V THE CATALYTIC PREPARATION OF DIPHENYL ETHER MIXED DIALKYL MERCURY COMPOUNDS BY JOHN BLACKWELL DAVIS B. S. Beloit College, 1920 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1922 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/catalyticpreparaOOdavi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE GRADUATE SCHOOL January 16 _ \ 92 A I HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY_ _ John-B. Davis ENTITLED The Catalytic Preparation of D iphenyl Eth er (a.ni ) M ixed D ialkvl Me r cury C omp ounds BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Master of Science In Charge of Thesis Head oi Department Recommendation concurred in* Committee on Final Examination* *Required for doctor’s degree but not for master’s * ■ ACKNOWLEDGMENT . The writer wishes to express his sincere thanks and appreciation for Dr. Marvel’s many helpful suggestions and criticisms received in the course of this work. . . ' - TAELE OF CONTENTS. The Catalytic Preparation of Diphenyl Ether, Introductory page 1 Historical 2 Theoretical 4 Experimental l) Elecrtic Furnace 6 2) Catalyst 9 3) Effect of Aluminum Oxide on Phenol at High Temperatures 9 4) Effect of Aluminum Sulfate on Phenol at High Temperatures 11 Summary 13 Mixed Eialkvl Mercury Compounds. Introduction 13 Historical 14 Theoretical 15 Experimental l) The Preparation of Benzyl Mercury Chloride 17 3) The Preparation of Methyl Mercury Iodide 18 3) reaction of Methyl Magnesium Iodide on Benzyl Mercury Chloride 19 4) Reaction of Ethyl Magnesium Bromide on Methyl Mercury Iodide 20 Summary 21 I Par t I. The Catalytic Preparation of Diphenyl Ether. - 1 - INTRODUCTORY. In a recent paper by A. Maihle and F. de Gordon 1 on the study of the catalytic preparation of ethers, it was shown that all the ethers of the primary aliphatic alcohols- up to the fifth member of the series- could be prepared by catalytic methods. These workers, using a Jena combustion tube and combustion fmrnace, , obtained pure products at fairly low temperatures (200-230 degrees). Similar methods were tried by Maihle in the preparation of 3 some aromatic ethers, using thorium oxide as a catalyst . 3 Likewise mixed ethers have been prepared catalytically . Attempts have been made to use other catalysts such as titanium oxide and zirconium oxide in the preparation of ethers and of thiophenols, none of which was as satisfactory as thorium oxide. This work was undertaken in an attempt to develop a cheap method for the preparation of diphenyl ether. Aluminum oxide was chosen as a catalyst since it is known that aluminum phenolate, upon heating, will decompose to yield diphenyl 4 5 ether.' Also, aluminum oxide is very cheap, while thorium oxide is comparatively expensive. An electric furnace was used, since this permitted better temperature control. 1. Bui] . Soc. chim. 25,565(1901) 27,131(1902) 2. Comp. rend. 151,492(1910) 155, 261 (1913) 3. Comp. rend. 155 . 261(1912) 4. Ber. 15, 359TT6S3) 5. J. Chem. Soc. 41,8 (1882) V . HISTORICAL. Diphenyl ether has been prepared by the use of a number of chemical reactions. Hoffmeister in 1871 first prepared this compound by the condensation of benzene diazonium sulfate with phenol.^ It has been prepared by distilling a mixture of equal molecular amounts of sodium phenolate and sodium metaphosphate; by the condensation of potassium phenolate rz A and brombenzene; > by the use of flourbenzene and potassium 5 phenolate; by the decomposition of the ammonium salt of g phenyl salicylic acid; by the distillation of aluminum 7 phenolate. A method which involves the dehydration of phenol is the action of three parts of zinc chloride on one part of phenol, which is heated in a bomb for eight hours at a temperature 8 of 350 degrees. J The yield in this case was only 5-6$ of the weight of the phenol. None of the above methods gave good yields and in almost every case numerous by-products were obtained. Catalytic methods for the preparation of diphenyl ether, as well as numerous other aliphatic and aromatic ethers, have been studied quite extensively by A. Maihle. 