CHICAGO SOCIAL and CLUB REGISTER This copy is nnmlwr / 7 of a limited edition. Copyright by Crest Publishers, 1921 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER war' CREST PUBLISHERS CHICAGO The moving finger writes; and having writ. Moves on: nor all your piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a line, Nor all your tears wash out a word of it. OMAR KHAYYAM. FOREWORD BOVE the turmoil of the city there arises a blatant call. It is the bugle of unrest, the instrument of Democ- racy. This master influence has awakened humanity till now, at the dawn of the twentieth cen- tury, practically every daughter of Chicago has set her given standard of attainment and has striven earnestly toward her goal. Many have won their honors and borne them gracefully hence this scroll, that we may record, for the annals of time, Chicago's Prominent Women and their activities, lest we forget, in the glories of the future, the honors of the hour. HE "Chicago Social and Club Register" is the first book to be published, in recognition of Chicago Women and their achievements. It is of particular value as in many instances it will be the only printed record of the life work of many Women prominent in the Civic, Philanthropic, Professional, Commercial and Political circles of our city. A most sincere effort has been made to procure authentic data from all eligible for inclusion. However, in many instances names will be lack- ing which should have been included, but in practically all such cases the omission is not due to any lack of effort on the part of the compilers. The "Chicago Social and Club Register" may be used as a dependable reference book in as much as space for the sketches was not purchas- able and the edition is in no respect a commer- cial venture. Facts in nearly every instance have been personally procured and in the compilation of this edition we have made an earnest effort to give Chicago an authentic biographical refer- ence book of her Women and their attainments. THE EDITORS Chicago Social and Club Register A3AIR, Sadie (Bay). Born Hayes City, Kansas; Edu- cated Business College, Denver; John A. Creighton Med. School, Omaha, (M. D. Degree); Married Arthur B. Adair; Children Loren Wilmot; Clubs Woman's City Club, Woman's Press Assn., Brownleigh, Nu Sigma Phi, (Past Pres.) Medical Woman's Club; Activities Member Medical Staff Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Dir. Frances Juvenile Home, Med. Women's Navy Reserve, Med. Women's National Assn., Chicago Medical Society, Editor Medical Women's Club Bulletin. Resi- dence 3866 Lake Park Ave., Office Marshall Field Annex. ADAMS, Emma (Blair). Born Michigan City, Ind. ; Educated Home Schools; Married Cyrus Hall Adams, Sept. 26th, 1878; Children Cyrus H. Adams, Jr.; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonial Dames of Amer- ica ; Activities Church and Hospital. Residence 220 East Wal- ton PI. ADAMS, Emma (Saul). Born Canajorie, N. Y. ; Educated Home Schools; Married Charles True Adams (deceased) July 13th, 1869; Children Samuel, Julie Regula; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club (Charter Member), Woman's City Club, Member League of Women Voters; Activities Associate Principal, later Principal of Kirkland School, Chicago. At present associated with Miss Julie R. Adams in giving talks on Current Events. Resi- dence 1220 N. Dearborn St. ADAMS, Julie Regula (Miss). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Special work at University of Chicago ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Wednesday Club, Illinois League of Women Voters, Chicago Historical Society; Activities Formerly teacher of History at Kirkland School, later at Chicago Latin School. At present lecturer on current events to clubs and private classes in city and suburbs. Residence 1220 N. Dearborn St. 10 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER ADDAMS, Jane. Born Cedarville, 111.; Educated A. B. Rock- ford College, M. A. Yale University; Clubs Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon, Little Room, Fortnightly, Col- lege Club, Pres. Woman's International League; Activities Founder of Hull House, 1889, author of "Democracy and Social Ethics," "Twenty Years at Hull House," "The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets," "Newer Ideals of Peace." Residence 800 S. Halsted St. ABLER, Katherine (Keith). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated University of Chicago; Married David Adler, June 1st, 1916; Clubs Casino, Arts, Woman's City Club, Scribblers, Beta Chap- ter Phi Beta Kappa; Activities Author, general philanthropic interests. Residence 11 E. Elm St. AFFLECK, Rene (Mansfield). Born Oshkosh, Wis.; Educated- Private Tutelage; Married Benjamin F. Affleck; Children Mildred; Clubs Alliance Francaise, Chicago Woman's Musical Club, Cordon; Activities Vice. Pres. the Cordon, Director Drama League, Director Vocational Society for Shut-Ins. General Phil- anthropic Interest. Residence 222 East Delaware Place. ALOIS, Mary (Reynolds). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated St. Mary's School, Knoxville, 111.; Married Arthur Taylor Aldis, June 8th, 1892; Children Arthur Graham; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Fortnightly, Friday, Woman's City, Lake Forest Woman's Club; Activities Founder "Aldis Playhouse" (a little theatre where plays by amateurs are presented), President Chi- cago Visiting Nurses Assn., Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, Chi- cago Society for Prevention of Blindness, Society of Midland Authors, Author of "Florence Nightingale," "Plays for Small Stages," "The Princess Jack," "Flashlights." Residence Lake Forest, 111. ALEXANDER, Maude J. (Greene). Married William Arthur Alexander; Children William A. Alexander Jr.; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Cordon Club, Service Club, Highland Park Woman's Club; Activities President Highland Park Y. W. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 11 C. A., Member of Central Field Committee of Y. W. C. A., Presi- dent of Ravinia Club 1914-15. Residence 304 N. Sheridan Road, Highland Park, 111. ALLEN, Edna Mabel. Born Amherst, Wisconsin; Educated University of Chicago; Clubs Chicago College Club, Chicago Women's Club, Association of Collegiate Alumnae; Activities Teacher of Mathematics, Student of Mathematics and History. Residence 6624 Ellis Avenue. ALLIN, Josephine Turner. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Uni- versity of Chicago; Clubs Chicago College Club, Woman's City Club, University of Chicago Settlement League, Alumni Assn., Quadranglers, Drama League of Chicago; Activities Drama League, College Club, University activities Teacher of French and Dean of Girls in Englewood High School, co-author of Moore & Allin's "Elements of French", used in colleges and schools throughout the country. Residence 4805 Dorchester Ave. ALLISON, May M. (Williams). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Monmouth College, Monmouth, 111.; Married John A. Allison, April, 1887; Children Eva M. (Mrs.E. M. Little), Harold W., Robert L. ; Clubs Social Economics (President), Irving Park Sorosis (Past President), O. E. S. Theodosia Chapter (Past Matron), Woman's Relief Corps (Past President), President of Irving Park Woman's Aid and Loan; Activities General phil- anthropic and war interests. Residence 3832 N. Kildare Ave. ALLPORT, Harriet H. (Hamilton). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Northwestern University, University of Michigan; Mar- ried Walter H. Allport, 1889; Children Hamilton, Caroline, Harriet, Katherine ; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Shore Crest Hotel. ALTON, Abigail A. (Cambell). Born Brooklyn, New York; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married W. Carol Wilson Alton, Febru- ary 25th, 1916; Children Carol Wilson, Douglas Cambell. Resi- dence 1217 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. 12 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER ALTROCCHI, Julia (Cooley). Born Seymour, Conn.; Educated University High School, A. B. Vassar College 1914 (Phi Beta Kappa); Married Rudolph Altrocchi, August 26th, 1920; Clubs Society Midland Authors, Cordon, Poetry Society of America, Young Fortnightly, Chicago College Club; Activities Author of "Poems of a Child", "Dance of Youth" and other poems. Resi- dence 5726 Blackstone Ave. AMBERG, Mary Agnes. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Sacred Heart Academy; Activities Head of Guardian Angels Settle- ment. Residence 1301 N. State St. AMES, Edith (Winter). Born Minneapolis, Minnesota; Educate^ Wellesley, 1917; Married Knowlton L. Ames, Jr., June 27th, 1919; Children Knowlton L. Ames, III.; Clubs Casino, Glen- view; Activities Junior League, Service Club. Residence 21 E. Elm St. AMES, Zoe (Kendall). Born Princeton, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married James C. Ames, July 28th, 1906; Clubs Casino, Saddle and Cycle, Young Fortnightly, Wednesday Club, Musicians' Club, Melodists' Service Club, Antiquarian Society; Activities Music. Residence 325 Belden Ave. ANDERSON, Grace (Soule). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Chicago Home Schools; Married James T. Anderson, August 24th, 1910; Children James, Lester; Clubs Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago (Charter Member and Director) ; Red Cross and General Philanthropic Interest. Residence 5104 Sheridan Road. ANDREWS, Clara (Gallup). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Mount Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C. ; Married Frank Taylor Andrews, January 31st, 1893; Children Frank Taylor, Jr., Howard Gallup, Robert Harvey, Susanna Elizabeth ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Wednesday Club, Woman's Athletic Club ; Activities Fourth Presbyterian Church interests, D. A. R. Kas- kaskia Chapter. Residence 148 Barry Ave. ANDREWS, Irene Green (Owen). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Dr. Edmund Andrews, December CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 13 29th, 1914; Children Edward Wyllys IV.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 4935 Blackstone Ave. ARMOUR, Elsa (Parker). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn. ; Married A. Watson Armour, November 20th, 1907; Children A. Watson, Jr., Elsa, Charles Brooks ; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia, Casino; Activities General war work and philan- thropic interests. Residence 1200 Lake Shore Drive and Lake Forest, 111. ARMOUR, Frances Lacy (Withers). Born Jackson County, Miss.; Educated Ogontz, Miss Finch's School, New York; Married Laurance Hearne Armour, January llth, 1911; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Casino, Woman's City, Antiquarian, Voters' League, Friends of Opera, etc. ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 920 Lincoln Parkway and Lake Forest, 111. ARMSTRONG,. Edith Huntington (Mason). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated St. Margaret's School; Married Morgan Kalani Arm- strong, October 31st, 1915; Children Frances Morgan, Nancy; Clubs Midland Authors ; Activities Writer. Residence 952 Pine St., Winnetka, 111. ARNOLD, Josephine (Lettie). Born Warsaw, Illinois; Educated Private Schools; Married Hugo Frederick Arnold, October 5th, 1897; Clubs Illinois Women's Athletic; Activities Red Cross and general philanthropic interests. Residence 5655 Sheridan Road. ATKINSON. Martha (Wells). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married Charles T. Atkinson, June 18th, 1891; Clubs Friday Club, Cordon Club; Activities General Charities. Residence 124 Illinois Road West, Lake Forest, 111. BAILEY, Helen (MacEachin). Born Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Edu- cated University of Alabama; Married Edward Sinclair Bailey, November 26th, 1901 ; Clubs Southern Woman's Club, Arche, South Side, Antioch Woman's Club ; Activities President 14 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs. Residence 426 E. 44th St. BAKER, Florence (Rohland). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married Elmer Jerome Baker; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Argyle Park Portia Club, Woman's City Club, Arts Institute; Activities Past President Argyle Park Portia Club, was Chairman of Red Cross (Chicago Advertising Assn. Aux.) ; General philanthropic interests. Residence 819 Buena Ave. BARD, Sarah (Tibbils). Born Eagle, Wis.; Educated Home Schools; Married Samuel Porter Bard, January 15th, 1890; Children Robert L., Grace E.; Clubs Andoka Club (Presi- dent) ; Activities Christmas cheer for children of ward 41 (County Hospital), and care for same throughout the year; Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 224 S. Oakley Blvd. BARTELME, Mary M. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Chicago High School and Northwestern University Law; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Everyday, Cordon, Chicago Bar Assn., Illinois State Bar Assn., National Bar Assn. ; Activities Juvenile Court. Residence 260 N. Keystone Ave., River Forest, 111. Business address 907 County Building. BARTHOLOMEW, Lura H., M. S. A. B. L. L. B. Born Elm- wood, 111. ; Granddaughter of Betsy Yale of New Haven, descend- ant of famous founder of Yale College ; Educated Knox College ; Clubs State Executive of Dept. of Household Schools, 9th Con- gressional District, President Cook County, including seventeen local organizations, Woman's Bar Assn. ; Activities Owner of Private Circulating Library in Venetian Bldg., founder of La Salon Francais. Address Venetian Building. BARKER, Jane (Vincent). Born Springfield, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Joseph Shumway Barker, April 24th, 1916; Clubs Saddle and Cycle; Activities "After Care of In- fantile Paralysis ;" Under-Visiting Nurses' Assn., Y. W. C. A. Residence 127 E. Chestnut St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 16 BARTLETT, Clara (Grouse). Born Syracuse, N. Y.; Educated Home Schools; Married Charles Leffingweil Bartlett, June 7th, 1881 ; Children Karl Jay, Valentine Grouse; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Colonial Dames, Barnard Club of New York; Activ- ities Presbyterian Hospital. Residence 2754 Pine Grove Ave. BARTLETT, Florence Dibell. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Smith College; Clubs Fortnightly, Chicago College Club, Wom- an's Athletic Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Smith College Club, Central Eleanor Club, Drama League, Lake Geneva Garden Club, Lake Geneva Country Club, Phoenix Wom- an's Club, Phoenix College Club, Wild Flower Preservation Soci- ety, Collegiate Alumnae Assn., Antiquarian Society, Chicago His- torical Society, Civic Music Assn. ; Activities Governing mem- ber of The Art Institute; Secretary, Director and Trustee of The Eleanor Assn.; Chairman of Central Eleanor Club and The Eleanor Camp; Board member of The Mary Clubs; Board mem- ber of The Holiday Home; Alternate Secretary of The Fort- nightly Club. Residence 222 E. Delaware Place. BARTLETT, Hilda (Wilkinson). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Vassar (1908); Married Hugh Bartlett, April 6th, 1912; Children John W., J. Calef, Julian S. ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 274-1 Pine Grove Ave. BARTLETT, Marie A. (Frost). Born Chicago, 111. ; Educated- Home Schools; Married Valentine C. Bartlett, June 7th, 1917; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities Junior League, Children's Memorial Hospital. Residence 224 W. Huron St. BARTON, Mary (Rust). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Master's School, Dobbs Ferry; Married Enos M. Barton, Octo- ber 6th, 1899; Children Malcolm S., Evan M., Gilbert R., Wil- frid C. ; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Musicians' Club, Mary Noble Club; Activities Musical, literary, educational, religious. Residence 1706 E. 56th St. 16 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER BARRETT, Ethel H. (Hoops). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Leland Stanford, Jr., University; Married Arthur M. Barrett, April 30th, 1908; Children Barbara, Saxton W., Roland K., Carolyn, Arthur, Jr. ; Clubs Winnetka Woman's Club ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 321 Linden St., Winnetka, 111. BASS, Clara (Foster). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Chicago High School; Married Perkins Bass, 1861; Children Gertrude (Mrs. Warner), John F., Robert P.; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Woman's Athletic; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 936 Lake Shore Drive. BASS, Elizabeth (Merrill). Born Buxton, Maine; Educated Private Tutelage; Married George Bass, August 8th, 1894; Clubs Past President Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's Demo- cratic Council of Illinois, D. A. R. ; Activities Chairman Local Biennial Board for General Federation of Women's Clubs 1914, member original Juvenile Court Committee of Illinois, Chairman National Woman's Bureau of Democratic Party, member Wom- en's Liberty Loan Committee appointed by Secretary of Treasury, Chairman of Illinois General Hospital Cancer Research Drive. Residence 6050 Prairie Ave. and Manitowoc, Wis. , BAUR, Bertha (Duppler). Born Wisconsin; Educated Home Schools; Married Jacob Baur (deceased), 1909; Children Rosemary; Clubs Casino, Arts (life member), Cordon (life member), Woman's Athletic, Friends of Opera, Woman's City, Chicago Federation, Alliance Francaise, Antiquarian, Illinois League of Women Voters, Art Institute (life member), Red Cross (life member), Vocational Society for Shut-Ins, Woman's Na- tional Republican Club (New York) ; Activities Chairman of Woman's Committee Chicago and Cook County Liberty Loan; Chairman of Finance Classes for Women held at Hotel La Saile ; Speaker for Republican Campaigns; Chairman of Woman's Sec- tion of Citizens' Chicago Opera Committee; member Board of Directors of Federal Securities Corporation; Vice-President and CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 17 Director of the Liquid Carbonic Co. Residence 1100 Lake Shore Drive. BECKER, Marie G. Bora Peru, 111.; Educated St. Francis Academy, Joliet, 111. ; Clubs Independent German American Woman's Club (Treasurer) ; Activities American Welfare Assn.; one of the founders of Illinois Girls' Club. Residence 3049 Leland Ave. BECKWITH, Mary (Stuart). Bora Chicago, 111.; Educated- Oxford College; Married John Worthington Beckwith, April 22, 1901; Children Mary Anna; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 743 N. Michigan Ave. BEHNKE, Irene (Shroyer). Born Huntington, Ind.; Educated Northwestern Medical School; Married Edward Behnke, De- cember 25th, 1892; Children Harold (deceased), Gerold (de- ceased) ; Clubs Woman's City Club, League of Woman Voters, Illinois Woman's Athletic (Chairman of Legislative Committee), National Woman's Assn. of Commerce (Vice-President), Illinois Woman's Assn. of Commerce (President), Woman's Protective Assn. (Director) ; Activities Frances Juvenile Home (Director for 12 years j, Director 9th District I. F. W. C., Executive Board Illinois General Cancer Research Hospital Drive. Residence 4643 Greenwood Ave. BELDEN, Mary (Rew). Bora Chicago, 111.; Educated North- western University; Married Joseph C. Belden, June 7th, 1902; Children, Joseph C., Jr.; Clubs Casino, Saddle and Cycle, On- wentsia, Shore Acres ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. BELFIELD, Ada Marshall. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Wellesley College; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Chicago College, Chicago Wellesley Club; Activities Teacher in the Starrett School for Girls, member of Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occu- pations. Residence 1450 E. 56th St. BELL, Nathalie (Fairbank). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Bryn Mawr College; Married Laird Bell, November 11, 1909; 18 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Children Three daughters; Clubs Arts, Friday, Scribblers, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1350 North Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111. BEMIS, Annie Louise (Sargent). Born Natick, Mass.; Educated Carlton College, Northville, Minn. ; Married Edward Webster Bemis, October 28th, 1889; Children Walter Sargent, Alice Louise, Lloyd Edward; Clubs Woman's City, League of Woman Voters ; Activities Member of Board of Directors Woman's City Club, Leader of Citizenship Classes of Woman's City Club, Lec- turer along civic questions and citizenship topics, Illinois Chair- man of Americanization Woman's Division Council of National Defense, Director Foreign Woman's Division of Victory Loan, Author of "An Hour at the Poles." Residence 5647 Kenmore Ave. BENN, Harriet (Condee). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ken- wood Institute; Married Alonzo Newton Benn, June 18th, 1910; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 4561 Woodlawn Ave. BENNETT, Catherine (Jones). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Edward Herbert Bennett, October 18th, 1913; Children Edward H., Jr.; Clubs Onwentsia, Casino, Woman's Athletic; Activities United Charities, Ridge Farm Preventorium, Children's Memorial Hospital. Residence 1316 Ritchie Court. BENNET, Ella (Cooper). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Dr. William H. Bennet, January, 1891 ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Lake View Woman's Club, Lake View Musical Society; Activities Red Cross War Worker, French Orphans Relief. Residence 446 Diversey Pkwy. BENTLEY, Josephine (Cody). Born Cleveland, O.; Educated Oberlin College (L. B.), Wellesley (Post Graduate) ; Married Frederick William Bentley, December 27th, 1893; Children Paul Cody (deceased), Alden R.; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Col- lege Club, Wellesley Club, Oberlin Woman's Club, Drama League, CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 19 Friends in Council, Service Legion; Activities President of Serv- ice Star Legion, Chicago Star Chapter, and for State of Illinois; National Chairman War Memorials, Service Star Legion; Chair- man Foreign Missions, Kenwood Church. Residence 4750 Ken- wood Ave. BIEL, Marion (Hunter). Born Motherwell, Scotland; Educated Oberlin College; Married William Darst Biel, July 23rd, 1892; Clubs Woman's City Club, Chicago League of Women Voters, Women's Protective Assn. ; Activities Director of Wom- an's Organization of the Near East Relief; Speaker for National Committee of Equal Suffrage Assn.; Author of "Woman's Influ- ence in Politics" and "The Better Child"; Director of Esther Faulkenstein Settlement. Residence 3529 Congress St. Office 19 S. La Salle St. BIGELOW, Susan (Springer). Born Baraboo, Wis.; Educated Home Schools; Married Edward A. Bigelow (deceased), August 23rd, 1887; Children Loyal Arthur; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Musicians' Club of Women; Activities Home, club, church. Residence 550 Surf St. BIRK, May (McHugh). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Walter O. Birk, May 9th, 1913; Children Betty Jane; Clubs South Shore Country, Evanston Golf, Park Ridge Golf; Activities Grant Hospital, Marine Hospital, Card Committee Illinois Athletic Club. Residence 419 Wellington Ave. BIRREN, Crescentia (Lang). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Notre Dame; Married Joseph P. Birren; Children Jeanette (Mrs. Vincent M. Qurun), William B., Saber B.; Clubs Edge- water Drama Study Club, Edgewater Catholic Women's Club, Renaissance; Activities Charter Member and Past President Renaissance Club, Charter Member and Vice-President Edgewater Drama Study Club, Member of Hostess Committee of War Camp Community Service, Delegate to Municipal Art League, active in all War Drives during administration as President of Renaissance Club. Residence 49 E. Elm St. 20 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER BISHOP, Minnabel (Ridgeway). Born Garnett, Kans. ; Edu- cated Hahnemann Medical College; Married L. Brackett Bishop, Apr. 2nd, 1890; Children Ruth, Francis, Willard Ridgeway Poindexter; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, North End Woman's Club, D. A. R., Women's Voters League, Woman's Peace Party, Round the World Club, Pen Woman's Club, Swe- denborgian, Chicago Woman's Musical Club, Kansas Society, Art Club, Medical Women's Club, Chicago Medical Assn. ; Activi- ties House Physician of National Temperance Hospital, Inter- national Medical Assn., American Medical Institute of Homeo- pathy, Free Dispensary, Medical Women's Club, Chicago Med- ical Assn., Board Member Model Lodging House, National Americanization Society, Urban League, International Suffrage. Residence 4329 Drexel Blvd. BISSELL, Emily (Greeley). Born St. Louis, Mo.; Educated- Wells College; Married Arthur Bissell, 1897; Children Two; Clubs Scribblers Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Associ- ation of Housekeeping Centers. Residence 50 E. Schiller St. BLACK, Mary (Atchison). Born Leavenworth, Kans.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married William J. Black, April 24th, 1895; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Onwentsia; Activities Gen- eral Charities. Residence 1411 N. State Pkwy. BLACKFORD, Marion (Luce). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University of Wisconsin; Married Howard F. Blackford, 1919; Clubs Chicago College, Chicago Tennis Club, Illinois Woman's Press Assn. ; Pi Beta Phi Sorority (Wisconsin Chapter) ; Activ- ities Executive Committee Publicity Department War Loan Or- ganization of Central States, Speakers Bureau Y. W. C. A. Campaign, Chicago College Club Chairman for European Relief Fund, Treasurer College Club. Residence 408 Briar PL BLACKSTONE, Isabella Farnsworth (Norton). Born Norwich, Conn.; Educated Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; Married Timothy Beach Blackstone, Oct. 20th, 1868; Clubs- Fortnightly; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 1912 Prairie Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 21 BLAIR, Alice (Keep). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Watson F. Blair, 1883; Children Watson Keep, Wolcott; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Arts, Casino, Sad- dle and Cycle; Activities Member Auxiliary Board Children's Memorial Hospital. Residence 720 Rush St. BLAIR, Anna (Rabbitt). Born Monroe, Mich.; Educated St. Mary's Academy, Monroe, Mich.; Married Joseph Ralston Blair, Dec. 28th, 1887; Children Madeleine, Elizabeth (Mrs. Irvin M. Porter) ; Clubs Mothers' Relief Assn. (President), Ships of State (Governor of Montana), one of the originators and Past Presidents of South Carolina Colony of Illinois Col- ony Club, Director North End Club, Tuesday Art and Travel Club, Art Institute, Renaissance Club; Activities As President of Mothers' Relief Assn. supports twenty-four old ladies by means of flower sales and tag days, also general philanthropic interests. Residence 5909 Winthrop Ave. BLAIR, Grace E. (Pearce). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Dearborn Seminary (Chicago) and Miss Hinsdale's School (New York); Married Henry Augustus Blair, Feb. 19th, 1878; Children Natalie (Mrs. Bradley), Anita; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Woman's City, Onwentsia, South Shore Country, Sad- dle and Cycle, Antiquarian Society, Fortnightly Club; Activities Board Member of Old People's Home of Chicago. Residence 2735 Prairie Ave. BLAKE, Emily (Calvin). Born Manchester, England; Educated Home Schools; Married Walter R. Blake; Children Walter R., Jr. ; Clubs Midland Authors Society ; Activities Writer of fiction, articles on sociology, newspaper affiliation, parent, house- wife, suburban interests of Parent Teachers Assn. and civic activities. Residence 1712 Highland Ave., Wilmette, 111. BLANKLEY, Jennie Elizabeth (Tayleure). Born, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Educated Brooklyn; Married Frank William Blankley, Oct. 21st, 1902; Children Clifton Tayleure, William Houlton, Francis L. ; Clubs General Henry Dearborn Chapter of D. A. R. ; Lake View Woman's Club, Southern Woman's Club, Chicago 22 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy; Activitieis Actively interested in philanthropic and educational work. Residence 503 Briar PL BLOUNT Anna (Ellsworth). Born Oregon, Wis.; Educated B. S. University of Wisconsin 1892, M. D. Northwestern Uni- versity Woman's Medical School 1892, University of Berlin, Mu- nich and Vienna; Married Ralph E. Blount, June, 1893; Chil- dren Walter, Earl Ellsworth, Ruth Amelia; Clubs Chicago Medical Society, Chicago Equal Suffrage League, Chicago Peace Society, Nineteenth Century, Civic, Woman's City Club; Activi- ties Interne Cook County Hospital 1897-9, Teacher of Physi- ology Woman's Medical School 1899-1901, especially interested in Eugenics, Chairman Eugenic Educational Society of Chicago, in general medical practice since 1904. Residence 124 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. BODMAN, Ysabel (de Teresa). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Harold Cleaveland Bodman, Oct. 9th, 1912; Children Nicholas Cleaveland; Clubs Service Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 23 E. Division St. BOHLING, Anna (Scheffer). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Charles D. Bohling, Dec. 6th, 1893; Children Henry S. ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Athletic; Activities Chairman of Woman's Auxiliary Chicago Osteopathic Hospital, Vice-Chairman Woman's Auxiliary of Grant Hospital. Residence 415 Surf St. BOND, Carrie (Jacobs). Born Janesville, Wis.; Educated Home Schools ; Married Frank L. Bond (deceased) ; Clubs American Assn. of Pen Women, Kappa Beta Gamma (Honor- ary), Woman's Press Assn., Amateur Musical Club; Activities Composer of many songs, "Path o' Life," "Stories in Verse," "A Perfect Day," "Little Pink Rose," "O Haunting Memory," "Hundred Years from Now," "God Remembers When the World Forgets," "Today," "Do You Remember" and many others. Residence 6939 Jeffery Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 23 BOND, Sarah Barbour (Fisher). Born Beloit, Wis.; Educated Farmington; Married William A. Bond, Sept. 8th, 1874; Children William Scott, Mrs. R. V. Massey, Mrs. John Bax- ter, Mrs. R. S. Holmes, Lawrence C. ; Clubs Colonial Dames of America, South Shore Country, Farmington Society; Activ- ities Kenwood Evangelical Church, general charities. Resi- dence Chicago Beach Hotel. BORDEN, Ellen (Waller). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married John Borden, February 2nd, 1907; Children Ellen, Mary Elizabeth; Clubs Arts, Casino, On- wentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Lake Geneva Country Club; Activ- ities Vice-President Woman's Board of St. Luke's Hospital, Director and Treasurer of Casa Maria Center (working girls' club), Chairman of the Case Committee of Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, Director "Le Petit Bazaar" (a charity antique shop for raising funds for Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society), Director of Casino Club, Director of Arts Club. Residence 1020 Lake Shore Drive. BOUSQUET, Isabelle (Rogers). Born Of Southern Ancestry; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Joseph S. Bousquet; Children Joseph S., Jr.; Clubs Drama League, Drama Club of Evanston, University Guild, Past Director Illinois Colony Club (three years) ; Activities Board member Association for the Blind, Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, Southern Women's Club, spent two and a half years at the front during the World War. Known as "The Mother of Fighting Men". Residence Evanston, 111. BOWEN, Louise (de Koven). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dearborn Seminary, Chicago; Married Joseph "Tilton Bowen, June 1st, 1886; Children John de Koven, Joseph Tilton, Jr., Helen, Louise de Koven; Clubs Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon, Fortnightly, Friday; Activities Presi- dent Woman's City Club for seven years, President Juvenile Protective Assn. twenty years, Vice-President United Charities, Treasurer and Trustee Hull House, member Executive Com- 24 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER mittee of Fifteen, member State Council of Defense, Chairman Woman's Committee Council National Defense, Illinois Division. Residence 1430 Astor St. BRADLEY, Katharine (Shedd). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Farmington, Conn.; Married A. Ballard Bradley, June 26th, 1912; Children A. B., Jr., David Shedd; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Winnetka Women's Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 808 Willow St., Winnetka, 111. BRADLEY, Mary (Hastings). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Smith College; Married Herbert Edwin Bradley, June 21st, 1910; Children Alice Hastings; Clubs Fortnightly, Arts, Chi- cago Woman's, Little Room, Cordon, Chicago Smith College Club; Activities Author of the "Favor of Kings", "The Splen- did Chance", "The Palace of Darkened Windows", "The Wine of Astonishment", "The Fortieth Door", "The Innocent Adven- turess", has contributed extensively to the different periodicals, social and athletic interests. Residence 5344 Hyde Park Blvd. BRAUN, Vesta (McFatrich). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Wells; Married George P. Bra&n, Jr.; Children George P., III., James Burton; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Arts, Casino; Activities Board member Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan Asylum, Woman's Exchange of Chicago, Passavant Hospital. Residence 1221 Astor St. BREWER, Amy D. (Waller). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Kirkland School and Dobb's Ferry; Married Edward Harris Brewer, January 17th, 1906; Children Louise Hamilton, Cor- inne Harris; Clubs Friday Club, Casino, Onwentsia; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1311 Ritchie Place. BRIDGE, Grace Irene. Born Fremont, Neb.; Educated Uni- versity of Nebraska; Clubs Chicago College Club, University Settlement League, Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae; Activities General philanthropic interests. Address College Club, Chi- cago, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 25 BROOKS, Rose R. (Hambleton). Born Cincinnati, O.; Edu- cated Home Schools ; Married James Gordon Carter Brooks (deceased) ; Children Mrs. George J. Farnsworth, Mrs. H. Blakely Collins ; Clubs Woman's, D. A. R. ; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 48 Cedar St. BROWN, Adelaide Crary (Bostock). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Harry Spencer-Brown (de- ceased), July 28th, 1890; Children Comtesse de Gramedo, Dorothy Spencer; Clubs Arts Club, Friends of Opera; Activ- ities General philanthropic interests. Residence 426 Deming Place. BROWNE, Elizabeth Stone (Cunningham). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools ; Married Aldis Jerome Browne ; Children Aldis J., Jr., Secor Delahay; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 67 Cedar St. BRYANT, Antoinette (ReQua). Born Albany, New York; Edu- cated Wells College; Married Henry Willis Bryant, October llth, 1889; Children Cafiarine ReQua (Mrs. Cochran Sup- plee), ReQua; Clubs Kaskaskia Chapter, D. A. R. Residence Shore Crest Hotel. BRYANT, Ellen S. Born Pennsburg, Pa.; Educated Chicago Normal School; Married Arthur W. Bryant, May 15th, 1884; Children Mrs. David Eastman Johnson, Mrs. David H. Good- willie; Clubs Nineteenth Century Club (Oak Park), Chicago Woman's Club, Illinois Civil Service Reform Committee, Legis- lative Committee of Chicago Woman's Club; Activities Wel- fare Supervisor of Suburban Division of Illinois Bell Tele- phone Co. Residence 521 Naperville St., Wheaton, 111. BUCHANAN, Helen (Stoppenbach). Born Jefferson, Wis.; Educated Smith College; Married DeWitt Wheeler Buchanan, November 19th, 19-14; Children DeWitt Wheeler, Jr., Barbara Anne; Clubs College Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 5488 Everett Ave. 26 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER BUELL, Maude (Hoyne). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Charles Clinton Buell, October 26th, 1892; Children Temple Hoyne, Charles Clinton, Jr., Frances Vedder; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 250 Laurel Ave., Highland Park, 111. BULLARD, Bessie (Smith). Born Chicago, Illinois; Educated Mount Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C. ; Married Sellar Bullard, October 8th, 1910; Children Caroline Marie, Barbara Sellar, Clara Jean; Clubs Exmoor Country Club, High- land Park Club; Activities General Charities. Residence 215 Orchard Lane, Highland Park, Illinois. BURCH, Berenice (Ashcraft). Born Webb City, Mo.; Educated Warrensburg State Normal; Clubs St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, Western Efficiency Society, 111. Woman's Athletic; Activities Literature, Politics, Finance; Treasurer and Man- aging Director of Yarn & Service Co. Residence 916 Rush St. BURDICK, Frank (McCourtie). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Arch O. Burdick, June 10th, 1903; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 2616 Lake View Ave. BURKE, Katharine (Buckley). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated St. Xavier Academy; Married Daniel Francis Burke; Children Mrs. Walter Cahill, Grace, Hazel, Frances; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City; Activities Tabernacle Guild of St. Thomas, Catholic Women's League, Big Sisters, Ambrose Woman's Club. Residence 5300 University Ave, BURNET, Jane (McGuire). Born Springfield, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married John Sidney Burnet, October 28th, 1903; Children Beatrice, Robert; Clubs Friday, Woman's Athletic, Arts, Musicians' Club of Women; Activities Ama- teur singer for charity, clubs and hospitals. Residence 1438 N. Dearborn Pkwy. BURNHAM, Clara Louise. Born Newton, Mass. ; Educated Home Schools; Married Walter Burnham; Clubs Cordon, Lit- tle Room, Midland Authors, National League American Pen CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 27 Women, Woman's City Club, Illinois Woman's Press Assn., Drama League ; Activities Has written twenty-six novels, numerous poems and stories for children, author of "Jewel", "The Opened Shutters", "Hearts Haven", "The Right Track", "Clever Betsy", "Instead of the Thorn", "The Inner Flame", "Dr. Latimer", "In Apple Blossom Time". Residence Cooper- Carlton Hotel, Chicago. BURROWS, Annie L. (Libby). Born Portland, Maine; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married William French Burrows, 1880; Children Louise Libby, Marjorie B. (Mrs. Pitcher), Arthur A., William F.,' Jr. ; Clubs Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic Club, D. A. R. (Kaskaskia Chapter) ; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 4847 Woodlawn Ave. BYFORD, Lucy (Lamed). Born Brooklyn, New York; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married Dr. Henry Turman Byford, November, 1882; Children Genevieve (Mrs. C. S. Roberts), Heath T., Dr. William H. Byford; Clubs South Shore Coun- try Club; Activities General war work, various philanthropies. Residence 1411 Hyde Park Blvd. C ALHOUN, Lucy (Monroe). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools ; Married William J. Calhoun, December 6th, 1904 (deceased) ; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Arts ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 1310 Astor St. CALLAHAN, Katherine (Miller). Born Louisville, Ky.; Edu- cated Home Schools ; Married Americus Franklin Callahan, January 18th, 1888; Children Franklin M., Samuel Miller, Lawrence K. ; Clubs Fortnightly, Arts Club, Cordon, Musi- cians' Club of Women, Women's City Club; Activities Presi- dent of Musicians' Club of Women for 1920-21 and 1921-22, member Board of Directors Civic Music Assn., miscellaneous musical interests. Residence 1349 Astor St. 28 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER CAMERON, May. Born Joliet, 111. ; Educated Private Schools; Married Archibald M. Cameron, July, 1896; Clubs Andoka (Past President), Culture Club (Past Treasurer), Tues- day Art and Travel, O. E. S. Daylight Chapter; Activities Corresponding Secretary First District I. F. W. C., Board mem- ber of Chicago Federation, Board member of Andoka, general philanthropic and war interests. Residence 823 Leland Ave. CAMPBELL, Eliza J. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Activities Social Secretary and Head of Bureau of Social Activities. Residence Virginia Hotel. CAMPBELL, Mary Isabella (McPherson). Born Mumford, N. Y. ; Educated Ingham University; Married Nathan Warner Campbell, December 22nd, 1881; Children Donald McPherson (deceased) ; Clubs Fortnightly, Woman's City Club; Activities Chairman of Finance for Y. W. C. A., Chi- cago Assn., Volunteer Secretary Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of Northwest. Residence 38 Bellevue Place. CAMPBELL, Rose (Duncan). Born Marion, 111.; Educated Christian College, Columbia, Mo. ; Married F. G. Campbell ; Children Duncan Campbell; Clubs North End Club (Chi- cago), Fortnightly (Marion, 111.) ; Activities Served as Presi- dent 25th Congressional District of Women's Clubs, Literature and Reciprocity Chairman, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs; active in Women's Committee, Republican Party. Resi- dence 4501 N. Winchester Ave. CARLIN, Nellie. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Law Dept., Lake Forest University; Clubs Founder Women's Protective Assn., City Club, Bookfellows, Whitman Fellowship; Activities Law practice extending over twenty-five years, Public Guar- dian of Cook County for five years, first woman attorney to be appointed Assistant State's Attorney. Residence 4814 Vista Terrace, Chicago, and "Innisfree", Ravinia, 111. CARNES, Helen A. Born New York, N. Y.; Educated Uni- versity of Chicago; Clubs Chicago College Club, Woman's City CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 29 Club, Industrial Relations Assn. of America (Seattle Council) ; Activities Personal Director Metropolitan Building Co., Seat- tle, Wash. Residence 935 17th Ave., Seattle, Wash. City address College Club. CARPENTER, Emma (Cook). Born Geneva, 111.; Educated- Home Schools ; Married Frederic Ives Carpenter, December 12th, 1888; Children Frederic Ives, Jr.; Clubs Cordon Club; Activities University of Chicago Settlement League. Resi- dence 5538 Woodlawn Ave. CARPENTER, Rue (Winterbotham). Born Joliet, 111.; Edu- cated Mrs. Ely's School (New York); Married John Alden Carpenter, November 18th, 1900; Children Genevieve Bald- win; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Fortnightly, Scribblers, Arts, Friday, Friends of Opera; Activities President of Arts Club, Board member Passavant Memorial Hospital, Committee mem- ber Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, also one of heads of Le Petit Bazar, did all decorations for different war charities, including decorations for Pageant of East, Board Walk, Madison Square Garden Pageant, Rosemary Pageant (Red Cross) at Long Island; also decorator of Art and Casino Clubs. Residence 710 Rush St. CARR, Katherine (Mortenson). Born Wisconsin; Educated Wellesley College; Married George Russell Carr, 1913; Chil- dren Katherine M., Martha Russell; Clubs Woman's Athletic, College Club; Activities Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan- age, Home for Destitute Crippled Children. Residence 936 Lake Shore Drive. CARTER, Fay (Thompson). Born Monroe, Mich.; Educated- Public Schools; Married Ford Rodman Carter, February 12th, 1901; Children Ford R., Jr., Robert T.; Clubs Woman's City Club, Woman's Athletic, Casino, Arts Club, Onwentsia; Activ- ities Passavant Hospital, Social Service Work. Residence 1411 North State Pkwy. 30 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER GARY, Harriet (Heyl). Born Dunkirk, N. Y.; Educated A. B. Cornell University (class '81), Blackwell Medical College of New York (class '84); Married Frank Cary, August 13th, 1885; Children Eugene, Louis H., Clara H.; Clubs Woman's City Club, National Farm and Garden Association; Activities Farming and Gardening. Home Elmore, Greenbush, Wis. Official residence 2536 Prairie Ave., Chicago. CASE, Carrie (Spooner). Born Chicago; Educated Home Schools; Married Francis M. Case, January 23rd, 1896; Chil- dren Carolyn Frances; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Musi- cians' Club of Women, Daughters American Revolution, Win- netka Woman's Club, Woman's Library Club of Glencoe; Activ- ities Member Winnetka Congregational Church and General Charities. Residence 160 Sheridan Rd., Hubbard Woods, 111. CASE, Marion (Ingersoll). Born St. Paul, Minn.; Educated Home Schools; Married William Warren Case, June 15th, 1892; Children Four; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Wom- an's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 39 E. Schiller St. CASEY, Mary Lillian (White). Born Hamilton, Ontario; Edu- cated St. Patrick's School for Girls; Married Thos. Philip Casey, December, 1898; Clubs Tuesday Art and Travel, Inter Nos Circle, Culture, Andoka, Chicago Federation, Wom- an's City Club; Activities Past President Chicago Culture Club, Past President Inter Nos Circle, Second Vice-President First District I. F. W. C. ; Director Andoka, Director Chicago Federation, war work and general philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 930 Lawrence Ave. CASSELBERRY, Caryl (Dunham). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated The Misses Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. ; Mar- ried W. E. Casselberry, Jr.; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Casino, Service Club, Junior League; Activities Corresponding Secre- tary Service Club 1920-21, Vice-President Junior League 1921- 22, Director Service Club, Director Woman's Exchange, Sec- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 31 retary Chicago Branch of Dobbs Alumnae Association. Resi- dence 2609 Hampden Court. CATHCART, Margaret (Strawn). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Miss Bennett's School, New York; Married James Adams Cathcart, November 20th, 1920; Clubs Service Club, Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence 546 Wellington Ave. CHANDLER, Anna S. (Buckingham). Born Putnam (now part of Zanesville), Ohio; Educated Miss Henriet B. Haines, New York City; Married Frank Randolph Chandler; Chil- dren Buckingham, Isabel B. (Mrs. Hobart P. Young) ; Clubs F. P. A., C. D. A., D. A. R., Alliance Francaise. Residence 744 Rush St. CHANDLER, Mary (Stryker). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Homer Weed Chandler, January 5th, 1893; Children Gloria; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Woman's Athletic; Activities Infant Welfare. Residence 5479 Hyde Park Blvd. CHANNON, Leigh A. (Arey). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated St. Mary's School, Knoxville, 111., and in Brussels; Married James Harrison Channon, October 7th, 1891; Chil- dren Mrs. Jerome P. Bowes, Jr., Elizabeth Ashton, Dorothy, Ruth, Mary Letitia; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic, Le Cercle Francaise, Les Matinees Francaise, Alli- ance Francaise; Activities Philanthropy, active in French circles, church work and on hospital boards. Residence 220 E. Walton Place. CHANNON, Vesta (Westover). Born Oconomowoc, Wis. ; Edu- cated Chicago, 111., and Paris, France; Married Harry Chan- non in London, Eng. ; Children Henry, III.; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Chicago College, Woman's Athletic, Arts, Friends of Opera, Cordon, Chicago Library, Woman's City, D. A. R., Colonial Daughters of 17th Century (New York), Le Cercle Francais, Le Lyceum (Paris) ; Activities Founded the French 32 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Library of Alliance Francais of Chicago; received certificate of "Palmes Academiques" 1907; founded Reading Room and Causeries du Samedi 1910; gathered collection of ten thousand French books through personal effort (1917), no endowment; French Red Cross; Council National Defense, Illinois Women's Division; Chairman French Study Class of Chicago Woman's Club 1915-17 and 1919-21; Chairman of Rehabilitation Commit- tee to co-operate with the American Committee of Devastated France (Miss Anne Morgan, New York, Executive Chairman) ; contributed club papers and translations. Residence 1434 Astor St. CHAPIN, Blanche G. (Giffin). Born Cassopolis, Mich.; Edu- cated Cassopolis High School; Married Homer Coolidge Chapin, January 2, 1906; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 750 Kenesaw Terrace. CHAPIN, Emily M. (Coolidge). Born Niles, Mich.; Educated Home Schools; Married Charles A. Chapin, June 4th, 1874; Children Homer Coolidge, Lucile (Mrs. Smith), Helen (Mrs. Bishop), Henry Kent, Ruby (Mrs. Pitner), Lowell Mead, Charles Douglas; Clubs Woman's Club of Chicago, Woman's Athletic, Woman's City, D. A. R.; Activities Various charity and benevolent societies, Juvenile Protective Assn., Glenwood, Ind. School for Boys, etc. Residence Drake Hotel. CHAPMAN, Doris (Lovey). Born Natchez, Miss.; Educated Home Schools; Children Virginia A., Mervyne; Clubs Alli- ance Francaise, Arts, Friends of Opera; Activities Executive Committee of the five Liberty Loan Drives, Chairman of Lake Shore Drive Surgical Dressing Committee, Secretary to Enter- tainment Committee War Camp Service, Chairman of Ticket Committee for Illinois Children Home and Aid Society, Chair- man of Ticket Committee for Chinese Famine Fund; Chicago Lying-in Hospital, Permanent Blind Fund, Salvation Army and Red Cross work for duration of World War; general philan- thropic interest. Residence 909 Lafayette Pkwy. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 33 CHAPMAN, Luella J. (MacCune). Born Waupun, Wis.; Edu- cated Carlton College; Married Theo S. Chapman, November 15th, 1917; Clubs Illinois Women's Athletic, South Shore Country, Aviation Club; Activities Red Cross war work, gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence Parkway Hotel. CHAPMAN, Mary (Adams). Born Rockbridge County, Va.; Educated Home Schools; Married John E. Chapman, June 8th, 1869; Children Mrs. Morrill Dunn, John A. Chapman; Activities General philanthropic interest. Residence 25 E. Walton Place. CHASE, Mary (Ayer). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dobbs Ferry ; Married Samuel Thompson Chase, April, 1 896 ; Chil- dren Mary Ayer (Mrs. Preston Boyden), Elizabeth, Janet; Clubs Friday Club, Scribblers, Casino, Woman's City Club; Activities Chairman Conservation Bureau Local Chapter, Chil- dren's Memorial Hospital, Girl Scouts, Inc. Residence 3204 Sheridan Road. CHATFIELD-TAYLOR, Adele (Blow). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Westover School, Conn.; Married Wayne Chatfield- Taylor, August 22nd, 1917; Children Hobart, Adelaide; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. CHICKERING, Lucile (Parish). Born Delavan, Wis.; Edu- cated LaSalle Seminary, Auburndale, Mass. ; Married Clif- ford C. Chickering; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Friendly Aid Society, Children's South Side Free Dispensary; Activities University Settlement League, Trustee Illinois General Hos- pital. Residence 1344 E. 48th St. CHILDS, Edith (Newell). Born Kenosha, Wis.; Educated Home Schools; Married C. Frederick Childs, December 31st, 1900; Children Madeleine, Claire, Frederick Newell; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake For- est, 111. 34 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER CHRISTOPHER, Madeline (Smith). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Smith College and University of Chicago; Married Dr. Frederick Christopher, December 1, 1917; Children Walter Shields, II.; Clubs Junior Friends of Art; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 2622 Lake View Ave. CHURCH, Margaret M. (Finch). Born Kentucky; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Dr. Archibald Church, March 28th, 1894; Children Archibald, Jr.; Clubs Fortnightly, Colonial Dames, Wednesday Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1858 Dorchester Ave. CLARKE, Frances Halsey (Taylor). Born Baltimore, Md.; Educated Mrs. Corey's Southern Home School; Married Henry Love Clark, January 30th, 1907; Clubs Colonial Dames of America, Daughters of the Confederacy, Service Club, Wom- an's City, Flossmoor Country Club; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence 3972 Lake Park Ave. CLEMENT, Corinne (Dewey). Born Manhattan, Kas.; Edu- cated Mary Baldwin Seminary, Staunton, Va. ; Married Aus- tin Arthur Clement, June 23rd, 1917; Children Austin Arthur Clement, Jr., Allan M. Clement, II.; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities General charities. Residence 207 E. Chestnut St. CLEMENT, Louisa D. (Newman). Born Manchester, Eng. ; Educated Pennsylvania School for Girls; Married Harry Lee Clement, December 28th, 1911; Clubs Chicago Culture Club, Woman's Protective Assn., Andoka Philanthropic Club (Presi- dent 1920), Eastern Star Standard Chapter 735, Mass. Colony of Illinois Colony Club; Activities Illinois General Hospital and Cancer Research Foundation, Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial, Base Hospital U. S., and general philanthropic in- terests. Residence 730 Oakwood Blvd. CLOW, Pearl G. (Libby). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Spence's School, New York City; Married James Culbertson Clow (deceased), 1900; Children J. Beach; Clubs Woman's 35 Athletic, Woman's City, Onwentsia; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 325 Fullerton Pkwy. COBURN, Annie (Swan). Born Fremont, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married Lewis Lamed Coburn (deceased), June 23rd, 1880; Clubs Arts Club, Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic, Musicians' Club of Women; Activities Chicago His- torical Society, Art Institute, Antiquarians, Civic Music League, Drarva League. Residence Blackstone Hotel. COCHRAN, Alice (Vanuxem). Born Chestnut Hill, Philadel- phia, Pa.; Educated Private Schools; Married John Lewis Cochran, November 3d, 1892; Children John Lewis, Jr., Louis Vanuxem; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Antiquarian Society, Onwentsia; Activities Red Cross Surgical Dressings, Committee for French Wounded, President Woman's Board St. Luke's Hospital for two years, ex-President Board of Lying-in Hospital, Service League for the Handicapped. Resi- dence 1415 Astor St. COE, Ethel Louise. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Graduated with honor and an American Traveling Scholarship from Art Institute, Chicago; Studied two years under Senor don Joa- quin Sorollo y Bastida in Madrid, Spain; Clubs Charter mem- ber Artists' Guild, Arts Club, Cordon, Chicago Society of Artists; Activities Painter, Art Teacher; exhibits at annual exhibit of Art Institute of Chicago; Society of Artists at San Francisco and at Milwaukee, Wis., Decatur, 111., Phoenix and Prescott, Ariz. ; Young Fortnightly prize, Chicago Artists' Ex- hibition; Principal works, "La Nina" (Sioux City, la., Museum) ; painting in rooms of Artists' Guild, Fine Arts Bldg. ; Instructor Art Institute of Chicago since 1902. Resi- dence 1223 Elmwood Ave., Evanston, 111. Studio 4 E. Ohio St. COLE, Mabel (Cook). Born Piano, 111.; Educated A. B. Northwestern University; Married Fay-Cooper Cole, October 20th, 1906; Children La Mont; Clubs Midland Authors, 36 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Writers' Guild, Friends in Council, Chi Omega, P. E. O. ; Activities Traveled in Orient, spent four years in interior of Philippines, studying the social and mental life of the primi- tive peoples; Author of "Philippine Folk Tales", contributor of short stories and articles to magazines. Residence 2343 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. COLEMAN, Anna (Wilkins). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage ; Married Joseph G. Coleman, Novem- ber 19th, 1891; Children Loring W. Coleman; Clubs Casino, Arts, Woman's City Club; Activities President of Casino Club, President Woman's Aid of Passavant Hospital, Chairman of Friends of Art, President of Red, White and Blue Club (a shelter for poor children of the northwest district, which houses and supports daily 500 to 700 poor children), member Woman's Committee State Council of Defense, Chairman Pub- licity Department during entire period of World War. Resi- dence 712 Rush St. COLLINS, Margaret Jane (Whitney). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married George Robb Collins, April 8th, 1915; Children George Robb, Jr., Whitney; Clubs- Indian Hill Country Club; Activities Chicago Junior League. Residence 3122 Sheridan Road. COLT, Annette (Kellogg). Born New York City; Educated Madame Yatemas School, Paris, France; Married William Edward Colt, Jr., November 9th, 1901; Children Schuyler Van Ingen; Clubs Woman's City Club, Arts Club; Activities Interior Decorations. Residence 13 E. Division St. CONDEE, Ruth (Hanecy). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Private Tutelage ; Married Ralph Waterbury Condee, Jan- uary 25th, 1908; Children Elbridge Hanecy, Ralph W., Jr.; Clubs Kenwood; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 930 E. 46th St. CONDIT, Moscelyn (Daisy). Born Wichita, Kas.; Educated- Private Tutelage; Married Dudley N. Condit; Activities Past CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 37 Chairman Women's Committee Chicago Yacht Club, Executive of W. S. S., Chairman Permanent Blind Fund Tag Day, Lib- erty Loan Flying Squadron, one of the founders of City Hall Canteen, Vice-Chairman Associated Welfare Drive, Illinois Girls' Club. Residence Ambassador Hotel. CONGER, Emily (Lyon). Born Conneaut, Ohio; Educated Home Schools; Married William P. Conger (deceased), Jan- uary 22nd, 1885; Children Cornelia; Clubs Chicago Wom- an's Club, Woman's City Club, Fortnightly, Saddle and Cycle; Activities Visiting Nurses' Assn., Association of Day Nurser- ies, Advisory Committee United Charities. Residence 200 E. Pearson St. CONKLIN, Alice I., M. D. Born Dowagiac, Mich.; Educated Graduate in music Albion College in 1884, Graduate in medi- cine from W. M. C. Northwestern University 1897; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Medical Woman's Club of Chicago, Chicago Medical Society, Illinois Medical Society, American Medical Assn. ; Activities Surgeon to Norwegian American Hospital, Consultant to Cook County Hospital. Office 32 N. State St. Residence 2949 Logan Blvd. CONNELL, Anne (Rhode). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Richard A. Connell, December 9th, 1894; Children Richard A., Jr.; Clubs Woman's City Club, North End, Eastern Star (Golden Rod Chapter) ; Activities Organized North Shore Country Club 1912 (changed to North Shore Woman's Club), arranged for first playground in 25th Ward, Chairman 25th Ward (1920-21) Woman's City Club, Past President Ladies' Auxiliary St. Bernard Commandry, gen- eral war work, contributor to various philanthropies. Residence 1305 Astor St. CON WAY, Louise (Shoenberger). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Barret Conway, June 1st, 1909; Children Louise Reynolds, Robert Barret; Clubs Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities President Winnetka Parent-Teachers' 38 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Assn. 1920-21, Chairman Social Committee Winnetka Woman's Club 1920-21. Residence 387 Linden St., Winnetka, 111. COOK, Catherine E. Born Portage, Wis.; Educated Home Schools; Clubs Arts, Illinois Women's Press Assn., Woman's National Farm and Garden Assn. ; Activities Woman's Na- tional Book Sellers' Assn., New York City, Library Club of Chicago, Brownleigh Club, Manager of the Open Court Pub- lishing Co. Address 122 S. Michigan Ave. COOK, Mollie (Price). Born Chicago, 111. ; Educated Uni- versity of California; Widow; Children Nilla, Harl; Clubs Woman's City, Illinois Women's Athletic Club, Woman's League, Altrusa Club; Activities Editorial and Publicity Work, Executive Secretary of the Chicago Boosters' Publicity Club, a non-political, civic organization. Address 5 S. Wabash Ave. COOK, Margaret (Meeker). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married David Shields Cook, Jr. (deceased), October 19th, 1904; Clubs Woman's City Club, Arts Club, Casino, Scribblers ; Activities Practical Housekeeping Center, Italian Auxiliary of Red Cross, Children's Memorial Hospital, Financial Committee Chicago Historical Society and of the Chicago Opera Assn., Friends of Opera, United Charities. Residence 2648 Lake View Ave. COOKE, Flora Juliette. Born Bainbridge, Ohio; Educated Youngstown, Ohio, Schools, Chicago Normal School, and Uni- versity of Chicago Extension; Clubs Teachers' Assn., Audu- bon Society, N. E. A., Academy of Sciences, Chicago League of Women Voters, National Society for Scientific Study of Education, Northern Illinois Teachers' Assn.; Activities Teacher in Chicago Normal School and Chicago Institute; Principal of Francis W. Parker School since 1900; Author of "Nature Myths" and articles on educational subjects. Resi- dence 616 York Place. COOLEY, Helen (Wooster). Born Torrington, Conn.; Edu- cated Vassar College, Degree A. B. 1886; Married Harlan CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 39 Ward Cooley, 1892; Children Julia Cooley (Mrs. Altrocchi), Harlan Wooster; Clubs Chicago Woman's, College, Cordon, Every Day, Vassar Alumnae Assn.; Activities Past President of following organizations: Vassar Students' Aid Society, Vassar Alumnae Assn. of Chicago and the West, National Vassar Alumnae Assn., Chicago College Club, Chicago Wom- an's Club, Illinois Woman's Legislative Congress, Drama League, Woman's Committee Hyde Park Dept. Y. M. C. A.; member of State Board Woman's Committee Council National Defense and State Chairman of Registration; member of Y. W. C. A. Board; Vice-President of Public Education Assn. Resi- dence 5318 Greenwood Ave. COPELAND, Ethel M. (Greeley). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated 1 Dr. Mac Duffees, Springfield, Mass.; Married Lowell Copeland, Jaunary 1st, 1900; Children Lowell Townsend, Elizabeth S., Ruth L.; Clubs Woman's City Club, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities Philanthropic interest. Residence 180 Linden St., Winnetka, 111. COULTRAP, Mrs. M. W. Born Mt. Vernon, O.; Educated- Home Schools; Married McKendrae W. Coultrap, March 13th, 1895; Clubs Naperville Woman's Club, Northwestern Dames; Activities President Eleventh District I. F. W. C. Residence Naperville, 111. Address 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. COUNTISS, Eleanor (Robinson). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Dobbs Ferry and Rye Seminary; Married Frederick D. Countiss, September 10th, 1910; Children Henrietta Eleanor, Frederick Downer, Jr.; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Arts, Casino, Saddle and Cycle; Activities Decorated by Queen of Belgium for commendable deeds in war service; organized Girls' Training Camp (Lake Geneva, 111., 1916) ; organizer of Navy League Motor Corps (afterwards Red Cross Motor Corps) ; organizer Woman's Section of the Navy League; Chair- man Navy Auxiliary Chicago Chapter American Red Cross; member of Navy Red Cross War Council in Washington, appointed by Secretary Daniels ; took active part in all Liberty 40 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Loan and Red Cross Drives. Residence 1524 Lake Shore Drive and Lake Geneva, Wis. CREMIN, Genevieve (Amberg). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Academy of the Sacred Heart; Married Joseph Wallace Cre- min, September 30th, 1908; Children Florence Agnes, Gene- vieve Noel, William Amberg; Activities President of the Christ Child Society. Residence 1301 N. State St. CRERAR, Marie G. (Owens). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married John Crerar, 1900; Children Marie O. (Mrs. Robert H. Reid), Catherine H. ; Clubs Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Fortnightly, Scribblers, Woman's Athletic, Colonial Dames; Activities Member Board of St. Luke's Hospital, Social Committee of Colonial Dames, Friends of Opera, Secretary Woman's Committee Chicago Historical Society. Residence 1901 Prairie Ave. CRESSEY, Margaret (Smith). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Timothy A. Cressey, January 4th, 1906; Clubs Renaissance, Catholic Woman's League; Activities St. Elizabeth Business Woman's Club, Protectorate of Cath- olic Woman's League. Residence 105 East Delaware Place. CROSBY, Hallie (Miller). Born Basel, Switzerland; Educated Home and Private Schools; Married Arthur Bradley Crosby, October llth, 1905; Clubs Klio Assn., Geographic Society, Lake View Woman's Club, Mont Clare Club; Activities Presi- dent Klio Assn., Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial, Little Wanderers' Day Nursery, Visiting Nurses' Assn., general phil- anthropic interest. Residence 615 Addison St. CUDAHY, Lenore (Brewer). Born Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii; Married Edward I. Cudahy, April 25th, 1911; Chil- dren William Brewer, Michael, Robert Edward; Clubs Wom- an's Athletic, Casino; Activities Woman's Exchange of Chi- cago, Ridge Farm Preventorium, Provincial Director of National Council of Catholic Women. Residence 1304 Astor St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 41 GUSHING, Elizabeth (Goodrich). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools ; Married Charles Goodwin Gushing, Jr., August 15th, 1917; Children Elizabeth McKay; Clubs Wom- an's Athletic, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities Junior League. Residence 195 E. Chestnut St. D ANZ, Ida Mabel (Gunderson). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Mrs. Grant's Seminary; Married Charles A. Danz, April 22nd, 1896; Clubs West End Woman's Club, Mothers' Relief Assn., Oak Park Sorosis; Activities Past President West Side Co-Educational Club; Norwegian Children's Home; also general philanthropic interests. Residence 3302 Washington Blvd. DAVIS, Cecil (Clark). Educated Farmington, Conn.; Married Richard Harding Davis (deceased) ; Clubs Woman's City, Casino, Arts, Colony (New York) ; Activities Artist, exhibits in New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Residence 847 Lincoln Parkway. DAVIS, Effa V., M. D. Born Freedom, 111.; Educated North- western University Woman's Medical School; Children One adopted daughter; Clubs American Medical Assn., Illinois Medical Society, Chicago Medical Society, Women's Medical Club, Woman's City Club, Woman's Protective League; Activi- ties Medical practice, specializing in obstetrics; active in care of the illegitimate child, the feeble-minded woman of child- bearing age, and the unmarried mothers; Welfare work directed toward safer maternity and safer and better Child Welfare work, work done at the Chicago Maternity Hospital and Amer- ican Clinics. Residence 2314 North Clark St. DAVIS, Sallie (Allen). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Educated University of Chicago; Married Elliott W. Davis (deceased), 1898; Children Elliott W.; Clubs Woman's City Club, Book- fellows, Fellowship House Woman's Club; Activities Head- resident Fellowship House, President Fourth District Illinois Federation Woman's Club, member Executive Committee Chi- 42 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER cago Federation of Settlements ; member Trades Union League, member Inter-racial Committee, member League of Woman Voters, member Urban League; actively connected with all ac- tivities looking to social welfare and civic betterment. Residence Fellowship House, 831 W. 33rd Place. DOBYNS, Winifred W. (Starr). Educated Private Tutelage; Married Fletcher Dobyns, 1909; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities Chairman of Speakers' Bureau for all Lib- erty Loans ; Chairman of Illinois Woman's Republican Party ; general philanthropic interests. Residence 1512 N. Dearborn Parkway. DRAKE, Jessica (McClellan). Born Middletown, Ohio; Mar- ried John B. Drake, June 3rd, 1897; Children John B., Jr., William McClellan, Elizabeth, Katherine; Educated Mrs. Piatt's Seminary, Utica, N. Y. ; Clubs Women's Athletic, Ca- sino, Saddle and Cycle, South Shore Country, Onwentsia. Ac- tivities Member of Board of Service League for Handicapped, member of Board of Boys' Shelter Club, member of Board Children's Memorial Hospital, Red Cross War Work Unit No. 14, Navy League War Work. Residence Drake Hotel. DRAY, Bessie (Myers). Born Columbia, III.; Educated St. Louis High School; Married Walter S. Dray, April 30th, 1882; Children Walter R.; Clubs Antiquarian Society, Chicago Historical Society, Woman's City Club, Alliance Francaise, Le Cercle Francais, Matinees Francaises. Residence Edgewater Beach Hotel. DEAN, Suzanna Ella (Wood). Born Corona, Ohio; Educated Dearborn Seminary, Chicago; Married John Edward Dean, 1900; Clubs D. A. R., Loyal Legion, Ohio Society, Aviation Club of Chicago, Aquarian Society, Life Member Art Insti- tute, Woman's City Club, American Federation of Arts, Drama League, Woman's League of Chicago; Activities Musicians' Club of Women, Chicago Woman's Musical Club, Alliance Fran- caise, etc., Y. W. C. A. Refuge, Shut-Ins, Children's Hospitals. Residence 116 W. Walton Place. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 43 DEANE, Martha (Townei*). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools ; Married Ruthven Deane ; Children Charles, Henry Towner; Clubs Friday, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1222 N. State St. DeBEY, Cornelia, M. D. Born Holland; Educated Graduate of Illinois Normal School, Hahnemann Medical College (M. D.), Northwestern University; Clubs Chicago Medical Society, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities Practicing physician in Chi- cago since 1895, member Board of Education (1905-08), a leader in securing passage of bill legalizing kindergartens as part of Public Schools (1890), also Child Labor Bill in Illinois Legislature (1902-03), a Pacifist. Residence 5515 Woodlawn Ave. Office 29 E. Madison St. DE LAMARTER, Rubee (Wilson). Educated Fort Atkinson High School, Olivet College (Michigan), Private Tutelage in Chicago; Married Eric De Lamarter; Children Jeanne, Mar- jorie; Clubs Chicago Artists' Assn., Musical Art Society; Activities Teacher of Singing, Solo Soprano Fourth Presby- terian Church. Residence 126 E. Chestnut St. DELAVAN, Sophia E. (Koch). Born Strasburg, Alsace-Lor- raine; Educated Europe and New York; Children Victoria Raphael; Clubs Woman's Assn. of Commerce (President 1918 and First Honorary President) ; through personal efforts this Association was granted active membership in the National Chamber of Commerce, the first woman's organization so recog- nized; Activities Manufacturer, inventor, organizer, suffragist, "An Exponent of High Efficiency" ; has controlled American trade in doll wigs since 1914; Delegate and National Counselor to Convention of National and International Chamber of Com- merce (three consecutive years) ; National Council to Europe to represent business and professional women of America in International Chamber of Commerce (only woman ever ap- pointed to this position) ; only woman ever appearing on pro- gram of Annual Convention of Chamber of Commerce of U. 44 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER S. A. (Atlantic City, N. J., 1920); instrumental in organizing "Business Men's Club" for disabled soldiers at Fort Sheridan; enrolled 80,000 Red Cross members during World's War, among Building Trades Unions in Illinois, personally addressing the Union Labor men; also active on Liberty Loan Drives. Ad- dress 24 W. Washington St. DENEEN, Bina Day (Maloney). Born Mt. Carroll, 111.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married Charles S. Deneen, May 10th, 1891; Children Charles Ashley, Dorothy, Frances Viola, Bina Day; Clubs Chicago Woman's Clubs, Woman's Athletic, Cordon, Englewood Woman's, Fortnightly; Activities Board member Chicago Home for Friendless, general philanthropic interests. Residence 457 W. 61st Place. de WINDT, Alice G. (Arnold). Born Cambridge, Mass.; Edu- cated Radcliff College; Married Heyliger A. de Windt, March 16th, 1912; Clubs Winnetka Woman's Club, College Club of Boston; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Winnetka, 111. DICK, Mary Henrietta (Mathews). Born Schenectady, N. Y. ; Educated Miss Comstock's, New York City; Married Albert B. Dick, June 1st, 1892; Children Albert Blake, Charles Mathews, Edison, Sheldon; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Onwent- sia, Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1550 N. State Pkwy. and Lake Forest, 111. DIXON, Ethel (Eisher). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ogontz, Kenwood Institute; Married William Warren Dixon, June 15th, 1910; Children Two sons; Clubs Woman's Ath- letic, Service Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Young Fortnightly, Alliance Francaise ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 70 E. Scott St. DIXON, Marion (Martin). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married George W. Dixon, March 2nd, 1903; Children Marion, George W., Jr. ; Clubs Chicago Woman's CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 45 Club, Woman's Athletic, Cordon, Antiquarian Society, Alliance Francaise; Activities President of Ladies' Auxiliary of Wesley Hospital, First Vice-President Chicago Woman's Club 1920-21, President Woman's Athletic Club 1917-18, Chairman Central Branch Y. W. C. A. Residence 1250 Lake Shore Drive. DONAHEY, Mary A. (Dickerson). Born New York, N. Y.; Educated St. Mary's School, New York; Married William Donahey, August 16th, 1905; Clubs Society of Midland Authors, Authors' League, Illinois Women's Press Assn., Ohio Woman's Press Club, Cordon; Activities Children's Books (ten published), stories and articles for magazines. Residence 5808 Winthrop Ave. DONOVAN, Frances (Robertson). Born St. Clair, Mich.; Edu- cated Michigan State Normal and Chicago University (Ph. B. 1918); Married William E. Donovan, December, 1907; Clubs Midland Authors, Bookfellows, Illinois Woman's Press Assn.; Activities Student, investigator, writer sociological subj ects ; author of "The Woman Who Waits" 1920. Residence 6034 Stony Island Ave. DORMER, Elizabeth (Guion). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated St. Mary's Hall Burlington, N. J. ; Married Richard J. Dormer (deceased), May 4th, 1913; Children Beverly; Clubs President Cameo Salon, President Lonely Heart Club; Activities General philanthropic and Artistic interest. Resi- dence 51 E. Elm St. DOUD, Elizabeth (Reeder). Born Americ, ; Educated Home Schools; Married Levi Barnes Doud (deceased), 1875; Chil- dren Mrs. Henry A. Rumsey; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Antiquarian Soci- ety, Mayflower Society, Daughters American Revolution ; Activi- ties Chicago Home for Girls. Residence Lake Forest, 111. DUNN, Anna (Chapman). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dobbs Ferry, Miss Masters; Married Morrill Dunn, May 27th, 1899; Children Anita, May Morrill, William McKee; Clubs 46 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Casino, Scribblers, Woman's City; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 102 Bellevue Place. DURNO, Jeanette. Born Walkerton, Ontario, Canada; Edu- cated Rockford College (received final preparation for con- cert stage from Theodore Leschetizky of Vienna) ; Clubs Music Teachers' Assn., Musicians, Cordon; Activities Tours United States and Canada playing with leading orchestras and musical clubs, appeared in concert in leading cities of Europe. Residence 4140 Lake Park Ave. E AST, Emma (Tolman). Born Keene, New Hampshire; Edu- cated Home Schools of Iowa; Children Dr. H. A. Miller, Dr. W. E. Miller, Maybelle (Mrs. E. H. Longman); Clubs- Social Order of the Beauseant; Woman's Advertising Club; Advertising Club (Denver), Press Club of Denver; Activities Special Lecturer for National Parks Assn. of Washington, D. C. (a non-partisan Assn. for protection of National Parks and for educating general public regarding them), previously asso- ciated with "Know Your Own Country Campaign" (originated in Denver), first Secretary of Greater Colorado Bureau and Denver Tourist and Publicity Bureau. Address 140 S. Dear- born St. EDDY, Rachel W. (Warner). Born Kansas City, Mo.; Edu- cated University School for Girls, Miss Stone's (Rome, Italy) ; Married Augustus Wilson Eddy; Children One; Clubs Glen View, Hyanisport Club; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence Evanston, 111. EDWARDS, Florence D. Born St. Paul, Minnesota; Educated- Private Schools, Pasadena, Calif. ; Married Benj amin Kil- bourne Edwards, October 14th, 1912; Children Katherine Elizabeth, Benjamin Chalmers (deceased); Clubs Chicago Automobile, Chicago Motor, San Gabriel Valley Country; Ac- tivities Music, Athletics, Contributor to Various Charities. Residence- 6011 Sheridan Road. DWYER, Anna (Mugan), M. D. Born Colorado, la.; Educated Northwestern University Medical School, 1896; Married William G. Dwyer (deceased), M. D., September 10, 1884; Children Irene Lucille (deceased), Ethel Letitia, Esther Naomi; Clubs Nu Sigma Phi, Woman's Protective League. Catholic Woman's League, After Dinner (Medical), Altrusa, Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's League; Activities Prac- ticed in Chicago since 1896, President of Staff of Mary Thomp- son Hospital, 1909-11; now physician to Morals Court and Municipal Court of Chicago; Member Chicago Vice Commission; Morals Commission of Chicago; State Charities Commission of Illinois; has contributed extensively to newspapers and maga- zines. Residence 4438 Drexel Blvd. Office City Hall and 22 E. Washington St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 47 EDWARDS, Mary Elizabeth (Paine). Born Brooklyn, N. Y.; Educated Home Schools ; Married James Augustus Edwards, April 12th, 1882; Children Kenneth, Donald, Marjorie, Dor- othy; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Glen View Club; Activi- ties Chicago Orphan Asylum. Residence Hotel Ambassador. EGAN, Alice E. (Brown). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Art Institute of Chicago; Married Sidney B. Egan, January 9th, 1915; Children Margaret Marion, Philip Hunt; Activities Local charitable and church work. Residence 643 Ostrand St., Oak Park, 111. EGAN, Sarah (Chandler). Born Detroit, Mich.; Educated- Chicago High School, Class of 1875; Married William Con- stantine Egan, January 9th, 1878; Children Erva (Mrs. Truax), William B., H. Chandler; Clubs Woman's City Club, Daughters of American Revolution (North Shore Chapter, Highland Park, 111.) ; Activities D. A. R. work, church and philanthropic interests. Residence "Egandale", Highland Park, 111. ELLIOTT, Ethel (Buckingham). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Miss Wheeler's School, Providence, R. I.; Married William S. Elliott, June 4th, 1910; Children William B., John B., Lydia Hibbard; Clubs Winnetka Woman's Club, Indian Hill Club. Residence 650 Blackthorn Road, Win- netka, 111. ELSTON, Pearl (Campbell). Born La Harpe, 111.; Educated La Harpe High School ; Married Isaac Compton Elston, Jr. ; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Le Cercle Francais, L' Alliance Fran- caise, Highland Park Woman's Club; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence "Edge-o-link", Highland Park, 111. ELTING, Jessie (MacNulty). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Sacred Heart Convent; Married Philip Le Fevre Elting, June, 1906; Children Ruth, Philip, Jr., Byron; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities Welfare work, Chairman Emerson Day Nursery. Residence 117 Bellevue Place. 48 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER ELTING, Marie (Winston). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Kirkland School; Married Victor Elting, August 1st, 1905; Children Victor, Jr., Winston, John; Club Winnetka Wom- an's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence Winnetka, 111. ENGLEHARD, Minnie (Silverstein). Born Meridian, Miss.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Alfred Benjamin Engle- hard; Children Alfred Benjamin; Clubs President Baron Hirsch Woman's Club, President Chicago Assn. Jewish Religious School Teachers, member Chicago Woman's Aid Johannah Lodge, Deborah Woman's Club; Activities General war drives, Presi- dent Help Aid Child League, Board member Crippled Chil- dren's School. Residence 2634 Lake View Ave. ENNIS, Luna May. Born Martinsville, Ind. ; Educated Miss Anne Brown's, New York City, University of Chicago; Clubs The Society of Midland Authors. Residence 5610 Dorchester Ave. ERICSON, Carolyn (Dawes). Born Lincoln, Neb.; Educated Dobbs Ferry; Married Melvin B. Ericson; Children Charles Dawes; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 210 Davis St., Evanston, 111. ESMOND, Bessie (Archer). Born Austin, Tex.; Educated- Texas and Marietta College; Married John W. Esmond, Feb- ruary 15th, 1908; Children Ida May; Clubs Exmoor; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence 63 E. Di- vision St. J71AHRNEY, Lena M. (Rice). Born Afton, Iowa; Educated 1 Home Schools ; Married William H. Fahrney, January 7th, 1903; Clubs Woman's City Club; Activities Sarah Hack- ett Stevenson Memorial, South Side Free Dispensary. Resi- dence 6171 Sheridan Road. FAIRBANK, Janet (Ayer). Bom Chicago, 111.; Educated- Miss Ely's School, New York, and Chicago University; Mar- 49 ried Kellogg Fairbank; Children Janet, Kellogg, Jr., Ben- jamin A.; Clubs Friday, Fortnightly, Woman's City, Scrib- blers; Activities Actively interested in 'Woman Suffrage and local politics ; for many years Chairman of Board of Chicago Lying-in Hospital, member Woman's National Liberty Loan Committee; member Executive Committee State Unit of Wom- an's Council of National Defense; author and playwright. Residence 1244 N. State St. FARGO, Marion Louise (Beaver). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Evanston Academy; Married Chas. Evelyn Fargo, 1894; Children Marion L., Isabel E., Charles E., III.; Clubs Evanston Golf Club, Spring Lake Hunting Club; Activities Athletics and general philanthropic interests.. Residence 5430 Lakewood Ave. FARNSWORTH, Alice (Brooks). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Kirkland School, Chicago; Married George J. Farns- worth, December 31st, 1896; Children Marion, Edith Brooks, Richard Brooks; Clubs Woman's Athletics, Woman's Club, Wednesday Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1448 Astor St. FARR, Charlotte (Camp). .Born Burlington, Vt; Educated Home Schools; Married Marvin A. Farr, January 5th, 1886 (deceased) ; Children Newton Camp, Barbara C. ; Clubs Chi- cago Woman's Club, Musicians' Club of Women; Activities Treasurer of Stock Yards Day Nursery Assn., active in Kenwood Evangelical Church, member Woman's Board Hyde Park Y. M. C. A., associate member of various organizations, subscriber to Symphony Concerts at Orchestra Hall and University of Chicago. Residence 4737 Woodlawn Ave. FAULKNER, Elizabeth, Miss. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University of Chicago; Clubs Cordon, Wednesday Club, Chi- cago College Club, American Assn. of University Women, Uni- versity of Chicago Alumnae Club, University Settlement League; Activities Life Member Chicago Art Institute, Chi- 50 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER cago Historical Society, Principal Faulkner School (a prepara- tory school for girls), Instructor in Latin and Greek, Vice- President of National Assn. of Principals of Girls' Schools. Residence 4746 Dorchester Ave. FAULKNER, Georgene, Miss. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools and National Kindergarten College; Clubs Chi- cago Woman's, Chicago Kindergarten, Cordon, Midland Authors, Bookfellows, Illinois Press Woman's Assn., Story Tellers' League; Activities Faulkner School for Girls (Director of Kindergarten), Author of "Story Lady's Series", "Red Cross Stories for Children", "The Story Lady's Book", professional story teller, lecturer and children's entertainer, Y. M. C. A. Entertainer Overseas ("Aunty of the A. E. F."). Residence 4746 Dorchester Ave. FELLOWS, Angie (Woodward). Born Wisconsin; Educated Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. ; Married Dr. C. Gurnee Fellows, April 27th, 1886; Children Marguerite May (Mrs. Percival Gray Hart), Woodward; Clubs Chicago College Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae, Life Member Art Institute, South Shore Country Club; Activities Infant Welfare, Red Cross (Hospital Visitor), general philan- thropic interests. Residence 4820 Kenwood Ave. FENTON, Ethel (Carpenter). Born New Jersey; Educated Hillmuth College, London, Ontario; Married Howard W. Fen- ton, May 22nd, 1901; Children Alice Beatrice, Mary Louise; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic Club, College, Woman's City Club, Service Club, Musicians' Club of Women; Activities Member Board of Directors and former President Margaret Etter Creche, member Executive Board Directors of Chicago Association Day Nurseries, Corresponding Secretary of same Board. Residence 818 Bryant Ave., Winnetka, 111. FENTRESS, Paulina (Lyon). Born Ludington, Mich.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Calvin Fentress, January 14th, 1903; Children Thomas, Mary, Calvin, Jr., Emily, Paul, Har- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 51 riet; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence Hubbard Woods, 111. FERRY, Abbey (Farwell). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Farmington, Vassar College ; Married William Henry Ferry ; Children William H., Jr., John, Frank, Montague, Horace; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Chicago Woman's, Woman's City, Woman's Athletic, D. A. R. Chapter C., Chicago College Club, Association Collegiate Alumnae, Chicago Alumnae Assn. of Vas- sar College, Illinois Suffrage Assn. ; Activities Member of Board Vocational Education. Residence "Beach Brow", Lake For- est, 111. FISH, Edna (Bensinger). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dear- born Seminary; Married Joseph Fish, January 31st, 1893; Children Edward, Josephine; Clubs Arts, Woman's City, Al- liance Francais, Art Institute, Civic Music Assn., Chicago Hebrew Institute, National Conference of Jewish Women, Chicago Light House, Drama League, Vocational Society of Shut-ins, Chicago Band Assn., Baron Hirsch, Chicago League of Women Voters, Chicago City Garden Assn., and many others; Activities President of Deborah Boys' Club, the Miriam Club, the Co-operative League, Mothers' Aid to Chicago Lying-in Hospital, Deborah Utility Shop, Vice-President Jose- phine CJub and the Conference of Jewish Women, Honorary President Woman's Auxiliary to Chicago Hebrew Institute, and the Affiliated Jewish Clubs meeting at Sinai Social Center, Director of Chicago Woman's Aid, and Council of Jewish Women, Chairman Girls' Camp of Chicago Hebrew Institute, Honorary Director Chicago Winfield Tubercular Sanitarium. Residence 5490 South Shore Drive. FISHER, Julia W. (Farnsworth). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married George P. Fisher, 1886; Chil- dren Ethel Virginia (Mrs. R. W. Harden), George F.; Clubs Woman's, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Friday, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 1440 Astor St. and Lake Forest, 111. FISHER, Mary (DeLany). Born Baltimore, Md. ; Educated Loretta Convent, Joliet, 111.; Married Ferd Elliott Fisher, 52 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER September 28th, 1913; Children Margaret C. Holden; Clubs- Illinois Woman's Athletic (Charter Member), Woman's City, Illinois Women's Press Assn. (Past President), one of the founders and First Vice-President Southern Woman's Club of Chicago, founder of Woman's Advertising Club of Chicago, President of Woman's Press Club of Chicago; Activities Organized and financed Women's War Hospital Committee, which succeeded in securing Legislation from U. S. Government that fireproof hospitals only, be built for U. S. soldiers, sailors and marines; Charter Member Chicago Woman's Band Assn. (a band composed entirely of women, organized for civic better- ment and community welfare), Sole Editor and Proprietor of The Woman's Press, a newspaper of woman's work all over the world. Residence 161 E. Ontario St. FLERSHEM, Mary Sophie (Grenier). Born Buffalo, N. Y.; Educated Buffalo Female Academy (now Buffalo Seminary) ; Married Lem Whitney Flershem (deceased) ; Children Mrs. Joseph Loring Valentine, Rudolph Byford; Clubs Chicago City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 311 Belden Ave. FLINT, Edith (Foster). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ph. B. University of Chicago (1897); Married Nott Flint (de- ceased) ; Children Richard Foster, Halsted (deceased) ; Clubs Member of American Assn. University of Professors; Activi- ties Assistant in English (1897-98), Head of Kelly House (1898-1900), Instructress in English (1906-09), Assistant Professor (1909-14), Associate Professor since 1914 at Uni- versity of Chicago. Residence 5707 Blackstone Ave. FOLLANSBEE, Julia Rogers (McConnell). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Mitchell Davis Fol- lansbee, April 14th, 1903; Children Eleanor, Mitchell, Rogers, Susan, Julia; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Friday; Activi- ties Home and philanthropic interests. Residence 65 Belle- vue Place. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 53 FOLSOM, Dorothy (Moulton). Born Winona, Minn.; Educated Home Schools ; Married Richard Sweet Folsom, May 30th, 1905; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities Board member St. Luke's Hospital, Social Service Motor Corps, Sergeant Red Cross Motor Corps for duration of war. Residence 2917 Michigan Ave. FOREMAN, Rose (Leonard). Born West Virginia; Educated Home Schools; Married W. A. Foreman, March 8th, 1908; Children Bill, Jr., Francis Maefern (both children adopted from Masonic home 1921); Clubs Professional Woman's League (N. Y. Life Member), North End, Chicago Musical, Tuesday Art and Travel, City Club, Drama League; Activities Art and Music. Residence Drake Hotel, Chicago, 619 S. Kenmore, Los Angeles. FORGAN, Margaret Louise (Meeker). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married James Berwick Forgan, Jr., January 24th, 1914; Children Margaret Louise Meeker, Mary Ellen; Clubs Casino, Saddle and Cycle; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1431 Astor St. FORREST, Doris (Kimbrough). Born Arkansas; Educated Huntsville College, Huntsville, Ala. ; Married Alfred E. For- rest; Children Alfred E., Jr.; Clubs South Shore Country, Exmoor Country, D. A. R. ; Activities Chicago South Side Free Dispensary, Boys' Shelter Club, Red Cross and Army and Navy War Worker, general philanthropic interests. Residence 2340 Lincoln Park, West. FORRESTER, Peachey R. (Randle). Born Alton, 111.; Edu- cated Bradford Academy; Married William White Forrester, 1909; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General Char- ities. Residence 4417 Drexel Blvd. FORSYTH, F. Marion (Smith). Born Waterbury, Vt.; Edu- cated Washington Seminary, Northwestern University; Mar- ried Holmes Forsyth, September 10th, 1904; Children Wil- liam; Clubs Colonial Dames of America, College Club, Wednesday Club. Woman's Club: Activities Fourth Presby- 54 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER terian Church, Presbyterian Hospital, Y. W. C. A. and general club work. Residence 942 Lake Shore Drive. FORSYTH, Mary Blaikie (Hoge). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Educated Hadley Private School, Hadley, Mass.; Married Henry H. Forsyth (deceased), April 24th, 1862; Children Holmes, George ; Activities Church and Missionary interests. Residence 229 Lake Shore Drive. FOSTER, Alice (Stearns). Born Sheboygan, Wis.; Educated Graham School, N. Y. ; Married Charles Hubert P'oster, March 22, 1916; Activities Red Cross worker and general charities. Residence 3726 Sheridan Road. FOX, Louise (Cole). Born Orange, N. J.; Educated Prof. Sloan's School, Bergen Point, N. J. ; Married Richard T. Fox, September 1st, 1901 ; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Ely Road, Wheaton, 111. FRANK, Florence (Kiper). Born Atchison, Kas. Educated University of Chicago; Married Jerome N. Frank, July 18th, 1914; Children Barbara; Clubs Arts, Society of Midland Authors, Poetry Society of America, Book and Play Club, Friday Evening Club, North Shore McDowell Society, Win- netka Woman's Club; Activities Writer, occasional lecturer. Residence 1168 Hamptondale Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. FRANKENTHAL, Tillie (Steinhart). Born San Francisco, Calif. ; Educated Madam Ziska's Seminary, San Francisco, Calif.; Married Charles E. Frankenthal, April, 1888; Chil- dren Irma Kate (Mrs. Wm. D. Shivers) ; Activities Manager of Special Service Department, Great Lakes Trust Co., Chairman of Finance Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense; Treasurer Republican Woman's Party, Vice-President Chicago Band Assn., Chicago Children's Benefit League (President for four years), Board member of Passavant Hospital, Board mem- ber Jewish Old People's Home, Finance Committee of Juvenile Protective Assn., Stock Yards Day Nursery and Bethlehem Day Nursery, charter member Chicago Woman's Band Assn., CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 55 Board member Frances Juvenile Home, decorated by Queen of Belgium; Advisory Board of Chicago Junior Home. Address 110 South Dearborn St. FRAZER, Helen (James). Born Halle, Germany; Educated University of Illinois; Married George Enfield Frazer, June 9th, 1915; Children Edmund James, George, Jr., Richard Symons ; Clubs Chicago College Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence Winnetka, 111. FREER, Eleanor (Everest). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Educated Musical Studies in Philadelphia, Paris and Chicago; Married Archibald E. Freer, April 25th, 1891; Children Eleanor (Mrs. E. Russell Willson) ; Clubs Honorary member National Federation of Music Clubs, Musicians' Club of Women (Chi- cago), Chicago Artists' Assn., Active Member of Fortnightly, Friday, Cordon and other Clubs ; Activities Composer of first song literature to one hundred and fifty English and American lyrics, medals from Belgium and French Governments and French Red Cross (A. D. F.) for war relief work 1914-19, since 1902 advocate of vocal music in English for English- speaking countries as a necessary step to the progress of musical art in said countries. Residence 1420 Lake Shore Drive. FRENSDORF, Carrie (Moore). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Lee H. Frensdorf, May 15th, 1895; Children Aileen (Mrs. Hillard Goldberg), Henry J.; Clubs League of Cook County Club; Activities President League of Cook County, Director Woman's Protective League, Director Sixth Ward Civic Organization, (Director and P. F. S.) Council of Jewish Women, Director Johanna Lodge N. O. T. S., one of the original members Woman's City Club; Interests Legis- lative, Civic and Politics. Residence 352 E. 50th St. FULLER, Mary Louise (Hall). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Mrs. Bates' Seminary; Married LeRoy Fuller, February 8th, 1887; Children Dorothy, William A., II.; Clubs Onwentsia, 56 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Saddle and Cycle, Woman's Athletic, Arts, Casino; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1336 N. State St. GALT, Madeline (Noyes). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dobbs Ferry, Miss Hersey's (Boston) ; Married Hubert Gait; Children Madeleine, Elizabeth, Thomas; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence Lake Forest, 111., and Santa Fe, New Mexico. GARNETT, Louise (Ayres). Born Plymouth, Ind.; Educated Dearborn Seminary; Married Eugene H. Garnett, June 14th, 1900; Children Gordon Munday, Gloria Louise; Clubs Cor- don, Evanston Woman's Club, Society of Midland Authors, Drama Club and Drama League, Musical Guild; Activities Author of "The Muffin Shop", "The Rhyming Ring", "Master Will of Stratford", "Courtship", contributor of verses to magazines; composer of "Creature Songs", "The New Earth" words only (music by Henry Hadley), a Cantata presented twice by the Apollo Club. Residence 409 Greenwood Blvd., Evans- ton, 111. GAYLORD, Helen (Harden). Born Wellsburg, W. Va.; Edu- cated Dana Hall School, Wellesley, Mass. ; Married Henry Hamilton Gaylord, January 28th, 1915; Children Louisa Harden, Henry Hamilton, Jr. ; Clubs Young Fortnightly, Musi- cians' Club of Women; Activities Member of Junior League, Melodists' Musical Club, The Musicians' Guild of Illinois, Anti- quarian Society of Art Institute, Drama League. Residence 920 N. Michigan Ave. GERHARDT, Marie (Sommer). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Hanover, Germany; Married Paul Gerhardt, January 26th, 1898; Children Paul, Jr.; Clubs South Shore Country Club, Tuesday Art and Travel Club, Lake View Musical Club; Activi- ties First woman candidate for alderman in Chicago, 23rd ward, Chairman Speakers' Bureau Illinois Women's Democratic Assn., Chairman Field Day Assn., Illinois Equal Suffrage Assn. Residence 457 Fullerton Parkway. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER . 57 GERINGER, Juliette (Pribyl). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Northwest High School; Married Miles B. Geringer, April 6th, 1904-; Children Juliette Jane, Miles August; Clubs Mu Phi Epsilon Sorority, Musicians' Club of Women, Chicago Art- ists' Assn., Bohemia Club, Mary Giddings Society; Activities Bohemian Old People's Home and Orphanage, active in all clubs. Residence 604 Sheridan Square, Evanston, 111. GERSTENBERG, Alice. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Bryn Mawr College; Clubs Arts, National Arts Club of New York, Woman's Athletic, Casino, Junior League, Cordon, Opera Dance Club, "Little Room", Society of Midland Authors, Bryn Mawr College Club, Chicago Equal Suffrage Assn. ; Activities Chair- man Dramatic Committee Arts Club 1918-21, President Bryn Mawr College Club 1918-19, Secretary Society of Midland Authors 1917-19, Novelist and Playwright, Author of "Un- quenched Fire", "The Conscience of Sarah Platt", "Overtones" (a play produced in United States and London), dramatization of "Alice in Wonderland", also numerous one-act plays. Resi- dence 539 Deming Place. GERSTENBERG, Julia (Wieschendorff). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Erich Gerstenberg; Chil- dren-^Alice; Clubs Arts (Life Member), Women's Athletic, Woman's, Cordon, Outdoor Art League (Life Member), Alliance Francaise, Friends of Opera, Antiquarian Society, Woman's Aid Society of Passavant Hospital, Woman's Auxiliary Grant Hos- pital, Red Cross (Life Member), Chicago Equal Suffrage Assn., Civic Music Assn., etc. ; Activities Vice-President and Chair- man House Committee of Chicago Maternity Hospital during presidency of Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson; Executive Board member Woman's Protective Agency; Chicago Little Theater (Life Member); First Chairman Woman's Party of 23rd Ward; one of four Chairmen of 23rd Ward for Victory and Loan Drives; Chairman of Fencing Woman's Athletic Club; Govern- ing member and First Chairman of Publicity for Friends of Opera; First Chairman of Arts Club Musical Committee (1917- 58 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 19); Chairman of Arts Club House Committee (1921); Director and member of Membership Committee of Arts Club. Resi- dence 539 Deming St. GETZ, Sarah E. (Ives). Born Princeton, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Harry W. Getz, January 9th, 1883; Chil- dren Harry W. ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club ; Activities Chicago Orphan Asylum. Residence 5825 Blackstone Ave. GRANNIS, Jane B. (Given). Born Columbia, Pa.; Educated Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Married Uri B. Grannis, June 22nd, 1905; Children Dustin, Uri B., Jr., William Given; Activities Corresponding Secretary Visiting Nurses' Assn., member School Board of Lake Forest, 111. Resi- dence Lake Forest, 111. GRAVES, Angeline (Loesch). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University of Chicago; Married Dr. Robert Elliott Graves, 1909; Clubs Chicago College Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 4249 Hazel Ave. GRAVES, Lucy C. (Crawford). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Frank P. Graves (deceased), Jan. 4th, 1899; Children Virginia, Robert B.; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Onwentsia, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 2648 Lake View Ave. GREELEY, Anna Lowell (Dunbar). Born Boston, Mass.; Edu- cated Gale School, Cambridge, Mass. ; Married Louis May Greeley, 1895; Children Two; Clubs Woman's City Club of Chicago; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence La Grange, 111. GREELEY, Anne (Foote). Born Madison, Wis.; Educated St. Mary's School, Knoxville, III. ; Married Morris L. Greeley, June 7th, 1892; Children Morris L., Jr., Sidney F., Louisa May, Elizabeth, Joseph May; Clubs Woman's City Club, Woman's Club, Tennis Club, Municipal Golf Links (Winnetka) ; Activ- ities Civic and Athletic. Residence 655 Maple Ave., Win- netka, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 59 GREENEBAUM, Amy Beatrice (Kramer). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Douglas and South Division High Schools; Married James Eugene Greenebaum, Sept. 7th, 1893; Children Fred- eric James, Charles Jay, Edith Jeanne; Clubs Chicago Wo- man's Club, Woman's City Club, Alliance Francaise, Deborah, Drama League, Council of Jewish Women, etc.; Activities Lying-in Hospital, President Welfare Com. for Jewish Girls, Vice-President Co-operative League of Chicago, Vice-President of Woman's Auxiliary Hebrew Institute, Director Miriam Club, Director Josephine Club, Director Jewish Woman's Aid. Resi- dence 5492 South Shore Drive. GRIDLEY, Mabel Alida (McGregor). Born Earlville, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Benjamin Franklin Grid- ley (deceased) ; Children Helen Harriet; Clubs North End Club (Corresponding Secretary), organizer of Parent-Teachers Assn. (President for three years) ; Activities Chairman Red Cross Auxiliary No. 180 for two years and Vice-Chairman for two years, general philanthropic interests. Residence 6312 Kenmore Ave. GRIFFIN, Helen (Campbell). Born Cleveland, O.; Educated- College for Women, Western Reserve University; Married Ernest Burchard Griffin, June 24th, 1911; Clubs, Grant Park Woman's Club; Activities Chairman Woman's Republican Com- mittee of Illinois, Member Civil Service Commission, First Vice- President Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. Residence Grant Park, 111., and 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. GRIFFIN, Kate Bellamy (Coursen). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married Hugh L. Griffin; Children Edwin Coursen ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1234 N. Dear- born St. GROSS, Anna Frances (Rew). Born Albany, N. Y.; Educated Graduated from Foster School, Clifton Springs, N. Y. ; Spe- cial Student at Smith College; Married Alfred H. Gross, 60 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER December 20th, 1888; Children Dorothy Rew, Henry Rew, Theresa, Freda; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Evanston Woman's Club, Drama Club; Activities School of Domestic Arts and Science, Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, both State Board and Evanston Advisory Board. Residence 1100 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. GOETZ, Louise (Guerin). Born Sioux City, la.; Educated Home Schools; Married Hugo Goetz, November llth, 1908; Children Richmond; Activities Infant Welfare work, general war work, Junior League, general philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 3400 Sheridan Road. GOODSPEED, Elizabeth (Fuller). Born Evanston, 111.; Edu- cated Farmington and Villa Dupont School in Paris; Married Charles Barnett Goodspeed, November 18th, 1916; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Scribblers, Arts, Casino, Antiquarian, Saddle and Cycle Club; Activities Member Board of Directors Visiting Nurse Assn., Woman's Board Illinois Children's Home, Board Member Casa Maria Center, Junior League. Residence 191 E. Walton Place. GOOKIN, Marie (Sieboth). Born Utica, N. Y.; Educated Utica Female Seminary, Utica Academy and private tutors; Married Frederick William Gookin, June 1st, 1898; Children Nathalie Clothilde; Clubs Friday Club, Antiquarian; Ac- tivities General philanthropic interests. Residence 13 Walton Place. GUNN, Sara Latimer (Clarke). Born Ashlands, Md. ; Educated St. Catherine's Hall, New Orleans, La., and in France; Married Walter Crane Gunn, July 29th, 1913; Clubs Fort- nightly, Wednesday, Young Fortnightly, Arts, Cordon, Alliance Francaise. Woman's City; Activities Literary. Residence 2100 Lincoln Park West. H CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 61 AINES, Edith (Key). Born Stockbridge, Mass.; Edu- cated Miss Waller's School, Chicago; Married John Allen Haines, October 22, 1902; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Indian Hill, Onwentsia, Casino; Activities Director Three Arts Club, Director Grove Home for Convalescents, American Red Cross, Y. W. C. A., Woman's Exchange. Residence Webster Hotel. HAINES, Lilian (Smith). Born of English parentage; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married E. H. Haines (deceased), May 12th, 1903; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, The Alternate Club; Activities The Girls' Friendly Society, Chicago Out- door League, Manufacturers' Agent dealing in raw materials for making of paints, varnish and soap (business established by Mr. Haines fifty years ago). Residence 923 Windsor Ave. HAINES, Mary A. (McDonald). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Immaculate Conception Convent; Married Frederick W. Haines, March 14th, 1897; Clubs Daughters of the Renais- sance, Birchwood Musical, Argyle Park Portia; Activities Active in Social Welfare work. Residence 937 Sunnyside Ave. HALL, Adelaide S. (Wade). Born Westmoreland, N. Y.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married Herman J. Hall, April 13th, 1876; Children Mrs. Leon Saunders, Mrs. Wm. Mad- lung; Clubs D. A. R., Founder and President Arche Club (1888-97), Founder of Los Angeles Outdoor Art League and Honorary Member of the League in San Francisco; Activities Art Chairman General Federation of Women's Clubs for four years and Art Chairman of Illinois State Federation for one year, Honorary Member of Board of I. F. W. C., Audubon Park (New Orleans), Author of "Two Women Abroad", "Im- portant Symbols in Their Hebrew, Pagan and Christian Forms" (a glossary). Contributor to magazines on topics of Art and Travel, Lecturer on Art Topics, Founder and Instructor Museum at Art Institute (eight years). Residence Congress Hotel, Chicago, and Los Angeles, Calif. 62 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER HAMILL, Kathleen (McDonald). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Sacred Heart Convent (Day School) ; Married Charles Hum- phry Hamill, May 25th, 1911; Children One daughter; Clubs Casino, Arts, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia, Fortnightly, Wom- an's City, Chicago Equal Suffrage; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 199 Lake Shore Drive. HAMMER, Mary Amaryllis (Bower). Born Pike County, O.; Educated Miller's Seminary, Athens County, Ohio; Married D. Harry Hammer (deceased), June 4th, 1874; Children Maud (Mrs. Curt Freschel), Hazel Harry (Mrs. Lucius Hum- phrey), D. Harry Hammer, II.; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Chicago Woman's Club, Society of Ohio Women (Founder and Honorary Member), Dames of the Loyal Legion, Geographic Society, Chicago Refuge for Girls, Prairie State Club (Hon- orary Member), Tuesday Art and Travel Club, Social Eco- nomics (Honorary Member), Alternate Club, Wild Flower Preservation Society, Illinois Women's Press Assn., Poetry Lovers of America (President), 100 Year Club, Audubon Society; Activities Writer and Lecturer, Contributor to Magazines, Per- sonally collected over 40,000 cartoons of "Uncle Sam" (believed to be unique), and the second largest collection of bells in the U. S., Collector of Etchings, Chairman of Program Committee Dames of Loyal Legion, Delegate to International Council of Women in London in 1901. Residence 3903 Lake Park Ave. HANKS, Mary Elizabeth. Born Meadville, Pa.; Educated- Boston University School of Medicine; Clubs Chicago Wom- an's Club, Woman's City Club, Chicago College Club, Cordon, Medical Woman's Club; Activities General medical practice, electro and X-Ray therapy. Address 22 E. Washington St. Residence 61 E. Oak St. HARDIN, Ethel V. (Fisher). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dobbs Ferry; Married Reginald Holbrook Hardin, May 23rd, 1913; Children Ethel Virginia, Gertrude Ann; Clubs Worn- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 63 an's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 156 E. Superior St. HARDING, Addie (Church). Born Indiana; Educated South Division High School, Chicago; Married Abner Clark Harding (deceased), May 7th, 1879; Children Abner C., Jr. (de- ceased), George F. ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Outdoor League, Wild Flower Preservation Society ; Activities Chair- man Conservation of First District Federation of Women's Clubs of Illinois, Chairman Forestry Class of Chicago Woman's Club (three years), Director of Outdoor Art League, Member Service Star Legion. Residence 2725 Prairie Ave. HARDING, Elizabeth (Pratt). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Lady Jane Grey School, Binghamton, N. Y. ; Married John Cowden Harding; Children Margaret Cowden, Elizabeth Ogden; Clubs Indian Hill Golf, Evanston Woman's Club, Evanston Country Club; Activities Secretary of Membership Committee of Woman's Club. Residence 2406 Pioneer Road, Evanston, 111. HARDY, Katharine G. (Bryant). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Henry Willard Hardy, June 17th, 1890; Children Ruth, Raymond Bryant, Henry Gifford, Willis G.; Clubs Hyde Park Travel Club, Woman's City, Arche, Chicago Colony of New England Women, D. A. R. ; Activities Corresponding Secretary I. F. W. C., Speakers' Bureau Second District I. F. W. C. Residence 5747 Kimbark Ave. HARPER, Isabel (Vincent). Born Buffalo, N. Y.; Educated Bryn Mawr; Married Paul Vincent Harper, August 31st, 1914; Children Peter and Jane; Clubs Bryn Mawr Club of New York City; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Highland Park, 111. HARPER, Montana (Stover). Born Salt Lake City; Educated Home and Private Schools ; Married Thomas Starr Harper, September 12th, 1894; Children Clifford, Justus; Clubs- Chicago Culture Club, Andoka Club; Activities President Chi- 64 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER cago Culture Club, Past President Improvement Assn. for Blind, one of the originators of Illinois Colony Club, Chicago Federation, Director of Sixth District, I. F. W. C. ; particularly interested in boys of the navy and their welfare ; general phil- anthropic interest. Residence 3423 Fulton St. HARRISON, Edith (Ogden). Born New Orleans, La.; Edu- cated Convent of Sisters of Mercy, Peabody High School (New Orleans) ; Married Carter H. Harrison, December 14th, 1887; Children Carter H., Jr., Edith Ogden (Mrs. C. E. Manierre) ; Clubs Colonial Dames, Fortnightly, Friday, Saddle and Cycle, Twentieth Century Club; Activities Decorated by French Government with Le Palmier, Director Visiting Nurse Assn., Hahneman Hospital, Author of "Prince Silverwings", "Star Fairies", "Moon Princess", "The Flaming Sword", "Lad- der of Moonlight", "Mocking Bird", "Polar Star", "Princess Sayrane", "Lady of the Snows", "Enchanted House" and other fairy stories. Residence Parkway Hotel. HARTOUGH, Helen (Marstella). Born Poseyville, Ind.; Edu- cated Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111.; Married Henry Wilbert Hartough, July 3rd, 1900J Clubs Andoka, Illinois Colony, Woman's Protective Assn. ; Activities Chairman Morals Court Committee, Chairman Social and Industrial Conditions, Committee of First District I. F. W. C., one of founders Illi- nois Girls' Club. Residence 2765 Giddings St. HARVEY, Alwilda (Fritsch). Born St. Louis, Mo.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Harold B. Harvey, May 20th, 1911; Clubs Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago (Charter Mem- ber and First President), Rogers Park Woman's Club; Activi- ties General philanthropic and war interests. Residence 6551 Bosworth St. HARVEY, Bertha Fisk (Botsford). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Ogontz School; Married Robert H. Harvey, April 5th, 1899; Children Beatrice Botsford, Bennet Botsford, Roberta Fisk; Clubs Wednesday, Women's Athletic; Activities Vice- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 65 President Service League for the Handicapped, Director of School of Domestic Art and Science, Director of Chicago Orphan Asylum, Treasurer of Wednesday Club. Residence 2100 Calumet Ave. HAVEN, Kate (Dickinson). Educated Ferry Hall, Lake For- est, 111.; Married Dr. Alfred C. Haven, September 17th, 1884; Children Elizabeth (Mrs. Jones), Alfred C. Haven, Jr.; Ac- tivities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake For- est, 111. HAYES, Harriet H. (Hanecy). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University High School, Misses Spaids' Finishing School; Mar- ried Judge Howard Wood Hayes, August 4th, 1919; Children Sally Jane; Clubs South Shore Country Club; Activities Infant Welfare, Stock Yards Day Nursery. Residence 354 E. 46th St. HEAD, Eunice (Hammond) Tietjens. Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated in Europe; Married Paul Tietjens, 1904; Cloyd Head, 1920; Children Janet Tietjens, Cloyd Head, III.; Clubs Cor- don, Little Room, Midland Authors, Poetry Society of America, Sierra Club; Activities ^-Associate Editor of "Poetry" (maga- zine of verse 1915-16), War Correspondent Chicago Daily News in France 1917-18, Author of "Profiles from China", "Body and Raiment" (poems), "Jake" (novel), writes under name of Eunice Tietjens. Address 543 Cass St. HEALY, Katherine (Andrews). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Smith College; Married John J. Healy, June 21st, 1900; Chil- dren Lois Andrews, Allan, Helen Lambert, Winston, Laurin Hall; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago College, Smith College, Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Woman's City Club; Activities League of Woman Voters, Woman's Farm and Garden Association. Residence 2728 Pine Grove Ave. HEAP, Anna (Baker). Born Portsmouth, N. H. ; Educated- Home Schools; Married Judge Arnold Heap, February 19th, 1885; Children William Colby; Clubs Chicago Woman's 66 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Club, West End Woman's Club; Woman's City Club (Charter Member), D. A. R. ; Activities Chairman of Burr Mission, Board Member Chicago Home for the Friendless, organized and conducted "Saturday Night Open Door" for working girls, under the auspices of West End Woman's Club: Chairman of Art Committee of I. F. W. C. and of the General Federation; art and philanthropic interests. Residence 1628 Washington Blvd. HEBEL, Mae (Steffan). Born Michigan; Educated Home Schools; Married Judge Oscar Hebel, January 17th, 1898; Children Mildred, Frederick; Clubs North Shore Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Illinois Woman's Athletic Club, Tues- day Art and Travel; Activities President North Shore Wom- an's Club, Child Welfare Work, general philanthropic interests. Residence 1542 N. Dearborn St. HENRY, Annie May (Swift). Born Kansas City, Mo.; Edu- cated Farmington, Conn. ; Married Huntington Badger Henry, January 5th, 1911; Children Hortense Swift, Annie May; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Casino; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. HEYWORTH, Martica G. (Waterman). Born Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Educated Home Schools; Married James Ormerod Hey- worth, January 15th, 1902; Children James Ormerod, Jr., Frances Dimon; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Casino; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. HIBBARD, Dorothy F. (Robbins). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married Frank Hibbard, October 29th, 1913; Children Lydia B, William Gold; Clubs On- wentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities General war work, general charities. Residence 1344 Astor St. HILL, Georgiana (Owsley). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Smith College B. A. Class of 1914; Married Lon Carrington Hill, Jr., July 29th, 1918; Children Georgette Owsley; Clubs CHICAGO SOCIAL AXD CLUB REGISTER 67 Indian Hill Club; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence 720 Prospect Ave., Winnetka, 111. HINES, Loretta (O'Dowd). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Sacred Heart Convent; Married Edward Hines, June 12th, 1895; Children Edward, Jr. (deceased), Ralph J., Charles Moody, Loretta Margaret; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, South Shore Country, Woman's City Club, West Side Wom- an's Club, Big Sisters, Catholic League; Activities President- at-large of Big Sisters, Vice-President House of Good Shep- herd, Vice-President of Gold Star Mothers' Organization, charge of Catholic School Divisions of Liberty Loan, active worker in Red Cross and War Savings Stamp Drives, $2,000,000 Me- morial Endowment to the Speedway Park Hospital for Wounded Soldiers in memory of Lieutenant Edward Hines, Jr. Resi- dence Evanston, 111. HIXON, Blanche (Kelleher). Born San Francisco, Calif.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married George Cooley Hixon, No- vember, 1 904 ; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Woman's City, Glen View Golf, Midwick (Pasadena, Calif.) ; Activities Emerson House Settlement, Overseas Y. M. C. A. Vocalist with own unit, general philanthropic interests. Residence 999 Lake Shore Drive. HOAGLAND, Jessamine G., Miss. Born Illinois; Educated Home Schools; Clubs Woman's Advertising Club of Chicago, Financial Advertisers' Assn. ; Activities Publicity Manager Na- tional City Bank of Chicago. Address National City Bank of Chicago. HOLDREGE, Bernadine (Harwood). Born Bloomington, 111.; Educated Miss Hartridge's, Savannah, Ga. ; Married Carleton James Holdrege, April 30th, 1908; Children Frances Eliza- beth ; Clubs Arts Club, Casino, Indian Hill Country Club ; Activities Visiting Nurses' Assn., Auxiliary Children's Me- morial Hospital. Residence 32 Scott St. 68 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER HOLINGER, Cora (Lange). Born St. Louis, Mo.; Educated Ecole Superieure, Merges, Switzerland, Conservatory of Music, Geneva, Switzerland; Married Dr. Jacques Holinger, 1903; Children Carl Jacques, Paul H., Alice Eugene; Clubs Ex- President Columbia Damen Club, Woman's City Club; Activi- ties Scholarship Committee Vocational Supervision League, State Chairman of Home Economics and Pure Food Department of Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Member Board of Directors Woman's Auxiliary of Grant Hospital. Residence 617 Fullerton Parkway. HOLT, Camilla (McPherson). Born Mumford, N. Y.; Educated Elmira, N. Y. ; Married Charles S. Holt (deceased), October, 1889; Children Isabella, McPherson, Marian; Clubs Fort- nightly; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 38 Bellevue Place. HOLT, Ellen. Born Lake Forest, 111.; Educated Smith '90; Clubs Chicago College Club, Cordon, Assn. of Collegiate Alum- nae; Activities Vice-President Board of Directors Association House Settlement, Chairman for Illinois Smith College, Four Million Dollar Fund, War Work, Civilian Relief. Residence Lake Forest, 111. HOPKINS, Margaret (von Maur). Born Davenport, la.; Edu- cated Bennett School, N. Y. ; Married Farley Hopkins, Oc- tober 29th, 1921; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 55 E. Elm St. HOSMER, Marie Adele (Burwell). Educated 24th St. High School and Private School in Vienna; Married Dr. Arthur B. Hosmer (deceased). Activities Artist. Residence 2724 Lehman Court. HOWE, Ida May (Foster). Born Patriot, Ind.; Educated- Public Schools; Married Silas Howe, December 13th, 1888; Children Charlotte, Edwin F., William R.; Clubs South Shore Country; Activities Board Member Jackson Park Sanitarium, Red Cross affiliations. Residence 4610 Drexel Blvd. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 69 HOYT, Delia (Woodruff). Born Ottawa, 111.; Educated El- mira College; Married Henry W. Hoyt; Children Edith M.; Clubs Onwentsia, Abenaqui (Rye Beach, N. H.) ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. HOYT, Emma (Patten). Born Appleton, Wis.; Educated Mt. Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C. ; Married J. Mitchell Hoyt; Children Margaret Mary, James Mitchell, Jr.; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Musicians' Club of Women, Cordon, Arts Club, Friday Club, Scribblers, Melodists ; Activities Singer, Member of Women's Aid Society of Passavant Hos- pital, Board of Directors Practical Housekeeping Centers, Board of Directors Anti-Cruelty Society. Residence 2350 Lincoln Park, West. HOYT, Phyllis (Fergus). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Smith College, Professor Adolph Weidig, American Conservatory of Music; Married Thatcher Hoyt, June 1st, 1921; Clubs Col- lege Club, Chicago Woman's Musical Club, Lake View Wom- an's Musical Club, Birchwood Woman's Club; Activities Com- posed of piano stories, set to music "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer, "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes, "Daydreams" by Natalie Price, "Chest Up Stairs" by John Vance, "The Sugar Plum Tree" by Eugene Field, "Candle Light" by Faith V. Vilas and many others. Residence 1406 N. State Pkwy. HUBBARD, Louise (Stone). Born Grand Forks, N. D.; Edu- cated Convent of Assumption, Paris ; Married Charles Wal- cott Hubbard, November 17th, 1906; Children Charles, Jr., Horace S. ; Clubs Fortnightly, Woman's City Club, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities Profession (Landscape Architec- ture). Residence 849 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka, 111. HULING, Caroline Alden. Born Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; Edu- cated High School Course, Journalism ; Clubs Illinois Wom- an's Press Assn., Society of Midland Authors, D. A. R., Wom- an's City Club, The Bookf ellows, American Library Assn. ; Activities Editor of "Social Progress", author, lecturer. Resi- dence 428 Belden Ave. 70 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER HUMMEL, Sarah Matilda, M. D. Born Roberts, Ford County, 111. ; Educated Graduate of Illinois State Normal University (Normal, 111.), Graduate of University of Illinois (A. B.), Graduate work at Columbia University (New York), Graduate of Los Angeles Osteopathic College of Physicians and Sur- geons (D. O. Degree), Graduate work in Chicago Osteopathic College, Graduate work in Medical Department of Johns Hop- kins University, Baltimore, Md. ; Clubs Woman's City Club, Chicago College Club; Activities Member Executive Committee of "Student Fellowship", President Osteopathic Woman's Club of Chicago. Residence Chicago Beach Hotel. Office 27 E. Monroe St. HURLBUT, Katherine (Lincoln). Born Buffalo, N. Y.; Edu- cated Public and Private Schools of Chicago; Married Wil- liam Daniels Hurlbut; Clubs Chicago Woman's Clubs, Engle- wood Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Tuesday Art and Travel Club (Past President), Art Institute (Life Member), Public School Art Society, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs (Board Member), Vice-President Conference of Club Presi- dents; Activities Volunteer Business Manager of Khaki and Blue Club during war, Board Member of Sarah Hackett Steven- son Memorial Lodging House Assn., Member of Episcopal Church. Residence 6417 Harvard Ave. and Midlothian Coun- try Club. I CKES, Anna (Wilmarth). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University of Chicago ; Married Harold L. Ickes ; Children Frances, Wilmarth, Raymond, Robert; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Fortnightly; Activities Domestic, social and civic. Residence Hubbard Woods, 111. T ACOBS, Marie (Eversz). Born Milwaukee, Wis. ; Educated ' Northwestern University; Married Ernest R. Jacobs, October 19th, 1910; Children Stanley Eversz, Richard Eversz; Clubs Evanston Country Club, Zeta Phi Eta Sorority; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Evanston, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 71 JAMIESON, Julia (Daniels). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated St. Xavier's Academy and Chicago Public Schools; Mar- ried Malcolm MacGregor Jamieson, June 21st, 1873; Chil- dren Malcolm MacGregor, Jr., William Daniels, May (Mrs. Irving Odell) ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 368 Ridge Ave., Winnetka, 111. JACQUES, Bertha Evelyn (Clauson). Born Covington, Ohio; Educated Home Schools ; Married Dr. William K. Jacques ; Clubs Cordon, Arts, Chicago Society of Etchers (one of found- ers, Secretary and Treasurer) ; Activities Etcher, plate-printer, lecturer and writer on art. Residence 4316 Greenwood Ave. JELKE, Louanna (Frazier). Born Illinois; Educated Home Schools; Married John Faris Jelke, April 24th, 1879; Children Frazier F., John F., Jr. ; Clubs Woman's Athletic, D. A. R. ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 3400 Sheridan Road. JENKS, Delphine May (Gillette). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Ogontz, Pa. ; Married William Shippen Jenks, October, 1892; Clubs Fortnightly, The Wednesday Club, Musicians' Club of Women, Antiquarians, Colonial Dames, Society of May Flower Descendants, Woman's City Club; Activities Chicago Ogontz Assn., Chicago Day Nursery. Residences 745 North Michigan Ave. and "Narasahi", Lake Beulah, Wisconsin. JEROME, Amalie (Hofer). Born Clermont, la.; Educated- McGregor (Iowa) High School, Kindergarten training with Elizabeth Harrison; Married Frank Jerome, August 1st, 1909; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Chicago Kindergarten, Woman's City (Charter Member), Prairie Club (Charter Member), Cordon Club (Charter Member), Everyday Club, Social Service Club; Activities President Chicago Federation of Girls' Clubs, Chair- man Recreation Committee Woman's City Club, Social Settle- ment worker, lecturer on Educational subjects, Faculty Member of Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers' College. Residence 6427 Greenwood Ave. and Lakeside, Mich. 72 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER JOHNSON, Abbie. Born St. Charles, 111.; Educated St. Mary's College; Married Dr. Frank Johnson, November 7th, 1905; Clubs Woman's Outdoor Art League, Woman's City Club, Aurora Woman's, Culture, Glen Ellyn Woman's Club; Activities State Chairman Illinois State Federation Woman's Clubs ; Chairman House Committee, Chairman Social and In- dustrial Committee Eleventh District I. F. W. C. Residence Glen Ellyn, 111. and 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. JONES, Grace (Braden). Born Footville, Rock County, Wis.; Educated Carrol College, Waukesha, Wis. ; Married Byron O. Jones, January 5th, 1902; Clubs Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago (Charter Member and First Treasurer), Ravenswood Woman's Club; Activities President Infant Aid Circle of Ravenswood and general philanthropic interests. Residence 4332 N. Winchester Ave. JONES, Louise (Seymour). Born Racine, Wis.; Educated Home Schools; Married Rex Lander Jones, October 23rd, 1902; Children Horatio Seymour, Rex Lander, Jr.; Clubs Ossoli Club, Garden Club, Woman's Club (of Highland Park) ; Activities Writer, ex-President Ossoli Club, philanthropic in- terests. Residence Highland Park, 111. JONES, Myrtilla (Colbert). Born Near Manchester, Eng.; Educated University of Chicago; Married G. Herbert Jones; Children Harold Colbert, Ruth (Mrs. Walter Jarratt) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club (Director), Every Wednesday Club (ex-President), Woman's Athletic, Woman's City; Activities Philosophical, historical, literary, scientific, philanthropic, pa- triotic and civic interests; Chairman Historical Research Com- mittee of Chicago Woman's Club, which is a collaboration with Chicago Historical Society; Trustee of Gads Hill; supporter Civic Music Assn. ; contributor and supporter of all patriotic work during the war. Residence Drake Hotel. JUDD, Alice (Revell). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Mt. Ver- non Seminary, Washington, D. C.; Married Frank R. Judd, CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 73 October 25th, 1905; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 408 Roslyn Place. JUDSON, Clara (Ingram). Born Logansport, Ind. ; Educated Home Schools; Married James Mclntosh Judson, June 26th, 1901; Children Alice Colby, Mary Mclntosh; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Midland Authors, Illinois Women's Press Assn., Illinois Parent-Teachers' Assn., and other organizations ; Activities National Board Member Y. W. C. A., Author "Mary Jane Series for Girls", "What I Can Do With My Hands", "Flower Fairies", etc., contributor to various magazines and periodicals, lecturer on Home Eco- nomics, Child Training, etc. Residence 6035 Kimbark Ave. KALES, Gertrude (Jones). Born Beaver Dam, Wis. ; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Dr. John Davis Kales, April 17th, 1896; Children Marguerite (Mrs. Bradley Dewey), Davis, Katharine; Clubs Friday, Woman's City Club; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence 1356 North State Pkwy. KALTENBRUN, Minnie Frances (Koons). Born Paw Paw, Mich.; Educated Home Schools; Married Arthur E. Kalten- brun, November 24th, 1887; Children Carolyn A. (Mrs. Wil- liam Blackmar Chandler) ; Clubs Southern Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Culture Club, Chicago Chapter Wild Flower Preservation Society, O. E. S. Daylight Chapter, Andoka, Book- fellows, Charter Member Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago, Chicago Federation ; Activities President First District Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, First President Board of Illinois Girls' Club, Director Chicago Federation, Secretary Illinois Democratic Forum, Secretary Chicago Branch Near East Relief (Woman's Division), Assistant Marshal Women's Division Page- ant of Progress Parade, Charter Member of Chicago Woman's Band Assn., general war work. Residence 454 Belmont Ave., Chicago, and 922 Lake Blvd., St. Joseph, Mich. 74 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER KAUFMAN, Deborah (Wolfe). Born Winnsboro, S. C.; Edu- cated Graduate Columbia Female College, Columbia, S. C. ; Married J. Henry Kaufman (deceased), August 27th, 1879; Children Henry J., F. Marion, Saling I., Eva, Sara, Isabel; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, D. A. R.; Activities Civic, re- form, legislative, philanthropic interests; assisted in organizing Juvenile Court under Judges Tuthill and Mack; assisted in organizing Jackson Park Sanitarium, Milk Commission and Children's Hospital Society; Board Member of Home for Desti- tute Crippled Children for twenty years ; Board Member Model Lodging House; originated Woman's Club Free Canteen at Public Library and Member of Hostess Committee of War Camp Community during World War. Residence 3938 Grand Blvd. KELLEY, Gertrude A. D. (Siddall). Born Warren, Ohio; Educated Ursuline Convent, Brown County, Ohio; Married Addison D. Kelley, July 16th, 1918; Children King T. Siddall, Mrs. Theodore Wende; Clubs Woman's Athletic, South Shore Country; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Edgewater Beach Hotel, and Hotel Maryland, Pasadena, Calif. KELLEY, Sarah J. (Lovejoy). Born Lowell, Mass.; Educated Home Schools; Married David Kelley, 1854; Children Addison D. Kelley; Activities Old People's Home, First Pres- byterian Church, Fourth Presbyterian Church. Residence 196 E. Delaware Place, and Hotel Virginia, Long Beach, Calif. KENNEDY, Nathalie (Sieboth). Born Brooklyn, N. Y.; Edu- cated Utica Seminary and abroad; Married Horace Milton Kennedy, December 28th, 1880; Children Horace (deceased); Clubs Fortnightly (President 1910-12), Antiquarian Society; Activities Writer, reviewer, reader, other literary and philan- thropic interests. Residence 13 W. Walton Place. KEYES, Florence (Martin). Born New Haven, Conn.; Edu- cated Miss Grant's School (Chicago) and L'Institute des CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 75 Demoiselles (Liege, Belgium) ; Married A. Belcham Keyes, M. D., October 27th, 1891; Children F. Martin, Hubert A., Norman B. ; Clubs The Chicago Colony of New England Women, Woman's City Club, Les Matinees Francais, Les Cercle Francais, Les Cenacle, French Club of Evanston; Activities President of Le Cenacle (French Club), Recording Secretary Ninth District of Federation of Women's Clubs, Historian of American War Mothers' Assn. (Evanston Post), Music Study Club (North Shore). Residence 830 Forest Ave., Evans- ton, 111. KIER, Eva Leana (Coopage). Born Falmouth, Ky. ; Educated Fort Worth, Texas; Married William Edward Kier, Novem- ber 20th, 1898; Children Viviana, Elenora; Clubs Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago (Charter Member), Woman's Library Club of Glencoe; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1031 Meadow Road, Glencoe, 111. KIMBALL, Fannie (Hadley). Born Chicopee, Mass.; Edu- cated New England Conservatory of Boston, Emerson College of Oratory, Boston; Married Curtis Nathanie Kimball, Novem- ber 3rd, 1894; Children William Wallace, David Wheeler, Mary Hadley, Elizabeth Moore; Clubs Cordon Club, Wom- an's City, Chicago Opera Assn., Ravinia Park Assn. ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Highland Park, 111. KING, Ginevra (Fuller). Born Chicago; Educated Miss Por- ter's, Farmington; Married Charles Garfield King, January, 1898; Children Ginevra (Mrs. William H. Mitchell, II.), Mar- jorie Fuller, Barbara, Garfield; Clubs Woman's City Club, Casino, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia, Scribblers ; Activities Various war work, general philanthropies. Residence 1450 Astor St. KIRK, Arrick, Mrs. (Cora Arrick). Born Illinois; Children Wallace; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities Chair- man (Chicago Committee) of Permanent Blind Relief War Fund, general charities. Residence 743 N. Michigan Ave. 76 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER KNOTT, Isabel (Waller). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ogontz, Chicago University; Married Henry Adams Knott, Oct. 2nd, 1883; Children Lucy (Mrs. David Dangler), J. Waller, Harry A., Jr., Alexander; Clubs Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Friday Club; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence 21 E. Division St. KNOWLES, Mary H. Born New York, N. Y.; Educated- Private Schools in England; Married John C. Knowles (de- ceased), June, 1869; Children Katharine (Mrs. J. W. Rob- bins), Grace; Clubs Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's Voters' League, Alliance Francaise; Activities Decorated by French Government "Academique Palmes", Author of "Perfect French Possible" (Science of French Pronunciation and Rhythm), "French Grammaire de la Conversation" (used as textbook). Residence 4564 Oaken- wald Ave. KOESTER, Fannie C. (Martin). Born Liverpool, Eng.; Edu- cated Liverpool; Married George F. Koester, September, 1891; Children George F., Jr., Harold M., Frances C., Gene- vieve; Clubs Ravenswood Club, O. E. S., Ridgemoor Country Club; Activities President of Ravenswood Club, general phil- anthropic interests. Residence 4606 N. Hermitage Ave. KRAG, Leona (Alford). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Chi- cago Normal and Private Tutelage; Clubs Past President Woman's Illinois Athletic Club, Past Secretary, Past Chaplain, Past Regent of D. A. R., one of founders of the Woman's Ad- vertising Club of Chicago, Playgoers, Cameo Salon, Woman's City, dramatic study group of Chicago Ethical Society, Home Economics Assn. ; Activities Feature writer and lecturer on Home Economics under name of Jean Prescott Adams, one of sponsors of Chicago Woman's Band Assn. Residence 1919 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 77 LAMM, Frances (Broderick). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Sacred Heart Convent; Married A. Hamilton Lamm; Children Mary (Mrs. Vernon Janotta) ; Clubs Big Sisters, Catholic Woman's League, Woman's City Club, St. Elizabeth Business Woman's Club, Rogers Park Catholic Woman's Club, Edgewater Catholic Woman's Club; Activities Chairman of Membership Committee Big Sisters, Social Chairman Catholic Woman's League, one of originators of Chicago Tag Days, Vice-President St. Elizabeth Business Woman's Club, Cor- responding Secretary of House of Good Shepherd, Director of street booths in Liberty Loan Drives, general philanthropic interest. Residence Edgewater Beach Hotel. LANGWORTHY, Mary (Lewis). Born Alfred, N. Y.; Edu- cated Plainfield Young Ladies' Seminary, Plainfield, N. J., Alfred University, Delsarte School of Expression; Married Benjamin F. Langworthy, October 25th, 1897; Children Frances Lewis (Mrs. Murray), Marigold Lockhart; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, River Forest Wom- an's Club, State and National Parent-Teachers' Assn., George Rogers Clark Chapter D. A. R. ; Activities Civic work, dra- matic teaching, Chairman Jolly Tar Club at Waukegan, 111. (for sailors). Residence 832 Bryant Ave., Winnetka, 111. LAUMAN, Jessamine M. Turner (Mabrey). Born Indianapolis, Ind. ; Educated North Division High School (graduate), Chi- cago Musical College; Married Col. George V. Lauman, March 31st, 1917; Children Ruth J. Turner, Henry Lathrop Turner; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 170 E. Pearson St. LEFKOW, Irene M. Born Kansas City, Mo.; Married Al- phonse Lefkow, 1907; Children Frederick; Clubs Woman's City Club, Woman's Assn. of Commerce, Lawyers' Assn. of Illinois, Woman's Bar Assn., Woman's Protective Assn. ; Activi- ties Attorney-at-Law in general practice, President of Wom- an's Assn. of Commerce, Church of the Redeemer (Episcopal) affiliations. Residence 5647 Blackstone Ave. 78 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER LEIGHT, Angelina (Madlener). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Park Institute, Chicago; Married Edward Albert Leight; Children Albert Edward; Clubs Le Cercle Francais, Alliance Francaise, Antiquarian Society, Woman's Athletic Club, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities Director Federal Security Corp. (Advisory Committee, Woman's Section), Director Passavant Memorial Hospital. Residence 2416 Lake View Ave. LELAND, Marjorie (Whiting). Married Charles Warren Le- land, May 28, 1921; Children Charles Sommers Young, Jr., John Reynolds Young; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 28 Coleman Ave., Ashville, N. C., and 56 E. Division St., Chicago, 111. LETTS, Cora (Perkins). Educated Miss Somers' School, Wash- ington, D. C., Goucher College; Married Frank Crawford Letts, 1897; Children Courtney (Mrs. Wellesley H. Still- well), Hollis, Fred C. Letts, Mrs. Frank E. Weeks; Clubs- Woman's Athletic Club, Saddle and Cycle Club, Casino, On- wentsia; Activities Woman's City Club, Passavant Hospital Board, Arts Club. Residence 1100 Lake Shore Drive, and Lake Forest, 111. LETTS, Marjorie (Dodd). Born Cincinnati, Ohio; Educated Ingleside School; Married Frederick Clayton Letts, February 5th, 1916; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Casino, Onwentsia, Indian Hill; Activities Junior League, Winner of Woman's Western Golf Championship three times. Residence 999 Lake Shore Drive. LINCOLN, Mary C., M. D. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University of Chicago, Rush Medical College; Clubs Woman's City Club; Activities Lincoln Gardner Laboratory. Address 30 N. Michigan Ave. LINN, Lucy (Blair). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Farming- ton and Briarcliff Schools; Married Howard Linn, May, 1914; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia, Casino, Scribblers, Arts Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Junior League and mis- cellaneous charities. Residence 55 Cedar St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 79 LINN, Nellie B. (Butler). Born St. Charles, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married William R. Linn, March 14th, 1871; Children 'Mabel, Howard, D wight, Dorothy (Mrs. Cyrus Mc- Cormick) ; Clubs Fortnightly, Casino, Arts, Woman's Athletic, Chicago Woman's, Cordon, Saddle and Cycle, Everyday Club; Activities Protective Juvenile Assn., President Park Ridge School for Girls. Residence 1415 Astor St. LLEWELLYN, Julia Anne (Mosser). Born Mahaffey, Pa.; Educated Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa.; Married James S. Llewellyn, June 16th, 1910; Children Janet Anne, John T., II. ; Clubs Antiquarian Society, Lake Geneva Garden Club, Wild Flower Preservation Society; Activities Secretary Lake Geneva Garden Club for 1920-21. Residence 1932 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111., and Lake Geneva, Wis. LOBDELL, Effie L., M. D., F. A. C. S. Born Washington Island, Wis.; Educated High School, Green Bay, Wis., Taylor University, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Medical Dept., University of In- diana; Clubs Medical Women's Club of Chicago, Cordon Club, Nu Sigma Phi Sorority, P. E. O., Aesculapian Society; Activi- ties Surgeon, Mary Thompson Hospital for Women and Chil- dren; Consultant, Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium; Member of Chicago Medical Society, Illinois State Medical Society, American Medical Society, Fellow American College of Sur- geons, Women's National and International Medical Society. Residence Congress Hotel. LOGAN, Gladys (Goodrich). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Rosemary School, Greenwich; Married Stuart Logan, Novem- ber 1st, 1910; Children Phoebe, Shirley, Lorraine; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Woman's City, Junior League; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 522 Deming Place. LOGAN, Josephine (Hancock). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Frank Granger Logan, June 15th, 1882; Children Rhea, Stuart, Howard, Spencer, Waldo; Clubs Antiquarian, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, 80 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Woman's Athletic; Activities Art, science and general philan- thropic interests, established Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan Fund for awarding of prizes to the four annual exhibitions of Art Institute of Chicago, established Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan Fund for awarding of prizes for scientific research at University of Chicago. Residence 1150 Lake Shore Drive. LOGAN, Helen (Brosius). Born Brazil, Ind. ; Educated Penn Hall, Chambersburg, Pa. ; Married Howard Hancock Logan, January 19th, 1918; Children Josephine; Clubs Junior League; Activities General philanthropic and war interests. Residence 1150 Lake Shore Drive. LOGAN, Marjorie S. (Bain). Born East Orange, N. J.; Edu- cated Veltin School, New York; Married Spencer H. Logan, July 21st, 1916; Children Carolyn; Clubs 'Service Club; Activities General philanthropic and war interests. Residence 1150 Lake Shore Drive. LOMBARD, Margaret (Baker). Born Truso, Mass.; Educated Davis Academy; Married 'Isaac Gross Lombard (deceased), December 25th, 1857; Children Katherine Lombard Haass, Ernest Baker Lombard; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club; Activi- ties General charities. Residence 4801 Kenwood Ave. LONG, Kathryn (Turney). Born Cleveland, O.; Educated- Bradford Academy, Massachusetts; Married Joseph Benjamin Long, June 4th, 1901 ; Clubs Casino, Arts, Woman's Athletic, Chicago Golf, Woman's City, Opera Club; Activities Box Com- mittee of Friends of Opera, Committee Chicago Opera Assn., Reception Committee of Arts Club, House Committee of Casa Maria Club (home for girls), Life Member Art Institute, Asso- ciate Member of Children's Memorial Hospital and of the Presbyterian Hospital. Residence 1330 N. State Pkwy. LORD, Helen (DeWar). Born Glencoe, 111.; Educated Wel- lesley College; Married Thomas Lord, August 30th, 1909; Children Helen Katherine, Suzanne; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence 1577 Florence Ave., Evans- ton, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 81 LOWES, Sadie (Hall). Born Indianapolis, Ind.; Educated Shortridge High School; Married Francis M. Lowes; Children Helen Hall, Mary Elizabeth; Clubs Ravenswood Woman's Club, Atlan Ceramic Art, Technic Art League, Chicago Art Assn., Municipal Art League, Chicago Press League; Activities Member of Artists' Guild, active in art in general, and art designing. Residence 4615 N. Hermitage Ave. MacCHESNEY, Lena (Frost). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated University of Michigan (1901), University of Berlin (1902); Married Gen. Nathan William MacChesney, Decem- ber 1, 1904; Children Alfred Brunson, III., Gordon; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago College Club, Woman's City Club, University of Michigan Alumnae; Activities President Chicago Assn. U. of M. Alumnae 1909-10, Chairman Ger. Dept. Chicago Woman's Club for two years, Chairman 23rd Ward Branch Woman's City Club (1920-21), Director Woman's City Club (1921-24). Residence 568 Hawthorne Place. MacLEISH, Elizabeth Jane (Moore). Born Appleton, Wis. ; Educated Wellesley College, 1906; Married Bruce MacLeish, October 26th, 1907; Children Jean, Hugh; Clubs Chicago College Club, Skokie Country Club, Woman's City Club ; Activi- ties Glen Gables Assn., Arden Shore Camp, Ravinia Club. Residence "Birken Craig", Glencoe, 111. MacMAHON, Tena (Farren). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Englewood High School, 1882; Married John MacMahon, 1891; Children John Farren; Clubs Catholic Woman's League, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Chairman Red Cross Volunteer Service, Tabernacle Guild St. Thomas the Apostle Parish (President), Board Member Illinois Training School for Nurses, Board Member Chicago Tuber- culosis Institute. Residence 5426 East View Park. McAVOY, Emily (Chumasero). Born Rochester, N. Y. ; Edu- cated Miss Brown's, New York City; Married Charles P. McAvoy, October 28th, 1892; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino, 82 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Arts; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 45 E. Elm St. McBIRNEY, Mary Eliza (Campbell). Born Galena, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Hugh Johnston McBirney, 1885; Children Annie Lawrie (Mrs. Joseph T. Ryerson), Mrs. Henry B. Stimson; Clubs Arts, Casino, Onwentsia, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence Lake Forest, 111. McCALL, Charlotte R. (Gardner). Born Evanston, 111.; Edu- cated Mt. Vernon Seminary, Smith College; Married Sumner Thompson McCall, February 3rd, 1909; Children Charlotte, Margaret, Anne, Esther; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence 1022 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. McCALL, Florence M. Born Marietta, Ohio; Educated Mari- etta Schools; Married Robert L. McCall, June 3rd, 1896; Clubs Chicago Society of Ohio Women, Austin Woman's Club; Activities Past President West End Woman's Club, President Chicago Society of Ohio Women, President Woman's Church Federation Protectorate, Recording Secretary Woman's Depart- ment Chicago Church Federations, Board of Chicago Church Federation, Board of Y. W. C. A., General Secretary Young People's Work, Cook County W. C. T. U. Lecturer. Residence 4714 Washington Blvd. McCARTNEY, Mary Hamilton (Dreher). Born Louisville, Ky. ; Educated Kenwood Institute; Married Albert J. Mc- Cartney, June 29th, 1915; Children Three; Activities Chair- man for American Free Milk and Relief for Italy. Residence 4600 Greenwood Ave. McCAULEY, Lena May. Born Hagerstown, Md. ; Educated Graduate Dearborn Seminary, Chicago; Special Work at Uni- versity of Chicago, University of Illinois, Wisconsin and Cin- cinnati; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon, Woman's City, Society of Artists, Society of Etchers, Lake View Woman's Club, Friends of Our Native Landscape, Municipal Art League, CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 83 Outdoor Art League, City Gardens Assn., etc.; Activities Pro- fession, Journalism; Editorial Writer, Art Editor Chicago Even- ing Post (since 1900), Writer of Special Magazine Articles, Author of "The Joy of Gardens", "Etchers of Architecture", etc., Lecturer on Art and Gardens and Timely Matters, Garden- ing, Natural Sciences. Residence Park Ridge, 111. Business Address Care Chicago Evening Post, 12 S. Market St, Chicago. McCLELLAND, Alice (Wilder). Born Lancaster, Mass.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Eugene B. McClelland (de- ceased) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic, Chicago Musicians' Club; Activities Board of Managers Chi- cago Orphan Asylum, Jackson Park Sanitarium. Residence 6017 Greenwood Ave. McCLELLAND, Ella (Gale). Born Milwaukee, Wis.; Educated Milwaukee College and Private Schools; Married Thomas S. McClelland, July, 1875; Children Ella (Mrs. Florian Deane Wallace), Marion; Clubs Colonial Dames, D. A. R., Order of the Crown of America, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities Philanthropic, educational, literary and political interests. Resi- dence"The Walton", Delaware Place and Washington Square. McCLURG, Georgiana (Stahl). Born Elkhart, 111.; Educated High School and Private Schools; Married Lowrie McClurg (deceased), 1904; Clubs Former Secretary Neighbors' Club (Kenilworth, 111.) ; Activities President of Guild Church of the Holy Comforter, and general philanthropic interests. Resi- dence Winnetka, 111. McCLURG, Gertrude F. (Schwarz). Born Denver, Colo.; Edu- cated Wolcott School (Denver), Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Smith College, Mass. Institute of Technology; Married Ogden T. McClurg, March, 1916; Children Eleanor Wheeler; Clubs- Saddle and Cycle, Arts, Woman's Athletic Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Woman's Board of Lying-in Hospital, Auxil- iary of Visiting Nurses' Assn., Emerson House Settlement and general athletics. Residence 999 Lake Shore Drive. 84 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER McCORMACK, Nancy Mai (Cox). Educated Ward Seminary, Nashville, Tenn. ; Clubs Member of Art Institute ; Activities Sculptor, principal works "Harmony", McCormack Memorial on capitol grounds, Nashville, Tenn., bust of W. H. Mitchell, also various statues, portraits of children, etc. Residence 19 E. Pearson St. McCORMICK, Amy (Irwin). Born Fort Riley; Educated- Home Schools; Married Robert R. McCormick, March 10th, 1915; Clubs Arts Club, Casino, Woman's City Club; Activities Artist, general philanthropic interest. Residence 80 E. Elm St. McCORMICK, Edith (Rockefeller). Born Cleveland, Ohio; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Harold F. McCormick, November 26th, 1895; Children Harold F., Jr., Muriel, Ma- thilda ; Clubs Lovers of Italy, Fortnightly, Scribblers, Cliff Dwellers, Woman's Club, Alliance Francaise; Activities Chi- cago Opera Association, Chicago Band Association, Apollo Musical Association. Residence 1000 Lake Shore Drive and Lake Forest, 111. McCORMICK, Maude (Warner). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Lake Forest University; Married Alexander A. McCormick, June 1st, 1895; Children Katharine; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. McCORMICK, Ruth (Hanna). Born Cleveland, Ohio; Married Medill McCormick, 1903; Children Katrina, John Medill, Ruth Elizabeth; Clubs Woman's City Club of Chicago and New York, Colony Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Rockford Woman's Club, Washington Woman's City Club, Republican Club; Activities Member of Republican National Committee. Residence Chicago. McCOY, Jessie May (Danforth). Born Washington, 111.; Edu- cated Miss Newhall's Private School, Boston, Mass.; Married Homer W. McCoy, September 20th, 1887; Children Dorothy (Mrs. William Bush Simmons) ; Clubs Woman's Club, Worn- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 85 an's Athletic, Musicians, Arts; Activities Art, literature and organized charities. Residence 999 Lake Shore Drive. McCULLOCH, Catherine G. (Waugh). Born Ransomville, N. Y; Educated Rockford College B. A. and M. A., Law Depart- ment Northwestern University L. L. B. ; Married Frank Hathorn McCulloch, May 30th, 1890; Children Hugh W., Hathorn W., Catherine W., Frank W. ; Clubs Chicago Wom- an's Club, Illinois Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Woman's Peace Party, League of Women Voters, etc. ; Activities Lawyer in general practice. Residence Evanston, 111. McCUTCHEON, Evelyn (Shaw). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Bryn Mawr; Married John T. McCutcheon, January 20th, 1917; Children John T., Jr.; Clubs Friday, Cordon, Woman's City' Club; Activities North Avenue Day Nursery. Residence 39 E. Schiller St. and Treasure Island. McDOWELL, Mary E. Born Cincinnati, O.; Educated Pri- vate Schools ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Illinois League of Women Voters, Woman's City Club, Hull House, Cordon, League of Women Voters, Chicago University Settlement, Uni- versity Settlement League, Inter-Racial Co-operative; Activities Head Resident of the University Settlement, Stock Yards District; Chairman of Committee on Women in Industry of the National League of Women Voters. Residence 4630 Gross Ave. McGANN, Grace (Farwell). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ferry Hall, Lake Forest University and at Farmington, Conn.; Married Dudley Winston (deceased), 1898, and Robert G. McGann, 1906; Children Farwell Winston, Grace Farwell McGann; Clubs Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Arts, Friday Club ; Activities Artist and general philanthropic inter- ests. Residence 120 Pearson St. McILVAINE, Catherine (Harmon). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Monticello Seminary, Illinois ; Married William D. Mc- Ilvaine, June 6th, 1889; Children John H. ; Clubs Woman's CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Athletic, Musicians, Alliance Francaise; Activities 'President of Chicago Home for Convalescent Women and Children. Resi- dence 112 Bellevue Place. McILVAINE, Julia (Le Moyne). Married William Brown Mc- Ilvaine; Children Romaine Le Moyne, Madeleine Le Moyne, Priscilla, William B., Jr.; Clubs Friday, Indian Hill, Onwent- sia; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Hubbard Woods, 111. McILVAINE, Margaret (Pullman). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; Married John H. Mcllvaine, June 25th, 1919; Children Margaret; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Ontwent- sia; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 449 Barry Ave. McKINLOCK, Marion R. (Rappleye). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dearborn Seminary and Wells College; Married- George Alexander McKinlock; Clubs Friday Club, Illinois Garden Club, Cordon Club, Onwentsia Club. Residence 999 Lake Shore Drive and Lake Forest, 111. McLENNAN, Katherine Coles (Noyes). Born Milwaukee, Wis.; Educated Smith College; Married Donald Roderick McLen- nan, February 22nd, 1906; Children Jane, Donald, Margaret, Katherine, Noyes; Clubs Onwentsia, Woman's Athletic, College Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. McMENEMY, Elizabeth (Talcott). Born Rockford, 111.; Edu- cated Rockford College Prep., Miss Dows, Briarcliff ; Married Logan T. McMenemy, January 26th, 1918; Clubs Rockford Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. McNABB, E. Winnifred (Hill). Born Coldwater, Mich.; Edu- cated Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich. ; Married Duane T. McNabb; Clubs Norwood Park Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Hull House Woman's Club, Klio Assn., Chicago Federa- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 87 tion of Woman's Clubs, League of Cook County Clubs; Activi- ties Director and Chairman of Committee on Education of Woman's City Club, Director and Board of Managers of Park Ridge School for Girls. Residence 5791 Circle Ave. McNALLY, Eleanor (Vilas). Born New York; Educated Mount Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C. ; Married Andrew McNally, June 27th, 1908; Children Andrew, Eleanor, Ward, Frederick; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1308 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111. MADLENER, Elsa (Seipp). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Mrs. Loring's School, Mt. Vernon Seminary; Married Albert F. Madlener, January 4th, 1896; Children Albert F., William C., Otto T.; Clubs Woman's City Club, Woman's Athletic Club; Activities Woman's Auxiliary Grant Hospital, North- western Settlement, Red Cross War Work. Residence 4 W. Burton Place. MANDEL, Babette (Frank). Born Germany; Educated Chi- cago High School; Married Emanuel Mandel, April 18th, 1871; Children 'Frank E. (deceased), Edwin F., Rose (Mrs.' Louer) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Woman's City, Council of Jewish Women, Woman's Aid, etc.; Activities President of Jewish Training School, Member Woman's Auxiliary of Michael Reese Hospital, Frank Orphan Society. Residence Highland Park, 111. MANEY, Margaret (Soule). Born Shawano, Wis.; Educated Notre Dame Convent; Married William J. Maney, October 15th, 1908; Clubs Playgoers' Club, Illinois Woman's Athletic Club, Chicago Equestrian Assn.; Activities Organizer of Illi- nois Women's Athletic Club, Illinois General Hospital Drive, general philanthropic interests. Residence Ambassador Hotel. MANIERRE, Edith Ogden (Harrison). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Briarcliff College; Married C. Edson Manierre, April 25th, 1916; Children One son; Clubs Casino, Junior 88 League, Service League, Huron Mountain Country Club; Activi- ties Junior League. Residence 500 Sheridan Road, Win- netka, 111. MARSTON, Julia Dale (Ewart). Born Marietta, Ohio; Edu- cated Denison University; Married Thomas Brunton Marston, October 22nd, 1896; Children Dorothy E., Thomas E.; Clubs Friday, Antiquarian Society; Activities Member Auxiliary Board of Children's Memorial Hospital. Residence Lake Forest, 111. MARTIN, Kate (Dixon). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ogontz, Pa.; Married Wilton B. Martin, 1895; Children- Elizabeth; Clubs Casino, Woman's Athletic; Activities Board Member Destitute Crippled Children's Home, Secretary Wom- an's Board of Presbyterian Hospital. Residence 191 E. Walton Place. MARX, Winifred (Loesch). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Lake View High School; Married Frederick Z. Marx, 1903; Children Winfred; Clubs Woman's City Club, Woman's League, Bob-o-Link Golf Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 4243 Hazel Ave. MASON, Elizabeth L. (Norcross). Born Janesville, Wis. ; Edu- cated Kemper Hall; Married George Allen Mason, June 14th, 1898; Children 'Paul Norcross (deceased), George Allen, Jr. ; Clubs Ossoli, Exmoor Country, Highland Park ; Activities President Trinity Church Service League, Chairman of Wom- en's Events at Exmoor, Vice-President Northern District Wom- an's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Chicago. Residence 180 Hazel Ave., Highland Park, 111. MASON, Janet (Warren). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass. ; Married Roswell Bertram Mason, June 29th, 1912; Children Annie Warren, Julia Starkweather; Clubs Woman's City, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 326 Ridge Ave., Winnetka, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 89 MASTERS, Helen (Jenkins). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Rockford College, Rockford College of Music Conservatory (B. M. 1893); Married Edgar Lee Masters, 1898; Children Hardin, Madeline, Marcia ; Clubs Cordon, Chicago College (Life Member), Wednesday Club; Activities Delegate to Con- tinental Congress D. A. R. 1905, Officer of Rockford College Assn. and Chicago Chapter D. A. R. (about 1905), Member of Council Actors' Church Alliance (1908-10), Member of Woman's Committee of Chicago Dry League (1917), Director of Chicago College Club (1913-15), Chairman Furnishing Com- mittee of Chicago College Club (1915), First Vice-President Chicago College Club (1916-18), Director of Chicago Drama League (1917-22), Director of MacDowell Society of Chicago (1919-22), Member Social Committee Cordon Club (1921-22), Member Literary Committee Wednesday Club (1919-22). Resi- dence 4853 Kenwood Ave. MATHEWS, Erminnie (Crilly). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools ; Married George William Mathews ; Children Erminnie (Mrs. Sangston Hettler) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Woman's Athletic, Musicians' Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 3824 Michigan Ave. MATZ, Claire (McGregor). Born Boston, Mass.; Educated Broadway Hall, Greenwich, Conn. ; Married Charles Hender- son Matz, June llth, 1919; Children Alexandra; Clubs Junior League; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 843 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. MATZ, Frances (Schramm). Born Burlington, la.; Educated The Bennett School, Millbrook, N. Y. ; Married John D. Matz, June 24th, 1916; Children Frances, Elizabeth; Clubs Cordon, Hinsdale Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence 85 S. Washington St., Hinsdale, 111. MAXWELL, Mary (Moore). Born Bloomington, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Edward E. Maxwell; Children One son ; Clubs Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic, Friendly Aid Society, Mayflower Society; Activities Charter Member 90 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Friendly Aid Society and has always worked in it, also work in Christ Church (Bishop Cheney's). Residence 1401 Hyde Park Blvd. MEDER, Leonora Z. (O'Connor). Born Wayside, Ky.; Edu- cated Stuart's Female College, Loyola University, Chicago College of Law, St. Mary's Academy; Married Thaddeus J. J. Meder, January 24th, 1894; Children John O'Connor; Clubs Chicago Assn. of Commerce, Lawyers' Club, Women's Bar Assn.; Activities Loyola School of Sociology, National Con- ference of Charities, Friends of Irish Freedom, Art Institute of Chicago. Address 139 N. Clark St. MEEKER, Grace (Murray). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Schools; Married Arthur Meeker, March 10th, 1892; Children Katherine (Mrs. Horace Gray), Grace (Mrs. Am- brose Cramer), Arthur Meeker, Jr., Mary; Clubs Casino, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 5030 Lake Shore Drive. MEEKER, Louise (Ackerman). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools ; Married George Walker Meeker, January 23rd, 1884; Children Margaret Louise (Forgan), Lawrence Acker- man; Clubs Casino, Saddle and Cycle, Friday Club; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence 440 Barry Ave. MEIGS, Ethel (Harmon). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Ferry Hall and Chicago University; Married Merrill C. Meigs, September 26th, 1912; Children Harmon, Merrill, Jr., Stan- ford; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Bob-o-Link Club. Resi- dence Evanston, 111. MENN, Olga. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Chicago and France; Clubs Amateur Musical, Alliance Francaise, Arts, Playgoers, Junior Friends of Art (organizer), Drama League; Activities Chairman of Junior Friends of Art, all War Drives at C. A. A., Vocalist (non-professional), Director of Drama League, Social Chairman Chicago Pageant of Progress. Resi- dence 1832 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 91 MILLER, Mary (Williams). Born Erie, Pa.; Educated Le Roy University, Le Roy, N. Y. ; Married John Gibbons Miller, October 14th, 1894; Children Frances Williams, J. Oilman; Clubs Skokie Country Club; Activities Church and Mission- ary work, general philanthropic interests. Residence 1236 N. Dearborn St., 1314 Oak Ave., Evanston, 111. MILLER, Frances Williams. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Chicago Latin School and Gunston Hall, Washington, D. C. ; Clubs Junior League; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence 1236 N. Dearborn St., 1314 Oak Ave., Evans- ton, 111. MITCHELL, Dorothy (Day). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Miss Wheeler's School, Providence, R. I.; Married Leeds Mitchell, July 7th, 1909; Children Leeds, Jr., Margaret; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Woman's City, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Onwentsia; Activities Treasurer of the Practical Housekeeping Centers, and general philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. MITCHELL, Mary Isabelle (Drew). Born Big Rapids, Mich.; Educated Ferris Institute and University of Michigan; Mar- riedWilliam K. Mitchell; Clubs The College Club, Argyle Park Portia, Woman's City Club, Lake View Musical, The Musical Guild of Illinois; Activities Vice-President Argyle Park Portia Club, State Chairman Alumnae Council for Uni- versity of Michigan League, Press Chairman for College Club 1916-1921, was Chairman for Red Cross (College Club Aux.), general philanthropic interest. Residence 1325 Greenleaf Ave. MONROE, Anna (Hamill). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married William S. Monroe, October 31st, 1898; Children Henry Stanton; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Friday Club, Fortnightly Club, Scrib- blers, Cordon, Arts, Casino, Saddle and Cycle; Activities Hon- orary President Illinois Society for Mental Hygiene, President Chicago Branch Needlework Guild of America, President In- 92 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER diana Home, Director Woman's City Club, Service League for Handicapped, Improvement Society for Blind People, Vocational Supervision League, Educational Committee Y. W. C. A., Hous- ing Committee Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Feeble- minded Committee Chicago Woman's Club, Chairman Confer- ence Committee on Handicapped. Residence 64 E. Elm St. MONROE, Harriet. Born Chicago, Illinois; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Arts Club, Illinois Woman's Press Association; Activi- ties Author of "You and I", "The Passing Show',, Founder and Editor of "Poetry", a magazine of verse. Residence 543 Cass St. MOORE, Cecelia B. (McElroy). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated Miss Bennett's, Philadelphia, Pa., "Oldfield's" (Mary- land) ; Married Dr. Amory Oliver Moore, June 5th, 1917; Children Alma Oliver, Cecelia Baldwin, Amory Oliver, Jr. ; Clubs Colonial Dames of America; Activities Gerreral phil- anthropic interests. Residence 2244 S. Sheridan Road, High- land Park, 111. MORGAN, Anna. Born Auburn, N. Y.; Educated Home Schools ; Clubs The Little Room, Cordon, Arts, Midland Authors, Antiquarian; Activities Founder of the Anna Morgan Studios, a School of Expression producing* plays by foreign and native dramatists ; Author "The Aft of Speech and De- portment", "Selected Readings", "An Hour With Delsarte", "My Chicago". Residence Highland Park, Studio Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago. MORGAN, Amanda (Alden). Born Little Falls, N. Y. ; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Kendrick E. Morgan; Children Alden Kendrick, Mary Alden (Mrs. Walter C. Haupt) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 1362 Astor St. MORRIS, Helen (Conover). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Private Tutelage; Married Edward Morris, May 31st, 1916; Children Edward, III., William Conover; Clubs Woman's CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 93 Athletic; Activities President of Packingtown Day Nursery, Board Member Chicago Home for Convalescent Women and Children, music, athletic sports. Residence 4800 Drexel Blvd. MORRISON, Mary (Foulke). Born Richmond, Ind.; Educated Bryn Mawr College ; Married James William Morrison, February, 1900; Children Robert, Foulke, Rosemary, Reeves, James Lord; Clubs Casino, Fortnightly, Friday Club, Arts, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Secre- tary Woman's Equal Suffrage Assn. 1911-14, President 1914-19, Recording Secretary National American Woman's Suffrage Assn. 1915-16, Executive Committee Woman's Committee Coun- cil of National Defense for Illinois 1917-19, Speaker for Suf- frage and Liberty Loans, Hoover Campaign Committee 1920, Second Vice-President Illinois League of Women Voters, Mem- ber Committee for European Relief 1920-21. Residence 719 Rush St. MORSE, Charlotte (Ingersoll). Born Beloit, Wis.; Educated Beloit College, University of Wisconsin; Married Charles Hosmer Morse, Jr.; Children Elizabeth, Martha Jeanette, Charles Hosmer, IV. ; Clubs Chicago College, Woman's Ath- letic, Woman's City, Alliance Francaise, Chicago Historical Society, Friends of Opera ; Activities Board Member Country Home for Conva ' ascent Children, Board Member Chicago Home for Convalescent Women and Children, Board Member Wom- an's Athletic Club. Residence 60 East Scott St. MUNDY, Marion Perry (Shackford). Born Riverside, 111.; Educated St. Paul's School; Married Norris Havermeyer Mundy, April 9th, 1907; Children Norris H., Jr., William Gardner; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, South Shore Country Club. Residence Riverside, 111. MUNROE, Rhea (Logan). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Lor- ing School for Girls, Kemper Hall, Dearborn Seminary; Mar- ried Charles A. Munroe, Aug. 20th, 1907; Children Joseph- ine, Rhea, Logan ; Clubs Woman's City, Woman's Athletic, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle; Activities Founder and Chair- 94 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER man of Food Conservation Bureau and Demonstration Station, directed by U. S. Food Administration and Woman's Committee of State Council of Defense (1918), Chairman and Director of the Gift Shop and Novelty Dept. of Service League for Handi- capped (1921), Member of Board of Directors Convalescent Home for Crippled Children, Member Board of Directors School of Domestic Arts and Science, of St. Luke's Hospital, of Light House for the Blind, of Service League for Handicapped. Res- idence 1234 Lake Shore Drive. MURRAY, Anna May (Reid). Born Kentucky ; Educated Private Tutelage; Married George C. Murray, March, 1913; Clubs Organizer Woman's Patriotic Club, Illinois Woman's Athletic Club, Southern Woman's Club, North End, Mothers' Relief, Organizer of Harmonious Club; Activities Organized Woman's Patriotic Club for the purpose of aiding fighting men and their dependents ; actively engaged in all movements for aid- ing disabled soldiers and their families ; provides entertainments for those in hospitals. Residence 6330 Sheridan Road. NACHBOUR, Emogene Laura (Kennedy). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated South Division High School, Institute of Our Lady (Chicago), Pratt Institute (New York), Drexel Insti- tute (Philadelphia) ; Married Joseph Francis Nachbour, Nov. 27th, 1901 ; Clubs Illinois Women's Press Assn., Joliet Wo- man's Club (President), Woman's City Club, Daughters of Vet- erans; Activities On faculty of Armour Institute (1897-1900), State Chairman Industrial and Social Conditions Department of Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs for three years, State Chairman of Business and Industrial Relations for Illinois for General Federation of Women's Clubs, on Committee for Kin- dergarten Legislation, Chairman of Committee for the Eight Hour Bill, Board Member of Service League for the Civilian Industrially Handicapped of Chicago, Board Member of Public Health Council of Joliet, President of Community Service of Joliet. Residence 631 Western Ave., Joliet, 111.; Drake Hotel, Chicago. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 95 NANCE, Zelma (Arter). Born Lima, O. ; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Dr. Willis Orville Nance, Dec. 24th, 1894; Children Willis Dean, Clement Arter; Clubs President Hyde Park Travel Club, Chicago Society of Ohio Women, Arche Club; Activities Board Member of 1st District I. F. W. C., Chairman of Civic Department Hyde Park Travel Club, Mem- ber of Civic Department of Arche Club. Residence 5330 Hyde Park Blvd. NAUGLE, Ethel M. (Mozier). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married Archibald T. Naugle, April 28th, 1903; Children Jane Allen; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Arts, Midlothian Country; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 2236 Lincoln Park West. NELSON, Jessie McCutcheon (Raleigh). Born Lafayette, Ind. ; Educated St. Mary's School, Knoxville, 111.; Married A. Wil- bur Nelson, January, 1920; Children John McCutcheon Ral- eigh; Clubs Cordon, Art Alliance, Pickwick; Activities Man- ufacturer of Raleigh dolls, Creator and Manufacturer of "The Good Fairy," Raleigh Dolls, "Children's Postie," etc. Resi- dence 17 E. Division St. NEUMANN, Lillian (Mallory). Born Mallorytown, Canada; Educated De Mill College, Canada; Married F. Wight Neu- mann, May 6th, 1897; Children Gladys Mallory (Mrs. Selz) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon Club, Arts, South Shore Country, etc. ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Res- idence 3155 Michigan Ave. NICHOLAS, Florence (Mayr). Born South Bend, Ind.; Edu- cated Gardner School, New York City; Married Richmond Nicholas, March 15th, 1909; Children Frank Carter, Rich- mond, Jr.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 1434 N. Dearborn Pkwy; Moraine Hotel, Highland Park, 111. NOYES, Ellen C. (Crutcher). Born Louisville, Ky.; Educated Louisville, Ky. ; Married Ernest High Noyes, March 31st, 96 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 1902; Children John High, Florence Keats; Clubs Saddle and Cycle Club; Activities Emerson House Settlement, Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan Asylum. Residence 1223 N. State St. OBRIEN, Louise (Waller). Born Chicago 111.; Educated- Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn. ; Married Howard Vin- cent O'Brien, Dec. 28th, 1912; Children Jean, Bayne, Donel; Clubs Indian Hill Country Club, Woman's City Club; Activ- ities General philanthropic interests. Residence 630 Black- thorn Road, Winnetka, 111. OCHSNER, Marion. Born Oil City, Pa.; Educated Home Schools; Married Dr. Albert J. Ochsner, April 3rd, 1888; Children Albert Henry, Bertha; Clubs Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Lake View Musical, Braille Musical Club, Musicians Club of Women; Activities President of Illi- nois Chapter National Federation Music Clubs, McDowell So- ciety of Chicago, Member Board of Civic Music Assn. of Chi- cago. Residence 2106 Sedgwick St. ODELL, May (Jamieson). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated The University School for Girls, Miss Anable's School; Married Irving Odell, June 19th, 1909; Children Malcolm Jamieson, John J. P. II.; Clubs Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 368 Ridge Ave., Win- netka, 111. OFF, Helen (Willock). Born Pittsburg, Pa.; Educated Ogontz; Married Clifford Off, Oct. 26th, 1910; Children- Samuel Willock, Clifford, Jr., Robert Willock; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 1047 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. O'NEILL, Lillian M. Born Beetown, Wis. ; Educated Bloom- ington High School; Married Arthur J. O'Neill, 1889; Chil- dren, Arthur D., Nina M., Harry K., Lillian, Robert J.; Clubs Renaissance, Woman's City, West Side, Co-Educational, Daughters of 1812, Tuesday Art and Travel, Culture Club; CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 97 Activities On Board of Directors of Renaissance Club for two years and of West Side Co-Educational for three years, Daugh- ters of 1812, Delegate to Municipal Art League, Housing Com- mittee of Woman's City Club, Art Chairman for 1st District I. F. W. C. Residence 6541 Woodlawn Ave. OSKAR, Marian Virginia. Born London, England; Educated St. Mary's Academy, South Bend, Ind. ; Married Thomas Oskar, April, 1902; Children Harry B., Thomas B., Jr.; Clubs President Prairie State Club, Second Vice President Mothers' Relief Assn., Chicago Woman's Musical Club; Activities Lib- erty Loan Speaker during War, general philanthropic interests. Residence 5456 Michigan Ave. OTIS, Elizabeth Lincoln (Shackford). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Northwestern University; Married William A. Otis, 1888; Children Samuel Shackford, Louise; Clubs Friday, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities Club work, Winnetka Re- lief & Aid Society, Municipal Art Committee of Village Im- provement Assn. Residence 644 Oak St., Winnetka, 111. OTIS, Louise (Meadowcroft). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn.; Married Joseph E. Otis, Jr., Oct. 4th, 1917; Children Anne Louise; Activities Gen- eral charities. Residence 57 E. Oak St. OTIS, Margaretta E. Born Erie County, O.; Educated Dear- born Seminary, Chicago; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activ- ities Old People's Home (Member Board of Managers). Res- idence 2033 Prairie Ave. OTIS, Sarane (Seeley). Born New York City; Educated Farmington, Conn.; Married Ralph C. Otis, Nov. 23rd, 1899; Children James, Ralph C., Jr., Sarane, Florence; Clubs Saddle and Cycle; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1355 Astor St. OWSLEY, Elizabeth (Dean). Born St. Louis, Mo.; Educated Home Schools; Married George Knox Owsley; Children 98 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Georgiana (Mrs. Hill), Dean, Paul; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence Winnetka, 111. PADDOCK, Caroline (Bolles). Born Boston, Mass.; Edu- cated Arnault Academy; Married George Laban Paddock, Oct., 1862; Children Evelyn (Mrs. Arthur Bowen), Charles Allen, Caroline, Margaret (Mrs. Walter Inbusch), George (also four deceased) ; Activities Interested in charities, especially those of the Episcopal Church, and the Anti-Cruelty Society. Residence 2737 Eastwood Ave., Evanston, 111. PAGIN, Mabel (Braun). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Vas- sar College; Married Frank S. Pagin; Clubs Woman's Ath- letic, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Lake View Musical Society; Activities Red Cross Surgical Dressing, Occu- pational Training for Handicapped, Eli Bates Settlement, Chil- dren's Memorial Hospital. Residence 1511 N. State Pkwy. PALMER, Nellie (Chapin). Born Charlestown, Mass.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Percival Bowditch Palmer, 1878; Children Dudley A., Percival Bowditch, Jr., N. Chapin, David H., Lucy; Clubs Womans' Athletic Club, Daughters of the American Revolution. Residence 5492 South Shore Drive. PALMER, Pauline (Lennards). Born McHenry, 111.; Edu- cated St. Mary's Inst., Milwaukee, Wis. ; Art Inst., Chicago ; Paris, France; Married Dr. Albert Edward Palmer (deceased); Clubs Chicago Society of Artists, The Little Room, Arts Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon, (Honorary Member) Lakeview Woman's Club, Municipal Art League; Activities President Chi- cago Society of Artists for three years, Board Member of Arts Club, Artist by profession. Residence 4 E. Ohio St. PARKER, Edith (Stubbs). Born San Francisco, Cal.; Educated Miss Head's Seminary, Berkeley, Cal. ; Married Harrison Parker, Oct. 23rd, 1901; Children Mary, Harrison, Beulah; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities Director Woman's Ex- change, Director of Eli Bates Settlement. Residence 220 E. Walton PL CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 99 PARKER, Mary Moncure (Paynter). Educated University of Chicago; Married William Reynolds Parker; Children Gil- bert Moncure; Clubs D. A. R., Illinois Woman's Press, Soci- ety Midland Authors, Verse Writers' Club, Los Angeles, Cal. ; Activities Playwright, coach, entertainer, presenting own mon- ologues and poems. Residence 1115 E. 47th St. PARKER, Martha. Born Rockport, 111.; Educated Hillsdale College; Clubs Every Wednesday Club, Southern Woman's Club, The Daughters of Indiana, Chicago Federation; Activities Past President of Every Wednesday Club, Past Chairman and present Director of Literature and Reciprocity of First Dictrict I. F. W. C. ; especially interested in free lunches for poor children, general philanthropic interests. Residence Lex- ington Hotel. PARKINSON, Sylvia V. (Davidson). Born London, England; Educated Private Tutors; Married Stirling B. Parkinson, June 16th, 1911; Activities War relief work with various or- ganizations, including Relief Fund for French Wounded, Red Cross and 149th F. A. Relief; served with U. S. Censor office in San Antonio, Tex., during war. Residence 2329^2 Com- monwealth Ave. PATCH, Frances (Clement). Born Brantford, Ontario, Can- ada; Educated Home Schools; Married 'William Patch; Chil- dren Preston Clement; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, North End, Daughters British Empire, P. E. O., Chapter A; Activ- ities First Vice President State Council Daughters British Empire, Regent Hampton Chapter Daughters British Empire. Residence 6323 Winthrop Ave. PAYNE, Elsie (MacLennan). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Stephen Payne (deceased), May 8th, 1909; Children Roslyn; Clubs Exmoor Country Club; Activities Polyclinic Drive, Liberty 'Loan, Red Cross Drive, general philanthropic interests. Residence 1318 Ritchie Ct. PEARSON, M. Edla (Brewer). Born Michigan; Educated- Olivet College, Michigan; Married Eugene H. Pearson, Jan. 100 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 10th, 1878; Children Luella (Mrs. David J. M alloy ); Clubs- Woman's Athletic Club. Residence '325 Fullerton Pkwy. PECK, Mary (Field). Born Beloit, Wis.; Educated Dearborn Seminary, Chicago; Married Clarence Ives Peck (deceased), Feb. 3rd, 1886; Children Philip F. W., Winfield (deceased), Martha (Mrs. Henry H. Judson) ; Clubs 'Fortnightly, Illinois Society of Colonial Dames, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Res- idence 1245 Astor St. PERKINS, Lucy (Fitch). Born Maples, Ind.; Educated Art School, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.; Married Dwight Heald Perkins, August 18, 1891; Children Eleanor Ellis, Lawrence Lincoln; Clubs Chicago Society of Artists, Midland Authors, Little Room, Chicago Woman's Club, Wom- an's City Club, Drama Club of Evanston; Activities Author and Illustrator. Residence '2319 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. PERKINS, Yolande (Vandeveer). Born Taylorville, 111.; Edu- cated Ogontz; Married Frederick Wainwright Perkins, No- vember 7th, 1911; Children Emily Wainwright, Yolande Van- deveer; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Woman's Athletic; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Nokomis, 111., and Chicago. PETERKIN, Jeanette (Knights). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Dearborn Seminary and Lasell Seminary; Married Daniel Peterkin, October, 1904; Children Jeanette, Daniel; Clubs Woman's Athletic, South Shore Country Club. Resi- dence Parkway Hotel (temporary). PIKE, Mary (Rockwell). Born Painesville, O.; Educated Home Schools ; Married Eugene S. Pike ; Children Eugene R., Charles B., William W.; Clubs Woman's Athletic, South Shore Country Club; Activities General philanthropic and war interest. Residence 1550 N. State Parkway. PLAMONDON, Elizabeth (Nelson). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated St. Mary's, South Bend, Ind. ; Married Alfred D. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 101 Plamondon, October, 1891; Children Mrs. Harold Beason, William Nelson, Alfred D., Jr., George L. ; Activities Red Cross war work, contributor to various charities. Residence 305 Fullerton Parkway. PLAMONDON, Marie. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Misses Elys', New York; Clubs The Ely Club, New York City; Activities Guardian Angel Social Center. Residence 2476 Lake View Ave. PLUMMER, Mary (Redfield). Born Delhi, N. Y.; Educated Beloit College; Married George W. Plummer, November, 1892; Children Phyllis Estelle (Mrs. Robert Kenneth Plumb) ; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon, D. A. R. ; Activities Cor- responding Secretary General Federation of Women's Clubs, Official Parliamentarian of I. F. W. C., Board Member of Chicago Woman's Club. Residence The Walton Apts. POLLOCK, Sarah Katherine (Percy). Born Galesburg, 111.; Educated Simmons College, Boston, Mass. ; Married Dr. Lewis John Pollock, June 6th, 1914; Children James Percy; Activities Sunbeam League, Illinois Simmons Club, Ferry Hall Alumnae Assn., Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Assn. Residence 616 Michigan Ave., Evanston, 111. PORTER, Anne Horry (Kilby). Born Anniston, Ala.; Edu- cated Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; Married Gilbert Edwin Porter, III., April 7, 1920; Children Edith Loraine; Clubs Onwentsia; Activities Junior League, Service Club. Residence 942 Lake Shore Drive. PORTER, Ruth W. (Furness). Educated Bryn Mawr College Married James Foster Porter, June 16th, 1898; Children Nancy Foster, Eliot Furness, Edward Clark, Fairfield Wads- worth, John Foster; Clubs Woman's City, Chicago Woman's, Friday, Winnetka Woman's, Bryn Mawr Club of New York, Boston College Club; Activities Member Board of Education New Trier Township High School. Residence 1085 Sheridan Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. 102 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER POWELL, Ida F. Born Louisville, Ky. ; Educated Girls' High School, Louisville, Ky. ; Clubs Southern Woman's Club of Chi- cago, Chicago South Side Club, United Daughters of the Con- federacy (Chicago Chapter) ; Activities President of Southern Woman's Club; President of Chicago Chapter U. D. C. (4th term) ; Past President and now Registrar of Illinois Division U. D. C., Treasurer of Camp 8, United Confederate Veterans, Chairman of Library Extension, First District, I. F. W. C.; also many past offices in Chicago South Side Clubs. Residence 1447 E. Marquette Road. PRESTON, Jessie (Roberts). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated . South Division High School; Married William David Preston (deceased); April 4th, 1883; Children Keith, Ethel, David; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Art Institute, church and social clubs; Activities Home, church and club interests. Residence 2320 Indiana Ave. PURVIN, Jennie (Franklin). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- University of Chicago; Married Moses L. Purvin, October, 1899; Children Janet, Nata; Clubs Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Aid, etc. ; Activities Secretary Civic Music Association, President Chicago Council of Jewish Women, Past President Scholarship Association for Jewish Children, Past Chairman of Civics, Illinois Federation of Wom- an's Clubs. Residence 6512 Kenwood Ave. Q UICK, J. Russella (Dyer). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated South Side Academy (now University High School) ; Married George Albert Quick; Clubs The Mayflower Society, D. A. R., Eastern Star; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence 5494 Cornell Ave. T) ALEIGH, Jessie McCutcheon (see Nelson). REED, Helen M. (Shedd). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Smith College; Married Kersey Coats Reed, November 25th, 1911; Children Mary Shedd, John Shedd; Clubs On- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 103 wentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 936 Lake Shore Drive and Lake Forest, 111. REIS, Nannie (Ashenheim). Born Dresden; Educated Berlin and Chicago; Married Dr. Ignace J. Reis, March 31st, 1895; Children Dr. Ralph A.; Clubs Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago (Charter Member), Council of Jewish Women (Johanna Lodge), Columbia Damen Club, Independent German Amer- ican Woman's Club (Charter Member), B. S. T. I. Sisterhood, Illinois Woman's Press; Activities Secretary Illinois Travelers' Aid Society, Chairman Joint Central Committee for Blind, Board Member of Mt. Sinai Hospital, President Conference of Jewish Women. Residence 4463 Berkeley Ave. REILLY, Anna Mary (Dunham). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Kirkland School, Sieboth-Kennedy School, Bryn Mawr (A. B. 1908); Married John Rice Reilly, September 27, 1913; Children John, Jr., Dunham, Hester; Clubs Bryn Mawr Club of Chicago, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence Blackthorne Road, Winnetka, 111. ReQUA, Alice (Haven). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dear- born Seminary (Chicago), Madam Schuestron (Paris, France); Married Charles Howard ReQua; Children Haven A., Cath- erine Haven (Mrs. Stewart Johnson), Charles Howard, Jr.; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Wednesday Club, D. A. R.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 3629 Grand Blvd. ReQUA, Eloise (Gallup). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Madam Hayes, Boston, Mass. ; Married William B. ReQua, June, 1898; Children Eloise Gallup; Clubs Chicago Wom- an's, Woman's Athletic, Cordon, Woman's City; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 4616 Ellis Ave. ReQUA, Gladys Marian (Anderson). Born Oak Park, 111.; Educated Dearborn Seminary, Loring School, Kemper Hall; 104 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Married Haven Ainley ReQua, September 4th, 1916; Children Haven Charles, Patrick Anderson; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 117 College Road, Lake Forest, 111. REUSS, Jessie (Grey). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Henry H. Reuss, June, 1901; Clubs Wom- an's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 230 E. Delaware Place. REVELL, Maude (Richardson). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Alexander H. Revell; Children Margaret (Mrs. Loring Hoover), Alexander H., Jr., Richard- son. Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General char- ities. Residence 2150 Lincoln Park, West. RICE, H. Jane (Meal). Born Lebanon, Ind. ; Educated Home Schools; Married Luther V. Rice, June 2, 1909; Clubs Woman's City Club, Daughters of Indiana, Woman's Aux- iliary of Ravenswood Hospital, Member of Board First District I. F. W. C., Protestant Children's Aid. Residence 434 Aldine Ave. RICE, Winifred (Eversz). Born Evanston, 111.; Educated Northwestern University; Married William Albert Rice, Octo- ber 6th, 1920; Clubs Young Women's Auxiliary of Woman's Club of Evanston, Kappa Delta Sorority; Activities Musician and professional accompanist. Residence Evanston, 111. RICHARDS, Helen (Gillette). Born Hudson-on-Hudson, N. Y. ; Educated Miss Spence's School, New York City; Married Marcus D. Richards; Children Fidelia, Mary- Louise; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence 806 Rose- wood Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111. RICHARDSON, Violett (Palmer). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Sacred Heart Convent; Married Augustus Howard Richardson, 1909; Children A. Howard, Jr., Joan; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence 1302 Ritchie Court. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 105 RIEMAN, CharlQtte A. (Howe). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Kenwood Institute, Miss Bennett School, Milbrook, N. Y.; Married Bertram F. Rieman, September 27th, 1920; Clubs South Shore. Activities Member Canteen and Navy League, Instructor at St. Luke's Social Service, Honorary Medal for Advanced First Aid, Member Junior Auxiliary Convalescent Home for Women and Children; Residence 4742 Drexel Blvd. RILEY, Alice Gushing (Donaldson). Born Morrison, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Harrison Barnett Riley, April 3rd, 1889; Children Donald H. B., Dorothy; Clubs Evanston Woman's Club, Evanston Drama Club, Evanston Garden Club, Drama League, Midland Authors; Activities Writer of Chil- dren's Songs and Operas (with Jessie L. Gaynor for twenty- five years), "Songs Child World I., II., III.", etc., "House Jack Built" (a children's opera) , and others ; one of the found- ers of the Drama Club of Evanston and of the Drama League of America. Residence 1822 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. RIPLEY, Charlotte (Plamondon). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Miss Somer's School; Married Allen Bradford Ripley, April 9th, 1910; Children Jane Plamondon, Bradford W., II.; Clubs Exmoor Country Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 2476 Lake View Ave. RITTER, Saidee (Meyberg). Born St. Louis, Mo.; Educated St. Vincent's Seminary; Married Dr. Martin M. Ritter; Clubs Woman's City Club, Alliance Francaise, Past President Musical and Literary Club, Woman's Protective Assn.; Activi- ties Civic co-operator, transcriber and teacher of Braille (awarded one of the few diplomas signed by President of United States), general war work and philanthropic interests, dramatic art. Residence Webster Hotel. ROBBINS, Katharine (Knowles). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Paris, France; Married J. W. Robbins, June, 1899; Children John Knowles; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club (orig- inal Chairman American Speech Committee) ; Activities Na- 106 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER tional Chairman American Speech Committee (General Federa- tion of Women's Clubs), Translator of French Plays and Monologues, played "Prince Bellidor" in "Sister Beatrice" by Materlinck, as given by Chicago Woman's Club members. Resi- dence 4564 Oakenwald Blvd. ROBERTS, Rhoda M. Born Woburn, 111.; Educated Lake High School, Chicago; Married William J. Roberts, November 7th, 1889; Children Lester W., Herbert P.; Clubs Engle- wood Woman's Club, Mathesis Club; Activities Past President Englewood Woman's Club, Past President Mathesis Club, Presi- dent Third District I. F. W. C. Residence 1055 W. Garfield Blvd. ROGERS, Adele (Waller). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ogontz and Miss Porter's School, New York; Married Ber- nard F. Rogers, September 10th, 1889; Children Bernard F., Jr., James Waller; Clubs Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Shore Acres; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1341 N. State St. and "Ridge Crest", Wequetonsing, Mich. ROLOSON, Belle Cary (Waller). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ogontz; Married Robert M. Roloson, July 2nd, 1901; Chil- dren Robert M., Jr. ; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club ; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence 1114 Lake Shore Drive, Evanston, 111. ROOD, Isabel (Quan). Born Galena, 111.; Educated Sacred Heart Convent, Montreal, Can. ; Married James Rood, Jr. ; November 20th, 1890; Children Captain James Quan, Alice Quan; Clubs Evanston Catholic Woman's Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 410 Davis St., Evanston, 111. ROOT, Ellen T. (Dudley). Born Evanston, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married John W. Root, October, 1914; Chil- dren Denyse; Clubs Casino, Scribblers; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1310 Astor St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 107 ROSENFIELD, Tillie (Einstein). Born Chicago, ill.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Morris S. Rosenfield, April 25, 1889; Children Helen (Mrs. Mark Walton), Edith, Robert Reid; Clubs Arts, Chicago Woman's Aid; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 2807 Prairie Ave. ROSS, Mary (Lord). Born Kansas, 111.; Educated Smith Col- lege; Married Robert Edwin Ross, August 6th, 1914; Clubs Young Fortnightly, College Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Board Member Y. W. C. A. Residence 1235 Astor St. ROWE, Louise (Osborne). Born Jacksonville, 111.; Educated Starrett School for Girls and University of Chicago; Married Cole Yates Rowe, November 4th, 1911; Clubs Illinois Equal Suffrage Assn., Social Service Club; Activities Commissioner of Public Welfare of City of Chicago by appointment of Mayor Thompson, President William Hale Thompson Woman's Re- publican Club, Member Executive Committee Central Council of Social Agencies. Residence 3204 Sheridan Road. Office City Hall Square Bldg. RUBENS, Ida (Mayer). Born Munich, Germany; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Harry Rubens (deceased), August 16th, 1914; Activities Patron of American Welfare Assn. Residence 21 E. Walton Place. RUMMLER, Susan (Harding). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated University of Chicago; Married Wm. R. Rummler, October 3rd, 1905; Children Joseph Manig, Adelaid Mathews, Made- lene Harding, Robert Stevens; Clubs Lake View Woman's Club, Glencoe Library Club, Dames of Loyal Legion, Esoteric (U. of C.), Woman's International Assn. for Peace and Free- dom, Author of "Natural Food and Care for Child and Mother". Residence Beverly Hills, 111. RUSSELL, Louise Mary (Fowler). Born Springfield, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Edward Perry Russell, Novem- ber 19th, 1888; Children Doris (Mrs. Richard B. Barnitz), Mary (Mrs. Arthur Read Christie) ; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, 108 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Casino, Arts Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 19 E. Goethe St. RYDER, Theodora (Sturkow). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated Birmingham, England, and Chicago; Married Benjamin H. Ryder, 1906; Clubs Chicago Woman's Musical Club, Chi- cago Musicians' Club, Tuesday Musical of Pittsburgh (Honor- ary Member), Woman's Musical Club of Burlington, la. (Hon- orary Member) ; Activities Author of "Reverie in F Major", "Suite in C Minor for Piano", "Rhapsodic Russe", "Romance Heureuse" (violin and piano), "Seven Songs", "Love's Feast", "Content", "I Thought of You", etc. Residence 4715 Lake Park Ave. Studio 606 Cable Bldg. SANBORN, Louisa (Kirkland. Born Illinois; Educated Kirkland School, Chicago (graduated 1883); Married Victor Channing Sanborn (deceased) ; Children Caroline Kirkland, Louise Leavitt; Clubs Friday Club, The Neighbors (Kenil- worth) ;Activities Child Welfare Work. Residence 25 E. Walton Place. SCHAFFNER, Sara (Halle). Born Cleveland, Ohio; Educated Home Schools; Married Joseph Schaffner; Children Three; Clubs Woman's Club, Woman's Aid, Book and Play Club, Lake Shore Country Club, Down Town Club; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 4819 Greenwood Ave. SCHWARZ, Byrde (Kitson). Born Ligonier, Ind.; Educated Western College, Cosmopolitan School of Music; Married John Otto Schwarz, November 6th, 1901; Clubs President Chicago Woman's Musical, Director and Social Chairman of Apollo Club, Chicago Artist Assn., Chicago Woman's Choral Club; Activities Vocalist. Residence 4856 Drake Ave., Chicago. SCOTT, Edith (Kribben). Born Missouri; Educated Home Schools; Married Frank Hamline Scott, October 10th, 1882; Children Bertram Delafield, Marion Sturges; Clubs Cordon, CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 109 Fortnightly, Friday; Activities Hospital Boards. Residence 1214 Astor St. SCOTT, Helen (Webster). Born Evanston, 111.; Educated Misses Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. ; Married Fred- erick H. Scott, December 2nd, 1902; Children Emily C., Isabel L., Frederick H., Jr., Edward Webster; Clubs Glen View, Indian Hill, Saddle and Cycle, Woman's Athletic; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 175 Sheridan Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. SCRIVEN, Alice (Davis). Born Lexington, Ky.; Educated Miss Weeks and Lougee of Boston, Mass.; Married William Hooper Scriven, April, 1902; Children Jane, Mary Elizabeth; Clubs Arts Club, Casino; Activities Member of Board of Lying-in Hospital, Director of Community Service Emerson House, Ways and Means Committee Republican Convention, Executive W. C. C. S., Chairman Permanent Blind Fund. Resi- dence 104 Bellevue Place. SEIFERT, Marie C. (Karst). Born Water town, Wis.; Edu- cated Chicago High Schools; Married Dr. Mathias Joseph Seifert, February 8th, 1888; Children Marie; Clubs Renais- sance, Illinois Woman's Athletic Club; Activities Chicago Band Assn., Art Institute, Chairman of Art Committee I. W. A. C. Residence 585 Hawthorne Place. SELBY, Emily H., M. D. Born Jacksonville, 111.; Educated Harvey Medical School; Clubs Chicago Ophthalmological Soci- ety, Medical Women's Club, Woman's City Club, Lower North Community Council; Activities Assistant Surgeon Illinois State Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Residence Virginia Hotel. SELZ, Gladys Mallory (Neumann). Born American Consulate, Cologne, Germany; Educated University School for Girls; Mar- ried Austin Selz, April 6th, 1917; Children Sterling Edmund; Clubs Woodstock Country, Alliance Francaise, Cercle Fran- caise; Activities Social and philanthropic. Residence 2728 Hampden Court and "The Farm", Crystal Lake, 111. 110 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER SENN, Margery (Lynch). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Academy of the Sacred Heart; Married Dr. William N. Senn, 1906; Children Barbara, Dorothy; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1242 Astor St. SETHNESS, Helga Elizabeth (Midling). Born Christiana, Nor- way; Educated Chicago Normal College; Married Charles O. Sethness, December 14th, 1882; Children Henry, Walter, Ralph, Elva (Mrs. E. O. Denison) ; Clubs Democratic Wom- an's Forum, Klio Assn., Irving Park Sorosis, Aid and Loan Society, Ridgemore Golf and Country Club; Activities Trustee Member Board of Education (City of Chicago), President Sev- enth Congressional District I. F. W. C. Residence Hotel Somerset, Argyle and Sheridan Road. SHAFFER, Pauline (Bullard). Born Boston, Mass.; Educated Home Schools; Married Carroll Shaffer, April 23rd, 1908; Children Carolyn, Barbara, John, Robert; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Glen View Golf, Evanston Drama Club, University Guild; Activities Infant Welfare, Illinois Children's Home. Residence 1145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. SHAW, Bessie H. (Kennedy). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, 111. ; Married Walden Willard Shaw, April 17th, 1900; Children Margaret E., Bessie K.; Clubs Woman's Athletic. Residence 3314 Sheridan Road. SHAW, Frances (Wells). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Farmington, Conn.; Married Howard Van Doren Shaw, 1893; Children Evelyn (Mrs. John T. McCutcheon), Sylvia, Theo- dora; Clubs Friday, Fortnightly, Wednesday, Cordon, Anti- quarian, Midland Authors, Poetry Society of America; Activi- ties Poetry and drama, author of "Sayings of Baby's Day", "Rain Poems", publisher of short plays and adaptations for use at "Ragsdale Ring", owns Open Air Theatre at Lake Forest. Residence Lake Forest, 111. SHERMAN, Martha (Fowler). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Lasell Seminary; Married Lucius B. Sherman, October, 1898; CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 111 Children Lucius B., Jr., Roger Fowler, Stuart; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Indian Hill, D. A. R. ; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 575 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, 111., "Shoredge". SHIELDS, Josephine (Griffiths). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dearborn Seminary, Ogontz; Married Jas. Culver Shields, Oct. 2nd, 1911; Children John Griffiths, James Culver, Jr., J. Manville; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 45 E. Cedar St. SHOENBERGER, Louise (Reynolds). Born Clyde, N. Y.; Educated Dearborn Seminary; Married George Krug Shoen- berger, July 31st, 1873; Children Laura S. (Mrs. H. G. Cowl- ing), Edwin Reynolds, Louise S. (Mrs. Barrett Conway) ; Clubs Chicago City Club; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence 24 E. Division St. SIKES, Madeline (Wallin). Born St. Peter, Minn.; Educated- University of Minnesota (B. L.), University of Chicago (Ph. M.); Married George C. Sikes, February 6th, 1897; Children Alfred Wallin, Eleanor Shepard; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Austin Woman's Club; Activities Chairman Dept. Education and Philosophy Chicago Woman's Club, Corresponding Secretary Austin Branch Woman's City Club, formerly President Chicago Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae (1909-11), President Austin Woman's Club (1911-13), Chair- man 33rd Ward Civic League (1914-15), Chairman Austin Woman's Defense League, Council National Defense (1917-18). Residence 311 N. Central Ave. SILVERTHORNE, Edith G. (Hellyer). Born Kobe, Japan; Educated Miss Dana's School, Morristown, N. J.; Married George Morrill Silverthorne, October 29th, 1903; Children George, Jr., John, Henry; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Riverside Golf Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence Riverside, 111. SIMPSON, Jessie (McLaren). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated St. Mary's School; Married James Simpson, December 1st, 112 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 1903; Children James, Jr., John, William; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Woman's Athletic, Arts, Garden Club of Illinois, Winnetka Woman's, Woman's Library Club of Glencoe; Activi- ties Member Woman's Board of Presbyterian Hospital, Red Cross work. Residence 1200 Lake Shore Drive. SLADE, Louise (Harrison.) Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Chicago Musical College; Married Arthur Brayton Slade, June 30th, 1908; Children Brayton Harrison; Clubs Chicago Musical Society, Cordon, Melodists, Musicians' Club of Women; Activities Concert Contralto Season 1919-20 Chicago Opera Assn., Contralto Soloist Second Presbyterian Church, eight ap- pearances with Chicago Apollo Club. Residence 1243 N. State St. SLAGHT, Anna (Way). Born Cleveland, Ohio; Educated Ann Hathaway Brown's and Cleveland School of Arts; Mar- ried Francis B. Slaght, April 3rd, 1907; Children Edith Josephine, Eva Kathryn; Activities Assistant Manager Drake Hotel. Residence Drake Hotel. SLICK, Sara A. (Singley). Born Duquoin, 111.; Educated Foster Academy; Married J. Weldon Slick, April 6th, 1898; Children Margery Singley, Dana Tedcastle; Clubs Chicago Literary Score, Chicago Political Equality League; Activities President Chicago Literary Club (1919-1921), Secretary First District I. F. W. C. (1920-1922), one of the founders of Illinois Girls' Club, First President of First Ward Civic League. Resi- dence 4809 Dorchester Ave. SMITH, Anna L. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Peter J. Smith, May 17th, 1893; Children Eileen H.; Clubs Woman's City Club, Fellowship Club, Wom- an's Protective Assn. ; Activities National Democratic Com- mittee-woman, Member Executive Committee of Managing Com- mittee of Cook County, Attache of the Morals Court. Residence 7744 Lowe Ave. SMITH, Frances A. (Gaylord). Born Lockport, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married George T. Smith, January, 1875; CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 113 Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities General philanthropic in- terests. Residence 4717 Grand Blvd. SMITH, Marion Wetmore. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Pel- ham Hall, Pelham Manor, N. Y. ; Activities Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan Asylum, Marine Hospital. Residence 1210 Astor St. SYNDER, Ora H. Born Michigan City, Ind.; Educated- Home Schools; Married William Allen Snyder, March 24th, 1894; Children One daughter; Clubs Maywood, XX Century Club, P. E. O. Chapter A; Activities Manufacturer of Mrs. Snyder's Home-made Candies. Address 20 S. Dearborn St. v SOLLITT, Grace (Shannon). Born White Rock, 111.; Educated Art Institute Student 1 892-93 ; Married Sumner Sollitt, June 10th, 1896; Children Gertrude Elanette, Sumner Shannon, Grace Harriet; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Arche, Friendly Aid, Municipal Art League, Public School Art League, Outdoor Art League, American Federation of Arts; Activities Chairman War Service and Liberty Loan Committee of Arche Club (1917- 19), Chairman Red Cross Requisition and Purchase Committee of Arche Club (1917-19), Member Chicago Woman's Club Committee for Recreation for Soldiers and Sailors (1917-19), Member Khaki and Blue Committee for Entertainment of Wounded Men (1919-20), Vice-President and Treasurer for Arche Club (1916-18), Vice-Chairman Art Dept. Illinois Fed- eration of Women's Clubs (1917-20), Art Editor of Edict Maga- zine (1920), various club writings (1916-21). Residence 3995 Ellis Ave. SPENCER, Katharine (Turner). Born Columbia, Mo.; Educated Baptist College, Columbia, Mo.; Married Oliver M. Spencer, March 5th, 1895; Children Sarah; Clubs Arts Club, Woman's Athletic, Saddle and Cycle Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 847 N. Michigan Ave. SPICER, Anne (Higginson). Born Burlington, la.; Educated Miss Kirkland's School, Chicago; Married Vibe K. Spicer, 114 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER October 18th, 1893; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Friday, Art Society of Montreal, Poetry Society of America, Midland Authors, Bookfellows, Garden Club of Illinois, Woman's Farm and Garden Assn., Illinois Woman's Press Assn., Kirkland Assn., and others; Activities Housekeeping, gardening, occasional writer of verse, short stories, essays and special articles. Resi- dence Kenilworth, 111., and "The Wild Goose", Westport Point, Mass. SPRINGER, Susan (Rand). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Dearborn Seminary; Married Charles E. Springer, June 1st, 1897; Children Katherine Rand; Activities Illinois League of Women Voters. Residence 1346 E. 49th St. STAGEY, Anna (Lee Dey). Born Glasgow, Mo.; Educated Pritchett College, Art Institute; Married John F. Stacey, October 15th, 1891; Clubs Cordon, Arts, Chicago Society of Artists; Activities Painting of Portraits and Landscapes, An- tiques and Curios. Winner of prize for 1920 Chicago Artists' Exhibit "The Dansant". Residence 6 E. Ohio St. STARR, Leila (Wheelock). Born Sandusky, O.; Educated Oberlin College; Married Merritt Starr, September 8th, 1885; Children Winifred (Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns), Philip Comfort, Dr. Paul Starr, Beatrice (Mrs. Newton Jenkins) ; Clubs Chi- cago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Winnetka Woman's Club; Activities On Board of Grove House for Convalescents, Winnetka Community Church. Residence 695 Prospect Ave., Winnetka, 111. STEBBINGS, Helen G. (Gerrifh). Born Fulton, 111.; Educated Northern Illinois College; Married Walter L. Stebbings, August, 1906; Clubs Woman's City Club, Englewood Woman's Club (President) ; Activities General philanthropic and civic interests. Residence 6033 Calumet Ave. STERN, Renee B. Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Educated Ph. B. University of Chicago; Clubs Midland Authors, Cordon, Chi- cago Woman's Club, American Library Assn. (Life Member), CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 115 Illinois Woman's Press Assn.; Activities Editor-in-Chief of Woman's Weekly (Chicago). Residence 6035 St. Lawrence Ave. STILLWELL, Courtney (Letts). Educated Girls' Latin School, Chicago, III., Westover, Middlebury, Conn. Married Wellesley Hill Stillwell, January 10th, 1920; Children Homer Allison II.; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Casino Club; Activities Board of St. Luke's Hospital, Board of Junior Auxiliary, Visit- ing Nurse Assn., Social Service Committee, Children's Memorial Hospital, Member of Junior League and Service Club. Resi- dence Lake Forest, 111. STRAW, Virginia (Parker). Born St. Louis, Mo.; Educated Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; Married Herman Foster Straw, Jr., February 4th, 1917; Clubs Exmoor Country Club; Activi- ties Volunteer worker in Crippled Children's Home. Residence 749 N. Michigan Ave. STRAWN, Katherine. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Ben- nett's School, New York, and University of Chicago; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Service Club; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 229 Lake Shore Drive. STRAWN, Margaret (Stewart). Born Oswego, N. Y.; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Silas Hardy Strawn, June 22nd, 1896; Children Margaret Stewart (Mrs. James A. Cathcart), Katherine S.; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Woman's City, Art Club; Activities General Charities. Residence 229 Lake Shore Drive. STREET, Emily A. (Pardee). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Miss Grant's School; Married William DeLatre Cameron Street (deceased), January 17th, 1878; Children Agnes Bourn (Mrs. Hopewell L. Rogers), Douglas Pardee; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Woman's City; Activities Club, Church and Charit- able Guilds. Residence 1315 Astor St. STRESENREUTER, Laurietta F. Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Lake Forest; Married Frank M. Stresenreuter ; Chil- dren Maxine Ford, Marjorie Laurietta; Clubs Woman's Ath- 116 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER letic Club, Chicago Woman's Club; Activities Secretary French Dept. Chicago Woman's Club. Residence 1250 Astor St. STUART, Ellen (Shumway). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Miss Wheeler's School, Providence, R. I.; Married John Stuart, February, 1903; Children Joan, Ellen, John, Jr.; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities Member Board of Grove House for Convalescents, Member Y. W. C. A. Board (Chi- cago). Residence 990 Sheridan Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. STURGES, Florence (Babcock). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Kenilworth Hall, Northwestern University, Lewis Institute; Married William Newton Sturges, June 27th, 1894; Clubs Chicago Woman's, Chicago College, Woman's City; Activities Manager Chicago College Club. Residence 520 Belmont Ave. SWIFT, Hortense (Newcomer). Born Forreston, 111.; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Edward F. Swift, Chil- dren Anna May (Mrs. H. B. Henry), T. Philip, Edward F., Jr. ; Clubs Arts, Casino, Woman's Athletic ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1550 N. State Parkway. SWIFT, Ida M. B. (Butler). Born Rolling Prairie, Ind.; Edu- cated Englewood High School; Married Louis F. Swift, Sep- tember 9th, 1880; Children Six (four living); Clubs Wom- an's Athletic Club, Woman's City Club. Residence "West- leigh", Lake Forest, 111. SWIFT, Lydia (Niblack). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Farmington School; Married Alden Brackett Swift, December, 1909; Children Narcissa, Nathan, Lydia; Clubs Casino, Woman's Athletic, Woman's City Club; Activities Woman's Exchange, North Avenue Day Nursery, Farmington Society. Residence 1544 North State St. SWIGART, Amy H. (Hart). Born Manistee, Mich.; Educated Grant School, Chicago; Married George W. Swigart, October 25th, 1893; Children One; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Exmoor Country Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 190 E. Chestnut St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 117 TAFT, Amy (Johns). Born Audenried, Pa.; Educated Mrs. Jack's School, Hazelton, Pa.; Married Harry Lee Taft; Children Oren Taft, 3rd; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club, Casino; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 105 LaSalle St. TAFT, Frances E. (Schlosser). Born Bethlehem, O.; Educated Rockford, 111.; Married Oren B. Taft, June 20th, 1867; Chil- dren Three; Activities Home and general philanthropic in- terests. Residence 305 E. Fullerton Parkway. TARNOWSKY, de Bertha (Nixon). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated BurnhamSchool, Smith College (one year) ; Married Dr. George de Tarnowsky, September 3rd, 1902; Children Alexis, Olga, Nixon, Mary; Clubs Musicians' Club of Women, Wednesday, Woman's Club; Activities General Musical inter- ests. Residence 2719 Pine Grove Ave. TAYLOR, Katharine (Rhinehart) Prince. Born Monticello, 111.; Educated Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111.; Married George Halleck Taylor, February 6th, 1904; Chil- dren Leonard Morton Prince; Clubs Woman's City Club, Casino, Saddle and Cycle, Onwentsia; Activities Member of Auxiliary Board of the Children's Memorial Hospital, Treasurer of the Social Service Commission and Manager of White Ele- phant Rummage Sale, all of same hospital; Third Vice-President of American Funds for French Wounded and was in charge of department of surgical dressings and hospital garments. Resi- dence 59 E. Division St. THOMPSON, Anna C. (Hill). Born Boston, Mass.; Educated Home Schools; Married William Mcllvaine Thompson, April 25th, 1901; Children William Mcllvaine, Jr.; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Cordon, Lake View Music Society (President for two years) ; Activities Red Cross Worker. Residence 512 Wrightwood Ave. THOMPSON, Frances (Shaver). Born Wilkesbarre, Pa.; Edu- cated State Normal University, Bloomington, 111. ; Married 118 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER John F. Thompson, November 27th, 1873; Children Leona (Mrs. W. G. King), Chas. F., Grace (Mrs. C. B. Young), John R. ; Clubs Every Wednesday Club (President); Activities Along educational interest and general charities. Residence 4048 Grand Blvd. THOMPSON, Julia (Watson). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Northwestern University; Married Slason Thompson, April 28th, 1887; Children Julia, Margaret, Barbara (Mrs. John C. Mechem) ; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday ; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. THOMPSON, Mary Walker (Wyse). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married William Hale Thompson, December 7th, 1901; Clubs Woman's Athletic Club; Activities General Charities. Residence 3200 Sheridan Road. THOMPSON, Rose (Holloway). Born Georgetown, 111.; Edu- cated Illinois Woman's College, Jacksonville, 111. ; Married John R. Thompson, August 5th, 1891 ; Children John R., Jr., Ruth (Mrs. David Owen), Florence Clubs Woman's Athletic, Arche, D. A. R. ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Drake Hotel. THORNE, Narcissa (Niblack). Born Vincennes, Ind.; Edu- cated Private Tutelage; Married James Ward Thorne; Chil- dren Ward, Niblack; Activities Woman's Exchange of Chi- cago. Residence 1200 Lake Shore Drive. TIETJENS, Eunice (Hammond). See Head. TOBEY, Rose (Gibson). Born Logansport, Ind.; Educated Holy Angel's Academy; Married Albert James Tobey, Septem- ber 16th, 1908; Children Betty Marie; Clubs Daughters of Indiana (Chairman of Philanthropy); Activities Real estate; one of the founders of Illinois Girls' Club. Residence 612 N. Lotus Ave. TODD, Mary M. (Miller). Born Cario, 111.; Educated Home School; Married Charles Cameron Todd, December 12th, 1895; Children Jeannette M., Virginia, Barbara C. ; Activities Gen- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 119 eral philanthropic interests. Residence 1143 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. TOWNSEND, Mary (Hanlon). Born Philadelphia, Pa.; Edu- cated Notre Dame Convent, Philadelphia; Married Charles Donald Townsend, February 14th, 1906; Clubs Woman's Ath- letic Club, Arts Club; Activities General Charities. Residence 999 Lake Shore Drive. TROUT, Grace (Wilbur). Born Maquoketa, la.; Educated- Private Tutelage and Home Schools; Married George W. Trout, January 5th, 1884; Children Thomas Wilbur, Philip Wilbur, Ralph Belden (deceased), John Vernon (deceased) ; Clubs D. A. R., Chicago Woman's Club, Nineteenth Century, Woman's Auxiliary of Oak Park Club; Activities Suffrage Orator; President Illinois Suffrage Assn.; Leader of Campaign by which Woman Suffrage for many offices was enacted by General Assembly of Illinois Legislature (1913) calling for Constitutional Convention; Author of "A Mormon Wife". Resi- dence Oak Park, 111., and Florida. TRUDE, Nettie (Cooper). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Pri- vate Tutelage; Married Walter S. Trude, January llth, 1903; Children Algenia, Walter Jr., Mary Dorothy; Clubs South Shore Country Club; Activities General philanthropic interest. Residence 5419 Hyde Park Blvd. TUTTLE, Fannie (Farwell). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Porter's, Farmington, Conn. ; Married Henry Nelson Tuttle (deceased) ; Children Henry Emerson, Arthur Farwell, Grace E. (Mrs. Kent Chandler) ; Clubs Onwentsia, Shore Acres, Friday Club, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 12 Scott St. and Lake Forest, 111. TYLER, Carolyn D. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools, Art Institute, Private Tutelage of Virginia Reynolds, also Alphonse Mucka; Clubs Past President and present Sec- retary of Chicago Society of Miniature Painters, Chicago Soci- 120 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER ety of Artists, Art Institute Alumnae, Charter Member Art Students' League, Charter Member Arts Club, Past Corres- ponding Secretary, Cordon Club, Charter Member Artists' Guild, Little Room; Activities Miniature Painter, also some Pastels. Residence 1401 E. 53rd St. TYLER, Mary C. (Brown). Born Chicago, 111. (daughter of Wm. H. Brown, first President Chicago Historical Society) ; Educated Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn, (first Chi- cago girl to attend this school) ; Married Romayne E. Tyler, January 6th, 1 863 ; Children Carolyn D. ; Clubs Honorary Member Farmington Society; Activities Active in war pageants, general war activities, musician. Residence 1401 E. 53rd St. TYSON, Sarah (Bradley). Born Vermont; Educated Private Tutelage; Married Russell Tyson, June 17th, 1891; Clubs Woman's City Club, Friday Club, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities President Woman's National Farm and Garden Assn. ; Director of American Memorial Hospital, Rheims, France; general philanthropic interests. Residence 20 E. Goethe St. and Lake Forest, 111. UIHLEIN, Paola (Huck). Born Nashota, Wis.; Educated University School; Children Paula, Edgar J. ; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1314 Vista Terrace. UPHAM, Helen (Hall). Born Cedar Rapids, la.; Educated St. Katherine's Hall, Davenport, la. ; Walnut Lane School, Germantown, Pa.; Married Frederick W. Upham, August 6th, 1904; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Wednesday, Arts, Casino, Sad- dle and Cycle, Melodists, Antiquarian Society, Musicians' Club; Activities Member of the Boards of Children's Memorial Hos- pital, Civic Music Assn., U. S. Training Corps for Women, Red Cross Committee on Volunteer Service, Executive Commit- tee of Friends of Opera. Residence 2344 Lincoln Park, West. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 121 VITTUM, Harriet E. Born Canton, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Clubs Woman's City Club, Social Service Club, City Garden Assn. (Treasurer for five years), Juvenile Protective Assn. ; Activities Social welfare, Head Resident Northwestern University Settlement since 1906, Independent Candidate for Alderman 17th Ward 1914, Director Woman's City Club since its organization (President 1913-14), Director Illinois Division of Woman's Committee Council of National Defense. Residence 1400 Augusta St. w AKEM, Mabel (Johnston). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married J. Wallace Wakem, Nov. 26th, 1889; Children W. Seldon, Madeline (Mrs. Chas. H. Banes); Clubs Woman's City Club, Arts Club, Saddle and Cycle; Activities Artist. Residence 21 E. Elm St. WALKER, Edna F. (Dixon). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Ogontz School, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Married Paul Walker, Octo- ber 6th, 1920; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Service Club, Arts Club, Three Arts Club; Activities Treasurer Service Club, Corresponding Secretary Three Arts Club, Director Woman's Exchange, Board Member Glenwood School for Boys, Board Member Wesley Hospital, Y. W. C. A., Ogontz Day Nursery. Residence 70 Scott St. WALKER, Ida D. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Bertrand Walker, September 14th, 1901; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities General charities. Resi- dence 126 College Road, Lake Forest, 111. WALKER, Nellie V. Born Red Oak, la.; Educated Art Insti- tute under Lorado Taft and in Paris, France; Clubs National Sculpture Society, Chicago Society of Artists, Little Room, Cordon, D. A. R. ; Activities Sculpture, President of Cordon Club, 1919-1920, and 1920-1921. Residence 6016 Ellis Ave. WALLACE, Ella (McClelland). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Florian Deane Wallace, November 122 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 20th, 1909; Children Richard Deane, McClelland; Clubs- Colonial Dames, Arts Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1362 Astor St. WALLACE, Mabel (Farwell). Born Baltimore, Md.; Educated Dearborn Seminary; Married Walter F. Wallace, June 29th, 1907; Children Virginia, John F., Walter F., Jr., Josephine; Clubs Indian Hill, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 815 Mt. Pleasant Road, Winnetka, 111. WALSH, Julia (Cudahy). Born Milwaukee, Wis. ; Educated Sacred Heart Academy ; Married Vincent Walsh (deceased) ; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Woman's Athletic, Arts Club; Activi- ties Children's Day Nursery, Italian Settlement Work, and other philanthropic interests. Residence 60 Scott St. WANNER, Ruth (Hunter). Born Urbana, Ohio; Educated Home Schools; Married Henry J. Wanner, October, 1887; Children Harry C.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 5436 Hyde Park Blvd. WARD, Estelle Frances. Educated Wellesley College; Clubs Sesame (London), Fortnightly, Friday, Woman's City Club, Cordon, Midland Authors, American Historical Assn.; Activities Author (historical biography), Member Board of Directors Northwestern University Settlement, Editor of Woman's City Club publication. Residence 1725 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. WARE, Cora (Willis). Born Enfield, 111.; Educated Western College, Oxford, O. ; Married Edward Newell Ware ; Children Willis Craig, Jean Stuart, Marion Chalmers, Edward Newell, Jr. (deceased) ; Clubs Lake View Musical Society (President 1916-18, at present Director), Mu Phi Epsilon National Musical Sorority (Honorary Member), Chicago Artists' Assn. (Honorary Member), Birchwood Musical Club, Advisory Council Olivet Music School; Activities Musician, composer. Residence 1430 Howard Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 123 WARE, Elizabeth (Law). Born Galena, 111.; Educated Dear- born Seminary; Married Dr. Lyman Ware, June 7th, 1877; Children Hildegarde (Mrs. William S. Warfield, III.), Edith L., Elizabeth (Mrs. S. J. Walker, III.) ; Clubs Woman's Ath- letic Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Resi- dence 222 E. Delaware Place. WARFIELD, Hildegard (Ware). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Smith College; Married William S. Warfield, III., Septem- ber 9, 1916; Children William S., IV.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 4605 Woodlawn Ave. WARREN, Elizabeth L. (Huntington). Born Memphis, Tenn.; Educated Higbee College, Memphis, Tenn. ; Married L. Par- sons Warren, October 7th, 1916; Activities St. Peter's Church Guild, St. Luke's Hospital Linen Fund, American Red Cross, Civic Music Assn. Residence 3617 Pine Grove Ave. WARREN, Fannie (Parsons). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married William Seymour Warren, January 4th, 1883; Children Lucius Parsons, Marion Parsons; Activi- ties General philanthropic interests. Residence 423 Barry Ave. WASHBURN, Jean Wylie (Peck). Born Coshocton County, Ohio; Educated Beatty Seminary, Steubenville, O. ; Married William Dow Washburn, December 27th, 1892; Children Lud- low J., Sarah E., Hester H., William Day, John Peck; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Chapter D. A. R. (ex-Regent), Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Daughters of 1812; Activities Social and philanthropic, Chairman of Tenth District War Emergency Committee, etc. Residence 1014 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. WATKINS, Isabel (Pinkerton). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Joseph Ogle Watkins, November 6th, 1895; Children Isabel Joan, William A.; Clubs Woman's Athletic; Activities On Board of Country Home for Con- valescent Children, Director of Woman's Athletic Club. Resi- dence 199 Lake Shore Drive. 124 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER WATKINS, Minnie A. (Edison). Born Cleveland O.; Educated Chapin Seminary, Quincy, 111.; Married George Watkins (deceased), January 24th, 1878; Clubs Chicago Woman's Club, South Side Woman's Club; Activities Ex-President Illinois State Federation of Women's Clubs, ex-Chairman Legislative Committee for General Federation and State Federation, ex- Chairman Public Health Committee of Illinois Federation, Delegate to National Conference Charities and Correction, Delegate from Illinois to International Tuberculosis Conference (Washington, D. C.), Vice-President Illinois State Suffrage Assn. Address Chicago Woman's Club, Fine Arts Bldg. WEBBER, Cora (Jones) Carter. Married Charles M. Webber; Children Stella J. Residence 1444 Astor St. WEBSTER, Helen E. (Eisendrath). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated National Park Seminary; Married Virgil Carleton Web- ster, June 4th, 1913; Children Jean Carleton; Clubs Arts, Le Cercle Francais, Alliance Francaise, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Webster Hotel, Chicago, 111. WEBSTER, Minnie (Clark). Born St. John, New Brunswick, Canada; Educated Bethany College; Married Frederick Rice Webster; Clubs Brownleigh, Evanston Woman's Club; Activi- ties President Yarn Sales and Service Co. (Wholesale and Retail Yarn Jobbers), Chicago Benefit League, Evanston Chil- dren's Home, Vocational Society Shut-Ins. Residence 25 E. Walton Place. WEGG, Eva (Russell). Born Oconomowoc, Wis. ; Educated Home Schools; Married David Spencer Wegg, May 16th, 1878; Children Donald R., David S., Jr.; Clubs Fortnightly Club; Activities St. James Episcopal Church work, and Fort- nightly Club Work. Residence 1210 Astor St. WELLS, Edith (Andrews). Born Bloomington, 111.; Educated Normal School, Boston ; Married Harrison Goodnow Wells, September 22nd, 1884; Children Katherine Wells Sloan; Clubs CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 125 Culture, Chicago Woman's Musical (Honorary Member and Past President), Illinois Colony Club, Past Matron Eastern Star, Past Department President Woman's Relief Corps, Wom- an's National Patriotic Bureau; Activities Masonic and Pa- triotic. Residence 529 S. Lawndale Ave. WENTWORTH, Lizzie Shaw (Hunt). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Farmington, Conn. (Miss Porter's School) ; Married Moses J. Wentworth, December 7th, 1892; Children John, Hunt; Clubs Friday, City Club, Fortnightly, Saddle and Cycle; Activities President of Friday Club, Board Member several social and philanthropic associations, war worker. Residence 1240 Lake Shore Drive. WEST, Anna Sheldon (Ogden). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Kirkland's School, Chicago; Married Frederick T. West, September 9th, 1887; Children Fannie Ogden (Mrs. Donald F. McPherson), Eleanor Ogden (Mrs. Perry M. Shep- ard), Mahlon Ogden; Clubs The Friday Club, Woman's City Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 68 E. Division St. WEST, Mary Silvia. Born Mendota, 111.; Educated Home Schools and graduate of Art Institute; Clubs Chicago Wom- an's Club (Perpetual Member), Woman's City Club, Cercle Francais, Chicago Historical Society; Activities General phil- anthropic interests. Residence 2236 Lincoln Park, West. WETMORE, Edith ( Weidenf eld) . Born New York City; Edu- cated Home Schools; Married Willard Cox Wetmore; Clubs Cordon, Arts Club; Activities Friends of Opera, Art Insti- tute, Editor of Fashion Art, a magazine of the middle west, for the middle west, giving the best in art, music, drama, sports, interior decoration and fashions. Residence 911 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. WETTEN, Louise (Walton). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated- Home Schools; Married Emil Wetten, 1910; Children Wal- ton; Clubs Casino, Young Fortnightly, Woman's Athletic; 126 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 190 E. Chestnut St. WHEELER, Anna (Holt). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Bos- ton Private Schools, Lake Forest College, Ferry Hall (Lake Forest) ; Married Arthur Dana Wheeler (deceased) ; Children Gordon B., Lillian C. ; Clubs Friday Club; Activities Church and home, Assyrian Church, Bohemian Church (at one time), Christian educational activities. Residence 22 Bellevue Place, 311 College Road, Lake Forest, 111. WHEELOCK, Irene (Grosvenor). Born Monroe, Mich.; Edu- cated University of Michigan; Married Harry Bergen Wheel- ock, June 15th, 1886; Children Harry, Jr. (deceased), Sara Grosvenor, Loyal Bergen, Elliott Winthrop (deceased) ; Clubs American Ornithologists' Union, Drama League of America, Cooper Ornithologists, Wilson Ornithologists' Society of Amer- ica; Activities Author of "Nestlings of Forest and Marsh" 1902, "Birds of California" 1904, contributor to popular and scientific magazines. Residence Evanston, 111. WICKWIRE, Jessie Louisa (Paine). Born Oshkosh, Wis.; Edu- cated Oberlin College; Married Edward L. Wickwire (de- ceased), February 2nd, 1899; Children Martha Coralyn; Clubs North End Club; Activities Board Member, Chicago Infant Welfare Society, Board Member Ravenswood Hospital, Presi- dent Edgewater Center, Red Cross war worker, contributor to various organized charities. Residence 1025 Hollywood Ave. WILDER, Mary (Scott). Born Mississippi; Educated Les Marroniers at Paris and at Finch, New York; Married Paul Wilder, December 22nd, 1917; Children Paul Wilder, Jr.; Clubs Casino, Saddle and Cycle; Activities General philan- thropic interests. Residence 1315 Astor St. WILEY, Alice (Kelsey). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Edward Norris Wiley, August 28th, 1909; Children Silas Moore, Edward N., Jr., Mrs. Robert G. War- field; Clubs Midlothian, South Shore Country, Chicago Worn- CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 127 an's Club; Activities Secretary Stock Yards Day Nursery Assn. Residence 4554 Greenwood Ave. WILEY, Margaret (Benedict). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Mrs. Somers' School, Washington, D. C. ; Married Stanley Morris Wiley, November 21st, 1908; Children Virginia Bene- dict, Margaret Morris; Clubs South Shore Country Club; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 1136 E. 48th St. WILLIAMS, Lydia E. (Russell). Born Newport, Ky.; Edu- cated Notre Dame, Cincinnati, Ohio; Married Grant Williams, June 1st, 1890; Children Russell J., Grant Erwin; Clubs Illinois Woman's Athletic Club, Klio Assn., Woman's City, Mont Clare Club, D. A. R., Dames of Loyal Legion; Activities President of Illinois Woman's Athletic Club (the club is one of the guarantors of the Chicago Woman's Band Assn., Chi- cago Grand Opera), Board Member of Little Wanderer Day Nursery. Residence 6167 McClellan Ave. WILLIAMSON, Josephine (Gillette). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Dearborn Seminary, Chicago; Married Charles Spencer Williamson, M. D., October 15th, 1903; Children Mary Jose- phine (Mrs. Zeiss), Isabel Gillette, Elizabeth Spencer; Clubs Fortnightly, Woman's City, Antiquarian Society; Activities Chiefly in the home and the Diocese of Chicago of the Episcopal Church, also the Parish of the Church of the Ascension. Resi- dence 1517 Dearborn Parkway. WILLIAMSON, Margaret Munro. Born Brooklyn, N. Y.; Edu- cated Miss Brooks' School; Clubs Woman's Athletic, Arts, Musicians' Club of Women, Friends of Opera; Activities Served with Navy Auxiliary for duration of World War, entire charge of British Canteen, Board Member Passavant Hospital, Board Member of Auxiliary of Scottish Old People's Home, general philanthropic interests. Residence 2305 Common- wealth Ave. 128 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER WILSON, Carolyn Ann. Born Beverly, Mass.; Educated B. A. Wellesley (1910), studied at University of Berlin (1910-11), Sorbonne, Paris (1912); Clubs Cordon, College, Wellesley; Activities With Chicago Tribune since 1913, Paris Correspond- ent 1914, War Correspondent in France and Germany August, 1914, to March, 1916. Residence 5200 Harper Ave. WILSON, Dorothy (Ballard). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Rye Seminary, Rye, N. H. ; Married Milton Wilson, Novem- ber 6th, 1907; Children Dorothy, Milton, Jr., Crane, Page; Clubs Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, Glen View; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Lake Forest, 111. WILSON, Eleanor (Spry). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Rosemary College; Married Morris K. Wilson, September 26th, 1914; Children Leslie, Eleanor; Clubs Women's Athletic, Glen View, Indian Hill; Activities General philanthropic inter- ests. Residence 429 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, 111. WILSON, Martha. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Smith Col- lege; Clubs Casino, Fortnightly, College, Cordon, Woman's Athletic ; Activities President Auxiliary Board Children's Me- morial Hospital, Chairman Central Council for Nursing Educa- tion. Residence 1450 N. Dearborn St, WINSTON, Anne (Odell). Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Miss Kirkland's School; Married Bertram Winston, October 28th, 1890; Children Muriel; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 229 Lake Shore Drive. WINTERBOTHAM, Anne (Reynolds). Born East Orange, N. J. ; Educated Miss Ely's School for Girls; Married John H. Winterbotham, January 8th, 1900; Children Theodora, Rue; Clubs Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Friday, Scribbler's, Art; Activities Visiting Nurse's Assn. (Executive Committee), Friends of Opera (Corresponding Secretary), Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society (Treasurer of Chicago Woman's Board). Residence 674 Rush St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 129 WOOD, Alice (Holabird). Bora St. Louis, Mo.; Educated Home Schools; Married Ira Couch Wood (deceased), June 14th, 1894; Children Louise H., Frances; Clubs Fortnightly, Friday, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Wednes- day and Cordon; Activities Director of Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chairman Child Welfare Division, General Federation of Women's Clubs, Member Board of Managers Woman's City Club and of Illinois Training School for Nurses, First Executive Secretary Women's Committee Council of Na- tional Defense. Residence 72 E. Elm St. WOOD, Mary (Ripple). Born Sioux City, la.; Educated Morning Side University; Married Kay Wood, July 7th, 1914; Children Mary, Kay; Clubs Casino; Activities Member of several settlement boards and serves occasionally on Committees having to do with charitable objects. Residence 200 E. Dela- ware Place. WRENN, Ethel P. Born Chicago, 111.; Educated Private Tute- lage; Clubs Arts Club, Cordon, Casino, Saddle and Cycle; Activities Passavant Memorial Hospital, School of Domestic Arts and Science, Friends of Opera, General Charities, Opera Committee, Member of Board of St. Luke's Hospital. Resi- dence 1500 Astor St. WRIGHT, Georgia (Daniel). Born Texas; Educated Home Schools; Married William Monroe Wright; Children Warren Wright, Mrs. Roy Page; Clubs Exmoor, South Shore Country, Ossoli, Woman's Club, etc.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence Highland Park, 111. WRIGHT, Lucille (Parker). Born Maysville, Ky.; Educated Private Tutelage, London, Eng. ; Married Warren Wright, March 26th, 1919; Children Warren Wright, Jr.; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 232 E. Walton Place. WRIGLEY, Helen (Atwater). Bora Chicago, 111.; Educated Home Schools; Married Philip K. Wrigley; Clubs Junior 130 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER League, Service Club, South Shore Country; Activities Gen- eral philanthropic interests. Residence 2466 Lake View Ave. YAGER, Nellie Nimocks (Bassett). Born Jonesville, Mich.; Educated St. Mary's Hall and Bennett's ; Married William Alexander Yager, August 17th, 1910; Children Jay B., Nor- man D. ; Clubs Women's Auxiliary, Arts Club, Exmoor, South Shore, D. A. R., Alliance Francaise; Activities Board of Direc- tors Home of Crippled Children, Civic. Residence Drake Hotel and "Bel-Orme", Lake Forest, 111. YOUNG, Josephine Estabrook. Born Richmond, Ind. ; Educated Northwestern University and Northwestern University Woman's Medical College; Clubs Woman's City, Chicago Medical Woman's Club, American Medical Assn., Illinois Medical Assn., Chicago Pediatric Society; Activities Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rush Medical College, practicing physician. Resi- dence 5327 Harper Ave. Business address 7 W. Madison St. ZEISLER, Fannie (Bloomfield). Born Beilitz, Austrian Selicia (now Poland) ; Educated Private Tutelage ; Mar- ried Sigmund Ziesler; Children Leonard B., Paul B., Ernest B.; Clubs Honorary Member Woman's Club, Book & Play Club, Musicians Club, Three Arts, Arche, Woman's Assn. of Commerce, Lake View Musical Society, Peoria 111., Woman's Club, Saturday Club of Sacramento, Calif., Schubert Club of St. Paul, Minn., McDowell Club of Columbus, O., Kansas City, Mo. ,Musical Club, Philomel Piano Club of Warren, Pa., Bur- lington, Iowa, Musical Club, Alpha Chi Omega, Cordon, Little Room, Every Day Club, Woman's City Club; Activities Direc- tor of Civic Music Assn., international music activities. Resi- dence 1645 E. 58rd St. ZIMMERMAN, Rosalie (Wacker). Born Chicago, 111.; Edu- cated Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; Married Earl J. Zimmerman, October 5th, 1918; Children Jane Ellen; Clubs Casino, Service Club, Junior League; Activities General philanthropic interests. Residence 200 E. Delaware Place. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 131 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. President, Mrs. E. S. Bailey, 426 E. 44th St. First Vice-President, Mrs. E. B. Griffin, Grant Park, 111. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Frank L. Frailey, 805 S. Coler Ave., Urbana. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Eugene Gaskins, 702 Grove St., Alton. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. W. Hardy, 5747 Kimbark Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Oliver L. Watson, 3832 N. Keeler Ave. 111. Dir. G. F. W. C., Mrs. John T. Mason, 64 S. Lincoln Ave., Aurora. Albany Park Catholic Woman's Club. President, Mrs. H. Starkey, 3304 Wilson Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Gertrude Olis, 3312 Pensacola Ave. Alliance Francaise. President, Mrs. Milan H. Hulbert, 2620 Hampden Court. Vice-President, Mrs. Frank M. Taber, 232 E. Walton Place. Secretary, Miss Elizabeth J. Mundie, 733 Gordon Terrace. Altrui Club. President, Mrs. Allen M. Elrod, 4852 Pensacola Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Earl J. Vermilyea, 4521 N. Kenton Ave. Ambrose Woman's Club. President, Mrs. H. J. Cassaday, 4833 Kimbark Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Hagan, 4514 Ellis Ave. 132 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Andoka Philanthropic Club of Chicago. President, Mrs. S. P. Bard, 224 S. Oakley Blvd. First Vice-P resident, Mrs. H. L. Clement, 730 Oakwood Blvd. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Thos. H. Byrne, 2652 Logan Blvd. Secretary, Mrs. A. M. Cameron, 823 Leland Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. E. Kern, Glengyle Apts. Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Hackley, 700 Sheridan Rd. Arche Club. President, Mrs. A. S. Martin, 5244 Greenwood Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Ralph T. Sollitt, 4526 Woodlawn Ave. Argyle Park Portia Club. President, Mrs. A. T. Burland, 5612 Kenmore Ave. Vice-President Mrs. W. K. Mitchell, 1325 Greenleaf Ave. Secretary, Miss Mabel C. Moderwell, 5944 Winthrop Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Walter E. Lynch, 6336 Magnolia Ave. Arlington Heights Woman's Club. President, Mrs. E. A. Elfeld, Arlington Heights, 111. Secretary, Mrs. H. C. Cleveland, Arlington Heights, 111. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G. M. Adam, Arlington Heights, 111. Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Klehm, Arlington Heights, 111. Arts Club. 410 Fine Arts Building President, Mrs. John Alden Carpenter, 712 Rush St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 133 Auburn Park Thirty Club. President, Mrs. T. R. Bishop, 7656 Eggleston Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Fred K. White, 6958 Eggleston Ave. Auburn Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. A. E. Bantz, 7629 Emerald Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Bettridge, 709 W. 68th St. Austin North End Woman's Club. President, Mrs. A. H. Johnson, 309 N. Long Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. S. B. Seaton, 5130 Sheridan Road. Austin Woman's Club. President, Mrs. John Northrup, 161 N. Menard Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. O. Smith, 5258 Ferdinand St. Barrington Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Robert Hammond, Barrington. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ruth Hammond, Barrington. Bessemer Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Floyd A. Garrison, 10541 Avenue M. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Rae Robertson, 9040 Brandon Ave. Big Sisters. President, Mrs. G. V. Mclntyre, 4316 Hazel Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Edward Hines, 1456 Ridge Ave., Evanston. 134 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER N. S. Vice-President, Mrs. J. H. Verhalen, 1018 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. Second N. S. Vice-President, Mrs. Thos. S. Keirnan, 325 Fuller- ton Pkwy. S. S. Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. S. HefFeran, 6631 Harvard Ave. Second S. S. Vice-President, Miss Nora Carney, 4411 Grand Blvd. W. S. Vice-President, Mrs. T. J. Sullivan, 5948 Race Ave. Second W. S. Vice-President, Mrs. G. J. Flanagan, 4443 Washing- ton Blvd. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Edward Kirchberg, 1141 Sheridan Road, Wilmette. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Anna R. Ward, 2630 Lake View Ave. Financial Secretary, Miss Teresa Gaynor, 3950 Pine Grove Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. M. V. Kannally, 5001 Greenwood Ave. Bohemian Woman's Club "Svoboda' President, Rose E. Janovsky, 2301 W. Garfield Blvd. Corresponding Secretary, Marie Sladky, 4959 S. Loomis St. Braille Musical Club. President, Mrs. Joseph G. Davis, 604 Skokie Ave., Highland Park. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Anna Dotzel, 517 E. 34th St. Brookfield Woman's Club. President, Mrs. R. D. R. Berry, Brookfield. First Vice-President, Mrs. W. G. Hall, Brookfield. Second Vice-President, Mrs. A. L. Porter, Brookfield. Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Wallace, Brookfield. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Grace Decker, Brookfield. Treasurer, Mrs. W. P. Randall, Brookfield. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 135 Brownson Circle. President, Mrs. Fred Clarke, 6712 Greenview Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Robert Wray, 6636 Boswick Ave. British American Woman's Club. President, Mrs. J. F. Rowley, Wilmette. First Vice-President, Mrs. H. A. Sykes, 326 W. 64th St. Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. F. Fitzpatrick, 6530 Woodlawn Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. F. C. Welch, 5213 Dorchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. K. Cox, 1352 E. 64th St. Treasurer, Mrs. C. C. Powell, 4814 N. Irving Ave. Bryn Mawr Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Herbert L. Fairfield, 6246 Stony Island Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Arthur W. Draper, 6840 Bennett Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Luther M. Walter, 6726 Euclid Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Charles Lancaster, 7204 Merrill Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Benjamin B. Phelps, 7247 Euclid Ave. Catholic Woman's Club of Rogers Park. President, Mrs. Adolph H. Wolff, 7240 Rogers Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. P. Nietschmann, 1943 Estes Ave. Catholic Woman's League. President, Mrs. Jeremiah J. Delaney, 251 W. 61st St. First Vice-President, Mrs. Nicholas R. Finn, 3607 Pine Grove Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Frank J. Cullen, 3821 Flourney St. Third Vice-President, Mrs. M. T. Creighton, 5640 Michigan Ave. 136 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Recording Secretary, Mrs. Oliver T. Cody, 1420 Estes Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Roland J. Dunn, 3523 Jackson Blvd. Financial Secretary, Mrs. J. V. Kerr, 6628 Union Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Keleher, 5953 Magnolia Ave. Central Woman's Club. President, Mrs. W. C. Harder, 2842 Union Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. J. Kutscheid, 7545 Rhodes Ave. Charity Alliance. President, Mrs. C. H. Dickinson, 6012 Woodlawn Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Salmon, 5450 East View Park. Chicago Auxiliary to the Railway Mail Service. President, Mrs. H. L. Rohe, 3823 N. Lawndale Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Ray Stolp, 4320 N. Tripp Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. J. Mentzer, 1512 E. 61st St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. M. Candy, 3727 N. Keeler Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. G. Matteson, 704 N. Laramie Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. O. A. Huffert, 5242 Dakin St. Chicago Calumet Club. President, Mrs. Rebecca Brain, 7736 East End Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Harry Caddick, 7959 Euclid Ave. Chicago Colony of New England Women. President, Mrs. James A. Ostrom, 6514 Hyde Park Blvd. First Vice-President, Mrs. G. B. Van Norman, Lakota Hotel. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 137 Second Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. P. Hulbert, 4-612 Woodlawn Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Burt L. Kelley, 5623 Dorchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wilbur H. Ford, 5431 Woodlawn Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. W. W. Whipple, 5204 University Ave. Chicago Commons Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Luther Conant, 843 Lake St., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Louise Magnuson, 2914 S. Whipple St. Chicago Culture Club. President, Mrs. Thos. Starr Harper, 3432 Fulton St. First Vice-President, Mrs. August S. Brasen, 426 S. Central Park Blvd. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Geo. Lovell Powers, 873 N. Sacra- mento Blvd. Secretary, Mrs. Fred E. Smith, 3600 Foster Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Carl Rice Byers, 7600 Cornell Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Nichols, 5424 Ellis Ave. Chicago Federation. President, Mrs. C. J. Trainor, 1314 E. 72nd St. Vice-President, Mrs. DeWitt Garrison, 2036 Kenilworth Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. C. Pickett, 5203 Kenmore Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. W. Laflin, 1363 E. 47th Place. Treasurer, Mrs. Martin Kent Northam, 1043 Forest Ave., Evanston. Chicago Federation of Girls Clubs. President, Mrs. Frank Jerome, 6427 Greenwood Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Margaret Hooper, 701 W. 14th PI. 138 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Chicago Federation of Women High School Teachers. President, Miss Lucie W. Allen, 4840 Magnolia Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Emo C. Ruddick, 3747 Rokeby St. Chicago Folk Song Society. President, Mrs. Henrietta Jackson, 6838 Harper Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Pauline A. Miller, 312 E. 53rd St. Chicago Heights Woman's Club. President, Mrs. W. D. Robbins, Oak Park, 111. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. P. Roe, 1415 Schilling Ave., Chicago Heights. Chicago Lawn Woman's Club, President, Mrs. H. E. McDonald, 3503 W. 65th Place. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. George Oakes, 3748 W. 63rd Place. Chicago Literary Score. President, Mrs. Worth Hiney, 5311 Prairie Ave. First Vice-P resident, Mrs. Chas. R. Dalrymple, 4958 Blackstone Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. C. Blake, 2051 E. 72nd Place. Recording Secretary, Miss Kate Rogers Graves, 4861 Kenmore Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Johnson, 6659 Woodlawn Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd M. Faulkner, 6052 Vernon Ave. Press Correspondent, Mrs. J. Weldon Slick, 4809 Dorchester Ave. Historian, Mrs. Lew Chase, 5315 Prairie Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 139 Chicago Post Office Woman's Club. President, Miss Dora M. Christensen, 446 E. 44th St. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Minnie A. Berry, 807 Cornelia Ave. Chicago Press League. President, Miss Meta Wellers, 6056 Kenwood Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Emma W. Tobey, 3846 Greenwood Aye. Chicago Society of Ohio Women. President, Mrs. R. L. McCall, 4714 Washington Blvd. First Vice-President, Miss Ann M. DeBeck, 6037 Kimbark Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Edward R. Tyler, 6233 Champlain Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ralph E. Hayden, 4017 Michigan Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. B. Heater, 7220 N. Clark St. Treasurer, Mrs. Allan Winch, 6420 Greenwood Ave. Chicago South Side Club. President, Mrs. G. B. Child, 6354 S. Carpenter Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. J. W. Sleight, 5429 Hyde Park Blvd. Second Vice-President, Mrs. W. D. Shafer, 1334 Madison Park. Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. Rothmann, 6148 Woodlawn Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. D. Burbank, 2301 Prairie Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Ewing, 4136 Ellis Ave. Chicago Woman's Aid. President, Mrs. Edward Gudeman, 4812 Kimbark Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Edward J. Stransky, Jr., Madison Park Hotel. 140 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Chicago Woman's Club. President, Miss Grace Temple, 1360 E. 58th St. First Vice-President, Mrs. George W. Dixon, 1350 Lake Shore Drive. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. B. Herrick, 242 E. Walton Place. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Alfred C. Tyler, 1309 Davis St., Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. F. Palmer, 2634 Lake View Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. George R. Dean, Chicago Woman's Club. Chicago Woman's Musical Club. President, Mrs. Mavie Odell Cardy, 8955 S. Hoyne Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Thatcher Hoyt, 1406 N. State Pkwy. Second Vice-President, Marie Edward VonRitter, 1514 Wilson Ave. Recording Secretary, Adah Bryant Buckingham, 5650 Kenwood Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Bell- Watts, 1559 E. 62nd St. Treasurer, Mrs. Byrde Kitson Schwarz, 4856 Drake Ave. Auditor, Mrs. F. R. Sargent, 306 S. Hamlin Ave. Chicago Woman's Outdoor Art League. President, Mrs. John Worthy, 1338 N. Dearborn Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Harry Scull, 5423 Kenmore Ave. Chicago Woman's Shelter. President, Mrs. Inez Rodgers Deach, 216 Honore St. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Minnie Kingsley, 4917 Montrose Ave. Chrysolite Club. President, Mrs. W. H. Alford, 6039 Harper Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Kathleen Alford, 6039 Harper Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 141 Columbia Damen Club. President, Mrs. B. Remmers, 921 Cornelia Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Marie Brauer, 552 Barry Ave. Community Club of Englewood. President, Mrs. R. J. Roulston, 436 W. 61st Place. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. G. Whitmer, 412 W. 61st Place. Conference of Jewish Women. President, Mrs. Ignace J. Reis, 4463 Berkeley Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Joseph Fish, 5492 South Shore Drive. Secretary, Mrs. Henry Neufield, 4401 West End Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Harry Grossfeld, 5413 Winthrop Ave. Congress Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. D. C. R. Paradis, 235 Blanchan Ave., Congress Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wm. C. Mielke, 406 Blanchan Ave., Congress Park. The Cordon. Fine Arts Building. President, Mrs. Morris Townley, 65 E. Oak St. First Vice-President, Mrs. B. F. Affleck, 222 E. Delaware Place. Second Vice-President, Miss May Massee, 75 E. Washington St. Recording Secretary, Miss Mary Peck Thomson, 620 Fine Arts Bldg. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Fanny C. Dike, 7202 Princeton Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Marvin E. Miner, Jr., 6343 Lakewood Ave. 142 Current Topic Club, Blue Island. President, Mrs. R. A. Napier, 73 Walnut St., Blue Island. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Lettice McCord, 362 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island. Cynthia Westover Alden Sunshine Society. President, Mrs. A. E. Lipton, 1008 E. 41st Place. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. M. Stiff, 3905 W. 64th Place. Daughters of Indiana. President, Mrs. F. W. Fisher, 9226 Phillips Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Margaret Sumner, 5128 Cornell Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Clarence Raf Snyder, 605 Clinton Ave., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. T. Marston, 1501 E. 65th St. Daughters of The Renaissance. President, Mrs. J. J. Johnson, 4840 Kimball Avenue. First Vice-President, Mrs. Albert Herrmann, 925 Edgecomb Place. Recording Secretary, Miss Marion Wiley, 4929 Washington Blvd. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Elmer J. Baker, 819 Buena Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Keynon, Sheridan Road. Des Plaines Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Katherine Jiencke, Des Plaines. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. B. Webster, Des Plaines. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 143 Dolton Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Edith Trussell, Dolton. Secretary, Miss Edith Dolton, Dolton. Treasurer, Mrs. Mae Jameson, Dolton. Edge water Catholic Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Wm. A. Sauer, 5918 Kenmore Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. James Casey, 740 Kenesaw Terrace. Secretary, Mrs. Paul O. Young, 5019 Winthrop Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Anthony Kreuser, 2152 Montrose Ave. Edge water Drama Study Club. President, Mrs. John W. McCurdy, 3508 Pine Grove Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Joseph P. Birren, 49 E. Elm St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. William D. Sager, 2732 Pine Grove Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Robert H. Kennedy, 5206 Glenwood Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. John J. Johnson, 4840 N. Kimball Ave. Edison Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Loren Monroe, 7727 Iroquois Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Huldah Beers, 6572 Edison Park Ave. Englewood Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Walter Stebbings, 6033 Calumet Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Frank C. Brandt, 444 W. 61st Place. Second Vice-President, Mrs. A. R. E. Wyant, 7106 Princeton Ave. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Willis E. Power, 344 Normal Pkwy. 144 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Recording Secretary, Mrs. Philip Holmes, 342 W. 65th St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank H. Penny, 109 E. 56th St. Treasurer, Mrs. Edward F. Black, 7314 Harvard Ave. Esther Falkenstein Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Fred Faulkner, 2541 N. Central Park Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Tilly Rebe, 3618 Belmont Ave. Evanston Catholic Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Robert H. McCall, Evanston. First Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. J. Smith, Evanston. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Arthur L. Whiteley, Evanston. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Fred W. Lefestey, Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. William H. Scott, Evanston. Treasurer, Mrs. George W. Schwartz, Evanston. Evanston Teacher's Club. President, Florence E. Wolaver, 1734 Orrington Ave., Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Julia Hynds, 720 Clark St., Evanston. Treasurer, Beryl Van Antwerp, 528 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston. Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Champion, Evanston. Every Day Club. President, Miss Mary E. McDowell, 4630 Gross Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Henry L. Frank, 1608 Prairie Ave. Every Wednesday Club. President, Mrs. J. F. Thompson, 4048 Grand Blvd. First Vice-President, Mrs. W. A. Cook, 2150 Racine Ave. Recording Secretary, Miss Ella Goodman, Prairie Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 145 Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Albert Mead, 5510 Blackstone Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. F. L. Bryant, 4535 Greenwood Ave. Federation of Third Ward Organizations. President, Mrs. Chas. E. Nagley, 4417 Champlain Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Howard C. Ogden, 4553 Oakenwald Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Edward L. Murfey, 4454 Sidney Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Carlton R. Wheeler, 4347 Ellis Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Robert A. Austin, 4453 Oakenwald Ave. Fellowship House Woman's Club. President, Mrs. John C. Bley, 4017 Lake Park Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Lillian Chapman, 831 W. 33rd Place. First District I. F. W. C. President, Mrs. A. E. Kaltenbrun, 454 Belmont Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. J. L. Davis, 1511 E. 69th Place. Second Vice-President, Mrs. T. P. Casey, 930 Lawrence Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. Weldon Slick, 4809 Dorchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. M. Cameron, 823 Leland Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Edward L. Murfey, 4454 Sidney Ave. Fortnightly. President, Mrs. Robert B. Gregory, 1638 Prairie Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Alex Stevenson, 150 E. Superior St. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Chauncey B. Borland, 2622 Prairie Ave. Recording Secretary, Miss Clara Gilbert, 14 Scott St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Andrew McLaughlin, 6609 Wood- lawn Ave. Treasurer, Miss Dorothy Stirling, 345 Barry Ave. 146 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Fortnightly of Englewood. President, Mrs. George E. Stanton, 6566 Yale Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. R. Boettcher, 6336 Harvard Ave. Friday Club. President, Mrs. Moses B. Wentworth, 1240 Lake Shore Drive. First Vice-President, Mrs. Hamilton McCormick, 631 Rush St. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Howard V. Shaw, 305 Fullerton Pkwy. Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. A. Ranney, 1421 N. State Pkwy. Recording Secretary, Miss Harriet Houghteling, Winnetka. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Evelyn Larned, 20 E. Goethe St. Friends in Council. President, Mrs. Laura H. Dodd, 6919 Constance Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alexander N. Jerrems, 5314 Hyde Park Blvd. Friends in Council No. 14 President, Mrs. E. L. Boyle, 1500 N. Kedzie Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. John H. Stotts, 3721 Grand Ave. Gads Hill Center Kindergarten Mother's Club President, Mrs. Elizabeth Wojtecki, 1946 W. 20th St. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ruth Austin, 1919 W. 20th St. Gads Hill Center Service Club. President, Mrs. George Mellender, 1829 W. 23rd St. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ruth Austin, 1919 W. 20th St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 147 Good Fellowship Club. President, Mrs. C. D. Jeffers, 941 Gait Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Gertrude Deck, 1211 Frontier Ave. Grace Darling Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Chas. McPhail, 7911 Muskegon Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. John W. Tracy, 2509 E. 73rd Place. Gresham Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Wallace Combs, 8510 Sangamon St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. Hanigan, 8318 Morgan St. Halsted Street Mother's Club. President, Mrs. R. Stephenson, 1908 S. Union Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Mabel Mates, 1935 S. Halsted St. Hamilton Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Ferdinanda K. Anderson, 6701 Perry St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. L. A. Blue, 7137 Normal Blvd. Hamlin Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. A. F. Villwock, 2824 Southport Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Pankonin, 1820 Bernice Ave. Henry Booth House Woman's Club. President, Mrs. M. R. Kultchar, 701 W. 14th Place. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Margaret E. Hooper, 701 W. 14th Place. 148 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Hermosa Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Arthur Webb, 1936 N. Tripp Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Berger Stockfleth, 2422 Drake Ave. Highland Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Clarence H. Thayer, 346 Prospect Ave., Highland Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Norris E. Parratt, 1640 Judson Ave., Highland Park. Hollywood Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Frank L. Mitchell, Hollywood. Vice-President, Mrs. Fred M. Robinson, Hollywood. Secretary, Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt, Hollywood. Treasurer, Mrs. John A. Christin, Hollywood. Home Culture Club. President, Miss Frances C. Klemm, 3257 W. Chicago Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Louise Lang, 2139 W. Walton. Hospital Service Circle. President, Miss Ima Clarke, 2908 Washington Blvd. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Fred Smith, 3600 Foster St. Hull House Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Inez Rodgers Deach, 216 Honore St. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Lucy Peterson, 3128 Carlisle Place. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 149 Humboldt Woman's Club. President, Mrs. G. W. Halleman, 3223 W. North Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. A. Holberg, 3032 Palmer Square. Hyde Park Travel Club. President, Mrs. Elmer Austin Eulass, 5733 Dorchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Joseph B. Rogers, 4458 Berkeley Ave. Illinois Colony Club. President, Mrs. Freeman E. Brown, 7019 Yale Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. D. McVicker, 4046 Clarendon Ave. Illinois Democratic Woman's Forum. President, Mrs. Samuel S. Slade, Highland Park. First Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. J. Trainor, 1314 E. 72nd St. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Heaton Owsley, 3150 Sheridan Road. Third Vice-President, Mrs. E. S. Bailey, 426 E. 44th St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Kaltenbrun, 454 Belmont Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. DeWitt Garrison, 2036 Kenilworth Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Margaret Taylor, 1316 North Shore Ave. Illinois League of Nursing Education. President, Miss Elsie L. Burke, 735 Fullerton Pkwy. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Mary Cutler, Presbyterian Hospital. 