IFSTKClllKT^ro 'AlfREOH/irNfRJ ,. NEW VORh i I ILLUSTRATIONS m OF THK NATURAL ORDERS OF PLANTS GROUPS AND DESCRIPTIONS BT ELIZABETH TWINING. "I REDUCED FROM THE ORIGINAL FOLIO EDITION. /(fP VOL. I. LONDON: SAMPSON LOW, SON, AND MAKSTON, CROWN BUILDINGS, 188 FLEET STREET. 1868. (The Right uj Ti-vuilatioH u nftrvcd by Ihc .iulUor.) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign LONDON -. SrRAKOEWATS ASD WaI-DEN. rWNTERS, Castle St. Leicestej Sq. http://www.archive.org/details/illustrationsofn01twin 580 V, 1 J INTRODUCTION. ^ — * — Of all the varied objects of creation there is, probably, no portion that affords so ranch gratification and delight to mankind as plants. Com- bining so many various qualities of utility and beauty, and being as they are so widely spread abroad in the world, — over the plains, the valleys, and the mountains ; in the depths of the earth, and in the waters of the ocean, the lakes, and the rivers, and every pond and pool ; in the hottest regions of the tropics, and extending even to the frozen lands of the Arctic zone, they claim attention everywhere, and in all . times, in a pre-eminent degree. From the earliest years of childhood, when the simple and abundant daisy yields one of the most valued ^ recreations, until the close of life, when flowers are planted on the grave, ^ there is no period when some of the countless variety of plants do not vj minister in some way to our comfort and enjoyment. There is high ^ and ancient authority for the study of plants. We read that he to whom ^ was given " wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness o of heart," whose " wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the ci east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt," — he spake of trees, from <\ " the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that springetli v^^ut of the wall." It is interesting to think of this branch of knowledge -< as of one which contributed to spread the fame of Solomon " in all nations round about," so that " there came of all people to hear his r^ wisdom." There are, indeed, numerous proofs of the value of a knowledge of ^ plants in all ages of the world. It is now 250 years since the good old Grerard completed his famous " Herbal " in this country, and declared ^ he could find no greater delight than to behold the earth apparelled with plants, — a delight great to the outer senses, but greater still to 16652 ii INTRODUCTION. the mind enriched with the knowledge of these visible things, " setting forth to us the invisible and admirable workmanship of Almighty God." JMany works have already been prepared to aid in imderstanding the nature of plants, — to explain their wonderful arrangement in every part, to mark their manner of growth, to ascertain their various properties, or to recall their beautiful forms when faded and gone during the decay of winter. But it is hoped these illustrations, combined with descriptions, in simple, and as far as possible untechnical language, may add something to the enjoyment to be derived from plants. If they can increase grati- fication to those who possess beautiful gardens, or delight in searching out the native plants of our fields and roads ; or if they should be able to awaken in any miud an interest in the study of the nature and properties of plants, my design will be fulfilled, and a humble, but very earnest desire accomplished. The groups are intended to show in one view some of the principal plants composing the respective tribes, arranged as modern science has found to be in accordance with structure and properties. The system of De CandoUe is that followed, with only slight exceptions. In every Order that contains British plants English species are selected as examples, but combined with others from foreign countries. By thus placing our native plants in groups with foreigners, we acquire a more correct idea of the nature of our Flora, and the character it has when compared with that of other countries. Tliis is the first work which has thus done due honour to our British plants by connecting with others, and placing them whenever possible at the head of the Order to be illustrated. The new method of classing plants into Orders, according to the structure of the parts of fructification, is thought to be more difificult to the student than the old system of Linnaeus ; but having groups brought before us, united with descriptions, renders the subject easy and agreeable. One very interesting point is thus gained, — that is, a ready perception of the geographical distribution of any particular tribe. Also, what proportion our British Flora bears, both in quantity and quality, to the whole range of the Natural Orders : how we have some tribes in their full vigour and abundance ; of others, only a few species, scattered, as it were, on the geographical limits of the tribe. Of others, no specimen will be found in our temperate clime ; for some of the groups will be seen to belong exclusively to the tropics, and some to the cooler regions. By thus connecting our own Flora with a general view of the Orders to which the plants we possess belong, a higher interest may be given to the INTRODUCTION. Ul examination of many lowly flowers of our fields. Tlie common buttercup may be considered as a perfect type of tliat numerous tribe " Eanun- culaceoe," named from the genus, and abounding chiefly in the northern countries of Europe. The study of Euphorbiacese, the Spurge tribe, in this country, will show either small herbaceous weeds in gardens, or a few other species, of rather larger size, but not more pleasing aspect, in woods and hedges ; but, on examination, one chief character of the Order will be observed, namely, an abundant milky juice of extreme acridity. The very curious arrangement of the parts of the flower may be perceived, also, as well in these as in the larger species which grow in tropical America, or on the mountains of Northern India, or at the base of the Peak of Teneriffe ; some of which attain a gigantic size, rising in upright, angular columns, or with variously branched stems, beset with strong spines. These have, indeed, a very different aspect from that of our small weeds of this tribe, but the essential characters are the same. Among those tribes of which we have the finest specimens in the British isles may be noticed the oak, elm, ash, and willow-trees : these all attain a vigorous growth in the temperate climate of this country. The oaks of England are not surpassed in any other part of the world. The ash of the Isle of Wight rivals that of North America. Of some tribes we possess only a few species, which are beyond the boundaries of the chief mass of the group, — as in the Mallow tribe, which belongs principally to the tropics, extending a few small species into our temperate region. In other tribes, we have one genus in Britain, a few more in France or Germany, and discover the main centre of the group in some other part of the Continent. This occurs in Cistacese ; Helianthemum is the only British example. Cistus is found in Grermany and Switzerland, and the chief mass of the tribe is in Spain and Portugal. There are many tribes of which we possess only small herbs, but when we follow them out into hotter countries we often perceive shrubs or large trees belonging to the tribe. Perhaps the same genus may be expanded into shrubby species in warmer regions. The English species of flax are all small herbs ; in the East Indies one is an evergreen shrub. Of the Umbelliferous tribe we have numerous herbs only ; Bupleurum tenuissimum the smallest. In the south of France Bupleurum fruticosum is an evergreen shrub, five or six feet high ; Bupleurum canescens on the coast of Barbary is a hoary evergreen of still larger growth. Of the extensive tribe of composite plants forty-five genera are found in Britain, many of them very plentifully, as the Daisy, Tliistle and others ; but all IV INTRODUCTION. herbaceous, and near!}" all of low growth. The great Scotch Thistle, one of the finest of the tribe, is seldom more than five or six feet in height. Some, however, of the British genera may be found existing in other countries, and there developed in very different specific forms, as shrubs or trees. Sonchus, of very tender, succulent nature here, affording food for rabbits, is known in Madeira and the Canaries in the form of ever- green shrubs. Some of the largest trees of St. Helena belong to this composite tribe. Among the various native species we have of the vast Leguminous tribe, onl}' Ulex, the P^urze, and Spartium, the Broom, are of a shrubby nature. Proceeding towards the south of France, we meet with the Laburnum, and other trees of considerable size. Advancing still fur- ther into tropical regions, this important tribe is found in shrubs and lofty trees, of varied utility and beauty. Amherstia nobilis, of the East Indies, is a large tree bearing magnificent drooping branches of scarlet flowers, said to be im surpassed in the vegetable world. The Hymenea of Brazil has been found to measure eighty -five feet around the base of the stem ; it is said to live to 2000 years. Of the grass tribe, we have lowly specimens only : our native species incline more to the northern than the southern types. Poa, our meadow grass, stretches to the icy regions of Spitsbergen and Melville Island. Other of our grasses are found also to the south ; and these frequently in lofty situations, as on the Alps, near the limits of per- petual snow ; on the Andes, and on the Himalayas. Arundo Phragmites, is the common reed, our largest species of this tribe ; in the deep ditches about the mouth of the Thames, it gives an idea of the more gigantic grasses of the South. Arundo Donax, of North Africa, advances into the South of Europe, and gives a clear indication of the more highly developed tropical species. But there is one striking character of this tribe which we perceive as distinctly in this country as anywhere : the peculiar pro- perty of spreading over wide spaces of ground with scarcely any intermixture of other plants, can nowhere be better observed than in our meadows and lawns. In the Tropics, large grasses grow separately, like other plants, are of greater size and height, and in some instances have wider leaves than any of the species belonging to the temperate zone, and assume partly the appearance of trees. In examining other tribes, we find the same genera or species widely spread in distant countries, and retaining the same form and appearance, but growing in different situations, where there may be a climate favour- able for their growth. Vaccinium Myrtillus, the Bilberry, is a low shrubby plant, spreading over a wild ground ; it abounds in various jjarts INTRODUCTION. V of Britain, eitlier on heatlis, or on rocks of no great elevation, as those of Tunbridge Wells ; or on a turfy soil in the northern counties of England, and the moors of the Scotch Highlands. In Switzerland it is not confined to low rocks or moors ; it is also to he found on the turfy heights of the Alps ; on the higher part of the Simplon Pass it covers tlie ground on all sides, and in autumn gives a bright colouring to the scene by its red leaves. In the Saxifrage tribe, there is very little diversity of form or situation. It is extensively scattered over all Northern countries, merely varied in position according to the climate. For example : Saxifraga oppositifolia, which is abundant on the highest hills of Wales, Yorkshire, or Scotland, is found also in Switzerland, Grermany, and France ; but in those countries, in still loftier localities than those of Britain. It may be seen on the northern slopes of the Pyrenees, on the mountains of Moravia and Bohemia, and on the Grimsel, Ghemmi, Kighi, St. Grothard, and other Alps, at an elevation sometimes approaching the limit of perpetual snow. This little plant is also to be traced as far north as Melville Island, in 75° of N. lat. There it finds a sufficiently cold temperature on the level plain, the dreaiy monotony of which it enlivens with its bright purple flowers, on the earliest arrival of spring. The budding of this small Saxifrage was one of the welcome indications of spring that gladdened the hearts of Captain Parry and his crew, after their ice-bound winter in the Polar regions. The Juniper of our northern moors is another plant that is widely dis- persed, and consequently inhabits very dissimilar localities. If we follow it northwards, we shall find its low stunted form on the level plains of Lapland, which are during a great portion of the year covered with snow. If we search for it in hot countries, it will be found only on mountains, as on the western slope of the Himalayas, at 14,500 feet. There are, however, a few minute plants among the lower tribes, which are not only entirely of the herbaceous class, but which, in whatever part of the world we discover them, inhabit similar situations, floating always in still waters. Callitriche verna, the Water Star- wort, so plentiful in the ditches and ponds of England, has also been observed in Lord Auckland's Isle, in 65° of S. lat., and in the Azores, in 38° of N. lat. In Iceland, in 65° of N. lat., our Callitriche autumnalis covers the ponds and ditches. In these humble plants, we not unfrequently find a greater power of adaptation to various climates and stations, and a more extensive disper- sion over the globe, than in the higher tribes. It is remarkable what varied forms vegetation assumes, and in what strange situations it is found. vi IM'llODUCTIUN. Deep in the coal-mines of Saxony, far from the lim?«. Candollea cuneiformifi. Hibbeilia vombiiis. Hiljbertia j^cfhincumta. 3. MagnoliacEjE ... IMagnolia grandijiora. Talauma Candonii. Liriodendron tmipiferum. 4. AnonacEjE Anona squamosa. Guatteria lateriflora. 5. MENiSPERMACEiE . . Menispemiuiu canadense. Menispermum virginicum. Cocculus Pmnlcenetii. Cissampelos Caaj^eba. Cocculus patmatus. Cocculus ■ macrocarpus. Cissampelos Pareira. Cissampelos iropaoiifoiia. 6. BERBEiUDAGEiE ... Berberis vulgaris. Epimedium aipinum. Diphyllea cymosa. 7. FuMARlACK^ Fumaria capreoiata. Corydalis mtea. Corydalis tuberosa. Didytra formosa. Corydalis Cashmmana. 8. Xympheace.e Nymph ea a2&a. '^ymphea jiygmea. Nuphar /w^eo. Xelumbiuni speciosum. Nymphea coerulea. 9. pAPAVERACEiE ... Papaver somniferum. Papaver Rhmas. Glaucium mtcuin. Meconopsis acmeatum. 10. Sarraceniace^ ... ^arracen\?i purpurea. Savracenia variolaris. Heliamphora ?!«/««*■. 11. Cruciace^e Brassica oieracea. Lunaria biennis. Nasturtium officinale. Erysimum Petrowshianum. Iberis gibraitarica. Cheiranthus Cheirl. Schizopetalon Wa/iheri. Y &ivoca\\\s pyrenaica. Thlaspi mtifoiium. 12. Capparidace.e ... Capparis spinosa. Capparis Breynia. Cratoeva fragrans. Polanisia chnidonii. Sodada decidua. Capparis ovata. Cratoeva Rox- burghii. Capparis ncjairll. Capparis jEgyptiaca. Physostemon. 13. BiXACE^E Bixa Ormana. Flacourtia i?amor«teA/. Flacourtia inermis. 14. PASSiFLORACEiE ... Passiflora edmis. Passiflora racemosa. Passifiora maiiformis. Tacsonia moiiissima. Sraeathmannia lavigata. 15. ViOLACEiE \\o\a tricolor, \io\a odorata. Erpetion ?'en«/b?'ms. Curynostylis ITybanthus. Alsodea Physipiliora. lonidium Ttoubou. V* X CONTENTS OF PLATES. PAoe 16. POLYGALACE.E ... Polygala cuii/ari.s. Pdlyiiula cuvdifoUa. Polygala chamcsbuxut. Securidaca tomentosa. Mmaltia inirta. ^lundia spinosa. Polygala crotolar hides. Trigonia. 17. Resf.dace-E Reseda Zu^coZa. Reseda Za/ea. Reseda o^/ora/a. 18. DaosERACEiE Drosera rotundifolia. Dionea muscipula. Byblis liniflora. Aldrovanda vesiculosa. 19. OXALIDACE.E Oxalis acetosella. Oxalis florihunda. Averrlioa Carambola. Oxalis confertissimn. 20. PiTTOSPORACE.E ... Pittosporutn Tohira. Billardiera linearis. Bursaria spinosa. ' Clieiranthera linearis. 21. LinacEjE Linmn usitatissimum. Linum trigynum. Liniim africanum. Radiol a millcgrana. 22. ClSTACE^ Cistui? cyprius. Helianthemum poUfolium. Helianthemum vulgare. Heliantlieinum formosum. Helianthemum rhodanthum. Helianthemum canescens. 23. Malvace^ Malva moschata. Gossypium herhaceum. Hibiscus syriacus. Malope trifida. Hibiscus Mosa-sinensls. Abutilon striatum. 24. Trop^olacf.e ... Tropfeoliim majus. Tropajolum peregrinum. Tropfeolnm umhel- latum. Tropaeohim azureum. Tropteolum edule. Limnanthee Douglassii. 25. Byttneriace^ ... 'Qy tinena. catalpcefolia. Theobroma Cacao. Lasiopetalum grranJj- florum. 26. BoMB.A.CE^ Bombax heptaphyllum. Bomhax pentandrum. Helicteres ver- bascifolia. Helicteres brevispira. 27. TiLi.\CE.E Tilia Europea. Sparmannia Africana. Grewia accidentalis. Elseocarpus cyaneus. 28. Sapixdace.e Sa])mdus jiiglarulifolius. Melicocca hijuga. Nephelium ZifcAi. Cardiospennum anomaluni. Sapindus fru'escens. Urvillea glabra. Ophiocaryon paradoxum. 29. H1PPOCASTANACE.E . JEaculas Ilippocastanum. Tsiyia rubra. 30. AcERACE^ Acer campestre. Acer Pseudo-platanus. Acer caudatum. 31. Malpighiace^ ... jNIalpighia aquifolium. Bannisteria chrysophyllum. Stigma- phyllum aristatum. Ryssopteris timorensis. Diplopteris |)ara/»'as. 32. HiPPOCRATEACE^ . Hippocratea arborea. Tontelea scandens. Hippocratea Amot- tiana. Salacia pnnoides. 33. Hypericace^ Hypericum calycinum. Hypericum pidchrum. Androsjemum officinale. Hypericum cegyptiacum. H3'pericum elodes. Parnassia j)alustris. Vismia guianensis. 34. Clusiace^ Q\\\?,i?iinsignis. Garciniaspecfosa. Mammea ammcana. ClusiaaZ&a. 35. DlPXEROCARPACE^. Dipterocarpus gracilis. Hopea odorata. Shorea robusta. 36. MARCGRAViACEiE... Marcgravia MTnJe/fata. '^ or anieajapurensis. Ruyschia coraWma. 37. V1TACE.E Wi'xs vinif era. Cissus quinqjiefolia. 38. GERANlACEiE Geranium Robertianum. Geranium pratense. Pelargonium pellatum. Pelargonium tricolor. Pelargonium zonale. Erodium cicu- tarium. Erodium incarnatuni. 39. Cedrelace^ Cedrela Toona. Swietenia J/a7ia^o?i<. 40. Meliacej^- "SleWa. Azedarach. Qrn&rea tuberculata. Turrpea. glabra. Eke- bergia indica. Ekebergia senegalensis. CONTENTS OF I'LATES. X PAGE 41. AurantiacEaE ... Citrus aurantium. Citrus medlca. Citrus Limonum. (Jookia punctata. 42. CamelliacE/E ... Camellia o/w/era. Ca,me\\ia, japo7dca. Kielrneyera rosea. 43. Olacace^ Olax strncta. Keistena coccinea. Ximenia, americaiia. Apodytes diinidiata. 44. Rutace^ Rnta graveolens. Adenandra imiflora. Boronia crenulata. Dictainnus Fraxinella. Erythrocliiton Braslliensis. 45. Simarubace^ ^\ma.Y\\ha. officinalis. Samadera 27Z(Z/c«. ^{uxaha guianensis. 46. Samydacej^ Saniyda rosea. Casearia grandiflora. Pitumba guianensis. 47. Rhajixace^ Rhamnus Frangida. Zizyphus lotus. Paliurus australis. Ceanothus aziirea. Zizyphus Baclei. 48. Terebinthace.e... ^'isXacia. Terebinthus. knac&v^mm. occidentale. M an gifer a /?2^ica. Melanorrhcea usitata. Pistacia atlantica. Pistacia vera. Rhus lasio- carpa. Melanorrhoea glabra. 49. Leguminose^ ... Vismxi sativum. Trifolium^afe?ise. Spartium sco/jaWwrn. Tetra- gonolobus edulis. Robinia Mspida. Alexandra imperatncis. Acacia Sophorce. Cassia australis. Wistaria sinensis. Clitoria Ternatea. Diplerix Tonga. Medicago lupulina. 50. Juglandace^ ... Juglans rei72rt. Engelhardtia afer?ybZia. 51. Rosacea Rosa canina. Hosa, jmnicea. Rosa bracteaia. Rosa gallica. Spirea fiUpendula. Rubus fruticosus. Sieversia elata. Fragaria vesca. 52. Pomaces Pyrus Malus. Cratjegus Onjcaniha. Mespilus germanica. Cydonia vulgaris. Cydonia Japonica. Eriobotrya Japonica. Cotone- aster microphylla. 53. Amygdalace,e ... Kmy^^i\ii\\\s communis. Fers'ica vidgaris. Cerasus Laurocerasus. Prunus spinosa. Cerasus avium. Prunus domestica. Chrysobalanus Icaco. 54. Lythrace^ '. Lythrum salicaria. Peplis Portula. Lagerstraemia indica. Cuphea tubijiora. 55. TAMARiCACEiE Tamarix 2e?-e5r?7na. Asperula oc?orato. Qo^ea arabica. Mussoenda macrophyUu. Ixora coccinea. Coccocypselum Tontarea. Galium. 75. VALERL\NACE.aE ... Valeriana c?2oica. Fedia olitoria. Centranthus rw&er. Nardo- stachys Jatamansi. 76. CompositacEjE ... ^QeWis perennis. Agathea celestis. Carthamus tinctorius. Scor- zonera hisjMnica. Catananche cerulea. Cosmea bipinnata. Zinnia clegans. Ceutaurea cyanus. Elichrysum spectabile. Calliopsis hicolor. Ecliinops. 77. Dipsace.e Dipsacus s?//f€s'iy&. SL-H'.Lmatol RANUNCULACE^., THE CROWFOOT TRIBE. This Order consists of herbs and shrubs, the climbing species of Clematis being almost the only instance of a woody stem. The leaves grow either opposite or alternate on the stem ; they are generally nn;ch divided. The leaf-stalks form a kind of sheath partly enclosing the stem. The flowers vary much in form, but in essential parts a great similarity prevails throughout the Order. The petals usually five, one having sometimes a horned spur or nectary, as in Deljjhinium. The number of the petals varies from 3 to 15. The parts of the calyx also vary, and are sometimes coloured and form the actual flower, as in Hellebore. The stamens are many, placed below the ovary, which is composed of many seed-vessels of one cell each, or combined into one vessel containing many cells. The seed- vessel, when ripe, is either a cluster of several dry cells, as in Ranunculus, or a berry, with one or more seeds, as in Actea ; or a pouch, with one or more valves, as in Larkspur. The seed has sometimes a feathered end, as in Anemone or Clematis. Allied in some points with the Magnolia, and the Poppy tribe. Acrid and even poisonous properties prevail in these plants. Several of the most common and favourite flowers of our fields belong to this tribe. Ranunculus acris (1), the buttercup, has a brilliant golden flower, but the whole plant is acrid. R. Thora, of Germany, is said to have yielded the juice formerly used by hunters to poison their javelins when pursuing wild animals. Ficaria is one of the first plants to appear in spring, adorning a hedge-bank \^^t]l its glossy leaves and bright star-like flowers. R. aquatilis, the white crowfoot, is frequent in ponds or streams ; its leaves roiinded above the water, divided into fine segments below. R. hulhoms, of England, grows also on the Himalayas. R. asiaticus affords the numerous varieties of double flowers cultivated in Holland for our gardens. The black berries of Actea spicata, the baneberry of Yorkshire and Scotland, are poisonous, although the roots are used medicinally. Aconite and other species yield medicine in India, and in North America. Hellebore (2) was known and used in ancient times. Many of our early garden flowers belong to this 1. Ranunciilus acris. Buttercup. England. 1a Petal with the nectary. 2. Helleborus fcetidus, Bearxfoot Ilellehore. England. '^. Anemone cnronaria, Poppy anemone. Levant,. 4. Anemone j a pan ica. China and Japan. 5. Delphinium elatutn, Bee Larkspur. Siberia. C. Trollius europceus, Glohe flower. England. 7. Clematis viticella. Virgin's bower. Spain. 7a Seed of Clematis vilalba, Travellers' ioy. Jledycs, England. RANUNCULACE^. tribe. The delicate Ilepatica, with its triple leaf. The Christmas Rose, or white Hellebore. The Chinese Peony ; and the Chinese Anemone (4), lately brought from China, where it is planted on graves. Larkspur and Aconite also produce several beautiful varieties, flowering abundantly. The wood Anemone abounds in sheltered copses in spring. Anemone j^ithalina is seen on chalk do\Mis and pastures in many parts of England, bearing soft purple flowers in April and May. Caltha pahistris, Marsh Marigold, is one of the gay yellow flowers used formerly to adorn a may- jwle. All this tribe requires a cool climate, and is widely dispersed in all suitable places ; in the tropics on moimtains. The greatest portion of these plants are in Europe. North America has many. R. acris and others grow in Iceland and Lapland ; TroUius europcens in Norway. One species was found in IVIelville Island, 75° N. Lat. About 100 species belong to the Himalayas, U. hullwsus of England amongst them, but more hairy. A beautiful white Clematis climbs over trees in New Zealand. LIBRARY OF THE -RSITY OF ILLINOIS . Ike /JiH/'.ni/i Tnhe thivH-Sm, hfxit/uii DILLENIACEJ^. THE DILLENIA TRIBE. Trees, shrubs, and iinder-shrubs, with a very few hei'baceous plants. The leaves usually grow alternate on the stem, very seldom opposite to each other, almost always without stipules ; of a thick leathery substance, and generally having veins passing straight from the mid -rib to the margin in the manner called feather- veined. The flowers have five petals and five sepals ; the stamens are attached below the ovary ; either distinct, or united in sets. In Dillenia scabrella (1) the stamens of the inner row are longer and bend over those of the outer row ; sometimes they are placed on one side of the pistil instead of around it. The ovaries are terminated by a simple stigma ; the fruit is composed of two or "five carpels, distinct, or cohering together, the seeds are surrounded by a pulpy aril, and are fixed in a double row to the inner edge of the carpel. The sepals remain after the petals fall off, and become a thickened covering to the fruit. These plants have much affinity with Magnoliaceae, also with Ranunculaceaj, but differ from both by the want of stipules, the persistent calyx, and the quinary arrangement of the parts of fructification. Their most distinguishing character is the aril round the seeds. The chief use of this tribe is derived from the astringent ])roperty. Dillenia scabrella (1) is a tree thirty or forty feet high, with numerous branches. The flowers come forth in the beginning of the year before the leaves, and are very fragrant ; the fruit ripens in May. The fleshy ripe calyx is used in Bengal to give a pleasant acid flavour to curries. This and other species of Dillenia yield a valuable, hard, and durable timber. The juice of the fruit of Dillenia speciosa, when mixed with syrup, is considered a remedy for coughs in India. Many of the Indian trees of this tribe are remarkable for the grandeur of their form and the beauty of their flowers. Dillenia, Tetracera, and others, have an exceeding rough surface to their leaves, which makes them useful to the natives for polishing wood and even metal. Hibbertia voluhilis (rj) is a lofty tree in Malabar, the flowers are of a brilliant appear- ance, but have an unpleasant odour. Several species of Tetracera are employed medicinally by the Brazilians. Curatella Sambaiha is ])owerfully astringent, and affords an excellent decoction for healing wounds, and also is much used by tanners in Brazil. The larger portion of this tribe is found to inhabit India, Australia, and the equinoctial parts of America. Only a very small number grow in equinoctial Africa. 1. Dillenia scabrella. 2. Candollea cunclformis. Ben-al. New Holland. '■i. Hibbertia voluhilis. Malabar and Java. •4, Hibbertia ptdincularia. New South Wales. 4a Sved-vessels. LIBRARY OF THE f'WIVERSITY OF ILLINOiS ^^ 3b £rrazil, is derived from the root of Cissampelos Fareira ; that of C. ehracteata is considered an antidote to the bite of snakes. A strong spirit is distilled from the root of C. ohtccta, in the mountains of Gurwhal, aa well as from other plants of this tribe. Several species, with large fleshy roots, are extensively dispersed over the hills and plains of India. The silvery round loaves of C. glaberrima resemble those of the Nasturtium or Indian Cress, and have a similar pungent taste. C. mauritlanus is a tonic plant of INIadagascar, Coscinium fenestratum is the " knotted plant " of the Cingalese, who prepare a medicine from slices of the w^ood. The bark of Chondodendron convolvulaceum is used in Peru as a cure for fever ; some species yield also a yellow dye from the bark. From the seeds of several of the plants an oil is expressed. Thus various useful preparations are obtained from this comparatively small tribe, and serve the purposes of the natives of South America and of the East Indies. The peculiar character of the seed becoming curved as it enlarges in growth is seen more or less in all the plants. Some species of Cocculus have a power of throwing out rootlets from a broken branch ; in some cases they have been seen of the length of eight feet, extending from the branch to the ground, not thicker than common pack- thread. Lardizabala is a shrub with compound leaves, varying in some respects from the rest of this tribe, and by some botanists made the type of a separate Order. L. hiternata is rarely seen in English conservatories, but it grows abundantly in South America, and the fruit is sold in the markets of to\Aiis and villages through- out Peru and Chile. HollboUia yields eatable fruit to the natives of Nepal. Staun- tonia is a genus first found in China ; other species have been since discovered on the range of the Himalayas, in shady cool situations, at an elevation of 5000 feet. The plants of this Tribe are common in the tropics of America and Asia ; a few inhabit the cooler parts of China and North America : they are very scarce in Africa ; one only is found in Siberia. All the species grow in woods, twining around other plants. Cissampelos abounds most in America, Cocculus in Asia. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILL!Nu^ i E.T del. nt'. Berberry Trihe/ Day &>S. ^nt. Limxitcb m BERBERIDACEyE. THE BERBERRY TRIBE. Shrubs and herbaceous plants, usually destitute of hairs, hut often spiny. Ths leaves are alternate, compound, generally without stipules ; those of the common Berberry and some other species appear to be simple leaves growing in clusters, but are jointed at the stalk, and are therefore compound leaves reduced to a single leaflet. The flowers are either solitary, branched, or in panicles ; the sepals of the calyx are three, as in Diphylleia, four as in Epimedium, or six as in Berberis, with petal-like scales on the outside. The petals are the same in number as the sepals, or twice as many, having sometimes an appendage at the base in the interior. The stamens are equal in number to the petals, opposite to which they are placed ; the anthers have two cells which open by valves from the lower part upwards, the same as in the Laurel tribe. The style is terminated by a circular stigma ; the fruit is either a berry or a capsule, containing crustaceous or membranous seeds. This Order is connected with Fumariaceaj and Vitacese. Berberis (1), which gives its name to this tribe, is so called in Arabia ; the fibrous veins of the leaf are very tojigh, that which runs at the margin forms a small spine at the point of each serrature ; at the base of the leaf and flower-stalks is a strong, triple s^^ine, formed of the hardened ribs of imperfect leaves. The flowers have an unpleasant odoiir in spring, but are of elegant appearance, and are much resorted to by bees and other insects. The filaments of the stamens possess considerable irritability ; when slightly touched, they rise from the petals towards the stigma. The berries are so extremely acid, birds \vill seldom eat them, but when preserved with sugar they are made into jelly in some countries, and are likewise put into sugar-plums. At Verdun, and other towns in France, where hon-hons are the chief manufacture, they are much in request. The stem, branches, and roots yield a bright, yellow dye, chiefly used in Poland to dye leather or linen. The Berberry is worthy to be classed among our ornamental shrubs, and is particularly so in autumn, when the drooping clusters of bright red berries remain 1. Berberis vnlyaris, Common Berberry. 2. Epimedium alpinum {continued). England. 2c Stamen. 1a Flower. 2d Anther, open. 1b Petal. 2e Pistil. Ic Stamen. 3. Diphylleia cymosa, Blueherricd Diphylltiu. Id Pistil. Nortli America. 2. Epimedium nlpinum, Alpine liarren-icort. 3a Stamen. England. 3b Anther, open. 2a Flower maynified. 3c Anther, valves recurved. 2 b Calyx. 3d Pistil. BERBERIDACE^. for many weeks on tlie brandies. Where it is seen growing Inxurionsly in favour- able situations, as among the grey rocks that bound the ^'^ alley of Intcrlaken, or in Austria on the shores of the Danube, it cannot fail to attract the admiration of the traveller. B. asiatirus, growing on the Neilgherries, })roduces an excellent yellow dye. The fruit of B. aristata, another Indian species, is dried in the sun, like raisins, and sent downi to the plains. B. ilaifoUa is a beautiful S2)ecies, growing near the Straits of Magellan ; three kinds of Berberis are ainindant on the whole chain of the Andes. Epimedium is said to be so named by Dioscorides ; the four sepals of the calyx soon fall -off, the four petals are spreading and concave, and upon each lies a hollow pouch-like nectary. The leaves of Epimedium alpimim (2) are at first tender and drooping, after the flowers are faded they acquire size and firmness. It is only seldom found in the north of England, and in Scotland, in the shelter of woods in hilly districts. Ejiimedium violaccum grows in Japan. Dii)hyneia ci/mosa is an herbaceous plant, having only two leaves, as its name imports ; the berries are blue when rij)e. Nandina is an evergreen shrub in Japan and China, occasionally cultivated in English gardens ; it bears panicles of greenish flowers, and berries about the size of peas. Leontice Leontopetalum is a specimen of the herbaceous class in this Order, with flowers growing singly at the base of the leaf-stalk : the root is said to be used medicinally by the Turks of the Levant, where it grows. Bongardia belongs also to the East, the tubers are sometimes roasted and eaten in Persia. Canlophyllum thalich-oides is a delicate little plant of North America ; its ])rincipal singularity consists in being one of the few instances of a seed destitiite of the usual covering : the roots are said to possess medicinal l)roperties, and the seeds have been employed as a substitute for coffee. These plants are disposed, chiefly in mountainous places, over the temperate ])arts of the northern hemisphere ; rather abundantly in the northern provinces of India. In South America they are found as far south as the Straits of Ma- gellan ; none have yet been discovered in Africa, Australia, or the South Sea Islands. OF 1H£ Zh 1. 'ay Jr. Sari'.Lwv.tfd/. FUMARIACEJi:. THE FUMITOllY TRIBE. All herbaceous plants, either annnal or perennial, with slender fragile stems, con- taining a milky juice. The leaves are usually alternate, much divided in a temate manner : some species have twisted leaf-stalks, like tendrils, by means of which they chmb over other plants. The flowers are very irregular ; the calyx is formed of two small acute membranous sepals placed opposite each other ; the petals are four in number, more or less combined in a tube, one or two of them having a spur or pouch at the base, forming a nectary ; the two side petals are within the others, and are slightly united by their tips. The stamens are either four or six, di\aded into two sets, opposite the outer petals, very seldom all separate ; the anthers are membranous, the outer one of each set is one -celled, the middle one two-celled. The ovary is terminated by a slender style, and a stigma of two compressed lobes, with two or more points. The seed-vessel is either a closed nut containing one or two polished crested seeds, as in Fumaria, or a pod vriih two valves and many seeds, as in Corydahs, or a succulent closed pod vnih two seeds, as in Sarcocapnos : in this Order is seen every gradation from a one-seeded to a many-seeded pod. Fumaria resembles in some points Epimedium, thus forming a link with the Berberry tribe. Hypecoum shows an affinity \^'ith the Poppy tribe, but an im- portant difference exists in the juice of Fumitories being watery, that of Poppies milk}'. The general character of the Fumitory tribe is to be slightly bitter, scentless, and without any milky juice. Fumaria cajireolata (1) grows plentifully in various parts of England, climbing often to the height of three or four feet vdih its twisting leaf-stalks on other plants ; the globose pod contains a single seed. Corydalis is the old Greek name for these plants. Corydalis Intea (2) is fomid among the ruins of Fountain's Abbey, and in a few other localities in Yorkshire, and in Derbyshire ; the stems are extremely brittle, the fibrous roots penetrate easily among the stones of old walls, where it flourishes : this renders it a suitable plant for rock -work in gardens, although it spreads too rapidly, as the seed-vessels ripen and scatter their seeds in great pro- fusion. Corydalis tuberosa (3) is remarkable for its hollow root, which has been 1. Fumaria capreolata. Ramping Fumitory. England. 1a Flower partly separated. ]b Seed-vessel, Ic Seed. 2 Coryda is lutea. Yellow Corydalis. England. Corydalis tuberosa, Hollow-rooted Corydalis. Europe. 3a Stamens. 3c Seed-vessel. 3b Pistil. 3d Seed-vessel, open. 'Diclytraformosa, Blush Diclytra. N. America. Corydalis Cashmeriana, Cashmere Cory- dalis. Himalayas. FUMARIACE.^2. ascertained to contain a peculiar alkali calleil Coryclalin. Coryilalis solida, occa- sionally found in woods in ^Vestmoreland, and frequently on the Continent, has a fleshy root, which is said to afford food to the poor Kalmucks in their winter scarcity. Corydalis Caslimeriana (5) is one of the fifteen species that have heen discovered on the range of the Himalayas, from Nepal to Cashmere ; it is a small plant, and bears but few flowers on the erect simple stalk, but is of pleasing aspect from the colouring. C. Goviana is very common on the Choor Mountains of the Himalayas, at 80U0 feet elevation ; the Hill people esteem it a valuable charm against the influence of evil spirits. The tuberous root of C. bullosa was formerly used as a medicine, being bitter, astringent, and slightly aromatic. C. nohilis, from Siberia, is a hardy flower in English gardens. A species of Fumaria, nearly resembling F. parvljlora of Europe, is taken in India as a remedy for ague, ^^■hen mixed with black pepper. The genus Diclytra was so named from the two spurs or pouches ; the several hardy species of our gardens are from North America. Diclytra spectaillis, lately brought from China by Mr. Fortune, is one of the finest of this tribe, bearing long racemes of elegant pink flowers. Sarcocapuos enneaphylla of Spain differs in foliage from the usual form in this tribe, the leaves being of a fleshy substance, and divided simply into three triple divisions. Cysticapnos Africana, of the Cape, has also simple triple leaflets. Adlumia is an annual plant from North America, climbing to the height of fifteen feet, with rapid growth. Dactylicapnos is a climbing species belonging to the Himalayas, distinguished by its fleshy oblong berries. Dicentra cucullaria is employed medicinally in North America. The plants of this tribe are dispersed chiefly over the temperate and cold regions of the Northern hemisphere, growing in woods and waste places. Like many tribes belonging to temperate climates, it extends in a few scattered species over the middle regions of the Himalayas. One species alone is found on the plains of India, flowering only in the cold season. Two species belong to the Cape of Good Hope. Lil'^ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF i f' NYMPHEACEJ^: THE WATER-LILY TRIBE. All herbaceous plants, growing from a prostrate stem in quiet waters, having leaves of a thick substance, either heart-shaped or of a peltate form, attached to the leaf-stalk by the centre. The young leaves are usually rolled inwards ; when fully gro^^^l they lie perfectly flat on the surface of the water, or else rise up above it. The flowers are composed of four or five sepals, and numerous petals, some of which pass gradually into stamens : both petals and stamens are inserted into the large fleshy disk which surrounds the ovary, except in Nelumbium, where they are placed in several rows at the base of the disk. The filaments of the stamens are of a petal-like form ; the anthers burst inwardly by a double longitudinal cleft. The ovary contains many cells and numerous seeds, surmounted by the radiating stigmas. In Nelumbium the ovary is very large, and rises high in the centre of the flower, having on its summit several short styles and simple stigmas. The nuts, containing one, rarely two seeds each, lie half-buried in the hollow cells xmtil they are ripe, when they become loose, and fall out. The seeds of Nymphea and Euryale are enveloped in an arillus. The radiating stigmas on the summit of the enlarged seed-vessel, and a narcotic milky juice, are connecting links with the Poppy tribe ; the dilated disk of some kinds of Peony resembles partly that of Water-lilies, thus forming a link with the Crowfoot tribe. N\Tnphea aJha (1) is the most beautiful of British water-plants ; the flower, rising above the water among the flat green leaves, opens in the morning and closes in the afternoon. The roots or creeping stem are used for dyeing grey in Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland ; they are also useful in tanning leather. Nuphar luteum (3) grows in America, as well as in several countries of Europe : in Turkey a cooling beverage is pre])ared from the flowers. The stems contain a great portion of starch, and, if well washed, afford wholesome food. The seeds are also eatable, and are used by the poor peasants of some countries in times of scarceness. Nelumbium specioswni (-i) is the once celebrated Lotus of Egypt, which was considered sacred, and employed as an emblematical ornament in the paintings of their temples. It is also frequently found on the ancient monuments of India, where it abounds in almost every part of the country, covering the waters with its magnificent flowers and large leaves, on which aquatic birds walk. The 1. Nymphea alba, While Water-lily. England. 2. ^yTa]}hea py[/niea, Piymi/ Water-lili/. China. 3. Nuphar luteum, Yellow Water-lily. England. ■4. l^ehimhmm speciositm, Sacrcfl Bean. India. 5. Nymphea ctcrnlca, Blue Water-lily. Cape of Good Hope. NYMPHEACE.i;. loug stalks are coukeJ and eaten in Japan ; the roots and seeds are esteemed as food in China, being eaten fresh in summer, and preserved in salt and vinegar for winter use. Nymphea lotus, a pink species about the size of our white Water-lily, still grows abundantly in Lower Egypt. The leaf and flower-stalks of several kinds of Xelumbium and Nymphea contain spiral vessels, out of which the Hindoos make wicks for the sacred lamps in their temples. Euryale ferox grows in China and India, — very plentifully in the lakes of Ghittagong, eastward of Calcutta, where it is called by the natives Makannah ■ it bears flowers a great part of the year, but "they are small, of a pale purple colour, and not nearly so ornamental as those of the tribe usually are. The stalks, calyx, and under-surface of the leaves are beset with strong prickles : the nuts are farinaceous ; after being heated in sand they become light and spongy, and fit for food. The tubers and seeds of several kinds of Nymphea are roasted and eaten by the negroes of Senegal. Victoria regina, the most gigantic and beautiful of water-plants, belongs to the rivers of Guiana, where it was discovered by Robert H. Schomburgk in 1837, in great profusion. The leaf is from five to six feet in diameter, green above and red on the lower surface, having a broad rim around it. The flower measures fifteen inches across, and is composed of numerous petals of a deep rose colour in the centre, gradually becoming a pure white towards the exterior ; the stalks and calyx are, like those of Euryale, covered with strong prickles : the seeds are eaten by the native Indians. India is the principal station of this Order, all except Nuphar being found there. Nelumbium is the most abundant genus of the East Indies. Some inhabit the still waters of the temperate and tropical regions of the whole northern hemisphere, both of the Old and the New World ; a few grow in the southern hemisphere, at the Cape of Good Hope and elsewhere. Victoria is the represent- ative of the Order in South America. OF THE UNtVERSin Of !LL!NO!S ,i/" Day &■ Son/XvruteJy PAPAVERACE^. THE POPPY TRIBE. Herbaceous plants and shrubs ; leaves alternate on the stem, either simple or divided ; without stipules at the base of the leaf-stalk. The flower-stalks are generally long, bearing flowers singly ; the calyx is composed of only two or three sepals, .which fall off when the flower expands ; the petals are usixally four, sometimes six, — in Bocconia they are wanting. In the bud state the petals are usually crumpled. Stamens numerous, attached to the base of the pistil, the style of which is short ; stigmas, either two or many, forming a rayed star on the top of the ovary. The seed-vessel is either a capsule as in the Poppy, or long and pod-shaped as in Glaucium, the Horn Popj)y, containing numerous seeds of a fleshy, oily nature. A milky juice pervades the plants of this Order, possessing narcotic properties ; it abounds in the full-grown capsules of Papaver somnifemm, the Opium Poppy (1). This plant grows in sandy ground in the fen districts of England, but is much more plentiful in the south of Europe, where it was probably first introduced from the East. In Gennany it is cultivated chiefly for the sake of the seeds, the oil contained in them being used for various purposes ; mixed with olive oil, it is much employed in cookery. The opium Poppy was known and cultivated by the ancients in the time of Dioscorides, and Homer mentions it as being valuable for assuaging the agonies of wounded heroes. In the East it is grown in very large quantities for the opium, which is obtained from incisions made in the half-ripe capsules : when thickened by exposure to the sun, and made into cakes, it is a great article of commerce throughout the East. Glaucium luteum (3) grows on many jjarts of the coast of England, among the loose stones and sandy soil ; the singular pale -green foliage, and the bright yellow flowers, adorning the barren shore. Chelidonium, or Celandine, is common on waysides in many parts of England ; it is said to have been so called after the Greek name of the swallow, as it appears about the time of the arrival of that bird, and withers at its departure in the autumn. The whole plant contains an orange -coloured juice of intensely acrid property, which is used medicinally for the eyes. Argemone Mexicana, a garden-plant in this country, is a common weed in the West Indies, with a prickly fruit aboiit the size of a fig ; this abounds in a thick milky juice, which congeals and becomes yellow in the open air, resembling gamboge. It is considered beneficial in medicine, both in the East and West 1. Papaver somniferiim, Opium Pappy. 1a Capsule. 2. Papaver Rlucas, Common Corn-poppy, Corn-fields, England. '■). Glaucium luteum, Fellow Horn-poppy, Sandy Sea-shores, England. 4. Meconopsis aaileala. Himalayas. 4a SecU-vrssi'l. E PAPAVF.RACE.T). Indies ; and the Brazilians eniplny it as a remedy against the Mte of serpents. Sangninaria Cmiadeiisis, which grows in the woods of Canada, has an abnnchant red juice in all its parts, with which the Indians stain themselves ; the root is tuberous and fleshy : from each tuber grows a single leaf, and a stalk bearing one delicate white flower. Some ])lauts of this tribe form connecting links with other tribes. The long pods of Glaucium and Eschscholtzin very nearly resemble in appearance those of the cruciferous tribe. Platystemon, a genus found in California and .Siberia, forms a link with the Crowfoot tribe. The prevailing colours of the flowers are yellow, red, and white ; none are blue, although Glaucium violaceum is of a purple hue. Papaver affords one of the very few instances of a red flower in England, and it is remarkable that these all occur in exposed sunny places, chiefly in corn-fields, — a fact that coincides with other observations on the necessity of a bright sunlight for the development of a red colour. In preparing carmine, it has been found essential to carry on the process in the full light of the sun. The different plants of this Order are dispersed most abundantly in Europe, scattered species being found but rarely in other parts of the world. Two are known to belong to Siberia, three to China and Japan, one to the Cape of Good Hope, one to North America, and six to tropical America. Those which are perennial are chiefly natives of mountainous districts. Papaver rhceas (2) and P. duhium of England are now found in gardens in India, probably introduced from Europe. Papaver glahrum, the only native Indian species, grows in corn- fields on the terraced slopes of the Himalayas, at an elevation of from 5000 to 7000 feet. Meconopsis is the most widely-scattered genus of this Order ; M. cambrica belonging to Westmoreland and Wales ; M. aculeata being common on the Himalayas, and another species growing in North America. OF THE !'?^!VFRS!TV Of 111 EJJd vavi^ li'n/J.umted 10 SARRACENIACEJ^. THE SIDE-SADDLE FLOWER TRIBE. A" FEW herbaceous, perennial plants, with fibrous roots, growing in bogs and swamps. The leaves are radical, having an enlarged tubular stalk, at the top of which the true leaf is articulated. The stem bears one or more flowers, usually of an herbaceous hue, seldom of a pure, bright colour, in some species white. The flo\ver is composed of five concave petals, a calj^x of five sepals, and sometimes a three-leaved involucre, as in Sarraceuia (I) ; or it has a calyx of four to six 8ei)a]8, much imbricated, and is destitute of a true corolla, as in Heliamphora (3). The stamens are many, attached to the base of the pistil ; the anthers are oblong, two-celled, bursting internally and longitudinally. The ovary is globular, foniied of five united carpels ; the style is a simple column, expanded at thg summit into a large leafy plate, ha^^ng a stigma at the five angles in Sarracenia; or the ovary is three-celled, ^^•ith a simple style terminating in a truncate point in Heliamphora. The capsule contains numerous small seeds, slightly warted in those of Sarracenia, or ^nnged \\dth a brown membranous expansion in those of Heliamphora : they cover the slender divisions which proceed from the centre into each cell. This Order has some affinity with Papaveraceas on account of the dilated, foliaceous stigmas ; the carpels and fruit agi'ee in some respects with those of N}nnpheacea3. No iiseful properties have as yet been discovered in these plants. The parts of the flower are liable to great variety of condition ; the deviation of Heliamphora from the general type of the Order is analogous to what occurs in the Crowfoot tribe, where Caltha varies in the same manner from the true Ranun- culus type, having a calyx of coloured sepals, but no real corolla. The hollow stalks of the leaves of this tribe are of singular construction, and are lined with hairs of a peculiar nature, the physiological action of which is not yet ascertained. They have been found containing water, which it is supposed may be valuable to small animals and birds during the droughts in North America. Tiiey also entrap insects by means of the hairs. The leaves are said to shut over the hollow stalks like lids in dry weather, and thus prevent the evaporation of the water. Sarracenia was so named l;y Tournefort, after Dr. Sarrazin, a French phy- 1. Sarracenia purpured. Purple Side-xnddle •"3. Heliamphora niilmis, Noddiii;/ Heliamphora. Flower. Canada. Guiana. I A Pistil. .3a Stamens and Pistil. ]b Section of Ovary. Ic Seed mfifjiiified. •'5b Section of Seed mayiiijied. 2. San-accnia vnrialaris, Hook ■ leaved Side - ;Jc Section of Ovary. saddle Flower. Carolina. SARRACENlACEiE. sician residing in Quebec, who discovered this reniarkablo genus in Canada. Several species have since been found in the bogs of Carolina and Virginia. Sarraoonia purpurea (1) was brought to England by Tradescant, in 1(140; this, as well as other species, will flourish under cultivation, by making a kind of artificial bog of.peat and moss, and keeping the plants well supplied with water to their fibrous roots. .Sarracenia variolar is (2) has transparent glands at the back of the up]>cr part of the hollow stalk. The leafy stigma was formerly considered an essential character of this tribe, but the discovery of lleliamjihora nutans (3) by Sir Hubert Schomburgk shows that opinion to be unfounded. In this flower the stigma is reduced to a mere termination of the style. The enlarged leaf-stalks of this plant bear an extra- ordinary proportion to the small leaf at the end ; the hairs which densely clothe the mouth of the pitcher are perceived, when magnified, to be thick, conical, ai^ striped ; those which are scattered about the lower portion are smaller, and arise from a tubercle, appearing to be composed of a single cell forming a hollow tube, probably filled with a fluid when in a living state. The middle part is destitute of hairs, but often covered with numerous minute glands. These curious hairs and glands doubtless perform an important function in the economy of the leaf, and thus of the whole plant ; but until observations have been made on li\'ing specimens no accurate knowledge can be obtained on the subject. All the plants of this Order are inhabitants of the bogs of North America, with the exception of Heliamphora nutans, growing at an elevation of 6000 feet above the sea, in the marshy savannahs of Mount Roraima, on the borders of British Guiana. / Or I HE "'"'"'ERSITY Of ILL IIML The.' Crudfonro Trvbe Do.v X: .i/miLmuted/ u CRUCIACE^E. THE crucifor:\[ thibe. Herbaceous plants, and a few half shrubs. The leaves are alternate. The flowers are chiefly yellow or white, some are pnrple, without bracts, generally on branching stalks. The sepals of the calyx are four, falling off before the capsule is enlarged. The petals are four, cruciform, alternate with the sepals, occasioiially toothed. The stamens are six, the four longest in pairs, the two short ones single and placed between the pairs. On the disk are green honey- glands, between the petals and the stamens and ovary. The ovary is above the calyx and disk, with plates from the edges usually meeting in the centre. The stigmas are two, placed opposite the plate-bearing seeds. The seed-vessel is a siUque, a long pod containing many seeds ; or a silicule, a short pod with few seeds ; opening by two valves separating from the central plate, or remain- ing closed. The seeds are attached by a little cord in a single row to each side of the plate, generally pendulous ; they have no albumen. This Order has close afiinity with Capparidacere, and in some points it agrees with Paf)averace92, but the structure of the seed-vessel and seed is peculiar. Nitrogen exists in these plants ; some are very acrid, but none poisonous ; many are stimulant and extremely wholesome ; the seeds yield oil. This is one of the most clearly defined of the Natural Orders, but is a remarkable instance of the variety developed from one type. Brassica is the principal genus, being the stock from whence are derived the numerous varieties of Cabbage, Turnip, Cauliflower, Rape, and others ; thus affording a large supply of nutritive food, and a considerable quantity of oil. B. oleracea (1) grows abundantly on the chalk cliffs of Dover, but in its natural condition would scarcely be recognised as the parent of the thousand-headed Cabbage, or the Brussels Sprouts. The different kinds all require a temperate as well as moist climate ; Britain and Holland are the countries most favourable to their cultiva- tion ; in Germany also they succeed, and an immense supply of Kolil is con- sumed in the fermented state of Smterkrant. The tree-kail, or cow-cabbage of France, attains the height of IG feet. B. rajya furnishes the various kinds of Turnip, of great importance as food for cattle. B. iiajms is Rape, the 1. Brassica oleracea, Common Cabbage. 0. Petrocallis pyrenaicn. Pyrenees Chalk Cliffs, England. 0. Iberis gibraltarica, Spanish Candyiii/I. 1a Stamens and pistil. Gibraltar 1b Pistil. 7. Cheiranthus Cheiri, Wall-Jloicer. England 2. Lunaria biennis, Honesty. England. 7a Siliqiic, opened. 3. Nasturtium fjjieina/e, Water-cress. 7 b Section of Seed. Streams, England. 8. Schizopetalon Walla-ri. Chile i Ei-jsimum Pclrotislianum. raU-stinc. U. Silicule of Thlap^i latijhlinm. CRUCIACE.E. seeds of which contain an excellent oil. B. siiunsis is cultivated on hills and plains in northern China, chiefly for the sake of the oil; of late years it has been introduced into France, and is found to afford valuable food; the golden flowers are highly fragrant, as are several of this tribe. In Kerguelen's Isle a kind of cabbage is acceptable to sailors who land there. Nasturtium officinale (3) contains Iodine ; of our native vegetables it is the cheapest and most whole- some, and is of such ready growth that a never-failing su]>ply is maintained for the poorer classes; so great is the demand for this humble plant in the metropolis, that in some gardens in the vicinity, as at Watford in Hertford- .shire, it is cultivated in small shallow canals in perennial plenty, N, pusillum is used in Brazil as a medicine, Sinapis yields a salad in its first pair of leaves, and mustard from its pungent seeds, Lepidium, the early Salad-cress. Cochleariili^^; the stimulant Horse-radish. Crambe niaritima, transplanted from our south shores into gardens about a century ago, becomes when gro\vn and bleached the delicate Sea-kail. I{a])hanu3 Rapliani^trum is a common English weed; 11. sativus, from China, furnishes the eatable liadishes ; 11. caudutus bears a pod longer than the whole plant. Moricandia arvensis of the South of Europe is excessively acrid, yet a favourite food of camels. Farsetia parvijiora is the Arabian Cress of the Desert. Lunaria (2) is so called from its moon-shaped silicules, which are of a silvery whiteness when ripe. Erysimum was a plant kno^A■n to the ancients; E. Fetrowskianum (4) is a late addition to our gardens, Petrocallis is one of the mountain species which adorn the rocks of the Al])s and Pyrenees, The chief favourite of this tribe is the Wall-flower (7) ; when wild, on old walls and ruins, the flowers are pure yellow, but the garden variety is streaked with the richest crimson ; the scent is extremely fragrant, and few spring flowers give so much gratification to all classes. Some species of Cheiran- thus belong to jNIadeira and Teneriffe, Iberis is an exception to the regular coralla, two of the petals being larger than the others, I. amara grows on chalk soil in England ; I. timhellata is the garden Candy-tuft. I, gihraltarica (G) is one of the species inhabiting Spain. One of the prettiest of our spring flowers in meadows and copses is the Cardamine^ra^e« srs, Cuckoo -flow^er, mingling its pale purple blossoms v^dth Cowslips and Wood-anemones. Isatis tinctoria, Woad, contains a blue dye, used by the Britons to colour themselves ; before Indigo was plentiful, it was employed for dyeing cloth, Hesperis tristis is the night-ecented Rocket of Italy, of a dull hue, like the Mathiola tristis, also fragrant by night. The various double Stocks produced from M. incana of our south cliffs are well-known. Anastatica Ilierochuntia, the Rose of Jericho, has given rise to many superstitious tales ; as the plant withers it becomes uprooted, and rolls up into a dry ball ; when moistened it expands to its original shape, the pods open, and the seeds are scattered. Subularia aquatica is a singular example of flowers opening below the surface of water. Schizopetalon (8) differs from the usual type in having deeply notched petals, and four leaves to the seed instead of two. Brachycarpea varians is one of the few shrubby cruciferous plants. The hairs of the leaves or stalks are very interesting objects of examina- tion under the microscope ; those of Brassica oleracea are simple ; of Draba, forked ; of Alyssum, stellate at the summit. OF THE Jjl 'M' -t San Littuit/d, 12 CAPPARIDACE^. THE CAPER TEIBE. Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants ; the leaves are alternate, stalked, undivided or palmate, wnthout stipules at the base of the leaf-stalks, but sometimes having spines in their place. The flowers are solitary, or branching, or in a cluster at the ends of the branches ; the calyx has four sepals, either nearly distinct, or cohering in a tube of unequal size and shape ; the petals are four or eight, folded over each other in the bud, occasionally unequal or wanting. The stamens are usually numerous, seldom only six, four of which are larger than the other two ; in Physostemon (10a), two stamens have a singular appendage immediately below the anther. The disk on which the stamens are placed is at the top of the prolonged stalk of the ovary ; it is sometimes developed into a fleshy round or stalk-like body, or into a plate of varioiis form, bearing honey glands, with anthers on one side of it. The ovary is one -celled, v^ath two or more ribs on the edge, to which the ovules are attached. The style is long and slender, or wanting ; the stigma generally round. The fruit is either a pod, gaping when ripe, or a berry with one cell. The seeds are generally many, very rarely only one, kidney-shaped, without albumen. These plants have considerable resemblance to the Cruciform tribe, but are distinguished by the usually numerous stamens, and the kidney-shaped seeds. The stalked ovary indicates affinity with Passifloraceaj. Stimulant, pungent properties exist in the flowers and fruit. The Arabic denomination of the chief plant of this Tribe is Kahar, from which the Greek, Latin, and modem European names have aU been derived. The various species of Capparis are low shrubs, differing in appearance, some bearing delicate flowers, and of considerable beauty ; but the general character is thorny, rough, and wild ; some, which inhabit the deserts, have a remarkably dreary aspect, none more so than Capparis aphylla ; the oblong leaves soon wither and fall off, leaving only the slender stiff branches, with small clusters of flowers and 1. Capparis s/>(no5«. Common Caper-tree. South Europe. 1a Flower-hud, opened. 2. Capparis Brcynia, Oleaster - leaved Caper- tree. West Indies. 3. Crata'va fragi'ans, Sweet-scented Garlic-pear. Sierra Leone. ■4. Polanisia ctuiidonii, Celandine -flowered Polanisia. Ear-;t Indies. 5. Sodada decidua. Egypt. C. Capparis ovata, Fruit. 1 . CratcEva Roxburghii , Fruit. 8a Seed-vessel o/ Capparis Sinclairii. 8b Cross-section. Oa Section of Fruit oJ'G. Mtiypliaca. 9b Seed. 10a Flower «/' Physostemon. 10b Sied, mai/ni/ied. CAPPArjDACE.E. strong spines. C. horrida is nearly similar, beset with hooked spines, in pairs, at the base of the flower-stalks. C. spinosa (1) is the most useful species, owing to its agreeably pungent quahties; it is very commonly found growing, after the manner of the Bramble, in rocky, stony places, or amongst ruins, in Southern Europe. It is also cultivated in the South of France, and in Sicily, for the sake of the flower -buds, in which the peculiar pungent properties are already fully developed ; they are gathered whilst young, and preserved as a stimulating condiment to insipid boiled meats. The chief supply comes from Sicily, and the isles and coasts of the Mediterranean ; the imripe fruit has similar properties, and is also prepared as a pickle. Those buds which are suffered to remain on the plant continue to expand singly, in a continued scries, and are beautiful, although very short-lived. C. jEgjptiaca affords a refreshing and wholesome addition to the food of the Egyptians. C. rupestris to the Greeks. C. sepiaria has an umbel of small flowers at the ends of the branches, and a pair of hooked spines at the base of each leaf-stalk. Its nature makes it a good hedge-shrub in India, where it is thus used around Shikarpoor and elsewhere. The pods of C. Brei/nia (2) are twelve inches in length. Cratffiva was named in honour of Cratcevus, a Greek botanist who lived in the time of Hippocrates. G. fragrans (3) was brought from Sierra Leone at the close of the last century, having been discovered there by Afzelius, a professor of botany in the University of Upsal ; he found it spreading over the rocks, near rivers, amongst the mountains, in the same kind of localities as in the island of Bananas, where he had previously seen the plant. The flowers are like others of this tribe, of short duration, but come forth in succession during several weeks, and are highly fragrant. C. gynandra has been called the Garlic Pear; the bark of the root has ])owerful blistering properties. The berries of C. Kurvala are said to be juicy, and of pleasant flavour. C. Tapia, of the East Indies, bears a fruit as large as an orange, filled with a mealy kind of pulp, having the smell of garlic ; the bruised leaves are employed to alleviate inflammation ; the bark is bitter and tonic. The natives of Tahiti consider C. religiosa as peculiarly suited to burial grounds, and plant it on the graves. Polanisia (4) is one of these plants, having a slender seed-vessel, like the Cruciferous tribe in form, although the seeds are attached differently. Cleome shows still more affinity with that tribe, the flowers having six stamens, of which two are shorter. The seed-vessel usually remains upright, near the stem when ripe. C. violacea has a long drooping capsule ; this species is frequent in vineyards in Portugal. Colicodendron is said by ]\Iartius to be injurious to cattle ; and the species of Capparis called Fruta de Burro bears an extremely poisonous fruit. This tribe abounds in the Tropics and adjacent countries ; in Africa the species are numerous. Capparis extends to the south of Europe. Cleome is found in Portugal, Polanisia as far north as Canada ; a few species grow in the northern provinces of the United States. /-Vj^ .t SanJ.vriif"! The-Jmotto Inh&. 13 BIXACEyE. THE ARNOTTO TRIBE. Small trees and shrubs ; the leaves are alternate, simple, usually smooth at the edges, on short stalks, of a leathery substance, often marked with transparent round dots. The flower-stalks grow from the base of the leaf-stalk, and are either single or many-flowered. The sepals of the calyx are from four to seven, slightly united at the base ; the petals are of the same number, and alternate with them, very rarely absent. The stamens are equal in number to the petals, or twice as many, or some multiple of them ; occasionally some of them are changed into honey-bearing scales ; the anthers are two -celled. The ovary is nearly round, sessile, or shortly stalked, containing one or more cells ; the style is very slender or absent ; the stigmas are of the same number as the valves of the ovary, more or less distinct. The fruit is one-cefled, either a capsule with four or five valves, the centre filled with a soft pulp, as in Bixa, or a fleshy berry, as in Flacourtia. The seeds are generally invested with a thin skin formed by the withered pulp. The most useful shrub of this tribe is Bixa orellana, growing to the height ot seven or eight feet. The prickly fruit contains from thirty to forty angular seeds, enveloped in an orange-red pulp, from which the Arnotto dye is prepared ; after boiling, and being separated from the seeds, it is formed into hard lumps, and wrapped in leaves ready for sale. The Spaniards of South America mix it with their chocolate, to heighten the colour and improve the flavour. Both in Holland and England it is used to impart a red hue to cheese ; it formerly served as a dye for an orange-red tint, called " aurora." The American Indians paint themselves with this material ; they also make a kind of broth from the roots, which possess the same qualities as the seeds, though in a less degree. The bark affords fibres for ropes much used in the \^'est Indies ; the wood is well qualified to produce fire by friction, and is often selected for that purpose. The natives of Bengal employ the red pulp of Bixa as a temporary dye in their festival of Krishna ; although not indigenous in India, it is cultivated successfully as far north as Delhi. Flacourtia was named after De Flacourt, the commander of a French expe- dition to Madagascar in 1648, w'ho made a careful examination of the botanical productions of the island, and found the species called by the natives Ramontchi (2). The fruit has the appearance of plums, but within are twelve or more small seeds 1. Bixa Orellana, Hcarl-leavcd Arnotto. Wost Indies. 1a Pistil and Stamens magnified. 2. I'Licourlia liamontchi, Madagascar Plum. MadfiLMScar. 'i. Flacourtia inemiis, Thornless Flacourtia. East Indies. 3a Stamen magnified. 3b Flower mag nifud. 3c Fruit. P BIXACE.E. the size of those of the apple : the natives are very fond of the fruit, but Europeans find the flavour unpleasant, although sweet. A small island near the coast of ]Madagascar is covered with a grove of these trees, and has been named He aux Prunes. The fruit of Flacourtia I'nermis (3) is eaten in the Moluccas ; that of F. sajiida and F. sepiaria has a pleasant acidity : an infusion of the latter is a remedy against the bite of snakes, and the bark is nsed medicinally on the coast of Malabar. The young leaves of F. cataphracta are also considered medicinal in India. The berries of Roumea are eaten in Ceylon. The pulpy fruit of Oncoba is sweet, and affords food in Nubia. Lsetia apetala, of tropical America, yields a balsamic resin, becoming white in the open air like that of sandarach. Aphlora tcifoiinis, is a shrub of the Isle of France, where it is valued for the medical properties of the bark. Hydnocarpus venanata is well known in Ceylon for its property of intoxicating fish. Flacourtia Ramontchi and F. inermis have both been introduced into Bengal, where they now flourish. Other species are found throughout India on the plains, and along the tract of jungles at the base of the Himalayas. In Nepal they inhabit the low hot valleys, or grow near the rivers. Almost all the plants of this Order are natives of the hottest parts of the East and West Indies, Africa, and the adjacent islands. Two or three species belong to the Cape of Good Hope; one or two have been discovered in New Zealand; none belong to Europe. OF THE -^'Ty Of lu 'nieTasswri-flowerlnti \ 14 PASSIFLORACEiE THE PASSION-FLOWER TRIBE. Herbaceous plants or shrubs, usually of a climbing habit, very seldom erect. The leaves are alternate, ^vath foliaceous stipules, the leaf-stalks usually ha\ang glands. . The floNvers grow either from the base of the leaf-stalk, or at the ends of the branches ; they have often a three-leaved involucre immediately beneath them, which falls off before the flower expands. The calyx has generally five sepals, sometimes of irregular form, the inner surface usually coloured, and forming in ■ appearance a part of the flower itself: the lower part is combined into a tube of variable length, the sides of which are lined by slender filaments. The petals are five, arising from the summit of the tube of the calyx outside the filaments ; they are sometimes irregular, and sometimes wanting ; in the bud state they are folded one over the other. The stamens are five, united in one set, rarely more, surround- ing the stalk of the ovary ; the anthers are linear, turned outwards, and bursting horizontally in two cells. The ovary is at the top of a long stalk, and contains one cell ; thi'ee styles with spreading stigmas arise from the point. The fruit is stalked, oval, containing many seeds attached to the interior by small stalks, and surrounded by a pulpy covering. The most singular feature of this remarkable order is the filamentous coronet of rays encircling the orifice of the tubular calyx ; these annular appendages appear to be of an intermediate nature, between petals and stamens. Smeathmannia forms a connecting link with Samydacere, and some resem- blances exist -^-ith the gourd, the caper, and the violet tribes. Although many of these plants have wholesome fruit, yet some possess rather dangerous qualities. Passiflora was so named by its first discoverers in the forests of South America, v/ho, being zealous Catholics, imagined they perceived, in the singular arrangement of the interior of the flower, a resemblance to those emblematical images of the Passion of Christ which they were accustomed to form. Various species abound in the woods of Brazil and other countries of South America, climbing from tree to tree in extreme profusion, adorning them with their beautiful flowers, and yield- ing a refreshing fruit, sometimes of a bright purple colour. Passiflora edulis (1), P. maliformis (3), and several other species, produce fruit in this country, but it 1. 2. 3. Passiflora flower. Passiflora flower. Passiflora Fruit. edulis, Eatable-fruited Passion- West Indies. racemosa, Racemose Passion- Brazil. maliformis, Sweet Calabash, West Indies. ■4. Tacsonia moUissima, Downy Tacsonia. Santa Fe de Bogota. 5. Smeathmannia licviijata, Smooth- leaved Smeathmannia. Sierra Leone. PASSIFLORACE/E. does not fully ripen. P. racemosa (2) is one of those which flower at the ends of the branches, and is of extreme beauty and elegance ; upwards of fifty flowers come forth in succession on one branch : the wide keel of the calyx of this species causes the buds to appear deeply five-winged. P. quadrangularis, the Granadilla, has eatable fruit, but the root is powerfully narcotic, and is cultivated in the French colonies for its medicinal property, called Passijlorinc. P. contrai/crva has also a medicinal root. The flowers of P. rubra, in Jamaica, yield a tincture used as laudanum. The leaves of some sjiecies are employed medicinally by the Brazilians. Tacsonia (4) is so called from its Peruvian name, Tacso ; it is one of the most graceful of climbers, gro^^^ng to a vast height with great rai)idity, where light and warmth are favoxirable ; bearing numerous flowers. The fruit of this and other species of Tacsonia are eatable in South America. Smeathmannia lavigata (5) is an example of an erect shrub in this Tribe ; it was discovered by a traveller of the name of Smeathmann, in Africa. Paropsia cduh's, a Madagascar shrub, yields a wholesome fruit to the natives. The chief station of this Tribe is South America, where the woods abound with various species ; many also are found in the West Indies. One or two extend northwards in North America; several grow in Africa, and the neighbouring islands ; a few have been found natives of the East Indies : Passiflora Lechenaidtii on the Xeelgherries, and P. Kejjalensis in Nepal. One species of Passiflora extends to New Zealand. Disemma prevails in New Holland. Tacsonia seems to be confined to South America. Modecca belongs to the East Indies, Java, and the northern coast of New Holland. OF THE >SITV Of 1LU^'0!^ The, Vwlet' Tr[he 15 Y I O L A C E ^E. THE VIOLET TRIBE. Herbaceous plants and shrulis, the leaves of which are simple, usually alternate, sometimes opposite, having stipules at their base. The flowers are of various forms ;"the sepals of the calyx are five, permanent, imbricated in the bud, usually elongated at the base. The petals are five, attached to the base of the pistil, regular or irregular ; one being elongated into a hom, as in Viola odorata ; of unequal size, as in lonidium ; or of equal size, as in Alsodea. The stamens are five, alternate with the petals, or in a few instances opposite to them, inserted on the disk of the base of the pistil, often unequal ; the anthers are two-celled, burst- ing inwardly, either separate or cohering, and lying close upon the ovary ; the filaments are dilated, and lengthened beyond the anthers ; in the irregular flowers, two of them are generally furnished with an appendage, or gland, at the base. The ovary is one-celled, many seeded, rarely mth only one seed. The stjde is single, with an oblique, hooded stigma ; the capsule has three valves, bearing the seeds on a thin plate along the centre of each : the seeds are numerous, as in Viola, or of a definite number, as in Alsodea, round or winged, often with a swelling at the base. This Order has some affinity with Droseracese, and the fruit of Corynostylis connects it with the Passion-flowers ; but the position of the anthers, on the middle instead of at the top of the filament, is one distinguishing mark. The chief character of the violet tribe is the emetic property of the roots, which is very powerful in the South American species, and exists in a less degree in those of Europe. Viola odorata (1) ranks amongst the select favourites of the floral kingdom, and has been duly celebrated in all countries where it flourishes ; it may be found in woods, and on sheltered banks in many parts of England, as well as on the continent of Europe ; it grows also in Palestine, China, and Japan. The roots, 1. Viola odorata, Sweet Violet. England. 1a Pistil and Stamens. 1b Stamen with appendage. Ic Pistil. i. Corynostylis Hyhnnthus {con 4c Pistil and Calyx. 4d Stamens. 4e Stamen. iniu'd). 2. Viola tricolor, Heart' s-ease. England. 4f Cross-section of Ovary. 3. 4. 2a Pistil. Erpetion reni/ormit, Spnrless Violet. New Holland. Corynostylis Hybnnthus. 4a Seed-vessels. ■1b Seed. 5. 6. lonidium Itoubon. Alsodea Physipkora. 6a Pistil and Stamens. 6b Pistil. 6o Cross-section of Ovary. Guiana. Brazil. VIOLACE.E. leaves and flowers, all possess medical qualities in a slight degree ; a tincture made from the flowers is a useful chemical test. Some travellers have observed the flowers to be used in making sherbet in Turkey, and it is related by ancient historians that the Romans prepared a kind of \vine from them. Viola tricolor (2) in its natural state is frequently found in corn-fields ; in the highly cultivated condition to which it has been brought by the skill of modern florists it is a much admired flower, but cannot be admitted in groui)s of natural orders. Viola canina is widely dispersed, and is said to be strongly medicinal. V. ovata is considered a remedy for the bite of rattlesnakes. The species are generally of a hardy nature ; three inhabit Iceland ; V. cliciranthifolia, a downy -leaved Pyrennean species, is the last flowering plant on the Peak of Teneriffe, at an elevation of 11,200 feet above the sea, on the verge of the barren pumice and lava. Erpetion renifonnis (3) is a hardy little plant from New Holland, of elegant aspect, but not fragrant. Corynostylis IL/Lcnithus (4) inhabits the primaeval forests on the shores of the Amazon, and particularly near the confluence of the Yapura in the pro\ance of Miranha. It is of a shrubby nature, having a stem about three inches in diameter, growing to the height of three or four feet, partly climbing over other trees. The flowers are very irregular, two petals very small, the two side petals wider, the lower petal hooded, and prolonged into a tube or horn. The stamens are hairy at the back, the two placed under the horned petal have two downy prolongations at their base into the tube. lonidium Itouhou (5), a species so called from the native name, grows on sandy ground in various parts of Guiana, bearing flowers nearly aU the year ; it is usually about two feet high, covered \d\h a grey down ; the flowers ha^'^e a singular appear- ance, the four smaller petals being usually rolled up, the lower large one only expanded. A pretty variety, \\\\\i blue flowers, is very common in Guiana. I. jyarvijiorum and other species are used as true Ipecacuanha in Peru and the West Indies. I. suffrutico&um, of South America, grows also abundantly in the valley of the Ganges. Alsodea Physiphora (6) is an example of the regular flowers of this Tribe ; it is a shrub thirty or forty feet high, Anth stem and spreading branches of a greyish hue : the graceful flowers on a slender stalk resemble in appearance the Lily of the Valley, though of much smaller size. Other species of Alsodea are natives of Madagascar. Conohoria Loholoho of Brazil has mucilaginous leaves, which are boiled and eaten by the natives. Hymenanthera is an evergreen shrub of New Holland, The difi"erent species of Viola belong chiefly to Europe, Siberia, America, and the mountain ranges of India, a few only belong to the Tropics of Asia. In South America this tribe abounds, but the plants differ considerably from those of Europe, being nearly all shrubs, whilst the northern species are almost entirely herbaceous. Alsodea and its immediate allies are exclusively natives of South America, and Africa, except Pentaloba, which inhabits the Malay Isles. liBRARY OF THE yNlVERSITY Of ilUNOl MQ Lay i. ■ 16 POLYGALACEiE. THE MILKWORT TRIBE. Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, some of which are t^\^ners. The leaves are generally alternate, sometimes opposite, mostly simj^le, and always without stipules. The flawers are usually on branching stalks, often small and inconspicuous, but in some instances showy. The flower-stalks have small bracts. The sepals of the calyx are five, very irregular, distinct ; the two inner side sepals are usually large, of the colour of the petals, and form the wings of the flower. The petals are commonly three, one of which is larger than the rest, and is the keel ; sometimes they are five, two minute petals being placed at the sides ; the keel is either entire at the edge and bare or crested at the back, or it is divided into three lobes at the edge, and destitute of a crest. The stamens are unequal, usually eight, combined in a tube which is split opposite the upper sepal ; sometimes four and distinct. The anthers are club-shaped, mostly one-celled, and opening at the point. The ovary is above the base of the flower, compressed, with two or three cells ; the style is simple, curved, entire, or lobed ; sometimes very oblique and hooded at the top ; the stigma simple. The fruit usually opens through the valves, occasionally closed, membranous, fleshy, leathery, or drupaceous, winged or not. The seeds are pen- dulous, naked, or clothed with hairs; the outer covering crustaceous, the inner membranous ; albumen abundant, fleshy. The hooded stigma connects these flowers mth Violets ; in the form of corolla there is a resemblance to the Pea tribe, but in structure and properties there is most affinity to the Sapindacese. Milky roots and intense bitterness are the prevailing qualities of this Tribe. Polygala vulgaris (1) is one of the most curiously constructed of our native flowers. It is frequent on gravelly, heathy pastures, and is worthy of minute examination. The two enlarged side sepals are of a blue colour, hke the petals, 1. Polygala vulgaris, Common Milkwort. England . 1a Flower. 1b Seed-vessel and Calyx. 4. Securidaca tomentosa, Woolly-leaved Sccuri- daca. Meadows, Brazil. 4a Seed-vessel of S. erecta. 2. Polygala cordifolia, Heart-leaved Polygala. Cape of Good Hope. 2a Calyx. 5. Muraltia mixta. Heath-leaved Miiraltia. Cape of Good Hope. 5a Calyx. 2b Crested Petal. 2o Stamens and Petals. 2d Pistil. Polygala ehnmoehuxus, Box-leaved Polygala. Switzerland. 6. Mundia spinosa, Spiny .Mundia. Cape of Good Hope. 3. 7. 