r COLLECTIONS ACQUIRED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY at Urbana- Champaign 1897-1974 A catalog compiled by Jean A. Major Robert B. Downs Publication Fund No. 2 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-OHAMPAICN Coll.Guifcs 016.09 M28c cop. 23 RARt BOOK KOUM >fu4eTO Special Collections (Shelved alphabetically Deck 8 except where noted) /A/4-^ Accession Books Almanacs Aron Coll. Asian Books Baldwin Baskette Case Books (including Incun. & Milton Case books Manual shelves ) Cavagna Churchill Concrete Poetry English Experience (EE) Ferguson First Purchases Harwell Hecht Hollander Hutchins Hyakumanto (Buddhist prayer) Illinois State Library (Gift) Italian Italian Plays (shelved in Reading Rm.) Jaffe Larsen Mayer (formerly called Rilke) Meine Merwin (only the Cat. books) Motley (Deck 7, Manual shelves) Murphy NCTE Neo-Latin plays Nickell(Cat. octavos in Reading Rm.) Pagoda (see Hyakumanto) Purves S-Coll. of Children's Lit.) STC/STM( follow RBR Dewey sequence each deck) STS (Storage) Sandburg (only the books) Smith Stonehill Theological Treatises Theses/Dissertations (Stack Add. 4, Deck U.S. Serial Set Wells Wing MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION j#L> O^u^^c e-n. &* tfu 1. Most Spec. Coll. quartos & folios are shelved *, j*** J Dealer's Catalogs (cataloged)Deck 8 after Wyse Uncat. Dealer's Catalogs (shelved after -S TO - on Deck r COLLECTIONS ACQUIRED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY at Urbana- Champaign 1897-1974 A catalog compiled by Jean A. Major Robert B. Downs Publication Fund No. 2 A joint publication of the University of Illinois Library and the Graduate School of Library Science PUBLISHED IN 1974 * X UIUC % r DISTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLICATIONS OFFICE- 214 ARMORY BUILDING GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LIBRARY SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 61820 PRICE PREPAID $1.00 i Call. &uUe<. J/] &(L> INTRODUCTION JUb. &~^ The libraries of individual collectors have contributed signifi- cantly to the growth and excellence of the Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Throughout this century, private collec- tions have been sought out and acquired both by purchase and as gifts. These collections reflect a great diversity of approach to book collec- ting. Many collectors have focused their attention on a single type of literature, such as the writings of a single author, the history of an area of the world, all aspects of a specific public issue, or a thorough examination of one time period. Others have assembled balanced collec- tions which had direct bearing on their own research. Still other col- lections reflected the catholic interests of their owners. In addition to the two hundred collections described in this cata- log, the library has also received thousands of small gifts single volumes (some rare) and smaller groups of books. Some specific authors' works have been collected intensively over a period of years, and a number of very complete, high-quality collections have resulted. These kinds of items have not been described in this publication. Other 1 sources, such as the printed catalog of the Library's Rare Book Room, may be consulted for descriptions of single rare items. A catalog which is currently being compiled will describe the manuscript holdings of the University Archives, the Illinois History Survey, and the Rare Book Room. That catalog also will present information not treated in this volume. This catalog records and describes only those large collections of material acquired as units by the University Library. Most of the collections have been dispersed throughout the Library, and their descriptions contain no mention of specific locations. How- ever, a few collections have been placed in their entirety in a single unit of the University Library, such as the Rare Book Room, the Univer- sity Archives, and the Music Library. Those locations are so designa- ted where they apply. The forerunner to this catalog is a card file which was compiled by T.E. Ratcliffe, Reference Librarian, emeritus, University of Illi- nois. The file identified many collectors and described their li- braries. My greatest debt is to Professor Ratcliffe. I am also in- debted to Robert W. Oram, Associate University Librarian, for advice and encouragement, and to Susan Read, of the Reference Department, for typing innumerable drafts. Urbana, Illinois May, 1974 1. Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Library. Catalog of the Rare Book Room . Boston, G.K. Hall, 1972. llv. 2. Manuscripts Collections in the University of Illinois Library O at Urbana-Champaign . (in progress) tTD i A. Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873. Letters, 1847-1896. 30 letters. Agassiz was a professor of natural history, first at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, and later at Harvard University, and the founder of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard. The autograph letters deal with Agassiz 1 zoological and geological activities. Housed in the Library's Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1964. 2. Alyene Westall Prehn Theatre Program Collection, 1871-1930. ca. 2500 items. The Prehn collection consisted of theater programs, clippings, and photographs pertaining to theater of the late nineteenth and early twen- tieth centuries. Many items relate to Chicago theaters and productions. The collection was made by Mrs. E.G. Stetson, a well-known pastel painter, and her father, D.C. Burdick, and given to Mrs. Prehn. A catalog of the collection is kept with it. Stored within the jurisdiction of the Library's Acquisition Department. Purchase, 1961, from Mrs. Prehn. 3. Amanda K. Casad Collection. 1732 volumes. The Casad collection was comprised of history, economics, politics, and education. Gift, 1916, of University of Illinois President Edmund J. James, as a memorial to his mother. 4. American Education Collection. ca. 8300 items. The collection contained early American schoolbooks, educational magazines, college catalogs, speeches, college annuals, class books and class histories, printed chiefly in the nineteenth century. Sometimes known as the Tuttle Collection. Purchase, 1928. i r r 5. Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875. Works . 73 volumes. The works of the Danish story writer were represented both in origi- nal Danish and in English translation. Among them are valuable first editions. Purchase, 1952. 6. Andrews, James C collector. Literature on organ building. 700 volumes. The Andrews collection included most important publications on organ building and manufacture which were written in English and European lan- guages during the period from the eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth, along with representative works in other languages. Purchase, 1949/50. 7. Arellano, Jesus, collector. Mexican literature. 1300 volumes. The collector is a Mexican poet and critic. His collection of con- temporary Mexican literature consisted of 900 volumes of poetry, including many rare and limited editions, and 400 volumes of novels and short stories. Purchase, 1961/62. 8. Arkansas Experiment in Teacher Education. Survey materials, 1955-57. 9 boxes. The Arkansas Experiment in Teacher Education was a research project supported by the Fund for the Advancement of Education. Its purpose was to develop a five-year program of teacher-training; the project included all certified teacher-training institutions in the state. The collection contains correspondence, transcripts of interviews, background literature on the institutions studied, and reports which re- sulted from the experiment. An index to the interviews occupies one box. The collection is kept in the closed stacks, neither cataloged nor classified. Available to faculty and graduate students only by special arrangement. Gift, 1959. / 9. Aron, Richard, 1854-1912, collector. Aron Collection. 20,000 items. Richard Aron was a Berlin elementary school teacher. His library related almost entirely to his interest in education, especially the history of European education. In addition to early editions of the works of important writers in European education, the collection con- tained atlases, readers, songs, hymnbooks, catechisms, as well as ma- terials relating to the history of gymnastics. There were also 1,000 autograph letters and an equal number of portraits. Most of the collec- tion was seventeenth and eighteenth century material, with some items from the sixteenth century and some from the nineteenth. A bookseller's catalog of the collection is kept in the files of the University Librarian. 1 The manuscripts are housed in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1913. 10. Baily, Henry Heaton, 1888-1957, collector. Collection. 1636 items. Professor Baily was a Professor of Accountancy in the University of Illinois College of Commerce beginning in 1918. Gift, 1957/58. 11. Baker, Frank Collins, 1867-1942, collector. Library. 2281 items. The Baker library dealt primarily with natural history. Baker was a zoologist and curator of the Natural History Museum, University of Illinois, 1917-1939. Gift, 1943/44. Baldwin, Thomas Whitfield, 1890- collector. T.W. Baldwin Elizabethan Library. ca. 5800 volumes. The personal library of an eminent Shakespeare scholar of the Uni- versity of Illinois, the Baldwin collection offers materials for the study of Shakespeare and other Elizabethan figures. As Professor Baldwin was particularly interested in Shakespeare's education, school materials - grammars and dictionaries - are well represented. Also included are sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth century texts of classical auth- ors with commentaries, rhetorics, histories, Bibles, and prayerbooks. Some twenty volumes of the Baldwin Library were printed before 1640 and are unique in the United States. 1 Much of the collection is housed in the Library's Rare Book Room; however, some items are part of the general library collection. *^A catalog of the library's contents is available in the Rare Book Room. Acquired, 1967, by purchase and gift. 13. Bane, Russell Wynton, d. 1959, collector. Bane Collection in History, 1855-1959. 1759 volumes. Russell Bane was a public school teacher in Blue Island, Illinois, and a graduate of the University of Illinois. His library included stan- dard titles in history, emphasizing the Civil War period and Lincoln, and a number of biographies and historical novels. An unpublished catalog of the collection is kept in the Acquisitions Department. Gift, 1960. 