) f{l5U26],{3},{V7}{8}} and n(9 ?? ) = 5 = (k+1) * Zl " g(i)« > ^ i=1 The results of this section are very important. We shall summarize the significance as follows. Let M = and n(9 21 ) = k. Finally, an algorithm can be easily obtained to find an equivalence relation 9 22 on S3(i) 9,,^ 9 22 = (ii) n(9 21 ) = k and (iii) n(9 22 ) = minimum of all n(9 22 »), where © 22 ' satisfies (i), (ii) (i.e., there exists a minimal state automaton M 2 such that [M-, :M«] is a GPD where M-,, M 2 induce 9-,-,, 9 22 respectively and n(9 21 ) = k). 46 Chapter III SET SYSTEMS AND *- COVERS §1. ^-covers with Substitution Property- Let M = be an incomplete automaton. Let 0C- = (A,, ...,Av) be a *-cover with SP. Then there exists an automaton M* = .,... ,~s, . \J. Let S be the collection of all new symbols as i ranges over (1,2,...,/}. Define a mapping P f rom S onto S such that for a11 ^(i,j) € &' P^[± i)* = s (i i) # since &i has SP > for each t € T, each coordinate A. of QC->, we choose a particular number h(i, t ) € { 1, 2, . . . ,/ } such that f (A ± ,t) £ k h , ± t y Let 47 f be a function from SxT into S such that if f(s ( . n ,t) i i* J / = s (h(i,t),k)' then f,(i (i,j)' t) = ¥ (h(i,t),k)- Let M« = < S,T,f>. Since t*f> ~ f • t* 9 f> la * homomorphism from M* to M. The collection of subsets {I.} forms a partition on S, and thus induces a unique equivalence relation 9-,-. such that ((s^ .)Q i;L S( h k j) £=> (i=k)J. Certainly Q ±1 induces tit^ under f> . It remains to show that 9,, is a congruence relation. Let s/. -j) e n s (i k)* For each t, by construction, f f (s,. ■\)> t ^ = ^h(i,t),p) and * , <»(i f k)' t) = »(h(i,t),q)' HenCe ^ f ^ s (i 1 )' ^ ^11^' ^ s (i k) ,t ^ anc * ®11 is a congruence relation. Q.E.D. As a result of this proposition and Proposition 2.4 of Chapter II, we have that if 0C-, is a *-cover of S with SP, then there exists a series decomposition for M = <(S,T,f). Since a set system is a special *-cover, our result in Propo- sition 2.4 includes the known results for set systems in (12} . Corollary 1.1 . Let Ct be a *-cover of S with SP. Let S" be a set of new symbols. Suppose OC x = (A-,", . . . ,A^" ) is a partition on S" such that there exists a function & y from S" onto S and such that OC n induces OL under P». Suppose there exists a function T f rom S" onto S such that 0C" induces CL-\ under f and <^y°= f>* where P, S, realizes M and fa," is a congruence relation on M n . Proof . Simply define f" as follows. For each s^ .j€ A i ,f , choose f"(s (i j)ft)€ "*> B m ) be --covers of S. Then {6tn^) = if and only if for each pair (i,j), l-i-/> 1-j-m* (A.AB.) contains at most one element of S. Proposition 1.2 . Let M =f . Since 0C ±f Ot 2 are ^-covers of S, ^{J) = E , ^ 2 {J) = E^ . Now consider ^ as a table in which the rows are labeled by i, 1-i-/, and columns are labeled by j, 1-j-m. If V?(i,j) = s, then s occupies the entry (i,j). For each occupied entry (i,j), we introduce a new symbol S/. . \. Let S be the collec- tions of all new symbols. For each i, 1-i-/, let A. =4 S/4 -J the entry (i,j) is occupied j. For each j, 1-j-m, let B. ={ ~s,. .\ the entry (i,j) is occupied}. Let 01^ = (A ] _,...,A^), 0t 2 < - (B-l, ...,B m ). Thus {h ± }, [bA are two partitions on S and hence induce two equivalence rela- tions 9-^, 9 22 on S. Since ( fo^n 01 ) = 0, by construction, 49 ©JjTS ©22 = ®* It: is olDV:i - ous that 9,-,, 9 22 induce (TC -, , <^ ? respectively under p . By Corollary 1.1, for the *-cover fit-, with SP, we have an automaton M-, = as follows. For sS each s/. . \€ S and each t € T, define f f (s/. . \>t)=s > where v i» 3 i \i-t 3 ) f _i (i (i,j)' t)eA ^(i,t)' r 2 (i (i.3)» t)6B h 2 (j,t) and "? = AtI / . . v n B» . We shall show that f» is