'|[llinois Coal Operators Association OFFICE, 1002-3 ELLSWORTH BUILDING 355 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. OFFICERS (). L. Garrison, President J. A. Agee, Vice-President Fj. T. Bent, . Secretary-Treasurer C. L. ScROGGS, - - - - Recording Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE \ ' r O. L. Garrison, Chairman C. L. SckoGGS, Secretary / >>5/ District — H. N. Taylor, A. L. Sweet, S. M. Dalzell Second District — J. H. Garaghty, W. W. Keefer 'hh'd District — C. A. Starne, Lee Kincaid, Edwards Brown dtirth District — D. D. Shumway, F. W. Lukins, Walter Puterbaugh "ifth District — C. F. Parker, Sixth District — F. D. Secor, Seventh District — F. S. Peabody, M. C. Wright Eighth District — Henry Long, Richard Newsam, G. W. Trakr Ninth District — Randolph Smith, E. C. Donk, Geo. T. Cutts J. C. Muren, a. j. Moorshead e. E. Hull, S. B. Eaton the commission Herman Justi, Commissioner C. L. ScROGGS, Secretary of Commission ARBITRATION. ITS USES AND ABUSES. Address delivered at the National Convention of Employer and Employe, Minneapolis, Minn., September 23rd, 1902. By Herman Justi, Commissioner Illinois Coal Operators Association. The subject of this address is suggested by the free- dom with which the term “arbitration” is used as a word to conjure with. Its meaning seems to be little understood, and just at this time it is confounded, even by men who should know better, with mediation, conciliation or friendly intervention. To many people it is something new, and to the popular mind its very novelty places a dangerous glamour about it. The gravity of arbitration and all that it involves is little appreciated, and herein lies one of the prime causes for its abuse. Wise labor leaders and thoughtful employers of labor view it alike with apprehension. Any plan of settling labor disputes that is labeled “Arbitration” seems to catch the popular fancy ; but as in all other matters, those who are ignorant of the issues involved and understand the question least, are the very persons who discuss it most, and who are most insistent upon its adoption for everything. With the masses arbitration is the first thought, while with those who are constantly dealing with labor disputes, or with those who have something at stake, as a last resort. ^ pt0593 wSpeaking from tlie view- point qf..i