■ LIBRARY CATALOGUE U. S. PENITENTIARY 1906 Leavenworth, Kansas \t/ *; CATALOGUE OF THE U. S. PENITENTIARY LIBRARY LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. ALSO RULES FOR PRISONERS AND “GOOD TIME” LAW LEAVENWORTH: UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY PRESS I 906 (. RULES GOVERNING PRISONERS. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Washington, I). C. July 12, 1904. The following rules and regulations for the government and disci- pline of the prisoners in the United States Penitentiary, at Leavenworth, Kansas, are hereby promulgated, in accordance with section 4 of an Act of Congress approved March 3, 1891, and the Warden of the said Penitentiary is hereby ordered to see that the said rules and regulations are enforced, these rules superseding all rules and regulations previously promulgated. W. H. Moody, A TTO R N E Y- G E K E R A L . 1. Obey the orders of officers and directions of foremen without reply or argument. When orders ot officers and others conflict, obey the officer. 2. Be quiet everywhere and at all times. 3. You must not talk or communicate in any manner with any other prisoner while marching or standing in line, while at meals (except by such signs as make your wants known to the waiter), while in the chapel or at work, except when given permission by an officer or guard. You must not talk to any free person unless by permission and in the presence of an officer. You must not talk to any officer on subjects not concerning your duty or conduct as a prisoner. Insolence, profanity or obscenity will not be tolerated. 4. You may talk to your cell mate, if you have one, but in LOW TONES only. Do not talk or call to men in other cells. Do not whistle, sin" or make any unnecessarv noise. 5. Keep your person, clothes, bedding, cell and library books clean. You must not draw, paint, or hang pictures on the walls of your cell, nor in any way mark or deface library books, buildings, walls, furniture or fittings. 6. You must not alter or deface your clothing in any way, and must not cut your shoes. It your clothing or shoes do not fit, or need repair, re- port at once to your officer, who will take the necessary steps to remedy the matter. 7. You must wear your outer shirt, and are not allowed to work in your undershirt unless by special permission of the Warden or Deputy Warden while tending boilers, furnaces, etc. 8. When leaving or entering your cell, open and close the door with- out slamming. Stand at the cell door whenever required for count. 9. Do not go to bed in the day time except by permission and on 4 account of sickness. Do not go to bed with your clothing on. Keep your shoes off the bed. 10. On returning to the cell house go into your own cell. If found in the wrong cell you will be punished. You must not stop on the range to look into another prisoner’s cell, or pass any article into a cell or from one cell to another. You must not use your mirror to watch officers on the range. All these offenses will be severely punished. 11. You must not have on your person or in your cell, any money, jewelry, postage stamps or valuables; nor stationery, except that furnished you on writing day. All of your business must be done through the War- den’s office. Pencil and paper will be furnished you on writing day for which your writing ticket will be taken up; the ticket being returned when the paper and pencil are taken up. Letter paper when not used for a letter must be returned. 12. You must not, at any time, have any tools or weapons in your cell, nor concealed in your clothing, or on your person. Tinkering in your cell is expressly forbidden. 13. You must not, at any time, have a knife on your person, or in your cell, unless you have written permission from the Warden or Deputy Warden. Any knife found in your clothing, or concealed upon your per- son, or in your cell, will be held as evidence of your intention to injure some one, and you will be dealt with accordingly. 14. You must not carry a lead pencil or blank paper upon your per- son, or into your cell, without written permission of the Warden or Deputy Warden. If it is necessary for you to use a pencil at your work, it must be left in the custody of your foreman or officer. Materials from the shop must not be taken into your cell. 15. Whenever you have any necessary communication to make, or a request to present to the Warden or Deputy Warden, inform your officer, who will make out for you a written request for audience or letter, or will state your business in writing and forward it through proper channels to the person you wish to address. On matters of minor importance notify your officer of your desire to speak to the Deputy Warden when he next visits your place of work, stating why you wish to speak to him. Do not step out of line to speak to the Warden or Deputy Warden. 16. When marching in line keep your head erect and your face turned toward the front. You must not leave the line, or change places in the line, without permission of the officer in charge. In marching into your shop, or to your place of work, keep your place in line till the officer commands the line to break. 17. You must not leave your place of work except by permission of the officer in charge. 18. Careless or willful injury of vour work or tools will be promptly reported and punished. 19. You must not communicate with other prisoners while at work, o except when absolutely necessary, and then, only by special permission of the officer in charge. 20. Whenever you leave your cell for work, school or chapel, and when- ever you leave your shop or place of work, see that your clothing is in order and your shirt properly fastened at the neckband. No ribbons, badges, or decorations, except the badge of the Volunteer Prisoners’ League, will be allowed on your clothing. Put your cap or hat on properly, and keep your hands out of your pockets. Avoid all insolence or rowdyism in walk, man- ner or gestures. 21. You will be promptly reported and punished if you, unnecessarily, jostle or brush against another prisoner, with the intention of annoying him, or in any way provoke another prisoner to anger. Making faces or insul- ting gestures will not be tolerated. Any trick By which another prisoner is led into violation of the rules and loss of time, will lead its author into punishment and reduction of grade. 22. You must approach an officer or guard in a respectful manner, .taking off' your cap, or touching the cap if out of doors, before speaking to him. Use the officer’s last name always with the title. “Mr.” and with no other title. In addressing an officer, if you do not know his name, say, “Sir,” and proceed with your communication. 23. If addressed by your first or given name, by an officer or foreman, you must answer or respond. Undue familiarity between officers and prisoners, will not be tolerated. Any attempt at familiarity on your part with an officer, guard or foreman, will be punished. You must not place vour hand upon an officer, guard or foreman, or touch his clothing, or in any way get into close contact with him. 24. In speaking to an officer or guard stand at two paces distance, and speak distinctly; it is not necessary to breathe into an officer’s face to make him hear you. Do not pass closely in front of an offiicer or guard, or be- tween two officers or guards who are conversing, and do not interrupt an officer or guard unless you are a messenger charged by another officer or guard with urgent and important business. 25. You must not receive anything whatsoever from any citizen or per- son not connected with this Penitentiary in an official capacity without written permission of the Warden. You must make no present whatsoever, to any officer, guard, foreman or employee of the Penitentiary, nor buy or re- ceive anything from or for such person, nor ask any such person to buy or receive anything from or for vou. You must not ask any officer, guard, foreman or employee, or any citizen to write or mail a letter for you without special written permission from the Warden or Deputy Warden. You must not have your mail addressed to you in care of any officer, guard, fore- man or employee, but solely in care of the Warden. You must not make or repair anything for any officer, guard, foreman or employee unless written permission is first obtained from the Warden or Deputy Warden. 26. On entering the cell house, dining room, chapel or any of the offices of the Penitentiary, you must uncover, unless your duties are such that you have special permission to remain covered. 27. When the bell rings in the morning rise promptly, make up your bed as instructed, clean your cuspidor and sweep your cell. Then wash your face and hands and at the command of the guard, pass into the corridor, marching by column of twos in perfect order. If sick notify the officer who unlocks the range. Do not remain in your cell without permission. 28. At the 9 P. M., signal go to bed at once, placing your shoes at the cell door, and the rest of your clothing where it can be plainly seen. 29. You must not chew tobacco while marching in line or while in the dining room. You must not spit upon sidewalks, cell house or corridor floors or upon dining room floor. Cuspidors will be provided and must be used. When you go to sick call be sure that your mouth has been rinsed out and that no tobacco stains are on lips or tongue. You must not use or have tobacco while in the hospital or sick cell. 30. You are permitted to have in your cell the following articles: One Bible, 1 cup, 1 mirror, 1 cuspidor, 1 towel, 1 piece of hard soap, 1 comb, 1 hair brush, blankets, sheets, pillow cases, night shirt, mattress, bedstead, campstool, 1 table, i water jar with cover, 1 electric light, 1 small library shelf, 1 library catalogue, 1 book of rules and such school and library books and familv photographs as your conduct and grade privileges permit. 31. On entering the dining hall take vour seat promptly — position erect — arms folded, with eyes to the front until the signal is given to commence eating. 32. Strict silence must be observed during the meal. Staring at visit- ors, talking and laughing, fooling or gazing about the room are strictly for- bidden. 33. Eating or drinking before or after the bell sounds, using vinegar in your drinking water, or putting meat on the table are prohibited. 34. Should you desire additional food make your wants known to the waiters in the following manner: If you irant bread , hold up your right hand . Coffee or leader, hold up your cup . Meat, hold up your fork. Soup, hold, up your spoon . Vegetables , hold up your knife . If you desire to speak to an officer about food or service in the dining hall hold up your left hand . 3 S' Wasting food in any form will not be tolerated. You must not ask for or allow the waiter to place more food upon your plate than you can eat. When through with meal leave pieces of bread on left side of plate. Crusts and small pieces of bread must not be left on your plate. 36. After finishing your meal place knife, fork and spoon on right side of plate. Sit erect with arms folded. When the signal is given to arise, drop hands to your side. At the second signal march out and to your place in line in a prompt, quiet and orderlv manner. 37- On entering the cell house at any time, go to your cell quietly and promptly, close the door after you without slamming and hold it until it is locked. Then stand at 6 ‘attention’’ until the count is completed. When the count is completed you will be notified by the sound of the bell. 38. When at work give *your undivided attention to it. Gazing at visitors, or at other prisoners will not be allowed. You must respectfully listen to and faithfully carry out all instructions given you by your foreman concerning your work. 39. In talking with your foreman confine yourself strictly to the work in hand. If you have any cause for complaint of your guard, foreman, or others, you will be allowed to send application for an interview with the Warden or Deputy Warden, through your officer at any time. 40. If you are sick or unable to work report the fact to the officer in charge and act as he may direct. If you wish to seethe Physician, give your name and number to the officer immediately after entering the dining room in the morning. 41. All trading, bartering, or selling, of whatsoever kind, between prisoners, or between prisoners and officers, guards, foremen, employees or citizens is strictly prohibited. 42. Make it your business to keep your cell clean and free from ver- min. Make careful inspection of your bedding every day. If any bugs are found report the fact immediately to your guard. 43. At morning sick call, stand quietly in the line until your number is called, then pass quickly into the Physician’s office, receive and promptly obey his directions, and again take vour place in line. No conversation or disorder of any kind will be permitted. 44. If ordered by the Physician to the hospital for treatment you will be properly cared for, but to hold your place in the hospital you must re- main quiet and perfectly obedient. No disorder of any character will be tolerated. While in the hospital you must be neat and tidy in habits and perfectly respectful in language to the hospital officers and nurses. 45. Neither food nor medicines can be sent to any prisoner by private individuals outside the Penitentiary. 46. The “good time” law is printed in full on page 10 of this book. For violation of these rules you may lose part or all of this “good timed’ A record of all violations of these rules is kept in the Warden’s office. 47. When in the yard or in the cell corridors not at work, ifapproached by the Warden or Deputy Warden or by a guard in company of visitors, you must stand at “attention,” with arms folded, until they have passed. 48. Your cell is subject to search at any time. If articles are found that might be used to injure or destroy cells you will be dealt with as “at- tempting to escape.” 49. You are not compelled to attend Chapel Services, but because the moral support of religious instruction is necessary for all, you will be ex- pected to do so, unless satisfactory reasons exist tor not doing so. Privileges On entering the Penitentiary you will receive three tickets entitling you to the following privileges as long as you obey strictly all the rules: FIRST — One ration of chewing tobacco each week. Smoking is abso- lutely prohibited. SECOND — Permission to write once in two weeks. THIRD — Permission to see friends once in four weeks, except on Sundays and Holidays. NEWS PA P E RS — You are permitted to receive such newspapers, magazines, books, etc., as the Warden may approve. No sporting or sen- sational papers of any description will be admitted. PHOTOGRAPHS, Etc. — Family photographs, plain towels, comb, brush, tooth powder or soap, tooth brush, small hand mirror, suspenders and plain white handkerchiefs, will be admitted during good conduct. NO EATABLES — except what you can eat during interviews with friends — NO LIQUIDS, TOBACCO OR CIGARS will be admitted, nor any ar- ticles except those mentioned above. EXTR A LETTERS — Written permission must be obtained from the Warden or Deputy Warden in case it becomes necessary to write special letters. MAIL MATTER — Letters and papers of every description must be examined under the direction of the Warden, before being mailed or deliver- ed. The following are considered offenses under the foregoing rules, and will invariably be followed by some one of the punishments hereafter designated. You are urged to study these rules and this list carefully: List of Offenses Answering to number in improper manner. Bed not properly made. Being out of place in line. Clothing not in order. Coat not buttoned. Crookedness. Creating a disturbance. Disobedience of orders. Disrespectful conduct of any kind. Disturbance in cell house. Disturbance in line of March. Escaping. Failing at inspection. Fighting. Having on your persons, or in your cell any contrabrand articles, such as money, smoking tobacco, matches, knife, pencils, writing paper, postage stamps, etc. 9 Hiding out. Insolence to officers, guard or foreman. Injuring library book or other property. Insubordination. Inattention in line or at work. Loafing. Laughing and fooling. Loud talk. Larceny. Lying; Malicious mischief of any kind. Mutiny. Neglect of work. Not at door at count. Not retiring at proper hour. Profanity. Quarrelling. Raising disturbance of any kind at any place. Replying when corrected. Shirt not buttoned at neckband. Shirking. Smoking. Spitting on the flour. Stealing. Talking in dining room, or from cell to cell. Talking in line. Talking at sick call, or in the Chapel. Using threatening language. Unbecoming conduct not above mentioned. Vile or obscene language. Wasting food. Writing unauthorized letters. P&misliBiicnts. 1. Reprimand. 2 . Loss of tobacco privilege. 3. Loss of letter privilege. 4. Loss of part of “good time.” 5. Imprisonment in “solitary” on restricted diet. 6. Imprisonment in “solitary” on restricted diet and handcuffed to door. 7. Reduction in grade. 8. Reduction to stripes. 9. Loss of all “good time.” 10 THE “GOOD TIME” LAW. [Public— No. 170] An Act to regulate commutation for good conduct for Unit- ed States prisoners. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sta tes of America in Congress assembled , That each prisoner who has been or shall hereafter be con- victed of any offense against the law of the United States, and is confined, in execution of the judgment or sentence upon any such conviction, in any United States penitentiary or jail, or in any penitentiary, prison, or jail of any State or Territory, for a definite term, other than for life, whose record of conduct shows that he has faithfully observed all the rules and has not been sub- ject to punishment, shall be entitled to a deduction from the term of his sentence to be estimated as follows, commencing on the first day of his arrival at the penitentiary, prison, or jail: Upon a sentence of not less than six months nor more than one year, five days for each month; upon a sentence of more than one year and less than three years, six days for each month; upon a sentence not less than three years and less than five years, seven days for each month; upon a sentence of not less than five years and less than ten years, eight days for each month; upon a sentence of ten years or more, ten days for each month. When a prisoner has two or more sentences the aggregate of his several sentences shall be the basis upon which his deduction shall be estimated. Sec. 2. That in the case of convicts in any United States penitentiary, the Attorney-General shall have the power to re- store to any such convict who has heretofore or may hereafter forfeit any good time by violating any existing law or prison regulation such portion of lost good time as may be proper, in his judgment, upon recommendations and evidence submitted to him by the warden in charge. Restoration, in the case of United States convicts confined in State and Territorial institu- tions, shall be regulated in accordance with the rules governing such institutions, respectively. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days from the date of its approval, and shall apply only to sentences imposed by courts subsequent to the time that this act takes effect, as hereinbefore provided. Prisoners serving under any sentence imposed prior to such time shall be entitled and receive the commutation heretofore allowed under existing laws. Such existing laws are hereby repealed as to all sentences imposed subsequent to the time when this Act takes effect. Approved, June 21, 1902. RULES GOVERNING THE USE OF THE PRISON LIBRARY. I. The Chaplain is, ex officio,, librarian, and will have charge of the library. All applica- tions for books must be made to him. 2 All prisoners who can read will be entitled to the use of the library, under such restric- tions as may be found in the rules following. 3. Books will be issued to prisoners only on Thursdays and Fridays of each week, unless otherwise ordered. 1. Any book taken out of the library by a prisoner can be kept only two weeks. But if the reading of a book shall not have been finished at the end of two weeks, the librarian may re- issue it. 5 Any prisoner who is convicted of marking, or willfully tearing or destroying a library book will be denied the use of the library, or otherwise punished as the Warden may direct. 0. When a prisoner is on the discharge list, his book and card must be returned to the li- 1 rary in good condition, one day before he goes out. 7. No book will be issued to any prisoner who fails to return his library card with the book to be exchanged. S. If library cards are defaced by erasures, no more books will be issued to the owner of such card except by permission of the Warden. 1). But one book at a time can be drawn, and when a book is drawn, it cannot be returned until next book day, except in case of discharge. 10. Prisoners are not permitted to exchange or loan books, and if detected doing so, their cards must be taken up. II. All books will be inspected when issued and when returned, and alj damage noted must be reported at once to the Warden’s Otlice, together with the number of the prisoner drawing the book. Read and return the book with card in as good order as you receive them. 13. Errors, arising from issuing books, must be reported in writing to the librarian by the officer in charge of class when complaint is made. 14. Officers and employees may make use of books in the library under the same rules as to the time books may be kept our as apply to prisoners. R. W. McCEAlJG IIRY fc WAliDEN. , • • :• ADDRESSES AND LECTURES Addresses. Drummond 3 Addresses and Lectures. Campbell I Addresses and Orations. Choate 2 American Citizenship. Brewer 5001 American Humorists. Haweis 3265 Character Building. Washington 6 Christian Living. Meyer 7134 Same — 7135 Democracy of Social Ethics, Addams..5000 Growth of Criminal Law, The. Cherry. . 5 Heredity. (Boston Monday Lectures). Cook 3268 Lectures on Buddhism 3267 Lectures on General Literature. Mont- gomery 7 Lectures on the Ethics of Green, Spencer and Martineau. Sidgwick 3747 Lectures on the History of Joseph. Gor- don 9 Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Hegel 3270 Lectures on the Study of W ords. Trench 1582 Lectures to Young Men. Beecher 10 Lectures to Young Men. Smith 11 Messages of To-day to the Men of To- morrow. Lorimer Nature and Christ. Beet New Era, The. Strong Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. Hol- land Same 7109. School of Life, The. Van Dyke 4 Search for an Infidel, A. Jones . .5002 Select Speeches of Daniel Webster. George.