v'^ :■}: " ■■M'^ym- i." m EMIGRATION FROM IRELAND; BEING THE SECOND REPORT OF THE COMMJTTEE "MR. TUKE'S FUND.' TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS BY MR. TUKE, MR. SYDNEY BUXTON, MAJOR GASKELL, AND CAPTAIN RUTTLEDGE-FAIR. Jidy, 1S83. PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED 13, WiiiTEFEiAES Street, E.G. PRICE. SIXPENCE. CONTENTS 1. lliii'ORT OF Tiiii Committee II. Appendix to HEPorvT III. Mr. Tuke's Report (No 1.) ... „ (No. 2.) ... IV. Mb Sydney Buxton'.s Report... V. Major Gaskell's Report VI. Captain Ruttledoe-Fair's Report Summary of Disposal of Holdings in Bel^niullet and Newport Districts .. PA. „ 11 and 12. „ 20 and 21. „ 2.") and 2(5. ,, 25. June 2 ,, 2 and 3. „ ;; li;.::: ::: „ Ki „ 22 and 23, „ 23 Aubtriilian SHU'. .. riiauiician ... , ... Nt'.storian ... Indiana ... , ... Adriatic ... Canadian ... British Prince ... Austrian ... , ... Scandinavian , ... Phoenician ... ... Buenos Ayrran ... Manitoban ... ... Prussian ... Canadian ... Austrian ... Britannic ... Phoenician ... ... Grecian... ... ... Scandinavian ... Buenos Ayrean ... Prussian ... Manitoban ... ... Waldensian ... ... Lake \Vinni])Og- and other sundry ca; TO. .. Cahvay ... ., Blacksod Bay .. (^ueen.stown .. ( ^)ueenstown .. Blacksod P»ay .. Queenstown .. Gal way ... .. Blacksod Bay . . . Jjlacksod Bay .. Galway .. Blacksod Bay .. Blacksod Bay .. Blacksod Bay ... Blacksod Bay ,.. Queenstown ... (4ahvay . . . Blacksod Bay . .. Galway .. Blacksod Bay .. Galway ,.. Galway ... Blacksod Bay ... Galway ... Bo.ston .. and Galway ... Boston Philadelph New York Boston .. Philadelph Boston Quebec .. Boston . . (Juebec . . (Quebec . . Boston . . Quebec .. Boston New Yorl Boston . . Quebec . . Boston . . Quebec .. Boston .. Quebec . . Boston . . Cjuebec . . and Galway and Galway and Galway and Galway and Galway and (:;alwny and Galway and Galway and (ialway Total ... NUMBEU OF 1•:MI{;HANT^ . ...214 . ...,538 ia ... 05 ... 08 . ... .521 la ... 134 . ... 128 . ... 401) . ... 4.30 . ... 270 . ... 305 . .. .500 . ... 374 . ... 350 : ... 15 . ... 00 . ... 202 . ... 40 . ... 83 , ... 40 73 . ... 230 , ... .57 79 5327 B.- SUMMARY 01^ DESTINATIONS ACCORDING TO DISTRICTS. DISTRICTS. TOTALS. UNITED CANADA. AUSTRALIA. STATES. 41 Px'liuullet and Newport Clifden Oughterard Totals 2514 158J) 1224 5327 UNITED STATES. 1585 980 807 3432 888 009 357 1854 41 N.B. — By the end of the !^east;n about 50 emigrants will have left in addition to the above numbers. C.— TuLle slioAviiig the Total Approximate Cost, according to Districts, Government Grant received, and consequent Approximate Cost to the Committee. the DISTRICTS. NUMBER OF TOTAL GOVERNMENT COST TO AVERAGE COST EMIGRANTS. COST. GRANT. COMMITTEE. PER HEAD. £ £ £ £ Belnudlet and Newport ... ... 2514 ...no, SCO ., . 12,445 .. . 3,4.55 . .. 10 Chfden .. 1589 ... 10,750 . .. 7,922 0.. . 2,828 ... 15 Galway ... 1224 ... 7,900 . .. 0,078 . 1,822 ... 9 Totals ,5327 34,950 20,445 8,105 11 N.B, — As several accounts are not yet to hand, the Government Grants are the only figures in the above account that can be taken as final. * From which must be deducted £320 received from the emigrante, D.-RECEIPTS. The Committee liave to ncknoAvledge Avitli many thanks slibscriptloiis to the amount of £-8443 48. 2d., received since the issue of their last Kepoit, together with £3000 128. 7d., the balance of the Dlichess of Marlborough's Fund, making a total of £12,049 10s. 9d. Mr. TiiMs Fund. 7 MR. TUKE'S REPORT. No. 1. March 10, 1883. It will be remembered that a proposal was received from the Irish Government last November requesting the Committee to under- take the charge and oversight of the emigration from certain Unions (or parts of Unions) in the AVest of Ireland which were considered too poor to raise any portion of the amount required in addition to the Government grant of £5 per head. These were the Unions of Belmullet and the western half of Newport, including Achill, in the county of Mayo, and portions of the Unions of Clifden and Oughterard, in Galway. The population of these districts amounted to nearly 46,000. Early in January of this year a circular was distributed by the Committee intimating that the relieving officers in the various districts were ready to receive applications from any suitable families who might wish to emigrate, such applications to be made not later than the 31st of January. It was very quickly ascertained that large numbers would avail themselves of the proffered boon, the success of those who had been assisted to emigrate last year by the Committee no doubt influencing many of the applicants. The actual numbers were : — Belmullet . . . . 2,420 out of population of 15,700 Newport West .. ..740 „ „ 8,900 Clifden (parts of) . . 1,700 „ „ 14,000 Oughterard (Soutli) . . 1,560 „ „ 7,300 Total .. 6,420 „ „ 45,900 Subsequently a much larger number have requested to be assisted both in Oughterard and Newport, and from the non- scheduled electoral divisions in Clifden, who have not been entered on our lists. It was at once evident that with so large a number of persons, scattered over districts varying from 50 to 150 miles apart, which could only be reached by cars, it was absolutely needful for several persons to be employed in the work of selection from the lists at the same time. Mr. Sydney Buxton most kindly offered to take one 8 Einig ration Jrom Ireland. district, whilst I took another, leaving Major Gaskell on his return from America, then daily expected, to take a third. As it was found to be of extreme importance to make these selections at an early date, in order to avoid any pretext for the non-cultivation of tlio holdings, it was decided that a meeting should take place at '>Vestport (Co. Mayo) on the 13th of February, to confer with Mr. fl. A. Robinson, the Local Government Inspector of the districts, and generally to organise the work and to arrange the system of selection of families. Previously to leaving home wo had the advantage, in the absence of the Committee, of conferring on many points with the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. AV. II. Smith, and also in passing through Dublin we had interviews with the Lord Lieutenant, Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. H. Eobinson, the Yice-President of the Local Government Board. On meeting as arranged at Westport, we had also the benefit of Major Gaskell's presence. One of the local agents was present with the lists of applicants in his district, showing ages, &c., &c., of the families. Previous experience and the information furnished from abroad as to the vital importance of not sending out large families without a fair proportion of breadwinners, made it evident that a large number of the applicants on these lists who had several children under twelve or four- teen years of age, although eligible in other respects, would at once have to be rejected. After much consideration it was arranged that Mr. Sydney Buxton should undertake the Northern portions of Mayo (Belmullet and Newport), assisted by Captain Huttledge-Fair, and that Major Gaskell should undertake (by permission of the Local Govern- ment Board) the Oughterard Union, whilst I proceeded to Clifden. Questions affecting the clothing of the emigrants, transport to sea coast and shipment,varying in each locality ,had all to be carefully considered and discussed. For the Northern districts arrangements had to be made for the shipment of the emigrants by steamers from Blacksod Bay with the assistance of a gunboat — the first emigrant steamer probably which will have sailed from that splendid roadstead. For the Galway districts, arrangements had also to be made for a weekly service of boats, alternating between the States and Canada. This will chiefly be done by Messrs. Allan and Co., of Glasgow, at moderate rates, Leaving Mr. Buxton to give his own report, I may M)\ Takes Fund. 9 briefly say that it required a fortnight's hard work to complete the investigation of the Glifden lists, and the personal inspection and visitation of the applicants at many points of the Glifden Union, which extends over an area the size of Middlesex. As regards the emigrants who had applied to be sent to the United States, satisfactory letters or information have been supplied in each case, showing that their friends will be prepared to receive or have promised to obtain work for them. These letters were of very recent date, January or February of this year, and usually sent in response to inquiries made by those who had friends in America