C.3 mi STATE OF ILLINOIS Otto Kerner, Governor DEPARTMENT Of REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION William Sylvester V/hite, Director L L <; u Joha C. Frye, Chief W L euscK, DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA MINERAL ECONOMICS BRIEF 3_ " September 1961 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00006 2574 ILLINOIS STOME PRODUCTION IN 1960 W. L. Busch Crushed and broken stone produced in Illinois during 1960 amounted to 37 million tons valued at almost 51 million dollars. The tonnace reported for 1960 is a 16 percent increase over the 31.9 million tons reported for 1959. Tne average value of stone produced in 1960 was $1.38 per ton, compared to the 1959 average value of $1.31. Total value of stone reported for 1959 was 41.7 million dollars. Illinois counties leading in the production of crushed stone for vari- ous purposes are Cook, Will, St. Clair, Kankakee, DuPage, Randolph, Livingston, Vermilion, and Johnson. As a group, these nine counties produced over 25 million tons of stone in 1960, valued at more than 34.5 million dollars. In 1960 these counties, which make up 16 percent of the 56 counties reporting stone production, quarried about 63 percent of the total tonnage produced. Cook County, the lead- ing stone producing county in the state, produced more than 12.8 million tons valued at 18.3 million dollars. Other counties that produced important quan- tities of stone include Union, Rock Island, Carroll, Peoria, Adams, Winnebago, and Madison. In 1960 these seven counties produced a total of almost 4.9 mil- lion tons of crushed stone valued at over 6,8 million dollars. In summary, pro- duction figures indicate that the 16 counties listed in the two groups above pro- duced over 30 million tons of stone, or 81 percent of the 1960 state total, v:hile the remaining 40 counties reporting stone production produced 19 percent of the total. By far the greatest use of Illinois crushed stone is for road and high- way building and maintenance, and for other types of construction. The following pages present figures indicating the amount of crushed stone produced in Illinois in 1960 according to region (see map) and according to three major categories of u3e--for roads and building, agriculture, and miscellaneous uses. -2- Illinois Stone Production by Regions, 1960 *t Counties and operations roportins; Crushed and broken stone Stone use Tons Value Avcra^^e per ton NORTHWEST Carroll Henry 1 Jo Daviess Lee Road and Mercer building 3,277,175 $3,554,732 $1.03 Ogle Agstone 234,131 293,793 1.28 Rock Island All other 49,816 38,434 .77 Stephenson Total 3,561,122 $3,891,959 $1.09 Whiteside Winnebago Operations - 36 WEST Adams Brown Hancock Road and 1,397,724 $1,831,032 $1.31 Henderson building 264,926 371,886 1.40 Knox Agstone 108,101 .447,733 4.14 McDonough All other 1,770,751 $2,650,701 $1.50 Schuyler Total Warren Operations - 20 WEST SOUTHWEST Bond Ca:hour4 Christian Road and Greene Jersey Madison building* Agstone All other Total 1,252,029 226,926 $1,980,794 354,785 $1.58 1.56 I-Iontgoaery Pike 1,478,955 $2,335,579 $1.53 Scott Operations ■ - 20 Report based on U. S. Bureau of Mines figures. All values at the quarry. tDimension stone and stone used for cement and lime not included. ^Includes siaall amount o£ other stone. Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/illinoisstonepro02busc -3- Illinois Stone Production by Resions, 1960 *t Counties and operations reporcinf; Crushed and broken stone Stone use Ton: Value Average per ton SOUTHWEST Clinton Jackson Johnson Monroe Pulaski Randolph St. Clair Union Operations Road and building Agstone All other Total 3,966,046 703,299 1>341,991 6,016,336 $6,097,151 917,663 1,677,116 $8,691,930 $1.54 1.30 1.25 $1.44 - 21 NORTHEAST Boone Cook DcKalb Road and DuPage building 16,429,049 $22,211,717 $1.35 Kane Agstone 352,207 493,198 1.40 Kendall All other 1,166,807 1,898,905 1.63 LaSalle Total 17,948,063 $24,603,820 $1.37 McHenry Will Opera tions • ■ 24 EAST Road and Kankakee building 3,207,940 4.118,470 $1.28 Livingston Agstone 716,273 942,439 1.32 Vermilion All other 74,483 339,288 4.56 Operati ons • - 8 Total 3,993,696 5,400,197 $1.35 Report based on U. S. Bureau of Mines figures. All values at the quarry. tDiciension stone and stone used for cement and lime not included. Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois -4- Illinois Stone Production by Regions, 1960 *t Counties and Crushed and broken stone operations Stone Average reporting; uso Tonn Valuo. per ton CENTRAL Road and ^ienard building 823,247 $1,102,202 $1.34 Peoria Agstoae 201,691 309,027 1.53 Operations - 5 All other Total - - - 1,024,938 $1,411,229 $1.38 EAST SOUTHEAST Clark Road and Coles building 490,816 $ 729,550 $1.49 Effingham Agstone 330,992 580.459 1.75 Sheloy - 8 All other Total - - - Operations 821,808 $1,310,009 $1.59 SOUTHEAST Hardin Road and Jefferson buildingt 335,139 $ 561,931 $1.68 >^ssac Agstone 76,209 121,003 1.59 Operations - 4 All other Total - - - 411,348 $ 682,934 $1.66 STATE TOTALS Counties - 56 Operations 146 Road and building Agstoae All other Total 31,179,165 3,111,654 2.741,198 37,032,017 $42,187,629 4,389,253 4,^^01,476 $50,978,358 $1.35 1.41 1.6 1 $1.38" Report based on U. S. liureau of Mines figures. All values at the quarry, tOinencion stone and stone used for cemcat and lime not included. ♦Includes negligible amount of other stone. Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRAinr