SOCIAL MENACE OF THE ORIENT WHITE OR YELLOW VOLUME II JEAN TURNER ZIMMERMANN, M.D. SOCIAL MENACE OF THE ORIENT WHITE OR YELLOW VOLUME II JEAN TURNER ZIMMERMANN. M.D. Copyright. 1916-1921 By J. T. Zimmermann / earnestly thank every man and woman in Chicago, the United States, the Orient and the Islands of the Seas, who has aided me in my beloved f T women and children. Jean Turner Zimmermann The Author and three little Chicago Sisters. Their father is an invalid, their mother supports the family by working in a restaurant. The Social Menace of the Orient CHICAGO and NEW YORK "Good-by, Bertha, take care of yourself and be a good girl ; you'll get on fine, I know. Good-by, daughter, wish you didn't have to go, but you're going to a friend so pa and I won't worry and Bertha, don't forget to say your prayers," and a mother's gaunt, knotted hand waved and waved until seventeen-year-old Bertha rounded the corner of the little green-hedged white church her mother's church and hers, and was gone, gone to Chi- BERTHA Mrs. Ross and ex-Policeman Dorsey Chambliss are now serving a five-year sentence in Joliet Penitentiary for this crime. Through popular subscription, Chicago paid the mortgage on the Kansas homestead. Chicago Woman's Shelter cared for Bertha's mother during the long trial following her death, and aided in caring for money subscribed in payment of mortgage on farm. cago with clean heart and strong arms, to earn money enough through the coming winter to "keep up" the little left behind family out in Kansas. On the porch of the shabby farmhouse sat the father, paralyzed, help- less. Around him were his four younger children. Two years of suffer- ing had almost wrecked his hopes, his life. Like a hunted animal his eyes turned this way and that across the frontage of his little farm. Every acre that met his gaze was mortgaged. Every small crib of grain licked 5 over by coming interest. Life looked dark to the father that morning, but he was still a young man and hope, though feeble, wavered in his heart. Then, too, Bertha was going to work this winter, was going to Chicago to work with a girl friend they had all long known. Bertha was a careful girl, a Sunday School and church girl. She would save her money and in the spring, when planting time came around again, she would come home and buy seed and clothing, shoes for mother and the boys, and then she and mother would run the farm again next year. Yes, and there were the cattle; ten of them. They at least were free from debt and their sale in the spring would mean the saving of the home place and and by that time he would be well again could walk, work. Had not the doctor promised? He felt better right now and had not mother prayed, believed? Question after question miraged the brain of the sick man as he sat that morning on the broken porch of the western Kansas farmhouse, the home place he and mother had worked so hard to build and hold and each question was answered by strengthening hope yes, all would finally be well. I saw her first in the shadows of Thirty-second Street, just east of Wabash Avenue. She was walking hurriedly, evidently trying to avoid attention, evidently though looking for someone. She was very young, almost a child in appearance, not over seventeen. Her light curly hair was clean, well combed, and the gloss of youth was upon it. Her form was straight and trim, her eyes clear and steady.- A uniformed Negro policeman sauntered down Wabash Avenue. The girl stepped out into the light. "Beg pardon, but can you direct me to an express office? I want to have my trunk sent down to Sixty-third Street ; I have work in a restaurant down there." "Why, yessum," answered the officer. "I see you are a stranger in Chicago, come this way and I will show you an express office." "O, well, it was all right after all," I thought to myself as I passed on. "The girl knows what she is about. She had common sense enough to ask a policeman. This is a bad part of the city, but this girl knows how to care for herself." The rest of the story is public property written in the records of a hundred newspapers. Christmas in Chicago. Over on Michigan Avenue a great cathedral chime breathed out sweet bronze music. "Joy to the world, a Lord is come, a Lord is come." The falling snowflakes caught up the night notes and carried them restful, healing to ten thousand hearts, furred, jeweled hearts trailing in the avenue traffic and on and on to cold, hungry hearts in the sunken side streets of the vast, gray near-by city district. On crept the notes of the music, on through snow crevices and up to an attic room, past sickening odor, past filth, past long dead ash pile "A Lord is come, a Lord is come." A white face stirred, mirrored a moment's intelligence. "The church, the church, home, mother !" A broken shadow form raised itself. "A pencil, paper, quick, before it's dark." A thin hand touched a filthy paper margin. A burnt-out ash a note. "Help, I'm dying." Keep ringing, church bell, keep ringing! One more effort little done-to-death . girl of Kansas farmhouse, the wind-swept plains. "Brace up, push the note through that snow crevice, quick, through the broken place, push hard, chance it." Darkness, the darkness of the city, the darkness of the Ross dive. "Bring in the stretcher, men, this girl's done for, she'll never walk again." The police officer's voice was gruff, but his eyes were full and his hand was tender as he picked up the twisted, decaying body of the seventeen-year-old girl the girl of the Kansas farm country and carried it out of the Negro dive and over to that vast place of hurt and sick people, the Cook County Hospital. "Go, mother, go quick, to-night! Bertha's dying, go, bring her back, we'll nurse her and she'll get well again out here in the sunshine and the love." The sick man's eyes stared stone. "O, I remember, no money mother, the cattle, ten of them, mortgage them, go !" A month later out on the snow-wreathed Kansas plains, out by a little green-hedged white church, a Sunday School class looked up into the star faces of the early evening heavens, up toward God's eternal habitation and chanted to twenty- old Chinese Den at 2130-32 Armour Ave., Chicago five millions of American women a hope a requiem, "Lead kindly light the night grows dark, lead, lead." "What finally becomes of all this big army of borderline girls, officer, these young 'cruisers,' who half naked from throat to breast-line and from ankle to knee, walk until the early morning hours all the near-in cen- tral streets of Chicago. Why, they count literally into the thousands on State Street, West Madison and Clark Streets, Wabash Avenue. Every street within and near the Loop has its quota and the congested outlying neighborhoods are full of them. Where do they go, these little dark things ; when twelve o'clock, one o'clock comes, is there no one to look after them, have they no homes, no families?" The police officer to whom I was speaking was himself a father and after a moment's hesitation frankly he answered me. "O, most of them 7 are 'spoiled' as we police say, long before they have strolled the streets a year. Do not talk to me, doctor, of the parents or homes of these girls. Why, they do not know the meaning of these words. In the first place, half, yes, two thirds of them