Lit- l^u. URBANA, ILL., ASS'N OF COMMERCE URBANA . . . THE CITY OF FRIENDLY PEOPLE L I E) R.AFLY OF THE UNIVLRSITY or ILLINOIS 1 j 1 1 1 :: :5 ■r : igglAISJHSTORlCAlSlfSVEY >< ..SjsC URBANA THE CITY OF FRIENDLY PEOPLE TO THE PAST • • • The hardy folk whose courage tamed the provi- dent land . . . TO THE PRESENT • • • You . . . your home . . . your neighbor . . . TO THE FUTURE • • • Your child— and the fulfillment of his dreams . . . • • • THIS BOOKLET is dedicated. Here are tales out of the past — part truth, part fiction . . . part faulty memory blurred by the misty eyes of nostalgia. Here are the facts about today — all truth, no fiction . . . gathered to show you what your home town offers you ... in your pursuit of job . . . happiness . . . well-being. Here are plans for tomorrow — all hopes, all part of Urbana's "Pattern for Progress" . . . planned for the children of Today ... to give them a "Future Unhmited." THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE URBANA, ILLINOIS WELCOME . . . Of urbaha ;Frien' ds\iip TitGe ^ Visitor ■ • ; ^L^ n\easu« ^Toppottu"'*'" eciawn a""* bknd W.'"*V«'i]'/o you*- ,, 10 develop *^ for «hv* ^'ighboriS ^ ^.,,_Urbav>a. Vou-U !md *em -^W , «eTe glad you are Mayor o! t^^ban^ rj^^"'^^" From The Past . Our Heritage . . Urbana's heritage is strong in character . . . rich in humor. It is punc- tuated with pathos . . . leavened with love of land and deter- mined depths of courage. From the little and the mighty . . . much has been received — to be passed on. Many tales about Urbana's past have been told of people who laughed . . . and lived . . . and loved — long before any of us were here. From those tales, a few have been selected to show how the colorful and kindly people who went before us . . . left an imprint of themselves to make Urbana better. These stories are merely fragments ripped from time. Not important in themselves . . . but to be cherished for the insight they give into the lives and times now gone. A HOSPITABLE MAN... June 20, 1833, found three commissioners in the area now known as Urbana . . . sent here by the State Legislature to set up a city to be called Urbana. This city was to be the county seat of a new county — Champaign. The new county, by act of the Legis- lature on February 20, 1833, was to be formed from the west end of Vermilion Conuty. In those days, the people lived in settlements in the native timber along the streams. The largest settlement was in the Big Grove in the central part of the county. Settlements were also to be found on the Sangamon to the west, on the Kaskaskia and the Embarrass to the south, on the Salt Fork to the east. It was evident from the locations of the settlements that the county seat should be located near the Big Grove in the center of the county. A contest had started, therefore, between the settlers on the north of the Big Grove and the settlers on the south of the Big Grove ... a contest for the location of the county seat. After careful inspection, the commissioners selected the farm of Phillip Stanford as the site for Urbana. The Stanford farm was located in Section 27 of Somers Township, about half a mile east of the Birely farm which adjoins Route 45. A group of local citizens and the three commissioners went out to drive the stake which would mark the founding of Urbana. One per- suasive gentleman went along. He was a hospitable man — and determined. f/7, 7J^^ rv H!3l When the stake was about to be driven into the land ... he interrupted the proceed- ings . . . suggested that the ceremony be postponed until the next day . . . because dusk was rapidly approaching. He even invited the commissioners to his home . . . for hospitality . . . and rest. The three commissioners accepted. They went to his home — then a cabin built on a site directly behind the present Courier building. Strangely enough . . . (details are not quite complete) . . . early the next morning — in the dusk before dawn — the commis- sioners and their host went out to drive the Urbana stake. But . . . they drove it on the spot where the courthouse now stands — several miles west and south of the previously determined site. Several miles closer to the hospitable gentleman's cabin. Urbana had been founded. The hospitable man? The eminent Isaac Busey. A BEWILDERED BOY... A child's trusting smile ended a life-time search for Dr. James K. Morrison — an early day Urbana doctor. As a boy of seven . . . clad only in trousers and shirt . . . barefoot . . . wearing a little straw hat ... he wandered away from home and onto a lake boat at Cleveland. Ohio. When the crew discovered him, it was too late to put him ashore . . . until the boat docked at Chicago. In Chicago . . . the boat's captain saw to it that the lad was taken over by a charitable family. Kind as these people must have been ... all their efforts to locate his parents were to no avail. Eventually, the bewildered boy . . . who was to become a formidable medical force in Urbana's early battle against malaria . . . was placed in a home in Paxton. Later when he became a doctor ... he located in Urbana. Urbana City Ha As a boy ... he had been unable to locate his family . . . although his foster parents had tried. As a man ... he longed to know about his childhood . . . parents . . . his possible brothers and sisters. He searched for many years ... in vain. As an old man of 80 ... he was walking on a street in south Chicago. When . . . within a period of one-half hour . . . the three most im- portant events in his life-long search took place: A child ran up to him . . . took his hand . . . called him "Grandpa Morrison" . . . and asked him to go home with her. He let the child take him to her home. There he met the child's real grandfather — his oivn identic twin brother. Dr. Morrison also met, then, his younger sister. During his life- time search from his home in Urbana, she lived for 10 years in Champaign. SAINTS IN THE SADDLE... Manly . . . rugged . . . sometimes "different" . . . always men of the Gospel the early circuit riders rode saintly in the saddle. To spread The Word among the hardy folk who challenged the new land ... to put more backbone into the purpose of frontier life . . . circuit riders came galloping with the Gospel into central Illinois. One rather eccentric pioneer preacher . . . Reverend Samuel Mapes . . . rode not a horse but a steer. He rode barefoot and carried a gun as he moved from settlement to settlement. Colorful of mein . . . pensive by nature . . . Reverend ]Mapes found more time for re- flection as he rode his slow steer, with a bell hung from its neck ... to punctuate his thoughts. Another preacher . . . Reverend William I. Peters of the Salt Fork . . . preached around the county He would buy "spirits" by the barrel on the Wabash at '25 cents a gallon . . . and retail it so as to make 30 cents on a gallon. Pioneer folk found no objection to this prac- tice. Instead . . . they considered it a religious duty to buy from "Uncle Billy." For, in this way, they made it possible for him to spread the Gospel. Each . . . the Reverend Mapes and the Reverend Peters . . . wore "stars in his crown." The Present... People And Places... YOUR CITY GOVERNMENT Urbana has the aldermanic form of government. The mayor is elected on a party ticket for a four-year term. Fourteen aldermen are elected ... 