8. Hoot of Polygala crotolarioides, Himalayas. Seed of Trigonia. rOLYGALACE/E. and forming ^^^ngs to the corolla, give it the appearance of a papilionaceons flower; as the seed-vessel ripens, the two large jiortions of the calyx lose the blue tint, and become green like the rest, remaining folded at the sides of the heart-shaped pod. The lower ]>etal is keel-shaped, having a crest at the back resembling the fringed petals of mignonette ; in some localities the colour of the flowers varies to pink or white. P. amara is extremely bitter in its juices : occasionally found in this country ; abundant in the turfy, moist meadows of Switzerland. P. cliamcehuxus (3) is one of the eight species of Germany and the Alps : a yellow flower amidst the ]n-evailing purjile or blue colour of this tribe. I*. cordifoUa (2), and P. speciosa, are amongst the most beautiful species ; many are small and of insignificant aspect ; some have heath-like leaves, with minute flowers growing in spikes or clusters. Upwards of 160 species are Icnown to exist in different countries ; about fifty are natives of fields or pastures in Brazil. P. i^aludosa is a slender little plant, inhabit- ing marshes ; P. hispida is densely clothed with hairs. P. senega possesses strong pungent qualities in the contorted woody root — considered by the American Indians as a remedy for the bite of the rattlesnake. Several others are reputed to have valuable medicinal properties : in P. venenosa emetic i)rinciples exist so powerfully, that the natives of Java dread it as a poison. Thirty kinds belong to India ; some have been found on the Khasya and Bhootan mountains at an elevation of (JUOO feet ; nine grow on the Himalayas, the root of P. crotolarioides (7) is there employed against the bite of venomous reptiles, with the same success as the American Snake-root ; P. tinctoria affords a dye in Arabia. Securidaca (4) is so called from the hatchet-shape of the seed-vessel — the \\mg extending in a curved form. The leaves of these sj:)ecies vary much ; those of S. nitida are large and shining ; S. voluhilis has a strong, woody, climbing stem, bearing abundant seed- vessels. Muraltia (5), called after a Swiss botanist of the last century, is a genus of neat foliage and small flowers; M. ciliaris is covered with extremely minute horizontal hairs. Mundia spinosa (G) bears an eatable fruit of the drupe kind at the Cape. The bark of the roots of iMonnina is pounded into balls, and used as soap in Peru ; and the celebrated silver-work of Huanuco is polished by it. Trigonia (8) is an example of the seed having long hairs ; T. macrocarpa, on the Esequibo, has capsules three inches long. Xanthophyllum yields wood of value. Although nearly all the plants of this Tribe are bitter, Soulamea amara, of the IMoluccas, is most intensely so, and is emj)loyed as a remedy in fever throughout the ]\Ialayan Archipelago. Most of the plants of this Tribe are limited to one or two of the great portions of the globe ; but Polygala occurs in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, very imequally distributed, inhabiting every description of situation — plains, mountains, woods, morasses, cultivated or barren ground, in the tropics and in tem])crate climates. Muraltia belongs to South Africa, Salomonia to Asia, Monnina to South America, Soulamea to India and China, Comesperma to Brazil and Australia. OF THE I'^MVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 'ouring countries of Asia ; a very few have been discovered in the north of India, the Cape of Good Hope, and California. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLIMOIS llm Suri'-Deuylrihe' Pay,(-S-" I'niite IS DROSERACE^. THE SUX-DEW TRIBE. Herbaceous plants, some of which are small, and covered with glandular hairs. The leaves are alternate, having sometimes fringed stipules at the base of the leaf-stalk ; the stalks are curled round in the early state of growth. The flower- stalks spring from the root, and are likewise curled round w^hen young, after the manner of Ferns ; the calyx has five sepals, which remain, and enclose the seed- vessel ; the petals are five, attached to the base of the ovary, folded over each other in the bud. The stamens are distinct, either equal in number to the petals and alternate with them, or two or three times as many ; the anthers are erect, gaping by chinks, or by pores at the top, as in Byblis (3). The ovary is single, the styles three or six, either quite separate or slightly connected at the base. The seed-vessel is a capsule, of three or five valves, bearing the seeds on ribs in the middle, or at the base. The seeds are naked, or furnished with an aril, and contain fleshy albumen. This Order has affinity with Violace^, but the number of styles, and the roUed-in stalks, distinguish them. Slightly acrid and acid properties prevail in these plants. Drosera is so named from the Greek for cleiv, because of the pellucid drops which are almost constantly present on the glandular hairs of the leaves, even when exposed to the sun. All the species inhabit morasses or bogs. D. rohindifolia (1) is a native of bogs in various parts of Britain, and on the continent of Europe ; it is usually found amidst Sphagnum, the Bog-moss, in a soft, moist situation : the whole plant has acrid, caustic juices, pervading even the viscid liquid exuding from the glands of the hairs. Flies and other small insects are attracted to the leaves, where they are detained by the irritable, glutinous hairs. The delicate little flowers open singly, and but for a short time. D. longi folia is often found 1. Drosera rotundi/olitt, Round -leaved Sun- dew. Eogs, Britain. I A Fl nicer. 1b Section of Ovary, and Pistil. 2. Dionea muacipula, Venus's Flytrap. Carolina. 2a Pistil. 2b Section of Ovary. 2o Seed. 2d Section. 3. Byblis linijlora, Ftax-Jlowcred Byhlis. New Holland. ;^A Sepal mafjnified. ;iB Stamen. 3c Pistil. 3d Section of Ovary. 3e Seed, i. AldrovanJa vesiculosa, BlUa, Calulpa - leaved Byttneria. Caraccas. 1a Stamens and Nectaries. 1b Pistil. Ic Petals. 2. Tlieobroma Cacao, Chocolate Nnt Tree. South America. '-^A Nectaries, Stamens, and a Petal. 2b Pistil. )lc Stamen. 2d Seed. ;i. Lasiopetalum ijnindijlurum, Large-Jlowend Lasiopetalum. Australia. I BYTTNERIACE^. petals form a hollow nt the base in which the anther ia concealed, the elongated point of the petals being bent upwards. The large fruit is full of a creamy pulp, in which are about twenty-five seeds ; these when ground are made into cocoa, or chocolate, a favourite Mexican beverage, much esteemed in all parts of South America and the West Indies for its nourishing properties, simple mode of pre- paration, and facility of conveyance ; peculiarly valuable to travellers, whether on the extensive table-lands of the Andes, or in the vast uninhabited forests of Central America. An immense quantity is sent to Spain, where it is the daily food of all classes. Bubroma or Guazuma ulmlfolia is a spreading tree of Jamaica, affording agreeable shade to cattle, and a wholesome fruit containing sweet mucilaginous pulp, of great value for them in the season of drought when all herbage is scorched. The bark of young trees is used in Martinique to clarify sugar, and the light wood is sendceable to the natives ; the leaves, like others of this tribe, droop during the night, while the leaf-stalks remain iipright. The fruit of Abroma is said to be uneatable by either men or animals. Dombeya spectahills yields a strong cordage in Madagascar ; Microlajna and Abroma are of equally fibrous nature. Astrapsea is a noble evergreen, bearing large drooping heads of flowers of a splendid red colour. Kydia calijcina is valued by the natives of India for its medicinal bark. Two species of JMelhania produce the Red-wood and the Black-wood of St. Helena. Hermannia is a low shrub of no value, but several species are to be seen in conservatories \n\h. small do\\Tiy wrinkled leaves, and numerous yellow flowers, the petals of which remain curiously folded over each other. The different species of Waltheria are natives of the East Indies and Brazil. Lasiopetalum (3) belongs to the division of this Order in which the coloured and usually do^vny calyx forms the apparent flower, the petals, if present, being minute scales ; the anthers open by two small pores. The different sections of this Tribe are dispersed in various regions of the world ; some are limited to the Tropics, others belong to Temperate climates. Byttneria and its immediate allies are natives of Asia and America ; Hermannia and others, of the Cape of Good Hope ; Dombeya and a few more, of Africa and Asia ; Eriola;na and others, of Asia ; Philippodendron and others, of New Zealand ; Lasiopetalum and other similar genera belong to Australia. OF THE I'ERSiTY OF lUJd'm ITdMl ^'yniHio ■' live' SUh - cottorv Tree>Inbc 2G B0MBACEJ5. TUE SILK-COTTON TREE TlilBE. Large trees or shrubs, sometimes clothed with stellate hairs ; the leaves are alternate, simple, or compound, some of a digitate form, often toothed at the edges, with free deciduous stipules. The flowers are variable, regular or iiTegular, in some cases not having both stamens and pistils. The calyx has five sepals in valves, not imbricated, and is either naked or surrounded with an involucre more or less united at the base. The petals are five, or wanting, convolute in the bud state. The stamens are numerous, united in sets in various ways ; the anthers are two-celled, turned outwards, and in some species have vai-ious turnings and wind- ing passages. The pistil consists of five, rarely three carpels, either separate or cohering into a single ovary, often placed on a column-like axis; the styles are equal in number to the carpels, distinct or united. The fruit is a capsule with three or five cells, as in Bombax; or a fleshy drupe, as in JNIyrodia; or a berry, or a pod bursting long before the ripening of the seeds, as in Herculia. The seeds are ovate or angular, sometimes involved in silky cotton. This Order has affinity A^ith I\Ialvace£e both in structure and jDroperties. It is chiefly remarkable for the abundant mucilage contained in the plants, and for the profusion of silky cotton in the seed-vessels of Bombax and others. Bombax is more to be admired for its noble aspect than valued for its utility, although it is of some se^^^ce in the countries where it is indigenous. The down of the capsules is useless for spinning, as there exists no adhesion between the hairs ; it has, however, been employed in South America for hats, and is occa- sionally used by the poor natives for stuffing cushions, but is considered imwholesome for beds. Bombax heptaphijllum (1) is one of the largest of East Indian trees, and is found in various districts throughout the country, growing to a greater size near the hills than elsewhere, often attaining 100 feet in height. It begins to blossom about the end of winter, before the leaves come forth, and has a splendid appearance when covered with its bright red flowers. The trunk is straight, covered \\\i\\ many sharp conical prickles ; the bark is rough, ash-coloured on the outside, the branches grow horizontally, and are also armed with prickles. The wood is white, Hght and spongy, fit for few purposes except to make floating rafts ; in India the cotton is put between quilted cloths. 1. Bombax heptaphyllum, Silk-cotton Tree. East Indies. 2. Bombax pentandum, 2a Seed-vesseU. West Indies. 3. Helicteres verhascifolia. Mullein - leaved Screw-tree, Brazil. 4. Helicteres revispira. 4a Pistil 4d Seed-vessel. BOMBACEiE. B. licntandruni (2) abounds in xVutigua and other West Indian Islands ; the seeds are eaten, and the soft b^o^^^^ cotton is used by the natives. B. ceiha is an iniiuense tree in Soiith America and the East Indies ; the spiny trunk spreads out into enormous buttresses at the base, it is often hollowed out into a canoe of twenty-five tons burden, carrying from fifteen to twenty hogsheads of sugar. Columbus found one of these canoes on his first discovery of Cuba, which was capable of containing 150 men. When the tree decays it becomes food for the Macaca beetle, which is fried and eaten as a delicacy by West Indian epicures. In the mass of luxuriant vegetation which covers the tract of country bounding the Great Desert of Africa on the south, the tree most likely to attract the attention of a traveller is the enormous Adansonia digitata, the Baobab or Calabash tree ; this is su]-)posed to be the largest production of the vegetable kingdom, and to be of the greatest longevity. Adanson measured some on the banks of the Senegal more than seventy feet in circumference, the trunks were about fifteen feet high be- fore branching, the immense horizontal branches were fifty feet in length, descending by their weight to the ground at their extremities ; the portion of the roots above ground was often upwards of 100 feet long ; the whole tree forms an hemispherical body sometimes as much as 150 feet in diameter. The oblong fruit is about ten inches long, downy on the exterior of the brown rind, the interior is filled with a white farinaceous pulp containing the seeds ; it has a ]ileasant acid flavour, and is much eaten by the Africans, who also prepare a medicine and a kind of soap from it. The rind of the fruit serves for useful vessels, the bark furnishes a coarse fibrous thread, of which they make ropes and cloth ; the young leaves are eaten in times of scarcity, the larger are used to thatch their huts. Adansonia was long ago introduced into India ; large trees exist at Allahabad, and other places in India and in Ceylon. Herculia Tragacantha of Sierra Leone yields a famous gum ; the seeds of this and other species contain an oil that might be used for lamps. Helicteres (4) is remarkable for the t^Adsted seed-vessel ; although chiefly natives of S. America, H. Isora and a few other species are found in India and China. Cheirostemon pJatanoides, the singular Hand-plant of Mexico, has no petals, bi;t a large leathery calyx, from the centre of which arises a column of five curved anthers, and a curved style, thought to resemble a hand or claw. Durio Zibetliinus is much cultivated in the Isles of the Indian Archipelago for its fruit. Nearh^ all the plants of this tribe are natives of the Tropics, where they are extensively dispersed ; Bonibax abounds in America and India, Adansonia and Herculia belong chiefly to Africa and India, Helicteres and its immediate allies seem to be unknown in Africa, but a few species extend beyond the usual limits of the Order, as far as Tasmania and New Zealand : none belong to Europe. OF IHt ' EXM. l'SJkl; 27 TILIACE.E. THE LINDEN OR LIME-TREE TRIBE. Trees; slirubs, and a few lierbaceous plants. The leaves are alternate, simple, toothed at the edge, with stipules at the base. The flowers are generally perfect ; the sepals of the calyx are four or five, distinct or imited ; the petals are also either four or five, entire or fringed at their edges, lasually with a small pit at their base, occasionally entirely wanting. The stamens are generally numerous, growing at the base of the pistil, sometimes surrounded by the enlarged border of the lower i:)art of the pistil. The anthers are two-celled, opening lengthwise, or by pores ; the outer stamens are sometimes of a petal-like form. The ovary is composed of from two to ten carpels, which are in some cases disunited ; the single style is terminated by as many stigmas as there are carpels. The fruit is dry or pulpy, often prickly, sometimes winged ; it contains several cells, or one only becoming perfect; the seeds are solitary or numerous. In most respects this tribe has afiinit)'^ with the Mallow tribe, and others connected with it. The character of the whole Order is to contain a wholesome mucilaginous juice. Tilia Europaa (1) is now naturalized in England, if not originally a native of our island ; it may be reckoned amongst the most elegant of European ti*ees ; the foliage is of a delicate texture, and of a very bright green in spring ; the upper surface of the leaves is smooth, at the branching of the veins beneath is a small tuft of bro\^^l woolly hairs. The flower-stalk is attached for about half its length to a pale membranous bract ; the flowers are of a }'ellowish green colour, highly odoriferous, especially in the evening ; they are considered a remedy for coughs, and yield a large supply of honey to bees ; the honey obtained from the Linden- trees in the forest of Ko\^t.io, Lithuania, is esteemed more than any other. The wood of the Lime is light and fine-grained, and serves for many useful purposes ; it was selected by Gibbons for his celebrated carvings, specimens of which are highly valued, in the choir of St. Paul's, London, in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, and in various edifices. The bark of the different species affords strong tough fibres for matting and cordage, the young t-svigs are made into 1. Tilia Europaa, European Lime. England. 3. Grewia occidcntalis, Elm-leaved Grewia. 1a Capsule. Cape of Good Hope. 1b Cross -section of capsule. 4. Elrcocarpiis cyaneus. Blue -fruited Elico- Ic Seed. rarpus. New Holland. 4a Petal. 2. Sparraannia Africana, African Sparmannia. 4d Stamen and Pistil. Cape of Good Hope. 4c Anther. TILIACE^. baskets, and the sap produoos sugar. In the last lialf of the seventeenth century, Evelyn encouraged the jdanting of Lime-trees in London, and in country ])arks, to a great extent ; and about the same period they were generally adopted in France, for public gardens and avenues, instead of the llorse-chesnut, which until then had been the favourite tree. On the ramparts of many ancient German cities the Linden-trees flourish most luxuriantly, forming a delightful shade, and per- fuming the air with their fragrance to a great distance, as at Augsburg and Worms. In the modern city of Berlin, the famous street, Unter den Linden, is shaded by four rows of trees, chiefly Lime. It is said that the ancestors of Linnaius derived their name from an old Lime of vast size which grew near their abode, Linn being Swedish for the Lime-tree. Sparmannia Africana (2) was named in memory of Anders Sparmann, of Stockholm, a celebrated traveller in China, in the South Sea Isles, and at the Cape of Good Hope, where he discovered this beautiful shrub. The calyx is white, and appears to form part of the flower with the petals ; the long yellow nectaries which surround the stamens are of a singular club-shape ; the whole plant abounds with a tasteless mucilage. Grewia occ/Je«^a//s (3), named by Linnajus after I)r. Grew, author of a work on "The Anatomy of Vegetables," is a shrub of no particular beauty ; the inner surface of the sepals is coloured like the petals, which have at their base a small nectariferous scale of the same purple colour. G. elastica, and other East Indian species, pro- duce a little purjile berry, of pleasant acid flavour, used in making sherbet. G. op^yositifolia grows on the lower range of the Himalaya, and yields a fibrous inner bark of the same nature as that of Tilia. Corchorus oUtorius contains so large a portion of mucilage as to be eaten as a vegetable in India and in Egypt ; its fibres, as well as those of C. capsidaris, are made into a coarse cloth in Bengal, used for garments by the poor, for rice-bags and for cordage ; a kind of paper is also made from it. The wood of Aristotelia maqxd is used for musical instruments in the East, the strings are formed from the tough bark ; the berries are made into wine. Berrya amomilla, of Trincomalee, is employed in the construction of the famous Madras boats. Elreocarpus ajanens (4) belongs to the division of this Order that has fringed petals, and anthers opening by a pore at the top. The fruit is of the size and shape of the olive ; it is eaten by the natives of India in curries ; the hard furrowed seeds are frequently worn as beads, and are sometimes set in gold as ornaments for Europeans. The principal portion of this Tribe is to be found within the Tropics, either as fine trees, shrubs, or small plants; those w'hich are peculiar to the northern countries of both hemispheres are timber trees. Several species are widely scattered throughout India and China. Tilia is the only genus belonging to Britain. OF THE UNIVERSITY Of *[ Z8 ETiA Day&Si7n,,li7nita 27i& Soap^ee'Tnhe' 2S SAPINDACEiE THE SOAP-TREE TRIBE. Trees-, slirubs sometimes having tendrils, and a few herbaceous climbing plants. The stem has frequently several distinct axes of growth. The leaves are alternate, compound or simple, wdth or without stipules, often marked with lines or pellucid dots. The flowers are on branching stalks or panicles, small, generally white ; the calyx is more or less deeply parted in four or five divisions, imbricated in the biid. The petals are four or five, occasionally absent, alternate with the sepals, inserted on the base of the disk, sometimes having an appendage in the inner side. The disk is fleshy, expanding between the petals and the stamens. The stamens are sometimes in separate flowers, they vary from eight to twenty ; the filaments are free or combined at the base; the anthers turn inwards and burst lengthwise. The ovary is three -celled, the style simple, or more or less deeply two or three cleft. The fruit is sometimes a capsule, two or three valved, sometimes extended at the back into a membranous wing, sometimes fleshy and whole. The seeds have usually an aril and a large scar at the base, the outer covering is crustaceous or membranous ; the inner one soft and pellucid, of a saponaceous nature : the seeds contain no albumen, the embyro is usually curved or spirally twisted. This Order has affinity with the Horse-chesnut and the Maple tribe ; with the former, in the saponaceous properties of the fruit ; with the latter, in the winged fruit of some species. The curved or twisted embryo is a general character of the Order, poisonous properties exist in many of the plants. Sapmdus is derived from Sapo-indicus, Indian soap, the pulpy fruit being used by the Americans in washing linen, for which purpose it is very efficacious, requiring only care to avoid injury from the acrid properties. The fruit of S. Saponaria, the common soap-berry, is about the size of a cherry, inclosing a 1. Sapindus juglandifnUus, Walnut-leaved 4. Cardiospormiim anomalum. Drazil. Soap-Tree. Rio Janeiro. 4a Stamen and Calyx, magnified. lA Flower, magnified. 4:B Section of Ovary. iB Petal, front. Ic Petal, hack. 4c Upper Petal. Id Section of Ovary. 4d Lower Petal. 2. Melicocca bijuga, Honey-Berry. Jamaica. r>A . Fruit of S.fnttescens. 2a Flower, 2b magnified. 5b Fruit, open. 2o Seed. G. Membranous Capsule of Urvillea glabra. •'i. Nephclium Litchi, Chinese Litclii, China. 7. Ophiocaryon paradoxum. Domerara Snake 3a Seed. Nut. SAPINDACE.E. shining black seed : the whole plant, but particularly the fruit, is poisonous to fish. The tlowers of S.Juffhindi/oh'its (1) are of insignificant appearance, but of curious construction, the petals smooth outside, but densely downy on the inner surface, where there is a two-lobcd appendage arising from the claw, also downy ; the stamens are hairy on the lower part. The leaves of Q./rutescens (5) are eleven inches long and three wide ; the outer sldn of the fruit is of a fine red colour, the inner pulp yellow, containing one black seed enveloped in a membranous covering. These glossy seeds were formerly brought to England and used as buttons, some- times tipped with silver, and considered very ornamental as well as durable. In this and other species one of the cells alone riiJcns the seed, another remains imperfect at the base. S. esculentits affords a fruit much relished by the inhabitants of Brazil. Melicocca hijuga (2) is a tall elegant tree with shining foliage. The terminal branches bear numerous small white flowers of very grateful odour ; the inner pulp of the fruit resembles the yolk of an egg in appearance, and has a sweet taste mingled with a little acid. In some parts of South America and in Jamaica it is much cultivated, Nephelium Litchi (rj) is a favourite fruit in China, fre- qiiently brought to England in a dried state, and esteemed, although it possesses in a strong degree the peculiar mixture of sweet and acid flavour. N. Longan is another species, the fruit of which is eaten in China. Cardiospermum is a slender climbing plant, named from having a white heart-shaped scar on the black seed ; the triangular capsule of C. lialicacabum is extended at the back into membranous Agings, whence it is sometimes called the Balloon vine. The flower-stalk has a pair of small curling tendrils below the triple division ; the petals are four, small and white ; the singularity of the seeds appears to have early attracted the notice of travellers in the East and West Indies, for plants were raised in England in 1594. Although so slender in its growth, it climbs to the tops of the highest trees in Jamaica ; various parts of the world are suited to it, being found at Rio Janeiro, in New Holland, Otaheite, and other isles of the Pacific Ocean. Urvillea (G) is a genus of a very similar aspect, and graceful climbing character, having com- pound triple leaves with tendrils at the base of each. 8erjania is another genus of the same class. Paullinia pinnata is a strong narcotic poison, used by the natives of Brazil slowly but surely to destroy life. The Indians of Guiana employ the juice of P. cururu to poison their arrows. The fruit of Pappea capensis is eaten at the Cape, and an oil is obtained from the seeds. Ophiocaryon (7) shows the twdsted embryo in the highest degree. This Tribe inhabits most parts of .the Tropics, especially of South America and India ; it is found in Africa. Dodonea represents it in Australia. It is unkno^^^l in the United States of America, in Europe, and in all cold countries. OF THE !' '"^^FRSITY Of ILLINOIS E.I.M iEorse^Ckesrmt Tribes DsA 29 HIPPOCASTANACE^, THE HORSE-CHESNUT TRIBE. Trees, and shnibs ; the leaves of wliicli are opposite, compound, with five ov seven leaflets, without stipules ; the racemes of flowers are terminal, somewhat panicled, the flower-stalks jointed to the main-stalk. The calyx is campanulate, with five lobes. The petals are five, occasionally only four, unequal in size ; the stamens are seven or eight, distinct, imequal, inserted on a disk. The anthers are turned inwards, and open longitudinally. The ovary is rounded, three-cornered, and three-celled ; the style single, slender, conical, and acute ; the fruit is coria- ceous, one, two, or three valved, spiny or smooth, usually only ripening one seed. The seeds are large, smooth, and shining, with a broad pale hilum or scar ; they cuutain no albumen. This Order is very closely allied to Sapindaceaj, the Soap-tree tribe, in structure and properties ; saponaceous principles existing in the seeds of both. ^-Esculus Hippocastanum, the Horse-Chesnut (1) was broiight about 300 years ago from the mountains of Northern Asia to Constantinople, thence to Vienna, Italy, France, and England; in the two latter countries the regular and noble character of its form soon caused it to be adopted for avenues, one of the finest specimens of which in this country is that of Bushy Park, Middlesex. The flower-buds come forth at the ends of the branches, in winter, protected by several glutinous scales, which remain and grow for some weeks, until the warmth of the sun in spring dissolves the gummy substance, and the expansion of the flowers within causes them to fall off, when the cluster of upwards of sixty flowers proceeds rapidly in its growth. The large spikes of dehcate white and pink flowers which appear abundantly in May, and the massy foliage, place the Horse-Chesnut in the highest rank of our ornamental trees ; it is besides extremely rapid in its growth, and well suited to the English climate, even in the vicinity of towns. The wood is white and soft, and available for a few purposes ; the bark is bitter and astringent, useful for tanning, and is supposed to possess febrifugal properties. The large seeds contain a considerable portion of starch and potash, and are capable of affording nutrition to animals ; deer eat them readily when fallen out of the prickly covering ; in Switzerland, they are given to sheep with good success, and it is said that horses are fed on them in Turkey. If the bitter acridity could 1. iEsculus Hippocastanum, Common Horse- Chesnut. Asia. 1a Petal. 1b Cahjx and Pistil. Ic Fruit. 2. Pavia rubra. Red-flowered Pavia. North America. K HirPOCASTANACE.E. be entirely extracted, they miglit probably be made into a kind of bread. In some parts of France and Switzerland, they are used in cleansing wool and Ijleaching linen, for which the soapy properties are well fitted. It is asserted that the leaves and fruit of iEsculus ohiotensis, the Buck-eye or American Horse- Chesnut, are poisonous to man and animals. Pavia was named after Peter Paw, a Dutch botanist of Leyden in IGOO. Pavia rubra (2) was introduced to this country from North America in the beginning of the last century; it is a tree of less magnitude than the Horse- Chesnut, but the spikes of crimson flowers nearly rival in size those of the Horse-Chesnut. The fruit of this genus is smooth. P. indica is found on the mountains of Kemaon and Gurhwal in India, also near the sources of the Ganges ; in growth and aspect it equals the common -^sculus ; the large seed contains much starch, and although bitter to the taste, is occasionally eaten by the natives of the Himalayas in times of famine. P. Jlava and P. discolor are now both added to English shrubberies. The few plants belonging to this Tribe are natives of India, Persia, and North America. OF THE rK"VFRS!TY OF lLL!^:Oi^ JC T^^' Maple- Tribe 30 ACERACE^. THE MAPLE TKIBE. Trees, with nodose branches, the leaves of which are opposite, simple, stalked, usually with palmate veins, rarely pinnate, without stipules. The flowers grow on branching stalks from the base of the leaf-stalk, either in upright or drooping clusters : sometimes the pistil and stamens are in different flowers, sometimes united. The calyx is divided into five lobes, rarely from six to nine, often coloured ; the petals are equal to them in number, and agree with them in colour, they are inserted round a fleshy disk, in some instances they are wanting. The stamens are placed on the disk, are usually eight, rarely five or twelve ; the filaments are free, anthers oblong, two-celled. The ovary is free, with two lobes, the style single, bearing two stigmas. The fruit is a samara, or \^^nged closed capsule, consisting of two connected carpels, each being one-celled, containing one or two erect seeds without albumen. This Order has affinity vnih Sapindacete and Malpighiacese, although the opposite leaves, and fruit with only two carpels distinguish it from the former, and the palmate-veined leaves and glandless calyx separate it from the latter. A saccharine juice is the chief property of these trees ; the astringent bark yields a bro\^^l and a yellow dye. Acer canipesfre, the Maple (1) is a small tree very abundant in woods and hedges in most European countries, but becoming rare northwards ; seldom seen in the northern part of England, or in Scotland ; unknown in Iceland. It has been in all times esteemed for the fine grain and durability of the wood ; Virgil describes the throne of Evander as made of maple, and the Romans made their tables of it, mahogany not being then introduced into Europe : it was formerly employed for pikes and lances, now for gunstocks and various musical and mathe- matical instruments ; the old knotted parts, being much variegated, are also very useful in ornamental inlaid cabinet work ; the bark is often of a thick corky nature, full of fissures. Acer Pseudo-platanus, the Sycamore (2), resembles the Plane in general aspect, and rivals it in beauty ; it is a native of the principal Continental countries of Europe, but is supposed to have been transplanted to England, where it flourishes vigorously, and can endure without injury the breezes from the sea. The wood is soft and used only for some agricultural implements. Its sap abounds 1. Acer ccimpestrc, Common Maple. England. 2a Winijed Seed vessel. Ia Flower. 2b x..; >'ileA.l 36 MARCGRAVIACE.E. THE MAIiCGRAVIA TRIBE. Trees. and shrubs, some of which are climbing, parasitical, and sending out rootlets from the knots of the branches, or base of the leaf-stalks. The leaves are alternate, simple, entire at the edges, tough and leathery, without stipules. The flowers are regular, growing on branching sialics, or in umbels, or in terminal spikes ; usually having bracts, which are sometimes hooded, or hollow bags. The sepals of the calyx are from two to seven, generally leathery ; the corolla is attached to the base of the ovary ; in Marcgravia it is composed of one petal, hollow, cup- shaped ; sometimes it is formed of five small petals, as in Norantea. The stamens are either of definite or indefinite number, inserted either on the receptacle or on a membrane at the base of the ovary ; the filaments are dilated at the base ; the anthers are attached by the base, long, two-celled, bursting inwards. The ovary is single, usually furrowed, three or many-celled, surmounted by a single style with a simple or capitate stigma ; the ovules are numerous, attached to the pro- jections of the central column. The fruit is at present imperfectly known, supposed to be generally succulent, but sometimes a capsule, leathery, and consisting of several valves which separate slightly, the partitions from the middle of each valve not reaching to the central column, the fruit becomes one-celled. The seeds are very small, numerous, imbedded in pulp, oblong, blunt at each end, straight or incurved, the outer skin hard and netted, with the scar at the side, without albumen. This Order appears to have affinity with Hypericacese, but is still more closely allied to Clusiaceaj : the hooded bracts form a kind of link with the pitcher-plants. Marcgravia (1) was so named in memory of Marcgraf, a German botanist, who made a voyage to Brazil in 1048. It is a sub -parasitical shrub, creeping over the stems of tall trees, with drooping divided bi-anches terminated by umbels of flowers ; the corolla is of one petal, which is conical, falling off soon ; the stamens then become spreading ; the sepals are six, the two outermost largest. The round germen has no style, but is crowned by the radiant stigma; the small shining seeds are enclosed in a succulent fruit full of soft red pulp. In the woods 1. Marcgravia mnheUala. 1a Calyx. 1b Ovary. 2. Norantea jup)iren.n'^.f/-T 3S GERANIACEJ5 THE GERANIUM TRIBE. Undeeshrubs and herbaceous plants, the stems of which are enharged at the johits, and separable when young. The leaves are mostly simple, the lower opposite, the upper alternate, with membranaceous stipules. The roots of some are tuberous. The calyx is formed of five persistent sepals, ribbed, more or less unequal, the lower sepal sometimes spurred at the base, or prolonged into a hollow nectary down the flower-stalk. The petals are five, seldom four, clawed at the base, twisted in the bud, equal or unequal, alternate with the sepals, attached to the ovary, or to the calyx. The stamens are usually united at the base in one set around the pistil, of the same nmnber as the petals, or twice or thrice as many ; the anthers are two-celled, opening lengthwise, some occasionally abortive. The ovary is com- posed of five carpels placed round a central cokimn, to which the five styles cohere. The fruit is formed of five membranous carpels round the hardened beaked axis, separating and bending backwards when ripe by the elastic twisting of the styles : the seeds are solitary, without albumen. The separable joints of this Order associate it with Vines ; the united stamens, and the general habit connect it with the Mallow tril:)e. All the plants are harmless, in general slightly acid, sometimes astringent, some secrete fragrant resin and essential oil. Geranium, or Crane's-bill, was so named by the ancient Greeks, from the resemblance of the seed-vessel and its beak to the head of a crane. Nearly all the species are European herbaceous plants ; G. anemonefoUum of the Capo and Madeira is shrubby. G. Rohertianum (1) is very common on banks and under hedges, frequently also growing amongst the mortar of old walls ; the smell is disagreeable, but in autumn it is very striking from the leaves acquiring a bright red colour. G. pratense (2) is one of the most beautiful of the British species, 1. Geranium Rohertianum, Herb Robert. 5. Pelargonium zonule, Horse -shoe Stork's- England. bill. 1a Ovary and Pistil. 5a Carpels. 1b Curiiel. 5b Ovary and Pistil. Ic Seed, 5c Stainens. 2. Geranium pratense, Blue meadow Geranium. 0. Erodium cicularium, Humlock Heron's-bill. England. England. 3. Pelai-goniura pellatum, Ivij-hnvcd 8t(irk'$- Ca Carpel, hill. Cape of Good Iloiic. Cb Seed. i. Pelargonium tricolor, Three-coloured Storh-'s- 7. Erodium incarnatum, Flesh-coloured Heron's- bill. Cape of Good Hope. bill. Cape of Good Hope. GEUANIACE.E. found chiefly in rather moist pastures and copses in hilly districts ; like some other blue flowers, they occasionally vary to white. The roots of G. macidatnm are considered useful as a medicine in Philadelphia, and the fleshy tubers of G. parvi- Jlornm are eaten in Tasmania, but the value of this tribe consists in the beauty of the flowers, especially of the Pelargonium genus, not in useful properties. Pelargonium, the Stork's-bill, affords the most favourite flower in the kingdom of Flora for the adorning of European gardens and houses, whither they have been trans] )lanted, almost without exception, from the Caj^e of Good Hope. A great similarity prevails in their manner of growth, but the foliage as well as the flowers are of various shapes and hues, and countless varieties have been produced by cultivation. P. zonale {5) is the hardiest species in its nature, and can flourish even in the close air of cities : the tubular nectary extending along the flower-stalk is very obAnous in this species. P. odoratisstTnum contains a considerable portion of essential oil, to which it owes its extreme fragrance ; this has been obtained by distillation. The tubers of P. hirfitm are eaten by the Arabs : those of P. triste are also thought eatable by the natives at the Cape. Erodium cicufariuni (6) is a common ])lant on sandy ground near the sea, also on a chalky soil ; the pro- cumbent stems sometimes spreading far around. E. moschahmi is less abimdant, found cliiefly in mountainous parts of Yorkshire and Westmorland, and cultivated in gardens for its scent of musk ; both these species are aromatic. E. incarnatum (7) of the Cape affords an instance of an European genus developed into greater size and beauty in a hotter climate. Several species of Geranium and Erodium exist on mountains of tropical coxuitries where the temperature is sufficiently moderate. They are also found on the Himalayas ; G. hicolor occurs at the lowest elevations ; others rise to an elevation of 7000 feet. E. Hinialajjanum grows in the northern jiortion of the flimalaya, and in Cashmere. The resinous secretion in some of the plants is very abundant ; the stems of Sarcocaulon will burn like a torch, yielding an agreeable fragrant perfume during combustion. This curious genus differs from the rest in having spiny and fleshy branches. This Tribe is distributed in unequal proportions over various parts of the world ; Geranium and Erodium principally throughout the plains of the northern hemisphere, being found in Europe and North America ; a few only extend to Siberia ; some species belong to the mountains of Northern Asia. Pelargonium abounds chiefly at the Cape ; a few have been discovered in New Holland, and some inhabit the Island of St. Helena. OF THF fjr\'n'FRSfTV OS I lay hSorvlwd l^.dd. 31) CEDRELACE.E. THE MAHOGANY TRIBE. Trees, with a compact wood, usually sweet-scented, and finely veined. The leaves are alternate, pinnated, without stipules. The flowers are miniite, growing on branching stalks, terminal, or from the base of the leaf-stalks : the calyx is four or five-cleft, the petals four or five. The stamens ai'e from eight to ten, distinct, and fixed in honey-glands in Cedrela, united within a tubular nectary cup in Swietenia, inserted into a disk at the base of the ovary. The style and stigmas are simple. The cells of the ovary are equal in number to the petals, or fewer. The fruit is a capside, with valves separable from the thick axis, splitting from the top in Cedrela, from the base in Swietenia. The seeds are flat, winged, placed in two rows on the valves, having thin albumen or none. These trees have a close affinity with IMeliacese, but are distinguished by their winged seeds : Flindersia and Chloroxylon, having their leaves dotted \\Tth pellucid glands, form a link with the Orange tribe. Fragrant, close-grained, and astringent bark, are the two chief properties of this tribe. Cedrela is a genus of trees remarkable for the length of the pinnated leaves; those of C. serrata, in the valleys of the Himalaya, have eighteen pair of leaflets, the whole being nearly three feet long, drooping in a graceful form ; the flower- branches exceed them in length. The bark, leaves, and fruit have usually a disagreeable scent, but the wood is fragrant. Cedrela Toona (1), the Mahogany tree of India, has an erect trunk, attaining great height in favourable localities in Bengal ; the light wood is extensively used for furniture throughout the Indian provinces, the trees being scattered widely as far as the base of the Himalaya. The leaves come forth with the flowers in February, and the seeds ripen in May ; the astringent bark is employed as a remedy in fever. The bark of 0. fchrifuga is considered medicinal in Java. The young shoots of C. augustlfolia are said to have a strong smell of garlic. C. odorata, having an extremely straight stem and a soft wood, furnishes canoes for the colony of Demerara : the Warani Indians, who inhabit the swamps between the rivers in the Delta of the Orinoco, are very 1. Cetlrela Toona, Indian Muhoganij-Tree. East Indies. 