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L162 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/aquaticplantsofiOOwint AQUATIC PLANTS of ILLINOIS 30 YEARS OF SERVING STUDEN L> * tdi That Was Then...1970 Built underground to be near under- graduate classes but to avoid shading Morrow Plots ' Approximately 80,000 volumes • Audio Center • Hard copy reserves and periodicals ► Two PLATO terminals for student use ► Fledgling card catalog • Guided tours j I IF This is Now...2000 Ml underground More than 250,000 volumes Open 24 hours per day during finals jwiek Media Center, including videos, DVDs, Electronic reserves and periodicals More than 60 computer workstations for student use, including CCSO com- puter lab and multimedia classroom Web-based catalog Virtual tours IL. )L. VI AQUATIC PLANTS of ILLINOIS An illustrated manual including species submersed, floating and some of shallow water and muddy shores . GLEN S. WINTERRINGER Illinois State Museum ALVIN C. LOPINOT Department of Conservation Published jointly by DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION & EDUCATION, ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM DIVISION and DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION, DIVISION OF FISHERIES Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois 1966 14 STATE OF ILLINOIS Otto Kerner, Governor DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION William T. Lodge, Director DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION John C. Watson, Director ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM Milton D. Thompson, Museum Director BOARD OF THE ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM Everett P. Coleman, M.D., Chairman Coleman Clinic Canton John C. Watson Albert Myers Director, Department of Vice-President, Myers Bros Registration and Education Springfield Sol Tax, Ph.D. , Secretary Wi || iam Sylvester White Professor of Anthropology Judge/ Circuit Court Dean, University Extens.on Cook Count// Chicago University of Chicago C. Leplie Kanatzar, Ph.D. E. Leland Webber Dean of MacMurray College Director, Field Museum of Jacksonville Natural History, Chicago TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction and acknowledgments 6-7 Special references 8 Identification of plant parts (diagram) 9 Arrangement of dissected leaves (diagram) 10 Use of identification keys 10 A general vegetative key to families and genera 11 Illustrations and descriptions 25 Glossary 126 References 129 Index of common names 133 Index of scientific names 136 Equivalents of inches to millimeters 141 INTRODUCTION This publication, AQUATIC PLANTS OF ILLINOIS: AN ILLUSTRATED MANUAL INCLUDING SPECIES SUBMERSED, FLOATING AND SOME OF SHALLOW WATER AND MUDDY SHORES, is the result of work done during and after the release of SUBMERGED AND FLOATING AQUATIC PLANTS OF ILLINOIS, A PRELIMINARY ILLUSTRATED MANUAL in May 1965. The latter publication, a trial copy designed for field use only, was distributed in limited numbers to fishery biologists, specialists in aquatic plant study and others most likely to offer constructive remarks after their examination and use of the manual . Nearly all of those to whom the preliminary manual was sent returned their marked copies or sent letters with suggestions for improvement. We found this correspondence most useful in preparing the present manual. An explanation of the words "submerged" and "submersed" may help to clarify their use in the titles above. The word "submerged" implies that some- thing is placed under water and in our usage this meaning does not apply. Botanical ly the word "submersed" means growing under water; it is used in this manual when we refer to plants growing entirely beneath the water surface. Use of the word "emersed" is intended to indicate standing in water or with some plant parts above water level . The collection and identification of submersed, floating and emersed aquatic plants was undertaken jointly by the Illinois State Museum and the Illinois Department of Conservation in 1964-65. Conservation biologists of the Division of Fisheries collected many plants from hundreds of lakes, ponds and rivers throughout the State. In October, 1965/ the closing date of the field project, 1188 collections had been made . Single col lections often included six to eight, or more, different plant species. A uniform data sheet was included with each collection to insure accurate locality records for al I specimens . The plants, kept moist in plastic bags, were mailed in heavy envelopes to the Illinois State Museum for study and processing. Notes on datasheets with each collection were made in pencil to prevent smudges. These data sheets were dried, numbered and filed for reference. On the reverse side of each sheet we verified the identifications or identified all plants in each collection. This information was regularly reported to the conservation biologists. After study and identification, the specimens were prepared for mounting and were eventually attached to standard herbarium sheets as permanent records, each bearing the usual data label . Approximately 2000 additional aquatic plant specimens have been added to the museum herbarium as a result of this project. The following categories of aquatic plants were considered: (1) Submersed; (2) Floating; (3) With both submersed and floating leaves or parts; (4) Marsh and marginal (emersed); (5) Algae and liverworts; (6) Trees and shrubs. Only Nos toe and Anabaena of algal genera and Riccia and Ricciocarpus among liver- worts have been included. Trees and shrubs were omitted entirely. Most species described and illustrated in the following pages will be found in the first four categories . Originally our plan for this manual was to include only plants entirely floating, submersed or with both floating and submersed parts. It became apparent that biologists associated with the project were interested in the identification of many marginal plants not strictly within the floating or submersed classifications; thus some emersed plants were included. After listing all species collected and identified during the field work, it was obvious that some plants were collected very frequently and others much less frequently. Our reason for including or excluding species was based on the number of times they were sent in for identification and tabulation. For some genera with many or several species occurring in Illinois, i.e.: Cyperus, Scirpus, Sparganium, Alisma, Sagittaria,e\c . , the illustration and description of one species is in- cluded in this manual to assist in identification of related species. None of the aquatic grasses will be found and other expected plants may be missing. A completely illustrated manual for identification of all plants either entirely or partially aquatic was far beyond the plan for this publication. References to illustrations and descriptions in other manuals should be consulted. We have listed and given page references to four additional books or manuals; three of these contain good illustrations and the other is made up of keys and descriptions of Illinois plants. In preparing the general key for plant identification an attempt was made to use characters easily interpreted: leaf shape, arrangement, venation, margin, flowers, fruits and seeds. Two diagrams are included to assist in the identification of plant parts. Many aquatic plants are seldom available in flower or fruit; therefore details of flowering and fruiting parts are not consistently helpful. Use of vegetative parts entirely is also questionable since these, in some species, are similar and confusing . Thus care must be taken to include observation of as many parts of the plant, both vegetative and reproductive, as possible. The semi-diagrammatic drawings bear numbers each of which should be matched with a corresponding number in the column to the right. This numbered column of notes will describe parts of the plant. Phrases or sentences without numbers are merely explanatory. Common names appear at the top of the column of notes. These names are based on the REPORT OF THE TERMINOLOGY COMMITTEE, WEED SOCIETY OF AMERICA and GRAY'S MANUAL OF BOTANY, Eighth Edition. The scientific name appears below the common name. Months when the plant is ordinarily in flower, fruit or seed, and its distribution, including a map, appear at the bottom of the page. A selected list of defined technical terms will be found in the glossary. The arrangement of plant families in this manual follows that of Jones in the FLORA OF ILLINOiS, Third Edition, 1963. A few aquatic plants very infrequently collected are included, for by this means we hope to add to our knowledge of these species. Fishery biologists often need to identify plants to assist in the "housekeeping" of some ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. It is hoped that the information included will be helpful to them and to students and all interested persons who will find aquatic environ- ments a challenging area of exploration. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the following without whose help this work could not have been successful ly completed: Dr. Edward G . Voss, University of Michigan, for permission to modify portions of his aquatic plant key and for assistance with the general plant key in this manual; Dr. Robert Henry, Western Illinois Univer- sity; Dr. Robert A. Evers, Illinois Natural History Survey; Mr. Edward A. Munyer, Illinois State Museum; Mr. Floyd Swink, The Morton Arboretum , and especially Mr . Ben Dolbearefor work on identification, preparation and mounting many aquatic plant specimens. The list becomes too long to include all of those we wish to thank for returning manuals and making helpful suggestions. Our special gratitude to Mrs. Nancy Coon for her assistance with drawings and man- uscript; Miss Ruth Ann Skeen for typing and Mr. James Donovan for work on drawings in the preliminary manual . Gratitude is also expressed to Miss Loretta Permentier who started tabu- lating and recording the plants identified and especially to Mrs. Edith Campbell who completed the work. The following persons contributed specimens for this survey and manual: James Allen, Joe Bystry, Ben Dolbeare, Ray Fisher, A. W. Fritz, Tom Groutage, Robert Hiltibran, Rod Horner, Jam.es LaBuy, Roy Lockhart, Alvin C . Lopinot, T. Miller, Bruce Muench, A. C. Newton, Ed Pickering, O. M. Price, Leo Rock, Dick Rogers, Ken Russell, Rudy Stinauer, James Sublett, Gregg Tichacek, Paul Vidal, and George Zebrun . GLEN S. WINTERRINGER, Illinois State Museum ALVIN C. LOPINOT, Illinois Department of Conservation SPECIAL REFERENCES The following books will be very helpful in a study of aquatic plants and should be used in connection with this aquatic manual. We have given references to illustrations and descriptions in each, and to keys in the FLORA OF ILLINOIS. 1. Gleason, Henry A. 1952. THE NEW BRITTON AND BROWN ILLUSTRATED FLORA OF THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES AND ADJACENT CANADA. Three volumes . Published by the New York Botanical Garden. 2. Fassett, Norman C . 1960. A MANUAL OF AQUATIC PLANTS. With a revision appendix by Eugene C. Ogden . Published by the University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 3. Muenscher, Walter C. 1944. AQUATIC PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Published by the Comstock Publishing Company, Ithaca, New York. 4. Jones, George Neville. 1963. FLORA OF ILLINOIS . Third edition. Published by the University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana. Contains keys for identification of Illinois plants (not illustrated) . We have used the following abbreviations in reference to the books above: (1) Gleason, (2) Fassett, (3) Muenscher, (4) Jones. IDENTIFICATION OF PLANT PARTS 1. Spike 2. Stipule 3. Blade 4. Petiole 5. Simple leaf 6. Sessile leaf (no petiole) 7. Peltate leaf (petiole attached at mid-underside) 8. Stem 9. Compound leaf (with three leaflets) 10. Opposite leaves 1 1 . Alternate leaves 12. Whorled leaves 13 . Leaf apex (tip) 14. Leaf margin 15 . Leaf base 16. Leaf axil 17. Flower in leaf axil 18. Peduncle 19. Internode (between two nodes or joints) 20. Node (joint) 21 . Parallel veins 22 . Margin entire 23 . Net veins 24. Margin lobed 25. Finely dissected leaf 26 . Margin dentate 27 . Margin serrate 28. Rhizome (underground stem) 29. Roots ^.S^L. ARRANGEMENT OF DISSECTED LEAVES 1 . Leaves whorled, palmately dissected, Example: Ceratophyllum demersum. 2. Leaves petioled and opposite. Example: Cabomba caroliniana. 3. Leaves petioled and alternate. Example: Ranunculus trichophyllus. 4. Leaves whorled, pinnately dissected . Example: Myriophyllum exalbescens. USE OF IDENTIFICATION KEYS Identification keys in this manual are made up of couplets each containing two contrasting, descriptive statements, i.e.: 1-1, 2 - 2, etc . In each case, start with the general vegetative key. If the plant being identified does not fit the description under the first number 1 , proceed to the second number 1 further on in the key. All plants will be included under either the first or second number 1 . After a choice is made, proceed to the first part of the couplet immediately following the number 1 you selected. Continue to select that part of a couplet which most nearly describes the plant being identified until eventually your selection will include a page reference to a family or genus in the illustrated part of the manual. This family or genus may in turn be accompanied by addi- tional keys and page references. 10 A GENERAL VEGETATIVE KEY TO FAMILIES AND GENERA Plants entirely submersed or floating or having both submersed and floating parts. In some species flowering and fruiting parts may emerge above the water surface. Keep in mind that changes in water level may have a marked effect on growth and appearance of aquatic plants. 2. Plants enclosed in a gelatinous or mucilaginous, nearly spherical mass, from 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter, blue-green in color. Non- flowering plants. Algae. Nostocaceae. Nostoc and Anabaena . Not illustrated. I. Plants not enclosed but if gelatinous or mucilaginous then not spherical . 3. Plants with no distinct stems and leaves . Generally free floating . Segments or parts small, up to 20 mm in dimension, often much smaller. Sometimes remaining attached where budded from parent plant. 4. Plants once to several times 2-lobed or 2-forked (dichotomous) . Non-flowering plants. Floating liverworts. Ricciaceae. Riccia and Ricciocarpus . Page 26 . 4. Plants neither 2-lobed nor 2-forked. 5. Plants with neither roots nor rootlets. About as broad as thick, globular, less than 2 mm in greatest dimension . Bright green or yellow-green. Lemnaceae . Wolffia. Page 111 .If plants are thin, flat and curved, and 5 -9 mm ingreatest dimension . Lemnaceae. Wolffiella. Page 111 . 5. Plants with roots or rootlets. Segments flattened and usually more than 2 mm in greatest dimension. 6. Plants with several roots per segment. Segments rounded orobovate, 2.5- 8mm broad and with 5-7 nerves or lines on the upper side. Often purple-red on the underside where roots originate from a single point or node. Lemnaceae . Spirodela. Page 1 1 1 . 6. Plants with one root per segment. Segments 4 mm or less broad, or not rounded in general outline. 1-5 faint nerves or lines on upper side. Lemnaceae. Lemna . Pag e 111 . 3 . Plants with distinct stems and/or leaves . 7. Entire plant free floating, very small and requiring magnifi- cation for study. About 10 - 15 mm wide with many very small, overlapping leaves crowded along an axis or stem. Moss-like plants often reddish or becoming so in late summer. Salviniaceae. Azolla. Page 30 . 11 Entire plant usually rooted or at least attached to soil or substrate. Plants much larger, requiring no magnification for general observation. J. Plants with floating leaves. The entire leaf or at least the terminal portion floating. 9. Blades of floating leaves sagittate (arrowhead- shaped), or with lobes at the base, or leaf peltate or compound . 10. Floating leaves compound, generally with 4 leaflets to each leaf (clover-like). Mar- si leaceae. Mars ilea. Page 29 • 10. Floating leaves simple, therefore with no separate parts to one leaf. 11. Floating leaves, at least some, sagittate, with leaf tip and lower lobes coming to a point. Alismaceae. Sagittaria. Page 66 . 1 1 . Floating leaves circular or elliptical , with a cleft or V-shaped sinus at the base, or leaves peltate . 12. Floating leaves with a V-shaped cleft or sinus, the petiole attached between the basal lobes of the leaf blade. 13. Leaves 3 - 4 cm wide, spongy beneath, in tufts from nodes (joints) of stem-like stolons root- ing in mud or sometimes floating free . Hydrocharitaceae. Limnobium. Page 104. 13. Leaves much larger, 10 -30 cm wide, not spongy beneath. Growing from thick root-like rhizomes well anchored. Plants seldom floating free. 14. Blades of floating leaves nearly circular but the lobes pointed. Veins radiating from the base of the midrib, not along the midrib. No basal submersed leaves per- sisting. Nymphaeaceae. Nymphaea.Poge 36 . 12 14. Blades of floating leaves broadly elliptical, from 1 1/2 to 2 times as long as wide, the lobes rounded. More pairs of veins radiating from along the midrib than from its base. Basal sub- mersed leaves thin, present in early and mid-summer. Nymphaeaceae. Nuphar . Page 36 . 1 2. Floating leaves with no V-shaped cleft or sinus . The leaf blades peltate with the petiole attached at mid-underside . 15. Submersed leaves divided into very many narrow, thread-like divisions, palmate or fan-like from a short petiole. Cabom- baceae. Cabomba . Page 34 15. Submersed leaves not present, leaves floating or emersed. 16. Leaves floating only, 5-10 cm long, elliptical. Peti- oles, stems and leaf blades underneath covered with a slimy, gelatinous coat. Flowers purplish, on stems not stiff. Cabombaceae. Brasenia. Page 34 . 16. Leaves both floating and emersed, often more than 15 cm broad, nearly circular, with no slimy, gelatinous coat. Flowers yellow on stiff stems well above water. Nelumboncceae. Nelumbo. Page 39 • 9. Blades of floating leaves not sagittate, sometimes slightly cordate (heart-shaped) at the base, neither lobed, peltate nor compound. 17. Floating leaves small, less than 1 cm long, crowded into a rosette. Submersed leaves narrow, notched at the tips, distinctly oppo- site. Callitrichaceae. Callitriche . Page 56 . 13 17. Floating leaves more than 1 cm long, not in a rosette. Submersed leaves alternate, or basal or absent . 18. Leaves narrow, ribbon-like, alternate or apparently basal . Leaf blades much longer than wide, with no distinct petiole. Sparganiaceae. Sparganium. Page 120. 18. Leaves, at least floating ones, not narrow and long, but elliptical and with distinct petioles . 19. Leaves all basal, lower parts of the petioles overlapping. Alismaceae. Alisma. Page 66 . 19. Leaves not basal but alternate. 20. Leaf veins netted, stems with a papery sheath around nodes (joints). F lowers pink in a dense, ovoid or cylindrical spike. Polygonaceae . Polygonum. Page 44 . 