come into the world utterly unwanted hated. A very large per cent of them come tainted from birth with transmissible tendencies, transmissible disease. Early they learn to despise the weakness of their parents, the uncertainty of their care, for a large per cent come from homes so-called, where drink, drugs, desertion have played havoc. To be sure, many of these girls have decent, hard-working mothers who spend their days in factories, their nights scrubbing office buildings. Their children are turned out to, in a great measure, shift for themselves. They go to school or not as the truant officer compels. Anyhow, they spend Chicago's First Real War Baby. Ward of Chicago Woman's Shelter their evenings, their Saturdays, their Sundays in the alleys and ash-heaps of their slum neighborhoods. At twelve years of age they know more about licentiousness, can use as much vulgarity of speech as the hardened criminal. At thirteen these girls are running around their own and other neighborhoods until midnight, and at fifteen they are down in the Loop, meanly yet flashily dressed, always hungry, always hoping, though, with their vamped hair, naked breasts, and the thinnest of clothes to 'stick' some 'green one/ or, O, joy, some 'millionaire' for a meal or lunch and a movie ticket. By the time they make sixteen they are known as 'cruisers' and are soon allied to some 'pimp' or 'thieves' gang, Rapidly they drift to the very worst. Every 'outlaw gang,' every murder guild in Chicago has its legion of 'women' and these 'women' are rounded up by the dozen after every startling crime but are quickly turned loose again. They are among the 8 most pathetic cases that come into the hands of the police. Most of this great 'camp following' of the Chicago crime army are very young, a large per cent under twenty-one years. They may be well dressed or not, accord- ing to the success of their 'gang' in thievery, hold-ups, or to their own success in general harlotry, and in court they are the 'alibi-alices' of their men. They are the problem of the police, the menace of society, for prac- tically all of them are diseased, a millstone around the city's neck, and there are five thousand of them roaming the night streets. Say, why don't you church and club women try to do something?" My heart flashed as this veteran police officer talked on and on about the girlhood of my city. "But, officer," I again questioned, "what finally becomes of these girls ? Where do they drift to, tell me." "O, as Chicago grows hotter and hotter for them, they go to other places, to the border cities of Texas and the Pacific Coast. There they come in direct contact with the 'international' dealers in women, the 'slavers' of all the world." Please bear in mind as you read that these girls are still very young. The great majority of them never finished the grade schools, that they came Tiny Somoliland (Africa) Girl. For nine weeks ward of Chicago Woman's Shelter into the world ill-balanced in mind and body with the failings of inheritable disease, that, through no fault of their own, they are impulsive, weak in judgment, unstable, yet usually likable and ambitious. Many of them are the daughters of immigrants, a few of them educated or have friends", money. Speaking of them as a whole, they are the girls who never had a chance. Following the cue of thought the officer had given me, I began to look the field over. For years I had known intimately of Chicago's vast trade in crime of various kinds in women known the men who ruled it who had ruled it for years, known the McGoverns, Colosimo, and his former alleged wife "Madam" Rocco, Mike Heitler, "Mike the Greek," the Everleighs. For years they had stood in the forefront of Chicago's sub- merged world, where most of them stand to-day at the very toeline. "And," continued the officer, "in the western coast cities these girls come in direct touch with the vicious demands of all the Oriental world and are easily induced to go on and on to Siberia, Japan, China, the sea islands of all the south countries raging death." 9 I have had some experience with the "trade" here in Chicago, and to one who has lived for many years in the vast festering sinks of humanity that lie smelly and submerged in such districts as those found in the West. Side purlieus of Sangamon Street, Morgan and Monroe Streets, and all the sunken lawless neighborhoods that raise their toad-stool heads in that great underworld territory bounded on the north by Chicago Avenue and on the south by Fortieth Street with long lines of side streets filled with the filthy and underbred that lay splattered out from the river on the east to the County Hospital on the west ; to one who has walked past the corner of Halsted and Madison Streets at a late hour and faced the army of men, seen there after theater hours, men living by hook or crook off of women, men who slink out of their rooms or cellars, or from the back end of some Japanese Geisha sinister slimy saloon and join themselves together as the night grows old, to buy and sell and deal in human blood ; to one who has lived among these, and kept life and limb intact, the traverse of the far-stretching plains and moun- tains, the graves, the heathenism of the interior of Asia holds little to make afraid. 'For a number of years my work as superintendent .of one of Chi- cago's large institutions for the protection and practical aid of stranded women and girls has led me nightly into that city's most sordid quarters not always quarters of poverty, but many times tinseled and glittering, yet always the same old slimy filth, filled with a million germs of frightful disease that within a few years hands out its notice and takes its toll of death from those who dabble in it. I had been pondering over and over in my mind the question, "What finally becomes of the 'cruiser,' the street woman just starting on her long walk of death? She is too strong to die 10 yet where does she go? She does not stay here long, she must go to New York to the North the South." So one day Christine Kuppinger (my partner and companion in travel in many a far-off corner of the world) and I took a train to New York to see if we could find her there. We stayed for days and weeks at an old-time hotel near the great street walking grounds, grounds where men and women go every night to hunt innocent, or "near innocent" blood, blood of girls and boys to stir and mix it, to alloy it with frightful disease, and turn it finally into gold, gold for the slave master, gold that one day will sink as completely the health and vitality of this nation as was sunk the health and life of old Rome. We went around everywhere, looked over the pavement crowd, visited the night court, the woman's municipal lodging house. We went down into Chinatown and through all its great surrounding slums, many times into the midnight mission on Doyer Street, into all the homes for girls spent days around A Girls' School in our Samoan Islands Ellis Island, walked the streets until our feet ached, but found few girls we had known in Chicago. "This is winter and they go South in winter," said a wise one. "All right," we said, "we'll go South and find them." So South we went. We stopped a week in Washington, perhaps some of these girls were there. We were particularly looking for some of the six or eight hundred public slave women held on Armour Avenue, Dearborn Street, Dearborn Alley, Twenty-second Street, etc. (Chicago), up to the time of the Wayman raids. We knew very many of these women well enough to speak to them. They were the women held in such slaughter pens as those operated by "Jim" Colosimo, the "Jew Kid," Madam Rocco, "Mike the Greek," the "Waup," "Black Mag," "Mike" Heitler, "Monkey Face Genker," the Friedmans, and the Blooms. We knew the "ring," the "gang," the gunmen we knew Roy Jones and his infamous dive of murder, "Duffy the Goat," and decaying Moresco. We knew them all, their blood-red hands, their evil, bulging faces and we knew their women. We were determined to somehow or other find out what becomes of these women who have once been bartered across the counter of Chicago's public slave auction block. 