Congregationalists and the Christian Conquest of India. By MISS ANSTICE ABBOTT Printed for use in Mission Study Classes, being an advance edition of the January, 1907, number of the Envelope Series. THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. 14 BEACON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. FOREWORD ill In this number of the Envelope Series we present a comprehensive account of the American Board's three missions in India — Marathi, Ma- dura and Ceylon. The time is auspicious for the printing of such a sketch, because this year thou- ands of young people and adults are studying Christian missions in India in connection with the Study Classes of the Young People's Missionary Movement. Using Dr. Thoburn's excellent text- book for a general treatment of the religious needs and work of this fascinating country, this little pamphlet will be welcomed by these classes as a supplement covering the work of our own Board. The story is told, however, in a manner to interest all classes of readers, and we believe any person perusing these pages will be impressed by the variety of our Indian work. Take the journey yourself under Miss Abbott's guidance, and form your own conclusions. For ourselves we have viewed this array of churches, schools, hospitals, asylums, industrial plants, and, most of all, the noble men and women carrying on this work with a new and profound sense of gratitude and admira- tion. It is a great thing to be a partner in such an enterprise. Miss Abbott is a sister of Rev. J. E. Abbott, D.D., of Bombay, and is qualified for her task by a long and fruitful ministry in the Mar- athi mission. The parents of Dr. Abbott and Miss Abbott labored for many years in the mis- sion field. This is the last number of the Envelope Series for this year, and you should be sending us your ten cents as a subscriber if you want us to con- tinue your name on our list. While we circulate this little quarterly freely in some directions, we cannot retain our privilege of second class govern- ment rate without a bona fide subscription list on an extensive scale. By subscribing you help yourself and at the same time enable us to help others. Cornelius H. Patton, 4 Home Secretary. ' * -C CO J&