20. Leaf veins parallel, stems with no papery sheath. Flowers dull green in a narrow, cylindrical spike. Potamogetonaceae. Potamogeton. Page _76_- 8. Plants with no floating leaves, entirely submersed or with some flowering or fruiting parts above the water surface. 21 . Plants with leaves or leaf-like structures all simple, basal or in basal tufts . 22. Leavesdefinitely flat, several times as wide as thick, widest at the middle or with nearly par- allel sides . 23. Leaves stiff, erect, less than 20 cm long and resembling knife-blades. Alismaceae Sagittaria. Page 66- 23. Leaves limp, more than 20 cm long and tape-like or ribbon-like. 24. Midvein not evident, all veins of about the same prominence. Smaller cross veins give a checkered appear- ance . Flowers greenish in globular heads. Fruiting heads spiny. Spar- ganiaceae. Sparganium. Page 120 . 14 24. Midvein and additional longitudinal veins evident but not all of equal prominence . 25. Leaves with zones of venation, the central third or more of different texture, being more densely reticulate (netlike) than outer marginal zones . Pistillate (seed producing) flowers on a long, spiral peduncle. Hy- drocharitaceae. Vallisneria . Page 104 • 25. Leaves with no zones of central ormarginal venation . Veinsmore uniform in appearance . Alisma- ceae. Sagittaria . Page 66 . 22. Leaves not flat but thread-like or wider and tapering from base to tip, sometimes slightly flattened near the base. 26. Leaves thread-like, not broader basal ly, not sheathing basal ly, generally in tufts with fruiting parts in terminal heads or spikelets, and these seldom on submersed plants. Cyperaceae. Eleocharis . Page 121 . 26. Leaves wider, tapered from base to tip, expanded at the base to enclose dark pouch-like sporangia. Non-flowering plants. Isoetaceae. Isoetes . Page 27 . 21 . Plants with leaves or leaf-like structures not basal but attached along a stem. Leaves simple or dissected or at least with some forked segments. 27. Leaves compound, dissected, forked or deeply lobed, opposite, or whorled or alternate. 28. Leaves mostly or al I opposite or whorled . 29. Leaves with evident petioles 5-15 mm long if well developed. Bladesfinely dissected, fan-shaped. Cabombaceae. Cabomba. Page 34 . 29. Leaves with no evident petioles. The blades pectinate (comb-like) or dissected with segments forking once or twice . 15 30. Leaves forking dichotomously once or twice, leaf segments with a few teeth along one side or margin. Ceratophyl laceae. Ceratophyllum. Page 40 30. Leaves not forking dichotomous- ly, leaf segments with no teeth. 31 . Leaves pectinate with a straight central axis follow- ing the midrib . Flowers and fruits in our species in ter- minal spikes often above water. Haloragaceae. Myriophyllum . Pag e 50 . 31 . Leaves not pectinate and with no central axis follow- ing the midrib. Submersed leaves much dissected, those emersed merely serrate. Flowers yellow . Compositae. Bidens. Page 65 • 28. Leaves alternate . 32. Leaves with a definite central axis following the midrib. 33. Leaves pectinate but lateral segments not again branched. Flowers and fruits sessile in leaf axils. Haloragaceae, Proserpinaca . Page 50 . 33. Leaves not pectinate but with lateral segments again branched or narrowly divided. Flowers white on an emergent stalk, each flower with a short pedi- cel. Cruc i ferae. A rmoracia . Page 42 . 32. Leaves with no definite central axis following the midrib. 34. Petiole present, sometimes short and bearing a stipular sheath. Plants with no bladders present on leaves or branches. Flowers white or yellow, regular. Ranunculaceae. Ranunculus. Page 31 . 16 34. Petiole absent. Stipular sheath absent. Leaves thread-like, often buried in mucky debris and often bearing bladder-like organs. Flowers yellow or purple, irregular. Lentibularia- ceae. Utricularia. Page 63 . 27. Leaves simple, usually entire or with a few teeth in some species. Opposite, whorled, or alternate . 35 . Leaves alternate with I igule-l ike (stipular) structures . 36. Leaf blades thread-like, round, at least half as thick as broad, the stipule attached to the leaf base 10 - 30 mm or more, forming a sheath around the stem . 37. Stipule wholly attached to the round leaf blade. Fruits arranged umbel -I ike on a long, often coiled peduncle. Potamogetonaceae. Ruppia . Page 76 ■ 37. Stipule only partly attached, with a short, free extension at the tip. Leaf blade somewhat flattened. Fruits sessile in a spike with a straight peduncle. Potamogetonaceae. Potamogeton Page 76 . 36. Leaf blades flattened, several times broader than thick even if narrow, or with thestipule little ifatall attached to the blade or with both these condi- tions . 38. Blades flattened, ribbon-like, 5-7.5 mm wide, with no defin- ite midrib or central vein more prominent than others. Flowers solitary, yellow. Submersed plants seldom flowering. Pontederiaceae . Heteranthera. Page 101 . 17 38. Blades thread-like or flattened with a definite midrib. Flowers greenish in a globose or cylindri- cal spike. Potamogetonaceae. Potamogeton . Page 76 • 35. Leaves opposite or whorledwith no ligule- like or stipular structures. 39. Leaves opposite . In some species with tufts of leaves in axils whichmay give a falsely whorled appearance. 40. Leaves thread-like, smooth, not more than 0.5 mm wide, very gradually tapering from base to tip, opposite or sometimes in whorls of 4 at each node. Fruits curved, 2-3 mm long with small teeth on the convex side. Pota- mogetonaceae. Zannichellia . Page 76. 40. Leaves not thread-like . 41 . Leaves large, 5-13 cm long, 5-20 mm wide, sessile, clasping, the margin obscurely toothed. Leaves often limp. Com- pletely submersed plants seldom flower; if flowers are present then in axillary racemes. Scrophulariaceae. Veronica. Page 60 • 41 . Leaves smaller, shorter or narrower or both . 42. Mature leaves with distinct petioles, the expanded blade dia- mond-shaped. Flowers very small and sessile in leaf axils. Ona- graceae. Ludwigia . Page 48 . 42. Mature leaves sessile. 18 43. Leaves expanded at the base into rounded or abrupt lobes . Teeth of leaf margins from conspicuous to very minute. (Use hand lens) . Fruits longer than wide. Na- jadaceae. Najas. Page 70 ■ 43. Leaves not ex- panded at the base but with nearly para I lei sides . Leaf margins with no teeth . Fruits glob- ular. Lythraceae. Peplis. Page 47. 39. Leaves definitely whorled . 44. Branches (not true leaves) round, longer than wide and often spine- like. Usually stiff with calcium deposits and with a musky odor. Reproductive structures (not seeds) yellow-orange . Characeae. Chara. Page 25 • Plants, if similar, but soft in texture are probably Characeae. Nitella. Page 25 . 44. Leaves flat, not stiff with calcium deposits and with no musky odor. 45. Leaves 6-12 in a whorl, not more than 2.5 mm wide, from 12- 15 times as long as wide. Flowers and fruits small, in axils of leaves. Hippuridaceae . Hippuris. Page 58 • 45. Leaves 3-4 in a whorl, rarely 6. 2.5 - 6 mm wide, 1 - 2 cm long. Stem round, smooth. Hydrocharitaceae. Elodea. Page 104 • 19 1 . Plants with most parts erect and above the water surface. Flowering and fruiting parts above the water. Plants of wet areas, muddy banks, shores, or growing in shallow water. Keep in mind that changes in water level may have a marked effect on growth and appearance of aquatic plants. 46. Plants with hollow, grooved stems, easily separated joints (not nodes) . Very small, scale-like leaves fused in a stem sheath at each joint. Cone-like fruiting bodies at tips of some stems . Non-flowering plants. Equisetaceae. Equisetum. Page 28 • 46. Plants with no hollow, grooved stems . Leaves neither scale-like nor fused in a stem sheath. Joints or nodes not easily separated. With no cone-like fruiting bodies. Flowering plants or seed-bearing plants. 47. Plants with grass-like or sword-like leaves and stems (culms), many times longer than wide. 48. Plants with apparent stems or culms usually solid, round (cylindrical), or triangular, not hollow as in most grasses. 49. Flowering parts (inflorescence) terminal, in a head-like or branching umbel often large, and with several long, grass-like bracts at its base. Cyperaceae. Cyperus. Page 121 . 49. Flowering parts appearing lateral (from side of the stem) , with no long, grass-like bracts, or with a single bract appearing as if a continuation of the stem, or flowering parts terminal with 2 or more bracts. Cyperaceae. Scirpus. Page 121 • 48. Plants with no apparent stems, leaves attached basally. 50. Leaves (sterile culms) round their entire length, neither expanded at the base nor sheathing each other. Flowers in a single, terminal spikelet. Cyperaceae. Eleocharis. Page 121 ■ 50. Leaves flattened and sheathing at the bases. 51 . Leaves tapering from a hard, corm-like base, expanded basally to enclose dark, pouch-like sporangia. Non-flowering plants. Isoetaceae. Isoetes. Page 27 • 51 . Leaves narrow but about the same width, not expanded basally, arising from thick rhizomes. 52. Leaves with many fine, parallel veins but no prominent midvein. Very small flowers, numerous and crowded into a long, cylindrical spike 10-20 cm long, turning brown in late summer. Plants not fragrant when bruised or broken. Typhaceae. Typha . Page 118- 20 52. Leaves with a prominent midvein off-center of the leaf. Flowers spike-like from the side of the stalk (scape), not terminal. Plants fragrant when bruised or broken especially at the base. Araceae. Acorus. Page 108 • 47. Plants with no grass-like leaves and stems (culms), the blades not many times longer than wide. 53. Leaves entirely basal and with long stalks (petioles). (Pickerel weed has one leaf on the flowering stalk) . 54. Leaves arrowhead-shaped, the acute lower lobes extend- ing down. Main veins arising from the base between the lobes . 55. None of the veins more prominent than others . Each lobe bearing 3-4 veins . Flowers white with 3 petals, in a raceme. Al ismaceae. Sagittaria. Page 66 • 55. Midvein and those descending into the lobes more prominent than numerous other fine veins in the lobes. Flowers small, clustered in a club-shaped spadix surrounded with a green tapering spathe (envelope) . Araceae. Peltandra. Page _\QQ. 54. Leaves broadly oval (elliptical), or round and peltate or heart-shaped. 56. Leaves broadly oval (not rounded), 2 - 20 cm long with a conspicuous midrib and 6-8 additional veins from the base. Blade narrowed to its base and petiole. Flowers very small, petals 1 -2.5 mm long, but very numerous and often in a large panicle. Al ismaceae. Alisma . Page 66 • 56. Leaves round and peltate or heart-shaped, the lower lobes, if present, not acute. 57 . Leaves round, peltate, 60 - 70 cm wide, veins radiating from the center. Upper surface de- pressed to the center. Petiole attached at mid- underside. Flowers yellow, 15 -30 cm wide when fully open, on long, stiff peduncles. Nelumbonaceae. Nelumbo. Page 39 . 5Z . Leaves heart-shaped with a V-shaped sinus or cleft, or with no V-shaped sinus or cleft. 58. Leaves with a V-shaped sinus or cleft. 21 59. Leaf blade 3 - 10 cm long, the sinus shallow, petioles long, slender, flowers solitary, cream color, about 2 cm wide. Hydrocharitaceae, Limnobium. Page 104. 59. Leaf blade 20 - 40 cm long, the sinus deep, petioles stout, flowers solitary, about3.5 - 5 cm wide, bright yellow . Nymphaeaceae. Nuphar. Page 36 . 58. Leaves with no V-shaped sinus or cleft. 60. Leaves with a conspicuous midrib and 6 additional veins, the blade some- times 20 cm lona • Flowers small, white, in whorls of 3-6. Flower stalk (peduncle) with no leaves. Alismaceae. Echinodorus. Page 66- 60. Leaves with no conspicuous midrib, all veins very fine and numerous. Blade often 18 cm long. Flowers small, blue, in a tight, spike-like panicle. Flower stalk bearing a single leaf. Pontederiaceae. Pontederia. Page 101 • 53. Leaves neither entirely basal nor with long stalks (petioles), but on an elongate stem. 61. Leaves all simple, neither lobed, divided, pinnate nor pectinate . 62. Leaves opposite . 63. Leaves with no petioles (sessile), margins serrate or entire. 64. Leaves longer than wide, the bases clasping, margins slightly serrate. Flowers in axillary racemes sometimes 15 cm long. Scrophulariaceae. Veronica. Page q • 64. Leaves nearly round, the bases sessile but not clasping. Flowers several on separate pedicels 1 - 1.5 cm long in upper leaf axils. Scrophulariaceae. Bacopa. Page 60 . 63. Leaves with petioles, margins entire. 22 65. Leaves with slender petioles, the blades 5 - 30mm long, diamond-shaped. Flowers small, sessile in leaf axils. Onagraceae, Ludwigia. Page 48 • 65. Leaves with no petioles but tapering to the base, the blades 8 - 16 cm long. Flowers on slender peduncles from upper leaf axils . Acanthaceae. Dianthera. Page 62 62. Leaves alternate . 66. Stems with swollen joints and a papery sheath at each joint. Leaves elliptical to lanceolate 7-15 cm long with rounded tips. Flowers bright pink in cylindrical or ovoid spikes. Two forms of the plant are known: Leaves of the aquatic form are smooth, those of the terrestrial form are more or less hairy. Polygonaceae. Polygonum. Page 44 . 66. Stems with no swollen joints and no papery sheath, flowers not pink. 67. Leaves 4 - 5 cm long, margins entire, narrowed at the base to slender petioles . Each flower yellow, showy, on a slender peduncle 1 -5 cm long from a leaf axil. Onagraceae. Jussiaea. Page 48 • 67. Leaves 5-10 cm long, margins serrate, the blade tapering at each end. Flowers greenish in a flattened, terminal cyme. Crassulaceae. Penthorum. Page 46 . 61 . Leaves lobed or finely divided or pinnate (feather-like) or pectinate (comb-like) . 68. Plants with two forms of leaves: emersed leaves serrate, submersed leaves finely divided or pinnate or pectinate . 69. Submersed leaves deeply pectinately divided (comb-like). Emersed leaves serrate . Flowers very small in axils of emersed leaves. Haloragaceae. Proserpinaca. Page 59 . 69. Submersed leaves deeply pinnately divided (feather-like). Emersed leaves serrate . Flowers white on upper emersed branches often bare of leaves when flowering . Cruciferae. Armoracia. Page 42 . 23 68. Plants withal I leaves essentially alike in appearance but all pinnately lobed or deeply pectinate. 70. Leaves pinnately lobed with 1-12 round or oval leaflets. Stems crisp, not inflated. Widely distributed in Illinois, in clear, cool water. Cruciferae. Rorippa. Page 42 • 70. Leaves deeply pectinate. Stems spongy, inflated. Flowers in whorls from upper stems. Known only from southern 1 1 lino is . Primulaceae. Hottonia. Page 59 . 24 CHARACEAE (STONEWORTS) The species of Chara and Nitella are non-flowering plants . The reproductive structures, at nodes of the stems, are generally brightly colored red to orange. Magnification is required for careful study. Plants, when crushed, often have a musky odor . REFERENCE Prescott, G . W. 1951 . Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area. Cranbrook Institute of Science Bull. No. 30. p. 329. NITELLA Nitella sp. 1 . Submersed stem generally branching at each node and with additional whorled branches having forked tips. Plants mostly limp and flexible, bright green in color and seldom encrusted with lime. 2. Whorled branches at a node. Drawing enlarged 2 times. Summer months. In waters of varying hardness . Distribution: Probably state wide . CHARA Chara sp. 1 . Submersed stem with whorls of stiff, short branches bearing leaf- ' lets, gray-green in color and generally encrusted with lime from hard water. The amount of en- crustation depends perhaps on the water in which the plants grow . Several species are known in I llinois . 2. Whorled branches at a node. Drawing enlarged 2 times. Summer months . In waters of varying hardness . Distribution: Probably state wide. 25 RICCIACEAE (FLOATING LIVERWORTS) The thallus, or plant body, of these leafy liverworts is composed of segments bearing small root-like rhizoids on the underside. Liverworts are non-flowering plants. A few are aquatic, but many others grow in wet places. REFERENCES Fassett: 40-42. Smith, G. M. 1938. Cryptogamic botany. Vol. 2, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, pp. 9-75. SLENDER RICCIA Riccia fluitans L. The thallus flat and stem-like, segments forking near the ends, floating just under the water sur- face often in tangled masses. Small root-like rhizoids are on the underside of the segments. Drawing enlarged 3 times . May - September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Probably state wide. PURPLE-FRINGED RICCIA Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda The thallus flat, stem-like, segments furrowed above and with 2 rounded lobes, floating on the water surface. Small root-like rhizoids are on the underside of the segments. Drawing enlarged 1 1/2 times. May - September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Probably state wide 26 ISOETACEAE (QU I LLWORT FAMILY) Two species of Isoetes are listed in the FLORA OF ILLINOIS and we have llustrated one. Gleason includes ten species of eastern United States. REFERENCES G leason: Vol . 1 . Fassett: 44-47. Muenscher: 339-345 Jones: 40. 9-12 BLACKFOOTED QUILLWORT Isoetes melanopoda Gay & Dm. 1. Leaves 10-30 cm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, numerous, grass-like, hollow . 2. Leaves arising from a fleshy, flattened stem (corm) . Leaf bases flattened, clasping, swollen and enclosing dark -colored sporangia. This is not a seed plant. 3. Roots from the basal, flattened base . 4. Portion of a leaf and leaf base showing the basal sporangium. Drawing enlarged 4 times. Isoetes produces microspores or megaspores in the dark-colored sporangia. Magnification is required for examination of the spores . July - September. Wet fields and shallow, often temporary, ponds. Distribution: Scattered localities, probably state wide. 27 EQUISETACEAE (HORSETAIL FAMILY) There are seven species of Equisetum listed in the FLORA OF ILLINOIS and we have illustrated one. All of the horsetails are plants of moist soil, ditches or shallow water . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 12-17, Fassett: 42-45. Muenscher: 345-347. Jones: 41 . WATER HORSETAIL Equisetum fluviatile L. 1 . Leaves very small, the tips black, in a whorl around a joint and fused as a sheath around the stem at each joint. Drawing enlarged 2 times . 2. Stems up to 1 m long, 3-7 .5mm wide, emersed, ridged, the joints conspicuous. A few branches some- times present. The reddish rhizomes are buried in soil . 3: Stem bearing a cone which produces sporangia and spores. The horsetails are not flowering plants . May - December. Shal low water . Distribution: Northern half of the state . 28 MARSILEACEAE (PEPPERWORT FAMILY) One species of Marsilea, originally introduced into the United States from Europe, is known in Illinois. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 22 and 24 Fassett: 42-43. Muenscher: 346-349. Jones: 48. PEPPERWORT Marsilea quadrifolia L. 1 . Leaves floating, submersed or emergent. The blade divided into 4 parts (clover-like) . Each leaflet 8.5 - 25 mm long and narrowed to the base. Veins fine, numerous and often forking . Leaflets fold at night and on cloudy days. 2. Petioles 35 - 40 cm long or longer, slender, in alternate rows from the rhizome . 