immediately after our circular was distributed in January. The letters were from many parts of the Northern States, and one or two from Kentucky. A great number come from St. Paul, Minnesota, especially in the Oarua district, from whence in 1880 a few families were selected by Father Nugent. Some of the letters are from sons or daughters to their parents, promising them in most affectionate terms a home and all that may be needed. Others in glowing language depict the superiority of the country, and one son in writing to his parents, says : — •" If you can come on the emigration, if you had fields of wheat, and the ears falling off it, don't delay one day if you get the chance. This is the best place from Heaven to have money and supply. If your name is in, you will write to us, and me and my sister will have house prepare 1 before you. It is not starving with the hunger you will be here ; the best meal we had in the old country, the worst here is better than it." In the case of the families selected for Canada, some will go direct to situations promised for them to Mr. Hodgkin, during his very useful visit last autumn. A few will proceed to Winnipeg where a com- mittee has been formed for their reception by Archbishop Tache, and all others are consigned to the care of the Emigration Agents of the Canadian Government at Toronto, to be forwarded as required. This is done with the full concurrence of the High Commissioner, Sir A. Gralt, and the assurance that the number on our lists can be absorbed in various portions of the Dominion. Of the 1,700 applicants in the Glifden Union, a number had to be rejected owing to considerations affecting the families, which made it appear undesirable for them to run the risks of emigration. Thus when families with four or five children under eight or ten years of age came before us, or others with a larger number under twelve or thirteen, it was not deemed prudent to allow them to proceed, 10 Emigration Jroin Ireland. This was often a very painful duty, as the anxiety of the people to leave cannot be exaggerated. "Send us anywhere, yer honour, to get us out of our misery. What will we do tlicn in our poverty ?" And even many of those wlio were selected when told that a month or more must elapse before they could be sent out, said they had nothing to live upon, as all their resources had gone. The destitution of numbers of these people, living, as one man said, on '' two dry potatoes a day," is indeed fearful, and in the Clifden Union much aggravated by the nmiiber of evicted families — many of whom will now happily have the opportunity in anotlier land of gaining work and good wages where work is plentiful. Tliere is, except about Kylemore, no employ- ment to be had in the Clifden Union unless for a few who may be employed by the rather better off farmers to get in the crops at this moment. It will be evident from Avhat has Leon said that emigration is not the only remedial measure required. It is an unspeakable boon for those whose circumstances allow them to accept it. It is more than " a palliative " as ic is often called ; it is <7 remedy but not the only one needed, and I should not feel that I was discharging my duty without strongly saying that some moans other than the workliouse or out- door relief, ought, in my opinion, at once to be carefully considered for the relief of the small holders of land in these Western Unions. The question of how this is to be effected is far too serious to enter upon in this report in detail, but I cannot help again advocating as I have previously done in various ways, the importance from every point of view of piercing these districts, now forty, fifty, or sixty miles distant from the railwa}', with light narrow gauge railways or steam tramways. The immediate employment of hundreds of idle men and the sub- sequent opcnicg out of these remote districts could not fail to be pro* ductive of benefit and materially assist, Avith any well devised continuous system of free or partially free emigration, in relieving the most pressing w^ants of the West of Ireland. JAMES II. TUKE. Mr. Tuke's Fund. li MR. TUKE'S REPORT. No. 2. CLIFDEN UxNION. Jnli/y 1883. The mlnule reports of the condition of this Union given to the Committee last year when our Emigration work was commenced, render it unnecessarj to enter upon this point again, and it will only be needful to repeat that the Clifden Union contained a population of 25,000 persons, spread over a very wide area, living on 4,000 holdings, of which 3,200 were rated under £4 p er annum, whilst the average of arable laud did not exceed 2-^- or 3 acres per family.' It will also be remembered that last year 1,200 persons were assisted to emigrate by the Committee from this Union (see Eeport 1882). The general success of last year's emigrants doubtless stimu- lated the desire to emigrate on the part of those at home who had received letters from their friends : and from first to last ap- plications representing a total of more than 2,000 persons were received. Of these the number selected and who have been assisted to emigrate amounts to 241 families, 300 single persons, or parts of families, together 1,589 persons. Of these 980 went to the United States, and 609 to Canada. The all important duty of selecting from the lists, and inspecting the applicants, commenced on the iSth of February, and owing to numerous changes and fresh applications continued at intervals during the whole period of the shipments. The first party of emigrants, 130 in number, left Galway on the 23rd of March, and was followed by batches each week until the 23rd of June — in all eighteen shipments were made. The annexed list* of destinations, seventy-four in number, will be interesting as showing the very great variety of places in the United States to which the[emi- grants were sent, usually owing to the letters of invitation received from their friends. Those who went to Canada were provided with employment, chiefly in Ontario, by the Government agents. Some families also proceeded to Winnipeg. In connection with this * See Appendix, 12 Emigmtion from Iveland. point it is satisfactory to know that tho success of a number of emi- grants who went to Canada in 1882, induced a considerable number to apply this year to be sent to that colony. Last year no one ai^lxcd to be sent to Canada, though willing to go there rather than remain behind in their poverty. In addition to tho satisfaction of hearing in many quarters of the undoubted well-doing of a number of emi- grants who had left in 1882, the indirect benefit was also apparent in lessening tho number of those who were competing for the very limited employment offered even in the spring, and also in the tendency to a consolidation of holdings.* But it was deeply painful to witness the disappointment of numbers of those families who were deemed too weak to leave, and who had no satisfactory letters from their friends. To many of these the only ray of hope seemed to be that there was a probability of the assistance being offered them another year. No words can too strongly depict the deep-seated poverty and privation endured by a number of families in certain portions of this Union, which a residence of more than three months within its com- pass brought to our knowledge. Not only were a number of these people unable to procure seed potatoes to crop their small holdings but were even dependent on private funds for the mouthful of meal on which they subsisted. There is indeed a total cessation of paid labour throughout the Union, although Is. to Is. 6d. per day would be willingly accepted and the bulk of the male population is without employment. Owing to various causes very few migratory labourers proceed from this Union to England, and those who might be inclined to go are without the funds needed to undertake the journey this year. The amount of detail in connection with the Emigration work can hardly be estimated, and caused a strain and perpetual tension of mind and body only made possible by the sense of the benefit which was conferred on these poor people, and which they so evidently felt and constantly acknowledged. I was assisted for many weeks by Mr. H. Hodgkin, whose devotion to the work was only equalled by the ability which he brought to bear upon it. During the latter portion of the time I had also the assistance of Mr. H. Higgins. The impossibility of procuring suitable clothing for the emi- grants in the district necessitated the arrangement of clothing depots. At each local centre of the work, Letterfrack, Clifden, * Sue Appendix n? to this year's results. Mi\ Take's Fanct. 