well- h l (l ' tJ h 2 (j,t) defined on SxT whenever f, and f« are defined, i.e., we must show ^(i.t)^ B h 2 (j,t) ' *' B ^ Corollary 1,1, }fl[f 1 (5 (lfJ ',.t))e A hi ,. )t) , and flf 2 <"Cl,j)' t)) inA' ,. +1 HBi ,. fl . Clearly $T-, » is still a congruence h 1 (i,t) h 2 (j,t) ' 1 relation on M», since for each A^ and S|. .jU^, we have f,(B {i,j)' t)€ *i 1 d.t) wheref i (i (i,j)' t)e A ni (i,t)- simi - larly, ^ 2 f is a congruence relation on M* . Q. E. D. 50 Again with the result of Proposition 2.6 of Chapter II, this includes the known results [12) for the parallel case. Any attempt to obtain a stronger statement than that in Proposition 1.2 of this section, such as replacing the con- dition "(Jt^r\Cl 2 =0" by "(#-,/&) has ADDP" will not be success- ful. We show this by an example. Example 1.1 . Let M = has ADDP and OC-^ 0t 2 { 0. Let dt ± = (A^A^X) where I 1 = f 4,6}, A 2 ={2,4 f ,7}, A 3 ={l,3,5} and let 6C 2 = (B^Bg,!-,!, ) where \ =(4,5,7J, B 2 ={l,2}, B 3 ={3,4 T }, B 4 ={6). Clearly 0L]> OC 2 are Partitions on S ={ 1, 2,3,4,4', 5, 6,7} and 0L-^\ ^2 = °* In order t0 make ^C-, a partition with SP, we must require f(4, c <) = 2, f(6,»0 = 4 T , f(2,<*0 = 4 T , f(4 T ,°<) = 2, f(7,°0 ■ 2, f(l,*.) = 5, f(3,°0 = 1, f(5,<*) = 1. In this case, fr- 2 does not have SP any more, since f(l,°<) = 4% f(2,©<) = 5, and 4 T , 5 are not in one block of OCy. §2. ^-covers vs. Set Systems Definition 2.1 . Let frt = (A 1 , ...,A^) be a *-cover of S. Let (A 1 T ,...,A *) be a set system of S. Then 0O is said to 51 be induced by CC is and only if (i) (¥i)(l-i*/)Oj)(lM«p)£ A ± £ A.') (ii) (Vi)(l^p)(3j)(l^/)[A.' --Aj] *-covers differ from set systems in that they may contain coordinates A., A. where A. £ A . yet i / j. From the development, we see that each coordinate in a *~cover repre- sents a state in an automaton. The natural question is then if Ai S A ., do they represent the same state? Can we always replace the *-covers by their induced set systems and obtain essentially the same decomposition? In particular, if (M-,:M 2 ] is a series or parallel decomposition of an automaton M, and 0C$'£> are the ^-covers that [M, :Mj gives rise to, then if 0t»^ are replace by their induced set systems, is the resul- tant still a series or parallel decomposition of M? We shall consider first the series decompositions. Let M = . Given (^fc,$) a pair of ^-covers of S with ADDP such that OC has SP. Then by Proposition 1.1 of Section 1, there exists a GPDT of M and a GPD C^rM^ such that it is a series decomposition of M, that is, there exists a GPD Cm 1 :M 2 J of M with M» = GfM^M^ = such that GfMnfML) is a series decomposition and OC induces a partition with SP on S». Theorem 2.1 . Let (<£,£>) be a pair of ^-covers of S such that {0C,& ) has ADDP. Let 01 have SP. Let M» = be de- fined as above. Then the induced set system OC 1 has SP, and there exists a *-cover jg» of S' such that (i) The number of coordinates of B' is no more than that of $. (ii) is a GPDT of M with an associated GPD 52 (M'.M^J whose G(M 1 ',M 2 ») = M" realizes M, and [M 1 « iK^} is a series decomposition of M. Proof * Since ^ is a *-cover with SP, by Proposition 1.1, there exists an automaton M» => a congruence relation OC on M f , an equivalence relation j8 on S ? , and a homomorphism Z 7 such that M» realizes M, and Ct,fi induce OL,fo under f respectively. Hence OC,i?> give a partition pair series decom- position CM-,:M 2 ] of M». And G(M 1 :M 2 ) realizes M under *f . Let OC 1 be the set system induced by OC. Clearly, tit* is a set system with SP. Define & s from $6 such that •$» = (B 1 f ,...,B f ) where for each j, B.» = B.