3. Fruiting bodies are dark brown sporocarps 4-5 mm long, oval, each with a short pedicel . The stalk attached near the base of the leaf petiole. Pepperwort is not a seed plant . 4. Rhizome slender, creeping in mud and bearing roots. June - December. Shallow to deep water of ponds and lakes. Intro- duced from Europe. Distribution: Probably state wide . 29 SALVINIACEAE (MOSQUITO FERN FAMILY) The two mosquito ferns found in Illinois are very small floating plants with 2- lobed leaves. Rhizomes, to which the leaves are attached, have Y-shaped (dichotomous) branching above every third leaf. Plants appear gray-green in summer but become reddish as the growing season advances. Individual plants float in masses and may cover the water surface over large to small areas. Use a hand lens for field study. Key to Species of Azolla Single plant 10 - 15 mm wide Single plant 5-10 mm wide. Azolla mexicana . Page 30 • Azolla caroliniana. Not illustrated REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 21-22. Muenscher: Fassett: 42-43. Jones: 48. 347 and 350 MOSQUITO FERN Azolla mexicana Presl 1 . Leaves very small, 2-lobed, upper lobes .07 - .09 mm long, the lower lobes about the same size, gray-green, velvety, turning purple-brown in late summer. Drawing enlarged 8 times. 2. Rhizomes, to which leaves are attached, with Y-shaped or forked branches. Plants floating in moss- like masses made up of very many separate plants. Drawing enlarged 8 times . 3. Roots few or sometimes none, very slender, from the undersides of the leaves . 4. A mass made up of many plants. About natural size. July - September. Floating on quiet water . Distribution: Western and southern parts of the state . 30 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) There are twenty-three species of Ranunculus listed in the FLORA OF ILLINOIS Three of these are considered aquatic and other species are likely to be found in wet areas but are hardly submersed aquatic plants. Key to Species of Ranunculus 1 . All leaves submersed, finely divided into very narrow segments, flowers white or cream on slender peduncles. 2. Leaves nearly sessile, rigid when taken out of water. Ranunculus longirostris . Page 31 . 2. Leaves with petioles, soft and collapsing out of water trichophyllus.Page 32 . Ranunculus 1 . Leaves with some of the upper often three-parted and emersed, the lower submersed and palmately dissected with segments 1 - 2 mm wide, flowers yellow on long, stout peduncles Ranunculus flabellaris. Page 33 REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 170-174. Fassett: 218-225. Muenscher: 246-251. Jones: 53. RIGID WHITE WATER BUTTERCUP Ranunculus longirostris Godr. 1. Submersed leaves 1 -2 cm long, not collapsing when out of water, finely dissected into very narrow segments, sessile, or petioles, short with clasping sheaths at the base. Emersed leaves none. 2. Stem submersed, branched, rooting at the nodes. 3. Flowers 1 - 2 cm wide, white, emersed on short peduncles. Fruits (achenes) in globular clusters, each individual achene with a short beak . May - July . Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Probably state wide . 31 COLLAPSING WHITE WATER BUTTERCUP Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix 1 . Submersed leaves 1.5 - 4 cm long, 3-5cm wide, finely dissected into very narrow segments and col- lapsing when out of water, distinct petioles 5-20mm long with sheaths clasping at the base . Emersed leaves none . 2. Flowers 0.5-1 .8 cm wide, white, on emersed peduncles. 3. Fruits (achenes) in globular clusters, each achene with a very short beak . May - July. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Mostly the northern half of the state. 32 YELLOW WATER BUTTERCUP Ranunculus f la be liar is Raf. 1 . Submersed leaves 2-10 cm long 2-12 cm wide, usually alternate, dissected into narrow segments, petioles 5-8 mm long. 2. Emersed leaves, if present, 3- parted with the lobes cleft but not finely dissected . 3. Stem often hollow, rooting at the nodes. 4. Flowers yellow, petals twice the length of the sepals, emersed peduncles often thick and sturdy. 5. Fruits (achenes) in globular clusters, each achene with a short beak . April -June. Ponds, slowly moving water . Distribution: Mostly northern half of the state . 33 CABOMBACEAE (WATER SHIELD FAMILY) Key to Genera All leaves floating, entire, peltate and with a slimy, gelatinous coating . Brasenia. Page 34 . Some entire floating leaves, most leaves submersed, dissected into narrow seg' ments and neither peltate nor with a slimy, gelatinous coating . Cabomba. Page 35 • REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 147-148. Fassett: 209 and 216-217. Muenscher: 233-234. Jones: 58. WATER SHIELD Brasenia schreberi Gmel. 1. Floating leaves 3 .5-1 2 cm long, alternate, about half as wide, oval . Submersed leaves none. 2. Petiole long, slender, attached at mid-underside of the leaf blade. Underside of leaves slimy, gelat- inous . 3. Stems slender, long, with a slimy, gelatinous covering. Rhizome buried in the mud. 4. Flowers floating , dull purple, petals 10-15 mm long . June - July. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Scattered but probably state wide. 34 CABOMBA Cabomba caroliniana Gray 1 . Floating leaves, when present, 5-20 mm long, narrow or oval, with the petiole attached at mid- underside. 2. Submersed leaves 2.5-5 cm wide, opposite, fan-shaped and dissected into many narrow seg- ments, often crowded at tips of growing branches. 3. Petioles 1 -3.5cm long. 4. Stem up to 2 m long, slender. 5. F lowers 5 .5 - 8 mm long, white to pale yellow, the sepals and petals similar, on pubescent peduncles from upper leaf axils. May - September. Ponds. Distribution: Southern part of the state . 35 NYMPHAEACEAE (WATER LILY FAMILY) Key to Genera Flowers bright yellow and ball-like even when open, leaf blades oval, petioles stout. Nuphar . Key below. Flowers white, not ball-like when fully open, leaf blades round, petioles slender. Nymphaea . Key below . Keys to Species Nuphar (Pond Lily) Leaf petioles round, inner surface of the sepals usually yellow, petals numerous and smaller. Nuphar advena. Page 37 Leaf petioles flattened, especially near the blade, inner surface of the sepals with red bases, petals numerous and smaller. Nuphar variegatum . Not i llustrated . Nymphaea (Water Lily) Flowers 15 - 25 cm wide when open, with little or no fragrance, petals spatula shaped. Leaves usually green on both sides. Rhizomes thick, bearing tubers. Nymphaea tuberosa. Page 38 . Flowers 6 - 12 cm wide when open, noticeably fragrant, petals elliptical . Leaves usually purple-red beneath . Rhizomes with no tubers . Nymphaea odorata. Not illustrated. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 146-15 Fassett: 210-215. Muenscher: 237-246. Jones: 58. 36 SPATTERDOCK Nuphar advena Ait. 1 . Emersed leaves 25-45 cm long, oval to elliptical, I 1/2 times longer than wide . 2. Rounded basal lobes of leaves separated by a V-shaped sinus with a stout petiole attached between the lobes . Floating leaves seldom developed. Submersed leaves present in early summer and often larger and thin compared with emersed leaves. 3. Veins arising along the midrib in 15-20 pairs, branching as they approach the leaf margin. 4. Peduncles of flowers stout . 5. Flowers emersed, solitary , yellow, 5- 10 cm wide when fully open, outer sepals green, central disk greenish 1 .5 - 2.5 cm across with 12-18 rays on its surface. Fruit oval to round, about 4 cm in length . Roots from a buried, thickened rhizome . June - August. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Probably state wide 37 WHITE WATER LILY Nymphaea tuberosa Paine 1. Floating leaves 20-40 cm wide, nearly circular, green above and below . 2. The petiole slender, attached to the blade between the lobes which are pointed and separated by a V-shaped sinus. Emersed leaves sometimes present. Submersed leaves none. 3. Veins radiating from the base of the midrib in 12-15 pairs, divid- ing near the leaf margin . 4. Peduncles of flowers slender . 5. Flowers l5-25cm wide, solitary , floating or barely emersed, with 4 sepals green on the back, numerous white petals and yellow anthers. Flowers with little or no fragrance. June - September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Probably state wide 38 NELUMBONACEAE (LOTUS FAMILY) Nelumbo lutea , sometimes called water chinquapin, is abundant along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. It is sometimes introduced into ponds and lakes where it may form colonies acres in extent. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 148. Fass,ett: 216-217. Muenscher: 234-236. Jones: 59. AMERICAN LOTUS Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Pers. 1 . Floating leaves circular, of variable size, with petioles attached at mid-underside . Such leaves may be juvenile or appear early in the season . Submersed leaves none. 2. Emersed leaves up to 60-70 cm broad, circular, entire, depressed to the center of the upper surface. 3. Petioles up to lm long, attached to blade at mid-underside, rough, stiff. 4. Flowers 15-30 cm wide when fully open, solitary, pale yellow, on stiff peduncles up to 1 m long, sepals and petals up to 25 or more, the outer sepals green, stamens yellow and numerous. 5. Receptacle 5 - 10 cm across, in the center of the flower, with fruits embedded in its surface, yellow as flower opens, turning green and later dark brown. Individual fruits about 1 cm wide, oval, dark brown, hard and nut- like. 6. Underground rhizome. Plants spread extensively by this means. July -August. Sha I low water of lakes, ponds and rivers. Distribution: Scattered throughout the state . 39 CERATOPHYLLACEAE (COONTAIL FAMILY) Key to Species of Ceratophyllum Leaves rather stiff and rigid, palmate, the divisions (segments) with teeth along one side. Achenes, with three spines, borne in leaf axils. Ceratophyllum demersum. Page 40 . Leaves softer in texture, not rigid and stiff, palmate, the divisions (segments) nearly thread-like and with few or no teeth along one side. Achenes, with 10-12 spines, borne in leaf axils. Ceratophyllum echinatum . Page 4] REFERENCES Gleason Vol. 2, 146-147 Fassett: 210-211. Muenscher: 228-231. Jones: 59. COONTAIL Ceratophyllum demersum L. 1 . Submersed leaves 1 - 3.5 cm long, in whorls of 2-10 or more, stiff, palmately divided from the base. Leaf segments -0.5 mm wide, flat, serrate or spined along one side. 2. Portion of a leaf. Drawing enlarged 4 times . 3. Stem with leaves often crowded at the tips giving the "coontail" effect. Entire stem may be 20-50 cm long . Flowers very small, concealed in leaf bases, pistillate and staminate on the same plant (monoecious) . 4. Fruits 4-7 mm long, concealed in leaf bases. The dark brown achene has 2 basal spines and 1 terminal spine . Achenes difficult to see in fresh material but often observed as material dries. Draw- ing enlarged 5 times . July - September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Probably state wide . PRICKLY COONTAIL Ceratophyllum echinatum Gray 1 . Submersed leaves 1 - 3 cm long , in whorls of 2 - several , less stiff than those of C. demersum, palmately divided from the leaf base. Leaf segments 0.5 mm wide, with very few or no teeth along one side. 2. Portion of a leaf. Drawing enlarged 2 times . 3. Stem similar to that of C. demersum but more delicate. 4. Fruit similar in size to that of C. demersum but with winged margins and 3-5 spines . Difficult to see in fresh material but some- times observed as material dries. Drawing enlarged 2 times. July -September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Scattered localities and probably state wide. 41 CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) There are thirty-two genera representing this family in Illinois. Some species in various genera may be plants of wet ground, but we have considered only one species in each of two genera, Rorippa and Armoracia , as aquatic. Key to Genera in this manual Submersed and emersed leaves unlike. Submersed dissected into thread-like segments, emersed merely serrate . Armoracia. Page 42 . Submersed and emersed leaves essentially alike, all pinnately lobed with 1-12 round to oval leaflets. Rorippa . Page 43 . Note: In some manuals Armoracia aquatica (Eat.) Wieg . may be listed as Neobeckia aquatica (Eat.) Greene, and Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek, may be listed as Nasturtium officinale R . Br . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 226-227, 238-239 Fassett: 234-237. Muenscher: 253-254. Jones: 75. LAKE CRESS Armoracia aquatica (Eat.) Wieg. 1 . Submersed leaves alternate and dissected into many narrow seg- ments. The plant often produces rosettes of leaves when growing in mud or shallow water. 2 . Emersed I eaves 3 - 7 . 5 cm long , alternate, lanceolate, margins serrate. Leaves soon fall from flowering plants. Floating leaves none . 3. Submersed stems often enlarged and bearing roots and leaves. 4. Flowers 5-5. 8mm long, small, white, with 4 sepals and petals, in racemes on emersed stems. 5 . Fruits 5 - 5.8 mm long, oval , tipped with a persisting style 2 - 4.5 mm long . Each fruit on a pedicel 1 cm long . June - August. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Scattered areas throughout the state. TRUE WATER CRESS Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek 1 . Submersed and floating leaves similar in appearance, compound, with 3-10 oval segments, the ter- minal one larger, margins entire but with shallow lobes. Emersed leaves none . 2. Stems generally brittle and crisp, often rooted. 3. Flowers 4.5 - 5 mm wide, white, cross -shaped or cruciform, n slender racemes . 4. Fruits on slender pedicels 8 - 15.5 mm long, individual fruits 1 - 2.5 cm long, curved. May - September. In clear, cold, especially spring, water. Distribution: Probably state wide in suitable habitats. 43 POLYGONACEAE (KNOTWEED FAMILY) There are twenty-three species of Polygonum listed in the FLORA OF ILLINOIS Some of these are aquatic and others may be found on wet soil . Rainfall will alter the amount of water present and some species continue to flower and pro- duce seeds regardless of abundance of water. Only the following five species and one form are considered in this key . Key to Species of Polygonum 1 . Flowers pink, small and crowded in a stout, terminal, usually solitary spike. Plants with submersed or floating leaves. 2. Flowering spike seldom more than 3 cm long, ovoid. 3. Aquatic form with leaves smooth, glossy above. Polygonum fluitans. Page 45 ■ 3. Terrestrial form with leaves pubescent or somewhat hairy. Polygonum fluitans forma hartwrightii. Not illustrated . 2. Flowering spike seldom, less than 4 cm and up to 10 cm in length, cylin- drical . Leaves lanceolate with sharp tips, hairy above and below . Polygonum coccineum. Not illustrated. 1 . Flowers white or greenish-white in slender, terminal spikes and in axils of upper leaves . Plants of shallow water or wet soil . 4. Calyx with glandular dots (punctate). 5. Flowering spikes drooping, seeds (achenes) dull. Polygonum hydropiper. Not illustrated . 5. Flowering spikes erect, seeds shiny. Polygonum punctatum. Not illustrated . 4. Calyx with no glandular dots (not punctate) . The flowering spikes erect. Polygonum hydropiperoides. Not illustrated. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 74-84 Fassett: 198-209. Muenscher: 214-217. Jones: 94-97. 44 WATER SMARTWEED Polygonum fluitans Eaton 1 . Floating leaves 4 - 9 cm long, alternate, broadly oval to ellipti- cal, alossy, smooth, leaf tips 5.5 icihuic, uiuuuiy uvui iu cm il, glossy, smooth, leaf tips generally blunt, petioles 1 - cm long . Emersed leaves, when present, become more lanceolate, slightly hairy, with leaf tips sharp or tapering . 2. Stems rooting at joints , stipules united to form a papery tube or sheath at the joints . Rhizomes, from which stems grow, tough, buried in mud. 3. Flowers very small, numerous, pink, crowded into oval spikes 1 -3cm long. Seeds (achenes) 2.5 mm wide, broadly oval, dark brown to black . June - August. Shallow water of ponds and lakes. Distribution: Northern two-thirds of the state . 45 CRASSULACEAE (ORPINE FAMILY) Pen thorum, with thin leaves, does not resemble some fleshy -leaved members of the family such as: live-forever, hen and chickens, stonecrops and sedums, but the flowers, fruits and seeds of all of these are very similar. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 254-255 Fassett: 239-240. Muenscher: Not listed. Jones: 143. DITCH STONECROP Pen thorum sedoides L. 1. Leaves generally emersed, 5-12 cm long, alternate, lanceolate, tapering at each end, margins sharply toothed . 2. Stem 20-65 cm long, often curved at the base and rooting, with leafy shoots present. 3. Flowers numerous, yellow- green, very small, along the upper sides of a flat-topped cyme 2-9 cm long . Fruit with 5 fol licles united at their bases to form a 5- horned capsule . July - September. On wet ground and in shallow water. Distribution: Statewide. 46 LYTHRACEAE (LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY) In some manuals Peplis diandra may be listed under Didiplis diandra (Nutt.) Wood. Other genera of the family include plants of ditches, wet soil and shallow water. Among these are: Rotala, Ammania, Decodon, Cuphea and Lythrum, none of which are included in this manual . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 575-578. Fassett: 255-256. Muenscher: 267-269, Jones: 160-161. WATER PURSLANE Peplis diandra Nutt. 1 . Submersed leaves 1-2.5 cm long, opposite, thin, narrow, the sides about parallel, tips rounded, sessile, with the base as wide as the blade. Emersed leaves, when present, shorter than submersed leaves and tapering to the base. 2. Stems generally submersed, delicate and branching . 3. Flowers greenish, very small , in leaf axi Is . 4. Fruit a capsule, very small, in leaf axils . June - August. On wet ground or in shallow water . Distribution: Statewide. 47 ONAGRACEAE (EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY) This family is represented by six genera in Illinois. Of these, Ludwigia with four species and Jussiaea with three, are aquatic or at least include plants of wet ground. We have illustrated and described one species in each of these genera . Key to Genera in this manual Leaves alternate, petals bright yellow, seed capsule on slender peduncle . Jussiaea. Page 48 . Leaves opposite, petals small, greenish or lacking, seed capsule sessile. Ludwigia. Page 49 . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol . 2, 581-586 Fassett: 257-261 . Muenscher: 269-274. Jones: 163-166. CREEPING WATER PRIMROSE Jussiaea repens L. 1 . Floating and emersed leaves 3 -8.5 cm long, alternate, lanceolate or longer than wide, smooth, narrowed at the base to slender petioles 2 -4.5 cm long . Submersed leaves none. 2. Stems 1 m or more long, creeping on mud or floating, sometimes red-brown in color, rooting at nodes, curving up at the leafy ends . 