2 from each of the 7 wards . . . for a term of 4 years. OUR OFFICIAL FAMILY Stanley B. Weaver, Mayor ELECTED OFFICERS Bess M. Holmes City Clerk Chancy A. Finfrock City Treasurer Rex L. Davis Police Magistrate Aldermen: Richard A. Parks Everett O'Neill Don Harlow Wallace E. Weber Clarence L. Rogers Nugent Wedding George G. Bennett D. Earl Barnes John W. Briscoe Joseph E. Connelly John V. Clements Edward W. Harvey C. Wesley May field Harry Hall APPOINTED OFFICERS John H. Barth City Attorney Corporation Counsel Bess M. Holmes City Collector M. H. Kinch Commissioner of Public Work Victor C. Wimmer Acting Fire Marshal Herbert R. Fiscus Acting Chief of Police Henry F. Wittig Assistant Commissioner Public Works, Building and Plumbing Inspector J. Olan Starr City Electrician Inspector and Working Foreman Harold Poole Custodian of City Building Arthur L. Glass Custodian of Community Building Arthur J. Boley Custodian of City Dump and Grounds Nelson E. Light Assistant City Engineer Civil Service Commission: J. Robert Koehn A. O. Dawson John Cribbett Electrical Commission: James W. Potter Victor C. Wimmer H. H. Vaughn 0.0. Smith Parking Commission: W. T. Henderson John H. Finfrock Loy C. Arnold George G. Bennett C. Wesley May field Board of Local Improvements: Stanley B. Weaver Richard A. Parks M. H. Kinch Clarence L. Rogers Joseph T. Connelly Zoning Board of Appeals: W. H. Ewing George G. Bennett John H. Finfrock Frank P. Cogdal Library Board: President — Robert B. Brown Vice President — Dr. Kenneth M. Waxier Secretary — Mrs. L. L. Corrie Mrs. Wallace Stearns Mrs. Parker Wheeler P. L. Windsor Harry E. Bigler Enos L. Phillips John V. Clements Trustees of Police Pension Fund: Mark D. Brown Roland E. Winkelmann Walter Cooper Paul Scott Vern Swearingen Urbana Free Library . . . Urbana's cultural striving reaches back to her earliest days. In the August 24, 1854 issue of the Urbana Union — a newspaper published from 1853 to 1854 — is an editorial by the editor, Mr. J. O. Cun- ningham. It seems that Mr. Cunningham didn't care for the way a literary society treated the part of the city hall which they used for a library. What irked Mr. Cunningham most was ". . . the broken bannister." The records of that literary society seem to be lost. However, on Thursday evening, Jan- uary 16, 1873, the Urbana Library As- sociation was formed. The minutes of the first meeting include this statement: "Pursuant to a call of the committee the subscribers to the stock of the Urbana Library Association met in Blackshaw's hall at 7I/2 (sic!) o'clock. The meeting organized by electing C. D. Webster chairman and J. W. Porter secretary." The Association rented space in Mr. Frank Tiernan's building at a rate of $150 per year. Thus, the first formally-sponsored library appeared in Urbana. Now Urbana has a library which was made possible through the generosity of several prominent citizens. Mrs. Mary E. Busey donated $35,000 in memory of her hus- band, General Samuel T. Busey, to con- struct the present building at Race and Elm Streets. Fred Eubeling, an original member of the Urbana Library Associa- tion and the owner of a local shoe store, willed $10,000 to the library to be in- vested for the purchase of books and magazines. Another prominent name in the history of Urb- ana Free Library is Miss Minnie Jaques. The daughter of Frank Jaques, an origin- al member of the Urbana Library board, she served as a member and as treasurer of the Urbana Free Library board for 50 years. Urbana Free Library Many have contributed money to the library. Others have given family-owned items of historical interest ... so that the relics of Urbana's past may be preserved for the yet unborn. The library offers many rare books . . . original papers important in the history of Urbana ... a selection of books suited to all ages and all interests. It is open to the public Monday through Saturday. URBANA POLICE DEPARTMENT In the original code for the city of Urbana ... it was illegal to "display or lead a monster through the streets." According to another old law, a car had to be preceded through the streets by a man ... to warn the pedestrians. What the original lawmakers meant by "monster" seems to have faded into time. And . . . the early lawmakers never knew the "lingo" which includes such words as jaywalker, traffic light, and yield signs. But . . . nowadays . . . the efficiency of Urbana's Police Department depends upon the 22 men who operate 3 radio-contact police cars. The Uni- versity of Illinois police, also with three 2-way radio cars, operate on the same radio frequency as Urbana. The spirit of cooperation between these two units of law enforcement indicates the esteem in which the various parts of this community hold one another. URBANA FIRE DEPARTMENT One night in the history of Urbana ... on the same night the Great Fire des- troyed Chicago — October 9, 1871 — courage and cooperation couldn't conquer disaster. For ... on that fateful night the business district of Urbana was ravaged by fire. Because . . . the little city had no adequate fire protection. Bucket brigades from the Boneyard . . . the efforts of every able-bodied man and boy . . . were not enough. A large part of the Urbana business district was destroyed. From those ashes arose a new and better Urbana. Now Urbana has adequate fire protection in her four trucks: 2 pumpers, 1 aerial-ladder, 1 emergency truck with resuscitator and with emergency lighting to help combat fire. The trucks carry two-way radios ... for emergency communication. Tied in with the fire departments of the University of Illinois and the city of Champaign . . . Urbana's Fire Department offers safety . . . protection of property , , , and assurance to Urbana's citizens. Urbana's Schools . Built of rough-hewn logs . . . equipped with a huge fire-place and greased-paper win- dows . . . the first school in the county — 1832 — was two miles east of Urbana . . . out near the old Brumley place. Asahel Bruer . . . who taught this school for 18 months . . . introduced the custom of Christmas gifts for the students. On Christmas Day in 1832. Mr. Bruer went to school . . . only to find the students inside and himself locked out. Bruer, however, was a man of imagination. He climbed to the roof . . . tore off some clapboards . . . clapped them over the chimney . . . and smoked out his student- quarry. After wrestling in the snow with the older stu- dents . . . Mr. Bruer gave his students a bushel of apples. And . . . school was held as usual. From that rough-hewn log cabin, Urbana's school system — now District 116 — has grown to 9 elementary buildings, a junior high school, and a high school. S^early 5.000 students are now served by a staff of 200 certified and 98 non-academic per- sonnel. <-r3^ TJrhana High School serves all of District 116 and includes grades nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. Address : 1002 South Race Street Telephone: Empire 7-1109 Principal : Mr. R. H. Braun Urbana Junior High School serves all of the seventh and eighth grades in the district. Address : 1202 South Vine Street Telephone: Empire 7-8381 Principal : Mr. W. G. Anderson Urbana High School J. TT\ Hays School serves the primarily urban area in the northwest section of of the school district. It includes grades one through six. Address : 1008 West Fairview Empire 7-3920 Principal : Mr. Charles E. House Leal School serves the southwestern urban area of the district. It offers grades from kindergarten through sixth. Address : Sl^ "West Oregon Street Empire 7-3906 Principal : Mr. Cecil E. Shaffer Lincoln- Thornburn Schools serve the urban area in the north and central section of the district. Lincoln offers grades from kindergarten through third grade. Address : 301 North Lincoln Avenue Empire 7-2914 Thornburn School offers grades four through six. Address : 101 North McCullough Street Empire 7-6391 Principal of Lincoln-Thornburn: Mr. Maurice Wilson Perkins School serves grades one through three for the area adjacent to the school. Children in this area in grades four, five, and six attend W^ashing- ton School. Address : Cunningham Road Empire 7-1772 Principal : Mr. John Hastings Silver School serves the south and southeast portion of the district not included in the Leal or Wiley Districts. Grades one through six are in an un- graded room: Philo Road Empire 7-7475 Teacher : Mrs. Arlene Willard Washington School serves the northeast urban and north and east rural areas of district. It offers grades kindergarten through sixth — 1102 North Broadway Empire 7-2668 Principal : Mr. John Hastings Webber School serves pupils from the eastern urban area and part of the rural area east of town. Grades kindergarten through six are offered at W^eb- ber — 112 South Webber Street. Empire 7-2625 Principal : Mr. Ralph A. W^antland Flossie Wiley School serves the southeastern portion of the district, primarily urban with some rural. Grades kindergarten through sixth are offered at Wiley — 1602 South Anderson Street. Empire 7-8123 Principal : ]Mr. Charles H. Burch Yankee Ridge, a new school, grades kindergarten through six, has been constructed in Southeast Urbana. Address : Mumford Drive Principal : Alvin King St. Mary's School (Catholic) offers grades one through eight and serves all Urbana parishes. Address : Corner of Wright and Park Streets, west of Mercy Hospital. FLeetwood-2-2864 10 Urbana's Parks . . . Back in the "good old days" . . . when Urbana was in