-{s€S |(3i)(A. in&)(A. not in OV ) {f{k. ,B . ) = s) and(^k)(A k in X')'[f{k k ,B*) = s}. We note that B.' may be empty. In such cases, instead of re- numbering the coordinates for ^8 *, we will not have a j co- ordinate f or jg 1 . For each coordinate A. f of CO and coordinate B.» of t6 f (i.e., for each j, B ' / 0), define j j y , (A i »,B.») = ^ , (A i ,B.), if (A i ,B.)€ D(^). Let S" be the set of symbols obtained from the table of V". Then there exists an injection map A from S" into S» such that f{3{%))= f* (%) for each f 6 S". Define f '» (f, t ) € / 5" 1 (f » (fi(f ) , t ) ) where (£t)€S"XT and {&{% ),t ) € D(f • ). Then M" = < S",T, f"> clearly has a partition pair decomposition (M-, t :M 2 t j arising from OV > 43 '> two partitions induced by 01, p under tf» . Further- more, y?' is a homomorphism from M" to M. Q. E. D. Therefore, if {#C,]3) is a pair of ^-covers with ADDP such that &L has SP, by replacing the *-cover OC by its induced 53 set system OV > there always exists a *-cover j$» such that 0L r > iS T give rise to a series decomposition and -0 T has no more coordinates than fp . However, the total number of con- necting lines of the new series decomposition obtained from OV , (/& f may be more than that of the original decomposition. We further note that not both 0£>^5 can be replaced by their induced set systems jO , 76 T respectively, since ^. T , ^ r may not have ADDP any more. Let M = . Let 6C,-0 be two '--covers with SP such that [4Z,j6) give rise to a GPD (M^lMgJ of M where GfMpMg) is a parallel realization of M. We shall show by an example that even when OC is already a set system, we still can not re- place ft by its induced set system jg f and correspondingly Ot by a new set system ft* such that the new resulting decomposition is still a parallel decomposition. Example 2.1 . Let M = where S = { 1, 2, . . . , 6}, T ={<*} and the transition function f is given as follows: f 1 2 3 4 — 5 6 <* 5 4 1 2 1 2 Let K= (A 1 ,A 2 ,A 3 ) where k ± ={4,5,6}, A 2 ={2,l}, k^ ={3,4}. Let ^6 = (B 1 ,B 2 ,B 3 ) where B 1 ={1,2,4}, B 2 ={6,2,4}, B^ ={ 1,3,5} Let E ic = {a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 }, E^ ={b 1 ,b 2 ,b 3 ] denote OC,fi respectively. Let y> be a mapping from E^x E^ onto S as follows.. f b l b 2 b 3 a l 4 6 5 a 2 2 2 1 a 3 4 4 3 54 Consider the specific GPD (M-^M^ whose GPDT is such that G(M 1 ,M 2 ) = , where S - { 1,2,2', 3, 4,4', 4", 5,6} and F 1 2 2' 3 4 4' 4" 5 - 6 o4 5 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 Further, let d£= (ApAg,!,), where k ± = {4,5,6}, A 2 = {l,2,2»j, A 3 = {3,4 t ,4"}» Let jg = (B^B^Ij) where B^ ={ 2,4,4"}, B 2 = {6, 2»,4 ? }, B\ ="{l,3,5}« Then ^T,^6 are partitions with SP on S such that d£n. Then ^' = (A 1 ',A 2 «,A 3 » ) where A-^ = {5,6}, A,/ = {l,2»}, A 3 » = {3,4'}» Then 00, fg t are partitions on S* = { 1, 2*, 3,4*, 5, 6}. The transition func- tion F* is F» 1 2' 3 4 ? 5 6 ©< 5 4» 1 2» 1 2« and W is defined by y" b 2 b 3 a i* 6 5 V 2» 1 ... 4' 3 It can easily shown that f, , f, are two distinct b 2 b 3 non-compatible functions. Hence the resultant is not a paral- 55 lei decomposition of M any more. In [12], Hartmanis and Stearns have studied series and parallel decompositions of an automaton by considering just set systems. We shall make some comment on the suffi- ciency of using just set systems. By the question of suffi- ciency we shall mean: are there series or parallel decompo- sitions obtained by using ^-covers which are not obtainable from set systems? From our development, it seems to cast a strong doubt for the sufficiency. As illustrated before, a series decomposition using *-cover with SP can also be ob- tained by its induced set system with SP. However, by so doing, the total number of input configurations may be increased. Since