14. Barlow-Smith, Mrs. Constance, collector. Public School Music Collection. 575 volumes, 1500 scores. Much of the Barlow-Smith collection dealt with public school music. In addition to books on music education, the collection contained vocal music and music journals. Mrs. Barlow-Smith was a faculty member of the University of Illinois School of Music. Gift, 1916. Barton, William E see Horner, Harlan Hoyt. Abraham Lincoln Collection. v 15. Baskette, Ewing Cannon, 1902-1959, collector. Ewing C. Baskette Collection on Freedom of Expression, 16th century- 1960. ca. 10,000 items. Ewing Baskette, a lawyer and librarian, owned the largest private collection on civil liberties and freedom of expression in the United 4 States. Within the broad limits of freedom of expression, such topics as freedom of the press, censorship, constitutional rights, religious freedom, labor union activity, well-known trials, socialism, communism, and anarchy are represented. His library contains many rare and unusual items, including surviving copies of books ordered to be burned and books for which their authors were executed. In addition to books, the collec- tion includes newspapers and periodicals, broadsides and pamphlets, manu- scripts, letters, briefs, and reports of trials, and some facsimiles of items not available for purchase. ' The collection is housed in the Library's Rare Book Room; a "shelf- list of its contents is included in the printed catalog of the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1959. Bentley, Richard, firm, publishers, London. Literary archives, 1829-1898. 29 cubic feet. The firm of Richard Bentley and Son published the fiction of Dickens, Washington Irving, Ainsworth, Bulwer-Lytton, and Cooper, as well as works of many other less prominent authors of the nineteenth century. The University Library purchased the company's archives in several segments within a ten-year period. The largest portion of the archives is comprised of letters ad- dressed to the Bentleys by the firm's many authors, such as Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, and Robert Louis Stevenson, as well as letters from readers and other publishers. There is also a set of 64 volumes, privately printed, entitled Lists of the Principal Publica- tions Issued from New Burlington Street . These annual volumes covered the publisher's operation from 1829 till 1898. O'7-i B*t*/JL *> r X Subsequent additions to the collection included letters written by the members of the firm, many more letters from authors, and records of day-to-day business. There were ledgers used as daily notebooks, a 21-volume journal of George Bentley' s career, entitled After Business , advertisements and printed lists of Bentley publications, press clip- pings, and letterbooks. The papers also include a manuscript list of the publications of Henry Colburn, Richard Bentley' s one-time partner, some documents regarding the Bentley-Colburn partnership, and Bentley' s own account of his relationship with Colburn. " Housed in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1951-1961. Bergmann, Ernst, 1881- collector. Bergmann Collection on Philosophy. 1634 volumes. Ernst Bergmann 's collection consisted of a large number of French and German philosophical writings of the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as rare 16th and early 17th century books. Among the rare books are commentaries on Aristotle and early editions of Pico della Mirandolo, St. John Chrystostom, Philo Judaeus, and Arminius. A cataloged list of contents of the collection is available in the University Library. Purchase, 1925. 18. B'nai B'rith library of Jewish literature, 1733-1930. 250 volumes. From 1917 till 1930, District No. 6 of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith made annual contributions to the University Library to establish a general collection of Judaica. Although the collection in- cludes some older items, most of the books are early twentieth century English language works. Unpublished list of contents of the collection is kept in the of- fice of the University Librarian. 19. Bogart, Ernest Ludlow, 1870-1959, collector. Collection. 1241 volumes. The collection of economic materials was the gift of a one-time head of the University's Department of Economics. v Gift, 1933/34. Bonaparte-Wyse, William Charles, see Wyse Archives. Brussel, John, see Ernest Ingold Shakespeare Collection. 20. Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-1862. Manuscripts, ca. 1850-80. " . 9 volumes and ca. 250 items in 7 folders. The manuscripts of the English historian, previously located at Eton College, contain letters, archival material, common-place books, and research notes. Much of the material has been annotated and grouped by subject. Housed in the Library's Rare Book Room. Purchase (?) 1958/59. Burdick, D C see Alyene Westall Prehn Theatre Program Collection. 21. Burford, Cary Clive, 1882-1961, collector. Library and papers. 1,000 items. Burford was an Urbana, Illinois, writer of local and regional his- tory, including works about the University of Illinois. Gift, 1961/62. 22. Burrill, Thomas Jonathan, 1839-1916, collector. Library. 1400 items. Thomas Burrill was a Professor of Botany and one-time acting presi- dent of the University of Illinois. His library consisted of botanical literature and general works, chiefly by standard authors. Gift, 1917. 23. Business Archives, 1825- 1,020 cubic feet. The Business Archives contains material relating to the history of business, especially of marketing and manufacturing, as well as biogra- phical information on the lives of Illinois businessmen of the past. The printed material includes annual financial reports, price lists, catalogs, house organs, advertisements, in addition to cash books, ledgers, day- books, inventory books, in manuscript form. A list of the business records is kept in the University Archives. An unpublished list of companies represented as of July 1, 1938, is kept in the office of the University Librarian. House organs were sent to the Center for Research Libraries. Gifts. 24. Carl Martin James Collection. 1030 volumes, 1145 pamphlets. The collection consisted of statistics and statistical literature. Gift, 1915, of University of Illinois President Edmund J. James, as a memorial to his son. 25. Carr, George Russell, 1877-1965, collector. Carr collection. 3500-4000 items. George R. Carr was at one time chairman of the board of Dearborn Chemical Company and an alumnus of the University of Illinois. His gifts included autographs, autograph letters, and documents of Presidents of the United States from George Washington to Franklin D. Roosevelt. In addition, there are other eighteenth and nineteenth century autographs and pamphlets, many volumes of biography, Chicago history, and transpor- tation history, especially items concerning railroads. An unpublished description of the collection is in the files of the University Librarian. Gift, 1951 - 1961. Carroll, Lewis, pseud , see Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 1832-1898. 26. Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, Antonio, conte, 1843-1913, collector. The Cavagna Library, 1116-1910. ca. 30,000 volumes; manuscripts in 450 volumes and 138 portfolios. Cavagna was an Italian public official and a recognized authority on the local history of Lombardy and Piedmont. His library contained a great many books on genealogy, biography, and local history, including materials on municipal governments. The manuscripts especially reflect the study of local history; most relate to Italian cities and towns, in- stitutions, societies and families. All aspects of Italian history, from the Middle Ages to the first years of the twentieth century, are prominently represented in the Ca- vagna collection, as is literature on Italian art and architecture. Other topics which are heavily represented are law, economics, biography, archaeology, chivalry, and records of Italian universities and academies. Among the books in the collection, mostly written in Italian, are some incunabula, rare and early printed books, and first editions. Many of the historical documents are unique. In addition to books, pamphlets, and manuscripts, the Cavagna library includes several thousand maps, both ancient and modern. There is a published catalog of part of the collection: Manuscripts and printed documents of the Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani in the University of Illinois Library , compiled by Meta Maria Sexton. Urbana, 1950. Purchase, 1921. 27. Chedsey, William R collector. Professional library. 431 monographs and 1122 serials. The collection was the professional library of a professor of mining engineering of the University of Illinois. Gift, 1966/67. Chester, John Needels, 1864-1955, collector. John Needels Chester Collection. ca. 175 items. John Chester, a member of the University's class of 1891, gave por- tions of his collection to the University Library over a twenty year period. Among his early gifts was a first edition of Sir Walter Ra- leigh's The History of the World (1614). This volume was the first gift made to the Library through the University of Illinois Foundation. His other gifts included a collection of material concerning the period of World War I, books on Napolean Bonaparte, his family, and his era, fif- teen volumes of literature, including a first edition of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin , and two manuscript letters written by James Whitcomb Riley. Gift, 1934-1956. 29. Chicago. Radio Station WGN. WGN Library of Musical Arrangements, 1930(?)-1960. 2700 titles. The WGN Library reflects the musical programming of the Chicago radio station since its beginning. Among the arrangements of operatic, concert, and popular music are many original, unpublished, or out-of- print works, representing some of the most prominent musical arrangers of the period. The collection is strongest in semi-classical music. A catalog of the library's contents is kept in the University's Music Library. The collection is housed in the Law Building and is accessible by application to the Music Librarian. Gift, 1957. 30. Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, 1874-1965. Works, 1898-1965. 