STATE OF ILLINOIS HENRY HORNER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION JOHN J. HALLIHAN, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS — NO. 4 2 SOME GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTION OF SOIL MATERIALS AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION BY GEORGE E. EKBLAW AND RALPH E. GRIM PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA. ILLINOIS 1936 Reprinted 193 7 STATE OP ILLINOIS Hox. Hexry Hornkr, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Hox. JoHx J. Hallihan, Director Springfield BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Hox. JoHX J. Hallihan, Chairman Edson S. Bastix, Ph.D., Geology William A. Noyes, Ph.D., LL.D., Chem.D., D.Sc, Chemistry John W. Alvord, C.E., Engineering William Trklease, D.Sc, LL.D., Biology Henry C. Cowles, Ph.D., D.Sc, Forestry Arthur Cutts Willard, D.Engr., LL.D., President of the University of Illinois STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION Urhana M. M. Leighton, Ph.D., Chief Emd Townley, M.S., Assistant to the Chief GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Coal G. H. Cady, Ph.D., Senior Geologist L. C. McCahe, M.S. James M. Schopf, M.S. Earle F. Taylor, M.S. Charles C. Boley, B.S. Non-Fuels J. E. Lamar, B.S. H. B. WlLT^MAN, Ph.D. Oil and Gas A. H. Bele, Ph.D. G. V. COHEE, M.S. A real and Engineering Geology Georce E. Ekijlaw, Ph.D. Victor N. Fischer, B.S. Snbsnrface Geology L. E. Workman, M.S. J. Norman Payne, M.A. Harold E. Vokes, Ph.D. Donald G. Sltton, M.S. Stratigraphy and Paleontology J. Marvin Weller, Ph.D. Petrography Ralph E. Grim, Ph.D. Richards A. Rowland, Geol. E. Physics R. J. PlERSOL, Ph.D. M. C. Watson, Ph.D. Donald 0. Holland, M.S. GEOCHEMISTRY H. Reed, Ph.D., Chief Chemist Frank W. F. Bradley, Ph.D. G. C. Finger, M.S. Fnels Gilhert Thiessex, Ph.D. P. E. Grotts, B.S. Xon-Fiiels J. S. Machix, Ph.D. F. V. Tooley, M.S. Analytical O. W. Rees, Ph.D. NoR.MAN H. Nachtrier, B.S. L. D. McVk KER, B.S. George W. Land, B.Ed. MINERAL ECONOMICS ' W. H. VosKiTL, Ph.D., Min era 1 Eeon om ist W. A. Newton, B.S. EDUCATIONAL EXTENSION Don L. Carroll, B.S. PUBLICATIONS AND RECORDS George E. Ekrlaw, Ph.D. Dorothy Rose, B.S. Alma R. Sweeney. A.B. Meredith M. Calkins TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING (In cooperation with the United States Geological Survey) CONSULTING STAFF Ceramics Cullen Warner Parmelee, M.S., D.Sc, University of Illinois Pleistocene Invertehrate Paleontology Frank Collins Baker, B.S., University of Illinois (26792) ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00005 6659 Contents Page Geology and engineei-ing 5 Engineering geology in Illinois 6 Present trends 7 Surficial material 8 Soil profiles 10 Relations between constitutions and properties of clays and soils 11 Determination of constitution of clays and soils 12 Composition of some common "soil materials" 14 Relation between mineral constituents and properties of soils 15 r3] Illustrations Figure Page 1. Map of North America showing the centers of ice accumulation and the area of glaciation 8 2. Surficial distribution of glacial drift-sheets in the upper Mississippi Valley 9 3. Generalized diagram of maturely developed soil profile and the processes involved in its development 10 4. Schematic representation of lattice structure of the clay minerals mont- morillonite and kaolinite (after Endell, Hofmann, and Wilm) 13 [4] SOME GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTION OF SOIL MATERIALS AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION^ GEORGE E. EKBLAW' AND RALPH E. GRIM^ GEOLOGY AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY is an important factor in practically every engineering project that deals with earth materials. In some fields of engineering the geological factor is so evident that it is universally recognized; in others its relations to the engineering problems may be so obscure that it is overlooked or ignored. However, the part that geology plays in all fields of engineering is becoming ever better appreciated, as is demonstrated by the increasing attention and care that is being paid to adequate exploration and testing of geological materials and structures with reference to proposed dams and reservoirs, canals and locks, sewer trenches, tunnels, foundations for buildings and bridges, underpasses, excavations and fills, etc. Although there has been highway engineering almost ever since man found it desirable to travel from place to place, the modern profession had its inception hardly more than a quarter of a century past. In that brief