13 Carna, and Galway, a clothing store was established from which the emigrant was furnished with a suitable outfit — clothing, rugs, &c. The clothing was very satisfactorily supplied at moderate prices by Messrs. Pirn, of Dublin, and, to the remarkable success which has attended this portion of the work we are chiefly indebted to the un- tiring energy and capacity of Mr. C. T. Kelly, who worked night and day in carrying out this onerous task. For one party of the emigrants, who were proceeding to Min- nesota and Winnipeg, we were fortunate enough to secure the services of the Eev. M. Mahoney, CO., of Preston, to accompany them on their long journey. Arrangements were also made to retain his services for a time in Minnesota, for the purpose of receiving and caring for other parties of our people. He has rendered most valuable service to the Committee, not only in the oversight and placing of this year's emigrants, but also in supplying much information and opening the way for the reception of a large number of families if the work is continued another year. I may also add, as showing the demand for emigrants of the class lately sent there. Father Mahoney has recently forwarded applications for more than 30 additional families for Minnesota. This is the more gratifying as the feeling at St. Paul on his arrival was strongly set against tlie assisted emi- gration, the cry which then was (as Father Mahoney says) , *' send us no more Connemaras," having been exchanged for one of approval and keen satisfaction with the families assisted by the Committee. The following extract from a recent letter shows the high wages at once obtainable by both men and women. It is dated St. Paul, June 14th. *' As to employment," Father Mahoney writes, " the males all had it, or would have it, within a day or two, — indeed, it was said a man could hardly miss work unless he expressly tried to shirk it. The worst pay, 1.25dols. 1.50dols. was common, and on the railways 1.75dDls. and 2dols. per day was obtained. The females, whether married or single, were, if possible, better off than the men — they were wanted everywhere for work the most ignorant could easily and satisfactorily do ; they get regular pay of not less than Idol, a day. For girls even as young as thirteen an incredibly brisk demand (existed), and no less was thought of than 5dols. a week with board. It astonished me to see how even slow dull girls were hired for lOdols. a month and board." The demand for the class of emigrants selected this year was not 14 Emigration from Ireland. confined to Minnesota ; in other parts of the Union the applications for families have been more numerous than we could satisfy. It 8v?ems especially important to note this circumstance after the very loud opposition which has been raised against State-aided Emigration by certain parties in America. It is due to the Committee to state that notwithstanding tlie rigorous examination of emigrants on landing none of our emigrants have boon found unable to support themselves, or in consequence returned. In conclusion, I venture to add that it would be regarded by numbers of families who are now looking forward to a continuation of the work of the Committee in Ireland as a mo^t serious calainitf/iHrom any cause the plan of assisted emigration was not continued. To many it has seemed as the only possible escape from the galling bondage of poverty, and a very serious responsibility must rest at the door of those who misrepresent the feeling and desires of the people, and speak of the free emigration as a cruel and enforced expatriation. Already during the past few weeks numerous letters have come from those whom we have had the happiness to assist, speaking in the most grate- ful terms of the kindness thafc has been done them and of the sense of emancipation from the grinding despair in which they had been living ; telling also of tlie good land of plenty to which they had come as " one flowing with milk and honey." To those who have so generously and freely enabled me to carry out a small portion of this ^vork I desire to hand on the grateful thanks and prayers of these poor people, JAMES H. TUKE. PS. — The following extract from a letter just received from Father Mahoney dated St. Paul, July 1st, is highly satisfactory :— " I may mention these fact* : 1st, that hibour is in the briskest demand in St. Paul, and increasingly so. The demand has been for some weeks, and is now quite ahead of the supply. New railroads and quite extensive operations in street improvement are two great causes. 2nd, Father Nealis, the priest, in whose district very many of the West of Ireland ' greenhorns ' live, told me yesterday that all along this spring and summer he has met no case of begging or destitution. Bishop Ireland, too, frequently referred to how wonderfully he has all along been spared any appeal, and even any unfavourable account or mention of this year's emigrants ; so he infers quite jubilantly, and has asked me expressly to report to Mr. Tuke, that ' all the emigrants of this year are doing all right and tirst rate. ' I have noticed that in the case of the late batches the 5M3ungsters of former arrivals, having got meantime masters of the geography of the situation, were readily found to hand to give information and guidance, and put the greenhorns at home. il/r, TtiMs Fund, 51 OLIFDEN UNION --J"^^^^^, 1883, TXcmlU of Emigration as regards 43 Holdings in one Electoral JDi vision, HEAD TENANTS. I. — P. F., Land taken by brother, wlio has now two holdings. 2. — M. I., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 3. — M. K., Land taken by brother, who has now two holdings. 4.— Gr. C, Land taken by adjoining tenant, who has two holdings. 5. — A. M., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 6. — B. J., Land taken by brother, who before was the under- tenant. 7. — 8. M., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 8.— M. H., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 9. — T. C, Land taken by adjoining tenant. 10. — J. C, Land taken by adjoining tenant. 11. — M. J., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 12. — N. P., Land taken by brother, formerly only a conacre tenant. 13. — M. W., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 14. — J. M., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 15. — M. D., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 16. — J. IL, Land taken by adjoining tenant. 17. — J. C, Land taken by adjoining tenant. 18. — E. M. P., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 19. — F. W., Land taken by adjoining tenant. 20. — II. M., Land unoccupied. 21.— 0. C, „ 22.— a c, „ 23.— T. R, „ 24.-P. C, „ 25.— J. W., „ 26— W. C, „ 27.-M. F., „ UNDEE TENANTS. 28. — M. D., Land left to licad tenant. 29.— A. 0., 30 .— T. S., 3L— P. K., 32.— M. McD., 33.— J. F., 34.— P. C, Land aken by landlord. l(j Emigratmi from Ireland. CONACPvE TENANTS. 3o.— J. K., To head tenant. 30.— W. D., „ 37. J. D., 38._r. II., 39.-I. II., 40.— aM.D., ,. 41.— J. C, 42.— A. II., „ 43.- J. M. F., „ APPENDIX.— CLIFDEN UNION. Destinations of Emigrants for the United States. Ykrmoxt. — Colchester, Enoshurgh Falls, Essex Junction, St. Albans, South Barnard, Woodstock. Maine. — Portland. New Hampshire. — Manchester. Ehode Island. — Pawtucket, Providence, Warren. CoNNECTicrx. — Birmingham, Central Village, North Grosvenordale, Windsorville. Massachusetts. — Boston, Cambridge, Port, Chelsea, Clinton Lynn, Millbury, Pitsfield, Worcester. New York. — Brooklyu, Chittenanga, Fort Hamilton, Johnstown, Kingston, Ulster Co., New York City, Syracuse, Troy. New Jersey. — Gloucester City, Trenton, Woodbury. Pennsylvania. — Alleghany, Chester, Connelsville, Frankstown) Hopewell, Johnstown, Mansfield, Minooka, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton, Walkerspoint, Whiteash, Wilkesbarre. Maryland. — Baltimore. Ohio. — Cincinnati, Lawrence Co., Newburgh, Stenbensville, Titusville, Webster Co. Kentucky. — Louisville, Newport. Virginia. — Brook Co., Kingsville, Norfolk, Handolph, Wheeling. Indiana. — Eichmond. Delaware. — Wilmington. Tennessee. — Nashville. Wisconsin. — Broadford, Elroy, Stalwart, Whitewater. Illinois. — Eock Island, Chicago. Iowa.— Independence. Minnesota.— Graceville, Minneapolis, Osakis, St. Joseph's, St. Paul. Mr. Tuhe's Fund, 17 MR. SYDNEY BUXTON'S REPORT. 