MICHIGAN LIBRARY Of THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. STATE LIBRARY LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE DEPARTMENT BULLETIN NO. 4 FEB. 1911 LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIST. EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY AND WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1911 ‘oW.W 3'2>\.&Z, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/legislativereferOOmich All material to which reference is made in this list is in the State Library. New material is being^ constantly received and a revised list will be kept on file in the Department. Through a system of exchange the bills intro- duced in the various legislatures are received and may be found in the Department. The letters below the call numbers indicate the location of the material; i. e. “S. L meaning the State Library, “L. L.” the Law Library and “L. R. D.” the Legislative Reference Department. All magazines, unless otherwise indicated, are in the State Library. The re- cords and briefs of all Michigan cases heard in the Supreme Court; also those in the United States Supreme Court from 1869 to date are in the Law Library. 2 EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY AND WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION. 331.7 At6 L. R. D. L. L. 331.7 B7 L. R. D. 4th fl. S. L. L. L. 4th fl. S. L. 4th fl. S. L. 331.7 C76 L. R. D. M815 M6 S. L. 4th fl. S. L. Atlantic city conference on workmen’s compensation acts. Reports. . . .1909. Conference called on initiative of the Minn. Employees’ com- pensation commission. Beven, T. Law of employers’ liability and workmen’s compensation. London. 1910. 953p. Boyd, J. H. Workmen’s compensation; or Insurance against loss of wages arising out of industrial accidents. 1910 (Ohio State library. Leg. ref. dept.) Clark, L. D. Legal liability of employers for injuries to their employees in the U. S. (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 16:1-120.) Clay, W. G. Abstract of the law of employers’ liability and insurance against accidents in United States and foreign countries, (in Jour, of the soc. of comparative legislation, 1897, v. 2, p. 1-111). Bibliography: p. 110-11. British colonies. United States, Germany, Austria, Norway, Switzerland, Finland, Russia, Hungary, France, Belgium, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. Compensation for accidents — employers’ liability, (in U. S. Industrial com. Report, v. 19:932-9.) Compensation for injuries to employees — accidents — construc- tion of statute, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 20:295-300.) Conn. Legislature. Report of the committee appointed to investigate and re- port regarding legislation to regulate the liability of employers. 1909. Cooley, T. M. Cases in which master is liable to servants in his employ. Bound in pamphlet volume: Speeches by Michigan men. Court decisions of employers’ liability in railroad cases, 1895- 1900. (in U. S. Industrial com. Report, v. 17:976-1135.) 6 L. L. Dawbarn, C. Y. C. Employer’s liability to their servants at common law and under the [English] employer’s liability act, 1880, and under the workmen’s compensation act, 1906; with notes on the Canadian law by A. C. F. Boulton. 1907. 4th fl. S. L. Decisions of courts affecting labor. (U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 20:640-50.) 4th fl. S. L. Decisions under statute law. (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 20:340 -34.) L. L. Digby, K. E. Recent European legislation with regard to compensation for industrial accidents. (in Yale law journal; v. 17, no. 7:485-98.) L. L. Dresser, F. F. Employers’ liability acts and the assumption of risks in N. Y., Mass., Ind., Ala., Colo., and England. 1902. L. L. v. 2. Supplement. 1908. 331.7 Ea7a L. R. D. Eastman, C. Employers’ liability; a criticism based on facts. 1909. (American association of labor legislation. N. Y. branch. Pubns., no. 1.) 331.7 Ea7 L. R. D. Employers’ liability in Pa. (in Charities and commons, v. 19, no. 23, Mar., ’08.) 331.82 E13 S. L. Work accidents and the law. 1910. Based upon the study of a year’s industrial fatalities, and of three months industrial injuries in Alleghaney county, Pa. 331.7 Em7 L. R. D. Employers’ liability; state decisions upholding or declaring unconstitutional the various acts. 1909. 331 N53 S. L. Employers’ liability, (in N. Y. Lab. bul. 11:18-25.) 