span of time it has achieved distinction favorably comparable to that attained by other older fields of engineering. When paved highways were first constructed, they were designed by engineers who were experienced in constructing paved city streets, gravel or stone pikes, railways, and similar developments. Since then the technique of highway construction in all its phases has progressed to a high degree, and searching investigations into many of its problems have been undertaken and aggressively pursued. In the demand for paved highways that increased when the benefits of the first ones laid down were appreciated, one fundamental factor in their construction — the geological situation — was almost universally ignored as unimportant, generally from lack of knowledge of its possible consequences. However, these consequences have eventually made themselves evident, and 1 Presented at the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting- of the Mississippi Valley Conference of State Highway Departments, Stevens Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, February 7, 1936, and at the Twenty-third Annual Conference on Highway Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana, February 28, 1936. - Geologist and Head, Areal and Engineering Geology Division, Illinois State Geo- logical Survey. 3 Petrographer, Illinois State Geological Survey. r5] 6 CONSTITUTION OF SOIL MATERIALS as a result a policy of intelligent caution and investigation concerning geo- logical matters is being rapidly adopted. The highway engineers in almost every state, as well as in the Federal bureau and in many county and similar organizations, are devoting more and more attention to the geology of the materials underlying and bounding the highway and of those of which the highway itself is built. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY IN ILLINOIS Kot many years after the program of improved highway construction in Illinois was begun, there appeared certain difficulties which the engineers of the State Division of Highways recognized as probably due to geologic con- ditions. These problems were referred to the State Geological Survey for counsel and to them Dr. M. M. Leighton, Chief^ gave his personal attention for several years. Through these services, as well as similar services provided for problems concerning dams and reservoirs and other engineering projects presented to the Survey, the field of engineering geology in the State was established. It grew ra])idly so that in 1927 the Division of Engineering Geology of tlie State (Jeological SuiTcy was organized, with Dr. Ekblaw in charge. At first, the ])roblems presented by the highway engineers concerned only landslides and miidflows, with consequent dislocation of alignment and frac- tured oi' wavy paveiiHMits, and estimates of earth and rock to be excavated in highway construction, but in the nearly nine years that Dr. Ekblaw has continued the cooperation with them, the highway engineers have presented scores of situations, no two of which have ever been identical although they can be grouped into a relatively few classes of problems. Moreover, as an undoubted result of the engineers' better ac(iuaintance with geology and consecpient better appreciation of its application in highway construction, the field included by the ])ioblems they have presented has steadily broadened. Landslides of all types and sizes, seepage and drainage, peat bogs, location of fills, materials for fills, character of aggregate materials, selection of pro- posed highway routes, heaving and cracking of pavements, bridge foundations, and grade separations — either underpass or overhead — include most of the specific problems. Also, in 1929 and 1930, at the request of the State Division of Highways, the State Geological Survey carried on over most of the State a detailed reconnaissance of limestone and sand and gravel deposits suitable for local sources of materials for secondary roads. Within the last two years the highway engineers have asked for particular information as to deposits of plastic clay suitable for use in stabilized gravel roads. RELATED TO HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION 7 PRESENT TRENDS An account of the ,A, K^ 'i :9(:ff. ia£X I4.3A f>x A A i. A 40+2(0H) ■'^^i^Y' 9 "i 40 + 2(oh) 4Si 60 ^ J^ 6 (oh) "^i^ 4 + 2(oh) 4 Si 60 b - AXIS b -AXIS montmorillonite kaolinite Hj O • (Alj O3 • Fcj, 03)-4 Si Oj 2 H^O • Al^ 0_, • 2 Si 0^ Fig. 4. — Schematic Representation of Lattice Structure of the Clay Minerals Montmorillonite and Kaolinite (after Endell, Hofmann, and