15, Eaton Place, S.W. March 10//;, 1883. It becomes my duty, as Hon. Sec, and as having during the past three weeks been engaged in assisting to select emigrants, to submit to the Committee a report on the progress of the work. The Committee were originally asked to undertake the charge of districts containing a population of about 36,000 people ; subse- quently they accepted the further responsibility of additional districts; and they have now under their care, for emigration purposes, some 46,000 persons, in the Unions of Belmullet and Newport, Co. Mayo, and in Clifden and Oughterard, Co. Galway. During the autumn recess it was necessary to make arrangements for the selection of the emigrants, preparations for their shipment, the obtaining of funds, and for other matters, involving a large amount of correspondence and organisation. It is not necessary to enter at any length into the details of this work. With the assent of the Irish Local Grovernment Board, we arranged that the relieving officers in the different districts should post our placards inviting those who desired to emigrate to give in their names, and should keep the lists for us. These lists were opened by the second week in January : and when closed at the end of the month contained 6,500 names ; a number sin6e increased by personal applications to ourselves to considerably over 7,000. It had not been Mr. Tuke's intention to go over to Ireland until somewhat later in the year, when the selection and shipment might have been consecutive. But as it soon appeared that, in spite of manifold notices and warnings, most of those on the lists would not sow their land until they knew definitely whether they were selected 18 Emigration from Ireland, or rejected, we determined to proceed to the selection at the earliest possible moment ; and were consequently unable to wait for the meeting of the Committee. On the nth of February, theroforo, Mi\ Tuko and myself crossed to Dublin, saw the Lord Lieutenant and the officials interested, receiving instructions and advice from them ; and went on to Westport on the lOth. Joined there by Major GaskoU, we spent two days in discussing the best mode of procedure, in laying down principles and settling details, in going through lists, and making the acquaintance of those who were to assist us in the work. On the 16th we separated ; Mr. Tuke going to Clifden, Major Gaskell to Oughterard, and mj^self to Newport and BelmuUet, and for a fortnight we worked alone in our respective districts : what follows must therefore be of the nature of a personal narrative. The districts which I had undertaken comprised a scattered population of about 25,000 persons, of whom 16,000 were in BelmuUet, and 9,000 in Newport Union. The total number of original appli- cants, on the lists, amounted to about 2,400 in BelmuUet, and some 750 in Newport, a number considerably enlarged by additional applicants, and one whieli might probably have been infinitely in- creased if I had felt myself at liberty to extend the lists. Two reasons existed why many of those who are now anxious to emigrate liad not in the first instance put down their names. To be- gin witli, due publicity had not been given to our placards ; many of the outlying viUages having, it appears, hardly received any notice at all. >Secondly, the people were at first suspicious, thinking tlie matter a Government scheme for exporting them ; and more especially (thanks, perliaps, to our placarded preference for Canada), believing Canadian emigration to bo a subtle device for keeping the emigrant under the British Crown, even when he had left Ireland. These suspicions wore, however, more or less dissipated when the people were personally interviewed ; and when they realised that the assisted emigration was a fact, and that it was not pressed upon them, they became anxiously eager to avail themselves of the opportunity. AVhilo, as regards Canada, when the real reason for desiring to send them there was carefully put before them, tlieir prejudices against that country were somewhat weakened ; though in some instances their unreasoning dread could not be removed, and a few families declined to go to Canada, even wlien the workhouse or starvation seemed to be the only alternatives, Mr. Take's Fund. 19 The rule enforced with reference to the States, was that only those would he sent who could prove that they had there a near relation ready and willing to receive the family. It is pleasant to be able to report that a very large number of tlie applicants had most satisfactory letters, the genuineness of which was unquestionable, from their friends and relations in the States, in many cases urging them to come out and join them. The "relation" beiug, as a rule, a brother, son, sister, or daughter who had been sent out a year or two before by the united efforts of the family. In those cases where the applicants had no relations or no near relations in the States — " cousins," though always apparently plentiful, I could not admit to be such — they were, if suitable, offered a free passage to Canada, and, as already stated, few declined the offer, most, in their then mood, being ready to go anywhere so they might leave Ireland. There were those again who had, or said they had, friends and relations in the States, from whom, however, they had not received letters, or letters not sufficiently recent or satisfactory, but who, if appealed to, would be certain to promise them a welcome. As we had beforehand given notice of the necessity of letters, many of these persons had already written, and the others were instructed to write at once. If the replies are satisfactory (the envelope will be required as a test of genuineness) they will be sent to their friends ; otherwise they will have to go to Canada, unless, indeed, the family is so "weak" as to be unsuitable, when they must perforce remain at home. This last class were entered on my lists as " doubtful," but I fully believe that the majority of them will receive satisfactory letters and be able to be sent. The first two classes, those going to Canada or to friends in the States, received vouchers promising assistance, which in most cases will mean clothes and money in pocket in addition to the free passage.* In some cases where from letters or other sources of information, it appeared certain that the friends in America would or could provide a small contribution towards the cost, I insisted on the paj^ment of sums varying from £1 to £10. The intention in demanding this money was that it should be sent over from America as an earnest of the welcome which would be given to the emigrant. As a rule, therefore, I not only did not require immediate payment, but even * The total numbers sent from Belmullet and Newport amounted to over 2j500. See appendix to Report, 20 Emi[/ration from Ireland, refused an occasional proffer of such, preferring, where possible, not to deprive the creditors of their dues, nor to reduce the family to the last farthing, and desiring tliat the money should really come from America. The total sum thus paid or promised, amounted to over £300. Looking at the awful destitution of the people, it went against the grain thus to extract money from them, but it was important not to check the flow of contributions from America, while any additional money received by the Fund would go to assist other emigrants. I made it my business to see the head of each family, and often in addition some or all of the members — occasionally in order to put ages to them, age being often an unknown quantity, or varying according to the supposed necessities of the case. Thus, with the information supplied by the relieving officers and from other sources, it was possible to form a more or less accurate idea of the means and position of each family. It seemed of great importance for those who remain behind— and they ought to be considered as much or more than those who go — that one should endeavour, as far as one could, to assist towards a consolidation of holdings, the great need in Connaught. In the case, therefore, of a land-holding applicant — the vast majority, for even those classed as "labourers," were almost all cottiers^I inquired what each man intended to do about his land, to point out the advantage of a consolidation of holdings, and to suggest that the liolding ought to be assigned to a neighbour- ing tenant, or some satisfactory arrangement made with the agent or landlord, and that it should in no case be handed over to ' a new tenant. Yery often the matter had been already compulsorily decided, the applicant being '' ejected " or under process. I fear that the majority of tenants will receive little or notliing for their *' rights"; the land is almost worthless, and anything they may receive will be swallowed up by arrears and debts. I made it also a rule, in cases of families, that the whole family should go, or none. An inclination was occasionally shown to leave one or two members of the family behind on the land — an old father or mother, a biotlier, or someone; an idea which had to be sternly resisted if any permanent good were to accrue to the country. This rule, stringently enforced, more Mr. Titkes Fund. 2 1 than ouce resulted in the enrolment for emigration of a whole family, of whom originally only a few members had intended to go. How far the sequel will show a real consolidation of holdings it is impossible to say.