LIBRA FLY OF THE U N IVER.5ITY Of ILLI NOIS 621.365 Ije655te no. 40-49 cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ANTENNA LABORATORY Technical Report No. 48 A STUDY OF CHROMATIC ABERRATION OF A COMA -CORRECTED ZONED MIRROR by Dr. Y. T. Lo Contract AF33 (616) -6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572 Sponsored by. WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 3fc5 f.ff ENGINEERING LIBRARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT It is a pleasure to acknowledge the comments on the manuscr]p T f this report gnen by Professors G, A Deschamps and P E Mayes CONTENTS Page 1„ Introduction 1 2. Results and Discussions 4 3. Simplified Analysis 18 Conclusion 28 Reference 29 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Number Page 1. Cross-section of a zoned mirror 2 2„ Image pattern on the focal plane for a = 6 3„ Image pattern on the focal plane for a = 5° 7 4. Image pattern on the focal plane for a = 10° 8 5„ Image pattern on the focal plane for a = 15 9 6. Image paMprn on the focal plane for a = 20° 10 7 a) maximum field intensity of the image vs the angle of incidence a, b) variation of directive gain vs scan angle for the designed frequency f and 1.0625 f 12 o o 8„ Relation between the position of off-axis feed and beam deflection angle a at 1„0625 f 13 o 9. Ratio of the two first secondary maxima vs scan angle a for the designed frequency f and 1.0625 f 14 10. Magni + ude of secondary maximum vs its position in the focal plane for the designed frequency f and 1.0625 f 16 o o 11, Geometry cf a typical zone of the mirror 19 1 . INTRODUCTION Briefly, a zoned mirror consists of sections of a set of confocal parabolas with focus at c and axis VC, defined by P=2(f-nX./2)/(l+cos4 J ), n = 0, 1, 2, ... where f is the focal length of the parabola with the largest focal length as shown in Figure 1 „ This family of parabolas intersect the circle 2 with center also at C and radius f at V , P , P„.c « 1 1 2 If a set of parallel planes perpendicular to the axis VC are drawn through the vertices N , N„, N„, „ „ „ of the parabolas, they will intersect the 1' 2 3' circle at Q , Q , Q , „ . , The sections of the parabolas cut out by the lines parallel to VC and passing through Q , Q , Q , » . . form a zoned mirror as shown by the solid line in Figure 1„ 1 In a previous report the properties of such a coma-corrected zoned mirror are investigated by diffraction theory. The image pattern for various incident angles of a plane electromagnetic wave and also the radiation characteristics of the system are evaluated numerically by means of simple fundamental functions and Fresnel integrals, It is concluded that for a mirror with small F-number and nearly uniform illumination the zoned mirror shows great effectiveness in coma correction. Since for such a two- dimensional cylindric mirror there is no spherical aberration and astigmatism, the only important defect of this system will be the chromatic aberration. Unfortunately, such a system is inherently very frequency-sensitive; moreover, to this author s knowledge there is yet no method available for chromatic correction of this system. However, in contrast to many optical systems a microwave device even with a limited bandwidth usually finds very wide applications In this investigation the image pattern deterioration due to chromatic aberration is studied. The purpose of this short report is to / B 2^ 2 - Figure i. Cross-section of a zoned mirror supplement some of the information on this point which is not found in the previous report. 2, RESULTS AND DISCISSIONS Diffraction theory was used in the previous *ork c 1 nee coma aberrati >n has a dominant effect on the minor lobes where the usual hirchhoff approximation is generally susceptible to larger error However the results sho* that the contribution to trie image field due to the coupling current? among zones is negligible in comparison with that due to the geometric optics current induced by an incident plane wave, Moreover. t he edge diffract. on effect is also of higher order as compared to the latter (except at nulls and small minor lobes), However, with considerable chromatic aoerration the lower order contribution becomes appreciable (the nulls oi 'he pattern will be filled up and the minor lobe level will be raised) therefore, tne above mentioned high order effects become less significant when the mirror is operated at a frequency other than that of proper design In such a case the previously established theory'can be greatly simplified, since it requires no near-field solution which is only essential in the evaluation of coupling effed between zones, Such a simplified theory will be established and discussed in the next section However., this theory is not used here to evaluate the deterioration of the patterns =ince a program for the ILLIAC (the electronic computer at the University of UlinoJ ) based upon the more rigorous approach ha? already been established th< previous investigation. With only a minor modification this idapted to the evaluation of the performance of a zoned dimensions at frequences equal to 1 0625 I o i ! (a) F-number = f/D = 0.556, (b) the focal length = f 10\ where X. is the wavelength corresponding to the design frequency f ; (c) total number of zones = 11. For the purpose of comparison, the performance of an equivalent smooth parabola (one with same focal length and aperture) is also computed. As expected the latter by comparison is a wide-band device since the only effect of changing frequency is to vary the aperture dimension in wavelength accord- ingly. Figures 2 and 6 show the image pattern in the focal plane for an incoming