3. Flowers showy, yellow, petals 9-14 mm long . Petals at the tip of a slender, cylindrical hypanth- ium 6-10.5 mm long which tapers to a pedicel 1 - 4.5 cm long, in leaf axils. 4. Fruit a cylindrical capsule 3-5 cm long. Sepals often persisting as the capsule grows and matures. 5. Leaves, in spring and early summer, may be oval and not longer than wide . Compare with No. 1. May - September. Muddy banks and pond edges . Distribution: Southern half of the state. 48 FALSE LOOSESTRIFE Ludwigia palustris (L.) Ell. 1 . Floating and emersed leaves 1 - 4 cm long including a slender petiole, opposite. Expanded blade of leaf diamond-shaped . 2. Submersed leaves up to 6 cm long, thin. 3. Stems slender, rooting at the nodes, floating or creeping on mud and often forming mats. 4. Flowers very small, v/ith no petals, in leaf axils . 5. Fruit a 4-sided capsule 3-5 mm long . 6. Fruit. Drawing enlarged 3 times . July - September. Muddy banks and pond edges . Distribution: Probably state wide 49 HALORAGACEAE (WATER MILFOIL FAMILY) Key to Genera Submersed leaves whorl ed, pectinate (comb-like), with a straight central axis following the midrib. Emersed leaves (bracts) present in terminal flowering and fruiting spikes. Myriophyllum. Key below. All leaves alternate, submersed leaves deeply pectinate with narrow segments, emersed leaves serrate. Flowers and fruits in axils of emersed leaves. Proserpinaca . Page 55 ■ Accurate identification of species of Myriophyllum requires examination of the fruiting parts generally borne on emersed, spike-like tips of branches. These fruits are hard, nut-like and four-lobed. Each fruit eventually separates into four parts or mericarps either smooth or rough on the backs. A hand lens will be necessary for examination and study. Key to Species of Myriophyllum 1 . Backs of mericarps with two ridges (keels) , roughened or with tubercles . 2. Bracts (leaf-like) of fruiting spikes with serrate or finely toothed margins and longer than flowers and fruits. Myriophyllum heterophyllum. Page 51 . 2. Bracts of fruiting spikes with deeply pectinate (comb-like) margins and longer than flowers and fruits. Myriophyllum pinnatum. Page 52 ■ 1 . Backs of mericarps not ridged but round and generally quite smooth. 3. Submersed leaves finely divided, alternate or scattered . Myriophyllum humile. Not illustrated . 3. Submersed leaves finely divided, in whorls (groups) of three, four or five 4. Bracts entire or nearly so, small, much shorter than or barely as long as flowers and fruits. Myriophyllum exalbescens. Page 53 4. Bracts deeply pectinate and about as long as flowers and fruits. Myriophyllum verticillatum. Page 54 . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 598-602. Fassett: 261-268. Muenscher: 278-286. Jones: 166-167. 50 BROADLEAF WATER MILFOIL Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. 1 . Submersed leaves 2-5cm long, in whorls of 4-6, dissected into 8-10 pairs of narrow segments from a central axis following the midrib. 2. Emersed leaves (bracts), if pre- sent, 0.5 - 3 cm long, in whorls, margins serrate or toothed. 3. Flowering spikes 15 cm or more long, emersed. Flowers whor led, sessile, in axils of leaf-like bracts. 4. Fruit 1 .5 - 2 mm long, sessile, each lobe with 2 ridges and a prominent beak, leafy bracts at the base. Drawing enlarged 15 times . July -September. In quiet water of lakes and ponds. Distribution: In scattered areas throughout the state. 51 VARIABLE WATER MILFOIL Myriophyllum pinnatum (Walt.) BSP. 1 . Submersed leaves l-4cm long, in whorls of 3-5, or some scattered, dissected into 5 pairs of narrow segments from a central axis fol- lowing the midrib. 2. Emersed leaves (bracts), when present, 0.5 - 2 cm long, serrate or pectinate . 3. Flowering spikes 5 - 15 cm long, emersed. Flowers small , whorled, in axils of leaf-like bracts which are up to 1 .5 cm long. 4. Fruit 1 .5 - 2 mm long, sessile, 4-lobed, sides flat each with 2 ridges bearing tubercles, bracts deeply lobed . Drawing enlarged 9 times . July - September. In quiet water of lakes and ponds . Distribution: Western part of the state . 52 NORTHERN WATER MILFOIL Myriophyllum exalbescens Fern. 1 . Submersed leaves 1 .5 - 3 cm long, in whorls of 3, 4 or 5, dissected into 6-10 pairs of narrow segments from a central axis fol- lowing the midrib. Emersed leaves bract-like, if pre- sent. 2. Flowering spikes 5-10cm long, emersed. Flowers whorled, sessile, very small, in axils of leaf-like bracts shorter than the flowers. Upper flowers staminate (male), lower pistillate (female). 3. Fruit 2-3 mm long when ma- ture, sessile, 4-lobed, hard, round on the back, in whorls on the emersed part of the stem, bracts shorter than the fruit. Drawing enlarged 9 times. July - September. In quiet water of lakes and ponds . Distribution: Northern half of the state . 53 WHORLED WATER MILFOIL Myriophyllum verticillatum L. 1 . Submersed leaves 0.5 - 5 cm long, in whorls of 4-5, dissected into 9-15 pairs of narrow segments from a central axis. 2. Emersed leaves (bracts), if present, reduced in size upward, dentate or toothed, smaller than the submersed leaves. 3. Flowering spikes 5-1 2 cm long . Flowers small, whorled, in axils of deeply divided bracts longer than the flowers . 4. Fruit 2-3 mm long, sessile, 4-lobed, round and smooth. Drawing enlarged 8 times. July - September . In quiet water of lakes and ponds . Distribution: May occur through- out the state. 54 MARSH MERMAID WEED Proserpina ca palustris L. 1 . Submersed leaves 1 .5-4 cm long, alternate, sessile, deeply divided with 8-14 pairs of narrow segments . 2. Emersed leaves 2-7 cm long, 0.5 - 1 .4 cm wide, serrate, the teeth curving upward, often less apparently alternate than submersed leaves . Stem up to 1 m long, erect, entire- ly terrestrial or with lower part submersed . 3. Flowers very small, solitary or 2-3, in axils of upper leaves. 4. Fruit 3-4 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, hard, with 3 rounded angles . July - September. Ponds, slowly moving water and along shores. Distribution: In scattered localities throughout the state. 55 CALLITRICHACEAE (WATER-STARWORT FAMILY) It is necessary to use a 10-power hand lens for accurate study of species of water- starwort. The flowers are very small and mature fruits are essential for study. These fruits are nut-like, flattened and borne in the axils of leaves. Key to Species of Callitriche 1 . Plants of damp or wet soil but not submersed or floating . Fruit deeply notched at both ends and on a short axillary peduncle. Callitriche terrestris. Not illustrated . 1 . Plants aquatic, the stems submersed or floating, leaves longer than wide. 2. Fruit sessile, in leaf axils, oval, longer than wide and tapering to the base. Floating leaves sometimes present . Callitriche palustris. Not illustrated . 2. Fruit sessile, in leaf axils, nearly circular. Floating leaves, when pre- sent, spatula-shaped and crowded into a rosette .Callitriche heterophylla. Page 57 . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 491-492. Fassett: 241-242. Muenscher: 260-261 . Jones: 167. 56 WATER-STARWORT Callitriche heterophylla Pursh 1. Floating leaves 5-10 mm long, spatula-shaped, crowded into a rosette . 2. Submersed leaves 5-10.5 mm long, opposite, sessile, entire, notched at the tips . 3. Veins of floating leaves 3-5, submersed leaves with 1 vein. Flowers pistillate or staminate, very small, solitary or several in axils of submersed leaves. 4. Fruit about 1 mm long, small, notched, in leaf axils, round and divided into halves by a shallow groove. July - September shallow water. Ponds and Distribution: Species of water- starwort are not common but may be found in suitable habitats throughout the state. 57 HIPPURIDACEAE (MARE'S TAIL FAMILY) This family is represented by one genus, Hippuris, and its distribution is limited to northern Illinois. The genus, however, occurs in other parts of North America and Eurasia . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 2, 602-603 Fassett: 262-263. Muenscher: 278-279. Jones: 167. COMMON MARE'S TAIL Hippuris vulgaris L. 1 . Emersed leaves 0.5 - 3.5 cm long, simple, in whorls of 6-12. 2. Submersed leaves whorled, sometimes thread-like or thin and scale-like. 3. Stem 25 - 85 cm long, emersed, hollow, seldom branched, rooting below the surface of the water. 4. Flowers very small with neither sepals nor petals, sessile, in upper leaf axils of the emersed stem . Fruit 1.5-3 mm long, hard and nut-like. Drawing about natural size. 5. Rhizome. June - September. Ponds and shallow water. Distribution: Scattered in the northern part of the state. 58 PRIMULACEAE (PRIMROSE FAMILY) There are nine genera representing this family in Illinois. One of them, Dodecatheon , includes the well known shooting -star . We have illustrated and described only American feather-foil ( Hottonia inflata Ell.) which is of very limited occurrence' and distribution in the southern part of the state. Other genera include species of wet areas and shal low water . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 3, 36-37. Fassett: 278-279. Muenscher: 300-301 . Jones: 179. AMERICAN FEATHERFOIL Hottonia inflata Ell. 1 . Submersed leaves 2-7 cm long, scattered but more numerous at top of stem, deeply lobed or dissected. Emersed leaves none. 2. Stem floating or rooted in soil, thickened and bearing leaves. 3. Flowers on emersed, thickened, segmented peduncles with constrict- ed joints. Flowers small, white, in whorls at the joints, sessile or with short pedicels each with a leaf- like bract. Seeds very small , numerous, in capsules . July -September. Ponds and shal low water. Distribution: Rare, found in ex- treme southern part of the state. Reported from southern Indiana. 59 SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) This family, in Illinois, is represented by twenty-six genera. Several of these include species of wet ground or even shallow water. We have selected only Bacopa and Veronica and have illustrated and described one species in each genus . Key to Genera and Species Leaves generally round, opposite, sessile but not clasping, entire. Flowers axillary, single or paired and each on a short pedicel . Bacopa rotundi folia. Page 60 ■ Leaves generally longer than wide, opposite, sessile, the bases clasping, margins with shallow teeth. Flowers in axillary racemes. Veronica catenata. Page 6.1 . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 3, 208-210, 232-237 Fassett: 300-308. Muenscher: 308 and 310, 318-319. Jones: 196-204. WATER HYSSOP Bacopa rotundi folia (Michx.) Wettst. 1 . Emersed or submersed leaves 2 - 3.5 cm long, opposite, nearly round, thin, narrowed at the base, clasping the stem, sessile. 2. Stem submersed, floating or with leafy tips emersed, pubescent with fine hairs. Plants forming mats on muddy shores or in shallow water. 3. Flowers 8-10 mm long, white, on slender pedicels 1 - 2 cm long, from upper leaf axils. 4. Fruit a globular capsule up to 5 mm long . July -September. Shallow water and muddy shores . Distribution: Southern two-thirds of the state . 60 TUFTED WATER SPEEDWELL Veronica catena ta Pennell 1 . Emersed leaves 1.5 - 2 cm wide and up to 4 times as long, sessile and clasping at the base, margins entire or with a few shallow teeth. Submersed leaves thin. 2. Stem creeping in shallow water, branched, often rooting at lower nodes, submersed stems often soft and flabby. 3. Flowers 4-5 mm wide, small, white or lilac, numerous, 20-60 in a raceme, from upper leaf axils. Each flower on a separate pedicel . 4. Fruit a capsule 3 .5-5mm wide, notched at the top. Drawing en- larged 3 times. June - September. Ditches, ponds and muddy shores . Distribution: Northern half of the state. 61 ACANTHACEAE (ACANTHUS FAMILY) Three genera of this family are found in Illinois. We have described and illustrated one of the two species of the genus Dianthera (water-willow) The other genera are not aquatic . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 3, 266-267. Fassett: 313-314. Muenscher: 329-330. Jones: 205. AMERICAN WATER-WILLOW Dianthera americana L. 1 . Leaves 8-15 cm long, 8-25mm wide, opposite, tapering at both ends, sessile, smooth, the margins entire . 2. Stems 45-100 cm long, smooth, with few branches, rooting at low- er nodes which are often swollen. Rhizomes, from which stems arise, buried in mud. Plants often form- ing colonies . 3. Flowers in spike-like heads 1- 3.5 cm long, pale purple or white with purple markings. 4. Peduncle 4.5 - 15 cm long, slender, stiff, from upper leaf axils . June -August. Shal low water and muddy shores . Distribution: Probably state wide . 62 LENTIBULARIACEAE (BLADDERWORT FAMILY) There are five species of bladderwort listed in the FLORA OF ILLINOIS. The following will assist in identification of two species illustrated in this manual. Key to Species of Utricularia Leaves forked and dissected into many narrow segments. Stems 1 -2.5m long, often densely leafy at the tips. Bladders or traps numerous. Flowers 4-15, yellow. Utricularia vulgaris. Page 63 . Leaves generally 2-branched or forked, segments thread-like. Stems 10-12 cm long, not densely leafy at the tips. Bladders not numerous. Flowers 1-3, yel- low. Utricularia gibba. Page 64 • REFERENCES Gleason: Vol . 3, 259-263 . Muenscher: 320-329. Fassett: 309-313. Jones: 207-208. COMMON BLADDERWORT Utricularia vulgaris L. 1 . Leaves 1 - 3.5 cm long with no main veins, forked and dissect- ed into many narrow segments. 2. Leafy stem bearing numerous small bladders or traps. Drawing about natural size. 3. Stems 1 - 2.5 m long, growing just below the water surface, branched, often densely leafy at branch tips . Flowers 4-15, yellow, lipped, the lips 10 - 17 mm long, each flower with a small bract below its pedicel scape supporting the flower 10-85 cm long . Fruit a capsule. As capsules ma- ture the pedicels curve strongly downward . July - September. Ponds and slowly moving streams. Distribution: Northern half of the state . 63 HUMPED BLADDERWORT Utricularia gibba L. 1 . Leaves scattered, about 5-6 mm long, generally 2-branched or forked, segments thread-like and bearing a few bladders or traps. 2. Bladder or trap. 3. Stems 10-12cm long, delicate, not densely leafy as in Utricularia vulgaris. 4. Flowers 1-3, yellow, 5.5-6 mm long, the leafless peduncle (scape) 2.5 -9cm long and very slender. Fruit a capsule 2.5 - 3 mm thick. July - September. Ponds and slowly moving streams. Distribution: Scattered localities throughout the state. 64 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) The thousands of plants included in the Compositae make it one of the largest plant families. There are seventy-three genera of the family represented in Illinois. Many species may grow in wet soil but the family is not notably aquatic in our area. We have mentioned only the genus Bidens (beggar- ticks) represented by eleven species in Illinois. Many species in this genus are plants of wet ground but the one we have described and illustrated is entirely aquatic. References given below are for Bidens only. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 3, 353-357 Fassett: 325-336. Muenscher: 335-336. Jones: 262-263. BUR-MARIGOLD Bidens beckii Tort. 1 . Submersed leaves crowded at nodes and appearing whorled, finely dissected into thread-like segments, soft in texture. 2. Emersed leaves 2 - 3.5 cm long, firm in texture, simple, sessile, the margins serrate or toothed . 3. Flowers in a single head, the central disk about 1 cm wide, with showy yellow rays up to 1 .5 cm long. 4. Achenes 10-15 mm long, in clusters, with barbed awns. Drawing enlarged 2 times. August - September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Northern part of the state. 65 ALISMACEAE (WATER PLANTAIN FAMILY) In this family three genera are found in 1 1 linois including two species of water plantain (Alisma) f three of burhead (Echinodorus) f and six of arrowhead (Sagittaria) . We have illustrated and described one species in each genus, but a complete key for the arrowheads is included below. Key to Genera of Alismaceae 1 . Leaves arrowhead shaped with basal lobes or lanceolate with no lobes. Veins more than 7 . Flowers in whorls of 3, the lower whorls pistillate, the upper staminate. Fruits (achenes) with marginal wings . Sagittaria. Key below. 1 . Leaves oval or cordate with no basal lobes. Veins 7 or less. 2. Leaves oval, the base cordate or tapering to tjie petiole. Flowers small, very numerous, often in a large panicle exceeding the leaves. Fruits (achenes) in a flattened head. Individual achenes with no wings, ribbed on the curved back only. Alisma. Page _&8. 2. Leaves cordate. Flowers small, in whorls of 3 -6. Achenes in a globular head. Individual achenes with no wings but evenly ribbed. Echinodorus . Pag e .69 . Key to Species of Sagittaria 1 . Leaves arrowhead shaped, seldom lanceolate or linear. 2. Fruiting pedicels thickened, generally curved downward. Sagittaria calycinus. Not illustrated. 2. Fruiting pedicels not thickened, not curved down but upward or spreading. 3. Bracts in the inflorescence oval to ovate; beak of the achene nearly horizontal. Sagittaria latifolia. Page 67 • 3. Bracts in the inflorescence lanceolate, longer than wide; beak of the achene upright or erect. 4. Achenes about 2 mm long with equal , thickened wings . Sagittaria cuneata. Not illustrated. 4. Achenes about 3 mm long with unequal, thin wings. Sagittaria brevirostra. Not illustrated. 1 . Leaves lanceolate (long and narrow) or linear, seldom arrowhead shaped. 5. Achenes about 3 mm long, pedicels of flowers short; those of the pistillate flowers almost sessile. Sagittaria rigida. Not illustrated . 5. Achenes about 2 mm long, pedicels long and slender; those of both pistillate and staminate flowers about the same length. Sagittaria graminea . Not i I lustrated . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1,88-93. Muenscher: 78-95. Fassett: 79-96. Jones: 274-275. 66 1 . Leaves emersed, 5-45 cm long, 2.5 - 30 cm wide, all basal, lower lobes of the blade generally present, these lobes broadly oval or narrow and sharp tipped. 2. Petioles expanded at the base and overlapping, attached to the blade between the lobes. 3. Flowers with 3 white petals 1 .5 - 2 cm long, in whorls of 3 or more on a scape 10 - 140 cm in length. Upper flowers often stam- inate with numerous stamens, the lower flowers pistil late . Fruits (achenes) crowded into a globular head . 4. Individual achene 2.5 - 3.5 mm long, with a beak 1 - 2.5 mm long, winged around the margin. Drawing enlarged 8 times. July - September. Shallow water and muddy banks . — Distribution: Probably state wide . 67 HEART-SHAPED WATER PLANTAIN Alisma subcordatum Raf. 1 . Leaves emersed, basal, 5-20 cm long , 3 - 15 cm wide, elliptical to broadly oval, leaf blade cordate or the blade tapering to the petiole. 2. Veins arising from the leaf base, 6-8 main veins parallel to a conspicuous midrib. 3. Petioles basal ly expanded and overlapping . 4. Flowers numerous, white to pink, each with 3 petals 1 - 2.5 mm long, very small, arranged in a branching panicle up to 100 cm long and often conspicuous. 