the number of input configurations is of great importance in the general theory, we can not be satisfied with decompo- sitions using just set systems. Our Example 2.1 also demon- strates this point. Consider it as a series decomposition; by using the induced set system, the number of input configur- ations from IVL to M, is increased from 1 to 2. However, this example does not answer the question of sufficiency completely. The desired example would be one for which there exists a decomposition using ^-covers having the minimum number of input configurations among all possible decompositions using set systems. At the present time, such an example has not been found. The trouble is mainly that the number of decompositions using set systems is very large and one has to resort to an exhaustive search. We thus leave this as an open question. 56 Chapter IV MULTIPLE DECOMPOSITION In this chapter,, we extend our definition of pair decomposition to multiple decomposition,. We shall show that the results for pair decomposition can be equally extended to the case of multiple decomposition. We shall further show that any multiple decomposition can be obtained by successive pairwise decompositions. Thus any discussion of multiple decomposition actually can be made through the discussion of pair decomposition. Definition 1 . Let M = ^S,T,f > be a given deterministic, in- complete, finite automaton. Let {m. = < S. ,T. ,f .> |l-i-N } be a set of incomplete automata. Then [M, :M 2 :• . . :M«J, denoted by i^ l-i-N* is a 6 enera l ized N-tuple decomposition (GND) of M if and only if (i) There exists a function ^ defined on a subset N J Q lis. onto S such that for all i, 1-i-N, i=l \{J) = s r (ii) There exists a set of one to one functions {h ll^i^N) such that N (Vi)(l^i^N) fh. :T. — ►TxTTs.l. Jfi J 3 = 1 (iii) (¥i)(l«i*N) D(f i )={(s i ,t i )|h i (t i ) It, Sp • ° • , s. _-. , s. ^^t • • • j s fjJ 3[(/ ? (s 1 ,...,s N ),t)6 D(f)j} 57 (iv) (V(s 1 ,...,s N )€ > i)(Vt€T) [(^s lf ...,s N ),t)€D(f)] => r N (¥i)(l^i^N)[[TTf i (s i ,h i - 1 (t,s 1 ,..., Si _ 1 , a i+1 , • • • , s N ) )J € (Y"\f {?( s r ..., s N ,t ) )]] (v) Suppose (s 1 ,...,s N )€y and )^(s 1 , . . . , s«)=f (s, t ) for some s€ S, t€ T. Then [3(s 1 f ,«««»s N l )€ f (s)J [(s 1 ,...,s N ) N = ( "[J f i ( a ± « , h." 1 ( t, S;L » , . . . , s i _ ] _» , s i+1 » , . . . , s N » ) ) )J Definition 2 . Let GND tuple (GNDT) of an automaton M = be an (N+l) tuple (S-,, Sp* • • «,S«,^> where each S. is a set of N symbols, and (^ is a mapping from Ji £ I S. onto S such that i i=1 i (¥i) O^i) = S ± ]. The following results are similar to those in Chap- ter I. Since the proofs of these results are completely analogous to the corresponding ones in Chapter I, we shall omit them. Theorem 1 . Let hi[ ± = (s.,T ±f f ± ) | 1-i-NJ- be a set of incom- plete automata.. If [M^ t^j^w is a GND of M, there exists a GNDT of M. Given a GNDT of M, there exists a non-empty collection of GNDs of M whose asso- ciated GNDT is the given (S-. , . . . , S«, jP^ . Theorem 2 . For each GNDT of M = , and each ordering of the states in each S^ = ( a^, . ..,ay ]$ ) k there exists a set of ^-covers { 0L^» • • >,0C^\ of S. Let A i denote the i th coordinate of the *-covers # k » For each fixed k« for each i. .g J-^J. CCH/H J. f 58 A^{s€S|(3(a n 1 ,...,aj-* ,...,aj ))W(sJ ,...,s* , . . . , s^ )-a)f. 1 ^ 1 1 x k-l X N x l 1 k X N ' Definition 3 ° Let |^ i |l-i-N} be a set of *-covers of S. For each i, let fc. = (A, , ...,A. ). Then J^Jl^i^N} i i -J ip *• i i is said to be MD if and only if for each i, for each j entry, A.. ={s 1 ,...,s, \ of 0C ., there exists a set of k. ^.disoinct (N-l)-tuples such that (i) For each k, l^k. ., let the k th (N-l) -tuple be (A l,j(i,k)'*""' A (i-l),j(i-l,k)' A (i+l),j((i+l),k)'"-' A N °(N kP where for each q g 1-q-N, q/i> we have i-j(q,k)-p q . (ii) a.