her youth ... a steam boat offered cruises on old Crystal Lake in Union Park. Mr. J. K. Wallick, owner of the Union Park, advertised it as "The most beautiful and pleasant resort in the state for picnics and pleasure parties." But . . . the drainage ditches came along ... to make the land productive. As ditches drained the land, they also caused Crystal Lake almost to disappear. It became a small, marshy pond. To preserve at least a semblance of old Crystal Lake, canals were dredged to replace it. Through the efforts of Professor Joseph Cullen Blair of the University of Illinois and Attorney Franklin H. Boggs, the Urbana Park District was created by a vote of the people in 1907. The first park com- missioners were Professor Blair, David C. Busey, Justin S. Hall, Charles D. Rourke, and Edward Buckbee. From its beginnings in 1907, the Park District has developed into a vital part of Urb- ana's efforts to provide her citizens and friends with pleasant facilities for rest . . . relaxation . . . recreation. The Park Board now offers a summer and winter recreation program for Urbana's people and their guests. In the summer, trained leaders are provided to supervise activi- ties in each of the parks. Leal Park, since it is so small, has no organized activities. It is offered, instead, to those who seek rest . . . reflection. The summer program offers baseball, basketball, and Softball . . . tennis, badminton, shuffle board, horseshoes . . . dancing, dramatics, handicraft, singing, story telling . . . picnics, track meets . . . pet shows, family nights, movies . . . and a carnival round- up. Lorado Tact's Lincoln Carle park UfttVtitJJirY OK kLIN{.*J5 LIBRARY' Winter months find the Park Board sponsoring a series of basketball League games at the Urbana High School and swimming in the High School Pool. CRYSTAL LAKE PARK offers 90 acres of shady woodland . . . sun-sparkled meadows . . . drives with beautiful views at every turn . . . Crystal Lake for boating and fishing . . . facilities for picnics and play . . . Park Hall for dancing . . . and a swimming pool for the playful of all ages. During the summer the pool is open daily from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. And free swim- ming lessons and life-saving instructions are provided for children and adults. Sand Lot baseball comes into its own at Crystal Lake Park. Little League games are played . . . each Monday through Friday ... at the north end of the park. BLAIR PARK — at Vine Street and Pennsylvania Avenue — offers tennis courts ... 3 baseball fields ... an enclosure to "corrall" the toddler set. Dedicated in honor of Professor Joseph Cullen Blair, this park is a pleasant playground for Urbana's citizens . . . and their visiting friends. * * * LEAL PARK offers a shady corner of peace and quiet. Once the oldest pioneer cemetery in Urbana, it now sits quietly next to the Lincoln-Lodge Motel . . . watching progress go by on University Avenue. * 4f- * CARLE PARK offers play equipment for the small fry . . . and pleasant relaxa- tion for their elders. From this park, the Lorado Taft statue of Lincoln gazes at Urbana High School across Race Street. * * * VICTORY PARK — at E. Green and Grove Streets — offers open areas for games, play equipment for the tots, a tennis court, and a shelter. MEMBERS OF THE PARK BOARD: Fred F. Weinard, President Karl B. Lohmann, Vice President H. E. Bigler Fred C. Brash Lorin Ellsworth ASSOCIATED WITH THE PARKS: Superintendent: Ted Perry Recreation Director: Oscar W. Adams, Jr. Attorney: Chancy F. Finfrock Secretary: Bculah J. Houston Treasurer: E. E. Latowsky Business Services: M. M. Hickman Auditor: Nelson D. Wakefield Urbana's Churches The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23 ... A Psalm of David ****** THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father lohich art in heaven, Halloived be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy ivill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. — Amen. —Mattheiu 6 : 9-13 Once lush farm land . . . then the site of the first church building in the county . . . now a parking lot. Such is the tale of Lot 51 of the original town of Urbana. Across from the fire station . . . behind the Urbana-Lincoln Hotel . . . before either was thought or dreamed of . . . stood the first Urbana church — Methodist Epis- copal. Urbana now has churches of most denominations. 13 First Baptist Church ... 204 W. Illinois ... EM 7-7016 Morning Star Free Will Baptist Church . . . 1400 Eads ... EM 7-7627 Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist (Southern) ... 600 E. Penn. . . . EM 7-5924 Twin City Bible Church . . . 1302 W. Springfield ... EM 7-2719 Dublin Street Church of Christ . . . 1402 W. Dublin ... EM 7-5373 First Church of Christ, Scientist . . 501 W. Oregon ... EM 7-7305 South Lincoln Avenue Church of Christ ... 701 S. Lincoln . . . EM 7-4659 Webber Street Church of Christ ... 706 E. Elm ... EM 7-5245 Church of God Pentecostal ... 708 W Park . . . EM 7-2590 Church of God ... 305 S. Anderson . . . EM 7-1667 Congregational Christian Church ... 404 W. Main . . . EM 7-2763 Foursquare Gospel Church ... 102 E. Oregon . . . EM 7-3078 Friends (Quaker) Meeting . . . 714 W. Green . . . EM 7-1510 North Side Gospel Center ... 301 E. Thompson St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Church ... 312 W. Elm . . . EM 7-1679 Trinity Lutheran Church ... 701 E. Florida . . . EM 7-8923 First Methodist Church ... 304 S. Race . . . EM 7-8384 Grace Methodist Church ... 1104 E. Main . . . EM 7-1046 Free Methodist Church ... 912 W. Springfield . . . EM 7-4443 Wesley Foundation Church . . . 1203 W. Green . . . EM 7-3003 Metropolitan Wesleyan . . . 408 E. Illinois First Church of the Nazarene ... 408 W. Main . . . EM 7-7005 First Presbyterian Church ... 602 W. Green . . . EM 7-8357 St. Patrick's Catholic Church ... 708 W. Main . . . EM 7-2665 Seventh Day Adventist Church . . . 10071/2 W. Stoughton . . . 7-0502 Universalist-Unitarian Church ... 311 W. Green . . . EM 7-1106 Student Chapel . . . 1209 W. Oregon . . . EM 7-5588 Twin City Alliance Church 602 E. Michigan EM 7-6278 Baha'i World Faith 503 W. Elm EM 7-1810 14 The University Of Illinois The popular demand that higher education be made available to all who wanted it or- iginated in Illinois. Mr. Jonathan Bald- win Turner of Jacksonville was one of the leaders of this movement. Mr. Turner was so sincere in his efforts to obtain a s t a t e-supported university for Illinois that he refused to be considered by the original Board of Trustees for the po- sition as first Regent of the University . . . lest his efforts be misconstrued. The most illustrious of all of Illinois' citizens also helped make higher education available to those who wished to seek it. The signature of President Abraham Lin- coln set the "Land Grant College Act" (Morrill Act) in motion ... to expand the educational opportunities for Amer- ica's youth ... to assist in the develop- ment of many of America's great univer- sities — including the University of Illinois. Chartered in 1867, Illinois Industrial University opened its doors on March 2, 1868. In 1885 the name was changed to the Uni- versity of Illinois. The University's first faculty was composed of three men. To- day, the University employs nearly 10,000 faculty and staff on the Urbana-Cham- paign campus ... to serve the Univer- sity's mission of education, research, and service. When the University first opened, the enroll- ment was 50 male students. No co-eds were admitted until 1870. Nearly 20,000 men and women are now enrolled at the Urbana-Champaign campus. The first Regent, John Milton Gregory, was not in favor of women attending the Univer- sity. However, in March, 1870, the Board of Trustees - - in a meeting at the Uni- versity - - decided that women should be allowed to attend. 