11 THE SOUTH A block back of the rear of the Queen and Crescent Railroad passenger station and running out and across to the old Saint Louis Number two cemetery in one direction and down toward the old Absinthe house near the French market in another direction, comprising blocks and streets of territory, lies New Orleans' vast soul market. Two or three blocks away stood the wreckage of the Hotel Royal. At the time of our visit there, several years ago, this ancient relic of a past reign of "Far South" slavery still held its head above the street. Shreds of wonderful tapestry and exquisite carving still clung to its skeleton form. Picking our way across the building under the guidance of an old Negro woman, we came at last to the' immense ancient rotunda with its old auction block at the far end of the room. It was dark and damp in there. There were puddles of slimy water on the dirty floor. I saw the rafters covered with slime. I A Marist Sister of the American Samoans. Eighteen years she has worked alone in these islands. saw spiders on the wall we walked over to the "block." Lizards and crawling things slunk away it was the South's old slave auction. I looked again at the block chipped and broken by a thousand tourists. My mind and vision wandered up among the colonnades, and back again to that block of black slavery. A great procession of sixty years ago seemed going by. I saw a black baby snatched from the flabby breast of a whipped black mother. I saw a girl in whose veins flowed the Aryan blood of old Virginia forced out on the block under the knout of a brutal driver. I saw her dress torn from her trembling limbs, I heard a voice that seemed to come from Hades hiss that they were straight, well made I heard another hiss "and she's intact, what am I bid?" I saw a trembling woman a mother clutch the girl? no, the air I staggered over to the window, I looked across to the great white slave market of the beautiful Southern city, a loved city, for my blood is Southern blood, the heavens seemed brass over it all I looked again, something seemed to glow, to hang 12 over New Orleans in hopeful shade yes, it was a shadow the shadow of the Cross and it fell again over a white market in my Southland and with its shadow came healing, liberty Salvation. Out of the old Royal we went, glad to breathe the fresh air again. We strolled down into Liberty Street, Liberty Street with its hundreds of peculiar little Southern "cribs." Whites, blacks and breeds all mixed together, reeked and smelled along the side streets and alleys. A girl sat smoking inside a doorway. The "men" controlling the block were resting in a shady corner saloon. "Let's go in," Mrs. Kuppinger said, "I believe I know her." Sure enough we did know her and she knew us. "Where did you use to work?" we asked. "Out of Madam Leo's in Chicago," answered the girl. "On Armour?" asked Mrs. Kuppinger. "Sure," an- swered the girl. "I'm so glad to see a 'North' face again. I'm lonesome down here among all these niggers." She was one of the girls so uncere- moniously hustled out of Chicago when the city partially cleaned up its vast segregated red light district a few years ago and in the course of a Kamahamaha Palace, Honolulu, Headquarters Pacific Division Red Cross, 1917-18 ten days' stay in New Orleans we found and learned of quite a number of girls forced into Southern cities by the great wave of action against public vice in Illinois, Iowa and other Northern States. The women were filthy, abject, while hundreds of greasy men lounged through the district drum- ming up trade, bartering, guaranteeing their respective "houses" to be free from disease and putting out all the allusions and inducements usually offered by the "cadet" of such a district. Above and over all was the master. He held no visible whip in his hand, but he held something a hundred times more dreadful, for he held drink and drugs, absinthe, mental terror, and he held them in a hand gloved in velvet. A whip is not always necessary though it is many times used. One drug, morphine, cocaine, even whisky a few doses, a few drinks, a habit, the victim is helpless. Asked the girl from Madam Leo's: "Say, do you know if it's true^or not that 'Big Kate' and 'Jew Rosie' went to China?" "No, I don't know," answered Mrs. Kuppinger, "I hadn't heard of it; did you girls hear they had ?" "Sure ; you know Kate used to be in that house that was filled with white girls for the use of Chinese you know that house on Armour 13 Avenue back in Chicago ; well, somehow they got her to go over to Shanghai and she's never been heard of since, nor has Rosie, and Rosie's mother a widow, too, and lives in Russia somewhere, and Rosie use to send home money to the old lady and the kids. I wonder if they did go?" THE WEST "Hey there, you! I mean you two women." Christine Kuppinger, niy traveling companion, and I paused a moment and turned around to see where the call came from. As we stopped, officer 789 of the San Francisco (Cal.) police force came hurriedly over to where we were standing. It seemed we were on either "historic" or "forbidden" ground. Anyhow, we were at the corner of Commercial Avenue at the spot where Bartlett Avenue debouches into it, about half way up the hill from old Barbary Coast. We were surrounded on every side by hundreds, even thousands of Orientals. From one direction came the shrill call of a street "hawker," from another the shriek of a woman in distress, from all sides came the smirk of strange yellow ^aces. It was Saturday night in the Oriental prostitution district of the city. "Did you mean us?" we asked as 789 caught up with us. "Yes," answered the officer. "I was afraid you ladies might be going to walk through Bartlett Avenue and I wanted to stop you." "Why did you want to stop us?" we asked. "O, you know the police do not allow decent women to walk on some of these streets, it's dangerous, you know," and 789 leaned against the lamp post (everybody walks in the middle of the street in this section of San Francisco) and looked as official as possible. "But we want to know why, why we cannot walk on Bartlett Avenue or any other street in San Francisco," we kept asking. Officer 789 looked puzzled, and officer 667 lounging on an opposite corner, seeing the conversation unusually prolonged, came over to see what was doing. "O, well," answered 789 finally, "there's a lot of white girls in there and the Orientals and others interested do