1580 titles. The Churchill collection consists of editions of virtually every- thing which Churchill wrote from 1898 till his death in 1965. It con- tains many presentation copies, autograph and typed letters, and recor- dings, as well as biographical works on Churchill, periodicals and news- papers containing references to him, and ephemera. The collection was assembled by a London bookseller, Harold Mortlake, A record of the holdings appears in the printed catalog of the Uni- versity's Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1970. 31. Civil War in Spain, 1936-1960. ca. 600 volumes. The collection was composed of biographical and historical materials concerning the Spanish Civil War. Both Republican and Communist views were represented in the collection, some of which are underground or front-line publications. A catalog of the collection is held in the files of the University Librarian. Purchase, 1969. 32. Clark, Thomas Arkle, 1862-1932, collector. Library. 1365 volumes. The personal library of the Dean of Men of the University of Illi- nois from 1909-1931 contained many volumes of American and English liter- ature, as well as books of history, education, and philosophy. Gift, 1948/49. 10 Clayton, Sir Robert, 1629-1707. Papers, 1579-1744. 5 feet (ca. 3,000 items) The papers are chiefly addressed to Clayton, the English merchant, politician, and Lord Mayor of London in 1679-80. In addition to corres- pondence, the collection contained many financial documents. An index of personal names accompanies the papers. Housed in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1953. 34. Cobbett, William, 1763-1835. Cobbett Collection, 1751-1944. 180 editions of Cobbett' s works, 66 pictures and portraits, 24 broadsides, and 101 pieces of autographed material, including many let- ters. William Cobbett was a British journalist, publisher, and bookseller. His writing includes broadsides which he wrote during two periods of residence in America, Cobbett 's Weekly Political Register , Cobbett' s Parliamentary Debates, which was the first attempt at a verbatim record of the debates of Parliament, and many books and pamphlets written in support of the working classes. The library's collection contains an edition of Cobbett's first pamphlet, The Soldier's Friend . It also includes copies of many pamphlets written in defense of England during the first stay in America, including Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestly , the first such pamphlet. In addition to Cobbett's best-known pamphlets, the collection contains all 89 volumes of the Political Register , many volumes of his best-known books, representing his later period of writing, and a large number of Cobbett's letters. The collection was made by Arnold M. Muirhead, a British bookseller. A typewritten copy of the contents of the collection exists in the office of the University Librarian. Purchase, 1953. 35. Colin Dew James Collection. ca. 1000 volumes. The collection was general in content. Gift, 1918, of University of Illinois President Edmund J. James, as a memorial to his father, one of the early pioneer preachers of Illinois. 11 36. Collins, James, 1840 (ca.) - 1916, collector. Collins Collection, 1556-1916. ca. 6,000 items. The library, resulting from thirty years of book collecting on Collins' part, was devoted in large part to material on Ireland. Of particular interest are standard works of Irish history, many of them with seventeenth century imprints. Hundreds of pamphlets commenting on Irish affairs were included 139 bound volumes and over 2500 pieces un- bound. In addition to collections of whole issues or sets of Irish newspapers and magazines, 127 volumes of newspaper clippings, primarily concerning the nineteenth century, were included. The books in the col- lection included local history and geography, popular literature, and Irish religious history. A catalog of the contents is available in the office of the Uni- versity Librarian. Purchase, 1917. 37. Colvin, Carl, 1889- collector. Colvin Collection. 24 volumes. Carl Colvin was an alumnus of the University of Illinois and a teacher in several Illinois educational institutions. For seven years, 1924-31, he was allied with the Technical Service of the Republic of Haiti in a cooperative aid program. The Colvin collection was an outgrowth of that work. It included rare eighteenth and nineteenth century works basic to the study of Haitian history and several volumes of Haitian government documents which were printed during the 1924-31 period. A typewritten record of the contents is on file in the Library's Acquisitions Department. Gift, 1961. 38. Comstock, Frederick Harmon, 1853-1939, collector. Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, 16th - 19th centuries. 150 volumes. The collector was a long time lawyer and a charter member of the New York County Bar Association. His library consisted chiefly of Eng- lish translations of Marcus Aurelius, among them some first editions and some limited editions. There were six sixteenth century items, several from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and many nineteenth century volumes. Purchase, 1939. 12 39. Crandall, Charles Spencer, 1852-1929, collector. Library. several thousand books and pamphlets. The collection was the private agricultural library of a University of Illinois professor of pomology, 1902-1929. Gift, 1944/45. 40. Crathorne, Arthur Robert, 1873-1946, collector. Calculus Collection. 50 volumes. Arthur Crathorne was a member of the faculty in mathematics, begin- ning in 1907. The collection focused on the calculus of variations and included some rare titles. Gift, 1944/45. 41. Cunningham, Harrison E 1877-1965, collector. Cunningham library. ca. 1,000 volumes. The library reflected, in part, Mr. Cunningham's long-time associ- ation with the University of Illinois Press as its director and with the University's Board of Trustees, as secretary. It included about three hundred volumes published by the University Press, as well as transac- tions and reports of the Board of Trustees. In addition, there were a number of rare books relating to classical literature and a diverse col- lection of modern books. A list of the contents of the collection is held in the files of the University Librarian. Gift, 1965. 42. Czaykowsky, Elias, 1909-1973, collector. Elias Czaykowsky Collection of Ukrainian Culture. 6500 volumes. The private library of a Detroit engineer consisted mainly of first editions of nineteenth and early twentieth century materials in Ukrainian. Although some volumes were written in other languages and concern Ukrain- ian problems, the largest section was Ukrainian literature, followed by items on the history and culture of the Ukraine. Purchase, 1974. 13 43. Daniels, Arthur Hill, 1865-1940, collector. Library. 1800 items. Daniels was a professor of philosophy, 1893-1933, and acting Presi- dent of the University of Illinois, 1933-34. Gift, 1940/41. 44. Dewson, John Reynolds, collector. John R. Dewson Library. 984 volumes. The collection of American military history was the library of a former student of the University of Illinois. It was especially strong in material about both World Wars, but biography, exploration, and the Civil War were also represented. Gift, 1968. 45. Dittenberger, Wilhelm, 1840-1906, collector. Dittenberger Classical Library. 5600 items. The Dittenberger Library for the study of classical languages was the personal collection of a professor of classical philology at the University of Halle. It contained four to five thousand programs and dissertations in classical philology, as well as works on the history of literature and grammar. A catalog of the pamphlets in the collection is located in the Classics Library. Purchase, 1907. -f- 46. Doerner, Julius, d. 1917, collector. Doerner collection. 50,000 volumes. Although much of Mr. Doerner's collection was the result of years of book collecting, a portion was the stock of a bookseller in Chicago. Doerner received the bookshop in lieu of payment of fees for his cata- loging the collection for auction. The collection included about six hundred rare books, along with hundreds of non-rare items on many sub- jects. There were several thousand volumes each of general literature, theology, and public documents, as well as hundreds in the categories of 14 foreign language and history, medicine, and Americana, and lesser col- lections of other subjects. Art work and music was included, also. A catalog of the rare portion of the collection is found in the files of the University Librarian. Purchase, 1918. 47. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 1832-1898. The Flodden Heron Lewis Carroll Collection, 1843-1946. 300 - 500 items. Besides many editions of Lewis Carroll's books, the collection of Flodden Heron, the Carroll bibliographer, included articles, newspaper clippings, pictures, letters, and personal effects of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell Hargreaves. An unpublished list of contents is in the files of the University Librarian. Music from the collection is housed in the Music Library, and the other material is located in the Rare Book Room. Purchase (?) 1955. 48. Dziatzko, Karl Franz Otto, 1842-1903, collector. Bibliographical Library. 550 items. Dziatzko was the librarian of the University of Gottingen beginning in 1886. The bibliographical segment of his library contained library science literature, paleography, histories of printing, libraries, the book trade, as well as special works on bibliography. Many volumes were presentation copies. The collection was the basis for the Library Science Library. Purchase, 1905. 49. Early Americana. 600 volumes. The collection of books related to the history of science and the arts, as well as to other areas of the humanities. Gift, 1969/70, of Stechert-Hafner Booksellers. 15 50. Early and rare mathematical works, 1543-1898. 22 titles. The collection mainly consisted of first editions of books which represent outstanding contributions to mathematical research. Represen- ted are works of Abel, D'Alembert, Cauchy, Euler, Fermat, Grassmann, Jacobi, Legrange, Lie Gauss, and Newton. A list of the contents of the collection is kept in the files of the University Librarian. Purchase, 1954. 51. English almanacs and prognostications of the sixteenth century, 1551-1568. 