(Edited by ) 3271 Speeches and Addresses of William Mc- Kinley 1104 Stoddard's Lectures on: — Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg and Mos- cow . 2406 Canada, Malta and Gibraltar 2272 Constantinople, Jerusalem and Egypt. 2345 Florence, Naples and Rome .2423 India and the Passion Play 2398 Ireland, Denmark and Sweden. .2322 J apan and China 2395 Norway, Switzerland, Athens and Ven- ice .... 2328 Paris, La Belle France and Spain 2405 Scotland, England and London 2424 Southern California, Grand Canon and Y ellowstone Park 2425 The Rhine, Belgium, Holland and Mex- ico 2420 Talks to Boys. Hunter 7132 Three Fishing Boats. Lambert 7133 Young Men. Guest 7131 3269 7130 7136 12 ANTIQUITIES Ancient Empires of the East. Sayce 73 Ancient Persia. Norris 76 Antiquities of Tennessee. Thruston 77 Nineveh and Its Remains. Layard 1630 Origin of the Aryans, The 78 Paradise Found. Warren 80 Primitive Man in Ohio. Morehead 81 Ruins of Ancient Cities. Vol. I. Bucke.. 71 Vol, II 72 ART FINE ARTS Art Sketches. Jameson 89 Renaissance and Modern Art. Goodyear 3274 Sacred and Legendary Art. Jameson. Vol. I 84 Vol. II 85 Saunterings in Florence. Griff 1760 Story ot' the Art of Music, The. Crowest3141 Temple of Art, The. Newlandsmith 3275* Wonders of European Arts. Viardot... 90 Wonders of Italian Art. Viardot 91 USEFUL ARTS Agriculture and Stock Raising. Agricultural Chemistry. Chaptal 4654 Alfalfa. Coburn ...3276 American Husbandry. Gaylord and Tucker, Vol. I 62 Vol. II 63 Rook of Corn. The. My rick. (Edited by). 3278 Cotton Plant. The. Wilkinson .3992 Country Life. A Handbook of Agricul- ture. Copeland . ...4982 Far m Grasses of the United States. Spill- man 8 Practical Agriculture. James 3279 Small Farms. Doyle 70 Story of a Grain of Wheat. The. Edgar. 4014 Treatise on Agriculture, A. Armstrong. 61 A. R C. of Ree Culture. Root 3280 Animal Rreeding. Shaw 3282 Barn Plans and Outbuildings Halstead (Edited bv) 3283 Diseases of the Horse. Chawner and Walsh i 3284 How to Judge a Horse. Each 4674 Gleanings in Bee Culture. (Magazine). . .4605 Gleason's Horse Book. Gleason .. 3285 Making Poultry Pay. Powell... 2223 Poultry Feeding and Fattening. Fiske.3286 Practical Pigeon Keeper, The. Wright.. 3287 Froff table Poultry Keeping. Beale 3288 'Treatise on the Mule, A. Riley 4687 Winter Care of Cattle and Horses, The Terry 3289 Architecture Story of the Art of Building, The. Wat- I Rural Architecture. Allen 82 erhouse 2539 ) Wonders of Architecture. Donald 83 Floriculture and Forestry Forest Planting. Jarchow Practical Floriculture. Henderson 3290 ; Principles of American Forestry. Green 3292 3291 I Trees of North America. “Uncle Philip’T238 i Handicrafts and Occupations Art and Craft of Cabinet-Making, The. Denning ..3293 Art (hafts for Beginners. The. Sanford 3291 Authors and Publishers. Putnam 3301 Book binding for A mate urs Crane 3302 How f o Mate Pottery. White . .. 3303 Knife Work in the School Room. Kilbon 0506 Moulder's and Founder's Pocket Guide. The. Overman 3306 Practical Journalism Shuman 3307 Reporting for the Newspapers. Ilern- srreet ...3308 Wood Working Tools. How to Use Them. Whitaker 3310 Horticulture Gardening for a Profit. Henderson .. . 67 Garden Making. Bailey 33 il Practical Fruit Grower. Mavnard . ..3313 Successful Fruit Culture. Maynard 1813 Success With Small Fruits. Roe 3314 Woman's Hardy Garden, A. Ely 7019 Miscellaneous Dora’s Housekeeping. Kirkland 6507 Guns and Shooting. Hawker 1900 How to Educate Vourself. Eggleston. .3315 How to Make a Living. Eggleston o3l(> Modern Methods of. Book Composition, DeVinne 3317 Photography. In Doors and Out. Black. 6503 School Needlework Hapgood 65C5 Scientific Business Letter Writing. Lud- wig 3319 Six Little Cooks Kirkland 6508 cjtory of Photography, The. Story 4047 Useful Arts. Vol. 1. 88 15 BIOGRAPHY Adams, Charles F. Adams 5001 Adams, John. Morse _106 Same 5027 Adams, -1 ohn and Abigail. Adams 5003 Adams, John Quincy. Morse 107 Same 5028 Adams, -J ohn Quincy. Seward 108 Adams, Samuel. Hosmer. 100 Agassiz. Louis. Agassiz 5008 Albert Edward. Queen Victoria 112 Alcott, Louisa M . Life, Letters and J our- nals . 5013. Alexander the First, Emperor. De Choi- seul Goffier 5017 Alexander The Great. Abbott 5038 Same 8853 Alexander The Great. Wheeler 5037 Alexander The Great. Williams 114 Alfred, King of England. Abbott 113 Alfred The Great. Abbott 6854 Alfred The Great. Hughes 5023 Allen. Ethan. Hall... ... Ill American Biography. Vol. 1 Belknap.. 103 Vol. II 101 Vol. Ill 105 Same Vol, I Sparks — 93 Vol. II 91 Vol. Ill 95 Vol. IV 96 Vol. V 97 Vol. VI 98 Vol. VII 99 Vol. VIII 100 Vol. IX 101 Vol. X 102 American Pioneers, Stories of. Macom- ber 5064 AmieFs Journal, Henri E. Vol. I Ward. 5035 Same Vol. II 5036 Ancient Philosophers. Cormack 415 Anderson, Mary. “A Few Memoirs” 5007 Angelico, Fra. Phillimore 5030 An Irishman’s Story. McCarthy 21 Annals of Romantic Lives. Brightwell. 448 Arnold, Benedict; Life of. Arnold .... 5008 Arnold; The Real Benedict. Todd 7128 Arnold, Thomas. Stanley 110 Asbury, Francis. Strickland 115 Austen, Jane. Adams 5005 Balzac, Life of. Saltus 5034 Barnum. P. T. Autobiography 116 Barrington, Sir John. Personal Memoirs. of His Times 410 Bashkir tseff. Marie. Journal of Herself. 4983 Beaconsfield, Lord. Froude 117 Beecher, Henry Ward. Barrows 5010 Beethoven. Life of. Nohl 5029 Benton, Thomas H. Roosevelt 120 Same 5032 Bethune, G. W. Memoirs of 121 Beza, Theodore. Baird 5009 Bismark, Vol. I Busch 5014 Vol. II 5015 Bismark. Headlam 3320 Bismark in Private Life. Hayward (Trans, by) 124 Bismark, Prince. Lowe 5024 Blind Violinist, History of The. Sawyer $70 Boleyn, Anne. Benger 125 Bonaparte, Joseph. Abbott 6862 Book for Mothers, A (Mothers of Great Men). Sargent 92 Boone. Daniel. Abbott 3321 Borgia, Lucretia. Gregorovius 3322 Boyhood of Famous Authors, liideing .5071 Brant and Red Jacket, Eggleston . 132 Bronte, Charlotte, Life of. Gaskeil 5020 Brooks, Phillips. Howe 5022 Brown, John; and iiis Men. Hinton .... 133 Same 5031 Bryant, William Cullen. Bigelow 135 Same 5012 Buckle, H. T. Ruth 136 Budgett, Samuel; Life of. Arthur 137 ‘ Buffalo Bill”, (Col. Cody). Burke 145 Bull, Ole. Bull 5013 Bunyan. John. Froude 138 Burke, Edmund. Morley 139 Burns. Robert. Carlyle...*. 140 Burns, Robert. Sharp 141 Burr, Aaron Vol. I. Parton 142 Same 143 Burton, Capt. Sir Richard; Life of. Burton 147 Buxton, Thomas Fowell. Collier . . 148 Calhoun, John C. Von Holst 154 Campbell, Thos , and Others. Personal Traits of. Mason 155 Canning.George. Bell 156 Captains of Industry. Parton 1195 Same (Series I) 5066 Same (Series II) .... 5067 Carey, William. Carey 157 Carlisle's Reminiscences. Froude 158 Same 159 Carson, Christopher (Kit). Abbott 3323 Carson, “Kit”. Burdette 160 Catherine of Aragon. Divorce of. Froude 162 Catherine the Second. Schmucker 161 Carvosso, Memoirs of. Carvosso 4985 Century Books of Famous Americans, The. Brooks 5051 Charles I. Abbott . 163 Same 6855 Charles II. Abbott 164 Same 6856 Charles V. Robertson 165 Chaucer. Geoffrey. Ward 166 Choate. Rufus. Brown 168 Churchill. John; Duke of Marlborough Wolseley. Vol. 1 169 Vol. II 170 Cicero, and the Fall of the Roman Re- public. Strachan- Davidson 167 Clay, Henry. Colton. Vol.II 175 Clay, Henry. Schmucker 171 Clay, Henry. Schurz. Vol. I 173 Vol.II 174 Clay, Henry. Anon 172 Clay, Henry; The Last Years of. Colton 176 Cleopatra. Abbott 6857 Cleopatra, History of. Abbot 177 Clive, Lord. Malleson 178 Cobbett, William; Life of. Waters 179 Coleridge, S. T. and Others; Personal 16 Traits' of. Maso'n 180 Columbus, Christopher. Abbott 181 Columbus, Christopher, and. Vespucius, Americus. Anon 184 Columbus, Life of. De Lamartine 182 Same 183 Columbus. Story of. Seeleye . . 185 Constable and Gillies, Personal Reminis- cener-s of. Stoddard. (Edited by) . . 409 Cooper. J. Fenimore. Loundsberry 187 Cortez. Hernando. Abbott 188 Same 0878 Crockett. David. Abbott 3329 Cromwell, Oliver. De Lamartine 190 Same . .. 191 Cromwell, Oliver. Herbert 192 Cromwell. Oliver. Hood 4989 Cromwell, Oliver. Jtussell. Vol. 1 .... 193 Vol.II 194 Cyrus the Great. Abbott 195 Same 6858 Dampier, William; and Others. Anon.. 196 Darius the Great. Abbott . . 197 Same 6859 Defoe. Daniel. Minto 198 De Marbot, Baron. Butler. Vol. 1 348 Vol* II 349 De Soto. Ferdinand. Abbott 464 De Soto, Marquette and La Salle. Mara 5069 D'Este. Beatrice. Cartwright 3330 Dick. Robert. Smiles 199 Distinguished Females. Anon 217 Douglas, Stephen A. Flint 201 Duchess of Orleans,* The. De II . Marquess 394 Early Genius, Anon 202 Early Italian Painters, Memoirs of. Jameson 368 Eccentricities of Genius. Pond 3331 Edward the Seventh, King: Private Life of. Anon Edward. Thomas. Smiles . . .. 203 Elliot, George. Cross. A r ol. I .... 204 Vol.II .. . . . 205 . Vol. Ill .... 206 Elizabeth. Queen. Abbott .... 207 Same . . . . .5039 Same .6870 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Holmes.. .... 208 Emerson, Ralph Waldo; At Home and Abroad. Conway 209 Eminent British Painters and Sculptors. Cunningham. Vol. I 398 Vol.II 399 Vol. ITT 400 Vol. IV 401 Vol. V . . . - , . . . . 402 Emmet. Robert. Madden 210 English Radical Leaders. Hinton - ... 212 Erasmus. Life and Letters of. Fronde.. 213 European Republicans. Linton 214 Famous American Authors. Bolton .. 5044 Famous Leaders Among Men. Bolton. .5045 Farjjous Leaders Among Women. Bol- ton ...... i,‘.‘vS046 Famous Queens, Girl's Boo# of. FarmeT5056 Faraday, Michael. Tyndall ! 215 Farragut, Admiral. Mahan 3172 Forest Schoolmaster, The. Rosegger . . .5033 Franklin, Benjamin. Abbott 223 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography .. .5058 Franklin, Benjamin. Franklin... 226- Franklin, Benjamin. McMaster 224 Franklin, Benjamin. Morse 225- Franklin, Sir John. Markham 227 Frederick the Great. Macaulay 228 Same 229 Fremont, John C. Upham 2429 Gallatin, Albert. Stevens 231 Same . 2420 Gamoud, Blanche. Autobiography 232 Garfield, James A. Green 235 Garfield, James A. Hinsdale.... 234 Garfield and Education. Hinsdale . . 230 Genghis Khan. Abbott 6860 Genghis Khan, History of. Abbott 237 Genius of Italy, The. Turnbull 4992 German Emperor, The. Bigelow 238 German Political Leaders. Tuttle 239 Girls Who Become Famous. Bolton . 5047 Glimpses of Fifty Years. Willard 240 Goethe’s xVutobiography. Godwin. (Ed- ited by) Vol. I.. 4980 Vol. II 4987 Goethe's Autobiography. Oxenham (Trans, by) Vol. 1 241 Vol. II 242 Goodyear, Charles. (Trials of an Inven- tor) 3332 Grant, General. Headley 244 Grant, General. Wilson 3173 Grant, General; Boy’s Life of. Knox... 5063 Grant, L. S. Personal Memoirs, Vol. I. . 245 Vol. I. .7025 Vol. 11.7026 Grant, U. S., The True Story of. Brooks 5053 Great and Good Men. Anon 247 Great Americans. Stories of. Eggleston 5055 Great Artists, Stories of the. Keysor, Vol. I 5060 Vol. II 5061 Vol. Ill 5062 Great Scientists, Children’s Stories of. Wright 5074 Greeley, Horace. Autobiography 249 Greeley, Horace. Jngeisol 248 Greene, General. Greene 250 Same 3273 Grey, Lady Jane. Bartlett 251 Gustavus Adolphus. Fletcher 252 Hamilton, Alexander. Lodge 253 Hancock, General. Walker 257 ; Same 3277 Hannibal. Abbott 254 Same 6861 Hannibal. Life of. Arnold 255 Same 256 Harrison, William II. Montgomery 258 Hawthorne. Personal Recollections of. Bridge ... 259 Henry IV. Abbott 260 Same 6877 Henry V III and His Wives. Herbert 261 Henry of Navarre. Willbert 268 Henry, Patrick. Henry, Vol. 1 265 A f ol. II 266 Vol. Ill 267 Henry, Patrick. Tyler .... . 263 17 Henry Patrick. Wirt 262 Heroes of Chivalry. Markham — 5065 Heroines of the Household. Wilson 269 Historic Boys. Brooks 5019 Historic Girls. Brooks 5050 Hortense. Abbott .. 272 Same 6879 Iloudin, Robert. Mackenzie 273 Houston. General Sam. Bruce 275 Houston. General Sam. Williams 276 Huxley, Thomas Fowell. Clodd 5016 Indian Biography. Thatcher, Vol. I 278 Vol. II. . . 27.9 Invention. Stories of. Hale. 5059 Irving, Washington. Warner 280 Isabella of Castile. Howard 281 Italian Reformers, Stories of the. Anon 282 Jackson, Andrew. Sumner 283 Jackson, General Andrew. Barton 281 Same 3281 day, John. Pellew .. 285 Jay, William. Tuckerman 286 Jefferson, Thomas. Morse 287 Jefferson, Thomas. Schumcker 289 Jefferson, Thomas. Schouler 288 Johnson. Samuel. Beardsley 4981 Johnson, Samuel. Page, Vol. 1 294 Vol. II 295 Johnson, Sir William. Griffis 292 Johnston, General John E. Hughes 293 Same. 3295 Jones. John Paul. Abbott 296 Jones, John Paul. Mackenzie 297 Same 298 Josephine. Abbott 6863 j Josephine, Empress. Abbott 300 Josephine, Empress. Headley 299! Josephine, Empress; Memoirs of the. Memies 301 Judson, Adoniram; Life of. Anon 305 Judson, Rev. Adoniram. Clement 304 Judsons, Mrs., Lives of the Three. Hartley 302 Same 303 Julius Caesar. Abbott 149 Same 5040 Same 6864 Julius Caesar. Fowler 153 Julius Caesar. Liddell... 150 Same 151 Keller, Helen; Story of Mv Life. The 6954 Kendrick, Rev. N., D. D., Memoirs, Ad- ams . 306 Kidd, Captain William; and other Bucca- neers. Abbott 3333 Kingsley, Charles. Hughes 308 Kinkaid, The Hero Missionary. Patton . 307 Kruger, Paul; The Memoirs of 6914 Lafayette. The True Story of. Brooks. . 5052 LaSalle. Chevalier. Abbott 310 Laura, Duchess' of Abrantes. Autobiog- raphy. Vol. I 311 Vol. II 312 Vol. Ill 313 Vol. IV 314 Lawrence, Amos. Lawrence .. 315 Lee, General Robert E. Lee 317 Same 3296 Lee, Robert E 318 Life on the Stage. Morris 3334 Lincoln, Abraham. Morse Vol. 1 320 Vol. II ... 321 Lincoln. Abraham. Nicolay and Hay Vol. 1 322 Vol. II 323 Vol. Ill 324 Vol. IV 325 Vol. VI 327 Vol. VII 328 Vol. VIII 329 Vol. IX 330 Vol. X 331 Lincoln, Abraham. Schurz 319 Lincoln. Abraham; Administration and Speeches of. Raymond 332 Lincoln, Abraham, The Children’s Life of. Putnam 5070 Lincoln, Abraham; The True. Curtis. . .6933 Lincoln, President; and His Administra- tion : Recollections of. Chittenden 333 Lives of the Poets; Memoirs of the. Jame- son 369 Louis XIV. Abbott 338 Same 6881 Louis XIV and La Grande Mademoiselle. Barine 3335 Louis Phillipe. Abbott . 337 Same 6882 Ludlow. Edmund; Memoirs of. Firth (Edited by) Vol. I 339 Vol. II 340 Macaulay, Lord: Life andLetters of. Tre- velyan , 344 MacDonald, Marshal; Recollections of. Rousset 343 Madison, James. Gay 345 Marshall. John. Magruder 353 Making of An American, The. Riis 3336 Same 5031 Marie Antoinette. Abbott 351 Same 6884 Marie Antoinette; Memoirs of. De Lam- artine 352 Margaret of Anjou. Abbott 350 Same 6865 Martyn. H., Memoirs of. Sargent 4990 Martyrs of Science. Brewster 360 Mary. Queen of Scots. Abbott 356 Same 5041 Same . . . 6866 Mary, Queen of Scots. Bell Vol. I .... 358 Mary, Queen of Scots. Headley 357 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. De Lam- artine > 354 Same . . . .* 355 McAuley. Jerry; Ilis Life and Work. Of- ford. (Edited by) 363 Same 364 Men and Books. Hours with. Matthew. 274 Men I Have Known. Farrar 5019 Men of Modern Times. Ancn, Vol. I. . . 370 Vol. II. . 371 Modern Martyrs. Hewit 361 Monroe, James. Gilman 374 Montezuma, and the Conquest of Mexico Seeleye 3337 Morris, Governeur. Roosevelt 376 Napoleon. Morris 379 Same 380 Napoleon. Watson 6917 Napoleon at Home. MassOn Vol. 1 386 18 Vol. II... 387 Napoleon, Private Life of. Levy Vol. I. 384 Vol. II 385 Napoleon I, Memoirs Illustrating History of. De Meneval Vol. I 381 Vol. II 382 Vol. Ill 383 Napoleon Bonaparte. Abbott Vol. I .. . 126 Vol. II. . 127 Napoleon Bonaparte; Court and Camp of. Anon 128 Neff, Felix; The Life of. Anon 388 Nelson, Horatio. Bussell 389 Eero. Abbott 390 Same 6867 New Spirit of the Age, A. Horne 391 Orators of the Age. Francis 393 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. Higginson 395 Page, Ilarlan; Memoirs of. Hallock .... 397 Same 4988 Page. Mrs. A. R. Andrews 396 Patton. John G., Story of. Patton 434 Same 435 Same 5068 Pardee. Butler; Personal Recollections of Hastings 144 Payson, Rev. Edward, 1). 1). Cummings 403 Peabody, George. Hannaford 404 Pericles. Abbott 405 Perkins. Judith G.. Memoir of 406 Perry. Commodore O. H. Mackenzie Vol. I 407 Vol. II 408 Peter the Great. Abbott 411 Same 6868 Peter the Great. Barrowe 414 Peter the Great. Wright Vol. I 412 Vol. II 413 Philip, King. Abbott 6880 Pitt, William. Macaulay 416 Same 417 Plutarch, Boys and Girls, The. White. .5075 Plutarch, Modern British, The. Taylor. 418 Plutarch’s Lives. Dryden, (Trans, by) Vol. 1 419 Vol. II 420 Vol. Ill 421 Pocahontas. Eggleston and Seeleye 422 Same 423 Poe, Edgar Allen. Woodbury 424 Polk, Leonidas. Polk, Vol. 1 425 Vol. II 426 Polk, Mrs. S. C. Nelson A. and F 427 Poor Boys Who Became Famous. Bol- ton 5048 Potocka, Countess; Memoirs of the. Stry- ienskiJEdited by) 3338 Prentiss, Elizabeth. Anon 4993 Presidents of the U. S., Lives of the. Ellis 5018 Presidents, Our. McClure 5026 Prescott, William H. Ticknor 429 Prison. Camp and Pulpit. Lee 316 Pursuit of Knowledge. Anon, Vol. I. . . 431 Vol. II. .432 Pyrrhus. Abbott 6869 Pyrrhus, History of. Abbott 433 Randolph, John. Adams 438 Red Eagle. Eggleston 440 Same 441 Rhodes, Cecil. Hensman 3339 liichard I. Abbott 442 Same 6871 Richard II. Abbott 443 Same 6872 Richard III. Abbott 444 Same 6873 Richmond, Wilberforce; Memoirs of. Anon 445 Ripley, George. Frothingham 446 Robert the Bruce. Maxwell 5025 Robespierre. Belloc 5011 Roland, Madame. Abbott 447 Same 6883 Romulus. Abbott 449 Same 6874 Room At the Top. Anon 450 Roosevelt the Man. Leupp 19 Roosevelt, Theodore; the Citizen. Riis. 22 Rulers of India. Bowring 452 Rulers of India. Richie 453 Rulers of India. Trotter 451 Ruthquist. A. Mackay. Anon .'....7141 Scott, General Winfield. Wright 3297 Self Made Men. Seymore 455 Sergeant’s Memorial, The. By His Fath- er 366 Same 367 Sheridan. General. Headley 456 Sheridan, General P. Ii. Davis 3298 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Moore 457 Same 458 Sherman, W . T. Sherman 459 Sidney, Sir Phillip. Bourne 460 Signers of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Lossing 461 Smith, Elder John. Williams 463 Southern Planter, A. (T. S. Dabney.) Smedes 462 Sovereigns, Female. Jameson, Vol. I. . . 218 Vol. II. . 219 Sovereigns, Female. (Comp.) Jameson. 220 Standish, Miles. Abbott 465 Stanley, Dean. Humphrey 467 Stanley, Dean. Oliver 466 Stearns. Adjutant. Stearns 468 Stoner, Rev. David; Memoirs of 470 Stuart, Maj. Gen. J. E. B., Life and Campaigns of. McClelland 471 Stuyvesant, Peter. Abbott 472 Stuyvesant, Peter. Tuckerman 473 Summerfield, John. Holland 474 Sumner, Charles. Chaplin - 476 Sumner, Charles. Dawes 477 Sumner, Charles. Harsha 475 Talleyrand. Prince De. DueDe Broglie Vol. I 478 Vol. II •• 479 Vol. Ill 480 Vol. IV 481 Vol. V 482 Taylor, Bayard; Life, Travels, etc. Con- well 484 Taylor, General Zachary. Howard... . 483 Same 3299 Taylor, Zachary. Montgomery 485 Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet. Seeleye 486 19 Same 487 Same 3340 The Helm, the Sword and the Cross.. Lorraine 489 Theodoric. The Goth. Hodgkin 490 Thomas, General. Coppee 491 Same 3300 Thomas, General. Piatt 492 Thoreau, Henry D. Sanborn 493 Tolstoy the Man. Steiner 26 Trollope. Anthony. Autobiography 494 Twelve Naval Captains. Sea well 5073 Van Buren, Martin. Bancroft 496 Van Buren. Martin. Shepard 495 Vicars. Captain Hedley. Anon 497 Victoria. Queen. Greenwood 498 Victoria, Queen; Life of. Tullock 437 Vittoria Colonna; Life of. Trollope 186 Von Moltke, Count; Memoirs of. Vol. I 372 Vol. II 373 Washington and His Country. Irving.. 5057 Washington, General George. Johnson. 3328 Washington, George. Abbott 499 Washington, George. Henley .. . 506 Washington, George. Lodge Vol. I .... 502 Vol. II .... 503 Washington, George. Paulding Vol. I . . 504 Vol. II . 505 Washington, George. Ramsey 500 Washington. George. Scudder 5072 Washington, George; Life of. Sparks. . .4991 Washington, Life of. Irving ... 501 Washington, Story of. Seeleye 507 Wayne, Major General Anthony. Stille . 508 Webster, Daniel. Banvard 510 Webster, Daniel. Lodge 509 Webster, Daniel. Tefft 511 Webster. Noah. Scudder 512 Wesley John. Telford 7140 Wesley, John. Watson 513 Wetzel, Louis. Meyers 514 Whittier, John G. Field 515 William, Emperor. Frederick 2Q W illiam the Conqueror. Abbott 516 Same 5042 Same 6875 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Beers 517 Wilson, Henry. Nason 518 Women of Worth. Anon 519 Wyclif, John. Sergeant 520 Xerxes. Abbott 521 Same 6876 Yates, Edmond; Fifty Years of London Life 522 CLASSICS Classical Antiquities. Salkfield 528 Livy. Church 533 Stories from the Greek Tragedians. Church 530 Virgil. Church 534 Little Classics. Johnson Authors 1266 Childhood 1267 Comedy 1268 Exiles . . 1269 Fortune 1270 Same 1271 Heroism H umanity Intellect Laughter Life Lyrical Poems . . Minor Poems . . . Mystery Same Narrative Poems Romance ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 ECONOMICS American Citizen. The. Dole 3684 Bargain Theory of Wages, The. Thomas3697 Control of Trusts. The. Clark 3685 Elements of Political Economy, The. Way land 3240 Same 4095 Evolution of the Constitution of the U. S. Fisher 1472 Expansion finder New World Conditions. Strong 3686 Industrial Cuba. Porter 3687 Same 6915 New Far East. The. Millard 3688 Prince, The. Machiavelli 3689 Principles of Political Economy, The. Gide 3690 Problem of Asia. The. Mahan 3691 Profit Sharing Between Employer and Employee. Gilman 3708 Progress and Poverty. George 4096 Property and Labor. Lieber 4720 Recent Economic Changes. Wells 4097 Ship of State, The. Roosevelt and Others. 