PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Of FARMERS and BREEDERS MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES ILLINOIS Published By FARMER- Illinois Oldest and Best Farm Paper PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY WM. H. WITTE, President WELLIAM KAEDNKR, Manager H. H. WESSL.EK, Vice-President OSCAR GUSTAFSON, Secretary and Treasurer Jacksonville Monument Co. Incorporated Under the laws of Illinois GRANITE MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS SPECIALLY DESIGNED None Too Large or Too Small ILLINOIS PHONE 531 BELL PHONE 173 330 East State Street JACKSONVILLE ILLINOIS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES We sell and recommend the following; Triple-O Goods Welcome Universal Faultless Comfort and Ideal Wrought Iron Furnaces HEALTHFUL HEAT Warm air heating is acknowledged to be the most sanitary, economical and satis- factory system to use. We are specialists in this work and have the largest and most com- plete line of warm air heating apparatus in the county. It will pay you to have us in- stall your next Heating Plant. AND SHEET- METAL WORK We do all kinds of slate, tin and metal shingle roofing and sheet metal work of all kinds, including gutters, valleys, downspouts, ridge roll, ventilators, etc. We build heavy and light iron tanks. We repair automobile radiators. Bell 444 PHONE 111. 1301 G. A. FAUGUST 222 North Main St. JACKSONVILLE, ILL. CHERRY'S Auto Funeral Livery Phones 850 JACKSONVILLE ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY mm* "All the News All the Time" is what you get when you subscribe for the JACKSONVILLE COURIER Morgan County's Leading Daily Newspaper ' ' U $3.00 a year by mail, payable in advance and stopped ^ at expiration unless renewed. No back bills to pay. !HE] The Courier is a good, clean, live, wide-awake, !Hnl easy-to-read evening newspaper, which reaches the 5p great majority of its subscribers a few hours after it is p= printed, thus giving them "Today's News Today." It [U5 is full of the latest and most interesting of the day's jy^j happenings, both in Jacksonville and Morgan County ^ and its surrounding territory, as well as the world at anl Most all of the BIG NEWS of the day happens during daylight hours and is printed in evening news- papers on the same day, and is printed by the morning papers twelve or more hours later. Check up that statement and prove it to yourself if you won't be- lieve us. You'll like our paper and its price JACKSONVILLE COURIER $3.00 a year rciuc FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES Jimimimimimmiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimimmiiiiiiiiii imit | Sntrobuctton | IN this directory we have endeavored to give Morgan and Scott County farmers a complete and reliable directory of the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valuable reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tre- mendous one. We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers and business men of the county, without which the publication of such a directory would be impos- sible. In a very few cases we have found farmers unwilling to give the information requested, which accounts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no effort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the ad- vertisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever possible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real service to Morgan and Scott County farmers and in line with PRAIRIE FARMER'S policy of service to the farmers of Illinois. We hope that the increased cir- culation of PRAIRIE FARMER in Morgan and Scott Coun- ties which has resulted will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, and more prosperity for the counties, and that our many new friends will become per- manent members of the big PRAIRIE FARMER family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher, Prairie Farmer. TlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllilllJIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIINIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh" 1 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ESTABLISHED 1865 INCORPORATED 1906 MORGAN COUNTY ABSTRACT OFFICE /^perating the only complete set of Morgan County Title Records from which abstracts can be accurately made for any land or town lots in Morgan County. Our Certificate Is an Asset INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Highest Grade Companies REAL ESTATE AND LOANS WALTER & A. F. AYERS Inc. Both Phones 27 232V 2 W. State St. JACKSONVILLE ILLINOIS Prairie Farmer's Directory sf Morgan and Scott Counties Illinois Complete Directory of the Farmers of Morgan and Scott Counties, with valuable information about each farm. Breeder's Directory, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Business Directory, giving list of all business houses in Morgan and Scott Counties. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1917 By PRAIRIE FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BINDER TROUBLES AND ADJUSTMENTS By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer. To have to await the services of an expert when every minute of the har- vest days is money is not only an ex- pensive practice, but in most cases is an unnecessary one if the operator will only use patience and good judg- ment and try to understand a few very simple principles of what seems a complicated machine. The purpose of this article is to aid the operator in his most common binder troubles. To cover the ground in the most log- ical and concise* manner, let us con- sider troubles under the three general heads: general binder troubles, bind- er head troubles and knotter head troubles. Starting. If possible, start the new machine on a road or in a pasture before going into the grain field. Use plenty of kerosene and run the ma- chine empty for about five minutes, taking notice that every duct to bear- ings and every oil hole is open. Then apply lubricating oil. When you are ready to enter the grain with a new machine, raise the machine well up, tilt the platform forward; open the throat of the machine by throwing the butt adjuster forward and start in with about one-half of a full swath. After five minutes work the machine is ready for maximum results. If compelled to make a full swath at the start, cut the grain extra high. Never change the adjustment of a new binder head before going into the field. It may miss a few bundles at first, but do not adjust. Apply a lib- eral amount of coal oil to the knotter head and the trouble will usually dis- appear. New Machine Failing to Start. Oc- casionally a new machine fails to start due to some part sticking or catch- ing. Throw the binder out of gear and see that the bull wheel revolves without catching. Remove the eleva- tor chain and throw in gear. This will test the sickle. Next put on ele- vator chain and throw off reel chains. This will test the rollers. Then con- nect and test the reel. This method will test one part at a time and should locate the trouble without difficulty. In testing out head for failure to re volve, operate head by hand at back of machine through shaft whch drives head from elevator chain. General Binder Troubles Chains. Undue wear in chains may be caused by the chain being run too tight or backwards. Run the chain with the hooks of the links leading and with the openings of the hooks out. The use of oil or grease on chains, if the binder is being run in a sandy country or under dusty con- ditions, is not to be recommended, for the oil will collect the fine parti- cles of grit and cause excessive wear Under such conditions use dry graph- ite. Chain jumping is caused by the chain being too loose or by the sprocket being badly worn. If a worn sprocket is the cause for the trouble a new one will have to be supplied. Canvas Troubles. The creeping of canvases is caused by running them too loose or by the elevators not be- ing square. Test the elevators to see if they are square by means of meas- uring the diagonals, and then square by the special apparatus to be found for that purpose. Have the canvases of the same tightness on both sides. Canvases not elevating the grain may be caused by missing slats 01 loose canvases. Broken slats are gen- erally caused by the elevators not be- ing square, or by the canvases not being buckled evenly and thus the slat is forced to pass over the roller at an angle to it. Chewed slats mav be caused by a projecting bolt or the canvas guides being out of shape. Heavy Draft. Heavy draft may br caused from lack of sufficient good lubricating oil, bull wheel being en tered in quadrant wrong; chains, espe- cially main drive chain, being too tight; paint or varnish not being cut out of the bearings; or rollers bindim-- Apply lubricating oil to the bearing.-- .2T FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES Enter the bull wheel in the quadrant square. Have the proper tension in the chains. Coal oil will cut the paint or varnish from bearing surfaces. When machine is empty, operator should be able to move elevators by hand on elevator chain. Sidedraft. Sidedraft in a binder re- fers to such resistance of the platform end of the machine as to cause a "dragging" of platform, and hence re- sults in a tendency to run the ma- chine into the grain. It may be caused by (a) grain wheel bearing too light; (b) grain wheel being out of proper adjustment; (c) sickle parts not cutting properly, resulting in a pulling off of stalks rather than cut- ting; (d) very light grain may give a condition where sidedraft is more no- ticeable, and (e) a fast horse on the outside may lead the operator to be- lieve he has sidedraft. Remedies, (a) See that grain wheel revolves freely and perfectly on axle. If axle, bearings and wheel bell are badly worn, replace, (b) The inexpe- rienced operator cannot tell whether a grain wheel is aligned properly or not. It should lead out of the grain slightly, and in case of poor align- ment here, an expert must be called. (c) Obvious, (d) Sidedraft here is an advantage rather than an objec- tion for it indicates the best construc- tion, (e) Put fast horse on inside. If difficulty is experienced in get- ting far enough into the grain with a tongue truck attachment, make adjust- ments to increase the angle between the platform and tongue proper, i. e., without changing position of machine make adjustments to let horses away from grain slightly. If machine runs too far into grain, make adjustments to bring horses a little closer to grain line. These adjustments can be found between tongue and stub tongue on the McCormick and Milwaukee bind- ers, and in the truck axle braces on the Deering. If sufficient adjustment is not provided in the Deering to per- mit a full swath, turn the tongue over. Badly Shaped Bundles in good grain are caused by improper manip- ulation of binder parts. Set the reel to strike straws about two inches be- low the heads. Run the butter as near at right angles to the rollers on tier shaft as possible, even if you have to sacrifice an inch or two in the position of the band on the bun- dle. Do not expect the butter to shove the straws down under the breast plate. Adjust the position of the head to bring the straws under the breast plate and then adjust the butter to smooth the butt of the bun- dle. In uneven grain the head, but- ter and reel must be shifted often to obtain the best results. In very short grain or in down grain leaning toward the elevators we have probably the worst conditions for good bundle making, especially for eight-foot bind- ers. First, do all possible to retard the heads by running the platform as level as possible and place a rope head-retarder across the platform, ty- ing the same to the outside divider frame. A rope head-retarder is often found to give better results than the retarding strap iron sent out with the machine, but if the latter is used, the operator will find that he gets very good results in retarding heads by bending up or crinkling the end of the strap iron. Throw the head as far forward as possible and run the butter as near perpendicular to the rollers as possible to still have the bundle securely tied. Tighten the front grain check. Badly Shaped Bundles in Long Tangled Grain can be remedied by loosening all grain checks slightly and by adjusting the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle. Getting Grain Down to Packers. Trouble is sometimes experienced in getting light, fluffy grain down to the packers. See that the deck roller is working properly and lower the deck cover. Choking Down. Sometimes in heavy, __ fluffy and tangled grain, and often in flax, the head cannot dis- charge a bundle and is stopped by "choking." Adjust the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle, loosen all grain checks and loosen the tension on the compressor spring, which is the spring attached to the compres- sor rod. Bundles Too Loose or Too Tight. Tighten or loosen the trip spring shown in Illustration 1 and described below under "Binder Head Troubles." Do not attempt to make a tight bun- dle by tightening the twine tension on the twine can. The twine tension* is not for the purpose of affecting the PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY TRIP SPRING STOP ARM. 006. tightness of bundles and if it is used for such purpose serious needle troubles will result. The twine ten- sion should be sufficiently tight to keep back slack in the twine between the can and needle. Bundles Too Large or Too Small. Move the compressor arm nearer or farther away from the needle. The compressor arm is that arm against which the bundle is formed and as it is moved in or out that space in which the bundle is formed is changed. Reel Troubles. Short oats is often the cause for considerable reel trouble, especially reel breakage on those ma- chines which have no outside reel support. The operator cutting short oats will necessarily have to tilt his platform well forward and run his reel low. This means that occasion- ally the reel slats will whip down onto the guards and result in broken parts. Farmers in some localities have solved this difficulty by tacking on to each reel slat a piece of heavy linoleum about six inches wide. The reel can then be run higher, for this extra piece on the slats serves ad- mirably to force the grain over onto the platform and at the same time is sufficiently flexible to give if the reel is whipped down on the guards. Binder Head Troubles Before taking up binder head trou- bles let us refer to the first illustra- tion and get clearly in mind the exact function of the parts mentioned. Every operator is aware that his packer shaft revolves continually and that at certain moments it must drive the whole binder head while the bun- dle is being tied and cast. The dog, shown in the illustration, is that mechanism which throws the head in motion with the rest of the ma- chine, or it is that mechanism which momentarily engages the head with the continuous motion of the packers while the bundle is being tied. Suf- ficient pressure by the straw on the trip arm raises the stop arm, shown in the illustration, which allows the dog to be forced into the path of the continually revolving binder head driver. A little spring attached to the dog forces the dog into the path of this driver when the dog is released, and this same spring holds the dog in this path until the stop arm can drop back into pUce and force the dog back out of the way of the revolving drivers of the packer shaft. When the dog is thrown back out of the path of the binder head drivers, the motion in the head ceases and the dog, if properly working, must re- main engaged with the packer shaft until the discharge arms make a com- plete revolution. The continuity of motion in the head depends upon the dog. Discharge Arms Fail to Start or Fail to Revolve Completely. This is a dog trouble. See that the dog spring is in place and is of sufficient strength to hold the dog in the path of the binder head drivers when the dog is released. See also that the striking faces of the dog and dog driver are not worn sufficiently to permit them FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES to slip by one another. Jf the dis- charge arms revolve by jerks it is very probable that a worn condition In the striking faces is the cause. Discharge Armr Revolve Continu- ally. Before discussing this trouble a word should be said regarding timing. It will be noticed that every part of the binder head except the packers works at a certain moment in rela- tion to other parts. The dog makes a .ertain number of revolutions before ^he stop arm is allowed to drop back into place to throw the dog out of ngagement with the binder head Drivers. Hence the relation between *he stop arm and the dog is a set Delation maintained through beveled aears. If for any reason these gears re separated and not put back in the original definite relation to each ither, the head is said to be out of ''me. This means that the stop arm would not be in place at the proper noment to throw the dog out of en- gagement and a second revolution of he discharge arm immediately fol- ows the first. The timing principle >iolds true in all makes of heads and ; obtained in a way more or less Common in all types, though the mechanism will vary to some degree iJ i its shape and position. If the dis- charge arms revolve continually the Vad may be out of time or the stop ~rm face may be so badly worn that "' allows the dog to slip by when the "o come together. If the machine is ".t of time, i. e., if the stop arm is ot in place to throw the dog out in ^he proper time, time the head by properly meshing the beveled gears between the packer shaft and the binder head counter shaft which runs up to drive the tier shaft. If the striking faces between the dog and the stop arm are so worn that they slip by one another, file the faces to their original form. If this allows *oo much play or looseness in the -*og (which can be tested by taking ^old of the discharge arms to deter- mine whether they are tight or loose) new dog or perhaps a new stop -m must be purchased. Some ma- rines permit lengthening of the stop " f m. Look for such adjustment and use same to hold the dog back tighter. Casting Very Small Bundles. There are two causes for this trouble. The dog may not be thrown out at the proper time, and the remedy for such a condition has been just stated above. Small bundles often appear in badly tangled grain when the cast bundle is not cleaned from the machine and its weight trips the head again immedi- ately and a small bundle is cast which seems to be really a part of the first. Manipulate the machine to make a clean bundle, loosen the grain checks, adjust the trip spring to tie a looser bundle and adjust the compressor arm to tie a smaller bundle. Discharge Arms Not Set Tight, or Dog Drive Strikes Dog. Usually these two conditions accompany one another and are due to extreme wear in gears and dog, or tier shaft lock may have become loosened. The tier shaft lock is usually a little dog working behind the tier shaft cam wheel at the end of the tier shaft. It holds the discharge arms in place when they are at rest. Examine your binder head for this mechanism and if it can be adjusted usually the trouble can be remedied by such ad- justment. If the cam track in tier shaft cam wheel acts as the lock, new parts may have to be added to relieve badly worn conditions, but this will not necessarily remedy the striking between dog and driver.l If head is very badly worn and all gear- ing has considerable play, the dog may be advanced one cog which will bring the head into better time. Great care must be used in doing this, how- ever, for it often happens that a head so treated will work perfectly when operated by hand, but when driven by the packer shaft under actual con- ditions the tier shaft is not compelled to complete its revolution and thus is not "driven home" and locked. This will then result in the discharge arms dropping down and in greater inter- ference between dog and driver. It is sometimes found necessary to re- place badly worn gears, in order to entirely eliminate this trouble. Knotter Head Troubles All binders are very similar. They combine the same principles, and al- though the detail of the mechanism may differ somewhat, still for every vital part on one make of machine there ^ can he found on each other machine a part similar in function, very similar in shape, and often very PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY similar in position. This is particu- larly true in the knotter head or that portion of the binder head which ties the knot. In discussing these troubles then, let us bear in mind that every make of binder has in some form each part shown in the second illus- tration, and that the functions of these parts are the same though the posi- tion and shape may vary slightly. The disc is that part which holds the end of the twine while the bundle is being formed. The bills, also shown in the illustration, are those parts which tie the knot. It is the function of the needle to bring up the needle end of the band, place it over the bills and into the disc where the disc catches it and securely holds both ends. The bills then revolve, forming a loop about themselves, and after revolving part way they open, seize both 1 ends of the band, as shown in the illustration, and hold the ends of the band while the stripper arm pulls the loop off the bills hence the ends of the band are pulled through the loop and the knot is tied. If these operations are kept clearly in mind the operator will find his tying trou- bles greatly simplified. Each operator should be able to tell just where his trouble lies by ex- amining the failing band and noting where it is found. In the third illustration, Figure 1 found clinging to the bills with the simple knot tied around the bills and the loose end cut square and smooth, indicates that the disc spring is too loose and the twine tension is too tight. The same band found cast with the bundle instead of clinging to the bills would indicate that the disc is but slightly loose, yet too loose. The band indicating such trouble is shown in Fig. 2. F'ig. 3 found clinging to the Dills but with the free end crushed and 8 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES A rouHO fc v ragged indicates that the disc is too tight and that the twine tension is also too tight. Fig. 4 found cast with the bundle instead of on the bills indicates that the twine tension is perfect but that the disc is slightly too tight. Fig. 5 found with the cast bundle and with both ends crushed and ragged indicates that the disc is very tight. _ Notice the bent crinkled ends in Fig. 6 and that the band is formed with the bundle. The ends have been in the knot but have pulled out. The bills may be too loose or the "hump" on the underside of the upper bill may be worn away sufficiently so that the bills cannot hold the ends of the band securely enough when the loop is pulled off. This probably has caused a loose knot which pulled out when the bundle spread. If the bills are too loose tighten the bills spring. If the little "hump" is worn away file away a little of the stock behind the hump, using a rat-tail file. Fig. 8 is the familiar band which seems to be tied perfectly when the bundle is first cast, but when the shocker grasps the bundle the band gives way and appears as shown. If the disc is at the proper tension, then the trouble is probably that the bills do not open wide enough to grasp both ends of the twine in the disc. If the bills cam roller on the back of the upper bill is worn one-sided, sup- ply new parts. If the whole bills shaft has dropped down due to wear below the bills pinion gear, place a very thin washer under pinion to bring the bills up against the knotter head frame where they belong. It sometimes happens that a very loose twine tension allows sufficient slack in the twine to arch^ slightly over the bills instead of being pulled down tightly over them. The upper bill will then nose in between the bands' ends instead of grasping both of them and a simple slip knot is tied instead of a hard knot. Fig. 9 indicates a needle trouble. For some reason the needle has not placed the twine in the disc. Most likely the needle has carried up some green stuff of some kind which mo- mentarily clogs the disc. If this band occurs frequently, however, then prob- ably the eye of the needle has be- come so badly worn back, due to too tight a tension, that the needle can not advance far enough to place the twine in the disc. The needle should advance until it just barely touches the stripper or breast plate. If it does not advance that far it is prob- ably slow and the needle pitman should be shortened slightly. Make all binder head and knotter head adjustments gradually. A quar- ter of a turn of the studs on the disc and knotter bills springs is ample to remedy most troubles in those parts. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CORN PLANTER ADJUSTMENTS By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois in Prairie Farmer. Not all of our implement troubles are to be found in the plow or in the binder. The corn planter has troubles of its own, and it is the purpose of this article to discuss some of the corn planter principles and troubles that are often misunderstood. Accuracy in Drop Some corn growers say that ac- curacy of drop is not an important factor with them because two kernels in one hill and four in the next gives an average of three kernels per hill and that is the number desired. The fallacy of this statement is very ap- parent when we stop to consider that in such planting we have not the de- sired three kernels in either hill; and if the soil is three-kernel soil, two kernels per hill are too few while four kernels are too many. The re- sult is probably a loss in each hill. A certain soil may give the best yield with either two, three or four kernels per hill, but after it has been ascertained which number of kernels is best every effort should be made to secure that number in each hill where the soil conditions remain constant. The variable drop devices on planters afford ample opportunity to shift from two to three or from three to four kernels per hil-1 as the soil conditions through the row may demand, but the advisability of permitting inac- curacy in drop from hill to hill is questionable. The first two requisites for accu- racy in drop are (a) seed of uniform size, and (b) the selection of the proper seed plate. Hand tipped and butted corn or machine sorted corn will give seed as uniform in shape and size of kernel as is practical, but unsorted seed may be relied upon to cause inaccurate dropping. Testing out the planter to make sure that the proper plate is used is to be strongly advocated. Last year's plate may not be the best one for this year's ,seed, for if there is a slight difference in the average size of ker- nels between the two years, a corre- sponding change may be necessary in the size of the seed pits in the plate used. The following table taken from laboratory tests shows the danger of carelessness in selecting the seed plate. The planter was set to drop three-kernel hills, and the plates "small" and "large" were plates next size smaller and next size larger than the proper or right sized plate found. Right Small sized Large plate plate plate Per cent of blank hill.. 9.34 .00 .00 Per cent of hills contain- ing 1 kernel 29.36 .26 .28 Per cent of hills contain- ing 2 kernels 37.54 8.66 5.3 Per cent of hills contain- . ing 3 kernels 20.48 88.12 81.28 Per cent of hills contain- ing 4 kernels 2.66 2.84 11.4* Per cent of hills contain- ing 5 kernels 62 .11 1.86 These figures tend to show that a slight mistake in plate selection may lead to a direct loss in stand. There may be but a very slight difference between two pairs of plates so slight perhaps that we can not detect the difference by eye but a test of the two pairs will quickly show that one of those pairs means a good drop while the other paii is dangerous and its use should be avoided. Testing can be done when time at the barn permits and will not only mean a sav- ing of time in the field but will also enable the operator to avoid a miff take before it is too late. Each operator will have his own method of testing out the planter but he should heed these three rules: (1) Let each test consist of at least SO or 60 hills; (2) run the planter parts at field speed; (3) do not give up until the best plate is found. Probably the quickest way to test is to run the planter in the farm yard, providing the chickens do not get the corn be- fore we can count it. Rainy day test- ing on the barn floor is a little more troublesome but can be very success- fully accomplished by two persons as follows Jack the planter up ''over a blanket stretched tight on the floor so that the furrow openers will be about three inches above the blanket when 10 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES the depth lever is thrown forward. One man can then turn the drive wheel, trip the check arm and call out the number of kernels dropped, while the second person records the count. After each hill is dropped the kernels are brushed away by foot of the man turning the drive wheel. Glancing at the drop without recording the count simplifies the process but it is not an accurate method and should be avoided when possible. Accuracy of drop may be secured further by keeping the seed hoppers at least half full at all times. Blank Hills at the Ends of Rows Accuracy of drop depends also to some extent upon the speed of the valves. It sometimes happens that at one end of the row we will happen to stop the team just as the button on the check wire has begun to force the check arm. The valves work so slowly at such a time or stop at such a point that in some planters .the seed at the top of the boot drops clear through to the ground instead of be- ing intercepted at the bottom of the boot. Two hills drop at once, then, and when we have turned around there are no kernels at the lower valve ready for the first hill on the return trip. On some planters we may overcome the difficulty by foot dropping one hill while the team is turning. On other planters the only remedy is to stop sooner at the end of the row or to drive ahead at usual speed until the wire has released the check arm. Accuracy in Check Considerable attention is usually given to securing accurate checking, but a word regarding the adjustment will not be amiss. Accurate checking means possibility of closer cultivation and less loss by cultivating out hills. The manufacturer has found that un- der usual conditions the check wire will travel from one to three inches across the field, and inasmuch as the slack will always be ahead of the machine, he designs his planter to drop the hill at a distance behind the button equal to one-half the travel. On the return trip the hill is again dropped behind the button and thus the hills should check in spite of the wire travel. It can readily be seen then that if our shoes or furrow openers are Hropping nearer to or farther away from the button than half the wire travel, our system for securing good checking will be ma- terially interfered with and adjust- ments must be made at A in Fig. 1. This tongue adjustment will vary on the different makes of planters. On some it is at the rear end of the tongue, but it will be found on all the popular makes. As a rule the front frame of the planter should be run level, and it can be so run with a properly drawn check wire. But dif- ferent tensions on the wire drawn by different drivers may necessitate throwing the front frame slightly out of a horizontal position. If the planter drops too close to the button, make such tongue adjustment as will Tig. l. Vonffu* Adjustment to Secure Accurate Checking 11 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY A Spread Check Fork May Cause Stringing- drop the furrow openers back a little toward the wheels. To some extent tightening the check wire will accom- plish the same result in the check. Forcing the furrow openers a little ahead by means of the tongue adjust- ment will cause the hill to be dropped a little clo-e to the button, or having the check wire a little more slack will have the same result in the check. In testing for accuracy of check by digging up hills, select hills pretty close behind the planter. Adjusting the neckyoke straps will also affect the check. The adjustment shown in Fig. 1 is also a means of maintaining a good check when different heights of teams are used and when the dif- ference cannot be compensated for bv adjusting the neckyoke straps. Uniform tension in the check wire must be maintained if accurate check- ing is to result. Some drivers even go so far as to make allowance for the expansion and contraction of the check wire due to varying tempera- ture from day to day, but this is get- ting too particular to be practical. It is practical, however, where plant- ing is being done up c.nd down a slope, to pull the wire tighter when setting the high stake. Uniform Depth of Planting In planting over a rough field, a more uniform depth can often be se- cured by floating the furrow openers, but when this is done the operator should keep the openers under -foot control so that the shoes may be forced to their depth in dry spots and kept from planting too deep in moist, soft spots. There are a number of shoe gauges now on the market which attach to shoes to insure uniform depth when floating is desirable. Such attachments should prove valuable if properly used where the conditions demand. Stringing of the hill may be caused by (a) dirt in (he boot, and (b) by a spread check arm. Trouble from the first cause will probably be 12 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES due to the team having set back on the planter while the shoes were still in the ground. Clean out the boot bottom thoroughly and the rest of the remedy is obvious. Trouble (b) is less easily detected. If the check arm is spread as is shown at B in Fig. 2, the wire button will let go of the check arm before the valves have been forced wide open, to the result that the kernels will be strung out in the row rather than being dropped well together. By means of a ham- mer, drive the arm halves together to their original position, but in so doing care must be taken not to get the halves so closely together that bind- ing of the wire will result. The check arm halves can be left straight as shown at A in Fig. 2. Some opera- tors find that stringing is due to a badly worn shoe. If this is deter- mined to be the cause, new parts must usually be supplied. Clutch Troubles Clutches on the various planters differ so widely in design that no spe- cific rules can be given that would apply to all makes. Failure of the clutch to grip or release can often be overcome by thoroughly cleaning the parts, and if the striking forces are worn round, new parts may have to be secured. On most planters this means but slight expense and a little patience. Timing the Plate Rims Breakage may necessitate removal of the rim which drives the plate. This rim is timed with the pinion on the shaft which drives the plates from the clutch, and when the rim is re- placed on the machine the "time" must be re-established. If the plate rim is out of time with the pinion, inaccu- racy will result because the plate it- self will not stop at the proper time. On some machines the cog teeth of the rim and pinion are so marked or constructed that it is very easy to ascertain the proper relation between the two castings. Before removing the rim the operator should carefully seek any such guides so that he may know just how to replace the parts. If no guide is found on the arm and on the shaft pinion, make a mark on each by means of a cold chisel, and then in replacing parts bring- these two marks into the same relation to each other as at first. It sometimes happens that after replacing a rim or adding a new one, it breaks as soon as it revolves. This is due to non- timing. The question is often asked: "Is the disc furrow opener preferable to the ordinary shoe runner?" The sin- gle disc opener has better penetration than the shoe and will cut through trash to better advantage, but it throws the soil to one side and cover- ing is made more difficult. The dou- ble disc has less penetrating ability than the single disc, but covering can be more easily accomplished after it. In hard, trashy ground, then, the disc opener should prove preferable to the shoe opener, but in a well pre- pared seed bed, well free from surface trash, the shoe is strongly advocated because of its simplicity. The planter with disc openers cannot be consid- ered a heavy draft implement, but the discs carry bearings which must work in soil and one may always expect trouble with such a combination. MRS. LENA STEVENSON MANN Household Editor of Prairie Farmer II PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY HOW TO MEND THE HAY ROPE By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois in Prairie Farmer. To repair a broken or badly weak- shown at A and B in Fig. 2. Take ened strand, complete the break as a strand about five feet long from a shown in Fig. 1 and unlay each end piece of rope exactly the same size of the strand back about 2 feet as as the hay rope, and lay it into the Tig. 1. A Broken Strand to Be Repaired. Fig. 2. Beady to Lay In the New Piece rig. 3. Starting to Lay In the New Strand in Repairing a Broken Strand 14 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES Pig 1 . 4. In laying- In the New Strand the Original Twist and Tension Must Be Maintained Fig-. 5. The New Strand Has Been Laid In Beady to be Secured at the Ends. place of the broken strand as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, great caution being taken to give the new strand its orig- inal twist and to draw it sufficiently tight, so that the old and new strands will have the same tension when the load is applied. We now have .the ends, as shown in Fig. 5. With each pair of ends, tie a simple knot, as shown in the upper rope in Fig. 6, caution being taken to avoid tying the knot shown in the lower half of the same picture. Pull the knots well down into the lay of the rope. Now weave each end in, always working from right to left in weaving, or at right angles to the twist or spiral. Work each end under the two strands, laying- next to the knot as with ends B and D in Fig. 7. Work the ends in a second time and then cut them off, leaving about a quarter of an inch extending out of the rope, as shown in Fig. 8. This completes the repairing of a broken strand. The rope will be stronger than its pre- vious dangerous condition, and if the repair is properly made, it will be hard to detect and will last as long as the rope is serviceable. If the hay rope is broken or breaks during the hay season, mend it with a long splice which can be quickly made with a little practice. The short splice should not be used in hay ropes. Proceed with the long splice as follows: 15 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY About 2Y-Z feet from the ends of the rope at the break, tie a piece of twine securely around the rope. Un- lay all three strands in each end back to the twines. Now bring the ends of the rope together securely so that each strand from one end lies alone between two strands of the other end, as shown in Fig. 9. Each strand from each end must now be paired with a corresponding strand from the other end, the strands of each pair standing in the same relation to each other as the strands in each other pair; for instance, in Fig. 9 strands 3 and 5 are paired and the other re- maining strands must now be paired in exactly the same way. The proc- ess now consists of unlaying one strand of each two pairs and laying into its place its mate from the other rope. In other words, strand 5 in Fig. 9 is unlaid and strand 3 is laid into its place toward the reader's right. Then strand 2 from the left rope is unlaid and its mate, strand 6, is laid into its place toward our left. The third pair of strands remains in the center. Cut off each strand so that about five inches remains and we will then have the partially com- pleted splice, as shown in Fig. 10. With each pair of ends, tie a simple knot exactly as shown in the upper half of Fig. 6 and weave the ends in just as we did when repairing a broken strand above. In making the splice great care must be taken to keep the original twist in all strands fig. 6. Tying 1 Ends In Repairing- a Broken Strand and in the Long- Splice. The Upper Simple Knot Is Correct. The Lower Knot Is Wrong Fig. 7. Weave in the Ends a* at B and D 16 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES laid in, and in pulling each just tight - enough so that it will carry its one- third of the load. A properly made long splice is hard to detect except where the ends protrude. It does not increase the diameter of the rope, and is the only splice which should be used where the rope runs over pulleys. The lengths of long splices for ordinary farm ropes of different sizes should be as follows: % Inch rope 4 feet % inch rope 5 feet 1 Inch rope 6 feet This means that each end to be spliced will be unlaid back only one- half these distances. The same dis- tances can be safely used for repair- ing broken strands where new strands are laid in. If you wish to "take the twist out" of a new rope before puting it into the hay rigging, tie one end of the rope to a light wagon and drag the rope about a meadow for twenty min- utes or so, drawing it sharply around a tree or post if possible. This treat- ment will lessen objectionable twist- ing and snarling, so troublesome with new ropes. Do not drag the rope out on a dirt road, as is often done. It is hardly necessary to caution the wise driver to turn his fork team al- ternately to the right and to the left to avoid twisting the hay rope. H. G. Brunning of Mason county, 111., who has had considerable experi- ence with alfalfa on sandy lands, says that when he seeds alfalfa again he will not use a nurse crop, as on light, sandy soils the young alfalfa plants need all the plant food they can get and should not be robbed by the nurse crop. Tig. 8. The Repair Completed Fig-. 9. Starting" the Long Splice 10. Beady to Tie the Knots in the Long- Splice. Ends 1, 2 and 3 Arc from Rope A. Ends 4, 5 and 6 Are from Rope B 17 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY LIVESTOCK FARMER'S MEDICINE CHEST By Dr. A. S. Alexander in Prairie Farmer. When a farmer can employ a com- petent graduate veterinarian at rea- sonable expense it always is best to do se, and in all serious cases such expert help should be used even if the expense will be considerable. Unfortunately it is not always pos- sible to find such an expert or he may live at such a distance that an ordinary or trivial case will not warrant the expense of his employment, or the nearest veterinarian may not be a properly qualified practitioner, or is one in whom the stockman has no confidence. For these reasons every owner of animals should keep some simple remedies on hand, and these are nec- essary even on farms where profes- sional assistance can readily be had. It should be understood, however, that the untrained farmer should not attempt the administration of strong poisons, alkaloids and many prepara- tions used hypodermically by a gradu- ate veterinarian. Such preparations are extremely dangerous in the hands of the layman and are liable to do much more harm than good. The trained surgeon also should be de- pended upon for all major operations. A cupboard may be set apart for storing medicines in a cool, dry place and where freezing will not occur in winter. A glass graduate and scales will be necessary for measuring and weighing medicines. Powdered drugs should be kept in tightly closed glass fruit jars and should be plainly labeled. They may soon lose their strength if exposed to the air. Poisons should b kept on a separate part of a shelf ^partitioned off for the purpose and 'away from simple, harmless drugs. Ointments, with the exception of fly blister, should be made up fresh at time of use. Liniment may be pre- pared and kept indefinitely if well corked. > The medicine case should also have a special division in which to keep a few instruments, bandages, suture silk and absorbent cotton; or better still, these may be kept in a handbag k.- f immediate use as required. The emergency bag should contain a roll of absorbent cotton, several rolled three-yard bandages of unbleached muslin in strips three inches wide, a pound or two of oakum, a spool of strong suture silk, half a dozen suture needles of assorted shapes and sizes, most of them large; a half-ounce, short-barreled, strong-nozzled hard rubber syringe, a two-ounce metal syringe, a cow trocar and canula for tapping a bloated animal, a pair of curved shears, a combination operat- ing knife containing a curved bistoury, a probe pointed bistoury and a strong straight scalpel, a few milking tubes and a teat bistoury, an artery forceps, metal probe, castrating knife and pair of horse clippers. These will suffice, but there are many other useful instruments such as a clinical thermometer, horse tro- car, catheter and dentistry "float," which may be added from time to time. Some of. the medicines to be listed later may also have a place in the emergency kit or bag, notably those needed for the treatment of wounds, and at hand should be a strong quart drenching bottle and ten feet of quarter-inch cotton rope with which to hold up a horse's head for drenching. A veterinary force pump is added on a large farm, but its place may be taken by three feet of new lawn sprinkling hose fitted with a large tin funnel. This is used to give a horse or cow a rectal injection. There should also be a six-foot piece of new half-inch rubber tubing for use in giving a cow or mare a vaginal injection. Simple necessary medicines may best be listed under the following special heads: Physics. Epsom and Glauber Salts. Average dose for an adult cow, one pound in 18 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES three pints of warm water. Dose for a horse, 12 ounces. Castor Oil. Especially useful for young animals. Dose for a calf or foal, from 1 to 6 tablespoonfuls shaken up in milk. Raw Linseed Oil (not boiled, which is poisonous). Average dose, one pint for constipation and to follow a dose of colic medicine, or contain medicine for colic. Barbados Aloes (freshly powdered). Average dose, one ounce, to be given to an adult horse as a "physic ball." Wound Medicines. Keep in stock one pint each of car- bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant and a gallon can of the latter for dipping and disinfecting purposes. Two tea- spoonfuls to a pint of water ordinarily makes a sufficiently strong solution. Bleeding is stopped by applying Mon- sel's solution of iron on oakum or cotton batting, or applying Monsel's powder. As a wound lotion also keep on hand a mixture of one ounce of sugar of lead and six drams of sul- phate of zinc in one pint of water. This is called "white lotion" and should be plainly labeled "poison" and well shaken before use. Dusting Powders. A dusting powder of equal parts of slacked lime, charcoal and sulphur is useful for application to surface wounds and sores. Boracic acid also is needed and a little iodoform may be added to keep flies away. Liniments. Keep on hand a pint (pound) each of turpentine and aqua ammonia. One ounce each of these mixed with a pint of soft water, in which two raw eggs have been shaken up and the mixture left for 24 hours, will make a good stimulating liniment; or one ounce of each may be mixed with 6 to 14 ounces of raw linseed oil to make a very strong or comparatively mild liniment. Lotions. "White lotion" for wounds has al- ready been mentioned. Equal quan- tities of lime water and raw linseed oil make "carron oil," an excellent lotion for burns. Two to four ounces of Goulard's extract and one to two ounces of glycerine in one quart of soft water form a useful lotion for scratches and mud fever of itchiness and "gumminess" of the legs. A good lotion for inflammation of the udder is made by mixing together one part each of fluid extracts of poke root and belladonna leaves and one part of tur- pentine with five parts of sweet oil, melted lard or camphorated oil. It is made weaker or stronger as required. Anodyne lotion for painful swellings is made by combining equal quantities of tinctures of opium, aconite, bella- donna and druggists' soap liniment. A small quantity of chloroform may be added. Mouth lotion consists of an ounce of powdered borax or alum in a quart of soft water; eye lotion of half a dram each of sulphate of zinc and fluid extract of belladonna in a quart of soft water. Tonics. Fowler's solution of arsenic is a good general tonic for rundown, thin, hidebound horses and those afflicted with chronic skin diseases or heaves (broken wind). The average dose is half an ounce (one tablespoonful) given night and morning until one quart has been given. The medicine may then be gradually discontinued, taking at least a week to the work. Dried sulphate of iron (copperas), dose one dram night and morning, is another good tonic, commonly com- bined with an equal dose of ground gentian root or ginger root, nux vomica, saltpeter and fenugreek as a condition powder. The dose is one tablespoonful of the combination of drugs mixed in the feed night and morning for ten days. Omit sulphate of iron for pregnant animals. Nux is poisonous and must therefore be given with care. It is most useful as a nerve tonic and appetizer. Colic Medicines. Keep in stock one pound each of laudanum (dose, 1 to 2 ounces); es- sence of ginger root (dose, 1 to 2 drams) ; sulphuric acid (dose, % to 1 ounce) ; turpentine (dose, 1 to 2 ounces); granular hpyosulphite of soda (dose, 1 to 4 ounces). A dose of each of the first three medicines in a pint of water containing two ounces of hpyosulphite of soda will prove effective for most colics. Two ounces of turpentine in a pint of raw linseed oil may be given for "wind" (flatulent) 19 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY colic, or following the other medicine when the pain of "cramp" (spasmodic) colic has subsided. Fever Medicines. Powdered saltpeter is an important drug for animals. It is given in the fever of influenza, founder (laminitis) or lymphangitis (milk leg, also for stocking of the legs and other large swellings. A dram is the average dose. Give it every four or six hours in fever, twice daily for swellings, or with tonics as a condition powder, and in double doses for founder or milk leg. Do not give it in colt distemper, when abscesses are forming. It may often be administered in drinking water or a bran mash or damp feed. It also is given in tablespoonful doses once or twice daily for garget of the cow. Beware of aconite often given for fever. It is too dangerous a poison to be safely used by anyone other than a trained doctor. Blister. An effective blistering ointment is made by melting together three parts of lard and one-quarter part of finely shaved yellow beeswax, and then stirring in one part of powdered can- tharides (Spanish fly). Stir in a tin dish until cold, then store in a capped glass fruit jar. It improves with age. When using this blister clip off the hair, wash ahe skin clean, dry it per- fectly. Tie the horse up short in his stall, rub the blister in for fifteen minutes and then smear on some more blister. Wash the blister off in 48 hours and then apply a little lard daily. Do not cover a blistered part, or rub it on the loins, or on top of the hips, or use it after a poultice, or on irritated skin, or in very hot or cold weather. Absorbents. Never be without tincture of iodine to swab on swollen glands, tumors, forming abscesses, ' bony growths, capped or puffed joints, indolent sores or wounds, canker of the mouth in pigs and ringworm spots. It also is useful to inject into abscesses fistula and lump jaw cavities. Iodine oint- ment is made by mixing one dram each of iodine crystals and iodide of potash in one ounce of lard. This is used on swellings, sore necks and shoulders, puffs of all sorts, tumors, forming 1 abscesses, ringworm spots and enlargements of the udder.** As an absorbent blister rub up one dram of biniodide of mercury with two ounces of the fly blister already men- tioned and use on bony growths, such as splints and ringbone, callouses, indolent sores, tumors of the udder. Worm Medicines. Gasoline is kept on most farms and in tablespoonful doses in six ounces of milk is the best remedy for, stomach worms in sheep. Lambs take less in proportion. Two ounces of turpen- tine in a pint of raw linseed oil is effective as a starting dose for a "wormy horse." Follow with worm powders composed of equal parts of salt, sulphur and dried sulphate of 'ron. Dose, one tablespoonful night and morning for a week, then skip ten days and repeat. Omit iron for preg- nant animals. For worms of swine give one teaspoonful of turpentine in slop for three consecutive days for each eighty pounds of body weight; or one dram of dried sulphate of iron in slop for five successive mornings for each hundred pounds of body weight. Where swine are known to be seriously infested with worms, give eight grains of santonin and five grains of calomel in a little slop for each hundred pounds of body weight. Divide the pigs into lots of five and give the medicine in a little slop after starving the animals for eighteen hours. Care must be taken to give only the doses here prescribed, else damage may be done. Disinfectants. In the paragraph on wound medi- cines it has been advised to keep car- bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant in stock. To these may be added for- maldehyde, bichloride of mercury tablets and permanganate of potash crystals. In disinfecting a stable a solution of four or five ounces of for- maldehyde to the gallon, or a 1-1,000 of bichloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) or a 1-30 solution of car- bolic acid or coal tar disinfectant should be used after a thorough clean- sing of the premises. For wounds a 1-1,000 solution of corrosive sublimate also is the most effective disinfectant and a 1-500 solution should bemused for disinfecting when a spore-form- ing germ, like that of anthrax, is pres- 20 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES ent. Permanganate of potash is a useful mild disinfectant (antiseptic and deodorizer) in a 1-5,000 to a 1-50 solution. The weaker solution is used lukewarm for vaginal injection pur- poses, while the 2 per cent solution is useful for injection into cavities from which come bad-smelling discharges and for swabbing sores (cankers) of the mouth. As a wound lotion it is usual to employ a 2 to 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid, or lysol, or coal tar disinfectant. Carbolic acid is also much used as an internal disin- fectant in contagious abortion. Two drams of the acid is well diluted with water and mixed in soft feed for each pregnant cow every other night throughout pregnancy. Peroxide of hydrogen one part and clean water two or three parts is a popular dis- infectant for cleansing foul wounds. Scour Medicines. The farm medicine chest would not be completely stocked without some remedies for diarrhoea or scours. A mixture of one part of salol and two parts of bismuth (first prescibed years ago by the writer) has become a standard remedy among farmers. The average dose is one teaspoonful given two or three times a day and washed down with milk or water. The dose may be doubled in bad cases and for larger calves and foals. Prepared chalk, powdered alum, sulphur, pow- dered catechu, rhubarb and ginger root are also much used for diarrhoea. Administering Medicines. Small doses of liquid medicine, such as the average two-ounce dose of a fever medicine or tonic solution, are best given by means of a half-ounce hard rubber syringe. Expert veteri- narians sometimes give such medicines or bad-tasting drugs in gelatine cap- sules, or in form of a "ball." Worm, condition and tonic powders are mixed in damp grain feed. A large dose of liquid medicine is termed a "drench" and is given from a strong, long-necked bottle. A few inches of rubber hose may be fitted on the neck of such a bottle. To drench a horse, back him into a tall, place a running noose of soft, small cotton rope or "clothes line" upon the upper incisor teeth, under the upper lip, and draw the noose tight, with the knot of the rope to the front Throw the loose end of the rope across an overhead beam, raise the horse's head, hold it there by means of the rope and pour the medicine into the mouth a little at a time until all is swallowed. Do not squeeze the throat of the horse when giving medicine and never pour the medicine into the nostril. If the horse will not swallow, pour a teaspoonful of cold water into a nostril and swal- lowing will instantly occur. To drench a cow, place her in a stanchion or tie her in a stall. Walk up on her right side (milking side). Pass the left hand across her face and into her mouth. Hold her head in a straight line forward and slightly ele- vated, not turned to one side. Pour the medicine very slowly into the right side of the mouth. Let the head down instantly if the medicine causes the cow (or horse) to cough. Fluid given too fast passes into the paunch and is practically wasted. Administered slowly, it largely goes to the third and fourth stomachs and absorption takes place in the latter. Sheep have to be very carefully drenched from a bottle to avoid chok- ing. Swine take medicine through a hole cut in the toe of an old shoe thrust into the mouth or from a short, strong rubber hose fitted in the neck of a strong bottle. Dogs take medi- cine in capsules inserted in meat or from a bottle or spoon emptied into a pouch formed of the lip and cheek. Avoid "doping" animals unneces- sarily. Medicine should only be given when the animal is sick, should be the right medicine, and is best pre- scribed by an expert. VALUE OF LABOR The United States Department of Agriculture found in 1855 that it re- quired four hours and 34 minutes of human labor to produce a bushel of corn. At the Minnesota experiment station it has been found recently that 45 minutes of human labor is about the average time required for the same work. In other words, human labor is worth six times as much as it was 60 years ago, due to the use of better machinery, better varieties of corn and better soil management. 21 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY SOME COMMON UNSOUNDNESSES By Dr. A. S. Alexander, in Prairie Farmer TAKE nothing for granted when buying a horse. One should make sure about doubtful things. If the eye cannot decide the mat- ter the hand may be employed to corroborate or disprove; but the eye should be the main dependence and the hand used only as a last resort. An Irishman does not like to buy a pig "in a poke." He wants to see and examine the "rint payer" and may even make the animal squeal to be sure that he is getting his money's worth. In just the same way one must make the most careful examination of every part of a horse, "size up" the entire combination of points and make sure that there is lack of vice, soundness of eyes, wind and limb, and perfect fitness for the special kind of work the animal will have to do. A famous veterinary teacher once called upon his senior students to ex- amine a lame horse and state in writ- ing what they thought was the cause of lameness. The horse had a splint, one sidebone and a small ringbone affecting the lame leg. To one or other of these three unsoundnesses each student in turn attributed the lameness. But one learns best by making mistakes and this truth was soon "rubbed in" by the teacher. Having collected the reports he told the smith who was standing by,, to. remove the shoe from the lame foot. Then a majority of the students no- ticed for the first time that the sole of the foot was covered with a thick leather pad. When the leather came off pus spurted from a nail prick wound which had been purposely hid- den. Lameness was due to the nail prick, not to splint, ringbone or side- bone, and the laugh was on the "boys." Never again would one of them be similarly caught and so a never - to - be - forgotten lesson was learned. Every intending purchaser should learn this lesson, too, and be a "doubting Thomas" until his hand's have felt where the eyes could not definitely decide a mooted point. Splint Curb 22 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES ,Seek- to deal with men of known integrity in business. If not expert, and the horse to be bought is a dear one, it will be good policy to employ a veterinarian to make a critical ex- amination. Better visit the stable when not expected and see the horse in the stall. There some things can be learned that will not be seen when the horse is warmed up. You should be able to enter and leave the stall on the left side of the horse, without being received with a bite or expelled with a kick. Note, too, if the horse digs a hole in the floor by pawing, or chews his manger and hay rack, which may indicate cribbing and wind suck- ing, or weaves from side to side, or pulls back on_the halter. Make him "stand over" and note if he jerks up a hind leg, or hops over. The hopping may indicate spavin lameness, which quickly disappears when the horse is warmed up. The jerking up of a hind leg may be accompanied by quivering of muscles and tail and such a horse is a "shiv- erer" or "crampy" and afflicted with incurable St. Vitus' dance. The symp- toms of the latter disease become more apparent as the horse backs out of the stall, but quickly subside with slight exercise. If the animal has "string halt" the jerking up of the hind legs is continued as long as the horse is in motion, he does not warn? out of it. When a horse is brought put for inspection "on a run" or "dead jump" it is impossible to detect spavin lameness or chorea and even string halt may not be noticed. This will be more certainly the case if the horse is turned loose in deep snow, or plowed land, or in a straw bedded pad- dock. This commonly is done. Some- times an old plug that has scarcely animation enough to get out of its own way will kick up, strut and trot, proud as a peacock, when suddenly the halter shank, previously cut part way through, breaks and the old pil- grim imagines he has broken loose by his own great strength. This trick is often tried. Never allow the dealer to keep the horse "in the air." After making an examination in the stall, watch the horse for a while as he stands at ease on a level floor. Maybe he cannot stand at ease. If a foot hurts, soon that foot will be thrust forward; if two hurt each will be advanced turn about; if four hurt the horse will rest each foot in turn. And do not forget to walk around the horse that every part may meet the eye. Often one side is a pretty pic- ture, the other marred. See both sides, for often the animal is turned toward the wall if an eye is out, a big bare spot present or some unsound- ness there that had best be kept hid- den. A "watch" or "wall" eye can see, but it is unsightly. The tour of inspection around the horse discloses all such blemishes. Remember about not buying a pig in a poke, so remove the blanket from all fancy harness and see that the halter has no springs and trusses to press down upon the nostrils to pre- vent high blowing and "roaring." Many a man has neglected to remove a horse's hood before buying and af- terward has discovered that it hid a cropped, lopped, or split ear, fistula of the base of the ear, a "poll evil" or some unsightly blemish. Don't get too close to the horse when making the preliminary exam- ination. Ex-Governor Hoard, of Wis- consin, once said that in farm business matters a man may hold a cent piece so close to his eye that it keeps him from seeing a big silver dollar a little further off. So if one rushes up and grabs a foot, before viewing what the French term the tout ensemble the assemblage of all points he misses the comprehensive estimate of the horse as a whole and that is of most importance. When one has looked the horse over from a little distance and from all points of view and has seen how the animal stands and be- haves it will be time enough to scru- tinize each component part of his an- atomy. First we shall see him move away and back, at a walk, then at a trot, and finally we shall gallop him. Be there when he stops and so decide as to the soundness of his "wind." It is not enough to test the "wind" by standing the horse close to a wall and suddenly threatening to strike him with a whip. The sudden fright may cause the animal to grunt loudly, but this does not necessarily prove that such a "bull" is unsound in wind. Many sound horses grunt when so threatened, or even when one goes to mount. In the latter instances it is a nervous "expression" and nothing 23 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sidebone Spavin serious. When watching the horse at rest one should note that he does not heave at the flanks, cough or pass gas from the rectum. These are the symptoms of "heaves"; but the "heavey" horse may be "shut" or "doped" with drugs so that tempo- rarily the symptoms do not show. Usually they will quickly appear if the horse is given all the hay and water he wants and then is galloped. Roaring sometimes is temporarily re- lieved by plugging the nostrils with a sponge or squeezed half lemon. Discharge is also prevented by this means. It is best to locate these at once than have them sneezed into the feed box when the horse is yours. At both walk and trot the horse should go straight, level and true, each joint perfectly fixed, the soles of the feet well turned up, as he goes away, and no "padding," "winging," in or put, "forging," stumbling or toe dragging noticeable. Lameness should be absent. If the horse passes muster when in motion and his style, action and conformation are suitable, he next may be critically examined as he stands at rest. He should stand square and firm on each foot. The profile of the front and back of each leg should show no abnormal bends, curves, puffs, swellings, or lumps. If any one of these things is seen its nature will have to be carefully deter- mined. The eyes should be sound and of the same color. The pupils should dilate in the dark and contract when the horse is brought into the light. Angular, wrinkled eyebrows and sunken eyes denote previous attacks of "moon blindness" (periodic oph- thalmia). "Smoky" or "opaque," or "pearl grey," or "curdy" appearance of the cornea (anterior chamber of the eye) denote more serious stages of the disease or blindness from cataract or glaucoma. A brilliant sparkling prominent eye (glassy eye") may be stone blind from paralysis of the ret- ina and optic nerve. The ears should neither be absolutely unused, nor ab- normally active. The former may in- dicate deafness; the latter, impaired vision, nervousness or vice. See that a thread from ear to ear under the forelock, does not keep lop ears upright and that a leaden ball, suspended from a thread in the ear, is not preventing undue motion. The horse should let one handle his ears, his poll (back of ears), the top of the neck, where the color will bear, and the withers, where fistulous openings or their scars so commonly are found. Fighting against such handling indi- cates a reason for fear and the rea- son usually is that a twitch has been used on the ear and the horse may be hard to shoe, have sore neck from the collar, poll evil or fistulous with- ers, or have suffered a previous opera- tion for such disease. Handle each part upon which har- ness will have to bear and see that 24 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES it is sound and free from sores, tu- mors or abcesses. The nostrils should be large, under command of the will, rosy pink inside, not slit and free from abnormal discharge. See that the breath does not smell foul and that the teeth are sound and the jaws not under or over "short." Examine the back. It should be strong, broad, straight, free from sores and well muscled. Pinching the loins is un- necessary. A ticklish horse will squat when so handled but the test does not detect weak kidneys. Note that the ribs are well sprung, the underline fairly straight, the abdomen capacious, the flank not tucked up and the coupling short and strong. See that no wounds or abscesses are present high up on the right flank, as the re- sult of tapping for flatulant colic. With the left hand on the horse's loin, as a support, stoop and examine sheath, or udder as the case may be, and other parts high up in the groins. , Examine the tail, which should be strong, not artificial ("joined on") and not rubbed bare from itchiness. Lift it and see that the black skin below is free from tumors, the anus clean, well pursed up, free from scurvy sub- stances or streaks of mucous; or, in the mare, that the space between rec- tum and vulva is intact and that no discharge comes from the latter. Looking from the rear, compare one hip with the other. If one is "knocked down" that side will be steep. At each side of the tail is the tuberosity of the ischium. Like the point of the hip (ilium) this often is fractured, leaving one side depressed. All parts of the shoulders, neck, barrel and hindquar- ters should be smoothly and deeply covered with sound muscles. Now _ examine each hoof. Cracks, rings, ridges and mealiness should be absent, frogs and bars prominent, soles slightly concave, heels wide, cor- onets (hoof heads) open and strong, hoofs waxy, smooth and ample in size. Object to a horse that has steep nar- row heels with a deep cleft in frog, also one that has chronic corns, chronic thrush, "dropped" (convex) soles, or hoof walls showing toe or quarter cracks. Make sure that the elbows are free from hard or soft tumors or abcesses called "shoe boils" and that the knees are free from hairless scars and are straight, wide, deep and strong. All joints should be large, clean, bony and strong. This is of the greatest importance. The joints cannot be too large so long as the size is made up of large, clean, sound bones, ligaments and tendons. Beware of puffs, meati- ness and bony growths which give the wrong sort of size. The knees should have perfect flexion, no matter what work the horse has to do. They should not be bent forward (buck knees) nor bent backward (calf knees). Splints close to the knee are serious; but low down, on an adult horse, they are practically harmless, unless struck by a shoe. Splints, ring- bones and spavins are bony excres- censes. Splints come on the cannon bones, along the course of the splint bones (small metacarpals and metatar- sals). Ringbones are found high, medium or low, on the long pastern, and often involve the short pasterns. Bone spavins are found at the lower, front, inner aspect of the hock joints. Bog spavins are soft bursal distensions of the hock joints, above and in front of the seat of bone spavins. Thoro- pins are bursal distensions seen at the sides of the hocks, towards the rear and when pressed on one side bulge out on the opposite side. "Wind galls" are similar puffs in connection with the tendons at and just above the fetlock joints. A curb appears as a hard enlargement giving a rounded bulging contour to the profile of the back of the hock joint, looking from the side. Splints are most easily seen by standing in front of the horse, then examining further by feeling the parts involved, first with the foot standing down firm, then with it off the ground. Ringbones are best seen from a side view of the profile of the long pas- tern. The hand may have to help in their detection. To examine for spav- ins look between the forelegs at the inner, lower profile of each hock. The hard "knob* on one hock probably will prove to be a bone spavin. A small spavin is called a "jack" and it is apt to prove serious and grow to be a large spavin. Spavin may also be detected from a quartering 1 view of the hock, or fro;n the rear. 25 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CARE OF HORSES From Prairie Farmer. Here are a few rules prepared by the Boston Work Horse Relief Asso- ciation that may as well be observed on the farm as in the city: Load lightly, and drive slowly. Stop in the shade if possible. Water your horse as often as pos- sible. So long as a horse is working, water in small quantities will not hurt him. But let him drink only a few swallows if he js going to stand still. Do not fail to water him at night after he has eaten his hay. When he comes in after work, sponge off the harness marks and sweat, his eyes, his nose, and mouth, and the dock. Wash his feet, but not his legs. If the thermometer is 75 degrees or higher, wipe him all over with a damp sponge. Use vinegar water if possible. Do net turn the hose on him. Saturday night, give a bran mash, lukewarm; and add a tablespoonful of saltpeter. If the horse is overcome by heat, get him into the shade, remove har- ness and bridle, wash out his mouth, sponge him all over, shower his legs, and give him two ounces of aromatic spirits of ammonia, or two ounces of sweet spirits of nitre, in a pint of water; or give him a pint of coffee, warm. Cool his head at once, using cold water, or, if necessary, .chopped ice, wrapped in a cloth. If the horse is off his feed, try him with two quarts of oats mixed with bran and a little water, and add a little salt or sugar. Or give him oatmeal gruel or barley water to drink. Watch your horse. If he stops sweating suddenly, or if he breathes short and quick, or if his ears droop, or if he stands with his legs braced sideways, he is in danger of a heat or sun stroke and needs attention at once. If it is so hot that the horse sweats in the stable at night, tie him outside, with bedding under him. Unless he cools off during the night, he cannot well stand the next day's heat. SOLDERING By P. O. Barnfield, in Prairie Farmer. Soldering is so simple and is use- ful in so many different ways that one naturally supposes every farmer would have a soldering outfit if he thought he could use it to advantage. On this supposition I beg to offer some suggestions which have come from actual experience. No special ability or experience is required. It is, of course, true that deftness and accurancy naturally fol- low experience, but good results will as surely follow if one will keep the following points in mind. The soldering outfit consists of a soldering copper (good size, not un- der two pounds), a bar of half and half solder, a piece of salammoniac, and a small bottle of muriatic acid with a small brush for applying. Heat the soldering copper not red hot but about the same as a flat iron would be heated for ironing clothes, wipe off the dust on a rag, take a file and rub the surface at the point till copper is clean and bright, then press the hot copper down the sal- ammoniac till it makes a depression. Place the end of the bar of solder in this depression and with the cop- per melt off two or three drops of solder. Remove the bar and rub the copper hard into the depression, but not so as to push the solder out over the edge. Keep this up till the cop- per is well coated with a smooth bright coat resembling tin. You are now ready for business. Remove every particle of dirt from the parts intended to be soldered. Usually it is necessary to scrape the surface with a knife or file if greasy or very dirty, and then with a small brush apply the muriatic acid. Rub the surface with the brush to remove particles. Now rub surface to be soldered with the hot copper, using solder as de- sired. If the solder stands in globules and does not spread over the surface it is because there is some foreign matter between the solder and the sur- face and the cleaning process should be repeated with more care. f Solder will stick to almost any kind of metal if there is no foreign matter on the surface. Since the parts of a 26 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES copper under the tinned surface are easily . melted, it should never be heated to a red heat. ; In mending granitewear or copper, a copper harness rivet or a tinner's rivet may be inserted after cleaning the surface around the hole. Get the boys started to makinj measures and buckets, funnels and flue caps. Ask that these be made a specific size and see how quickly they will grapple with problems in mensuration. It also might keep them out of town some evenings. HOW TO JUDGE TRACTOR HORSEPOWER From Prairie Farmer. Nearly everyone knows the defini- tion of a "horsepower" as given in school arithmetics, etc., namely, "the power required to raise a weight of 33,000 pounds to a height of 1 foot rn one minute." As this is a definite, fixed unit of power, one would natur- ally suppose that the horsepower rat- ings of two tractors would be a logical and reliable means of compar- ing their ability to perform work; that a tractor rated at 30 horsepower on the drawbar would be twice as powerful and capable of doing twice as much work as one rated at 15 horsepower on the drawbar, for ex- ample. This supposition would be correct but for the fact that there has been no definite standard used in ascertaining the horsepower devel- oped by tractors and the percentage of the power actually developed which should be taken for their catalogue rating. The various manu- facturers have followed their own judgment in the matter, and as a re- sult several methods of rating are being used, with a consequent lack of uniformity. It is because of this fact that at the present time it is quite common to find two tractors doing practically the same amount of work and clearly of about equal power although with widely different catalog ratings. It is obvious that either the outfit with a low catalog rating has been under- rated by its manufacturer or that the second machine has been overrated, or perhaps both have occurred. It would seem advisable, therefore, that steps be taken to bring about a stand- ard rule for ascertaining and desig- nating the horsepower of tractors. It is not so important, perhaps, what particular method is followed so long as the' same method is used by aTI manufacturers, thus avoiding having machines of the same power given such varying ratings. 