€ A„ o,- , » for each q and each k. Definition 4 * Let {^J 1-i-N ) be a set of MD "--covers of S such that (Vs) (Vi, j)(m^ (s)=m^(s) = m(s)J. For each r i i i J s € S, m(s)>l, {^• i |l-i-N| is said to have the first-s- deleted distributive property if and only ± r there exists a set \k, . ,...,A M . \, where for each i, l-j.-p. and A. . is the j" coordinate of ul. y such that 1 > J A i (i) s e A. . for each i. 1,J i (ii1 (^.((l.^)^)' — ' ^.((H.^J.b)) 1 is -gain MD. Definition 5 . Let j^Jl-i-N} be a set of MD ^-covers of S such that (Vs) (Vi, j) f m (s) = m ^(s) = m(s)]. For each i *j s, m(s)>k, {^Jl^N} is said to have the k th -s-deleted distributive property if and only if there exists 'A, . , ...,A.. . ) such that Recall definition 2.4 of Chapter I for notation. 59 (i ) s€ A. . for each i. (ii) C«l,((l.j 1 ) f8 )"— ^((H.j^.a) 5 hasthe (k " 1)th " s-deleted distributive property. Definition 6 . Let {^ i l 1-i-NJ be a set of MD *~covers of S such that (¥s)(¥i)[m^ (s) = m(s)]. Then {^.|l^N| is said i to have the deleted distributive property (DDP) if for each s, m(s)>l, (^\|l^N} has the (m( s)-l) th -s-deleted dis- tributive property. Definition 7 * Let {fc ± \ 1-i-N} be a set of MD ^-covers of S. Then f^J 1-i-NJ- is said to have the added deleted dis- tributive property (ADDP) if and only if (i) There exists a set S* of symbols, (ii) There exists a set -[d^ 1 1 1-i-N } of ^-covers of S». (iii) There exists a mapping p from S f onto S such that for each i, 1 - i - N, 6L. is induced by ^£.' under p. With all these definitions, we can show, by induction, N that there exists a mapping

are of the type (E , ...,E , p> where E^. denotes the *-cover fc ± of S and { fo ± \ l*i*N} has the ADDP. 60 With an argument similar to that in Section 1 of Chapter II, we shall simply study GND [M.) nz-^ N of an automaton M = , where in its GNDT (Sp . . . , S^, f> , f is an iso- N morphism from J £ T s . onto S, and (?i) (^ (J )=S. ). For such i=l x x x a GND CM.] -, *. .*« of M, it naturally induces a set of N equiva- lence relations \9. J 1-i-NJ" on S as follows: For each i, 1-i-N, define 0. . on S such that (Vs 1 ,s 2 €S)((s 1 O ii s 2 )^=^('^ i ()o- 1 (s 1 )) = ^l(f 1 (s 2 )))) N It can be easily shown that ' « 9. . = 0. i«l X1 Definition & » Let (9. . | 1-i-Nf be a collection of equivalence N relations on S such that A 9. . = 0. For each i, each j, j/i, i=l X1 define a symmetric, reflexive relation 9. . on S as follows: For each s-,, Sp€ S, s-,9. .s 2 if and only if (Vo(eT) (Vs^ ) (Vs 2 M((s 1 '9 ii s 1 ) (s 2 '9 iiS2 ) (?k) (l*k*I) ( k A) (s 1 , 9 kk s 2 ») =» [f(s 1 »,^)O jj f(s 2 ',^)j). Theorem 4 * Let /m. - < S. ,T.,f.) | i=l, 2, . . . ,n} be a set of in- complete automata. Let CMj t^^m be a GND of M ■ such N that in the GNDT, V> is a one to one mapping from ic TT S. * i=l 1 We recall and generalize that given a GND CM.) i«4«v of M = , we have an automaton M 1 ■ (s»,T,f f ) such that (1) M» realizes M, and (2) Cm.) 1-4 *- is a GND of M' , (3) the 9 N i -l i « homomorphism from Jl c TT S. onto S f is an isomorphism, (4) i = l x the properties of [mJ t*j*w as GND of M are completely repre- sented by that of [Mj J**** as GND of M» . 61 onto S and for each i, l^i^N, "fr ± { J ) = S ± . Then CM.],^.^ gives rise to a set of relations { 9 . . (l-i-NJ on S such that (i) For each i, 9- i is an equivalence relation on S N and A 9.. = 0. i=l X1 (ii) (¥j)(vi) Ce i;j 2 9.J N dii) (?,) [ r\ Q s f-i( Q )]. i = l Proof . We need only show (ii) and (iii). Part (ii) can be easily shown. To prove (iii), let s-,,s 2 € S such that N N s 1 [/09 i .] s 2 . Then (Vs 1 » ) (Vs 2 » )■ [C s i' < .0 9 ii } s l^ N N , Cs 2 »(n e ii )s 2 )fs 1 ' ( ^ Q ±± )s 2^ z= ^ [f(s 1 t ,^)e jj f(s 2 s^)JJ. N N Yet Ho.. =0. Therefore, if sjH^Js, then s-, Cf _1 (9 . . )] s~. Q. EoD. Theorem 5 * Let M = . Let {9..