3692 United States in the Orient, The. Conant 5139 Wealth of Nations, The. Smith 3693 Work and Wages. Chapman 3694 SOCIOLOGY After Prison What ? Booth. Mrs. Maud B 2235 American Negro, The. Thomas 3695 American Problems. Vance 3696 Criminal Sociology: Eerri 3698 Day With a Tramp, A. Wyckoff 6071 Degeneration. Nordau 3699 French and German Socialism in Modern Times. Ely 3700 20 Frenzied Finance. Lawson 3701 Future of the American Negro. Wash- ington 3702 General Sociology. Small 3703 Immigration and Its Effects Upon the U. S. Hall 3701 In Darkest England and the Way Out. Booth 3098 Same 7036 Negro Question, The. Cable — 3705 Negro, The; The Southerner’s Problem. Page 10 New Idolatry. The. Gladden 3706 Old and New Socialism. Graham 4722 Organization of Charities, The. Gilman (Edited by) 4712 People in London. Booth, Vol. 1 4716 Vol. II 4717 Yol. Ill 4718 Vol. IY 4719 People of the Abyss, The. London 3707 Bights of Man. The. Abbott 6724 Shame of the Cities, The. Steffens 1851 Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa. Stanley 4098 Social Economy. Rogers 3709 Social Salvation. Gladden 6725 Social Unrest, The. Brooks 3710 Sociology. Spencer 4723 Up from Slavery. Washington 6726 Use of Life, The. Lubbock 4724 War of the Classes, The. London 563 W ay Out, The. Bellamy 4725 Woman Who Toils, The. Van Yorst. . .6937 EDUCATIONAL Don’t. Censor 538 Education. Spencer 540 Education and Heredity. Gunyan 541 Education and the Larger Life. Hen- derson 5078 Education as a Science. Bain 539 Education, History of. Schmidt 542 Education in Georgia, History of. Jones 544 Education in Indiana, Higher. Wood- burn 548 Education in Wisconsin, Higher. Spen- cer and Allen 547 Education of An American Citizen, The. Hadley 5077 Education, Manual Training in. Wood- ward 550 Getting On in the World. Mathews 5081 Health Primer, A. Coleman 2439 Home and School; Speech and Manners for. Kirkland 5080 Mental Development in the Child. Preyer 552 Mental Discipline. Clark 553 Morals, Manual of. Hall 555 Morals, Mind and Manners; Notes for Boys on. Hewitt 5079 Musical Education. Lavignac 7014 Observations of Nature. Mudie 556 Odd Five Minutes. Bourdillon 557 One Hours Heading. Tegg 558 Self Knowledge; Treatise on. Mason... 560 Self-Training; Means and Ends of. Anon 551 Story of the Alphabet, The. Clodd 3983 Student’s Manual, The. Todd 559 What to Do. Bruce 561 William and Mary; The College of. Adams 562 Working with the Hands. Washington. 32 ESSAYS American Lady, The. Butler 2431 Same 3941 American Traits. Munsterberg 5087 Art of Life, The. La Caviere 5085 Blind Mail’s Offering, A. Bowen 564 Bound Together; A Sheaf of Papers. Mitcffell 565 Buried Temple, The. Maeterlinck 5086 Character. Smiles 566 Same 567 Conduct of the Understanding. Locke. 569 Duty. Smiles 570 Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Essays of 2471 Essays and Advancement of Learning. Bacon 3341 Essays, Historical and Literary. Fiske Vol. I ..6910 Vol. II 6911 Essays of Arthur Schopenhaur. Saun- ders, (Trans. by) 3342 Essays of .Joseph Addison. Green, (Edi- ted by) 3343 Essays of William Hazlitt. Carr, (Edited by) 3344 Every Day Topics. Holland 572 Same 573 Same 574 Facts and Comments. Spencer 5088 Familiar Studies of Men and Books. Stevenson 3345 Friends in Council. Anon^ Yol. 1 575 Vol. II.... 576 Great Cryptogram, The. Donnelly 577 Home Thoughts. Cox 5083 How to Win. Willard 578 Improvement of Time, The. Foster — 7234 Japan. Hearn 36 Literary Essays. Lowell, Vol. 1 6885 Vol. II 6886 Vol. Ill 6887 Vol. IV 6888 Vol. V 6891 Literary and Political Essays. Lowell. .6889 London. Essays in, etc. James 571 Mens Wives. Thackeray.. 2444 Modern Italian Poets. Howells 580 Montaigne’s Essays. Hazlitt (Edited by) 3346 My Study Window. Lowell 582 Nibelungen Lied, The. (Lay of the Nibe- lungen) Carlyle .3347 Our Country. Strong 583 Philosophy of Style. Spencer 3348 Pleasures of Life. Lubbock 585 Same 7074 Political Essays. Lowell 6890 Principles of Western Civilization . Kidd 5084 21 Scientific, Political and Speculative Es- says. Spencer, Vol. 1 3349 Vol. II 3350 Vol. Ill 3351 Self-Help. Smiles 588 Same 589 Silhouettes, Literary and Social. Boveson 1520 Same . . . 2452 Simple Lite, The. Wagner 35 Souls of Black Folk, The. DuBois 3352 Spectator. Selections from the. Addison and Others, Vol. 1 586 Vol. II 587 Strenuous Life, The. Roosevelt 6982 Studies, Stories and Memoirs. Jameson 590 Thrift. Smiles 591 Same 592 Women, Characteristics of, Jameson.. 568 ETHICS Almost Fourteen. Warren 7097 Little Kingdom of Home, The. Sangster 41 Principles of Ethics, The. Spencer, Vol. I 3648 Vol. II 3649 ETIQUETTE Etiquette of Correspondence. The. I Gentleman’s Book of Etiquette. Hartley 2473 Gavit 118 22 F I CT Abbott, Jacob Caleb in the Country . . 1307 Caleb in Town 1308 Farm in Summer 1309 Farm in Winter. 1310 Jonas a Judge 1311 Jonas's Stories . 1312 J une and Georgie 1313 Mary Bell 1314 Abbott, Mary Beverleys, The 5170 About, Edmond Story of an Honest Man. The 2812 Adams, Andy Cattle Brands 716 Outlet, The 119 Adams, F Colburn Von Toodleburgs. The 3147 Adams, Frederick U. Kidnapped Millionaires, The 717 Aguilar, Grace Days of Bruce, The 1315 Same 5172 Home Influence. .. . 1316 Mother’s Recompense .5173 Vale of Cedars 5174 Ainsworth. William H. Lancashire W itches 2986 'Lower of London, The 5175 Alcott, Louisa M . Comic Tragedies. 1317 Light Cousins 1318 Same... 6083 Garland for Girls. A 1319 Hospital Sketches 1320 Jack and J ill 1321 Jo's Boys 1322 Same 6084 Little Men 1323 ION Same G08f5 Little Women 1324 Same 1325 Same 6086 Lulu's Library, Vol. I 1326 Vol. 11 1327 Vol. Ill 1328 My Boys, etc .... 6087 My Girls, etc 6088 Old Fashioned Girl, An 1329 Rose in Bloom 1330 Same 6089 Silver Pitchers 6090 Under the Lilacs 1331 Same 6091 Alden, W . L. Adventures of Jimmy Brown 1332 Cruise of the Ghost, The 1333 Same 6092 Moral Pirates, The 1334 Same 6093 Told by the Colonel 1335 Aldrich, Thomas B. Marjorie Daw 1336 Same 5176 Mercedes 1337 Ponkapong to Pesth, From 1338 Prudence Palfrey 1339 Same 5177 Queen of Sheba, The 1340 Same. V 5178 Second Son. The 1341 Same 1342 Stillwater Tragedy 5179 Same 7112 Story of a Bad Boy. The . . . ... .6094 Two Bites at a Cherry, and other Tales 1344 Alexander, Mrs. Beaton's Bargain 2824 For His Sake 5180 M ona's Choice 3016 23 Wooing O't, The 5181 Alger, Horatio, Jr. Hen, the Luggage Hoy 1345 Charlie Codman’s Cruise 1346 Hector's Inheritance 1348 Jack’s Ward 1349 Mark the Match Hoy 1351 Only an Irish Hoy 1353 Haul Prescott’s Charge 1354 Phil, the Fiddler 1356 Lagged Dick 1357 Rufus and Hose 1358 Sink or Swim .13 -j9 ' Slow and Sure 1361 Tattered Tom 1362 Same 7062 Telegraph Hoy. The 1363 Try and Trust 1364 Wait and Hope 1365 Y oung Circus Rider, The 1368 Young Miner, The 1369 Alger, W. R. Friendships of Women, The 848 Same 3965 j Allen, Grant In All Shades .2960 Miss Caylor's Adventures 5182 Woman Who Did, The 5183 Allen. James Lane Aftermath 5184 Choir Invisible, The 5187 - Flute and Violin, and other Tales 5 1 85 Kentucky Cardinal, A 5186 Mettle of the Pasture, The 718 Reign of Law, The ... .5188 Allen, Joseph Examples of Washington. The 1200 Allen, Willis B. Cleared for Action 6095 Navy Hlue 6096 Under the Pine Tree Flag . 7156 A. L. O. E. Exiles in Babylon 1301 Holiday Chaplet of Stories 1302 Paying Dear 1305 Wreath of Indian Stories 1306 Alton, Edmond Among the Law Makers 6097 Altsheler, Joseph A. Candidate, The 123 Guthrie of the Times 122 Herald of the West, A 5189 Anderson, Hans C. Baroness, The 1371 Improvisatore, The 1372 Same 5190 Only a Fiddler 5191 Same 6897 O. T., A Danish Romance 1374 Pictures of Travel 1375 Poet’s Bazaar, A ' 1376 Stories and Tales 1377 Wonder Stories 1379 Andrews, Charlton Parfit Gentil Knight, A 5192 Angus, D, C. Eastern Wonderland, The 1236 Anstey, F. Giant's Robe 1380 Man from Blankleys. The 1381 Tourmalin’s Time Cheques 1382 Mice Versa, or a Lesson to Fathers . . 1383 Same 1384 Same 5193 Antrobus, Suzanne King’s Messenger. The 719 Appleton, G. W. Terrible Legacy, A 3117 Arnold, Edwin L. Lepidus the Centurion 5194 Arthur, T. S. Mill and Tavern. The 1387 Organ Hoy. The 1389 Peace Makers. The 1390 Tom Blinn's Temperance Society 1392 Astor, John J . Journey in other Worlds, A 3047 Atherton. Grace Bell in the Fog, The.., 129 Conqueror, The 5196 Splendid Idle Forties. The 6988 .Auerbach, Berthold Aloys 1394 Black Forest 1395 Brigitta 1 1396 Eidehveiss 1398 German Tales 1399 Joseph in the Snow 1400 Landolin 1401 Little Barefoot 1402 Lorley and Reinhart 1403 Master Bieland 1404 On the Heights 5197 Same. Vol. I 1405 Vol. II 1406 Poet and Merchant 1407 Spinoza 1408 Villa on the Rhine, Vol. I 1409 Vol. II 1410 W al fried 1411 Austen, Jane Emma 1413 Same. Vol. 1 5198 Vol. II 5199 Lady Susan 1411 Mansfield Park 1415 Northanger Abbey 1416 Persuasion 1417 Pride and Prejudice, Vol. I 1418 Vo). II 1419 Vol. 1 5200 Vol. II 5201 Sense and Sensibility. Vol. I 1420 Vol. II 1421 Vol. I .5202 Vol. II 5203 Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden 1412 Same 5205 Nameless Nobleman. A 5204 24 Standish of Standish 5206 Bacheller, Irving Darrell of the Blessed Isles 6945 D'n and 1 5208 Eben Holden 5207 Vergilius 130 Bailey, Rev. T. L. In the Pine Woods 7157 Balch, F. H. Bridge of the Gods, The 5209 Balestier, W. Benefits Forgot 2827 Ballantyne, It. M. Dusty Diamonds 1422 Frling, the Bold 1423 Fire Brigade, The 1424 Floating Light 1425 Gorilla Hunters, The 6101 Iron Horse, The 1427 Martin ltattler .6100 Bed Eric. The 1428 Shifting Winds 1429 Tales of Adventure on the Sea 1430 Balzac, Hon ore De Alkahest, The 1433 Bureaucracy 1435 Catherine De Medici 1436 Same 5210 Cesar Birotteau, and other Stories 1437 Same . 5211 Country Doctor, The 1438 Same 5212 Cousin Pons 1440 Same 5213 Duchess De Langeais, The 1441 Eugenie Grandet 1442 Great Men of the Provinces of Paris. . .1443 Historical Mystery. An 1434 Idly of the Valley. The 1444 Lost Illusions 1446 Louis Lambert, and other stories 1445 Magic Skin, The 1447 Same 5214 Modeste Mignon 1449 Pere Goriot 1450 Same 5215 Seraphita 1451 Sons of Toil 1452 Two Brothers . , 1453 Two Young Married Women, Memoirs of , 1448 Ursula 1454 Village Rector. The 1455 Bandelier. Adolph Delight Makers. The 2884 Gilded Man, The 2925 Banks. Martha B. Little Comrade Mine 7158 Banks. Mattie B. Children's Summer, The 7159 Richard and Robin 7160 Banks, N. H. Oldfield 5216 Barbour, R. H. Half Hack. The 6102 Baring-Gould, S. Cheap Jack Zita 1856 Domitia 5217 Eve 1857 John Herring 1858 Kitty Alone 1859 Urith 1860 Barlow, Jane Creel of Irish Stories, A ! 5218 At the Back of Beyond 5219 Barnes, James For King and Country 6103 Princetonian, A 5220 Unpardonable War, The 720 Barr, Amelia E. Bow of Orange Ribbon, The 2834 Same 5221 Jan Vedder’s Wife 2974 Same 5222 Maid of Maiden Lane, The 5223 Remember the Alamo 721 Barr, Robert T. In the Midst of Alarms 5225 Mutable Many, The 5226 Prince of Good Fellows, A 5224 Barrett, Wilson , Sign of the Cross, The 5227 Barrie, J. M. Little Minister. The 5230 Little White Bird, The 6978 Sentimental Tommy 5228 Tommy and Grizel 5229 When a Man's Single 3155 Bartlett. Mrs. J. M. D. Until Day Break 3140 Barton, W. E. Pine Knot 5231 When Boston Braved the King 61U4 Bateman,. G. W. Zanzibar Tales 6105 Bates, Ario Patty's Perversities 5232 Puritans, The 5233 Battershall, F. Daughter of the World, A 2882 M ists 3015 Baum, L. Frank Marvelous Land of Oz, The 1432 Baylor, F. C. Claudia Ilyde 2955 Same 5234 Miss Nina Barrow 6106 Beckford. William History of the Caliph Vathek, The. . . . 725 Bede. Cuthbert Adventures of Verdant Green, Vol. I. .1456 Vol. 11.1457 Little Bouncer 1458 Beecher. Henry Ward N orwood 3037 Bell. J. J. Wee Macgreegor 726 25 Later Adventures of Wee Macgreegor. 727 Bell, Lillian Abroad with the Jimmies 5235 At Home with the Jar dines. 131 Hope Loring 6946 Little Sister to the Wilderness. A 5236 Love Affairs of an Old Maid, The 5237 Bellamy, Edward Looking Backward 1459 Same.. 1460 Same 2519 Same 5238 Miss Ludington’s Sister 1461 Bennett, John Master Skylarke 6107 Bennett, Robert Ames For the White Christ 134 Benson. B. K. Friend with the Countersign, A. .. 5239 Scarlet and Hyssop 5240 Who Goes There? 5241 Benson, E. F. Rubicon, The 3093 Berger, E. Charles Auchester 2851 Besant, W alter All in a Garden Fair 1462 All Sorts and Conditions of Men 5242 A rmorel of Lyonesse 1463 By Celia’s Arbour 1464 Children of Gibeon, The 1465 Same 1466 For Faith and Freedom 1467 Fourth Generation. The .5243 Golden Butterfly. The 1468 Lament of Dives, The 1469 Rebel Queen, The 1471 Betts, Lillian W. Story of an East Side Family, The . . 6966 Bikelas. Demetrios Tales from theiEgean 5244 Billings. E. E. Marking the Boundary 3008 Bilse, Lieut. (Fritz Von Der Kyrburg) Little Garrison. A — 728 Bjornson Bjornstjerne Arne 1473 Same.... 5245 Bridal March, and other Stories 1474 Capt. Mansana. and other Stories 1475 Fisher Lass. The 5246 Fisher Maiden, The 1476 Gauntlet, A 1477 Happy Boy, A 1478 Same. 1479 Magnhild 1480 Synnove Solbakken ..1481 Same 5247 Black, William In Far Lochaber . . .' i486 In Silk Attire 1487 Judith Shakespeare 1488 Kilmeny ...... 1489 Macleod of Dare 1490 Madcap Violet 1491 Same 5248 Maid of Killeena,The.,and other Stories 1492 Monarch of Mincing Lane. The 1493 Prince Fortunatus 1494 Princess of Thule, A 1495 Sabina Zembra 1496 Shandon Bells 1497 Stand F’ast, Craig Royston! .. .1498 Strange Adventures of a House Boat. The 1499 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton 1500 Sunrise 1501 Three Feathers 1503 White Heather. 1504 White Wings Same Yolande 1507 Same Blackmore, R. D. Clara Vaughu 1508 Dariel 5250 Lorna Doone , Perly Cross Slain by the Doones 729 Blake, Rev. J. L. Juvenile Companion 1208 Blakely, E. S. F’airy Starlight and the Dolls. . 6108 Blanchard. Amy E. Daughter of Freedom, A 6109 Revolutionary Maid, A 6110 Bland, Fabian Prophet’s Mantle, The 3067 Daughter of Ileth, A Green Pastures and Piccadilly Handsome Humes, The Highland Cousins, The 1482 1483 ,1484 1485 Bliss, WTlliam R. September Days on Nantucket 5251 Blossom, Henry M. Jr. Checkers 730 Boothby. Guy Love Made Manifest 5252 Borg, S. and Brown,M . Northern Lights 3034 Same 3035 North Pole, The 3036 Borrow, George Lavengro 5253 Bourget, Paul Cosmopolis 1515 Pastels of Men 5254 Saints 1516 Bouvet, Marguerite Child of Tuscany, A 6111 Bernardo and Laurette 6112 Little Marjorie's Love Story 1517 Same ... * 61 13 My Lady . 6 II 4 Prince Tip Top 151s Same 61 15 Sweet William 611g 26 Bowman, Anne Roy Voyages, The 1194 Boyeson, H. II. Falconberg 5255 Light of Her Countenance 1519 Modern Vikings, The 6117 Norseland Tales 1521 Same 6118 Social struggles 1522 Braddon, Mrs. M. E. Vixen 3146 Bradley, Mary E. Fiiends for Good 7161 Bradwood, Wat O. V. H., The 850 Brady, Cyrus T. For Love of Country 2684 For the Freedom of the Sea 146 Grip of Honor, The 5257 Hohenzollern 5256 Southerners, The 6958 Graemes, Charlotte M. At War with Herself 2729 Fatal Wedding. A 2696 Fiery Ordeal, A 2915 Bray, Capt. C. Randall Davenant 3075 Bremer, V. Ilerth a 2839 Home. The 2676 Same, Vol. 1 2949 Vol. II 2950 Bronte, Anne Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The 7100 Same, Vol. 1 5258 Same, Vol. II 5259 Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre <3260 Professor, The 1523 Same 1524 Shirley 8-19 Same .1525 Same 5261 Villette 1527 Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights, Vol. 1 5262 Vol. II 5263 Brook$, Edward Story of the Iliad, The 8119 Story of the Odessey, The 6120 Brooks, Elbridge S. In Defense of the Flag 6121 Master of the Strong Hearts, The 6122 Brooks. Noah Boy Emigrants, The 1187 Boy Settlers ...1191 Boys of Fairport, The 6123 Lem: New England Village Boy, A. . .6124 Broughton, Rhoda Beginner, A 1529 Belinda 1530 Same 1531 Cometh Up as a Flower 1532 Doctor Cupid 1533 Good-Bye Sweetheart 1534 Red as a Rose is She 1535 Brown, Alice M argaret Warrener 5264 Meadow Grass 5265 Tiverton Tales 5266 Brown, Jessie H. Nohnan Macdonald 1536 Roderick Wayne 1537 Brush.. Mary E. Paul and Persis 3053 Bryce, Lloyd Friends in Exile 2922 Buchan. John Half-Hearted, The 5267 Bullen, Frank T. Apostles of the South East. The 5269 Cruise of the Cachalot 5270 Deep Sea Plunderings 5268 Bulwer Lytton, Edward, ( Lord Lytton) Alice, or the Mysteries 2198 Caxtons, The 2200 Same, Vol. I . . . 22M Vol. 1 5705 Vol. II , 2202 Vol. II 5706 Coming Race, The., and Leila 2203 Devereaux « 2204 Ernest Maltravers .2205 Eugene Aram 2206 Godolphin, etc 2207 Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings. .2208 Same, Vol. I 5707 Vol. II 5708 Kenelm Chillingly 2209 Last Days of Pompeii, The 2210 Same 2211 Last of the Barons, The. Vol. I 5709 Vol. II 5710 Lucretia 2212 My Novel. Vol. I 7083 Vol. II ....7084 Night and Morning .2215 Parisans, The 2216 Paul Clifford 2218 Pausanias, the Spartan, etc 2217 Pelham 2219 Rienzi, the Last of the Roman Tribunes 7088 Same, Vol. 1 5711 Vol. II 5712 Strange Story, A 2221 What Wili lie Do With It, Vol. 1 7091 Vol. II. ...7092 Zanoni 2224 Same 2225 Same 2226 Bunce, Oliver B. ' Bachellor Bluff 2820 Bunner, 11. C. Love in- Old Clothes, and other Stories. 5271 Short Sixes 5272 Story of a New York House, The 5273 Burleigh, J. K. Owen’s Hobby 3052 27 Burnett, Emma J . Missionary Twig, A 7162 Burnett, Mrs. Francis Hodgson Editha's Burglar 6125 Fair Barbarian, A . . 1539 Giovanni and the Other 1540 Haworth’s 1541 Jarl's Daughter, and other Novelettes. 1542 Kathleen 1543 Lady of Quality, A 5275 Lindsay’s Luck 1544 Little Lord Fauntleroy 1545 Same 6126 Louisiana 1546 Same 5276 Methods of Lady Walderhurst, The . . 5278 Miss Crespigny 1547 One I Knew Best of All, The 7079 Pretty Sister of Jose, The 1549 Sara Crew, etc 1550 Same 6127 Surly Tim, and other Stories 1551 That Lass o’ Low^ie's 1552 Same 5277 Theo 1553 Thro’ One Administration 1554 Same 1555 Yagabondia 1556 Burney. Francis Evelina 5279 Burnham, Clara L. Clover Sweet 2861 Next Door 5280 No Gentleman 5281 Burroughs, John Fresh Fields 2920 Bush, C. C. Inside Our Gates 2964 Butler, Marie Radcliff Riverside 3263 Butler, W. A. Mrs. Limber's Raffle 3023 Butterworth, Hezekiah Boyhood of Lincoln, The 1188 Boys of Greenway Court, The 1189 In the Days of Jefferson 6128 Log School House, The 3000 Lost in Nicarauga 6129 Wampum Belt, The 6130 Bynner. E. W. Agnes Surriage 5282 Cable. George W. Bylow Hill 5283 Cavalier, The 5287 Dr. Sevier 1557 Same 5284 Grandissimes, The 1558 Same 5288 John March, Southerner 731 Old Creole Days 1559 Same 1560 Same 5285 Strong Hearts 5286 Caine, Hall Capt. Davy's Honeymoon 1561 Christian, The 5289 Deemster. The 1562 Same 5290 Eternal City, The 5291 Manxman, The 1563 Prodigal Son. The 152 She’s All the World to Me .4104 Cameron. Mrs. H. Lovett Life’s Mistake, A 2757 . Same 2806 Same 7078 Campbell, Sally Jack Jr 7163 Carey, Alice Clovernook (1st Series) 2862 Same (2nd Series) 2863 Carey, Rosa N. Aunt Diana 1564 Averill ; 1565 But Men Must Work 1566 Mary Saint John 1568 Merie's Crusade 6131 Mollie’s Prince 5292 My Lady Frivol .6132 Sir Geoffrey's Grand-Daughters. 5293 Cargill, J.F. Big Horn Treasure, The 6133 Carleton, William Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry 1569 Willy Reilly 1570 Same 1571 Carnes. Capt. Little Toss 1210 Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland .... 6134 Carrothers, Mrs. J. I). Kesa and Saijiro 7225 Carruth, F. W. Thoso Dale Girls 6135 Carryl, Guy Wetmore Far From the Maddening Girls 189 Carson, W. H. Hester Blair 5294 Carter, Mary N . North Carolina Sketches 5295 Castle, Alice and Egerton Bath Comedy, The 5296 Pride of Jennieo, The 5297 Secret Orchard, The 5298 Castle, Egerton Y oung April 5299 C-astleman, Harry Sportsman's Club Among the Trappers, The 1574 Catherwood, Mary H. Chase of Saint-Castin, The., and other Stories : : 1577 Lazarre 530C 28 Old Kaskia 1578 Same 5301 Story of Tonti, Ihe 1579 Same. 5302 White Islander, The 158u Cervantes, Miguel De. Don Quixote de La Mancha 5303 Same (Abridged) 732 Chambers, Robert W. Haunts of Men, The 7119 King and a Few Dukes, A 733 King in Yellow, The 5305 Lorraine 5304 Y r oung Man in a Hurry. A 200 Champfleury, Jules Faience Violin, The 2910 Champney, E. W. Six Boys 1193 Chaplin,, Mrs. J. D. Out of the Wilderness 3051 Charles, Francis In the Country God Forgot 6965 Charles, Mrs. Bundle Chronicles of the Schomberg-Cotta Family 5306 Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. American Peeress, An 5307 Crimson Wing, The 5308 Chellis, M. 1). At Lion's Mouth 1581 Cherbuliez. Victor Tutor’s Secret, The 3135 Chesnutt, Charles W. Conjure Woman, The 5309 House Behind the Cedars, The 5310 Marrow of Tradition, The 5311 Chester, Sarah E. Our Three Boys 7164 Child. Frank S. * Unknown Patriot, An 5312 Chittenden, L. E. Unknown Heroine, An 3139 Cholmondeley, Mary Danver's Jewels 2879 Danver’s Jewels, and Sir Charles Dan- vers 2880 Chopin, Kate Bayou Folk 5313 Church, Rev. A. J. Count of the Saxon Shore, The 734 Three Greek Children 6138 Young Macedonian 6137 Churchill, Winston Crisis, The 5315 Crossing, The 735 Richard Carvel 5314 Clarke, Mrs. M. G. Home Memoirs 2951 Clarke, Mrs. S. R. G. Our Street 3048 Y'ensie Walton 1584 Yensie Walton's Womanhood 1585 Clark, Imogen God’s Puppets 5316 Clay, Bertha M. Earl's Atonement, The 1587 Clifford. Mrs. W. K. Love Letters of a Worldly Woman 531? Margaret Vincent 5318 Wild Proxy, A 3159 “C. L. M.” Ebon and Gold 2898 Cockton, Henry Valentine Vox; Life and Adventures of 2990 Cody, Sherman World’s Greatest Short Stories, The . . .5319 Coffin, C. C. Boysot’6l, The 6139 Cogswell, Frederick H. Regicides, The 5320 Colcomb. Admiral P. ' Great War of 1 89-, The 2932 Collins, Wilkie Antonia 1590 Armadale 1591 Basil 1592 Blind Love 1593 Heart and Science 1594 Hide and Seek — 1595 Law and the Lady, The 1596 Man and Wife 1597 My Miscellanies 1600 New Magdalen 1601 No Name 1602 Two Destinies, The 1604 Colomb, Madame C. Herminie’s Triumphs 2942 Colton, Arthur Debatable Land, The 5321 Connolly, James B. Jeb Hutton 6952 Out of Gloucester 6951 Seiners, The 221 Connor, Ralph Black Rock 5322 Man from Glengarry, The 5323 Prospector. The 216 Sky Pilot of the Foot-Hills, The 5324 Conway, Hugh Called Back 1607 Dark Days 1609 Conway, Moncure D. Earthly Pilgrimage, The 1610 Cook, John E. Hammer and Rapier 5325 Cooke, Rose T. Somebody’s Neighbors 5326 Coolidge, Susan Eyebright 6140 In the High Valley 2947 29 Not Quite Eighteen Cooper J. Fenimore Atloat and Ashore Same Same Chain bearer, The Same Crater, The Same Deerslayer. The Same Headsman. The Same lleidenmauer. The Home as Found Homeward Bound Jack Tier Last of the Mohicans, The Lionel Lincoln Same Mercedes of Castile Miles Wallingford Monikins The Same Oak Openings Pathfinder. The Same Same Pilot. The Same Same Pioneer, The Prairie. The Same Same Precaution Same Led Rover Red Skins. The Satanstoe Same Spy, The Two Admirals. The Water Witch, The Same Ways of the Hour, The Wept of the Wish-Ton- Wish. The Wing and Wing Wyandotte Coppee. Francois True Riches Corelli, Marie Barabbas Same Master Christian, The Romance of Two Worlds. A ... . Same Temporal Power Wormwood .. Coryell. John R. 2900 Young Trail Hunters. The Craddock, Charles E. 1249 .1012 .1614 .1615 .1616 .2671 .1618 j .1619 .1620 ! .1621 . 1622 j 1623 . 1624 . 1625 . 1620 I .1629 .5327 .1031 1632 . 1633 1631 . 1635 . J636 . 1637 .1638 . 1639 . 5328 . 1610 .1041 . 5329 I 1642 .1643 .1614 .5330 1645 .1616 .5331 .1047 .1618 .7114 .5332 . 1650 . 1651 .1652 : .1653 i . 