5. Individual achenes 1 - 2.5 mm long, often numerous, beaks not prominent. Drawing enlarged 8 times. July -September. Ditches, ponds and muddy banks. Distribution: Probably state wide . 68 BEAKED BURHEAD Echinodorus rostratus (Nutt.) Engelm. 1 . Leaves emersed, 2- 18cm long, 0.5 - 12 cm wide, heartShaped at the leaf base, midvein prominent with 3-4 additional veins on either side, leaf blade sometimes longer than wide. 2. Petioles arising from the plant base and overlapping . 3. Flowers with 3 white petals 5-9 mm long, in whorls of 3-6, from branches of a scape 10-50 cm tall. Fruits (achenes) in glob- ular clusters. 4. Individual achene 2 - 3.5 mm long, with an erect beak. Draw- ing enlarged 8 times. June -July. Margins of ponds . Distribution: Southern half of the state . 69 NAJADACEAE (NAIAD FAMILY) Identification of most of our species ot Najas can be accomplished only with careful study. Often it will be necessary to dissect or unroll the leaf base under magnification. One can soon learn to recognize Najas marina and N. minor but N. gracillima, N. flexilis and N. guadalupensis will require patient study before they can be identified accurately in the field without a microscope or good lens . Key to Species of Najas 1 . Leaf blade visibly toothed, each tooth ending in a minute, spine-like tip. 2. Teeth of blade triangular, easily visible without magnification . Base rounded, entire or with 1-2 teeth. Najas marina. Page 71 2. Teeth of the blade barely visible without magnification . The base abruptly and broadly expanded with prominent spine-like bristles. Najas minor. Page _72_- 1 . Leaf blade apparently entire but with very minute marginal spines not visible without magnification. 3. Leaf blade abruptly expanded at the base, the lobes of the expanded portion with irregular (erose) margins . Najas gracillima. Page 73 . 3. Leaf blade with triangular or rounded bases, not abruptly expanded. 4. Leaf blade tapering to a very fine tip. Najas flexilis. Page 74 • 4. Leaf blade with a rounded tip, at least neither slender nor tapering to a fine tip. Najas guadalupensis. Page 75 • REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 85-86. Fassett: 76-77. Muenscher: 65-70. Jones: 276. 70 SPINY NAIAD Najas marina L. 1 . Leaves submersed, 1 -3 cm long, 2 -5 mm wide, opposite or with several crowded together, stiff, bright green, triangular marginal teeth easily visible. 2. Leaf base rounded, sheathing, attached directly to the stem, entire or with 1 -2 teeth . Drawing enlarged 8 times . 3. Stem stout, brittle, branching, often bearing spine-like teeth. Flowers very small, in leaf axils and concealed by leaf bases, staminate and pistillate on separate plants (dioecious) . 4. Fruit 4-7.5 mm long, half as thick, in leaf axils. Drawing en- larged 4 times . August -October. Small lakes. Distribution: Northern part of the state . 71 BRITTLE NAIAD Najas minor All. 1 . Leaves submersed, 1 - 2.7 cm long, less than 1 mm wide, opposite or more than 2 at a node, generally crowded at tips of branches, stiff, often recurved, spines very small but often visible without magnifica- tion . 2. Leaf with the narrow blade abruptly expanded at the clasping base into lobes with fine spines. Drawing enlarged 5 times. 3. Stem slender and branched . Flowers concealed in leaf axils, very small, separate staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant (monoecious) . 4. Fruit 2-4 mm long, 0.6 mm thick, with 12-15 ribs extending lengthwise, in leaf axil. Drawing enlarged 4 times . July -September. Ponds. Distribution: Southern half of the state . 72 BUSHY NAIAD Najas gracillima (A. Br.) Magnus. 1. Leaves submersed, 1 -3.5 cm long, barely 0.3 mm wide, slender, delicate, opposite or appearing scattered, marginal spines require magnification . 2. Leaf tip slender and tapering . Drawing enlarged 5 times. 3. Leaf base sheathing, abruptly lobed, the lobes with irregular margins and fine spines . Drawing enlarged 5 times . Stem very slender and delicate. Flowers very small, concealed in leaf bases, separate staminate and pistillate on the same plant (monoecious) . 5. Fruit 2 -3. 5 mm long, sessile, in leaf axils, dull in color, slightly curved or with unequal sides. Drawing enlarged 4 times. \ July -September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Southern part of the state . 73 SLENDER NAIAD Najas flexilis (Willd.) R. & S. 1. Leaves submersed, 1-3.5 cm long, 0.3 - 2 mm wide, slender, tapering to a fine point, often crowded at branch tips, margin with very fine spines requiring magnification. 2. Leaf tip. Drawing enlarged 5 times. 3. Leaf base sheathing and rounded, expanded but not abruptly lobed, marginal spines very small. Drawing enlarged 5 times . 4. Stem slender, often reddish- brown, branches numerous. Flowers in leaf axils, very small, pistillate in lower and staminate in upper branches (monoecious). 5. Fruit 2.5 - 3 mm long, 1 .5 mm thick, slender, the pericarp yellow- purple, seed shiny. Drawing en- larged 8 times . July - September. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Scattered localities but probably state wide. 74 SOUTHERN NAIAD Najas guadalupensis (Spreng .) Magnus. 1 . All leaves submersed, 0.8 - 2cm long , 0.5-0 .8 mm wide, linear, dark green to purple-brown, tips ratherblunt, smaller leaves often in axils of the larger. Marginal spines require magnification. Leaf tip blunt or rounded, not tapering. Drawing enlarged 5 times . 3. Leaf base sheathing and rounded, expanded but notabruptly lobed, margin with very fine spines. Drawing enlarged 5 times. 4. Stem firm but not stiff. 5. Flowers concealed in leaf axils, very small, requiring magnifica- tion. Separate male and female flowers on the same plant (monoecious) . Fruit 1.5-3 mm long, in leaf axils, dul I purple- brown, the seed itself dull with almost square surface markings visible with a hand lens. Drawing enlarged 8 times. July -September. Ponds and slowly moving streams. Distribution: Probably state wide . 75 POTAMOG ETON ACE AE (PONDWEED FAMILY) Key to Genera 1 . Leaves alternate or the upper sometimes crowded and appearing opposite, variable in shape . 2. Plants with both floating and submersed leaves, often unlike in appear- ance, or plants entirely submersed. Stipules only partially attached to leaf bases or free. Flowers and fruits in elongate or globose spikes. Potamogeton. Key below. 2. Plants entirely submersed, leaves all alike, long, narrow. Stipules sheathing the leaf bases. Flowers concealed in the leaf sheath until after flowering, the fruits eventually on a long peduncle. Ruppia ■ Page 99 • 1 . Leaves opposite or sometimes three or more, always thread-like and delicate, Flowers and fruits axillary, nearly sessile and curved. Zannichellia. Page 100 . REFERENCES GJeason: Vol. 1, 74-86. Fassett: 55-77. Muenscher: 27-56, 59-61 . Jones: 276-278. Key to Species, of Potamogeton 1 . Plants bearing both floating and submersed leaves, the floating ones broader than the submersed. 2. Submersed leaves longer than wide, more than 5 mm wide. 3. Stem and petioles with black or dark spots, floating leaves with heart-shaped or broadly rounded bases, submersed leaves with wavy margins. P. pulcher. Page 79 3. Stem and petioles with no black or dark spots, the leaves with taper- ing or round bases, margins not wavy. 4. Floating leaves with 30-51 veins, submersed leaves folded and curved. P. amplitolius. Page 80 • 76 4. Floating leaves with less than 30 veins. 5. Submersed leaves with petioles 2- 13 cm long. P. nodosus. Page 81 . 5. Submersed leaves sessile or with a tapering petiole less than 2 cm long . 6. Submersed leaves 1 .5 - 8 cm long, sessile and with mature fruiting spikes 1 -3 cm long. P. gramineus . • Pag e 82 • 6. Submersed leaves 9 - 20 cm long, sessile or with a short tapering petiole; mature fruiting spikes from 4-6 cm long. P. illinoensis. Page 83 . 2. Submersed leaves linear or thread-like, less than or at least not more than 5 mm wide. 7. Submersed leaves 3-8 mm wide, linear, with 5-7 veins, floating leaves spatula-shaped, with 9-27 veins, fruiting spikes cylindrical and all similar. P. epihydrus . Page 84 ■ 7. Submersed leaves 1 - 2 mm wide, thread-like. 8. Floating leaves 5 - 10 cm long; fruiting spikes all similar. P. natans. Page 85 • 8. Floating leaves up to 4 cm long . 9. Floating leaves 1 - 4 cm long; submersed leaf bases sheathing the stem; fruiting spikes of two kinds, the emersed ones cylindrical and the submersed ones globular. P. diversifolius. Page 86 • 9. Floating leaves 8-15 mm long, submersed leaf bases not forming a sheath around the stem; fruiting spikes all similar. P. vaseyi . Page 87 ■ 1 . Plants entirely submersed, all leaves uniform in appearance. 10. Leaves not more than 5 mm wide, thread-like, ribbon-like, or linear (longer than wide) . 11 . Stipules free, not attached to petioles or blades. 12. Leaves with 9-35 veins. P. zosteriformis. Page 88 • 12. Leaves with 1-7 veins. 13 . Leaves with 5-7 veins, a pair of small glands at the base of the blade. P. friesii. Page 89 77 13. Leaves with 1-5 veins. 14. Leaves with no small glands at the base of the blade. P. foliosus. Page 90 ■ 14. Leaves with a pair of small glands at the base of the blade . 15. Leaves 3-veined, obtuse or tapering to sharp bristle tips. P. strictifolius. Page 01 . 15. Leaves 3-veined with no bristle tip. 16. Peduncles of fruiting spikes 3 - 8 cm long, thread-like. P. pusillus . Page 92 . 16. Peduncles of fruiting spikes 0.5 - 3 cm long, not thread-like. P. berchtoldi. Page 93 ■ 1 1 . Stipules attached to the base of petioles or blades . 17. Leaves coarsely thread-like, gradually tapering from base to tip, with no auricles (ears) at the base of the blade, margins entire. Plants appearing spray-like or fan-like in water . P. pectinatus. Page 94 . 17. Leaves not coarsely thread-like but linear (longer than wide), bearing auricles (ears) at the base of the blade, margins very finely serrate . P. robbinsii. Page 95 . 10. Leaves more than 5 mm wide, neither thread-like nor linear, but oval or lanceolate, sessile or clasping the stem . 18. Leaves sessile, round at the tips, margins crisped (wavy) and with very fine teeth. P. crispus. Page 9 . 1 8. Leaves not sessi le but with clasping bases . 19. Leaf blade 10 - 40 cm long, tips rounded and boat-shaped therefore splitting into an M-shape, margins flat. P. praelongus. Page 97 . 19. Leaf blade 2 - 9 cm long, tips neither rounded nor boat- shaped but flat and tapering, the margins wavy or crinkly. P. richardsonii . Page 98 • 78 June - August muddy shores . Shallow water and Distribution: Generally the northern half of the state. HEARTLEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton pulcher Tuckerm. 1 . Submersed leaves, when pre- sent, 7 - 15 cm long, 1 - 3 cm wide, lanceolate, with wavy mar- gins, tapering to the base with no well defined petiole. Veins 10-207 none more conspicuous than others. 2. Floating leaves 5 - 8 cm long, 2 - 5 cm wide, oval to elliptical, with sharp to rounded tips, bases cordate to broadly rounded. Veins 20 - 30, none more conspicuous than others . 3. Petioles of floating Ieaves3-10 cm long , thick , often black spotted . 4. Stipules 3-6 cm long, taper- ing to a point, generally persisting. 5. Stem with few branches, often black spotted . 6. Peduncle 5 - 10 cm long, thicker than the stem . Fruits (achenes) in dense cylindrical spike 2 - 3 .5 cm long . 7. Individual achene 3-4 mm long, oval, beaks generally pre- sent. Drawing enlarged 8 times. 79 June - August. Ponds and lakes Distribution: Eastern and north- eastern part of the state. LARGELEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerm, 1 . Submersed leaves 8 - 20 cm long, 3 - 5 cm wide, thin, often recurved, folded, rolled, tapering at each end. Veins 25-40. 2. Floating leaves 5 - 18 cm long, 3 - 5 cm wide, elliptical, rounded at. the base. Veins 30-51 with 6-8 often prominent. 3. Petioles of submersed leaves 1 -4 cm long . 4. Petioles of floating leaves 9-15 cm long . 5. Stipules 4 - 12 cm long, taper- ing to a sharp point, with two ridges on the back . 6. Stem 3 -4 mm in diameter, sometimes with few branches. 7. Peduncle 8 - 15 cm long, thicker than the stem. 8. Fruits (achenes) in dense spike 2 - 8 cm long . 9. Individual achene 3 .5 - 5 mm long, often beaked. Drawing enlarged 5 times . AMERICAN PONDWEED Potamogeton nodosus Poir. 1 . Submersed leaves 8-30 cm long, 1 - 3 cm wide, thin, lanceolate to linear, tapering to the base. Veins 7-15. 2. Floating leaves 5-13 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, thick in texture, oval, tips round to sharp, base round to tapered. Veins 11-21 . 3. Petioles of submersed leaves 2 - 13 cm long . 4. Petioles of floating leaves 5 - 20 cm long . 5. Stipules 5 - 10 cm long, taper- ing to rounded tips, thin. 6. Stem round with few branches. 7. Peduncles 3-12 cm long, thick- er than the stem . 8. Fruits (achenes) in cylindrical spike 3 - 6 cm long, dense with achenes . 9. Individual achene 3-4 mm long, keels sharp, beak short. Drawing enlarged 5 times. June - August. Both shallow and deep water . Distribution: Probably state wide. 81 VARIABLE PONDWEED Potamogeton gramineus L. 1 . Submersed leaves 1.5 - 8 cm long, 3 mm to 1 cm wide, narrow, tapering to the base , ihe tips sharp . Veins 3-7. All leaves quite variable . 2. Floating leaves 2 -5 cm long, 1 - 2 cm wide, oval to elliptical, thick in texture . Veins 11-19. All leaves variable . 3. Petioles of submersed leaves none. Leaf blade tapering to the base . 4. Petioles of floating leaves 5-10 cm long , slender . 5. Stipules 2 -2.5 cm long, tips rounded, persisting . 6. Stem round, slender, often with many branches . 7. Peduncle 2 - 10 cm long , thick- er than the stem . 8. Fruits (achenes) in spike 1 - 3 cm long, cylindrical, dense with achenes . 9. Individual achene 1 .7 - 2.5 mm long, dorsal keel sharp, beak erect. Drawing enlarged 8 times. June -August. Both shallow and deep, moving water. Distribution: Eastern part of the state . 82 ILLINOIS PONDWEED Potamogeton illinoensis Morong 1 . Submersed leaves 9 - 20 cm long, 3.8 - 5 cm wide, lanceolate, thin, sessile or with a short, taper- ing petiole. Veins 9-19. 2. Floating leaves, when present, 7 - 13 cm long, 2 - 6 cm wide, oval to lanceolate, rounded to sharply tipped, the bases tapering or rounded, thick in texture. Veins 19-23. 3. Petioles of floating leaves 5 - 10 cm long . 4. Stipules 5 - 10 cm long, conspicuous and persisting . 5. Stem often stout and branching. 6. Peduncle 5 - 10 cm long, thicker than the stem. 7. Fruits (achenes) in cylindrical spike 6 cm long, dense with fruit. 8. Individual achene 3.5-4 mm long, low dorsal keels and beaks. Drawing enlarged 7 times. June -August. In quiet water . Distribution: Mostly the northern half but possibly state wide. 83 RIBBONLEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. 1 . Submersed leaves 10-15 cm long ,3-8 mm wide, sessile, linear and tapering from the base to slender tips. Veins 5-7 , the midvein with parallel bands of pale green . 2 . F bating leaves 2 - 7 .5 cm long, 7 - 20 mm wide, somewhat spatula-shaped, rounded at the tips. Veins 9-27. 3. Petioles of floating leaves 2-8 cm long, slender, often flattened. 4. Stipules 1 .5 - 3 cm long, with rounded tips . 5. Stem slender, long, somewhat compressed, with few branches. 6. Fruits (achenes) in cylindrical spike 8 mm to 3 cm long and dense with achenes. Peduncle 2 - 6 cm long , slender . 7 . Individual achene 2.5-4 mm long , with sharp dorsal keel . Drawing enlarged 10 times. June - August. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Not common but probably state wide. 84 June - August. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Probably state wide FLOATINGLEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton natans L. 1 . Submersed leaves 10 - 20 cm long, 1 - 2 mm wide, narrowly linear, sessile, leaf tapering from base to slender tip. Veins 3-5, very faint. 2. Floating leaves 5 - 10 cm long, 2 - 6 cm wide, oval, cordate, or rounded at the base, thick in tex- ture. Veins 21-29, very fine. 3. Petioles of floating leaves 5 - 15 cm long, slender. 4. Stipules 4 - 10 cm long, clasping at the base but with sharp tips. 5. Stem with few branches or none . 6. Peduncle 3 - 10 cm long, thicker than the stem . 7. Fruits (achenes) in a dense spike 3 - 6 cm long . 8. Individual achene 3-5 mm long, turgid or swollen, with no conspicuous keels . Drawing enlarged 8 times . 85 WATERTHREAD PONDWEED Potamogeton diversifolius Rat. 1 . Submersed leaves 0.5 - 1.5 mm wide, very narrow, up to 5 cm long, sessile. Veins 1-3, faint. 2. Floating leaves 1 - 4 cm long, 1 -3.5cm wide, oval, with rounded tips, tapering to the base. Veins 7 - 15. 3. Petioles of floating leaves 5-25 mm long, slender. 4. Stipules of floating leaves 2 -3 cm long, partially attached to the petiole. 5. Fruits (achenes) in upper cylin- drical spikes 5-20 mm long and in lower globose spikes. Peduncles of upper spikes 1 -5 mm long, the lower spikes nearly sessile. 6. Individual achene 1-1.8 mm long, dorsal keel conspicuous and toothed. Drawing enlarged 10 times . June - August. Shallow water of ponds and lakes . Distribution: Mostly the southern half of the state. 86 VASEY'S PONDWEED Potamogeton vaseyi Robbins 1 . Submersed leaves 2-6 cm long, 0.2 - 0.5 mm wide, narrow, sessile, tapering to a sharp tip. Vein 1 . 2. Floating leaves 8- 15 mm long, half as wide, oval to elliptical, tips rounded. Plants with floating leaves are generally fruiting, plants with submersed leaves only may produce many winter buds and noachenes. Veins 5-9. 3. Petioles of floating leaves 5-20 mm long, slender. Stipules 5 - 10mm long, narrow. 4. Stem very slender, often branched. 5. Peduncle slender, 10 -15 mm long, spike often emersed, later submersed by the curving peduncle 6. Fruits (achenes) in cylindrical spike 5-8 mm long, achenes in interrupted whorls . 7. Individual achene 1 .5 - 2.5 mm long, very small, oval, with flattened sides, dorsal keel low and round. Drawing enlarged 5 times . July -September. Lakes Distribution: Northeastern part of the state . 87 FLATSTEM PONDWEED Potamogeton zosteriformis Fern. 1 . Submersed leaves 10 - 20 cm long, 2-5 mm wide, linear, somewhat narrowed at the base. Main veins 1-3, other very fine veins 9-35 . Floating leaves none. 2. Leaf apex rounded with a sharp tip. Drawing enlarged 3 times. 3. Petioles not distinct, leaves narrowed to the base . 4. Stipules 1 - 3 cm long, free from the leaf base . 5. Stem 1 - 5 mm wide, branched, flattened, slightly winged . 6. Peduncle 2-5 cm long, often curved . 7. Fruits (achenes) in cylindrical spike 1 .5 - 2.5 cm long . 8. Individual achene 3.5 - 5 mm long, dorsal keel sharp, somewhat dentate. Drawing enlarged 3 times. June - August. Ponds and slowly moving water. Distribution: Northern counties of the state . 88 FRIES'S PONDWEED Potamogeton friesii Rupr. 1 . Submersed leaves 3 - 8 cm long, 1 .5 - 3 mm wide, linear, sessile, with a cusp or tooth at the rounded tip of the blade. Veins 5-7 , all faint except the midvein . Floating leaves none. 2. Stipules 7 - 10 mm long, whitish, becoming fibrous or shredded, not attached, a small gland on each side at the base. 3. Stem somewhat flattened, with few branches except near the upper part . 