1a Flower, magnified. 1b Witkont the Petals. Ic Seed-vessel. Id Open, mai/niji'd. 1e Seed. Swietenia Alahoyani, Mahoyany-Trr)', West Indies. ■2a Flotver, magnified. 2b Stamena and Pixtil. 2c Seed-ves.iel. 2d Seed. 2e Section. CEDRELACE.E. exjtert in hollowing them out, frequently obtaining a canoe forty feet in length and six in width. One species of Cedrela grows in the vicinity of Pekin. Swieteuia Malioyani (2) was named by Jacfjuin, in honour of Gerard von Swieten, who, by command of the Empress Maria Theresa, formed the Botanic Garden at Vienna, Ever since its introduction into Europe in 1724:, it has Ijeen esteemed the most valuable timber-tree for various kinds of furniture, being of extreme durability, and capable of the finest polish ; the wood of the branches is usually selected for ornamental small objects, on account of the beauty of the veining. The trees abounded formerly in the forests of Jamaica, and are still used there for beams and planks requiring strength ; they are found also in St. Domingo, Hon- duras, and other parts of the West Indies. The Honduras IMahogany is not so highly valued in general as that of Jamaica, but the wavy veining and the brighter colour are very beautiful for some purposes, particularly fur i)ianofortes ; the value of a single tree is sometimes as high as 2000^. The felling of the trees constitutes the chief occupation of the natives, w^ho are able to recognise them by the colour of the withering leaves in autumn at a great distance. After having collected a sufficient store, and conveyed them with much labour to the rivers, they are floated down to the coast for embarkation in ships. Q./ehn'/ur/aof the East Indies affords a durable wood for the Hindoo temples : the bark yields a red dye. Soymida fehn'/uf/a, the Rohuna of llindostan, and the Red-wood of Coromandel, is a valuable tonic in fever in India. The bark of Chickrassia tahularis is astringent without bitterness. Chloroxylon Swietenia is one of the trees which produces wood-oil in India, and is the well-known satin-wood of cabinet-makers. Oxleya xanthoxyla is a large tree in New South Wales, called by the natives yellow-wood. The Khlaya of Senegal, the common febrifuge in the fevers of the Gambia river, belongs also to this tribe. Fli'idersia of New Holland and Amboyua, and Chloroxylon of the East Indies, differ from the rest of these trees in having transparent glands in the leaves, containing essential oil. The trees of this Tribe are common in the tropical regions of America and India. Cedrela and Swietenia grow on the Andes at an elevation of 15UU feet : they are rare in Africa and the adjoining islands. OF THE UI^IVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 40 VayScSoro-Um 40 IM E L I A C E ^ THE BE.\D-TREE TRIBE. Trees and slirnl)s, the leaves of wliicli are alternate, occasionally nearly opposite, simple or pinnate, without stipules. The flowers are sometimes imperfect in pistil and stamens ; the sepals of the calyx are three, four, or five, partly united ; the petals are of the same number, attached below the ovary, conniving or cohering at the base. The stamens are twice as many as the petals, the filaments cohering and forming a long tube, the anthers seated within the orifice of the tube, which is slightly expanded and notched. The disk is often very large, surrounding the ovary like a cup ; the ovary is single, having usually as many cells as the number of the petals ; the style is single ; the stigmas distinct or combined. The fruit is a berry, or a drupe, or a dry capsule, often one-celled ; the seeds are without wings ; those of Melia and others contain fleshy albumen ; those of Trichilia and a few more have none. These trees have relation to the Soap-tree and Mahogany tribes. Bitter, astringent, and tonic properties exist throughout the Tribe ; a few species are poisonous. Melia Azedarach (1) was not known to the ancients, but is now abundant in the countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa bounding the Mediterranean ; it is a tree attaining the height of forty feet in the south of France and Italy ; the foliage is graceful, and the flowers abundant and elegant ; the tubular crown formed by the stamens is the peculiar character. The pulp of the fruit is poisonous, although some birds eat it without injurious effects. This is one of the few fruits, besides the Olive, which contain oil in the pulp instead of the seed, the usual receptacle of it ; in the East it is used for burning in lamps, and for other domestic purposes. The ribbed seed is hard, and serves as beads for rosaries, on which account it is often planted in the court of a monastery, this use giving the name to the tribe : the root is bitter and nauseous, and is said to be employed medicinally in North America. M. Azadirachta, the Margosa, or Nym-tree of the East Indies, attains I. "MeMB, Azedarach. Bend-Trer. 2b Section. Syria nnd South Europe. 2c Section of Ovary. 1a Stamens. 3. Turrsea lohata, Various-leaved Turrcra. 1b Pistil. East Indies. 1 c Section of Fruit. 3a Stamens and Pistil. 2. Guarea tubcrculutn, Tiihrrcvlated Guana. South America. ■4a Ekebergia sencynlmsis, Flower. 4b Fruit. 2a Fruit. r)A Seed o/"Ekebeigia indita. MELIACE.4£. considerable dimensions, tlie branches stretching horizontally to a great distance ; when planted around religious edifices, those trees form a valuable shade, and are of very striking effect. The bitter juice obtained from the stem and bark is one of the common medicines of Hindoo doctors ; the piilp of the fruit yields oil like that of the former species, and is supposed to have properties rendering it medicinal. The leaves are used generally in India for poultices. Guarea (2), so called from the Cuban name, contains in the wood and bark a bitter resinons substance with the odour of musk : that of C. grandifolta is highly fragrant and valued as a perfume ; in general, the wood is unfit for casks, as it has the property of impart- ing an extreme bitterness to the liquor contained in them. Trichilia has also a powerful scent of musk ; T. speciosa yields a fragrant oil used as a remedy in rheumatism. T. Catigoa imparts a bright yellow^ colour to leather. Turraea (3), named after a botanist at Padua, is a genus belonging to the Islands of India. A few eatable fruits are found in this tribe. The Lavgsat, much esteemed in the Indian Archipelago for the cooling qualities of its watery pulp, is a sj)ecics of Lansium, and the fruit, called by the natives Aijer Aijer, belongs to the same genus. Milnea cdulis, of 8ilhet, is another plant affording eatable fruit. The aromatic roots of Sandoricum indicum are said to possess medicinal properties. The bark of Carapa gnianensis is an esteemed fever remedy in Guiana ; the oil of the fruit preserves iron from rust. C. guineensis yields the useful Kundah oil, which, though bitter and acrid, burns well in lamps. An odour of garlic occurring in Dysoxylon and Hartiglisea is a connecting link with a few species of Cedrela in the Mahogany tribe ; the Javanese lase the fruit as garlic. The plants of this Tribe are found in almost all parts of the world ; most abundantly in Asia and America ; Hartighsea exists in New Zealand ; Melia Azedarach extends as far north as lat. 40^* ; beyond the Tropics the species are rare. OF THE ■Jrl i#fc. \ ETiU (^g The- Orang&Trihe Day i Son,,Lim> 41 AURANTIACE.^ THE OEANGE TRIBE. Trees and shrubs, almost always having a smooth surface, and filled in all parts with little pellucid receptacles of volatile oil. The leaves are alternate, often com- pound, always articulated with the leaf-stalk, which is frequently winged ; spines sometimes at the base of the leaf-stalk. The calyx is generally short, of a bell- shape, soraeAvhat adhering to the disk, three or four toothed, and withering. The petals are from three to five, broad at the base, either distinct, or slightly combined, inserted on the outside of the disk of the ovary. The stamens are equal in number to the petals, or twice as many, or some multiple of their number, inserted on the same disk ; their filaments are flattened at the base, sometimes distinct, sometimes slightly combined in one or several sets ; the anthers are terminal, fixed in the slender summit. The ovary is many-celled, having one style surmounted by a slightly-divided stigma. The fruit is pulpy, with one or more cells, the thick rind sometimes separable from the cells, and full of receptacles of oil ; the cells often filled with pulp. The seeds are attached to the axis, either numerous or solitary. This tribe has several affinities with the Hue tribe, but the consolidated juicy fruit forms an obvious distinction. The chief characters of the Orange tribe are, the abundant oily receptacles dis- persed over all parts of the plant, leaves articulated with their stalks, and succident pulpy fruit of a golden yellow colour, containing citric and malic acid in various proportions. Citrus, being a striking genus of fruit trees dispersed over many parts of Asia, and extending through the provinces of Asia Minor, towards Greece, was early Icnown to the ancients under various forms ; yet none appear to have been culti- vated by the Romans. It is supposed to have given the idea of the Golden apples of the Hesperides, and tradition even attributes the Forbidden fruit of the garden of Eden to one of its species. The numerous kinds of Citrus are remark- able for their bright evergreen foliage, highly odoriferous flowers, and brilliant, refreshing fruit, the rind of which is aromatic and bitter. C. mcdica, the citron (2), is said to have been first introduced into Europe from Media, and cultivated in Italy by Palladius in the second century. It is now grown throughout Southern 1. Citrus avraiitium, Sweet Orange. China. 4. Cookia punctata, Wampee. China. 1a Cross-section of Fruit. 4a Calyx. 1b Seed. 4b Pistil. 2. Citi-us mcdica, Citron. Asia. 4c Stamen, magnified. 3. Citrus Limonum, Lemon. Asia. 4u Section of Fruit. AURANTIACK.E. Europe, and in the West Indies. The acidity of its Large fruit renders it unfit for food until preserved with sugar. Plants of C. anrantluin, the sweet orange (1), were brought to England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, since which time it has been considered tlie favourite object of interest in conservatories, although of late years the great accession of exotics has in some degree displaced it. In Portugal and the Azores the climate is extremely favoiu'able to it ; tlic flowers continue to come forth during the summer, thus ripe fruit are mingled with them on the same tree, giving it a very beautiful appearance. The produce of fruit is most abundant : one tree has been known to bear 27,000 oranges in the year. C. vulgaris, the Seville orange, is distinguished for the extreme bitterness of its rind. C. nohilis, the Mandarin orange, is much eaten in China. The Kum-quat, Cjapouica, is about the size of a gooseberry ; a small quantity are preserved in sugar at Canton. Possessing the valuable property of ripening after being gathered, the orange is capable of being transported to a considerable distance, and thus enjoyed in its natural freshness by the inhabitants of colder climes. The perfumed oil known as Bergamot is obtained from the rind of a variety of orange grown at Bergamo in Italy. C. Limonum, the Lemon (3), ranks amongst the most valuable of all fruits, the sharp yet agreeable acidity of the juice making it available for various useful purposes. It is extensively cultivated in Sicily and other countries of the Mediterranean. C deciimara, the Shaddock, the pulp of which is pink; and C. Limetta, the Lime, are esteemed in the West Indies, where they have been introduced from China. Gookisi punctata (4), the Wampee of China and the Isles of the Indian Archipelago, commemorates the name of Captain Cook, ^gle Marmelos is considered an exquisite and nutritious fruit by the Dutch in Ceylon ; the root, leaves and bark afford medicine to the natives of Malabar, and the astringent rind yields a yellow dye, used by the Hindoos. Feronia dephantmn is the elephant apple of Coromandel ; an useful gum exudes from the bark, and the wood is hard and durable. Limonia Laureola, of the Himalaya, is the only species of this tribe known to inhabit lofty mountains, where the snow remains for some months of the year ; its fragrant leaves are used in the religious ceremonies of the natives. Glycosmis and Triphasia both jiroduce agreeable fruit. Almost exclusively natives of the East Indies, whence some have spread over Tropical countries; two or three species belong to IMadagascar; one is described from the forests of the Esscquibo in South America. i OF THE l^vlVERSiTY Of ILLINOIS J,i> .feJ'.TTT, ^;/7U/-*' ■ i 42 CAMELLIACE^ THE CAMELLIA TRIBE. Trees and shrubs ; the leaves of which are alternate, coriaceous, generally without stipules, usually undivided, occasionally with pellucid dots. The flower-stalks grow either from the base of the leaf-stalk, or at the ends of the branches, and are jointed at their base. The flowers are generally white, sometimes red. The sepals of the calyx are five, or seven, concave, coriaceous, soon falling off, the innermost often the largest. The petals are five, six, or nine, not always equal in number to the sepals ; often combined at their base. The stamens are many, the filaments slender, united in one or many sets, or distinct ; the anthers are two-celled, opening lengthwise ; the ovary contains several cells, the styles are from three to seven, slender, more or less combined. The capsule is from two to seven-celled, opening when ripe in various ways ; sometimes rough and leathery, and not gaping, usually with a central column, to which the few large seeds are attached. The chief known properties of this tribe are, the abundant oil contained in the seeds, and the tonic astringency of Thea, combined with a fragrant and stimu- lating volatile principle. Camellia, the type of this Order, was named after Camellus, a botanist who studied the plants of the Philippine Isles. C. japonica (2) and its numerous varieties are amongst the most admired of shrubs, as w^ell in their native countries of Japan and China as in Europe. The form and hues of the shining evergreen foliage, and the delicate beauty of the white or red flowers, unite to render them peculiarly attractive. Some species of Camellia are valued for more important uses ; C. oleifera (1) yields froni its seeds an excellent oil, for the sake of which it is extensively cultivated in China. C. Sasanqua is remarkable for the aromatic fragrance of its leaf and flower-buds, which are sometimes added to tea in China. The leaves of C. Kissi, growing on the moimtains of Nepal, at an elevation of 4000 feet, have also the flavour of tea ; the flowers are small and white ; the seeds contain a large proportion of oil. But the most valuable genus of this tribe is Thea, the Tea-plant, two species 1. Camellia ohifera, Oil-seed Camellin. China. 2. CnmeWia japonicn , Red Camellia. Japan. 2a Seed-vessel. n. Kielmeyera rosea, Rose-coloured Kielmeyera, Brazil. oA Stamen, mai/iiified. 3b Pistil. 3o Cross-section of Ovary. 3d Seed-vessel. i. Thea Bohea, Black Tea-plant. Chma. S. Stiiartia pentaj/i/na (Malochodendron ova- tuvi). North America. 5a Pistils and Stamen. CAMELLIACE/E. of which, T. Bohea (4) and T. viridis, both in a wild and cultivated state, are spread over a wide district in Asia, extending from 17*^ to 31^' of N. latitude in China, and in the Islands of Japan as far north as 41*^. The tea plantations are generally situated on the lower fertile slopes of the hills ; the shrubs yield three crops of leaves in the year, the gathering and manufacture of which employs an immense number of the Chinese; and the jicasants in the Tea country have each their small tea plantation, as the English have their cabbage garden, and the Irish their potato field. In favourable localities in the Himalayas, the culture of Tea is now increasing with considerable success. The transportation of this curious prejiaration of a plant, so singularly restricted in its native place of growth, to all parts of the civilized world, forms a very valuable branch of commarce. T. assamica is a species of late years discovered in Assam, flourishing abundantly in the shade of dense forests, on the borders of rivers and lakes, and also on hills of 700 feet elevation. Its cultivation is already becoming a profitable object of labour, and in due time it may, in all probaliility, yield a plentiful addition to the stores of that innocuous and most grateful of vegetable productions, which by its diffusion in every land, seems mercifully destined to cheer and refresh all classes of mankind. The seeds of T. oleosa yield an oil much used in Canton and Macao for economical purposes. Kielmeyera is a genus inhabiting the region between 12° of S. latitude, and the tropic of Capricorn, in South America. K. rosea (3) is one of the most beautiful of the species, growing in oj^en mountain fields, 3000 feet above the sea, in the province of JMinas Geraes, in Brazil. The mucilaginous loaves of K. speciosa are used medicinally by the Brazilians. Ternstroemia, Caraipa and others are found growing chiefly on the river banks of Guiana; some are tall trees with fragrant flowers. Anneslea fragrans is a tree of the East Indies, with smooth grey branches, and sweet-scented white flowers. Eurya acuminata grows on the Himalayas, at an elevation of G500 feet, among Oaks and Rhododendrons. The bark of Gordonia is used for tanning in the United States. Some s^iecies exist in Jamaica. The greatset j)ortion of the finest trees and shrubs of this Tribe are to be found in South America, although those best known in Europe are from China and North America. A few only are natives of Asia ; one belongs to Africa. UBRARY OF THE UMIVFRJ^ITV fit They Olaa> Tnb& Da^ &Son>,Limiffdj 43 OLACACE^. THE OLAX TRIBE. Trees and shrubs, often having spines. The leaves are alternate, simple, rarely compound, entire at the edges, without stipules ; occasionally wanting. The flowers are small, growing from the base of the leaf-stalks, often sweet-scented ; the calyx is small, entire or slightly toothed, often becoming enlarged and fleshy. The petals are four or six, somewhat leathery, attached to the base of the ovary, valvate in the bud, either altogether separate or cohering in paii's by means of the stamens ; the central vein of the petals is usually hairy or furrowed. The stamens generally not all perfect ; the imperfect are opposite the petals, to which they in part adhere ; the perfect are alternate with the petals and cohere with them ; the anthers are oblong, two -celled, and burst longitudinally. The ovary is free or partially adherent to the calyx, placed in a disk which is sometimes thickened and united with the calyx, one-celled, or imperfectly three or four-celled ; containing one, two, or three ovules. The style is slender, the stigma simple, the fruit some- what drupaceous, not gaping, often invested by the enlarged calyx, one-celled, and one-seeded; the seed is pendulous, and contains abundant fleshy albumen. This small Tribe appears to have most affinity with the Orange and the Rue Tribes. These plants are harmless ; some are eatable. Olax is said to have derived the name from the Greek for a furrow, such a line being generally found along the centre of the petals : others suppose it was adopted from the native name of Mcela-liola in Ceylon, signifying Salad-tree, Olax zeijlanka being there used as a herb for salads, and esteemed for that purpose, although the wood has an unpleaisant odour. Olax stricta (1) is of a stiff upright nature ; the opened corolla shows the five imperfect rudiments of stamens besides the three perfect filaments bearing anthers. 0. scandens is a climbing shrubby plant brought from the East Indies in 1820. O. psittacornm was named Bois de Perroquet by the French colonists in the Isle de Bourbon, from observing the extreme fondness of parrots for the fn;it, which resembles an olive in size. 1. Olax stricta, Upright Olax. 1a Flower magnified. ■-2. Heisteria coccinca. Scarlet Heisteria. West Indies li! Floirer opened. Ic Ovary and Pistil. 3. Xiraonia Americana, American Ximcnin. America and Senegal In Fruit. 4a. Apodytes dimidiata. Flower opened. 1e Section. 4b Ovary and Pistil. 4c Section of Ovary. OLACACE^. ITeisteria coccinea (2) is a native of the dense woods which border the rivers in tlie ishind of Martinique, flowering in Febriiary and March, and ripening the fruit in June. Tlie effect then is very singuhir, the enlarged red calyxes remaining with the fruit, which is a favourite food of doves, but does not seem to be eaten by man. The trees attain a height of twenty feet, and are much branched ; the flowers are small and inconspicuous, scarcely visible amidst the large leaves at the base of which they grow. Ximenia Americana (3) is a tree bearing fruit like a plum in form, with a thin yellow pulp, of a sweet and sul}acid flavour, esteemed in Senegal by natives and children, but, like many of the inferior fruits of the Tropics, rough to the taste. The small white flowers are not of much beauty, but extremely fragrant, scenting the woods of St. Domingo, Carthagena, and INIinas Geraes in Brazil, confirming the theory from experiments made by Schiibler and Kohler, that white flowers are the most frequently odoriferous. lacina Senegalensis forms a connecting link with the Orange Tribe, from its general habit of growth, and its glandular disk ; the stem and branches are thorny, the fruit yellow when ripe, and of agreeable flavour. The few trees and shrubs of this Tribe belong entirely to the Tropics, or those countries immediately adjoining ; existing in the East Indies, Africa, South America, and New Holland; one only is known in the West Indies. Of wt 'vrpSWI OF ILUr-OlS u "V >.0 4-a, TdeL Poy &■ SarvLinuie 4:1 R U T A C E vE THE RUE TRIBE. Trees and shruLs, and some herbaceous plants : the leaves are opposite or alternate, simple or pinnate, covered with minute pellucid dots, without stipules. The flowers are on terminal stalks, or grow from the base of the leaf-stalks, are perfect, regular or irregular ; the calyx has either four or five divisions ; the petals are either as many as the divisions of the calyx and distinct, or combined into a monopetalous corolla, or occasionally absent. The stamens are equal in number to the petals, or t^^^ce or thrice as many, usually growing from the base of the ovary, placed outside the disk which surrounds it ; either free or united with the base of the petals. The ovary is surmounted by a single style and a simple or dilated stigma. The fruit consists of several carpels cohering firmly, or more or less distinct ; the seeds two or solitary ; those of Ruta and its immediate allies contain albumen ; those of Diosma and its allies have none. The abundant oily receptacles of these plants connect them with the Orange tribe, but the dry separable fruit forms an obvious distinction. An essential oil of ])o\verful odour, and an extreme bitterness, are the pre- vailing properties of the Rue tribe. The derivation of Euta is unknown, but the name is nearly the same in all languages. Ruta graveolens (1) is a herb of ancient fame and repute for its medicinal qualities ; in the time of Hippocrates it was highly esteemed ; for many ages it was supposed to prevent contagion, and was called the herb of grace ; in the days of Shakspeare it was considered emblematical of repentance, pro- bably owing to its bitterness. The leaves have an exceedingly unpleasant odour, and an acrid taste ; the petals vary from four to five. For medicinal use it is now, like many other European plants, superseded by foreign species : none possess any beauty of flower, except R. dlhiflora of the mountains of Nepal, J . Huta ijravfiolens, Common Rue. y. Boronia crenulata, Notched-leaved Boroniu. South Europe. Australia. 1a Floiier. 3a Stamen. 3b Pistil and Nectaries. 1b Ovary and Pistil. 3c Leaf, magnified. 1 c Stamen. •4. Dictamnus Fraxinella, Red Frnxinclla. 2. Adcnandra xtnijlora, Onc-JloweredAdenandra. 4a Seed-vessels. Geriuiiuy. Cape of Good Hope. -Ib Carpel, open. 4c Seed. 2a Piftil, Stamens, and Nectaries. 4d Glandular hairs, vuu/nified. 2b Seed-vessel. 5. Erytlirochitou Brusiliensis, Brazilian Ery- 2c Section. throchiton. Brazil. RUTACEiE. t'liipkiyed by tlie natives medicinally. R. vwntana, a Spanish plant, is so ex- cessively acrid that it blisters the hands of those who gather it through the thickest gloves. Adonandra iinijhra (2) was amongst the first plants brought from the Cape ; the anthers are glandular, and between each is a stalked nectary ; in many respects it closely resembles Diosma, a geniis of plants called by the natives Bucku, partaking of the strong disagreeable scent peculiar to many of this tribe, but said to be thought agreeable by the Plottentots. Boronia cremtlata (o) is one of the numerous sjiecies which abound in New Holland, of pleasing aspect, but little value for useful purposes. Dictamnus FraxincUa (4), a native of Germany, was early introduced to English gardens, and admired for its grateful aromatic odour, derived from the numerous glands containing volatile oil, especially on the flower-stalks ; the root was formerly thought valuable as a medicine : this species is also a native of the Altai mountains. D. Ilimalaijanus belongs to the Himalayas. Erythrochiton Brasillensis was found by Martins in Brazil, conse- quently requires the protection of a hothouse in this climate. Several plants of this tribe are valuable for their febrifugal bark ; Ticorea fehrifuga is one of the most powerful remedies in the intermittent fevers of Brazil. The bark of Esenbeckia/eZ;r?/i/ryfa is said to rival that of Cinchona, and is supposed to afford the medicines so much esteemed by the Brazilian miners. Hortia has nearly similar properties. A species of Galipea yields the famous bark known to the Spanish missionaries in Guiana for its beneficial effect in the most malignant fevers. The leaves of some plants in this tribe are made by infusion to supply both medicine and beverage ; those of Ticorea ja&minijiora are used for the former, those of Correa aiha for a kind of tea by the colonists in New Holland. The leaves of Haplophyllum hihemdatum are employed by the Avomen in Egypt to form a wash for the hair. It may be remarked of this tribe, as of several others 60 "widely dispersed, that the species on the limits of its geographical distribution in cool climates, possess only slightly developed properties, and are of comjiaratively little value to man ; Avhilst those plants which are natives of the hot regions have powerful properties, rendering them extremely valuable to the inhabitants of the countries where they grow. This Tribe is dispersed in every quarter of the globe ; some species extend over the southern portion of the Temperate zone, Ruta and Dictamnus advance into the south of Europe. Diosma and its immediate allies abound at the Cape of Good Hope ; Boronia, Correa, and others, are natives of Australia ; Cusparia and several more inhabit the equinoctial regions of America. OP THE UNIVERSITY 0^ li.[!N0!3 4-6 The- i^iuissKJuTnic' \ 45 SIMARUBACE.E. THE QUASSIA TRIBE. Trees and shrubs ; the leaves are alternate, usually compound, occasionally simple, without dots. The flowers are at the ends of the branches, or grow from the base of the leaf-stalk ; the petals are green, whitish, or red ; the stamens and pistils are sometimes in separate flowers. The calyx is small, thick, parted into four or five divisions at the top ; the petals are of the same number, much longer than the calyx, generally combined into a tube at the base, spreading or twisted ; usually of a greenish hue, white or red. The stamens are usually ten, each arising from the back of a hairy scale growing at the base of the pistil, five generally losing their anthers before the rest. The ovary is four or five lobed, placed on a stalk, from the base of which the stamens arise ; it has four or five cells, each cell containing one ovule ; the style is simple ; the stigma occasionally four or five lobed. The fruit consists of four or five drupes arranged around a common receptacle, not gaping when ripe. The seeds are pendulous, with a membranous covering, and contain no albumen. These plants have affinity with the Eue tribe, but may be readily distinguished by the want of dots in the leaves, and by the seed-vessels remaining closed. An intense bitterness in all the parts is their chief characteristic. The name Quassia was adopted from that of the Indian who first discovered the bitter qualities of these plants, and employed them successfully as a remedy in the fevers of Surinam. Simaruba officinalis (1), or Quassia amara, as it was formerly called, is a shrub ten feet high, with grey bark, of beautiful appearance when covered with its spikes of red flowers. It possesses the bitter property in an excessive degree, especially in the root, but combined with other qualities that are now supposed to render it injurious as medicine. Small cylindrical chips of the white root were at one period imported in considerable quantities from Surinam ; of late years the traffic has diminished. An infusion of the flowers is still taken by the natives medicinally. The chief use of Quassia in this country is as a poison for flies and other insects ; also as an illegal substitute for hops in making beer. Some botanical travellers have supposed the Quassia chips are obtained from Picroena excelsa ; that, however, appears to be of inferior quality. S. amara 1. ^imarnhsiofficuiuHs, Bitter Quassia. Guiana. '-1. Saniadera indicu, Indian Crown-Nut. Sandy Shores of Malabar and Ceylon. ■•2 a Flower. 2b Fruit. 2c Nut. Oa. Simaba v«'«'"'"S's. Guiana. Stamens and three of the Petals, '•in Pistil and two Stamens. 3c Seed-vessels. SIMARUBACEyE. is fi'eqiiently used as medicine in the West Indies ; the natives of Cayenne take a decoction of the bark as a common remedy in fever ; the wood has the same properties, hut less powerful ; it is described by Sir Robert Schombnrgk as similar to the White Pine. S. versicolor, called Paraiba by the Brazilians, is so exceed- ingly bitter that it is secure from the attacks of insects, not only in a fresh state, but even when dried in an herbarium. This bitter princi^ile in plants appears to be one of the most perfectly retained, as may be observed in the cominou British Wormwood, on brealcing or lightly moving portions of this herb after having been preserved in a dry state for many months, the minute particles ascend directly, and will be perceived in their full bitterness of flavoi;r on the lips. It is said that the wood of this tribe is unfit for burning on account of the air becoming impregnated with a bitter smoke, and travellers have related that food cooked at a fire made of such fuel is unwholesome. 8amadera inclica (2), the Kroon-nooten of the Dutch traveller and naturalist, Van Rhecde, affords the Niepa bark used by Indians as a febrifuge. The name is very descriptive of the growth of the cluster of fruit. The w^ood is white and l)itter, as usual in this tribe ; the bark black ; the stem reaches about thirty-five feet in height. The petals are red above, yellow or white beneath. Each fruit contains one nut; the pulp is extremely bitter, and is. considered good as medicine, although not as food. Nima qiiassioides is well known in northern India for its medicinal properties. Simaba (3), Brucea, and Sumatrana, in their qualities resemble Quassia. The Tropics of Asia, Africa, and America, are the regions favourable to this Tribe ; Nima belongs to the Himalayas. OF THE ^^RSiTY Of \ium\s ir, 'Q^IA\ k w«r/ ^ ^'\ //■' ■ W^H/j M Zh 2c 2i 2^ hi del They Sanyydo' Triie 3o Day Sc'SoH/.. 4(i SAMYDACEiE THE SAMYDA TRIBE. Trees and shrubs ; the leaves are alternate, on short stalks, simple, entire at the edges or toothed, evergreen, with stipnles at their l)ase ; usually having pellucid dots and small oblong lines. The flower-stalks grow from the base of the leaf- stalks, and are solitary or numerous ; the calyx has four or five sepals more or less cohering at their base, usually coloured inside, and folded over each other in the bud ; the petals are wanting. The stamens arise from the tube of the calyx, and are two, three, or four times as many as the sepals ; the filaments are united at the base, and either all bear anthers, or are alternately shorter and surmounted by a tuft of hairs; the anthers are erect and ovate, two-celled. The ovary is above the calyx, one-celled ; the style single and thread-like ; the stigma capitate or slightly lobed ; the ovules many, attached to plates on the sides of the ovary. The capsule is leathery, with one cell and three or five valves, many-seeded, the valves gaping imperfectly when ripe, often somewhat pulpy within. The seeds are fixed irregu- larly on the yalves, with a fleshy fringed covering ; they contain ol\y or fleshy albimien. This small tribe has a few points of affinity with several others, but it is easily distinguished by the mingling of round and oblong pellucid dots on the leaves. The bark and leaves have slightly astringent properties. Samyda was named from the Greek of the Birch, which it resembles partly in the manner of growth of the branches ; it was introduced into this country from the West Indies before the end of the last century, but it is seldom seen in our conservatories ; the species are of slow growth and have not gained much favour, although graceful in habit and of delicately coloured foliage : the calyx of S. rosea (1) assumes the form and hue of petals, and gives a pleasing appearance to the plant, Casearia grandijiora (2) is one of the common plants of Brazil ; the leaves are covered on the lower surface with a dense yellowish down, the prominent nerve is also downy on the upper surface ; the calyx is clothed with yellowish hairs. This species has the largest flowers among the genus, but it does not rank high ]. Samyda rosea, Rose-coloured S>nni/(la. 2e Seed-vessel. West Indies. 2f Seed and Aril. 2. Casearia grandijiora, LarSon^Zi7n2iei' 47 R H A M N A C E ^, THE BUCKTHORN TRIBE. Trees and shrubs, which are often spiny ; leaves simple, alternate, very seldom opposite, occasionally having minnte stipules. Flowers small, generally green, gro^ving either from the base of the leaf-stalk, or at the ends of the branches, sometimes not containing both stamens and pistils, the calyx is four or five cleft, the petals are distinct, hooded, or twisted, inserted into the orifice of the calyx, occasionally wanting. The stamens are five, placed opposite the petals, the fi'uit is fleshy and whole as in Ehamnus, or dry and separating into three divisions, as in Ceanothns, the seeds are erect with fleshy albumen. The bark and berries of Rhamnus contain dyeing properties, as w-ell as me- dicinal remedies. This Order has affinity mth Byttneriaceai. Ehamnus is supposed to be named from the old Celtic w'ord ram, signifying branching, a derivation which may be traced in several modern languages ; in old French it is called reim, and the arms of the city of Rheims are two branches intertwined. The berries of several species have medicinal properties, those of Rhamnus Frangula (1) are used in an unripe state for dyeing wool yellow and green ; when ripe, they yield a blue colour : the bark also dyes yellow and black. The flowers are peculiarly grateful to bees ; goats and sheep are fond of the leaves. The berries of R. cathartica yield likewise a yellow dye, as well as medicine ; the ripe jiiice, when prepared with alum, is the < sap green of painters; later in the autumn, a purple dye is obtained from them, the colouring matter appai-ently being influenced by the state of maturity of the fruit. R. saxatills is one of the plants employed to dye morocco leather yellow. R. virgatus grows plentifully on the Himalaya, and would doubtless yield from its abundant berries a valuable dye to the natives. R. Alaternus is a hardy evergreen shrub, common in European gardens, the glossy foliage forming rapidly a close and sheltering hedge ; the honey -bearing flowers are much frequented by bees. The wood of several sj^ecies is compact and durable, that of R. li/cioides is selected by the Mongols to make their images, on account of its hardness and orange red colour. 1. Rhamnus Frangula, Aider Buchthoni, '■\x Flower, magnified. 1a Berry. England. 3b Seed-vesKel. 1b Seed. 4. Ceanothns nziirea, Bine Ceanothns. Mexico. 2. Zizyphus lotli.i, Lote-trei: Africa. 4a Flower wilhout the Stamens. 3. Paliunis auslralis, Ckrist's -Thorn. 4b Pistil and Stamens. South p^uropc. 5a. Section of Frnit o/" Zizyphus Baclei. RHAMNACEiE. Zizyitlnis derives its name from the Araliie, the fruit is destitute of any strong medicinal qualities, and is often eatable and wholesome. Z. Lotus (2) is the true Lotus fruit of the Lotophagi, and is still eaten hy the Arabs of Barbary. Travellers in Africa have found it growing in different countries ; Mungo Park describes the fruit as delicious, and relates the manner in which the natives made a kind of bread of the dried and pounded fruit, separating the farinaceous portion from the stone, mixing it with water, and making it into thin cakes, which when dried in the sun reseml»le gingerbread in flavour and colour. From the fi'uit of Z. Jnjnhd and Z. vulgaris the well-known Jujube lozenges for coughs are pre- pared. The berries of several other species are eaten by the natives of India and China ; those of Z. Badei are considered poisonous by the Negroes of the Gambia, but they make a land of wine from the fruit of Z. orthocanthus. Paliurus australis (3) is a remarkably beautiful tree, the pliant branches with their strong thorns and delicate flowers bending gracefully downwards ; the singular shape of the seed-vessel has caused it to be named by the French porte-diapeau. It is generally believed to be the plant of which Christ's crown of thorns was made, as it abounds in Judea, and from the nature of the branches is peculiarly fitted to be woven into any form. Ceanothus is a genus named by Theophrastus ; C, americana is called New Jersey Tea, from the leaves being dried and nsed as Tea in Carolina ; the root yields a buff dye for wool. Two species of Berchemia are employed medicinally by the Chinese. The acrid root of Discaria feJmfuga affords a remedy in the fevers of Brazil. Hovenia dnln's is remarkable for the enlarged and esculent flower-stalks, which after the petals are fallen, become filled with a red pulp, and are esteemed as a fruit in China. Sageretia Theezans has aromatic leaves which serve as Tea to the poor Chinese. This Tribe is found in nearly every part of the world, except in the Arctic Zone. The largest portion is said to be dispersed through the hottest countries of the United States, the south of Europe, the north of Africa, Persia, India, the Cape of Good Hope, and New Holland. A few genera appear to be limited to ]iarticular countries, as Ceanothus to N. America, Phylica to the Cape, Cryptandra and Pomaderris to New Holland. OF THE -Y OF ILLirJOiS 4S IXdeL Th^yIi.crparitine/-Tree^TrilfC. 48 TEREBINTHACE^ THE TURPENTINE-TREE TRIBE. Trees and shrubs abounding with resinous gummy sap, or a milky caustic juice ; the leaves are alternate, simple or compound, without stipules, and having no pellucid dots. The flowers grow either at the ends of the branches or from the base of the leaf-stalk. The stamens and pistil are seldom perfect in the same flower ; the calyx is usually small and persistent, with five or seven divisions ; sometimes the sepals are united, and it falls off. The petals are equal in number to the segments of the calyx, attached to its fleshy disk, occasionally wanting. The stamens are equal in niimber to the petals and alternate with them, growing separately from the disk, or cohering at their base when the disk is absent. The ovary is generally one-celled, having an ovule attached to its base by a cord; it is surmounted by one style, or three or foiir, and as many stigmas. The fruit is most commonly a drupe ; the seed contains no albiimen. This Tribe has some affinity with the Walnut tribe, although the flowers are disposed differently. A resinous, acrid, and extremely poisonous juice prevails in these plants. Pistacia Terehinthus (1) is the tree which yields the celebrated Cypress Tur- pentine, a limpid balsamic resin, remarkable for its fragrance. Incisions being made in the bark, the turpentine exudes during the night, and is collected in the morning before sunrise ; the produce is extremely small, consequently it is very costly, and it is liable to be mixed with other turpentine. P. Lentiscus affords the more abundant Mastick, which, flowing from transverse wounds made in the trunk, concretes on the ground, and is gathered up for iise ; it was formerly much em- ployed as a medicine, and is still esteemed by the Turks and Armenians. P. atlantica yields the same kind of resin. The fruit of P. vera is the eatable Pistacia-nut, once much used in cookery, but now of little value. Anacardium occidentale (2) is a ciirious example of an apparent fruit farmed by an enlarged fleshy stalk. The name was given on account of the heart-shape of the nut wliicli is attached to the end, and remains without exterior covei'ing. Between the shell 1. Pistacia Terehinthus, Turpentine Tree. 5 A. Pistacia atlantica. Pistil flower. 