o o o o o plane wave with incident angle equal to , 5 , 10 , 15 , and 20 with respect ' to the axis of the system. By comparing these patterns with those at the design frequency f , it is seen that at a frequency deviated by 6.25 7c from f the image patterns are changed considerably. First of all the pair of minor lobes adjacent to the major beam are no longer distinct; instead they are merged with the major lobe. This is evidently a result of overwhelming chromatic aberration. However, it is interesting to see that other minor lobes seem to be comparatively less affected by this aberration and also that the symmetry of the image pattern is maintained up to an incident angle equal to 10° „ For the smooth parabola, the image patterns remain very much the same as those at the design frequency f Q , except that the beamwidths are somewhat smaller and the gain is slightly higher up to a scan angle o. = 10 f this being a consequence of an increment in aperture as referred to wavelength. However, this is no longer true for large scan angle since a <0 *> ^ ro cvj (AJLISN31NI 01313 3AllV13d) z 3 W II d u o 0) be E (A1ISN31NI Cl~l3ld 3AI1V1V13U) z 3 (A1ISN31NI 01313 3AI1V13U) Z 3 to u o 0) c ca 0) U a be in . Since the first pair of minor lobes are not distinct, in other words, the coma aberration is overshadowed by a strong chromatic aberration at this frequency, it becomes meaningless to evaluate the coma in terms of their ratio as has been done previously. However, for the smooth parabola this ratio is shown in Figure 9 at both frequencies together with that for the zone mirror at f . Since a larger ratio indicates a larger coma aberration o this result is in agreement with the fact that a wider aperture (in wavelength) 12 >- (fi UJ f- Q X Ld '■0625 ft x < 10 15 20 SCAN ANGLE oc (DEGREE) < UJ > < _l UJ or 10 15 20 SCAN ANGLE oC (DEGREE) 25 I 7. a) maximum field intensity of the image vs the angle of incidence Q, b) variation of directive gain vs scan angle for the designed frequency f and 1.0625 f o o 13 If) CVJ (0 o ID ro cvj y/ k lN3IAI30V~ldSIQ Q333 s CS XI ■a c 03 T3 CD 0Q= s ^ Then the current induced on the strip based upon the infinite plane solution in the previous report . ICQ) = I cos (« + x) e jk S Sin (a + T) Cl) where *1 1 s the intrinsic wave impedance of free space , The f leld intensi ty at observation point P (x,y) is given by E(p) = -i--cos (a + T) f 2 H (2 Hr) e jkS Sin {a + T) ds (2) 2J 7 ! J o S l where s and s are distances of the edges of the strip function origin 1 ^ 0, and f f ' N 2 / / N 2 r = | (x - x) + (y - y) 1/2 In fact this is generally true in optical systems c In systems with large aberrations even geometrical optics gives a good description of the image deterioration, See E Wolf, Rep Prog in Phvsics (London Physical Society) 14, (1954), 95 Also~M BorrTand E„~Wolf , Principles of Opt ics. Chapter IX, 1959, Pergamon Press 19 9-X Figure 11. Geometry of a typical zone of the mirror 2'; Let x ! = x' + x , y' = y' + y o o 2 2 V2 s" = (x- 2 + y" 2 ) r = P Q , o o ' Then 5 = the angle between P Q and the axis x 0. o oo 2 r = r - 2r S" sin T cos 6 + 2r S" cos T sin 6 + S' (3) o o o = r 2 + S*' 2 + 2r S" sin (6 - t) o o For the observation point P in the neighborhood of focus F such that r ^ f >> fS - S)/2, then o 2 1 v m r [1 + S" sin (6 - T)/r ] (4) o o Since we are primarily interested in large aperture which implies that the focal length f is considerably larger than wavelength X^ the Hankel function in the integral can be replaced by its asymptotic expression r~\ m — -, . „,. I „ ■ jkr [1 + s" sin (5 - r)/r H^) ( k r) « PL e -^ + J */4 * /_£L- e J o L o f kr WTTkr Therefore ti o~ /-a T % "Jk[r - S sin (a + T )] f S 2 ., „ w v c os (a + t ) o o J -Jkqs , „ E(p) = ; 07r . , ~ e J „ e J M ds ^ikr -^ s cos fa + Tl -J fc t'o " S o Sin (a + T) ^ ^"^^ - ^^/J^ t| /27Tjkr e (5) where q = sin f6 - t) - sin ( a + t). 21 By assuming that s'' = - s" which is nearly true for most strips (or by redefining the point Q as the center of the strip, not the interaction with o > the coma circle) then ., , /Tcos (a + x) sln < k 1 S 2> -JK[r o - S o sin(a + x)] E/2 cos (9 - i|0 (P,Q) is the polar coordinate of P(x, y) with respect to the focus F and axis FO. 22 20 is the angular aperture of the central zone (parabola) referred to F. For P in the neighborhood of F, f > > P, then 2 r *» f sec 4V2 - p cos (9-4) Let z = tan 4V 2, and the coordinates of P with respect to F be (Ax, y) ; then 2 dz = dLJJ/2 cos i|j/2 cos 4j = (1 - z ) / (1 + z 2 ) 2 2 sin (^ = 2z / (1 + z ) 2 2 cos 4*/2 = 1/(1 + z ) 2 2 2 sin i^/ 2 = z /(I -*- z ) Substituting these quantities into (9), one obtains z v ( \ n h f cos a - z sin a. -jk(p(z) . . . E 1 (p)=2 ^ - / ^ — eJr dz (10) 1 J -Z V 1 4- z where z 2 = tan Q (10) - > /4 * ikD = ' p V P=l P where z i> l 2> V X 4 are given b y (19) to (22) A, B, C } D, are given by (15) U U are given by (18b) and (10a); a, b, c, d are given by (16) and (17). In Equation (8), the focal length of the first zone is practically inde- pendent of frequency; however that of the rest zones for normal incidence can be easily found. In this case by symmetry the focus must lie on the axis. Let P be such a point on the axis with coordinates (Ax, o) . Then by definition 2 2 2 r = f + (Ax) + 2 f (Ax) cos 2t and o Ax 1 Ax 2 A Ax r = f Q + =- cos 2T + - — 7t sin 2T + 9 — - o f 2 * \ f (23) 1" Vt Now the phase function of the field due to the n zone with n^l in Equation 8) becomes for a - CD = k S sin t - k r «. kx' - k f (1 + ^ cos 2*0 . (24) T n on n on However x' = (n-1) *. on o where p = an integer Then kx 7 - k f (1 + . Ax on f = P X o

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