1 056 .1654 i .1655 .3133 1657 Despot of Broomsedge Cove. The 1659 Down the Ravine 1660 same 5337 His Varnished Star 1661 In the Clouds 1062 In the Stranger People’s Country 1663 In the Tennessee Mountains 1664 Same ' 5338 Old Fort London 6141 Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. The ‘ 1605 Same . . .... 5339 Story of Keedon Bluffs, The 1666 Where the Battle Was Fought 1067 Same 5340 Crane. Stephen Red Badge of Courage. The 737 Whilom ville Stories 5341 Crawford, F. Marion American Politician. An 1668 Children of the King, .The .1671 Cigarette-Maker's Romance. A., and K haled 739 Doctor Claudius 738 Don Orsi no ...... . 5342 Greifenstein 1674 In the Palace of the King 5343 Katherine Lauderdale. Vol. 1 1669 Same Vol. II 1670 Khaled; A Tale of Arabia 1675 Marietta; A Maid, of Venice 5344 Marion Darche 1677 Marzio’s Crucifix 1078 Mr. Isaacs 1679 Same 5345 Paul Pat off 1680 Pietro Ghisleri 1681 Roman Singer, A 1682 Sant’ Ilario 1683 Same 5346 Saracinesca 1684 Same 5347 Tale of a Lonely Parish, A 1685 Three Fates, The 1686 To Leeward 1687 Upper Berth, The 1688 Via Crucis ...... .5318 Whosoever Shall Offend 222 Witch of Prague, The 1689 With the Immortals 1690 Zoroaster 1691 5333 5335 1 658 5334 6959 736 Creel man. James Eagle Blood Crim, Matt Elizabeth, Christian Scientist 6953 2901 Crockett, S. R. Diccon the Bold 2885 Cotes, Mrs. E. Those Delightful Americans . 5336 Cozzens, Samuel W. Crossing the Quicksands 2874 Young Silver Seekers, The 1248 Black Douglas, The 740 Dark o’ the Moon, The 5350 Firebrand, The 5351 Fishers of Men 741 Gray Man, The 5352 Lilac Sun bonnet, The 1692 Same 5353 Play Actress, The Haiders. The Bed Axe. The. Stickit Minis Same Croly. Georg< Tarry Thou Till I Come Crosby, Ernest Captain Jinks. Ilero Crosland, T. \V H. Unspeakable S The Crowlield, Chrb t opher Little Foxt • . Same. Crowinshiek! A! . s. Latitude 19 1 iegrees Crowley. Man < Heroine of the St rail The Cummins, Maria S. Lamplighter. Tin Curtis, George W . Prue and J Cutting, Mary Stewart Heart of Lynn Dahlgren. M. V. Chim;His Washington Winter.. Daskem. Josephine 1). Madness of Philip, The Daudet, Alphonse Kings in Exile. Tartarin of Tarascon Wives of Men of Genius Davis. Mrs. M. E. M. Queen's Garden, The Davis, Rebecca Harding Hits of Gossip Doctor Warwick's Daughters... Kent Hampden Davis. Richard Harding Exiles and other Stories. The . . . Gallagher and other Stories .... Princess Aline, The Soldiers of Fortune Stories for Boys Van Bibber, and other Stories . . . Davis, William S. Friend of Ca?sar, A Saint of the Dragon’s Dale, The Day. Thomas Sanford and Merton De Amicis, E. Cuore .. De Foe. Daniel Robinson Crusoe Deland, E. I). Katrina Oakleigh Deland, Margaret Old Chester Tales 30 . . . 1693 1* 91 . . .5354 ... 1 695 . . . 5355 5356 6112 .6960 877 2616 5357 5358 5359 5360 230 2856 6143 5362 .5361 3162 5363 233 .5361 6144 John Ward. Preacher .2979 Same 5372 Sidney 3102 Story of a Child. The 4801 Delano, Frances J. Polly State 7155 De Leon. T. C. John Holden. Unionist 2976 De Marthold, J ules History of a Hear Skin, The 2823 De Maupassant, Guy Two Brothers, The 3137 De Mil le, James Castle in Spain. A. 2293 Dodge Club, The 2294 Same 2295 Picked Up Adrift 2296 Denison. M. A. Romance of a School Hoy 1219 De Quincy, Thomas Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 712 DeSegur, Countess Inn of the Guardian Angel, The 2963 De Stael, Madame Corinne: or Italy 309 Same 2868 Same 5370 De Stolz, Madame House on Wheels. The 2953 De St. Pierre, Bernardin Paul and Virginia 5872 Same. 7104 Devereau, Mary Lafitte of Louisiana 5373 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. William Henry Letters 6148 Dickens, Charles (“Boz") 2907 5365 5367 5366 6145 5368 5369 j 7165 j 3091 I 1199 , l 2875 6146 6147 5371 I American Notes Barnaby Budge Same ; Bleak House Same Christmas Stories, etc Same David Copperfield Same Same Same Dombey and Son Same Great Expectations Same Hard Times Little Dorrit Same Same Martin Chuzzlevvit Same Same Same Mystery of Edwin Drood. The . 1697 . 1698 1699 .1700 5374 .1703 . 1704 1705 .1706 1707 .5375 1708 . 1709 .1710 .1711 .1712 . 1713 .1714 .5376 .1715 1716 .1717 .5377 .1718 31 Nicholas Nickleby 1719 Same. 1720 Same. .. 1721 Old Curiosity Shop, The 1722 Oliver Twist, etc .1723 Same. 5378 Our Mutual Friend 1724 Same 1725 Same 3749 Same 5379 Pickwick Papers 1720 Same. 1727 Same 5380 Sketches by Boz 851 Same 1729 Tale of Two Cities. A 1730 Dickson. Harris Black Wolf's Breed, The 5381 Siege of Lady Resolute. The 5382 Dillon, Mary Rose of Old St. Louis, The 243 Disraeli. Benjamin (Lord Beacons(ield) Alroy, and other Stories 722 Coningsby 1731 Same 5383 Contarina Fleming . .1732 Kndymion 5384 Tancred 723 Vivian Grey 5385 Young Duke. The 724 Dix. Beulah Marie Hugh G wyeth 5386 Making of Christopher Ferringham, The 5387 Dix, Kdwin \sa Deacon Bradbury. . Old Bowen's Legacy Dixon, Thomas Jr. Clansman. The Same. Leopard’s Spots, The Same One Woman. The . . Dodge. Mary M. Donald and Dorothy Ilans Brinker Same Land of Pluck, The. When Life is Young Derr, J ulia C. R. In King’s Houses . . . Dotoievsky, Fedor Poor Folk 3064 Dougall, Lily Beggars All 2826 Same 5391 What N ecessity Knows 3153 Douglas, Amanda M. Floyd Grandon’s Honor 5393 Little Girl in Old Philadelphia, A 6151 Lost in a Great City 5392 Whom Kathie Married 5394 Douglas, George House with the Green Shutters, The. .5395 5388 5389 264 743 744 6963 246 .6149 .1733 .6150 1734 1735 5390 Dowie. Menie Muriel Girl in the Karpathians, A ... 2926 Doyle. A. Conan Adventures of Gerard. The 745 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The. .5396 Hound of the Baskervilles, The .5397 Micah Clarke 1736 Same 5398 Refugees. The 1737 Same 5399 Return of Sherlock Holmes, The 271 Round the Bed Lamp .1738 Sign of the Four, The 7-16 White Company. The 5400 Drachm arm, Holger Nanna 5401 Drake. Samuel A. Watch Fires of '76, The 6152 Drinkwater, Jennie M. Dorothy's Islands 7167 Fleet a 7168 Fourfold 7170 From Flax to Linen 7169 Paul French’s Way 7171 Rue’s Helps 7172 That Ouisset House 7171 Three and Twenty 7173 Dromgoole. Will A. Heart of Old Hickory, The 5402 Drysdale. William Beach Patrol, The 6153 Treasury Club, The 6154 Du Bois. Constance G. Martha Corey 5403 Du Chaillu, Paul Ivar, the Viking 2971 Wild Life Under the Fquator 6155 Duchess, The In Durance Vile, etc 1741 Lady Branksmere 1742 Mrs. Geoffrey 1743 Phyllis 1744 Portia 1745 Dudenny, Mrs. Henry Maternity of Harriet Wicken, The 5405 Spindle and Plough 5404 Dumas, Alexander Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, The 747 Chevalier DTlarmental 748 Chico the Jester 1749 Company of Jehu, The. Vol. 1 1750 Vol. II 1751 Comtesse De Charny, The 1754 Count of Monte Cristo, The . 749 Same. Vol. I 5407 Vol. II 5408 First Republic, The. Vol. 1 1755 Vol. II 1756 Forty-five Guardsmen, The 1757 Last Vendee. The. Vol. 1 1766 Vol. II 1767 Louise De La Valliere 1758 Man in the Iron Mask. The 750 Marguerite Du Valois 751 Same 5406 32 Olympe De Cleves. V r oI. I 1761 Vol . I 2918 Vol. II 1762 Vol. II 2919 Queen's Necklace. The 752 Regent's Daughter, The 1763 Six Years Later; or Taking the Rastile 1764 Three Musketeers. The 5409 Twenty Years After . ...1765 Vicomte De Bragelonne, The. Vol. I.. 1768 Vol. I . .5410 Vol. 11.1769 Vol. 11.5411 Du Maurier. George Trilby 753 Dunbar, Paul L. Folks from Dixie 5412 Duncan, Norman Doctor Luke of the Labrador 277 Dr. Grenfell's Parish 290 Duncan, Sara Jeannette American Girl in London. An 1746 Simple Adventures of a Memsahib, The 1747 Social Departure. A .1748 1 uniway. Abigail Scott From the West to the West 291 1 linn. Byron A. Battling for Atlanta 6156 From Atlanta to the Sea *>157 General Nelson's Scout .6158 On General Thomas's Staff 6159 Dunning, Mrs. A. li. Mr. Wallingford’s Mistake 3021 Kastman. Charles A. Red Hunters and the Animal People. . 326 Word. Only a Word, A 1789 Eden, Lizzie S. Wandering Lights 3148 Edgeworth. Maria Belinda 1790 Castle Back rent, etc 1791 Fashionable Life 1792 Same 1793 Helen. 54^2 Same, Vol. 1 7094 Vol. II 7095 Moral Tales, Vol. I 1796 Vol II 1797 Patronage 1798 Same 1799 Popular Pales 1800 Rosamond, etc ] 801 Same 1802 Eggleston. Edward Circuit Rider. The 1803 Same 5423 Duffels 1804 End of the World, The 1805 Same. 1806 Faith Doctor, The 18o7 Graysons. The ... 1808 Hoosier School Boy, The 18i0 Same 2636 Same 6160 Hoosier School Master, The. 1811 Same 1812 Same 2769 Mystery of Metropolisville 1*13 Same 1814 Queer Stories, for Boys and Girls 1815 Roxy 1816 Same 5424 Eastwood, Frances Geoffrey, The Lollard 2924 E bers. George Bride of the Nile, The. Vol. I . .1770 Vol. II 1771 Vol. 1 5413 Vol. II 5414 Burgomaster's wife, The 1772 Cleopatra, Vol. 1 5415 Vol. II .... . .5416 Egyptian Princess, An. Vol. 1 1773 Vol. II 1774 Vol. 1 541.7 Vol. II 5418 Elixir, The., and other Tales 1775 Emperor, The. Vol. I 1776 Vol. II 1777 Homo Sum 2477 Joshua . 1779 Margery. Vol. 1 1780 Vol. II 1781 Question. A 1782 Serapis 1783 Same .'5419 Sisters, The 1784 Thorny Path. A. Vol. I 1785 Vol. II 1786 Uarda. Vol. I 1787 Vol. II 1788 Vol. I 5420 Vol. II 5421 Eggleston, George C. Captain in the Ranks, A 334 Dorothy South 5425 Eliot. George Adam Bede 1817 Same 5426 Brother Jacob 1818 Daniel Deronda . . 1819 Same. Vol. I 5427 Vol. II 5428 Felix Holt 1820 Same 5429 Middlemarch 1821 Same, Vol. I 5430 Vol. II 5431 Mill on the Floss, The 1822 Same 5432 Romola 5433 Scenes from Clerical Life, and Silas Marner 5434 Theophrastus Such, J ubal, etc 852 Elliot, Henry R. Common Chord. The 2866 Efflis. Edward S. Lena Wingo, The Mohawk 1823 Ned in the Blockhouse 1824 River Fugitives. The 2733 Wilderness Fugitives, The 1825 Uncrowning a King 6161 33 Ellis, ,1 . Breckenridge Dread and Fear of Kings 5435 Garcilasco 5435 Ensign. Herman L. Lady Lee. and other Animal Stories. . .5162 Erckmann Chntrian Blockade of Phalsburg. The 1827 Brigadier Frederic 1828 Conscript of 1813, The .. .. 1829 Invasion of France, The 1830 Madam Therese 1831 Plebiscite, The 1832 Waterloo .1833 Same 5437 Ewing. Juliana H. Daddy Darwin's Dovecot . . 1834 Jackanapes, and other Tales 1835 Same. . .. 6153 Jan of the Windmill 1836 Same. 6164 Lob Lie-by-the-Fire; and other Tales 754 Story of a Short Life 6165 Falconer. Lanoe Cecilia De Noel 2850 Farjeon, B. L. Last Tenant. The 2988 Farmer. James E. Brinton Eliot. 5438 Farrar, F. W. Eric, or Little by Little 6166 Julian Home 5167 St. Winifred, or the World of School. .6168 Fawcet. Edgar Ambitious Woman. An 5440 Demoralizing Marriage, A . . . 1837 Centleman of Leisure, A 5439 Mild Barbarian. A 1838 Fendge, Mrs. Fannie Enlisted for Life 7175 F enn. George M . Crystal Hunters, The 1839 One Maid’s Mischief 1840 Fern, Fanny Little Ferns..- 1209 Uuth Hall 2825 Shadows and Sunbeams 3101 Ferrier, Susan E. Marriage, Vol. 1 5441 Vol. II 5442 Festetits, Katherine N. Stephen Hardee 7176 Field, Eugene Little Book of Profitable Tales, A. ... 5443 Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac 5414 Second Book of Tales 5445 Sharps and Flats, Vol. I 5446 Vol. II 5447 Fields, A. M. Chinese Nights Entertainments 2857 Fisguill, Richard M azel 5450 Fisher, G. P. Jr. Out of the Woods 5451 Fisher. Mary Gertrude Dorrance 5452 FJammarion, Camille Uranie 5453 Fleming, George Head of Medusa, The 2941 Fleming. Mary Agnes Heir of Charlton, The 1842 Flower, Eliott Spoilsmen, The 6969 Floyer, E. S. Young Huguenots, The 1245 Flynt, Josiah Little Brother, The 6169 Foote, Mary Hallock Coeur D' Alene . 1844 Same 5454 Desert and the Sown, The 5455 In Exile 1845 John Bode win’s Testimony. . .... 1846 Led-Horse Claim, The 1847 Ford, Paul Leicester Hon. Peter Stirling, The 5457 Janice Meredith 5456 Story of an Untold Love. The* 5458 Forrester, Mrs. I Have Lived and Loved 755 Forsslund, Louise M. (M. L. Foster) Ship of Dreams, The 756 Same 6989 Fothergill, Jessie First Violin, The 335 Fowler, Ellen T. Concerning Isabel Carnaby 5461 Double Thread. A 5460 Same 3748 Farringdons. The 5463 Sirius, and other Stories ... .5462 Fox, John Jr. Christmas Eve on Lonesome 336 Kentuckians. The 5464 France, Anatole Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. The 2873 Francis, Laura Madge Marland 7177 Francis, M. E. (Mrs. Francis Blundell) Duenna of a Genius, The 5465 Story of Dan, The 2878 Franzos, Karl E. Judith Trachtenberg 2982 Fraser. W. A. Thoroughbreds 6967 Frederic, Harold Copperhead, The 2869 Damnation of Theron Ware, The 5466 Gloria Mundi 5467 Market Place. The 5468 34 French. Allen Colonials, The 5469 Freytag, Gustav Lost Manuscript, The 5470 Friedman, I. I\. By Bread Alone 5471 Frost. William H. Court of King Arthur, The 6170 Frye, James A. Fables of Field and Staff 1848 From Head- quarters 1849 Fuller. Anna Literary Courtship, A . . . 5472 Leak and Prairie ... .3055 Pratt Portraits 5473 Venetian June, A. ' 5474 Fuller. Henry B. Chevalier of Pensieri Vani. The 2853 Same . . . 5475 Clift' Dwellers, The 2860 Same 5476 Last Refuge, The 5477 Gaboriau, Emile Clique of Gold, The 757 Same 7099 File No. 113 1850 Monsieur Lecocq 5478 Other People’s Money 758 Galdos. B. Perez Marianela 5479 Saragossa 759 Gardner, C. E. Rich Medway's Two Loves 3081 Terrace Roses 3116 Woman’s Wiles. A 3165 Garland. Hamlin Boy Life on the Prairies 6171 Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop, The 5484 Eagle’s Heart, The 5485 Her Mountain Lover 5480 Jason Edwards 5481 Main-Traveled Roads 5482 Prairie Folks 5483 Garrett, Edward Family Fortunes 2912 Gaskell, Mrs. Cousin Phillis 1854 Same 5486 Cranford 1855 Same — 5487 Gaulot, P. Friend of the Queen. A 2921 Gerard, Dorothea Lady Baby 2984 ■ G. H. P." * Artificial Mother, The 3018 Gibbons, William F. Those Black Diamond Men 5488 Gibbs, George In Search of Mademoiselle 5489 Giberne, Agnes Floss Silverthorn 7178 Muriel Bertram 7179 Sweetbriar 7180 Gibson, Charles D. My Lady and Ailen Darke 5490 Gilman, Caroline Recollections of a Southern Matron . . .3077 Glasgow, Ellen Battleground. The 5492 Phases of an Inferior Plant 5491 Voice of the People, The 5493 Glyn. Elmo? Reflections *of Ambrosine 760 Godkin. G. S. Stories from Italy 5494 Goethe. Johann W. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship . . 4728 Goldsmith. Oliver Vicar of Wakefield. The . . . 3144 Same ... 5495 Goodwin, Maud W. Colonial Cavalier, The 5496 W hite Aprons 5497 Gordon. J ulien Puritan Pagan. A 3069 Gorky. Maxim Foma Gordyeeft 342 Orloff and His Wife 341 Goss, Charles F. Redemption of David Corson, The 5498 Goss. W. L. Tom Clifton 6172 Goulding. F. B. Young Marooners, The 7002 Grahame, Kenneth Dream Days 5499 Golden Age, The 5500 Grand, Sarah Heavenly Twins. The 1872 Ideala 1873 Our Manifold Nature 1874 Singularly Deluded 1875 Grant. Robert Average Man, An 1861 Bachelor’s Christmas. A 5501 Confessions of a Frivolous* Girl. The. . . 1862 Jack Hall . .... ... . ... 1863 Jack in the Bush 1864 Knave of Hearts, The 1865 Opinions of a Philosopher 1866 Orchid, The. 346 Beflections of a Married Man 1867 Unleavened Bread 5502 Gras. Felix Reds of Midi, The 5503 Terror, The 5504 Graves. A lid a W. Little Maiden’s Victory, A . 7181 Gray. E. McQ. Elsa 2903 Gray. Louisa M. Abbotsmuir 1869 35 Ada and Gerty 2705 Nellie's Teachers 1871 Gray. G. Z. Children’s Crusade, The 6173 Gray. Maxwell House of Hidden Treasure, The. 5505 I n. ament Impostor. An 1880 Keproach of Annesley, 1'he 1881 Silence of Dean Maitland. The 1882 came . 5506 Gi ay, Rosalie i/!i lie Soldier 7182 \Y iliie and Birdie 7183 Green. Anna 1\. Agatha Webb 5507 Tea veil worth Case, The 1*76 Marked Personal 1878 Millionaire Baby, The 302 Strange Disappearance, A 1*79 Sword of Damocles. The. 5508 Green. Evelyn Head of the House. The 7*181 Her Husbands Home 7185 Green. Hon. Mrs. Grey House on the Hill 2934 Green, Mrs. S. P. McLean Cape Cod Folks 5509 Deacon Lysander 359 Some Other Folks 3105 Vesty of the Basins 5510 Grenfell. Wilfred T. Harvest of the Sea, The 347 Griffis. William E. Honda the Samurai 7226 j Grinnell, George Bird Blackfoot Lodge Tales 2829 j Punishment of the Stingy, The., etc . . . 5511 ] Gun said us, Frank W. Monk and Knight 5512 Gunter, A. C. Baron Montez 1883 Miss Dividends ....1884 Miss Nobody of Nowhere 1885 Mr. Potter of Texas 7054 Small Boys in Big Boots 1889 Guernsey, Clara F. Tutor and Teamster 3134 Habberton. John Chautauquans, The 1891 Helen’s Babies 1892 .Jericho Road, The 881 Same 1893 Same 1894 Haggard, H. Rider Allan Quatermain 1890 Brethren, The 365 Same 761 Col. Q.uaritch, V. C 1897 Eric Jlrighteyes . 762 King Solomon’s Mines 5513 Lisbeth 5514 Maiwa's Revenge 1898 Same 1899 She Same Witch's Head, The " Hale. Edward Everett East and West In 11 is Name Same . Philip Nolan's Friends Man Without a Country, The Same, etc Stories of Discovery Stories of Invention Stories of i he Sea Stories of War Sybil Knox .... MVn Times One is Ten Hale, Lucretia P. Peterkiii Papers, The . Halevy, Ludovic Abbe Constantine, The Marriage for Love, A Hall, Ruth Black Gown, The In the Brave Days of Old Hamblen. Herbert E. General Manager’s Story. The . . On Many Seas Story of a Yankee Boy, The Hancock. Albert E. Henry Bourland Ha r ben, Will N. Abner. Daniel Georgians The Northern Georgia Sketches Substitute. The Hardy, Arthur S. But Yet a Woman Same His 1 laughter First Passe Rose Hardy. Thomas Far From the Madding Crowd . Same ... — I Jude the Obscure Life’s Little Ironies Pair of Blue Eyes, A Tess of the D’Urbervilles Two on a Tower Same Woodlanders, The Harland, Henry Cardinal's Snuff Box, The . . . . Lady Paramount, The Harland, Marion i Alone | At Last | Handicapped Hidden Path ! Judith Same Loitering in Pleasant Paths . . Miriam Moss Side | My Little Love 763 5515 704 1903 1904 1905 1907 375 5517 1902 19(0 19-8 1910 i 9i i9 5510 . . . 6175 . . . 5518 . . . 3009 5519 6176 5521 5520 6177 5522 5523 377 5524 6990 .1911 . 5525 .0991 1912 . . . . 1913 ....5527 . . . . 765 ....1914 .... 5520 .... 760 1915 . . 1910 .... 5528 5530 5529 1917 1918 1921 1922 1923 5531 1924 1925 1920 1927 36 Nemesis .... 1929 Royal Road The 1930 Ruby's Husband 1931 I Sunny Rank 1932 Tineas Steel 1933 Harraden. Beatrice Fowler, The 5533 i I ilda Si rafford 7»>7 In Varying Moods 2907 Ships That Pass in the Night 5532 Harris, Joel Chandler Balaam and II is Master, etc 1934 Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann, The 5537 Evening Tales ...1935 Free Joe, etc 1936 Little Union Scout, A 375 Making of a Statesman. The, etc 5534 Nights with Uncle Remus 1937 On t he Plantat ion 1938 Oil the Wing of Occasions. 5555 Sister Jane 5536 Uncle Remus and His Friends 1939 Same . 5538 Harrison. Mrs. Burton Anglomaniacs. The 2809 Same 5341 Bachelor Maid. The ... 1940 Daughter of the South. A 1911 Flower de Hundred 1942 Same 5539 Sweet Beils Out of Tune 1943 Same 5540 II arte, Bret By Shore and Sedge 1944 Colonel Starbottle's Client, and Some Other People 1945 | Condensed Novels and Stories . . 1947 Same 7018 Cressy 1948 Crusade of the Excelsior, The 1949 Drift from Two Shores 1952 1 First Family of Tasajara, A 1953 I Flip; and Found at Blazing Star. 1054 Same .. ." 5542 Frontier Stories 1955 Gabriel Conroy 195 U Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, etc 1957 In the Carquinez Woods 1958 Luck of Roaring Camp, The 1959 Same i960 Marnja 19C>1 Mrs. Skaggs Husband, etc 1962 Openings in the Old Trail 5543 Phyllis of the Sierras. A., and A Drift from Redwood Camp 1951 _ Same 5544 Protege of Jack Hamlin's, A., etc 1963 Sally Dows, etc 1964 Snow Bound at Eagles 1965 Same ’ ’ ’ 2632 Same . 5545 Susy; A Story of the Plains 1966 Tales of the Argonauts, etc 1967 Two Men of Sandy Bar 196 H Waif of the Plains, A 1969 Same 5546 Ward of the Golden Gate, A. 1970 Ilartough. Mrs. S. M. Marah 3005 Hastings. George G. First American King. The 392 Hawthorn, Julian H. Dream and a Forgetting, A 1972 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Doctor Grimshaw s Secret 1975 Ethan Brand and Other Stories 1976 House of the Seven Gables. The . . .5547 Marble Faun. The., and Note Books. . .1979 Marble Faun. The .3548 Mosses from an Old Manse Vol. 1 5549 Same f55:) Note Books. American and English. . . .1980 Scarlet Letter. The £551 Twice Told Tales 768 Works of Vol. 1 1973 Same Vol- II 1974 Same Vol. 1 1 1 1977 Same Vol. I V 1978 Hay, Mary C. Arundel Motto, The 2816 Hearn. Lafcadio Chita; A Memory of Last Island 7108 Hemstreet, Charles When Old New York Was Young 5553 Henty, G. A. At Agincourt 769 Berio the Briton 770 Both Sides the Border 771 By England’s Aid 6178 In the Heart of the Rockies 7070 In the Reign of Terror 6179 Jacobite Exile, A 1985 Knight of the White Cross, A 772 Lion of the North, The 6180 March on London, A 773 On the Irra wady 774 Roving Commission, A 775 St. Bartholomew's Eve 1986 Through Russian Snows 6181 Through the Sikh War 777 Same 1987 Tiger of Mysore. The 776 To Herat and Cabul 77* Under Drake's Flag 6182 W hen London Burned 7064 With Clive in India 6183 With Wolfe in Canada 6184 Wulf, the Saxon 19*9 Young Franc-Tireurs, The 1990 Herrick, Robert . Common Lot. The 428 Real World. The 5~55 Web of Life, The 5554 Hewlett, Maurice Forrest Lovers. The 5556 Life and Death of Richard Yea and Nay. The 5557 Queen’s Quair, The 779 Heyse, Paul Children of the World. The 5558 Hichens, Robert Green Carnation, The . . .2849 37 Hill, John A. Stories of the Railroad 5559 Hillis, Newell D. Quest of John Chapman, The 430 j Hinkson, H. A. King’s Deputy, The 5560 Point of Honor, The . . . 5561 Hobbes, John O. (Mrs. Craigie.) Bundle of Life, A 2991 Robert Orange 5563 School for Saints, A 5562 Tales 5564 Mocking Silas K. Awakening of Anthony Weir, The . . 7186 H odder, Alfred New Americans, The 5565 Holland, M rs. Son of a Genius, The 3106 Young Crusoe, The 1243 llogeland. Colonel A. Ten Years Among the Newsboys . . . . 1225 Same 1226 Same 1227 Same 1228 Same 1229 Same 1230 Same 1231 Same 1232 Same . 1233 Same 1234 Holland. Clive Japanese Wife, My 6980 Holland, Dr. J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle 1991 Same . 1992 Same 5566 Bay Path, The 1993 Same .... 5567 Gold Foil 1995 Jones Family, The . 1996 Lessons in Life 1998 Letters to the Joneses 1999 Same 7113 Mrs. Gilbert’s Career 2000 Nicholas Minturn 2001 Same 2<02 Same 5568 Sevenoaks 2004 Same 2005 Same 5569 Titcomb's Letters 2006 Holmes. Mrs. Mary J. Cameron Pride, The 2007 Same 2008 Chateau D'Or 2009 Christmas Stories 2010 Same 2011 Cousin Maud, and Rosamond 2012 Same 2013 Same 3259 Daisy Thornton 2014 Darkness and Daylight 2015 Edith Lyle 2017 English Orphans 2018 Ethelyn’s Mistake 2019 Forest House 2021 Homestead on the Hillside 2022 Hugh Worthington 2024 Same 2025 Lena Rivers 2026 Madeline 2027 Meadow Brook .... 