1a Seed. South Ei;ropp. 5b Ovary and Pistil. o_ Anacardium occidentale, Cashew Nut. Ca. I'istacia vera. Section of Seed. 2\ Section of Seed. West Indies. 7a. Rhus lasiocarpa. Fruit, 3. Mangifera indica. Mango Tree. East Indies. 8a. Melanorrhoja glalira. Calyx. 4. IMelam rrhica usitata, T'amish Tree. Ru Flower. 8c Stamen. ix Section of Fruit. Martahan. Hd Ovary and Pistil. TEREBINTHACEiE. and the kernel there is a thick caustic oil, blistering the skin if incautiously touched : the natives use it for preserving wood from decay ; the fresh kernels are of delicious flavour when young ; in an older state, they are generally roasted, and if mixed with cocoa, make an excellent chocolate. The pulpy part, or apple, has an agreeable acid taste, and is eaton in the West Indies either fresh or roasted ; the juice is fermented for wine, or distilled for a spirit. From the stem a milky lirpiid is obtained, which marks linen with an indelible black ; also a fine semi-transparent gum exudes from the bark. Spondias, a Greek name for Plum, is applied to a genus bearing eatable fruit called Hog-plums in the West Indies ; the thin yellow pul]i covering the large fibrous stone has a sweet scent and not unpleasant flavour. Cuttings of these trees grow so readily, that in St. Domingo hedges made of them take root and produce flowers and fruit in the course of a few months. S. dnlcis is cultivated in the islands of the Pacific Ocean for the sake of the fruit, and is known as the Otahcite Apple. ]\Iangifera (3), or Mango, the native name, is a large spreading tree, producing one of the most esteemed fruits of the East. In this country, we know it only in a green state, pickled. When fully ripe, the soft pulji is filled with an agreeable and wholesome juice ; the fruit as well as the shell within is of a kidney shape ; in size and quality, it varies as much as the European a])ple. Among the drawings of the late INIr. Longcroft, already alluded to, a Mango Grove, near Lahore, gives a noble idea of these majestic trees. I\lelanorrhoea (4) is described by Dr. Wallich as one of the most valual)le trees of the East, forming, together with Teak and Saul, extensive forests. The stem attains thirty or forty feet before branching ; it contains throughoiit a thick viscid grey juice, which on exposure to the air changes to black ; one tree yields about 121bs. in the year. This abundant and cheap varnish is employed either pure or coloured for all kinds of boats, and for vessels to contain anything liquid or solid ; it is besides much used by the Burmese in gilding their idols, and for religious writings on ivory. The points of the calyx remaining united, it falls off, after which the jietals expand and enlarge considerably ; as the seed ripens, they acquire a brown colour. Semecarpus and other genera yield also a valuable varnish in Silhet and China. Schinus is a very graceful shrub, with slender pinnated leaves, growing near the shore in Teueriffe, and on the Andes at an elevation of 8000 feet. Rhus is most kno^^^l in Europe as the Sumach, an alteration of its Arabic name. R. vernix is the Japanese varnish with which almost everything is coated in Japan. The Tropics are the chief station of the Tribe. Pistacia inhabits the south of Europe and the Levant. Rhus is most extensively dispersed, being found in Northern India, in South Africa, in North America, and south of Europe. Duvaua and Schinus belong to Chile ; no species have yet been discovered in Australia. OF THE ;^V OF ILimOlS u. '9 TICLV& '^■' '''^' 49 LECtUMINOS^ THE PEA TRIBE. Trees,- shrubs, and herbaceous plants, of extremely various aspect. The leaves are alternate, generally compound, having a pair of stipules at the base of the leaf- stalk, and at each leaflet. The flowers are usually papilionaceous, some are spreading and regular ; the calyx is below the ovary, five parted, often unequally so, the odd segment placed in front. The petals are five, inserted into the base of the calyx, the upper one forming the standard, the one on either side the wings, the two lower combined into the keel, enclosing the stamens and pistil. The stamens are of definite or indefinite number, iisually attached to the calyx, either distinct or united into one or two sets, very rarely into three. The pistil is simple, one-celled, one or many-seeded, commonly consisting of a single carpel, occasion- ally of more ; the style and stigma are simple. The fruit is a legume, or a drupe, as in Dipterix (11) ; the seeds are fixed to the upper seam, solitary or several, without albuinen. This Tribe has most affinity -sA-ith Rosacese ; the position of the odd lobe of the calyx and the leguminous seed-vessel are distinguishing characters. This remarkable Tribe is amongst the most important to man, contributing a large portion of embellishment to the earth, yielding excellent timber, the most useful of all dyes, indigo and logwood, bark for tanning, gums, resins, balsams, medicines, and although in general containing deleterious juices, yet many species afford an abundant supply of wholesome nutriment in the pulse of the seeds to men and animals. The seed-vessel is developed in diverse forms of pod : in some of the South American trees it is of enormous size and solid woody substance ; when ripe, bursting, and the large seeds falling to the ground with considerable noise. Pisum sativtim (1) is of ancient renown and extended use throughout Europe. Trifolium (2) was known to the Greeks, and has ever been esteemed as food for cattle. Several kinds of Vetch are valuable as fodder. Spartium (3) is one of the most ornamental of European shrubs, adorning the wildest ground with its 1. Pisum S'ltiviim, Eatable Pea. S. Europe. 2. Trifolium pralenxe, Purple Clover. Britain, n. S^pSLVtmrnscoparhmijComnion Broom. Britain. 4. Tetragonolobus ediilis, Whii/cd Pea. Sicily, f). Robinia hispida. Rose Acacia. Carolina. 5a Floiver, separated. (i, Alexandra imperatrlcis. Guiana. Ca Section of Ovary. 7. Acacia Soplioree. Tasmania. 7a Stamen Flower. 7b Siamen. 8. Cassia Justralis. Australia. 8a Stamen. 8b Pistil. 9. Wistaria sinensi.i China. 10. Clitoria Tirnatea. ^Moluccas. 11. Drupe (if Dipterix. Toni/a, Frni/rant Tonya Bean. \-> Se'-d-vessel of 'SlciWcn.gO lupulina. V LEGUMINOSiE. golden flowers, rivalled only by the still more hardy Ulex, the Furze, which is, however, of more limited distribution. The species of Spartium called Rctama, nine feet in height, covers the sandy ridges of the Peak of Teneriffe at an elevation of OOoO feet, until the barren pumice and lava impede vegetation ; the flowers are highly odoriferous, and the fine brown goats that feed on it are considered of very superior quality. The ^Vinged Pea (4) was formerly eaten by the peasants of Sicily and Spain. Tiobinia hispida (o) is a beautiful, but very fragile shrub ; a variety with tougher branches is extremely ornamental to the public walks of many German towns. R. psexidacacia, the Locust-tree of North America, is much planted here for the sake of its W'ood, which is said to last one hundred years as gate-])osts. Acacia Sophorce (7) belongs to an extensive genus, with small spread- ing flowers, having the stamens and pistil separated, yielding gums, delicious perfumes, and astringent bark in Arabia and Egypt. Some species afford useful wood. The compound leaves of these shi'ubs have a peculiar tendency to diminish, gradually falling away, till the apparent leaves are in reality only the expanded leaf-stalk, as in A. Sopliora. The chief vegetation of the Arabian Deserts belongs to this Tribe, Acacia vera and arabira exuding the well-known gtim ; Alhagi, the Camel's thorn, and other low, thorny, balsamiferous shrubs, are scattered over the scorched dreary tracts. Mimosa sensrtiva and pudlca possess an extraordinary irritability, when touched at the top of the leaflets each pair closes in succession. Cassia (8) is a genus comprising the medicinal Senna, the pi'oduct principally of African species. Among the lofty trees, one of the most striking is Alexandra (H), discovei-ed by Sir Robert Schomburgk on the shores of the Cuyuni in Guiana : the graceful stem attains 120 feet in height, and the rich dark foliage, thickly interspersed with brilliant flowers, has a very splendid appearance : the pod is nearly two feet in length, and the seed as large as a chesnut. Wistaria (9) has now become acclimatised in England, producing its countless blossoms in spring on the leafless branches, wdiich can be led horizontally to the extent of eighty feet from the stem. The seeds of Ceratonia siliqua, the Carat-tree of the East, are said to have furnished the original carat weight for jewels ; they are now used as food for horses in Spain. Gum Tragacanth of Syria and Persia is produced by several shrubby thorny kinds of Astralagus, a genus of which only herbaceous species are natives of England. Crotalnria Juncea furnishes the coarse Bengal hemp for canvas bags. The wood of Ilymenea Courharil of South America is of the heaviest cla~s, a cubic foot weighing 100 lbs., whilst that of Laburnum, although fine-grained, weighs only 52 lbs. Among the useful roots of these plants, that of Glycyrrhiza Liquorice, is included. Indigo is now chiefly grown in South America, but is of great antquity in the East Indies ; an ancient Sanscrit writing mentions " the vat of a dyer filled with indigo, a jackal falling into it was coloured blue." This Tribe is distributed in unequal proportions in every part of the known world, except in the Isles of St. Helena and Tristan d'Acunha : in tiie Tropics more than IGOO species have been discovered; thence the numbers gradually diminish north and south : the largest portion are natives of South America : in the countries bordering the I\Iediterranean a considerable number exist. OF [H£ TRSiTY OF IL!'"^'^ Tke^ Walnut Tni^ Day .i.. JUGLANDACE.l^. THE WALNUT TRIBE. Trees," with a watery or resinous juice. Leaves alternate, pinnate, generally without dots, and have no stipules. Flowers herbaceous, inconspicuous, and imperfect ; those having stamens only grow in catkins from the branches of the preceding year ; the fruit-bearing flowers grow at the ends of the young branches, either in small clusters, or in long racemes ; in some cases the two kinds of flowers are mingled in one panicle. The calyx of the staminiferous flowers has two, three, or six membranous unequal divisions at the top, with a scale-hke bract at the base. The stamens are three, or many, with short free filaments, and erect, two-celled anthers. The small terminal clusters of fertile flowers of Juglans are surrounded by a few small bracts. Those of Engelhardtia grow in long loose racemes, each flower being enclosed in an involucre, cup-sha|)ed at the base, and united to the calyx, acquiring at last \\ing-like expansions. The calyx adheres to the ovary excepting at the top, where it is divided into three or five segments, which fall away as the fruit increases. The corolla is formed of very minute petals, or is altogether wanting. The styles are sometimes two, very short, the stigmas seldom more than four, imequal, fringed, occasionally placed on the ovary without a style. The fruit is a drupe of one stone, that of Juglans is naked, that of Engelhardtia enclosed in an adherent involucre. The outer covering iisually separates from the stone, which has two or four cells at the base, one at the top. This order has some connexion with the Cashew-nut tribe, through Pistacia, and has also affinity with the Oak, and Hazel-nut, in points of structure. Juglans was greatly esteemed in ancient times, and is said to have been named Jovis glans, the nut of Jove, on account of its excellence. The native country of Juglans regia, the Walnut (1), is Persia, but it has long since been introduced into all European countries, producing fruit in perfection, particularly in Holland, and the Rhine country of Germany, whore it is extensively cultivated, both as a fruit and timber tree. The outer portion of the fruit is thick and soft, having acrid and astringent properties ; whilst young, and before the inner shell of the kernel is hardened, the whole is made into a pickle ; when ripe, the green covering, which contains an extremely black juice, is taken off, the inner shell divides into two valves, showing the large irregularly lobed nut, covered with a thin browTi ]. ^w^XdiXxa reijia, Cotiini'in ll'alniil. l.v St'clion ro;)/iy//((, Smnll-hnrc neastcr. (/ Coto- Nepal P0MACE.15. !Marco Polo relates, that he found in the market of Ningpo " uncommonly large pears, weighing each ten pounds, white in the inside, and very fragrant." The pears of Poshawur, in India, are also celebrated. Perry, made of the juice of pears, is considered a very delicate kind of wine. The orchards are principally in \\ orcostershire, and the arms of the city of Worcester are three ])ear8. P. tonniiiah's, the uild Service-tree, is fre(|uent in parks and hedges in Sussex ; the clusters of small oval fruit are sometimes ,<';athered, and sold in village shops : after having been slightly touched by frost, they have an agreeable acid flavour. P. domestica is found occasionally in the hilly woods of Cornwall, and is the only native species in Iceland; it is of slow growth, bearing no fruit till it arrives at a considerable age. P. aucuparia, ]\Iountain-ash, or Ivowau-tree, is supposed to have been one of the sacred trees of the Druids, and was long afterwards an object ot superstitious veneration in Scotland. In many parts of Germany it takes the place of Plum-trees by the roadside ; and as there are no hedge boundaries to the extensive fields, it adds considerably to the beauty of the scene, especially when the abundant scarlet berries adorn the trees. The bark is useful in tanning, and a strong spirit is distilled from the fruit. P. aria, the white Beam-tree, named from the use made of the wood, is a native of chalk and limestone hills in Scotland and Ireland ; it may be easily recognised by the white cottony down of the under surface of the leaves. The wood of nearly all the species of Pyrus is hard, and line-grained. Cratajgus is the genus of the tribe to which we are most indebted for the embellishment of our fields, parks, and gardens. C. Oxycantha (2) merits its general admiration from the picturesque form of growth, as well as beautiful spring flowers, and red haws in autumn, which in mild seasons sometimes remain on the branches throughout the winter. The fruit of C. a~arolus, and C, odoratis- simus, is eaten in the Crimea. C. crus-galli, the coc-kspur thorn, shows very clearly the transformation of leaves and undeveloped branches into spines ; those on the young branches are only soft and leafy, on the branches of the previous year they are become hard spines. Mespilus (o) affords a remarkable instance of a fruit not being eatable until in a state of incipient decay : the cells of the fruit are of a singular bony consistency, and the leafy calyx remains unclosed at the top. M. puruccadha is a favourite evergreen shrub from the south of Europe. Cydonia vulgaris (4) bears a fruit of peculiar flavour ; the mucilaginous seeds are used medicinally. Cydonia (formerly called Pyrus) Japoidca (o) has fruit about the size of a walnut in Japan. Eriobotrya (G) is do\\'ny on the flower branches ; the fruit is said to resemble the Mango in taste, and is esteemed in its native country. Cotoneaster (<) is a gemis belonging to Europe and Nepal ; the stallvs are usually clothed with cottony down. Phothiia diihia yields a red dye for cotton, in Kepal. This Tribe is found plentifully in Europe, Northern Asia, the mountains of Nepal, and North America ; it is rare in Mexico, exists in Africa only on the northern shore, is unknown in Madeira, as well as in the whole southern hemi- sphere ; a solitary species belongs to the Sandwich Isles. -Or IHt ri^SlTV Of ^^"^ T.d^ Thi- 'JibrioruL Tribe' Da^ ScSort^.L VTvUea 53 AMYCtDALACE.5^]. THE ALMOND TRIBE. Trees and shrubs ; tlie leaves are simple, alternate, iisually having small glands towards the base ; the stipules are simple, mostly glandular. The flowers are either single or in umbels; the calyx is fiTO-toothed, lined with a disk, deciduous, the fifth lobe next the stem or axis, as in the Rose tribe : the petals are five, placed on the calyx. The stamens are about twenty, arising from the throat of the calyx, curved inwards in the bud ; the anthers are two-celled, bursting longitudinally. The ovary is above the base of the flower, simple, one-celled ; the style is terminal, with a furrow on one side, terminating in a kidney-shaped stigma. In Chryso- balanus and its allies the style proceeds from the base of the ovary. The fruit is a drupe, the pulpy substance sometimes separating spontaneously from the shell ; the seed is generally solitary, suspended in the shell, contains no albumen. This Tribe is distinguished froiii the Rose and Apple tribes by the fruit being a simple drupe, by the secretion of prussic acid, and by the bark exuding gum ; the latter property shows affinity with Mimosa amongst the Leguminous plants. Amygdalus was so named by the Greeks, the fruit being cultivated and esteemed in ancient times throughout the Levant. During the last three centuries, the Almond-tree (1) has been constantly planted in English shrubberies, it is abundant in all the southern countries of Europe. The best sweet almonds are produced in the neighbourhood of Malaga, the kernels contain a fixed oil, which renders them pleasant to the taste, as well as useful for some medicinal purposes. A. amara, the bitter almond, has less oil, and possesses narcotic and poisonous qualities, owing to a considerable portion of prussic acid ; the bitter principle is not in the oil, but in the substance left after the oil has been expressed. A. microphijUa is found on the hot dry plains of IMexico ; a species named A. cnchinchinensis is said to be a native of woods in China. Persica vulgaris (2) was brought to Europe from Persia, and about 1562 was first cultivated in England; in Lom- bardy. Peach-trees are planted in the vineyards, and serve as supports to the vines, which hang in festoons between them ; the large juicy fruit is one of the most 4. Prnnus spimtsa, Sloe, or Blnclclhorn. England. 5. Corasus avium. Wild Chernj. England. 5a Stone. ftii Section. (i. I'rnnus donuxlivn. Golden Drop, ciillhated. .->/-< r i' II I 7 Pninns doniesticn, Orleans Plum. c'lUivnted. 8. Cerasns Lauroeerasus, Common Lmirel \ "'""^ nuint.'.tiKi, LfViint. I M. Slone o/ChryHohfi\aim<. Traro. Q 1. Amygdalus comma n is, Sireel Almond. ]a Shell. Barbary. 1b Kernel. Ic Section. 2. Persica vuli/aris. Common Peach. TVrsia. 2a Stone. AMYGDALACE.E. (.lelicious both in flavour and substance, althougli, even when ripe, it contains a less proportion of sugar then most of the stone fruits. P. hivis, tlie Nectarine, ranks next to, and belongs to the same countries as the Peach, and is chiefly ilistinguished by having a smooth instead of a downy skin ; both flourish re- markably in a small island in the Persian Gulf, together with Almonds and several other fruits not belonging to this tribe. Cerasus Laaroccrasus (3) is amongst the most beautiful of evergreen shrubs ; it was introduced from Constan- tinople, and has now become very hardy in our climate : all parts contain poison ; the oil obtained is extremely virulent, and is said to be still more so in Brazil than in Temperate regions ; the vapour is sufficient to destroy insect life. C. avium (5) is supposed to be the origin of our cultivated Cherries, several vorieties now abound here, and on the Continent, and are of much value ; a large-fruited kind in the Black Forest, and in the Vosges, yields the German Kirscheuwasser. The leaves of the Cherry-tree are folded simply flat when young ; those of the Plum are rolled inwards. C. Padus, the British Bird-cherry, bears flowers in long sjiikes ; the fruit is nauseous to man, though eaten by birds. C. Pudditm, of the Himalayas, bears ])ink flowers, the fruit is small but delicious, and is eniploj'ed for making cherry -brandy, the wood is used in Nepal for walking-sticks by the Fakeers. (A undulata and C. cornuta grow on mountains in India ; the leaves of C. capricida are poisonous to goats. Prunus spinosa (4) is a rigid shrub with branches ending in a spine, the astringent fruit is not eatable until wrinkled by frost, then only cooked with sugar ; the juice is used to adulterate Port wine, and the leaves for the same purpose with Tea. P. domestica affords several varieties of cultivated Plum, some of which are of excellent quality and extensively used ; when dried, they are usually called by the French name of Prunes ; an immense number are prepared annually in France and Portugal ; in some parts of Saxony the highways are bordered by Plum-trees, supplying Sweden with the favourite winter fruit. P. armeniaca, the Apricot, has an extensive range over the East, especially on the high lands ; it exists also between the Niger and the Atlas mountains in Africa, and abounds on the mountains of Caucasus ; along the banks of the Sutledge and other rivers of Bokhara it flourishes, with many other stone fruits ; on the Hindoo-koosh the traveller may pass many miles through orchards of Apricot- trees, where the fniit attains the greatest perfection. The chemical changes which operate in the ripening process of fruits is singularly shown in apricots ; in a green state, scarcely a trace of sugar is found, but when ripe, there is a considerable quantity, wliile the malic acid is diminished one-third. Chrysobalanus differs from the usual type of this Order in having irregular petals and stamens ; a style from the base of the ovary, and a stone with five angles. The fruit of C. Icaco, the Cocoa-plum (S j is eaten in the West Indies ; that of C. luteus in Sierra Leone, where the Gray-plum Parinarium excelsum also affords food to the natives. This Tribe belongs to the cold and Temperate regions of the northern hemi- sphere, with very few exceptions ; Chrysobalanus and its allies are natives of the tropics of Africa and America. UL,.r>RV OF THE !'f.'.!VFRS!TV OF III" ZTM. i,i^^..:>oroj.. Tte.Loc'3estn/&Trib& 54 LYTHRACE.E THE LOOSESTRIFE TRIBE. Almost all herbaceous plants, a few only shrubs. The branches are frequently quadrangular. Leaves opposite, seldom alternate, entire, without either stipules or glands, sometimes with glandular dots. Flowers solitary, or in clusters, regular, or irregular, growing from the base of the leaf-stalk, or in terminal spikes or racemes as the upper leaves diminish. The calyx is tubular, ribbed and plaited, often oblique ; some of the lobes are in many cases longer than the rest. The petals are inserted between the outer lobes of the calyx, very soon falling off, some- times wanting. The stamens are fixed in the tube of the calyx, below the petals, to which they are either equal in number, or twice, or even four times as many ; the anthers are two-celled opening longitudinally. The style is slender; the stigma usually capitate. The capsule is membranous, covered by the calyx, gaping when ripe, containing numerous small seeds. This Order has most affinity with the Saxifrage tribe. Lythrum Salicaria (1) is esteemed one of the most elegant of British plants; it grows frequently on the banks of rivers and streams, the tall spikes of bright purple flowers rising to the height of four or five feet ; in dry situations, the plant becomes more downy and of shorter stature. The whole plant has astringent properties, which have rendered it useful in medicine and in tanning. Lythrum hijssopi folium is not so common a species, being found only in a few places m England, and is of smaller growth and less beautiful aspect. Peplis Portula (2) grows generally in watery places, on heaths, on sandy soils, with a prostrate stem, creeping or floating ; the minute petals of the solitary flowers are generally concealed within the bell-shaped plaited calyx. Lagerstroemia (3) was so named by Linnaeus, after Lagerstroem of Gotten- burg, who obtained many rare plants from the East. It forms, with a few other plants, a division of this tribe distinguished by having the seeds winged. All the species are fine shrubs of the East Indies, China, and South America. Lagerstroemia regince is a very beautiful evergreen shrub, beai'ing long panicles of rose-coloured 1 . Lythrum iSnlicaria, Purple Loosestrife. River banks, England. • 1a Calyx and Pistil. 1b Calyx and Stavtens. Ic Pistil. Id Section of Seed-vessel. 2. Peplis Portula, Water Purslane. Jinghunl. 'ix Flower. 'ih Flower, vutynijied. 2c Section of Seed-vessel. 3. Lagerstroemia indica, Indian La(jers>trwnu(i. East Indies. 4. Ciiphea tuhijln-a, Tuhnhirjlowvred Cuphrn. South America. LYTHRACE.l::. • ' fliiwers, which tlecpen in hue during the day till they l)ecome jiurple by evening ; the hark and leaves are considered medicinal, and the seeds are narcotic. Cuphea (4) is a genus of South America ; several species are now cultivated in English gardens as oraamental flowers. Cuphea Bahumona^ia found to be a valuable remedy in the intermittent fevers of Brazil. Heiniia salicifulia, a Mexican jilant, is remarkable for having yellow flowers in the midst of this usually purple- flowered tribe. Lawsonia ineiinis, the Hinna of Egypt, yields an orange dye, employed by the women of Oriental countries to stain their fingers and feet ; it is also used for dyeing morocco leather, and various other purposes. In India, it is much cidtivated north of the Jumna river. The bright red flowers of Grislea tomcntosa yield a dye to the natives of India. The wood of Physocalymma Jloribunda is of a fine rose colour, and forms the favourite Rosewood of Germany and Portugal. The leaves of Ammannia vesicatoria are so extremely acrid as^o be used for blisters in India. Pemphis acidida inhabits exclusively the coasts of tropical Asia, where the leaves are said to be cooked and eaten by the inhabitants. This Tribe is disj^ersed in various countries. Lythrum, like many other jjlants which grow in watery situations, extends over a wide range of the globe, being found in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia. L. Cashmeriamtm inhabits the shores of the Lake of Cashmere. L, Salicaria is found in New Holland, although at present no other species of this tribe has been discovered there. G rislea belongs to India, China, and South America ; Ammannia to the hot coiuitries of both hemispheres. Rotala, Pem])his, and Ameletia are spread over the peninsula of India and the islands of the Indian Ocean. Lagerstroemia and its allies are all natives of India or South America. Li..:../ OF THE :-/ OF !LL!^;OlS ^* ■: fl 2a. 2h. Zo 2 J. Ic Th&- TajruirishTnh& 55 TAMARICACE.E THE TAMARISK TRIBE. Shrubs or herbs, XA-ith slender branches ; leaves alternate, minute, entire, scale-like, usually having hollows on the surface. Flowers in close spikes, or racemes. The calyx is four or five-parted, persistent, imbricated in the bud. Petals inserted into the base of the calyx, withering and remaining whilst the seed ripens. Stamens either equal in number to the petals, or twice as many, distinct or united : the anthers are turned inwards, two-celled, opening longitudinally. The ovary is free, surmounted by three styles. The fruit is a capsule, three-valved, three-cornered, one-celled, containing many seeds attached to three plates, either at the base of the cavity, or along the middle of the valves ; the seeds have no albumen, and are surmounted by down. Bitter and astringent properties exist in the plants of this innocuous tribe ; sulphate of soda is contained in the ashes. Tamarisk is supposed to have received its name from the Tamarisci, who in ancient times inhabited the Spanish side of the Pyrenees, where it grows plentifully on the banks of the Tanaris. Saline air or soil is essential to the growth of the different species. T. gallica (1) is now become naturalized in England, and may frequently be seen on the south coast, being almost the only shrub that grows well in gardens exposed to the spray of the sea ; when protected by a wall or house it attains the height of twenty or thirty feet, and has a stem upwards of twelve inches in circumference. The flowers are abundant in warm situations, coming forth in June and September ; in mild parts of the Hampshire, Sussex, and Cornish coast, it flourishes as luxuriantly as in its native coimtry of Normandy, where it is particularly beautiful along the road from Pontorson to ISIont St. Michel, forming high hedges with its elegant branches adorned with pink flowers, to the extreme edge of the sands. In former ages it would not have been found there, but it sprang up in its appointed time and place, when the salt waves had taken possession of the wide tract of meadow and forest, and the poor monk on returning from a pilgrimage beheld in amazement a vast barren sand intervening I. Tamarix GnUica, French Tamnrisk. 2b Stiimens and Pislil. South Coast, England. 2o Seed-vessel. 1a Flower. 2d Seed. 1b Ovary and Pistil . 2e Brunch and Leaves. Ic Brunch and Leaves. !). Myricaria hracleala, Bructealed Tamnrish. 2 Myricaria Germanica, Gcrmnn Ttnnnrisk. 3a Flower. HimalavHS. 2a Flower. (Jirniany. 3b Stamens. TAMAKICACE^. lietweeu him ami liis uionasttTV on the rocky luouut. The twigs of T. f/allica and T. Afrkana are considered shghtly tonic, the aslies of both yield a remarkable quantity of sulphate of soda. The celebrated IManna of IMouut Sinai was dis- covered by Ehrenberg to be an exudation from T. mannt'fera, caused by a small insect of the Coccus tribe, which sometimes covers the larger branches ; the sub- stance contains no crystallisable Mannite, but consists entirely of pure mucilaginous sugar — a singular fact in plants which grow only in saline situations. Persian INIanna is derived from another sjiecies. The steep water-courses of Pesheen in Beloochistan are as favourable localities for Tamarisk as the shores of Europe : in Delhi and other parts of India T. iudira, T. dioica, T. Faras, and T. orientalis are all valued for their astringent qualities both in medicine and in dyeing. T. articulata is a native of Egypt. ^lyricaria is so called after the Greek name of the Tamarisk, from which it differs only in a few points ; it is dispersed in Europe and Asia. M. Germanica (2) is a small shrub growing on the banks of Alpine rivers and streams in Silesia and Mora\'ia, and among the Hartz mountains ; it is well adapted to E'' glish gardens, making a })leasing contrast with larger and brighter foliage ; it was formerly employed medicinally on account of its astringent balsamic bark. I\I. hracteata (3) belongs to the salt districts of Kunawur in the Himalaya ; the bracts at the base of the flower-stalks fall off when the flowers expand. M. elegans is also a native of that country. M. Jierhacea affords a kind of tea to the Mongols, as well as tonic medicine. The plants of this small Tribe are limited exclusively to the eastern portion of the northern hemisphere, extending from China to the Cape de Verd Islands and Senegambia ; apparently not reaching southwards beyond S° or 9° of N, latitude, or northwards beyond 55° in Siberia. They occur in various localities, on the sea-coasts and river-shores of Europe, on the banks of the Gauges and the Nile, on the arid sandy tracts of Northern India and the Punjaub, and on the lofty saline plains of Thibet and Siberia. They exist in the greatest variety and abundance in the resrion of the 3Iediterranean Sea. OF [HE "■RSiTY OF IL! r.&z. Th& MelaLstom(vTnh&' !'ay &. Sony,£umted MELASTOMACE.E. THE MELASTOMA TRIBE. Tress, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Leaves opposite, undivided, usually entire at the edges, without dots, and with several strong ribs running from the base to the point. The flowers have a calyx of four, five, or six lobes, cohering more or less with the angles of the ovary. The petals are equal in number to the segments of the calyx, rising from the base, or from the edge of a disk that lines the calyx ; in the bud state they are twisted. The stamens are generally twice as many as the petals, sometimes of the same number ; the filaments are curved downwards in the bud ; the anthers are long, two-celled, iisually bursting by two pores at the point, and lengthened in various ways beyond the insertio ^f the filaments ; some- times they open longitudinally ; before the flowers expau ■ +hey lie in cavities between the ovary and the sides of the calyx. The ovary i partly united with the calyx, and contains several cells ; the style is single with a simple stigma ; a cup is often present at the top of the ovary, surrounding the style. The seed- vessel is either dry and distinct from the calyx, or succulent and combined with it; it has 'many cells, in which are numerous minute seeds, usually having appendages of some kind. Melastomacese have most affinity with the INIyrtle tribe, from which they differ in the petals being twisted in the bud, and in the leaves having no dots. A slight astriugency is the prevailing character of this extensive tribe, which throughout its whole range contains no unwholesome plant. Nevertheless, there are none of much importance to man, either as food or medicine, or for domestic uses ; yet several of their genera were, on their first discovery, named after dis- tinguished naturalists of various countries. The succulent fruit of many species is eatable, that of some is filled with a juicy pulp, which stains the mouth black in eating ; whence the name of Melastoma is derived. In some plants this juice is of 80 intense a black as to be used for ink in Guiana. The leaves of INIelastoma malahathrica (1) are used to dye cottons black in India, and are also considered medicinal. In Brazil, both wine and vinegar are prejjared from the fermented 1. Melastoma malahathrica, BUtch Strawberry - 4. Soneiila tcnera, Delicate Sonerila. Tree. East Indies. 1a Stamen. Himalaya 4a Seed- vessel. 2. BUikea trinervia, Thrcc-ribhed Blaki-a. 5. Osbeckia sinensis, Chinese Osheckia. China 2a Calyx and Pistil. .fiimiica. fi. Stenodon suberosns. Seclicn «f Fruit. :>. Pleroma viminea, Twii/i/y I'h-rotna. Brazil. 7. Stamen o/Medinilla radicans. ■(a Stamen. 7 a S(ctiiin of Seed. MELASTOMACE.f'. berries of several species. From the down of the leaves of M. hohscriceum a kind of tintlor is made in Panama, large quantities of wliich are sent to llavannah. The aromatic loaves of M. Thewzans are employed for tea in Poj)ayan, and are preferred to Chinese tea. Blakea trinervia (2), so named after Blake, the great naturalist of Antigua in the last century, is one of the most beautiful ])lants of the West Indies. At first it is slender, and supports itself by some neighbouring tree ; afterwards becomes robust, and sends forth numerous branches and delicate rose- coloured flowers. The stamens are united at their base, forming a ring around the pistil. The fruit is a yellow berry, about the size of a gooseberry, • of pleasant flavour, and eaten by the natives of Guiana. Osbeckia was named by Linnaius in honour of his countryman, Osbeck, a celebrated author of scientific works, and traveller in China and the East Indies. O. sinensis (5) is a pretty little species brought from China in 181 8 ; its leaves have emollient properties. The fruit of 0. Principis is used for a black dye in Brazil. Sonerila tenera (4) is one of the five genera peculiar to Asia ; it extends beyond the general Tropical limits of this tribe, being found on the Deyra Doon, and in other districts of the Himalaya, during the rainy season ; but of diminished size in those northern localities. Sonerila difters from other genera in this order, in having all its parts of fructification arranged in a ternary manner. The pulpy fruit of Memecylon editle is eaten by the natives of Coromandel, although it is too astringent to be agreeable food ; the leaves afford a yellow dye, as well as those of Miconia tinctoria, Cremanium tinctoriiim, and, other species. Blakea ^arasiVtca yields a red dye. The fruit of Lasiandra argentea, Tococa guianensis, and others, give a deep black hue to cotton. The bark of oMedinilla yields an emollient juice ; some species produce numerous bright purple flowers on the stem, and are highly ornamental. The acid leaves of Astronia jyajietaria are cooked as sauce for fish in the islands of the Malay Archipelago ; the wood is hard and used for posts. The berries of Tristemma virusanum are employed medicinally in the Mauritius ; those of Myrrhinium atrojmrjyureum are of agreeable flavour. Macaco wood is obtained from Tococo guianensis, the fruit of w'hich is eaten by man, but is particularly relished by monkeys. This Tribe is, with few exceptions, limited to the equinoctial regions of the globe, and chiefly to the tropics of South America, where about 650 species have been found ; on the Andes they ascend to 11,000 feet. Nearly an eighth portion of the genera occur in Asia ; Sonerila and four others have not -yet been discovered in any other quarter of the world ; the various species inhabit principally the southern parts of India, a few only extend into the northern provinces. Some species are found in China ; a very few are at present known in New Holland. None have been discovered in Africa north of the Desert of Sahara, nor beyond the Tropic of Capricorn on the south. Melastoraa and Osbeckia are natives of Asia, Africa, and America : none belong to Europe. OF IH£ UNIVERSITY OF lLi-!^''=- AVJJ. ■\,VM!W?,Tt!tM;H: A^^ li ETd^L iKe/ My rtl& Tribe Dav &, SorvX urate' MYRTACE^ THE MYRTLE TRIBE. Trees and shnilis, no herbaceous plants. Leaves opposite, entire, usually having transparent dots, and a vein running parallel with the margin. The flowers are various in form, but grow usually from the base of the leafstalk ; they are red, white, occasionally yellow, never blue. The calyx is adherent, four or five cleft at the top, sometimes cohering together at the points, and falling off like a cap, as in Eucalyptus. The petals are equal in number to the di\asions of the calyx. Stamens either twice as many as the petals, or numerous, rarely of the same num- ber ; the filaments are distinct, or connected in several sets, curved inwards before flowering ; the anthers are ovate, two-celled, opening lengthwise. The ovary is from one to six celled, the style simple. The fruit is either dry or fleshy, entire or gaping ; the seeds are usually of indefinite number, and variable in form. This is one of the most clearly defined of the natural orders of plants, and very easily recognised. The opposite leaves ^athout stipules, with a smooth edge and a marginal vein being sure indications of it. It is closely connected with Rosaceae, jMelastomacefe, and others, but is obviously distinguishable from all. Nearly all are highly aromatic, from an oil contained in the pores of the leaves. Some curious transfomiations of petals and sepals occur in this tribe. Myrtus (1) was known to and named by the ancient Greeks, and retains the same derivation in all European languages. It was a celebrated plant in Athens, employed as a symbol of honour in victory, and of justice forjudges, and dedicated to Venus ou account of its beauty and aromatic fragrance. The berries Avere added to wine, used in cookery, and in medicine for their astringent properties. The buds are still eaten as pepper in Tuscany, and the bark is used for tanning. It ■ was long ago brought to England, and now flourishes in the southern coiinties in great luxuriance, particularly on the coast, the air of the sea being remarkal)ly favourable to it, as was observed anciently in Greece. M. tomenfosa yields eatable berries on the Neilgherries. M. nummularia is the smallest plant of this tribe, spreading over the ground in the Falkland Isles. !Myrtus communis, Common Myrtle. Persia and S. Europe. 1a Section of Ovary. 1b Seed. Eucalyptus pulvcrulevta, Powdery Gum-tree. New Holland. Eucalj'ptus macrocnrpa. Swan River. 3a Seed-vessel. i. Psidium Caltleyanum, Purple Gunva. South America. "). Vwmcsi Granntum, Pomegranate. S.Europe. C. Eugenia Malaccensis, Malay Rose-apple. East Indies. 