THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 332 B875 V/8 B«s>wMi»icsc3r^-,*represeMt then arguments, and would therefore read ihe slalement from ilieir ov\n petition. They represent that, from tiie leiigi'i aiiH difficnlt\ of the voyage to North America, the larger p;irt <'f the value of ilie tniiber tlience imported cons^ists of freiglit ; and that tlie mere circumstance of the proximity of the northern ports of Europe, by enabling ships to repeat their voyages frequently in the course of a year, would reduce the number of British vessels employed in the limber- trade to one-third. They therefore say, that whereas it is expedi- ent that the\ should be employed — and whereas they cannot be so employed if they procure tmiber where it is cheapest and best — they therefore should import it of the worst quality, and from the greatest distance (Hear, hear.) 'I'liis was the proposition (hey propounded when the question was, whether we should import our timber from our own colonies or from the Baltic. And let their l^ordships consider what the article was, that was thus to be raised in price, while it was deteriorated in quality; it was the raw material of our houses, of our bridges, of our eaiials, and in some degree of our shipping itself: and so inconsistent were the pi titiorn ers, that they asked to continue duties which nu reased the ex- pense of their «)vmi trade. A great part of the capital whicli they had vested in their business, and of the expense which iliey in- curred, was rendered necessary bv the lr.;ih price of the article which they thus \Mshed to in«rease b\ heavy duties. But h-i the house observe to what consequeiu es the principle laid down l)v the [)eti- tioners would go, if carried to its extreme length, and applied to other branches of trade. Suppose it wt-re proposed, on the same plea, to bring our cotton from the East Indies instead of importing it from America, he did not see on what giounds those could resist such a proposition, who argued that we (>ught to import our timber from Canada rather than from Norwa\. The voyage wouhi have the advantage of being thrice as long, and the article might be tripled in price. A petition from Newcastle had stated, that by resorting to the Baltic for timber, not one half the number ot ves- sels would be employed that now sailed to America; which was just as good a reason for going to the latter countr\ as we should have for employing double the number of horses tor fair\mg the mails, when the present number was found, by the athnirabh system now established, lo be sufficient. But if their Lordships did not lose sight of all principle, and allow that particular mteiests ought alone to be consulted, they would see that the general good would be better consulted by the employment of our shipping in a gene- 542 The Marquis of Lansdown's Speech [10 lal extension of our trade, than in adding unnecessary expenses to one branch of it. The ship-owners could not certainly, by an aboli- tion of the duties, have employment for their vessels to the same extent ; but as the imports from Russia and Prussia would in- crease, and as they would have nearly the whole of that trade, the falling off might not be so great as they anticipated. And with regard to the argument employed by them, against renewing our intercourse with the north of Europe, name- ly, that those who supplied us with timber from that quarter would not receive British manufactures in return, it appeared to him futile and ungrounded. If they did not send direct for our manufactures at home, they sent for them to Leipsic and other fairs of Germany. Were not the Russian and Polish merchants pur- chasers there to a great amount ? But he would never admit the principle, that a trade was not profitable because we were obliged to carry it on with the precious metals, or that we ought to re- nounce it because our nianufactures were not received by the foreign nation in return for its produce. Whatever we receive must be paid for in the produce of our land and labor, directly or circui- tously ; and he was glad to perceive that he had the noble Earl's (Liverpool) marked concurrence in this principle. We had been long in the habit of sending out the precious metals to the East In- dies ; but we purchased the gold and silver thus exported with our manufactures sent to America. The ship-owners who were inter- ested in the question, ought to look at the quality and the cheapness of the article which they could receive from the Baltic ; and consi- der what influence that would have on the expenses of ship-build- ing, which so nearly concerned them. The whole subject would, however, be investigated by the committee, who would consider how much of the duty might be taken off the timber from the north, whether what was left might not be more fairly and advantageously raised by being proportioned to the bulk of the deals, (those of Norway being generally smaller,) and what regulations might be adopted to reserve to Canada the supply of masts, for which its timber was peculiarly fitted : that of wood for slighter articles, of turnery and furniture, owing to its greater softness for working, she would not fail to retain. It deserved serious consideration, how much more we paid for the timber from Canada than we should pay for that from the north of Europe. By a calculation which he had made, the difference was not less than 500,000/. an- nually for the whole country, and in the port of London alone 100,000/. had been paid on account of this prohibitory duly. He would now advert to another subject, of great importance — the state of our trade with Fiance, and particularly in the article of wine. Their Lordships must know that a duty of 143/. 18s. was 11] on Forei9:n Commerce. 