331 N53 S. L. Employers’ liability; or Workmen’s compensation, (in N. Y. Lab. bul. 10:442-56.) 335 Fll S. L. Fabian society, Lond. Workmen’s compensation act, what it means and how to make use of it. 1900 (its Tracts, no. 82.) 7 L. L. 4th fl S. L. 374.3 C76 S. L. 4th fl. S. L. 331.7 G41 L. R. D. 331.824 H25 L. R. D. 331.21 H49 S. L. 4th fl. S. L. 331.7 1129 L. R. D. 305 J65 S. L. L. L. 4th fl. 4th fl. S. L. Federal employers’ liability act. (in Yale law journal, v. 20 : 120 .) Fessenden, S. D. Present status of employers’ liability in the U. S. (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 5:1157-1210.) Fiske, C. A. Compulsory state workingmen’s insurance, (in Contemp- orary club, Davenport, la. Contemporary club papers, 1898-99. p. 27-36.) Foreign labor laws, duties and liability of the employer to the employee, (in U. S. Industrial com. Report, v. 16:67-75.) Gillette, G. M. Employers’ liability and workmen’s compensation acts. (Minn. acad. of social sciences. 4th annual meeting. 1910). Hard, W. and others. Injured in the course of duty; being an exposition and some conclusions on the subject of industrial accidents, how they happen, how they are paid for and how they ought to be paid for. 1910. Henderson, C. R. Industrial insurance in the U. S. 1910. A summary of the European laws on workingmen’s insurance against accident, etc. The text describes the various forms of social insurance known in the U. S. and Canada. Hoffman, F. L. Industrial Accidents, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 17:417-65.) i ILL. Employers’ liability commission. Report. 1910. Kennedy, J. B. Beneficiary features of American trade unions, 1908. (Johns Hopkins univ. studies in historical and political science. Ser. xxvi, nos. 11-12.) Labatt, C. B. Commentaries on the law of master and servant. 1904. v. 1. employers’ liability. Liability of corporations for injuries to their employees, (in U. S. Industrial com. Report, v. 17:894-902.) Low, A. M. British workmen’s compensation act and its operation, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 6:103-32.) 8 4th fl, S. L. 331.7 M15 L. R. D. 331.18 M15 L. R. D. L. L. 340.5 W8 S. L. L. R. D. M38 . 9h L. R. D. 331 M413 S. L. 331.7 M58 L. R. D. L. L. 331.7 M66 L. R. D. Short history of labor legislation in Great Britain, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 14:574-8-.) McEwen, W. E. Evils of the present system of employers' liability. (Minn, acad. of social sciences. 4th annual meeting. 1910.) McEwen, W. E. & others. Trend of labor legislation in Europe and America. (Chicago city club. Bulletin, v. 2. no. 31. 1909.) Describes disputes during past two years in Minn., between employers and employees and their present agreeable arbitration. McKinney, W. M. Treatise on the law of fellow-servants with an appendix relating to employers' insurance societies. 1890. Superior servant limitations arranged by states, p. 111-60. Statutes, p. 215-58. McKitrick, R. Accident insurance for workingmen. ... 1909. (Wisconsin. Free lib. com. Legis. ref. dept. Compar. legis. bulletin 20.) Mass. Bur. of statistics of labor. Workmen's compensation acts, (in its Bulletin, no. 53. Oct. 1907. p. 153-156.) Mass. Committee on relations between employer and employee. Report .... submitted in accordance with resolve approved Je. 5, 1903. Jan. 1904. Michigan manufacturers’ association. Announcement of conferences on employers' liability and workmen's compensation. 1910. Contents — Outline for discussion. — N. Y. Act to amend the labor law in relation to workmen's compensation in certain dangerous employments. — N. Y. Act to amend law in relation to employers' liability. — Wisconsin. Bill relating to the liabil- ity of employers for injuries or death sustained by their em- ployees and the establishment of an industrial accident board and making an appropriation therefor. 1910. — Minn. Acts re- garding employers' liability and workmen's compensation. 1910. Mignault, P. B. Modern conception of civil responsibility, (in American law review, v. 44:719.) Minn. Bur. of labor, industries and commerce. Bulletin on industrial accidents and workingmen's compen- sation. 1909. Bibliography of industrial accidents, employers' liability, workmen's compensation and accident insurance: p. 57-8. 