} l^i,i^K be a set of relations on S such that (i) For each i, 9. . is an equivalence relation on S. N (ii) r\Q = o. i=l i:L (iii) (Vj)(Vi)(9 ±j 2 Q ±± ] N (iv) (¥j) (Ho S f" 1 (9 ,)J. i = 1 -"-J JJ 1*1 Then there exists a set of incomplete automata (M i = (S^T^f^l i=l, 2, . . . , N J such that 62 (i) C M ± ] !^i^ N is a GND of M (ii) In the GNDT < S^, . . . , S^, f>, f is one to one from N ' J Q TTs. onto S. i=l x (iii) [Mjj ^ ± ^ gives rise to the set {q ± . |l-i, j-N}. Proof . The proof is very similar to that of Theorem 1.2 of Chapter II. Q. E. D. To show that any multiple decomposition can be obtained by successive pairwise decompositions, we consider the following approach to the formulation of GND of an automaton. Let M = (S,T s f^. Let S-p...,S M be given sets such that there N exists a function from Ji Q TT S . onto S such that for each i> ^:(>J ) = So. We may consider the transition function f N N as a mapping from T xTTs. into TlS., where f is a single i=l 1 i=l 1 N valued function on D(f) =J Q T x"|TS., and f maps to otherwise. Let { i-, , . . . , i, j £ { 1, 2, . . . ,N/. Define i-,i 9 ...i, = foP such that P. , is the projection N 1 k k 1 k ma p from Ts. on TT S . . Clearly, we may consider f. i-l j=l J Ik N k as being defined on T x TT S. to TTs. such that J-k+1 X j j=l x j Jip . . . , 1., . . . , i„ J = {l,2,...,Nj. Let M. be the automaton N with the set S. of states, T X TT s . of inputs and f . the 63 transition function. Then f = (f,, ...,f ). Thus, (M-,:...:M ) is a GND of M and G(Mp . ..,M N ) is the automaton with the set N IIS, of states, set T of inputs and f the transition function. i=l 1 In general^ if (i-,, . . . ,i,} 9 {l,...,N}, then G(M. ,...,M. ) is k X l x k -rr N the automaton with the set Ms. of states, T * TT S, of in- J-l X j h=l h h^{i 1 , ...,i k } puts and f . . as the transition function. Since cartesian 1 l , ° ,1 k products are associative, we have G(M-,,...,M, T ) = G(G(M. ,...,M. ),M. ,...,M. ) where { ip . . . , i^, j^, . . . , J N _ k } = { 1, • • • , N }. Hence any multiple decomposition can be obtained from successive pairwise decom- position. This result enables us to obtain results for N-tuple decomposition by successive use of the results for pair decom- position. 64 SUMMARY This work is aimed at developing a theory of de- composition for deterministic, incomplete, finite automata allowing interconnections between component automata. In general, a decomposition for an automaton, even for a com- plete automaton, gives rise to a set of incomplete automata. Thus, in order to arrive at a theory allowing further decom- positions, it is necessary to deal with incomplete automata instead of just complete automata. Let j& be a measure function for the complexity of an automaton such that if M f , M are two automata and M f realizes M, then £>{W) ^ ^(M). Let B be a given bound for the complexity of each component automaton of a decomposition of M = . Then the final object of this work is to ob- tain an algorithm which generates all decompositions GND (M 1 :...:M N ) of M such that (i) (?i)(l*i*H) [ ^(1^) = B] N N is a minimum. (ii) H H (iog o n(0. S\ i=l .1=1 2 ^ We first refer to page 60 for the definition of ©ji> l-i,j-N. We remark that if one is interested, one may add an input term. In such a case, we may define two inputs t-j_>t 2 CT as equivalent in an automaton M. as follows: (t 1 W i t 2 )^=i> [(Vse S)ff (s,t i )0 ii f (s,t 2 )J] . Then clearly ti ± is