27 A movement is already on foot in the department to bring about the adoption of some standard. Until one has been decided upon and adopted, it is suggested that farmers, in com- paring different makes of tractors, should give particular attention to the number of plows pulled and the amount of work done by the various machines, and that less attention be paid to the catalog ratings. When outfits can be seen working side by side, as at the tractor dvrnion- strations which are being held throughout the country, the amount of work done is of more value in comparing the relative power than are the manufacturers' ratings, unless ex- actly the same method has been used in each case. It is obvious that two tractors- each pulling the same number of plows of equal size, at equal depth, in the same soil, and each moving at the same speed are exerting practi- cally equal amounts of power on the drawbar. In such case, if each is pull- ing its normal load, they should have the same drawbar rating. It is not at all uncommon, however, as previ- ously stated, to find tractors under such conditions with widely different, ratings. By using as a standard the amount of work done by different tractors therefore a very fair com- . parison of the drawbar horsepower can be obtained. With this known, a good idea of the power of the motor can be gained. If in the case just mentioned, one of the machines was considerably heavier than the other, it is apparent that it would require more power to move its own weight and that it would therefore not be capable of exerting on the drawbar as large a percentage of the motor's total power as would the other ma- chine, assuming that the loss of power through gears, etc., in the transmission was the same. It natur- ally follows that the motor on the PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY heaviest machine would develop more power on the belt than would the one on the lighter outfit. The terms "brake" or "belt" horse- power mean exactly the same thing and are used to denote the amount of power which the engine will develop and transmit to a belt for stationary work, such as threshing. This amount of power may be computed by differ- ent formulas or may be ascertained definitely by actual measurement with a proper apparatus. This accounts for some of the lack of uniformity in rat- ings. Some companies carefully measure the amount of power devel- oped by each engine before it leaves the factory and then give their engine a catalogue rating equivalent to its maximum power output; others will deduct a certain amount from the maximum .horsepower as ascertained and rate their engine at various per- centages of this figure in order to be on the safe side, and to underrate their outfit rather than overrate it, while some companies do not measure the amount of power the engine actu- ally develops, but compute it. With the diameter of cylinder, the length of stroke, and the number of revolu- tions per minute known, the horse- power which will be developed by an engine can be computed with a fair degree of accuracy, although there are a number of formulas used, several of which give somewhat different results. In comparing' the power of two tractors the speed at which they are moving must always be considered. A tractor pulling two plows at 2 miles an hour will do the same amount of work as one pulling one plow and traveling at 4 miles an hour, other conditions being equal, and the horse- power developed at the drawbar is the same, because the element of time enters into the determination of horsepower. The slower any given tractor is geared to move the greater will be the load which it can pull at the drawbar, as it pulls it less rapidly. The amount of work done and the total amount of power exerted will remain practically the same. It is obvious that in the case men- tioned the tractor pulling one plow and running twice as fast as the one pulling two plows must move its own weight over the ground twice as many times as will the other tractor. If the weight of the two tractors is the same, it will be seen that twice as much power has been expended in moving the weight of the high-speed tractor as has been used by the one with low speed. A great many farmers find it diffi- cult to understand why a tractor of, say, 10 horsepower at the drawbar will not pull as heavy a load as will 10 horses. This is not because a me- chanical horsepower is less than the amount of power developed by a horse, but is because of the fact that a horse has an enormous overload capacity that is, he is capable of ex- erting for a short time a great deal stronger pull than he should normally maintain hour after hour. A tractor, however, has very little overload capacity when pulling its normal load. Thus, if a tractor with a drawbar rating of 10 horsepower pulling its normal load of plows under average conditions should strike a particularly hard spot where the draft was doubled for a few minutes it would stall; while 10 horses under similar conditions could readily in- crease their pull sufficiently to meet the increased draft. From this it will be seen that in cases where the draft will vary (and this occurs in practically all kinds of farm work because of grades, soil variation, etc.) the load which a tractor will handle satisfactorily is that which it can pull up the steepest grade or through the toughest soil in the field. This load may be only half of what it can pull under more favor- able conditions in the same field. It will also be apparent that the working load of a tractor under ordinary farm conditions is considerably less than the normal load for its drawbar equiv- alent in horses, that is, a tractor of 10 horsepower on the drawbar will not pull, except under constantly favor- able conditions, the load which a 10- horse team would normally pull. The difference might be said to be entirely in the overload capacity of these tw- prime movers. With a tractor its maximum power is practically its normal power because it is capable of pulling this load continuously, but cannot carry anything in excess of this. On the other hand, the horse's normal load is much less than what he can do in an emergency. FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES LIGHTNING RODS PROTECT BUILDINGS From Prairie Farmer. "It is generally agreed now that lightning rods, properly installed, do afford a considerable measure of pro- tection to farm buildings, a fact which is indicated by the more favorable in- surance rates which many insurance companies offer in insuring farm build- ings that are properly rodded," says K. J. T. Ekblaw of the department of farm mechanics, University of Illinois. "One insurance company of Michi- gan states that the small sum of $32 has been paid in four years for dam- age done to rodded buildings by light- ning, although a total risk of fifty-five million dollars was taken. Another company taking risks amounting to fifty-nine million dollars, in the same period of time on both rodded and un- rodded buildings, paid for damage done by lightning more than a thou- sand times as much as the other com- pany paid on wired buildings. A prominent fire insurance adjuster states that in his experience, for every dollar's worth of damage done to properly rodded buildings, there was $1,168 damage done to unrodded ones. In other words, there was indicated on efficiency of 99.9 per cent in favor of wired ones. "Some of the points to be kept in mind in installing a system of light- ning rod protection are as follows: "(1) Either copper or galvanized iron may be used for lightning con- ductors. The cable form is satisfac- tory and the weight of the copper should be at least three ounces per foot, while that of the galvanized iron should be twice as much. "(2) All parts of the wiring should be connected up into one system. No blind ends or stubs should be left un- grounded. Joints should be made very securely and the contact made as perfect as possible by soldering and brazing. '"(3) The conductor should be firmly fastened to the building in- stead of being insulated from it, as is sometimes done. The purpose of the conductor is to take the light- ning charge away from the building; insulation prevents this. "(4) The conductors should fol- low ridges and sharp corners in the buildings. No sharp turns in the con- ductor itself should be made. "(5) Aerial terminals should be lo- cated at the ends of ridges and on the ridges at intervals not to exceed 20 feet. Any terminal point on the roof should have an aerial terminal of its own. The aerial terminals should be at least two feet high, firmly braced in upright position, securely fastened to the main cable, and provided with a galvanized or nickeled wrought iron point. "(6) Good earth connections are absolutely necessary. Commonly ac- cepted forms consist of a metal plate buried below the level of permanent moisture, into the soil to a depth of eight or ten feet, securely fastened to the conductor itself. "(7) All metal masses, such as metal roofs, radiators, hay fork tracks, etc., should be connected to the main system. "(8) Use good materials, install them properly, and no fear of light- ning need be felt." WHEN THE BELT SLIPS From Prairie Farmer. The slipping of belts is a great an- noyance, but it is not always remedied by tightening the belt. Ordinarily, if the proper-sized belts and pulleys are used and properly put in, there should be little or no slipping at all. Often the slipping of a belt is due to the overload carried by it. There is economy in using wider belts than is the usual practice. Many a three-inch belt is made to do the work of a four- inch belt, much to the annoyance of the operator and the ruin of the belt. However, when an immediate rem- edy is needed, a small quantity of powdered whiting, sprinkled on the inside of the belt, is very good and is the least harmful of any similar appli- cation. The use of beeswax, rubbed on the inside of the belt or on the pulley is a very good remedy in cases of emer- gency. Many people use powdered rosin on a slipping belt but this is bad practice because it soon dries the leather and causes it to crack. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CHAS. T. MACKNESS, Pres. THEO. C. HAGEL, Treas. M. R. RANGE, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. The Place Where Your Money Goes Farthest JACKSONVILLE FARM SUPPLY CO. The Only Wholesale and Retail FARM IMPLEMENT DEALERS in Central Illinois Jobbers in Buggies, Wagons, Farm Im- plements, Bale Ties, Pumps, Pipe, Etc "WHERE QUALITY RULES AND SERVICE IS KING" One Price and a Square Deal to All. Your money's worth and then some, for we make the Price. Service Cor. N. West and Court Sts. ^ ervice atisfaction N. East of Court House Satisfaction uccess lAr-f crkM\/n i v n i iwnic Success 30 Farm Home of W. L. Leach, Morgan County, 111. Abbreviations Used in this Directory a Acres; Ch Children; O Owner; T Tenant or Renter; R Rural Route; Sec Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses ( ); figures at end of informa- tion year became resident of county. Name of farm follows names of children in quotation marks. In case of a tenant, the farm owner's name follows the figures giving size of farm. Name of farm (in case farm is named) follows names of children, in quotation marks. EXAMPLE Anderson, John (Delia Bonds) Ch Mildred M., John B., Anna M., Agnes; Chapin R2 Sec5 Pct96 T15 R12 T50a M. S. Anderson (1884) Means Anderson, John Name. (Delia Bonds) Wife's maiden name. Ch Mildred M., John B., Anna M., Agnes Children, named Mildred M., John B., Anna M., Agnes. Chapin R2 Postoffice Chapin R. F. D. 2. SecS Pct96 T15 R12 Section 5, Precinct 96, Township 15, Range 12. TSOa Tenant on 50 acres. M. S. Anderson Owner's name. (1884) Lived in county since 1884. Abernathy, J. H. (Emma Kershaw) Ch Allen, Eva, Grace, Earl, Roy; Concord Rl Sec27 Pct91 T16 Rll O240a (1872) Abernathy, R. Earl (Ella Foraker) Ch Dwight, Wilbur, Eileen; Concord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 T75a L. F. Bayless (1884) Acom, Arthur (Eva Killan) Ch Eliza- beth; Chapin R3 Sec4 Pct94 T15 Rll O113a (1882) Acom, Mrs. George Ch Bertha, Ar- thur; Chapin R3 Sec4 Pct94 T15 Rll O4a (1854) 31 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Adams, Fred (Ellen Ellis) Ch Ruth M.; Alexander Rl SeclO Pct9 T14 R8 O120a (1872) Adams, J. O. (Emma Mason) Ch John, Sadie, Pearl, Leo M., Lula; Woodson Sec4 Pct44 T13 RIO Farm Hand W. E. McCurley (1875) Adkins, John (Maud Adkins) Ch Vera, John T., Armour, Oakley; Prentice Sec7 Pctl7 T16 R8 O300a (1895) Ador, Murwin (Thelma Arnold) Jacksonville R6 Sec25 Pct63 T15 RIO Farm Hand Amos D. Arnold (1897) Alderson, Albert (Marie Austin) Ch Helen, Virginia; Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 T160a Frank W. Thomas (1895) Alderson, George (Emma Th6mas) Ch Albert, Orin, Robert, Lolah, Charles, George; Waverly R3 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 O220a (1873) Alderson, Henry Ch Vivian, Mary, Floyd, Martha; Chapin R3 Seel Pct9 T15 R12 O186a (1867) Alderson, John E. (Mary Taylor) Ch Roy, Taylor, Wilbur, Marie, Joseph; Chapin Rl Sec35 Pctl04 T16 R12 O285a (1861) Aldridge, WUliam H. (Leila Adams) Ch William, Mary J.; Bluffs Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 Farm Man- ager Dr. Nevle (1917) Alexander, Harrison (Susie Slagle) Ch Alice, Delia, Jesse, Lexie, Mamie, Herschell, Dorothy A.; Alexander Rl Sec8 PctlO T14 R8 Farm Hand Sam Nunes (1917) Alexander, J. W. (Lillian Sevier) Ch Virgil L.; Alexander Rl Seel Pct25 T14 R9 TlOOa James Leadell (1897) Alexander, Robert R. (Martha J. Long) Ch Anna, Ellen, Benjamin, Elizabeth. Ida, Albert S., Robert M.; Franklin R2 Sec8 Pct21 T13 R9 O33a (1870) Alexander, R. M. (Lillian Johnson) Ch Orville, Susie, Francis, Carl; "John Laugherty Pepper Hill" Murrayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO Farm Hand John Lougherty (1873) Alford, Ernest Franklin Rl Sec22 Pct23 T14 R9 T180a Alford Est. (1892) Alhorn, Henry (Louise Gansman) Ch Walter W., Henry J., Hugh H., Louise E.; Meredosia SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O80a (1905) Allan, J. F. (Lena Waterfield) Ch Bernetta, Donald; Jacksonville R2 Sec4 Pct61 T14 Rll T152a L. Groves (1889) Allan, J. R. (Elizabeth Groves) Ch William, Floyd; Jacksonville R2 SeclO Pct62 T14 Rll (1862) Allan, William H. (Lillie Worrall) Ch Charles, Thelma, Robert, Mildred; Jacksonville R2 Secll Pct59 T14 Rll T60a John R. Allan (1888) Allen, Benjamin (Hannah Rehmeier) Ch Dorothy, Helen, Morris, Jessie, Ed, James; Jacksonville R8 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO T178a J. M. Allison (1864) Allen, Bert (May Moore) Ch Arnold B., Allen E., Gleda M., Richard L.; Jacksonville R5 Secl9 PctSS T14 R9 Farm Hand R. B. Oxley (1884) Allen, J. D. (Ada Covey) Ch Argyl; Waverly Rl Sec21 Pctl2 T14 R8 Farm Hand I. L. Sears (1917) Allen, John R. (Laura Payne) Ch Charles W., Henry B., Nellie M., Jessie, John E., Doris W., Dorothy L., Gladys L., Anna L.; "Green Hill Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec34 Pct71 T16 RIO T180a Mr. GNlian (1908) Allen, J. D. (Viola Perrottet) Ch Olad, Robert, Irene, Marguerite; Waverly R2 Sec27 Pct7 T13 R8 T180a Nanna Hobson (1913) Allen, J. H. (Emma Tabb) Ch Myrtle, Alma, George, Leonard, Emmett, Harry W., Gilbert; Franklin R3 Secl9 Pctll T14 R8 Farm Hand James Bond (1905) Allen, Samuel (Jessie Decker) Ch Eugene, Lloyd, Aileen, Frances, Lucile; Ashland Rl SecS Pct38 T16 R9 T130a Mrs. K. Brown (1909) Allen, Thomas (Minnie Stone) Ch Willis, Mollie, Maud; "Farm View Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec23 Pct85 T15 Rll O80a (1888) Allen, William (Lila Winner) Ch Dorothy, Mabel, James, Velma, Julia, Richard, Clarence; Alexander Rl SecS Pctl4 T15 R8 Farm Hand Joe Berchschneider (1911) Allen, William E. (Nellie McGillen) Ch Loren; Sinclair Rl Sec20 Pct39 T16 R9 T2a Clark Est. (1905) Allen, W. T. Ch Roy L., Reno E., Margaret, Frances, Leo; Waverly R3 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 T60a Mary Caldwell (1913) Alves, Emanuel (Mary Alves) Ch William, John, Ben, Eliza, Mary; Jacksonville R7 Sec2 PctSl T15 Rll O114a (1845) 32 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Ambrose, Dock (Johny. Stubblefield) Ch Georgia, James, Howard; Con- cord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 Farm Hand A. Brockhause (1915) Ames, C. H. (Eugenia McPhail) Ch George; Jacksonville R4 Sec8 Pct61 T15 RIO OSOa (1899) Anderson, Carl O. (Laura Payne) Ch Robert, Charles, Paul, Raymond; Jacksonville R6 Franklin Sec28 Farm Hand Edwin Drury (1904) Anderson, Charles (Kate Rook) Ch William, May; Jacksonville R8 Sec9 Pct62 T15 OlOa (1869) Anderson, George W. (Nina Pond) Ch Eva, William, French; "Maple Hill" Chapin Rl Sec4 Pct95 T1S R12 T215a Mrs. C. S. French (1887) Anderson, Horace C. (Emma Mark- ham) Ch Lloyd T., Doris J., Verne M.; Chapin Rl Sec4 Pct95 T15 R12 T185a Mrs. M. S. Anderson (1869) Anderson, John (Delia Bonds) Ch Mildred M., John B., Anna M., Agnes; Chapin R2 SecS Pct96 T15 R12 T50a M. S. Anderson (1884) Anderson, J. C. (Margaret E. Luby) Ch John, Clayton, Mary, Louise, Helen, Rosie; Franklin Rl Sec26 Pct30 T14 R9 T128a R. Dodsworth (1887) Anderson, Martin L. (Margaret Bout- ware) Ch Beatrice M., Ronald F. ; Franklin Sec31 Pctl3 T14 R8 O15a (1887) Anderson, W. S. (Elizabeth Major) Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct6 T13 R8 O90a (1912) Anderton, Sarah E. (Waune) Ch William R., Alberta E.; Franklin R2 Secl3 Pctl3 T13 R9 O82^a (1845) Andrews, Earnest G. (May Butler 1 ) Ch Elizabeth, Beatrice, Evelyn; Sinclair Rl Sec33 Pct40 T16 R9 Farm Hand Lester Hart (1906) Angelo, Elihu R. (Sarah E. Cittick) Ch Ollie, Cora, Oliver; Murrayville Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 Rll O270a (1837) Ansemus, Charles (Lena Stockton) Ch Dora; Sinclair Rl SeclS Pct37 T16 R9 Tla (1916) Antle, Thomas B. (Dicey Rhoarls) Ch Amy, Flossie, David, Thomas R., Norman, Mary E.; Jacksonville R6 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 T60a J. Woods (1876) Arendell, John C. (Flora Ash) Ch Mildred, Thurman, Ross. Ilene: Murrayville R2 Pct73 T13 Rll (1917) Aring, Mathias (Minnie Berghouse) Ch Mary, John, Anna, Clara, Al- bert, Ella; Chapin R2 Sec6 Pct96 T15 R12 (1869) Armstrong, Edward (Laura Alderson) Jacksonville R3 Secl2 Pct59 T15 RIO OlOOa (1869) Armstrong, M. W. (Mandie Wilder) Waverly R3 Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 TISOa Hardman Est. (1861) Arnett, S. M. (Nora Dudderar) Wav- erly R3 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 Tla Mrs. Nancy J. Rynders (1915) Arnold, Amos D. (Lena A. Cully) Ch Thelma, Elizabeth; Jacksonville R6 Sec25 Pct63 T15 RIO T417a Eliza- beth Arnold (1872) Arnold, J. William (Florence M. En- nis) Ch James, Elliott, Richard, Leavitt, Frances; Arnold 'Secl9 Pct34 T15 R9 O713a (1874) Ater, James (Elizabeth Mallicote) Ch Ollie, Florence, Lea; Arenzville R2 Seel Pct66 T16 RIO OSOa (1850) Ater, William (Elizabeth Bridgeman) Ch Elizabeth E., James E., Wil- liam, Olla P.; Arenzville R2 Secl2 Pct66 T16 RIO OSOa (1852) Atkinson, George (Maggie Allen) Ch Ethel, Mamie, Gracie, Nora, John; Murrayville R3 Sec21 Pct48 T13 RIO O60a (1911) Ator, Ashford (Grace Abernathy) Ch Floyd, Trella, Paul; Concord Rl Sec27 Pct91 T16 Rll (1876) Aufdenkamp, Charles H. (Anna Per- bix) Ch Eiwin C, Paul B., Delbert E., Anna M.; Chapin Rl Sec36 Pctl04 T16 R12 O365a (1892) Aufdenkamp, Henry E. (Sophia Ger- both, Deceased) Ch Adelia; Chapin Rl SeclS Pct99 T16 R12 O180a (1871) Austif, E. P. (Leana Miller) Ch Rus- sell: Waverly R3 Sec24 Pct24 T13 R9 O80a (1879) Austif, Vern (Nancy Ledridge) Ch John W., Ralph J., Bertha A.; Franklin R2 Sec34 Pctl3 T13 R9 O400a (1877) Austif, Vern (Nancy Ledridge) Ch Athill, Melvin; Waverly R3 Sec26 Pct24 T13 R9 O90a (1885) Austin, -Charles (Joanna Roach) Ch Anna, Clara M., Florence P., Charles O., Sophia, Josephus, Mil- dred, Dorothy O., George H.; Waverly Sec3 Pct2 T13 R8 T260a George Caruthers (1857) Austin, C. A. (Ada Newton) Ch Mary K., Edgar N., Elsie M., Charles H.; Waverly Rl Sec4 Pct2 T13 R8 OlOOa (1900) 33 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY B Bacon, Andrew J. (Frances L. Bos- ton) Ch Ella, Moy; "Walnut Grove Farm" Jacksonville R3 Secl4 Pct63 T15 RIO O225a (1877) Bacon, Carl (Ruth Wagstaff) Ch Helen, Clarence; Murrayville R2 Secl9 Pctl9 T13 RIO T68a R. W.ig- staff (1893) Bacon, J. A. (Bessie M. Mapes) Ch Anna, Thelma; Woodson Rl Sec30 Pct58 T14 RIO T200a Duffner Est. (1885) Bailey, John Ch Emma, Sarah, Fan- nie, Catherine, William; Prentice Secl2 Pct36 T16 R9 O50a (1864) Baker, Charles (May Cravens) Ch Jessie, George; Waverly R2 Sec35 Pct7 T13 R8 T250a P. D. Cravens T250a (1884) Baker, George A. (Eva M. Jeffers) Ch Laveta F.; Franklin Rl Sec22 Pct30 T14 R9 Farm Hand S. H. McDevitt (1902) Baker, J. R. (Florence Wade) Ch Oliver, Zelma, George, Lucy, Henry, Clyde, Vernon; Franklin Rl Sec21 Pct29 T14 R9 T80a H. Hamlet (1902) Baker, Oliver (Delia Mills) Ch Carrie, Wilma, Bertha; Jacksonville R5 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand Iven Wood (1901) Baker, Thomas (Ella Blankenship) Jacksonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 Farm Hand W. F. Dannerberger (1914) Baker, Vernon (Cora Ausmus) Ch Paul, Herman; Murrayville Sec7 Pct45 T13 RIO T780a M. M. New- comb and J. K. Cunningham (1899) Baker, William (Laura Hewitt) Ch Frank, Bessie, Elsie, Anna, Lucile, John, Otis; Waverly R2 Sec36 Pct6 T13 R8 TlOOa Wes Taylor (1915) Baldwin, Roy (Myrtle Deniundrum) Ch Eulalia; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO TISOa S. Baldwin (1888) Baldwin, Stansfield Ch Lena, Lavina, Mary, William, Roy, Allen; Jack- sonville R4 Sec6 T15 RIO OlSOa (1859) Baptist, Fred H. (Sarah Smith) Ch Earl, Gilbert, Lorene, Laurence; Jacksonville R7 Secll Pct84 T15 Rll O120a (1860) Baptist, Thomas (Beatrice Elliott) Ch Homer, Gertrude, Russel, Irene, Frances, Clyde, Paul; Jacksonville R7 Secl2 Pct84 T15 Rll O30a T160a John Baptist (1871) Baptiste, Lewis W. (Anna Goveia) Ch Lois, Willard; Jacksonville R7 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO T160a Dr. Applebee (1865) (after March 1, 1918, will move to Woodson, having bought the Ayres farm, 97a.) Barber, Alfred (Hettie Ledferd) Ch Violet, Florence, Fannie, Charles, Margaret, Hettie, Willie, Jerome; Woodson Rl Sec30 PctSS T14 RIO O80a (1883) Barber, James (Loudilla Goacher) Murrayville R2 Sec26 Pct75 T13 Rll O40a (1911) Barber, John (Angelina Rogers) Ch Lula, Erne, Bertha, Delia, Minnie; Murrayville R3 Sec34 Pct48 T13 RIO O40a Barber, John Ch George, Belle, Ed., Ollie, Tom, Nora, Willard, Libbie, Alfred; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O12a (1834) Barber, Thomas F. (Katie Cleary) "Lone Bur Oak" Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO T12a John Bar- ber (1866) Barber, Willard A. (Leanna Thomp- son) Ch Marie; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO T12a John Bar- ber (1889) Barber, William (Anna M. Werries) Ch Isaac; Jacksonville R8 Sec27-28 Pct71 T16 RIO O120a (1867) Barbour, Mrs. Jennie Ch Will, John, Sadie, Tom; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO (1854) Barbour, T. W. (Grace Lindsey) Ch Crum, Robert, Alice; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO T30a Mrs. John Crum (1891) Barbre, W. M. (Lena Moore) Ch John, Deborah, Walter, Harold, Wilma; Jacksonville R2 Sec35 T15 Rll TSOOa Edwin Beggs Est. (1915) Barker, Thomas Murrayville R4 Secl2 Pct42 T13 RIO T80a Mrs. Alice Barker (1885) Barrett, H. E. (Cordelia McNeal) Ch Elsie, Cloviena, Nora, Lizzie; Mur- rayville Rl Sec31 Pct44 T14 RIO 080a (1912) 34 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Barrows, W. E. (Jennie Richardson) Ch Ralph R., Paul E.; "Oak Ridge Stock Farm" Jacksonville RS Secl3 Pct55 T14 RIO O210a SeclS Pct52 T14 RIO T160a Joseph Coates (1871) Barry, S. J. S. (Margaret Coultas) Ch Clarence; Jacksonville Rl Sec31 Pct86 T15 Rll T73a George F. Coumbes and S. Lewis (1917) Earth, Carl O. (Weltha Little) Ch Albert C. ; Meredosia Rl Sec22 Pctl06 T16 R13 T140a F. Yeck (1917) Barth, Paul G. (Percie Little) Mere- dosia Rl Sec22 Pctl06 T16 R13 T160a F. Yeck (!916) Basham, A. J. (Helen Robbins) Ch Sallie B.; Alexander Rl Sec32 Pctl6 T15 R8 Farm Hand Kumle Bros. (1916) Basier, Dolph Jacksonville R8 Sec2 Pct59 T15 RIO TllSa Charles Hoagland (1904) Basier, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Fella) Ch John, Joe, Ed., Henry, Dolph, Emma; Jacksonville R8 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO (1904) Bateman, C. L. (Nora Rouland) Ch John L., Ollie M., William T., Bernadine, Ludema, Christenia; Waverly R3 Sec35 Pct24 T13 R9 T130a Mrs. Thomas Bateman (1880) Bateman, Jesse T. Ch Oliver, Fred, Lester, Paul, Loryane; Waverly Rl Sec28 Pctl3 T14 R8 O80a (1861) Bateman, John L. (Annie E., Sister) Franklin R3 SeclS Pct26 T14 R9 O80a (1866) Bateman, R. C. (Lula Hall) Ch Lil- lian, Ivan; Literberry SeclO Pct66 T16 RIO O70a (1861) Bates, G. C. (Lelia Brown) Murray- ville R3 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO T80a F. Story (1916) Battefeld, Archie (Muriel Butcher) Ch Doris; Arenzville Rl Sec2 Pct97 T16 R12 Farm Hand T. Hierman (1915) Batterton, Harry (Mabel Jones) Ch Carrol, Opal, Bernice, Ina; Prentice Rl Secl9 PctlS T16 R8 T69a M. Robinson (1913) Baughman, Lewis F.. (Fannie Martin) Ch Fred A., Logan H.; Woodson Rl Secl7 Pct52 T14 RIO O87a (1893) Baumgartner, John (Jane Baaley) Ch William O., Ella; Prentice R3 Seel Pct36 T16 R9 O180a (1872) Bayless, Edgar (Hazel Hickman) Concord Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 T120a Molly Bayless (1896) Beasley, James W. (Ethel Cox) Ch Elma, Kermit; Arenzville Rl T16 R12 Farm Hand T. Harman (1913) Beauchamp, Charles W. (Minnie Krusa) Ch Elmer H., Delia M., Eduard M.; Meredosia Rl Sec26 Pctl07 T16 R13 O160a (1864) Beauchamp, Frank D. (Lulu Moul- tray) Ch Carl R., Virgil G.; "Beau- champ Farm" Meredosia Rl Sec26 Pctl07 T16 R13 O240a (1867) Beck, O. H. (Meva Horton) Ch Earl, Katherine, Vela, Opal, James; Jack- sonville R8 Secl6 Pct69 T16 RIO T93a Sarah Bourne (1912) Becker, Henry (Rosa Dober) Ch Inez K., May F., Louise E.; Concord Rl SeclS Pct88 T16 Rll O119a (1866) Bedingfield, Merl (Lela Claussen) Chapin R3 Sec3 PctSl T15 Rll T40a Herman Degroot (1891) Bedingfield, W. E. (Martha Goodpas- ture) Ch Carl, Murl; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pct90 T16 Rll O75a (1870) Beekman, George S. (Grace Wilson) Ch Nellie; "White Mound Stock Farm" Jacksonville R5 Secl7 Pct27 T14 R9 O80a (1867) Beekman, J. B. (Julia A. Wood) Ch George S., William N., Mary L.; Pisgah Secl7 Pct27 T14 R9 O540a (1865) Beeley, Edgar (Emma Steplin) Ch Homer; Arenzville R2 Sec8 Pct88 T16 Rll T200a Herman Addalman (1878) Beeley, T. Grover (Etta Butcher) Ch Marvin, Glenn, Alfred, Dorothy, Bernard; Meredosia Rl Sec22 Pctl06 T16 R13 T120a Thomas Beeley (1905) Beemer, Cornelius C. (Edith Bird- sell) Ch Elmer, Ida, Arthur, Mel- vin; Chapin R3 Secl3 Pctl09 T15 R12 John Onkin (1913) Beesley, William (Ethel Cox) Ch Alma, Kermit; Arenzville Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 Farm Hand T. E. Hierman (1914) Beets, Thomas (Eva Russell) Ch Bas- comb; Adam, Guy, Pleasant, Willia M., Georgia L. ; Literberry Rl Sec8 Pct38 T16 R9 Farm Hand Frank Dinwiddie (1915) Begnel, James H. (Sarah J. Connolly) Ch Clara C., Ida E., Eugene W., Louis M., Thomas H., Mary M., Leo J., Leonard J., S. E., Louise; Murrayville Rl Sec36 Pct7 T14 RIO O320a (1866) 35 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Bender, G. W. (Mary Bergschneider) (Ch Anton G., Myrtle S., Elizabeth M., Emeline W. ; Alexander Rl Seel Pct25 T14 R9 T160a A. Berg- schneider (1900) Benz, Albert (Tillie Albers) Chapin R2 SecS Pct96 T15 R12 T130a Enoch Tholen Est. (1913) Berchtold, Mrs. Theodore (Gertrude Ridder) Ch Minnie, Stephen, Theresa, Clara, Carl, Louise; Alex- ander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 O133a (1877) Berchtold, William (Elizabeth Rid- der) Ch Mary, Edward, Frank; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 T160a O. F. Conklin (1897) Berghaus, W. M. (Katie Werries) Ch Carl, Mathias; Chapin Sec33 Pctl03 T16 R12 O201a (1861) Berghouse, William (Ida Walwert) Ch Fred, Esther; Meredosia Rl Secl7 T16 R12 O60a (1877) Bergschneider, Anton (Mary Pot- hast) Ch John F., Mary, Josephine, Joe R., Elizabeth, Margaret, Ger- trude, Henry, Tony, Frank; Alex- ander Rl Sec4 Pct9 T14 R8 Q220a (1857) Bergschneider, John F. (Gertrude Gray) Ch Fred, Earl, Leonard; New Berlin R31 Secl6 Pctl2 T15 R8 OlSOa (1871) Bergschneider, J. G. (Agnes G. Duff- ner) Ch Carl H., Loretta, Agnes, Fred, Paul, Leo, Bernice; "Maple Crest Farm" Franklin R3 Sec30 Pct28 T14 R8 O311a (1877) Bergschneider, J. R. (Elsie Bender) Ch Emma; Alexander Rl Sec36 T15 R8 O160a (1880) Bermaster, G. H. (Anna Green) Ch Helen I.; Jacksonville R4 SeclS Pct68 T16 RIO Farm Hand D. E. Canady Berndt, John (Gustie Niehaus) Ch Louise, Clara, Anna, John, Lena, Dora, Leonard; Waverly R3 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 O124a (1868) Berst, Phillip (Helen McGath) Ch Elizabeth, Earl, Henry, Lee; Alex- ander Rl Sec7 Pctl4 T15 R8 Farm Hand Arthur Smith (1908) Bilger, Jesse (Meda Garner) Ch Wayne, Denzi>; Roadhouse R2 Secl9 Pct49 T13 RIO Farm Hand Harry Collier (1914) Bingman, E. C. (Mollie E. Parrott) Ch Claud F.; Sinclair Rl Sec27 Pct40 T16 R9 O75a (1859) Bingman, James H. (Barbara Lauder) Ch Lula, David, Irene, Esther L.; Sinclair Rl Sec28 Pct40 T16 R9 T70a Lester Hart (1849) Birdsell, C. W. (Ella Neece) Ch Ora, Odessa, Dorothy, Milton, Theo- dore; "Spring Valley Farm" Jack- sonville R4 Sec28 Pct71 T16 RIO O60a (1872) Birdsell, F. M. (Elizabeth Roberts) Ch Edward, Mabel; Jacksonville R2 Secll Pct79 T14 Rll T180a L. S. Doan (1897) Birdsell, Peter D. (Ann Murgatroyd) Ch Thomas, Liza, William, James, Peter, Jr., Charles, Mary, Emma, Samuel; Jacksonville R4 Sec29 Pct29 T16 RIO O42^a (1833) Birdsell, Walter (Pearl Seymour) Ch William, Audrie; Franklin Rl Sec31 Pct28 T14 R9 T6a Pearl Seymour (1885) (Also own 10 lots in Clem- ents, a new town just surveyed) Black, Charles S. (Ida M. Cully) Ch Clyde D., Mary S., Paul S.; "Plain- view Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec33 Pct71 T16 RIO O350a (1869) Black, George W. (Lois Aired) Ch C. Ray, Herman O., Albion G., Esther, Ruth; New Berlin R31 Sec21 Pctl6 T15 R8 T350a Mrs. F. A. Ray- nor (1908) Black, H. O. (Jennie Chilton) Ch Lois, Lee; Murray ville R4 SeclO Pct43 T13 Rl Farm Hand Ed. Osborne (1908) Black, J. M. Ch M. Luella, John W., James R. ; Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO (1831) Black, J. R. & J. W. Ollie Long Arthur L. and Roy L., wife and children of J. R. ; "Cedar Grove Farm" Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO Ol54a (1858) Black, Samuel R. (Eliza A. Bourne) Ch Rosie L., William T.; Literberry Rl Sec23 Pct70 T16 RIO TISOa S. W. Black Est. (1862) Blakenship, T. D. (Bessie Boston) Alexander Rl Sec31 PctlO T15 R8 Farm Hand J. Bergschneider (1914) Bland, A. T. (Sciotha Pointer) Ch Eliza, Idella, John, Payton, Wes- ley, Maggie; Franklin R3 Sec32 Pctl3 T14 R8 OSOa (1885) Bland, George (Josephine Puyear) Ch Hazel E., Herbert S.; Franklin R3 Sec32 Pctl3 T14 R8 OlOSa (1887) 36 .. FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Bland, Peyton (Nina Dougherty) Ch Jewell B., Gabriel, John W., Sarah, Nina ]., children of John S. Dough- erty; Franklin R3 SeclS Pctll T14 R18 O80a TSOa M. Besley (1887) Bland, W. E. (Vida M. Oxley) Wav- erly Rl Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 T400a A. H. Wright and Belsley (1885) Blankenship, J. M. (Fanny M. Smith) Ch Olga, Jason, Gilbert, Herbert, Ella, Marvin, Elsie, Edith, Vernon, Esther; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 Farm Hand C. A. Rowe (1913) Blimling, J. F. (Ada Haney) Ch El- vira, Warren, Haney, Pearl, Amelia, Chester, Grace, Bird, Paul, Vertrees; Murrayville Rl SecS Pct44 T13 RIO O273a (1868) Blimling, R. H. (Millicent Irlam) Jacksonville R7 SeclO Pct83 T15 Rll T285a John Noonan (1885) Boatman, William (Emily J. Couch) Ch Purley, Mary A., Delia, Ettsal, Hardin, Dora, Olef, Destia, Har- old; Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll TSOa James Rexroad (1916) Boaz, Robert A. (Nellie Stockton) Ch Ruby, Ruth, Joy; Waverly R3 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 O80a T140a William Peebles (1896) Boehs, Herman (Annie Weiries) Ch Carrie, Clara, Herman, Lorna, Velma; Bluffs Rl Sec20 Pctl02 T16 R12 T120a Mrs. H. Weiries (1902) Bolton, C. E. Ch Katie, Claude, Mabel; Murrayville R3 Sec20 Pct49 T13 RIO T280a James Rea (1910) Bolton, George Ch Lea, Dewey, Meda, Daisy, Henry; Franklin Rl SecS Pct28 T13 R9 TlOOa (1892) Bolton, J. T. (Gertrude Murray) Ch Louise, Leonard, John, James; Franklin Rl Sec35 Pct31 T14 R9 T2a W. Six (1907) Bond, James (Elizabeth Hook) Ch Alice K., Lois M., Blanche E., Ger- trude L.; Franklin Sec31 Pctl3 T14 R8 O310a (1877) Borse, Frank (Minnie Korty) Bluffs Rl Sec21 Pctl02 T16 R12 TSOa H. Weiries (1891) Bostic, J. R. (Elvira Deathredge) Ch Lucy M., John R., Russell, Kruger; Waverly R3 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 O75a (1883) Boston, Louis (Zelda Scheele) Ch Maurice; Alexander Rl Sec4 Pctl4 T14 R8 T120a Niehaus Est. (1915) Bottom, Oze (Pearlie Knifley) Ch Ray, Cleo, Olive, Aileen, William, Wayne; Franklin R2 Sec36 Pct31 T14 R9 T81a Fred Burch (1911) Bottom, W. J. (Rachael Richardson) Ch Betty J.; Jacksonville R5 Sec21 Pct29 T14 R9 T220a R. Woods (1913) Boulware, George Franklin Sec31 Pctl3 T14 R8 OlSOa (1877) Boulware, Mrs. George M. (Parmelia Wright) Ch May, George, Maggie; Franklin Sec31 Pctl3 T14 R8 OlSOa (1867) Bourland, George and Ella Waverly Rl Sec4 Pct2 T13 R8 O80a (1880) Bourn, Carl E. (Lela C. Brown) Sin- clair Rl Sec21 Pct40 T16 R9 TSOa Anna Brown (1884) Bourn, John J. (Bessie Stevens) Ch William H., John R. ; Jacksonville R8 Sec22 Pct71 T16 RIO Farm Hand William M. Bourn (1892) Bourn, Raymond E (Maude E. Hax- ton) Ch Raymond A., Carl E. ; Woodson Rl Sec20 Pct52 T14 RIO T132a J. Bourn (1889) Bourn, Walter (Cecelia Lane) Ch Ber- nice, Virginia; Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO T56a Nellie Schaffer (1890) Bourn, William (Mary Eilert) Ch Arthur, Earl, Carl, Vinton, Walter, John, Leo, Estella, Marybell, Dor- othy; "Horseshoe Farm" Jackson- ville R8 Sec22 Pct71 T16 RIO O260a (1867) Bourn, W. Earl (Ethel Ragan) Ch Samuel, Elizabeth; Jacksonville R8 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO T204a James McDonald (1882) Bowe, T. N. (Anna L. Murray) Ch Anna L.; Chapin Rl Sec26 Pctl04 T16 R12 T160a T. Tabbenbeck (1917) Bowers, Joseph (Polly Johnson) Ch Carrie E., Fred T., Bert J.; Pren- tice Secl2 Pct36 T16 R9 Farm Hand Edward Callans (1916) Boyd, John H. (Alma Moss) Ch Lydia, Harrison; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 T160a Dan Bahan, Sr. (1907) Boyd, Thomas B. (Mary Baker) Ch Bertha, Fannie; Jacksonville R3 Secl3 Pct63 T15 RIO O246a (1887) Boyer, G. R. (Ethel Felker) Waverly Rl Sec4 Pct4 T13 R8 O20a (1882) Bracewell, S. A. (Lillie B. Wade) Ch Beth, Eugene; Murrayville R2 Sec32 Pct49 T13 RIO OlOSa (1887) 37 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Braker, August (Reka Mau) Ch Annie, August, John, William, Etta, Sophia; Prentice Rl Secl7 PctlS T16 R8 O200a (1905) Braker, William (Martha Bruening) Ch Dorothy; Literberry Rl Secl2 Pct66 T16 RIO O80a (1880) Branam, James (Susan White) Ch Roy, Stella, Carl, Bertha, Ollie; "Oak Ridge Farm" Waverly R3 Sec36 Pctll6 T13 R9 O40a (1855) Braner, Chester (Florence Ater) Ch Helen, Lloyd, Russell; Jacksonville R4 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll T80a Mr. Chester Sr. and J. M. Rexroat (1886) Braner, Ellis E. (Lucy Darley) Con- cord Rl Sec22 Pct87 T16 Rll Farm Hand J. R. Cooper (1887) Braner, E. B. (Mary Paul) Ch Harry, Fred; Jacksonville R4 Sec24 Pct89 T16 Rll O80a (1842) Braner, Fred (Nellie Loughary) Ch Dale, Dortha, Roy, Dean, Mildred, Francis, Aileen; Jacksonville R4 Sec24 Pct89 T16 Rll O50a (1884) Braner, George W. (Louisa Hender- son) Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll O40a (1846) Braner, Hannah Ch Grace, Cora, Newual, Charles; Jacksonville R4 Sec24 Pct89 T16 Rll O136a (1860) Braner, Henry (Josie Goodpasture) Ch Chester, Lottie, Raymond; Jacksonville R4 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll O120a (1858) Braswell, James A. (Martha Robert- son) Ch Albert T. Agnes; Chapin R3 Secll Pct94 T15 R12 T60a T. I. Brownlow (1882) Braswell, Thomas F. Chapin R3 Secll Pct94 T15 R12 T60a T. I. Brown- low Breckon, Joseph V. (Effie Padgett) Ch Paul, Mary; Jacksonville Sec34 Pct48 T13 RIO O273a (1864) Breckon, Paul (Irene Straight) Ch Fred; Murray ville R3 Sec34 Pct48 T13 RIO T273a J. V. Breckon (1892) Breeding, Fred (Grace Adams) Ch Geraldine; New Berlin R30 SeclO Pct9 T14 R8 T72a Lee Adams (1916) Brewer, J. P. (Minerva Wheeler) Ch Mabel; Waverly R3 Sec21 Pctl4 T13 R8 T130a R. L. McDivett (1915) Brewer, William O. (Maud Hale) Ch Deneen, Boneta, Oma; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 T140a J. H. Fountain (1898) Bridgeman, Oscar (Annie Gilmore) Ch Nina; Jacksonville R4 Sec24 Pct89 T16 Rll O20a T60a V. Bridgeman (1862) Bridges, William (Caroline Gaul) Ch Harry, Hazel, Stacey, Harvey, Tru- man, Donald, Mildred; Murrayville Rl Secl3 Pct74 T13 Rll Farm Hand J. C. Anders (1897) Bridgman, J. A. Ch Myra, William, Gertrude, Lora; Jacksonville R7 Secl2 Pct84 T15 Rll T80a W. H. Self (1851) Bridgman, W. A. (Effie McAlister) Ch Glenn, Alma; Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO T120a James Bourn (1874) Bringle, Joe (Lizzie DeOrnellas) Ch Rose, Marie, Georgina, Stella, Lloyd; Jacksonville R8 SeclO Pct62 T15" RIO OlOa (1883) Brockhouse, Alfred (Frances Eagan) Ch Warren, Eleanor, Vancil; Con- cord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 O420a (1877) Brockhouse, Arthur (Minnie Van Herck) Ch Arthur V., Irma L.; Chapin R3 Seel Pct94 T15 R12 T202a August Brockhouse (1889) Brockhouse, August (Carrie Perbix) Ch Henry, George, Arthur, Luther, Esther; Chapin Rl Sec36 Pctl04 T16 R12 O200a (1857) Brockhouse, Ellis E. (Pearl Burris) Ch Chapin Rl SeclS Pct99 T16 R12 T240a W. C. Brockhouse (1888) Brockhouse, George W. (Effie Walli- han) Ch lona, Harry, Dewey, Gladys; Chapin Rl Sec34 Pctl04 T16 R12 O50a (1861) Brockhouse, Mrs. Grace (Grace Wol- ers) Ch Maggie, Henry, Anna, Roy, Francis, Paul, Viola, Edna; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O3a (1855) | 4 Brockhouse, Harry (May Rigg) Chapin Rl Sec34 Pctl04 T16 R12 TlOOa M. Brockhouse (1896) Brockhouse, Henry E. (Luella North- rup) Ch Dorene, Wilber; Concord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 Farm Hand O. H. Holt (1890) Brockhouse, Henry M. (Laura Breyer) Ch Olaf, Olga, Wilma; Arenzville R2 Sec6 Pct88 T16 Rll Farm Hand Pfeil Est. (1874) Brockhouse, Louis (Ida Anderson) Ch Idella, Frank, Russell, Ruth, Ray, Leona; Chapin Rl Sec34 Pctl04 T16 R12 OSOa (1868) 38 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Brockhouse, Samuel (Ellen Cox) Ch Walter, Elmer, Lawrence, Albert, Homer, Archie, Mary, Velva, Char- lotte; Concord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 Farm Hand J. E. Whorten (1863) Brockhouse Sisters Mary and Martha Chapin Rl Sec34 Pctl04 T16 R12 OlSOa (1865) Brogdon, G. H. (Ellen Stevens) Ch Susie, Ada, Lelia, Everett; Jackson- ville R4 Sec33 Pct72 T16 RIO TllSa Martin Bros. (1911) Brooks, Thomas (Carrie Taylor) Ch Mollie, Lela, Daisy, Georgie, Clara, Leona; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO Farm Hand Phillip Dun- lap (1867) Brown, Ben F. Sinclair Rl Sec21 Pct40 T16 R9 O17Sa (1865) Brown, Charles (Ethel Colvin) Ch Rufus; Ashland Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 T70a Sarah Brown (1878) Brown, David (Jessie Daggett) Ch Isabelle, Louisa; Jacksonville R2 SecS Pct77 T14 Rll T130a W. E. Rawlings (1910) Brown, D. Edgar (Vallie M. Ogle) Ch Russell O.; Ashland Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 T120a E. C. Osborn (1882) Brown Frank (Mary McNamara) Ch Lucille, Eleanor, Francis; Jackson- ville R8 Sec3 Pet 60 T15 RIO T113a Mrs. Emma Brown (1881) Brown, Frank (Cora Keller) Ch Carl; Murray ville R2 Sec23 Pct74 T13 Rll T180a Fanny Curtis (1904) Brown, George E. (Martha Sey- mour) Franklin Rl Sec26 Pct30 T14 R9 O120a (1877) Brown, George P. (Anna M. Harris) Ch George P., Ester J., Louie S.; ''Hickory Grove Farm" Concord Rl SeclS Pct98 T16 R12 (1857) Brown, G. W. (Cornelia Vertrees) Ch Nellie, Leila; Murray ville R3 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO T160a W. Stansfield (1862) Brown, James (Katie E. Dodworth) Ch Estella B., John E., Oliver H., Allen A., Eugene E., Grace F., Vin- cent E.; Murrayville Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 Rll (1873) Brown, John A. (Emma Meyer) Ch Walter A., Minnie M.; Alexander Rl Sec4 Pct9 T14 R8 O200a (1892) Brown, J. F. (Margaret Mount) Ch Mount, Waldon; "Blue Grass Farm" Concord Rl Secl7 Pct88 T16 Rll O184a (1861) Brown, Newton (Lou Neal) Ch lima, Russell, Katherine, Neal; Murray- ville R2 Sec24 Pct74 T13 Rll O80a (1895) Brown, Sarah Ch Lula F., Charles W., D. Edgar; Ashland Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 O70a (1850) Brown, S. F. Waverly Rl Sec22 Pctl2 T14 R8 O160a Dan Gorman (1877) Brown, Thomas (Katie E. Hickman) Ch Emmett; Sinclair Rl Secl9-22 Pcts39-40 T16 R9 O60a (1876) Brownlow, Henry (Elizabeth Sidles) Ch Gertrude, Edith, Elsie; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O192a (1872) Brunk, George W. (Cynthia Peters) Concord Rl SecS Pct88 T16 Rll O90a (1848) Bryant, A. E. (Lulu Seymour) Ch Lucy S., Mabel F., Jessie M., Alice J., Bessie A., Helen F., Dale F., Areatha F.; Waverly R3 Sec7 Pctl9 T13 R8 T52a Mrs. Mamie Gordon (1871) Buchanan, B. F. (Nettie A. Roberts) (Cordelia Clara Buchanan) Ch T. B. Jr., Clarence, Curtis, Arthur, Mary J., Calvin, Hattie, Julia, Wil- liam; Jacksonville R6 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 O4a (1851) Buchanan, T. B. (Elizabeth Walker) Franklin R3 Secl6 Pct26 T14 R9 O88a (1860) Buchanan, T. B. Jr. (Elsie Smith) Ch Lena, Laura, Leonard, Eunice; Franklin R3 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 T88a T. B. Buchanan Sr. (1884) Bull, George (Carry Haynes) Ch Stella, Ruby; Franklin Rl Sec4 Pct21 T13 R9 Farm Hand Albert Gibbson (1900) Bull, John J. (Emma Spencer) Ch Mary, John, Virginia; Franklin R2 Sec32 PctllS T13 R9 O320a (1864) Bullock, Columbus (Delia Gunter) Alexander Rl Sec9 Pct9 T14 R8 Farm Hand Otto Luken (1917) Bunch, Charles (Silva McGlassion) Gladys, Russell, Mildred; Bluffs Rl Sec35 Pctl04 T16 R12 Farm Hand J. H. Fountain (1901) Burch, R. E. (Lilly Braswell) Ch Lucile, Roy, Vernon, Frances, Oliver, Dale, Eleanor; Waverly R3 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 T80a G. A. Miner Est. (1876) 39 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Burchett, Samuel (Christena Yunker) Ch Bessie, Fred, Anna; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 T200a Woods Est. (1870) Burmeister, Charles F. (Lorene Flynn) Jacksonville R7 Secll Pct84 T1S Rll Tl9a W. N. Stout (1874) Burmeister, Herman (Anna German) Ch Carl, Lewis, Lena; Jacksonville R2 Secl2 Pct79 T14 Rll O120a (1868) Burmeister, John (Nittie Dixon) Jack- sonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO T200a Tom Richard (1881) Burnett, Everett (Margaret Hubbs) "Little York Farm" Waverly Rl Sec26 PctlO T14 R8 O686a (1860) Burnett, Fred (Mary Bateman) Ch Olive, Leon; Waverly Rl Sec34 Pct7 T14 R8 O160a (1863) Burnett, G. W. (Mary J. McCormick) Ch Marshall, Everett, Oscar, Fred, John, Lucinda, Emma; Waverly Rl Sec27 Pctl3 T14 R8 O86a (1831) Burnett, H. R. (Florence Stice) Wav- erly Rl Sec4 Pct.2 T13 R8 O80a T320a Retta Cox (1892) Burnett, Isom (Lucy Malone-Luttrell) Ch Albert, John, William, Joe, Sid- ney, Lucy, Gertie, Hattie, Olie; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 ' O40a (1883) Burnett, Marshall (Martha Hocking) Ch Ethel, Frank L.; Franklin R3 Sec29 Pctl3 T14 R8 O284a (1862) Burnett, Olie (Raulna Whitlock) Ch Raulna, Ruth; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 T61a Dan McCarty (1893) Burnett, Ralph Franklin R3 Sec28 Pctl3 T14 R8 TllOa H. Osborne (1880) Burnett, S. W. (Ella Ray) Ch Cor- inne; Waverly Rl Seel Pctl T13 R8 T240a M. B. Rohrer (1876) Burnett, William (Mame Palmer) Ch Rubie, Beatrice, Maxine; Franklin R3 Sec29 Pctl3 T14 R8 T72a John Burnett (1885) Burmister, Frank (Minnie Ward) Ashland Rl Sec3 Pct37 T16 R9 O55a (1871) Burns, Thomas A. (Eileen Harmon) Ch M. Edna, Geraldine L.; Wood- son Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 RIO T200a Mrs. L. Ransdall and J. L. Henry (1890) Burrus, Arthur (Ruth Tucker) Arenz- ville Rl Sec2 Pct97 T16 R12 T200a H. Korsemeyer (1896) Burrus, Edgar (Maud Wilday) Ch Dale W., Sara D., William D.; Arenzville Rl Sec6 Pct98 T16 R12 O160a (1883) Burrus, Ray (Hala Kappal) Arenz- ville Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 O104a T320a E. Burrus (1889) Burrus, Wilber (Dora Kappal) Ch Eileen; Arenzville Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 O104a T320a E. Burrus (1891) Burrus, William Ch Minnie, Edgar, Clarence, Leah, Frank, Alta, Earl, Leona, Melvin; Arenzville Rl Sec2 Pct97 T16 R12 O200a (1856) Burrus, W. G. (Beulah Naylor) Ch Mildred N. ; Meredosia Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O171a (1874 Busey, T. S. (Margaret Hale) Ch George, Edgar, Walter; Jackson- ville R2 Seel Pct65 T14 Rll O40a (1848) Bush, T. N. (Sally Ezard) Ch Marie; Murrayville R4 SeclO Pct43 T13 RIO O80a (1874) Busher, Louise Ch Mary, Henry, Ed- ward, William, Johanna, Dora, Dena, Bertha; Meredosia Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O200a (1877) Bushnell, Chauncey (Emma McAl- lister) Ch lona, Thomas; Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pct44 T16 R13 T220a Wilday Est. (1875) Butcher, Harry (Anna Meier) Pren- tice Rl Sec35 Pct41 T16 R9 T320a Mrs. C. D. Kappal (1888) Butcher, Jonah (Joanna Beeley) Ch Etta, Harry, Jennie, Frank, Muriel, Mary, Nola; Meredosia Rl Sec23 Pctl07 T16 R13 T160a Albert Butcher (1861) Butler, John S. (Ida Turner) Ch Tuila Williams, Bernice; Woodson Rl Sec21 Pct53 T14 RIO O20a (1870) Butler, L. O. (Daisy Conover) Ch Homer; Ashland Sec4 Pctl7 T16 R8 O200a (1873) Butt, S. L. (Mary S. Fanning) Ch Dorothy; Jacksonville R5 Sec7 Pct27 T14 R9 Farm Hand Mrs Anna M. Fry (1858) Byrns, W. S. (Rebecca Dye) Jackson- ville R3 Secl2 Pct59 T15 R12 O80a (1880) 40 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Cain, Austin F. "Cain Homestead" Jacksonville R6 Sec36 PctSO T1S RIO T497 John Cain Est. (1863) Cain, Thomas R. (Elizabeth Butler) Jacksonville Sec36 PctSO T15 RIO T497a John Cain Est. (1870) Caldwell, Grover (Elsie Tribble) Ch Nelson, Luella, Marion; Franklin Sec6 Pct2 T13 R8 T240a J. A. Caldwell (1891) Calhoon, George (Lura Scott) Ch Martha, Milton; Franklin R2 SeclO Pct20 T13 R9 T80a Julia Wright (1887) Calhoun, A. M. (J. E. Turner) Ch Taylor, Theresa, Tilman J., Julia, Abraham, George D., Erma, Ger- trude, Newton, Lora; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 OlOOa (1875) Campbell, A. J. (Edna Coultas) Ch James, Richard, Dorothy, Leona, Arthur, Edna; Jacksonville Rl Sec35 Pctl09 T15 Rll T200a James H. Campbell (1877) Campbell, J. H. (Sarah Rice) Ch Carey, Albert, Charles, Edith, Nannie; "Brookside Farm" Jack- sonville Rl Sec30 Pctl09 T15 Rll O193a (1837) Campbell, Mrs. Wash Ch Clarence, Lafe, Sterling, Ed.; Waverly R2 Sec22 Pct4 T13 R8 O80a John Mil- ler (1893) Cannon, A. C. (Lucy Brisendine) Ch Ralph; Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 T35a Wemple Bros. (1902) Carls, Arthur (Grace Burrus) Arenz- ville Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 T240a W. Carls Est. (1883) Carpenter, Alvin N. (Edith Gaines) Ch Paul F., Reuel E. ; Jacksonville R8 Sec26 Pct71 T16 RIO T340a Mrs. Sam Black (1882) Carpenter, Bert (Delia Williams) Ch Cecil, Donald, Bernice, Gile, Cletus; Sinclair Rl Sec21 Pct40 T16 R9 Farm Hand B. F. Brown (1882) Carpenter, Spencer (Emma White) Ch Alvin, Venetia, Nathaniel, Earl; Jacksonville R3 Secl6 T15 RIO O14a (1881) Carrigan, John (Margaret McGrath) Ch Catherine, Vincen, Julia, Marie, James; Woodson Rl - Secl9 Pct52 T14 RIO O80a (1873) Carrigan, Mrs. Julia Ch Daniel, John B., Maurice, Michael E., Hanna, Thomas H., Joseph L. ; "Ambrose Farm" Woodson Rl Sec30 Pet 58 T14 RIO O96a (1870) Carrigan, Morris Murrayville R3 Sec21 Pct48 T13 RIO TI20a T. G. Stein (1882) Carter, Emory R. (Anna Rogers) Ch Clarence, Fred; Jacksonville R7 Sec9 Pct33 T15 Rll O210a (1859) Carter, George (Hallie Caster) Pleasant Plains R40 Sec9 Pctl/ T16 R8 T120a Beggs Bros. (1389) Carter, William W. (Kittie Sibert) Ch Helen, Wallace, Marian; Jack- sonville R2 Sec32 Pct64 T15 RIO O140a (1854) Caruthers, George (Anna Finley) Ch John, Marion, Harold G.; Wav- erly Sec3 Pct2 T13 R8 O400a (1860) Carwell, John (Minnie Peck) Ch Russell, Glen; Jacksonville R3 Secll Pct59 T15 RIO O28a (1882) Casey, John F. (Nora Lynch) Ch William T.; Woodson Rl Sec21 Pct53 T14 RIO O80a (1887) Casey, Thomas (Margaret Whalen) Ch James T., John E.; Jackson- ville R2 Secl2 Pct79 T14 Rll O105a (1878) Cashin, Mike (Cassie Decker) Ch Margaret, Nellie, Marie, Clara, Edward; Prentice Rl Secl2 Pct36 T16 R9 Farm Hand Roy Robin- son (1875) Casson, George W. (Hattie Curtis) Ch Dorothy, Lloyd; Jacksonville R2 Secl6 Pct78 T14 Rll Farm Hand Walter Fearneyhough (1896) Casson, Roy (Sophia Braker) Ch Alvin, Mabel, Elvina, Viola; Pren- tice Rl Sec7 Pctl7 T16 R8 T80a W. Mau (1909) Challans, Ed. (Anna McCalustor) Ch Ernest; Waverly R3 SeclS PctS T13 R8 O47a (1907) Challans, Walter S. (Susan Jones) Ch Elmer B., Vernon L., Elsie A., Truman W., Dorothy M.; Waverly Rl Secl6 Pctl2 T14 R8 T160a George Schramm (1916) Challans, William (Alice Bond) Franklin Rl Sec5 Pct28 T13 R9 O200a (1882) Challas, Robert (Anna B. Turner) Ch Ehle, Bessie; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct4 T13 R8 O63a (1907) Challeng, W. S. (Susan Jones) Ch Elmer, Lisle, Elsie, Truman, Lil- lian; Waverly Rl Secl6 Pctl2 T14 R8 T160a George Evans (1816) Challiner, Herbert (Kate Couchman) Ch Sam, Ruel; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pct90 T16 Rll O74a (1881) 41 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Chiswell, David E. (Gerna) Ch Bertie; Waverly R2 Sec24 PctS T13 R8 O19a (1916) Chrisman, Charles (Leta Raisor) Ch Charles; Meredosia SecS Pct98 T16 R12 T160a A. J. Lesley (1917) Clampit, Charles W. (Edith Drake) Ch Everett, Mattie; "Holstein Ravine Farm" Jacksonville R7 Sec6 Pct72 T15 RIO O207a (1849) Clark, Ernest L. (Anna L. Rexroat) Ch Helen; "Red Clover Stock Farm" Literberry Rl Sec9 Pct69 T16 RIO O154a (1909) Clark Harry J. (Lillian Hembrough) Ch Mary, Anna, Henry, Leslie; "Lake Front Farm" Jacksonville R5 Sec28 Pct64 T15 RIO T80a J. A. Clark (1886) Clark, H. H. (Elizabeth Emrick) Ch Robert, Laura; Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO O275a O. Maxwell (1846) Clark, Roy (Jennie Pierce) Ch Roy, Grace, Alary, Charles, Thelma, Frances, Worth; Murray ville Rl Seel Pct73 T13 Rll T120a J. G. Bush Est. (1877) Clarkson, C. B. Ch Ward, Jud, Cin- nick, Mayme, Bessie; Murrayville R3 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO O80a (1899) Clayton, C. L. (Vina Tribble) Frank- lin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 T175a J. B. Burch (1889) Clayton, George D. (Elizabeth Foster) Ch Arthur, Willie, George, Edward, Minnie, Annie, Leta, Herbert, Ivy, Clarence, Frank, Robert, Stanley; Murrayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 R9 O220a (1887) Clayton, George F. (Jennie Lovell) Murrayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO Farm Hand George D. Clayton (1893) Clayton, William Murrayville R4 SeclS Pct43 T13 RIO T240a John Googerty (1890) Clayton, W. F. (Lillian B.) Ch Nellie, Tessie, Addie, Mabel, Leslie; Franklin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 T175a J. B. Burch (1849) Cleary, Jeffrey (Margaret E. Harney) Ch Mary Elizabeth; "Mapleside Farm" Jacksonville R7 Secl3 Pct84 T15 Rll O89a T120a John Cleary (1888) Cleary, M. E. (Sophia Hieronymous) Jacksonville Rl Sec26 Pct85 T15 Rll O126a (1881) Cleary, Samuel P. (Helen Sargent) Ch Helen; "The Maples" Jackson- ville Rl Sec21 Pct83 T1S Rll O160a (1867) Cline, Albert W. (Rachel L. Daniel) Ch Leslie A., George A., Delia M., Louis E., Zella E.; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 T80a Ernest Alford (1866) Cline, Louis (Delia Thurston) Ch Ralph L.; Jacksonville R5 Sec25 Pct56 T14 RIO Farm Hand G. W. Craig (1895) Cobb, Hugh Jacksonville R6 Sec20 Pct34 T15 R9 T170a Mrs. J. Cully and Mrs. W. Witty (1870) Cockin, George C. (Ethel Lindsay) Ch Harold, George, John, Florence, Harriet E.; Alexander Rl Sec20 Pct20 T1S R8 O635a (1866) Cock'n, John P. (Sarah Cockin, Sis- ter) Alexander Rl Sec6 PctlO T14 R8 O266a (1877) Cockrill, William (Stella Ditton) Ch Fay, Frank; Murrayville R2 Sec26 Pct7S T13 Rll T160a Thomas Stringer (1885) Coe, Mark R. (Emma Coe) Ch Pauline A., Lois E.; Jacksonville R5 Seel PctSO T14 RIO T180a J. Whitleck (1908) Coffey, D. G. (Sallie Norris) Ch Ros- coe, Josie, Earl, Alma; Alexander Rl Sec4 Pct9 T14 R8 Farm Hand T. Cockin (1916) Coffman, James W. (Harriet Solan) Ch George, Harvey, Clara, William, Cecil, Lydia, Elizabeth, Rachel, Agnes; Jacksonville R3 Secl6 T15 RIO O8a (1855) Coker, George (Sallie Salyers) Ch Amos L., Pearl; Jacksonville R6 Sec6 Pct27 T14 R9 O25a (1867) Coleman, Michael (Kate Lockhart) Ch Ellen, John, Leo, George, Mary, Cletus, Celia, Margaret, Charles, Alma; Manchester Rl Sec2 Pct73 T13 Rll T60a Thomas Whewell (1894) Collins, Albert (Mary Miner) Ch Star; Waverly R2 Sec29 PctS T13 R8 Farm Hand Ed. Copper (1915) Collins, Edward S. (L. Mae Pier- man) Ch Mary, Catherine; Prentice Sec7 Pctl7 T16 R9 O420a (1879) Combes, John (Myrtle Fanning) Ch Roy, Orver, Eddie, Emil, Donald, Annie; Murrayville Rl Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO Farm Hand C. D. Irlam (1881) 42 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Combs, Clark (Elizabeth Fanning) Murrayville Rl Sec25 PctSO T14 Rll Farm Hand Ellen Lonegan (1835) Combs, Henry (Fannie Reese) Ch Blossom; Murrayville R2 Sec26 Pct75 T13 Rll O80a (1853) Conlon, Elizabeth Ch Mary, Maggie, Nicholas, John, Thomas; Murray- ville Rl Sec36 PctSO T14 Rll O240a (1857) Connelly, James V. (Elizabeth Doo- lin) Ch Thomas, Alma, Vincent, Martin, Theresa; Murrayville Rl Seel Pct73 T13 Rll O120a (1878) Connolly, Michael (Anna Lyons) Ch Raymond, Elizabeth, Serena, A. Leo; Murrayville Rl Sec36 PctSO T14 Rll O40a (1900) Cooper, James (Mollie Fanning) Ch William, Mae; Murrayville Rl Sec33 Pct57 T14 RIO O13a (1892) Cooper, James W. (Anna Wake) Ch Irene, Marie, Edwin; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct3 T13 R8 T80a Charles W. Johnson (1870) Cooper, Jay R. (Mrs. Charles Led- batter, Housekeeper) Concord Rl Sec22 Pct91 T16 Rll T160a J. B. Cooper (1893) Corington, John B. (Eugenia Thomp- son) Ch Dovie, Porter, Mamie; "Pleasant View Farm" Prentice Rl Sec32 PctlS T16 R8 O340a (1857) Coulson, George H. (Harriet E. Berry) Ch Irvin R., Elmer C., Noda F.; Chapin R2 Sec8 Pct96 T15 R12 O515a (1859) Coulson, I. R. (Gertrude Hutches) Ch Maurine; Chapin R2 Sec9 Pct95 T15 R12 T147a G. H. Coulson (1887) Coultas, D. F. (Anna Lazenby) Ch Ivorine, Juanita; Jacksonville R2 Sec34 Pct86 T15 Rll T175a I. G. Lazenby (1902) Coultas, Orville (Mary Baxter) Ch Robert, Mary B.; Jacksonville R5 Seel PctSO T14 RIO TlOSa S. E. Bergschneider (1891) Coultas, O. C. (Anna Coultas) Ch Bernice, Sherman, Edna; Winches- ter R5 Sec6 Pct77 T14 Rll O160a (1872) Coumbes, George F. (Alice Glossop) Jacksonville Rl Sec32-29 Pct86 T15 Rll O40a T235a Wiley Todd (1875) Covey, Cecil W. (Bessie Reeve) Ch Thelma M.; Franklin R2 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 T120a J. M. Hart (1882) Covey, George Franklin R2 Secl3 Pet 19 T13 R9 O83a (1880) Covey, George F. Franklin R2 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 O83a T8a (1884) Covey, John W. (Zulah Fanning) Ch Forrest, Howard; Murrayville R3 Sec36 Pct47 T13 RIO O120a (1874) Covey, Silva (Louisa Lankford) Ch Marseline C. ; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 T103a H. C. Lank- ford (1885) Covey, Vessie (Helen M. Seymour) Ch Frances H.; Franklin R2 Seel Pet 19 T13 R9 T60a Mrs. W. T. Luttrell Cowden, Elmer (Gladys Johnson) Ch Verla, Nellie M.; Alexander Rl Sec8 Pct33 T15 R9 Farm Hand Andrew Rubel (1914) Cowden, Elmer R. (Gladys Johnson) Ch Vurla Mae, Nellie M.; Franklin R3 Sec35 Pct35 TI5 R9 Farm Hand James T. Holmes (1913) Cowdin, Charles H. (Minnie A. Porawski) Ch Frederick P., Mabel P.; Chapin R3 Sec5-8 Pct82 T15 Rll O160a (1859) Cowdin, Lincoln P. (Jennie Baxter) Chapin R3 Sec33 Pct93 T16 Rll OllSa (1865) Cowdin, Willard T. (Rose Hoagland) Ch Clifford, Louise, Willard T., Mary F.; Chapin R3 SecS Pct82 T15 Rll O138a (1870) Cox, A. W. Ch Florence E., Lloyd W., Clyde E., Charles V., Iven W.; Franklin R3 Sec3 Pct26 T14 R9 O230a (1835) Cox, Bert (Effie Hart) Ch Bernice; Franklin R2 Sec29 Pct22 T13 R9 O103a (1876) Cox, Mrs. Charlotte Ch Mary, Helen, Charles, William, Frank, Sarah, Susan, George; Jacksonville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll O20a (1856) Cox, Clyde E. (Lillian M. Ryan) Ch Albert W.; Jacksonville R6 Sec28 Pct34 T15 R9 O280a Etta Robert- son (1881) Cox, David S. (Bertha Spoon) Ch Rosy B., Rachel, Ruth; Arenzville R2 Sec9 Pct87 T16 Rll T14a Elsie Coffman (1911) Cox, George (Susan C. Edwards) Ch Josie, Lodell, Ada, Landis, Nelson, Hilda, Meda; Murrayville R4 SeclS Pct22 T13 R9 OSOa (1869) Cox, George T. (Ella Sullens) Ch Fay, Fern, Marjorie, Virginia, Marie; Jacksonville Rl Sec24 PctSS T15 Rll T20a Mrs. Charlotte Cox (1867) 43 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Cox, Hubert (Winifred Shawen) Wav- erly R3 Sec21 Pct4 T13 R8 O60a (1863) Cox, Isaac (Martha Hacker) Ch Ethel, Margaret, Erma, Leona, Jessie; Concord Rl Sec30 Pct92 T16 Rll T230a Carrie Deitrick (1913) Cox, J. G. (Zella Zell Savage) Ch Frances L. ; Jacksonville R8 Sec3S g Pct71 T16 RIO T160a Jerry Cox (1882) Cox, Oliver (Hattie Edwards) Ch Iris, Raymond, Grace, Lillian; Franklin R2 Sec24 Pct24 T13 R9 OlSOa (1885) Cox, W. P. (Lucy Spainhower) Franklin R3 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 T50a R. Scroggins (1887) Crabtree, W. W. (Mary A. Brewster) Ch Ralph, Fred, Effie, Albert; Mur- rayville R3 Secl9 Pct45 T13 RIO 058a (1893) Craig, Edward (Marcella Hodges) Ch Brenda M., Delos N.; Jackson- ville R5 Secl2 PctSO T14 RIO T185a William Hembungh (1900) Craig, William T. (Lelia Green) Ch Harry G., Helen, George A.; Jack- sonville R5 Sec25 Pct56 T14 RIO T300a George W. Craig (1877) Grain, N. H. (Myrtle Seymour) Ch Helen L.; Woodson Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 RIO TISOa D. Grain and M. Seymour (1886) Crank, James (Eva Lyons) Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct6 T13 R8 C. H. Daven- port (1916) Cravens, Fred R. (Addie Elliott) Ch Mira L., Elliott; Franklin R3 Frank- lin SeclS T35a George Wood (1882) Cravens, P. C. Waverly R2 Sec35 Pct7 T13 R8 T250a Wemple Bros. (1892) Crawford, Elmer (May Dyer) Ch Velma, Elcina, Almeda; Franklin Rl Pisgah Sec34 Farm Hand James H. Dobyns (1911) Crawford, John W. (Ella M. Hart) Ch Mary E., Avis E., Madge M., Raleigh "R., Clarice C, Hartie L; Franklin R2 Sec27 Pct23 T13 R9 O41a TllOa T. Roberts and M. Hart (1869) Crawford, Luther (Ora Mann) Ch Lela, Russell, Earl; Franklin R3 Franklin Sec3 O8a T35a John Dyer (1873) Crawford, Russell (Ethel Tannahill) Franklin R3 Sec3 Pct26 T14 R9 T4a L. Crawford (1897) Crawford, William H. (Lola McDan- nold) Ch William, Harriet; Jack- sonville R2 Secl3 Pct59 T15 RIO Farm Hand O. F. Conklin (1917) Creed, Walter S. (Jennie Boston) Ch Roy, Harvey, George, John, Nellie; Prentice Sec5 Pctl7 T16 R8 O138a (1863) Criswell, Charles E. (Jane Seymour) Ch Pauline A.; Franklin R2 Sec35 Pct30 T14 R9 O138a T125a Scott Tranbarger (1887) Criswell, E. R. (Addie Boyer) Ch Wilmuth C., Russell E. ; Waverly R3 Sec9 Pctl4 T15 R8 TlOOa J. M. Criswell (1871) Criswell, J. M. (Hannah Nail) Ch Edgar R., Clara; Waverly R3 Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 OlOOa (1844) Criswell, Nimrod (Effie Meredith) Franklin R3 Sec3 Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand Sam Zachary (1917) Cromwell, S. O. (Mary Cockin) Ch Lloyd, Agnes, Oliver; Jacksonville R3 Secl2 Pct59 T1S RIO O253a (1882) Croulay, M. (Mary Guinan) Ch Helen; Murrayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO 080a (1877) Crouse, D. J. (Pearl Hull) Ch Juan- ita. Ellen, Forest, Dean, Opal; Mur- rayville R4 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO TlOOa Mary E. Crouse (1881) Crouse, James (Hattie Miller) Ch Theodore, Ernest, Leroy; Jackson- ville R3 Secll Pct59 T15 RIO T5a Mary Gordon (1913) Crowther, Samuel (Melissa Britt) Ch Edna, Hattie, Laura; Arenzville R2 Seel T16 Rll O140a (1857) Crum, Albert .(Sallie B. Murry) Ch Elizabeth C., Martin; "Wayside Farm" Literberry Rl Sec7 Pct38 T16 R9 O900a (1858) Crum, Roy R. (Mae DeLong) Ch Raymond, Genevieve, Kenneth; Waverly R2 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 0160a (1910) Crum, Talmage M. (Eva M. Decker) Ch Helen F.; Literberry Rl Secll Pct66 T16 RIO T240a M. M. Crum (1893) Crum, W. H. (Martha Gilpin) Ch Wilma, Alta; "Old Crum Farm" Literberry Rl Secl2 Pct66 T16 RIO OlOSa (1855) Culberson, Thomas (Goldie Hamp- ton) Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 W r illiam H. Moulton (1893) 44 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Cully, John A. Ch William A., Mary E., John W.; Jacksonville R5 Secl2 PctSO T14 RIO T160a Lee Smith (1877) Culp, Roy H. (Lucinda Ritter) Ch Ruth E.; Woodson Rl Sec29 Pct58 T14 RIO T180a L. Baptiste (1885) Cundiff, Alex. (Susan Raybon) Arenz- ville Seel Pct97 T16 R12 O108a (1873) Cunningham, James (Mary Cobb) Ch Blanche; Jacksonville R6 Sec21 Pct34 T15 R9 T170a Mrs. J. Cully and Mrs. W. Witty (1863) Cunningham, J. E. Jacksonville Rl Sec27 Pct86 T15 Rll Farm Hand Robert Hill (1893) Cunningham, J. K. (Sarah Wright) Ch Edgar, Nettie, George, Arthur, Stella, Ada, Lois, Clarence, Cecile, Harold; Murrayville Sec7 Pct45 T13 RIO O600a (1856) Curry, Albert E. (Lucille Jackson) "Pisgah Stock Farm" Pisgah SeclS PcfS T14 R9 T1200a (1894) Curry, A. A. (Minnie Wood) Ch Al- bert E.; "Pisgah Stock Farm" Pis- gah SeclS PctS T14 R9 O1200 (1877) D Dahman, Herman (Christina Becker) Ch Lloyd, Ralph; Franklin R3 Sec25 Pct30 T14 R9 O25a (1908) Dahman, William (Elizabeth Becker) Ch Elenora, Harry J., Mabel; Ash- land Rl Sec3 Pct37 T16 R9 O160a (1900) Dalby, H. R. Ch Lillie; Waverly SeclO Pct27 T13 R8 O120a (1889) Dalton, Lenard (Myrtie Fanning) Ch Floyd M., Vella, Byron, Raymond, Wayne, Eleanor; Murrayville R3 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 O120a (1878) Daly, P. (Fanny Stillwell) Ch John, Ella, -James, David, Loren, Fred, Cecil, Truman, Vella, Benjamin; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O4a (1867) Daniels, Mannie E. "Maple View Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec6 Pct70 T1S RIO O43a (1872) Daniels, Veerin (Virginia English) Ch Nellie, George, Joseph, Barton, Elizabeth, Martin, Jane; Jackson- ville Rl Secl3 Pct84 T15 Rll Dr.' Grace Dewey (1838) Daniels, Warren W. "Maple View Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec6 Pct70 T15 RIO O45a (1872) Dannerberger, William Franklin (Sallie E. Harkleroad) Ch Marie, Charles, Lillian; "Maple Grove Stock and Grain Farm" Orleans Sec35 Pct35 T15 R9 T430a Mrs. S. H. Dickerman and Sallie Holmes (1903) Darley, George (Mildred Fanning) Ch Charles H., Dawsie D., Lucy, Grace H., Mata W., Mary, Carrie; Waverly R2 Sec8 Pct2 T13 R8 O30a (1857) Darley, Samuel (Sadie Cross) Ch S. Dawson; "Clear View Farm" Jacksonville R5 Sec20 Pct28 T14 R9 O160a (1863) Darwent, Mrs. Amanda Ch Lloyd, Lena; Murrayville Rl Sec31 Pct44 T14 RIO O80a (1862) Daubard, Henry (Bertha Keeney) Ch Emma M.; Sinclair Rl Secl9 Pct39 T16 R9 T200a A. Shueber (1909) Daugherty, William (Angeline Ed- wards) Ch John, Jennie, Fred, Lula, James, Sadie, Thelma, Wesley, Eula; Murrayville R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 O80a (1862) Davenport, C. H. (Emma Boyer) Ch Harvey Sauks, Foster Child; Wav- erly R2 Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 O144a (1868) Davenport, J. E. (Millie A. Bowyer) Ch May, Lillie M.; Franklin R3 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 O61a (1867) Davidsmeyer, Ernest (Kate Schuet- ten) Ch Ethel, Arthur, Homer; Franklin Sec2l Pctl2 T14 R8 T200a I. Maxon (1915) Davidson, W. A. (Nellie Foreman) Ch Raymond, Vincent; Jacksonville R2 Sec4 Pct77 T14 Rll TlOOa Mrs. A. Adkins and Henry Richardson (1901) Davies, Lewis E. (May Baker) Ch Clifford, Roscoe; Jacksonville R3 Secll Pct59 T15 RIO T120a Tom Boyd (1905) Davis, C. Clifton (Grace Riley) Ch Claude; Jacksonville R6 Sec33 Pct34 T15 R9 T320a Charles Davis (1892) Davis, C. E. (Lucy A. Parkhurst) Ch Lela, Clifton, Violet; Jacksonville R6 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 O740a (1894) 45 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Davis, Samuel E. (Mary H. Man- chester) Ch Sarah E., Samuel M., Helen M.; Jacksonville R6 Sec28 Pct34 T15 R9 O120a (1892) Day, Fred E. (Marguerite Darush) Ch Carl, Lucile, Evelene, Ernest; Jacksonville R8 SeclS Pct62 T15 RIO O35a (1888) Day, John (Martha Gouvia) Ch Mary, John, William, Felicia, Nellie, Hiram; Jacksonville R3 SeclS Pct62 T15 RIO OllSa (1853) Day, Leonard A. "Hemlock Farm" Jacksonville R8 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO T120a Manuel Day (1890) Day, Manuel (Mary Henriques) Ch Charles, John, Frank, Richard, Fred, Leonard; "Hemlock Farm" Jack- sonville R8 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO O176a (1853) Day, Irven (Eva Simmons) Ch Stan- ley, Russell, Cecile, Kenneth; Rood- house R3 Sec32 Pct49 T13 RIO T120a J. D. Day (1882) Deatherage, W. D. (Pansy Cannon) Ch Elva, Christena; Waverly Rl Secl6 Pct9 T14 R8 Farm Hand T. J. Six (1897) Deaton, Edward A. (Tensy A. Bax- ter) Ch Edward E., Helen L., Dortha M., Margaret E., James R.; Jacksonville R8 Sec36 Pct70 T16 RIO T200a William Allison (1868) Deaton, William (Sarah Hull) Ch Myrtle; Literberry Rl Sec7 Pct38 T16 R9 T63a Albert Crum (1863) Decker, Martin (Bessie Smith) Ch George, Harry, Claud; Ashland Rl SeclS Pct37 T16 R9 Farm Hand George Naulty (1882) Deere, George R. (Vera Stewart) Ch Georgia, Roberta; Franklin Rl Sec9 Pct21 T13 R9 T200a T. W. Deere and L. B. Spires (1889) Deere, T. W. (Alice Seymour) Ch Ida M., Harriet E., Theodocie, George R.; Franklin Rl Sec3 Pct20 T13 R9 O229a (1851) DeFrates, Henry (Elsie Vasconellos) Ch Frances; Jacksonville R7 Seel PctSl T15 Rll T104a R. E. Wil- liamson and E. E. Crabtree (1878) DeFreites, Justina Ch Frank, Pauline, Lizzie, Evaline, Nettie, Tom, George; Jacksonville R3 Secl6 T15 RIO O3a (1901) Degroat, Herman H. (Ellen Sweat- mann) Ch William, Jpph, Jerry Herman, Tena, Minnie, Nellie, Mary, Sadie; Chapin R3 Secl9 T16 R13 O40a Secl2 Pct31 T15 R12 T212a Dr. Fountain and Frank Bernhan (1906) Deitrick, Carrie Concord Rl Sec30 Pct92 T16 Rll.O230a (1861) Deitrick, Daniel (Esther Brown) Concord Rl Sec30 Pct92 T16 Rll T420a George Deitrick (1880) Deitrick, George (Frances Hayden) Ch Daniel H., Hester P., Sarah F., Edwin H.; Concord Rl Sec30 Pct92 T16 Rll O420a (1859) Delaney, Dan (Nannie Vaught) Ch John, Ruth, Nettie, Annie, Daniel D., Julia T.; Concord Rl SeclS Pct87 T16 Rll Farm Hand Elsie Harman (1882) DeLong, J. H. (Rebecca Hobaker) Ch Cecil, Mae, Ralph, Lucile, Helen; Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 O50a (1881) Demoss, Mrs. Dicey (Mann) Ch Thomas, lona, Albert, Mary; Frank- lin R3 Sec3 Pct26 T14 R9 Ola (1867) Dennis, Fred S. (Effie Woodmansee) Ch Lyle, Mildred, Marguerite, Loraine, Verne; Waverly Sec8 Pct2 T13 R8-O175a (1866) Dennis, George W. (Simma M. Wa- ters) Waverly R3 SeclS Pct3 T13 R8 T12a William Diller (1880) Dennis, L. W. (Nancy Young) Ch Levi, Sarah, Marian, Paul, Mark, Linda, Mildred, George, William; Waverly R3 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 O46a (1871) Dennis, William (Elsie Tunningley) Waverly R3 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 T46a L. W. Dennis (1897) De Ornellas, Arthur (Cora Hender- son) Ch William, Clifford, Alice, Russell, Howard, Clarence, Lloyd, Cora; Jacksonville R3 Secl2 Pct59 T15 RIO T82a S. Self (1881) De Ornellas, Jacob (Lizzie Cherry) Ch Lilly, John, Arthur, Ada, Lena, Pearl; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO O280a (1848) Depner, Henry F. (Minnie Placke) Ch Arthur; Chapin R2 Secl8-8 Pct31 T15 R12 O60a TISOa G. Van- gundy (1887) Deterding, George (Edith Brownlow) Concord Rl Secl3 PctlOO T16 R12 T80a Dora Deterding (1888) Deterding, W. F. (Dora V. Bayless) Ch Delia M., Dora E., Alma M., George E.; Concord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 O200a (1849) Detmer, Henry (Emma Schumacher) Ch Alfred J. E., Verna A. J.; Chapin Rl Sec27 Pctl04 T16 R12 T140a Mrs. Emma Detmer (1897) 46 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Devine, Frank (Ollie Coker) Ch Harry, Mildred; Jacksonville R6 Sec32 Pct34 T15 R9 T280a E. M. Tindall (1871) Dewitt, John T. (Crecy Skaggs) Ch Mary E., William L., Hannah E., Mayme, Richard, Nannie P., Thomas G., Robert B.; Prentice Rl Sec9 Pctl7 T16 R8 Farm Hand W. Mau (1915) Dickens, William A. Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct9S T15 R12 O2a (1881) Dickinson, O. R. Winchester R5 Sec6 Pct77 T14 Rll O98a (1874) Dinwiddie, Harris W. (Margaret Hunter) Ch Anna, Eleanore; Jack- sonville R4 SeclS Pct68 T16 RIO T140a James Dinwiddie (1871) Dinwiddie, Owen G. (Mary Black- burn) Ch Edmund, Helen; Jackson- ville R4 Sec7 Pct68 T16 RIO O195a (1866) Dixon, R. G. (Laura Parrish) Ch Nettie, Hobart, Jennie, Matilda, Viola; Jacksonville R7 Sec32 Pct72 T16 RIO Tla Mrs. Charles Barns (1887) Doan, J. P. (Maud Dewey) Ch Fran- cis, Anna; Jacksonville R2 Sec30 Pct64 T15 RIO T180a Martha Rout (1874) Dobson, Edward (Martha Angelo) Ch Harriet, Opal, Harland; Murray- ville Rl Secl2 Pct73 T13 Rll O160a T120a Martha Dobson (1880) Dobson, G. W. (Linnie Ketner) Ch Helen, Eva, Chester, Walter. Etta, W 7 ayne; Murrayville R4 SeclS Pct43 T13 RIO T80 Sarah Sweeney (1873) Dobyns, James H. (Ella Johnson) "Pleasant View Farm" Orleans Sec34 Pct35 T15 R9 T373a Mary J. Dobyns (1869) Dodd, Albert (Maud Sevier) Ch Wal- ter, Ludal, Bessie, Opal; Waverly R2 Sec25 Pct6 T13 R8 O80a Herman Keplinger (1898) Dodd, H. D. (Carrie Austif) Waverly R3 Sec24 Pct24 T13 R9 OllOa (1879) Dodsworth, Frank S. (Emma, Sister) Literberry Rl Sec23 Pet 70 T16 RIO O40a (1875) Dodsworth, William T. (Susan Rob- ert) .Ch Roy, Richard, Helen, Her- bert, Glen, Howard, Edward; Liter- berry Rl Sec23-24 Pct70 T16 RIO T80a W. H. Winzer (1865) Dodsworth, George (Erma Calhoun) Ch Sarah, Oliver, Abraham; Frank- lin Rl Sec22 Pct30 T14 R9 T80a W. T. Dodsworth (1887) Dolan, Charles (Agnes Farrell) Mur- rayville Sec6 Pct44 T13 RIO O134a (1877) Dolan, F. W. Manchester Rl Sec2 Pct73 T13 Rll T80a Mary Dolan (1882) Donohue, Maggie and Lyons, Nellie, Franklin -SecSS Pct31 T14 R9 O80a (1837) Doolin, Jerry (Jane Wilson) Ch Julia, William, Elizabeth J.; Jacksonville R5 Sec24 PctSS T14 RIO T60a Charles Brown (1852) Doolin, M. J. (Anna O'Connell) Ch Harry, Florence, Stella, Anna, Elizabeth; Woodson Rl Sec20 Pct52 T14 RIO Ollla (1861) Doolin, W. A. (Addie Fitzhugh) Wav- erly R3 SeclS Pct4 T13 R8 T70a Arthur Doolin (1915) Doolin, W. H. (Hannah Carrigan) Jacksonville R5 Sec23 Pct54 T14 RIO T420a Mrs. M. A. Routh (1887) Dorwart, Charles Waverly Rl Sec33 Pctl3 T14 R8 T160a George Caroth- ers (1884) Dorwart, Fred (Fannie Ryan) Ch Martin, Frances; Alexander Rl Secl9 PctlS T15 R8 Farm Hand E. T. Kumle (1910) Dorwart, Frederick (Mary Ryan) Ch Martin, Francis, Vergil; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 T80a John Mockinson (1883) Dorwart, John (Elizabeth Ludwig) Ch John J.; Waverly Rl Sec33 PctlS T14 R8 T2a J. R. McConnell (1897) Dorwart, Martin A. (Jennie Albersen) Ch Fred, Clara, John, Charles, James, George; Waverly Rl Sec34 PctlS T14 R8 T230a George Carothers (1866) Dorsey, C. L. (Charlotte Flynn) Del- bert M., Clyde L.; Alexander Rl Sec4 Pct9 T14 R8 T54a Miss Kate Kaiser (1916) Douglas, W. E. (Prudy Dodsworth) Ch Mary, Edwin; Franklin Rl Sec27 Pct30 T14 R9 OlOOa (1877) Douglass, John L. (Dora Otkens) Ch Dorothy, Lucile, Mildred; Murray- ville R3 SeclS Pct45 T13 RIO Farm Hand Sam Jones (1914) Douglass, M. A. (Belle Adkins) Ch John, Octa, Bessie, Luther, Milford; Murrayville R2 Sec32 Pct49 T13 RIO T172a C. F. Strang (1852) 47 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Dovagun, Samuel (Norvilla Settles) Ch Fred, Joseph, Ben, John, Theo- dore, Edward, Roy, Bertha, Minnie, Rosa; Prentice Secl2 Pct36 T16 R9 Ola (1911) Bowling, Pat (Margaret Walsh) Ch Mayme, Nellie, Joe, Loyola, Fran- ces, Harvey, Anna; Jacksonville R6 Sec22 Pct63 T15 RIO T163a Routt Est. (1864) Downs, F. D. (Leli Stout) Ch James Weir; Jacksonville Rl Sec32 Pct86 T15 Rll Farm Hand Wiley Todd (1890) Downs, Guy E. (Mollie L. Sayre) Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO T35a Dunn Est. (1888) Doyle, Edward T. (Pearl Wright) Ch Harl^n, Francis, Randall, Emily, Marjorie, Elizabeth; Murrayville Rl Sec2 Pct73 T13 Rll T80a Agnes Doyle (1887) Doyle, E. L. (Catherine Ryan) Ch Cecil R., Bernice; Franklin R3 Secl4 Pct2S T14 R9 T275a P. Han- non (1877) Doyle, John Waverly Rl Sec27 Pctl3 T14 R8 T240a W. H. Jones (1897) Doyle, Owen (Ellen Malone) Ch Eugene, Margaret, John, Anna; Waverly Rl Sec28 Pctl3 T14 R8 O76a (1877) Drury, F. E. (Annie Tomlin) Ch Charles J., Hiram J., Annabelle; "Woodland Home Farm" Jackson- ville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 O395a (1868) Duckwall, Fred (Hazel Tuke) Ch Fay, Helen; Jacksonville R7 Sec4 Pct82 T15 Rll T2a (1891) Duewer, August (Minnie Meyer) Ch Minnie, Edward, A. H., Annie, Frank; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 O353a (1877) Duewer, A. H. (Alvina Fischer) Ch Clarence O.; "Sunnyside Farm" Waverly Rl SeclS T200a August Duewer (1897) Duewer, Edward (Mollie Luken) Ch Ralph E.; New Berlin R30 SeclO Pct9 T14 R8 9160a (1887) Duke, D. K. (Gertie Dyer) Ch Gladys G.; Jacksonville R6 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 O70a (1911) Duke, Osie M. (Pearl Bateman) Ch Aubrey, Eunola, Ona M., Iva L.; Jacksonville R6 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand C. E. Davis (1909) Dunlap, G. A. (Edna McFillen) Ch James A., Russell R., William E.; "Dunlap Heights" Literberry Secl6 Pct69 T16 RIO O112a (1905) Dunlap, Stephen (Harriet O'Rear) Ch Oliver, Albert, Howard, Ar- thur, Ruth; Jacksonville R3 Sec34 Pct64 T15 RIO O200a (1845) Dunn, William (Matilda Chalfant) Jacksonville R4 Sec6 Pct70 T15 RIO Farm Hand Austin Patterson (1897) Durham, George (Nannie Raglan) Ch Glenn, Elmer, Oliver, Lucille; Franklin Rl Sec23 Pct30 T14 R9 Farm Hand W. A. Oxley (1908) Durham, Walter (Minnie Hodges) Ch Harvey A., Nellie F., William, Argus, Neva Ethlyn; Franklin Rl Sec4 Pct21 T13 R9 T160a W. T. Dodsworth and Ezra Scott (1915) Duvendack, J. William (Mary Meir) Ch Edward A., Rudolph O., Alma E., Wallace L.; Meredosia Rl SeclS Pct98 T16 R12 O120a (1856) Dwyer, Harry (Lula Rouland) Ch Rubie; Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 T60a Will Withebee (1894) Dyer, Henry (Ina Dennis) Waverly Rl Sec27 Pctl3 T14 R8 Farm Hand W. H. Jones (1915) Dyer, Samuel (Jennie Whiteside) Ch Elemer, Leslie, Georgie, Jennie; Murrayville R3 Sec35 Pct47 T13 RIO OllOa (1910) E Ebrey, Ernest (Nancy Mosley) Ch Leonard E., Herbert W. ; Franklin Rl Sec4 Pct21 T13 R9 T188a Thomas Ebrey (1884) Ebrey, George E. (Nettie Jones) Ch Ruth F., Glenn O., Beatrice O., Eileen, Elenor; Franklin Rl Sec33 Pct29 T14 R9 T78a R. Smith (1875) Ebrey, Thomas R. (Mary Beavers) Ch William, John, Elmer, Ernest, Ralph; Jacksonville R5 Sec30 Pct28 T14 R9 O204a (1877) 48 Eck, Frank A. (Ida Evans) Ch Joseph, Emerich, Edward, Manita, Freda, Bernice; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 O120a (1876) Eck, John (Emma L. Bottschalk) Ch Wendeline, Paul, Louisa, Henry, George; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 O135a (1887) Eckhoff, Henry (Kathryn Perdix) Ch Edwin F., Eda M.; "Hillcrest Farm" Chapin Rl Sec26 Pctl04 T16 R12 O240a (1861) FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Edcox, J. F. (Lou Brown) Ch Mary, Maud O., Fannie G., Eunice M.; Waverly Seel Pctl T13 R8 T145a George Bimber (1906) Edge, John W. (Ida Baldwin) Ch Richard H., Ralph E., Irene H., Dorothy L., J. Raymond, Edith P., Edna M.; Waverly Rl Sec22 Pctl2 T14 R8 I. Moxon T240a (1912) Edwards, Andrew (Zena Harvy) Arenzville R2 Seel T16 Rll Farm Hand Bertha Beadles (1915) Edwards, Mrs. Ava Ch Arnold, Mary, Ella, Frank, Jesse, Leona, William; Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO O130a (1867) Edwards, C. E. (Mary Hough) Ch Mina, Irene; Franklin R2 Sec29 Pct22 T13 R9 O60a Sec20 Pct22 T13 R9 T160a W. H. Lucken (1881) Edwards, George (Bertha Lyons) Ch lona, LeRoy; Waverly R3 Sec25 Pct24 T13 R9 Farm Hand Robert Lyons (1887) Edwards, Thomas (Oma Lyons) Ch Ada, Lela, Orville, Elves; Waverly R3 Sec26 Pct24 T13 R9 Farm Hand Henry Mansfield (1881) Edwards, Virgil (Estelle Samples) Ch Earl; Murrayville R3 Sec36 Pell 16 T13 R9 T40a C. C. Berry- man (1915) Edwards, W. N. (Florence Hughes) Ch Mabel, Elvis, Bessie, Esther; Murrayville R2 Sec26 Pct75 T13 Rll T155a H. McConnell (1907) Ehlert, John M. (Ida Cruse) Ch Bea- trice, Floyd, Helen, Carl, Darrell, Irma, Esther; Jacksonville R2 Seel Pct65 T14 Rll T120a Mrs H. Schu- maker and John Ehlert (1872) Eldridge, Cline (Bertha Browan) Ch Walter, Louise, Lowell; Waverly R3 Sec26 Pct24 T13 R9 T170a Kib- linger & Son and Harry Mansley (1885) Eldridge, Frank (Amy Summers) Ch Loren Yates, Elmer Franklin, Clara Belle, Alvah Curtis; Waverly R2 Sec34 Pct7 T13 R8 T208a A. C. Moffet (1876) Eldridge, Joseph (Ora Shortridge) Ch Earnest, Ralph; Prentice Rl Sec25 Pct41 T16 R9 Farm Hand T. C. Travis (1874) Eldridge, Oren (Grace Austif) Ch Opal M., Ruby T., Maurice, Alberta; Waverly R3 Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 O80a (1887) Ellington, Charles (Kitty Moore) Ch Robert, Mamie, Rosie, Bertha, Henry, Viola, Clarence, Vernon; New Berlin R31 Sec28 Pctl6 T15 R8 Farm Hand John and Larry C. Luby (1917) Ellington, James (Maud Rogers) Ch Stanley, Mildred, Armeda; Frank- lin R2 Sec21 Pct23 T13 R9 T90a Clarence Rees (1899) Elmore, O. W. (Effie Wilson) Ch William, Bessie, Robert, Franklin; Pisgah R2 Seel Pct65 T14 Rll Farm Hand C. R. Lewis (1913) Emmerson, R. W. Ch Irvin T.; Sin- clair Rl Sec32 Pct39 T16 R9 O191a (1870) Emrick, James (Millie Parks) Ch Cecil Lutie; Chapin R3 Sec33 Pct93 T16 Rll T140a Williams Est. (1902) Engelbrecht, Herman (Elizabeth Walke) Chapin R2 Sec7 Pct98 T15 R12 O35a (1884) Engelbrecht, Herman Jr. (Louisa Schultis) Ch Carl, Rosa, Minnie, Manda, Emma, Filbert; Chapin R2 Sec5 Pct96 T15 R12 T186a Enoch . Tholen Est. (1884) Enke Charles (Annie Evemeyer) Ch William, Frank, Effie, Edith, Nellie, Harry; Meredosia Rl SeclS Pct98 T16 R12 O120a (1871) Enke, William (Annie Earth) Arenz- ville Rl Secl2 PctlOS T16 R13 O40a (1875) Escourse, Joe (Mary DeFreites) Ch Rosalene, Anna, Mary, Pauline, Carrie, Justina, Anderson; Jackson- ville R3 Secl6 T15 RIO OlOa (1854) Evans, Edward G. (Louetta Luttrell) Ch Paul E., Ruth L.; Waverly Rl Sec28 Pctl3 T14 R8 TlOOa J. Lut- trell (1884) Evans, William (Hattie Davenport) Ch Catherine M., Charles R. ; Jack- sonville R6 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 T40a T. Davenport (1915) Evemeyer, Edward (Minnie Malott) Ch Vernon, Russell; Meredosia SeclO PctlOS T16 R13 O320a (1860) Everett, E. C. (Alice Everett) Ch Gertrude, Alice, Floyd Dassit, Adopted Child; "Forest View Farm" Waverly R2 Sec27 Pct7 T13 R8 O190a (1860) Eyre, Frank and Russell (Maude Coultas, Wife of Frank) Jackson- ville Rl Secl9 Pctl09 T15 Rll T160a B. Eyer Est. (1888) 49 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Fairburn, John (Elizabeth) Ch Jennie, Willie E., Clara B., Ada Lo.; "Fair Oaks Farm" Waverly R3 Sec35 Pct24 T13 R9 OlOOa (1889) Fairfield, James (Anna Carrick) Ch Russell, James, Gladys, Cecil, Al- lan, Margaret, Howard, Richmond; Franklin R3 Sec3 Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand A. W. Cox (1889) Farmer, Edward (Myrtle Colvin) Ch Opal, Irene; Waverly R3 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 Farm Hand Robert A. Boaz (1917) Farmer, Edward (Dorothy A. Smith) Ch Howard, Harold; Sinclair Rl Sec23 Pct41 T16 R9 T240a C. A. Bellatti (1877) Farmer, George (Delia Hunt) Ch Eva, Raleigh, Ray, Jessie; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct4 T13 R8 T90a (1816) Farmer, Mrs. Ida (Goldie) Ch Minnie, Earl, Glen, Henry, Maud, George, Byron, Gladys; Prentice Rl Sec26 Pct41 T16 R9 T160a T. M. Morton Farmer, J. B. Ch Samuel Trueman; Rohrer Sec34 Pct7 T13 R8 (1893) Fanning, Warren (Annie Lockwood) Ch William T., Edith L., Linol A., Seymour; Murray ville R3 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 O72a (1876) Fanning, Warren S (Martha New- man) Ch Clifton, Cora; Murray- ville R4 SeclS Pct43 T13 RIO T160a J. W. Fanning (1892) Farrow, Frank (Addie Waggner) Ch Elizabeth H., Pearl I.; Ashland Rl Sec4 Pct37 T16 R9 T87a Joseph Lewis (1915) Fay, Lewis A. (Minnie Jackson) Ch Ray, LeRoy, Arthur, John; Jack- sonville R7 Sec2 Pct84 T15 Rll Farm Hand Mrs. W. B. Groves (1914) Fearneyhough, Alonzo (Lila Water- field) Ch F. Eileen, Hellen L., Alonzo R.; Jacksonville R2 Secl4 Pct79 T14 Rll T70a Sarah Angelo (1887) Fearneyhough, C. F. (Bertha Mc- Carthy) Ch Louise; Jacksonville R2 Sec4 Pct77 T4 Rll T80a (1883) Fearneyhough, Walter Ch Grace, Clarence, Prin, Hattie May, Fred; Jacksonville R2 Secl6 Pct78 T14 Rll (1877) Fearneyhough, William Ch Walter, Mary, Elby, Sarah, Charley, Kate, Lon, Len, Lillie; Jacksonville R2 SeclO Pct76 T14 Rll O125a (1878) Feore, Martin (Mary Doyle) Ch Hes- ter J., Martin D., Charlotte; Wav- erly Rl Secl7 Pctll T14 R8 O40a TlOOa J. Feore (1877) Fereira, E. M. (Mary Martin) Ch Chester, Homer; Jacksonville R4 Sec8 PctSl T15 RIO (1872) Ferguson, Albert J. (Minnie Barnes) Ch Lloyd, Pearl, Homer, Eileen; Alexander Sec26 Pct35 T15 R9 T240a William Cawkin (1859) Fernandes, P. C. (Laura Ferreira) Ch Thomas, Floyd; Jacksonville R4 Sec8 Pct61 T15 RIO (1887) Ferreira, Henry I. (Marietta Day) Ch Evalena, Leroy; Jacksonville R7 Sec6 PctSl T15 RIO T175a L. Black (1875) Ferreira, Tom (Eleanor Merrill) Ch Merrill; Jacksonville R8 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O80a (1885) File, C. S. (Pearl Adams) Waverly Rl Sec34 Pctl3 T14 R8 T80a Mary J. ^wman (1913) Filson, William T. (Lela Finny) Con- cord Rl Sec20 Pct92 T16 Rll O120a (1886) Finch, Otto (Johanna Whalen) Ch Charles, Frank, Mildred; Murray- ville Rl SecS Pct44 T13 RIO T160a Hannah Ezard (1878) Fisher, L. P. (Anna Flinn) Ch Law- rence W.; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct3 T13 R8 O163a (1862) Fisher, William T. (Elizabeth Lemon) Ch Claud, Ernest, Frank, Glen. Chastina, Marie, Tracy, Henry, Teddy; Murray ville R2 Sec30 Pct49 T13 RIO O140a (1858) Fitzpatrick, J. W. (Anna Hennessy) Ch Edward, Margaret, Joseph, Marie, Louise; Winchester R3 Sec7 Pct77 T14 Rll T180a Dr. G. Beesley and C Coultas (1868) Fitzsimmons, Joseph D. (Ruth A. Sandberg) Ch Ivan C., Joseph D., Harold L.; "Cedar Crest" Woodson Rl SeclS Pct54 T14 RIO T85a H. W. Paul (1886) Fitzsimmons, J. W. (Elvira Blimling) Ch Helen, Oran, Ball; Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pet 71 T16 RIO T207a Mrs. John Lambert (1877) Fitzsimmons, Wilbert H. (Leta Meg- ginson) Ch Eva Jeanette; Woodson Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 RIO T80a S. S. Megginson (1891) 50 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Fletcher, Charles L. (Ethel Miner) Ch Florence, Marion, Lester, Oliver; Waverly R2 Secl2 Pctl T13 R8 T6a W. F. Miner (1912) Fligg, George (Jennie Stephenson) Ch Jessie, Joseph, Pearl, Roy; Jack- sonville R2 Sec4 Pct77 T14 Rll OlOOa (1859) Flinn, George Letha, Sue, June L., Selina, Alice, Sisters, and John, Brother; Prentice Rl Sec29 PctlS T16 R8 O197a (1905) Flinn, George V. (Edna Farmer) Prentice Rl Sec29 PctlS T16 R8 O195a (1873) Flinn, Newtin (Lucy Carlton) Ch Nina, Edna, Lorena, Fred, Floyd, Russell, Paul, Erick; Prentice Rl Sec35 Pct41 T16 R9 T160a Fox Est (1895) Flinn, Timothy J. (Anna Sweeny) Ch George, William, Margaret, Rosa; Murrayville Rl SeclS Pct78 T14 Rll OlOOa (1857) Flynn, Jerry (Anna Ryan) Ch Bessie William, Delia, Leo., Jerry, Charles, Robert, Emma, Lillie; Jacksonville R2 Secll Pct79 T14 Rll O305a (1865) Flynn, Lawrence (Anna Mandeville) Ch John, Thomas, Katherine, Flor- ence, Nellie, Lawrence; Jacksonville R3 Secll Pct59 T15 RIO O270a (1856) Flynn, Thomas J. (Teresa Magner) Ch Catherine, Paul; Jacksonville R3 Secl4 Pct63 T15 RIO T140a L. Flynn (1893) Ford, G. B. (Mary A. Adams) Ch Fred; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 O240a (1884) Fortado, Matthew (Mary DeFreites) Ch Matthew, John, Joe, Francis, Mary, Manuel, David, Ruth, Daniel; Jacksonville R3 Secl6 T15 RIO O22a (1904) Foster, Bert (Mary Conlee) Franklin R3 Sec29 Pctl3 T14 R8 T82a Wemple Bros. (1893) Foster, D. N.; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO O32a (1881) Foster, Frank R. (Ella E. Strawn) Ch Madeline, Robert F.; Alexander Rl Sec7 PctH T15 R8 O364a (1888) Foster, OrviUe F. (Belle Turner) Ch Frances; Jacksonville Rl Sec23 Pct85 T15 Rll T160a Frank Leach (1904) Foster, T. L. (Mellie Clayton) Frank- lin Sec7 Pctl9 T13 R8 T14Sa J. B. Burch (1891) Fouts, Robert (Delia Darnell) Ch Carl, May, Leta, Bayne, Vernon, Clifford G.; Chapin R3 Seel Pct94 T15 R12 T230a Mary Thorndike (1896) Fox, Samuel L. (Virginia F. Boyce) Ch George F.; Jacksonville R6 Secl3 Pct63 T15 RIO O147a (1853) Fralix, Charles (Jessie Maddox) Ch Howard B.; Jacksonville R5 SeclO Pct50 T14 RIO Farm Hand T. S. Hembrough (1915) Franklin, Edward (Hester Fox) Ch Maggie, Clyde, Rollie, Chester, Murl, Walter, Dovie; Neelyville Rl Sec7 Pct98 T16 R12 Farm Hand L. Laughry (1917) Fredlander, George W.; Jacksonville R4 Sec7 Pct84 T15 RIO O160a (1877) Freitag, William (Margaret A. Ne- well) Ashland Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 O120a (1889) Fricke, William (Johana Lovecamp) Ch Lucinda, Theodore, Julius, Hulda, Magdalene, Albert, William, Rudolph; Merodosia Rl Sec6 Pct98 T16 R12 O290a (1876) Fritzpatrick, Thomas (Katie Brown) Ch Frank, Grace, Bernice; Sinclair Rl Sec21 Pct40 T16 R9 TlOOa Brown Est. (1873) Frogge, V. B. (Mary Stephens) Ch Leon, Lillian, Marjorie; "The Maples" Jacksonville Rl Sec21 Pct83 T15 Rll Farm Hand S. P. Cleary (1909) Fry, Mrs. Anna M. (Anne Howe) Jacksonville R5 Sec7 Pct27 T14 R9 O240a (1862) Funk, Montie (Gertrude Brownlow) Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 T180a C. S. French Est. (1890) Funk, Yuber Y. (Venetta Carpenter) "Poplar Wood Farm" Jacksonville R8 Sec4 Pct61 T15 RIO O80a (1887) Fuqua, S. D. (Laura Poole) Ch Marie Ethel; Murrayville R3 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 Farm Hand Joe Wagner (1914) 51 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gabhart, John H. (Annie Salee) Ch Gilbert A., Henry E., Ruby; "J. T. Holmes Farm" Franklin R8 SeclO Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand H. Mosley (1915) Gaddis, James T. (Louise Harris) Ch Francis A., Grace E.; Concord Rl Sec21 Pct91 T16 Rll O125a (1889) Gaines, Charles T. (Emma Liming) Ch Arthur, Edith, Ida, Ethel, Charles; Jacksonville R8 Secl4 Pct66 T16 RIO O85a (1865) Gallagher, Daniel (Mary) Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 O66a (1860) Gard, J. M. (S. E. Muntman) Ch Charles, Lawrence, Winfield, Coral; Bluffs Rl Secl9 Pctl02 T16 R12 O160a (1877) Gardner, Mai. (Rachel Buckles) Ch Wilburn; Waverly R2 Sec36 Pct6 T3 R8 Farm Hand Herbert Roher (1916) Gardner, Sanford (Nettie Bush) Ch Thomas W., Carl R.; Waverly Rl Sec23 Pctll3 T14 R8 Farm Hand A. Duewer (1916) Garfield, H. F. (Lydia Dodendorf) Ch. Horace, Eva; Murray ville R3 Sec20 Pct49 T13 RIO O160a (1911) Garner, J. G. (Mary Rafferty) Ch Meda, Mary Ann, Charles, Lena, Gladys; Murray ville R2 Sec25 Pct75 T13 Rll O40a (1863) Garner, J. O. (Lena Short) Ch Emory, Mildred, Leota, Bonnie, Joseph; Murrayville R2 Sec24 Pct74 T13 Rll O180a (1879) Garvin, John Ch Florence, Harry; Jacksonville R8 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO 028a (1916) Garvin, Thomas (Bridget Conners) Ch Anna, John, Evelyn, Irene, Agnes; Murrayville Rl Secl2 Pct73 T13-R11 O77a (1911) Gerhardt, David (Kane Plumpe) Ch Fred J., Anna K.; New Berlin R30 SeclO Pct9 T14 R8 O80a (1897) German, John L. (Henrietta Mau) Ch Ernest, Mamie, Fred, William, Clar- ence; Jacksonville R2 Sec9 Pct76 T14 Rll O160a (1861) Gibbons, J. W. (Jennie Smith) Ch Vertner Fern; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO O40a (1861) Gibbs, C. H. (Alice Scholfield) Ch Mildred, Wilbur, Gayle. Virgie; "Pleasant Hill Farm" Jacksonville R2 Sec5 Pct77 T14 Rll O124a (1868) Gibbs, Leland E. (Carrie, Sister) "Mound Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec27 Pct86 T1S Rll O96a (1908) Gibson, C., and Hawker, C. L. (Belle McCready) Martha Isabelle, wife and child of C. L. Hawker; (Jennie McNayre) wife of C. Gibson; Franklin Rl Sec20 Pct28 T14 R9 T120a Mrs. L. Gibson (1916) Giger, David (Alice Burrus) Arenz- ville Rl Sec4 Pct97 T16 R12 T122a T. E. Hierman (1898) Gilbert, C. A., Jacksonville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll T136a Mrs. Emma G. Smith (1913) Gilbert, James M. (Elizabeth Carroll) Ch Emma, William, Pearl, Charles, Edith, Estella; Jacksonville Rl Sec23 Pct85 T15 Rll T75a John A. Smith Est. (1855) Gilliland, E. T., Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O2a (1869) Gilliland, Mrs. Hattie (Gibson) Ch Alvin Leo; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 T2a E. T. Gilliland (1892) Gillis, J. T. (Mary Sawyer) Ch Hyler; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O15a (1851) Ginder, James F. (Bessie Stone) Ch Kathleen Alice; Concord Rl Sec21 and 22 Pct87 T16 1 R11 O160a (1885) Ginder, John (Clara Goodpasture) Ch Ralph, Paul, Alvin, Clyde, Blanche; Arenzville R2 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll T193a J. R. Ginder Est. (1885) Gish, Frank (Mary Long) Ch Orena, Nuten, William, Vina, James; Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll O20a (1855) Givens, R. S. (Sarah Howard) Ch William A.; "Appalonia Farm" Waverly R3 Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 O72a (1840) Givens, W. A. (Ella Hardman) Ch Frank A., Mildred E.; Waverly R3 Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 O134a T60a R. S. Givens (1862) Goacher, John F. (Elizabeth Weller) Ch Jennie, Frances, Clara, Maud, Nora, Albert, Dollie, Grace, Everett; Waverly R3 Sec25 Pct24 T13 R9 O40a (1842) Goacher, W. L. (Martha Autrobus) Ch Gertrude, Grace; Murrayville R2 Sec36 Pct75 T13 Rll O66a (1913) Goans, William M. (Ethel Woods) Ch Erna E., Erma I.; Prentice Rl Sec25 Pct41 T16 R8 Farm Hand Henry Beilschmidt (1916) 52 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Goatcher, Albert (Mary L. Sheppard- son) Ch Glen, John, Edith; Waverly R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R8 O80a (1878) Goff, Edward (Mary Owen) Ch Wil- liam, Rolla, Kitty; "Indian Creek Stock Farm" Prentice Rl Sec4 Pctl7 T16 R8 O160a (1882) Goffinett, John (Gertrude White) Ch Helen, Junior J.; Arenzville Rl Secl3 PctlOS T16 R13 T126a (1880) Goffinett, William (Maud Williams) Ch Marguerite L.; Concord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 Farm Hand L. E. Williams (1883) Golden, James (Mary Wilhite) Frank- lin R2 Secl6 Pct21 T13 R9 T45a J. M. Reese (1913) Goldstein, Anton (Josephine Ludwig) Ch Leonard W., Andrew L.; Alex- ander Rl Sec9 Pct9 T14 R8 T80a Mrs. L. Plumpe (1908) Collier, Harry (Ethel Martin) Ch Louise, Harry, Eugene; Murray- ville R2 Sec24 Pct74 T13 Rll T400a J. C Andrus (1910) Goodman, John (Sarah Carroll) Ch Wesley, Lena M., Trand D.; Pren- tice Rl Sec7 Pctl7 T16 R8 Farm Hand W. Adkins (1916) Goodpasture, Roscoe (Cora Rudisill) Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll T20a R. P. Goodpasture (1889) Goodpasture, R. P. (Sarah Ratriff) Ch Grace, Ellen, Clara, Roscoe, Floyd, Delia; "Spring Hill Farm" Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll O300a (1851) Gordon, Felix (Martha Stephenson) Murrayville Rl Secl2 Pct73 E13 Rll T120a Mrs. A. E. Cline (1878) Gorman, Dan, Waverly Rl Sec21 Pctl2 T14 R8 T460a Mrs. M. A. Gorman and G. W. Burnett (1867) Gotschall, Fred R. (Pearl Roach) Ch Ethel M., Dorothy I; Franklin R3 Sec24 Pct24 T14 R9 Farm Hand W. T. Dodsworth (1910) Gotschall, Harry E. (Mary L. Cooper) Ch Marie A.; Jacksonville R8 Secl4 Pct66 T16 RIO Farm Hand Charles McDonald (1913) Gotschall, John R. (Orlena Adkins) Ch Golda, Lewis, Olen; Waverly R2 Sec32 Pct4 T13 R8 O157^a (1862) Gotschall, Lewis R. (Bell Roades) Ch Clara B., Raymond L. ; Franklin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 O42a T138a L. A. Colwell and L. B. Hayne (1856) Gotschall, S. L. (Pearl Scott) Ch Arahdean, Bernice; Franklin R3 Secl3 Pct25 T14 R9 O80a (1866) Goveia, George M. (Lena Baptist) Ch Georgia, Leonard, Elmer, Clarence; "Woodland Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec28 Pct71 T16 RIO O185a (1858) Goveia, Lennard (Mathilda Schottler) Ch Lenora, George; "Sun View Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec28 Pct71 T16 RIO T85a George Goveia (1885) Grady, James T. (Flora B. Carpenter) Ch Theodore, Elizabeth, Lucille, Lloyd; Ashland Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 T160a Sallie Hodgson (1880) Graff, George M. (Ellen Elizabeth Ledferd) Jacksonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 OSOa (1861) Graff, John (Julia Tolan) Ch John; Prentice Rl Sec8 Pctl7 T16 R8 O400a (1885) Graves, C. H., Jacksonville R7 Secl4 Pct84 T15 Rll O160a (1850) Graves, T. O. (Hannah Denby) Ch Mary, Ruth; Jacksonville Rl Secl4 Pct84 T15 Rll O16a (1850) Graves, W. S., Jacksonville R7 Secl4 Pct84 T15 Rll O180a (1852) Gray, Charles (Alberta Anderton) Ch Elsie, Clyde, Muriel; Concord Rl Sec29 Pct92 T16 Rll Farm Hand Bert Way (1915) Gray, Fred (Annie Smith) Ch Sarah, Alice, Elmer; Murrayville R4 Secl4 Pct46 T13 RIO O318a (1878) Gray, H. T., Alexander Sec3.6 PctlS T15 R9 O120a T80a S. T. Holmes Est. (1867) Gray, John E. (Flossie Scott) Ch Lester R., Oris V., Ivan S., Vir- ginia M., Julius E.; "Walnut Grove Stock Farm" Waverly Rl Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 T180a William Gray (1875) Gray, William (Mary E. Stewart) Ch John E.; "Walnut Grove Farm" Waverly Rl Secl9 Pctll T14 R8 O460a (1857) Gray, W. R. (Marian Dennis) Ch Lil- lian D., Alain E.; Waverly R3 Sec35 Pct24 T13 R9 O20a (1897) Green, Austin B. (Mary Rector) Ch Flora J., E. Clifton, James M., Elmer A., Lelia M., Minnie R., Clark L.; "Ash Hill Farm" Jack- sonville R5 Secl2 Pct50 T14 RIO O372a (1837) Green, B. D. (Martha Hubberd) Ch Mary, Agustia, Hazel, T. Gerald, Sallie, Bennedict Jr., Martha; Jack- sonville R8 Sec21 Pct69 T16 RIO T200a H. H. Clark (1892) 53 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Greene, Mrs. Kate Ch John, George, Fred; Jacksonville R8 Sec8 Pct61 T15 RIO Housekeeper C. C. Berry- man (1897) Grider, Charles V. (Esther Sims) Ch Norman, Lawrence; Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO O19a (1896) Grider, G. A. (Ida Spencer) Ch Ralph, Howard, Lloyd; Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO O23a (1895) Grider, M. E. (Stell McAllister) Ch Emory, Eloise; Murrayville R4 Secl3 Pct46 T13 RIO OSOa (1896) Grisby, Hardin F. (Catherine Mother) Murrayville R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 O120a (1896) Groce, E. R. (Stella Six) Ch Bernard, Harold; Jacksonville R2 Sec36 Pct6S T15 Rll TSOOa C. R. Lewis (1914) Groves, Mrs. Mary (Mary McSherry) Ch John; Jacksonville R7 Secl2 Pct65 T15 Rll OlOOa (1869) Guinane, James (Catherine Burns) Chapin R2 Secll Pct89 T16 Rll O200a (1876) Gumter, Delmer (Lula Mattox) Ch Earl, Alice, Clarence, Keith C. B.; Literberry Rl Secl6 Pct69 T16 RIO O122a Gunn, Mrs. Nellie D. (Nellie Daniels) Ch Reuben, Laura, Charles, Vir- ginia, Alice, Baird, George, Harvey; Jacksonville Rl Secl3 Pct84 T15 Rll T120a Dr. Grace Dewey (1864) H Hacker, George (Eva Dolton) Ch Julius, Ada, Brvan, Ballard, Orville, Everett, Laura; Concord Rl Secl6 Pct87 T16 Rll O107a (1907) Hacker, James A. (Lucy J. Hazle- wood) Ch Lee, Ollie, Cora, Ethel, Effie, Mytle, Ellis, Rosa, Edna, Kenneth, Lenard; Concord Rl Sec21 Pct91 T16 Rll Farm Hand Alva Rexroat (1902) Hacker, Julius (Ollie Ore) Concord Rl Secl6 Pct87 T16 Rll T80a Sarah Ore (1907) Hadden, Charles E. (Emma McKin- ney) Ch James E., Mary L., Wil- liam L. ; Jacksonville R7 Secll Pct84 T15 Rll T260a Dr. Grace Dewey (1893) Hagan, Joseph (Bridget Doolin) Ch H. James, Kathryn, Nellie, Joseph. Margaret; Murrayville Rl Sec36 Pct44 T14 Rll OSla (1862) Hagen, Fred N. (Alma Graff) Ch Washington. Elwill, Dorothy, Rob- ert, William; Jacksonville R6 Sec31 Pct34 T15 R9 OlOOa (1905) Hairgrove, Fdward W. (Bessie Arm- strong) Ch Maurice, John; Sinclair Rl Secl6 Pct37 T16 R9 O280a (1911) Hale, Baxter (Alvonie Smith) Ch Mary, Lena, Estella, Ray, Lloyd, Lottie, Erma; Jacksonville R4 Sec24 Pct89 T16 Rll T40a John McFad- dem (1906) Hale, Israel L. (Emma Burrus) Ch Velma L., William R.; Bluffs Rl Sec31 Pctl03 T16 R12 T120a Wil- liam J. Hale (1862) Hall, Anna "Spring Brook Farm" Literberry Sec9 Pct98 T16 RIO O70a William Norman (1875) Hall, George E. (Effie Moxon) Jack- sonville R2 Sec32 Pct64 T15 RIO T152a Mrs. F. M. Harney (1888) Hall, Henry R. (Margaret E. Kumle) Ch Alice; Alexander Rl Sec30 Pct34 T15 R8 T160a George H. Hall (1886) Hall, John Lincoln (Mary Wanna- maker) Ch Jacob. Ruth; "The Cedars" Jacksonville Rl Sec21 Pct83 T15 Rll O40a (1864) Halligan, John (Catherine Newell) Ch Annette, Frank, James, Alma; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO O120a (1863) Ham, Artie (Nellie Bayless) Concord Rl Secl4 PctlOO T16 R12 O120a (1875) Ham, Mrs. George Ch Galmar; Mod- esto R35 Sec36 Pctll6 T13 R9 T20a Joseph Grey Ham, Milton (Louisa Whorten) Ch Elmer, Artie, Robert, Elsie: Con- cord Rl Sec23 PctlOl T16 R12 O40a (1860) Ham, Ora (Alice Green) Ch Herold, Mildred, Thresa: Concord Sec29 Pct92 T16 Rll T240a W. Cooper and Diggins Est (1899) Hambrough, William (Ida Covey) Ch Floyd, Gladys, Helen, Leslie, Louise; Murrayville R4 Sec2 Pct42 T13 RIO Manager George Miller (1910) 54 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Hambrough, William Ch William; Murrayville R4 Secl2 Pct42 T13 Rip O120a (1884) Hamilton, A. L. (Alma Boyer) Ch Harry; Franklin Sec20 Pet 11 T14 R8 T200a Miller Bros. (1867) Hamilton, Harry (Louise Wilcox) Ch Alto; Franklin R3 Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 Farm Hand Miller Bros. (1894) Hamilton, Lizzie (Lizzie Cowles) Chapin R2 Sec6 Pct96 T15 R12 O40a (1868) Hamilton, Owen P. (Phyllis DeSol- lar) Ch Gladys L., V. Alene, Ina M.; Chapin R2 SecS Pct96 T15 R12 O40a (1879) Hamilton, Robert S. (Addie Twyford) "The Willows" Jacksonville R6 Sec29 Pct34 T1S R9 T556a G. W. Moore and Mrs. M. Boston (1889) Hamm, Frank (Maud Carter) Ch Elizabeth, Ernest; Manchester Rl Secl4 Pct74 T13 Rll Farm Hand Jas. M. Myers (1916) Hamm, Ira (Maud Brake) Ch Conie, Jahn, Pearl; Jacksonville R8 Sec4 Pct61 T15 RIO Farm Hand John Laurie (1882) Hamm, Med (Daisy Simpson) Ch Vergie, Amos, Paul, Francis; Wav- erly R2 Sec36 Pct6 T13 R8 Farm Hand O. H. Roher (1916) Hamm, Oliver A. (Cora Boyce) Jack- sonville SeclO Pct67, T15 RIO O89a (1879) Hamman, Edward (Mary Hillig) Ch Harold, Glen, Wilma, Zeta, Dor- othy, Leroy; Merodosia Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 T160a Fred Ham- man (1869) Haneline, Grit (Mary Brown) Ch Elmer, Luella, William, Rhoda; Sinclair Rl Sec23 Pct41 T16 R9 O80a (1877) Hankins, Lloyd (Alta McPhail) Jack- sonville R8 Sec5 Pct61 T15 RIO O47a (1916) Hanning, Thomas (Jane Halligan) Ch Katherine E., John V., William H., George E.. Thomas L.; Ash- land Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 O120a (1876) Hannon, Harry F. (Jessie Flowers) Ch Iris May; Jacksonville R5 Secl2 PctSO T14 RIO Farm Hand E. J. Reynolds (1913) Harkleroad, William D. (Pearl E. Stremmen Ch Nellie E., Harold E., Vernon; Franklin R2 Sec29 Pct22 T13 R9 T40a Mrs. M. M. Newly (1897) Harmon, Frank (Ellen Crooks) Ch Frances E.; Franklin R3 Secl2 Pct25 T14 R9 Farm Hand M. Ryan (1892) Harmon, Oscar (Florence Scott) Franklin Rl Sec28 Pct30 T14 R9 T120a Katie Scott (1882) Harris, Harry H. Sinclair Rl Sec22 Pct40 T16 R9 O96a (1877) Harris, James (Lulu Kersy) Ch Daisy, James, Louise; Franklin Rl Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 T220a John Wynn (1892) Harris, John (Edith Griffin) Ch Fred- die, Jerry Wilson; Jacksonville Rl Sec 15 Pct83 T15 Rll Farm Hand J. W. Lazenby (1916) Harris, M. (Orilla Ward) Ch Myrtle, Lee W., Mabel L., M. Monroe, Rufus A., Coy S., Mollie O., Theo- dore R., Ruby R.; Pisgah Secl7 Pct27 T14 R9 O80a (1885) Harris, Rufus A. Ch Florence O., Grace L.; Pisgah Secl7 Pct27 T14 R9 T80a M. Harris (1897) Harris, William H. (Johanna Stan- berry) Franklin R3 Sec31 Pctl3 T14 R8 Farm Hand, J. Bond (1914) Harrison, William (Drucilla Black) Ch Edith, Homer, Mary; Jackson- ville R3 Secl3 Pct63 T13 RIO TlOOa T. W. Dodsworth (1849) Hart, A. A. (Margaret Toole) Ch Wyman; Waverly R3 Sec8 Pct2 T13 R8 OlOa T70a L. A. Caldwell (1897) Hart, C. E. (Charlotte Phillips) Ch Beulah, William, Philip, Lida; Mur- rayville R2 Sec29 Pct49 T13 RIO T132a Hy. Osborne (1915) Hart, E. E. (Cora Osborne) Ch Fay, Lyle, Rollin T., Raymond W., Carrol E.; "Oakwood Stock Farm" Sinclair Rl SeclS Pct37 T16 R9 O285a (1874) Hart, Frank (Lucretia White) Ch Lela, Lola; Murrayville R3 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 Farm Hand David Wilson (1905) Hart, John (Grace Masters) Ch Her- old, Annabelle; Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct6 T13 R8 O27a; Sec36 Pct7 T13 R8 T40a (1907) Hart, Lester L. (Cora Harrison) Ch Harrison, Alice L., Lester; Sinclair Rl Sec33 Pct40 T16 R9 T200a C. M. Hart (1885) Harvy, Z. M. (Hattie Thomas) Ch Zena, Uphia, Hellen; Arenzville R2 Seel T16 Rll T80a Bertha Beadles (1903) 55 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hauser, Frank (Lou Hofstler) Ch Lloyd, William; Concord Rl Sec26 Pct90 T16 Rll O80a (1913) Hayes, Albert R. (Jessie Jones) Ch Velma; Manchester Rl Secl4 Pct74 T13 Rll T580a Ed Osborne (1891) Hayes, Alice Ch John, Edward, George, Albert, Charles, Ray, Har- vey, Stella, Mary, Hazel; Murray- ville R2 Sec23 Pct74 T13 Rll O120a (1904) Hayes, Elza (Daisy Dishman) Ch Roy T. Parter T., Charles E.; Jack- sonville R8 Sec36 Pct70 T16 RIO Farm Hand W. Allison (1915) Hayes, George M. (Carrie Roberts) Ch James, Louise; Murray ville R2 Sec23 Pct74 T13 Rll O60a (1889) Hayes, John (Ada Taylor) Ch Glen O., Lillian M.; Prentice SeclS Pctl7 T16 R8 Farm Hand H. Robinson Hayes, John (Nora Mitchell) Ch Mildred, Gladys, Lucile, Russell; Manchester Rl Secl4 Pct74 T13 Rll O104a (1884) Haynes, G. B. (Lillian Jackson) Ch Russell, George H., Margaret; Franklin R2 Sec35 Pct31 T14 R9 T120a L. O. Berryman (1867) Haynes, Ira (Mary A. Anderton) Ch Sarah, Carra C, Henry S., J. Elmer, Chester G., Vivian; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 OllOa (1896) Heaton, Berry S. (Mabel Gordon) Ch Frances, Gordon, Eileen; Winches- ter R3 Sec7 Pct79 T14 Rll O66a (1884) Heaton, E. R. (Ruth McCarthy) Winchester R3 Sec7 Pct77 T14 Rll T152a Mrs. M. C. Heaton (1878) Heaton, J. G. (Sallie Gordon) Ch James, Margaret, Ralph, Gerald, Virginia, Herschall; Winchester R3 Sec7 Pct77 T14 Rll O160a (1874) Heffner, Joseph F. (Pheobe E. Bailey) Ch Marius, Pheobe I. B.; Arenz- ville Rl Sec2 Pct97 T16 R12 O200a (1861) Hegener, Henry W. (Augusta Dah- man) Ch Elmer, Lela; "Spring Grove Farm" Arenzville R2 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll O120a (1909) Heitbrink, Fred (Lizzie Russwinkle) Ch Esther, Delia, Owen, Alvin, Fred, Orville, Ruth; Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pctl02 T16 R12 O80a (1882) Hembrough Bros., Earl R. and Dean M.; Jacksonville R5 Secll PctSO T14 RIO T400a T. S. Hembrough (1894) Hembrough, Earl R. (Emma Henry) Jacksonville R5 Secll PctSO T14 RIO T400a T. S. Hembrough (1894) Hembrough, Frank (Annie Hellie- well) Ch George W., Annella, Ruth, Grace, Mary, Frances; Jackson- ville R5 Secl4 Pct54 T14 RIO O200a (1884) Hembrough, John D. (Anna D. Reed) Ch Alfred E., Minnie F., Ellsworth D., Lulu M. Frank E., John W, Anah B., Richard A.; Jacksonville R5 Secll PctSO T14 RIO; Secl4-23 Pet 54 T14 RIO O263a (1858) Henderson, Perry (Mary Sylvester) Ch Ellis E., Elmer J., Lottie E.; "Shady Oaks Farm" Literberry Rl Sec9 Pct67 T16 RIO O120a (1862) Henderson, Walter Ch Anna, George, Etta; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO T25a Robert DeFreites (1917) Henderson, William (Lulu Norman) Alexander Rl Seel Pct25 T14 R9 T80a John Kloppe (1888) Henderson, William E. (Alma F. Ahrenkiel) Ch Charles E.; Ashland Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 TSa Wil- liam Clapp (1915) Henderson, W. W. (Emma Freitag) Ch Rosa, Irl, Harold, Wilson, Allan; Jacksonville R4 Sec29 Pct72 T16 RIO O275a (1872) Henry, Elijah (Lillie M. Hull) Ch Augustus; Murrayville R4 SeclS Pct22 T13 R9 O24a (1870) Henry, Ernest (Bertha Fanning) Murrayville R3 Sec25 Pct47 T13 RIO TISOa F. L. Hungerford (1885) Henry, Guss (Lydia Seymour) Frank- lin R2 Sec20 Pct22 T13 R9 OlOOa (1874) Henry, S. E. Murrayville R4 Seel Pct42 T13 RIO O70a (1867) Henry, S. I. (Fetna Edwards) Ch Ralph; Murrayville R4 Secl3 Pct46 T13 RIO O70a (1880) Henry, William T. (Cora Alice Trib- ble) Ch Velda I.; Murrayville R4 Secl9 Pct22 T13 R9 O160a (1869) Henry, W. E. (Hattie Rogers) Ch Aretha, Frona, May; Murrayville R4 Seel Pct42 T13 RIO O40a (1867) Heriford, Marshal (Nannie Briggs) Ch Guy, Moore, Ernest, Nellie, Rosie L., Iva, Myrtle; Franklin R2 Sec29 Pct22 T13 R9 T160a Thomas Henry (1915) 56 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Hermes, John F. (Elizabeth Wal- baum) Ch Fred, Frances, Frank, Theresa, Fred, Andrew, Johnson; Alexander Rl Sec29 Pctl6 T15 R8 T320a Margaret Caldwell (1885) Herriford, Mrs. Cora (Cora Stevens) Ch Edward, Minnie Stacey, John C; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 T80a John Moxon (1914) Herriford, John C.; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 T80a John Moxon (1913) Hess, Louis (Clara Yeck) Ch Clifford, Howard: Concord Rl Sec22 Pct91 T16 Rll O120a (1912) Hetzel, E. M. (Rosa M. Chaflams) Ch Lester E., Michel G., Otto V.; "Myrtle" Franklin R2 Sec23 Pct23 T13 R9 O210a (1902) Hickey, John H. (Daisy Kern) 'Ch Donald, Simon, Anna, Thelma, Herschel; Sinclair Rl Secl4 Pct41 T16 R9 Tla Elias Parrott (1917) Hicks, John H. (Mary Carrigan) Ch Clarence, Edward; Jacksonville R3 SeclS Pct33 T15 R9 Farm Hand J. W. Arnold (1901) Hicks, M. W. CMartha Hayes) Ch Luther, Lora, Thomas, Mattie, John, Herschel, Charlie; Franklin R2 Sec33 Pct23 T13 R9 T160a H. A. and L. O. Berryman (1915) Hierman, Theodore E. (Lucinda Hackman) Ch Aldo, Verna; Arenz- ville Rl Sec3 Pct97 T16 R12 O396a (1868) Higgs, Albert (Bertha Hawn) Ch Edna, Lena; Chapin R3 Sec34 Pct91 T16 Rll T99a John Vasey (1874) Higgs, Henry (Mary Marshall) Ch Albert, Laura; Concord Rl Sec21 Pct91 T16 Rll T8a James Rexroat (1867) Hill, Edward (Mary E. Mielkie) Ch Francis, Irene; Prentice Rl Secl7 . Pctl7 T16 R8 Farm Hand J. H. Hubbs (1905) Hill, Elmer (Edith Stout) Ch Charles, Lee, Florence, Russell, Harold; Chapin R3 Sec2 PctSl T15 Rll T86a A. Doan (1904) Hills, Albert E. (Catherine Fearney- hough) Ch Blanche, Harold; Win- chester R3 Sec8 Pct77 T14 Rll T160a Miss Grace Carter (1914) Hills, A. E. (Stella Vasey) Jackson- ville Rl Sec32 Pct86 T15 Rll T380a Robert Hills (1869) Hills, J. L. (Clarissa Watson) Ch Leonard, Clark; "Blue Grass Home- stead" Franklin R3 Sec30 Pctll T14 R8 O76a (1865) Hills, Leonard (Sarah McFarland) Ch Myrtle, Albert, Adam; Winchester R5 Sec5-8 Pct77 T14 .Rll T240a Miss Grace Carter (1859) Hills, Robert Ch Mary Ann, Adam; Jacksonville Rl Sec32 Pct86 T15 Rll O458a (1857) Hills, William R. (Mary Thusby) Ch Raymond R., Chester R. George W.; Franklin R3 Sec24 Pct30 T14 R9 T220a H. G. Keplinger (1861) Hines, L. E. (Clara B. Thompson) Waverly R2 SecS Pct2 T13 R8 Farm Hand N. J. Hughes (1897) Hines, Walter (Margaret Doyle) Ch Helen; Alexander Sec33 Pctl6 T15 R8 O169a (1877) Hines, William R. (Anna Thompson) Ch Lester, Elma, Mary; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 Farm Hand G. B. Ford (1913) Hinners, Arthur (Carrie Weber) Ch Evelyn, Mardell; Meredosia Rl Seel PctlOS T16 R13 O80a (1885) Hinners, Elmer (Kathryn Weber) Ch Glennis; Arenzville Rl SecS Pct88 T16 R12 T300a F. Brookhouse (1890) Hinners, Henry (Emma Hansmeyer) Ch Arthur, Elsie, Erma; Meredosia Rl Secl2 PctlOS T16 R13 O160a (1863) Hinners, Louis E. (Margaret Goffi- nett) Ch Gilbert L.; Meredosia Rl Sec23 Pctl07 T16 R13 T167a Mrs. W. H. Wilday (1882) Hinners, Philip (Liddie Christiner) Ch Nettie, Elmer, Grace, Hilda, El- ton, Mabel; Meredosia Rl Secl2 Pctl06 T16 R13 O280a (1864) Hitch, James F. (Nora Smith); Woodson Rl Sec22 Pct54 T14 RIO Farm Hand Robert Megginson (1868) Hoagland, Archie; "The Maples" Jacksonville R5 Sec20 Pct28 T14 R9 T120a E Scott (1864) Hoagland, John W. (Lillie Domart) Ch Henry C., Albert F. ; Woodson Rl Sec26 PctS6 T14 RIO O80a (1850) Hobbs, George A. (Catherine Fritz- patrick) Ch George, Marie, Rose, John, William, Hellen, Thomas, Jo- seph; Murrayville Rl Sec2S PctSO T14 Rll O160a (1873) Hobbs, William (Mary E. Newman) Ch Fridelia, Manilla, Frank, David; Jacksonville R7 Secll Pct84 T15 Rll Farm Hand H. Blimling (1871) Hockin, Richard (Gertrude Jolly) Ch Bryan, Hazel, Ruth; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pctl8 T13 R8 T60a George Corethers Hodges, John T. (Clara Ledferd) Ch Marguerite; "Park View Farm" Jacksonville R5 Sec28 Pct64 T15 RIO O46a (1897) Hodgson, Howard E. (Alice M. Har- rison) Ch Hannah J., William H. ; "Woodlawn Stock Farm" Ashland Rl Secl4 Pct4I T16 R9 T240a John Hodgson (1879) Hoffmaser, Henry (Minnie Roegge) Ch Cora, Louis, Elmer, Ervin; Meredosia Rl Sec6 Pct98 T16 R12 T200a H Roegge (1887) Hogan, Alex. (Melvina Dyer) Ch Gracie, Edmond, Morgan, Albert; Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll Farm Hand John H Kraner (1916) Hogg, John T. Jacksonville R2 SeclO Pct76 T14 Rll O128a (1860) Holley, George (Mabel C. Waggon- er) Ch Martha, Elizabeth; Arnold Sec20 Pct34 T15 R9 O90a T161a Emma Waggoner Est. (1871) Holley, John Jacksonville R6 Secl9 Pct34 T15 R9 O80a T347^a Ches- ter Hemphill, E. T. Scofield and Mrs. E. Tunison (1871) Holmes, James T. (Mary Waggoner) Ch J. Stewart, Helen E., Julia H.; "Prairie Home" Orleans Sec35 Pct3S T15 R9 O480a (1867) Holtman, John (Lucindia Fricke) Ch Elda, Martha, Harold, Ethel, Alford; Meredosia Rl SeclO PctlOS T16 R13 O220a (1914) Homes, Ora (Bertha Fishel) Ch Ethel L., Orval E.; Prentice Sec6 Pctl7 T16 R8 Manager Charles Homes 1883) Hood, John (Lena Berndt) Ch Mil- ton; Waverly R3 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 Farm Hand John Berndt (1903) Hood, Mrs. Martha (Martha Fran- cis) Ch Alva, Golda, Mabel, John, Vallie, Raymond; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 T2a John Got- chall (1912) Hoover, A. M. (Elizabeth Coonrod) Ch Lola, Daniel, Lynn, Doris, Jane, Jean, Marion; "White Haven Farm" Jacksonville R8 Sec34 Pct7l T16 RIO T40a F. A. Stevens (1915) Hopkins, Clarence B. (Beulah El- royd); Ashland Rl Sec9 Pct37 T16 R9 W. N. Hubbs (1915) Hornback, Mrs. P. A. (Paulina Alex- ander) Ch Charles, Thurman, Leslie. Lola, Harriet; Athens Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 T2a (1863) Hough, James E. (Etta Robson); Murrayville R3 Sec36 Pct47 T13 RIO T80a William Keppler (1883) Howard, Charles (Leah Wheeler); Jacksonville Rl Secl8 Pctl09 T15 Rll T72a A. W. Jewsbery (1899) Howard, Charles (Ettie Reed) Ch Ina, Sarah, Pearl; Waverly R3 Secl6 Pct4 T13 R8 T30a John Rhea (1863) Howard, Criss (Helen Anderson); Jacksonville R7 Sec4 Pct82 T15 Rll TlOOa T. O. Hardister (1898) Howe, Aaron; Jacksonville R5 Sec7 Pct27 T14 R9 T240a Anna M. Fry (1862) Hubbard, Sarah; Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 O20a (1867) Hubbard, Thomas; Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 O20a (1849) Huddleston, A. W. (Laura Anthony) Ch Alma M.. Helen D., Richard W.; Jacksonville R5 Sec2 PctSO T14 RIO Farm Hand W. A. Read (1911) Hudson, John E. (Nellie Tankersley) Ch Harry E.; Chapin R3 SecS Pct82 T15 Rll Farm Hand Charles Cou- din (1917) Huff, E. W. (Dozie Franklin) Ch Vel- ma, Ruby; Murrayville R2 Sec33 Pct48 T13 RIO Farm Hand Frank Robinson (1917) Hughes, Court (Margaret Twyford) Ch Ethel, Annie, Bessie, Fronie, Pearl. Alonzo; Jacksonville R8 Sec4 Pct61 T15 RIO T196a Clampit Est. (1891) Hughes, W. H. (Lee Burch) : Waver- ly R2 Sec28 Pct6 T13 R8 T125a (1867) Hulett, Fannie; Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO O80a (1897) Hull, John W. (Mamie Bell Atkin- son) Ch Lee, Francis, Ruth; Mur- rayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO T160a Mrs. Ella Masters (1869) Hull, J. O. (Mary Mortimer) Ch Chester, Ray; Murrayville R4 Sec25 Pct47 T13 RIO O39a (1872) Hull, William (Vernie Decker) Ch Evalee; Literberry Rl Sec7 Pct38 T16 R9 Farm Hand Albert Cruni (1881) 58 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Hundley, Joseph V. (Minnie McEv- ers) Ch William A., Bertha E., Gol- die J., Nellie M., Ethel I., Clarence A.; Jacksonville R2 Sec22 Pct78 T14 Rll Ola (1909) Hundley, Rube F. (Bertha Standley) Ch Leona M.; Jacksonville R4 SeclS Pct87 T16 Rll T95a Woman College Est. (1914) Hunt, A. L. (Nancy Dunlop) Ch John, Robert, Isabelle, Luther, Frank, Laura, Delia, Schaler, Ella; Waverly R2 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 O28a (1884) Huppe, Henry (Lucinda Roegge) Ch Alma, Minnie, Arthur, William, Norma; Arenzville Rl Seel Pct97 T16 R12 O197a (1902) Hyatt, J. T. (Kate Jennings) Ch Maggie, Leslie; Murray ville R3 Sec36 Pct75 T13 RIO T80a J. Whit- lock (1917) Hyde, Cornelius W. (Alice Mains); Bluffs Rl Sec36 Pct42 T16 R13 O85a (1852) Hymes, Frank E. (Lucretia Lindsey) Ch Everett, Bernice, Russell, Oren, Floyd, Francis, Mildred, Harold: Prentice Rl Sec36 Pct41 T16 R9 T250a C. H. Martin (1878) Hymes, Lee (Ora Hogsett) ; Ch James, George, Leo; Jacksonville R6 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand C. E. Davis (1915) Icenogle, James O. (Hettie T. De- weese) Ch Elma; Prentice Rl Sec30 PctlS T16 R8 T240a Jennie Deweese (1916) Irlam, Charles D. (Bertha Tiefen- brunn) Ch Jane, Mary, Ernest. Kate, Mattie, Lucy, Edward; Mur- rayville Rl Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO OlOOa (1867) Irlam, Charles E. (Susan Russel) ; Murrayville Rl Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO T310a Thomas Irlam, W. D. Henry and Son (1884) Irlam, John W. (Mozelle Beadles) Ch John, Margaret; Murrayville Rl Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO O80a T170a John Gougherty (1883) Irlam, Thomas (Elizabeth Tomlin- son) Ch Lillian, Bertha, Amy, Mil- lie, Alice, Florence, Sadie, John, Charles; Murrayville Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO O120a (1878) Irving, D. C. (Nanna Micles) Ch Ma- rea, Ruth. Ralph; Waverly R2 Sec22 Pct4 T13 R8 O118a (1913) Irvin, William (Hannah Steinkueh- ler) Ch Leroy, Beulah, Lena P., Grace E., Clarabelle; Ashland Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 O20a (1854) Isaacs, Henry H. (Emma Lathon) Ch Walter H.; Prentice Sec6 Pctl7 T16 R8 T30a C. W. Bailey (1902) Isaacs, John W. (Cynthia Skaags) Ch Henry I.; Prentice Rl Sec30 PctlS T16 R8 T168a John Allison (1887) Jackson, Herbert (Laura Oddy) Ch Charles, Leroy, Helen; Murrayville R3 Sec21 Pct48 T13 RIO TlOOa Mrs. J. K. Elder (1889) Jackson, J. C. (Lizzie Talkington) Ch Alpha P., Clarence W., Leatha M., John H., Harold A., Dorothy E.; Franklin Rl Sec2 Pet 20 T13 R9 Farm Hand Scott Trambarger (1880) Jackson, J. H. (Sarah Hopper) Ch Ethel, Hazel, Mary, Basil, Cora, Brice, Claude, Henry, Olin, Wanda, Wilma; Murrayville R3 Sec25 Pct47 T13 RIO O80a (1906) Jackson, William (Stella Prewitt) Ch Edward, Russell, Lillie M., Joseph A.; Waverly Rl Sec22 Pctl2 T14 R8 Farm Hand Dan Gorman (1883) James, Clifford (Nellie Pruett), Ch Hazel, Harold, Gladys, Edgar, Carl, Dorothy; Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO T87a Mary James (1875) James, L. N. (Dona Curll) "Sunny Brook Farm" Jacksonville R8 Secl7 T15 RIO T93a Prudence Baptist (1874) James, Mary (Mary Jackson) Ch Lloyd, Clifford; Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO O87a (1872) 59 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jarrett, W. D. (Mabelle Deatherage) Ch Blanche B., Wayne, Verne D.; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 Farm Hand W. H. Duerver (1903) Jarrison, J. E. (Olie Adcock) Ch Lena, Mary, James, Christena, Stella, Murel, Catheline; Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 OlSOa (1915) Jefferson, Olive Ch Elizabeth, Clara, Martha, Louella, Charles, James; Franklin Rl Sec7 Pct22 T13 R9 O40a (1838) Jennings, E. M. (Ellen Sooy) Ch Reaugn, Grace,' Alma; Murray ville R4 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO T80a Mrs. M. F. Sooy (1892) Jewsberry, Frederick H. (Lucy Gor- gon) Ch Claud, Harold, Clarence, Wilber, Elizabeth; Jacksonville Rl SeclS Pctl09 T15 Rll O112a (1869) Johnson, Alex (Mary A. Pike) Ch Ray; Murray ville R4 Secl3 Pct46 T13 RIO O26a (1868) Johnson, Bror A. Ch Mabel S., Emma H. M., Arthur E., Carl O., Albin P., Anders S. ; Literberry Rl Sec7 Pct38 T16 R9 O166a (1885) Johnson, Mrs. Emma Ch Clyde N., Earl H.; Jacksonville R7 Sec3 PctSl T15 Rll O40a (1872) Johnson Evan Ch Michael T., Mar- garet M., Andrew M., James E., Kathryn W.; Waverly Rl Secl6 Pctl2 T14 R8 T160a D. McCarthy (1887) Johnson, George E. (Katherine Yeck) Ch Elmer, Oral; Concord Rl Secl3 PctlOO T16 R12 T173a Jacob Hover (1906) Johnson, James E. (Letitia Hicks) Jacksonville R7 SeclO Pct83 T15 Rll T140a J. Z. Scott Est (1896) Johnson, James T. (Effie Mick) "Wal- nut Grove Farm" Woodson Rl Secl3 Pct79 T14 Rll O40a (1863) Johnson, James W. (Jennie Bristow) Ch Elmer, Minnie, Carrie, Oral, Lena, Clara; Literberry Rl SecS Pct67 T16 RIO O250a (1844) Jokisch, William Ch Ernest, Cornelia, William T.; Arenzville Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O244a (1891) Jokish, Louis (Rose Newell) Ch Lu- cile, Newell, Anna R; Ashland Rl Sec3 Pct37 T16 R9 T200a George Jokish (1914) Jones, Curtice J. (Abbie B. Sayre) Ch Phoebe, Grant, Sherman, Susan, Mary; Franklin Rl Sec7 Pct22, T13 R9 O63a (1846) Jones, Edgar (Avis Flynn) Ch Thes- tine, Worrell; "Old Jones' Farm" Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 Farm Hand Mrs. Pierce Jones (1893) Jones, E. L. (Nellie Jackson) Ch - Opal; Waverly R3 SecS Pct2 T13 R8 O20a Jones, E. W. (May Sargent) Ch Anna L.; Jacksonville R5 Sec20 Pct28 T14 R9 OlOa (1892) Jones, G. W. (Mary Pierce) Ch Eliza- beth A., Claude L., Laurence R. ; Jacksonville R6 Sec 4 Pet 26 T14 R9 Farm Hand Harry C. Stewart (1915) Jones, Henry L. (Hannah M. Ho- baker) Ch Harold L., Raymond; Franklin R3 Secl3 Pct25 T14 R9 Farm Hand J. P. Woods (1866) Jones, O. H. (Lauretta Park) Ch Lucile; Murray ville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO Farm Hand C. F. Strang (1914) Jones, Mrs. Pierce (Bell Bivins) Ch Elah, Lizzie, Cora, Myrtle, Edgar, Lester, Pierce; Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 713 R8 OlSOa (1863) Jones, Richard N. (Maud Hocking) Ch Mabel, Minnie. Ralph, Hallie, Howard. Agnes; "Wilgon Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll T48a Mrs. W. S. Jones (1911) Jones, Wayne (Mary Pierce) Ch Elizabeth A., Claude, Lawrence; Jacksonville R6 Sec33 Pct34 T15 R9 Farm Hand Hy Stewart (1915) Jones, William (Eliza Herrin) Ch Vernon, William, Goldie; Manches- ter Rl SeclS T13 Rll Farm Hand William Capler (1913) Jones, Mrs. W. S. (Minnie Brissey) Ch Paul Andrew, Lucy Elizabeth; "Willjon" Jacksonville Rl Sec24 PctSS T15 Rll O48a (1905) Jordan, E. G. (May Dawson) Ch Dawson; Murrayville Rl Seel Pctl3 T13 RIO T58a P. G. Stein (1877) Joy, Edward F. (Fanny C. Cowdin) Ch Angie; Chapin R3 SecS Pct82 T15 Rll O80a T425a Lyman Joy (1863) Joy, Harold P. (Mabel Drake) Ch Warren, Mary E.; Chapin R3 Sec32 . Pct93 T16 Rll O60a T80a Alice P. Joy (1885) Joy, James S. (Eva Tickner) Ch How- ard T.; Chapin R3 Sec32 Pct93 T16 Rll OlOOa (1857) 60 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY K Kaehlert, Carl Jr. (Bertha Slagle) Neelyville Sec7 Pct98 T16 R12 T60a Clause Tomhave (1916) Kavanaugh, Mary A. Ch William P., John, Leo, James, Christopher, Pat- rick; Ashland R3 Seel Pct36 T16 R9 O200a (1858) Keenan, Claude E. (Oral Robins) Ch Talbot, Virginia; Alexander Rl Sec31 Pctl4 T15 R8 T320a John and Sarah Cockin (1905) Kehl, Andrew (Margaret E. Rogers) Ch Edith; Murrayville R3 Sec36 Pct47 T13 RIO O60a (1859) Kelley, Charles (Gertrude Henry) Ch Oleta, Irene, Lulu; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct22 T13 R9 O43a (1887) Kelley, Raymond (Anna Stevenson) Pisgah Secl7 Pct27 T14 R9 Farm Hand E. Wood (1907) Kelly Roy (Ora Rolson) Franklin Rl Sec32 Pct28 T14 R9 O280a (1892) Keltner, John R. (Lidia Homes) Ch Lillian, Claude, Otis; Sinclair Rl Sec26 Pet 41 T16 R9 O240a (1862) Kendrick, William (Lilly Moore); Jacksonville Rl Sec27 PctSl T15 Rll Farm Hand W. T. Richardson (1916) Kennedy, Bros., James and M. S. Franklin Sec6 Pct2 T13 R8 Farm Hand Grover Caldwell (1851) Kennedy, J. O. (Louisa Goodpastor) Ch Bertha D.; "Stuart Home" Ar- enzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll O40a (1865) Kennett, Clarence (Ella Norfleet) Ch Howard V., Jesse M.; Franklin R3 Sec2 Pct25 T14 R9 T237a M. S. Zachery (1904) Kennett, Ted J. (Eliza Kennett, Mother) Franklin R3 Sec2 Pct25 T14 R9 T77a Fred Six (1903) Kenney, Mrs. Delia (Delia Plumpe) Ch William F., Clarence D.; Frank- lin R3 SeclS Pct26 T14 R9 O80a T70a G. Wood (1914) Kenny, James Martin (Nellie, Sister) Alexander Rl Sec8 PctlO T14 R8 O240a (1867) Keplinger, E. C. (Lela Kennedy) "Clear View Farm" Waverly R2 Sec25 Pct6 T13 R8 O160a T480a V. G. Keplinger and Hutchinson Bros. (1900) Keplinger, J. B. (Eda Grankey) Ch Florence, Hattie; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 TlOOa B. F. Keplinger (1883) Kiernan, Owen Alexander Rl Sec31 PctlS T15 R8 O80a (1873) Killam, Denby Jacksonville Rl Sec21 Pct83 T15 Rll Farm Hand Thomas Denby Est. (1877) Killam, Fred S. (Margaret Headen) Ch Harry; Jacksonville Rl Sec29 Pct86 T15 Rll O120a (1878) Kindred, Byron (Alice Craddock) Ch Byron, Floyd, Helen; Alexander Rl Secl7 Pctl6 T15 R8 Farm Hand Ella Sorells (1897) King, Austin (Jessie Angel) Ch Ar- thur, Eloise, Fred, Jean; Murray- ville R4 Sec8 Pct45 T13 RIO O80a (1887) Kinnet, Claud (Josie Hopper) Jack- sonville R6 Sec24 Pct63 T15 RIO T186a Frank Lindsey and Mrs. W. M. Baxter (1901) Kinnett, A. B. Jacksonville R4 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO T87a Emma Hender- son (1914) Kinnett, Lester (Relia L. Mayes) Prentice Rl Sec32 Pet 18 T16 R8 T290a Julius Strawn (1907) Kirby, Bros., W. W. and George L. "Sunny Knoll Stock Farm" Frank- lin Rl Sec33 Pct29 T14 R9 O220a (1865) Kirby, Mrs. Fanny (Fanny Leak) Ch Rachael, Delia, William W., George L.; Franklin Rl Sec33 Pct29 T14 R9 O220a (1851) Kitchen, A. A. (Evelyn Nunes) Win- chester R3 Sec8 Pct77 T14 Rll T140a Ralph Dodsworth (1898) Kitchen, Joseph (Mary Conlee) Ch Myrtle, Olive, Walter, William, Sarah, Emma, Arthur, Anderson; Winchester R3 Sec8 Pct77 T14 Rll T140a Ralph Dodsworth (1898) Kitchen, Walter (Mary Edwards) Murrayville R4 Secl3 Pct46 T13 RIO T30a Payton Henry Est. (1900) Kitner, Harry E. (Edna Shields) Ch Marjorie, Martha, Helen; "Mound Ridge Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll O130a (1878) Kitterman, Charles (Kate Laurent) Ch William, Joseph Craycroft, Louise Bromley; Arnold Sec30 Pctl2 T5 R9 T158a John Erickson (1889) Kloppe, William (Louise Kohrs) Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 O120a (1887) 61 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Knifley, Virgil (Bettie Absker) Ch Letus, Carrie, Lois, Rowlin, Ray- mond; Waverly Rl Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 Farm Hand A. H. Wright (1913) Knisley, C. H. (Rosa Andrew) Ch Jacob, Virginia, Charles, Elmer, Ed- gar; Alexander Rl SeclS PctlS T15 R8 T240a J. Cockin (1895) Koch, Ernest (Amelia Geiss) Ch Ma- rie, Earnest; Meredosia Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O40a (1901) Koch, Henry . (Alvine Schroder) Ch Margaret, Ella; Meredosia Rl Sec3 PctlOS T16 R13 T80a Fred Wester- field (1898) Koehler, Anton (Emma Beachman) Ch Randolph, Rosie, Raymond, Mel- vin; Franklin R3 Sec31 Pctl3 T14 R8 Farm Hand W. C. Calhoun (1898) Kohrs, Henry (Lizzie Wys) Ch Fred, Louise, Minnie; Franklin R3 Sec2 Pct25 T14 R9 T320a Mary Tomb (1907) Korsmeyer, C. A. (Clara Wessler) Ch Wilber; Arenzville R2 Sec9 Pct87 T16 Rll OllSa Se_cl6 Pct95 O20a (1911) Korsmeyer, William F. (Anna Roegge) Ch Frank H., Oscar W., Edna A., Bertha L., Edgar J.; Meredosia Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O160a (1889) Koyne, George (Margaret Hurley) Ch May, Lee, Adrian, Joe, Tom; Mur- rayville Rl Sec2 Pct73 T13 Rll O142a (1864) Kroush, A. W. (Mayme Jolly) Ch. Franklin, Earl, Marjorie, Mildred, Doris I.; Franklin Rl Sec21 Pct25 T14 R9 T230a R. Woods (1907) Kuhlman, Henry Ch Christine, Fred George, William, Mary, Anna, Emma; Meredosia Rl Seel PctlOS T16 R13 O160a (1868) Kumle, Alice G. (Alice G. Coultas) Ch Harry C., Sebastian B., Marga- ret E.; Alexander Sec2S PctlS T1S R9 O120a (1865) Kumle Bros., Harry C. and S. B. Alexander Sec25 PctlS T15 R9 T320a Alice G. and W. F. Kumle (1887) Kumle Bros., W. J. and J. C. Alex- ander Rl Sec32 Pctl6 T15 R8 T423a . O. F. Conklin and Joseph Kumle (1888) Kumle, E. J. (Pearl Strawn) Ch Paul, Wilbur, Lillian; Alexander Rl Sec25 PctlS T15 R9 O80a (1870) Kumle, John C. Alexander Rl Sec32 Pctl6 T15 R8 T423a O. F. Conklin and Joseph Kumle (1888) Kumle, William F. (Ollie Davis) Ch Izetta, Virgil; Alexander Rl Sec36 PctlS T15 R9 O120a (1877) Kumle, W. J. (Una Wilcox) Ch Dor- othy, Wonder; Alexander Sec31 PctlS T15 R8 T423a (1886) Kunzeman, Henry (Maggie Smith) Ch Myrtle, Nadine; Russell Kunze- man, Brother; Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pctl02 T16 R12 O12\y 2 a (1886) Lacey, J. J. (Izoar Daisv) Ch Mary Catherine Boatman, John Thomas, Perry, Theodore; Jacksonville R6 Sec28 Pct34 T15 R9 T211a Mrs. Galbraith (1889) Lacey, Theodore (Lydia Jane Rich- ardson) Ch Hugh, George, Martha; Jacksonville R6 Sec28 Pct34 T15 R9 T211a Mrs. Galbraith (1889) Lair, Bascom Ch Stella, Lizzie, Eve- lyn; Jacksonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 Farm Hand John Vasey (1912) Lamb, Alfred (Anna May Dean) Ch Dean, Amelia, Lafayette; Murray- ville R2 Sec29 Pct49 T13 RIO; T200a A. R. Gregory (1869) Lamkular, Lester (Mabel Samples) Waverly R3 SeclS Pct3 T13 R8 Farm Hand F. Sims (1891) Lamkular, W. H. (Anna Brown) Ch Lester, Hardin, Alfred E., Amos; Ashland Rl SecS Pct38 T16 R9 O189a (1861) Lane, Virgil (Gussie Lane) Ch Ber- nard A.; Arenzville R2 Seel T16 Rll Farm Hand Carl Thornley (1915) Langdon, J. W. (Bridget Lonergan) Ch Mary, Alma, Ilene; Roodhouse R2 Sec33 Pct48 T13 RIO T230a James Lonergan (1887) Langhary, Charles (Edna Barber) Ch Goldie, Marie; Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll O40a (1862) 62 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Langhary, Frank (Stella Rickey) Ch Oleta M., Woodrow; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T1S R12 Tla G. Lang- hary (1897) Lanner, Louisa Ch Oscar, Christa, Amelia, Oliver; Arenzville R2 Sec? Pct88 T16 Rll O160a (1882) Lash, John (Margaret Childers) Ch Walter; Waverly Rl Sec27 Pctl3 Tl-4 R8 T2a D. Burnett (1917) Lash, Walter L. (Jennette T. Stan- bury) Ch John, Grover, Emma, Net- tie, Charles, William J., Katie, Jessie, Ferdie, Leda, Arley, Massie; Waverly Rl Sec26 Pctll4 T14 R8 E. Burnett (1863) Lashmet, Charles (Ella M. Woodall) Ch Fred, Bessie, Gertrude, Lucile, Joseph, George, Raymond; Frank- lin R2 Secl7 Pct22 T13 R9 O120a (1915) Laurie, John H. (Mary Healy) Ch John; Jacksonville R8 Sec4 Pct61 T15 RIO O317a (1870) Lauson, W. J. (Mabel Snyder) Jack- sonville R2 Sec25 Pct85 T1S Rll T9a E. M. Sibert (1915) Lazenby, John W. (Elizabeth Riley) Jacksonville Rl SeclS Pct83 T15 Rll T240a Isaac G. Lazenby (1869) Leach, G. A. (Jennie Ranson) Ch Fred A., Helen L. ; Jacksonville Rl Sec22 Pct83 T15 Rll O152^a TlOOa J. W. Swales (1865) Leach, J. W. (Ann Ella Denby) Ch Mary Eileen, Ruth Ann; "Wood- bine Place" Jacksonville R2 Sec34 Pct86 T15 Rll O175a (1859) Leach, W. L. (Nell Wood) Jackson- ville Rl Sec26 Pct85 T15 Rll O106a (1877) Leadill, Harry (Minnie Stonehouse) Ch Henry, Freda, Ernest; Franklin R3 Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 T160a W. Dodsworth (1912) Leadill, Henry Franklin R3 Sec24 Pctll T14 R9 T160a W. T. Dods- worth (1887) Leadill, James (Elizabeth A. Robin- son) Ch Alice, Loera, Bertie; Franklin R3 Sec24 Pct30 T14 R9 T275a W. T. Dodsworth (1884) Leadill, James Franklin R3 Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 T160a W. Dodsworth (1912) Leahy, John P. (Mabel Newell) Pleasant Plains R40 SeclO Pctl7 T16 R8 T200a James Leahy (1917) Leak, Leslie (Maud Scott) Ch Ber- nard; Franklin Rl Sec3 Pct20 T13 R9 T180a George Leak (1886) Leake, Richard (Louisa A. Sherwin) Ch Alfred R., Lucy E., James E., Grace M., Allen H.; Jacksonville R7 Sec3 PctSl T1S Rll O47a T126a G. Johnson and F. Sharp (1863) Leake, Mrs. William Ch Mary E., Charles O.; Jacksonville R7 Sec2 Pct60 T15 Rll O235a (1859) Lear, Edward (Nellie Brewer) Ch Ford, Elsie, George, Levina, Fay; Chapin R2 Sec5 Pct96 T15 R12 T40a John Hamilton (1907). Leek, Watson (Laura Leach) Jack- sonville Rl Sec26 Pct85 T15 Rll O82a (1873) Ledferd, J. W. (Katie Martin) Ch Viola, Mae, Ruth; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO T190a Baker Est. (1893) Leischner, Mrs. J. H. Ch John, Paul, Eleonora; Arenzville R2 Sec8 Pct88 T16 Rll O120a (1905) Lemon, H. H. (Alice Jones) Ch Elva, Eugene, Freda; Manchester Rl Sec22 Pct74 T13 Rll T180a Albert Lemon (1915) Lemons, John (Lucy Main) Ch Syl- via, 'Maude, Orrie, Bessie, John, Stephen; Alexander Rl Sec8 PctlO T14 R8 Farm Hand William Conk- lin (1907) Leonhard, David (Cornelia Hyde) Ch M. Imogene; Meredosia Rl Secll PctlOS T16 R13 T160a John Gala- way (1884) Leonhard, George A. (Reka Kunze- man) Ch Annie, Minnie, Lena, Katie, Elsie, Delia, Charles, David; Bluffs Rl Sec31 Pctl03 T16 R12 O31^a (1877) Leonhard, Harry (Delia Beauchamp) Meredosia Rl Sec26 Pctl06 T16 R13 O68a (1887) Leonhard, Henry (Kathryn Kunz- man Ch Albert H., Harry C.; Bluffs Rl Sec31 Pctl03 T16 R12 O98a (1875) Lewis, Charles H. (Golda Sheppard) Ch Freda, Elizabeth, Maryethel; Jacksonville R6 Sec36 -PctSO T15 RIO T207a Mrs. A. Harmon (1880) Lewis, E. Clyde (Evalee Petefish) Prentice Rl Sec24 Pct41 T16 R9 T130a T. B. O'Rear (1893) Lewis, George W. (Lillian Keltner) Sinclair Rl Secl4 Pct41 T16 R9 T80a James Lewis (1876) Lewis, John (Lillie Harney) Wood- son Rl Sec21 Pct53 T14 RIO O580a (1875) 63 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Lewis, Josephus (Lizzie Brown) Ch Homer L., Grover C. ; Ashland Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 O207a (1865) Lewis, L. L. (Mabel Allan) Jackson- ville R2 Sec2 Pct76 T14 Rll T176a James Allan and H. Morthole (1884) Lewis, William (Margaret Ribelin) Ch Elsie, Ethe.1, George, Ernest, Margaret; Woodson Rl Secl3 Pct79 T141 Rll O160a (1872) Liming, Isaac (Eva Gilliland) Ch Edna, Harry, Lucile, Earl, Francis, Ray, Andrew; Bluffs Rl Sec36 Pct34 T16 R13 O120a TISOa Mrs. C. Au- gustine (1893) Lindsay, Joseph H. (Mary A. Smith) Ch William H., Arthur J., Hugh R., Edith P., Ward; Jacksonville R8 Sec21 Pct69 T16 RIO O306a (1853) Lindsey, C. M. (Sarah West) Ch William, West, Lucrilla, Samuel Literberry Rl SeclS Pct38 T16 R9 O78a Lindsey, N. W. (Lucinda Norman) Ch Goldie Ann, Emma May; Jack- sonville R6 Sec32 Pct34 T15 R9 T120a Augusta Rufus (1877)'* Lindsey, William (Cora Beavers) Ch Hellen, Mabel, Lester, Floreca, Paulene, Ellis; Prentice Rl Sec31 PctlS T16 R8 Farm Hand J. B. Car- inton (1903) Lippert, H. C. (Emma Banjan) Ch Clarence, Roy, Inez, Harry, Wil- liam, Flossie; Concord Rl SeclS Pct88 T16 Rll O420a (1866) Lisenbee, Joe (Goldie Briggs) Ch Arthur, Gladys, Irene; Alexander Alexander ( Sec36 Farm Hand (1915) Little, Earl (Mary Sandman) Ch Richard, Russell; Chapin R2 Sec8 Pct98 T16 R12 T40a Mary Kortz (1915) Lockhart, John (Mary Malone) Ch George W., John, Dennis, Kate, Ellen, Bridget C., Peter J., Leo J.; Literberry Rl SecS Pct38 T16 R9 O30a (1867) Lockman, Mrs. Johanna (Johanna O'Donnell) Ch John, Edward, Frank, Leo, Charles; Jacksonville R2 Secl2 Pct79 T14 Rll OlSSa (1860) Lonergan, C. E. (Alice Sheppard) Ch Mildred; Murrayville R4 Sec23 Pct46 T13 RIO T40a M. Sheppard (1888) Lonergan, Edward (Susie McCabe) Ch Francis; Murrayville R3 Sec28 Pct48 T13 RIO T163a Mary Masters (1894) Lonergan, Frank (Mary Corbett) Ch Alice, Mary; Murrayville R4 Sec23 Pct46 T13 RIO T160a John Loner- gan (1869) Lonergan, James (Mary Sullivan) Ch Bridget, Nellie, Cornelius, Alice, Richard, Paul, Lena; Murrayville R4 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO O480a (1858) Lonergan, James C. (Frances Mur- phy) Ch Vincent; Woodson Rl Sec35 Pct56 T14 RIO T160a A. M Masters (1891) Lonergan, John (Mary Earley) Ch Alice, Catherine, Frank, James, Ed- ward, William, Mary, Martin, John, Margaret; Murrayville R4 Sec2 Pct42 T13 RIO O304a (1859) Lonergan, J. J. (Maggie T. Welch) Ch Louis; Murrayville R4 Secl2 Pct42 T13 RIO O160a (1874) Lonergan, Michael (Catherine Sulli- van) Ch Mamie, Maggie; Murray- ville R3 Sec29 Pct49 T13 RIO O120a Lonergan, Thomas (Nellie Marony) Ch Mary, Josie, Nora, Rosaline, Thomas; Murrayville R4 Secl2 Pct42 T13 RIO O280a (1862) Long, Burton (Amelia Menge) Ch Bernice; Jacksonville R7 Sec9 Pct83 T15 Rll T160a Milton Long (1878) Long, Charles D. (Onie Whaley) Ch Earnest, Rube; "Lone Oak Farm" Jacksonville R4 SeclS Pct87 T16 Rll T95a Woman College Est. (1860) Long, Ernest (May Simons) Ch Les- lie; Murrayville R2 Sec28 Pct48 T13 RIO T68a Fred Simpson (1917) Long, Frank (Bertie Ryman) Ch Ry- man; Prentice Rl Sec29 PctlS T16 R8 T208a M. Walburn (1913) Long, Frank (Liddie Strubbe) Ch Dosie, Raymond, Minnie, Elmer, Fanny; Literberry Rl SecS Pct69 T16 RIO T130a J. Canady (1902) Long, J. Everett Literberry Rl Sec24 Pct70 T16 RIO O160a T160a Mrs. Hanna Long (1894) Long, Ross R. (Rachel Hartman) Chapin R3 SecS Pct83 T15 Rll O40a (1881) Long, Walter H. Ch Helen, Myron, Raymond, Harold, Gerald; Liter- berry Rl Sec24 Pct70 T16 RIO T160a Mrs. Hanna Long (1880) Loughary, Bert (Nina Smith) Arenz- ville R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll T120a John Braner (1878) 64 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Loughary, Martha Ch William, Lula, Susan, Bert, Sallie, Jess, Frank, Nellie; Arenzville R2 SeclS Pct87 T16 Rll OlOOa (1851) Lovekamp, Albert (Ada Roegge) Ch Delmar; Meredosia Rl Secl3 PctlOS T16 R13 T160a Henry Kors- meyer (1915) Lovekamp, Arthur (Elizabeth Schone) Ch'Erma K. H; Chapin R2 Secl2 T16 R15 Farm Hand I. - Taylor (1917) Lovell, Alex (Catherine Myers) Ch Barbara, William, Nora, Nellie, Stella, Jessie; Murray ville See? Pct45 T13 RIO O84a (1882) Lloyd, Auscho (Murl Robert) Ch Alma I., William K.; Alexander Rl Sec6 PctlO T14 R8 Farm Hand C. A. Rowe (1903) Loyd, Clinton E. (Alta Guard) Ch Paul, Everett; Jacksonville Rl Sec23 Pct85 T15 Rll Farm Hand Charles A. Rowe (1905) Luby, John (Annie Anderson) Ch Paul, Mari Caroline; New Berlin R31 Sec28 Pctl6 T15 R8 T700a W. Barr Brown (1870) Luby, Larry C. (Grace Hill) New Berlin R31 Sec28 Pctl6 T15 R8 T700a W. Barr Brown (1877) Luby, William (Laura Baker) Ch Mary Kathleen, William, Ralph; New Berlin R31 Sec28 Pctl6 T15 R8 T180a Barr Brown (1905) Luckeman, Earl (Bertha Wood) Ch Helen; Jacksonville R6 SeclS Pct63 T15 RIO T250a M. A. Hulett (1881) Luckeman, Lloyd (Josephine Pres- ton) Jacksonville R3 Secl4 Pct63 T15 RIO O80a (1880) Ludwig, William (Anna Ludwig) Ch Josephine, Lizzie, Fred, John, Mary, Katie, Antoinnette, Annie, Alice; Alexander Rl Sec8 PctlO T14 R8 080a (1871) Ludwig, William (Margaret Johnson) Ch Earl W.; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 TlOSa Mrs. B. Lud- wig (1895) Lukeman, Albert L. (Claire Rein- bach) Ch Elsie, Eloise, Albert Jr., Pauline; Franklin R3 Secl2 Pct25 T14 R9 T80a John J. Lukeman (1881) Lukeman, Henry V. (Olive Vollmer) Ch Margaret; Franklin R3 Sec7 PctlO T14 R8 T135a John J. Luke- man (1907) Lukeman, John J. (Mary E. Fellers) Ch Anna, Henry V., Albert L., George A., Clarence, Adelaide, Dorothy, Carl, Elmer J.; Waverly Rl Secl7 Pctll T14 R8 O470a (1852) Lukemier, John Franklin R3 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 O19a (1870) Luken, C. A. (Lydia Hunning) Ch Viola B., Gilbert C.; Alexander Rl Sec9 Pct27 T14 R8 O80a (1883) Luken, Otto (Clara Horn) Alexander Rl Sec9 Pct27 T14 R8 O80a (1891) Luster, J. Alvin (Bettie Hamilton) Ch Nina, Fannie, Troy, Robert, James, Manning; Jacksonville R6 Sec28 Pctll T15 R9 T120a A. J. Boston (1910) Luttrell, Mrs. Eliza A. Franklin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 O240a (1841) Luttrell, Sherman (Lois K. Peak) Ch Rovia M., Delia L., Arno A.; "Clover Leaf Farm" Waverly Rl Sec33 Pctl3 T14 R8 O80a (1866) Luttrell, W. M. (Mary A. Ritter) Ch Paul, Wilma, Fern, Glenn; Waver- ly Rl Sec35 Pctll4 T14 R8 T80a G. L. Ritter (1887) Lyles, Harrison (Florence , Mullen) Ch Gladys B.; Arenzville R2 Sec2 T16 Rll Farm Hand John Rus- winkel (1890) Lyons, Robert (Emma Culberson) Ch Thomas, Myrtle, Bertha, Lola, Clara, Orin, Naomi; Waverly R3 Sec25 Pct24 T13 R9 OlSa T40a (1866) M Maddox, Peter (Mattie Dunavan) Ch Newton, Harry, Warren, Frank, Helen, Thomas, Edward; Jackson- ville R6 Secl2 Pct59 T15 RIO T164a C. W. Cully (1866) Magill, Charles S. Jacksonville R6 Sec30 Pct34 T15 R9 T160a John Holley (1869) Magill, Katherine (Katherine Wag- goner) Ch Owen, Charles, Alice Couchman, Lloyd; Jacksonville R6 Sec31 Pct34 T15 R9 (1890) Magill, Lloyd (Annie Watson) Ch Katherine; Jacksonville R6 Sec31 Pct34 T15 R9 T80a C. E. Magill (1860) 65 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Mahon, James F. (Stella Shuff) Sin- clair Rl Sec34 Pct40 T16 R9 O360a (1861) Mahon, Mary, and Sisters Sinclair Sec32 Pct39 T16 R9 O237a (1860) Maier, George Ch Julia, Emma, Lilly; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O40a (1866) Mains, Frank (Eva Cox) Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pctl06 T16 R13 Farm Hand C. Hyde (1915) Mallicoat, Edward (Dott Lisinbee) Ch Mabel L., Raymond; Arenzville R2 Secll Pct89 T16 Rll O160a (1885) Mallicot, James (Catherine Long) Ch Charles, Manda, William, Nellie, James, Howard, Nina, Herman, Velma, Ruth; Arenzville R2 SeclO Pet 87 T16 Rll O40a (1867) Maloney, John (Alice Burns) Ch Lor- etta, Margaret, Francis, Robert, Hilda, Lena, Leonard; Roodhouse R2 Sec32 Pct49 T13 RIO O160a (1878) Maltby, John (Emma Tucker) Ch Grace, Wayne, Fred, Cora B., Nel- lie B.; Chapin R3 SecS Pct96 T15 Rll Farm Hand Edward Joy (1898) Mandeville, J. Thomas (Irene O'Con- nell) Ch Joseph; Woodson Rl Secl9 Pct52 T14 RIO T147a Julia A. Mandeville (1899) Mandeville, Louie L. Orleans Sec23 Pct35 T15 R9 T112a Job. Coats (1888) Mansfield, Rufus M. (Essie Whitmay) Ch Hellen, Guy, Edith, Thelma, Wayne, Norman; Waverly R2 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 T160a Barnard Hop- enger (1884) Marshall, A. Wesley (Grace Ranson) Ch Alvin; Markham Secl6 Pct83 T15 Rll T78a Marshall Est. (1874) Marshall, R. B. (Daisy Black) Ch Ellsworth; Markham Secl6 Pct83 T15 Rll Ola (1881) Martin, Charles (Alma Blakeman) Ch Alice; Murrayville R2 Secl3 Pct73 T13 Rll Farm Hand John C. An- ders (1910) Martin, Clyde (Myrtle Swain) Ch C. Eugene; Sinclair Rl Sec32 Pct39 T16 R9 O90a (1890) Martin, Heye (Pheobe McCready) Ch Burt; Waverly R2 Sec30 PctllS T13 R8 OlOOa (1886) Martin, John H. (Maud Liter) Ch George W.; Sinclair Rl Sec30 Pct39 T16 R9 OHO (1884) Martin, J. H. Jacksonville R4 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO O51a (1862) Martin, J. M. (Margaret Dooling) Ch Gertrude, Mary, Martin, William, Lloyd, Philip, John; Alexander Rl Sec32 Pct64 T15 RIO T160a E. C. Carter (1902) Martin, M. H. (Folka Ubben) Ch Anna, Heye, Henry, Rosella; Wav- erly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 O80a (1882) Martin, T. P. Ch Murray, Elizabeth; Jacksonville R4 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO OSla (1870) Maschmier, Henry (Minnie Fricke) Ch William H.; Arenzville Rl Sec6 PctlOO T16 R12 Farm Hand H. Fricke (1917) Masley, William (Lula Stevenson) Ch Avaneil, Cecil; Prentice Rl Sec36 Pct41 T16.R8 T140a J. Dun- lap (1910) Mason, George (Clara Beavers) Ch Mary J., William T., James B.; Franklin Rl SecS Pct22 T13 R9 O42a (1870) Mason, George (Mary Sooy) Ch William, Margaret; Murrayville R4 Secll Pct42 T13 RIO O80a (1880) Mason, Otis I (Annie Hughes) "Ma- ple Heights Farm" Jacksonville R6 Sec29 Pct34 T15 R9 T196a R. S. Hamilton (1889) Mason, Thomas (Luella Steele) Ch Edna, Ida, Harry, Russell, Bernard; Murrayville R4 Secl4 Pct46 T13 RIO O80a (1868) Mason, Wall (Clara Daniels) Ch Bertha, Marie, Everett, Letha, Floyd, Clyde, Raymond; "Maple- view Farm" Jacksonville R4 Secl3 Pct89 T16 Rll O120a (1894) Mason, William (Mae Stevens) Ch Bessie, Allen, Alice; Woodson Rl SeclO PctSO T14 RIO Farm Hand Mrs. Anne Ranson (1887) Massey, A. L. (Mattie Williams) Ch Carl, Irene; Jacksonville R2 Sec25 Pct85 T15 Rll TlOOa John Moxson (1865) Massey, E. F. (Elizaheth Willerton) Ch Jeannette, Walter, Stella, Lloyd, Orval, Alfred; Jacksonville R5 Sec33 Pct64 T15 RIO O31a (1872) Massey, H. C. (Anna Williner) Ch Raymond, Freda, Grace, Homer, Frederick, Hazel, Helen, Harry; Jacksonville R5 Sec32 Pct64 T15 RIO O32a (1883) 66 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Massey, JH. H. (Jennie Hunt) Ch Stella, Charles, Irene, Mary; "Dia- mond Grove Stock Farm" Jackson- ville R2 Sec2S Pct85 T15 Rll Sec31 Pct86 T15 Rll O80a (1849) Masters, Mrs. Fannie Ch Albert, Gracie, Oran; Waverly R2 Sec35 Pct7 T13 R8 Resident G. L. Mas- ters Masters, F. M., (Emma Jordan) Ch James, Jessie, Helen, Ethel, Joyce, Fannie, Fred; Winchester R3 Secl-6 Pct78 T14 Rll T240a Allison Thomason (1859) Masters, G. L. (Sarah J. Conlie) Ch Joseph, William, Albert, Mary; Waverly R2 Sec3S Pct7 T13 R8 O175a (1838) Masters, W. E. (Lucile Gray) Ch Edith, Arden; Murray ville Rl Secl2 Pct73 T13 Rll O60a (1887) Masters, W. J. (Lucinda W. Morris) Ch Ella, William, Erne, Gilbert; Franklin R3 SeclO Pct26 T14 R9 O79a (1837) Mathers, Thomas R. (Sarah E. Ward) Ch Ollie, Fletcher W.; Chapin Rl SecS Pct96 T15 R12 O69a (1863) Mathews, M. O. (Ellen F. Fairbank) Ch Mabel; Concord Rl Sec32 Pct93 T16 Rll O180a (1875) Mathews, Nutin Ch Susan, George, Ella, Maggie; Arenzville Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O50a (1847) Mathews, Terry (Effie Whitaker) Ch Glenard, Orville, Emmett; Jackson- ville R6 Sec29 Pct34 T15 R9 Farm Hand R. S. Hamilton (1912) Matthews, John F. (Jennie Mayes) Ch Bertha, Erva, Beulah, Orie, Frank, John, Eva; Meredosia Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 O96a (1915) Mau, William (Kate Raps) Ch Ray- mond, Elwill; Prentice Rl SecS Pctl7 T16 R8 O208a (1876) Mawson, F. L. (Stella Massey) Ch Bernice, Pauline; "Cedarhurst Farm" Jacksonville R2 Sec25 Pct85 T15 Rll T70a J. R. Mawson (1876) Mawson, Roy (Maie Hildreth) Ch Mildred; Jacksonville R2 Sec30 Pct64 T15 RIO T70a J. R. Mawson (1885) Mawson, R. D. (Minnie Shumaker) Ch Georgia, Harold, Margaret; Murrayville R3 SeclS Pct45 T13 RIO T240a J. R. Mawson (1875) Mayes, J. J. (Harriet Rich) Ch Mandy, Lou, Cora, Nanny, Mary, Rillie, Harley; Jacksonville R5 Secl9 PctSS T14 R9 T200a J. Coats (1900) McAllister, Clyde (Katie Leonhard) Meredosia Rl Secl3 PctlOO T16 R12 T120a Robert McAllister (1889) McAllister, T. B. (Lottie Hyde) Ch Myrle, Glen; Meredosia Secl3 PctlOS T16 R13 T160a H. McAllister (1875) McCabe, Peter (Abbie Koyne) Ch Anthony; "Shady Nook Farm" Mur- rayville Rl Seel Pct73 T13 Rll O120a (1907) McCann, Henry H. (Ida K. Alexan- der) Ch Guy, Gladys, Muriel, Opal, Minnie, Clara; Franklin R2 Sec21 Pct23 T13 R9 O60a (1877) McCann, Ray (Agnes Jones) Liter- berry Rl Secl2 Pct66 T16 RIO Farm Hand W. H. Crum (1916) McCarthy, D. Waverly Rl Secl6 Pctl2 T14 R8 OlOOla (1875) McCarthy, George (Myrtle McNeal) Ch Florence, Rosa, John; Sinclair Rl Sec34 Prt40 T16 R9 Farm Hand B. F. Brown (1906) McCarty, Catherine Ch Edward, John; Ashland Rl Sec4 Pct37 T16 R9 O80a (1860) McCarty, Catherine Alexander Rl Sec32 Pctl6 T15 R8 TlOa Daniel McCarty (1882) McCarty, Daniel Alexander Rl Sec32 Pctl6 T15 R8 T80a W. T. McCarty (1882) McClean, Jess (Janie Sevier) Waverly R2 Sec35 Pct7 T13 R8 T90a John Miller (1905) McCormack, Ralph W. (Nettie Cauth- ers) Ch Bernice; "Forest Valley" Waverly Secl4 PctS T13 R8 O82a (1874) McCormick, J. L. (Linnie Smith) Ch William, Robert, Louis; Jackson- ville R5 Secl9 PctSS T14 R9 T163a William McCormick (1885) McCracken, Hosea (Ettie Lambert) Ch Bessie, Mary, Nellie, Earl, Low- ell, Eva; Waverly R2 Sec34 Pct7 T13 R8 O65a (1860) McCrady, Edward (Laura Tabb) Ch Phela, Marwin, Walter, Catherine, Verna; Waverly R3 Secl6 Pct4 T13 R8 T40a John Deatherage (1904) McCurley, Amos E. (Mollie Henry) Ch William D., Linnie Louise*, Franklin Rl Sec31 Pct26 T14 R9 T200a M. Black (1893) McCurley, Frank E. (Mae Gallagher) Ch James E.; Woodson Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 RIO T80a James R. Bax- ter (1892) 67 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY McCurley, William E. (Linnie Meg- ginson) Ch Frank, Amos, Mabel, Stella; Murrayville Rl Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO T300a J. Flynn and J. Gougherty (1870) McDannald, Peter (Iva McDannald) Ch Irene, Carlos, Argretta, Curtis, Tarance; Concord Rl Sec32 Pct93 T16 Rll Farm Hand M. O. Mathew (1916) McDannald, Thomas W. (Sarah A. Sarratt) Ch Miranda, Iva J., Lester W., Jessie L., Randolph O.; Con- cord Rl Sec32 Pct93 T16 Rll Farm Hand M. O. Mathews (1896) McDevitt, S. H. (Grace Rawlings) Ch Dorothy L., Harold W. ; Franklin Rl Sec22 Pct30 T14 R9 OWOa (1898) McDonald, Charles (Kathryn Pete- fish) Ch Farrell K.; Jacksonville R8 Sec23 Pct70 T16 RIO T194a O. Pete- fish (1892) McDonald, John A. Ch Anna, Kath- erine; Jacksonville R8 Sec2 Pct59 T15 RIO OlOOa (1899) McDonald, John W. (Frances Reid) Ch Nettie, Hettie, Pearl, John, Delia, William; Jacksonville R8 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO O54a (1856) McDonald, Stephen (Ida Berry) Ch Mabel, Bernice, Ruby; Jacksonville R7 Seel PctSl T15 Rll Farm Hand L. S. Doane (1898) McFadden, Guy (Cora Vallery) Ch Francis; Jacksonville R4 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll TISOa (1882) McFadden, John (Mary Turley) Ch Guy, Howard; Jacksonville R4 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll O190a (1855) McFadden, W. M. (May McFadden, Sister) Arenzville R2 Secll Pct89 T16 Rll O40a (1885) . McFarland, Alonzo W. (Grace Kil- lam) Ch Albert D.; Jacksonville Rl Sec20 Pct83 T15 Rll O80a (1868) McFillen, J. C. (Alice K. Murry) Ch Edna; "County Home" Jacksonville R7 Seel PctSl T15 Rll Superin- tendent County Farm (1849) McGee, Cecil (Luella Werning) Jack- sonville R8 Sec23 Pct70 T16 RIO T120a Irvin Patterson (1917) McGee, H. H. (Clara Sheppard) Jack- sonville R2 Sec32 Pct64 T15 RIO O165a (1893) McGinis, Thomas (Elizabeth Arthur) Ch Mary A., James E., Margaret, Anna B., Catheryn, Sherman, Helen H.; Arenzville Rl Sec6 Pct98 T16 R12 T308a Eli Harshman (1861) McGinn, Charles (Clara Brown) Ch Florence, Raymond, Herold, Les- ter; Waverly R2 Sec24 PctS T13 R8 O240a (1902) McGrath, Catherine Ch Margaret, William, Thomas, James, Michael, Mary, George, Francis, Edward; Murrayville R3 Sec21 Pct48 T13 RIO O80a (1864) McKean, George H. (Bessie Reed) Ch William R.; Woodson Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 RIO T80a Mrs. F. Mc- Kean (1886) McKean, W. E. (Annie Mason) Ch Howard, Daisy, Alma, Mary, Allen, Jessie, Alice, Samuel; Murrayville R3 Secl9 Pct49 T13 RIO TlOOa J. W. Craig (1870) McKinney, A. B. (Elizabeth