* I learn, however, that a considerable number of the landholders whom we have decided to send have already come to terms with their landlords ; and one may hope (especially as rent is almost everywhere two or three years in arrear) that the rest will do likewise. Undoubtedly some of the land will go out of cultivation altogether — how it ever came into cultivation is a mystery ; and a great deal will remain uncultivated for this year, inasmuch as most of those who are emigrating will not sow their land, even when they have seed, and will not relinquish their holdings until too late for a sowing to be made. At present, at all events, a strong feeling against sub- division exists amongst the people ; and there is good ground for hope that most of the land now to be left vacant will be amalga- mated with neighbouring tenancies, and thus form holdings on which it will be possible for a family to maintain, even if they cannot enjoy, life. The difficulty of deciding on each individual case was consider- able. The question had always carefully to be considered whether the family were sufficiently strong to give good promise of success in the new country ; more espeoially if they were going to Canada. It would be useless, and worse than useless, to send away a long weak family, depending solely on the health and strength of one man. It was necessary, therefore, as a rule, to accept those families only in which the workers more than outnumbered the non-workers. Consequently, some families whose appeal for help was the most urgent and the most piteous had to be refused. What is to become of these people it is hard to say. The distress in parts of the West seemed bad enough when I was over there last autumn : it appears decidedly worse now. No seed to sow, no work to be done, no wages to be earned, no credit at the shops ; the outlook for these poor people is dark indeed. Though enforcing, pretty strictly, the rule of "family" emigration only, I did occasionally pass an individual, either to go ^- See Captain Ruttledge-Fair's Report, which shows a very satisfactory sequel, 22 timigratiou from Ireland, with and so to strengthen a " weak " family, or for some especial reason. If I had allowed individuals to go, we might have sent away half the *' bone and sinew " of the country side ; but though one is inclined to pity strong boys and girls, and to wish to send them to where they could obtain work and wages, this inclination has to be checked lest the power of taking and placing families should be adversely affected. I feel convinced that if real publicity were given to the movement in the poorer districts of BelmuUet and Newport, a large number of additional families — some thousands of persons pro- bably — would be found willing, nay, anxious to emigrate. This year there is a considerable prejudice against Canada ; another year, if those sent there do well, the case will be altered, and, as has been already experienced by the Committee in some of the- Clifden dis- tricts, that country will have become nearly as popular as the States. At present, not unnaturally — and irrespective of local influ- ences, of the suspicion of Government intrigue, of the legends current about the niggers and other monsters of the unknown land — the people, mostly having friends or relations in the States, prefer to go there rather than to Canada. The obstacles in the way of family emigration — and it is the only form of emigration which can really relieve and improve the congested districts — is in no way due to lack of applications but chiefly to the difficulty of finding suitable and sufficient housing and work on the other side of the water. And, of course, these difficulties are very much greater than any against which " individual " emigration has to contend. Doubtless any number of able-bodied individuals might be sent to the States or to Canada with a certainty of obtaining employment ; and having no encumbrances they could easily move about as suited them best. Family emigration is, however, quite a different matter. The liousing difficulty is a grave one ; tho non-workers must be fed and clothed, though they cannot earn ; and thus it becomes essential to an-ange definitely beforehand where the family shall go, and to whose care they shall be primarily assigned. It would be out of the question, even if the respective Grovernments would allow it, to land families friendless and destitute in the States or Canada, and leave them entirely to their own resources. Thus, perhaps, the greatest difficulty in emigration of the character undertaken by the Committee is on the other side of the Mr. Tiikes Fund. 23 Atlautic; and it becomes evident that any wliolesale sjstem of family emigration is both unwise and unjustifiable — unless carried out under very exceptional circumstances, with the greatest caution, and with careful previous preparation. It is certain that family emigration cannot proceed from the West, nor indeed probably from any part of Ireland, without extraneous aid, for while an occasional passage can be sent home by those abroad to bring over one or two others of the family, enough money cannot be raised to transfer all the members, and thus, of each family and on each holding, some^ and more especially the weak and the feeble, will remain. State-aided emigration to be a success and to be of real benefit to these poverty-stricken districts, should be spread over several years, and be confined to " families," with due arrangements for consolidation of holdings; the Grovernment grant per head being meanwliile somewhat increased. Even if the grant were in some measure to stay the flow of American money into these districts — though I doubt if it would — the amount sent over is not laige, and in no way diminishes but rather increases the evils from which these districts are suffering. While on the one hand it takes away a few of the able-bodied (doubtless greatly to their Kenefit), on the otlier, by subsidising those who remain, it tends to keep families struggling on the land in a state bordering on destitution, and assists them to pay rent which could not be raised from the land itself. If, however, by degrees, a large number of entire families were removed, the over-crowding would be relieved and the holdings increased in size. The very difficult and arduous work of providing for the shipment of these large nrimbers of emigrants has still to be under- taken. The first shipment for the States will be from Galway on the 23rd inst., the next on the 30th from Blacksod Bay; the first for Canada, on the 20th April, from Blacksod Bay, and so on, in a continuous weekly stream, one week to Boston, the next to Quebec, with a fevv^ special steamers interspersed. As BelmuUet is some fifty English miles from the nearest railway or telegraph station, the labour of taking any very consider- able number of emigrants to the usual ports would have been immense, perhaps insuperable; but fortunately the difficulties of transport have been largely solved by the possibility of bringing the emigrant 24 Emigration from Ireland. sliips into Blaoksod Bay, at ilic licad of wlilch BelmuUet lies. The Newport and Bolmullet people will, thorcfore, be sliipped from thence, and the embarkation Avill bo further facilitated "^K^y the assistance of a gunboat, which the Admiralty has ordered to co-operate with us. Captain Iviitilcdge-Fair, who has been actively assisting me in the work of selection, is now in full charge of the districts of Newport and BelmuUet. I hope to be able to rejoin him in Belmullet about the 23rd inst., to help with the first, and perliaps with the second, shipment. Tlie further shipments will be undertaken by him, who, ably assisted as he is by Mr. liichards, and by Mr. Nolan, E..0., has already proved to the Committee his efficiency. I cannot close without expressing my gratitude to the Committee for their invariable kindness and consideration to myself. Nor can I refrain from expressing my sense of my great good fortune in having had the privilege of work with and under Mr. Tuke. SYDNEY C. BUXTON. N.B.^ — The very Vcilitable report of Captain Riittlodge-Fair regarding tho }Jclmullet and Newport districts, makes it unnecessary for me to -write a second report, or to describe the sliipments from Bhicksod Bay, the first of which I was able personally to superintend. The only note I would add, is that we were able — in the Mayo districts — satisfactorily to "scatter" the emigrants, sending the American ones to as many as eighty different destinations in seventeen States ; and a very large number to the West. We were able also to send a considerable number to AVinnipeg. It is most sincerely to be hoped that the Government will be induced to con- tinue the work of emigration for several years to come, taking each spring, from the congested districts, as many poor families as desire to leave. That which has been done in the past will be nearly useless for good unless it be endorsed and rendered effective by a continuation of the same process in the near future. The tramway scheme will, probably, be most valuable, but should not be allowed to interfere with the due development of the very important work of State-aided '•' family " emigration. Sydney Buxton. Julv 17th, 1883. Mr. Takes Fund. 25 MAJOR GASKELL'S REPORT. OUaHTEEMlD UNION. Qalway, Ju/f/ 16///, 1883. Dear Mr. Buxton, — The annexed tables show the work for which I am responsible to your Committee ; and I have little to add to them in explanation. I am sorry they do not show the number, value, and present occupation of the holdings vacated by the emigrant families ; but I have not yet received the Eelieving Officer's answers to my questions on these points. A large proportion. of the families, however, had no land ; and the holdings left by the others are very small, but they have, I believe, in every case passed either to the relatives or nearest neighbours of those who emigrated — without previous surrender to the landlord. I shall be happy to give any further information which the Com- mittee may desire. I have not much knowledge of the present con- dition of the emigrants, except of those who left Lettermore, of whom we have received satisfactory accounts ; they are all doing well. Yours truly, W. P. OASKELL. Sydney C. Buxton, Esq., M.P. 23 Em t(j ration from Ireland. KETUKN OF EMIGRANTS SELKCTKD V>Y MAJOR GASKELL. 2'^r(L :Mcirch to 2'6rd June, 1883. No. of I rtpplica tions on R.O. lists. 140 80 950 Electoral Divisions. 120 Airau Iclanils Camus Crumpaun Garoinna Lettenuoie Turlough Galway Inion gentr- ) ally exclusive of - An an Islands ... ) Oughteiard do. do. Population, 1881. Persons Emigrated. Total 1 Heads. PersoLS. Families. Families. 10 48 30 50 10 32 5 Consist- ing of Persons. Indivi- duals. 31C3 518 2173 2730 1043 1722 570 ro 412 470 257 IJ5 44 ... 205 329 48 138 29 37 i9 19 20 9 2 145 72 40 322 224 3:19 57 143 31 i 198 1079 1224 Per Ctnt. of Popu- lation in 1881. 2-27 8-33 13 00 8.8 20- 3-31 ■■■ The 950 appUcalions for this E. Division includei 217 belonging to I.ettermore E.D., but the population, and percentage emigrated, are correctly shown. SAILINGS. SHIP. DATE OF FOR FOR WAILING. BOSTON QUEBEC Phanician 23rd March ... 84 . . . Nestorian 31st ,, Indiana 31st „ Canadian 14th April British Prince 19th ,, Austrian 21st , , Scandinavian 21st ,, Phoenician 28th ,, Buenos Ayreaji 28th ,, Manitoban Gth May Pi-ussian 12th ,, Canadian 20th ,, Austrian 2()th ,, Pha-nician 2nd June Grecian 3rd Prussian IGth Manitoban Kith Waldensiau 23rd Lake Winnipcy 23rd 78... Go .. 57... 134.. 08... 34... 95... via Queenstown to Philadelphia, via Queenstown to Philadelphia. 95 for the States (St. Paul, Minn.) 8G7 357 Total 1224 W. P. GAf^KELL. Mr, lake's Fund. 27 CAPTAIN RUTTLEDGE-FAIR'S REPORT. BELMULLET AND NEWPOET UNIONS. Gentlemen, » Having completed the work allotted to me by Mr. Tuke's Committee, I have now the honour to lay before you the following report of the proceedings and arrangements, which were carried out under my supervision in Mr. Sydney Buxton's district. The Unions entrusted to me included all Belmullet, and certain portions of Newport, viz., the Electoral Divisions of Newport West, Corraun Achill, Achill, Slievemore, and Dooega containing together a population of 24,600. The district is a wild and extensive one, the distance by road from Belmullet to Dugort (Achill) being 51 miles ; the area a total of 249,400 acres, with neither railway nor telegraphic communication within 42 miles from Belmullet. I arrived at Achill on 2 1st February , and joined Mr. Buxton, who was there for the purpose of interviewing persons who intended to emigrate ; on the 22nd we drove to Belmullet, and spent a week in the various Electoral Divisions of that Union, selecting families who had complied with the regulations laid down by the Com- mittee. It may be well, before referring further to our course of 28 Ernhj ration from Ireland. tlio suLjoiiied statement of (lie procedure, to lay before you particulars of cacli slilpmcut. 13ELMULLET AND NEWPORT UNIONS. Ileturn of SJdpmcnts from Blaclsod Bay. VESSEL. Date. 1883. Families. Tcrsons. Destiuation, " Ncstoriaii." ... March 30th ... .50 .. . 302 . Boston. "Canadian.'' ... April 13th ... 47 .. . 304 . Boston. " Scanduiavian." ,, 21st ... 49 .. 251) Quebec. " PluL-nician." „ 27th ... 40 .. . 230 . Boston. "Manitoban." ... May 4th ... .34 .. . 247* . Quebec. " Prussian." ,, 11th ... 37 .. . 247 . Boston. " Canadian " „ 19th ... 29 .. . 143 . Quebec. "Austrian." „ 25th ... 43 . . 238 . Boston. "Grecian." Jure 2nd ... 37 . . 184 . Quebec. " Buenos Ayrian." „ 9th ... 23 . 83^ . Quebec. " Waklensian," „ 22nd ... 49 .. . 198 . Boston. 438 2435 Via Queenstown ..• 1 .. 9 . Halifax. ,, Liverpool 4 .. 29 . . New York , , London ... ... 10 41 . Australia. 453 2514 It will tlius Lo seen from the foregoing, that of the 2,514 emigrants, 888 went to Canada, l,o85 to the United States, and the remaining 41 to Australia. It is, I feel sure, a fact much to be regretted, that the short time at our disposal prevented our visiting more families in their homes, as in many outljing districts persons would be found, by whom emigration would have been regarded as an inestimable boon, who had never been apprised of the project till it was too late to avail themselves of it. Considerable difficulty was experienced in selecting the families for each shipment. It was necessary to allow as far as possible the poorest to go first, for such was the poverty of the district at the time our labours commenced, that if we had not given early assistance many would have been obliged to enter the workhouse. It was also thought desirable to send only a limited number of families by any one steamer to tlie same destination, lest employment for all miglit not bo immediately forthcoming. It was, moreover, considered expedient to take one or two families for each shipment from each Electoral Division, in order to counteract as far as possible the opposition raised by those whose interest it was to keep the people in the country ; and also in consequence of the (*) Thirty-six persons by "Manitoban," and eleven pcrson^^ by '' Buenos Ayrian," both Canadian ships, went to Ohio, U.S. Mr. Tukes Fund. 29 fact thcat much distrust and impatience with the movement was evinced by the people in remote districts, on account of the delays which unfortunately were unavoidable. A fortnight previous to the arrival of each steamer the families were carefully selected ; their names wore then sent to the relieving ofRcers, whose duty it was to warn those so selected of the place and date of embarkation, and also of the day on which they were to receive the clothing v/ith which the Committee had promised to supply them. It was necessary in most cases, to bring the families coming from a distance by cart to Belnmllet, where food and lodgings were provided. The embarkations took place from the slioros of EUy Bay — an inlet of Blaoksod Bay — at which place the " Allan " Line had arranged for their steamers to call weeklj^, en route to Gal way. The embarkation of the emigrants was naturally a cause for much anxiety, inasmuch as, although Blacksod Bay affords perhaps one of the finest anchorages in the West of