a reflexive and symmetric relation on T. To find n(60) is again a covering problem. If it is needed, one may add the term 65 We first considered decomposing a given automaton M = into a pair of automata [Chapters I, II, III]. We then extended our theory to the multiple case and showed that any multiple decomposition can be obtained from succes- sive pairwise decompositions [Chapter IV ]. Therefore, in or- der to obtain an algorithm to find the desired GNDs, we need only study the properties of pair decomposition* In Chapter I, we introduced the definitions of GPD of M and GPDT of M. We showed that any GPDT of M is of the type where E^, E^ are index sets of the ^-covers Ot,-fc of S respectively and [dC 9 fe) has ADDP. We studied the properties of GPD of M in Chapter II. We showed that in discussing the properties of a pair decomposition, it suffices to assume that all ^-covers are of the partition type. We deduced that to find the number of input configurations (thus the number of connecting lines) is a covering problem. We then introduced the definition of a congruence relation of degree k on the automaton M. We showed that each congruence relation of degree k on M induces a set of pair decompositions [M-, :M.-, ? ] such that M-, has as its states the equivalence classes under 9. Furthermore, we proved that k is the lower bound on the number of input configurations from M-, ? to M-, in any in- duced decomposition [M -M^] of M under 9. For any GPD [M-^M^ of M, it is considerably more involved for solving the covering problem to get the exact number of input configurations than N 2_ (log 9 n(tO„)| to formula (ii), and require their sum to be i=l * x a minimum. 66 determining the degree k of 9 which induces [iI-jiI-'O. Thus in the desired algorithm we may first use the lower bound to check whether the complexity for a component automaton already exceeds the bound. Hence it eliminates much unnecessary search- inging for the desired GNDs. Suppose there exists a non-trivial congurence relation 9, , of degree k-, on M. Then we showed that there exists a non-trivial equivalence relation 9 22 on S such that if £m, :M 2 ) is the GPD induced by 9-,-,, 9 22 , then the number of input configurations from ML to M, is exactly k-,. In Chapter III, we showed that our results include the known results for series and parallel decompositions of an automaton as special cases. We then raised the question of the sufficiency of set systems for considering decomposi- tions for automata. We conclude by listing two interesting yet open questions. (1) At present, we can only give an exhaustive algorithm for finding all the desired decompositions. Yet any ex- haustive search procedure will not be satisfactory, since it is too slow. Thus, we have the following question. Given an automaton M, does there exist a finite subcollection F(M) of the collection E(M) of all GPDs of M satisfying the following condition: For any CM 1 :M 2 ]6 E(M), there exists [M,» iM,*) € F(M) such that M^ realizes M 1 t and M 2 realizes M»? This result will give a bound on the number of de- compositions that an algorithm has to go through. Partly to answer this question, the author has ob- n algorithm for generating all decompositions 67 without duplication C 193 for those GPDs (M-, :M ? J of M, where V> is an isomorphism in its GPDT (S-,,S 2 ,f). (2) Find an example of an automaton M for which there exists a GND Cm.] -i^^m obtained by using ^-covers such that (i) (¥i)(tf(M i ) and Miller, R.E. "Some theorems for incompletely specified sequential machines with applications to state minimization." AIEE Proceedings of the Third Annual Sympo - sium on Switching Circuit Theory and Logical Design, pp. 123- 136, September 1962. 