15 ^ **:^ ^ ,«*imw But . . . the Trustees had no opportunity to announce their decision to the all-male student body. A group of students . . . who knew the subject was to be discussed at the Board meeting . . . learned of the decision as soon as the Board had voted. For . . . interested as the student men were in the possi])ility of a co-educational university . . . they listened to the Board meeting through a "stove-pipe hole" in the room where the meeting was held. The Trustees' decision so delighted the students that they forgot they were eavesdropping. Their uproar of approval filtered back to the Trustees .... through the same "stove-pipe hole." At the original university . . . subjects were limited to agriculture, engineering, the arts, and the then-known sciences. Today, over 1900 courses in most areas of learning are offered at the Urbana-Champaign cam.pus. And ... in the desire to serve all the people of the state ... an exten- sion program has been developed. Nearly 4,000 individuals in 62 coun- ties are served annually through the University's extension service. From its original one building and rather small campus . . . the University has grown until it now has a 448-acre campus in Urbana-Champaign. Adjoining this main campus, the University has 1.698 acres of experi- mental farm land. In keeping with its growth and progress, the Uni- versity now has its own 770-acre airport ... its own radio, television, and publication facilities . . . and operates farms in 33 counties. Robert Allerton Park at Monticello was given to the University. It is now used as the setting for conferences and extension Institutes. The Uni- versity's plant and equipment . . . developed since Urbana first gave a seminary building as a site for the University . . . are now valued at more than $150,000,000. Early-day students did not have the facilities nor the advantages that present -day students enjoy. Many of the first Illini had to eke out an existence to get through the University. But . . . the early day administrators de- vised a means of helping students . . . and, at the same time, of de- veloping the University. Students in those days had to make a personal contribution to the development of the University. All students were required . . . by order of a realistic Board of Trustees ... to do manual labor for two hours dailv. For this labor . . . the students were paid 15 cents an hour. But . . . since many students prepared their own meals in their dormitory rooms at a cost of about $4 a month . . . the wages received helped some students through school. And . . . since the work done by these students helped develop the campus . . . their contribution to the University is im- measurable. 16 The Future . . . Unlimited! For more than half a century . . . the Urbana Association of Commerce has assisted in providing the kind of civic leadership which offers the city's residents a personal . . . individual opportunity to take part in the progress of Urbana and Champaign County. Dedicated to the concept that ideas and men are the raw materials for progress, the Association has endeavored to develop a unified community per- spective . . . for use as a working and effective program for civic com- mittees. More and better jobs have resulted from the Association's efforts to speed up industrial growth of Urbana. Greater civic growth has been developed through the cooperation of Urbana's citizens and her civic leadership. A better Urbana — a growing and progressive community — has resulted from the mutual endeavors of all the City's citizens. As the years have passed, the services of the Association to its members and to the community have increased. But . . . the objects of the As- sociation . . . stated in the By-laws have not changed. The Associa- tion's dedication to the betterment of Urbana is presented to you in this statement of purpose: "The object for which it is formed . . . The Association of Com- merce of Urbana ... is to promote manufacturing and civic in- terests of the city of Urbana; to advance the agricultural interests of the county; to develop a unified public spirit in all, whereby we may put forth a unified effort in aid of our city and county to make them more prosperous, more beautiful and better places in which to live." Based on continuing dedication to its purpose, the Urbana Association of Com- merce has developed a new program — Pattern for Progress. Through this program the Association is working — with the united efforts of in- dividual citizens — to provide more opportunity for youth ... an even better "job-and-home" town for parents ... a pleasant and interesting city for visitors . . . and a stable and productive economy for the com- munity. Through the application of the personal talents and skills of Urbana's citizens . . . united into an effective community effort . . . the Friendly City of Urbana will provide for herself a "Future Unlimited." 17 MEMBERS OF THE URBANA ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE Abstracts of Title Associated Abstract Co. 21 Main Street C FL 6-0501 Champaign County Abstract Co. 105 South Broadway U EM 7-2800 Accountants Hickman, M. M , Business Services 107 North Broadway U EM 7-5151 Miller, John W. 1206 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-8321 Payne, Earl R., Jr. 104 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-4266 Accountants- Certified Public & Public Filbev, Andrews & Filbey 107 South Randolph Street C FL 6-8315 Mason, Edward W. 602 East Green Street C FL 2-5 148 Peer, Hunt & Curzon 203 West Clark Street C FL 6-8341 Scovill, Hiram T. 605 West Michigan Avenue U EM 7-1617 Acoustical Contractors Grimmet, Geo. S. & Co 204 South 1st C FL 2-3153 Adding & Calculating: Machines Burroughs Corporation 630 South 5th Street C FL 2-4024 Advertising Agencies & Counselors Grubb & Petersen 111 North Market C FL 6-3766 Advertising-Outdoor C & U Poster Advertising Co. 603 East University Avenue C FL 2-4460 Advertising Specialties Wilson. Gary F. 307 South Draper Street C FL 6-1626 Air Conditioning Contractors Inskip, F. R. & Co. 1402 South Neil C FL 6-6443 Airports mini Airport Route 45 North U EM 7-5123 Aluminum Siding- Stone Champaign County Home Improvement Co. FL 2-3476 203 East University Avenue U EM 7-8612 Ambulance Service Weaver Memorial Chapel 302 West Green Street U EM 7-4001 Apartments Delmont Village 1502 South Race Street U EM 7-3131 Architects Davis, Harold, B. 115 West Main Street U EM 7-8484 Frazier, Glenn G. 104 West University Avenue U EM 7-7356 Jackson, Cook & Dixon 303 West Green Street U EM 7-4013 Smith, Kratz & Associates 101 South Broadway U EM 7-2522 Associations American Legion Post #71 Service Association 107 North Broadway U EM 7-9277 Champaign County Fair Association Fairgrounds U EM 7-5488 Champaign County Milk Producers Association 221 North Race Street U EM 7-4958 Illinois Crop Improvement Association 1 10 West Green Street U EM 7-4053 U. of I. Athletic Association 104b Huff Gymnasium C EM 7-6611 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 630 224 West Main Street U EM 7-4197 Attorneys Barth, Phillips, Phebus & Tummelson 136 West Main Street U EM 7-1144 Browder, Olin L. 11754 South Race Street U EM 7-3403 Carson, Francis T., Law Office 102 East Main Street U EM 7-5421 Chapman. Glen E. 211 South Race Street U EM 7-8315 Finfrock Law Offices 101 South Race Street U EM 7-2022 Mitchem & Hendrix 206 West Elm Street U EM 7-5406 Nichols, Warren A. 101 South Broadway U EM 7-4400 Schriber, John 110 South Race Street U EM 7-3021 Webber & Balbach 102 North Broadway U EM 7-1126 Weisiger, Gene D. 117^ South Race Street U EM 7-7213 William.son, Joseph M. 100 South Bennett Avenue U EM 7-8374 Winkelman & Winkelman 211 South Race Street U EM 7-1149 Auto Financing Champaign County Bbnk & Trust Co. Main at Broadway U EM 7-4086 Auto Agencies and Dealers-New Dillavou & Bland 1209 East University Avenue U EM 7-4047 Eichhorst, Lloyd, Inc. 204 West University Avenue C FL 6-2505 Fabert Motors, Inc. 715 South Neil Street C FL 2-4121 Hudelson, Dana, Inc. 302 East University Avenue C FL 2-4114 Maxey Motors 308 East University Avenue C FL 6-0568 Shelby Motors 408 South Neil Street FL 2-4273 Sullivan Chevrolet Co. 347 North Walnut Street C FL 2-4275 Twin City .Pontiac Co. 214 South Walnut Street C FL 6-1801 University Ford Sales, Inc. 315 South Neil Street C FL 6-8366 Waller Buick Co 307 South Neil Street C FL 2-3000 Worden-Martin, Inc. 6 East Springfield .