2029 Queen ie Hetherton 2031 Rose .Mather 436 Tempest and Sunshine 2032 West Lawn 2034 Holmes, Oliver W endell Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The .2035 Elsie Venner ... 5570 Guardian Angel, The 5571 Mistress of the Manse 2036 Mortal .Antipathy. A 2037 Poet at the Breakfast Table, The 2038 Professor at the Breakfast Table. The 2039 Hope, Anthony Captain Dieppe 780 Chronicles of Count Antonio, The 781 Double Harness 439 Heart of the Princess Osra, The 5575 Phroso 5572 Prisoner of Zenda, The 5576 Quisante 5573 Rupert of Hentzau 5574 Tristram of Blent 5577 Hopkins, Tighe Nugents of Carriconna, The 3039 Hoppin, Augustus Fashionable Sufferer, A 2914 Hornung, E. W. Amateur Cracksman, The 5582 At Large 5578 Dead Men Tell no Tales 5579 Peccavi 5580 R a flies 5581 Horton. George Tempting of Father Anthony, The . 5583 Hotchkiss, Chauncey C. Strength of the Weak, The 5584 Hough, Emerson Mississippi Bubble, The 5585 Hoven. Ernest Neither Rome nor Judah 3029 Howard, Blanch W. (Mme. von Teufel) Aunt Serena 5586 Fellowe and His W T ife, A 2040 Garden of Eden, The 5589 Guenn 2041 Same 5587 No Heroes 2042 One Summer 5588 Howard, Gen. O. O. Donald’s School Days 6185 Howe, E. W. Mystery of the Locks, The 3026 Story of a Country Town, The 5590 Howe, Maud Honor 2952 38 Howells, William Dean Albany Depot, The 2043 Annie Kilburn 2u44 ^aii.e 5591 April Hopes 2045 Boy’s Town, A 2046 Uiiuiutt Acquaintance, A . . .. 2047 Christmas Every Day, and other Stories 2051 Coast of Bohemia. The 2049 Counterfeit Presentment, A 2u50 Criticisms and Fiction 2052 Dr. Breen's Practice 2o53 Evening Dress 2054 Foregone Conclusion, A 20 >7 Carroters. The 2058 Imperative Duty. An 853 Indian Summer .... 2059 Kentons, The 5592 Lady of the Aroostook. The 2060 Landlord at Lion's Head, The 5593 Letters of Introduction 2061 Likely Story, A .2072 Little Swiss Sojourn, A 2062 Minister’s Charge, The 2063 Modern Instance, A 2064 Same 854 Mouse-Trap and other Farces, The 2055 Same 2' >56 My Year in a Log Cabin 2065 Out of the Question 2066 Quality of Mercy, The. 2067 Same 5594 Questionable Shapes 6983 liise of Silas Lapham, The 2068 Same 5595 Sea Change, A 2069 Snadow of a Dream. The 2070 Sleeping Car, The 2071 Son of Royal Langbrith, The 454 Suburban Sketches .... 855 Their Silver Wedding Journey 5596 Their Wedding Journey .2i>73 Traveler from Altruria. A 2074 Undiscovered Country, The . 2075 Same . 2076 Same ’ 5597 Woman's Reason, A 2077 Same . 5598 World of Chance, The 2048 Howitt. Mary Who Shall be Greatest? 3157 Hoyt, Eleanor Misdemeanors of Nancy, The 5599 Hubbard, Elbert Time and Chance 5600 Hughes. Mary Ornaments Discovered, The 3044 Hughes, Rupert Lakerin Athletic Club, The 6186 Hughes. Thomas Tom Brown at Oxford .2078- Tom Brown at Rugby 2079 Tom Brown’s School Days 6187 Hugo, Victor Bug-Jargal, and Claud Gueux 2080 Bans of Iceland 2081 History of a Crime 56,01 Les Miserables 2082 Man Who Laughs, The 2084 Ninety -Three ?os5 Notre Dame 2086 Toilers of the Sea 2087 Same 28U8 Hume, Fergus W. Mystery of a Hansom Cab, The 782 Opal Serpent, The 783 Humphrey. Mary A. Squatter Sovereign. The 3110 Huntington. Faye Mrs. Deane's Way 7187 Huntington. George Kings and Cupbearers 7188 Rockanock Stage, The 7189 Ilurd. Grace M. Bennett Twins, The 5602 Hutton. Lawrence Boy I Knew and Four Dogs. A 6188 Hyde, Henry M. Buccaneers. The 469 Hyne, Cutcliffe New Eden. The 3031 Ingelow, Jean John Jerome 5603 Mopsa the Fairy 6189 Off the Skelligs 5604 Ingersoll, Ernest Ice Queen, The 6190 Ingraham, Rev. J. H. Pillar of Fire, The 2088 Same 2089 Same 5605 Same . 5606 Prince of the House of David. The 209K) Same . .... 5607 Throne of David, The 2091 Same 5608 Same 5609 “Iota” Yellow Aster, A 3167 Ireland, Mary E. Doctor’s Family, The 7190 Irving. Fannie B. Six Girls 6191 Jackson, Helen H . Letters from a Cat 6192 Mercy Phillbrick's Choice 5610 Nelly's Silver Mine 6193 Ramona 3074 Same 5611 Jacobs, W. W. At Sunvvich Port 5612 Many Cargoes 5613 James, G. P. R. Charles Tyrell 2780 John Jones’ Tales for Little Joneses. . .1207 Richelieu Vol. I 5614 Vol. II 5615 39 .James, Henry Jr. Same 5616 Awkward Age, The 5617 Better Sort. The 6977 Bostonians, The 2093 Confidence 2094 Daisy Miller 784 Same 2095 Embarrassments 5618 Eugene Pickering, etc 2096 Europeans. The . 856 Lesson of the Master, The., and other Stories 2097 London Life. A 2098 Other House, The 5619 Picture and Text 2100 Portrait of a Lady, The 2101 Same 5620 Princess Casamassima, The 2102 Private Life. The., and other Stories . .2103 Heal Thing, The., and other Tales 2304 Heverberator. The 2105 Roderick Hudson .. .. 2106 Siege of London, The., and other Stories2099 Tragic Muse, The. Vol. I 2107 Vol. II 2108 Washington Square . . 857 Watch and Ward 2109 Same 7093 Wheel of Time, The 2111 Jamison. Mrs. C. V. Lady Jane 2985 Janvier. Thomas A. Aztec Treasure House, The 5622 In the Sargasso Sea 5621 Jarvis, Thomas S (ieoffrey Hamstead .2923 Jayne, Lieut. R. H. Through Apache Land 3123 Jennings, Louis J. Philadelphian, The 3061 Jensen. Wilhelm Karine 5623 Jerome. Jerome K. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow 5624 John Ingerfield, and other Stories 2112 Same . 5625 Three Men in a Boat 2113 Same 2114 Same 5626 Three Men on Wheels 5627 Tommy and Co 488 Jewett, Sarah Orne Betty Leicester 2115 Same 5628 Country Byways 2116 Country Doctor, A 2117 Same 5629 Country of the Pointed Firs, The 5630 Deephaven 2118 Same 2119 Same 5631 King of Folly Island, The 2120 Marsh Island, A — 2121 Mate of the Daylight, The., and other Stories 2122 Native of Winby. A. 2123 Same. 5632 Old Friends and New 2124 Play Davs ...... . . 2125 Strangers and Wayfarers 2126 Tales of New England 2127 l ory Lover. The 5633 White Heron. A 2754 Johnson Clifton Country School in New England, The 2870 Johnson, Owen Arrows of the Almighty 5634 Jonnson. Samuel Rasselas. Prince of Abyssinia 3076 Same 5635 Johnson. William II. King or Knave, Which Wins? 5636 Johnston. Mary Audrey .5637 Prisoners of Hope 5638 To Have and to Hold 5639 Jokai. Maurus Dr. Dumany’s Wife 785 Eyes Like the Sea 2909 Hungarian Nabob. A 5640 Timar's Two Worlds 3124 Jones, Alice A. Chevalier de St. Denis, The 5641 Jonson. Ben Alchemist, The., and Eastward Hoe. . . 786 J udd, Sylvester Margaret 858 Kane. J. J., Chaplain U. S. N. Ilian 2958 Kavanaugh. J. Sybil's Second Love 859 Keenan, H. F. Trajan 3130 Keightley. S. R. Last Hecruit of Clare’s, The 5642 Kenyon, Orr Amor Victor 5643 Kieffer. II. M. Becollections of a Drummer Boy 6194 King. (Jen. Charles Between the Lines 2128 Cadet Days 6195 Same 2137 Colonel’s Christmas Dinner, The 2129 Colonel's Daughter, The 5644 Deserter, The 2130 I lunraven Ranch 213] From School to Battlefield 6196 Kitty’s Conquest 2132 Marion's Faith 5645 Ray’s Daughter 5646 Soldier's Secret, A., and an Army Portia5647 Waring’s Peril * 2135 War Times Wooing. A 2136 40 King. Grace Balcony Stories 2821 Kingsley. Charles Greek Heroes 2138 Here ward, the Last of the English . . . 2139 J>ame 5648 Hypatia 2140 Same 5649 Two Years Ago 2141 Water-Babies. The 2142 Same 6197 Westward Ho! 787 Same . 2143 Same 5650 Yeast 2144 Same 5651 Kingsley. Florence M. Paul; A Herald of the Cross 5652 Stephen; A Soldier of the Cross 5653 Titus; A Comrade of the Cross 5654 Kingsley, Henry Austin Elliot, and the Harveys 5655 Hillyars and the Burtons, The 5657 Ravenshoe 5656 Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn, The. 5658 Kingston. W. H. G. Midshipman Marmaduke Merry 2146 New Granada 2147 Roger Willoughby 2148 Round the World 2149 SaitWater 2 i 50 Young Forresters. The 2151 Same 2152 Kinkead. A. L. Queen of the Block, The . . 860 Kinkead, Eleanor T. Florida Alexander 5659 Kipling, Rudyard Brushwood Boy, The 788 “Captains Courageous” 5660 Day's Work, The 5661 Jungle Book, The 2153 Kim . 5662 Life's Handicap 2154 Light That Failed. The 5663 Many Inventions 2155 Same 5664 Naulahka, The 2156 Plain Tales from the Hills 2158 Same 5665 Second Jungle Book. The 789 Soldiers Three, and other Tales 5666 Traffics and Discoveries 525 Kirby, M. and E. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard 6198 Things in the Forest 6199 Kirby, William Golden Dog, The 5667 Kirk, Ellen O. (‘ Henry Hayes”) Ciphers 2159 Daughter of Eve, A 1981 Dorothy and Her Friends 6260 Dorothy Deane 6201 Mid-Summer Madness, A 2160 Our Lady Vanity 5668 Queen Money 6896 Revolt of a Daughter. The 5669 Revolutionary Love Story, A 5670 Sons and Daughters 5671 Story of Margaret Kent, The 1983 Kirkland. Joseph McVeys, The 3012 Kirkman, Marshal M. Iskander 790 Romance of Gilbert Holmes, The 791 Knight, H. C. No Gains Without Pains 1217 Knox, Thomas W. Close Shave, A 2161 John Boyd's Adventures 2162 Talking Handkerchief, The., etc 2163 Kouns, Nathan C. Dorcas; The Daughter of Faustina. . . .2890 Laboulaye. E. R. L. Abdallah 5672 Lamartine, Alphonse De Graziella 5673 Raphael 5674 Lancaster, G. B. Spur, The 3750 Landor. H. S. Tribulations of a Princess, The 5675 Lane. Lydia S. I Married a Soldier 2959 Lang, Andrew Monk of Fife, A 6202 Prince Ricardo of Pantoufiia 2165 True Story Book, The 2167 Lang, Andrew, and Mason, A. E. W. Parson Kelly 5676 Lanier, Sidney Boy's Froissart, The 1090 Same 6206 Larned, Walter C. Rembrandt 5677 Lathrop. G. P. In the Distance 2168 Latimer, Elizabeth W. Prince Incognito, The 5678 Laurie. Andre Schoolboy Days in Japan. 6207 Laut. Agnes C. Heralds of Lmpire 5679 Lords of the North 5680 Lawless, Hon. Emily G rani a 2929 Le Baron, Grace ’Twixt You and Me 6208 Lee, Barton Thomas Hard. Priest 861 Lee, Holme Her Title of Honor 2945 41 Lee, Jennette Son of a Fiddler, The 5681 1 Lee, Mary C. Quaker Girl of Nantucket, A 3070 Lee, Mrs. Frank Little Boom No. 1 7191 Lee, Yan Phou When 1 was a Boy in China 6209 Le Gallienne. Bichard Quest of the Golden Girl, The 792 Romance of Zion Chapel, The 5682 Leighton, Robert Wreck of the Golden Fleece 3166 Le Queux, William Her Majesty's Minister 5683 Zoraida . . . 793 Le Sage, Alain Rene Adventures of Gil Bias, The 5684 Leslie, Mrs. Madeline Ragpickers, The, etc 3072 Lever, Charles Barrington 2169 Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly, The 2170 Charles O'Malley 794 Same 5685 Davenport Dunn. 2171 Day's Ride. A 2172 Fortunes of Glencore 2173 Harry Lorrequer 2 1 74 Same 2175 Horace Templeton 2176 .Jack Hinton 795 Martins of Oro’ Martin, The 2178 Maurice Tiernay 796 O'Donoghue. The 2i 79 Same 2180 One of Them 2181 Sir Brook Fossbrooke 2183 Tom Burke of Ours 5686 Tony Butler 2186 Lewis. Alfred H. President, The 529 Wolfville 5687 Wolfville Days 5688 Lighton, William R. Sons of Strength. (A Romance of the Kansas Border Wars) 5689 Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. Scrape that Jack Built. The 6210 Thrall of Leif the Lucky. The 5690 Lincoln, Mrs. J. G. Marjorie’s Quest 6212 Unwilling Maid, .An 6211 Linton, E. Lynn New Woman, The 7102 Logie. Sarah C. Out of the Fold... 7192 London. Jack Call of the Wild 3258 Daughter of the Snows. A 6974 Faith of Men, The., and other Stories. . 537 Sea Wolf, The 535 Son of the Wolf, The 5691 London. Rambler A. Romance of the Street, The 7193 Long, John L. Miss Cherry-Blossom of Tokyo 5692 N aughty Nan 5693 Longfellow, Henry W. Hyperion and Kavanagh 532 Lorimer, Horace Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son .6981 Old Gorgon Graham 1511 Loti. Pierre Iceland Fisherman, An 5694 Loughead, Flora H. Black Curtain, The 5695 Lover, Samuel Handy Andy 2187 Same 5696 Rory O' More 2188 Low, A. Maurice Supreme Surrender, The 5697 Ludlow, James, M., D. D. Captain of the Janizaries 5698 Lush. Charles K. Autocrats, The 5699 Lyall, Edna Autobiography of a Slander 2189 Donovan; A Modern Englishman .... .2190 Same 5700 Doreen; A Story of a Singer 2191 Hardy Norseman. A 2192 In the Golden Days 2193 Same 5701 Knight-Errant .. 2194 Same . . 5702 To Right the Wrong 2195 We Two 2196 Same. 5703 Won by Waiting 2197 Lyon, Ralph A. Love Story Masterpieces 5704 Maartens, Marten God's Fool 2227 Same 5713 My Poor Relations 579 Sin of Joost Avelingh, The 22^8 MacDonald, George Adela Cathcart 2234 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood 2236 At the Back of the North Wind 2237 Same. 5714 David Elginbrod 2238 Elect Lady. The 2239 Flight of the Shadow, The 2240 Guild Court 2241 Heather and Snow 2242 Mary Marston 2243 Paul Faber, Surgeon 2244 Phantastes, and The Portent 2245 Princess and Curdie, The 2246 2280 42 Princess and The Goblin, The 2247 Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood 2248 Same 2249 Robert Falconer 2250 Same 5715 Seaboard Parish, The 2251 Sir Gibbie 2252 Same 5710 St. George and St. Michael 2253 Thomas Wingfold. Curate. 2254 Vicar's Daughter, Tlie ... 2255 Same 5717 Warlock O'Glen warlock 2250 Weighed and Wanting 802 Wilfrid Cumbermede 2258 Machie. Pauline B. Ye Lyttle Salem Maide 6214 Machray Robert Night Side of London, The 6934 Macleod, Fiona Green Fire 797 Mac Man us, Seumas In Chimney Corners 5718 Through the Turf Smoke 5719 Maey, W. H. Whales We Caught, The 883 Magie. Rev. David Spring Time of Life, The 1222 Magruder, Julia Princess Sonia 5726 Major, Charles Dorothy Vernon of Iladdon Hall 5727 When Knighthood was in Flower 5728 Malet. Lucas History of Sir Richard Calmady, The. .5729 Mallock, W, H, Romance of the Nineteenth Century, A5730 Malot, Hector Remain Kalbris 3087 Same — 3088 Same 3089 Mann. Millicent Margot 5731 Manning. Anne Household of Sir Thomas More, The. .5732 Manning, Marie Lord Alingham, Bankrupt 6993 Marchmont, Arthur W. Dash for a Throne, A 5733 In the Name of a Woman 5734 Marlitt, E. At the Councillor’s 2266 Same 2267 Bailiff’s Maid, The 2268 Same — 2269 Countess Gisela 2270 Same 2271 Gold Elsie 2273 In the Schillingscourt 2274 Same . . . 2275 Little Moorland Princess, The 2276 Same 2179 Second Wife, The Marryat. Captain Children of the New Forest, The 2281 Japhet in Search of a Father 22*2 Same 5740 King’s Own, The 1283 Masterman Ready 2284 Same 5741 Mr. Midshipman Easy 2285 Same 5742 Newton Forster .2286 Peter Simple 5743 Phantom Ship, The .. 798 Privateersman, 4 he 799 Settlers in Canada. The 22*7 Same. Vol. 1 863 Snarleyow 5744 Valerie 2288 Marsh. Charles L. Opening the Oyster 5745 Marshall, Frederick It Happened Yesterday 2970 Martin. Mrs. George Liberal Education, A 2989 Mason, A. E. W. Four Feathers, The 800 Miranda of the Balcony 5746 Mathew, Frank At the Rising of the Moon 3082 Mathews, Frances Aymar Little Tragedy at Tien-Tsin, A 801 Matthews, Brander Confident To-Morrow. A 5747 Decision of the Court, The 2289 His Father’s Son 5748 Vignettes of Manhattan 2290 Same 5749 Maury, Gen. D. II. Recollections of a Virginian 3078 McCall. Sidney Truth Dexter 5720 McCarthy. Justin II. Dictator. The 2229 If I Were King 5721 Ladies’ Gallery. The 2230 Lady of Loyalty House, The 1190 Red Diamonds — 2231 Rival Princess, The 2233 McCarthy. Justin H.. and Campbell Praed, Mrs. Right Honorable, The .2232 McClellan. M. C. Broad Oak 2838 McClelland, E. G. Daughter of Two Nations, A 6213 McCook, Henry C. Latimers. The 5722 McCutcheon. George B. (“Richard Greaves”) Beverly of Graustark 1197 Brewster’s Millions 3264 Same 6964 Graustark 5723 43 M(* El rath. Frances Hustler, The 5724 McEiroy, Lucy 0. silent Pioneer, The ... 5725 McKay. F. E. Vignettes; Real and Ideal 3145 McKeever, H. B. Foot on the Sill. The 7195 Melville, Herman Typee: A Real Romance of the South Seas 5753 Meredith, George Diana of the Crossways 2291 Same 5154 Egoist. The 5756 Lord Ormont and 1 1 is Aminta 2292 Ordeal of Richard Feverel. The 5757 Rhoda Fleming 5755 Merejkowski, Dmitri Death of the Gods, The 802 Peter and Alexis 803 Merriman. Etfie W. Sir Jefferson Nobody 6215 Merriman. Henry S. Barlasch of the Guard 804 Isle of Unrest. The ... 5759 Phantom Future. The 864 Same .... 3059 Same 3060 Roden's Corner 5758 Sowers. The ...5760 Velvet Glove. The 5761 Vultures. The 6986 With Edged Tools 5762 Merwin, Samuel Road to Frontenac, The 5763 Merwin. Samuel., and Webster, Henry K. Calumet “K” 3262 “M. 1. A.” Sir Evelyn’s Charge . 7194 Michael is. Karin Andrea 805 Michelson, Miriam Madigans, The 581 Mighels, Philip V. Bruvver Jim's Baby 584 Miller. Emily H. Royal Road to Fortune, The 3092 Miller, Joaquin True Bear Stories 6216 Mitchell, Donald G. (“Ik Marv6l”) Doctor Johns 2298 Dream Life 2297 My Farm of Edgewood 846 Same 847 Same 2299 Reveries of a Bachelor 2300 Mitchell, John Ames Amos Judd 5764 Last American, The 5765 Pines of Lory, The 5766 I Villa Claudia. The 806 | Mitchell. S. Weir Adventures of Francois, The 5770 Circumstance 5707 Dr. North and His Friends 5768 Hugh Wynne 5709 New Samaria, and the Summer of St. Martin .... 5 % When all the Woods are Green 5771 Molesworth, Mrs. Carrots, and ofherStories 6217 Magic Nuts, The 6218 Montresor, Frances F. Into the Highways and Hedges 5772 Moore, F. Frankfort Damsel or Two. A 5773 Jessamy Bride, The 5774 M‘><>re, Thomas Epicurean, The 5775 More. Sir Thomas Utopia 807 Morecamp. Arthur Live Boys; or Charlie and Nasho in Texas 1212 Love Tokens for Children 1213 Morris, Clara Pasteboard Crown ; A 5776 Morris. William News from Nowhere 5777 Morrison. Sarah E. Chilhowee Boys 2855 Moulton, Louise C. Bedtime Stories... 6219 Mowbray. J . P. Journey to Nature, A 5778 Muhlbach. Louisa (Clara Mundt) Andreas llofer 636 Same 2301 Berlin and Sans-Souci 649 Same 2302 Daughter of an Empress, The 652 Same 23 ; 3 Empress Josephine, The 1 i 64 Same 2 04 Same 5779 Frederick the Great and His Court. . . . 698 Same. ..... 231)5 Same. — 5780 Frederick the Great and Ilis Family. 706 Same 2306 Goethe and Schiller H81 Same 2307 Henry VIII andHisCourt 715 Same 2"08 Same 5781 Joseph II. and His Court 1147 Same. 23' 9 Louisa of Prussia and Her Times 1173 Same 2310 Marie Antoinette and Her Son . . ... 638 Same. 2311 Merchant of Berlin, The 639 Merchant of Berlin, The., and Maria Theresa and Her Fireman 2312 44 Mohammed Ali and His House 1175 Same 2313 Napoleon and Blucher 1177 Same 2314 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. . .1176 Same ....2315 Same. 5782 Old Fritz and the New Era 711 Same 2316 Prince Eugene and His Times 695 Same. 2317 Queen Hortense 1059 Same 2318 Muller, Max Memoirs; A Story of German Love 5788 Mulock, Dinah (Mrs. Oraik) Adventures of a Brownie 808 Same. 6220 Brave Lady. A 5783 Christian’s Mistake 232u Hannah 2321 Head of the Family, The 7061 Hero, A 2323 John Halifax, Gentleman 2324 Same 2325 Same 5784 Laurel Bush, The .2326 Legacy, A 2327 Life for a Life. A 5785 Little Lame Prince, The 809 Same 6221 My Mother and 1 2329 Noble Life, A 2330 Same 5786 Ogilvies. The 5787 Olive 2331 Studies from Life 2332 Two Marriages 2333 Unkind Words, and other Stories 2334 Woman’s Kingdom, A 2335 Munn. Charles C. liockhaven 5789 Munroe, Kirk Belt of the Se\en Totems, The 5790 Blue Dragon, The .. 810 Campmates . 6222 Heady Hangers. The 6224 Snow Shoes and Sledges 6223 Under the Great Bear 6225 White Conquerors. The 3156 With Crockett and Bowie 6226 Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the Wilderness 5791 John Norton’s Christmas 5792 Nason, Frank L. Blue Goose, The 6968 To the Edge of the Trail 5793 Nassau, Bev. H. H. Mawedo;the Palm-Land Maiden 7196 Naylor, James B. Sign of the Prophet, The 5794 Needed, Mrs. J. H. Lucia, Hugh and Another 3002 Same 7057 Nemec, Bozena Grandmother. The 5795 Nesbit. E. (Mrs. E. N. Bland) Phoenix and the Carpet, The 811 Wouldbegoods. The 57w6 Newbolt, H. Stories from Froissart 6228 Newell, H. II. There Was Once a Man 3U9 Nicholson. Meredith House of a Thousand Candles, The 812 Zelda Dameron 1198 N iemann, August Coming Conquest of England, The 813 Noble, Annette L Jesse 7197 Nordau. Max Morganatic 1205 Norris. E. M. Early Start in Life. The 2896 Norris, Frank McTeague 814 Moran of the Lady Betty .‘797 Octopus, The 5798 Pit, The 6940 Norris. W. E. Marcia 3006 Mrs. Fenton 3022 Norton, Charles L. .lack Benson's Log 6229 Ober. Fred A. Under the Cuban Flag 6230 Ohnet, Georges Dr. liameau 815 Same ... 2336 Ironmaster, The 5799 Bival Actresses, The 2337 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Beleaguered City, A 2338 Same 7 1 1 ) Joyce 23. 9 Ladies Lindores, The 2340 Little Pilgrim. A 6231 Lucy Crofton 2341 Madame 2342 Ollivant. Alfred Bob, Son of Battle 816 Same 5800 Optic, Oliver American Boys Afloat 2343 Bear and Forbear 2344 Brave Old Salt. A ' 2346 Down the liiver *17 Fighting Joe 2347 Lightning Express 2348 Sailor Boy. The 2350 Soldier Boy, The 2351 Switch Off 2352 Through By Daylight 2353 Same 2770 Victorious Union 2354 Young Lieutenant, The 2356 45 Young Navigator, The 2357 O’Rell, Max Frenchman in America, A 2363" J acques Bonhomme 2364 John Bull and Co . 2365 Jonathan and His Continent , .2366 ’Tween You and I 5801 Osborne, Duffield Spell of Ashtaroth, The 3108 Osbourne, Lloyd Queen versus Billy, The., and other Stories 5802 Osgood, Mrs. M. A. Little Canary .2996 Otis, James Jenny Wren’s Boarding House 2358 Left Behind, or Ten Days a Newsboy 2359 Mr. Stubb’s Brother . .2360 Same 6232 Runaway Brig, A 2361 Signal Boys of ’75, The .... 6234 Tim and Tip 2362 Toby Tyler 6233 With Perry on Lake Erie . 6235 With Preble at Tripoli <1236 Ouida. (Louise De La Rame) Altruist, An 865 Ariadne 2367 Beatrice Boville, and other Stories . . . .2368 Bebee .... ... 2369 Bimbi, Stories for Children 2370 Chandos 2371 Same 6237 Folle-Farine 2373 Friendship 2374 Granville De Vigne 2372 Guilderoy 2375 House Party, A . . . 2376 In a Winter City 2377 Same 2378 Nurnburg Stove, The 6238 Oth mar 866 Pascarel .... 2379 Princess Napraxine 2380 Puck 2381 Randolf Gordon, and other Stories. . . .2382 Sign a 2383 Same . 2384 Under Two Flags 2385 Village Commune, A . . 2386 Wanda 2387 Overton, Gwendolen Captain’s Daughter, The 2761 Captains of the World 1221 Heritage of Unrest, The .5803 Oxenham, John Flowers of the Dust. 818 Hearts in Exile 1247 Oxley, John McD. Archie of Athabasca 2815 Page, Thomas Nelson “Befo the Wah” . . . 2388 Bred in the Bone and other Stories. . 1277 Burial of the Guns, The 2389 Gordon Keith 6944 In Ole Virginia 2390 Same 5804 M eh I ,ady * 2391 On Newfound River 2392 Same 5805 Pastime Stories 2393 - Polly 2394 Social Life in Old Virginia before the War 5806 Two Little Confederates : — 6239 Palmer, Lynde Twinkle and Wrinkle • ■ 7198 Two Blizzards, The • • 7199 “Pansy” (Mrs. G. R. Alden) . Christie’s Christmas 7200 Ester Reid Yet Speaking 2830 Same 2906 Same 6240 Jessie Wells 6241 Ruth Erskine’s Crosses 6242 Spun from Fact . . 7201 Three People .7098 Tip Lewis and His Lamp 6243 Pansy and Livingston, Mrs. C. M, Profiles .7202 Parker, Frances Hope Hathaway ... 