9 L. L. 331.7 N21p L. R. D. 331.7 N46 L. R. D. 331.7 N48 L. R. D. 331.7 N48w L. R. D. 321.4 Or 31 L. R. D. 331.18 Os3 L. R. D. 4th fl. S. L. L. L. L. L. L. L. Moll, T. J. Treatise on the law of independent contractors and em- ployers’ liability including formation of the relation employers’ general and exceptional liability, inter-liability of employers and contractors and their subordinates. 1910. National conference on industrial accidents and workmen’s compensation. Proceedings. . . .June, 1910. Includes also a brief report of 2d national conference, Wash. Jan. 20, 1910. N. J. — Legislature. Digest of decisions relating to employers’ liability, (in Re- port of special committee. 1907.) N. Y. — Legislature. Bill to establish the liability of employers for disease con- tracted through violation of the factory law of the state of N. Y. 1908 Workmen’s compensation. (N. Y. Legislature. 133d sess., 1910.) Oregon — Legislature. Act creating board of commissioners to investigate subject of indemnity to employees for injuries sustained in cause of their employment. Submitted by initiative petition, Nov. 1910. (in Pamphlet containing all measures to be submitted at Nov. election. Ore. Sec. o sftate, p. 133.) Osgood, I. Employers’ liability acts of 1909, (in her Review of legis- lation of 1909, p. 10-16.) * 1910. Packer, L. British workmen’s compensation acts, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 14:579-638.) Reciprocal duties of master and servant, Lawyers’ reports annotated 1899. v. 43, p. 305-75. Found in footnotes. Cites cases in various states. Reno, C. American and English Employers’ liability acts, (in Em- ployers’ liability acts, 1903. p. 553-76.) Includes N. Y., Mass., Ala., Ind., Colo, and England. Rice, G. Proposed changes in the fellow servant law. (in Ohio law bulletin, v. 52:298.) 10 4th fl. S. L. Rubinow, I. M. New Russian workingmen’s compensation act. (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 10:955-9.) 340.5 W8 S. L. Schaffner, M. A. Railway coemployment. Mad. 1905. (Wis. Free library commission, Leg. Ref. Dept. Comparative legislation bul- letin no. 1.) j 331.72 Schl2 L. R. D. copy 2. 331 N53 S. L. Sherman, P. T. Constitutionality of workmen’s compensation for accidents law. (in N. Y. Lab. bul. 11:47-57.) L. L. Smith, C. M. Treatise on the law of master and servant, including therein masters and workmen in every description of trade and occu- pation; with an appendix of statutes. 1902. 4th fl. S. L. State cooperative accident insurance fund of Maryland, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bul. 10:645-48.) 4th fl. S. L. State rules respecting liability of the employers for injuries and assumption of risk of employees and doctrine of fellow servant, (in U. S. Industrial commission. Report, 1901.) L. L. Statutory liability of employers for defects in the condition of their plant. Lawyers’ reports annotated, 1902. v. 57, p. 817-44. Found in footnotes. Cites cases in various states and in Canada. 4th fl. S. L. Summary of foreign workmen’s compensation acts, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bul. 16:121-43.) L. L. Thornton, W. W. Treatise on the federal employers’ liability and safety ap- pliance acts. 1909. L. L. Tiffany, F. B. Death by wrongful act; a treatise on the law peculiar to ac- tions for injuries resulting in death, including the text of the statutes and an analytical table of their provisions. 1893. L. L. Uniform act for workmen’s compensation in Illinois, (in Illinois law review, v. 5:306.) j 4th fl. S. L. U. S. Bur. of labor. Workmen’s insurance and compensation systems in Europe. (its Annual report. 1909. v. 1. 1911.) 11 331.18 Un5a L. R. D. 331.7 Un5 L. R. D. 4th fl. S. L. 331.7 Un3c L. R. D. 331.7 Un3 L. R. D. 331.7 Un31 L. R. D. 331.7 Un5a L. R. D. 331.7 Un5c L. R. D. Sr. 4928 S. L. Gall, of L. L. U. S. Commissioner of labor. Digest of laws of the various states concerning right of action for injuries causing death, (in his 22d Annual report. 1908. p. 85-87.) Gives references to laws in force to end of 1907. U. S. Congress. Act relating to the liability of common carriers by railroad to their employees in certain cases. Approved Apr. 22, 1908. U. S. Cong. House. Employers’ liability bill. 1908. Final debate with majority and minority report. (in Con- gressional record, v. 42, no. 88. 1908.) Senate, (in Congressional record, v. 42, no. 91. 