\venue C FL 6-1344 Auto Agencies and Dealers-Used Cars Christman's Auto Sales 1'313 South Neil Street C FL 6-3864 18 Auto Repairing Long's Garage 310 ^Vest Main Street U EM 7-3942 Lorch, J. F , Garage 203 North Broadway U EM 7-5576 Urbana Motors 302 North Race Street U EM 7-9730 Automobile Service Stations Applegate Texaco Service 301 East Main Street U EM 7-9360 Brandriff's Service Station 109 South Vine Street U EM 7-7014 Brown C. C. Ted, Shell Service 1002 West Green Street U EM 7-1966 Campbell, Ralph B., Marathon Service 201 West Green Street U EM 5-1212 Cloyd's, Tack, Service 508 South Vine Street U EM 7-5647 David Standard Service 902 West University Avenue U EM l-lllX Downtown Marathon 219 West Springfield Avenue U EM 7-3163 Ewing's Standard Service 809 West Green Street U EM 7-5616 Exton's Shell Service 212 East University Avenue U EM 7-6341 Grussincr's Standard Service 21'5 East University Avenue U ..EM 7-9370 Havs Texaco Service Station 910 West Green Street U EM 7-0231 Kamerer's Shell Service 1106 East Washington Street U ...,EM 7-9295 Kirbv's Firjitone Dealer :iiore 303 West Main Street U EM 7-6362 Miatthews Standard Service 202 South Race Street U EM 7-2311 Phillips Standard Service 104 South Vine Street U EM 7-9132 Wilson's Sinclair Service 210 South Broadway U EM 7-3459 Automobile Supplies & Parts-Retail Western Auto Associate Store 106 West INTain Street T^ EM 7-8122 Bacteriological Laboratories Urbana Laboratories 406 North Lincoln Avenue U EM 7-3046 Bakeries Purity Sunbeam Baking Co. 812 North Randolph Street C FL 2-4144 Schultze Baking Co. 1301 East Main Street U EM 7-2215 Spudnut Shop 513 South Goodwin Avenue U EM 7-9336 Banks Busey First National Bank 201 West Main Street U EM 7-1181 Champaign County Bank & Trust Co. Main at Broadway U EM 7-4086 Champaign National Bank Plark and Randolpb C FL 2-5144 Commercial Bank, The 78 East University Avenue C FL 2-5297 First National BanJc in Champaign 30 Main 'Street C FL 2-5266 Trevett-Mattis Banking Co. 112 West Church Street C FL 2-S''38 Barber Shops Dale's Barber Shop 1 106 South Vine Street U Martin's Barber shop 127 West Main Street U EM 7-8614 Miller's Barber Shop 107 North Broadway U EM 7-5263 Urbana-Lincoln Barber Shop 104 West Green Street U EM 7-1991 Beauty Shops Town and Country Salon 103 West John Street C FL 6-8036 Urbana-Lincoln Beauty Salon 104 West Green Street U EM 7-1991 Beverages Non-Alcoholic Coca Cola Bottling Co 1201 South Neil Street C FL 6-1321 Nehi-Royal Crown Bottling Co. 1 10 North Broadway U EM 7-2688 Seven Up Bottling Co. 815 Pioneer Street C FL 6-0577 Bicycles Durst Company 503 N. Romine U EM 7-3600 Lorry's Sport & Hobby Shop 206 West Main Street U EM 7-1730 Bleachers- Portable Universal Bleacher Co. 604-606" South Neil Street C FL 6-1359 Blue Prints Champaign Blue Print Co. 65 East University Avenue C FL 6-5020 Twin City Blue Print Shop 123 North Race Street U EM 7-3395 Book Stores U of I Supply Store 627 South Wright Street C FL 6-1369 Building Materials Champaign Builders Supply Co. 30 -;.ast John Street C FL 2-4288 Odman-Hecker & Co., Inc. 66 East Chester Street C FL 2-5111 Buildings-Prefabricated Creative Buildings 510 North Goodwin Avenue U EM 7-8466 Harshbarger Building & Supply Co. 206 East University Avenue U EM 7-4945 Bus Lines Champaign-Urbana City Lines 501 North Sth Street C FX. 2-9100 Cabinet Makers Master W^oodwork Co 611 North Goodwin Avenue U ....EM 7-5350 Caps & Gowns Collegiate Cap & Gown Co 1002 North M'arket Street C FL 6-9081 Carbonic Gas Simpson Indu,stries, Inc. 1 12 North Broadway U EM 7-2688 Carpets-Linoleum and Tile Tile Specialists, Inc. 300 South Neil Street C FL 6-8331 19 Cemeteries East Lawn Burial Park Association 700 North Cunningham Avenue U . . EM 7-2000 Chemicals Clark Microanalytical Laboratory 104.'/4 West Main Street U EM 7-8406 Chemists-Analytical & Consulting Clark Microanalytical Laboratory 104^^ West Main Street U EM 7-8406 Childrens' & Infants' Wear Storke Club, The lo2 West Main Street U EM 7-3701 Chiropodists Widick, Dr. Helen 218 West Main Street U EM 7-4960 Chiropractors Urbana Chiropractic Clinic 106 East Green Street U EM 7-6745 Cleaners & Dyers Drive-In Cleaners 301 South 1st Street C PL 6-4717 'Fallon's Master Oeaners 305 South Broadway U EM 7-4019 Fashion Cleaners 1102 West Main iStreet U EM 7-4658 (iarber's Modern Cleaners 615 South Wright Street C FL 6-1355 Ideal Cleaners 1310 West Main Street U EM 7-1527 Illinois Cleaners 402 North Broadway U EM 7-1286 Clubs Chicago Motor Club 404 North Neil Street C FL 6-3751 Elks Club of Urbana 214 West Main Street U EM 7-8013 Moose Home 124 West White Street C FL 6-7655 Urbana Golf & Country Club North of Urbana U EM 7-3602 Urbana Sportsmen's Club 1901 South Vine Street U EM 7-7133 Urbana Woman's Club 505 South McCullough Street U EM 7-7331 Coal & Coke -Retail Moonev Coal Co. 510 East Main Street U EM 7-1444 Collection Agency Business Service Bureau Doctors Credit Office 530 Koheson Building C FT. 6-8371 Commercial Sandblasting Clark, C. N., & Co. 223-227 West Main Street U EM 7-1900 Concrete Burial Vault Manufacturers Kelly & Sons 406!^ North Lincoln Avenue U ....EM 7-1844 Concrete Products .Nelsen Concrete Culvert Co. 702 North Edwin Street C FL 2-4181 Concrete-Ready Mix Somers-Blarr., Inc. EM 7-4701 402 North Orchard 'Street U EM 7-3811 Confectionery Stores Carson Candy Jar 116 South Race Street U EM 7-2577 Confectionery-Wholesale & Manufacturers Bush Bros., Inc 64 Chester Street C FL 2-5139 Consulting Engineers Carroll. J. Raymond & Associates 104 West University Avenue U EM 7-0232 Clark. Daily & Dietz 211 North Race Street U EM 7-8318 Consulting Engineering Service 1615 'South Neil Street C FL 6-0536 Danner, Charles S. 706 South Lynn Street U EM 7-4544 Contractors-Building .Small Home Builders 711 South Race Street U EM 7-4134 Contractors-Concrete Shaw Concrete Contractors 411 West Nevada Street U EM 7-2081 Contractors-Electrical Burgin Electric Co. 909 East Park Street U EM 7-3763 Tudd Electrical Service Co. "l015 West Main Street U EM 7-9851 Martin, Claude C. 602 East California Street U EM 7-4264 Morton, Neal, Electrical Contractors Rural Route 4 C FL 6-0232 Potter Electric Service 1211 North Berkley Street U EM 7-4074 Contractors-General Associated Home Builders Associated Mortgage Company 104 West University Avenue U EM 7-8351 Champaign County Home Improvement Co. FL 2-3476 20i East University Avenue U EM 7-8612 Community Homes Mattis Avenue and Mdadow Drive C FL 6-8346 Cross Construction Co. 401 North Orchard Street U EM 7-3526 Ennis, M J. 1002 South Prospect Avenue C . . . . FL 2-9443 EVans, Dean 512 West Eureka Street C FL 6-5935 Felmlev-Dickerson Co. 1008 North (ioodwin Avenue U EM 7-1990 Hansen & Langhoff 2105 Boudreau U EM 7-6767 Harris Comjiany 2115 South Boudreau U EM 7-5213 lUiana Construction Co., Inc. 1207 East University Avenue U ..EM 7-8303 Kuhne-.Simmons Co. 106' i South Neil Street C FL 6-3707 O/ier Construction Co., Inc. 315 Van Doren Street C FL 6-3758 Petry. C. A. & Sens 411 South Chestnut Street C FL 6-3743 Keeser. William C 103 West Washington Street U EM 7-3973 Siems, Clarence H. 1101 East Oregon Street U EM 7-2045 20 Contractors-Heatingr Bash Heating & Air Conditioning Co. 809 West Pioneer Street C FL 2-5126 Hibler Heating Service 110 East Thompson Street U EM 7-2863 Ray's Heating & Appliance Co. 806 E.^st Main Street U EM 7-5264 Contractors-Mason Falls, Luther 117 North Weber Street U EM 7-8234 Rasmussen Masonry 320 Elmwood C FL 2-3384 Veach Masonry 913 South Weber Street U EM 7-2491 Contractors - Palntingr Jocelvn, Frank 608 JEast Oregon Street U EM 7-3871 Contractors-Paving Champaign Asphalt Co. 310 East Bradley Street C FL 6-7288 General Paving Co. 30 Ea?t John Street C FL 2-4295 Contractors-Plaster Drewitch, E. T. 817 Fairview Street U EM 7-7043 Fisher, Harry F. 1109 East Washington Street U ....EM 7-2630 Dairy Products Adair Milk Farm 1305 South Neil Street C FL 6-5533 Beatrice Foods 132 South Market C FL 2-5211 Everpure Company, The 1105 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-3696 Hudson-Wareham. Dairy V2' North Race Street U EM 7-4094 Meadow Gold Milk ^15 East University Avenue C ....FL 2-5204 Urbana Pure Milk Co. '-06 North Gregory Avenue U EM 7-1124 Dentists Hindman, H A. Robeson Building C FL 2-2801 McCuUey, Riley J. 303 West Green Street U EM 7-6338 Moffitt, James T. 102 South Bennett Avenue U EM 7-7222 Puterbaugh, C. H. 110 South Race Street U EM 7-4700 Rasmusson, L. E. 102 East Main Street U EM 7-2792 Rebman. Lester W. 211 South Race Street U EM 7-2221 Waxier, K. M 1 10 South Race Street U EM 7-2485 Department Stores Lewis, W. & Co. 113 North Neil Street C FL 2-4151 Montgoraerv Ward & Co. J 12 East Main Street U EM 7-1187 Penney, J. C.. Co. 115 West Main Street U EM 7-4848 Robeson's, Inc 125 West Church Street C FL 2-4191 Kears, Roebuck & Co. 322 North Hickory Street C FL 6 2531 .EM 7-8932 Draperies & Carpets