25 items, bound together in one volume. The almanacs and prognostications comprised the basic information for the everyday life of the Elizabethans and, therefore, acted as a shaping influence on Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Twenty-one items in the collection are unique; the remaining four have survived only in fragmentary form elsewhere. Inventory of individual titles appears in Notes and Queries , Series 6, 12:204. Purchase, 1958. 52. Ernest Ingold Shakespeare Collection, 1525- 652 volumes, 3842 items of portraiture. Ernest Ingold is a prominent San Francisco businessman and civic leader and a member of the University of Illinois Class of 1909. His gifts of Shakespeare material began in 1950, with the four folios and the first edition of Shakespeare's Poems (1640). Among subsequent con- tributions are a second folio bearing the scarce Smethwick imprint, and 1619 quarto editions of Merchant of Venice and Merry Wives of Windsor published by William Jaggard. The quarto volumes completed the library's holdings of the nine Jaggard quartos. Other quarto editions followed, including one used by Lewis Theobald in his 1734 edition; that volume has Theobald's annotations. A six volume edition of Shakespeare's works by Nicholas Rowe (1709), the first editor of Shakespeare, is foremost among a collection of full sets of three important eighteenth century editions. In addition to early editions of Shakespeare, the Ingold collection contains materials relating to the debated existence of Love's Labor Won , several sixteenth century items used by Shakespeare as sources of charac- ters, Shakespeare promptbooks and playbills, material used by M.H. Spiel- mann in a study of Shakespeare portraiture, and much biographical and critical material. Among the critical materials is the John Brussel col- lection of Shakespeare and his era, which Ingold gave to the University 16 Library; the collection was especially strong in unusual nineteenth and twentieth century items published in Europe. An Exhibition of Books Presented to the University of Illinois Li- brary by Ernest Ingold Class of 1909 described fully the Ingold gifts. Gift, 1950- 53. Evans, Charles, 1850-1935. Evans papers. The letters and papers of the author of The American Bibliography contain communications with historians, bibliographers, and librarians, documents concerning Evans' association with the Indianapolis Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, and the Newberry Library in Chicago, and the master set of The American Bibliography . Located in Rare Book Room. Access by permission of the University Librarian. Gift, 1962. 54. Fairlie, John Archibald, 1872-1947. Library and papers. 9,000 volumes and 32 feet of archival material. The library of John Fairlie, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Illinois, 1909-1941, consisted of political science literature mainly. The papers, 1885-1947, contained notes, text out- lines, manuscripts of his writings, correspondence, as well as printed material on municipal government and public administration. Fairlie was allied with several organizations whose materials are represented in his papers. These included Social Science Research Council, National Muni- cipal League, American Political Science Association, Illinois Special Tax Commission, and Illinois Efficiency and Economy Committee. An unpublished finding aid accompanies the papers, which are located in the University Archives. Gift. t> Ferguson, Frederic Sutherland, 1878- collector. Scottish imprints and Scotica, 1595-1700. ca. 300 volumes. Although he collected books for nearly 65 years, Frederic Ferguson was known principally for his work on the Short Title Catalogue and as the managing director of Quaritch's. Ferguson's collection contained early Continental books and bibliographic reference books, as well as the Scottish imprints which were acquired by the University Library. 17 The Scottish material was mostly printed in Edinburgh and, except for one item, was printed between 1640 and 1700. Many items are unique, and some seldom-seen printers are represented. Much of the collection is in contemporary binding, and some volumes contain Ferguson's pencilled notes on the binders' leaves. Housed in the Library's Rare Book Room. Described in Harner, James L., Ex Libris, F.S. Ferguson; a Checklist of the F.S. Ferguson Collection of Scottish Imprints and Scotica at the University of Illinois . Champaign, Illinois, 1972 (Robert B. Downs Pub- lication Fund Series, No. 1) Purchase, 1969. 56. Fitz-Gerald, John Driscoll, 1873-1946, collector. Library. 1257 volumes. The personal library of Professor Fitz-Gerald of Romance languages and literatures (1909-29) was especially strong in French and Spanish literature, in addition to materials of general interest. Gift, 1950/51. 57. Flagg, Willard Cutting, 1829-1878, collector. Library. 242 volumes, large number of pamphlets. Flagg was a prominent Illinois citizen a state senator, one-time president of the Illinois State Farmers' Association, and a charter mem- ber of the University's Board of Trustees. The collection was his per- sonal library. Gift, 1892. 58. Fletcher, Hugh Mackay, 1896-1932, collector. Library, 1812-1931. 300 volumes. Economic literature written in English in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was most prominent in the library of Hugh Flet- cher, an alumnus and former faculty member of the University. Philoso- phy, history, and literature are also represented. A typewritten list of the collection's contents is on file in the office of the University Librarian. Gift, 1932. 18 59. Flom, George Tobias, 1871-1960, collector. George T. Flom Library, 1831-1940. 2315 items. The collection was the personal library of a former professor of Scandinavian languages and literatures at the University of Illinois. It consisted largely of collections of Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian language, literature, and culture, and Old Norse, Icelandic, and Faroese. Smaller, but still substantial categories were philology and linguistics, history and mythology, and runo logical items. A typewritten inventory of the collection is kept in the files of the University Librarian. Gift, 1941. 60. Forbes, Stephen Alfred, 1844-1930, collector. Library. 490 volumes. Stephen Forbes was a one-time chief of the Natural History Survey of Illinois and Professor of Entomology at the University of Illinois. His library consisted of entomological literature. Gift, 1930. 61. Fotitch, Constantin, 1891-1959, collector. Library. 138 volumes. Fotitch was First Minister and later the Ambassador to the United States from Yugoslavia from 1935 till 1944. His book collection con- tained material about Balkan and East European politics of the World War II and the post-war periods. In addition to books, the Fotitch library included scrapbooks of press clippings which recorded Yugoslavia's entry into World War II and the political struggle between factions supporting General Mihailovich and Marshall Tito. Gift, 1973. 62. Greene, Daniel Crosby, 1843-1913, collector. Library. 220 volumes. The Greene library of Japanese history and affairs included some privately printed books and some rare items, as well as a quite complete file of the Japan Mail . The collector was a long-time resident of Japan. Gift, 1915. 19 63. Gregory, Barnard, 1796-1852. Papers, 1828-42. 67 volumes (about 6300 items) Gregory was the editor of the English magazine, The Satirist . His papers include contributions to that publication, both verse and prose, material on politics, the church, poor law reform, and personal corres- pondence. Most items were written in 1831-35. Unpublished calendar in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1955. 64. Grober, Gustav, 1844-1911, collector. Library of Romance Language and Literature. 6367 pieces. Gustav Grober was a world-recognized Romance scholar and a Professor of Romance Philology at the University of Strassburg. His collection's greatest strength was Provencal and Italian literatures and linguistics; however, all Romance languages and dialects were well-represented, and many volumes of classical, English, and Germanic works were included. In addition to the book material, there was a large collection of dis- sertations and other studies in pamphlet form, representing nearly every brochure on Romance topics published in Germany during the period of 1880-1910. ^^ ^fctve (****)* rcr;{? Pxt* 5 3 e Purchase, 1912. 65. Harris, Newton M collector. Collection. 1670 volumes. The collection was that of an alumnus of the University of Illinois. Gift, 1941/42. 66. Harwell, Richard Barksdale, 1915- collector. Harwell Civil War Collection. C *Sc 2100 titles. Richard Harwell is a prolific author and editor of literature on the Civil War and the Reconstruction periods. His collection of 1200 Con- federate imprints and 900 Civil War publications contains documents of the Confederate Congress, as well as other publications of the period. Housed in the Library's Rare Book Room, along with a record of the collection's contents. Purchase, 1960. 20 67. Harwell, Richard Barksdale, 1915- collector. Music. 445 scores. The collection consisted of nineteenth century sheet music, most of which has the word "Dixie" in its title. Gift, 1961/62. 68. Hays, James Wellen, collector. Library. 1660 volumes, 873 pamphlets. Hays was Superintendent of Schools in Urbana from 1871 to 1906. His library of educational literature was particularly strong in ma- terials about the history of education in Illinois. Gift, 1929. 69. Heath, Robert, 1575-1649. Letters and documents, 1614-99. 1150 pieces. The collection consists of letters and other documents relating to the life and career of a seventeenth century English judge. Housed in the Library's Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1943/44. 70. Herrick, Marvin Theodore, 1899-1966, collector. Marvin T. Herrick Italian Renaissance Drama Collection. ca. 470 titles. Marvin Herrick was a long-time member of the faculty of the Univer- sity of Illinois in English and a specialist in drama. The collection was one which he selected for the University Library, and it was named for him at his death. It consisted primarily of sixteenth century plays written in Italian. Contents of the collection are recorded in Herrick' s Italian Plays, 1500-1700, in the University of Illinois Library . Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1966. Purchase. 21 71. Hertzler, Arthur Emanuel, 1870-1946, collector. Hertzler Medical Library. 