1908.) At close of debate, the bill was passed. Liability of common carriers to their employees in certain cases. (61st cong., 2d sess. Report no. 513.) Report of the House committee on the judiciary containing judicial decisions relative to the supersession of state laws, by those of the U. S. concerning employees engaged in interstate commerce. Liability of employers, 1908. (60th cong., 1st sess. House report no. 1386.) U. S. Cong. Senate. Laws of the states, territories and United States regulating the liability of employers for injuries to employees. (60th cong., 1st sess. Doc. no. 207.) U. S. Dept, of commerce and labor. Employers’ liability in the IJ. S. (in Bulletin of Bur. of labor, no. 74, Jan. ’08.) Laws of all states together with British workmen’s compen- sation act of 1906, the Canadian industrial disputes act of 1907 and summary of foreign workmen’s compensation acts. Laws regulating liability of employers for injuries to em- ployees. Laws of the various states arranged alphabetically; also notes on comparative negligence and safety appliances on railroads. U. S. Interstate commerce, Committee on (Senate) Employers’ liability laws of states and territories, (in its Regulations of railway rates. 1905. Vs 5. Apx. j, p. 1047-1155.) 12 016.3311 U5e S. L. 331.812 Un3 L. R. D. 331.7 Un5b L. R. D. L. L. 331.7 W27 L. R. D. 331.88 C73 S. L. 4th fl. S. L. L. L. 331.21 W73 S. L. 4th fl. S. L. 4th fl. S. L. U. S. Lib. of cong. Div. of bibl. Select list of works relating to employers’ liability. 1906. U. S. Supreme court. Decisions declaring unconstitutional Federal employers’ liability act of 1906. Howard vs. 111. Central Railway co. Decision rendered Jan. 6, 1908. Opinion and dissenting opinions on constitutionality of Nat- ional employers’ liability law. Rendered Jan. 6 ; 1908. Vice principal rule of various states. Lawyers’ reports an- notated, 1901. v. 51, p. 513-622; 1902. v. 54, p. 33-178; and 1903. v. 58, p. 33-50. Found in footnotes. v. 51, p. 513-622 refers to the superior rank of a negligent servant. v. 54, p. 33-178 refers to character of act which caused the injury. v. 58, p. 33-50 statutory liability of superintendence. Wash, (state) Report of commission appointed by Gov. M. E. Hay to in- vestigate the problems of industrial accidents and to draft a bill on the subject of employees’ compensation. 1910. Includes draft of the proposed bill. Weber, A. F. Employers’ liability and accident insurance, (in Commons, J. R., ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. [1905] p. 546-573.) Workmen’s compensation acts of foreign countries, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 7:549-51.) What servants are deemed to be in the same common em- ployment, apart from statutes, where no question as to vice principalship arises. Lawyers’ reports annotated, v. 150, p. 417-68. Cites court decisions of various sates. Willoughby, W. F. Workingman’s insurance, (c, 1898.) Bibliographical note:— p. 379-386. Accidents to labor as regulated by law in the U. S. (in U. S. Bur. Lab. Bui. 6:1-28.) Workmen’s compensation act of Holland, (in U. S. Bur. lab. Bui. 6:490-3.) X 13 MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Accident relief for steel workers. R. of R’s 41 :533-4. of the U. S. steel corporation. Survey 24:136-9. Accidents in power house operations. Cassier 30:387-8. to working children. Ann. Am. acad. 33 Sup. 131-43. Act in New Zealand. Ind. 52:1716-9. Burden of industrial accidents. Outlook 94:512-3. Buying a man’s arm. Am. M. 68:260-2. Capital and labor agree on workmen’s compensation. Survey: 336-40. Carelessness of workmen. Eng. M. 34:1050-2. Casualty list of American industries. Sci. Am. 96:126. Compensation for accidental injuries to working men. World To-day 11: 1107-8. alien families. Survey 24:646-7. industrial accidents. Survey 22:297-8. — industrial accidents; a step in advance; Survey 24: 69-70. workmen’s injuries. Ind. 68:774-5. Competition or co-operation in workmen’s compensation. Survey 22:820-1. Conservation of labor. Survey 24:1-2. Cruelties of our courts. McClure 35:151-68. Death claims. Indep. 61 :1561. rolls in industry. Indep. 58:851-2. of industry. Char. 17:791-807. Employers’ liability. Atlantic 103:57-65. — . Char. rev. v. 6 ; p 326-331. Nat. 82:440. abroad. Char. 16:446-7. — and accident insurance. Pol. sci. quart, v. 17:256-83. as an industrial problem. Green bag 18:185. (L. L.) — in France. Green bag 18:225. (L. L.) in insurance theory. J. pol. econ. 16:157-9. — — in Pennsylvania. Char. 19, 1671-82. in the U. S. Forum 33:46-52. law. Am. j. soc. 13:183-99. law in N. J. Survey 22:223. law: two recent decisions. Ind. 62:59-60. laws and their breakdown. Ann. Am. acad. 15:487-91. vs. workmen’s compensation. Survey 22:666-8. End of Maryland’s workmen’s compensation act. Q. j. econ. 19:320-2. England’s domestic upheaval. Harp. w. 51:1132. Equivocal rights of labor. Atlan. 