3. Birkhoff, G. Lattice Theory . AMS Colloquium Publication, 23, 1943. 4. Gill, A. "Cascade finite-state machines." Trans. IRE , EC- 10, pp. 366-370 (1961). 5. Ginsburg, S. "Synthesis of minimal state machine." Trans . IRE , pp. 441-449, Dec. 1959. 6. Ginsburg, S. An Introduction to Mathematical Machine Theory . Addison-Wesley, 1962. 7. Hartmanis, J. "Symbolic analyses of a decomposition of information processing machines." Information and Control , 3, pp. 154-173, June I960. 3. Hartmanis, J. "On the state assignment problem for sequen- tial machine I." Trans. IRE , EC-10, pp. 157-165, June 1961. 9. Hartmanis, J. "Loop-free structure of sequential machine." Information and Control, 5, PP- 25-43, March 1962. 10. Hartmanis, J. and Stearns, R. E. "On the state assignment problem of sequential machine II." Trans. IRE , EC-10, pp. 593-603, Dec. 1961. 11. Hartmanis, J. and Stearns, R. E. "Some danger in state reduction of sequential machine." Information and Control , 5, pp. 252-260, Sept. 1962. 12. Hartmanis, J. and Stearns, R. E. "Pair algebra and its application to automata theory." Information and Control , 7, pp. 435-507, Dec. 1964o L3« Karp, R. "Some techniques of state assignment for synchronous sequential machines." IBM Report RC-933, May 1963. 14. Kohavi, Z. Secondary state assignment for sequential machine." Trans. IRE, EC-13, June 1964. 69 15. Krohn, K. and Rhodes, J. L. "Algebraic theory of machines I, Prime decomposition theorems for finite semigroups and machines." Seminar notes, University of California, Berkeley, 1963. 16. Miller, R. E. "State reduction for sequential machines." IBM Research Report RC-121, June 1959. 17. Muller, D. E. "A treatment of sequential machines." De- partment of Computer Science, File No. 567, University of Illinois, June 1963. Id. Paull, M. C. and Unger, S. H. "Minimizing the number of states in incompletely specified sequential switching functions." Trans. IRE , EC-10, pp. 356-367, Sept. 1959. 19. Pu, A. "Some theorems and algorithms on a new form of decomposition for automata." Department of Computer Science Report No. 174* University of Illinois, April 1965* 20. Rabin, M. 0. and Scott, D. "Finite automata and their decision problems." IBM Journal of Research and Develop - ment , 3, pp. 114-125, 1959. 21. Shanon, C. E. and McCarthy, J., editors. Automata studies . Princeton University Press, 1956. 22. Yoeli, M. "The cascade decomposition of sequential machines." Trans. IRE , Ec-10 pp. 537-592, Dec. 1961. 23. Yoeli, M. "Cascade-parallel decomposition of sequential machines." Trans. IRE , EC-12, pp. 322-323, June 1963. 24. Zeiger, H. P. "Cascade synthesis of finite state machines." 1965 IEEE Conference Record on Switching Theory and Logical De"sign 9 p. 45-51* Oct. 1965» 70 VITA The author was born in Peiping, China on June 27, 1937. In September, 1956, he entered the Hamline University at St. Paul, Minnesota, where he was a awarded a full scholar- ship. In September, 1957* he transferred to the University of Illinois and received the B. S. degree in Electrical Engineering in June, I960. He then entered the Graduate School of the Michigan State University majoring in Mathematics. He received the M. S. degree in Mathematics in February, 1962. Beginning June, 1962, he attended the Graduate College of the University of Illinois. He was a graduate assistant in the Department of Mathematics during the time he was at M. S. U. From 1962 to 1963, he was a research assistant in the Biological Computed Group of the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory of the Univer- sity of Illinois. Since September, 1963, he has been a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science. Ml