not like to have visitors, that is, women visitors, around too much." Here 667 came to the rescue of his brother officer. "I'll tell you what to do," said he, "you go down and see the police commissioner of the district and see if you cannot obtain a permit. If he says it is all right to walk through, why, you go through. See?" "All right," we answered, "Only we've been through already." "O !" and officer 789 looked still more disturbed. We asked him if he had ever been out of San Francisco. "Well, no," he answered, halting, "I have always lived here." "All right, we'll see you again," we answered, and walked on down Commercial Avenue toward the car line and Barbary Coast. Away to the right, perhaps half a mile, Market Street was ablaze with beautiful flowers and brightest lights. Women, the city's fairest, threw flowers into the air and smiled a smile of welcome to the crowded street the stranger within the gate the Golden Gate. Men trailed great auto- mobiles up and down, machines that were loaded with a wealth of bloom and beauty for was it not the Portola Festival the festival of the Gate? But no sound of joy or music floated up to that other festival on the 14 reeking hillside that night, the festival of men's debauchery, only yellow smirks as gold was exchanged for white flesh, only foreign damning oaths women's screams it was the Festival of Death. THE ORIENT Japan practically controls the passenger shipping of the Pacific Ocean and certainly she controls the Asian Pacific Coast line from Vladivostock to Manila. In the fifty years she has been in contact with the Western world she has planted her vast, government-taxed, government-upheld yoshiwaras in every city in every country she has been allowed to enter. Her young women, leased or sold by the seke system, are to be found in great hordes in every Oriental city. She rules the commercialized Nectarine No. 9, Yokohama, Japan prostitution of the Western oceans. Even in Honolulu and Manila; under the very shadow of the Stars and Stripes, she has established great dis- tricts and filled them with not only her own women, but with the women of all the world. Coast line Siberia is overwhelmed with her geisha, her harlots. Every Japanese passenger ship leaving our American coast is supplied with her publicity propaganda, her advertisements of this great "house" and that great yoshiwara. She is known the Western world over as "The Island of Girls" for she everywhere from the "Picture Bride" of California, west to "Nectarine No. 9" in Yokohama, from North Siberia south to 55 Gardenia Street, Manila, legalizes and deifies the prostitution of her own and other women. She is the social menace of the Orient, the world, and for the benefit of those who shall read this, the writer, after numerous journeys through Siberian waters, through Japan, China, the Philippines, Australia, and the South Seas, gives out the following infor- mation, gathered through six years of patient investigation as a warning of existing conditions in the countries that wash their faces in the lap of the Pacific Ocean America's slowly but surely back door. 15 A great ocean-going steamer was backing away from her slip in the wharves of San Francisco. Good-bys had been said, flowers, masses of gorgeous bloom had been thrown on board, handkerchiefs were waving, a mammoth ship, a passenger ship, had turned her nose toward Asia and all beyond. On board of her were a little party of missionaries going out to work in the "foreign fields," going out ardent, enthusiastic, to help raise the standard of the Cross against Buddhism, Shintoism, against Con- fucius and his world-old doctrines. Among this party was a very fine looking young woman. Tall, light, enthusiastic, verdant as the hills of her own central Western state, she was at twenty-four years of age going to Asia to become a missionary. There was a noticeable passenger on board the steamer as she slipped out of the gate and into the sea. He was a kind and affable man, he was a physician, Dr. Sargent of Seattle. Naturally on the ocean there are times when medical advice is much sought after and Dr. Sargent was in demand. As the days went by Dr. Sargent began to be seen much with the young Yoshiwara, Yokohama, Japan (Note regulation opaque lights that round the world advertise Japanese prostitution) missionary. "Be careful, Miss Blank," warned an older woman in the partv, "sea acquaintances and friendships sometimes prove burdens on land?' The time passed rapidly and as the ship neared the Japanese coast Dr. Sargent ardently pressed the girl to go on down to Shanghai, China, and there marry him. Waveringly she refused. The ship touched a Japanese seaport, the girl's destination. "I will return and visit you," whispered the doctor as she left the liner for her field of work. This girl's older friends heaved sighs of relief. "One ship flirtation abruptly ended," they declared. Our little missionary entered the great compound of a sister faith to await her transportation to a language school near by. This compound situated within a rock-hewn entrance and on a hill overlooking the United States consulate, the flag, would seem to any ordinary observer, a safe place for any woman. Its corps of workers could not be surpassed all was well. Two weeks after this time Dr. Sargent walked deliberately up the steps of the Mission building, rang the bell and asked for Miss Blank. She 16 came downstairs to meet him. He insisted on taking a little walk. She refused unless accompanied by a chaperon. Miss Blank called a friend of the writer's to go with them on the proposed walk. Dr. Sargent, hear- ing the conversation between Miss Blank and the resident missionary, brought such pressure to bear on Miss Blank for a few minutes' private conversation that they started to walk slowly to the entrance of the Mission compound. In a minute almost the trap was sprung. The woman mis- sionary in the compound came down with hat and gloves ready for the walk. She missed the young woman. Immediately a search was started, but Dr. Sargent had turned to the left instead of the right on leaving the compound and instantly he and Miss Blank were swallowed up in a crowded, jamming street. Thoroughly frightened now and entirely lost, Miss Blank demanded that the doctor take her back to the Mission. A ship lay at anchor in the bay, a ship for Shanghai, China. "Come on," said the doctor, "we will go and have some Japanese lunch and then be married and leave this country this afternoon." "I cannot, cannot," cried Miss Blank, "I still owe -my passage money to my Board. I cannot leave." "Yes, you will leave," said Dr. Sargent. They had wandered on and on. The girl in one way was helpless, but physically she was a strong woman, a college girl. Dr. Sargent seized her as they came into a secluded part of the street. She fought him \vjth stout arms and a now thoroughly aroused stout heart. He threw a silken scarf about her neck and tried to choke her. She snatched it away and throwing all her strength into one mighty effort broke loose from him and dashed away. After- an exciting run she escaped him and in the course of an hour or so was able to find her way back to the Mission. Dr. Sargent went down to Shanghai and afterward was cool enough to write to Miss Blank, still asking her to