Smith, R. H., Company 204 West Main Street U Draperies & Curtains itjrob. John, Co. 312 West Green Street U .. Drug Stores Hindman's Sundries 1115 West Illinois Street U EM 7-2112 .EM 7-6413 Hood's Pharmacy 1106 South Vine Street U EM 7 Knowlton & Bennett 135 West Main Street U EM 7 McBride's Drugs, Inc. 105 West Main Street U EM 7 .McBride's Drugs, Inc. 801 South Lincoln Avenue U EM 7 Smith Drug Co. 108 East Main Street U EM 7 2426 2100 1503 4061 4851 Electric Appliances Bean Electric & Hardware, Inc. 103 West Main Street U EM 7-2825 (irindley, H S., Co. 402 Griggs Street U EM 7-2350 MdClellan Electric Store 124 West Main Street U EM 7-2015 Electric Light & Power Companies Illinois Power Company 41 East University Avenue C FL 6-1883 Electrical Construction Bean Electric & Hardware, Inc. 103 West Main Street U EM 7-2825 Judd Electrical Service Co. 1015 West Main Street U EM 7-9851 Electrical Repairs Judd Electrical Service Co. 1015 West Main Street U . . .EM 7-9851 Electrical Supplies-Wholesale General Electric Supply Co 1201 E. Oregon U '. EM 7-8471 Urbana Electric Supply Co. 810 West University Avenue U EM 7-8326 Electronic Equipment & Supplies Electronic .Parts Co. 905 South Neil Street C FL 6-1896 Magnavox Company, The 1505 East Main Street U EM 7-8831 Mvkrov-Urbana, Inc. 217 West Main Street U EM 7-5491 Engineers- Civil Anderson, E. M. 654 East Taylor Street C FL 2-8211 Sperling, Godfrey 206 South Broadway U EM 7-277S Excavating Contractors Clancy Construction Co 210 West Green iStreet' U EM 7-3211 Farm Bureaus Champaign County Farm Bureau 1713 West Springfield Avenue C . .FL 2-5235 Farm Equipment Economy Implements, Inc. 1307 East University Avenue U ..EM 7-7500 Harshbarger Implement Co. 613 N. Cunningham Ave. U EM 7-5454 21 Farm Management Systems Freeman, Paul \V. 117 South Race Street U EM 7-3100 Feed Stores Champaign County Feed Co Danville Road U '. EM 7-1142 Elliott, A. O. & Son 212 East Main Street U EM 7-3633 Urbana Feed & Seed Supply 216 North Broadway U EM 7-2442 Floors-Material & Laying Moore, Harlan E., Co IS East John Street C FL 6-7281 Florists Brash Flower Shop 126 West Main Street U EM 7-1848 Fritz Flower Shop North Cunningham Avenue U ....EM 7-1228 Halberstadt Florist 703 South Race Street U EM 7-4335 Florists-Wholesale West End Greenhouse 1200 North Goodwin Avenue U .EM 7-4241 Forgings Clifford-Jacobs Forging Co North Market Street Road C FL 2-5172 Foundry Leach Brass Shop 910 North Broadway U EM 7-2460 Fruits & Vegetables-Wholesale Coughlin, W. H., Co. 217 South Water Street C FL 2-5135 Fuel Oil Champaign County Service Co. 1713 West Springfield Avenue C FL 2-8693 Hart Oil Company 630 Gravel Road U EM 7-5434 Standard Oil Company 901 North Market Street C FL 6-6427 Stewart Oil Company 44 Main Street C FL 6-6479 Funeral Directors Renner Funeral Home 208 South Race Street U EM 7-1122 Weaver Memorial Chapel 30-2 West Green Street U EM 7-1001 Furnaces Johns & Son Furnace Co. 212 West Main Street U EM 7-2451 Furniture Dealers-Retail Carter's Town & Country 410 North Vine Street U EM 7-1118 Grand Leader Furniture Co. 126 University Avenue C FL 2-5959 Jones, Frank B. 201 North Broadway U EM 7-1302 Reliable Furniture Co. 101 East University Avenue C FL 2-4251 Furniture-Repairing & Refinishing Reinhold's Furniture Shop 1103 West Main Street U EM 7-4115 Gas-Bottled Bell, Jack. Gas Co 2201 East University Avenue U EM 7-5456 Chief Gas Service, Inc. 514 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-1587 Gift Shops Bean Electric & Hardware, Inc. 103 West Main Street U EM 7-2825 Crossroads Gift Shop 106 West Green Street U EM 7-7121 Gloves Illinois Glove Co. 602 South Neil Street C FL 6-2581 Golf Practice Ranges Pla-Mor Golf Driving Range Route 45 North U EM 7-2336 Governmental Offices-City Holmes, Bess M., City Clerk City Building U EM 7-1307 Kinch, M. H., City Engineer Community Building U EM 7-2021 Wimmer, Victor C.. Chief Urbana Fire Department U EM 7-1165 Governmental Offices-County Keller, Charles E , Circuit Judge County Court House U : . EM 7-402-1 Little, Harry A., County Clerk County Court House U EM 7-4026 Green, Frederick S., County Judge County Court House U EM 7-1413 Harshbarger, E. M., County Supt. of Schools County Court House U EM 7-2806 Governmental Offices-Township Tavlor, Larry W. Assessor 205' West Green Street U EM 7-7059 Grocers-Retail A & P. Great, Co. 206 East Main Street U No Phone Collins, I. A 1306 West Hill Street U EM 7-1050 Eddie & Norm's Super Foods 203 North Vine Street U EM 1-1(>12 Eisner Food Store No. 5 807 South Lincoln Avenue U EM 7-7555 Eisner Food Store No. 8 1102 West Main Street U EM 7-5125 Eisner Food Store No. 23 404 South Broadway U EM 7-8487 Fears' Blue Ribbon Foods 1102 East Washington Street U EM 7-1259 Hobart's Food Market 901 East Main Street U EM 7-2924 Hurd anc Son 411 West University Avenue U EM 7-830J! Kroger Grocery & Baking Co. 340 West Springfield Avenue U EM 7-2229 McKinney's IGA Foodliner 303 Fairlawn Street U EM 7-8843 South Side Grocery 117 West Washington Street U EM 7-5451 Steer's Grocery EM 7-1800 121 South Race Street U EM 7-4033 Groceries-Wholesale Jones, J. M , Co. 3 50 North Walnut Street C FL 6-8388 22 Hardware Dealers-Retail Bean Electric & Hardware, Inc. 103 West Main Street U EM 7-2825 Coast-to-Coast Store 202 West Main Street U EM 7-2550 Hobbies Lorry's Sport & Hobby Shop 206 West Main Street U EM 7-1730 Homes-Institutioiial Cunningham Childrens Home 905 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-3728 Hospitals Carle Memorial Hospital 602 West Univerisity Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Mercy Hospital 1412 West Park Street U EM 7-1194 Hotels Inman Hotel 19 East University Avenue C FL 2-4211 Tilden Hall Hotel 401 North Neil Street C FL 2-5277 Urbana-Lincoln Hotel 209 South Broadway U EM 7-1011 Ice Cream & Frozen Custard Shops Dairy Queen of Urbana 501 North Vine Street U EM 7-9514 Ice Cream Manufacturers Meadow Gold Ice Cream Division Beatrice Foods 115 East University Avenue C . . . . FL 2-4175 Insurance-General All Forms Atwood-Wilson Agency 907 West Nevada Street U EM 7-8421 Brown, Mark D. & Sons 119 South Race Street U EM 7-4011 Busey. Charles B. 222 West Main Street U EM 7-5413 Camp, Russell 211 South Race Street U EM 7-3343 Cogdal & Koehn 122 South Race Street U EM 7-4041 Facer Insurance Agency 805 East Florida Street U EM 7-4361 Hall, Harry 406 West Uiuversity Avenue U .... KM 7-2482 Hog^att, Elmer P. 110 East Main Street U EM 7-8451 Jones. Ruth B., Agent 107 South Rare Street U EM 7-5497 McClurg, Ted, AUstate Insurance Co. 202 East Green Street U EM 7-5696 Trelease, Sidney B 703 South Wright Street C FL 2-5101 Jewelry-Retail Leach Jewelry 105 North Broadway U EM 7-8526 Whittaker Jewelry Store 133 West Main Street U EM 7-5132 Wilson, Lee E. 122 West Main Street U EM 7-8242 Junk Champaign Junk Co. 302 South Market Street C FL 2-4707 Labor Organizations Twin City Federation of Tabor 212 West Hill Street C FL 6-5463 Landscape Architects Wandell's Twin City Nursery Myra Station Roiad U EM 7-6434 Laundries Model Souders Laundry-Dry Cleaning 518 North Neil Street C FL 2-5224 Shelton Laundry 1408 West Eads Street U EM 7-5225 White F-ine Laundry-Dry Cleaners 723 South Neil Street C FL 2-4206 Laundries- Self Service Urbana Laundromat 108 South Bennett Avenue U EM 7-6279 Linen Supply Service MidrState Linen Supply 119 North Race Street U EM 7-4916 Urbana Clean Towel 'Service 705 Western Avenue U EM 7-6533 Liquor & Wine-Retail Bunny's Package Liquor Store 119 West Water Street U EM 7-8175 Service Liquor Store 306 West Main Street U EM 7-5446 Livestock Champaign County Livestock Marketing Ass'n. Danville Road U EM 7-1142 Loans Allied Finance Co. 102 East Main Street U EM 7-5244 Counsel Finance, Inc. 34 Main Street C FL 6-8395 System Finance Co. Sixth and Green Streets C FL 6-1325 Lumber- Retail Hillcrest Lumber Co. 2000 South Neil Street C FL 6-6448 Hunter Lumber Co. 402 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-4077 Smith, Fred A., Lumber Co. 395 North Race Street U EM 7-1000 Thompson Lumber Co. 612 South Neil Street C FL 6-7221 Machinists H-W Manufacturing Company 121 West Water Street U EM 7-2425 Maternity Specialty Shops Ma-Ma Minx Maternities Shop 132 West Main Street U EM 7-3701 Meat-Retail Steer's Grocery EM 7-lSOO 12i South Race Street U EM 7-4033 Men's Clothing & Furnishings Baskin-Cliampaign, Inc. 621 East Green Street C FL 2-3027 