7,000 volumes and several thousand separate pamphlets. The Hertzler collection was the personal library of an interna- tionally known surgeon and teacher of surgery. Although much was English language material, French and German medical literature also was well- represented; literature pertaining to surgery and surgical pathology predominated. In addition to monographs, the library contained 75 American and European medical journals, some of which started in the late nineteenth century. Among the rare books is Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes' dissertation on puerperal fever. Part of the library of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago. Gift, 1937. 72. Heyne, Moriz, 1837-1906, collector. Library. 5200 volumes. The Heyne library was particularly strong in lexicography; it in- cluded several hundred dictionaries of German dialects. German literature from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries was also represented, as was literature on the history of German civilization. Heyne was a professor of German philology at the University of Gottingen and a contributor to the German dictionary of the Grimm brothers. Purchase, 1909. 73. Hinkley, Anson A collector. Hinkley Collection. 850 pamphlets. The collection was chiefly about mollusca . Gift, 1921. 74. Hollander, Jacob Harry, 1871-1940, collector. Jacob H. Hollander Economic Library, 1574-1937. 4470 items. The Hollander Library was the personal collection of a distinguished scholar and professor of political economy at Johns Hopkins University 22 from 1894 to 1940. Mr. Hollander sought to collect items which would document the development of economics; political and legal tracts were omitted. Almost fifty per-cent of the titles listed in Joseph Massie's Alphabetical and Chronological Index of Commercial Books and Pamphlets (1557-1764) are represented in the collection. There is nearly a com- plete set of the rare tracts of the seventeenth century mercantilistic writers. Such classical economists as Adam Smith, Malthus, Thornton, J.B. Say, Lord Lauderdale, James and John Stuart Mill, and Robert Tor- rens are almost completely included in first editions. Hollander was particularly interested in David Ricardo, and almost all of his publi- cations are present. In addition to printed material, there are letters of Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Malthus, Ricardo, James and John Stuart Mill. There is a printed catalog of the library: The economic library of Jacob H. Hollander. . .compiled by Elsie A.G. Marsh. Baltimore, Priv. print. J.H. Furst Co., 1937. Purchase, 1958. 75. Horner, Harlan Hoyt, 1878-1965, collector. Abraham Lincoln Collection. 4500 items. The Lincoln collection had its origin in the private library of Harlan Hoyt Horner and Henrietta Calhoun Horner, both of the University's Class of 1901. The former educator and his wife, a physician, attempted to collect every known printed book or pamphlet dealing with Lincoln. In addition to the central Lincoln material, they collected biographies of Cabinet members and generals of the Union Army, Congressional publi- cations for Lincoln's period as a Congressman and as President, bibli- ographies, foreign works and translations, Lincoln fiction and children's literature, scrapbooks of clippings appearing from 1928 to 1951, samples of books Lincoln read as a youth. The collection is mainly printed works; there are few manuscripts. The Lincoln Room of the Library, which was established with the gift of the Horner library, also holds other special Lincoln gifts letters, photographic portraits, and the additions which the Homers made to the collection from the time of their original gift to Mrs. Horner's death in 1964. An endowment was provided for additions to the library. A collec- tion of the manuscripts and correspondence of William E. Barton, a leading Lincoln biographer, was acquired from the endowment during 1969/70. A booklet describes the collection: Lincoln Room, University of Illinois Library; memorial, the Class of 1901, founded by Harlan Hoyt Horner and Henrietta Calhoun Horner , by Leslie W. Dunlap, associate director. Urbana, 1953. Housed in the Lincoln Room of the University Library. A card index of the collection is kept. Gift, 1951-1966. 23 Y 76. Horner, Henry, 1878-1940, collector. Collection. 1500 volumes. Henry Horner was Governor of Illinois from 1933 to 1940. His li- brary was mainly l-iterature concerning World War I, including pictures and scrapbooks, as well as newspapers, pamphlets, and books. Gift, 1943/44. 77. Howe, Stewart Samuel, 1905-1973. Fraternity collection. 3,000 volumes, archival material. Stewart Howe's collection reflected his long association with and interest in higher education, especially student life. It contained na- tional fraternity and sorority publications, college and university his- tories, annuals, and other publications, as well as material relating to journalism and Chicago and Illinois history. Mr. Howe was an educational administrator and publicist and an alumnus of the University of Illinois. Gift, 1973. 78. Hutchins, Henry Clinton, 1889- collector. Hutchins Collection, 1556-1847. 400 volumes. Defoe's writing dominated the Hutchins library, but the collection also contained tracts written by other polemicists of Defoe's time, an extensive collection of early books of voyages, rare translations of French novels, and works of other writers of the eighteenth century. Some items are unique in this country. Mr. Hutchins is the foremost American bibliographer of Defoe and Honorary Curator of the Defoe and Swift Collection in the Library at Yale University. A typed catalog of the contents is available in the Library's Rare Book Room. Partially housed in the Library's Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1962. Illinois State Conference of Building and Construction Trades see Patrick F. Sullivan Memorial Collection. 24 79. Ince Blundell Collection of English Yearbooks, 1556-1585. 7 volumes. The collection of 110 yearbooks, which are reports of English com- mon law cases from the reigns of Edward III to Henry VIII (lacking that of Edward IV), was published by Richard Tottel. It is in original six- teenth century binding, with marginal notes and annotations in sixteenth and seventeenth century handwriting. The binding is stamped R.B., pre- sumed to be for Robert Blundell (16th century) of Ince Blundell Hall, Lancashire. An inventory, with references to entries in the Short Title Cata- logue , is kept in the files of the University Librarian. Purchase, 1964. 80. Ingold, Ernest, collector. Ingold collection of American writers. 156 volumes: 77 volumes of Bret Harte, 66 volumes of Mark Twain, and 13 of Eugene O'Neill. Mr. Ingold* s personal library contained nearly all of Bret Harte' s works in first editions, including several rare London editions, many first editions of Mark Twain, including a number of scarce foreign edi- tions, and first editions of thirteen O'Neill plays, including a copy of O'Neill's first published book. Typed lists of the contents are in files of the University Librarian. ' Housed in the Rare Book Room. Gift: 1959 (Harte), 1966 (Twain), 1967 (O'Neill). Ingold, Ernest, see also Ernest Ingold Shakespeare Collection. Instituto Ecuatoriano de Antropologia y Geografia. Library, see Quito. Instituto Ecuatoriano de Antropologia y Geografia. Library. 81. Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938, collector. Reports on agriculture. 871 volumes. The Insull gift consisted of a nearly complete set of publications of the United States Department of Agriculture. Gift, 1919. Ct\\. 25 James, Edmund Janes, 1855-1925. see Amanda K. Casad Collection Carl Martin James Collection Colin Dew James Collection 82. James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation Welding Library. The Foundation donated a sum of money to establish a collection of books on welding and technical welding journals to be housed near the Welding Laboratory of the College of Engineering. Gift, 1944. A small group of books on welding design and science, to be housed in the library of the Agricultural Engineering Department, was donated by the Foundation. Gift, 1948. 83. Japanese books. 106 volumes. The collection of recent publications was a gift of the Japanese government to mark the centennial of diplomatic and commercial relations between Japan and the United States. The editions were chosen as fine examples of modern Japanese bookmaking. Subject areas prominently re- presented were language and literature, architecture, and the fine arts. Gift, 1961. 84. Johnson, Clyde Sanfred, 1911- collector. Clyde Sanfred Johnson Fraternity Collection, 1879-1969. Mr. Johnson was a one-time executive secretary of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. His library of fraternity history contained correspondence, clippings, and manuscripts, as well as fraternity magazines, pledge manuals, and books. An inventory of the collection is kept in the files of the Univer- sity Librarian. Partly housed in the Library's Rare Book Room and in the University Archives. Gift, 1970. 26 85. Jordan, Elijah, 1875-1953, collector. Jordan collection in philosophy. ca. 300 volumes, in addition to manuscripts and correspondence. The Jordan collection contains the private library of the head of the Department of Philosophy of Butler University, 1913-1944, as well as his manuscripts and professional correspondence, and the volumes pur- chased from the collection's endowment. Access to correspondence at the discretion of the University Archivist. Gift, 1954. 86. Joseffy, Rafael, 1852-1915, collector. Music library. 140 boxes. Rafael Joseffy was a well-known Hungarian-American pianist, editor, and composer. His library consisted of musical scores, orchestrations, piano compositions, and manuscripts, many in scarce foreign editions and many with Josef fy's annotations. Photographs of famous musicians were also included. Housed in the Music Library. Gift and purchase, 1944. 87. Kanis, H A J collector. Library. 500 volumes. The library of a University of Illinois engineering student from the Netherlands contained works on scientific topics and sociology. Gift, 1918. 88. Karsten, Gustaf E 1859-1908, collector. Library. 800 items. Karsten was the head of the Department of Modern Languages and Pro- fessor of German at the University of Illinois from 1906 to 1908. The Karsten library consisted primarily of works on German philology and literature. Gift, 1908. 