join him in that city. One would naturally think that surrounded by every protection a power- ful Church could give and remembering the fact that all missionaries go out in parties, each party accompanied by someone going out for a second term of service, our girls going to Asia would be safe enough ; but when one realizes the intricate thorough workings of the organized white slavers of the Trans-Pacific business of commercialized dealings in our women, one can only wonder and fight back in the best way possible and trust for laws and legislation that will forever put a stop to these "sea wolves" and their death trade of the Pacific. No British woman is allowed to prostitute herself in any British colony where flies the Union Jack. In all the great armies of white slaves in the Orient, the American girl predominates. She is closely followed by the Jewish and the French girl. Many Russian women, too, are noted in these vast districts, for women, near the military camps in such cities as Peking, Shanghai and Hongkong in fact, women of all the nations are con- gregated in these immense flesh markets, American leading all in exports to them. We fall behind in many ways in our trade with the Orient, but in the shipment of our young American girls by all the slimy traders in womanhood from all the world, we at least lead the way, until the words "American woman" have become by-words in many parts of Asia. I ask the club-woman and the Church-woman of the United States to take this matter up to take it before their congressmen, and ask stricter legislation regard- 17 ing the leaving an American port for Asia by the woman who has little proof of her object or the destination of her journey. A great commercial- ized vice ring reaches around the world, it is systematized, its organization is strength itself. A girl is missing to-day in Chicago or New York, a month later she is found in some remote American city or in the dives of the Orient, or worse yet, she is never found nor heard of again. We drag our rivers, and our police forces are kept busy trying to find her body, while on some trans-Pacific steamer, thousands of miles away, some swart, shrewd man, born and bred leagues from our shores, treads the deck and congrat- ulates himself that in the cabins are a few American girls going out as actresses (?) or governesses (?) or companions (?), and for each one he lands he will get a thousand dollars cash and all expenses paid. One of our Christine M. Kuppinger and author leaving gate of old Royal Palace, Seoul, Korea American girls taken to China is first placed in a high class house (see cut of Zaza Van Buren's house in Shanghai, the House of the Golden Stair), and is kept there about three months, that is, providing business is good. If it is not good and girls are slow coming in, she may be kept longer, but if things go right and trade is brisk, she will likely be sent to a lower class house, as soon as it is known she is diseased. The prevailing venereal disease of all the Orient, the Philippines and the South Seas is "yaws." It is highly contagious and is greatly feared throughout Asia. It is, correctly speaking, a species of syphilis, many times called Oriental syphilis. No girl escapes it and beset as she is by other diseases usually is compelled to leave a first-class "house" within a short time after entering. A girl enter- ing China without a full knowledge of where she is going and with strong earnest friends to meet and care for her, can be lost forever in one minute. I remember well the afternoon Mrs. Kuppinger and I for the first time entered from the cars the railway station at Peking. A thousand coolies pressed us to the wall, dirty, filthy hands snatched at our luggage, half- blinded eyes leered at us, close, a thousand struggling, fighting, coughing men were screaming at the top of their voices. They could, as we found out afterward, be heard two miles away from the station. Not a white face was in sight. We knew not which way to turn we could speak no word of their language and there remained but one thing to do, simply beat off the crowd with our walking sticks and defend as best we could our valuable 18 cases. They were determined to carry them away to our hotel. They were reckless, starving, any one of them would have risked a perfect rain of blows in the face to have gained one cent for the little job of work. We stood our ground and slashed right and left. A moment more and Miss Fearon of the American Methodist Mission had us by the arms. I touched with my walking stick two men to carry our luggage, another minute we were in rickshaws, out of the crowd and at our hotel. A girl who once loses sight of a white face in the Orient, of a friendly, strong hand, who for one single minute gets into the power of her destroyers, is lost forever. She might stand in the middle of the station at Peking in a crowd of a thousand and scream her head loose and not one soul would so much as look around to see what the matter was, unless it chanced a white man stood by. Interference in affairs between whites and yellows in Asia is not common unless the case is very pronounced. The girl once off the ship or, for the matter, even on it, is absolutely under the control of those who have her in charge. I was scarcely prepared for the sights I met at Tientsin, China. To the woman sold into a life of shame in the seaports of the Orient only one fate can come. A year or two in some dark hole, nothing to eat, vile, filthy sur- roundings, vermin of every kind, opium, frightful disease, "yaws," (Oriental syphilis), torturing, tearing into the vitals of life, gray dead leprosy, in- sanity, the general (insane) hospital death. For every girl who reads this, I want to paint a real life picture of gir! slavery in the Orient. I want to tell you of one sick, starving girl in Tien- tsin, chained all day in the cellar of an Oriental dive, forced to the door of the hut above as the evening shadows fell, to stand stripped to the waist and beg the white, black and yellow faces of the world to come in. One came at last. She shuddered, every nerve in her grew tense as hardened steel. The one who came cared not that her eyes were half-blinded, that her limbs bent this way and that. He was one of her kind. He was a leper "Unclean," she shrieked, and tried to flee the foul embrace, only to be forced forward by a dozen blood-yellow hands armed with hot metal chop- sticks. Into all the torment behind her, the torment she knew so well, she still shrank back, back from the gray lumpy leper her hand flashed to her bosom a hidden knife it reached her side it entered it, and down against the bamboo bars of that reeking Asiatic cellar, down at the feet of the rotting leper fell a scarred, huddled white American body, and a tortured, twisted soul a soul of tears and blood fluttered out past the Stars and Stripes flying less than half a mile away, and with shrieks against its burn- ing stain and wrong, went back to the God who gave it. For real information regarding social conditions in Peking, China, we were deeply indebted to Mrs. Dr. Chauncy B. Goodrich, National President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of China. It was through Mrs. Goodrich that we were admitted to the Peking Rescue Home for Chinese prostitutes, and