1. Ann. 159,181 (1871) 5. Ann. 343, 230 (1888) 6. Ann. 257, 78 (1890) 2. Ber. 15, 1124 (1882) 3. Ber. 38, 2311 (1905) 4. Ann. 350, 85 (1906) 7. J. Chem.Soc. 41, 8 (1882) 8. Ber. 14, 189 TT881) ( -3- A catalytic method was described in which thorium oxide was used as a cata^st; 1 2 titanium oxide and zirconium oxide were both tried as catalysts by these workers, but the best results were obtained by the use of thorium oxide. Aluminum oxide has been used in the preparation of aliphatic ethers but no record was found of its having been used in the preparation of diphenyl ether nor of any of the other aromatic ethers. 1. Comp. rend. 151 . 493 (1910) 2. Comp. rend. 6, 329 (1920) . '* ' . -4- THEORETICAL. Since aluminum oxide has been successfully used for the preparation of aliphatic ethers, 1 2 3 4 5 it was thought that it might prove a good catalyst in the preparation of the aromatic ethers. This was chosen, also, for the reason that Gladstone and Tribe obtained a fair percentage of diphenyl o ether by the decomposition of aluminum phenolate. J They heated 469 grs. of the material and obtained 268 grs. of distillate- of this amount, over 60 $ was found to be diphenyl ether. Likewise, Maihle and F.de Gordon obtained, by the use of aluminum oxide as a catalyst, diethyl ether in as high . 3 as 71 $ yields. Dipropyl ether was prepared by the same workers with yields up to 54$. The preparation of certain mixed ali- 4 phatic ethers is also described in the literature, which compounds the author claims have been prepared heretofor only by "purely chemical" methods. The theory of the mechanism of the dehydration action is described as being analagous to the action of sulfuric acid on primary alcohols. 0 Ohf -t- > /-/* O + ^ H -S C v H < C /, -h Ch M-zh+i (d* O + i ^ A/ C-Ai y-/ ♦ C A, "t d) dy. ff ^ Thus the sulfuric acid is regenerated at the temperature necessary for the formation of the ether. 1. Coup. rend. 170, 329 (1920) 2. J. Chem. Soc. j41, 8 (1882) 3. Bull. soc. chim. 25, 565 (1901); 27, 121 (1902) 4. Bull. soc. chim. 27 . 328 (1902) 5. Comp. rend. 150 , 823 (1910) . . . . . . . . -5- Similar reactions are supposed to take place when such a catalyst as thorium oxide is used. The thorate and water is first formed by the action of the phenol on the oxide and the thorate in turn decomposed into the ether and the original oxide. 1 r z(c* -OH) y Z5 4, —* 77, o (oCh Hzh+i) z + HiO 77, o (ocr, y Zh-OH --*• 2 (r<- O C7 y 7f,o(o/t)^ 71 o C °R)x » 77, + 74 a. O Titanium oxide and zirconium oxide behave similarly. The theory of the mechanism in the preparation of diphenyl ether by the use of thorium oxide as a catalyst was similarly 3 described. , v f \ £ fc b //s oHj + 7J>0* + 7 ?ofo - 6^ 7Z O (oCo > Th + (it In working with aluminum oxide it was expected that a similar reaction might take place. 6 ((tZ/rw; * v3/4 o +- z (Z£(ou // 0 J 3 2 aJ, (oc b Hs) 3 * t ^3^-3 fa fa)*. ° This method, however, was not found useful because at the temperature required for the formation of diphenyl ether, a secondary reaction occurs and the diphenyl ether is converted into diphenylene oxide and hydrogen. \ V o > / c o H: 1. Comp rend. 151 . 359 (1910) 3. Comp rend. 151, 493 (1910) * - . -6 EXPERIMENTAL. Electric Furnace. A piece of ordinary one inch iron pipe was cut to a length of (Potty inches. One end, at "A”, was fitted with a pipe "T" and about eight inchee of pipe fitted into this at right angles to the long pipe. The opposite end, at "B", was filed smooth and a condenser later fitted on. The pipe was covered with a layer of alundum cement about one-quarter of an inch in thickness, extending from the "T" to within an inch or two of the opposite end. The cement was allowed to dry thoroughly and then forty or fifty feet of #14 chromel "C" resistance wife was wound on this layer. Care was taken to have the coils of wire so placed as not to make contact; also, although the wire was wound tightly, it must not be wound tight enough to cut through the cement layer and thereby make contact with the metal. The coil was tied to the pipe firmly, leaving enough wire at both ends to make connections. Over this coil was plastered another layer of cement, of sufficient thick- ness to completely cover the wire. This layer was allowed to dry for about twenty-four hours and then thoroughly baked on by passing