93:364-8. Factory and common law in regard to accidents. Survey 24:733-4. Federal compensation to workmen. Outlook 89:4-5. employers’ liability act. Char. 19:1662-4. workmen’s compensation. Char. 20:244-5. Hazards of industry; should the workmen bear the whole burden? Out- look 92:319-24. History of the employers’ liability. Atlan. 103:57-65. Human side of the workshop. Char. 17:810-1. Industrial accidents. Char. 21 :459-60. 14 ; a problem of to-day. R. of R’s. 42:218-32. ; rights and welfare. Char. 16:447-8. — and dependency. Sci. Am. S. 65:106-7. and dependency in N. Y. State. Char. 19:1203-12. rights and welfare. Char. 16:447-8. Industrial compensation at Cheney silk mills. Survey 25:105-6. Institutional records and industrial causes of dependence. Survey 24:762-7. Insurance of labour in Germany. Eng. M. 33:625-8. in Italy. Eng. M. 33:105-8. Investigation of industrial accidents. Char. 19:1374-5. Is workmen’s compensation practicable? Outlook 85:508-11. Labor insurance in the U. S. Eng. M. 39:411-3. — - — legislation and industrial accidents. Char. 21:457-61. — in England; its cost and result. Moody 7:456-61. Law of the killed and wounded. Everybody’s 19:361-71. Liability for the unauthorized torts of agents. Mich, law rev., v. 4:198-24. (L. L.) insurance. Ann. Am. acad. 26:499-519. law void. Char. 19:1402-3. vs. compensation as applied to actual cases. Survey 24:277-8. Making steel and killing men. Everybody’s 17:579-91. Maryland’s workmen’s compensation act. Am. J. soc. 8:286-7. Mass, laws governing employers. Ann. Am. acad. 17 Sup. 28-31:89-143. Men on the docks. Outlook 86:142-4. Need for a U. S. law. Nation 82:440-1. New liability of employers. Liv. age 254:371-4. New York hearing on industrial accidents. Survey 23:271-3. Our industrial juggernaut. World’s work 11 :7257. No. Am. 183:1030-6. Everybody’s 16:146-57. Our murderous industrialism. World to-day 12:97-9. Penalty of progress. Ind. 64:1340-4. Pensioners of peace. Everybody’s 19:522-23. Present situation. Char. 17:826-8. President on employers’ liability. Sci. Am. 97 :454. Problem of industrial accidents. Outlook 94:824-6. self insurance against industrial accidents. Char. 19:1213-7. Progress toward industrial justice. Chaut. 59:4-7. Prosperity sharing. Cent. 77:795-7. Protection against agricultural accidents. Char. 20:587-8. Railway liability to employees. Outlook 88:104-5. Relation between accidents and dependence. Conf. char, and correc. 1903:340-51. Report of the N. Y. commission on industrial accidents. Survey 23:966-9. Reports on employers’ liability. Cur. lit. 28:66-7. Responsibility for the crib disaster. Char. 21:740-1. : of employers. Outlook 86:352-3. Roosevelt’s suggestions. Ind. 62:1477-8. Safety provisions in the U. S. steel corporation. Survey 24:205-36. Sci. Am. S. 70:168-70; 184-6; 204-6. Setting aside of the employers’ liability act. J. pol. sci. 16:109-10. Shifting the burden. No. Am. 185:651-60. ; nH ^ Slaughter of the innocents by commercialism’s juggernaut in Penn. Arena 30:424-6. 15 Social insurance. Char. 21 :1203. Am. law reg. 59:283. (L. L.) Some equivocal rights of labor. Atlan. 97 :364-68. Standards of compensation for sickness, accident and death. Survey 24: 795-80. State bar and employers’ liability. Survey 23 :604-5. Statistics. Sci. Am. S. 67:119. Story of the walkingboss: the crib disaster. Char. 21:999-1000. Temper of the workers under trial. Char. 21 :561-9. U. S. compensates its injured employees. World to-day 15:1181. Was it worth while? Outlook 83:902-4. Waste heap of industry. Overland n. s. 49:123-6. What a boy can risk. Survey 23:9-11. What if you kill a man. World’s work 21 :13602-4. Work accidents and employers’ liability. Survey 24:788-94. and the law. Yale R. 19:255-67. (L. L.) Survey 24:663-5. in Wis. Survey 24:84-6. Workmen’s accidents insurance and legislation in Minn. Char. 21 :1259-62. compensation. Amer. arch. 87:145. Am. j. soc. sci. 40:19. — act. Westm. 157:68-72. Cur. lit. 33:470-1. what it was to be and what it is. Fort. 74:67-73. Year’s accidents to workingmen in Pittsburgh. Nation 88:270-1. work accidents and their cost; a Pittsburgh survey study. Char. 2:1143-74. 