Campbell) Ch Roy, Emma, Nanna, Sallie, Beatrice; Winchester R5 Sec31 Pct86 T15 Rll O217a (1882) McKinney, Ratio S. (Mrs. Ford Saun- derson, Housekeeper) "Oak Crest Farm" Chapin R3 Sec7-8 Pct96 T15 Rll O240a (1888) McKinney, Roy B. (Anna Scott) Ch Ella; "Fairview Farm" Winchester R5 Sec31 Pct86 T15 Rll TISOa A. B. McKinney, Mrs. F. S. Headen and Mrs. E. G. Smith (1883) McLamar, Charles (Sarah Rawlings) Ch Vernon, Ruth, Orval; Franklin Rl Sec32 Pct28 T14 R9 O280a (1876) McLane, Joe (Roxie Coffey) Ch Esther; Jacksonville R4 Sec34 Pct71 T16 RIO Farm Hand Charles S. Back (1917) McMahan, Mrs. Almyra Ch George, Isaz, Lemuel; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct4 T13 R8 OlSOa (1824) McMahan, George (Mary Reynolds) Ch Ethel, Wayne; Waverly R3 Secl6 Pct4 T13 R8 O240a (1860) McMahon, Mrs. Iven (Foster) Ch Ollie, Lizzie, Martin, Lillie, Fannie, John, Julia; Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 T30a James Ward (1878) McNay, James (Juliette Ethel) Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 Tla L. Cal- loway (1877) McNeely, Edward (Lanta Lutz) Ch Olive L.; Franklin R2 Secl7 Pct22 T13 R9 T105a T. Oxley (1912) McNeely, George (Margaret Fanning) Ch James, Jasper, Gussie E., Bert; Murrayville R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 O70a (1849) 68 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY McNeely, James H. (Molly Seymour) Ch Pernell, Enneth, Retha, Law- rence; Franklin R2 Sec34 Pct23 T13 R9 T216a E. C. Meiher (1887) McPhail, Eugene E. (Mary Parker) Ch Maud, Eugenia, Alta, Russell, Martha; "Fern Dale Dairy Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec8 Pct61 T15 RIO O80a (1898) McPherson, Dorsey (Dora B. Aired) Ch Paul, Joyce; Murray ville R3 Sec20 Pct48 T13 RIO T80a S. W. Nichols (1890) Means, Lester (Jessie Townsley) Ch Dorotha; Ashland Rl SeclS Pct37 T16 R9 Farm Hand George Naulty (1892) Means, Marion C. (Elizabeth Bock- ing) Ch Howard, Russell, William, Emily; Sinclair Rl Sec23 Pct41 T16 R9 O80a (1884) Medlock, G. M. (Ella True) Ch May, Pearl, John; Jacksonville Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO Farm Hand S. Baldwin (1917) Megginson, A. H. (Ethel Coultas) Jacksonville R2 Sec3 Pct76 T14 Rll O206a (1876) Megginson, George T. (Agnes Tay- lor) Woodson Rl Sec3S PctS6 T14 RIO T80a William Megginson (1890) Megginson, L. B. Jacksonville R2 Sec34 T15 Rll O220a (1872) Megginson, Ralph W. Ch Olive, Ada, Fannie, Joseph, Minnie, George, Agnes, Ralph, William; Woodson Rl Sec22 Pct54 T14 RIO O186a (1856) Mellor, James (Blossom Combs) Ch Lucile; Murray ville R2 Sec26 Pct75 T13 Rll T80a Hy Combs (1881) Menge, William (Edith Buck) Ch Raymond; Jacksonville R7 Sec2 PctSl T15 Rll T136a William Roegge (1914) Meyer, Adolph (Nellie Crawford) Ch Homer, Howard; New Berlin R31 Sec28 Pctl6 T15 R8 T300a Ed Brown (1880) Meyer, Charles (Minnie Sanders) Ch Elizabeth, Barbara, Katherine Jos- eph, Mignon, "Hickory Grove Stock Farm" Concord SeclS Pct88 T16 Rll O310a (1882) Meyer, Fred (Minnie Boehs) Ch Henry, Fred, Mamie, Minnie, Lena, John, Emma, Anna, Eda; Chapin Rl Seel Pct97 T16 R12 T40a Fred Menheuser (1881) Meyer, Henry C. (Anna Engelbrecht) Ch Clara, Ester, Elmer, Clarence; "Crystal Springs Farm" Jackson- ville R7 Sec3 PctSl T15 Rll O78a (1896) Meyer, Henry J. (Tillie Rausch) Ch Francis E., Louise E., Orville H.; Bluffs R2 Sec31 Pctl03 T16 R12 T80a A. Meyer (1882) Meyer, John H. (Bertha Kingston) Ch Lorna, Dorothy, Emil; Arenz- ville R2 SecS Pct8 T16 Rll T52a J. Beeley (1917) Meyer, Louis C. (Allie Young) Ch Helen, Mary, Dolores, Charles; Jacksonville R7 Sec3 PctSl T15 Rll O120a (1881) Meyer, Louis F. (Etta Kingston) Ch Elda, Olga, Wilber; Arenzville R2 Sec3 T16 Rll T200a W. Neihaus (1913) Middendorf, Louis (Norina Nortrup) Ch Wilber, Milburn; Jacksonville R6 Sec26 Pct63 T1S RIO O120a (1913) Middleton, Charles G. (Mary R. Riley) Ch Louise, Mildred; Jacksonville Rl Sec28 Pct86 T15 Rll O125a T125a Mrs. Lizzie Lazenby and William G. Richardson (1913) Middleton, H. (Margaret Allan) Ch Clara, Ollie, Grace, Bes,sie, Sarah, Robert H.; Jacksonville R2 SeclO Pct76 T14 Rll O357a (1848) Miller, Alexander (Geneva E. Powell) Ch Cortland, Grace Whitlock, Myron A.; Franklin R3 Sec36 PctlS T15 R9 T160a Antony Frank (1878) Miller, Don C. (Ethel Rawson) Wav- erly R3 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 TSOa William Miller (1889) Miller, James A. (Lillie A. Layel) Ch Roy, Beulah, Mary; Concord Rl Sec21 Pct91 T16 Rll Farm Hand Alva Rexroat (1913) Miller, James M. (Low Sands) Ch John, Bertha, Maude, Marie; Wav- erly R2 Sec21 Pct4 T13 R8 O156a (1861) Miller, John (Nellie Edwards) Ch Russell, Frona; Murrayville R3 Secl9 Pct22 T13 R9 T160a Susan McLamar (1871) Miller, Myron A. (Florence Mc- Carthy) Ch Madeline, Merton; Franklin R3 Sec36 PctlS T15 R9 T160a Anthony Frank (1893) Miller, William M. (Harriet Sevier) Ch Frank, May, Clarence, Bertha, Gertrude, Oscar; Waverly R3 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 O184a (1857) 69 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Milliken, C. H. (Minnie Burns) Win- chester R5 Sec6 Pct77 T14 Rll T360a H. C. and W. E. Coultas (1913) Million, J. E. (Elsie Allan) Ch Law- rence, Dorothy, Harold, Howard, Gladys, Alfred; Jacksonville R2 Sec4 Pct77 T14 Rll T153a George Middleton (1885) Million, J. W. Ch Emma, May, Le- titia, Clinton; Murrayville R3 Secl7 Pct45 T13 RIO OlOOa T20a C. B. Clarkson (1848) Mills, L. P. (Nannie Mitchell) Ch Dortha; Murrayville R2 Sec33 Pct48 T13 RIO T60a Martha Story (1911) Mills, Sam (Elizabeth Deaton) Ch Delia, Edgar, Anna, Lawrence, Irene; Jacksonville R5 Sec6 Pct27 T14 R9 T187a Kennedy Est. (1870) Mitchell, Reuben (Mary Ellen Lyth- ell) Ch Ruby, Marie, Willma, Ellen; Waverly R2 Sec25 Pct6 T13 R8 O160a (1909) Miner, Albert Ch John R., Mary, Ray- mond, Sarah, Helen; Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 T130a John Jones (1865) Miner, Henry (Ethel Dixon) Waverly R2 Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 T80a W. H. Miner Miner, W. F. (Florence Wadkins) Ch Ethel, Henry, Snodie, Lewis; Wav- erly R3 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 O240a (1848) Moeller, J. Fred (Carrie Luken) Or- leans Sec22 Pct35 T15 R9 T206a W. H. Luken (1878) Moodey, John Ch Elmer, Keat; Jack- sonville R8 Sec36 Pct70 T16 RIO T260a Allison Est. (1862) Moody, Elmer (Carrie McMillan) Ch Loren R.; Jacksonville R8 Sec36 Pct70 T16 RIO T300a Will Allison (1910) Moody, U. G. (Annie Hogan) Ch Edna, John E., Anna; Sinclair Rl Sec34 Pct40 T16 R9 Farm Hand James Mahon (1864) Moore, Hardin (Jessie Allen) Ch Lloyd, Florine, Marguerite, Floyd, June E. ; Jacksonville R5 Sec24 Pct55 T14 RIO Farm Hand Harry Potter (1906) Moore, Oliver (May Long) Ashland Rl Secl3 Pct41 T16 R9 Farm Hand Ray Robinson (1915) Morley, Pat (Elizabeth Shopmeier) Ch Mary, William, Frances; Alex- ander Rl Sec20 Pctl6 T15 R8 T344a Susie Sweet (1864) Morris, Andrew J. (Nancy Ann Hill) Ch Edmond, Milton; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 T12a Charles Ransey (1844) Morris, Homer A. (Beatrice McKin- ney) Jacksonville R2 Sec33 Pct86 T1S Rll T160a Mayfield Est. (1917) Morrison, Jesse B. (Olive Rahn) Con- corn Rl Secl9 Pctl02 T16 R12 TISOa T. T. Morrison (1879) Morrison, Thomas L. (Mary I. Camp- bell) Ch Jessie B.; Concord Rl Secl9 Pctl02 T16 R12 TISOa (1855) Morthole, Barney (Elizabeth Tepe) Ch Henry, Edward, William; Chapin R2 Sec8 Pct98 T16 R12 T108a Henry Hamilton (1862) Mortimer, William (Sarah A. Raw- lings) Ch Cora, Carrie, Hattie, Earl, Eva; Woodson Rl Sec25 Pct56 T14 RIO O160a (1868) Mosely, G. M. (Margaret A. Dunlap) Ch Bertha, John H.; Franklin R3 SeclO PctSO T14 RIO O39a Secl4 Pct54 T85a Wood Est. (1891) Mosley, John C. (Mollie Brooks) Ch Lawrence, Amos, Hobert, Pearl, Nellie; Sinclair Rl Sec34 Pct40 T16 R9 Farm Hand James Mahon (1897) Mosley, W. H. (Mary E. Johnson) Ch George M., John C, Nancy, Flor- ence, William, Lillie, Charles, James, 'Bessie, Lloyd, Lucinda, Al- bert, Gilbert; Franklin R3 SeclS Pct26 T14 R9 O700a (1890) Moss, John A. (Julia Blimling) Ch Tillie, Lloyd, Ollie; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pct90 T16 Rll O260a (1857) Moss, J. A. Jr., (Grace Leake) Jack- sonville R7 Sec8 Pct61 T15 RIO T40a Smith Est. (1882) Moss, Lloyd (Edna L. Reid) Ch Roberta, Marie; "Walnut Grove Stock Farm" Chapin R3 Sec35 Pctl04 T16 Rll T204a John A. Moss (1889) Moss, Robert (Sarah Liles) Ch Ida, Newton, John, Nettie, Grover; Jacksonville R4 Sec32 Pct72 T16 RIO T90a Ida Farmer (1844) Moss, William (Nina Kennedy) Mere- dosia Rl Sec23 Pctl07 T16 R13 TISOa M. Bowen (1872) Motley, Elmer (Maud Sims) Ch Francis; Waverly R2 Sec36 Pct6 T13 R8 Farm Hand W. H. Rohe- (1915) Moulton, William (Laura Lynn) CK Lynn, Guy; Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 O200a 70 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Moy, Daniel (Ella Bacon) Ch Fran- ces B., Edward, Audrey N.; Jack- sonville R3 Secl4 Pct63 T15 RIO T225a A. J. Bacon (1867) Mulch, William (Agnes Vanstone) Ch Bernice, Corinna; Jacksonville R2 Sec9 Pct76 T14 Rll OlOOa (1890) Muntman, Mrs. Elizabeth (Elizabeth Moore) Ch Sarah E., William A., Annie M., Levi T., John F., Charles H.; Meredosia Rl Sec25 PctlO? T16 R13 O40a (1836) Muntman, Henry (Trmea Rolfs) Ch Kermit A.; Meredosia Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 O52a (1872) Muntman, John F. (Louise Ommen) Ch Ruth E.; Meredosia Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 O52a T52a C. H. Muntman (1869) Muntman, - Levi T. (Elizabeth Russ- winkle) Ch Fred, Thomas, Virgil; Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pctl02 T16 R12 O85a (1867) Murgatroyd, John (Kate Willerton) Ch Shirley, Elmer, Tom, Helen, Arthur, Elsie; Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO T60a Mrs. DeOrnel- las (1879) Murgatroyd, Sarah (Sarah Laylalk) Ch William, Anna, Dennis, John; Jacksonville R8 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO O96a (1837) Murgatroyd, W. T. Ch Kathleen, Frances, Louis, Clarabelle; Jack- sonville R8 Secll Pct59 T15 RIO T70a T. Martin (1866) Murphy, Patrick (Mary Kenny) Ch Mamie A., Sadie C., Martin B.; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 T240a Kenny Est. (1887) Murphy, Thomas (Etta Rexroat) Ch Bernice, Esther, Kenneth, Dale, Aileen; Concord Rl Sec29 Pct92 T16 Rll OlOOa Murphy, Tim (Hannah Reardon) Ch Eugene, Timothy, Margaret, Mary, Philomena; Murrayville Rl Sec35 Pct56 T14 Rll O120a (1903) Musch, Henry (Ida Dahman) Ch John; Concord Rl Secl4 School DistlOO T16 R12 T230a John Musch (1887) Musch, John (Mary Wegehoft) Ch Dena, Henry, George, Alfred, Irena; Arenzville SeclO PctlOO T16 R12 O880a (1860) Mutch, J. T. (Frances Jackson) Ch Robert, Floyd, Orville, Dewey, Alma; Murrayville R3 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO O160a (1894) Mutch, Orville (Beulah Kettner) Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO T121a J. T. Mutch (1897) Myers, Charles Allen (Myral Brown) Ch James G., A. Eugene; Sinclair Rl Sec24 Pct41 T16 R9 O20a (1885) Myers, James M. (Rosa M. Tarzwell) Ch Dean, William, Margaret; Mur- rayville R2 Secl4 Pct74 T13 Rll T360a A. M. Masters (1897) Myers, John Ch Sarah A., Fred T., Mary E., George W., John R.; Jack- sonville R5 SecS Pct27 T14 R9 O40a (1868) N Nail, Charles H. (Mary Robinson) Ch Emma, Effie, Albert, Milton, Lizzie, Mazie; Prentice Rl Secl9 PctlS T16 R8 O200a (1887) Narr, E. M. (Elizabeth Parkin) Ch Dorothy, Mary; Waverly Rl Sec34 PctlS T14 R8 T122a (1874) Narr, Henry Ch Edward M.; Waverly Rl Sec34 PctlS T14 R8 O122a (1864) Naylor, Henry (Delia Deppe) Ch Thomas, Herbert; Arenzville Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 OllSa TISOa F. Taggart (1892) Naylor, John (Ola Cay) Ch Russell; Arenzville Rl Sec4 Pct98 T16 R12 OllSa (1890) Negus, Esther Benjamin, Annah Adele, Conklin; Jacksonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T1S R9 O144a (1902) Neighbors, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Spencer) Ch Cyrus, Edgar, Belle, Tina, William; Murrayville R2 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO O80a (1877) Neighbours, William E. (Ada Crab- tree) Ch Edith, Clarence; Murray- ville R4 Secl4 Pct46 T13 RIO O80a (1872) Nelson, Norius (Lillie Welch) Win- chester R5 Sec6 Pct77 T14 Rll Farm Hand Charles Milliken (1917) Nergenah, Charles H. (Myrtle M. Wallace) Ch Herold W.; Chapin R2 Sec4 Pct95 T1S R12 T176a Mrs. R. B. Wallace (1879) Nergenah, Merl W. (Lura Bridgeman) Ch Margaret; Chapin R3 Seel Pct94 T15 R12 Farm Hand Arthur Brock- house (1887) 71 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Nergenah Sisters, F. and L. Bluffs Rl Sec20 Pctl02 T16 R12 O80a (1887) Nergenah, Walter H. (Idella Brock- house) Ch Lucile; Chapin R3 Sec33 Pct93 T16 Rll T120a S. W. Carter (1911) Nevins, R. A. (Millie Henderson) Ch Emma, Lee, Julia, Frank, Glen, Alta, Nellie; Franklin R2 Farm Hand Charlie Story (1912) Newbern, John (Katie Buck) Ch Al- bert, Russell, Edna, Raymond; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 Ola (1897) Newburn, John H. (Henrietta Mor- gan) Ch Cora, William J., Arthur J., Alice A., John W., James E., Charles A., Harry A.; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 Ola (1903) Newby, Mrs. M. M. Ch Pearl E.; Franklin R2 Sec29 Pct28 T13 R9 O40a (1885) Newby, Walter R. (Melyina Seymour) Ch Aileen; Murrayville R4 SeclS Pct22 T13 R9 O81a (1880) Newell, Frank (May E. Jokish) Ch Alfred, Anna, Mae; Prentice Rl Sec8 Pctl7 T16 R8 TlOOa Josephine Collins (1888) Newell, John J. (Minnie Collins) Ch Alma, Rose, Frank, Edward, Anna, Alberta; Ashland Rl Sec3 Pct37 T16 R9 O260a (1861) Newell, Thomas (Catherine E. Han- ning) Ch Helen E., Kathryn, Irene, Raymond F. ; Ashland Rl Sec4 Pct37 T16 R9 O170a (1867) Newman, Arthur (Emma Wallbaum) Ch Barbara; Jacksonville R3 Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 T160a Fred Wallbaum (1882) Newman, Charles (Fanny Newman) Ch Pearl; Meredosia Rl Secl2 PctlOS T16 R13 O40a (1890) Newman, E. C. (Catherine A. Mc- Cabe) Ch Mary, Elizabeth; Murray- ville R4 SeclS Pct43 T13 RIO T80a Mrs. M. J. Clerihan (1882) Newman, George (Lennie E. Reese) Jacksonville R5 Sec24 PctSS T14 RIO T160a George Newman (1897) Newman, John (Anna Camperman) Ch Willie, Mabel; Waverly Rl Seel Pctl T13 R8 T182a J. W. Tomb (1911) Newton, Jay J. (Nellie Ratliff) Con- cord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 O136a (1881) Nichols, Wiley (Addie Hunter) Ch Mary, Dola, Ada; Jacksonville RS Secl9 PctSS T14 R9 T4a J. McCor- mick (1915) Nicholson, Elmer R. (Lulu Hoagland) Ch Louise; Jacksonville R8 Sec3 Pct60 T15 RIO T200a J. M. Allison (1905) Nickel, Frank C. (Clara E. Gaddis) Ch C. Otto, Roy E., P. Gail, V. Esther, Orpha A., F. Clyde; Con- cord Rl Secl6 Pct87 T16 Rll O187a (1868) Nickel, J. H. (Lulu Lippert) Ch Charles, Elmer, Clarence; "Fair- view Farm" Arenzville R2 Sec 7-8 Pct88 T16 Rll O160a (1872) Niemann, Benjamin F. (Flora, Sis- ter) Chapin R3 Seel Pct94 T15 R12 T195a Mrs. C. Obertate (1901) Nienhiser, Fred (Mary Eilers) Ch Flora, Albert, William, Ruth, Nona, Evelyn; Chapin Rl SeclO T16 R14 O260a (1885) Nienhouser, Louis (Lizzie Eilers) Chapin Rl Seel Pct94 T16 R12 T71a (1889) Norfleet, Henry (Minnie Stacey) Ch Vernon, Leva, Hubert, Mildred; Prentice Rl Sec36 Pct41 T16 R9 T240a O. F. Conklin (1910) Norman, William (Hattie Hall) Ch Paul E.; "Spring Brook Farm" Literberry Sec9 Pct69 T16 RIO O60a (1869) Nortrup, Arthur (Annie E. Tendick) Ch Ruth L., Arthur J., C. Alma; Chapin R2 Sec8 Pct96 T1S R12 Farm Hand George Coulson (1910) Nortrup, J. H. (Minnie Kramer) Ch Emil, Oscar, Norina, Gustave, John, Ernest, Edwin, Alice, Louis; Bluffs Rl Sec31 Pctl03 T16 R12 O160a (1872) Nunes, Mary Ch Norman, Etta, Isaac, Irene, Toney, Charles, Frank, Joseph; Jacksonville R8 Sec34 Pct71 T16 RIO O176a (1867) Nunes, Robert P. (Georgia Gobiveia) Ch Lena, Mary, Roberta, Kathleen; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO OlOa (1881) Nunes, Isaac J. (Grave Vieira) Ch Marie, Ernesta; Meredosia Rl Secl4 PctlOS T16 R13 T160a Mrs. E. G. Smith (1886) Nunn, Clyde (Bertha Young) Chapin R2 Sec5 Pct96 T15 R12 TSOa John Whisman (1891) Nunn, Ray (Mae Barfield) Ch Ray L., Claud W.; Pi entice Rl Sec25 Pct41 T16 R9 Farm Hand (1917) Nunn, William (Lulu Thompson) Ch Julia, Roy, Clyde, Flossie, Jesse, Albert, Edith; Meredosia Rl Sec26 Pctl07 T16 R13 Tla Charles Bea- champ (1858) 72 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY O'Connell, Mary Murrayville Rl Sec25 PctSO T14 Rll O108a (1857) O'Connell, Thomas (Sarah Beguel) Ch Irene, Clarence, Thomas, James, Mary, Mabel, Agnes, Edna; Murrayville Rl Sec24 PctSO T14 Rll O240a (1862) Odaffer, Ray (Edna Flynn) Jackson- ville R7 Secll Pct84 T1S Rll Farm Hand Charles C. Hadden (1917) Ogle, Charles A (Edith M Beding- field) Jacksonville R4 Secl2 Pct68 T16 Rll O86a (1869) Ommen, Harman F (Amelia Gilbert) Ch Ruby, Esther, Laura, Archie; Bluffs Rl Sec32 Pctl03 T16 R12 0140a (1862) Ommen, Henry C. (Nettie Love- kamp) Chapin Rl Sec22 Pct99 T16 R12 060a (1883) Ommen, H. F., Jr., Chapin Rl Sec22 Pctl03 T16 R12 O130a (1875) Ommen, John H. (Emma Depner) Ch Elda; Arenzville Rl Sec2 Pct97 T16 R12 O90a (1872) Ommen, J. D. (Annie Russwinkel) Ch Harry, Edwin, Alpha, Andy, Marvin; Chapin Rl Sec22 Pct99 T16 R12 O120a (1864) Osborne, John T. (Emma Wild) Ch Ada, Sadie, Benjamin, Charles, Wil- liam; Manchester Rl Sec2 Pct73 T13 Rll O96a (1879) Osborne, J. E. (Maud Million) Ch Edna, Esther, Elva, Samuel, Hugh, Paul, Mary; Murrayville Sec7 Pct45 T13 RIO Ol.OOOa (1870) Osborne, William E. (Jessie O. Cros- by) Ch Will, Harold, Lloyd; Mur- rayville R4 Secl8 Pct45 T13 RIO T80a Hy Osborne (1880) Owens, Earnest (Emma Vortman) Ch Walter, Raymond, Russell; Chapin R3 Sec33 Pct93 T16 Rll T160a Woodard Sisters (1907) Owens, John Ch Herbert; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O40a (1891) Owings, F. (Elizabeth Walker) Ch Willard, Charles, Elijah, William, George, Clara; Jacksonville Rl Sec28 Pct86 T15 Rll Tla John Vasey (1870) Oxley, Edgar (Anna Mills) Ch Fran- cis S; Franklin Rl Sec20 Pct28 T14 R9 T160a James Oxley Est. (1887) Oxley, George W. (Sarah A. Raw- lings) Ch Irene I.; Jacksonville R5 Sec30 Pct28 T14 R9 O200a (1865) Oxley, John W. (Emma Thinsby) Ch Truman, Wyman; Franklin Rl Sec23 Pct30 T14 R9 O117a (1876) Oxley, R. B. (Coyila Howser) Ch Zenia B., Gertrude, Mary M.; Jack- sonville R5 Secl9 Pct55 T14 R9 O160a (1879) Oxley, Thomas (Anna Rawlings) Ch Lawrence T., Clyde, Cecil, Thelma; Franklin Rl Sec6 Pct28 T13 R9 O700a (1868) Oxley, William A. (Nellie Crisswell) Franklin Rl Sec23 Pct30 T14 R9 O114a (1862) Ozbun, J. H. (Grace Spencer) Ch Eva, Clyde, Eula, Margaret, Ralph, Pauline; Murrayville R2 Sec31 Pct49 T13 RIO T160a B. F. Spencer (1902) Pahlman, George (Ora Ryman) Ch Minnie, John, Thelma, Bertha, Clyde; Jacksonville R7 Secll-14 Pct84 T15 Rll; O70a TlOa J. Z. Scott Est. (1896) Parath, Otto (Parta Dintrich) Ch Carl, Annie, Herman, Paul, Parta, Arthur, Frieda, Minnie; Meredosia Rl Sec30 Pctl02 T16 R12 TlOOa Mrs. J. Osneinger (1896) Parrott, Samuel (Lavina Stills) Ch John, Grace; Sinclair Rl Secl4 Pct41 T16 R9 O147a (1844) Pate, Charles (Spicy Wilson) Ch Mary E., Cecil L., Charles B.; Pis- gah R6 Sec6 Pct27 T14 R9 Farm Hand S. Mills (1917) Patterson, Austin B. (Katie Daniels) Ch Clyde; "Maple View Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec6 PctSl T15 RIO O43a (1882) Patterson, Charles E. (Hattie B. Wil- liamson) Ch Elsie, Grace, Ulah; "Glenview Farm" Jacksonville R4 Sec6 PctSl T15 RIO O70a (1859) 73 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Patterson, Edward (Minerva Put- nan) Ch Everett, Earl, Harold, Hel- en, Mary; Jacksonville R7 Sec3 PctSl T15 Rll O136a (1872) Paul, William C. (Amy D. Coons) Ch Alice C., Theodore C., Frances M.; Woodson Rl Sec9 PctSl T14 RIO 075a (1909) Paxton, C. P. (Martha H. Rice) Ch Bruce, Clarence, Glen; Alexander R7 SecS PctS T14 R8 O155a W. B. Wilcox (1865) Payne, Edgar (Mattie Peden) Ch Lera, Sam, Gordon, Lee, Bell, Mary, Emma; Orleans Sec21 Pct34 T15 R9 Farm Hand F. E. Drury (1915) Perbix, William M. (Flora Saunder- son) Ch Edwin, Myrtle, Treainople, Blanche; Chapin R3 Secl2 Pct94 T15 R12 O116a (1871) Perry, Elza (Addie Brockhouse) Ch Alvin, Herold, Louis, Zeta; Concord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 OlOSa ' (1895) Petefish, Aaron (Lorena Liter) Ch Abe, Harry, Stella, Grace, Ellis, Lora, Aaron Jr., Orville, Evalee, Jesse, Dewey; "Spring Grove Short- horn Farm" Literberry SeclO Pct66 T16 RIO O560a (1841) Petefish, Aaron, Jr. (Bernice Cooper) Ch Ruel; "Spring Grove Farm" Li- terberry SeclO Pct66 T16 RIO T610a Aaron Petefish Sr. (1887) Petefish, Claude C. (Lelia Milstead) Ch William A., Emmabell; Liter- berry Rl Sec9 Pct67 T16 RIO TllSa W. H. Petefish (1892) Petefish, G. Ellis (Laura L. Clark) Ch Edith, Beulah, Ivan; "Pleasant View Farm" Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO OllOa (1880) Petefish, Harry W. (Myrtle Deaton) Ch Harold, Earl, Paul, Marjorie, Helen; "Spring Grove Farm" Liter- berry Rl SeclO Pct66 T16 RIO TSlOa Aaron Petefish Sr. (1873) Petefish, W. H. (Nellie Henderson) Ch Claud; Literberry Rl Sec9 Pct67 T16 RIO O235a (1866) Peters, Charles E. (Edith Tready) Ch Leachie M., Lola O., Ralph E., Elmer L., Katie A., Helen J., Ruth L., Joseph S., Charles M.; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct3 T13 R8 TISOa W. H. Diller (1902) Peters, John, (Lury Amada) Ch Lloyd, Roy, Henry; Waverly Rl Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 T220a J. W. Tomb (1906) Pevey, A. P. (Stella Brummet) Ch Flora, Albert; Murrayville R4 Secl3 Pct46 T13 RIO T153a E. Rogers (1910) Pevey, James H. (Sarah Bertram) Ch Alvin, Leo, Oscar, Nora, Lizzie, Samuel, Onie, Cora; Literberry Rl SeclO Pct66 T16 RIO T150a W. B. Rexroat (1910) Pfeil, James C. (Kate Bowers) Ch John, Clarence, Alma, Grace, Ellen; Concord Rl Sec7 Pct88 T16 Rll OllOa (1865) Phelps, C. W. (Nola Beck) Ch Jewel, Mary, Paul, Norwood, Hubert; Li- terberry Rl Secll Pct66 T16 RIO Farm Hand J. F. Berry (1912) Phillips, Howard (Mary L. Wheeler) Ch Pansy, Pearl, Earl, Edith, Maude, Herchell; Waverly Rl Secl7 Pct3 T14 R8 T80a S. L. Got- shall (1916) Phillips, R. E. (Mollie Dunavan) Ch Mary Elizabeth; Jacksonville R3 Secl3 T141a Mrs. Hannah Traylor (1863) Pine, Grant S. (Delia, Wilday-Hill) Ch" Doris, Grant S., Marvin Hill (stepson); Bluffs Rl Sec35-36 Pctl07 T16 R13 O175a (1911) Pitchford, D. W. (Florence E. Dorks) Ch Gladys, Delbert, Cleo, Lowell, Doris; Waverly R2 Sec30 PctllS T13 R8 OlOa T25a Mrs. Nancy Rynders (1913) Plank, Ethelyn, Ch Loyce, Veryel Edra Lea; Concord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 O160a (1877) Points, William (Elsie Eldredge) Ch Russell, Lenden; Waverly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 Farm Hand Fred Den- nis (1883) Pond, Charles L. (Jeanette A. Web- ster) Ch Fountain E., June B.; "Maple Grove Farm" Murrayville R3 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 (1862) Pond, Edward (Florence Wilday) Ch Leland, Gladys, Maud, Helen, Glen, Harlan, Gail; Arenzville Rl Secl3 ,Pctl05 T16 R13 O160a (1864) Pond, Herold (Tilla Graham) Ch Do- ris, Bernice, Charles, Landis; Arenzville Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 O60a (1870) Potter, Charles (Catherine A. Fel- lows) Ch Grace M., Sarah A., Laura A., Cora L, Albert L., M. Lela, Evanda, H. Yates, Fern; Jackson- ville R2 Sec22 Pct78 T14 Rll O420a (1859) 74 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Pratt, John E. (Verna E. Miller) Arenzville R2 Secl6 Pct87 T16 Rll O40a (1915) Pues, Reuben (Emma Yeck) Ch Wal- ter W.; Meredosia Rl Sec24 Pctl07 T240a Gobel Est. (1877) Quick, Joseph (Dora Mincer) Ch Dorothy; Murrayville R4 Sec8 Pct45 T13 RIO Farm Hand Light- foot Est. (1912) Quinn, T. J. (Bessie Flynn) Jackson- ville R2 Secl2 Pct79 T14 Rll T120a George Bader (1911) Quin, James (Gertrude Combs) Ch Dorothy, Mary, Lucille, Frederick E., Paul J.; Murrayville Rl Sec25 Pct79 T14 Rll T40a Fred Ricks (1894) R Ragan, Sie (Anna Hawn) Ch Dora, Bessie, John, Gracie, Ernest, Freda, William; Concord Sec32 Pct93 T16 Rll T239a John Ervin and Arthur Fairbank (1900) Ragin, Reuben (Cora Angelo) Ch Mildred P., Olive E. ; Jacksonville R2 Secl4 Pct79 T14 Rll T80a E. R. Angelo (1903) Rahe, Harmay (Julia Kiel) Ch Leta, Earl, Alford, Lea, Ada; Chapin R2 Sec9 Pct95 T15 R12 O70a (1892) Ransdell, C. D., "Forest Side Stock Farm" Franklin Rl Sec33 Pct57 T14 R9 O300a (1874) Ransdell, E. C. (Lucy Henry) Ch C. Donald, William K.; "Forest Side Stock Farm" Franklin Rl Sec33 Pct57 T14 R9 O300a (1877) Ranson, Mrs. Anna (Anna Thursby) Ch Rex, Annie, Viron, Clifford; Franklin R2 Sec35 Pct31 T14 R9 O170a (1890) Ranson, Charles L. (Mary L. Smith) "Burlington Wayside Farms" Woodson Rl Secl6 Pet 53 T14 RIO Sec9 PctSl Sec33 Pct57 O297a (1875) Ranson, Edward H. (Elsie Marie Goveia) Ch Harriet Josephine, Frances Lucile, Bernice Robertine; "Pleasant Place Farm" Jacksonville R2 Sec3 Pct76 T14 Rll T120a James H. Ranson (1886) Ranson, E. A. (Edith Gordon) Ch Gail, Denby, Dorothy, Mildred, Frances, Helen, Willard; Jackson- ville R2 Sec4 T14 Rll O80a Secl6 Pct78 T14 Rll TSOa Mrs Mary C. Ranson (1873) Ranson, Frank W. (Sarah Potter) "Edgewood Place" Jacksonville R2 Secl6 Pct78 T14 Rll O120a (1876) Ranson, Fred O. (Georgia Scott) Jacksonville Rl Sec22 Pct83 T15 Rll TSOa Z. W. Scott (1885) Ranson, H. L. (Delia Suttrell) Ch Waldo, Charles; "Brookfield Farm" Jacksonville R2 Sec34 Pct86 T15 Rll O85a (1891) Ranson, James T. (May Sutton) Ch Rena F; Jacksonville R2 SeclS Pct78 T14 Rll T120a E. L. Ham- mel (1867) Ranson, J. Rex (Florence Reid) Woodson Rl SeclO PctSO T14 RIO T520a Mrs. Ann E. Ranson (1891) Ranson, Peter, Ch Elmer, Frank, William, Walter; Jacksonville R2 Sec34 Pct86 T15 Rll O170a (1841) Ranson, R. R. (Belle Groves) Ch Net- tie, Gertrude, Grace, Mabel, Clar- ence, Ernest Raymond; Jackson- ville R2 Sec35 Pct65 T15 Rll O180a (1843) Ratliff, Charles (May Foreaker) Ch Anna L., Elsie V.; Ashland Rl Sec4 Pct37 T16 R9 T160a Elmer Ratliff (1879) Ratliff, John B. (Margaret Goan Leeper, Housekeeper) Ch of Mar- garet, Reba, Alfred, Bertha, George, Jacob, Martha; Concord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 O190a (1915) Rawlings, B. F. (Ida C. Scholfield) Ch Russell F., Kenneth T., John F., Donald S.; "Edgewood Farm" Franklin Rl Sec32 Pct28 T14 R9 T250a John H. Rawlings (1887) 75 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Rawlings, Mrs. Evaline (Evaline Scott) Ch Henry E., Grace, Nellie, Arthur G. ; "Ivy Lawn Farm" Jack- sonville RS Sec20 Pct28 T14 R9 O19624a (1856) Rawlings, G. A. Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO T70a Rawlings Est. (1915) Rawlings, James E. (Addie Smith) Ch James Wendell, Winona; Jack- sonville R6 Sec23 Pct23 T15 RIO O448a(1861) Rawlings, J. W. (Grace Way) Jack- sonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO T70a Rawlings Est. (1915) Rawlings, Leslie (Stella Seymour) Ch Robert; Franklin Rl Seel Pct42 T13 RIO T120a Robert Rawlings (1894) Rawlings, William E. (Eliza E. Fan- ning) Ch Anna, George W. ; Frank- lin Rl SecS Pct22 T13 R9 O137a (1864) Rawlings, William E. (Laura Vasey) Winchester R5 SecS Pct77 T14 Rll O550a (1907) Ray, F. G. (Sarah E. Charles) Ch Jennie, Ella, Lottie, Elmer, Eliza A.; Franklin R2 Sec7 Pct22 T13 R9 O13a (1843) Rea Brothers, Murrayville Rl SecS Pet 44 T13 RIO O300a (1856) Rea, John W. (Inez Henry) Ch Dor- othy, Helen; "Walnut Grove Farm" Murrayville R4 Sec2 PctSO T14 RIO O80a (1881) Read, W. S., Ch. Carl, Hugh; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl T13 R8 T60a J. H. Read Est. (1875) Redburn, John H. (Mary Hogg), Ch Lawrence; "Berry Dale Farm" Jacksonville R4 Secl6 T1S RIO O34a (1870) Reed, Arthur (Minnie Reed) Ch Chester; Waverly R3 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 Farm Hand R. M. Reed (1912) Reed, A. B. (Maria Spencer) Ch Frank; Murrayville R2 Sec31 Pct49 T13 RIO (1882) Reed, R. N. (Thenarth Walford) Ch Minnie, Birdie, Daisy, Walter, Wil- lie, Maud, Stella, Eda, Edgar, Frank, Jessie; Waverly R3 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 T140a W. F. Wemple (1875) Reed, Walter (Ola Crum) Ch Lelah, Grace, Fern, Clyde, Gerald, Hol- land, Harry Gilbert; Waverly R3 SecS Pct2 T13 R8 Farm Hand Dr. E. K. Blair (1888) Reed, William (Osie Anthas) Ch Ber- nice; Waverly R2 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 T65a Mrs. Julia Buckhanan (1889) Rees, Marshall, Ch Maude, Irving, Oral; Franklin Rl Sec31 Pct28 T14 R9 O297a (1861) Rees, William Milford, Jr. (Vella Ox- ley) "Evergreen Farm" Franklin Rl Sec27 Pct29 T14 R9 T310a Wm. M. Rees, Sr. (1893) Rees, William M., Sr. (Hattie Dai- ton) Ch Ruby, Nellie, Birdie, Will- iam Milford; "Evergreen Farm" Franklin Rl Sec27 Pct29 T14 R9 O310a (1862) Reese, Henry D. (Margaret Hamel) Ch Lloyd, Lennie, Sarah; Jackson- ville R5 Sec25 Pct56 T14 RIO O80a (1865) Reeve, C. N. (Ella Seymour) Ch Eleanor R., Aldon S.; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 O40a (1875) Reid, James (Cassie Walters) Jack- sonville R4 Sec4 Pct61 T15 RIO OlSOa (1861) Reiser, Fred. (Charlotte Scott) Ch Bernard; Pleasant Plains R40 Sec21 PctlS T16 R8 T240a Hexter Bro. (1915) Reiser, Louis J. (Clara Young) Ch Henry; Prentice Rl Sec30 PctlS T16 R8 T125a Sarah Kelso (1907) Reiser, Martin T. (Ethel Flinn) Pren- tice Rl Sec20 PctlS T16 RS T200a Carrie Salzenstein (1913) Rentschler, S. G. (Virginia Behler) Concord Rl Secl3 Pct89 T16 Rll TlOOa G. W. Rentschler (1866) Rexroat Alva (Rose Kelly) Ch Marie, Francis, Paul; Concord Rl Sec21 Pct91 T16 Rll O233a (1876) Rexroat, Edward (Elsie Neill) Ch Eugene, Paul, Kathryn, Hilda; Jacksonville R4 SeclS PctSS T16 RIO T300a H. H. Rexroat Est. (1878) Rexroat, Lee (Letta Vanway, Aunt) Concord Rl Sec21 Pct91 T16 Rll O137a (1888) Rexroat, W. B., Ch Lenora, Anna, Earl, Bailey, Ethel; Jacksonville Secl6 Pct69 T16 RIO O530a (1854) Rexroat, W. Earl (Anna Bird) Ch Al- clen E. ; "The Maples" Literberry Rl SeclO Pct66 T16 RIO O160a (1883) Reynolds, Charles E. (Nellie G. Wat- son) Ch John E., Charles T., Ruth A.; "Justa Farm" Woodson Rl Sec23 Pct54 T14 RIO O80a (1871) 76 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Reynolds, Edwin J. (Mary E. Hem- brough) Ch Lynford, Raymond, Mildred, Virginia; "Elmwood Farm" Jacksonville R5 Secl2 PctSO T14 RIO O180a (1874) Reynolds, James T. (Linnie Baker) Ch Carley, Sallie, Leslie, Delia, Lu- cille; Jackonsville R6 Sec27 Farm Hand H. C. Stevenson (1915) Reynolds, William E. (Georgia H. Megginson) Ch Viola E.; Jackson- ville R5 Sec23 School District 54 T14 RIO O121^a (1905) Rhea, John (Dollie Goatcher) Ch Lorin; Waverly R2 Sec24-25 Pct24 T13 R9 O290a T200a (1874) Rice, Calvin E. (Laura B. Brock- house) Ch James W., Philip M., Wilfred E., Rowene P., Elizabeth C, F. Virginia; Arenzville Rl Sec8 Pct98 T16 R12 O450a-(1907) Rice, C. L. (Aileen Leach) "Mound View Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec26 Pct85 T15 Rll T123a Walter S. Rice (1885) Rice, James R. (Susan Blackwell) Ch Anna, Walter, Virginia, Pauline, James; Jacksonville Rl Sec26 Pct85 T15 Rll T123a Walter S. Rice (1877) Richards, J. C. (Martha Bunch) Ch Willie, Davis, Maye, Tom, Jim, Stella, Lee, Russell, Mabel, How- ard; Murrayville Seel Pct73 T13 Rll O38a (1869) Richardson, Christopher (Jane Hodg- son) Ch William T., Matilda Belle, Clarence R. ; Orleans Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 O135a (1857) Richardson, Clarence R., Orleans Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 T120a E. Rich- ardson and Mrs. W. E. Masters (1884) Richardson, G. S. (Frances Rawlings) Ch Albert, Laura; Jacksonville Rl Sec33 Pct86 T15 Rll O40a (1847) Richardson, H. H. (Sarah J. Middle- ton) Jacksonville Rl Sec28 Pct64 T15 RIO Ollla (1876) Richardson, William (P a t i m a Vaughn) Ch Mollie, Roy M., Har- riet, William, John, Sadie, Maggie, Benjamin, Charles; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 O20a (1850) Richardson, William T. (Alcina Va- sey) Ch Donald; Ashland Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 O120a (1879) Richardson, W. G. (Clara Simpkin) Ch Elvira, Melba, William; Jack- sonville Rl Sec25 Pct85 T15 Rll O170a (1905) Rickard, H. A. (Juliet Harding) Ch Elizabeth E., Frank W.; Waverly R3 Sec9 Pct2 T13 R8 O60a (1891) Rickey, John (Elsie Rickey) Ch Ag- nes L., Laura M.; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 T4a Thos. Rickey (1897) Rickey, Mrs. Mary (Mary Thaxon) Ch Etta, Thomas, Ella, James, Willis, Harry; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 Ola (1881) Rickey, Thomas, Ch Stella, Elsie, Hazel, Homer, Myrtle; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O4a (1867) Rickey, Willis (Annie Phillips) Ch Minnie Gulp; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O2a (1887) Ridder, Anton, Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 O160a (1877) Ridder, Henry J. (Louisa Mohr) Alexander Rl Sec31 PctlO T15 R8 O160a (1860) Ridder, John J. (Effie Coker) Ch Nel- lie M., Virgil I., Andrew R.; Alex- ander Rl Sec7 PctlO T14 R8 O160a (1887) Ridder, Joseph (Mary Stelte) Ch Stephen, Mary White, Gertrude, Margaret, Joseph, Elizabeth; Alex- ander Rl Sec31 PctllS T13 R8 - OllOa (1860) Ridder, Stephen F. (Julia M. Long) Ch Frank, Ruby; Alexander Rl Sec9 Pct9 T14 R8 Farm Hand H. Lukens (1885) Ridder, Stephen J. (Regina Mohr) Ch Anna, William, Frances, Regina, Stephen; Alexander Rl Sec31 PctlO T15 R8 O160a (1863) Riley, M. E. (Margaret R. Begnel) Ch Marie, Monica, Edward, Joseph, Vincent, Anna; Woodson Rl Secl9 Pct52 T14 Rll O213a (1872) Riley, Robert J. (Anna Shepley) Ch Milton, Alma, Isabel, Lee; Murray- ville R3 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO T80a R. Lonergan (1910) Riley, William (Catherine McWil- liams) Ch Gertrude M., Walter, Glen D., Russell H; Ashland Rl Sec4 Pct37 T16 R9 O80a (1868) Rilling, George C., Ch Mabel, Lucille, Lela, Pauline, Herchell; Alexander Rl Sec3 Pct9 T14 R8 O107a (1916) Rimby, Harry H. (Mabel Jones) Ch Mildred; "Elm Hill Farm" Murray- ville R3 Sec21 Pct48 T13 RIO O94a (1888) Rimby, Walter (Bertha Chapman) Ch Opal, Margaret; Murrayville R2 Sec36 Pct75 T13 Rll T80a C. D. Chapman (1911) 77 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Rimby, W. B. (Maude Fuller), Ch Jesse, Allen, Marion, Alice, Elean- or; Murrayville R2 SeclS Pct45 T13 RIO OSOa (1882) Ring, Frank J. (Ella Winters) Ch Francis; Franklin Rl Seel Pct42 T13 RIO TlOOa Thos. Winters (1914) Rine Patrick, Murrayville Rl Sec25 Pct56 T14 Rll 093a (1867) Roach, A. J. (Lela Crawford) Ch Raymond L.; Franklin R3 Sec24 Pctl9 T14 R9 T122a W. T. Dods- worth (1900) Roach, Charles (Mary E. Bromm) Ch Albert E.; Literberry Rl Secl3 Pct66 T16 RIO Farm Hand Albert Crum (1902) James Wood Est. (1907) Roach, John W. (Lucinda Ausband Ch Andrew, Leonard, Catherine, Mary, Lorene, Carl; Franklin J Sec32 Pctl3 T14 R8 T139a W. T. Dodsworth (1907) Robbins, Irvin (Katy Hale) Ch Sally, Holman, Shelly, Owen, Evelyn Beulah, Irvin, Edward; "Beulah Alexander Rl Secl7 Pctl6 TIS R8 Farm Hand Frank Strawn (1914) Roberts, Dennie (Mary Hickerson) Alexander Sec30 Farm Hand Hy. R. Hall (1917) Roberts, George D. Ch Lulu, Fred Harold, Maurice, Harriet, Grace, Donald, Beulah; Franklin Rl Sec34 Pct20 T14 R9 O320a (1845) Roberts, J. H. (Mildred Seymour) Ch Grace A.; Franklin R2 Secl4 PctS T13 R8 O250a (1847) Roberts, Martin L. (Matilda Spires) Ch Marvin C; "Oak Grove Farm" Franklin R2 Sec23 Pct23 T13 R9 O160a (1849) Roberts, W. E. (Marie Waddell) Ch Maurice, Frank, Leslie, James, Lee, Maynard, Mabel, Dean; Waverly Rl SeclS Pct26 T14 R8 OSOa Chas. Teele (1867) Robertson, Walter W. (Ella Robin- son) Ch Frank, Norval; Prentice Sec7 Pctl7 T16 R8 O280a (1872) Robins, Irvin (Katie Hale) Ch Sally, Holman, Shelley, Owen, Evelyn, Beulah, Irvin, Edwin; Alexander Rl Sec20 Pct34 T15 R9 Farm Hand Frank Strawn (1913) Robinson, F. J. (Sarah Southwell) Ch Clarence, Irene; Murrayville R2 Sec24 Pct74 T13 Rll O138a (1908) Robinson, Harrison (Alice Foster) Ch Elizabeth, Ralph, George, Floyd, Carroll, Eleanor, Lucy, Nelle, Marshall; Prentice Sec7 Pctl7 T16 R8 O300a (1863) Robinson, Howard L. (Elizabeth Fos- ter) Prentice Rl Sec28 PctlS T16 R8 O160a (1887) Robinson, Joel H. (May Boston) Ch Leslie A., Edgar E., Bessie L., Beula F.; Prentice Rl Sec7 T16 R8 O103a (1860) Robinson, Martin L. (Lydia Lathon) Ch Harry E., Anna E., Rhoda L., Stella P., Leroy; Prentice Rl Secl3 Pct36 T16 R9 O600a (1852) Robinson, Richard W. (Elizabeth Keister) Ch George W., Maria K., Mabel M.; Sinclair Rl Sec34 Pct40 T16 R9 T350a Thomas Harrison , (1874) Robinson, Roy A. (Matilda Hanning) Ch Martin W.; Prentice Rl Secl3 Pct36 T16 R9 T700a Robinson Est. (1891) Robson, Lucinda Ch Etta, Carl, Roy, Thomas H., Morris, Otto; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct38 T13 R9 T20a T. Oxley (1870) Rodgers, G. A. (Lillian Wilson) Ch Hubert; Pisgah R6 Sec6 Pct27T14 R9 Farm Hand A. Spainhower (1915) Roegge, Arthur (Agnes Wesler) Meredosia Rl Secl3 PctlOO T16 R12 T160a W. F. Roegge (1894) Roegge, Herman H. (Lena Kors- meyer) Ch Rudolph, Ada, Laura, Edwin, Nora, Emil; Meredosia Rl Sec2 PctlOS T16 R13 O180a (1903) Roegge, William F. (Emma Kors- meyer) Arthur, Edith, Etta, Lo- renz, Alex; "The Hillig" Meredosia Rl Sec2 PctlOS T16 R13 O320a (1869) Rohrer, Oscar, Waverly R2 Sec25 T13 R8 O240a Sec36 Pct6 T13 R8 Tl,880a (1865) Rohrer, Wilburn G. Ch Mary, Fannie, Oscar, Herbert; Waverly R2 Sec36 Pct6 T13 R8 O256a (1835) Roland, Bert (Mary Arther) Waverly R3 Sec24 PctS T13 R9 Farm Hand John Rhea (1891) Rolfs, John, Ch John, Tima, George, Annie, Dena, Etta, Henry; Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pctl02 T16 R12 O120a (1844) Roller, Eugene (Mary Jolly) Waverly R2 Sec23 PctS T18 R8 T120a Clar- ence Campbell (1915) 78 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Romang, G. (Hanna Cushen) Ch John C, Mamme M., Amelia M.; Waver- ly Rl Seel Pctl T13 R8 O3a (1879) Roney, William (Luella Diwer) Ch Ruth, Raymond; Concord Rl Sec23 Pct89 T16 Rll T80a G. & J. Colber- er (1873) Rook, James C. (Mollie Kingsley) Ch Guy; "Lakeside Farm" Jackson- ville. R5 Sec34 PctSO T15 RIO O166a (1856) Rose, James D. (Birdie Hoover) Ch Orin, Florence, Elmer, James; Ar- nold Sec30 Farm Hand J. W. Ar- nold (1914) Rouland, August (Pearl Arthur) Ch Alfred, Opal, Florence, Alma; Wa- verly R2 Sec31 PctllS T13 R8 TISOa Ezra Rouland (1883) Rouland, Arthur (Edna Ewen) Ch Dexter, Gladys, Orville; Waverly R3 Sec25 Pct24 T13 R9 O40a (1875) Rouland, Charles (Katie Bryant) Ch Telia, Bert, Pearl, Letha; Waverly R3 Sec25 Pct24 T13 R9 O19a (1859) Rouland, Charles, Jr. (Luella Rou- land) Ch Almeda, Richard; Waver- ly R3 Sec36 Pct25 T15 R9 O60a T15a (1878) Rouland, Ezra (Amelia Caldwell) Ch August, Ora, Mary Lula; Modesto R35 Sec31 PctllS T13 R8 O360a (1860) Rouland, Leland (Flora Guthrie) Ch Marguerite, Francis; Waverly R2 Sec25 Pct7 T13 R8 Farm Hand Os- car Rohrer (1887) Rouland, Thomas (Minnie Cherry) Ch Clarence, Vernon, Edith, John, Lee, Myron, Ronald, Otho, Velma, Russell; Waverly R3 ec25 Pct24 T13 R9 O30a (1860) Rouland, Walter A. (Elizabeth Ryn- ders) Ch Marie Alene; Waverly R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R8 O80a T33a Dan Sevier (1882) Rouland, Willie (Mary Seymour-Rou- land) Ch Vivian, Nellie, Helen Sey- mour; Modesto R35 Sec29 Pct8T13 R8 T135a Francis Bennett and Fan- nie Gray (1882) Rouland, William (Jane Hines) Ch Will, Walter, Lou; Waverly R3 Sec35 Pct7 T13 R8 O15a (1856) Rousey, Charles A. (Rose Neal) Ch Carl E., Terry F., Martha H., Clyde; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 T180a Martha Rousey (1870) Rowe, C. A. Jacksonville R7 SeclS T15 RIO O390a (1886) Ruble, George (Elsia M. Rogers) Ch Priscilla M.; "Maple Crest Farm" Alexander Rl Sec8 Pctl4 T15 R8 O80a (1872) Ruble, Milton (Laura Elmore) Ch Josephine, Richard H., Milton E., Arthur D.; Alexander Rl Sec8 Pct33 T15 R9 O240a (1867) Ruble, Samuel (Katherine Luby) Ch Kenneth E.; Alexander Rl Secl7 Pct33 T15 R9 O80a (1887) Rudisill, Ralph R. (Mayme Delaney) Ch Irene, Dale; Jacksonville R4 Secl7 Pct69 T16 RIO TlOOa Farm Manager Mary Rudisill (1882) Russell, Alex Jacksonville R8 Sec27 Pct71 T16 RIO Tl^a Wm. H. Alli- son (1905) Russell, A. G. (Alice Irlam) Ch Eliza- beth; Murrayville R4 Sec2 Pct42 T13 RIO TISOa Mrs. A. E. Cline (1889) Russwinkel, John (Mary Dahman) Arenzville R2 Seel Pct66 T16 Rll O160a (1883) Russwinkel, Mrs. Kate (Kate Wer- ries) Ch Arthur, Lena, Clarence, Florence, Ada, George, Raymond, Bernice, Virgil; Meredosia Rl Secl6 Pct99 T16 R12 O80a (1887) Russwinkel, Mrs. Mary (Mary Pues) Ch Annie, Lizzie, Henry, John; Meredosia Rl Secl9 Pctl02 T16 R12 O119^a (1883) Ryan, F. J. (Erma Kepler), Franklin R3 Sec24 Pct30 T14 R9 T80a Mary Lynch (1887) Ryan, Jerry (Mary Harmon) Ch Charles M., Ralph L., John S., Har- old A., Joseph H., Rosemary; Franklin R2 Sec23 Pct30 T14 R9 O160a (1877) Ryan, John (Zora Seymour) Ch Do- rothy, Martha J., Charles I.; Frank- lin Rl Sec28 Pct29 T14 R9 Farm Hand Dennis Whalen (1914) Ryan, Lawrence Franklin R3 Sec25 Pct30 T14 R9 OlOOa (1867) Ryan, Michael (Phoebe Trup) Ch Mame, Frank, John, Fanny, Mor- gan, Raymond, William, Leo, Har- old; Alexander Sec8 PctlO T14 R8 O80a (1869) 79 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Ryan, M. H. Franklin R3 Secl2 Pct25 T14 R9 O160a (1887) Ryan, O. E. (Gertrude Ziller) Ch Leona, Almon; "Fairview Farm" Alexander Secl2 Pct25 T14 R9 O180a (1887) Ryan, Thomas J. Franklin Sec26 Pct26 T14 R9 O200a (1872) Ryan, William A. (Anna Lukeman) Ch Jerome, Ursula, Edward, Al- mon, Alden, Anna, May; Franklin R3 SeclS Pctll T14 R8 OlOOa Manager Yeoman's Elevator Co. (1870) Rynders, Mrs. Nancy J. (Nancy Bridensine) Ch Lizzie, Willie; Wa- verly R2 Secl9 Pct3 T13 R8 O40a (1854) Sage, William B. (Mary Hayes) Pren- tice Sec24 Pct41 T16 R9 O140a (1850) Sample, E. T. (Lulu Bell) Ch E. O.; Jacksonville R6 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 O95a (1872) Sample, Hillard (Lora Wood) Mur- rayville R3 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 TlOOa Mary F. Sample (1895) Sample, J. W. (Ella Dyer) Ch Esther E., Melvin J., Almira B., Bernice A.; Franklin R3 SeclO PctSO T14 R9 O30a (1874) Sample, Theodore (Elizabeth Robin- son) Ch Lena, Oscar; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO T22a E. Lamb (1850) Samples, Jess (Hazel Cloud) Waver- ly R2 Sec21 Pct4 T13 R8 Farm Hand John Sevier (1895) Samples, Ray (Ruth Vance) Ch Le- roy, Alfred A.; Franklin R2 Sec32 PctllS T13 R9 Farm Hand John Bull (1917) Samples, Walter T. (Elizabeth Tur- ner), Ch Reba, Annis; Waverly R2 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 Ol5a T39a Al- len Turner (1888) Samples, W. H. (Dora England) Ch Walter, Jessie; Waverly R2 Secl6 Pct4 T13 R8 T240a H. Dalby (1863) Samson, Charles H. (Minna Pen- brook) Ch Gerald D., Charles L.; Modesto R35 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 T30a Henry Samson (1916) Sanders, C. E. (Maud Wood) Ch Marjorie; Concord Secl9 Pct92 T16 Rll T710a (1881) Sanders, Hannah Ch Martha, Mecca, James, Winnie, Earnest; "Clover Leaf Farm" Concord Sec20 Pct92 T16 Rll O710a (1852) Sargent, John A. Ch. Jennie; Jackson- ville Rl SeclS Pct83 T15 Rll T55a William T. Sargent (1849) Sargent, William T. Jacksonville Rl SeclS Pct83 T15 Rll OSSa Saunderson, W. T. (Mattie McDan- iel) Ch Etta, Flora, Treain Vilovais, Phynis, Le Roy; Waverly R2 Sec23 Pet 5 T13 R8 Farm Hand Fred Pue (1915) Sawtell, E. A. (Anna Stringham) "Evergreen Lawn Farm" Jackson- ville Rl Secl6 Pct83 T15 Rll T80a Mrs. Emily Sawtell-Faul (1874) Sayre, Fred J. (Frances Chrisman) Ch Ruth, Richard, Mary; Winches- ter R5 Sec6 Pct77 T14 Rll T140a William E. Rawlings (1884) Sayre, J. I. (Fannie Jewsbury) Ch William, Nettie, Fred J., Richard, Mollie, Roy, Marie, John, Geraldine; Jacksonville R2 Sec9 Pct76 T14 Rll T148a Grace Carter (1852) Schaeffer, Mason (Gertie Carter) Ch Richard A., Maude; Arenzville Rl Sec4 Pct97 T16 R12 Farm Hand Arthur Carls (1917) Schann, Henry C. (Lena Brech) Ch Marie, Robert; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pct90 T16 Rll O60a (1899) Scheferkort, Mrs. Rosena (Rosena Stock) Ch Mary, Frances, Minnie, Joseph, Elizabeth, Margaret, Anna, William, Theresa, Henry, John; Alexander Rl Sec8 PctlO T14 R8 O60a (1877) Schirz, Frank (Hannah Sweeney) Ch Francis E., Katherine M., Nicholas P.; Franklin R2 SeclS Pct20 T13 R9 T260a Manager N. Schirz (1876) Schofield, Edward (Frances Tuke) Ch John, Stella, Essie, Lottie, Roy, Carl; Waverly R2 Sec21 Pct4 T13 R8 O70a (1888) Schofield, William (Edith Colton) Murrayville Rl Sec21 Pct78 T14 Rll T186a F. W. Schofield (1885) 80 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Schlieker, Charles H. (Effie Enke) Ch Harvey, Velma; Meredosia Rl Secl7 Pct98 T16 R12 O70a (1887) Schnake, Charles (Elizabeth Klein- schmidt) Ch Rudolph, Alma, Huld, Dora; Meredosia Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 (1903) Schnitker, George (Mary Lovekamp) Ch Erma, Walter, Verna; Arenz- ville R2 Sec4 Pct87 T16 Rll O120a (1900) Scholes, William (Lena Stigall) Ch Francis L. ; Prentice Sec6 Pctl7 T16 R8 Farm Hand Josh Hubbs (1917) Scholfield, F. W. (Sarah Busey) Ch Charley, William; Winchester R5 SecS Pct77 T14 Rll O292a (1849) Schone, Fred (Mary Nortrup) Ch Louis, Dick, Roy, John, Flora; Chapin R2 SecS Pct96 T1S R12 O160a (1912) Schroeder, August (Annie Nortrup) Ch John, Henry, Minnie; Bluffs Rl Sec30 Pctl02 T16 R12 O80a (1882) Schroeder, Henry D. (Dena Rolfs) Ch Harold A. J., Dorothy J.; Bluffs Rl Sec32 Pctl03 T16 R12 OlOOa (1886) Schumacher, Alvin H. (Mary L. Jor- ding) Ch Mildred A., Arlo J. D., Laura L., Carlton A.; "Sunny Slope Farm" Chapin Rl Sec27 Pctl04 T16 R12 O190a (1880) Schumacher, Mrs. Carrie (Carrie Brockhouse) Ch Herbert H., Ada M.; Chapin Rl Sec27 Pctl04 T16 R12 O385^ (1859) Scoggins, G. C. (Bertha Peters) Ch Howard, Roy; Murrayville Rl Secl3 Pct74 T13 Rll Farm Hand J. C. Andrus (1911) Scott, Allan E. "Scott's Bluegrass Stock Farm" (Settled in 1831) Jacksonville Rl Sec22 Pct83 T15 Rll T80a John E. Scott (1888) Scott, Mrs. Anna Ch Minnie S.Taylor, Bert S., Emma Bowyer, Alice, Grace S. Haynes; Waverly R3 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 O73a (1855) Scott, Mrs. Belle (Belle Hulett) Ch Francis, Irene; Jacksonville R4 SecS Pct61 T15 RIO O80a (1902) Scott, Carl H. (Flossie Kinder) Ch Vera E., Margaret M.; Chapin Rl Sec23 Pct94 T15 R12 T160a H. Baes (1889) Scott, C. E. (Margaret C. Woods) Ch Dorothea; Franklin R2 Sec36 Pct31 T14 R8 OlOa T75a M. Scott (1877) Scott, Harvey D. (Ida May, Harriet, Rachael, Sisters) Jacksonville Rl SeclS Pct83 T15 Rll O240a Brother and Sisters own an undivided inter- est in the J. Z. Scott Est. (1894) Scott, John E. (Agnes Allan) Ch Bes- sie, Zella May, Allan E., Eugene D.; "Scott's Bluegrass Stock Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec22 Pct83 T15 Rll O80a (1847) Scott, J. W. (Lavina Voss) Ch Jauni- ta, Helen, Howard E.; "Maple Lawn" Franklin Rl Sec28 Pct29 T14 R9 O80a (1855) Scott, R. V. (Sarah Middleton) Ch Edward, Allen; Jacksonville Rl Sec31 Pct86 T15 Rll O60a T40a (1885) Scott, S. (Elizabeth Dodsworth) Ch E. D., Sarah L., Gilbert W., Rhoda H., Ira E., Winfield W., Annie F., Alfred E., Emma E., Hattie B.; "-Scott Haven Farm" Franklin Rl Sec33 Pct29 T14 R9 (1855) Scott, William T. (Lillian B.) Ch Paul B.; "Lindenwood Farm" Jackson- ville R6 Sec25 Pct34 T15 RIO O85a (1870) Sears, H. W. (Anna Stewart) Ch Law- rence, Bright; "Lone Pine Farm" Waverly Rl Sec21 Pctl2 T14 R8 O80a (1905) Sears, I. L. (Anna Magill) Ch Adrian; "Lone Pine Farm" Waverly Rl Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 T80a H. W. Sears (1911) Sears, J. B. (Bertha Van Winkle) Ch Clodagle H.; "Lone Pine Farms" Waverly Rl Sec21 Pctl2 T14 R8 O88a (1905) Seawalt, Elizabeth Ch Edward, Os- car, Lester, Mary, Hattie; Arenz- R2 Sec9 Pct87 T16 Rll O53a (1851) Seaver, T. J. (Julia Feore) Ch James, Christina, Kathryn, Nicholas, Re- gina; Waverly Rl Secl7 Pctll T14 R8 TlOOa James Feore (1913) Self, C. C. (Annie M. Ketner) Ch J. T.; Woodson Rl Sec28. Pct57 T14 RIO . OSla T142a J. F. Ketner - (1861) Self, J. T. (Emma Gallagher) Ch H. Maurino, Miriam, Eloise; Woodson Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 RIO T142a J. F. Ketner (1887) Servoss, Ernest L. (Fannie Belchey) Ch Vida, Earl, Claude; Jackson- ville R2 Sec9 Pct87 T16 Rll O53a Sam Larimore (1871) 81 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sevier, John H. (Kate Harris) Wa- verly R3 Sec21 Pct3 T13 R8 O260a (1867) Sevier, J. W. (Genevieve Peebles) Ch Ruth L.; Waverly R3 Sec8 Pct2 T13 R8 T260a D. A. Sevier (1893) Seymour, Albert M. (Maud Blue) Ch Marvin, Eleanor, Kathyrn, Karolyn; Franklin R2 Secll Pct20 T13 R9 T80a Seymour Est. (1884) Seymour, Bird (Matilda Rees) Ch Edith A., Leonard B., Gus M.; Franklin R2 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 O127a (1869) Seymour, Charles N. (Belle Slack) Ch May, Maude, Zora, Alice; Franklin Rl Sec26 Pct30 T14 R9 O120a (1887) Seymour, Charles O. (Ida Austin) Ch Paul, Glen, Bruce, Doris, Delia; Franklin R2 Sec29 Pct22 T13 R9 O40a (1860) Seymour, Dale (Ollie Miner) Ch Glenna Mae, Taylor, Nelson; Franklin R2 Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 O60a (1881) Seymour, Earl (Mary Crawford) Ch Mary E.; Franklin Rl Sec34 Pct30 T14 R9 T80a J. W. Seymour (1889) Seymour, Elbert (Kinda Henry) Franklin R2 Sec27 Pct23 T13 R9 T160a John B. Seymour (1883) Seymour, Fred (Sallie Bourland) Waverly Rl Secl3 PctS T13 R8 O40a (1866) Seymour, F. A. (Carrie Darley), Wa- verly R3 Sec7 Pct2 T13 R8 O56a T132a (1882) Seymour, George (Gallic Jones) Ch Helen, Flossie, Mary, Henrietta, Eliza; Franklin R2 Secl9 Pct22 T13 R9 O62a (1872) Seymour, George W. (Sadie Tunnel) Franklin R2 Secll Pct20 T13 R9 O46a (1876) Seymour, Gus Ch Guy T., Van D.; Murrayville R4 Secl7 Pct22 T13 R9 O180a (1858) Seymour, Gus M. (Edna Wood) Ch Katherine-, Marjorie A., Frances E., Maurice B., Marion B.; Franklin R2 Secl3 Pctl9 T13 R9 O41a (1882) Seymour, Guy T. (Irene Virgin) Franklin R2 Secl7 Pct22 T13 R9 T60a Gus Seymour (1893) Seymour, Harry W. (Eva Henry) Ch Hilda, Eva, Rex, Fern; Franklin R2 Secl6 Pct21 T13 R9 O67a (1895) Seymour, Isom (Mary R. Dunkin) Ch Leon, Stephen, Edith, Gertie, Mag- gie, Edna, Orion, Russell; Franklin R2 Secll Pct20 T13 R9 OlOOa (1852) Seymour, James R. (Rose Birdsell) Ch Daisy, Geraldine; Franklin Rl SecS Pct28 T13 R9 O147a (1871) Seymour, Julius (Nannie Johnson) Franklin R2 Secl6 Pct21 T13 R9 T85a W. S. Seymour (1884) Seymour, J. Ch Ella R., Sarah F.; Franklin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 Farm Hand C. N. Reeves (1832) Seymour, J. L. (Effie Woods) Frank- lin Sec30 Pctll T14 R8 O104a (1877) Seymour, Leon E. (Clara Woods) Ch Bessie, Ruby, Charles, Permelia; Franklin R2 Sec2 Pct20 T13 R9 O87a (1878) Seymour, Lewis (Laura E. Story) Franklin R2 Secl6 Pct21 T13 R9 O120a (1877) Seymour, Maurice (Nancy Anderson) Ch Myrtle, Stella M.; Woodson Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 RIO O80a (1847) Seymour, Moses (Molly B. Hayes) Ch Homer W., Wilson; Franklin R2 Sec28 Pct23 T13 R9 O120a (1870) Seymour Orion (Helen Willerton) Ch Marvin; Franklin R2 Secll Pct20 T13 R9 O20a (1889) Seymour, Parker (Eabie Rolson) Ch Mildred, Roena; Franklin Rl Sec28 Pct30 T14 R9 T25a Mary E. Sey- mour Est. (1893) Seymour, Samuel B. (Rose Wheeler) Ch Lawrence; Franklin R2 Sec21 Pct23 T13 R9 O125a (1872) Seymour, Wallace E. (Minnie T. Hayes) Ch Ruth L., Ester M., Gladys C., Dwight E., Alton P., Mildred M.; Franklin R2 Sec27 Pct23 T13 R9 O149a (1868) Seymour, William S. (Susan Austin) Ch Ida, Finis, Julius, Hallie, Martha; Franklin R2 Secl6 Pct21 T13 R9 O222a (1858) Shanahan, Edward (Mary Doolin) 'Jacksonville R2 Sec31 Pct34 T15 R9 Farm Hand P. T. Shanahan (1875) Shanahan, James N. (Mary Sheehan) Ch Francis, Joseph, Mary, Mar- garet, Catherine, Irene; Jackson- ville R2 Seel Pct65 T14 Rll P. T. Shanahan (1873) Shanahan, P. T. (Mary Hacket) Ch William, James, Edward, Michael, Steven, Henry; Jacksonville R2 Seel Pct65 T14 Rll O344a (1860) Shanahan, William (Anna Whalen) Ch John; Jacksonville R2 Seel Pct65 T14 Rll O60a T120a O. F. Conklin (1871) 82 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Shanle, Felix (Margaret Bergschnei- der) Ch Raymond J., Marie C.; Waverly Rl Secl6 Pctl2 T14 R8 O80a (1882) Shanle, Frank Waverly Rl Sec21 Pctl2 T14 R8 O90a (1876) Sheehan, John Ch Mamie, Daniel, Catherine, P. L., Rose; Woodson Rl Sec29 Pct58 T14 RIO O280a (1860) Shekelton, James (Elizabeth Shekel- ton) Ch Robert W., Arnold H.; "Pleasant View Farm" Waverly Rl Sec4 Pct2 T13 R8 O118a (1885) Shepard, Peter Ch Mabel Susan; Waverly R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R8 Farm Hand Walter A. Rouland (1872) Shepley, Sidney (Emma Penton) Ch Harvey, Norabell, Thomas, Annie; Murrayville R3 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO O65a (1865) Sheppard, C. R. (Leona Wright) Ch Irvin, Roy, Bernice, Marjorie; Woodson Rl Secl4 Pct54 T14 RIO T188a J. H. Scott (1887) Sheppard, Luther (Carrie E. Robin- son) Ch Lloyd Martin; Woodson Rl Secl6 Pct53 T14 RIO O80a (1868) Sheppard, S. S. (Mary Perkins) Ch Pearl, Ray, Bryan, Neva, Julian, Inez, Albert, Susie; Murrayville R4 Sec4 Pct43 T13 RIO O160a (1862) Shibe, J. V. (Fannie Carlton) Ch Ercil, Albert, Max, Ruth; Jacksonville R8 SeclS Pct66 T16 RIO T25a J. H. Lindsay (1891) Shirkey, William A. (Minnie A. Lyles) Ch Lottie G., Florence J.; Arenzville R2 Secl4 Pct66 T16 Rll Farm Hand (1891) Shirtcliff, L. M. Jacksonville R2 SecS Pct77 T14 Rll O112a (1869) Short, C. E. (Ella Keplinger) Ch Ethel, Edith, Rachel; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 T320a B. F. Kep- linger (1877) Short, C. J. (Francis Walker) Wav- erly R2 Sec27 Pct7 T13 R8 Farm Hand Walt Carethers (1887) Short, F. E. (Leota Simmons) Ch Iva, Lawrence; Murrayville R2 Sec33 Pct48 T13 RIO TlSla Adelia Blake- man (1907) Short, John S. (Lucinda Hutton) Ch Gilbert, Lula, Libby, Maggie, Charles, John, Angie, Ida, Sadie; Murrayville R2 Sec32 Pct49 T13 RIO O80a (1884) Shortridge, Ray B. (Sadie E. Par- rott) Ch Lee Ella; Ashland Rl Secl4 Pct41 T16 R9 T207a John Par- rott Est. (1903) Shumaker, Walter A. (Lillie F. Moss) Ch John E., Wilber G.; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pctl04 T16 Rll T55a John Moss (1882) Sieving, Rev. J. H. F. (Mary Thiess) Ch Herman, Wilbert, Erna; Chapin Rl Sec27 Pctl04 T16 R12 Tla Luth- eran Churqfc (1906) Simmons, C. W. (Annie Lemon) Ch Carl, Lois, Louise; Murrayville R3 Sec28 Pct48 T13 RIO T213a John Osbome (1897) Simmons, Perry (Nellie Gertrude' Ai- red) Ch Ralph, Ruth, Emory, Helen; Murrayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO O80a (1892) Simpson, Horace (Hattie Mann) Ch Stewart, Lucile, Gilbert; "Fertile Valley Farm" Prentice Rl Sec28 PctlS T16 R8 O190a (1911) Sims, Leon (Ruth Watts) Waverly R2 Sec7 Pctl9 T13 R8 T60a E C Everett (1916) Sims, John J. Ch Albert, Henry, Etta, Lizzie, Erne, John, Otis, Eda, Roy, Inez; Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 O480a (1849) Sims, John M. (Hazle Watts) Wav- erly R2 Sec25 Pct6 T13 R8 TlOOa (1893) Sinclair, Albert M. (Emma M. Bowen) Ch Cecil R., Rowena L., Herbert L.; Prentice Rl Sec36 Pct41 T16 R8 T400a (1901) Sinclair, Herbert L. Sinclair Rl Sec26 Pct41 T16 R9 O40a (1903) Skinner, Chester M. (Minnie Wege- hoft) Ch Frank, Carl, Bernice, Rus- sell, Albert; Meredosia . Rl Secll PctlOS T16 R13 O80a (1889) Slack, W. H. (Mary Bubb) Ch Addie, Annie, Edna; Franklin Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 R9 OlOOa (1862) Smith, Albert (Anna Witte) Ch David, Pearl, Laura, Floyd, Alfred; Jack- sonville R4 Sec29 Pct72 T16 RIO Farm Hand William Jones (1893) Smith, Allen C. (Josephine Hennes- sey) Ch Dorothy; Jacksonville R2 Sec31 Pct65 T15 RIO T173a F Strawn (1893) Smith, Benjamin A. (Bessie Virgin) Ch Clyde V.; Woodson Rl Sec25 PctS6 T14 RIO T86a (1892) Smith, Charles F. (Susan Fitzimmons) Ch Pauline, Harold; Jacksonville Rl Sec28 Pct86 T15 Rll T80a John Vasey (1877) Smith, Clarence E. (Emma Lisenbee) Ch Harvey, Lawrence, Orville, Har- old, Helen; Jacksonville R7 Secl2 Pct84 T15 Rll T192a Ed. V. Smith (1882) 83 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Smith, Cree (Hattie Beaney) Ch Lloyd, Edward; Jacksonville R8 Sec36 Pct70 T16 RIO T320a E. Hen- derson and J. Stout (1889) Smith, Elmer G. (Pearl Stewart) Ch Owen, Clyde; Jacksonville R4 Sec4 Pct87 T16 Rll O107a (1889) Smith, Mrs. Emma G. (Emma G. Gil- bert) Ch Laura, David, Eloise; Jack- sonville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll O211a (1876) Smith, Henry (J. A. Dyer, House- keeper) Ch Ethel, Wyman W., Rus- sell; Murrayville R3 SeclS Pct22 T13 R9 Farm Hand H. Wilcox (1905) Smith, James W. (Louise Jenning) Ch Nora, Wesley, William, Naomi; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO Wesley Smith (1846) Smith, James W. (Mary McCormick) Ch Milton, Olive, George, Alex, Kate, Myrtle; Jacksonville R8 Sec8 Pct61 T15 RIO TlOa C. C. Beryman (1892) Smith, John C. (M. Gertrude Lough- ary) Ch Claude B., Kenneth L.; Concord Rl Sec22 Pct91 T16 Rll T160a Sanders Est. (1875) Smith, John H. (Laura J. Kelley) Ch Eola, Clyde, Claud; Murrayville R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 OllOa (1898) Smith, John R. (Belle Wilson) Ch Oliver E., Harry F.; Woodson Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 RIO O60a (1849) Smith, Joseph M. (Lelia Benderman) Jacksonville R4 Sec6 PctSl T15 RIO OlOa (1875) Smith, J. J. Ch Delia, Buelah; Jack- sonville R4 Secl6 T15 RIO Ola (1872) Smith, Lloyd (Eleanor Williams) Ch Miriam, Vada; Arnold Sec30 Pct34 T15 R9 Farm Hand Amos Coker (1892) Smith, Marshall (Ada Morrison) Ch Raymond, Otis; Concord Rl Secl6 Pct87 T16 Rll O120a (1864) Smith, Melvin O. (Estella Petefish) "Sunnyside Farm" Concord Rl Sec23 "Pct89 T16 Rll OlSSa (1875) Smith, Nolan (Octave Dennison) Ch Florence, Lloyd, Nolan, Octava, Amy; Jacksonville R6 Sec30 Pct34 T15 R9 TlOSa John Holley and T. W. Arnold (1891) Smith, Raymond (Nola Coultas) Con- cord Rl Secl6 Pct87 T16 Rll T60a (1893) Smith, Robert T. (Effie B. Kindred) Ch Ruth G.; Woodson Rl Sec35 Pct56 T14 RIO T160a A. R. Greg- ory (1875) Smith, T. B. (Alpha J. Six) Ch Roy T., Floyd B., Lawrence, Byron, Ruby M.; Jacksonville R5 Sec30 Pct28 T14 R9 O160a (1870) Smith, Walter (Ada Parkin) Ch Ben- jamin, Mae; Woodson Rl Sec36 Pct31 T14 R9 O120a (1887) Smith, Wesley T. (Nellie Nunes) Ch Irene; Jacksonville R3 SeclO Pct62 T15 RIO O30a (1878) Smith, William H. (Melissa Foster) Sinclair Rl Sec34 Pct40 T16 R9 T80a Thomas Harrison (1874) Smock, Isaac (Nellie Daniels) Ch Troy, Will, Dora, Cecil, Roy; Mur- rayville R4 Sec8 Pct45 T13 RIO Farm Hand V. Baker (1894) Snyder, Benjamin (Nina Moore) Ch Lucile, Robert; Chapin R3 Secl7 Pct83 T15 Rll Farm Hand (1889) Snyder, G. W. (Emma Kaiser) Frank- lin Rl Sec28 Pct30 T14 R9 T200a Ransdell Est. (1887) Sooy, E. P. (Belle McAllister) Ch Myrtle, Carl, Harold, Bernice; Mur- rayville R4 SeclO Pct43 T13 RIO T120a Thomas Tissington (1881) Sooy, E. R. (Rena Henry) Ch Law- rence, Oliver; Murrayville R4 Seel Pct42 T13 RIO O60a (1883) Sooy, George (Mary Jackson) Ch Earl; Murrayville R4 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO O80a (1867) Soper, V. I. (Nevada Robbins) Ch Edna; Jacksonville R2 Sec2 Pct76 T14 Rll Farm Hand L. L. Lewis (1917) Sorrell, Ed. (Thana Kehl) Ch Lloyd, Minnie; Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 - T13 RIO O40a (1865) Sorrill, William H. (Bertha Water- field) Ch James A., Raymond M.; Literberry Rl Sec25 Pct70 T16 RIO O50a Sec30 Pct39 T16 R9 T60a Mrs. Frank Farrow (1884) Spainhower, John (Ellen Conlee) Ch Lucy E., Milton, John R. ; Franklin R3. SeclO Pct26 T14 R9 OlOOa (1867) Spainhower, John R. (Alma Filling- ham) Franklin R3 SeclO Pct26 T14 R9 TlOOa John Spainhower (1895) Spainhower, M. W. (Mabel Hood) Ch Russell; Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 T20a Oliver Miller (1886) Spainhower, Riley Pisgah Rl SeclS Pct55 T14 R9 T80a W. Beekman (1887) Sparks, William (Jennie Witham) Ch William E., Lucy G.; Jacksonville R6 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand Charles Wood (1894) 84 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Spaulding, Mrs. Mary (Mary John- son) Ch Charles, William, Ohrlo, Mae; Jacksonville R7 Secl3 Pct84 T1S Rll O27a (1844) Spencer, James E. (Nannie Bise) Ch Eulah L., James P., Charles W., Mary F., Harry E.; Prentice Rl Sec24 Pct41 T16 R9 T245a T. B. O'Rear (1898) Spencer, W. R. (Lydia Culwell) Ch Charles, Ida, Samuel, Bert, Leon- ard, Alva, Ernest, Vena, Lois; Mur- rayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO O78a (1858) Sperry, Charles L. (Sadie Tipton) Ch Clyde, Walter, Nellie, Roy, Ruth, Nettie, Robert, Percy, Vernon, Floyd; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct83 T15 Rll Ola (1856) Sperry, Horace H. (Minnie Duncan) Ch Clarence, Charles, Martha, Hor- ace; Waverly R2 Sec27 Pct7 T13 R8 O22a (1887) Sperry, Oscar A. (Daisy Ried) Ch Russell, William, Hubart, Wilmer, Alene, Opal, Lester; Modesto R35 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 T80a Walter Withebee (1887) Sperry, W. H. (Birdy B. Reed) Wav- erly R3 SeclS Pct3 T13 R8 T60a Jack Woods (1892) Spies, Fred (Sarah Gordon) Waverly R2 Sec34 Pct7 T13 R8 O20a (1907) Spiker, Charles E. (Mary Ryman) Ch Bessie, Cynthia, Charles G.; Wav- erly Rl Sec3 Pct2 T13 R8 O80a (1885) Spires, Edgar (Hazel Seymour) Ch Raymond; "Walnut Mound" Frank- lin R2 Secl7 Pct22 T13 R9 O57a (1887) Spires, Francis M. (Mary Seymour) Ch Edgar, Delia, Fred; Franklin R2 Sec9 Pct21 T13 R9 O40a (1859) Spires, Marion (Lulu Leak) Ch Ber- nice; Franklin R2 Secll Pct20 T13 R9 O80a (1877) Spires, Otto (Maggie Bland) Ch Min- nie; Franklin Rl Sec33 Pct29 T14 R9 T168a H. Spires (1887) Splain, Mrs. S. F. (Stella Dyer) Jack- sonville R7 Seel PctSl T15 Rll T80a A. A. Dyer (1913) Stanbery, A. A. (Samantha Moutrey) Ch Johanna, William, Albert S., Jodie, Phyllis; Waverly Rl Sec32 Pctl3 T14 R8 O160a Dan Gorman (1913) Standley, Edward (Gracie Young) Ch Bertha, Charles H., Glen, Fred F., Walter, Mabel, Roy H., Russell; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pct90 T16 Rll T90a R. Standley (1866) Standley, Richard (May Dorand) Ch Lloyd, Muriel, Beatrice, Philip, Eugene, Marvin; Chapin R3 Sec35 Pct90 T16 Rll TlOOa R. Standley, Sr. (1868) Stanley, John (Lottie Nash) Ch Bes- sie, Mary, Bertha, Pearl, Howard, Janie, Walter, Virgil, Christine; Waverly R2 Secl4 Pct89 T16 Rll O15a (1864) Stansfield, David (Alice Kingsley) Ch Archie; Murrayville R3 Secl7 Pct45 T13 RIO O80a (1857) Stansfield, William (Emily Vertrees) Murrayville R3 Sec22 Pct48 T13 RIO O160a (1887) Stapleton, Clark (Minnie Jones) Ch Walter, Essielee, Kinnon, Emily A., Alexander Rl Secl9 PctlS T15 R8 Farm Hand William Cockin (1911) Stapleton, T. M. (Mary White) Wav- erly Rl Sec28 Pct8 T14 R8 T164a Mrs. P. Stapleton (1910) Starr, James M. (Stella Backus) Ch Phyllis, Nellie, Leslie; "Starr Dairy Farm" Jacksonville R6 Sec22 Pct63 T1S RIO O442a (1895) Steinberg, Riney (Etta Nergenah) Meredosia Rl Secl7 Pct98 T16 R12 O80a (1871) Stenemeyer, B. Ch Stephen, Sophia, Kathryn, Josephine, Bernard, Mar- garet; New Berlin R30 Sec3 Pct9 T14 R8 O120a (1856) Stienberg, T. R. (Frances Powers) Meredosia Rl Sec21 Pctl02 T1.6 R12 O62^a (1870) Stephens, James (Luzeta McGowand) Ch Bessie, Genetta, Hattie, Lola, Felix, Ollie, Benjamin, Eliza, John; Jacksonville R8 Sec26 Pct71 T16 RIO Farm Hand Black Bros. (1912) Stephens, John (Angie Mayes) Ch Euphemia, Ellen; Franklin R2 Secl6 Pct21 T13 R9 T90a M. E. Cooper (1900) Stephenson, Elisha (Elizabeth Mc- Pherson) Ch Lilly, John, Albert, Charles, Mattie, William; Jackson- ville Rl Sec29 Pct86 T15 Rll O45a T15a John Vasey (1895) Stevenson, E. K. (Jennie McCrudy) Pisgah Secl7 Pct27 T14 R9 T160a Ivan Wood (1911) Stevenson, E. R. (Gertrude Cleary) Jacksonville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll T72a Henry S. Stevenson (1880) Stevenson, Howard (Ruth Jackson) Anna, Ruth; "Locust Grove Stock Farm" Jacksonville Rl Secl4 Pct84 T15 Rll T185a Henry S. Stevenson (1890) 85 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Stevenson, H. Clark (Nell Reed) "Farm Home" Jacksonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 T160a Irvin Stevenson (1884) Stevenson, Irvin Ch H. Clark; Jack- sonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 O160a (1848) Stewart, C. E. (Dessie Pogue) Ch Claude, tester; Waverly R3 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 T117a Mary J. Cald- well (1909) Stewart, Henry C. (Fannie L. Davis) "Elm Grove Stock Farm" Jackson- ville R6 Sec4 Pct26 T14 R9 O220a (1859) Stewart, Jesse (Mary McCracken) Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 T140a J. W. Short (1889) Stewart, John F. (Sadie Pogue) Ch Ilene, Ruth; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 T80a Ned Goff (1885) Stewart, J. M. (Elma Browning) Ch Byron, Leon, Edith, John, Ethel, Ina, Clara, Nellie, Beulah; Jackson- ville Rl Sec24 Pct85 T15 Rll O331a (1900) Stewart, L. J. (Laura Parrott) Ch Ollie, Harold, John, Myron, Lorine, Chester, Russell; Sinclair Rl Sec23 Pct41 T16 R9 O290a (1865) Stewart, Otis (Lucille DeLong) Ch Verna, Gladys; Waverly R2 Sec30 PctllS T13 R8 T90a Hardin Barto (1894) Stewart, Robert (Nora White) Ch Edgar, Willie, Elmer; Waverly R2 Sec36 Pct6 T13 R8 O240a Farm Hand W. H. Roher (1911) Stewart, Robert L. (Minnie Ogle) Ch Roy, Gladys; Sinclair Rl Sec23 Pct41 T16 R9 O120a (1873) Stice, Coy M. (Elenora G. Dahman) Ch Anna, Mae; "Hackberry Heights" Literberry Rl Sec9 Pct69 T16 RIO T120a William Dahman (1891) Stice, George (Nellie Pue) Ch Lester, Florence; Waverly R2 Sec23 Pct5 T13 R8 O120a T120a (1862) Stice, G. L. (Lennie Luttrell) Ch Ben- nie L., Van A., Erne M., George W., Frank P., Elsie L., Olin R., Louetta F., Charles C; Sinclair Rl Sec33 Pct40 T16 R9 O85a (1856) Stice, John M. (Lula Brown) Ch Roy, Coy, Irena P., Lucetta, Byron B., Leona F., Dorothy O., Armour, Ogle; Ashland Rl Secll Pct36 T16 R9 O160a T215a W. E. Clapp and J. Baumgarten (1868) Stice, W. E. (Lill Peck) Ch Carrie, Cornelia; Waverly R2 Secl4 Pctll2 T14 R8 O69a (1859) Still, W. A. (Matilda Spencer) Ch Emory, Carl, Lee; Murrayville R2 Sec29 Pct49 T13 RIO O80a (1863) Stillwell, James (Lena Dennis) Ch Geno, Joseph, Georgie, Jennie, Sil- vey, Bessie, Mellie, Lewie; Waverly R3 Sec24 PctS T13 R8 T55a Dan Seyner (1875) Stillwell, Joseph L. (Mildred Austin) Waverly Rl Sec33 Pctl3 T14 R8 Farm Hand J. R. McConnell (1897) Stillwell, J. H. (Grace Pierce) Ch Leta, Lena, Annis, William; Jack- sonville R5 Sec2 PctSO T14 RIO Farm Hand C. York (1869) Stockton, Jacob (Mary E. Bingman) Ch Jeff, Lena, Sandy C., Bertha, William; Sinclair Sec29 Pct39 T16 R9 Farm Hand John Swain Est. (1842) Stockton, Jeff (Anna Rush) Ch Ethel; Sinclair Rl Sec22 Pct40 T16 R9 T50a (1869) Storry, Charles F. (Ida Seymour) Franklin R2 Sec20 Pct22 T13 R9 O140a (1876) Story, Edward C. (Lulu Ruyle) Ch Sabra R., Eula M., Velma L.; Frank- lin Rl Sec21 Pct25 T14 R9 T160a James Bond (1868) Story, F. L. (Lottie Grider) Ch Web- ster; Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO T138a E. H. Grider (1893) Story, I. P. (Nettie A. Osborne) Mur- rayville R3 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO T80a F. W. Story (1889) Story, L. J. (Alice Kelley) Ch Clifton, Esther; Franklin R3 Secl2 Pct42 T14 R9 T80a M. Keplinger (1866) Story, Stanley Murrayville R3 Secl9 Pct49 T13 RIO Farm Hand Ed. Os- borne (1912) Stotts, Jacob (Mary Gilles) Ch Nealy, Olive, Violet; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 Ola (1850) Stotts, James U. (Violet West) Bluffs Rl Sec32 Pctl03 T16 R12 T8a H. F. Ommen (1898) Stout, William N. (Emma Stephen- son) Jacksonville R7 Secll Pct84 T15 Rll O21a T135a James York Est. (1858) Strawn, Harold M. (Lottie Marrs) Ch Harold B.; Orleans Sec23 Pct35 T15 R9 T327a Joel G. Strawn (1893) Strawn, Joel (Kate Covington) Ch Ernest, Mabel, Henry, Isaiah, Har- old, Elmer, Howard; Orleans Sec25 PctlS T1S R9 O327a (1862) 86 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Strawn, J. B. (Cora L. Lewis) Ch Virgil L.; Franklin R3 SeclS Pctll T14 R8 T200a William McCarthy (1887) Strawn, Mrs. May E. (May E. Mont- gomery) Jacksonville R7 Secl3 Pct84 T1S Rll OlSSj^a Strickler, S. B. (Winnie Wax) Ch Norma, Hazel, Glenn, Helen, Fran- cis; Literberry Rl Sec24 Pct70 T16 RIO T80a Walter Long (1911) Stringer, William (Augustine Thady) Ch Harry, Fred, Mary; Murrayville Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 Rll T170a T. Stringer (1877) Strubbe, Albert (Etta Strubbe, Sis- ter) Literberry Rl Sec8 Pct69 T16 RIO Farm Hand Jim Canady (1883) Strubbe, R. F. (Pearl Decker) Crf Paul M., Cecil W.; Jacksonville R4 SeclS Pct68 T16 RIO Farm Hand D. E. Kennedy (1913) Stubblefield, T. M. (Thersa Wiggen- ppst) Ch Mary R. K., Carl E., Fran- cis A.; Jacksonville R6 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 T23^a (1897) Stubblefield, Woodson (Lizzie Gil- more) Ch Irene; Jacksonville R7 Sec20 Pct69 T16 RIO Farm Hand S. O. "Snuff (1916) Sturdy, Allan R. (Laura A. Potter) Ch Mary C, Helen E. C, Robert A., Nylene E.; Woodson Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 RIO T88a John Doolin (1897) Sturdy, G. M. (Mary Allan) Ch Georgia, Allan, Maud, Earl, Lee, Clyde; Jacksonville R2 Sec9 Pct76 T14 Rll O120a (1894) Sublett, Delbert (Sallie Haynes) Wav- erly Rl Sec22 Pctl2 T14 R8 T80a Dan Gorman (1877) Sublette, Dell (Sarah Haynes) Ch Merrill, Wayne; Waverly Rl Sec24 T14 R8 Farm Hand M. A. Gorman (1887) Sullivan, Ch (Julia Osborn) Murray- ville R2 Secl7 Pct45 T13 RIO O32a (1909) Sullivan, Patrick D. (Julia Doolan) Ch William, Margaret, Jane, Roger, Joseph, Anna, Mary; Murrayville Rl Sec26-35 PctSO T14 Rll O80a (1865) Surratt Asie (Pearl DeOrnellas) Ch Jacksonville R2 Sec36 Pct65 T15 Rll Farm Hand M. S. Zachery (1915) Surratt Crawford (Mary McDonald) Ch Alta, Cora, Raymond, Thomas, Myrtle, Everett, William, Lawrence, Harvey; Jacksonville R7 Secl3 Pct84 T15 Rll T25a B. Dower (1899) Surratt, Raymond (Hallie Gerard) Ch Raymond R., Dewie B.; Jackson- ville R7 Sec3 PctSl T15 Rll Farm Hand Charles Leake (1896) Swain, Charles (Mary E. Stander- ford) Ch Myrtle, Helen, Nellie, John T.; Prentice Rl Secl9 Pctl8 T16 R8 O300a (1862) Swain, George R (J. Ellen Black) "Sunny Maple Farm" Sinclair Rl Sec29 Pct39 T16 R9 O190a (1847) Swain, James C. (Emma D. Dimmitt) Ch Clara P., John D., Harold, Hor- ace; Sinclair Rl Sec33 Pct40 T16 R9 O200a (1855) Swain, John (Minnie Foster) Ch Emma, Kenneth; Prentice Secl9 PctlS T16 R8 T250a Charles Swain (1888) Sweet, E. L. (Lulu Peak) Ch Allyn P., Cullen B., Edgar L.; "Prairie Home Farm" Franklin R3 Secl3 Pct25 T14 R9 O120a (1874) Talkington, Joseph S. (Jane Slavins) Ch Lewis, Jason, Rose; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 O30a (1887) Tappenbeck, Theodore (Minnie Om- men) Ch Wilbur; Concord Rl Sec26-24 PctlOl T16 R12 O160a T200a A. Bartelhein (1897) Tarzwell, Frank (Allie Lonergan) Ch Raymond; Jacksonville R2 Secl2 Pct79 T14 Rll (1892) Tarzwell, H. A. Woodson Rl Sec35 Pct56 T14 RIO T160a A. M. Masters (1885) Tarzwell, William A. (Ellen Dewire) Ch Rosia, Margaret, Harry, Emma, Frank, Jesse; Jacksonville R2 Secl2 PctSO T14 Rll O125a (1859) Taylor, Charles H. (Retta Hill) Chapin R2 Secl2 PctlOS T15 R12 OlOOa (1859) 87 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Taylor, George (Minnie Scott) Ch Mary Louise; Waverly R3 SeclO Pct2 T13 R8 TSOa Mrs. Annie Scott (1875) Taylor, George (Sarah Bailey) Ch Ada; Prentice Secl2 Pct36 T16 R9 O12a (18-70) Taylor, G. W. (Ellen Holloway) Ch Otis, Flossie, Martha, Bertha, Clar- ence, Russell, Earl, Georgia; Jack- sonville R8 Sec2 Pct60 T15 RIO T208a Emma Henderson (1916) Taylor, Harry S. (Blanche Lamb) Ar- nold Sec34 PctSO T15 RIO Farm Hand J. W. Arnold (1890) Taylor, L. G. (Anna Marquard) Ch Rosie, Mary, Ulah L., Gilbert, Jr.; Jacksonville R8 Sec25 Pct70 T16 RIO TSOa Sam Lorimore (1888) Taylor, Mrs. Margaret M. (Margaret McGinnis) Ch Frances, Mary; Woodson Rl Secl3 Pct79 T14 Rll O80a (1851) Taylor, O. E. Ch Ray, Roy, Robert, George; Jacksonville R8 Sec2 Pct60 T15 RIO T208a Emma Henderson (1907) Taylor, S. T. (Laura Withey) Ch Louisa, Charles, Bessie, John, Em- ma; Chapin R2 Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 O69a (1845) Teele, Charles E. Ch Ruth K., J. Earl, Eunice V., Helen E.; Waverly Rl SeclS Pctl2 T14 R8 O200a (1887) Templin, Curtis (Alice Maroney) Ch Raymond; Jacksonville R3 Sec22 Pet 63 T15 RIO TlOOa A. Thorn (1905) Tendick, Ed. (Lillian Jones) Ch Stan- ley, Florisa, Howard, Juanita, Lloyd; Murray ville R3 SeclS Pct45 T13 RIO TSOa John Tendick (1891) Tendick, Godfrey (Florence Arnold) Jacksonville Rl Sec28 Pct86 T15 Rll Tl53a J. V. Richardson Est. (1874) Tennis, John (Fannie Wackerley) Ch Pearl, Margaret, Nellie, Dessie, Edna, Logan; Meredosia Secl2 PctlOS T16 R13 OlOOa Mrs. J. E. Lewis (1917) Thady, Emory (Alma Story) Man- chester Rl Secll Pct73 T13 Rll T75a J. L. Thady (1895) Thady, J. L. (Mina Cockerel) Ch Emory, Nellie, Cecil, Alice, Roy; Manchester Rl Secll Pct73 T13 Rll OlSOa (1894) Theis, George W. (Bess Megginson) Ch Dorothy, George, Edward; Woodson Rl Sec28 Pct57 T14 RIO Farm Hand R. C. Megginson (1890) Thies, Henry W. (Ethel Davis) Ch Louise, Joseph; Jacksonville R2 Sec30 Pct72 T15 RIO T40a J. H. Yingling (1890) Thies, William L. (Alice Hardy) Ch Henry, Hattie, Oliver, Jessie, Ruth; Jacksonville Rl; SeclS Pct83 T15 Rll T300a James Rabbit and J. Z. Scott Est. (1868) Tholen, Ed. (Nona Roggie) Bluffs Rl Sec29 Pctl02 T16 R12 TSOa H. Tholen (1882) Tholen, Fred G. (Dorothy Kaehlert) Ch Raymond, Edna, Esther; Jack- sonville R6 Sec36 PctSO T15 RIO OlOOa (1883) Thomas, Frank W. Waverly R3 Sec 17 Pct3 T13 R8 O160a (1898) Thomas, Jerry M. (Ida E. Snow) Ch Frank; Waverly Secl7 T13 R8 T160a Frank W. Thomas (1872) Thomas, Virgil (Bessie Pearl Lem- ons) Ch Paul, Lucy, Frank, Ola, Charles, Chester; Franklin Rl Sec7 Pct22 T13 R9 Thomas Oxley (1882) Thomas, William M. Ch Pauline; Arenzville Rl SecS PctSS T16 Rll OlOSa (1867) Thomason, Allinson (Elizabeth Combes) Ch Mary Ethel, Chester Allinson; Chapin R3 SecS Pct83 T1S Rll O440a (1858) Thompson, Ellis H. (Lena P. Barr) Ch Theodore B., Irland H.; Jack- sonville R4 Secl7 Pct69 T16 RIO O70a (1880) Thompson, Martin C. (Margaret Young) Ch Mary R., Catherine; Jacksonville R4 Secl7 Pct69 T16 RIO O60a (1887) Thompson, Mat (Laura Neavill) Ch Marie A., Nora E.; Waverly Rl Sec33 Pctl3 T14 R8 TllSa Alfred Hamilton (1915) Thompson, Maurice (lone Gallagher) Ch William; Prentice Rl Secl9 PctlS T16 R8 Farm Hand George Thompson (1885) Thompson, V. B. (Margaret Naulty) Sinclair Rl Sec22 Pct40 T16 R9 Farm Hand Jean Hart (1915) Thompson, William C. (Clara Elliott) Ch Harry E., Russell; Jacksonville R3 Sec23 Pct63 T15 RIO O161^a (1877) Thome, O. (Lou Crabbe) Ch Thessel; Jacksonville R5 Sec27 Pct63 T15 RIO T23a B. B. Baxton (1887) Ticknor, L. L. (Jda May Withrow) Ch Ervin, Edith, Florence, Nellie, Blanche; Jacksonville R7 SeclO Pct83 T15 Rll O40a (1859) 88 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Timian, J. A. (Mrytle Graff) Prentice Rl Sec9 Pctl7 T16 R8 T120a Graff Est. (1912) Tindall, Ed. M. (Emma Arnold) Jack- sonville R6 Sec32 Pct34 T15 R9 O560a (1855) Tinsley, G. C. (Belle McClain) Ch Everett; Waverly R2 Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 O40a (1886) Titus, Thomas (Alice Newton) Ch Mary, Ruth, Thomas W., Martha; Concord Sec20 Pct92 T16 Rll T215a Newton Girls (1912) Tobin, John F. (Mamie German) Ch Marie, Louise, John; Jacksonville Rl Sec22 Pct83 T15 Rll T200a Wil- liam S. Wales (1872) Todd, Wiley (Mary Allinson) Ch Ad- f die, Gilbert, Bertha, Raymond, Irene, Clarence; "Farview Farm" Jacksonville Rl Sec32 Pct86 T15 Rll O531a (1901) Toensmann" Henry (Minnie Batz) Jacksonville R8 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O23a (1891) Toler, Clarence (Anna Wilkerson) Ch Orvil, Earl, Clarence, Jr.; Jackson- ville R4 Sec29 Pct72 T16 RIO T95a Alex. Hall (1912) Toler, T. J. (Mary L. Stevens) Ch Emsley, Ranson; Jacksonville