In addition to the Lecture on Religious Equality, BY Edward Miall, Esq., M.P,, THREE LECTURES Will be deliTered, under the auspices of the Manchester Nonconformist Association, in the FREE TRADE HALL, NAMELY :— Tuesday, January 21st. EEV. J. GUINNESS EOGEES, B.A. StTBJECT : — " The Bennett Judgment, and recent Episcopal Charges." Cliairman: JOSEPH THOMPSON, Esq. Tuesday, January 28th. NEVILLE GOODMAN, ESQ., M.A. Subject : — " The Established Church a Hindrance to Progressive Thought." Chairman : HXTaH UASON, Esq., J.P. Tuesday, February 4th. HENRY EICHAED, ESQ., M.P. Subject : — " The Influence of the EstabUshed Church on the Progress of Liberty and Liberal Legislation." Chairman: JACOB BBIGHT, Esq., 1E.F. The Lectures will be published immediately after dehvery. ifvnconformiit Associat-km, 6, Brown-street, January 20«A, 1873, > X, >5 I ^ t t Z 'M ri =S -S ~ :=!<; = o -t: "^ -_ ■5 1 5 2 o s-i l^ -i S S a 3 tc -t: ,, q; o 2 r o Q = > / -I: ^ P ^ - I ^ i « s I ?5 - tp ^ c "7. c) S^ T- -§ -^ = K '-S •-. a r- o 5^ C O .5 ^H i4-l i dJ ^ >. -^ di: % t 't O 3 r ^ -=] r^ p " - ^:r*S' ¥ \. . ' S ^» * ^"-V' ^^^