Wilm) showing the layered arrangement that accounts for their flake-like crystals. Note the great and variable interval between the successive layers in montmorillonite, as compared with the limited interval in kaolinite, which accounts for its greater adsorptive ability and other properties. They are hydrous ahiminum silicates and some of them also contain alkalies or alkaline earths. In most of them the aluminum may be isomorphously re- placed by ferric iron. At the present stage of the researches, it is not possible to write exact formulae for all of them; the formulae of beidellite, nontronite, and the unnamed sericite-like mineral particularly are to be regarded as 14 CONSTITUTION OF SOIL MATERIALS tentative. The sericite-like mineral is so named because it resembles the sericite form of white mica. It is possible that future research will show that there are a few other clay minerals. All the clay minerals have a general micaceous crystalline habit, as a consequence of which their individual particles are flat and flake-shaped (Fig. 4). It is important to note that the flake-shaped characteristic is not developed to the same degree in all clay minerals. COMPOSITION OF SOME COMMON ''SOIL MATERIALS" The essential features of the mineral composition of the several argil- laceous materials commonly encountered in highway construction are as follows : GumhotiJ is composed essentially of beidellite in particles .00006 mm. in diameter or in slightly larger particles, .001-. 0001 mm. in diameter, which are easily reduced by slight working of the material to the finer grade size. In addition to beidellite, silty gumbotil contains the sericite-like mineral and also quartz varying in amounts according to the degree of siltiness. Coarser grains of quartz and possibly large grains of other minerals are present if the gumbotil is sandy. The finest grade sizes, that is clay-size grades, of //*// are composed of a mixture of beidellite and the sericite-like mineral. If the till is calcareous, calcile is present in particles which may attain a minimum size of .0001 mm. The coarser fractions of till are mixtures of quartz and fragments of a variety of dillferent minerals and rocks. Different tills vary from each other in the relative abundance of these constitutions, but the relative abundance of beidellite and the sericite-like mineral are of prime importance in influencing physical properties. Loess is composed primarily of quartz and mica with a smaller quantity of a variety of other minerals, such as feldspar, pyroxene, and amphibole, all existing in particles ranging in size from about .06 to .001 mm. A small amount of finer material, which is a mixture of beidellite and the sericite-like mineral, is present. Calcite is present if the material is calcareous. The finest grade sizes of soil developed on loess in Illinois are a mixture of beidellite, the sericite-like mineral, organic material, limonite (hydrated ferric oxide), and quartz. The coarser fractions have compositions similar to those of the coarser fraction of the loess from which the soil was derived. These constituents are not present in uniform amounts in all soils nor are they uniformly distributed vertically from the top of the soil downward, but are to a large degree dependent on the maturity of the soil and the drainage conditions under which it has developed. Thus, organic material tends to occur mainly in the surface horizon (Fig. 3, zone 1). Beidellite is a secondary product derived from the alteration of many of the primary con- stituents. It forms primarily in the upper horizon and as the soil profile RKLATKI) TO HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION 15 develops it is carried downward and redeposited a short distance beneath the surface. At a result, zone 2 of the soil profile is formed as an impervious liorizon. whose thickness and depth vary with the age of the soil, and at the same time the top horizon consequently becomes increasingly silty. When the soil profile has reached a fairly advanced stage of weathering, the beidellite is decomposed into its constituent oxides and rounded limonitic aluminous pellets tend to develop at or near the base of zone 2. The process of leaching, by which downward seeping groundwater removes from the upper horizon not only the calcite but also any alkalies that may be present, causes the upper horizons of the soil profile to become acid. RELATION BETWEEN MINERAL CONSTITUENTS AND PROPERTIES OF SOILS The next step of our research has been to determine the influence that specific mineral constituents exert on