7. Leptospernmm scnparium, New Zealand Tea Plant. New Zealand. R .MYllTACEiE. Enc:xlyi>tus ptilrcruhutn (2) and E. macrocarpa ('■^) are examples of tlio Hum trees of Australia, where they rank amongst the loftiest timher trees; the stems of some speeies rising in a straight column to the height of loO feet before branching; the foliage is of a singular grey hue, the same on both surfaces, forming a striking contrast with the bright glossy leaves of the European Myrtle. The flowers have no jietals ; the united calyx, being se])arated from the top of the cup by the force of the expanding stamens, falls off like a cap. A valuable kind of Tannin is pre- pared from the bark of several species, and is said to be much more powerful than that of Oak. E. resinifera of New South Wales yields an efficacious gum resin. E. mannifera exudes a sweet substance resembling Manna, in the dry season. E. rohusta has cavities in the stem containing a fine red gum. Another species furnishes a copious juice which ferments like beer, and is considered a refreshing beverage by the inhabitants of Tasmania. The different kinds of Psidium, or Guaid, afford a ])leasant fruit in the West Indies, that of P. Catthijaimm (4) is esteemed the best flavoured. The dark curled-grained wood of P. monfaimm is much valued for ornamental uses. Punica is said by Pliny to have been so named from having been foxmd growing abundantly on the shores of Carthage. It was early celebrated for the medicinal properties of the fruit in Persia, where it forms extensive woods. In Europe it is still employed medically ; the fruit is considered delicious in the East. Eugenia was named after Prince Eugene of Savoy, a great patron of botany. E. Malaccensis (G) is much cultivated in the Malay Isles for the sake of its agreeable fruit, which has the fragrance of a rose ; several species bearing eatable fruit grow in South America ; Allspice is the dried fruit of E. Pimento. Leptospermum scoparium abounds on the shores of many parts of Australia and New Zealand, where it was found by Captain Cook ; the leaves, having a jileasant bitter flavour, were used by his crew as tea. The seed-vessel is of a remarkable vase shape (7). Nearly all the species of Metrosideros are ever- green shrubs of Australia, where the hard wood is of much value. M. huxifolia, the aki of New Zealand, is a rambling shrub climbing by means of its side rootlets to the to}) of the highest forest trees in the Bay of Islands. C'ajeput oil, valued for its stimulant properties, is distilled from the leaves of Melaleuca Cajapiiti of the Moluccas. The dried flower-buds of Caryophyllus aromaticus are the spice Cloves. The plants of this Tribe are dispersed in Tropical and other hot countries ; a great number are natives of the East Indies and South America ; in Chile, they grow to the height of 2000 feet on the Andes ; at the Equator, the region of Myrtaceaj ascends to upwards of 5000 feet ; many genera are peculiar to x\.ustralia and the South Sea Isles. Sonneratia and Careya belong exclusively to India and its islands. Psidium and Eugenia are natives equally of Asia and America. Metrosideros augustlfolia and a very few others are found in Africa ; M. lucida extends as far south as Lord Auckland's Isles. Myrtus is a widely dispersed genus, found at the Straits of Magellan, in Peru, and on the mountains of India. ]\I. communis is the most northern species, having become naturalized in South Europe, OF THE U?^!VERS1TY Of ILLiNOlS E.T.M I)oy & Sorv.IvTU/ecL. The^Leqythis Trih& 9 58 LECYTHIDACE.E. THE LECYTHIS TRIBE. Large trees, \\-ith alternate leaves, either entire or toothed at the edges, without pellucid dots, having minute stipules, which soon fall off. The flowers are solitary, or grow on the ends of the leaf- branches, or on separate branches. The calyx is from two to six -leaved, or united in a tube below, having a divided limb ; it is either valvate or imbricated in the bud state. The corolla has six petals, sometimes cohering at the base, imbricated in the bud. The stamens are of indefinite number, placed upon a disk which surmounts the ovary ; a portion of the filaments is united into a tough substance, which is prolonged into a hooded petal-Hke body, bending over and concealing the pistil and surrounding stamens ; the inner surface is sometimes lined with filaments ^vithout anthers. The ovary is below the disk, from two to six-celled; the ovules are few or many, attached- to the central axis; the stigma is simple.' The seed-vessel is a woody capsule, of a round or long shape, either opening spontaneously with a Ud when the seeds are ripe, or remaining closed. The seeds are covered by a thick integument \vithout albumen. These trees have affinity vrith the ^Myrtle tribe, but the alternate and often notched leaves without pellucid dots distinguish them clearly. The very remarkable hooded plate of additional stamens is the striking character of this tribe. Lecythis was so named from the Greek Lekythos, an oil-jar, owing to the resemblance of the form of the seed-vessel. The lid separates at the upper ridge of the vase where the petals were attached ; the lower ridge is the circle of the sepals of the calyx. There is considerable strength and toughness through every part of these trees, the midrib of the leaf is composed of very strong fibres, the flowers are placed on thick woody stalks which enlarge at the top, the seed-vessels are of such solid woody substance that they serve as drinking vessels to the natives. Lecythis grandiflora (1) is a noble tree in the ancient forests of Brazil; the flowers are the finest in size and colour of the whole genus ; the large seeds are of pleasant flavour, and much esteemed ; they yield also a milky juice, which is considered a remedy 1 . Lecjthis yrandiflvra, Large-Jlowered Lecythis. Brazil. 1a Ovury. 1b Stamen. Ic Filament of (he Hood. 2. Seed-vtssel of 'Lecythia Olliaria. Guiana and Brazil. 3. Bertholletia exceha, Brazil-nut Tree. 3a Seed. 3b Kernel. Brazil. 4a. Lecythis ovata . Section of the Flower. Guiana. 4b. Section of the Ovuiy. Oa Conratari Guianensis. Cross section of tlie 2a Seed. , Ovary. TiECYTHIDACE^. for coughs. L. OUlaria (2) ia an extremely majestic tree, growing to the height of a hundred feet, spreading into an enormous vaulted crown ; in s])ring, when the young leaves come forth of a red hue, it has a singularly beautiful appearance ; the blossoms of this species are white. The large seed-vessels have been long known in this country, being of a nature to bear transport safely ; the almond- shaped seeds are, like those of nearly all the tribe, eatable, either in a raw or cooked state ; by some persons they are preferred to the European almond, but in general they leave a disagreeable bitter taste in the mouth, peculiar to many tropical fruits. Monkeys and birds make their favourite repasts on them. The l)ark of L. Olliaria is composed of more than a hundred fine layers, resembling thin, smooth paper ; the Indians find it very useful for wrapping tobacco for their cigars. L. amara bears a seed-vessel three inches in diameter, called by the colonists petite marmite de singe. L. parvi flora and L. hracteata are species which abound in Brazil and Guiana. The Portuguese in Brazil are very ingenious in making boxes of the great capsules. Bertholletia was so named after Berthollet, a celebrated chemist and botanist. B. exceha (3) is a lofty tree, of the greatest longevity in Guiana, being known to live a thousand years. The seeds are contained in a large round woody capsule, and are well known in England as Brazil nuts. The fruit of Couroupita Guianensis, the ahricot salvage of Cayenne, and the cannon-ball tree of English colonists, has a pleasant flavour of wine when fresh, but whilst decaying, acquires a most disagreeable odour. The petals, if torn and exposed to the air, become blue at the edges. The shell of the fruit is employed for domestic uses like the calabash. Couratari Guianensis is a tree sixty feet in height, the wood is white in the outer circumference, red in the centre ; the native Indians make a strong cord of the bark, with which they encircle the stem of the Palm, and thus, with their feet against the tree, and leaning back on the girdle of rope, are enabled dexterously to climb to the summit to gather the fruit or to extract the toddy. The ovary of this genus is three-celled, and contains many ovules ; but when the fruit enlarges and ripens, it becomes one -celled, of a slender shape, four inches or more in length, having a central column, to which the seeds are attached in three rows ; the capsule remains closed. The trees of this Tribe are all natives of the hottest countries of South America, more especially of Guiana and Brazil. La ....■'{ Or iHH "RSiTY Of IL! 1. 1, del: The^ Lornhr aUinuIribe,' L'ljy A-.SoruLunvlal: COMBRETACEiE. THE COMBRETU:\I TIUBE. Trees and shrubs ; the leaves are alternate or opposite, without stipules, entire at the edges ; the leafstalk has sometimes two glands at the end. The spikes of flowers grow at the ends of the branches, or proceed from the base of the leafstalks. The calyx is adherent in the lower part, -u^ith a four or five lobed limb, which falls off. The petals arise from the orifice of the calyx, and are alternate witli its lobes, often wanting, as in Terminalia (2). The stamens grow from the upper part of the calyx, and are twice as many as its segments ; very rarely equal to them in num- ber. The filaments are distinct, awl-shaped. The anthers are two-celled, bursting lengthwise, or by recurved valves, as in Gj^rocarpus. The ovary is one-celled, with from two to four ovules suspended by cords from the top of the cavity ; the style is single, the stigma simple. The fruit is a drupe, a berry, or a nut, one- celled ; usually one-seeded, closed, often winged. The seed is i:)endulous, withox;t albumen. These plants have considerable affinity -oath the Myrtle tribe, especially with the Pomegranate. Astringent properties prevail in the bark and fruit. Combretum (or Poivrea, as it has lately been called) is a geniis of elegant plants, differing entirely from that described by Pliny under the same name. C. piirpiirenm (1) is a remarkably graceful species, flowering abundantly in a conservatory ; the small bracts soon fall off after the flower expands. C. grandi- ftorum of Sierra Leone bears a short spike of drooping flowers with scarlet petals and a long green calyx ; the bracts are larger than those of other species, and stand erect. C. micropetalum, -with yellow flowers, grows in the primreval forests of Minas Geraes and other provinces of Brazil. A gum resembling gum arable is jaelded from the bark of C. alternifolium ; this appears to be a solitary instance of useful pi'oduct in the genus. Terminalia the Myrobalan includes several im- portant and valuable species existing in the tropics of both heraisiiheres in low, damp localities, rarely in dry situations exposed to wind ; they afford timber, bark 1 . Combretum purpurenm. Madagascar. 3. Terminalia Catapjm. East Indies. lA Flower. 1b Stamen. 3a Stone of Fruit. 1 c Phlil and Ovary. :3b a Valve removed. Id Section of Ovary. :3c Kernel. 2. Terminalia Australis. Brazil. i.\. TevminaMa faf/ifolia^ Brazil. 2a Flower, mai/nified. Winged Fruit. 2e Fruit, mmjnijied. 4b Seed. COMBUETACE^. fur taiiuin,<;, food, aiul medicine. T. Caiappa (3) is a fine tree witli broad leaves ; tlie kernels of the fruit are eaten by the natives, and arc said to have the flavour of almonds. T. fayifoUa is a native of Brazil, growing to the height of thirty feet ; the stem has an extremely thick bark, the leaves are in clusters at the ends of the branches, and are densely hairy. The fruit (4) is destitute of a fleshy exterior, and is covered only with a fibrous fungus-Hke substance ; the margin of the wings is clothed with a silky down. The milky juice of T. Benzoin is so fragrant when dried as to serve as incense in the churches of ^lauritius. T. ar- (/cutca yields a powerful resin. T. Chehula has glands on the leafstalk ; the astringent fruit is very valuable in dyeing ; combined with alum, it produces yellow, or mixed with the ferrugineous mud of the country, it forms a good black. Several species are employed medicinally; the root of T. latifolia is esteemed in Jamaica; the bark of T. alata is a remedy in fever; the astringent fruit of T. helerica is used as a tonic ; from the bark exudes a gum which dissolves in water and consumes in flame. The kernels of T. cltrina are among the native medicines of the Hindoos. Some species of Terminalia as well as of Conocarpus and Pentaptera are of considerable dimensions, and yield excellent timber. The bark of Conocarpus is of use in tanning, in Rio Janeiro. Chuucoa has a leathery fruit, with five membranous wings of unequal size, the two larger semi -orbicular and downy. Laguncularia is a shrub bearing spikes of flowers, the calyx of which is covered with a white dowTi ; it is frequent in the marshes near the coast in liio Janeiro ; the fruit was found ripe in the month of April by Von IMartius. The fruit of iJucida Buceras is the shape of the horn of an ox ; the tree abounds in the swamps of Jamaica, and affords timber and bark for tanning. Alangium and a few other genera differ in a few points from the regular type of this Order, the limb of the calyx having from five to ten teeth, the petals usually reflexed, sometimes ten in number, and the seeds containing albumen; the roots of Alangium are aromatic, and the fruit eatable though insipid. Nyssa capitata bears a small fruit the size of an olive ; the fibres of the wood are much interwoven, which renders it difficult to split. The chief trees and shrubs of this Tribe belong exclusively to the Tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and America, and do not extend beyond them. Nyssa belongs to the United States of America. . OF [HE ■^RSITY OF ILUi:OiS ► ^^.. 2b " 3h ■3'- J^i iT.t^ ThdoascuTrihe'. J)ay &■ Sorvlimitet^ GO LOASACE.E THE LOASA TRIBE. Herraceous plants, often climbing, for the most part clothed with stinging or pricking hairs, secreting an acrid jnice at their base. The leaves are opposite or alternate, without stipules, usually more or less divided at their edges ; the flower- stalks are terminal, or on side branches, or grow from the base of the leaf-stalks, each bearing one flower. The tube of the calyx is adherent to the ovary, four or five-parted at the top, and persistent. The petals are five or ten, in two rows, often scale-like, sometimes twisted in the bud, the inner row, when present, much smaller than the outer. The stamens are numerous, in several rows, arising from Avithin the petals, either distinct or adhering in bundles before each petal, within the hollow^ part of which they lie when the flower first expands. The filaments are awl-shaped, unequal, the outer ones frequently destitute of anthers. The ovary is one-celled, included in the tube of the calyx. The style is single, stigma one or several, united or free at the top. The fruit is a capsule, succulent or dry, crowned with the persistent calyx, one-celled, three, five, or seven-valved, wath projections to which the seeds are attached : the seeds contain fleshy albumen, and are many, as in Loasa, or few, as in Klaprothia and Mentzelia. The stinging hairs of these plants form a solitary link with the Nettle tribe, although their construction is in some points different : in habit there exists an affinity with the Gourd tribe. The chief property is an acrid fluid, which is instilled into wounds by the singular mechanism of the stinging hairs. The different species of Loasa bear bright yellow flowers, of very curious structure, but the extreme pungency of the stings renders them disagreeable plants in a garden or green-house. Loasa grandiflora (1) is the most beautiful at pre- sent introduced here ; the leaves of aU are more or less covered wdth stinging hairs, those of L. Placet are extremely beset with them on each surface. L. volu- hilis is a twining species from Chile, not sufficiently hardy to bear the open air of this climate. The Pumaysanca of Brazil is a medicine prepared from L. jmnicea. 1. 'Loaiiii ffruiulijlora, Laryejloic.ered Loasa. 2a Seed magnified. Caraccas. 1a Hooded Petal and Filaments. 1b Section of Seed-vessel. Ic Stiiiginff hairs magnified. 2b Section of Seed-vessel. 3. Microsperma barlonoides. 3a Long section of Seed-vessel. 3b Cross section. Mexico a. Baitonia aurea, Golden flowered Bartonia. 3c Seed magnified. 3d Ilnirs magnified California. 4. .Magnified hairs c/ Loasa nitida. LOASACE^.. The Spaniarfls in Sonth America call Loasa ortirja. from its stinging like the Nettle. Bartonia, so named after Dr. Barton, a 1)otani.st of Philadelphia, was first brought to England, from the shores of the IMissouri ; the two s])ecies from thence bear white 'flowers, and are sweet-scented, expanding chiefly towards night. Bartonia aurea (2) has been since introduced from California, and is now become a hardy annual plant in English gardens, and is much admired for the brilliant golden flowers, although the foliage is rough. B. albescens of Chile has small, pale flowers, and a white, shining stem. Microspemia hartonoides (3) bears abundant elegant flowers, of ex:cecdingly pure, pale yellow, the numerous slender stamens giving it a very graceful appear- ance ; after the fall of the petals, the flower-stalks elongate. Mentzelia, a genus of which the capsules contain only a few seeds, was named after IMentzel, a Prussian botanist and physician to the Elector of Brandenburg ; they are curious plants, with yellow flowers, like others of this tribe. All the plants of this Tribe are natives of the Tropical or Temperate regions of Xorth and South America. OF THE yi^iYERsiTY Of axmji^ ei 8 a.. 71 E T.djd, ^'^./a. Th": Ooard'Trihe' Day i. Snr;.,ZinU4 61 CUCURBITACE^. THE GOURD TRIBE. Herbaceous plants, with annual or perennial roots, fibrous or tuberous. The stem is generally brittle or succulent, trailing and climbing by the aid of tendrils. The leaves are usually five-parted, or have five distinct ribs ; sometimes they are triple or heart-shaped, rough, with small warts or hairs. The flowers are white, yellow, or red ; occasionally small and green. The stamens and pistils are in different flowers ; the calyx is five-toothed ; the corolla is five-parted ; sometimes scarcely distinguishable from the calyx, having well -developed cells, and strongly- marked veins ; sometimes fringed at the edges, as in Tricosauthes (5). The stamens are five, either distinct, or in two pairs, with one single, inserted on the corolla, alternate with its divisions : the anthers are two-celled, very long and waving. The style is short, stigmas thick, downy, lobed, or fringed. The fruit is more or less succulent, crowned by the remains of the flower. The seeds are ovate, flat, or rounded, enveloped in a skin, which is either juicy or dry and membranous, often thickened at the margin, as in the vegetable marrow (8) ; sometimes winged ; they contain no albumen. These plants have affinity with the Loasa and Evening Primrose tribe. Acrimonious juicy pulp and oily seeds are the chief characteristics of the fruits. Several specimens of this Tribe abound in the East, and were known to the ancients. Their use may be traced to remote antiquity. Cucurbita claciformis is supposed to be the gourd of Jonas. Cucurbita Lagenaria (1) has a remarkable fruit, in shape hke a bottle, often attaining three or four feet in length, and eighteen inches in circumference ; in some countries it is called Calabash, after the Portuguese name. It is very common in Egypt and Arabia, and serves many purposes. The pulp is white, and unfit for food ; but the shell, when emptied and dried, becomes so hard and tough, that it ^\^ll contain hquids, for which use it is constantly employed, as well as for dishes. In the East Indies, it is usually planted under Mango trees. The larger gourds are made into travelling trunks, which, according 1. Cncurhlta Lagenaria, Bottle Goiirrl, India. 2. Cucumis sntiva. Cucumber. India. 3. Momordica bulsamuia. Balsam Apple. India. 4. Momordica Elaterium, Squirtiiuj Cucumber. South Europe. 4a Stamens. 4b Seed. 4c Section of Ovary . 5. Tricosanthes amjuina. Snake Gourd. Cliiua. 6. Bryonia dioica, Bed-berried Bryoiiif. Britmn. 6a Seed. 7a. Cucumis Melo, Melon. Stamens. 7 b Seed. 8a. Seed of Vegetable Marrow. Oa. Pistil of Coccinia indica. 9b Stamens. S CUCURBITACE^. to Riimpliius, au old Dutch author, are strong and excellent; they would, no doubt, be well adapted for modern railway journeys, if introduced to Europe. 0. Citrullus, the Water-melon, is one of the most valuable fruits of the East, affording an agreeable, cooling food, the general refreshment of all classes. In the soil deposited by the inundation of the Nile, it is cultivated with great produce. C. Melo is known under several varieties of Melon in Europe, but is of very superior quality in the floating islets of the rivers of Cashmere, composed of masses of decayed roots of Water-lilies and other vegetable remains, which accumulate, and form the most fertile Melon gardens in the world, the fruit being of large size and exquisite flavour. C. Pejio is the celebrated Pompion or Pumpkin. In favourable situations, the fruit reaches four feet in circumference, and is known to readers of fiiiry tales as having been transformed into a coach for Cinderella. On the Continent, it forms a constant article of food in soups and stews, and is cheap and wholesome. C. ovifera is the useful Vegetable Marrow ; a variety of this, the Sucoade gourd, is also much esteemed. The large rough fruit of C. Melopepo is the favourite species in North America. The fleshy pulp of C. maxima, the red gourd, when boiled, resembles the Carrot in appearance and flavour. Cucumis sativus (2) is the most important in this country, and has been brought to a great size by skill and cultivation. In all northern lands it is grown, and in Russia forms a -daily meal for all classes during the summer months; its value as food consists in being kept from acquiring its natural bitterness. C. angibina is eatable when young, the bitter juices being extracted by boiling ; it is three or four feet long, and of a red colour when ripe, curling about stems like a snake. Momordica halsamina (3) is said to impart healing qualities to oil, and is thus used for wounds in India. The fruit of M. operculata open with a lid, after the manner of Lecythis, which forms a connecting link with the IMyrtle tribe. M. Elaterium (4) was known to Pliny, having attracted the notice of the ancients for its singular power of expelling the seeds from the fruit as soon as it becomes ripe. The cause of this was discovered by Dutrochet to be the expansion of the fluid within ; when that occurs, the force is so great as to break away the fruit from the stalk, and to shoot forth the seeds like shot from an air-gun. The juice was used as a medicine in ancient times, and a poisonous drug is still prepared from it. The fruit of Tricosanthes (5) is remarkable for its extreme length and snake-like form : in a conservatory at Syon, it has been seen upwards of six feet long. Here it is not used, but in India the natives make it one of the various materials for curries. Bryonia ((J) is very ornamental in our hedges, when the berries are red in autumn ; goats are said to be the only animals that feed on it. Coccinia indica (9) is very common in Indian hedges, furnishing favourite food to small birds, and a curry to the natives. Sicyos is the single-seeded Cucumber of North America ; a trailing plant with small fruit. Zanonia indica, the Bandolier fruit, has the taste and smell of a cucumber. In America, the oil from the seeds of Feuillrea is burnt in lamps. The large oily seeds of Telfairia pedata are eaten by Negroes in Africa. The seeds of several species are used medicinally in Brazil. This Tribe inhabits hot countries in both hemispheres, chiefly within the Tropics ; a few species belong to Europe and North America, and several are natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; the greatest number are found in India ; many occur in Brazil and Peru ; some are already known in Australia — one in Norfolk Island. Bryonia is the only British example. [HE '■'' . iMi m V 4h I.TSLel 'j-na.ao^€S^^^ The' 1-verang FrvmroserTrihR . jjay & San^.ZifnJ^UA C-i ONAGRACE^.. THE EVENING PRIMROSE TRIBE. Shrubs" and herbaceous plants, the leaves are alternate or opposite, simple, entire or toothed at the edge. The flowers are either on terminal or side branches, of various forms and colours ; the calyx is above the ovary, tubular, the upper part divided into four segments, or two, as in Circea (o), closed in a valvular form in the bud, cohering to the points, clinging together in two pair after the flower is expanded. The petals are generally equal in number to the lobes of the calyx, into the throat of which they are inserted, of a regular shape, twisted in the bud ; in Skinnera the petals are wanting. The stamens are four or eight, in Circasa two, in Lopezia (Ij) one stamen only is perfect with an anther, the other is in the form of a spoon-shaped petal. The style is long and slender, the stigma either four-lobed or round -topped. The fruit is a capsule or a berry, with four or two cells, con- taining numerous seeds without albumen, sometimes bearded ; Circaia has only one seed in each cell. The succulent fruit of Fuchsia connects these plants with the Myrtle tribe, but the want of pellucid dots and their definite stamens clearly distingiiish them. Slight mucilaginous properties prevail throughout the Tribe, and some species are astringent. OEnothera opens its flowers only towards sunset, and has therefore been called the Evening Primrose, and given • the name to the whole tribe ; Onagra is a synonym of French botanists. 0. biennis (1) grows on the sandy coast of Lan- cashire, where it is supposed to have been originally transported across the Atlantic; it is also found in Suffolk, and on the banks of the Arrow, in Warwickshire. The stem grows to two or three feet in height, often branched and leafy, rough, with very miniUe tubercles, and sometimes hairy ; it is commonly cultivated in gardens, the beautiful though short-lived yellow flowers continuing to come forth in succes- sion every evening during the summer, and being delicately fragrant. The method of expansion of the petals is extremely curioiis. The calyx parting at the sides, 1. CEnothera biennis, Evening Primrose. •Sa Capsule. 1a Capsule. 1b Seed, England. 8b Feathered Seed. 2. CEnothera macrocarpa, Lartje fruited CEno- 4. Fuchsia coccinea. Scarlet Fuchsia. Chile. thera. Missouri. 4a Flower opened. 2a Pistil and Stamens. 4b Berry. 4c Section. 2b Section of Ovary. 5. Circea luletiana. Enchanter's Nightshade. 0. Epiloliium angustifolinm, Rose-hay, or Wil- 5a Section of Seed-vrssil. England. low herh. England. C. Lopezia coronato. ONAGRACE^. shows them twisted within ; when they have acquired sufficient vigour to force asunder tlie points of the calyx hooked together, it fiills downwards in two pairs, and the petals gradually expand and spread out flat; in the course of the next morning they wither. The ta])ering root serves as food to the peasants in some poor countries. This is the only British species, but many others are natives of America and the Cape of Good Hope. 0. macrocarpa (2) has large and brilliant flowers, and a remarkable seed-vessel, with four \M'de wings at the angles ; the stems are recumbent, and will cover a large space of ground ; in the extreme length of the slender pistil we are reminded of some of the Cactus flowers. Epilobium is a genus common in England, adorning our meadows and river banks in various parts, existing here in its greatest perfection ; one species alone is a native of the Andes, of no beauty of growth or colour. E. villosum belongs to the Cape, and E. coloratum to North America. E. aitf/usti/oliitm (3) is our most elegant species, found frequently in the north of England and south of Scotland, as well as in other localities near the Thames and elsewhere. It is generally to be seen in gardens near London, where it flourishes extremely well. E. alpinum grows on Ben Lomond and other Scotch mountains, as well as E. aJdnfoUam, whicli forms ex- tensive tufts with its creeping roots. To the genus Fuchsia, named after a famous German botanist, Fuchs, we are highly indebted for the ornament of gardens of all classes ; the humblest cottage in the remotest village may possess plants of the once rare but now abundant Fuchsia coccinea (4) flowering abundantly throughout the summer. It was first brought from Chile in 1788 ; since that time several other species have been discovered, and varieties raised. The wooded ravines and moist banks of rivers amongst the Andes are the chief situations where they flourish, being suited to those shady damp regions, whilst the Cactus plants abound in the dry districts of the Cordillera. On the wooded slopes of the Pichincha, at 13,000 feet elevation, where the air is usually filled with mist, Fuchsia tripliylla displays its numerous large scarlet flowers of remarkable brilliancy. The berry of some species attains a moderate size, and is eatable ; that of F./nlgens, ftom ^lexico, has rather a pleasant sub-acid flavour when made into tarts. Clarkia^ju^r/te/'/a is a favourite in gardens, introduced of late years from North America. Isnardia is a small plant growing in marshes from Holstein to Geneva. Jussiaea is scarcely worthy of recording the name of three celebrated brothers who rendered essential service to botany ; some species belong to South America ; one appears with its yellow flowers in the rice-fields of the Khasya mountains of India, at an elevation of 2800 feet. Circa^a is said to have been named by the Greeks after the enchantress Circe ; it grows usually in moist shady places, and the different species have minute delicate flowers. C. lutetiana (5) has been found also in Nepal. This Tribe inhabits chiefly the Temperate parts of the world, especially of America ; a large number of species belong to Europe, some to India ; in Africa, they are less abundant, being nearly confined to the Cape, except Jussisea, which inhabits other parts of that continent. ..y Or fHE :Y Of iiiM'-m ^:? TTu- Rg -Mark) old' Trib^. j\y2.::n>r' hwiih G3 M E S E M B R Y A C E yE. THE FIG-MAEIGOLD TRIBE. Shrubs and herbaceous succulent plants, with leaves opposite or alternate, simple, fleshy, often of grotesque forms, sometimes covered with watery protuberances, without stipules. The flowers are complete with stamens and pistil, almost always on terminal branches, sometimes from the base of the leaf-stalk ; they are chiefly of brilliant coloiir, generally opening only in sunshine, and closing in its absence. Tetragonia and a few other genera have small flowers, sometimes wanting in petals. The sepals of the calyx are usually five, more or less combined at the base, either cohering to the ovary or distinct from it, equal or unequal ; the petals are slender, numerous, in many rows ; the stamens arise from the calyx, and are of indefinite or definite number ; the anthers are oblong. The ovary is partly below the calyx, one or many-celled ; the styles are of the number of the cells, the stigmas numerous, distinct : the ovules are attached by cords to a central plate, which is either wholly free or united to the edges of the carpels, or spread over the cavity of each cell. The capsule is surrounded by the fleshy calyx, opening in a stellate manner at the top, or when free from the calyx, splitting at the base, or a tough-shelled nut not gaping when ripe. The seeds are attached to the inner angle of the cells, and contain merely albumen. This order has affinity with Portulaceaj. Tetragonia connects it with Chenopodeaceae. SHghtly saline properties render these plants in some instances wholesome food ; the ashes afford alkali. The species of Mesembryanthemum, or mid-day flowers, are of exceeding brightness and beauty ; they continue to expand every morning for many weeks, and display their petals in the sunshine, of every tint of red, and yellow, and white. The succulent leaves assiime a great variety of form ; the fruit having sometimes 1. Mesembryanthemum minutum, Tiny F'uj- 5. Tetiagonia e.vpansa. New Zealand Spinaye. Mariijold. Cape of Good Hope. Now Zealand 2. Mesembryanthemum depressum. Depressed- G. Lewisia rediviva. North America leaved Fig-Mar'tijold. 6a Stamen. Cm Pistil. Cape of Good Hope, 6c Capsule split. .3. Mesemliryanthemum micans, Shiniinj Fiy- 6d Section. Mariijold. Cape of Good Hope. Oe Seed, maynijied. 3a Section of Flower. JJb Pistils. 7a. Capsule (laiit, introduced from Greece early in this century; the flowers are small and wliite, the leaves and stalks entirely covered with warts, containing a clear insipid liquid, having the appearance of bits of ice ; in this country it is esteemed only as curious and omaniental ; in Greece and in the Canaries it is eaten, and large quantities of the ashes are sent to Spain as Barilla. M, minutum (1) is remarkable for its singular globular leaves, resembling the form of some of the fungus tribe. IM. depressuvi {-) and IVI. micans (3), besides several other si)ecie8, are generally cultivated in conservatories. M. spectahile (4) is one of the most showy, and is of extreme brilliancy in the sunshine. JM. umbellatnm is one of the largest species known, having a stout stem three feet high, bearing sweet-scented white flowers at the top. M. emarcidum, when bruised and fermented, acquires a narcotic property, and is used as tobacco by the Hottentots. M. cequUaterale affords an eatable fruit to the natives of Australia ; it is above an inch in length ; the pulp has a mixed flavour of sweet and saline. Tetragonia was named from the four-angled horny fruit : it partakes of the nature and habit of Chenopodeaceaj, and, like some of those plants, furnishes wholesome food. T. ejpansa (5) was found by Captain Cook in New Zealand, and used as an excellent vegetable. In Brazil it grows abundantly on the shores of the Rio Grande, and is very generally eaten by the Brazilians ; on the continent of Europe it is now commonly preferred to any other kind of spinage, as it affords a constant supply of its succulent leaves throughout the summer. Lewisia (G), so called after Captain Lewis, who dis- covered it on the Rocky Mountains of North America, and introduced it to British gardens, where it is occasionally to be seen ; the petals are sometimes very pale or white. Aizoon derives its name from the Greek, always alive ; the plants have a strong power of growth, and vegetate very readily. A. canariense and A. hispanicwni, contain an abundant supply of soda. Sesuvium has no particular beauty ; the species inhabit chiefly the West Indies and South America, and bear much resemblance to Purslane. S. pjorhdacastrum is called in the East, Pepper Myrobalans, and is used as food either with milk, butter, or rice ; it is also thought to have medicinal properties. The ])rincipal portion of this Tribe inhabit the hot sandy plains of the Cape of Good Hope ; a few species only exist in North Africa, in the countries of Europe bordering the Mediterranean, in China,, in Chili, Peru, and the South Sea Isles. OF I HE I.ti^L. Day Sc. SemyLirm-. The' Fiirslan&Tr{b& i 64 PORTULxlCE/E. THE PURSLANE TRIBE. Shrubs or herbs of a succulent, fleshy nature, the leaves of which are alternate, seldom opposite, entire at the edges, without stipules, often having tufts of hairs at their base. The flowers are either terminal, or grow from the base of the leaves, generally expanding in sunshine, and of short duration. The calyx is composed of two sepals, united at their base ; the petals are generally five, either distinct, or cohering in a short tube ; the stamens are inserted with the petals irregularly into the base of the calyx, or attached to the base of the ovary ; they vary in number, all contain pollen, the filaments are distinct, the anthers have two cells opening length\^•ise. The ovary is composed of three carpels, forming oue cell, eitlier free or partially adherent ; the style is single or absent ; the stigmas are several, much divided ; the capsi;le is one-celled, opening either transversely, or by valves, occa- sionally one-seeded and closed. The seeds are numerous if the fruit opens, attached to a central plate, wvth farinaceous albumen. This Order has most affinity with Mesembryacai in appearance and habit. Insipidity of taste and want of smell are the general characteristics of these harmless plants. Portulaca was known to the ancient Greeks, and valued by them for its cooling and wholesome qualities. P. oleracea is a native of the southern countries of Europe, where it is still cultivated, and employed for salads and other cuhnary purposes ; it is but little used now in England, and, according to an old author, was never in great estimation, " for being of a very cold nature, it is unfit to be eaten except in the heat of summer." P. sativa is a nearly similar species, intro- duced from South America ; both are extremely succulent in the leaves and stalks ; the flowers are small and yellow, placed in the midst of a tuft of leaves. P. Gilliesii (1) was brought to England from Mendoza in 1827, and is one of the bright-coloured flowers of the tribe. P. hirsutissima (2) is an exception to the usual smooth character of these plants, being clothed with long yellowish hairs ; it is a native of meadows in the province of Minas Novas, in Brazil. P. grandijiora 1. Portulaca Gilliesii, Gillies's Portulaca. 3. Claytonia pcrjhliala, Small-flowered Clay. Mendoza. Ionia. North America. 1a Seed-vessel. 1b Section. 4. Montia/ontaiia. Blinks. England. 4;A Flower. 4b Calyx. 2. Portulaca hirsiitissiiiia, Hairy Portulaca. 5. Calandrinia yrandiflora, Great -flowered Brazil. Culandrinia. Chile. POllTULACEiE. adorns the sandy valleys of the province of San Paulo with ite hrilliant ])urple flowers. V. paniculuta grows on the maritime rocks of St. Domingo and Mar- tinique, and is thought to possess medicinal properties. Clavtonia perfoliata (3) is a hardy little jilant, spreading widely in a garden where it is once cultivated, flourishing in a jioor soil, and appearing early in spring. In some places it is boiled and eaten like sjnnage. C. tuherosa affords food in its tuberous roots to the poor peasants of Siberia. C. virginka is a jiretty little species, occasionally seen in flower-gardens, the petals delicately streaked with red, withering before they fall off. ]\Iontia was so named after a professor of botany, at Bologna, in the beginning of the last century ; the species are all small, inconsi)icuous plants. M. fontanel (4) is the only British species, growing usually in a gravelly soil by the side of streamlets ; it seldom rises above three inches in height, but is much branched and spreading : of the succulent nature of this tribe it partakes only slightly : tlie seed- vessel is of one cell, with three valves folded in at the margins, and not opening transversely, as in Portulaca. This little plant forms part of the scanty flora of Iceland. M. riiulai-is is a native of Germany and of Labrador, generally found on the banks of streams. Calandrinia was so called after a Genoese botanist ; C. grandijlora (o), and other species, belong to South America : all have beautiful flowers, very ornamental, though of short duration, flourishing best in hot dry situations. C. arenaria expands its bright rose-coloured blossoms on the sandy plains of Valparaiso. Talinum is a genus of the same succulent nature and appearance. T. patens is used as an esculent herb by the Brazilians, in the same manner as Purslane. South America and South Africa are the chief countries of this Tribe ; a very few have at present been discovered in New Holland; one species belongs to Guinea; Montia is the only British species. OF THE 7h Vt" £ T leL Tm^ Cactus Tribt- I'jy & Sen^im^'. 65 C A C T A C E ^. THE CACTUS TRIBE. Succulent shrubs, very different in form. The stems are nsually angular, or two-edged, or leafy ; the wood is arranged either in a ring of wedges, separated by pith, or it consists of fibres loosely interlacing, only forming into compact zones when old. Leaves are almost always absent ; if present, they are smooth, fleshy, entire ; they most frequently exist only in the undeveloped form of spines. The flowers are of very short duration, the sepals numerous, gradually transformed into petals, either crowning or covering the ovary ; the petals are usually numerous, rising in two series from the orifice of the calyx. The stamens are of indefinite numbers, more or less cohering with the petals and sepals ; the filaments are long and thread-like. The ovary is below, fleshy, one-celled, containing numerous ovules arranged on projections from the outer jiortion, equal in number to the lobes of the stigma ; the style is long and slender, the stigmas many, collected into a cluster. The fruit is succulent, one -celled, many-seeded, either smooth, or covered with scales, scars, or tubercles. The seeds have no albumen ; when ripen- ing, they beciome detached and embedded in pulp, which is invariably wholesome. These plants have but little affinity with any others ; they approach some Euphorbiaceaj in appearance, but are distinguished from them by their stellate instead of single spines, and by their vessels not giving out their fluid when cut. The extreme distension of the cellular tissue is the striking character of the Tribe. It contains a vast store of moisture, which is not lost by evaporation, the cuticle being very thick, and destitute of perfect pores. Opuntia contains in its cells flat and star-like crystals. The hairs are difficult of extraction if they enter the flesh, being barbed downwards. The Cactus, or Nopal Plants, were until lately scarcely seen in Europe ; Linnajus knew but few of them. They are so abundant in America as to furnish a national emblem, one of the Mexican banners being an eagle on a Nopal ]ilant. They exist in great variety of curious forms : some species are not larger than a walnut, others are many feet in circumference. Echinocactus visnaga is of 1. Cereus speciushsbntis. Beautiful Cactus. South America. 2. Echinocactus Ei/riesii, Sea-urchin Cactus. Mexico. 