a current through the wire for an hour or so. After this treatment, there resulted a hard, firm cement layer and the pipe could be handled readily without danger of the cement falling off. The bottoms were removed from five or six ordinary tin cans and these then fitted together so as to form a jacket, the length of which could be regulated. Holes were cut in . . . . . . - . . j f the center of two of the covers- just large enough to fit over the pipe and cement layer, these to serve as ends for the jacket. Two smaller holes were punched in one of the covers to hold small porcelain tubes, an inch or two long- made from broken porcelain triangles, to serve as insulators for the ends of the heating coil which are to be terminated outside of the jacket on suitable binding posts. This cover was fitted down over the pipe and cement layer to the pipe "T" at "A" and securely fastened there. Both ends of the nichrome wire were cleaned and spliced to separate pieces of #16 copper wire. The piece of copper wire at "A" need only be about sixteen inches long. The piece spliced to the resistance wire at "3" should be long enough to reach back to "A rt . This length is conducted back to "A” through a piece of capillary glass tubing, out through the porcelain insulator and fastened to a suitable binding post. The binding posts were bolted to a strip of wood which was wired to the upright piece of pipe. The shorter piece of copper wire was conducted out through the other insulator and fastened to the other binding post. The copper wire is more convenient to use on the outside of the jacket, since it does not heat up to any degree while the furnace is in operation. Care was taken to so bend those parts of the wires which were to be enclosed in the jacket, so that they would not make contact upon a slight jarring of the apparatus. The jacket was slipped down over the pipe and fitted snugly to the cover at "A". This jacket was then filled with a quantity of "Sil-Q-Cel" as a heat insulator and the cover . . - 8 - plaoed on at M B '* . The open end of the pipe "T" waa fitted with a one by ^tree-quarter inch bushing, carrying a well of sufficient length to extend about half way into the furnace, and sealed at that end. This smaller pipe was used to hold the pyrometer or thermometer. The jacket surrounding the furnace was covered with one thickness of ordinary steam-pipe covering and this fastened in place with metal bands. When the furnace was wound for the first time, two coils of about #17 wire were used; arranged so that one was wound between the coils of the other. It was hoped that this arrangment might afford better temperature control, since one might pass current through one or both coils. In actual use, however, the furnace burned out twice with this arrangment - probably due to the fact that the coils were necessarily wound too close together, since about sixty feet of wire was used. About three feet of 13 mm. glass tubing was fastened to the pipe at ”3” to serve as an air condenser. , ■ ‘ . . . . . * -C>_ < p c //*_ // j C »- Ms fj In the same paper, the following mixed alkyl-aryl compounds were described:- benzyl mercury phenyl, benzyl mercury ethyl, ethyl mercury phenyl and benzyl mercury o-tolyl. A number of simple diaryl and dialkyl mercury compounds have been prepared. Duppa and Frankland describe the preparation 2 of mercury diethyl and mercury dimethyl. Wolff has prepared 3 diphenyl mercury; Pope and Gibson describe the preparation of 4 dibenzyl mercury. However with the exception of the work of Hilpert and Gruttner, very little is known concerning the mixed organic mercury compounds. 1. Ber. 48, 906 (1915) 3. Ann. 130, 105 (1865) 3. Ber. 48, 64 (1915) 4. J. Chem. Soc. 101, 735 (1912) . • . . -3 5- THEORETICAL. If mercury in organic compounds really has one positive and one negative valence, a compound such as benzyl mercury methyl, upon treatment with hydrochloric acid, should hydrolyze in two different ways:- (V G&s- Q & *■ CM* t l fij CiHsC-Z/t — C/J 3 ' ^ ' * V ^ 3C In studying the reaction of the Grignard reagent on mercuric chloride, it hat been found that one of the atoms of chlorine is much mors easily replaced by an alkyl group than is the second atom, - " It was thought that, by making use of this fact and preparing mixed dialkyl mercury compounds step-wise, the electronic isomers in this series might possibly be obtained. Thus, benzyl methyl mercury prepared in the following way might exist in two isomeric forms. 0)