the physical properties of the materials containing them. It has been found, for example, that beidellite and mont- morillonite differ from kaolinite and the sericite-like mineral in possessing far higher adsorptive ability for water; in the ability to break down easily to extremely small particles, e. g., beidellite commonly occurs in particles less than .00006 mm. or can easily be reduced to this size whereas the sericite-like mineral and kaolinite rarely are in particles smaller than .0001 mm.; and in their ability to possess exchangeal)le bases. It follows from these and other considerations that increasing amounts of beidellite in a soil will increase its plasticity, its stickiness, its impervious character, and the swelling and shrink- age on the addition or removal of moisture. Stated another way, two soils, one of which is largely composed of beidellite and the other of the sericite-like mineral, may have about the same size grade distribution in the natural state and about the same ultimate chemical analysis, but w^hen these soils are utilized, the one containing the most beidellite will tend to be most impervious, stickiest, most plastic, and most subject to volume variation. The addition of electrolytes has been known for some time to cause changes in the physical properties of clays. In the last few years the relation of this phenomenon to base-exchange has been recognized and its importance has been realized. Clays possess the ability to carry bases which, under certain conditions, can be exchanged for other bases. Thus, if a clay containing ex- changeable calcium is treated with a strong solution of a sodium salt, the sodium will go into the clay replacing the calcium which will come out in the solution. 0])inions diff'er as to whether the exchangeable bases are held on the surface of the colloidal particles or within their lattice structure. Like- wise, opinions differ as to whether it is a stoichiometrical chemical reaction or simply adsorption. The seat of the exchange capacity is in the clay mineral content, and dif- ferent clay minerals possess different exchange capacities. Thus, the exchange 16 CONSTITUTION OF SOIL MATERIALS capacity for montmorillonite is very high, for beidellite it is moderately high, and for kaolinite and the sericite-like mineral it is low. Obviously soils composed of beidellite will have higher exchange capacity than those composed of the sericite-like mineral. Therefore, whatever influence base-exchange phe- nomena exert on physical properties will be reflected to a higher degree by those composed of beidellite than those composed of the sericite-like mineral. Certain properties of soils vary with the identity of the exchangeable base they contain. For example, the plasticity of a given clay or soil differs accord- ing to whether sodium or calcium is the exchangeable base. The shrinkage can be changed by substituting calcium for sodium. A soil saturated with sodium is far more impervious to water than an acid soil or one in which calcium is the exchangeable base. The reason for this influence may be conceived in part by considering the flake-shaped clay mineral particles to be encased in a hull of basic ions which in turn is enclosed by a hydration sphere. Probably because different ions have different dissociation abilities, the hydration sphere varies with the iden- tity of the exchangeable base and the physical properties show a correlative variation. In the present state of infornuition it is impossible to give much specific data and many detailed conclusions on this subject. The Illinois State Geological Survey has under way extensive I'esearches to determine the con- stitution, particularly the mineral constitution, and base-exchange character- istics of the argillaceous nuiterials occurring within the State. Our object is further to determine exactly how these factors influence the properties of the material as a whole, which, in turn, determine its utilizations, and thereby to extend and to im})rove their utilization in the field of ceramics and in other fields in which such materials are used. Our researches have progressed so far that a comparatively rapid petrographic microscopic analysis of the mineral composition of these materials commonly enables a prediction of their physical properties. However, this procedure is not intended as a substitute for actual testing, but its value lies primarily (1) in selecting from n\aterial available that which is most satisfactory for a given purpose, and (2) in the search for the seat of trouble in material which has already been used