it was surely a wonderful place. Now, the China- man is nothing if not philanthropic. He gives to charity and believes in his giving. So Peking has a real rescue home for fallen women or rather slave prostitutes. When in or near foreign concessions, a Chinese slave prostitute is so beaten or tortured that her screams become an annoyance to the people living near, and people live very near each other in China, or, 19 when in these tortures a leg or arm may be broken or an eye destroyed and these things become known, this girl may be taken (in Peking and Shang- hai) before what is known as a "mixed" court, that is, a court where one magistrate is an American or European and one a Chinese, and if this court deems her as having been cruelly treated she may be taken legally from the owner and placed in a rescue home. So, in company with Mrs. Goodrich we "rickshawed" out to the Peking home. Visitors are not usually admitted to this institution, but our friend's social standing, her elegant Chinese speech and etiquette opened the barred door in the heavy wall and we were ad- mitted. In the military guardhouse at the gate we must have tea and cake, as is the inevitable (and I think it is a beautiful one) custom in both Japan and China. We were ushered through two more gates and walls and finally came to the matron's office and on beyond to the huts of the girls themselves. On the morning we were there, there were about eighty or ninety scarred, half-blinded, sick girls confined in the place. A few were beautiful a few well. They scattered like sheep as we entered the place, most of them to their wretched cells. Many, many of these girls were half- demented, many stunted. More were repulsive with venereal disease. All were cold, wretched, for it was a zero day and the poor of Peking have no fire. Very few Pekinese, even among the wealthier class, have any fire in winter excepting a brazier of burning charcoal. Well, on this morning in question we met and smiled at many of the cold little prisoners of the rescue home. Their ages ranged from four years up. Little, torn, hungry slaves I might write the words "little dogs" of humanity scarred, lost, some of them, though sweet and lovable, some like animals ruled by a slaver's knout. As we entered the walls of the compound we noticed posted all over the stones and on sort of billboards dozens of pictures resembling our old-fashioned wood cuts. Around these pictures were hundreds of struggling, swearing, filthy coolies. We asked the matron what these men were doing and what the pictures represented. "Why," she answered, "those men are there to pick out concubines." Each girl as she comes in here is photographed and numbered and the picture and number posted on the wall, the men come and look the pictures over until they find a girl they think they would like. For a small fee the girl may be given over to this man as a wife, concubine or slave. He takes her to his home, keeps her awhile. If he is satisfied with her, if she works well, he keeps her, but if he does not happen to like her, he brings her back any time within three months, bruised and bleeding and exchanges her for another girl. Good-by, rescue home ; good-by, little bruised, scarred hope- less girls. May the efforts of the Church of Jesus Christ in China be held up on mighty wings of love and prayer and gold, as it stands in that vast Oriental country and speed its arrows of a human-divine salvation into the darkened lives and broken, cursed, tortured bodies of Chinese girlhood ! I do not want to particularize at all on China or Chinese customs in this little volume, but I want to make understood the clear fact of woman's position in China. The position of a woman in China is exactly that of a chattel, a slave. I realize the fact, too, that through the wonderfully suc- cessful efforts of the missionaries many, many women and girls are being broadly educated, but these students and emancipated women number at a maximum estimate one hundred thousand while China has one hundred and 20 fifty millions of women within her borders. All praise, all honor to the step forward the girls of the newest Republic are making, the girls on the shore-line of that great nation, yet the fact remains to the careful traveler in the interior and to one who goes away from the European influences of the large coast cities, that the women of China are slaves pure and simple. Now to get at the question of the status of the white woman in China. The white woman who marries a Chinese and goes back to China to live with her husband utterly and forever loses her standing and caste both among whites and Chinese. The Chinese will only receive and treat her as a Chinese woman. If she rebels and her husband chooses to uphold her, he is at In spite of Kipling, East and West meet in friendly fellowship once boycotted, first by his family, who really in the eyes of the law own her body and soul, then by the entire Chinese city or community in which they live. They are cast absolutely adrift. As to the white element receiv- ing the husband and wife of a "mixed marriage," this is as seldom done as is the reception into our own white society of a mixed marriage couple of black and white. The thing is utterly repellent, repulsive and impossible. Now I get back to my subject our white women in the Orient who have been lured there through various promises and sold into a life of public prostitution. The white prostitute in China, aside from her money-making value, is less thought of by the Chinese themselves than the dog that haunts the out- lying graveyards of the country and lives by gnawing the body and bones of the murdered baby left there for him. She is neither thought of nor is she considered as a human being. In fact, for years China treated all Amer- ican women coming into the empire with as much contempt as she dared, because she judged all American women by the great hordes of American 21 prostitutes plying their trade along the coast of Asia and in the islands of the seas. As we study this question, keep in mind one great fact: "No British woman is allowed to ply the trade of prostitution in any of England's colonial possessions or treaty ports over which fly the Union Jack." Why not be able to say the same of the United States and the Stars and Stripes? We left the rescue home that cold morning and drove away to the little English Church in the British legation compound of Peking. There stood the heavy walls protecting the half mile square of ground, backed by the United States legation grounds, which include a part of the great wall of Peking, forty feet broad on the top, sixty feet broad at the base and forming the back wall of the American compound. The wall of Peking, which at this point is near the water gate of the city, is considered a strategic portion in case of trouble for the legations. A year's rations of food are stored in bullet-proof structures on its summit, and it is constantly patrolled by the United States and other troops at this place. Since the Boxer rebellion of Chinese House of Prostitution, Hongkong 1900 the foreign legation grounds of the city of Peking have never been out from under the eyes of the allied troops of all the nations. All buildings within half a mile of the legations were burned away at the