c /-/j CJ2 •*- Hj at -*• c//_3 sgjS —+ 5 ^°^ c//y + (zj C/6^ S + cs-Mj-e* c // 3 /£} ^ C // 3 MyS + cj? ^ If the products obtained from these two series of reactions break down differently upon treatment with hydrochloric acid, or, if the products behave in the same way, but still give all of the decomposition products mentioned above ( a,b), then the evidence furnished by these experiments would favor the theory of Jones and We*ner. 1. Marvel and Gould- J. Am. Chem. Soc . January 1933. : . . -16- However, if the products obtained, from the above reactions behave in the same way toward acids and yield only one set of deconiposi tion products, the evidence would not be so favorable to this theory. After this work had been started, there appeared a paper by Kharasch and Jacobsohn,' 1 ' in which the theory of Jones and Werner was more or less conclusively disproved. Due to the extremely harmful physiological action of these mercury compounds, it was found necessary to discontinue the work on this problem, before any conclusive results were obtained. . Am. Chem. Soc, _43, 1894 (1931) 1. J . * - . S ■ . _ -17- EXPERIMENTAL. Benz yl Mercury chloride . a) Preparat ion of the Grignard reagent . In a 500cc round bottom flask, fitted with a rdflux condenser, is placed a mixture of 8 gre. of magnesium turnings and 200 cc of anhydrous ether. A separatory funnel is used to add, thru the condenser, 40 grs. of benzyl chloride- a crystal of iodine is also added, as a catalyst. Upon the addition of a few drops of the benzyl chloride and slight heating for a few minutes, the reaction begins and runs smoothly. The benzyl chloride is dropped in just fast enough to kepp the reaction going. The mixture is refluxed for about an hour, after the addition of the benzyl chloride. Any unchanged magnesium is removed by rapid filtration thru glass wool. b) Reaction of the Grignard with m ercuric chloride . In a three-necked, three liter round bottom flask, fitted with a condenser and a mercury-seal stirrer, is placed a mixture of 80 grs. of dry, powdered mercuric chloride and 200 cc of dry ether. It was found advisable to add the mercuric chloride to the ether with continual stirring, so that it would not settle and form a cake at the bottom of the flask. The Grignard prepared above was added to this mixture, drop by drop, with continual stirring. The reaction mixture heats up during the addition of the Grignard, which may be added just rapid enough to keep the ether refluxing gently. After all the Grignard has been added, the mixture is refluxed 0 $ the steam-bath for 45 minutes. The flask is then cooled and 100-150 cc of water added, to decpmpose any excess Grignard reagent. -18- The mass is then filtered with suction, washed with water and a little dilute hydrochloric acid, sucked dry and recrystallized from boiling alcohol, separating in 3hiny leaflets-m.p. 104° The mother liquors from the filtration were concentrated, the precipitate filtered off and treated as above. In all, 55 grs., 67$ of the theory were obtained. Notes:- Two runs were made in which the ether was distilled off from the final reaction mixture before any water was added. In both cases the yield was very small, seemingly due to a decomposition of the product during the distillation of the ether. It was found that prolonged refluxing after the addition of the Grignard reagent did not increase the yields; but the use of freshly prepared benzyl chloride, in making the Grignard was found to be advantageous. Methyl Mercury Iodide a) Prep ration of the Grigna rd pe agent. In a 500 cc round bottom flask, fitted with a reflux condenser, is placed a mixture of 18 grs. of magnesium turnings and 300 cc of dry ether-a crystal of iodine is added as a catalyst Thru the condenser, by means of a separatory funnel, 73 grs. of methyl iodide are gradually added. After the addition of a small amount of the methyl iodide and