543 imposed upon the tun of French wine, while only 95/. was im- posed upon Spanish and Portuguese wines. There had been a fall- ing-off in the duty in the last year, of 220,000/. Now, although the government of France was not disposed to enter into any com- mercial treaty, or to make any liberal arrangement for receiving our manufactures in exchange for their wine, he would not allow but that some change should be made in our present trade with that country. Even though the government were not disposed at first to enter into any specific treaty, the people would find their ad- vantage in the intercourse ; and although we might he obliged, in the first place, to pay in bullion, our manufactures vvould go abroad to other countries, to purchase that bullion. He need not again repeat, that for a long course of time we had been exporting bullion to the East Indies, and that we were oblis;td to export manufactures to America for the purpose of procuring it. The consent of Portugal to any beneficial araugement ot this kind with France, would not necessarily be required; as, if we did not enforce our claim to send Portugal our woollens, they had no right to de- mand of us to take their wines. Tiiis, however, might be settled by a short negociation. What he had said with regard to llie uines of France would apply likewise to its silks : and if our ouu manu- facturers in silk were to suffer temporarily, by a removal ot the pro- hibitory duties, this was one of the cases in which policy might justify what humanity vvould demand — a parliamentary grant for compensation to the families employed. He had now gone through all the points of our trade with respect to Europe, and had given his views of the changes which he thought ought to bt adopted. He now came to a subject, which, wiih whatever diffii uities it might be surrounded, he looked to witii gieat salislacimn in one point of view, as it might hold out to the- shipping inierest, which might be in some degree affected by what he had lately suggested as to the im|)ortation of timber,, advantages far moie « xiensive, more promising, and more durable. It would be imposMble for their Lordships not to recollect and to apply the fad, that from one of the largest, most fertile, and most populous portions of the globe, that iiiunense space which lay between Atnca and America, the general Briu.-h merchant was excluded. Irom the time that he doubled Cape Horn, or the Cape of Good Hope, he found his comuieiciai operations cramped, and his enterprise restrained ; not by the nature of the country, for it was full of ports and rivers, and adapted to commerce ; not by the itulispo- sition of the p«- -pie to tiade, for they were numerous, industrious, and disposed to exchange their productions for ours; not by the difficulties of the seas, for, by the tiade-unids and the monsoons, navigation was rendered easy and secure ; but he was pursued, 544 The Marquis of Lausdown's Speech [12 and all his schemes defeated, by the statute-book. (Hear, hean) It M-as Hiis iliat restrained him from) trading from one part to ano- ther wiilioiit a licence. It was this which prevented him from dealinuinoneof the most valuable and lucrative articles of trade, viz.-— tea. He would not speak with disrespect of the body of the East- India Company, but he would say, that it traded under ail the disad\antn2es which have ever been found to belong to a monopo- ly. He was convinced, from the interest which that body must feel in tlie national welfare, that they would not refuse to allow others to enjoy what they themselves were unable to enjoy ; and this was all that he wanted to ground his proposition upon. If the private trade were perfectly unrestricted, much smaller vessels might be employed, and many merchants would engage in it who could not lit out a ship of 500 tons burden. There existed many nations whose ports and rivers were accessi- ble to smaller vessels, who were now never visited. They com- posed a population of upw ards of 70,000,000 ; and he would beg leave to read a passage from a book lately published by a gentleman who had been long employed in the Eastern islands, showing the facilities for commerce in the Eastern seas, the great wealth "which they offered, and the little trade that was now carried on in them, I'he noble Marquis recommended this as a field for our commerce, in case some alterations were admitted in the rights exercised by the East-India Company. He was well aware that all such trades must have slow and small beginnings ; but he was also aware that it was in encouraging those slow and small begin- nings that the legislature of a country was best employed. He recollected a story, which, though it was not much in itself, deserved some notice from their Lordships, since it had been put upon r< cord by Dr. Franklin, as a complete illustration of the doctrine which he (,the Marquis of Lansdown) was then advancing. Dr. Franklin related that his wife, conceiving herself to be under obligation to a ship-owner at Maytown, made a practice for some years, of sending a cap annually to his daughter as a present. After this practice had lasted for some time, the Doctor stated that he accidentally met this ship-owner, in company with a farmer of the same town, in Philadelphia. The ship-owner said to him, *'A dear cap that was, friend, which you sent to us at Maytown." ''How so.?" replied the Doctor. "Why, since you sent us it, none of our young wotiicn will go out without one. " The farmer hereupon interrupted the ship-owner, and told him that he was on- ly telling one side of the story ; for he ought to have added, that it was only since those caps had been sent to Maytown that their young women had been accustomed to send mittens to Philadelphia, it being by the sale of their mittens that they were able to procure the Philadelphia caps. (Laughter.) This story he (the Marquis 13] on Foreign Commerce. 