0. Opuntia tuna, Indian Fiecies have solid wood in the interior ; the door-posts of the loftiest habitation in the world, 12,000 feet high, at Antisana, on the Cor- dilleras, are made of columns of Cereus. Cereus speciosissimus (1) is one of the most beautiful species, the flowers in the full light of the sun having a peculiarly brilliant appearance ; the stamens and pistil are of very delicate construction, the minute grains of the pollen of the anthers descend the tube of the style a distance 1100 times greater than their own diameter, shooting out a thread slenderer than the finest cobweb, reaching the 30,000 ovules which line the ovary, and enabling them to become seeds. C. graiidijforus expands its large white and yellow flowera onh' in the evening ; they are of extreme beauty and fragrance. Opuntia was early carried to Greece, and received its name from a tribe of the people ; twia is Arabic for fig, which the fruit resembles in shape. Opuntia tuna (;3) is planted for hedges in Spain, and in crevices of lava round the base of -lEtna ; the roots, in grownng, cause the lava to crack, and thus the barren ground is brought to fertility. The Sicilians esteem the fruit for its refreshing quality. In the West Indies and in Mexico, it is cultivated for the sake of the red dye obtained in a singular manner by the cochineal insect feeding on it ; when the fruit is ripe it bursts open, and is found to be full of these little insects, which are then exposed to the sun to dry. 0. cochinellifera yields a superior crimson, and is extensively grown in Brazil. It has been lately ascertained that the red colour can be extracted from the fruit, without the intervention of the little Coccus cacti. Rhipsalis penchda (G) is a remarkable plant, with flexible, leafless branches, bearing very delicate flowers and fruits at the joints. Epiphyllum has a combination of flat leaf and stalk, at the edge of which the flowers grow. Pereskia has flat, fleshy oval leaves, with spines at their base, the leafy sepals remain on the globose fruit. P. acideata, the Barbadoes gooseberry , bears numerous green and white flowers ; the colourless pulp of the fruit has an agreeable flavour. When transplanted to Temperate climates, the fruit of this tribe is insipid, but in the troj)ics it is of con- siderable value to men and animals ; some fleshy species are eaten by cattle in Mexico, others afford the ])rincipal food of tortoises in the Gallapagos Isles. America is the native region of this tribe, two species only being found in the East Indies. The chief station must be considered to be the torrid and subtropical zones of America, between 40*^ of lat. north and south of the equator. The Columbia River is the northern limit on the western coast of North America. LIBRARY OF THE 3a, ETdjd Hu, Currant ojid L-ooseherryTrihn-. Dny X- Son^Jiijrh (!6 GROSSULARIACEzE. THE CURRANT AND GOOSEBERRY TRIBE. Shrubs, some of whicli are prickly : the leaves are alternate, lobed, plaited in the bud, often having a membranous fringed edge at the base of the leaf-stalks. The flowers grow in bunches, proceeding from the base of the leaf-stalks with bracts at the base ; each flower-stalk has also a small bract. In some instances the flowers have an imperfect set of stamens and pistils : the calyx is above the ovary, four or five-lobed, often coloured, imbricated or somewhat valvate in the bud, remaining on the fnait. The petals are four, or five, or wanting, minute, inserted on the throat of the calyx between the lobes. The stamens are four, or five, very short, placed between the petals ; the anthers are small, two-celled, and in general burst internally and lengthwise by clefts. The ovary is one -celled, with two plates pro- jecting from the edge ; on these numerous ovules are placed on short stalks. The style is two, three, or four-cleft ; the fruit is a berry cro^\Tied with the wnthered flower, one-celled, filled with pulp, in which the seeds are suspended by long threads. The seeds have a gelatinous covering adhering closely to the albumen, which is hgrny. These shrubs have affinity with the Cactus tribe in the structure of the fruit ; they have also some points of resemblance to the Saxifrage tribe. Malic acid exists in a very large proportion of these fruits, but, blended vnth. saccharine matter in the currant and gooseberry, produces refreshing and cooKng properties ; vegetable jelly abounds in the fruit. Eibes is a genus of hardy shrubs, yielding useftil fruit abimdantly in the tem- perate climate of Britain ; our native species have been much improved by cultivation, and are brought to the greatest perfection in this country, succeeding less well in the more northern or southern states of Europe ; in the latter they are superseded by more luscious fruits. E. Grossularia (1) is found in woods and hedges in some parts of Yorkshire and the south of Scotland ; the branches are smooth between the leaves, but beneath each leaf-bud there are three strong prickles. The fruit is 1. Pubes Grossularia, Common Goosch rry. 3. Ribes nigrum. Black Currant. Britain 1a Flower, open. Britain. ■k. Ribcs aureum, Tcllow-fioicered Ribes. 1b Stamen. Ic Ovary. Missouri Id Section of Fruit. 5. Ribes sanguineum, Rcd-fiowercd Currant. 2. Eibes ruhrum. Red Currant. Britain. N. America 2a Section of Ovary. 5a Section of Flower. 2b Seed, magnified. 6. Ribes speciosum. Showy-fiowered Ribes. 2c Section, m. C lifornia GROSS ULARIACEJi. of two Idnds — smooth and rough, — of various colours when cultivated; in the wild state it is yellowish green. Gooseberries are employed for many culinary purposes in an unripe state, being sufficiently palatable before the whole chemical process of perfecting the saccharine juice is completed ; an excellent wine is made of them, rivalling the famed champagne of France ; vinegar is also obtained from the juice, and a well-flavuured spirit may be distilled from the skins. R. ruhrum (2) is occasionally met with in mountain woods, on the banks of rivers, in the north of England and south of Scotland ; it grows also in the north of Germany, on the Jura and Lower Alps. The leaves have long stalks, and are fringed at the base ; the fruit is in drooping clusters, always smooth, red when ripe, extremely grateful and wholesome, and can be preserved with sugar for winter use. R. nigrum (3) grows in several counties of England in moist shady places; it is dis- tinguished from other species by the aromatic glands of the leaves, flower, and fruit, and by the solitary berry on a separate stalk at the base of the cluster ; the petals change occasionally into stamens. The fruit has a peculiar subacid pro- perty, which renders it valuable as a remedy in sore throats ; in Siberia, wine is made from it, and a kind of tea is made with the leaves. R. sangumeum (5) was discovered, in 1787, in Nootka Sound, by Archibald Menzies, and afterwards found by him on his voyage with Vancouver, in 1792, on several parts of the mountain tracts of the north-west coast of North America, between lat. 38*^ and 52^\ The natural situations appear to be confined to rocky places within the influence of the sea-breeze ; sometimes it grows in shady parts of a shingly shore. It has of late years become acclimatized in our gardens ; at first one or two berries only ripened on a cluster, now several come to perfection, although they are of a slenderer, more oval shape than they were described to be by the first discoverers. R. diiaricatum bears a pleasant fruit as large as a gooseberry, in the vicinity of Indian villages on the coast. R. sctosum is a very bristly species on the Missouri river. R. aureum (1) is smooth, with a tubular and coloured calyx. }x, jnmctatiim grows near Valparaiso in Chili. R. speciosmn (6) is remarkable for the highly developed calyx. The elevated range of the Himalaya affords favourable localities for these shrubs ; R. glacialis, nearly allied to our R. petrceum, has been found on Gossainthan, Choor, and Manma, at elevations of 8000 and 10,000 feet : R. acu- minatum is also seen there, as well as eastwards in Nepal : the red and black currants were found amongst the highest shrubs on the Choor mountain, at 11,800 feet. R. Himalensis flourishes near the almost inaccessible sources of the Ganges ; these Asiatic species secrete acid and jelly, but less saccharine matter than those of European growth. Polyosma is a genus closely allied to Ribes, belonging to the South Sea Islands, having an enlarged calyx and extremely fragrant flowers. This Tribe inhabits the woods and mountains of the Temperate countries of Europe, Asia, and America ; the greatest number of species exist in North America. In the Tropics of Asia and in the South Sea Isles the Tribe is represented by Polyosma. i OF IHE L DIVERSITY Of rnjmi^ ^ J; El\ieL The Ep-iLsderk TrJbe Ihiv lie \orv, LiTT'itaL 67 CRASSULACE^ THE HOUSELEEK TRIBE. Succulent herbs and shrubs ; the leaves are entire or pinnatifid, having no stipules-; the flowers are usually collected on the top of the stem, sometimes on branching flower-stalks, on which they occasionally grow on one side only. The sepals of the calyx vary from three to tw^enty, and are more or less united at their base ; the petals are inserted into the calyx, and are either distinct or united into one petal at the base ; the stamens are inserted with the petals, and are equal to them in number, and alternate with them, or twice as many, those opposite the petals being usually shorter and later in arriving at perfection ; the filaments are distinct, awl-sha]3ed ; the anthers have two cells, bursting lengthwise. The carpels are of the same number as the petals, and are placed opposite to them ; one-celled, and tapering into stigmas, sometimes consolidated ; sometimes there is a honey- scale at the base of each carpel. The fruit consists of several carpels opening down the seam, or the carpels are collected into one capsule of several cells opening at the back. The seeds are attached to the seam, are variable in number, and contain fleshy albumen. The succulent nature of this tribe connects it with several others. Acrid, stimulating, cooling, and astringent properties exist in these plants. The usual situation of these extremely succulent plants is not in moist rich soil, but, as some of the names import, on rocks, stone walls, sandy shores, and house-tops. They require in many instances very little aid from earth, moisture of atmosphere sufficing to nourish them by means of the coimtless invisible pores which cover the surface of the leaves. They are frequently found to possess an extraordinary power of vegetating even after being uprooted from their place of growth ; Sedum Telcplilum, the finest of tt e British species in this tribe, will continue to piit forth pale shoots even after being laid between paper to dry for the herbarium. Sedum acre (3), formerly esteemed in medicine for its acrid qualities, is usually found in a stony localit)^ or on a wall, adorning it with its tufts of golden flowers. S. linearifolia appears on the mossy stems of trees in peculiar parts of the Himalaya during the rainy season : other species are dispersed throughout the whole mountain range. Sempervivum tectorum (2) inhabits spots 1. Crassula coccinea, Scarlet Crassiila. 3. Sedum acre, Biting Stone-crop. liritaii^. Cape of Good Hope. ^A Floiver. ]a Flower, open, 1b Carpel. 3b Section of Seed. Ic Fringe of Leaf, magnified. 8. Sempervivum tectorum, Common Homeleck. ■4. Bryopliyllum calyciniim, Large-ciippcd Bnjo- 2a Carpel. England. plnjllum. East Indies. CRASSULACE^. apparently the most incapable of affording nourishment, rocky ground, brick wall, or roof of a house. It is not uncommon in this country, but does not flower so freely here as on the Continent ; in rocky caves on the Lake Thun, in Switzerland, it acquires considerable size and beauty in the flowering stem. The leaves were once much valued by the poor for their supposed cooling j»roperties. Semjwrvivum f/hdinosum is used by the fishermen of jNIadeira to render their nets tough and durable. The various species of Crassula are remarkable for the fleshy nature of the leaves, fringed with colourless thick hairs; C. coccinea (1) and others have brilliant red flowers, which, being of long duration, are great favourites in conservatories. Lryojihyllum cali/cinmn (4) possesses in a striking degree the power of growth within itself; the large leaves of thick cellular substance, after being gathered from the plant and laid on the ground, will produce young plants from the notched margin. The calyx of this species is of unusual size, and tubi;lar shape. Rhodiola rosea is a British species, but rare ; the leaves occasionally serve as food to the poor Greenlanders. Kalanchoe Brasiliensis is devoid of acridity, and is esteemed by the Brazilians. The chief luass of the plants of this Tribe is at the Cape of Good Hope, about half the known species being found there : the rest are scattered in scanty numbers over the mountains of India, in China, and Japan ; a few extend northwards to Siberia and Greenland; some grow in the Canaries, some in Mexico, and in the United States ; a very few in Barbary, several in the Levant, fifty-two in Europe ; two have been discovered in New Holland ; none in the Mauritius, or in the "West Indies. OF THE ■'"-■^SITV CF ia=''^'^ 6S i) a. \r ^J \j ^-J \«W ", oi, 2^ 2i 2e ET.deL. Th& Sasa/r'aQe' Tnh& Pa^ i: Sony, Limited <)8 SAXIFRAGACE.E THE SAXIFRAGE TRIBE. Herbaceous plants, nearly all of which ai'e perennial, having fibrous or granular roots, often growing in spreading patches ; the leaves are either whole at the edges or divided, alternate, with or without stipules. The flower-stems are simple, usually without leaves ; the calyx is either above or below the ovary, and has four or five sepals, which are united more or less at their base. The petals are five, or wanting as in Chrysosplenium (G), inserted between the lobes of the calyx, or beneath the ovary. The stamens are either five in number and alternate with the petals, or they are ten, five usually of smaller size and later in arriving at perfec- tion, being opposite the petals ; the filaments are awl-shaped, fixed into the calyx, or beneath the ovary ; the anthers are two-celled, bursting either by pores or chinks lengthwise. The disk is sometimes obsolete, sometimes annular or notched, rarely composed of five scales. The ovary is composed usually of two carpels, cohering more or less, diverging at the top ; sometimes two-celled, with a central column, sometimes one-celled, having a projection on which the seeds are placech, at each seam of the carpels. The styles are in some cases nearly obsolete, the stigmas being on the tips of the carpels. The fruit is a membranous capsule, the cells separating when ripe ; the seeds are numerous, very minute, containing fleshy albumen, usually with long hexagonal reticulations on the transparent covering. These plants have close affinity with the Rose tribe, but are distinguished by the partially united carpels, and the seeds containing albumen. Slightly astringent properties exist in some of the plants of this tribe. Saxifraga is an extensive genus, widely dispersed over the temperate or cold regions of the globe, growing chiefly on mountains, and there frequently spreading over the ground to a considerable extent, many of the species having runners from which fresh plants proceed. When it is found in lower situations, it is usually along the rivers which descend from mountains or hills ; in the most northern countries it exists on the level plains, finding there a temperature and soil as 1. Saxifraga umbrosa, London Pride. England. ■i. Heucbera cylindrica. North America. 1a Capsule. ;3a Section of Flower, m. ]b Section may nified. •3b Section of Ovary, m. Ic Seed, m. 4. Tiarella cordifolia. North America. 2. Saxifraga aizoides, Yellotv nwinUain Saxi- r)A Section of the Flower of Saxifraga tridac- Jrage. England. tylite.s, m. 2a Flower. 2b Petal, m. 5b Section of Capsule, m. 2c Pistil. 2d Stamen, m. 5c Section of Seed, m. !l" T.eill\ m. 0. Flower (f Chrysosplenium, m. SAXIFRAGACE/E. favouralde as on the lofty ]iarts of warmer regions. The Polar re,Q:ion has heen denominated that of Saxifrages and IMosses, those plants being the most nnnierons representatives of the two great classes of tlie vegetable kingdom, in that portion of the "World. Saxifraga ojypos if (folia, ccrnua and riruhiris of Britain and Switzer- land, grow on the plains of Melville Isle, as well as in Iceland. S. bri/oides, aspcra, ca'S2)ttosa, sedoidcs, and others, are found amongst the small plants which ascend to the region of snow on the Swiss Alps, between 7000 and 9000 feet. S. imhricata, ramidosa, and species of similar Ali)ine character, grow on tlie Himalayas, above 11,000 feet, in situations where the climate very nearly resemble* tliat of the Polar regions. Some kinds of Saxifrage have been observed at an elevation of 13,000 feet on the Andes. S. umhrosa (1) is the most beautiful of our English species, found only rarely in a wild state, but a general favourite in gardens, thriving even in the smoky air of cities, whence the popular name of London Pride : it is, however, of superior brilliancy and beauty when seen in its native place, amidst the rocks of the stream which flows through Ileselden Glen, in the Craven district of Yorkshire. S. aizoides (2) is very frequent on the margins of mountain rills, or in a peat soil, in Wales, Scothmd, and Ireland : several other species abound in mountainous localities. S. gramduta is remarkable for the large granules of the roots. S. tridactijlites (5), very common on old walls, wherever there is sufficient moisture, and on untrodden gravel walks, is one of the earliest plants of the year to attract the notice of a botanical student : the whole ])lant is covered with red glandular hairs, worthy of microscopical examination. On descending the Simplon Pass into the valley of Ossola, one of the most striking objects on the rocks is S. pi/ raviidalis ; this graceful species is seen also in the far north, on the rocks which bound the Fiords of Norway, in lat. 63°. S. crassifoUa of Siberia is a weU-known plant in spring, adorning gardens with its large oval leaves and fine branches of purple flowers. There is occasionally one plant in a natural order which forms an exception to the general character ; in this instance S. sarmentosa of China furnishes an example of an irregular flower, two of the petals being much longer than the rest. Heuchera cijlindrica (3) is one of a few species, all natives of North America ; it is destitute of petals, and of less beauty than many of the tribe. Tiarella (4) is said to have been named from the shape of the seed-vessel being like a tiara or mitre ; Mitella has the same derivation of name : both belong to North America. Chrysosplenium (6) is scattered over Europe, and forms part of the scanty Flora of Melville Isle, consisting only of thirty species ; the flowers are without petals, the calyx having a yellow hue ; in the Vosges it is eaten as salad. This Trilte inhabits the mountainous tracts in Europe, the northern countries of Asia and North America ; some species exist on the Andes of South America, and at the Straits of Magellan : none are natives of the Tropics. OF THE ''^RSiTY OF ILL < A Th& Cloven-Fink Trihe^. 60 CARYOPHYLLACEiE THE CLOVE-PINK TRIBE. Herbadeous plants, occasionally beconiing partly shrubby at the base; the stems are enlarged at the joints. The leaves are always opposite, often united at their base, entire at the edges. The calyx has four or five sepals continuous with the flower-stalk, persistent, distinct, or cohering in a tube. The petals are four or five inserted upon the short stalk of the ovary, frequently deeply cleft, often having scales, which form a crown at the top of the tube : occasionally the petals are wanting, as in Mollugo (10). The stamens are usually twice as many as the petals ; the filaments are sometimes united in a set, awl-shaped, the anthers fixed on the point, two-celled, opening longitudinally. The ovary is composed of from two to five carpels, and is placed on a small stalk ; the stigmas are from two to five, thread-like, rough on the inner edge, the o^ades few or many. The capsule is from two to five-celled, with a central plate either free in the one-celled capsule, or adhering slightly to the edges of the valves in the five-celled capsules. The seeds are indefinite, rarely- few, kidney-shaped, having a crustaceotis exterior, and mealy albumen within. These plants have some affinity with the Saxifrage tribe, and resemble the Portulaceje in many points. Insipidity is their chief character ; a few are saponaceous. Although it is to this Tribe that we are indebted for the clove-pink with all its varieties of Carnation arid Picotee, ajid other flowers which have long been prized as ornaments of gardens, yet the principal portion of the plants are of small size and insignificant aspect. Dianthus was so named by the Greeks on account of its extreme fragrance and beaiity. D. armeria (1) is the most common of our pinks, found in various places in England, chiefly on a gravel soil ; it is supposed to be the origin of many kinds of garden Pinks, the cultivation of which affords 1. Dianthus arnuria, Deptford Pink. England. C. Lychnis Bvngeana. Asiatic Piussia. J A Slami-ns. 1b Pistil. 7. Agrostemma roronaria. Italy. 2. Lychnis diurna. Red Campion. Enghind. 2a Petal. 2b Stamen. 8. Silene acaulis, Moss Campion. Britain. 2c Section of Ovary. 9a . Stellaria media, Common Chichnecd. 3. Cerastium ai-vcnse, Field Chick-weed. Cluster of Seeds. 3a Seed. England. 9b Section of Seed. 4. Arenai-ia marina, Sea Sand-wort. England. 10 A. Mollugo glinoides. Floinr inaijHified. 5. Dianthus caryophyllux, Clove-Pink. 10b Section of Ovary. England. 10c Seed-vessels. CAKYOruyLLACEit:. peculiar interest to botuc classes of persons who are deprived of much sjiacc of ground ; the manufacturers of Paisley and other towns delight in raising the diftl-rent varieties. D. cari/ophijllus (5) is occasionally seen on old walls, as on those of Norwnch, Rocliester Castle, and elsewhere. In the wild state, the petals are small and of a pale pink ; throughout Europe it is much esteemed for its delicious fragrance, and is a general favourite in the formal flower-heds of the Dutch, and the more luxuriant gardens of the Italians. The leaf has been found to contain on each surface 38,500 pores in a sipiare inch. D. dcltoidcs is found in grassy pastures about Blair Athol and other jiarts of Scotland. D. cirsins is the rare Mountain-Pink, confined to the Cheddar cliffs in this country, but dispersed in favourable localities in Switzerland and Germany. D. harhatus, the Sweet William, is one of the oldest inhabitants of our flower-gardens, brought from the South of Germany. D. snjjcrhiis is an elegant species, having the ])etals numer- ously and finely divided, a native of the South of France and the wide valleys of the Pyrenees. Lychnis affords a few bright-coloured flowers from Russia and other countries : several species also adorn our fields and hedges, one of the most abundant is L. diurna (2), which continues to blossom late into the autumn. Some kinds of Lychnis and Silene have glutinous hairs, which entangle flies and small insects, whence their common name of Catch-fly. Silene acaulis (8) belongs to that portion of the tribe which thrives best in Alpine situations, on the Scotch and Swiss mountains it grows in close tufts, the bright rosy flowers shining amidst the slender leaves. S. inflata and S. viscosa, of England and Siberia, are found also on the Himalayas. S. cisplatensis grows on the sands of the sea-shore near INlonte Video, Brazil, the calyx clothed with long hairs. Agrostemma, " the crown of the field," deserves its appellation ; our common corn-cockle is hardly surpassed by A. coronaria (7) of Italy. Cerastium (3) is common in Europe and other parts of the world, bearing small white, star-shaped flowers. C. rividare is a native of river-shores of Brazil. Arenaria marina (4) is freqiient on our sandy coasts ; the fleshy leaves have membranous stijjules sheathing their base. A. lyeploides, of Britain, belongs also to Iceland, and is valued by the poor pea- sants as wholesome food, after being steeped in sour whey till it ferments. A. verna is found also in Madeira. Stellaria media, Chickweed (9), is well known as the common food of small birds, who find a suitable provision in the mealy albumen of the seeds. This humble little plant is widely scattered over the earth, being very general in Europe, springing up on the plains of India during the cold season, and seen by the wayside near cities in Brazil. Sjjergula arvensis yields nourishing food to sheep. Saponaria officinalis contains Saponine, as does Gysophila Struthium, the Soap-root of Egypt, and a few other species. MoUugo glinoides (10) flourishes on the sandy banks of the river Uruguay, in Rio Janeiro. This Tribe is found in the Temperate and cold regions of the globe, in various localities ; in the Troj)ics, on lofty mountains ; on the Alps, ascending to the limits of perj:)etual snow ; on the plains of Lai)land, forming a considerable jiortion of the vegetation. MoUugo is the most tropical genus. or THE !"'ivERSiTY Of aumis A Bay Sc' Siinjjjimxtjfd/ 70 U M B E L L A C E .E. THE UMBEL-FLOWERED TRIBE. ITerbaxjeous plants, and a few underslirnbs, with solid or hollow furrowed knotted stems, containing occasionally a milky juice. The leaves are usnall}- divided, sometimes simple, with parallel veins, the leaf-stalk usually expanded into a wide sheath at the base. The flowers grow in umbels, generally surrounded by an involucre at the base : the calyx is above the ovary, either whole at the edge or having five teeth. The petals are five, inserted on the outer rim of a fleshy nectariferous disk, often bent inwards at the point, the outer petals sometiiiies the largest ('J). The stamens are five, alternate with the petals, curved in whilst in the bud. The ovary is below, crowned by the disk ; it contains two cells, with a solitary pendulous ovule in each ; the styles are two, distinct, persistent, with simple stigmas. The fruit is composed of two carpels, separable from a slender central axis, sometimes having a long bristly beak (8) ; each carpel has elevated ridges, between vphich are linear receptacles of essential oil ; the seed usually adheres to the covering, and contains abundant horny albumen. This order is most nearly allied to Arahaceaj, but is distinguished by the fruit separating into two parts, and by the seed adhering to its covering. A watery acrid and poisonous liquid, a gum resinous milky juice, of stimu- lating properties, and an aromatic oil, are secreted by these plants. When the two first exist only in a slight degree, and mucilage and sugar predominate, several species are wholesome as food, and are cultivated in all European countries for the sake of the herbage or the roots. One of the most useful is Caucus Carota, frequent on a chalk soil in this country, easily recognised by the one dark flower in the centre of the white umbel; when cultivated, the root becomes enlarged, succulent, and sweet, and is known and esteemed as the Carrot ; in some countries a strong spirit is distilled from it. Pastinaca (2) affords also a supply of nutritive food in the large white root. Apium Petrosellnum is the common Parsley ; A. graveolens, Celery, loses its acridity, and acquires size and crispness from the i. Carum carui. Caraway. Britain. 1a Seed. '2. Pastinaca sativa, Parsnip. England. 2a Flower. 2b Fruit. 3. Crithmum niaritirniini, Sampkire. Kocky Sea-shores, England. 4. Ilydrocotyle vulgaris, Marsh Penny-wort. Marshes, England. 5. Leucolena rotundifolia. Port Jackson. 0. Astrantia maxima. Caucasus. Ga Flower. 7. Prangos pabularia, Huy-phmt. Thibet. 7a Section of Seed, 8a. Scandix Pecten-Veneri:i, Beaked Fruit. Oa. Daucus Carota. Flower. UMBELLACEyE. manner in which it is grown. ( 'ritlimnm maritinium {?>), Samphire, found always near the sea, but beyond the reach of the waves, is one of tlie best jtlanta for pickle. The hollow stalks of Angelica are made into an excellent preserve with sugar ; in Iceland, Norway, and Lapland, it forms an article of food to the peasants. Heracleum apondi/Unm is not valued in England, but in Kamtschatka and Russia tlic young shoots are boiled and eaten. The Eryngitim of our coasts is a variation from the general aspect of this tribe, being extremely stiff and ]>rickly ; when candied, it is of delicious flavour. The roots of Arracacha are a winter food in South America. Of the aromatic kind, the principal is Carum (1), known in the time of Pliny as one of the native plants of Caria ; the seeds are used for several purposes, the roots also are eatable. Anethum includes Fennel and Dill ; both have finely divided leaves ; the latter is cultivated in the south of France for the sake of its medicinal seeds. The root of a variety of Fennel, called Finochio, is eaten at Naples. Pim])inella anisum yields tlie anise-seeds, employed to a considerable extent by French doctors and confectioners. The round seeds of Coriaudrum have an agreeable aromatic taste, and are much used on the Continent as well as in Peru ; the rest of the plant is of disagreeable odour. The chief species, yielding gum-resin from the root or stem, are Opopanax, supposed in the East to be an universal remedy ; Galbanura of Ethiopia, and Ferula of Persia and the Levant, affording powerful medicine, and a stimulating condiment, highly relished by the Persians. The Hottentots prepare a strong beverage from the roots of Lichtensteinia. Some, especially of tlie aquatic species, contain extremely deleterious juices : Conium maculatum, Hemlock, is one of the most poisonous, known in remote ages, spoken of by the Jewish prophets, described by Hippocrates, and selected as a certain means of death to Phocion and Socrates. Although a native of England, its injurious qualities are not so fully developed as in warmer parts of Euroi)e. Qilnanthe crocata and Cicuta virosa are both dangerous to men and cattle. Of those pelding fodder, Prangos pahularia (7) is supposed to be the most valuable for sheep ; from the large fleshy root proceed thick tufts of long and finely exit leaves, abundant and nutritious. Heracleum giganteum, of Siberia, is said also to afford excellent provender, in height rivalling Ferula communis of South Europe, thought to be the tallest of herbs, recorded by Grerard to have attained fifteen feet in his garden in Holbom ; it covers the isles in the Sea of Marmora, and was known and used by the ancient Greeks : in Sicily, the pith is used for tinder. Hydrocotyle (4) varies from the regular form of umbel ; it is of interest as a genus widely dispersed over the earth ; the leaves of H. Aslatica serve to heal slight wounds in India ; H. umhellata is a native of Brazil ; H. villosa belongs to the Cape. Leucolena (.5) is an elegant exception to the general type of involucre. Bolax ghharia, of Chile, grows in close tufts, like some of the Alpine Saxifrages. Bupleurura is a genus with simple leaves; V>. spinosissimxim is seen on the shores of the Mediterranean. The poisonous species grow generally in low, shady, watery places, seldom on mountains ; Phellandrium mute/limmi contributes to the excellent pastures on the Alps, at GoOO feet. Several species, only an inch high, with heath-like leaves and large fruit, grow at the limits of perpetual snow, near Santiago, on the Andes. In the northern regions of the world, this Tribe inhabits various localities, from the low marsh to the highest hills. It is rare in the Tropics, except on mountains, scarcely seen on the j)lains of India, abundant on the Himalayas. A few genera are frequent in South America ; a very few belong to Africa or Austraha. OF THE y^, .?<£■ >^<^ 31- 3 au JiT.bl &yZy?,^a/cd The-Ar'aJxa^ Tribe'. J)(vy C; Sarv, Lunitedy A R A 1. 1 A C E M TIIK AllALIA TUIIM-:. Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous pbints ; the Leaves am alternate, u-inally divichMl or compound, soinctiuics U^bed or simple ; the leat'-stalks are widened at tlusir base. The flowers grow in uud)els at the ends of the branches, usually surrounded by a few small leaflets in an involucre, or from the base of the leaf-stalk. The petals are two, Ave, or ten, occasionally wanting. The stamens are either cipial in num- ber to the petals, or twice as many, growing between the border of the calyx and the disk. The ovary is below the calyx, having more than two cells ; tlio styles are of the same number as the coUs, sonietinios united together ; the stigmas are simple. The fruit is succulent, or dry, consisting of several cells, cacli with a solitary seed, which contains albumen. The plants have considerable tifihiity with Umbellacoa^., but are readily dis- tinguished by the fruit having more than two cells. Iledera forms a link with Viburnum, in the Honeysuckle tribe. The properties are generally aromatic and stimidant : gum-resin occasionally exists in the root. Aralia was first brought from Virginia in 1(J88 ; several species have been since found in North America and in New Zealand. Aralia polarh was discovered by Dr. Joseph Hooker, in Lord Auckland's Isles in the Southern Ocean. Some of the species have remarkably neat foliage, the leaves of others resemble those of the common Umbelliferous plants, to which in habit and manner of growth they are so closely allied. A. his/nda (I) is a low shrub found by Michaux, on steep rocky mountains, between Canada and Hudson's Jjay ; the lower part of the stem is clothed with rigid hairs; when bruised, the plant is bitter and nauseous, but it yields an aromatic gum-resin from its root, similar to that obtained from A. racemosa and A. spinosd. The young shoots of A. nibdlcauUs are used medicinally in North America. The i)etals oi A., pcdniatiim and a few other sj)ecies cohere at their points ; some of these [ilants are of a climbing nature; a few are parasitic in their manner of growth. I'anax (iiumnhcfollam, the famous (jHuticiuj, or " woiuhir of the carlh," oi' China and Tartary, was anciently sui)posed to contain in its aromatic root a remedy 1. Ariilin khjiidu, Jlristlij Andhi. !t. llcderu Helix, Common Ivy. Britain. Norlli Auiei'ica. ;Ja Floiver. ;iii Stamen. 'i, I'uiiax pscuUo-ijinxciKj, Indinn Giiisciitj. 2\ Fruit. Iliiuuluyus. lie Pistil and Ovary. JJd Section. IJio Cross section. 2u Cross section. 1. Adoxii moscliulellinii, Tnlienuis Mo leliatetl. 2C Seed. 2d Srction. •1a Flower, mayiiijied. iMIgilUlll. AliA[,IACK.i:. for nil diseases ; in more niodevn times, the (.'liincse seem to have used it also as a ]>reservative of health ; tor Osbeck, the traveller, relates that they take it daily in tea and in sonp. Owing to its imaiijined medicinal valnc, and the difficulty of obtaining it from the almost inaccessible places where it grows, it has Leen said to have cost its weight in gold. This extraordinary plant is also a native of North America, and is employed by the Canadians as a cure for asthma. Fanaxpseiido- f/inseng (2) resembles it in a))})earance, but the aromatic properties of the root are inconfciderable, the mucilaginous substance being very nearly scentless. It is found on the mountains of Sheoporo, in Nejial, at an elevation of 'JOOO feet above the plains, in the shade of Oaks and Rhododendrons. Several other species belong to the mountain ranges of India, generally between 2000 and 3000 feet ; some grow on wet mossy banks in the valleys at 6000 feet. A few are shrubs with strong spines, others are smooth ; the flowers are usually small, pale yellow or white. One species in Bootau is a low tree, having the habit of a Palm, the simple straight stem rising to about twenty feet, the leaf-stalks beset with strong straight s])ines. P. pusiUa is a native of Pennsylvania, bearing its little umbel of greenish white flowers on a stalk only eight inches high. On the Campos of Brazil, a species of considerable size is frequent. Iledera Helix (o) was highly esteemed by the Romans, and adopted as a suitable plant for a poet's crown. The name is supposed to have been derived from the Celtic word hedra, cord, w-hich the rough stems wound round other trees exactly resemble. No other ])lant contributes so much to the ornament of bare walls or old ruins, and the climate of Britain is peculiarly favourable to its luxuriant growth. The flowers appear in October, when they aftbrd acceptable food to bees and flies ; the fruit is not mature until the following spring. A variety, called Irish Ivy, although a native of Madeira, grows with great rapidity, and is of more brilliant foliage. In the countries bordering the ^Mediterranean, a kind of resin exudes from old stems of Ivy, and is used as gum, having an agreeable odour when burned. H. pol/jcardha of Nepal is spiny on the stems and branches ; the palmate leaves are ten inches long, giving it more the aspect of Panax than of common Ivy. II. rotundifolia grows in Japan ; H. ternata, in Brazil ; H. arhorea, in Jamaica. In Hong Kong are found H. j^a/'i'/yZoj-a and H. protea. Adoxa moschatelluia (i) is a delicate little plant of a low'ly growth, rare in England, but occasionally seen on sheltered banks and in copses, about the end of April, before a thicker vegetation conceals it ; the fruit becomes a pulpy berry in ripening. These plants are dispersed in the Tropics and neighl^ouring regions, as well as in cold countries : some exist in the United States, in Canada, on the north-west coast of America, and in Japan. Aralia polar is is fouml in Lord Auckland's Isles, in o0° of south latitude. OF THE '"'mu Of- iL Za. Zh iJay SbSonJ^matetJy CAPRirOLIACE^E THE HONEYSUCKLE TRIBE. Shrubs and herbaceous plants, tlie leaves of wliicli are opposite, entire at the edges or toothed, without stipules. The flowers are of various forms, sometimes having an involucre at the base of the cluster. The calyx is above the ovary, four or five- cleft, usually having two or more bracts at the base ; the corolla is com])osed either of one petal or many, flat or tubular, regular or irregular. The stamens are attached to the petals, equal in number to the lobes of the corolla, and alternate with them. The ovary has from one to five cells, one of which is often one-seeded, the others many-seeded ; the single style is crowned by one, or three, or five stigmas. The fruit is dry, fleshy, or succulent, crowned by the persistent lobes of the calyx. The seeds solitary and ])endulous, or numerous and attached to the axis, the covering often bony ; they contain fleshy albumen. This order has nmch affinity with Saxifragacete. Sambucus forms a link with Umbellacese. Astringent and tonic properties, and a fragrant scent, exist in these plants. Caprifolium, from which this tribe is named, is an old favourite with all classes. C. Pericli/menum (1) is the most fragrant of British flowers, particularly in the evening ; flourishing luxuriantly, in many parts of England, in the hedges. At the base of the tube of the flower there is a store of honey, wdiich the Hawk Moth extracts with its long tongue. The strong stems climb over bushes to a con- siderable height, bearing numerous flowers ; the fibrous covering of the stalks is very tough, and has been woven for use. C. Douglassii is one of the finest species of North America, having leaves seven inches long. Lonicera is a name given to some of these plants, in memory of a German botanist. L. japonica is very elegant, and has been called the " gold and silver flower," from the lower row of flowers becoming yellow as they begin to wither, whilst the upper ones are a pure white ; a habit which prevails more or less in all the species. L. Jiexuosum, from China, is delightfuUy odoriferous, and very general now in gardens. The fruit is generally red when rii)e ; but that of L. ccerulea, of Switzerland, is blue ; in 1. Caprilblium Pvriclijmenum, Hoiiey.siicklc or i Alic'lia /loribiindii, Mmnj-Jloicercd Abeliii. Woodbine. England. Mexico. 2. Viburnum Opiilus, Guelder Rose. England. 5. Symphoria mcemosa, Siioir-bcrrij. Canada. 2a Ctilijx and Pistil. 2b Fruit, 0. Weigela rosea. Northern China. 3. Linna-a borealis, Twu-Jlowered Linnuu. 7. 13enthamiay'rrt(y//(.'/vt. East Indies. ;}a Flower. 3b Fruit. England. 8a Sambucus nifjra. Elder. Mexico. 