time of the rebellion and this space is constantly covered with cannon, which also com- mand the sites of the Hotel Peking, Hotel Wagon Lits, the Methodist mis- sionary compound and the foreign business district. We climbed up on the wall of Peking, looked across the United States compound, and beyond. Yes, there it was, the British compound with its little Church inside. It was the compound where, (when the mad, frothing Boxers in June, 1900, took Peking) were gathered together for months all the ambassadors, lega- tion employees, army guards and missionaries of practically all the countries of the world, to withstand, as God should help them, fifty thousand raging Chinese. It was here in this compound that men of every country on earth fought and dug and bled and died to save white women and children it was here that women sobbed and prayed and raved with thirst and hunger until death was a prize, a Godsend, an answer to prayer. It was here that Frank Gamewell, a missionary who had been a civil engineer before he took Church orders, demonstrated that a preacher in a pinch could do more than preach, and scientifically fortified the strategic points of the compound walls 22 until five hundred men armed with modern guns held them against fifty thousand cowards who clamored for their blood and wives and children. It was here too, that when the rescue came, women with the best blood of our nation in their veins, consecrated women of the Churches, women of Britain, France, Germany, Chinese women, all women of all nations, after they had kissed little babies' graves and washed the wounds of loved ones with their tears, climbed up on the wall, and cried and sang together as women sometimes can, "O ! come, let us sing unto the Lord, let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation." Sang as only women can sing who have escaped the Great Curse, sang it up past Confucius, up past Shelter Ward who now has the advantage of school, music and a beautiful home Buddha, on up past the Cross, the clouds, until the music beat white against the very throne of God and was caught up by angel voices and wafted back again to earth to cap the great already laid foundations for the salva- tion of China, and Chinese women for the Kingdom of Right. We quietly and with thoughts and hearts melting with the Great Deliver- ance of the women of the world from the hands of the Boxers of Peking, turned and walked down toward the north end of the legation grounds. We came to a heavy jutting corner of the wall. It was here that the troops were massed, who night and day defended the weaker portions of the wall. Away up high at the corner of the wall was the smooth surface of a rock. Some soldier boy, perhaps he was a "Tommy Atkins," had climbed one day high above all the others and with a paint brush scratched Kipling's words "lest we forget" that all who walked might read. "Lest we forget." Forget what? Why wives, children, woman's honor forget to shoot forget to pray! 23 We walked slowly along, it was a glorious winter's day we looked down 'Telegraph lane the flags dimmed away into the backgrounds, the music of parade grounds scarcely reached us the psalm with its glory sounded fainter we looked again yes, there they were, our own American girls dragging, diseased, prostituting among all the troops and gamblers and hangers-on of all the nations of the earth to be found in this great Asiatic center. They led and after them came another vast death army of girls, Jewish, French, Russian, Japanese, until in that army almost every flag on earth was represented. We have to leave you there, girls, until we can go home and do our share toward arousing the club women and Church women of at least one of God's nations to help you. Leave you there on a shoreless sea whose wreckage bumping into you is the awful beast-man of the world, the eyeless leper, the blinded beggar, the hatchet-faced coolie, the bloated, bulging, festering body of your owner but we have read the Little^ Christian Korean Girl on her way to Sunday School. Hymn Books. (Methodist Mission, Girls' School, Seoul.) Note Bible and letter thirty-three of you wrote and sent to Mrs. Goodrich. "We are awash on a sea without a shore, you can do nothing for us, we are lost dead, but won't you try to save our younger sisters?" Yes, we will try to save them, try to save you. We will do all we can, God helping us to tell your story and have at least a little part in bringing about your final rescue and salva- tion. It is in the city of Shanghai that we find the white slaver really in the open, unalloyed trade in American girls. Great houses operating by the dozens, little houses, dives and cellars everyone not only a foul-smelling market within itself, but an underground shipping point to all the interior cities of Asia. The entire traffic in white girls as I have found it throughout Asia is one of the most appalling things in the world. Certainly the girl who sails away to a foreign country of any kind, anywhere, without fully recording herself with her own government is a simpleton, and deserves punishment, but not the kind she receives in Asia. Moving pictures are beginning operation in Japan, China, the Philippines and for these hundreds of girls will be sent out by men who "understand how to get them through" and will be lost forever. I see a girl here to-day, to-morrow next year I look across into Asia I see a little show window there, a parched face, a 24 bruised, scarred back, a lost body. I ask, "Where did she come from ? Why, she's white." The answer comes from the nurse in the General (insane) hospital, "O, she came from America last year." "Diseased?" we asked. "Yes, it settled in her brain." * I have the highest regard and love for the Chinese. I believe China to be the coming nation of the Orient. China had opium thrust upon her, consequently she smokes opium. China has public prostitution commer- cialized thrust upon her, literally jammed down her national throat. Hence, she has prostitution, opium smoking and of later years, tobacco and whisky, until now a great coolie class, a class that never knew what a square meal was, can be employed by the adventurers of Asia's shores the "beach combers" to do anything on earth for a quarter. The people of China do not want opium, do not want prostitution, but Zaza Van Buren's great "house," 16 Soo-Chow Road, Shanghai these things are utterly forced upon them. In their hearts they prefer early marriage, a concubine added now and then, or a slave girl. The real Chinese likes to go to bed at dark and get up at daybreak. But the great white slave syndicate of Asia and deafers all over Europe and America are forcing rapidly the open house of prostitution into China. She is helpless and must swallow the whole thing bait and hook. Poverty is everywhere, and then the Chinese themselves are overridden in every coast city and in many of the cities of the interior by thousands of the vilest, bloated creatures of all the nations of the world gathered to lie and steal and cheat and rape until the Chinese underworld, the world around, falls in with these and the harvest of cruelty and blood goes on and on always. I am writing from a long experience in the Orient and after investigations that covered coast cities of Japan, China, and the