alight heating, the reaction runs smoothly and is finally completed by refluxing for about an hour. Any unchanged magnesium l£ filtered off rapidly through glass wool. b) Reacti on of the Gri gnard. with mercuric chloride . In a three-necked, three liter round bottom flask. -IP- fitted with a reflux condenser and a mercury-oeal stirrer, is placed a mixture of 140 grs. of mercuric chloride and 400 cc of anhydrous ether- observing .the same precautions as in the preparation of benzyl chloride. The Grignard reagent was slowly added to this mixture, with continual stirring and after all of it had been added, the reaction mixture refluxed for about an taour. The flask was then cooled, and a small quantity of water added (35-30 00 )". The ether was distilled off and the residue * shaken with a mixture of 300 cc of water and 5 - 10 cc of hydrochloric acid. The mass wa.s then filtered, washed and sucked dry on the Buchner funnel. The product contained an amount of mercuric iodide and two crystallizations from hot alcohol were necessary. The mother liquors yielded more product upon concen- tration. The crystals were slightly yellow in color and melted at 143-143? The yield was 73 $ of the theory. Notes:- The presence of a trace of mercuric iodide causes a slight red coloration; even upon recrystallization the product seems to decompose upon standing with the -formation of an unknown red decomposition product. Reac tion of m ethyl magnes ium iodide on benzyl me rcury chl o ride . a) Prepara tion of tfoe Grignard Reagent . This was prepared in the usual way from 3j grs. of magnesium turnings; 15 grs. of methyl iodide and 150 cc of dry either and the reaction mixture filtered rapidly thru glass wool. b ) reaction of the Grignard with b enzyl mercu ry chlo ride . In a 500 cc round bottom flask fitten with a reflux condenser, was placed 100 cc of dry ether and 29 grs. of benzyl mercury chloride. To this mixture, the Grignard was slowly added. - 20 - The reaction mixture was refluxed for 12 hours. At the ehd of that time there was left a small amount of a white solid whifah was entirely insoluble in the ether. Upon addition of water to the solution there separated out a white crystalline substance, which melted over a range of four degrees- from 72°-76? Elementary analysis showed both iodine and chlorine to be present. It was probably a mixture of benzyl chloride and iodide and methyl chloride and iodide. Notes:- Upon the addition of the Grignard reagent to the ether solution, a vigorous reaction took place which necessitated the cooling of the flask with ice. Reac tioi of Ethyl Magnesiu m Bromide .on Methyl Mercury Io dide a) Preparation of the Grignar d Reagent . The reagent was prepared from 4 grs. of magnesium and 10.6 cc of ethyl bromide in 160 cc of dry ether, filtering the product thru glass wool to remove any unchanged magnesium. b) Reaction of the Grignard with methyl mercury iodide. In a 500 cc round bottom flask fitted with a reflux condenser, was placed a mixture of 43 grs. of methyl mercuric iodide and 150 cc of anhydrous ether. The Grignard was added slowly, through the condenser. There resulted a vigorous reaction which necessitated the cooling of the mixture, during the addition of the Grignard. It was then refluxed for three hours and allowed to stand over night. A small amount of insoluble material was left. 10-20 cc of water was added to the reaction product and the layers separated. The solid in the ethereal layer was filtered off and the filtrate distilled. A very small -31- quantity of solid was left in the distillation flask, and at no time did the temperature rise above 36? The solid was dried and an elementary analysis showed bromine and iodine to be present. It melted £rom 151°- 154° and was probably a mixture of ethyl mercuric bromide and methyl mercuric iodide . No attempts were made to further identify the compounds resulting from these condensations- beacuse of the physiological action of them. SUMARY. The Grignard reagent has been used in the preparation of alkyl mercury halides. However, the reaction between an alkyl mercury halide and the Grignard does not seem to run smoothly to gtve mixed mercury dialkyl compounds.