3c Section of Seed. Section of Fruit. CAl'lUFOLIACEiE. Kamtscliatlca these berries are a favourite fuod oi' the natives. Viburnum Ojiitliis (2) is very coiumon in hedges. In a wiM state tlie outer Howers of the duster are imperfect productions, having neither jnstil nor stamens, but they are much enlarged in size ; those of tlie interior are small and complete. In the garden variety all the flowers are irregularly developed, and so cause it to be well named the iinow-ball tree. The fruit is oval, bright red, very juicy, but bitter and nauseous. V. Ti'mis is the cheerful Laurustinus, one of the hardiest and most ornamental of ■\\'inter shrubs, introduced long ago from the south of Europe. Sambucus, the Elder, is one of the most iiseful of small British trees in all its ]iarts, and is remarkable for the hardness of the wood, for which it was esteemed by the Latins for musical instruments ; in old trees it is of a yellow colour, and takes a bright polish. The pith of the young shoots is exceedingly light, and sei'ves for several jnirposes. It is very common in hedges and cottage gardens ; the sweet- scented flowers are used in various ways, and the clusters of small black berries (8) are made into excellent wine ; in Germany a strong spirit is also distilled from them : both flowers and fruit are poisonous to poultry. S. Ehvlus is a dwarf kind, more frequent in Germany than England. This genus is widely dispersed, one species belonging to China, others to North America ; one has been discovered in Tasmania, with a sweetish, wholesome, white fruit. Linnaia (3) is the humble little plant modestly selected by the great naturalist to record his name. In the fir-forests of northern Europe it is frequently seen trailing over the ground, the slender flower-stalks bearing the delicate blossoms in a very graceful manner ; the Swedes consider the leaves to have useful medicinal properties. Abella (4) is one of the lately imported plants fi'om Mexico, a land contributing much to European gardens. Symphoria (5) is chiefly ornamental in autumn, when the berries are ripe ; in their tissue the microscope reveals the existence of spiral vessels. \Yeigela (6), brought over by Eobert Fortune, has added another de- siral)le plant to our collection of this Tribe. Benthamia (7) was found by Dr. Wallich in various parts of the Himalayas, from G500 to 8000 feet, with Sorbus, Cratajgus, and other European shrubs ; the cream-coloured involucre resembles that of Cornus florida. The fruit consists of many carpels grown together, and is of agreeable flavour ; in the genial climate of Cornwall it flourishes in the open air. Leycesteria is from Nepal ; the flowers have large purple bracts, which give a singular appearance. Cornus sanguinea of our woods makes the best chai'coal for gunpowder ; the l)itter fruit yields oil to the Tyrolese. C. siiecica grows on the Che\dot Hills, and in Scotland. These plants are natives of the northern coiiutries of Europe, Asia, and America, a few extending into the Tropics ; rare in North Africa, and very seldom seen in the Southern hemisphere. OF THE ^"^?1W!TY Of (I 73 ^m 'Pi u^^ /A\ IBM. ZTdjeL T'ciy & SoTvlimiied- 73 LORANTHACEiE THE MISTLETOE TRIBE. Shrubby plants, almost all of which are true ijarasites, growing into the tissue of other plants ; the leaves are opposite, or sometimes alternate, Heshy, without stijiules, generally veinless. The calyx rises from within the brim of the flower- stalk, and is usually surrounded with bracts at the base ; the sepals are three, four, or eight, often united in a tiibe, sometimes enlarged and coloured, having the appearance of petals ; true petals are wanting. The stamens are equal in number to the sepals, and opposite to them ; in Viscum, they He upon the inner surface of the sepals ; the anthers are one or two-celled, or broken up into numerous cavities. The ovary is one-celled, sunk within the cup-like expansion of the flower-stalk, and adhering to it. The style is single, the stigma simple, sometimes invisible. The fruit is succulent or dry, one-celled ; the seed is solitary, with fleshy albumen. This Order has most affinity with the Sandal-wood tribe, but it differs from it and all others in some pecixliar points of structure, and in manner of growth. The astringent bark and viscid berries insoluble in water or alcohol are the chief properties of these plants ; they possess also the singular quality of rooting and vegetating on other plants. Viscum album (o) is remarkable for being the only true parasitical plant of Britain, not commencing its growth in the ground, as the Dodder, nor deriving any direct portion of nourishment from it afterwards, like Orobanche. The seed enveloped in its glutinous substance, falls on some favourable part of a tree, and remains fixed, whilst the roots insinuate themselves between the bark and the wood ; as soon as the albumen of the seeds is exhausted, the roots extract nourishment from the wood of tlie supporting tree. The young wood of Viscum is divided into eight portions around the central pith ; outside these are smaller bundles of fibres. Other parasites seem to attach themselves to peculiar plants, but the IMistletoe is found upon various trees besides the traditional Oak; it may be seen on the JNIaple, Poplar, Lime, Ash, and in Germany sometimes on the Pinus syhcstris. The ancient Druids considered it a sacred plant, or at least employed it as a symbol of some religious meaning; perhaps as a sign of abstraction from earth and 1. Loranthus Eveinus. Java. 8d Stamen, vwf/iiified. 3e Seed. 2. Loranthus furmusiis. Java. 3l'' Section of Fruit. 3. Viscum album. Common Misllduc, liritain. 3g Section if Stent. 3a Cluster of Fruitful Flowers. ■L. Flower «/ Loranthus jjeutnuidi us. 3b Sini/le Pistil Flower. 4a Flower, open. 3c Slamin ilcicer. 5. Section oj Fruit <;_/' Loranthus chr;/.^lation of heaven, it being the only specimen of the vegetable kingdom with which they could have been acquainted, growing and flourishing without any actual derivation of support from the earth. It was customary with them to carry about branches of it to proclaim the celebration of the new year ; useful information in those times, when even such common knowledge was scantily diffused, and welcome tidings to the poor peasant, whose dreary life was in need of the cheering influence of their periodical festivals. The white berries ripen on the branches of the preceding year, and the plant appears in greatest perfection in winter. Loran- thus (1) has an enlarged, tubular, and often brightly coloured calyx, having the aspect of a true corolla. The glutinous seed aflfixes itself to a branch or stem, occasionally to a leaf, stretching out the sucker-like fibres of the root over it in the same manner as ^"iscunl ; the shoots extend to a considerable distance, the growth from one seed sometimes covering a wliole plant. Cliemical experiments have proved that these parasites have a peculiar eliminating power; Loranthus, although not of a milky nature, can establish itself on a species of the Bread-fruit, which is full of a milky juice. Viscum w^as found to contain twice as much potash, and five times as much phosphoric acid, as the wood of the Apple-tree on which it was growing. Some species of Loranthus are said to be used as medicine in Brazil ; some in Java have large leaves, of a dull, pale, grey colour beneath. L. t('tran ■Soro. Limdedy KUBIACEiE THE MADDER TRIBE. Trees, shrubs, and herbs : the leaves are simple, entire, opposite, and having stipnles between the leaf-stalks, or in whorls around the stem and without stipules. The flowers are variously arranged, t7.snally in clusters. The calyx is adherent, ■whole or divided at the top ; the petals are flat, or tubular at the base, regular, A^ith a definite nxmiber of divisions, equal to those of the calyx. The stamens rise from the corolla, and are alternate with its segments. The ovary is below the corolla, usually two-celled, sometimes many-celled ; the style single or double ; the stigma simple or divided. The fruit is whole or splitting into two parts, dry or succulent, two or many-celled. Seeds two or many, with horny albumen. The characters of this order are clearly marked, but there exists considerable affinity with the Honeysuckle and the Composite tribes, PoisonoiTs, tonic, stimulating, and dyeing properties are contained in the varied plants of this extensive tribe. Eubia and its immediate allies form a herbaceous section of the Order, with angular stems and whorled leaves, possessing very little beauty of form or colour. R. peregrina (1) is the only British species, growing in sandy places in the west of England and Scotland ; the creeping fleshy roots yield a red colouring matter, useful in dyeing. But the valuable Madder or Turkey Eed is obtained from R. tinctoria, the chief culture of which is in Holland and Turkey, affording a large supply of red dye for wool and cotton. R. iorcUfolla is the madder of Bengal ; another species is used in Chile. Asperula odorata (2) is a sweet-scented plant, frequent in moist, shady places, particularly in Scotland ; retaining its fragrance when dried, for a long time. The different species of Galium are common in various localities throughoiit England ; none are of value. In the larger section of the order are some very important plants ; the several kinds of Cinchona, in Peru, yielding medicinal bark ; the small creeiiing-rooted Cephoilis IjiecacucmJia, in the damp forests of Brazil, esteemed for its emetic qualities ; and 1. Rnhia. peregrina. Wild Madder. Britain. 4 a Flmrer. 4b Pislii. lA Flou-er. In Pistil. Ic Fruit. 4c Section of Ovary. 3. Asperula <)rf')?Y(A Fruit, open. 4. Mussoenda macrojihijlla, Ltmic. leaved Mus- Cb Cross section. swnda. South America. 7. Fruit o/ Galium. UUmACF..K. nnmproTis otiier ppociei? of medical value. But the most extensively nspfiil of the wljiile tribe is Coffea (;3), first discovered in the mounUins of Yemen, in Arabia, in the thirteenth century ; two centuries later it was imported into Egypt, thence to Constantinople, and afterwards gradually into all the countries of Europe. Originally exceedingly limited in its placa of growth, it has become widely diffused in cultivation, and still more widely dispersed by commerce. Arabia, however, still produces the best Coffee, in its dry climate, and on the arid soil of the mountain slopes. The hard, homy albumen of the seed, when roasted and ground, produces the stimulating and refreshing beverage. Mussojnda macrophjUa (4:) has the singular property of enlarging one of the sepals of the calyx, on each of the three branches of the flower-stalks, after the flower has fallen, one lobe acquires the size of a loaf, but is of a pale colour. Calycophyllum, also, has this peculiarity. Ixora (o) is one of the flowers employed by the Hindoos for the ornament of their temples ; all the species belong to the East Indies and China. Vangueria edulis produces a fine eatable fruit in India and ]\Iadagascar. Genipa Americana is a large fruit of South America, of pale green exterior, containing a dark purple juice of agreeable flavour. G. Brasiliensis has a fruit which is also eatable when preserved with sugar. The fruit of Sarcocephalus csculentus, the Guinea peach, is eaten in Sierra Leone. Copi'osma extends to the most soiithern land of the globe ; in Tasmania it yields a fruit called native currants. Nerteria depresaa grows about the Straits of jNIagalhaens. Fever bark is obtained from several species : from \x<)\i^Q\Qt\A fehrlfaga, in Sierra Leone ; from Pinclmeya ^;u'>e??s, in Carolina; from llymenodictj^on excehum, in East India. Cinchona has an extensive range on the Andes, occupying a space of ten degrees of latitude on either side the equator, and spreading over the mountains between 3000 and 9000 feet of elevation ; the different varieties of bark are red, yellow, and pale. The attempt to transport some of these trees to Europe, first made by Condamine, failed, by the wreck of the boat at the mouth of the Amazons, after a prosperous voyage of 1200 leagues down the river. Several of the herbaceous plants of this tribe appear during the rainy season on the mountains of India, at 6000 and 7000 feet. Hymenopogon is a parasite on other trees ; Oldenlandia is used for a red dye ; Kohautia grows in the hot valleys between the hills — this is also a native of Africa. Some species of Morinda are cultivated in the plains of India for their red dye. Of the poisonous species, Evosmia cor/jmbosa seems to be one of the most powerful, Indians having been poisoned b}'^ using the wood as spits for roasting meat in South America. True Piubiaceaj are natives of the northern countries of the northern hemisphere, of elevated regions on th.e Andes, and of Australia. Cinchona, and its allies, are natives of the Tropics, and other hot regions of the world. Pinckneya extends furthest north in North America, inhabitinor the southern States. or IH£ IS la Zh Za IT.dLel The- Valen^m. Inhe.. DcQt Sc'Sori,J.'/mZM YALEEIANACEyT:. THE VALERIAN TRIBE. Annual or perennial herbs, occasionally of a climbing nature ; tlie leaves are opposite, entire at the edges, or variously divided, generally crowded at the base of the stem near the root. The flowers are sometimes imperfect in stamens and pistil. The calyx is above the ovary ; the lobes membranous, or converted into a feathery down as the seed ripens. The corolla is composed of one petal, of a tubiilar form, inserted into the top of the ovary, having from three to six divisions, either regular or irregular, sometimes spurred at the base. The stamens are from one to five, inserted into the tube of the corolla, alternate with its lobes. Tlie ovary is below the calyx, with one or three cells ; the style is simple, temiinated by one or three stigmas, according to the number of the cells. The fruit is dry, not gaping when ripe, one cell bearing a seed, the others empty ; the seed is solitary, pendulous, without albumen. These herbs have most connexion with the Teasel tribe ; but are distin- guished by the absence of small leaflets at the base of each floret, and the want of albumen in the seed. Aromatic and medicinal properties, and a strong scent prevail in the Tribe. Valeriana includes several European species, two of which ai'e fi'equent in England, in moist, marshy localities. V. pjjrenaica is chiefly found in the south of Scotland. V. dioica (1) grows generally in bogs or wet meadows ; it has a creeping ]')erennial root, and flowers in June ; the stamens and pistil are sometimes united in the same flowers, although usually in separate plants. The root is thought to possess slightly medicinal properties, inferior to those of V. officinalis, which is a larger plant, growing frequently about the borders of pools and rivers. In France, it is also very common in woods, especially in the neighbourhood of Paris, and the root is much employed in medicine. The species named Phu, from the Arabic, is the true medicinal Valerian of Dioscorides, and was highly valued by the ancients ; the scent of this and of V. officinalis^ is extremely repulsive, but is so agreeable to cats, that the plants are with difficulty preserved from their attacks. The oil of the root is, however, in some instances of pleasant odour, and 1 . Valeriana dioicn, Marsh Valerian. Bogs, England. 2. Fedia olitoria, Corn-Salad. Corn-fields, England. 2a Flower. 2b Fruit. 3. Centranthns ruber, Red Centrantkiis. 3a Flower. England. 3b Fruit and Calyx. "I. Nardostachj's Jatamansi, Spikenard. 4a Flnwt'.r. Himalayas. 4b Fruil and Calyx. ic Section of Friiil. VALEKIANACEiE. that of V. ccUtca is esteemed as a perfume ; the roots arc collected by the poor peasants, at a considerable risk, from the jjrecipitous rocUs on the Alps of Styria and Carinthia, and sold to the merchants, who pass them on from Trieste to Turkey and Ejj:ypt, and to all the Eastern nations, for their aromatic baths. V. Ilardwkkii is a native of the Himalayas, growing on the margins of fields and in fissures of rocks ; it is about three feet in height ; the stalk, and leaves, like most mountain plants, are hairy ; the root-leaves heart-shaped, on long stalks, and decumbent on the ground ; the flowers are small and scentless, Fedia olitoria (2) appears in early spring in cornfields, and is cultivated in gardens as an useful salad-herb ; the French use it commonly for this purpose. Centranthus ruhcr (3) prefers dry situations, old walls and chalk pits; on the clifts of the Kentish coast it is not unfrcquent, and remains in flower throughout the summer months. Nardostachys Jatamansi (4) of the Hindoos was ascei'tained by Dr. Royle to be the true Spikenard of antiquity, mentioned by Horace as of extreme rarity and costliness, and by the Evangelists as " very precious," the price of the ointment poured on the head of Christ being " more than three hundred pence," the value of a whole year's earnings of a labourer in that time and country : it was not only reserved for the most solemn jmrposes of anointing, but considered as highly valuable in medicine. Dioscorides and Ptolemy describe the localities of the Indian Nard, which agree with those where it still grows on the mountains bordering Bootan. On the lofty ranges of the Himalaya H is found at an elevation of 9000 feet, amongst various alpine plants which can endure the rigour of a climate where the snow rests on the ground for six months. The roots are clothed with dark hairs, giving them the appearance of an ermine's tail ; they are gathered together and brought down in large qiiantities, to be sold in the bazaars at Saharunpore and elsewhere, for the sake of the agreeable scent, as well as for medicinal pur- poses. Astrephia is esteemed in Peru for its healing qualities. Patrinia is a Siberian genus with yellow flowers, found also in northern India and Japan. Triplostegia of the Himalayas forms a connecting link with the Honeysuckle tribe, the flowers being furnished with a small involucre show peculiar resemblance to the Teasel tribe. This Tribe exists in nearly all countries where the climate is temperate, but is rare in Africa and North America. It abounds in Europe, and on the mountains of South America and Northern India. Valeriana grows on the Andes at 13,000 feet. OF THE U:v?vERSITY OF (ILI^aHS 76 I.T.del. The- Composite^ Tribes. Defy A San^.l-ordted/. 76 COMPOSITACEil^]. THE COMPOSITE TRIBE. Heuraceous plants, shnibs, and trees. The leaves are alternate or opposite, ^vit]l- out stipules, usually simple, but generally much divided. The flowers are collected in close heads on a common receptacle, surrounded by an involucre. Bracts are sometimes present in the form of scales on the receptacle. The calyx is above the ovary, and closely united to it. The upper portion either wanting or membranous, divided into bristles, hairs, or feathery down. The corolla is of one petal, either funnel or strap-shaped, four or five-toothed at the top, sometimes bilabiate (12). The stamens are equal in number to the teeth of the corolla, and alternate with them; the filaments are jointed. The anthers cohere in a cylinder. The ovary is one-celled, with a single ovule; the style is simple, the stigmas two, downy or bristly. The seed-vessel is small, closed, dry, crowned with the top of the calyx; the seed is solitaiy, erect, with no albumen. This order has close affinity with Dipsaceaj, Campanulacese, and Lobeliacea;. Acrid, tonic, aromatic, and stimulating properties exist in these plants ; some contain oil. This is one of the most distinctly marked of the Natural Orders, more exten- sively kno\^Ti now than was the whole vegetable world to Linnaeus ; comprising upwards of 1000 genera, constituting about 1 - 10th of all described species, affording numerous plants of great utility either as food or medicine, and contri- buting large^ly to the embellishment of nature, from the lowly Daisy (1) to the richly -coloured Dahlia. The prevailing colour of the commoner flowers, as of Dandelion, is yellow, but the finer species include every hue in great brilliancy. Among the plants yielding food, Scorzonera (1) has a slender Avhite eatable root, of so mild a nature that it is probable the idea of its curing the bite of a viper is erroneous. HeUanthus tuherosns is the Girasole, or Jerusalem artichoke, Cynara Scol^mus, the artichoke introduced to English gardens from the south of Europe more than three centuries ago ; like others of this class, it can endure much drought, and in the extremely hot and dry summer of 1825, in France, it was almost the only vegetable that survived to supply the markets of Paris. Cichorium was described by Pliny, who knew that the Egyptians made it an important article of food, as they do at the present time ; the Greeks received it from Egypt, and adopted the same use of it. C. Intijhus, Succoiy or Chicory, is frequent on the borders of our fields : the variety with larger roots is of more extensive iise, they being dried and made into coffee. 0. endivia, Endive, imported from the East Indies in 1548, is a common ingi-edient in salads. Lactuca sativa is the wholesome 1. 2. 3. Bellis perciniis, Common Dais;/. Britain. Agathea celestis. Cape of Good Hope. Carthamus Unctorius, Officinal Cartluimus. Eg>pt. 7a Ray Petal. 7b Disk Petal. 7c Crested Scale nf Disk. 8. Centanrea Cyanus, Corn Blne-Bottlc. 4. 5. ScorzQnera hispanica, Viper's t/rass. Spain. 4 A Floret, 4b Seed. Cataoanclie cceruha. South Europe. H\ Stamens. Sii Seed. '.). Ehchrysum spectahite. Cajje of Good llopc. 10. CiiIliopHis /^/'coZor. North America. (i. 7. Cosmea hipinnata. Mexico. Ziiiula ileijans. Moxico. 1 1 . Floret of Ecliiuops. 12. Two-lipped Floret. COMI'OSITACE.E. Lettuce, and a narcotic drug is obtained from it. Tlic leaves of llelminthia tchlo'uhs arc boiled or pickled in Greece. Of the medicinal class, Artemisia Alisinthhim ranks high as an aromatic bitter tonic : its powerful qualities were known in the remotest antiquity, and the bitterness of Wormwood was jiroverbial, A. Abrotanum, the strong-scented Southernwood, is employed in some countries in making beer. A. Dracunculus Tarragon, of the south of Europe, is ^n addition to vinegar and pickles. A. alha and others form part of the pasturage of the herds of the Calmucks. Taraxacum, the Dandelion, has repute as a medicine, and contains sweet IMannine in the milky juice. One of the most popular of our native medical 2)lants formerly was Anthemis nohllls, ChauKnnile. The flowers of Santolina fragrantissima are similarly used in Cairo. Tussilago, abounding in many parts of our isle, is a remedy for coughs, knowm as Coltsfoot from the shape of the leaves. IMikania is a powerful genus in Brazil. The oil contained in the fleshy root ot Anacyclus Pijretlirmn, of Spain, is a powerful stimulant. Eupatorium fflutiiiosum of the Andes, a shrub five feet high, called Matico by the inhabitants of Quito, has excelleut healing qiialitics; other species cure the bite of snakes. Some valuable dyes are extracted from several of these plants. Carthamus fincforius (t->), the Safflower of Egypt, is of ancient renown, and is still in constant use in that country. Its flowers yield a yellow dye, soluble in water, and a red dye, soluble in alkali, which affords every shade of red or pink to the silk dyers of Egypt and China. Being perfectly harmless when taken in small quantities, it is used in the East to colour bread and cakes yellow. A fine carmine may be obtained from the petals of the Dahlia. Centaurea Cijamis (8) is one of the plants of corn-fields throughout Europe; a pure blue juice can be expressed from the florets, but it is exceedingly evanescent, which agrees with the fact that these and other blue flowers are apt to change to white, and seldom retain their blue in the herbal. It is a large genus, spreading into Barbary, Egypt, and Persia. Various species furnish oil in their seeds. Guizotia olei/era is cultivated extensively in India ; Madia in Chile and Europe yielding a larger proportion of oil than either Linseed or Olives. In the barren tracts of Africa grows the succulent Ceradia furcata, full of a fragrant resin. The Thistle class is of peculiar character and aspect, the foliage beset with prickles, the flowers of little beauty ; the plants serve as food to the humblest of animals. It was of old considered a type of barrenness and neglect. The only exception to this degraded position in the vegetable kingdom is Onopordum Acanthmtn, selected as the em- blem of Scotland. Carlina acaulis is a singular-looking plant on our chalk downs, the pale buff shining involucre placed like a star on the ground. C. gummi/era was known to the ancients for the gum distilled from the flowers and root. Echinops, the Globe Thistle, bears its blue florets in the midst of a many-leaved involucre (11). The seeds of all are crowned with a feathery down, which trans- ports them to a vast distance. The most remarkable instance of thistle growth is on the Pampas of South America. From Buenos Ayres westwards for nearly 200 miles is a region of thistles ten feet high, all derived from seed accidentally carried there from Europe. Elichrysum (D) is one of the everlasting Jlowers, the dry petals resisting the usual withering process ; Gnaphalium affords the yellow and white immortelles for memorial wreaths. The largest leaf of British plants is that of Arctium Burdock. The hairs of the seeds of the common Groundsel are curious objects of microscopical examination. These plants are scattered all over the world, in various proportions. The herbaceous genera abound most in cold regions ; those of a shrubby nature are exclusively natives of hot countries. The trees belong entirely to the Tropics. 'In St. Helena the shrubs and trees are of this Tribe. Britain possesses loO species, more than of any other Tribe. !!!V!VrRS!TY OF ILUfTi? 71 \ \l^^ la. I}, U 61 6c 4a. 4-h 2a, 2h Z o Z cL 3c 3 (t f..T.dei. The^ Tea/cie^Trihe'. 77 DIPSACE^ THE TEASEL TEIBE. Herbaceous plants and under-shnibs. The leaves are opposite, or whorled : the flowers are collected into a head at the top of the stalk, surrounded by a many- headed involucre : the calyx is adherent, membranous, slender, surrounded by a scarious involucel : the flower is of one petal, tubular, inserted in the calyx, parted at the summit into four or five lobes : the stamens are foiar, alternate with the lobes of the corolla : sometimes half of them are imperfect : the anthers are distinct : the ovary is one-celled, with one ovule : the style is single : the stigma simple : the fruit is dry, one-celled, closed, crowned by the star-like calyx : the seed contains a small portion of fleshy albumen. The distinct stamens of these flowers distinguish them from those of the Com- posite tribe, with which they have much affinity. The properties are unimportant. Dipsacus is said to have been so named from the Greek word for thirsty, on account of the water sometimes collected in the hollow space formed Ijy the united base of the leaves around the stalk, and hence the common name of Venus's kettle in some parts of England. D. s_>/hrstris (1) grows frequer.tly on waysides and banks of streams, with a stiff, prickly, branching stem, about four feet high. D. Fullonum, the Fuller's Teasel, is cultivated in the west of England for the sake of the bristly heads of flowers, the scales of which are stronger and beset with sharper hooked prickles than those of D. sylvestris : they are thus serviceable in raising the nap of woollen cloth ; for this purpose they are fixed in rows on a wheel, against which the cloth is held whilst it revolves. The flowers are pale, and crowded closely together. The different species of Scabiosa are chiefly European ; a small j^ortion only are of a shrubby nature. The outermost row of flowers are generally the largest, which gives the appearance of the radiant flowers 1. Dipsacus sylvestris. Wild Teasel. England. 1a Flower, mdtjnified. 1b Bract. Ic Seed. 2. Scabiosa .iiiccisn, Devil'a-hil Scabioiis. 2a Flower. England. 2b Pistil and inner Calijx. 2c Outer Calyx and Scale. 2d Involucre. 3. Knautia arvennis. Field Scabious. England. .3a Flower. 3b Stamen. 3c Seed and Calyx. 3d Calyx. 4. Scabiosa alro-pnrpurea, Sweet Scabious, South Europe. 4a Seed and inner Calyx. 4b Tlie same ivilli outer Calyx. ■J, Scabiosa oc/irtilenra, Yellow Scabious. Germany. C. Scabiosa columbaria. Fine-leaved Siubious. England. Y DIPSACE^. of tlie composite plants ; in some species the petal is four-cleft, in others, five. S. sitccisa (2) is one of the few examples of a bitten-ofif root ; the point of the root Avithering and stojipiiig in its growth, small rootlets protrude from the sides. The flowers are all of e(iual shape, and not radiated at the edge. S. columbaria (G) grows on a limestone, chalk, or gravel soil, and together with the other species, are freciueutly found on chalk-downs, where they assume the usual dwarf habit of the plants which grow in such situations, the flower-stalk being diminished to an inch in height — thus exhibiting in miniature what may be seen on the Alps and other lofty mountains. S. ochrolenca (5) is very common by the road-side and in Avaste places in most parts of Austria and Bohemia. S. atro-pnrpurea (4) is a well-known favourite in gardens. Knautia (3), a name bestowed by Linnaius, in honour of a Saxon botanist, was at first applied to some plants of the Levant ; it is now given also to the British species formerly called Scabiosa arvensis (3). S. speciosa grows in Cashmere and on the Himalayas. Some species of Dipsacus are found in Nepal and on the Neelgherries. Morina Wallichiana is one of the most beautiful examples of this tribe in India, bearing clusters of pink and white flowers around the stem, enclosed by four prickly leaves. Cephalaria is a genus belonging to Siberia, Germany, Switzerland, and the Cape of Good Hope. The plants of this small Tribe are chiefly natives of the south of Europe, the Levant, Barbary, and the Cape of Good llojie, not advancing into hot or cold regions ; most abundant in the Temperate climates of the Old World ; unknown in America. None belong to the plains of India, but several are natives of the Himalaya at moderate elevations. OF THE on'VFRSfry OF iiuj^m ■■'.'■? i^ 3a. 4a. 4h 9 # - t::l.deb. /^s- SfyU'-y/ort/ Tribe. Dc^ &. Scrv. limited'- 78 STYLIDIACE^. THE STYLE- WORT TRIBE. Under-shrubs and herbaceous plants; with watery, not milky juice. The hairs, if present, either simple, acute, or bearing a gland at the top. The leaves are scattered, sometimes in circles on the stalk, entire at the edges, smooth or hairy, the root-leaves clustered at the base of the stalk in those species which have no stem. There are no stipules. The flowers are in spikes, on branching stalks, or solitary, usually terminal, rarely from the base of the leaf-stalks. The calyx is adherent to the ovary, with from two to six divisions at the top, either regular or two-lipped, persistent with the capsule. The corolla is composed of one petal, the lobes irregular, rarely regular, with from five to seven divisions, imbricated in the bud, late in falling off. The stamens are two, the filaments united with the style, forming a long column ; the anthers are double or simple, lying over the stigma, gaping by chinks. The ovary is two-celled, many-seeded, sometimes one-celled, often crowned wdth one or two glands ; the style is single, the stigma simple or bifid, enclosed by the anthers. The capsule has two valves and two cells, or one only from the contraction of the partition. The seeds are indefinite in number, small, erect, sometimes stalked, attached to the axis of the partition ; they contain fleshy, oily albumen. These few plants have close affinity with Campanulacese and Goodeniaceaj, but the anthers affixed to the style clearly distinguish them. No useful or remarkable properties are known to exist in these plants. This small Tribe is interesting as forming a singular fink with the Orchis tribe, otherwise of so very different a character ; the combination of the anthers and the stigma is the one point of resemblance. Stylidium derives its name from the manner in which the stamens and style are united into one column ; in this there exists a strong irritabihty and elasticity, which causes it to start suddenly aside on being touched. The stigma lies in a hollow cavity at the top of the column, nearly concealed by the anthers on either side. S. glandidosurn (1) is of a half- 1. Stylidium (jlandulosum. Australia. 2b Flower with plumose Stigma. 1a Flower. Ii3 Calyx 2c Flower with imperfect Stigma. Ic Ovary and Glands. 2d Anther. 2e Ovary and Gland. Id Pistil and Stamens. 2f Section of Ovary. 1e Section of Ovary. 3a, Flower q/" Stylidium lauricifolium. 2. Forstera clavigera. 3b Seed, magnified. 3o Seed. Lord Auckland's and Campbell's Isles. 4a. Stylidium calcaratum. Stamens on Pistil. 2a Leaf, magnified. 4b Capsule, open. STYIJDIACE.i:. shrubby nature ; the hairs of the calyx bear small ^laiuls on their summits. All the known si)ecies of Stylidium are natives of Australia, either in New Holland or in New South Wales. Forstera clavtgera (2) grows in compact tufts in boggy and turfy places on mountains, very commonly both in Lord Auckland's and Campbell's Isles; the branches are leafy throughout their whole length, and send forth small roots from the base of the leaves. The flower is minute, bell-shaped, uith a wide, short tube, the upper portion being variously parted into five to seven lobes, sometimes of unequal size. In some instances the corolla is undulated on the surface, and furnished at the throat of the tube with linear appendages like nectaries, but containing no honey. The column of the style and anthers is often encircled at the base by two crescent-shaped glands. The anthers are usually kidney-shaped ; when these are imperfectly formed, the stigma is nearly hidden in the cavity between them. In the perfect flowers, the stigma becomes forked and feathery. The capsule before being fully ripe is fleshy and leathery, containing in its single cell from six to eight seeds. F. sedifoUa inhabits the turfy parts of the mountain of Tongariro, in the northern island of New Zealand. Some species have been found in the morasses bordering the Straits of Magellan. Levenhookia and others are scarcely known beyond their native situations, where they were discovered by exploring travellers. Australia is the principal region of this small Tribe ; the greatest number of species being natives of swamps in New Holland ; one belongs to Ceylon, another to the coast of Malabar, and another to the district of Silhet, in Northern India. Forstera inhabits the most southern isles of the Southern Hemisphere. U^'IVERS!^/ Of ILMf^'Off, iiaA,. Ths- /}ooil£.ruXL Trill i m^ 1 W I Day ScSoro, limjXed'. 79 GOODENIACE^ THE GOODENIA TRIBE. Herbaceous plants, rarely shrubs, witliout any milky juice, sometimes witli simple glandular hairs. The leaves are scattered, rarely opposite, sometimes proceeding from the base of the stem, often lobed, without stipules. The flowers usually at the ends of the branches or stalks ; generally distinct, in Brunonia collected in heads, surrounded by enlarged tracts. The calyx is usually above the ovary, rarely below, equal or unequal, three or five-parted, in Brunonia clothed with long hairs. The corolla is of one petal, more or less irregular, the tube sometimes split at the back, five -parted, usually divided into two lips ; the edges of the three largest petals sometimes thinner than the centre, and folded inwards in the bud. The stamens are five, distinct, alternate -^ath the divisions of the corolla, the filament jointed in Brunonia, as in some Compositacese ; the anthers distinct or cohering, two-celled. The ovary is one or two-celled, rarely four-celled, A\ath few or many ovules ; the style is single, very rarely divided, sometimes hairy, the stigma fleshy, imdivided or two -lobed, surrounded by or inclosed in a two-valved membranous cup. The seed-vessel is a capsule with solitary or numerous seeds attached to the central partition. The seeds have sometimes a thickened covering ; they contain fleshy albumen ; the solitary seed of Brunonia has no albumen. This Order has some connexion with Compositacea?, but the pecuhar stigma distinguishes it from all others. Goodenia which gives the name to this Tribe, was so called by Sir James E. Smith, in honour of his friend Dr. Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle, a friend and patron of botanists and of natural history. G. grandijiora (1) is the finest of the species ; the flowers have an agreeable scent ; the two upper divisions of the corolla bend over the stigma, forming a Idnd of hood. Before the flower-bud is imfolded the style is of the same length as the stamens, the stigma is in an erect position, and the anthers shed the pollen into its hollow cup. When the flower is expanded the style lengthens, the stigma becomes two-valved rather than a cup, and the 1. Goodenia. grandijlura, Large-Jloioered Goud- enia. New Holland. 2. Scsevola microcarpa, Small-fruited Sctevola. New South Wales. 3. Brunonia Axistralis, Southern Brunonia. 3a Flower, magnified. New Holland. 4. Lechenaultia formosa. Beautiful Leche- naultia. New Holland. 4a Corolla, opened, 4b Pistil and Stamens. 5a. Stamens and Pistil of Goodenia ovata. 5b Ovary and Calyx. 5c Section of Ovary. 5d Seed. 5e Section of Seed. Oa. Pistil of li. sericca. 6b Seed. GOODENIACE.E. stamens wither and bend outwards. G, ovata (tt) is a neavly similar species. Scan'ola is the most extended genus of this tribe ; S. microcarpa (2) the species best laiown in this country, was obtained from some specimens of the earths of Botany Bay in 1703, and may be now occasionally seen in our conservatories. S. LohcUa with white flowers is a native of the West Indies. S. Konigii and S. Taccada grow on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, and also along the shores of southern India ; the young leaves of the latter are cooked and eaten ; the Malays fabricate little toys and artificial flowers from the soft pith. Other species belong to the ]\Ioluccas. Brunonia (3) was named in honour of Robert Brown, the learned botanist, whose skill and science first arranged and classed the plants of Australia. B. sericea (()) is the only other ]a■lo^^^l species ; in both plants the five-lobed calyx and the four tracts at the base are covered with long hairs. Lechenaultia was so named after M. Lechenault, botanist to the French expedi- tion lander Capt. Baudin. It was introduced into England in 1824, and is an elegant addition to greenhouses, the scarlet flowers coming forth nearly at all seasons. The plant is of a shrubby nature, and the foliage gives it a heath-like appearance ; the slender leaves are densely downy when young. The tube of the corolla is hairy at the base within ; from the base nearly to the points of the two upper lobes, the tube is split open ; whilst in the bud the side wings of the lower lobes are folded over their central firmer portions. L. ohlaia has orange-coloured flowers, and L. arcuata, yellow, and it was once supposed that the genus comprised only these shades of colour. But this theory, like that which limited Tropseolum to the red and yellow tints, has been annulled by the discovery of \j. grandijiora, a very beautiful species, with a corolla of deep pure blue. Dampiera stricta was found by Capt. Dampier in New South Wales in 1814, and brought home amidst large collections which he made during his voyages; its blue flowers are hairy on the exterior. Euthales and Velleia are genera containing only a few species with yellow flowers. The few plants of this Tribe are natives of Australia, and the Islands of the Southern Ocean. Scjevola extends into India, Africa, and the West Indies. Selliera inhabits South Africa, i- i OF THE T/ OF lir J t 1^ % s~% I-T^A- Th^. .; ' // Flow e)- Tribe. ay If- .j/yr.^ i.'.'hiWjV 80 CAMPANULACEiE THE BELL-FLOWER TRIBE. Herbaceous plants, and iinder-shrubs, containing a white milky jiiice. The leaves are almost always alternate, simple or divided, without stipules. The flowers are single, on branching stalks, in spikes o? panicles, or in close heads, usually blue or white, rarely yellow. The calyx is above the ovary, usually five-lobed, remaining over the seed-vessel. The corolla is of one petal, inserted into the top of the calyx regular, generally five-lobed, withering on the seed-vessel. The stamens are inserted into the calyx alternately with the lobes of the corolla, to which they are equal in number. The anthers are two-celled, distinct. The ovary is below the calyx, ^^ith two or more cells, containing many seeds. The style is simple, clothed with hairs, which collect the pollen of the anthers ; the stigma is simple, or vrith as many lobes as there are cells in the ovary. The seed-vessel is dry, crowned by the withered calyx and corolla, gaping when ripe by apertures at the base or side, or by valves at the top. The seeds are numerous, attached to a plat^i the centre ; they contain fleshy albumen. This Order is closely allied to Lobeliacese, differing chiefly in the regularity of the parts of the flower : with Compositacefe also it has much affinity. An acrid milky juice prevails in these plants, but the roots of some are whole- some. Campanula, which gives the name to the tribe, was so called from the resemblance of the flower to a little bell ; it contains several species gracefully elegant in form, of pure transparent hue, and delicate texture. Our British portion of the genus adds considerably to the floral beauty of the country, wherever the soil and climate may be favourable ; in the month of July, the abundance of C. rotvndi- folia (1) is a striking embellishment of the scene in the meadows of the valley, and on the rocks of the mountain sthroughout the Lake district of Westmoreland and Cumberland. It is very frequent in Scotland ; the leaves are round only at the base, gradually becoming linear on the stem. C. latifolia, the giant bell-flower, is 1. Campanula rotundifolia, Roinid-lenvcd Blue- bell. Britain. 1a Calyx and Pislil. 1b Stumons and Pislil. Ic Stamen. Id Section of Ovary. 2. Campanula garganica, Mount St. Angelo Campanula. M. St. Angelo. 3. Roella ciliala. Ciliated RoeVa. m Cape r' Good Hope. 4. Michauxia campnnuloides, Rough - leaved Michnuxia. Levant. 5. Canarina Campanula, Cauarij Bell-jlouer. Canaries. 6a. Sec/ton o/ Oi;«r(/ o/Campanul a bononienis. 7a. Slamcn and Pistil o/ Campanula medium. 7b Section of Seed. 7c Calyx, with Appendages- CAMPANULACE.E. almost limited to the northern counties. C. Rapunculus Rampiou was formerly cultivated for the sake of its white, sweet, pungent roots. Another species, with an eatable root, is C. h'li/olia, which affords food to the Chinese. The root of C. gluuca is considered a valuable tonic by the Japanese. C. medium, of Germany, was brought into English gardens about 2oO years ago, was named Canterbury bells, and has remained a favourite ever since. , The calyx has appendages which hang down bytween the lobes (7). C. p,//ra?«i(7a?