Ph'ilippines and that reached away into the interior of all these countries. In Yalu Road, Shanghai, we made very thorough investigations. This old road was once known as Scott's Road, but it became so murderously notorious that even in Shanghai it was deemed necessary to change the name of the lane to Yalu Road. At the end of the Yalu Road on the east is a bridge. I do not know the name of the bridge, but it is known to everyone as suicide bridge. At high tide, say midnight, the water from the sea 25 reaches almost to the floor of the bridge. Alone and disguised at the middle hour of the night, many and many a white girl has crept out of some Chinese den, drunken with opium, rotting with filthy, incurable disease, insane, though with thought enough yet left to want to die and slipped noiselessly into the yellow, muddy water and Eternity. Maybe she floated out to sea with the tide, more likely she sank forever into the bottomless ooze of mud to decay in the old canal. God only knows how many white girls have been deceived and smuggled into China. I don't know how many are there by actual count, but I do know that there are hundreds and thousands of them and I know by all obtainable facts that the American girl leads in numbers those of any other Yalu Road, Shanghai race, barring always the Japanese, and I do also know that the great majority of white girls who are sent to Asia for purposes of commercialized vice never return to home or friends and that they are lost forever. It is almost an endless task to write of Yalu Road, Shanghai. Each "house," which is nothing really but a wretched hut and cellar, has its door barred with heavy bamboo poles, while at the side of the door is a little window about eight by ten inches in size." This window contains no glass, no protection, and, chained to these windows, her face the drawing adver- tisement and attraction of the "house," stands a white girl. Hundreds of these girls are used for the purpose of securing patronage for the house. Some of these girls standing at the windows are insane, some die there, standing ; a few maniacal girls, a very few, escape. These girls standing in the windows are known as "show women" or "actresses" and woe to the girl in America who is ever led into the Orient for theatrical or show purposes. 26 It is the Yalu Road proposition which confronts her when she gets into China, and from the Yalu Road there is no escape. No British woman can prostitute in any English colonial or legation ter- ritory over which floats the Union Jack ! You and I live beneath the only flag in all the world that has never known defeat, and the very basic principle upon which that flag is builded is human liberty and human protection, and so by personal work and co- operation with every other reform and labor organization for the uplifting of womanhood by work everywhere, by prayer and by the Power of the Cross, let us set ourselves to help those helpless ones of ours until the angels shall take up the story of shame and bitterness and wrong and bear to all the world and to Heaven itself the swift acknowledgment that we are our brother's keeper. A Sister to Chinese Women and Girls. (American Church Mission) 27 Give Chicago's Helpless Woman and Child a Chance Cfjtcago Roman's Belter It cares for Emergency cases brought in at any hour Day or Night 1356 W. Monroe Street Open Day and Night The Shelter is one of the City's greatest Practical Char- ities. It gives instant Aid, Food, Lodging, Clothing to the Widowed, Sick or Unfortunate Woman, to the Helpless Baby and the Hungry, Half-frozen Public School Child. The Shelter is in the center of Chicago's mighty surging downtown district. It is within twenty minutes of all the large railroad passenger stations, courts, police stations, and is within six minutes of Cook County Hospital and the West Side Medical Center. What the Press and Public Say of the Shelter W. B. Millard, Executive Secretary of the Church Federa- tion Council of Chicago in a letter Feb. 4, 1919, to Dr. Jean T. Zimmermann says: "The directors in session peb. 4 desire me to express to you the appreciation of the Church Federation and Night Church for the many years of consecrated and effective serv- ice you have rendered by which tens of thousands of people have been reached and benefited. "We feel that you deserve well of the Churches of Chicago and wish you the utmost blessings of God as you continue to serve Christ and the Nations here or wherever you may go." The Tribune, December, 1919, says : "One week's help at the right moment may save a woman or child from eternal failure and despair. "The Chicago Woman's Shelter, a temporary home for stranded out- of-work girls and women, is located at 1356 W. Monroe Street. The shelter, which is open day and night, has for the president of its execu- tive board Mrs. Inez Rogers Deach, a well-known club and church woman. It is said to be the only institution of its kind in Chicago and it cooperates with existing charities. It is also affiliated with the League of Cook County Clubs." Dr. Jean Turner Zimmecmann, Founder and General Super- intendent Chicago Woman's Shelter, is the daughter of the late Wm. H. Turner, Surgeon of the old Second Iowa Infantry Regiment of Civil War fame and a niece of Annie Witten- myer, former National President of Woman's Relief Corps of the G. A. R. and Regent of Pennsylvania for Daughters of the American Revolution. She is a member of the governing board of the American Asiatic Association, the Chicago Art Institute, the Woman's City Club, and for two years was a member of the Speaker's Committee Illinois Division Council of National Defense. No Woman or Child Is Ever Turned from the Shelter Unheard or Unaided. ONE WEEK'S HELP AT THE RIGHT MOMENT MAY SAVE A WOMAN OR CHILD FROM ETERNAL FAILURE AND DESPAIR. Average Yearly Work of the Shelter during past Eight Years has been : No. Nights Lodging, Yearly Average 10,800 No. of Warm Meals, Yearly Average 35,850 No. of Pieces of Clean, Warm Clothing Distrib- uted (Nothing Sold) 6,350 Cases Sent to State and City Institutions 96 Emergency, Charity, Carfare and Special Meals. . 158 No. of Calls (Court, Police Stations, and Various Institutions) , 2,028 "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of one of these, ye have done it unto Me." Christine M. Kuppinger is Assistant Superintendent of the Shelter and in charge of its Social Work. Mrs. Kuppinger is of Danish parentage and a member of the Chicago Methodist Deaconess Home WHY NOT GIVE CHI- CAGO'S CHILDREN A CHANCE? A Dozen "Missions" in Chicago feed without question the "down and out" man. The Chicago Woman's Shelter feeds the hungry woman and child. The Shelter is Feeding ONE HUNDRED Underfed, Thin Clothed Public School Children EVERY NIGHT at Six O'clock. These meals will continue until May 1. WE NEED YOUR HELP and NEED IT NOW. The Shelter cares for an aggregate average of over Twenty Thousand Women and Children every year. Open to Visitors every evening (except Sunday) at Six O'clock. Come over and see our work. Sincerely yours, JEAN T. ZIMMERMANN, M.D., Superintendent. MAIWA From East Somoliland In the past five years the Shelter has cared for Women and Children from Every State in the Union and from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. en T87