James, W. B.. Clothier 110 West Main Street U EM 7-2058 Kuhn, Jos. & Co 33 Main Street C FL 2-5275 Merchandise-Retail & Wholesale Five Points Supply 105 ^i East University Avenue U ..EM 7-3744 SE-US Supply Co. 901 South Neil Street C FL 6-3773 23 Mirrors and Glass-All Purposes Bacon & Van Buskirk Glass Co. 719 South Neil Street C FL 6-6471 Cotter Glass Co. 508 North Neil Street C FL 2-4331 Monuments Clark, C. N. & Co. 22.V225 West Main Street U .EM 7- 1900 Mortgraires Champaign County Bank & Trust Co. Main at Broadway U EM 7-4086 Hubbard, David F. 303 East George Huff Drive U EM 7-51.S2 Motels Courtesy Motel 403 North Vine Street U EM 7-1171 Lincoln Lodge Motel 403 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-1111 Motel Mercer 2210 East University Avenue U ..EM 7-8023 Wilson's Motel 814 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-8912 Movers of Household Goods Carter's Moving & Storage Co. 410 North Vine Street U .: EM 7-1118 Champaign Transfer & Storage Co. 611 North Walnu. Street C FL 2-8656 Musical Merchandise Hofmann Music 614 East Green Street C FL 6-1112 Llovde, Clifford V. Piano Co. 321" North Neil Street C FL 2-8416 Riley's Music 103 North Neil Street C FL 2-9770 Newspapers Champaign-LTrbana Courier 111 North Race Street U EM 7-5461 Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette 48 Main Street C FL 2-5252 Daily Illini 620 East John Street C EM 7-6611 Office Equipment & Supplies Engelhardt-'Shay Typewriter Co. 119 South Nei? Street C FL 6-1371 Maginn Office Equipment Co. 606 South 6th Str-et C FL 2-5524 Michael. R. W., Business Machines 15 Taylor Street C FL 2-2114 Twin City Printing Co. 119-123 West .Park Avenue C FL 6-9021 Optometrists Walker, Glenn W. 110 South Rac< Street U EM 7-5211 Young, Roderick J. 120 South Ract Street U EM 7-2354 Paint & Painters Supplies Marklanu s 220 West Main Street U EM 7-5587 Sandwell's Paint Store 109 North Walnut Street C FL 6-8351 Woolen Paint Store 214 East University Avenue U EM 7-9922 Painters- Supplies & Wallpaper Sherwin-Williams Co. 123 West Main Street U EM 7-1408 Paper Merchants Murphy Bros., Inc. 711 North Market Street C FL 6-1336 Paving Driveways llliana Construction Co., Inc. 1205-07 Yhet University Avenue U ..EM 7-8303 Pest Control Jllini Pest Control & Service 1422 South Neil Stuet C FL 6-1317 Pet Shops Bill & Coo Pet Shop 107 East Elm Street U EM 7-2721 Petroleum Products Ohio Oil Company, The Gravel R.oad U EM 7-4116 Photoengravers Grubb, G. R. & Co. 116 North Walnut Street C FL 2-5209 Photographers F'letcher's Photography 218 West Main Street U EM 7-3822 Plasterers Pickens, John, Sr. 1408 West Dublin Street U EM 7-7841 Plumbing & Heating Apperson Plumbing & Heating Co. 219 West Main Street U EM 7-3760 Deane's Plumbing & Heating Co. 415 North Cunnin.gham Avenue U ..EM 7-8306 Inskip, F R. & Co. 14012 South Neil Street C FL 6-6443 Reichard, David W., Plumbing & Heating 707 East Illinois Street U EM 7-4227 Thomas Plumbing & Heating Co. 205 East Main Street U EM 7-1866 Popcorn Confections Simpson Distributing Co. 105 East Water Street U EM 7-2140 Printers Campbell Products Co. 207 West Green Street U EM 7-5300 Champaign Letter Shop 10 Chester Street C FL 6-839 1 Daniels Press-Lithographing and Printing 612 East Green Street C FL 2-5560 Letter Shop 404 East Green Street C FL 2-3132 Meenach's 1302 North Lincoln Avenue U EM 7-4604 Mills Publications, Inc. Hoopeston, Illinois 1, 2 or 3 iTwin City Printing Co. 510-522 North Hickory. Street C ..FL 6-9021 Radio Broadcasting Companies & Stations WDWS Radio Station South Neil Street Road C FL 6-18j.i WKID Radio Station Sidney Road U EM 7-5431 24 Railroads Illinois Central Railroad 116 North Chestnut C FL 2-4137 Illinois Terminal Railroad Co 609 North Hickory Street C FL 2-3673 New York Central Railroad 303 North Broadway U EM 7-3322 Wabash Railroad Co. 220 North Broadway U EM 7-3111 Railway Express ComiKinies Railway Express Agency 59 Main Street C FL 6-0541 Real Estate Barnes, D. E:arl 506 \ Oregon Street U EM 7-5345 Brown, Mark D. & Sons 119 South Race Street U EM 7-4011 Chalmers Real Estate Co. 518 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-7647 Cogdal & Koehn 122 South Race Street U EM 7-4041 Gordon, Glenn H. 211 South Race Street U EM 7-8956 Harmon, Harley H. 201 East High Street U EM 7-2359 Hayes & Patterson 704 South 6th Street C FL 6-8307 Monen, Carl, Agency 336 North Hickoiy Street C FL 6-8421 Reinhardt Realtors 1001 West Oregon Street U EM 7-4739 iSelicovitz, Abe L. 802 South Prairie Street C FL 2-5048 Skillman Real Estate Co 403 West Green Street U EM 7-5668 Smith & Manley, Real Estate 811 West Spriagfield Avenue C ..FL 6-1323 Timmons, Dorothy, Real Estate 606 South Highland C FL 6-6902 Real Estate Loans Commercial Savings & Loan Association 1 17 South Race U EM 7-3662 Restaurants Crifasi's Village 509 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-7911 Hammons Coffee Shop 209 West Main Street U EM 7-1622 Huddle, The 204 East University Avenue U EM 7-9373 McDonald's Drive In 304 p:ast University Avenue U ..EM 7-3722 Prehn's On Oregon 1117 West Oregon Street U EM 7-4950 Race Inn 115 South Race Street U EM 7-3203 Root. Mel, Good Food 106 East Main Street U EM 7-2121 Steak N .Shake, Inc. 708 West University Avenue U EM 7-Q},22 Toy San Chinese Restaurant 309 East University Avenue U ..EM 7-7724 Vriner's Cafe 102 West Main Street U EM 7-5934 Wheat's Steak Hou-e 1904 East Main Street U EM 7-4834 White Spot Lunch 120 East Main Street U Roofers Hitchens Roofing Co. 903 SVest Fairview Street U EM 7-0211 Rubbish Removal Son Lincoln Randall & 707 North Avenue U EM 7-6925 Safety Deposit Vaults Champaign County Bank & Trust Co. Main at Broadway U EM 7-4086 Savin£:s & Loan Associations Citizens Building Association 107 South Race Street U EM 7-5497 Commercial Savings & Loan Association 117 South Race Street U EM 7-3662 University Savings & Loan Association 629 East Green Street C FL 6-3576 Urbana Home Loan Association 110 East Main Street U EM 7-8451 Sewing Machines Pfaff Sewing Machine Co. 300 West Main Street U EM 5-1222 Shoes-Retail Sholem's Shoe Store 116 West Main Street U EM 7-1414 Sigms Superior Neon Sign Co. 217 South Locust C F'. 6-5012 Twin City Sign Co. 1401 South Neil Street C FL 2-2729 Sporting: Goods-Retail Bailev & Himes, Inc. 606 East Green Street C FL 6-1341 Johnston's Sport Shop 105 West Green Street C FL 2-2929 Lorry's Sport & Hobby Shop 206 West Main Street U EM 7-1730 Sportingr Goods -Wholesale & Manufacturers Sports Equipment Corp 309 East University Avenue U EM 7-2249 Surplus & Salvage Merchandise Drive-In Surplus 304 West Main Street U EM 7-7867 Taverns Embassy. The 114 South Race Street U EM 7-9361 JoIIv Roger, The 118 West Water Street U EM 7-8366 Rose Bowl Package House & Tavern 106 North Race Street U EM 7-7031 Telephone Companies Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 315 North Randolph Street C FL 2-9981 Television Broadcasting Companies & Stations WCIA Television Station 509 South Neil Street C FL 6-8333 Television Sales & Service Amanns' Television Sho[i 805 East Main Street U EM 7-3259 Downtown TV, Inc. 1307 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-8455 Markwell's Radio, TV, Records 221 Wen Main Street U EM 7-4342 Poor's Glenn, Television-Radio Sales 609 West Springfield Avenue U ....EM 7-5555 25 Theatres Widescreen Drive-In Theatre Route 45 North U EM 7-2020 Toys-Retail Toy Mart 124 South Race Street U EM 7-6415 Trade Association of the Water Well Industry iNational Water Well Association 811 North Lincoln Avenue U ....EM 7-8469 Trailer Parks A-B Trailer Park 1208 North Goodwin Avenue U EM 7-1441 Lessaris Mobile Home Park 604 North Mlaple Street U EM 7-7692 Truck Equipment & Parts Mt. Vernon Truck Body Co. 501 East University Avenue U EM 7-8474 Trust Companies Champaign County Bank & Trust Co. Main at Broadway U EM 7-4086 Typewriter Sales & Repairs Michael, R. W., Business Machines 15 Taylor Street C FL 2-2114 Universities University of Illinois 355 Administration (W) U EM 7-6611 Vacuum Cleaner Sales Compact Agency, The 129 North Race Street U EM 7-1502 Filter Queen. Inc 1208 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-8541 Variety Stores Scott Stores, Inc. 107 West Main Street U EM 7-2833 Vending Machines Canteen Service Co. 607 North Cunningham Avenue U ..EM 7-7818 Twin City Vending Co. 109 West Springfield Avenue C ..FL 6-8444 Wallpaper Dealers Markland's 220 West