Ireland — the Channel Squadron having lain there some few years since — still the shores of EUy Bay cannot be approached even at half-tide; added to which there is no pier, or in fact any accommodation for embarking the people. After due con- sultation with Staff- Captain Sutton, of H.M.S. "Seahorse," and Lieut. Beddoes, commanding the Coast-Guard, it was found that there was no alternative, except to arrange that the emigrants should be ready to embark on each occasion at high-water : the boats of the '' Seahorse " and Coast-Guard taking them from the shore to the gunboat which then ran alongside the *' Allan " steamer. Having- on many previous occasions witnessed the departure of emigrants, and the painful scenes with relatives left behind, I apprehended our operations would be considerably retarded, not only in getting the people to the beach in time for the tide, but also in keeping the boats clear of the many friends, who attended to bid them farewell ; but in both cases I was agreeably surprised to find that the emigrants, in their eagerness to leave, thought little of being at the beach at 6 a.m., and the usual impressive leave-taking was com- paratively nil. On the 27th April, the embarkation of 232 emigrants was witnessed by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, who travelled from Dublin on the previous day, in order to be present at the departure of the people, and personally to inspect the arrange- 30 Emigration from Ireland. ments made for tlieir comfurt and couvenience. The moriiing of liis visit was uiifoidiiiately a most iinpropitious one; lieav}' drizzling rain, accompaniod b}' a cold wind and fog, lent a general appearance of wreteliedness and discomfort to the wliole proceedings, a state of affairs whieli was liappil y not noticeable on any of the previous or subsequent occasions. His Excellency was present during the whole shipment, and visited the "Allan" steamer, " Phoonician.' ' lie was pleased to express his high approval, at all the arrangements made for the em- barkation and comfort of the emigrants. II is Excellency's visit to the district had a most reassuring effect, the satisfactory and encouraging character of which, it would be impossible too strongly to represent. "With reference to the question of embarkation, I feel I should fail in my duty if I did not state that much of the success of this part of the undertaking was due to the assistance rendered us by Staff-Captain 8utton and Lieut. Beddoes, R.N. Staff-Captain Sutton had a most difficult duty to perform,not only in Elly Bay, but in the navigation of his vessel to the Narrows of Acliill, where the tide runs with such tremendous force, that the greatest skill was necessary, not only in handling the vessel, but also in getting the people on board, and with such judgment was this difficulty overcome, that in the emb?,rkation of 2,436 people, not a single mishap occurred. To Lieut. Beddoes, commanding officer of Coast-Guard, especial thanks are also due, and I have confidence in stating, it was greatly owing to his valuable assistance, that our contingents were so successfully and speedily embarked, and at once made comfortable on board the steamers. It may be somewhat interesting to follow the fortunes of some of these emigrants and see by their own handwriting how they fared on reaching their destinations ; with this object in view, I beg to quote extracts from letters received from various localities — From Patrick Barrett (late of Elly, B'atowu South), Winnipeg, Manitoba. To William Gilbert, Belmullet. I rent a liouse in the town for .C2a montli, Pat and Michael are working together under the same man, they are getting seven shillings a day. I am working myself about three miles from the town Catherine would get 15 dollars a month but I could not spare lier. Anastatia is getting 10 dollars a month. Bridget is getting kIx dollars a month minding two small children. They see me every evening. I took good care of Bridget M'Grath and got her 15 dollars a month and got her to service. She says she will soon remember you. I had a letter from William McGorman, and we are very glad to hear he is com- ing here Provision is not to say too dear here, 14 stone of flour is only £1, Mr, Tithes Fund 31 Beef, 7d. a pound ; butter, 35 cents. ; eggs, 25 per doz. ; but clothes are very dear I hope I will see you in Ireland yet, or in Winnipeg. The next letter I send will not bo empty. If you were here you would make 4 dollars a day on wild duck All that sailed on 5th May arrived hero. From Simeon McNeila, (late of Tallagh), Lansing, Mohair Co., Minnes'jta. To John Nolan, Belmullet. So now I am at liberty to let you know all I possibly can. This is a country place and a great place for farmers. The farmers gives (sic) from £4 to £5 per month together with board and lodgings, those that are working on the railroad are getting Gs. 3d. per day. I mean working on the repairs, there is not any now roads started as yet about tliis place till tlie 1st of June, we had engineers out here last week, and the (sic) blocked out 100 miles of a new road, when that starts the wages will be from 8s. to 10s. per day. Young men would do well in this country, but weak families can't do so well. • But it is far better for them to come to this country weak or strong, or (sic) to try to live in misery as long as the (sic) live I have got a house cheap and a good plot of land. Pat Cawley and myself is renting one house, we live out in the country six miles from the nearest town, we live quite (sic) content and very happy that we came out. May the Lord bless those that relieved us in taking us out of poverty. We work together on the repairs of the railway and our wages per day is Gs. 3d. These letters are a fair sample of many others ; they reqah^e no comment, they speak for themselves ; and the Committee will learn with satisfaction how fully their own anticipations as to the pro- bability of the success of the people have been realized. With regard to the disposal of the holdings which have been vacated by tlie emigrants — a question of vital and paramount im- portance to those who remain, and one upon which the permanent success of the movement depends — great pains have been taken to ascertain what has become of the vacant holdings ; and 1 accordingly beg to refer the Committee to the returns appended to this report, which furDish definite particulars as to every holding from which families were assisted to emigrate from Belmullet and Newport districts. It will be observed that of 293 holdings vacated, 149 have passed to neighbouring Tenants; 106 have reverted to the Jjandlord, either b}^ eviction or by possession being voluntarily surrendered by the outgoing Tenant ; 18 holdings are " waste," the emigrants not having given up possession, and the Landlord not having yet taken the necessary legal steps to obtain the same ; while only 20 have been purchased by new Tenants. It is probable that the majority of the " waste " holdings and those surrendered to or acquu^ed by the Landlord, will eventually be amalgamated with the holdings of adjoining well-to-do Tenants. It may thus be assumed that in 273 out of 293 cases, the emigration of " families " has led to a consolidation of the holdings. These figures conclusively prove the absolute falsity of the statements S2 Emigration from Ireland. wliicli Imve Leon "made to the effect that the Emigration Committees were " digging fresh graves for the people." Although the work of emigration lias been carried out as far as time would permit, it must be remembered, that there are very many other districts in tlie West of Ireland whicli liave as yet derived little benefit from State-assisted emigration. In conclusion I have to acknowledge the assistance I received from Mr. Eichaids, Mr. Oram, and a very efficient staff, while I am much indebted to Mr. H. A. Eobinson, L.G.I., for the kind advice and assistance he was always ready to afford me. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, EOBEET EUTTLEDGE-FAIE. Eelmullet, Co. Mayo, 27th June, 1883. To the Committee of Mr. Tuke's Fund. Mr, Tithe's Fund, 33 SUMMARY OF DISPOSAL OF HOLDINGS IN BELMULLKT AND NEWPORT DISTRICTS. S.T— same townlaud. a.t, — ad joiumg townland. BELMULLET UNION, BELMULLET E.D. NAME. George Coleman .. Edward Sherin Frank Fleming Pat Murphy Anthony Mills Bryant Shenlane ... Mick Caufield John Toole , Margaret Jennings James Meenaghan Pat Ginnelly Pat Monaghan Anthony Lavelle ... Anthony Lavelle ... Bridget Geraghty... Pat Gaynard Frank Cooney James Canl Simon McNeila ... Pat Cawley Anne Gallagher ... Patrick Moanghan Dommick Duggan Denis Ginnelly TO\VNLANJ\ Tallacyh Morahan DISPOSAL OF HOLniXC. Thomas Doherty, Landholder, Given to Landlord. Taken by Daughter. Evicted. Evicted. Evicted. Given to Landlord, Given to Landlord. Given to Landlord. Given to Landlord. Given to Landlcn-d. Given to Landlord. Given to Landlord. Given to Landlord. Given to I^andlord. To Ivichard Gaynard, Son. Given to Landlord. Ned OBoyle, New Tenant. (riven to Landlord. Given to Landlord. Waste Land. O'Donohoe, Landholder, S.T. Given to FatRer-in-Law. Pat Reilly, Landholder, S.T. Possession gfven to Landlord S.T. Frank Logher Aughaghassen Frank Dixon, Landholder, S.T. Hugh Monaghan John O'Malley .. Thos. Eeilly William Belle .. Thos. Davis PatCoyle Catherine Reilly Mick Lavelle James Coyle James Murphy .. Pat Barrett Peter Barrett.. .. Pat Loftus Mick Murray..... Waste Land. Given to Landlord. Given to Landlord. Peter Hart, Landholder, S.T. . William Murphy, New Tenant. Anthony Coyle, Landholder, S.T. Given to Landlord. Anthony Lavelle, Landholder, S.T. Anthony Coyle, Landholder, S.T. David Lavelle, Landholder, S.T. John Cormick, Landholder-, S.T. Pat Barrett, Landholder, S.T. Frank Dixon, Landholder, S.T. Frank Dixon, Landholder, S.T. John Tougher ,; Given to Landlord. James Dinnery Ballyglass Possession given to Landlord. MaryWelshe ,, Possession given to Landlord. Pat Dunleavy Knockshambo .Tohn Monaghan, Landholder, S.T. Pat Sullivan ,, John Sullivan, Landholder, S.T. William Gallagher Toorglass Anth. Murphy, Landholder, S.T. Anthony Duggan Michael Gaughan Henry Gaughan . Thos. Rowan John Tighe John McEwan .... Ned Carey .John Keane Peter Murphy .... John Roach ,, Possession given to Landlord. ,, John Gaughan, Landholder, S.T. ,, Fred Carey, Landholder, S.T. ,, Fred Sheridan, Landholder, S.T. ,, (iiven to Landlord. ,, Ned Gilbons, Landholder, S.T. Corclough Honor Tighe, Landholder, A.T. Pat Tighe, Landholder, A.T. ,, .James Gibbons, New Tenant. ,, .. Patrick Gibbons, New Tenant. Edward Buttler Belmullet Given to Landlord. James Buttler ,, Bi-idget Dixon ,, William Hopkins Atchecunaun . Michael Maiming, Landholder, S.T Mr. Potchford, Landholder, S.T, McNulty, I.,andlord, 34 Emigration from Ireland. NORTH AND SOUTH BINGHAMSTOWN E.D. nam::. Julia Maidea Mick Keanis .Tnhn Padden. Mary Keax'us Till nnas Barry Ih-idget Coloran Julia ( leraghty John T<)u;jher Mary Joyce ) Pat Gaii^^han j Michael Costello Mary Cafferty Martin ^[urray ... John Barrett .. Sarah Moua^hau Anthony Monaghau Edward (leraghty ... James Uilboy Charles Dunleavy John (lilboy Mary McHale Jack Keane JohnLtvelk' JohuPhilip.s Pat Barrett Pat Barrett, Auth P)avid iVFcUornian John Gallagher Edward Ganghaii Anthony Ginnelly Jame.s Wilson Anthony Kennedy Doninick Gallagher J( )hn Stephens James Barrett John Barrett John Meenaghan Alice Duggan James Manning .; Pat Ly nche Owen Laxclle Pat Lav.-llo Mick Gilb..y Anthony Gaughan Peter and Thn;nas Lavelh Pat Barrett Mick Barrett..... Pat Dixon Th( >mas Geraghty Anne (leraghty , ( !liarl<'s Keane AV in if red Connor Tliomas Muri>hy MickO'Boyle Thomas Ruddy ])avid Donohoe Mary Wills Charles Wills John Monaghau TOWN'r..VXi). Ardm )re Elly. B Cr( DIHPO.SAL OF HOLOINV,. P.)ssessiou given to Landlord. ,, Possession given to Landlord. ,, Pos.session given to Landlord. ,, Poss(^ssion given to Landlord. Pat Lynch, Landholder, S.T. Wm. Alona^dian, Landholder, S.T. John O'Jioyle, Landholder, S.T. ,, Possession given to Landlord. ,, MirtinLoughen, Landholder, S.T. C.irao John Costello, Landholder S.T, ,, Anth. lleraghty, Landholder, S.T. ,, Waste Land. ,, Waste Land. ,, l^ossession given to Landlord. „ Owen McDonnell, Landholder, A.T Corroughhoy J. Lavelle, Landholder, S.T. (xladdery Evicted. Emily Beg l^victed. ,, Evicted. Tarm )n Possession given to Landlord. ,, Possession given to Landlord. ,, Possession given to Landlord. Possession given to Landlord. To Anthony Reilly, New Tenant. John Barrett, Landholder, S.T Anth. Geraghty, Landholder, A.T. Anthony Rowan, Landholder, S.T. , , Patrick Geraghty, Landholder, S.T ,, Patrick Geraghtj',Landholder,S.T „ James Wilson, Landholder, S.T. ,, Martin Kenned}^, Landholder, S.T. ,, Tom Barret, Landholder, A.T. Liishkea lohn Lavelle, Landholder, S.T. Martin Walshe, Landholder, S.T. ,, Waste Land. ,, Waste Land. Barnagh Possession given to Landlord. ,, ^ . Possession given to Landlord. ,, Possessicm given to Landlord. Michael Lavelle, Landholder, S.T. J. (raughan. Landholder, S.T. Waste Land. Waste Land. S No. 11), J.Linskey,Landhldr.A.T. ' ( No. 20, Possession given to Lndld. Possession given to Landlord. , Evicted. Evicted. Evi'jted. DrumT. William Lougher, Landholder.S.T. Monroughery Connor Keane, Landholder, S.T. ,, Waste Land. Aughadoon Wm. LaveHV; Landholder, S.T. Clooueen Evicted ,, Evicted. ,, Evicted. Corelough Alick McDonnell Landh< )ld er, S. T ]'\illmore Devlane Iiuiishjloria . Bitown North Mullaghcoe GLENCASTLE E.D. John McCabe Bunawillan Evicted. Ned Barrett John McAndrew . Richard Gaughan John Carey Laurenc-' D.^ocy . Peter Mo.Vndrew. dohn Mullowny . Glencastle Evicted. Given by Landlord to John Gaughan. Ne.v T.^aant. Evict(d. Evicted. ^Va^te Land. Evicted. Evicted, Mr. Takes Fund. 60 GLENCASTLE Y..!). -Continual. NAJ[E. TOWNLAND. DISPOSAL OF HOLDING. Patrick Cafferky Muiiigmore Anth. Lenaghan, Landholder. Patrick J. Reilly ,, Ante. Lenaghan, Landholder. Domnick Barrett Alt Richard Barrett, S.T John (4aughan Shragh James Gaughan, Landholder, S.T Thomas Mclntyre Thomas Bourke .. Maims Cooney Mary Lally Pat Mills Peter G aughaii ,, James Mullowny, New Tenant. ,, Evicted. ,, Evicted. ,, Waste Land. ,, Waste Land. ,, Given by Landlord to Pat (iranghan. Landholder, IS.T. Michael MoG i-ath , , Henry Carty , Ne w Tenant. Anthony Barrett ,, Evict^^d. Anthony Bourke ,, ]<]victed. Pat Hart Bunahomia ICvicted. Bridget Barrett ,, ]*]victed. Mary Deane ,, Waste Land. Patrick M'Manmon ,, Evicted. Ned Gaughan Derrycorrib Mick Carolin, Landholder, S.T. Stephen Loughney Bridget Barrett . . . Pat ]3arrett Cath. Gaughan Landlord gave Land to David, Landholder, S.T. l-'victed. ]'at Dixt^n, New Tenant. Anth. RATH-HILL, K\). Michael Padden Doolough Possession given to Landlord . Mary Divers Michael Crane . James Jordan . John Gauglian . Anne M'Tnty^e. Mary Jordan.... John Gaughan . John Cosgrave . Philip Heveran. Terry Sheerin . Myles Lally .... Cath. M'Guire . Possession given to Landlord. ,, Henry Barrett, Landholder, S.T. , , Frank M'Namara, Landhldr. , S.T. , Peter O'Mally, Landholder, S.T. , , . . Possession given to Landlord. Peter O'Mally, Landholder, S.T. ,, Martin Henaghan, Landhldr., S.T; ,, Pat Cosgi'ave, Landholder, S.T. , , Possession given to Landlord. Roy ]*at Calvey , Landholder, A. T. ,, Carter Pat Coyle', Landholder, S.T. Gefsala Evicted. Anthony Keane Dooyork Pat Mangan ,, Richard Barret ,, Michael Sweeny ,, Ellen Welshe ..■.: Michael Gruddy, Landholder, S.T. Evicted. Pat Coyle, Landholder, S.T. Pat Gallagher, Roy, A.T. Evicted. KNOCKNALOWER, E.D. Inver Given by Landlord to Anthony Monaghan, Landholder, S.T. ,,/M . ,, Thos. M'Grath, Landholder, S.T. 'Xji^.. ,, John Noon, Landholder, S.T. iii., ... „ Given by Landlord to Pat Cuffe, ■"V Landholder, S.T. ,, Anth. Noon, Landholder, S.T. " Gleiigad Anthony O'Donnell, Landholder, S.T. Bridget King Knocknalowev Ejected. Margaret Coyle Gortmellia In Landlord's possession. Mary Cafferty ,, ... Pat Caflferty, Landholder, S.T. Anth(my Curley ,, In Landlord's possession. Martin Boylan Burnaculla .. Martin Boylan, Landholder, A.T. Domnick ]M'Intyrc Ned Lavellc .... Thomas Noon . John Cuffe (A). John Cuffe Peter Murray . Margaret Davite Michael Mills ,, Ned Munnelly , Gortbrack Thomas M'Guire ,, Michael Monaghan , , Mick MDonough Michael McLane John McGarry Domnic Monaghan, Landholder, S.T. Mich.* M'Donnell, Landholder, A.T. Terence Cormick, Landholder, S.T. John Dooey, Landholder, S.T. ,',' .'.' Ned M'Donough, Landholder, Inver. ,j Anth. Noon, Landholder, Inver. Auff'hoose .' *. Terence Sheern, Landholder, S.T. ...',.■.■ Anth. McGarry, Landholder, S.T. 36 Emigi'cdion from iretand, MUINGS, E.D. VAMK. TOWNLAXn. HISPOSAL 01' KOLDIN'G. PatLavelle Muing.s ^fary l) Pat Gallagher, Landholder, S.T 38 Ennfjmtlon from Ireland. NEWPORT WEST, YA).-('iml[Hm'h NAMi:. TOWN LAN I). DISPOSAL OK HOLOINf;. Duininick Moran Knockmanu.s ^Michael Mdraii, L.-uidhdlder, S.T. ■William riKiinluTs Kiiockbrc-a Th. mas O'lioylc, Landliuklcr. S.T Tlinnias McT.ouKhliu IJoskcen .Ti.liii Moran, 'Laii(lh(»l' M IV.^'l* mi