1256 Parker, Sir Gilbert Battle of the Strong, The. . : 5808 Lane that had no Turning, The 5809 Pierre and His People 5807 Right of Way, The 5810 Seats of the Mighty, The . ..... .5811 Trail of the Sword, The . 819 When Valmond came to Pontiac . .... . 5812 Parkman, Susan Two Noble Women 7203 Parr, Mrs. Can This be Love . 2845 Paterson, Arthur Cromwell’s Own ........ . .5813 Pauli, M. A. Tim’s Troubles .3125 Same . . . . . . . . .3126 True Hearts Make Happy Homes . 3132 Payn, James Master of Mirbridge, The 2396 Thicker than Water 2397 Payne, W. M. Little Leaders 5814 Pea, Frances M. Interloper, An 2965 Peacock, J. S., M. D. Orphan Girls, The 3045 Peacock, T. L. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey 867 Peattie, Elia W. Pippins and Cheese 5815 Peck, Samuel M. Alabama Sketches 5816 Peck, Theodora Hester of the Grants 1296 46 Pemberton, Max Beatrice of Venice 2711 Footsteps of a Throne, The .5818 Garden of Swords, The 820 Same 5819 Gold Wolf, The 821 Iron Pirate, The 822 Kronstadt 5817 Pendleton, Edmund One Woman’s Way 3042 Pendleton, Louis King Tom and the Runaways 2983 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart Beyond the Gates 5820 Donald Marcy 2399 Gates Ajar 5821 Successors of Mary the First, The 5822 Trixy .... 1300 Trotty Book, The 6244 Phelps, E. S., and Ward, H. D. Master of the Magicians, The 5824 Singular Life, A 5823 Phillips, Henry W. Red Saunders 5825 Phillpotts, Eden Children of the Mist 5826 River, The .... 6970 Sons of the Morning 5827 Pidgin, Charles F. Blennerhassett 5828 Stephen Holton 5829 Pittenger, William Great Locomotive Chase, The 6245 Plympton, A. G. Betty, A Butte rliy 2400 Dear Daughter Dorothy 6246 Little Sisters of Wilfred, The 2401 Penelope Prig and other Stories . . . .2402 Rags and Velvet Gowns ... .2403 Robin’s Recruit 2404 Pool, Maria L. Out of Step 5830 Red- Bridge Neighborhood, The .... 5831 Porter, Admiral D. I). Adventures of Harry Marline, The . . .2841 Same 7037 Incidents of the Civil War 2407 Porter, Jane Scottish Chiefs, The Vol. 1 2408 Vol. 11 2409 Vol. 1 5832 Vol. 11 ...5833 Thaddeus of Warsaw .... 2410 Same .5834 Porter, Rose Summer Driftwood 2411 Winter Fire 2412 Post, W. K. Harvard Stories 5835 Potter, Margaret II. House of de Mailly, The 5836 Uncanonized 5837 I Poulson, Emilie In the Child’s World 6247 Prentiss, Elizabeth J. Aunt Jane’s Hero 2819 Pemaquid '..3058 Prevost, Abbe Manon Lescaut 823 Prichard, K. and Hesketh Chronicles of Don Q, The 824 Pryce, Richard Miss Maxwell’s Affection 3014 Pushkin, Alexander Marie; A Story of Russian Love . . . .5839 Putnam, Israel Daniel Everton, Volunteer-Regular. . 5840 Pyle, Howard Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The 6248 Modern Aladdin, A 825 Rose of Paradise, The . . 826 Wonder Clock, The 6249 Quick, Herbert Aladdin and Co 1304 Quiller-Couch, Arthur T. Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts 5841 Shining Ferry 1303 Ship of Stars, The 5842 Splendid Spur, The 5843 Westcotes, The 5844 Radcliffe, Anne Mysteries of Udolpho, The 3025 Raimund, Golo New Race, A 827 Ralph, Julian Millionairess, The 6984 Rand, Edward A. Christmas Jack 884 Same 7204 Her Christmas and Her Easter . ... .7205 Raphael, Dr. Enthralled and Released 2904 Ray, Anna C. Half a Dozen Girls 6250 Raymond, Walter Two Men o’ Mendip 5845 Rayne, Mrs. M. L. Against Fate 2805 Raynor, Emma Free to Serve . .5846 Read, Opie Arkansaw Planter, An 828 In the Alamo 829 Jucklins, The 5848 Kentucky Colonel, A 5847 On the Suwanee River 830 Tennessee Judge, A 831 Read, Opie and Pixley, Frank Carpetbagger, The 832 Reade, Charles Cloister and the Hearth, The 2414 47 Same 2415 Foul Play ...2416 Griffith Gaunt 868 Same. 2417 Hard Cash 2418 It is Never too Late to Mend 2419 Love Me Little, Love Me Long . 7849 Peg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, etc * .2413 Perilous Secret, A 833 Put Yourself in His Place . .2421 Simpleton, A., and the Wandering Heir 834 Same 2422 Terrible Temptation, A 835 White Lies 2427 Same 2798 Woman Hater, A . 2428 Same 7082 Reaney, Mrs. G. S. Little Glory’s Mission 7207 Heed, Eleanor G. Battle Invisible, The., and other Stories 5851 Heed, Myrtle Book of Clever Beasts, The 1343 Heid, ('apt. Mayne Afloat in the Forest 2430 Cliff Climbers, The . . . 2432 Flag of Distress 2433 Forest Exiles, The 2434 Giraffe Hunters, The 2435 Man Eaters, The., and other Odd People .... 2437 Ocean Waifs, The 2436 Plant Hunters, The 2438 Stories about Animals 2440 Same 2441 Young Voyagers, The 2442 Same . 2443 Bemington, Frederic John Ermine of the Yellowstone 6961 Sundown Leflare 5852 Heynolds, Cuyler Janet; a Character Study 2973 Hhoscomyl, Owen Lady of Castell March, The 5853 Rice, Alice Hegan Lovely M ary 6972 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch . . . .5552 Sandy 1347 Richards, Laura E. Captain January 2446 Same 6251 Joyous Story of Toto, The . . . .6253 Marie 2447 M elody ... 2448 Narcissa 2449 Peggy ■ ■ 6252 Queen Hildegarde 2450 Three M argarets . . 6254 Richards, William C. Harry’s Vacation 2938 j Richardson, Robert Almost a Hero 2807 Richmond, Mrs. E. J. Harry the Prodigal 2939 Rideing, William H. Boys Coastwise 1186 Riddle, A, G. An sell’s Cave 2814 Risley, R. V. Men’s Tragedies 5854 “Rita” My Lady Coquette 3024 Rivers, George R. R. Captain Shays ..5855 Rives, Amelie Barbara Deering 2451 Tanis, the Sang-Digger 2453 Witness of the Sun, The 2454 Rives, Hallie Erminie Hearts Courageous 5856 Robbins, Mrs. Binding the Sheaves 7208 Roberts, Charles G. I). Forge in the Forest, The 5858 Heart of the Ancient Wood, The 5859 Sister to Evangeline, A 5857 Roberts, Morley Colossus, The 5860 Robertson, Harrison Opponents, The 5862 Red Blood and Blue 5861 Robertson, Morgan Down to the Sea 1350 Where Angels Fear to Thread 5863 Robinson, .Rowland E. Danvis Pioneer, A 7864 Uncle Lisha’s Shop ..5865 Roche, R. M. Children of the Abbey, The 5866 Roe, A. S. James Mountjoy 2474 Roe, E. P. Barriers Burned Away 5867 Day of Fate, A 2456 Same 2457 Same 5868 Face Illumined, A ... . ... 2458 From Jest to Earnest 2461 Same 2462 His Sombre Rivals . . . • ■ 2463 Knight of the Nineteenth Century, A. 2464 Miss Lou 2465 Nature’s Serial Story 2466 Near to Nature’s Heart .2468 Opening of a Chestnut Burr . . .... 2469 Original Belle, An 869 What Can She Do? 2470 Same ..... .7059 Young, Girl’s Wooing, A 2472 Ross, Clinton Two Soldiers and a Politician 3138 48 Rostand, Edmond Cyrano de Bergerac 836 Rowland, Henry C. To Windward 1352 Runkle, Bertha Helmet of Navarre, The 5869 Russell W. Clark Marooned 7103 Ocean Free Lance, An 5871 Ocean Tragedy, An 837 Sailor’s Sweetheart, A . . 5870 Two Captains, The 838 “What Cheer’’ 839 Rutherford, Mark Revolution in Tanner’s Lane, The ... 3080 Sage, Miss A. C. Little Daughter of the Revolution, A. .6255 Sage, William Claybornes, The 5875 Robert Tournay 5874 Saintine, X. B. Picciola 3062 Same 5873 Saltus, Edgar Eden 2899 Mr. Incoul’s Misadventure. 870 Perfume of Eros, The 840 Vanity Square 841 Sanborn, Kate Abandoning an A dopted Farm 2479 Adopting an Abandoned Farm 2480 Sand, George Antonia 5876 Consuelo 5877 Fadette 5878 Snow Man, The 5879 Sandeau, Jules Madeleine 5880 Sanderson, James G. Cornell Stories 5881 Schmidt, Christopher Canary Bird, The 7209 Schreiner, Olive Dream Life and Real Life 5882 Story of an African Farm 5883 Scott, Sir Walter Abbot, The 2483 Same 2484 Same 2485 Same ... .5884 Anne of Geierstein 2486 Same 2487 Antiquary, The 2488 Same .... 2489 Betrothed, The., and the Highland Widow 2490 Black Dwarf , The 2492 Bride of Lammermoor, The 2493 Same 2494 Castle Dangerous, and the Surgeon’s Daughter .2496 Same 7087 Chronicles of the Canongate 2498 Same 7075 Count Robert of Paris 2499 . Same 2500 Fair Maid of Perth, The . 2501 Same 2502 Same 5885 Fortunes of Nigel 2503 Same 2504 Guy Mannering .... 2505 ‘Same.... 5886 Heart of Midlothian, The 2506 Same 2507 Same 5887 Ivanhoe 842 Same 5888 Kenilworth 1355 Same .2508 Monastery, The 2509 Same 2510 Old Mortality ... 2511 Same 2512 Same 5889 Peveril of the Peak 2513 Same 2514 Same .5890 Pirate, The 2515 Quentin Durward .... 2516 Same 5891 Red Gauntlet 2517 Same 2518 Rob Roy 5892 St. Ronan’s Well .2520 Same 2521 Talisman, The . . 5893 Waverly 2522 Same 2523 Woodstock 2524 Same 2525 Scudder, II. E. Seven Little People 6256 Seaman, Owen Borrowed Plumes . . .6979 Sears, Hamblen None But the Brave 5894 Seawell, Molly Elliot Children of Destiny 2526 Fortunes of Fifi, The 843 House of Egremont, The 5895 Loves of Lady Arabella, The 5896 Maid Marian, and other Stories 2527 Midshipman Paulding .2528 Same .- 6257 Paul Jones 2529 Same ... 6258 Sprightly Romance of Marsac, The. . . .5897 Virginia Cavalier, A 6973 Sedgwick, Anne I). Rescue 5898 Sedgwick, M. Poor Rich Man and Rich Poor Man . . .3063 Seeley, C. S. Lost Canyon of the Toltecs, The 6259 Spanish Galleon, The .6260 Seely, Howard Border Leander, A 2833 Serao, Matilde Conquest of Rome, The 524 Seton, Ernest T. Monarch, the Big Bear of Tallac ■ • • • 1439 Sewell, Ivors Vol. I ^71 Vol. II 872 Sewell, Anna Black Beauty, the Autobiography of a . Horse b261 Black Beauty, His Groom and Com- panions 2828 Shackleton, Robert Many Waters, A Story of New York . .5899 Shaw, Adele M. Coast of Freedom , The 5900 Shaw, Bernard Man and Superman .... 704 Plays; Pleasant and Unpleasant Vol. 1.2481 Vol. 11.2482 Shaw, George B. Unsocial Socialist, An 5901 Sheehan, Rev. P. A. Luke Delmege 5902 My New Curate 5903 “Sheelah” Ballyshan Castle 2822 Sheldon, Charles M. In His Steps 2089 Same 3023 Robert Hardy’s Seven Days 5904 Shelley, M. W. Frankenstein 5905 Shelton, F. W. Rector of St. Bardolplis, The 873 Shelton, William Henry Last Three Soldiers, The 1300 Sheppard, Elizabeth Charles Auchester Vol. I 5900 Vol. II 5907 Sherlock, Charles R. Your Uncle Lew 5908 Sherwood. Margaret Henry Worthington, Idealist 5909 Sherwood, M. N. Sidonie 3103 Shirley, Penn Little Miss Weezy’s Sister 2997 Shorthouse, J. H. Blanche, Lady Falaise 2831 John Inglesant 2977 Same 5910 Sidney, Margaret Five Little Peppers Abroad 0205 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew 2917 Same 6267 Five Little Peppers Grown Up . . 0204 Five Little Peppers Midway 0203 Phronsie Pepper (5200 Stories Polly Pepper Told 0267 Sienkiewicz, Henryk Children of the Soil 1378 Deluge, The. Vol. I 2531 Same 5911 Vol. II 2532 Same .... 5912 Knights of the Cross, The, Vol. I .2475 Same 5913 Same Vol. II .2470 Same 5914 On the Field of Glory 1393 Pan Michael ... 2533 Same 5915 Quo Vadis? 1573 Same 5910 With Fire and Sword 2534 Same . . 5917 Without Dogma 2535 Yanko, the Musician 253(5 Same 2759 Simms, W. Gilmore Border Beagles 2540 Charlemont 2541 Confession; or the Blind Heart 2542 Eutaw 2543 Forayers, The 2544 Guy Rivers 2545 Katherine Walton 2510 Mellichampe .... 2547 Partisan, The .2548 Richard Hurdis 2549 Southward Ho! 2551 Vasconselos .... .2552 Wigwam and Cabin, The 2553 Woodcraft 2-' 54 Yemassee, The 2555 Sims, G. R. Mary Jane’s Memoirs .2537 Tales of To-day 2538 Sinclair, C. Modern Society 874 Sinclair, May Divine Fire, The 1300 Sinclair, Upton Jungle, The . . . , 1027 Same ...... 3804 Smith, F. Berkeley How Paris Amuses Itself 0935 Smith, F. Hopkinson At Close Range 1307 Caleb West, Master Diver 5918 Colonel Carter of Carters ville 2805 Same 5919 Other Fellow, The 5920 Tom Grogan 5921 Under Dog, The 0943 Smith, Gertrude Roggie and Reggie Stories, The 0208 Sousa, John Philip Fifth String, The 5923 Southworth, Mrs. Emma I). E. N. Ishmael . 1049 Souvestre, Emile Attic Philosopher in Paris An 5924 50 Spaulding-. Rev. John Stories of* the Ocean 1223 Spofford, Harriet P. Priscilla’s Love Story 5925 Steel, Mrs. Flora A. Flower of Forg-iveness, The 2550 From the Live Rivers 2557 >ame 2558 Hosts of the Lord, The .... 592(5 Miss Stuart’s Leg-acy . 2559 On the Face of the Waters . 5927 Red Rowans 5928 Voices in the Nig-ht 5929 Stephens, C. A. Fox Hunting 25(51 Left on Labrador 25(52 Off to the Geysers 25(54 On the Amazon 2565 Stephens, Robert N. Captain Ravenshaw 5932 Enemy to the King, An 5931 Gentlemen Player, A .5930' Philip Winwood 5933 Sterne, Lawrence Sentimental Journey, The 5934 Stevens, Mrs. A. S. Old Countess, The 2567 Old Homestead, The ..2568 Stevens, Sheppard Sword of Justice, The 5935 Stevenson, Burton E. Cadets of Gascony • . . . 1672 Stevenson, Robert Louis Across the Plains 1673 Black Arrow, The 5936 David Balfour 2573 Same .... 5937 Dynamiter, The 2575 Inland Voyage, An 2577 Same 2578 Kidnapped 2579 Same 5939 Master of Ballantrae, The 1676 Same 5940 Merry Men ; Dr. J ekyll and Mr. Hyde etcl752 New Arabian Nights .... 1826 Prince Otto 1890 Silverado Squatters, The 2580 St. Ives 5941 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The 5938 Treasure Island .2582 Same 5942 Wrecker, The 2583 Stevenson, R. L. and Osbourne, Lloyd Ebb Tide, The 2576 Stimson, F. J. (“J. S. of Dale” ) In the Three Zones, and other Stories .3122 King Noanett 5943 Sentimental Calendar, The 3099 Stockton, Frank R. Ardis Claverden 2584 Bicycle of Cathay, A ....... 5944 Burglars, The .7058 Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine, The .5945 Clocks of Rondaine, The., and other "Tories .... 6270 Fanciful Tales .... 2585 Great Stone of Sardis, The 1919 House of Martha, i he 2586 Jolly Fellowship, A 6269 Kate Bonnet 5946 Lady or • the Tiger, The., and other Stories .... 5947 Late Mrs. Null, The .... 5948 Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht 2030 Pomona’s Travels ....2587 Rudder Grange 1370 Same 5949 Rudder Grangers Abroad, The., and other '"Tories ... 5950 Squirrel Inn, The .2588 Watchmaker’s Wife, i he., and other stories .... .... 2590 What Might Have Been Expected 2591 Stoddard, William 0. Among the Lakes 2600 Battle of New York, The 2606 Crowded out o’ Croneld .... .2601 >ame 6271 Dab Kinzer 2602 Same 6272 Guert Ten Eyck 2604 Inside the White House in War Times 2611 Sane 2612 Little Smoke A "Tory of the Sioux) . . . .2605 Same . . . . 6273 On the Old Frontier 2607 Quartet, 'The (Sequel to 2602) 2608 Red Mustang, The 6274 Saltillo Boys 2609 Talking Leaves, "The. 'Indian Story).. 6275 Tom and the Money King 2610 Stoker, Brain Mystery of the Sea, The 2083 Stone, Mary E. Fair Plebeian, A 2911 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Agnes of Sorrento ... 2614 Dred 2615 Same Vol. I 875 Vol. II 876 ' Little Pussy Willow, etc 2134 Same 6276 May Flower and other Sketches 2617 Minister’s Wooing, The 2618 Same .5951 My Wife and l . 2619 Pearl of Orr’s Island, The 2620 Same 5952 Pink and White Tyranny 2621 Same 2622 Same 2623 Poganuc People ... 2624 Queer Little People . .... .6277 Sam Lawson’s Oldtown Fireside Stories2625 Uncle Tom’s Cabin .2626 We and Our Neighbors 5953 51 Streckfuss, Adolph Castle Hohenwald 2199 Streeter, John W. Fat of the Land, The .... . . 1373 Stuart, Ruth McE. Golden Wedding, A., etc 5954 Moriah’s Mourning, ete. 5955 Napoleon Jackson 6985 Sonny 5956 Sturgis, Julian John Maidment 2978 Sue, Eugene Mysteries of Paris, The Vol. 1 5957 Vol. II 5958 Wandering Jew, The Vol. 1 5959 Vol. II 5960 Svetla, Caroline Marie Felicia 5961 Sweet, Frank H. Rufe and Ruth 7210 Swift. Jonathan Gulliver’s Travels 1204 8ame 6278 Sylva, Carmen E-dleen Vaughan 3143 Tadema, Lawrence A. Wings of Icarus, The 2957 T almond, Thrace Hero Girl, The 2943 Tarkington Booth Gentleman from Indiana. 4' he 5963 In the Arena 1385 Monsieur Beaucaire 5962 Two Vanrevels, The 6976 Tautphoeus, Baroness At Odds 5964 Initials, The 5966 Quits 5965 Taylor, Bayard Hannah Thurston 5967 Taylor. Jelferys Young Islanders, The 1246 Taylor, Mary I. Anne Scarlett 5969 Cardinal’s Musketeer, The . . ... .5971 Cobbler of Nimes, T he 5972 Imperial Lover, An 5968 On the Red Staircase 5970 Thackeray, William M. ( M. A. Titmarshd Adventures of Philip, The 2627 Same 2628 Burlesques .2630 Henry Esmond, and Lovelthe Widower 5973 Miscellanies No. II 2634 Same No. Ill 2635 Same No.V 2637 Newcomes, The 2638 Same 5974 Pendennis .... 264< > Same 2641 Same 5975 Same Vol. I. Vol. II Vanity Fair ‘ Vol. 1 Vol. II Virginians, The same Same Works. Vol. I Vol. II. Vol. Ill Vol. IV Vol. V.. 878 879 2643 2569 2570 2644 2645 5976 2629 2631 2633 2642 3091 Thanet, Octave Adventure in Photography, An 2592 Heart of Toil, The (Stories) 5979 Slave to Duty, A., and Other Stories 5977 Stories of a Western Town . 5978 Same 7115 We All 2593 Thomas, W. M. Captain Phil 2846 Thompson, Annie Moral Dilemma, A 3017 Thompson, D. P. Green Mountain Boys 6279 Thompson, Emily Harker Family, The 2937 Thompson, J. Public and Private Life of Animals.. 3068 Thompson, Maurice Alice of old Vincennes 5981 Tallahassee Girl, A 59*0 Thoreau, Henry Cape Cod 2594 Early Spring in Massachusetts 2595 Excursions 2596 Maine Woods, The 2597 Walden ...2598 Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, A 2599 Throwbridge, Catherine M. Frown of Glory, A 7211 Forestville Sheaves 7212 Thruston, Lucy M. Girl of Virginia, A 5982 Thurston, Katherine C. Gambler, The 2277 Masquerader The . . . 1386 Same 2278 Tilton, Dwight On Satan’s Mount 6998 Timlow, Elizabeth Westyn Dorothy Dot 2177 Tissot, Victor., and Amero, Constant Exiles, The 2908 Tolstoi, (Aunt Alexis Prince Serebryani 2655 Tolstoi, Fount Lyof N. (Leo Tolstoy) Anna Karenina . . . 2646 Same 5983 Cossacks, The 2647 52 Family Happiness 2648 Invaders, The 2649 Life 2650 Long Exile, The., and other Stories . . 2651 My Confession 2652 My Religion 2653 Power and Liberty 2654 Resurrection 2445 Russian Proprietor, A 2656 Sevastopol 2657 Same 5984 War and Peace, Vols. I & II 2658 Same 5985 Vols. Ill & IV 2659 Same 5986 What is Religion? 5987 What to Do 2660 Tomlinson, Everett T. Elder Roise. 5988 In the Hands of the Redcoats ... 6280 Topelius, Zacharias Times of Alchemy 2661 Times of Battle and Pest 2662 Times of Charles XII. . 2663 Same 6281 Times of Frederick 1 2664 Times of Gustaf Adolf 2665 Same 6282 Times of Linnaeus 2666 J ack Hazzard 2687 Lawrence’s Adventures 2688 Three Scouts, The . . 5997 Tw t o Biddicut Boys 6284 Young Surveyor, I'he 7056 Trowbridge, William R. H. Jr. • Gossip of the Caribbees 2928 Turgenev, Ivan G. Fathers and Children 5998 House of Gentle Folk, The 2691 Mumu, and the Diary of a Superfluous Man 2690 On the Eve 5999 Rudin 2692 Virgin Soil Vol. I 2571 Vol, II . . .2572 Twain, Mark; and Warner, Charles D. Gilded Age, The 3256 ! Tynan, Katherine (Mrs. Hinkson) Daughter of the Fields, A 6000 Dear Irish Girl, The 6001 Handsome Brandons, The 6002 | “Uncle Philip.” Lost Greenland, The 1203 Whale Fisheries, Vol. 1 1240 Vol. II.. 1241 Valdes, A. Palacio Tourgee, Albion W. Appeal to Caesar, An 2667 Bricks Without Straw 2668 Same 2669 Fool’s Errand, A 2672 Same 5989 Hot Plowshares 2673 j John Eax 2670 j Murvale Eastman ..2674 Same . 5990 i Out of the Sunset Sea .2675 Joy of Captain Pibot, The 6003 Yandergrift, Margaret Queen’s Body-Guard, 4’ he 3071 Van Dyke, Henry Blue Flower, '1 he 6955 Fisherman’s Luck 6004 Puling Passion, The 6005 Van Sommer, E. By Uphill Paths 2813 Lionel Franklin’s Victory 2994 Townsend, Edward W. Days Like These 5991 Tracy, Louis American Emperor, An 2160 Final War, The . 2478 Lost Provinces, The . .2491 Travis, Elma A. Pang-Yanger, The 2495 Trollope, Anthony American Senator, The 2677 Dr. Thorne 2679 Grandfather’s (’hair 2680 Miss Mackenzie 2681 Phineas Finn 2682 Small House at Allington, The 880 Vol. 1 5992 Vol. II 5993 Vol. Ill 5994 Vicar of Bullhampton, The 2683 Warden, The 5995 Trowbridge, J. T. Verne, Jules Among the Cannibals 2693 At the North Pole 2691 Same 2695 Castle of the Carpathians, 4 he. . . . 2697 Desert of Ice, 4 lie 2698 Five Weeks in a Balloon 2699 Same 2700 Same 2701 From the Earth to the Moon 2530 Ice Desert, 1 he (Different 4'ranslation of 2698) 2702 Journey to the Centre of the Earth, A 2550 Life in a Whaler 2703 Michael Strogoff 2560 Mysterious Island, The 2563 Special Correspondent, The 2706 Steam House, The 2566 Twenty 4 housand Leagues Under the Sea 2707 Underground City 2574 Wreck of the Chancellor, 4'he 2708 Same 3131 Chance for Himself, A 7055 Cudjo’s Cave 5996 Doing His Best 2685 Fast Friends 2686 His Own Master 6283 Vernon, S. M. Lux Vitae 7213 Veysey, Henry Arthur Pedigree in Pawn, A 2589 Two White Elephants, The 2603 Viele, Herman K. Last of the Knickerbockers, The. . . . 6006 Myra of the Pines 6007 Von Glumer, Claire Noble Name, A 3032 Von Suttner, Baroness Bertha Ground Arms 2935 Same 6008 Voynich, E. L. Gadfly, The 6009 Wagner, Charles Youth 1250 Walford, L. B. Intruders, The 0010 Troublesome Daughters 6011 Waliszewski^ K. Marysienka 2613 Wallace, Dillon Lure of the Labrador Wild, The 1391 Wallace, General Lew Ben-Hur 2704 Same 2709 Same 6012 Fair God, The .... 2710 Same 2714 Prince of India, The Vol. I 6013 Same Vol. IT 2712 Same 6014 Warboise, E. Jane Lillingstones of Lillingstone, The Ward. Mrs. Humphry Eleanor Helbeck of Bannisdale History of David Grieve, The >ame Same Same Lady Rose’s Daughter Marcella. Vol. I Same Vol. II Marriage of William Ashe, The Robert Elsmere Westmoreland Warden, Florence Doris’s Fortune Ware, William Zenobia 2993 . .6015 . . 6016 .2713 . 2715 . 6017 . 6.018 , 6948 . 2716 . 2717 . 1388 6019 . 2718 2892 Warrnan, Cy Last Spike, The., and other Railroad Stories 2840 Story of the Railroad, The 6420 Snow on the Headlight 6021 White Mail, The 6022 Warner, Charles D. As We Go 2719 As We Were Saying .... 2720 Being a Boy 62»5 In the Wilderness .2721 Little Journey in the World, A 6023 My Summer in a Garden 2722 My Winter on the Nile 2723 Fortune ... 6024 53 Warner, Misses (“Elizabeth Wetherell”) Daisy 2728 Daisy Plains . 6039 Hills of the Shatemuc, The 2730 Same 7040 My Brother’s Keeper ... 2731 Queechy 2732 Same 6040 Say and Seal 7039 Same Vol. II 2734 Wide, Wide World, The . 2889 Same 6041 Wych Hazel 6025 Warren, Samuel Diary of a Physician. Vol. I 2724 Vol. II 2725 Vol. Ill 2726 Ten Thousand a Year 2727 Same Vol,l 6026 Same Vol. II .... 6027 Watanna, Onoto Daughters of Nijo 2931 Waterloo, Stanley Story of Ab The 6028 ! Watson, Augusta C. Dorothy the Puritan 2893 Watson, H. B. Marriot Princess Xenia . . 6029 Watson. Rev. John (“Ian Maclaren.”) Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush 6030 Days of Old Lang Syne, The 6032 Kate Carnegie 6031 | Watts, Dunton T. Aylwin 6033 Weaver. Emily Prince Rupert’s Namesake 7214 Rainproof Invention, The 7215 ! Webster, Henry K. Traitor and Loyalist 1397 Wells, Carolyn Patty Fairfield 6034 Wells, David D. Her Ladyship’s -Elephant 6035 Wells, H. G. First Men iii the Moon, The 6036 Food of the Gods, The 2940 Invisible Man, The ... 6037 When the Sleeper Wakes 2948 War of the Worlds 2961 Westcott, Edward N. David Harum 6038 Wetmore, Claude H. Incaland 2933 Same 6793 j Weyman, Stanley J. Abbess of Vlaye, The • 2936 Castle Inn, The 6042 Count Hannibal 6043 Gentleman of France, A 2962 Same .... 