4. Peduncle 1 flattened . 1 .5 cm long , 5. Fruits (achenes) in spike 7-18 mm long , in 3-4 groups or whorls . 6. Individual achene 2-3 mm long, rounded on the back, beak short. Drawing enlarged 9 times. J July -September. Lakes Distribution: Northeastern part of the state . 89 LEAFY PONDWEED Potamogeton foliosus Rat. 1 . Submersed leaves 2 - 5 cm sometimes 7 - 8 cm long, 0.5 - 3 mm wide, linear, narrowed at the base, with no glands. Veins 3-5, those on either side of the main vein very fine . Floating leaves none. 2. Petioles not distinct, the leaf blade narrowed to the base. Drawing enlarged 5 times. Stipules 5 - 10 mm long , lower half attached to the stem, soon disap- pearing . 3. Stem slender, freely branched, bushy . 4. Peduncles 3-10 mm long, often thicker than stem . Drawing enlarged 5 times . 5. Fruits (achenes) in globose spikes 2-8 mm long . Drawing enlarged 5 times . 6. Individual achene 2 - 2.5 mm long, with sharp, notched dorsal keel. Drawing enlarged 7 times. June - August. Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Common and state wide . 90 NARROWLEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton strictifolius Benn. 1 . Submersed leaves 2-6 cm long, 0.5 - 2 mm wide, sessile, stiff, obtuse or tapering to a bristle tip, a pair of glands at the base of the blade. Veins 3, the 2 lateral ones very fine. Floating leaves none. 2. Stipules 5 - 15 mm long, not adnate or attached . 3. Stem very slender, long some- times branched . 4. Peduncles 1 - 4 cm long, very slender. 5. Fruits (achenes) in slender spikes 1 - 2 cm long, achenes in 2-4 groups or whorls . 6. Individual achene 2-3 mm long, very small, the keel low or none. Drawing enlarged 9 times. July - September. Shallow water of lakes . Distribution: Northeastern part of the state 91 SMALL PONDWEED 6 Potamogeton pusillus L. 1 . Submersed leaves 1 - 6 cm long, 0.5-2 mm wide, narrow, not bristle-tipped, some with a pair of basal glands . Veins 3, the midvein more conspicuous, the two lateral ones very fine. Petioles none, blade tapering from base to tip. Floating leaves none . Stipules 6-17 mm long, tubular, united from the base to above the middle, not persisting. 2. Stem slender and branching . 3 . Pedunc les 3 - 8 cm long , thread-like, from axils of upper leaves . 4. Fruits (achenes) in elongated, interrupted spikes 1 - 5 cm long, in 2-5 groups or whorls . 5. Individual achene 2 - 2.9 mm long, dorsal keel low, rounded. Drawing enlarged 7 times. 6. Detail of spike. Drawing enlarged 6 times . June - August. Ponds and lakes. Distribution: Probably state wide 92 BERCHTOLD'S PONDWEED Potamogeton berchtoldi Fieber 1 . Submersed leaves 10-50 mm long, 0.5 - 1 mm wide, linear, with a pair of glands at the base, not bristle tipped. Veins 3, with central vein most conspicuous. Petioles none, blades taper to the base . Floating leaves none. Stipules 3 - 15 mm long, sometimes appearing as if rolled inward from the edges, not attached. 2. Stem very slender, round, with few branches or none. Winter buds sometimes at stem tips . 3. Peduncles 0.5 - 3 cm long, very slender, from upper leaf axils. Fruits (achenes) in spikes 2-8.5 mm long, the groups of achenes separated into whorls. 4. Individual achene 2 - 2.5 mm long, very small, beak short. Drawing enlarged 8 times. July - September. Lakes. Distribution: Northeastern part of the state . 93 SAGO PONDWEED Potamogeton pectinatus L. 1. Submersed leaves 0.5 - 1 .5 mm wide, 3 - 15 cm long, coarsely thread-like, tapering to a sharp tip. Massed leaves at the ends of stems may appear fan-like . Veins, 1 with some small cross veins. Petioles not distinct, blades taper- ing from base to tip. Stipules 1 - 2 cm long, attached to the leaf base for half their length. Floating leaves none . 2. Stem branching freely. 3 . Pedunc le 3 - 1 2 cm long , slender . June - August. Shallow to deep water of ponds and lakes. Distribution: Probably state wide 4. Fruits (achenes) in interrupted spikes 1 - 4 cm long with several groups or whorls of achenes . 5. Individual achene 3 .5 -4.5 mm long, rounded keels, beak short. Drawing enlarged 7 times. 6. Detail of a spike enlarged 2 times . ing 94 FLATLEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes 1 . Submersed leaves 3 - 10.5 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, narrowly linear, contracted at the base, stiff and straight, margin minutely serrate. Veins 20-60, very fine. Petioles none, blades abruptly contracted at the base. Floating leaves none. 2. Stipules 20 - 30 mm long, attached to leaf for 5 - 15 mm, soon decaying or reduced to fibers. 3. Stem often unbranched, except in flowering plants . 4. Peduncles 2 - 2.5 cm long . 5. Fruits (achenes) in spikes 7-15 mm long, often whorled, the achenes seldom maturing . 6. Individual achene 4 mm long, with a sharp dorsal keel and 2 rounded ones. Drawing enlarged 5 times. July -September. Lakes Distribution: Northeastern part of the state. 95 CURLYLEAF PONDWEED Potamogeton crispus L. 1 . Submersed leaves 3 - 12 cm long, 6-15 mm wide, rounded at the tips, wavy margined and crisped. Veins 3-7,the midrib often red -brown . Petioles none, the rounded leaf base sessile but not clasping . Floating leaves none. Stipules 4 - 5 mm long, soon disappearing . 2. Stem somewhat flattened with few to many branches, brittle and easily broken . 3 . Pedunc le 2 - 7 cm long , about as thick as the stem, often curved when in fruit . 4. Fruits (achenes) in spike about 1 cm long, often densely fruited. 5. Individual achene 2.5 - 3 mm long, turgid or swollen , with rather conspicuous beaks 2-3 mm long. Drawing enlarged 5 times. 6. Winter bud May - July. Ponds and lakes. Distribution: Generally in the northern half of the state. 96 WHITESTEM PONDWEED Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen 1 . Submersed leaves 10 - 40 cm long, 10 - 30 mm wide, lanceo- late, widest at the base, leaf tips rounded or boat-shaped and split- ting when pressed. Veins 13-25, with from 3-5 of these conspicuous. Floating leaves none. 2. Petioles none. Leaves cordate or rounded at the base and clasping half way around the stem . 3. Stipules 1 - 10 cm long, white, resembling tissue paper, often apressed to the stem, persisting. 4. Stem green in young plants, turning whitish, often branched with a zig-zag appearance. 5. Peduncle 12 - 40 cm long, about as thick as the stem . 6. Fruits (achenes) in a cylindri- cal spike 3-6 cm long, often with only a few achenes maturing . 7. Individual achene 4 - 5.5 mm long, the dorsal keel sharp, beak short. Drawing enlarged 7 times. June - August. Usually deep water. Distribution: Northern counties of the state . 97 RICHARDSON PONDWEED Potamogeton richardsonii (Benn.) Ry 1 . Submersed leaves 2 - 9 cm long, 10 - 25 mm wide at the base, lanceolate, leaf tips not rounded and boat-shaped but flat and tapering. Lower leaves often ovate, widest at the base, the tips pointed. Veins 15-30, with 3-7 more prominent than others. Leaves sessile, clasping the stem, from half to three-fourths the diameter of the stem . Floating leaves none. 2. Stipules 1 - 2 cm long, whitish blunt, soon disappearing. 3. Upper stem often branched and leafy . 4. Peduncle 2 - 10 cm long, as thick as the stem . 5. Fruits (achenes) in cylindrical spike 1.5-3 cm long . 6. Individual achene 2.7 - 4 mm long, plump, keels rounded, beak short. Drawing enlarged 7 times. June - August . Ponds and slowly moving water . Distribution: Northern part of the state . 98 WIDGEON GRASS Ruppia maritima L. 1 . Submersed leaves 4 - 10 cm long, 0.5 mm wide, very slender, alternate, sessile, tapering to the tip. Stipules 10 - 30 mm long, sheathing, attached to the basal part of the leaves. Floating leaves none . 2. Stem slender, delicate, branched or with no branches. 3. Flowers completely concealed in the thin, sheathing leaf bases until after flowering when the peduncle elongates. 4. Fruits in an umbel-like cluster with each fruit on a separate pedi- cel . The entire fruiting cluster on a long, thread-like peduncle coiled or straight . 5. A fruiting cluster . Drawing enlarged 8 times . August -October . Ponds and lakes. Distribution: Known from Vermilion and Lake Counties . 99 HORNED PONDWEED Zannichellia palustris L. 1 . Submersed leaves 4-15 cm long, 0.5 mm wide, opposite or several in a whorl, very slender, sessile, somewhat tapered to the leaf tip. Stipules sheath the leaf bases . Floating leaves none. 2. Stem slender, fragile, branched 3. Flowers very small, staminate and pistillate in the same axillary group. Fruit 2 - 3 .5 mm long, curved, often dentate on the con- vex side, sessile or with short stalk, sometimes several fruits in one whorl, beaks up to 1 .5 mm long . 4. A single fruit larged 9 times . Drawing en- 5. A portion of a stem with leaves and fruits. Drawing enlarged 5 times . July - September. Ponds and slowly moving streams. Distribution: Northern half of the state . 100 PONTEDERIACEAE (PICKEREL WEED FAMILY) Key to Genera Leaves large, often 18 cm long, heart-shaped to lanceolate. Flowers numerous, generally blue, in a tight, spike-like panicle. Pontederia . Page 1 Q2 . Leaves long and grass-like, flattened, kidney-shaped or oval . Flowers generally 1 to 8 from a leaf-like spathe, pale yellow, white or blue. Heteranthera. Key below . Key to Species of Heteranthera 1 . Leaves much longer than wide, grass- 1 ike with no prominent mid -vein . Flowers pale yellow, generally solitary. Heteranthera dubia. Page 103 1 . Leaves kidney-shaped or oval, veins more prominent. Flowers solitary or more than one, white or pale blue. 2. Leaves kidney-shaped to nearly round. Flowers 2-8, generally blue. Heteranthera reniformis. Not illustrated. 2. Leaves oval to broadly oval . Flowers solitary , white to pale blue . Heteranthera limosa. Not illustrated. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 384-385 Fassett: 171-173. Muenscher: 199-204. Jones: 290. 101 PICKEREL WEED Pontederia cor data L. 1 . Emersed leaves up to 180 cm long, base of the blade heart- shaped. Veins very fine, numerous, none more conspicuous than others. Submersed leaves, if present, long and narrow . 2. Petioles spongy, arising from the base of the plant. 3. Flowers small, blue to white, crowded in a spike-like panicle. The flowering stalk bears 1 leaf. 4. Fruits, bearing 1 seed, are achene-like, 6-10 mm long, with toothed ridges . Drawing enlarged 3 times . June - September. Margins of ponds and streams . Distribution: Scattered and proba- bly state wide . 102 WATER STARGRASS Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacM. 1 . Submersed leaves 10 - 15 cm long, 2.5-6 mm wide, sessile, grass-like. Plants often stranded on mud banks or in very shallow water may produce many flowers. Floating leaves may be present in deep water. 2. Stems submersed, long , slender, with many branches. 3. Flowers small , pale yellow, in leaf axils, partially enclosed by a leaf-like spathe 2.5 - 5 cm long . Plants seldom flower in deep water. 4. Fruit an oval capsule up to 1 cm long, often entirely concealed among leaves and in the spathe. Drawing enlarged 3 times. July - September. Shallow to deep water and muddy shores. Distribution: Northern half of the state . 103 HYDROCHARITACEAE (FROGBIT FAMILY) Key to Genera 1 . Leaves cordate (heart-shaped) with long petioles, floating or sometimes emersed. Limnobium. Page 105 • 1 . Leaves neither cordate nor long petioled. 2. Leaves all basal, narrow, much longer than wide, with many fine, par- allel veins, upper ends of leaves sometimes floating. Vallisneria . Page 106 . 2. Leaves not basal, in whorls of 3-6, with one principal vein. Plants entirely submersed or breaking free and floating . Elodea. Key below Key to Species of Elodea 1 . Leaves* three in a whorl . Plants submersed and rooted on the bottom or floating free in masses. 2. Leaves about 2 mm wide, 1 - 2 cm long, thin, the tips rounded . Elodea canadensis . Page 107 ■ 2. Leaves about 1 .5 mm wide, 1 - 2 cm long, thin, the tips pointed. Elodea nuttallii . Not illustrated. 1 . Leaves six in a whorl, 3-5 mm wide, 2 - 3 cm long. Plants submersed or sometimes floating. Elodea densa . Not illustrated. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 94-96. Fassett: 97-99. Muenscher: 102-104, 106-110. Jones: 293. 104 FROGBIT Limnobium spongia (Bosc) Steud. 1 . Floating leaves, or sometimes emersed leaves, 2 - 7.5 cm long, round, oval or cordate. Young leaves spongy and purplish under- neath, often clustered at nodes of stolons or runners . Submersed leaves none. Petioles long and slender. 3. Staminate and pistillate flowers on separate plants. Staminate flowers 2 - 2.5 cm wide, white or cream, peduncles 7 .5 cm long. 4. Pistillate flowers slightly smaller than the staminate, white or cream, peduncles 2 - 3 cm long . Fruits on pistillate plants, oval to round, fleshy, peduncles recurved in fruit . June - September. Ponds and slowly moving streams. Distribution: Southern part of the state. 105 EEL GRASS Vallisneria americana Michx. 1 . Submersed leaves 20 cm to 2 m long, 5-20 mm wide, all basal, thin, ribbon-like, sessile, leaf tips rounded, upper parts of leaves sometimes floating. Veins numer- ous, fine, with a midvein more prominent than the others. Completely floating and emersed leaves none . 2. Flowers on separate plants (dioecious). Staminate flowers 3-4 mm across, breaking loose from the plant, floating. Drawing enlarged 10 times . 3. Pistillate flowers 2 - 3 cm long, solitary, white, in a tubular sheath. Drawing enlarged 5 times. 4. Peduncle of the pistillate flower slender, very long and often coiled, the flower maturing on the water surface . Fruit 6 - 12 cm long, cylindrical . As the fruit matures the peduncle coils and pulls the entire structure underwater. Mature plants often produce buds from creeping rhizomes or runners. July - September. Lakes and slowly moving water. Distribution: Northern part of the state . 106 .AMERICAN ELODEA Elodea canadensis Michx. 1 . Submersed leaves 1 - 2 cm long, 1 .5 - 4 mm wide, thin, tips rounded, in groups of 3, often crowded at branch tips. Floating and emersed leaves none. Stem brittle, often branched some- times breaking and floating. Flowers are on separate plants (dioecious) . Staminate 6-10 mm wide, pistillate 5 - 5.5 mm wide. Plants seldom flower except in aquaria . Fruit a capsule, 5-6 mm long, sessile, in leaf axil . 2. Portion of stem with leaves. Drawing enlarged 5 times. July - August. Slowly moving water and lakes . Distribution: Widely distributed in the state. 107 ARACEAE (ARUM FAMILY) This family is represented by four genera in Illinois: Arrow arum (Peltandra) and sweetflag (Acorus) are illustrated and described in this manual. Jack-in-the- pulpit and skunk cabbage represent the other two genera respectively . Key to Genera in this manual Leaves all basal, arrowhead shaped, lower lobes of blades extending down. Midvein and those of the lobes more prominent than the others. Flowers in a club-shaped spadix surrounded with a green, tapering spathe (envelope). Peltandra. Page 109 . Leaves all basal, grass-like, blades narrow and much longer than wide. Midvein off center of the blade. Flowers spike-like from the side of the stalk (scape), and with no green spathe. Acorus. Page 110- REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 368-370. Fassett: 164-166. Muenscher: 175-176, 178 and 1 Jones: 299. 108 ARROW ARUM Peltandra virginica (L.) Kunth Distribution: Southern two-thirds of the state . 1 . Leaves 10 - 35 cm long, basal, arrowhead shaped or triangular, ower lobes spreading and tapering to the tips. Larger leaves often produced after plants flower. Main vein and those of the lobes conspicuous, other veins numerous and fine. 2. Petioles long, overlapping at the base . 3. Flowers very small, crowded on a spadix enclosed by a green envelope-like spathe, staminate at the upper and pistillate at the lower end of the spadix . . Peduncle thickened and sturdy . Fruits in a globular head of berries turning brown at maturity and enclosed with the lower remnants of the spathe, the peduncle often bending to submerse the fruits. May - June. Ditches, margins of ponds and in shallow water. 109 SWEETFLAG Acorus calamus L. 1 . Leaves 9-25 mm wide, up to 1 m long, linear, stiff, overlap- ping, basal, from an aromatic rhizome. Plants forming colonies. 2. Veins parallel, numerous, the midvein usually off-center of the leaf. 3. Flowers very small, yellow- brown, crowded and numerous on a spadix 4 - 8.5 cm long. Spike- like spadix borne on a scape which resembles a leaf . 4. Root-bearing rhizome buried in mud. Entire basal part of the plant and rhizome is aromatic and has a sweet taste . June -August. Ponds, wet ground along streams . Distribution: Scattered localities but probably state wide. 110 LEMNACEAE (DUCKWEED FAMILY) These plants are very small and not differentiated into stems and leaves. Duck' weeds are the smallest known flowering plants and some species have not been observed in flower. A hand lens is essential in studying most of them. Key to Genera 1 . Plants with no roots . 2. Plants thick and fleshy in appearance, oval to globular in shape. Wolffia. Key below. 2. Plants thin, flat, strap-like. Wolffiella. Page 113 - No . 1 1 . Plants with roots . 3. Plants each with one root . Lemna. Page 112. 3. Plants each with 2-9 roots. Spirodela. Page 112. Keys to Species Wolffia 1 . Plants flat or flattened on the upper surface, with brown dots (punctate), bearing one nipple-like papilla. 2. Upper side nearly flat and gradually elevated at one end to a nipple-like papilla. Wolffia punctata. Page 113 . No. 2. 2. Upper side with a nipple-like papilla near the center. Wolffia papulifera. Page 114 . No . 3 . 1 . Plants rounded on the upper side with no brown dots, often bearing 1 -3 nipple-like papillae. Wolffia col umbiana. Page 114. No . 4 . Ill Lemna 1 . Plants oar-shaped, the segments often extended into narrow, stalk-like stipes and remaining attached to parent plants thus forming tangled masses. Lemna trisulca. Page JJ_5_. No. 5. 1 . Plants oval and generally separating, not forming tangled masses. 2. Segments narrow and curved (falcate). 3. Segments with 3 nerves or lines. Lemna perpusilla. Page ] ]5 • No. 6. 3. Segments with 1 nerve or line. Lemna valdiviana. Page ]] . No. 7. 2. Segments oval or circular and rounded on both surfaces. Lemna minor. Page 116. No. 8. Spirodela 1 . Plants about 6 mm long, broadly oval, with 6 nerves or lines on the upper surface, reddish-purple beneath, 4-18 roots. Spirodela polyrhiza. Page ] \y . No. 9. 1 . Plants not more than 4 mm long, oblong, with 5 nerves or lines, not reddish- purple beneath, 2-6 roots. Spirodela oligorhiza.No\ illustrated. REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 370-372. Fassett: 167-168. Muenscher: 183-189. Jones: 299-300. Daubs, E. H. 1965. A monograph of Lemnaceae. 1 1 linois Biological Monographs 34 . University of I llinois Press . 118 pp. 112 FLORIDA WOLFFIELLA Wolffiella floridana (Smith) Thompson ^b^. 1 . Individual plant 5-9 mm long, 0.4 - 0.7 mm wide, flat, thin, rounded at base, tapering to a slender tip. Plants have a double curve (falcate) with several often remaining attached and floating as a tangled mass. Drawing enlarged 2 times . Stems, leaves and roots none. Flowers seldom observed . Plants multiply by budding. Summer months . Stagnant water . Distribution: Southern part of the state . DOTTED WATERMEAL Wolffia punctata Griseb. 2. Segments 0.7 - 1 .2 mm long, 0.4 - 0.7 mm wide, oval, flat, gradually elevated at one end into a nipple-like papilla. Plants green with brown pigment cells. Drawing enlarged 8 times. Stems, leaves and roots none. Flowers seldom present. Plants multiply by budding. Summer months . Stagnant water . Distribution: Scattered localities, probably state wide. 113 PAPILLARY WATERMEAL Wolffia papulifera Thompson 3 . Segments 0.6 — 1.5 mm long , 0.3 - 1 .0 mm wide, oval, upper surface flat along margins but rising in center to nipple-like papilla. Plants green with brown pigment cells . Drawing enlarged 8 times . Stems, leaves and roots none. Flowers seldom present. Plants multiply mostly by budding . Summer months . Stagnant water . Distribution: Southern part of the state . COLUMBIA WATERMEAL Wolffia columbiana Karst. 2 Oc QQ 4. Segments 0.8 - 1 .4 mm long, 0.4 - 0.8 mm wide, globular, grain or meal-like, upper surface strong ly rounded, light green with no dots or markings. Plants often very abundant. Drawing enlarged 8 times . Stems, leaves and roots none. Flowers seldom present. Plants multiply mostly by budding. Summer months . Stagnant water . Distribution: Probably state wide. 114 STAR DUCKWEED Lemna trisulca L. 5. Segments 5 -20mm long, 2.5- 5 mm wide, submersed, oval or oblong, each with a stalk-like portion with which they remain attached forming tangled, con- nected masses. Drawing enlarged 3 times . Stems and leaves none. Root one per segment, or some- times none . Flowers seldom observed . Plants reproduce by budding . Summer months. Ponds and ditches. Distribution: Scattered localities, probably state wide. VERY TINY DUCKWEED Lemna per pus ilia Torr. 6. Segments 1 - 2.5mm long, 0.7 - 2 mm wide, oval to round, often not symmetrical , generally floating free or in groups. Draw- ing enlarged 3 times. Stems and leaves none. Root one per segment; the root tip pointed . Flowers seldom present . Plants reproduce by budding . Summer months. Ponds and stag- nant water . Distribution: Scattered localities, probably state wide. 115 VALDIVIA DUCKWEED Lemna valdiviana Phil. 7 . Segments 2.5 -5mm long , 0.5 - 1 .5 mm wide, floating, oval to round, generally floating free or in tangled masses. Draw- ing enlarged 3 times. Stems and leaves none. Root one per segment. Flowers seldom present. Plants reproduce by budding. Summer months . Ponds and stag- nant water . Distribution: Southern half of the state . SMALLER DUCKWEED Lemna minor L. Q 8. Segments 3-6 mm long, 1 .5 - 4 mm wide, oval to round, gener- ally symmetrical, floating free or in groups. Drawing enlarged 2 times. Stems and leaves none. Root one per segment; the root tip rounded . Flowers seldom present. Plants reproduce by budding . Summer months . Stagnant water, ponds, slowly moving streams. Distribution: Statewide. 116 GIANT DUCKWEED Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden 9. Individual plants 3-10 mm long, 2.5 - 8 mm wide, usually oval, often not symmetrical , about 7 nerves or lines on upper surface radiating from a nodal point near the base, green above, purplish- red beneath. Drawing enlarged 2 times . Stems and leaves none. Roots 5-10, arising from a nodal point on the underside. Flowers seldom observed. Plants multiply by budding and often remain attached to form small colonies . Summer months . Ponds, slow streams, ditches, stagnant water . Distribution: Statewide. 117 TYPHACEAE (CATTAIL FAMILY) Individual flowers are very small, numerous and crowded into dense spikes. The staminate or pollen bearing flowers are at the top of the spike and the pistillate or seed producing are below. Remains of withered staminate spikes may remain attached as the seed bearing lower part matures and turns brown. Key to Species Leaves 1 - 2.5 cm wide, flat. Pistillate and staminate parts of the spike nearly continuous. Typha lati folia. Page 118- Leaves 4 - 8 mm wide, rounded on the back: Pistillate and staminate parts of the spike generally separated by a stem-like interval . Typha angustifolia. Page 119- REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1,69-70. Muenscher: 15-17 Fassett: 48-49. Jones: 300. COMMON CATTAIL Typha lati folia L. 1 . Leaves 1 - 2.5 cm wide, flat, much longer than wide, sheathing at the base . 2. Stem 1 - 3 m tall, stiff, bear- ing flowering spikes and leaves. 3. Rhizomes thick, creeping, plants often forming dense masses of growth . 4. Flowers very small , crowded into long, dense spikes, staminate in the upper, pistillate in the lower part. The two parts of the spike nearly continuous, greenish when young, the maturing lower part eventually turning brown. 5. Entire single fruit about 1 cm long, with many white hairs from the base, the achene near the middle. Drawing enlarged 3 times . June -August. Ponds, ditches, lakes, rivers and wet ground. Distribution: Statewide. NARROWLEAF CATTAIL Typha angustifolia L. 1 . Leaves 4-8 mm wide, much longer than wide, less flattened than in T. latifolia. 2. Stems 1 - 1 .5 m tall, stiff. 3. Rhizomes similar to those of T. latifolia. 4. Flowers very small , crowded into long, dense spikes, staminate in the upper, pistillate in the lower part. The two groups gen- erally separated about 2 - 8 cm, the maturing lower part eventually turning dark brown. 5. Entire single fruit 5-8 mm long, bearing an achene, and with many white hairs from the base. Drawing enlarged 4 times. June - August. Ponds, ditches and wet ground . Distribution: Scattered localities, probably state wide. 119 SPARGANIACEAE (BUR-REED FAMILY) There are four species of bur-reed recorded for Illinois. We have illustrated and described one of them . REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 70-74. Fassett: 50-53. Muenscher: 18-26. Jones: 300-301 . GIANT BUR-REED Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. 1 . Emersed leaves 6-12 mm wide, up to 80 cm long, alternate, nar- row, about the same dimensions but stiffer than floating leaves. Floating leaves, when present, 5- 15 mm wide, up to 75 - 80 cm long, flat, limp, arising from the plant base. 2. Stem55-140cm long, emersed, bearing alternate leaves and flower- ing heads . 3. Flowers very small, in separate globular heads, the lower pistillate, the upper staminate, entire inflor- escence branched . 4. Fruits with individual beaked achenes giving a spiny appearance to the globular heads 2 - 3.5 cm across. Drawing about one half natural size . June -August. Ditches, margins of ponds and wet ground. Distribution: Probably state wide. 120 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) There are thousands of grass, rush, and sedge species, many of which are found in Illinois. All are easily confused and not ordinarily identified with a casual glance. When it is necessary to identify these plants it is advisable to consult manuals and books dealing with them in detail . We have omitted grasses and rushes, as explained in the introduction, these were seldom collected and sent in for identification by fishery biologists. However some sedges were involved in the collections. The following general statements may be helpful in learning to separate plants of the grass, sedge and rush families: Stems round or flat, never triangular, usually hollow except at the nodes, leaves 2-ranked, leaf sheaths split lengthwise on the side opposite the blade, fruit a grain. Grasses (Gram in eae) . Stems often triangular, usually with a pith (not hollow), leaves 3-ranked, leaf sheaths usually continuous around the stem, fruit an achene. Sedges (Cyperaceae) Stems round, usually solid, leafless or with a few basal or stem leaves, fruit a capsule. Rushes (Juncaceae) . In the FLORA OF ILLINOIS fourteen genera of sedges are listed and of these we have included only the following: Cyperus (sedges), Eleocharis (spikerushes) , and Scirpus (bulrushes). The following key may assist in separating plants of these three genera: Key to Genera Stems (culms) usually triangular, spikelets arranged in a spike, head, or umbel- like cluster, bracts generally several, long and leaf-like just below the inflor- escence, achenes with neither beak nor persistent bulbous style base. Cyperus. Page J22 ■ Stems (culms) round their entire length, spikelets strictly solitary and terminal, no leafy bracts below the inflorescence, achene topped with a bulbous, persistent style base. Eleocharis. Key below. Stems (culms) round to triangular, spikelets lateral or in a terminal cyme, a single leaf-like bract appearing as if a continuation of the stem, or several bracts below the inflorescence or none, achene not topped with the bulbous, persistent style base but with a slender tip. Scirpus. Page 123 • Key to Species of Eleocharis Stems (culms) 5 - 13 cm long, hair-like, very slender. Bristles at the base of the achene about as long as the achene. Style 3-parted. Eleocharis acicularis. Page 124 . Stems (culms) 50 - 70 cm long, not hair- 1 ike, 2 - 5 mm thick . Bristles at the base of the achene longer than the achene. Style 2-parted . Eleocharis obtusa. Page 125 - 121 REFERENCES Gleason: Vol. 1, 246-366. Fassett: 122-163. Muenscher: 147-174. Jones: 301-323. Hitchcock, A.S. 1951 . Manual of the grasses of the United States. Second Edition revised by Agnes Chase . U . S . D . A . Misc . Pub . No . 200, Washington, D.C. Mohlenbrock, R . H . and Drapalik, D. J., have treated the CYPERACEAE OF ILLINOIS in THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST as follows: Vol . 63, No. 2, April 1960, pp. 270-306; Vol. 67, No. 2, April 1962, pp. 398-423; Vol. 69, No. 2, April 1963, pp. 441-455; Vol. 70, No. 1, July 1963, pp. 1-46. LEAN SEDGE Cyperus strigosus L. 1 . Leaves 1 - 2.4 cm wide, much longer than wide, soft, numerous, from the plant base. 2\ Leaf-like bracts 2-7, arising below the inflorescence, each 35- 50 cm long, very narrow, often extending beyond the flowering parts . 3. Stems (culms) 1 to several, 20- 90 cm long, smooth, arising from a hard, corm-like base. Some entire plants, however, may be only a few centimeters in height. 4. Flowers very small , in brown spikelets radiating horizontally from the central axis, and forming a branching, umbel-like inflores- cence . 5. Fruits (achenes) 1 .5 - 2.5 mm long, very small, oblong, tipped with the persisting 3-parted style. Drawing enlarged 5 times. August - October. Moist fields, roadsides, ditches and ponds. Distribution: Throughout the state 122 AMERICAN BULRUSH Scirpus americanus Pers. 1 . Leaves with lower sheaths over- lapping and extended into blades 30 - 40 cm long . 2. Stems (culms) 100 - 120 cm tall, stiff, erect, dark green, sharply and conspicuously triangu- lar. 3. Rhizomes, from which culms arise, dark brown to black, often long, thick, sturdy . 4. Flowers very small, crowded into spike-like clusters 0.5 - 2.5 cm long. The culm continuing beyond the flower spike as a bract 3 - 10 cm long . 5. Achene 2.5 - 3 mm long, dark gray to black. Bristles not as long as the achene. Drawing enlarged 8 times . July -August. Marshy ground, margins of ponds, lakes, rivers. Distribution: Probably state wide . 123 SLENDER SPIKERUSH Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. & S. 1 . Stems (culms) 5 - 13.5 cm long, usually hair-like, arising from the plant base in tufts, often forming mats. Leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths at the base of the stems (culms) . 2. Flowers very small, crowded into a solitary, terminal spikelet 2-6.5 mm long . 3. Achene 0.5 - 0.7 mm tong, light to dark gray, obovoid, very small, style 3-parted. Bristles at the base about as long as the achene. Magnification is necessary for study. Drawing enlarged 30 times . 4. Spikelet. Drawing enlarged 4 times . 5. Rhizome with new plants. June - August. Margins of ponds and on wet ground. Distribution: Probably state wide. 124 BLUNT SPIKERUSH Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult. 1 . Leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths. 2. Stems (culms) up to 50 - 70 cm long, up to 2 - 5 mm thick, soft, arising from the base of the plant in tufts. The sheath enclosing the base of each culm is easily observed and is blunt at the tip. 3. Flowers very small, crowded in- to a solitary, terminal, oval spike- let 2 - 12 mm long . 4. Achene 1-1.5 mm long, dark brown, smooth, shining, very small, style 2-parted. Bristles at the base longer than the achene. Magnifi- cation necessary for study. Drawing enlarged 10 times. June - August. Margins of ponds and on wet ground . Distribution: Probably state wide 125 GLOSSARY Achene. A small, hard, dry one-seeded fruit . Acicular. Long and needle-shaped. Acuminate. Tapering at the apex or tip and ending in a point. Acute. Sharp-pointed or ending in a point. Adnate. United or attached to a different part. Stipules are adnate to the stem or petiole. Alternate. Borne singly and placed at different heights on a stem. Anther. The part of a stamen bearing pollen. Auricle. An ear-shaped appendage, generally at the base of a leaf blade. Awn. A coarse, hair-like appendage, usually stiff in proportion to its size. Axil . The upper angle in the petiole of a leaf or branch of a stem . Axillary . In an axil . Axis. That portion of a plant from which a series of leaves or flowers arise. The central part of a longitudinal support. Beak. A small tip, as applied to fruits or seeds. Bladder. An inflated, thin-walled structure . Blade. The expanded terminal portion of an organ, as leaf blade, flower petal or sepal, in contrast to the narrowed basal portion. Bract. A modified leaf, usually below a flower or flower cluster. Calyx. The outer series of floral leaves often green in color. Capillary. Very fine, slender or hair-like. Capsule. A dry, dehiscent fruit nearly always containing two or more seeds. Cespitose. In tufts and collectively forming mats. Clasping. The base (of a leaf) completely or partly surrounding the stem. Compound leaf. Two or more leaflets on a common petiole. Cordate. Heart-shaped. Corm . A thickened, rounded solid underground stem. Corolla. The second set of floral leaves, made up of petals often colored . Culm . The stem of a grass or sedge . Cuspidate. Ending in a sharp point . Cyme. A type of inflorescence in which each flower is strictly terminal to the main axis or to a branch . Dentate. With coarse teeth . Dichotomous. Two-forked one or more times, the branches equal or nearly so. Dioecious. With staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants. Dissected. Divided into narrow segments. Divided. Separated to the base or midvein (of a leaf). Dorsal. Pertaining to the back or outer surface . Elliptical . In the form of an ellipse, widest in the center. Emersed . Raised above the water surface . Entire. Smooth, with no teeth, serrations or lobes. Falcate. Curved or shaped like a sickle blade. Filiform. Slender and thread-like . Filament. That part of a stamen below the anther or pollen-bearing part. Fruit. A mature and ripened ovary. 126 Gelatinous. Having the nature of jelly, or jelly-like. Gland. A secreting surface or structure; an appendage having the appearance of such an organ . G lobose . Shaped I ike or with the appearance of a globe . G lobular . G lobe-shaped or spherical . Hastate. Shaped like an arrowhead, with the basal lobes pointing outward. Hypanthium . The receptacle on which the calyx, corolla and stamens are inserted . Inflorescence. Arrangement of flowers on a stem. Internode. That part of a stem between two nodes or joints. Irregular. Upper half of the flower unlike the lower half. Keel . A ridge, like the keel of a boat. Lanceolate. Shaped like a lance, longer than wide and tapering toward the apex. Leaflet. One blade of a compound leaf. Ligule. A thin, sometimes papery projection from the top of the leaf -sheath in grasses, sedges, etc. Linear. Long and narrow, with the margins or edges nearly parallel. Lobe . A part or segment of an organ . In leaves a division to nearly the middle of the blade. Margin. A border or edge . Megaspore . The larger of two kinds of spores, generally giving rise to a structure bearing female reproductive organs. Mericarp. The portion of a fruit that splits away, apparently as a separate part. Microspore. The smaller of two kinds of spores, generally giving rise to a structure bearing male reproductive organs. Midrib. The central or main rib of a leaf or similar structure, also referred to as midvein . Monoecious. Separate staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant. Mucilaginous. Slimy or like mucilage. Mucronate. With an abrupt point or tip. Net veined. The veins joining and forming a net. Node. The joint of a stem where the leaves are attached. Obtuse. Rounded or blunt at the tip. Opposite. On opposing sides of a stem, as in leaves with two at a node. Orbicular. Round in outline. Oval . The width more than half the length . Ovary. The basal part of the pistil and containing the ovules, an immature fruit. Ovate. Shaped like a hen's egg, the broad end down. Ovoid. Used to describe solid objects ovate in outline. Ovule. The organ which may, after fertilization, develop into a seed. Palmate. Radially lobed, the parts arising from a common point like fingers of a hand . Panicle. A compound or branched inflorescence, loosely branched and longer than wide . Papilla. A small, nipple-shaped projection. Pectinate. Having narrow, closely-set segments like teeth of a comb. Pedicel . Stalk of one flower in a cluster. 