R7 Sec30 Pct72 T16 RIO Farm Hand S. O. Shuff (1915) Tomhave, John G. (Ellen Conrady) Ch Earl, Harold; Jacksonville R8 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O120a (1916) Tracy, John (Ella, Sister) Murray- ville Rl Sec34 T14 Rll O120a (1866) Travis, Thomas C. (Mary Bunnell) Prentice Rl Sec25 Pct41 T16 R9 O40a (1864) Treece, Howell (Anna Mays) Ch Ber- nice, Pauline; Alexander Rl Sec33 Pctl6 T15 R8 T240a O. F. Conlin (1913) Trent, Bud (Mary Maxey) Ch Carl, Lucille, Frances; Alexander Rl SeclS PctlS T15 R8 Farm Hand Frank Strawn (1912) Tribble, Finnis (Sarah F. Rochester) Ch Ilda, Nyle, Ralph, Madge, Rudolph; Murrayville R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 T82a C. C. Berry- man (1877) Tribble, F. S. (Lora Tonnell) Ch Elsie T., Caldwell; Franklin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 O44^a T26a (1860) Tribble, George W. (Tessie Clayton) Ch Grace, H. Luvena, Ward W., Ruth, Wallace C. ; Franklin Sec6 Pct28 T13 R8 T185a J. B. Burch & Son (1868) Tribble, James (Edith Lovell) Ch Clarence, Esther, Howard, .Marie; Franklin R3 SeclS Pct26 T14 R9 Farm Hand W. H. Mosley (1870) Trotter, Fred C. (Millie Roth) Ch Emil, Milton, Pauline, Marian, Win- field; Sinclair Rl Sec22 Pct40 T16 R9 O197a (1872) Trotter, H. S. (Alta Stout) Ch Rollyn, Myron; "Hill View Farm" Jackson- ville R5 Sec24 Pct55 T14 RIO O160a (1877) Trotter, Mrs. John M. Ch Milton E., Vinnetta, Willameta, Fritz C., Mabel B.; Sinclair Rl Sec21 Pct40 T16 R9 O180a (1865) Trotter, P. D. (Margaret Sims)) Jack- sonville R8 Seel Pct59 T15 RIO T214a S. Larrimore (1879) Tubbs, Jerry Jacksonville R8 Sec22 Pct71,T16 RIO T120a P. J. Cavan- augh (1877) Tubbs, Patrick Jacksonville R8 Sec22 Pet 71 T16 RIO T120a P. J. Cavan- augh (1871) Tucker, B. L. (Grace Wiswell) Mur- rayville R4 SeclS Pct43 T13 RIO T120a W. M. Wiswell (1910) Tuke, David O. (Bertha Acorn) Ch Hazel; Jacksonville R7 Sec4 Pct82 T15 Rll OlOOa (1894) Turley, Douglas (Lucy M. Dinwiddie) Ch Claud R., Carl M.; Jacksonville R4 Secl3 Pct89 T16 Rll O29a (1856) Turley, Felix G. (Cordelia E. Ryman) Ch Ralph R., Mabel A., Belva L, Alma E.; Franklin R3 Sec24 Pctll T14 R9 T120a W. T. Dodsworth (1877) Turner, Allen (Sarah Miner) Ch Joel, Elizabeth, Newton, John; Waverly R2 Sec29 Pct8 T13 R8 O73a (1879) Turner, Joe (Letta England) Ch Wal- ter, Zelma; Waverly R3 SeclS Pct4' T13 R8 T40a Dick Whitlock (1887) Turner, Joel E. (Anna Rawson) Ch Jennie, Olen Fletcher, Irene; "Shady Bend Stock Farm" Waverly R2 Sec28-29 Pct8 T13 R8 O144a (1873) Turner, John W. (Nora E. Miller) Ch S. Marie, Dorotha A.; Meredosia Rl SecS Pct98 T16 R12 T140a G. Kuhlman (1914) Turner, Mrs. Julia A. Ch Alfred, Joel, Brad, Naomi; Waverly R2 Sec28 Pct8 T13 R8 O118a (1850) Twyford, Obie (Florence Mosley) Ch Margaret Emine; Ashland Rl Secl4 Secl4 Pet 41 T16 R9 Farm Hand Howard Hodgson (1906) 89 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY U Uhnken, Albert (Anna Eckhoff) Ch Walter, Orena, Edna, Mabel, Amy, Carl; Chapin Rl Sec35 Pctl04 T16 R12 OlOOa (1887) Underwood, Albert (Golden Brown) Ch Vernon R., Margie R. ; Waverly R3 SecS Pct2 T13 R8 T3a (1885) Underwood, J. T. (Hannah Elizabeth Mills) Ch Alberta M.; Waverly R3 SecS Pct2 T13 R8 O40a (1870) Unland, Roy (Jenny Butcher) Ch Kathryn, Ralph; Meredosia Rl SeclS Pct99 T16 R12 T160a Kors- myer Est. (1890) Vangundy, George (Louise Vannier) Ch Roy; Chapin R2 SecS Pct96 T15 R12 O300a (1850) Van Winkle, Arthur (Mae Scott) Franklin R3 Sec29 Pctl3 T14 R8 T215a M. A. Van Winkle (1885) Van Winkle, M. A. (Mary Mansfield) Ch Maude M., Arthur L.; "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Franklin R3 Sec29 Pctl3 T14 R8 O224a (1851) Van Winkle, Otis (Mildred Gibbs) Ch Troy R.; Franklin R3 Sec29 Pctl3 T14 R8 O220a (1890) Vasey, E. S. (Lona Hall) Ch Ade- laide L., Geneva V., Vivian, Merle; Woodson Rl Sec22 Pct54 T14 RIO O107a T55a Mrs. A. Hernbrough (1878) Vasey, John (Annie Riby) Ch Ada, Agnes Swinger; "Negus Farm" Jacksonville R6 Sec27 Pct35 T15 R9 T144a O. F. Conklin (1881) Vasey, John (Isabella Danby) Ch Bertha, Raymond, Jessie, May and Harry Daggett, Adopted Children; William Danby, Brother of Mrs. Vasey; Jacksonville Rl Sec27 Pct86 T15 Rll O120a (1849) Vasey, J. J. Jacksonville Rl Sec27 Pct86 T15 Rll O166a (1873) Vasey, Raymond G. (Jeanette Ebey) Ch Gordon, Robert, George, Vir- ginia; Jacksonville Rl Sec27 Pct86 T15 Rll O54a T80a Richard and Mrs. Virginia Vasey (1878) Vasey, William (Lulu M. Hem- brough) Ch Margaret F., Louise A.; "Halycon Farm" Woodson Rl Sec22 Pct54 T14 RIO O80a (1870) Viands, Robert L. (Violet Wankel) Ch Mildred M., Virgie L.; Ashland Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 T80a William McCubbins (1917) Vieira, Joshua (Carrie Martin) Ch Charles, John, Fred, George, Amos, David; Jacksonville R3 SeclS Pct63 T15 RIO O40a (1855) Violett, Arthur (Mattie Dalton) Ch Herschel; Waverly Rl Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 Farm Hand N. E. Woods (1875) Virgin, John W. (Ella Mae Smith) Ch C. Walter, Frances L. ; Wood- son Rl Secl6 Pct53 T14 RIO T80a F. Lewis (1893) Virgin, L. Z. (Eula Wilton) Woodson Rl Sec26 Pct56 T14 RIO T80a Green Sisters (1889) Visser, Herman (Anna Braker) Ch Robert, Ernest, Bertha, Freda, Carl, Henrietta, Ella, Frances; Alexander Rl Sec7 Pctl4 T15 R8 T300a F. J. Strawn (1903) Voorhees, Hugh G. (Harriet Pierson) Ch Hugh G., Jr.; Woodson Rl Sec21 Pet 53 T14 RIO O50a (1897) Vorhes, Dennis L. (Mary C. Young) Ch Arthur J., Verna R., Leah, Alma B., Samuel O.; Literberry Rl Sec7 Pct68 T16 RIO Farm Hand W. H. Petefish (1897) Vortman, Edward (Anna Brockhouse) Ch Esther, Martha; Neelyville Rl Sec7 Pct96 T16 R12 Ola (1906) Vortman, Henry J. (Margaret Ken- yon) Ch Earnest, Walter, Gena, Carl, Henry, Jenetta; Neelyville Sec7 Pct96 T16 R12 Ola (1881) Vortman, Louis (Annie Aring) Ch Luther, Mabel; Neelyville Rl Sec7 Pct96 T16 R12 T75a H. Conrady (1915) Vortman, Richard (Elizabeth Gor- man) Ch Paul, Margaret, Kathleen; Neelyville Rl Sec7 Pct96 T16 R12 O55a (1896) Votsmier, Tony W. (Elizabeth Clapp) Ch Mildred; Prentice Rl Sec21 PctlS T16 R8 O80a (1881) 90 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY w Wackarla, George (Rebecca A. Tur- ner) Ch Zora, Mary, Georgia, Rosa; Alexander Rl Sec8 Pct33 T15 R9 T600a David Strawn (1886) Waggner, George (Agnes M. Sheeley) Ch Herald, Claud, Dorotha; Sin- clair Rl Secl9 Pct39 T16 R9 O260a (1884) Waggner, William Sinclair Rl Secl9 Pct39 T16 R9 Farm Hand George Waggner (1869) Wagstaff, Charles (Ida Herring) Ch Lloyd, Gladys, Oliver; Murray- ville R2 Sec30 Pct49 T13 RIO O40a T27a A. Reed & J. Spencer (1871) Wagstaff, Farwell Ch Robert, Virden, Charles, Agnes, Lucy, Annie; Mur- rayville R2 Sec2S Pct75 T13 Rll O160a (1869) Wagstaff, Robert (Kate Spencer) Ch Ruth, Frank, Homer, Harold, Mary; Murrayville R2 Secl9 Pct49 T13 RIO T170a J. K. Cunningham (1875) Wagstaff, Virdin (Thankful Spencer) Ch Theresa, Spencer; Murrayville R2 Sec25 Pct75 T13 Rll T160a Far- well Wagstaff (1869) Wallace, James W. (Mildred Antrob- us) Ch LaVeta, Robert, George, Catherine; Chapin Rl Sec4 Pct9S T15 R12 T30a Mary Wallace (1886) Wallbaum, Fred (Barbara Reiser) Ch William, Fred, Lizzie, Peter, Henry, Emma; Jacksonville R3 Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 O320a (1857) Walker, Charles T. (Bertha A. West- rope) Ch Leonard, Josephine, Don- ald, Leverette, Edith; Murrayville R2 Sec26 Pct75 T13 Rll O40a (1912) Walker, R. B. (Tina Fisher) Murray- ville R2 Sec30 Pct49 T13 RIO T40a J. K. Cunningham (1911) Walker, W. W. (Nellie Lovell) Ch Clyde, Elsie, William, Clifford; Man- chester Rl Sec2 Pct73 T13 Rll T80a Alec Lovell (1910) Walsh, Harry (Josephine Bergschnei- der) Ch Margaret, Chester, Ralph, Alice, Leo, Harold, Louise, Clar- ence; Alexander Rl Sec7 PctlO T14 R8 T160a A. Bergschneider (1914) Walter, John A. (Mary C. Carpenter) Ch Olin C., Thomas C., Ora L., Emma; Sinclair Rl Secl7 Pct38 T16 R9 O40a (1898) Waltman, Henry H. (Rose Breiden- stein) Ch Irene, Floyd, Thelma; Jacksonville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO O7a (1861) Wankel, George (Jennie Eads) Ch Violet L., Lloyd W., J. June, Leslie R., Nellie F.; Ashland Rl Sec4 Pct37 T16 R9 T200a H. Walkers and Mattie W. Sage (1901) Ward, Daniel (Marie Jumper) Ch Esther; Sinclair Rl Sec20 Pct39 T16 R9 O60a (1882) Ward, George and Edward (Emma, Sister) Sinclair Rl Sec20 Pct39 T16 R9 O160a (1868) Ward, James (Lizzie McMahan) Ch Edith, Albert; Waverly Sec26 Pct7 T13 R8 O29a Sec23 PctS T13 R8 T240a George McDivett (1897) Ward, Louis (Edith Lindsey) Sin- clair Rl Sec20 Pct39 T16 R9 O93a (1882) Ward, Thomas (Mary E. Myers) Ch Rowena E., Mabel E., Earl H.; Ash- land Rl Secl7 Pct38 T16 R9 O80a (1881) Waters, Leslie (Bessie Johnson) Ch George W., James R.; Franklin R3 Secl4 Pct25 T14 R9 Farm Hand M. S. Zachery (1894) Watret, A. G. (Jennie O'Brien) Ch Chester, William; Prentice Rl Sec33 Pctl7 T16 R8 T240a Walter Ayers (1903) Watson, C. W. (Margaret E. Brown) Woodson Rl SeclS Pct54 T14 RIO T200a Isaac Watson (1880) Watson, F. R. (Bessie Connor) Ch Charley, Paul, Clyde, Mildred, Fern; Jacksonville R2 SecS Pct77 T14 Rll T65a Mrs. E. Watson (1877) Watson, Herbert M. (Mabel Ransom) Ch Lawrence, Gilbert, Harold; Franklin R3 Sec30 Pctll T14 R8 T120a L. Massie (1884) Watson, Isaac Ch Nellie G., Leonard R., Charles W., Annie M., Sarah E.; Woodson SeclS Pct54 T14 RIO O200a (1869) Watson, Leonard (Edith Megginson) Ch Hazel, Edna, Eileen, Mildred; Woodson Rl SeclO PctSO T14 RIO T60a I. Watson (1877) Watson, William M. (Dosia Miller) Ch Ralph, Vina, Dora, Lulu; Chapin R3 Sec32 Pctl03 T16 Rll Farm Hand Herald P. Joy (1915) Watt, M. L. (Amy Irlam) Ch Roy, Paul; Jacksonville R7 SeclO Pct83 T15 Rll T171a Joseph Cridland (1876) 91 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Watts, Charles S. (Alice Ryan) Ch Irene T., Virgil F., Clarence, Anna- belle, Charles M.; Franklin R3 SeclS PctSS T14 R9 T125a Mrs. Jane Ryan (1897) Watts, E. J. (Ida Harford) Ch Ruth, Richard, Alfred, Edna, Lester, Jessie; Modesto R35 Sec34 Pct7 T13 R8 O40a (1860) Watts, J. A. (Tempa Pinkerton) Ch Ernest, Otis, Everett, Hazel; Wav- erly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 O80a (1903) Watts, Nancy Ch James, Sarah, John, Ezekiel, Stephen, Susan, Mack, Bert; Waverly R2 Sec33 Pct8 T13 R8 O20a (1862) Way, Bert (Ollie Liter) Ch Marie, Gene; "Oak Valley Farm" Concord Rl Sec32 Pct72 T16 Rll T330a A. Fairhank (1913) Weakly, Thomas (Mary Yager) Ch George, Ras; Prentice Sec6 Pctl7 T16 R8 OlOa (1890) Weber, Frank (Frieda Roegge) Ch Harvey, Clarence, Leland, Wilma; Meredosia Rl Sec6 Pct98 T16 R12 T120a H. Roegge (1882) Weber, Henry (Lena Wischmeyer) Ch Clara, Frank, Nora, Edward, Walter, Hulda, Lorna, Ben, Harold, Renetta; Meredosia Rl Sec2 PctlOS T16 R13 O120a (1858) Webster, Dr. G. O. (Sarah Flinn) Ch Augusta; "The Heights" Murray- ville R4 Sec23 Pct46 T13 RIO O220a T140a T. E. Fanning (1904) Weder, A. W. (Ruby Perkins) Ch Herman, Roy, Frances, Edna; Mur- rayville Rl Seel Pct73 T13 Rll T120a William Stringer (1910) Weiss, Fred (Minnie Nagle) Ch Clar- ence, Ervin, Helen, Eileen; Neely- ville Rl Sec7 Pct98 T16 R12 F. Weiss (1906) Weires, George Bluffs Rl Sec29 Pctl02 T16 R12 O160a (1873) Welborn, Henry A. (Bertie Irwin) Ch Irwin; Jacksonville R6 Sec34 Pct35 T15 R9 O120a (1856) Welch, Thomas (Martha Murphy) Ch Rose, Maurice, Lizzie; Murrayville R4 Sec35 Pct56 T14 RIO O153a . (1887) Welchman, Henry (Mary Follett) Ch John, Minnie; Waverly R2 Secl4 PctS T13 R8 T80a (1901) Wenty, William Meredosia Rl Secl6 Pct99 T16 R12 OlOa (1874) Werries, John H. (Minnie Hemming- hous) Ch Earl, Harry, Vernon, Rena, Russell, Lucile; Bluffs Rl Sec32 Pctl03 T16 R12 O200a (1866) Werries, Mrs. Lizzie (Lizzie Bush- meier) Ch Annie, John, Carrie; Bluffs Rl Sec20 O120a (1882) West, Nealy (Nina Stotts) Ch Ever- ett, Pearl, Willie, Edna; Meredosia Sec36 Pctl07 T16 R13 Farm Hand Harry Okes (1917) West, Nealy (Nina Stotts) Ch Ever- ett, Pearl, William, Edna; Chapin Rl Sec3 Pct95 T15 R12 Tla Jacob Stotts (1877) Wester, Joseph (Redie Noe) Ch Hubert, Willie M., Dan D., Louis J., C. Doris, Samuel H., Georgia; Concord Rl Sec23 Pct89 T16 Rll T365a J. H. Silcox (1902) Westerfield, Fred (Liddia Roegge) Ch Willie, Walter, Rudolph, Edna, Hugo; Meredosia Rl Sec3 PctlOS T16 R13 O256a (1875) Weys, John Alexander Rl Seel Pct25 T14 R9 T80a H. Keplinger (1908) Whalen, Dennis and Richard Franklin Rl Sec28 Pct29 T14 R9 O119a (1877) Whalen, John Jacksonville R2 Secll Pct79 T14 Rll TlOOa Whalen Est. (1874) Whalen, Mrs. Mary (Mary Doody) Ch W'illiam, James, John, Dennis, Katie, Richard; Franklin Rl Sec22 Pct30 T14 R9 O160a (1877) Wheeler, Andrew J. (Blanch Nerge- nah) Ch George, Dorothy, Alice; Concord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 O80a (1903) Wheeler, George A. CEdith Peak) Ch Louise, Esther, Ruby, Smith, Rhoda, Philip; Sinclair Rl Secl9 Pct39 T16 R9 O320a (1900) Wheeler, Margaret Ch Frank, Thomas, Hattie; Murrayville R4 Sec9 Pct43 T13 RIO O20a (1842) Wheeler, Walter J. (Marie Looker) Ch Francis, Lillian, Harriette L. ; Sinclair Rl Sec30 Pct30 T16 R9 O45a T70a Philip G. Wheeler (1911) Whewell, Otis (Annie Weeder) Ch Raymond, Allen; Winchester R3 Sec26 PctSO T14 Rll TlOOa Mrs. E. Whewell (1880) Whewell, William T. (Dora Hayes) Ch Clarence; Murrayville R2 Sec23 Pct74 T13 Rll T120a F. F. Clark (1889) 92 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Whisman, John Chapin R2 SecS T15 R12 OSOa (1872) White, George M. (Mary Ridder) Ch Joseph, Marie, George, Mar- garet, Frances; Orleans Sec26 Pct35 T1S R9 T120a Edna and Sylvia Gray (1908) White, Thomas (Ora Rouland) Ch Inez, Walter, Dorothy, Elsie, Cora, Marie. Bessie; Waverly R2 Sec34 Pct7 T13 R8 Ola T80a G. F. Wil- son (1876) White, W. M. (Lydia Fanning) Ch Ralph, Lloyd, Clyde; Murrayville Seel Pct73 T13 Rll T96a Mrs. A. E. Cline (1897) Whitlock, C. H. (Mabel Hart) Ch Stella, Ethel; Murrayville R4 Secl3 Pct46 T13 RIO O40a (1869) Whitlock, G. W. (Georgietta Smith) Ch Oscar, Maud; Murrayville R3 Sec20 Pct49 T13 RIO T80a H. Fan- ning (1850) Whitlock, James (Harriet Bevans) Ch James, Louise; "Hickory Grove Farm" Waverly R3 SeclS Pct4 T13 R8 O57a (1871) Whitlock, Mrs. William Ch J.ames, Alice; Waverly R3 Secl6 Pct4 T13 R8 O67a (1849) Whorten, J. E. Concord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 O140a (1866) Wiggs, A. M. (Melvina Roberts) Ch Emory, Bertha, Nora, Frank, James; Franklin R2 Sec23 Pct23 T13 R9 O121a (1861) Wilcox, Samuel (Ellen Anthony) Ch Una; Alexander Rl Sec29 Pctl6 T15 R8 O129a (1890) Wild, J. T. (Annie Astell) Ch Mary, Robert, Emma, William, Sarah, Ethel; Manchester Rl Secll Pct73 T13 Rll OlOOa (1857) Wild, R. T. (Nancy Brown) Ch Floyd, Tohn, Edward; Murrayville Sec6 Pct44 T13 RIO T67a F. M. Shield (1901) Wilday, Mrs. C. A. (Dona Huston) Ch Florence, Guy, Maud; Mere- dosia Rl Sec6 Pct98 T16 R12 O200a (1850) Wilday, Dean (Mabel Quintal) Ch Donald; Bluffs Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 T200a W. Wilday (1887) Wilday, Guy (Dona Wilday, Mother) Meredosia Rl Secl7 Pct98 T16 R12 O160a (1878) Wilday, J. M. Bluffs Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 O240a (1852) Wilday, W. H. (Emily J. Beagle) Bluffs Rl Sec25 Pctl07 T16 R13 O479 (1840) Wilding, William R. (Estella John- son) Ch Constance, Richard, Louise, Bernice, Howard, William; Jackson- ville R3 Sec31 Pct39 T16 R9 T250a Strawn Est. (1882) Wiley, Luther (Elizabeth Maple) Ch Lewis Henry; Alexander Rl Sec7 PctlO T14 R8 T160a William P. Conklin (1895) Wiley, Noel (Florence Kindred) Ch Minnie L.; Alexander Rl SecS PctlO T14 R8 T120a L. Goheen (1895) Wilhoit, George W. (Martha Wright) Ch Mary, Nathaniel, Grover C.; Franklin R2 Sec9 Pct21 T13 R9 Farm Hand G. R. Deer (1916) Wilker, John H. Jr. (Charlotte Nerge- nah) Ch Agnes C., Garland B.; Meredosia Rl Sec22 Pctl06 T16 R13 T135a J. H. Wilker (1888) Wilker, William Meredosia Rl Sec22 Pet 106 T16 R13 J. H. Wilker T60a (1874) Wilkerson, George W. (Martha Conn) Ch Emma, Anna, Sarah, Lulu, Wil- liam, Laura, Maggie, Maud, Alva, George; Alexander Rl Secl2 Pct25 T14 R9 Farm Hand O. E. Ryan (1913) Willerton, Alfred (Anna Tindall) "Cedar Grove Farm" Murrayville R3 Secl9 Pct49 T13 RIO OSOa (1877) Willets, J. F. (Earnnie Sprouse) Ch Audrey, Vaughn, Ethel, Carl, Ralph, Wanda, Guy, Dale; Alexan- der Rl Sec29 Pctl6 T15 R8 T425a Raynor Est. (1917) Williams, Charles E. (Fanny B. Holli- day) Ch Wilbur C, Clyde H., Ches- ter L., Bertha M., Walter W.; Chapin R2 Sec9 Pct95 T15 R12 O240a (1848) Williams, Clyde H. (Caroline Wol- ford) Ch Margaret E., Charles O., E. Loraine; Chapin R2 Sec9 PctlO T15 R12 T120a Chas. E. Williams (1886) Williams, Lucinda E. (Lucinda Ray- burn) Ch Robert, Maud, Joe, Troy; Concord Rl Secl2 PctlOO T16 R12 OlOOa (1856) Williams, Stuart (Abbie Toaler) Ch James, Erne, Ina; Prentice Rl Secl3 Pct41 T16 R9 T97a T. U. Fox (1909) Williams, Wilbur C. (Lois Paschal) Chapin R3 Secl7 Pct83 T15 Rll T187a Thomas Paschal (1884) Williamson, Amanda (Amanda Bridg- man) Ch Hattie, Edward; Jackson- ville R4 Sec6 Pct6 T15 RIO O63a (1852) 93 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wflliamson, Charles C. (Mollie Scott) Ch John S.; Pleasant Plains R40 Sec21 PctlS T16 R8 O240a (1915) Willis, John C. (Lou A. Bryant) Ch Stella, Walter; Prentice SecS Pctl7 T16 R8 Farm Hand John Adkuis (1907) Wilson, David (Mary J. Jackson) Ch Verner D., Eula B., Lena V.; Mur- rayville R3 Sec31 PctllS T13 R9 0340a (1887) Wilson, Frank (Jennie Oxley) Ch Irma; Waverly Rl Sec4 Pct2 T13 R8 T160a George Oxley (1905) Wilson, Harley (Ella Johnson) Ch May, Alice, Harry; Chapin R3 SecS Pct82 T15 Rll Farm Hand Charles Wilson, John R. (Teshia Million) Ch Clair, Barrel, Lucy; Franklin Sec32 Pct28 T14 R9 O92a (1904) Wilson, J. W. (Laura Richardson) Ch Ernest, Gertrude, George; Jack- sonville R2 Sec33 Pct86 T1S Rll T85a G. S. Richardson (1882) Wilson, Newton (Eva Baxter) Jack- sonville R3 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO TlOOa J. E. Allen (1877) Wilson, P. W. (Sarah Murray) Ch Josie, Arthur, Bryan, Lydia, Martha, Olive; Murrayville R5 Secl6 Pct43 T13 RIO O80a T120a P. R. Briggs (1903) Wingler, Frank (Nancy Dye) Ch Re- becca, Robert; Jacksonville R3 Secl4 Pct63 T15 RIO OlOSa (1892) Winner, Isaac F. (Gertrude Barnes) Ch Chester, Lester, Amy E.; Ash- land Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 T160a Cavanaugh Est. (1910) Winner, James (Julia E. Turner) Ch Annie, Ellis, Louis, May, Leo, Mary, Lloyd, Harlow, Pearl, Maud, Gladys, Byron; New Berlin R31 Seel Pct32 ,T15 R9 T383a David Strawn (1912) Winner, John Frederick (Amy K. Winner, Housekeeper) Ashland Rl SeclO Pct37 T16 R9 T160a James Cavanaugh Est. (1910) Winter, C. O. (Ada Megginson) Ch Alma F., Inez E.; Woodson Rl SecS Pct52 T14 RIO O102^a (1879) Winter, George (Eva Smith) Ch Leo, Ray, Iva, Mabel; Murrayville R4 Sec36 Pct28 T14 R12 O77a (1871) Winters, Thomas (Julia Welch) Ch John, Ella; Murrayville R4 Seel Pct42 T13 RIO O260a (1889) Wiseman, Thad L. (Pearl Ruby) Ch Ruby "Hill Crest Farm" Jackson- ville R4 Sec9 Pct62 T15 RIO T20a C. H. Story (1915) Wiswell, Clifford (Ella Goodpasture) Ch Agnes, Mabel, Hazel; Jackson- ville R4 Secl2 Pct89 T16 Rll O40a T160a James Rexroat (1880) Witham, F. C. (Mary S. Rains) Ch Charles W., Thomas W., William F., Jennie K., Exona, Tilda M., Ed.; Pisgah Sec6 Pct27 T14 R9 Farm Hand A. E. Curry (1911) Witham, W. F. (Zella Cline) Ch Ruby G.; Pisgah Secl7 Pct28 T14 R9 T80a J. B. Beekman (1911) Witherbee, Mrs. Lena (Lena Wood) Ch John, Elizabeth, Clarence, Law- rence, Harlan; Waverly R2 Sec30 PctllS T13 R8 O524a (1859) Wolfe, William G. (Emma J. Clark) Ch Margaret E., May, Frank O.; "Red Haw Farm" Jacksonville R7 Sec9 Pct83 T15 Rll T140a Clark Est. (1896) Wood, Charles (Euphemia Hubbs) Ch Ernest H., Otto G., Leonard L, Ber- nice; Jacksonville R6 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 OlSOa (1865) Wood, James, Jr. (Leone Martin) Waverly Sec3 Pct2 T13 R8 T160a Mrs. Mary Wood (1877) Wood, John E. (Sarah M. Wood) Ch Lena, John, James; Mrs. Estelle Mansfield-Wood; LeRoy, Child of Mrs. Estelle; Waverly R2 Sec30 Pct22 T13 R9 T75a W. W. Withe- bee (1865) Wood, J. B. (Georgia Reynolds) Franklin R3 Secl4 Pct20 T14 R9 T120a George Wood, Sr. (1871) Wood, Otto G. (Pearl Ferguson) Ch Charles G., Marie A.; Jacksonville R5 Sec9 Pct21 T14 R9 T425a Iven Wood (1891) Wood, Presby (Delia M. Scott) Ch Doris I., Lowell A., Mabel M., Harry T.; Waverly R3 Sec26 Pct24 T13 R9 T90a Mrs. N. Wood (1884) Wood, W. J. (Elizabeth Ransom) Ch Rosa, May, Irene, William; "Bur- lington Way Stock Farm" Murray- ville R2 Secl9 Pct49 T13 RIO O107a (1879) Woods, Charles C. (Grace Carter) Ch Dorothy, Ruth, Allan; Waverly Rl Sec26 Pctl4 T14 R8 T160a Mrs. P. S. Carter (1874) Woods, Earl W. (Ester Agnew) Wav- erly R3 Secl7 Pct3 T13 R8 T60a (1893) Woods, Iven (Mary Camm) Ch Charles, Minnie, Arthur, Elizabeth, Homer; Jacksonville R5 Sec9 Pct26 T14 R9 Ol.lSOa (1865) 94 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Woods, Jim, Jr. (Leone Martin) Wav- erly Sec35 Pctll4 T14 R8 T160a Mary E. Wood (1877) Wood's, J. P. (Dora A. Peak) Or "Celestine, Eunice C, Ruth M., Ralph P., Arah A., Wendell P.; "Business Hill Farm" Franklin R3 Secl3 T14 R8 O164a (1864) Woods, Newton E. (Onie Scott) Ch Byron; Franklin Sec20-32 Pct3-8 T14 R8 O220a (1887) Woods, Robert S. (Julia Thomas) Ch Earl, Robert, Guy, Donald, Julian, Marion; Waverly R3 Sec20 Pct3 T13 R8 O160a (1865) Wooff, George J. R. (Martha A. Wharton) Ch Vernon D. Braner; Concord Rl Sec24 PctlOl T16 R12 O90a (1862) Worrall, Frank (Sarah Fearneyhough) Ch Marie, Alonzo, Opal; Murray- ville Rl Sec26 PctSO T14 Rll O120a (1881) Worrall, William (Susie Hall) Chapin R3 Sec9 Pct83 T15 Rll Farm Hand Allinson Thomaspn (1914) Wnght, Burley (Gertrude Wood) Ch Virginia L.; Franklin R2 Secl2 Pctl9 T13 R9 O41a T60a (1882) Wright, C. J. (Carrie Mortimer) Ch John E., Jr.; Murrayville R4 Sec8 Pct45 T13 RIO O45a T240a John E. Wright (1880) Wright, H. A. (Frances Linch) Frank- lin R2 Seel Pctl9 T13 R9 Farm Hand Mrs. Elizabeth A. Luttell (1861) Wyatt, Charles M. (Susan H. Buck- ley) Ch Maud; Franklin R2 Secl4 Pct20 T13 R9 O120a (1865) Wynn, John (Phidella Bland) Ch Russell; Franklin R3 Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 T200a Newton Woods (1871) Wynn, J. (Delia Bland) Ch Russell E.; Franklin R3 Sec20 Pctll T14 R8 T220a N. E. Woods (1871) Yeager, J. D. (Mary Conway) Ch Ada N.; Franklin R2 Sec22 Pct30 T14 R9 O3a (1882) Yeck, Mecca Ch Eugene, Helen, Othello, Elmer; Concord Sec20 Pctl02 T16 Rll T710a (1872) Yording, Fred (Hilda DeVris) Ch Annie, Mary, Minnie, Henry, Clara, Lydia, Albert; Bluffs Rl Sec29 Pctl02 T16 R12 O80a (1865) Young, Thomas (Louise Vasey) Ch Edith R., Lily, William A., Roy T.; Woodson Rl Secl4 Pct54 T14 RIO O80a (1887) York, Ruby (Minnie Worrell) Ch Elsie, Rothsys, Vivian, Clyde; Jack- sonville R7 SeclO Pct83 T15 Rll TlOOa Mrs. Nebold (1912) Young, Mary and Sisters Sinclair Rl Sec23 Pct41 T16 R9 O40a (1884) Young, Roy (Effie Hacker) Ch Grace, Edward; Murrayville R4 Sec24 Pct46 T13 RIO T80a James E. Young (1889) Zachary, S. Arthur (Jennie E. Mun- sey) Ch Arthur, Nellie, Helen; Alexander Rl Sec21 Pctl2 T.15 R8 T340a Mrs. Susan B. Dillon and T. F. Bergschneider (1881) Zachary, S. T. (Rhoda J. Tapscott) Ch Minnie, James C., Mitchell S., Macey, Marion G., Samuel A., Bes- sie, Harold L., Helen L. ; Franklin R3 Sec3 Pct26 T14 R9 O188a (1873) Zahn, Oliver (Grace Blimling) Ch Velma L.; Arenzville Rl Seel Pct97 T16 R12 T240a Henrietta Zahn (1890) Zahn, W. R. (Mayme Schuman) Ch Mildred E., Harold W.; "The Maples" Concord Rl Sec31 T16 Rll O34a (1882) Zeller, Hartmann (Mary Kumle) Ch' Gertrude, Catherine, Margaret, Rose, Joe, Elizabeth; Alexander Sec25 PctlS T15 R9 O140a (1867) Zeller, Joseph A. (Adelaide Lukeman) Ch John J., Robert L.; Alexander Sec30 PctlS T15 R8 T160a H. Zel- ler and E. J. Kumle (1887) Zimmerman, Peter (Katheryne Hus- man) Ch John H.; Ashland Rl Sec2 Pct36 T16 R9 O160a (1904) 95 Reeder Homestead, Winchester, 111. This house was built in 1827. It is the oldest inhabited house in Scott County. Scott County Farmers' Directory Abbreviations Used in this Directory a Acres; Ch Children; O Owner; T Tenant or Renter; R Rural Route; Sec Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parenthesis ( ); figures at end of informa- tion year became resident of county. In the case of a tenant, the farm owner's name follows the figures giving size of farm. Name of farm (in case farm is named) follows names of children, in quotation marks. EXAMPLE Angelo, Lee (Mintie Chaudoin) Ch Alford, Irvin, William, Lillian; Naples Rl Secl6 T14 R13 T40a J. A. Gregory (1917) Means Angelo, Lee Name. (Mintie Chaudoin) Wife's maiden name. Ch Alford, Irvin, William, Lillian Children, named Alford, 'Irvin, William, Lillian. Naples Rl Postoffice Naples R. F. D. 1. Secl6 T14 R13 Section 16, Township 14, Range 13. T40a Tenant on 40 acres. J. A. Gregory Owner's name. (1917) Lived in county since 1917. Anderson, Charles N. Ch Josephine; "Old Claywell 1821" Winchester R4 Secl6 T13 R12 Ol58a (1866) Adams, C. L. (Alta Roberts) Ch Glen- na; "Adams & Sons" Winchester R4 Sec32 T13 R13 O62a (1882) Adams, E. C. (Florence Linder) Ch Claud S., Clarence; Winchester R4 Sec26 T13 R13 O1027a (I860)" Adams, Frank (Fannie Burrows) Winchester R6 Secl3 T13 R12 T120a Jane Burrows (1875) 96 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Adams, Guy (Lola Blackburn) Win- chester R2 Sec24 T14 R13 Farm Hand C. M. Smithson (1886) Adams, John Q. (Annie Hayatt) Ch Grace, Jessie, Sadie, Charles, Leo, Annie; Naples Secl3 T1S R14 T30a Hy Oakes (1851) Adams, L. Clarence (Lula Fuller) Ch Dorothy; "Adams & Sons" Win- chester R4 Sec35 T13 R13 O62^a (1884) Adams, W. J. G. (Julia A. Langley) Ch Neva, Eva, Lola; Winchester R4 Sec26 T13 R13 O400a (1855) Adams, W. R. (Margaret C. Reed) Jacksonville Rl Sec24 T15 R12 T150a R. P. Adams (1903) Akers, J. C. (Jennie Rea) Ch Ralph, Edward; Manchester Sec20 T13 Rll T260a William Arndell (1877) Albers, Arthur and Rudie (Florence Gerard, Wife of Arthur) Naples Rl SeclS T15 R13 T220a Mrs. Sophie Albers (1883) Albers, Edwin F. Ch Harry, Louise, Robert; Naples Rl Sec30 T15 R13 O120a (1888) Albers, F. H. (Grace Mayes) Ch Henry, E'da, Mabel, Helen; Naples Rl Secl9 T15 R14 O74a T220a J. T. Albers (1895) Albers, Gus H. (Laura Beagel) Ch Eleanor, Glen; Naples Rl Sec29 T15 R13 T90a Carrie Albers (1892) Albers, John Ch Roberta; Naples Rl Sec30 T15 R13 O120a (1895) Allen, Robert H. Winchester R5 Sec33 T15 R12 T170a R. P. Allen (1895) Allen, R. P. (Sarah V. McCullough) Ch Robert H., Emily J., Clifford B.; Winchester R5 Sec33 T15 R13 O270a (1891) Andell, Albert (Alice Tankersley) Ch William, May, Wesley; Winchester R3 SeclS T14 R12 O120a (1861) Andell, Eddie L. (Bessie Parks) Ch Florence, Robert D., Dorotha; Win- chester R5 Secll T14 R12 T120a Robert Andell (1879) Andell, Richard (Ollie Talbert) Ch John, Mildred; Winchester R3 Secl4 T14 R12 O188a (1865) Andell, Robert C. (Kate Bruster) Ch Mary Lee, Claudie B., Eddie L., Catherine; Winchester R5 Secll T14 R12 O160a (1857) Anders, Ben O. (Elizabeth Anders, Mother) Winchester R4 Sec6 T13 R12 Farm Hand Fred V. McLugh- lan (1905) Anders, George (Nellie Hoots) Ch Clarence, Alva, Lena, Carl; Win- chester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 T126a J. H. Shibe and W. W. Mclntosh (1882) Andres, Albert (Maud Six) Ch Gus- sie, Gertie, Eva, Rada, Maudie, Har- vey, Bert, Glenual, Ruba; Naples Rl Seel T14 R14 T240a John Pine and C. Taylor (1861) Andres, Gus (Myrtle Cox) Ch Mar- jorie; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 T70a George H. Cox (1891) Angelo, Lee (Mintie Chaudoin) Ch Alford, Irvin, William, Lillian; Naples Rl Secl6 T14 R13 T40a J Gregory (1917) Arendell, Charles E. (Maud Israel) Manchester Rl Sec22 T13 Rll Farm Hand Charles Brown (1917) Aring, John (Mary Vortman) Chapin R2 Secl3 T15 R13 TllOa Mrs. G. Vortman (1912) Ash, R. J. (Ella Clark) Ch Bertha; Manchester Sec20 T13 Rll T120a . James Heaton (1857) Ash, Thomas E. (Lavina and Malissa, Sisters) Manchester Rl SeclS T13 Rll O40a (1859) Ashmore, George (Clara Humpries) Ch L. Marie; Roodhouse R6 Sec28 T13 R12 TlOOa Charles Haney Atkins, Levi (Etta Chance) Bluffs Rl SeclO T15 R13 T260a Anna Chance (1872) Atkinson, Golden Winchester R2 Sec34 T15 R13 T160a Anna Atkin- son (1899) Atkinson, William J. (Ethel Wright) Ch Herbert, Robert, Floyd; Win- chester R2 Sec31 T15 R12 Farm Hand Ebaugh Bros. (1883) B Bailey, Samuel (Anna Wright) Ch Ruth, Blanche, Ruby; Winchester R6 Sec34 T14 R12 O160a (1871) Baird, A. C. (Maggie Edwards) Ch Alma, Ella, Zelma, Edward, Clar- ence; Manchester Sec7 T13 Rll T180a John Robison (1914) Baird, B. (Margaret Freesen) Mil- dene; Winchester Rl Sec27 T14 R13 Farm Hand J. T. Wilson (1898) Baird, Clyde (Fae E. Quinn) Win- chester R3 SeclO T14 R12 Farm Hand D. C. Hawk (1896) 97 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Baird, George (Martha Clemens) Ch Newton, Cyrus, Mary, Alva, Emma, Otis, Archie; Naples Rl Sec4 T14 R13 O29a (1856) Baird, William (Tina Henson) Ch James, Mary, John, Nina, Herbert; Naples Rl Sec4 T14 R13 T40a Mary Henson (1868) Baker, Charles (Susan H. Cox) Ch Verla, Lucile, Bernice, Joseph M.; Chapin R3 Sec30 T15 R12 T203a Roy Vangundy (1908) Balke, F. H. (Lydia Krueger) Ch Amelia, Freda, Erna, Carl, Lucile, Merle; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R12 O140a Sec27 T14 R12 T280a Chris Dahman (1906) Ball, L. H. (Delia Sappington) Ch Leslie, Ira, Sydney, Kate, Ora; Win- chester Rl Sec20 T14 R13 OllOa (1866) Ball, Spencer (Mary Bunch) Ch Ger- trude, Grace; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 O147a (1864) Barfield, George (Carrie Bell Scott) Ch Opal; Meredosia SecS T1S R13 TllOa Mrs. R. Mayes (1872) Barfield, James (Leona Manley) Ch Louis, Pearl, James, Ethel; Win- chester R5 Sec23 T15 R12 Farm Hand Ed. Leach (1869) Barfield, W. M. (Sarah A. Manley) Ch Jessie, May, Annie, Edith, Les- ter, Howard; Naples SecS T15 R13 T200a H. Dufelmeier (1861) Barnes, Burl (Ina Barnhart) Ch Julia, Russell, Lewis, Jim, Mildred, Lloyd, Edward; Winchester R6 Secll T13 R12 T35a Thomas Ferrell (1908) Barnett, Alva (Jessie Remley) Win- chester R4 T13 R13 T80a Ed. Watts (1894) Barnett, Smith (Nellie Day) Ch Lillie, Roy, Edrie, Edna, Clarence; Win- chester R3 Sec27 T14 R12 T80a James Rough (1870) Barnett, W. A. (Matilda Hahn) Ch Alva, Mabel, Goldie, Harry, Burley, Zelma, Neta; Sec36 T13 R13 O40a T160a Frost Est. (1872) Barry, J. W. (Katie Bickford) Ch Venena Robertine; Merritt .Sec26 T15 R12 O86a (1869) Barry, Joseph Winchester R5 Sec28 T14 R12 O30a (1882) Batley, Clayton (Mary E. Hart) Ch George, Harvey; Bluffs R2 Sec21 T15 R13 OlOOa (1846) Batley, George R. (Emma Little) Ch Lila, Edith, Ralph, Addie, Lois, Clayton, Lawrence, George, Ruth; Naples Rl SecS T14 R13 T380a W. L. Alexander (1867) Batley, Harvey (Lucy Burns') Ch Clark, Lelia, Lauren; Winchester Rl SeclS T14 R13 O72a (1877) Battefeld, Earl (Gladys Major) Bluffs Rl Sec2 T1S R13 Farm Hand C. McCaleb (1913) Bauser, J. H. (Leah Winningham) Ch Mabel, Russell, Pearl; Naples Sec7 T15 R13 Farm Hand J. M. Pine (1915) Beadles, Jessie E. (Mary Parker) Ch Lorena, Raymond; Winchester Rl SeclO T13 R13 Farm Hand H. Shibe (1899) Bean, Alvin Ch Henry, Effie; Win- chester R2 Secl2 T14 R12 O120a (1841) Bean, C. T. (Emma Krusa) Ch Grace; "Bean Homestead" Winchester R2 Secl2 T14 R12 O120a (1887) Bean, Henry Ch Carl, Marie, Edna; Winchester R2 Secl2 T14 R13 T120a Alvin Bean (1877) Bean, James B. (Nora Taylor) Ch Mildred, Elsie; Winchester R2 Sec7 T14 R12 O117a (1883) Bean, William A. (Agnes Turner) Ch Ninnie, Anna, Lecie; Winchester R2 Sec7 T14 R12 OlSa (1839) Bean, W. F. (Carrie DeMaranyille) Ch Russell, Thelma, Marjorie; "Maple Lawn Farm" Winchester R2 Secl2 T14 R13 O125a (1878) Beasley, B. F. (Hetty A. Gray) Ch John F., Lillia; Winchester R6 Sec23 T13 R12 OlOOa (1845) Beavers, J. Newton (Ollie Moore) Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 OlOSa (1877) Beavers, Logan (Mamie Morris) Bluffs R2 Sec22 T15 R13 O40a (1867) Bell, Henry (Rosie B. Henry) Ch Lillie E., Mary H.; Winchester R6 Sec24 T13 R12 O480a (1853) Bell, Thomas (Gertie E. Lovell) Ch Lloyd G., May, Myrtle, Lela, Les- lie, Fay, Lyle; Manchester Rl Sec34 T14 Rll T160a William Lovell (1912) Bentler, Anton (Elizabeth Lohmann) Ch Mary, Bernadine, John, An- tonie, Hugo, Pauline, Joseph, Arthur; Bluffs R2 Sec32 T15 R12 O80a (1864) Bentler, Fred (Annie Breuggermann) Ch Roscoe, Olivia; Naples Rl Secl4 T14 R14 T290a Luther Hess (1873) Benz, Louis W. (Carrie Brackett) Ch Arthur, Margaret, Andrew; Neeley- ville Secl9 T15 R12 Farm Hand Ed. Morthole (1873) 98 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Benz, Edward G. (Kate Stumbord) Ch Henry L.; Chapin R2 Secl9 T15 R12 T200a William Hufker (1869) Berry, George R. Ch Russell M., M. Worth, Carl N., Leroy, George R. Jr., Elizabeth M., Alexander, Elma, Louise; Merritt Sec21 T15 R12 OlOOa (1859) Berry, Samuel C. Ch Gladys, Erma, Harold; "Cedar Grove Farm" Chapin R2 Sec29 T15 R12 O84a (1867) Biggers, Bert (Delia Smith) Ch Nova, Barney, Mildred, Tommie; Winchester R4 Sec9 T13 R12 T20a Mrs. Hoots (1915) Bird, George S. (Louisa A. Day) Ch Herman E., Loie I.; Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 O40a (1868) Blackburn, Bert L. (Maud Young) Ch Roy, Mildred; Winchester Rl Secl4 T13 R13 Robert Smith (1885) Blackburn, Curtis (Nelia Schafer) Ch Paul L., Leona M.; Winchester R4 Seel T13 R12 O65a (1886) Blackburn, Fred (Florence Templin) Ch Lloyd, Paul; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R13 (1889) Blackburn, Lincoln (Bessie Templin) Ch Richard, Vivian; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R13 T55a John McGinnis (1893) Blackburn, James (Mary Evans) Ch Maud, Myrtle, Bessie, Lincoln, Fred, Lloyd, Arthur; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R13 O47a (1875) Blackburn, Joseph (Jane McGinnis) Winchester Rl Secl7 T13 R13 O160a (1867) Blair, Charles (Mattie Henson) Ch Dana; Winchester R4 Sec25 T13 R13 TlOOa T. J. Blair (1872) Blair, Edwin (Ada C. Cunningham) Ch Erma; Glasgow Secl9 T13 R12 O120a (1864) Blair, E. L. (Dora Evans) Winches- ter R4 Sec26 T13 R13 TlOOa T. J. Blair (1864) Blair, George R. (Martha Walker) Winchester Rl Secl3 T13 R13 Farm Hand J. M. Blair (1894) Blair, Harley J. (Flora Walker) Ch Pauline, Mildred, Madeline, Eugene, Winnifred; Winchester R4 Sec30 T13 R12 O60a TlOa J. N. Blair (1908) Blair, John M. (Susie Cooksey) Ch George R., Ona; Winchester Rl Secl3 T13 R13 O120a (1849) Blair, Kirt (Aquilla Couts) Ch Oma; Winchester Sec26 T13 R13 T160a R. O. Renner (1858) Blair, Mrs. Louise Ch Curtland, Alta, Edwin; Glasgow Secl9 T13 R12 O80a (1868) Blair, Mary J. Ch Bert, Curtis, Emma; Winchester R4 Sec20 T13 R12 O47a (1860) Blair, Owen (Anna Roberts) Ch Dale; Winchester Sec25 T13 R13 T120a T. J. Blair (1869) Blake, Delbert (Erne Pistol) Ch Ed- gar K., Earnest; Winchester Rl Sec22 T13 R13 Farm Hand Charles Young (1914) Blimling, John W. (Mary E. Story) Ch Floyd, Frederick, Alice; Win- chester R3 SeclS T14 Rll T350a W. T. Dodsworth (1917) Bobbitt, Arthur E. (Sarah E. Bright) Chapin R2 Sec28 T15 R12 T27a Mrs. E. D. Bobbitt (1888) Boes, Henry (Minnie Snyder) Ch Theodore, Rudolph, Tillie, Herbert; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 O160a (1887) Boes, Rudolph (Bertha Wilson) Ch Lula, Minnie, Velma; Winchester Rl Sec34 T14 R13 T200a J. T. Wil- son (1892) Boes, Theodore (Lila Batley) Ch Howard, Omer; Naples Rl SecS T14 R13 T380a W. L. Alexander (1887) Boester, Fred (Rosa Bolle) Ch Rosa, William, Fred, Henry, Elmer, George, Carl; Winchester Rl Secl6 T14 R13 O200a (1882) Bolle, Fred (Eliza Bolle, Mother; Clara Bolle, Sister) Winchester R2 Secl9 T14 R12 T140a Mrs. A. P. Grout (1902) Bonds, Elmer (Bessie Rigor) Ch Mary, Maurice, June; Chapin R2 SeclS T15 R12 T275a J. R. Bonds (1880) Bonds, James R. Ch Louie, Elmer, Delia, Ira, Henry, John, Hazel; Chapin R2 SeclS T15 R12 O275a (1843) Boston, Frank G. (Ida Mitchell) Ch Oscar, Dora, Dollie, Nannie, Claud, Marie, Frank; Winchester R6 Sec24 T13 R12 T120a James Bell (1861) Boston, Fred (Mary L. Shelton) Ch Harry, Gladys; Winchester Rl Sec29 T14 R12 O76a Lizzie North (1865) Botterbusch, Royal (Elsie Weber) Bluffs R2 Sec21 T15 R13 T107a William Botterbusch (1888) Botterbusch, William (Kate Ommen) Ch William, Mary, Royal, Anna, Rosie; "Hillview Farm" Bluffs R2 Sec21 T13 R21 O2l5a (1880) 99 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Botterbusch, W. D. (Fannie Van- nier) Ch Dorothy, Wilmar, Eleanor; Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 T75a Wil- liam Botterbusch (1880) Boyer, C. N. (Katie Wilder) Ch Burley, George; Manchester Sec33 T13 Rll O90a (1917) Boyer, B. W. (Emma Scott) Rood- house R4 Sec33 T13 Rll O90a C. N. Boyer, Sr. (1917) Brackett, Robert A. (Florence Bu- chanan) Ch Wendell, Merrill; Ex- eter Sec25-36 T1S R13 O16a T65a James Branson (1881) Branson, J. M. (Ellen Sappington) Ch Mary, Lena, Leonard; Bluffs R2 Sec36 T15 R13 O95a (1864) Brebbermann, Dick (Lizzie Wellen- kamp) Bluffs R2 Sec32 T15 R13 O85a (1900) Breyer, Oscar (Lillie Breyer) Ch Grave A., Marie C.; Winchester R5 Sec27 T15 R12 T160a Lizzie Nein- huser (1906) Briggs, Alvin (Marie Swanson) Win- chester R2 Sec3 T14 R13 T265a Ch. Crisp (1916) Briggs, Fred S. (Pearl Huddleston) Ch Charles, Frederick; Winchester R5 Seel T14 R12 Farm Hand P. A. Coates (1916) Brockhouse, John D. (Caroline Froh- witter) Ch William, Margaret, Rus- sell; Chapin R2 Sec24 T15 R13 O137a (1886) Brockhouse, Lawrence (Adelaide Griffin) Ch Harold; Jacksonville Rl Sec23 T15 R12 G. Lakamp (1915) Broermann, William (Minnie Placke) Bluffs Rl Secll T15 R13 O88a (1892) Brown, Albert H. (Claudia Bell An- dell) Ch Helen C., Robert D., Cecil L., Brownie H.; Winchester R3 Secl3 T14 R12 TlOOa Mrs. O. Coul- tas (1887) Brown, Arthur C. (Lillie Owens) Ch Mabel, Dale, Louise, Ralph; Win- chester Rl Sec8 T13 R13 T160a Maxwell & Dix (1898) Brown, Darcy (Lillie Savage) Ch Nellie M., William H., Harry R.; Roodhouse R6 Sec28 T13 R12 T50a (1887) Brown, James M. Sr. (Mary Lyons) Ch James, Leo, Walter, Joseph, Sophie, Minnie; Winchester Rl Sec27 T14 R13 O200a (1854) Brown, John H. (Estella Drummon) Ch Levi, Lola, Nellie; Winchester R2 Secl7 T14 R12 Farm Hand W. A. Knapp (1880) Brown, J. M. Jr. (Elizabeth Wilbert) Ch Mary; Winchester Rl Sec27 T14 R13 T80a Mrs. Anna Lyons (1879) Bryan, Palmer (Ruth Ruby) Ch Rob- ert; Winchester Rl T13 R14 Farm Hand Tom Fanmon (1901) Buchanan, Lucien (Fanny Black) Bluffs R2 Sec29 T15 R12 O126a (1863) Buchanan, Thomas Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 O135a (1858) Buhlig, Henry (Bertha Albers) Ch Howard, Hazel, Bernice, Donald, Opal; Bluffs R2 Sec26 T15 R13 T130a J. H. Stewart, Sr. (1904) Bunch, George T. (Ruth Foster) Ch Moses, James; Winchester R3 Sec28 T14 Rll O28a (1892) Bunch, J. W. (Sarah Howell) Ch James, Joseph, Charles, Elizabeth, May, Flora, Otis, Anna, Ella, Elsie; Winchester R2 Secl6 T14 R13 T47a M. McLaughlin (1848) Bunch, Joseph (Lily Davis) Ch Ruby, Cleo, Opal, Clarence; Naples Rl Sec30 T15 R13 T160a J. Robinson (1873) Burke, Daniel (Sarah Ward) Ch Catherine, Mary, James, Margaret, Abgail; Manchester Rl Sec4 T13 Rll O80a (1867) Burns, Charles W. (Belle Hubble) Alsey Sec22 T13 R12 O34a (1873) Burns, Frank E. (Bettie Smith) Ch Bernice, Onda and Claude Evans, Stepchildren; Winchester R2 SecS T14 R12 Farm Hand Luther Horn- beek (1889) Burns, P. F. (Lucy Welch) Ch Mil- dred, Russell, Robert, Raymond Welch; Winchester R5 Sec9 T14 R12 O80a (1872) Burnett, Robert F. (Kate Leitze) Ch Robert J.; Glasgow Sec28 T13 R13 Farm Hand George Woodall (1877) Burrus, George W. (Dovie Haskell) Bluffs R2 Sec35 T15 R13 T112a F. Haskell and Mrs. Dove H. Burrus (1876) Bush, Arthur (Carrie E. Leib) Ch Ima, Leib; Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 O300a (1872) Bushnell, Harry E. (Gladys Day) Ch Gladys, Lucile; Winchester R6 Sec23 T13 R12 TlOOa Louis Day (1915) Butzbach, William (Nettie King) Ch Justus, Jessie, Percy, Lucile; Win- chester Rl Sec30 T14 R12 O15a (1861) 100 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Call, A. E. (Malinda Savage) Ch Idella M., Edna, Carrie; Roodhouse R3 Sec27 T13 R12 Farm Hand Mrs. G. Wilson (1848) Camerer, Jesse (Sarah W. Earley) Ch Robert N., Lucy C, Etta W., John A., Ray A., Ervin C.; Roodhouse R6 Sec28 T13 R12 T40a John Haney (1894) Campbell, Alonzo (Cora Mitchell) Ch Ida, Mae, Ola, Eva; Winchester Rl Sec27 T14 R13 Farm Hand James T. Wilson (1879) Campbell, C. T. (Bertha Campbell) Ch Claude, Chester, Anna; Winchester Rl Sec21 T14 R13 O17a (1876) Campbell, Edward (Mabel Benson) Ch Louise; Winchester Rl Secl6 T14 R13 T300a S. D. Campbell (1891) Campbell, H. W. (Minnie Severns) Ch Royal, Leta, Rena, Floyd; "Campbell Hollow Farm" Naples Rl Sec4 T14 R13 T60a R. P. Camp- bell (1886) Campbell, Norman "Elmwood Farm" Winchester R5 Sec33 T15 R12 O200a (1875) Campbell, Samuel (Janie Smith) Ch Gertrude, Mabel; Winchester Secl6- 26 T14 R13 O38a T20a Mrs. Chum- ley (1864) Campbell, S. D. (Alice Davis) Ch Ora, Ottie, Edward, Maggie; Win- chester Secl6 T14 R13 O300a (1858) Campbell, W. R. (Rennah Peak) Ch Margaret, Clara B., Louise, Wesley R., James H.; Winchester Rl Sec30 T14 R12 pl03a (1905) Carey, Curtis (Abbiegail Quinn) Ch Catheryn L., Letta, Henry W., Lois E., Paul; Winchester R3 Sec25 T14 R12 O145a (1889) Carlton, W. M. (Pearl Knapp) Ch Mildred F., Mary A., Helen M.; Winchester R3 Sec33 T14 R12 O280a (1876) Carter, C. C. and J. B. (Cora Biggs, Wife of C. C.) "Nithside Poultry Ranch" Chapin R2 Secl3 T15 R13 0120a (1872) Castle, Leroy O. (Gladys Berry) Ch Leroy, Vincent; Bluffs Rl Sec3 T15 R13 T280a Henry Oakes (1897) Chambeis, James O. (Minnie Lawson) Ch William, Harry, Oliver; Naples Rl Secl3 T15 R14 O104a (1875) Chapman, Charles Bluffs Sec8 T15 R13 T160a W. Chapman Est. (1855) Chapman, Ethel and Mildred Bluffs Sec8 T15 R13 O400a (1895) Chandoin, Mack (Bertha Angelo) Ch Otis, Ivy, Myrtle; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 Farm Hand S. C. Walker (1917) Chrisman, B. F. (Clara Allen) Ch Allen, Frances, Susie; "Elm Springs Stock Farm" Merritt Sec26 T15 R12 O60a T50a John Barry (1853) Chrisman, E. M. (Mattie Coultas) Ch John, Maud, Bert, Charles, Luella, Georgia; Jacksonville Rl Sec25 T15 R12 O60a T80a Mrs. H. E. Chris- man (1858) Christman Bros., J. W. and N. Jack- sonville Rl Sec24 T15 R12 O80a (1867) Chrisman, Mrs. H. Ch Edgar, Ben- jamin, Margaret, Sarah, Laura, Emma, Harriet, Georgie; Jackson- ville Rl Sec25 O80a (1847) Christison, H. M. (Mary Butzbach) Ch Cecil, Elmer, Ola, Russell, Clyde; Winchester R2 Sec24 T14 R13 O80a (1863) Christison, George W. (Hattie Cox) Ch Ethel, Florence, Irvin; Win- chester R5 Sec9 T14 R12 Farm Hand Ed. Gillham (1875) Christison, Jake (Lena Dunham) Ch Lecie, Susie, Stella, Hazel Win- chester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 O80a (1867) Christison, Richard (Anna D. Ward) Winchester R4 Sec32 T14 R12 O42a (1869) Clark, Benjamin S. (Vina Lewis) Ch Beulah, Olin; Winchester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 T25a Charles Friday (1870) Clark, William F/.' (Bell Helmick) Cft Ethel A.; Roodhouse R3 Sec24 T13 R12 T300a F. F. Clark (1912) Clark, William S. (Tabitha Akers) Ch William F., Bertha, Oscar M., Charles W.; Roodhouse R3 Sec24 T13 R12 O131a (1837) Clayton, Arthur (Grace Harley) Ch Ethel, Roy, Maud; Manchester Rl SeclS T13 Rll Farm Hand Albert Hayes (1917) Claywell, Mrs. Bird Ch Charles, Anna, Pearl, Earl; Winchester R4 Seel T13 R12 OlOOa (1862) Claywell, Charles (Flossie Harrison) Ch Thelma; Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 T18a Mrs. E. Roach (1885) 101 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Claywell, Mrs. J. F. Ch Will J., Minnie C, J. Karl; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R12 TSla J. F. Claywell Est. (1865) Claywell, Thomas J. (Emma L. Tay- lor) Ch Mabel, Lillie, Ray, Dale; Winchester Rl Secll T13 R12 O81a (1865) Coates, P. A. (Annetta Richardson) Ch Bertha V., Alvin, Eddie; Win- chester R5 Seel T14 R12 O333a (1875) Coates, Robert (Ella Morris) Ch Glenn; Winchester R5 Seel T14 R12 OlSOa (1875) Cockerill, Alfred E. (Mary Cantrell) Ch Goldie, Harvey, Austin, Sadie, Fred, Ruth, Irene, Ruby, Mary, Al- fred; Murrayville Rl Sec27 T14 Rll O80a (1865) Cockerill, Harvey L. (Neta Stice) Ch James A.; Manchester Rl Sec33 T14 Rll TlOOa Calvin Hart (1894) Coker, D. (Minerva Lovelace) Ch Elsie, Hazel, Blanch, Cloyd Drake, Stepson; Winchester R4 Sec23 T13 R13 T80a James Lovelace (1907) Collins, J. U. (Lizzie Hoefner) Ch Esther, Ray, Freda, Sterling; Win- chester R2 Sec24 T14 R13 O80a (1915) Collins, Mrs. Mary O'Bryan Ch Lillie M., Mary C.; Winchester R2 Sec8 T14 R12 O272a Collison, John P. (Mabel Dickens) Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 Farm Hand A. Bush (1892) Combs, William (Laura Christman) Ch Eunice, Annie, Olie, Willie, Wesley, George; Winchester Sec25 T15 R12 Q64a (1902) Comerford, Edward (Mary Flynn) Ch Leo, Earl, Ralph, Edward, Charles H., Martha; Naples Sec35 T15 R14 O400a (1860) Condon Bros., John and Mike (Anna Condon, Sister) Manchester Rl SecS T13 Rll O120a (1880) Cook, W. D. (Millie Barlow) Ch Woodson, Helen, Forest, Dewey, Sylvester, Samuel, John, Alice; Val- ley Sec35 T15 R14 T127a W. Rogers (1912) Coon, R. S. (Leila Kelly) Ch Lucile; Florence Sec25 T14 R14 Manager H. G. Herget (1912) Cooper, David J. (Nellie Herron) Ch Roily; Manchester Rl Secl3 T14 R12 T70a James H. Garvin (1902) Cooper, Robert (Marietta Akers) Ch Ernest J., Mary J., William C., George A.; Manchester Sec30 T13 Rll O365a (1856) Copley, Frank A. (Stella Kelley) Ch Stanley; Manchester Rl Sec6 T13 R12 T171a James Copley (1886) Copley, James (Annie Brown) Ch William, John, Mary, Frank, Albert, Fred, Bessie; Manchester Rl Sec6 T13 R12 Ol>la (1867) Copley, John R. (Grace Kelley) Ch Glenn Leo; Winchester R6 Sec2 T13 R12 T120a Mrs. L. Woodall (1880) Copley, William (Hetty Thompson) Manchester Rl Sec21 T13 Rll T120a George Heaton (1876) Corbin, W. S. (Ollie Thompson) Win- chester R6 Sec34 T14 R12 T75a Mrs. M. Thompson (1912) Coughlin, Frank (Minnie Canatsley) Ch Gertrude G., Mildred D., Thur- man F., Lillie M.; Winchester R3 Sec31 T14 Rll T280a Jack Canats- ley (1890) Coultas, Albert A. (Lillie O'Donnell) Ch Marinda, Thomas, Albert, Rich- ard; Winchester Secl9 T14 R12 O200a T120a Warren Coultas (1877) Coultas, Anson (Ella Richardson) Ch Glenn R.; Winchester R5 Sec22 T14 R12 O95a (1853) Coultas, B. M. (Mattie Bailey) "Glen Oak Farm" Winchester R3 Sec26 T14 R12 O130a (1877) Coultas, Carl (Eva Buckley) Ch Jes- sie, Russell, Wanda; Winchester Rl SecS T13 R12 TllOa Neat and Con- dit Bank (1885) Coultas, Charles E. (Inez M. Breckon) Ch June J. Bessie I., Ferry A., Percie E., Fred M.; "The Pines" Winchester R3 Sec26 T14 R12 O120a (1870) Coultas, Chester (Cecile Smothers) Ch Lucile, Robert; Winchester Rl Secl9 T14 R13 T160a Mrs. C. H. Condit (1887) Coultas, C. H. (Mary Glossap) Ch Elmer, Chester E., Maud, Allen, Bert, Dewey; Winchester R5 SeclO T14 R12 OlOOa (1855) Coultas, Elbert J. (Laura Gibbs) Ch Ethel, Roy, Nellie; Winchester R5 Sec3 T14 R12 O645a (1857) Coultas, Grant (Mayme Hawk) Ch Wilson J., Frances, Jack; Winches- ter R5 Secl6 T14 R12 O350a (1864) Coultas, H. A. (Jennie W. Peak) Ch Isaac, Linton; Winchester Rl Secll T13 R13 O160a (1873) Coultas, Irvin F. (Lydia Townsend) Ch Mary, Lois, Margaret, James; Winchester R3 Sec21 T14 R12 O300a (1865) 102 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Coultas, Linton G. (Bertha Shull) Winchester Rl Secll T13 R13 T200a Hiram Hunter (1896) Coultas, Luther (Ida L. Beutler) Win- chester R3 Sec25 T15 R12 T160a R. H. Coultas (1874) Coultas, L. L. (Fannie Ham) Ch Mamy; Riggston SeclO T14 R12 O95a (1866) Coultas, Ray W. (Gertrude Damson) Ch Geraldine; Winchester R2 Sec20 T14 R12 T120a (1880) Coultas, Roy J. (Mettie Berryman) Ch Clyde R., Virginia, Elizabeth; Winchester R5 SeclS T14 R12 T250a Elbert Coultas (1887) Coultas, R. T. G. (Luella Dawson) Ch Arthur, Leroy, Carl E., Frank, Richard, Minnie, Ella, Belle; Riggs- ton Sec33 T15 R12 O9S^a (1849) Coultas, Samuel J. (Bessie Barber) Ch Mildred Lucile, Dean Barber; Jacksonville Rl Sec30 T1S R12 O80a (1870) Cowan, Elex (Mrs. Young, Mother) Winchester Rl SeclS T13 R12 O24a T90a Elmer Young (1872) Cowan, Harry (Laura Tuttel) Ch Richard, Aleck, Kenneth, Marion; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 Farm Hand S. C. Walker (1879) Cowan, Joseph (Lillian Lietze) Win- chester Rl Secl4 T13 R13 O24a (1884) Cowgill, A. A. (Annie Livingston) Ch Libbie, Sadie, Georgie; Man- chester Rl Sec7 T13 Rll T80a J. M. Heaton (1849) Cox, Almon D. Winchester R2 Sec9 T14 R13 O149a (1885) Cox, George E. (Etta Hoots) Ch Clar- ence, Helen, Unie, Isabelle; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 O40a (1882) Cox, G. H. (Phoebe Price) Ch Myrtle, Lecie, Louis, Russell, Lena, Carl, Clifford; Naples Rl Sec32 T15 R13 T200a Mrs. N. E. Kellem (1866) Cox, Levi (Alice Howell) Ch Hester, Floyd; Naples Rl Sec9 T14 R13 TllOa Mary A. and G. Cox (1881) Cox, W. H. (Mattie L. Cox, Sister) Winchester R5 Sec9 T14 R12 O160a (1848) Craddock, Martin (Saluda Patterson) Ch William, Thomas, Zella, Irene, Charles, Marie, Freda, Fay, Vivian, Catherine, Harvey; Manchester Rl Sec3 T13 Rll O80a (1872) Crabtree, George W. (Ida Mitchell) Ch Ray, Edna; Winchester Rl Sec22 T13 R13 T120a W. N. Gihbs (1860) Crabtree, J. M. (Martha E. Boston) Ch James W., Nellie B., Thomas L., Nina F.; Winchester Rl Secl4 T13 R12 O14a (1848) Crabtree, Joseph W. (Nettie Sweet) Ch Lola, Glenn, Frances; Winches- ter R6 Sec4 T13 R12 Farm Hand A. P. Grout (1884) Crabtree, L. Winchester Rl Sec33 T14 R13 Farm Hand C. R. Wilson (1889) Crabtree, Oscar (Mabel Parker) Ch Roy; Winchester Rl SeclO T13 R13 T120a Hunter-Allen Co. (1877) Crabtree, William A. (Elizabeth Brown) Ch Ella, Amy, Jacob, Alty, Frances, William; Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 O36Sa (1839) Crew, H. H. (Louisa Sappington) Ch Emma, Moxie; Winchester R5 Sec28 T15 R12 T160a N. Gillham (1872) Crum, Elmer (Angelina Montague) Ch Iverson, Raymond, Ruth, Paul; Bluffs R2 Sec29 T15 R13 T240a Green Est. (1916) Cryder, Charles (Grace Gaacher) Ch Ruth, Carrie; Manchester Sec33 T13 Rll T280a Mrs. Roodhouse (1911) Cuddy, Buell L. (Gladys Roberts) Roodhouse R3 Sec25 T13 Rll T240a Mrs. O. G. Roberts (1901) Culp, Luther (Effie Angelo) Winches- ter R3 Sec27 T14 Rll T80a A. Stoneiiouse (1907) Cumby, Edward (Bessie Young) Ch Imogene; Winchester R4 Sec23 T13 R13 T40a (1884) Cumby, James S. (Nellie B. Crabtree) Ch Neva, Erma; Winchester Rl Secl4 T13 R13 O40a (1879) Cumby, J. M. (Martha Trowler) Ch Edward, William; Winchester R4 Sec23 T13 R13 O40a (1861) Cumby, Virgel (Annie Fowler) Ch Mary, Lena, Goldie, Elmer, Erma, Amanda, Mildred, Everett, William; Winchester R5 Secl6 T14 R12 Farm Hand Grant Coultas (1870) Cumby, W. J. (Etta Young) Ch Del- bert, Addie, Mary, Ray; Winches- ter R4 Sec23 O40a (1867) Cummings, Leslie (Edith Welch) Ch Vernin; Alsey Sec9 T13 R12 Farm Hand B. A. Biggers (1894) Curtis, James F. (Jessie Lemon) Ch Lloyd F., Lucy E.; Roodhouse R3 Secl9 T13 Rll O35a (1882) Curtis, Joab (Dora L. Boston) Rood- house R3 Sec30 T13 Rll T80a Frank Curtis (1888) 103 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY D Dahman, J. F. (Lena Zahn) Ch Clar- ence, Vera, Russell; Winchester R3 SeclS T14 R12 O182a (1891) Dalrymple, G. R. (Mary McDonald) Ch Jennie, Walter, Clara, Lizzie, Lucille; Winchester Rl Sec29 T14 R13 T200a Dick.Bros. (1913) Daniels, H. E. (Harriett A. Fannon) Ch James A., Nettie, Hattie E., William E., Joseph H., Robert; Hill- view R2 Sec33 T13 R13 O40a T73a W. M. Corbett (1912) Daniels, W. E. (Lena Cecil Cumby) Hillview R2 Sec32 T13 R13 T350a W. M. Corbett (1910) Daniels, Robert (May Mitchell) Ch Imogene; Hillview R2 Sec33 T13 R13 T8a Frost Est. (1910) Davis, G. W. (Sarah Ann Howell) Ch Raymond, Earl, Russell, Melvin, Beatrice, Nora, Nina; Naples Rl Sec24 T15 R14 T36a Alice Kerns (1893) Dawson, Miles M. (Mary June Horn- beek) Ch Ella M., Otis, Florence, Lois; Winchester R2 Sec7 T14 R12 O80a (1850) Dawson, Ormsby (Emma Kastrup) Ch Mildred, Gertrude, Roy, David; Winchester R5 Sec20 T14 R12 O212a (1863) Dawson, Otis (Minnie Thompson) Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 O5a T30a Miles Dawson (1874) Day, Albert (Anna Bird) Roodhouse R3 Sec34 T13 R12 O383a (1852) Day, C. W. (Minnie S. Wilder) Ch Harry, Rosa, Walter, Thelma, Charles C., Vida, Mae; Roodhouse R3 Sec35 T13 R12 O49a (1868) Day, Ed. (Lillie Tunnell) Ch Alta, Lena, Archie, Edna; Roodhouse R3 Sec35 T13 R12 T40a (1910) Day, Eli (Mary Doss) Ch Ira, Otis, Edward; Roodhouse R3 Sec35 T13 R12 O60a (1847) Day, George H. (Libbie Cowgill) Ch Lecie C., Abner W., Harold F. ; Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 O80a (1871) Day, Harry E. (May George) Rood- house R3 Sec34 T13 R12 O20a (1890) Day, Hubert A. (Georgia Cowgill) Ch Osee, Nina, Albert, Pansy; Rood- house R3 Sec28 T13 R12 T120a Al- bert Day (1885) Day, Lonnil E. (Laura Walk) Ch Lois, Imogene; Winchester R6Sec26T13 R12 T25a William H. Day (1893) Day, Otis (Sarah Long) Ch Cecil M., Mabel, Myrtle, Claud; Roodhouse R3 Sec35 T13 R12 O120a (1869) Day, W. G. (Emma Blackburn) Ch Lonnie E., Frank, Leta M., Clar- ence; Winchester R6 Sec23 T13 R12 T240a W. H. Day (1869) Decker, John H. (Cora Willford) Ch Gertie, Kate, Lillie, Sophia, Ettie, Grace; Montezuma Sec20 T13 R13 T80a Aaidlott (1897) Deen, J. J. (Bell Combes) Ch Gertie, Harry, Jessie, Ethel, Thomas, Mil- dred; Manchester Rl Sec9 T13 Rll T80a (1916) Dewire, Miss Nora and Marguart Winchester R6 Sec9 T13 R12 Ollla (1859) Dobson, John (Minnie Stuart) Ch Clarence W., Stanly, Clara, Lucile; Winchester R6 Sec24 T13 R12 O90a (1876) Dobson, Richard L. (Sarah A. Mur- ray) Ch Jessie M., Floyd W., Harry, Charles O., Carl K., Richard, Lu- cille; Manchester Rl Sec3 T13 Rll T160a Thomas McCarty (1915) Dolan, Frank A. (Anna Woodall) Ch Vincent, Addie, Robert, Frances, Leonard, Elizabeth, Samuel, Alien; Winchester R6 Seel T13 R12 OlOOa (1867) Dolan, Robert W. (Mollie Quinn) Ch Murel; Winchester R6 Secl2 T13 R12 T20a Frank Dolaa (1891) Dolen, Vince (Nellie Herring) Ch Virgil; Murrayville Rl Sec28 T14 Rll T80a James Herring (1888) Doss, James V. Roodhouse R3 Sec26 T13 R12 O20a (1907) Doyle, John J. (Ollie O'Donnell) Ch Robert E., Frank L., Lizzie, Bessie, Hazel, James, Mary, Richard; "Locust Lawn Farm" Winchester R6 Sec23 T14 R12 O160a (1858) Doyle, Robert E. (Aleta Harder) Ch Mary, Weldon, Lecye; Naples Rl Sec20 T14 R13 T240a Hy. Harder (1890) Drake, Elmer (Beatrice Lawson) Ch Goldie, Alvia; Montezuma Sec20 T13 R13 T260a Will Herg9t (1912) Drennan, Mrs. Jessie G. (Jessie Green- wait) Ch Neal, Paul William; Man- chester Rl Sec27 T13 Rll Mrs. Sarah Greenwalt (1885) Drummond, William H.(Lyla Ganges) Ch George, Virginia; Winchester R4 Sec36 T13 R13 George Drum- mond (1890) 104 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Dubbel, Will (Mamie Kilver) Ch Nina; Naples Rl Secl7 T14 R13 O80a (1883) Dufelmeier, Herman H. (Mary Boahs) Ch Rudolph, Edward, Carl, Emma, Annie, Edith, Johnnie; Chapin R2 Secl7 T15 R12 O13Sa (1905) Dunham, Scott M. (Eliza Hopper) Ch Mabel, Clarence, Mildred- Chapin R2 Sec29 T15 R12 T203a George Coulson (1887) Dunn, C. E. (Rose M. White) Ch Carl, Mildred, Arlene, Irene; Winchester R3 Sec31 T14 Rll O30a (1914) Dunn, William W. (Malinda H. Bonds) Ch Charles C, Ida E., George A.; Chapin R2 Secl6 T15 R12 O40a (1885) Dunnegan, Thomas S. (Fannie B. Day) Ch Edith M., Flossie D., Ralph T., Harry L., Donald W.; Winchester R6 Sec23 T13 R12 T30a W. H. Day (1907) E Ebaugh, W. S. and J. C. Winchester R2 Sec32 T15 R12 O300a (1853) Edmonson, James W. (Courtney Mure) Ch Milton, Mure, Julia, Louise; Winchester P Secl2 T14 R13 O140a (1880) Edmonson, L. A. (Mary Franklin) Ch Thomas, George, William, Minnie, Eileen; Winchester Rl Sec36 T14 R13 O40a (1853) Edwards, James A. (Hannah Mehr- hoff) Ch Alfred, Julia E., Annabelle, Opal, Paul, Effie M., James R.; Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 O40a (1870) Ehlert, Carl (Katie Kreig) Ch Arthur, Bernhardt, Ella, Hugo, Willie, Oscar; Naples Rl Secl9 T14 R13 T172a Charles Walter (1914) Ellerman, Hy. (Marie Meier) Ch Mamie, Paul, Clara, Helen; Bluffs Rl Seel T15 R13 O80a (1879) Elliott, Earl (Rose Weeder) Ch Elsie, June, Mary, Bert; Winchester R5 SeclS T14 R12 T140a E. E. Crabtree (1900) Elliott, Harry H. (Minnie Anders) Winchester R5 SeclS T14 R12 T140a Ed. Crabtree (1889) Elliott, William (Maria Whewill) Ch Earl, Harry, Fred, Cedric, May; Winchester R3 Sec27T14R12 O160a (1882) Emmons, Walter L. (Edna B. Smed- ley) Merritt Sec27 T15 R12 Farm Hand William Morris (1898) Emmons, W. H. (Lou Baker) Ch Harry, John, Martin, Bessie, Cleve, Lee, George, Frank; Exeter Sec25 T15 R13 O4a (1884) Enke, Frank (Dora Weber) Ch Reine, Otto, Emma, Arthur, Anna; Neely- ville Secl3 T15 R13 O115a (1907) Enke, Reinie (Johanna Cordes) Ch Alfred; Chapin R2 Secl3 T15 R13 TlOOa Hy. Vannier (1907) Eoff, Albert (Etta King) Ch Rose, Ralph; Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 O40a (1898) Eoff, Elmer (Cecil Hankins) Ch Howard; Winchester R3 Sec26 T14 R12 Farm Hand W. M. Carlton (1912) Evans, Benjamin F. (Malinda Harper) Ch James, Amanda, Alice, Mattie, Mary, Rose, Lillie, Ruth, George, Albert, Edward; Winchester Rl Sec2 T13 R13 T2a Herb McClure (1892) Evans, Charles B. (Artie Franklin) Ch Gilbert, Earnest, Murel, Fred, Elsie, Raymond, Cordell; Winchester Rl Sec2 T13 R13 OlOa (1873) Evans, Edward E. (Pearl Anders) Ch Roy, Mary, Louise, Raymond, Helen, Catherine; Winchester Rl Sec20 T14 R13 Farm Hand J. Hub- bard (1874) Evans, Grant W. (Flossie Havens) Ch Rita L., Rowena, Rowland, Ralph, Renna; Winchester Rl Secll T13 R13 O30a T40a J. S. Havens (1875) Evans, Homer (Bessie Jackson) Ch Margaret, Martha; Winchester Rl SeclO T13 R13 Farm Hand J. Shepard (1882) Evans, H. H. (Florence McEvers) Ch Orval, Cecil, Zula; Winchester Rl Sec21 T13 R13 T180a Sawyer Land & T. Co. (1869) Evans, Jackson L. (Eva Evans) Ch Russell, Chester, Isabell, Marie, Oscar; Winchester R3 Secl9 T14 Rll T284a Ralph Frost (1876) Evans, James (Ethel May) Ch Ray- mond, Merle; Winchester Rl Sec25 T14 R13 Farm Hand W. Hamilton (1900) Evans, James W. (Emma Krueger) Ch Gracie, Nancy, Herman; Win- chester R6 Seel T13 R12 T140a H. Balke (1872) 105 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Evans, Orval S. (Gertrude Rush) Win- chester Rl Sec21 T13 R13 T120a (1896) Evans, Robert (Belle Priest) Ch Lecye, Clay, Chatt, Doss; "Sunny Slope Farm" Winchester Rl Sec21 T14 R13 O133a Sec26 T160a Mrs. F. Chumley (1870) Evans, William M. (Amanda Henson) Ch George W., Dora, Willie, Char- ley, Eva, Mary; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R13 T2a F. J. Claywell (1872) Evans, Willis C. (Ethel Blake) Win- chester Rl SeclO T13 R13 Farm Hand J. Shepard (1895) F Fanning, Isaac L. Winchester R5 Sec35 T15 R12 T39a C. W. Richard- son (1891) Fannon, Thomas (Alta Smith) Ch Elmer, Elma; Winchester Rl Secl3 T13 R13 O122a (1897) Farrell, John (Catherine Walsh) Ch Thomas, Patrick F., Mary, Bridget, Agnes, Loretta; Manchester Rl Sec3 T13 Rll O160a (1880) Farrington, Ed. Glasgow Sec 28 T13 R12 T60a G. W. Young (1877) Fawkner, Frank (Mary Hoffarth) Naples Rl SeclS T15 R13 O120a (1911) Fearneyhough, Erwin R. (Pearl Per- kins) Ch Ralph, Ray, Irene; Win- chester R3 Sec35 T14 R12 T60a Charles Coulas (1886) Fearneyhough, James W. (Laura A. Southwell) Ch Erwin R., Ida M., Ellen G., Frances M., Harold J.; Winchester R3 Sec30T15 Rll O120a (1863) Fearneyhough, William (Florence Ticknor) Ch Wilbur Reid; Win- chester R3 Secl9 T14 Rll TllOa J. Jefferson (1890) Fels, Rudolph A. (Susan Strope) Ch Henry, Rudolf; Naples Rl Secl6 T14 R13 Farm Hand S. D. Camp- bell (1907) Fernandes, J. H. (Nora Smith) Ch Elsie, Lonnie, Armenta, Vermeta; Jacksonville Rl Sec24 T15 RIO O40a (1898) Finney, J. H. "Mount Cottage Farm" Bluffs R2 Sec28 T15 R13 O120a (1836) Finson, F. M. (Laura Owens) Ch Verne, Roy, Emma, Theodore, Stella; Chapin R2 Sec36 T15 R12 O20a (1899) Fitzsimmons, Charles (June Halpin) Ch Freida. Helen; Naples Rl Sec2S T15 R14 O160a (1892) Fitzsimmons, Edward (Laura Albers) Ch Earl, Harold; "Oak Grove Farm" Naples Rl Sec25 T15 R14 O161a (1889) Fletcher, Mary E. Ch James S., Charles C., Ulysses S., Persis J., Hubert H.; "Meadow Brook Farm" Winchester R4 Sec32 T14 R12 OllOa (1844) Fletcher, William S. " (Margaret Stringer) Ch Mary, Lee; Winches- ter R3 Sec25 T14 R12 OllOa (1913) Flynn, S. P. (Fannie Jane Wilson) Ch Etta B., Harry L., Ollie M., Effie, Albert S.; Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 Ola (1847) Folley, Charles E. (Cynthia Smock) Ch Sophia; Roodhouse R3 Sec35 T13 R12 O103a (1908) Fowler, John (Lillie Beasley) Ch Allen; Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 Farm Hand Luther Coultas (1863) Franklin, Schuyler Ch Edward, Ar- thur, William, Ethel, Ransom; Win- chester Rl Sec34 T14 R13 O2^a (1887) Freesen, Wm. F. (Mary Buhlig) Ch Herman, Henry, Oscar, Tillie, Mag- gie, Nora; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 0320a (1881) Freitag, Charles C. (Minnie Burmeis- ter) Ch Pearl, Edna, Irene, Charles Jr.; Winchester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 OUa. (1909) Friend, Cornelius (Mary E. Renner) Ch Lydia J., Christian C., Mary E., Louis L., William S.; Winchester Rl Sec4 T13 R13 T245a W. B. Adelott (1917) Frost, Clarence W. (Lena Weeder) Ch Robert H., Albert W.; Winches- ter R3 Secl9 T14 Rll T165a Mrs. M. Frost (1888) Frost, George B. (Hilda Weeder) Ch Lois V.; Winchester R3 Sec T14 R12 T90a Mrs. M. Frost (1891) Frost, William S. (Luella Watt) Ch Helen M., Elizabeth A.; Winchester R3 Secl9 T14 Rll O177a (1864) Fry, Edley (Lettie Thompson) Ch Donald, Clarence. Lucas; Naples Rl Sec25 T15 R14 O9a T60a Hy. and C. Oakes (1872) 106 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Fry, George Naples Rl Sec24 T15 R14 O9a T136a Emma Fry (1872) Frye, Enoch (Mary Kernts) Ch Wil- bert, Carrie, Clyde, Ralph, Pierce, Chester; Naples Sec6T15 R13 T320a J. Hamilton (1887) Funk, Clarence E. (Hallie L. White) Riggston Sec3 T14 R12 T275a B. F. Green (1881) Funk, Clyde (Eva Hutches) Ch Marie, Maurice; "Maple Hill Farm" Bluffs R2 Sec30 T15 R12 T161a Laura W. Funk (1878) Funk, Lola M. Ch Nimrod K., Harry W., Murl A., Ray T., Margaret L., Fern L.; "Maple Stock Farm" Bluffs R2 Sec30 T15 R12 O54a (1899) Funk, Louis C. (Margaret Clark) Ch Glenn, Emory, Stanley; Roodhouse R3 Sec30 T13 Rll O305a (1893) Funk, Rufus (Amanda Hitt) Ch Franklin, Minnie, Mary; Bluffs R2 Sec36 T15 R13 O200a (1841) Fuss, Edward (Annie Parker) "Hick- ory Ridge Farm" Naples Rl Secl7 T14 R13 T185a L. Leland (1867) Gaither, Chester I. (Lula M. Wood- man) Ch Alice H.; Winchester R6 Sec29 T14 R12 T30a H. Fletcher (1892) Garvin, James (Sophia Arendell) Ch Nellie, Mabel; Roodhouse R3 Secl9 T13 R12 O193a (1888) Gauges, Albert (Daisy Wade) Ch Lyla, Leo, Veta, Ralph; Winchester R4 Sec36 T13 R12 O70a (1874) Gauges, Gus (Marie Ashmore) Ch Leona M., Leta M., Delmar A., Clara A.; Winchester R4 Sec20 T13 R12 T80a Roy James (1876) Gayheart, D. W. (Ibbie .Wilson) Ch Kimber, Myrtle, Ralph; Valley Sec2 T14 R14 T280a H. G. Pine (1916) George, Oscar (Lizzie Page) Ch Mat- tie, May, Minnie, Earl, Thomas; Alsey SeclS T13 R13 OllOa (1857) Gerard, John (Sabry Cox) Ch Vena, Ross, Margaret, Hallie; Naples Secll T14 R14 T120a John Sowden (1872) Gibbs, Edgar M. (Jessie Dickinson) Ch Gladys, Nellie, Everett, Martha; Winchester R5 Secll T14 R12 O71a (1866) Gibbs, H. B. (Harriett E. McCol- lough) Winchester R5 Sec4 T14 R12 T160a H. E. Gibbs (1868) Gibbs, James H. (Rachel A. Bower) Ch Bertha M., Mettie B., Myrtle A., Bert H.; Roodhouse R3 Sec27 T13 R12 O80a (1875) Gibbs, Robert C. (Laura Johnson) Ch Birdie, Vashti, Ray, Hazel, Leroy; Winchester R3 Sec36 T14 R12 O135a (1866) Gibbs, William K. (Gallic Dodsworth) "Cedar Row Farm" Winchester R5 Secl2 T14 R12 O211a (1873) Giffin, R. C. (Brooksie Murphy) Win- chester Rl Sec32 T14 R13 T200a E. A. Hippen (1916) Gillham, Erastus M. (Ida Bunce) Win- chester R2 Sec20 T14 R12 O87a (1860) Gillham, J. E. Ch Maud, Paul, Har- old, Lawrence, Ralph, Rebecca, 'Marjorie; Winchester R5 Sec4 T14 R12 T160a J. W. Camp (1863) Gillham, J. L. (Percie Hawk) Ch Eunice, Enid; Winchester R3 Sec4 T14 R12 T160a Gillham Est. (1868) Gillham, J. W. (Fannie Leib) Ch Rob- ert, John; "Oak Edge Farm" Bluffs R2 Seel T14 R13 T120a E. L. Leib (1870) Gilman, Charles (Emma Albers) Ch Earl, Roy, Edith, Russell, Harold; Winchester R2 Sec3 T14 R13 OlOOa TlOOa George Hart (1889) Gilman, J. H. (Effie Brown) Ch Ethel, Bessie, Lula, Howard, Kenneth, Ruth; Naples Rl Sec32 T15 R13 T203a Mrs. N. E. Kellem (1894) Glossop, Albert (Laura Williams) Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 T240a F. P. Coultas (1914) Glossop, Arthur (Josephine Seibel) Ch Melvin S., A. Marvon; Winches- ter R2 Secl7 T14 R12 T140a Mrs. M. Glossop (1876) Glossop, T. E. (Anna E. Scott) Ch Anna, Floyd, Ralph, Orville, James; Winchester R3 Sec29 T14 Rll T240a Warren North (1860) Glossop, Walter (Lizzie Marsh) Ch J. Ernest, Oscar, George, Harry, Thomas, Frank, Mary; Winchester R2 SeclS T14 R12 O225a (1864) Graves, N. T. (Nona Hamilton) Ch Curt, Tessie, Roy, Essie, Nannie, Chester; Winchester Rl Sec36 T14 R13 T46a George Murray (1905) 107 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gray Bros. Albert, William E. and Charles; Roodhouse R6 Sec29 T13 R12 O120a (1864) Gray, Roy (Stella Ecklebarger) Ch Juanita, Eliza; Naples Sec35 T14 R14 Farm Hand Ed. Comerford (1914) Greenwalt, Bida (Rebecca Baker) Ch Howard; Manchester Rl Sec28 T13 Rll T60a H. McConnell (1913) Greenwalt, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Neal) Ch Ethel, Jessie; Manchester Rl Sec27 T13 Rll OlOOa (1879) Goolsby, David (Mary Angelo) Ch Rohert, Bessie; Winchester R6 Sec2 T13 R12 T137a Mason Est. (1897) Gordon, Edgar L. (Luella V. Gordon) Ch Earl E., Sarah E., Zoe V., Cedric F., Margueretta V., Ralph E.; Win- chester R3 Secl3 T14 R12 O112a (1895) Gordon, Henry L. (Frances A. Camp) Ch Cecile F., J. Karl, Mabel F., H. Scott, Mark D.; Winchester R3 Secl7 T14 R15 O216a (1852) Gordon, H. Scott (Gladys Gibbs) Ch Lloyd Reid; Winchester R3 Secl3 T14 R12 T280a Mrs. E. M. Doan and H. Gordon (1888) Gordon, James B. (Mary F. Coultas) Ch Frank, Jettie; Winchester R3 Secl3 T14 R12 O140a (1859) Gordon, William E. (Maria E. Ander- ton) Ch Lucy C., George H., Sallie E., Edith M., Allen O., Gertrude M., Bertha V., Mary E., Edwin A.; Jack- sonville Rl Sec25 T15 R12 O322a (1850) Grady, Alfred A. (Armeta Gray) Ch Homer, Lorend, Joseph, Eugene, James; Jacksonville Rl Sec22 T15 R12 T8a Mrs. M. Maddin (1910) Grady, Homer E. (Annis Lawson) Ch Arthur; Winchester R2 Sec35 T15 R13 Farm Hand C. M. Stewart (1907) Grant, Samuel (Sarah Hager) Ch Grace, William, Esther, Freeman, Norma, Alma, Charles, Samuel, Elmer, Roy, Nathan; Manchester Sec20 T13 Rll O300a (1917) Gregory, George (Rosa Heferling) Ch Goldie, Emma, Frank, Philip, Pansy, Esther, Nina, John, Virgie; Naples Rl Sec34 T15 R13 Farm Hand J. H. Parks (1860) Gregory, Jackson (Luella Smith) Winchester Rl Secl6 T14 R13 T160a Hy Gregory (1863) Gregory, Monroe (Sibba Davis) Ch Henry, Wesley, Iva; Winchester Rl Secl6 T14 R13 TSOa Hy Gregory (1866) Gregory, P. O. (Ellen Cox) Ch Oscar, Horatio, Onzolo, Sophie, Mary, Emma, Reuben; Winchester R2 Secl6 T14 R13 O45a (1858) Gregory, Ratio (Ella Bunch) Ch Emory, Hubert, Kenneth; Winches- ter R2 Secl6 T14 R13 T35a J. O. Terrell (1882) Gregory, William M. (Mary Bunch) Ch Ira W., Archie; Winchester R2 SeclS T14 R21 TSOa Mrs. S. E. Oppers (1875) Grimm, Adolph G. (Carrie Call) Rood- house R6 Sec33 T13 R12 O40a (1886) Groce, Clayton (Lula Huddleston) Ch Edna, Eldon; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 O40a (1878) Guenther, L. H. (Minnie Jording) Ch William, Eva, Lillian; Winchester R2 Sec35 T15 R13 OlOla (1900) Guinane, James (Miss Minnie Ma- loney, Housekeeper) Winchester R6 Sec 16 T13 R12 OlOOa (1887) Guinane, Mike (Elizabeth O'Donnell) Ch Minnie, Margaret, Stephen, Tes- sie, Jessie, Frank, Bessie; Alsey Sec21 T13 R12 O167a (1864) Guinane, Mrs. Sarah Ch Madeline, ' Chester, Gregory, Lillie, Josephine; Winchester R6 T13 R12 O175a (1904) Guinane, Stephen (Minnie Brown) Ch Agnes; "The Maples" Winchester R6 Sec22 T13 R12 TSOa Miss Minnie Guinane (1890) Gunther, John (Annie Renken) Ch Pearl, Clarence; Winchester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 (1916) H Hainsfurther, Albert (Bertha Mure) Ch Henriette, Julia, Albert, Bessie L.; Winchester Sec24 T14 R12 (1863) Hainsfurther, Sol (Victoria Saghen) Ch Beatrice, Herbert, Robert; Win- chester Sec24 T14 R12 Joseph Roark (1871) Hale, Frank (Nettie Hatfield) Ch Vir- gil, Mark, Jeanette; Naples Sec8 T15 R13 TSOa Hy. Vannier (1869) Hale, Horace (Zyl'ph Kerans) Ch Archie, Marv, Leroy, Teddy, Hellen; Bluffs R2 Secl9 T15 R12 T172a Mary BentLer (1868) 108 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Hale, Virgil (Florence Barfield) Ch Eileen; Naples SecS T15 R13 T107a J. M. Ritter (1905) Hall, Clarence J. (Daisy Wyatt) Ch Don, Infant; Manchester SeclS T15 Rll Farm Hand Albert Hayes (1917) Hall, Ralph (Nannie Hudson) Ch Louise; Manchester Rl T13 Rll Farm Hand Albert Hayes (1917) Hamilton, Albert W. (Grace O'Don- nell) Ch Mabel, Helen; Winchester Rl SeclO T13 R13 T240a H. Hunter (1890) Hamilton, Ed. (Mary Richards) Ch Alta, Ora; Winchester Rl Sec25 T14 R13 O55a (1860) Hamilton, Jam'es T. (Millie Hamilton Mother) Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 T25a Mrs. G. K. Haukins and Mr. Metzers (1870) Hamilton, J. E. (Stella Peak) Ch Georgia, Louise, Roy, Floyd, Kate; Winchester Rl Sec2S T14 R13 O163a (1865) Hamilton, Mrs. J. R. (Millie McClure) Ch Thomas, Otis, Belle, Emma; Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 O2a (1841) Hamilton, N. L. (Percy Smithson) Ch Albert, Ethel, Mary, Wesley; "Scott County Farm" Winchester Rl Sec25 T14 R13 T80a Scott County Farm (1866) Hamilton, Otis (Mattie E. Dean) Ch Amelia; Winchester R2 Sec20 T14 R12 T195a D. W. Gibbs (1875) Hamilton, Stephen A. (Susan Black- burn) Ch Nona; Winchester Rl Sec25 T14 R13 O50a (1847) Hamilton, William M. (Irene Abrams) Ch Russell, Marjorie, James, Lucile; Naples Sec7 T15 R13 T220a James Hamilton (1873) Hamm, J. E. Ch Charles, Mary, Frank, Edward; Naples Rl Sec36 T14 R13 O40a (1868) Hammon, Frank (Alice Jackson) Ch Oscar, Earnest, Maudie, Nettie, Katie, Willie; Glasgow Secl9 T13 R12 Farm Hand C. Haney Est. (1852) Hampton, Ely G. (Emma Fletcher) Ch Doris, Vernon; Jacksonville Rl Sec24 T15 R12 O72a (1890) Haney, Mrs. Alice Ch Elsie, Lee, Alta, Lessie, Tessie; Roodhouse R6 Sec34 T13 R12 O174a (1867) Haney, Charles (Florence Beverly) Ch Nellie, Yuel; Roodhouse R6 Sec29 T13 R12 O140a (1876) Haney, Harrison (Winnie Townsend) Ch Lela, Arthur, Marie, Frank, Eva, May, John; Roodhouse R6 Sec 29 T13 R12 O80a (1872) Haney, John Ch Oscar, Charles, Nelia, Nellie; Roodhouse R6 Sec33 T13 R12 O216a (1846) Haney, Oscar (Laura Beverly) Ch Edith, Jay, Beulah; Roodhouse R6 Sec32 T13 R12 O160a (1871) Hankins, George K. (Olive Walker) Ch Mary, Lilian; Winchester R2 SeclS T14 R13 T160a I. Walker Est. (1858) Hannell, Louie (Ada Lee Jones) Ch William, Lee, Frances G. ; Winches- ter Rl Secl6 T13 R13 T72a (1913) Hannell, William (Mary Evans) Ch Verna, Floyd; Winchester Rl Secl6 T13 R13 T75a D. Gibbs (1912) Hardister, William (Cora) Ch Mabel, Mildred, May, Minnie, James, Henry; Winchester Rl Sec36 T14 R13 T78a Frank Hardister Hardwick, George W. (Elizabeth Wood) Ch Thomas M. Jr.; "El Contento Farm" Merritt Sec26 T15 R12 T220a Thomas M. Hardwick (1872) Hardwick, Newton (Mary Richard- son) Ch Laura; Jacksonville Rl T15 R12 T240a J. Z. Scott Est. (1870) Hardwick, Thomas M. Ch Mattie, Louise, George W., Sallie; "El Con- tento Farm' ! Merritt Sec26 T15 R12 O984a (1833) Hardy, C. L. (Ollie Jackson) Ch Mamie, Gertrude, Ida, Murel; Win- chester R2 Secl2 T14 R12 O120a (1867) Hardy, Elmer (Minnie Smith) Ch Raymond; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R2 Farm Hand Mrs. L. Tay- lor (1897) Hardy, W. F. Ch Roy, Clarence; Win- chester Sec35 T14 R13 T6a W. J. Hardy (1876) Hardy, William J. (Martha Stice) Ch Charles, Delia, Lawrence, Samuel, William F.; Winchester Sec35 T14 R13 O174a (1842) Harp, George (Nora Stearnes) Ch Willie; Winchester Rl Sec 22 T13 R13 Farm Hand M. J. Sweet (1857) Hart, Ercil (Edna Bean) Winchester R2 Sec34 T14 R13 T25a Golden Hart (1895) Hart, Frank V C. (Fairie Cowgill) Ch Raymond, Kathryn; Murrayville Rl Sec33 T14 Rll T120a Mrs. E. Hart (1887) 109 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hart, Golden (Sadie Moore) Ch Wil- liam, Ercil, Ilah, Beulah, Dovie, Velma, Floyd, Freddie, Orville; Winchester R2 Sec34 T15 R13 OlOOa (1870) Hart, Jake (Ruth Christison) Ch Har- vey, Marvin, Hallie; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O120a (1861) Hart, J. H. (Sallie Boardman) Ch Frank B., Montie, Helen, James H. Jr.; Murrayville Rl Sec33 T14 Rll OlOOa (1895) Hart, William W. (Ruth McLaughlin) Ch Geraldine, Bernice; Winchester R2 Sec3 T14 R13 TlOOa Est. of Delia Ansmus (1892) Harvey, F. J. (Laura Lankford) Ch Russell, Mildred; Jacksonville Rl Sec25 T15 R12 T50a Mrs. Adkisson (1909) Harvey, S. A. (Ida Whittaker) Ch Gladys, Alto; Chapin R2 Sec21 T1S R12 T120a H. B. Riggs (1897) Hasenkamp Bros. (John and Henry) Chapin R2 Sec20 T15 R12 O20Sa (1865) Hasenkamp, William Chapin R2 Sec21 T15 R12 OlOOa (1865) Haskell, Fritz Winchester Sec34-35 T15 R13 O112a (1874) Hatfield, K. R. (Lily Binge) Ch Beu- lah, Eugene, Harold, Lela; Naples Secl3 T15 R14 O80a (1863) Havens, Ira (Addie B. Evans) Ch Homer C; Winchester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 Farm Hand John Savage (1891) Havens, J. E. (Bertha Hoots) Ch Bert, Leonard; Winchester Sec25 T14 R14 T200a H. G. Herget (1891) Hawk, D. C. (Sadie Kelley) Ch Mary E., Sammy J., Helen M., Ralph M.; Winchester R3 SeclO T14 R12 O160a Hawk, J. H. (Jane Hardy) Ch Percy, George, Albert, Ella, Lida; Win- chester R5 Sec27 T15 R12 O127a (1847) Hawk, R. A. (Leonora Wells) Ch Ivan W.; Winchester R3 SeclS T14 R12 O50a (1855) Hawk, W. W. (Louise M. Barry) Ch Ruth, Jesse, Nellie, Wilmana; Win- chester R5 Sec22 T14 R12 O120a (1859) Hayes, Edward R. (Margaret Patter- son) Ch Leroy, Howard, Viola, Emory, Stanley; Manchester Rl Secl4 T13 Rl O80a (1909) Hayes, Robert (Nellie Six) Ch Otis, Lloyd, Stella, Walter, Harold; Win- chester R3 Secl7 T14 Rll T48a Har- old Johnson (1885) Hayes, William T. (Margaret Suter) Ch Pearl, Elmer, Robert, Cora, Mary; Winchester R3 Secl7 T14 Rll O40a (1863) Hazelriggs, Hurb (Neta Evans) Ch Mark, Jess, Jack, Bob; Winchester R3 Sec27 T14 R12 T5a O. O. Ebey (1905) Henry, James K. Ch John, Lydia; Winchester R3 Secl7 T14 Rll Farm Hand (1847) Hepworth, Sarah A. Ch Benjamin, William, John, Joshua, Tessie, Mamie; Alsey Sec22 T13 R12 O200a (1880) Hepworth, William (Lillian M. Sel- lars) Ch Earl W.; Alsey SeclS T13 R12 T200a Mrs S. A. Hepworth (1880) Herring, Henry C. (Nettie Rawlings) Ch Harry, William, Nellie, Mamie; Winchester R3 Sec34 T14 Rll O210a (1861) Herring, James (Elizabeth Ward) Ch Henry, John, James, Lula, Ruth, Lee, Edith, Pearle Houston, Step- children; Winchester R3 Sec28 T14 Rll O80a (1857) Herron, Thomas (Ollie Long) Ch Harvey L., Thomas C., J. Pauline, Flossie B., Paul E.; Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 O50a (1858) Hester, Tim (Laura Evans) Ch Bes- sie, Russell, Ruby; Winchester R5 Sec35T15R12T100a Lottie Bringle (1865) Hester, Robert (Ella Jackson) Ch Archie, Alhert, Everett, Pearl, Myr- tle, Francis, Mildred; Winchester R6 T75a Mrs. Margaret King (1870) Hildebrand, George (Lena Albers) Ch Mildred, Ruth, Vera; Bluffs R2 Sec29 T15 R13 O20a (1879) Hierman, George H. (Emma Wagle) Ch Ethel, Floyd, Gertrude, Marvin; Bluffs Rl Sec35 T15 R13 T293a Harry Oakes (1912) Hires, Harry (Ida Campbell) Ch Everett; Winchester Rl Sec3 T14 R13 