545 of Lansdown) confessed was a trifle in itself : but trifles such as these, like the seeds whicli, first scattered by the breeze, at length fas- ten on the soil, when they come to operate upon the minds of bold and enterprising men, produce consequences that aff^ect the prosperity and happiness of nations ; so it was that the foundations of all those trades were laid, which the merchants of this country had carried on with so much industry and success, and which he trusted that they would carry on with still greater industry and success when they were allowed to embark in them free from those restrictions by which they had hitherto been shackled. Indeed, when he con- sidered the eff'ects which had followed the opening of a free trade, in the only quarter where it had yet been permitted, he could not for a moment doubt of the benefit which ihe commercial interests of the country would receive from the removal of those restrictions under M'hich they had hitherto labored. Their Lordships would recollect that six years ago, when the trade to the East Indies was not open, there was no independent British tonnage on the other side of the Cape of Good Hope. At present he was happy to inform them, that there were in the Eastern seas 20,000 tons of shipping in the ser- vice of the East India Company, but 61,000 in the service of the free traders. Was there any one among their Lordships, seeing, as they all had seen, the rapid strides with which British commerce had advanced in that quarter of the globe, bold enough to say, that the advantages of a free trade might not be carried still further even there, and might not be rendered productive of even still more im- portant results ? But whilst upon this subject, there was another point which he wished to press upon the notice of their Lordships, and which was this — that the free trade employed 4,720 British seamen, whilst the trade of the East-India Company employed on- ly 2,550 of them. This fact particularly deserved their attention, because it displayed the benefits of a free trade, even in quarters where benefits were least of all to be expected. Whenever a free trade to other countries, nearer home, had been proposed, their Lord- ships and the country had been told that the opening of such trade would be highly inexpedient, because it would throw out of employ- ment a certain number of British seamen; but, now that the trad© was opened to the East Indies, it was proved that it not only did not throw any of them out of employment, but actually opened a field for the employment of an additional immber of them. It was true that in the vessels employed in the free trade there were only 7 men to every 100 tons, whereas, in the East-India service, there were 20 men to the same quantity of toimage; but did that circum- stance prove any thing against a free trade, connected, as they ought to connect it, with the fact that the number of seamen enga- ged in that free trade was greater than the number engaged by the VOL. XVn. Pam. NO. XXXIV. 2M 546 Marquis of Lansdown's»SJ5eec/f [14 East-India Company ? Itonly proved the superior skill and economy of labor, with which individual interest would conduct a trade to pro- fit, when compared with that of a corporation proceeding upon rule and habit without the same stimulus. j!\fter some further observations upon this subject, the Noble Mar- quis proceeded to contend that it was a peculiar hardship, that iu countries where the British had established an unprecedented pow- er, and where they exercised an uncontrolled dominion, an American should be at liberty to carry on a trade in which it was not allowed to an Englishman to engage. The trade to which he alluded was the exportation of tea, from China to Europe, which he under- stood was in the proportion of ten to one in the hands of the Ame- rican merchant ; nor was this at all surprising, for he not only deri- ved a benefit from the liberty which he possessed, of assorting his cargo when and where he pleased, but also from the liberty which he enjoyed of supplying France, Holland, and other parts of the continent, with that commodity, tea, which the East- India Compa- ny did not choose to do themselves, and which their charter did not permit any of their fellow-countrymen to supply their place by doing. The consequence of this extraordinary state of things had been, that, while the British trade at Canton had been stationary during the last thirteen years, their trade had made most rapid in- crease; and, indeed, during the last three years, had increased a full third of its former value. He would next proceed to show to their Lordships another point in which our commercial regulations gave an advantage to the American merchant trading in the eastern seas, which was not enjoyed by our own. Both must go to South America for bullion ; and, for the sake of argument, he would sup- pose that Valparaiso was the port to which both went. The Eng- lish merchant, after taking in his bullion, is obliged to return to England, and then cannot set sail for India until he has refitted his ship. The American merchant, on the contrary, sails directly from Valparaiso to his place of destination, disposes of one cargo and takes in another, almost before the English merchant is able to set sail a second time from England. Indeed, he had been informed, in the course of that morning, that at the present mo- ment certain Americans were fitting up vessels in the Thames, in order to undertake a beneficial venture, which no Englishman could hazard with safety under the present regulations. Was it right that such a circumstance should be allowed to occur in this, which had been justly denominated the most commercial country in the world ? He did not grudge to the United States the advantage of any trade which their circumstances and situation enabled them to carry on with greater advantage than ourselves; but were we to create our own incapacity ? Was it either right or expedient, that 15] 071 Foreio'n Commerce. 547 "& this country should extend to Americans the privileges of a trade from which she excluded her own inhabitants, who were equally well, if not belter, calculated to carry it on, from their habits, their industry, and their spirit of enterprise ? So fully was he convinced of the inexpediency of such a restriction, that nothing could induce him to believe that the East-India Company would not, if applied to, allow Englishmen to supply France, and Holland, and Germany, with tea from Canton, as readily as she allowed the American mer- chant to do so. He felt this, from the peculiar value of the trade, and the great elements of future prosperity connected with it, to be the most important consideration he had to urge ; and it was the last topic of a strictly commercial nature on which he should allow himself to comment. He should next proceed — unwilling as he was to touch upon any political question, on an occasion wlien he had no wish to excite any political feeling — to say a few words upon certain subjects, which, though they were connected with the po- litics, were not less connected with the commerce, of the country. He was not prepared to say that the British Government ought to exert its influence to procure the immediate independence of South America — by no means ; but he was prepared to say that, consider- ing the manner in which the trade of its subjects had increased at Buenos Ayres, where it was liable to no restrictions during the years 1810, 1811, and 1812 — considering that since the latter of these periods it had even increased there to a two-fold amount, and that similar results had taken place in every other part of that great continent where British manufactures had been introduced, it was bound, by every tie of feeling and of interest, to cement the con- nexion which already subsisted l)etween the inhabitants of the two countries, by the utmost good faith, kindness, and liberality. To ce- ment that connexion would not be a difficult task for this country, as there was none better calculated to inspire the South Americans with sentiments of respect and aff'ection. First, it was a maritime country, able to give them support and assistance whenever they should stand in need of it ; secondly, if it repealed the restrictions with which it had guarded its conuiierce up to the present day, it would stand before them as a country ready to receive their pro- duce on the most favorable terms, and seeking nothing else, in its relation with them, than the happiness and prosperity of both parties. And why should they not repeal these restrictions .'' Their Lordships, he was sure, were well aware that, in the year previous to the commencement of the unforiunate war which terminated in the establishment of American independence, our exports to the Uni- ted States did not amount to more than 3,000,0001.; whereas at present they amounted to no less a sum than 30,000,0001. Was this great and amazing increase the result of restrictive laws and 548 Marquis of Lansdown's *5^ecA, (^c. [16 provisions ? Certainly not : it was the result of the increased pros- perity and population of those States, and of their becoming, in con- sequence of it, greater consumers of our produce and manufac- tures. If such had been the case with North America, did not that very circumstance render it still more the interest of the Brit- ish Government to consolidate its friendship with those countries in the south, which were desirous of securing its friendship, which under the odious government from which Spain had recently emancipated it- self, had neverbeen open to us, and which, even under the government which had just succeeded to it, were not likely to be more accessi- ble to us ? The Noble Marquis then stated, that the political state of Ireland must also form an important feature in the future prospects of British trade. If ever there was a people calculated to give em- ployment to capital, and to become great consumers of manufactu- red goods, it was the people of Ireland. Every exertion made to civi- lize their habits and improve their political condition, would react upon our own prosperity, and afford a perpetually increasing demand. Our religious and commercial jealousies had cramped her growth; our confidence and sympathy might expand it no less for our own benefit than for hers. He would now conclude ; though not very san- guine in his expectations of immediate relief to the presentdistress of the country, he could not, with the feelings which he entertained regarding British enterprise, British skill, and British ingenuity, abandon the hope of ultimate success and revived exertions, whilst there was any part of the globe unexplored, or only partially explored, to which our trade could penetrate. Our merchants, if they were now oppressed with the difficulties which he had before described, were not, how- ever, deprived of that high character, that good faith, and that per- severing industry, which had always distinguished them. In what- ever part of the world they appeared they still maintained their an- cient pre-eminence; and thus acquired, wherever they went, a pre- ference over those of other nations. These were his grounds of hope ; and on these he looked forward with confidence to the ar- rival of more favorable times. He had now stated the object of his motion : all that he asked of their Lordships was, to consult the ge- nius of their country, for that support which was so necessary to re- new and invigorate its resources; and to apply to those principles for the preservation of their commerce, to which they were indebted for its original prosperity. He could assure them, that he had not willingly brought the subject forward, but that it had forced itself, through him, upon the House, owing to the reluctance exhibited by Ministers to entertain it. He then concluded his speech by moving for the appc»intment of a select committee, to examine into the state of the foreign trade, and the best means of extending it. 1^ "Tin