6044 House of the Wolf, The .... . . 2736 Man in Black, The 2737 ' My Lady Rotha 2738 54 Red Cockade, The 6045 Sophia 6046 Under the Red Robe 2739 Same 6047 Wharton, Edith Greater Inclination, The 6048 House of Mirth, The 2966 Touchstone, The 6049 Valley of Decision, The. Vol. 1 6050 Same Vol, II 6051 Whitby, Beatrice Matter of Skill, A 3011 White, Eliza O. Lover of Truth, A 6052 White, Stewart E. Blazed Trail, The 6054 Conjuror’s House 6957 Westerners, The 6956 White, William A. Court of Boyville, The 6053 W hitehouse, Florence B. God of Thing's, The 6055 W’hiteing, Richard No. 5 John Street 6056 Yellow Van, The 2972 Whitlock, Brand 13th District, The 6057 W h itney , M r s . A . . D . T . Boys of Chequasset 2740 Faith Gartney’s Girlhood 2741 Gayworthys, The 2742 Golden Gossip, A 2743 Other Girls, The 2745 Same 6286 Patience Strong’s Outings 2746 Real Folks 2747 Same 6287 Sights and Insights. Vol. 1 2748 Same Vol. II 2749 Summer in Leslie fRridthwaite’s Life — A 2744 Whyte-Melville, S. J. Gladiators, The 5752 Kate Coventry .5750 Sarchedon 5751 Wichert, Ernst Green Gate, The 2980 Wickham, Martha Sea-Spray 2197 Wiggin, Kate D. Cathedral Courtship, A 2847 Same 2848 Same 6058 Diary of a Goose Girl, The 6289 Polly Oliver’s Problem 1218 Same 2735 Story of Patsy 6288 Timothy’s Qufest 6290 Same . . 629 1 Wiglittle, Judge A. Ten Years a Police Court Judge 3115 Wilberforce, Samuel Little Wanderers 1211 Wilkins’ Mary E. Humble Romance, A., arid other Stories / 2750 Same 6059 Jane Field 2751 New England Nun, A., and other Stories 5752 Same 6060 Pembroke 2753 Portion of Labor, The 6061 Young Lucretia, and other Stories. . . .2755 Wilkinson, Florence Strength of the Hills, The 6062 Willbrand, C. Mr. Frederick East’s Experiences in Mr. Bellamy’s World 3019 W illiams, Churchill Captain, The 6949 Williams, Jesse L. Adventures of a Freshman, The 6292 Stolen Story, The., and other News- paper Stories 6063 Williamson, C. N., and A. M Lightning Conductor, The 2992 Willis, N. P. Out-Doors at Idlewild .2756 Wilson, Anna May Star in Prison, A 3057- Wilson, Augusta E. At the Mercy of Tiberius 2758 Infelice • 2760 Macaria 2762 Speckled Bird, A 6950 Vashti 2763 Wilson, Harry Leon Lions of the Lord, The 3168 Spenders, The . ■ .3169 Same 6975 Wilson, Prof. John (Christopher North) Noctes Ambrosianae .. 3033 Wilson, Rev. T. P. 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Armourer’s Prentices, The 2773 Beechcroft at Rockstone 2774 Caged Lion, The .. .2775 Chantry House 2776 Chaplet of Pearls, The . 2777 Clever Woman of the Family, The 2778 Daisy Chain, The ' 2779 Dove in the Eagle’s Nest, The 2781 Same .... 6072 Dynevor Terrace 2782 Heartsease . . 2783 Same 6073 Heir of Redclyffe, The . . .2784 Hopes and Fears 2785 Lady Hester, and the Danvers Papers 2786 Love and Life .... . 2787 Magnum Bonum ... .2788 Modern Telemachus, A 2789 My Young Alckles 2790 Nuttie’s Father 2791 Pillars of the Mouse, The. 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Fairbanks History of Massachusetts Vol.I. “Uncle Philip” 665 Same Vol. II 666 History of New Hampshire. Vol. I. “Uncle Philip.” 672 Same Vol. II . . 673 609 5134 >092 3135 610 611 3459 3450 3461 0)59 3463 History of New Jersey, The. Vol. I — Raum 3465 Same Vol. II 3466 History of New York, A. ^Vol. I. Dun- lap 675 go 676 A. 604 605 Same Vol. II . History of the American People Vol. I. Gilman Same Vol. II • , History of the American People, A.- Vol. I. Wilson 6923 Vol. IL 6924 Vol. Ill 6925 Vol. IV 6926 Vol . V 6927 History of the Expedition of Lewis and Clark Vol. 1. Cones 4891 Vol. II 4892 Vol. Ill 4893 Vol. IV 4894 History of the Louisania Purchase, The— Hosmer 5097 History of the People of the U. S.— Vol. 1. McMaster 7028 Vol. II 650 Same 7029 Vol. Ill 651 Same 7030 Vol. IV 7031 History of the U. S., A. Fiske 5094 History of the U. S. Vol. I. Garner- and Lodge 3467 Same Vol. II Vol. Ill Vol. 1 V History of the U s. Vol. 1. 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Anderson . .3358 Story of Extinct Civilizations of the West, The. Anderson 3359 Story of Greece, The. Harrison ..92i Story of Media, Babylon and Persia, The— Ragozin 924 Story of Parthia, The. Rawlinson 926 Story of Persia, The. Benjamin 927 Story of Phoenicia, i he. Rawlinson 928 Story of Rome, The. Gilman 932 8tory of the Byzantine Empire, The.— Oman 910 Story of the Jews, The. Hosmer 923 True Stories from Ancient History. Strick- land 5144 Young Folks’ History of Greece. Yonge 5110 EMPIRE. Beauties of English History. Frost .... 979 Child’s History of Canada, A. Mc.Il- wraith 5128 62 Child’s History of England, A. Dick- ens 941 Same 942 Same 943 Same 5113 Same ....... 7072 Constitutional History of England, The — Hallam f ... ... 998 Same 999 Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Penin- sular War, and Waterloo Cam- paign. Tomkinson 6848 Early Britain. Church 1092 Early Plantagenets, The. 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Vol. 1 — Kinglake 53 Same .7089 Vol. II 55 Same 1 165 Same 7090 Vol. HI 61 Same 1 166 Vol. IV 65 Same — 1167 Vol. V 66 Vol. AT ... .. 68 Ireland, Revolutionary History and Liter- ature. Savage 1045 Ireland Under Coercion. Hurlburt 1046 Pictures from English History. Bishop- ( Edited by) . . 980 Popular History of England. A. Vol. I — Knight 944 Same Vol. II 945 A'ol. Ill 946 A'ol. IV 947 A'ol. V 948 A'ol. AT 949 A'ol. ATI 950 A’ol. ATI 1 951 Present Case of 1 reland Plainly Stated,— The. Cusack 1044 Headings from English History. t Green : (Edited by) 981 Rise of the British Dominion of Canada, The. Lyall ^ • 939 School History of England, A. Ander- son 952 Short History of England for Young People, A. Kirkland 5114 Siege of Lucknow, The. Inglis 1112 Story oflreland, The. Lawless 1047 Story of Scotland, The. Mackintosh ...1127 War in the Crimea, The. Hamley 1168 DENMARK, SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Denmark, Sweden and Norway Vol. I — Crichton and Wheaton 1098 Same Vol. II 1099 Story of Norway, The. Boyesen 1118 Sweden, and the Swedes. Thomas 1082 FRANCE. Beauties of French History. Frost 1009 Campaign in Russia, The. Labaume 1000 Campaign of Waterloo, The. Ropes . . 1024 Child’s History of France, A. Bonner. .5115 Eve of the French Revolution, The. Lowell. . French People, The. Hassall .1010 . 1005 03 French Revolution, The. Vol. I — Carlyle 1016 Same Vol. II 1017 French Revolution, The. Morris 1018 French Revolution, The. Vol. I Von— Holst 1019 Same Vol. II ...1020 French War and the Revolution, The. — Sloan 1011 History of Charlemagne, The. James.. 1001 History of France, The. Vol. I Crowe. 1004 Vol. II 1005 Vol. HI ...1006 History of France, The. Vol. I Guizot. 3486 Vol. II 3487 Vol. Ill 3488 Vol. IV 3489 Vol. V 3490 Vol. VI 3491 Vol. VII 3492 Vol. VI 11 .....3493 History of the Expedition to Russia — Vol. I Segur 1002 Vol. II 1003 Huguenots in France, The. Smiles .... 1007 Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, The. — Vol. I Mahan 1021 Vol. II .. ..... .1022 Napoleon and the Russian Campaign — Tolstoi 1012 Old Regime and the Revolution, The — De Tocqueville 1023 Pasquier’s Memoirs; The Revolution, The Consulate, The Empire Vol. I Due Pasquier .... 1013 Same Vol. II 1014 Vol. Ill 1015 Pictorial History of France, A. Goodrich 4999 Reminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves — Anon 6850 Short History of France for Young Peo- ple, A. Kirkland 5117 Short History of the French Revolution, A. Farmer 5116 Story of Chartres, The. Headlam 6757 Story of Mediaeval France, The. Masson 1008 GERMANY. Charles the Fifth Vol. I. Robertson . . .1025 Vol. II 1026 Vol. Ill 1027 Vol. IV . 1028 Franco-German War, The. Von Moltkel029 German Empire of To-day, The. “ Veri- tas” 5119 History of Germany. Kroeker 5118 History of Germany. Taylor ... ....1030 History of Germany for Young Folks — Yonge 5120 Thirty Years’ War, The. Gardiner ...1034 Story of Germany, The. Baring-Gould 1031 Story of the Hansa Towns, The. Zim- mern 1032 HOLLAND. Brave Little Holland. Griffis 5121 Days of Prince Maurice, The. Nutting .7227 Puritans in Holland, The. Vol. I Camp- bell 1036 bame Vol. II 1037 Story of Holland, The. Rogers 1035 ITALY. Italy and the Italian Islands Vol. I— Spaulding . . 1049 Same \ r ol. 1 1 1050 Vol. ill 1051 Old Home and New Italy. Castelar 1048 Short Story of Italy, A. Kirkland. . . . 5122 Sketches from Venetian History Vol. I— Anon 1137 Same Vol. II 1138 Story of Sicily, The. Freeman . i052 Story of the Tuscan Republics, The. — Duffy .1053 Story of Venice, The. Wiel 1054 JAPAN AND CHINA. Awakening of Japan, The. Kakuzo 52 China and the Chinese Vol. 1. Davis 1095 Vol. 11 1091'. Japan and Her People Vol. 1. Harts- horne 6920 Same Vol. II 0*>2l Japan, As It Was and Is. Hildreth . 1055 Japan in History, Folk-Lore and Art— Griffis 5123 Japonica (Japan Illustrated). Arnold .1056 Same 7027 Story of Japan, The. Murray 1057 With Kuroki in Manchuria. Palmer .. 09 MEXICO. Aztecs, The. Biart 49 Conquest of Mexico, The Vol. II. Pres- cott 1060 Same Vol. 1 1 1 1001 Conquest of Mexico, The. Seelye aiul Eggleston 1062 Old Mexico and Her Lost Provinces. — Bishop . . . . . 1064 Story of Mexico, The. Hale 1058 Young Folks’ History of Mexico. Ober .1003 64 RUSSIA. Empire of the Tsars and Russians, The- Leroy-Beaulieu 1169 Greater Russia. Wirt 6916 Russia (Contemporary Hist) Von Schier- brand ... 75 Russian Empire, The. Geddie 1171 Story of Russia, The. Morfill 1170 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Child’s History of Spain, A. Bonner . . .5124 Ferdinand and Isabella Vol. I. Prescottl066 Vol. II 1067 Vol. Ill 1068 History of Spain and Portugal. Vol. I — Anon 1073 Same Vol. II.. 1074 Vol. III. 1075 Vol. IV. 1076 Vol. V. . 1077 History of Spain for Young Readers.— Ober 5125 Moors in Spain, The. Lane-Poole 1080 Moors of Spain The. Florian 1069 Philip the Second. Vol. I. Prescott — 1070 Vol. II 1071 Vol. Ill 1072 Recovery of Spain, The. Watts 1079 Spaniards and Their Country, The — Ford 1078 Spanish People, The. Hume 7001 Story of Portugal, The. Stephens ..1065 Story of Spain, The. Hale, E. E. & S. .1081 SWITZERLAND. History of Switzerland. Mackenzie 1083 Story of Switzerland, The. Hug and Stead 1084 OTHER COUNTRIES. Barbary States. Russell 1089 Boer Fight for Freedom, The. Davitt. .5127 Conquest of Peru, The. Vol. 1. Prescott 1121 Vol. II 1122 Dark Days in Chile. Hervey 1094 Europe During the Middle Ages. Vol. I— Hall am ...1100 Same Vol. II . .1101 History of India. Fendge 1108 History of Persia, The. Fraser 1120 History of Poland. Fletcher 1124 History of South America, The. Jones — (Translated by) 3483 New South Africa, The. Bleloch 5126 Nubia and Abyssinia. Russell 925 Philippine Islands and Their People, The— a .".IH Polynesia. Russell 1125 Story of Australasia, 'The. Tregarthen 1087 Story of Hungary, The. Vambery 1107 Same 3484 Story of New Zealand, The, Parsons. 3494 Story of Poland, The. Morfill .V . . 1 123 Story of South Africa, The. Theal 1086 Story of the Barbary Cjrsairs, The. — Lane-Poole 1088 Story of Goths, The. Bradley 1103 Story of the Saracens, The. Gilman .1126 Story of Turkey, The. Lane-Poole. . . . 1130 West Indies, The. Fiske 3495 MISCELLANEOUS. America, Asia and the Pacific. Von — Schierbrand 79 Armies of To-day, The. Ropes 3868 Beginning of the Middle Ages, The— Church 1114 Chicago and the Great Conflagration. — Colbert and Chamberlain 3961 Children’s Stories in American History — Wright 5104 Elements of History. Worcester 1106 i Expansion of the American People, The — Sparks .... . 5143 Fifteen Decisive Hatties. Creasy 3496 Great Conflagration, The. (Chicago) — Sheehan 6847 Great Events by Famous Historians.— - 1 son (Edited by.) — Vol. I B. C. 5867 to B. C. 451 3795 Vol. II B. C. 450 to 12 A. D 3836 Vol. Ill 13 A. D. to 409 A. D. . . 3837 ! Vol. IV 410 A. D. to 842 A. I).. . . 3816! Vol. V 843 A. D. to 1161 A. 1) 3851 j Vol. VI 1162 A. I). to 1300 A. D. . .3858 Vol. VII. 1301 A. D. to 1438 A. D..3860 Vol. VIII. 1438 A. D. to 1516 A. I) 3862 Vol. IX. 1517 A. D. to 1557 A. I). .3763 Vol. X. 15' 8 A. D. to 1608 A. D. . 3*07 Vol. XI. 1009 A. D. to 1660 A. I). .3879 Vol. XII. 1061 A. D. to 1715 A. D 3889 Vol. XIII. 1716 A. H. to 1775 A. I) 3896 Vol. XIV. 1775 A. D. to 179 > A. D.3899 Vol. XV. 1*00 A. I), to 1815 A. I).. 3901 Vol. XVI. 1816 A. D. to 1844 A. D.3910 Vol. XVII 1844 A. D. to 1861 A. D.3940 Vol, XV HI. 1861 A. D. to 1872 A. D3957 Vol. XrX. 1873 A. D. to 1905 A. D.3967 Vol. XX. Index 3977 Great Events of History. Collier 7077 Historians’ History of the World, The— Williams. (Edited by) Vol. I. Pro- legomena, Egypt and Mesopotamia3394 Vol. II. Isiael, India, Persia, Phoeni- cia, and Minor Nations of Western Asia 3485 Vol. III. Greece to the Peloponne- sianWar 3464 65 Vol. IV. Greece to the Roman Conquest 3471 Yol. V. Roman Republic, The 3633 Vol. VI Early Roman Empire, The. 3668 Vol. VII Later Roman Empire, The .3669 Vol. VIII Parthians, Sassanids, and Arabs; the Crusades and the Papacy .3386 Vol. IX Italy 3550 Vol. X Spain and Portugal 3736 Vol. XI France 843-1715 A. D. .. .3440 Vol. XII France 1715-1815 3450 Vol. XIII France 1815 — 1904., and the Netherlands 345$ Vol. XIV Netherlands, The. (conclud- ed) . Germanic Empires, The. 3455 Vol. XV Germanic Empires, The. — (concluded) 3458 Vol. XVI Scandinavia. Switzerland — to 1715 3731 Yol. XVII Switzerland, (concluded) Rus- sia and Poland . . 3744 Yol. XVIII England to. 1485 3415 Vol. XIX England from 1485 to 1642 . 3418 Vol. XX England from 1642 to 1791 . 3422 Vol. XXI England since 1792. Scotland and Ireland 3429 Vol. XXII British Colonies, Tl?e. United States, The. (Early Colonial Times i . ...... . . .3393 Vol. XXII I United States, The. Spanish America . . 3786 Vol. XXIV Poland, the Balkans, Turkey, Minor Eastern States, China and Japan . , 3785 Vol. XXV Index .. .3381 Historical and Miscellaneous Questions. — Chambers History for Boys. Edgar History of the Sea. Anon 6713 History of the Standard Oil Co. Vol. I Tarbell 3260 Same Vol. II 3261 Indian Traits. Vol. I Thatcher 1109 Vol. II 1U0 Influence of Sea Power Upon History, The. 1660-1783. Mahan 1111 Intellectual Development of Europe, — The. Vol. I Draper 7015 Vol. II 7016 Madagascar and France. Shaw 7228 Merchant Enterprise. Fife 1113 Modern History. Michelet 1115 Mormons in Europe, The. Johnson — 1117 Mormons, The. Jewett 1116 Real Hawaii, The. Young 2886 j Story of Chicago, The. Kirkland 1093 i Story of Geographical Discovery, The — Jacobs 3361 j Strange Stories from History. Egglestonll28 Studies in History. Lodge 1129 Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now. Andrews 5130 ; Ten Great Events in History. Johnnot 5141 Thirty Years Among the Indian Tribes, on the American Frontiers. School- craft .. .3498 Stories from Modern History. — Strickland 5145 and His Lost Provinces, The. — Curtis 6919 Twenty Years of Congress. Vol. I Blaine 6908 Vol.'ll 6909 Uncle Sam Trustee. (Cuba). Bangs 5131 Universal Historv. Vol. I Tytler and True Turk by Year. Vol. I Emerson . . . Vol. II 44 Vol. Ill 45 . 1105 Nares ;U 1131 1091 Same Vol. II 1132 .1097 Vol. Ill 1133 'he - Vol. IV . . .. 1134 3497 Yd V . .1135 Year Vol. VI .... 1136 . 43 Universal History. Willard 6849 World’s Columbian Exposition, The— Cameron 1139 LAW (These hooks mat/ he obtained only on special order.) Business Law. Meed 3500 Church on Habeas Corpus 6904 Clark on Contracts 3501 Clark on Criminal Law 3502 Compiled Statutes of the U. S. Vol. I (1901). Mallory (Comp, by) 3503 Same Vol. II 3504 Vol. Ill 3505 Same (Supplement, 1905) 3506 Constitutional Jurisprudence. Duer. . . .1252 Constitutional Text-Book. Sheppard . . . 1253 Constitution of the U. S. Story .... 1251 Davis on Military Law of the U. S 3507 Digest of the Opinions of the Judge Ad- vocate General, A. Winthrop . . . .2894 Glenn’s International Law 6905 Government Class Book, 1 ' lie . Young . 1254 Greenleaf on Evidence. Vol. I 6899 Same Yol. II 6900 Vol. Ill (5901 ; Hale on Bailments and Carriers 3508 | Hale on Damages 3509 i Hale on Torts ^ . . .3510 Hopkins on Real Property 3511 International Law. Levi .1255 Law of Arrest, The Hawley . 6907 Military Government and Martial Law— Birkhimer 3904 Military Law and Courts-Martial. Benet 3905 Norton on Bills and Notes 3512 Smith’s Elementary Law 6906 Thompson on Trials. Vol. I 6902 Same Vol. II 6903 Tiffany on Persons and Domestic Rela- tions ... . 3513 Winthrop on Military Law. (Abridge- ment) ... . ... .3866 Winthrop on Military Law and Preced- ents. Vol. L . 3514 same Yol. 11 3515 66 LETTERS Father Damien. Stevenson 7000 Few of Hamilton’s Letters, A. Ather- ton. (Edited by) 6987 Letters from a Portuguese Nun. Bow- les. (Translated by) 3516 Letters from Italy. Headley 1259 Letters of a Diplomat’s Wife. Wadding- ton 6936 Letters of James R. Lowell. Vol. I. Nor- ton. (Edited by) 1262 Same Vol. II 1263 Letters of Travel. Brooks 1257 Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft — Scott . . . 1258 Letters on the Habits, Manners and Cus- toms of the North American In- dians. Catlin 3517 Letters to a Daughter. Starrett 5082 Letters to a Mother on Froebel’s Philos- ophy. Blow 29 Letters to His Son. Lord Chesterfield. .2902 Letters to Various Persons, etc. Tho- reau 1265 Search-Light Letters. Grant .... 1502 Sherman Letters, The. Thorndyke 1264 MAGAZINES American Journal of Philology. Odd Nos., 1880 3175 American Magazine, The Jan., -June, 1906 3811 Arena, The April-May, 1892 6298 Jan., -April, 1894 6299 July- Aug. , 1 894 6300 June-July, 1895 6301 Booklovers Magazine, The July-Dee., 1903 1887 Chatauquan, The Oct. , ’85- July , ’86 6302 Oct., ’89- March, ’90 6303 April-Sep., 1890 6304 Oct., ’90-March, ’91 6305 Same . 6306 Oct., ’91-March,’92 6307 April-Sep., 1892 6308 July-Nov. , 1892 6309 Companion, The (I. O. O. F. Magazine.) Aug., ’69- Jan., ’70 3304 Feb., -July, 1870 3305 Continent, The Oct., -Dec., 1882 6310 Jan., -March, 1883 6311 Jan., -June, 1883 6312 Same 6313 1 July-Sept., 1883 63141 July-Dee., 1883 . .6315 Same 6316 j Same 6317 i Sept., -Dec., 1883 . 3312 I Nos., 14-25 6318 | Same . . 6319 j Nos., 10-22, 1884 6320 Cosmopolitan, The Mareh-Aug., 1886 6321 j Sept., ’86-Feb., ’87 6322 ! March- A ug. , 1887 6323 j Sept., ’87- Feb., ’88 .6324 j Mareh-Oct., 1888 6325 j Nov., ’88- April, ’89 6326 May-Oet., 1889 6327 ! Same .... 6328 Nov., ’89- April, ’90 6329 i May-Oet., 1890 6330 Same 6331 Same 6332 Nov., ’90- April, ’91 6333 Same 6334 May-Oet., 1891 6335 May-Oct., 1892 3326 Nov., ’92- April, ’93 6336 May-Oct., 1893 6337 Same.... 6338 Nov., ’93-April, ’94 6339 Same 6340 Same 6341 Nov., ’93-April, ’94 6342 Same 6343 Same . 6344 May-Oct., 1894 6345 Same 6346 Same 6347 Same ... 6348 Nov., ’94- April, ’95 6349 Same 6350 Same 6351 Same 6352 May-Oct., 1895 6353 Same .6354 Same 6355 Nov., ’95- April, ’96 6356 May-Oct., 1896 6357 Nov., ’96- April, ’97 .*.... .6358 Same 6359 Same 6360 May-Oct., 1897 . . 6361 Same . . 6362 Same . . .6363 Same .... 6364 Nov., ’97- April, ’98 6365 Same 6366 Same 6367 Same 6368 May-Oct., 1898 6369 Same 6370 Nov., ’98- April, ’99 6371 May-Oet., 1899 6372 Same .... 6373 Nov.. ’99-ApriI, ’00 6374 Odd Nos., 18*8, ’89, ’91 3327 Same 1896 3324 Same 3325 Cottage Hearth, The Feb., ’89-Dec., ’90 6375 67 Craftsman, The April-Sept., 1903 Forum, The April- July, 1890 Sept., -Dee., 1895 Frank Leslie’s Sunday Magazine July-Dee., 1882 Jan., -June, 1883 July-Dee., 1883 Good Form June-November, 1892 Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Dee, ’72-May ’73 Aug. -Dee., 1873 Sept. ’74- Jan., ’75 April-Aug., 1870 Sept. ’70-Jan., ’77 Home World, The Odd Nos., 1884- ’88 Independent, The Nov. , -Dee. , 1899 . . Jan., -Feb., 1900 Ladies’ Repository, The M areh-Dec. , 1 858 Laws of Life, The Jan., -Dee., 1885 Lippineott’s Magazine Jan., -June, 1881 Same July-Dee., 1881 Jan., -June, 1882 Sept,, ’82-Feb., ’83 Odd Nos., 1887- ’88 Same 1891 -’92 Littell’s Living Age Vol. 78, 1803 Yol. 79, 1803 Vol. 81, 1804 Vol. 102, 1809 Vol. 103, 1809 Vol. 104, 1870 Vol. 105, 1870 Vol. 100, 1870 Vol. 125, 1875 Vol. 127, 1875 Vol. 130, 1876 Yol. 131. 1870 Vol. 132, 1877 Same Vol. 134, 1877 Vol. 135, 1877 Vol. 136, 1878 .... Vol. 138, 1878 Vol. 139, 1878 Vol. 140, 1879 Vol. 157, 1883 Vol. 158, 1883 7230 6376 6377 6379 6380 6381 6499 . 6382 .6383 .6384 3462 .6385 3482 6386 6387 ... .6388 .... 6389 0390 .6391 6392 0393 6394 3548 3547 6395 0396 0397 .0398 .0399 .6400 .6401 .6402 .6403 .6404 .6405 .0406 . 6407 .6408 0409 .0410 .6411 .6412 .6413 .6414 .6415 .0416 M cClure’s M agazine Dee,, ’95-May ’96 6417 ! June-Oet., 1890 6418! Same 6419 1 Nov., ’96-April, ’97 6420 | May-Oet., 1897 6421 Nov., ’97-April, ’98 0422 Same 6423 May-Oct., 1898 Nov., ’98- April, ’99 Same May-Oct Methodist Quarterly Review Jan., -Dee., 1862 Munsey’s Magazine Oct., ’94-March, ’95 April-Sept., 1895 Same Oct., ’95-March, ’90 Same April-Sept., 1896 Oct., ’96-March, ’97 Same Same Same April-Sept., 1897 Same Same Same Same Oct., ’97-March, ’98. Same Oct., ’98- March, ’99 April-Sept., 1899 Oct., ’99-March, ’00 National Repository Jan., -June, 1877 July-Dee., 1877 New England Magazine Jan., -June, 1892 Mareh-Aug., 1893 Sept., ’93-Feb., ’94 March- Aug., 1893 North American Review, The Jan., -April, 1889 July- Aug., 1890 Sept., -Oct., 1890 May- Aug., 1891 Jan., -April, 1895 May- Aug., 1895 Sept., -Dec., 1895 May- Aug., 1897 Sept., -Dec., 1897 Jan., -April, 1898 Sept., -Dec., 1898 Outing Feb., -June, 1895 Outlook, The Sept., -Nov., 1901 Review of Reviews Vol. IV. 1892 Vol. V. 1892 Same Vol. VII. 1893 Vol. VIII. 1893 Vol. IX. 1*94 Same Same Vol. X 1894 .... Same Same . . ... Vol. XI. 1895... Same Same Same 6424 6425 6426 6427 3674 .6428 .6429 . .6430 . .6431 .6432 . .6433 .6434 .6435 .6436 .6437 .6438 .6439 .6440 .6441 .6442 .6443 .6444 .6445 .6447 .6448 .6449 .6450 6451 .6452 6453 6454 .6455 . 6456 6457 .6458 .6459 .6460 .6461 .6462 .6463 .6464 6465 6466 . 6467 .6468 .6469 .6470 6471 .6472 .6473 .6474 . 6475 .6476 .6477 .6478 .6479 .6480 .6481 .6482 Vol. XII. 1895 6483 Vol. XIII. 1896 6484 Vol. XIV. 1896- ’97 6485 Vol. XV. 1897 6486 Vol. XVIII. 1898 6487 Vol. XIX. 1899 6488 Vol. XX. 1899 6489 Scribner’s Monthly May-Oct., 1873 6490 Nov., ’73-April ’74 6491 Odd Nos., 1876 6492 St. Nicholas May-Oct., 1898 6493 Typewriter and Phonographic World. The Sept., ’99-Aug.,’00 1868 Dec., ’00-Feb., ’01 1870 Odd Nos., 1901-’02 1877 Same 1886 Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engineering Magazine Jan., -June, 1872 6494 July-Dee,. 