Main Street U EM 7-5587 Water Works .Northern Illinois Water Corp. 122 North Walnut Street C FL 6-1861 Women's Specialty Shops Baker, G. A., Inc. 129 West Main Street U EM 7-7230 Lords Dress Shop 108 West Main Street U EM 7-8831 Vogue in Urbana 125 West .Main Street U EM 7-1933 Members At Large Austin, V' Thomas, MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Bigler, Harry E. 610 West Ohio Street U EM 7-2100 Blackburn, Mrs E.sther 411 West Green Street U EM 7-S401 Braun, R. H Urbana High School U EM 7-1 109 Brookens, Norris L., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Brvan, Leslie A. 1016 West John Street C EM 7-6611 Burwash, Richard H. Rural Route 2 C FL 6-2993 Care, H C. M. 612 West Ohio Street U EM 7-6611 Clark, George L. 406 West Pennsylvania Avenue U ..EM 7-6611 Converse, Paul D. 402 West .Pennsylvania Avenue U ..EM 7-6611 Cooley, Jack C, MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Corbett, James B., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Dickinson, Llane S., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 iDidcoct, J. William, MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Dillavou, E. R 1702 So. Vine U EM 7-6611 Dillavou, Ora D. The Meadows U EM 7-2950 Douglas, Roy I. Rural Route 3 U EM 7-6744 Drenckhahn, Charles H., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Dukes, Richard E., MD 602 West University .Avenue U EM 7-6671 Dungan, George H. 1108 South Orchard .Street U EM 7-8149 Dunn, William J., MD 602 University Avenue U ....EM 7-6671 Knsrud, E Richard, MD 602 West University .\venue U ..EM 7-6671 Kveritt, William L. 106 Civil Engineering Bldg.. U EM 7-6611 Farber, Herbert O. 510 West Washington Street U ..EM 7-6611 Fisher, Lowell B. 711 West Del'aware Street U EM 7-6611 Friedman, Herbert P., MD 602 West University Avenue U ....EM 7-6671 (jianturco, Cesare, MD 602 West Univrsity Avenue U EM 7-6671 Gillespie, James B., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 (ioodell, Warren F 415 Mumford Hall' U EM 7-6611 (Iraham. Robert 1010 South Busej Street U EM 7-6611 Green. Paul M. 214 David Kinley Hall U EM 7-6611 (jreenwold, Warren E., MX) 602 We=t University Avenue U ....EM 7-6671 Gregory, Lewis T., MD 110 iSouth Race Street U EM 7-1354 Gregory, Mrs. L. T. 1312 South Race Street U EM 7-2018 Hays, Edward Parker, MD 602 West l^niversity Avenue U . . . . EM-7-6671 Hesselschwerdt, Gernon, MD 123 South Race Street U EM 7-8394 Hopkins, B. Smith, Jr , MD 602 West University Avenue U ....EM-7-6671 Housewortli, John H., MD 602 West University Avenue U ....EM 7-6671 Hoyne, Robert M., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Hulett. J. E.. Jr. 105 West Pennsylvania .\venue U ..EM 7-6611 Janata, A. J 208 Florida Avenue U EM 7-661 1 26 Kaufman. Stanley L. 16 Main 'Street C FL 2-5131 Knudson, Charles A. 234 Lincoln Hall U EM 7-6611 Loeb, Charles F. 510 West Delaware iStreet U EM 7-1936 L.oew, C. C. 101 North McCullough 'Street U ..EM 7-8401 Lore, Harry E., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Marvel, Carl S 404 West Pennsylvania Avenue U ..EM 7-6611 MJaxwell, George I. 1 703 Pleasant IStreet U EM 7-4809 Miller, George A., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Moray. Llovd 803 West Oregon Street U EM 7-1803 Moyer. C. A. 305 West Oregon Street U EM 7-6611 Murdock, Mirs. Cora 603 Wtet Green Street U EM 7-4752 Mussey, Robert D., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Neucks, Howard C, MD '602 West University Avenue U ....EM 7-6671 Porter, G. Leroy, MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Prather, Jesse J. Rural Route 2 U EM 7-1602 Robinson, Benjamin E., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Rogers, J. C. Thos., MD 602 University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Rowe, Robert B., MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Russ, Frank H., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Schilling, William A Rural Route 12 U . .' EM 7-5847 iSeagle, Joseph B., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Seagle W. Courtney, MD 602 West University Avenue U ..EM 7-6671 Seymour, Robert 214 David Kinley Hall U EM 7-6611 iShideler, Ernest H. 103 West Florida Avenue U EM 7-6611 Smith, Stanley E., Jr., MiD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Spierling, Robert A., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Spitler, J. C 807 West Vermont Street U EM 7-3365 Stiaipp, Frank 304 North Romine Street U EM 7-6443 Stephens, Joseph A., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Theiss, Edwin L. 208 West Vermont Street U EM 7-2070 Thompson, Edward C, DDS 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Van Arsdell, .Paul M. 214 David Kinley Hall U EM 7-6611 Vawter, Jamison 307 Engineering Hall U. EM 7-6611 Veirs, Willard L., MD 129 West Elm Street U EM 7-4253 Wales, Hugh G. 409 West University Avenue C FL 6-4415 Walker, James S , MD 602 Wiest University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Walton, Clarence H., M(D 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Weinard, F. F. 713 West Iowa Street U EM 7-6611 Weisiger, George B. 309 West Vermont iStreet U EM 7-283S Wilson, Thomas R., MD 602 West University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Wolfe, Henry E., Jr., MD 602 Wtst University Avenue U EM 7-6671 Young, A L. 405 West "Green Street U EM 7-6611 27 Urbana . . . General Facts Location: Urbana, County Seat of Champaign County, lies in the heart of one of the world's richest agricultural regions. It is 138 miles south of Chicago, 120 miles west of Indianapolis, 175 miles northeast of St. Louis, and 95 miles southeast of Peoria. Urbana is served by U. S. Highways 10, 45, and 150. Altitude: 743 feet above sea level. Area: Nine square miles. Climate: Mean annual temperature in Urbana is 50.5 degrees F. Monthly temperatures vary from 26.8 degrees in January to 75.4 in July. Average annual precipitation is 35.03. Population: Urbana U. of I Students County 1940 14,064 12,000 70,578 1950 23,007 17,158* 105,871 *Student population is included in county figures. 1957 27,700 18,813* 135,000 Churches: Urbana has churches, representing most denominations. Clubs: Leading national service clubs, the Urbana Country Club, women's clubs, business men's private social clubs. Education: University of Illinois, 1 parochial and 9 public elementary schools, 1 Junior High School, and 1 Senior High School. Fraternal Organizations: All prominent lodge and fraternal organizations are represented in Urbana. Twenty-eight national sororities and 56 national fraternities are represented at the University of Illinois. Hospitals: Three— Carle, Mercy, McKinley (U. of I.). One TB— Outlook look Sanitarium. Hotels: In addition to one excellent large hotel, there are smaller hotels. Five first-class motor courts also serve the city. Libraries: The Urbana Free Library. The University of Illinois - - largest state-uni- versity library. Newspapers: Evening - - Champaign- Urbana News-Gazette, Champaign-Urba- na Courier. Morning — Daily lUini, Uni- versity of Illinois student newspaper. 28 Radio Stations: WDWS . . . 1400 kilocycles . . . owned and opera- ted by the News-Gazette; WILL . . . 580 kilocycles . . . operated by by the University of Illinois; WKID, 1580 kilocycles; WKID Broadcasting Co.; WPGU ... a closed-circuit station . . . operated by students at the University of Illinois. Entertainment: Special programs at the University of Illinois bring outstand- ing entertainment to the community. Big 10 athletic events attract thousands of fans each year. Recreation: Golf, 3 courses: Urbana Country Club and 2 available at the University. Swimming: Crystal Lake Pool in Urbana's Crystal Lake Park; Forest Preserve District, Lake of the Woods, 10 miles northwest of Urbana. Parks: Five parks offer tennis courts, archery, soft ball, horseshoes, and other sports . . . picnics, restrooms, pet shows, and family nights. Theatres: One movie theatre and one drive-in theatre. Plus the theatre and music at the University of Illinois. A Community Little Theatre group is also active in the community. Skating: Ice rink at the University Points in Urbana. of Illinois. Roller rink at Five Television: WCIA . . . Channel 3; WILL-TV versity of Illinois. Channel 12 at the Uni- nmw 4 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 917.7366UR12U C001 URBANA ... THE CITY OF FRIENDLY PEOPLE. 3 0112 025342848