4 2 16 RECENT LEGISLATION CONCERNING EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY AND WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION. Georgia. Defining railroad’s liability for injury or death of employee. ’09, p. 160. Idaho. Defining employers’ liability; death damages not to exceed $5,000; not subject to debts; notice of action. ’09, p. 34. Illinois . Act creating an employers’ liability commission and making an appro- priation therefor. TO, spec. sess. ch. 1. Indiana. Prescribing switch engine foot boards; headlights, grab-irons; penalty; employers’ liability. ’09, ch. 62. Iowa. Contributory negligence of railroad employee not to bar recovery but to diminish damages; neglect of statutes for safety of employees. Amds. C. suppl. ’07. ’09, ch. 124. Iowa. Employee not to be held to have assumed risks when employer has knowl- edge of defects; exceptions. Supersedes C. suppl. ’07. ’09, ch. 219. Maine. Employers’ liability: employer may not exempt himself or another by special contract with employees. ’09, ch. 33. Prescribing 3 classes of negligence for which employee may recover against employer and limit of damages for each; special railroad provisions; time limits for notices of actions; employee must give information of dan- ger; common law remedies. ’09, ch. 258. Massachusetts. Approval by State board of conciliation and arbitration of plans of com- pensation for injured employees; employees may submit plan. Adds ’08, ch. 489. ’09, ch. 211. Injured employee not to be held to have assumed risk, if persons respon- sible knew of defect in ways, works or machinery without remedying it within reasonable time. ’09, ch. 363. Resolve to provide for a commission to determine upon a plan of com- pensating employees for injuries received in the cause of their employment. TO, ch. 120. Michigan. Making railroad liable for injury or death of employee where employee’s negligence is less than employer’s or railroad has not observed safety laws; action within 2 years. ’09, no. 104. Minnesota. Creating Minnesota’s Employees’ compensation commission of 3 mem- 17 bers relating to injuries: report with bills to Legislative session of 1911. ’09, ch. 286. 75% of cars in railroad train to have power brakes operated by engineer; standard draw bars; no contributory negligence if act not complied with; * other penalities. Amds. ’07, ch. 202. ’09, ch. 488. Missouri. Actions for negligence of co-employee and certain other torts: statute of limitations inoperative while defendant is absent from state. Amds. R. S. ’99, sec. 2868. ’09:463. Mine employers’ liability act: right of action to survive to widow and minor children of employee; maximum recovery $10,000. ’09:463. New Jersey. Employers’ liability: if injury to employee was due to defect of plant or to negligence of overseers and fellow servants, employee to recover as if he had not been an employee; action within a year upon notice within 120 days; employee’s knowledge of unnecessary risk not to constitute coi- tributory negligence if employer also knew or should have known. ’09, ch. 83. New York. Commission of 14 appointed, 6 by Gov., 3 by President of Senate and 5 by Speaker of Assembly, to investigate employers’ liability and unemploy- ment in state; Commissioner of labor to co-operate; $10,000. ’09, ch. 518. Act to amend the railroad law in relation to liability for injuries to em- ployees. ’06, v. 2:1682-3. North Carolina. Corporation to have insurable interest in life of officer or agent. Amds. R. L. ’05, sec. 1128. ’09, ch. 507. Ohio. Act to provide for the appointment of a commission to incpiire into the question of employers’ liability and other matters. ’10:231. Pennsylvania. Regulating health and safety of anthracite mine employees; protec- tion and preservation of property. ’91 no. 177 declared unconstitutional so far as it makes owner liable for injuries to employees resulting from negligence of foreman required by act to be put in full control without in- terference by owner. Interferes- with right of property. Dempsey v. Buck Run coal co. 76. A. 745. (1910.) 4 South Dakota. Death of person by wrongful act; neglect or default of person or cor- poration; action for damages. ’09, ch. 301. Railroad employee not to be held to have assumed risk when his su- 1 perior knows of defects. ’09, ch. 117. Texas. Railroad to be liable in damages for injury or killing of employees; jury to allow for contributory negligence but violations of safety statutes a bar. ’09 (1st ex. sess.) ch. 10. > 4 k *