127 Peduncle. A primary flower stalk supporting a cluster or a single flower. Peltate. Shaped like a shield and used to describe a leaf which has a petiole attached at near mid-underside Pericarp. The wall of a fruit . Persistent. Remaining attached after other parts ordinarily fall off. Petal . A separate segment or part of the corolla . Petiolate. A petiole present . Petiole. A leaf stalk. Pinnate. The parts arising on each side of a rachis (midvein), feather-like. Pistil. A floral part composed of stigma, style, and ovary. Pistillate. Bearing pistils and ordinarily without stamens. Pubescent. With a fine covering of hairs. Punctate. With fine dots or glands . Quadrifoliate. With four leaflets . Raceme. A type of inflorescence with an elongated unbranched axis bearing lateral flowers . Rachis. An axis bearing flowers or leaflets. Recurved. Curved backward . Regular. In describing a flower with the parts of each circle similar in size and shape. Reniform. Kidney-shaped, longer than wide . Rhizoid. Root-like but of very simple structure. Rhizome. A modified underground stem. Rosette. A cluster of leaves crowded on very short internodes. Sagittate. Arrow -head -shaped with the lobes extending downward. Scale-like. Applied to very small leaves or bracts generally oppressed to a stem. Scape. Applied to a leafless structure bearing flowers and generally arising from the ground . Seed. A ripened ovule . Segment. One of the parts into which anything naturally separates or is divided. Sepal . One of the outer parts of a calyx, general ly green . Serrate. Like teeth in a saw (generally applied to leaf margins) . Sessile. With no stalk or petiole. Sheath. Tubular envelope, usually used to describe part of the leaf of a grass or sedge enclosing the stem or culm. Simple . A leaf with the blade made up of one piece and no separate leaflets. Sinus. A depression between two adjoining lobes. Solitary. Single. Spadix. A thick, fleshy part of some plants and generally bearing small flowers. Spathe. An envelope-like bract generally enclosing a flower or group of flowers. Spatulate. Shaped like a spatula, rounded at the summit and tapering to the base. Spike . An inflorescence with sessi le flowers on an axis . Spikelet. A small spike, the unit of inflorescence in grasses and sedges. Spinulose. Minutely spiny or beset with small spines. Sporangium . An organ in which spores are produced . Spore. A one-celled reproductive organ generally used in connection with non- flowering plants. Sporocarp. Fruit cases containing sporangia or soores . Stamen. A floral part composed of anther and filament. Staminate. Relating to or consisting of stamens. Ordinarily without pistils. Stigma. The terminal part of a pistil adapted to reception and germination of pollen . 28 Stipule. Appendages at the base of the petiole of some leaves. Stolon. A horizontal branch generally at the base of a plant and developing roots. Style. The portion of the pistil connecting the stigma and ovary. Submersed. Growing entirely underwater. Terminal . Situated at or forming the end or extremity of something. Thallus. A vegetative body as applied to some plants which lack distinct stems and leaves . Tuber. Thickened part of a root generally for food storage. Tubercle. A small tuber or tuber-like body. Umbel. Applied to an inflorescence where the branches arise from a common point like the frame of an umbrella . Vein. Externally visible vascular bundle as that found in a leaf. Venation . Arrangement of veins . Ventral . Situated on or pertaining to the lower side. Whorl . Three or more leaves or flowers arranged in a circle around the axis or stem at a node . Wing . Any membranous or thin expansion bordering or surrounding a seed or an achene . REFERENCES FOR BEGINNING STUDY Crafts, Alden S. 1949. Control of aquatic and ditchbank weeds . 15 pp. Circular No. 158. University of California . Davison, Verne E., Lawrence, John M. and Compton, Lawrence V. 1965. Waterweed control on farms and ranches. Farmers Bull., 2181, Revised 1965. Eyles, Don E. & Robertson, J. Lynne, Jr. 1963. A guide and key to the aquatic plants of the southeastern U.S. 151pp. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Circular No . 158. Hotchkiss, Neil. 1964. Pondweeds and pondweedlike plants of eastern North America. 30 pp. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Circular No . 187 . Lopinot, Alvin C . 1963. Aquatic weeds: their identification and methods of control. Fish. Bull. No. 4. I llinois Department of Conservation . Mackenthun, Kenneth M., Ingram, William Mardus, & Porges, Ralph. 1964. Limnological aspects of recreational lakes. 176 pp. U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare. Mohlenbrock, R . H . , Di I lard G . E . , and Abney , Thomas . 1961 . A Survey of Southern Illinois Aquatic Vascular Plants. The Ohio Jour, of Sc . 61 (5): 262-273. September. 129 Moyle, John & Hotchkiss, Neil. The aquatic and marsh vegetation of Minnesota and its value to waterfowl. Minnesota Department of Conservation, Tech. Bull. No. 3. Palmer, E. Laurence. 1955. Underwater pond plants. Nature Magazine, Aug. - Sept. Stewart, Albert N ., Dennis, La Rea J . , & Gilkey, Helen M . Aquatic plants of the Pacific northwest. With vegetative keys. 261 pp. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. Surber, Eugene W. 1961. Improving sport fishing by control of aquatic weeds . 49 pp. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Circular No. 128. Voss, Edward G . 1965. Some rare and interesting aquatic vascular plants of northern Michigan, with special reference to Cusino Lake. Reprinted from The Michigan Botanist. Winterringer, Glen S. 1966. Aquatic vascular plants new for Illinois. Rhodora . In press. Winterringer, Glen S. & Lopinot, Alvin C. 1965. Submerged and floating aquatic plants of Illinois. A preliminary illustrated manual . Illinois State Museum & I llinois Department of Conservation . Michigan Department of Conservation. 1964. Aquatic weeds and their control in Michigan. 28 pp. Minnesota Department of Conservation. 1959. Manual of instruction for game lake surveys. 83 pp. Ontario Water Resources Commission. Aquatic plant and algae control. Ontario, Canada . 1962. Report of the terminology committee, Weed Society of America. Reprinted from Weeds, Vol. 10, No. 3, July 1963. FOR ADVANCED STUDY Arber, Agnes. 1963. Water plants. 436 pp. Wheldon & Wesley , Ltd . and Hafner Pub. Co., N.Y. Benson, L. 1948. A treatise on North American Ranunculi. Am. Mid. Nat. 40: 1-261. Clausen , R . T. 1936. Studies in the genus Najas in the United States. Rhodora 38: 333-345. 130 Daubs, Edwin H . 1965. A monograph of Lemnaceae . 118 pp. 1 1 linois Biological Monographs 34. University of Illinois Press, Urbana . Drew, W. B. 1936. The North American representatives of Ranunculus (Batrachium). Rhodora 38: 1-47. Fassett, Norman C . 1960. A manual of aquatic plants. Revision appendix by Eugene C Ogden . 405 pp. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison . 1951. Callitriche in the new world . Rhodora 53: 137-155,161-182, 185-194, 209-222. Fernald, M . L . 1950. Gray's manual of botany, Eighth edition, illustrated. 1632 pp American Book Company. 1932. The linear leaved North American species of Potamogeton. Mem. Am. Acad. 17 (1): 5-183. Fernald, M. L. & Wiegand, K. M. 1914. The genus Ruppia in eastern North America . Rhodora 16: 119-127. G leason, Henry A . 1952. The new Britton and Brown illustrated flora of the northeastern U.S. and adjacent Canada. Three volumes. N.Y. Bot . Garden. Hitchcock, A. S. 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. 1051 pp., Second edition revised by Agnes Chase. U.S.D.A., Misc. Pub. No. 200. Washington, D.C. Jones, G . Neville . 1963. Flora of Illinois. Containing keys for identification of flowering plants and ferns. 401 pp. The University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana. Matsumura, Y. & Harrington, H.D. 1955. The true aquatic vascular plants of Colorado. 130 pp. Colorado Ag . & Mech. College, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Miller, G. S. & Standley, P. C. 1912. The North American species of Nymphaea. Contrib.U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 63-108. Muenscher, W . C . 1944. Aquatic plants of the United States . 374 pp . Comstock Pub. Co . , Inc., Ithaca, N.Y. 131 Ogden, E. C. 1943. The broad -leaved species of Potamogeton of North America, north of Mexico. Rhodora 45: 57-105, 119-163, 171-214. Pfeiffer, N. E. 1922. Monograph of the Isoetaceae ■ Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 9: 79-232. Prescott, Gerald W. 1951 . Algae of the western great lakes area. 946 pp. Cranbrook Inst ofSc, Bull. No. 30, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Rossback, G. B. 1939. Aquatic Utricularia. Rhodora 41: 113-128. Rydberg, P. A. 1909. Elodeaceae. North American Flora, 17: 67-71. Smith, Gilbert M. 1938. Cryptogamic botany. Vol. 2, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes . 380 pp. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. St. John, H. 1916. A revision of Potamogeton of the section Coleophylli Rhodora 18: 121-138. 1920. The genus Elodea in New England. Rhodora 22: 17-29. Stanford, E. E. 1925. The amphibious group of Polygonum, subgenus Persicaria. Rhodora 27: 109-112, 125-130, 146-152, 156-166. Taylor, N. 1909. Naiadaceae. North American Flora 17: 33-35. 1909. Zannichelliaceae. North American Flora 17: 13-27 . Thompson, C . H . 1898. A revision of Lemnaceae occurring north of Mexico . Rept Mo. Bot. Gard. 9: 21-42. 132 INDEX OF COMMON NAMES COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME PAGE Acanthus Family Arrow Arum Arrowhead, Common Arum Family Beggar-Ticks Bladderwort, Common Humped Bladderwort Family Blue-Green Algae Bulrush, American Burhead, Beaked Bur-Marigold Bur-Reed Family Bur-Reed, Giant Buttercup Family Cabomba Cattail , Common Narrow leaf Cattail Family Chara Composite Family Coontail Prickly Coontail Family Cress, Lake True Water Ditch Stonecrop Duckweed, Giant Smaller Star Valdivia Very Tiny Duckweed Family Eel Grass Elodea, American Evening Primrose Family Feather-Foil, American Figwort Family Floating Liverwort Family Frogbit Frogbit Family ACANTHACEAE 62 Peltandra virginica 109 Sagittaria latifolia 67 ARACEAE 108 Bidens 65 Utricularia vulgaris 63 Utricularia gibba 64 LENTIBULARIACEAE 63 Anabaena, Nostoc 6 Scirpus americanus 123 Echinodorus rostratus 69 Bidens beckii 65 SPARGANIACEAE 120 Sparganium eurycarpum 120 RANUNCULACEAE 31 Cabomba caroliniana 35 Typha latifolia 118 Typha angustifolia 119 TYPHACEAE 118 Chara 25 COMPOSITAE 65 Ceratophyllum demersum 40 Ceratophyllum echinatum 41 CERATOPHYLLACEAE 40 Armoracia aquatica, Neobeckia aquatica • • 42 Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Nasturtium officinale 43 Penthorum sedoides 46 Spirodela polyrhiza 117 Lemna minor 116 Lemna trisulca 115 Lemna valdiviana 116 Lemna perpusilla 115 LEMNACEAE Ill Vallisneria americana 106 Elodea canadensis 107 ONAGRACEAE 48 Hottonia inflata 59 SCROPHULARIACEAE 60 RICCIACEAE 26 Limnobium spongia 105 HYDROCHARITACEAE 104 133 Grass Grass Family Hen and Chickens Horsetail Family Horsetail, Water Hyssop, Water Jack-in-the-Pulpit Knotweed Family Live Forever Loosestrife, False Loosestrife Family Lotus, American Lotus Family Mare's Tail, Common Mare's Tail Family Mermaid Weed, Marsh Mosquito Fern Mosquito Fern Family Mustard Family Naiad, Brittle Bushy Slender Southern Spiny Naiad Family Nitella Orpine Family Pepperwort Pepperwort Family Pickerel Weed Pondweed, American Berchtold's Curlyleaf Flatleaf F latstem Floatingleaf Fries's Heartleaf Horned I llinois Largeleaf Leafy Narrow leaf Ribbonleaf Richardson Sago Small Variable 121 GRAMINEAE ]2 \ 46 EQUISETACEAE 28 Equisetum fluviatile 28 Bacopa rotundifolia 60 108 POLYGONACEAE 44 . . . 46 Ludwigia palustris 49 LYTHRACEAE 47 Nelumbo lutea 39 NELUMBONACEAE 39 Hippuris vulgaris 58 HIPPURIDACEAE 58 Proserpinaca palustris 55 Azolla mexicana 30 SALVINIACEAE 30 CRUCIFERAE 42 Najas minor 72 Najas gracillima 73 Najas flexilis 74 Najas guadalupensis 75 Najas marina 71 NAJADACEAE 70 Nitella 25 CRASSULACEAE 46 Marsilea quadrifolia 29 MARSILEACEAE 29 Pontederia cordata 102 Potamogeton nodosus 81 Potamogeton berchtoldi 93 Potamogeton crispus 96 Potamogeton robbinsii 95 Potamogeton zosteriformis 88 Potamogeton natans 85 Potamogeton friesii 89 Potamogeton pulcher 79 Zannichellia palustris 100 Potamogeton illinoensis 83 Potamogeton amplifolius 80 Potamogeton foliosus 90 Potamogeton strictifolius 91 Potamogeton epihydrus 84 Potamogeton richardsonii 98 Potamogeton pectinatus 94 Potamogeton pusillus 92 Potamogeton gramineus 82 134 Vasey's Potamogeton vaseyi 87 Water-thread Potamogeton diversifolius 86 Whitestem Potamogeton praelongus 97 Pondweed Family POTAMOGETONACEAE 76 Primrose, Creeping Water Jussiaea repens 48 Primrose Family PRIMULACEAE 59 Pu.olane, Water Didiplis diandra , Peplis diandra 47 Quillwort, Blackfooted Isoetes melanopoda 27 Quillwort Family ISOETACEAE 27 Riccia, Purple-Fringed Ricciocarpus natans 26 Slender Riccia fluitans 26 Rush 121 Rush Family JUNCACEAE 121 Sedge 121 Sedge Family CYPERACEAE 121 Sedge, Lean Cyperus strigosus 122 Sedum 46 Shooting-Star Dodecatheon 59 Skunk Cabbage 108 Smartweed, Water Polygonum fluitans 45 Spatterdock Nuphar advena 37 Speedwell, Tufted Water Veronica catenata 61 Spikerush, Blunt Eleocharis obtusa 125 Slender Eleocharis acicularis 124 Stargrass, Water Heteranthera dubia 103 Stonecrops 46 Stonewort Family CHARACEAE 25 Sweetflag Acorus calamus 110 Water Buttercup, Collapsing White Ranunculus trichophyl lus 32 Rigid White Ranunculus longirostris 31 Yellow Ranunculus f label laris 33 Water Chinquapin Nelumbo lutea 39 Water Lily Family NYMPHAEACEAE 36 Water Lily, White Nymphaea tuberosa ^38 Watermeal, Columbia Wolffia columbiana 114 Dotted Wolffia punctata 113 Papillary Wolffia papulifera 114 Water Milfoil, Broadleaf Myriophy Hum heterophyl lum 51 Northern Myriophyllum exalbescens 53 Variable Myriophyllum pinnatum 52 Whorled Myriophyllum verticillatum 54 Water Milfoil Family HALORAGACEAE 50 Water Plantain Family ALISMACEAE 66 Water Plantain, Heart- Shaped Alisma subcordatum 68 Water Shield Brasenia schreberi 34 Water Shield Family CABOMBACEAE 34 Water-Starwort Callitriche heterophylla 57 Water-Starwort Family CALLITRICHACEAE 56 Water-Willow, American Dianthera americana 62 Widgeon Grass Ruppia maritima 99 Wolffiella, Florida Wolffiel la f loridana 113 135 SCIENTIFIC NAME ACANTHACEAE Acorus calamus Alisma subcordatum ALISMACEAE Ammania Anabaena ARACEAE Armoracia aquatica Azolla caroliniana mexicana Bacopa rotund i folia Bidens beckii Brasenia schreberi Cabomba caroliniana CABOMBACEAE Callirriche heterophylla palustris terrestris CERATOPHYLLACEAE Ceratophyl lum demersum echinatum CHARACEAE Chara COMPOSITAE CRASSULACEAE CRUCIFERAE Cuphea CYPERACEAE Cyperus strigosus Decodon Dianthera americana Didiplis diandra INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES COMMON NAME PAGE Acanthus Family 62 108 Sweetflag HO 66 Heart-Shaped Water Plantain 68 Water Plantain Family 66 47 Blue-Green Alga Arum Family 108 42 Lake Cress 42 30 • . . < 30 Mosquito Fern 30 60 Water Hyssop 60 Beggar-Ticks 65 Bur-Marigold 65 34 Water Shield 34 .... 34 Cabomba 35 Water Shield Family 34 56 Water-Starwort 57 56 56 Coontail Family 40 40 Coontail 40 Prickly Coontail 41 Stonewort Family 25 Chara 25 Composite Family 65 Orpine Family 46 Mustard Family 42 : . . 47 Sedge Family 121 . 121 Lean Sedge 122 47 62 American Water-Willow 62 47 Water Purslane 47 136 Dodecatheon Echinodorus rostratus Eleocharis acicularis obtusa Elodea canadensis densa nuttallii EQUISETACEAE Equisetum fluviatile GRAMINEAE HALORAGACEAE Heteranthera dubia limosa reniformis HIPPURIDACEAE Hippuris vulgaris Hottonia inflata HYDROCHARITACEAE ISOETACEAE Isoetes melanopoda JUNCACEAE Jussiaea repens Lemna minor perpusilla trisulca valdiviana LEMNACEAE LENTIBULARIACEAE Limnobium spongia Ludwigia palustris LYTHRACEAE Lythrum Shooting-Star 59 66 Beaked Burhead 69 121 Slender Spikerush 124 Blunt Spikerush 125 104 American Elodea 107 104 104 Horsetail Family 28 28 Water Horsetail 28 Grass Family 121 Water Milfoil Family 50 101 Water Stargrass 103 101 101 Mare's Tail Family 58 58 Common Mare's Tail 58 59 American Feather-Foil 59 Frogbit Family 104 Quillwort Family 27 27 Blackfooted Quillwort 27 Rush Family 121 48 Creeping Water Primrose 48 Ill Smaller Duckweed 116 Very Tiny Duckweed 115 Star Duckweed 115 Valdivia Duckweed 116 Duckweed Family Ill Bladderwort Family 63 104 Frogbit 105 48 False Loosestrife 49 Loosestrife Family 47 47 137 Marsilea 29 quadrifolia Pepperwort 29 MARSILEACEAE Pepperwort Family 29 Myriophyllum 50 exalbescens Northern Water Milfoil 53 heterophyllum Broadleaf Water Milfoil 51 humile 50 pinnatum Variable Water Milfoil 52 verticillatum Whorled Water Milfoil 54 NAJADACEAE Naiad Family 70 Najas 70 flexilis Slender Naiad 74 gracillima Bushy Naiad 73 guadalupensis Southern Naiad 75 marina Spiny Naiad 71 minor Brittle Naiad 72 Nasturtium 42 officinale True Water Cress 42 Nelumbo 39 lutea American Lotus 39 NELUMBONACEAE Lotus Family 39 Neobeckia 42 aquatica Lake Cress 42 Nitella Nitella 25 Nostoc Blue-Green Alga 6 Nuphar 36 advena Spatterdock 37 variegatum 36 Nymphaea 36 odorata 36 tuberosa White Water Lily 38 NYMPHAEACEAE Water Lily Family 36 ONAGRACEAE Evening Primrose Family 48 Peltandra 108 virginica Arrow Arum 109 Penthorum 46 sedoides Ditch Stonecrop 46 Peplis 47 diandra Water Purslane 47 POLYGONACEAE Knotweed Family 44 Polygonum 44 coccineum 44 fluitans Water Smartweed 45 fluitans forma hartwrightii 44 hydropiper 44 hydropiperoides 44 punctatum 44 Pontederia 101 cordata Pickerel Weed 102 138 PONTEDERIACEAE Pickerel Weed Family 101 Potamogeton 76 amplifolius Largeleaf Pondweed 80 berchtoldi Berchtold's Pondweed 93 crispus Curlyleaf Pondweed 96 diversifolius Waterthread Pondweed 86 epihydrus Ribbonleaf Pondweed 84 foliosus Leafy Pondweed 90 friesii Fries's Pondweed 89 gramineus Variable Pondweed 82 illinoensis Illinois Pondweed 83 natans Floatingleaf Pondweed 85 nodosus American Pondweed 81 pectinatus Sago Pondweed 94 praelongus Whitestem Pondweed 97 pulcher Heartleaf Pondweed 79 pusillus Small Pondweed 92 richardsonii Richardson Pondweed 98 robbinsii Flatleaf Pondweed 95 stric fifolius Narrowleaf Pondweed 91 vaseyi Vasey's Pondweed 87 zosteriformis Flatstem Pondweed 88 POTAMOGETONACEAE Pondweed Family 76 PRIMULACEAE Primrose Family 59 Proserpinaca 50 palustris Marsh Mermaid Weed 55 RANUNCULACEAE Buttercup Family 31 Ranunculus 31 flabellaris Yellow Water Buttercup 33 longirostris Rigid White Water Buttercup 31 trichophyllus Col lapsing White Water Buttercup 32 Riccia 26 fluitans Slender Riccia 26 RICCIACEAE Floating Liverwort Family 26 Ricciocarpus 26 natans Purple-Fringed Riccia 26 Rorippa ' 42 nasturtium-aquaticum True Water Cress 43 Rota la 47 Ruppia 76 maritima Widgeon Grass 99 Sagittaria 66 brevirostra 66 calycinus 66 cuneata 66 graminea 66 latifolia Common Arrowhead 67 rigida 66 SALVINIACEAE Mosquito Fern Family 30 Scirpus 121 americanus American Bulrush 123 139 SCROPHULARIACEAE SPARGANIACEAE Sparganium eurycarpum Spirodela oligorhiza polyrhiza Typha angustifolia latifolia TYPHACEAE Utricularia gibba vulgaris Vallisneria americana Veronica catenata Wolffia Columbiana papulifera punctata Wolff iel la floridana Zannichellia palustris Figwort Family 60 Bur-Reed Family 120 120 Giant Bur-Reed 120 1.11 112 Giant Duckweed 117 118 Narrow leaf Cattail 119 Common Cattail 118 Cattail Family 118 63 Humped Bladderwort 64 Common Bladderwort 63 104 Eel Grass 106 60 Tufted Water Speedwell 61 '. . Ill Columbia Watermeal 114 Papillary Watermeal 114 Dotted Watermeal 113 Ill Florida Wolffiella 113 76 Horned Pondweed 100 140 EQUIVALENTS OF INCHES IN TENTHS TO MILLIMETERS Tenths of Inc les 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Mil imeters 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 1 25 28 30 33 36 38 41 43 46 48 2 51 53 56 58 61 64 66 69 71 74 0) o c 3 76 79 81 84 86 89 91 94 97 99 4 102 104 107 109 112 114 117 119 122 124 5 127 130 132 135 137 140 142 145 147 150 6 152 155 157 160 163 165 168 170 173 175 1 mm = .001 m = . 1 cm = .03937 in 1 cm = .01 m = 10 mm = .3937 in 1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 39.37 in 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 ft =30.48 cm 1 yd= 91 .44 cm 141 NOTES zz i— • ** ro = -^ — (ji E= ro CO = (13 =i o ro Z= CO = -p* 1= azJ 142 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 003001705