Farm Hand Edw. Wilson (1907) Hires, Elizabeth Cox Ch James, Sam- uel, Hattie, Georgie; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 (1862) Hitt, W. D. (Julia Fergeson) Ch John, Henry, Will, Bessie; Merritt Sec26 T15 R12 O360a (1835) Hodkinson, William (Jessie Henton) Winchester R6 Secll T13 R12 T120a Joe Hodkinson (1866) 110 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Hogan, Walter (May Cull) Ch Ed- ward, Paul, Elizabeth, Mary; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 T240a Leonard Leland (1879) Hogan, W. M. Ch Walter, Mayme, Catherine, Margaret; Chapin R3 Secl4 T15 R12 O263a (1852) Holloway, J. L. (Mary Holloway) Ch Arthur, Cleavy; Winchester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 OlOOa (1914) Holloway, O. L. (Kate Perry) Ch Earl, Elsie, Ray, Louise, Fern, Freda, Eileen; Winchester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 T80a Lucy Holloway (1876) Hoots, Mrs. Belle Ch Oscar, Mary E., Minnie, Luella, Julia, Harley; Win- chester Rl Secl4 T13 R12 Ola (1907) Hoots, Grover C. (Eva L. Welch) Ch Clarence R., Claud E., Carl K., Clifford; Winchester R3 Sec32 T14 Rll Farm Hand Ed. O'Donell (1902) Hoots, H. W. (Ella Jackson) Ch Wiley, Leonard, Nell, Roy, Katie, Harry, James, Bertha, William; Winchester Rl Secl9 T14 R13 T400a J. Hubbard (1855) Hoots, Herman (Carrie Day) Alsey Sec28 T13 R12 T40a Anna Hoots (1910) Hoots, James (Roselle Evans) Ch Nellie K.; Winchester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 T70a Lace Hoots (1896) Hoots, Leonard (Cora Gregory) Ch Rolla, Ray; Winchester R2 Sec24 T14 R13 T130a Margaret Taylor (1884) Hoots, Lial S. (Myrtle Clark) Ch Cora M., Arthur, Albert, Clara, Flora; Winchester Rl Sec9 T13 R13 T160a Dick Bros. (1878) Hoots, Roy (Pearley Wilson) Ch Bur- netta, Freda, James, Marie, Bessie; Winchester Rl Sec28 T14 R13 T170a James T. Wilson (1885) Hoots, Will (Nellie Templin) Ch El- sie, Herbert, Dolly; Winchester Rl Sec32 T14 R13 T160a J. C. Aydelott (1891) Hoots, Wiley (Pearl Evans) Ch Ed- ward, Mary, Delbert, Clyde; Win- chester Sec35 T14 R13 T120a H. W. Hoots (1877) Hoover, Samuel J. (Margaret Mc- Keever) Ch Catherine, Jeannette, Cecelia, Margaret; Winchester R5 Sec27 T14 R12 O359a (1899) Hope, William (Anna Yackley) Ch Pearl, Lela, Lillian; Chapin R2 SeclS T15 R12 Farm Hand H. Koch (1906) Hopper, Oscar (Etta Wright) Ch Una, Earl, Anabelle, Burl; Bluffs R2 Sec28 T15 R13 TllOa Ernest Yord- ing and L. H. Guenther (1902) Hornbeek, Luther (Emma Glossop) Ch L. Burrel, Russell, Cecil, Mary; Winchester R2 SecS T14 R12 O229a (1852) Hornbeek, L. Burrel (Bessie Chance) Winchester R2 SecS T14 R12 T160a L. Hornbeek (1895) Hosack, Louis (Ada Todd) Ch Dot; Alsey Sec27 T13 R12 O120a (1859) Hubbert, Frank H. (Fannie Porter) Ch Isabell H., Russell D.; Chapin R2 Sec20 T15 R12 TllOa H. Hub- bert (1896) Hubbert, Henry (Lena Feldbusch) Ch Frank, Walter, Norman, Harry; Chapin R2 Sec20 T15 R12 O200a (1868) Hubble, Thomas H. (Kate Whitney) Ch Elmer, Frank, Austin, Russell, Alice, Pauline, Harold; Winchester R6 Sec22 T13 R12 O60a (1867) Huddleston, E. B. (Lizzie Parks) Win- chester R3 Sec23 T14 R12 T80a Ed. E. Watt (1860) Hufker, George (Anna Hufker, Sister) Chapin R2 Secl9 T15 R12 O193a (1858) Hufker, William (Mary Brockhouse) Chapin R2 Secl9 T15 R12 O190a (1850) Hurrelbrink, John H. (Mary A. Bot- terbusch) Ch Howard, Harold; "Elmwood Farm" Merritt Sec27 T15 R12 O108a (1909) Huseman, Herman (Ella Wishmier) Ch Dora, Arthur, Carl; Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 (1891) Hyatt, Charles (Alice Thomas) Ch Clarence, Edna; Naples Rl Secl3 T15 R14 Hy. Oakes (1862) Irlam, Earnest (Opal Perkins) Ch Wilbur, Evelyn; "Willow Spring Farm" Winchester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 O36a (1910) Isringhausen, P. H. (Hattie R. Cor- bin) Ch Marie, Freeman, Nellie; Hillview R2 Sec32 T13 R13 T34a W. S. Corbett (1917) 111 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Jackson, Charles A. (Lottie L. Gilli- land) Ch J. Elizabeth; Chapin R2 SeclS T15 R12 Farm Hand Harry Koch (1914) Jackson, W. W. (Jennie Wilcox) Ch Charles, George, Ella, Nannie, Wiley, William, Mary, Smith, Flora, Ruth; Winchester R6 Sec35 T14 R12 O160a (1857) Jasper, Charles (Minnie Hubbs) Ch Almeda, Lela M., Zora, Norman, Euphemia, Emory; Manchester Sec29 T13 Rll T265a N. F. Smith (1890) Jefferson, George (Amelia Teague) Ch Mary A., Charles T., Margaret M.; Winchester Rl SecSO T14 R12 O120a (1863) Jefferson, J. W. (Mary E. Rogers) Ch William R., Thomas A., Anna V., James S.; Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 O316a (1895) Johnson, Alden G. (Estella Cain) Ch . Lloyd E., Grace A., Lyndal L.; Winchester R6 Sec3 T13 R12 T78a Mrs. M. McCasey (1916) Johnson, Herman Bluffs R2 Secl4 T15 R13 O4a (1894) Jones, Charles P. (Isabelle Dobson) Manchester Rl Secl3 T13 R12 O65a (1865) Jones, Claud (Lucy Tankersley) Ch Fred, Floyd; Manchester Rl Secl2 T13 R12 T212a Richard Mason (1884) Jones, George R. (Rebecca Lash- mett) Ch Georgia, Claud, Jessie, Warren; Winchester R6 Secll T13 R12 O102a (1859) Jones, J. A. (Louisa Sellars) Ch Ruth, Jackson, Leona, Mary Belle; Winchester R6 Secl3 T13 R12 O71a (1878) Jones, Warren A. (Lill R. Andell) Ch Virginia; Winchester R6 Secll T13 R12 T20a George Jones (1890) Jones, W. H. (Lizzie J. Herron) Ch Charles V., William L., Goldie; Manchester Rl Secll T15 R13 Farm Hand Mrs. Ellis (1913) Jones, W. S. Naples Rl Sec2 T14 R13 Farm Hand W. T. Smith (1864) K Kaiker, Joseph (Charlotte McLaugh- len) Ch Annie, Emma; Manchester Rl SecS T13 Rll O183a (1854) Keemer, John D. (Lillie Markillie) Ch Frances, Louise, Clemma, Elieen; Winchester R5 Secl2 T14 R12 O70a T90a William Richard- son (1897) Kelley, Charles (Lucy Ogle) Ch Sarah, Oliver, Elijah, William, Mary; Winchester Rl Sec36 T14 R13 T27a John McGuiness (1862) Kelley, John (Dora Thompson) Ch Stella, Mary, Grace, John, Russell, Ruby; Manchester Rl Sec6 T13 Rll O40a (1865) Kelly, George (Ella Greenwood) Ch Pauline, Ursula, Joyce; Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 Farm Hand J. E. Burbank (1900) Kesterson, Harvey (Annie Bunch) Ch Vera, Gleniel, Margaret; Naples Rl Sec30 T15 R13 TllOa Charles Kircher (1896) Kesterson, J. S. (Sarah Langley) Ch Harvey, Roy, Lucy, Bennie; Bluffs Secll T15 R13 T4a H. Johnson (1900) Killebrew, Thomas S. (Ethel W. Mil- ler) Ch Charles E., William, Sam- uel, Howard, Robert, Flossie; Win- chester R4 SeclS T13 R12 O43a (1870) Kilver, Frank (Dora Placke) Ch Mabel, Vernon, Clifford; Winches- ter R2 SeclO T14 R13 O40a T288a Herman Kilver (1886) Kilver, Herman (Lena Marsh) Ch Fritz, Henry, Mamie, Frank, Annie, Minnie, Lena, Herman, Gus, Wal- ter, William, Marteen; Bluffs SeclO T14 R13 O288a (1875) Kilver, H. H. (Anna Hobrock) Ch Florence, Ferna; Naples Rl Sec31 T15 R13 O160a (1882) Kincaid, Miss Annie Winchester R3 Secl4 T14 R12 O60a (1897) Kincaid, James E. (Lillie Tankersley) Ch Lillian, Beatrice; Winchester R5 SeclS T14 R12 O154a (1853) King, George (Sadie Welch) Ch Lucy, Robert; Winchester R6 SecS T13 R12 O20a (1872) King, James (Minnie Welch) Ch Vir- gil; Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 T18a Mrs. E. Roach 112 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY King, Thomas (Maggie Currans) Ch Fred, Gertrude, Nettie, Mary, Eva; Winchester R5 Secl6 T14 R12 Farm Hand Ivan Coultas (1873) King, William (Joie Henry) Ch Mar- garet, Marie, Mabel, Woodrow; Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 O40a (1877) Kirkpatrick, William E. (Nellie Clark) Ch William, Edna; Winchester R4 Secl6 T13 R12 T262a Mrs. O. B. Neat (1860) Kitselman, J. D. (Kate Andell) Ch James R. ; Winchester R5 Secl2 A. C. McCullough (1902) Kleinschmidt, William Naples Rl Secl7 T14 R13 O220a (1906) Knapp, J. R. (Beatrice Jones) Ch Gor- don; Winchester R3 Sec31 T14 Rll T304a Charles Doyle Est. (1891) Knapp, William A. (Arnuldia Brown) Ch William E., Pearl, Grace, Leroy, James, Erwin; Winchester R2 Seel? T14 R12 O240a (1855) Knapp, William A. (Margarett Mc- Laughlin) Ch Chester, Mabel, Ralph; Winchester R2 Secl7 T14 R12 O160a (1880) Kund, Gustav (Rosie Comes) Ch Herman; Chapin R2 Secl9 T15 R12 T193a G. Hufker (1899) Koch, Harry H. (Emma Tomhave) Ch Byron, Edward, Bernice, Ellen; "Pine Oak Grove Farm" Secl8 T15 R12 O40a T120a Mrs. E. Shoney (1908) Korty, Fred H. (Stella Morris) Ch Vernon; Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 T120a F. W. Korty Est. (1890) Korty, Henry W. (Fannie Funk) Win- chester R5 Sec27 T15 R12 O40a (1885) Korty, Lewis W. (Ada Sawyers) Ch Hester, Pearl, Clarence, Marvin, Russell; Chapin R2 Sec21 T15 R12 T97a May Korty (1879) Korty, Mary L. Ch John E., Rosa, Lewis, Minnie, Mayme, Fred, Emma; Bluffs R2 Sec27 T15 R13 O361a (1860) Krems, Homer (Fern Denton) Ch Wanda, Vernon; Exeter Sec25 T15 R13 T55a Henry Rolf (1909) Krueger, Henry Ch Ella, Emma, Henry, Kate, Albert; Winchester Rl Secl7 T14 R13 O290a (1893) Krusa, Charles H. (Ina Vannier) Ch George, Harvey, Mildred Nina; Bluffs R2 Secl6 T15 R13 T200a Mrs. M. Unger (1887) Lakamp, Gust (Annie Cholen) Ch Fritz, Elmer, Fredie, Edwin, Clar- ence, Katie, Herman, Mayme; Jack- sonville Rl Sec23 T15 R12 O200a (1887) Landreth, Edward (Myrtle M. Roed- ersheimer) Ch Lester, Russell; Win- chester R3 Sec20 T14 Rll O200a (1875) Langdon, J. H. (Theresa Housten) Ch Howard, Elmer H., Percy, Clara; Manchester Sec28 T13 Rll O195a (1854) Lanier, Leland (Helen Stephens) Ch Otha, Loren; Naples Rl Sec 1 T14 R14 T102a W. G. LeSourd (1915) Lashmet, George (Emma Callans) Ch Robetine, Grace, James, Jonas, Robin, Catheryn; Winchester R5 Sec21 T14 R12 O160a (1886) Lawless, John (Emma Thady) Ch Roy, Carl, Alta, Edna; Manchester Rl Sec6 T13 Rll O153a (1872) Lawless, J. D. (Ellen E. Jordan) Ch Mary, William, Margaret, Ellen, Catherine, Anna, Martha, Lucy, Joseph, James; "Pear Hill Farm" Murrayville Rl Sec27 T14 Rll O120a (1855) Lawless, M. D. (Alice Howell) Ch Richard, Catherine, Thomas, Sophia, Blanch, Edward, David, Robert, Eugene; "Glen Oak Farm" Win- chester R3 Sec30 T14 Rll O203a (1864) Lawless, Roy E. (Mary Fletcher) Winchester R3 Sec29 T14 Rll T90a William Fletcher (1896) Lawson, Albert (Mary Hayes) Ch Leonard, George, Rosie, William; Winchester Rl Secl9 T14 R13 TSOOa Alec Ludeman Lawson, Frederick (Elizabeth Bunch) Ch Wiley, John, Jesse, Eva, Sadie; Manchester Sec21 T13 R16 OlOOa (1868) 113 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Lawson, Harry (Alice Suter) Ch Melissa, James, Mary, Charles, Sadie, Stella, Andrew, George; Manchester Rl SecS T13 Rll Ola T40a L. Thorpe (1872) Lawson, H. Toney (Cecil Evans) Ch Ruby L., Cleo V., Maxine E.; Win- chester Rl Sec21 T13 R13 T120a W. U. Gibbs (1892) Lawson, J. H. (Melissa Maines) Ch Fred, Daisy, Jesse, Anna, Bert, Chester, Ursel, Everett, John; Bluffs R2 Sec36 T15 R13 T190a Mrs. J. Stewart (1882) Leach, Ed. T. (Martha Hardwick) Ch Louise, Grace, Martha, Beilby, Ed- ward; Winchester R5 Secl4T14R12 O175a (1887) Lcib, Justin Ch Estelle, Leslie, Mary; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O95a (1867) Leib, Mrs. J. R. (Mary Grady) Ch Justin; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O80a (1843) Leib, M. G. (Sarah Ann Overton) Ch Emma; Bluffs R2 Seel T14 R13 O220a (1852) Leitze, Goodlip (Abbie Greeley) Ch lola, lone; Winchester R6 Sec2 T13 Rll Farm Hand Woodall and Grant (1867) Leitze, Kirt (Mary Crum) Winchester Rl Sec3 T14 R13 Farm Hand Edw. Wilson (1892) Lewis, Thomas J. (Margaret Mason) Ch Melvina, Elizabeth, William, Walter, Luella, Lucy; Winchester R6 Sec34 T14 R12 O40a (1846) Lewis, Walter (Eunice Thorp) Ch Katheryn, Edwin, John, Reed, El- mer, Belle, Marie, Lyle; Bluffs R2 Sec31 T15 Rll T144a Mrs. M. Mathews (1875) Likes, Ray E. (Ora B. Husband) Ch Arthur, Henry; Naples Rl SecS T14 R15 O136a (1905) Lindsay, Arthur J. (Mary Ward) Win- chester R3 Sec29 T14 R12 O160a (1917) Little, Albert (Gertrude Anders) Ch Everett, Leona; Naples Rl Sec32 T15 R13 T40a Charles Kercher (1891) Little, Austin (Bertha Taylor) Ch Virginia, Virgil; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 T70a George Taylor (1888) Little, Ezra (Clara Parker) Ch Vera, Clarence, Evelyn; Bluffs R2 Sec21 T15 R13 Farm Hand George Rock- wood (1893) Little, Frank (Lula Fulks) Ch Janie, Josephine, Mildred, May; Bluffs R2 Sec34 T15 R13 T60a J. Burbank (1897) Little, G. L. (Daisy Collison) Ch Mahlon; Winchester R2 Seel T14 R13 Farm Hand M. G. Leib Little, George W. (Delia Linn) Ch Orville, Elmer; Winchester R2 SeclO T14 R13 Farm Hand F. Kil- ver (1875) Little, L. D. (Susan Smithson) Ch Dona, Arbie; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O15a (1853) Little, Mason (Ella Campbell) Ch Al- bert, Janie, Ray, Clyde; Naples Rl Sec35 T15 R13 T200a A. Renneker (1862) Little, Polk (Alma Six) Ch Luke, Leonard, Leo, Lelia, Lydia, Lois Earl, Eva; Naples Rl Sec4 T14 R13 W. Freezen (1869) Little, R. E. (Elizabeth Meier) Ch Edna, Doris; Bluffs R2 Sec23 T15 R13 O40a (1887) Littler, Yancy (Emma Perkins) Ch Clara, Delphia, Austin; Winchester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 O2a (1862) Lorton, Milton (Ollie Snow) Ch Sarah, Ethel, Otis, Lillie, Kenneth; Winchester R3 Secl3 T14 R12 Farm Hand William Reid & Son (1917) Lovekamp, F. W. (Dorothy Heine) Ch Martin, Paul, William, Bernard, John, Elsie, Laura, Norma; Bluffs Rl Secll T15 R13 O321a (1907) Lovekamp, Martin (Clara Magelitz) Ch Clarence, Heinrick, Dorothea; Bluffs Rl Secll T15 R13 T80a F.W. Lovekamp (1907) Lovell, Henry (Martha Evans) Ch Dollie, Ruby; Winchester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 Farm Hand Fred Mc- Laughlin (1917) Lovell, Welcom W. (Nora Lovell) Ch Ethel F., Roscoe; Manchester Rl Sec34 T14 Rll T52a William Lovell (1902) Loveless, Loren (Grace Coker) Ch Dorothy; Roodhouse R3 Sec25 T13 Rll Farm Hand Buel Cuddy (1916) Lynch, Mrs. Thomas Ch Maggie, Charles, Nora, Joseph, Sarah; Jack- sonville Rl Sec22 T15 R12 O330a (1851) Lyons, William (Samantha E. Beadles) Ch Nellie A., Estella, George H., Elsie Lee; "Sunnyside Farm" Win- chester Rl SeclS T14 R13 O56a (1877) 114 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY M Markillie, J. Floyd (Jennett Deer) Ch Robert S., Floyd H., Mary F., L. Dale; Winchester R5 Secl2 T14 R12 O40a (1885) Marsh, E. H. (Helen Sears) Naples R2 Sec6 T14 R13 TISOa H. J. Marsh (1891) Marsh, Hubert (Frieda Smothers) Ch Geraldine; Roodhouse R3 Sec34 T13 R12 T87a William Marsh (1912) Marsh, H. J. (Mary Wischmeier) Ch Edward, Emma, Frank; Naples Rl Sec31 T15 R13 O220a (1890) Martin, Fred (Maud Carlton) Ch Carl, Lois, Charles; Winchester R2 SeclO T14 R13 T40a Ira Moore and J. Priest (1891) Martin, H. W. (Nellie Miller) Ch Ray, Lyal, Leta, Guy; Winchester Rl Sec9 T13 R13 T400a Dick Bros. (1916) Martin, L. W. (Tessie Woosley) Ch Harold; Winchester R4 Sec9 T13 R13 T300a Dick Bros. (1916) Martin, T. B. (Margaret Clark) Ch Rowena, Mabel, Mildred, Alice; Winchester Rl Sec26 T14 R13 O98a (1867) Martin, T. F. (Ada Glossop) Winches- ter R2 SecS T14 R12 T148a Laura B. Everhart (1859) Matt, Elias (Laura A. Day) Ch Her- man H., Zella M., Norman T., W. Lester; Roodhouse R3 Sec25 T13 R12 O80a (1880) Mayes, Hy (Evaline Campbell) Ch Ruth; Naples Sec6 T15 R13 O165a (1872) Mayes, William (Elvira Landrith) Bluffs SecS T15 R13 T280a Mrs. R. Mayes (1880) McAsey, Edward J. (Margaret Mc- Asey, Mother; Marie McAsey, Sis- ter) Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 0191a (1891) McCabe, John Ch James, Susie, Ruth; Manchester Rl Sec4 T13 R12 O120a (1864) McCaleb, Clarence (May Abbott) Bluffs Rl Sec3 T15 R13 O674a (1884) McCarty, Clyde (Zoe Gordon) Ch Edward I.; Winchester R5 Secll T14 R12 Farm Hand Mr. Leach (1894) McCarty, Lee R. (Meda F. Tankers- ley) Ch Edna A., Floyd E., Pauline; Winchester R3 Sec27 T14 Rll T80a Robert Hill (1882) McCarty, Harvey (Mary O. Summers) Ch Ethel M.; Winchester R3 Sec36 T14 R12 Robert McCarty T170a (1885) McCarty, Robert (Norma Sayley) Ch Harry A., William, Lee, Harvey, Chester, Bertha, Ruth, Clyde, Nina, Russell, Inca; Winchester R3 Sec36 T14 R12 O230a (1868) McCarty, William (Edith Tankers- ley) Ch Mae, Ralph, Roy, Nirgie; Winchester R3 Secl7 T14 R16 O40a (1879) McClure, James H. (Bertha Ash) Roodhouse R3 Secl9 T13 Rll T175a W. S. Clark McClure, J. T. (Sallie Evans) Ch Herbert, Carter; Winchester R4 Seel T13 R13 O40a (1850) McCracken, C. F. (Mary Isabella Cunningham) Ch Florence, Mary, Harry, Howard; Manchester Rl Sec9 T13 Rll O120a (1859) McCracken, Howard H. (Alta Hazel- rigg) Ch Bess; Manchester Rl Sec9 T13 Rll O80a T120a C. F. Mc- Cracken (1892) McCracken, Robert (Grace A. Crab- tree) Ch Merle, Josephine, Anna; Manchester Rl Secll T15 R13 T80a Charles McCracken (1875) McCullough, A. C. (Letitia Gibbs) Ch Irene, Allen; Winchester R5 Seel T14 R12 O330a (1866) McCullough, W. E. (Martha Allen) Ch Alma, William; "Shady Brook Farm" Riggston Sec4 T14 R12 O210a (1877) McCullough, William G. Winchester R2 SecS T14 R12 O167a (1865) McDade, David and Charles Win- chester Rl Sec25 T14 R13 T80a H. G. Herget (1884) McDade, G. W. (Florida Short) Ch Alice, Edward, Philip; Winchester Rl Sec21-20 T14 R13 O6a T64a J. T. Wilson and H. Harder (1859) McDade, William (Rebecca Barton) Ch David, Charlie, William, Fred; Winchester Rl Sec21 T14 R13 O3a (1867) McDonald, Clarence E. (Lanora Ew- ing) Ch Mary K., Jessie E.; Win- chester R6 Secl2 T13 R12 T177a Josiah McDonald (1877) McEvers, Ed. (Pearl Angelo) Ch Virgil, Walter; Winchester Rl Sec34 T14 R13 Farm Hand George H. Rueter (1899) 115 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY McEvers, Myrl (Tessie Woodall) Ch Roberta; Winchester R4 Sec3S T13 R13 T80a W. D. McEvers (1894) McEvers, W. D. (Pearl Adams) Ch . Myrl, Earl, Loeta, Mildred, Har- old, Roy, Wilmoth; "Linwood Dell" Winchester R4 Sec35 T13 R13 O280a (1870) McGarvey, Frank (Lillie M. Mifford) Ch Gladys, Edgar, Myrtle, Alma; Roodhouse R3 Sec26 T13 R12 T90a E. F. Beasley (1917) McGlasson, Abaslon (Artie Henry) Ch Burrell, Irene; Winchester R4 Sec24 T13 R13 OllSa (1861) McGlasson, Otis (Eva McDade) Ch Harley, Etta, Harvey; Merritt Sec21 T15 R12 T77a Mayfield Ayers (1868) McGlauchlen, Roy (Goldie Daniels) Ch Mildred, Minnie; Winchester Rl Sec29 T14 R13 Farm Hand Charles Piles (1913) McGuire, Charles L. (Emma Vedepo) Ch Mary C, Margaret, Ellen, Charles, James, Catherine, Agnes, Rosa, Sarah; Manchester Rl Sec33 T14 Rll T80a M. H. Hart (1857) McGuire, Lawrence (Nellie Haney) Ch Lillian, Helen; Roodhouse R6 Sec33 T13 R12 O20a (1881) McGuire, John (Ella Vedepo) Ch Joseph, Lucy, Charles, Lawrence, Patrick, Thresa, John, Annie, Loretta; Winchester R6 T13 R12 O120a (1865) McKeever, James Ch Lily, Minnie; Winchester Rl Sec21 T14 R13 T160a Elma H. Smith (1853) McKinney, J. H. (Euphemia Baird) Ch John, Charles, George, Milly, Harry, Mary, Gilbert, Clara; Naples Rl Sec33 T15 R13 O15a (1867) McLain, C. (Jessie Matthews) Ch Anna, John, Rossie; Winchester Rl Sec33 T14 R13 Farm Hand C. R. Wilson (1914) McLaughlin, B. F. (Ethel True) Ch Hazel, Harold, Mildred, Bennie, Dorothy; Winchester Rl Secl4 T14 R13 O160a (1876) McLaughlin, Fred R. Ch Bessie, Her- bert, Mary; Winchester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 O360a (1874) McLaughlin, G. D. (Amelia Beutler) Ch Ruth; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O80a (1860) McLaughlin, John P. (Elizabeth Smith) Ch Pearl, J. Russell, Mary L., Vera F.; Winchester Secl3 T13 R13 O220a (1858) McLaughlin, W. A. (Hazel Henry) Winchester R4 Sec32 T14 R12 T55a W. L. McLaughlin (1896) McLaughlin, William L.* (Mary Mc- Pherson) Ch Annie, Willie, Maggie, Emma, Dollie, Mamie; Winchester R4 Sec32 T14 R12 O182a (1832) McNear, W. J. A. (Ethel Matticks) Ch Vera, Theodore, Gale, Catherine, William; Naples Rl Sec36 T15 R13 T320a M. Abbott (1915) McPherson, Curtis (Mittie Beverly) Ch Felter; Roodhouse R3 Sec34 T13 R12 O80a (1883) McPherson, William A. (Ella Billings) Ch Zora, Mayo, Roy, Sylvia; Man- chester Rl Sec27 T13 Rll O40a (1900) Meier, H. H. (Louisa Lohr) Ch George, Emma, Louise, Alfred, Rus- sell, Ruth; Bluffs R2 Sec23 T15 R13 O80a (1866) Meier Hy. (Minnie Osing) Ch Ed- wara, Alwina, John; Bluffs R2 Sec23 T15 R13 OlOOa (1882) Mellor, Robert (Martha J. Patterson) Ch H. Lee, Osie M., Ora S., Ethel M.. J. Robert; Manchester Rl Sec3 T13 Rll T140a Heaton & Clark (1899) Merris, Charles E. (Grace Thompson) Ch Edward, Raymond, Helen, Ruth, Robert, June; Bluffs R2 Secl6 T15 R13 O120a T200a Maggie Unger (1886) Merris, R. D. (Ella Doyle) Ch Zeta, Charles, Donald; Bluffs Secl6-15 T15 R13 O45a T80a Anna Chance (1886) Merriman, John (Caroline Vannier) Ch Oscar, Mabel, Roy, Archie, Ellen, Bessie, Nina; "Mauvisterre Creek Farm" Naples Rl Sec32 T15 R13 O307a (1897) Merriman, Oscar (Cecil Priest) Ch Eileen, Burl; Winchester R2 Sec3 T14 R13 T166a John Priest (1885) Meyers, W. A. (Mamie Binge) Ch Freida, Goldie; Naples Sec26 T15 R14 O120a (1893) Middendorf, Fred J. (Hattie Moore) Ch Mildred; Chapin R2 Sec21 T15 R12 T140a John K. Onken (1889) Middendorf, G. T. (Annie Nodolf) Bluffs Rl Sec2 T15 R13 T154a Mid- dendorf Est. (1879) Middendorf, H. (Minnie Engelbrecht) Ch Amanda, Edward; Chapin R2 Secl2 T15 R13 O120a (1872) Middendorf, Richard (Estella Moore) Winchester R2 Secll T14 R13 T60a W. J. Moore (1874) 116 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Middendorf, W. M. (May Redshaw) "Redshaw Homestead Farm" Cha- pin R2 Sec20 T15 R12 O138a (1873) Milligan, John Ch Lela, Edith; Win- chester Rl Sec24 T14 R13 TlOOa Mrs. J. McLaughlin (1866) Milliken, Benjamin T. (Pearl Hester) Ch Veda, Margaret, Letha, Helen; Winchester R6 Secll T13 R12 T80a Easter Ellis (1873) Mills, D. W. (Ellen Funk) Ch Clif- ford, Croney; "Fruit Hill Farm" Bluffs R2 Sec26 T15 R13 O192a (1848) Minis, Oscar A. (Bertha Young) Ch Bennie; Alsey Sec21 T13 R12 Ola (1870) Mitchell, A. (Katie Boston) Ch Clyde, Edna, Ida, Ralph, Lois, Mildred, Arthur; Winchester Rl Sec2 T13 R13 T60a John Mitchell (1881) Mitchell, C. M. (Nettie Reed) Ch Loris, Anderson; Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 Farm Hand A. P. Grant Est. (1917) Mitchell, Richard (Blanch Sturgeon) Ch Richard, Carman; Winchester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 Farm Hand Fred R. McLaughlin (1903) Moody, James B. (Louisa Coats) Ch Amy L. ; "Maple Lawn Farm" Chapin R3 Secl4 T15 R12 O260a (1889) Moody, J. W. (Margaret Holliday) Ch Austin, Elsie, Ruth, Margaret, Ester; Chapin R3 Secl4 T15 R12 O188a (1854) Moore, C. A. Naples Rl Sec30 T1S R13 T140a Mary A. Moore Est. (1878) Moore, George B. (Kathryn Moore Sister) Winchester RS SeclO T14 R12 O78^a (1874) Moore, G. W. Ch Elsie, Irvin; Win- chester R2 SeclS T14 R13 T40a J. _W. Beadles (1868) Moore, John C. (Margaret W. Peak) Ch Anabel, John C, Jr.; "Elmdale Farm" Winchester Sec30 T14 R12 O74^a (1879) Moore, J. I. Winchester Rl Sec24 T14 R13 T160a G. R. McLaughlin (1870) Moore, Mary A. Ch Bessie E., Charles A., Queen S., Delia S.; Naples Rl Sec30 T15 R13 O140a (1846) Moore, N. J. (Carrie Lee) Ch Hugh, Louise, Elliot; Naples Rl Sec20 T15 R13 T275a Malon B. Moore Est. (1875) Moore, T. C. (Gertrude Ball) Win- chester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 TlOOa S. Ball and J. Bunch (1887) Moore, William A. (Catherine Valen- tine) Ch Rosemary, Bernard, Ber- tha, Teresa, Robert; Winchester Rl Sec36 T14 R13 O53a (1864) Moore, W. J. Ch Ida, George, James, Sadie, Charles, Emma, John, Es- tella, Hattie, William, Tony; Win- chester R2 Secll T14 R13 O60a (1846) Moore, W. J., Jr. (Edna McLaugh- lin) Winchester R6 Sec27 T15 R12 T200a Fred V. McLaughlin (1885) Morris, A. F. (Lois Campbell) Ch Katheryn, Kenneth, Harold; "Giant Elm Stock Farm" Winchester R5 Sec28 T15 R12 O160a (1871) Morris, C. F. (Fannie Weedon) Ch Stella, Clarence, Beatrice, Mary; Bluffs Sec22 T15 R13 O120a (1860) Morris, Edward L. Ch Homer, May L., Floyd, Frankie, Edward. Robert, Curtis; Jacksonville Rl Sec24 T15 R12 O173a (1867) Morris, Lee (Nellie Wilson) Ch Ray- mond, Nina, Russell, Mildred, Ber- nice; Bluffs R2 Sec23T15 R13 O140a (1871) Morris, W. W. (Susie Gilmore) Mer- ritt Sec26 T15 R12 T90a C. S. Mor- ris (1880) Morthole, Ed. (Etta Brockhaus) Ch Harold E.; Chapin R2 Secl9'T15 R12 T120a H. Brockhaus (1915) Moss, David (Elmira Six) Ch Clyde; Bluffs R2 Sec29 T15 R13 O3a (1900) Mullen, J. H. (Pearl Davis) Ch Syl- vester. Donald, Lethia; Naples Rl Sec6 T14 R13 T130a LeSeuer Est. (1914) Murray Bros. Thomas and Lawrence Merritt Sec34 T15 R12 T240a T. M. Hardwick (1887) Murray, Patrick (Anna Dwyer) Ch Phillip, Thomas, Lawrence. John, Tames; Riegston SeclO T14 R12 O118a (1867) Myers, Andy (Lottie Wellenreiter) Ch Ruth. Harvey, Helen, Jessie. Myrtle; Naples Rl Sec3 T14 R13 O40a (1907) Myers, Charles C. (Cora Lovell) Ch Herman. Lela; Winchester Rl Sec9 T13 R13 T160a Gibbs (1910) Myers, John (Myrtle Collins) Ch Louise, Donald, David, Dorothy E.; Winchester R3 Sec20 T14 Rll OlSOa (1902) 117 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY N Nagel, William H. Bluffs R2 Secl4 T15 R13 O45a (1879) Neff, Claude (Myrtle Lawson) Naples Rl Sec20 T14 R13 T200a C. J. Wal- ters (1915) Neff, Frank E. (Jennie Kelly) Ch Beryl, Marie; "Pleasant View Farm" Winchester Rl Secl3-15 T13 R13 Manager A. E. Saulis' Farm of 400a (1917) Newingham, Joe (Ida Garner) Ch Earnest, Lyman; Winchester Sec34 T13 R13 T80a Frost Est. (1907) Norman, John F. (Anna Claywell) Ch Permelia, Viola L.; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R13 O107a (1877) North, Warren L. (Alice Rough) Ch Clyde J.; Winchester Rl Sec31 T14 R12 O320a (1867) Northcut, James A., Sr. (Minnie Carl- ton) Ch James, Jr., Lelia, Lee; Win- chester R4 Secl7 T13 R12 O190a (1872) Northcutt, Basil (Mamie Strope) Ch Cecil; Winchester Rl SeclS T15 R13 T60a John Terrell (1892) Northrop, Bert (Lucy Moore) Ch Josie, Eileen, Howard; Roodhouse R3 Sec26 T13 R12 TISa W. North- rop (1880) Northrop, Harry (Cecil Fesler) Ch Courtney, Norma, Dorothy; Win- chester R6 Sec26 T13 R12 T120a Walter Northrop (1891) Northrop, Harvey (Emma Killibiew) Ch Wayne; Winchester R4 Secl3 T13 R13 T130a F. V. McLaughlin (1892) Northrop, Joseph (Lizzie Baxter) Ch Raymond; Glasgow Secl3 T13 R13 T130a Fred V. McLauglin (1891) Northrop, Thomas M. (Virginia E. Call) Ch Ruth A., Ruby V.; Man- chester Rl Sec27 T13 Rll O176a (1861) Northrup, Ed. (Martha Berghaus) Chapin R2 Secl3 T15 R13 T80a Miss M. Brockhouse (1878) Northrup, Herman (Matilda Tendick) Ch Carrie, Erich, Matilda; "Pleas- ant View Farm" Bluffs Rl SeclO T15 R13 O400a (1881) Northrup, H. F. (Emma Huffker) Ch Delia, Leo; Bluffs Secl3 T15 R13 O80a (1866) Northrup, Albert (Freda Bayer) Ch Alma; Winchester R5 Sec35 T15 R12 T185a E. J. Coultas (1900) Oakes, Henry (Etta Thompson) Ch Henry, Stella, Royal, Emeline, Helen; Bluffs SeclO T1S R13 OlSOOa (1848) Oakes, Royal (Margaret Payne) Ch Harold; Bluffs SeclO T15 R13 T400a Hy Oakes (1881) O'Brien, James (Bridget Dolan) Win- chester R6 Secl2 T13 R12 O120a (1875) O'Donnell, Charles D. (Marie Metz- gar) Ch Cletus; Winchester R6 Sec9 T13 R12 OlOOa (1875) O'Donnell, Charles P. (Nina Markille) Winchester R6 Sec34 T14 R12 O176a (1870) O'Donnell, Edward (Anna McCartey) Ch Russell, Fred, Margaret; Win- chester R3 Sec27 T14 R12 O240a (1866) O'Donnell, G. T. (Lily Claywell) Ch Elna; Winchester R6 SeclO T13 R12 O130a TISa (1878) O'Donnell, James Ch Bessie; Win- chester R6 Sec3 T13 R12 O120a (1861) O'Donnell, John (Emma Roberts) Ch Lena, Grace, Florence,, Harry E. Dana; Winchester R6 Sec3 T13 R12 0190a (1863) O'Donnell, Thomas (Bessie Watt) Ch Raymond W., Frank A., Chester; Winchester R6 Sec3 T13 R12 O160a (1876) O'Donnell, William (Alice B. Smoth- ers) Ch Hazel; Winchester R6 Sec6 T13 R12 O170a (1862) Oliver, Samuel J. (Nellie M. Bennett) Ch May, Pauline, Beatrice, George, Eileen; Manchester Rl Sec7 T13 Rll Farm Hand C. A. Robinson (1907) O'Riley, Patrick (Minnie Oswald) Ch James; Winchester R4 Sec20 T13 R12 O40a T80a Ellen O'Riley (1872) 118 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Overton, James M. (Effie Hayes) Ch Ralph M.; Winchester Sec24 T14 R12 O20a (1869) Overton, J. Cleve (Anna Leitzie) Winchester Rl Sec21 T13 R13 T170a Sangamon Land Trust Co. (1887) Overton, J. G. (Adella C. Coultas) Ch Belle, William E., John C; Win- chester Rl Sec21 T13 R13 T200a Sangamon Land Trust Co. (1856) Cverton, W. Earnest (Percy Young) Ch Alene; Winchester Rl Sec22 T13 R13 T236a Sangamon Land Trust Co. (1883) Overton, W. H. (Ada Langford) Ch Jesse, Lee, Hazel, Guy, Glen; Win- chester Sec24 T14 R12 Ola (1860) Owens, Henry (Agnes Walford) Ch Eva, Marie, Dorothy; Chapin R2 Secl6 T15 R12 O89a (1883) Owens, Oda (Mary E. Griggs) Ch Violet Lorraine; Chapin R2 Secl6 T15 R12 OSOa (1885) Owings, David M. (Minnie Haymake) Ch Rena, Elsie, David, James, Mary, Dorothy, Raymond, Marie; Win- chester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 Farm Hand George Woodall (1917) Pahlmann, H. G. (Mary Magelitz) Ch Marie, Anna, Henry, Carl, Emma, Herman, Clarence, Norma; Bluffs Secl3 T15 R13 O40a (1893) Parker, Allen (Elizabeth Rieck) Ch Anna, Ethel, Clara, Grace, James, Burl, Leila; Bluffs R2 Sec28 T15 R13 O72a (1862) Parker, John (Belle Wills) Ch Mabel, Mary, Loren, Johnnie; Chapin R3 Secl3 T15 R12 Farm Hand John Wessier (1854) Parks, Albert (Laura Gilmore) Ch Alberta; Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 T160a H. W. Parks (1887) Parks, David F. Ch Walter, Bessie, Grace, Mabel, Nellie; Winchester R5 Sec2 T14 R12 Farm Hand C. W. Richardson (1917) Parks, G. M. (Brook Hall) Hillveiw R2 Sec29 T13 R13 TISOa William Corbett (1917) Parks, James H. (Fannye Husband) Ch Ivan, Irwin; Naples Rl Sec4 T14 R13 O160a (1900) Patrick, George A. (Addie Dolen) Ch Neva A.; Winchester R3 Sec25 T14 R12 T120a Mrs. G. W. Patrick (1887) Patrick, John S. (Nora A. Andell) Ch Earl R., Jessie R., George W., Bessie, Gertie F., McKinley, Thomas J., James; Winchester R5 Sec23 T14 R12 O40a (1865) Patrick, Joseph E. (Emma McLaugh- lin) Ch Mack; Winchester R5 Sec22 T14 R12 TISOa Mrs. A. Patrick (1868) Patrick, Isaiah F. (Ada Tankersley) Ch Vina, Mary, Frank, Lillie, Cal- ine, Hubert, Dessie; Winchester R5 Sec23 T14 R12 T25a Mrs. M. A. Patrick (1866) Patterson, R. F. (Lucy Wagstaff) Ch Sadie, Beatrice, Mildred, Far- well, Andrew; "Midway Farm" Winchester R3 Sec32 T14 Rll O300a (1861) Patterson, T. J. (Eva McKinney) Ch Henry; Valley City Sec34 T15 R13 T40a D. P. Hollis (1916) Patterson, William Winchester R2 Sec4 T14 R13 T160a G. W. Patter- son Est. (1890) Patterson, William (Mettie Smothers) Ch Claude; "Sunny Brook Farm" Winchester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 O40a (1859) Peak, Albert S. (Chanty A. Shull) Ch Herbert W., Fred M., Edith A., Keith Y., Ruby, Elizabeth, Glenn; Winchester R4 Sec7 T13 R12 O283a (1853) Peak, Fred M. (Etta Wainwright) Ch Frances, Alfred, Robert; Win- chester R4 Sec7 T13 R12 O153a (1879) Peak, George J. (Nora Bush) Ch Mark C, Ralph J., George J.; "Lo- cust Farm" Winchester Rl Sec31 T14 R12 O200a (1861) Peak, Glenn (Florence O'Donnell) Ch Donald; Winchester R4 Sec7 T13 R12 T280a A. S. Peak (1893) Peak, H. S. (Ada Armitage) Ch Let- chie; Bluffs R2 Sec26 T15 R13 O25a (1843) Peak, James Y. (Anna Bell Hamil- ton) Ch Gertrude, Winifred; Win- chester Rl Sec31 T14 R12 O130a T40a (1855) Peak, Jacob R. (Mary E. Young) Ch Howard M., Albert S., James Y., Alice, George J., Estella, Kate Y.; "Sideview Farm" Winchester Rl Sec31 T14 R12 O700a (1832) 119 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Peak, S. W. (Frances A. Hawk) Ch Anna B., Joseph C, Jensen W., William J.; "Elmwood Farm" Win- chester Rl Sec31 T14 R12 O90a (1840) Peak, W. R. (Emma Leib) Bluffs R2 Seel T14 R13 Farm Hand M. G. Leib (1874) Pence, James F. (Ida Rayborn) Ch Harry L., Fay E., Oland B., Era J., Jessie E., Sylvester, Lena T., Stan- ley; Winchester R2 SeclS T14 R12 T200a Mac Young (1870) Penton, William (Ida M. Lankford) Ch M. Elizabeth, Ivan L., John B., Zella, lone; "Rose Hill Farm" Win- chester R5 Secl6 T14 R12 T180a Penton Est. (1865) Perkins, A. D. (Mary E. Antle) Ch Opal; "Rhode Island Red Poultry Farm" Winchester R6 T14 R12 OlOa (1860) Perkins, Fred (Nellie Bower) Ch Carl, Russell; Winchester R6 Sec32 T14 R12 O68a T108a Mr. Grout (1884) Perkins, Mrs. Sarah Ch Fred, Pearl; Winchester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 O80a (1862) Peters, Albert D. (Bertha Williams) Chapin R2 Sec21 T15 R12 Farm Hand H. Duffelmeier (1891) Peters,. J. N. (May Duckett) Ch Bessie M., Myrtle, Joseph N., Albert D., William H.; Chapin R2 Sec28 T1S R12 O146^a (1861) Piles, J. M. (Myrtle Blackburn) Ch Bernice, Kathleen, Virginia, Made- line; Winchester Rl Sec20 T14 R13 T88a C. R. Piles (1882) Piper, H. Marshal (Bessie M. Guyer) Ch Glenn H., Byron G.; Chapin R2 Secl6 T15 R12 Farm Hand Dan Smith (1909) Piper, J. A. (Lily Christison) Ch Ethel, Sylvia, Clifford, Genevieve; Winchester R2 Secl4 T14 R13 Farm Hand M. B. Edmonson (1891) Placke, Henry (Elizabeth Boeas) Ch Theodore, Minnie, Dora, Gunde, William, Benjamin, Lorena; "Plum Creek Stock Farm". Winchester R2 SeclO T14 R13 O164a (1900) Placke, T. F. (Anna Kilver) Ch Evelyn; Naples Rl Sec31 T15 R13 O160a (1900) Porter, John L. (Mary Funk) Ch Fannie, Hattie, Alpha; Chapin R2 Sec20 T15 R12 O64^a (1873)' Post, John (Sarah Bunch) Ch Arnold, Mary, John, Viola, Donald; Naples Rl Secl3 T15 R13 T160a J. Robin- son & Co. (1867) Price, J. W. (Emma Gregory) Ch Donald, Neva, George; Winchester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 T73a Mary E. Price (1866) Price, W. H. (Ada Cox) Ch Mae, George, Levi Little; Naples Rl Sec33 T15 R13 O95a (1871) Priest, O. E. (Nellie Lankford) Ch Clarence, Floyd, Oren, Ora; Win- chester R2 SeclO T14 R13 O45a (1887) Priest, William (Margaret McKeever) Ch Hardin, Al, Otto, Marie; Win- chester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 O30a (1854) Putman, Charles (Margueretta Gor- don) Winchester R2 Secll T14 R13 Farm Hand Claude Thomas (1915) Quinn, J. P. (Abigail Turley) Ch Lola M., Herbert C, Abbie E., John T., Walter H., Harry, Mary G., Fern E., Fay E.; Bluffs R2 Sec30 T15 R12 Farm Hand Lola M. Funk (1899) Quinn M. W. (Edith Benson) Ch Leo, Carl, Mary, Catheryne, James; Win- chester R5 Sec28 T14 R12 T40a John Benson (1882) Quinn, Thomas (Catherine Ward) Ch Patrick, Bridget, Nora, Thomas, Mike, Nellie; Winchester R3 Sec27 T14 R12 O80a (1867) Quintal, Clarence (Ima Bush) Ch Virginia; Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 T320a A. Bush (1894) 120 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY R Raines, Henry (Mary McVey) Ch Mattie, Bessie; Winchester Rl Sec23 T13 R13 T47a Fletcher Est. (1917) Ranft, Edward H. Jr. (Theresa Cap- pel) Ch Julian, Edna; Bluffs R2 Sec23 T15 R13 T140a Edward Ranft Sr. (1889) Rankin, H. I. (Mary Baird) Ch Lora, Clinton, Ray, Opal, Edward; Naples Rl SecS T14 R13 T214a Mrs. N. E. Kellem (1862) Ratcliff, Alfred (Hettie Woods) Ch Helen, Howard, Edith, Mildred; Riggston Sec3 T14 R12 Farm Hand Mr. Green (1917) Ratigan, Mrs. Anna Ch Harry, George, Frank, William, Lucy, Daniel; Exeter Sec26 T1S R13 O400a (1857) Ratigan, G. M. (Bridget Ormond) Ch Mary, Ann, Alice, Philip, Mar- garet, Joseph; Bluffs R2 Sec23 T15 R13 O60a (1868) Reardon, Dennis J. (Anna Thies) Ch Mary, Eugene; Manchester Rl Secl6 T13 Rll O200a T120a Owen Reardon (1873) Rebbe, Henry (Mary Meier) Ch Minnie, Mamie, Willie, Anna, Lily, Amelia; Bluffs R2 Sec26 T15 R13 O104a (1886) Redshaw, A. J. (Julia F. Sappington) Ch Harlond C, Lola M.; Merritt Sec28 T15 R12 O132a (1861) Reed, Edward (Mary Payne) Ch Jewel; Bluffs R2 Sec21 T15 R13 T20a Charles Oakes (1917) Reed, John W. (Ella Reagan) Ch Robert, Margaret , Nancy, Ina; Chapin R3 Secl4 T15 R12 Farm Hand Wm. Hogan (1914) Reed, Robert (Elvie Fernandes) Ch Viola; Jacksonville Rl Sec24 T15 R12 Farm Hand Lakamp (1916) Reid, Oliver E. (Lois Fielden) Ch Rowland, Anna, Mae; Winchester R3 Secl4 T14 R12 O253a William Reid (1917) Renner, Mary E. Ch Robert W., Myrtle, Clayton, Elda, Ollie; Rood- house R6 Sec32 T13 R12 O4Sa (1877) Renner, Robert W. (Frances Wag- gener) Ch R. Wayne; Roodhouse R6 Sec32 T13 R12 T45a Mary E. Renner (1885) Renner, Thomas (Laura Martin) Ch Mary, Mabel, Ina, Emmet, Alta, Charles, Bertha, Helen; Winches- ter R6 Sec4 T13 R12 A. P. Grant (1869) Richardson, C. W. (Jessie Richard- son, Sister) Winchester R5 Sec2 T14 R12 O415a (1877) Rigor, Leonard L. (Otilla Fresen) Ch Blanche, Ruby, Merle, Carl; Naples Rl SeclS T14 R13 T160a C. E. Correa (1913) Rigor, Truman A. (Hallie Cecil Me Dannold) Ch Truman E. ; Chapin R2 Sec28 T15 R12 Farm Hand A. F. Morris (1905) Riley, Joseph (Anna Dobson) Rood- house R3 Sec30 T13 Rll Farm Hand Louis Funk Rimbey, Erwin (Mary L. Andell) Winchester R5 Sec23 T14 R12 T40a Robert Andell (1881) Ring Bros., John, James and Charles Winchester R3 Sec32 T14 Rll T300a Jerry Ring Sr. (1887) Ring, David P. and Bro. (Mary E. Straight, wife of David) Winches- ter R3 Sec28 T14 R12 T227a Jerry Ring Sr. (1878) Ring, Tames P. Ch Mary, Clarence, Stella, Thomas; Manchester Rl SecS T13 Rll O200a (1861 Ring, Jerry Ch John, William, James, Jerry, Charles, David, Edward, Albert, George, Annie, Nellie; Win- chester Sec29 T14 R12 Ol,000a (1857) Ring, Jerry Jr. (Anna Lonergan) Ch Eleanor, Bernard A., Robert J.; Murrayville Rl Sec28 T14 Rll O240a (1897) Ring, William (Kathryn Welch) Ch Nellie, Kathryn, Frank, Audry; Manchester Rl Sec6 T13 Rll O190a (1864) Roach, William (Mabel Brogdon) Ch Essie, Troy, Albert, Marshall, Mattie, Howard, Beulah; Naples Rl Secl2 T14 R14 T240a L. Leland (1917) Roark, Joseph (Margaret Coultas) Ch Mary E.; Winchester R2 Sec20 T14 R12 OlOOHa (1869) Roberts, George R. (Jennie French) Ch Carl, Marion, Margaret, Ruther- ford; Naples Sec26 T15 R14 O240a (1902) 121 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Roberts, J. L. (Ellen Todd) Ch Nellie, Alta, Carrie, Ralph; Alsey Sec21 T13 R12 O180a (1861) Robertson, John A. (Delpha Renner) Ch Blanche, Bernice, May, Ruby, William, Orren, Wilma, Delmant; Naples Rl Secl2 T14 R14 T160a Leonard Leland (1900) Robinson, Charles A. (Lena Mc- Laughlin) Ch Fred, Leo, Carl; Man- chester Rl See? T13 Rll O190a (1882) Robinson, Mrs. J. L. Ch John C, Michael S., Charles, Frank, Mary; "Linn Dale Stock Farm" Manchest- er Rl Secl6 T13 Rll O320a (1874) Robinson, M. L. (Libbie Dean) Man- chester Rl Secl6 T13 Rll O400a (1876) Robinson, Seldon (Minnie Day) Winchester R6 Sec23 T13 R12 O80a (1897) Robinson, W. H. (Dosia Craven) Ch Albert, Verner, Louisa, Mary J., Kathryn; Chapin R2 Sec28 R12 O46a T63a N. J. Clark (1877) Rockwood, Frank (Lora Weedon) "Highview Farm" Chapin R2 Sec20 T15 R12 T176a W. H. Weedon Est. (1873) Rockwood, George (Ella Matthews) Ch Pearl, Benjamin, Mabel, Ruth; Bluffs R2 Sec21-22 T1S R12 O60a T200a Hy Vanier (1871) Rolf, Albert (Gunda Placke) Ch Louise; Bluffs R2 Sec35 T15 R13 T155a Stewart Est. (1890) Rolf, Charles (Freda Buescher) Exeter Sec25 T15 R13 O17a T80a Henry Rolf (1892) Rolf, Frank (Marie Schone) Ch Harold, Elizabeth, Leland; Bluffs R2 Sec25 T15 R13 T395a Henry Rolf (1888) Roper, Charles (Nora Crabtree) Ch Edna R., Eileen M.; Winchester Rl SeclO T13 R13 T170a Fred Allen (1902) Roper, John (Bell Young) Ch Mettie, Charles; Winchester R4 Sec28 T13 R13 O40a T400a Mr. Lehman (1858) Rowe, E. F. (Ida Harvey) Ch Ger- man, Alpha, Taylor, Matie, Myrtle, Elizabeth, Ruth; Winchester R2 Sec31 T15 R12 Farm Hand Ray Woods (1905) Rowe, Ezra (Lanie Shive) Ch Walter, Maylon; Winchester R5 Sec33 T15 R12 Farm Hand R. Allen (1915) Rowe, J. C. (Mary B. Estes) Ch Aline, Everett, Elbert, Roland; Bluffs R2 Sec31 T15 R12 T5a R. Ruby, Thomas E. (Bernice Robison) Ch Ishmeal; Roodhouse R3 Sec28 T13 R12 T200a H. Wilson (1885) Rueter, Ben (Minnie Nolty) Ch Martine, Ervin, Harvey, Elmer, Jessie; Winchester Rl Sec21 T14 R13 OlOOa (1901) Rueter, Fred (Anna Marsh) Ch Clarence, Harry, Harmon; Naples Rl SeclS T14 R13 O200a (1885) Rueter, George H. (Nettie Butzbach) Ch Pauline, Lucy; Winchester Rl Sec34 T14 R13 O300a (1895) Rutherford, Louis L. (Pearl Adkis- son) Ch Ethel, Albert, Ruth, Robert, Mildred; Riggston Sec34 T15 R12 O95a (1871) Rutledge, Llewellyn (Rosa Day) Ch Vivian, Virginia, Ina M.; Rood- house R3 Sec34 T13 R12 O120a (1891) Ryan, Charles F. (Alice Lenehan) Ch Elizabeth; Alsey SeclS T13 R12 Farm Hand James O'Brien (1887) Ryan, Edward F. (Pearl McEvers) Ch lola; Winchester R4 Sec5 T13 R12 T160a James Ryan (1880) Ryan, Jane Ch John, Nellie, Michael, Thomas, Anna, Charles, May, Leo, Clarence; Alsey SeclO T13 Rll O153a (1865) Ryan, George D. (Jessie Cochran) Ch Howard, Kathryn; Winchester R4 SecS T13 R12 O80a (1879) Ryan, Mary Ch Kate, Anna, James, George, Nellie, Edward; Winches- ter R4 SecS T13 R12 O143a (1857) Funk (1912) 122 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Sanders, Bert (Lela Haney) Ch Ralph; Winchester R4 Secl9 T13 R12 T80a Sanders Est. (1888) Sanders, Earl J. (Edith Haney) Ch Haney E.; Winchester R4 Secl9 T13 R12 O80a (1892) Sandman, D. W. (Belle Tendick) Ch John, Arthur, Richard, Mary, Nellie; Bluffs R2 Sec25 T15 R13 O112a (1858) Sandman, J. W. (Clara Vortman) Ch Edward, Lela, John, Anabelle; Bluffs Secl2 T240a George Van- gundy (1884) Sappington, L. B. (Cora Fuson) Ch Helen, Lester; Winchester R2 Seel T14 R13 Farm Hand W. H. Sap- pington (1875) Sappington, W. H. (Anna Ward) "Maple Grove Farm" Exeter Seel T14 R13 O57a T95a Ella Sapping- ton (1877) Savage, Ben D. (Mary Stice) Win- chester Rl Sec28 T14 R13 Farm Hand R. Hoots (1898) Savage, Chester (Laura Sanders) Ch Hazel M., Clarence A., Audrey F; Roodhouse R6 Sec32 T13 R12 T40a A. E. Savage (1883) Savage, Edward S. (Mary E. Clineton) Ch Minnie M.; Roodhouse R6 Sec28 T13 R12 O15a (1889) Savage, Henry (Mary Savage) Ch Edward, Robert, Harden; Winches- ter R4 Sec34 T13 R13 T80a E. C. Adams (1902) Savage, John L. (Molida I. Hundley) William Fanis, Stepchild; Win- chester Rl Secl2 T13 R13 OlOa (1867) Savage, Walter A. (Gertie Wilson) Ch Leo; Winchester R4 Sec29 T13 R12 O64a (1886) Sawyers, S. J. Ch Charles, Bessie, Inez; Bluffs Rl SeclO T15 R13 O119a (1871) Schafer, Arvie L. (Addie Cumbey) Ch Arthur L., Erma E., Earl; Win- chester R4 Sec29 T13 R12 O76a (1889) Schofield, William (Bessie Lawson) Ch Everett, Irvin, Joseph, Henry; "Blue Ridge Farm" Murrayville Rl Sec34 T14 Rll O12a (1856) Schone, William (Katherine Magelitz) Ch Henry, Marie, Clara, Rena; Bluffs Rl Seel T15 R13 T160a Hy Kloeppel (1913) Scott, C. C. (Pearl Wright) Ch Charles, Leona, Clarence, Virgil Marie; Winchester R2 Sec7 T14 a902) T50a Mary ' Brien Collins Sears, Mrs. Mary E. Ch Lily, Helen, Harvey, Ogden; Bluffs R2 Sec29 ^ T15 R13 0190a (1868) Sears, Philander (Mary Vonderheid) Naples Rl Sec33 T15 R13 O113a (looO) Sellars, George (Anna Pigate) Ch Louise, Thomas, John, William, Bert, Lillie; Winchester R6 T13 R13 barm Hand James Cooksey (1852) Sexton, Charles (Eva Bunch) Ch Robert, Helna M.; Manchester Rl Sec21 T13 Rl (1902) Sheppard, William Naples Rl Seel J14 R13 T60a D. P. Hollis & Co. (1916) Sherman, Thomas (Hattie Powell) Ch Wilham R.; Winchester R4 Sec30 T13 R12 T200a Mrs. S. Sher- man (1886) Sherry James (Lillie Haymaker) Ch TIS Sherwin, Henry (Effie Suttles) Ch Ruth, Ray; "On-The-Square Poul- try Farm" Winchester R4 Sec35 T13 R13 0122a (1882) Sh ^ W n r'-,,- Thomas ( Ha "ie Powell) h William, Roy; "Hillcrest Farm" Winchester R4 Sec21-30 T13 R12 O35a T330a Mrs. S. Sherwin (1887) r* u Herbert (Ethel Hamilton) Winchester Rl Sec3 T13 R13 T180a Hunter Allen (1891) Shibe John H. (Adella Carlton) Ch Herbert, Ray, Grace; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 O95a (1852) Shipley, J. W. (Mary Branson) Ch Mamie, Max, Charles, Mabel, Mary Mildred; Winchester R5 Sec32 T15 R12 T300a Mrs. J. Allen (1895) Shippley, Hugh (Ina Comer) Ch Gerold, Donald; Winchester R4 Sec28 T13 R13 Farm Hand G W Young (1916) Shull, Mrs. Caroline Ch Ashley Shull; Winchester Seel T14 R12 O53a (1852) Shull, Jesse (Sarah Milliken) Ch William, Ada, Bertha, Emma, Nora, Lucy; Winchester Rl SeclO T13 R13 T200a F. A. Allen (1858) I 123 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sibert, Ed. W. (Fannie Sentney) Ch Belle, Daisy, Maurine; Chapin R3 Secl3 T15 R12 O80a (1910) Simmons, John (Bertha Allen) Ch Donovan, Roy, HaroW; Winchester R5 Sec8 T14 R12 Farm Hand Elbert Coultas (1857) Simmons, W. C. (Lela Wilson) Ch Stanley, Eda; Winchester Rl Sec27 T14 R13 T200a J. T. Wilson (1880) Six Henry (Fannie Crawford) Ch Kenneth, Russell, Raleigh, Mary, Vernon Hale; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O120a (1882) Six, Joe (Ida Tash) Ch Raymond, Bernice, Doris, Freda, Ruth; Naples Rl Sec32 T15 R13 T127a White Est. (1874) Six, Josias (Emma Crew) Ch Alma, Maud, Dell, Joseph, Gus, William, Henry, Cleve, Charles, George, Cecil, Fred; Winchester R2 Sec2 T14 R13 O60a (1845) Six, Manuel (Harriet Smith) Ch Charles; Exeter Sec25 T15 R13 TlOOa E. Jording (1854) Six, William (Harriet McKmney) Ch Bessie, Elsie, Earl; Winchester R2 Secl3 T14 R13 Farm Hand Taylor Est. (1876) Slagle, C. W. (Mary Hoover) Ch Edith, Myrtle, Bertha, Fred, Letha, Russell, Raymond; Winchester R2 Secl3 T14 R13 OSOa (1865) Slagle, W. J. (Cora Sutton) Ch Basil, Glen, Courtney; Chapin R2 Sec24 T15 R13 T120a H. H. Brockhouse f 1872) Smith, Albert (Nola Shafer) Ch Hazel, Irvin, Freda; Winchester Rl Sec31 T14 R13 T40a Harget Est. (1876) Smith, Bert (Carrie Killebrew) Ch Virgia, Harold, Marjorie, Louise; Winchester R6 Sec2 T13 R12 O120a (1885) Smith, B. S. (Annie Martin) Ch Alice, Noble, Ray. Clement, Orval, Lea, Lucile; Winchester R4 Sec8 T13 R12 T260a E. B. Wills (1907) Smith, Dan H. (Dessie Taylor) Ch Warren; Chapin R2 Sec9-16 T15 R12 O75a T80a Mrs. L. Smith (1904) Smith, Edgar (Minnie Keever) Winchester Sec29 T14 R13 T200a Mrs. Elmer Smith (1888) Smith, Fred (Mardel Carriger) Ch Velma, John H.; Winchester R6 Sec5 T13 R12 T52a Belle Smith (1887) Smith, George A. (Carrie Gilmore Ch Neta, Rosa, Nora, Dovia, Beatrice; Manchester Rl SeclS T13 Rll O40a (1865) Smith, George G. (Ora E. Lewis) Ch James M., Charles A., Milo H., Albert M., Edna M.; Winchester Rl Secl3 T13 R13 O130a (1869) Smith, Hardin (Etta Gray) Ch Earl E., Claude D., Willis N., Mayola I.; Winchester R6 Secl4 T13 R12 T12a James Cooksey (1883) Smith, H. O. (Kittie Egan) Ch Flor- ence, Vern, Barbara; Chapin R2 Secl6 T15 R12 O295a (1897) Smith, I. G. Winchester R3 Sec27 T14 R12 O40a (1913) Smith, Jacob (Martha Fannon) Ch Warren; Winchester Rl Secl4 T13 R13 OSOa (1861) Smith, Mrs. Jane Ch William, Bonie, Tunnie, Alsey; Winchester R6 Sec22 T13 R12 O94a (1901) Smith, John D. (Belle Carlton) Ch Lottie, Fred, Theophilus, Elmer; Glasgow Sec20 T13 R12 O40a (1862) Smith, Joseph H. (Mary DeFrates) Ch Dorothy, Irene, Raymond; Win- chester Rl SeclS T14 R13 Farm Hand B. F. McLaughlin (1910) Smith, J. B. (Lulu Williams) Ch Anna, Cecil, Glenna; Naples Secl3 T15 R14 T157a Albert Mayes (1885) Smith, J. R. (Alice Cline) Ch Bert; Winchester R6 Sec33 T14 R12 O2a (1843) Smith, Nic (Belle Clauser) Ch Orville, Jesse, Conrad, Leo, Charles, Paul, Roy, Russell; Naples Secll T14 R14 O40a (1887) Smith, O. C. (Lottie Welch) Ch Eleanor; Naples Sec7 T15 R13 T160a J. M. Ritter (1882) Smith, Thomas A. Ch Allen, Mary, Bertha, Minnie, Henry, George; Winchester Rl Sec21 T14 R13 T254a F. N. Tallyn (1865) Smith, Thomas J. (Emeline Beavers) Cn Greta, Bessie, Mary, Kathleen, Joe, Dewayne, Thomas; Bluffs R2 Sec21 T15 R13 T280a Louisa Smith (1856) Smith, Warren (Nettie Stice) Ch Harold, Lloyd, John, Frances, Roy; Winchester Rl Secl4 T13 R13 Farm Hand (1885) Smith, William (Zena Patterson) Ch Claud, Harold, Nicholson, Stepsons; Winchester R4 Secl6 T13 R12 O22a (1907) 124 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Smith, W. T. (Mary Tagg) Naples Rl Sec36 T1S R13 T240a Abbott Est. (1862) Smithson, Charles (Laura Campbell) Ch Clyde, Orville, Everett, Ivan, Percy, Lela; Winchester R2 Secll T14 R13 OlOOa (1859) Smithson, Ivan L. (Lena O'Donnall) Winchester R6 Sec35 T14 R12 T120a Callans & O'Donnall (1888) Smithson, Mrs. R. E. Ch Leo, Harvey, Thomas, Fritz, Lily; Winchester R2 Secll T14 R13 O78a (1856) Smithson, S. M. (Millie Murray) Ch Chester, Isabel, Agnes; Winchester Rl Sec25 T14 R13 O183a (1872) Smock, David (Hattie Day) Ch Harry E., Gaile D.; Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 Farm Hand J. P. Taylor (1893) Smock, David V. (Hattie Day) Ch Evert, Gale; Roodhouse Sec30 T13 Rll TlOOa Charles Spencer (1884) Smock, R. J. (Ellie Sommers) Ch Or- ville, Lola; Winchester Rl Sec34 T14 R13 Farm Hand J. T. Wilson (1892) Smothers, Bert (Ava Brown) Ch Lytle, Ruby; Winchester Rl Secll T350a William Smothers (1877) Smothers, Douglas E. (Lacie Christi- son) Ch Clara, Frances, Fae, Genoa; Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 T200a Jake Christison (1888) Smothers, Earl (Grace Ball) Ch Spen- cer, Bruce; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 T189a M. E. Taylor and M. S. Ball (1886) Smothers, Harry E. (Effie Wright) Ch Vera, Fredie, Kenneth, Merl, Helen, Irene; Winchester Rl Secll T13 R13 T200a W. Smothers (1866) Smothers, James A. (Cora Hazelrigg) Ch Earl, Douglas, Cecile, Marie; Winchester Rl Secl9 T14 R13 T280a R. Frost & Sons (1862) Smothers, Perry E. (Effie M. Wright) Ch Vera, Freeda, Kenneth, Merle, Helen, Irene; Winchester Rl Secl3 T200a J. W. Smothers (1867) Splain, Robert (Bessie Main) Ch Frank, Mary, Charity, Robert, Maud, Bertha, George, Harry, Rus- sell, Floyd; Florence Sec30 T14 R13 T80a E. A. Hippen (1897) Springer, John A. (Katherine F. Con- ner) Ch Rubv, Richard; Winchester Farm Hand Woodal & Grant (1917) Stainsforth, O. C. (Yettie Gordon) Winchester R3 Secl3 T14 R12 J. V. Gordon (1914) Stegemann, Fritz (Lena Rolf) Ch Carl; Bluffs R2 Sec25 T15 R13 0183a (1902) Stewart, C. M. (Beulah Erixon) Win- chester R2 Sec35 T15 R13 O66a TlOOa Stewart Est. (1914) Stewart, James E. (Eliza Atchison) Naples Rl Secl7 T14 R13 T60a Atchison Sisters (1907) Stice, A. L. (Kate Hoots) Ch Floyd, Edna, Thomas, Lita; Winchester Rl Secl9 Ti4 R13 T160a Q j Walters (1882) Stice, Burley L. (Ada J. Sutton) Ch Albert; Winchester R3 Sec31 T14 ^oLF* 1 Hand Frank Coughlin (Ioo6) Stice, Elmer E. (Anna Hoots) Ch Lloyd E., Janice; Winchester R4 Sec6 T13 R12 (1890) Stice William M. (Jane Crowder) Ch Ethel, Mary, Willie, Arthur, Elmer; Winchester Rl Sec3 T13 R13 T20a Hunter Allen Co. (1887) Strubbe, Henry (Lena Meyer) Ch Ed- ward, Arthur, Herbert, Harold- Jacksonville Rl Sec22 T15 R12 T178a J. H. Eilers (1917) Stuart, Mrs. Martha Ch Harry, E-lmer * Alsey Sec22 Sullins, J. W. (Eva Wilson) Ch Eddie; Bluffs R2 Sec23 T15 R12 T60a Car- son Jones (1856) Summers, Charles H. (Elizabeth Reese) Ch John, Cyrus, Annie, Flora, Lucian, Verna, Norma, Carl Edith, Fay, Iva; Winchester R3 SecS T13 Rll O140a (1853) Summers, H. B. (Stella Whewell) Ch John, Mary M., Homer C; Win- chester R3 SecS T14 Rll T120a Mary E. Whewell (1912) Summers, James E. (Hester Smock) Ch Ray, Paul, Lita, Burley Young; Winchester Rl Sec36 T14 R13 Farm Hand J. R. Peak (1881) Summers, Lucian B. (Nellie Smith) Ch Bernice, Harold, Russell, Verlin, Kathleen; Manchester Rl SecS T13 Rll T140a R. F. Patterson (1881) Suter, Alexander (Ida M. Strawmat) Ch William E., Mildred M., Gladys. Edna B., Paul F.; Murrayville Rl T14 Rll T160a H. A. Suter (1894) Suter, Floyd (Mary Wild) Ch Helen, Albert, Francis; Winchester R3 Sec29 T14 Rll T160a H. A. Suter (1894) Suter, William H. Jr. (Ida Stiel) Ch Claud, Emmett, Jessie, Loretta, Lu- cile; Winchester R3 Sec29 T14 Rll T160a H. A. Suter (1885) 125 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sutton, C. H. (Lizzie Carter) Ch Earl; Winchester R5 Sec36 T15 R12 T240a J. H. Osborne (1891) Sweet, M. Z. (Lucy Crab tree) Ch Morris, Warren, Nettie; Winchester Rl Sec21 T13 R13 T200a H. Loisen- hop (1867) Swettart, Mrs. W. R. Ch Gordon, Louise, Frances; Chapin R2 Secl6 T15 R12 O15a (1916) Switzer, Alva D. (Bertha Mader) Ch Thomas A., Anna, Maud; Winches- ter R2 Secl9 T14 R12 T85a Laura Switzer (1883) Tadlock, Earl (Kater Guinane) Ch Elmer, Harry, Edna; Roodhouse R6 Sec3 T13 R12 O75a (1887) Tankersley, Giles L. (Kate Hawk) Ch Chester E., Stella L., Thurman G., Lucy A., Allen W., Lecie R., James H., Walter H.; Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 O240a (1860) Tankersley, Leonard G. (Jennie Mc- Cartey) Ch Addie, Joseph, Daniel, Earnest; Winchester R3 Sec23 T14 R12 O52a Sec23 T14 R12 (1872) Tankersley, Thomas T. (Sarah Tear- neyhough) Ch Fletcher, Meda, Edith, Bertha, Mary, Jessie, John, Raymond, Effie; Winchester R3 Secl9 T14 Rll O120a (1849) Tankesley, Allen W. (Irene New) Ch Maxine; Winchester R3 Sec24 T14 R12 T120a Giles Tankersley (1893) Tankesley, Warren B. (Emily Briley) Ch Marie, Oma; Winchester R5 Sec23 T14 R12 Sec23 O80a (1876) Taylor, Clyde C. (Alma Brockhouse) Chapin R2 Secl7 T15 R12 T132a Cordelia Taylor (1894) Taylor, Mrs. Cordelia Ch Clark, Archie, Dessie, Maud, Clyde, Lois; Chapin R2 Secl7 T15 R12 O132a (1877) Taylor, C. D. (Belle Watson) Ch Ella, Ray, Henry, Margaret, Watson, Grace, Jeanette; Winchester R2 Secl3 T14 R13 O270a (1860) Taylor, Fred (Vera Lee Smothers) Ch Amelia Lee, Mora B.; Winchester R4 Sec26 T13 R13 Farm Hand E. C. Adam (1882) Taylor, G. P. (Susan Dunham) Ch Claud, Daisy; Chapin R2 Secl7 T15 R12 O80a (1867) Taylor, I. A. (Fannie Smith) Ch Ruby, Opal, Garnet, Beryl, Pearl, Emerald, Ira, Fred; Winchester R2 Sec24 T14 R13 O80a (1867) Taylor, John P. (Mabel Day) Ch Nellie M., Basil; Roodhouse R3 Sec25 T13 R12 T300a Charles Spen- cer (1906) Taylor, L. E. (Lucy Campbell) Ch Edna, Norman, Mabel, Mildred; Winchester R5 Sec33 T15 R12 OlSSa (1887) Taylor, Samuel T. (Annabell Ed- wards) Roodhouse R3 Sec30 T13 Rll T30a Robert Cooper (1913) Taylor, William Neelyville Secl7 T15 R12 O42a (1856) Taylor, William N. (Lula Bean) Ch Marcella; Bluffs R2 Sec30 T15 R12 O74a (1870) Taylor, W. E. (Lena Wills) Ch Helen, Harold, Hazel; "Walnut Creek Stock Farm" Winchester R2 Sec23 T14 R13 T120a J. W. Taylor (1885) Templin, C. G. (Mary E. Stice) Ch Jessie, Minnie, Will, Nellie, Flor- ence, Bessie, Lillie; Winchester Rl Sec8 T13 R13 T40a Dr. Feldche (1882) Templin, Jessie (Maggie Hoots) Ch Earl, Eileen, Gladys, Louise, Burly- Winchester Rl Sec8 T13 R13 T60a H. H. Fletcher (1888) Terhune, Joseph W. (Eliza Canatsey) Ch Carl, Charles, Nellie, Frances; "Wiler Brook Farm" Winchester R4 Sec5 T13 R12 O60a (1874) Terrell, John O. (Carrie Mayes) Ch Oscar, Grace, Phoebe; Winchester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 O60a (1879) Terrell, John T. (Sarah Gregory) Ch George, John; Winchester Rl SeclS T14 R13 O81a (1872) Thady, Charles E. (Amy Crabtree) Ch John, Norma; Manchester Rl Sec28 T13 Rll O76a (1877) Thady, Fred N. (Alta Crabtree) Ch Wilmer F., Ruby A.; Manchester Rl Sec9 T13 Rll O160a (1875) Tharp, Helen Ch Cornelius, Adelia, Lyman; Winchester R3 Sec25 T14 R12 O120a (1857) Tharp, Neal T. (Hebe Read) Ch Ed- win, Ethel, Ella, Eunice, Grace, Dee, Mildred; Winchester T14 R12 Mrs. R. J. Woodall (1909) Tholen, William H. (Minnie Korty) Bluffs R2 Sec22 T15 R13 T103a Korty Est. (1909) 126 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Thomas, Claude Ch Helen; "Eureka Stock Farm" Winchester R2 Secl4 T14 R13 O240a (1871) Thomas, George (Mamie Smith) Ch Gale, Veda; Alsey Sec22 T13 R12 T35a Oscar George (1882) Thomas, George E. (Goldie Walker) Winchester Sec24 T14 R12 O80a M. E. Williams (1875) Thomas, Harvey (Cora Parker) Ch Mae; Naples Rl Sec33 T15 R13 T62a P. Sears (1910) Thompson, Homer L. (Nanny Boston) Ch Eugene, Claude; Roodhouse R3 Sec29 T13 Rll T40a Mrs. Mary Cooper (1911) Thompson, Jacob Ch Alice, John, Al- bert, Dora, Elizabeth, Lettie, Lillian A., Mary; Naples Rl Secl9 T15 R13 O120a (1854) Thompson, R. S. (Lee Taylor) Ch Madeline, Frances; Winchester R2 Secl3 T14 R13 O270a (1888) Thompson, W. H. (Emma Morris) Bluffs Rl Sec3 T15 R13 T20a C. McCaleb (1860) Tindall, Thomas (Florence Dawson) Ch Clarence, Lloyd; Winchester R5 Sec2 T14 R12 T190a George Metz- ger (1911) Todd, Bert E. (Stella Leitze) Ch Jessie, Bessie, Edwin, Lorene; Win- chester R4 Sec30 T13 R12 Farm Hand Thomas Sherman (1885) Todd, John D. (Carrie McPherson) Ch Walter, Ray, Buell, Russell, Mildred, Elwyn; Winchester R4 Secl3 T13 R13 Farm Hand F. V. McLaughlin (1883) Tolle, 'Melvin M. (Myrtle Simpson) Ch Russell, Kathleen, Louise; Chapin R2 SeclS T15 R12 T60a J. Hosenkamp (1901) Tomhave, Claus Ch Rose, John, Ella, Emma; "Oak Lawn Farm" Chapin R2 Secl7 T15 R12 OlSOa T40a Rose Tomhave (1870) Torrance, Benj. R. (Rachael Hatter) Ch Ray, Hester, Mary, Helen, Eme- line, Eleanor, Lenora; Bluffs SeclS T1S R13 T75a C. Oakes and T. J. Smith (1872) Townsend, George (Nettie Welch) Ch Macel; Winchester R4 Sec32 T14 R12 O20a (1871) Tuke, William Ch Gertrude, Mary, Charles, David, Emma; Winchester R3 Sec21 T14 R12 O24a (1895) u Unger, C. (Maggie Oakes) Ch Lena; Naples Sec7 T15 R13 O160a (1847) VanCleve, John H. (Thelma Newing- han) Ch William H., James M.; Manchester Rl Sec9 T13 Rll Farm Hand Fred H. Thady (1897) VanMeter, Joseph (Nellie Ryan) Ch Lillie, William, Madeline, Christo- pher; Winchester R4 Sec6 T13 R13 T120a J. V. VanMeter (1879) VanMeter, J. V. (Sarah D. Ray) "Rock Spring Farm" Winchester R4 Sec5 T13 R12 O115a (1852) Vannier, Albert (Daisy C. Sibert) Neelyville SeclS T15 R12 TlOOa R. Vannier (1884) Vannier, Dick (Ada Vangundy) Ch Ida, Albert, Lily, Harry; Chapin R2 SeclS T15 R12 O230a (1858) Vannier, George H. (Johanna Hub- bert) Ch Ina, Lena, Cora, Belle, Paul; Bluffs Rl Secll T15 R13 OlSOa (1863) Vannier, Henry (Mary Poole) Ch May, Arthur; Neeylville SeclS T15 R12 O950a (1856) Vantuyle, F. O. (Ursula Rowlins) Ch Robert; Roodhouse R3 Sec33 T13 Rll O220a (1860) VanZandt, Joseph E. (Gertrude Ed- wards and Rachel VanZandt, Sis- ters) Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 O30a (1880) Vaughn, James F. (Lecie C. Day) Roodhouse R3 Sec36 T13 R12 Geo. H. Day (1914) Vogelhund, Anton (Lula Lawson) Ch Gertrude M., Harold A.; Winchester R3 Secl6 T14 R12 Farm Hand Grant Coultas (1882) Vortman, Henry J. (Elissa Bentler) Ch Mabel, Freda; Winchester R2 Sec5 T14 R12 T317a Wm. G. McCollough (1862) Vortman, Jasper (Clara Hubbert) Ch Elmer, Harvey, Laura; Bluffs Secl3 T15 R13 O80a (1865) Vortman, Lewis (Elva Whitlock) Ch Clarence, Ethel, Luke, Dora; Exeter Sec25 T15 R13 T17a J. D. Brock- house (1864) Vortmann, John (Marguerite, Sister) Bluffs Rl Seel T15 R13 O120a (1877) 127 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY w Waid, Hezekiah (Nettie Orr) Ch Fred, Emory, Mary, Benjamin; Winches- ter R5 SeclS T14 R12 Farm Hand J. E. Kincaid (1867) Walk, Ed. D. (Hariett Walk) Ch Con- stance; Winchester Rl Sec2 T13 R13 T116a Robert Hawk (1917) Walk, H. W. (Nancy B. Ross) Ch Beulah M,. Laura A., Arthur A., Beatrice M.; Winchester R6 Secl6 T13 R12 O40a T40a Sarah J. Ross (1887) Walk, William J. (Nora Gray) Man- chester Rl Secl3 T13 R12 TlOa Willis Gray (1878) Walker, Charles W. (Hetty Diller) Ch Pearl, Allie, Essie, Fred, Irma, Kenneth, Marie; Winchester R2 Seel T14 R13 OlOOa (1857) Walker, Earl A. (Virdie Davis) Ch Ivan, Henry, Byron, Julia; Win- chester Rl Sec22 T14 R13 T35a James B. Davis Sr. (1882) Walker, Elmer F. (Noda Berry) Ch Frank, Olive; Bluffs R2 Sec31 T1S R12 O195a (1875) Walker, George R. (Laura Wiser) Ch Hayden, Allmond, Isaiah, Harmon, Mamie, Elvie, Martha; Winchester R2 Sec9 T14 R13 O82a (1861) Walker, John H. (Delia Mansfield) Ch Ray, Grace, Mabel, Ethel, Lloyd; Manchester Rl Secl7 T13 Rll T85a Dennie Reardon (1916) Walker, S. C. (Rachel Guinn) Ch George, Allie, Ira, Ona; Naples Rl Sec8 T14 R13 0230a (1849) Wallace, John A. Ch Ruth, Ralph, Ella B.; Alsey SeclS T13 R12 Farm Hand J. Welsh Jr. (1867) Wallace, N. M. (Leonore Clark) Ch Harry, Cecil, Ray, Frances, Lloyd, Leonore; Winchester R3 Sec21 T14 R12 T2l6y 2 a Smith Est. (1869) Wallis, M. Frank (Estella Preston) Ch Clifton, Sylvia A., Marie, Lloyd T.; Manchester Rl Secl9 T13 Rll Farm Hand Joe Curtis (1915) Warcup, E. W. (Mannie Brisendine) Ch Clyde, Grace, Opal, Clarence, Donald, Wayne; Winchester R3 Sec36 T14 R12 T180a Charles Coop- er (1910) Ward, Hugh (Anna Osborne) Win- chester R6 Sec32 T14 R12 O4a (1914) Ward, Lee Winchester R3 Sec28 T14 Rll T136a Mrs. P. Whewell (1874) Watt, W. G. (Helen Thomas) "Eureka Stock Farm" Winchester R2 Secl4 T14 R13 T240a Claude Thomas (1893) Weeder, Albert (Julia Oswald) Ch Annie, Albert, Rosa, Lena, Hilda, Emma, Marie, Minnie, Loretta; Winchester R5 Sec22 T14 R12 O64a (1867) Weiss, Albert (Dora Wellenkamp) Ch Milburn; Chapin R2 Sec24 T15 R13 Farm Hand J. D. Brockhouse Weiss, Fritz (Frederika Bosse) Ch William, Fred, Otto, Albert, Emma; Bluffs Rl Secl-12 T15 R13 O80a T30a George Vannier (1900) Weiss, Otto (Etta Froh wetter) Ch Marvin; Bluffs Rl Secl2 T15 R13 T30a George Vannier (1900) Welch, Charles B. Ch Roy, Frank, Carrie, Opal, Lois, Bessie; Win- chester R3 Sec21 T14 R12 T16a S. L. Welch (1868) Welch, Geo. W. (Jennie Topper) Ch Dora, Luther, Ada, William, Jessie, Eddie, Eva, Sadie, Leo, Daisy, Min- nie, Dave; Winchester R6 T14 R12 T3a Mrs. Jennie Perkins (1859) Welch, J. C. (Matilda C. Baker) Ch Lillie, Clyde, John Jr., Emma, Pearl, Earl; Winchester R6 Sec4 T13 R12 O70a (1861) Wellenkamp, H. H. Bluffs R2 Sec34 T15 R13 T50a L. Graham (1907) Wells, Norman L. (Tunnie Smith) Ch Charles, Goldie, Daisy, Delia, Alma, Nettie, Lee; Winchester R6 Sec22 T13 R12 T92a Mrs. J. Smith (1917) Wells, W. D. Ch Elmer, Orin, Julian, Blanch, William W.; Winchester R5 Sec22 T14 R12 O90a (1850) Welsh, John Jr. (Mary Callans) Ch Janie C, Mary H., John M., Gerald; Winchester R6 SeclS T13 R12 Ola T160a J. Welsh, Sr. Werries, John Jr. (Christina Wessler) Ch Erich, Leland, Bernice, Louis; Chapin R3 Secl3 T15 R12 OllSa (1911) Werries, William (Julia Osterholt) Ch Helen, Mildred; Bluffs R2 Sec30 T15 R12 O94a (1908) West, William E. (Nellie G. Sanders) Ch Thelma M., Charles A; Charles G. West, Father; Bluffs R2 Sec30 T15 R12 Farm Hand C. Funk (1905) 128 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Westermeyer, J. W. (Caroline Nort- rup) Ch Anna Irene; Bluffs R2 Sec28 T15 R13 TISOa H. Nortrup (1896) Westermeyer, William Ch Henry, Alma, Fred, Julius; Naples Rl Sec20 T15 R13 O160a (1886) Westfall, W. W. (Emona Kennedy) Ch William, Minnie; Valley Sec34 T15 R14 T40a H. and C. Oakes (1910) Whewell, James (Bessie Coply) Roodhouse R4 Sec33 T13 Rll T200a E. Murray (1885) Whewell, Mrs. Richard Ch Bertha B., Sadie E., James H., William T., Walter B.; Roodhouse R3 Sec32 T13 Rll T80a Mary Rousey (1901) Whitehead, Walter (Flora Tuke) Ch Lillian; Manchester Rl Sec9 T13 Rll O120a W. Whitehead (1877) Whitlock, Luke (Mary Peak) Exeter Sec25-36 T15 R13 O20a T180a R. Funk (1866) Whitlock, W. J. (Edna Johnson) Ch Delia, James, Clara; Naples Rl Sec33 T15 R13 O15a (1916) Wild, Samuel (Isabel Dobson) Ch Mary, Pearl, Edward T., Martha E., Margaret I., Samuel L., George H.; Murrayville Rl Sec34 -T14 Rll T166a C. S. Doyles Est. (1916) Williams, Leroy Ch Ora, Katie; Exe- ter Sec34 T15 R14 T40a H. and C. Oakes (1866) Willis, Amos (Bessie Patterson) Ch Marie, May; Murrayville R4 Sec25 T13 R12 Farm Hand H. Bell (1916) Willoughby, James (Eliza Willough- by, Mother) Winchester RS Sec2 T14 R12 T109a Eliza Willoughby (1864) Wills, Harrison (Lucy Christison) Ch Elijah, Clayton, John, Elmer, Martha, Anna; Winchester Rl Sec23 T14 R13 O9a (1854) Wills, John (Minerva Parker) Bluffs R2 Sec28 T15 R13 T80a J. Mether- ingham (1854) Wilson, Charles A. (Mabel L. Kille- brew) Ch-Ruth E.; Winchester R4 Secl2 T13 R13 T30a Fred V. Mc- Laughlin (1894) Wilson, C. R. Ch Opal Winchester Rl Sec33 T14 R13 T260a J. T. Wilson (1885) Wilson, Edward (Tillie Boes) Win- chester Rl Sec33 T14 R13 T240a James T. Wilson (1890) Wilson, Emlis (Katie Feger) Ch Thomas A., Mary D., Roy; Win- chester R4 Sec20 T13 R12 O51a (1875) Wilson, Harrison (Cecile Bowers) Ch Graydon R.. Mildred E. ; Roodhouse R3 Sec27 T13 R12 O185^a (1881) Wilson, Mrs. Idella Ch Wista, Cullen; Roodhouse R3 Sec28 T13 R12 OllSa (1873) Wilson, James F. Ch Elinor, Murel, Buell; Roodhouse R6 Sec33 T13 R12 p!74a (1875) Wilson, Jessie (Elizabeth Killibrew) Ch Robert H., Charles A., Leroy, Clifford, Lola M.; Winchester R4 Secl2 T13 R13 T30a F. V. Mc- Laughlin (1894) Wilson, John A. (Bertha Story) Ch Martha D., Harry J., Lucile S.; Roodhouse R6 Sec29 T13 R12 O140a (1877) Wilson, J. T. (Ella Munday) Ch Lelia, Charles, Pearl, Edward, Bertha; Winchester Sec21-34 T14 R13 Ol,700a Wilson, Thomas (Pearl E. Gerard) Ch Larence W., Frances M., Chester V.; Roodhouse R3 Sec27 T13 R12 O193a (1884) Wilson, Mrs. W. J. Ch James, Thomas, Harrison, Zetta, Mettie; Roodhouse R3 Sec28 T13 R12 Ola T233a Wil- son Est. (1844) Wilson, W. S. (Laura Petersen) Ch Gertie; Winchester R4 Sec29 T13 R12 O80a (1865) Winger, Alex (Cornelia Oliver) Win- chester Sec26 T14 R13 T70a J. Hardy (1907) Wisdom, W. H. (Annie Osborne) Ch Marie, Harry; Winchester R2 Seel T14 R13 Farm Hand Wm. Redshaw (1891) Wishon, Alfred (Catherine Dunevan) Ch William, Delia, Leonard; Alsey Sec30 T13 R12 O120a (1850) Wishon, Alfred Leonard (Wista Wil- son) Ch Melba, Grant; Winchester R4 Sec28 T13 R12 T200a Mrs. Delia Wilson (1899) Woodall, James R. (Ellen Thorp) Ch Fred, Beatrice, Ralph, Grace, Cor- nelius; Winchester R6 Sec34 T14 R12 O80a (1876) Woodall, Jessie (Stella Switzer) Ch Warren S.; Winchester R6 Seel T13 R12 O80a (1886) Woodall, J. W. (Hazel Fowler) Ch Margaret, Paul W.; Winchester R6 Secl2 T13 R12 O149a (1881) Woodall, Oliver (Mildred Dawson) Winchester R6 Sec32 T14 R12 O80a (1884) 129 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Woodall, William M. (Eliza Taylor, Sister) Winchester R5 Secll T14 R12 T57a Eliza Taylor (1913) Woosley, Floyd (Leta Martin) Ch Lyal, Meda; Winchester Rl Sec9 T13 R13 T400a (1916) Worrell, George (Edna Hyatt) Ch Connie; Naples Secll T14 R14 T160a C. M. Simmons (1887) Worrell, Joseph Ch Hattie, Minnie, George, William, Joseph, John, Jen- nie; Naples Rl Sec30 T15 R13 OlOOa (1890) Wright, Clayton (Ida B. Moore) Ch Pearl, Etta, Ethel, Ira, Maud, Ruth, Anna, Carl; Winchester R2 Sec8 T14 R12 T120a S. Gross (1862) Wright, Frank A. Winchester R3 Sec26 T14 R12 O120a C. Coultas (1887) Wright, Gilbert A. (Rosa Slagel) Ch Leta, Inez; Winchester R5 Sec4 T14 R12 Farm Hand McCullough (1875) Wright, Ira C. (Essie L. Walker) Ch Edna, Eileen; Winchester R2 Sec6 T14 R12 T155a Clayton Wright (1892) Yelm, George (Maud Blackburn) Ch Hester, Delmas, Meredith, Lucile; Winchester Rl Seel T13 R13 T30a Mr. Blackburn (1907) Young, Alex (Nelia Crum) Ch Wil- bur, Ralph; Winchester Rl Sec23 T13 R13 T425a Oscar Young (1881) Young, Charles (Alice T. Fletcher) Ch Hardin, Percy; Winchester Rl Sec22 T13 R13 O440a (1861) Young, C. E. and John (Rosalia, Sis- ter) Glasgow Sec28 T13 R13 T80a Geo. W. Young (1892) Young, Fred (Lillie Young) Ch Ruth, Louise; Winchester R4 Sec38 T13 R13 Farm Hand H. Sherman (1891) Young, Jesse M. (Pearl M. McLaugh- lin) Ch Delma, Nadine; Winchester R4 Sec26 T13 R13 OSOOa G. W. Young (1889) Young, Hardin (Nina Richardson) Ch Charles T.; Winchester R4 Sec22 T13 R13 T440a (1885) Young, Oscar (Harriet Langley) Ch Alexander; Winchester Rl Sec23 T13 R13 O425a (1852) Zyph, Thomas H. (Elizabeth Leitze) Ch Edra; Winchester Rl Secl4 T13 R13 Farm Hand O. Young & Son (1904) t'XIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII IDRY GOODS - RUGS Ladies' Queen Quality, Walk Over and W. L. Douglas Men's Shoes | Men's and Ladies* Ready-to- Wear QUALITY THE BEST PRICES THE LOWEST D. D. WATT & COMPANY Carpenter Block, North Side WINCHESTER, ILLINOIS =.111111111 IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! II II II III Illllllllllllllllllll III llll!ll!lllllllllll!llllllll!llllllllllllll!ll!lllllllllllllll!lllll!lllllllllll 130 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY This list includes all farmers in Morgan County who own one or more purebred animals. Star (*) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale. BEEF CATTLE ABERDEEN ANGUS CAIN, AUSTIN F. .. .Jacksonville, R. 6 CAIN, THOMAS R Jacksonville DARLEY, SAMUEL. ..Jacksonville, R. 5 FORD, G. B Waverly, R. 1 GRAY, FRED Murrayville, R. 4 McCoRMicK, J. L. . .Jacksonville, R. 5 SCOTT, SYLVANUS Franklin, R. 1 HEREFORD *BROCKHOUSE, ELLIS E....Chapin, R. 1 *COULSON, GEO. H Chapin, R. 2 ROOK, J. C Jacksonville, R. 5 RUSSWINKEL, JOHN. . .Arenzville, R. 2 RED POLLED GARNER, J. O Murrayville, R. 2 KUMLE, ALICE G Alexander McCuRLEY, AMOS E Franklin, R. 1 RICHARDS, J. C Murrayville VANGUNDY, GEO Chapin, R. 2 SHORTHORN ALLAN, J. F Jacksonville, R. 2 ALLAN, J. R Jacksonville, R. 2 ARNOLD, AMOS D. . .Jacksonville, R. 6 *ARNOLD, J. W Arnold BARBER, WM Jacksonville, R. 8 BLAND, A. T Franklin, R. 3 BROCKHOUSE, ALFRED. . .Concord, R. 1 *CAMPBELL, J. H Jacksonville, R. 2 CLEARY, SAMUEL P.Jacksonville, R. 1 CRUM, W. H Literberry, R. 1 *DAVIS, C. E & SON. Jacksonville, R. 6 *DAVIS, E. CLIFTON. Jacksonville, R. 6 *DETMER, HENRY Chapin, R. 1 DOOLIN, W. A Waverly, R. 3 EVERETT, E. C Waverly, R. 2 GIBSON & HAWKER Franklin, R. 1 GRAY, JOHN E Waverly, R. 1 *GREEN, B. D Jacksonville, R. 8 HAGEN, FRED H Jacksonville, R. 6 HAMILTON, ROBERT S Jacksonville, R. 6 HAYNES, IRA. Franklin, R. 2 JOY, EDW. F Chapin, R. 3 KIRBY BROS., W. W. & G. L Franklin, R. 1 *KOYNE, GEO Murrayville, R. 1 *LEWIS, L. L Jacksonville, R. 2 LONERGAN, C. E Murrayville, R. 4 LONERGAN, FRANK. . .Murrayville, R. 4 *LUKEMAN, J. J Waverly, R. 1 McKiNNEY, RATIO S Chapin, R. 3 MILLION, J. E Alexander, R. 1 *PETEFISH, A. W. & SONS . . . Literberry RAHE, H Chapin, R. 2 REES, WM. M Franklin, R. 1 REES, WM. M., SR Franklin, R. 1 REO, JOHN W Murrayville, R. 2 REYNOLDS, EDWIN J.Jacksonville, R. S RICHARDS, J. C Murrayville RIDDER, HENRY J Alexander, R. 1 ROOK, J. C Jacksonville, R. 5 ROULAND, WALTHER A. Waverly, R. 3 SCHUMACHER, ALVIN H.. Chapin, R. 1 SCHUMACHER, MRS. C Chapin, R. 1 SHEKELTON, JAMES Waverly, R. 1 SMITH, MELVIN O Concord, R. 1 STEVENSON, E. K Pisgah *STEWART, HENRY C.. Jacksonville, R. 6 STEWART, J. M Jacksonville, R. 1 *STORY, CHAS F Franklin, R. 2 STRAWN, JOEL Orleans VAN WINKLE, ARTHUR. Franklin, R. 3 VAN WINKLE, M. A Franklin, R. 3 jrilinilllllllllMllllllllllhlHIIIIIIIIIIIIlnillllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllitlHiMiiiiniiiiHiHIIIfllfMIIIIIIIUIMIIIItlllllllllllllllllU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY CAIN MILLS BOTH PHONES 240 EVERYTHING IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND MILL PRODUCTS I JACKSONVILLE - ILLINOIS 131 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY * WALSH, HARRY Alexander, R. 1 *WEDER, A. W Murrayville, R. 1 WHALEN, MRS. MARY. .Franklin, R. 1 *WiGGS, A. M Franklin, R. 2 *WILLIAM, CLYDE H Chapin, R. 2 * WILSON, J. W Jacksonville, R. 2 WOOD, JAMES, JR Waverly WOOD, JIM, JR Waverly WOODS, C. C Waverly, R. 1 ZELLER, Jos. A Alexander HOGS DAIRY CATTLE JERSEY ALLEN, JOHN R Jacksonville, *Braner, George W. .Arenzville, BRIDGEMAN, OSCAR. .Jacksonville, BURNETT, MARSH ALLL. .Franklin, COKER, GEO Jacksonville, FLETCHER, CHAS. L Waverly, HARMON, OSCAR Franklin, MEYER, JOHN H Arenzville, MORRIS, ANDREW J Franklin, RAWLINGS, B. F Franklin, REDBURN, JOHN H. .Jacksonville, REES, MARSHALL Franklin, SARGENT, WM. T. . .Jacksonville, SEARS, O. L Waverly, SHEEHAN, JOHN Woodson, STARR, JAMES M Jacksonville, STEVENSON, E. R Jacksonville, STUBBLEFIELD, T. M.. Jacksonville, VASEY, JOHN Jacksonville, WATSON, C. W Woodson, WATTS, J. A Waverly, * WILEY, NOEL Alexander, * WOODS, J. P Franklin, R. 4 R. 2 R. 4 R. 3 R. 6 R. 2 R. 1 R. 1 R. 2 R. 1 R. 4 R. 1 R. 1 R. 1 R. 1 R. 6 R. 1 R. 6 R. 1 R. 1 R. 2 R. 1 R. 3 GUERNSEY JOY, JAMES S Chapin, R. 3 REA, JOHN W Murrayville. R. 2 *RICHARDSON, W. G. .Jacksonville, R. 1 HOLSTEIN ALDERSON, GEORGE Waverly, R. 3 CLAMPIT, CHARLES W Jacksonville, R. 7 *DoYLE, ED T Murrayville, R. 1 GRAY, FRED Murrayville, R. 4 GUNN, MRS. NELLIE B Jacksonville, R. 1 McCuRLEY, WM. E. Murrayville, R. 1 *NALL, CHARLES H Prentice, R. 1 RAGIN, REUBEN Jacksonville, R. 2 REDBURN, JOHN H. .Jacksonville, R. 4 ROBERTS, MARTIN L Franklin, R. 2 STARR, JAMES M. .. Jacksonville, R. 6 WATSON, F. R Jacksonville, R. 2 BERKSHIRE CRUM, W. H Literberry, R. 1 *ECKHOFF, HENRY Chapin, R. 1 NICKEL, J. H Arenzville, R. 2 WATTS, J. A Waverly, R. 2 * WEDER, A. W Murrayville, R. 1 CHESTER WHITE *BEEKMAN, GEO S. . .Jacksonville, R. 5 ENGELBRECHT, H Chapin, R. 2 GOVEIA, GEORGE M.. .Jacksonville, R. 4 *HEATON, BERRY S. . .Winchester, R. 3 HINNERS, Louis E. . . .Meredosia, R. 1 *HODGSON, HOWARD E Ashland, R. 1 *ROULAND, WALTHER A. Waverly, R. 3 SELF, C. C Woodson, R. 1 *SELF, J. T Woodson, R. 1 THOMPSON, ELLIS H.Jacksonville, R. 4 WHITLOCK, G. W Murrayville, R. 3 WILLERTON, ALFRED. . Murrayville, R. 3 WITKER, JOHN H., JR. Meredosia, R. 1 DUROC JERSEY *ABERNATHY, R. EARL ... Concord, R. 1 BAKER, CHARLES Waverly, R. 2 *BAKER, J. R Franklin, R. 1 BAKER, VERNON Murrayville *BARROWS, W. E Jacksonville, R. 5 BLAND, W. E Waverly, R. 1 BROCKHOUSE, ARTHUR Chapin, R. 3 BURNETT, MARSHALL. . .Franklin, R. 3 BURNETT, RALPH Franklin, R. 3 BURRUS, WILBER Arenzville, R. 1 BUTLER, L. O Ashland CLEARY, JEFFREY Jacksonville, R. 7 COLLINS, EDWARD S Prentice *CORINGTON, JOHN B Prentice, R. 1 COWDIN, WILLARD T Chapin, R. 3 CRAVENS, P. C Waverly, R. 2 CRUM, ALBERT Literberry, R. 1 *CURRY, ALBERT E Pisgah, R. 26 *CURRY, A. A Pisgah *DAVENPORT, J. E Franklin, R. 3 DAVIS, C. C Jacksonville, R. 6 *DAVIS, C. E & SON.. Jacksonville, R. 6 *DAVIS, SAMUEL E. . .Jacksonville, R. 6 *DETMER, HENRY Chapin, R. 1 DOAN, J. P Jacksonville, R. 2 DOOLIN, W. H Jacksonville, R. 5 DUEWER, EDWARD... New Berlin, R. 30 ELLINGTON, JAMES Franklin, R. 2 FORD, G. B Waverly, R. 1 FOSTER, BERT Franklin, R. 3 FLYNN, T. J Jacksonville, R. 3 GIBSON & HAWKER Franklin, R. 1 GRAY, JOHN E Waverly, R. 1 HAGEN, FRED H Jacksonville, R. 6 HAMM, OLIVER A Jacksonville 132 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY *HEMBROUGH BROS. . .Jacksonville, R. 5 HEMBROUGH, EARL R Jacksonville, R. 5 *HENDERSON, PERRY Literberry, R. 1 HOAGLAND, ARCHIE. .Jacksonville, R. 5 *JOHNSON, GEORGE E. .. .Concord, R. 1 JOHNSON, JAMES E. Jacksonville, R. 7 KIRBY BROS, W. W. & G. L Franklin, R. 1 KING, AUSTIN Murrayville, R. 4 KINNETT, C Jacksonville, R. 6 *LAUSON, W. J Jacksonville, R. 2 McCuRLEY, WM E . . Murrayville, R. 1 *McDEVirr, S. H Franklin, R. 1 MILLION, J. E Jacksonville, R. 4 MUSCH, JOHN Arenzville *MuscH, HENRY Concord, R. 1 NEIGHBOURS, W. E. .Murrayville, R. 4 *RANSON, EDWARD. . .Jacksonville, R. 2 RANSON, FRED O. . .Jacksonville, R. 1 READ, W. S Franklin, R. 2 REES, WM. M Franklin, R. 1 REES, WM. M., SR Franklin, R. 1 REYNOLDS, EDWIN J.Jacksonville, R. 5 RICE, C. L Jacksonville, R. 1 RICHARD, H. H. .. v. Jacksonville, R. 1 RIDDER, HENRY J Alexander, R. 1 RUBLE, GEORGE Alexander, R. 1 RUSSELL, A. G Murrayville, R. 4 RUSSWINKEL, JOHN. . .Arenzville, R. 2 SANDERS, C. E Concord SCHROEDER, HENRY D Bluffs, R. 1 SCHUMACHER, ALVIN H.. Chapin, R. 1 SCHUMACHER, MRS C....Chapin, R. 1 SCOTT, SYLVANUS Franklin, R. 1 SHEPPARD, C. R Woodson, R. 1 SMITH, MRS. EMMA G Jacksonville. R. 1 *STEVENSON, E. K Pisgah *STEWART, HENRY C.. Jacksonville, R. 6 *STEWART, J. M Jacksonville, R. 1 *SWEET, E. L Franklin, R. 3 TURLEY, FELIX G Franklin, R. 3 VASEY, RAYMOND G.Jacksonville, R. 1 * WILEY NOEL Alexander, R. 1 WILLIAM, WILBUR C Chapin, R. 3 WILLIAMS, L. E Concord, R. 1 WOODS, J. P Franklin, R. 3 ZAHN, OLIVER Arenzville, R. 1 HAMPSHIRE DOWNS, -F. D Jacksonville, R. 1 *KUMLE BROS Alexander *LAUSON, W. J Jacksonville, R. 2 LONG, W. B Jacksonville, R. 7 MAWSON, R. D Murrayville, R. 3 SINCLAIR, HERBERT L. .. .Sinclair, R. 1 MULE FOOT MATTHEWS, JOHN F. .Meredosia, R. 1 WILD, R. T Murrayville POLAND CHINA ALDERSON, HENRY Chapin, R. 3 ALLAN, J. F Jacksonville, R. 2 ALLAN, J. R Jacksonville, R. 2 ARNOLD, AMOS D. . . .Jacksonville, R. 6 ARENDELL, J. C Murrayville, R. 2 BARKER, THOS Murrayville, R. 4 *BARRY, J. S Jacksonville, R. 1 *BEAUCHAMP, FRANK D Meredosia, R. 1 BEDINGFIELD, W. E Chapin, R. 3 BEELEY, GROVER T. .. .Meredosia, R. 1 BLACK, CHARLES S. .Jacksonville, R. 4 BLAND, A. T Franklin, R. 3 BLAND, PEYTON Franklin, R. 3 BOWE, T. N Chapin. R. 1 *BRECKON, Jos. V ..Jacksonville *BROCKHOUSE, ELLIS E. . .Chapin, R. 1 *BROCKHOUSE, HARRY Chapin, R. 