27 89. Kaufman, Hattie F collector. Kaufman gift. 32 volumes, 91 theater programs. The theater programs contained in the Kaufman collection include some items from early Champaign-Urbana productions and a number of pro- grams from nineteenth century Chicago productions. The books were a miscellaneous collection of late nineteenth and twentieth century im- prints. A list of the books in the collection is kept in the files of the University Librarian. Gift, 1962. 90. Kelley, Cornelia Pulsifer, 1897-1972, collector. Collection. 1,000 volumes. The collection is the library of a member of the English Department of the University of Illinois and a specialist on Henry James. It con- tained editions of James' work annotated by Miss Kelley, as well as the materials which she collected for published studies of James. Gift, 1971/72. 91. Kinley, David, 1861-1944, collector. The Kinley Collections. 4,000 volumes. Two separate gifts (of equal size) are represented in the Kinley material. The first was varied in subject matter. The second was Kin- ley's personal library, largely economic literature. David Kinley was a member of the faculty in economics and president of the University of Illinois from 1919-1930. Gift, 1930 and 1945. JoX*:kcs> Cfiu\ . / ti /^/l4$ 139. Randall, James G Randall-Sandburg correspondence, 1931-53. 49 letters and 3 autographed books. The collection is a correspondence between two students of Lincoln. 41 Among the inscribed editions of Sandburg's writing is Praise for Carl Sandburg (1953) a book of tributes on the occasion of his 75th birthday, issued in a limited edition of fifteen copies. A list of contents of the collection is available in the files of the University Librarian. Gift, 1967. 140. Raphaelson, Samson, 1896- Library and papers. Samson Raphaelson is a playwright, screenwriter, and author of many short stories. He is also an alumnus and a one-time visiting professor of the University of Illinois. The collection includes his library and all of his personal and professional papers manuscripts, theater records, correspondence. Gift, 1973 (received in part). 141. Rattermann, Heinrich Armin, 1832-1923, collector. Rattermann Library, 1484-189_ 7,000 volumes. The collection was the personal library of a German-born author and researcher on the contributions of Germans in America. The library in- cluded all aspects of the development of German culture and the history of Germans in the United States. The collection was strong in litera- ture, especially poetry, biography, travel and voyages, including maps and atlases, education, philology, religious sects, German-American societies, and records of German settlements in various sections of the country. Partial manuscript catalogs are located in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1915. 142. Ray, Gordon Norton, 1915- collector. Nineteenth century literature. 1211 volumes. Gordon Ray is a specialist in nineteenth century English literature and a former member of the faculty and administration of the University of Illinois. Gift, 1959/60. 42 143. Remey Family Records, 1804- ca. 35 volumes. The papers consist of typescript records of the lives and careers of Charles Mason, a one-time chief justice of Iowa, Rear Admiral George Collier Remey, U.S. Navy, his wife Mary Josephine Mason Remey, Charles Mason Remey, an architect and world lecturer on the Baha'i religious movement, and his wife, Gertrude Helm Remey. The records of Charles Mason Remey are sealed till 1995. Gift, 1939-1958. 144. Renaissance literature, 1475-1700. 2,000 volumes. The collection of Continental Renaissance material, printed chiefly in Germany, Italy, and France, contained school books, editions of classical authors, theological tracts, including a large collection of Luther's works, and Vulgate Bibles. Among the volumes are a number which are very rare and several incunabula. The collection was made by a bookseller. Purchase, 1955. \145. Richards, Grant, 1872-1948. Archives. Grant Richards was an early twentieth century British publisher and writer. Since the early 1950's, the University Library has collected records of Richards' publishing career. The original purchase (1952) consisted of 45 quarto volumes of Richards' letters to authors, printers, artists, and about 15,000 letters written to Richards from authors, literary agents, artists, and other publishers. Among those represented are Yeats, Pound, Joyce, the Sitwells, Dreiser, Kipling, H.G. Wells. In 1953/54 a collection of letters from A.E. Housman to Richards was ac- quired. In 1958, another collection of correspondence was purchased, made up of letters from literary figures and others, family correspon- dence, and 150-200 letters from Ada Leverson, the English novelist. In addition, there was one file of material regarding a Richards bankruptcy. Subsequent additions included authors' agreements (1960 and 1969/70). Housed in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1952- 43 A 146. Richardson, Sir John, 1787-1865, collector. Richardson Collection, 1809-1862. 4 manuscripts and 63 printed volumes. The collection dealt with the history of Arctic exploration and the natural history of the Arctic. The books include a complete collection of the scientific works of Richardson, some extensively annotated, and a large collection of accounts of the searches for the lost expedition of Sir John Franklin. Among the manuscripts was a complete file of the documents relating to Richardson's search in 1847-1849 for the lost Franklin expedition, Richardson's personal journal concerning Franklin's first polar expedition (1819-1822), and manuscript additions to the author's own copy of Fauna Boreali-Americana . A bookseller's catalog of the collection is in the files of the University Librarian. Housed in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1966. 147. Ricker, Nathan Clifford, 1843-1924, collector. Personal library. 28 boxes. Architecture, engineering, and general literature were prominently represented in the library of Nathan Ricker, a former Dean of the Uni- versity of Illinois College of Engineering, 1878-1905. Gift, 1951. vA 148. Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926. Letters, 1905-21. 109 letters. The manuscript letters were all written by Rilke, the German poet, to Karl and Elizabeth Van Der Heydt. Housed in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1950. 149. Robertson, William Spence, 1872-1955, collector. Personal library. 9300 items. Professor Robertson, a member of the University of Illinois History Department from 1909 to 1941, collected an extensive library to support 44 his research and writing in Latin American history. In addition to trade books, government publications, and sets of periodicals, the collection includes pamphlets, maps, and newspapers, chiefly Latin American, Spa- nish, and French imprints. The Revolutionary Period in Latin America, Hispanic-American relations, and biographical items about Francisco de Miranda are especially well-represented. Gift, 1953. 150. Robinson, Maurice Henry, 1867-1946, collector. Collection. 1453 pieces. Maurice Robinson was on the University of Illinois faculty in eco- nomics from 1902-33. His collection was general in nature. Gift, 1938/39. 151. Rodkey, Frederick Stanley, 1896- collector. Library. 2299 items. Russian and European historical literature were well-represented in the collection of Frederick Rodkey, a University of Illinois Professor of History. Gift, 1957/58. 152. Rusk, Henry Perly, 1884-1954, collector. Collection. 1382 items. The library of the one-time Dean of the University of Illinois Col- lege of Agriculture contained miscellaneous agricultural publications published over a fifty year period. Gift, 1955/56. Sandburg, Carl Randall-Sandburg correspondence, see Randall, James G Randall-Sandburg correspondence. 45 153. Sandburg, Carl, 1878-1967, collector. Sandburg Collection. The private papers and library of the Illinois-born poet includes a great variety of material of interest to students of Sandburg. There are copies of nearly every edition of Sandburg's works, in translation as well as in English, many with fine bindings. In addition to first editions of famous works, there are many out-of-print and little-known works and some limited editions. The manuscript collection contains many of Sandburg's works, both well-known and unpublished, often in several drafts, as well as typescripts and corrected galley proofs. In addition to his own works, Sandburg had several hundred volumes of contemporary poetry and prose, often inscribed by the author and often containing Sandburg's comments. The materials used in writing the biography of Lincoln are also in- cluded in the Sandburg collection. There is an extensive collection of printed sources on Lincoln, as well as on the entire Civil War period. The library includes notes used in writing the biography, photographs, and a small number of letters written by Civil War figures. Among the hundreds of letters in the Sandburg collection are those from literary and public figures, from other Lincoln scholars, and a great many from admirers. The library also contains recordings and transcriptions of Sandburg's radio broadcasts and lectures, and many articles and newspaper clippings by and about him. Housed in Rare Book Room. A record of the contents of the collec- tion is in Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1956. 154. Schwatka, Frederick, 1849-1892, collector. Arctic library. 54 titles. The collection of books on Arctic exploration were the personal library of the commander of the last search for the Franklin Arctic expedition, 1878-1880. Purchase, 1924. 155. Seeker, Martin. Letters, 1910-1931. 8 volumes (ca. 6500 items). The correspondence of the British publisher consisted of letters written to authors and other publishers. Index of names in each volume. Purchase, 1969. 46 156. Sherburn, George Wiley, 1884- collector. George Sherburn Collection. 3,000 volumes. George Sherburn was a professor of English literature at Harvard from 1939 to 1952. His collection, solely items printed before 1800, attempted to gather the literature which prominent eighteenth century literary figures would have read. An extensive pamphlet collection is included, as well as sets of scarce eighteenth century periodicals. Three authors, Pope, Steele, and Fielding, are particularly well- represented by editions of their works and by biographical and critical material. Purchase, 1952. 