1872 .6495 May-Oct., 1873 6496 Jan., -June, 1874 6497 July-Dee., 1874 6498 Voice of Masonry Jan., -Dec., 1879 3839 Jan., -Dec., 1880 3840 ; Therapeutic Gazette, New Preparations, and the Detroit Lancet. Odd Nos. .3838 MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Amateur Mechanic’s Work Shop, The — Anon 6513 American Boy’s Handy Book, The — Beard ...1183 Same 3852 Same . . .6501 American Engineers and Surveyors In- struments. Gurley 536 Amongst Machines. Lukin 3850 Boy Engineers, The. Lukin 6509 Boy’s Book of Inventions. Baker .6500 Boy’s Workshop, A. Anon 6504 Canoe and Boat Building. Stephens. . . .6512 Electrical Instrument Making. Burton . 3854 Electric Magnets. Du Mpncel 3853 Electric Toy Making. Sloan 6511 Elementary Treatise of Mechanics.— Smith 3859 History of the Growth of the Steam En- gine. Thurston 3065 Sahie • • • • 3865 Hydraulic and Water Supply Engineer- ing. Fanning 3857 Jack-of-all-Trades. Beard .6502 Modern Steam Engine, The. Rose — .3861 New Catechism of the Steam Engine.— Hawkins 3518 Popular Technology. Vol. II. Hagen... 3864 Steam Power Plants. Meyer. .2220 Story of Rapid Transit, The 4102 Wonders of Glass Making. Sanzay . . 3855 Young Mechanic, The. Lukin 3519 Same 6510 MILITARY Army Register, 1883 3880 Same 1894 3877 Same 1901 6515 Army Register of the U. S. Army for 100 Years. (1779-1879) Hamersly 3891 Army Regulations, 1863 3892 Same 18x3.... . .3893 j As Seen from the Ranks. (Civil War) — Benton ; .3520 t Hygiene of the LJ. S. Army. (Report War Department) 3936 Journal of the Military Service Institu- tion. 1891 .... 3907 Military Miscellanies. Fry ...3906 Notes for Preparing Stores for the U. S. Army. Kilburn ...3909 ( )perations of International Congress of Engineers. 1894 . .3902 Record of Living Officers of the IT. S.— Army. 1884. Hamersly 3916 Service of Security and Information — The. Wagner . .3919 Sketches of Army Life in Russia. Greene 3873 United Service. "Vol. IX. 1883 3922 Vols. X-XI. 1884. Part I 3923 Vols, X-XI. 18*4. Part II 3924 Vols. X-XI. 1884. Part III 3925 Same Odd Nos • . . . 3928 Same 3929 Same . ...... 3930 Same 3931 Same 3932 Same 3933 Same 3934 War in the Far East, The. Military Cor- respondent of the Times 3521 MISCELLANEOUS American Authors for Young Folks. — Harris 5161 Americans and Britain*. Mathews . 3942 Beauties and Achievments of the Blind — Artman and Hall 3943 Building Associations. Wriglev .3944 Chamber’s Miscellany. Vol. I .. 3945 Vol. II ' 3946 Vol. Ill 3947 Vol. IV 3948 Same 3955 Vol. V 3949 Same.. 3956 Vol. VI 3950 Vol. VII 3951 Same 3958 69 Vol. VIII 3952 Vol. IX 3953 Same 3959 Vol. X 3954 Same 3960 Childrens’ Stories in American Litera- ture. Vol. I. Wright 5168 Same Vol. II 5169 Comparative Literature. Posnett .1288 Critical Essays and Literary Notes. — Taylor 1289 Curiosities of Literature. D’Israeli 2876 Domestic Manners of the Americans.— Vol. I. Trollope 3962 Same Vol. II 3963 Elements of Criticism. Home 1290 English Literature in the Reign of Queen Victoria. Morley 1292 Extraordinary Popular Delusions, Mem- oirs of. Vol. I. Mackay 3530 Same Vol. II . .3531 Facts and Fiction. Anon 3964 Free Masonry in the Holy Land. Morris 3966 Great Indian Epics, The. Oman 3532 Half Hours with Great Authors. Lamb and Others 1294 Half Hours with Great Humorists. Lamb and Others 1295 Half Hours with Great Story Tellers. - Ward and Others 1297 Half Hours with the Best Authors. Vol. I. Knight Same Vol. II Vol. Ill Vol. IV History of American and English Litera- ture. Backus 844 History of English Literature. Taine . .1291 Human Intercourse. Hamerton 3968 Japanese Bride, The. Tamura 2975 Japanese Life In Town and Country.— Knox 51 Lincoln’s Letters, Speeches, State Papers and Miscellaneous Writings. Vol. I. Nicolay and Hay. (Edited by) 1260 Same Vol. II 1261 Literature of Europe. Vol. I. Hallam..l298 Same Vol. II 1299 Multitude of Counsellors, A. Larned . .5164 Odd Fellow’s Offering. Anon 3971 On the Road to Riches. Maher 3972 Poems of Ossian, The. MacPherson . . . 845 Primer of American Literature. Wat- kins 5167 Shakespeare’s Stories Simply Told. (Com- edies) Seymour 5165 Same (Tragedies) 5166 Short History of English Literature, A— Kirkland 5162 Stories from Dante. Chester 5158 Story of Books, The. Rawlings 3357 Story of English Literature, The. Buck- land 1293 Story of Iliad, The. Church 5159 Story of the Odyssey, The. Church . . . .5160 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb 5163 Turning Points in Life. Vol. I. Arnold. 3974 Same Vol. II 3975 Web of Indian Life, The. (India) Noble 3533 7013 1284 1285 1286 1287 Work of Wall Street, The. Pratt MYTHOLOGY AND FOLK-LORE Age of Fable, The. Bulfinch .. 3522 Same 6941 Blue Fairy Book, The. Lang 6203 Boy’s King Arthur, The. Lanier 6523 Celtic Fairy Tales. Jacobs 3523 Fables. HSsop 6082 Fables and Folk Stories. Scudder 6526 Fairy Book. Laboulaye 1201 Fairy Tales. Anderson 6098 Flowers of Fable. H£sop and Others . . 1202 Gods and Heroes. Francillon 6520 Greek Heroes. Kingsley 6522 Green Fairy Book, The. Lang 2164 Same 6204 Grimm’s Fairy Tales. J. & M. Grimm .4784 Same . 6174 Grimm’s Popular Tales. 3. and M.— Grimm • • 3524 In Mythland. Beckwith 6517 Knightly Legends of Wales. Lanier . . .3525 Legends of Charlemagne, The. Bulfinch 3526 Legends of Norseland. Pratt 6524 Legends of the Madonna. Jameson . . . .3969 Legends of the Monastic Orders. Jame- son .... . . 3970 Myths aud Legends of our New Posses- sions. Skinner 6527 Red Fairy Book, The. Lang 2166 Same / 6205 Russian Folk-tales. Ralston 3727 Stories from Old Germany. Pratt 6525 Stories of Enchantment. Myers 6227 Stories of King Arthur and His Knights — Cutler 3528 Stories of the Magicians. Church 3529 Story of the Golden Age, A. 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Eddy .2946 Scripture Portions for the Afflicted. Anon .... ...6612 Second Coming of Christ, 'The. Merrill 3635 Secret of Salvation, The. Byrum 3808 Secret Power. Moody 3779 Same e 3780 Seed Time and Harvest. Tweedie 6607 Seeking the Kingdom. Day 3636 Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. More . . . .4303 Sketches for the Young. House 6582 Sketches from Life. Series II. Magie . .4305 Same, Series III 4306 Sketches of Christian Life of England. A non 4189 Sketches of Missions. Bartlett 897 Sketches of My Friend’s Family. Mar- shall 4271 Sowing and Reaping. Moody 3781 i Same .... 3782 Spiritual Treasury. Mason. . 4307 Star of Bethlehem, The. Harsha 6577 Stepping Heavenward. Prentiss .3637 Same 5838 j Steps to Christ. White .... 4308 Stories for the Young. More 4309 Stories from the Life of the Teacher. t Anon ... 1224 Story of the Bible 6574 Suffer and Be Strong. Cate 4310 Sunday School Idea, The. Hart 6578 Taking Up the Cross. Waterbury 6610 Talks to Young Men. Parkhurst 6596 Talmud, The. Polano. (Translated by)3638 Theology in Romance, Vol. I. Leslie. . .6588 Vol. II 6589 Thoughts on Popery. Anon 4312 Three Great Temptations. Fisher 4313 Tongue of Fire, The. Arthur 4314 Towers of Zion. Anon 4315 Tracts. Yol. XIV 7237 Transubstantiation. Faber 4316 True Bible, The. Plume 4180 True Consoler, The. Anon 6617 Two Pilgrims, The., etc. Hamilton ... .4318 Useful Disciple, The. Palmer 4319 View of Christ, A. Kimball .6586 Vision of the Ages, A. Johnson, B. W. . .4320 Voice of the Seven Thunders, The. Martin 4321 Waymarks in the Wilderness, Vol. I Inglis. (Edited by) 4322 Vol. II 4323 Way to God, The. Moody 3783 Way to Life, The. ^ Guthrie 6575 Week Completed, The. Anon 4324 Who Wrote the Bible? Gladden . .3639 Why Do I Live? Smyth 6602 Wilberforce’s View. Wilberforce 4325 Witness of History to Christ, The. Farrar .... 6573 Words for the Wise. Arthur, T. S 4327 Word, The. Anon 4326 World’s Parliament of Religions. Vol. I. Barrows. (Edited by) 4328 Vol. 11 4329 Young Christian, The. Abbott 895 Same 4333 Same ..4334 Same . 4335 Young Converts. The. Druon. (Edited by) 4336 Young Man from Home. James 4337 S^jne 4338 Same 7096 Young Man’s Difficulties With His Bible. Faunce .... 3499 Young Man’s Friend, The. James. .... 4340 Young Organist, The. Anon 4279 SERMONS Bible Animals. Newton 7242 Bible Characters. Moody 893 Same . • 4151 Christ Knocking at the Door. Flavel. . .7241 Glad Tidings. Moody 4152 King in His Beauty, The. Newton 7243 Overcoming Life, The, and other Ser- mons. Moody 3772 Right and Wrong Uses of the Bible. Newton, R. H. 4153 Safe Compass, The. Newton .. 4154 Seeking Life and other Sermons. Brooks. 3640 Sermons. Brooks.... 4156 Sermons. Vol. I. Knight 4157: Vol, II 4158 i Sermons. Morris 4159 Sermons. Pierce 4161 Sermons. Pomeroy 4162 Sermons. Spurgeon 4155 Sermons. Tinker 4163 Sermons. Vol. I. Wesley 7033 Vol. II ..7034 Sermons on the Parable of the Ten Vir- gins, etc. Clowes ....3641 Sermons on the Ten Commandments. Washburn 4165 Sermons out of Church. Mulock .. .4164 Sermons to Children. Newton, Rev. J. P. . 1220 Truths for To-Day. Vol. 1. Swing 4166 Vol. II ... ..4167 We Shall Live Again. Hepworth 3642 REPORTS AND STATISTICS American Republics, Handbook, 1903. . . .6625 Bureau .of American Republics, Bulletins: Vol. 1 6622 Vol. II 6623 Vol. Ill 6624 Congressional Records: Feb. 10-25, 1882, 47th Congress 4354 Dec. 1899, 56th Congress, 1st Session . . 6627 Jan. 1900 56th Congress, 1st Session 6928 Jan. 1900 do do 6529 Feb. 1900 56th Congress 1st. Session. Feb. 1900 do do Mar. 1900 .... do do Mar. 1900 .... do do Apr. 1900 do do Apr. 1900 do do .... May 1900 do do May 1900 do do June 1900 .... do do J une 1900 . . . do do Dec. 1900, with index, 56 Congress Session Jan. 1901, with index, 56th Congress, Session Jan. 1901, with index, 56th Congress, Session Jan. to Feb, 1901, with index, 56th ( gress, 2nd Session ... Feb. 1901, with index, 56th Congress, Session Feb. to Mar. 1901, with index, 56th ( gress, 2nd Session Mar. 1901, 56th Congress, 2nd Session Dec. 1901 to Jan. 1902, 57th Congress Feb. 1902 .do Feb. 1902 do . . Mar. 1902 .do .... Mar. 1902 do ... Anr. 1902 do Apr. 1902 do May 1902 do May 1902 do June 1902 do June 1902 do June and July 1902 do July 1902 do Dec. 1-20. 1902 do Jan. .5-19. 1903 do Jan. 20-31. 1903 do . . Feb. 1-14. 1903 do Feb. 16-28. 1903 . . do Mar. 1-7. 1903... . .....do Mar. 1903, Special Session, do ... . Nov. 9-Dec. 19. 1903 58th Congress Jan. 4-15. 1904 do do Jan. 18-29. 1904 do . . . .do Feb. 1-12.1904 do do Feb. 15-29. 1904 do do Mar. 4-16. 1904 do do Mar. 17- 30.1904 do do Apr. 1-16. 1904 do 78 . 6630 | June 18-25. 1906 do do .6631 June 26-30. 1906 do do .6632| Congressional Record, Index to: .6633 .3801 3802 do . ..do. . . . do ... do. . . do do . do . . do . do do . . do .... do 59th Congress do do. do do . Apr. 18-30. 1904 Dec. 5, ’04- Jan. 13, ’05 do Jan. 14-31. 1905. Feb. 1-17. 1905 Feb. 18-28. 1905 . Mar. 1-20. 1905 . . Dec. 4-21. 19C5, . Jan. 4-13. 1906 . Jan. 15-27. 1906. . Jan. 29-Feb. 1906 .. do do. Feb. 12- 24. 1906. . . . do . .do Feb. 26- Mar. 9, 1 906. do do Mar. 12-24. 1906 . .do do Mar. 26-Apr. 7, 1906. .do do. Apr. 9-22. 1900 do do. Apr. 23-May 5, 1906. do do May 7-19. 1906 ...do . do May 21. June 2, 1906. 3> Melbourne and the China Island. Peck 6768 Men, Mines and Animals in South America. Churchill 3120 Merv Oasis, 1 he. Vol. I. O’Donovan . . . .4926 11 ...... . DeAmicis V ol. Military Life in Italy. Modern Europe. Coe Morocco; Its People and Places. DeAmicis My Arctic Journal. Peary My Dark Companions. Stanley Nearer East, Tne. Hogarth .... Northern Travels. I aylor Ocean Sketches of Life in Burmah. Ingalls . . Ocean to Ocean. (Nicaragua) Walker . Old Santa Fe Trail, » he. Inman On Canada’s Frontier. Ralph One Hundred Days in Europe. Holmes One Thousand Miles Up the Nile. Ed wards ... On Short Leave to Japan. band .... Our House-Boat on the Nile. Our National Parks. Muir Out of the East. Hearn Younghus Bacon . . . Sailor’s Log, A. Evans... 6750 Scenery of England, The. Avebury. . . .6736 Seven Eittle Sisters. Andrews . .6798 Shawl Straps. (Voyage to France, etc). Alcott 6797 Siam. Taylor 49(52 Same 4963 Six Months in Italy. Hilliard .1910 Six Months in the Sandwich Islands. Bird. 4959 Sketches from Our Indian Empire. Heild.4906 Sketches of Palestine. Knox . .4937 Same .... 4938 Social Life in Russia. De Vogue. ... 1172 South Africa of To-day. Younghusband 6796 South America; Social, Industrial and Political. Carpenter 3733 South Western Africa. Anderson 4842 Spain and the Spanish. DeAmicis 4968 Spanish- American Republics. Child ..3734 Spanish Life in Town and Country. Higgin .... ... 6760 Stories of Australasia. Pratt -6837 Stories of China. Pratt .6838 Stories of Northern Europe. Pratt 6839 Story of a Soldier’s Life, The. Vol. I. Wolseley 3737 Vol. 11.3738 Story of Marco Polo, The. Brooks 6802 Story of the Cowboy, The. Hough 3735 Story of the Indian, The. Grinnell .... 3739 Studies of Paris. DeAmicis .... 4940 Study of Mexico, A. Wells 3740 Sublime in Nature, The. DeLanoye . . . .49(59 Summer in the Wilderness, Lauman. . .6766 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Vol. I. Stowe ... 6784 Vol. II 6785 Phillips 4873 | Sunshine and Surf. Hall and Osborne 6753 Swiss Life in Town and Country. Story. 6783 Ten Months a Captive Among Filipinos. Sonnichsen 3741 Tenting on the Field With Custer. Custer 56 Tent Life in Siberia. Kennan 54 Texas Ranger, The. Reed 57 Thompson in Africa. Anon 4843 Thousand Miles Walk, A. Bishop 4974 Three Gringoes in Venezuela and Central America. Davis 6748 Three Years of Arctic Service. Greely. . 25 Thrilling Days in Army Life. Forsyth. .3742 Trans-Atlantic Sketches. James. ... . . 4976 Travels Around the World. Smiles. (Edited by) 4858 Travels in America. Twining 4847 Travels in Armenia. Curzon ...... .4856 Travels in North and Central Africa. Taylor 4839 Travels in South Africa. Taylor 4841 Travels of Marco Polo. Murray 4924 Same .4925 Travels of Mungo Park. Anon 4930 Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Stevenson 2581 Same 3136 Trip to England, The. Winter . 4883 Two Pilgrims’ Progress. Pennell 6769 Two Years Before the Mast. Dana. . . 58 Two Years in the French West Indies. Hearn 6759 i Under Other Flags. Bryan 2257 4927 4909 .6815 4929 4851 4931 6761 4934 4868 6792 3729 4869 4890 .4933 .4911 . 6738 3730 . 3732 Over the Border. Anon 4935 Paddles and Politics Down the Danube. Bigelow 4936 Paris. Hare 6755 Parry’s Voyage. Vol. I. Parry .... 4941 Vol. II 4942 Pathfinders of the West. Laut 2883 Paul Traver’s Adventures. Clover. . . 6814 Peeps into China Pencilings by the Way. Willis 4943 Percy Family, The. Eddy . 4944 Perilous Adventures. Davenport 46 Perils of the Sea. Anon 47 Personally Conducted. Stockton 4946 Perer the Whaler. Kingston 48 Pi -cairn’s- Island. Anon 4948 Porto Rico of To-day, The. Robinson 6772 Quaint Corners of Ancient Empires. Shoemaker 6776 Rambles in the Hartz Mountains. Anon 3118 Rambles in the Path of the Steam Horse. Bowen 6740 Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. Roose- velt 4726 Real Latin Quarter, The. Smith, F. B..6779 Riders in Many Lands. Dodge 4952 Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. Baker 34 Rollo in Geneva. Abbott 4898 Rollo in olHland. Abbott 4903 Rollo in London. Abbott 4923 Rollo in Naples. Abbott 4932 Rollo in Paris. Abbott -4939 Rollo in Borne. Abbott .4957 Rollo in Scotland. Abbott 4961 Rollo in Switzerland. Abbott 4972 Rollo on the Atlantic. Abbott 4951 Rollo on the Rhine. Abbott 4864 Round About Rio. Carpenter, F. I). Y .4953 Round Africa. Bruce 4840 Russian Advance, The. Beveridge 3743 Russian Life in Town and Country. Pal- mer 6767 86 Unknown Switzerland. Tissot 4973 Vacation Days in Hawaii and Japan. Taylor 6787 Venetian Life, llowells 4977 Views Afoot. Taylor 3150 Same .... 4978 Views in Africa. Badlam 6800 Viking- Bodleys, The Scudder 4979 Voyage in the Sunbeam. Brassey 4970 Voyages Around the World. Anon 4859 Voyages Within the Arctic Regions. Barrow 4854 Walter’s Tour in Athens. Eddy ..4861 Walter’s Tour in Constantinople. Eddy. .4875 Walter’s Tour in Egypt. Eddy 4879 Walter’s Tour in Jerusalem. Eddy 4916 Walter’s Tour in Samaria. Eddy 4958 Wanderings in Spain. Hare 6756 War of Civilizations, The. (With the Allies in China.) Lynch 6540 Warringtons Abroad. The. Anon 4980 We Two Alone in Europe. Ninde 6836 Where Three Empires Meet. Knight . .4981 White Umbrella in Mexico, A. Smith, 2263 Same ..4928 White World, The. Kersting 6763 Wilderness Hunter, The. Roosevelt... 59 Wild Men and Wild Beasts. Cumming. 60 Same 3745 Winter in India. Scidmore. 7 ( >03 With Kitchner at Khartoum. Steevens. .6782 Woman Tenderfoot, A. Seton-Thompson.6775 Wonders of Pompeii, The. Monnier. . . .4950 World’s Discoveries, The. Johnson. W. H.6824 Yankee in Canada. A, Thoreau 6788 Youthful Explorers in Bible Lands. Anon 1184 Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands. But- terworth 6803 Zigzag Journeys in Europe. Butterworth . 6804 Zigzag Journeys in India. Butterworth. .6805 Zigzag Journeys in the Antipodes. But- terworth 6806 Zigzag Journeys in the British Isles. Butterworth .... 6807 Zigzag Journeys in the Occident. But- terworth 6808 Zigzag Journeys in the Orient. Butter- worth . . .6809 Zigzag Journeys in the Sunny South. Butterworth 6810 WIT AND HUMOR Ade, George Breaking Into Society 3230 Fables in Slang 6994 I Forty Modern Fables 5146 j More Fables 6995 j People You Know 6996 ! True Bills.... 3231 Adeler, Max Out of the Hurly Burly 5171 Same 7060 ! Samantha on the Race Problem 1180 Same 7073 Kountz, Wiliam J., Jr. Billy Baxter’s Letters 3244 McCutcheon, John T. Bird Center Cartoons 3236 Munchausen, Baron Travels and Surprising Adventures .3237 Munkittriek, Richard Kendall Bangs, John K. Coffee and Repartee, and the Idiot. . . .5148 House-Boat on the Styx, A 5147 Idiot at Home, The 5149 Three Weeks in Politics 3121 Billings, Josh. (Henry W. Shaw.) Complete Works 1470 Burdette, Robert J. Chimes from a Jester’s Bells 5274 Schooners that Pass in the Dark 3096 Denslow, W. W. Scarecrow and the Tin-Man, The., etc. 3232 Dunne, Finley P. (Mr. Dooley.) Mr. Dooley in Peace and War 3233 Same 5150 Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of His Coun- trymen 5151 Mr. Dooley’s Opinions 3234 Same 5152 Mr. Dooley’s Philosophy 3235 Flower, Elliot Policeman Flynn 5153 Holly, Marietta Josiah Allen’s Wife, or Samantha at the Centennial 5154 My Opinions and Betsy Bobbetts’ 5155 Samantha at Saratoga 5156 Samantha at the World’s Fair 1179 Farming . .3238 Nasby, Petroleum V. “Swingin’ Round the Cirkle” 3239 Nye, Bill. (Edgar W. Nye.) Bill Nye and Boomerang 3241 Bill Nye’s Chestnuts .... 3242 Bill Nye’s Remarks 3243 Owen. Mary A. Voodoo Tales 1182 Peck, George W. Peck’s Bad Boy and His Pa, etc 7106 Phoenix, John. (Lieut. Geo. H. Derby.) Phoenixiana 3245 Shillaber, B. P. Mrs. Partington’s Knitting Work 1178 Timon, John Lorgnette, The 3154 Townsend, Edward W. Chimmie Fadden and Mr. Paul 5157 Twain, Mark. (Samuel E. Clemens.) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2260 Same 3246 Adventures of Tom Sawyer 3247 Same 5739 American Claimant, The 2259 American Claimant, The., and other Stories 3248 87 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A . 3249 Double-Barrelled Detective Story, A.. 5735 Extracts from Adam’s Diary ... 3250 Following the Equator 3251 Innocents Abroad, The 2261 Same 3252 Same 5736 Jumping Frog, The 3253 Life on the Mississippi 3254 Man that Corrupted Hadleysburg, The 5737 Roughing It 5738 Tom Sawyer Abroad 2264 Tom Sawyer Abroad, and other Stories 7053 Tramp Abroad, A 2265 Same 7032 Ward, Artemus. (Charles F. Brown.) Complete Works 3255 Unknown Authors Betsey Jane and Her Book of Goaks. . .1174 Trials and Confessions of an American Housekeeper 3151 / / 88 ADDITIONS Addresses. Southard and Others 3812 American Magazine, July-Dee. 1906 — 3841 Beauties, Harmonies and Sublimities of Nature. Bucke 3813 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Jan- April 1838 3814 Botany, Familiar Lectures on. Lincoln 3815 Counsels to Young Men. Morison 3816 Earth, The. Higgins ...3817 Exploration of the Valley of the Ama- zon. Herndon and Gibbin 3818 Homer. Vol. I. Pope. (Trans, by) 3819 Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers, etc. Abercrombie 3820 Kansas State Horticultural Society. Re- port 1887- ’88 3821 Lee, Richard Henry, Memoirs of. Lee Vol. 1 3822 Main Drainage Works of Boston. Clarke 3823 Message and Diplomatic Correspondence 1862 3824 Natural Theology. Vol. I. Paley 3825 Vol. II 3826 Peace Manual, The. Beckwith 3827 Popular Guide to the Observation of Na- ture, A. Mudie .3828 Sacred History of the World, The. Vol. I. Turner 3829 Vol. Ill 3830 Self-Knowledge. Mason 3831 Sketches from Venetian History. Anon Vol. I 3832 Speeches. Calhoun and Others 3833 Young Man from Home, The. James. . .3834 ERRORS {These changes should he carefully noted before placing numbers on your library card) . 5031 Ptige No. 15 should read 5021 2304 “ “ 39 “ “ 2104 5752 “ “ 54 “ “ 2752 2353 “ “ 57 “ “ 3353 6928 “ “77 “ “ 6628 6529 “ “77 “ “ 6629 3450 “ “ 59 “ “ 3460 3763 “ “ 64 “ “ 3863 4595 “ “ 80 “ “ 4585 Omit the following numbers : 1508 Page No. 25. 2036 “ “ 37 (Appears correctly on p. 71) 2179 “ “ 42. 4663 “ “74. Insert the following number on page No. Old Mamselle’s Secret, The. Marlitt . . .2279 CONTENTS ADDRESSES and LECTURES ANTIQUITIES ART Fine Arts Useful Arts . . Agriculture and Stock-Raising Architecture Floriculture and Forestry Handicrafts and Occupations Horticulture Miscellaneous BIOGRAPHY CLASSICS ECONOMICS and SOCIOLOGY EDUCATION ESSAYS ETHICS ETIQUETTE FICTION FOREIGN French German Italian Polish Scandinavian Spanish Foreign Dictionaries Foreign Text-books HISTORY United States General Wars and Battles Ancient British Empire Denmark, Sweden and Norway France Germany Holland Italy Japan and China Mexico Russia Spain and Portugal Switzerland 13 .13 • 14 • 14 14 • 14 .14 14 14 • 14 14 15 19 19 20 20 .21 .21 .22 • 57 .57 .57 .57 57 .57 .58 .58 .58 59 59 60 .61 .61 62 .62 .63 63 .63 .63 .63 •64 64 64 Other Countries 64 Miscellaneous 64 LAW 65 LETTERS 66 MAGAZINES 66 MECHANICS and ENGINEERING 68 MILITARY 68 MISCELLANEOUS 68 MYTHOLOGY and FOLK-LORE 69 ORATORY 69 PENOLOGY 70 PHILOSOPHY 70 POETRY 70 POLITICS ...72 RECREATION aud GAMES 73 REFERENCE 73 Text-books and Technology 73 RELIGIOUS 74 Biography 74 Devotional 74 History 74 Miscellaneous 75 Sermons 77 REPORTS and STATISTICS J] SCIENTIFIC 79 Acoustics 79 Anthropology 79 Astronomy 79 Botany .79 Electricity 79 Evolution . 79 Geology and Seismology 79 Hygienic and Medical . 80 Miscellaneous 80 Natural History 81 Optical 81 Physiology .81 Psychology 81 STANDARD AUTHORS 82 TALES 82 TEMPERANCE 83 TRAVEL, ADVENTURE and DESCRIPTION 83 WIT and HUMOR 86