150 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Illinois State Association of Graduate Nurses. President, Miss Ada Belle McCleery, Evanston Hospital, Evanston. First Vice-President, Miss Dena M. Henderson, 735 Fullerton Pkwy. Second Vice-President, Miss Margaret Johnston, Colonial Hospital, Geneva. Secretary, Miss Nellie M. Crissy, 2814 Ellis Ave. Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Asseltine, Victoria Memorial Hospital, Waukegan. Illinois Sunflower Club. President, Mrs. Lottie Richardson, 8153 63rd St. Illinois Woman's Athletic Club. President, Mrs. Grant Williams, 6167 McClellan St. First Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. Westerlund, 512 Diversey Blvd. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Ferdinand Pirnat, 2422 Smalley Court. Recording Secretary, Miss Edna Peters, 236 N. Clark St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. J. Seifert, 585 Hawthorne Place. Treasurer, Mrs. Emma Buckingham, 1149 Farwell Ave. Illinois Women's Press Assn. President, Mrs. A. W. Evans, 5468 Ellis Ave. First Vice-President, Miss Maude I. G. Oliver, 6056 Kenwood Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Thos. E. Nolan, Houston, Texas. Third Vice-President, Mrs. E. R. Higgins, Caxton Bldg., Cleve- land, O. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Archibald Rae, 2209 Campbell Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Fisher, 7206 Princeton Ave. Treasurer, Miss Helen B. Bennett, 1328 E. 62nd St. Historian, Mrs. Chas. W. Henson, 338 N. Mason Ave. Parliamentarian, Mrs. C. G. Goodwin, 7542 Ridgeland Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 151 Independent Ger. -American Women's Club. President, Mrs. Chas. Burmeister, 907 Margate Terrace. First Vice-President, Mrs. S. Mengten, 5962 Winthrop Ave. Second Vice-President, Dr. Kate Swartz, 144-0 Glenlake Ave. Third Vice-President, Mrs. John Krueger, 3236 N. Racine Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Otto Dwors, 2042 Osgood St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Arthur Criskman, 4744 N. Rockwell St. Treasurer, Miss Marie W. Becker, 3049 Leland Ave. Inter Nos Circle. President, Mrs. G. G. Greenberg, 911 Margate Terrace. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. Carpenter, 35 N. Austin Ave. Blvd. Irving Park Sorosis. President, Mrs. A. C. Floyel, 3637 N. Kedvale Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Dr. R. P. Barstow, 4210 Irving Park Irving Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. C. H. Rioche, 4302 N. Kildare Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Granquist, 4226 N. Kedvale Ave. I Will Club. President, Mrs. George Beers, 3925 Van Buren St. Vice-P resident, Mrs. Ellsworth Hazel, 6343 Normal Blvd. Secretary, Mrs. F. A. Mills, 6343 Normal Blvd. Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Hayes, 2647 Washington Blvd. 152 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Joan of Arc. President, Mrs. Keefe McNamara, 839 W. 54th Place. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. F. Stewart, 4420 Vincennes Ave. Junior Cheer and Comfort League. President, Mrs. Walter L. Lund, 4724 N. Troy St. Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Wickmann, 1543 Norwood St. Junior Friends of Art of Arts Club. 608 S. Michigan Ave. Chairman, Miss Olga Menn, 1832 Lincoln Ave. First Vice-President, Miss Florence Folds, 33 Bellevue Place. Second Vice-President, Miss Eileen Kelley, Highland Park. Recording Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Channon, 220 E. Walton Place. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Blanche Murphy. Treasurer, Miss Dorothy Channon, 220 E. Walton Place. Ken- Rose Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Jessie Lazarski, 11340 Prairie Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. Lazarski, 11343 Forest Ave. Klio Association. President, Mrs. Arthur Crosby, 615 Addison St. First Vice-President, Mrs. John H. Volk, 2228 Neva Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Julius F. Ahlef, 4641 Maiden St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Gilbert A. Foster, 23 S. Central Park Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 153 Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Grant Williams, 6157 McClellan Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. John E. Best, Arlington Heights. LaGrange Woman's Club. President, Mrs. D. W. Beggs, 409 Park Road. First Vice-P resident, Mrs. C. W. Hawley, 208 Seventh Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. W. A. Barnes, 307 S. Ashland Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. F. W. McClement, 229 N. Catherine Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. T. V. Sell, 313 S. Brainard Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Keeler, 139 N. Fifth Ave. Lake Bluff Woman's Club. President, Mrs. W. P. Linneen, Lake Bluff. First Vice-President, Mrs. I. M. Cardy, Lake Bluff. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Henry C. Pomeroy, Lake Bluff. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Ida E. Mason, Lake Bluff. Treasurer, Mrs. James L. Fraser, Lake Bluff. Lake Forest Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Atteridge Road, Lake Forest. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. James Clendenin, 210 Westminster Ave., Lake Forest. Lake Shore Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Walter F. Schneider, 965 Edgecomb Place. First Vice-President, Mrs. George W. Williams, 652 Sheridan Road. Second Vice-President, Mrs. H. C. Mathison, 1527 Birchwood Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. John Boylston, 4526 Maiden St. 154 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Louis Geahart, 3726 Sheridan Road. Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Grace, 4526 Maiden St. Lake View Musical Club. President, Miss Mary Wood Chase, 5633 Kenmore Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. William Thompson, 512 Wrightwood Ave. Second Vice-President, Miss Emma Menke, 4445 West End Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Marvin Barnhart, 7306 Sheridan Road. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. L. F. Hinkens, 1346 Astor St. Treasurer, Mrs. Willett H. Cornwell, 3825 Alta Vista Terrace. Lake View Thimble Club. President, Mrs. A. L. Smith, 1711 Boomer Place, Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Bradley Buell, 6218 Winthrop Ave. Lake View Woman's Club. President, Mrs. F. D. Snow, 4452 Beacon St. First Vice-President, Mrs. L. J. Hotchkiss, 1346 Carmen Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Guy C. Duff, 4516 Maiden St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Edward I. Bucklin, Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Jessie M. Coen, 837 Lawrence Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. John Sutcliffe, 725 Bittersweet Place. League of Cook County Woman's Club. President, Mrs. L. H. Frensdorf, 352 E. 50th St. First Vice-President, Mrs. Harry J. Ilett, Oak Park. Second Vice-President, Mrs. M. LaDoit Johnson, 11 Parkside Ave. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Philo Darrow, Western Springs. Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. N. Stahl, 6063 Harper Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 155 Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Morris N. Lovewell, 5488 Green- wood Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Seymour, 8137 Dorchester Ave. "Le Cenacle" President, Mrs. A. Belcham Keyes, 830 Forest Ave., Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. H. Lawton, 630 Sheridan Road. Longfellow Woman's Club. President, Mrs. A. C. Curry, 947 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. First Vice-President, Mrs. A. I. Morris, 519 Lyman Ave., Oak Park. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Weber, Elmhurst. Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. P. Cade, 833 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. B. English, 742 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park. Treasurer, Mrs. Chas. E. Fitzgerald, 1012 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park. Financial Secretary, Mrs. Arthur Christin, 831 Gunderson Ave., Oak Park. Martha Washington Club. President, Mrs. F. M. Ackley, 1447 E. 72nd PI. First Vice-President, Mrs. William C. Post, 6625 Kimbark Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. A. Burkett, 1459 E. 66th Place. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Dudley Stevisson, 6427 Greenwood Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Charles Epple, 6433 Greenwood Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Henry F. Grier, 6145 Woodlawn Ave. 156 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Matheon Club. President, Miss Rose A. Clark, 335 N. Latrobe Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Alice M. Sutherland, 133 S. May- field Ave. Mathesis Club. President, Mrs. Chester Mahon, 5706 Peoria St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Thomas Boyer, 777 W. Garfield Blvd. May fair Woman's Club. President, Mrs. H. E. Dornblaser, 4637 N. Kenton Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wm. L. Vaughn, 4446 N. Kenton Ave. May wood Catholic Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Chas. Heller, 1003 S. 5th Ave., Maywood. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Henry G. Kroening, 115 S. 14th Ave., Maywood. Maywood Twentieth Century Club. President, Mrs. Frederick Herman, 601 N. 2nd St., Maywood. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alvira J. Adams, 811 N. 3rd Ave., Maywood. Maywood Woman's Club. President, Mrs. George Beoddy, 611 N. 4th Ave., Maywood. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Harrington, 501 S. 6th Ave., Maywood. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 157 Medical Woman's Club. President, Dr. Helga Ruud, 15 E. Washington St. Corresponding Secretary, Dr. Marion W. Bougher, 6706 Green St. Mid- West Branch of the Woman's National Farm and Garden Association. President, Mrs. Russell Tyson, 1728 Stevens Bldg. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. John J. Healy, 2728 Pine Grove Ave. Millard Avenue Woman's Club. President, Mrs. J. C. Stubbs, 1905 Millard Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. F. J. Karasek, 2421 S. Millard Ave. Mont Clare Society. President, Mrs. L. B. French, 555 Stratford Place. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Grant Williams, 6167 McClelland Ave. Mother's Aid of the Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary. President, Mrs. Joseph Fish, 5440 South Shore Drive. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Leo Koretz, 2715 Sheridan Road, Evanston. Mother's Friendly Group of Assn. House President, Mrs. Frank Price, 1628 N. Irving Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Howell Colohan, 3929 N. Sacra- mento Ave. 158 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Mother's Relief Association. President, Mrs. Joseph Ralston Blair, 5909 Winthrop Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Marston, 3323 Washington Blvd. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Thos. Oskar, 5456 Michigan Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. H. E. Kern, Glengyle Apts. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Walter Antrim, 2409 Ashland Ave., Evanston. Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Raynor, 2942 Washington Blvd. Morgan Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Chas. G. Blake, 10835 S. Hoyne Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. T. Johnson, 2322 W. 108th St. National Ship of States. President, Mrs. Viola Mallory Greene, 2703 Warren Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Estelle McMannis, 747 Independent Blvd. Neighborhood Civic Club, Oak Park, 111. President, Mrs. D. .H Johnson, 621 Clinton Ave., Oak Park. First Vice-President, Mrs. F. H. Bowen, 530 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Richard C. Luepke, 713 S. East Ave., Oak Park. Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. B. Flitcraft, 633 Maple Ave., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. E. Alvord, 816 S. Grove Ave., Oak Park. Treasurer, Mrs. A. A. Kreitling, 835 S. Grove Ave., Oak Park. Neighborhood Club of Forest Park President, Mrs. Barbara Ham, 102 Rockford Ave., Forest Park. First Vice-President, Mrs. Mary Licht, 1210 Desplaines Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 159 Second Vice-President, Mrs. Lillian Schuster, 501 Beloit Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Janette Young, 141 Elgin Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Antoinette McElroy, 331 N. Ma- rengo Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Ella Sharpless, 7650 Adams St. Neighborhood House Woman's Club. President, Mrs. George Walker, 6016 S. Winchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. V. McClain, 6150 Vernon Ave. Nineteenth Century Club. President, Mrs. H. W. Austin, 1022 Lake St., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Harold Hilton, 1024 Erie St., Oak Park. North Chicago Library Club. President, Mrs. J. B. Neahaus, 37 18th St., North Chicago. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. J. McKinney, 1806 S. Lincoln St., North Chicago. North End Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Martin Kent Northam, 1043 Forest Ave., Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Silas J. Ermeling, 3755 Rokeby St. North Oak Park Mother's Club. President, Mrs. C. N. Dunbar, 718 N. Taylor Ave., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. C. Chesley, 815 N. Harvey Ave., Oak Park. 160 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER North Shore Catholic Woman's League. President, Mrs. Frank H. Jones, 841 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. T. McGivern, 865 Pine St., Win- netka. North Shore Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Oscar Hebel, 1342 N. Dearborn Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Ernest Reniff, 3445 Elaine Place. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Henry E. Rieke, 708 Cornelia Ave. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Richard Finnigan, 5531 Lakewood Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Owen O'Malley. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Gilbert C. Ransom, 1219 Leland Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Fordyce, 840 Sunnyside Ave. Northwest Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Edward Albert Glad, 2909 Logan Blvd. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. O. Rakstang, 1412 N. Kedzie Ave. Norwegian Woman's Club. President, Miss Inger Schjoldager, 717 Junior Terrace. Corresponding Secretary, Thora O. Crown, 2956 Logan Blvd. Norwood Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. L. F. Childs, 5816 E. Circle Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice C. Aby, 5940 N. Neva Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 161 Noyes Street Mother's Club. President, Mrs. G. S. Ingraham, 1009 Noyes St., Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. F. S. Anderson, 2327 Ridge Ave., Evanston. Oakley Woman's Club. President, Dr. R. Rhoads-Billings, 3340 Walnut St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. Adelaide Emms, 1464 Leland Ave. Oak Park Sorosis. President, Mrs. J. LaVelle Simmons, 325 Linden Ave., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Henry G. Eiszner, 400 Jackson Ave., River Forest. Open Door Club. President, Mrs. J. L. Lowenthal, 4930 N. Talman Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Clemens, 2045 Irving Park Blvd. Ossoli Club. President, Mrs. Daniel Cobb, 261 Laurel Ave., Highland Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Sidney J. Holland, 207 Vine Ave., Highland Park. Osteopathic Woman's Club of Chicago. President, Dr. Sarah M. Hummel, 27 E. Monroe St. Corresponding Secretary, Dr. Lecta Fay Kinney, 27 E. Monroe St. 162 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Park Manor Womans' Club. President, Mrs. W. J. Wilson, 7134 Eberhart Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. M. Hess, 7138 Vernon Ave. Park Ridge Improvement Association. President, Mrs. Archibald Wray, 104 Stewart Ave., Park Ridge. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. R. Smith, 158 Crescent Ave., Park Ridge. Park Ridge Woman's Club. President, Mrs. S. H. Holbrook, 215 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. James D. Frazer, Park Ridge. Poetry Lovers of America. President, Mrs. Andrea Hofer Proudfoot, 5135 Dorchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Imogene Pierce, 3912 Vincennes Ave. Portage Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. L .C. Crismyre, 5137 Hutchison St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. M. Lay, 5236 Montrose Ave. Prairie State Club. President, Mrs. Thomas Oskar, 5156 Michigan Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Joseph Nikola, 927 Foster Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. S. S. LeVine, 937 Foster Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Thos. Decker, 1701 Estes Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 163 Ravens wood Woman's Club. President, Mrs. George F. Koester, 4606 N. Hermitage Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Gay Esty Bangs, 5823 Magnolia Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. W. H. Bennett, 4304 N. Paulina St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Edgar McGarigle, 5067 N. Lincoln St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wm. B. Werden, 4526 N. Ashland Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. G. Trenear, 4606 N. Robey St. Renaissance Club, The. President, Mrs. Theodore F. Laift, 7411 Greenview Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Joseph P. Jene, 1130 Morse Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Clara F. Rowland, 1455 Sunnyside Ave. Program Chairman, Mrs. Paul Larmer, 205 N. Mayfield Ave. Secretary, Mrs. Roger F. Rugg, Alexandria Hotel. Treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Swanson, 5522 S. Michigan Ave. Rhoda Woman's Club of Emerson House Settlement. President, Mrs. O. J. Keegan, 643 N. Sawyer Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. R. Catlin, 1900 S. Turner Ave. Ridge Woman's Club, The. President, Mrs. Thomas R. Beman, 2311 W. 110th St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. O. A. St. Clair, 9308 S. Robey St. River Forest Woman's Club. President, Mrs. F. C. Lowrey, River Forest. First Vice-President, Mrs. T. H. Badenoch, River Forest. 164 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Second Vice-President, Mrs. Tracey Holmes, River Forest. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Leslie Wood, River Forest. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Cecelia Girsberger, River Forest. Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Magers, River Forest. Riverside Woman's Club. President, Mrs. James Minnick, Riverside. First Vice-President, Mrs. Nelson W. Willard, Riverside. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Henry M. Hagan, Riverside. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Richard C. Potter, Riverside. Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Martin, Riverside. Rogers Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Harry S. Gradle, 1337 Fargo Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. Reginald Ford, 5412 N. Sawyer Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Harry E. Smoot, 1702 Estes Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. J. Grotenhuis, 7034 N. Clark St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. John L. Carroll, 7077 N. Ashland Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Hogan, Rogers Park, 111. Roseland Woman's Club. President, Mrs. J. F. Patton, 133 W. lllth Place. Rotary Woman's Club of Chicago. President, Mrs. Harold B. Harvey, 6551 Bosworth Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Ignace J. Reis, 4463 Berkeley Ave. Secretary, Miss Winifred Garrison, Sherman Hotel. Treasurer, Mrs. B. O. Jones, 4332 N. Winchester Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 165 Scribblers. President, Mrs. John H. Winterbotham, 674 Rush St. Secretary, Mrs. Donald M. Ryerson, Lake Forest. Treasurer, Mrs. John Borden, 1020 Lake Shore Drive. Seward Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Mary E. Williams, 121 W. Goethe St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Meier, 217 W. Elm St. Sherman Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. E. Vonderheid, 1214 W. 51st St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. S. Quinn, 7223 Stewart Ave. Social Economics. President, Mrs. J. A. Allison, 3832 N. Kildare Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. J. H. Jennings. Evanston. Secretary, Mrs. M. O. Brem, 5488 Ellis Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. F. H. Liday, 4847 N. Paulina St. South End Woman's Club. President, Mrs. William Brady, 7642 Marquette Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank Clute, 8918 Exchange Ave. Southern Woman's Club. President, Miss Ida F. Powell, 1447 E. Marquette Road. First Vice-President, Mrs. Ernest F. Bell, 7706 Marshfield Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Davis Lee Parker, 4413 Magnolia Ave. 166 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Recording Secretary, Mrs. Albert Heine, Somerset Hotel. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Johnson, 4752 Magnolia Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. W. N. Robins, 4454 N. Robey St. South Side Catholic Woman's Club. President, Mrs. C. J. Trainor, 1314 E. 72nd St Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Earl R. Reynolds, 7816 S. Morgan St. Tenth District, 111. Federation of Women's Clubs. President, Mrs. James A. Campbell, 1638 Chase Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, 185 Green Bay Road, Glen- coe. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Fred'k M .Clarke, 6712 Greenview Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Newman, 4541 N. Hamilton Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Brood, 111 Gillette Ave., Waukegan. The Neighbors.' President, Mrs. Calvin S. Case, 536 Warwick Road, Kenilworth. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. George M. Spangler, 219 Sheridan Road, Kenilworth. Tuesday Art and Travel Club. President, Mrs. G. A. Neafus, 440 Aldine St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wm. McCarthy, 4952 Vincennes Ave. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 167 Tuesday Club, The. President, Mrs. Harry Purdy, 3233 Fulton St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. F. Paxton, 3426 Walnut St. University of Chicago Settlement Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Jessie H. Gaebler, 1239 W. Garfield Blvd. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Lena Ofshi, 4712 S. Ashland Ave. Washington Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. W. A. Simonson, 6111 Greenwood Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Edwin J. Wonnell, 7145 Euclid Ave. Waukegan Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Arthur K. Bowes, 225 N. St. James St., Waukegan. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Broad, 111 Gillette Ave., Wau- kegan. Welles Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Joseph Newman, 4541 N. Hamilton Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Victor Swanson, 2126 Wilson Ave. Wesley Memorial Hospital Alumnae Association. President, Miss E. Erlandson, R. N., Wesley Memorial Hospital. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Fannie Forth, R. N., Wesley Me- morial Hospital. 168 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER West End Catholic Woman's Club. President, Mrs. W. H. Brown, 541 Gunderson Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. R. Haas, 1144 Independence Blvd. West End Woman's Catholic Club. President, Mrs. Wm. Nimmo Brown, 542 Gunderson Ave., Oak Park. First Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. J. Shanks, 115 Clinton Ave., Oak Park. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J .E. McNichols, 5021 Washington Blvd. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Herbert Nelson, 537 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Will Fitzgerald, 909 N. Long Ave. Financial Secretary, Mrs. B. Elizabeth Schmitt, 5733 W. Ohio St. Treasurer, Mrs. James E. Lennon, 4907 West End Ave. West Englewood Woman's Club. President, Mrs. May Walker, 6016 S. Winchester Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. Mandernach, 6936 Loomis St. Western Springs Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Philo Clark Darrow, Western Springs, 111. First Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Graham, Western Springs, 111. Second Vice-President, Mrs. F. Maxted, Western Springs, 111. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Leroy Curtis, Western Springs, 111. Treasurer, Mrs. J. L .Prest, Western Springs, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 160 West Side Co-Educational. President, Mrs. Joseph Soravia, 526 Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Anna W .Randall, 1519 Jackson Blvd. Wicker Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. E. E. Kelley, 3310 Wrightwood Ave. . Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. H. House, 1401 Glenlake Ave. Wild Flower Preservation^ Society of America. President, Mrs. Charles L. Hutchinson, 2709 Prairie Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Frederick Blocki, 822 Buena Ave. Treasurer, Msr. Chas. S. Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave. Field Marshal, Mrs. Chas. B. Cory, 5757 Dorchester Ave. Wilmette Woman's Club. President, Mrs. J. C. Baker, 347 Maple Ave., Wilmette. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. L. Thayer, 520 Central Ave., Wilmette. Windsor Park Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Wendell Doolittle, 411 E. 65th Place. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. George A. Kinney, 7710 Marquette Ave. Winnetka Woman's Club. President, Mrs. George W. Gordon, Winnetka. First Vice-President, Mrs. Willoughly G. Walling, Winnetka. 170 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Second Vice-P resident, Mrs. Leon H. Winne, Winnetka. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Taliaferro Milton, Winnetka. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ruth Matz, Winnetka. Treasurer, Mrs. Alfred G. Freeman, Winnetka. Women's Advertising Club of Chicago. President, Miss Jessamine G. Hoagland, National City Bank. First Vice-President, Miss A. Marie Hansen, Methodist Book Con- cern. Second Vice-President, Miss T. C. Westrich, First National Bank Bldg. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Letha McGee, Chase Engineering Co. Treasurer, Mrs. Anna V. Ahsens, Chicago Savings Bank. Historian, Miss Dorothy Dignam, McJunkin Advertising Co. Woman's Allied Drug Club. President, Mrs. John W. Blacklidge, 6123 Indiana Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. D. C. Phillips, 723 N. Trumbull Ave. Secretary ,Mrs. George P. Miller, 7321 N. Paulina St. Treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Quinn, 5644 Calumet Ave. Woman's Athletic Club. President, Mrs. Wm. Sherman Hays, 3300 S. Michigan Ave. First Vice-President, Mrs. H. Newton Hudson, Woman's Athletic Club. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. C. Pullman, 199 Lake Shore Drive. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Herbert F. Perkins, 3 Banks St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank P. Graves, 2648 Lake View Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. Allan M. Clement, 196 E. Delaware Place. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 171 Woman's Auxiliary to Hungarian Charity Society. President, Mrs. A. C. Bloom, 5240 South Park Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Morris Niederman, 927 Argyle St. Woman's Benevolent Association. President, Mrs. Johanna Carter, 9126 Commercial Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank Clute, 8918 Exchange Ave. Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmette, 111. President, Mrs. W. P. Seng, Wilmette. Vice-P resident, Mrs. Albert Reichmann, Wilmette. Second Vice-President, Mrs. F. W. Harvey, Wilmette. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Walter Miller, Wilmette. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frank Hoffman, Wilmette. Treasurer, Miss Gertrude Ketchum, Wilmette. Woman's Civic Club of Ravinia. President, Mrs. J. F. Learning, 1540 Dean Ave., Highland Park. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. A. Sellery, 251 Bronson Ave., Ravinia. Woman's City Club. 16 North Wabash Ave. President, Mrs. Jos. T. Bowen, 1430 Astor St. Vice-President, Mrs. B. F. Langworlhy, 832 Bryant Ave., Winnetka. Second Vice-President, Mrs. W. F. Hefferan, 6631 Harvard Ave. 172 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Treasurer, Mrs. Irvin McDowell, 1440 E. 66th Place. Secretary, Mrs. Geo. F. Brown, Jr., 860 Spruce St., Winnetka. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Geo. R. Dean, 1818 Hinman Ave., Evans- ton. Woman's Club of Berwyn, 111. President, Mrs. Chipman Skeels, 3244 Ivison Ave., Berwyn. First Vice-President, Mrs. Milan M. Hitchcock, 3335 Oak Park Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. George H. Norton, 7030 34th St. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Frank S. Collins, 7019 34th St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Byron C. Thorpe, 3219 Home Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. George W. Ashby, 3409 Oak Park Ave. Woman's Club of Clyde. President, Mrs. M. R. Peters, 2638 S. 60th Court, Cicero. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. C. Latshaw, 6009 W. 27th St., Cicero. Woman's Club of Evanston. President, Mrs. Robert Berry Ennis, Evanston. First Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. W. Buchanan, Evanston. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Harold Dyrenforth, Evanston. Recording Secretary, Mrs. John H. R. Jamar, Evanston. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. George S. Ballard, Evanston. Treasurer, Mrs. Bernard G. Sykes, Evanston. Woman's Club of Harvey. President, Mrs. W. H. Davis, 70 155th St. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Maud Willitt, 15516 Turlington Ave., Harvey, 111. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 173 Woman's Club of the Hyde Park Church of Disciples of Christ. President, Mrs. C. B. March, 6043 Kimbark Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Weaver, 5425 Dorchester Ave. Woman's Club of Liberty ville. President, Mrs. Kenneth H. Lovell, Libertyville. First Vice-President, Mrs. Max Kohner, Libertyville. Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. H. Smith, Libertyville. Recording Secretary, Miss Margaret Taylor, Libertyville. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Louise M. Hoskins, Libertyville. Woman's Club of Oak Park. President, Mrs. Leslie L. O'Brien, 516 S. Clarence Ave. Vice-President, Mrs. W. T. Hunn, 1021 S. Grove Ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Alfred Thomas, 1025 Wisconsin Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas. F. Baer, 806 S. Ridgeland Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. F. C. Boegershausen, 809 S. Ridgeland Ave. Woman's Club of Summit and Argo. President, Mrs. Walter Schwedler, Argo, 111. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Nancy Michaels, Argo, 111. Woman's Club of West Pullman. President, Mrs. John W. Lamble, 12051 Eggleston Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. L. Partridge, 11834 Parnell Are. 174 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Woman's Columbian Club. President, Mrs. S. C. Stanton, 632 Aldine Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. Hoffman, 1026 N. Trumbull Ave. Woman's Fellowship Club. President, Mrs. M. Frank Ryan, 1412 E. Marquette Road. First Vice-President, Mrs. H. W. Williams, 8100 S. Peoria St. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. W. O'Connor, 6109 Kenwood Ave. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Robert E. Fruin, 6532 Greenwood Ave. Recording Secretary, Miss Teresa M. Keenan, 6320 Greenwood Ave. Financial Secretary, Mrs. P. J. Moran, 6758 Lafayette Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Charles Papik, 17 E. 61st St. Treasurer, Mrs. J. V. Kerr, 6628 Union Ave. Women of the Empire State. President, Mrs. E. H. Pratt, 3526 Morgan St. Corresponding Secretray, Mrs. J. Sullender, 1306 Hood Ave. Women's League of Chicago. President, Mrs. Chas. Sumner Bigelow, 672 Irving Park Blvd. First Vice-President, Mrs. John F. Stacey, 4 E. Ohio St. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Archibald Freer, 1420 Lake Shore Drive. Third Vice-President, Miss Flora J. Cooke, Francis Parker School. Social Secretary, Mrs. Alice Austrian, 633 Addison St. Recording Secretary, Miss Alice M. Carr, 1056 Loyola Ave. Treasurer, Miss Alice L. Nichols, 5632 Kenwood Ave. Parliamentarian, Mrs. Minnie Starr Goodwin, 7542 Ridgeland Ave. Mem. Secretary, Mrs. Mary Black Richter, 2037 Grace St. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 175 Woman's Library Club of Glencoe. President, Mrs. Henry H. Brigham, 620 Greenleaf Ave., Glencoe. First Vice-President, Mrs. J. A. Armstrong, 365 Green Bay Road, Glencoe. Second Vice-President, Miss Elizabeth Binton, 866 Bluff St., Glencoe. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Clarence T. MacNeille, 828 Bluff St., Glencoe. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Gordon L. Sibley, 545 Washington Ave., Glencoe. Treasurer, Mrs. Harry D. Wiley, 440 South Ave., Glencoe. Woman's Neighborhood Club of Rogers Park. President, Mrs. John Hunter Smith, 3245 Greenleaf Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Louis F. Meinel, 1838 Kenilworth Ave. Woman's Patriotic Club. President, Mrs. W. E. Hughes, 4426 Magnolia Avenue. First Vice-President, Mrs. Gilbert Drout, 1329 Rosedale Ave. Second Vice-President, Mrs. W. E. Angier, Wheaton, 111. Secretary, Mrs. Hobart W. Martin, 4257 N. Koestner Ave. Treasurer, Mrs. W. M. Antrim, Evanston. Woman's Press Club of Chicago. President, Mary Delany Fisher, 161 E. Ontario St. Vice-President, Antoinette Donnelley, Chicago Tribune. Recording Secretary, Magda West, Chicago Journal. Corresponding Secretary, Catherine Cook, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Treasurer, Jean Prescott Adams, Woman's Athletic Club. 176 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Woman's Protective Association. President, Mrs. David Hill Danek, 4656 Clarendon Ave. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth B.uchhalter, Ashland Block. Woman's Trade Union League of Chicago. President, Miss Agnes Nestor, 2434 Burling St. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ida Glatt, 1021-64 W. Randolph St. Woodlawn Woman's Club. President, Mrs. Oilman Wilbur, Gladstone Hotel. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Crowell, 6236 GreenWood Ave. Woodlawn Study Club. President, Mrs. C. H. Moyer, 950 E. Marquette Road. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Robert J. Coyne, 1027 E. 65th St. Zion City Woman's Club. President, Mrs. L. B. Kahn, W. Sheridan Road, Zion City. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Clarence DeNormandie, 3003 Elisha Ave., Zion City. CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER 177 Chicago Private Schools Academy of Our Lady Girls Boarding School Sisters of Notre Dame 95th and Throop Sts. American Conservatory of Music John J. Hattstaedt, President 304 S. Wabash Ave. Art Institute of Chicago Co-Educational Geo. W. Eggars, Director. . .Mich. Blvd. and Adams St. Berlitz School of Languages Co-Educational 56 East Congress St. Centralizing School of Music Co-Educational Gertrude Radle-Paradis, Director. . . 20 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago Academy of Fine Arts Co-Educational Carl N. Werntz, Director 81 E. Madison St. Chicago Conservatory of Music Co-Educational Walton Perkins, President Auditorium Bldg. Chicago Kindergarten Institute Kindergarten Training Mrs. Mary Bloomer Page, Director 701 Rush St. Chicago Latin School for Girls Day School Mable Slade Vickery, Principal .... Scott and Stone Sts. Chicago Musical College Co-Educational Felix Borowoski, President 624 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago School of Physics and Philanthropy Co-Educational Graham Taylor, President 2559 S. Michigan Ave. Columbia College of Expression and Physical Education Co-Educational Mary A. Blood, President 3358 Michigan Ave. Columbia School of Music Co-Educational Clare Osburn Reed, President 509 S. Wabash Ave. Faulkner School Girls' Preparatory Elizabeth Faulkner, Principal 4746 Dorchester Ave. 178 CHICAGO SOCIAL AND CLUB REGISTER Chicago Private Schools Continued Hinshaw Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art, Co-Educational John Arno Hinshaw, Director Kimball Bldg. Kenwood Loring School for Girls Mrs. Stella Dyer Loring, Principal 4600 Ellis Ave. Lake View Institute Girls' Boarding School Sarah A. Anable, Principal 442 Wellington Ave. Mary Wood Chase School of Musical Arts Co-Educational Mary Wood Chase, Director 64 E. Jackson Blvd. Morgan School of Expression Co-Educational Miss Anna Morgan, Director Fine Arts Bldg. The Art of Expression Co-Educational Mrs. Elsa Durand Mower 1142 S. Michigan Ave. National Kindergarten and Elementary College . . Boarding School Elizabeth Harrison, President 2944 Michigan Ave. Parker School, Francis W Co-Educational Flora J. Cook, Principal 330 Webster Ave. Pestalozzi-Froebel Kindergarten Training School Mrs. Bertha Hoefer-Hegner, Supt., 616 S. Michigan Ave. St. Xavier's Academy Girls' Boarding School Sister Mary de Sales, Superior, 4928 Cottage Grove Ave. Sherwood Music School Co-Educational Georgia Kober, Director 410 S. Michigan Ave. Spaide's School for Girls Boarding School Miss Kate Louise Spaide, Principal 866 Buena Ave. Starrett School for Girls Boarding School Mrs. Elizabeth Burt Smith, Principal, 4932 Lake Park Ave. University School for Girls College Preparatory Miss Anna R. Haire, Dean 1106 Lake Shore Drive. Affiliated Boarding School Ass'n Information on above schools Miss S. H. Shultz, Director Marshall Field Annex. HQ elf