1 *BROWN, FRANK Murrayville, R. 2 BRUNK, GEO. W Concord, R. 1 BURRUS, EDGAR Arenzville, R. 1 BUTCHER, JOSIAH Meredosia, R. 1 CARTER, WM. W Jacksonville, R. 2 *CLARK, ERNEST L Literberry, R. 1 CLARK, HARRY J Jacksonville, R. 5 CLEARY, M. E Jacksonville, R. 1 COWDIN, LINCOLN T Chapin, R. 3 *CRAIN, N. H Woodson, R. 1 CULP, ROY H Woodson, R. 1 DAILEY, SAMUEL Jacksonville, R. 5 DANIELS, N. E Jacksonville, R. 4 DAVIS, C. C Jacksonville, R. 6 DAY, LEONARD A Jacksonville, R. 8 DE FRATES, HENRY. .Jacksonville, R. 7 EMRICK, JAMES Chapin, R. 3 ENGELBRECHT, HERMAN. . .Chapin, R. 2 FEORE, MARTIN Waverly, R. 1 *FlTZSIMMONS, WlLBERT H Woodson, R. 1 FUNK, MONTIE Chapin, R. 1 GARVIN, THOS Murrayville, R. 1 GRAY, H. T Alexander GUNN, MRS. NELLIE B Jacksonville, R. 1 HAYES, GEO. M Murrayville, R. 2 HEGENER, HENRY W. .Arenzville, R. 2 HEMBROUGH, FRANK. Jacksonville, R. 5 HINNERS, ARTHUR. .. .Meredosia, R. 1 HOWARD, CRISS Jacksonville, R. 7 IRLAM, CH. E Murrayville, R. 1 *JOHNSON, GEO. E Concord, R. 1 JOHNSON, J. T Woodson, R. 1 JOY, EDW. F Chapin, R. 3 KELTNER, JOHN R Sinclair, R. 1 *LAMB, ALFRED Murrayville, R. 2 LEACH, J. W Jacksonville, R. 2 *LECK, WATSON Jacksonville, R. 1 LONERGAN, FRANK. . .Murrayville, R. 4 LONERGAN, JAS Murrayville, R. 4 LONERGAN, JOHN. .. .Murrayville, R. 4 133 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY THE COW FIRST The cow first, last and all | I the time, is the most valu- f | able animal on the farm. I | She furnishes the best mar- \ | ket for crops raised, in- I | creases the fertility of the f | farm, and produces cream, j | the highest priced "crop" \ you raise to sell to the I JACKSONVILLE I I CREAMERY CO. I JACKSONVILLE, ILL. lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ALWAYS Highest Prices Quickest Returns OUR POLICY \Y7E believe in giving folks what they want, when they want it, and at the right price. We have always maintained the system of a legitimate profit and avoided sacrificing one article for the purpose of getting unfair profits on others. THE ARMSTRONG DRUG STORES QUALITY STORES S. W. Cor. Square and 235 E. State Street JACKSONVILLE ILL. LONERGAN, M Murrayville, R. 3 LONERGAN, THOS.... Murrayville, R 4 LONG, W. B Jacksonville, R. 7 LOVEKAMP, ALBERT Meredosia, R 1 *MATTHEWS, M. O Concord, R. 1 McKEAN, GEORGE H...Woodson, R. 1 McKiNNEY, RATIO S Chapin, R. 3 *McKiNNEY, ROY B.. Winchester, R. 5 MCNEELY, JAMES H Franklin, R. 2 McPHERSON, DORSEY Murrayville, R. 3 MIDDLETON, CHARLES G Jacksonville, R. 1 *MYERS, JAMES M Murrayville, R. 2 *NALL, CHARLES H Prentice, R. 1 NORMAN, WILLIAM Literberry OGLE, CHARLES A. . Jacksonville, R. 4 PATTERSON, A. B Jacksonville, R. 4 PAXTON, C. P Alexander, R. 1 *RANSON, E. A Jacksonville, R. 2 *RANSON, H. L Jacksonville, R. 2 REISER, MARTIN T Prentice, R. 1 *REXROAT, W. EARL. . .Literberry, R. 1 REYNOLDS, WM. E.. Jacksonville, R. 5 ROBERTS, MARTIN L Franklin, R. 2 ROBINSON, F. J Murrayville, R. 2 ROOK, J. C Jacksonville, R. 5 SCHOFIELD, WM Murrayville, R. 1 *Scorr, R. V Jacksonville, R. 1 *SEAVER, T. J Waverly, R. 1 SHEEHAN, JOHN Woodson, R. 1 SHIBE, J. V Jacksonville, R. 8 SIMPSON, HORACE Prentice, R. 1 STAPLE-TON, T. M Waverly, R. 1 *STORY, CHARLES F Franklin, R. 2 STRAWN, JOEL Orleans *SWEET, E. I Franklin, R. 3 TAPPENBECK, THEO Concord, R. 1 VAN WINKLE, ARTHUR. . Franklin, R. 3 VAN WINKLE, M. A Franklin, R. 3 VASEY, JOHN .. Jacksonville, R. 1 *VIRGIN, JOHN W Woodson, R. 1 VOORHEES, H. G Woodson, R. 1 WAY, BERT Concord, R. 1 WILLIAMS, CLYDE H Chapin, R. 2 * WILSON, J. W Jacksonville, R. 2 WOLFE, WILLIAM G Jacksonville, R. 7 WOOD, O. G Jacksonville, R. 5 *ZAHN, W. R Concord, R. 1 ZELLER, Jos. A Alexander TAMWORTH HAMBROUGH, WM. . .Murrayville, R. 4 HORSES ARABIAN WARD, JAS . . .' Waverly, R. 2 BELGIAN LONERGAN, THOS Murrayville, R. 4 134 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY COACH SCOTT, ALLEN E Jacksonville, R. 1 FRENCH DRAFT * WOODS, J. P Franklin, R. 3 PERCHERON ARNOLD, AMOS D.. . .Jacksonville, R. 6 * ARNOLD, J. W Arnold BLACK, CHARLES S. .Jacksonville, R. 4 CRAIG, WM. T Jacksonville, R. 5 *DAVIS C. CLIFTON. . .Jacksonville, R. 6 *DAVIS, C. E. & SON. Jacksonville, R. 6 DAY, FRED E Jacksonville, R. 8 DEITRICK, GEORGE Concord, R. 1 DE ORNELLES, JACOB. Jacksonville, R. 3 *DRURY, F. E Jacksonville, R. 6 HART, E. E Sinclair, R. 1 KIRBY BROS. W. W. & G. L. . . .. . Franklin, R. 1 LONG, Ross R Chapin, R. 3 MASSEY, H. H Jacksonville, R. 2 McKiNNEY, RATIO S Chapin, R. 3 *NUNES, ISAAC J Meredosia, R. 1 RHEA, JOHN.... Waverly, R. 2 *RICHARDSON, W. G. .Jacksonville, R. 1 ROBERTS, MARTIN L Franklin, R. 2 SCHUMACHER, ALVIN H.. Chapin, R. 1 STEWART, L. J Sinclair, R. 1 STRAWN, JOEL Orleans WELCHMAN, HENRY. .. .Waverly, R. 2 *Woon, J. B Franklin, R. 3 SADDLE SCOTT, ALLEN E Jacksonville, R. 1 SHIRE *BLACK, J. R Jacksonville, R. 8 WATTS, NANCY Waverly, R. 2 STANDARD BRED ALDERSON, GEORGE Waverly, R. 3 ARNOLD, AMOS D. . .Jacksonville, R. 6 BLAND, W. E Waverly, R. 1 BUCHANAN, T. B Franklin, R. 3 BURNETT, WILLIAM Franklin, R. 3 CRAIG, WM. T ...... Jacksonville, R. 5 CRUM, ALBERT Literberry, R. 1 CRUM, W. H Literberry, R. 1 FREDERICK, JOHN Ashland, R. 1 HAMILTON, A. L Franklin REES, MARSHALL Franklin, R. 1 SLACK, W. H Franklin, R. 1 *STEVENSON, H. CLARK Jacksonville, R. 6 *STEWART, HENRY C. .Jacksonville, R. 6 STICK, JOHN M Ashland, R. 1 STRAWN, MRS. MARY E Jacksonville, R. 2 WAY, BERT Concord, R. 1 JACKS *BEEKMAN, GEORGE S.Jacksonville, R. 5 BURNETT, EVERETT Waverly, R. 1 FARMER, MRS. IDA Prentice, R. 1 SCHUMACHER, ALVIN H.. Chapin, R. 1 WATTS, NANCY ..Waverly, R. 2 WELCHMAN, HENRY Waverly, R. 2 WOODS, CH AS Waverly, R. 1 *WOODS, J. P Franklin, R. 3 JENNETTS BURNETT, EVERETT Waverly, R. 1 WOODS, CHAS Waverly, R. 1 PONIES SHETLAND SMITH, JOHN H Murrayville, R. 3 SHEEP BLACK FACE GARNER, J. O Murrayville, R. 2 COTSWOLD *CAMPBELL, J. H Jacksonville, R. 2 RIDDEU, JOSEPH Alexander, R. 1 OXFORD DOWN *JORDAN, E. G Murrayville, R. 1 SHEEHAN, JOHN Woodson, R. 1 SHROPSHIRE EVERETT, E. C Waverly, R. 2 LONERGAN, J. J Murrayville, R. 4 REYNOLDS, EDWIN J.. Jacksonville, R. 5 REYNOLDS, WM E. . .Jacksonville, R. 5 ZAHN, OLIVER Arenzville, R. 1 DOGS FRENCH POODLE SHEEHAN, JOHN Woodson, R. 1 SCOTCH COLLIE FERNANDES, P. C. . .Jacksonville, R. 4 135 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CHICKENS ANCONA *RICHARDSON, W. G. .Jacksonville, R. 1 LIGHT BRAHMA *COVINGTON, J. B Prentice, R. 1 NORFLEET, HENRY Prentice, R. 1 *RICHARDSON, W. G. .Jacksonville, R. 1 SMOCK, ISAAC Murrayville, R. 4 BUFF COCHIN BACON, A. J Jacksonville, R. 3 MOY, DANIEL Jacksonville, R. 3 WHITE COCHIN BANTAMS DAY, L. A Jacksonville, R. 8 BLACK LANGSHAN BATEMAN, J. T Waverly, R. 1 CLARK, H. J Jacksonville, R. 5 DAY, L. A ..Jacksonville, R. 8 HINNERS, PHILIP Meredosia, R. 1 HUDSON, JOHN E Chapin, R. 3 *PETEFISH, HARRY W . . Literberry, R. 1 PRATT, JOHN E Arenzville, R. 2 REISER, MARTIN T Prentice, R. 1 RILLING, GEO. C Alexander, R. 1 *RYAN, MICHAEL Alexander, R. 1 LULY-DAVIS DRUG Co. THE Bexall STORE / JffK^. \ VVe Sel1 and Rec " * 0fiQ&. " o m m e n d the Br*^&. Following Triple- CD \B G Goods: Rexall Remedies Colgate's Perfumes Tooth Paste and Soaps Pebeco and Pepsodent Tooth Pastes Mentholatum Tj cos-field Thermometer B. & B. Absorbent Cotton and Dressings Hind's Honey and Almond Cream Pompelan Massage Cream Woodbury's Facial Soap Palm Olive and Ivory Soaps Mennen's and Red Cross Tal- cum Powders Sterno Canned Heat Ingersol Watches Morse's Chocolates Liggett's & Fenway's Chocolates And a complete stock of Fresh Drugs and Chemicals 44 North Side Square JACKSONVILLE, ILLINOIS SHUMAKER, WALTER A... Chapin, R. 3 SMITH, MELVIN O Concord, R. 1 VIOLETT, ARTHUR Waverly, R. 1 WESTER, JOSEPH Concord, R. 1 WILLIAM, CHAS. C Pleasant Plain, R. 40 BROWN LEGHORN BYRONS, W. S Jacksonville, R. 3 DAUBAND, H Sinclair, R. 1 DORSEY, C. L Alexander, R. 1 FLETCHER, C. L .Waverly, R. 2 Moss, J. A., JR Jacksonville, R. 8 NEUMAN, GEO Jacksonville, R. 5 PAUL, WM. C Woodson, R. 1 ROBINSON, F. J Murrayville, R. 2 BUFF LEGHORN KENNEDY, J. O Arenzville, R. 2 WHITE LEGHORN *ALDRIDGE, W. H Bluffs, R. 1 BROWN, J. F Concord, R. 1 CHALLANS, ED Waverly, R. 3 CLARK, H. J Jacksonville, R. 5 GARFIELD, H. F Murrayville, R. 3 HYDE, CORNELIUS W. .Meredosia, R. 1 LEACH, W. L Jacksonville, R. 1 PAUL, WM C Woodson, R. 1 *RANSON, FRED O Jacksonville, R. 1 *RicE, C L Jacksonville, R. 1 ROBERTSON, WALTER W Prentice *SMITH, MRS. EM MA. Jacksonville, R. 1 STUBBLEFIELD, T. M.Jacksonville, R. 6 WARD, DANIEL Sinclair, R. 1 *WHITE, W- M Murrayville WITKER, JOHN H., JR. Meredosia, R. 1 BUFF ORPINGTON ADKINS, JOHN Prentice ATOR, ASHFORD Concord, R. 1 BLAND, GEO Franklin, R. 3 BLAND, PEYTON Franklin, R. 3 BLAND, W. E Waverly, R. 1 COLLINS, E. S Prentice COULSON, I. R, Chapin, R. 2 COWDIN, W. L Chapin, R. 3 DAY, L. A Jacksonville, R. 8 DINWIDDIE, O. G Jacksonville, R. 4 EVANS, E. G Waverly, R. 1 EYRE, F. & R Jacksonville, R. 1 FERN ANDES, F. C. .. .Jacksonville, R. 4 *GIBBS, LELAND E Jacksonville, R. 1 H AYNES, G. B Franklin, R. 2 HAYNES, IRA Franklin, R. 2 *HENDERSON, PERRY Literberry, R. 1 HOLLY, GEORGE Arnold ISAACS, HENRY H Prentice JOY, EDWARD F Chapin, R. 3 JOY, JAMES S Chapin, R. 3 KING, AUSTIN Murrayville, R. 4 136 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY KNIFLEY, VIRGIL Waverly, R. 1 LOCKHART, JOHN Literberry, R. 1 *LUCKEMAN, LLOYD. .Jacksonville, R. 3 *MARSHALL, R. B Markham MOSLEY, JOHN C Sinclair, R. 1 ROBINSON, HARRISON Prentice SCHOFIELD, WM Murrayville, R. 1 STEVENSON, HOWARD. Jacksonville, R. 1 STRAW N, HAROLD M Orleans STRAWN, JOE Orleans THOMAS, WM. M Arenzville, R. 1 THOMPSON, WM. C. .Jacksonville, R. 3 WATSON, L Woodson, R. 1 WATT, M. L Jacksonville, R. 7 * WHITE, W. M Murrayville *Wooo, J. B Franklin, R. 3 WHITE ORPINGTON DAY, L. A Jacksonville, R. 8 OMMEN, HENRY C Franklin, R. 1 SAMPLE, E. T Jacksonville, R. 6 TAPPENBECK, THEO Concord, R. 1 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK * ADAMS, FRED Alexander, R. 1 ADKINS, JOHN Prentice ALDERSON, HENRY Chapin, R. 3 ALLEN, J. R Jacksonville, R. 4 ANDERSON, G. W Chapin, R. 1 ARNOLD, A. D Jacksonville, R. 6 BAUMGARTNER, J Prentice, R. 3 *BEEKMAN, G. S Jacksonville, R. 5 BENDER, G. W Alexander, R. 1 BILGER, Jesse Roodhouse, R. 2 *BIRDSELL, C. W Jacksonville, R. 4 BLAND, W. E Waverly, R. 1 BOLTON, GEO Franklin, R. 1 BOTTOM, W. J Jacksonville, R. 3 *BROWN, F Murrayville, R. 2 BROWN, J. A Alexander, R. 1 BROWNLOW, H Chapin, R. 1 BRUNK, G. W Concord, R. 1 BURRUS, WM Arenzville, R. 1 BUTCHER, J Meredosia, R. 1 CALHOON, GEO Franklin, R. 2 CARPENTER, A. N. . .Jacksonville, R. 8 CLEARY, M. E Jacksonville, R. 1 *CLEARY, S. P Jacksonville, R. 1 COLLINS, E. S Prentice *CORINGTON, J. B Prentice, R. 1 *COULSON, G. H Chapin, R. 2 *CRISWELL, C. E Franklin, R. 2 *CRUM, R. R Waverly, R. 2 CULP, R. H Woodson, R. 1 DAY, FRED E Jacksonville, R. 8 DEFRATES, H Jacksonville, R. 7 *DICKINSON, O. R Winchester, R. 5 EDGE, J. W Waverly, R. 1 ENGELBRECHT, H Chapin, R. 2 GADDIS, JAMES T Concord, R. 1 GARNER, J. O Murrayville, R. 2 GOFFINETT, JOHN Arenzville, R. 1 *GRAVES, T. O Jacksonville, R. 1 GRAY, H. T Alexander GRAY, JOHN E Waverly, R. 1 GRISBY, HARDIN F. . . Murrayville, R. 3 HAGAN, JOSEPH Murrayville, R. 1 HAGAN, FRED H Jacksonville, R. 6 *HAMILTON, ROBERT S Jacksonville, R. 6 HART, FRANK Murrayville, R. 3 HEGENER, HENRY W.. .Arenzville, R. 2 "HENDERSON, WM. E Ashland, R. 1 HINNERS, Louis E Meredosia, R. 1 *HODGSON, HOWARD E... Ashland, R. 1 JEWSBERRY, FREDERICK H Jacksonville, R. 1 JOHNSON, EVAN Waverly, R. 1 *)OY, HAROLD T Chapin, R. 3 *KOYNE, GEO Murrayville, R. 1 KUMLE, ALICE G Alexander LEAR, EDWARD Chapin, R. 2 *LOYD, CLINTON E Jacksonville, R. 1 LYONS, ROBERT Waverly, R. 2 MASTERS, F. M Winchester, R. 3 *MASTERS, W. E Murrayville, R. 1 McCuRLEY, WM. E.. Murrayville, R. 1 McGEE, H. H Jacksonville, R. 2 McGiNN, CHAS. M Waverly, R. 2 McKiNNEY, R. B Winchester, R. S MORLEY, PAT Alexander, R. 1 *MUSCH, HENRY Concord, R. 1 NICKEL, J. H Arenzville, R. 2 NUNES, ISAAC J Meredosia, R. 1 OGLE, CHARLES A. . .Jacksonville, R. 4 PATTERSON, A. B. .. Jacksonville, R. 4 *PERRY, ELZA Concord, R. 1 RAHE, H Chapin, R. 2 READ, W. S Franklin, R. 2 REED, WALTER Waverly, R. 3 REISER, Louis J Prentice, R. 1 RICKARD, C. A Waverly, R. 3 RIDDER, HENRY J Alexander, R. 1 RIDDER, STEPHEN J Alexander, R. 1 ROBERTS, MARTIN L Franklin, R. 2 *ROBINS, IRVIN Alexander, R. 1 RUBLE, GEORGE Alexander, R. 1 RUSSELL, A. G Murrayville, R. 4 *RYAN, MICHAEL Alexander, R. 1 SARGENT, WM T Jacksonville, R. 1 SCHANN, HENRY C Chapin, R. 3 SCHNITKER, GEORGE. .. Arenzville, R. 2 SCOTT, HARVEY D. . .Jacksonville, R. 1 *SCOTT, R. V Jacksonville, R. 1 SCOTT, SYLVANUS Franklin, R. 1 SEYMOUR, GEORGE W. . .Franklin, R. 2 SEYMOUR, Gus Murrayville, R. 4 SEYMOUR. JULIUS Franklin, R. 2 SEYMOUR, MOSES Franklin, R. 2 SEYMOUR, WALLACE E.. Franklin, R. 2 SHANLE, FELIX Waverly, R. 1 SHEEHAN, JOHN Woodson, R. 1 SMITH, JOHN R Woodson, R. 1 "STEVENSON, E. R Jacksonville, R. 1 137 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY STEWART, C. E Waverly, STEWART. J. M Jacksonville, *STORY, CHARLES F Franklin, STUBBLEFIELD, T. M.Jacksonville, SULLIVAN, PATRICK D Murrayville, THOLEN, FRED G Jacksonville, THOMPSON, MAURICE.. . .Prentice, *TRAVIS, THOMAS C Prentice, TUKE, DAVID O Jacksonville, TWYFORD, OBIE Ashland, UNLAND, R Meredosia, VAN WINKLE, M. A. . . .Franklin, WARD, THOS Ashland, WELCH MAN, HENRY .... Waverly, WESTER, JOSEPH Concord, *WIGGS, A. M Franklin, * WILLIAM, CLYDE H Chapin, WINGLER, FRANK. . . .Jacksonville, *ZAHN, W. R Concord, R. 3 R. 1 R. 2 R. 6 R. 1 R. 6 R. 1 R. 1 R. 7 R. 1 R. 4 R. 3 R. 1 R. 2 R. 1 R. 2 R. 2 R. 3 R. 1 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK *BRIDGEMAN, W. A. . .Jacksonville, R. 8 EMRICK, JAMES Chapin, R. 3 TURLEY, FELIX G Felix, R. 3 WOLFE, WM. G Jacksonville, R. 7 WOOD, JAS. JR Waverly PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCK DAY, L. A Jacksonville, R. 8 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK BROCKHOUSE, A Chapin, R. 3 CRUM, W. H Literberry, R. 1 DAY, L. A Jacksonville, R. 8 FEORE, M Waverly, R. 1 *GOFFINETT, WILLIAM.. . .Concord, R. 1 GUMTER, DELMER Literberry, R. 1 *HENDERSON, PERRY Literberry, R. 1 HOOD, MRS. MARTHA. ..Waverly, R. 2 *JORDAN, E. G Murrayville, R. 1 KENNEDY, J. O Arenzville, R. 2 *MENGE, WM Jacksonville, R. 7 *OMMEN, JOHN H Arenzville, R. 1 SCHOFIELD, EDWARD Waverly *SPIRES, EDGAR Franklin, R. 2 SPIRES, FRANCIS M Franklin, R. 2 THOMPSON, ELLIS H.Jacksonville, R. 4 UNLAND, R Meredosia, R. 4 WANKEL, GEO Ashland, R. 1 RHODE ISLAND RED ALDERSON, GEORGE Waverly, R. 3 BEGNEL, J. H Murrayville, R. 1 BOURN, W Jacksonville, R. 8 *BROCKHOUSE, H Chapin, R. 1 BURNETT, M Franklin, R. 3 BUTLER, L. O Ashland CHALLANS, ED Waverly, R. 3 CHALLINER, H Chapin, R. 3 CLAMPIT, C. W Jacksonville, R. 7 *CLARK, E. L Literberry, R. 1 *CORINGTON, J. B Prentice, R. 1 Cox, J. G Jacksonville, R. 8 CRAWFORD, J. W Franklin, R. 2 DALBY, H. R Waverly *DAVIS, S. E Jacksonville, R. 6 DELMER, GUMTER Literberry, R. 1 DENNIS, F. S Waverly DINWIDDIE, H. W. . .Jacksonville, R. 4 *DOYLE, ED. T Murrayville, R. 1 *DRURY, F. E Jacksonville, R. 6 EDGE, J. W Waverly, R. 1 *EDWARDS, W. N Murrayville, R. 2 *GABHART, JOHN H Franklin, R. 3 GARFIELD, H. F Murrayville, R. 3 GRAY, FRED Murrayville, R. 4 HATRGROVE, EDWARD M . . . Sinclair, R. 1 HOAGLAND, ARCHIE. .Jacksonville, R. 5 *HOBBS, GEORGE A Murrayville, R. 1 HYMES, FRANK E Prentice, R. 1 IRVIN, WM Ashland, R. 1 KELTNER, JOHN R Sinclair, R. 1 *LAMB, ALFRED Murrayville, R. 2 *LECK, WATSON Jacksonville, R. 1 LONERGAN, FRANK. . .Murrayville, R. 4 *McCABE, PETER Murrayville, R. 1 MEYER, JOHN H Arenzville, R. 1 MILLION, J. W Murrayville, R. 3 Moss, LLOYD Chapin, R. 3 MURPHY, TIM Murrayville, R. 1 NERGENAH, CHAS. H Chapin, R. 2 NEWTON, JAY J Concord, R. 1 * PLANK, ETHELYN Concord, R. 1 RAGIN, REUBEN Jacksonville, R. 2 *RANSON, EDWARD H.Jacksonville, R. 2 *REXROAT, W. EARL Literberry, R. 1 REYNOLDS, CHAS. E Woodson, R. 1 RICHARDS, J. C Murrayville SAGE, WILLIAM B Prentice *SCHEFERKORT, MRS. R. Alexander, R. 1 SHEKELTON, JAMES Waverly, R. 1 *SHEPPARD, S. S Murrayville, R. 4 SIMPSON, HORACE Prentice, R. 1 SMITH, JOHN H Murrayville, R. 3 SPIRES, FRANCIS M Franklin, R. 2 SPIRES, MARION Franklin, R. 2 *STEWART, J. M Jacksonville, R. 1 STORY, STANLEY Murrayville, R. 3 TOBIN, J. F Jacksonville, R. 1 VOTSMIER, TONY W. .. .Prentice, R. 1 WAGSTAFF, CHAS.. . .Murrayville, R. 2 WALLACE, JAMES W Chapin, R. 1 WAY, BERT Concord, R. 1 *WEDER, A. W Murrayville. R. 1 WESTER, JOSEPH Concord, R. 1 WOOD, JAS., JR Waverly ZELLER, JOSEPH, A Alexander COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTE DAUBARD, H Sinclair, R. 1 138 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE ANDERSON, JOHN Chapin, R. 2 WHITE WYANDOTTE COWDIN, L. T Chapin, R. 3 MAWSON, R. D Murrayville, R. 3 *MYERS, JAS. M Murrayville, R. 2 NICKEL, FRANK C Concord, R. 1 *PETEFISH, CLAUDE C. .Literberry, R. 1 *PETEFISH, W. H Literberry, R. 1 ROBERTS, MARTIN L Franklin, R. 2 ROBERTSON, WALTER W Prentice ROBINSON, HARRISON Prentice DUCKS INDIAN RUNNER MAWSON, R. D -Murrayville, R. 3 *MENGE, WM Jacksonville, R. 7 ROULAND, CHAS., JR Waverly, R. 3 MALLARD ROULAND, WALTHER A.. Waverly, R. 3 STRAWN, HAROLD M Orleans MUSCOVY RIDDER, JOSEPH Alexander, R. 1 PEKIN ARNOLD, A. D Jacksonville, R. 6 COVEY, G. F Franklin, R. 2 FUNK, M Chapin, R. 1 GARVIN, THOS Murrayville, R. 1 *HAMILTON, ROBERT S Jacksonville, R. 6 RIDDER, JOSEPH Alexander, R. 1 ROUEN GRAVES, T. O .Jacksonville, R. 1 GEESE EMDEN KENNEDY, J. O Arenzville, R. 2 MORLEY, PAT Alexander, R. 1 TOULOUSE DAY, FRED E Jacksonville, R. 8 DOBSON, EDW Murrayville, R. 1 GARNER, J. O Murrayville, R. 2 *HOBBS, GEORGE A. . . .Murrayville, R. 1 *JORDAN, E. G Murrayville, R. 1 *McCABE, PETER Murrayville, R. 1 SEED CORN V/OU cannot afford to plant poor corn when you can get good seed at a reasonable price. Re- member, orders are booked in the order they are received. Order early and avoid disappointment. When in need of other farm seeds come to FRED E. DEATHERAGE RETAILS CHICKEN FEED, BRAN, MIDDLINGS CORN, OATS, ETC. Fresh Ground Corn Meal at All Times Phone 356 WAVERLY, ILLINOIS 139 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY TURKEYS BRONZE BEEKMAN, G. S Jacksonville, R. 5 GARNER, J. O Murrayville, R. 2 GARVIN, THOS Murrayville, R. 1 GRISBY, HARDIN F. . .Murrayville, R. 3 KUMLE, ALICE G Alexander RATLIFF, CHARLES Ashland, R. 1 STRAWN, HAROLD M Orleans BOURBON RED GRAVES, T. O Jacksonville, R. 1 HOLLEY, GEORGE Arnold WHITE HOLLAND ALLEN, J. R Jacksonville, R. 4 BROWN, JAMES Murrayville, R. 1 *HA MILTON, ROBERT S.Jacksonville, R. 6 STUBBLEFIELD, T. M.Jacksonville, R. 6 CORN DAY, L. A. Reed's Yellow Dent ; Day's Big Yellow. Jacksonville, R. 8 DEATHERAGE, FRED E Waverly JAMES, L. N. Seed Corn Jacksonville, R. 8 ROWE, CHAS. A. Seed Corn Jacksonville, R. 7 OATS DAY, L. A. Silver Mine Jacksonville, R. 8 Merchandise advertised in Prairie Farmer carries a triple guarantee. The manufacturer guarantees it, the local merchant who sells it guar- antees it, and Prairie Farmer guarantees square treatment from the advertiser. You can be sure of satisfaction by asking your merchant for goods advertised in Prairie Farmer. W. C. KUECHLER Complete House Furnisher Simplicity Hatchers Write for Great Free Circular telling all about this wonderful Hatcherits "no-cold-corners,"scien- tific design; its simple, compact, sanitary and other modern features. SOjLn AND GUARANTEED BY Majestic Ranges Round Oak Range* and Base Burnen Illinois Soft Coal Heaters The Gem Line Cast Ranges Oil Stove. Good Furniture Sellers' Line Kitchen Cabinets Merer Stretch Mattresses Rome Beds and Springs Special Attention Given to All Sheet Metal Work and Best Makes Hot Air Furnaces WINCHESTER ILLINOIS 140 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Scott County Breeders' Directory This list includes all farmers in Scott County who own one or more purebred animals. Star (*) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale. BEEF CATTLE ABERDEEN ANGUS ADAMS, E. C Winchester, R. 4 KLEMSCHMIDT, WM Naples, R. 1 SHERWIN, HENRY Winchester, R. 4 HEREFORD ALLEN, ROBT. H Winchester, R. 5 CAMPBELL, H. W Naples, R. 1 FROST, C. W Winchester, R . 5 McCoLLOUGH, W. G. . Winchester, R. 2 SWEET, M. Z Winchester, R. 1 SHORTHORN BEAN, J. B Winchester, R. 2 BEAN, W. F Wichester, R. 2 BLACKBURN, CURTIS... Winchester, R. 4 BOESTER, FRED Winchester, R. 1 BOYER, C. N. & SON Manchester CAMPBELL, W. R Winchester, R. 1 DOBSON, R. L Manchester, R. 1 FROST, W. S Winchester, R. 3 GREENWALT, BIDA Manchester, R. 1 HASENKAMP, WILLIAM ...Chapin, R. 2 HERRING, HENRY C. . . Winchester, R. 3 LASH MET, GEO Winchester, R. 5 MARTIN, H. W Winchester, R. 1 MCCOLLOUGH, W. E Riggston MOORE, WM. A Winchester, R. 1 O'DONELL, C. P Winchester, R. 6 O'DONNELL, JOHN ...Winchester, R. 6 PEAK, GEO. J Winchester, R. 1 SMITH, H. O Chapin, R. 2 TAYLOR, I. A Winchester, R. 2 THADY, CHAS. E Manchester, R. 1 THADY, FRED M Winchester, R. 1 YOUNG, CHAS. & SON. Winchester, R. 4 DAIRY CATTLE HOLSTEIN *FITZSIMMONS, C Naples, R. 1 *FITZSIMMONS, EDW Naples, R. 1 HAMILTON, OTIS Winchester, R. 2 MOORE, W. J Winchester. R. 6 ROBERTS, J. L Alsey WRIGHT, CLAYTON Winchester, R. 2 JERSEY SUMMERS, CHAS. H .. Winchester, R. 3 TAYLOR, L. E Winchester, R. 5 WHITLOCK, W. J Naples, R. 1 HOGS BERKSHIRE YOUNG, JESSE M Winchester, R. 4 CHESTER WHITE *BURRUS, G. W Bluffs, R. 2 FROST, G. B ....Winchester, R. 3 GORDON, J. B Winchester, R. 3 MCCARTY, ROBT Winchester, R. 3 MILLS, D. W Bluffs, R. 2 DUROC JERSEY ALLEN, ROBT. H Winchester, R. 5 *BALKE, F. H Winchester, R. 1 *BEUTLER, FRED Naples, R. 1 *BOTTERBUSCH, W. D Bluffs, R. 2 CAMPBELL, NORMAN ..Winchester, R. 5 CAMPBELL, W. R Winchester, R. 1 CHRISMAN, B. F. Merritt COULTAS, R. J Winchester, R. 5 DANIELS, W. E Hillview, R. 2 *FLETCHER, M. E. Winchester, R. 4 GILLHAM, J. L Winchester, R. 5 GORDON, H. SCOTT Winchester, R. 3 *HAMILTON, JAMES T.. Winchester, R. 3 HAMILTON, OTIS Winchester, R. 2 HAWK, D. C Winchester, R. 3 HAYES, EDWARD Manchester, R. 1 KILVER, H. H Naples, R. 1 LANDRETH, EDW Winchester LASHMET, GEO Winchester, R. 5 LEIB, JUSTIN Winchester, R. 2 McEvERS, W. D Winchester, R. 4 MILLIKIN, BEN T Winchester, R. 6 *MOORE, T. C Winchester, R. 1 OVERTON. W. E Winchester, R. 1 REARDON, DENNIS J.. .Manchester, R. 1 SHERWIN, HENRY Winchester, R. 4 TAYLOR, G. P Chapin, R. 2 *VANNIER, G. H Bluffs, R. 1 WARD, LEE Winchester, R. 3 WRIGHT, CLAYTON Winchester, R. 2 HAMPSHIRE BOTTERBUSCH, R Bluffs, R. 2 POLAND CHINA ALBERS, A. & R Naples, R. 1 ANDERSON, C. N Winchester, R. 4 ANDELL, ROBERT C Winchester, R. 5 BAILEY, SAMUEL ... Winchester, R. 6 BATLEY, GEO. R Naples, R. 1 BEAN. W. F Winchester, R. 2 141 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BEAVERS, J. NEWTON Bluffs, R. 2 BERRY, GEORGE R Merritt *BLIMLING, JOHN W.. Winchester, R. 3 BUCHANAN, LUCIEN Bluffs, R. 2 *BUCHANAN, T. Bluffs, R. 2 CARTER, C. C. & J. B. . . .Chapin, R. 2 "CHAMBERS, J. O Naples, R. 1 *CLAYWELL BROS Winchester, R. 1 COULTAS, R. J Winchester, R. 5 CRUM, ELMER Bluffs, R. 2 EDMONSON, J. W Winchester, R. 2 FANNING, I. L Winchester, R. 5 *FITZSIMMONS, EDW Naples, R. 1 FUNK, CLYDE Bluffs, R. 2 *FUNK, LOLA M Bluffs, R. 2 OILMAN, C Winchester, R. 2 HAWK, ALBERT Winchester, R. 5 HEPWORTH BROS Alsey HODKINSON, WM Winchester, R. 6 HOGAN, W. M Chapin, R. 3 HORNBEEK, LUTHER ..Winchester, R. 2 JOHNSON, ALDEN Winchester, R. 6 KLEINSCHMIDT, WM Naples, R. 1 *KORTY, F. H Bluffs, R. 2 LAWLESS, J. D Murrayville, R. 1 MCLAUGHLIN, F. R. ..Winchester, R. 1 *MERRIS, CH. E Bluffs, R. 2 *MOORE, J. C Winchester MOORE, W. J Winchester, R. 6 MORRIS, A. F Winchester, R. 5 *MORRIS, LEE Bluffs, R. 2 *NEFF, FRANK Winchester, R. 1 NORTHCUT, JAS. A. . . .Winchester, R. 4 *NORTHRUP, HERMAN Bluffs, R. 1 NORTHRUP, JOSEPH Glasgow O'DONNELL, C. D. . . .Winchester, R. 6 PARKS, JAS. H Naples, R. 1 PRICE, W. H Naples, R. 1 RATIGAN, ANNA Exeter REDSH AW, A. J Merritt RING, JERRY JR Murrayville, R. 1 ROBINSON, C. A Manchester, R. 1 ROCKWOOD, FRANK Chapin, R. 2 SANDMAN, J. W Bluffs SMITH, D. H Chapin, R. 2 SMITH, H. O Chapin, R. 2 *SMITH, THOS. J Bluffs, R. 2 TAYLOR, I. A Winchester, R. 2 TAYLOR, WM. N Bluffs, R. 2 TAYLOR, W. E Winchester, R. 2 TERHUNE, Jos. W. ..Winchester, R. 4 *THOLEN, WM. H Bluffs, R. 2 THOMAS, CLAUDE Winchester, R. 2 THOMPSON, R. S Winchester, R. 2 WELSH, JOHN JR Winchester, R. 6 WILSON, J. A Roodhouse, R. 6 WOODALL, JESSIE Winchester, R. 6 WORRELL, GEO Naples YORKSHIRE PEAK, H. S Bluffs, R. 2 HORSES DRAFT ELLIOTT, WM Winchester, R. 3 PERCHERON BOESTER, FRED Winchester, R. 1 MIDDENDORF, R Winchester, R. 2 O'DoNELL, C. P Winchester, R. 6 O'DONNELL, JOHN ...Winchester, R. 6 O'DONNELL, THOS Winchester, R. 6 SMITH, H. O Chapin, R. 2 STANDARD BRED DAWSON, OTIS Winchester, R. 2 MCLAUGHLIN, F. R.. .Winchester, R. 1 OVERTON, JAMES M Winchester PEAK, FRED M Winchester, R. 4 *PEAK, GEO. J Winchester, R. 1 SMITH, GEO. G Winchester, R. 1 TANKESLEY, A. W ... Winchester, R. 3 JACKS MAMMOTH DAWSON, OTIS Winchester, R. 2 SHEEP OXFORD KINCAID, ANNIE Winchester, R. 3 KLEINSCHMIDT, WM Naples, R. 1 *PEAK, GEO. J. ... Winchester, R. 1 SHROPSHIRE FUNK, Louis C Roodhouse, R. 3 KOCH, H. H Chapin, R. 2 ZAHN, OLIVER Arenzville, R. 1 DOGS FOX AND COON HOUNDS *BERRY, SAM'L C Chapin, R. 2 CHICKENS ANCONA DAY, C. W Roodhouse, R. 3 142 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY LIGHT BRAHMA PENTON, ELIZABETH & ZELLA Winchester, R. 5 TAYLOR, G. P Chapin, R. 2 FRIZZLE FREITAG, C. C Winchester, R. 6 SILVER HAMBURG *WILLIAMS, LEROY Exeter BLACK LANGSHAN *BENZ, EDW. G Chapin, R. 2 *BLIMLING, JOHN W. .. Winchester, R. 3 HALE, HORACE .- Bluffs, R. 2 JONES, CHAS. P Manchester, R. 1 MCDONALD, C Winchester, R. 6 MIRUS, O. A Alsey NORTHROP, THOS Manchester, R. 1 BROWN LEGHORN BONDS, ELMER Chapin, R. 2 CAMPBELL, NORMAN . . Winchester, R. 5 CHRISMAN, B. F Merritt MIDDENDORF, FRED J Chapin, R. 2 MILLS, D. W Bluffs, R. 2 *MoORE, J. C Winchester PARK, JAS. H Naples, R. 1 SCOTT, C. C Winchester, R. 2 WHITE LEGHORN *CLAYWELL BROS Winchester, R. 1 COULTAS, LUTHER Winchester, R. 3 DUNN, A. E Winchester, R. 3 ELLIOTT, HARRY H Winchester, R. 5 *FITZSIMMONS, EDW Naples, R. 1 HAWK, GEORGE Winchester, R. 5 HAYES, EDWARD Manchester, R. 1 HAZELRIGGS, HURB ..Winchester, R. 3 O'DONNELL, THOS. ...Winchester, R. 6 SHERWIN, THOS Winchester, R. 4 VANNIER, ALBERT Neelyville YOUNG, JESSIE M Winchester, R. 4 BLACK MINORCA * ADAMS, J. I Naples CLAYWELL BROS Winchester, R. 1 BUFF MINORCA McEvERS, W. D Winchester, R. 4 BLACK ORPINGTON *MOORE, T. C Winchester, R. : BUFF ORPINGTON BOTTERBUSCH, R Bluffs, R. 2 CAREY, CURTIS Winchester, R. 3 CHRISMAN, E. M. . .. Jacksonville, R. 1 COPLEY, J. R Winchester, R. 6 DAY, L. E Winchester, R. 6 DAY, W. G Winchester, R. 6 FUNK, CLARENCE E Riggston McEvERS, W. D. Winchester, R. 4 O'DONNELL, JOHN ...Winchester, R. 6 OVERTON, J. C Winchester, R. 1 OVERTON, W. E Winchester, R. 1 PENTOR, I. M Winchester, R. 3 SMITH, GEO. A Manchester, R. 1 WHITE ORPINGTON *MOORE, T. C Winchester, R. 1 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK *AKERS, J. C Manchester *ASH, THOMAS E Manchester, R. 1 BAIRD, B Winchester, R. 1 BARRY, JOSEPH Winchester, R. 5 CLARK, WM. F Roodhouse, R. 3 COKER, D Winchester, R. 4 *COPLEY, WILLIAM Manchester, R. 1 CUDDY, BUELL L Roodhouse, R. 3 DAWSON, M. M Winchester, R. 2 FROST, C. W Winchester, R. 3 GILLHAM, J. L Winchester, R. 5 GLASSOP, ARTHUR Winchester, R. 2 GORDON, H. L Winchester, R. 3 GORDON, J. B Winchester, R. 3 GORDON, WM. E Jacksonville, R. 1 GREGORY, W. M Winchester, R. 2 HAMILTON, JAS. T. ..Winchester, R. 3 HAMPTON, ELY G. .Jacksonville, R. 1 HART, FRANK Murrayville, R. 1 HARVEY, F. J Jacksonville, R. 1 HAWK, D. C Winchester, R. 3 HODKINSON, WM. .:. Winchester, R. 6 *HYATT, CH Naples, R. 1 KINCAID, J. E Winchester, R. 5 KIRKPATRICK, WM. ..Winchester, R. 4 MARTIN, H. W Winchester, R. 1 McEvERS, MYRL Winchester, R. 4 *MOORE, MARY A Naples, R. 1 OWENS, ODA Chapin, R. 2 PIPER, H. MARSHALL Chapin, R. 2 QUINN, M. W Winchester, R. 5 REID, O. E Winchester, R. 3 ROARK, Jos Winchester, R. 2 ROCKWOOD, FRANK Chapin, R. 2 RUTHERFORD, Louis L Riggston *SEARS, MARY E Bluffs, R. 2 SMITH, GEO. G Winchester, R. 1 SMITHSON, L. L Winchester, R. 6 SUMMERS, LUCIAN B.. Manchester, R. 1 TAYLOR, W. E Winchester, R. 2 WILSON, JESSE Winchester, R. 12 WOODALL, J. R Winchester, R. 6 YOUNG, C. & SON Winchester, R. 4 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK ANDERSON, C. N Winchester, R. 4 EVANS, ROBERT Winchester, R. 1 FUNK, CLYDE Bluffs, R. 2 143 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK BARNETT, ALVA Winchester, R. 4 BARNETT, W. A Winchester, R. 4 BEAN, J. B Winchester, R. 2 *BURRUS, G. W Bluffs, R. 2 EDMONSON, J. W Winchester, R. 2 FROST, W. S Winchester, R. 3 HAMPTON, ELY G Jacksonville, R. 1 KNAPP, WM. E Winchester, R. 2 LEACH, ED. T Winchester, R. 5 LOVELESS, LOREN ..... Roodhouse, R. 3 M AYES, HY Naples PRIEST, O. E Winchester, R. 2 RHODE ISLAND RED BAILEY, SAMUEL Winchester, R. 6 BRACKETT, ROBERT A Exeter *BUCHANAN, T Bluffs, R. 2 CAMPBELL, W. R. . . .Winchester, R. 1 CASTLE, L. O Bluffs, R. 1 COLLINS, J. N Winchester, R. 2 COULTAS, R. J Winchester, R. 5 COULTAS, R. W Winchester, R. 2 EVANS, O. S Winchester, R. 1 FROST, G. B Winchester, R. 3 GORDON, H. SCOTT Winchester, R. 3 HAZELRIGGS, HURB IRLAM, EARNEST . . . JEFFERSON, GEO. . . . JOHNSON, ALDEN . . JONES, WARREN KING, WILLIAM Winchester, R. 3 .Winchester, R. 6 .Winchester, R. 1 .Winchester, R. 6 .Winchester, R. 6 .Winchester, R. 6 LANIER, LELAND Naples, R. 1 McEvERs, W. D Winchester, R. 4 PERKINS, A, D Winchester, R. 6 RENNER, THOS Winchester, R. 6 SHIBE, HERBERT Winchester, R. 1 SWETTART, MRS. W. R Chapin, R. 2 VORTMAN, L Exeter YOUNG, JESSE M Winchester, R. 4 WALLACE, N. M Winchester, R. 3 WEST, WM. E Bluffs, R. 2 WOODALL, JESSIE Winchester, R. 6 WOODALL, WM. M. . . .Winchester, R. 5 PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE SHERWIN, HENRY ....Winchester, R. 4 SILVER LACED WYAN- DOTTE ELLIOTT, EARL Winchester, R. 5 WHITE WYANDOTTE *ADAMS, J. I Naples ASH MORE, GEORGE Roodhouse, R. 6 FUNK, CLYDE Bluffs, R. 2 *GANGES, Gus Winchester, R. 4 LYONS, WM Winchester, R. 1 NORTH, WARREN S. ..Winchester, R. 1 PARKS, ALBERT Winchester, R. 3 DUCKS INDIAN RUNNER *VANNIER, G. H Bluffs, R. 1 PEKIN *MOORE, MARY A Naples, R. 1 *SEARS, MARY E Bluffs, R. 2 ROUEN ELLIOTT, EARL Winchester, R. 5 ROARK, Jos Winchester, R. 2 GEESE TOULOUSE BOTTERBUSCH, R Bluffs, R. 2 CAMPBELL, W. R Winchester, R. 1 ELLIOTT, EARL Winchester, R. 5 HODKINSON, WM Winchester, R. 6 JEFFERSON, GEO Winchester, R. 1 PERKINS, F Winchester, R. 6 VANNIER, DICK Chapin, R. 2 WHITE EMDEN *REARDEN, DENNIS J. .Manchester, R. 1 TURKEYS BRONZE CAMPBELL, W. R Winchester, R. 1 CUMBY, J. S Winchester, R. 1 FUNK, CLYDE Bluffs, R. 2 BOURBON RED EVANS, ROBERT Winchester, R. 1 CORN WILSON, J. A. ; pure seed corn. . . . Roodhouse, R. 6 144 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES GESTATION TABLE OF FARM ANIMALS Time of Service Mares, 340 Days Cows, 283 Days Ewes, 150 Days Sows, 112 Days Jan. 1 Dec. 6 Oct. 10 May 30 Apr. 22 6 " 11 " IS June 4 " 27 " 11 " 16 " 20 9 May 2 " 16 " 21 " 25 .4 14 7 " 21 " 26 " 30 19 12 " 26 " 31 Nov. 4 " 24 " 17 " 31 Jan. S 9 " 29 " 22 Feb. 5 " 10 " 14 July 4 " 27 " 10 " 15 .. 19 " 9 June 1 " IS " 20 " 24 " 14 6 " 20 " 25 " 29 44 J 9 " 11 " 25 " 30 Dec. 4 " 24 " 16 Mar. 2 Feb. 4 9 " 29 44 21 7 9 " 14 Aug. 3 " 26 " 12 " 14 " 19 8 July 1 ,. 17 4. 19 " 24 " 13 " 6 ' 22 " 24 44 29 " 18 " 11 " 27 Mar. 1 Jan. 3 " 23 " 16 Apr. 1 6 8 " 28 " 21 ' 6 " 11 " 11 " 16 " 13 " 18 Sept. 2 26 ' 31 " 16 " 21 " 23 " 12 Aug. 5 " 21 26 " 28 44 J 7 " 10 " 26 " 31 Feb. 2 " 22 " 15 May 1 " 6 Apr. 5 K 10 7 " 12 " 27 Oct. 2 " 20 25 " 11 " 15 4, jy 7 " 30 " 16 " 21 " 20 " 25 " 22 " 27 " 12 " 17 * Phone Illino j 8 831 JACKSONVILLE, ILL. THE NASH SIX Perfected Valve in Head Motor PLEASURE CARS AND TRUCKS The Nash Six is a powerful car, built along beautiful lines. Can climb hills and negotiate roads without difficulty. We carry one of the most complete lines of accessories and supplies. Jacobs Motor Car Co. C. W. JACOBS, Mgr. JACKSONVILLE, ILLINOIS PERFECTED VALVI -IN-MIAO norm 152 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY ALEXANDER Beerup, K. V General Store Ewen, J. C Meats Greenleaf , E. S. Est Grain, Lumber, Etc. Kaiser, Frank J General Store Reif, John W Blacksmith Schott, Dr. W. H Physician Six, F. B. Grain Co. (not inc.) Coal Strawn, CM Wallpaper & Paint Strawn, E. R. . . .Harness & Implements Tankersley, Jerre Coal & Salt Weigand, John Contractor ARNOLD Arnold Farmers' Elevator Co Grain, Coal & General Mdse. Hammond, Geo. C Blacksmith CHAPIN Blair, F. E Paint & Wallpaper Bobbitt, W. N Ice Bridgman, H. C Painter, Etc. Burnham, J. F Livery & Coal Chapin Creamery Co. Clark, R. C General Store Dickens, Wm Grocer Duckett, C. F Restaurant & Confectioner Edelbrock, W. J Implements Eilers, J. H General Store Farmers' Elevator Co. Fountain, Dr. J. H Physician Fritsch, F. G Hotel Haymaker, Geo. W Blacksmith Hunter, Allen & Co Lumber Joy, H. T Garage & Supplies Korsmeyer, H. F Jewelry McKinney, F. P Drugs, Etc. Nash, John Garage Onken, John & Bro General Store Perbix, Henry Grain Reams, Roy Barber Rigg, W. H Harness Roberts, Dr. F. M Physician Schaefer & Eilers Undertaker Smith, D. P Barber Smith, Dr. L Physician Thompson, J. L Meats Tucker, H. E. . . . Hardware & Furniture Wesler& Duckett. Mfrs. Concrete Blocks Wimberly, J. O Baker Wroe, A Grocer CONCORD Blimling-Sanders Co General Store Diggins, Wm Restaurant Farmers & Merchants Bank (not inc.). Nickel, F. C Blacksmith & Plumber Nordsieck/John Grain & Coal Onken, Meyer & Cratz General Store Rayborn, J. J Machinery Stone, J. T Blacksmith Wessler & Duckett General Contractors Williamson, Wm. H Lumber, Etc. -iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiL: [C.C.PATCHEN! Physician - Hours Thursday, Friday and Satur- * day and by appointment. - Practice limited to treatment of 5 - Rupture, Piles, Fistula and Hydrocele ; without the knife. Rooms 11-12 Scott Block 1 JACKSONVILLE ILLINOIS | -fiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. H. & E. F. Hunter O. A. Allen Hunter Allen & Co. FUIX LINE: OF BUILDING MATERIAL Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Cement, Tile, Sewer Pipe, Galvanized Valley and Ridge Rolls Estimates furnished free If we haven't got what you want we will get it for you We sell and rec- ommend the fol- lowing: Triple-O goods : Best Brands Cement Always in Stock Beaver Board Barrett's Felt Roofing and . . Shingles Perfection Gates Glide and Bollaway Barn Door Track and Hangers CHAPIN 153 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY FRANKLIN Jolly, A. P. & Son Meats Broverman, Louis Jolly, Claude Mfr. Brick, Tile, Etc. Clothing 6" Furnishing Lottrell, W. N Printing Office Calhoun, Wm. C Metcalf, Dr. F. H Physician Lumber, Grain, Wood & Coal Olinger, Chas. W General Store Chambers & Matlock Restaurant Patterson, F. F Drugs & Jewelry Cussins, Chas. E Jewelry Perkins, Dr. J. B Physician Ebrey, John General Store & Coal Reece Farmer Elevator Co Grain Elder, Dr. J. M Physician Rolston, J. O Grocer Franklin Bank (not inc.) Schaaf, Geo General Store F'ranklin Furniture & Undertaking Co. Seymour, G. M Blacksmith Glenn, Dr. C. I Dentist Snow & Gorman Blacksmiths Hall Bros Implements & Vehicles Swift & Beatty Undertakers Hart, W. C Blacksmith Teaney, W. C Confectionery T ravers, Fred L Wagonmaker ^HiiNiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiituiuiiuiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiHig - Tulpin, H. M Harness Votsmeier, John Garage E. F. Hunter H. Hunter G. A. Allen i Whalen, Wm General Store \ .. A on Whalen, W. A. & Richard Ryan i Hunter Allen & Co. | ^^. BUILDING MATERIAL I BUILDERS' HARDWARE j Woods Bros. . . m. i Y eager, J. D Lumber, Sash, Doors, Bunds, Lime, Cement, Builders LITERBERRY Hardware, Paints and Crum, O. L Garage Glass, Ridge Rolls Farmers' Elevator of Literberry Estimates furnished free Kitchens, J. S Blacksmith Liter, George T General Store If we haven t got what you want Liter j A . & Co General Store we will get it for you Murry, W. E Implements j Marshall, R. B Grocer We sell and rec- MEREDOSIA tti , foK Ayers, W. H. . . Grocer & Confectioner goods: Berger, H. D Variety Berger, L. F General Store & A feats y8 m Burdick, Thos. W Publisher Beaver Board Butcher, G. W, . .Implements & Harness Ba shi e ngi 8 e 8 FeU Booto8: and Farmers & Traders Bank (not inc.) Can't Sag Gates Fee & Mayes General Store Barn Door Track and Hangers Fields, Roscoe B Drugs, Etc. - ^ Geiss, C. C General Store I MEREDOSIA ILLINOIS i Geiss, E F Men's Furnishings Harms, H. t, Grocer & Meats liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hauser, Wm General Store SATISFACTION STRENGTH SERVICE We sell and recommend the following Trlple-G goods: Star- Diamond Brand and Douglas Shoes, Cooper & Munsing Underwear, Holeproof Black-Cat Armor Plate Hosiery, Headlight Auto Overall, Fanchon Flour, Joe Beth Co. Canned Goods, Splendid Coffee. United Mercantile Co., Inc. MEREDOSIA ILLINOIS 154 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Hedrick, C. P Restaurant & Confectioner Hilderbrand, J. A Hotel & Mfr. Soda Water Hoffman, J. F Shoe Repairer Hunter, Allen & Co Lumber & Hard-ware Kappal Bros. Co. (not inc.) Wholesale Furs Leslie, A. J Feed & Flour Mayes, J. F. & Co Mfrs. Buttons Meier, W. D General Store Meredosia Farmers' Grain Co. Orr, S. D Photo & Jtwtlry Reich, C. H. (Mrs. John) Grocer Schaffer, Henry & Son Furniture & Undertaker Schmitt Bros Implements & Blacksmiths Stark Millinery Co. (not inc.) Steinberg & Koppal Autos United Mercantile Co. Wegehoft, Hannah & Son Hard-ware & Stoves MURRAYVILLE Berry, J. T. & Co Grocery Blakeman, C. L Produce Cade, Harry Grain & Feed Carlson, John A General Store Dunniway, J. L Garage The Murray ville Farmers Elevator Co. J. H. FULLER, Mgr. GRAIN, HAY AND FEED FLOUR, COAL, SALT FERTILIZERS MURRAYVILLE ILL. DUNNIWAY & NEAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ACCESSORIES OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING MURRAYVILLE ILL. : mi i J. L THOMPSON Funeral Director Embalmer License No. 1307 Call promptly answered at all hours by our Overland car, dis- tance not considered. Illinois Telephone No. 11 MURRAYVILLE, ILLINOIS Inquire about our Funeral Ex- pense Association, that helps all, a necessity for the poor. INSURANCE AGENT Hartford and Aetna Cos. AGENT INDIANA SILO. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Editor The Murrayville Tribune 155 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY James L Solomon HARDWARE HAND-MADE HARNESS PAINTS AND OILS CREAM SEPARATORS ROUND OAK STOVES AND RANGES GRANITEWARE STANDARD FOUR Automobile Tires and Tubes MURRAYVILLE ILL. EDWARD WEMPLE F. H. WEMPLE I Illllilllllllll emple Established in 1877 WAVERLY, ILLINOIS Dunnewiy & Neal Auto Repairing & Accessories Gilbert Drug Store (not inc.) Hall Bros Implements Kennedy, A. H General Store Million, H. E Lumber Murrayville Bank (not inc.) . . . .Private Murray ville Farmers' Elevator Grain, Flour, Coal, Etc. Murrayville Hardware Co. (not inc.) Osborne, H. U Meats Solomon, Jas. L Hardware Sooy, S. F Confectioner Stansfield, Geo Concrete Contractor Tendick, Mrs. Jacob Millinery Tendrick, John Produce & Feed Thompson, J. E Undertaker Walker, W. W. & Wife. . .Confectioner NEELYVILLE Grain & Supply Co., The Vortman, J. H General Store ORLEANS Bennett, C. H General Store Kinnett, W. A General Store Orleans Farmers' Grain Co. PISGAH Bell, J. W General Store Pisgah Farmers' Grain & Elevator Co. PRENTICE Adkins Bros Grain & Implements Harry, Dr. O. N Physician Holbrook, C. T Grocer Hubbs, J. H General Store Lockett, V. H Blacksmith Prentice Farmers' Elevator Co. Robertson, W. W Autos ROHRER Farmer, J. B General Store Turnbull, Wm. R Grain SINCLAIR Fox, T. U. & N. B General Store Hopper. W. L Blacksmith & Implements McNeal, A. A Grocer WAVERLY Adcock. J. L. & Co. ..Grocer & Drugs Arnett, S. M Grocer Berry, Wm. M Auto Repairer Blair, Dr. E. K Dentist Bradford, Weies & Co. (Inc.) General Store Brown, Frank Autos Cody, James Restaurant Cody & Henrich Restaurant Coe, I. H General Store Cleary, M. H 156 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY View of the Main Business of Waverly, 111. NO time like the present has ever so fully demon- strated the fact that a little ready money can make more. While everything is so prosperous would it not be well for you to save your earnings so that you can take advantage of the next oppor- tunity that presents itself? THE TIME NOW! THE PLACE of Waverly, Illinois 157 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Crawford & Emery Wagonmaker Curtiss, C. P Hotel Davis, Wilber Poultry Deatherage, F. E Feed & Seeds First National Bank Fleming, W. C. & Co Grocer Gates, C. L Photographer Gibson Lumber Co. Gough, Ed Bakery Graves & Curtis Implements & Vehicles Hairgrove & Harrison Grain, Etc. Hall, Albert J Implements, Etc. Hall, R. H Poultry Harney & Co Hardware, Furniture & Tin Harrison, E. T Autos & Garage Hart, Elmer E Coal Hatfield, C. L. Co Wholesale Poultry, Etc. Hughes, John Meats Hughes, Dr. N. J Physician Johnson, W. A Harness & Shoe Repairer Lankton, J. H. ...Grocer & Wallpaper Laws & Laws Millinery Nathanson, David Clothing Nix, J. M Painter J. M. RICHARDSON, Proprietor F. A. FORD, Sales Mgr. THE WAVERLY GARAGE HOME OF THE SAXON-SIX Cars Repaired and Overhauled Storage Batteries Charged and Repaired Oxy-Acetylene Welding WAVERLY ..... ILLINOIS W. E. Swift License 997 Frank Beatty License 1258 SWIFT & BEATTY Undertakers Motor Hearse and Funeral Outfit PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Phones: Office 46. Res. 39. Res. 157 Branches: Franklin, 111., Loami, 111. WAVERLY - ILLINOIS 158 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Reesor, F. S Cigars & Tobacco Jeffrey Motor Sales Co. 312 E. State. l_l._.Jl-_ r XT Kin^b^iti, Marlin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. Richardson, C. N Blacksmith o . Donne ii ( L . F . ( 307 Ayers Bids., 215 E. Richardson, J . M Garage North. Rodeers H T Priest, C. N., 416-418 W. State. . . . .Auto Garage; Machine ' Shop 'and tg^Jii' 3W ^'cXr? "^ Tractors Zahn, Howard, 221-231 E. Morgan. Romang, G ........... Restaurant & Confectioner Braner & lYe^fSSfc Scales, L. T Hardware, Etc. Cassell, R. T., 8 W. Side Square. Shutt T H Coal Holkenbrink, B. J., 216 N. Main. Smith Wiknn'M " " 'publisher I1L Tire & Vulcanizing Co., 313 W. State. bmitn, Wilson M furnisher Jacksonville Auto Co., 315-317 E. State. Spaenhower Bros Clothing Jacobs Motor Car Co. Swift & Beatty Jeffrey Motor Sales Co., 312 E. State. Undertaker 'flf J iiierv Modern Garage, 210-216 W. Court. . . . . . ... ... . . . . unaertaKer &L.wery Priest( C- N 416-418 W. State. Tulpm, H. M. & Son Harness Sieber, G. A., 210 S. Main. Turnbull, Wm. R Grain & Feed Skinner, J. W., 214-216 W. Morgan. Watts T F Rpttnurnni Walsh, J. E. Elec. Co., 300 E. State, watts J.C.. . . . ....... .Kestauraw Zann Howard 221 E Morgan . Waverly Brick & Tile Co. (not inc.) Waverly Garage Co AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING Garaae Autfi fi- Rebairma Burrows, Chas., 112% W. Col. Ave. \\r i " V Y u!2 V- repairing Cherr y, B L i very , 2 35 N. Main. Waverly lelepnone Co. Holkenbrink, B. J., 216 N. Main. Wemple Bros Bankers Kilian, Geo. D., 819 S. West. Witherbee, Wm. M General Store Modern Garage, 210-216 W. Court. Woods, Dr. F. M Physician BANKS Wright, O Meats Ayers Nat'l Bank, 2-4 W. Side Square. Wyle, Frank A. ... Jewelry & Stationery gun 1 ? ; P Russel & Co 14 W Side Square. \\T i r f n A, r Elliott State Bank, 64 E. Side Square. Wyle Drug Co .Drugs & Grocer Parmer , 8 state Bank & Trust Co., 27 S. Zoll, Frank Grocer & Hardware Side Square. Farrell, F. G. & Co., 1 W. Side Square. WOODSON BELTING Anderson Bros General Store Hall Brothers, 235 S. Main. Barrow, Ira H Wallpaper & Grocer Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-236 Bradley Edw. Grain Dealer MaTtin Brothers, 302 N. Sandy. Cplton & Baxter. Implements & Harness Fitzsimmons & Son General Store BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES AND Henry, T. R. . Coal REPAIRS THam rha F) Cencrnl Stnre Holkenbrink, B. J., 216 N. Main, inam, t-nas. U. General Store Myrick & Co-i 2 is w. Court. Jones, Dr. R. R Physician Vagts, A., 222 E. Morgan. Kehl, Frank & Sons Blacksmiths Kitner, Fred H Coal, Etc. BLACKSMITHS Miller Dr O W Phvtirian Anderson, W. H., 213 E. Morgan. Miller, W ftiysician Hopper> H arry & Son, 225 N. Mauvais- Owings, H. L Lumber terre. Ingram, Andrew, 209 W. North. T A rvcrnsJ\7TT T IT Leggett, R. W., 307 S. Mauvaisterre. JACK.6UNVll^li McDougall, F. C., 214 N. West. tits'i-it \<"i<* nw TITTF- Martin, Frank D., 234 N. Mauvaisterre. *^ B wi "ESS+iW S 1 O 1 M w P V Q O * W o i- jsIH* fc%-e l^feP 6 !^! |j|i 13 ft T3 e ^ O SS^|8|S -g^o > rt > O O B2 - eg *"* S|S| o\ rt -3 ;'^-5 '-Sw.S g i a 2 s .s rt u V a t! S S as a a .- ,o_e o JS 3 ^18- 3 O t-- * ^ u"" J2^ 3 ;S IS - -* MI c -u 'J? **TH il43 i u :: a E v-U o v> ~ 73 i^ u^ 161 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Robinson, W. D. & Sons, gen'l., 853 N. Main. Rodrigues, George, decorating, 231 W. Court Sargeant, Jas. W., building, 429 S. Main. Schureman, C. C., plumbing, 306 E. State. Scott, Ben T., paint, 841 N. Main. Sieber, G. A., elec., 210 S. Main. Stull, W. H., carp., 1341 W. Laf. Ave. Thompson, Wm., paint, 223 N. Sandy. Updegraff, Linus, building, 408 B. Court. Van Houten, Mortimer, building, 420 S. Main. Vasconcellos, J. & Sons, gen'l., 1064 N. Fayette. Walsh, Elec. Co., J. C., elec., 300 E. State. Walter, Chas. F., paint and wall paper, 401 Hardin. Wells, Ellsworth, brick, 1002 S. Main. Williams, C. E., decorating, 216 N. Main. Williams, Francis M., cement, 637 S. Prairie. Williamson, Arthur E., road, 206 N. Caldwell. Wolk, John, carp., 906 W. Chambers. Wood, Wm. J., carp., 420 S. Church. Zastrow, Wm. O., bridge, 913 S. Clay Ave. CREAMERIES Jacksonville Creamery Co., 223 N. West. Swift's Creamery Co., 508 N. Main. CREAM SEPARATORS Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. Fox, P. W., (Pat) 113 S. West. Hall Bros., 235-7 S. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-6 W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. CURTAINS AND DRAPERY Andre & Andre, 46-50 W. Side Square. Deppe, C. J. & Co., 5 W. Side Square. Hudgin, C. E., 229-231 S. Main. Johnson, Hackett & Guthrie, 65 E. Side Square. CUTLERY Brady Bros., 35 S. Side Square. Gay, Geo. S., 2tf9 S. Sandy. Graham Hardware Co., 238 N. Main. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. DENTISTS Applebee, Dr. Alpha, 44% N. Side Square. Applebee, Dr. J. O., 44% N. Side Square. Buckthorpe, Dr. R. R., 7% W. Side Square. Chapman, Dr. H. H., 326 W. State. Griswold, Dr. Harry L., 336 W. State. Hopper, Dr. Chas. M., 201% E. Morgan. Kingsley, Dr. A. C., 409 Ayers Bldg. Kopperl, Dr. G. H., 326 W. State. Magill, Dr. Chas., 213% E. State. Noyes, Dr. F. C., 317 W. State. Powell, Dr. C. B., 2 Hockenhull Bldg. Sawyer, Dr. C. B., 301% W. State. Sperry, Dr. John W., 17% W. Side Square. Tormey, Dr. Jos., 3% W. Side Square. Mason, Dr. G. U., 37% S. Side Square. Wood, Dr. A. C., 200 Ayers Bldg. Young, Dr. W. B., 603 Ayers Bldg. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY lias.sott. E. W., 21 S. Side Square. Heinl, Edw. D.,.229 W. State. Price, Chas., 218 E. State. Russell & Thompson, 3 W. Side Square. Schram & Buhrman, 37 S. Side Square. DRESSMAKERS Bergschneider, Elizabeth, 820 S. Dia- mond. Corrington, Mrs. Emma, 241 Webster Ave. Emerick, Miss Mae, 315% W. State. Godfrey, Mittie, 213 S. Fayette. Goodwin, Mrs. Carrie, 933 W. Laf. Ave. Harshaw, Anna, 215 B. Col. Ave. Harshaw, Emma, 215 E. Col. Ave. Hopper, Miss Nellie, 738 S. Hardin Ave. Huff, Miss Viola, 315 S. Church. Ingram, Misses Nellie and Aletha, 826 S. Clay Ave. Kinney, Mrs., 602 W. Jordan. Marshall, Miriam, 232 E. State. Miles & McKay, 129 Prospect. Monroe, Mrs. Florence, 232 E. State. Printy, Mrs. Emma, 621 W. Laf. Ave. Roberts, Mrs. Mae, 326 W. Col. Ave. Self, Jas. F., 862 S. East. Sequin, Mrs. Mary, 919 N. Main. Smith, Fannie, 1146 S. Hardin Ave. Stringham, Mrs. Sarah, 324 W. Morgan. Updegraff, Mary, 513 Sandusky. Wiseman, Mrs. Abbie, 226 W. North. York, Miss Luella, 713 W. Laf. Ave. DRUGS AND SUNDRIES Allcott, Lee P., 60 E. Side Square. Armstrong: Drug Store, 201 W. Morgan. Armstrong: Drug: Store, 235 E. State. City Drug & Book Store, 35 S. Side Square. Coover & Shreve, 7 W. Side Square. Coover & Shreve, 66 E. Side Square. Gilbert, M. E., 237 W. State. Long's Pharmacy, 71 E. Side Square. L,uly-Dnvls Drug; Co., 44 N. Side Square. Mendousa, Jos., 229-231 N. Main. Chas. H. Ward, Manager Illinois Phone 372 Established 1856 WARD'S INSURANCE AGENCY Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Tornado, Automobile, Burglary, Plate Glass, Rental, Employers' Liability, Steam Boiler, Surety Bonds. Notary Public. DEPENDABLE FARM INSURANCE A SPECIALTY JACKSONVILLE, ILLINOIS Room 501 Ayers Bank Bldg. Illinois Phone 372 ..... 162 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY ALL ROADS LEAD TO Jacksonville's Greatest Clothiers A store that caters to the farmer's wants from work clothes to the finest Men's and Boys' Clothing where assortments are big and prices moderate. When in Jacksonville make this store your headquarters. Railroad Fares Refunded JACKSONVILLE - - - - - - ILLINOIS CLOYERlEAF CftSUUTT COMPANY Home Office, Jacksonville, Illinois Our Farmers' Policy gives you complete coverage in case of illness or accident. Insures against loss of time. Protect your most valuable asset. R. Y. Rowe H. C. Clement Central Insurance Agency Fire -Life -Casualty 306 E. State Street, Opposite Postoffice JACKSONVILLE .... ILLINOIS 163 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY What Is It Costing You Now? The Automobile Insurance Association of Jacksonville furnishes insurance to its members at cost against loss by fire, theft, collision and wind storm. Secure a Life Membership and get full protection at actual cost. Automobile Insurance Ass'n. (Licensed Under the Insurance Laws of Illinois.) OSCAR A. MORRIS, Mgr. 207 Scott Block Bldg. JACKSONVILLE ILL. fcLK ! VER | Reliable Footwear of all kinds HOPPERS1 Established 1867 JACKSONVILLE ILL. DRY GOODS Deppe, C. J. & Co., 5 W. Side Square. Floreth, 69 E. Side Square. Phelps Dry Goods Co., C. C., 56 N. Side RiibjohiiH & Reid, 68-70 E. Side Square. Square. Waddell, F. J. & Co., 55 S. Side Square. DYERS City Steam Dye Works, 335 E. State. Paris Cleaners & Dyers, 315 W. State. Purity Shop, 216 S. Sandy. ENAMEL, AND GRANITE WARE Brady Bros., 45 S. Side Square. Brennan, Jos. F., 217 S. Sandy. Graham Hardware Co., 238 N. Main. Guy, Geo. S., 209-211 S. Sandy. Johnson, Haskett & Guthrie, 63 E. Side Square. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. Woolworth, F. W., 39 S. Side Square. FENCING Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. Gay, Geo. S., 209-211 S. Sandy. Graham Hardware, 238 N. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232 W. Court. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. FLOUR MILLS Brook Mills, 501 S. Main. Cain, J. H. & Son, 223 W. Laf. Ave. FLOUR AND FEED Brook Mills, 501 S. Main. Cain, J. H. & Sons, 223 W. Laf. Ave. Cody, W. D., 220-222 W. Court. Cook, W. F., 234 N. Main. McNamara & Heneghaii, 300 N. Main. Reid, J. Henry, 235 W. Greenwood. Vannier China & Coffee House, 232 W. State. FOUNDRY Jacksonville Foundry Co., 736 E. R.R. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Barr, S. O., 213 W. State. Bonartsinger, P., 72 E. Side Square. Cannon, W. S., 222-226 N. Sandy. FURNACES Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. FanKust, G. A., 214 N. Main. Gay, Geo. S., 209-211 S. Sandy. Johnson & Hackett, 63 E. Side Square. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. FURNITURE Andre & Andre, 46-50 N. Side Square. Hudgin, C. E., 229-231 S. Main. Hart, Harry, 231 E. State. Johnson, Hackett & Guthrie, 63-65 E. Side Square. Jolly & Burnett, 314 E. State. Sturgis Furniture Co., 316 E. State. FURS Byrns, Frank, 17 W. Side Square. Emporium, 212 E. State. Floreth Co., 60 E. Side Square. Herman, J., 73 E. Side Square. Phelps Dry Goods Co., C. C., 56 N. Side Square. Waddell, F. J. & Co., 52-55 S. Side Square. GARAGES Barmeir, Geo., 221 Morgan. Brauer & Jenson, 116 N. East. Cassell, R. T., 417 S. Church. Claus, J. F., 221-223 S. Main. 164 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY DeWitt, Lester, 223 N. Sandy. Holkenbrink, B. J., 216 N. Main. Jacksonville Auto Co., 315-317 B. State. Jeffrey Motor Sales Co., 312 E. State. Modern Garage, 210-216 W. Court. O'Donnell, L. P., 215 E. North. Priest, C. N., 416-418 W. State. Zahn, Howard, 221-231 E. Morgan. GAS AND ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Jacksonville Railway & Light Co., 224 S. Main. Sieber, G. A., 210 S. Main. Walsh Elec. Co., J. C., 300 E. State. GASOLINE ENGINES Day, Richard, 720 R.R. Fox, P. W., 111-113 S. West. Hall Bros., 235-237 S. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-236 W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. GLASS De Gonveia, Jos., 224 W. Court. Crawford Lumber Co., 318 N. Main. South Side Planing Mill, 1009 S. East. GRAIN ELEVATOR Lewis-Clary Co., 324 W. Laf. Ave. HARDWARE Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. HARNESS Cruse, Jas., 216 S. Main. Fox, P. W., 111-113 S. West. Harney, Geo. H., 215 W. Morgan. Hurst, Geo., 212 N. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232 W. Court. Marlin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. Rapp, T. H. & M. D., 203 E. Morgan. HOSPITALS Jacksonville State Hospital, 1201 S. Main. Norbury Sanitarium. Our Savior's Hospital, 436 E. State. Passavant Hospital, 512 E. State. HEATING Beastall, Elmer E., 215 S. Main Brennen, Jos. F., 217 S. Sandy. Cannon, O. B., 303 S. Main. Gause, Bernard, 225 E. State. Jacksonville Plumbing & Heating Co = 316 W. State. Schureman, C. C., 306 E. State. HIDES, WOOL AND TALLOW Cohen, Jacob & Son, 207-213 W. Laf Ave. Harrigan Bros., 401 N. Sandy. Hatfield, C. L. & Co., 214-218 S. Mauvais- terre. HOG FOOD Jacksonville Packing Co., cor. Center and Johnson. Jacksonville Reduction Works, 209-213 W. Laf. Ave. HOTELS Douglas Hotel, 202-206 W. Court. Dunlap Hotel, 343 W. State. Grand Hotel, 200-204 E. Court. New Pacific Hotel, 232-236 E. State. Union Hotel, 302 E. Court. Wabash Hotel, Wabash Depot. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Andre & Andre, 46-50 N. Side Square. Hart, Harry A., 231 E. State. A. L. FRENCH, President A. C. RICE, Vice-President FRANK J. HEINL, Cashier CHAS. F. LEACH, Asst. Cashier BRADY BROS. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Automobile Tires and Sundries COMPLETE TIN SHOP Metal Ceilings, Slate, Tile and Tin Roofing a Specialty Most Complete and Down to Date Hardware Store in the State Both Phones 459 45-47 South Side Square JACKSONVILLE ILL. 165 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jliiliiliiliiliiiniiilliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiliiiiiliiliiinliiiiiliiiii'-- PHOTOGRAPHS I We Make Portraits FAMILY GROUPS and Photographs of all kinds at our up-to-date studio or at | your home. Picture Frames of all kinds - All work guaranteed Reasonable prices Mollenbrock & McCollough PHO TOGRAPHERS Illinois Phone 808 2341/2 W. State St. JACKSONVILLE ILL. i i i i i i i illlllllllllll! \ W. E. Smith Norman Dewees | | Smith & Dewees I We sell Farms and City ] I Property, make Loans and j 1 write all kinds of Insurance 307 Ayers Bank Bldg., JACKSONVILLE ILL. Hudgin, C. E., Furniture Co., 229-231 S. Main. Johnson, Hackett & Guthrie, 63-65 E. Side Square. HOUSE MOVERS Ball, Jas. P., 803 S. Church. Towers, Richard, 540 S. Fayette. ICE Gates, R. A., Fuel Co., 601 E. State. Snyder Ice Co., 401 N. Main. ICE CREAM MFG. CO. Ehnie Bros., 324 E. State. Peacock Inn, 25 S. Side Square. Princess Candy Co., 29 S. Side Square. Merrigan, J. W., 227 W. State. ICE MANUFACTURING Citizens Pure Ice Co., Anna and Sandy. Snyder Ice & Fuel Co., 400 N. Main. IMPLEMENTS Fox, P. W., Ill S. "West. Hall Bros., 235 S. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232 W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. INCUBATORS Gay, Geo. S., 201-211 S. Sandy. Hall Bros., 225 S. Main. INSURANCE Automobile Insurance Assn., 207 Scott Block. Ayers, Walter & A. T., (inc.), 233% W. State. Bancroft & King-, 305 Ayers Bank Bldg. Clement & Rowe, 237% W. State. Clover Leaf Casualty Co. Clover Leaf Life & Accident Co., 206 % E. State. Doane, L. S., 207 W. State. Goebel & Chenoweth, 304 Ayers Bank Bldg. Goheen, Lycurgus, 233% W. State. Gorman, Wm., 28% N. Side Square. Gregory, Fred L., 5 Unity Bldg. Hook, M. C. & Co., 605 Ayers Bank Bldg. Hurst, J. M., 14% W. Side Square. Johnson Agency, The, 110 S. West. Keating, Ed., 62% E. Side Square. Kennedy, J. N., 611 Ayers Bank Bldg. Laning, T. P., 216 W. State. Mathews & Jenkinson, Farrell Bldg. McCullough, J. M., 211% E. State. McGinnis, Daniel, 28% N. Side Square. Morgan Co. Abstract, 232% W. State. Morris, O. A., 611 Ayers Bldg. Pyatt, Eugene D.. 511 N. Fayette. Smith & Dewees, 307 Ayers Bank Bldg. Strawn & Spink, 3-4-6 Hockenhull. Thompson, Wm. E., 3-4-5 Duncan Bldg. Veitch, W. E., 402 Ayers Bank Bldg. Ward's Insurance Agency, 501 Ayers Bank Bldg. Wilson, W. P., 1 Unity Bldg. Wiswell, G. T. & Son, 401 Ayers Bank Bldg. JEWELERS Russell & Thompson. Schram & Bnhrman, 37 S. Side Square. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Deppe, C. J. & Co., 5 W. Side Square. Emporium, 212 E. State. Floreth Co., 69 E. Side Square. Herman, J., 73 E. Side Square. Phelps Dry Goods Co., C. C., 56 N. Side Square. 166 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Robinson Hat Shop, 705 Ayers Bank Bldg. Waddell & Co., 53-55 S. Side Square. LADIES' TAILORS Frankenberg, C. V., 215 E. State. LAUNDRIES Itjirr'.s Laundry, 221 W. Court. Grand Laundry, 214 E. Court. Lee, Wah, 210 N. Main. Ou, Wah, 112 N. East. LAWYERS Armstrong, Wm. L., 303% W. State. H<- Haiti, lie Haiti & Horiari t j, 607-610 Ayers Bank Bldg. Brockhouse, E. P., 232% W. State. Butler, Jno. M., 305% W. State. English, H. W., 9 Scott Block. Gregory, Fred L., 4-5-6 Duncan Bldg. llairgrove, Wm. N., 301% W. State. Kirby, Wilson & Brockhouse, 232% W. State. Layman, M. T., 2 Duncan Bldg. Lippincott, Julian P., 14% W. Side Square. Miller, J. Marshall, 303% W. State. Priest, f. O., 1 Duncan Bldg. Robinson, Carl E., (States Attorney), Court House. Samuell, H. P., 504-505 Ayers Bank Bldg. Staley, D. J., 4 Unity Bldg. Stryker, Henry, 24% N. Side Square. Thompson, Owen P., 708-10 Ayers Bank Bldg. Thompson, P. Paul, 708-9-10 Ayers Bank Bldg. Thompson, Wm. E., 3-4-5 Duncan Bldg. Vaught, L. O., 14% W. Side Square. VVorthiiigton, Reeve & Green, 305 W. State. Wright, W. H., 2 Duncan Bldg. Wilson, Wm. T., 232% W. State. LEATHER GOODS Harney, Geo. H., 215 W. Morgan. LIAIE AND PLASTER Andrews Lumber Co., F. J., 320 N. Main. Crawford Lumber Co., 318 N. Mauvais- terre. Fernandes & Son, 440 N. Clay Ave. LaCrosse Lumber Co., 401 S. Main. Sweeney, D. E., 400 N. Clay. LUBRICANTS Alkire, Jas., 349 E. Col. Ave. Graham Hardware Co., 238 N. Main. Hall Bros., 235-237 S. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-236 W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. LUMBER Andrews, F. J. & Co., 220 N. Main. Crawford Lumber Co., 318 N. Main. LaCrosse Lumber Co., 401 S. Main. South Side Planing Mill, 1009 S. East. MACHINE SHOPS Kellogg Bros. & Co., 734 E. Railroad. MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS Massey, Clarence B., 230-230% W. Court. Moore Rug Co., 871 N. Main. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Byrns, Frank., 17 W. Side Square. Duffner, Tom, 12 W. Side Square. Knoles, S. S., 40 N. Side Square. Lane, J. W., 16 W. Side Square. I.ukeiiiau Bros., 10 W. Side Square. aimimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimi Free Telephone for the County Bell 185; Illinois 267 FRANK BYRNS Southwest Corner Square MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHINGS LADIES' FURS JACKSONVILLE ILL. Mathis, Kamm & Shibe sa 2 E A cordial invitation is ex- = = tended to visit the store where your Shoe needs are 5 E always carefully considered. = = 54 North Side Square = | JACKSONVILLE ILL. ] rmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii." 167 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Myers Bros., 20-22 N. Side Square. Tomlinson, T. M., 42 N. Side Square. Wiehl, A., 15 W. Side Square. MERCANTILE AGENCIES Ward, J. \\ .. Mercantile Agency. MILLINERY Carroll, Miss Mae, 859 Routt. Floreth Co., 69 E. Side Square. Henry, L. C. & R. E., 200 N. Mauvais- terre. Herman, J., 73 E. Side Square. Hoover, Mrs. M. A., 51 S. Side Square. Miller, S. M., 211 W. State. Robinson's Hat Shop, 705-7 Ayers Bank Bldg. Smith, H. J. & L. M., 33 S. Side Square. Waddell, F. J. & Co., 55 S. Side Square. MONUMENTS Jacksonville Monument Co. MOTOR TRUCKS McNamara, Heneghan & Co., 300 N. Main. MUSIC TEACHERS Brockman, Miss Georgia E., 612 S. Har- din. Ferreira, Mrs. Grace, 325 E. Morgan. Goodrich, Fred W., 237 V 2 W. State. Huy, Lula D., 516 Mound Ave. Irving, Miss Ruth C., 1047 Grove St. Larimore, Miss Myrtle, 691 E. State. Metcalf, Frank M., 708 S. Main. Robinson, Edith M., 537 S. Diamond. Schureman, Miss Nellie, 605 E. North. Shepperd, Myrtle, 344 W. Col. Ave. White, Herald O., 416 W. Jordan. Willis, Annie S., 1337 W. Laf. Ave. Whorton, Jessie, 348 W. North St. NEWSPAPERS Farm, The, 211 E. Morgan. Jacksonville Courier, 112-116 S. West. Journal, Daily, 235 W. State. NOTIONS Deppe, C. J. & Co., 5 W. Side Square. Harmon Dry Goods Store, 68-70 E. Side Square. Hillerby's Dry Goods Store, 9 W. Side Square. Mauzy, Jas. B., 233 N. Main. Phelps & Osborne, 56 N. Side Square. Waddell, F. J. & Co., 53-55 S. Side Square. NURSES Biggs, Mrs. Clara, 711 S. Diamond. Burdick, Fannie, 402 N. Sandusky. Cannon, Bert, 804 S. Diamond. Chapman, Garnett, 849 Grove. Coule, Miss Mattie, 218 Westminster. Groves, Miss Mary, 806 S. Diamond. Guiles, Sadie, 518 N. Church. Guthridge, Caroline, Passavant Hos- pital. Hazen, Charlotte I., Passavant Hospital. Holt, Jas., 215 E. Morgan. Immenga, Henry, 1629 W. Mound Ave. Johnson, Gunhild, 513 W. Morgan. McCabe, Rose, 711 S. Diamond. McFall, Imogene, 518 N. Church. Moore, Dora, Passavant Hospital. Mount, Lucy A., 200 Ayers Bank Bldg. Parker, Mrs. Eliza, 1729 Mound Ave. Parrish, Sadie, Passavant Hospital. Reid, Mabel, 1209 W. State. Reid, Miss Mabel, 409 Ayers Bank Bldg. Ryman, Margaret, 232 S. Westminster. Ryman, Maude, 232 S. Westminster. Sanderson, Mabel, 724 W. State. Sorrells, Edra, Passavant Hospital. Stanley, Miss Mae, 711 S. Diamond. Straight, Edith, 719 E. State St. Stratton, Ella, Passavant Hospital Tholen, Mary, 1430 W. Laf. Ave Tholen, Miss Maggie, 1430 W. Laf. Ave Todd, Elbert, 703 S. Diamond. Todd, Miss Ivalee, 711 S. Diamond. Todd, Miss Margaret L., 1629 W. Mound. Walker, Miss Ella, 851 Grove Whitler, Eliz., 315 N. Diamond. Wood, Josephine, Pacific Hotel. NURSERIES Cruzan, Garrett H., 835 W. Superior Ave. OCULISTS AND AURISTS Adams, A. L., 323 W. State. Frank, Walter L., 200 Ayers Bldg. Gregory, A. R., W. State. OIL AND GASOLINE Alkire, Jas. M., 349 E. Col. Ave. Cassell, R. T., 417 S. Church. Jacksonville Auto Co., 315 E. State. Jeffrey Motor Sales Co., E. State. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. Modern Garage, 210 W. Court. Myrick & Co., 218 W. Court. O'Donnell, L. F., 215 E. North. Priest, C. N., 416 W. State. Wright, J. W. (Standard Oil), 916 S. Clay Ave. Zahn, Howard, 221 E. Morgan. OPTOMETRISTS Russell & Thompson, 3 W. Side Square. Swales, Wm. O., 211 E. State St. OSTEOPATHS Wait, Wm. O., 120 S. Westminster. Wagoner, Elizabeth E., 4 Cherry Apt. IllllllllllllUllllllllllllllie UIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FARMER'S AND STOCK RAISER'S FRIEND WHY? Because We Remove Dead Stock From Your Premises Within a Radius of 20 Miles Free of Charge Call The Jacksonville Reduction Company Bell 215 or Illinois JACKSONVILLE Bell 511 or Illinois 984 After Six 355 During Day Q ILLINOIS D in the Evening or on Sunday alllllllllillllllllllllllliliilllllilllllllliliiliiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliilillillilllllllllllllllllf 168 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY PACKERS Jacksonville Packing Co., Center and Johnson. Swift & Co., 508 N. Main. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Baker, Dr. E. F., 350 W. State. Baxter, Dr. Geo. E., Hopper Bldg. Black, Dr. Carl E., 200 Ayers Bank Bldg. Bowe, Dr. Edward, 501 W. State. Bradley, Dr. G. R., 223 W. Col. Ave. Canatsey, Dr. Edw. D., 408 Ayers Bank Bldg. Chapin, Dr. H. A., 201 Ayers Bank Bldg. Clampit, Dr. L. H., 839 W. North. Cochran, Dr. Caleb, 309 W. Col. Ave. Cole, Dr. Chas. E., 234 W. Col. Ave. Day, Dr. J. U., 310% E. State. Dewey, Dr. Grace, 610 W. State. Dinsmore, Dr. Virginia, 303 W. Col. Ave. Dinsmore, Dr. Geo. F., 303 W. Col. Ave. Dollear, A. H., 409 Ayers Bank Bldg. Duncan, Dr. W. P., 356 E. State. Frank, Dr. W. I.. Hnirgrove, Dr. J. W., 409 Ayers Bank Bldg. Hardesty, Dr. T. O., Duncan PL Kenniebrew, A. H., 323 W. Morgan. King, Dr. Allen M., 323 W. State. Milligan, Dr. Josephine, 610 W. State. Milligan, Dr. Josephine, 1123 W. State. Myers, Dr. J. P., 304 S. Main. IVorbury, Dr. F. P., 409 Ayers Bank Bldg. Norris, Dr. F. A., 408 Ayers Bank Bldg. Ogram, Dr. J. A., 326 W. State. Patchen, Dr. C. C. Pitncr, T. J., 215 W. Col. Ave. Reid, Dr. Davis, 225 W. Col. Ave. Sipes, Dr. E., 314 W. Court. Stacy, Geo., 603 Ayers Bank Bldg. Thompson, Dr. Perry, 317 W. State. Weirich, Dr. W. H., 326 W. State. Wolfe, Dr. J. M., 37% S. Side Square. PLANING MILL South Side Planing Mill, 1009 S. East. Crawford Planing Mill, 212 E. North. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS Brady Bros. Hardware Co., 45-47 S. Side Square. Gay, Geo. S., 209-211 S. Sandy. Graham Hardware Co., 238 N. Main. Mann, Wm. E., 719 Pearl. Rodrigues, Geo., 231 "W. Court. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. PHOTOGRAPHERS Johns, Wm., 37% S. Side Square. McDougal, F. E., 7 Hockenhull Bldg. Mollenbeck & MeCiillough, 6 Duncan Bldg. Speith, Otto, 17% W. Side Square. Vieria Bros., 237% E. State. PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS Brown Piano Co., W. T., 19 S. Side Square. Johnson, J. Bart, 49 S. Side Square. Sheppard, Chas. A., 203 W. Morgan. PIANO TUNERS Bolton, Fred W., 703 S. Diamond. Hitte, L. F., 515 N. Prairie. Jackson, Wm. H., 843 S. Church. Sheppard, Chas., 1201 S. East. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING Andre & Andre, 46-50 N. Side Square. Dickason Decorating Co., 314 W. State. Mallen, J. J. & Son, 207 S. Sandy. Pearson, W. B., 213% W. Morgan. POULTRY Birdsell & Acree, 213 S. Main St. Dyer, Miss Beulah, 717 S. Diamond. Frye, H. E. & Co., 509 N. Main. Hatfield, C. L. & Co., 214-218 S. Mauvais- terre. Swift & Co., 508 N. Main. Swaby, C. H., 565 Pine. PREMIUMS Sperry Hutchinson Co., 324 E. State. PLUMBERS Gause, Bernard, 225 E. State St. Jacksonville Plumbing Co., 316 W. State. Schureman, C. C., 306 E. State. PRINTERS Bunce, I. M. & Co., 211 E. Morgan. Graphic Arts Concern, 220 W. Morgan. Jacksonville Courier, West and Morgan. SERVICED RIGHT USS-T PRICES 1864 ^iiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiniuinnuiiiniHiiiiininiHUiiiiiiiinniiiuiiiniitiiiuninniiiiuiuaoJuaiiwii 1 SCHRAM & BUHRMAN "Jewelers to the Queen" of many a household 37 S. S. Square JACKSONVILLE ILL. i fniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuniuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiu 169 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jacksonville Journal, 235 W. State, bong, John K., 213 W. Morgan. Magill, L. G., 227% E. State. Roach Press, 308 E. State. PRODUCE Birdsell & Acree Produce Co., 213 S. Main. Cannon Produce Co., 222 Sandy. Swift & Co., 508 N. Main. . PUMPS Belzer, Geo. E., 1153 S. Clay Ave. Brady Bros. Hdw. Co., 45-47 S. Side Square. Clements, J. H., 1300 S. Clay Ave. Fox, P. W., (Pat.), 111-113 S. West. Gay, Geo. S., 209-211 S. Sandy. Gause, Bernard, 225 E. State St. Hall Bros., 235-237 S. Main. Hosp, Jacob, 357 E. North. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-236 W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. REAL ESTATE Ayers, Walter & A. F., 232 y 2 W. State. Buckthorpe, Tom H., 237 % W. State. Doane, L. S., 207 W. State. Erixon, S. T., W. Side Square. Hodgson & Tedferd, 212% W. State. Hook, M. C. & Co., 605 Ayers Bank Bldg. Johnston Agency, 110 S. West. Keating, Ed., 62% E. Side Square. McCullough, J. M., 211% E. State. Morgan County Abstract Co., 232% W. State. Perry, Lyman B., Grand Hotel. Smith & Dewees, 307 Ayers Bank Bldg. Story, C. H., 303 Ayers Bank Bldg. Upham, B. R., 28% N. Side Square. RENDERING WORKS Jacksonville Reduction Co., 207 W. Laf. Ave. RESTAURANTS Baty Cafe, 223 E. State. Benson, H. H., 18 W. Side Square. Benson, J. D., 28 N. Side Square. Branum, Robert, 209 E. Court. Cannon, Chas. G., 519 E. State. Couitas, Sam I., 211 N. Sandy. Davis, Henry, 228 W. Morgan. DeSilva, Chas., 307 W. State. Hall's Cafe, 207-209 W. Morgan. Hoffman's Lunch Room, 609 E. State. Keating, D. M., 38 N. Side Square. Kellogg, Amos W., 138 Illinois Ave. Peacock Inn, 25 S. Side Square. Star Cafe, 30 N. Side Square. Wabash Hotel, 342 W. Laf. Ave. New Pacific Cafe, 236 E. State St. Grand Cafe, Grand Opera House. Veitch, Wm. E., 402 Ayers Bank Bldg. Wiswell, G. T. & Son, 401 Ayers Bank Bldg. Smith & Dewees, 307 Ayers Bank Bldg. ROOFING Andrews Lumber Co., F. J., 320 N. Main. Brady Bros. Hardware Co., 45-47 S. Side Square. Crawford Lumber Co., 318 N. Mauvais- terre. Guy, Geo. S., 209-11 S. Sandy. LaCrosse Lumber Co., 401 S. Main. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. South Side Planing Mill, 1009 S. East. Sweeney, D. E., 400 N. Clay. RUG MFG. & CLEANERS Ham, Frank, 922 N. Main St. Jacksonville Rug Mfg. Co., 850 W. Chambers St. Moore Rug Co., 871 N. Main St. SALT Brook Mills, 501 S. Main. Cain, J. H. & Sons, 223 W. Laf. Aye. LaCrosse Lumber Co., 401 S. Main. McNamara Heneghan Co., 300 N. Main. SANATORIUMS Kenniebrew Sanitorium, 323 W. Mor- gan. Norbury Sanitorlums, 806 S. Diamond. Norbury Sauitorlums, 1729 Mound Ave. Oak Lawn Retreat, E. Morton Road. SAND AND GRAVEL, Andrews Lumber Co., F. J., 320 N. Main. Crawford Lumber Co., 318 N. Mauvais- terre. Fernandes & Son, 440 N. Clay. LaCrosse Lumber Co., 401 S. Main. Sweeney, D. E., 400 N. Clay. SEEDS Brady Bros. Hardware, 45 S. Side Square. Hall Bros., 235 S. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-234 E. Court. SEWING MACHINES Singer Co., 214 S. Sandy St. SHEET METAL, WORKS Brady Bros. Hardware, 45-47 S. Side Square. Brennan, Jos. F., 217 S. Sandy St. Fangust, G. A., 214 N. Main. Gay, Geo. E., 209 S. Sandy. Miller & Sehy, 215 E. Court. Johnson & Hackett, E. Side Square. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. SHEET MUSIC Brown, J. P., 19 S. Side Square. Johnson, J. Bart, 49 S. Side Square. Woolworth, F. C., S. Side Square. SHOE REPAIRS Burke, Michael, 210 N. Mauvaisterre. Burton, L. L., 223 W. Morgan. Hopper & Sons, S. E. cor. Square. Hornbeck, 211 N. Main. Mathis, Kamm & Shibe, 54 N. Side Square Shadid, J. A., 206 E. State. Underwood, Howard C., 223 S. Main. SHOES Busgert, Joseph, 26 N. Side Square. Hopper & Son, S. E. cor. Square. McGinnis, Jas. & Co., 62 E. Side Square. Mathia, Kamm & Shibe, 54 N. Side Square. Smart Shoe Store, Farrell Bldg. Bsmt. SIGN PAINTERS Achenbash, Tellis, 215 N. Sandy. Benson, Wm. G., 218 S. Sandy. Caywood, Lloyd, 214 N. Main. SPORTING GOODS Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. Brennan, J. F., 217 S. Sandy. Gay, Geo. E., 209 S. Sandy. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. 170 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY STATIONERS Armstrong Drug Stores, 201 W. Morgan. City Drug & Book Store, 35 S. Side Square. Coover & Shreve, 7 W. Side Square and 66 E. Side Square. North Side Drug Store, 44 N. Side Square. Richards & Ezard, 59 E. Side Square. Waddell, F. J. & Co., 52-55 S. Side Square. STOCK FOOD Allcott, L. P., 60 E. Side Square. Brook Mills, 501 S. Main. Coover & Shreve, 7 W. Side Square. 66 E. Side Square. Gilbert, M. E., 237 W. State. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. McNamara-Heneghan Co., 300 N. Mam. STOCK SCALES Hall Bros., 235-237 N. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. STORAGE BATTERIES Holkenbrink, B. J., 216 N. Main. 111. Tire & Vulcanizing Co., 313 W. State. STOVES AND RANGES Andre & Andre, 46-50 N. Side Square. Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. Graham Hdwe., 238 N. Main. Hudgin, C. E., Furniture Co., 229 S. Main. Johnson & Hackett, 63 E. Side Square. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. TAILORS Carlson & Schell, 18% W. Side Square. Correa, Frank U., 229 % W. State. Paris, Frankenberg, C. V., 215 E. State. Harrle, Geo., 42% N. Side Square. Jacksonville Tailoring Co., 233 E. State. Johnson, Herman, 233% W. State. Larson, Alfred, 209 N. Main. Mehner, Herman F., 215% S. Main. Muelhausen, Bros., 215 S. Sandy. Muelhausen, Geo., 214 S. Main. Muelhausen, Otto, 1038 S. East. Sommers, Christ, 212% N. Main. Walsh, T. M., 331 W. State. Weihl, Abe, 15 W. Side Square. TEA, COFFEE AND SPICES Jewel Tea Co. Schrag & Cully, 212 W. State. Vannier China & Coffee House, 232 W. State. TENTS AND AWNINGS Andre & Andre, 46 N. Side Square. Massey, Clarence B., 230 W. Court. TILE MFG. Jacksonville Tile Co., 721 E. Henry. TINNERS Brady Bros., 45-47 S. Side Square. Brennan, Jos. F., 217 S. Sandy. Fangust, G. A., 214 N. Main. Guy, Geo. S., 209-211 S. Sandy. Smith, H. L. & B. W., 43 S. Side Square. Johnson & Hackett, 61 E. Side Square. TIRES Brauer & Jenson, 116 N. East. Cassell, R. T., 8 W. Side Square. 111. Tire & Vulcanizing Co., 313 W. State. Jacksonville Auto Co., 315 E. State. Priest, C. N., 418 W. State. TOILET GOODS Allcott, Lee P., 60 E. Side Square. Armstrong; Drug; Store, 201 W. Morgan and 235 E. State. City Drug & Book Store, 35 S. Side Square. Coover & Shreve, 7 W. Side Square and 66 E. Side Square. Gilbert, M. E., 237 W. State. Long's Pharmacy, 71 E. Side Square. > -l):i vi.s Drug; Co., 44 N. Side Square. Waddell, F. J. & Co., 52-55 S. Side Square. TRACTION ENGINES Hall Bros., 237 S. Main. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. TYPEWRITERS Laning, T. P., 216 W. State. UNDERTAKERS i. i llh am. \v. w., 226 W. State. O'Donnell, John H., 304 E. State. Reynolds, J. G., 225 W. State. Williamson & Cody, 222 E. State. UPHOLSTERERS Johnson, Hackett & Guthrie, 63 E. Side Square. j. Clarence B., 230-230% W. Court. VEHICLES Fox, P. W., 111-113 S. West. Hall Bros., 235-237 S. Main. Jacksonville Farm Supply Co., 232-236 W. Court. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. CLARENCE B. MASSEY Tents and Awnings Upholstering and Mattresses Wagon and Stack Covers and Porch Curtains Illinois Phone 265 230 W. Court Street JACKSONVILLE, ILL. 171 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY VETERINARIANS Carter, Sylvester J., 112 W. Col. Scott, Chas. E., 239 N. Main. Varbles. Perry, 239 N. Main. Webster, Harry, 220 S. East. Willerton, Tom, 220 S. East. VULCANIZING 111. Tire & Vulcanizing Co., 313 W. State. Jacksonville Auto Co., 316-317 E. State. Modern Garage, 210-216 W. Court. WAGON MAKERS Ingram, Andrew, 209 W. North. McDougall, P. C., 214 N. West. WALL PAPER Banks, Anderson, 320 S. Main. Dickason Decorating Co., 314 W. State. Gause, J. B., 220 S. Sandy. Hammond, H. J. & Co., 208 S. Main. Large, J. R., 302 W. Morgan. Mann, Wm. E., 719 Pearl. Mullen, J. J. & Sons, 207 S. Sandy. Rodrigues, Geo., 231 W. Court. Smith, Fred K, 120 E. Morton. WIND MILLS Clements, J. H., 1300 S. Clay Ave. Hall Bros., 235-237 S. Main. Martin Bros., 302 N. Sandy. Scott County Business Directory ALSEY Alsey' Brick & Tile Co. Boots, Matt Harness & Hardware Bowman, Dr. C. S Surgeon Bowman, Dr. C. W Physician McLaughlin Mining Co., The Coal Pf enninger, H General Store Ross, C. W Restaurant Wills, G. B Grain Woodall, S. A Meats & Groceries BLUFFS Andre & Andre Furniture Arundel, G. W Livery & Coal Baird, A. W General Store Bank of Bluffs. Beird, E. D Publisher Burrus & Co General Store Corbridge, H Baker Curtis, F. T Drugs Day, Dr. H. L Physician Doyle, W. J Grocer & Notions Evans, Dr. C. A Physician Geisenborfer & Son Meats Gray's Millinery Store (not inc.) Green, W. H. & Son Hardware & Furniture Halpin, Sylvester Confectioner Hullinger & Son Blacksmiths Hunter, Allen & Co Lumber Kilpatrick, -H. D Undertaker Korty, John E Jewelry Knoeppel, Victor General Store Likes, J. E General Store Moore, H. D Hotel Mueller, Wm. G Poultry National Elevator Co. Oakes, Royal... Agricultural Implements Pine, John M. .Agricultural Implements Priest Motor Co Garage Ran ft, Edward. Hardware & Implements Ritter & Pine Feed & Fuel Reese, Dr. G. W Dentist Sisson, Geo. W General Store Stanton, Roy Restaurant EXETER Berry, Roy Grocer Brackett, R. T Blacksmith Botterbusch, Wm. D. Jr.. General Store Rankin, Wm Restaurant Stewart, Dr. J. H Physician GLASGOW Blair & McEvers General Store Cowper, Benj General Store Drummond, A. Mfr. Brooms Gray Eros.. .Blacksmiths & Implements Hazelrigg, B Blacksmith & Wheelwright Howard, Alex Grocer MANCHESTER Chapman, C. D General Store Farmers & Traders Bank (F. F. Clark, President) Fox, J. H., & Son Furniture, etc. Goacher, Bert Barber Heaton, Chas. S., & Bro Hardware & Lumber Heaton, J. M General Store Hudson Bros Grocers Leighton, Geo. M Poultry & Eggs Matthews, G. W Livery Mekrhoff, Loyal A Lawyer Robson, John Blacksmith Smith, Chas General Store Travis & Son . . . . Hardware & Harness Weis, Dr. J. W Physician 172 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY MERRITT Christman, E. B General Store and Postmaster Merritt Farmers' Elevator Co NAPLES Bartholomew, Mrs. N Confectionery Haley, John General Store Hatfield, K. B Confectionery Hatfield, W. E Coal, Hay, etc. Hatfield & Son. Grocer & Confectionery Mayes, Joseph General Store Quintal, C. E General Store Smith-Heppen Co Grain Tash, Mrs. L. M Confectionery Welch, Chas Grocer RIGGSTON Funk, A. J Implements Green, J. W General Store WINCHESTER Balisley,* E. L General Store Berry, Jos Grocer, etc. Clark, G. A Junk & Poultry Clark, W. B Grocer, etc. Claywell, T. J General Store Cowper, Will Shoemaker Crabtree, J. M Grocer H. & E. F. Hunter A. C. Allen Hunter Allen & Co. FUIX LINE OF BUILDING MATERIAL Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Cement, Tile, Sewer Pipe, Galvanized Valleys and Ridge Rolls Estimates furnished free If we haven't got what you want we will get it for you We sell and rec- ommend the fol- lowing Triple-G goods : Best Brands Cement Always in Stock Beaver Board Barrett's Felt Roofing: and Shingles Perfection Gates Glide and Rollnway Barn Door Track and Hangers BLUFFS ILLINOIS Established April 1, 1874 Farmers & Traders Bank MANCHESTER, ILLINOIS Capital - $10,000.00 Individual Responsibility - 300,000.00 Banking in all its Departments The Farmers and Traders Bank appreciates and solicits the business of farmers I F. F. CLARK, President E. L. MAINE, Cashier I J. M. HEATON, Vice-President E. O. HESS, Asst. Cashier 173 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CITY DRUG STORE R. R. GASEN, Druggist The Store of Service Order by Telephone and receive goods by Parcel Post We sell and rec- ommend the fol- lowing: Trfple-G goods : "Nyal Remedies Colgate's Perfumes, Toothpaste and Soaps Pebeco Toothpaste Mentholatum Tycofleld Thermometers B. & B. Absorbent Cotton and Dressings Hind's H. & A. Cream Pompeian Massage Cream Woodbury Facial Soap Palm Olive and Ivory Soap Mennen's and Red Cross Talcum Powder Sterno Canned Heat Complete line of Fresh Drugs and Chemicals. Poultry and Stock Remedies WINCHESTER ILLINOIS FROST & HUBBARD Bankers Established in 1 867 R. W. FROST J. W. FROST E. J. FROST C B. HUBBARD WINCHESTER ILL. Danner, C. M Undertaker & Embalmer Dill, R. F., & Co Grocer Farmers' Lumber Co. (J. R. King, Mgr.) Path, Wm. F Meats Frost's Sons, R Drugs, etc. Frost & Hubbard Bankers Funk & McKeene Lawyers Gasen, R. R Drugs Gauges, P Blacksmith Grady & Lawson Blacksmiths Hainsfurther, Sol Shoes & Millinery Hainsfurther Bros Clothing Hazelrigg, Chas. A 56- xo-cent Store Hazelrigg & Hart Blacksmiths Henson, J. D Blacksmith Henson & Land Blacksmiths Hieronymus Bros Grain & Coal Higgins, M. E., & J. A Books, etc. Hunter-Allen & Co Lumber Kuechler, Wm. C i~^'~.~ Stoves, Tin & Furniture Longnecker, Geo. F Jewelry McCarthy, H. A Plumber McCaulefy, A. L Hotel McLaughlin, Hardin ;. Restaurant & Confectioner Mader, Grant : Peed & Flour Markillie, Arthur T ;;;Y/" Blacksmith & Wallpaper Markillie, Fred '.'*&*" Markillie, John ^..Furniture & Stoves Markville & Ulery Tailors Mason, Frank Harness Metzger, George Meats Mosher, W. W Photographer Munze, C Grocer & Baker Neat, Condit & Grout Bankers Nelson, P. R Publisher Times Notson, O Jewelry Repairer Owings, Geo. W... Grocer, Notions, etc. Parks & Hamilton Marble Pieper, H '&**" Pieper & Co Implements & Vehicles Priest, C. N *; G , a . ra9e Richardson & Coultras Millinery Rohrig, E Racket Store Roosa, W. S Restaurant & Confectioner Sappington, M. W : Undertaker & Pianos Shul'l, Arley Plumber Sibert, C. A Grocer Smith, E. D Mfr. & Jobber Cigars Smith, Geo. C Grocer & Bakery Smith, P. D Tailor Southwell, Wm. M Grocer & Hardware Sperry, ' R. H Publisher Stehman, J. F Tailor Sweet Bros. Garage Thomas, Geo. E Livery & Feed 174 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Thompson & Ryan Grocer &r Coal Townsend & Colling Furniture, etc. Vannier & Mills Garage Waters, F. R Mfr. Cigars Waters, W. H Wagonmaker Watt, D. D. & Co. . . .Dry Goods, etc. Wieser, S. L , Jewelry Wilson Sisters Millinery & Furnishings Winchester Farmers' Elevator & Mer- cantile Co. Woodall, Carl . . . Confectioner & Cigars Woodall, W. I Soda Water Fletcher, Dr. H. H Physician Bringle, Dr. G. C Physician Rielly, Dr. Wm. O Physician Straight, Dr. G. M Physician Eckman, Dr. J. W Physician Day, Dr. L. R Physician Riggs, J. M. & R. M Lawyers Callans, Jas Lawyer Priest, T. J Lawyer Donough, Dr. M. T. M Dentist Dace, Dr. J. W Dentist iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuiiimini ! C. M. DANNER FUNERAL DIRECTOR & EMBALMER WINCHESTER ILLINOIS JANSSEN PIANOS AND PLAYERS MEATS r *^~ ~ ~ ^ ^ "~ ~ ^^~ ""*^^T W. H. PATH WINCHESTER, ILL. Columbia Grafonolas and Records .illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIII NEAT, CONDIT & GROUT Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BANKERS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WINCHESTER ILLINOIS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ A live store managed by a progressive merchant is worth a good deal to any country town or country community. When you find such a merchant, encourage him with your friendship and your patronage. By doing this you will help make your community a better place to live in. 175 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Public Library, Winchester, 111. ESTABLISHED IN 1858 ROBERT FROSTS SONS DEALERS IN Drugs, Hardware, Groceries WINCHESTER, ILLINOIS 176 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES Mary times you have read an advertisement in Prairie Farmer of something you would like to buy, but you did not know where to find the store that sold it. You decided to look for this article when you were next in town and you tried several stores without finding it. Then you gave up in disgust. A two-cent stamp or a postcard addressed to the manufacturer saying "Please advise me who handles your goods in my town. If you have no dealer in my town, give me the name and address of your nearest dealer", would get you accurate information by return mail. Try it. It works and saves time. Winchester High School, Winchester, 111. HI PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Morgan County Automobile Owners' Directory (This List Includes Farm Automobile Owners Only) Name Make Postoffice Abernathy, J. N. Oakland Concord, R. 1 Acorn, Arthur Ford Chapin, R. 3 Adams, Fred Saxon Alexander, R. 1 Adkins, John Jordon, Marmon and Ford Prentice Alderson, Henry Dodge Chapin, R. 3 Alderson, John E. Buick Chapin, R. 1 Alford, Ernest Lexington Franklin, R. 1 Alhorn, Henry Reo Meredosia Allen, Thos. McFarland Six, Jacksonville, R. 1 Aring, M. Velie Chapin, R. 2 Arnold, Amos D. Chalmers Jacksonville, R. 6 Arnold, J. W. White Arnold Ator, Ashford Ford Concord, R. 1 Aiifdenkamp, Chas. H. Cadillac Chapin, R. 1 Bacon, A. J. White Jacksonville, R. 3 Baker, Vernon Dodge and Cadillac Murrayville Baptist, F. H. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 7 Barber, Alfred Ford Woodson, R. 1 Barber, Thos. F. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Barbre, W. M. Buick Jacksonville, R. 2 Barker, Thos. Maxwell Murrayville, R. 4 Barrows, W. E. Jeffery Jacksonville, R. 5 Bateman, C. L. Ford Waverly, R. 35 Bateman, Jesse T. Saxon Waverly, R. 1 Bateman, R. C. Maxwell Literberry Becker, Henry Ford Concord, R. 1 Bedingfield.W.E. Studebaker Chapin, R. 3 Beekman, Geo. S. Chevrolet Jacksonville, R. 5 Beekman, J. B. Ford Pisgah Beeley, Grover T. Chevrolet Meredosia, R. 1 Bender, G. W. Buick Alexander, R. 1 Berchtold, Mrs. Theo. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Bergschneider, A. Lexington Alexander, R. 1 Bergschneider, J. G. McFarland and Ford Franklin, R. 3 Bergschneider, J. R. Ford Alexander, R. 1 Bermaster, G. H. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Black, Chas. S. Reo and Buick Jacksonville, R. 4 Black, Geo. W. Ford New Berlin, R. 31 Black, J. R. Stevens and Duryea Jacksonville, R. 8 Bland, Geo. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Bland, P. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Boston, Louis Dodge Alexander, R. 1 Bourn, Carl E. Maxwell Sinclair, R. 1 Bourn, R. E. Ford Woodson, R. 1 Bourn, Wm. Ford Jacksonville, R. 8 Bourn, W. Earl Ford Jacksonville, R. 3 Boyd, Thos. B. Mitchell Jacksonville, R. 3 Broker, Aug. Henry Prentice, R. 1 Braner, Chester Ford Jacksonville, R. 4 Braner, Fred Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Braner, Henry Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Name Make Braswell, Thos. F. Maxwell Brockhouse, A. Overland Brockhouse, A. Chevrolet Brockhouse, Ellis E. Ford Brockhouse, Louis Ford Brown, Geo. Paige Brown, Geo. P. Buick Brown, John A. Jeffery Brown, J. F. Ford Brunk, Geo. W. Maxwell Postoffice Chapin, R. 3 Concord, R. 1 Chapin, R. 3 Chapin, R. 1 Chapin, R. 1 Franklin, R. 1 Concord, R. 1 Alexander, R. 1 Concord, R. 1 Concord, R. 1 Burmeisterjohn Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 8 Burnett, H. R. Michigan Waverly, R. 1 Burnett, S. W. Ford Waverly, R. 1 Burns, Thos. A. Dodge Woodson, R. 1 Burrus, A. Ford Arenzville, R. 1 Burrus, Ray Ford Arenzville, R. 1 Burrus, Wilber Ford Arenzville, R. 1 Burrus, Wm. Reo Arenzville, R. 1 Burrus, W. G. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Bush, T. N. Abbott-Detroit Murrayville, R. 4 Busher, Louise Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Butcher, Harry Reo Prentice, R. 1 Butler, John S. Ford Woodson, R. 1 Butler, L. O. Ford Ashland Cain, Austin F. Buick Jacksonville, R. 6 Cain, Thos. R. Overland Jacksonville Calhoon, Geo. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Calhoun, A. M. Maxwell Franklin, R. 2 Carls, Arthur Ford Arenzville, R. 1 Carpenter, A. N. Ford Jacksonville, R. 8 Carter, E. R. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 7 Casey, John F. Dodge Woodson, R. 1 Challans, Wm. Ford Franklin, R. 1 Challans, W. S. Ford Waverly, R. 1 Challeng, W. C. Ford Waverly, R. 1 Challiner, H. Maxwell Chapin, R. 3 Clampit,Chas. W. Cadillac Jacksonville, R. 7 Clark, E. L. Inter- State Literberry,- R. 1 Cleary, Jeffrey Allen Jacksonville, R. 7 Cleary, M. E. Studebaker Jacksonville, R. 1 Cockin, Geo. C. Oakland Alexander, R. 1 Cockin, John P. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Coe, Mark R. Ford Jacksonville, R. S Collins, Albert Kissel Waverly, R. 2 Collins, Edw. S. Jeffery Prentice Corington, John B. Overland Prentice, R. 1 Coulson, Geo. H. Hudson Six and Ford Chapin, R. 2 Coulson, I. R. Overland Chapin, R. 2 Coultas, O. C. Hudson and Dodge Winchester, R. 5 Cowdin, Chas. H. Hupmobile Chapin, R. 3 Cox, A. W. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Cox, Oliver Overland Franklin, R. 2 Craig, Wm. T. Mitchell Jacksonville, R. 5 178 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY FLJ.RODGERS^ CASE TRACTORS iJS All Sizes LALLEY LIGHT SfilS Every Farm The Bali-Bearing Electric Lighting Plant for Farms ACC . E Sll,I's RES FORD SERVICE STATION Wind Mills, Pumps and Tanks While it may be that you would install Lalley-Light primarily for the benefits and economies of electric light, the installation would put at your command an exhaustless supply of elec- tricity for other purposes. If you do not have running water in the house now, for instance, Lalley-Light would provide the power to operate a pump that would force water wherever you provided a water pipe. Complete outfit consists of engine, dynamo, magneto, mounted on iron base; switchboard wired ready for light wires ; fuel tank, water tank with hose for connecting same; Willard Storage Bat- teries (16 cells), charged ready for immediate use; full and complete directions for setting up and operat- ing; boxed f. o. b. Detroit. WAVERLY, ILL. 179 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Crain, N. H. Overland Woodson, R. 1 Gaddis, Jas. T. Buick Concord, R. 1 Crawford, J. W. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Gaines, Chas. T. Ford Jacksonville, R. 8 Crawford, Luther Ford Franklin, R. 3 Garfield, H. F. Ford Murrayville, R 3 Creed, Walter S. Maxwell Prentice Gerhardt, D. Ford New Berlin, R! 30 Cromwell, S. O. Reo Jacksonville, R. 3 German, J. L. Mitchell Jacksonville, R. 2 Crum, Albert Cadillac and Ford Gibbs, C. H. Mitchell Jacksonville, R! 2 Literberry, R. 1 Gibson & Hawker Studebaker Franklin, R' 1 Crum, W. H. Ford Literberry, R. 1 Giger, David Buick Arenzville! R. 1 Cully, John A. Case Jacksonville, R. 5 Gilbert, C. A. Overland Jacksonville, R. 1 Curry, Albert E. Oldsmobile Pisgah Goff, Edw. Cole Eight Prentice, R. 1 Curry, A. A. White Pisgah Goldstein, A. Ford Alexander, R. 1 Goodpasture, R. P. Dahman, H. Studebaker Franklin, R. 3 Maxwell Arenzville, R. 2 Dahman, Wm. Jeffery Ashland, R. 1 Gorman, Dan Ford Waverly, R 1 Dannerberger, W. F. Goveia, Geo. M. Overland Jacksonville! R. 4 Maxwell Orleans Goveia, L. Ford Jacksonville, R! 4 Barley, S. Buick Jacksonville, R. 5 Graff, John Jeffery and Ford Daubard, Henry Ford Sinclair, R. 1 Prentice, R, 1 Davis, C. C. Ford Jacksonville, R. 6 Graves, T. O. Ross Eight Davis, C. E. & Son Jacksonville, R. 1 Ford Jacksonville, R. 6 Graves, W. S. McFarland Davis, S. E. Buick Jacksonville, R. 6 Jacksonville, R. 7 Deere, Geo. R. Ford Franklin, R. 1 Gray, Fred Ford Murrayville, R. 4 Deere, T. W. Overland Franklin, R. 1 Guinane, Jas. Overland Chapin, R. 2 Deitrick, Geo. Cadillac Concord, R. 1 Deterding, Geo. Buick Concord, R. 1 Hacker, Geo. Ford Concord, R. 1 Detmer.Henry Reo Chapin, R. 1 Hall.G. E. Chevrolet Jacksonville, R. 2 Devine, Frank Ford Jacksonville, R. 6 Hamilton, A. L. Ford Franklin Dickinson, O. R. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 5 Hamilton, Harry Maxwell Franklin, R. 3 Dinwiddie, H. W. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Hamilton, O. P. Mitchell Chapin,' R. 2 Dinwiddie, O. G. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Hamm, Oliver A. Overland and Ford Dobyns, Jas. H. Overland Orleans Jacksonville Dodd, H. D. Ford Waverly, R. 3 Haneline, Crit Ford Sinclair, R. 1 Doolin, W. H. Overland Jacksonville, R. S Harris, M. Chevrolet Pisgah Douglas, W. E. Studebaker Franklin, R. 1 Hart, E. E. Rambler and Ford Doyle, E. L. Overland Franklin, R. 3 Sinclair, R. 1 Duewer, Aug. Dodge Waverly, R. 1 Hart, Lester L. Rambler and Nash Duewer, A. H. Dodge Waverly, R. 1 Sinclair, R. 1 Duewer, Edw. Dodge New Berlin, R. 30 Hayes, A. R. Ford Manchester, R. 1 Dunlap, G. A. Overland Literberry Hayes, John Ford Manchester, R. 1 Duvendack, J. Wm. Haynes, G. B. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Heaton, B. S. Hupmobile Winchester, R. 3 Eck, F. A. Ford Alexander, R. 1 Heaton. E. R. Hupmobile Eck, John Ford Alexander, R. 1 Winchester, R. 3 Eckhoff, Henry Reo Chapin, R. 1 Heaton, J. G. Case Winchester, R. 3 Edge, John W. Dodge Waverly, R. 1 Heffner, Jos. F. White Steamer Enrick, Jas. Buick Chapin, R. 3 Arenzville, R. 1 Engelbrecht, H. Buick Chapin, R. 2 Hembrough Bros. Chevrolet Jacksonville, R. 5 Enke, Chas. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Henderson, Perry Ford Literberry, R. 1 Evans, Edw. G. Maxwell Waverly, R. 1 Henry, Ernest Ford Murrayville, R. 3 Henry, Wm. T. I. H. C. Murrayville, R. 4 Farmer, Edw. Ford Sinclair, R. 1 Hierman, T. E. Overland Arenzville, R. 1 Farmer, Mrs. Ida Dodge Prentice, R. 1 Hills, A. E. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Fearingbough, Wm. Hills, L. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 5 Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 2 Hinners, Arthur Ford Meredosia, R. 1 Fearingbough, W. Hinners, Elmer Reo Arenzville, R. 1 Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 2 Hinners, Henry Chevrolet Meredosia, R. 1 Filson, Wm. Auburn Concord, R. 1 Hinners, Louis E. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Fisher, L. P. Ford Waverly, R. 8 Hinners, P. Ford Meredosia, R. 1 Flinn, Geo. V. Ford and Jeffery Hoagland, John W. Prentice, R. 1 Overland Woodson, R. 1 Flinn, Newtin Maxwell Prentice, R. 1 Hodgson, H. E. Reo Ashland, R. 1 Flynn, T. J. Allen Jacksonville, R. 3 Holley, Geo. Mitchell Six Arnold Foster, Frank R. Jeffrey Alexander, R. 1 Holley, John Dodge Jacksonville, R. 6 Fouts, Robert Studebaker Chapin, R. 3 Holmes, Jas. T. Ross Eight Orleans Fricke, Wm. Ford Meredosia, R. 1 Huppe, Henry Oldsmobile Arenzville.R. 1 Funk, Montie Halladay Chapin, R. 1 Hymes, Frank E. Reo Prentice, R. 1 180 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Irlam, J. W. Buick Murray ville, R. 1 Magill, Chas. S. Chalmers Jacksonville, R. 6 Isaacs, Henry H. Ford Prentice Magill, Lloyd Chalmers Jacksonville, R. 6 Isaacs, John W. Ford Prentice, R. 1 Mahon, Jas. F. McFarlane and Jeffery Sinclair, R. 1 Jewsberry, F. H. Chalmers andDetroit Mandeville, L. L. Chevrolet Orleans Jacksonville, R. 1 Mason, Wall Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Johnson, Evan Jeffery Waverly, R. 1 Masters, F. M. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 3 Johnson, Jas. E. Ford Jacksonville, R. 7 Masters, W. E. Studebaker Johnson, Jas. W. Hudson Literberry, R. 1 Murrayville, R. 1 Jokisch, Wm. Buick Arenzville, R. 1 Mathers, Thos. R. Reo Chapin, R. 1 Jokish, Louis Ford Ashland, R. 1 Mau, W. Gordon and Ford Jones, Mrs. W. S. Bush Jacksonville, R. 1 Prentice, R. 1 Joy Edw. F. Cadillac Chapin, R. 3 Mawson, R. D. Lexington Murrayville, R. 3 Joy, H. T. Hudson Chapin, R. 3 Mayes, J. J. Ford Jacksonville, R. 5 Joy, Jas. S. Studebaker Chapin, R. 3 McAllister, Clyde Oakland Meredosia, R. 1 McCormick, J. L. Overland Jacksonville, R. 5 Keenan, Claude Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 McCurley, Amos E. Kelly, Chas. Overland Franklin, R. 2 Overland Franklin, R. 1 Kennedy, J. O. Maxwell Arenzville, R. 2 McCurley, Wm. E.Overland Murrayville, R. 1 Kenney, Mrs. D. Ford Franklin, R. 3 McDevitt, S. H. Jeffery Six Franklin, R. 1 Kennv, Jas. Ford Alexander, R. 1 McDonald, Chas. Chalmers Jacksonville, R. 8 Keplinger, E. C. Ford Waverly, R. 2 Killam, Denby Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Killam, F. S. Oakland Jacksonville, R. 1 McFadden, Guy Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 McFarland, A. W. Overland Jacksonville, R. 1 McGinis, Thos. Ford Arenzville, R. 1 King, Austin Oldsmobile McGinn, Chas. Willys-Knight Murrayville, R. 4 Waverly, R. 2 Kinnett, Lester Ford Prentice, R. 1 McKean, Geo. H. Overland Woodson, R. 1 Kitchen, Jos. Chevrolet McKinney, A. B. Jeffery Winchester, R. 5 Winchester, R. 3 McKinney, R. S. Ford Chapin, R. 3 Knisley, C. H. Oakland Alexander, R. 1 McKinney, Roy B.Oakland Winchester, R. 5 Kohrs, Henry Overland Franklin, R. 3 McLamar, Chas. Ford Franklin, R. 1 Korsmeyer, Wm. F. McMahan, Mrs. I. Ford Waverly, R. 2 Reo Meredosia, R. 1 McNeely, Edw. Maxwell Franklin, R. 2 Kumle, Alice G. Ford Alexander McNeely, Jas. H. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Kumle, E. J. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Means, M. C. Haynes Sinclair, R. 1 Kumle, John C. Overland Alexander, R. 1 Megginson, A. H. Dodge Jacksonville, R. 2 Kumle, Wm. F. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Menge, Wm. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 7 Kumle, W. J. Studebaker Alexander , Meyer, Henry C. Overland Jacksonville, R. 7 Meyer, Louis C. Ford Jacksonville, R. 7 Lamb, Alfred Ford Murrayville, R. 2 Miller, John Ford Murrayville, R. 3 Milliken, C. H. Maxwell Winchester, R. 5 Lamkular, L. Ford Waverly, R. 3 Million, J. W. Ford Murrayville, R. 3 Lane, Virgil Maxwell Arenzville, R. 2 Moodey, John Maxwell and Little Langhary, Frank Mitchell Chapin, R. 1 Jacksonville, R. 8 Leach, G. A. Ross Eight Moody, Elmer Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 8 Jacksonville, R. 1 Mortimer, Wm. McFarlane Six Leach, W. L. Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Woodson, R. 1 Leahy, John P. Ford Pleasant Ridge, R. 40 Mosley, W. H. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Leak, Leslie Maxwell Franklin, R. 1 Moss, John A. Stoddard-Dayton Leake, Richard Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 7 Chapin, R. 3 Leek, Watson Studebaker Moss, Lloyd Buick Chapin, R. 3 Jacksonville, R. 1 Moy, Daniel White Jacksonville, R. 3 Lewis, J. Jeffery Ashland, R. 1 Murphy, P. Ford Alexander, R. 1 Liming, I. Chevrolet and Ford Murphy, Thos. Oakland Concord, R. 1 Bluffs, R. 1 Musch, Henry Reo Concord, R. 1 Lindsay, Jos. H. Ford Jacksonville, R. 8 Musch, John White Arenzville Lippert, H. C. McFarlane Concord, R. 1 Mutch, J. T. Maxwell Murrayville, R. 3 Lonergan, J. J. Ford Murrayville, R. 4 Long, Frank Ford Prentice, R. 1 Myers, Jas. Dodge Murrayvilje, R. 2 Long, W. B. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 7 Nail, Chas. H. Dodge Prentice, R. 1 Loughary, Martha Maxwell Arenzville, R. 2 Xarr, E. N. Ford Waverly, R. 1 Luckeman, Lloyd Buick Jacksonville, R. 3 Xaylor, Henry Reo Six Arenzville, R. 1 Lukeman, Albert L. Xergenah Sisters Ford Bluffs, R. 1 Oakland Franklin, R. 3 Newell, Thos. Ford Ashland, R. 1 Lukeman, Henry V. Xeuman, Geo. Elgin Jacksonville, R. 5 Ford Franklin, R. 3 Xewman, Arthur Ford Jacksonville, R. 3 Lukeman, J. J. Velie Waverly, R. 1 Newman, John Ford Waverly, R. 1 Luken, C. A. Jeffery Alexander, R. 1 Newton, Jay J. Buick Concord, R. 1 Luken, Otto Dodge Alexander, R. 1 Nickel, Frank C. Oakland and Ford Luttrell, Sherman Ford Waverly, R. 1 Concord, R. 1 181 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Nienhiser, Fred Chevrolet Nienhouser, Louis Ford Nortrup, J. H. Ford Nunes, I. J. Ogle, Chas. A. Ommen, H. i' . Osborne, J. E. Owens, John Oxley, John W. Oxley, R. B. Oxley, Thos. Oxley, Wm. A. Reo Postoffice Chapin, R. 1 Cuapin, R. 1 Bluffs, R. 1 Meredosia, R. 1 Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Studebaker Bluffs, R. 1 Chevrolet and Buick Murrayville Chevrolet Chapin, R. 1 Maxwell Franklin, R. 1 Studebaker Jacksonville, R. 5 Velie Franklin, R. 1 Overland Franklin, R, 1 Paul, Wm. C. Buick Woodson, R. 1 Perry, Elza Ford Concord, R. 1 Petefish.A. W. & Son Ford and Inter- State Literberry Petefish, C. C. I. H. C. Literberry, R. 1 Petefish, G. Ellis Dodge Jacksonville, R. 8 Petefish, W. H. Ford Literberry, R. 1 Peters, John Overland Waverly, R. 1 Pine, Grant S. Overland Bluffs, R. 1 Pond, Edw. Reo Arenzville Pond, Herold Mitchell Arenzville, R. 1 Potter, Chas. McFarlane Six Jacksonville, R. 2 Pues, Reuben Ford (2) Meredosia, R. 1 Ransdell, C. D. Ford, National and Kissel Franklin, R. 1 Ransdell, E. C. National and Ford Franklin, R. 1 Ranson, Chas. L. Mitchell Woodson, R. 1 Ranson, Edw. H. Ford Jacksonville, R. 2 Ranson, E. A. Michigan Jacksonville, R. 2 Ranson, H. L. Dodge Jacksonville, R. 2 Ranson, J. Rex Chevrolet Woodson, R. 1 Ranson, R. R. Buick Jacksonville, R. 2 Ratliff, John B. Oldsmobile Concord, R. 1 Rawlings, Jas. E. Buick Jacksonville, R. 2 Rawlings, Leslie Ford Franklin, R. 1 Reaugh, John Ford Murrayville, R. 4 Rees, Marshall Mitchell Franklin, R. 1 Rees, Wm. M. Reo and Buick Franklin, R. 1 Rees, Wm. M. Sr. Reo and Buick Franklin, R. 1 Reiser, Louis J. Buick Prentice, R. 1 Reiser, Martin T. Overland Prentice, R. 1 Rentschler, S. G. Ford Concord, R. 1 Rexroat, Alva Oakland and Ford Concord, R. 1 Rexroat, Edw. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Rexroat, Lee Buick Concord, R. 1 Rexroat, W. B. Cadillac Jacksonville Reynolds, Chas. E.Oakland Woodson, R. 1 Reynolds, E. J. Pratt and Elkhart Jacksonville, R. 5 Reynolds, Wm. E. Overland Jacksonville, R. S Rhea, John Buick Waverly, R. 2 Rice, C. E. Arenzville, R. 1 Rice, C. L. Buick Jacksonville, R. 1 Richardson, C. R. Reo Orleans Richardson, H. H. Buick Jacksonville, R. 1 Richardson, Wm. Maxwell Ashland, R. 1 Richardson, W. G.Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Name Make Postoffice Ridder, H. J. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Ridder, Jos. Ford Alexander, R. 1 Ridder, S. J. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Rilling, Geo. C. Ford Alexander, R. 1 Rimby, W. B. Dodge Murrayville, R. 2 Roach, A. J. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Roach, C. S. Saxon Franklin, R. 1 Roberts, J. H. Buick Franklin, R. 2 Robertson, W. W. Jeffery Prentice Robinson, F. J. Ford Murrayville, R. 2 Robinson, Harrison Jeffery and Chevrolet Prentice Robinson, H. L. Ford Prentice, R. 1 Robinson, Joel H. Overland Prentice, R. 1 Robinson, M. L. Hudson Prentice, R. 1 Robinson, Roy A. Jeffery Four Prentice, R. 1 Robinson, R. W. Hudson Sinclair, R. 1 Roegge, Herman H. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Roegge, Wm. F. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Roles, John Ford Bluffs, R. 1 Romang, G. Ford Waverly, R. 1 Rook, James C. . Buick Jacksonville, R. 5 Rowland, John Ford Waverly, R. 3 Ruble, George Dodge and Maxwell Alexander, R. 1 Ruble, Milton Ford Alexander, R. 1 Ruble, Samuel Ford Alexander, R. 1 Russwinkel, John Chevrolet Arenzville, R. 2 Ryan, Jerry Buick Six Franklin, R. 2 Ryan, Lawrence Hudson Six Franklin, R. 3 Ryan, M. H. Hudson and Ford Franklin, R. 3 Ryan, O. E. Buick Alexander, R. 1 Ryan, W. A. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Sample, E. T. Ford Jacksonville, R. 6 Sanders, C. E. Empire . Concord Sanders, Hannah Hupmobile Concord Sayre, J. I. Ford Jacksonville, R. 2 Schirz, Frank Chevrolet Franklin, R. 2 Schofield, Edw. Ford Waverly Scholfield, F. W. Maxwell Winchester, R. S Schlieker, Chas. H. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Schnake, Chas. Overland Meredosia, R. 1 Schumacher, A. H.Chevrolet Chapin, R. 1 Schumaker, Mrs. C. Hudson Four Chapin, R. 1 Scott, Harvey D. Mitchell Jacksonville, R. 1 Scott, S. Lexington Franklin, R. 1 Scott, Wm. T. Overland Jacksonville, R. 6 Sears, H. W. R. H. C. Waverly, R. 1 Sears, I. L. Hupmobile Waverly, R. 1 Sears, J. B. Maxwell Waverly, R. 1 Servas, Ernest L. Ford Jacksonville, R. 8 Sevier. J. W. Ford Waverly, R. 3 Seymour, Elbert I. H. C. Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, F. A. Ford Franklin Seymour, Geo. W. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Gus Overland Murrayville, R. 4 Seymour, G. N. Michigan Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Harry W. Chevrolet Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Jas. R. Ford Franklin, R. 1 Seymour, J. L. Buick Franklin Seymour, Leon E. Chevrolet Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Lewis Ford Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Moses Hupmobile Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Samuel Ford Franklin, R. 2 182 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Seymour, Wallace E. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Seymour, Wm. S. Dodge Franklin, R. 2 Shanle, Felix Saxon Waverly, R. 1 Shanle, Frank Ford Waverly, R. 1 Sheehan, John Fierce-Arrow Woodson, R. 1 Shekelton, Jas. Cadillac Waverly, R. 1 Sheply, S. Ford Murrayville, R. 3 Sheppard, C. R. Studebaker Woodson, R. 1 Sheppard, Luther Studebaker Woodson, R. 1 Sheppard, S. S. Overland Murrayville, R. 4 Shirtcliff, L. N. Dodge Jacksonville, R. 2 Short, C. E. Jeffery Waverly, R. 2 Simpson, Horace Buick and Ford Prentice, R. 1 Smith, Benj. A. Buick Woodson, R. 1 Smith, Cree Allen Jacksonville, R. 8 Smith, Mrs. E. G. Chevrolet Jacksonville, R. 1 Smith, John H. Maxwell Murrayville, R. 3 Smith, Marshall Buick Concord, R. 1 Smith, Melvin O. Ford Concord, R. 1 Smith, Robert T. Studebaker Woodson, R. 1 Smith, T. B. Overland Jacksonville, R. 5 Smith, Walter Crow Woodson, R. 1 Snyder, G. W. Maxwell Franklin, R. 1 Sorrell, Ed. Ford Murrayville, R. 4 Spires, Edgar Ford Franklin, R. 2 Spires, F. M. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Spires, Marion Ford Franklin, R. 2 Spires, Otto Ford Franklin, R. 1 Stapleton, T. M. Ford Waverly, R. 1 Starr, Jas. M. Reo and Ford Jacksonville, R. 6 Steiwberg, Riney Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Stephenson, E. Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Stevenson, E. K. Chevrolet Pisgah Stevenson, H. C. Buick Jacksonville, R. 6 Stewart, Henry C. Franklin Jacksonville, R. 6 Stewart, J. M. Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Stice, John M. Oldsmobile Ashland, R. 1 Story, Edw. C. Maxwell Franklin, R. 1 Strawn, H. M. Overland Orleans Strawn, Joel Jeffery Orleans Strawn, J. B. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Strawn, Mrs. M. E. Woods Electric Jacksonville, R. 2 Sturdy, Allan R. Dodge Woodson, R. 1 Swain, Chas Jeffery Six Prentice, R. 1 Teele, Chas. E. Tendick, G. Thomason, A. Thompson, Ellis Ford Thompson, Wm. C. Reo Empire Studebaker Waverly, R. 1 Buick Six Jacksonville, R. 1 Cartercar Chapin, R. 3 H. Jacksonville, R. 4 Titus, Thos. Todd, Wiley Travis, Thos. C. Tribble, F. S. Tucker, B. L. Tuke, David O. Turley, Felix G. Turner, Allen Jacksonville, R. 3 Concord Overland Jacksonville, R. 1 Buick Prentice, R. 1 Ford Franklin, R. 2 Chevrolet Murrayville, R. 4 Ford Jacksonville, R. 7 Maxwell Franklin, R. 3 Ford Waverly, R. 2 Uhnken, Albert Glide Chapin, R. 1 Unland, Roy Chevrolet Meredosia, R. 1 Name Make Van Winkle, Otis Saxon Vasey, E. S. Nash Vasey, John Ford Vasey, R. G. Buick Postoffice Franklin, R. 3 Woodson, R. 1 Jacksonville, R. 1 Jacksonville, R. 1 Virgin, L. Z. Lexington Woodson, R. 1 Visser, Herman Pratt Alexander, R. 1 Votsmier, T. W. Overland Prentice, R. 1 Wackarla, Geo Wankel, Geo. Ward, Daniel Ward, Louis Ward, Thos. Watret, A. G. Watson, C. W. Watson, F. Tt. Studebaker Alexander, R. 1 Ford Ashland, R. Ford Sinclair, R. Ford Sinclair, R. Chevrolet Ashland, R. Ford Prentice, R. Mitchell Woodson, R. 1 Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 2 Watson, Herbert M. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Watts, Chas, S. Saxon Franklin, R. 3 Weakly, Thos. Buick Prentice Weber, Frank Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Weber, Henry Velie Meredosia, R. 1 Webster, Dr. G. O. White Murrayville, R. 4 Weiss, Fred Ford Neeleyville, R. 1 Welborn, A. H. Studebaker Jacksonville, R. 6 Welch, Thos. Buick Murrayville, R. 4 Whalen, D. Ford Franklin, R. 1 Whalen, Mrs. Mary Ford Franklin, R. 1 White, Thomas Ford Waverly, R. 2 White, W. M. . Ford Murrayville Wild, R. T. Halladay Murrayville Wilday, Mrs. C. A.National Meredosia, R. 1 Wilday, Dean Overland Bluffs, R. 1 Wilday, Guy National Meredosia, R. 1 Wiley, Noel Ford Alexander, R. 1 Williams, Clyde H. Ford Chapin, R. 2 Williams, W. C. Halladay Chapin, R. 3 Williamson, Chas. C. Velie Pleasant Plains, R. 40 Wilson, David Lexington Murrayville, R. 3 Wilson, John R. Overland Franklin, R. 1 Wilson, J. W. Studebaker Jacksonville, R. 2 Winner, Jas. Velie New Berlin, R. 31 Winter, Thos. Ford Murrayville, R. 4 Wiseman, T. L. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Wiswell, C. Maxwell Jacksonville, R. 4 Witker, John H. Jr. Reo Meredosia, R. 1 Wood, Jas. Jr. Ford Waverly Woods, Jim Jr. Ford Waverly Woods, J. B. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Woods, J. P. Ford Franklin, R. 3 Woods, N. Ford Franklin Woods, Robt. S. Ford Waverly, R. 3 Wright, B. Ford Franklin, R. 2 Wright, C. J. Ford Murrayville, R. 4 Wyatt, C. M. Reo Six Franklin, R. 2 Yeck, Mecca Hudson Super Six Vangundy, Geo. Haynes Zachary, S. A. Zahn, Oliver Zahn, W. R. Zeller, H. Overland Cadillac Cadillac Overland Concord Alexander, R. 1 Arenzville, R. 1 Concord, R. 1 Alexander Chapin, R. 2 Zeller, Jos. A. Mitchell Four Alexander 183 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Scott County Automobile Owners' Directory (This List Includes Farm Automobile Owners Only) Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Adams, C. L. Abbott Winchester, R. 4 Fitzsimmons, C. Overland Naples, R. 1 Adams, E. C. Cadillac Winchester, R. 4 Frost, G. B. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Adams, W. R. Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Fry, Geo. Ford Naples, R. 1 Albers, F. H. Overland Naples, R. 1 Funk, Louis C. Cadillac Roodhouse, R. 3 Albert, Andell Ford Winchester, R. 3 Funk, Rufus Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Allen, B. P. Hudson Winchester, R. 5 Anderson, C. N. Dodge Winchester, R. 4 Gayheart, D. W. Ford Valley Atkinson, G. Maxwell Winchester, R. 2 Gibbs, Robt. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Gilman, Chas. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Bailey, S. Pullman Winchester, R. 6 Glassop, Arthur Ford Winchester, R. 2 Balke, F. H. Buick Winchester, R. 1 Glassop, A. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Ball, L. H. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Gordon, H. L. Cartercar Winchester, R. 3 Ball, S. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Gordon, H. S. Cartercar Winchester, R. 3 Bean, Alvin Ford Winchester, R. 2 Gordon, J. B. Dodge Winchester, R. 3 Bean, C. T. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Grady, H. E. Ford Winchester, R. 35 Bean, J. B. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Grimm, A. G. Ford Roodhouse, R. 6 Bean, W. F. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Guenther, L. H. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Boes, Hy. Ford Naples, R. 1 Bolle, Fred Grant Winchester, R. 2 Hainsfurther, A. Cadillac Winchester Botterbusch, R. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Hamilton, J. E. Buick Winchester, R. 1 Botterbusch, Wm. Maxwell Bluffs, R. 2 Hamilton, W. M. Willys-Knight Naples Botterbusch, W. D. Hardwick, Geo. W. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Pilot Merritt Brockhouse, J. D. Ford Chapin, R. 2 Hardy, C. L. Maxwell Winchester, R. 2 Buchanan, L. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Hardy, Wm. J. Ford Winchester Burrus, G. W. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Hart, G. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Bush, Arthur Mitchell Winchester, R. 2 Hart, Jake Maxwell Winchester, R. 2 Hasenkamp, Wm. Ford Chapin, R. 2 Campbell, C. T. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Haskell, F. Buick Winchester Campbell, Edw. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 1 Hawk, D. C. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Campell, Norman Hudson Winchester, R. 5 Hawk, R. A. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Campbell, S. D. Hupmobile Winchester Hayes, Edw. Mitchell Manchester, R. 1 Carlton, W. M. Reo Winchester, R. 3 Hierman, G. H. Reo Bluffs, R. 1 Carter, C. C. & J. B. Hogan, W. M. Ford Chapin, R. 3 Ford Chapin, R. 2 Hornbeek, Luther Buick Winchester, R. 2 Chambers, J. O. Chevrolet Naples, R. 1 Hurrelbrink, J. H. Overland Merritt Chrisman, B. F. Ford Merritt Chrisman, E. M. Case Jacksonville, R. 1 Jones, Geo. R. Ford Winchester, R. 6 Coates, P. A. Overland Winchester, R. 5 Jones, Warren Birch Winchester, R. 6 Comerford, Edw. Overland Naples Coon, R. S. Ford Florence Coultas, B. M. Pullman Winchester, R. 3 Coultas, Chas. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Coultas, Grant Hudson Winchester R. 5 Coultas, Luther Ford 'Winchester, R. 3 Kilver, Frank Ford Winchester, R. 2 Kilver, Herman Ford Bluffs Kilver, H. H. Reo Naples, R. 1 Kleinschmidt, Wm. Coultas, R. J. Ford Winchester, R. 5 Coultas, S. J. Ford Jacksonville, R. 1 Cox, G. H. Overland Naples, R. 1 Crum, Elmer Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Ford Naples, R. 1 Knapp, Wm. E. Reo Winchester, R. 2 Koch, H. H. Chevrolet Chapin, R. 2 Krueger, Hy. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 1 Cuddy, B. L. Ford Roodhouse. R. 3 Lakamp, Gust. Packard Jacksonville, R. 1 Dahman, J. F. Buick Winchester, R. 3 Landreth, Edw. Chevrolet Winchester Dawson, M. M. Buick Winchester, R. 2 Lashmet, Geo. Ford Winchester, R. S Day, W. G. Ford Winchester, R. 6 Lawless, J. D. Ford Murrayville, R. 1 Doyle, J. J. Paige Winchester, R. 6 Lawson, A. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Doyle, R. E. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Lawson, J. H. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Leach, Ed. T. Mitchell Winchester, R. 5 Emmons, Walter L. Leib, Justin Ford Winchester, R. 2 Metz Merritt Likes, R. E. Ford Naples, R. 1 Evans, Robt. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Lynch, Mrs. Thos.Df dge Jacksonville, R. 1 184 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Marsh, H. J. Pratt Naples, R. 1 Price, W. H. Ford Naples, R. 1 Martin, T. B. Buick Winchester, R. 1 Mayes, Wm. Ford Bluffs Quintal, C. Moline Universal McAsey, Edw. Saxon Winchester, R. 6 Winchester, R. 6 McCaleb, C. Spalding and Ford Bluffs, R. 1 Ratigan, Anna Maxwell and Ford Exeter McCarty, H. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Redshaw, A. J Ford Merritt McCollough, Wm. G. Ring, Jas. P. Buick Six Manchester, R. 1 Cartercar Winchester, R. 2 Ring, Jerry, Jr. Buick Murrayville, R. 1 McCollough, W. E. Roark, Jos. Hudson Winchester, R. 2 Cole Riggston Rolf, Albert Ford Bluffs, R. 2 McDonald, C. Maxwell Winchester, R. 6 Rolf, Chas. Ford Exeter McEvers, W. D. Overland Winchester, R. 4 Rolf, Frank Ford Bluffs, R. 2 McLaughlin, Fred R. Rutherford, Louis L. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Ford Riggston Merris, Chas. E. Overland Bluffs, R.' 2 Merriman, John Case Naples, R. 1 Meyers, W. A. Chevrolet Naples Sappington, W. H. Ford Exeter Middendorf, G. J. Ford Bluffs, R. 1 Millikin, Ben T. Saxon Winchester, R. 6 Mills, D. W. Buick Bluffs, R. 2 Moody, Jas. B. Halladay Chapin, R. 3 Moore, J. C. Ford Winchester Moore, N. J. Ford Naples, R. 1 Sawyers, S. J. Chevrolet Bluffs, R. 1 Sherwin, Thos. Ford Winchester, R. 4 Simmons, W. C. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Six, Henry Ford Winchester, R. 2 Smith, Edgar Maxwell Winchester Smith, H. O. Ford Chapin, R. 2 Smithson, S. M. Maxwell Winchester, R. 1 North, W. L. Buick Winchester, R. 1 Stegemann, F. Ford Bluffs, K". 2 Northcut, Jas. A. Ford Winchester, R. 4 Stewart, C. M. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Northrop, Bert Ford Roodhouse, R. 3 Northrop, H. Ford Winchester, R. 6 Northrup, H. F. Ford Bluffs Tankersley, G. L. Ford Winchester, R. 3 Tankesley, A. W. Ford Winchester, R. 3 * Tankesley, W. B. Ford Winchester, R. 5 Oakes, Hy. Ford Bluffs Taylor, L. E. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 5 Oakes, Royal Ford Bluffs Taylor, Wm. Maxwell Neelyville O'Donnell, Chas. D. Taylor, W. E. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Dodge Winchester, R. 6 Terrell, J. O. Ford Winchester, R. 1 O'Donnell, C. P. Oakland Winchester, R. 6 O'Donnell, Edw. Pullman Winchester, R. 3 Thomas, Claude Oakland Winchester, R. 2 Thomas, Geo. E. Ford (2) Winchester O'Donnell, G. T. Buick Six Winchester, R. 6 O'Donnell, Wm. Chevrolet Winchester, R. 6 Thompson, R. S. Rambler Winchester, R. 2 Overton, Jas. M. Saxon Six (2) Winchester Overton, W. E. Ford Winchester, R. 1 Overton, W. H. Ford Winchester Vannier, Dick Reo Chapin, R. 2 Vannier, G. H. Overland and Hudson Bluffs, R. 1 Owens, Oda Overland Chapin, R. 2 Vantayle, F. O. Maxwell Roodhouse, R. 3 Vortman, J. Ford Bluffs Patterson, Wm. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Peak, G. J. Cadillac Winchester, R. 1 Walker, Elmer F. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Peak, S. W. Buick Four Ward, Lee Ford Winchester, R. 3 Winchester, R. 1 Woodall, Jesse Overland Winchester, R. 6 Peak, W. R. Ford Bluffs, R. 2 Worrell, Jos. Ford Naples, R. 1 Placke, Hy. Ford Winchester, R. 2 Placke, T. F. Ford Naples, R. 1 Youngeson, Chas. Overland Winchester, R. 4 Price, J. W. ' Oakland Winchester, R. 1 Young, Jesse M. Cadillac Winchester, R. 4 185 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Morgan County Tractor Owners' Directory Name Adkins, J. Arnold, J. W. Barrows.W. E. Beeley, G. T. Brockhouse, A. Butcher, H. Caldwell, G. Carter, E. R. Clampit, C. W. Covington, J. B. Day, L. A. DeOrnellas, A. Devine, F. Make Postoffice Avery, Universal, Big 4 Prentice 15-25 Fairbanks and 12-25 Waterloo Boy Arnold All Work Jacksonville, R. 5 Bull Meredosia, R. 1 25-40 Hart-Parr Concord, R. 1 10-20 Bull Prentice, R. 1 10-20 International Franklin Happy Farmer Jacksonville, R. 7 All Work Jacksonville, R. 7 Nichols & Shepard (25 H. P. Special) Prentice, R. 1 Happy Farmer Jacksonville, R. 8 Case (25-75 H. P.) Jacksonville, R. 3 18-16 International Name Mahon, Jas. F. Mallicoat, Edw. McFadden, J. McLamar, Chas. Megginson, A. H. Meyer, A. Musch, H. Musch, J. Naylor, H. Randall, C. D. Rees, Wm. & Son Rice, C. E. Rice, C. L. Robinson, H. Robinson, R. A. Make Postoffice Avery Sinclair, R. 1 Case (18 H. P.) Steam Arenzville, R. 2 8-16 Avery Jacksonville, R. 4 Case Franklin, R. 1 International Jacksonville, R. 2 16-20 Mogul New Berlin, R. 31 8-16 Avery Concord, R. 1 18-36 Avery Arenzville 8-16 Bull Arenzville, R. 1 12-25 All Work Franklin, R. 1 10-20 J. I. C. Franklin, R. 1 Bull Arenzville, R. 1 Bull Arenzville, R. 1 Aultman-Taylor Engine Prentice 20-12 Emerson- Brantingham Prentice.R. 1 Mogul jac me, K Searg> j L Bu ,, Waverly, R. 1 Graff, John Case Prentice, R. 8 Shekelton, J. Waverly Hambrough, Wm. Avery, Steel Mule Todd, W. Avery Jacksonville, R. 1 Murrayville, R. 4 Hart, E. E. 18-36 Avery Sinclair, R. 1 Welborn, A. H. 10-20 Mogul Heffner.J. F. Fairbanks, All Work (25 H P ) Wingler, F. 8-16 Mogul (Kerosene) ' Arenzville, R. 1 Jacksonville. R. 3 Joy, H. P. 15-25Lauson Chapin, R. 3 Zachary, S. A. : 3-16 International Mogul Long, W. H. Big Bull Literberry, R.' 1 Alexander, R. 1 Scott County Tractor Owners' Directory Name Adams, E. C. Coultas, Grant Daniels, W. E. Grady, Homer E. Gray Bros. Haney, Oscar Hurrelbrink. J. H Krueger, Hy. Make Postoffice Avery Winchester, R. 4 Allwork Winchester, R. 5 12-25 Mogul Hillview, R. 2 Mogul (45H.P.) Winchester, R. 35 Buffalo Pitts (Thresher) and Belleville (Shocks Mover) Roodhouse, R. 6 12-25 Waterloo Roodhouse, R. 6 Russell . Merritt Hume (20 H.P.) Winchester, R. 1 Name Make McCaleb, Clarence 12-25 Avery Moline Postoffice Merris, Ch. E. Parks, Jas. H. Peak, Fred M. Peak, Jas. G. Sherwin, Thos. Stegetnann, F. Wilson, Thos. Young, Jesse M. Bluffs, R. 1 Bluffs, R. 2 Universal Naples, R. 1 International Winchester, R. 4 Mogul Winchester, R. 1 Emerson- Brantingham (40 H.P.) Winchester, R. 4 Moline Bluffs, R. 2 J. I. Case (20) Steam Roodhouse, R. 3 Waterloo Boy Winchester, R. 4 186 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY The Morgan County Farmers' Club. Morgan County Farmers classed themselves among the progres- sive men in their line of busi- ness, when they met on November 10th and organized. Almost three hundred men more than one-tenth of all the farmers in the county are members of the Morgan County Far- mers Club, whose object is "to pro- mote the development of the most profitable and permanent system of agriculture in this county, and the financial, educational, and social welfare of its inhabitants. More than five years ago the farm- ers of two Illinios counties DeKalb and Kankakee-^-organized in their re- spective counties that they might be of aid and help to one another, and that through their organizations they might be able to employ soil and crop experts to aid them in producing max- imum crops and in improving from year to year the fertility of the soil. The common practice in farming in many communities in Illinois is depleting the soil and is gradually diminishing its productivity. The fact that the depletion is slowly and irregularly carried on helps to con- ceal it. In Morgan County the average corn yield per acre for the five year period from 1902 to 1906 was 35 bushels per acre; from 1907 to 1911 38.4 bushels; from 1912 to 1916 33.6 bushels. The average for the fifteen years is 35.7 bushels per acre. This average is small. There are no doubt some individuals in Morgan County whose average corn production for the same fifteen years is at least fifteen bushels above the average mentioned. One of the things the Morgan County Farmers' Club may undertake is to bring the average corn produc- tion of the county a little closer to the average of the best corn growers in the county. This will involve prob- lems of soil improvement, good seed, good soil preparation, and cultivation. In Morgan County in 1916 were only ahout 500 acres of alfalfa. Much of the soil in Morgan County is adapted to the growing of this val- uable legume; and alfalfa and clover should form an important part of the crop yield of Morgan County. In this county there are but few dairy farms, yet there are many farms well adapted to the dairy business and there are good markets for dairy products. No where are found better farmers, farm buildings, farm homes, and farm crops than on the dairy farms in the dairy district of Illinois. Livestock is an important factor in crop production and this is evidenced by the prosperity of the livestock farmers in any community. When the Morgan County farmers organized they resolved to employ a county adviser and to secure the best man that could be found. The spirit with which they have gone into the work, and the thoroughness with which every detail is being handled is admirable. The 279 members of the organization at its beginning have pledged themselves to build the membership to 325 by the time they secure their adviser. Let every member of the Morgan County Farmers' Club make the best use of this man when he is employed. He is their servant and his time belongs to the farmers of the county. Give him the best you have and get all the service you can from him. The first officers of the Morgan County Farmers' Club elected to serve until December 15, 1918 are: President Charles S. Black, Jack- sonville. Vice-President Charles A. Rowe, Jacksonville. Secretary Harry J. Rice, Arnold. Treasurer Fletcher J. Blackburn, Jacksonville. Members of the executive commit- tee: Officers named above and W. H. Roher, Waverly; W. H. Crum, Liter- berry; C. J. Wright, Murray ville; G. A. Leadi, Jacksonville. Charles E. Drake, Cnapin. 187 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY History of Scott County. IN size Scott is among the smallest counties of the state. The area is equal to six townships and thirty- one sections; of 158,080 acres, adding for over-plus of fractional townships and sections, the total area being 160,000 acres. The fractional charac- ter of the sub-divisions are due to the zigzag boundaries on the east and north, which were deviated from straight lines to save to Morgan County the towns of Lynnville and Bethel and the rich land around them. And on the west these fractional di- visions are due to the meanderings of the Illinois River. Scott County was originally well divided between prairie and timber land, amply supplied with excellent water, and so diversified in quality of soil, that all cereals and many kinds of vegetables are produced in suffi- cient quantity for man or beast, no matter what the season. The soil and climate are adapted to the production of all sorts of grain, edibles and fruit. There is not a better equal area of ground on the globe than that of our own state Illinois and Scott County is in the best part of it. "Scott County was named after Scott County Kentucky and the Kentucky county was named after Gen. Charles Scott, a man of some military reputa- tion in that state and also one of its early governors" according to the History of Illinois by Moses. Scott County was originally a part of Morgan County, Illinois, but was cut off from that county and erected into a new county by an act of the General Assembly passed February 16, 1839. The first entry of land within the borders of our county was made Aug. 15, 1822 a little over a year after the government surveys were completed. On that day Joel Meacham entered the east half of the southeast quarter of section eight in township thirteen, range twelve, containing eighty acres. It would be very interesting to know the reasons which led Mr. Meacham to buy this eighty from the govern- ment when every acre of land in the county was open to purchase at the same price, one dollar and twenty- five cents per acre. This parcel first entered is situated on the public high- way leading from Winchester to Al- sey. If you are going from Winches- ter to Alsey by the road that leads south from the former place you will pass diagonally through the south forty of the eighty. After crossing Big Sandy you will ascend a hill. On reaching the top of this hill you enter the south forty and pass through it diagonally towards its southeast corner. This eighty entered by Mr. Meacham was the only parcel entered in the year 1822. The next parcel was entered April 3, 1823, over seven months later than Mr. Meacham's entry. First Town Exeter was the first town laid out within the present limits of the county. It was laid out by Enoch C. Marsh, June 18, 1825. First City Winchester is the first (and only) city in the county. It organized as a city, under the general law of the state, Nov. 18, 1876. First School The first school taught within the limits of this county was taught by Miss Jennette Wheeler in a log cabin a little southeast of where Exeter now stands. First House The first white man's habitation erected within the limits of the county was a log cabin built in January and February 1820 in the Gordon neigh- borhood, southeast of Winchester, by Thomas Allen. First Court House The first court house was built on the public square in Winchester and was paid for by the town of Winches- ter. First Jail The first county jail was built of hewed logs upon the site of the pres- ent jail. It was also paid for by the town of Winchester. First Railroad The first railroad in the county was a wooden track affair built by Charles Collins from Naples east 188 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY across the bottom in 1836 and 1837. The first iron track railroad in the county was the Old Northern cross road from Jacksonville to Meredosia upon the roadbed now occupied by the Wabash. It was built in 1837-1839. First Hanging The first judicial execution in the county was the hanging of Benjamin Smith upon a gallows erected by the side of the road leading northeast from Winchester; Oct. 1852 Extinct Towns of Scott Co. Probably not one person in twenty, under forty years of age, living in Scott County know that a number of towns were once laid out and platted in due form within the present bound- aries of our county, which now have no existence, not even on the tax books. Here are the names of eight: Williamsport, Geneva, Jefferson, Deer- field, City of Brussels, Morgantown, New Albany and Bridgeport. Colum- bus may also be classed as an extinct town, although its name still graces the tax books of the county. Columbus is upon the high ground along the Illinois River, north of and adjacent to Naples. It was laid out by Wiley B. Green in 1825 and at that time and even until after the Civil War, was an important business point. It was probably, too, at one time a rival of Naples. Now to all intents and purposes it is extinct. Williamsport was acknowledged before the justice of peace Aug. 1, 1825. It was situated on the north half of the southeast quarter of section 22, township 13, range 13. Bridge Street crossed Big Sandy about where the "Iron Bridge" stands, nearly north of Chas. Young's residence,' near Lion's Neck. The plat of Williamsport was vacated by an act of the General Assembly, 1869. Bridgeport, platted in 1836, was sit- uated on the slightly elevated ground next to the Illinois River and just across the river from Bedford. Large quantities of grain were shipped from here by the river and mercantile business was carried on. For a long time one or more stores were conduc- ted at Bridgeport. The town has now however, disappeared from the county map. Jefferson, platted Aug. 2, 1836, was on the State Road one mile east of Exeter. At one time there were two or three houses in this town. It is not known whether any business was ever done there. Bloomfield was laid out by Davis Bunch and the plat was acknowledged Sept. 14, 1836. It was located upon the Public Highway leading from Winchester to Clear Lake and Harris' Landing. The name of Bloomfield does not now appear on the collector's book, although there is still a respect- able church house, a good school and two stores and several families live near enough to be considered resi- dents of Bloomfield. Deerfield was platted in 1837 and was located on land lying directly north and northwest of the present town of Bluffs and possibly covering a portion of the same land. It must have ceased to have any existence very soon after it was laid out. City of Brussels was laid out in 1837 and was situated next to the Illinois River at Phillip's Ferry. On Feb. 1847 by an act of the General Assembly, this town was vacated. Geneva was acknowledged Feb. 11, 1832, and as recorded it contained 94 lots with Main Street, 80 feet wide running eastward and westward through it. Main Street was the state road which runs from Jack- sonville through Merritt and Exeter to Naples. The city itself was situ- ated half a mile west of the present Morgan County line, in one of the richest and most fertile spots in the country. At one time there was a hotel, a ppstoffice and one or more stores, besides a number of residences and a considerable business was done there. Morgantown was laid out in 1835 upon the route of the present high- way from Glasgow to Alsey. It con- tained 48 lots and a public square 360 feet each way. In 1845 or ten years later the lots were all forfeited to the state, which means, that they would not sell for enough to pay taxes on an assessed valuation of one dollar a lot. 189 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY New Albany laid out in 1838 was near to and northeast of the original plat of Williamsport. This town was vacated however prior to the year 1844. Proposed Railroads not built As early as the year 1836 an effort was made to establish railroad con- nection between Winchester and Jack- sonville and was called the Winchester, Lynville and Jacksonville Railroad. Other proposed railroads were Manchester and Bridgeport Railroad, Jacksonville and Naples Railroad, Pittsfield and Shelbyville Rail- road, Mt. Sterling and Carrollton Railroad, Illinois River and Pana Railroad, Camp Point and White Hall Railroad, Clayton and White Hall Railroad, and the Naples, Exeter and Vandalia Railroad. It is not necessary to say that these roads were not built. LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN ILLINOIS New Year's Day January 1 Lincoln's Birthday February 12 Washington's Birthday February 22 Memorial Day May 30 Independence Day July 4 Labor Day . . First Monday in September Election Days Columbus Day October 12 Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day December 25 190 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN AND SCOTT COUNTIES UNITED STATES OFFICERS President Woodrow Wilson Vice- President Thomas Marshall Secretary of State Robert Lansing Secretary of Treasury William G. McAdoo Secretary of War Newton C. Baker Attorney General. Thos. W. Gregory Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson Secretary of Navy Josephus Daniels Secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield ILLINOIS STATE OFFICERS, 1917-1920 Governor Frank O. Lowden Lieutenant Governor John G. Oglesby Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson Attorney General Edward J. Brundage Treasurer Len Small Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson Auditor of Public Accounts Andrew Russel MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Illinois Senators Lawrence Y. Sherman James Hamilton Lewis Congressmen-at- Large William E. Mason Medill McCormick Congressman, 20th Dist. (Counties of Mason, Menard, Cass, Morgan, Scott, Greene, Jersey, Calhoun, Pike and Brown) Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 26th DISTRICT (Counties of Adams, Calhoun, Pike and Scott) Senate Chas. R. McNay, Ursa House E. T. Strubinger, El Dara Rollo M. Wagner, Quincy S. H. Thomson, Paloma MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 49th DISTRICT (Counties of Morgan and Sangamon) Senate E. S. Smith, Springfield House Clarence A. Jones, Springfield Jacob Frisch, Springfield T. E. Lyon, Springfield 191 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY GENERAL FARM DATA FOR MORGAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS From 1910 Census Population .......................................................... 34,420 Number of all farms ................................................. 2,667 Color and nativity of farmers: Native white .................................................... 2,410 Foreign-born white .............................................. 263 Negro and other non-white ....................................... 4 Number of farms, classified by size: Under 3 acres .................................................... 7 3 to 9 acres ........................................ ............ 113 10 to 19 acres .................................................... 132 20 to 4 acres .................................................... 373 50 to 99 acres ........................................ . ........... 682 100 to 174 acres .................................................. 798 175 to 259 acres ............................................ . ..... 403 260 to 499 acres .................................................. 216 500 to 999 acres .................................................. 38 1,000 acres and over .............................................. 5 Approximate land area ....................................... acres 368,640 Land in farms ............................................... acres 352,946 Improved land in farms ...................................... acres 315,461 Woodland in farms ............ . ............................. acres 25,441 Other unimproved land in farms ............................. acres 12,044 Percent of land area in farms ........................................ 95.7 Percent of farm land improved ....................................... 894 Average acres per farm .............................................. 1323 Average improved acres per farm .................................... 118*3 All farm property value ...................................... dollars 64,630 174 Land .................................................... dollars 43,865,648 Buildings ............................................... dollars 6,354,822 Implements and machinery ............................... dollars 1,220 785 Domestic animals, poultry and bees ...................... dollars 4,188919 Percent of value of all property in Land ............................................................ 80 3 Buildings ....................................................... 9.8 Implements and machinery ....................................... 2.2 Domestic animals, poultry and bees .............................. 7)7 Average values: All property per farm .................................... dollars 20,484 Land and buildings per farm ............................. dollars 18,455 Land per acre ............................................ dollars 124.28 Farms reporting domestic animals .................................... 2,627 Value of domestic animals ................................... dollars 4,047,032 Cattle: Total number ................................................... 30,109 Dairy cows ..................................................... 7,768 Other cows ...................................................... 3,082 Yearling heifers .................................. . .............. 2,768 Calves ........................................................... 3,119 Yearling steers and bulls ......................................... 2,435 Other steers and bulls ............................................ 10,937 Value ............ ....................................... dollars 1,150,018 Horses: Total number ................................................... 16,870 Mature horses ................................................... 14,953 Yearling colts ................................................... 1,428 Spring colts ..................................................... 489 Value ................................................... dollars 1,779,323 Mules: Total number ................................................... 2,347 Mature mules ................................................... 2,034 Yearling colts ................................................. . . 220 Spring colts ..................................................... Value ............................ ...................... dollars 328,984 Asses and burros: Number ......................................................... Value ................................................... dollars 5,450 Swine: Total number .................................................... 2'o Mature hogs ............. . ....................................... 'X?' Spring pigs ...................................................... JS'SiS Value ... ............................................... dollars 710,033 Sheep: Total number ................................................... Jl'cn^ Rams, yews and wethers ......................................... 2'2c Spring lambs ............................................ .... ---- -Hi I Value ................................................... dollars 72,616 Goats: ,_, Number ................................................. ........ Value ............................................... dollars 192 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MORGAN COUNTY Number of poultry of all kinds 264,277 Value dollars 137,529 Number of colonies of bees 1,723 Value dollars 4,35 Number of farms operated by owners 1,523 Percent of all farms 57.1 Land in farms acres 02,80 Improved land in farms acres 177,73' Value of land and buildings dollars 27,494,408 Degree of ownership: Farms consisting of owned land only 1,117 Farms consisting of owned and hired land Color and nativity of owners: Native white 1.34' Foreign-born white Negro and other non- white Number of farms operated by tenants l./l Percent of all farms Land in farms acres ,r>i o Improved land in farms- acres 34, i\i Value of land and buildings dollars 20,990,16 Form of tenancy: Share tenants |94 Share cash tenants Cash tenants Tenure not specified Color and nativity of tenants: Native white 1,044 Foreign-born white 70 Negro and other non-white Number of farms operated by managers Land in farms acres 4,085 Improved land in farms acres 3,519 Value of land in buildings dollars 735,900 Mortgage debt report: For all farms operated by owners: Number free from mortgage debt Number with mortgage report 592 Number with no mortgage report For farms consisting of owned land only: Number reporting debt and amount Value of their land and buildings dollars 5,520,805 Amount of mortgage debt .dollars 1,589,930 Percent of value of land and buildings LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy cows on farms reporting dairy products number 7,191 Dairy cows on farms reporting milk produced number 6,826 Milk produced gallons 2,420,688 Sold .gallons 222.524 Cream sold gallons 18.291 Butter fat sold pounds 1,656 Butter produced ......'. . . pounds 603.828 Sold pounds 318,181 Cheese produced pounds 500 Sold pounds 500 Value of dairy products, excluding home use of milk and cream. . . .dollars 194.471 Receipts from sale of dairy products dollars Poultry raised ... number 417.611 Sold number 151.092 Eggs produced dozens 1,000.623 Sold dozens 604 855 Value of poultry and eggs produced dollars Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs dollars Wool, fleeces shorn number 8,599 Mohair and goat hair fleeces shorn number Value of wool and mohair produced dollars 17,727 Honey produced pounds 5.997 Wax produced \\ . : . .!.'.. pounds Value of honey and wax produced ! . .dollars 644 DOMESTIC ANIMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTERED Calves, sold or slaughtered number 1.379 Other cattle sold or slaughtered number 24.407 Horses, mules, asses and burros sold number 2.453 Swine sold or slaughtered number 129.321 Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered. . . .number 9.620 Receipts from sale of animals . .dollars 3,804.511 Value of animals slaughtered dollars 211,175 VALUE OF ALL CROPS Cereals dollars 4,161.828 Other grains and seeds dollars 13,939 193 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hay and forage dollars 270,640 Vegetables dollars 130,393 Fruits and nuts dollars 58,209 All other crops dollars 60,517 SELECTED CROPS Corn acres 128,348 ..bushels 5,894,885 Oats acres 26,205 . .bushels 940,092 Wheat acres 39,503 ..bushels 787,981 Emmer and spelt acres 34 . .bushels 896 Barley - acres . .bushels Buckwheat acres . .bushels Rye acres 352 . .bushels 5,036 All tame or cultivated grasses acres 20,440 ..tons 28,302 Timothy alone / acres 11,085 . .tons 14,883 Timothy and clover mixed acres 3,156 ..tons 4,392 Clover alone acres 5,940 . .tons 8,370 Alfalfa acres 159 . .tons 482 Millet or Hungarian grass acres 93 . .tons 161 Other tame or cultivated grasses acres . .tons 14 Wild, salt or prairie grasses acres 77 ..tons 110 Grains cut green acres . .tons Coarse forage acres 426 ..tons 495 Potatoes acres 1,070 ..bushels 107,629 Sweet potatoes and yams acres 17 . . .bushels 2,007 All other vegetables acres 810 Maple trees number 75 Maple sugar (made) pounds 25 Maple sirup (made) gallons 30 Broom corn acres 9 . .pounds 6,400 FRUITS AND NUTS Apples trees 66,143 . .bushels 30,195 Peaches and nectarines trees 37,433 ..bushels 17,364 Pears trees 6,849 . .bushels 1,722 Plums and prunes - trees 8,482 ..bushels 613 Cherries trees 8,733 ..bushels 2,343 Quinces trees 390 . .bushels 62 Grapes vines 15,690 . .pounds 173,042 Strawberries acres 49 ..quarts 82,086 Raspberries and loganberries acres 9 . .quarts 11,122 Blackberries and dewberries acres 37 . .quarts 56,543 Nuts trees 125 . .pounds 1,215 MISCELLANEOUS Labor farms reporting 1,675 Cash expended dollars 457,219 Rent and board dollars 98,531 Fertilizer farms reporting Amount expended dollars 2,995 Feed farms reporting Amount expended dollars 29,016 Receipts from sale of feedable crops dollars 1,223.905 194 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY GENERAL FARM DATA FOR SCOTT COUNTY, ILLINOIS From 1910 Census Population ................................................ .......... 10,067 Number of all farms ................................................. 1,096 Color and nativity of farmers: Native white ..................................................... 996 Foreign-born white ............................................. 100 Negro and other non-white ...................................... Number of farms, classified by size: Under 3 acres .................................................... 3 to 9 acres .................................................... 3-> 10 to 19 acres .................................................... 35 20 to 49 acres .................................................... 138 50 to 9 acres ...................................... ^ ............. ^59 100 to 174 acres .................................................. 363 IV 5 to 259 acres .................................................. 16i 260 to 499 acres .................................................. g 6 uuO 10 J9 acres ................. ................................. . n i,000 acres and over ............................................. 6 Approximate land area ....................................... acres 159 seo L,and in tarins ............................................... acres 150,586 Improved land in farms ...................................... acres 122,163 Woodland in farms .......................................... acres 20036 Other unimproved land in farms ............................. acres 8 388 Percent of land area in farms ........................................ a45 Percent of farm land improved ....................................... 81 1 Average acres per farm ......................... . .................... 137.4 Average irnyroveu acres per farm ................................... HI 5 All farm property value ...................................... dollars 16,138,842 Land .................................................... dollars 12,530,195 Buildings ................................................ dollars 1,866,892 implements and machinery ............................... dollars 272 123 Domestic animals, poultry and bees ...................... dollars 1 469 63^ Percent of value of all property in ...^ ^_. ' Land ......................................................... . . . '7 776 Building ......................................................... 11.6 implements and machinery ................... . ................... 1.7 Domestic animals, poultry and bees .............................. 91 Average values: All property per farm .................................... dollars 14,725 Land and buildings per farm ............................. dollars 13,136 Land, per acre ........................................... dollars 83.21 Farms reporting domestic animals .................................... 1,075 Value of domestic animals ................................... dollars 1,406,844 Cattle: Total number .................................................... 9,982 Dairy cows ...................................................... 3,061 Other cows ....................................................... 1,174 Yearling heifers ................................................. 1,159 Calves ........................................................... 1,141 Yearling steers and bulls ........................................ " 1,129 Other steers and bulls ............................................ 2,318 Value ................................................... dollars 297,092 Horses: Total number .................................................... 6,518 Mature horses ................................................... 5,807 Yearling colts .......... ......................................... 495 Spring colts ...................................................... 216 Value ................................................... dollars 682,793 Mules: Total number .................................................... Mature mules ................................................... 787 1 earling colts ................................................... Spring colts ..................................................... 36 Value ..................................... .............. dollars 112,528 Asses and burros: Number ................................................. VI."*" Value .............................................. dollars 720 Total number .................................................... oS'^A Mature hogs .................................................... S^'iSS Snrine: niKs .................. .......................... J Percent of all farms K Vn Land in farms ' ' acres' ' ss KIR Improved land In farms 'acrls Tsoli Value of land and buildings \\ \\ \\\ \\\\ \\\ ^oulrs 8,682,252 Degree of ownership: Farms consisting of owned land only 392 Farms consisting of owned and hired land Color and nativity of owners: Native white 536 Foreign-born white 78 Negro and other non-white Number of farms operated by tenants 474 Percent of all farms 43 2 Land in farms : acres 59.163 Improved land in farms . .acres 48 711 Value of land and buildings ... .dollars 5,472,885 Form of tenancy: Share tenants 255 Share cash tenants 83 Cash tenants 135 Tenure not specified Color and nativity of tenants: Native white 453 Foreign -born white 21 Negro and other non-white Number of farms operated by managers 8 Land in farms acres 2.908 Improved land in farms acres 1,406 Value of land and buildings dollars 241,950 Mortgage debt report: For all farms operated by owners: Number free from mortgage debt Number with mortgage report Number with no mortgage report For farms consisting of owned land only: Number reporting debt and amount Value of their land and buildings f dollars 1,829.792 Amount of mortgage debt dollars Percent of value of land and buildings LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy cows on farms reporting dairy products number 2,887 Dairy cows on farms reporting milk produced number 2,857 Milk produced gallons 895.121 Sold gallons 46,745 Cream sold gallons 4,974 Butter fat sold pounds 8,681 Butter produced pounds 213,753 Sold pounds 101,786 Cheese produced .pounds Sold pounds Value of dairy products, excluding home use of milk and cream . . dollars 58.554 Receipts from sale of dairy products dollars 36.303 Poultry raised number 181.923 Sold , . . number 59.500 Eggs produced dozens 528.896 Sold dozens 337.191 Value of poultry and eggs produced dollars 169.887 Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs dollars 86.488 Wool, fleeces shorn number 2,953 Mohair and goat hair fleeces shorn number Value of wool and mohair produced dollars 5,510 Honey produced pounds 3,096 Wax produced pounds 14 Value of honey and wax produced dollars 428 DOMESTIC ANIMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTERED Calves, sold or slaughtered number Other cattle sold or slaughtered number 6,865 Horses, mules, asses and burros sold number 1,52 Swine sold or slaughtered number 41,39 Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered number Receipts from sale of animals dollars 1,028,180 Value of animals slaughtered dollars 88,646 VALUE OF ALL CROPS Cereals dollars 1,560,993 Other grains and seeds dollars 5,311 196 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SCOTT COUNTY Hay and forage 5H ars ^f'SS? Vegetables dollars 51.891 Fruits an! nuis: ::::::::::: goi All other crops dollars 18,699 SELECTED CROPS ....acres 46,389 . .bushels 2,122,691 acres 2,462 ..bushels 70.620 acres 24,293 ..bushels 454.388 Emmer and spelt ; ;g