157. Shirk, William Allen collector. Shirk Collection. 1165 phonodiscs; ca. 100 volumes. Shirk's original contribution consisted chiefly of recordings of operatic productions during the Golden Age of Opera; nearly every vocal artist of that period was represented. Some recordings of non-singing celebrities were included, too. To accompany the records were scrap- books containing pictures and articles about singers of the past. Subsequent gifts were pictures of railroad locomotives, paintings and etchings, Indian objects, and books a music collection and general volumes. Volume fifteen of Shirk's scrapbooks indexes the record collection. Housed in the Music Library. Gifts, 1952-1957. 158. Sigma Xi. Papers of Sigma Xi. 9 boxes. The Sigma Xi collection, that of the national honor society for achievement in scientific research, contained a large group of conven- tion proceedings, applications for charters, correspondence, and ma- terial related to the society's quarterly journal. Stored uncataloged in the general library stacks. Gift, 1938, of Henry Baldwin Ward. Ward was the society's general secretary from 1895 till 1922, and its president from 1922 to 1924. 47 159. Smith, Frank, 1857-1942, collector. Collection. 226 volumes, 4000 local weather maps, 4130 pamphlets. The library of a University of Illinois Professor of Zoology, 1893- 1926, contained literature on geography, weather, zoology, and general material. Gift, 1927. 160. Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932, collector. Music Library. ca. 3,000 compositions. The Sousa library consisted chiefly of music which he collected from 1896 till 1931, although instruments and photographs were included, too. The music was compositions for concert band, both Sousa' s and those of other composers, many with his penciled notations. Housed in the Band Building of the University. Gift, 1932/34. 161. Sparks, Marion Emeline, collector. Library. 500 pieces. The Sparks library, consisting of travel, poetry, and garden books, was collected by a one-time librarian of the Chemistry Library of the University of Illinois. Purchase, 1929. Spielmann, Marion Harry see Ernest Ingold Shakespeare Collection. Stetson, Mrs. E G see Alyene Westall Prehn Theatre Program Collection. 48 162. Stoek, Harry Harkness, 1866-1923, collector. Library. 600 volumes. The mining engineering collection was made by a Professor of Mining Engineering, University of Illinois, from 1909 to 1923. Purchase, 1923. Sullivan, Patrick F see Patrick F. Sullivan Memorial Collection. 163. Szigeti, Joseph, 1892- collector. Music collection. 610 scores, 294 phonodiscs. The famous violinist's collection contained concerti and sonatas, as well as a collection of smaller pieces and records, some of which are irreplaceable collectors' items. Housed in Music Library. Purchase and gift, 1960. 164. Szu K'u Ch'uan Shu. 1961 volumes. The Szu K'u Ch'uan Shu ("Complete Library in Four Branches of Li- terature") was a compilation of rare books done in 1773-1782, under the patronage of Emperor Ch'ien Lung. It consisted of all known works which at that time were considered to be worthy of preservation. The gift to the library is a photographic reproduction, presented by Chinese alumni of the University of Illinois. Available through the University's Far Eastern Library. Gift, 1935. 165. Talbot, Arthur Newell, 1857-1942, collector. Library. 4326 items. The library of an engineer and teacher of engineering at the Uni- versity of Illinois, 1885-1926, contained primarily engineering litera- ture. Gift, 1941/42. 49 166. Tawney, Guy Alan, 1870-1947, collector. Library. 1707 volumes. The Tawney collection, made by a one-time professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois, was strong in music and art, history, and philosophy. It also included some musical scores. Gift, 1960/61. 167. Townsend, Edgar Jerome, 1865-1955, collector. Collection. 250 volumes. The Townsend collection was comprised of textbooks of elementary mathematics. Housed in Mathematics Library. Gift, 1916. 168. Trelease Family Library. ca. 1500 volumes. The collection included books from the libraries of Sidney B. Trelease, of Champaign, Leah Fullanwider Trelease, and Professor William Trelease, University of Illinois Professor of Botany, 1913-1926. It con- sisted of literature, biography, and professional and general reading. Gift, 1965. 169. Turner, Tom, 1870-1949, collector. Tom Turner Collection, 1890-1949. 8,000 volumes. Tom Turner was a British post office official and a minor poet and short story writer. In his collection of modern English literature, poetry was most heavily represented, but there was a substantial collec- tion of fiction and some other prose. The most prominent writers of the period were well-represented, along with the best works of lesser known authors. There were many first editions and inscribed copies and a large group of first English editions of well-known novels. Purchase, 1953. 50 Tuttle Collection see American Education Collection. 170. Tykociner, Joseph Tykocinski, 1877-1969, collector. Library. 650 volumes. Professor Tykociner, of the University of Illinois Department of Electrical Engineering, created a plan for organizing knowledge called zetetics. His library of varied subject matter reflected the scheme and was organized by it. Gift, 1969/70. 171. Vahlen, Johannes, 1830-1911, collector. Vahlen Collection. 10,650 volumes and 7,000 pamphlets. The Vahlen collection was the private library of a distinguished scholar in classical philology at Berlin University. It consisted of many texts of Greek and Latin authors, a great deal of ancient philoso- phy, literary, political, and religious history, and philological works in other than classical languages. About 250 titles by Renaissance wri- ters were included, among them some incunabula. A bookseller's catalog of the collection is kept in the files of the University Librarian. The pamphlets were added to the Dittenberger pamphlet collection. A card index of the pamphlet collection is kept in the University's Classics Library. Purchase, 1913. 172. Vernadsky, George, 1887-1973, collector. George Vernadsky Collection of Russian History. ca. 4,000 volumes. The private library of a long-time professor of Russian history at Yale University was especially strong in materials about the Kievan and Muscovite periods of Russian history. Purchase, 1973. WGN, Inc., Chicago, see Chicago. Radio Station WGN. 51 173. Waldo, Edward Hardenbergh, 1866- collector. Library. 1,000 volumes. The collection of electrical engineering literature was assembled by a University of Illinois faculty member, 1907-1934. Gift, 1951/52. -f- 174. Ward, Henry Baldwin, 1865-1945, collector. H.B. Ward Library, 16th century-1945. 15,000 volumes. Ward is considered the founder of the science of parasitology in the United States. He was professor and head of the Zoology Department of the University of Illinois from 1909 to 1933. His personal library was strongest in parasitology and water biology. However, microscopy was also well-represented, as well as botany, medicine, and bacteriology. Bibliographies and other reference works supplemented the books, jour- nals, state and federal documents, and publications of state academies of science. Although most of the collection was professional and tech- nical, a small section of popular material was included. A manuscript list of the contents of the collection is kept in the files of the University Librarian. Purchase, 1947. 175. Ward, Henry Baldwin, 1865-1945, collector. Henry Baldwin Ward Memorial Collection. 35,000 pieces. The collection of reprints, dissertations, and monographs is com- posed chiefly of literature of parasitology, fresh water biology, fish- eries, and conservation. In addition, there are materials relating to Professor Ward's offices held in national organizations. The collection, which is completely classified, is housed in the Zoology Department. It is accessible to faculty and graduate students through the Biology Library of the University of Illinois. Ward's catalog of the collection is kept with it. Gift, 1947. Ward, Henry Baldwin. Papers of Sigma Xi, see Sigma Xi. ITS' a., u/au tolUch'of) of bko^oooajpAs i-oca-feci in ArJ, ///vvW. 52 176. Wells, Herbert George, 1866-1946. H.G. Wells Archives, 1845-1946. 81.5 cubic feet. The papers of H.G. Wells, one of the foremost literary figures of the century, consist of manuscripts, correspondence, editions of Wells' works, and miscellaneous documents. About forty full-length books, as well as many shorter pieces, are represented by typescripts or manu- scripts, often in many drafts, which show the evolution of each work. Among these is an unpublished novel, Kipps and Waddy , an early version of Kipps . In addition to manuscripts, there are one thousand volumes of Wells' copies of his printed works. These include first editions, re- visions, translations. The letters contain general family correspon- dence, communications from publishers, material regarding the Fabian Society, and letters from politicians and public figures, most notably George Bernard Shaw and Joseph Conrad. Among the remaining items is the diary of Wells' mother, begun before his birth, Wells' letters and sto- ries written as a youngster, collections of clippings from newspapers and magazines, account books of his contracts and earnings, and other business records. Contents of the collection are listed as a separate part of the printed catalog of the Library's Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1954. 4-* 177. Weston, Nathan Austin, 1868-1933, collector. Nathan Austin Weston Memorial Library. 6,000 volumes. Although more than half of the Weston library was comprised of books on economic theory, there was a good representation of history, literature, and agriculture, as well. Professor Weston was a member of the University of Illinois' faculty in economics for some thirty years and the first Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administra- tion. Gift, 1944, of Weston's daughter, Dr. Janet L. Weston. 178. Wickham, Henry Frederick, 1866-1933, collector. Library. 2094 items. The library of a Professor of Entomology of the State University of Iowa consisted mainly of entomological literature, including some rare material on colcoptera . Gift, 1941/42. 53 179. William H. McBurney Memorial Collection. 849 volumes. The memorial to a Professor of English at the University of Illi- nois was strongest in the areas of the English novel and English drama. Gift, 1967/68, of Mrs. A.B- McBurney, in honor of her son. 180. Williams, Louis L collector. Williams collection. Louis Williams' personal collection included works of A.J. Cronin and of the English novelist Claude Houghton, both with many first edi- tions, modern novels, general literature, a large group of books on roses, and a collection of titles published by the Limited Editions Club, Lists of the contents of the collection are kept in the files of the University Librarian. Gift, 1961-63? Wolfe, Cornelia Pulsifer (Kelley) see Kelley, Cornelia Pulsifer, 1897-1972. 181. Wylie, Samuel M collector. Wylie Collection. 1460 volumes and 72 pamphlets. The library of a Paxton, Illinois, physician consisted of many collected sets of literature and 150 volumes of medical works. Gift, 1950. ^182. Wyse Archives, 1816-1945? ca. 200 volumes. The archives of a prominent Irish family contain diaries and jour- nals, unpublished literary works, account and letter-books, as well as published volumes and photographs. There is a great deal of literary material, beginning with the poetry, travel accounts, and other papers of Sir Thomas Wyse, a politician and diplomat of the early nineteenth century. Of great interest to the study of modern Provencal literature is the collection of papers of William Charles Bonaparte-Wyse, who 54 played an important part in the Felibrige literary movement. Among his papers are unpublished poems, diaries, and letters, as well as his pub- lished works. Purchase, 1965. 183. Yamagiwa, Joseph Koshimi, 1906-1968, collector. Joseph K. Yamagiwa Book Collection. 1800 volumes. Joseph Yamagiwa was an internationally known scholar and for nearly twenty years head of the Department of Far Eastern Languages and Litera- ture of the University of Michigan. His book collection was comprised of materials relating mainly to Japanese language, literature, and history. Of particular interest were seventeenth century editions of classical Japanese literature and contemporary editions of eighteenth and nine- teenth century literary works. Housed partially in the Far Eastern Collection of the University Library and"partially in the Rare Book Room. Purchase, 1969. 184. Zeleny, Charles, 1878-1939, collector. Library. 10,400 items. The collection of a University of Illinois professor of zoology contained pamphlets, periodicals, and reports. Gift, 1939-40. 185. Zuppke, Robert Carl, 1879-1957. Papers. 3 feet. Robert Zuppke was the football coach at the University of Illinois from 1913 till 1941. Among his papers are four scrapbooks of correspon- dence received in 1938, at the time Zuppke was under fire from the Athle- tic Board, three volumes of greetings on the occasion of his twenty-fifth anniversary as a coach and much correspondence of Zuppke' s retirement years. Housed in the University Archives. Gift, 1962. 55 INDEX Abel, Niels Henrik 50 Addison, Joseph 123 Administration, Public 54 Agriculture 39, 81, 152, 177 Alembert, Jean Lerond d' 50 Almanacs, English 51 American literature 16, 32, 80, 145, 153 American Political Science Association 54 Anarchism 15 Anthropology 101, 137 Archeology 26 Architecture 83, 147 Architecture Italy 26 Aristotle 17 Arkansas 8 Arminius, Jacobus 17 Art 83, 92, 107, 166 ArtItaly 26 Art objects 9, 46, 97, 104, 105, 157 Asbj5rnsen, Peter Christen 94 Autographs, Presidential 25 Bacteriology 174 Balkan States History 61, 104 Band music 160 Banks and banking 131 Bible 144 Bibliography 48, 53, 107 Biography 13, 25, 44, 75, 92, 168 Birds 125 Bookmaking 83, 133 Boswell, James 123 Botany 22, 116, 174 Business Illinois 23 Business history 23 Calculus 40 Caricatures and cartoons 105 Carroll, Lewis 47 Cauchy, Augustin Louis 50 Censorship 15 Champaign County, Illinois History 89 Chemistry 116, 130 Chicago 29, 77 Chicago History 2, 25, 89 Children's literature 75 China 135 China Civilization 164 Chinese literature 164 Chivalry 26 Chrysostom, John, Saint 17 Churchill, Sir Winston 30 Cities and towns Italy 26 Civil engineering 126 Civil rights 15 Civilization 19th century 116 Classical literature 12, 41, 45, 120, 144, 171 Colleges and universities 8, 77, 84, 99 Colleges and universities Italy 26 Commerce 131 Communism 15 Confederate States of America 66 Conservation 175 Construction industry 132 Crime and criminals 110 Cronin, Archibald Joseph 180 Czech literature 133 Danish language 59 Danish literature 5, 59 Defoe, Daniel 78, 123 Dictionaries 12, 72 Drama 70, 111, 140, 179 Economics 3, 19, 26, 58, 74, 91, 102, 103, 131, 177 Ecuador 137 Education 3, 32, 118 Education Arkansas 8 Education Europe History 9 Education United States History 4, 68 Eighteenth century 156 Electrical engineering 173 Engineering 147, 165 English language 12 English literature 16, 32, 47, 51, 52, 145, 176, 179 English literature 16th century 12, 52 English literature 18th century 123, 156 English literature 19th century 142 English literature 20th century 169 Entomology 60, 106, 178 Euler, Leonhard 50 Europe Civilization 116 Europe History 9, 151 Europe, Eastern History 61 Exploration 78, 115, 146, 154 Fabian Society, London 176 Fermat , Pierre de 50 Fiction 5, 7, 13, 75, 78, 111, 140, 169, 179 56 Fielding, Henry 123, 156 Fisheries 175 Folklore, Norwegian 94, 95 Football 185 FranceHistory 28, 109 Fraternities 77, 84, 99 Freedom of the press 15 French language 109 French literature 56, 109 Gardening 161, 180 Gauss, Karl Friedrich 50 Genealogy 26 Geography 92, 159 Geology 1, 116 German-American studies 141 German language 72, 88 German literature 72, 88, 111, 148 Germans in the United States 141 Germany History 72 Goethe , Johann Wolfgang von 116 Goldsmith, Oliver 123 Government publications 37, 46, 66, 75, 81, 107, 137, 149, 174 Grassmann, Herman Gunther 50 Great Britain Civilization 16th century 51 Great Britain History 20, 30, 34, 63, 69, 79 Great Britain Parliament 34 Greek language 45, 120 Haiti 37 Harte, Bret 80 History 3, 13, 32, 46, 58, 107, 166, 171, 177 History, Modern 19th century 20 History, Modern 20th century 30 Houghton, Claude 180 Ibsen, Henrik 94 Illinois History 21, 23, 68, 77 Illinois. General Assembly. Efficiency and Economy Committee 54 Illinois. Special Tax Commission 54 Illinois. University 21, 41, 185 Incunabula 26, 92, 144, 171 Inland water transportation 113 Instrumental music 160 Ireland 36 Irish literature 36 Italian language 64 Italian literature 64 Italian literature Renaissance 70 Italy Biography 26 Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jakob 50 James, Henry 90 Japan 83 Japan History 62, 183 Japanese language 183 Japanese literature 183 Jews 18 Johnson, Samuel 123 Journalism 107 Judaism 18 Knowledge, Classification of 170 Lagrange, Joseph Louis 50 Language and languages 46, 59, 64, 83, 171 Language and languages History 45 Latin America 101 Latin America Foreign relations United States 149 Latin America History 149 Latin language 45, 120 Lauderdale, James Maitland 74 Law 26, 69, 79 Libraries History 48, 53 Library science 48 Lincoln, Abraham 13, 75, 134, 139, 153 Literature 46, 58, 83, 92, 136, 164, 168, 177, 180, 181, 182 Literature 18th century 78 Literature 19th century 16 Literature, Renaissance 171 London History 33 Malthus, Thomas Robert 74 Manufactures 23 Manuscripts 1, 9, 15, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 69, 74, 84, 85, 86, 96, 98, 101, 110, 114, 136, 137, 140, 146, 148, 153, 176, 182 Maps 26, 104, 149 Marcus Aurelius 38 Marketing 23 Mathematics 50, 117, 122 Mathematics Study and teaching 122, .167 Mathematics Tables 128 Mechanical engineering 100 Medicine 46, 71, 107, 116, 174, 181 Mental tests 127 Mercantile system 74 57 Mexican literatare 7 Mexico 129 Microscopes and microscopy 174 Middle EastHistory 104 Middle WestHistory 21 Military music 160 Mill, James 74 Mill, John Stuart 74 Mining engineering 27, 162 Miranda, Francisco de 149 Mississippi River 113 Moe, J^rgen Engebretsen 94 Mollusks 73 Money 131 Municipal government 54 Music 14, 157, 163, 166 Music Instruction and study 14 Music literature and scores 14, 29, 46, 67, 86, 119, 160, 163, 166 Napolean I, emperor of the French 28 National Municipal League 54 Natural history 1, 11, 146 Newton, Sir Isaac 50 Norwegian language 59 Norwegian literature 59, 95 Nutrition 110 Occult sciences 108 O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone 80 Opera 157 Organ builders 6 Organ music 119 Paleography 48 Parapsychology 108 Parasitology 174, 175 Philo Judaeus 14 Philology 45, 59 Philosophy 32, 58, 85, 166 Philosophy, Ancient 171 Philosophy, Modern 17 Photographs 2, 75, 86, 98, 104, 113, 134, 153, 160 Physics 116 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 17 Poetry 7, 63, 111, 148, 153, 161, 169, 182 Polar exploration 115, 146, 154 Political science 54, 61, 93 Politics 3 Pope, Alexander 123, 156 Presidents United States 25 Printing History 48, 107 Prisons 110 Provencal language 64 Provencal literature 64, 182 Public utilities 103 Publishers and publishing 16, 34, 41, 63, 99, 133, 145, 155 Radio broadcasting 29 Railroads History 25 Religion 107 Religious liberty 15 Renaissance 144 Ricardo, David 74 Rivers Development 126 Romance languages 64 Rome History 38 Russia History 151, 172 Say, Jean Baptiste 74 Scandinavian literature 59 Science 87, 92, 107, 130 Science History 49 Scores (music) 14, 29, 46, 67, 86, 119, 160, 163, 166 Shakespeare, William 12, 52, 98 Smith, Adam 74 Smollett, Tobias George 123 Social Science Research Council 54 Socialism 15 Sociology 87, 135 Sororities 77 South 67 Spain History Civil War 31 Spanish literature 56 Statistics 24 Steel industry and trade 138 Steele, Richard 156 Students 77 Students' societies 77, 84, 99 Surgery 71 Swedish language 59 Swedish literature 59 Swift, Jonathan 123 Teachers Education 8 Tests and scales 127 Textbooks 4, 9, 144 Theater 2, 89, 97, 98 Theology 46, 144 Torrens, Robert 74 Trade unions 15, 132 Transportation History 25 Travel literature 92, 161 Twain, Mark 80, 114 58 Ukraine History 42 Ukrainian literature 42 United States Foreign relations Latin America 149 United States History 4, 34, 44, 46, 49, 134 United States History Civil War 13, 44, 66, 75, 134, 153 University of Illinois 21, 41, 185 Vocal music 14, 119, 157 Voyages and travels 78 Water biology 174, 175 Waterways 113 Weather 159 Welding 82 Wit and humor, American 112 World War I 28, 44, 76 World War II 44, 61 Yugoslavia 61 Zetetics 170 Zoology 1, 11, 106, 159 59 - " ZT^'I*** s^egzf* ___ #*tM\s. 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